iM:-S^ f^;^ .■'<■ l-';:./. few'*^i!:-- . .,;■■■; '^ ' ■■■■■. hWi(5'il,i:i;\/''P'- ' ■ > OnUri^^i. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CLi&i^ i^akLk^ SUPPLEMENT TO THE BIBLIOTHECA AMEEICANA : COMPRISING A LIST OF BOOKS, (RE-PRINTS AND ORIGINAL WORKS,) WHICH HAVE BEEN PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE PAST YEAR. ALSO, OMISSIONS AND CORRECTIONS OF ERRORS, AS FAR AS ASCERTAINED, WHICH OCCURRED IN THE FORMER WORK. TOGETHER WITH A LIST OF PERIODICALS. COMI'lLED AND ARRANGED BY O. A. ROOllBACH. ': \V •'! :•' I*.* I'l ; V Nttt) Uork: GEORGE p. PUTNAiM, 155 BROADWAY, AND 49 BOW LaNK, l.oMM'N 1850. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1850, By ORVILLE A. ROORBACK, Id the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern district of New York. 13 8 5 5.p On bringing this addition of my former work before the Trade it gives me pleasure to make my acknowledgements for their kindness in giving so universal a rc^ponne to my Circular. There are some few who may feel disappointed by not seeing all the books on their Trade List credited to them. To these I will say, the intention of my Book is to give the real publisher, and not a transcript of Trade Lists. My intention is to keep the Book " posted up," by supplement ; .other year, and two years hence have the whole thrown iato one. ORVILLE A. ROORBACK. New York. March, 1850, *^* (c) in the margin indicates a change of publisher, reduction iii price, or correctioc in price and publisher, as quoted in Tiie liihiiotheca Americana, €o^^ A LIST OF PJBLISHERS. N2VMED IN THIS CATALOGUE. * Extinct as a firm. f Firm changed. Ackerraan, A New Brunswick, N. J. Adams, J. S. & C Amherst, Mass. " & Smith New York. Alden, Jas. .M Auburn, N. Y. Allen, John New York " McCarter & Co Columbia, S. C. Allincr, Wm Rochester. Andrus, S. &. Son Hartford. " Oauntlett & Co Ithica. N. Y. Anners, H. F Philadelphia. Applegate, H. S. & J Cincinnati, O. Appleton, D., & Co New York. " Geo. S Philadelphia. Armstrong &, Berry Baltimore. Auner, J. G .' Philadelphia. Babcock. S New Haven. Baird, 11. C Philadelphia. Bailey, I. S Portland, Me. Baker & Scribner New York. Ball, John Philadelphia. Banks, H. S Newbingh, N. Y. Barnes, A. S. & Co New York. Barrington & Flaswell Philadelphia. Bartlett, John Cambridge. '' & Welford New York. tBelknap &. Hammersley Hartford. Berford & Co New York. •Belts & Anstice " Blddlo, E. C. & J Philadelpliia. Bixby, ]) New York. Pv. P., tCo •Bliss, Elara " Bollcs, Wm., &. Co New London. Boyd, J. S Concord. Bradford, F. S Philadelphia. Brano, J '• Broaders & Co Albany. Brocket!, Fuller & Co Hartford. Brooks, D. B Salem, Mass. Brown & Parsons Hartford. •Burgess, D. & Co " t " Stringer & Co New York. Burt, A. P Baltimore. Butler, E. H., & Co Philadelphia. '■ 4i Brigham Northampton. Mass. Butts, J. R. Boston. Cady & Burgess New York. tCarey, I,,.a & Blanchard Philadelphia. Carey t Harl Philadelphia. Carter &. Brothers New York. •Carter &, Hendce Boston. CarriU, G. & C New York. Chapman, T. E Philadelphia. Clapp, Otis Boston. Clark, .\ustin & Co New York. Colby, L •' Coles worthy, S. H Portland. Colton, J. H New York. Collins & Brother > " Collyer, \V. H " •Colon & Adriance Philadelnhia. Cooledge, G. F., & Bro New York. Creamer, Geo Salem, Mass. Crissey &. .Markley Philadelphia. Crocker & Brewster Boston. Crosby & Nichols >' Cummisky, E Philadelphia. Gushing &, Bro Baltimore. Darrow, E Rochester. Davis, D., Jr Boston. " Roberts " Dayton. N. L Lowell. De Croyft, S. H New York. Dean, W. E _ " Derby, G. H., & Co BufTalo. " H. W., &Co Cincinnati. " Bliller &. Co Aiibnrn. Desilver, J. F Cincinnati. Dewey, D. M Koche,4ler. Dewitt & Davenport New York. DIsturnell, J '* Dobsou, J Philadelphia. Dodd. M. W New York. Dorr. Howland &. Co Worcester. Dunigan k Bro New York. Durrle & Pock New Haven. Dutton Sc. Went worth Boston. Ellyson, H. K Athens, Gb. Fisher & Co Rochester. Fitch, J. M Oberllii, O. Fletcher, E. H New York. Foster, Theodore " Fowler &. Wells " P'rimcis. C. S., &. Co " French, E " James Boston. FuUcrton, Jame'i Philadelphia. Oarrieue, R New York. ^ates, Stedman & Co " Jideon, J.fc G. S >•. linalon. Gihon, J. & J. L Philadelphia. Goodinau, A. C, & Co Hartford. LIST OF PiriilJSHKRS. [am. cat. Coiilil, Ki-n'lnll & l.lnculn IIohIiui. (Jowaiis, Win Now York. i;riihiim, W. II " ( ;rci'ii At Spi'iiccr " <irilllii, J UruriMwirk, .\li'. •(Jrillilh &. .'^iinoii Phllu(leli)liia. +nrlii«, Klliotl At Oo " (iruiit, J WorwHter. Gurley, J. A Ciiicitinnti. HaraerMoy, W.J I Itirtfonl. Harper fc IJrcilhen! Ni-w V'ork. Harrold .^ .Murray Uichmoiid. Harl, A '. ri\ilH<lelphia. " S., Sr Charleston, 8. C. Haskpll S,- Palmer \Vo'.(l.ilock, Vt. Ilawlov, II. H.. &. Co Hartford. " ■ I"uller&Co Utica,N. Y. •Hill, Peter New York. •Hilliurd, Gray & Co Boston. • " " Litilo & Wilkins. '• Hincklinc, Clmrlca " Ho?iin & Thompson Philadelphia. Hooker. II Hopkins, 1. A .Milwaukie. Howland, iS. A Worcester, Mass. llovt, D Roclieater. Hunt, Edwin Hartford. " I 'riah, & .-^on Philadelphia. Huntinifton &. Savaije N iW York. Hutchinson, A., &. Co Worcester, Mass. Hyde, W. II New York. " & Lord Portland, Me. Ives, W. & S. r. Salem, Mass. Jackson, \Vm New York. James, J. A. & U. P Cincinnati. Jenks, Palmer & Co. Boston. Jewett, J. P " Johnson, L Philadelphia. Johnston, A. S Columbia. S. C. King, D. P Boston. Lane & Scott New York. Lazell, W Worcester.Mass. Lea At Blanchard Philaddphiiu Learv, W. A., & Co " Leavitt &, Co New York. Lincoln &. I'dmonds Boston. Lindsay At Blakisloii Philadelphia. i-Lip|)incott, .1. ri.. it Co Padadelphia. " (Jrambo & Co " Littell, K Boston. Little At Bi own " Livermore, lid ward Worcester. Lock wood &, Co New York. " Roe At Sou '• Lens;, 11., it Bro " Longstreth, H Philadelphia. Luca^s F., Jr Baltimore. Maltby, .V. II New Haven. Marsh, B Boston. Marshall, C Philadelpliia. \V.«iCo Martien, W. S " • McAllister, J New York. McCarter At Allen Charleston. Mc Cartv At Davis Philadelphia. Mentz, W. G Merriam, 1 Greenfield, Mass. " Chapin 6t Co Sprinsfield, " Merrill fc Ilavwood Lowell. Miller, A. Y..'. Charleston. S. C. Minilie. Wm. & Co Baltimore. Mitchell & Kelly Philadelphia. Moore, J. W Morris, A. Richmond, Va. Moss it Brother Philadelphia. Miinrmi, Jbm. b. Co Donton. Miinmdl, .1 Albany. Murphy, if.- fUi Biiliimore. Mujmey, H. B. 4. Co. Boston. Nofl* k. fJornlMi New York. Niwh At Woodhouse Richmond, Va. Nelson, T. U Louitvllle, Ky. Newman, M. II. At Co N<-w York. •Nichols, (; Cumbridgt!. Noble, G. W Nntche*. Norton, <J. B New York. I Gates, Goo Charlestor **. C. Onderdonk, H. M Ne^/ Vork. I •Otis, Broaders &. C • Bo«tOi). I Owen, John CambrlJi^e. Part, as, H. S. & Co Hartford. •Pearson, Wm New York., E. H. At Co Albany. Peirce, C. H Boston. '• W '• Peck, H. C Philadelphia. Peruins, B. At Co Boston. " Henry Philad>-lphia. " Marvin At Co ^.. .Boston. Pem-, J. B Philadelphia. Peterson, R. E T. B " Phelps, A Greenfield, Mass. " .A. D Boston. Phillips, Sampson At Co " " Wm.AtCo Cincinnati. Phinney, H. At C Cooperslown, N. Y. " At Co Buffalo. Plaskitt & Cugle Bahimore. Pratt, Woodford At Co New York. Putnam, George P " Radde, Wm New York. Redding At Co Boston. Redfleld. J. S New York. Reynolds, W. J. & Co Boston. Richiu^s, W. C Athens, Ga. Riker, J. C New York. Rose, W. W Russell, John Charleston, 8. C. Sage & Brother Rochester. Sanborne At Carter Portland, Me. •Sanders, F New York. Saxtou, C. .M " * " & Miles " •, J. V <■'• Sears, Robert ", S. G PhUadelphia. " & Smith New York. Simon, J. K Simpkins. S. G Boston. Skinner, \V. it Co Hudson, O- Small, R. II Pluladelphia. Smith, R. P " W. B. Ac Co Cincinnati. '• At Wistar Philadelphia. •Sorin At Ball '• Spalding At Shepard New York. •Sparks, J. .\ " Spear, H " Stanford At Swords " Starbiick, M. At Co " Stewx. : , W Hagerstown, ,Md. Stimpsoj, C Boston. •StodarU Wm New York. Stodd.ord At Babcock Syracuse. N. Y. Stratlon Ac Barnard Cincinnati. Stringer At Towusend Ni^w York. Tanner, H. S Philadelphia. Tappan. Whittemore & Mason, Boston. 1828—1850.] LIST OF PUBLISHERS. Taylor, John S New York. " William Baltimore. Thomas, Cowpcrthwait & Co.. .Philadelphia. Ticknor, W. IJ. & Co Boston. Tompkins, .Xbcl " Trii)une Office New York. Trumrin, K. D Cincinnati. Tucker, E. N Worcester, Mass. Underhill, R. I.. & Co Kalh, N. '^'. Van .Norden, J New York. " " & King " Walker, E New York. Webb & Bro " •White, N. iij « Whipple, Chas Newbury port. ^Vl'iting, N New llavin. Wi der, A. M Brooklyn, N. Y. Wiley, John New Vork. " & Long " Wilkins, Carter & Co Boston WiUard, L Trov, N. Y. W illiams, W. Thome t^avannah, Ga. Wilson, Win I'ouehkeepsie, N. Winchester, J New \ork. Wood, S. S. & W Wooddy , Wm .'.'.'.'.'.'. Baltimore. Young t Hart Troy, N. Y. Zieber & Co Philadelphia. VII SUPPLEMENT. A Place in Thy Momory, 12nio cl . . " . Abbott, Ccnmion School I.)ra\viiig Cards (jf Landscape and Flowers ..... " Anne W. The Evergreen Clia])lot, a Juvenile, 18mo. el. ...... " Jacob, Caleb in Town, 18mo d " " History of Alfred the Great, 18mo cl . " Hi>tory of Charles II. of England. ISnio cl ....". " " The History of Julius Ca>sar, ISmo cl " " History of Marie Antoinette, ISmo cl " " Rollo Code of Morals, 18nio cl Abeel, Rev. David, Memoirs of, by Rev. G. R. Wil- liamson, 18mo cl ..... . Abercrombie, John, Intellectual Philosophy, with Ques- tions^ &c., by J. Alfbott, 12mo r cl sides ..... " " Moral I'hilosopliy, with Questons, &c., by J. Abl)ott, 12mo r cl sides " R. M., Ecclesiastical Mnemonica, cl Acts of the Apostles, arranged for Families and Sun- day Schools, by Rev. T. B. Fox, 18mo Adams, Daniel, I'rimary Arithmetic, 18mo lif bd " " IS\'w Arithmetic, revised edition, 12 mo hfbd " " New Arithmetic, Key to, 12ino hfbd " " Mensuration, Mechanical Powers, and Machinery, 12mo hfbd I " John Q., Letters to his Son, on the Biljle and its Teachings, ISmo cl I 38c. 32mo cl e.\ 1 00 S. H. De Croyft, 56 Collins <£■ Bro. 42 Tapjmn, W.dcM. 45 Cracker db B. 60 Harper <t Bros. '49 60 " " 60 " " 60 " " 45 " " 50 Carter <{• Bros. '49 63 Collins ct Bro. 63 " " 50 Spahliti;^ <{• S. 25 Crosbi/ d' N. 28 Collins d: Bro. 45 " " 45 " " 45 u u 38 /. M. Alden 2 ADA A IN. [am. cat. Adams, Jolin Q. Tlio Lifi^ and T'uMic Sfrviccs of, bv Win. II. SeAward, 12mo <\ 1 25 /Jn/n/ Af. d: Co. '49 " ?\ A ^ First Book in Aritlimctic, 18ino lif hd If; J). Bixhi/,'40 " " lioot. G. F.. and Swei tser, J. E., The Sinpcr's Mai'.nil for Tcnclicis, Pupils, and lViv;iti> i^tudiiits 18mo cl . 75 J. Wiley, '4Q Addinpl;<Mi, J. F., Diitionary of I%j( teal Quotations, re- vi^fd and enlaiL^cd l>y Mi's. S. J. Hale . . G'''[/[/, i'- <t f-'^- '49 Adirondac k. Tin-, or Life in the Wuods, by J. T. Head- ley, 12nio cl .v 1 25 7?</XTr rf- ,S., '4 9 Adventures in the Libyan Desert, by B. St. John, 12mo cl ' 75 6'. P. Putnam, '49 " of an Attorney, 2 V. 1 2mo . . . Zta <{• Z?., '39 Advice to Motliors on the Tre.-.tnient of Infants, by Mrs. l^arnwell, I2mo cl . . . 50 J. d- J. L. Gihon " Purchasers of Hoi-ses, by J. Stewart, 18mo mor . . . . . . r,0 G. S. AppUtf-n C " Yon njr Men, ly T. S. Arthur, 12mocl . I 13 Phillips, S. d: Co. " Younir Men on Character, bv Kev. Isaac Ta\ lor, 18mo slip . '. . .0 33 Uaderhill d- Co. ./Eschylus, The Pronietln u- and Aijaniemnon of. Trans- lated into English Ver>e by H. "\V. Herbeit, 12inocl . . . ' . . . . 75 J. Bartlclt,'40 J^t]u tic Papers, edited by El;z.ibeth P. Poabodv, 8vo pap ". . 1 25 G^. P. Putnam, '49 Afloat and Ashore, by J. F. Cooper, 2 v, [);ip . . 1 00 Stringer d- T. Africa, A History of Colonization on "Western Coast of, by Arclubald Alexander, 8vo, cl . . . 2 50 W. S. Martim African Missions, History of, by Mrs. Ilenning, 12mo cl . . . . . . . . . "lb S. d' Swords '50 Agassiz, L., Lectures on Embryoloofy, pnp . . 25 Dcuitt d' D. " " " Natural History, pap . . t) 25 Tribune Offi.ce " Scientific Tour to Lake Superior, with a Narrative of the Excursion, by E.Cabot, 8\ o, in preparation .... Gould, K. d: Z. Agassiz, L., and (iould, A. A., Principles of Zoology, Part II. 12ino in preparation . . Gottld. K.h L. c Agnel, IT. P., Chess for Winter Evenings, 12mo cl . 1 50 Applctvn k Co. Agnes, Morris, or the Heroine of Domestic Life, 12mo pap . . . . . . . . 25 Harjxr k Bros. '49 Aguilar, Grace, Home Influence, a Tale for Mothers and Daught-rs, 12M10 p'p, 75c., cl ... 1 00 " ^ >^ Agriculture and Rural Economy of Franc^, B' 1 ;-ium, Holland, and Switzerland, bv H^-'nir Clmau, 8vo cl . . . . ' . '. . 1 25 A. B. Phefpfi/4 8 Aikin, J. B., Tiie Juvenile Minstrel, long 12mo hf bd 31 Z^. C. &J. Biddle c Ainsworth, W. H., Guy Fawkes, pap . . . 25 Dtwitt k D. \ " " James the Second, or the Revo- lution of 1688. pap . . 25 Stringer k T. " " Miser's Daughti-r, pap . . 50 " " St. James, or the Court of Queen Anne, pap . . . . 25 " " « ■ « The LancabLire Witches, pap , 50 « « 2S2S— 1850.] AIN — ALS. Other Tales 45 • • 28 , 28 cl 38 c Aiuswortli's Latin Dictionary, abridged by Antlion, 12ino slip ....... Allcott, Produce Tables, 12 mo slip . . . . " Wm. A., Familiar Letters to Younor Men, 12mo cl . . . . " " Lett Ts to a Sister, or Woman's Mission, 12 mo cl . . . •c Alden, Rev. J., Departed Sistt-r and Other Tales, ISino cl c Alden, Rev. J., Rupert Cabell and 18:nocl c Alden, Rev. J., The Ilolidiv, 18;no cl c Ald-n, Rev. .L, The SI .i^:li-ride, 18 no cl c Alden, Rev. J., The Whi])|)0(jrwill, 18!no cl c Aleck, The Last of the Mutineers, or History of Pit- cairns Island, by Prof. Fiske . . . . Alexander, Rev. A., Ilistoiy of Colonization on West- ern Coast of Africa, 8vo hf cl . " John H., Universal Dictionary of Weio;hLs and Me;usures, Ancient and Mod- ern, arrani^ed according to the Standard of the United States, 8vo " Rev. James, The American Mechanic and Working Man's Companion, 2 V. 18ino cl . . . Alfred in Lidia, or Scenes in Hindostan, 18 mo el ■c Alger's Murray, Exercises .... c " " Grammar .... c " " Litroduction to Reader , c " " Reader .... c Alger, Israel, Jr., Pronouncing Bible, 8vo shp c Alice Bendon and Other Tales, by C, Elizabeth, 18ino cl Allen, J. F., A Practical Treatise on the Treatment and Cultivation of the Grape Vine, 8 so, pap, 88c. cl . , . . . " George N., Social Sabbath S^.'hool Hymns, 32mo 1 V. , " Rev. J. H., Memoirs of the Rev. Iliram Witli- iiigton, l^mo el ... " J. II., Ten Discourses on Orthodoxy, 12ino cl . " R. L., The American Fxrm Book, or Coinpend of American Agriculture, I2inocl " Win., Life of, w.itii Scleclii)iis tVoin his Corres- pondence, 2 V. 8vo cl . . . Allston, Washington, The Writings of, iiicIiKliiig his Po'<tIuimous Works, Rliteil by R. II. D.iiia, Jr., 12mo cl . . . . " . . . , c Allyn, A , Ritu il of Freemasonry . . . . A linist Chii tian, (Tin) by J. Mead . . . . Alnwick Ca>tle, by UalKck, 12mo cl . . . Alsop, S., Fii-st Les.sons in Algebra, 12mo hf Ld . 1 25 Hunt &: Son lb W. Ailing (5 G. H. Derby k Co. "5 " " 45 Gates, S. i' Co. 38 B. Perkins t Co. 2 00 W. S. Martien Mini fie <t Co. '50 1 00 ir. S. Martien 38 Gould, K. &: L. 3 4 R. S. Davis 17 25 " " 34 " " 2 00 Masseij &: Co. 38 Pease «fc Co. 1 13 Dutton tt W. 31/. M. Fitch 50 Crosby & X. 75 " ' " '49 1 00 C. M. Saiton II. Loni/strcth '47 Baker 1' S. '50 5 00 W. Goxcans L. Colby 1 13 Hirptr k Pros. 50 E. C. k J. Biddle ALS- AMU. [am. Alsop, S., Tnvitisc on Alfjcbra, 12ino slip . " do. "' K.'V to, 12rnu lif bd . do. " Piirt I. hf r Alniizo •■■iikI Mclissn, 1 81110 cl i^t " " " fine edition, cl ex Amaranth, The, or Token of Jiemeinbrance for 1850, 18ino mor ....... Ami'ha (Min. W<'lby) Poems, illu>trati'd, Ss'o cl America and the Americans, by A. Murat, 12mo pap 50c. cl American Antrh-r's Guide, or Complete Fisher's Man- xial, by [J. J. lirown], 12ino pap ^1 25, cl " Archit'Ct, The, comjirisinj^ < )ri<riiial Designs of Cheap Country and Villaijje Residences, with Details, Speciticatioiis, Plans, and Di- rections, with an Estimate of the Cost of each Desiun, by John W. Kitch, 4to shp, 2 series, each ..... " Arithmetical Investigator, by J. W. Bedford, 12ino " Bee-Keeper's Manual, bv T. B. Miner, 12mo cl ...'.... " Bible Society, History of, from its Organi- zation in 1816, to the present time, by Rev. W. P. Strickland, 8vo shp 81 75, cl " Biogra])liical Sketch Book, by Wm. Hunt, 8vo cl . . . . ' . " Common School Arithmetic, by R. Putnam " " " " " with Key Criminal Trials, by P. W. Chandler, 2 v. 12mo cl . " . . . . . c " Drawing Book, by Chapman, per part " Ex|)ositor, by Clagget, 12mo lif bd " Fruit Book, Directions for Raising, Propa- gating, and Managing Fruit* Trees, Shrubs, &c., 18mo shp " " " by S. W. Cole, 18ino cl " " Culturist, by John J.Thomas, 12mo cl " Historical and Literary Curiosities, consisting of Fac-similes of Original Documents re- lating to Events of the Revolution, (tc, &c., with Reliques, Antiquities, and Mod- ern Autographs, colli ct.'d and edited by J. Jay Smith and John F. Watson, crown folio, hf mor ..... " History, by M. Wilson. 12mo . 8vo cl . Historical Tales, ISmocl . . . . *' Joe Miller, or Punch for the Million, pap " Manual, by J. B. Burk-igh, 12mo r el sides " Medical Biography, by Si-phen W. Williams, 8vo cl . " . " ' " Pulpit Eloqu.'nce, by Ma.vcy 1 00 E. C. (k J. Jiiddle f;7 75 .38 Phillips, S. <k Co. GO 2 50 Gales, S. <k Co. '49 2 50 Apple ton & Co. '49 15 W. II. Graham '49 1 50 Lonfj &i Bro. '49 3 50 C. M. Saxton,' 49 Stoddard k B. '50 1 00 C. M. Saxton, '49 1 50 Harper <k Bros. '49 3 00 Xafis & Cornish 50 Tappan, W. k M. 63 " " 2 50 Little k B. 50 J. S. Red field 30 Cady <fe Burgess 50 r. M. Saxton, '49 63 J. P. Jeaett, '49 1 00 Derbif, M. <t Co. '49 6 00 G. P. Putnam, '50 1 50 Keicman k Co. 2 00 '• " 75 Appleton k Co. '49 25 H. Long k Bro. '49 84 Grigg, E. k Co. 3 00 L. Merriam 1 50 Musseu k Co. 1828—1850.] AME- AND, c American Reader, by Daggett, 18mo hf bd c " School Song Book, by Asa Fitz . " Speaker, by C. Northond, 12ino r cl sides by J. Frost, 12 mo " Text-Book, for making Letters, by George Dearbon, oV^long 8vo hf r " Vocalist, Tunes, Anthems, <fec., by Rev. D H. Mansfield .... " in Paris, during Summer, by Janin, pap u u u Winter, " " c Americus Vespucius, Life and Voyages of, 8vo cl Amethyst, by M. P. Janes, cl . c Amy Herbert, by Sewt'U .... Anabasis of Xenophon, with Englisli Notes, by C. D Cleveland ...... c Analecta Anglo Saxonica, by L. F. Klipstoin, 2 v. cl Analogy of Ancient Craft Masonry to Natural and Revealed Religion, by Charles Scott, Svo cl Analysis of Physiology, by ,J. J. Reese, 12nio shp c Analytical and Synthetical Manual of Orthography, by J. H. McElligott '. c Anatomical Atlas, illustrative of the Structure of the Human Body, by Smith & Horner, royal Svo cl Anatomy of Melancholy, by R. Burton, Svo cl . " and Physiology of Health, by W. Beach, Svo cl " " " " " colored plates Ancient Architecture of America, by R. Cary Long, with 20 Illustrations, Svo pap . " Geography, by Dr. S. Butler " Literature and Art, Essays on Classical Stu- dios, with Biography and Correspondence of Emiupnt IMiilologists, by B.' Sears, B. B. Edwards, and C. C. Felton, 12mo cl . " Sacrod Lyre " and Mi'diicval Geography, by C. Anthon, Svo shp, SI 75, cl c Andersen, Hans, True Story of My Life, cl Anderson, Rev. C, Annals of the English Bible, abridged and continued to the present Time, by Rev. S. L Prime, Svo cl . . . " " Ginius and Design of the Do- mestic Constitution, its Obli- gations and Advantages. 12mo cl " Wm.j System of Surgical Anatomy, 4to slip ..... c Andral, G., on Diseases of the Chest, Svo shp Andrews, Bishop L., Devotions, IGmo cl . Andrews, E. A., Fir&t Latin Book, 12ino shp 25 W. Wilson 20 Re;inolh <t Co. 75 Barnes & Co. '50 S8 Thomas, C. & Co. 1 50 Author, Boston Reynolds <fe Co. '49 25 Stringer & T. 25 2 00 Baker & Scrihner 38 James French, '49 75 Apple ton & Co. 1 00 Hilliard, G. & Co. 3 50 G. P. Putnam 3 00 Grigg, E. & Co. '49 1 50 /. G. Auner 75 Newman & Co. 3 00 2 50 2 50 2 50 3 00 50 1 25 Lea <fc B. '49 /. Wiley J. W. Moore Baker & Scribner Bartlett k W. '49 Musse / it Co. 1 25 Gould, K. k L. 75 Hyde k Lord 1 50 Harper k Bros. '49 75 Munroe k Co. 1 75 Carter k Bros. '49 Carter k Bros. '49 ./. V. Seaman, '22 1 75 Harrington k H. 38 .y. it S words, oO 63 Crocker k B. 6 AND APO. [am. cat. Andrews, W. E., Review of Fox's Huok of Martyrs, 2 v., 8vo slip .... Anecdotes Illu^rative of tlie Cliaracter of Ministers of Ri'Iiji^ion in tlie United States, by Joseph IJiklifT, r2ino cl ... " of Aini'ricaii Indian's, 18mo cl . C " of Clirislian Missions, by Rev. E. Holt ISmo cl . . . . . Angel Voices, or Words of Council for Overcoming the World, IGino cl 38f. cl ex . Angler's Guide, or Complete Fisher's Manual, by J. J Brown, 12mo prip Si 25, cl . . . Anglo-Saxon Grammir, by L. F. Klipstein, 12mo cl " " Homily, on the Birthday of St. Gregorj'^ by L. F. Klipstein, ISmo cl " " and English Dictionary, by Rev. J. Bos- worth, 8vo cl , Ann Grey, or the Two Roses, pap Anne Boleyn, a Tragedy, by G. II. Boker, 12mo cl Anne of Au-itria, and her Maids of Honor, by Su?, pap c Annals of Tryon Country, by AV. W. Campbell, 12 mo cl ..... • " of the English Bible, by Rev. C. Anderson, Abridged and Continued to the Present Time, by Rev. S. I. Prime, 8vo cl . c " of the Jewish Nation, by Dr. Alexander, 12 mo cl . . . .■ . " of the Queens of Spain, by ^Irs. A. George, 12 mo cl ..... . Ansley, E. A., Elements of Literature, 12mo Answer to Rev. G. S. Fabsr's Difficulties of Romanism, 12mo cl . . . . . . ; Ansted, D. T., The Gold Seeker's Manual, 12 mo pap Anthems for the Christian Year, for the use of the Church of the Holy Cross, compiled by X. B. W., 24mo cl ....... . Anthon, Charles, Ancient and Mediaeval Geography, 8vo shp %\ 75. cl . . . c " " Horace, with English Notes, 12 mo shp ...... " " (Latin Prose Composition), Key to, 12mo hf shp .... c " Rev. H., Catechism on the Homilies Antiquities of America, and Origin of the Red Race, Vy A. AV. Bradford .... c " ofthe Christian Church, by L.Coleman, 8 vocl Anxious, (The) Inquirer after Salvation, by Rev. J. A. James, 18 mo cl ...(.. . Apocryphal New Test-ament, 8vo pap c Apostolic Preaching, Four Sermons on, by Bishop J. B. Sumner, 12 mo cl ..... Apostolical (The) and Primitive Church, by L. Cole- man, 12mo cl . 4 00 /'. Lucan^ Jr. 1 00 TAppincott & Co. '49 50 Sumner k G. '47 50 Crocker <k B. 63 Tichnor & Co. '49 1 50 Long A' Bro. '49 1 25 G. P. Putnam 50 G. P. Putnam, '49 3 00 G. P. Putnam, '48 25 Stringer & T. 75 A. Hart, '50 25 Stralton «fe B. '49 1 00 Baker & Scribner 1 75 Carter & Bros. '49 88 Appleton 1 25 Baker k S. '50 Lippincott <fe Co. '49 50 i^. Lucas, Jr. 25 Appleton, '49 25 Young &: Hart, '49 1 50 Harper ic Bros. '49 1 25 U il 50 06 Appleton k Co. '49 1 2 25 50 Wiln, k P. Baker k S. 38 50 Gould, K. k L. Deicitt k D. '49 63 Onderdonk 1 25 Gould, K. k L. 1828—1850.] ARA ■AUT. Arabia, Hi-storj' of, by A. Crichton, 2 v. 18mo cl Arabian Niijhts EiitcrtainnuMit-i, 32mo r gt Architect, The, A Series of Original Designs, by W. H. KanK-tt, 2 v. 4to r cl sides . . . . c Aret^ieus on the Causes and Signs of Acute Diseases, and SchilPs Outlines of Pathological Semeiology, Bvo slip . Arned, John, True Christianity in German, 66 plates slip and ciasj)s ...... Aniell, D. K., Fruit of Western Life, or Blanch and Other Poeins, 12mo cl . . . . . Arnot. D. H., Gothic Architecture, 4to, publishing in Nos. Art, McGuire, or the Broken Pledge, by Wm. Carleton, ISmo cl , Art of l'l)otogra]'hy, or the Production of Pictures thioiigh the Agency of Light, by Henry H. Siiclliiig, 12mo cl , . . . . " of Ikht tone, or the Elements of Oratory, by John Hohues, rtmodeUd by J. A. Getty, 12mo r cl sides ........ Arthur Woodleo^h, or the Battle Field of Mexico, pap c ** T. S., Advice to Young Men, cl . . . " " Stories for my Young Friends, square cl " " Young Mother, 18mo cl . . . Ascanio, by Alex. Dumas, pap . . . . . Aspects of Nature in Ditfereiit Lands and Different Climates, by Alex. Von Humboldt, 12ir.o cl c Astoria, or Anecdotes of an Enterprise beyond the Kocky Mountains, by W. Irving, 12mo cl , Atlas to Dana on Zoophytes, being Vol. IX. of the United States Exjilonng Expedition, imperial folio, with sixty colored ] lates, hf mor Atwood, Rev. A., The Young Man's Way to Litelli- gence. Respectability, Honor and Usefulness, 1 Smo cl Audin, J. M. V., History of the Life, Works, and Doc trines of John Calvin, translated by Rev. J. Me Gill, 8vo cl Aunt Mary's Stories for Children, square cl Auricular Confession, in the Piotcstant Episcopal Church, ly [F. L. Hawks], 12?no |iap AurifixlinH, or Adventures in the CJold Regions, by C A. Biglow, 12mo bds .... Austen, Miss, Pride and Prejudice, A Nov( 1, 12tno cl C Austin Hall, or Coiveisitions tor the Young, IBino cl Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, illustrated, 8vo cl " and Letters of Caroline Fry, 12mo cl 90 Harper <fe Bros. 75 Leary & Co. 6 00 Lexcitt <k D. 1 75 Barrinriton &c H. 3 00 W. G. Mentz \ \Z J. C. Biker Appletcm (k Co. 42 Dunigan (k Bro. 1 00 G. P. Putnam, '49 1 00 Care}/ t Hart, '49 25 Deii'itt & D. 1 ] 3 Phillips, S. (k Co. 45 J. & J. L. Gikon 42 H. F. Anners 25 Harper «k Bros. 1 25 Lea k B. "49 1 50 G. P. Putnam 30 00 Lea ck B. '49 38 J. W. Moore, '50 2 00 Wetb tk Bro. 56 Phillips, S. k Co. 25 G. P. Putnam, '50 38 Bohr ik S. '49 75 IVi/kins, C. k Co. 60 Harrington k H. 2 50 Harpers, '49 Q "ib J. W. Moore, '49 BAB BAR. [▲M. OAT. Babcock, J. S., Visions and Voices, and Other Poems, I'iino cl ex 81 25, cl ...... Babrs in the Woods, cl . Bachc, Mrs. Anna, (Jlara's Amusements, cl Bacon, 11., The Christian (!t,mforter, a Gift for the Af- fliotid and Bereaved . . . . C " .1. H., (lerman I'rimer . . . . . c " Kev. L., Slavery Discussed, 1 2mo cl Bailey, P. J., Festus, a Poem, 1 2 mo cl . c Baird, Robert, Protestantism in Italy, Past and Pres- ent, r2mo cl ...... . Baker, B. F., Thi' Choral, a Collection of Church Mu- sic, lif shp " " and Woodbury, T. B., The Sacred Tim- brel, a Collection of Church Music " Rev. J., Devout Communicant, 24mo cl . Balch, Wm. S., Ireland as I saw It. The Character, Condition, and Prospects of the People, 12mo cl Ball Room (The) and Evening Parties, gt . Banvard, Rev. Joseph, The Christian Melodist, for So- cial Religious Worship, 18mo slip Baptist Catechism, An E.\]iosition of, by Way of Ques- tion and Answer, by Rev. B. Beddome, with an Introduction by J. L. Reynolds, 18mo . " Hymn Book, by W. C. Buck, 1 8mo shp " '" " " " 24mo shp " Pulpit of the United States, by Rev. Jos. Bel- cher, 12mo ...... " Sabbath School Hymn Book, compiled by Rev. J. A. Warner, 32mo doz. pap, ^l 20, hf cl, $1 88, cl or shp . . . . " Scriptural Catechism, by Rev. H. C. Fish, Vol. I. 5c. Vol. II. bds . Baptized Child, The, by N. Adams, 18mo cl Barber, J. W., Historical Collections of every Town in Massachusetts, 8vo cl .... Barclay, John, a Selection from his Letters and Papers 8vo cl c " R., Apology for the True Christian Divinity Bardouc, or the (ioatherd of Mount Taurus, 18mo cl Barnwfll, Mn., Advice, to Mothers on Treatment of Infants, 12mo cl . . . . . Baron Trenck, Life, Adventures, &c., of, 18 mo cl Barrett, B. F., Lectures on the Doctrines of the New Jerusalem Church, 12mo cl " S., Jr., Principles of English, Latin, and Greek Grammar, r2mo cl . Barrow, Isaac, The Pope's Supremacy, 8vo cl c Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., from 1640 'to 1848. 8vocl Barstow, George, History of New Hampshire, Svo shp 1 00 /;. Jfunt, '49 25 (r. S. Appleton 50 Applelon 6.3 A. Tompkins 10 Najis «k Cornish 75 Baker <fe Scribner 1 00 Musaey <fe Co. \ 1o B. Perkins k Co. 80 Otis, B. <k Co. Reynolds & Co. 38 F. Lucas, Jr. 1 00 G. P. Putnam, '50 25 G. S. Appleton 38 Gould, K. k'L. 50 Harrold <fe M. '49 75 T. R. Nelson 50 " " E. H. Fletcher 2 40 " " 13 42 W. Peirce W. Lazell, "44 1 50 H. Lonqstreth, '47 1 00 T. E. Chapman 38 Crosby k N. 50 J. & J. L. Gihon 45 Author, X. r., '42 /. Munsell, '48 1 25 J. C. Riker 1 50 Munroe k Co. 2 00 S. S. Boyd, '42 1828—1850.] BAB- BER. c Barton, W. P. C, Outlines of Lectures on Materia Mi^dica and l^otany, 2 v. 12ino slip . Battle Summer, (Thv) b'ing Transcripts from Personal Observatons in P;iris, during the Year 1848, by Ik. Marvel, (D. G. Mitclieli) 12mo cl Ba«cora's System of Penmanship, four part<, pr 100 . Baxter, R., Ihe Saint's Everlasting Kest, lOmo cl " " " " " ISnio cl gt . Bay State Collection of Church Music, by A. N. John- son, J. Osgood, and S. Hill .... Bayard, Samuul, Li-tt-rs on the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, 18mo cl . . . . . Beach, W., Anatomy and Physiology of Health, 8vo cl c " " " " " " col. pit's c " " Medical and Botanical Dictionary, 8vo Beauties of Americ:in History, 18moclorshp " of Sir Thomas More 18mo cl . Beck, .1. B., Essays on Infant Therapeutics, 12mo cl . c Brclard's Physiology, cl - . Beddome, l»ev. B., An Exposition of the Baptist Cate- chi-m, by way of Qu stion and Answer, with an Introduc ion, by J. L. Reynolds, 18mo Bedford, J. W., The American Arithmetical Investiga- tor, 12mo ....... Beecher, Rev. Chas., The Incarnition, or Pictures of the Virgin and Her Son, 12mo cl " Misi Fellenberg, Primer .... Belcher, Rev. Jos -ph, The Baptist Pulpit of the Uni- ted States 12mo ...... Bcl'sarius, Life of, by Lord Mahon, 12mo cl gt . Belisle, \). W., The Part *rre, a Collection of Flowers culli'd by thj Wavside, 18m.) cl c Bell, Acton, Tenant (/ Wildfeil Hall 2 50 J. G. Auner 1 00 Baker k S. '49 10 00 Durrie k P. 50 Gould ^ K. & L. 50 W. A. Learij k Co. 75 Wilkins, C. & Co. 38 W. S. Martien 2 50 Baker & S. 3 00 " " 1 75 " " 50 Goodman <fe Co. 15 F. Lucas, Jr. 50 W. E. Dean, '49 1 00 Stringer & T. 50 Harrold k M. Sloddard &; B.'oO 50 Harpers, '49 10 Brown & P. E. H. Fletcher 75 J. k J. L. Gikon 50 Llppincott k Co. '49 7,3 H irper k Bros. Currer, Jane Eyre, an Autobiography, 12mo cl 1 00 W'dkim, C. k Co. 1 00 Harper k Bros. '49 38 " " '49 1 00 " " 2 00 Barring ton k H. " " Shirley, 8vo pnp . . . . " " '^ 12mo cl . . . . " J., on Baths and Batlrng, 8vo cl $1 75, shp . Bell and St ikes' Lectures on th?. Theory and Prac- tice of Pliysc. 4t!i Am. Edit. 2 v. 8vo shp Bellirm'n, Fel c.ty of the Saint*, 32mo shp Benedict's Treatisi on Duties, Powers, kc, of Justices of the Peace, in Slate of Now York, 8vo Liw shp Benn( tt, H., Trcat'se on the Diseases of the Uterus, 2nd Am. Edit. 8vo cl Benth'v's American Instiuctor, f2mo hf bd Bentley, R., Murray's English Road r, hf bd 25c. shp " " Spelling Hook . . . . " " Spi-Umg Book, doz Benian, Wm., Recollections of 16mo cl . 3 Departed Friends, 6 00 " " S8 F. Lucas, Jr. 2 50 Derby, M. k Co. Lea k B. '50 25 Cushl7ip k Bro. 34 W. Wilson 20 Pratt. W. k Co. 1 75 IV. Wihon 1 75 CoAidge k Bro. 50 S. k Swords, '50 10 BER BOA. [am. cat. Berg, J. F., Tlio. Old Paths, or a Sketch of the Order and Discipline of the licfornR'd Church, before the Keformiition, 12mo cl .... Bethune, (I. \V., Orations and Occasional Discourses, 12inacl Beverly, Mass., History of, from its Earliest Settlement, by E. M. Stone, r2tno cl . Bible Cartoons, Illustrations of Scripture History, ob- long cl ...... . " Atlas and, Scripture Gazetteer, by Rev. William Jonks, 4to ....... " Dictionary, bv Parley, square hf r . " GazL'tteer, '' " "•'... c " Manual, 12mo mor $3 50, shp . . , " Narratives, by Iluebor, shp .... " Societies, a Sketch of the Origin, &c., of, by W. U. Wyckof^" Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogue, of American Pub- lications, including Reprint^ and Original Works, from 1820 to 1848 inclusive, compiled and ar- rang>'d by O. A. Roorbach, royal 8vo cl, net Biblical (Jutiines, by Joseph Emerson c Big.'low, H. J., Manual of Orthopedic Surgery, 8vo cl Bilby, T., The Book of Animals, for Young Persons, square cl ....... Billington's Review of Davis' Divine Revelations, cl • Biographical Notices of Distinguished Men of New England, by A. Bradford ..... Biograpliical and Personal Sketches of Napoleon Louis Bonaparte, by II. Wikoti" 12mo cl . Biography, Tales, and Poetry, selected from Chamber's Miscdlany, 12mo cl gt c " of Good Wives, by Mrs. Child, 12mo cl . " of Self-taught men, with an Essay, by B. B. Edwards, 2 v. 18rao cl . . . Bisbee, J. H., Lectures to Young Men, ISmo cl . Black (The) Aunt's Stories and Legends for Children, from the German, 12mo cl . . . . c Blake, Rev. J. L., Biblical Reader, 12mo " " " YouniT Orator .... " " " The Wonders of Art, 24mo cl or shp ..... c Blessedness of the Righteous .... Blood, The, of the Cross, by Rev. H. Bonar c Bloss' Ancient History, 12 mo shp .... c " Chronological Chart ..... Boardman, G. D., Memoir of. by Rev. A.King, 12mocl " Rev. n. A., Hints on Cultivating the Christian Temper, 32mo cl " " " On High Church Episcopacy, 12ino cl , . . " " " The Vanity of a Life of Fashionable Pleasure, 32 mo d . 75 Lippincott <fe Co. 1 25 G. P. Putnam, '49 1 00 Munroe & Co. 1 00 Francis (fe Co. '49 C. HinckUng, '49 38 H.H. Hawley k Co 38 " " " 1 75 X. Colby 15 W. G. Mentz 25 L. Colby 4 00 G. P. Putnam 17 Crocker & B. 1 50 Ticknor <Si Co. 50 Appleton, '49 34 Wm. Ailing 1 00 S. G. Si7npkins 63 G. P. Putnam, '49 75 Gould, K. & L. 75 Francis 6z Co. 1 25 B. Perkins & Co. 63 Buthr (fc B. 50 E. Garrigue, '48 83 Lincoln & ^.'26 50 Hunt «fe Son 45 Young <t Hart, '45 40 Cvlli?is <k Bro. Carter (te Bros. '49 1 25 W. Ailing 2 00 " 75 Gould, K. <fe L. 25 W. S. Martien 1 00 " " 25 " " 1828—1850.] BOE—BOS. 11 Boenninghausen, Essay on Homoeopathic Treatment of Intermittent Fevers, Edited by C. J. Ilempe Bogue, Rev. D., Theological Lectures, 8\'o shp §2 25, cl Boker, G. H., Anne Boleyn, a Tragedy, 12 mo cl c " '' Calaynos, a Tragedy, 12 mo bds . BoUes, Wm., Solitude and Society, with other Poems, r2mo cl . . . . . c " " (Editor) The Complete Evangelist, 12mo cl c " " (Editor) Phonographic Pronouncing Dic- tionary of the English Language, 12mo shp ...... c Bonaparte, Charles Lucien, American Ornithology, 4 V. folio, hf r . Bonar, Rev. H., The Blood of the Cross . Bonnycastle, J., Mensuration, 12ino shp . " " " Key to, 12mo shp Book of Anecdotes, by John Frost . " of Birds for the Young, cl ex, 63c. cl " of Good Example^ by John Fro^t . " of Illustrious Mechanics, by John Frost " of Hearts, 12mo cl " of Martyrs, by John Fox, with 55 plates, 4to shp " of " " " " in German, 54 plates, shp and clasp " of Nursery Rhymes, cl gt e . " of Trades and Professions, cl, (colored, 50c.) " of the Army, by John Frost . " of the Colonies, by John Frost " of the Hudson, by Wasliington Irving, 18mo cl " of the Indians, by John Frost . " of the " by Mcintosh, 12mo cl " of the " by S. G. Drake, 8vo " of the Priesthood, by Rev.- Thomas Stratton, 12mo bds . . . . . " of the United. States, Its Geography, Divisions, Constitution, Government, &c., edited by G. Mellen, Bvo cl or shp " of the World, being an Account of all Repub- lics, Empires, Kingdoms, and Nations, by R. S. Fisher, 2 v. R. 8vo Booth's Phonogr;)phic Instructor, cl 31c. bds Bossuet, J. B., Exposition of the Doctrine of the Cath olic Church, 18mo shp .... Bossuet and Claude's Conference, 8vo cl Boston Book, (The) being Specimens of Metropohtan Literature, 12nio cl . C " Chorus Book, by Lowell Mason and G. J Webb .' " School Atlas Bosworth, Rev. J,, Anglo-Saxon and English Diction ary, 8vo cl 1 . 38 PT. Radde 2 00 Harper & Bros. '4 9 Y5 A. Rart, '50 75 Butler & Co. '48 50 Wm. Belles & Co. 63 " " 1 25 " " " 25 00 Zea & B. Carter & Bros. '49 75 Hunt & Son 15 " 1 00 Belknap & H. 50 G. S. Appleton 1 00 Bdknap & H. 1 00 " " 75 Nafis & C. 6 00 W. A. Leary & Co 2 50 W. G. Mentz 75 E. H. Butler & Co. 38 G. S. Appleton 1 50 Bdknap &l H. 1 00 " " 50 G. P. Putnam '49 1 00 Belknnp &i H. 1 13 Nafis & C. 3 00 Mussey & Co. 60 Crocker & B. 3 00 Goodman & Co. 5 00 J. H. Col ton '49 26 E. H. Butler (k Co. SS F. Lucas. Jr. 50 /. Murphy 1 25 Ticktior & Co. '50 63 Wilkins, C. & Co. 50 E. S. Davis 3 00 G. P. Putnam, '48 13 nos nni. [am. c TV>^wortli, N., Trcjiti'io on (lif liifl.-, Musket, »kc., 12ino Hi>l;iiiio l'liv*ici;in, l)V Klislia Sniilli. Hvo c Bjtuiy for Mi';,'iiiiiiTH, l»v Mr-.. I'liljts, 18inu cl si(l<'3 " " All ("Ijisscs, |i!i|> r»<>/-. cl . Bothio, The, of 'l'.»|MT-iiji-fui)si(li, a Loni^ Vacation rasUjral, l>y Arlliur \\\v^\ Cluiif^li, 12ino bds Hottl.-, Thr, or till! Fir>*t St<-j) to Crime, paj) IkuinloirH Aljji'l)rji, l»y I>aviis, 8vo slip Bourn*', John, A Cat4'cliism of the Steam En^ne, 18ino cl Bowditch, Ilt'ury I.. Tin- Voiinj^ Stcthescopist, or the Student's Aid to Auscultation, 12mo shp . Bowdoin TocL'*, The, edited by E. P. Weston, 12rao . c Bowen, Bishop, Sermons, 2 v. 8vo .... " Francis, Lowell Lectures on the Application of Metjipliysical and Ethical Science, to the Evidences of Kfligion, 8vo cl Bowman, J. E., Introduction to Practical Chemistry, including Analysis, Timo cl . . . . Boy, The, of Mount Khigi, by Miss Sedgewick, ISnio cl c Boy's Treasury of Sport, 18mo cl . . . . Bradbury, Wm. B. Flora's F''estival " " " Musical Gems for Schools and Home .... " " Young Melodist Bradbury and Mason, The Choralist Bradford, D., The Wonders of the Heavens, being a Popular View of Astronomy, 4 to hf r cl sides Brant, Life of, and History of the Border Wars of the American Revolution, by W. L. Stone, 2 v. 8vo shp •••..... Bravo, The, by Cooper, 2 v. pap .... Brazer, John, Sermons, 12mo cl . . . . c Brazil, Sketches of a Residence and Travels in, em- bracing Historical and Geographical Notices of the Empire, by Rev. D. P. Kidder, 2 v. 8vo cl . Bremer, F., Brothers and Sisters, a Tale of Domestic Life, pap .... " " The Midnight Sun, 8vo pap . " " The Neighbors, 12 mo cl pap " *' " President's Daughter, pap " " Parsonage of Mora " c Bridal Keepsake, by Mrs. Colman ♦ Bridges, Rev. Charles, Life and Works of Mrs. Mar Jane Graham . y Bridges, Rev. Charles, Works, 4 v. 8vo cl . ^ " " Memoirs of Miss Mary Jane Gra. ham 8vo cl [Briggs, Charles F.] Harry Franco, a Tale of theGrea. Panic. 2 v . . ^ ** The Haunted Merchant . 1 00 J. S. nedj;eld,'46 New York, '.30 .">0 Huntinfjton ^ S. 75 Fowler k W. G:! .7. liartl'tl, '49 25 Strinrjer (k T. 1 50 Bumen <fe Co. 75 Jppleton, '49 1 63 Wood, '48 J. Griffin 5 00 A. E. 'Miller, '42 2 50 Little & B. '49 1 30 Lea lii B. '49 50 Crosby <fe iV. '49 1 00 Clark, A. <k Co. '49 31 Newman <fe Co. '50 38 " " 31 " " 80 " " 6 00 Otis, B. k Co. '45 4 00 Phinney <fe Co. 50 Stringer & T. 1 00 Cros^hy k N.'i9 3 00 25 13 1 00 13 13 13 38 5 00 1 00 Sarin <fe Ball, '45 Harper & Bros. " '49 G. P. Putnam, '49 Harpers E. Darroiv, '50 Carter <£• Bros, '49 '49 F. Saunders, '37 1 00 J. Allen, '43 1828—1850.] BRI- BUN. 13 [Briggs, Charles F.,] Working a Passage, or Life in a Liner, pap. .... " The Trippings of Tom Pepper, an Autobiography .... Bristx)!, Rev. C. A., Discourses on the Christian Spirit and Life, r2ino cl . Brittan <fe Sherwoods' School Song Book, hf r ISino Broderip, W. J., Zoological Recreations, I'imo cl Brooks, J. T., Four Months among the Gold Finders of California, 8vo pap ...... Brooks, N. C, Fii-st Greek Lessons, 12mo . " " Latin " 12mo . " Greek Collectanea Evangelica, 12mo . " " Pastoral Poets, preparing . c " Ovid's Metamorphoses, 8vo shp . Brown, Institutes of English Grammar, 12mo shp " James, Appeal from the Old Theory of English Grammar, 12 mo . . . . . " John, Concordance to the Old and New Testa- ment, 32mo cl 20c. cl ex , . . . " J., Concordance 12mo . . . . . " J. J., American Angler's Guide, or Complete Fisher's Manual, 12mo pap Si 25, cl . " Rev. J. W., Christmas Bells, and other poems. c " James, the Carpenter's Assistant, 4to . Browne, L. C, Review of the Life and Writings of M. Hale Smith ...... Browning, Robert, Poems, 2 v. 12mo bds |2, cl . Brownlee, W, C, The Converted Murderer c Buck, C, Religious Anecdotes, shp gt . . . " Theological Dictionary, in German, shp Buchan, Wm., Family Physician, enlarged 8vo lib Buckminster, Rev. Joseph, Memoirs of, and of His Son, Rev. J. S. Buckminster, by Eliza B. Lee, 12mo cl Budget of Wit and Humor, by Dr. Valentine, 12mocl Bull, Thomas, The Maternal Management of Children in Health and Disease, 12mo cl . Bullions, Rev. P., High School ; or Analytical and Prac- tical English Grammar, 12mo shp. Bulhons, Rev. P., Greek Lessons, in preparation. " Practical Lessons in English Gram- mar and Composition, hf r . Bulwer, E. L., Novels, Contiiining Pelham, Disowned, Devereu.v, Paul Clitlbrd, Days of Pompeii, Eu- gene Aram, The Student, Rienzi, Falkland, and Pil- grims of the Rhine, royal 8vo, cl . Bulwer, E. L., and Forbes John, On the Water Treatment, Edited with Additional Matter by Roland S. Houghton, M. D., 12mo cl . . . Bunyan, John, Complete Works, 8vo cl ex $4, cl " Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ " Grace Abounding " Holy War .... 25 /. Allen '44 Mirror Office, N. Y. 1 00 Crosby & iV. 34 Barnes & Co. '50 1 25 Lea & B. '49 25 Appleton '49 63 Barnes <fe Co. 63 " 63 " 2 50 " 70 PT. Ailing 1 00 W. A. Leary 30 Carter & Bros. '49 50 Sanborn & C. 1 50 Long & Bro. '49 75 Appleton & Co. 5 00 LJ. Livennore 1 00 ^. Tompkins 2 25 Ticknor «fe Co. '50 25 M. W.Dodd 1 25 Broader s cfe Co. 1 50 W. G. Mintz 2 50 W. A. Leary 1 25 Crosby & N. '49 75 C. Marshall, '49 75 Lindsay & B. GO Pratt, W. & Co, 23 3 50 Phillips, S. & Co. 75 G. P. Putnam, '49 3 00 John Ball, '50 20 L. Colby 15 " 30 " 14 BUN- BYR. [am. Bunyan, John, Minor Works, Containing (iraco Abounding, Heart's Ease, tlie World to Come, and Barren Fig-Tree, 3 2 mo clgt . . . " Pilgrims Progress, with Scott'ft Notes 18mo cl . . . . " Pilgrims I'rogress, with Scott's Notes, 12 mo cl ex *1 50, cl . " Pilgrims Progress, with Scott's Notes 32mo shp gt 42r cl ex . ** Pilgrims Progress, witli Scott's Notes, l"2mo cl ex $1 75, cl " Pilgrims Progress in German, shp Burkitt, Wm., Expository Notes, with Practical Ob servations on the New Testament, 2 v. 8vo lib c Burritt, E. II., Geography of the Heavens, 12mo, with an Atla.s .... c " Geography of the Heavens, Revised by 0. M. Mitchell, 12 mo, with Atlas . Burrows, J. F., Piano Forte Primer . Burleigh, Geo. S., The Maniac, and Other Poems, 12mocI. ...... c " J. B., American Manual, Containing Law of Nations, Duties of Voters, Magistrates, &c, 12mo r cl sides ....... Burnap, Geo. W., Objections to Unitarianism An swered, 16mo cl . Burns, Rev. J., Sketches of Sermons on the Parables and Miracles of Christ, 12mo cl . . . Burton, W., The Scenery Shower, 18mo. . Bushnell, A., My Mother, a Tribute to Departed Worth IGmo cl ...... . Butler, Bishop, Book of the Church, 12mo cl . " Samuel, Hudibnis, with Notes by Nash, Illus trated, IGmo cl . . . . " Dr. S., Ancient Geography . Buxton, T. F., The African Slave Trade ; The Evil and the Remedy, cl. . . . . " Thos. F., Life of, with Selections from His Writings, Edited by his Son, 8vo cl . Byrne, O., Encyclopaedia of Machines, Mechanics and Engineering, Publishing in Nos. . " O., Logarithms, 12mo .... Byron, Lord, Complete Poetical Works, 5 v. r2mo cl gt " Childe Harold, 8vo cl ex (( t( a " Don Juan, r2mo cl gt . " Dramas 12mo cl gt . " Miscellaneous Poems, 12mo cl gt . " Siege of Corinth, Mazeppa and Other Tales, 12mo cl gt " Tales and Poems, 8vo cl ex . 50 W. A. Leary 50 Carter k Bros., '49 1 00 Carter & Bros. '49 63 E. Hunt 1 25 Phillips, S. <fe Co. 81 W. G. Mtntz 6 00 John Ball, '50 1 25 Huntington (fe S. 1 25 Huntington <k S. 38 Wilkins, C. <ij Co. 15 J. W. Moore, '49 84 Grigg, E. k Co. 38 Croshy k N. 75 Carter k Bros. '49 38 Ticknor k Co. 32 J. M. Fitch 50 J. Murphy 1 50 Apple ton 1 25 Mussey k Co. 1 00 D. Famham 2 25 H. Longs t re th, '49 25 Appleton d' Co. 1 00 " '49 5 00 /. <fe J. L. Gihon 5 00 Carey k Hart 1 00 J. kJ. L. Gihon 1 00 1 00 •' 1 00 " 1 00 5 00 Carey <fe Hart 1828—1850.] CAB- CAR. 15 C. Cabinet Maker's Assistant, by John Ilall, 44 Plates, 8vo cl Csesar's Commentaries, with a Vocabulary, by P. Bull- ion, 12mo shp . " with English Notes, by F. P. Leverett .... Caldwell, Charles, A Discourse on the Genius and Character of Rev. Horace Hulley, late Presi- dent of Transylvania University, 8vo bds . c " M., The Philosophy of Christian Perfection, 12mo cl c " Manual of Elocution . . , . . Caleb in Town, by Rev. Jacob Abbott, 18mo cl . Caleb in the Country, by Jacob Abbott, 18mo cl California Guide Book, 8vo pap. .... " A Tour of Duty in, by J. W. Revere, 12mo cl " and Oregon, History of, by R. Greenhow, gvo cl . " and Oregon, History of, by R. W. Hastings, pap " and Oregon Trail, The, being Sketches of Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life, by F. Parkman, Jr., 12mocl. Cameron, Mrs., The Farmer's Daughter, 18mo cl Camp Stoics, or Incidents in the Life of a Soldier, by G. C. Furber, pap. ..... " Meeting Chorister, shp ..... Campaign Sketches of War with Mexico, by Capt. W. S. Henry, 12mo cl ..... • Campbell, Charles, Introduction to the History of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia, 8vo " Thomas, Poetical Works, 12mocl ex$l 75, cl " W. W., Life and Writings of De Witt Clinton, 8vo cl ...... . Canfield, II. J., The Breed, Management, Structure, and Discrises of Sheep, 12mo cl . . . . Canton Chinese, The, or the American's Sojourn in the Celestial Empire, l)y O. Titiany, Jr., 12 mo cl . Canzone and Sonnets of Francesco Petrarca, with Notes and Sketch of his Life, by Susan Walhuston, 12mo cl Caravan, The, a Collection of Popular Tales from the German, 18mo cl . Cardinal's Daughter, by M. Daniel, pap Carey, Alice and Phcebe, Poems, ISnio cl ^l 25, cl ex . $1 50, mor Carlyle, Dr., Prose Translation of Dante's Inferno 12mocl ........ Carpenter [The] of Rouen, a Dramatic Tale, pap Carpenter Miss, Morning and Evening Meditations, 16mo cl 2 50 /. Murphey, '48 88 Pratt, W. & Co. 84 E.S. Davis HUliard.G.LM W. T5 John Ball, '49 1 00 Sanborn 6i C. 45 Crocker & B. 45 50 Appleton ik Co. 1 00 Francis (k Co., '49 2 50 Appleton & Co. 30 H.S.kJ.Applegate 1 25 G. P. Putnam, 49 30 Carter k Bros. 25 J.A.k U. P. James 29 W. A. Leary & Co. 1 00 Harper k Bros. 1 50 Nash k W. 1 25 Phillips, S., k Co. Baker k S., '49 1 00 C. M. Saxton, '49 83 Munroe, k Co., '49 75 T. R. Kelson, '49 63 Appleton k Co., '50 25 H. Lonp k Bro.'AQ 2 00 J. Moss k Bro., '50 1 00 Harpers, '49 25 Phillips, S. k Co 63 Crosby dt N. 16 CAR CIIA. [am. cat. Carpontor, W. B., Principles of Human Physiology, Kourtli Kfiition, 8vo slip . . . . . Carpenter's Assistant, hy .las. Brown, 4to . Cnrson, Joseph, M. D., llliistratiuns of Medical Botany, 2 V. 4to d *^* This Work Consists of 100 finely colored quarto Platts, drawn on Stone, of the Plants aftordinu; the important articles of the Materia Medica, the De- scriptive Text by Joseph Carson, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica, «fec., &c. Cary, II. F., Poems of Dante, 16mo cl . Cassique of Accabee, a Tale of Ashley River, by W. G Simms, pap ...... c Casserly, P. S., Latin Prosody, 18mo Catechism of Council of Trent, 8vo cl . . " of the Steam Engine, by John Bourne, ISmocl Catholic Bride, [The,] Translated from the Italian, by Rev. C. C. Pise, 3 2 mo . . 50c. to ** Christian's Companion, . . 38c. to " Manual, 18mo shp 50c,r . . . . " *' 64mo im gt e 42c, cl . . . " Piety, [Catholic Prayer,] 24mo mor 84c,. im .5Gc., shp ...... Catullus, Selections from, with English Notes, by G. G. Cookhley, revised by C. A. Bristed, 12 mo r cl sides ......... Caxtons, The, a Family Picture, by Sir E, Bulwer Lytton ........ Cecil and his Dog, or the Little Robinson of Paris, square cl ....... Celeste, the Pirate's Daughter, pap .... Celestial Scenery, by Thomas Dick, 12mo cl " " " " " 18mo cl , c Central School Reader, 12mo shp . . Chainbearer, by Cooper, 2 v. pap .... c Challenge of Barletta, 12mo cl .... Challoner, Bishop, Memoii-s of Missionary Priests, and Other Catholics of both Sexes, 8vo . Chalmers, Thos., Institutes of Theology, 2 v. 12mo cl " " Sabbath Scripture Reading, 2 v. 12 12mo cl . . . . . " " Sermons Illustrative of Different Stages in Ministry, 12 mo cl c " " Sermons and Discourses, enlarged by the addition of his Posthumous Sermons, 2 v. 8vo cl . Chambers' Information for the People, 2 v. 8vo Lib. . c Chambers, Win.. (Editor), Miscellany of Useful and Entertaining Kiiowledge, 10 v. cl . , Channing, W. E., Conversations in Rome, 16mo cl , " " Life and Correspondence of, 3 vol. 12mo cl 3 7.5 Lm d- /?., '49 .5 00 E. Livtrm'jre >5 R. P. Smith 1 50 Apple ton & Co. 25 J. Russell, '49 50 W. E. Dean 1 00 F. Lucas, Jr. 75 Appleton, '49 2 00 /. Murphy k Co. 1 50 lb F. Lucas, Jr. 14 Dunigan <fe Bro. 42 Dunigan <fe Bro. 63 ^. & Swords, '49 Harpers, '49 45 /. <fc /. L. Gihon 25 Stratton & B. 75 E. C.k J. Biddle 45 Harpers 88 Thomas, C k Co. 50 Stringer k T. 75 Cady k B. Mitchell k Kelly,' AO 2 00 Harper k Bros. '49 2 00 " 1 00 3 00 Carter k Bro^. '49 6 00 J. k J. L. Gihon 7 50 Gould, K. k L. 66 Croiiy k N. 3 00 " 1828—1850.] CHA- CHI. 17 Channing, W. E., The "Woodman and Other Poems, 12ino " W. F., on the Medical Application of Elec- tricity, 12mo cl Chapel Companion, containing Devotions at Mass, Pray IT, <Sic., . . . . , 25c. to Chapin, E. II., and Adams, J. G., Hymns for Christian Devotion ....... Characteristics of Literature, by Henry T. Tuckcrman, 12mo cl Charks Chesterfield, by Mrs. Trollope, pap Cliarlton, R. M., Poems c Chase, IL, Treatise on the Radical Cure of Hernia, by Listrumenbi, 8vo hf cl . ' " S., Treatise on Algebra, 12mo Cheever, G. B., Common place Book of Prose, 12mo shp ...... " Rev. Geo. B., Windings of the River of the Water of Life, 12mo cl " Rev. H., The Whale and his Captors, 18mo cl Chemical Catechism, by J. S. Haines, 18mo shp Chemistry Applied to Agriculture, by J. A. Chaptal, '^ISnio .... " " Physiolog}', Agriculture, and Commt-rce, pap . c " for Beginners, by Mrs. Phelps, ISmo r cl sides ...... " for Student*;, by Geo. Fowjies, shp Child at Home, by J. S. C. Abbott, 18mo d Child, Mrs., Flowers for Children, square cl ex $1 13, cl c " " Family Nurse, cl 50c. hf cl . c " " Thi Girl's Own Book, square cl ex $1, cl " " Ro-e Marion, square cl ex 38c. cl Childe Harold, by Lord Byron, 12mo cl . Childe, E. N., Edward Vernon .... Children of the Abbey, 3 v. in 1, 32mo r Children's Companion, by Berquin, 18mo cl " Mission, 1 81110 cl . . . . . c Child's Book, The, l)y Mrs. Sigourney, 18mo cl . " " or Mirror for the Young, pap " " of Bible Stories, cl . . . . " " of Birds, 12mo f cover c " " on the Soul, by T. H. Gallaudet, hf bd, 28c. d 38c. cl ex . " Christian Year, l)y Mrs. Tuthill, Ifimo cl " Clieeiful Com])anion, cl ex 63c. d . " First Drawing Book, by J. Holbrook " " History of Rome, by E. M. Sewell, 18mo cl " Friend, edited by Mrs. E. L. FoUen, 10 v. lemo cl "10 Munroe & Co. 75 B. Davis, Jr. 1 00 J. Murphy & Co. 60 J. Tompkins 75 Lindsay & B. '49 50 Stringer <fe T. Harper, '43 1 50 /. G. Auner 1 00 Appleton <t Co. '49 83 H.k E. Phinney 1 00 J. Wiley, '49 60 Harper & Bros. '49 75 J. G. Auner 50 Harper & Bros. 20 Fowler & W. 50 Huntington &l S. 1 50 Lia k B. 40 Crocker k B. 88 Francis k Co. '49 42 J(nk!<, P. k Co. 75 Clark, A. k Co. 25 Francis k Co. 1 00 J. k J. L. Gihon 63 Harpyr k Bros. 75 W. A. Leary 45 Crissry k M. 50 John Bull, '50 38 Carter k Bros. '49 20 A. Ph'lps 63 H. F. Anners 25 Reynolds k Co. 50 E. Hunt 38 S. k Swords, '50 50 G. S. Appleton 10 H.H.Hau'leyk Co 50 Appleton, '49 7 50 Crosby k N. 18 cni- CHR. ChilJ's Friond, 1»v T^crqnin, 18rno el . " Own |{,)ok ot" Aiiiiiinis, willi twi-lve colorod II liKtrati.n.s, (^liloii;; ( 1 " rictiirc, Dftiiiing iiiitl Ileadiri<^ Book, l.y Gal lautlct, square ..... " rirtuif (ialliTV, 12ino f cover rrcsciit, ISiiK^ d Clioir Clionis li«,ok, !>)' A. N. Jolmson Cholera, CaiHi s and iloMJoetipathic Treatment of, by li. F. Jo-ilin, 18mo " Its Causes, rrcveiiliun, and Cure, treated by Wat( r, ])ap ..... " Its Cause, Prevention, and Cure, by Dr. C Kiclianlsoii, 8v() pap ... " Till' I';itl)oloj,y and Treatment of, by Josepli Ayrn ...... Choral Antlii II s, a Collection of Choruses, Anlhoms Trios, ttc, (tc, by V. C. Taylor Choro Tai hy for Learners in Geograj hy, by G. W Fitcli, 4to ...... Christ luceivinn; Sinners, ly Rev. J. Cummings, ISmo cl . .■" Chri>lian Pallads, by Arlliu- C. Coxe, 12mo " Comfoiter, a Gift for the Afflct d and Be navcd. by llev. II. B; con, el ! " Consolations, by Rev. A. V. l\alodv, 16mo d .'....". Duty. 1)y J. S. C. Abbott, 24mo el . " In tructed, by Spencer, 12mo cl *' Law of Baj t'.sni. by Rev. E. Turney, 12mo el . . ' . . . ' . " Mdndit, for S. eial Relig'ous AVor.hip, by Rev. Jos('| li lianvard, ISmo el « Offices of Family Devotion, by W. E, Wy att, 12mo (1 .... " Ornanunts, or the Spirt of the Churtb, by [Miss Tuthill], ISniod . " P.ireiit, by Rev. A. B. Muzzey, Ifimo cl " Philosoj her, !)y Thomas Diik, 12iiio d " Profe>sor, Addnss d in a Series of C* unsels and Cautions, by J. A. Jam-s. 18mo cl " Studt'iit, by R(v. E. Bickeisteth, 12ii:o " Tiutb, Piety, and Morality, by II. Ware, Jr., 12mo cl ..... . " Year, 'ih.ughts in Verse for Sunday and Holidays, by J. Keble, IGrao mor ^2 25, d ex ■k\ 00^ d Christian's Daily Treasury, a Riligitu^ Exercise for Evory Day in the Year, by E. Temple, 12mo d " Miniature, by R. K. Sewall, 32rao cl ex . " Guide to Ueaven, 3 2 mo bhp . [am. cat. 38 Harper ^ Bros. 1 00 JJndHU'/ (.^ B. 13 25 50 75 Hunl'ngton & S. H( yno'ds A: Co. A/jdeton k Co. '49 WUkins, C. t Co. W. Radde 25 FuuLr k W. 25 Ajrfjleton, '49 13 Strbujer A: T. '49 1 CO //. //. Haule>j d- Co 1 GO A.M. Wilder, '48 30 Carter & Bros. '49 75 JI. S. J 'arsons G3 y1. Tompkins 75 Croibi/ <k J^. 14 Ciocker &: B. 1 00 Applet^n <fc Co. G3 Z. Cvlhij 38 Gould, K. & L. 1 25 S. & Swords, '50 63 C. Stimpson '44 75 Crosby d: iV. 15 JE. C. d' J. Biddle W. S. Mnriien, '50 75 Perkins & M. 75 Munroe <S: Co. 75 Apple ton d Co. 1 00 Gould, K. k L. 31^. firkins <fc Co. 25 jF. Lucas, Jr. 1828—1850.] CHR CLA. 19 Christian's Pocket Cabinet, 32mo d . . . 25 A. Phelps " Privnt:; Coin|iaiiiuii, coiit lining tlie "Da'ly Manna," and the " Vuiing Coiiiinuni- cant," gt 50 Gould, K. k L. Christianity Demonstratcid, by Rev. II. Newconib, 12 mo cl 75 " Christiauity and Slavery, a Rpview of Drs. Fuller and Wayland, on Slavery, by Rev. Win. Hague, 18ino pip . ■ . . . 13 " " " " Strictures on the Rev. Wm. II iLTUe's Review of Drs. Fuller and Wayland on SI iv( ry, by Rev. T. Mere- dith, 18 no |:ap . . 13 " Christixnity and the Church, by Riv. C. 0. Pise, cap 8.-.) cl gt . . . . . . . T5 cT". Murphy k Co. Bla;<som^ and Xew Years' Wreath fjr 1853, 18 nj cl ex 1 25 B iVer k Co. '50 " R>ses and Xmv Ye irs' Gift, cl ex . . 1 2j Phillips, S. k Co. « Sud)W3, a Tile uf the Poor Needle Wo- rn 'U, 12in)cl . . . . . 75 Strin'/er k T. " Tive, by M. II .wilt, 18no cl . . . 3S Fran is k Co '49 C!iri-ito;)her Tid_»ole, by A'b'it S iiit'i, pap . . 5J Strinjerk T. Ciiri.->t jph'r-r, R. L., Th ! Em^.ire State Book of Practi- cal Fo.ins Vlmi \y,\\) ' Q 25 C. M. SoL'ton, '49 Chrono-T.ierm il Pricticj (jf Med'ciuf, by S. Di^ksin 1 00 Lonj k Bro. Church Meinb.iV U md Book, a Guide to th ; Doc- trines and Pra.tlce of Ba])tist Churches, by Rev. W. Crow.ll, 18injcl 38 Gould, K. k L. '50 ! /' " M.mual of Ecclsia^tical Pr!neipl'S, Doctrines, and Disciplii'e, by W. Crowrll, r2ino cl . ^. . 90 " " STvice, variou-; size-; and pricv; ... S. k Swords " Polity, ur the Kin^d)Mi of Christ in its In- ternal and Extern il Dv.'velopnijnt, by Ruv. L. Reynolds ISni^ il . . . 50 Ilarrold k M. '40 " "Woin n of the Sv.Mit-enth Century, 8vo cl . 75 S. k Strords " The, in E;irne>t, by J. A. Janie-, 18nio cl . 50 Goild. K. k L. Church, E., French S.mken, sn ill 4Lo . . .1 25 E. H. Buller «£• Co. Churchill, F., on Diseises uf Infuits and Children, 8vo shp 3 00 Lea db B. '50 Churc'iinin's Heavenly Hours, 32m i cl ex . .0 38 S. <L- Swords Cicero's Or iti ms, with Engli.-h Notes, by C. Folsom, 12inj >h;) I 00 R. S. Davis Circa-;si,i, or a Tour to the Caucasus, I)y G. L. Ditson, 8vo cl 1 50 St-injer k T. City Cries, cl (color ,'d, 50c.) 38 G. S. AppLton Chum; (The) of Religion upon the Young, by Rev L. F. Diinm'ck, cl 20 C. Whipple. '35 Clannje, a Tile of our own Times, by M!s5 C. M. Sjdg.vick, 12mjcl ^ 1 25 G. P. Putnam, 'AO 20 CLA- C LO. [am. Clari(Tg^ R. T., The Cold Wator, T.-pid Wat.-r, and Friction Cnro, 12morI ..... Claik, Kov. J. A., Walk About Zion, 12mo cl . " J. V. II., Oiioudaiia ; or lii'niiniscenct'S of Ear- lier and Later Times, with Notices of T(jwn> in the County of Oswego, 2 V. 8vo cl Clark's Caesar, Svo slip ...... [Clarke, Sara J.], Greenwood Leaves, 12mo cl " Saniu '1, Scripture Promise-;, 64nio silk or mor Clarke's Prussian Calculator, 12ino slip Class Book of Nature, by John Frost *' " of Poetry, by Uart, 12moshp " of Prose, " " " « . . u K Q^ Prose and Poetry, Exercises in Parsing " " of Zooloi2y, by Prof. Jaeger, 18 mo . Classical Atlas, to Illustrate Ancient Geography, by Findlay, Svo hf r . " Reader, by Rev. F. W. P. Greenwood, 12mo " Speaker, by C. K. Dillaway, 12mo hf r " Studies, The Im])ortance of the Study of the Greek and Roman Classics, by V>. Sears, B. B. Edwards, and C. C. Felton, 12n,o cl Claxton, E. B., Questions on the Gospels, ISmo jiap . Clay, Henry, Biograi)hy of, by George D. Prentice Clement Lorimer, or the Book with the Iron Clasps, by A. B. Reuck ...... Clergy of America, Anecdotes illustrative of the Char- acter of, by Jas. Bekher, 12mo cl c Cleveland, C. D., Adam's Latin (jrammar c " " Anabasis of Xeiiophon, with Eng- lish Notes .... " " Compendium of English Literature, from Sir John Mandeville to Cow- per, 12ino r cl sides . " " Compendium of Grecian Antiquities " " Fii-st Lessons in Greek . " " " " in Latin . " " Hymns for Schools " " National Orator, Selections for Rhe torical Recitation, &c. . " " Sequel to First Le-sons in Latin c " 11. R., Sallust, English Notes, 12mo shp " N., Directory for Visitors to Greenwood ISmocl .... Clever Boys, 18mo cl . . . . . " Stories for Clever Boys and Girls, cl Clinton, De Witt, Life and Writings of, by W. W Campbell, Svo cl . Clissold, Rev. Augustus, Practical Nature of the Doc trines of Emanufl Swedenborg, 12mo cl. Clough, A. II.. The Bothie of Toper-ua-Fuosich, a Long Vacation Pastoral, 12 mo bds 75 ./. Wiiy, '49 75 Carter »k Bros. 4 00 Stoddard & B. '49 1 25 ThornoH, C. h Co. 1 25 Tkknnr d: Co. 56 ./. C. Riker bO E. Darrow 50 Belkri'tp k H. 75 Butler k Co. 75 15 R. S. Davis 42 Jjypleton, '49 3 75 Harper dc Bros. '49 75 R. S. Dm is 63 Gould, K. d' L. 1 25 Gould, K. k L. 13 S. k Swords, '50 /. J. Phelps, jV. Y. 25 Strincfer k T. '49 1 00 Lippincottk Co.'Ad W. Marshall d: Co. 1 00 HilUard, G. d' Co. 1 50 K C. d' J. Biddle mi Hard, G. L, d: W HiUiard, G. d Co. Cartir,H. k Co. '2 9 Newman k Co. '50 N. k J. White '32 Perkins^ M. k Co. 63 W. E. Dean 1 25 New York, '49 38 Gould, K. k L. 50 G. S. Appleton Baker k S. '49 Clapp, '39 63 J. Bartlett, '49 1828—1850.] COB— COL. 21 Cobb, L., 01,1 Spelling Book " New " " Old Juvenile Readers .... " New " .... Cochin, M., Instructions on the Prayers and Ceremonies of the Holy Sacrifice of the Ma>«, 12mo shp . Cod Liver Oil, The Three Kiiid> Considered, by L. J. Dejongh, with Appendix by Edward Carev, M. D., 12mo\l " . c Coffin, J. H., Conic Sections and Analytical Geometry, 8vo r cl sides ..... " Solar and Lunar Eclipses, 8vo r cl sides. Colburn, D. P. and Walton G. A., Fii-st Steps in Num- bers ......... Cole, Rev. G. W., Memoirs of, 12mo cl . " S. W., The American Fruit Book, 18mo cl Coleman, Rev. Lyman, An Historical Geography of the Bible, 12 mo r cl sides .... c ** L., The Antiquities of the Christian Church, 8vo " Rev. L., The Apostolical and Primitive Church, Popular in its Government and Simple in its Worship, 12mo cl Collegiate, School and Family History of England, by E. Farr, 12mo Collins, L., Historical Sketches of Kentucky, 8vo shp or cl . Colman, George, [the younger,] Poetical Works, 12mo Colonel De Surville, by Sue, |)ap .... Colt, John C, Bookkeeping, Teacher's and Clerk's Edi- tion ...... " Bookkeeping, School Edition, hf r. c Colton, J. C, Greek Reader ..... Columbian Drawing Book, by C. Kuchel, oblong 4to r cl sides ........ Colman, Henry, European Agriculture and Rural Econ- omy, from Personal Observation, 2 V. 8vo cl " " European Life and Manners, in Famil iar Letters to Friends, 2 v. 12mo d " " The Agriculture and Rural Economy of France, Belgium, Holland and Switzerland, 8vo cl . . . " Miss, The Ladies' C:\sket of Gathered Thoughts, 32mo cl e.\ . " " First Lesions in French, square 16mo cl. c " " Ladies' Vase of Wild Flowers, 32mo " " cl ex " Mrs., Innocence of Childhood, square cl c " " The Bridal Keepsake .... Colquohon, Lady, Life of, by Rev. Jas. Hamilton, 12mo cl. ....••. . Colton, Walter, Deck and Port, a Passage Via Cape Horn, and Three Years in California Various 75 F. Lucas, Jr. 90 Lee k B., '49 1 00 Collins (i: Bro. 1 50 20 Mussey & Co. 1 00 Hi/de «fe Lord C3 J. P. Jeicett, '49 1 25 E. H. Butler <fe Co. 2 50 Baker & S. 1 25 Gould, K. k L. 1 50 Gates, S. <fe Co. 2 50 J.A.<k U.P.James Philadelphia, '34 13 Stringer k T. 1 50 Nafis <fe Co. 1 00 1 50 Durrie ct P. 3 50 Belknap & H. 5 00 Little it B., '49 2 00 " 1 25 A. D. Phelps, '48 38 /. ^f. Aid en 50 J. W. Moore S8 J. M. Alden 50 Appleton. '50 38 K Darrow, '50 75 Carter «t Bros., '50 Barnes <k Co., '50 22 COL CON. [am. cat. Columbian Drawing Book, by W. V>. Shattuck, 2 p.arts, cacli ..... " " Curds, by W. B. Sliattuck, 3 Nos., cacli ..... Combo, A Treatise on the Physiological and Moral Management of Children, 18mo cl. " " Do. . . 12mo pap. 50c., cl " •' Do 18 mod " G., on the Constitution of Man, witli an .Addi- tional Chapter by the liev. J. A. Wurno, 12mo " " System of Plirenolo2:y, 12mo cl . Combination, by Charlotte EhzaU'th, ISino cl . Con)er, George N., Bookkeeping, Bvo cl Comic Songster, by W. E. Burton, 18mo cl Condy, John, English Grammar .... " Primer, gross ..... Commandment with Promise, by Author of Fir^t day of the Week, 16mo Common Maxims of Modern Infidelity, by Rev. II. A. Rowland, 12mo cl ..... . Communicant's Compf*ion, 32mo cl ex . Common -School Song Book, bv Asa Fitz, hf bd . Song>ter, by'G. J. Wel>b Companion for the Communicant, ]6mo . Compendium of English Literature, from Sir John Mandeville to Wm. Cowper, by Charles D. Cleve- land, 12morcl sides ...... c Complete Evangelist, edited by William BoUes, 12nio cl ..... . c " Farmer and Rural Economist, by T. G. Fessenden, 12mocl .... " Complete Farrier; or Horse Doctor, bds . Comstock, J. L., Conversations on Chemis.ry, 12mo sbp ...... " " Elements of Geology, hf mor . " " History of the I'recious Metals, " " 1 2mo cl * " " Natural History of Beasts hf r " " " of Birds hfr. " " " of Bird> and Beasts, cl . . . c " " Natural Phi'osophy, 12nio shp c " " Out'ines of I h\siology . Condie, D. F., Prattical Treatise on Diseases of Chil- dren, third edi:ion, Svo shp ..... Conference Hymns, by Rev. J. Dowling, 32mo do^. pap §1 80, hf bd, §2 40, cl or shp. Confess.ons of Sl Augustine, wiih a Sketch of His L.fe, 1 8.:io shp ....... Congregational Church Manual .... " Sinking Book, by Asa Fitz, hf bd oOc, cl « Tune Book, by L. Mason t J. G. Webb, 16mo .... n:> II. W. D<rbj d: Co. 25 " 38 Harper k Bros., M9 75 Fouler 6i W- GJ Phillips, S. k Co. 1.5 Ticknor & Co. 75 Harper <fc Bros, '49 45 M. W.Lndd 75 Tiippan, W. Sz M. 42 K>nj 30 Hunt k Son 4 50 '• Carter & B.os., '50 75 31 S.k Sirords 30 PA Hips, S. & Co. 30 J.n/cs, P.k Cn. A. E. Mdler, '46 1 50 38 8t 25 67 1 20 75 50 50 1 13 84 80 3 00 3 00 38 25 63 38 E. C. k J. Biddle Wm. Bdlcs k Co. Brooders k Co. Deivitt k D. W. J. Hamrsley Pratt, W.k Co.," 49 B Ihnnp k H.,'49 Pratt, W.k Co, '4 9 Lee k B., '50 E. II. Fletcher F. Lucas, Jr. H'lde k Lvrd Phillips, S. k Co. Tappan, W. k if. 1828—1850.] CON- COO. 23 Congregationalism, a Manual of, Including the Cam- bridge 1 1 ,ttorm iind Concision of, cl . Connec iciit, Cieuloiy of, l^y Penival. Cohqu jst of Ireland, an ll.sloric Tale, by J. Q. Adams, Itinio. ........ Conso'atio ; or Comfort for the Afflicted, with Notes by Rev. P. II. (jreen'eaf, r2mo cl. . . . Consolation for the Afflicted, containing the " Silent Couif jrter," and the " Attractions of Heaven," gt Constitution of Man, considered in relation to External 01)jects, 12'no pap 50c. cl .... Constitutional History of England, by Henry Hallam, 8^0 slip ....... Constitutions, The, of France, Monarchical and Repub- lican, l)y B. Roelker, 12ino cl . Consulate and Empire of Napoleon, by Thiers, 8vo . C.)iisurs D.iugliter, by l^irlcy, ISino cl ex 75c. cl Cjii^uinption Cural>le, by J. S. Rose, M. D., pap C.jiitriljutions t.) Ilerograpliy, r2ino cl . . . Conversation and Taiile Talk, gt e . Conversations on Chemistry, by J. L. Comstock, 12mo shp ...... " with Cousin Rachel, abridged, 18mo cl Convict's Child, by C. Burdett, 18 ;no cl . Cooke, Rev. P., llistorv of German Anabaptism, 12mo cl . . . ' Cook's Book, by Mrs. Ilale, pap .... Cooper, J. Fenimore, Afloat and Ashore, 4 v. pap " " liravo, 2 v. pap " " Chain bearer, " " " Crater, or Vulcan's Peak, 2 v. p " " Deer>layer, 2 v. pap " " Ileidenmauer " " " Headsman, " " Homeward Bound " « " Home as Found " " Jack Tier, or the Florida Reef, 2 V. pap .... " " Lion •! Lincoln, 2 v. pap " " List of the Mohicans, 2 v. pap " " Mercedes of Castile, 2 v. i)ap . " " Monikins, " " Ned Myers, 1 v. pap . " " I'ath Finder, 2 v. pap . " " Pioneers, " Pilot, " " " 1 v. 12 mod " " Prairie, 2 v. pap . « " liedskins « " Red Rover, " « " Sataiistoe, " " " Sea Lions, " " " Spy, " 50 Z?. Perkins & Co. 2 50 Author, t'j of State 38 N. Whiting 75 Murine & Co., '49 50 GouLl, K. & L. 75 Fowler & W. 2 25 Harper & Bros. 50 Munrop & Co. 1 50 C. &L Hirt 50 Nafis & C. 25 Dewilt & D. G3 E. Darrow, '50 25 G. S. Jppletm 61 W. J. Hammerdey 30 A. P. Burt 56 Bakiv & S. 15 B. Perkins & Co. 25 Zieber 1 00 Stringer d: T. 50 " 50 " 50 " 50 50 " 50 50 50 50 " 50 " 50 " 50 " 50 "V 25 " 50 " 50 " 50 " 1 25 G. P. Putnnm 50 Stringer & T. 50 " 50 " 50 50 " 50 " 24 COO- COX. [am. oat. Cooper, J. Fcnimore, Ppy, 1 v. 12mo cl " " 7\v(> Adminil.H, 2 v. pap " " Travcliii;^ Haclielor, « " Water Witch, " " Wi-pt of Wish- ton- wi.sli " " Win^r and Wing, " " Wyandotte, Copley, Mrs., Early Friendships, 18mo cl . Coqu ite, [The] or the History of Eli/a Wharton, 1 8mo slip . . . ■ . Coral Token, [The] or the Lovers of the Deep, a Tale in Verse, by E. A. McLaughlin, 12mo cl ex ^\ 50, cl gt Corinthian Maid, [The,] a Romance, by Dumas, pap . Corkran, J. F., History of the National Constituent Assembly, [France] from May, 1848, 12mo pap, TSf. cl ....... . Cornelius, Mrs. M. IL, The Young Housekeeper's Friend, 18mo cl ..... . Cornell, Rev. Dr., Sabbath made for Man, 18mo cl ex, 50c. cl Corner Stone, by .Jacob Abbott, 12 mo cl . Cornwall, B., Songs and. Other Small Poems, 16mo bds 7oc, cl. Corregio, a Tragedy, by Ochlenschalger, and Sappho, a Tragedy, hy (xrillparzen, 12mo cl . Cottage Garden of America, Dirt ction for the Culture of Flowers, Fiuit*, and Vegetables, by W. Elder, 12 mo, pap. 50c., cl . ... Cottages, and Cottage Architecture, by A. J. Down- ing, 8vo cl ...... . Counsels for the Afflicted, by Rev. Wm. Loughridge, 32mocl. Count Julian, or The Last Days of the Goth, 8vo pap. Countries [The] of Europe Described, by Author of Peep of Day ....... Course of Time, by Pollock, 18mo cl gt . Court and Reign of Francis the First, King of France, by Miss Pardoe, 2 v. 12mo el . . , Courtship and Marriage, gt e . Cousin lieoflrey, by T. Hook, 2 v. 12rao . Cowper, Wm., Poetical Works, 12mo cl ex, S2, cl " " *' 2 V. 16mo cl . . " " Works, comprising his Life, Letters, and Poems, edited by Rev. T. S. Griinshawe, Royal 8vo cl, $3, shp, |3 50, hf mor . • . . Cowper's Ta«k, 18mo cl or shp . . . , Cox, A. L., The Pathology and Treatment of Asiatic Cholera, pap ..... " Rev. F. A., Life of PhiHp Melancthon, 12mo cl . c Coxe, J. R., Refutation of Dr. Wm. Harvey's Claim to the L)iscovery of the Circulation of the Blood, 8vo hf cl 1 25 G. P. Putnam 50 Stiinrjir ii T. 50 .00 hO " 50 " 50 38 Apple Ion 75 C. Whipple, '24 1 25 J. C. Riker 25 Williams k Bro.'iQ 90 Harpers, '49 40 Tappan, W. 6c M. 33 Jas. French 80 Crocker d: B. 88 Ticknor & Co. 1 00 Phillips, S. & Co. 84 Moss & Bro., '49 2 00 /. Wiley. 25 W. S. Martien 50 Wm. Taylor, '46 75 G. S Applrton 45 J. & J. L. Gihon 2 00 Lea & B. '49 25 G. S. Apple ton Lea d- B. 1 25 Clark, A. & Co. Carter A: Bros. '49 4 00 " '49 38 Phillips, S. (t Co. 25 J. Wiley. '49 75 Gould, K. is, L. 1 50 J. G. Auner 1828—1850.] CRA- CYC. 26 Crater, The, or Vulcan's Peak, by Cooper, 2 v. pnp . Crayon Read ng Book, comprising Seleclions from the Writings i»f W. Irving, r2mo r d sides Crocker, Rev. Wm. G., Memoir of, by 11. B. Medbery, 18mo cl ....... Crocus, (The) a Gifc for the Holidays, edited by Mrs. S. J. Hale, 16mo cl ex, §1 25, cl . Croly, Rev. Geo., Select British Poets, 12mo cl ex, 81 75, cl c " " Salalhiel, a Story of, Present, atid Future, cl . Crosby, A., The Second Advent, or, "What do the Scriptures Teach respecting the Second Coming of Christ, 12 mo cl . c Crosstield, G., Memoirs of Samu.'l Fothergill, 8vo cl, $2, shp '^ . Crowell, W., The Church Member's Hand-Book, a Guide to thi3 Doctrines and Practice of Baptist Churches, ]8mo cl . c " " The Church Memb -r's Manual of Ec- clesiastical Principles, Doctrines and Discipline, 12mo cl . . . Crozet, C, Arithmetic ...... Cruise in a Whale lioat, pap ..... " of the Midge, " Crump, W. H., The World in a Pocket Book, 18mo cl Cullum, Geo. W., Description of a System of Military Bridges, vvlt'.i India-Kubber Pontons, 8vo cl Culprit Fay, and Other Poeras, by Joseph Rodman Drake, 8vo cl . Cumming, Rev. J., Christ Receiving Sinners, 18mo cl " " Is Christianity from God ? ISmocI Curiosities of Common Water, with Additions, by Joel /• Shew, pap ....... Curtis, N. M., The Marksmen of Monmouth,,a Tale of the Revolution, pap ..... [Curtis, Miss], Jesse's Flirtations, pap Curzon, Rob -rt, A Visit to the Monasteries of the Le- vant, 12 mo cl ...... Cushman, R. W., Lives of the Twelve Apostles, ISmo Cushmaii, Rev. R. W., A Pure Religion the World's only Hope, ISmo cl ..... c Cutter, C., Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene, 12mo c " " First Book in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene, 12mo . Cuyler, Rev. C. C, The Signs of the Times, 12mo cl . Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature, by J. Kitto, 2 v. " " " " with maps " of Modern Domestic Medicine, by K. Im- ray, with Additions by an American Physician, Svo cl, |3 50, shp 50 Stringer tk T. "75 G. P. Putnam '49 63 Gould, K. k L. 88 Dunigan k Bro. '49 1 25 Phillips, S. & Co. 75 J.A.& U. P. James 50 Crosbg <fe iV. '50 2 25 Collins & Bro. 38 Gould, K. <fe L. '50 90 38 25 50 50 2 00 1 00 30 A. Morris Stririger & T. Appleton, '49 '49 Van Nor den & K. Carter & Brot. '49 Af. W. Dodd, '49 25 Folder d: W. 25 25 1 50 45 31 1 13 56 75 6 00 1 50 L. Willard, '49 Harper <fe Bros. G. P. Putnam, '49 L. Colby L. Colhj Mussey (k Co. '49 '49 W. S. Martien Newman <fe Co. 4 00 Gates S. k Co. '49 26 DA U- DA Y. [am. D. D'Aubigiio, J. II. M('rlr\ TTistory of tho Reformation, of the Sixteenth Century, in Germany, Switzer- hind, itc, 8\o cl. $2 25, cl ex . Dahotali, or Life and Legends of tha Sioux, by Mrs. Eistni'in, 12ino cl ..... . Daily Bible Illustration^, by John Kitto, 4 v. r2mo cl c " ConimiMitary, by Henry, 12 no cl . " Duties, cont lining the "Bible and the Closet," and the " Family Altar," gt ... " Food, 13c. gt edgs " Service, The Ord.'rof. with the Mudcal Notations, as used in the English Cathedral and Collegi- ate Churches, <fec., &c., compiled by N. B. \V. cl ex, Si 2o, cl Dal^ Rev. T., Gold -n Psalm, IGmo cl . Dana, James D., Geology of the United States Exploring Expedition, 4to, with a Folio Atlas of 21 plates " Joseph, Liber Primus, or First Book of Latin Exercises, w'.th a Vocabulary, by C. K. D.llaway, 12mo slip " R. H., Poems and Prose Writing, 2 v. 12mocl Dangers and Duties, by Charlott3 Elizabeth, ISmo cl Daniel, Mrs. M., Th;' Cardinal's Daught 'r, pap . " " Jeremiah Park*, a Novel, pip . Dantes Liferno, a Literal Prose Translation, by Dr. Carlyle, 12mo cl Dark Scenes of History, by G. P. R. James, 12mo, pap, 75c. cl ...... . Darlington, Win., Memorials of John Bartrara and Humphry Marshall, Svo cl .... Darrow, E., Workman's Pocket Time Book 13c. to Davidson, D., Connexions of Sacred and Profane His- tory, Svo cl " Lucretia M., Poams, 12mo Margaret M., " " . . Davies, Charles, Grammar of Arithmetic . Davis, E., The Franklin Arithmetic . " N. S., A Text Book on Agriculture " Z. A., Freema-on's Monitor, 12mo cl Day (A) in the Woodlands, and Ellen of the Mount- ains, by Miss C. F. Orn?, 18mo pap c Day, C. M., Manual of Fasliion, 18mo cl ex, 63c. cl . " Henry N., EL>ment^ of the Art of Rhetoric, 12 mo shp ..... c " H. W., The Vocal S.hool, or Pestalozzian Method of Instruction in Vocal Music, cl . . . . . c " Jeremiah, An Examination of Edwards on the Will 3 00 John Ball, '50 1 00 ./. Wiby, '49 Carter i- Bros. '50 80 W. H. Cjlhjitr 50 Goul /, K. k L. 15 Sanborn <i; C. 1 00 Younj <k Hart, '4 6 Carter & Bros. '50 15 00 G. P. Putnam, '49 88 C. Stimpson 2 50 Baker k S. '50 40 M. W. Dodd 25 H. Long k Bro.'iQ 25 .1 1 00 Harpers, '49 1 00 '50 2 75 Lindsay (fe ^. '49 38 E. Darrow, '50 1 50 Carter k Bros. '49 75 Clark, A. & Co. 75 •' 30 A. S. Barnes k Co. 13 Merriam, C. k Co. S. S. k W. Wood 1 25 Davis k M. '43 10 Croohy k N. 38 J. M. Alden 75 IT. Skinner k Co. 50 Broadtrs k Co. 1 00 Durrie k P. 1828—1850.] BAY DEV. 21 Day, Jeremiah, Matbematic, Contain! nrj Mensuration, Navigation, and Surveying and Plane Trigonomt.-try . Dead Sea, Narrative of the Late E.\|)etl,tion to, by one of the Party, edited by E. P. Montague, 12 mo cl Dead Sea and Kiver Jordan, Narrative of the United States Expedition to,ljy W. S. Lynch, U. S. N. 8vo cl Dearbon, N., American Text-Book for making Letters, ollung 8vo hf r Debtor's Prison, (The) by Asa Green, 18 mo De Charms, Kit-hard, Sermons ilKistrating the Doc- trines of the New Jerusalem Church, 12mo cl Deck and Port, or Passage Via Cape Horn, and Three Years Residence in- California, by W. Colton c Decameron of Boccacio, 2 v. in ISmo cl . Deerrield Collection of Sacred Music, by S. Willard . Deeislaycr, The, by Cooper, 2 v. pap Deer Stalkers, The, a Tale, by Frank Forester, (E. W. Herbert), 12nio pap . , . . . Defence of Cathul'.c Principles, by Rev. D. A. Gallit- zen, ISmo tl . . . . . " of Phrenology, by Dr. A. Boardraan, 12mo pap, 5Uc. cl ..... De Fiva, A., Clas^ical French Reader, 12mo Dehone, Bi>hop, Life of, by Bishop Gadsden, 8vo " " Sermons, 2 v. 8vo . De Jongh, L. J., The Thrve Kinds of Cod Liver Oil, their Properties Considered, 12mo cl . De Kock, Paul, The Good Ft How, 12mo . c De Laporte, Frc^nch Speaking Exercises, 12mo hf r . " Key to French Exercsrs, 12mo hf r " French Speaking Exercises and Key, 12 mo hf r . . . . Democracy in America, by De Tocqueville, 8vo cl " in PVance, by M. (niizot, 12mo pap . Demosthenes' Orations, translated by Thos. Leland, 2 V. 18mo cl ...... . c Departed Sister, and Other Tales, by Rev. J. Alden, 18mo cl Dermot McMorrogh, a Poem, J. Q. Adams, 8v . Dermiit O'Brien, or the Taking of Tredagh, by IL W. llerbeit, pap ....... Deserters, by Charlotte Elizabeth, 18mo cl De Smet, P. J., History of the Oregon Missions,! 2mocl Desultoria, The Recovered Manusciipt of an Eccentric, 12mo De Tocqueville, Alexis, Democracy in America, 8vo cl Devotional Exercises of the Heart, by Mrs. Rowe, 24 mo cl ....... . Devotions to the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ, ISmo shp ...... Devout Communicant, by Rev. P. Baker, 24mo cl " Manual, (Catholic Prayer), 32mo shp u a « i. 24mo " 2 25 Durrie t P. 1 00 Carey d: Hart, '49 3 00 Lea & B. '49 1 50 Author, Boston " N. r., '37 Philadelphia, '40 A. S. Barries & Co. 1 25 S. Andrus & Son 38 ^. Phdps 50 Stringer & T. 50 Carei/ k Hart, '49 F. Lucas, Jr. 38 Yo 1 00 Foidrr & W. Apple ton (fe Co. A. E. Miller, '28 '21 90 Lea & B. '49 Carey k Hart, '37 63 Ticknor k Co. 50 " 1 00 2 50 25 Pratt, W.k Co. '48 AjypUon k Co. '49 85 Harper k Bros. 4 50 50 1 25 2 50 38 38 28 56 Gates, S. k Co. Carter k H. '32 Stringer k T. '49 M. U^ Dodd Dunigan k Bro. Baler k S. '50 Pratt, W. k Co.'48 W. S. Marlien F. Lucas, Jr. Dunigan k Bro. 28 DIJW- DOM. [am. cat. Dow of ITcavon, 32mo cl ox . ^ Diiimoml, 'Hk', aiul tin; I'earl, by Mrs. Gore, f ap l)iary of a rawnbrukcr. 8\o pap .... Dick Hokllioro, or a Tali; of Adventures in South Anu'iica, Ity railcy, 18mo cl ex, 75c. cl Dick, Ihonias, Coiii]ilrtc Works, 3 v. 8vo Lib. . '♦ " " " 2 V. Koyal 8vo .slip . " " Lectures on Theology, 8vo Lib. . Dickens, C, Christmas Tales, comprisiiifr 'I ho Haunted Man, Cricket on the. Hearth, The Chimes, etc.. tVc. 8vo cl . " " The Haunted xMan and the Ghost's Bar- gain, pap ...... c Dickinson, Rev. R. W., Scenes from Sacred History, or Religion Teaching by Example, 12 mo cl Differences between Old and New-School Presbyterians, by Rev. Lewis Cheeseman, Vlmo cl . Difficulties of Protestantism, by Rev. J. Fletcher, 12mo slip ........ Dimick, Rev. L. F., The Claims of Religion on the Young, cl . . . . " " Hints fur a New Year, cl . Dinnies, Mrs., The Floral Year .... c Disce Mori, Learn to Die, by C. Sutton c " Vi\ ere. Learn to Live, by " ... Discoveries and Adventure* by Sea and Land, selected from Chamber's Miscellany, r2mo cl gt Disci} hne, a Novel, by Mary iJrunton Ditson, G. L., Circassia, or a Tour to the Caucasus. 8vo cl Divine Breathings, 32mo cl ex Dix, John II., on the Nature and Treatment of Morbid Sen-ibility of the Retina, r2mo cl . . . Dixon, H. Howard, or the Prison World of Europe, a Biography, 12mo cl ..... Doctrinal Cat.chism, by Rev. S. Keenan, ISmo pap, 28c. hf cl, 3.5c. cl Dodd, J. B., Arithmetic " Rev. Wm., Lectures to Young Men, 24mo cl gt " " Life, Gems and Beauties of Shak- speare, 12mo mor, 83, cl ex $1 75, cl Doddridge, Phillip, Rise and Progress, 18mo cl gt Douin, Mad., French and English Primer, pap . Domestic Cookery, 18mo cl or shp .... " " by Elizabeth E. Lea, 1 2mo cl " Economy, Treatise on, by Miss C. E. Beech- er, 12nio cl . " Homoeopalhy, for Treatment of Children and Adults, by J. E|'ps " Humceopathy, and Rules for Diet and Regi- men, by E. C. Cliepnull, ISmo cl . " Portiaiture, by Rev. Legh Richmond, 12mo cl 31 S. k Swords 25 Long 6i Bro. '49 25 " '50 40 //. //. Ilavlnj k Co 5 25 CioulmuH k Co. 4 50 Il.S.kJ. Applegate, 2 50 J. A. k U. P. James 50 Harper k Bros. '49 06 Harper k Bros. '49 1 00 Carter k Bros. lb E. D arrow 50 F. Lucas, Jr. 20 C. Whipple'Zb 13 4 00 Mussey k Co. 75 Appletcn k Co. 75 75 Gould, K. k L. 90 E. C. Biddle 1 50 Stringer k T. 31 Merrill k H 75 Ticknor k Co. '49 1 00 Carter k Bros. '49 56 Dunipan k Bro. 45 Pratt, W. k Co. 63 W. A. Lcary 1 25 Philips, S. k Co. 50 W. A. Lcary 10 iY(7/is <fe C. 50 " 75 Cushing k Bro. '46 75 Harper k Bros. 75 0. Clapp 50 IT. Badde, '49 75 Carter k Bros. '49 1S28— 1850.] BOM—D JIM. 29 Domestic Practice of Hydropathy, by Edward John son, 12mo cl .... Don Juan, by Lord Byron, 12mo cl gt Dorsey, Mrs. A. H., Flowers of Love and Memory Poems, 12rao cl gt c " " Sistt-rs of Charity, 2 v. ISmo cl " " Tears on the Diadem, cl " " The Oriental Pearl, or the Cath- oHc Emigrants, 32mo cl, 25c cl ex . Douay Bible, imperial ^\6 mor ex $10, im. %b C2, shp " Testament, ISmo cl, 35c. shp " Bible, royal Svo im. gt e, 83 75, shp c Dover Selection of Hymns, shp Dover, Lord, Eminent Sovereigns of Europe, ISmo cl or shp ....... Dowager, The, or the New School for Scandal, by Mrs Gore, pap ...... Dowling, Rev. J., Conference Hymns, 32mo doz. pap $1 80, hf bd, $2 40, cl or slip c Downing, J., Major, &c.. Letters on Pohtics, &c., by [C. A. Davis], 12mo cl . " Major Jack, Original Letters on Politics, (fee, by [Seba Smith] 12 mo Doyle's Ready Reckoner for Timber, Wages, Interest, &c., pap ....... Drake, J. R., The Culprit Fay, and Other Poems, Svo cl . . . .' . Draper, Rev. B. H., Conversations of a Father with His Son, on Some Leading Points in Natural Philosophy, to Illustrate the Perfections of the Deity, square ...... Drawing-Room Scrap Book, Edited by Amelia W Lawrence, with Twenty Illustrations, 4to cl ex Dreamer, The, and Worker, by Jen-old, pap Dreamer's Own Book, ]8mo, bds Drury, A. II., Friends and Fortunes, cl c Duchatelet, A. J., Prostitution in Paris, Considered Morally, Politically, and Medically, 18mo cl Duganne, A. J. 11., Knights of the Seal, pap " " Secret Gift, pap . The Two Clerks, pap . Duggan, George, Specimens of the Stone, Iron, and Wood Bridges, Viaducts, Tunnels, Culverts <itc., of the United States Railroads, Illustrated by a Series of Drawings from Actual Measurement, to be Completed in about 12 monthly parts, folio per part ....... Dumas, Alex., Edmond Dantes, Svo pap . " " Fernande, or the Fallen Angel " " The Count of Monte Christo, 2 v. " " The Corinthian Maid, a Romance, pap " " Memoirs of a Physician, 2 v. 1 25 J. Wileij '49 1 25 W. A. Leary \ 2o J. Murphy & Co. 84 Dunigan & Bro. 42 38 /. Murphy k Co. 3 75 Dunigan iz Bro. 42 " 1 67 " 38 Barrington & H. 50 Goodman & Co. 25 H. Long & ^ro. '49 3 00 E. H. Fletcher Ifarpers, '34 For Hand, Me. '33 25 F. M. Dewey 1 00 Van X. «fc King, '47 45 John Ball '49 3 50 A. Hart, '50 25 Stringer k T. 1 5 Nufis k Co. 75 Appletun <fe Co., '49 50 Broader s & Co. 38 Colon (fe Adriance Medding <fc Co. 75 Authtn-, N. F., '50 ^0 G. W. Noble, '49 50 Stringer and T. 1 00 " 25 Williams & Bro. 1 00 Stringer <k T. 30 D UP ELE. [am. cat. Du Ponceau, Peter, A Dissertation on the Nature and Character of tlie Chinese System of Writing, 8vo Duval, Emma, S|)irit-(Jullure, or the Year Before Con- firmation, l8mosliporcl . . . . . c Dyer, S., Anthems, Set Pieces, Odes and Choruses, 8vo hf bd . c " " Choruses, Solos, Ducts, and Recitatives, 4 to hfbd c " " Selections of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Bvo hfbd " " Voice of Nature, and Thoughts in Pthyme, 12 mod ...... Dyspeptic Monitor, by S. W. Avery, 12mo Am.riiiVr'ilSo. 42 J. Fullerlon, '50 1 75 /. G. Auner 1 88 " 88 " 15 T. R.Nthon, '49 50 E. Bliss, '30 Eager, S. W., History of Orange County, N. Y., 8vo cl Eaily Conflicts of Christianity, by W. 1. Kip, 12mo cl c Early English Church, Ilibtury of, by Rev. E. Churton, 12mo cl Earth, The, and Man, Lectures on Comparative Phys- ical Geography, by A. Guyot, Translated by C. C. Felton, 12mocl East, [The,] Sketches and Travels in Egypt and the Holy Land, by Rev. J. A. Spencer, 8vo cl . Eastman, Mrs., Dalicotah, or Life and Legends of the Sioux, 12mo cl . Echoes of Inlant Voices, 16mo cl gt. . . . Economical Housekeeper, and Family Receipt Book, 12mo Eddy, Rev. A. D., Christian Citizen, 12mo cl . " " D. C, Ministers of the Olden Time, 12mo cl " " " The Young Man's Friend, r2mo cl. Edgeworth, Maria, Early Lessons, 4 v. cl . " " Moral Tales, 18 mo cl . . « " Popular Tales, ISmocl . * " " Oilandino ; a Story of Self-Denial, ISmocl Edmond, A. M., The Broken Vow, and Other Poems, cl Edmond Dautes, l)y Dumas, 8vo pap Education, Founded on the Nature of Man, by Dr. Sjiurzheim, 12mo pap 50f., cl . c Edwards, B. B., Biograj hy of Self- Taught Men, 2 v. cl " Monroe, Life and Adventures of, pap . Eichorn, C, German Grammar, 12mo Eighteen Hundred and Twelve ; or Napoleon's Invasion of Russia, by L. Rellstab, 8vo .... Elder, W., The Cottage Garden of America, Direc- tions for the Culture of Flowers, Fruit, and Veg- etables, 12mo pap 50c., cl gt . Electrotype Manij ulations, by C. V. Walker, 18mo cl . Elements of Algebra, 12mo. ..... H. S. Banks, '47 75 Apple ton & Co., '49 7 5 Apple ton 125 Gould, K. (t L., '49 G. P. Putnam, '50 1 00 J. Wilfy, '49 63 Crosby 6i N. 25 S. A. Hoivland 50 Baker and S. 1 00 N. L. Dayton 75 2 00 Francis k Co. 75 G. S. Appltton 75 " 38 Gould, K. k L. 1 50 50 G. W. Noble, '49 75 Fowler k W. 80 Perkins k Co. 25 If. Long d: Bro. 1 00 Appleton k Co., '49 50 Stringer and T., '49 84 Moss k Bro., '49 63 C. k Hart 84 H. C. Peck 1828—1850.] ELE- ■EMP. 31 Elements of Algebra, Key to, 12 mo. " Geometry, 12 mo ..... Elementary Treatise on Mechanics, by A. W. Smith, 8vo cl Si 50, shp Ehot, Samuel, The Liberty of Rome, a History, with an Historical Account of the Liberty of Ancient Na- tions, 2 V. 8vo el . Ellen Seymour ; or the Bud and the Flower, by Mrs. S. Shepherd, 12mo cl . . . . . Ellet, Mrs. E. F., Evenings at Woodlawn, 12mo cl " " ' Family Pictures from the Bible, 12mo cl ex |1 25, cl . " " Scripture Gift Book, 8vo, illustrated inor $5, im S3 50, cl ex Ellis, Mrs., Fireside Stories, 18mo cl . " " Hearts and Homes, 2 parts pap. " " Housekeeping Made Ii^asy, pap , " The Mothers of England . c Embury, Mrs. E. C, Glimpses of Home Life; or Causes and Conssquences, 12mo cl ex §1 50, cl . " " The Waldorf Family, or Grand- father's Legends Emerson, B. D., First Class Reader . " Second " Third " " Fourth " " " National Spelling Book " " Intruduction to National Spelling Book, doz ..... " " Outlines of Geography and History . " F., North American Arithmetic, part 1 {( (( II, U 1 (I u (c u 2 <( (( <( u 2 <( (( (( a Q " Key to part 2 and 3 . " " 2 and 3 ... . " " Que>tions Adaiited to Part 3, by W. D. Swan, doz. " R. W., Rssays on Representative Men, 12mo cl . . . . " " Nature ; Addresses and Lectures, 12mocl. . . . . Emigrant's and Citizen's Manual, by Warner Eminent Sovereigns of Europe, by Lord Dover, 18mo cl or shp ........ c Emmons, Rev. Nathaniel, Complete AVorks, G v. 8vo shp. . . . Empire City, [The,] or New York by Night and by Day, by G. Lippard, pap . " State- Book of Practical Forms, by R. L. Chris- topher, 12mo pap Y5 H. C. Peck 75 1 75 Harpers, '49 4 50 G. P. Putnam, '49 15 J. W. Moore, '50 1 00 Baker & S., '49 Y5 G. P. Putnam, '49 3 00 " 75 Appleton <fe Co., '49 1 00 13 Stringer and T. 75 Hunt «k Son 1 13 J^. a Riker 1 13 50 Hogan & T. 31 20 " 1~2 20 Jenks, P. & Co. 1 20 " 34 " 1 1 Hngan <fe T. 1 1 Jenks, P. & Co. 33 33 Horjan k T. 75 Jenks, P. (k Co. 30 30 Hogan «fe T. 1 00 Jenks, P. <k Co. 1 00 Phillips, S. & Co. 1 00 Afunroe k Co., '49 50 C. M. Sax ton 50 Goodman <fe Co. 15 00 Crocker «k B. 50 Stringer k T. 25 C. M. Saxton, '49 82 ENC- EVA. [am. Encyclopfedia of M.ichinM, Mochnnic^ and Engineering, by O. IJyiru', Tiilili-^liin:; in Nos.. each " of SiiiMici', LitijraUirf, ami Art, hy W. T. lirando, royal H\o slip England, Bishop, Explanition of the Construction, i'liiniturc, and Ornaments of a Churcii. etc., &c. 12mo cl . " " Letters on Slavery, 8vo cl « " The Works of. Edited by Rt. Rev. Bishop Reynolds, 5 v. royal 8vo cl 810, lib c England, History of, by J. Lingard, 13 v. 12mo cl " " From the Invasion of Julius Ctesar to the Abdicat'oi of James II., 1688, by David Hume, 6 v. 12mo, per vol cl 63c., shp , " Pictorial History of, 4 v. 8vo cl . " The Constitutional History of, by Henry Hallam, 8vo shp ..... England's Reformation, a Poem, by Thomas Ward, 18mo cl ....... . English Latin Lexicon, by Riddle and Arnold, royal 8vo shp ....... *' Opium Eater, Confessions of an, cl " Pulp'.t, [The,] a Series of Discourses by the Living Divines of England, 8vo cl . Enoch Crosby, a Tale of the Revolution, 18mo cl Eolian Songster, 18mo cl Epidemics of the Middle Ages, namely, the Black Death and Dancing Mania, fi-om the German of J. F. C. Ilecker, Svo hf shp . Epps, J., Domestic Homoeopathy, for Treatment of Children and Adults ..... Errors of Physicians and Others, in the Apphcation of the Water Cure, by C* H. Rausse, pap Erskine, Rev. R., Gospel Sonnets, 16mo cl " " Practical Works, 8vo Lib. Eskdale Herd Boy, 18ino cl Espy, J. P., Philosophy of Storms . , Esther De Medina, or the Crimes of London, by Rey- nolds, 2 v. pap ...... Etiquette for Gentlemen, gt e . " " Ladies, " " " " 32rao cl ex Etymological Dictionary of the French Language, by J. Oswald, 12 mo hf r European Agriculture and Rural Economy, from Per- sonal Observation, by H. Colman, 2 v. 8vo " Life and Manners, in Familiar Letters to Friends, by Henry Colman, 2 v. 12mo cl Eustachius, an Episode on the First Ages of Christian- ity, 18mo cl ...... . Evans, John, History of All Christian Sects and De- nominations, pap .... 25 Appleton & Co. 4 00 Harpers 1o F. Lncan, Jr. 50 J. Murphy 6i Co. 12 GO 12 03 Dunigan & Bro. Yo PkilUps, S. & Co. 14" 00 Harpers 2 25 Harper & Bros. 50 F. Lucas, Jr. 3 00 Harper & Bros., '49 50 Ticknor ii Co. 1 50 Carter <£• Bros., '49 Zl S. Andreics <k Son 35 J.A.k U. P. James 1 00 Barrington k H. 75 Otis Clapp 25 Folder «fe W. 1 00 Carter & Bros. '49 2 50 /. J. ik U. P. James 42 Crosby k N. 3 00 Mussey & Co. 1 00 Stringer & T. 25 G. S". Appleton 25 30 J. & J. L. Gihon 1 25 E. C. & J. Biddle 5 00 Little k B. '49 2 00 " '49 38 i^. Lucas, Jr. 38 Stringer & T. 1S28— 1850.] E VA — FAM. S3 Evans, J. H., Spirit of Holiness .... Evanson and Maunsell on the Management and Dis- eases of Ciiildren, edited by D. F. Condie, Bvo slip ........ Evelyn, or a Heart Unmasked, by Anna Cora Mowatt, 2 V. pap ........ Evening Exercises, by Wni. Jay, 12 mo cl Evenings at Woodland, by Mi-s. E. F. Ellet, 12mo cl . c Everest, C. W., The Poets of Connecticut, Bvo cl ex, 84, cl gt, S3, cl c Everts, Rev. W. W., The Pastor's Hand-Book, mor . and Wyckoff, W., Scripture School Reader ........ Every Man His Own Lawyer, or the Clerk's and Mag- istrate's Assistant, 12mo shp .... Example, The, of Washington, by Rev. J. Alden, 18mo cl . Excursion, The, a Poem, by Wm. Wordsworth, 12rao cl Executors', Administrators', and Guardians' Guide, by D. Wright, 12mo Law shp .... Exmouth, Admiral, Life of, by E. Osier, 12mo . c Explanation of the Book of Common Prayer, by T. L. Plowman, 18mo cl 45 M. W. Dodd 1 To Barrington <fe H. 50 Zicher d- Co. '45 75 Carter <fe Bros. 1 00 Baker k S. '49 2 50 Gales, S. 6i Co. 60 Z. Colbi/ 84 Kafis (t C. 1 50 W)n. Wilson 38 M. W. Dodd 1 00 Francis & Co. '49 1 50 Derbi/, M. k Co. 1 00 Wm. Jackson, '35 4 38 S.& Swords, '50 F. Fables of Flora, 3 2 mo cl ex 38 Merrill & H. Facts in the Life of a Clergyman, by C. B. Taylor, 12 mo cl . . . . . . . . 75 *S. <fe Swords c Fairy Ring, a Collection of Popular Tales, from the German, by J. E. Taylor, ISmo cl . . 1 00 (7. & ffart, '50 " Tales, by Parley, 18mo cl ex, 75c. cl . . 50 Kofis & C. " " of All Nations, by A. R. Montalba, small 8vo pap 70c. cl, 88c. cl gt e " of the Stream, and other Poems, by C. M. Farmer, 12 mo ...... Familiar Lectures on Botany, by Mrs. Phelps, 12mo shp ..... " " Chemistry, by Mrs. Phelps, 12mo shp 75 " " Natural Philosophy, by Mrs. Phelps, 12mo shp . . 75 " Lessons on Phrenology, pap, 50c. cl . . 75 " " Physiology, jia]), 25c. cl . . 38 Family at Home, by G. Abbott, rimo cl . . .0 80 " Altar, or, The Duty, Benefits, and Mode of conducting Family Worship, miniature gt . 31 " Discourses, iiy Win. Jay, 2 v. ISnio shp . 1 00 " Kitchen (JarJener, by R. Buist, r2mo cl . 75 " Medical Library, by J. G. Norwood, 8vo shp . 4 00 c *' Nurse, by Mrs. Child, cl, 50c. hf cl . . 42 6 1 00 Harpers, '49 75 Harrold & if. '48 1 25 Huntington &: S. Fowler (fe W. Jenks. P. t Co. Gould, K. <k L. Barrimiton &i H. J. C. Biker J.A.& U.P.James Jinks, P. 6i Co. 84 FAM- FJN. (am. cat. Family riiysician, by W. Beacli, 8vo shp " rovvor, by S. 'J\ Sjtcar, 18ino Fanny, by F. (r. Ilalleck, 12nK) cl " and Ilcir Mamma, cl ex, G3r. cl Farewell Tales, by Mrs. Ilofland, 18mo cl ex, 75c. cl . Farley, Harriet, Shells from the Strand of the Sea of Genius, 12 mo cl ..... . Farmer, C. M., The Fairy of the Stream, and o\\u-r Poems, 12mo ....... Farmer's Assistant and Dictionary, by I>. 1'. 'hardener, Bvo slip ...... " Barn Hook, 12mo cl " Book of the Seasons, pap .... " Companion, by Jesse Buel, 12mo cl " Instructor, by " " 2 v. ISmo hf shp Farr, E., Colleuiat-', School, and Family History of England, 12mo . . . . . " Jonathan, Child's Duties and iJevotions, 16mo . Fascination, or the I'hilosophy of Charming, (Magnet- ism), pap, 40c. cl Fashion, or, History of Siska Von Roosemael, by Hen- drick Conscience, edited by Miss A. C. Lynch, 18 \ mo cl . . , Fashionable Puzzle, by E. Williams, 24mo Father Abbot, or the Home Tourist, by W. G. Simras " Matthew, Life of, by J. S. Henshaw, 32rno cl " Oswald, a Catholic Story, 18rao cl . " Rowland, a North American Tale, 18mo cl Father's Legacy to His Daughters, by Dr. Gregory, cl Feasts of the Tabernacle, a I'oem, by H. Ware, Jr. Feats on the Fiord, a Story of Norway, by H. Marti neau, 8vo pap ..... Felt, J. B., Annals of Salem, Mass., 2 v. 12mo cl Felton, C. C, The Clouds of Aristophanes " J. B., The Horse Shoe, a Poem, 12mo bds Female Bluebeard, by Sue, pap Fenelon on the Education of a Daughter, 18mo cl Ferguson, A., History of the Roman Reiiublic, 8vo c " Ann, The Young Lady, 32mo cl ex « F., " " Man, " " Fernande, or the Fallen Angel, by Dumas, pap c Fessenden, T. G., The Complete Farmer, and Rural Economist, 12mo cl . Fibbleton's Travels in America, by Asa Green Field Artillery, Uoi-se and Foot, Instructions for, 1 2mo cl Field, J. T., Poems, 12mo cl . " R. S., The Pronncial Courts of New Jersey, with Sketches of the Bench and Bar, 8to Fielding, Henry, Select Works, 8vo cl Fife Instructor, by E. Howe, Jr. Finney, C. G., Guide to the Savior, 16mo cl " " Systematic Theology, 2 v. Bvo shp §2 25, cl . ^ . 5 00 J. McAIhler 25 Leamlt, T. tt 6'o.'48 1 13 Harper <k Bros. 50 G. S. Appleton 60 Najis 6i C. 88 Munroe d: Co. '47 75 Harrold k M.'A^ 1 75 Harycr (t Bros. 1 25 W. A. Leary <k Co. 50 Stratton k B. 75 Harpers 1 00 " 1 50 Gates, S. db Co. 50 Munroe & Co. 76 Fowler k W. 42 Dunigan k Bro. '49 Betts d- A. '35 25 A. F. Miller, '49 31 /. C. Biker 50 /. Murphy 38 F. Lucas, Jr. 20 Merrill k H. 20 /. Owen 25 F. Littell W. k S. B. Ives;i5 1 00 Geo. Nichols 50 J. Bartlett, '49 25 Stringer k T. 50 J. Murphy 1 50 Carter k Bros. '49 38 iV. L. Dayton 38 50 Stringer k T. 84 Brooders k Co. Wm. Pearson, '35 1 50 Jas. Robinson, '45 63 Ticknor k Co., '49 Bartlett d- W., '49 1 25 Zea d- B., '49 50 Phillips. S. k Co. 38 J. M. Fitch 2 00 1828—1850.] FIN- FLE. 36 Findlay's Classical Atlas, to Illustrate Ancient Geog- raphy, 8vo hf r. Fireside Fairies, by Miss Pindar, ISmo cl . " Harmony, a Collection of Glees and Part Songs, by Wm. Mason .... " Stories, by Mrs. Ellis, ISmo cl . . . " Story ]^ook, ISmocl . . . . " Tales, l)y Mary Howitt, ISmo cl . First Lessons in French, by Miss Culniau, square 16mo cl " " on Chemistry, by R. W. Green " Steps in Numbers, by D. P. Colburn and G. A. Walton Fish, and Fishing-Book of the United States and Brit- ish l^rovinces of N. America, by II. W. Her- bert, 8vo cl. ..... . Fish, Rev. H. C, The liaptist Scriptural Catechism, vol. 1 5c. vol. 2 bds . . . , . Fisher, Richard S., A Book of the World, being an Ac- count of all Republic*, Empires, Kingdoms, and Nations, 2 vol. royal 8vo Fisk, Professor A., The Last of the Mutineers, or History of Pitcairn's Island .... " Prof., Greel^ Grammar, 1 2mo . , . . " " Young Peter's Tour Around the World, 16rao cl ..... . Fitch, G. W., Chorography for Learners in Geogra- phy, 4to . . . . " " Youth's Mapping Book, being an In- • troduction to Chorography for Learn- ers in Geography, 8 vo . " S. S., Lectures on the Use of the Lungs, 12mo cl Fitz, Asa, American School Song Book " " Congregational Singing-Book, hf bd 50c., cl " " Common School Song-Book " " New Primary School Song-Book " " Sabbath-School Minstrel .... Fitzgerald & Hopkins, or Scenes and Adventures in a Theatrical Life, by N. H. Moore, pap . Five Years of Youth, or Sense and Sentiment, by H. Martineau, ISmo cl gt . Flatbush, L. Island, History of the Town of, by T. Strong, 12mo ....... Fleetwood's Life of Christ and His Apostles, 12mo cl ex $1 75, cl Flemming, Rev. R., Georgia Pulpit .... " " John's Baptism . , . . Flemming <fe Tibbins' French and English, English and French Dictionary, royal 8vo slip ..... " " French and English, English and French Dictionary, abridged, 12 mo shp . 3 Yo Har-per k Bros, '49 75 Apple ton & Co., 49 84 Tappan, W. & M. 75 ylppli'ton &' Co., 49 50 G. S. Applet on 38 Fraitris a- Co. 50 J. W. Moore 20 H. C. Peck 20 Mussey & Co. 2 50 Stringer & T., '49 13 E. H. Fletcher 5 00 /. B. Colton, '49 38 B. Perkins & Co. 90 B. S. Davis 38 Gates & Co. 1 00 A. M. Wilder, '48 4 50 " 50 H. Carlisle, N. Y. 20 Reynolds & Co. 63 Phillips, S. <fe Co. 30 15 Reynolds <fe Co. 15 Phillips, S. <fe Co. 50 ,S^. G. Sherman, '47 50 Crosby & N. Nero York, '42 1 25 Phillips', S. <fc Co. 2 00 ff. K. Fill/son. '47 35 W. C. Richards, '49 5 00 Butler it Co. 1 25 " S6 FLE- FOS. [am. cat. Flemish Talcs, by Tlondric Conscionco, Edited by Miss A. 0. Lyncli, Kimo el ox 81 25, cl . Fletcher, Rev. J., DifKculties of J'njtestantism, 12mo slip ...... " " Letters, Editod by Rev. Melville Ilurne, 12mo cl . . . " " Spirit of Religious Controversy, 18mo shp .... Flirtation in America, by by Seatsfield, pap Floral Alburr., cl ...... . " Gem for All Seasons, 10 Colored Plates, 4to cl ex ....... . " Gems, or the Songs of the Flowers, by Mrs. J. Thayer, 32mo cl ex c " Wreath of Autumnal Flowers, by Mrs;. Southey, 32ino cl ex Flora's Interpreter, Edited by Mrs. Hale, 12mo cl ex . " " " " 4to . Flower Garden, The, by Charlotte Elizabeth, 18mo cl. c " Vase, 32mo cl ex . Flowers of Fable, from the Best Authors, 12mo cl 75c., clgt " of Love and Memory, Poems, by Mrs. Dorsey, 12moclgt ...... " of Piety, [Catholic Prayer,] 32mo 28c. to " " " " 48mo 21c. to " for Children, by Mrs. Child, square cl . Foa, Mad. E., Le Petit Robinson, ISmo cl . c FoUeu, Mrs. E. L., Hymns, Songs, and Fables, cl gt . " " Poems, 16 mo cl . " " Sketches of Married Life, 16mo cl . Following of Christ, by Thomas a Kempis, 18mo cl . Fool of Quality, by Brooke, 2v. ISmo pap. c Foote, Rev. W. II., Sketches of North Carolina, His- torical and Biographical, 8vo cl " " Sketches of Virginia, Historical and Biographical, 8vo cl . Footsteps of Messiah, The, by Rev. W. Leask, 12mo cl Forest Sanctuary, and Other Poems, by Mrs. Hemans, cl ex Forget-Me-Not, or Philipena, by Mrs. Lunt, 32mo cl ex " " a Gift for all Seasons. " " Songster, r gt c Forster, John, Lives of Celebrated Statesmen of Eng- land, 8vo cl ...... , Fort, T., Practice of Medicine Foster, Bookkeeping by Single Entjy, bds . Double " cl . " New York by Gas Light, pap 25c., cl " James. The Obligations and Duties of the Mar- ried State, 12mo cl " John, Letters to a Young Clergyman on the Duration of Future Punishment, pap . 88 Dunigan <k Bro. '49 50 Z'. Lucas Jr. Lane & Scotl, '49 50 F. T^ucas, Jr. 25 Berford k Co. 1 50 Green & Spencer 5 00 Nafis k C. 50 Jas. French. 38 /. M. Aid en 2 00 MuHsey k Co. 4 50 50 M. W. Dodd 38 Merrill k H. 1 00 Harpers, '49 1 25 /. Murphy k Co. 1 67 Dunigan k Bro. 1 50 '' 88 Francis k Co. 60 H. Longstreth, '46 38 Crosby kN. 50 " 75 50 i^. Lucas, Jr 50 U. P. James, '39 2 00 R. Carter, '46 2 25 W. S. Martien, '49 ,1 25 1 00 Francis k Co. 38 y. L. Dayton 1 75 Najis k C. 25 " 2 00 Harper k Bros, '47 4 00 Milledgeville, Ga. 38 Jas. French 1 00 50 Dewitt k D. 44 S. Andrews k Son 25 Phillips, S. k Co, 1828—1850.] FOS FRA 87 Foster, Mrs., Hand Book of European Literature, 12mo cl c Fothergill, Samuel, Memoirs of, by Geo. Crossfield, 8vo cl $2, shp " or the Man of Enterprise, by J. A. Spring, P'-^P , • Four Gospels, by Rev. F. P. Kendrick, 8vo cl . " " Arranged as a Practical Family Com- mentary, by Author of " Peep of Day," 8vo Four Months Among the Gold-Finders in Cahfornia, by J. T. Brooks, 8vo pap .... Four Old Plays, with an Introduction and Notes, by [F.J. Child] 12mocl .... Fourier, Charles, The Life of, pap Fowie, W. B., Geography and Atlas . " Athis Fowler, 0. S., Hereditary Descent, its Laws and Facts " " Applied to Human Improvement, 12mo cl " " Intemperance and Tight Lacing, Con sidered in Relation to the Laws of Life, 8vo pap. . . . . " " Memory and Intellectual improvement, AppHed to Self- Education, 12mo cl . " " Self-Culture and Perfection of Character, 12mo cl . . . . , Fox, George, Life of, by Jonah Marsh, 12mo cl . " Rev. J., Book of Martyrs, 4to shp ex . " " Do. Do. 8vo cl $2, shp " " Do. Do. in German, 54 Plates, shp and clasp . . . . . " Maria, Memoirs from Her Journal and Corres- pondence, 8vo cl . " Rev. T. B., Acts of the ApcSstles, 18mo cl . '* " Allegories and Christian Lessons for Children, 18 mo cl . . . c " " Ministry of Christ, 18mo cl Fragments of Time, 32mo cl . Francis the First, King of France, The Court and Reign of, by Miss Pardoe, 2 v. 12mo cl Francke, H., Theory and Practice of Hydropathy, 12 mo cl ....... . Fraiik Forrester, (H. W. Herbert), F'ish and Fishing Book of the United States and British Province.s of North Amer- ica, 8vo cl . " " (II. W. Herbert), The Deer Stalkers, pap Frank Worthy, by Mrs. Hughs, square cl . Franklin Arithmetic, The, by E. Davis Franklin, Benjamin, Autobiography of, 8vo cl . 1 00 Lea <fe B., '50 2 25 Collins & Bro. 25 Stratton k B. 2 50 Dunigan <fe Bro. 2 00 Appleton, '49 25 1 75 Geo. Nichols, '47 1 00 JDeiintt & D. 63 R S. Davis 40 15 F.&; Wells, '48 13 " 75 75 1 50 ^. Longstreth, '48 5 50 i/. <fe J. L. Gihon 2 50 E. Hunt 2 50 W. G. Mentz 2 2o H. Longstreth, '47 25 Crosby <fe iV. 38 " 50 " 25 Wm. Wilson 2 00 Lea d- B. '49 15 J. Wiley, '49 2 50 Stringer it T. 50 C. (fc Hart, '49 33 Lindsay k B. 13 Merriam, C. & Co. 2 50 Harpers, '49 {j 38 FRA Fit U. [am. cat. Franklin, Benjamin, Lift^ and tssays, IHinoshp . Fnizoe, Kov. li., iMiLflisli <iraiiiiiiar, on tliii iiuluctive System, I'lmo lit" \A . . . . , Fremont, Col. J. (■., Exploring Expedition through the Rocky Mountains, < )rcgon, and California, 1 2mo cl French, B. F., Historical ColU'cti(;ns of LcnuNJana, 8vo cl ...... " J. System of J^ractical Penmanship . French Revolution of 1848, History of, by Lamartine, Translated by F. A. l)urivage and W. S. Chase, 2 parts, 12mo )iap, 50c. 1 V. cl " " History of, by Thiers, 4 v. cl " « " " " 2 vol. no plates, cl « " " " " 2v.nopl'ts cl bks . " Wines and Politics, or Charles and Antoine, by H. Martineau, 18mo cl . . . . French and English Primer, by Madame Douin, pap . Friends and Fortunes, by A. H. Drury " in Council, a Series of Readings, 12mo cl Friendship's Oftering, for 1850, 12mo im . " Token, 3 2 mo cl ex c " " and the Lover's Gift, 32mo cl ex . Frink, H. C, On Board and on Shore, a Temperance Tale, 18mo Frontenac, or the Atotarbo of the Iroquois, a Metrical ' Romance, by Alfred B. Street, 12mo cl c Frost, John, American Speaker, 12mo hf r " " Book of Anecdotes, cl , ' " " " " Good Kxamples, cl . « " " " Heroes, cl " " " " Illustrious Mechanics, cl " " « The Army, cl . . '• " " " " Colonies, cl " " " " Indians, cl " " « Navy, cl . " " History of the United States, 12mo hf r a « " " " " 18mo hf r " " Lives of the Commodores of the United States Navy, 8vo r gt " *' Remarkable Events in the History of America, 8vo Lib. or ara . " " Stories from History of Greece, cl Rome, cl U U U U (( .1 Frothingham, R., Jr., History of the Siege of Boston, and of the Battles of Lexington, Concord, jmd Bunker Hill, Bvo cl Fruit Trees of America, by C. M. Hovey, 8vo . Fruit of Western Life, or, Blanche and other Poems, by D. R. Arnell, 12mo cl .... 34 Derby, M. k Co. 34 John Ball, 'oO 1 25 (r. H. Drrbij k Co. 1 50 Wilfij ck P. 25 Jan. French 1o Phillips, S. <k Co. 5 00 C. & Hart 3 00 " 1 50 " 34 Andrus & Son 10 Xafis & C. 75 Appleton k Co. '49 75 Munroe & Co. '49 2 75 Phillips. S. k Co. 38 S. A. Rowland 38 J. M. Alden 38 IT. Allinff 1 25 Baker k S. '49 75 Thomas, C. k Co. 1 00 Belknap k H. 1 00 25 J.A.<k U.P.James 1 00 Belknap k H. 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 25 " 83 Thomas, C. k Co. 42 2 50 Xafs k C. o 00 J. k J. L. Gihon 25 J. A. k U.P.James 25 75 3 00 Little dr B. '49 Boston, '47 1 \Z J. C. Biker 1828—1850.] FRU- G A M. 39 Fruits of Joy and Peace in Believing, by Mis. R. L. Hopper, 32mo cl gt e " of the May Flower, or Conversations respecting the Pilgrim Fatliers, 18mo Fry, Caroline, Autobiography and Letters of. 12nio cl Fuller, Andrew, Exposition of Genesis The Gospel of Christ worthy of all Acceptation .... • " Rev R., An Argument on Baptism and Close Communion, 12mo cl . " " and England, Bishop, Lettei-s concern- ing the Roman Chancery, 12 mo cl . . . Fundamental Philosophy, or Elements of Primitive Philosophy, from the German of W. F. Krug, 18mo cl . . . . . ." . Furber, G. C, The Twelve Months' Volunteer in the Campaign in Mexico, 8vo " " Camp Stories, or Incidents in the Life of a Soldier, pap .... Furniss, Wm., The Old World, or Scenes and Cities Abroad, 12mo cl, $1, with Map of Europe ..... " " Waraga, or the Charms of the Nile, 12mo 31 ^. Hoohr M. W. Dn<UU '49 75 t/. TT. Moon, '4'.» 30 L. Colby 10 " G3 Harrold d- M. "49 15 F. Lucas, Jr. 38 PT. Skinner & Co. 2 50 J.A.& U.P.James 25 " 1 25 Apple ton, '49 1 50 Baker & S. '50 G. Gabriel, a Tale of Wichnor Wood, by M. Howitt, 18 mo cl Gahan, Rev. Wm., Abstract of the History of the Church of Christ, 12mo cl . . . c Gallaudet, Rev. T. H., Child's Book on the Soul, hf bd 28c., cl 38c., cl ex.. . c " " The Child's Picture, Defining and Reading Book Gallagher, Rt. Rev. Dr., Sermons, 12mo cl. " Rev. Jas., Pilgrimage of Adam and David a Bible Allegory, 12mo cl c " W. D., Watts and Select Hymns, 18mo shp c " " " " 3 2 mo Gallery of Literary Portraits, by Giltillan, 12mo d Gallitzen, Rev, D. A., Defence of Catholic Principl 18mo cl . " " Letters to a Protestant Friend, on the Holy Scri|)tures, ISmo Gait, G. M., [Editor,] Practieal Medicine, Illustrated by Cases on the most Important Diseases, 8vo shp . Gambling, in its Lifancy and Progress, by J. U. Green, 18mo cl Game of Anna " " Earning a Living 50 Collins & Bra. 75 i^. Lucas, Jr. 50 E. Hunt 13 Huntington k S. 50 F. Lucas, Jr. 1 00 Crocker <k B. 75 JI. & J. Apple gate 42 1 25 Apple ton & Co. 38 i^. Lucas, Jr. 33 " 2 50 Barring ton <k H. 45 Z. Colb;i, '49 50 G. P. Putnam 50 Tappan. W. it M 40 AM GEO. [am. Game of Natural History ..... " " " " colored " " tho American Revolution .... " Fortune Toller . ^ " " School-Room Gammel, Wm., a History of American Baptist Missions in Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America, 12mocl " " Memoir of Roger Williams, 12mo cl c Gannal, J., History of Embalming, with Notes, by R. Harlan, bds ....... Gannett, Rev. E. S., Religious Consolations, 18mo cl . Garden of Roses, and Valley of Lillies, by a Kempis, 32mo cl Gardner, [The,] and Florist, 18mo bds Gardner's Dictionary, C. W. Johnson's, by Landreth, 8vo cl Garland, The, ISmo cl ..... . " [The,] or Token of Friendship for 1850, Edited by Emily Percival, 12 mo cl ex. Gatchell, H. P., The People's Doctor, pap . Gathered Leaves, or Miscellaneous Papers, by Miss H. F. Gould, 16mo Geib, W., The Writing Master's Manual, a Treatise on Penmanship, with Diagrams, 12mo pap Gem, The, Edited by Father Frank, for 1850, cl ex . c Gems from Tupper, Consisting of Selections from the Writings of M. F. Tupper .... " from Tupper's Proverbial Philosophy, 32mo cl ex *' of Beauty, or Literary Gift for 1850, Edited by Emily Percival, 8vo im $6, cl ex. " of Poetry, from American Poets, 12mo cl ex . General Principles of the Philosophy of Nature, wuth an Outline of some of its Recent Developments among the Germans, 12mo cl . Generals, The, of the Late War with G. Britain, by S. Jenkins, cl . Genevieve, a Tale from the German of Schmid, 18mo cl " by Dumas, pap . . . . Genius and Design of the Domestic Constitution, by Rev. C. Anderson, 12mo cl " of Italy, by Rev. Robert Turnbull, 12mo cl Gentleman's Lexicon, by Grimshaw, 18mo shp . Geographia Chissica, by Dr. S. Butler, r cl sides . Geogra|)hical History of the State of New York, see Mather ....... Geology of South Carolina, a Report of, by M. Tuomey, 4to cl " of the U. States Exploring Expedition, by J. D.Dana, 4to with a Folio Atlas of 21 plates ....... Geometry of Faith, by Thomas Hill, 12rao cl George, Mrs. A., Annals of the Queens of Spain, 12mo cl 60 G. P. Putnam, '46 75 " '49 67 Tappan, W. <ii M. 38 38 " 75 Gould, K. h L. 75 1 00 Barrington <fe ff. 50 Crosby & ^\ 25 </. Murphy 25 Dewitl & U. 2 25 Lea k B. 50 Nafis & C. 2 50 Phillips, S. k Co., 25 Stratton & B. Reynolds k Co., '49 25 J. G. Auner 1 00 IT. F. Anners Stoddard & B. 38 /. M. Alden 5 50 Phillips, S. & Co. 1 50 Andrus & Son 1 25 Crosby iz JV. 1 25 Derby, M. & Co. '49 '68 F. Lucas. Jr. 50 T. B. Peterson 75 Carter & Bros. 1 00 G. P. 1 utnam, '49 50 Grigy, E. k Co. 75 Lea k B. H.H.Haideyk Co. 3 00 A. S. Johnston, '48 15 00 G. P. Putnam, '49 38 Francis k Co. 1 25 Baker k S., '50 1828—1850.] QEO — GLI. 41 George's Journey to the Land of Happiness, square cl Georj^ia l^apti^ts ....... Pulpit, by R. FlMninjr, .... C " History of, containing Pk^tchos of the most Remarkable Event>i, by Hugh McCall, 2 v. 8vo bds ...... " Illu>trated, by W. C. Rk-hards . " Statistics of the Statt' of, including nn Account of its Natural, Civil, and Kcclesia^tical His- tory, by Rev. (J. White, Bvo cl. Gerard, George, French Couisc, or Theoretical nnd Practical System of the French Language, 8vo slip . Gerardin, S., Lectures on Dramatic Literature, 12mocl German Sp' lling-l^o k, by Schniauk . German and English Primer, by J. B. Bacon, pap c Geseniu>'s Hebrew Grammar, edited by T. J. Conant, 8vo cl ....... . Gessner, Di ath of Ab 1, cl . . . . . Getlisetnane and Calvary, by Rev. M. Blake, ]8mo ol Getty, J. A., and Holmes J., The Art of Rhetoric, or the Elemeiit-; of Oratory, 12mo r cl sid' s . Gie-ler, J. C. G., Ecclesiastical Histuty, vol. 1 and 2 d Gift- Lea v( s of American Poetry, idited by R. \V. Gris- wold, 8vo cl ex ^4, cl . . . . . Gift Story Ho..k, or Short Tales for Children, squ .re cl " for Oood Hovs, 16mo cl . " " " (iiiL, 16mo cl " " Little F..1.S, KJmocI " " Young Men, [Hawe's Lectures,] 32mo cl ex . " " YouM-r Studei.ts ly II. G. C, cl . " " the H.ldays, 32mu cl ex . " " the .Juveniles, Kimo cl. " of Frieiidsliip for 18.50, iiior " " I'ntty Stories, KJmo cl . " to a Young an, by Rev. F. D. Ward, 32nio cl ex . Gdlxrt on ihe Changes of the I'loid, hf slip Gihn n, Mrs. C, V\ms s of a Life Time, 12mo d. Gill, lu'V. T. E., Sermons . .... Gillette, Kev. 1). II., Memoirs of, by his Brothers, 12rj)o cl ....... . Gijs-'y Foitime Teller, by Mrs. Ilugl.s. square cl. Girani, J. F., Klinents of the Spanish Langu.-ge, 12mo r cl side-. ....... Girls' Book, 'Ihe. ly Mrs. Siir'>urnev, 18ino cl . c " Own Book, l.y Mr-. ( h Id, sc^uar.' cl . x *1, d . C Giustiniani, Rev. L., Papal iu»nie as It Is, 18mo cl (i lance at New York. Iiy Asa (J:e n, . (jLeman, A. M., a Rhyme of the Norih Cuuntrie, 12mo bds (Jlennie's Sermons for Corgregations of Negroes, 16mo c Glini] ses of Home LiiV, or Causes and Consequt nces, by Mrs. E. C. Embury, 12 mo cl ex %\ 50, d n 50 G. S. Apphtnn 1 00 H. K. EUy»on, '47 2 00 " '47 5 00 W T.W Irnns, '16 3 00 W. C. Richards, '42 3 00 W. T. Williams '49 1 25 S. H. CoV'sicorthy 1 00 Apple'on it Co., '49 15 W. G. Mentz 1 Nafis k C. 2 00 Gould, K. tt L. 25 EH. l^eise & Co. 50 W. P. Ttwkcbury 1 00 Gary 6z Hurt. '49 3 00 Harper k Bros., '49 3 00 /. C. Riker 5(i Phillips. S. k Co. 28 DuniifQn ib Bro. 28 28 " 38^. Iknap k H. 50 G. Cr amer, '48 38 / iV. Aldjn 28 Dui.ignu ife Bro. 2 25 H. F. Anne IS 28 JJuni(,aH d' Bro. .?8 E. Darrnw 50 Barring, ton ik H. b4 Mu^iror it Co.. 49 56 JJuui(/an d' Bro. 1 00 Lippincott d- Co., # 33 Lindsay 6c B., '49 45 C< llin^ ic Bro. 40 Crtrr d' Brm , '49 7.i Clark, A. k Co. 50 Mns.s k Bro. Author, .v. r., '38 50 J.A.k r. P. James A. E. Miller, '44 1 13 /. C. Piker GLO- GOO. [am. cat. Glorious [The] Rtrangor, 1 Smo el . . ' . Glory of Aincrica, MciiKiiis of, 1 >(C(l,s and Exploits of Ollicers of tho r. States, 12mo . " The, of Woman is the Foar of tlie L(jrd, by Rev. ('. (J. loiu's, 18ino cl . God in Christ, Three Discourses, by Rev. II. Hushnell, 12mo ol Goddard, P. B., on the Arteries, 12 Plates, 4to hf r . c " " " Nerves, 12 Plates, 4 to hfr Gold Mines of the (rila, a Sequel to Old Hicks the (niidi', by C. \V. Webber, pap 50«, cl Gold-S(>ektTs Manual, by I). T. Ansted, 12mo pap Golden Calf, or Probability and Speculation in tlie Nineteenth Century, pap .... " Gems for the Christian, selected by the Rev. Joseph I^anvard, 32mo cl ex . " Gift, a Token for All Seasons, compiled by J. M. Fletcher 32mo cl ex . " ■* a Wreath of (xems, from the Prose and Poetical W^ritere of England and America, edited by Emily Percival, ira $3, cl ex " Present, 3 2 mo cl ex . " Psalm, by Rev. T. Dale, 16mo cl . " Rules of Health, and Hints to Dyspeptics, by J. H. Ross, 12mo pap . . . , " Treasury, by C. Bogatzsky, 18mo cl c Goldsmith, Oliver, Geographical View of the World 12mocl. ... " " Miscellaneous Works, 8vo cl gt e " « " " edited by James Pric«", 12 mo cl per vol c " "• Natural History, 12 mo hfr " " Vicar of Waketield, ISmo cl gt Gonzalvo, or the Fall of Granada, by Chas. Hood 12mo bds ...... c Gooch, R., Midwifery, 8vo shp .... " " on the Diseases of Women and Children 8vo shp ..... Good Fellow, The, by Paul De Kock, 1 2mo " Genius, That Turned Everything into Gold, by the Brothers Mayhew, 18mo el 38c. cl gt e " for Evil, or Edward's Dream, 12ino pap . c Good, J. M., Book of Nature, abridged, with Questions hf r Goode, Wm., Doctrine of the Church of England on In- fant Ba|itism, 8vo .... " Eflects of Baptism in the Cases of Infant*, 8vo c Goodrich, C. A., History of the United States, brought down to 1847, 18mo . " " Pictorial and Descriptive View of Re ligion, 12mo shp gt 31 CroshjkN. 1 7.5 (rfxxlrnan <fe Co. 25 W. S.Martien 1 25 Broum ct P., '49 3 00 J. G. Auner 3 00 75 Deuntt <k D., '49 25 Appleton, '49 25 Stringer and T.,' 49 31 Gould, K. k L. 38 Brockett, F. k Co. 2 5'0 Fhilllps, S. k Co. 38 S. A. Howlund Carter k Bros., '50 50 25 Author, N. Y., '49 90 Pratt, W. k Co. 1 50 G. S. Appleton 1 25 G.P. Putnam, 'oO 75 Thoimts, C. k Co. 50 W. A. Leary k Co. Ticknor k Co., '45 1 50 Barritigton <£• H. 1 50 C. k Hart, '37 45 Harpers. '49 25 Reynolds k Co. 45 Ticknor k Co. S. k Swords -12 1 75 Jeuks, P. k Co. Goodman k Co. 1828—1850.] GOO GRA. 43 Goodrich, S. G., History of All Nations, on a new and improved plan, 1200 pp imperial 8vo " " National Geography, 4to . " " Pictorial History of England, France, Greece, Rome, and the U. States, 12mo hf bd per vol The same in 5 vols, slip . Goodwin, P. A., Memoirs of Andrew Jackson, 12mocl Gore, Mrs., Abednego, The Money Lender, pap. . " " Mothers and Daughte rs,pap . " " The Diamond and the Pearl, pap " " The Dowager, or the New School for Scan- dal, pap ...... Gospel Lessons, by A. Vinet . . . . . " Manna for Christian Pilgrims, 16mo cl . " Narratives, by H. A. Miles, 16mo cl " Sonnets, by Kev. K. Erskine, 16mo cl Gospel, The, Promotive of True Happiness, by Rev. Hugh White, 12mo cl Goss, E., The Supervisor's Book, an Abstract of the Laws relating to Powers and Duties of Sujiervi- sors of Towns and (bounties in State of New York, Law slip Gotfried, or the Island Hermitage, 18mo cl Gother, Rev. J., Papist-; Rei)resented and Misrepresent- ed, 18mo hf bd . " " Sincere Christian's Guide in the Choice of a Religion, 18mo shp Gothic Architecture, by D. H. Arnot, 4to, publishing in Nos. ....... c Gould, B. A., Adam's Latin Grammar, 12mo shp " " Virgil " H^ F., Esther, a Scrij:>ture Narrative, cl . " " Gathered Leaves, or Miscellaneous Pa pers, 16 mo cl ex . " " New Poems, 16mo " J. E. Wreath of School Songs . " N. D., Sabbath-Schoul Harmony . Government, The, and the Currency, by Henry Mid dleton, 12mo cl . . . . . c Governmental Instructor, by J. B. Shurtleff, 12mo hf })d Grace Abounding, by John Bunyan " Dudley, or Arnold at Saratoga, a Tale of the Revolution, by C. J. Peterson, pap c Grseca Majora, 2 v. 8vo slip .... c " " Prose Selections, Bvo shp . Graham, Mary Jane, Life and Works of, by Rev Charles liridges, 8vo cl " William S., Remains and Memoirs of, edit- ed by George Allen 12mo bds Y 50 Wilkins, C. <k Co. 56 Huntinr/ton ii S. 56 4 20 " 90 Andrus (k Son 25 T. B. Peterson 25 If. Long &. £ro,'49 25 25 M. W. Dodd 50 /. M. Fitch 50 Crosbt/ & N. 1 00 Carter & Bros. '49 lb H. Hooker, '48 1). M. Dewey F. Lucas., Jr. 1 50 38 19 38 Appletcm <fe Co. 75 Butler <k B. 1 50 Musseij (k Co. 31 Appleton 1 50 Reynolds &, Co. '40 '49 43 Mussey ct Co. 13 Gould, K. k L. 75 C B. Norton, '50 42 40 25 4 50 2 25 Collins it Bro. M. W.Dodd T. B. Peterson, '49 Hunt & Son 1 00 Carter k Bros. '49 75 J. W. Moore, '49 44 CfRA ORE. [am. Grammar of Arillimotio, liy Prof. |)avies . GraiKlluilur lyovtchild's Nursery Storirs, 12 kinds, col. ored, doz. " " Pictorial Primfr, 28 iliu-tra-" tions, as-ortetl, duz. Grandmother's Library, consisting of six different Pooks, ill Packages of Twelve, 12 mo I ap, doz. .... " New Toys c Graves, R. I., vSystvm of Clin'cal M( dicine, with Notes and Additions, by W. W. (jirh;trd, 8vo slip c Gray, Asa, Genera of the Plants of tlie United States, 2 V. roval 8vo ..... " Javnes, A Dissertation on the Priesthood of Jesus Christ and Mrlcliisedec, t(.igttlior with he Life of Clirist, 12 mo cl . " T,, Elegy in a Country Church-Yard, illus- trated, small Bvo mor, §2 25, mor, col- ored plates, ^3, cl ex . GiTat Secret, by liev. J. Akh n, ISmo cl . Greek Boy, The. and the Sunday Seho )1, ISrao cl Green, Asa, A Yankee among the Nullities . " " Fibbleton's Travels in America " " Glance at New York .... *' " Wemoiis of Doctor Dodimus Duckworth, 2 V. 12mo " " The Peiils of Pearl Street, 2 v. 12mo . " ^' Debtor's Prison, 18mo " Rev. Ashbel, Memoirs of, by Rev. Dr. Jones, 8vo cl " " " Hi.vtorical Sketch of Domestic and Fore gn Missions of the I'res- byteriaii Church of the United States, r2mo cl . . . " " *' The Savior's Last Command, cl . " Beriah, Miscellaneous Writings, r2mo . " G. W., Historical Studies. 12mocl " Jacob, Monogra|»li of the Trilobites of North America, 18mo cl . " J. H., Gambling in its Infancy and Progress, 18mo cl ..... " *' Gambling Unmasked, paji, 25c. cl " R. W., First Lessons on Chemistry Green's Grammar for Children . , . . " Practical Grammar ..... Greene, Analysis of Engli>h Grammar, 12mo hf r " First Lessons in (Grammar, 12mo hf r . " C. W., Primary Lessons in French, 18mo c Greenleaf, B., Litroduction to the National Arithmetic, 12mo c " " Kev to Introduction, 12mo . McnUil Aiiilimitic National Arithmetic, 12rao . 30 A. S. Barnes & Co. 1 bO J. k J. L. Gihon 1 50 1 50 Reynolds k Co. 1 50 J. C. Riktr 3 00 Barrington k H. 12 00 G. P. Putnam 15 W. Stewart, '50 1 2") G. S. Apphton 25 M. W. Dodd 63 W. S. Maitien Wm. Stodarl, '35 Wm. Pearaon, '35 Author, iV. v. 6 8 Peter Hill, '36 Bdts di A. '36 Author, iV^. Y. '37 2 00 Carter k Bros. '49 63 W. S. Martien 25 Whitesboro, N. Y. 1 25 G. P. Putn,m, '50 J. Brano, Philad. 45 Z. Colby 75 Zieb r k Co. 20 H. C. Peck ] Sanborn k C. 38 75 Thomas, C. k Co. 38 38 Apple ton k Co. '49 63 R. S. Davis 63 14 84 1828—1850.] GRE- G UI. 45 Greenwood, Grace, (Miss Sara J. Clarke), Greenwood Leaves, a Collrctiun of Sketches and Letters, 12ni() cl " F.W.P., Cla^sieal Keadt-r, 12nio *' " Mi^;cellanL■ous Writini<;s, 12mo cl " " Sermons on Consolation, 12n)o cl Greenwood Cemetery, and other Poems, by J. L. Ches- ter, 12mo cl . . . . . ** Leaves, a Collection of Sketches and Let- ters, by (irace Greenwood, (Miss Sara J. Clarke) 12 mo cl . Greenwood : a Directory far Visitors to,l)y N. Cleveland, 18mo cl ..... . Gregory, Dr., Legacy to his Dauorhters, cl . Greig, A. M., Fate of tlie lilenden ILiU East India- man, 12ino cl . Grey, Mrs., Alice Seymour, pap .... " " Harry Monk, " .... " " Hyacinthe, or the Contrast, pap " " Lena Cameron, pap .... " " Magdalen and Marcia, or the Rectory Guest, pap ..... " " Sybil Leonard, pap .... " " The Baronet's Daughters, pap " " " Bosom Friend, pap .... f " " " Belle of the Family, pnp . " " " Duke and the Cousin, jiap *' " " Little Wife, pap .... " " " Manoeuvering Mother, pap " " " Old Dower-ilouse, pap . " " " Young Prima Donna, pap c Grier, "Wm., Mechanic's Calculator, 12mo slip . Gritiet, P., Meditations for E\ery Day in the Year, 2 v. 18mo cl ....... . Griffin, Miss, Drops from Flora's Cup, 32mo cl ex " Mrs. S. L., Familiar Tales for Children . " " Southern Second-Class Reader " " " Fourth " [Griffith, n. W.], A Lift for the Lazy, 12mo cl . Griffith, R. E., The Universal Funnulary, a Synopsis of the Pliaruiaeoii;eis, Dispensa- tories, and Formularies of Europe and America, 8vo slip Griswold, R. W., The Sacred Poets of England and America, 8vo cl ex, ^^j'el .... Grove, Rev. J., English (rreek Vocabulary c Guide to the Orchard and Fruit (iarden, by George Liiidley, with an Ap[)endix, by M. Floy, 12 mo cl ...... . " to the Savior, by C. G. Finney, 16mo cl . Guizot, F., Democracy in France, 12mo jiap " " Gibbon's History of the Roman Empire, 2 V. 8vo shp or cl . 1 25 Ticknor & Co. '50 lb R. S. Davis 1 00 Little dj B. '46 1 00 Ticknor (k Co. S. k Miles, '43 1 25 Ticknor &l Co. '50 1 25 Neiv York, '49 20 Merrill & H. W. H. Cobjer, '47 25 T. B. Peterson 25 u 25 <( 25 (( 25 Stringer & T'. '49 25 T. B. Peterson 25 u 25 Harpers 25 T. B. Peterson 25 ii 25 u 25 (( 25 '< 25 u 1 00 Goodman (fe Co. 1 00 Duni(/an & Bro. 38 C. H] Peirce 28 Pratt, W. & Co. 34 20 " 13 " 75 G. P. Putnam, '49 Lea & B.'50 2 50 Applt'ton & Co. '49 75 Wilkins, C. &; Co. 1 50 J. C. Riker 38 J. M. Fitrh 25 Ap])leton, '49 5 00 J.A.&: U.P.Jamc^ 46 QUI- HAM. c (luizot, K., TTistnr)' of Oivilization, 4 v. 12mo cl GuimniTc, John, KIciiK-ntiiry Treatise on Astronomy, 8vo slip .... " " IVof^essive Spelling-Book, Part I. " '• " " " 2 parts in 1 " " Surveying, 8vo slip " " " Key to, . c Guy, J., Astronomy and Keith on the Globes, 18mo c Guy Fawkes, by W. II. Ainsworth, pap . Guyot, Arnold, The Earth and Man, Lectures on Cora j»arati\e J^hysical Geography, translated by C. C Felton, rimo cl . . . . . [am. cat. 3 50 Apple tern <k Co. 3 00 K C. &: J. Biddle 13 Hunt (k Son 25 " 2 00 " 1 13 67 Thomas, C. <t Co. 25 Bewitt k D. 1 25 Gould, K. k L. '49 H. Hague, Rev. "Wm., Guide to Conversation on the Gos- pel of John .... " " Review of Drs. Fuller and Way- land on Slavery, ISmo pap " " The Baptist Church Transplanted from the Old World to the New, 12mo cl ... Hahnemann, S., Materia Medica Pura, translated and edited by C. J. Hempel, 4 v. 8vo cl . Haines, I. S., Chemical Catechism, 18mo shp Hale, David, Memoir of, with Selections from his Mis- cellaneous Writings, by J. P. Thompson, 12mocl c Half Hours with the Best Authors, by C. Knight, 4 V. cl ■ . . . Haliburton, T. C, The Old Judge, or Life in a Colony, pap " " Yankee Stories, 12mo cl Hall, B. F., Ljind Owner's Manual, 8vo Law shp " James, The West, its Commerce and Navigation, 12rao " John, The Cabinet Maker's Assistant, 44 plates, 8vo " " A New and Complete Method of Hand- Railing ...... *' " Original and Modern Designs for Dwell- ings, 4to cl . . . . , \ " Miss,] Manual of Morals, 18 mo r cl sides . " Rev. Robert, Help to Zion's Traveller (( (1 U (( u ^ ^' Mrs. S. C, Gems of the Poets " " Uncle Sam's Money Box, 18mo cl . ^* " Woman's Trials, pap " S. R., Geography for Children . " English Grammar ...... Hamilton, Rev. Jas., Life of Ladv Colquohon. 12mocl " " The Happy Home, 18mo cl 17 Gould, K. k L. 13 " 50 L. Colby, '46 6 00 W. Radde, '46 75 J. G. Auner 1 25 /. Wiley, '49 4 00 " 50 Stringer k T. 75 Lindsay k B, 2 50 Derby, M. k Co. 75 H. W. Derby k Co. 2 50 J. Murphy, 48 2 50 40 /. P. Jeicett, '49 20 L. Colbf/ 42 Gould. A', k L. 1 00 C. k Hart 38 Gould. K. k L. 25 Harper k Bros. 17 Pratt, W. k Co. 25 Merriam, C. k Co. 75 Cartir k Bros. '50 50 " '49 1828—1850.] HAN- HAR. 47 Hand-Book of Conversation and Table-Talk, cl gt e . " " Courtship and Maniaije, cl gt e . " " Eentertaining Knowledge, cl gt e " " Etiquette for Gentlemen, cl gt e . " " " " Ladies, cl gt e " " European Literature, by Mrs. Foster, 12ino cl . . . . . " " Games for Evening Parties . " " Hydroi)athy, by Dr. J, Weiss, 12mo cl " for Chess, cl gt e . " " Crochet, cl gt e " " Knitting, Netting, and Fancy Work, cl gt e . " " Whist, Rules for Playing, cl gt e « " The Ball Room, cl gt e " " " Happv Pair, a Bridal Gift, cl gt e . " " " Toileted gte . . . . Happy Children, [The,] a Tale of Home, for Young People, square cl . . . . . " Home, The, by Rev. Jas. Hamilton, IBmo cl " Pair, [The,] a Bridal Gift, gt e . Harbinger of the Millennium, by W. Cogswell, 12mo cl Harding, W. A., Alphabetical Outhnes in German- Text, Old English, Plain and Ornamental Print, 4to pap ........ Hare, Robert, Compendium of the Course of Chemical Listruction in the Medical Dejjartment of the University of Pennsylvania, 8vo hf cl . " Joseph T., The Life and Adventures of, pap Harmony of the Divine Attributes, by Wm. Bates, 12mocl ...... " of the Gospels, by Wm. Bates, 12mo cl " " " by Rev. E. Bickersteth, 12mo cl Harris, C. A., Dental Dictionary, Svo shp . " John, Man Primeval, or the Constitution and Primitive Condition of the Human Being, 12mo cl " W. C, the Highlands of Ethiopia, Svo . Harrison, J. P., Tlieraputics, 2 v. . " Robert, a Text-13ook of Practical Anatomy, Svo slip ...... " Thomas, The Sacred llarmonicon « " " " M(l,)(l.-(.n . Gen. W. H., Life of, 12nio cl . Harry Franco, [C. F. Briggs,] ;i Tale of the (ireat Panic, 2 V . '' " [C. F. Briggs,] Th<- 'trippings of Tdui lVpi)er, an Autobiography . Harry Monk, by Mrs. (irey, pap .... Haitman, T., Homoeopathic Remedies, first series " " " " second series . 25 G. S. Appleton 25 75 25 25 " 1 00 Lea k B., '50 25 G. S. Appleton 1 00 J. W. Moore, '49 25 G. S. Appleton 25 " 25 " 25 " 25 25 " 25 50 " 50 Carter & Bros., '49 25 G. S. Appleton 83 C. H. Pierce 25 K a & J. Biddle 4 00 J. G. Auner 25 -fir. Lonff d- Bro. 60 Crocker & B. 60 " 70 ^. C. Biddle, '33 5 00 Lindsay k B., '49 1 25 Gould, K. k L., '49 75 T. B. Peterson 6 00 J. F. Dcsilier 5 00 S. S. <k W. Wood 60 ./..Lit U.P.Jumca 15 1 25 G.ff. Derby d- Co. F. Sail tide rs, '37 Mirror Office, X. Y. 25 T. B. P<%rson 1 UO W. Raddc 1 00 48 HAR HEI. Ilartman, T., on Chronic Discuses, [Ilointt'Opatliic,] 2 vol. ..:... Harvost Gloatiiiit^;, a Iloliflay l^ook, edited hy M. A. l)\viir|it, 8v() iiior *4 50, cl f'X . . . . Ilarvcy Ui'ldcn, a Narrative of Strange Adventure, pap lla-^kin*, James, Poetical Works, edited by Henry BaMwiii, r2in() el . *. Hastings, John, Practice of Modern Surgery, 8vo cl §«1 38,Rhp , " L. W., History of Oregon and Calfornia, pap " Thomas, The Chrystal Fount, a Temperance Song-Hook, ...... " Thos., and Bradbury Wm. B., Mendelssohn Collection, or Third l^ook of Psalmody Haunted Man, and the Ghost's Bargain, by Dickens, P'^P " Merchant, by Harry Franco, [C. F. Briggs,] l'2mo ....... Haven, Richard, [of Lyn,] Genealogy of the Descen- dants of, Svo pap ...... Hawes, Joel, A Tribute to the Memory of the Pilgrims, 12mo [Hawks, Rev. F. L.] Auricular Confession in the Pro- testant Ep. Church, 1 2mo pap. Hawks, Rev. F. L., The Monuments of Egvpt ; or Egyi t a Witness for the Bible, Svo cl S3, hf mor . Hayward, John, Gazetteer of Mcissachusetts, N. Hamp- ^. shire, and Vermont ...... Hazen, E., Speller and Definer, 1 Smo " " Panorama of Trades and Profes^sions . " " Symbolical Spelling- Book, doz " " " " " part 1, doz " " " " part 2, " Headley, J. T., The Adirondack, or Life in the Woods, 12mocl .... " " Miscillanies, 2 v. . " " " the Author's Authorized JEdition " " Sacred Scenes and Charactei"s, Svo cl ox " " " " " 12ma Heads of the Headless, by Soulie, pap Headsman, 'J'he, by Cooper, 2 v. pap. Hearts and Homes, by Mrs. Ellis, 2 parts j^ap Hi.athen Natiun*, [The,] or Duty of the PreiAttt Gene ration to Evaiigiliz-- the World, cl . Heaven's Antidote to the Cui*se of Labor, by J. A Quinton, ISmo cl . . . . . Hebrew Monarchy, ;i History of, by Francis Newman Svo cl . ' . . " . Heck, G., Iconograjihic Encyclop.'edia, sec Jconongraphic c Hed^e, L., Log c, 12mo ^hp .... Heidv.nmauer, Ibe, by Couper, 2 v. pap . 3 00 W. Radde 3 75 Gntrs, StecTn <k Co. 30 Stratum 6i B. 1 00 //. S. Parsons, '49 1 50 Lindsay <fe B., '49 30 //. S. k J. Appley'U 31 Newman d: Co. 75 " '50 06 Harper d: Bros.,' A9 1 00 John Allen, '43 E. Howe, Bos., '49 D. Burgess <k Co. 25 G. P. Putnam, '50 4 00 20 75 2 50 1 25 1 75 1 25 2 00 1 00 3 00 25 50 1 00 32 40 2 50 58 50 '49 J. P. Jewctt, '49 Hunt tk Son Nafis & C. B'ikrr d- -S., '49 J. S. Taiflor, '49 Baker 6z S., '50 Drwitt k D.. '49 Stringer tt T. AppUton, '49 J. J/. Fitch E. H. FhUhcr, '49 G. P. Putnam, '49 P. Garrique J'hinniy & Co. Strinqer L T. 1828—1850.] HEI- HIN. 49 Heiress, The, by Miss Pickering, pap . . . . Help to Zion's Traveller, by Robert Hall . Hemans Reader, by T. S. Pinneo, 12mo shp. " Mrs. F., Poems, with an E^say on Her Genius, by H. T. Tuckerman, 8vo mor $3, cl ex $2, el " " Poetical Works, 12rao mor $3, cl ex $1 75 cl Henderson, Mrs. H. E., My Father and My Mother, a Juvenile, ISmo cl " William, Homoeopathic Practice . Hening, Mrs. E. F., History of the African Missi ns of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, 12mo cl ....... Henry, James, Meditations and Contemplations, with Life of Author, 8vo mor $'3, cl ex $2, cl " Patrick, Life of, by Wm. Wirt, 8vo " " Ames, F., Pinckney, William, and other Speeches, 8vo shp " Philip, Life of, 18mo c Henry Langdon, by Mrs. L. P. Hopkins, 18mo cl " of Eichenfels, a Juvenile, cl . . . ' . " of Oftendingen, a Romance, 12mo Henshaw, J. S., A Manual for United States Consuls, 18mo cl " " The Life of Father Matthew, 32mo cl Herbert, H. W., Dermot O'lirien, or the Taking of Tredah, pap .... " " Fish and Fishing-Book of the Uni- ted States, and British Provinces of North America, 8vo cl . " " Isabel Graham, or (Charity Reward- ed, a Tale of New York, pap " " Translation of Prometheus and Aga- memnon of .^chylu^, 12mo d . Here a Little and There a Little, or Scripture Facts, by Author of Pefp of Day .... Heroines of Sacred History, by Mrs. Steele, 12mo cl . Herschel, J F. W., Outlines of Astronomy, 8vo cl Hieri»glyphic Bible, 18mo cl . . . . . High School, or Analytical and Practical English Grammar, by Rev. P. Bullions, TJino shp . c Highlands, The, uf Ethiopia, hy W. C. Harris, 8vo . Hiidreth, Richard, History of the UniU-d SUitcs, 3 v. cl ^0, shp .... " S. P., I'ionoer History, Svo Hill, Thoma.s, Geometry of Faith, 12mo cl Hiriton, L T., History of Bajitism, Vlmo . Hints on Cultivating the Christian Temper, by Rev. H. A. Boardman, 32mo cl . . . " " Extemporaneous Preaching, by H. Ware, Jr., 18mo bds 8 25 T. B. Peterson 20 L. Colbtf 90 Clark, A. <fe Co. 1 50 John Ball, '50 1 25 Phillips, S. (fe Co. 38 /. C. Biker 50 W. Badde, '46 I 75 S. & Swords, '50 1 50 John Ball, '50 Andrus & Son 1 50 E. C.& J. Bid die 50 Cartir & Bros. '49 45 Gates, S. ik Co. 38 If.F. Anntrs Cambridge, '48 1 00 J. C. Riker, '49 31 50 Stringer <k T. '49 2 50 " '49 25 Williams Bros. 75 J. Burtlctt, '49 Baker it S. '49 ^f. W. Dodd, '41 1 75 Lea lit B. '49 31 Andrus h Son 60 Pratt, W. <k Co. 75 T. B. Peterson G 75 Harpers, '49 2 50 H. \V. Derby ii Co. 38 Francis tV Co. Philaddphia, '40 25 W. S. Martien 25 Munroc k Co. 50 inx HOL. AM. CAT. Hints on ]*ul)Iic Ar(liit<^ftiirf, by liolxjrt Dale Owen, witli 1 l.'HIhistrntions, 4U> cl . Hirst, II. U., Kndyniion, :i T;il<' of Greece, in Verse, 12 mo Ixls ..... " " The IVnance of Kolanfl, and other Po- ems, 12 mo Ms Historic Guide, by Mrs. Emma Willard, IGmo square hfr Historical Geojrrajdiy of tlie Bible, by Rev. Lyman Coleman, 12mo r cl sides .... History, 1 )isea.S(!s and Treatment of the Horse, 8ro Lib. " of All the Religious Denominations in the LTnitod States, 8vo shp " " Ancient Art, by John Winckelmann, trans- lated from the German, by G. H. Lodge, 8vo cl . . . " " Sunday-Schools, by L. G. Pray, lOmo cl . " " Wondi'rful Inventions, illustrated, 12mo pap 50c. cl " " The Precious Metals, by J. L. Comstock, 12mo cl ..... . Hitchcock, E., Bookkeeping, 2 v. " " " Key to . . . c " " Geology of ^Lissachusetts, 2 v. 4to cl $6 50, shp " " Sketch of the Scenery of Massachusetts, 4to cl $2, colored plates . " " Lectures on Diet, Regimen, and Em- ployment, 12 mo bds " " Report on the Geology, Mineralogy, Bot- any and Zoology of Massachusetts, Bvo and Atlas .... Hoary Head, or Truth through Fiction, by J. Abbott, 18mo cl Hocus Pocus, ISnio bds c Hodge, Charles, A Commentary on tlie Epistles to the Romans, 12mo cl . . . " " Questions on the Epistles to the Ro- mans, ISmo .... Holm, T. C, Description of the Province of New Sweden, translated by P. S. Du Ponceau, Bvo HofHand, ^Irs., Domestic Tales, ISmo cl . . " Farewell " " cl ex 75f. cl " " Young Pilgrim, 1 8mo cl . . . Hogg, James, Winter Evening Tales, 2 v. 12mo cl Hohenloe's Prayer Book, 18mo shp . . . ' . " " 24mo " . Holbrook, Josiah, Child's Firet Drawing Book . " " First Book in Arithmetic Holiday House, by C. Sinclair, 16mo cl ex ^1, cl c " The, by Rev. J. Alden, 18mo cl . Holmes, Rev. D., and Austin, Rev, J. M., A Discussion upon the Doctrine of Atonement, Univer- sal Salvation, and Endless Punishment, 12 mo cl %\ 50, shp ..... 6 00 G. P. Putnam, '49 50 Ticknor d: Co. 50 " '49 63 Barnes <fe Co. '49 1 25 B. H. Butler ic Co. 2 50 Andrus &. Son 3 00 Goodman & Co. 3 15 Munroe & Co. '49 75 Crosby & N. 75 Harper & Bros. '49 75 Belknap & H. '49 90 Mussey db Co. 45 8 50 Butler & B. 2 50 " 83 " /. S. (k C. Adarns 60 Crocker 6i B. 15 JVnJis (k C. 1 00 W. S. Martini 20 2 50 McCarty k D. 75 Francis <k Co. 60 Xafs <fe C. 42 H.F. Anners 1 25 Andrus 50 F. Lucas, Jr. 25 \0 H. H. Hairley & Co 17 Sanborn <k C. 15 G. S. Apphton 28 Gates. S. k Co. 1 75 J. M. Alden 1828—1850.] HOL ■HOU. 51 Holmes, John A., The Art of Rhetoric, or the Elements of Oratory, remodeled by J. A. Getty, 12 mo r cl sides ...... '' Southern Farmer and Market Gardener Holt, Rev. E., Anecdotes of Christian Missions, ISmo cl Holy Living and Dying, by Jeremy Taylor, 12mo cl . Home (A) in the Sea, by Parley, ISmo cl ex 75c. cl . " as Found, by Cooper, 2 v. pap c " Book of Health and Medicine, by a Philadel- phia Physician, Svu shp .... " Recreation, 18 mo cl . . . . . Homeward Bound, by Cooper, 2 v. pap Homoeopathic Domestic Physician, by C. Herring, 12mo " Domestic Physician, by J. Laurie, edit- ed by A. G. Hull .... " Practice, by Wm. Henderson " Remedies, by F. Hartraan, two series each ...... Hood, Southern Church Melodist .... Hook, Theodore, Cousin Geoffrey, 2 v. 12mo " W. F., Short Meditations for Every Day in the Year, 24mo cl . . . . Hooker, Rev. H., Uses of Adversity, and the Provi- sions of Consolation, ISmo cl " W., M. D., Physician and Patient, or Moral Duties of the Medical l^rofessiun, and the Community, 12mo cl Hope, T., Anastcisius, a Novel ..... c Hopkins, Mrs. L. P., Henry Langdon, 18mo el . " " The Silent Comforter, a Comjian- iou for the Sick Room, minia- ture gt .... " " The Young Christian Encouraged, 12mo cl ex $1, cl . Hopper, Mrs. R. L., Fruits of Joy and Peace in I^e- lieving, 32mo cl gt e " " Joy and Peace in Beheving, 3 2 mo cl gt e . Horace, the Works of, with English Notes, by C. An- thon, 12mo shp ..... " with English Notes, by Ji. A.Gould, 12inosh]) Horai Biblica\ by Butler, r2mo cl . Hornihold's Discourses on the Sacraments, 12nio slip " " " " Comniandinciits, " Horse Shoe, The, a Poem, by J. B. Felton, 12nio bds Hosmer, Rev. W., Sclf-?]dueation, or the Philosophy of Mental Improvement, 12mo shp . Hosmer, W. H. C., Younondie, or Warriors of the Genesee, a Poem, cl. House I Live In, or the Human Body, by W. A. .VI- cott, 18mo cl . Housekeeper's Receipt-Book, by Miss C. E. Beecher, 12mo cl . 1 00 Carey <t- Hart, '49 75 Charlrsto,,, S. CM 50 Crocker Si B. 1 00 W. A. Lean/ 40 H. H. Haidey k Co 50 StrinrfiT k t. 1 50 A'. C. k J. Blddle 75 Ajjpletou & Co. '49 50 Str'niger k T. 2 00 W. Radde 1 50 u '49 50 « '46 1 00 i( 90 Hog an (k T. Lea k. B. '40 25 A. P. Burt 38 H. Hooker, '4G 1 25 Baker k S. 50 Harpers 45 Gates, S. & Co. 31 GoK/d, K. k L. 75 Gates, S. it Co. 31 H.Hooker, '48 31 " '47 1 25 Harper k Bros. 1 17 Mii^seif k Co. 50 Munroi' k Co. 75 F. Zwrav, Jr. 75 25 /. Barthtt, '49 75 Uiulerhlll k C 75 2). M. Dewey, '46 5G C H. Pierce 75 Harper k Bros. 52 no u- HUM. [am. CAT. ITouston and His Ro|iubIic, by C. E. Lester, 8vo pap . Hovcy, V'. M., Fniit-'lVtii's of America, 8vo cl How to bi' a Lady, a liook for Girls, by Kev. H. New- coin b, 18jn(j cl .... «' " Man, a Hook for Boys, by Rev. H. New- comb, IBmo cl . . . . How to Spoil a (iood Citizen, and Other Stories, IBmo cl Howard, or the Prison-World of Europe, a Biography, by H. Dixon, r2ino cl . . . . . Howe, E. Jr., Accordeon Preceptor .... " " Clarionet Instructor .... " " Fife " . . -. " " Musician's Companion, 3 parts, each " " Violin Instructor. . . . . Howitt, M., Fireside Tales, ISnio cl . " " Gabriel, a Talc of Wichnor Wood, 1 8mo cl " " Juvenile Days, &c, 18mo cl . " " " Tales and Stories, 18mo cl. " Popular Moral Tales, 18mocl. " " Story-Book, 18rao cl . . . . " " Tales and Stories, 18mo cl . . . " " Wood Leightoii, 3 V. 12mo . " " The Christmas-Tree, ISmo cl . " " The Turtle Dove, ISmocl Howitt, Cook, and Landon's Poetical Works, 12mo mor $3, cl ex |1 75, cl Hows, J, W, S., The Practical Elocutionist and Aca- demical Reader and Speaker, 1 2mo r cl sides . . . . . " *' The Shaksperean Reader, 12 mo r cl sides ..... Hudibras, by Samuel Butler, 18mo cl " 12mo " Hughes, J. T., Doniphan's Expedition, 12mo cl . Hughs, Mrs., Frank Worthy, or the Orphan and His ]3enefactor, square cl . " " Lissie Linden and Her Mocking-Bird square cl . ** " May Morning "... " " The Gipsev Portune-Teller, square cl u u i^.^. Wreath, cl ex . " " " Mother's Birthday, square cl . " " Proud Girl Humbled, square cl ;' " The Two Schools, 12mo cl . Hugo, Victor, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, pap Huguenot Daughters, and Other Poems, by Catherine G. Poyas ...... Human Life, Illustrated in My Experience as a Child, a Youth, and a Man, by H. C. Wright, 12mo cl Humbolt, Akx. Vun, Aspects of Nature in Dift'erent Lands and Ditierent Chmates, 12mo cl 50 Burffeas, S. <k Co. Boston, '47 50 Gould, K. Jc L. 50 42 Crosby k N. 1 00 Carter k Bros., '49 50 Phillips, S. & Co. 50 n 50 u 1 00 u 50 (( 38 Francis & Co. 50 Collins & Bro. 75 Appleton & Co. '49 75 n 75 u 75 Francis & Co. 75 Appleton & Co. '49 Carey, L. <k B. '37 38 Francis <k Co. 38 a 1 25 Phillips, S. & Co. 1 00 G. P. Putnam, '49 1 25 Appleton, '49 38 JI.F. Anners 50 Andrus k Son 1 50 Apphton k Co. 1 00 J. A. k U. P. James 33 Lindsay k B., '49 33 " 33 " 33 " 1 25 " 33 " 33 50 i^. Lucas, Jr. 25 Deicitt k D. John Russell, 49 B. Marsh, '49 1 2b Leek B., '49 1828—1850.] HUM- IN D. Hume, David, History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Csesar, to the Abdit'ation of James II., 1688, 6 V. 12mo, per vol. cl 6:3c., slip. Humility Before Honor, by Charlutte i]lizabetli, 18mo cl Humorist Tales, by Parley, ISmo cl ex 75f., cl. Hunchback, The, of Notre Dame, l)y Victor Hugo, pap Hunt, Wm., Biographical Sketch-Book, 8vo cl . Huntington, Rev. F. D., Lessons on the Parables of the Savior, 18ino cl . Hurlbut, Human Rights, 12nio cl . . . , Huskisson, Win., Speeches, edited by Robert Walsh. 8vo shp ........ c Huter, A. U., Cathedral Chaunts .... Hyacinth, The, or Aftectioii's (xift for 1850, cl ex Hyancinthe, or the Contrast, by Mrs. Grey, pap. c Hymns, Songs, and Fables, by Mrs. FoUen, cl gt Hymns and Tunes for Vestry and Conference Meetings, by E. M. Stone, square 16mo . 53 75 Phillips, S. k Co. 42 E. H. Pease k Co. 50 Xujis k C. 25 Bewitt &l D. 3 00 Nafis & C. 38 Crosby k N. 75 Fowler <k W. 2 00 E. C. k J. Biddle 50 /. A. Sparks 1 25 II. F. Auners 25 T. B. Peterson 38 Crosby k X. 17 " I. Inconographic Encyclopoedia of Science, Literature and Art, Systematically Arranged by G. Ileck, with 500 Quarto Steel Plates, by (merman Artists, the Text Translated and Edited by Professor Spencer F. Baird, of Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa., to be Completed in 25 Monthly Parts, each Iliad of Homer, Translated by Wm. Cowper, Edited by Robert Southey, with Notes by M. A. Dwight, 12mo cl . The Same, with Flaxman's Designs, 8vo cl §3, cl ex Illustrations of Astronomy, by Parley, square hf r " " Commerce, " " " History and Geography, by Parley, square hf r . " " Medical Botany, see Carson J. . " " the Animal Kingdom, by Parley, square hf r " " the Vegetable Kingdom, square hf r Imitation of the Blessed Virgin, 18mo cl . Imray, K., Cyclopcedia of Modern Domestic Medicine, with Additions by an American Physician, 8vo cl $3 50, shp . . . . .' . Incarnation, The, or Pictures of the Virgin and Her Son, by Rev. Charles Beecher, 12ni(j cl c Indian, [The,] in His Wigwam, or Characteristics of the Red Race of America, by II. R. School- craft, pap 50c., el .... . " [The,] in His Wigwam, or Characteristics of the Red Race of America, by II. R. School- craft, 8vo cl ..... . 1 00 Rudolph Garrique 1 25 G. P. Putnam, '50 3 50 " 38 H. H. Hawiey k Co. 38 " 38 " 38 " 38 " 50 F. Lucas, Jr. 4 00 Gates, S. k (7o.,'49 50 Harpers, '49 1 00 Dewitt k D. 1 50 G. U. Derby t£- Co. C4 INI) ITA. Indian Cottagp, an Unitarian Story, 18nio cl . " Wars of tlu", U. States to th(3 Trescnt . Time, by W. V. Moore, 8vo cl . Industrial Exclians^L-s ;ind Social Uomedies, by D. P Harhydt, I'imo cl Infant Piety, by liev. li. Noel " Sprinkling Proved a Human Tradition, by Alex Canipix'll, 12mo .... Infant's Philosophy, by li. G. Parker . Influence of Physical Causes on Religious Experience, by Rev. J. H. Jones, 18mo cl . Information for the People, by Chambei-s, 2 v. 8vo Lib lugei"soll., C. J., Historical Sketch of the Second War between U. States and G. Britain, vol. 2 8vo pap Innocence of Childhood, by Mrs. Colman, square cl . Inquisition of Spain, History of, by Llorente, pap Insuared, The, a Story of the Heart, by Lady C. Bury, pap Institutes of Theology, by Thomas Chalmers, 2 v. 12mo cl. Instructions for First Communion, 18mo cl Interesting Narratives and Anecdotes, selected from Chambers' Miscellany, 12mo cl gt . Introduction to American Literature, by E. L. Rice, 12ino cl . " to a Devout Life, 24mo cl . Invisible Gentleman, pap ...... Ireland, a Political History of, by E. WiUiams, . " As I Saw It, The Character, Condition, and Prospects of the People, by W. S. Balch, 1 2mo cl . Irving, John B., A Day on Cooper River, 12 mo ; " C, Catechisms, in 12 parts, each " " " 4 v. shp " Washington, Book of the Hudson, 1 8mo cl 38c., the same with 4 Illustrations, cl «' " Columbus, Abridged, with Ques- tions, 18mo shp " " Knickerbocker, 8vo illustrated mor 86, cl ex 84, cl . . . " " Tales of a Traveler, 8vo illustrated, mor ^Q, cl ex 84, cl c " " Mahomet and His Successor, 2 v. 12mo cl . . . . Is Christianity from God? by Rev. J. Cumming, 18mo cl Isabel Graham, or Charity Rewarded, a Tale of New York, by H. W. Herbert, pap . " of Bavaria, by Dumas, pap . . . . Israel, The, of God, by Rev. S. H. Tyng, new edition Svo cl Italian Comedies, [Select,] Translated from the Italian of Goldoni, Giraud, and Nota, 12mo cl [am. cat. .38 F. Luca-i, Jr. 2 00 Leanj d; Co. 75 G. P. Putnam Carter 6i. Bros.., '49 Author, '35 25 Barnes dc Co. '50 38 W. S. Mar lien, 6 00 /. (k ./. L. Gihon 1 00 Lea & B., '49 50 Appleton, '50 38 T. B. Peterson 25 2 00 Harper & Bros., '49 50 F. Lucas, Jr. 75 Gould, K. k L. 1 00 H. W. Derby k. Co. 38 i^. Lucas, Jr. 25 Dewitt k D. Bixby k Co., '44 1 00 G. P. Putruim, '50 A. E. Miller 13 /. Murphy k Co. 1 50 50 G. r. Put)iam 45 Underhill k Co. 3 50 G. P. Putnam 3 50 " 2 50 " M. W. Dodd, -49 25 WiUiams k Bro. 50 T. B. Peterson 1 50 Carter k Bros., '49 1 00 Appleton k Co., '49 1828—1850.] ITA—JAP. 55 Italian Sketch-Book, by H. T. Tuokerman, 12mo cl . Ives, Bishop L. S., Sermons, " The Obedience of Faith," ISmo cl ...... . " & Button's American Psalmody, cl . Ivy Wreath, The, by Mrs. Hughs, cl ex . I 15 J. C. Riker 50 5. <fe Stoords, '49 75 Cody k D. 1 25 Lindsay & i?., '49 J. Jack Ariel, or Life on Board an East Indiaraan, pap . " Hinton, the Guardsman, by Lever, pap " Lawrence, the Sailor Boy, by W. S. Cardell, bds " Tier, or the Florida Kcef, by J. F. Cooper, 2 v. pat) . . . . . . . Jackson, Andrew, Memoirs of, by P. A. Goodwin, 12 mo cl . . . . . " WilHam, A Man of Sorrows, or the Pro^^dence of God Displayed, 12mo . Jacob Faithful, by Marryatt, pap .... Jacobus, M. W, Questions on Matthew Jacob's Latin Reader, part I. edited by G. Bancroft, 12mo slip ....... Jacopo, Tales by M. Edgeworth and Others, 18mo cl . Jaeger, B., Class-Book of Zoology, ISnio . Jahr, G. H. G., Clinical Guide, or Pocket Repertory , " " New Manual of Homoeopathic Prac- tice, edited by A. G. Hull, 8vo James, G. P. R., Dark Scenes of History, 12mo pap 75c. cl " " The Forgery, pap .... " " The Woodman, a Romance of the Times of Richard ILL, pap " Rev. J. A., An Earnest Ministry the Want of the Times, 12mo cl ... " " The Anxious Inquirer after Salvation, 18mo cl . " " The Christian Professor, Addressed in a Series of Counsels and Cau- tions, 18ino cl . " " The Church in Earnest, ISmocl " " The Young Man from Home, 18mo cl James the Second, or the Revolution of 1688, by Ains- worth, pap ....... c Jane Eyre, an Autobiography, by Currer Bell, 12 mod " Shore, or the (Joldsmith's Wife, pap . Janes, M. P., The Amethyst, cl .... Janin, J., American in Paris during Winter, pap " " " " " Summer, pap Jiijdiet in Search of a Father, by Marryatt, pap " " " " 12 mod . Jaques, G., Practical Treatise on the Management of Fruit Trees, 1 8mo ...... 25 H. Lonr, k Bro. '49 38 T'. B. Peterson 15 W. A. Leary 50 Stringer k T. '48 90 Andrus k Son Wm. Wooily, '34 25 T. B. Peterson 15 Carter k Bros. '49 60 Hunt k Son 38 Gould, K. k L. 38 Appleton k Co. 1 50 VT. Raddc, '49 3 00 '49 1 00 Harper k Bros. '50 25 " '49 25 " '49 M. W. Dodd, '49 38 Gould, K. k L. W. S. Afartien, '60 50 Gould, K. k L. '49 38 " 25 Strinqer k T. 1 00 Wilkins, C. k Co. 25 Striwier k T. '49 38 Jos. French, "49 26 Stringer k T. 25 25 T. B. Peterson 75 And r us k Son E. N. Tucker. "49 66 JAR- JOH. [am. cat. Jarvis, E., riiy^i()lf)i;v, 12mo slip . . . . c Jay, Win., Family I )iscoui-8es, 2 v. ISmoshp " " Iteview of the Causes and (Consequences of the Mi'xican War, 1 2mo cl . Jenkins, J. S., (icnerals of the Last War with Great IJriUiin, 12mo cl or slip . c " " History of the Mexican War, 12mo cl or shp ...... " " Life of James K. Polk " " Lives of Patriots and Heroes of the American Revolution, 18mo cl or shp c " " New Clerk's Assistant, or Book of Prac- tical Forms, 8vo Law shp c " " Political History of New York, 12mo slip ...... Jenkyn, Rev. T. W., The Union of the Holy Spirit and the Church, 12mo cl Jenks, Rev. Wm., The Explanatory Bible Atlas and Scripture Gazetteer, 4to . Jennino;, L, Medical Reform, 12mo cl . . . Jeremiah Parks, a Novel, by Mrs. M. Daniel, pap " Saddlebag's Adventui-es in the Gold Diggins, pap Jerram, Mrs., The Child's Own Story-Book, cl . Jerrold, Douglas, St. Giles and St. James, pap . " " The Dreamer and Worker, pap " " Man made of Money, pap ;( (( u u u a Jesse, J. H., Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Ad- herents, 2 V. 18mo pap 75c. cl . Jessie Linden, ISmo cl ..... . Jesuits at Rome, Mornings among the, by Rev. H. Seymour, 12mo cl ..... . Jeter, Rev. J., Memoir of Henrietta Shuck, first Female Missionary to China, ISmo cl . c Jewell, Bishop John, Apology for the Church of Eng- land, 12mo cl . Jewett, J. R., Narrative of Captivity and Suffering at Nootka Sound, 12mo shp .... John's First-Book, by J. R. Webb, ISmo hf bd Johnson, A. N., The Choir Chorus Book . " Osgood, J., and Hill, S., The Bay State Collection of Church Music . " E., The Domestic Practice of Hydropathy, 12mo cl . . . . . " " Life, Health, and Disease, 12mo cl " J. C, Juvenile Oratorios .... " Louisa, Every Lady her own Flower-Garden, 18mo cl . . . . . " Samuel, Pocket Dictionary, 32mo tucks 63c. enib 50c. cl . . *' Rasselas, 8vo illustrated, cl ex $3, mor 88 Thomas, C. «fe Co. 1 00 Barrinytcm k H. 75 Munsey &c Co. '49 1 25 Derby, M. k Co. 1 50 " 1 25 /. M. Alden 50 Derby, M. k Co. 2 00 " 1 50 J. M. Alden 85 Gould, K. k L. C. Hinckling, '49 1 00 /. M. Fitch 25 H. Long k Bro. '49 25 Strinyer k T. 50 Appleton 38 Stringer k T. 25 25 Lockxoood k Co. Carey k Hart 1 25 /. W. Moore, '46 42 Dunigan k Bro. 75 Harpers, '49 50 Gould, K. k L. 75 S. & Swords 40 Andrus, G. k Co. 15 Huntington k S. 75 Wilkins, C. k Co. 75 1 25 /. Wiley, '49 50 " '50 25 Wilkins, C. k Co. 38 S. Babcock 38 Lindsay k B. '49 3 50 Hogan k T. 1828—1850.] JOH- KAT. 67 Johnson, Samuel, Rasselas, 16mo d . . . . " T. F., Sights iu the Gukl liogion, and Scenes by the Way, 12 mo cl . . . " and Nicholson, The Carpenter's New Guide . Johnston, A. K., Physical Atlas of Natural Phenome- na, imperial 4to r cl sides ..... Johnston's Natural Philosophy, 12mo shp " Turner's Chemistry, 12mo shp . abridged, ht' r . Jones, Commodore Paul, Life of, witli 87 Illustrations, f cover 63c. cl " Rev. C. C, The Glory of Woman is the Fear of the Lord, 18mo cl " " D., Memoirs of Rev. Ashbel Green, Bvo cl " " John, The I'ower of Deception and the Man of Sin Revealed, 8vo " " Joseph H., The Influence of - Physical Causes on Rehgious Expe- rience, 18mo cl " Schoolcraft, Ellen, or Forget and Forgive " W. A., ICssays upon Authors, 12mo cl " " Life of David S. Jones, 12mo cl . Josephus, F., Works, G v. 12 mo shp Joslin, B, F., Causes and Homoeopathic Treatment of Cholera, 18ino ...... Journal of the American C>riental Society, 8vo . Joy and Peace in Believing, by Mrs. R. L. Hopper, 32 mo, cl gt e [J add, Rev. Sylvester,] Philo : an Evaiigcliad, 12nio cl ex$l 25, cl . c Judson. Ann H., Memoirs of, by Rev. J. D. Knowles, 18mo cl . Julius CiBsar, The History of, by Jacol) Abbott, 12mo cl Julian De Clifford, or Woman's Love, pap Junius' Letters, 18mo ...... Junkin, Rev. George, A Treatise on Justification, 12 mo cl Juvenal, with English Notes, by F. P. Levcrett, 12mo shp Juvenile Days, by M. Howitt, 1 8mo cl . . . " Harp, bv Mason ..... " Minstrel', by J. H. Aikin, long 12ino hf bd . " Oratorios, by J. C. Johnson " Tales and Stories, by M. Howitt, 18mo cl 75 5 00 88 1 25 75 1 00 38 2 00 Carter & Bros. '4'j Baker & 5. '49 Lippincott, O. (fe Co. Lea (k B. Thomas, C. (t Co. Gr'Kjg, E. k, Co. W. S. Martien Carter tk Bros. '49 B. II. Small, '20 38 W. S. Martien 45 A. Tompkins 75 ^^. ik Sivords 15 3 00 Audrus, G. & Co. W. Radde, '49 , Neio Haven 31 II. Hooker, '47 , 88 Phillips, S. & Co. 58 G'ould, A". & L. 60 Harpers, '49 25 Adams & S. '49 75 Mtissei/ & Co. 1 25 \l^. S. Martien 07 \Vilkin.s, C. i\t Co. II 75 Appliton it Co. '49 50 K. I). Truman 3 1 >;. C. ^ J. Biddle 25 Wilknts, C. k Co 75 Apploton & Co. '49 K. Kaloolali, an Auloiiiogr.ijijiy of .loualhan Komc-r, by [W. S. Mayo], Bvo pap 50r. 12mo cl c Kames, Lord, Elements of ('riti(i>m, idit"<l by A Mills, 12^no sli]< Kate Clarindan, a Romance', I'V K. iJonn.'tt, pap 9 I 'J5 (r. P. Pnluam. '-19 1 25 Huutiiinton & S:\d 25 Strut (on k B. 68 K A r — Kfisr. [am. CAT. Kato Walaiiiijliain, l)y Miss ricl«'rin;^, pap " hiScardi of a IFiishaiHl, ]»ap .... Kavanaijli, a Talc, by H. W. Ijoiitrfi-llow, IGmo d Keach, IJ., Travels of Tnu^ (rodliiioss Kcble, I., Christian "^'^ear, Thouf^lits in Verse for Sun- days and Holidays, IGmo mor ^2 25, cl ex ^\, cl Kecnan, Ivcv. 8., a Poctrinal Catecliism, 18ino pap 28r. lif cl 3af. d KellojLTg, Edward, Labor and other Capital, Tlie Rights of Eadi secured, and the Wrongs of Both eradi- cated, 8vo cl ...... . Kelly's New Juvenile I'rimer, gross .... Kelt, T., The Mechanic's Text-Book, and Engineer's Practical (iuide, 12rao cl . Ken, Bishop, Divine Love, 16mo .... C Kendall, Otis, UranogTaphy, or a Description of the Heavens, hf r . Kennedy, Grace, Jessy Allen, 18rao cl . . . " " The Abbey of Innismoyle, cl . " J. P. Memoirs of the Life of William Wirt, 2 v. 8vo cl " " Memoirs of the Life of William Wirt, Second and Re\nsed Edition, 2 v. 12mo cl . . . . . Kenrick, Rt. Rev. F. P., Theologia Dogmatica, 4 v. 8vo shp .... " " " Theologia Moralis, 3 v. 8vo shp . . . . " " " Catholic Doctrine on Justifi- cation Explained and Vin- dicated, 12 mo cl " " " The Primacy of the Apostolic See Vindicated, 8vo cl " " " Treatise on Baptism, 12mo cl " " " The Four Gos]ids Translated from the Latin Vulgate, 8vo cl . " W., The Xew American Orchardist, 12mo cl Kentucky, Historical Sketches of, by L. Collins, 8vo shp or cl ....... Kenyon, W. C, Elements of English Grammar, 12mo shp Key Stone to Scripture Faith, by Edson, cl " of Paradise, 18mo r Toe. shp .... " , to the E])isco]xil Prayer Book, by Rev. K. Wliyte- head, edited by Rev. J. H. Fowles, 12mo cl c Kidder, Rev. D. P., Sketches of a Residence and Trav- els in Brazil, embracing Historical and Geograph- ical Notices of the Empire, 2 v. 8vo cl [Kimball, R. B.], St. Leger, or the Threads of Life, 12 mo cl ....... . King, Rev. A., ^Memoir of George Dana Boardman, 12mo cl 25 T. n. Prtcrson 25 Striufjer k T. 75 Ticknor & Co. '49 20 L. Colby 75 Appleton k Co. 56 Duniqnn k Tiro. 1 50 Author, N. Y. 3 50 W. A. Leury 1 25 Phillips, S. & Co. A. E. Miller, '49 1 oQ E. H. Butler k Co. 25 Carter & Bros. 38 T. B. Petersm 4 50 Lea k B. '49 1 25 •" '50 10 00 L. Johnson, '40 6 00 " '40 7 5 E. Cummisky 1 50 75 Duniqan k Bro. 2 00 " 90 Broader s k Co. 2 50 J.A.k U. P. James 80 E. Barroir, '49 38 Cady k B. 50 F. Lxicas. Jr. 1 00 R. E. Peterson, '49 3 00 Sarin k Ball, "45 1 00 G. P. Put)ia7n, '49 75 Gould, K. k L. 1828—1850.] KIN- LAD, 59 King of the nurons, by [P. H. Myei-s], 12mo pap 75c cl King's Own, by Manyatt, pap .... Kingsbury, II., on Divine and Human Government. and of Religious Liberty, 12 mo cl Kingsley, George, Sacred Choir " " " Harmonist . Kinney, Rev. A. D., Have Me Excused, cl . Kinmout, Alex., Natural History of Man, and the Rise and Progi'ess of Pbilo«ophy, 8vo Kip, W. I., Ei rly Conflicts of Christianity, 12mo cl Kii-kland, Mi-s., A New Home, Who'll Follow ? lUus trated by Darley, 12mo cl Kirwan and Cote on Baptism .... Kitto, John, Daily Bible Illustrations,' 4 v, 12mo cl Klipstein, L. F., Aelfric's Anglo-Saxon Homily on the Birthday of St. George, 18mo cl c " " Analecta Anglo-Saxonica, 2 v. cl Knapen, D. M., Mechanic's Assistant, 12mo Knapp, F., Technology, or. Chemistry api)lied to the Arts, and to Manufactures, edited by Johnson, 2 V. Bvo cl ....... Kneeland, Abner, Lectures on the Doctrine of Univer- sal Salvation, 12mo bds " " The New Testament in Greek and English, 2 V. 12 mo Kneely, John, American Arithmetic .... « " " " Key to Knickerbocker's Histoiy of New York, by TV". Ir\ing, 12mo cl . . . . . " History of New York, by W. Irving, 8vo Illustrated, cl 83 50, cl ex §-4, mor ...... Knight, Charles, Half-Hours with the Best Authors, 4 v. 12mocl ....". " Mrs. H. C, liichard Harvey, a Juvenile, cl Knight, The, of Gwynne, by Lever, paj) . Knights of the Seal, a Romance, by A. J. H. Duganne, pap . . ..... Knowles, J. D., Memoirs of Ann 11. Judson, ISnio cl Kock, C. W., Revolutions in Europe, 8vo emb shp Kreb, Rev. J. M., The Private, L^omestic, and Social Life of Jesus Christ, a Model for Ymith, 24mo cl Kuchel, C, The Columbian Drawing-Bouk, 30 Plates, oblong 4to r cl sides. ..... 1 00 G. P. Putnam, '00 2.5 T. B. Pctirson 03 C. M. Sax ton, "49 75 Ajipleton lir Cn ?.8 Barnoi (fc Co. "49 .-iO M. W. Dodd 2 00 v. P. James, '39 75 Apple ton &, Co. '49 1 25 Francis k Co. '49 10 L. Colb;/ ( 'aril r 6: Bros. '60 50 G. P. Putnam, '49 3 50 1 U(» Apphfon & Co. '49 7 50 Lea k B. '4 9 Author, Ph'.lad. '24 PhUad, '22 38 A. <Sz Berry II) 1 25 G. P. Putnam 6 00 " 4 00 /. Wile If 25 S. A. Jfowhmd Q uQ T. B. Pttirson 38 Colon k Adriaiur 58 Gould, K. k L. 2 50 E. Hunt 20 W. S. Marlin. "49 3 50 Belknap k If., "49 La Bagatelle, Intended for very Yoiing Children to Learn French, lif r . Labauine, E., Bonaparte's Campaign in Ru<>ia, 8vu el. Ladies' Casket of Gathered Thoughts, by Miss Colman, S2mo cl ex 25 Crash/ k X. 1 50 Andrus k Son 38 ,/. ^f. Aid in 60 LA D- LA W. [ant. CAT. Lrulics' Copy-Book, willi Knrjrav('(l Clopios,. " < Jift, or Souvf'iiir of Frii'ii<l<lii]), 1 2mio " Lf'xicrMi, l)v (Jiiinslijiw, ISinoslip . c " \';^ of Wild Flowers, Ity Miss (^'olnian, 32ino el ox . • Lady Alice, or the New Una, 2 v. 12nio pap ^1, 1 vol cl Lady's Book of Poetry and Flowers, Edited by Miss Lucy Hooper, el ex ^2, fancy ])ap Lainb,^C]iarles, and Sister, Young Ladies at School, 18ino cl ex 80, cl . . Lamartine, A. De, History of the Frencli Revolution of 1848, translated by F. A. Durivage and W. S. Chase, 2 parts 12mo pap 50c, 1 vol cl . " " Les Confidences in French . " " transla- ted by Eugene Plunkett, 12mo cl " " Memoirs of My Youth, pap . Lancashire ^Vitches, The, a Romance by W. H. Ains- worth, pap . . . . Lancelot Widge, by Hooton, pap .... Land-Owner's Manuel, by B. F. Hall, 8vo law shp Land, The, of Sinini, or an Exposition of Isaiah XLIX, 12, 18mo cl Lander, The Secret Passion, pap .... " " Youth of Shakspeare. pap " Shaks])eare and His Friends, pap . Lane, Rev. B. J., Sabbath-Evening Lectures, 12mo cl. Laneton Pai-sonage, by Miss Sewell, 3 v. cl each Langnet, J., Confidence in the Mercy of God, 18mo cl Laphani, L A., History, Geography, Topography, etc., of Wisconsin, 1 2mo cl . . . . . c Lardner, D., Outlines of Universal History, 12mo shp Last Leaves of American History, comprising Histories of the Mexican War and California, by Emma Willard, 12rao cl Last of the Mohicans, by Cooper, 2 v. pap . Latham, P. M., Medical Clinic, comprising Semeiology and Auscultation, 8vo shp Lathrop, Rev. L. E., The Way of Safety, cl Laughing Philosopher, 18mo bds Laurie^ J., Elements of Honiceopathic Practice of Physic c " " Homoeopathic Domestic Physician, edited by A. G. Hull . . ' . Law, Wm., Serious Call to the Unconverted, 12mo shp ........ Lawrence, Amelia W., [Editor.] Drawing-Room Scrap- Book, with twenty illustrations, 4to" cl ex . Laws of the Common Carrying-Trade ; also of Marine, Fire, and Life Insurance, by J. V. Loomis, 18mo law shp 17 Jas. French 3 00 JJ. P. Kinr/, '.50 r,0 Grif/f/, A', k- Co. 38 /. Af. Alden 1 25 Appleton & Co., '49 1 25 ./. C. Riker 56 Underhill k Co. 75 Phillips, S. & Co. Appleton, '49 .50 " 25 Harpers, '49 Stringer k T., '49 25 " 2 50 Derby, M. c{- Co. 31 ir. S.Martim 50 Stringer k T. 50 50 " 1 00 Young & Hart, '44 75 Appleton d: Co. Q ZS F. Lucas, Jr. 1 00 /. .1. Hopkins. '49 88 Hogan k T. 1 00 G. P. Putnam, '49 50 Stringer k T. 1 75 Harrington k H. 38 Baker k S. 15 W. A. Ledry 1 25 W. Radde, '49 1 50 75 Barring ton k H. 3 50 A. Hart, '50 50 M. Starbuck k Co. 1828—1850.] LA W- LIB. Layard, A, H., Nineveh and Its Remains, 2 v. 12mo bfr §1 75, 2 V. 8vocl , . . ." . Layman's, [A.,] Lessons on Sacerdotal Powers . Lea, Albert M., Notes on Wisconsin Territoiy, ISmo " E. E., Domestic Cookery, 12mo cl . . . Leaflets of Memory, an Illuniinated Annual for 1850, edited by R. Coates, 8vo mor .... Leash, Rev. W., The Footsteps of Messiah, r2mo cl . Leaves for a Christmas Bough, 18mo cl . Le Brun's Telmaque, in French, 12mo shp Lectures on Subjects connected with Literature and Life, bv Edwin P. Whipple, 12mo cl " to Young Men, by J. H. Bisbee, 18mo el . Lee, Mrs. IL, Stories from Life, 16mo cl . " Mrs. T., Naomi, or Boston 200 Years Ago, a Tale of the Quaker Persecution, 16mo cl. Legal [The] and Commercial Common-Place Book, l)y by W. Linn, 8vo L shp ..... Legendre's Geometry and Trigonometry, by Da\ios, 8vo shp ..... Legends of Mexico, or Battles of Genl. Z Leibnitz, G. W. Von, The Life of, by J. 18mo cl . Lena Cameron, by Mrs Gray, pap . Lenton Monitor, by Rev. P. Baker, 24mo . Le Petit Robinson, by Madame E. Foe, 18mo cl. Leslie, Miss, American Girl's Book, cl Lessons on the Parables of the Savior, by Rev.- F, Uuntington, 18mo cl . . . . . Lester, C. E., Life of Americus Vespucius, 8vo cl " " Samuel Houston and Ilis Republic, 8vo pap. . . . . Letters bn the Moral and Religious Duties of Parents, by a Clergyman . . . . . " to a Sister, or Woman's Mission, by Wm. A. Alcott, 12mo cl Lever, Charles, Charles O'Malley, pap " " Jack Ilinton, the (iuardsman, pap " " Roland Cashel, 8vo pap 75c., cl . '' " The Knight of Gwynue, pap Leverett, F. P., Journal, 12ino slip . . . . " " The New Latin Tutor, or Exercises in Etymology, Syntax and I'rosody, 12mo shj) . . . . , c Levison, J. L., Mental Culture, or the Means of De- veloping till' Human Faeulties, 12mo. Lewes, G. H., Life of Maximilieu l{obespiere, TJuio cl Liber Priinus, or First Book of Latin Exercises, by Joseph Dana, with a Vocabulary i-y C. K. Dilla- way, 12 mo slip . . Library of American ni>tory, containing Selections from the Best Authors on History, Biogra- phy, Travels, Statistics, «kc., 8vo slip . of Natural History, 8vo cl . Taylor, ])ap M. Mackie, D. 4 50 G.P. Putnam, '49 25 AppUton d- (.\ '4'J H. S. Tiinmr, '.'36 75 Cvshing Sc />>'.., '46 6 on Butler d' Co., '50 1 25 ir. S. Martifii 31 Croshij k N. 84 Biirrin(/to7i (V //. 03 Ticknor k Co., '49 G.3 Butler k B. 63 Crosby k N. 75 " '48 Andrus, G. d- Co. 1 50 Barnes <k Co. 25 T. B. Peterson 75 Gould, K. ct L. 25 T. B. Peterson 38 /". Lucas, Jr. GO //. Longstreth, '47 75 Francis <k Co. 38 Cros^hy k N. 2 00 Baler k S. 50 Burgess, S. d: Co. 38 A. Timpkins 75 5fi .TS 1 00 50 67 G. IL Derh, k Co. Harper iV Bros., '49 Wllkins^ C. k Co. 1 00 Hunt it Son 25 Tirknor d' Cn. 1 00 Cam/ it //„rt. '49 88 C. Stitnj^oti 3 0(» ,/. U. P.Janvs ■.\ 00 /'lill/lp^S. \' <'<: 02 LIF- LIP. I AM. CAT. Life, Ili-alth, :hi(1 I )is('a^o, by Edward .Ii)liiis(;ii, 12ni<) cl ...;... . " in l\'iris, by (J. W. M. Reynolds, pap. " " Kochostor, pap ...... " " the Far West, by (J. F. Ruxton, 12mo pap 38f., 0.1 ..:... . " " the New World, or Skelxjhes of America, by Seatstield, 8vod " of Christ, l)y Rev. II. H. Weld, 8vo illustrated, cl ex §3, mor . . . . " " " and His Apostles, by Fleetwood, 12mo cl ex 81 75, cl . . . . Life and Death, a Metrical Romance, by P. 8. Ruter, 12mo bds ...... " " Wanderings of a Mouse, square cl Lift for the Lazy, by [11. W. Griffith,] 12mo cl . Lights and Shadows of Christian Life, by W. C. Brownlee, 12nio cl . Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life, by Wilson, 16mo cl . . . Ligouri, St. A., Hours of the Passions, ISmo cl . " " Love of Our Lord Jesus Chiist Reduced to Practice, ISmo cl . . . " " Preparation for Death, or Considera- tions of the Eternal Maxims, 12 mo cl gt " " Treatise on Prayer, 24mo cl " " Visits to the Blessed Sacrament, and to the Blessed Virgin, for Every Day in the Month, 24mo cl. " " Way of Salvation, Meditations for Every Day in the Year, 24mo cl . Lilies from Lebanon, or Scripture Sketches, cl ex GYc, cl Lily, [The,] Among Flowers, ISmo cl. Lincoln, E., Sabbath-School Class-Book '* " Scriptm-e Questions, with Answers, doz Lindley, George, Guide to the Orchard and Fruit Gar- den, with an Appendix by M. Floy, 12 mo cl Linear Perspective for the Use of Schools, by Joseph Ropes, 8\o cl backs ...... c Lingard, J., History of England, 13 v. 12 mo cl . " " Facts on Subjects Connected with the Civil and Religious Principles of Cath- oHcs, 12mo cl . Linn, W., The Legal and Commercial Common-Place Book, 8vo L shp ..... Lionel Lincoln, by Cooper, 2 v. pap . Lippard, G., Bel of Prairie Eden, pap. ' " " Blanche of Brandywine, pap . " " Legends of Mexico, pap " " Mysteries and Miseries of Philadelphiji, 2 parts paj^ ..... .50 J. Wiley, '50 38 T. B. Petemon 25 J). M. Dewey GO Jlarpcra, '49 1 00 ./. Winchester 3 50 Ilof/an & T., '50 1 2o Phillips, S. & Co. 25 T. R. Nelson, '49 50 G. S. Appleton 75 G. P. Putnam, '49 1 00 /. S. Taylor 75 38 038 Carter & Bros, '49 P\ Lucas, Jr. 75 </. Murphy & Co. 38 J^. Lucas, Jr. 38 " 38 " 50 /. C. Biker 38 B. B. Brooks 13 Gould, K. k L. 1 00 1 50 /. C. Riker 25 Author, PortVd, '49 12 00 Dunigan k Bro. 75 F. Lucas, Jr. Andrus. G. k Co., 50 Stringer k T. 25 T. B\ Peterson 75 25 1 00 " 1828—1850. LIP— LI V. 63 Lippard, G., Paul Ardenlieim, the Monk of AVissabikon, 2 parts pap ..... " " The Empire City, or Xew York by Night and by Day, pap .... " " Tlie Nazarene, or the Last of the Wa.shing- tons, 2 parts jap .... " " The Quaker City, or the Monks of Monk Hall, 2 parts j.ap " •' Washington and His Generals, or Legends of the Kevuhition, 2 parts pap Lisfranc, M., Diseases of the Uterus, translated V^y G. H, Lodge, 8\o el " . Lissie Linden, by Mrs. Huglis, square d . Liston, R., Practical Surgery, Notes, &c., by NorrLs, 8vo shp ........ Literary Gem., an Illustrated Souvenir for all Seasons, Little Annie's Second Book, cl . " Dora, or the Four Seasons, cl ex 50c., cl . " Dreamer, by Thomas Teller .... " Frank, and Other Tales, square cl . " " by Hendrick (Jonscience, edited by Miss A. C. Lynch, 18mo cl . . . " Gardener, a Juvenile, cl . " Gift for Little Folks, square 32rao . " Hymn-lJook, by Mrs. S. 13. Wood, 24mo cl " Mill- Dam, and Other Tales, cl . " Philosopher, by J. Abbott, ISmod . " Rhymes for Little Readers .... " Robinson, and Other Tales, 18mo cl '• Savage, by Capt. Marryatt, 12mo pap 38c., cl . " Songster, for Schools, by G. J. Webb " Sjjeaker, by C. Northend ISmohfr. " Wife, The, by ^Irs. Grey, pap .... Livermore, A. A., The Marriage Offering, 16mo cl gt . " " The War ^vith Mexico Reviewed, 12mo cl " Harriet, A Testimony for the Times, 12mo Lives and Adventures of the Suuth-West, by Charles Summerfield, pap ..... " of the Commodores of the U. S. Navy, by John Frost, 8vo r gt " " Illustrious Men, 18mo cl . . . . " " James Monroe and James Madison, by Hon. J. Q. Adams, to which is added a Life of the Author, 12mo cl . . . . " " Remarkable and Eccentric Characters of all Ages and Countries, 8vo ara . " " St. Patrick, St. Bridget, and St. Columba, 12 mo cl . . . . . • . " " The Governors of New I'lymouth and Massa- chusetts Bay, 8vo cl . . . . Living Authors of America, by Thomas Powell, 12rao pap *lhc. cl ..... . 1 00 T. B. Peterson 50 Stringer <fe T. 1 00 T. B. Peterson 1 00 1 00 " 1 75 Ticknor ,fe Co., '4G 33 Lindsay k B., '49 3 "75 Thomas, C. d: Co. Apple ton, '49 38 G. S. Applcton 38 38 S. Babcock 25 G. S. Apple ton 42 Uunlr/anS: Bro.'-iO 38 JI. F. Anners Q 38 J. K. Simon 25 A. Hutchinson k, Co 38 //. F. Anners 25 Jenks, P., fc Co. 38 S. Babcork 38 Gould, K. k L. 50 Harper k Bros./ AO 20 Jcnks, P. k Co. 34 Barnes ((• Co., '50 25 T. B. Peterson 07 Cosbf/ ((• X. 75 " '50 Author, y. y. '43 25 Gnihitni, '40 2 50 Najis d- C. 75 Applcton &i Co. '-10 1 25 G. II. Perhj k CW. 3 00 \V. .\. Lcary 50 ,/. Murphy k Co. 2 50 r/<f/<'.v. S. k Co. 1 00 Strin.;er k T. 64 LIV- LOW. [am. Living Autliors of Kii<rl:uul, Ly Tlioiiuis I'owtill, 12mo cl . . ' . .-..•,•. • Llorente's History i)f tlio Inquisition of Spain, pa]) Locke and Bacon's Essays ..... c Lo<ler, (loo., The Now York (ilee-Book, 8vo cl . Long, il. Cary, Ancient. Arcliitccturo of America, with 20 Illustrations, 8vo pap " Lady C, Roland Ashton, a Tale of the Times, 2 V. 12mo cl . . . Long Island, N. Y., History of, by B. F. Thompson, 2 V. 8vo cl ....... Longfellow, IL W., Kavaiiagh, a Tale, 16mo cl c " " Voices of the Night, 16mo bds . " " The Seaside and the Fireside, 16 mo bds ..... " Samuel, and ~Johnson, Samuel, Book of Hymns, for Public and Private Devotion .... Longstreet, Georgia Scenes, 12 mo cl ... Loomis, J. v.. The Laws of the Common Carrying- Trade, also of Marine and Life Insurance, ISmo L. shp ....... Lord, Rev. Willis, Our National Preeminence, and its True Source, ISmo cl .... Lorenzo, or the Empire of Religion, 32mo cl Los Gringos : or an Inside View of Mexico and CaU fornia, wth Wandering-s in Peru, Chili, and Poly- nesia, by Lieut. W^ise, 12mo cl Lossing, B. J., Christ's Messengers, 12mo saxy . " " Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-Six, or ^ the War of Independence, 8vo cl Loughridge, Rev. Win., Counsels for the Afflicted, 32 mo cl ...... . Louis, P. C. A., On Fevers, 2 v. 8vo . Louise, or the Beauty of Integrity, 18mo cl Louisiana, Historical Collections of, by B. F. French 8vo cl Loiu-ie, Rev. W. M., Memoirs otj edited by his Father, 8vo cl . . . . . . Love Match, by Cockton, pap .... Lovell, J. E., Exercises in Orthography " " Y'oung Speaker, 12mo shp a u u u (( Love's Garland, a Poetical Gift, 32mo cl ex Loves of the Angels, by T. Moore, 3 2 mo cl ex . • " (The) of Paris, by Paul Feval, pap . c Lowell, J. R., Poems, 2 v. 12mo bds §1 50, cl . Lowell as it Wj^ and as it Is, by Rev. H. A. Miles, 18mo pap 37c. cl ..... . Lowell Lectures, on the Application of Metaphysical and Ethical Science to the Evidences of Religion, by Francis Bowen, 8vo cl . 1 00 Apjileirni k Co. '49 38 T. B. Peternati .00 MuHseij «fe Co. 1 00 Amlrus h Son .".0 Bartlett <fe W. '49 1 25 AndruH d: Son 5 <)0 E. French, '39 75 Tichi/jr (k Co. '49 75 75 '49 03 " 90 Harper k Bros. 50 M. Starbuck k Co. 25 W. S. Martien 25 J. Murphy 1 25 Bnl-er k S. '49 1 50 E. Wolker 2 50 " "49 25 W. S. Martien I. R. Butts, '36 25 Appleton k Co. '49 1 50 Wileij k P. 1 50 Carter k Bros. '49 50 Strinyer k T. 20 Durrie k P. 63 E. D. Truman 63 JJurrie k P. 38 J.M. Alden 38 " 50 Striaqer k T. 1 75 Ticknor k Co. 50 N. L. Dayton 2 50 Little k B. '49 1828— 1850.J LOr MAC. G5 Loyala : and Jesuitism in its Rudiments, by Isaac Tay- lor, 12mo cl 1 00 Carter <k Bros. Lucy Temple, or the Three r)rphans, ISmo bds 25c. cl gt 50 ^^ajis d- C. c Lucy at Play, by Jacob Abbott, 18mo cl . . . 45 Gates, S. <fe Co. c " " Study, " " " ... 45 c " on the Mountains, " " . . . 45 " c " " Sea Shore, " " ... 45 c Lucy's Conversations, " " . . .045 " c " Stories, " "^ . . . 45 Lunt, Mrs., The Philipena, or Forget Me Not, 32mocl 38 X. L. Dayton Lute, The, or Musical Instructor, cl bks . . .0 20 H. H. Hawley iz Co Lutheran Hymn-Book, in German, shp 8 If. im mor gt e $1 50, mor 2 00 W. G. Mentz Lyell, Chas., Second Visit to the United States, 2 v. pap $1 20, cl 1 50 Harpers, '49 Lynch, W. F., Narrative of the United States Expedi- tion to the River Jordan and the Dead Sea, 8vo cl 3 00 Lea & B. Lynd, Jas., The Class-Book of Etymology, 12mo hf r 60 ^. C. k J. Biddle Lyon, Miss S. M., The Musical Geography, (a Geogra- phy in Rhyme,) 24mo hf cl . . . . 20 Youmj k Hart, '49 Lytton, E. Bulwer, The New Timon, a Romance of London, 12mo cl To Corey k Hart, '49 M. Mabel Carrington, or Love and Pride, pap . . 25 Long k Bra. '49 Macauley, T. B., History of England, 8vo pr vol pap 25c. cl 75 Harpers " " History of England, 12moprvol. cl . 63 Phillips, S. k Co. " " " " 8vo pr vol. net cl 75c. shp $1, hf mor . . . 1 50 L. H Butler k Co. " " " ** chea]) edit. 2 v. in 1. net pap 30c. cl bks 40c. cl . 50 " " " " cheaji edit, each vol. net pap . .0 15 '* " " " " 2 V. in 1, 8vo shp . 1 75 K D. Truman " " Selections from, 12mocl . . . (53 G. JL Derby k Co. Machiavelli, Florentine Histories, 2 v. cl . . . I 60 Cady k B. Mackay, Alex., The Western World, or Travels in the United States in 1840-47,2 v. 12 mo cl 2 OU Lea k B. " Rev. Jas., Roman Antiquities, in (.^uostioii and Answer 38 6\ Babcock, '49 " Mrs., Wickliffites, or England in the Nine- teenth Century, 12ni<) cl . . 75 Carter k Bros. Mackie, J. M., Life of G. W. Von Leibnitz, 1 8nio cl . 75 Gould, K. k L. c Mackintosh, J., Principles of Pathology, and Practice of Medicine, 8vo shp 3 50 Lindsay k B. 10 66 MA C- ■ MAN. [am. cat. Maclise, Joseph, Surgical Anatomy, iin[icrial fjuarto, 4 part-*, pr part ....... c Macrobin, Jolni, Introduction to the Study of Practical Medicine, lif shp ..... Magilalcii and Marcia, or the Rectory Guest, by Mrs Grey, pap . . . . Magic, The, of Kindness, or the Wondrous Story of tlic (Jodd Iluan, IStno cl . Maglatiilin, II. 1?., I'ractical Elocutionist, 12mo hf r e Magoon, E. L., Proveibs for the People, 12 mo cl " " Republican Christianity, 12mo cl Mahan, Rev. Asa, Science of Moral Philosophy, 12mo cl c " " Scripture Doctrine of Christian Per- fection, 16mo cl e " " On the Will, 16mo cl . Mahomet and his Successors, by W. Irving, 2 v. 12mo cl Mahommed, Life and Religion of. Translated by Rev J. L. Merrick, 12rao cl Mahon, Lord, Ilistoty of the War in Germany and France, 12 mo cl . " " Life of P.elisarius 12 mo cl . Maiden, The, by T. S. Arthur, 18mo cl Maiden Aunt, a Story, by C. M., pap 50c. cl Maine Historical Society Collections, by Wm. Wilhs, 2 v. 8vo cl ..... . Maine Townsman ...... Malan, C, New Bartimeus, or the Bhud ^lan restored to Sight Man made of Money, by Douglas Jerrold, pap . " Primeval, or the Constitution and Primitive Con- dition of the Human Being, by Rev. John Harris, 12mo cl ..... . " of Sorrows, or the Providence of God Displayed Mandeville, H., Course of Reading . " " Primary Reader " " Second " ... " Third " ... •' Fourth " ... " Reading and (Oratory Manhood, The Cause of its Premature Decline, cl Maniac, The, and Other Poems, by G. S. Burleigh, 12 mo cl ...... . Manning, H. E., Sermons, Vol. III., cl " Rev. R^ Moral Entertainments on the Prac tical Truths of the Christian Reh gion, 2 V. in 1, 12mo . Mannock, John, Poor Man's Catechism, or the Chris tian Doctrine Explained, 12mo " " Poor Mans Controversy, 18mo shp Manoeuvering Mother, by Mrs. Grey, pap . Mansfield, Rev. D. H., American Vocalist . 2 00 Le'i k n. '49 50 Barringtcn <fe K. 25 Strinfjer & T. '49 45 HarjicrH, '49 25 R. S. Davis 90 Gould, K. k L. 1 25 " '49 90 J. M. Fitch 38 " 50 " 2 60 G. P. Putnam 1 00 Phillips, S. <fe Co. 75 J. k J. L. Gihon 75 42 E. F. Anners 75 Appleton <k C7o.'49 3 00 Hyde k Lord 1 00 Sanborn k C. 30 Ri/de k Lord 25 Lockwood & Co. '49 1 25 Gould, K. k L. Wm. Wooddy, 34 75 Appleton k Co. '49 10 (1 17 (( 25 (. 38 u 1 00 u '49 50 Brooders k Co. 15 J. W. Moore, '49 1 50 S. k Sicords 1 00 F. Lucas, Jr. 25 38 " 25 T. B. Peterson Reynolds k Co. '49 18128—1850.] MAN- MAR. 67 c Mansfield, Political Grammar of the United States, 12 mo r cl sides ..... Manual for United States Consuls, by J. S. Henshaw, 18mo cl , " of Ancient Geography and Ilistijry, by Wm. Putz, 12 mo ..... " '* Commercial Correspondence,' English and French, by [Arthur Waugh,] r2mo cl . " " Congregationalism, inckiding the ( 'ainbridge Platform and Confession of Faith, cl " " Controversy, 16mo cl . ... " " Fashion, by C. M. Day, 18rau cl ex 63c. cl " " Morals, by [Miss Hall,"] 18mo r cl sides . " " St. Augu^in, 18mo shji .... Marksmen, The, of Monmouth, a Tale of the Revolu- tion, by N. M. Curtis, pap .... Married and Single, by T. S. Arthur, ISnio cl . Marryatt, Capt. F., Children of the New Forest, cl " " Jacob Faithful, pap " " Japhet in Search of a Father, pap " " " " " 12mocl " "■ Little Savage, 12mo pap 38c. cl . " " Midshipman Easy, 12mo cl . " " " " pap " " Newton Foster, 12mo cl " " " " pap . " " Peter Simple, "... " " Settlers in Canada, 18mo cl " " Snarleyuw, or the Dog Fiend, pap " " The King's Own, pap . . . " " . " Naval Officer, 12mo cl . « a u a ii n-in " " " Pacha of Many Tales, pap . " " " " " " 12 mod " " " Pirate and Three Cutters, pap " " " Phantom Ship, pap " " " Novels, 20 V. 3 2 mo r gt Marsh, Jonah, Life of George Fox, 12mo cl Martin the Foundling, by Sue, pap .... " " " " illustrated, 2 v. pap Martineau, II., Berkley, the Banker, 2 v. 18mo d " " Charmed Sea, or Polanders in Siberia, 18mo d " " Feats on the Fiord, a Story of Norway, 8vo pap ..... " " Five Years of Youth, or Sense and Sentiment, 18mo cl gt . " " French Wines and Politics, or Charles and Antoine, 18mo cl . " " For Each and For All, or Letitia and * Maria, 18mo cl . " " Loom and Lugger, or Weavers and Smugglers, 2 v. 18mo cl 50 /;. D. Truman 1 00 J. C. Biker, '49 Apple (on, "49 75 (r. P. Putnam, '50 50 B. Pirkins ii Co. 84 Dunif/nn it Bro. 38 J. M. Alden 40 J. P. Jcwctl, '49 25 /'. Lucas, Jr. 25 L. WiUard, '49 42 H. F. Anners 50 Harper k. Bros. 25 T. B. 1 etemon 25 .. \ 75 Andrus (t Son 50 Harper dt Bro&, 75 Andrus <i: Son 25 T. B. Peterson 75 Andrus ik Son 25 T. B. Peterson 25 " 75 Apph'ton (£* Co. 25 T. B. Peterson 25 (. 75 Andrus <fe Son 75 " 25 T. B. Peterson 25 a 75 Andrus ct Son. 25 T. B. Peterson 25 " 5 00 Xajis k C. 1 50 H. Longstreth, '48 50 Stringer fc T. 1 00 " 68 Andrus k. Son 34 ti 25 E. Littell 50 Crosby «fe X. 34 Andrus k. Son 34 t> 68 II 50 E. D. Truman 88 88 67 C8 MAR MAT. [am. cat. Martirifau, II., Sowers, not Reapers, 18mo cl . . 34 Andru.f Ac Son " " Times of the Savior, or Traditions of J'alostine, IBmo cl . . . 38 Crosby ii N. Martyn, Rev. T., Homilies on the Book of Tobias, 12 mo cl 63 F. Lucas, Jr. Mary Schweidler, Tlie Amber Witch, from the Ger- man, by Lady l^uft' (^Jordon, pap . . . 25 //. Z»on^ <k Bro. '49 " Wilson, a Tale of New England, 18mo cl . 38 C. Waite C Mason, J. M., Writings, edited by his Son, 4 v. 8vocl 6 50 Baker <fe S. " Lowell, Boston Academy Collection of Church Music 75 Wilkins, C. h Co. " " Carmina Sacra, or Boston Collection of Church Music .... 75 " " M. M., Southern First-Class Reader . . 70 Pratt, W. <k Co. " Wm., Fireside Harmony, Glees and Part- Songs 84 Tap-pan, W. k M. " " and Bancroft, S. A., The Social Glee- Book 75 Wilkins, C. k Co. " Juvenile Harp . . ' . . " Sacred Harp, Vol. I. round Notes . u a u (t TT " '< " Patent Notes . " Lowell, -and Webb, G. J., The Boston Glee- Book . . 75 Wilkins, C. k Co. " " " " " Congregational Tune Book, 16 mo . 38 Tappan, W. k M. " " " " " The National Psalm- ist . . . 1 00 " " « " " " The Song-Book of the School-Room 30 Wilkins, C. k Co. Mass and Vesper Book, 64mo im gt e 42c. cl . .0 14 Dunigan k Bro. Massachusetts, Geology of, by Hitchcock, 2 v. 4to cl $6 50, shp 8 50 Butler k B. " Geolog}'^ of, by Hitchcock, 1 v. 4to cl $6, shp " 7 00 '* " Historical Collections, by J. W. Barber Door, H. k Co. '39 " Historical Collection of Every Town in, by J. W. Barber, 8vo ... W. Lazell, '44 " Sketch of the Scenery of, 4to cl %2, col- ored plates . . . . . 2 50 Butler k B. " State Record and Year-Book of General Information, for 1847-48-49 and '50, » ea . . . . ." . 1 00 Jas. French Mathematics for Practical Men, by 0, Gregory . . 1 75 C. <£• Hart Mather, J. H., and Brockett, L. P., A Geographical History of the State of New York, embracing its History, Government, Physical Features, Internal Improvements, &c., &c., (sold by TraveUng Agents only,) 12 mo ....... 1 00 H. H. Haicley k Co Matilda, or Memoirs of a Young Woman, by Sue, pap 50 Stringer k T. Mattison, Rev. H., The Trinity and Modern Arianism, 18mo cl . . " 40 Z. Colby Maturin, K, Eva, or the Isles of Life and Death, 2 v. pap 50 Stringer k T. 1828—1850.] MA U- ■MCA. 69 Maury, Lieut. M. F., Treatise on Navigation, 8vo Lib. Maxcy, American Pulpit Eloquence .... Maxwell. John S., The Czar, his (Jourt and People, in- cluding a Tour in Norway and Sweden, Vlmo ol . . . " W. H., Bryan O'Linn, or Luck is Every- thing, pap .... " " Hector O'lLilIoran, cl . " " The Dark Lady of Doonah, pap May Morning, by Mrs. Hughs, square cl . Mayliew, Greatest Plague of Life .... " The Good Genius, 18ino pap, gt edge . Mayo, A. D., The Balance, miniature cl ex " Robert, A Synopsis of the Commercial and Revenue System of the United States, 2 V. 4to cf [ " Dr. W. S.,] Kaloolah, an Autobiography of Jonathan Romer, (8vo pap 50c.) 12mo cl . McCall, Hugh, History of Georgia, containing Sketches of the most Remarkable Events, 2 \. 8vo bds . . . \ . " Crie, Thomas, Lives of the Scottish Refoniiei-s, 8vo Lib " Donald, Rev. James, Coming of the Lord, 12mo cl " Ewen, Wm., On the Types of the Old Testament, 18rao cl . . . . . " Farland, John, The Mountains of the Bible, their Scenes and their Lessons, 12mocl *' Ghee, Rev. Robert J., Expository Lectures on the Epistle to the Ej)hesians, 8vo cl . Guffey, W. H., Eclectic Spelling-Book . " Reader, First . " " " Second " " " " Third " " " " Fourth " " Rhetorical (iuide, or Fifth Reader . Ilvaine, Bishop C. P., The Doctrine of the I'rotes- tant Episcopal Church a.s to Confirmation, cl . .1. H., Till' Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, 12mo cl . . Intirc, J., On the Use of the Globes Intosh, Jdhn, Spanish and Kngli.-h I'rinicr, jiap " Kthical I 'liilosdpliv, H\<i . Kenny, Thos. L., and Ilall, .lauK's, History of the Indian Trilu's of North .\ni<"rii:i, with Biographical Sketclies and .\iiecdotes of the Principal Chiefs, enibellislu'd with 120 Portraits, from the Indian Gallrry in the I)e])artinfnt of War, at Washini^^ton 20 numbers. Folio, paper covers 50 E. C. k J. Biddle 50 Mussel/ d- Co. 00 Baker «k S. '48 50 Stringer & T. 25 Apple ton <k Co. 25 Stringer <k T. 33 Lindsay k B. '49 38 C.k Hart 38 Harper k, Bros 38 Musseij k Co. 6 50 /. & G. S. Gideon 1 25 G. P. Futnatn, '49 5 00 W. T. Williams; \6 2 50 /. A. & U. P. James 75 Baker <fe S. 50 W. S. Martien 75 Carter d- Bros. '49 2 00 (( '49 13 W.B. Smith &. Co. 25 13 & 38 75 94 Clark, A. . t Co. 25 //. W. Derby & Co M. W. Dodd, "47 1 no Barnes «fc Co. '49 10 Xafix k C. 1 38 Carey, L. k B. 120 (10 K. ('. A' J. Biddle 70 MCL MEN. [am. cat. McLaughlin, E. A., Tho Coral Toknn, or tlic Lovers of tli« Deep, a Talc in Verse, I'inio cl ex *1 50, cl n;t . " Lauriii, '!'., Sermons on Important Subjects . " Murtrie, Henry, Lexicorr Scientiarum, a Dictionary of Terms used in the Various Brandies of the Natural Scien- ces, 12 mo shp " Sherry, J., Pere Jean, or the Jesuit Missionarj', 32 mo cl 25c. cl ex . Mead, J., The Almost Christian .... " Wm., Lectures to Students, cl . . . Mechanics' Assistant, by D. M. Knapen, 12 mo cl c " Own Book and Artists' (iuide, 12rao cl Si, shp ....... " Text-Book, and Engineers' Practical Guide, by T. Kelt, 12mo cl . ' . . Medbery, R. B., Memoir of Rev. Wm. G. Crocker, Mis- sionary in West Africa, 18mo cl . . . Medical Adviser, by Boyd, 8vo ....'. " Flora, and Manual of the Medical Botany of the United States, by C. F. Rafinesque, 2 vols 12mo . . ... " Reform, by L Jennings, M. D., 12mo cl . c Medicines, Their Uses and Mode of AdmiTiistration, by J. M. Neligun, with additions by B. W. McCready, M. D., Timo Meditations for Every Day in the Year, by P. Griffet, 2 vol 18mo cl " of St. Augustin, ISmo shp c Meigs, C. D., Practice of Midwifery, Svo shp " " and others, on Puerperal Fever and Cura- ble Plebitis, Svo shp .... Meinhold, W., Sidonia the Sorceress, 8vo pap Melancthon, Philip, Life of, by Rev. F. A. Cox, r2mocl Mellen, G., A liook of the United States, embracing its Geography, Divisions, Constitution, Govern- ment, &c., 8vo cl or shp ..... Melmouth the AVanderer, a Tale, 2 vol 1 2mo cl . c Melville, H., Mardi, and a Voyage Thither, 2 vol pap *1 50, cl . . . . . '' Redljurn, His First Voyage, 12uio pap 75c, cl c " lypk-e, a Peep at Polynesian Life, 12mo pap 75c., cl . . . . . Memorials of John Bartram and Uumphrey ^farshall, by Wm. Darlington, Svo cl . . . . Memoirs of a Physician, by Diuiias, 2 vol . Memoranda of the Experience, Labors, and Travels of a Univei-salist Preacher, 12mo .... Menage4ie, a Visit to the, square cl . Mendelssohn (."oUection, or Hastings' and Bradbury's Third Book of Psalmodv ..... 1 25 J. C. Rikcr 38 B. Perkins <fe Co. 75 E. C. ii J. Biddle 38 J. Murphy h C'o.'49 L. Colby 1 00 Stanford & S.,'49 1 00 Appleton dt Co., '49 1 10 Sanborn di C. 1 25 Phillips S. k Co. 63 Gould, K. k L, 2 00 Lippincott <fe Co. Philadelphia, '28 1 00 /. M. Fitch 1 50 W. E. Dean, '49 1 00 Dunigan <£• Brother 38 F. Lucas, Jr. 3 50 Lea k B. 1 75 Barring ton k H. 50 Harper k Bros., '49 75 Gould, K. 6: L. 3 00 Goodman k Co. 90 Harpers, '35 1 75 '' "49 1 00 - "49 88 " "49 2 75 Lindsay k B., '49 1 00 Stringer kT. J. A. Gurley, '45 63 Lindsay k B., "49 75 Newman & Co. 1828—1850.] MEN— MIL. 71 Mental Culture, or the Moans of Developing the Hu- man Faculties, by J. L. Levison, 12mo " Discipline, by Rev. George Border, 12mo bds Mercedes of Castile, by Cooper, 2 v. pap . Merchant, The, by Mrs. L. C. Tuthili, 12nio r cl sides, c " Shipmaster's Assistant, by Joseph Blunt, 8vo shp ...... Merchant's Daughter, The, by Miss I'ickering, pap Mercy Seat, [The]- Thoughts Suggested by the Lord's Prayer, by Rev. G. Sjiring, 8vo cl . . . Meredith, Rev. T., Strictures on the Rev. Wm. Hague's Review of Drs. Fuller and Wayland on Slavery, 18mo cl . . . . Mexican War, History of, by J. S. Jenkins, 12mo cl or shp. ........ Mexico, History of, by P. Young, continued to 1848, by (t. C. Furber, 8vo cl . " Rambles in, by C. J. Latrol)e, cl . " and Her Military Chieftains, by Fay Robin- son, 12mo cl . Michaux, F. A., The North American Sylva ; or a De- scription of the Forest-Trees of the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia, considered particularly with respect to their use in the Arts, their intro- duction into Commerce, with a description of the most useful of the European Forest Trees, illus- trated by 156 finely colored copper-plate en- gi'a\ings, by Redoutff^ &c., 3 v. imperial 8vo, price reduced from §40 to .... . *^* For continuation of above work, see Nuttall. Middleton, Henry, the Government and the Currency, r2mo cl . Middleton's Letters from Rome, Notes by E. Pond Midnight Sun, The, by Miss Bremer, 8vo pap . Midshipman Easy, by Marryatt, j>ap .... Miles, H. A., Gospel Narratives, IGmo cl . " *' Lowell as it Was, and as it Is, 18mo pa)) 38c., cl " James W., I'hilosophic Theology, or Ultimate Grounds of all Religious lielief, ba.scd in Rea- son, 8vo cl ..... . Military Bridges, with India-Rubber I'ontons, 1 )eserip- tion of a System of, liv <iforge W. Cullum, 8vo cl . . . . " . . . Miller, H., Treatise on Human Parturition, Hvo shp . " S. Jr., Report of the IVeshyterian Church, The Commonwealth of ]'a. vn. Asbd (Jrefii and Others, 8vo ..... " Thos., Poetical Language of Flowers, Editetl by Mrs. E. O. Smith, 8vo nior " " Tales of Old England. 1 8mo cl . Miller's Hymns ....... Milner, Rt. Rev, J., End of Religioius Controversy, 18mo cl . 25 Ticknor k Co. 50 Crocker k B. 50 Stringer <k T. 63 G. P. Putnam, '49 4 50 Harper ii Bros.,'i9 25 T. B. Peterson 2 00 M. W. Dodd, '50 13 Gould, K. ^ L. 1 50 Derby, M. k Co. 2 50 J.A.&i U.P.James 1 10 Harper <fe Bros. 1 00 Andrus & Son 24 00 E. P. Smith 75 C. B. Xorton, '50 38 Hi/de «fe Lord 13 Harper 6i Bros.,' A9 25 T. B. Peterson 50 Croshij <t X. 50 X. A. Ihn/tnn 'l 00 /. Russell, '49 2 00 Appleton, '40 2 50 T. R. Xelson, '49 2 50 W. S. Marlien 5 00 /. C. Riker 38 Gould. K. k L. 40 Wm. Phillips k Co. 50 /'. Lucas. Jr. 72 MIL MON'. AM. CAT. c Milnos, K. >[., Pocins, 1 6ino bds Voc, cl . Milton, .loliii, I'aradiso Lost, 12mo cl ex %1 50, cl " " " " ISiiio " *] cl . " " " '' 1 81110 (1 or slip " " " " and Youiitr^Kdward, Night Tliouglits, 12iTio cl ex *1 75, cl . " " Poetical Works, 12mo cl ex *2, cl. " " " '' with a Memoir, by Jas Montgomery, 2 vol 12mo Miner, T. ^^., American Bee-Keepers' Manual, 12rao cl Miner's Guide, and Metallurgist Directory, by J. W Orton, 18 mo cl ..... Mini fie, W., Text-Book of Geometrical Drawing, 8vo cl " " Text- Book of Geometrical Drawing, 12 mo abridged, shp . . • . Ministry of Christ, by Rev. T. B. Fox, ISmo cl . Ministers of the Olden Time, by Rev. D. C. Eddy, 1 2 mo cl ...... . Minor Morals, by John Bowring, 12mo Miranda, a Tale of the French Revolution, pap . Miscellanies of Rev. F. W. P. Greenwood, 12mo cl Miser's Daughter, by Ainsworth, pap Missionary Gazetteer, by Edwards, 8vo Missouri Harmony, revised and enlarged, by C. Warren ritchell, D. G.], Fresh Gleanings, by Ik Marvel, 2 v. cl " " , The Battle-Summer, being Transcripts from Personal Observations in Par- is, during the Year 1848, bv Ik Marvel, 12mo cl " Rev. John, Notes from over Sea, 12mo cl " O. M., Burritt's Geography of the Heavens, 12 mo with Atlas .... " S. A., Complete Series of Outline Maps, 30 Sheets, with Portfolio " " Revised Series of Outline Maps, 15 Sheets, with Portfolio " " Key to Complete Series " " " Revised "... '' Thos. D., Elements of Chemical Philosophy, 8vo . .' . . . Mitford, Miss, The Rustic Wreath .... Mnemotechnic Dictionary, by F. Gouraud, 8vo cl Modern History of Universalism, by Thos. Whittemore, 12rao . . . " . " Housewife. (The) comprising nearly 1000 Re- ceipts, by A. Soyer, 12mo cl . Monasteries of the Levant, a Visit to, by Hon. Robert Curzon, 12mo cl Monastiere, Antoine, History of the Vaudois Church, from its Origin, 12mo cl . 88 Ticlcnor k Co. 75 Clark, A. & Co. 50 45 Phillips, S. <k Co. 1 25 1 25 Clark, A. <k Co. Andrus <fc Son. 1 00 C. M. Saxton 50 Barnes <k Co. '49 3 00 W. Minifie & Co. 1 25 50 Crosby <fe N. 1 00 X. L. Dayton, '49 GO Carey, L. (k B. 50 Stringer k T. 1 00 Crosby & N. 50 Stringer k T. 1 20 Crocker k B. 45 Wm. Phillips k Co. 1 25 Harpers 1 00 Baker dt S. '49 1 50 Gates, S. k Co. 1 25 Huntington k S. 15 00 H.H. Hawley k Co 8 00 " 25 35 •' Cincinnati, '32 25 Reynolds k Co. 1 75 Wiley k P. '44 Author, Boston, '30 1 00 Appleton k Co. '50 1 50 G. P. Putnam, '49 Lane k Scott 1828—1850.] MON- MOR. 73 Monikins, The, by Cooper, 2 v. ])ap .... Monograph of the Fhniatil>3 llivalvo Shells of the River ( »hio, 18mo cl . . . . " of the Trilobites of North America, by Jacob (ireen, 12nio cl . . . Montalba, A. R., P^airy Tales from All Nations, square cl 88c. cl gt edges ...... Monteith, A. 11., French without a Master, pap . Montgomery, G. W., Narrative of a .lourney to Guati- mala in 1838, 8vo cl " James, Poetical Works, 2 v. 8vo mor >;6, cl ex $4, cl . Montaigne, M. cle. Works, comprising Letters, Essays, &c., tfec. Translated by llazlitt, 'Svo cl Monuments of Egyiit, The, or Egypt a Witness for the Bible, by Rev. F. L. Hawks, 8vo cl -^3, hf mor . Moore, Edward, Mrgil ...... " N. H., Fitzgerald and Hopkins, or Scenes and Adventures in a Theatrical Life, pap " Thomas, L-ish Melodies, 18 mo " " " " Ten Illustrations on steel, im 4to cl ex . " " Loves of the Angels, 3 2 mo cl ex " " Poetical Works, l2mo cl ex $1 7 5, cl " W. v., Indian Wars of the United States to the Present Time, 8vo cl Moral Class-Book, by Wm. Sullivan .... " Courage, and other Tali^s, l8mo cl . " Lacon, or Gems of Wisdom, 18 mo cl gt e " Tales, by M. Edgeworth, 18mo cl gt " and Intellectual Science, by Combe, Stratton, Cox, Gregory and others, cl . . . " and Spiritual Culture, by R. C. Waterston, 12 mo cl ...... . More, H., Private Devotions, 18mo cl . . . " " " " 32mo cl . . . c Morfit, C, Applied Chemistry in the Manufacture of Soap and Candles, 8vo cl . Morgan, E. A., Composition-liook, Part I., doz. . U U U " u II " . " Geo. G. W\, The Rochester Token, or Select Original Poems, 12inocl Mormonisni in All Ages, or the Rise, I'rogress and Causes of Murmonisni, by .1. H. Turjier, 12mo . Morning Exc^xises, by Wm. .lay, 12niu cl c " and Evening Meditations, by Miss Carpenter, 16mo cl ..... . Mornings among the Jesuits at Rome, by Rev. 11. Sey- mour, 12 mo cl ...... Morrell, C, The Physiology of Woman, and li<-r dis- eases from infancy t<j Old Age, Timod " J. D., Philosophy of Religion, 12mo cl . .50 Strinprr &: T. J. Uobson, '32 J. Brano, Philad. 1 00 Harper & Bros. '49 25 Wilou <Si Co. 1 50 Wilei/ k P. '39 3 00 John B<ill, '50 2 50 J. W. ^foore, '49 4 00 G. P. Putnam '49 1 50 Musney ite Co. 50 G. S. Sherman Andrus & Son G 00 Lea (k B. '49 38 /. J/". Aldcn 1 25 Phillips, S. it Co. 2 00 Lean/ <fe Co. 75 Jenk'.s, P. &: Co. 38 Gould, K. <fe L. 38 Andrus A: Son 75 G. S. Ajipleton 2 00 Fowhr k W. 07 Crash >j 6c N. '44 75 Carter k Bros. '49 25 " '49 5 00 Career & Hart 2 00 Clark. A. d- Co. 3 00 63 /;. Darrow. '49 Xeiv Y^ork, '42 75 Carter tt Bros. 63 Crosby & N. 75 Harpers, '19 1 00 Stoddard S: B. 1 00 AppUlun, '49 11 74 MOS- ■MYU. [am. cat. Mosos, M., Annals of the Revolution in France in 1830, 12100 c Mosbciin, J. L., l-^cclcsiastieal llistoiy, l>y Murdoch, .'J V. 8vo sli|) ....... Mother, The, by T. S. Arthur, 18mo cl " At llonio, by J. S. C. Abbott, 18mo cl . " Goose in Hieroglyphics, limp cl . ... Mother's, The, l^irtli-Day, by Mrs. Hughs, square " Friend, edited by U. Abbott" :Manual, ly M. M. Carll, IBmo cl Mothei"s and Daughters, a Novel, by Mrs. Gore, pap . " of England, by Mrs. Ellis .... Mount Vernon Arithmetic, by J. Abbott, parts 1 and 2, each . ' . Mountains, The, of the Bible, their Scenes and their Lessons, by J. McFarland, 1 2mo cl . . . Mountford, Wm,, Christianity the Life of the Soul, IG mo cl ■ . " " Marty ria, 16mo cl ... Mom-ner Comforted, containing the " Cypress Wreath," and the " Mourner's Chaplet," gt . . . Mourner's Chaplet, miniature gt . . . . Mowatt, Mrs., Evelyn, or a Heart Unmasked, 2 v. pap "• Mrs. A. C, The Fortune Hunter, pap . Muenscher, J., The Church Choir, Bvo Murat, Achille, America and the Americans, 12mo pap 50c., cl ...... . c Murphy, A., Translation of the Works of Cornelius Tacitus, Bvo cl . . . . *' J. <fe Jet!ers W. N., Nautical Routine, and Stowage, with Short Rules in Navigation, Bvo cl Murray, Hannah L., Memoirs of, by Rev. G. Spring, Bvo cl Murrell, John A., The Life and Adventures of, pap c Music Exjilained to the World, or How to Understand' Music and Enjoy its Performance, from the French, by S. A. Eliot, cl . " of the Church, by Wainwright Musical Geography, [a Geography in Rhjrme,] by Miss Sarah M. Lyon, 24mo hf r cl . " Manual, by Charles Zeuuer . . . ". Musician's Companion, by E. Howe, Jr, 3 parts, each Muzzey, Rev. A. B., Man a Soul, or Evidences of Christianitv, cl . " " " The Christian Parent. IGmo . " " The Young Maiden, IGmo cl . My Mother, a Tribute to Departed Worth, by A. Rushnoll, IGmo cl . " " or Recollections of Maternal Influence, 12mocl My Uncle, The Curate, by Author of Bachelor of the Albany, pap 7.3 H'irper <t Bros. 6 lb Stanford & S. 42 If. F. Anners 33 Crocker k B. 25 G. S. Applelon 33 Lindmy & B. '49 H. <k E. Phinney 38 Cady &L B. 25 H. Lrmtj k Bro.' 49 iO Hunt k Son 34 Collins k Bro. "to Carter k Bros. '49 Crosby c6 N. '47 38 84 50 31 50 25 1 25 75 2 00 Gould, K. k L. Zieber k Co., '45 T. B. Peterson, '49 S. k Swords W. H. Graham, '49 Carter k Bros., '49 3 00 ^. Spear, '49 1 50 Carter k Bros., '49 2o H. Long k Bro. 1o B. Perkins k Co. 1 00 Appleton k Co. 20 Young k Hart, '49 38 R. S. Davis 1 00 Phillips, S. k Co. 50 Crosby k A^. 75 G7 32 /. M. Fitch. 75 W.H.Hyde,'49 25 Harpers, "49 1828—1850.] MYE NEA. 75 [Myers, P. H.,] The King of the Huions, 12rao pap Voc, cl . Mysteries of London, bv Paul Feval, 2 v. pap " " Paris, "E. Sue, " " " the Heath, by F. Soulie, " " *' " " Criminal Records, pap " and Miseries of Xew York, cl " Philadelphia, by G. Lippard, 2 parts pap . 1 00 G. P. Putnam, '50 1 00 Stringer d- T. 50 25 " 25 1 25 Berford & Co. 1 00 T. B. Peterson N. Nacooche, and Other Poems, by T. H. Chivers, 12rao cl . . . . ^. . . . Nan Darrell, by Miss Pickering, pap . Naomi, or Boston 200 Years Ago, a Tale of the Qua ker Persecutions, by Mrs. Lee, 16mo cl Narina, a Juvenile, cl . . . . . Narratives and Anecdotes, selected from Chamber's Miscellany, 12 mo cl gt Nason, E. S., Vocal Class Book, hf r c National Arithmetic, by Greenleaf, 12mo Geography, by S. G. Goodrich, 4to " Lyre, a Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, by S. P. Tuckerman, S. A. Bancroft, and U. K. Oliver «' Psalmist, by L. Mason and G. J. Webb " Speaker, 12mo shp . . . . . " Spelling-Book, by Emerson c Natural History of Enthusiasm, by Isaac Taylor, 12mo cl c " Philosophy for Beginners, by Mrs. Phelps, 18 mo r cl sides ...... Nature ; Addresses and Lectui'cs, by R. W. Emerson, 12mo cl ....... . Nautical Routine and Stowage, with Short Rules in Navigation, by J. McLeod Murphy and W. N. Jeffers, 8vo cl . c Naval History of the United States, by J. F. Cooper, 2 v. in 1, 8vo shp " Officer, The, by Marryatt, pap " " " " 12mocl . " and Patriotic Songster, 18mo bds . Naylor, B., Mnemonics, or New System of Teaching Geography ...... " " Speedy Calculator, 12mo hf bd c Nazarene, The, or the La'^t of the Washingtons, by G. Lip])ard, 2 parts, ])ap Ne Plus Ultra Interest Tal-les, see Oatcs Neal, J. C, Charcoal Sketches, 2 series, pAp, each c Neander, Augustus, General History of the Christian Religion and Church, translated by Rev. Joseph Torry, 3 v. 8vo cl W. E. Dean 25 T. B. Pt tenon 75 Crosbf/ <fe iV. '48 38 ^. F. Anners Gould, A', (k L. 63 Reynolds k Co. 84 R. S. Davis 56 Huntincfton & S. 50 Wilkins, C. & Co. 1 00 Tappan, W. <fe M. 1 00 R. S. Davis, '49 17 Jenks, P. <t Co. 15 Carter & Bros. '49 50 Huntington <fe S. 1 00 Munroe k Co. '49 3 00 //. Spear, '49 2 50 Phinneit & Co. 25 T. B. Peterson 75 And r lis <fe Son 15 iVajis k C. 34 Learg & Co. 45 1 00 T. B. Peterson George Oatcs 25 Stringer 6i T. 9 00 Crocker k B. le NED NIG. [am, cat. Ned Myers, l)y Coopfr, 2 v. |p:i]> .... Neill, l(rv. Will., I^cctiircs oil iJiblicnl History, rjmocl Ni'ill's Outlines of tlu^ Arti-rics, cl • " Nerves, el . c " " " Veins and Lyni|ili;ities, el " " " Arterii's, Nerves, Veins, and Lyinpliatics, 1 v. hf slip c Nc'llii^aii, J. ^r., Medieines, 'I'licir Uses and Mode of Adininistiation, with Additions, by 13. W. A[ac- creadv, M. D., 12mo ..... New Ilonie, (A) Who'll Follow? by Mrs. Kirkland, Jllustiated by Darley, 12mo cl . . . " American (liardener, by T. (t. Fessenden, cl " " Orehardist, by AV. Kenrick, 12!no cl . " Bartiraeus, or the Blind Man restored to Sifrht, by C. Malaii ^ . c " Clerk's Assistant, or Book of Practical Forms, by J. 8. Jenkins, 8vo Law slip .... " England, Early History of, 12mo cl . " " Economical Housekeeper, 12mo hf r . " " Graimiiar, by S. B. Goodnow, 12ino slip ...... " Latin Tutor, or Exercises in Etymology, S}Titax, and Prosody, by F. P. Leverett, 12mo shp c " Parlor Letter-Writer, 18mo cl ex 63c. cl . " Timon, a Romance of London, by E. Bulwer Lytton, 12mo cl . c " York (Uee-Book, by G. Loder, 8vo cl " " Historical Collections of, by Barber and Howe ...... ■'' " History of Western, by Kev. Jas, S. Hotch- kiss, 8vo cl ..... c " " Political History of, by T. S. Jenkins, 12mo shp ....... " " A Geographical Description of, see Mather " " As it is in 1834, by E. Williams " " " " 1835, " " . . " " By Gas-Light, by G. G. Foster, pap 25c. cl Newcomb, Rev. H., Anecdotes for Boys, 18mo cl " " " Girls, " " Christianity Demonstrated, with an Explanation of the Types and Prophecies concerning the Messiah, 12 mo cl . " " How to be a Lady, 18mo cl " " " " Man, " " Scripture Questions on the He- brews, parts 1 and 2 Newman, Francis, History of the Hebrew Montu-chy, 8vo cl , Ne^vtou Foster, In* Marryatt, pap .... Nichols, T. L., Women in all Ages and Nations, pap . Night Thoughts, by Edward Young, 18mo cl or shp . 25 S/ruif/er t\: T. HH W. S. Mar I ten 1 00 Harrington ^ H. 1 00 1 00 " 2 50 " 1 50 W. E. Dean, '49 1 25 Francis k Co. '49 75 Broader s k Co. 90 30 Hyde k Lord 2 00 Derby, M. & Co. 80 Sanborn k C. 25 Wm. Holies k Co. 50 Phillips, S. <k Co. 1 00 Hunt & Son 38 J. M. Alden 75 Carey & Hart' i9 1 00 Andrus & Son 2 50 jVeiv Haren 3 00 M. W. Dodd 1 50 J. M. Alden H.H.Hawleyk Co J. Distumell a 50 Dewitt & D. 42 Gould, K. & L. 42 75 50 50 '49 25 Phillips, S. 6z Co. . 50 G. P. Putnam, '49 25 T. B. Peterson 50 H. Lony k Bro. '49 45 Phillips, S. k Co. 1828—1850.] NIN—OAT. 11 Nineveh and its Remains, by A. II. Layanl, 2 v. 12 mo ht" r cl sides $1 75, 8vo lit" mor *^5, d . No Cross no Crown, by William Penn, 12ino lif bd 45c. shp ....... Noad, n. M., Chemical Analysis, Qualitative and Quantitative, with Additions, by C. Morfit, 8vo cl Noel, Kev. B. W., Essay on Christian Baptism, 18nio cl " " " Essay on Christian Baptism, with an Introductiun, by liav. J. Dow- ling, 12mo cl . Norman, B. M., Rambles in Yucatan, seventh Edition, 8vo cl ....... . North American Sylva, or a Description of the For<st Trees of the United States, Canada and No- va Scotia, by Thomas Xuttall, illustrated by 122 plates, 3 v. R. 8vo .... i " Carolina, Historical and Biographical, by Rev. W. II. Foote, 8vo cl .... " and South, by Seatsfield, pap .... Northend, C, American Speaker, 12rao r cl sides " " Little S])eaker, 18mo hfr . " " School Dialogues, 12mo rcl sides. " " Young Composer, pap 31c., cl Norton, A., Evadences of the Genuineness of the Gos- l)els, 3 v. 8vo cl ..... . Norwood, J. G., The Family Medical Library, 8\o sh]). Notes from Over Sea, by Rev. John Mitchell, 12mo cl Novelas Espanolas, 12mo. ..... Novitiate, or a Y^ear Among the Jesuits, by Steinmetz, cl Noyes' Penmanship. ...... Nun, The, by Spindler, pap ..... Nunes, J. A., Aristocracy, or Life among the L^pper Ten, pap ........ Nursery-Book, The, fur Young Mothers, by Mrs. L. C. Tutbill, ISmocl Nuttall, Thomas, The North American Sylva, or a De- scription of the Forest Trees of the U. States, Can- ada and Nova Scotia, illustrated by 122 platos, 3 V. royal 8vo . 4 50 G. P. Putnam, "49 63 Collins ck Bro. 2 00 Lindsay <k jB. '49 60 Harper »k Bros. '49 60 E. H. Fletcher 2 00 C.^ Hart, '49 21 00 Smith k TF/«/ar,'49 2 00 25 75 34 75 63 8 00 4 00 1 50 67 50 17 25 50 50 R. Carter, '46 /. Winchester Barnes & Co., '60 u u Sanborn d' C. J. Owen J. A. <fe U. P. James Gates, S. &i Co. J. Grijfin Harper <fc Bros. Jinks, P. h Co. JJewitt (i- I). T. B. Peterson G. P. Putnam, '49 21 00 Smith »t Wis tar Gates, George, Interest Tables at 6 and 7 jier Cent for 360 and f<ir 305 Days to the Year, oblong shp . . . . . 2 00 George Oalrs " " The same at 6 and 8 \iqt Cent, oblong iilip . . . . 2 00 " " " " " 6 per Cent 18mo shp . 1 00 " « « " " " 6, 7 ajid 8 per Cent, with Domestic and Sterling Exchimge Tables, small 4to shp . . . 5 00 78 OAT- OLAf. [am. cat. Oatos, (Jeorge, No I'lus Ultra Int'-rcHt Tahks at j)f'r Cent, from $1 to §600, oblong r el sides ..... " " The sanne at Y per cent " " " " from *1 to §1000, obluiig cl sides " " " " at G per cent, r cl sid^^s Objections to Unitarianism Answered, by Geo. W. Bur nap, 16 mo cl . Obstetric Catorhism, by J. Warrington, 12mo shp Odd Fellow's Minstrel, 32mo cl gt . " Fellowshij), Expositi(jn of, by Madison, pap . " " Exjiosed, pap . ' . " Volume, The, 18mo. .... Oft'ering of lieauty, a Present for all Seasons, edited by Amelia W. Lawrence, 8vo cl ex . Office of the Holy Week, according to the Roman ^lissal and Breviary in Latin and English, 24mo r 75c., shp ....... Ogilvies, The, a Novel, 8vo pap .... Ohio ILirmonist, a Collection of Psalms and Hymns, by A. Auld Old Christianity vs. Papal Novelties, including a Re- view of Milner's " End of Controversy," by G. Ouseley, 12mo cl . " Dower House, by Mrs. Grey, pap " JoUitle, by [Miss Planche] 1 Brno cl . " Portraits and Modern Sketches, by J. G. Whitter, 16mo ........ " Old London Bridge, or the Days of Henry VIH., Pi^P . . • " World, The, or Scenes and Cities Abroad, "Ijy Wm. Turniss, 12mo cl 81, with Map of Eu- rope ........ " World [The] and the New, or Journal of a Tour in Europe, by Rev. Orville Dewey, 2 v. cl Olive Branch, by Matthew Carey, Bvo Oliver Goldfinch, or the Hypocrite, by E. Bennett, pap OUendorf's French Grammar, by V. Value, 12 mo r cl sides ........ c Olmsted, D., Introduction to Natural Philosophy, Svo shp . . . . c " " " " Astronomy, Svo . " " Astronomy, Supplement to, by Mason, Svo r cl sides . . . . . c " " School Astronomy, 12mo shp " " Rudiments of Astronomy, ISmorcl sides " Natural Philosophy, ISmo r cl sides " Natural Philosophy, ISmo r cl sides . 1 oO George Gates . 1 50 u . 2 50 a . 2 50 u . 38 Croshi/ & iV. . 1 50 J. G. Auner . 50 Nafis (fe C. . 25 T. B. Peterson . 13 (( . 1 00 Nafis & C. 2 50 C. & Hart 50 F. Lucas, Jr. 25 Harper <t: Bros, '49 75 /. A. in U. P. James 1 00 John Ball, '49 25 T. B. Peterson 25 Munroe <£' Co., '50 75 Ticknor <k Co. 50 Stringer k, T. 1 25 Appleton, '49 2 00 25 1 00 Harpers, '36 Cam/ & H, '30 Stratton tt B. 3 00 2 00 1 50 75 38 38 50 50 Appleton ct Co., '50 Collins ifc Bro. E. D. Freeman Collins ife Bro. E. D. Freeman Collins A: Bro. 1828—1850.] OLM- OSG. TO Olmstead, D., Rudiments of Xatural Philosophy and Astronomy, ISmu r cl sides .... " Natural Pliilosophy and Astronomy, 18mo r cl sides Olney, J., Geography, 4to, for Schools and Families . " " Introduction to Geography " " Little Reader " " National Preceptor ..... " " Outline Maps, comprising the World, N. and S. America, Europe, Asia and Africa, colored cl backs and port folio " " Exercises on Outline Maps doz On Board and On Shore, a Temperance Tale, by II. C. Frink, 18mo ...... Onesimus ; or the Apostolic Directions to Christian Ministers in reference to their Slaves, cl Onley, by [Miss Planche,] ISmo .... Onondaga; or Reminiscences of Earlier and Later Times, with notices of Towns in the County of Oswego, by J. V. H. Claik, 2 v. Svo cl . , Opal, The, a Gift for All Seasons, edited by Mrs. S. J. Hale, Svo mor -S4 50, cl ex Opera Chorus-Book, by J. E. Gould. .... Opie, Amelia, a Tale of Trials, 1 Smo cl . . . " " White Lies, 18 mo cl . Oracles of Shakspeare, 32mo cl ex . Oram, Miss E., The Pictorial Definer, 12mo cl ex 90c., cl Orange County, N. York, History of, by S. W. Eager, Svo Orator's Ladder, a Reading Book, part 1 15c., part 2 25c., part 3 ...... . Oregon Missions, History of, by P. J. De Smet, 12mo cl " Ten Years in, by 1). White, 12mo cl . " and California, History of, by R. Greenhow, Svo cl . « « " " » by L. W. Has- tings, pa]. . Oriental Pearl, or the Catholic Emigrant**, by Mrs. 1 )or- sey, 32mo cl 25c., cl ex . Original Poems for Infant Minds, by Jane Taylor, illus- trated 18 mo cl. Orlandino, a Story of Self-L)enial, by Maria Edge worth, ISmo cl Orne, Miss Caroline F., a Day in the Woodlands, and Ellen of the Mountains, ISmo pap Orphan Niece, The, ])y Mi>s I'ickering, pap " Queen, or Story of l<>ther .... Osgood, Mrs. F. S., Floral Offering, 4to cl ex " « " Poems, Illustrated by Darley, Svo mor ^7, d ex. " " " " 18mo cl ex $1 38, cl 03 E. D. Freeitum 03 Collins (t Bro. 75 Pratt, ir. 6c Co. 25 13 Durrie d- P. GO Pratt, W. <fc Co. G 00 " 2 50 " 38 W. AUinrj 25 Gouhl K. k L. 31 Munroe (k Co., '50 4 00 Stoddard 6c B., '49 4 00 2 00 38 38 38 /. C. Biker Mussel/ d- Co. Sarton 6c K. '45 J. M. Alden 50 /. C. Biker H. S. Banks, '47 50 ^\lJis d C. Dunipan 6c Bro. 1 25 And r us, G. 6c Co. 2 50 Ajypleton 6c Co. 30 //. S. d J. Applegt 38 ,/. Murphy 6i Co. 50 Carter 6c Bros., '49 38 Gould, K. 6c L. 10 Crosby k N. 25 r. B. Peterson 20 Hyde k Lord 4 50 C. k Hurt 5 00 .1. Hurt. '.-.0 75 Clark, A. «k Co. 80 OSL- PAR. Osier, E., The Lif(^ of Ailmiral Viscount Exmoutli, 1 2mo Osric, a Missionary Tal*-, hy Cliailotte Elizalx-tli, 1 8nio Ossian's I'ooins, 12nio tl <'X '^1 Vo, ol . . . Oswald, .1., Etyniolofjical dictionary of the French Lan- guau^<', 1 '2nio hf r ..... . Other Sidr [The, | or History of the War between Mexico and the U. States, from the Spanish, edited by A. (J, lianisey, 12mo cl ..... . Otis, F., Drawinijf Cards, 3 Nos,, each Our National rre-eniinence, and Its True Source, by Rev.*V. Lord, 18mo cl Ouseley, G., Old Christianity vs. Papal Novelties, in- cluding a Review of Milner's " End of Controver- sy," 12mo d Outline History of an Expedition to California, a series of 82 illustrations ...... Outlines of Astronomy, by J. F. W. Herschel, 8vo cl . " " Nature, by Oliver Smith, 1 2mo. c " " Physiology, by J. L. Comstock. Overman, ¥., The Manufacture of Iron in all its Various Branches, to which is added an Essay on Steel, 8vo cl Ovid, with English Notes, by B. A. Gould, 12mo shp. Ovid's Art of Love, 32 mo cl gt Owen, B. B., The Blind Man's Offering . " Rev. John, Treatise on the Holy Spirit, and an Exposition of Psalm CXXX., 8vo lib . " R. Dale, Hints on Pubhc Architecture, with 113 Illustrations, 4to cl . c Oxford Drawing-liook, with 100 Drawings, 4to cl sides . . . . . . / . [am. cat. 1 .00 Wm. Jackhm, '35 38 Baker k S. 1 25 Phillips, S. k Co. 1 25 K C. k J. Biddle 1 50 John Wiley, 'oO 38 Appleton <k Co., '49 25 W. S. Martien 1 00 John Ball, '49 IT. Bono k Bro. '49 1 75 Lea k B., '49 jVew York, '47 80 Pratt, W. k Co. 5 00 ff. C. Baird, '50 90 Muissey k Co. 50 Nafis k C. 1 00 Author, N. Y. 2 50 J. A. d- U. P. James 6 00 G. P. Putnam, '49 2 50 Collins k Bro. P. Pacha of Many Tales, by Marryatt, pap . ... Paine, Martyn, Discourse on the Soul and Instinct, 12 mo cl ....... . Palestine, or the Holy Land, compiled from the Travels of Chateaubriand, 2 v. in 1, 18mo cl Paley, Wm., Principles of Moral and Political Philos- ophy, 12mo cl " " The Same, 18mo cl . . . . " " Natural Theology, 12mo shp c Palmer, Joel, Journal of Travels over the Rocky Mount- ains in 1845-46, Timo shp . . . . Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded, 18mo bds Panorama of Trades and Professions, by E. Hazen c Papal Rome as It Is, by Rev. L. Giustiniani, ISmo cl . Papists Represented and Misrepresented, by Rev. J. Gother, 18mo hf bd . . . Paradise Lost, by John Milton, 18rao cl or shp . Paraphrase on the Lord's Prayer, 32mo cl gt . 25 T. B. Peterson 75 E. H. Fletcher, '49 50 F. Lucas, Jr. 60 Harper k Bros. "49 75 And r us k Son 1 00 50 J.A.k U.P.James 50 ^\fis d' C. 75 Hunt k Son 50 Moss k Bro. 19 F. Lucas. Jr. 45 Phillips, S. k Co. 20 Crosby k jV. 1828—1850.] PAR — PAS. 81 Pardoe, M^ss, The Court and Reign of Francis the First, King of France, 2 v. 12ino cl . Park, U., Lectures on the Philosoj)hy of Arithmetic, 8vo shp ..'...... Parker, Rev. Joel, Notes on the Psalms, for the use of Snndav-Schools and Bible-Chisses, ISinohfhd . . . . ," R. G., Infant's Philosophy .... *' " Progressive Exercises in English Com- position, 12mo hf r . . . " " Rhi'torical Reader, 12ino . " Rev. S., Exj)loring 1o\w beyond the Rocky Mountains, 12mo slip or cl . " Theodore, A Discourse on Matters pertaining to Religion, 12mo cl Parks, Mrs., Domestic Duties, 12mo . . . . Parley, Arithmetic ....... " Bible Dictionary, square hf r " " Gazetteer, " " ... " Consul's Daughter, 18mo cl ... " Dick Boldhero, ISmo cl ex 75, cl . " Every-Day Book, ISmo cl ex 75c. cl ♦' Fables, cl " First Book of History, Western Hemisphere . " Home in the Sea, ISnio cl ex 75c. cl " Illustrations of Astronomy, square hf r . " " " Commerce, " " " " History and Geography, square hf r " " " The Animal Kingdom, square hf r " " " " Vegetable " square hf r c " New Geography for Beginners, stiff cover " Right is Might, ISmo c! ex 75c. cl " Second Book of History, Eastern Hemisphere " Tales of Sea and i.and, cl ex 75c. cl " Tale of the Revolution, " " " Third Book of History, Ancient History c " Truth-Finder, or Illqui^iliv(; Jack, 18mo cl ex 75c. cl Parricide, The, by R<'ynold-^, ]'ap .... c Parrish, J., On Hernia, 8vo shp . . . . Parsons, Theo|ihiliis, Essays on Providence, Life, Reli- gion, (fee., rinio el . Parterre, Tiie, a Collection of Flowers culled by the Wayside, by D. W. Beli^^h-, 18nio cl . C Pascal, Blaise, Provincial Lettci-s to the Jesuits, 12mo cl " " Thoughts on Kehgion, and other Sub- jecLs, 12mo cl Pastoral Reminiscences, by S. K. Kollock, 12m() cl Pastor's (A) Tribute to one of his Flock, or Memoirs of Hannah L. Murray, by Rev. G. Spring, 8vo cl 12 2 00 Lea & B. '49 1 50 Moss &:, Bro. '49 13 W. S. Afartien, '49 25 A. S. B'trms k Co. .?8 P. S. Davis 84 Barnes d: Co. '49 1 25 Derby, M. k Co. 1 25 Little k B. '49 40 Harper & Bros. 17 Jcnks, P. k Co. 38 H. H. Hawley k Co 38 u 50 Nafis k C. 40 H. H. Hawley k Co 50 J. Grout, '48 34 Andrns k Son 70 Jenks, P. k Co. 40 H. H. Hau'ley k Co 38 i( 38 (( 38 38 38 25 Hitntinr/ton k S. 40 H. H. Hawley k Co 03 Jenks, ]\ k Co. 4 H. H. Hawley k Co 40 H H. Hawley k Co 03 Jenks, P. db Co. 40 H.H. Hawley k Co Q .-.0 T. />. J'etirsnn 1 75 Thomas, C. k Co. 0. Clapp. '45 60 Lippincntt k Co.' 49 1 00 Curtir k Bros. '4 9 1 00 Gould. A", k L. 75 M. W. Dodd, '49 1 50 Carter k Bros. '49 82 P AS PET. [am. cat. c Pastor's (Tlic) TTriiid-r.ook, by Kov. W. W. p:\erts, mor " Till', Wife, a Mfiiioir of Mrs. Slierman, hy li<;r Husband, Kcv. Ja-s. Sherman, 12ino cl ratli-P'indiT, l)y Cooper, 2 v. fiaj) .... Path of Peace, by J. S. C. Abl^ott, 1 8rno cl Paulding, J. K., The 1'uritati and his Daughter, 12mo l^iyson, Ke\-. Edward, Memoirs of, 8vo cl . " " " Sermons, 2 v. 8vo cl " " " Works, 3 V. 8vo cl . " Louisa P., The Pastor's Daughter, 18mo cl . " " " Silent Comforter, 32mo cl ex . Peabody, Rev. A. P., Christian Consolation, ICmo cl . Pearce, Rev. Samuel, Memoirs of, . I'earl of r)ays, or the Advantages of the Sabbath .to the Working Classes, 18mo cl . • . . Pearls of American Poetry, 4to illuminated, mor Pcirce, 0. 13., First Reader " Second " « " Third " " " Fourth " Penance, The, of Roland, and other Poems, by H. B. Hirst, 12mo bds ...... Pendennis, History of, by Thackery, Y numbers 8vo pap, each ....... Penman's Chart, by G. W. Winchester c Penn, William, No Cross no Crown, 12mo hf bd 45r. shp ........ People I have Met, or. Pictures of Society and People of Mark, by N. P. WiUis, 12mo cl . People's, The, Doctor, by H. P. Gatchell, pap . " " Lawyer, by E. Pomeroy, pap " " Own Book, 32mo cl ex 38c. cl . Percival's Geology of Connecticut .... Pere Jean, or the Jesuit Missionary, by J. McSherry, 32mo cl 25c. cl ex , Perilous Adventures, by Davenport, 12mo cl Perils of Pearl-Street, by Asa Green, 2 v. 12mo " and Adventures of the Deep, cl gt e Perkins, G. R., Primary Arithmetic, 18mo hf r " " Elementary " 12mo hf r " " Higher " " shp " " Algebra, 8vo shp .... " " " Elementary, 12mo shp " " Geometry, Elements of, " Perry, Rev. G. B., The Scholar's Record-Book . Perseverance under Difficulties, a Juvenile, cl Person, The, and Work of Christ, by Rev. E. Sartori- us, 18mo cl ...... . Peter Simple, by Marryatt, pap .... " Wilkins' Visit to the Flying Islanders, 32mo r gt Peters, Rev. A., On Baptism, 18mo .... Peterson, C. J., Grace Dudley, or Arnold at Saratoga, a Tale of the Revolution, pap .... 60 L. Colby 1 00 R. K. PcierHon, '49 .50 Strinr/cr <ii T. 45 Crorkir k B. 1 25 Baker <t S. '49 2 00 Hyde <k Lord 4 00 ti 6 00 n 50 Leavitt, T. k Co. 31 Gould, K. k L. 75 Croaby k N. 20 L. Colby , 38 M. W. Dodd, '49 [2 00 /. Wiley Gates, S. k Co. '49 '49 " '49 " '49 50 Tkknor k Co. '49 26 JIarper & Bros. '49 1 00 H. H.Haidiyk Co 63 Collins k Bro. 1 25 Baker k S. '50 25 Stratton k B. 25 31 Phillips, S. k Co. 2 50 Authority of State , 38 t/. Murphy k Co. 45 Harper d: Bros. Betts k A. '36 To G. S. Ajypletan 19 IT. H.Haicleyk Co 38 To t 1 50 ^ To 90 JIaiPley,Fuller k Co 20 J. P. Jewctt 38 H. F. Anners 42 Gould, K. k L. 25 T. B. Peterson 34 W. A. Leary M. W. Dodd, '49 25 T. B. Peterson 1828—1850.] PET PHY. 83 Peterson's Military Heroes of the War of 1812, and of the War with M(\\icu, 8vo ara . . . 3 00 TT. yl. Leanj Phantom Slii|), The, by Marrj-att, pap . . . 2o T. B. Pehrsun Pharmaceutical Shop and 'Laboratory, with 500 wood- cuts, 8vo shp *3 50, cl 3 25 Lea k B. '49 c Phelps, Mrs. A. H. L., Botany for Beginners, 18mo r cl sides . . . . 50 Huntington «fe S. " " " Chemistry, for Begi^ers, 18mo r cl sides . . . . 50 " " ' " " Familiar Lectures on Botany, 12mo shp ... 1 25 " " " " Familiar Lectures on Chemistry, 12mo shp . . . Y5 " " " " Familiar Lectures on Natural Philosophy ... " " " " Natural Philosophy for Begin- ners, 18 mo r cl sides . . 50 '* " Mrs., L., Ida Norma, or Trials and their Uses 50 dishing & Bro. Philipena, 32mo cl ex 38 >§. A. Hoidand " or the Forget-Me-Not, by Mrs. Lunt, 3 2 mo cl ex 38 aV. L. Dayton Phillips, S. C, The Sunday-School Service Book, hf raor . . . . . . 25 Crosby k N. Philo ; an Evangeliad, by [Rev. Sylvester Judd,] X2mo cl ex $1 25, cl 88 Phillips, S. <fe Co. Philosophic Theology, or Ultimate Grounds of all Re- ligious Belief, based in Reason, by Jas. W. Miles, 8vo cl 1 00 /. Russell, '49 Philosophy of Christian Perfection, by M. Caldwell, 1 2 mo cl 75 John Ball, '49 " " A Future State, by Thos. Dick, 12mocl 50 K C. ct ,/. Biddle " Religion, " " " 60 " " " by J. D. Morell, 12mocl . I 00 J})plelon,'49 " " Medicines, bv E. Bartlett, 8vo cl , . 2 00 Lea et B. " " Storms, by J. P. Espy . . . 3 00 Mussey'Si Co. " The, of th(! LJeautiful, from the French of Victor Hugo, 18mo cl . . . G3 7>. /)'/.%, '49 Phonographic Instructor^ by Booth, cl 31c. bds . . 20 L'. 11. Butler »fe Co. c " Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language, edited by Wm. Bolles, 12 mo shp 1 25 Wm. Bolles <k Co. Photogenic Manipulations, by G. T. Fisher, 18mo ol . G3 C & ILtrt Photography, Tlie History and I'ractice of the Art of, by H. Siiclling, 12mocl 1 00 O. P. Putnam '\9 Physic and Physicians, a Medical Sketcli-Book, 2 v. 18mo . . . . . . . . 75 Ziebcr &, Co. '45 Physical Atlas of Natural Phenomena, by A. K. John- ston, imperial 4to r cl sides . . . 12 50 Lea ife B. '50 " Geography, by Mrs. Somerville, new edit. whh Additions and a Glossary, 12mo cl . 1 25 " '50 Physician and Patient, or Mutual Dutits of the .Medi- cal Profession and the Community, by W. Hook- er, M. D., 12mo cl 1 25 Baker ii S. '49 84 PHY- P IL , [am. c Physician's Pocket Do<5o-l?ook atifl Stiulont's Manual, by T. T. Smiley, M. 1 )., 1 8ino r . " Pocket Synopsis, hy J. S. Bartlctt, 18mo . Physiology of Digestion, by Wm. rieaumont, 12ino cl " " Woman, and her Diseases from Infancy to Old Age, by C. Morrell, 12mo cl . Piano-Forte Primer, by J. F. liurrows Pickering, Charles, The Races of Man, and their Geo- gra] h'cal Distribution, forming Vol. IX. United States E.xploring Expedition, 4to cl . " Ellen, Agnes Serle, pap " " Cousin Ilinton, pap " " Ellen Wareliam, pap . " " Kate Wal<ingham, pap " Nan Darrell, pap " Who Shall be Heir, pap " " The Expectant, pap " " " Fright, pap . " " " Heiress, pap . " " " " 2 V. cl " " " Merchant's Daughter, pap " " " Orphan Niece, pap " " " Poor Cousin, pa]) . " " " Prince and the Pedlar, pap " " '• Quiet Husband, pap " " " Secret Foe, pap . " " "■ Squire, pap . Pickett's Analyzer and Expo^ito^ " Juvenile Primer c " " Reader c " " " andDefiner " Spelling-Book c " Principles of English Grammar , Pictorial History of England, 4 v. 8vo cl . " " " " France, Greece, Rome, and the United States, by S. G. Goodrich, 12 mo hf bd, per vol. . The Same in 5 v. slip . " and Descriptive View of Religion, by C. A. Goodrich, 12moshpgt " " Illuminated Bible, 4to mor Pictures and Stories, a Juvenile, ISmo cl . Pioneers, by Cooper, 2 v. pap ..... Pierson, Lydia J., Forest Leaves, cl . " Minstrel, 12mo cl Piety Exemplified, adapted to the Capacity of Youth, by Rev. B. Rayment, ISmo cl . Pilgrimage of Adam and David, a Bible Allegory, by Rev. Jas. Gallaher, r2mo cl . . . .'s Progress, with Scott's Notes, 12rao cl ex $1 50, cl 75 J. G. Auvcr G. & C. Carville;33 15 C. Goodrich, '47 1 00 Stoddard & B. 38 Wilkins, C. & Co. 10 00 Little & Brown, '48 25 T. £. Peterson 25 " 25 " 25 " 25 " 25 " 25 - " 25 " 25 85 Harper <fe Bros. 25 T. B. Peterson 25 " 25 " 25 " ' 25 " 25 25 30 J.A.&: U.P.James 05 25 " 50 " 10 " 35 14 00 Harpers 56 Huntington & S. 4 20 1 75 Goodman & Co. 22 50 Harpers 42 Reynolds k Co. 50 Strivger k T. 75 Lindsay k B. 75 J. W. Moore 15 F. Lucas, Jr. 1 00 Crocker k B. 1 00 Carter & Bros., '49 1828—1850.] PIL POE. 85 Pilgrim's Progress, with Scott's Notes, 18ino cl " " " " 32moslipgt 42c.,clox » " " in German, slip .... Pilot, The, by Cooper, 1 v. 12mo Cl . " " " " 2 V. pap .... Pindar, Susan, Fireside Fairies, or Christmas at Aunt Elsie's, ISino cl c Pingree, Rev. E. M., and Rice Rev. N. L., Debate on the Doctrine of Universal Salvation, 12mo cl Pinneo, T. S., The Ilemans' Reader, r2mo slip . Pinney, N., First Book in French, 18mo r cl sides " " " " " " with a Key, 18mo r cl sides " " The Progressive French Reader, 12ino r cl sides ...... " " The Practical French Teacher, 12mo r cl sides. ...... c Pinnock's Goldsmith's England, 12mo hf r c " " France, " " " c " " Greece " " " c " " Rome " " " Pioneer History, by S. P. Hildreth, 8vo . i Pious Guide to Prayer and Devotion, 18mo shp Pirate, The, and Three Cutters, by Marryatt, pap Pirate's Own Book ....... Pise, Rev. C. C, History of the Church, from its Estab- lishment to the Reformation, 5 v. 8vo hf bd Another edition, 5 v. 12mo hf bd . . . . Pitts, J., The Farmer's Book and Family Instructor, 8vo cl ....... . Plain Sermons for Country Congregations, 2 v. 12mo cl . . . ' [Planche, Miss,] Old JoUitle, 18mo cl " " Only, 18mo cl " " A Trap to Catch a Sunbeam, ISnio pap 13c., cl . Planter's Guide, by Simons, ..... c Playmate, The, with 150 Engravings, sijuare IGmo cl ex Pledge, The, or the First Step to Fortune, ])ap . c Plowman, T! L., Explanation of the Book of Common Prayer, 18 mo cl ..... . Plutarch's Lives, by L. & W. Langhorn, 8vo shp Pocket Anatomist fur Students. .... " Missal, or Companion to the Altar, for the Sun- days and J'riiicipal Festivals, 18mo slip Poems, bv a South Carolinian, 12mo cl " for the Sta, by Mrs. Sigouriu-y, r2mo cl . Poetical Language of Flowers, i)y Thunnis Miller, ed- ited by Mrs. E. O. Smith, 8vo nior . Poetry of Life, by Sarah Stickuey, 2 v. 12mo . 50 Carter k Bros. G3 E. Hunt 81 W. G. Mentz 1 25 G. P. Putnam .'>0 Stringer <k T. 75 Jpplcton, '50 75 J.A.&: LLP. James 90 Clark, A. & Co. 50 Huntington k S. 63 1 00 " 1 13 U 75 Thomas, C. <fc Co. 75 75 75 2 50 H. W. Derby & Co. 50 F. Lucas, Jr. 25 T. B. Peterson 75 Sanborn & C. 7 50 P. Lucas, Jr. 3 50 Chambersburg, Pa. 1 50 S. & Swords, '49 25 Munroe tt Co., '50 31 " '50 25 " '49 Mc Carter k A., '49 1 75 Crosbg Si A'. (I 25 Stringer k T. ZS S. k Swords '50 1 13 And r us, G. k Co. 38 JJerbg, Miller d' Co. 50 /"'. Liira.t, Jr. 50 S. Hart, Sr., '48 75 H S. Parsons k Co. 5 00 J. C. Hiker Carey, Lea k B.'35 86 POE- P RA [am. oat. Poets of America, otlited by Rov. Gcu. li. Cliecver, 12ino rditical Class-PxMjk, by Win. Sullivan, 12mo . " Grammar of the U. States, by Mansfield, 12mo r d sides ...... " Manual, by E. William;, .... Polk, Jas. K., Life of, by J. S. Jonkiiis, r2mu . Pollok, liobtiit, Course of Time, 18mo cl c;t " " ^' " "ex8l,cl . " " " '• 32mo " " 50c., cl . Poraerov, E-, The People's Lawyer,, pap . Pompeii, and Other Pooins, by W^ J. Dix, 12mo bds . Pond, Rev. E., Swcdeuborgianism Reviewed Poor Cousin, The, l)y Miss Pickering, pap . " Mans' Catechism, or the Christian Doctrine Ex- ])lained, by J. Mannock, 12mo . " " Controvei-sy, by J. Mannock, 18mo slip . " " Evening Portion, by Robert Ilawker, 12mocl Pope, Alex., Complete Poetical Works, edited by W. C. Armstrong, 4 V. 12mo cl . . . . Pope's Supremacy, The, by Isaac Barrow, 8vo cl Popular Cyclopcedia of Modern Domestic Medicine, by K. Irnray, M. D., 8vo shp H, cl " Tales, by Maria Edgeworth, 2 v. 18mo . " " " " ' " 18mo cl . Porter, C. T, Review of the Mexican War, 12mo pap 38c., cl . . . . • . c " Analysis of Rhetorical Delivery, edited by A. n. Weld " Jane, Thaddeus of Warsaw, 18mo r Portrfiiture of True Devotion, 3 2mo slip. . , ' . Post Captain, or W^ooden Walls, 18mo bds Pottleton Legacy, The, by AUiert Smith, 8vo pap Powell, Thomas, Living Authors of America, 12mo pap Toe, cl " " The Living Authors of England, 12raocl Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, by Thomas Chalmers, 12nio cl . " of Deception Unveiled, and the Man of Sin Revealed, by J. Jones, 8vo . Poyas, Catharine G., Huguenot Daughters, and Other Poems ........ Poynter, Bishop, Christianity, or the Evidences and Characters of the Christian Religion, 12mo cl Practical Elocutionist, by H. P). Maglathlin, TJmo lif r " Medicine, Illustrated by Causes on the most Lnportant Diseases, edited by J. M. Gait, 8vo shp ...... " Nature of the Doctrines of Emanual Sweden- borg, by Rev. A. Clissold, 12mo cl . " Rules for the Promotion of Domestic Happi- ness, by Matthew Carey, ISmo Andrus A; Son Jciiks, P. Si Co. oO E. 1). Trvman J. Van Xordtn, '34 1 25 ./. M. Aid en U 45 J.k J. L. Gihon 50 Clark, A. k Co. 25 " 25 Stratlon k B. 75 Ticknor k Co. 1 00 Hyde k Lord 25 T. B. Peterson 2b F. Lucas, Jr. 38 60 Carter k Bros. Andrus k Son, '49 1 2o J. C. Biker 3 50 Gates, S. k Co. '49 75 Harper k Bros. 1o G. S. Ap2)leton 63 J.M. Alden 75 Mussey d: Co. 50 Andrus, G. k Co. 25 F. Lucas, Jr. 15 ya^fis k C. 25 Carey k Hart, '49 1 00 Stringer k T. 1 00 Appleton, '49 60 Harpers R. H. Small '29 John Russell, '49 63 /". Lucas, Jr. 25 R. S. Davis 2 50 Barring ton k H. 0. Clapp, '39 Philadelphia, '38 1828—1850.] PRA ■PSA. 81 Prairie, The, by Cooper, 2 v. pap .... Prairie-Flower, or Adventures in the Far West, by E. Bennett, pap ....... Pray, L. G., A History of Sunday-Schools, 16mo cl . Preparation for Death, or Con-idcratiun-j of the Eter- nal Maxims, by St. A. M. Ligiiori, 12nio cl jjt . Presbyterian Church Case, The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vs. Asliel (jrreon and Others, by S. Miller, Jr., 8vo . " Clergvuian Looking fur the Church. iVmocl " Confession of Faith, ISniosh]) . Preston Lyman, r)istrict-Scho;)l l^ookkeeping, 4to stitchi'd. ..... «' " 8, 10 and 12 Per Cent Interest Ta- bles ..... Pretty Stories for Pretty Little Peoiile, cl ex Price, p., Table-Book and Elementary Arithmetic " Joseph M., Tables of Sterling- Exchange, r 8vo cl " " " " French" Exchange, 8vo Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austin, 12mo cl . c Primacy of the Apostolic See Vindicated, by Rev. F P. Kendrick, 8vo ...... c Prince, W. R., Horticulture ..... " Rev. W. R., Memoirs of, 12mo cl . Prince, The, by A. H. Cock ton, pap .... Principles of Grammar, English, Latin, and Greek, by Solomon Barret, Jr., r2mo cl . Prison Life and Reflections, by Geo. Thompson, 12mo cl Prize, [The,] Story -Book, square ICmo cl 50c., cl gt . Profession and Practice, by Rev. Il.U'j}i White, ISmocl Progress of the Christian Life, by H. Ware, Jr., 18mo Prometheus and Agamemnon of >'E-chylus, translated into English Verse, by H. W. Herbert, r2mo d . c Prostitution in Paris, considered Morally, Politically, and Medically, by Duchatelet, ISinocl c Protestantism in Italy, Past and Present, by Rev. R. Baird, 12mo cl ..... . Proud Girl, The, Humbled, by Mrs. Hughs, square cl . Prussian Calculator, by Clark, 12 mo slip . Proverbial Philosophy, by M. F. Tupper, small 4t.o cl ex $3 50, nior " " by M. F. Tupper, small 4to Il- lustrated, cl ex ^4, mor c Proverbs for the People, by E. L. Magooii. 12mo cl . Providence Illustrated, 18;nocl . . . . Provincial Courts of New Jersey, with Sketches of Bench and liar, by R. S. Field, 8vo cl . " Letters to the Jesuits, by B. Pascal 12ni<> cl Psalmist, (Baptist Hymns,) by B. Stow «fe S. F. Smith, "i2mo mor §1 50, mor ex *3, slip . " 18mo mor $1, mor gt *1 26, mor ex |2 63, shp ....... 50 Stringer & T. 25 Stmt /on <t B. 75 Crosbi/ lir X. 1o J. Murphy «k Co. 2 50 W. S. Martien 63 Ep.S.S. Union,' ^9 56 Baniugton <k H. 31 Collins & Bra. 2 00 Pratt, W. d: Co. 50 G. S. Appleton 19 Clark\ A. (k Co. \ bO W. W. Rose, '48 1 25 75 Wilkius, C. 6c Co. 1 67 Dunigan & Bro. 38 Cliiric, A. k Co. 1 00 Hi/de (fe Lord 50 Stringer & T. Alhanij, '48 1 00 J. M. Fitch 63 G. S. Appleton \ bO H. Hooker, '49 31 Munroe & Co. 75 J. Bartlett, '49 50 Brnadcrif d- Co. 1 25 B. PerkiiK^ & Co. 33 Lindsag & B. 50 K I Jar row 4 50 Butler <fe Co., '60 5 00 90 Gould, K. ii L. 42 Brockdt, F. it Co. Bartlett S: IJ'.. '4 1 00 Cartn- S: A'/cv.. "49 1 26 Gould. K. k L. 75 88 P .9 yl RAS. [am. cat. Psalmist, 32mo mor 75r., nior ex ^\ TjO, tucks, %1 25, ^I'l- " with a Su]>iilcmfiit, l)y H. hiillcr and J. B, J (iter, satno prices, styks, and sizes as the abo\e ....... Tuerporal P^'ver and Curable Ph-bitis, by Drs. Oordon, Hey, Armstrotii;. Lee, and C. D. Meigs, 8vo shp . Pulpit Assistant, by K. P. Ilannam, 8vi) shp Purct'll, K., l)ra\vin<T-Cards, 14 Nos., various prices Pure [A,] Reiiu^ion the World's Only Hope, by Rev. R. W. Cushinan, 18nno cl . . . . . Puritan, The, and His Daughter, V>y J. K. Paulding, 12mo cl . . . ^ . . . . Putnam, Rufus, The American Common-School Arith- metic, I'imo. . . . . " " The American Common-School Arith- metic, with Key .... Putnam County, N. Y., History of, by Wm. J. Blake, 12rao .' Putz, Wm., Manual of Ancient Geography and His- tory, 12mo . . . . . . 56 Gould, K. L. 1 75 Barrington <fe H. 3 00 D. Hoyt J. C. Biker 31 Z/. Colbf/ 1 25 Baker & S., '49 50 Tappun, W. <fc M. 63 ^ " Baker d- S., '49 Appleton, '49 Q. Quaker City, The, or the Monks of Monk Hall, by G. Lippard, 2 parts pap. ..... Quiet Husband, The, by Miss Pickering, pap Quain, Jones, Human Anatomy, by R. Quain and Wm. Sharpey, edited by Joseph Leidy, 2 v. shp . Quinton, J. A., Heaven's Antidote to the Curse of La- bor, ISmo cl ...... . 1 00 T. B. Peterson 25 6 50 Lea & B., '49 40 K IT. Fletcher, '49 R. Races, [The,] of Man, and their Geographical Distribu- tion, by Charles Pickering, forming Vol. IX. U. States Exploring Expedition, 4to cl . Rafinesque, C. F. Medical Flora and Manual of the Medical Botany of the U. States, 2 v. 12 mo Rainey's Improved Abaccus, ISrao hf r Raleigh, Sir Walter, Life of, ISrao cl . . . Ramsay, D., Life of Washinoton, 12moshp " Rev. Wm., The Drunkard's Doom, ISmo cl . Ramsey, A. C, [Editor,] Other Side History of the War between Mexico and the U. States, from the Spanish, 12mocl Ranlett, W. H., The Architect, a Series of Original De- signs, 2 v. 4to r cl sides ..... Rassehis, Prince of Abyssinia, History of, by Samuel Johnson, 8vo illustrated, cl ex §3, mor . *' Prince of Abyssinia, History of, by Dr. John- son, 16mo cl 10 00 Little & Brown, 'iS Philadelphia, '28 40 £. D. Truman 45 /. <fe J. L. Gihon 60 Andrus tk Co. 31 Griffith <fc S. 1 50 John Wile;/. '50 6 00 Bewift it D. 3 50 ffogan &: T., '50 Carter <k Bros. 1828—1850.] RAT—REL. 89 c Ratio Disciplinse, or Coni^egational Church Govern- ment, by Upham, cl. . . . . . Rationale of Crime, and Its Appropriate Treatment, pap ....... . Rausse, C. H., Errors of Physicians and Others in the Application of the Water Cure, pap . Ray, Jos., Algcljra, part 1, 12 mo c " " Arithmetic, part first. " " " " second U « t( u u " " " " third. <( u a u (1 " " Arithmetical Key Rayment, Rev. H., Piety Exemplified, adapted to the capacity of Youth, 18mo cl Raymond the Rover, and Other Tales, 12ifio cl Read, Miss II. F., Dramatic Poems, 8vo cl. Ready Reckoner, Form-Book, Interest Tables, &c, hf bd Reasons for being a Baptist, by Rev. S. Remington, pap-. Recollections of an Only Daughter, 24mo cl " " De])art('d Friends, by Rev. Wm. Berri- an, r2mo cl. Redburn, His First Voyage, by H. Mc-lvillc, 12ino ]>ap 75c., fl . . . ' Redskins; or Indian and Ingin, by J. F. Cooper, 2 v. 12mopap ....... Reese, J. J., American Medical Formulary, including the Medical Properties and Uses of Medicines, cl H\ 84, shp " " Analysis of Physiology, 12mo shp . Reeve, Rev. .J., History of the Old and New Testament, 8vo slip. ..... " '' Practical Discourses on the Perfections and W(jrks of God, 8vo shp . Reformation in England, by Blunt, 12mo cl Reformers Before the luforniation, by Boiinochose, pap Reforms and Reformers of (Jreat Britain and Ireland, Sketches of, by Henry \\. Stanton, I'Jnio cl Reid, B. D., and P>ain A., Elements of I'heuii-^try and Electricity, 12m() r cl sides .... Religio Medici and Christian Morals, by Sir Thomas Browne, 12mo cl ..... . c Religion Teaching by E.\ample, by R. \N'. Dickinson, 12mo cl c Religious Anecdotes, by C. Buck, shp gt . " Ceremonies and Customs, liy Hurder, 8vo . " Consolations, by Rev. E. S. Gannett, 18mocl " Keepsake, edited by Mrs. Sigourney, 12mo " Souvenir, " " " 13 75 75 25 67 7U 13 10 25 20 38 34 03 50 75 88 1 00 Hyde k. Lord Fowler «t W. Clark, A. Co. W. B. S.nlth k Co. Clark, A. k Co. W. B. Smith d- Co. Clark, .1. tt Co. W. n. Smith & Co. Clark, A. Co. W. B. Smith <fe Co. Clark, A. k Co. F. Lucas, Jr. Najis d- C. Croshij k N. 15 W. A. Learn 10 Z. Colby 50 S. Hart, Sr., '43 50 S. k Swords, '50 1 00 Harper k Bros., '49 50 Stringer k T., '49 2 00 Limlsa;/ d B., '49 1 50 J. G. Auiur 50 /'. Lucas, Jr. 1 50 75 50 //. Hooker Harper d' Bros. 1 00 /. Wiley, '49 00 Barnes k Co., '49 50 L>a k P>. 1 00 1 25 2 60 60 2 00 2 00 Carter k Bros. Brooders k Co. W. A. Lmry Crosby k N. Andrus k Son 00 REL- RIC. [am. cat. RellsInK L., Fiirl toon ITi'ndrod rnd Tw< Ivc, or Na- 1 olcon's Iiiv siiiii (if Kiis>;a, 8mi ]):i|) . Koir.aik;il)le Hlvciits in the History of Aiiiericii, l)y hAiw F"()st, 8vo Lili or jini ..... Feniii gi» n, llev. S.. h'e; sons f< r Feirg a ]'a| t>t, pnp Keiniii sicnces of a Virt;;iiiia 1 li_\>ic!aii, liy 1'. S. KuUr, 2 lift-* pap . ' . : . ' . Report on ihe Cholera in Paris, by Authority of the Fre!!(h (government, 8vo cl . . . . Repn stn'ative Mtn, tss.iys on, 1 y K. AV. Emerson, 12no cl RopuLlic of America, by Mis. E. "Willard, lif r . " " " " " " 8\o shp Republicjm Christiniiity, by E. L. Maifor.n, 12m() el Retnbuti( n, or the \i\\a of Shadows, a Tale, by Emma D. E. South worth, j ap . Review of the C; u-^es ard Consequences of the Mex- ican War, ly William Jav, 12mo cl . " " the Mexiern War, by C.'T. Forter, 12mo Jit]) 38c., el Revised Statutes of Maine, reduced to Question and An-^uer ........ Reviv; 1 Hymns ....... Revolutions in Europe, liy C. W. Koek, Svo em shp . Reynolds, G. W. M., FlKn Munroe, 2 v. pap " " Esther De Medina, or the Crimes of Loiden, 2 V. pap " " Faust, a Koniaiiee, pap " " Walhice, the Hero of Scotland, 2 V. pap .... " *' Life in London, or Virtue and Vice Contrasted, 2 v. pap " " Life in Faris, ])ap " " Tlie Farriiide, or the Youth's Career of Crime, jap . " " The Reformed Highwayman, 2 V. j.ap . . ■ . " Rev. J. L., Cliuich Polity, or the Kingdom of Christ in its Internal and External De- velopmc nt, 18mo el ... . Rhetorical Reader, by R. G. I'arker, 12mo, " Sj eaker, by Store ..... Rhymes for the Nursery, el .... . " " " " Colored plates, cl. Rice, E. L., Introduction to American Literature, I'Jmo el Rieliaid IIa;vey, a Juvtnile, by Mis. II. C. Knight, cl Riehiinls, W. C, Georgia lllustnited. Ri(.haidson, Dr. C, The Cholera, Its Cause, Preven- titm, and Cure, 8vo p^p. . " N. S, The Sponsor's Gift, 32mo . C Riches of Grace, 12mocl • . . . . . Richmond, Rev. Legh, Domestic Portraiture, 12mo cl 50 Slrivfjcr A T.. '4 9 5 00 10 50 1 00 1 00 (;o 1 50 1 25 25 Vo 63 38 15 2 50 1 00 1 00 50 50 1 00 38 J. h J. L. Gthcn L. OAby T. R. NiUtn, '49 S. S. d' W. W<.cd Fhillips, S. <fe Co. A. S. Barhes i Co. Could, K. k Z., '49 Harpers^ '49 Muf^sey k Co., '49 /. M. Aid en Sari bom & C. J. A. d' U. P. James E. Hunt Strhnnr & T. T. B. Peterson 50 1 00 Stringer <t T. 50 Rarrold <fc M.. '49 84 Barnes k Co., '49 (J3 Nruman d' Co. 38 G. S. Applelon 63 " 1 00 H. W. Dirhy k Co. 25 -S. A. Hoiclaud 3 00 W. CRichaids, '42 25 Appletnn k Co., '49 19 S. k Swords 1 2b E. Hunt 75 Carter k Bros., '49 1828—1850.] RIC- ROL. c Ricord, M., Lectures on Venereal and Other Diseases Arisinijf from Sexu il Inlcrcuuis -, tr.iiislated by Victor De Meric, Tiiuo slip .... Riddle and Arnold's Latin Lexicon, royal 8vo sh]) ........ Rido,ley, David, Annals of Annapolis, r2nio Ri^-ht is Mi^-ht, and (JtliiT Sketches, by Parley, 18mo cl ex 7.3c., cl ...... . Rii^hts of Lab ir, by Calvin Coltjn, pap Rinaldo, 3 v. in 1, 32ni() r gt . Ripley, H, J., Sacred Rhetoric, or Coni| option and De- livery of Si'rnion>, and Ware's ILnLs on Extcm- porancoU'i Proachini;, I'inio cl . Ripley, R. S., Th ■, War with Mexicc;, 2 v. 8vo cl Ritcli, J. W., American Architect, Orimnal Disinrnsfur Country and Village Residences, 4to 2 series, each, slip. ........ Rival in School, by Rev. J. Alden, ISino cl Robert Ramljle's Country Storie-=, 18nio el. Robespierre, Maxmilien, The Life of, by G. H. Lewes, 12mo cl . ' . Robinson Crusoe, 18mo r. . . . . . " cl " " IGmocl " " edlteil by Parley, 10 mo cl . " Cru-^03's Farm-Yard, square hf r . Robinson, F., California and Its Gold Regions, pap " " Mexico and ller Military Chieftains, 12mo cl. . . . . . " James, Compend of Bookkeeping by Single Entry, 8vo cl bck.. " " Primary School Arithmetic c " John, History of England, abridged from Hume antl Smollett, 12mo cl. " Surgical and Medical Treatment of the Teeth, 8vo cl Rochester Tnken, or SeUct Original Potins, by Geo. G. W. Morgan, r2mo cl Rocky Mountains, Journd of Travels Over in 184j~lG, by .Joi 1 Palmer, 12nio?-hp . . . . Rodgers, M. M., Scientitie Ag.iculture, or Chemistry, (fee, applied to Agriculture, 12 mo cl or slip, Rodwell, C. H., Old London Bridge, or the Days of Henry VHL, pap ...... Roelker, B., (n-rnian Ke ider ..... " " The Coiwtiluti.tus of FranC'', Monarchical and Republican, 12mo el Rogers, Rev. G., Adventures of Elder 'iub. " " " Tales from Life .... - " " " Jae.-b's Well, ISmo el . Roland Ashton, a Tale of thi.' Times, by Catharine Long, 2 V. 12;iHi il. .... " Coshcl, by ChiuLs Lever, 8vo pap 73c., cl 84 Barrivpfon it //. 3 00 IlarpT (fe Bros., '40 Cusldng 6: Bio., '4 1 40 H.H.Haideyii Co. 25 B'lrnts ife Co. a lb W. A. Leart/ 75 Gould. K. «L'Z.,'49 4 00 Harp r ^ Bios., '4 9 3 00 C. M. Sixton 38 M. W. D,.dd 5J Uurne i P. 1 00 Cirri/ ct I/art, '49 20 Andru-s «fe Co. 45 J. «fe /. L. Gihon 1 00 G. S. Appleltn 75 Clark, A. «fe Co. 50 G. I\ Putnim, "49 .'.0 Strinqer Jc T. 1 00 Andrus d' Son 38 r. Sliinpsfm. 13/. P. Jtwctt 90 Pratt, \V. ife Co. 2 50 Lind.tai/ cfe /?.. '49 G3 L\ Da r row, '49 50 J. A.i: r. P. James 90 £. Par row, '4 8 50 Stringier ife T. 1 25 Muuroc it Co. 50 " '49 0.3 A. Timipk-iiis 03 40 Carter k Bros. 1 25 Andrus k Son 1 00 Harper d: B 103.,' iO 92 ROl. RUJ. [am. cat. Itollin, Charles, Amioiit History, 2 v. 8vo slip , " " " 4 V. 8v() Lib. . al)ri(l<r('(l, by W. 11. Wyckotf . RoUo Codo of Morals, by K<;v. .Jacob Abbott, ]8rno el " Picturp- Hook, 12 iiio fancy cover Romau (Tiie) Uiuirch, and Modern Society, from the French of M. (^>uiiiiiet, 12ino d . " Antiquities, by Kennett, 8vo shp . " " " Adams, " " . " " in Question and Answer, by Rev. Jas. Mackay .... Romance of Nature, or Poetical Language of Flowers, edited by Mrs. E. 0. Smith, 8vo cl ex 14, cl " " the Forest, 2 v. in 1, r gt Rome, The Liberty of, a Hi-^tory, with an Historical Ac- count of the Liberty of Ancient Nations, by Samuel Eliot, 2 v. 8 vo cl . Root, G. F., Young Lady's Choir, r cl sides " " and Sweetser, J. E., Collection of Church Music Ropes, Joseph, Linear Perspective for the Use of Schools, 8vo cl backs ..... Rosalie of Palermo, and the Benevolent Children, 18nio cl ....... . Rosamond, by Maria Edgeworth, 12mo cl . '' " " 2 v. ISmocl . Rosary, The, of Illustrations of the Bible, edited by Rev. E. E. Hale, 8vo cl ex §5, im -S6, mor . Rose-Bud, by Parley, cl ex 75c., cl . Rose-Buds, and Other Poems, by Henrietta, 18mo cl . Rose Marian, by Mrs. Child, square cl . . . " Somerville, pap ...... " and Gertrude, or the Mysterious Wedding, pap . C " of Sharon, or Gems of Sacred Poetry, 32mo cl ex " " " for 1850, edited by C. M. Sawyer, mor *4, cl ex . c Rose, J., Arithmetic, 12moshp ..... " " " Key to, 1 8mo shj) " J. S., Consumption Curable, pap Rosemary, The, a Collection of Sacred and Religious Poetry, 8vo cl ex $3 50, mor .... Rotteck, Chas., History of the World, 8vo . Rough and Ready Songster, 18mo roan . Rowe, Mrs., The Devotional Exercises of the Heart, 24nio cl . Rowland, Rev. H. A., Common Maxims of Modem In- fidelity, 12mocl Ruby, The, a Token of Friendship for 1850, 18mo mor Rugby School Sermons, by Arnold, cl . . . Ruined Gamester, and Other Poems, by T. S. Arthur, 18mo cl 3 50 //. S. & ./. Appier/' t 4 00 Najis 6i (J. 1 50 " 45 Crocker h B. 25 Reijn<)ldH & Co. 75 GoteK, S. k Co. 1 25 F. Lucas. Jr. I 15 W. E. Dean 38 S. Babcock, '49 3 00 J. C. Riker 75 W. A. Leary 4 50 G. P. Putnam, '49 75 Learitt, T. k Co. 75 J. Wilei/, '49 25 Author, Portrd,'49 38 F. Lucas, Jr. 75 Harpers 1 00 Francis & Co. 6 50 Phillips, S. &: Co. 50 Xajis & C. 50 Green 6z Spencer 25 Francis <fe Co. 25 Strincfer <fe T. 25 " '49 38 G. M. Alden 2 50 A. Tompkins, "50 25 J. G. Auner 50 25 Deuritt k D. 4 00 Lindsay L- B., '49 3 50 Leary k Co. 25 Xafis & C. W. S. Martien, '50 75 Carter & Bros., '50 2 00 Carey & IT., '50 75 Apple ton <fc Co. 42 ff.F. tdnners 1828—1850.] R ur- SAC. 9S Ruins of Ancient Cities, by Charles liuck, 2 v. ISmocl c Rupert Cabell, and other Tales, by liev. Joseph Alden, ISmo cl ....... . Rural Economy, by J. l'>. Boussainj^ault " Letters and other Records of Thought at Leis- ure, by N. P. Willis, 12mo cl . Ruskin, John, The Modern Paintei*s, 2 v. 12mo cl " " The Seven Lamj>s of Architecture, 12mo cl Russell, Ancient History of Greece and Rome, 12mo hf r " History of England, 12molif r . , " " " France, •' ... " " " United States, r2mo hf r . " Wm., American Elocutionist, 12mo " " Lessons in Enunciation " " " at Home in Reading and Spell- ing " " and Mason, Lowell, Elements of Musical Articulation, 18mo " and Goldsbury's American Common-School Reader " " " Introduction to American Common-School Reader . Rustic (The) Wreath, by Miss Mitford, 12mo . Ruter, P. S., Life and Death, a Metrical Romance, 12 mo bds ...... " " Reminiscences of a Virginia Physician, 2 parts, pap ..... Rutherford, Rev. S., Letters, 8vo cl . Ruxton, G. F., Life in the Far West, 12mo pap 38c. cl Ryan, J., Algebra, 12mo shp ..... Ryland, Rev. Robert, The Scrijjture Catechism for the Instruction of Colored People, 18mo hf bd 90 Harpers 45 1 50 1 25 1 87 1 25 50 50 50 50 80 20 IG 25 75 45 25 25 50 60 75 Gates, S. <fe Co. Ajypleton (fc Co. Baker iL' S. '49 /. Wiley '49 Hogan & T. Jenks, P. <k Co. Tic knar d' Co. Wilkim, C. (fe Co. Tappan, W. ik ^f. u Reynolds & Co. T. R. Nelson, '49 Carter k Bros. '49 JIarpers, '49 ir. K JJcan 25 Harrold <k M. '48 s. Sabbath Evening Lectures, by Rev. B. I. Lane, 1 2mo A " School Chuss-Book, by E. Lincoln " " Harmony, by N. D. Gould " " Minstrel, by Asa Fitz " " Secretary's Register, cap size, print* and ruh'd " Scripture Reading, by Tlios. Chalmers, 2 v 12mo cl .... Sacrament, The, of Repentance Sacramental Exerci-es, by Earl, cl Sacred Choir, by (J. Kiugslcy . " Harmonist, by G. Kingslcy . " Harmonicon, by Thomas Harrison . " Harp, by Mason, Vol. I., Round Notes (( u u « (( JJ " «( " « " " Patent Notes 1 00 Yoimp k Hart '44 13 Gould, K.k L. 13 " 15 Phillips. S. k Co. 75 K. Darroir, '49 2 (M) JIar/irr k Urns. '49 l;{ Applvlon k Co. '49 31 A. II. Mallhy 75 Appktim k Co. 38 Baruis k Co. '49 (30 J.A.k U. P.Jamt^ 88 E. D. Truman 88 " 67 94 SAC- sen. [am. cat. Sacred History of (ho WoiM, Ky S. Tuiikt, 3 v. 18 ino cl ..... . Lyrist " Mclotlcon, by T. Harrison " Miiistnl, or Ainericin Church Miisic-Book, by V. C. Taylor, hf r . " Poets of Eiiirlaiid and America, edited by K. W. Griswold, 8vo cl ex §3, cl " Klietoric, or Composition and Delivery of Ser- mons, l)y II. J. Ripley, and Wane's Hints on Extemporaneous I'reacliini^, 12mo cl . " Timbrel, a Collection of Cliurch Music, by B. F. leaker and I. B. Woodbury . Saint's Everlasting Rest, by Richard Baxter, lOmo cl . Salamander, The, by Sue, jxip ..... c Salathiel, a Story of Past, I'resent and Future, by Rev. G. Croly, cl ...... . Salem, Mass., Annals of, by J. B. Felt, 2 v. 12mo el . Sanders, C. W., Spelling-Book, doz, .... " " and J. C, The Young Grammarian . Sandford and Merton in French, 12mo hf r Sands, David, Journal of his Life and Gospel Labors, 12mo cl ....... . Sappho, a Tragedy, and Corregio, a Tragedy, translated by Mrs. Lee, 12mo cl . . , . . Sargent, E|ies, Poems, 16 mo ..... " L. M., Temperance Tales, 2 v. 12mo Satanstoe, a Tale of the Colony, by J. F. Cooper, 2 v. 12mo pap ....... Saviour's (The) Last Command, by Rev. Ashbel Green c Sawyer's Mental Philosophy', 12 mo .... Sa.\e, John G., Poems, 12mo bds .... Say, Thomas, American Conehology, Illustrated by Colored Figures, by Mrs. Say, from Drawings from Nature, in 7 Nos. Svo .... Sayers, E., The American Flower-Garden Companion, 12mo cl .' Sayings and Doings, or Proverbs and Practice, cl ex 67c. cl Scenery Shower, (The) by W. Burton, ISmo Scenes from European History, cl gt e . . . c " " Sacred History, or Religion Teaching by Example, by .R. W. Dickinson, D. D., l2mo cl ..... . " in Foreign Lands, square cl . . " " A Cl(M-gyman"s Life, by Rev. C. B. Tayler, 12mo cl ..... . c " " The Life of the Saviour,8vo mor or cf § ex u u u Lj^.p^ ^j< ^j^^ Apostles, 8vo mor or cf $4, el ex " Where the Tempter has Triumphed, ISmo ol . Scbieferdecker, C. C, on the Treatment of Cholera with Water, pap 1 35 Harper d Bros. 34 livijunlds it Co. 15 J.A.^ U.P.Jamea 1:, II. II. IlawUy <k Co 2 .50 AppleUm, '50 7.3 Gould, K. k L. '49 Reynolds <k Co. 50 Gould, K. <fe L. 25 Slrinrjer & T. 75 J.A.k U.P.Jamet W. d- S. B. Ives; 4.5 1 50 Sage 6i Bra. 20 " 63 E. C. k J. Biddle 03 Collins & Bra. 1 00 Phillips, S. <fe Co. 50 Ticknor ct Co. 2 50 Reynolds k Co. 50 Stringer k T. 25 W. S. Martien 75 Durrie k P. 50 Ticknor k Co. '50 N. Harmony, /a.'30 75 J. A. d- U.P.James 50 J. C. Riker 38 Ticknor d- Co. 75 G. S. Appleton 1 00 Carter k Bros. A5 J.k J. L. Gihon 75 S. k Swords, '49 3 00 Lindsay k B. 3 00 45 Harpers, '49 /. W. Moore, '49 1828—1850.] SCH- SCR. 95 c Sclilegel, F., Locturps on the History of Literature, 12 ino cl ..... . " " Lecture-; on the Histjrv of Lit-rnture, with C^iie-tiuns ''y J- Frost, 12mo >hp Schmitz, L.. Lit n (rramiiiar, 18;no r cl sides " and Zumpt's Chi>s;cal Stries : Ca}-iar, 18mo cl Qiiintus Curtius, " Sal lust, Virgil, " Scholar's Record-Book, by ilev. G. B. Perry SchoulBoy, The, hy J. S. C. Abhott, 18mo cl . " DialoGTues, by C. Northend, Timo r cl sides " Girl, The, by J. S. C. Abbwtt, 18mo cl . " Son^-Book, by Brittan and Sherwood, 1 8ino hf r c Schoolcraft, H. R., The Indian in his Wigwam, or Characteristics of the Red Race, 8vo cl c " " The Indian in his Wigwam, or Characteristics of the Red Race, pap 50c. cl . . . Schmauk, J., German Spdling-Buok Science of Moral Philosophy, by Asa Mahan, 12mo cl c Scientific Agriculture, by M. M. Rodgers, 12mo cl or slip ........ Scoresby, American Factories and their Female Opera- tives ........ Scott, Charles, The Analogy of Ancient Craft Masonry to Natural and Revealed Religion, with Engravings 8vo cl . " Walter, Lady of the Lake, 8vo cl ex " " " " " " 32mo cl ex 70, cl " " PorHical Works 12nio cl ex §1 To, cl " Gen. W., Infantry Tactics, 12ino cl . •' " " and liis Staff, with Portraits and other Illustrations, ]2nio p:ip 25c. cl Scott's Lessons, Revised and E<Jited l>y James 1). John son, 12 mo hf r Scottish Chiefs, by Jane Porter, 3 v. in 1, r gt . Scrap-Bo:)k, or Humorist's Annual Scribner, J. M., Engineer's and Mechanic's Companion " " Ready R< ckoner. hf Inl . Scripture Catechism for the Instruction of Colored Peo ] lie, by Rev. Robert Ryl.ind, ISnio hf bd c " Dt)ctrine of Christian Perfection, by Asa Maiian, 16mo cl . " Narrative, by Heh-lier. 18in(. el . " Proofs of Unitariani>in, by J. Wilson, 8vo cl " " " " •• " abridg'd " Questions, with Answers, by E. Lincoln, doz. " Readings, by Caroline Fry, cl . . . 1 00 Moss (t Bro. 1 25 60 Lea & B. "49 50 70 " 50 75 20 J. P. Jewett 45 Crocker (t B. 75 Barnes <fe Co. '50 45 Crocker k B. 34 Barnes Sc Co. '50 1 50 G. H. Derby k Co. 1 00 Detcitt <t D. 15 W. G. Meutz 90 c/. M. Fitch 90 E. Darrow, '48 25 Ticknor <k Co. 3 00 Griqff, E. <fe Co. '49 5 00 V. k Hart 56 Hunt k Son 1 25 P hi III I, s, S. k Co. 50 Mos.t k Bro. 1 00 Lippincott, G. k Co 88 Thomas, C. k Co. 75 W. A. Leary 1 UU Xafis k C. 1 l.T Himtinplon k S. 25 Elxhcr k Co. 25 Harrold k M. '48 38 y^. ,\f. Filch .'■18 Caitrr k Bros. 1 50 ^funror k Co. 38 1 00 Gn„l(/. A', k L. 70 Harper k Bros. 96 SCR- SEL. [am, c c Scripture Text-Book and Treasury, 12ino n)or $2, lif mor ....... Scriptural Exposition of tlie liaptist Catechism, by 15. M. A. Hc<l(lunic, 18ino " Law of liaptisni, by licv. E. Tunicy, 12m(jcl Sculpture and the ] Mastic Art, 12mo cl . . . Sea Lions, (The) or the Lost Sealers, by J. F. Cooper, 2 V. pap ....... Seals (The) Opened, or a A^oice to the Jews, 12ino c Sears, Robert, l^ible l^)iogra])hy, 8vo .... " " History of the Bible, 8vo . c " " Liformation for the People, 8vo . c " " Pictorial I)escrii)tion of England, Scot- land, Lvland, Wales, and Biitish West Indies, 8vo . " " " Descrii)tion of the U. States, 8vo .... " » " Family Aimual, 8vo " " Bible, 4to " " " " " 3 V. 8vo . " " " " Instructor, 8vo . " " " History of the American Kev- olution, 8vo " " " Sunday Book, 8vo c " " Scenes and Sketches in Continental Eu- rope, 8vo ..... c " " Treasury of Knowledge and Cyclopedia of History, 8vo .... " •' Wonders of the World, second series . Sea.side, The, and The Fireside, by Longfellow, 16mo bds Seatsfield, Flirtation in America, pap " North and South, pap .... Second Advent, or. What do the Scriptures Teach re- specting the Second Coming of Christ, by A. Crosby, 1 2mo cl . " Causes, by Charlotte Elizabeth, 18mo cl Secret Foe, The, by Miss Pickering, pap . " Guilt, by Duganne, pap ..... " Passion, The, by Lander, pap .... Sedgwick, Miss C. M., Clarence, a Tale of Our Own Times, 12mo cl " " Louisa and her Cousins, 18mo cl gt .... " " Lessons without Books, 18mo clgt . . . . Select Comedies, Translated from the Italian of Gol- doni, (^iraud and Nota, r2mo ol ... . Self-Culture, by W. E. Channing, 32rao cl ex " Discipline, by Rev. G. Burder, 32mo cl " " '' " " " ex " Education, or the Philosophy of Mental Improve- ment, by Rev. W. Hosmer, 12mo shp 85 Z. Colhy Hiirrdld h M. 50 E. H. Fletcher 1 00 /. P. Jewell, '50 50 Strinr/er & r. '49 II. Perkins, '40 2 50 ^. Scars 3 00 " 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 00 6 00 6 00 2 50 2 00 2 50 2 50 " 2 50 2 50 " 75 Tichwr <fe Co. '49 25 Birford & Co. 25 J. Winchester 50 Crosbv <t iV^. 45 M. W. Dodd 25 T. B. Peterson Redding A: Co. 50 Stringer A: T. 1 25 G. P. Putnam, '49 50 Crosby &: X. 50 " 1 00 Appleton, '49 38 Munroc <{• Co. 25 Crocker k B 3S H. F. Anners 75 Undcrhill & Co. 1828—1850.] SEL STG. Self-Formation, or the History of an Individual Mind*, 12inocl Sentiment il Journey, by Sterne, pap Serious Call to the Unconverted, by Wm. Law, 12mo slip ........ Sermons on Christian Communion, edited by Rev. T. R. Sullivan, r2mo el ..... . Seven Capital Sin*, by Su(\ pap .... " Lamp^ (The) of x\rchitecture, by -lohn Ruskin, 12mocl . . . ." . Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-Six, or the War of Lndependeiice, Edited l)y J. H. Los-ini^, 8vo cl Sewell, E. M., The Child's Fir>t History of Rome, 18 mo cl ..... . " Miss, Laneton Parsonatje, 3 v. cl . Sewall, R. K., Tlu- Christiairs Miniature, n2mo cl ex . Seymour, E. S., Sketches of Minnesota, the New Eng- land of the West, 12 mo pap 50c. cl " Rev. H., Mornings among the Jesuits at Rome, 12mo cl . . . Shakspeare Calendar, for Every Day in the Year, ed- ited by W. C. Richards, square cl 38c. cl ex ...... " Lif.', Gems and Beauties of, by Rev. Wm. Dodd, 12mo mor $3, cl ex $1 75, cl " and his Friends, liy Lander, pap Shaksperean Reader, by J. W. S. Hows, 12mo r cl sides ........ Shandy McGuire, or Tricks upon Travellers, 12mo p:ip 66c. cl ....... . Shattuck, W. B., Columbian Drawing-Book, 2 part5, each ..... " " Columbian Drawing-Cards, 3 Nos., each ..... Shepherd, Mrs. S., Ellen Seymour, or the Bud and the Flower, 12 mo cl ..... . Sherman, Mrs., Memoir of, by lu'v. James Sherman, 12ma cl Sherwood, Mrs., Stories Explanatory of the Church Catechism, 12mucl ...... c Shew, Joel, Water-Cure Mnnual, ]iap 50r. cl Sliipp, B.', Fame and other Poems, 12mo cl Shirley, a Talc, by Currer Bell, 8vo pap 38c. r2m<) cl Shuck, Henrietta," (First Female Missi..n,iry to China.) Memoir of, l)y Rev. .1. Jeter, IHmo cl Sidoiiia the Sorceress, \,y W. Meinhold, Kvo pap Sieg(! of Valenci.i, itc, by Mi's, llemaiis, d ex . Si'Mis (The) of the Times, by Rev. C. C. Cu\ler, 12mo cl • Sigourney, Mrs. L. H., The Bov's Book, 18mo cl c ° " " " Child's " " c " " Water Dro})s, " 14 07 1 25 Cronhy ife X. 25 Lipjjiiicott, G. <fe Co. 75 Barring ton <fc //. 1 00 Crosbi/ <fe X. Strinjir it T. 1 25 J. Wiley, '49 2 50 /;. Wulker, '49 50 Apple ton, '49 2 25 31 B. Perkins <i: Co. 75 Harpsr do Bros. '50 75 Harpers, '-ift 03 G. P. Putnam, '60 1 25 Phillips, S. ct Co. 50 Strinffir it T. 1 25 Apple ton, '49 84 Dunif/an <fe Bro. 15 H. W. Derby & Co. 25 75 J. H'. Moore, '50 1 00 R. E. Peterson, '49 50 A. P. Burt 75 Fowler <k W. 1 00 Butbr i Co. '48 1 00 Harpers, '49 50 Gould. K. k L. 50 Hmper it Bros. '49 1 00 Francis »t Cv. 7.-) ir. 5. M^irtien 40 Carter it Bros. '40 38 " ''♦9 40 " '49 60 " '*» 98 STO- SMI. [am. cat. Sigourncy, Mrs. L. IT., Pooms for the S'-a, 12mo cl . " " ^\■lli'p(•^ to a 15r'.d.', Ibiiio ] iip gt c'djre .... " " Yoimi; Lady's OR'ering, cl ox 5 2. cl Sights in the Gold rJogion, and Seems Ijy the Way, by T. V. J(>liiis()n, 12 mo cl .... Silent Ct)n)f(>rt( r, a Coiniianion for the Sick liuoin, by Loui-.a P. IlopUiiis, iiiin ature gt . . . Simons' Planter's (uiidc, Piino .... Sjmms, W. G., Cassii|ut' of Accaboe, a Tale of Asliley Kivcr, )i;ip ..... " " FnllKr Al)l)oit. or the Home T( uH^t . Simile Fact*, which Evtry CLiKl f-liould Learn, 12tr.o hf r " and Easy Guide to the Study of the French Griimiiiar, by Wm. P. WiLon, 12mo Sincere Clir.stian's Guide in ihe Choice of a Eeligion, ly Pev. J. (Jc.thor, ] 8mo slip .... Sinclair, C, IIoKday House, a Series of Tales, IGnio cl ex ^1, cl Singer's First Book, by J. and H. Bird " Second " " " ... " Manual, for Teacher?, Pupils, nrd Private Stu- dents, by F. A. Adnms, G. F. Root, ai.d J. E. S\vc< t>or, 18mo cl . . . . C Siste'^5 of Charity, by Mr<. A. II. Dorsey, 2 v. 1 8mo cl Sketches of Cli; meter, and Tiles Fcmded o i Fact, ly F. W. Thomas. ]2mo bds . " " The West, coiiijirising an Early History of W^i>coi sin. pap ..... c Sleighride, The, by \\q\. J. Alden, ISmo cl c Smiley, T. T., The Pli}sic'ai.s' Pocket Dose-Book and Students' Manual, ISmo r .... Sm'th, A I'lerr. < hristopher Tadpole, pap . " Horace, Tt)r Hill, pap . . . . . " Albert, The Pottlitun Legacy, 8vo pap . " A. W., Elemeiitiry Treatise on Mechanics, 8vo cl n 50, slip .... " Flisha, Botanic T hysici.-n, Svo " H. L., Natural Phihsophv, 12mo slip . c " H. V. C, Cl; ss-Bouk of Aiintuniv. r2mo slip . " J. Calvin, The lUuslrat.d ILnd-Book. a New Gu'de for Travels rs through the United Stat s, 1 8mo cl " J. Jay, and Watson, John F., Cullect'on of American Historical and Literary Curiosiiies, consisting of Fac-similes of Oriefiivi' Dotunnnts relating to Events of the Revolution, <tc., c, ^Tv'.th Reliques, Antiquities, and Mod- ern Autographs, crown folio, Lf luor 7.5 //. S. Parsons & Co 31 " 1 25 Phillips, S. it Co. 75 Baker k S. '49 31 Gnu/d, K. k L. Mc Curler 6i A. '4 9 ^5 /. Rnssdl, '49 i5 A. E. Milhr, '49 42 Lorkuood t Son,''i9 38» W. E. Dean S8 F. Lucas, Jr. 15 G. S. Apphtrn 13 Reyndds k Co. 15 75 84 /. Wilry, '49 Lunigan & Bro. 25 T. R. Nilscn 25 I. A. Hopl-irts,\^ 28 Gates, S. <fe Co. 75 J. G. Auner 50 Stringer & T. 38 25 C. k Hart, '49 1 75 Harprra, '4 9 Xnv York, "30 8 4 /. C. Rik. r 84 R. S. Lads Sherman k S.'iO 6 00 0. P. Putnam, '50 1828—1850.] SMI— SO U. 99 Smith, Rev. Jfi"., A Book Ihit will Suit Yon, 2lmo . " Rev. M. U., Cuu IS -Is .\.ld vs e 1 to V.iiin: La- dies iiml to VoJii^ Me:i, 32aio cl ex . . . . . " Oliver, Outlines of X.ituro, r2iiio . '• R. C, Introduction tj Aritlim-tic, 18mo lif b.l " '' Productive En;^lish Grauiinar, 1 -Imo lit" l)d " " " ''' " 18mo hf r " Richard M., New Common- Schojl Gcograjiliy, 4to " Rev. Thos., and l^ean, Rev, Samuel, Journals of, with a Suuimary History of Portland, Mo., by \Vm. Willis, 8vocl . . . \ . ; " Wm., Translation of Tliuiydides' Ili-^tory of th; Pi-lopnnni' War, 8\o cl " "\V. T., On Pjirtnrilion, anti \hj Prliici, 1 s and Praelice of (Jbstclr.cs 12m,) sbp ; " and Horner's Anatomical Atlas, illu> of of th;i Structure of the Human Body, royal 8vo cl Smyth, Wm., Analytcal Geometry, r2mo " " Elements of Algebra, " " " Lectures on Mod -rn History, edited by Jared Sparks, 8vo cl " " Plane Trigunomctry, r2mo . Snarloj'ow, or th" Dog Fiend, by Marryatt. pnp . Sn.lling, Henry H., the Hi>tjry and Practice of the Alt of l'liut.)gia]iliv, 12inocl .... Snow Flake, The, a Holiday Gift for 1850, 18mo ara . Social Chuir, by Kiiig>ley ..... Vull., II. and Ill.,lif r, each " Glee-Cook, Glees and Part-Songs by \\\n. .Ma- son and S. A. Haiicroft .... " ILirmony, cl bcks 2.")C. cl .... " Pr^almist, a New Selection of Hymns, by B. Stow and S. F. Sniitli, ISmo slip " Sjort-s, a (iift for the Young, 18mo . " and Sabbath-School Hymns, compiled by Geo. N. Allen, 321110 r . . ... Solace, or Afflictions Lightened, by Rev. T. A. Taylor, cl Soliloques of St. Augu^tin, 18mo shp Solitude and Sjciely, with other Pucms. by Wm. Bol- les, 12 mo cl . • • • • • • Somervill', Mrs., Physical Geography, n.>w edit., \\it!i Addiiiun- and a (Jlosviry, 12mo cl . Son of a Genius, by .Mis. Holland, l8uio cl Soul, The, on Calvary, .Med tatioiis on the Sufierings uf Christ, bv L'AbI.e Haiault, 18mo sli]> or cl . Soulie, Heads uf the Heidi -ss, ] ap . " '1 hj Two Cori ses, pap South, Rev. Robert, Seriiiuiis, including his Posthu- mous Sermons, 4 v. in 2, 8\o shp 50 M. W. Dcdd 50 Tippm, W. k M. 1 03 Author, N. Y. '4 7 10 E. H. BatLr i Co. 25 3 4 E. D. Truman Grigj, E. k Co. 2 00 /. S. Baity, '49 1 50 Carter k Bros. '49 1 50 Lea i- B. '49 3 00 " '49 85 /. GH^n 1 00 3 50 Miasnj k Co. '49 65 /. Griffin 25 T. B. Petirson 1 00 G. P. Putnam, '-19 2 00 Butler k Co. '50 75 Apple tun k Co. 1 UO C, ockrr k B. 75 Wilkins. C. k Co. 38 ^'. A. Hoiclaiid 25 Gnuld. K. k L. '40 03 Reijndds k Co. 31c/. M. Filch 38 Jas. /VmcA, '49 38 /'. LucMt, Jr. 50 ]Vm. BolliS k Co. 1 25 Lea k B. '50 U 31 J/arjMr k Bros. 44 /. Fullntin, '50 25 Dewitt k D. 25 G 00 Jvnn Ball, '50 100 SOU- SPY. [am. cat. South Carolina, Rf^'port on the Geology of, l)y M. Tuonn ly, 4t() cl Southern C'bureli Mi-Lxli-t, by Hood " Farmer and Market Gardcnf r, by Holmes " First Class Reader, by Mason . " Second " " " Mrs. Griffin . Tbird " Fourth " "' ^' " " and Western Traveller's Guide, 18mo cl Southey, Robert, Common-Place Book, Edited by his Son, Vol. I. and II., 8vo cl . " " Life and Correspondence of. Edited by his Son, in 6 parts, pap 8vo, each ..... Southworth, Emma D. E., Retribution, or the Vale of Shadows, a Tale, pap ..... Souvenir (iallery and Illustrated Gift-Book, edited by Emily I'ercival, im 'S6 50, cl ex . . . Soyer, A., The Modern Housewife, comprising nearly 1000 Receipts, 12mo cl . Spanish Phrase-Book, by M. Velasquez, ISmo r cl sides '' and English Piimer, by Jolin Mcintosh, pap . Spear, S. T., Family Power, 18mo cl . . . Spence, G., Equitable Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery, Vol. II., embracing Practice, 8vo L. shp Spencer, Rev. J. A., The East, Sketches of Travels in F^gypt and the Holy Land, 8vo cl . Spindler, The Nun, pap ...... Spirjt Culture, or the Year Ijefore Confirmation, by Emma I)uval, 18mo shp or cl . . . . Spiritual Consolation, or a Treatise on Interior Peace. 18mo slip ...... " Director of Devout and Religious Souls, 1 8mo shp " Exercises of St. Ignatius, cap 8vo cl gt , " Spiritual Heroes, or Sketches of the Puri- tans, by John Stoughton, 12mo cl . " Mirror, 12mo hf bd Sponsor's Gift, by N. S. Richardson, 3 2 mo. Sprague, Charles, Poetical and Prose Writings, 12mo bds 7.5c., cl . " W. B., Aids to Early Religion, 32mo cl ex . Spring, Rev. G., Memoirs of Mrs. Hannah L. Murray, 8vo cl . . . . " . " " The Mercy Seat, Thoughts Suggested bv the Lord's Prayer, 8vo cl " The Power of the Pulpit, 12mocl . Spy, The, a Tale of the Neutral Ground, by J. F. Cooper, 12 mo cl . -k •' The, a Tale of the Neutral Ground, by J. F. Cooper, 2 v. pap ...... " Unmasked, or Memoirs of Enoch Crosby, the " Harvey Birch'' of Cooper's Spy, 8vo . 3 00 A. S.Johnstrm, '48 90 J/ofjan ct T. 7.5 ChnrhHton, S. C. 70 yv«//, W. cV: Co. 34 20 " 13 " 1 00 Apple ton & Co. '49 3 00 Harper & Bros. 'J 9 25 " '49 25 " '49 6 00 Phillips, S. & Co. 1 00 Appleion <fe Co. '50 38 " '49 10 Xajis & C. 25 Liavilt T. & Co.'48 Lea & B. '50 3 00 G. P. Putnam, '50 25 Dewitt & D. 42 /. Fullerton, '50 1o F. Lucas, Jr. 50 63 /. Murphy k Co. 1 00 W. M. Dodd, '48 50 ^. Perkins & Co. 19 S.& Swords 88 Tichior & Co., '50 31 TT. M. Dodd 1 50 Carter k Bros., '49 2 00 M. W. Dodd. '50 1 25 Baker k S.. "48 1 25 G. P. Putnam. '49 50 Stringer <fe T. Harpers, '28 1828—1850.] SQTI- STO. 101 Squier and Davis' Monuments of tlni Mississippi Val- ley, 4to el ...... . Squire, The, by Miss Pickering, |);ip .... St. Giles and St. James, by Jerruld, pap . " James, or the Court of Queen Anne, by Ainsworth, pap . . . . . " John, 13., Adventures in the Lihvan Desert, 12nio cl. . . . ' . " " Lives of Celebrated Tr;iv.'ler<, 3 v. IBmo el . " Lefjer, or the Threads of Life, by [11. 15. Kiinliall,] 12 mo cl ...... . " Nich.)las' (jift, a ILjIiday Present, square cl gt " Patrick, Life of, riino slip ..... " Pierre, J. H. B., Studies of Nature, 8vo Lib . c Stanley, A. D., An Elementary Treatise of Spherical Geometry and Trigonometry " E., Treatise on Diseases of the Bones, 8vo cl . Stanton, Henry B., Sketchi'S of R"forms and Reform- ers of Great Britain ami Ireland, 12mo cl . Stars, The, and The Earth, or Thoughts upon Space, Time, and Eternity, 18mo cl . . . . State-Book of Pennsylvania, by T. II. Burrowes . State Trials of the D. States during the Administra- tion of \V;isliington and Adams, by Francis Whar- ton, 8vo L shj) 85,cl. ..... Steele, Mrs., Heroines of Sacred History, 12mo cl " " a Summer Journey in the West, 12mo cl Stevens, Rev. A., The Pastor's Stories, or Moral Sketch- es for Youth, ISmocl . " " Tales from the Parsonage, 18mo cl . Stewart, Agnes M., Stories on the Seven Virtues, 18mo shp or cl . " . Dugald, The Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers of Man, revised by James Walker, D. D., 12mo cl . . " . " J., Advice to L'urcluvsers of Horses, 18mo mor Stickney, Sarah, Tiie I'oetry of Life, 2 v. 12mo . Stone, E. M., Hymns and Tunes for Vestry and Con ference Meetings, squan^ lUmo . " W. L., Life of Brant, and History of the Border Wars i)( the American Revolutiun, 2 V. 8vo shj) ....'. Stories Explanatory of the Church Catechism, by Mrs. Sherwootl, 12 mo cl . " For Children, cl ox . . . . . " " " by a ("lergyman, ISmo cl . " " My Young Friends, by 1. S. Arthur, scjuaro cl .' . . . . . " " the Whole Family, by L. Pr&ston . " from History of (Treece, by J. Frost, cl . " " " " Rome, " " " " . " " Life, by Mrs. H. Lee, 16mo cl . " on the Seven Virtues, by Agnes M. Stewart, 18mo shp or cl 10 00 Bartlctt k W. 25 T. B. Peterson 38 Stringer & T. 25 75 G. P. Putnam, '49 1 25 Harper 6i Bros. 1 00 (t. p. Putnam, '49 38 Reynolds »t Co. oO F. Lucas, Jr. 1 50 J, 6: J. L. Uihon 50 Durrie & P. 1 50 Lea & B., '49 1 00 /. Wile;/, '49 25 Crothi/ & iV., '49 42 Hunt & So7i 4 50 Caret/ & Hart, '49 M. W. Dod I, "4 1 T5 /. S. Taylor »k Co. 38 C. Wuite 38 42 J". Fuller ton, '50 1 25 /. Barthtt, '49 50 G. S. Appleton Carey, L. <£• B., '35 1 7 Croiih) dc N. 4 00 Phinneyk Co. 50 A. P. Burt 75 D. B. Brooks 38 Crosby k X. 45 J. & J. L. Gihon 50 Huntinyton d' S. 25 J. A. & U.P.James 25 " U3 Croi>by k X. U 42 /. Fullerton, '50 102 ' STO STU. , I AM. CAT. Story of Joseph, IR mo cl 35 Z. Colby. " " StorifH, " " 38 Frtinch k Co. " " a (ifiiiiis, or Coila Monti, ISfiio (1 . . 38 ylp/^/t/cn, '49 Stoupflitoii, John, Spiritiiul Heroes, or Sketthes of tho Puritans, 12motl 1 00 J/. W. Dcdd,'AS Stow, \\., and Smitli, S. F., Tlio Psahnist, see psalmiit, " " " " " " Social Psahnist, l8ino shp . . . 25 Gould, K. d- L., '49 Stowell, Prof., and Wilson, D., History of the Puri- tans in f{n;4land, and the Pilgrim Fathers, 12rnocl. . . 1 03 Carter k Bros., '49 Stranger in China, by C. T. Downing, 2 v. . . Lea 6c B., '38 Street, A. 13., Froiitenac; or the Anotarho of the Iio- qu()i<, a Metrical Romance, ll'mo cl . . . 1 25 Baker (t S.. '49 Streeter's Hymns, 18mo slip 38c., r . . . . 42 i/a kdl &, P. " " 32mo " 33c., " . . . .0 38 Strickland, Rev. \V. P., History of the Ameiican Bible Society, from its Organization in 18 1 G, 8\o cl . 1 50 Harpers, '49 Strong, A. B., The American Flora, or History of Plants and Wild Flowers, contain- ing the Botanical Descri] ton, His- toiy, Propagation and Culture, Medical Piopcrtiis, and Uses of each Plant and Fluwer, 182 plates, 4'v. 4to mor 818, cl . . .14 00 Green <k Spencer " " The Illustrated Natural History, con- taining Scientific and Popular De- scriptions of Quadiupeds, Birds, Fishes, Reptiles, Insects, etc., 144 plates, 3 V. 8vo mor, §6, cl . .4 50 " Student's Bible, the Old Testament in English, with the New Testament in Greek and English on every alternate page, 4to ^ . T 50 /. C. Riker " " the Old Testament in English, with the New Testament in Greek on every alternate page, 4to . . 7 25 " " " the Old Testament in English, with the New Testament in Greek on every page, 4to . . . . 7 00 " " " the Old and New Testament in Eng- lish on every page, 4to . . 7 00 " " " the Old Testament in P:nglish, with the New Testament in Greek and English on every alternate page, 8vo . . '. . . 5 00 " " " the Old and New Testament in Eng- lish on each page, 8vo . . 4 25 " Student's Testament, in Greek, on every alternate •^ page, 4to . . . . 3 00 " " " in Greek, on every page, 4to .2 75 " " " " " and English, on each alternate page, 8vo . . 2 50 " 25 Sf ration &. /?., '49 13 Si riiir/er d: T. 25 " 50 u 50 u 1 00 ii 50 u 1828—1850.] STU SWE. 108 Student's Testament, in Greek on each alternate page, 8vo 2 50 /. C. Rikcr " " in Gre.'k on every Ilag'^ 8vo . 2 '.'5 " c " Manual, by Rev. Julin ToJd, 12mocl or s-hp 85 Butler k B. Study of Niiture, by BtM-qii n, ol . . . , 45 Crii^sy 6i, M. Sturm, C. C, Retk'ctions on the Works of God, 8vo Lib 2 00 ./. «(• J. L. Sue, Eujens, Anna of Austria, and Her Maids of Hon- or, pap ...... " " Colon 1 l)e Survi'le, pap " " P'cinale I)liu'l)!'ard, pap .... " " Mat 1 la, or Mfinoirs of a Young Woman, pap ...... " " Marliri, tlie Foundling, pTp " " " " " ilhistrat'd, 2 vol. pap " " Mysteries of Par:s, pap .... " " Seven Cajntal Sins, Pride, Envy, Anger, Voluj tu ni-n-3ss, IndLilence, Gluttony, Id'elle^s, pap each 25 " " " Th?! Salamandi'r, pap . , . . 25 " " " Tcmptatio:!, ]ia|) . . . . . 25 " " " Tlierese D. noyer, pip . . . .0 25 " " " The Wan l.-riiig Jew, 2 parts pap . . 1 00 7'. i?. Peterson Sullivan, Rev. T. R., [Editor,] Sermons of Christian Communion, ritnocl ..... 1 4>0 Ciosb'j k N. Sum'.ner Jaunt Acro-s the Water, by J. J. Smith, 2 v. 18:no ]iap *1, cl \ m J. W. M mre " Journey in the West, by Mr<. Ste(d.\ 12mocl 75 J. S. Taylor k Co. " Tour in the Northern and Middle States, by Theodore 1 )\viglit, . 2m ) cl . . .0 00 Harper k Bros. Sunday-School Servic'-Book, by S. C. Phillips, 18mo hf r . . . . .0 25 Crosby k N. " Singing-Book, by 10. L. ^^'h;te, .square Kimo 21 " Sund'iy-SJiools, :i History of, by L. J. Pray, IGnio cl . 75 " Supervisor's Bo>k, Tbe, an Al) tract of Liws relating to Powers and Duties of Su|)ervisor9 of Town- and Cou:ities in State of New ^ o.k, in' E. (Joss, Law sbp 1 50 Z>. J/. Dewey Suthorl md, Al'.x., Achievements of the Knights of Mdti, cl \ . \ lb C.k Hart Swan, W. D., Instructive Reader, 12mo lifr . on Thomis, C. k Co. " " 8p<ller. 12n)o lif r . . . . 20 Swedenborg, E., IVthnm.iU' Philosophical Tracts. )iap 13 0. Clopp,'4Q " " Th ' Philosophy of ihi" Infinite, or Out- lines of a Argument on ihe Infinite, pap . . . 25 " " " a Biograpliy, by J. G. Wilkinson, 12mo"cl . " . . . 03 " '40 " " The Practical Nature of His Doctrines, by Rev. A. Clissold, 12mocl . " '39 104 SWE- TA Y. I AM. CAT. Swocli-nhorfiiaiiism Rovicworl, by Kcv. E. I'onfl . Sw( I'tliciiils Mild \Viv(s, liy T. S. Aitliiir, I81110 cl v>yl)il Leoiinnl, by Mrs. (Jrcy, |ih|) .... Sylvester Sound, the Suinnambiilist, by II. Cocktori, pap- .' ■ • Synpe, Arcbbisliop, on the Holy Communion, 32mo cl Systt'miitic Theology, by C. G, Finney, 2 v. 8vo slip $2 25, cl. .' 1 00 H>/dp k Lord U 42 H. F. A morn 25 T. B. I'ttirson 50 Stringer 61 T. 25 H. Hooker, '40 2 00 /. M. Filch T. Tables of French Exchange, by J. M. Price, 8vo cl " " Sterling " " " " R 8vo cl . c Tacitus, C, The Works of, by Murphy, 8vo cl . Talbott, J. L., New Arithmetic Tale (A) of the Revolution, and Other Sketchef*^ by Parley, ISmo cl ex 7oc., cl . , " of Trials, by Mrs. Opie, ISmocl, Tales for the Times, by Parley, 18mo cl ex 75c., cl " of P'nchantinent, cl . . " " England and Scotland, selected from Cham- bers' Mi<cellany, 12mo cl gt . " " Lake Caddo, by John Tomlin, pap " " Old England, by Thomas Mill-r, ISmocl " " Sea and La«d, by Parley, ISmo cl ex 75c., cl " " Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea, by Thomas Bingley, ISmo cl . " " a Traveller, by W. Ir\ing, Svo illustrated by Dai ley, cl \^ 50, cl ex" §4, mor " " the Peerage and Peasantry, by Lady Dacre . Talfourd, T. N., Literary Sketches and Letters of Charles Lamb, 12mo cl ..... . Talmudic Maxims from the Hebrew, with Other Say- ings, compiled from various Authcw-s, by L. S. D. Israel, ISmo cl ex 75c., cl . Tappan, W. B., Late and Early Poems, 32mo cl ex . Tardieu, A., on Epidemic Cholera, translated from the French by S. L. Bigelow, M. D., 12mocl . Tayler, Rev. C. B., Scenes in a Clergyman's Life, 12mo cl ^ . Taylor, Emily, Lays of the Sabbath, 16mo cl ex . " Rev. Isaac, Advice to Young Men on Charac- ter, ISmo slip .... " " " Loyola, and Jesuitism in its Rudi- ments, 12 mo cl . . . c " " " The Natural History of Enthusiasm, 12mocl. . . . . " Jane, Original Poems for Infant Minds, illus- trated, ISmocl " Jeremy, Holy Living and Dying, 12ttio cl c " " Sermons, complete, 8vo cl . " J. E., The Fairy Ring, a Collection of Popular Tales from the German, ISmo cl 1 50 PT. W. Rose, '48 1 50 2 00 Carter <fe Bros., '49 25 /. A. (ii U. P.James 40 H. H. Hawlej/ k Co. 38 S(txton <fe K., '45 50 Kafis & C. 75 G. S. Appleton 75 Gould, K. k L. 25 Stratton k B. 38 G'oulil, K. d- L. 40 H.H. Hawley k Co. 50 Tappan, W. k M. 6 00 G. P. Putnam 50 Harper k Bros. 75 Appleton, '49 50 Jas. French 63 /. Grout 1 00 Ticknor k Co., '49 75 S.k Swords, '49 1 25 Crosby k N. 33 Underhill k Co. 1 00 Carter dc Bros., '49 75 50 1 00 W. A. Lcary 1 50 Carter k Bros., '49 1 00 C. k Hart, '50 1S28— 1850.] TA Y—THE. 105 Taylor, Rev. T. A., Solaco, or Affl'ctions Liglitened, d " " " Tlie Triune, 32ino cl . " Triad " " . " " " Zion " " . " V. C, Choral Aiithr-ms " S;icred Miiistri'l, lit" r . " " The Lute, or Musical In-tructor, cl bks , c " Gen. Z., Life of, by H. Montgomery, 12mocl . " " " and His St.iff, with Portraits and other Illustrations, 12mo ]iap 30c., cl Tea and Coffee, their Effects on the Human System, by W. A. Alcott, 18mo Teacher, The, by Jacob Abbott, 12mo cl . Technological Dictionary, by Brown . . . . Tecumseh, Life of . . . , Teg:^, Thomas, The Young Man's Book of Knowledge, 12mo . . . . . . Temperance Tales, by L. M. Sargent, 2 v. 12mo cl c " Token, by Kate Barclay, 32mo cl ex Temple, E., The Christian's Daily Sentinel, 12mo cl . " " " " " Treasury, a Religious Exercise for Every Day in the Year, 12mo cl Temptation, by Sue, pap ...... Ten Thousand a Year, by Lever, pap Testimony (A) For the Times, by Harriet Livermore, 12m() ........ Tex.'is, History of, from 1082 to the Present Time, pap Text-Book of (Jeometiical Drawing, by Wm. Minitie, abridgi'd, 12mo slip .... " " Popiry, by J. M. Cramp " on Agriculture, by N. S. L)avis. Thackeray, W. M., History uf I'endenuis, 7 numbers, W 8vo pap each Thaddeus of Warsaw, by Jane Porter, 1 Brno r . " " " 2 V. in 1, em . Thayer, Mrs. J., Floral (Jems, or the Lantruage of the Flowers, 32mo cl ex . " " " Passion, and Other Tales, 16mo cl . " " " The Drunkard's Daughter, 18mo cl . Theller, E. A., Canada in 1837-38, 2 v. ]2mo d Themes and Texts for the Puljtit, by A. C. Baldwin, 12mo cl . Theologia Dou;matica, by'B. P. Kenrick, 4 v. 8vo shp. Moral is " " " 3 v. " " Theological Common-Place Book, by Coit, 4to lif bd . Theophany, or the Manifestations of God in Christ, by Rev. R. Turnl)ull, 12nio cl . . . Therapeutic's Pocket-Bouk, by Boenninghausen, (Ho- mceof ath c) Thertse Denoyer, by Sue, pap 38 Jos. French, '49 38 38 " 38 " 1 00 H.H.Hawley^kCo. 75 " 20 " 1 00 Derhj, J/, k Co. 1 13 Lijipincott, G. k. Co. Q \5 B. Man^h 75 //. & E. Phinney bO W. Hyde 50 Wm. Phillips, <i: Co. 1 25 W. A. Lrarg <fe Co. 2 50 Reynolds k. Co, 38 J. M. Aldin 1 00 Gould, K. k L. 1 00 25 50 Stringer & T. T. B. Peterson Author, N. F., '43 25 H. S. k J. Appleg't 1 25 Wm. Miniji,' k Co. 83 Apple ton k Co. S. S. d- W. Wiod 25 Harper db Bros., '4 9 50 Andnis, G. k Co. 75 Najiak C. :o Jos. French 03 i( 31 C H. Pierce H. F.Anntrs, '41 1 25 M. W. Dodd 10 00 L. Johnson, '40 6 CO '40 2 75 Perkins <k M. 75 Brockett, F. k Co. 1 75 W. Radde 25 Stringer <fe T. 15 106 Tiri- TO W. [am. cat. Thinks T to Myself, 32mo r gt Thomas, F. W., Skc'clios of Chirm tr, and T..1 ■.=i KoniHlod on Fiict'*, 12iiio 1 d-* . " John J., The American FiuiL (Jiilturist, 12mo ci " Thumb, Lifo and Travels of, ?qu;ire d G3f., colored p'ates ..... Thompson, Geo., Prison Thoughts and Reflections 12mo cl . " J. P., Memoir of David Hale, wilh Selec- tions from his Miscellaneous "Writings, 12rno cl Thomson, Andrew, Catechism for the Instruction of Commun'c;mts, doz " Jas., Seasons, 1 8mn slip or cl . « " " and Pollok, Robert, Course of Time, 1 v. 12mo mor 8."^, cl ex ^1 75, cl . " J. B., Elements of Gtometiy C " " Mental Arithmetic, hf bd . Thoreau, Henry D., a Week on the Concord and Merii- niack Rivcre, 12mocl ..... Thorp, T. B., The Mysteries of the Backwoods, pap 50c., cl Thoughts on Moral and Spiritual Culture, by Rev. R. C. Waterston, 16mo cl •* " Sacramental Occa-ions from Diary of Ph'.lip Doddridge, 18mo cl " Selected fiom the Writings of W. E. Chan- ning, 32mo cl ex . Three Spaniards, 2 v. in 1, emb .... TLucydides' History of the Peloponne-sian War, Trans- lated by Wm. Smith, 8vo cl . Ticknor,, Guide for Motheis and Nurses, 12mo . " G., History of Spanish Literature, 3 v. 8vo f-lip ^G 75, cl . Tiffany, O., Jr., Tlie Canton Cliinefe, or the American's Sojourn in the Celestial Empire, 12mo cl . Times of tlie Savior, or Traditions of Palestine, by llariiet Martineau, 18mo cl . . . . c Todd, Rev, John, Lecture- to Children, IGmo cl. c " " " The Student's Manual, r2mo cl or slip ...... Toilet, (The,) Dress and Fashion, gt e Tomlin, Ji^hii, Tales of Lake Caddo, pap . . . Tor ILII, by llur.ce Smith, pap . . . . Tower, D. H., Gradual Lis^ons in Oral and "Wiitten Arithmetic ....... Town, Etlrel, Dtscri]ition of Impriivemont in Princ'ple, Col. struct on, etc., of Uritlgc s. Roads, Rail- roads, and Aqueducts, 4 to j^ap . .T4 Knfs (t C. 34 W. A. I.cirj 25 ./. R Xehfn, '-:9 1 00 D'ibj,Mil'cr&; Co. 75 Lindsay &c B., '-19 1 00 /. M. Fitch \ 2o J. Wiley, '49 75 W. S. Mar lien 38 Phillips, S. k Co. 1 25 75 Durrie 6z P. 15 Lerbij,Millerk Co. 1 25 Munroe c6 Co., '49 75 Carey k. Hart, '46 67 Crosby & N. 38 W. S. Marticn 38 Crosby db N. 75 •A'a/s db C. 1 50 Cnrtcr «fc Bros., '4 9 Taylor & Dodd, '39 6 00 Harper & Bros., '49 83 Munroe db Co., '49 38 Crosby & iV. 50 Butler & B. 85 -25 G. S. Apphton 25 S'ratfon ife B. 50 Striny.r 6: T. 21 Tappan, W. t M. Author, N. v., '39 1828— 18j0.] TOW- TUP. 107 Town, S., Chart of Elementiry Sounds " '* Aiinly>is ....... " " Graiiitnar-School Reader .... " " Reader No. 1 (( U U U o O . • . • • . i( U (( u ^ " " Speller and Detiner, revised edition " " " " " old Tragedy of the Sea"*, or Sorrows of the Oc?an, cl gt . Traijslatioii of Paul's Epistle to the Romans, by W. A. Whitew 11, lG:na cl Trap (A) to Ca'.ch a Sanbeam, by [Miss Planchr,] ISmo pap 13c., cl ..... . Trapper's Hridf^, or S|)int of Adventure, pap Travellinpf H;;cbel(jr, The, by Cooper, 2 v. pap . Travels of True Godliness, by B. Keaih 'JVavers, Benj., Syno].sis of Diseases of the Eye, Bvo Tree of Life, or the Church of Christ, by Ward . " " Knjwled^e of Good and Evil, by J. H. Mc llvaine, 12mo cl . . . . Trinity, The, and Modern Arianism, by Rev. 11. Matti son, 18ino cl . Tristram Shindy, by Sterne, pap Tiiumph s of Rcdio^ion, ISmo cl . c Trojan Ski tch-Hool<, (The,) edited by Miss A. A. God- dard, I'inio cl ex . TroUope, Mrs., Charles Chesterfield, pap . Tru?, Rev. C. K., Couns.'ls to Christian Parents . True Christianity, by John Arndt, in German, 66 plates, slip and clas[ s . . . . . " Piety, a Manual of Catholic Prayers, 1 8mo r 75c., slip ........ '* Republican, containinn; the Co;istitntion of the U. SLat(S, Di-'claration of Independence, In- aujjural Addresses, etc., d'c, 12mo cl c Truth Finder, or Inquisitive Jack, by Parley, ISmo cl ex 75c., cl . •' and Trust, Jervis Ryland, Victor and Lisette, by Wm. Chambers, ISmocl . . . . Tuckerman, 11. T., Characteristics of Literature, 12mo cl " " The Italian Sketch-Boak, 12mo cl . " S. P., Bancroft, S. A., and Oliver, II. K., The National Lyre, a collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes . Tuomey, M., Report on the Geology of S.,CaroIina, 4to cl Tupi^er, M. F., Proverbial Philosoj liy, small 4to cl ex §3 jO, nior . . . . . " " Proverbial Philosophy, small 4 to, illus- trated, cl ex §4, inor " " Complete Works, Poetical and Prose, 2 V. Bvo 3 00 ' 38 6 5 Sarihorn 13 (k C<irtir 31 \ ^ 50 Phinney dc Co. 8) 17 13 80 IV. A. Lcary i- 50 Cro.h'j k N. 25 Mimrne k Co., '49 25 Stratton & B. 50 String -r <k T. 20 L. Colh'j Bli^s & WTiit', '25 3 03 /. Murphy &. Co. M. W. Bold, '47 40 Z. Colby 25 Lippincott, 0. k Co. 38 F. Lucas, Jr. 1 00 Young it ff., '46 50 Stringer k T. 31 C.H.Pierce 3 00 W. G. Mentz 50 F. Lucas, Jr. 1 25 W. A. Lcary 6i Co. 40 //. //. HaicLy &: Co. 38 Gould, K. k L. 75 Lindsai/ k B., '49 1 25 J. C. Biker 50 Wilkins, C. k Co. 3 00 A. S. Johnston, '48 4 50 Buthr k Co., 'oO 5 00 Andrus k Son |08 TUR UNI. I AM. CAT. Turkish Evening; EntortninmentR, translated from the Turkish, by J. ]'. lirown, Timo cl . Turnbull, Kev. K., fieniiis of Italy, Vlvno cl " " " Tlieo] li;iny, or the Mjiiiifi station of (Jod in Christ, 12mo cl " " " Theoiilijiny, with a Review of I)r. Bufihiieirs "God in Christ," 12mo cl . " " " Vital Christianity, from the French, cl Turner, J. B., Mormonsm in All Ages, or the Rise, Progress, and Cause of Mormonism, r2mo cl Turney, Rev. E., The Christian Law of Baptism, 12nio cl ..... . " " " The Scriptural Law of Baptism, 12mo cl Turtle-Dove, by Mary Ho\<'itt, 18mo cl Tuthill, Mrs. L. C, I Will be a Gentleman, 18mo cl. " " " Nursery-Book for Young Mothers, 18mo cl " " " The Boarding-School Girl, ISmo . " " " " Child's Christian Year, IGmocl. " " " My Wife, 16 mo cl. . . . " " " The Merchant, 12mo r cl sides Twelve Months' Volunteer in the Campaign in Mexico, by G. C. Furbcr, 8vo " (The) Stars of Our Repulilic. 8vo cl ex , Twedie, Alex., A System of Trartical Medicine, with Notes, by W. "W. Gerhard, 3 \ . 8vo . Two Admirals, The, by Cooper, 2 v. pap . " Clerks, by Duganne, pap ..... " Corpses, The, by Soulie, pap .... » Flirts,The, 2 V. 12mo " Years Before the Mast, by R. H. Dana, Jr., 18mo cl . . . ■ Tyng, Rev. S. H., Family Commentary on the Four Gospels, 8vo cl 1 00 n. P. Putnam, '.jO 1 00 (,'. ]'. Putnam, '49 75 Brockelt, F. k Co. 1 GO 1 13 Gould, K. k L. New York, '42 63 Z. Colby 50 E. H. Fletcher 38 Francis k. Co. 42 Croi^hy <k N. 42 50 G. P. Putnam, '49 42 Crosby & N. 38 S. k Siowds, '50 50 Crosby kN. 63 G. P. Putnam, '49 2 50 J.A.k U.P.James 3 00 E. Walker, '50 Lea k B., "42 50 Stringer k T. Redding k Co. 25 Deu'ilt^k D. C. k Hart, "38 45 Harper I: Bros. 2 00 Apphton k Co., '49 u. Uncle John's Library, being six different Juvenile Books in packages of twelve, 16mo pap, doz " Sam's Money-Box, by Mrs. S. C. Hall, 18mo cl Undesigned Coincidences in the Old and New Testa- ment, by J. J. Blunt, cl . Union Hymn-Book, in German, l^mo mor §1, shp . r2moshp. " Singing-Book, 12mo cl bks .... " The" of the Holy Sj.irit and the Church, by Rev. Thomas W. Jenkyn, 1 2mo cl United States, Colonial History of, by James Graham, 4 v. 8vo cl 1 50 Reynolds k Co. 38 Gould, K. d- L. 1 25 Carter k Bros. 50 W. G. Mintz 1 25 " \9 J. B. Smia k Co. 85 Gould, K. & L. 8 GO Zea & B. 1828—1850.] UNI- VIG. 109 United States, History and Topography of, by J, H. Hititon, editt-d by S. L. Knapp, 2 v. Universal Dictionary of Weights and Mca^nns, An- cient and Modern, reduced to the Stan- dard of the United States of America, by John W. Alexander, sup R 8vo " Formulary, a Synopsis of the Pharmacopseias, Dispensatories and Formularies of Europe and America, by K. E. Grithth, 8vo slip . " Pictorial Library, comprising Nntural His- tory, Natural Sciences, Agriculture, Biog- raphy, Travels, (fee, &c., 8vo . " Pronouncing (jazetteer, by Baldwin, 12mo r el sides. . . . . , . Upham, Ratio Disciplina?, or Congregational Church Government, cl ..... . UrcuUu's Spanish Grammar, 12mo shp " Gramatica Inglesa " " . Urseline Manual, (Catholic Prayer,) 18mo 5Gc. to Uses of Adversity, and tlie provisions of Consolation, by Rev. H. Hooker, 18mo cl. . . . " and Abuses of Air, showing its Influence in Sus- taining Life and Producing Disease, 3 parts in 1, 12mo pap ...... S. Walker, '34 Minifie & Co., '50 Lea <fe B., '50 3 00 J. A. & U. P. James 1 50 Lindsay <fe B. 75 Ifi/de & Lord 1 00 Thomas C. d- Co. 1 00 2 50 Dunigun <k Bro. 3S II. Hooker, '46 50 J. S. Redjitld, '49 Valentine McClutchy, the Irish Agent, by Wm. Carle- ton, pap 50c. cl . . . . . " Vox, the Ventriloquist, by H. Cockton, pap Value, v., Ollendorft's French Grammar, 12mo r cl sides ........ Van Lennep, Mrs. Mary E., Memoirs of, 12mo cl Vanity (Th") of a Life of Fashionable Pleasures, by Rev. H. A. Boardman, 24mo cl ... Vaudois Church, History of, from its Origin, by A. Monastiere, 12mo cl ..... Vegetable Diet, as sanctioned by Medical Men, pa]> 50c. cl Velasquez, M., Spanish Phrase-Book, 18mo r cl sides . Velpeau, A. L. M., Treatise on Surgical Anatomy, 2 v. 8vo '. . Venn, Rev. Henry, Life of, and Selections from his Let- ters, edit d by his Son, 12mo cl ... Verses of a Life-Time, by Mrs. C. Gilman, 12mo cl Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, with a Sequel, 18mo cl ..... . Viator, or a Peep into my Note-Book, 12mo Vicar of Waketield, by (Joldsmilh, 18mo cl gt . " " " "* " 12mocl ex *1, cl . View of Religion in America, by Baiid, 8vo cl . Vigil of Love, and other Poems, by Mrs. Hale, bds 87 Sad Her 50 T. B. Peterson 1 00 Appleton & Co. '50 1 00 Belknap <fe H. 25 ]V. S. Mir den Lane «k Scott, '49 75 Fowler cfe W. 38 Appleton, '49 5 00 Wood, '30 75 //. Hooker, '49 84 Munroe & Co. '49 38 Harper & Bros. '4 Plaskitt tfc C. '4 1 50 W. A. Lean/ 50 G. P. Putnam 63 Harper it Bros. 75 C. i Hart no VI L WAN. [am. cat. Village Doctor, The, a Tr.mslntijn from tho Med?cin Da Villai^e, pa|) ..... " Evcriinj;-;, or Cjnversatijiis on Morality, 18:no cl " . " Stjries, by H 'rquin, cl . Vinet, Al.fx., Gospel L-ss >ns . . . • Violin Instru -tor, by E. Howe, Jr. Virgil, with Eiiixliili Notes, by Moore " " ^" " " CJould Virginia, Historical and Biograitliical Sketclies of, by Rov. Win. II. Fuoto, 8^0 cl . " Introduction to th3 History of thg Colony an 1 Ancient Dominion of, by Cluus. Camp- bell, Svo Visions and Voices, and other Poems, by J. S. Bab- cock, 12mo cl ex ^1 25, cl Visit to the HuU33 of Mourning, by Rev. R. Cecil, 3-2mo " " " Mcnigerie, squ-xre cl . . . • " " " Mountains by J. S. C. Abbott, ISmocl . Visits and Sketches at Home and Abroad, by Mrs. Jameson, 2 v. 12 mo . . . . . " of Mercy, or the Journals of Rev. Ezra S. Ely, 2 V. 12mo Vocal Class-Book, by E. S. Nason, hf r . » " " for Schools by G. J. Webb . c " School, or Pest:iIozian Method of Instruction in Voc il Music, by II. W. Day, cl . . Voices from the Press, a Collettion of the Wntin>s of Practical Printers, edited by J. J. Brentjn, Svo cl . " of Freedom, by J. G. Whittier " " Nature, and Thoughts in Rhyme, by Sidney Dyer, 1 2mo cl . . . • • c " " The Night, by Longfellow, 16mo bds . Voluptuou-iness, or Madeline, by Sue, pap . Voyage of a Naturalist, by C. Darwin, 2 v. cl . 13 Z>. Bixb^, '49 50 F. Lu-a.i, Jr. 45 Crisnei iz M. M. W. Dndd. '49 50 Phillips, S. tSi Co. 1 50 Musiey li: Co. 1 50 2 25 W. S. Martien, '4d 1 50 Nash k W. 1 00 E. Hunt, 49 19 5. (k StvordH 63 Lind aj ct B. '49 45 Crocker h B. 1 00 Harper (fc Bros. , F. S. Bradford, '29 63 Reynolds <k Co. 1 00 Jtnks, P. 6l Co. 50 Broaiers & Co. 1 00 C. B. Nortcm, '50 50 Lindsay & B. '49 75 T. R. Nelson, '49 75 Tichior k. Co. 25 Stringir k T. '49 1 00 Harper k Bros. w. Walker, J., Boston School Dictionary, shp Walt -r, W. J., Life and Times of Sir Thomas More, ISmo cl ....... . Waterston, Rev. R. C, Thoughts on Moral and Spirit- ud Culture, 16mo cl c W;:n istrocht, N., French Grammar, 12mo shp . Wandering Jew, by Sus 2 parts, pap " Sketches of People and Things in South America, Polvnosiji, California, kc, by Wm. xM. Wood, 12mo cl . . . 50 R. S. Dai-is 75 F. Lucas, Jr. 67 Crosby k N. 84 Barringtcn k H. 1 00 T. B. Pet.rson 1 00 Carey k H. "49 1828—1850.] WAR- WEB, 111 "War with Mexico, Review of, bv Wm. Jmv, 12mo cl . " " " " " " A. A. Liverinore, 12 mo cl -» " " " " » C. T. Porter, 12nio pap 3 So. cl WaraGrfi, or the Cliarms of the Nile, by W. Furnis.s,' 12ino "Ward, Kev. F. D., Gift to a Young Christian, 32nio cl ex " Thomas, Enjjlar.d's Reformation, a Poem, 18 mo cl . "Ward's Tree of Life, or the Church of Christ Warrant, Nature and Duties of the Office of the Rul- ing Elder of the Presbyterian Church, with Ap- pendix, by Samuel Miller, 18mo cl . "Warren, C, Missouri Harmony, Revised and Enlarged c " J. C, On Tumors, 8vo, C(;lored plates . c Warrington, J., Obstetric C;;tecliism, 12mo slip . " " The Nurse's Guide, cl . . . Washburn, Emma tJ., Mcmoiis of, by her Father, 18 mo cl ....... . Washii'gton, Life of, by D. Ramsay, 12mo slip . c " and His Generals, or Legends of the Revolution, by G. Lippard, 2 paits, pap W^jishirgtonian Harp ...... Wat Tyler, the l^oudman, pap ..... c Water Cure Manual, by J. Shew, pap 50c. cl " " for Women in Pregnancy, pap c " Drops, by Mrs. Sigourney, 18ino cl " Witch, by Cooper, 2 v. pap .... " and Friction Cuie in Diseases, by R. T. Clar- idge, P?mo cl . " " Vegetable Diet, by Wm. Lamb, pap 50c. cl Wateihouse, Key to All Arithmetics Watcon, J. T., Dictionary of Po( tical Quotations, 12 mo cl ^1 25, cl ex 81 50, mor ". " Dictionary of Poetical (Quotations, 9 engravings, 8vo mor 1^4, cl ex Watts, I., Divine Songs, square cl 38c. colored . c " " On the Mind, with Questions, «S:c., by Emer- son ....... c " and Rippon's Hymns, ISmo slip . [Waugli. Artliur,] Manual of Cominereial Correspond- ence, English and French, ]2inocl Way of Salvation, Meditations for Every Day in the Year, by Li^uori, 24iiio cl . " to Do Good, i.y J. S. C. Abliott, 12nio cl . Webb, J. R., John's First Pouk, 1 81110 lif bd '* " Youni; Puiiil's (niide, 1 81110 hf bil Webber, C. W., 'Ihe Gol.l Mines of tlie (;ila, a Sequc* to Old Hicks the (;uide. \y.\Y 60c. cl . c Weber, G., Theory of Mu>ical Composition, translated by J. F. Wai-ner, 2. v. 8vo shp ... 75 Mussey <fc Co. '49 7j Crosbi/ &, JV. '50 63/. .\f. Ald.n 1 50 JS(d-er & S. '50 50 K Barrow 50 F. Lucas, Jr. 3 00 J. Murphy k Co. 38 W. S. Martim 45 Wm. Phillips & C) 5 00 Ticknor <fc Co. 1 50 /. G. Auwr 50 Thomas, C. (fe Co. 38 E. Hunt 60 Andrus, G. k Co. 1 00 T. B. Peterson 13 Clark, A. &. Co. 25 Strinyei- <fe T. 75 Fowler & IV. 25 50 Cart r <fe Bros. "49 50 St, ing?r k T. Q 15 J. Wild/, '•:9 75 50 Foirlcr k W. Sanborn k C. 3 00 Lindsat/ k B. 3 00 50 35 75 G. S. Appldon Jenks, P. k Co. Gould, K. k L. 75 G. P. Putham, '60 38 /'. I At CIS, Jr. 80 Crocker k B. 15 Huntiuyton k S. 30 " Dewitt k D. '49 5 00 VTilkins, C. k Co. 112 wan- WTTl. Wch«tor, Mrs. ItflMTca fl., Memoirs of, 12mf) cl Wedding (iift, rontMiiiint; tli"^ " Marriaif*- Hiiii^," ; " ¥;\n\\\y C'ircl.'," jrt . . . . Week, A., On tlie Cuneord and McniinHck Rivers, by Henry D. Tlioreau, 12mo cl . * . Weisljacli, J., Priticiples of tlie Meclianics of Macliin cry and Engineering, Edited by Johnson, 2 v 8vo cl Welch's Arithmetic ..... Weld, A. II., Grammar, 12mo (( U Ik " . ' . . " " " " abridged c " " Latin Lessons and Reader " " New Eii<rlish Grammar " " Parsing Book .... " " " " " Rev. H. II., The Life of Christ, 8vo, illustrated cl ex $3, mor ... Wells, Mrs. L. K., Plea for the Sabbath . " W. IL, Elementary Grammar c " " School " . . . Wemyss, F. C, Twenty-Six Yeai-s in the Life of an Actor and Manager, 2 v. pap Wept of Wish-ton-wish, by Cooper, 2 v. pap West, C, Lectures on the Diseases of Infancy and Childhood, 8vo slip Western Clerk's Assistimt, 8vo Law shp . " Farmer and Gardener, devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture, Gardening, Cattle-Raising, (fee, 8\o cl ..... . " Merchant, (The) Containing Useful Instruc- tions to Western Men of Business, 12 mod " Pilot, Containing Charts of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivere . . . . . " World, The, or Travels in the United States in 1 846-4 V, by Alex. Mackay, 2 v. 12mo cl What a Mother can Endure, 18mo cl . . . Whale, The, and his Captoi-s, by Rev. H. Cheever, IS nho cl . Wharton, F., The State Trials of the United States, during the Administration of Washington and Adams, 8vo L. shp §5, cl . Whately, R., Elements of Logic, 18mo cl . " " " Rhetoric, ISmo cl Whipple, Edwin P., Lectures on Subjects connected with Literature and Life, 12 mo cl . . . . " S., Essay on Bridge Building, 12mo cl c Whippoorwill, The, by Rev. J. Alden, 18mo cl . Whisper to a Bride, by Mrs. L. H. Sigourney, 18mo pap gt edge ....... Whisperings from Life's Shore, for Children, 18mo cl . Whist-Player's Hand-Book, 1 8mo cl . . . 1 00 Crocker (k li. 50 Oould, K. h L. 1 2o Munroe ^ Co. '49 7 50 Lea k B. '49 38 S'inborn <k C. 50 Phinney 6i Co. 42 Sunburn <fe C. 30 " 07 " " 50 " 13 " 15 Phinney <fe Co. 3 50 Hoffan & T. '50 30 Hyde k Lord 21 J. P. Jeioett 42 75 Burgess^ S. cfe Co. 50 Strinyer & T. 2 00 Lea Sz B. '49 2 00 /. A. Hopkins, '50 2 00 J. A. & U. P. James 75 Lippincott, G. & Co 75 H.S.SiJ. Applegate 2 00 Lea k B. '49 S. k Swords, '50 60 Harper k Bros. '49 4 50 C. k Hart. '49 38 Harper k Bros. '49 38 " '49 63 Ticknor k Co. '49 1 00 Uiica,^4l 38 Gates, S. k Co. 31 H. S. Parscns k Co 38 Munroe k Co. '49 25 Moss k Bra. 1828—1850.] Wffl- WIL. 113 White, Dr., Ten Years in Oregon, 12rao cl " E. L., The Boston Melodeon . . . . " " Sunday-School Singing Book, square 16 mo ...... " Rev. G., Statistics of the State of Creorgia, in- cluding an Account of its Natural, Civil and Ecclesiastical History, 8vo cl ..... . " H. Kirke, Complete Works, edited by Robert Southey, 8vo cl . " " Memoirs and Poetical iiemains, 12mo cl ex ^1 75, cl . " Rev. Hugh, Profession and Practice, ISmo cl . " History of the World, from the Creation to the Present Time, 8vo ara . . . . White Lies, by Mrs. Opie, ISmocl . . . . Whitfield, Rev. Geo., Life and Sermons, 8vo shp Whitlock, Rev. G. C, Geometry and Surveying. Whitman, .Fohn, Life of, by Rev. Jason Whitman, 18ino cl . . . Whittcmore, Thomas, Modern History of Universalism, 12mo Whittier, J. G., Old Portraits, and Modern Sketches, 12mo cl. . . . . . " " The Voices of Freedofh . Whitwell, Wm. A., Translation of Paul's Epistle to the Romans, 16 mo cl .... Who Shall be Heir, by Miss Pickering, pap Whole Duty of Man, 12mo cl . Whytehead, Rev. R., Key to the Episcopal Prayer Book, edited by Rev. J, H. Fowles, 12mocl Wilberforce, Robert L, Doctrine of the Incarnation of Our Lord Jesus Christ, r2mo cl . *' S., History of the American Church, 12mo cl . Wilkinson, Jemima, Memoirs of an Account of her Re- ligious Impostures, 18mo shp .... Willard, Emma, Last Leaves of American History, comprising Histories of the Mexican War and Cahfornia, 12mo cl . " S., Deertield Collection of Sacred Music Willett, Jacob, Arithmetic, 12mo hf bd . " " '• Key to, hf r . . . '' '■ •• re\ i^ed bv Mci-^ord, hf r . c " . " * Geography and Atlas, doz Willet's, J. H., and Smith, Soth, Natural PhiloM.phy, 8vo Williams, Edwin, Arctic Voyages, 18mo . " " Fashionable Puzzler. 24mo •« " New York as It Is in 1834 . u u a u u u u i. 1835 " " I'olitical Manual . 10 1 25 Andrus, G. h Co. 1 00 Mussey dc Co. 2 1 Crosby <k N. 3 00 W. T. ni /Hams; 49 1 50 Carter & Bros. '49 1 25 PhilUjis, S. <fe Co. 50 H. Hooker, '49 5 00 W. A. Leary k Co. -AS Saxton 6i JC.'-i5 2 00 E. Hunt 1 50 Pratt. W. ii Co. 38 Crosby <k N. Author, Boston, '30 75 Ticknor & Co., 50 50 Lindsay <fe B. '49 50 Crosby it .V. 25 T. B. Felfrson 15 S. & Swords 1 00 B. E. Peterson, '49 \ 2o H. Hooker. '49 1 00 S. «i: Swords, '49 50 Undcrkill <f- Co. 1 (•(» (/•. P. Putnam, '49 38 A. Phelps 34 \V. Wilson 60 42 34 " 7 00 U. Hunt, '30 Wiley it Lony, '35 Belts \' A., '35 J. Distttmell J. Van Nord*^, '34 lU WIL WIN. [am. cat. Williams, Edwin, Politonl History of Trfl'iiul " Is.i.'ic, on Our Lonl's riissioii, 8\() el . " M. J., Elements of Plane and Spherical Trig- ononiotry ...... " Roger, Memoir of, by Wm. Ganunell, 12mo cl . . ... " S. W,, American Medical Biography, 8vo cl " " The Genealogy and History of the Family of Williams in America, more particularly of the Descend- ants of Robert Williams of Rox- bury, 12 mo cl . " W., Railroad and Steamboat Companion, 18mo r ..... . " Rev. W. R., Discourses and Essays, Svo hf mor 82 50, cl Willis, N. P., People I have Met, or Pictures of So- ciety, and People of Mark, 12mo cl . " " Rural' Letters, and Other Records of Thought at Leisure, ]2mo cl . 5 " R., on Urinary Diseases and their Treatment, Svo hf slip ...... " Wm., Collections of the Hist. Society of Maine. 2 v. Svo cl " The Journals of Rev. T. Snrith and Rev. S. Dean, with a Summary History of Portland, Svo cl . Willison, J., Afflicted Man's Companion, ISmo cl gt . Wilmsen's Reader, 12mohfr . . . . . Wilson, Prof. J., Genius and Character of Burns, 12rao cl ex §1, cl •' " " Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life, 16mo cl Wilson's Greek Testament, 12mo shp t( u u li a Winchester, Rev. S. G., The Theatre, 12mo cl . Winchell's Watt's Hymns, with a Supplement, 12mo shp ....... " Watt's Hymns, with a Supplement, 32mo shp ....... Winchester, G. W., Drawing Series, in four Books, ob- long Svo pap each " " Exercises in Perspective, in two Books, pap each " Key to Exercises in perspective . " Primary Writing-Book " " " 4 parts, each " Pennan's Chart .... " System of Bookkeeping, Double and Single Entry . Winckelmann, John, The History of Ancient Art, translated by G. H. Lodge, Svo cl . . . Windings of the Rivei of the Water of Life, by Rev. George B, Cheever, 12mo cl . . . . Jiixbij k Co., '44 Vo S. k Si'iords, '49 Allen, McC, k Co. 75 Gould, K. k L. 3 00 L. Merriam 2 00 1 25 Appleton d- Co. 2 00 £. H. Fletcher 1 26 Baker k S. '50 1 25 " '49 1 50 Barring ton k H. 3 00 Hyde d- Lord 2 00 I. S. Bailey, '49 50 W. A. Leary 63 Thomas, C. k Co. 50 W. k Putnam 1o Carter k Bros.. '49 84 Barrivgton k H. 84 Phillips, S. k Co. 75 W. S.Martien 50 Gould, K. k L. 67 25 H.S. Parsons k Co. 13 *' 13 " OS H. E. Hawley <k Co 13 " 1 00 " 3 75 Munroe k Co., '49 1 00 /. Wiley, '49 1828—1850.] WIN- WOR. 115 Wing and "Wing, by Cooper, 2 v. pap Winter lilvening Talcs, cl I'X 75c., cl . Wirt, Win., Memoirs of the Life of, by John P. Ken nody, 2 v. 8vo cl . . . . " " Memoirs of Life of, by J. P. Kennedy, second revised edition, 2 v. 12mo cl . " " Life of Patrick Henry, 8vo . Wisconsin Form-Book, or Every ALm's Legal Assist- ant ....... " Its (Geography, and To))Ogra])liy, History, &c., <kc., by J. A. Lapliam, 12nio el " Territory, Notes on, by A. M. Lea, ISmo . Wise, Lieut., Los (jl-ringos ; or an Interior View of Mex- ico and California, witli Wanderings in Peru, Chili, and Polyn' sia, 12nio cl . Withington, Rev. Hiram, Memoirs of, by Rev. J. H. Allen, 16 mo cl. ..... . Woman in America, by Mrs. A. J. Graves, ISmo cl . " " All Ages and Nations, by T. L. Nichols, P'M' Women of the Old and New Testament, a series of 18 portraits, with Decriptioiis, edited by Wm. B. Sprague, small 4to mor c " of the Scriptures, edited by Rev. H. Weld, 8vo mor or cf 84, cl ex . Wonders of Art, by Rev. J L. l^lake, 24mo cl or slip " " Science and Art, selected from Chambers' Miscellany, 1 2mo cl . " " the Heavens, being a I'opular View of Astronomy, by D. Bradford, 4 to hf r cl sides ...... Wood, A., First Lesions in Botany .... " Mrs. S. B., The Littli! Hymn-Book, 24mo cl . " Wm. A., Wandering Sketches of People and Things in S. America, Polynesia, Calitbrnia, (fee, 12mo cl ..... . " W. W., Sketches of China, 12mo . " Leighton, by Mary Ilowilt, 3 v. r2mo . Woodbury, J. B., Youth's Song-Book " W. IL, (ierman (Grammar, 12mo r cl sides. ...... Woodman, Miss II. J., The Language of (ienis. " " " Svbilinc Verses, or Mirror of Fate, cl ex Tor., cl " The, a Romance of the Times of Richard IH., by G. ]'. R. James, p.ip Woods, Rev. L., Works, Vol. I., 8vo cl . . . Woolmon, John, Journal of his Life, .Gospel Lalx)rs and Christian E.xperience, 12mo hf 1x1 40r., cl Worcester, J. E., Ancient (ieograjJiy " « " Cl.a.'^sical and Atlas " " " Classical and Scriptural Ge- ography and Atliis . 50 Stringer k T. 00 Xafis k C. 4 50 Lea d: B., '4 9 2 25 " '50 Andrus iz Son 50 /. A. Hopkins, '49 1 00 " //. S. Tanner, '36 1 25 Baker & S., '49 50 Crash >/ & N'. 45 Harper «k Bros. 50 II. Long k Bra.,' A9 10 00 Appleton k Co. '50 3 00 Lindsa)/ k B. 45 Younrf k Hart, '45 75 Gould, K. k L., '49 6 50 0</.s\ B. k Co., '45 03 Crocker k B. 25 A. Hutchinson <t Co. 1 00 Careij k II., '49 Caret/ k Lea, '30 '37 28 Reynolds k Co. 75 Xcipman k Co. a 8 A. Tompkins. 50 2.') 2 00 50 25 50 63 I Id r per s, '49 Ji. Perkins k Co. Collins k Bm. Phillips, S. k Co. 116 WOR VAN. [am. oat. c Worcester, J. E., roniprr'lienfsivo r>ictinnary C " " Elementary I )ictionary. . " " Scriptural' Atlas . . . . ** Rov. S., Jntrodnttion to Third l>ook in Keadini:^ .... " " " Seconrl Hook in Reading and Spelling .... M ti 41 'fiijrd Book in Reading and Spelling .... " " '' Fourth Book in Reading . " on Cutaneous Di'^eases, 8vo " Friend of Peace, 12mo bds Word to Teachers, by AV. A. Alcott. c Words of Truth, by Mrs. Folen, 1 8nio cl . " to a Youni;- Man's Conscience, bv Rev. W. 11 SpragU'.', cl ..... . Wordsworth. Wm.. Poetical Works, with his Life, r2mo cl ex ^1 75, cl . " " The Excursion, a Poem, 12mocl Working a Passage, or Life in a Liner, by [C. F. Briggs,] pap World, The, and Its Wonders, square cl . World's, The, Progress, or, A Record of Remarkable Occurrences, Political, Literary, and Scientific, in the Annals of All Nations. L Contemporary Tables. IL Alphabetical Records, by Geo. P. Putnam, 8vo ....... Wriglit, Caleb, Lectures on India. 8vo cl . " D., Executors', Administrators' and Guardians' Guide, 12mo Law shp " H. C, Human Life Illustrated in My Individ- ual Experience, as a Child, a Youth, and a Man, 12mo cl Writing-Master's Manual, a Treatise on Penmanship, with Diagrams, by W. Geib, 12mo pap Wyandotte, by Cooper, 2 \-. pap .... Wyatt, W. E., Christian Offices of Family Devotion, 12mo cl ....... . Wyckoff, W. H., A Sketch of the Origin, History, &c., of Bible Societies ...... 90 Jenks. P. <k Co. 60 " 1 7 Phillips, S. & Co. 30 Jaiks, P. <fe Co. 15 45 " 75 " 3 50 J. F. Desilver 75 A. Phelps 25 Ticknor & Co. 42 Munroe & Co. 38 E. H. Pease <k Co. 1 25 Phillips, S. & Co. 1 00 Francis <V Co., '49 25 John Allen. '44 45 J. & J. L. Gikon G. P. Putnam, '50 1 00 Author, Boston, '49 1 50 J)ei-b>/, M. <fe Co. B. Marsh, '49 25 J. G. Auner 50 Stringer <k T. 1 25 S. tt Swords, '50 25 X. Colby X. c Xenophon, The Works of, Translated by Ashley Coop- er, Spelman, Smith, Fielding, and others, Svo cl . 2 00 Carter & Bros. '49 Yankee (A) among the Nullifiers, by A. Green, 12mo Wm. Stodart, '35 " Penman, with a Copy to each Page . . 25 Jos. French. '49 1828—1850.] VBA YOU. 117 Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art, exhibitinjj the most important Discoveries and Improvements of the Year 1849, in the Mechanic and Usi-ful Arts, Natural Philosophy, Electricity, Chemistr)-, 7ak>\- ogy and Botany, Geology and Biugraphy, Meter- ology and Astronomy, Antiquities, &c., (fcc, with a Biography of Distinguished Scientific (Jentle- men, recently deceased, Edited by E>. A. Wells, To be Published Annually, l'2mo Year of the Church, by C. M." liutler, cl . . . Yew Tree, by Charlotte Elizabeth, ISmo . Youatt, Wra., On the Breed, Management and Treat- ment of Sheep ...... Young, E., Night Thoughts, 18mo slip or cl " " " lOmo cl SI, cl ex . " J. R., Algebra, 8vo slip ..... " " Analytical Geometry, 8vo shp " " Geometry, 8vo shp .... " " Integral Calculus, 8vo shp " " Matiiematical Tables, 8vo shp " " Mechanics, Bvo shp .... " " Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, 8vo shp ...... " Philip, History of Mexico, Continued to 1848, by G. C. Furber, 8vo cl . Young American, The, pap ..... " Christian, The, by Jacob Abbott, 12mo cl " " Encouraged, by Mrs. L. P. Hopkins, 12mo cl ex ?«1, cl . . . " Christian's Guide, containing the " Casket of Jewels," and the " Active Chris- tian," gt . " " Victory, or Memoirs of Emma G. Washburn, by her Father, 18mo cl " Crusoe, by Mrs. Holland, ISmo cl . " Lady, (The) by A. Fergurson, 32mo cl . " Lady's Class-Book, by E. Bailey, 12mo . " " Home, by Mrs. L. C. tuthill, 12mo cl ex $2, cl " Ladies at School, by Chas. Laml> and Sist.T, 18mo cl ex 80c. cl " Man, (The) by F. Ferg»rson, 32ino cl ex " " from Home, by Rev. J. A. James, 18mocl " Man's Book of Knowledge, by Thonuis Tegg, 12mo ...... " " Friend, by Rev. D. C. Fxldy, 12mo cl ex $1 50, cl . . . ' . «« " Oftering, Selections of Prose and Poetry, 12mo cl ex *2, cl » . . '. u « Way to Intelligence, liespectiibility. Hon- or and Usefulness, by Rev. A. Atwood, 18mo cl . 1 25 Gould, K. k L. 50 S. k Swords 31 M. W. Dodd 50 Wilson k Co. 45 Phillips, S. k Co. 1 50 Carter k Bros. '49 1 25 E. H. Butler k Co. 1 25 1 25 Hor/an k T. 1 25 E.H. Butler k Co, 1 25 " 1 25 2 50 J. A. k U. P. James 20 Z. Colby, '49 80 Crocker k B. 75 Gates, S. k Co. 50 Gould, K. k L. 38 K. Hunt 31 Harptr k Bros. 38 N. L. Day ton 84 Gould, K. k L. 1 00 Reynolds d- Co. 5<J Umlerhill k Co. 38 N. L. Dayton 38 Gould, K. k L. 1 25 W. A. Lenry k Co. 75 N. L. Dayt m.'40 1 25 Phillips, S. d- Co. 38 J. ir. Jfoore, '50 118 F U- ZOO. [am. cat. Young Peter's Tour around the World, by Prof. Fisko, HJiiio ol ...... • " Prima l)oiin.i, V)y Mr-<. Grey, jiap . " Pupil's (Juido, by .1. 11. Webb, 18ino lif bd . " 8tvtlie>;c()pisf, or the Student's Aid to Ausculta- tion, by II. J. Buwditch, 12 mo slip Younondie, or Warriors of the Genesee, a Poem, by W. II. C. Ilosmer, cl Youth, The, of Slinkspeare, l>y Lander, ]inp Youth's Book of Trav. 1 and Adventure, cl gt e . " Song-Book, by J. B. Woodbury . Yucatnn, liaiubles in, by B. M. Norman, seventh edit., 8vo cl 38 Gates, S. dc Co. 26 T. B. Peterson 30 Huntinjtfm 6i S. 1 G3 Wo'xl, '48 75 D. M. Duvey, '46 50 Strinyer <k T. To G. S. Applet'm 28 Reynolds Ji Co. 2 00 a <$s Hart, '49 z. Zeuner, Charles, Ancient Lyre .... " " Musical Manual Zimmerman, J. G., On Solitude, cl gt Zoological Recreations, by W. J. Broderip, 12mo cl 80 Crocker k B. 38 R. S. Davis 50 W. A. Leary k Co. 1 25 Lea (fe B. THE LITEHARY WORLD. 51 Sniirnal iif Citmitiire, §m\m, nn& M, A comprehensive Belles-Letters Newspaper for every one who would keep pace with the productions of the times; includinjf, weekly, ori<,nnal comments upon and abstracts of New Books, articles upon topics of the day, &.c., under the following general arrangement : — ORIGINAL PAPERS of Literature, the Fine Arts, &.c. REPORTS OF PROCEEDINGS of the Learned and Scientific Societies (with the publication of papers of interest,) as the American Ethnological Society, the American Oriental Society, the New York Historical Society, &.c., togetiier with a mass of intelli- gence from the reports of the European Societies in Foreign Journals. REVIEWS, with full characteristic extracts of important new works, American and Foreign. PASSAGES IN ADVANCE of the new Copyright and other publications of the day, of special interest. SKETCHES OF SOCIETY, at home and abroad. ESSAYS, POEMS, CORRESPONDENCE. OCCASIONAL ARTICLES from the best Foreign Journals. LITERARY INTELLIGENCE, GOSSIP, &c. A great variety of MISCELLANY. The Literary World is published weekly, printed in the best manner and form, of the size of twenty or twenty-four pages 4to., making two volumes annually for the Library of between 500 and 600 pages each, at the price of Three Dollars per aunum, payable in advance. ^^° Agents supplied with the work on the most liberal terms. This Journal presents a desirable medium for all Advertisements connected with Books, Schools, Amusements, the Fine Arts, &c., &c., as it has a large circulation in influential quarters, and is generally to be found in the various Libraries, Reading-Rooms, and Book Clubs of the country. It has been long adopted as an advertising organ by Messrs. Harper, Afpletoks, Wiley, Putnam, Baker & Scribner, Barnes &. Co., Cooledge & Brother, Pratt, Woodford & Co., Collins, Lockwood, Garrigue, Bangs &l Co., Bartlett & Welford, and others. New York; Lea &. Blanchard, Carey «Sc Hart, George S. Afpleton, Grigg, Elliot &. Co., Lindsay & Blahiston, Liffincott &. Co., and others, Philadel- phia; TicKNOR & Co., Little & Brown, Phillips, Sampson &■ Co., and others, Bos- ton; Haydon & Woodruff, Berby & Co., Cincinnati; G. H. Derby, Butfalo ; Derby, Miller &. Co., Auburn, &c. &c. All Communications, Books for Review, Advertisements, to be addressed to E. a. & G. L. DUYCKINCK, Editors and proprietors Literary World, 157 Broadway, New York. [From the National Intelligencer.] " The object of the publishers is a good one, and they are undoubtedly prosecuting it with determined energy." ^ [From the Washington Union.] " This journal stands at this time conspicuous as a record and critic of the literature of the country. It is, we do not hesitate to say, the most complete periodical of the kind we have yet had ; and we doubt whether any man, claiming to possess a well-chosen library and cultivated taste, fully sustiiins his title if he is not a faithful reader and supporter of the ' World." ' PERIODICALS. The following comprises but a limited list of the periodicals published in the United States. Wiien 1 first contemplated sucii a List I advertised extensively, rcqucstinp pub- lishers to send prospectus of their works, and as the advantage was altogether on their side (securing a permanent advertisement gratuitously) 1 anticipated a general response. On the contrary I received less than twenty returns: the remainder I have obtained by personal application. But for the duty [ owe to those few who responded to the call I should omit the List. ' O. A. R. American Agriculturist and Fanner's Cabinet. Kdited by A. B. Allen. Monthly. $1 per Annum. C. M. Saxton, New York. American Journal of the Medical Sciences. Edited by Isaac JIays, M. D. Published Quarterly. $i> pur Annum. Lea &, Blunchard, rhiladolphia. American Journal of Pharmacy. Quarterly. $2 50 per Annum. Lindsay & Bla- kiston, Philadelphia. American Journal uf Science and Arts. Conducted by Professors B. Silliman and B. Silliman, Jr., and Jas. D. Dana. Published every Second Month. $5 per Annum. New Haven, Ct. American Journal and Library of Dental Science. Quarterly. $5 per Annum. Lind- say &, Blakiston, Philadelphia. American Ma^^azine and Family Newspaper. Edited by Theodore Dwight. Monthly. $2 per Annum. Vol. VI. commenced January, 1850. New York. American National I'reacher. Edited by Kev. J. M. Sherwood. Monthly. §1 per Annum. J. M. Sherwood, New York. American Quarterly Register and Magazine. Conducted by James Stryker. Quar- terly. $5 per Annum. E. C. & J. Biddle, Philadelphia. American Review. A Whig Journal, Devoted to Politics and Literature. $5 per An- num. New York. Banker's Magazine and Statistical Register. Edited by J. Smith Ilomans. Monthly. $5 per Annum. J. S. Ilomans, Baltimore. Baptist Memorial and Monthly Record. Edited by Rev. Enoch Hutchinson. T. P. Hatch, New York. Biblical Repertory, (The) and Princeton Review. Published (.Jnart< rly. ?3 per An- num. V'olume XXV. commenced January, 1850. Wm. M. Mitchell, Publisher. Philadelphia. Bibliotlieca Sacra and Tluological Review. Conducted by 1>. H. Edward-;, and E. A. Park, with the Special Co-operation of Dr. Robinson and Prof. Stuart. Quarterly. $4 per Antmm. J. Wiley, New York. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. Reprint. >=.'? per Annum. Leonard Scott <fe (k)., New York. Baitliewaite, (Editor,) The Retrospect of Practical Medicine and Surgery. .\ llalf- Yearly Journal. $1 50 per Annum. D. Adee, New York. British and Foreign Medico-Cliirurgical Review, or Quarterly Journal of I'ractioU Medicine and Surgery, lie publislied. j^.'f per Annum. K. 6i S. U. Wo<xl, New York. I3uchanan's Journal of Man. Monthly. >>2 per Annum, (.'incinnati, Ohio. Cbarleston (Jospcl ^h•s.senger and I'rotestant Epi.scopal Register. Monthly. $3 per Annum. A. E. Miller, Charleston. Christian Diadem and I'amily Kic] sake. A Monthly Repository of Religious Biogni- phy, History, Literature and Art. 75f. per Annum. Z. Paten A Co., New York. Christian E.xaminer and Religious Miscellany. Edited by Rev. A. Lamson and Rev. K S. Gannett PubUshcd ouce in Two Montiui. $4 per Annum. Crosby <& Nichols, Bostoo. 16 122 PERIODICALS. [am. cat. Christian Parlor Magazine, Devoted to i^iteraturn, Morals and Relij^oin. Monthly. $2 60 per Annum. Sixth Year. New York. Christian iicvicw. Kilitcd Ity .1. 1). Kti<;wlcs, 13. Scars, and S. K. Sinitli. Oould, Kendall tt Lincoln, Boston. Christian Union and Rcliirious Memorial. Devoted to the Comnion Interests and the Current History of the Church. PMitcd by Rev. Robert Baird, D. D. MonUily. $2 per An num. S. Hucston, New York'. Church (Thi-) Review and Kcclosiastical Register. Editf;d Ijy Rev. N. S. Richardson. Quarterly. ?3 per Annum. Commenced 1848. Geo. B. Bassett, New Haven. Cominercial Review of tlie South and West. A Montlily lourn.d of Trade, Coin- merce, Commercial Polity, Agriculture, Manufactures, and Internal Improvements. Conduct- ed by J. D. B. De Bow. Commenced 1 845. $5 per Annum. New Orleans. Cultivator, (The). A Monthly Journal for the Farmer, Gardener and Orchardist. $1 per Annum. L. Tucker, Albany. Democratic Review. See United States Magazine. Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature. Monthly. Edited by W. II. Bidwcll. $5 per Annum. W. H. Bid well, New York. Edinbnrgh Magazine. See Blackwood. Edinburgh Review. Re-print. ^3 per Annum. L. Scott & Co., New York, (iencssfe Farmer. A Journal of Agriculture and Horticulture. Monthly. %\ per Annum. Rochester, New York, (iodey's Lady's l>ook. Edited by Mrs. Sarah J. Hale, Grace Greenwood, and L. A. Godey. Montlily. §3 per Annum. L. A. Godey, Philadelphia. Graliam's American Monthlv Magazine. §3 per Annum. S. D. Peterson & Co., Philadelphia. Half-Yearly Abstract of the Medical Sciences. Being a Practical and Analytical Di- gest of the Cotitents of the Principal British and Continental Medical Works, published dur- ing' the precedijig Six Months. Edited by W. H. Ranking, iL D. Half- Yearly. SI 50 per Annum. Lindsay &, Blakiston, Philadelphia. Holdeii's Dollar Magazine. Monthly. §1 per Annum. C. W. Holden, New York. Home Missionary. ^\ per Annum. Published by the E.KCCUtive Committee of the American Home Missionary Society. New York. Homceopathic Journal. Edited by E. C. Becker. Quaterly. Commenced January, 1849. ^3 per Annum. Otis Clapp, Boston. -Horticulturist, (The), and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Ta-^ste. Edited by A. J. Downing. Published Monthly. 83 per Annum. Albany, N. Y. Jewish (.'hronicle. Published under the Direction of tlie American Society for Melio- rating the Condition of the Jews. Edited by Rev. E. R. McGregor. Monthly. $1 per An- num. New York. Journal of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania, for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts. Devoted to Mechanical and Physi&il Science, Civil Engineering, the Arts and Manufactures, and the Recording of American and other Patented Inventions, Published Monthly. §5 per Annum. Philadelphia. Knickerbocker, or New York Monthly Magazine. Edited by L. G. Clark. 6o per An- num. S. Hucston, New York. Ladies' Crarland and Family ^Vreuth. Monthly. §1 j:er .\nnum. J. Van Court, Philadelphia. Jjndies' National M;igazlne. See Peterson. I^adi*'-^' Repository. A Literary and R« ligiims Monthly. E<litod by Rev. H. Bacon. ?2 per Annum. A. Tompkins, IJoston. Ladie^' Wreath. A •'Magazine devoted to Literature, Industry and Religion. Edited by Mrs. S. T. Martyn. "Monthly. §1 per Annum. Martyn «fc Ely., New York. Lady'^ B''ok. Sec Godoj. Literary World. A Journal of .\merioan and Foreign Literature, Science and Art. Edited by E. A. «t G. L. Duyckinck. Weekly. $3 per Annum. E. A. <t G. L. Duyckinck» New York. *^* See Advertisement, page 120. LilteU'a Living Age. Weekly. ^6 ]ht Auntnn. E. Littell, Boston. 1828—1850.] PERIODICALS. IftS London Quarterly Review. Re-print. $3 per Annum. L. Scott & Co., New York. MassachusotLs Quarterly Review. Edited by Theodore Parker. $3 per Annum. Coolidge & Wiley, Boston. Massachu-otts Teacher. Edited by a Committee of Massachusetts Teachers. Monthly. $1 per Annum. Coolidge <fe Wiley. Boston. Medical Examiner, and Piecord of Medical Science. Edited by Drs. Smith & Tucker. Montlily. $3 per Annum. Lindsay <fe Blakiston, Philadelphia. Medico-Cliirurgical Review. See British and Fonign. Methodist Quarterly Review. Edited by J. McClintock, D. D. $2 per Annum. New York. Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review. Conducted by Freeman Hunt. Monthly. $5 per Annum. F. Hunt, Now York. Missionary Herald. Contuiiiinii; the T'rocfodinoj^ of the American Hoard of Commis- sioners for Foreign Missions. Monthly. ^\ per Annum. Boston. Monthly Family (Jircle and Parlor Annual. I'ldited by Mrs. D. Newell. $1 per An- num. D. Newell. New York. Mother's .Journal, (The), and Family Visit mt. Edited by Rev. J. M. Allen and Mrs. Eliziibcth SewelL Monthly. ^\ per Annum. Fourteenth Year. New York. Mother's Maoazine, (The). " Edited l>y Mrs. A. G. Whittlesey. Monthly. |1 per Annum. Eighth Year. New York. Monthly R<ligiuus Magazine. $2 per Annum. L. C. Bowles, Boston; National I'reacher. See American Xatiomil. New Church Magazine, (for Cliildn ii), 12m«). Monthly. Commenced 1843. $1 per Annum. Otis Clapp, Boston. New Church Repo>itorv. and Monih'y Review. Edited by Ocorge Bush, A. M. |2 per Aimum. With Diary, translated from the Works of Plmanuel Swedenborg, §1 extra Second Year. New York. New Englandcr, (The.) Published Quarterly. ^.3 per Aimum. New Haven. New Jerusalem Magazine. Edited by (Caleb Rerd.) Monthly. Commenced 1847. $2 per Annum. Otis Clapp. Boston. New Orleans Medical and 8iu-gical .lournal. Devoted to Medicine and the Collateral Sciences. Edited by A. Hester. Published every Second Montk 4to. ?5 per Annum. Weld & Co. New Orleans, North American Review. Quarterly. ?5 per Annum. Little <fe Brown. Boston. North P>riti>h Review. Reprint. ^3 per Annuin. L. Scott «fe Co., New York. Oberlin (^ututerly lieview. Edited liy I'rof. Mahan and Prof. C. G. Finney. .1. M. Fitch, Oberlin,' Ohio. Occident, (The) and Annrican .lewish Advocate. .\ Monthly Periodical, devoted to the diffusion of Jewish Literature and Religion. Edited by Isaac Lecscr. 8vo. $3 per An- num. Commenced 181.'5. Philadelphia. Parlor Magazine. Devoti-d to LitiTaturc, Morals, and Religion. Monthly. 12 ]>er Annum. E. E. Miles, New York. Peterson's Ladies National Magazine Edited by Mrs. A. S. St.^phensand C.J. Peter- son. Monthly. .?2 per Atuium. C. J. Peterson, Philadelphia. Phrenological Journal. Monthly, si per Annum. Fowler «Ss NVel Is, New York. Plough, (The,) The Loom, and The Anvil. Edit'd by J. S. Skinner «fe Sons. A Monthly 8vo. $3 per Aimum. Philadelphi;u Princeton Review. See Biblical Rcprrtoni. Ranking's Half Yearly Abstract of the Mcdii-il Sci.-nces. Iwo Numbers per Annum. 15 cen(s per Number. Linds.iy <k. Blakiston, I'hila leljihia. Retrospect, (The,) of Practical Medicine and .^urir-iy. .\ Half Y«'arly Journal. Ed- ited by W. Braithwaite. ?1 ."JO per Anmmi. I). .\dee, Xiw York. Sabbath, (The,) Rcnicnibraiiccr for Sabbath-Schools. h:<litrd by R.v. Wni. McJimsoy. Monthly. $1 per Annum. New York. Sartain's Magazine of Literature and Art. Edit.d by Mrs. C. M. Kirkland and John S. Hart. Monthly. -?;> per Aiiiuim. J. Sartain tt Co., I'liiladelphia. Seai-s' New Pictorial Family Magazine. Edited by Robert Scars. Monthly. 1 per Annum. R. Scars, New York. 124 PKRIODICALS. [am. cat. Southern Litnrnry Mcssciijrrr. Kditcfl by Joliti II. Ihompson. Monthly, to |xt Annum. .1. U. Tli()nij)s(»n, Riclinw)nd, Virginiu. Southern Methodist l'nli)it. Monthly. CommencedJunuary, 1849. %\ per Annum. C. K. Doenis, Ncwburn, Nortli Carolina. Southern Monthly M;n;azinc. Edited by C. L. Wliceler. ^1 per Annum. Linden <fe Wlicfler, Alliens, Georgia. Student, (The.) ;i I'aniily Magazine and Monthly School Header. Monthly. $1 |x.t Annum. New York. Tailors' Magazine and Repository. A Journal of the Latest tVhions for Drapers and Tailors. By T. T. Williams . Published March and September. %1 per Annum. New York. Theological and Literary Journal. Edited by \). N. Lord. Monthly, %'i per Annum. F. Knight, New York. Union Magazine. Sec Sartain. United States Magazine and Democratic Review. Edited by Thomas P. Kettcll. 8vo Quarterly. $3 per Annum. New York. Universalist Quarterly and General lievicw. Edited by (E. Bacon.) Quarterly. Com- menced 1843. $2 per Annum. A. Tompkins, Boston. Water Cure Journal and Herald of Reforms. Monthlv, $1 per Annum. Fowlers <k Wells, New York Western Literary Messenger. A Family Magazine of Literature, Science, Art, and Morality, and General Intelligence. Edited by J. Clemmcnt, Buffalo Westminster Review. Reprint. $3 per Annum. L. Scott & Co., New York. Whig Journal. See American Review. Working Farmer. Devoted to Agriculture. Edited by J. J. Mapes. Monthly. $1 per Annum. Kingman <t Cross, New York. Youth's Cabinet. Edited by Rev. F. C. Woodworth. Monthly. 1$ per Annum. D. A. Woodworth, New York. SUPPLEMENT e §il)liotj]ecH llniericana, CATALOGUE AMERICAN PUBLICATIONS, (REPRINTS AND ORIGINAL WORKS.) OCTOBER, 1852, TO MAY, 1855, INCLUDING ALSO A KEPETITION OF SUCH BOOKS AS HAVE EITHER CHANGED PRICES Oa PUBLISHERS DURING THAT PERIOD. COMPILED AND ARRANGED BY OBVILLE A. ROORBACH. NEW YORK: O. A. ROORBACH, Jr MAY, 18 5 6. Entekb;d according to Act of Congress, in the year 1855, Bv WILLIAM N. BIRCH, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York. Bakbb, Godwin <fc Co., Priotere, ■Spruce St., NewTorht ; ABBREVIATIONS. ara Arabesque — Embossed. bds Boarfls. cf. Calf. cl Cloth. cl. ex Cloth full gilt and gilt oJges. emb Embossed — Arabe«que. flex, cl Flexible cloth. hf. ara Arabesque backs. hf. r Half roan. hf. ru8 Half russia. hf. cl Cloth backs. hf. bd, Sheep backs. ill'd pap Illuminated paper. im. mor Imitation morocco. Lib Sheep, Philadelphia style. mor Morocco. pap Paper. r Roan. r. cl. sides Roan back, cloth sides. shp Plain sheep. Bhp. gt Sheep gilt. Saxy Saxony. A LIST OF PUBLISHERS. Adams, George Boston. Adriance, Sherman &. t'o New Yorlc. Aldeii, Ueardsley & Co Auburn, N. Y. Alexander, James Charlotlsville, Va. Ainer. Bap. Pub. Society Philadelphia. " Female Guar. Society.. -New York. " For. and Chrig. L'nion.. " " Siind;iy .School Union. .Philadelphia. " Tract Society New York. Andru.s, S. & Son 11 an ford, Coim. Anners, Heury F Philadelphia. Afipleton, U. & Co New York. Armstrong, K., (printer) Washingtx>n, D. C. Artmaa & Hall, (auihors) Danville, N. Y. Babcock, E. H . & Co Syracuse, N. Y. " Sidnej' New Haven. Baker, Godwin "& Co., (prinl'rs) New York. Baird, II. Carey Philadelphia. Baker, Z. & Co Worcester, Balliere, 11 New York. Barnes, A. S. &, Co " Barringtoii & llaswell Philadelpliiii. Barllett, John CaniLiridije, Mass, Bassett, Geo. B. it Co New Haven. Bell. F Philad.-lphia. BIddle, E. C. & J •' Ulunchard, Calvin New York. " & Lea Philadelphia, Bradliury & Guild Boston. Briu'^'s, Geo. VV. & Co " Biockett, ilulchiniion &. Co.. ..Hartford. Bronson, Bros Walerbury, Conn. Brown, B., (pritit<'r) Madison, Wis. C. A. &.Co Philadelphia. •I j.\ A Hartford. a H. H Providence, R. I. Brown, Bazin & Co Boston. Buel &c Bluuchard VVa.-hington, D. C, BulTum, J Boston. Bunce& Bro New York. Bunnell & Price " Burgess, Daniel & Co " >' &. Day Burke. A Buffalo, N. \ . Burnhiim & Brothers Boston. Burl, A. P Baliimore. Butler, E. 11. &. Co Philadelphia. Callender, J. K Philadelphiii. Carlton & Phillips New York. Carter & Brothers " . Chambers & Knapp, (printers) SI. Louis, Mo. Chase & Peterson Athens, Ga. Childs & Peterson Philiidelphin. Clapp, Otis Boslon. Clark, Ausiin & Smith New \ ork. CleminiU&. Fore, (printers).... Richmond. Va. Cocliran, Z. C. &. J. S Beuv.r, Pa. Colby, L Nl-w \ork. Collins, G I'hiladelphin. Robert B New York. " T. K., Ji- Philiidelphliu Collon, J. B New York. Cooke, William 1) Raleigh, N. C. " Kenney & Co San Francisco. Cooledge, Geo. F. & Bro New York. Couricnay &. VVInifes Charlef Ion, S. C. " G. S. &. Co •' " Cow'rihwait, Desilverit Butler.Philadelphia. Cozans. M New York. Craig, J., (printer) Philadelphia. Craiulall & Moseley Cazenovia, \. Y. Crissy & Markley Philadelphia. Crocker ,fe Brewster Boslon. Crosby, Nichols & Co " Crown, L. P. & Co " Cunningham, P. T Philadelphia. Curtis &. Butts, (printers) Rochester, N. Y. Damrell & Moore Boston . Dana, D., Jr New York. Daniels & Getz Philadelphia. " Smith Darrow, Erastus & Brother Rorhesler. N. Y. Davidson, J. S Pittsburgh, Pa. Dayton & Wentworlh Boston. Dean, U'illinm E New York. De Bow, J. 1). B New Orleans. Derby, 11. VV. &. Co Cincinnati. " ,1.0 New York. " & Miller Auburn, N. Y. '• Miller &. Orton " Dcwev, D. .M Rochester, N. Y. Dewit't i Davenport New York. Diekerson. James S " Ditson. Oliver Boston. Dix, John A New York. Doct. Tract and Book Society. .Philadelphia. Dodd, .M. VV ...New York. Donaboe. P Boslon. Draper. \V. F. <fc Co Amhiver, Mass. Dunigan & Bro New York. Durriu .t Peck New Haven. English, A. H &; Co Pitt.sbumh, Pa. Emerson. J. ^L &. Co New York. F.nsign, Bridgeman *. Fanning. " Episcopal Sun'y School L'nion. " Eriisl, .lacob Cincinnati. Evaiii-'ili'l Knowledge Society. New York. Evans &. Brilian " " ,^: Dickersen " Falrchild, J. M. it Co New York. FairliiiK & Co " Faiishaw. Daniel '' Farmer, Bruce t Co " Felridi:o, W. P. t Co Boston. FIsk, VV. H Manchester. N. H. •• fcLillle Albany. NY. Fletcher. K. H New York. Fowlers &. WelU " Francis, C. 8. it Co '' French, R " '• J.iltCo Boston. I' s New York. Gnrrelt Jt Co New York. Garritfiie, R " Geiz iL Buck Philadelpbii- /./\7' or ri nijsiii:iis. [am. cat. Uldeon & Co, (prinU'r») WiithltiKlon, I). •'. tJlhnii, J. A..J. I. I*liila<l(l|)liln. Goodi', (;ii;iuiicoy Itiirliii','l<>n, Vl. (JoiiM, llaiikM Sl Co New York. tlowaiiti, W'llliiima '' (iray, John A '' " S|naxiio it Co Alhany, N. V. (iriRRs, S. ('. A Co (;hinai,'o, 111. CroDsmaii, K. N New York. Hall, Mills &. Co Syracuse, N. Y. Ilamriiot, E. K.., Jr Newport, K. I. Hunllng, S Hoston. Harper & Bros New York. Hart, Abrahum I'liiladelphla. " Francis NrtW York. Hayes &. Zell Ualeisli.N C. Hazard, Willis P Philadelphia. death & Graves Boston. Henderson, C. J. & Co Philadelphia. Heuston, S New York. Hinckrt, E. \V. & Co Boston. Hinkley, E Baltimore. Hooker, Herman Philadelphia. Hopkins, Bridgeinau & Co Northampton, Mass How land, S. A Worcester, Muss. Huijlics, n. F. & Cn New York. Hull & Bro Louisville, Ky. Humphrey, S. D New York. Hunt, Edwin & Son Hartford, Cono. " Uriah & Son Philadelphia. Ide & Dutton Boston. Ives, W. & Co Salem, Mass. Ivison & Phinney New York. James, J. A.& H.P Cincinnati. .leiiks, Hicklina; & iSwan Boston. Jewett, J. P. fcCo " Joachimssen, L New York. Johnson, N. N Boston. T. & J. W Philadelphia. Jones, E. S. & Co •' " Samuel Boston. Keith &. Woods St. Louis. Mo. KigRins & Kellogg New York. Knight, Franklin •' Knowles, A. &. Co., (printers) " Lamport, Hlakeman &. Law New York. Lane & Scott " Leary, W. A Philadelphia. " & Getz " Lcavitl & .Allen New York. Lindsay & Blakislon Philadelphia. Lippincolt, Grambo & Co " Li ttell, E. & Co Boston. Little, Brown & Co " Livermore, E. & Co New York, Lock wood. Roe & Son " Long, H. & Bro '." " Lyon,G.P " " Henry " .Magagnos, T. L. & Co New York. Marsh, Richard " Martieu, W. S. & A Philadelphia. Martin & Johnson New York. .Marvin, T. R 1 Boston. " Whipple & Co " Mason & Law New York. " & Brother " Mass. Sabbath School Society. Boston. Masters, Smith & Co Hallowell, Me. Mattock, T. L Syracuse, N. Y. Mayer, J. P Boston. McCarier &. Co Charleston, S. C. McKlralh, T. L. & Co New York. " &. Banker " Mfrrinm, Moore &. Co Troy, N. V. Miller, Orion &. .Mulligan New York. Millx, Craiidall ic .Mulligan Cazcnovla, N. Y. MInille, Wm. tc. Co Balliooore. MolTeit, J New York. Montgomery, A '' Moore, Horace H " " John W PhilBdelphla. " Anderson tCo ...Cincinnati. •' Wilstach & Keyes " Morgan, E " " & Overend, (printers). " Morris, A Richmond, Vb. Morton <fc Criswold Louisville, Ky. Moses, VV. J Auburn. N. Y. Moss & Brother Philadelphia. Munroe & Co Bo-ton. M unsell, Jo<-l Albany, N . Y. Murphy, John &. Co Baltimore. Muzzey , B . B. &. Co « Boston. Narine «fc Co.. (printers) New York. Nash Sl Woodhonse Richmond, Va. Nesbitt, G F. & Co New York. New Eng. Sun. School Union.. Boston. Newman & Ivison New York. Nichols,!. L Port Chester, N. Y. Norton, Charles B New York. Oliphant, Henry, (printer) Auburn, N. Y. Ornisby, Thomas New York. Parish, Dunning & Mears Philadelphia. Parker, S. H Boston. Parry & McMillan Philadelphia. Partridge & Britiain New York. Paxton, W. Y Charleston, S. C. Peck & Bliss Phdadelphia. Pierce, C. H. & Co Boston. Perris, William New York. Perry, J. B Philadelphia. •' & Erety " Peterson, J. S Athens, Ga. " T. B Philadelphia. Phillips, Sampson Sc Co Boston. Pollock, M Philadelphia. Pomeroy, Warren L Raleigh. N. C. Potter, J. E Philadelphia. Pratt, George Binghamton, N. Y. " Jas. H.&Co New York. " Woodford <fe Co " Price, C. J. i Co Philadelphia. Presb. Boaru of Publication... " Pudney & Russell New York. Putnam, George P. t Co " Quimby, G. W Cincinnati. Radde, William ....New York. Rademaker & Sheok Ph iladelphia. Rand, Geo. C Boston. Randolph, ,\. D. F New York. " J. W Richmond, Va. Raynor, Samuel New York. Reid. Parsons »t Co., (printer8).AIbany, N. V. Redding & Co Boston. Redfleld, J. S New York. Reynolds, W. J. i Co Boston. Richardson, E New Haven. Riker, J. C New York. " Thorn &. Co " Ritchies &■ Dimnavant Richmond, Va, Roorbach, O. A New York. Ruffin. E. Sl C.J Petersburg, Va. Russell, John Charleston, 9. C. 1862—1855.] L/.V7' OF PUBLISHERS. \\i Sadlier, D. &. J. At Co New York. Sage, William N Rucliester, N. Y. San born <fe Curler Portland, Me. " Carter &. Bazin Boston. Sanders, H. & Co New York. Savage, George " Saxton, CM " Schroeder, John J " Scott, Charles Trenton, N. >I. " & Bascom Columbus, O. Scranton, 11. K. & S. S New Y'ork. Scribner, Charles " See, R. H. &. Co Phil.idelphia. Sheldon, Lamp't & Blakeman.New York. Shepard, C. & Co ''• Simmons, G. W " Smith, VV. B. & Co Cincinnati. " James B. &, Co Philadelphia. Smithsonian Institution VVashiiiglon, D. C. Spencer, W. V Boston. Stanford & Swords New York. Stearns <fc Co " " K. A. & Co Bratlleboro', Vt. Stevenson, E Louisville, Ky. Stillmaii, A. S Hartford. Stratton, L Cincinnati. Strickland i.^ Benjamin Mobile, Ala. Stringer it Townsend New York. Strong, T. W " Swormstedl & Poe Cincinnati. Tappan& VVhiltcmore Boston. Taylor, William & Co New York. " & Maury Washington, D. C. Thayer, Bridgeman &, Fanning. New York. Thomas, Cowperthwail & Co... Philadelphia. Thompson, George Princeton. N. J. " J. U Richmond, Va. Ticknor, W. D. & Co Boston. & Fields " Tompkins, Abel " Tooker & Gatchell Cleveland, O. Toon, Nelson & Co Nashville, Tenn. Tracy A Sandford Claremoiit, N. II. Trow, John F., (printer) Sew York. Upham, Ford & Olmsted, Boston. Usher, J. M Van Debogart, G. Y Schenectady, N. Y. Varden, T. J New York. Voorhies, John S " Walker, James P Lowell. Wanzer, Beard sley & Co Rochester. Ward & Taylor Cincinnati. Waters, Horace New York. " James S Baltimore. Watson, J. H New York. Webb, Gill <fc Levering Louisville, Ky. Weed, Parsons & Co., (printers) Albany, N. Y. Weik, John Philadelphia. " tfeWieck " Wentworlli, Horace Boston. Whipple, ?. K.itCo " White, William, (printer) " '• Wm. N Athens, Gn. Whitnev, Geo. H Providence, R. I. " ' VV. H Pitlsbumh, Pa. Wiley, John New York. Wilkins, Rice ikCo Boston. Wilson, J. M Philadeljihia. " <fc Son, (printers) Boston. » *' Co New York. Winant. D. D " Wood, S. S. itW " Woodhouse, Jas. & Co Richmond, Va. Wright & Hasty, (printers) Boston. Young, W. S, (printer) Philadelphia. SUPPLEMENT. A. Ahbeoknta; or. Sunrise within the Tropics; an Outline of the Voruba Mission. By Miss Tiitkir. 18mo. cl. 76 (Vrr/er 4- Bros. "53 Abbott, Jacob, Agnes; a Franconia Story. 18mo. cl. . 50 Harper <!^ Rrny. '5i " Caroline; a Franconia Story. 18mo. cl. . 50 " '54 " Child at Home. iSmo. cl 60 •• China and the English. ISnio. cl. . . 84 Fairrliild dj;- Cn.'bb '• Corner Stone. 12nio, cl 1 00 Harper <f- Brn^. '' Ellen Linn : a Franconia Story. 18nio. cl. 50 " "53 " Fireside Piety. 18mo. cl 84 Fnirchild <Sf Cn.'bb " History of Josephine. 18nio. cl. 5i) Harper <Sc Rrn$. " History of Madame Roland. 18nn>. cl. . 50 " " History of Nero. 18mo. cl. . . . 60 " '53 " History of Pyrrlms. l8mo. d. ... 60 '• '54 " History of Romulus. 18mo. cl. . . 60 •• '52 " Kings and Queens. 12mo. cl. ... 1 00 " :^[arco Paul in New York. 18nio. cl. . 50 •• •• '• on Erie Canal. " . .0 50 "• " " in Boston. •' . . <> 5(1 " " •' at Springlidd Armory, 18nio. cl. 50 " " " " in Vermont, IHmo. cl. . . 50 '■ Rodolphus; a Franconia Story. IRnin. cl. 50 " "52 " Rollo in London. 18mo. cl, 63 RrynolHs <\- Cn. '65 " '• in Paris. 18mo. cl 63 " '54 " " in Switzerland. 18mo. <l. 60 " "54 '• Rollo's Tour in Europe. Bollo on the .\l- lantic. 18mo 50 '• "54 " Strait Gate (The). 4to. pap. . . i) 25 //.;r/.rr 4- /?n.5.'53 '• Stuyvcsnnt; a Franconia Story. 18nio. d. 50 " '63 1 1 n n A n A [am tat. Abbott, .lacuh, Wallace; a Fraiicoiiia Sli.ry. 18iii(>. el. " Way to rio (Jood. 12rno. el. . •' Willie and the M()rt<,'agc. 12mo. pap. " ^'oung Christian. 12mo. <l. .1. S. C, Mother at Home. 18mo. cl. Abel, F. A. & Bh)\ani, C. 1.., Handbook of Chemistry, 'J'he- orotical, Practical, and Technical. 8vo. cl. Aholard and Hcloise, The Lives, Loves, Letters, and Misfor- tunes of. With a considerable amount of new matter, not heretofore published. Also, the Poet- ical V^ersions of these celebrated Letters, by Pope, IMadden, Cawthorne, and others. 12mo. cl. Abell, L. C. (Mrs.), Gems by the Wayside. I2mo. cl. ex. '• " Mother's Book of Daily Duties. 18mo. cl. '* " Skillful Housewife's Book ; or. Guide to Domestic Cookery. 12mo. cl. " '> Woman in her Various Relations. ISmo. Aberncthy, John (M. D.), Memoirs of, with a View of his Lectures, Writings, and Character. By Geo. Macilwain. 12mo. cl Abercrombie, John, Pathological and Practical Researches on Diseases of the Stomach. Svo. shp. . Abyssinia, Life in. See Parkyns, M. Ackerman, A., Natural History. 12mo Adams, Ale.\., Latin Grammar. 12mo. . . . net " Roman Antiquities. Svo. . . '" C, Boys at Home. 16mo. cl. .... " Edgar Clifton; a Story of School Life. 12mo. cl. F. A., First Book in Arithmetic. Translated into French by E. Comment. 12mo . F. C, Manuel Pereira ; or, the Sovereign Rule of South Carolina, with Views of Southern Laws, Life, and Hospitality. 12mo. cl. " Uncle Tom at Home; a Review of the Re- viewers and Repudiators of " Uncle Tom's Cabin, by Mrs. Stowe." 12mo. pap. 38 ; cl. J. (J., Christian Victor (The); or, Mortality and Im- mortality, including Happy Death Bed Scenes. iSmo. J. Q., Life and Public Services of. By Wm. H. Seward. 12mo. cl " Poems on Religion and Society. 12mo. cl. . ^.i.S., Town and Country; or. Life at Home and Abroad, Without and Within, . N. (Rev.), Tiie Friends of Christ in the New TesUi- nient (Thirteen Discourses). Svo. cl. " " South Side View of Slavery ; or. Three ^lonths at the South in 1854. 12n)o. cl. • Wm. (Rev.), Elements of Christian Science. Svo.d. .')0 Harper ^ Rrot. 1 00 " 2.0 '• 1 00 60 '• '55 .3 25 Rlanrhard <^ /y.'54 I 00 Appleton 4" Cn. I 25 Frtirrhild 6f Co.'bb 75 '65 Ii7 "55 75 '56 I 00 1 50 50 38 1 50 50 75 1 25 50 1 00 1 00 63 1 50 Harper <5f Bros. '63 Blanchard 6f L. D. Burgess <Sf Co. LippincoilG.iSfCo. Appleton djf Co *54 '53 25 C Hhep'rdi!^ Co.' 55 Buell «f B. 53 50 IV. P. Hazard, '53 .4. Tompkins. Miller, O. cf- M ./. Bullion, "54. Whipple 4" Co. '63 7'. A*. Martin,' 54 H. Hooker. 1852—55.] .4 D A A F R Adams, TI108. F., Typographia : or, Printers' Inslniotor. 12mo. cl 1 25 Addison, Joseph, Ijife of, by Lucy Aikin. 12nio. cl. . 03 " Spectator (The), with Prefaces, Historical and Biographical, by Alex. Chalmers. 6 v. 8vo. cl 9 00 " Works, including the Spectator, 3 v. 8vo. 4 50 " Works of, edited by G. W. Greene, 6 v. 12mo. cl 7 50 Adler,G. .T., Hand Book of German Literature. 12mo. 1 50 Adopted Child, History of an, by G. E. Jewsbury. 63 Adventures in Fairy Land. By R. H. Stoddard. 18mo. cl. 75 of Captain Blake. By W. H. Maxwell. 8vo. paj). 50 of Clarence Bolton ; or, Life in New York. By Joseph Scoville. pap. . . . . 2.5 of Col. Vanderbomb. By J. B. Jones, pap. 50 of Congo in Search of his Master. By Kliza Farrar. 18mo. cl 38 of Hercules Hardy, pap 25 of Hunters and Travelers, and Narratives of Border Warfare. By an Old Hunter. 12mo. d. 1 00 of Lilly Dawson ; or, the Smugglers of the Mill, a Novel. 8vo. pap 25 of Mick Costigan; or, the Ladder of Gold. 8vo. pap 25 of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys. By H. Mayhew. pap. 5() of Tom Stapleton ; or. New York by Night and by Day. pap 25 of a Country Merchant. r2mo. cl. . 1 00 of a Gentleman in Search of Miss Smith. By E. A. Dupuy. 8vo. pap 25 of an Aid-de-canip. By Jas. Grant. 8vo. pap. 50 Advice to Mothers on the Physical Fiducation of Children. By a Grandmother. 12mo. cl. to Mothers on the Treatment of Infants, with Direc- tions for Self-management Before, During, and After Pregnancy. By Mrs. Barwell. l2mo. cl. 50 JEoVmn Glee Book. By T. K. Collins, Jr., . /c/ <» 25 yEschylus, Prometheus of, literally translated, pap . <) 50 Septem contra Tliebas ; a Tragedy, with KnglJHli Notes, by A. Sachtleben. 12mo. . . Cl .^.sop's Fables. 18mo. cl 50 " " shp i» 3.S in Rhyme : a new Version of .Fisop's Fables. Itlnio. (t 75 Aftectionate Brothers. By Mr. Holland. 18ino. d. . (i :iS Afraja; a Norwegian and I,!ipl;ind Talc. By T. Mii(_'irf. 12mo. cl 1 2.". Africa and America Described, with Anecdotes. By the Au- thor of " The Peep of Day." 12mo, cl. . . 75 Peck t|- Bliss,' 51 MilW, (). 4- M. Appletnn cf-Co. '54 Hnrjur 6f Brim. Pulnam cf Co. "53 Apjilelim df- Co. '54 JIarpfr cj- Bros.'53 Ticknnr <^ (,V>. '53 (inrr^tt tij- Co. '53 7'. /?. PftPr^im. C.S. Franiis tJ-C'o. (iarrett <|- Co. Peck i^- Bliss, '52 Slrini^er 4" 'F- "52 Garrett cf- Co. '53 Slriiiirer i|' 7'. Citirntt il^' Co, Lippincotl^G. cf- Co. Edwards tj- ii. '52 Strin-rer if- 7'. '52 1 00 Crosliy, .\. tj- Co. fjfory 4' ^»''''-- 7*. A'. Collins, Jr. \y. v. While. .Mujiroe i.\- Co. '53. fieiiry i)' (if/;. l,iftpiliCOtt,(i. ^3j;■Co. llrnderson ij- Co. < '. S. Fraurisiil-Co. Lindsay ^.y H. *54 Curler 4" Bros. '54 A /■' li A I. H [am. cat. Africix and the American Kl.if,'. Hy l/ifiit. A. H. Foote, Com- manding U. S. brip " Perry " on tlir f'oawt of Africa, ISSO-'Ol. 12mo, cl African Crnsocs. By Mrs. R. l-cc. Klmo. cl. . Agiitlia iJt'iiiifort; or, Kninily Pride. I'Jmo. pap. .'iO ; ci. Agatha's Unsband; a Novel. Hy Author of "Head of tiie Family,"' &.c., &c. 8vo. pap Age of the World, Conversation on, in Connection with Prophecy. 12mo. cl Agnes Sorell ; a Novel. By C. P. R. .Tames. 8vo. pap. . a Franconia Story. By .lacob Abbott. 18mo. cl. and Eliza; or. Humility. 16mo. cl. or, the Possessed. By T. S. Arthur, pap. . Agriculture for Schools. By Rev. J. L. Blake. 12mo. of Massachusetts. See Flint, Chas. L. Aguilar, Crace, Essays and Miscellanies of. Selected by her Mother, Sarah Aguilar. 12mo. pap. 50 ; cl. " Home Scenes and Heart Studies. 12mo. pap. 50; cl " Women of Israel, 2 v. 12mo. cl. Ahn, F., Introductory Practical Course to acquire the French Ijanguage. Svo " New, Practical, and Easy Method of Learning the German Language. First Course. " The Same. Second Course. . . . ., Aid to Domestic Worship; containing a Reference to a Por- tion of Scripture, with Reflections thereon, and a Prayer for the Morning and Evening of every day of the year. With an Appendix of Additional Prayers. By the author of '' The Christian Companion for the Sick and the Afflicted." 2 v. roy. Svo. cl. . Aids to French Composition. By W. W. Howard. 12mo. Aiken, .1. B., Christian Minstrel, .... net " Juvenile " " Ainslie, H., Scottish Songs, Ballads, and Poem.s. 12mo. cl. Ainsworth, W.H., Life and Adventures of Guy Fawkes. pap. " Life and Adventures of .Tack Sheppard, " Lifeand Adventures of Ninon de I'EncIos, " Mervyn Clitheroe. pap. " I\Iysteries of the Court of Queen Anne, " Newgate Calendar; or, the Chronicles of Crime, pap " Old St. Paul. Svo. pnp. . " Star Chamber ; an Historical Romance, " Tower of London. Svo. pap. 1 00 ; cl. Akenside, Mark, Poems. 12mo. cl Alban; or, the History of a Young Puritan. By J. \. Hunt- ington. 2 V. 12mo. cl. ..... 1 50 Appl'/on tj- Co. '54 84 Lind-My iSf- B. '54 1') S/rini^'fr cf- T. '54 :W Hi I r per iif Bros. '53 1 00 Joel Mnnsell. 50 Harper df Bros. '63 bO Harper df Bros. '54 50 Ep. S. S. Union. 2.5 T. B. Peterson. 1 00 hi son «jK" ^• 75 A. Hart, 'HZ 75 Appletun t:||' C'o .'52 1 50 it 50 J. Weik, '54 38 Weik di-Wieck, '52 38 " '52 Stanford cf- S. '55 75 Ivison df P. '54 fiO T. K. Collins, Jr. 30 11 1 00 J. S. Redfield, '55 50 T. B. Peterson. 50 i> 25 K 50 H. Long t|* ^'**'- 50 T. B. Peterson. 50 '. 50 It 50 Bunce »|* Bro. 1 50 T. B. Peterson. 75 Little. B. cjf- Co.'54 2 00 J. S. Redfield, '54 3 00 \V. P. Hazard. 25 Fowlers t|- W. '54 !»0 Miller, 0. t|- M. 90 t> 63 J. C. Derl>y/b4 1 00 11. Durriiii- ij- lira. 1 00 Phillips,S.<!i-Co.52 1 00 ./. C. Derhy, '54. 1 00 J. C. Derby, "54 1 00 7'. R. Marvin. 1 00 ./. C. Derhy. "64 1 00 '54 42 M. W. DoihI. 50 S. Raynnr. 50 " 50 " 42 M. W. D.hIJ. 1862—55.] ALB A L L Album of Shakspeare's Heroines. 4to. mor., 2 50; mor. ex. Alcohol, the Effects of, on the Healthy Human Constitution. By Pi. L. Yonmans. 12mo. pap Aleott, Wm. A., Gift Book for Youn.ff Ladies. 12mo. cl. . " Gift Book for Youn.K ^len. 12mo. (.]. . " House I Live in; or, the Human Body. limo. " Lectures for the Fireside ; founded on the Ten Commandments. 12mo. cl. " Lectures on Life and Health ; or, the Laws and Means of Physical Culture. 12mo. cl " Young Housekeeper. 12mo. cl. . " Young Husband. 12mo. cl. . • '• Young Man's Guide. 12nio. cl. " Young Mother. 12iiio. cl. " Young Wife. r2mo. cl Alden, Joseph (Rev.), Anecdotes of the Puritans. l8mo. il. " " Choice Stories. S(iuare d. . " " Rupert Cabel. "... « " Revolutionary Soldier. Square cl. «' " Old Stone House (The). 18mo. cl. . Alexander, Archibald (Rev.), History of the Israelitish Na- tion, from their Origin to • their Dispersion at the De- struction of Jerusalem by the Romans. 8vo. cl. . 2 on Vr. .S\ .>/,/,/;>«. '5 3 » " Life of. By Rev. J. W. Alex- ander. 8vo. cl. . . 2 50 C. Scrilmer. '54 " " Outlines of Moral Science. 12mo. cl 75 •• "52 James W. (Rev.) Consolation; in Discourses on Select Topics. 8vo. cl. . 2 00 " "53 " » Plain Words to a Young Com- municant. 16mo. cl. . . 35 A. U. F. RaiiJolph. John H., Catena Dominica,Sacred Poems. 12nio. () 75 ff. H<>«,'bA. W. r,. (Rev.j, Christ and Christianity ; a Vindica- tion of the Divine Authority of the Christi;m Religion. 12mo. cl " 70 C/r//.;// ij- /'. "54 Alexander Menzikon; or, the Perils of (Jrc.itiiess. By (I. Nieritz. 12mo. cl Tardy, the Poisoner and Pirate Chief. Hvo. pap. Alfonce, J. E., Instriictlons in (lymnastics. 4to. pap. Alford, Henry, Poetical Works, 12mo. cl Alice Seymour, a Home Tale, by Mrs. Grey. Svo. p:ip. . All for Jesus, nr the Easy Ways of Divine Love, by F. W. Faber. 12mo. cl. Murphy i!^- Cu. '54 All's not Gold that Glitters, or the \uuui^ i':i]\\\<ruhu. \,v Cousin Alice (Mrs. Neal). Itimo. d 63 Apyltlon 4 Co. bi 50 ( '. Srrilmer. 25 Ijiniii i^- Bni. '52 '2 00 i\ishil ^^\• ('(/. "54 1 00 Ticknor t^- i'o. '53 (1 2.". 7'. n. retersuu. '54 6 ALL A M i: [am. cat. Alleine, Rich'd (Rev.), Meiiven Opfru'd, 12nH>. . 50 Am. Trad So. '52 Allen, Julian, Antocrasy in Poland and RuH.sia. rimo. el. 1^) J. Wilei/. '54 .1. F., Treatise on Cultivation of the Cirape \'ine, 12ino. el. . 1 00 (J. M. Saxtim. G3 J. II., Manual of I)evotion.s. 12mo. . Francis <!^ Co. Martha, Day Drcaina. 12mo. el. gt. ed. . . 1^ fji]i\olt,(i.(!^Co.'52 Nathan, The Opium Trade, including a Sket<'h of its history, extent, effects, &.C., as earned on in India and China. 8vo. el O .'iO ./. P. Wnlk^r. ".53 Lueas, the Self-made Man. By Mrs. E. C. .ludson, ISmo.cI .'JO Shf-Uhm, L.i!^ b. Allibone, S. A., Critical Dictionary of English Literature, and British and American Authors, with Biogra- phies and Literary Notices, royal 8vo. cl. . .5 00 ChilJs t|- P. Allston, Washington, Lectures on Art, and Poems, edited by R. H. Dana, Jr. 12mo. cl 1 25 C. Scribner. Alone, a Tale of Southern Life and Manners, by Marion Har- land. 12mo. cl. \ 25 A. Morris. '54 Alonzo and Melissa, or the Unfeeling Father, by D. Jack- son, Jr., cl. . . . • . . . 30 Andrus t|'' Son The Same. l8mo. cl 50 Leary <|- Getz. Alphabet of Birds. ISmo. cl 31 Lip'roft,G. dj- Co. of Quadrupeds. 18mo. cl 31 " Alpine Glee Singer, by W. B. Bradbury, . . . . 1 00 Ivison 4" '*• Alston, Philip (Rev.) Sermons, with a Memoir, by Bishop Otey. 8vo. cl 2 00 H. Hooker. Altamont, or the Charity Sister. 8vo. pap. . . . 25 Bunce ^' Brn. Altar Stones. By the Author of '-The Faithful Promiser." 18mo 25 A. D. F. Randolph. Amabel, a Family History. By Elizabeth Wormeley. r2mo. 1 00 Bnnre, t^ Bro. Amadous; or, a Night with the Spirit. By Karl Valmann. l6mo. cl 50 C. Scrihner. '52. American Aboriginal Portfolio. By Mrs. M. H. Eastman, illustrated by S. Eastman, U. S. Army. 1 vol. 4to. cl. gilt edge, t! 00 Lipcotl,a.(!^-Co.'53 Constitutions, the Constitutions of all the States in the Union. 8vo 2 25 A. S. Barnes J^- Co. .— Cottage Builder, a Series of Designs, Plans and Specifications, for Homes for the People. By John Bullock. l2mo. cl 175 Si ri nt; er x!^- T. '54 Debater, Rules for Debate — for Deliberative As- semblies, &c.«fcc. By J. N. McElligott. 12mo. 1 00 Iiison d^- P. "55 Engineers, Draftsmen and Machinists' Assistant. By O. Byrne. 4to 5 00 C.A.BroicmS^Co.'bZ Family Robinson, or the Adventures of an Amer- ican Family lost in the Great Oregon Desert, by D. VV. Belisle. 16mo. cl 1 00 W. P. Hazard. American Farmer, or Home in the Country. By Rev. J. L. Blake, 12mo cl. . . . . 1 50 Miller. O. i!^- M 1852—55.1 1 .1//; 4 V D American Fugitive in Eiirojie. By Wm. \V. Bruwn. 1 21110. Game in its Seasons. By Henry W. Herbert, illus- trated from Nature. 12mo. el. . . . (Jentleman's Every Day Hand J5ooi<. 24ni(). el. Girl's Book, enlarged I81110. el Hand Book of Ornamental Tree?s. By Meehan. ISmo. el. . Home Cook Book, pap Housewife — Containing Receipts for Cookery, Miscellaneous Receipts relative to Housewifery, &c. 12mo. el .loe Miller, or Jesters' Own Book. 18mo. cl. Kitchen Gardener. By T. G. Fessenden. 12mo. pap Lady's System of Cookery. By Mrs.T. J. Crowen. 12mo. cl Miscellany of Entertaining Knowledge. By Fran- cis C. Woodworth. 12ino. cl. . . per vol. Missionary Memorial — including Biographical and Historical Sketches. Edited by H. W. Picrson. 8vo. cl Orator (The), by L. C. Munn. 12mo. Orator's Own Book. ]2mo. cl Reformed Cattle Doctor. By G. IJ. Dad.!. Svo. il. Rose Culturist. 12nio. pap Sportsman, containing Hints to Sportsmen, Notes on Shooting, and the Habits of Game Birds, and Wild Fowl of America. By E. J. Lewis. 8vo. Statesman, or Illustrations of the Life and Char- acter of Daniel Webster. By Rev. Joseph Ban- vard. l8mo. cl. Statistical Annual for the Vear 1854. Compiled by R. S. Fisher & C. Colby. 12mo. cl. sides Villa Architecture. By C. F. Anderson, oblong folio, l>cr No. Ames, Fisher, Life and NVorks of, edited bv his Son. 2 vuls. 8vo. cl J., Spirit of Humanity and the .\nimals' Friend. I'Jmo. cl. . Amy Harrington, or a Sister's Love. By the AuthiT of •• Cu- rate of Linwood." 12mo. d Analysis of Dramatic and Oratorical E.xpres.sion. By J. .\. Fowler. 12mo. hf r Analytical Chemists' Assistant. See Wdehler, F. Ancient Christianity Exemi»lified. Sre Coleman, L. Harmony Revived, a Selection of Music frtunOld and Approved Authors, Andersen, Hans, Little Ellie and ollur TaU's. IHino. cl. •• Ugly Duck do. du. "5 JfiiPti 6c Co. '64 1 25 i '. Scrihnfr. "53. 60 //. F. Anncrs. I-'raiiris c^- Cn. '54 75 Lip evil, a. 4" Co. 25 (iarrell <f Cn. 50 /i (.s"/i c^- /'. '55 50 fjeari/ 4- (wriz. 25 C. M. Sa.rtnn. '52 1 25 Miller, (). <S M 75 rii'iips.s.(^-cn:b:^ 1 75 Jlfirjirr 4- Brns. 'bii i 00 Tappaii cf- IV. '52 1 25 Miller, O. <f- M 2 50 Phillips, S. 4- Co. 25 (.'. .1/. Sa.rton. '52 o 50 l,i]i'r(>tl,(i.i\-C<i.'bo I) 75 (^oii/il ,j- /,. 'o.'? J.If.Cnllim^-C'p.'hi :i (10 I'liliwm i\- Cn. "63 I 50 /,(///'• li. tV (V.. '04 1 <ni Jncl Mitnsrll. '56 (I 75 Rikrr. I'. t\- Cn. 75 /,nuhiii/ iy R. '53 (I 5(1 W hippie if- Co. 38 Francis cf- Co. 38 8 AND A \ 7 Andtrsi'?!, Flans, VVotidfrl'iil 'I'alc.s frotii iK-nniark. IHiiio. el. Anderson, (*. F., Aiiuiiian Villa AniiitiTturi'. Oliiong folio. [»er No. Kohrrt (Hov.), Life, Letters, and Pastoral SiiercHs of. By his Widow. lUmo. cl. R. JM. (I\r. 1).), Students' Review ; or, Kxaniina- tions of Therapeutics, Materia Medica, and Pharmacy. 12mo. cl Andrews, S. P. Discoveries in Chinese, or the ISynibolism oi' the Principal Characters of the Chinese System of Writing. 12mo. cl W. W. The True Constitution of the Church. and its Restoration. 8vo. cl. . . . Anecdotes for the Steamboat and Railroad. 12mo. pap. of American Indians. l8mo. cl. . . net — of the American Revolution. ]8mo. cl. — of Painters, Engravers, Sculptors, and Archi- tects, and Curiosities of Art. By S. Spooner, 3 V. ISmo. cl — of the Habits and Instincts of Animals. By Mrs. R. Lee. 18mo. cl — of the Habits and Instincts of Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes. By Mrs. R. Lee. l8ino. cl. — of the Puritans. By Rev. Joseph Alden. l8mo. Angel Love, and Other Poems. 12mo. cl. Angel of the Household (The). By T. S. Arthur. 12mo. Angela Wildon ; or, the Mysteries of Altendorph Castle. By Reynolds. 2 v. pap. Ad"1o x\merican Literature and Manners. From the French ofP. Chasles. 12mo. cl Animals in Costumes; a juvenile 4to. cl. ex. 1 00; cl. . Anley, Charlotte, Earlswood ; or, Lights and Shadows of the Anglican Church. 12mo. cl Annals of Albany (N. Y.). By Joel Mimsell. 5v. 12mo. cl. Annals of Methodism in West Jersey. By Rev. G. A. Ray- bold. l8mo net Anne Boleyn ; a Tragedy. By G. H. Boker. 12mo. ci. Annie Grayson ; or. Life in Washington. By Mrs. N. P. Laselle. 12mo. pap. 50; cl. .... Vincent : a Domestic Story. 8vo. paj). Annual of Scientific Discovery for 1853. 18mo. " " 1854. 12mo. cl. " " 1855 Anspach, F. R. (Rev.), Sepulchres of our Departed. 12mo. Anthon, Chas., Cicero's Tusculan Disputations. 12mo. shp. " Cornelius Nepos. With Notes, Historical and Explanatory. 12mo. shp. . '• Latin-English and English-Latin Dictionary, small 4to. shp 7.*) Frntins djf ('n. 3 00 I'lilnom 4- Cn. '53 75 //. Hooker. 1 25 Jns.\VoodhoHse:5i 75 (.'. B. Morlnn. '54 75 ./. Mnffet. "54 50 Lindsai/ <^ H. '53 25 J. B. Smith 4- Co. 25 ^* 2 25 Putnntn cj- Co. '53 84 Lindsay 6f B. '53 84 " 42 M. IV. DodH. Z. Baker cf- Cn. Croicn «Sf Co. '54 1 00 Garrett <Sc Co. 1 00 C. Scrihner. '52 75 W. P. Hazard. 75 Carter tf- Bros. '53 5 00 ./. Munsell. '54 25 T. K. Collins, Jr. 75 Parnj <^ McM. 75 Bunce <Sf Bro. "53 38 '54 1 25 Gould <$• L. 1 25 "54 1 25 " 1 00 Lindsay cj- B. '64 1 00 Harper rf- Bros '52 1 00 2 00 '52 1852—55.] A \ 7' .1 li M AnthoD, Charles, Latin Prosody and Metre. 12nio. slip. . " Manual of Grecian Anti((uities. " '• Manual oi' Roman Anti(iuities. " . Antifanaticism ; a Tale of the South. By Miss 31. H. Butt. 12mo. cl. .\palaehian Primer. See Griflin, S. L. Reader. See " " Aphelia, and Other Poems. By Miss J. Pleasants and '!'. 15. Bradley. 12mo. cl. ..... Appleton, Jesse (Rev.), Works. 2 v. 8vo Apocalypse Unveiled (The). The Day of Judgment, the Re- surrection and the Millennium, presented in a new liirht. The Re-possession of Palestine by the Jews, and their Conversion to Christ as their Messiah. 2 v. 12mo. cl. . . . Apoualy|itic Sketches. Lectures on the Seven Churches of Asia Minor. By Rev. John Gumming. 12mo. Sketches. Lectures on the Book of Revelations. By Rev. John Gumming. 1st Series. 12mo. cl. " " 2d Series. •' Apocatiistasis (The) ; or, Progress Backwards. Svo. cl. .\rabian Nights Entertainments. 32mo. roan, 75 (J 88 1 00 Harper (\- Broa ♦» 'rt-l. Svo. cl. Arbell ; a Tale for Young People. By Jane VV. lloopiT. IGmo. cl Archibald Cameron ; or. Heart's Trials. 16mo. cl. . Arctic Regions. Being an Account of the E.xploring E.\pe- ditions of Ross, Franklin, Parry, Back, [NfcClure, and others. 12mo. cl. ..... Arey, H. E. G. (Mrs.), Household Songs, and Other Poems. 12mo. cl Ariel, and Other Poems. By W. W. Fosdick. 12mo. cl. gt. Arink, G. (}\. D.), Manual for the Medical Practitioner. 8vo. cl Arithmetical Chart. See French, .1. H. Armageddon ; or, the Overthrow of Ronianisiii and Mimar- chy. By S. D. Baldwin. l2mo. Armenia, a Year at Erzeroom, and on the Frontiers of Rus- sia, Turkey, and Persia. By R. Cur/.on. r2mo. cl. Arminius, Jas. (Rev.) Works of, translated from the Fjalin, by Jas. Nichols and Rev. W. R. Bagiiall, with a Sketch of the Life of the Author. 3 v. 8vo. cl. Armstrong, John (Rev.) The Pastor in his Closet; or, a Help to the Devotions of the Clergy. 16mo. cl. Lebbeus (Rev.) The Temperance Reformation, its History, from the Organization of the First Temperance Society to 1851. 12mo. 75 Lip' coll, (i.iyCii.'5'.i 1 00 C". Scrihner, '54 5 50 Iriso,, <f. /'. 2 50 E. French. '51. 75 Lindsay c^- B. "54 75 " '54 75 " '54 88 C. Goodrich. '54 75 Learij tf- (ielz. 1 50 J. i.^J.L.Gihon:bl 1 00 Parry <y McM. 75 C.S.i''r'c(*t^Co.'5.< 75 C. Scribncr. '52. 1 25 Milltr, <). iV M. 75 1 25 »j GO tiO J. C. Uerhy. '54 Biince cf- Bro. 1 25 /•;. Darted^ Bro:b\ Ap legale t^j- Co. '64 1 00 Jlarp.ri\- Brn.-^.ni Miller. (>. .V M. H. IliHihr. b3 1 (Id Foirhrs t^- W '52 10 /I R M A R T I AM. CAT. Arinslroii^r, Wni. .1. (Rev.) Mi-nioir and Sermons of. Hdi- ted by Rev. IloUi.s Read. 12mo. cl. Arnold, and OlluT Poc'Mis. By .1. R. Orton. 12mo. cl. A.(.'. L. (Ilev.) Philosophical History of Frocma sonry and other Secret Societies. 12mo. cl. Edwin, Arithmetical Uuestions on a New Plan 12mo The Same, translated in French. Arnot, VVm. (Rev.) Race for Riches. Six Lectures a])ply ing the Word of tlod to the Tralilc of Men. 12mo. cl Art, Scenery and Philosophy in Europe. Being Fragments from the Portfolio of the late Horace B. Wallace 8vo. cl Art Student in Munich. By Anna M. Howitt. 12mo. cl. and Industry as represented in the Exhibition of the Crystal Palace, New York, 1853-54. Edited by Horace Greeley. 12mo. cl. . . . • . - of Prolonging Life. By C. W. Hufeland, M. D. Edited by Erasmus Wilson. 12mo. cl Art's True Mission in America. By A. Duganne. iSnio. Arthur Granville. l8mo. cl Locke and Other Stories. By Cousin Hattie. 18mo. • O'Leary, by Chas. Lever, pap. 50 ; cl. . Arthur's Temptation, or the Lost Goblet. By Francis For- rester. l6mo. ...... Artist Wife and Other Tales By Mary Howitt. 12mo. cl. Artist and Tradesman's Companion. ByL. M. Byrn. 12mo. Artman, Wm. &. Hall, L. V. Beauties and Achievements of the Blind, . Arthur, T. S. Agnes, or the Possessed, pap. " Angel (The) of the Household. 12mo " Banker's Wife, pap " Bell Martin, the Heiress. l8mo. cl. . " Broken Promise, pap ■ " Cecilia Howard, pap. .... " Debtor and Creditor. 18ino. cl. " Divorced Wife, pap " Fanny Dale, or a Year after Marriage. 18mo. cl nii " Heart Histories and Life-Pictures. Itimo. cl. " Heiress; The. 18rao. cl. ... " Home Scenes. do. .... " " Lights and Shadows. 18nio. cl. '• Insubordination, pap. .... " Iron Rule, jiap " Keeping up Appearances. l8mo. cl. . ■ " Lady at Home, or Happiness in the House- hold. 8vo. pap 1 2:) M. W. Dodd. '53 fjfi farfid^i; t\- 7?. '54 1 00 Clark, A.df- Co. '54 34 /;. Burgess df Co. G3 63 Li}icoll,(J.<^Ct)'bZ 1 25 //. Hooker. '54 1 25 Tkknor cf- Co. '54 1 00 ./. .S. Redfield. '53 75 Tkknor dp Co. '54 G. S. Appkton. '53 25 Ep. S. S. Union. '54 25 N.E.S.S. " '54 1 00 T. B. Peterson. 25 G. C. Rand. '54 75 Stringer <$• T. '53 75 Stearns c^ Co. '53 Aidh's,D\Uk,N.Y. 25 T. B. Peterson. Crown 4" Co. '54. T. B. Peterson. H. F. Anners. T. B. Peterson. 25 50 25 25 50 Fairchild df Cu.'bb 25 T. B. Peterson. 25 75 50 Si 75 25 25 50 J. B. Smith 4- Co. C. Scribner. '53 H. F. Anners. Lipincott^G.tSf" Co. C. Scribner. '53 T. B. Peterson. FairchUd cf- Co. 25 T. B. Peterson. '5i 1852—55.1 A li T A R T Arthur, T. S. Last Penny and Other Stories. 18nio. cl. " l^essons in Life for all who will Road Tht-ni. ISmo. cl. ■ " r.ost Children and Other Stories. ISino. cl. " Love in High Life. pap. .... ■ " " a Cottage, pap. " Lovers and Husbands. ISino. el ■ " Lucy Sandford. pap " Madeline. ISmo. cl " IMaggy's Baby and Other Stories. ISmo. cl. " Making Haste to be Rich. ISino. cl. " Married Life. 18mo. cl • " '' and Single. 18nio. cl. " >rartyr Wife and Ruined Gamester. iBnio. <' Mary Ellis and Alice Melville. l8mo. cl. " Mr. Haven't Got Time and Mr. Don't be in a Hurry. l8mo. cl "^ Ofl-Hand Sketches. 18nio. cl. " Old Astrologer, pap " Old Man's Rride. 16mo. cl. . " Orphan Children, pap. .... '• Our Harry and Other Poems and Stories. 18mo. cl " Peacemakers, The. 18mo. cl. " Pierre, The Organ Boy. 18mo. cl. . " Poor Wood Cutter. l8nio. cl. " Pride and Principle and Family Pride. iSma. <■■ '• Prudence, pap. — '• Retired from Business. 18mo. cl. " Riches Have Wings. ISmo. cl. " Rising in the World. 18mo. cl. . " Seed Time and Harvest. 18mo. d. . " Six Nights with the Washingtonians. ISmo. " Sparing to Spend, or the Loftons and Pink- ertons. IGuio. cl " Stories for Parents. IBmo. cl. « " Young Housekeepers. l8mo. cl. " String of Pearls for Boys and Girls. IGino. » Sweethearts and Wives. ISmo. cl. . '^ Tulos of Domestic Life— ('ontaining Made- line ; Heiress; Martyr Wife, and Ganirstor. 12mo. cl « Tales of Married Life— Containing Lovers and Husbands; Married and Single; Sweet- hearts and Wives. 12mo. cl. « Tales from Real Life-Containing Hdl Mar- tin; I'ride and I'rinciple; Family I'ridc ; Mary Kdlis and Alice .Melville I'Jmo. cl. .38 Lip'mcotuG.i^'Co. 38 '• 38 " (J dl T. B. Peterson. 2.J (I 50 //. F. Aiiiurs. 25 T. B. Peterson. 50 II. F. Anners. 38 Li})incntt,(i. iSf Co. 50 Fainhihl <!i- Co.'55 38 I,il)'inr()tt,(w. ij- Co. 50 //. F. Anners. 50 It 50 " 38 Lijiincotl.Ct.i^- Co. 38 li 25 T. B. Peterson. 75 C. Scribner. '53 25 7'. B. Peterson. 38 Ijipu)ciilt.,(J.(!f Co. 38 " 38 u 38 '• 50 //. F. Anners. 25 T. B. Peterson. 50 F<iirrliil<US- Co.'Hb 50 '65 50 '55 38 Lip' incut .^ii: 4" C"- 50 Leary c^- 6'e/:. 75 C. Sir ill mr. '53 3.S Lil)'inroli,(i. ijf Co. 3S " 81 Millrr, (}. 4- M. "51 50 U. /■'. .Anners. 1 25 1 25 1 25 12 \ i; r A I /) Arthur, 'I'. S. 'Ten Nights in .i Miir-Koinn !iinl Wh:it 1 .saw Tlicrc. 12nin. d. ..... 'I'hrt'c I'lnis <il" Woiiiiin'.s Life — (-Vmtaininp Maiden, Wife, ami >rothc'r. 12mo. el. " TriaLs of a Nfcdir-VV^jman. pap. " Tried (The) and the Tempted. 18nii.. cl. . '• 'I'hc Two Merchants; or, Solvent and Insol- vent. 8vo. pap '• Two Wives, or Lost and Won. IHnio. d. . " Uncle Ben's New Years Gift. 18mo. cl. " Ways of Providence. 18mo. cl. . " Who are Happiest ? do. . . '■ " is Greatest? do. " Woman's Trials. do. . " Words for the Wise. do. " Wonnded Boy and Other Stories. ISmo. el. " Year after Marriage. 8vo. pap. . " Young Artist, or the Dream of Italy. . " '• Maiden. l8mo. cl. « " Mother. do, .... " " Music Teacher. 18mo. cl. . net " " Wife. 18mo. . " . Wm. The Successful IMerchant Sketches of the Life of Samuel Budgett 12mo. cl. . A.shton, S. G. (Mr.--.) Mothers of the Bible. ]2mo. cl. W. T. Hatchie, the Guardian Slave. 12mo. Asoteric Anthropology. By Dr. T. L. Nichols. 32mo. cl. . Astronography ; or. Astronomical Geography, with use of the Globes. By Mrs. E. Willard. 12mo. Astronomical Sermons. By Rev. H. S. Porter. 12mo. At Home and Abroad, or How to Behave. By ]\Irs. ]\[an- ners (Mrs. Wm. C. Richards). Square, cl. Atherton and Other Tales. By Mary R. Mitford. 12mo. cl. Atlantic and Transatlantic Sketches. By McKinnon. 12mo. Atlee, W. F. (M. D.) Notes of M. Bernard's Lectures on the Blood. ISmo AtUiche (The) ; or, Sam Slick in England. By T. C. Hali- burtoD. Attic Philosopher in Paris, or a Peep at the World from a Garret By Emile Souvestre. 12mo. pap. Attorney, (The); or, the Correspondence of John Quod. 12mo. cl. ....... . Attractions of the World to Come. By A. Bryant. 12mo. cl. Atur Gull, or the Bridal Eve. By Sue. ]iap. Aubrey, a Novel. By Author of Castle Avon, &:c. 8vo. pap Audubon, J. W. Illustrated Notes of an E.vpedition through Mexico and California. Folio. Publishing in parts. Plain, 8l: colored, $1 50, each. 75 I.ipiiirnll^C.i}^ Co. 1 2.') //. /•'. Amifrs. (1 hi) 7'. //. Pelrrson. '53 38 ISiiinri)ll,(i iSf^ Co. 2.5 T. B. Pelnrson. 38 Ijifi'tnroll^li.iSc Co. 38 U 38 II 38 (! 38 f. 38 (; 38 <i 38 " 25 T. B.^ei-rsrm. '54 33 50 H. F. Aimers. 50 u 25 J. B. Smitii 4 Co. 50 H. F. Anners. 75 Appletou cf- Co. "53 1 25 Jen-elt dj- Co. '54 Mtissey df- Co. '53 1 00 r. L. Mchnls. *53 75 .1/er;n,3f.4-Co.'54 Hull 4- Bro. '54 50 Ermis cj- B. 'o3 1 25 Tichnnr c|- Co. '54 90 Hnr}>er <Sf Bros. 75 Lifcott,G.<^Co:bA T. B. Peterson. 25 Applet on tf- Co. '54 1 00 .S. Huestoji. '53 75 M. W. Dodd. 53 25 (iarret c^ Co. 50 Harp'r (!^ Bros.^5A Audubon, .V. Y 1852—55.] A r a B A ( 13 Augustine, St., Life and Labors of. By P. Schaff. r2mo. cl. Aunt Carrie's Rhymes for Children. 18mo. cl. . Effie's do. Little do. 12mo. el. Fanny's Stories and Legend^, from the German. iGmo. Phillis's Cabin. By Mrs. Eastman. 12nio. d. . Auscultation and Percussion, By J. Skoda. 12mo. cl. Austen, Jane (Miss). Pride and Prejudice, a Novel. 12mo. Austin, J. S. The Golden Age to Come, a Sacred Drama. 12mo. pap. Australia, History of. By Sam'l Sidney. 12mo. cl. and her Gold Regions. By R. (i. Jameson. 12nio. Australian Captive (The) ; or, an Authentic Narrative of Fif- teen Years in the Life of Wm. Jacknian. 12mo. Crusoes, or Adventures in the Wilds of Australia. by Chas. Rowcroft. 12mo. cl. ... Wanderers. By Mrs. R. Lee. 16mo. el. Autumn Leaves. Original Pieces in Prose and Verse. r2mo. Autobiography of a New Churchman, or Incidents and Ob- servations connected with the Life of John A. Little. 12mo. cl. . ... of an Actress, or Eight Years on the Stage. By Anna C. ^lowatt. 12mo. cl. . of an English Soldier in the L^nited States Army. 12mo. cl Autocracy in Poland and Russia. By Julian Allen. 12uio. Autographs for Freedom. Illustrations and Facsimiles. 12mo. cl. ...... . Autumn Hours, and Fireside Reading. By Mrs. C. M. Kirk- land. Svo. cl. ex. Avery, S. P. Mrs. Partington's Carpet Bag of Fun. 12mo. Avillion and Other Tales. By Author of The Oglivies. Svo. pap Aytoun, W. E. Firmilian, a "Spasmodic Tragedy."' 12mn. 75 J. C. Rikrr. "54 50 Munroe <f- Co. '55 1h Ticknor ij^ Co. '5:J 75 Henderson c|- Co. 75 Lijiiucotl,G.<Sf (.'<>. 1 00 Lindsay tf- B. "54 n 7."» Binice 4' Bro. '55 25 .1. 'ri')/)])kins.' 54 1 25 Miller, O. 4- M. 75 Cornish, L.^^C(i.'b3 1 25 .1^7/fr, (}. 4- .M. 1 00 W. P. Hazard. '53 84 Lindsay df- B. '54 ./. Bar/In/. '54 75 Li}>iiicon,(l. 4" Co. 1 25 Tirknnr 4- Cr. '54 1 00 Stringer 4- T. '53 75 ./. ^yiley. '54 75 Jrire// 4- Co. '53 3 .j() C. Scribner. 'u4 (I 75 (1 limit 4'- Co. '54 U .")() Hari'in^- Briis.'bH 50 J. S. Ih'dfold. "54 B. Babes in the Woods. S(|uare cl Babylon antl Nineveh. By Layard. Svo. cl. . Bache, Anna (Mrs). Little Clara. Square cl. . " Scenes at Home. 12mo. Bachelor of Salamanca. By J-e Sage. Translated by .1. Townsenil. 2 v. 12mo. d. . . . . Bachnian, John (Rev.) Defence of Luther .-ind the Ueforni- ation, against the charges of J. Bellinger and others. 12mo Bachus on Praver Meetings. 12mo 25 Hmdrrsini 4- Co. 2 25 //rt/7" r 4- /^/.N.' 53 51 1 N. lioi/nnr. ./. ij- ./. L. a i lion. /'. II ■51 Wm. Y.Pa.vton:b3 30 A. S. Barnes i^' Co. 14 // A ( ■ H A L AM. lAT. Bacon, Francis (Lord). Works. Ily .'\Iontai,'ue. .3 v. 8v(». el. J. B. Gorman I'riincr. L. W. (Rev.) Cluirrli Music Badoi.M (Charles), (iraiiiniaire Anglaisc d'aprcs le Systctno d'Ollendorf, -.V I'usage dos Kranrais. 12ino. Key to above, . ...... Bailey. Knrrlish Grammar. 12mo. ... net Primary do. 18mo net II. M. Even-Tide Pencillings. 12mo. Jacob (Rev). Memoir of. By VV. S. Barllett. 8vo. Philip, J. Festiis ; a Poem. 32mo. cl. ex., 1 25 ; el '. . . " " " 8vo. illustrated, Baillie, John (Rev.) The Missionary of Kilmany, being a IMemoir of Alexander Paterson, IGmo. cl. Baird, Rob't. (Rev). Christian Retrospect and Register. With a Supplement, bringing the work down to the present Time. 12mo. cl. " Impressions and Experiences of the West In- dies and N. America in 1849. 12mo. cl. " Protestanism in Italy ; Past and Present. 12mo. cl Baker, B. F. School Music Book, small 4to. D. (Rev). Revival Sermons. 12mo. cl. Dan'l. (Rev). Plain and Scriptural View of Baptism. 18mo. cl T. Elements of Mechanism and the Practical (Con- struction of Machines. 16rao. cl. ... Baldwin, A. C. Travellers' Vade Mecum, or Instantaneous Letter Writer, by Mail or Telegraph. iSmo. cl. 75 c. ; tucks, E. Book of Fables. Selections from ^sop and other Authors. 12mo J. G. Flush Times of Alabama and ^Mississippi ; a Series of Sketches. 12mo. cl " Party Leaders. Sketches of Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, John Randolph, &c. 12mo. cl. S. D. Armageddon ; or, the Overthrow of Roman- ism and IMonarchy. 12mo. ..... Bales, W. L. Instrumental Preceptor. Ballantyne, R. II. Mabel Grant, a Highland Story. 12mo. cl. Ballou, H. (Rev)., Life of. By Thomas Whittemore. 12mo. " " Poems. 12mo. cl ]\r. M., History of Cuba; or. Notes of a Traveller in the Tropics ; being a Political, Historical, and Statistical Account of the Island, from its first Discovery to the Present Time. 12mo. cl 7 50 r.trnj cS- MrM. 13 Sheldon, L iff- li. 38 Durric «^r P- 1 00 Applrlon df- Co. '52 50 " 27 JjiftincoUfG. tjj- ('u. 15 u F. A. Brown. '53 Iile tf D. '54 75 Morton <l^ (1. 4 00 Musxnj iSf Co.' 52 GO Carter ^ Bros.' .03 1 25 M. W. Do(U. '55 75 Dlanchard 4* I^- 1 25 Whijyple dif Co. 38 J. P. Jeuetl tf- Co. 1 00 \V. S. M,ir/in. '54 25 Presb'terian Bd.'bZ 1 00 Parry tf- McM' 55 1 00 Barnes cf Co' 54 50 A'. B. Collins. "54 1 25 Appleton «f- Co.' 54 1 25 " '54 ApplegUe 4- Co. '54 75 Sheldon, L. tj- B. 50 Carter 4- Bros. "54 1 00 ./. M. I'sher. "54 63 75 Phillips, S. cf- Co. 1852—55.] li A L li A y; 15 Ballou, M. M., Life Story of Hosea Ballon, for the Young. M. (Rev.), Divine Character Vindicated. 12mo. el. nancroft, Geo., History of the United States. VoLs. 5 8vo. cl. each. Bander, P., The Spiritual Mirror, or Looking Glass. 12ino. Bandit of the Ocean ; or, the Female Privateer. By B. Bar- ker. Svo. pap. Bangs, S. B., Memoirs and Remains of. By W. II. N. Ma- gender. 12mo. cl. Banker's Daughter; or, the Lost Witness. A sequel to Jo- seph Wilmot. By G. W. M. Reynolds, pap. . Wife. By T. S. Arthur, pap. Banking House, The. By S. Phillips. Svo. pap. Banning, E. P., Common Sense on the Treatment of Chro- nic Diseases. 12m(). ...... Banvard, Jo.seph (Rev.), American Statesman (The) ; or. Illustrations of the Life and Char- acter of Daniel Webster. iSmo. '■ " Wisdom, Wit, and Whims of An- cient Philosophers. 12mo. cl. '■ " Priscilla; or, Trials for the Truth. l2mo. cl. .... Baptist Church the Christian's Home. By Rev. R. T. !iMid- dleditch. ISmo. cl Library. Svo. shp Psalmody, a Collection of Hymns. By Basil Manly and B. :\ranly, Jr. 18mo. SOc; 32mo, Barault, I'Abbc, The Elevation of the Soul to God, by means of Spiritual Considerations and Affections. 16mo. cl Jiarbadoes Girl. By Mrs. Holland. ISmo. cl. . Barbaroux, O., and Scron, T., Histoire des Etats L'nis. ISmo. r. cl. sides, ..... mi Barbauld, Anna L., Evenings at Home. 12mo. cl. " Lessons for Children. S(iuare, cl. 38 c. : colored engravings, " (Mrs.) Lessons for Children {in French), Barber, J. W., Elements of History, Barclays of Boston. By Mrs. II. G. Otis. 12m<>. cl. Barker, B., Bandit of the Ocean ; or, the Female Privateer. Svo. pap. Barnard, II., National Education in Europe: being an Ac- count of the Organization, &c., &c., of dilVer- ent Grades in the Principal States. Svo. i-l. *' School Architecture; or, Contributions to (he Improvement of School-houses in the United States, Fifth edition. Svo. cl. Barnes, Albert (Rev.), Closet Companion ; or. Manual of Prayer. 12mo. cl. . A. Tviii/ikins. '54 1 (JO J. S. RedfuU. *54 2 25 Link; li. t^ C». 50 Perkins <.\- \V. '51 38 Dewilt cf- 1). 65 Carlton <)• P. "5 1 50 //. Loni:, 4' Dro. 25 T. B. Peterson. 25 Buna: tj|- Bru. '55 75 Wilson c^ Co. '53 75 tiouU 4" L. '53 75 Sheldon^L.iSfCo.'bA 1 00 Heath <.\- U. '54 35 E. H. Fletcher. 3 50 Sheldon, L. tf- B. 60 E. H. Fletcher. 50 Dunigan f.\-Bnt.'b2 38 C.S.Francis^Co. 42 Moss i^- Bro. 88 C. S. Francist^t'o. 50 45 Liickirodil t|- Son, 42 Ditrrie if- P. 1 25 'I'ii-kiiiir tj'- (■(). '54 38 DcH'itl iS I). 2 50 ( '. //. Sorlou. '54 2 (10 •• '54 i» 7.". M \V. Dodd. '54 Ki H A li li A li (am. (AT. Huirifs, Alljurt (Rfv.j, How sliall .Man bo'JuHt with God? 12mo. rl 38 Iiisun i.\- I', 'bb Rurnimi, 1'. 'I'., Lile of. Writti-n by himMclf. . I'Jmo. cl. 125 J. S. Retlfielil.'bb. Hanwrs Littli'Dniiirhtcr. Kinio, d G3 Ep. S. S. Union. " " 181110. hi. r :J8 Harri'll, (ieo., Jr., Tlie Pedestrian in France and Switzerland. 12ni(). cl 1 UO I'ulmim (.\- (Jn.'b'i Barriugton, A., i'liy.sical (jeography. Edited by Ciiarles lUirdett. 12mo I OU Lisou df- I'. Jonah (Sir), Personal Sketches of his Own Times. 12mo. cl 1 'Jo J. S. li',irid,l.':y.i IJartlcll, ]). W., Modern Agitators; or, Pen Portraits of Liv- ing American Reformers. Portraits. 12mo. 1 5<> Miller, (). iSj- M.'bA •• What I saw in London. 12mo. cl. . 1 OU Bartlctl, John K., Personal Narrative of E.xplorations and In- cidents in Texas, New 3Ie.xico, California, Sonora, and Chihuahua, during the years 1850, '51, '52, and '53. 2 V. 8vo. cl 5 OU Applehm <$• Co. '54 R. ^I., Commercial and Banking Tabic--. Arranged with reference to the Harmonizing of the Ac- counts and E.Kchanges of the World. The whole upon an original plan. 1 v. imperial quarto. Russia, 2U 00 Mu»re cf- A. '53. \V. H. C, Analytical Mechanics. 8vo. . . b 00 A. S. Barnes 4-Co. " Treatise on Astronomy. " '' Treatise on Optics. 8vo. ... 2 00 '* Bartol; B. II., Treatise on the Marine Boilers of the United . States. 8vo. Roym'd d^-Soii^.'bl C. A., Discourses on the Christian Spirit and Life. Second edition, revised, with an introduction. 12mo 1 UU C'ro%,-V. 4-CV.'54 •• Discourses on the Christian Body and Form. 12mo. cl. U 75 " •• Grains of Gold. Select Thoughts on Sacred Themes. Taken from the Writings of Cy- rus A. Bartol, 25 " Barton, J. K. — 10; A Tale of the Ancient Fane. 12mo. cl. 75 Appleton (\- Co. Barvvell, (Mrs.) Advice to Mothers on the Treatment of In- fants, with Directions for Self-management Before, Duriug, and After Pregnancv. 12rao. cl. • , . (I 50 Leary <^- Getz. •• Good in Every Thing : a Story. 16mo. cl. o 50 Applelon <!^ Co.'bi '• Little Lessons for Little Learners. . o 50 Carter 4- Bros. '53 Bascom, C, Chirographic Album o 25 Durrie 4- P. " Guide to Chirography, in a series of Writing Books, with Copies engraved, each book 13 Dun-ie d^ P. Basil; a Story of Modern Life. By W. W. Collins. 12mc. pap. 50 ; cl 75 Appleton <$• Co. '53 1852—55.] B A S B E F 17 Bassett, Geo., The Poor Man's Home and the Rich IMan's Palace. 12mo. cl. U 50 Applegaff df- Co. Bassnett, T., Outlines of a Mechanical Theory of Storms. 12mo. cl. 1 00 Ajipletnn cj- C.>.'54 Baucher, F., Method of Ilorsemanshi]), including the Break- ing and Training of Horses. 12mo. cl. . 1 25 Parri/ iif- i\IrM. Baxter, Lydia, Gems by the Wayside; or, Religious and Do- mestic Poems. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 00 Sheldon. rj.(.^-B.':)4 Richard, Saints' Everlasting Rest. 8vo. cl. .2 00 Carter cf- Bros. "55 Bayley, F. W. N., New Tale of a Tub; an Adventure in Verse. 12mo. el o 38 ./. Wileij, "54. John (Rev.), Confessions of a Converted Infidel. 12mo. cl 1 00 M. W. D(h1<L '54 J. R. (Rev.), History of the Catholic Church on the Island of New York. 12mo. cl. ... 75 Dunigan <Sf- Bro. Beale, L. J., Laws of Health in relation to IMind and Bodv. 12mo. cl. 80 Blancliard tSf L. Beans, E. W., Manual for Practical Surveyors. 16mo. cl. o 75 ./. \V. Moorr. '54 Beatrice ; or, the Unknown Relatives. By Catharine Sin- clair. 12mo. pap. 50; cl. 75 Dacitt ^ D-'oZ Beattie, Jas., Poetical Works of iSmo. cl. . . 75 Liltk^B. ^ Co.'bA Beaumont, Francis, and Fletcher, .John, Works of. 2 v. 8vo. 6 00 PhilHps,S.(!i'Cu.'54 Beauties and Achievements of the Blind. By William Art- man and L. V. Hall. Authors, Danville. of Chesterfield. 18mo. cl. ?W 25 J. B. Smith <^ Cn. Beautiful Bertha, By Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. Himo. cl. . . 63 C. Scribner.'rjA. Beaven, Jas. (Rev.), Catechism on the Thirty-nine Articles ol' the Church of England. l8mo o lo Ep. S. S. Unioji.''o3 Beck, John B. (M. D.), Essays on Infant Therapeutics. 12mo. cl. 1 00 N. S. 4- \V. Wood. Becker, Geo. J., System of Book-keeping, 8vo. hfbd. I 50 E. H. Bulhr d^ Co- Beckford, Wm.,Vathek : an Arabian Tale. 12mo. d. o 75 If. C. Baird.'bA Bee-koeper's Chart : a Treatise on the Management of the Honey Bee. By E. W. Phelp.=. 12mo. pap. o 25 C. .V. Na-r/oH. '53. Beecher, Chas. (Rev.), Review of the " Spiritual Manifesta- tions," read before the Congregational Association of New York and Brooklyn, 12mo. cl. . . o :i-> I'lininin <\- Co.'b'i Edward (Rev.), Conflict of Ages ; or, the (ireat De- bate on the Moral Relations of God and ]\Ian. 12rao. cl \ '1-i /'/m7/i>.s-,N.4-C».'54 Lyman (Rev.), Lectures on Various Occasions. 12mo. cl 1 00 Jeirctt 4- Co. Beecher, Lyman (Rev.) Sermons on Various Occasions, 12mo. cl. 1 00 Jeirptl if- Co. Beethoven, Collection of Music by Ives and others. . 1 25 J). Burgess t|' Cu. Before and Uehind the Curtain, or Fifteen ^'ears' Observa- tions among the Theatres of New \'ork. by Dr. Wni. Horthall, paper. . .">0 (inrrrtl if- Co. 1« « /; // It i: \ AH. CAT. Behavior IJook ('I'lif), n Manual lor IiadicH, l>y .Miss Lcslif, rJiDd. il. lU'liirul the (JiirUiin, a 'J'alo of Elville, 12mo. d. Scenes, by LadyRiilwer Lytton, 12mo. il. ncliiiii'ii, .1., Siiporsensnal Life, or the Life which is above Sense, 32ino. cl " True Spiritual Illumination, 32mo. cl. . " Way to Christ, 32mo. cl. .... IJcUlon, A. R. (Rev.), Thrilling Incidents and Narratives for Christian Parents and tlielr Children, 12mo. cl. Belisle, D. W., American Family Robinson, or the Adven- tures of an American Family lost in the Great Oregon Desert, 16mo. cl. ...... . Bell Brandon, a Novel, by P. H. Meyers, pap. . Martin, the Heiress, by T. S. Arthur, 18mo. cl. . Bell, Currer, Villette, 8vo. pap, 50c. ; 12mo. cl. Ellis and Acton, Poems, 12mo. bds Rosalie, C, Lilies and Violets, or Thoughts in Prose and Verse ........ Bells (The), a Collection of Chimes, by T. B. A., 12mo. cl. Benedict, David, History of the Baptist Denomination in America and other parts of the World, 8vo. cl. Benedictions, or the Blessed Life, by Rev. John Gumming, 12mo. cl Benjamin, L. A., Crystal Palace (The) and Floral Queen (Sacred and Secular Music) .... " and Woodbury, J. B., New York Normal School Song Book Bennett, Emerson, Bride of the Wilderness, pap. . " Clara Moreland, or Adventures in the Far South-west, 12mo. pap « Forged Will (The), or Grime and Retri- bution, 12mo. pap. 50c.; cl. . " Heiress of Bellefont, Svo. pap. '• Kate Clarendon, or Necromancy in the Wilderness, 12mo. pap. " Mike Fink, a Legend of the Ohio, Svo. pap. " Pioneer's Daughter, and the Unknown Countess, pap. ..... " Waldo Warren, a Tale of Circumstantial Evidence,*8vo. pap .1. H., Pathology and Treatment of Pulmonary Tu- berculosis, Svo. cl. ...... . Bentley, R., Introduction to Pictorial Reader, 12nio. . net ■ '* Pictorial Reader, 12mo. . . vel " Pictorial Spelling Book Benton. Thomas H., Thirty Years' View, or a History of the Working of the American Government for Thirty Year=!, from 1820 to 1850, 2 vols. Svo. cl. 1 00 W. P. Hazard. '63 1 00 Pulnain ii^- Co. '53 1 2.0 Hiker, T. dj-C'o. '64 31 ;V. IV. DoJd. '50 ;n " '50 31 '• '50 1 00 Milhr, O. 4- M 1 00 25 50 90 25 1 25 75 3 00 75 38 38 50 50 1 00 1 50 50 25 50 25 1 25 20 45 15 W. P. Hazard. T. B. Peterson. H. F. Anners. Harper iSf Bros.^53 Blanchard cf- /.,. J. C Derby. '64 '54 Sheldon.L. cf- B Jewell <f' Co. '54 Sheldon L.di' B.'b4 T. B. Peterson. '53 '53 '55 '54 ./. df'V. P. Jame^. T. B. Peterson. '52 Blancliardi^- L. "54 ./. r. Riher. Farmer. B. cj- Co. 5 00 Appletou t|-Ct). "54 1852— 55-1 B E R H I B IP Beranger, P. J., Songs and Ballada, I'Jmo. bds. " Two Hundred of his Lyrical Poems, done into English Verse by W. Young, 12mo. cloth Berber (The), or the Mountaineer of the Atlas, by W. S. Mayo, M. D., 12nio. cl Berger, E., Charles Auchester, a Memorial, 8vo. pap. " Day of a Baby Boy, a Tale for a Little Child. square cl. Berkeley, E., The World's Laconics, or Best Thoughts of Best Authors, 12mo. cl Bernard, C. L., and Huette, C. H., Illustrated Manual of Operative Surgery and Surgical Anatomy, edited, with Notes and Additions, by W. H. Van Bcuren, M.D., and C. E. Isaacs, M.D., Illustrated with 114 .steel plates, Svo. half bound, colored, $14 00 ; plain plates. and Robin, Notes and Lectures on the Blood, 12nio. cloth Bernhard, William, the Book of One Hundred Beverages, for Family Use, ISmo. Bcrridge, John (Rev.), Christian World Unmasked, 12mo. cl. Hortha and Lily, or the Parsonage of Beech (Jlen. a Ro- mance, by Mrs. E. O. Smith, 12mo. cl. Bctlnine, George W. (Rev.), Lays of Love and Faith, and other Poems, 12mo. cl. ex., $1 50 ; cl. Betrothed Lovers, 2 vols. 12mo. cl. . Better Land, or the Believers' Journey and Future Home, by A. C. Thompson. l2mo. cl. .... Bianca, a Tale of Erin and Italy, by Edwd. Maturin, 12mo. cl. Bible (The), Vindicated against the Aspersions of Joseph Barker, by J. F. Beg, 12mo. pap Biography : All the Names in the Bible Alphabeti- cally Arranged, for Sunday Schools, 18mo. Directory and Christians' Legacy, by Rev. William Jackson, 12mo. d Exercises, by A. A. Minie, 12mo. cl. Hymn Book (The), edited by Rev. II. Bonar. l6mo. cl. Prayer Book (The), for Family Worship, &c.. by W. W. Everts, 12ino. cl Primer (The), Part First, Primer of the Pent^iteuch, by Miss F. M. Caulkins, 18mo. cl. .... ' Reading Book, prepared for the Young in Schools and Families. By Mrs. S. J. Hale. 12mo. vs. Tradition. See B'llis, A. in the, a Course of Ijccturcs to Mer- chants. By Rev. H. A Boardman. 12mo. cl. Biblical Atlas. 8vo. and Sabbath School Geography. By S. A. Mitchell. 12mo 50 Pa-^ry cj- McM 1 25 r/. H. Whitney. "54 1 25 ./. C. Kikcr. '54 50 Harper df Bros.'b^ 50 AVrtH.s tj- L). '64 1 25 M. W. Dtjdd. '52 8 oft H Bailirre. '54 1 00 Lipi>incoU,G.6fCo. 25 Francis tf- Co. '54 50 6'ohW 6f L. '53 1 0(1 J. C. Derby. '54. 1 0(t Lindsay df B. 1 50 Appleton cf- Co. 86 Gould cf- L. '54 1 00 Harper 4- Bro.<!.'52 (» 31 II'. S. Younr;. '54 13 C.S.FraiiriadJi-Co. 1 25 Liary c^- (ietz. 1 00 J. M. Vsher. '54 50 Carter <f- Bros. '53 (I 75 hi sou <^r P. '55 25 .Am. Tract So. '54 75 LipcoU,G.<!j-Cn.'5A 1 00 " '53 80 Am.S.S.I'ninn. '53 75 Cowp'nait, ]).i.\Ii. 20 n I li li I. x lAM. CAT. fiibliutlieca Americana — Catalogue of American publicalionH inclii(lin{,f Reprinls and Original Works from 1820 to 1^52 iiiclunive, together with a lint of PeriodicaJH published in the United States. Compiled and ar- ranged by O. A. Roorbach. Royal 8vo. cl. nel Birkcr.stcth, E., (Questions Illustrating the Thirty-Nine Arti- cles of the Church of England. 12mo. cl. " (Rev.) Waters from the Well -Spring. ]6mo. cl " Works, 16 vols. 12mo. cl. . 7 00 O. A. Roorhach.'M 50 J J. Hooker. HO Carter <^Bros. '5S 10 00 '54 Bigelow, John (M.D.), Nature in Disease, illustrated in vari- ous Discourses and Essays, to which are added ^liseellaneous Writings chieHy on Medical Subjects. 12mo. cl. Billiards Without a Master. By M, Philan. 8vo. shp. Billings, Archibald, First Principles of Medicine. 8vo. cl. Binney, T., Is it possible to make the best of both Worlds .' A Book for Young Men. 16mo. cl. Biuns, John, Recollections of the Life of, Twenty-Nine Years in Europe and Fifty-Three in the United States. Written by Himself. 12mo. cl. . Biographical Dictionary of Painters, Sculptors, &.c. Set Spooner, S. Biography of Self-Taught Men, with an Introductory Essay. By B. B. Edwards. 2 vols. cl. Biology ; or the Principles of the Human Mind. By Alfred Smee, Bird, Robert M., Cakvar, a Romance of Mexico. 12mo. cl. " Nick of the Woods, a Tale of Kentucky. 12mo. cl . J. and H., The Singing School Companion, a Collec- tion of Secular and Sacred Music. Ob- long • Birds of America. 64mo, cl. ext of the Bible. By Rev. H. Harbaugh, coi'd engravings. 4to. cl. e.x, Birth Day Book for Boys and Girls. 16mo. cl. Bischoft''s Tracts on Generation, translated by Drs. Gihnan and Tellkampf. Svo Bishop, J. P. Commentaries on the Law of Marriage and Divorce, and Evidence in Matrimonial Suits. Svo. Bivouac, The. By W. II. Maxwell. Svo. pap. Black, C. A. (Rev.) Messias and Anti-Messias. A Prophet- ical Exposition, to which are added two Homilies on the Body of Christ. 12mo. d Blackford (Mrs.), Scottish Orphans. iSmu. . Black water Chronicle, a Narrative of an Expedition in Ran- dolph County, Virginia. By (J. P. Kennedy). 12mo. 1 25 3 00 1 25 Tichmr6fF'lds.''b\ D.D. WinarU. '50 Blanchard^L. '61 60 Carterdf Bros. '53 I 25 Pornj4- McM. '55 1 25 Whipple 4" Co. 25 Fowlers <Sf W. 1 25 J. S. Redjield. "54 1 25 •• '53 50 lVj7Ams,/i.<^AV62 25 Durrie <Sf P. 5 00 Lindsay 6f B. '54 75 Hopkins,B.<^Co:bZ 75 S. S.Jf W.'Wood. 5 00 Little, B. cj- Co. '53 50 Garret cj- Co. '52 75 //. Hooker. '54 38 C.S. Francis^ Co. 1 00 J. .S. Rcdfield. '53 1852—65. B L A H n A 21 Blackwell, Eliz. (M.D.), Laws of Life, or the Physical Edu- cation of Girls. 12mo. pap Blair, Hugh, Lectures on Rhetoric, abridged, with Questions. l8mo rut Blake, J. L. (Rev.), Agriculture for Schools. ]2uio. . " (Rev.), Every Day Scripture Readings, for tiie use of Families and Schools. 12mo. cl. " (Rev.), Farmers' Every Day Book, or Life in the Country. 8vo. cl " (Rev.), Wonders of the Earth, cl. '* " " Ocean, cl. M. (Rev.) Centennial History of the Mendon Asso- ciation of Congregational Ministers, with the Ad- dress delivered at Franklin, Mass., Nov'ber 19, 1851. 12mo. pp. 348 Blanc, Louis, History of France under Louis Philippe. 2 v. 12mo. cl. " History of the French Revolution of 1789. 12mo Blanchard's First Lessons in Arithmetic. l8mo. High School " 12mo. shp. Theoretical and I'ractical " l2mo. Key to Blanchard's Arithmetics, Blanche, Leslie; or, the Living Rosary and other Talcs for Young People. 18mo. cl Bland Papers, being a Selection from the Manuscripts of Col. T. Bland, Jr., of Prince George County, Virginia. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo Bleak House. By Chas. Dickens. 2 v. 12nu>. cl. . 'J'he Same. 8vo. pap Bledsoe, A. T. A Th'eodicy, or Vindication of the Divine Glory, as manifested in the Constitution and Govern- ment of the Moral World. 8vo. cl. . Blcnncrhassett, Ilariiian. Life of, comprisiiiL,' an autlientic Narrative of the Burr Expedition. By Wm. 11. _Saf- ford. l2mo. cl. BIcssington, (Lady). Memoirs, Literary, Life and Corre- spondence of. Compiled and Edited by R. jMadden. 2 V. 12mu. cl Blind Farmer. By Mrs. Holland. 18mo. cl. . . . Bliss, M. W. K. Sketches for You. 18mo. Bloodstone, The. By Donald MacLeod. r2mo. cl. Blossoms of Childhood. iSmo. cl Blue Book for 1853. A Register of Olliccrs and Agents, Civil, Military, and Naval, in the Service of the Uni- ted States on tlie :H)th Sept., 1853. 12mo. Boardman, H. A. (Rev.) Bible in the Counting House : a Course of Lectures to i\Icrchants. 12mo. cl. 25 \V. P. Hazard. 25 Lip'tncoUfG. tf- Co. 1 00 hifon cj- /'. 1 26 Pnlnam <f- Co. '53 2 60 Milltr, O. tf- M 50 Crandaff 6f M. 50 iS. Harding. '63 2 00 Blanchard i^ L. 1 00 19 Crandall <^ iM. 63 38 38 38 Hadher 4- Co. '54 1 25 ./. W. Ramhlph. 2 00 Harper tf- Bros. '63 50 Cielz cp Buck. '63 1 51 ' Carl I on <\- P. '54 75 Moorv <Sf A. '53 2 00 Hiirixr i\ Bros.'bb 38 C. S. Franris<^ Co. 18 Mass. S. S. So. *64 75 C. .SrriVmer. '63 31 Ep. S. S. Vnion. 3 75 R. Armslrniig. '64 I 00 Lip'incoU,G.<^ Co. 22 n a ( n o o [am. cat. Boccacio, (liovano, Ducaincron. 2 v. in 1. 18mo. cl. . Bogarl, W. II. Daniel Boone, and tlio Hunters of Ken- tucky. 12mo. cl Boker, G. If. Anne Boleyn, a Tragedy. 12ino. el. . Boker, (i. H. Podesta's Daughter and other Miscellaneous Poems. 12m<). el. Bolmar, A. Colloquial Phrases. ISnio. hf. bd. . " French Verbs. 12mo. " " Levizac's French (jiramniar. 12mo. slip. . " Perrin'.s Fables, with a Key. 12mo, hf. bd. . '• Telemaquc. 12mo. hf. bd. .... '• " Key to, " 12mo. hf. bd. Bolton, C. W. (Rev.) Closet Companion, or a Method of Searching the Scriptures, .... •• (Rev.) Shepherd's Call (A) to the Lambs of his Flock. 16mo. cl " (Rev.) Sunday School Prayer Book for the Prot. Epis. Church. 18mo. " (Rev.) Tender Grass for Little Lambs. 18mo. W.J. Evidences of Christianity as Exhibited in the Writings of its Apologists down to Augustine. A Prize Essay. 8vo. cl Bonaparte, Napoleon, Life of. By Bourrienne. 8vo. cl. " " " Wm. Hazlitt. 8vo. cl. " " " J, G. Lockhart. 12mo. " " " Sir Walter Scott. Bonar. IJ. (Rev.) A Stranger Here. 16mo. cl. " Bible Hymn Book. 18mo. cl. " The Eternal Day. 18mo. cl. Bond, E., Practical Treatise on Dental Medicine, as connect- ed with the Study of Dental Surgery. 8vo. shp. J. W. See Minesota and its Resources. Bond Family (The), or Self-Restraint and Self-Culture. 18mo. cl Bonnycastle, John, Algebra. 12mo. ... net Key to the above, by James Ryan. ISmo. net Book and its Story (The), a Narrative for the Young. 12mo. cl for the Home Circle, or Familiar Thoughts on various Topic?, Literary, Moral and Social, by Mrs. Kirkland. 8vo. cl. full gilt of Entertainment, Fourth Series. 12mo. cl. . of Famous Kings and Queens. 64mo. cl. e.xt. Book of Nature. See Schoedlcr, F. of Nursery Rhymes, square cl of Nursery Rhymes. Tales, and Fables. 8vo. d. net of One Hundred Beverages, for Family by Wm. Bernhard. 18mo 1 00 S. Andrnsf^ Son. I 00 75 (J n:i 38 .00 1 00 75 55 50 25 50 50 75 2 50 2 50 1 25 1 GO 75 50 50 30 50 60 3 .50 1 00 25 50 50 Miller, O. 4- ,V.'54 Parry cf McM. J'arnj cj- Mc M Rtaurhnrrl rjr L. A . /'. Burt. '5.1 Carter tf- Bros. '63 ./. //. Watson. '53 Carter df Bros. '54 Andrus Jjf Son. H. C. Baird. MUler, O. cj- M. Parry cf- McM. Carter cf- Bros. '53 '53 '54 2 50 Lindsay <f- B. Am. F. Guard. So. Tjippinc6tt,G ^Co. 1 00 Parry <$• McM. C Scribner. C.S.Fra7icis <$-Co. Durrie 4- P. Henderson 4" Co. J. B. Smith cj- Co. 50 Franco: cf- Co. '54 1 852—55. BOO BOY 23 Book of Plans (A) for Churches and Parsonages, published under direction of the Central Committee appointed by the General Congregational Convention, October, 1852, comprising Designs by Upjohn. Downing, Ren- wick, Wheeler, Wells, Austen, Stone, Cleveland, Boc- ker, and Reeve, 18 plans, 14 designs. Folio, cl. of Revelation (The), Explained by History, a Com- mentary, by Rev. J. B. Tllote. 12mo. cl. of Snobs by W. M. Thackeray. 18mo. cl. of Songs for my Little Brothers and Sisters, square cl. of Sports. G4mo. cl. ext of Trades. 64mo. cl. ext. ..... of One Thousand Anecdotes, cl. .... of the Heart, or Love's Emblems. 8vo. mor. of the Nations. 64mo. cl. ext of the Ocean, and Life on the Sea, containing Thril- ling Narratives and Adventures of Ocean Life, with 60 Illustrations. 12mo. cl. Boone, Daniel, Life of, by W. H. Bogart. l2mo. cl. Booth, James C, Phonographic Instructor. l8mo. Pictorial History of the United States, for Primary Schools. Boston, History of, by S. G. Drake, with Illustrations. 8vo. Boundary Tree, or the Spirit that Heals Differences. l8mo. Bourbon Prince (The), The History of the Royal Dauphin. Louis XVII. of France. 18mo. pap. 50c.; cl. Bourne, B. F., Captive in Patagonia, or Life among the Giants, a Personal Narrative. 12mo. cl. Wm. O., Gems from Fable-Land, a collection of Fables, Illustrated by Facts. 12mo. cl. Goldenlink, or Tales and Poems for the Young. 18mo. cl. .... Silverstring, or Tales and Poems for the Young. l8mo. cl Border Wars of the West, by John Frost. 8vo. . Bouviere, Hannah M., Familiar Astronomy. 12rao. Bow (The) in the Cloud, Discourses, by G. W. Briggs. 16mo. cl. .... , or Covenant of Mercy for the Afflicted, by Rev. W. B. Stevens, with Engravings mor. net, $3 ; cl., ext. .... net Bowditch, H., Young Stethecopist, or the Student's Guide to Auscultation. 12mo. cl Bowdler, John, Practical Christianity, cl. . . . Bowcn, Eli, Pictorial Sketch Book of Pennsylvania, its R*-- sources. Internal Improvements, «Sic. 8vo. cl. Bo wring, J. P., Matins and Vespers. l8mo. cl. . Boy Hunters (The) ; or, Adventures in Search of a While Buffalo. By Capt. M. Reed. ISmo. cl. . 10 00 Bnrtrpiis <S(- Co. '54 1 00 Ijiy}iincoll,Ci.(!^-C<i. .')0 Apph'lon ^^ Co. '52 ft 38 C.S. Francis dfCu. 25 Durrie cj- P. 25 75 J. P. J t we It 4- Cu. 6 00 Appleton t|* Co. '53 (1 25 Diirrie iV P. 1 25 Alden, B. tf- Cv. 1 25 Miller, 0. «f- M. 38 E. H. Butler i^Co. 50 Learij cj- Getz. Author, Boston. '54 16 Avx. S. S .V.'bZ 63 Harper <!^Bros. '53 85 (ioulil cV L. '53 1 00 C. Scrihner. *62 <l 63 '53 63 2 60 Drr/nj 4- M. '63 1 (M) ChilJs tj- P 75 Miinri'e ejj- Co. '54 2 50 /•;. //. Butler Ji-Co. 1 tio N. N. ^'\V. \V.H>1. (t 50 \Vhi\rple tf- Co. 2 00 \V. p. Hazard. "52 50 Ticknor cf Co. '53 76 Ticknnr cj- Cn. '53 •J4 li () y H H i: Boys at Home. By C. Adams. IGriid. cl. Boy's Book of Diversions, — Athletics Scientific, and Recrea- tive of Boyhood and Youth. Small 4to. . Own Book, Extended; containing,' the Boy's Own Book, Paul Preston's (Jyniniistics and Parlor Magic. Uo. and Girl's Scrap Book, Prose and Verse. 12mo. Boyhood of Great Men. Intended as an Example to Yonth. 16mo. cl Boyle, Robert (Capt.), Voyages and Adventures of. 18mo. Brace, Chas. L., Home Life in Germany. 12mo. cl. Jonathan (Rev.), Scripture Portraits : or. Sketches f»f Bible Characters. Vlmo. cl J. P., The Fawn of the Pale Faces: or. Two Centu- ries Ago. l8mo. cl Bracelets, The ; or, Amiability and Virtue Rewarded. By Maria Edge worth. 18mo. cl Bradbury, Wm. B., Alpine Glee Singer '• Flora's Festival, .... Metropolitan Glee Book ; a Sequel to the Alpine Glee Singer, .... " Sabbath School Melodies. " Singing Bird (The) ; or. Progressive Music Reader. Oblong • Singing Book for Girls and Boys' Meet- ings. iSmo. . . . . " Social Singing Book, — " Young i\[elodist, " and Sanders, C. W., School Singer; or, Young Choir's Companion, " •' '" Young Choir, Bradford, Annie C, Nelly Bracken ; a Tale of Forty Years Ago. 12mo. cl Bragelonne, the Son of Athos. By Dumas, pap. Brand of Dominic (The) ; or, the Inquisition of Rome. By Rev. W. H. Rule. 12mo. cl Brass and Iron Founder's Guide. See Larkin, Jas. Brayman, J. O., Daring Deeds of American Heroes. 12mo. " Thrilling Adventures by Land and Sea. 12mo. cl. ...... Brazil, Rambles in ; or, A Peep at the Aztecs. By A. R. M. Payne. 12mo. cl Breban, Jas. M., Interest Tables. Svo Bremer, F., Home (The) ; or. Family Cares and Family Joys. 12mo. cl * — " Homes of the New World. Impressions of America. 2 v. 12mo. cl '• Neighbors (The). 12mo. cl. ... Brett, W. H. (Rev.) Indian Tribes of Guiana. iSmo. cl. . (AM. CAT. 50 Applet on tj- Cn. '54 1 .51) Mor/on tj[- (w. 1 00 ('. S. yranristSfCUi. 40 Am.S.S.I'nidv. '53 fio Ilnrpf-r 4* Bros'bi (J .38 Andrns cf- Son. 1 2.0 ('. Scrilmer. '53. 88 M. \V. Dodd. '54 75 Appletan 4' Co. 25 Henderson dp Co. 1 00 hison 4- P. 25 t. 1 00 u 15 " 38 25 50 25 38 25 1 00 75 75 1 25 1 25 75 3 00 LipcoU,G.dfCo.'bb H. Long tSf Bro. Carlton cf P. '53 Miller. O. 4- M. C. B. Xorlon. "54 E. H. Butler 4- Co. 1 00 Sheldon, L. 4- B 2 00 Harper cj- Bros. '53 1 00 Sheldon, L. 4- B 50 Carter 4- Bros. 1862—55.1 n R i: li It o •lb Brewer, The Complete Practical. By M. L. Byrn. 18mo. el. Brewer, Rev. Dr. Guide to English Composition. 16mo. fl. " " Roman History from the Earli- est Period to the Close of the Western Empire* ISnio. Brewster, David, More Worlds than One. The Creed of the Philosopher and the Hope of the Christian. 12mo. el M. M. Work ; or, Plenty to Do, and How to Do It. 2 vols. iSmo. el Bride of Omberg (The). By Emilie F. Carlen. 12mo. cl. of the Wilderness. By Emerson Bennett, pap. Bridgman, Eliza, J. G. Daughters of China, or Sketches of Domestic Life in the Celestial Empire. l6mo. el. Bridgeman, Thos. Fruit Cultivators' Manual. 12mo. cl. Bridges, Jas. 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'48 84 C.S.Francis di- Co. 1 00 75 Parry tj- McM. Croshy, N. t^'- Co. 1 00 Lindsay ij- B. '53 (1 03 Fanner, H. 4- Co. 1 00 ii 1 13 " 70 '• 1 7:. " 30 i( 1 00 1: 1 00 " 25 " 50 1 1:! '* ■2H n r I J H I li [am. cat- Urillions, I'. I'rincipli's of liUlin (jriminiar. l^iiio. " I'logressive I']xer<i.sen in Analysis and Parning " Siillust. 121110 |{ull()ik,.l(ilm, Amerifiin Cottiifrc Builder, a Series of Designs, Plans, and Spei-ifications for Homes for the People. 12mo. cl. . . . . " (Rditor), History and Rudiments of Archi- tecture, 12mo. cl. ... " " Rudiments of the Art of Building. 12mo. cl. Kuhver, E. L., New Timon, a Poetical Romance of London. l2mo. cl. " Not So Bad as we Seem, a Comedy in Five Acts. 18mo. cl. ..... Lady, Behind the Scenes. 12mo. cl. " School for Husbands, a Novel, pap. . Burchard, S. D. (Rev.), Daughters of Zion, illustrated. 12mo. cl • . . Burder, Wm., History of all Religions. 8vo. 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I 50 Li/i/'\ B. c\- Co. Butt, M. A. (Miss), Antifanaticism ; a Talc of thi- South. 12mo. cl. It 75 IjifipiiirotlfCi.d^-Co. Mutts, I. R., United States Law Cabinet, comprising the Business iMan's A.ssistant, &c., &c. 12mo. il. 1 5<» .\iitlior, Boston. '^)i Buxton, .T. B., Rev. Parish Sermons, 8vo. cl. . .2 5() U'. L. Ponwroy. Bvrd, Wm., The Westover Manuscripts, containing the His- tory of the Dividing Line betwi.xt Virginia and North Carolina. Written from 1728 to 173(). 8vo. cl. bks. 1 25 K.t!^-C'.J.liuiJiii.'i\ Byrn, L. M., Artist and Tradesman's Companion. 12mo. d. 75 .SVm/vi.s 4- ('<». "53 30 // y R (' A L [am. cat. Hyrn, L. M., Un Adulteration of l''uoiJ iind Drink. 12nio. cl. 50 /ji]jfii7icijU,(M.<!jfCij. M. L. (M. D.), Complete Practical Brewer. 18mo. el 1 00 //. C. RairJ. '52 18mo. cl 1 00 H. C. Baird. '53. " (M.D.J, Complete Practical Distiller. 18mo. el. 100 JI. ('. 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'54 Clark, Daniel A. (Rev.), Complete Works of, edited by his Son, J. H. Clark, M. D. 2 vols. Svo. . . . 3 5U hison cj- P. J. V. IL, Lights and Shadows of Indian Character, and Scenes of Pioneer Life. 12mo. cl. . .1 00 E.H.Babcockd^Co. ■ L. Gaylord, Knick-Knacks from an Editor's Table. 12mo. cl 1 25 Appleton <SfCo. '53 Martha, Victims of Amusement, cl. . . 38 T. B. Peterson. Clark, Mary C. (Mrs.) Iron Cousin, or Mutual Influence. 12mo. cl 1 25 Appleton <^ Co.' bi Rufus W. (Rev.) Heaven and its Scriptural Em- blems. 8vo. cl. ex. $2; cl. . .150 J.P.Jetcett<!i-Co.'52 " " (Rev.) Lectures on the Formation of Character, Temptations and Missions of Young Men. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 " '53 . " " (Rev.) Life Scenes of the Messiah. 12mo. cl. 1 25 " '54 W. History of England, with additions by J. C. Moffat. 12mo 75 Ivison cj- P. "53 Willis G. Literary Remains of. Edited by L. G. Clark. 8vo. cl 1 50 Stringer tj- T. 1852—55. C L A (OH 41 Clarke, A. E. Travels in Mexico and California. 12mo. Sara J. 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Albert Barnes. 12mo. cl " or, a Method for Searching the Scrip- tures. By Rev. C. W. Bolton. Closing Scenes (The). See Neale, Rev. E. Clouded J lappiness ; a Novel. Svo. pap. . . . . Clouds and Sunshine. By author of " Musings of an In- valid.*' 12mo. cl. . Clovernook: or, Recollections of Our Neighborhood in tlie West, By Alice B. Carey. 2d Series. 12nui. Children. " " ISmo cl. . Cobb, J. E. (Rev.), Philosophy of Faith. 12mo. liyman, New Speaker, E.vcrcises in Elocution, Prose. Poetry, and Dialogue. 12mo. cl. .... Cobbett, Wm. Advice to Young Men. ISmo. il. " American Gardener. ISmo. cl. . mt " English Grammar. 18mo. shp. . . net " French (irammar. 18mo. shp. ' net " Thirteen Sermons. ISmo. cl. Cobden, John C, White Slaves of England. Com|»iled from Official Documents. 12mo. cl G Wright cf- H. '52 1 25 Ticknor <f Co. '54 75 Ticknor <Sc F. "55 35 Carlton <Sf P. 1 00 J. S. Redfield. '54 63 Lindsay cf- B. '52 1 50 Miller, O. <f M. 2 25 <> 3 00 Leary <Sf Getz. 4 50 S. Andrus <f- Son. 38 C.S.Frands<^Cn. 42 Lippincott,G dcCo. 50 Carter iSf Bros. 1 00 Harper <^ Bros-'bi 75 Gould 4- L. '56 1 25 C. Scribner. 50 Appleton cj- Co. 75 <( 1 00 Crostiy, .V. cf- ( 'o. '53 75 M. \V. Dodd. '54 25 .1. /'. Burt. "53 50 Harper t.\- Bros.'bS 75 J. S. Taylor. "53 I 00 ./. S. Kedfleld. '53 75 Ticknor tf- Co. "54 E. Stevenson. "53 1 25 ./. C. Hiker. 50 Leary tjr Getz. 25 J. B. Smith 4 Co. 30 u 38 u 50 Lrary <f- Getz. 1 .50 Miller, (). tj- M. "53 r; o c (• () I. [am. cat. Cochran VV. (Itov.), Tlio Hmifjrants, an Allegory ; or, Cliri«- tians va. the World. I'Jmo. Cofk, Thomas l'\ (.M. !).), Manual of ObstctricH. Vlmo. Cockloii, II., I'lriy lOllinphani ; a Novel, 8vo. i)ap. . " Steward ('J'he) ; a Romance of Real Life. |)ap. Codman, John (Rev.), Memoir of. By Rev. William Allen. 8vo. el Coe, Rieliard, The Old Farm Gate ; containini,' Stories and Poems for Children and Youth. IGmo. cl. . Coggeshall, Geo. Second Series of Voyages to Various Parts of the World. 8vo. cl. . W. T. Easy Warren and His Cotemporarles. 12mo. cl Colburn, Warren, Algebra. 12mo. shp Zerah. The Locomotive Engine, including a De- scription of its Structure, Rules, for Estimating its Capabilities, and Practical Observations on its Construction and Management. ISmo. cl. Cold Grapery. See Chorlton, Wra. Cole, S. W. American Fruit Book. ISmo. shp. . " " Veterinarian. "... Thomas, Selections from his Letters and iMiscel- laneous Writings. By Rev. Lewis L. Noble. 12mo. cl. . . • Coleman, Lyman. Ancient Christianity, Exemplified in the Private, Domestic, Social and Civil Life of the Primitive Christians. 8vo. cl Lyman, Apostolical and Primitive Church. 12mo. " Historical Text Book and Atlas of Bibli- cal Geography. Royal 8vo. cl Coleridge, S. T. Complete Works. 7 v. 12mo. d. . " Poetical and Dramatic Works, with a ^fe- moir. 3 v. 18mo. cl. ... Coles, L. B. Philosophy of Health. 12mo. cl. . Collier's Tale (The) : a True History. By Jas. Bridges. l8mo. cl Collins, A. Maria. Mrs. Ben Darby, or the Weal and Wo of Social Life. 12mo. cl. . .... T. K., ,Ir. yEolian Glee Book . . . net " Timbrel of Zion, .... net Wm. Poetical Works. 18mo. cl. . . . W. W. Basil, a Story of Modern Life. 12mo. pap. 50c.; cl Collot, A. G. French and English and English and French Dictionary. 8vo. shp. P. (Rev.) Doctrinal and Scriptural Catechism. 16mo. Colt, John C. Bookkeeping, Teacher and Clerks' Edition • " " School W . ./. MoiPS. '.54 1 .00 S.S.i\-\V.W(M)d.f)\ .00 T. H. Pi'tirsim. '53 60 //. Lonf^ tj- Bro. 1 .00 Whijtjile 4- Co. '54 63 Daniels (^ S.' 52 1 25 Appklon cf- Ca'52 1 00 J. S. Ihd/ield. '54 90 Leary if (J. 75 H. C. Baird. "53 50 J. P. Jewell cj- Co. 50 " 1 25 Sh€ldun,L.<^ B:54 2 50 Lip' incut l,G.^ Co. 1 00 " 1 50 " '54 7 00 Harper tj* Bros. 2 25 lAllle, B. ^ C(..'55 1 25 Ticknor cf- F. '54 25 Crtr/er cf- flros. '53 1 25 Moore, A. cf- Co. '54 25 T. K. Collins, Jr. 60 75 Little, B. cf- Co. '53 75 Appleton cf- Co. '53 3 00 Henderson cf- Co. 50 Sadlier cf- Co. '53 1 50 Sheldon, L. cf- B. 1 00 " 185J— 55.] C O I. C O M 43 Colton, Calvin (Rev.) Genius and ^lission of tiie Prot. Kp. Church in the United States. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Slnvfonl cf- .S. '53 .T. O. Greek Reader, third edition. Revised by II. y\. Colton. 8vo 1 50 Diirrie cj- /'. "."•4 Walter (Rev.) Deck and Port. l'2nio. cl. . 125 A. S. Barnes^H' Co. " " Land and Leo. " . . 1 00 " « " Sea and Sailor. " . 1 00 " " Ship and Shore. " . . 1 00 " " " Three Vears in California. ISino. 1 25 " Coliitiibian Glee Book, or Music for the ^Million, in Throe Parts. Oblong 1 00 Riyiiohls il^- Co/bA Colviile Family (The). By the Author of " Lewis Arun- del." pap 5(1 //. Li.iii^' i\- Bro. Colvocoresses (Lieut.), Four Years in the Government Exploring Expedition, commanded by Capt. Charles Wilkes. 12mo. cl. 1 25 Fairr/iiW^- Co.'55 Colwell, S. The Position of Christianity in tho United States, in its Relations with our Political Institutions and Religious Instruction in the Public Schools. 8vo. pap. . . 60 Ijipinc<itl,(i.i.\- ('". Combe, George, Constitution of Man. 12mo. cl. . .0 75 Fnu-hrx i\- W. " The Same, School Edit, with Questions . " Lectures on Phrenology. 12mo. cl. . Comfort, J. W. (M. D.) Practice of Medicine on Thomso- nlan Principles, adapted as well to the Use of Fami- lies as to that of the Practitioner. 8vo. shp. Comforter, (The) ; or, Thoughts on tho Inlluoncc of the Holy Spirit. By Rev. John Cumming. 12mo. cl. Comic Wandering Jew. pap. ...... Coming of the Lord, a Key to the Book of Revelation, i'y Rev. Jas. Macdonald. l2mo. cl Comings, B. M. (M. D.), Preservation of Health and Pre- vention of Disease. 12mo. B. N., Class-Book of Physiology, for the use of Schools and Families. 12mo. " Companion to Class-Book of Physiology ; designated as an aid to the Teacher in his Recitations and Reviews. r2mo. <» !•<> " "51 Common Sense on the Treatment of Chronic Diseases. By E. P. Banning. 12mo 75 Wilson i\- Co. "53 Compendium of the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg. Svo. cl 2 00 Crnsbij l\- .V. "54 Complete Cook and Confectioner. By Sanderson and Park- inson. 12mo. hf. arn. ,. 1 <>o J,.,tr\j l\- Gelz. Guide to Ornamental Loathor Work. 18mo. cl. o 50 Muuroe cf- C,>. '54 Practical Distiller. Hy M. Lafayette Byrn, M. D. IHino. cl. 1 11(1 //. C. Bainl '5:1 Comstock, J. L., Elements of Botany. 12mo. 125 F(/r;m r, /^ tV C"- " Chemistry. 12mo. . 1 <'(» 25 u 1 00 (1 3 00 J/nuhay i.\- B. '53 38 '54 25 (inrrrti t^- Co. 75 C. Scribner. 75 Afijdihtn %\ ('(/.'54 9o '53 44 ((> M C () \ f/VM. CAT. Coinslock, .1. li., I'llciiicrits of (ifoliij,')'. Iiimit. '• MituTiilot.'y. I'Jino. IiitrddiR'tion to Natural IMiilo.sophy Natural History ; or, Rcadinjrs in Zoology. l*2mo. r. (I. sides ..... Natural History of neasts. 4t<). i-l. '• Birds. 4to. i:l. . " JJeasts and Birds. 4to. p|. Outlines of Physiolojfy, Comparative and Human. I'Jmo. ..... Que.stions and Illustrations of Natural Philosophy. 12mo. el. System of Natural I'hilosophy. 12mo. Youncf Botanist. 18mo. and Coming's Physiology. 4to. $3 ; col'd plates 1 2.'i 75 \r, 1 iU) .00 (J 50 1 00 80 Comte, Auguste, Positive Philosophy of. Translated and Condensed hy Harriet Martineau. 8vo. cl. Confessions of Filz Boodle. By W. j\l. Thackeray. 18mo. el ' . . of a Converted Inlidel. By Rev. John Bayley. 12mo. cl of an Attorney. By G. Sharp. 12mo. el. . of an Eton Boy. By Chas. Rowcroft. 8vo. pap. Conflict of Ages. See Beeeher, Rev. E. Congregational Dictionary. See Cummings, Rev. P. Harmony; or, Appendix to Mendelssohn's Collection Manual, Report on Congregationalism. By Dr. Woods. 12mo Singing Book. Square .... Tunes, an Appendix to the Social Psalmist Connecticut, History of. By Carpenter and Arthur. iSmo. cl. Consecrated Talents. l6mo. cl The same. ISmo. hf. r. Considerations on some Recent Social Theories. IGmo. cl. Consolation ; Discourses on Select Topics. By Rev. J. W. Alexander. Svo. cl Conspiracy of Colonel Aaron Burr (The), an Historical Romance. 12mo. pap. ...... Constitution of .Man. By George Combe. 12mo. el. The same, School Edition, with Ques- tions Constitutional Text-Book, containing Selections from the Writings of Daniel Webster, Washington's Fare- well Address, Declaration of Independence, &c. 12mo. cl Constitutions of all the States in the Union. Svo. Consumption Curable, and its Treatment. By W. ^I. Cor- nell, M. D. 18mo 30 I 00 50 4 00 2 50 50 1 00 1 00 u 50 30 31 31 50 63 38 75 2 00 50 75 25 1 25 Fanner, li. i^- Co. h isnn tf- P. '54 Fanner, li. iSf Co. S. S. 4- \V. Wood. C Blanchard. '55 Appleton df Co. '52 M. W. Dodd, '54 Sheld^m, L. 4- B. Bunnell tf- P. '52 25 hison cf- P. S.K.Whij>TpleiSfCo. C. S. Francis*!^ Co. Ivison 4- P- Lippincoff. G. <^ Co. Ep. S. S. Union. Little, B.iSf-Co.'bZ C. Scrihner. "53. G.W.Simmons.'bA Fowlers cj- W. Francis cf- Co. '54 A.S. Barnes 4- Co. 25 Crosby, .V. tf Co. 1852— 55. J * C O N C O () 45 Contarini Fleming, an Autobiography, by D'lsraeli. pap. . 38 7'. /?. Peterson. Contrast, The, by Rev. Gardiner Spring. 2 vol.'^. 8vo. cl. M. W. Dodd. '55 Convent and the Manse, by Ilyla. 12mo. el. . . . <) 75 Jewitl <|- Co. "53 Conversations on Common Things, by D. L. Dix. 18 vols. 18mo. 60 ('. S. Fraiuisijj-Co. " the Present Age of the World in Connec- tion with Prophecy, by J. B. Holgate. 12nio. cl. 1 00 Jot-l Munsill. '52 Conversion, its Theory and Process Practically delineated, by Rev. Theo. Spencer. 12tno. cl . . . .1 25 M. \V. Dodd. "54 Convict (The), or the Conspirator's Victim, by Ned Buntlinc. pap. 50 (idrn/t^y Co. Conybeare, W. J. (Rev.), and Rev^ J. S. Ilowson, Life and Epistles of St. Paul. Royal Svo. cl. . . . 6 00 C. Sr.rihiifr. "54 Cook, Harriet N. (Mrs.), Memoirs of, by Mrs. L. H. Sigour- ney. 16mo. cl 75 Curler t!^- Bros. '53 James (Captain), Narrative of his Voyages around the World. 32mo. roan 75 Learij t)'- GV/z. .lames M. (Rev.), Memoir of, by 'i'liomas D. Cook. 12mo. cl. ./. .V. Ush>r. '55 Cook's Own Book, and Housekeeper's Register. 12 \'oh. 12mo. 88 ('.S.Fru>icis<!i-Co. Cooke, P. P., Froissart Ballads, and other Poems. 12mo. bds 75 Carey <|- Hart. '47 William (M. D.), Commentary of Medical and Moral Life, or Mind and the Emotions Considered in Rela- tion to Health, Disease, and Religion. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 r../. /'riLVt^-Co. '53 Cookery as it Should Bo, by a Practical Housekeeper. 12mo. cl 10 \V. r. Hazard, "53 Cooper, Sir A., Anatomy and Diseases of the Breast, to which are added his various Surgical Pa- pers. Svo. cl 2 60 Lra ^\- B. "45 " Anatomy and Surgical Treatment of Ab- dominal Hernia. Svo. cl. . . . 2 50 '• "45 " Observations on the Structure and Diseases of the Testis. 8vo. cl. . . . 2 do Blaiichard t\- I,. " Treatise on Dislocations and Fraitiircs of the Joints. Svo. slip 3 25 " Cooley, A. J., Si.v Thousand Practical Receipts. . . 1 80 Applrlon c^'- Co. Cooper, Frank, Vaseonselos, a Romance of the New World. 12mo. el. 1 25 ./. \. Redjhld. '53 J. F., Naval Histi.ry of the United States. Svo. cl. 2 50 I'nlnam ij- Co. "53 J. G., Virgil, with FiUglish Notes. Svo. slip. . 2 00 Farmer. B. i.\- Co. Samuel, Surgical Dictionary. Svo. shp. . . 3 (lO Iltirj»r i.\ Bros. Susan F. (Miss), Rhyme and Reason of Country Life, or Selections from Fields, Old and Ne\v. Svo. cl. ext. )il!3 00;cl 2 011 I'ufnamLyCo.'hi " » Rural Hours. 12mn. cl. I 25 11'./' Hazard. '^li " '• The Same. Svo. mor. ■$! 00 ; cl. ext 5 00 16 <• O O < • () R (am. cat. (J()0|>er, S. M., liifc! in the Forest. IHino. rl. . Copland, .1. (M. 1).), On tlie Causes, Niiture .'ind Trt'.itment of I'alsy and Apoplexy. 12mo. el. Coquerel, A. (Kcv.), Protestantism in Paris. 12mo. cl. " Treatises on Christian Rdifrion. 18mn. el Coquette (The), or the History of Eli/.a Wharton, a Novel founded on fael. 12mo. cl Corbin, J., The Descriptive Testament, with Explanatory Notes, edited by D. IMead. ]2mo. Corcoran, Hannah, Narrative of her Conversion froni Ro- manism, by Rev. T. Caldicott. 18rno. el. . . Corden, R., Russia and the Eastern Question. 12mo. pap. Corinne, or Italy, by Madame De Stael, translated l)y Isabel Hill. 121110. cl. . " " translated by L. E. L. 12mo. cl. Corneille and his Times, by M. Guizot. 12mo. cl. . Cornelia, The Deaf Mute. 18mo. cl. . . . . Cornelius Nepos, with Notes, Historical and Explanatory, by Chas. Anthon. 12mo. shp. .... Cornell, S. S., Primary Geography ; forming Part First of Systematic Series of Geographies for Schools. 4to. W. M. (M. D.), Consumption Curable, and its Treat- ment. iSmo Cornerstone. By Jacob Abbott. 12mo. cl. Corner Julia (Miss), Child's Pictorial History of England. iSmo. r. cl. sides. " " The English Envoy at the Court of Nicholas I. ]2mo. cl. . Cornhill to Cairo, Journey from. By Titmarsh (VV. M. Thackeray). 12mo. cl. Corning, W. H. (Rev.), The Infidelity of the Times, as con- nected with the Rappings and ^resmerist.?. Svo. pap. Cornwall, Barry (B. W. Procter). Essays and Tales in Prose. 2 v. 12mo. cl. .... S. P. (Mrs.). The Finland Family. 16mo. el. Cornyn, J. K. Dick Wilson, the Rumseller's A'ictim ; a Temperance Story. 12mo. cl Coronal (The), and Young Lady's Remembrancer. Edited by Rev. F. Janes. Svo. cl. e.v Corsair, The. By George Sand. Svo. pap. Corsica, Picturesque, Historical and Social, with a Sketch of the Early Life of Napoleon, and an Account of the Bonaparte, Paoli. Porzo di Borgo, and other Prin- cipal Familie?. Translated from the German. By Edward Joy IMorris. Crown Svo .Of) IWnj i\- /•;. '64 (I HO 65 2b 1 00 38 25 (Jroshy,N.4-Cn.'bA FftritI:re^C'o. '5.5 Gen. Prall. *54 Could 4- L. '53 Jeicptl tf- Co. '54 1 25 //. C. Baiul '54 1 00 IV. l\ Hazard 1 00 Harprr 4- Bros. '52 25 Ep. .S.S.(7nion. '64 1 OC Harper <!i- Bros. '52 50 Appleton 4* Co. '54 25 Crosby, N. cj- Co. 1 00 Harper 4- Bros. 50 //. F. Anjiers. 1 00 Riker,T. 4- Co. '54 50 J. C. Riker. '54 38 Jru-rlt 4- Co. "54 1 50 Ticknor 4- Co. '53 75 M. W. Dodd. '53 1 25 Derhy 4- M. '53 2 £(i J.H.Pratt^Co:o)l 25 Buncp 4* Bro. 1 50 Parry ili- McM '55 1852—55. (; (J S cor 47 Cosas de Espana ; or, Cioing to Madrid via Barcelona. 12mo. cl. Cosmography ; or, Philosophical Views of the Universe. By Chas. F. Winslow, M. D. 12mo. cl. Costumes of America. Description of the Nations and In- dian Tribes of America. S(|uare cl. Cdl'd plates, 50c.; plain of Europe, or Stories of European Life and Man- ners. Square cl., colored, 50c. ; plain Cote, C. n. O. iMemoir of, with a History of the Grand Ligue ^Mission. 18mo. cl. . . . . Cottage on the Cliff. By Catharine G. Ward. 32mo. ara. Cottin, Mme., Elizabeth, or the E.xiles of Siberia, in French. 12mo Coues, S. E. Outlines of ]\rechanical Philosophy. 12mo. Coultas, H. Principles of Botany, as Exemplified in the Cryptogamia. 12mo. cl Counsels for the Cottage and the Mansion. By S. B. Em- mons. 12mo. cl Count Christoval. Sequel and Conclusion to Lord Saxnn- dalc. By G. W. M, Reynolds. 2 v. pap. . Julien ; or the Last Days of the Goth. 8vo. pap. Struenzee. The Sceptic and the Christian. Trans- lated from the French of the German, by Mrs. J. H. Wilson. l2mo. cl Countess de Charny, (The) ; or the Fall of the French Mon- archy, by Alex. Dumas. 2 v. 8vo. pap. . Countess of Rudolstadt. By Geo. Sand, (Mrs. Dudevant). Counting House Manual and Correspondence in French and English. By (Arthur Waugh). .12mo. cl. net Country Hospitalities. 12mo. pap Rambles in England ; f)r, Journal of a Naturalist, with Notes and Additions, by Miss Susan F. Cooper. 12mo. cl. W^alks. Siiuare min. cl. ex. .... Course of Empire. Voyage of Life, and other Pictures of Thomas Cole, with Selections from his Letters and Miscellaneous Writings. 12mo. cl. . of Faith ; or, the Practical Believer Delini-.ited. By Rev. J. A. .lames. 12mo. cl Courtney, W. S. Review of Dr. Dod's Involuntary Theory of Spiritual ^Manifestations. 12mo. pap. Cousin, Victor, Lectures on the True, the Beautiful, and the Good. Translated by O. W. Wight. 12mo. cl. ...... " Youth (The), of Madaine de Ldn^nievilio ; or, the New Revelations of Court and Con- vent in the Seventeenth Century. 12mo. cl. 1 no Apphion i\- Co.''>\ 1 no J S. Red field. '55 G3 Cr«.NA(/,.V.cVCo.'53 38 Iknderson 6f Co. n 38 25 Pub.So.'bi 75 Lean/ i\- (ietz. 63 L(x:kuiMHl<ScSon!'b'l 1 00 Litlle, B. 4- Co. "51 50 Linilsaij i.\- li.bZ I J. P. Croiven iSf- Co. 1 00 //. Ij,,n;^ t^- Bri>. 50 Garrett tif- Co. 63 Jewdl tj- Co. '53 1 00 T. B. Peterson. '53 50 Strimser (^ T. 50 ./. B. Smith i\- Cn. 50 Lippincotl,G.<H-Co. Phinneij <^ Co. '53 25 Durric c^- P. 1 25 Sheldo)uL.*.\n.:)\ 75 Carli r i\- ttros. 25 P,n/ri,li:>i\- n ■.) 1 1 50 Apiildiin tf- C'«i.'5« 48 f; O // C li f) [am. tat. Cousin Kriink's lloiistlidld ; or, {Scenes in the Old Uominioii. Il2tn(.. (1. 75 l'pham,V.<SfO.'fii (lovcll, Dij,Mst of Eiif^'lish (irainmar. 12iiio. . .0 50 Appletoji dj; ('a. Cowper, Win., Poetical Works, limo. cl. c.v.$l 60 ; cl. 100 H. C. nainl. " Poetical Works. 3 vols. 18mo. cl. . 2 25 l.ittlr, B.iif Co.'bZ " 'J'able Talk and other Poems. 12mo. el. ex. $1 12;cl 75 H. ('. linird. ■■ " Task. With Notes by Prof. Boyd. School Edition. ]2mo 1 25 A.S.Rarnfs 4- Co. " The same. Illustrated, Svo. cl. . . 2 50 " Task and other Poems, with 10 Steel Kii- {jravings, cl. ex. $2 ; mor. . . .3 50 H. ('. Haird. Cowslip, Stories in Verse. Square cl. col'd . . . 88 C S. Francis dljf Co. Coxc, A. C. (Rev.), Sermons on Doctrine and Duty. I2mo. cl. 1 00 //. Hooker. '54 Cox, S. H., Interviews Memorable and Useful, from Diary and Memory reproduced. I2mo. el. . . 1 00 Harper <^ Bros.' 53 Crafts, Wm., Memoir of his Life, with Selections from his Writings. 8vo C. C. Sebring. "28 Craftsman ; or, Freemason's Guide. By C. Moore, cl. 1 50 J. Ernst. '53 Craigallen Castle ; or, the Stolen Will. 8vo. pap. . . 25 Garrett 4- Co. Cranford. By Author of Mary Barton (Mrs. Gaskill). l8mo. cl 60 Harper cf Bros. '53 Cranmer and his Times. By the Author of "The Old Painters." 16mo. cl 75 H'. P. Hazard. Creamer, Hannah G., Delia's Doctors ; or, a Glance behind the Scenes. 12mo. pap 50 Fowlers cf- W. '52 Creigh, Alfred, Masonry and Anti-Masonry ; a History of Masonry as it has existed in Pennsylvania since 1792. 12mo. cl. . . 1 00 Lip'ott,G.<^Co.'5\ Crescent and the Cross. By Warburton. 12mo. cl. . 1 25 G.H.WhUneij.'5A Crests from the Ocean World. 'See Tripp, Alonzo. Crimes of the House of Austria against Mankind, by Eliz. P. Peabody. 18mo. 38 R. Garrigue. "52 Criswell, Robert, Uncle Tom's Cabin contrasted with Buck- ingham Hall. 12iuo 63 D. Fdiishaw. "52 Crockett, David (Colonel), Pictorial Lite and Adventures of, written byHimself. 8vo. pap. . . 60 7'. B. Peterson. "52 " (Col.), Sketches and Eccentricities of . 50 Morton 4- G. Crofton, D., Genesis and Geology, or an Investigation into the Reconciliation of the Modern Doctrines of Geology with the Declaration of Scripture. l6mo. cl. . . 60 Phillips, S. d^ Co. Crtiserio, C. (^I. D.), Homeopathic Manual of Obstetrics. 12mo. cl. 75 W. Raddr. '53 Crosland, N. (Mrs.), English Tales and Sketches. 12mo. cl. 1 00 Ticknor cf Co. '53 " " Lydia. a Woman's Book. 12mo. cl. . 75 " '52 •■ ■• Memorable Women, the Story of their Lives. 12mo. cl. ... 1 00 •• "54 1852—55] C R O C U M 49 Crosland, N. (Mrs.), Partners for Life. 1 21110. el. . . 75 J. \V. Moorf. Cross, J. L., Masonic Chart . 1 25 A. S. Barnes d^ Co. " Templar's Chart 1 25 '• M. E. (Rev.), Mirror of Intemperance, and History of Temperance Reform. 12ino. cl. . . net 60 7'. K. C'«//(n.v, Jr. Crosswell, Wm. 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Ready Reckoner for Timber, Wages, Interest, &,c., 25 Derby cf- Co. '52 Drake, Chas. L. Treatise on the Law of Suits of Attach- ment in the United States. 8vo. . . . 6 00 TAttle, B. cf- Co. '64 Daniel. Treatise on the Principal Diseases of the Interior Valley of North America. Edited by S. * H. Smith, M. b., and F. G. Smith, M. D. Second Scries. Svo 5 00 Lip''cott,G.<^Co.'64 S. G. History of Boston, with illustrations. Svo. Author, Boston. '54 " Indian Captives; or, Life in the Wigwam. Being true Narratives of Captives by the Indians from the Frontier Settlements of the United States. 12mo. cl. . . 1 25 Miller, O. c^ M. Drawing Book for Young Persons. Small 4to cl. . .0 50 C.S. Francis <^ Co. Dream and other Poems. By Hon. Mrs. Norton. 12mo. cl. ex. $1 25;cl 1 00 C.S.Francisdi'Co. Dress as a Fine Art. By Mrs. Merrifield. 12mo. cl. ex. $160;cl 100 J.P.JeiPetld^Co. Drew, T. R., Essay on Slavery. Svo. pap. . . . 50 J. IV. Randolph. Sam'l., Essay on the Immortality of the Soul. ISmo. cl 50 Lcanj cf- Gelz. Drowned Boy, and other Stories, a Juvenile. iSmo. cl. . 31 Jjippincolt,G.<Sf'Co. Druitt, Robert, Modern Surgery. Svo. shp. . . . 3 00 Blanchard tf- L. Drury, Harriet, Light and Shade; or the Young Artist. 12mo. pap. 50c.; cl. 75 Appleton <^ Co.'bZ Dryden, John, Poetical Works. 5 vols. ISmo. cl . . 3 75 Little, B. d^ Co. "54 Du Pui, Jas. (Rev.), Exposition of the Prophecies of the Apocalypse. 12mo. cl 75 ./. W. Moore. '53 Dublin Dissector ; or Manual of Anatomy. By R. Harrison. 12mo 2 00 S. S.4- W. Wood. Practice of Midwifery. By Maunsell. Notes by Gilman. I2mo 1 25 " Ducamp, Theodore (M. D.), On Retention of Urine. Svo. 100 " Dudgeon, R. E. (M. D.), Lectures on the Theory and Prac- tice of HomQ3opathy 2 50 W. Radde. '54 Duels and Duelling, Notes on. Alphabetically arranged, with a Preliminary Historical Essay. By Lorenzo Sabine. 12mo. cl 1 25 Croshy,^.^^ Co.'66 Duganne, A. J. H., Mysteries of Three Cities — Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. Pap. . . . 50 T. B. Peterson. Dumas, Alexander, Bragelonne the Son of Athos. Pap. . 75 H. Long cf- Bra. " Camille; or, the Fate of a Coquette. Svo. pap 38 Deicilt c|- D. '55 " Countess de Charny (The) ; or, the Fall of the French Monarchy. 2 v. Svo. pap. 1 00 T. B. Peterson. '53 " Emmanuel-Philibert ; or the European Wars of the XVIth Century. 125 Applelon i!i'Co .'Bi 185:i— 55.1 D U M I) n I 0'.' Dumas, Alex. Felina de Chambure ; or, the Female Fiend, pap. " Foresters, The. 12mo. pap., 50c.; el. " Genevieve. An Historical Romance of the French Revolution, pap. . " Ingenue; or, the First Days of Blood. 12mo. el ■•' Isaac Lacquedem. 12mo. . " Isabel of Bavaria ; or, the Chronicles of France for the Reign of Charles VI. " Louise la Valliero. 2 v. pap. " Masaniello, the Fisherman of Naples. 8vo. " Memoirs of a ]\rar([uis. 2 v. pap. " " " Physician ; or the Secret History of Louis XV. 2 v. pap. " Paul Jones; or, the Son of the Sea. pap. 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Peck. 24mo. shp, Durham Village; a Temperance Tale. By Cora Lynn. 18mo. cl . Durivage, F. A. Life Scenes from the World around us. 12mo. cl. Duval, Wm. (Rev.) Life and Sermons of. 12ino. cl. Dwight, Elizabeth O. (Mrs.), Memoir of, l>y Rev. H. (J. (). Dwicht. 12mo. cl. 50 H. Luii<^ fie Bro. 75 Apple Ion tj- Cii, '54 50 T. U. Pi'tersnn. 1 00 I J ip'incoU, G. <f Co. 25 nnnnrll tf- P. '53 50 T. li. Prlrrson. 1 00 " 25 Stringer cj- 7'. '54 1 00 //. Long cf- Bro. 1 00 T. B. Peterson. 95 Ciarntt cf- Co. 1 00 T. B. Peterson. 1 00 u 50 " 50 Stringer tj- 7'. 75 J/. Long <!^ Bro. 75 Stringer tj- T. 75 H. C. Baird. '54 85 /:;. //. Fletcher. 1 00 Cornish, L. tj- Co. 6 00 Blanchard cj- /..•53 3 75 u 10 Clark, A. ij- S. Jno. /{. (iray. '5 1 25 Edirards i\- C. *52 50 50 ./'.Jrtf/u-.-!. Morton 4* a. 38 Jcirrlt cf- Co. '54 1 00 1 00 Mussry 4- Co. '53 J. W. Randolph. 1 (10 u. ir. /;.-,/,/. (ill I) W I /; (: II I AM. CAT. Dwiylit, I\l. A., (IiTcian jind Koiiinn RIylliolofry. lUiiio. . 75 A. S.BnrnenSf Uo. The Same. Lib. ed. 8vo. c-1. . . 3 00 " '54 N., Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of In- dependence. 12mo 7.5 ll<tr]>er 4- Bros. Dyer, S. F. (Rev.), Psalmist for the Use of Baptist Churches 40 Morion 4- (J- Dyer's Instructor. See Smith, D. E. Eagle Pass, or Life on the Border, by Cora Montgomery. 12rao. cl net 10 J.B.fimillidj-Co.'5'i Earle, Pliny (M.D.), An Examination of the Practice of • Blood Letting in Mental Diseases. 8vo 1 25 S. 4- W. Wood. '55 " " Institutions for the Insane in Prussia, Austria and Germany. 8vo cl. " '55 Earlswood, or Lights and Shadows of the Anglican Church, by Charlotte Earlswood. 12rao. cl. . . . 75 Carter cj- Bros. '53 Early Buds, by Lydia M. Reno. 16mo. cl. . . . 100 Afu nroe <f- Co. '53 Days of Elisha, by F. VV. Krummacher, with an In- troduction by Rev. Gardiner Spring. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 M. W. Dodd. '52 Engagements, and Florence (a Sequel), by Mary Fra- zaer. 12mo. . . . . . . . 75 Moore, Co. '54 Easter Eggs, The. ISmo. cl 38 Ep. S. S. Union. Eastern Arts and Antiquities. 16mo. cl 63 Andrus cj- Son. Eastford, or Household Sketches, by . 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Crocker <f- J5. '55 Eastman, Mary E. (Mrs.), American Aboriginal Portfolio, il- lustrated by S. Eastman, U. S. Army. 1 vol. 4to. cl. gt. edge. 6 00 Li>'co/^G.4-Co.'53 " " Aunt Phillis's Cabin. 12mo. cl. 75 " '52 " " Chicora, and other Regions of the Conquerors and Conquered, with 21 illustrations. Sml. 4to. 5 00 " '54 « " Romance of Indian Life. 8vo. . 4 00 " '52 Easy Nat, or the Three Apprentices, a Tale of Life in New York and Boston, by A. L. Stinson. 12mo. cl. . 1 25 J. C. Derby. '54 Warren, and his Cotemporaries, Sketched for Home Circles, by W. T. Coggershall. . .100 J. S. Redjield. '64 Ecarte, or the Salons of Paris, by John Richardson. 8vo. pap. 50 Deicitt cj- D. Echoes of a Belle, or a Voice from the Past, by Ben Sha- dow. l2mo. cl. 75 G. H. Whitney. '54 " the Universe from the World of Matter and the World of Spirit, by Rev. H. Christmas. 12mo. 1 50 Parry (.^ McM. — or Leisure Hours with the German Poets, by A. C. Kendrick. 12mo. cl 75 W.lS.Sage. '54 1852—55.] ^ C K E D W Eckfeldt, J. R., and Dubois, J. R., Manual of Gold and Sil- ver Coins of all Nations, struck within the past Cen- tury. 4to. hf mor 7 5U Eclipse of Faith, or a Visit to a Religious Sceptic, by H. Rogers. l2mo. cL 1 25 Edgar J. G. The Boyhood of Great Men, with illustrations, 16mo. cl 60 " Footprints of Famous Men, with illustrations, 16rao. cl 60 Edgar, Clifton. A Story of School-Life, by C, Adams, l2mo. cl 75 Edgcworth, Maria, Bracelets, The ; or, Amiability and Vir- tue Rewarded, 18mo. cl. . . . 25 " Early Lessons, comprising Frank, Har- ry and Lucy, and Rosamond, ISmo. 5 vols, cl 3 75 " Fireside Story-Book, ISmo. cl. . .0 50 " Frank, ISmo. cl 40 " " second part, 2 v. l8mo. . 80 " Harry and Lucy, 18mo. cl. . . 40 « « " 2 V. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 " " " concluded, 4 V. 1 60 " Lazy Lawrence, 18mo. cl. . , 25 . 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Simms, 12mo. cl. . .1 0(J Egypt, Past and Present, by J. P. Thompson, 12mo. cl. 1 00 61 I'lirryiSMvM. Crosby,N.<ScC(). '53 Harper <!jf Bros. '54 " '54 Aj)pleton c$- Co. '53 Henderson cjj- Co. C.S.Francis ^ Co. Henderson <^ Co. C.S.Francis ^ Co. Harper tf* Bros. C.S.Francis (^ Co. Henderson c|- Co. W. P. Hazard. Henderson <Sf Co. Francis<Sf Co. '54 Henderson cf- Co. Buna tjr Bro. '53 Partridijrc cf- B. '53 J. B. Smith tj- Co. M. W. Dodd. Garrett <5* Co. Whipple cf- Co. Jncrtt cj[- Co. '53. J. S. Redjirld, '55 Mass. S. S. So. '54 Carter (^ Bros. W. F. DrajHT. Whijiplr ijp ('(I. E. //. Bull^ cj- Co. Jeicett cf- Co. '54 (i2 y; a y i: L L [am. cat. of the Laws. Eliot, \Vm. G. (Rev.), I'l','y|)t, Ar;il)in I'l'tr.-ni, and tlie Holy Land, A .lournal of 'J'ravels in, liy I). Millard, 12mo. and I'alestinc, Travels in, by J. Thomas, l2mo. cl. and the Holy Land, by J. L. Stephens, 8vo. " " " Sketches of Travels in, by Rev. J. A. Spencer, 12mo. Ejfyptians (Aneient), a Popular Account of. By J. G. 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'53 75 ,/. .S. Redfield. '56 63 Long. <f Bro. '5\ 1 GO Ticknnr cf- Co. '53. 25 Farmer, B. tf- Co. 75 W. P. Hazard. 75 Parry c$- MrM. 63 C. .S. Francis d^ Co. 25 Appleton 4* Co. 75 Ticknor cf- Co. '52 50 Lip'cott,G.<^Co.5Z 4 25 Blanchard^' L. '54 Sheldon, L. tf- B. 50 W. F. Draper. 1 25 Stringer cj- T. '53 50 Rademaher^- S.'Sl 1 00 Appleton cf- Co. 1 25 " 50 Phillips, S. 4- Co. 50 Carter i^ Bros. '54 50 J. P. Jetcetl <f- Co. 50 D. Burgess df Co. 50 TV. .Y. White. 2 50 Barnes <^ Co. '54 1 00 H.Long <!^ Bro. '52 1852—55.] E r'« E X P 66 Eustace Quentin, a Sequel to Mary Price, by G. W. M. Rcy- nolds. 2 V. pap Eutavv, a New Revolutionary Romance, by VV. G. Simms. ]2mo. cl. ^ Eva St. Clair, and other Talcs, by G. P. R. James, pap. . Evangelical Alliance, Prize Essay on Infidelity, by Rev. Tho.s. Pearson. 12mo. cl. Evans, E. H. (Mrs.), Poems. 12mo. cl. Christmas (Rev.), Memoirs of, and Sermons. 8vo. lib. Eve Eourn, and other Sketches, from Real Life. ISmo. 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Svo. cl Ewbank, Thos., World (The), a Workshop ; or, the Physical Relationship of ilan to the World. 12mo. cl. Examinations of Drugs, i\Iedicines, Chemicals, &:c., as to their Purity and Adulterations. By C. H. Peirce, M. D. 12mo. cl. Examples of Goodness, Narrated for the Young, sciuare, cl. ex. 88c. ; cl ivxiies (The), a Tale. By Talvi (Mrs. E. Robinson). 12mo. cl Experience of Life, a Tale. By Miss Sewell. 12ino. pap. 50c, ; cl of a Barrister. By. W. Warner. 12mo. cl. 9 1 00 //. Long 4- Br<>:b3 1 25 J. S. Reilfidil '54 25 7'. B. Peterson. U 60 Carter tj' Brnx. '54 1 00 Li'}nncott,(i.t.^- Cn. 1 80 Leanj df- (i. 23 Masa. S. S. So. '53 25 Garrell 4- Co. 25 II. Ltmii; l\ Bro. 1 00 Fetridge df Co. '54 1 25 f'arter cf' Bro.s. '55 1 (10 ./. P.J' ml t i\- Co. 75 Appleton cf- Co. '52 88 C. S. F;-a;jc/.stf-Co 75 Ivison 4" !*• '55 50 Sheldon. L. 4- B. 30 1 25 Pill nam 4- Co. '53 (I 5(1 Lrarij 4- lirtz. 2 50 Carter 4- Bro^. '53 75 Ajiplrlun 4'- Co. '65 1 25 //. C. Baird. '63 (13 ./. \V. MiH^rc. '53 1 ()() Piifii'i.,! i\- Co. '53 75 Ajijihtnn 4- Co. '53 75 Slwlden, I,. 4- B. »;«; FA It KA M (am. cat. F. Fflbons, .1. W., .'i Story of Life on tlio Isthmus. 12mo. pap. 25c.; el 40 Putnam <}^ Co. '5Z " Camel Hunt (The), a Narrative of Porsonal Adventure. 12mo. el. ... 75 " '53 Faber, F. W., All for Jesus ; or, the Easy Ways of Divine Love. 12mo. cl. 1 GO Murphj dp Co. '54 G. S., Difliculties of Infidelity ; to which is added Modern Infidelity Considered, by Robert Hall. 12mo. cl 1 GO W. (iun-ans. "53 Fables of La Fontaine (i« i'Venc/i). 12mo. . . . G 63 Lockwood df Son. Facts for Boys. Selected by Rev. Jos. Belcher. 18mo. cl. G 30 Sheldon, L.<!^B.'' 54 for Girls. Selected by Rev. Jos. Belcher. 18mo. cl. 30 " "54 and Fancies for School-Day Reading. By Miss C. M. Sedgewick. 18mo. cl. . . . . 50 J. S.Dickerson.''54 Faded Hope (The). By Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. 16mo. cl. 75 Carter <^ Bros. ''52 Faggots for the Fireside ; or, Facts and Fancy. By S. G. Goodrich. 12mo. cl 1 13 Applelon ij^- Cn.'di Faggot of French Sticks; or, Paris in 1851. By Sir F. B. Head. 12mo. cl 1 00 J. C. Riker. '54 Fair Rosamond ; or, the Queen's Victim. 8vo. pap. . . 50 Garrett t|* Co. Fairbairn, Wra., on the application of Cast and Wrought Iron to Building Purposes. 8vo. cl. . . . 2 GO J. Wiley. *54 Fairfield, G. G., Irene ; or, the autobiography of an Ar- tist's Daughter, and other Tales. 8vo. . . . Damrell <^ M. '54 Fairy Tales and Legends of many Nations. Selected and newly told by C. B. Burkhardt. 12mo. cl. 88c.; the Same, colored plates 1 25 C. Scrihner. Faithful Mother's Reward; a Narrative of the Conversion and Happy Death of S. B. l8mo. cl. . . . 45 PreshyterianBd?bZ Falconer, Wra., Poetical Works. 18mo. cl. . . . 75 Little, B <^ Co.'bA Familiar Astronomy. By Hannah Bouviere. 12mo. . 1 00 Chihls cj- P. Botany, to which is added a complete Botanical Dictionary. By Abby Kimbcr. 12mo. . 1 GO " > Science. 12mo.shp 1 GO Perry <!^' Erety. Tales for Children. By Mrs. S. L. Griffin. l8rao. hf. bd 25 Farmer, B. cf- Co. Family Dentist, a Popular Treatise on the Teeth. By D. C. Warner, M. D. 12mo. cl 75 Fowlers ^- \V. Doctor; or. Home Book of Health and Medicine. 8vo. cl 2 00 Miller O. cf- M. Fireside Book ; or, Monuments of Temperance. 8v. ara 2 50 Leary cf- G. Prayers, by the author of " Morning and Night Watches," 12mo. cl 75 Carter <^- Bros '54 Famous Men of Great Britain, square min. cl. e.\. . 25 Durrie <$• P. 1852—55. F A M F E M ^i7 Famous ^len of the United States, square, iiiiii. el. ex. Persons and Places, by N. P. Willis. 12mo. el. . Faneies of a Whimsical Man, by Thompson. 12mo. el. Fanny Dale; or, A Year After IMarriage, by T. S. Arthur. 18mo. cl. net Fern (Mrs. Sarah P. Farrington), Life and Beauties of, 12mo. cl. and Her Mamma, 18mo. cl. .... Far-Famed Tales, from the Arabian Nights' Entertainment, illustrated, 12mo. cl. Fardorougha, the Miser, A Tale, 8vo. pap. Farley, Harriet, Happy Nights at Hazel Nook, 12mo. cl. Farmer's Barn Book, 12mo. cl Every Day Book; or, Life in the Country, by Rev. J. L. Blake, 8vo. cl Land Measurer, by Jas. Pedder, l8mo. el. Miscellany and Agriculturist's Guide, by Geo. W. Marshall, 12mo. cl. .... Farmingdale, A Novel, by Caroline Thomas, 12mo. cl. Farnham, Thos. J., Travels in California and Oregon, 8vo. embossed ........ Farr, Edwd., History of England, crown 8vo. cl. Farrar, Eliza, Adventures of Congo in search of his iMas- ter, l8mo. cl. Farrier and Horse Doctor, 12mo. bds. . . . . Farrene, E., Carlotina and the Sanfcdesti ; or, A Night with the Jesuits at Rome, 12ino. cl. . . . . Fashion and Famine, by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, 12ino. cl. Fashionable Dissipation, by M. V. Fuller, 12mo. pap. Fasquelle, Louis, Colloquial French Reader, 12mo. " French Course ; or, A New Method for Learning to Read, Write, and Speak the French Language, 12mo. Key to the above .... " Les ^ventures de Telemaciue. par M. Fenelon, 12mo. .... " Napoleon, in French, by Ale.v. Dumas, with Colloquial Notes, E.vercises, &c., 12mo. Father Briglithopes ; or, An Old ('lergyman's Vacation, IBuio. cl Clement, A Roman Catholic Story, by (Jracc Ken- nedy, 18mo. cl. Fawn (The) of the Pale Faces; or. Two Centuries Ago, by J. P. Brace, r2mo. cl Feathers from a .Moulting IMuso, by H. J. Sarirent, 12ino. cl. Felina de Chamburc; or, the Female Fiend, by Dumas, pap. Female Blue Beard, by Eugene Sue, pa]». Jesuit; or, the Spy in the Family, by Mrs. S. Luke, 12mo. cl. 25 Durrie c^ /'• 1 25 C. Scribner. '54 1 00 J. S. Taylor. "53 25 J. B. Smithi^Co. 1 00 Long <^ Bros, 'bb 50 Carter 4- Bros. 1 25 CS. Francis df Co. 25 E. Liltd. '52 1 00 Uaylon cj- IV. '53 1 25 Leary cj- 6'. 2 50 Miller, O. cj- M. 50 C. M. Saxlon. '54 60 Fairchild <!^ Co.'bb 1 00 Appletnn tf- Co. '54 2 00 Shehlen, L. 4- B. 1 50 S. Andrus cj- Son' 38 C.S.Francis <!i-Co. 25 DewiK <f- D. 1 25 J. S. Taylor. '53 1 00 Binice 4- Bro. '54 50 R. H. Sec 4- Co. 75 Ivison 4" ^'• 1 25 (i3 " 75 75 50 Fhillips,S.fH-Co.'b3 30 Cartir 4- Bros. 75 Applrlon if- 0>. '53 75 C'ro.s/;y,A'.tf-Co.'54 50 //. Long ij- Bro. 25 7*. B. Peterson. 'JU M. \\. DihU. »i8 y ' /; M / • / n (aji. cat. Fcmiilo Pioty ; or, Tlip Younfr Woman's Friend and (iuide to Immortality, by J. A. Jamen, IGino. cl. Pouts of America, edited by Rufus W. Griswold, 8vo. cl. $2 50 ; cl, ex Scripture Cliaracters, by Rev. Wm. Jay, 12mo. cl. Ferguson, J. B., Record of Communication from the Spirit Sphere, 12mo. Fern Leaves, from Fanny's I'ortfolio, by Mrs. Sarah P. Far- rington, first seriea, 12mo. cl. . The same, second series, 12mo. cl. Ferris, B. G., Utah and the Mormons, the History, Govern- ment, Doctrines, Customs, and Prospects of the Lat- ter-Day Saints, from Personal Observations, 12mo. cl. Fessendcn, T. G., American Kitchen Gardener, 12mo. pap. Festus, A Poem, by P. J. Bailey, 32mo- cl. ex. 1 25 ; cl. Feuchtersleben, Ernest Von, The Dietetics of the Soul, 18mo, cl. Feval, Paul, White Wolf; or, The Secret Brotherhood, pap. Field, M., City Architecture ; or. Designs for Dwelling Houses, Stores, Hotels, &c. 8vo. cl. , Thos. W., University Drawing-Book ; a collection of studies of the human form, animals, and landscapes, with instructions, cl Field Book of Manures ; or, American Muck Book, by D. J. Brown, 12mo. cl Fields, Jas. T., Poems, square 24mo. (printed for private distribution). Wm. (Compiler), Scrap-Book, consisting of Tales and Anecdotes, in prose and poetry, 8vo. cl. Fifteen Minutes Around New York, by G. G. Foster, pap. Fifty Years in both Hemispheres ; or. Reminiscences of the Life of a former Merchant, by Vincent Nolte, 12mo. cl. Findlay's Classical Atlas to Illustrate Ancient Geography, Finger-Rings, The History and Poetry of, by Chas. Edwards, 12mo. cl. Finger of God, 'J'he, by Rev. John Cumniings, 12mo. cl. Finnikin and his Gold Pippins, by Mad. Chatelaine, cl. Finland Family (The), by Mrs. S. P. Cornwall, l6mo. cl. Finley, Jas. B. 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S. Redfield. '54 25 Stringer cj- T. '53 50 Jewell cj- Co. '54 185:i— 55.] /•' / R -F L () m each First Love; a story of a Woman's Heart, by Eugene Sue, 8vo. pap. and True Love, by George Sand, pap. First of tiie Knickerbockers. By P. H. Myers. 12mo. el. Fiscal History of Texas. See Gouge, W. M. Fishbout, VVm. Macrocosm and Microcosm ; or, the Uni- verse Without and the Universe Within. 12mo. cl. Fisher, G. T. Photogenic Manipulations. 16mo. cl. R. S. The Progress of the United States of Ame- rica, from the Earliest Periods. Geographical, Statistical, and Historical. Royal 8vo. Saml. W., the Three Great Temptations of Young Men, with several Lectures addressed to Business and Professional Men. Svo. cl. R. S., Gazetteer of the United States. Svo. slip. '. Fish, F. W., the Mind and the Heart (Poems). 12mo. cl. Fisk, Geo. (Rev.), An Orphan Tale told in Rhyme. iSmo. " " the Christian Character in its Connection with Secular Pursuits. 16mo. Ipd. c Fiske, N. W., Story of Aleck, or the History of Pitcairn's Island. iSmo. cl Fitch, George W., First Lessons in Geography. " Mapping Plates (14 plates). Fitzgerald, P. A. Exhibition School Speaker. 12mo. Fitzhugh, George, Sociology for the South ; or, the Failure of Free Society. 12mo. cl Fitz Harold ; or, the Temptation. By Mrs. S. A. Meyers. 12mo. cl. Five Years before the Mast ; or, Life in the Forecastle, By J. A. Hazen. 12mo. cl Fiagg, E. Venice, The City of the Sea, from the Invasion by Napoleon in 1797 to 1849. With a contempora- neous View of the Peninsula. 2 v. 12mo. cl. Flanders, H. Treatise on Maritime Law. 8vo. Flint, A. (M. D.) Clinical Reports on Continued Fever. Svo. Charles L. The Agriculture of Massachusetts, as shown in the Returns of the Agricultural Societies, 1863. Svo. Flirtation in America : or, High Life in New York. By Seatsiield. pap Flood and Field ; or. Tales of Battles on Sea and Land. By Dr. Mayo. 12mo. cl. Flora Cestric.e and llerborizmg Companion for the Young Botanists of Chester County, State of Pennsylvania. By Wm. Darlington, M. D. 12mo. shp. Lyndsay; or. Passages in an Eventful Life. By Mrs. Muodio. 12m(). c! Flora's Festival, by Wm. B. Bradbury 25 7'. li. Pdcrbun. '53 OU " 75 J. C. Rikcr. '54 75 Fowlers <^ U'. 63 H. C. Baird. 2 50 J. B. CuUon. "54 Moore <^ A. '52 3 50 J. H. Collon. "53 50 Adriance, S.c^ Co. 25 Carter cf- Brox. '53 1. 20 A.D.F. Randolph. 38 Whipple €$• Co. 45 Sheldon, L. c^ B. 30 75 D. M. Dewnj. 1 00 A. Morris. '55 60 Carltr <Sc Bros. '55 1 OO W. I'. Hazard. .J 50 C. Scrihnrr. '53 3 50 Little, B. tV Co. '53 BulTalo. '53 Wm.White.^bi 5(1 r. li. I'rtrrson. 1 01) \V. I'. Hazard. 2 25 lAndsmj i\- H. '53 75 25 /;- will i\- I). "54 lasun cf- /'. 70 /■' /. o /•' o n Flort'iH'c Kjrcrlon ; or, Sun.sliinc! Jin<l Sliiulow. rJiiio. tl. (i 7/> Klowcr oT the Family (Tlie), a Uook Tor (iirls. 18mo. el. 75 Flowers I'er.sonified, a Series ol' .02 Female Figures, adorned with Flower Costumes, beautifully colored, with Descriptions. By N. Cleveland, a new edition. 2 vols., im. mor. . . . • . 10 00 that Never Fade. 18mo 38 Flush Times of Alabama and Mississippi ; a Series of Sketches. By J. G. Baldwin. 12mo. el. . . 1 2.5 Flying Artillerist (The) ; a Tale of Mexican Treachery. 8vo. pap 25 Cloud (The), a Romance of New York Bay and the Chagres River. By J. II. Ingraham. 8vo. pap. 25 Dutchman , a Sea Tale. pap. . . . .0 25 Folded Lamb; or, the Memorials of an Infant Son. By Mrs. G. A. Rogers. ISmo. el 40 FoUen, E. L. (Mrs.) Nursery Songs. Square cl. . . 42 S. S. (Mrs.) (Editor), Stories and Poems, first pub- lished in the '• Child's Friend." 12mo. cl. . .0 75 Foote, A. II. (Lieut.), Africa and the American Flag. 12mo. cl 1 50 A. L. R. (Rev.), School of Christ; or, Christianity Viewed in its Leading Aspects. ISmo. cl. . .0 50 Footpath and Highway ; or. Wandering of an American in Great Britain in 1851-52. By B. iMoran. 12mo. cl, 1 25 Footprints of Famous Men. By J. G. Edgar. 18mo. cl. 60 of Truth ; or. Voice of Humanity. By J. C. Hagen. 8vo. cl 3 00 Footsteps of Our Forefathers. See Miall, J. G. of St. Paul (The). By the Author of Morning and Night Watches. 12mo. cl. . . 1 00 Fontaine, Jas. (Rev.), Memoirs of a Huguenot Family. 12mo. cl 1 50 Ford, D. E. (Rev.), Decapolis; or, the Individual Obligation of Christians to Save Souls from Death. 18mo. cl. 25 John (Rev.), Catechetical Theology for Youth, l8mo. cl 30 Thos., History of Illinois from 1814 to 1847. 12mo. cl 1 25 Forest, The. By J. V. Huntington. 12mo. cl. . .125 Exiles ; or, the Perils of a Peruvian Family. By Mayne Reid. 16mo. . . . . . 75 Sanctuary and other Poems. By Mr;?. Hemans. 12mo. cl 63 Scenes. 64mo. cl. ex. ... . 25 Foresters (The). By Alex. Dumas. 12mo. pap. 50o. ; cl. 75 " By Prof. John Wilson. 12mo. cl. . 75 Forged Will (The) ; or, Crime and Retribution. By Emer- son Bennett. 12mo. pap. 50c. ; cl. ... 75 [AiM, CAT. iUiTliT iSf Bros. '54 A.D.F.UiidolpU.'riX Martin cj- ./. liriii^s fif Co. "54 Ajipklon dj- Co. '64 LonfT (if. Urn. '53 Hlr'w^er dp 'J'. '51 //. Ij07l<r t^ Uru. Carter 4" Bros. S. Ray nor. Crosby, \. 4- C'^ '52 Appleton <Sf Co. '54 Gould 4- L. '55 Lip'otl,G.<^Co. "53 Harper cjf- Broi.'5i Cornish, L. <Sf Co.'52 Carter <Sp Bros. '55 Putnam 4" Co. '52 Carter cj- Bros. M. \V. Dndd. GrigL[s djf Cl. '54 J. S.^Redfield. '52 Tichnor cj- F. '55 C. S.Francisi^Co. Durrie tj- P. Appleton 4- Co.'oi Carter 4" Bros. T. B. Peterson. "53 1852—56.] FOR F O TV Forrest, Win. S., Historical and Descriptive Sl^etches of Norfolk (Va.) and Vicinity, including Portsmouth and the Adjacent Counties, during a period of 200 years. 8vo. el. Forrester, Francis, Red Brook ; or. Who'll Buy my Water Cresses. 16mo. cl. . . . . Forsyth, Wm., History of the Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena, from Letters and Journals of Sir Hudson Lowe, and Official Documents not before made pub- lic. 2 vols. 12mo. cl Fortnight in Ireland. By F. B. Head. 12mo. pap. 25; cl. Fortune Hunter (The), a Novel of New York Society. By Mrs. IMowatt. 8vo. pap Teller of Saint Avoye ; or, the Mysterious Stranger. 8vo. pap Fortunes of the Colville Family. By F. E. Smedley. 12mo. P:ip Forum (The) and the. Vatican. By N. Hall. 12mo. cl. . Fosdick, D., German and English Dictionary W, W., Ariel and other Poems. 12mo. cl. gt. Fossil Spirit (The), a Boy's Dream of Geology. By John Mill, M. D. 12mo. cl. Foster, B. F., Commercial Penmanship. 8vo. cl. " Counting House Manual. 12nio. '• Double Entry Elucidated. 4to. cl. " Penmanship Illustrated. 12mo. cl. . G. G., Celio, or New York above Ground and under Ground, pap. ..... " Fifteen Minutes around New York. pap. " New York Naked, pap John, Spirit of Missions, or the Glory of the Age. 18mo. M. E. 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Companion of Spelling Books Elementary Geography for Massachusetts Children ....-• 2 00 Carlr r 4- Bros. '55 42 Mr A- Dtiitoi). 10 '• rr, 10 " 17 20 '■ 17 34 72 /'O \V r li i: I AM. CAT. Fowlc, W. 15., Kyi' and Hand, or Linear Drawinj^ " Familiar Dialogues ..... " French First Class Book " " Grammar ..... " IMiy.siology Fowler, .T. A., Analysis of Dramatic and Oratorical Expres- sion. 12mo. hf r. ...... O. S., A Home for All, or the Mode of Building, New, Cheap, and Convenient. 12mo. " Edueation Complete, embracing Physiology, Animal and Mental, Self-Culture and ^lem- ory. el " Love and Parentage, applied to the Improve- ment of Offspring, cl Fo.v, Charles James, Memorials and Corre.spondence of, edi- ted by the Hon. Lord John Russell. 2 v. 12rao. cl. George, Life of, with Dissertations on his Views con- cerning the Doctrines, Testimonies, and Discipline of the Christian Church, by Saml. M. Janney. 8vo. France, Civil Wars and Monarchy in, in the Si.xteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, cl. Franchere, G., Narrative of a Voyage to the N. West Coast of America in the Years 1811, '12, "13 and '14. 12mo. Frank, by Maria Edgeworth. 18mo. cl " " Second part. 2 v. iSmo. cl. Freeman's Barber Shop, a Tale, by Rev. B. R. Hall. 12mo. cl. Harrison. iSmo. cl Netherton, or the Talisman. ISmo. cl. the Underground Mail Agent. 12mo. pap. 50c. ; el. and Maja's Stories and Rhymes. Scjuare cl. . Franklin, Benjamin, Illustrated Life of, including his Auto- biography. Svo. .... " Life of, written by Himself. 12rao. cl. Frazaer, Mary, Early Eng.agements, and Florence (a sequel). 12mo. Freaks of Fortune ; or, the History and Adventures of Ned Lorn, by J. B. Jones, 12mo cl. .... Fred. Arden ; or. The Jesuit's Revenge, Svo. pap. Vernon ; or. The Victim of Avarice, Svo. pap. Free Flag of Cuba, A Tale of the Liberating Expedition of 1S51, by H. M. Ilardimann, pap Freeman, N. C, The Twilight Dream and Moments of Soli- tude, 12mo. Freemont, J. C, Exi)loring Expedition through the Rocky Mountains, Oregon, and California, 12mo. cl. Freligh, 31. (M. D.), Homeopathic Practice of Medicine, em- bracing the treatment of diseases in general, 12mo. r. cl. sides, .31 Idr (if Ihillon. 75 " 67 " 07 " 42 " 7.0 fjiiiilsorj cj[' li. '.53 75 Fnirlfra <^ \V. '53 2 m » G3 1 r.O Bhnrliaril <Sfh. '63 1 7.5 1 00 1 00 40 SO 1 00 30 40 7.5 50 2 00 1 2.5 Lip'inrotl,Cw.(^ Co. Harper c|- Bros. '53 J. S. Redfield. '54 f '. S. Franckdf Co. i< C Scribner. '53 Carter cf- Bros. "53 Lippinrott, G. <Sf Co. Henderson cf Co. J. C. Derby. Miller, O. 4- M Moore, A. 4- Co. '54 1 00 T. B. Peterson' 54 50 Garrett cf- Co. 75 ■54 50 Deuitt cf- D. '55 Lindsay cj- B. '53 1 25 Miller, 0. cf- M. 1 50 Lamport,B.(^'Lair. 185-2—55. F R E 1' r L 73 French, J. H., Arithmetical Chart in two numbers, each 36 by 54 inches, mounted and varnished, witli cloth backs for (he set French Metropolis. Paris as seen in the spare hours of a medical student, 25 fine steel plates, 8vo. Protestant Refugees. See WeisF, Jas. Revolution, History of, by A. de Lamartine, 8vo. cl " Without a Master, in Six Lessons, by A. li. Mun- tcith, Fresh Leaves from Western Woods, by M. V. Fuller, 12m(). Prick, Chas., Renal Affections, their Diagnosis and Pathology 12mo. cl. Friends of Christ (The) in the New Testament (thirteen discourses), by Rev. N. Adams, 8vo. cl. . Friendships of the Bible (The), by Amicus, 12mo. Frlese, P. C, An Essay on Wages, 12mo. pap. . Frontier Life ; or, Scenes and Adventures in the Southwest, by F. Hardman, 12mo. cl. .... Missionary (The), a Memoir of the Life vi' Rev. Jacob Bailey, by W. S. Bartlet, 8vo. Frontiersmen (The), A Narrative of 1783, r2mo. pap. Frost, John, Border Wars of the West, 8vo. . " Composition, 12mo. hf. bd, . . . . '• Great Men and Great Events in History, 8vo. cl. 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(Abridged), 12mo. cl. 1(1 4 50 2 25 -'5 1 00 1 00 55 l;; E. Darroir. ( '. S. Era w IS <J- Co. 3 no I'll mips, S. <\- Co. 7'. B. Fetersoti. Miller. O. 4- M. 75 Blanchard tj- L. Whipple cf- Co. '53 Carlton <if- P. '54 Fowlers tjf- IV. '53 1 25 .1/(7/' r, (>. tj- M. id> cv /;. 5 1 25 Strimrer <:^ 7'. '54 2 50 Derhy cf- M. '53 25 E.n.niitlrri^ Co. 2 50 Millrr. O. ,S- M 1 25 A. Hart, '54 1 25 E. Hunt tjf- Son. 1 00 Millrr, O. cf- M. 2 ho Lrarij t^r Getz. 3 50 " 1 25 Miller, (). i\- M no ./. n. Smith <\- Co. 1 50 Miller, (). cf- M. 2 50 Shehhm. I. »K- li. ♦;:$ Author. \ > . 17 1 (Ml Fi'trhrs i\ \\ . 75 A]>i>lrl<>ii ,^- (•o.'54 2.') Wf/j,'rti,'«o.stf-C«.'64 2 5(1 ('. Scnhurr. '54 (I 75 l.ip'iiieotl,(i.i\- C". o 50 Am. 'hart So. n\ 71 /■ I h — a \ n 1am. cat FiilliT, iMi'ttii v., Fii-iliionublo DisHipation. 12mo. pnii. o .'jo li.lI.Sfe<!lcdi.'b\ I'Veah Leaves from Western Woods. 12mo. el. 1 00 Millar, (). df sM. " Tlie Senator's Son ; or, the Maine Law a Last Refuge. Timo. . . . 75 Tooker <!\i- (i. on lllieuiiiiUisin, Rheumatic Gout, and Sciatica. Hvo. 'J 50 .S*. S. c^ U". Wonfi. FuIIerton, Georgiana (Lady), The Lady Bird. l"Jmo. pap. 50c.; el 75 Ajiplelumif- (Jo/bi Fun-Jottings; or, Laughs I iiave taken a Pen to. By N. P. Willis. 12nio. el 1 25 ('. Scribmr. '53 and Earnest. By Author of "Musings of an Invalid." 12uio. cl 75 ./. S. 'Taylor. *53 Furness, Wm. H. (Rev.), History of Jesus. 12iiio. cl. 1 00 Crvslnj, N. <^ Co. Furniss, Wm., The Land of the Cecsar and Doge. 12mu. cl. 1 25 Cornish,L.^t'o.bZ G. Gale, L., Elements of Natural Philosophy • • • . 50 Irhoy) <Sc P. Gallaudet, T. H., and Hooker, H., Family and School Dic- tionary. 18mo. hf. bd. 42 Farmer, B. djf Cu. Game of Astronomy 1 00 W. P. Hazard. of Life ; or, the Chess Players. By M. Retzch. 4to. pap. 50c. ; in case 75 of Nations 50 of Natural History 38 The Same, colored 50 " • of Uncle Tom and Little Eva . . . . 25 of the Alphabet 50 S. Rayn»r. of the Lamplighter 25 IV. P. Hazard. of the Monkey 1 00 H. F. Anners. of the Multiplier 50 S. Raynor. Gan Eden ; or. Pictures of Cuba. By Wm. H. Hurlbut. 12mo. cl. 75 Jeiccll <f- Co. "54 Garden Walks with the Poets. By Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. 12mo. cl. . . • 1 25 J. C. Riker.''oi Gardiner, Jas. (Col.), Life of. By Rev. Philip Doddridge. ISmo. cl. 30 Carter cj- Brvf. (Jardner, A. K. (M. D.), Old Wine in New Bottles. 12mo. cl. 1 00 C.!S.Fra7icist!j;-Co. Chas. K., Dictionary of all Officers in the Army of the United States from 1789 to January 1st, 1853, and of the Navy and Marine Corps. 12mo. cl. 2 50 Putnam cj- Co. '53 D. P., Medical Chemistry. 12mo. cl. . . 1 20 Blanchard cf- L. Gardener and Florist. 12n^o. bds 25 Dewitt <$• D. Garnelle ; or, the Rover's Oath. Pap 25 Garrett cf- Co. Garnett ; or, Female Education. 1 8mo 50 J. W. Randolph. 52—55.1 r/ A S a E A 75 Guskill (Mrs.), Cranford. 18mo. cI 060 Harper <!^ Bmx.'b'i " North and South. 8vo. pap. . . 38 '• '55 ''■ Ruth, a Novel. 8vo. pap. . . 38 Tirknnr 4- Co. '53 " The Same. 12rao. cl 60 •• "53 fJauIf. Robert (Rev.), Popery the Man of Sin and the Son of Perdition, being the Second Prize Essnv of the Hvano^elical Alliance. r2ino. cl 1 25 .4///. 4- F.f '. Thi'.?!. (ijivazzi. Ale.vandro, Lectures in New York against the Pa- pacy and Roman r'atholic System. 12mo. cl. . . 75 A // /// 4- /). "53 " as Delivered in New York, cor- rected by himself, with his Life, bv .T. B. Nicolini. 12mo. cl. . . <i 75 M. \V. Dmhl "54 rinvin, A., Great Red Dragon, or Master Key to Popery. 12mo. cl. 1 2."» Sdml. Jonrs.'b\ Gay, .John, Poetical Works. 2 v. 18mo. cl. ... 1 50 I.iltlp, H. i\' f'n.'bA Giiyarre. Charles, History of the Spanish Domination of Louisiana, from 17Gi) to December. 1803. 8vo. cl 2 50 J. S. Rr,}l!,l,I. 'bl Influence of the >rechanic Arts on the Human Race. 12mo. ./. Wiley. "54 •' School for Politics, a Dramatic Novel. 12mo. cl. . . . . 75 Ai'iilfion tf-Co. '54 CJazetteer of the United States, by R. S. Fisher. 8vo. shp. 3 50 ./. II. Coltim. "53 " " " .John Hayward. 8vo. .shp. . . nef ] 50 J. B. Smith i^- r... ■■ (Toited States, giving a full and compre- hensive review of the Present Condi- tion, Industry, and Resources of the American Confederacy, by Thos. Bald- win and J.Thomas. 8vo. . . 4 00 f,ii>]tiiiriti/.fi.i.\-ri>. World— See Smith, J. Calvin. Geldart, T. (Mrs.), May Dundas, or Passages in Young Life. 12mo. cl o 7."i ( V/r/- ;• i^- /^•.^^.■ 5 4 (ieni IJook of British Poetry, w itii Biogra|iliioal Sketches, by S. G. Goodrich, with 10 portraits. 8vo. nior. tif/ $3 50;cl. e.\ m-t 3 00 i:. II. Hii/hr^\- (<•. of the Season, a Souvenir for 1853. Small 4to. nior. fi OO Lnniti ^.\■ A. "53 ( I'cins by the Wayside, or Religious and Domestic I'oems, by Lydia Baxter. 12iiio. cl 100 .S/i</,/„7i,A4-C...'54 by the Wayside, by Mrs. L. (!. Abell. I2m(). cl. 1 25 Fiiircliilil^\-l'o. '55 from Fable Land, a Collection of Fables illuHtralcd by Facts. By W. O. Bourne. 12ino. cl. 1 00 ( '. SmAm-r. '52 from M. F. Tupper. 24mo. cl 10 .MilUr, (). .V- .)/. (tf German Verse, from the best I'oets. 12iiio. cl. e.\. $1 50; cl 1 00 \\ . I'. ILr.ur,!. '• the British Poets, by .Mrs. S. ('. Hall. 12inn. rl. . 1 on //, ( '. Ihiird. Genesis and fieology — Ser Crofton, D. 76 G EN a I I. 1 00 25 25 25 50 3 00 (ii'iunicvc, Mti Ili^Lllri(•aI Iloiiiaiicf of tlio Ficncli llirvoln- tion, by Alexander Diima.H. pap Go Genevra, or the History of a Portrait, hy Miss F^airfieM. pap. 50 Cieniiis and Faith, or Poetry of Religion in their Mutual Re- lations, by Wm. C. Scott. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 00 wd ifission of the Protestant Ep. (Jhureh in the I'. States, by Rev. C. Colton. 12mo. cl. . . 1 00 of Scotland, or Sketches of Scottish Scenery, Liter- ature, and Religion, by Rev. R. Turnbull. 12mo. 1 00 Genlif?, S. F. (Countess de), Le Siege de la Rochelle. 12mo. 1 oo Genoa, Pisa, and Florence, Sketches of, by Jules Janin, translated by Mrs. M. H. Robinson. 12mo. cl. Gentile Nations (The)— .SV Smith, Geo. Gentle Shepherd (The), a Pastoral Comedy, by Allan Ram- say. 12mo. cl. Gentleman .Tack, or Life on the Road. 8vo. pap. Gentleman's Daughter (The), or a Great City's Tempta- tions, pap George Barnwell, or the London Apprentice, pap. and his Do?, with other Stories. Square cl. . Georgia, Historical Collections of, by Rev. George White. 8vo. cl ■ . (Jerhard, W. W. (M. D.), Lectures on the Diagnosis, Pa- thology, and treatment of Diseases of the Chest, new edition, 8vo. shp. . . . .net German Lyrics, by Chas. T. Brooks, 12mo cl. Popular Tales and Household Stories, edited by Grimm, 2 vols. 12mo. cl Without a Master, in Six Easy Lessons, pap. Gerstaecher, P., Narrative of a Journey Round the World, 12mo. el. Gertrude, a novel, by Judge Tucker, Svo. pap. Getting Along, a book of illustrations, 2 vols. 12mo. Ciibbes, R. W., Documentary History of the American Rev- olution, consisting of Letters and Papers relating to the Contest for Liberty, chiefly in South Carolina, in 1781 and 1782. Svo Gibson, Win., Visions of Fairy Land, and other poems, 16mo. cl. 75 Giddings, Joshua R., Speeches in Congress, 12mo. cl. 1 00 L. (Maj. U. S. A.), Campaign in Northern Mexico, 12mo. cl. 1 50 Gideon, Giles ; or, The Struggles for Life, pap. . 50 Gift for all Seasons, 16mo. . . • . , . 1 60 Gil Bias. Adventures of, by A. R. Le Sage, translated by Tobias Smollett, 32mo. roan, . . . . 75 ■ The same, l6mo. cl. 1 25 Gilbart, J. W., Practical Treatise on Banking, Svo. cl. 2 50 7'. li. I'elfTsim. ('. SrribnT. '53 Stanford tj- S. "53 Carlfr tf* Bros. fjockwofHl 4" S"ii. G3 Ijii)'con,G.<^Co:bA W. Gouans. '52 Deirill 4. D. '52 Garrett cj- Co. Stringer d^ T. Crosby, N. df Co. Pmlnnj tf- R. '54 Lip''olt,G.d^Co.''b\ Tichnor cf- Co. '53 Francis tSc Co. '53 T. B. Peterson. Harper df Bros. '53 J. W. Randolph. J. C. Derhj.'bfi 2 00 Cohimhia.S.C.'r>3 Munroe «f- Co. '53 Jeireft <Sf Co. '53 Putnam c|- Co. '54 Garrett cf* Co. Appleton 6f Co. '53 Leary 4" Getz. Appleton 4* Co. H. C. Baird. "54 2 25 1 00 2 25 25 1 00 38 1 50 1852—55. G I L a () I) Giles, Henry, Illustrations of Genius, in some of its rela- tions to culture and society, 12ino. cl. . . . riilfillan, Geo., Gallery of Literary Portraits, second series, 12mo. cl. " The same, third series, r2mo. cl. '• ifartyrs, Heroes, and Bards, of the Scottish Covenant, 16mo. cl. .... " Poets and Poetry of the Bible, 12mo. cl. (Jiiman, Caroline (Mrs.), Oracles for Youth, 12mo. cl. ex., §>1; cloth, " '• Recollections of a Southern Matron and New England Bride, 12ino. cl. " " Sibyl ; or. New Oracles from the Poets, 12mo. cl. ex. $1 50 ; cl. " " Stories and Tales for Children, l8mo. cl Gilson, A., The Czar and the Sultan ; or, Nicholas and Ab- dul Medjid, their Private Lives and Public Actions, 18mo. cl. Gipsy's Daughter, by Mrs. Grey, pap Girardin, S. M., Lectures on Dramatic Literature ; or, the employment of the Passions in the Drama, translated from the French, 12mo. cl (Jirault, A. N., French Student's Manual ; or. 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A., < K'can Born (Tlic). .'i 'I'alc of tin- Soiithorn Seas. 8vo. pnp. . . <) 2"> fiunrr jj- firo. < I'odwin, I'aikc, llaiid-Uook of Ihiivorsal I'ioifra)ihy. small ■Svo 2 00 Binnes cf- Co. '54 (ioL'tlic, .1. W., Autobiography. li\ I'arke Godwin. 2 vs. el. 1 75 /Iftiderson <^ Co. '• Hermann and Dorothea. l2mo. el . 75 Riker^T. <Sf Cit/ftA " Iphiffcnia in Tauris. a Drama in Five Acts. rJino. l)ds. . . . 75 A]>])h'lon tjr Cn. (."..1(K S. W. (M. D.), Ediu-ation for the Million— Physical. Intellectual, and ^Vforal 25 M. W . I)<M, (lold Seekers; or, Cruise of the Lively Sally, pap. . . 25 If. Itowj; tjf- Bm. nnd the Gospel, Prize Essays on the Scriptural Duly of Giving in Proportion to Means and Income. IGmo. cl 38 C'nrllon d^ P.'hA (loldcn Age to Come, a Sacred Drama. By .1. S. Austin. 12mo. pap. . . . . . . . 25 i4. Tompkins. "54 Dreams and Leaden Realities. By Raijjh Raven. 12mo. cl. 1 on Putnam cf- Co. 53 Lyi'p) «i Collection of Church ^Music. By V. C. Taylor 88 D. Burgess 4- Co. Steps for the Young. By J. lAI. Austin. 12mn. cl. 84 Miller, O. cf- M. Link ; or, Tales and Poems for the Young. By W. O. Bourne. l8mo. cl fi3 C. Scrihner: 5Z Goldsmith, Oliver, Deserted Village. With 35 illustrations, Svo. mor. ant. $3: cl. e.\. . . .1 5o Ajifleton (Sf Co.'bX " Geographical View of the World. 12mo. cl 90 Farmer, B. cf- Co. " Poems, Plays, and Essays. 12mo. cl. 1 00 P/ Co. '54 " Poetical Works. 30 engravings, crown Svo. cl. ex. $2 ; cl. 1 25 W. P. Hazard. ■•. Poetical Works. iSmo. cl. . . .0 75 Little, B. d^- Co. '5A " Vicar of Wakefield. 12mo. . . 75 Apjileton ^ Co. " Vicar of Wakefield (in French). 12mo. 75 Locku-0(Hl df Son. Good Child's Reward. iSmo. cl 31 Lip colt, G. df Co. Grandmother. By Mrs. Hofland. ISmo. cl. . 38 C. .S. Francis cf- Co. (»ood-Natured Bear, a Story for Children. By R. H. Home. square cl. 75 Ticknor tj- Co. "54 (Jood in Every Thing, a Story. By Mrs. Barweli. Ifimo. cl. 5(i Appletondf Co.'bl Goodell, Wm., Slavery and Anti-Slavery, a History of the Great Struggle in both Hemispheres, with a View of the Slavery Question in the U. States. 12mo 1 00 Wm. Hinwl "53 " The Old and the New; or. the Changes of Thirty Years in the East, with some Allu- sions to Oriental Customs as Elucidating Scripture. 12mo. cl 1 13 ,17. ir. /)oJ</. "53 Goodrich, C. A. Family Sabbath-Day Miscellany, compris- ing over Three Hundred Religious Tales and Anecdotes, Original and Se- lect. 12mo. ara 1 25 Lenr\j t|- Getz. 1 852—55. 1 (.' O () i; () li 7'.» Goodrich, C. A Chas, 1 13 38 Lessons in Greek Parsing. " Latin " ... B. Lowell Lectures ; The Science of Gov- ernment as E.\hil)ited in the Institutions of the United States of America. 8vo. Ancient History. 12mo. r. cl. sides '• Comprehensive Geography and History, Ancient and Modern. 4to. hfbd. •• Faggots for the Fireside ; or, Facts and Fancy. 12mo. cl. .... " First History. ISmo. lif. bd. •• Gem Book of British Poetry, with Bio- graphical Sketches, 10 portraits. 8vo. mor. 7iet $3 50 ; cl. ex. . . net 3 UO " Histoire Universclle. 12mo. . Ifet 63 •• " des Etats Unis. 12mo. . net 63 '■ Modern History. 12mo. r, cl. sides 1 35 •• New National Geography, . . -0 50 '• Pictorial History of England. 12mo backs ..... •• l^ictorial History of France. backs .... •• Pictorial Hi.story of Greece. backs ■• Pictorial History of Rome. backs .... •' Pictorial History of the United States. 12mo. emb. backs . . . nef •' Pictorial Primer. 16mo. cl. bks ■• Primary Geography, .... •• Primer of History, hf. bd. . •• Reader, First. l8mo. hf. bd. •• " Second. " '" ■ • • '• '• Third. - •• '• •■ l^'ourth. 12mo. " • • • •• •• Fifth. 12mo. sides " Take Cure of Number One. l8mo. cl. .. Wanderers by Sea and Land, with Other Tales. 12mo. cl. .... .. WinterWreathof Summer Flowers. 8vo. Gore, :\lrs. Dean's Daughter (The) ; -r, the Days We Live In. 12mo. pap., 5<ic ; cl. - l,ady Leighton: or, the Belle of the Manor. 8vo. pap '• I'rogress and Prejudice. 12iuo. d. Gorgei, Arthur. °My Life and Acts in Hungary, in the V.ars 1848-49. 12mo. el Gospel Glass (A.). >Scr Stuckley, L. U 42 Dun-ic (H- I'. 50 1 25 Little, B. 4- 1 35 Morlitn cf- ii. 1 75 Sheldun, L. c^- li. Appleton clj- Cl). '54 E. H. Butler t^ Co. emb. 72et 12mo. emb. . net 12mo. emb. net 12mo. emb. . net Morton iHf li. Sheldon, L. c\- B. t)3 E. H. liidlrr iif Co. 63 63 63 63 15 25 30 13 19 30 45 90 (I 30 1 13 3 (HI 75 25 (I 75 Morton df H. Shrlilnn. L- iV" B. Morton t\- (i. Hhddun, L. tV li Appletitn f\- I 'o. '5 1 ■jl "53 (i.irnt ty- Co. '53 Ihirill ty- />>. •"' I 1 (10 Harper tH- Uro.^.'bl 80 r; () li a n .\ AM. CAT. (ioriio, I'. I). (Rev.) Episcopal Methodism as it Was and Is. rjiiio. el " History of the Churches and Sects of the United States. 12tno. el. " • Lives of Eminent Methodist Minis- tons. I'Jino. el. ... (loiige, \V. M., 'J'he Fiscal History of Texas, cmbracintf an account of its Revenues, Debts and Currency, from the conmiencement of the Revolution in 1824 to '52, 8vo. cl Gould, H. F., Mother's Dream, and other Poems, 12mo. L. D., House Carpenters' and Joiners' Assistant, 4tu. N. 1)., History of Church-^Music in America, 12mo. W. M., Zephyrs from Italy and Sicily, 12mo. cl. Goulding, F. R., The Young*Marooners; or. The Florida Coast, ISmo. cl. Grace, P. C, Outlines of History, ISnio. r. cl. sides, Grace Lee, by Julia Kavanagh, 12mo. cl. .... Weldon, The Bonnet Girl, by Ingraham, pap. of Christ (The) ; or, Sinners saved by Unmerited Kindness, by Rev. W. S. Plumer, 12mo. cl. Graces of Mary (The) ; or, Instructions and Devotions for the month of May, 12mo (Jra'ca Minora, with English Notes and Lexicon, . net ( irafted Bud (The), A Memoir of Angeline Irene Havves, by Mrs. A. H. Hawes, 16mo. cl Grafton, H. D. (Capt. U. S. Artillery), Treatise on the Camp and March, construction of Field-Works, Military- Bridges, Artillery Ranges, &c., 12mo. cl. (jialiam, A. (J., Reporter's Manual, a complete exposition of the reporting style of phonography, 12mo. cl. John (Rev.), Siege of Londonderry, and Defence of Enniskillen, in 1688-89, pap. English Synonymes, edited by Prof. Reed, 12mo. (irammar Without a Master, by T. V. Paterson, pap. (iran Quivera (La) ; or, Rome Unmasked, 12mo. cl. . Grand Pierre, J. H. (Rev.), A Parisian Pastor's Glance at America, 16mo. cl Grandfother's Storj', and other sketches, by S. H. G. l8mo. Grant, Asahel, (M. D.),and the Mountain Nestorians, by Rev. Thos. Laurie, 12mo. cl. ..... Jas., Adventures of an Aid-de-Camp, 8vo. pap. "• Jane Seton; or. The King's Advocate, 12mo. cl. Graphic Grammar. See McMunn, John B. Gratitude, An Exposition of the Hundred and 'JMiird Psalm, by Rev. J. Stevenson, 12mo. cl. .... Gray, Alonzo. Elements of Chemistry, 12mo. shp. ■• and Adams, C. B., Elements of Geology. 12mo. 1 00 Millrr, O. 4- M. US SUelilim, L. «V H 1 -20 Miller, O. ^ M. Crosby, X. cj- Co.'53 D. Burgpss <^ ('o. (timid <Sf L. '53 Appleton (SfCo. W. S. Martieru, '52 Dunigan tf- Bro. Apjilelon <^ Co. 'bo Garrett <^ Co. 75 Presh'rianBd.'bS 1 50 50 4 GO 75 1 00 75 38 1 00 25 25 62 D. 4- J. Sndlicr.'53 Lipott, G. 4" Co. 38 J. S. Rcdfidd '53 75 Fetridge cf* (V». '54 75 Folder cjp W. '54 38 T. B. Peterson. 1 00 Appleton cj- Co. 25 Bunce cj- Bro. 1 25 C.Shepard<^Co:b2 50 Gould cj- L. '54 Mass. S. S. So. '54 1 25 Gould cV- L. "53 50 Stringer cf- T. "52 75 '63 75 Carter <f- Bros.\'yl 1 00 Ivisoji <^ P. '53 75 Harper (^ Bros. '52 1852—55.] a R A a R E 81 Gray, Asa, Botany of U. S. Exploring Expedition, voluiue first, royal 4to. cl. Thos., Elegy written in a Country Church- Yard, 12inn. illustrated, " Elegy written in u Country Church-Yard, illus- trated, 8vo. mor. $3 ; cl. ex. ■' Poetical Works, 18mo. cl. ... Grayson, E., Overing ; or, The Heir of Wycherly, 12mo. i-l. Wm. S., An Attempt to Exhibit the True Theory of Christianity as a consistent and practical Sys- tem, 12mo. cl. ...... . Great Journey (The), A Pilgrimage through the Valley of Tears to Mouat Zion, by the author of "Morning and Night Watches," 18mo. cl Men and Great Events in History, by John Frost, Svo. cl. Red Dragon ; or, Master Key to Popery, by A. Gavin, 12mo. cl Rosy Diamond (The), by Mrs. Ann A. Carter, ISmo. cl. Secret, or How to be Happy, by Mr?. E. C. Judson. 18mo. cl. ..... . . . Truths by Great Authors, a Dictionary of Maxims. Counsels, Proverbs, &c., &c. Small 8vo. el. Greece, History of, by (Jeo. Grote. 10 v. 12mo. cl. " '• Wm. Smith. 12mo. and the Golden Horn, by Rev. Stephen Oliii. 12in<i. Greek Revolution, History of, by J. L. Comstock. 12mo. Greeley, R. F., Violet, the Child of the City, a Story of .\ew York Life. 12mo. cl Green Pastures for the Lord's Flock, or the Christian's Daily Remembrancer, by Rev. Jas. Smith. 12mo. cl. Hollow, or the Power of Kindness, by the Rev. Geo. B. Ide. 18mo. cl (jreen, (y. H., Gambling in its Infancy and Progress. 18mo. cl. J. H., Exposure of the Arts and Miseries of Gambling. pap " Gambling Unmasked, pap " Secret Band of Brothers, pap Greene, Nathaniel (General), Life of, by W. Gilniorc Simms. 12mo. ara. ...... S. S., Analysis of English Grammar, hf. roan. . " Elements of English Grammar, hf. roan. '• First Lessons in Grammar, hf. roan. Greenough, Horatio, Memorial of, consisting of a Mfimiir, Selections from his Writings, &,c., by H. T. Tucker- man. 12mo. cl Greenleaf, J., English Grammar. 4to. liflxl. Greenwood, F. W. P. (Rev.), Miscellancmis Writings, rjinn. Grace (Miss Sara .1. Clarke), Merrie England, Travels, Descriptions, Tales, &c. 16mo. cl. . 11 Putnam <^ Co. ('arirr cf- Bros. "52 Apple Ion 4* Co. '54 Litlle, D. 4- Co. '54 Shrldrn, L. c|- ^.'44 1 00 Appli'lon 4- Co. '53 10 00 I 00 1 50 75 1 00 50 2 50 1 25 oO I 75 7 50 1 1,3 1 00 1 00 75 1 00 -15 38 50 50 50 1 25 II 50 50 38 (I 75 (t 35 t;3 Carter tjp Bros. '54 Miller. O. 4- M. S. Jones. "54 Phillips, S. 4- Co. 40 Sheldon, L. tj- B. Lippincott,G.<^Co. Harper c^ Bros. JenhsJI. tf- 6'. "65 J. C. Derby <^ Co. '5 4 .\niJrus t\- Sov. Bunce cf- Bro. 54 Ciir/i-r <J- Bros. Bay. Pull. So. '52 Shehlon, L. 4- B. T. B. Peterson. Ijeary tSf (I'tz. CoiclhwailJ).<^B- Put nam t^- Co. '53 Farmer, B tj- Co. ( 'roshy. A', tf- Co. 75 Tirkrior cf- F. '55 a li i: (. R I \ AM. (AT. (irccr, J. R. (Mrs.), the Society of Friends, a Domestic Nar- rative, illustrating the Peculiar Doctrines of the Dis- ciples of (ieo. Fox. ll2mo. cl. .... Ciregg, S. (Rev.), Inl'anl Church ^lembership, or the Spiritual and Permanent Character of the Abrahamic Cove- nant. 18mo. (iregorovius, P., Corsica, Picturesque, Historical, and Social, with a Sketch of the Early Life of Napoleon, and an account of the Bonaparte, Paoli, Po/zo di Borgo, and other Principal Families, suggested by a Tour in the Island in 1852. Crown 8vo. cl. .... Gregory, Olinthus, Mathematics for Practical Men. 8vo. shp. Grey, Lady Jane, Life of, by D. W. Bartlett. 12mo. cl. Mrs., Alice Seymour, a Home Tale. 8vo. pap. " Gipsy's Daughter, pap. .... " Mary Seaham. pap " Passion and Principle, a Novel. 8vo. pap. " The Young Husband. 8vo. pap. Grieb, C. F., Dictionary of the German and English Lan- guages. 2 vols. 8vo. cl. ..... Griffin, F., Junius Discovered. 12mo. cl. G., Tales of the Five Senses. 18mo. cl. S. L. (Mrs.) Familiar Tales for Children, " '• Apalachian Primer. 16mo. " '^ " Reader, No. 1, t. U U (( (( 2 " " and Mason, M. M. Southern Class Readers: — First Class. 12mo. cl. Second " " hf. bd. . Third " 18mo. " Fourth " " " Griffith, Mattie. Poems, now first Collected. 12rao, cl. Griffiths, John W. Ship Builders' Blanual and Nautical Re- ference Book, Illustrated with Tables and Engra- vings. 2 V. Small 4to. cl. . . . . . Griggs, Wm. N, The Celebrated Moon Story, its Origin and Incidents. 18mo. cl, Grimm, (Bros.) German Popular Tales and Houeehold Stories. 2 v. 12mo. cl. Grimshaw, Wm. History of the United States from their First Settlement as Colonies to 1848. Revised by A. H. Grimshaw. 12mo net Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin, a Per- sonal Narrative. By E. K. Kane, M. D., U. S. N. 8vo. cl. Griscom, J. H. First Lessons in Human Physiology. Griscom, John H. Uses and Abuses of Air, its Influence in Sustaining Life and Producing Disease, with Re- marks on the Ventilation of Houses. 12mo. cl. (J 75 M. \V. IJodri. '63 Swormstedt cj- /'. '5 4 1 50 1 75 1 00 25 25 50 50 38 6 GO 1 25 50 25 38 11 19 75 38 25 13 75 6 00 38 2 25 Purnj df McM.'bb H. C. Baird. Miller, O. 4- M- T. B. Peterson. '54 Bunce 4* Bi'o- Harper cf* Bros. "54 Weik Sf IVtecA. '63 Litlle, B.4- Co.'bi Sadlier cj- Co. '54 Farmer, B. cj- Co. Lindsay 4* B. '53 Farmer, B. cj- Co. Ajipleton tj- Cn. '52 Sherman 4" Co. '54 Bunnell cf- P. '52 Francis cf- Co. '53 50 Lip'incott,G. cf Co. 3 00 Harper cf- Bros. "54 42 Lockwood cj- Son. 1 00 J. S. Redjield. '60 1852—55.] G R I G V Y 83 firiswold, Alex. V. (Bishop), Memoir of. By Rev. John S. Stone. 8vo. cl 2 no flopkins, B. t|- Co. Gross, S. D. (M. D.) Practical Treatise on Foreij^ Bodies in the Air-passages. 8vo 2 T.O lilanchard t|- L. '50 rirosvenor, H. S. (Mrs.) Helen Spencer; or, Home Duties. 18mo. Mass. S. Sch. Sdt. " '■■ The Little Word, No ; or, Indeci- sion of Character. 18mo 20 " '53 Grote, Geo. History of Greece. 10 vols. ]2mo. cl. . 7 50 Uorjipn^' Bros. Guernsey, E. History of the United States, for Schools. 12mo 70 D. Burgess fSi- Co. " Primary History of the United States, . 42 " " (M. D.) Homoeopathic Domestic Practice. 12mo. cl 1 50 W. Rmhie. '53 Sarah L. 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II A M 85 Half Hours with the Best Poets. 12mo. cl. . . .1 00 W. P. Hazard, Haliburton, T. C, Sam Slick's Wise Saws and Modern In- stances. 12mo. cl. ... (55 Blanchard cj- L."53 " The Attache; or Sam Slick in Englaml T.B.Peterson. Hall, A. (Miss), Literary Reader 7.'} J. P. Jen-etl tf- Co. " Manual of Morals 25 " B. R. (Rev.), Frank Freeman's Barber Shop, a Tale. l2mo. cl 1 00 C. Srrilmer. '52 Jas., Legends of the West. 12mo. cl. ... 1 25 Ptt/nam d^- ('o.^bS '■ The Palaeontology of New York, 2 vols, 4to. 200 plates, cl. 12 00 Albanij, .\. Y. N., Land of the Forum and the Vatician; or, Thoughts and Sketches during a Pilgrimage to Rome. 1 00 Carter <^ Bro.''iA S. C. (Mrs.), Gems of the British Poets, 12nio. cl. . 1 00 H. C. Bainl. " " Merchant's Daughter, and other Tales, 18mo. ci 38 C.S.Frannsdi-C». " " Midsummer's Eve, l2mo. cl. ex. 88e.; cl. 50 " " Story Book, 16mo. cl 75 '• « The Whisperer, l8mo. cl, . . . 38 " S. R., Geography for Children, l8mo. pap. . . n 17 Ftirmer. B. cf- Co. Hall (The) and the Hovel; or, The Unequal Yoke, 18nio. 14 Am.S.S.l'ninn.'bi Halleck, Fitz-Green, Poetical Works, new and complete edi- tion, 12nio. cl 1 OO J. N. Redjield. '54 Hallelujah (The), A collection of Psalmody, by Lowell Mason. net 03 Mason, Bros. Hallock, E. J., Grammar of the English Language, . . O 50 hison 4* P. Hallucinations; or, The Rational History of Apparitions. Visions, Dreams, Ecstacy, Magnetism, and Somnam- bulism, by A. B. De Boismont, 8vo. cl. . . . 2 5<i Lindsaif i!^- B.'bi Halste\3, H. (M. D.), Exposition of Motorpathj', a new sys- tem of Curing Disease by Statuminating, Vitalizing Motion, 12mo. pap. 25 Curtis B.'b3. Hamilton, Alexander, Works, comprising his Correspon- dence, and his Political and Otlicial Writings, Civil and I\Iilitary, 7 vols. 8vo. . . 21 0(» ('.S.Fr<incis,!i-C<>. S., History of the National Flag of the Ignited States of America, 12mo. cl. ... 1 OO f,ijn>ii,(i.i!^-C,>:b3 .Tas. (Rev.), Lamp and the Lantern ; or. 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'■ •• Heavenly Home (The), or the Employ- ments and Enjoyments of the Saints in Heaven. 12mo. cl. Hardcastle, L. B,, Young American's Elocutionist. 12mo. Hardscrabble, or the Fall of Chicago, by John Richardson. pap kardimann, H. M., Free Flag of Cuba, a Tale of the Liber- ating Expedition of 1851. pap Hardman. F.. Frontier Life, or Scenes and Adventures in the South-west. 12mo. cl Hardvvick, Charles, A History of the Articles of Religion, to which is added a Series of Documents from A. D. 1536 to A. D. 1615. Svo 1 50 Ffiirrhild cj- Co.'.OS 1 25 75 4 00 75 1 25 1 25 13 1 00 1 00 30 25 50 1 25 Dcrhy iSf ('it. '54 A minis df- Son. 75 Pulnam t|- Co. '53 5 00 T. K. Collins. "54 63 J. A. Gray. '52 50 A. Montgomery.'' 53 25 C.S.Frannisi^Co. 3 25 Blancliard^L.'AA 75 A. Montgomery. ''bZ 1 25 W.P.Hazard<^Co 2 00 Barms tf- Co. '54 Lindsai/ c|* B. '54 J. .S. Redfipld. '55 Bniice <Sf Bro. "54 .7. .M. Usher. "54 Tirknor cf- Co. '54 Ail). S. S. Union. '53 Daylon 4- W. "53. 5 00 Lindsay cf- B. 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M., History of llio Viillcy ofthc MiaHissippi. llitm.. cl 88 " l^Iy Own Language ; or, the Klements of EngliHli Grammar. 18mo. J. S. (Editor), Epitome of Greeli and Roman Mytholo- gy. 12mo. r. cl. sides .....<» 50 J. C, Geography for the Use of Schools . . .3 I Hartley, S., liessons at the Cross; or. Spiritual Truths fami- liarly exhibited in their Relations to Christ. 16mo. el. Hartmann, F. (M. D.), Diseases of Children and their Homo'- opathic Treatment, with Notes, ^c. By C. J. Hem- pel, M. D 2 00 Hartshorn, John, Commercial Tables, folio, hf. mor. . 20 00 Harvesting.s, Sketches in Prose and Verse. By Sybil Hast- ings. 12mo. cl Hassall, A. H., Microscopic Anatomy, with Additions. By Dr. Vanarsdale. 79 colored plates, 2 vols. 8vo. Hastings, Thos., Dissertation on Musical Taste. 12mo. " History of Forty Choirs. 12mo. cl. '• Songs for the School-Room and Nursery '• and Bradbury, Wm. B., Mendellsson Col- lection •• and Bradbury, Wm. B., New York Chor- alist •• and Bradbury, Wm. B.. 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Gazetteer of the United Slates. 8vn n-^i \ oO Mmrf 4- yl. '53 Strickland cf- ».'63 ljijioll,(r.<tCo. '5."* I). Unrgexs cf- Cn. H.i \Vhi/>]ile 4" Co. '5:i II'. Rndd". '53 Author, Boston. '53 1 00 Fet ridge <!|- Co. "55 11 00 S. S. 4- W. Wood. 1 25 Mason iSf Bro. '53 75 '54 42 M. \V. Dudd. 75 hisun (Sc P. 75 «( 75 .0 75 Mitsseij cf Co. "53 50 Carter 4* Bros. 25 E. H. Fletcher. 25 Garrett <^ Co. 75 Mason, Bros. '54 38* J. S. Redfield. '53 1 00 Carter 6f Bros. 1 50 Ticknor 4- Cn. '54 ■53 T. K. Collins, Jr. Olis Clapp. '52 Harper 4* Bros. "53 ./. B. Smith 4- Co. 1852—55.] // A y H E A 89 Hay warde. Richard. Prismatics. 12iiio. cl. . 1 25 Apj>leton df Cn.'bi Hazel, H. Yankee Jack : or, the Perils of a Privateersman. 8vo. pap 25 H. Long <Sf Bro.'bl Hazen, E. Speller and Definer, 20 Sheldon, L. cj- B. '• Symbolical Spelling Book, .... 20 " Part I. of the above, ..... 10 '« " II. " •• 13 " J. A. Five Years Before the .Mast : or, Life in the Forecastle. 12mo. cl. 1 00 IV. P. Hazard. Hazlitt, Wm. Life of Napoleon. 8vo. cl. . 2 ho /{ ('. Baird. " Lectures on the Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth, and Characters of Shak- speare's Plays. 12mo. cl. . . . 75 " " Lectures on the English Comic Writers and on the English Poets. ]2mo. cl. . . 7.5 " " Spirit of the Age. 12mo. cl. . 75 " " Table-Talk on Books, IMen and Things. 12mo. cl. 1 25 " Head, F. B. Faggot of French Sticks. l2mo. el. . 1 (lO RiUr, T. <\- Co. '.51 " Tour in Ireland, a Picture of Irish Character. 12mo. cl 63 Milln; O. cf- M. Heads and Hearts ; or. My Brother the Colonel, a Novel. 8vo. pap (» 50 J)enitl 4- I). 52 Headland, F. VV. Essay on the Action of Medicines in the System. 8vo. cl 1 5(t Limhny c^- B. '53 Headley, J. T. History of the Second \Yar between Eng- land and the United State.*. 2 vols. l2mo. cl. 2 50 ('. Scrilmer. '53 P. C. Historical and Descriptive Sketches of the Women of the Bible. 12mo. cl. . . 100 Miller, O. d^- M. Health Made Easy for the People. 18mo. cl. . . nel 25 ./. B. 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D.), Human Physiology, Designed for Col- leges and Schools. 12mo 1 00 Farvier,B.6cCo.'b\ Hooper, Jane W., Arbell, a Tale for Young People. 16mo. cl. 75 CS. Francis t^-Co. Hope, J., Pathological Anatomy. 260 colored plates, 8vo. 10 00 Ci)ic'uhait,D.<^B. Hope Campbell ; or. Know Thyself. By the Author of •' Lily Gordon." 16 mo. cl 75 A. D. Randolph. 'bb Hopes and Helps for the Youth of both Sexes. By Rev. G. S. Weaver. 12mo 75 Fowlers cj- U'. '53 Hopkins, A. V. (Bishop), Memoirs of. By Rev. J. S. Stone. Svo. cl 2 00 Hopns,B.<^Co.'b3 John H. (Bp.), End of Controversy Controverted, a Refutation of Milner's " End of Controversy." 2 vols. 12mo. cl 2 00 Pudnnj c^- A*. '54 Louisa P. (Mrs.), Henry Langdon. 18mo. el. . 38 E. Hunt <Sf Son. •• Young Christian Encouraged. l8mo. cl 5o 3 75 (1 75 30 1 25 1 00 1862—55.1 H I) I' 11 <) V 97 Hopkins, M., Lowell Lectures on the Evidences of Chris- tianity. 8vo. cl 1 50 T. R. Marvin. — » " Miscellanies, Addresses, and Sermons. Svo. cl. 1 75 '* Saml. (D. D.), Works, with a Memoir of his Life and Character. 3 vols. Svo. Do<\T.<\-B.Sii. '53 Hopper, Isaac T., Life of. By L. Maria Child. 12mo. cl 1 25 Jewel! df Co. '5'^ Hoppin, J. M., Notes of a Theological Student. 12mo. cl. 1 00 j4 />///' v-^/i <f- ('(-.'54 Hood, Thos., Poetical Works, with a Biographical Sketch. Edited by Epes Sargent. 12mo. cl.. . . . 1 25 /*/nTyjs,S.4-CVA'55 Hook, W. F., Church Dictionary, revised and adai)ted to the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States--. Svo 3 75 liutler cj- Co. '53 Hooker, Herman (Rev.), Philosophy of Unbelief. 12mo. cl. 75 Carter <^ Bros. " Uses of Adversity and the Provi- sions of Consolation. ISmo. cl. W., Physiology for High Schools. 12mo. cl. . 1 25 Fanner, B. iSf Co. Horace Templeton. By Chas. Lever, pap. 50c. ; cl. . 1 00 T. B. Peterson. Home, Geo. (Bp.), Commentary on the Book of Psalms. Svo 1 50 Crt rtrr tf^• Bros. II. H., Good Natured Bear (The), a Story for Child- ren, square cl. ...... 75 'licknor i^ (V;. "54 Horner, Francis, Memoirs and Correspondence of. Edited by his Brother, Leonard Horner. 2 vols. Svo. cl . 4 50 Little, B. t^- Co. "03 G. R. B. (M. D.), Diseases and Injuries of Seamen, with Remarks on their Enlistment, Naval Hygiene, and the Duties of ;\Iedical Otlicers. 12mo. slip. 1 50 LipcoU^U.iSrCo.^bb W. E. (M. D.), United States Dissector. Fifth Edi- tion. Revised, &c., by H. II. Smith, JI. D. Svo. net 1 50 Horse-Shoe Robinson. By . I. P. Kennedy. 12nio. cl. . 1 50 I'utnanit^-Cn.'bX Hosmer, Wm. (Rev.), Higher Law (The), in its Relations to Civil Government, with Partic- , ular Reference to Slavery and the Fugitive Slave Law. 16mo. cl. »)3 MilUr, (). 4- M. " Young Man's Book ; or, Self-Educa- tion. 12mo. cl. . . . IK) " Young Lady's Book ; or, Principles of Female Education. 12mo. cl. 90 W. II. C, Poetical Works. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. . 2 (tO ./. .V Uedjitld. '54 Hot Corn, Life Scenes in New York Illustrated. Including the Story of " Little Katy," " Madalina the Rag Picker's Daughter," " Wild JIaggie," &c. By Solon Robinson. r2mo. cl 1 2.j Ihwui ^.\- D. 'i)\ Hough, F. B., History of JeH'er-son County in the Slate i>r New Y'ork, from the earlicsl period to the Present time. Svo. cl 2 50 ./. Munsrll. "51 •• I listory of St. Lawrence and Franklin Coun- ties, New York, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Svo. cl. . .3 Od Little tf- Co. "53 13 98 // O // // /' r; [am. cat llougli, v. I?., New York Civil List (The), (Jontaininj,' IIr- Names and Dates of Election or Appoint- ment of the Principal State and County OITicers, from the Revolution to the Pres- ent Time. 12mo. el Hours of Cjirislian Devotion, by F. A. Tholuck. 12mo. cl. of Life and Other Poems, by Mrs. S, II. Whitman. 12mo. cl. House I Live in ; or, the Human Body. By Wm. A. Al- cott. 12mo. tl Household Scenes for the Home Circle. 12mo. cl. . Songs and Other Poems. By Mrs. H. E. G. Arey. l2mo. cl. Houser, Wm. Hesperian Harp, . . . .net Houssaye, Arsene. Philosophers and Actresses. 2 v. 12mo. How shall a Man be Just with God. By Rev. A. Barnes. 12mo. cl to Win Love ; or, Rhoda's Lesson. l8mo. Howard, Henry (Earl of Surrey), Poetical Works. 18mo. W. W. Aids to French Composition. 12mo. Howe, F., Oriental and Sacred Scenes, from Notes of Tra- vel in Greece, Turkey, and Palestine. 12mo. cl. H., Lives of Eminent Mechanics. 12mo. cl. Howell, Wm. (Rev.), Remains of, by Rev. W. P. Moore. 12mo. cl. Howitt, Anna M., An Art Student in Munich. 12mo. cl. . Mary, Artist Wife, and other Tales. 12mo. cl. " Children's Year. 18mo. cl. . . . " Dial of Love, a Book for the Young. 12mo. • " Midsummer Flowers, for the Y'oung. 12mo. " My Juvenile Days, and other Tales. 12mo. cl. " Saddler Mullers Wendel, with other Tales. 12mo. cl. • Wm., Boy's (A) Adventures in Australia, or Her- bert's Note Book. 16mo. cl. . " Rural Life of England. 2 v. 12mo. cl. " Visits to Remarkable Places. 2 v. 12mo. cl. Howitz, Orville, Brushwood Picked up on the Continent, or Summer's Trip to the Old World. 12mo. cl. . Howland, H. A., Light in a Dark Alley, Hows, J. W. S., Practical Elocutionist. 12mo. Hubback (Mrs.), May and December, a Tale of Wedded Life. 2 V. 12mo. cl Hufeland, C. W. (M. D.), Art of Prolonging Life, edited by Erasmus Wilson. 12mo. cl Huff, G., Electro-Physiology, a Treatise on the Prevention, Causes, and Cure of Disease, or Electricity as a Cura- tive Agent, supported by Theory and Fact. 12mo. Hughes, Edward, Outlines of Scripture Geography and History. 1 2mo. cl. 1 .00 RkIcI, r. 4- Co. '55 m CarlPT tj- lirDS. '54 75 CV. //. W'hilivy. '54 m ./. C. Derby. '54 1 00 Milkr, O. cj- M. 75 J. C. Derby. '64 1 00 T. K. Collins, Jr. 2 50 J. S. Redfield. '52 38 hison 4- P. 'bb 38 C.S.Francisi^Co. 75 Liale,B.^Co.'bi 1 00 Ivison <$• P. '54 1 50 M. W. Dodd. '54 1 00 J. C. Derby. 75 Carter cf- Bros. '56 1 25 Ticknor cf- Co. '54 75 Stringer cf- T. "53 75 C.S.Francis <^ Co. 75 Lindsay cf- B. '54 84 " '54 75 Apple /on 4' Co. 50 Crosby,]S'.c^Co.'b2 75 Ticknor <^F. "55 2 00 Parr]/4-.1/c 3/. '54 2 00 " '54 1 00 Lip'incoft, G.^ Co. 42 3/. W. Dodd. 1 00 Childs 4- P. 1 50 Lipolt,G.<^Co. '55 75 Ticknor 4- Co. "54 1 1^5 Appleton 4- Co. '53 1 00 B^Lea. "53 9 00 LittU; B.i!^ Co. 04 3 00 Il'irper i\- Bros. 10 00 fAlllr, n. ij- Cu. "54 38 \y. limhlr. 2 00 Author, y. \. 1852—55.] // V G // U A 99 Huguenot Family, Memoirs of, by Rev. James Fontaine. 12mo. cl. 1 50 Putnam cf- Co. '52 Huguenots in France and America. By ]Mr.». H. Lee. 2 v. 12mo. cl. , . . 1 50 Munrne cj- Co. 'bl Huiilckoper, F. Belief of the First Three Centuries con- cerning Christ's Mission to the Under-world. 12nio. G3 Cros/>y,'54 Human Rights and their Political Guarantees. By E. P. Hurlbut. 12mo. cl 75 Fou-lers i\- IV. Humboldt, Alex. von. Aspects of Nature in Different Lands and Different Climates. 12mo. cl. . . 1 00 Blanrhard cj|- Jj. Wm. and Alexander, Lives of. Translated from the German by J. Bauer. r2mo. cl. . . 1 00 Harper t!^ Bros. '53 Hume, David. History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Caasar to the Revolution in 1688. 6 v. 8vo. The Same. 6 v. 12mo. cl., $2 40; shp. David, Philosophical Works of. 4 v. Svo. cl. . Humphreys, F. (M. D.) Cholera and its Horaosopathic Treatment, cl. . . . S. D. American Hand-Book of the Daguer- reotype. iGmo Hundred Short Tales for Children. By C. von Schmid, from the German, by F. B. Well.'--. 16mo. cl. . 50 Cor/^r t|- /Jrav. '53 Hungary, History of the Protestant Church in, from the beginning of the Reformation to 1850, with special reference to Transylvania. Translated by Rev. J. Craig. 12mo. cl 1 25 Phil/ij.s, S. i!^- Co. Hunt, Josiah. Tables for Computing E.xcavation and Em- bankment on Railroads and Canals, cl. . o 25 Knou-lts. A. 4* Co. Leigh. Essays and Miscellanies from the " Indicator ' and Companion." 12mo. cl, . . 1 25 \V. I', /luzurd. " Imagination and Fancy. 12mo. cl. " Italian Poets in English Prose. 12mo. cl. " Poetry of Wit and Humor. 12mo. cl. " Selections from the English Poets. 12mo. " " " English Authors in Prose and Verse. 12nio. cl " Works. 4 vols. 12mo. cl. T. P. Wedding of Former Times. 18mo. cl. . 31 (irllJUh i\- S. Iliintor, R. (M. D.), Treatise on Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, with their Treatment by ]nhalatii(r. 12mo. pap W, Select Melodies, with Tunes on the Numeral System, roan emb Hunter's Feast, The. By Capt Mayne Reid. Svo. pap Hunters of the World (The). 12mo. cl. Huntington, J. F., Manual of Fine Arts. 12mo. J. V. (Rev.), Alban ; or, the History of a ^'oung Puritan. 2 vols. 12mo. tl « The Forest. 12mo. cl. 1 25 75 1 25 75 1 25 I 25 5 00 31 A uthor, \. y. '54 75 Morton ijl" (f. no Dnrilt <\- 1). 5ii W. P.IIazar,]. "5 » 1 25 Barues k\ Co. '5 J 2 IM) ./. N Iir,l/ul,L'5l 1 25 '53 100 // 1 li I N /• [am. cat. llmll)iit, i;. 1'., Iliiiiian l{iL,flils and tlicir I'ulilical (iiianin- tces. 12nio. cl 75 Wrn. II., (lan Kdeii ; or, Pictures f)f"Cul>a. liiiiio. 75 FFy.lropatliir Cook JJook. IJy R. T. Trail, M. 1). 12mo. () 75 llyiiin IJook for tlio Church. Edited by llcv.Chas. Robbins-. 75 I Iymn.s for Infant IMinds. IJy Jane Taylor. »(|uareel. . lor the Church of Edited by Rev. F. 11. Hedge and Rev. F. D. Huntington, .shp. . for the Sanctuary. 12mo. mor. of the Church, The Nativity, and other Poems, by Rev. M. A. Wallace, 12mo. Hynenian, H. (Mrs.), The Leper, and other Poems, 12rao. cl. Hypatia ; or, New Foes with an Old Face, by Rev. Charles Kingsley, Jr., 12mo. cl 40 (I 75 1 00 1 00 Fowlers cf- W. .hu-ell 4- Co. '64 Fowlprs df- W. '54 Crosby, N. dj^- Co. Carter <Sc Bros. Crosby, N. fSf Co. Sanborn df Co. '63 A. Hart. '53 1 25 CVo.siy,A'.cf-Co.'53 I. Ida, May, A Story of Things Actual and Possible, by Mary Langdon, 12mo. cl. Norma; or, Trials and their Uses, by Mrs. L. Plielps, 12mo. cl. Ide, Geo. B. (D. D.), Green Hollow ; or, The Power of Kind- ness, 18mo Idealina, and other Poems, by E. S. C. Kewen, 12pio. Idler of the Alps; or, Pynnhurst and his Wanderings, by Donald ^MacLeod, 12mo. cl Illinois, History of, by Carpenter & Arthur, ISmo. cl. " " from 1814 to 1847, by Thos. Ford, 12mo. Illustrious Personages of the Nineteenth Century, \\ith an Introduction by Rev. Henry T. Tappan, with nineteen illustrations, 8vo. cl. Illustrated Book of Songs for Children, square cl. Image of His Father; or. One Boy More Trouble than a Dozen Daughters, pap In-Door and Out; or. Views from the Chimney Corner, 12mo. cl. In the World, But Not of the World, 16mo. cl. " " " The same, l8mo. hf. r. Indian Captives. See Drake, Sam'l G. Tribes of Guiana, by Rev. W. H. Brett. ISmo. cl. Indians of America, 64mo. cl. ex Inebriate's Hut; or. The First Fruits of the INfaine Law, by Mrs. S. A. Southworth, 12mo. cl Inez, A Tale of the Alamo, 12mo. .... Infant Church Membership. See Gregg, Rev. S. Prattle, Stories in Words of one or two Syllables, hf. of. 25c. ; cl Reader (The) ; or. Easy Lessons in Reading, for Lit- tle Boys and Girls, square 16mo. cl. 1 25 Pliniips,S.df-Co:b\ 1 25 Sheldon. L.<!i-B. '54 45 Bap. Pub. So. '52 Cooke, K. 4-Co.'54 1 25 C. Scribner. 50 Lippincott,G.<SfCo. 1 25 Greggs t|- Co. '54 \V. If. Bidicell. 50 Evans cj- B. "53 25 Garrett tf- Co. 1 25 jBro?f;i,B.4-Co.'54 63 Ep. S. S. Union. 38 50 Carter <$• Bros. 25 Dwrie tf- P. 75 PhmipsS.4-Co:54 75 Harper ^-^ Bros.' bb 38 ir. P. Hazard. 35 Presbyterian Bd:5Z 1852—55.] INF I R V 101 Infant's Progress to Everlasting Glory, by Mrs. Sherwood, 16mo. cl. Infidelity, Its Aspects, Causes, and Agencie.s, by Rev. Thos. Pearson, 8vo. cl. . Influence, a Moral Tale for the Young, 16mo. cl. Ingenue; or. The First Days of Blood, by Dumas, 12mo. cl. Ingersoll, Chas. J., History of the Second War between the United States and Great Britain, embracing the events of 1814-15. 2 vols. 8vo. cl Ingraham, J. II., Dancing Feather (The); or. The Pirate Schooner, pap. ..... 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"52 shri,i„„, A. 4 n A.I). Randolph. 'ty\ I'uliKiin 4" ( '"■ '55 lO; / S A J A II [am. cat. 75 M.W. Ih„l,l. '54 GO Carter ^ Bros. '63 25 Bunnell 4- P. '53 75 PKlips,S.iSfCo:bA 50 T. B. Peterson. 25 Garrett cf- Co. 50 //. I,ong 4- Bro. la Christianity from God, or n Mamial of F{il)le Evidences, by Rev. John Ciimniinp, 121110. cl. .... - it Possibli! to maku the IJi-st of IJoth Worlds? A Hook for Vonnnr Men, by T. IJiriney.. 16mo. cl. Isaac lAKjuedeni, by Ale.v. Dumas, 8vo. pap, , Isabel Caroliton, a Personal Retrospect, by K. Glen, 12mo. of Bavaria, or the Chronicles of France for the Reiirn of Charles VI., pap the Pride of Palermo, pap Isabella Vincent, or the Two Orphans, by ti. VV. M. Rey- nolds, pap. . . . . Isham, W., the Mud Cabin, or the Character and Tendency of British Institutions, 12mo. cl Israel Potter, Fifty Years of Exile, by H. :\relviile, r2mo. cl. and the Gentiles, Contribution to the History of the Jews, by Isaac Da Costa, 12mo. cl. Italian Without a Master, in Five Easy Lessons, pap. and English Dialogues, half r " Phrases, " .... " Stories, " Italy, Six Months in, by Geo. S. Ilillard, 2 vols. 12mo. . Ives, L. S., Trials of a Mind in its Progress to Catholicism. 12mo. cl. Jack Adams, the Mutineer. By Capt. Chamier. 8vo. pap. Cade ; or, the Bondsman's Struggle, pap. . Hinton, the Guardsman, by Charles Lever, pap., 50c.; cl Runny mede, by Douglas Jerrold. 12mo. pap. Sheppard, Life and Adventures of. By W. H. Aios- worth. pap Jackson, Andrew, Life of. By J. S. Jenkins. 12mo. cl. Isaac W. Elementary Treatise on Optics. 8vo. " W. Elements of Conic Sections. Bvo. " Wm. (Rev.) Christian's Legacy ; or, Bible Directory. 12mo. cl. ..... Jacobs, F. Greek Reader. Bvo net • " and Doring, F. W. Latin Reader. Parts I. and 11. 12mo net Sarah S. Nonantum and Natick. l2mo. Jacobus, M. W. (Rev.) Notes on the Gospels : — Vol. \. Matthew. 12mo. cl. .... " 2. Mark and Luke. 12mo. cl. . " 3. John and Acts Jaeger, B., assisted by H. C. 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Tract So.'bZ 30 Carter cj- Bros. '53 75 75 75 75 25 75 .50 75 »;3 1 (10 1 00 75 1 00 1)0 1 00 2 50 85 '53 .I.A.iSl I'-'lames. CornishJj.ti^CrhZ Carter 4- Bros. Strinsrer cj- T. '63 ljip'<'tt,Cf.d(-C«. '54 •V. Ihustim. '53 Carter t\- Bros. '53 A.S.Barnes cj- Co. Co up' ira it,D.f!^B. .Muiiroc ijj- Co. Carter 4' Bros. '54 M. \V. Dmld. 104 ./ A y J I M [a.m. cat. Jay, Wm., (licv.), Female Scripture Characters, 12iiio. cl. . " (Rev.), Lectures on Female Scripture Characters, 12mo. cl " (Rev.), Morning and Evening Exercises, 2 vols. 12mo. cl. . - " The same, large type, 4 V. 12mo. cl. JcameH's Diary, A Legend of the Rhine, and Rebecca anfl Rowena, by W. M. Thackeray, 16mo. cl. Jcanie iMorrison : or, The Di.siM])Iine of Life, 12iiio. cl. Jefterson, Thomas, complete writings, consisting of his Auto- biography, Correspondence, Reports, Messages, and other writings, official and private, printed from the original manuscripts deposited in the Depart- ment of State, at Washington, 9 vols, cl. ...... Tiet " Manual of Parliamentary Practice, 12mo. •• Notes on Virginia, 8vo. cl. Jefferson County, New York, History of, from the earliest period to the present time, by F. B. Hough, 8vo. cl. Jeffrey (Lord), Life and Correspondence of, by Lord Cock- burn, 2 y. in 1, cl Jenkins, J. S., Heroines of History (The), 12mo. cl. '• History of the Mexican War, 12mo. cl. •" New Clerks' Assistant ; or, Book of Practical Forms, law shp. Jenks, R. W., The Brachial Telegraph, 8vo. Jeram, Mrs., Child's Own Story Book (The), ISmo. cl. Jerrold, Douglas, Caudle's Curtain Lectures, pap. " Jack Runny mede, 12mo. pap. . '• St. Giles and St. James, pap. 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Las Casas (Count), Memoirs of the Life, Exile and Conver- sations of the Emperor Napoleon, 4 v. 12mo. cl. Laselle, N. P. (Mrs.), Annie Grayson, or Life in Wasliinif- ton, 12mo. pap. 50c.; cl. ..... Last Hours of Christ, by W. G. ShauHler, 12mo. d. The S:ime, 4to. mor. Leaf from Sunny Side, by II. Trusta (Mrs. Phelps), ISmo. cl. Penny, and other Stories, by T. S. Arthur, ISmo. cl. . of His Name, The, by Elbert Perce, 12mo. d. Later Years, by the Author of " The Old House by the River," 12mo. cl Latham, R. G., Man and his Migrations, 12mo. cl. Latin Without a Master, in Six Easy Lessons, pap. . Laurie .T. (M. D.j, Elements of Ilomoiopathic Practice of Physic, enlarged and improved. By A. G. Hull, M. D. 8vo. " " Parents' Guide (The). Containing the Diseases of Infancy and Childhood, and their Ilomctopathic Treatment . Thos. (Rev.), Dr. Grant and the Mountain Nestori- ans. 12mo. cl. ..... . Law and the Testimony. By the author of the '-Wide Wide World "(Miss Warner). Bvo. cl. . Lawrence, Margaret W., Light on the Dark River ; or, IMe- morials of Mrs. H. A. L. Hamlin, Missionary in Turkey. r2mo. cl W., Treatise on Diseases of the Eye. Bvo. slip. Laws of Life, with Special Reference to the physical Edu- cation of Girls. By Mrs. Blackwell. 12mo. cl. Lawyer's Story (The) ; or, the Orphan's Wrongs. By a ]\Ieinbcr of the New York Bar, 12mo. pap. 50c. ; cl. Ltiyard, A. H., Discoveries at Nineveh. 8vo. cl. " " '• 12mo. cl. ■ Discoveries among the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon, with Travels in Armenia, Kurd- istan, and the Desert; being the Results of a Second Expedition underUiken for the Trustees of the British Museum. 8vo. el I.ays of Love and Faith and Other Poems, by Rev. Geo. W. Bethune. 12mo. cl. ex.. Si 50 ; cl. . Lazarus, M. E. (M. D.) Honvrnpathy, a Theoretic Denion- strntii>n,\vith Application^, 1.-. 1 50 A. S. Barnes cfCo. 25 Ep. S. S. I'nion. 1 00 Parry t$- MrM. 5 00 ./. S. R-Jfi'-lii '54 75 liuncp. t|- Bro. '53 1 00 ./. /'. .h'iri'ti t:jr Co. 5 00 50 /'/,'/i>.s.S.4-Co.'53 38 J/iii])\nci,ll,G-*^Cn. 1 00 ./. r. Rtkn: '54 1 0(1 Harpert^- Bntr.. '54 75 O. B. .\nrlon. '52 25 7'. B. Pflfrrnni. 3 00 W. Radih: '.i3 1 (in " '54 1 25 (i«u!,} i\- L '53 3 GO Carter i.\- Bros. 1 (Id Ti'-hiKir k\- Co. "53 5 (10 Bla,irhm;li.\-I..'f>3 :)0 W. I'. Ilazanl.'Hi (t 75 l>(>ii?i <\- Bros. '53 4 00 Appleton 4* Co. 1 00 " 1 00 J. C. Drrby. 2 25 Ifarprr i.\- Bros. '53 1 oo f.iiiihai/ t\- H. (I 3S ir. Ra.Ur. '51 114 /- A '/. I. i: I Lazarus, M. H. (.M. D.j Involuntary Scniinal Ijomkcs, llicir Causes, ElVectp, and Cure. pap. 25 Lazy Lawrence, by Maria Edge worth. 18mo. el. . 25 Le Brethon, J. J. P. French (iraiiimar. 12mo. . vfl 84 Le Livre des Petits Enfanls. (A Reader for Little (.'hil- dren.) l8mo. 50 Le Sage, A. R. Adventures of Gil Bias. Translated by Smollett. .32mo. roan, . . . 75 " Bachelor of Salamanca. Translated by J. 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Leila, The Twins ; or, the Dales in Newport (a book in monosyllables). 16mo. cl R. (Mrs.), African Crusoes. 16mo. cl . " Anecdotes of the Habits and Instincts of Animals. 16mo. cl . . . . " Anecdotes of the Habits and Instincts of Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes. 16mo. cl. " Australian Wanderers, 16mo. cl. . Legends of the West. By James Hall. 12mo. cl. . and Records. By Rev. Chas. B. Taylor. 12mo. cl. Lehmanowsky, L. F., Turkish Captive, a Novel. 12mo. pap. Leicester's (Mrs.), School. By Chas. and Mary Lamb. 18mo. cl Leigh, Amyas (Sir), Voyages and Adventures of, during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, rendered into Modern English. By Chas, Kingsley. 12mo. cl. W. RaJde. '62 Henderson <f- Co. Lipinrott^G.djf Co. fjockwodd cl||- Son. Leary (Sf Gelz. F. Bell. '54 Jjfary (Sf Gelz. 1 50 ir. .V. Soire. '54 1 00 Harper cj- Bros. '54 75 Jewell <f- Co. '54 75 hi son <jf P. 1 00 Carter ^ Bro<;. '54 2 50 E.H.B'ller<SfCo:bA 50 Lippincott,G.4- Co. 1 00 J. S. Redfield. '54 1 00 '■ '54 1 00 MUUr, O. 4- M. 1 50 Croshy,N.iSfCo:bA 50 " 50 A. D.Randolph. '54 84 Lindsay tf- B. '54 84 •• oS 84 " '53 84 " '54 1 25 Putnam cf- Co '53 75 S. cf- Sicords. 54 50 A. Hart. '53 3S Francis cf- Co. 1 25 Ticknor cf- F. "55 1852 — 55. L E I LEV 115 Leila Ada, the Jewish Convert, an Authentic Memoir. By O. W. T. Heighway. 12mo at Home. By Ann F. Tytler. in England. " '• or, tlie Ishind. " '• Lei-sure Hour Book. 12ino. el. • Moments Improved, a Collection of History, Bio- graphy, Travels, and Adventures for Youth. 16mo. cl Lempriere, John, Classical Dictionary. 8vo. . . net " Universal Biography. 2 vols. 8vo. shp. Lenten Manual and Companion for Passion Time and Holy Week. By Rev. Wra. Walsh. 24mo. cl. Leonard and Filmore's Christian Psalmist in Numerals. 16mo. mor. $1 25; shp. ..... Leper (The), and other Poems. By Mrs. R. Hyneman. 12mo. cl. Lermont, L., Captive Nightingale (The). KJmo. cl. '• Sunshine through the Clouds. 16mo. d. Lftsdernier, E. P. 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'53 iiH 1. 1: V — /. / / Lever, ( 'lias., Dcidd l''jiniil)- ('I'lic) Abroad, 8vo. iiiip, 75 " Harry l,orref|niir, ]iap. 50c. ; cl. . .1 "0 " Heirs of Randolph Abbey, pap. . -^5 " Horace Templeton, pap. 50c. ; el. . . 1 00 " Jack Hinton the Guardsman, pap. 50c. ; cl. 1 00 " ivato O'Donoghue, a Tale of Ireland, pap. 38c. ; cl 75 " Knight of Gwynne pap. 50c. ; cl. . . 1 00 " Mystic Vial (The), pap 25 " Sir Jasper Carew, Knt., His Life and Experi- ences, Svo. pap. 50 " Tom Burke of Ours, pap. 50c. ; cl. . . 1 00 Levizac, J. P., French Grammar, I'Jmo, . . . ml 50 Lewie; or, The Bended Twig, by Cousin Cicely, r2mo. cl. 1 00 Lewis, Enoch, Treatise on Algebra, 12mo. . . . 40 Key to the above, 60 Estelle, A., Myths of the Minstrel, 12mo. cl. . .0 75 E. J., American Sportsman, containing Hints to Sportsmen, Notes on Shooting, and the Habits of Garae-Birds and Wild Fowl of America, Svo. cl. 3 50 M. G., The Monk, Svo. pap 25 Taylor, Plurality of Time-Worlds, in Distinction of Worlds of Space, 12mo. W. n. (Rev.), Sermons for the Christian Year, Svo. cl. 1 25 Lexicon of Ladies' Names, with their Floral Emblems, by Sarah C. Carter, ISmo 1 00 Leyburn, J., The Soldier of the Cross, 12mo. cl. . . 1 00 Liberia; or, Mr. Peyton's E.xperiments, edited by Mrs. S. J. Hale, 12mo. cl 75 Liberties of America (The), by H. P. Warner, 12mo. cl. 1 00 Lieber, F., Treatise on Civil Liberty and Self-Governmont, 2 vols. 12mo. cl 2 25 Life Real, A Poem,by G. A. Stillman, 12mo. cl. . . 75 Scenes, From the World Around Us, by F. A. Durivage, 12mo. cl. 1 00 Scenes of the Messiah, by Rev. R. W. Clark. 12mo. 1 25 and Adventures of Claude Duval, the Dashing High- wayman. Svo. pap. 25 and Adventures of Dick Clinton, the Masked High- wayman. Svo. pap 25 and Adventures of Percival !Mayberry, an Autobiog- raphy. 12mo. pap. oO and Adventures of Punchinello, and Other Stories. ISmo. cl 50 and Its Aims — Ideal Life and Actual Life. 12mo. cl. 1 00 and Sayings of Mrs. Partington. By B. P. Shillaber. 12mo. cl. 1 25 in Feejee. Five Years among the Cannibals. By a Lady. 12mo. cl 1 00 [am. <at. I (fir pur c^ Hrox. '54 7'. R. Peterson. Slrin^ir df- T. T. li. Peterson. Slrivf^er (^ T. Harper <^ Bros. '54 T. B. Pelersrm. LippincoK, G. cj- Co. AI(hiuB.iS[-Co.'b^ Child s 4- P. Applelon 4* Co. '52 L ip'oUyG.iSf C'o.'55 r. B. Peterson. '53 Van Debogart. '55 Stanford cf- S. J. Buffuin. '55 Carter cf- Bro. "5 1 Harper 4" Bru^.'bZ Putnam tj- Co. '53 Lip'ott^G.dfCo.'bZ J. C. Derby. '54 Mussey <Sc Co. '53 Jeiretl tf- Co. '54 Garrett cj- Co. '53 '53 T. B. Peterson. '54 Appleton cj- Co. '52 Lippincotl,G.<!^ Co. J. C. Derby. '54 Heath tj- Graves. 1852—55.] /. / F /. IP 117 Life in Judea; or, Glimpses of the First Ciiristian Age, Ijy Maria T. Richards. 12rao. el 80 Am. Bap. I'uh. So. in New York, by Win. Burns. 8vo. pap. . . 25 Hume <i^ Rro. in the Clearings, by Mrs. Moodie. I2mo. cd. . . U 75 Drwitt i\- 1). 'bb in the Forest, by S. iM. Cooper. ISmo. cd. . . 50 Perry Jf E. '54 in the Mission, the Camp, &e. : or, Six Years in India. By Mrs. C. Mackenzie. 2 v. 12mo. el. . . .2 00 ./. .S'. Redfield. '53 of Sam Houston, illustrated. 12mo. el. . . 1 25 J. C. Derby, 'bb on the Isthmus, by J. W. Fabens. 12mo. pap., 25c.; el. 40 Putnam i\- ('>>. '53 on the Plains and among the Difffdngs. Being Scenes O DO O D and Adventures of an Overland Journey to Califor- nia, by A. Delano. 1 25 Dcrl>y,<J.LY M.'bi Life's Lesson, a Tale. 12mo. cl 75 Harper <^ Bros.^bX Light in a Dark Alley, by H. A. Rowland. 24mo. . . 12 M. W. IhM. 'bJ. (The) of the Temple, by W. S. Strickland. 12m(). cl. ./. Enii^t. "51 on the Dark River; or, Memorials of Mrs. H. A. L. Hamlin. 12mo. cl 1 00 Tickimr (\- Co. '53 and Shade ; or, the Young Artist, by Miss H. Drury. 12mo. pap., 50c. ; cl 75 Appklou i^ Co. 'b3 Lights of Nature Pursued, by A. Tucker. 4 vols, in 2. 8vo. el. 5 <i(t MiDiror <^- fc of the World ; or. Illustrations drawn from the Re- cords of Christian Life. By Rev. J. Stoughton. 12mo. cl. . . . . . . o 50 Ctirllnii i\- /'. :U and Shades of Ireland, — Annals of the Famine of 1847. '8 and '9, by Mrs. A. Niehnlson. 12mo. el. 100 J. J. Schnrder. 'bb and Shadows of Free-Masonry, by Robert Morris. 8vo. cl 1 50 Mossi^- liro. and Shadows of Indian Character and Scenes of Pioneer Life, by J. V. H. Clark. 12mo. cl. 1 no Hal>r<Hh i\- I'n.'bA and Shadows of Scottish Life, by John Wilson. 18ino. cl 50 Ltary tj- G'r/;. and Shadows Scottish Life, by John Wilson. 12mo. 75 Carlrr i.\- Brns.'bA Lilies and Violets; or, Thoughts in Prose and Verse, by Rosalie Bell, 1 2.") ./. r Ihrhy.'bX Lily Cordon, the Young Housekeeper, by Cousin Kate. 18mo. cl 7.-» A.I). Randolph, bi liinda ; or, the Young Pilot, a Tale of Southern Life, i>y C. L. Hentz. 12mo. el 75 J'arry ^\- 1/1/ Linden, A. Children's Trials; or, the Little Rope Dancers and Other Tales. 16mo. cl. . • . . o 75 Cro.shy..\.iyc,).'b\ Linen, .fas. Songs of the Season and Other Poems. 12rn(). 1 00 J. S. Krdfuld. 'b:i Lines for the (ientle and Loving, by T. MeKellar. ISmo. cl. 50 Lip'inci>it,(i.iY C<>. Linny Loekwood, a Novel, by Catharine Crowe. Rvo. pap. 50 .AppUtim (^- Co. 'b I Lion's Skin (The), and the Lover Hunt, by C. De Mernard. 12mo. cl !('>./ .\. U,.li,,i.l /.J Lippard, George, Midnight (iueen: or. Leaves from Now York Life, pap " -■> (.-nr, -,^. ( 118 I. I S /' / V List, C, A.slronomy, J8mo. 1)1. ri)iin, . . net 25 " Botany, 18mo. Iif. roan, .... iwl 25 " Natural I'liilosophy, ISuio. lif. rojin, . . nel 25 Litchfield County Centennial Celebration, 8vo. cl. . 1 00 J/iteraiy Reader, by Miss A. Hall, . . . 75 LiUell, S. A., Manual of Diseases of the Eye, TJuu). shp. . 1 25 Little yl'jsop, square, inin. el. ex. . . . . . 25 Annie's First Book, in Words of Three Letters, cl. . 25 " Second Book, cl 40 " Lessons for Little Learners, cl. . . . 50 Blossom's Reward, by ^Irs. Fi. Hare, ISmo. cl. . 50 Carrie; or, The Child of the Parsonage, ISmo. cl. 38 Charley's Christmas Amusements, 32mo. . .0 13 " Country Walk, 32mo 13 " Games and Sports, 32mo. . . .0 13 " Picture Home Book, s(|uare, cl. . . 50 " Stories of Great jNIen, 32mo. . . 13 Child's Book ; or. Mother's Prompter, with 500 engrav- ings, square, cl 50 Clara, by Mrs. Anna Bache, square, cl. . . . 50 Cross Bearers (The), by Caroline Chesebro', 18mo. cl. 50 Dora, a Juvenile, square, cl. . . . . . 42 Drummer (The), or Filial Affections, by G. Nieritz, 16mo. cl 50 Ellie, and other Tales, by Hans Andersen, 18mo. cl. 38 Episcopalian, The, 16mo. cl 63 Eva, Uncle Tom's Guardian Angel . . . 25 Ferns, for Fanny's Little Friends, by Author of " Fern Leaves," 18mo. cl 75 Folk's Library, 6 v. 48mo. scjuare cl. . . . 1 50 Frank, and other Tales, chiefly in Words of One Sylla- ble, square cl. 50 Freddy and his Fidde, translated from the German, squared. 50 History of England, square niin. el. e.\. . . 25 " the United States, square niin. cl. ex. . 25 Lizzie and the Fairies, with other Tales, by D. M. Mu- lock, 12mo. cl. 50 Maggie's Trials and Triumphs, l8mo. . . . 26 Mary, or Talks and Tales for Children, by H. Trusta (Mrs. E. S. Phelps), 16mo. el. . ". . .0 60 Pilgrim's Progress, square min. cl. ex. . . . 25 Poems for Little Folks, square min. cl. ex. . . 25 Robinson Crusoe, square min. cl. ex. . . . 25 Sister (The), or the Child from the Cradle to the School, in Prose and Verse, 4to. ill'd.bds. . .0 75 Susy's Six Birthdays. By Aunt Susan. 16mo. cl. 50 Willy's Christmas Present, square, cl. . . 63 Livermore, A. A. (Rev.), Discourses. 12mo. cl. . . 1 25 [am. cat. ./. H. Smith 4- Co. E. Hunt 6c Son. J. P. Jeuftt 4" Co. Limhay cjr li. Durrie 4* f- Carter djj- Bros. l'hiUips,S<!i-Co.'5i Stanford c^ .S'.' Henderson iSf C'o.'52 '52 '52 "52 C. S.FrancisfSfCo. S- Raynor. Derby <^ M. '54 S. Raynor. C. Scribner. "53 C S. Francis cf- Co. Ep.S.S. Union. "5i J. P. Jeweit 4- Co. Miller, O. 4- M.'oA Sheldon, L. 4- B. Henderson 4" *^o. Croifby, .V. 4' C o.'bi Durrie 4" P- Crosby, A'. 4" Co. '6 2 .4 m. S. S. Union. '53 Ph'lips,S.<!^Co.'oA Durrie 4" P- U . P. Hazard. A. D Randolph. '53 Applcton 4" Co. Cro^6y,.Y.4•C(;.'54 1852—55] L I V L O R 119 Livermore, A. A. (Rev.), Epistle of Paul to the Romans, , with a Coramentary and Intro- ductory Essays. ]2mo. cl. . "."> (.'rnslji/, t\. (H- Cu. Lives of Eminent JFethodist Ministers. By the Rev. P. D. Gorrie. 12mo. cl 1 2.'i Miller, (>. il^- M. of Hale, Rochester, &c. 12nio. cl. . . . 75 Stanford tUf S. of Illustrious Mechanics. By H. Howe. 12mo. cl. 1 (H» J. ('. I)erby.'f>\ of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. By Geo. Van Santvoord. 8vo. cl. 2 25 C. Scrilnwr. '54 of the Fathers of the Eastern Deserts. By Rev. Dr. Challoner. iSmo. cl () 75 Sadlirr i\- Co/ffl of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. By B. J. Lossing. 12mo. cl 1 UO J. C. Derhy. "54 Living to Christ, A Mother's Memorial of a Departed Daugh- ter. 16mo fin rV/r/^r 4- /?r«.s-. '53 Livingston, John, Portraits of Eminent Americans now Liv- ing, with Biographical and Historical Memoirs of their Lives and Actions. 2 vols. Svo. cl. . . fi 00 J.Lhiu^stnn, N.Y. Livy, Books 1 to 4. Literally Translated by D. Spillan. 12mo. pap 50 /.4-J. ('.«/i raw. "54 Locke, .Tane E., The Recalled, in Voices of the Past, and Poems of the Ideal. 12mo. cl. Munrne i|[- C«. "54 J. G., Book of the Lockes, a Genealogical and His- torical Record of the Descendants of the Locke family in England and America, royal Svo. cl. 3 50 n<islim. '52. Lofty (The), and the Lowly. By Miss M. J. Mcintosh. 2 vols. 12mo. pap. $l;cl 1 50 AppletumH- Co/53 London Apprentice (The). ISmo. cl 30 Shfhhm, L. t^(- li. its Historical and Literary Curiosities. By F. Saun- ders. 12mo. cl 75 Kii:i:iiis ^\- K. "54 Lonely Hours, or New Hand-Book of Knitting, by Miss Rand, square 25 U'. /'. Hazard. Long Look Ahead, or the First Stroke and the Last, by A, S. Roe, 12rao. cl 1 25 ./. ('. Ihrby. '.55 Longfellow, Henry W., Poetical Works, illustrated, Svo. mor. {$7 00; cl. e.\. 5 00 //. C. /?</!></. Loomis, Elias, Elements of (ieometry, slip. . . <» 75 llorprr *\- Bros. — " Practical Astronomy, Svo. shp. . . . 1 50 '• '55 " Tables of Logarithms of Numbers, shp. 1 O'l J. R., Elements of Anatomy and Physiology, 12mo. (» 75 Linui'«rt.ti.i.\-L'bZ Lord, D. N., Characteristics and I^nws of Figurative Lan- guage, 12mo. cl 1 00 F. Kniiihl. '55 ■ John, History of the United States, for School.s, 12mn. 1 oo i„irp'mni,D. t\-H. Lord Sa.vondale, or the Court of Queen Victoria, by (J. \V. M. Reynolds, Vol. 1, Svo. pap 5() /.../li,' tf- liro. '53 Lorenzo Benoni, or Passages in the Life of .nn Italian, 12ino. 1 iti» J. S. Rrdfold. '53 Loring, J. S., tlic Hundred Boston Orators, from 1770 to 1S52, comprising Historical (Jleaning-^, illustrating the Principles and Progress of our Republican Insti- tutions, Svo. cl 3 00 J r.J'irftI 4- Co. 120 /. (t S I, ()\\ [am. cat. Lofjs and Gain, or the Story of ji Convent, l)y .1. II. Newman, 12mo I.oasinp, \i. .1., Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, 12mo.cI. '■ Pictorial Field iJook of the American Revo- lution, 2 V. 8vo. hf. mor. $10 00; cl. " Pictorial History of the United States. iirt Lost Children, and oilier Stories, by T. S. Arthur, 18mo. ol. Heiress (The), by Mrs. Southworth, 12mo. cl. Prince (The) — See Hanson, J. H. Sister of Wyoming, by Rev. John Todd, 18mo. el. Loudon, Mrs., Winter Evening Tales, l8mo. cl. liOuisXVIL, his Life, Suffering, and Death, by A. De Bean- chesne, 2 v. 12mo. cl Napoleon and his Times, by'H. W. De Pny, 12mo. cl. Louise Elton, or Things Seen and Heard, a Novel, by Mrs. M. E. Herndon. 12mo. cl. .... La Valliere, by Alex. Dumas. 2 vols. pap. Louisiana, History of (The French Domination), by Charles Gayarre, 2 v. 8vo. cl. . " (The Spanish Domination, from 1769 to December, 1803.) by Chas. Gaj-- arre. 8vo. cl. . Lourie, J. C. Manual of Missions ; or, Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church, Love in High Life, by T. S. Arthur, pap. in a Cottage, " " "... and Idleness, a Novel. 8vo. pap and Parentage, applied to the Improvement of Off- spring. By O. S. Fowler, cl. . . . . Love's Lessons, by the Author of " Timid Lucy." 16mo. cl. The same. 18mo. hf. r. ..... Lovell, J. E. Exercises in Orthography, " Young Speaker, Lover, Samuel. Rory O'More, a Romance. 8vo. pap. " Tom Crosbie and his Friends. 8vo. pap. Lover upon Trial (The), a Novel. By Elizabeth M. Stuart. 12mo. pap. Lover's Stratagem ; or, the Two Suitors. By Emilie F. Carlen. 8vo. pap. . . . • . . and Husbands, by T. S. Arthur. 18mo. cl. Lowell, Anna C. (Mrs.) Thoughts on the Education of Girls. l8mo. Chas. (Rev.) Sermons, chiefly Practical. 12mo. cl. Lowell Lectures. The Science of Government as Exhibited in the Institutions of the United States of America. By C. B. Goodrich. Svo. cl Lowig, C. (M. D.) Principles of Organic and Physiological Chemistry. Translated by Daniel Reed, M. D. Svo. Lowrey, W. (Rev.) Missions in Tonjee and Feejee. 12mo. no l>. I)„7iah(,p. '.04 1 f)iJ ./. C. Derby. '.04 8 00 Harper tf- Bros. 63 Mason, liros. 38 Lip coll, G. 4r Co. 1 2.0 T. n. P'-i-rsim. '.04 42 Hopkins, B. tf Cn. 31 //. F. Anners. 2 00 Harper (^ Bros.'53 1 25 Phinney 6f Co. 1 00 Lip'coU,G.dfCo.'bZ 1 00 T. B. Pelerson. 3 50 ./. S. Re,l/ie],l. *54 2 50 75 25 25 25 63 63 38 25 75 50 50 " '54 A.D.F. Randolph. T. B. Peterson. Bunce cj* Bro. '54 Folders df- W. Ep. X. S. Union. Durrie c|- P. Garrett c|- Co. A. Burhe. '55 25 Stringer cf- T. "54 38 Harper <!^ Bros. '53 50 H. F. Amiers. 25 Tirknnr cf- Cn "53 1 25 " '54 1 25 Little. B. 4- Co. '53 3 00 80 A. Hart. '53 fjane tf- Srott. '52 1852—55.] LOW MA C 121 Lowrie,W. M. (Rev.) Missionary to China, Memoirs of. 8vo. cl Lowry, A. (Rev.) Positive Theology, — DlssertatiolJs on the Fundamental Doctrines of the Bible. 12mo. W. J. Universal Atlas, Constructed and Engraved from the most recent Authorities. Demy folio, cl. Lucinda; or, the Mountain Mourner, by Mrs. Manvill, third edition. 16mo. . . .... Luck of Barry Lyndon, a Romance of the Last Century, by W. M. Thackeray. 2 vols. 16nio. Lucy Herbert ; or, the Little Girl who Would have an Edu- cation, by Estelle. I6mo. ... Sandford, by T. S. Arthur, pap. .... Luke, S. 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Bulwer, My Novel ; or, Viiricties of Knglisli [iife, 2 pts. pap 1 50 Carter <f- Bros. Cincinnali. G OU Ifitrjttr tjp lirus. '53 3S Joel M unset 1. 1 (10 Appleliin 4- Co. ■53 50 Miinroe ly- Co. '54 25 T. B. Peterson. 90 M W. Dodd. G3 " 63 Ticknor i|- ('.). ':t\ 2 00 Linilsny tjp B. '. J4 1 75 Apph'tim t.\- Cl). '53 2 25 " '5» (J3 Ticknor i\- Co. '53 38 Jew'll i\- < •„. a J 1 00 Pill nam i.\- Co. '53 1 50 11 ( . Baird. '53 7.0 ./. ('. Ihrlnj.' 5» 1) 75 Pulwim i.\- ( '0. '53 .00 'I'irkitiir ij- Co. '5 J I -y.) liiUr/r.,\- (■n.T>\ U 75 lliirprr t\- l{r<>s.'r,:i M. ifabel (Jfant, a Highland Story, by R. 11. iJallantync. 12m<). (• jo i,iri,r tj- lims. '.i» Mabire's Conversational Phr.nses, Classified: nr, French Synonyms (in French), '" ••'' f.»<kirooil i^- Son. .Macaulay, T. B., Essays, Critical and Miscellnneons. 5 v<.N. 12mo. cl 37:. .Ai'ideion iY Cn.'oi " The same, 1 vol. Svo. cl. - "" /''i'//»/'.S'V«V'" '•'' ' 10 12i MAC M \ a [am. CAT. Muoanlay, T. R., History of England, 2 voIh. ]tiu\(t. hIi)). 1 00 IIar]>fr<^ Hros. " Speeches, 2 voIh. 12mo. cl. . . . 2 00 J. S. liadfield. '!)3 VV. H. Katliay ; a Cruise in Ui»! China Seas, 12mo. cI 75 Putnam 4- Co. '52 Macdonald, .las. (Rev), Coming of the Lord, a Key to Iho Book of Revc'hition, 12mo. rl. . . . 75 C.'. Scrilnifr Macfarlane, John ( Rev.), Ilitiing-IMace (Tiie) ; or, The Sin- ner found in Christ, 12mo. . 100 VV.S.d^A.Marliii^O " " Night Lamp (The), A Narrative of the means by which Spiritual Darkness was dispelled from the Death-Bed of Agnes M. Macfar- lane, 12mo. cl. . . . 1 00 " '55 R., History of Propellers and Steam Naviga- tion, 18mo. cl 75 ff. C. fiainl. "54 Mac Gavick, R. W., A Tennessean Abroad ; or, Letters from Europe, Africa, and Asia, 12mo. cl. . . . 1 00 J. S. Redfield. '54 Gowan, .Tohn (Rev.), Dialogue of Devils, on the many Vices which Abound in the Civil and Religious World, 18mo. cl. 50 Leary <f- Gelz. Gregor, P., Treatise on Book-Keeping, by Single and Double-Entry, 12mo 75 hison tf' P- Mackay, Chas., Voices from the Mountains and from the Crowd (Poems), . . . .100 Ticknor t^- Co. '53 Mackenzie, Colin (Mrs.), Life i^ie Mission, the Camp, &c. ; or, Six Years in India, 2 vols. 12mo. cl. . . . 2 00 J. S. Redfield. '53 Mackey, A. G., Masonic Lexicon, 12mo. cl. . . net \ 50 Moss iS;- Bros. Mrs., Wickliffites; or, England in the Fifteenth Century, 12mo. cl 75 Curler cf Bros. Mackinnon, R. N. (Capt.), Atlantic and Transatlantic Sketches, Afloat and Ashore, 12mo. cl. . . . 90 Harper cf- Bros. Mackintosh, J. (M. D.), Principles of Pathology and Prac- tice of Medicine, fourth edition, with Notes and Additions, by S. G. Morton, 8vo. shp. . 3 00 Lindsay cf- B. Jas. (Sir), Miscellanies, Svo. cl. . . . 1 75 PhiUips,S.<^-Co.'52 Mac Leod, Donald, Bloodstone (The), r2mo. cl. . . 75 C. Scribner. '53 " Idler of the Alps; or, Pynnhurst and his Wanderings. 12mo. cl 1 25 C. Scrilmer. Macrocosm and Microcosm ; or, the Universe Without and the Universe Within. By Wm. Fishbout. 12mo. cl. 75 Foiclers <!^ W. Madeline. By T. S. Arthur. ISmo. cl 50 H. F. Anners. Madiai (Tiie Story of the), with Notices of the Efforts made in Europe and America in their behalf. iSmo. cl. 38 Arn.^!^'F.Chris.Vn. Magdalen Hepburn ; a Story of the Scottish Reformation. 12mo. cl 1 00 Riker.T.}^- Co.'54 Magie, David (Rev.), The Spring Time of Life ; or, Advice to Youth. 16mo. cl 75 Car/er t|- Bros. '52 Maggy's Baby, and Other Stories. By T. S. Arthur. 18mo. 38 Lip'cott, G. tf- Co. 1852—55.] M A II M A .V Mahan, Asa (Rev.), iSystein of Intellftitual Philosophy. 12mo 1 00 D. II., Industrial Drawing, for the use of Academies and Common Schools. Second ed. 8vo. el. . 2 00 Mahoney, S. I., Six Years in the Monasteries of Italy, and two Years in the Islands of the Mediterranean and Asia Minor. 12mo. cl. 88 Maid of Saranac (The); a Tale of the War of 1812. By N. M. Curtis, pap. 25 Maillard, Annette M. Miles Temenheere ; or, the Love Test. 12mo. cl. . . . 75 " " Zingra, the Gipsey. 8vo. pap. 25 Mair, John. Introduction to Latin Synta.x. 12mo. net 38 Maja's New Pictorial Alphabet. Square cl., colored, 38c. ; plain 25 Making Haste to be Rich, by T. S. Arthur. 18mo. cl. . 50 Malan C. (Rev.) Twenty Pictures from Switzerland. ISmo. cl 50 H. Guide to Administration of Homoeopathic Rem- edies. 32mo. cl 25 Malgaigne, J. F, Operative Surgery. 8vo. . . . 2 25 Mamma's Bible Stories, cl 50 Story Book. Stjuare cl 63 Sunday Book of Bible Stories. Square cl. . 1 00 Man (A) in Search of a Wife, by W. Seaton. 8vo. pap. 25 of Snow and Other Tales, a Juvenile. Square cl. 50 ■ of Warsman (Tlie), by Eugene Sue. 8vo. pap. . 25 and His Migrations, by R. G. Latham. 12mo. cl. . 75 Mandevil, E. Libro-primario. 12mo. . . . . 25 H. Spanish Reader. 12mo. . . . 25 " Second " in Spanish. 12mo. . . 50 Manseca, L. French Grammar. 12mo. r. cl. sides . 1 13 Maney, II. 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'52 Blanchard ^ L.'bX Carter cf- Bros. Appleton 4" Co. W. P. Hazard. '54 Dewitt 4- D. '53 W. P. Hazard. T. B. Peterson. '54 C. B. Norton. '52 Appleton <!^Co. '52 (( u Coif'lliiraitJ).<\-B. T<'o,i,.\. 4- Co/51 //////, .M. cf- ( •<>. '53 /</<' 4- Dutlon. .Miinror cf- Co. '54 Stanford cf- .V. r.p.S.S.Union. '53 I)nrri>tri\-Brns.' 51 /;.;:/, /'. .V ( 0. '56 CrI.y ,y llr,- '.S.% liiJ M A yV M A R I am. ( at. Manual of Hihle Literature. J{y N. P. Stricl^land. \2mu. el. 80 Carliim df I*. of CoiiirmTcial Corn'spondence, Knglish and French. |{y (Artluir Waugli). 12mo. el. . . . 75 J.H.SmUh<^Co:54 ofG(»ld and Silver Coins. .S'ee Eekfeldt, J. li. of Morals. By A. Hall . . . J.O J. I'. J<:ireU <!^ Co. Manuel Percira; or, the Sovereign Rule of South Carolina. By F. C. Adams. 12mo. cl. Bwdl <^ B. '63 Manuscript Chant Book. By Geo. F. Jones . . . 1 60 Stanford 6p S. Manvill (Mrs.), Lucinda ; or, the Mountain Mourner. Third edition. 16mo ,38 J. Munsell. '52 Mapleton ; or. 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Mason, E. (D. D.), A Pastor's Legacy, being Sermons on Practical Subjects, with a Memoir of the author, by Rev. Wm. Adams, Svo. cl Helen M., Memoir of, by Rev. Francis Mason, 12nio. .lohn i\I. (Rev.), Complete Works of, edited by his Son, 4 vols. r2mo. cl Lowell, ^Musical Letters from Abroad, 12mo. " The Hallelujah, a Collection of Psalmody ,71(7 Masonic Constitutions by John Dove, M. D., 12mo. cl. Lexicon, by A. G. Mackey, 12mo. cl. . . net Text-Book, by John Dove, M. I)., 12 cl. Masonry and Anti-Masonry. See. Creigli, Aifrt-il. Massachusetts, History of, from its Earliest Settlement, by W. H. Carpenter, ISmo. cl. Massacre of Glencoe; or the McDonalds and Campln-lls, by G. W. M. Reynolds, pap. Massey, G., Poems and Ballads, 12mo. cl. Master Builder (The); or. Life at a Trade, by I). K. Lee, 12mo. cl Timothy's Book Case, by Reynolds, Svo. pap. yn J. C. Hiker. Crocker t\- li. 38 Harper tf" Brus.'bS 3 00 (( CO Fnircliilit t)- (.■>*."5o 25 Carter cjj- Bros. 1 50 E. Din r Die. '53 50 A. S. liurnrs <.)/• Cu. 1 50 Phillij>s,S.i!i-(AK54 50 II. F. Anners. 60 Carter ty- lims. '.0.1 25 Stringer df T. 50 J. P. Jewell «^ Co. 50 '• 50 //. F. .\nners. 2 00 Parnj t)- MeM. 1 50 Miller, (). i.\ M 50 T. U. Peterson. 75 W. r Hazard. 25 Slrini^er i^- 7'. hi 2 00 I '. Scrilnur. '63 «J0 Slieldon, L. tf H. 3 50 C Scribner. 1 00 .l/(/.so»i tf- Urn. "51 G3 " 75 ./. U. Randolph. 1 .50 H">> ,\- liro. 1 25 J. W. RaiuUdph. .50 /.i/-V',/^^•.^^• (•„.•.',;{ 60 11. Long k\- Urn. 75 .?. ( : Ihrhi. bX 1 00 J. S. Rcdficld. bX 60 iiarrctt <j- Co. 126 )/ A S MAY [am. cat Master's House (Tlic), <'i 'I'^'lt' of S.iiilliiTn Life, by Logan, 12mo. c.1 1 25 Mri:iralh4-Co:^4 Mather, Cotton (llev.), Maynalia Cluisti Amcrican.i; or, the Kcclesiastieal History of New England, from \('>2() to 1698, 2 vols. 8vo. cl 5 00 Andrns <^ Son/b'-i Matthew, C, Pen and Ink Panorama of New York City, ISmo. cl. 38 ./. S. 'I'aijlin-.'o^ H. E., and Zundcl, J., The Oriole: or, Youthful Melodies, 12mo 13 fir/rnes 4" ^*"- T,, and Young, Major., Whist and Short Whist, l8mo. cl. gt. .... 4.5 Appleton <^ ('(>. Matilda Montgomerie; or, The Prophecy Fulfilled, by John Richardson, 8vo. pap 50 Devnll <Sf D. Matins and Vespers, with Hymns, by Bo wring, 18mo. cl. 50 Ticknor tf- Co. '53 Matricide's Daughter, a Tale of the Great Metropolis, by N. M. Curtis, pap 25 Uarrelt ^ Co. iMatrimony ; or, Love Affairs in our Village Twenty Years Ago, by IMrs. Caustic, 12mo. cl 75 M \V. Dodd. '53 Matron's Manual of Midwifery, by F. Hollick, M. D., ISmo. 1 00 T. W. Strong. '53 Matthias, B., Rules of Order, a Manual for Deliberative Bodies, 18rao, cl 38 Lindsay djf B. Mattison, H., Astronomical Maps, sixteen in number, on rollers, net 12 00 Mason Bros. ^' Higii School Astronomy, . . " 50 " " Primary Astronomy, . ..." 27 " " (Rev.), Spirit-Rapping Unveiled, 12mo. cl. 75 J. C. Derby. 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" The Same. 8vo. pap 25 Garrett «Sf Co. '52 " The Bivouac. 8vo. pap. ... 50 " '52 Wm. 31., Shoulder to the Wheel of Progress. 16mo. cl. 75 Miller, O. tj- M. May, Edith J. New Souvenir for Children, of Tales and Poems. 4to. cl 75 W. P. Hazard. 18.02— 55.J M A y jV C C 127 May, Edith, J. Sunshine of Greystone (Tlie), a Story for Girls. 12mo. cl 75 ApplHon c|- Co. '54 May Dundas ; or, Passages in Young Life. By Mr.*. T. Geldart. 12mo. cl. U 75 Carter if- Bros. '54 Middleton ; or, the History of a Fortune. By G. \V. M. Reynolds, pap 50 Lnntr d^ Bros. '55 Flower (The), and Miscellaneous Writings. By Mrs. H. B. Stowe. 12mo. cl. 1 25 f/ii7/t>s,[-(;.^'55 and December, a Tale of Wedded Life. By Mrs. Hub- back. 2 vols. 12mo. cl 1 50 LipincoU,G. i!^ Co. Mayer, Brantz. Mexico as it Was and Is. 8vo. shp. . 2 50 Zieficr <|- Co. '47 Mayhew, Henry. Story of the Peasant Boy Philosopher. 12mo. cl U 75 Harper t^- Bros. '^5 '■ and Cruikshank, Geo. 1851 ; or, Adven- tures of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboy. Svo. pap. 50 S/riv-rrr tf- T. '52 Fra. Popular Education, for the Use of Parents and Teaciiers. 12mo 1 00 D. Burgess tj- Co. " Practical Bookkeeping, by Single and Double Entry, 42 " Key to the above, 42 Mayo, TI. (M. D.) Popular Superstitions and the Truths contained therein, with an Account of Mesmerism. 12mo, cl. 75 Lindsay cf- /?. '52 Joseph. Guide to Magistrates, with Practical Forms for the Discharge of their Duties out of Court, to which are added Precedents for the Use of Prose- cutors, Sheritfs, Constables, &.c. Adapted to the New Code of Virginia. 8vo 3 50 J.Woodhonsi'^-Co. W. S. (M. D.) Berber (The) ; or, the Mountaineers of the Atlas. 12mo. cl 1 25 J. C. Rik>r. " (M. D.) Flood and Field ; or, Tales of Bat- tles on Sea and Land. 12mo. d. . . . 100 U. r. Hazanl.'AA " (M. D.) Kaloolah, an Autobiography of Jona- than Roamer. 12mo. cl 1 2.". D'ui/l i)'- />. "54 McCalla, W. L. (Rev.) Argument for Cleansing the Sanc- tuary, delivered in the Presbytery of Philadelphia. 12 mo. bds 50 /.»>'<>//. ff-cJ-Co.'S 3 McClellan, Geo. B. IManual of the Bayonet E.xercise, pre- pared for the Army of the United States, with 24 plates. 12mo • <'" McClintock, J. (Rev.) Second Book in Latin. 12ni(). slip. 75 //./r/.#>r i|'- flro.s. '53 McClure, A. W. The Translators Revived, a Biographical Memoir of the Authors of the English Version of the Holy Bible. 12mo. cl 75 C. Scrihu-r. '53 McConnel, J. L. Western Characters; or, Types of Border Life in tiie Western States. 12mo. cl. . . 1 25 ./. N. Rr.lfi'-U. '53 McCord, Louisa S. ]Mv Dreams. l2mo. cl. 75 IfC Ihiml. 128 M C C M (• q [am. cat. McC^ullocli, .1. R. (Joiiiiiicrciiil Dictidjiary. 2 v. 8v(>. Hlip., !«;8; el McCnlloh, i. II. (iM. D.) Analytical Investigations concern- ing the Credibility of the Scriptures and of the Reli- gions System inculcated in them. 2 vols. 8vo. McElligott, J. N. American Debater, Rules for Extempo- raneous Speaking, for Deliberative As- semblies, «Sic., &c. 12mo. " Analytical Manual of Orthography and Definitions. 12mo " Young Analyzer. ISmo. McFarlane, .John (Rev.) Mountains of the Bible; their Scenes and their Lessons. 12mo. cl. . . . McGee,Tlios. D. Catholic History of North America. 12mo. " History of the Attempts to establish the Protestant Reformation in Ire- land. 12mo. cl McGinnis, Jas. Y. (Rev.) Sketch of the Life, Character, and Writings of. By Rev. D. L. Hughes. 12mo. cl. McGregor, E. R. (Rev.) The Figures and Symbols of Di- vine Inspiration, and the Method of Learning their Meaning. ISmo. Mcllvaine, C. P. (Bishop) Truth (The) and Life, Twenty- tvi^o Sermons. 8vo. cl. " " Discourses. 2 v. 8vo. cl. Mcintosh, Maria J. (Miss.) Evenings at Donaldson Manor; or, the Christmas Guest. 12mo. pap. 50c.; cl. '■ " Jessie Graham ; or, Friends but Dear, Truth Dearer. Square cl. ... " " Lofty (The), and the Lowly. 2 v. 12mo. pap., $1; cl. " " Rose and Lillie Stanhope; or, the Power of Conscience. . McKellar, Thos. Lines for the Gentle and Loving (Poems.) 18mo. cl McKnight, Jas. (Rev.), Commentary on the Epistles. 8vo. shp. net McLelland, Alex., a Treatise on the Canon and Interpreta- tion of the Scripture. 12mo. cl. McLeod, T. II., Instrumental Calculation; or, a Treatise on the Sliding Rule. 16mo. McMunn, John B., Grammar " Graphic Grammar (The), a Series of Grammar Charts on a new and origi- nal Plan, cl. backs . . per set McQueen, H., Orators' Touchstone ; or, Eloquence Simpli- fied. r2mo. cl. ...... . 7 .50 I'firry <f McM. Jas. S. Walfra. '.52 1 00 fvison <f* I*- 55 7.5 '. 31 (; 7.5 Carter 4' Bros. 50 P. Donahfie. '54 75 •53 J. M. Wilson. '64 E. French. "54 2 00 Carter 4' Bros. 'b:> 4 50 Stanford 4" '^- 75 Appletov cf- Co.'b'2 38 Ap-pUton 4- Co. 1 50 38 " 50 Tjippincott,(i.<SjfCo. 2 25 T. K. Collins, Jr. 75 Carter 4' Bros. 30 10 00 U 90 Stearns 4" C-'o. "54 Shehhm, L. 4- B Harper 4- Bros. "54 1852— 55. j ME A MEM ll\) Mead, Matthew (Rev.), The Almost Christian. l8mo. cl. 45 Sheldon, L. <\- H. Meagher, Thomas F., Speeches on the Legislative Independ- ence of Ireland. 12mo. cl 1 00 J. S. Rftlfidd/it-l Mechanics, their Principles and Practical Applications. Edited by Oliver Byrne. 12mo. cl. 5U Dewitt iff D. '53 Mechanical Zodiac. See Townsend, Chas. E. Medical Companion. Second Series. By J. T. Vardcn, M. I). Svo. cl. 2 00 AiUhi>r, .\. y. '52 Information for the Million on the Eclectic and Re- formed Principles. By Chas. D. Hammond, * M. D. 12mo. cl 1 50 FairckiUldfCo. '55 Meditations on the Last Days of Christ. By W. G. Shau- ffler, 12mo 1 (lO Jewell cjr Cu. '53 Medium Voices from Spirit Land. By N. F. White. 12mo. cl 75 Parlridged^- H. '54 Meehan's American Iland-Book of Ornamental Trees. ISmo. cl. 75 LijypincoU^G.dfCo. Meigs, C. D. (M. D.), Obstetrics, the Science of the Art. Svo. shp. . . . 3 75 Blanchard 4* Ij- " On the Nature, Signs, and Treatment of Childbed Fevers. Svo. . . 2 50 " "54 " Treatise on Acute and Chronic Dis- eases of the Neck of the Uterus, with plates colored and plain, Svo. cl 4 5'J •• "54 " Woman, her Diseases and Remedies, a Series of Lectures to his Class. Svo. shp 3 60 J. (M. 1).), Practice of Surgery. Svo. shp. . . 3 75 " '53 Melancthon, Philip, Lite of. By C. F. Leddorhose. 12nio. cl. 1 00 Ijindsay i\' ti. "54 Melbourne and the Chincha Islands, witii Sketches of Lima. By Geo. W. Peck. 12mo. d. • . . . .1 00 C. Scribmr. '54 Mellichamiu", a Legend of the Santee. By W. (J. Siiiims. 12mo. cl 1 25 ./. S. Raljhld. '54 Melodies for tlie Craft; or, Songs for Free Masons. lOino. J. Enifr. '53 Melvill, II. (Rev.), Sermons. 2 vols. Svo. cl. . . .3 5it Sian/ord i\- S. " Lectures on Practical Subjects. Svo. cl . 1 50 Melville, Herman, Israel Potter, Fifty Years of Exik-. 12mo. i;\ . . ",:} I'ltliKim i\- ( '». ho " White Jacket ; or, the World in a Man-i.f- War. 12mo. cl 1 on llini"r^\liros. iMcmoirs of (Jenerals, Commodores, and other Commanders who have received Medals from Congress. S2 engravings, Svo. cl ^ 2 5<t II. C llind. of a Huguenot Family. Hy Miss Anne Maury. 12mo. cl. 1 50 /*»/;j(///i «f ('rt. "51 of a Marquis. By Dumas. 2 vols. jiap. 1 00 11. Long ^ Bro. 17 i:i(i M /•; /W M E X I AM. lAj. Meniuir.-i of a I'liyMician ; or, the Secret History ol lioui.s XV. By Ale.v. Dumas, li vols. pap. . . 1 00 7'. li. I'dcrsun. of the Court of INfarie Antoinette, by Madame Campan, 2 voIh. 12mo. el. . . . 2 00 rurry<^McM. " Empress Catherine the Second, 12mo. cl. 1 2.0 '* '65 Memorable Women, The Story of their Lives, by Mrs. N. Crosland, 12mo. el. 1 00 Tkluior t\- Co. '54 Memoralia; or, Phials of Amber Full of Tears, by T. 11. Chivers, 18mo. Ijip<jll,G.<!i-Cu.''b3 * Memorials of the English Martyrs, by Rev. C. B. Tayler, 12mo. cl. 1 00 Harp<r df- Bros.'53 Memories of Home, 18mo 18 Mass. S. S. So. '54 over the Water; or, Stray Thoughts on a Long Stroll, by II. Maney, 12mo. cl. . . .100 7'ooh, A. 4* Co. "54 of a Grandmother, by a Lady of Massachusetts, 18mo. el 50 G»utd <^ L. '54 Menagerie, The, square, cl 45 //. F. Amiers. Mendelssohn, Collection by Thos. Hastings and Wni. B. Bradbury, 75 hisim <Sf P. Mental Alchemy, a Treatise on the Mind and Nervous Sys- ' tem, by B. B. Williams, 50 Fowlers c$- W. Mercantile Morals ; or, Thoughts for Young Men entering Mercantile Life, by W. H. Van Doren, 16mo. cl. . 88 C. Scribner. '52 Mercein, T. F. R. (Rev.), Natural Goodness; or, Honor to Whom Honor is Due, 12mo. cl 75 Carlton tf- P. "54 Merchant's Widow, by Mrs. Holland, l8mo. cl. . . 38 C. S.FrancisdfCo. Meredith, Chas. (Mrs.), My Home in Tasmania; or. Nine Years in Australia, 12mo. cl 1 25 Eunce cj- Bro. '53 Merrie England, Travels, Descriptions, Tales, »&c., by Grace Greenwood, 16mo. cl 75 TicknoTfSc Fields' bb ■ Merrifield (Mrs.), Dress as a Fine Art, with Suggestions on Children's Dress, small 4to. cl. ex 1 50 Jctcetl <^ Co. '54 Merrill, David (Rev.), Sermons, with a Sketch of his Life, by T. S. Pearson, 12mo. cl. 1 GO Whidsor, Vt. "55 Merrimack ; or, Life at the Loom, a Tale, by D. K. Lee, 12mo. cl. 1 00 J. S. Ralfidd. "54 Merry Pictures ; or, Short Stories, a Juvenile, 4to. ill'd bds. 75 W. P. Hazard. Mervyn Clitheroe, by W. II. x\insworth, pap. . . . 50 //. Long cf- Bro. Messages from the Superior State. See Hewitt, S. C. Messiah (The) in Moses and the Prophets, 12mo. cl. . . 1 00 F. Knight. Messias and Anti-Messias. See Black, C. A. Methodist Preacher (The), Twenty-eight Sermons, 8vo. cl. 1 25 Derby i^ M. '51 Metropolitan Glee-Book, a Sequel to the Alpine Glee Singer, by W. B. Bradbury, .... . 1 00 Ivison t^ P. Mexico, Sketches of the Campaign in Northern Me.xico, in 1846-7, by an Officer of the First Regiment of Ohio Volunteers (Maj. L. Giddings), 12mo. cl. 1 50 Putnam c^ Co. '53 As It Was and Is, by Brantz Mayer, 8vo. shp. . 2 50 Zieber <$• Co. '57 1852—55.] M E Y MIL 131 Meyers, Sarah A. (Mrs.)) Fitz Harold; or, The Temptation, 16mo. cl no Carter ^- Bros, "b'i Miall, J. G., Footsteps of our Forefathers 1 What they Suf- fered and Wliat they Sought, describing the struggles for Religious Liberty, 12mo. el. . . . . 1 00 Gimhl c^'- L. bl Michael Bonham ; or. The Fall of Be.xar, a Tale of Texas, 8vo. JR. 'ritiinison.' 53 Michaud, Joseph F., History of the Crusades, translated from the French, by W. Robson, 3 vols. 12mo. cl. . . 3 75 J. S. Rr,lfi,l,l. oS Michclet, M., Romish Confessional (The), pap. . . 5o T. B. I'rlerstm. Microscopist (The) ; or, A Complete Manual on the Use of the Microscope, by J. H. Wythes, 12mo. cl. . .1 25 Limhay tj- /?. 53 Middleditch, R. T. (Rev.), Baptist Church, The Christian's Home, ISmo. cl 35 E. 11. Fletcher. Midnight Queen ; or. Leaves from New York Life, by Ceo. Lippard; pap. . . . . , . . . 25 Gnrnll cf' Cd. Midsummer Flower.s for the Young, by Mary Howitt, 12mo. cl 84 Lindsay tj- li. '54 Midsummer'sEve,byMrs. S.C.Hall. 12mo. cl. ex., 88c. ; cl. 50 C.S.Francis d^- Co. Mike Fink, a Legend of the Ohio, by Emmerson Bennett. 8vo. paji, 25 J. A.i\-U./'.Jamfs. Mile Stones in our Life Journey, by S. Osgood. 12mo. cl. 1 00 AppkUm tj- Co. "54 Miles, Pliny. NorOurfari ; or, Rambles in Iceland. " 1 GO C. B. Aorton. '54 United States Speller, 13 Shehluu, L. i^- B. Miles Temenheere ; or, the Love Test, by Annette M. IMail- lard. 12mo. cl. ' 75 Stri7i<:pr if- T. '53 AFilitary Heroes of America. 64mo. cl. ex. ... 25 Durric i.\- /'. Mill John, (M. D.) The Fossil Spirit, a Boy's Dream of Geology. 12mo. cl 1 00 Evans <\- I). '54 xAfillard, D. Journal of Travels in Egypt, Arabia Pelr;i'a and the Holy Land. 8vo 2 00 Shihhm. [.. <\ li. The same. 12mo. 1 00 Miller, Hugh. My Schools and Schoolmasters; or, the Story of my Education. 12mo. cl. . . 1 25 d'./f//./ vj- /,. "5 1 Roger. Heroism in Humble Life, a Narrative, by Orme. 18mo. cl 30 I'arin- i^- Bros. Thos. The Village Queen ; or. Summer in the Country. Small 4to. cl. ex 3 oo /t/7./,/,/» ,y- C... '53 Miller and his Men ; or, the Secret Robbers of Bohemia. pap. 2.") Shinu'-r <.\- 7*. Millenarian Views, with Reasons for ReceivinL' them. By Alfred Bryant. 12mo. cl <» T.* H- H . I),hU. '52 Million's (Jlee Book; or, New York Melodeon. I!y I. I!. Woodbury. Oblong, hf. r "■''0 ( '«r»»>7i,/».'53 Mills, Abraham. Outlines of Rhetoric and IJelles I.etlrcs. 12m() i;:! /:. B Collins. '54 " Tl;e Poets and I'm-try of (In- Aiifi.-nl Greek. Bvo. cl. . . 2 25 l'iriips,S.i\-Co. '54 Milne. A. 1). Hncle S;im's F;irni Fence. 12mo. cl. 75 .Sl,'j,,ir,l i\- ('<>. '!y\ 132 Af / f< yj I ^ [am. cat. Milton, .lohn. I'anidise Lost. 12ino. cl 1 2.0 Amlrns t!^- Son. " " " witli Notes, by I'rof. IJoytl. School edit. 12mo 125 A. S. liarnpx ^^ Co. The same. 8vo. illustrated d 2 50 .lohn. Poetical Works. 12mo. cl. ex., S2; el. 12.5 Clark, A. i!^ S. " " " with a Life of the Author, edited Ity Clias. I). Cleveland. Timo. el. 1 25 fji]nncotl,(i.f^ Co. " Poetical Works, with Life, Notes, &.c. Hy Rev. Geo. Gilfillan. 2 vols. 8vo. cl. . 2 (JO Appleton tf- Co. \53 " Poetical Works, with a Life. By Rev. .lohn Mitford. 3voIs. l8mo. cl. .2 25 IAtlk,B. iS^- Co.'bA The same. 2 vols. 12n)0. cl 2 00 Phirps,S.tSfCo. '54 Mil ward, Afaria G. Joys and Sorrows of the Ecclesiastical Year. 12mo. cl 1 00 //. Hooker. '55 Mind of Jesus, beinjif a Sequel to the " Words of .Tesus." By Author of Morning and Night Watches." 16mo. 40 Carter iSf Bros. '55 Mine Explored ; or, Help to the Reading of the Bible. 12mo .... 75 Am. H.S. Union." bZ (Mines, F. S. Rev.) A Presbyterian Clergyman Looking for the Church. 12mo 63 Epix. S. S. Union. Minesota and its Resources, to which is appended Notes of a Trip from St. Paul to Pembia and Selkirk Settle- ment on the Red River of the North. By J. Wesley Bond. 12mo. cl 1 00 J. S. Rrrlfiehl. '53 Minie, A. A. Bible Exercises. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 00 J. M. Usher. '54 Minifie, Wm. Popular Lectures in Drawing and Design. 12mo. pap 20 W. MitiiJie.''5A Minister's Family (The). By Rev. W. M. Iletherington. 12mo. cl. . 75 Carter cf- Bro.f. '55 Ministerial Education in the Methodist Ep. Church, by Rev. S. M. Vail, 12mo. cl. J. P. Mayer. '53 iMinistering Children, a Tale dedicated to Children, 12mo. cl. 1 00 Riker, T. ^ Co.'54 Ministry of the Beautiful, by II. J. Slack, ISmo. cl. . . 50 Parry cf< McM. Minnie Grey; or, Who is the Heir, 8vo. pap. . . 50 Garrett <Sf Co. '52 Hermon; or. The Night and its Morning, a Tale for the Times, by T. W. Brown, 12mo. cl. . .125 MiUer,0. 4' M.5i Minor Morals, Stories Illustrative of Generosity, Virtue, Courage, and Industry, by a Mother, square, cl. . 50 W. P. Hazard. Miranda Elliot; or, The Voice of the Spirit, by S. H. M., 12mo. cl 1 00 /.(>'<>//,«. 4- Crt.'55 Miriam Alroy, a Romance of the Twelfth Century, by D'ls- raeli, pap 38 T. R Peterson. Mirror of Intemperance and History of Temperance Reform, by Rev. M. E. Cross, 12mo. cl. , . . net 60 T. K. Collins, Jr. Miser's Heir (The) ; or, The Young Millionaire, by P. H. Myers, 12mo. pap. 50c.; cl 15 T. B. Peterson. '54 Miseries of Human Life, 12mo. cl. .... 50 Putnam t^ Co. '53 Mission of Death (The), a Tale of the New York Penal Laws, by M. T. Walworth, 18mo. cl. . . 50 Sadlier <$• Co. '54 1852— 55. j M I S M O N 133 Mission of the Comforter (The), by J. C. Ilaro, 12ino. cl. 1 25 G'ouW 4- A. "54 Missionary Memorial, a Religious Gift-Booli, edited by C. Montgomery, cl 1 00 (i. Collhis. Offering, A ]\Iemorial of Christ's afessengers in Heathen Lands, l2rao. cl 1 25 Milhr. (). a- 1/ of Kilmany, being a Memoir of Alex. Paterson, by Rev. John Bailie, 16mo. el. . . . n fJO r«r/.r 4- /?r<»s. '53 Mississippi Valley, Discovery and Exploration of. See Shea, J. G. Mitchell, D. 11., Fudge Doings, 2 vols. 12mo. cl. . . . 2 50 C. .SV-;i7-mr. '54 .fohn, .Tail Journal; or. Five Years in British Pris- ons, 12ino. cl 1 00 Author, ,\. V. "54 " (Rev.), Guide to the Principles and Prartices of the New England Churches, l8mo. cl 50 llopk'ins, li. 4- Cn. " " Letters to a Di.sbeliever in Revivals, 32mo. cl 25 '• • " " Rachel Kell; or, The Disowned, 12mo. 75 M. \V. IhM. S. A., Biblical and Sabbatli School (Jeograpliv, 12mo 75 Coir'wh(iil,I).i\-B. Mitford, Mary R.,Atherton and other Tales, 12mo. cl, . 1 25 7'»VAm»r 4- Co. '54 " " Our Village : Sketches of Rural Character and Scenery, 2 vols. 12mo. cl. . . 2 50 " '53 Moberly, Geo., Sayings of the Great Forty Days, between the Resurrection and the Ascension, 12rao. cl. . 75 //. I looker. Mocrocosm and Microcosm (The), by S. VV. Fi.sher, 12nio. 75 Fowlers i^'- W. '52 Modern Agitators ; or, Pen Portraits of Living American Re- formers, by D. \V. Bartlett, 12mo. cl. . . .150 />,%. O. tj- .l/.'54 Flirtations, a Novel, by Catherine Sinclair, 12mo. pap. 50c. ; cl 75 Striniier i\- T. "53 Horse-Doctor, by Geo. H. Dadd, 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Jetreit tj- Co. '54 Mohr, F. and Redwood, T., Practical Pharmacy, edited, with additions, by W. Proctor, Jr., 8vo. slip. . .3 00 lilaiirlitinl t\- /,. Moliere, J. B., Select Pieces, (/n Fr'»c/i), 18mo. . . (i3 Lockiroo,! i.\- Son. Monarchist (The), an Historical Novel, by J. B. Jones, 12mo. pap. 50c. ; cl. 75 /I. Hurt. '53 Money Boxes (The), by Cousin Hatty, 12mo. cl. . . OCA l^roshl/,\.i.^^('o.'5^^ Maker (The), and other Tales. By Jane C. Camp- bell. 12mo. cl 100 J. l\ Ihrby.'bX its Nature, History, Uses, and Responsibilities. 18mo. cl <» 25 i'.irllon ^\- /'. Monk (The). By M. (i. Lewis. 8vo. pap. . . -25 T. li. Pn.rsou.'bi Monk's Revenge (The) ; or, the Secret Enemy. \\\ S. Spring. 8vo. pap 5o Jh 11,11 k\- l). 'hi Monmonirr, J. F., High School Literature. 12mo. cl. l<»o .A.S.Ilirnes ,.\ Vn. Montague, Basil, Selections from (he Works of Ui-^hops 'I'ay- lor, Laltimer, and Hall, Drs. Barrow, Sniilh, Urown, and Fuller. an<l liord Bactm. r2mo. el. 75 '■ 1 134 M () N M O R [am. cat. .Mont.'ilembcrt, (Ji)iinl de, Jiife of Saint Elizabeth of Hun- gary, Duchess of Thiiringia. 12nio. c'l. . Monteith, .Tas., First Lessons in Geography. 12nio. " Youths' Manual of Geography, combined with History and Astronomy. 8vo. Montgomery, Cora, Eagle I'ass. 12mo. el. . .Tas., Poetical Works. 8vo. cl. ex. .«i2 50 ; el. " Sacred Poems and Hymns for Public and Private Devotion. 12mo. cl. Moodie, S. (Afrs.), Flora Lyndsay ; or. Passages in an Event- ful liifo. 12mo. cl. ... '• Life in the Clearings. 12mo. cl. . " Mark Hurdlestone ; or, the Two Brothers. 12mo. cl. " Roughing it in the Bush : or, Life in Canada. 12mo. cl . . . . Moon Story. See Griggs, Wm. N. Moore, C, Outlines of the Temple ; or. Masonry in its jMoral Aspects. 12mo. cl. .Tohn W., Eacyclopajdia of Music, Elementary, Tech- nical, Historical, Biographical, Vocal, and Instru- mental. 8vo. cl. . . . . . Thos., Irish Melodies and Sacred Songs. ISmo. cl. " Notes from the Suppressed Letters of Thos. Moore to his Music Publisher, Jas. Power. 12mo. cl. " Poetical Works, with Notes and Life. Illus- trated with 48 steel engravings, royal 8vo. mor. ex. " The Same, with 16 plates, mor. ex. W. v., Indian Wars of the United States, to the Present Time. 8vo. cl. . ^' My Cousins in Maine. 18mo. cl. . net Moore Gallery (The), a series of 48 elegant steel engrav- ings of Female Figures and Landscapes, with Prose and Poetical Descriptions. 4to. cl. ex. Moral Aspects of City Life, a series of Lectures. By Rev. E. II. Chapin. 12rao. cl. Probe ; or, Essays on Men and Things. By L. C. Judson. 12mo. cl Morals of iManners ; or. Hints for our Young People. By Miss C. M. Sedgwick, square cl. and Stories for Home Use. square cl. Moran, B., Footpath and Highway ; or, Wanderings of an American in Great Britain in 1851-52. 12mo. cl. More. Hannah, Complete Works. 2 vols. 8vo. cl. .$3; shp. More Worlds than One, The Creed of the Philosopher, and the Hope of the Christian. By Sir D. Brewster. 12mo. cl 1 00 Stifllier tj- Co/di 25 Barnes tj[- Co. '.55 no '53 40 I'ulnam tf' ^'o- '52 2 00 fjimlsay dj- B. '54 75 Appktov cf- Co. '54 75 Deu-ilt 4- D. '54 75 •54 75 '53 1 00 '54 J. Ernsl. '54 4 00 Jewitt tf- Co. '54 63 C.S.Francis d^Co. 1 50 .7. .S. Redfield. '54 10 00 6 50 2 00 25 1 25 25 75 1 25 3 50 Marlin 4" J. '54 Leanj iSf Getz. J. B. Smith 4- Co. 6 00 Martin tj- .7. "54 Hevry Lynn. '53 Moss 4' Bro. J. S. Dickerson.'bA W. P. Hazard. Lip''cott,G.4'Co.'53 J. C. Drrhy. fiO Carter cj- Bros. "54 1852—55. M <} R M U U 135 Morell, J. R., Russia and England, their Strength and Weak- ness. 12mo. pap . Moreton Hall ; or, the Spirits of the Haunted House, pap. 3Iorfit, C, Applied Chemistry in the Manufacture of Soap <ind Candles. 8vo. el. .... " Chemical and Pharmaceutic Manipulations, as- sisted by A. Muckle. Svo. shp. •' The Arts of Tanning, Currying, and Leather- Dressing, Theoretically and Practically con- sidered in all their Details. Svo. cl. Morgan, Lewis H. League of the Ho-de-no-sau-nee ; or, Iroquois. Svo ?ui S. (Lady). Wild Irish Girl. ISmo. cl. Wm. (M. D.) Iloniaiopathic Treatment of Indi- gestion, Constipation, and Ha-morrhoids, Mormons; or, Latter-Day Saints, History of. 12mo. cl. Morning Stars of the New World, by II. F. Parjvcr. 12mo. Watches (The) and Night Watches, by the Au- thor of '• The Faithful Promiser." l6mo. cl. Mornings with Jesus. A Series of Devotional Reading.s, from Notes of Sermons preached by Rev. Wm. Jay. 12mo. cl. ........ Morris, Amos, of East Haven, Conn., Memoranda of the Descendants of. 12mo. .... Geo. P. Poems. Svo. mor., $1 ; cl. ex. Robert. Lights and Shadows of Free Masonry. Svo. cl Morton Montagu ; or, Young Christian's Choice, by C. B. Mortimer. 12mo. cl. . . ... Mosses from an Old I\Ianse, by N. Hawthorne. New and enlarged edition. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. . Mother at Home, by J. S. C. Abbott. ISmo. cl. (The) and her Offspring, by S. Tracy, M. D. 12mo. Molher-in-Law (The) ; or, the Isle of Rays. By Mrs. Southworth. pap., $1; cl Mother's Book of Daily Duties. By Mrs. L.,G. Abcll. ISmo. cl. ........ Dream and Other Poems. By H. F. G'ould. 12nio. Plea for the Sabbath. By Mrs. Lucy K. Wells. 18mo. cl. ...... . of the Bible. By Mrs. S. (;. Ashton. 12nio. cl. ^fountain Outlaw; or, the Secret Password, pap. Mountains of the Bible, their Scenes and their Lessons. By Rev. John McFarlane. r2mo. cl. Mowatt, Anna C. (Mrs.) Autobiography of an Actress; or, Eight Years on the Stage. 12mo. " " The Fortune Hunter, a Novel uf New York Society. Svo. pap. (> :i5 U :.'5 5 (10 2 UL) 1 50 75 75 1 25 1 25 ./. C. Hiker. 54 7". /;. l',lrrs.,n. l',irnj tV McM. Liiid>aij t^- /y. 5 <in //. C. Hdinl. o: \V. X Sage. '54 Andrus cj- Hon. W. Radde. "54 Derby 4- M. 02 J. ( : IJerhij. '54 U (iU Carter cj- Iin,s. '52 1 25 Parry t^- McM. '55 1 00 Barnes cj- (Jo. '54 5 G(» C. Scribmr. '53 1 50 Moss cf- Bri>. 75 Ajipb'liin ty- Cii. 1 50 'I'ickniir c^ ( 'a. '54 t)0 Harper c^ Bros. 1 00 "53 1 25 T. li. r,l<r.s„n. 75 Fairchild t^ ( '<*. '55 50 Crosby, .\. <f" Co. 38 il. Jlinil <y Si>n. 1 25 Jeirctt 4* Co. '54 25 (iarrett tf- Co. 75 Cartir i\- JSru.s. 1 25 '1 ickiwr t.\- Co. '54 3S 7'. B. I'ricrson. '5 1 136 M A' N M y W I AM. < Ai. Mrs. Hen D.iiliy ; or, tliu Weal iiiid Wo of Social 1/ife. By A.M.Collins, riiiio. cl 1 2."j Moore, A.dji- Co.'bi Mud Cabin (The); or, the Character and Tendency of Uri- tish Institutions. By W. Isham. 12mo. cl, . . 1 00 ApjikUm^ Co.'li'.i Muenscher, .T. (Rev.) Church Choir. 8vo. ... 1 ou Sum/nrd i^- S Mugge, T. Afrajn, a Norwegian and Lapland Talc. 12nio. cl. ........ 1 J5 Lindsay df li. '.04 Mulaly, John. Account of the Sale of Pure and Adulte- rated Milk in the City of New York and Vicinity. 12mo. pap. 25 VowIpts tjr H'. '.03 Miiller, J. Physics and Meteorology. 8vo. cl. . . 3 50 Blanchard djf L. Mulligan, J. Exposition of the Grammatical Structure of the English Language. For the use of Schools and Colleges.. 12rao 1 50 Applelon <Sf Co. '53 Mulock, Diana M. Little Lizzie and the Fairies, with other Tales. 12mo. cl 50 CVt«s%, A', cf- Co. '52 Munn, li. C, The American Orator, l^mo. . . . 1 GO Tap^nn cf- IV. '52 Murray, Lindley, English Exercises. 18mo. . . net 20 Lipincott,G.<^ Co. " " Grammar. 12mo. hf. roan . 25 &'. Raynor. " " Grammar. ISmo. shp. . . 25 " " " Grammar, abridged with Ques- tions. By C. Bacon, . . 10 " " " Reader. 12mo. hf. roan . . 25 ■ N. (Rev.), Men and Things as I saw them in Europe. 12mo. cl 75 Harper <^ Bros.'53 " Parish and other Pencillings. By Kir- wan. 12mo. cl 75 " '54 Mussey, R. D., Essay on the Influence of Tobacco. 18mo. cl 20 Whipple <^ Co. Mutineers of the Bounty ; or. Thrilling Incidents of Life on the Ocean. 16mo. cl. Jeicill 4" Co- 'o-* Muzzey, A. B., Hints on Home Education. 12mo. cl. . 75 Crosby, N. tf- Co. My Brother; or, the Man of Many Friends. By Mrs. Ellis. 12mo. A.D.F.Rand'ph:bb Childhood ; or, the Good Grandmother. By Sarah Roberts. iSmo. cl 38 Ep. S.S. Union. 'b-2 Consulship. By C. E. Lester. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. . 2 00 Comjs/i,L.4'C'<>"53 Courtship and its Consequences. By Henry WikofT. 12mo. cl 1 25 J. C. Derby. '55 Cousins in Maine. By W. V. Moore. 18mo. cl. net 25 J. B. Smith cf Co. Dreams. By Louisa S. McCord. 12mo. cl. . . 15 H. C. Baird. Friend's Family. By Mrs. Marshall. 18mo. cl. . .0 25 Carter <J- Bro$. Home in Tasmania; or, Nine Years in Australia. By Mrs. Chas. Meredith. 12mo. cl 1 25 Bunce <f- Bro. '53 Juvenile Days and other Tales. By Alary Howitt. r2mo. cl. 75 Applelon cj- Co. Mother; or, Recollections of Maternal Influence. 12mo. cl. lb J. J. Schroeder.'bb 1852—55.] M y .\ ]/ y T 137 My Novel ; or, Varieties of iinglish Life. By Sir E. Bul- werLytton. 2 parts; pap 75 Harper <^ Bms.'bZ Brother's Keeper. By Miss A. Warner, Author of Dol- lars and Cents. Applelun cf- Co. '55 Own Language; or, the Elements of English Grammar. By A. Hart. 18mo. .SVriVA7«n</ cj- «. '53 — Play is Study, a Book for Children, sijuare cl. e.v. 88;cl 63 J. W. Moorr.'bS — Schools and Schoolmasters; or, the Story of My Edu- cation. By Hugh Miller. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 25 Unuld cSf Ij. b\ Scrapes and Escapes ; or, the Adventures of a Student. 12mo. pap 50 Stringer d^ T.'bZ Two Sisters, a Sketch from Memory. By Emily Jud- son. 18mo. cl 50 Ticknor <^ Co. '54 iMyers, P. H., Bell Brandon, a Novel, pap. . . . 25 7'. B. Petermn. " First of the Knickerbockers. 12nio. cl. . 75 J. C. Riker.'bA " Miser's Heir ; or, the Young Millionaire. 12mo. pap. 50c. ; cl 75 7'. /;. I'tlTson. '54 " The Emigrant Squire. 8vo. pap. . . 25 " "53 Mylne (Rev.), Epitome of English Grammar. 18mo. . 38 r. //. .Vnr/'«/i. '54 Myrtle Wreath ; or, Stray Leaves Recalled. By Minnie Myrtle. 12mo. cl . 1 25 C. Scrilmer.'5-l Mysteries of Bedlam ; or, Annals of the London Mad House. pap. . lb T. B. Peterson. of London. By E. Sue. 2 vols. pap. . . 1 00 Stringer (^ T. of New Orleans, by Ned Buntline. pap. , , 25 Garrett tf Co. of Old London, by Reynolds. 8vo. pap. . 50 '' of Paris, by E. Sue. jiap. . . . . 75 Stringir i.\- T. of Three Cities — Boston, New York, and Phila- delphia, by A. J. H. Duganne. pap. . . 50 7'. B. I'etrrsan. of Udolpho, by IMiss Ann Radclifle. 24mo. roan 75 fjeary cf- (ietz. of a Convent, by a Methodist Preacher. 8vo. pap. 25 7'. B. Peterson. '64 of the Court of Naples, by G. W. .M. Reynold?. 50 //. Long t^'- Bro. '■ " Queen Anne, by W. H. Ains- worth. pap 5() 7'. B. I'elrrsim. of the Court of the Stuarts, pap. . . 50 " Heath, by E. Sue. paj). . . . 25 Stringer <y T. " People, " 8vo. pap. . 50 liarrett cf- Co. and Miseries of New York, by Ned Buntline. 2 vols. pap. 1 00 and Miseries of San Francisco, by a Californian. (• 5(» '• '65 Mysterious Parchment, The, a Temperance Tale. 12nio. 75 ./. P. Jnrelt ^ Co. Mystic Vial (The), by Chas. Lever, pap. . . . 25 Stringer cf- 7'. Myths of the ^Minstrel, by Estelle A. Lewis. 12mo. cl. 75 Appleton if- Co. '52 18 138 N A M i\ E A [am. cat. N. Na Motu ; or, Reef Rovings in the South Seas, by K. T. Perkins. 8vo. cl The same. 12mo. cl Nanette and her Lovers, a Tale of Normandy, by T. Gwynnc. 12mo. cl. Napier, Jas. Chemistry applied to Dyein<f. 12mo. " Manual of Electro-Metallurgy. 12mo. W. F. P. (Col.) History of the War in the Penin- sula and in the South of France, from the Year 1807 to 1814. 8vo. cl Napoleon. See Las Casas, Count. in Exile. See O'Meara, B. E. History of the Captivity of, at St. Helena, from the Letters and Journals of Sir Hudson Lowe, and Official Documents not before made Public-, by Wm. Forsyth. 2 v. r2mo. cl. ^Memoirs of his Court and Family, by the Du- chess D'Abrantcs (Madame Junot.) 2 v. Svo. Dynasty; or, the History of the Bonaparte Fam- ily. By the Berkeley Men. Svo. el. Narrative of an Old Traveler, told to Young People. 4to. Nash, J. A. The Progressive Farmer. 12mo. cl. Sylvester (Rev.) The Nash Family ; or. Records of the Descendants of Thomas Nash, of New Haven, Conn. Svo. National Cook Book, by a Lady of Philadelphia. 12mo. Natural Goodness ; or. Honor to whom Honor is Due, by Rev. T. F. R. Mercein, 12mo. cl. — History in Stories for Little Children, by M. S. C. Square cl. Nature in Disease. SeeBigelow, John. Naval Heroes of America. 64mo. cl. ex. ... Monument. Containing Official and Other Ac- counts of the Battles fought by the Navy of the United States. Svo. cl Naval and Mail Steamers (The), of the United States, by Chas. B. Stuart, illustrated with 36 en- gravings. 4to. cl Neal, Alice, B. (Mrs.), All's not Gold that Glitters; or. The Young Californian, by Cousin Alice, 16mo. " " Patient Waiting no Loss, 16mo. cl. " " Pet Bird, and other stories, by '• Cousin Alice," square cl. ... 1 .50 l*u(lney <Sf li. '.54 1 00 Garret cf- Co. '.0 \ 1 00 J. C. Riker. '54 1 50 //. C. Baird. '53 1 25 3 00 J. S. RpJJield. 1 75 Harper 6f Bros. o3 4 00 Applelon <$• Co. '64 2 60 Sheldon, L. <f- B. 75 W. P. Hazard. 75 C. M. Saxton. "53 Hartford. '53 75 Childs 4- P. 75 Carlton tf- P. '64 50 Evans cf B. '64 25 Durrie cj- P. 1 75 Phillipy, S. cf Co. 8 00 C. B. yorlon. "53 63 Applelon cj- Co. '5.' 63 " '5 50 Evans cf- B. "53 1852—55.] XEA NEV 139 ^eal, Alice B., Watch and Pray ; or, Helen's Con- firmation, by Cousin Alice, IGnio. f)3 Ep. S. S. I'niii7i.'i)\ — John, One Word More, Intended for the Reasoning and Thoughtful among Unbelievers, 12mo. cl. Crocker 4- B. "54 — J. C. (Mrs.), Peter Ploddy, 12mo. pap. . . . .50 (,'' fz, R. <\- Co. [yi — E. 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Ned Buntline's Life Yarns, being a Narrative of his Adven- tures, &c., written by himself, pap. . . 50 Garrclt 4'- Co. Musgrave, a Novel, by T. Hook, Svo. pap. . 50 Stringer 4- T. '54 Neighbors, The, by :\Iias F. Bremer, 12mo. cl. . . .100 ShelJon. L. ^\- B. Neighbor's Children (^The), from the German, by Mrs. Sarah A. Myers, cl. . . . 63 Jjiiuhay 4- B. " Sequel to the above, cl. ... (iS " Neligan, J. ]M. (M. D.), Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Skin, 12mo. cl. 1 OO Blunchord 4- L. bl Nelly Armstrong; or. The Lost and Saved, 12mo. pa|). 50c.; cl. <» 7.^ Dririit 4- 1). Brai'hen, a Tale of Forty Years Ago, by Annie ('. Bradford, 12mo. cl 1 00 Li]>'oi/,(,'. t!^- C».'bb Nelson, Introduction to Penmanship, in five books, each 13 Shelilou, Fj. 4* ^• Nero, History of, by Jacob Abbott, 16mo. cl. . . .0 60 /Iari>er i\- Bro.t.'b3 Neuman and Baretti's Spanish-English and Engli.sli-Spanish Dictionary, greatly improved and enlarged by Dr. Seoane, 2 vols, in 1. Svo. hf. mor 5 0(» Aypi'inmJi- Co '54 " Abridged edition, 12mo. roan 2 0(» " '54 Nevin, Alfred (Rev.), CInirclies of the Valley; or, .\ His- torical Sketch of the (-)ld Presbyterian Congregations of Cumberland and Franklin Counties, Pennsylvania, 12mo. ''• ■^^- ll'i/soM. '53 140 A /; 11 N /; IV [am. cat. Nuw Cobwebs to Cutcli Lilllo FlieH, IBnio. cl. . Knpliind, History of, from Ki.'JO to Uilft, by .lobn Win- tlirop, 2 vols. 8vo. cl. ...... England Tale, by Miss ('. M. Sc(lf^(!\vick, 12riio. il. Hampshire As It Is, by Kdwin A. ('harlton, 8vo. cl. Ipswicli, History of, from its first Grant in 17.36 to the I'resent Tiino, witli Genealoirical Notices of the principal Families, 8vo. cl. . . . . . Jersey, History of, by Carpenter and Arthur, 18mo. cl. Lights; or, Life in Gahvay, by Mrs. S. J. Sadlier, 32mo. London, Conn., History of, from 1612 to 1852, By F. M. Caulkins. 8vo. cl Orleans Sketch Book. (By Editor of the New Orleans Delta). 12mo. pap . Pastoral (The), a Poem. By T. B. Read. 12mo. cl. Rome (The) ; or, the United States of the World. By Theodore Poesche and Charles Goepp. 12rao. cl. net Souvenir for Children, of Tales and Poems. By Edith May. 4to. cl. Sweden, Account of. By Holmes. 8vo. bds. Tale of a Tub, an Adventure in Verse. By F. W. N. Bay ley. 12mo. cl Themes Condemned ; or, Thirty Opinions upon " New Themes" and its '• Reviewer." 12mo. cl. Timon, a Romance of London. By E. Bulwer Lytton. 12mo. cl York Collection of Psalms and Hymns. 12mo. Choralist. By Thos. Hastings and \V. B. Brad- bury Crystal Palace, Description of the Building. See Carstensen, Geo. Documents relating to the Colonial History of the Sta4e of. Procured in Holland, England, and France. By John Romeyn Broadhead, Agent appointed by an Act of the Legislature to procure and transcribe documents in Europe relative to the Colonial History of the State, vol. iii. 4to. Vols. 1 and 2 not yet published. Historical Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the Metropolitan City of America. By a New Yorker. 12 mo. History of. See Broadhead, J. R. History of. By W. H. Carpenter and T. S. Ar- thur. 18mo. cl. History of, in the Days of the Dutch Governors, together with Papers and Events connected with the American Revolution. By A. Davis. ISmo. cl ,50 Cfirirr i\' Urns. \ no Littlr, It. df Co. ',53 I 25 ./. ('. Derby. '.54. Tracy <Sf S. '55 2 00 Ciould 4- L. '52 50 Li'jnncoll^a.fSf Co- 34 D.t^J.Sadlier.'b'i. 3 00 Author, A'. /.. '52 .50 A. Hart. '53 1 00 Parry <^ McM.'bb 50 J. B. Smith i^ Co: b A 75 W. P. Hazard. 1 50 H. C. Baird. 38 J. Wiley. '54 75 Lipcotl,G.<^Co:bi 75 Parry €$• McM. 75 C. S.Francis d^Co. 75 Iiison <^- P. 50 Weed,Par'ns4-Co. Carlton cj- P. '53 Lipcott,G.<I^Co.'b3 75 FairchilddfCo. 'bb 1852-55.] NE W NIE 14i New York, History of the City of. By David T. Valentine. 8vo 2 00 Putnam 4- Cn. •.04 Naked. By G. G. Foster, pap. . . . 50 Dewitt tf- D. Normal School Song Book. By L. A. Benja- min and I. B. Woodbury . 38 Sheldon, L 4- B. in Slices, pap. 25 Gamtt i\- Cf. Newburyport, Mass., History of, from the Earliest Settle- ment of the Country to the Present Time, witli a Biographical Appendix. By Mrs. E. V. Smith. Neii-burypnrl. '54 Newcomb, Harvey (Rev.), Cyclopedia of INIissions, contain- ing a comprehensive view of Missionary Operations through- out the World. 8vo. cl. . .3 00 ('. Scrihnpr. "54 " Young Ladies' Guide to Christian Character. 12mo. cl. . .1 00 M. \V. Dixhl. '5.3 Newcombe, S. P., Pleasant Pages for Young People; or, Book of Home Education and Entertainnient. ]6mo. cl. 75 CVn?//</ ij- /.. '53 Newgate Calendar ; or, the Chronicles of Crime. By W. H. Ainsworth. pap. 50 7'. li. Peterson. Newman, Francis W., Regal Rome, an Introduction to Roman History. 12mo. cl G3 .7. S. Redfiehl '52 John B., Principles of Physiology, including Ana- tomy and the Laws of Hygiene . . . 63 /). Biiriie^s ^\- Co. John H., Discourses Addressed to Mixed Congre- gations. 12mo. cl. . . . "lb " P. Di>nahiir.''!)3 " Loss and Gain ; or, the Story of a Con- vent. 12mo 50 " '64 S. P., Practical System of Rhetoric, 12mo. 75 Ivismi tf P. Newport Illustrated, in a series of Pen and Pencil Sketches. 12mo. cl. 50 Appl'inn i!^- Co. Newsboy (The), a Novel, by (Mrs. E. Oakes Smith), 12rao 1 2.0 .1. i. I)>rhij.'b\ Newtown (Queens county. New York), Annals of, by Ja.s. Riker, Jr., 8vo. cl 2 00 ^ew York,'b2 Nichol, Robert, Poems, with a ^Memoir of the author, 12mo. 75 U. II. Whilnnj. '54 Nichols, B. E., Help to the Reading of the Bible. 12ino. cl. 1 00 Ep.S.H.l'nion.'bb T. L., (M, D.), Esoteric Anthropology, l8mo. cl. 1 25 Stringer cf- T. '63 Nicholson, A. (]Mrs.), Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger, 12mo. cl Of) Anilriis 4- .Son. '■ " Lights and Shades of Ireland, Annals of the Famine of 18J7-"8 and '9, 12mo. cl 1 00 ./. ./. .SVrm/'T. *55 Nick of the Woods, a Talo of Kentucky, by Robert M. Bin!, 12mo. cl. 1 25 J. S. Redfield.'bZ Nieritz, Gustav. Alexander Menziken ; or, The I'erils of Greatness, 18mo. cl 50 C. Scribner.'bA 1-11 A' / /; yV O li (am. cat. Nicritz, (iiist'iv, Littld Driitiuncr ('I'lic) ; or, Filial AfTection, from the (iorinan, l)y Mrs. II. K. Conant, IGmo. fl '^ Plumb Woman (The) ; or, The Child will. Three Mothers, 18mo. el. " Rat-Catelier (TIkO, a Juvenile, 18mo. d. " Swan Maiden, and other Tales, l8mo. el. " Tales of Old Times, 16mo. cl. Night Lamp. See Macfarlane, Rev. John. Watches ; or. The Peace of the Cross, by Miss E. L., 12mo. cl. Nights and Mornings ; or, Words of Comfort, by Rev. John Dowling, IBnio. cl. Ninon De L'Enclos, Life and Adventures of, by W. H. Ains- worth, pap Nixon, J as.. Rudiments of Book-Keeping, 12mo. Noad, II. M., Chemical Analysis, Qualitative and Quantita- tive, with additions, by C. Morfit, 8vo. shp. Noah and his Times. See Olmstead, J. M. Noble Army of Martyrs (The). 16mo. cl. . The Same. 18mo. hf. roan Deeds of American Women. Edited by J. Clements. 12mo. cl Noctes Ambrosiana^ by Prof. John Wilson, Wm. iMaginn, J. G. Lockhart, Jas. Hogg, &c., with Memoirs and Notes, by R. S. Mackenzie. 6 v. 12mo. cl. Noel et Chapsal. Grammaire Fran^aise, an exact reprint of the last Paris edition. 12mo. Key to the above. 12mo. Abrege de la Grammaire Francaise, from the last Paris edition. 12mo. . Litterature Francaise. Selections of French Literature, Nolte, V. Fifty Years in both Hemispheres ; or. Reminis- cences of the Life of a former Merchant. 12mo. cl. Nonantum and Natick, by Sarah S. Jacobs. 12mo. NorOurfari ; or, Rambles in Iceland, by P. Miles. ]2mo. cl. Norfolk (Va.), Descriptive Sketch of. See Forrest, Wm. S. Norman, B. M. Rambles in Yucatan. Svo. cl. Norman Maurice ; or, The Man of the People, a Drama, by W. G. Simms. 12mo Normand, Hugh de. Julienne ; The Daughter of the Ham- let 12mo. cl " Two Eras of France ; or, True Sto- ries from History. 12mo. cl. North, Christopher (Sir). Specimens of British Critics. 12nio. cl Wm. 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Hale. 12mo. pap. 75c.; cl. .... Norton, Caroline (Hon. Mrs.), Dream and other Poems. 12mo. cl. e.v. .$1 25; cl. '• • Undying One (The), and other Poems. 12mo. cl. ex. 81 25; cl. Geo. H., Jr., an Inquiry into the Nature and Extent of Holy Catholic Church. ISmo. cl. J. N. (Rev.), Full Proof the Ministry, a Sequel to the Boy who was Trained up to be a Clergyman. 12mo. cl. '• The Boy who was Trained up to be a Clergyman. iSmo. cl. J. P., Elements of Scientific Agriculture. 12mo. cl. Norwood; or. Life in the Prairies. By Ned Buntline. pap. Not so Bad as we Seem, a Comedy in Five Acts. By E. L. Buhver, ISmo. cl. . . . . ... Notabilities in France and England, with an Autobiography. By P. Chasles. i2mo. cl Notable Women of Olden Time. 16mo. . . . . Notes from Life, in Seven Essays. By Henry Taylor. 12nio. cl of a Theological Student. By J. jM. Hoppin. 12mo. cl on Cuba in 1842. By Dr. Wurdeman. 12mo. cl. on Uncle Tom's Cabin, an Answer to the Allegations against Slavery. iJy Rev. E. J. Stearns. 12mo. cl. and Emendations to the Text of Shakespeare's Plays, from the Early ^fanuscript Corrections in a copy of the folio of lt)32, in the possession of John Payne Collier, F. S. A. Third edition, with a fac- simile of the Manuscript Correctii>ns. 12mo. cl. Nothing Venture, Nothing Have. Hy Cousin Alice. 18mo. cl. . . Novelettes of the Musicians. Hy Mrs. E. F. Ellet. Svo. cl. ex. . . . Now-a-Days. r2mo. cl • • Noyes, Eli (Rev.), Lectures on the Truth of the Bible. 12mo. cl 1 UO \V. D. Cooke. "53 38 Harper (\- Bros. 'bb Crissij cjr M. "53 1 00 Barms 4- Co. '53 1 00 H. Longd^Bro. '52 1 00 (;. {■i. FrancisiSfCo. 1 00 31 H. Hooker. 'bZ 75 J. S. Redjield. '65 38 //. Hooker. "54 75 Clark, A. cj- Co. 25 Ciarrelt tf- Co. 35 Harper tj- Bros. 75 Putnam tf- Co. '53 50 Am. S. S. I'liitm. 03 Ticknur df Co. '53 1 00 Apphton 4- Co. *54 1 (10 Muiiroe cf- Co. 75 LipcoU,(J.*H-Co:b3 1 50 ./. N. RcdfuU. "54 63 Appltton tS( Co. b\ 1 75 Sheldon, L. cj- B. 75 Mairaiino)i<\-l'o.^b\ 1 00 Gould tf- L. '53 141 A U M- () II I (am. cat. Niiitieral Singer (Tho;. New eiiilioii, enlarged Nuis/s Rliymc Hook. 8vo.fl. . • . . net Nursery JJasket (TluO, n lland-Book of Practical Uireclions for Voung .Mothers. IHiiio. cl Gift, a Book of Book.s for the Little Ones. s<iii:ire cl. Songs. By Mrs. E. L. Follen. square cl. Nut-Crueker and ]\Iouse King, from the German. 16mo. cl. Nystrom, J. VV., Pocket-Book of I\Iechanic8 and Engineer- ing, containing a IMeinorandum of Pacts and Connec- tion of Practice and Theory. 18mo. tucks 30 Morton djf (i. 50 J. H. Smith <\- Co. 38 Apjdeton 4* Co. '54 If) C. .S. Francis <^ (Jo. 42 S. liaijnor. 50 Appkton 4" Co. '52 li 00 Lii)ci)tl,(j.6fCo:bA o. O'Donnell, M. Penmanship ; Six Nos., . . each O'Meara, B. E. Napoleon in -Exile ; or, a Voice from St. Helena. Being the Opinions and Reflections of Na- poleon on the most important Events in his Life and Government, in his own Words. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. The same. 2 vols. Svo. Oakley, H. A. Outline of a Course of English Reading. 12mo Obligations of the Sabbath ; a Discussion between Rev. J. N. Brown and \Vm. B. Taylor. 12mo. pap., 38c. ; cl. Obstetric Catechism, by J. Warrington. 12mo. shp. Ocean Born (The) ; a Tale of the Southern Seas. By S. A. Godman. Svo. pap. .... Odd-Fellows' Pocket Manual, by J. L. Ridgely. 24mo. cl. Text-Book, by P. Donaldson. 12mo. cl. net Odenheimer, W. H. (Rev.) Jerusalem and its Vicinity. Lectures on the Sacred Localities connected with the week before the Resurrection. 12mo. cl. The same. 8vo. mor., net $3 ; cl. ex., . net Odoherty Papers, forming the First Portion of the Miscel- laneous Writings of the late Dr. Maginn. With Memoir and Notes, by Dr. R. S. Mackenzie. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. . . Oehlschlager, J. C. German and English Dictionary. l8mo. hf. roan .... " Pronouncing German Reader. 12mo. Off-Hand Sketches, by T. S. Arthur. 18mo. cl. . Takings ; or, Crayon Sketches of the Noticeable Men of our Age, by G. W. Bungay. 12mo. cl. Offering of Sympathy. Edited by Francis Parkman, and revised with Additions, by Rev. F. A. Farley. 16mo. Officer's Widow, by ]\Irs. Hofland. 18mo. cl. Ohio, History of, by -Carpenter and Arthur. 18mo. cl. 13 /ii.syn cf- P. 2 00 J. i'. Redfield. '54 Wm. Gowans. '54 50 Putnam tf- Co. '53 75 Parry cj- McM. 2 00 BarrCgton<^IVbi 25 Bunce cf- Bru. 1 00 Moss 4- Bra. 1 25 1 00 Butkr cf Co. 'bb 2 50 2 00 J. S. Redfield. 'bb 1 00 Henderson cj- Co. 1 00 Appleton cf- Co. 38 Lippincott,G. cf- Co. 1 25 Dewitt c|- D. '54 75 Miinroe cf- Co. 38 C.S. Francis <!^ Co. 50 Lippincott,G.^Co. 1852—55.] O /. D () L M 145 Old Astrologer, by T. tS. Arthur, pap Brewery (The), and the New Mission House at the Five Points. \'2mo. cl. Christianity vs. Papal Novelties, including a Review of Milner's " End of Controversy, by G. Ouseley. 12mo. Doctor; or, Stray Leaves from my Journal, being Re- miniscences of a Retired Physician. ]2mo. pap. 50c.; cl. England and New England, in a Series of Views taken on the Spot, by A. Bunn. 12mo. cl. Farm Gate (The), Containing Stories and Poems for Children and Youth, by Richard Coe. 16mo. cl. Forest Ranger ; or. Wild Sports of India, by M;ijor W. Campbell. 8vo. cl. House (The) by the River. By the author of the '*0\vl Creek Letters." (W. C. Prime.) 12mo. cl. . Inn (The); or, the Travellers' Entertainment, by Jo- siah Barnes, Sen. 12mo. cl. .... Karl the Cooper and his Wonderful Book, by E. Perce. ISmo. cl. ........ Man's Bride (The), by T. S. Arthur. Itimo. cl. Neighborhoods and New Settlements ; or, Christmas Evening Legends, by E. D. E. N. Southworth. r2mo. Put ; or, the Days of '76, a Revolutionary Tale. pap. Redstone; or, Historical Sketches of Western Presby- terianism, by Rev. Joseph Smith. Svo. cl. Saint Paul, by W. H. Ainsworth. Svo. pap. Sights with New Eyes, by a Yankee. 12mo. cl. Stone House (The), by Rev. Joseph Alden. IBmo. d. Testament Unveiled. See Putnam, C. H. Wine in New Bottles, by A. K. Gardner,M. D. 12mo. (The), and the New. See Goodell, Wm. Oldham, Oliver, Amusing and Instructive Reader, 12mo. " Humorous Speaker, r2mo. Olin, Stephen (Rev.), Greece and the Golden Horn, 12mo. cl. " (Rev.), Life and Letters of, 2 vols. 12mo. cl. Oliphant, L., Russian Shores of the Black Sea in the Au- tumn of 1852, 12mo. cl. Olive, by the author of " The Oglevies," Svo. pap. . Ollendortf, H. G.. Primary Lessons in Italian, ISmo. Olmsted, D., Astronomy, with Mason's Supplement, Svo. shp "<■' " Chemistry, 12mo. " College Astronomy, Svo. slip. . . net " " Philosophy, '• " . • . " " Rudiments of Astronomy, ISmo. « " » and Philosophy, ISmo. ncl " School " l^ni"- 19 25 75 1 25 75 75 63 1 50 75 1 00 63 75 1 00 25 2 00 50 1 00 42 1 00 75 1 00 1 00 2 00 7.') 25 50 1 67 1 00 1 31 2 00 25 38 50 T. B. Peiersoji. Slrini^er <Sc T. '54 Leartj d^ Getz- Lang cf- Brii. '54 A. Hart. '53 Daniels cf- .S'. '52 Stringer 4* T. "53 Harper cj- Bros. "53 J. C. Derby. "55 C Scribner. '54 '53 ^1. Hart. '53 H. Long cji* Br». LiiJ'coll,G.<^Co.'5'i T. B. Peterson. M. W. Dodd. '64 C.S.Francis <Sf Co Irison iV P. '54 J. C. Derby. '54 Harper tSf Bros.'53 J. S. linljirld. '54 Harper cj[- Bros. Appletun ij- Co. li. B. Collins. Roe Lock'(Hl<!f^Son. li. n. Collins. 146 <) L \l- () II A [am. cat. Olmsted, F., Walks and Talk.s of an American Farmer in England, 12mo. cl OlmHtoad, J. M. (Rev.), Noah and His Times, embracing the I'onsideration of various inf|uiric8 relative to the Ante- diluvian and earlier Postdiluvian Periods, 12mo. el. Olney, J., Arithmetic " Easy Reader, 18mo. ..... " History of the United States, 18mo. " Geographical Exercises on Outline Maps " Introduction to Geography, colored Maps " National Preceptor; or, Selections in Prose and Poetry, 12mo. " Outline Maps, comprising the World, North Ame- rica, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa, colored, with cloth backs, and put up in a con- venient port folio .... per set " Outline Map of ('anada .... " Quarto Geography ... ... " School Geography and Atlas " School Reader Olph ; or. The Pirates of the Shoals, by Ingraham, pap. Onderdonk, H. U. (Bishop of Pennsylvania), Sermons and Episcopal Charges, 2 vol. 8vo. cl One Link in the Chain of Apostolic Succession ; or, The Crimes of Alexander Borgia, 12mo. Word More, intended for the Reasoning and Thought- ful among Unbelievers, by John Neal, 12mo. cl. - — Year, a Tale of Wedlock, by E. F. Carlen, 12mo. cl. . Only a Dandelion, and other Stories, by author of " Flower of the Family," 16mo. cl. Open Communion, by Rev. S. W. Whitney Oracles for Youth, by Mrs. C. Gilman, 12mo. cl. ex. $1 ; cl. Oram, Elizabeth (Miss), First Lessons in English Grammar and Composition Oramaika, an Indian Story, ISmo. cl Orator's Touchstone: or, Eloquence Simplified, by H. McQueen, 12mo. cl. Organic Christianity; or, The Church of God, by L. A. Sawyer, 12mo. cl Laws ; or, the Laws that Govern the Human Or- ganism. By Rev. J. B. Sax. 12mo. cl. Life. iSmo. 7.J J. C. Hiker. '54 1 25 42 20 42 25 25 60 6 00 60 75 1 00 38 25 5 00 50 75 75 38 75 38 50 90 1 00 75 21 Gould 4- L. '53 E. Hunt cjr Son. Dnrrie <^ P. Farmer, B. df- Co. Garrett cf- Co. Parry cf- McM. Hinks 4" Co. "54 Crocker cf B.' 54 C. Scribner. '53 A. D.Randolph. '54 M. W. Dodd. '53 G. H. Whitney. "54 Burgess (^ Co. '54: Dunigan<S[-Bro.'bb Harper df Bros. '54 Jewett cj- Co. '54 Fowlers <^ W. Am. S.S. Union. '53 1 25 75 Miller, O. 4- M. Appleton df Co. Oregon, History, and Condition of, including a Yoyage Round the World. By Rev. G. Hines. 12mo. cl. Oriental Story Book. 16mo. cl Origin of the American Indians, with a Faithful Description of their Manners, Customs, &c., &c. 8vo. Ornaments of Memory ; or, Beauties of History, Romance, and Poetry. With 18 fine line engravings, from original designs. 4to. mor 12 00 Appleton <^ Co.' oA 1 50 Sheldon, L. 4- B. 1852—55. OR P O VE 147 Orphan Children. By T. S. Arthur, pap. Seamstress, a Narrative of Innocence, Guilt, Mys- tery, and Crime, pap Tale, told in Rhyme. By Rev. Geo. Fisk. 18ran. of Moscow. ISmo. cl Orion, J. R., Arnold, and other Poems. 12nio. cl. Osborn, E. (Lieut.), The Polar Regions; or, a Search after Sir John Franklin's Expedition. 12mo. Oscar; or, the Boy who had his own Way. iSmo. cl. . Osgood, F. S. (Mrs.), Poems. 12rao. cl " Poems. Illustrated, Svo. cl. ex. . S. (Rev.), God with Men; or. Footprints of Provi- dential Leaders. 12mo. cl. " Hearth Stone, Thoughts upon Home Life in our Cities. 12mo. cl. " Mile Stones in our Life Journey. 12mo. Otis, H. G. (Mrs.), Barclays of Boston (The). 12mo. cl. . Our Army at Monterey. By T. B. Thorpe. 12mo. cl. . " on the Rio-Grande. By T. B. Thorpe. 12mo. cl. Folks at Home ; or. Life at the Old Manor House. By E. Toliver. 16mo. cl Harry, and other Poems, By T. S. Arthur. ISmo. cl. Honey Moon and other Comicalities from Punch. 12mo. Little Comfort. 16mo. cl " ISmo. hf.r Parish; or, Annals of Pastor and People. 12mo. cl. Village, Sketches of Rural Character and Scenery. By Mary R. Mitford. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. . World; or, the Slaveholders Daughter. 12mo. Ouseley, G. (Rev.), Old Christianity vs. Papal Novelties, in- cluding a Review of Milner's " End of Controversy." 12mo. (•] Out-Doors at Idlewild; or, the Shaping of a Home on the Banks of the Hudson. By N. P. Willis. 12mo. cl. Outlines of History. By P. C. Grace. ISmo. r.'cl. sides . of Moral Science. By Rev. A. Alexander. 12mo. cl. of Universal History, from the Creation of the World to the Present Time. By Goo. Weber. Svo. cl. of Universal History. By Henry White, with Ques- tions by Rev. F. Knighton. 12mo. . of a Course of English Reading. Edited by H. A. Oakley. 12mo. linipd. cl of the Temple ; or. Masonry in its INforal Aspect. By C. Moore. 12mo. cl. Overing; or. The Heir of Wycherly, by E. Grayson, 12mo. Overman, F., Moulders and Founders' Pocket Guide, a Trea- tise on i\Ioulding and Founding, ISmo. cl. . 25 T. B. Peterxon. 25 Garrett cf- Co. 25 Carter 4- Bros. '53 03^-J.Sad/ierdi-Co. Partridife t\- B.'b\ 75 Barnes; 4- Co. '54 63 Gould tf- L. '55 1 25 Riker, T. <f- Co. 5 00 (1 75 Croshy,N.i-\-Co.'bZ 1 00 1 00 1 25 63 63 75 38 1 25 63 38 1 25 2 50 1 25 Appleton 4* Co. '54 '54 Ticknor cf- Co. '54 //. C. Baird. HendersondfCo. '54 Lip'incott,G.(^- Co. Stringer <f- T. '54 Ep. S. S. Union. Crou'u (Sf Co. '54 Ticknor tj[' Co. '53 MiUer,0.<^.M. '55 1 25 Leary iSf Getz. 1 25 C. Scrihner. '64 38 Dunigan cj- Bro. 75 ('. Scrilnur. '52 2 00 Llllle,B.i^ C.J. '53 60 ChilJs 4- P. 50 Putnam if- Ci>. '53 ./. AV/i.sV. '51 1 00 Sheldon, L. if- B. 1 00 Moss 4' Bro. '54 148 (> V i: r \ u [am. cat. Overman, F., Treatise on Workinjf and Making Steel, 18mo. 75 Muss tj[- lint. '54 Owen, D. Dale, Report of a (Jeological Survey of Wiseon- flin, Iowa, and Minnesota, and incidentally a portion of Nebraska Territory, made under instructions from the United States Treasury Department, 2 vols. 4to. 10 00 /w>V/,G'.tf Co. '52 John (Rev.), Works of 16 vols. Svo. el. . . 20 00 Carter <!^ Bros. O. F. (Mrs.), Heroines of History, 12mo. . . 1 00 Carlton cf- /'. '54 R., Princii)al Forms of the Skeleton and of the Teeth, 12mo. cl. ... Owl Creek Letters, Ijy W. C. Prime, 12mo. cl. 1 25 BlanchardiSf L.'b\ 75 C. Scribner. P. Page, C. G., Psychomancy, Spirit-Rappings, and Table-Tip- pings, Exposed, 12mo. pap J. W., Uncle Robin in his Cabin in Virginia, and Tom Without One in Boston, 12mo. cl. Paget, Jas., Lectures on Surgical Pathology, Svo. shp. Paine, Thos,, Political Works, 12mo. cl. . . . net " Theological " " " . . . net Palenzuela, L., Grammar for Spaniards to Learn English, 12mo " Key to the above ..... Paley, Wm., Evidences of Christianity, with Notes and Ad- ditions, by Chas. M. Mairne, 12mo. cl. . Palissy, Bernard P., Life of. His Labors and Discoveries in Art and Science, by H. Morlev, 2 vols. 12mo. cl. Palfrey, J. G. (Rev.), Lectures on the Jewish Scriptures and Antiquities, vols. 3 and 4, Svo. " " Relation (The) of the Jewish to the Christian Scriptures, Svo. cl. " " Sermons, second edition, 12mo. cl. Palmer, J. H., Common School Book-Kecping, 12mo. cl " Key and Blanks to the above four num- bers each " First Lessons in Book-Keeping, 12mo. bds. . W., A Compendious Ecclesiastical History, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time, 12mo. cl. Pancoast, J., Treatise on Operative Surgery, including de- scriptions of all the New Operations, exhibiting the state of Surgical Science in its present advanced con- dition, with 80 plates, 4to. cl. plain, $10 ; colored Parables of the New Testament Practically Unfolded, by Rev. W. B. Stevens, with eight engravings, mor. net S4 50 ; cl. ex. 7iet 25 Appleton 4' Co. '53 1 00 3 50 1 50 1 00 2 00 75 1 25 1 50 5 00 2 00 75 67 25 19 50 J.W.Randolph.'oS Lindsay (^ B. '53 Moss 6f Bro. Appleton 4* Co, n Carter tSf- Bros. '54 Ticknor tf- Co. '53 Cro.'iby, N. cf Co. Munroe 6f Co. Fanner, B. cij- Co. Appleton 4* Co. Stanford d^ S. 20 00 Blanchard tf-L. "54 3 75 E. H. Butler tf- Co. 1852—55.] PAR PAR 149 Pardee (Miss), Reginald Lyle; or, the Adopted Heir. 12mo. pap. 50c. ; cl. Pardee, R. G., Manual for the Cultivation of the Strawberry, Raspberry, Blackberry, Gooseberry, Currant, and Grape. 12mo. cl. Parent's Assistant. By Maria Edgeworth. 12nio. cl. Paris as seen in the spare hours of a Medical Student. 25 fine steel plates. 8vo. ..... Parish Side (The). 12mo. cl nel and other Pencillings. By Rev. Nicholas Murray. 12ino. cl Parisian Pastor's Glance at America. By Rev. J. H. Grand Pierre. 16ino. cl — Sights and French Principles seen through Ameri- can Spectacles. 12mo. cl. . Park, Roswell (Rev.), Hand-Book for American Travellers in Europe, part first, Tour in France and Italy via London. 16mo. cl. Parke, Uriah, Practical Arithmetic, hf. bd. Parker, C. E. R. (Mrs.), Work and Play. ISmo. Helen F., Morning Stars of the New World. 12mo. " Sunrise and Sunset, a True Tale. 16mo. Joel (Rev.), Sermons on Various Subjects. 12mo. L. (M. D.), Modern Treatment of Syphilitic Dis- eases, both Primary and Secondary. 8vo. cl. . R. G., Compendium of Natural and Experimental Philosophy. 12mo " and Zachos, J. C, Reading and Elocution. 12mo. hf. bd Theodore (Rev.), Sermons on Theism, Atheism, and the Popular Theology. 12mo. cl. " Ten Sermons on Religion. 12mo. Parkman, F., Jr., California and Oregon Trail, being Sketches of Prairie and Rocky jVIountain Life. 12mo. cl. Parkyns, M., Life in Abyssinia, being Notes collected during Three Years' Residence and Travels in that Country. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. Parley's Book of Animals. 18mo. cl. .... Geography for Beginners .... History of Asia. ISmo. " Africa. "... " North America. '• . " South America. "... " Europe " . Household Library. 8vo. cl Pictorial, a Book for Home Education. Hvo. cl. . Spelling-Book. 18mo. lif. bd. .... Tales of Animals. 12mo. cl. .... Universal History. 12ui(). .... 75 Biirgcxs tj- D. "54 50 C. M. Saxton. 'o4 1 00 W. P. Hazard. 2 25 C.S.Franci.S(^-Co. 56 Mason, Bros. '54 75 Harper cf- Bros. '54 50 (iuuld i\- L. "54 1 00 Harper cj- Bros. '52 75 Putnam tj' d). '53 31 E. H. Butler cf- Co. 25 Ep.S.S. Union. '52 1 25 J. C. Derby. '54 63 Derby tj-. iM '53 1 00 Lip'cott, G. 4" Co. 1 75 Blanchard <if L.'54 1 13 Barnes df Co. '54 45 i> 1 25 Lillle, B. 4- Co. '53 1 OO Crosby, y.(H'Cn:bZ 1 25 J. C. Rikrr. '54 2 50 Appleton cj- Co. '54 75 Fairchildi^- Co. '55 30 Sheldon. L. tji* Co. 45 Morton, cy* (i. 45 " 45 (. 45 tt 15 " 1 50 /•;. //. Fletcher. 1 50 " 15 Morion ly- (.'. 75 " 1 00 III son f^ P. 150 /' /\ li /' A Y JAM. CAT. Parley's WnndiTcrH liy Sea and Land, Mild oilier Talcs. 12mo. 1 1:5 Parlor Hook. I'Jmo. cd. . . . . . .0 75 PariiL'll, Tlios. I'oetical Works. 18mo. cl. . . 75 Parsons, TlioH. VV. Pocsms. l^iiio. cl 1 00 Partlienon (The), illiistrati'd, 50 Parti.-an (The), a Romance of the Revolution, l>y W. G. Simms. 12mo. cl 1 25 Partridge, J. n. Elementary Arithmetic. 12mo. . .0 20 Party Leaders. See Baldwin, J. G. Pascal, J. Glimpse of Convent Life at Port Royal. 12mo. 1 00 Passages from the History of a Wasted Life. 12mo. cl. 75 Passing Thoughts for the Older Pupils, by a Sabbath school Teacher. 18mo. Passion Flowers, by (Mrs. Julia Howe). 12nio. cl. . .0 75 and Principle, a Novel, by Mrs. Grey. 8vo. pap. 50 Passional Zoology ; or, Spirit of the Beasts of France, by A. Troussenel. 12mo. 1 00 Past Meridian, by Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. 12mo. cl. . .0 75 Pastor (The) in his Closet ; or, a Help to the Devotions of the Clergy, by Rev. J. Armstrong. l6mo. cl. . 60 Pastor's Family. By author of '• Jeanie Morrison." 18mo. 25 > Gift ; or, Outlines of Christian Duty, by Rev. A. Joy, Jr. ISmo. cl 50 Hand-Book, by Rev. W. W. Everts, cl. . . 50 Legacy. See Mason, E. Sketches, by Rev. J. S. Spencer. Second Series. 12mo. cl. 1 25 Wedding Gift, by Wm. M. Thayer. 12mo, cl. 75 Pastoral Theology. See Vinet, A. Paterson, Alex., (Missionary of Kiimany.) Memoir of, by Rev. J. Baillie. 16mo. cl - 60 — T. V. Grammar Without a Master, pap. . 25 Patient Waiting no Loss, by Alice B. Neal. 16mo. cl. 63 Patrol (The) of the Mountain ; or, the Days of '76, by X. M. Curtiss. pap. . . . . . . . 25 Patton, W. W. Voice to the Young ; or, Lectures for the Times. 12mo. cl 75 Paul Deverell ; or, Two Judgments for One Crime, by In- graham, pap. 25 Jones ; or, the Son of the Sea, by Alex. Dumas, pap. 25 and Julia, by J. C. Pitral, author of Jesuits Unveiled. 12mo. d 75 and Virginia. 16mo. cl. ex. . . . . . 88 " " (in French.) 12mo. . . . 50 The same. With a Vocabulary, Interlinear Trans- lation and Pronunciation. 12mo. . . . 63 Paxton, Philip. Wonderful Adventures of Capt. Priest, Payne, A. R. 'M. Rambles in Brazil ; or, A Peep at the Aztecs. 12mo. cl 75 Ajiplfilon <\- Co. (J.S. h ^ra n r i s ^ ('i> . IM/le, B. 4- Co. '54 Tirknor cjf /'. '54 A.S. Barnes tf- Co. J. S. Rfdfidd. '54 She par d c^ Co. '54 Carter cjf- Bros. '51 Musseij <Sf- Co. '53 Mass. S. S. So. '54 Ticknor tf- Co. '54 Buna; cj- Bro. '53 Foivlers cj- W. '52 Appleton <^ Co. '55 H. Hooker. '53 Carter <|- Bros. '55 E. H. Fletcher. '54 Sheldon.L.^-B.'^J-i M. W. Dodd. "53 Jeicett <f- Cn. '54 Carter cf- Bros. '53 Bunce cf- Bro. Appleton <Sf Co. '53 Garrett tSf Co. Miller, O. cf- M. Garrett t!j- Co. Hiyiks t^- Co. '55 C.S.Fra7Kis tj- Co. Lockirond 4" '"^o". J. S. Redfield. '55 C. B. Norton. '54 1852—55.] rAY PER 151 Payson, Geo. Romance of California. 12mo. ci. . .1 (lU J. C Rikcr. '5i " Totemwell. 12mo. cl. ... 1 25 " '54 Peabody, Eliza P., Crimes of the House of Austria against ^Miinliind. 18mo. 38 /2. Garrigue. '52 Peace Maimers, The. By T. S. Arthur. 18mo. cl. . .0 38 LippincoU,G.<ii' Cu. Pearl Fi.shing, Choice Stories from Dickens' Household Words. 12mo. cl 1 00 ./. C. Derlnj. '54 of Days; or, the Advantage of the Sabbath to the Laboring Classes. By a Laborer's Daughter. 18mo. cl 25 E. H. Flelclur. Pearson, Thos. (Rev.), Evangelical Alliance Prize Essay on Infidelity. 12mo. cl. . . 63 Carter <^ Bros. 'b\ " Infidelity, its Aspects, Causes, and Agencies. 8vo. cl. . . . 2 00 " " The Same. 12mo. cl. . . 60 Peasant Boy Philosopher, Story of. By Henry Mayhew. 12mo. cl. 75 Harjier cj- Bros.'bb Pebbles from the Lake Shore, Poems. By Chas. L. Porter. 12mo. cl 1 00 Lip'oU,G.^Co:bA from the Sea Shore, a Juvenile, square cl. . .0 42 .S". Raynor. Peck, Geo. (Rev.), Lectures to Young Men on Formation of a Manly Character, 16nio. cl. . . . . 45 Carlton f^ P. Geo. VV., Melbourne and tiie Chincha Islands, with Sketches of Lima. 12mo. cl. . . . . 1 00 C Scrtiner. '54 Pedder, Jas., Farmer's Land JMeasurer. 18mo. cl. . .0 50 C. M. Saxton. '54 Pedestrian (The), in France and Switzerland. By Geo. Bar- rell, Jr. 12mo. cl I 00 Putnam <^ Co. '53 Peirce, C. H. (M. D.), Examinations of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &c., as to their Purity and Adulterations. 12mo. cl 1 25 //. (;. BairJ. '53 Peirpout, John, Poems. New edition. 16mo. cl. . . 1 00 Munroe <^ Co. '54 Peissner, Elias, Elements of the German Language. 12mo. 1 00 Farmer,BL^- Co. '55 " German Grammar. 12mo. cl. ... 1 00 Peep Behind the Scences, Scenes in the Life of an Actor. 12mo. pap. 50c.; cl 75 (uirntl i\- Co.'5A Pell, W. W., Guide for the Young to Success and Happi- ness. 16mo. 38 Appldoii i\- Co. '53 Pelouze, J., and Fremy, E., General Notions of Chemistry. Translated from the' French by E. C. I'^vans, M. I)., colored illustrations, 12mo. cl 175 J,ip'coU,G.<S-Co.'5-i I'encil Sketches; or, Outlines of Character and Manner.'^. By i\[iss Leslie. 12mo. cl 1 00 \V. I'. Hazard. '54 Pennsylvania, History of. By Carpenter & Arthur. 18mo. 50 lAppincolt.G.^- Co. Perce, E. Gulliver Joi, his Three Voyages. 18mo. cl. . 63 C. Scrilmer. '53 " Last of his Name (Tiu). 12mo. cl. . .100 J. C. Riker.'5\ " Old Karl the Cooper and his Wonderful Book. l8mo. cl 63 ('. Scrilmer. '54 Percy, S., Robin Hood and his Merry Foresters, colored plates, cl 63 ./. r. Rikrr. "54 16-J /' y; II /' /; T [am. cat. Percy Efliingliam, ii Novel. By H. Cockton. 8vo. pup. Percirn, J., Aniily.sis of Food and Diet. 12iiio. el. " Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Third Anaerican edition. Kdited by J. Carson, M. D. 2 vol.s. 8vo. ahp I'erfiitnery, its Manufacture and Use, with Instructiona in every Branch of the Art, with Additions. By C, ]\rorfit. 12mo. cl. ....... Perilous Incidents in the Lives of Sailors and Travellers, narrated to Young People. 4to. cl. Perils of Greatness. By Gustav Nieritz, translated from the German by Mrs. II. C. Conant. 18mo. cl. Periscopics ; or. Current Subjects Extemporaneously Treated. By Wm. Elder. 2mo. cl Perkins, A. J., and Fitch, G. W., Manual of the Origin and Meaning of Geographical Names, cl. E. T., Na Motu ; or, Reef Rovings in the South Seas, 8vo. cl. ..... . ^ " The same, 12mo. cl. .... G. R , Plane and Solid Geometry, to which is added Plane and Spherical Trigonometry and Mensura- tion, 8vo Judith, D., Memoir of, 12mo. cl. Perrin, John, Elements of French Conversation, 18mo. hf. bd " French Fables, 18mo. hf. bd. . Persian Flower (The), A Memoir of Judith G. Perkin«, of Oroomiah, Persia, 12mo. cl. . . . . . Personal Adventures of " Our Own Correspondent," by M. B. Ilonan, 12mo. cl. Persons and Pictures from the Histories of France and Eng- land, from the Norman Conquest to the Fall of the Stuarts, by H. W. Herbert, 12mo. cl. Peru, Travels in, by Tschudi, 12mo. cl Peruvian Antiquities, by M. E. Rivero, and John Tschudi, translated from the original Spanish, by Rev. F. L. Hawks, cl. . Pet Bird, and other Stories, by " Cousin Alice," (Mrs. Alice B. Neal), square, cl. Peter Ploddy, by Mrs. J. C. Neal, 12mo. pap. . Schlemihl in America, 12mo. cl. .... Peters, J. C, (M. D.), Treatise on the Diseases of Married Females, 8vo. cl " " Treatise on Disorders of Menstruation '■ " " " Headaches, Svo. el. " " " " Nervous Derangements and Mutual Disorders, based upon T. J. Rnekerfs Clinical Experience in Honia'opathy, Svo. . 50 7'. li. Pelerxon. '53 1 00 Fowlers cjr W. y 00 nbn,rhnr.U\f //.'54 1 50 //. r. Ii,ur,l. ':).i 75 W. I'. Hazard. 50 C. Scribner. '53 1 00 J. C. Derhy '54 25 Sheldon, L. ^ B. 1 50 Piulney cf- K. '54 1 00 Garrell cf- Co. '54 1 50 Appleton cf- Co. '54 63 Jewed <^ Co. '54 25 Fairchild <^ Co.'55 25 " '55 63 Jewell cj- Co. '54 1 00 Harper cf* Bros. '52 1 25 J. C. Riker. '54 1 00 Barnes cj- Co. '54 1 00 " "54 50 £:ia?!S 4- B. "53 50 Gelz.B. <$• Co. "5 3 1 50 Parry 4- McM. 75 W. Radde. '54 75 " '53 75 " '53 75 '54 1852—55] P E T PHI 153 Peterson, C. J., History of the American Revolution, 8vo. shp. nel 1 51) ./. B. Smith tf- Co. " Kate Aylesford, a Story of tlie Refugees, 12nio. pap. 81 ; cl 1 -25 T. li. Prlerson. '55 Peterson's Familiar Science, Part First, being an introduc- tion to the Knowledge of Common Things, by Hannah M. Bouvier, iSmo. . . . 5u ChiliJs t\- P. ■54 Familiar Science, Part Second, being the original volume with this title, thoroughly revised, with additional illustrations, by David A. Wells, A. M., 12mo. $1 ; common school edi- tion, iSmo 50 " '54 Familiar Science, Part Third, A Treatise on Me- chanic?, Geology, Mineralogy, &c., &c., ap- propriately and fully illustrated by Diagrams, designed for Schools, Colleges, and Fami- lies, by David A. Wells, A. M., 12mo. . 1 00 " '54 Petrel (The) ; or, Love on the Ocean, pap. ... 50 T. B. Prtfrsnn "54 Pfeiffer, Ida (Mad.), Journey to Iceland, and Travels through Sweden and Norway, 12mo. cl. . . . . 50 J. ('. /?iAer. "54 Phwthon ; or. Loose Thoughts for Loose Thinkers, by Rev. Chas. Kingsley, 12mo 38 //. Hooker. '54 Phantom World: The History and Philosophy of Spirits, Apparitions, &c., Sic, 12mo. cl. .... 1 00 Parry cf- McM. Phelps, A. H. L. (Mrs.), Botany for Beginners, ISmo. sds. 50 Masoiu Bros. '• " " Lectures on Philosophy and Chemis- try, 12 mo. . . . . 75 Shehloii, />. 4- B. " " " Chemistry and Philosophy for Begin- ners, 18mo. .... 50 " E. S. (Mrs.), Kitty Brown and her Little School, ISmo 20 Am.S.S.Union.'52 " " Tell-Tale (The); or, Home Scenes told by Old Travellers, l8mo. cl. . 50 PhUlips,S.cS'Co.'o3 " •' Little Mary ; or, Talks and Tales for Children, by H. Trusta. 16mo. GO /'/////i'/».s.S'.iV-Ca'54 " " Last Leaf from Sunny Side, by II. Trusta. 18mo. cl. ... 50 '• '53 E. W., Bee-Keeper's Chart, a Treatise on the man- agement of the Honey-Bee. 12mo. pap. . . 25 ('. M. SiLvtoii. '53 L. (Mrs.) Ida Norma ; or, Trials and their Uses ]2mo. cl 1 25 .S7ir/,/„//, /,.iy-R '54 Phelps and Gorman Purchase. .SVe Turner, O. Philip in Search of a Wife, by a Gentleman Butterlly. pap. 25 7'. />. I'liirson. '53 Philippine Islands, Twenty Years in, by P. P. Gircmiere. 12mo. cl 1 0(1 ir,irj»'r i^- Bros.'hA Phillips, Sam'l. Banking House (The). 8vo. pap. n 25 Buun: i^- Bro.'^yh Philosophy of French Pronunciation, by G. H. Talbot. 12mo "To hisiii) 4- /'. "54 20 151 /' // / /' / (; [am. cat. \V. ./. Mnsrs. '54 1 00 .I'irrfi t|- Co. '5:i 2 25 75 G3 J. N. Redjield. "54 Carter 4* ^ros. Appleton tj- Co. fi3 Lindsay tf- /?. "52 1 25 Har])er tf' BrfM'. '55 1 25 Farmer, B. tf- Co. 30 yl)iJrus tf- .So7i. l'liilnsu|)liy of .Moral Ncei'ssity and Mmal I'VccmIoih, by .1. liflgrange. of Mysterious Agents, Human and Mnndano, by E. C. Rogers. 12mo. cl. • of Physics; or, Process of Crontive Dcvolop- inent, by A. Brown. 8vo. cl. ... . of Unl)elief, by Rev. II. Hooker. 12mo. cl. of the Beautiful, by V. Cousin. 16mo. cl. . Physician's Pocket Dose and Symptom Book, by J. H. Wythe. 24mo. cl. Physical Geography of the Sea, by Lieut. M. F. Maury, royal 8vo. cl. ...... . Physiology for High Schools, by W. Hooker. 12mo. cl. . of the Passions; or, Study of Health, by R. .1. Culvervvell, M. D. 32mo. cl. . . of Taste ; or. Transcendental Gastronomy, illus- trated by Anecdotes of Distinguished Artists and Statesmen of both Continents. ]2mo. cl. of the Opera, a Bijou for Opera-goers. 18mo. Pictorial Field-Book of the American Revolution, by B. J. Lossing. 2 vols. Svo. hf. mor., $10; cl.. Nursery Book. iSrao. cl .... Rhyme '' "..... ■ Treasury, with 700 engravings. 4to., illuminated cover, ........ Picture Alphabet, cl. . Gallery, a Juvenile. Square cl. ... Play Book, by Peter Parley, 365 cuts. 4to. Pictures from St. Petersburg, by E. Jerman. 12mn. pap., 25c.; cl Pidgeon, VVm. Traditions of De-coo-dali, and Antiquarian Researches, the Traditions of the last Prophet of the Elk Nation, and the Evidences of an Ancient Popu- lation more numerous than the Present Aborigines. Svo. cl Pierce, Franklin, Life of. By N. Hawthorne. 16mo. cl. " By D. W. Bartlett. 12mo. cl. Pierre, The Organ Boy and Other Stories, by T. S. Arthur. ISmo. cl Pierrie, T. II. G. (Rev.) Notes on the United States of America. 16mo. cl. . .... Pierson, D. H., Questions in Geography. 16nio. H. W. (Editor), American Missionary Memorial, in- cluding Biographical and Historical Sketches, Svo. cl. Piessner, Elias, Comparative English German Grammar, 12mo, Piggot, A. S. (M. D.), Chemistry and Metallurgy as applied to the Study and Practice of Dental Surgery, Svo. shp. 3 00 Lindsay 4- /?. "54 1 00 25 8 00 31 31 1 00 25 50 Lindsay <f- B. '54 W. P. Hazard, '53 Harper t|- Bros. L ip" incut I, G. c|' Co. Henderson ^ Co. S. Raynor. Sheldon, L. cf- R. 40 Putnam cf- Co. "52 1 50 50 75 Thayer,^-F.'oS Ticknor <$• Co. "52 Miller, O. tf- .V. 38 Lippincott,G.<SfCo. 50 Gonld cf- L. '54 38 Ki (renins 4- K. "54 1 7.5 Hit r per tj- Bros. "53 1 00 Van Debo<rart. "54 185:i— 55.| /' IK /' /> T 15.i Pike, Stephen, Arithmetic, I'Jiiio. im. shp. 21c. ; .slip. . 40 M. Pollock. Pilgrims of Walsinghiim, a Romance. By Agnes Strickhind, 12mo. cl ' . . 1 (10 Garrrit cf- Ci>. 'b\ Pilot of the Belle Creole. By Mrs. C. L. Ilenlz, 12mo. jiap. 50c. ; cl 75 I'arrtj t^- MrM.'bh Pinkney, Wm., Life of. By his Nephew, Rev. Wm. Pink- ney, 8vo. cl 2 00 Appletun <f- Co. "53 Pinney, N., First Book in French, ISuio 50 Mason i!^ Bros. " " with a Key, 18mo. . (i3 '• " Progressive French Reader, 12mo. ... 1 00 " " and Badois' French Teacher, TJmo. . . 113 " " Key to " " .... (V.i Pioneer Women of the West. By Mrs. E. F. Ellet, 12mo. cl. 1 25 <J. Scribner.'b-l Pioneers Daughter and the Unknown Countess. By Emer- son Bennett, pap. 6U T. D. Peterson. Pippic's Warning ; or, J.Iind jour Temper. By C. Crowe, iSmo. cl 7irt 25 J. n. Siiiitk (^- Co. Pirate Chief ; or, the Cutter of the Ocean, pap. . . 25 Ciarrell (Sf Co. Doctor; or, the Extraordinary Career of a New York Physician, pap 25 " Pitral, .T. C, Paul and Julia, a Novel, 12mo. cl. . . .0 75 Hinks <f- ('o. '55 Pitts, F. E., Zion's Harp. New edition, enlarged, roan emb. 60c. ; shp 45 Morton 4- (/. I'lain Sermons. By the Contributors to "Tracts for the Times," 2 vols. 12mo. cl 1 50 Stanford <^ S. Words to a Young Communicant. By Jas. W. Alex- ander, l6mo cl 35 A.I). Randolph. '54 Plan for Churches, j)rej)ared under the direction of the Cen- tral Committee of the Fund for Building Churches in the West. With Twenty Designs and (Iioiiiul Plans by diflerent Architects, long 4to. . . .10 00 D. liurgcss ,.\- (,i. Planche (Miss), The Star in the Desert, ISrao. limpd. . 25 Munroe tf- Co. '53 Planter' (The) ; or, Thirteen Years in the South. By a Northern Man, 12ino. d 75 //. Honker. '53 Planter's Northern Bride (The). By Caroline E. llent/, 2 vols. 12mo. pap. $1 ; cl 1 50 Parnj,i\McM. bV i'lato's Phtcdo ; or, the Immortality of the Soul, 'i'r.m.s- lated by C. S. Stanford, 12mo. d. ... 1 25 \V. (ioirans. '54 I'latts, I. (Rev.), Book of Ten Thousand \\'(,)n<iers and Curiosities of Nature and Art, 8vo. . . 2 50 Leari/ i\- (iilz. Playfair, John, Euclid ii>'l (i7 Liiipincolt,(i.d(-Cu Pleasants, Julia (Miss), and Bradley, T. J}., Aphilii and other Poems, 12mo. cl. 1 00 C. Scribncr. '54 Pleasant Pages for Young People ; or, Book of limine I'-du- catiou and Entertainment. By S. P. Newcombe, 16mo. cl. 075 Cinild, i\- Ij. o3 Pleasure and Profit; or, Lessons on the Luni's IVayer, in a series of Stories, .s<iuare, cl. .... 50 Evan i\- li. '53 Plumb Woman (The); or, the Child with Three Mothers. By G. Nieritz, ISuio. cl 50 C. '51 156 /' /. / /' O O [am cat. I'lnmor, \V. S. (Rev.), Home aguinst the Bible, and the Bible af,'ainst Rome, 18mo. cl. " The Grace of Christ ; or, Sinners Saved by Unmerited Kindness, 12mo. cl Plurality of Worlds (The), with an Introduction. By Rev. Edward Hitchcock, 12mo. cl Pocket Anatomist for Students ....." Pocket-Book of Mechanics and Engineering, by J. W. Nys- trom, ]8mo. tucks Podesta's Daughter, and other Poem?, by G. H. Boker, 12mo. cl. Poems, by Meditatus, 18mo. cl Poetic Album ; or. Gems from Tennyson, Mrs. Browning, and Alex. Smith, crown, 8vo. cl. ex. $3 ; cl. . Poetical Fate-Book, by a Lady, 16mo. cl. ex. Poets and Poetry of America, edited by Rev. Rufus W. Griswold, 8vo. cl. ex. $3 50 ; cl. . " " Ancient Greeks, edited by Abraham Mills, 8vo. cl " " England, edited by Rev. Rufus W, Griswold, 8vo. cl. ex. $3 50 ; cl. . '• " Europe, by H. W. Longfellow, 8vo. mor. $7 50 ; cl. ex. 86 ; cl. . " " the Bible, by G. Gilfillan, 12mo. cl. Poetry Book for Children, 12mo. cl of Germany, selections from upwards of seventy of the most celebrated Poets, translated into Eng- lish verse, with the Original Text on the oppos- ite page, by Alfred Baskerville, 12mo. " Life, by W. B. Tappan, l8mo. cl. ex. $1 ; cl. for Schools, by Eliza Robbins, 12mo. of the Vegetable World. See Schleiden, M. J. Am.Bap.Puh.SoM 75 PreshylerianBd.'bi 1 00 38 Gould df- L. '54 Miller, O. 4- M. Polar Regions (The) ; or, A Search after Sir John Franklin's Expedition, by Lieut. S. Osborn, 12mo. Polish-American System of Chronology, reproduced with some modifications from General Bem's Franco-Polish Method, by Elizabeth P. Peabodv, oblong folio, hf. bd ' . . . . Polite Learning, 18mo. shp. . ..... Politics for American Christians, a Word upon our Example as a Nation, our Labor, our Trade, Elections, Educa- tion, and Congressional Legislation, 8vo. cl. bks. Pollok, Robert, Course of Time, with Notes, by Prof. Boyd, school edit. 12mo. " " " with an Essay on his Poeti- cal Genius, by Jas. Scott, D.D., 16mo. . Poole, Matthew, Annotations upon the Holy Bible, 3 vol. 8vo. cl 2 00 LifoU,G.^Co'b\ 63 Parry <$■ McM. 50 Lip'ott,G.^Co:b'i 2 00 VV^ P. Hazard. 75 Munroe dp Co. 3 00 Parry cf- McM. 2 25 Phillips, S. cf- Co. 3 00 H. C. Baird. 5 00 Francis dp C». "54 1 00 Derby, <Sf- M. '53 75 Appleton <Sc Co. 2 00 R. Garrigiie. '54 75 Aiidrus cj- Son. 84 C.!S.Francis<!i-Co. 45 Barnes 4* Co. '54 1 25 G. P. Putnam. "52 38 M. Polock. 50 Lip'olf,G.df'Co.'52 1 25 A. jS. Barnes cJ-Co. 1 00 Carter <f- Bros. "54 10 00 44 1852— 55. 1 /-• () O I' R A 157 Poole, Wm. F,, Index to Periodical Literature, 8vo. cl. . H 00 ('. li. yurion. '53 Poor Man's Home and Rich Man's Palace, by Geo. Bassett, 12mo. cl. 50 Applfgale(^Cu.'bA Scholar (The), and other Tales of Irish Life, by Wm. Carleton, 18mo. cl 50 SaJtier <^ ('<>. 'oA Wood Cutter, and other Stories, by T. S. Arthur, ISmo. cl. 38 Liycult.ii.iff t'n. Pope, Alex., Poetical Works, with a Life, by Alex. Dyce, 3 vols. 18mo. cl 2 25 Link, B. dc Cu.'bZ Popery Adjudged ; or. The Roman Catholic Church Weighed in the Balance of God's Word and found Wanting, 8vo. Redding t^- l.'o.'ob Prize Essay on. See Gault, Rev. Robt. Popular Legends of Brittany, 12nio. cl n 75 Crosby, \.(ifCu.''5i Superstitions, and the Truths contained therein, with an account of Mesmerism, by H. Mayo, 'SL D., 12mo. cl 75 Lindsay tj- B. '52 Porchat, J. J., Charles Roussel; or, Industry and Honesty, ISmo. cl 40 Carter i^ Bros.' oA '• Three Months under the Snow, 16mo. cl. 30 '• '53 Porney's French Spelling-Book, 12nio. hf. bd. . . 28 E.H.Buthr^Co. Porter, Ann E., Uncle Jerry's Letters to Young Mothers, 16mo. ■ . . . 38 Jewi'll (if Co. "54 Charles L., Pebbles from the Lake Shore; or, Mis- cellaneous Poems, 12mo. cl. . . . 1 00 Lip''coU,G.^Co'b\ E., Rhetorical Reader, 12mo 50 hison cj- P. II. S. (Rev.), Astronical Sermons, l2mo. Hull 4" Bro. "54 Ja.s. (Rev.), Chart of Life (The), indicating the Dan- ger and Securities connected with the Voyage to Immortality, 12mo. Jewell cf- Co. '54 i'orter, Jas. (Rev.), Treatise on Revivals of Religion, 18mo. <• 35 Carlton <Sc P. " True Evangelist; or, an Itinerant Minis- try Explained, Guarded, and Defended, 18mo. cl 7iet 20 T. K. Collins, Jr. Jane, Scottish Chiefs, 3 vols, in 1, r. gt. .0 75 Leary tjf- (iciz. W. T., Quarter Race in Kentucky, 12mo. pap. . 50 7'. B. Pettrson. Po.sitive Philo.sophy (The), of Auguste Comte. Translated and condensed by Harriet Martineau, 8vo. cl. . .2 50 C. Blanchard.'bb Potiphar Papers. By (G. W. Curtis), 12mo. cl. . 100 Putnam <!^- Co. 'b^ Power of Illustration. By John Dowling . . . . 30 Sheldmi, L. .V B. Powers of the World to Come. By Rev. Geo. B. Cheever, 12mo. cl • i ^^ Carter tSf Bros. '53 Practical Draughtsman's Book of Iiidu.striul Designs — Ser Johnson, W^m. Prairie Guide (The) ; or, the Rose of the Rio-Grande. By N. M. Curtiss, pap 25 Carrclt tf^r C«. Pratt, Josiah B. D. (Rev.), Memoir of. By his Son, the Rev. Josiah Pratt, and Rev. J. H. Pratt, 8vo. cl. . 1 50 Cartrr tf- /^•o.•.•. "54 S. I)., Inklings, containing Sketches of Life, Composi- tions, Essays, Poems, &c., 1 2mo. cl. . . 1 <)(» 11. Oliphanl.'b-l \M i> II i: — /'/,'/ [am. I'lt-ailitT (Tlu'), and tlie King; or, JJourdalouc; in the Court of Jiouis XIV., boinj,' an Account of the Pulpit Elo- (|ue'nce of that Era, 12mo. cl I'rcK'itions on some of the mure inijjortant suhjccts con- nected with Moral and Physical Science. I?y .1. A. Smith, iM. D., 12mo. cl I'rcsbyterian Church in the United States of America, His- tory of the Division of. By a Committee of the Synod of N. York and N. Jersey, 12mo. Clergyman Looking for the Church. By (Rev. F. S. Mines), 12mo. cl Confession of Faith in the United States of America, together with the Form of Govern- ment and the Larger and Shorter Catechism Prescriber's Pharmacopeia (The), containing all the ]Medi- cines in the London Pharmacopeia, arranged in Classes according to their action. By a Physician, altered to correspond with the United States Dispen- satory, by T. F. Cock, M. D., l8mo. cl. Preservation of Health and Prevention of Disease. By Com- ing, 12mo. cl. . . 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John Mittbrd. 2 v. 18mo. cl. 1 lb (ii'i>l,l i\ L. h:^ 1 50 .S. i\- Sirordx. '53 75 M. \V. JhM. 1 0(1 Eji. S. S. I'ninii. 5b hiiun t^- P. 75 .V. df \V. Wood. '53 75 2 50 1 50 1 75 1 25 2 00 63 38 23 09 15 50 75 50 25 Applelon 4" Co. Sheldon, L. cf- B. Farmer, B, <Sf Co. J. S. Red field. '53 Evans t^ B. '54 Mason cf- Bros. A. >S. Barnes <^ Co. H. Long cf- Sn.."54 Bunce df Bro. H. F. Aniiers. T. B. Peterson. 2 25 Gould cf- L. "54 75 Carter 4" Bro.-'. "55 2 00 Harper <$• Bros. '55 75 '53 75 C. Scribner. 50 Lindsay <^ B.'b'i 1 50 Little, B. df Ca"53 1 75 Miinrop c|- Co. 2 25 Lindsay cf- R. '54 75 Dewi/i 4- D. "54 75 C. ^f. Saxton. '53 50 D. Ituri^ess cf- C«. 1852—55.] P R I P r L 159 Priseilla ; or, Trials for the Truth, by Kcv. Joseph Banvard. 12rao. cl 1 00 Healh iii- G.'bA Pristnatics, by Richard Haywarde. 12rao. el. . . . 1 25 ^4 />/)/e/on cjf- Co. '53 Prize Day, The, and other Sketches. 16mo. d. . . o G3 Kp. S. S. Viiinn. The same. 18mo. hf. r. . . . . 38 Essay on Popery. See Gault, Rev. Robert. Pro-Slavery Argument, containing the Several Essays on the Subject, by Cliancellor Harper, Governor Ham- mond, Dr. Simms, and Prof. Dow. 12mo. cl. . 1 25 A///A*'/. f/. ijf- r'«.'53 Problem (The) Solved ; or, Sin not of God, by Rev. M. P. Squeir 7.-) M. W. Ih>,hl. '55 Proceedings of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science. Second ]\[ceting held at Cam- bridge, August, 1849, Procter, B. W. See Cornwall, B. Proctor (Major). History of the Crusaders ; their Rise, Pro- gress, and Results. 8vo. cl. .... Progress and Prejudice, by Mrs. Gore. 12mo. cl. Progressive Farmer (The), by J. A. Nash. 12mo. cl. Prometheus. Translated, pap. ..... Prophet (The) of the Ruined Abbey, a Glance of the Fu- ture of Ireland. 12mo. cl. . . . . 75 Du7iigan<^Brn. 'o5 Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament, a Series of Ser- mons, preaclied by Rev. F. D. I\raurice. 12mo. cl. 1 25 Crosby, Co.' 53 Prose Writers of America. Edited by Rev. Rufus W. Gris- wold. 8vo. cl. ex., $3 50 ; cl. . .3 00 Parry tf- McM. " Germany, by F. H. Hedge. 8vo. mor., $6; cl. ex., $4; cl. . . . 3 00 Francis (^- Co. '54 Protestantism in Paris, by A. Coquerel. 12mo. cl. . . 65 Crosby, l\.^!|; Co. '64 Psalmist (The), for the Use of Baptist Churches, by Rev. S. F. Dyer, Psalmister; or, Choir Melodies, by Thos. Hastings and VV. B. Bradbury, ........ Psalmodist (The), by Thos. Hastings and W. B. Bradbury, Psalms and Hymns, prepared and set forth by the General Association of Connecticut. 12mo. shp.,$l 13; roan The same. 18mo. shp., 75e.; roan " 32mo. shp., 63c.; roan Psychology; or, the Science of the Soul, by J. Haddock, M. D., Psychomancy. Spirit-Rappings and Table-Tippings Ex- posed, by C. G. Page. 12mo. pap Public School Dictionary. 18nio net Puddleford and Its People, by H. H. Riley. 12mo. cl. . Pulpit Orators of France and Switzerland, by Rev. R. Turn- bull. 12mo. cl 1 00 Car/rr t\- Bros Portraits. See Dix. John It. Pulszky, Francis and Theresa. White, Rd, and Hlack; Sketches of Americiin Society in the rnite.l Slates. 2v. 12mo ^00 .1. S. }ir,l/;.ld.'.',3 40 Morton i\- Cl. 75 liisiiti i.\- /'. (» 75 '• 1 3S Durrir l\- p. 1 00 '« 75 tt 25 Foirhrs if- \V. 25 .Xjiplriiin t|- Co '63 30 J n. Smith ^\- C„. 1 III) S. Ifiifstiiii. "5 I 160 /' / I. (j 11 [am. cat. I'lilLc, J. II. (M. D.) Woman'.s Mcilical (iw'uU' on tin; Ho- iiKi'opiitliif 'rrc'itiiH-nt. 12nu». r. el. hides . . 1 00 I'muh's I'ri/.e Novelists : The Fat (.'ontrihutor and Triivel.H in London, by W.M. Thackeray, 18mo. el. . . 50 Piii|ili' Tints of Paris, Character and Manners in the New Hinpire, by 1?. St. John, 12mo. el 1 00 I'lirsuiL of KnowledfTc, under Dinicultics, 2 vols. 12mo. el. 1 .00 Putnam, C. H., Old Testament Unveiled ; or, The Gospel by Moses in the Book of Genesis, 8vo. cl. Geo. P., The World's Progress, a Dictionary of Dates, with Tabular Views of General History, and a Ilistorieal Chart, small 8vo. . 2 00 W., Elocution and (Oratory, 12mo. . . . 1 2.0 Puzzledom, a Collection of Poetical Enigmas, Rebuses, Rid- dles, &e., &c., 4to. cl. ex. $1 ; cl. Pycroft, Jas. (Rev.), Courseof English Reading, edited, with alterations, additions, &c., by Rev. J. A. Spencer, r2mo. el. 75 Pyrrhus, History of, by Jacob Abbott, iSmo. el. o fJO Mnorr, A.i^-Cn. '54 Apple/on tjj- Co. '53 ./. C. Hiker. '54 Ifor/irr tif- Bros. 2 50 pHlnam tif Co. '54 Barnps t|- Co. '54 Miller, (). 4- .1/.'54 75 W. P. Hazard. Francis 4* Co. '54 Harper 4" Bros '54 Q- Quackenbos, G. P., Advanced Course of Composition and Rhetoric, 12mo 1 00 Quadrupeds of America, 64mo. cl. ex 25 Quain, J., and Wilson, W. J. £., Series of Anatomical Plates, with References and Physiological Comments, illus- trating the Structure of the different parts of the Hu- man Body, 4to. cl. plain $20; colored . . . 40 00 Quarles, Francis, Emblems, Divine and Moral, 12mo. cl. 1 00 Quarter Race in Kentucky, by W. T. Porter, 12mo. pap. . 50 Queechy, by Miss Susan Warner, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. cl. 1 75 Queen Elizabeth (Second Queen Regent of England and Ireland), Memoirs of, by Agnes Strickland, Svo. cl. . Queen's Necklace ; or. The Secret History of the Court of Louis XVJ., by Alex. Dumas, 2 vols. pap. . . 1 00 of Scotland, by Agnes Strickland, 6 vols. 12mo. cl. 6 00 Queer Bonnets ; or. Truthfulness and Generosity, a book for Girls, by Mrs. L. C. Tuthill, iSmo. cl. Questions for Bible Classes and Families, compiled by Mary S. W^)od, ISmo 15 of the Soul, by J. T, Hecker, 12mo. . . 75 Quiet Heart (The), from Blackwood's Magazine, Svo. pap. 25 Quinby, M., Mysteries of Bee-Keeping Explained, 12mo. cl. 1 00 Quinten Matsys: or, The Blacksmith of Antwerp, Svo. pap. 50 Applet ont^ Co. '54 Durrie <Sf P. S.S.<!i-W.Wood.'(i4: Carter <f- Bros. '54 T. B. Peterson. G.P.Piilnani^'Co. 1 40 BJancliardt^'L'bZ. T. B. Peterson. Harper t^ Bros. "55 63 C. Scrilmer. '52 S.ScS-.W.Wood.'bA Applet on cf- Co. '55 Harper dj- Bros. '54 C. M. Saxton. '53 Garrett cf- Co. 1852—55.] R A C II A S 161 R. Race for Richi^s. Six Lectures applying the Word ot" (Jod to the Traflic of ^len, by Rev. Win. Arnot. r2mo. Rachel Kell : or, the Disowned, by J. jMitchcll. l:2mo. cl. Racine, John. Select Pieces, (in French). 18mo. Radcliffe, Anne (Miss). Mysteries of Udolplio. 'J4nio. r., " '•' Romance of tiie Forest. " Rag-Bag, by N. P. Willis. 12mo. cl Railroad Accidents, and the Means by which they May be Prevented, by the use of Electro-Magnetic Safety Apparatus, by L. Turnbull and W. C. McRea. 12mo. pap Ralph Runnion ; or, the Outlaw's Doom. pap. Ramsbotham, F. H. (M. D.) Principles and Practice of Ob- stetric Medicine and Surgery. 8vo. shp. Ramsay, Allen. The (ientle Shepherd, a Pastoral C\imedy. l2mo. cl . Ramsey, J. G. M. Annals of Tennessee from its Settle- ment as the Watauga Association, in 1769, to the Year 1800. 8vo. cl. Rand (Miss.) New Hand-Book of Knitting. Scjiiare Randall, Henry S. Sheep Husbandry, cl. Randolph, J. T. Cabin and Parlor : or. Slaves and Master. rimo. cl. . . . ' Ranger of Ravenstream ; a Tale of the Revolutionary War, by N. M. Curtiss. pap. Ranke, L. Civil Wars and l\Ionarchy in France in the Six- teenth and Seventeenth Centuries. 12mo. cl. Ranlett, W. H. Architect, The, a Series of Original De- signs for Domestic and Ornamental Cottages, con- trasted with Landscape Gardening. 2 v. royal 4to. Rairtoul, Rob't. Jr., Memoirs, Speeches, and Writings of. J'ldited by Luther Hamilton. 8vo. cl. Raoul dc Surville, by Eugene Sue. pap. .... Rapou, A. (M. D.) Treatise on Typhoid Fever and its Homoeopathic Treatment, ..... Rappers (The) ; or, the Mysteries, Fallacies, and Absiirdi- ti«s of Spirit-Rapi)ing. TJmo. cl Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia, History of, by Samuel John- son. 16mo. cl. e.\ 21 63 Lipcnlt.G.<^Cn:5i 75 M. W. Dodd. 63 Lockwuodd^ Son^ 75 Ijcartj ^ Gdz. 50 1 25 C. Scrihuer. '54 25 Furry <$• 25 //. Lovi! 4- Brn. 5 00 Blanchard <$• L.'55 1 00 \V. Goiains. bl 3 00 ljij>'c(ill,li.iy('u.'b3 25 ir. /'. Hazard. 1 25 C. M. Saxton. 1 00 T. B. I'etcrsnn. "52 25 (iarnit i\- Co. 1 00 Harper tUBnis.'bd 12 00 Deu-ill t\- I). 3 00 Jiurit i\- ( 'd. '54 -2') 7'. B. I'rlrr.yim. 50 W. Raddc. "53 75 l.inii^ tjj- Bnt. '5 J 88 C.i<.Francis<^Co. ir>i i{ A 7" — li i: n I AW. CAT. Riit-Cat(!hcr ('I'he) ; a Juvonilc, by Nicritz. IHino. cl. .00 V. Scribmr. '5 J national Religion and Moral.s, liy .1. T. V'arden, M. 1). 8vo :i 00 AuLhrr,N. YirrVb'i Ravensdalc ; or, the Fatal Duel, pap 25 Garrett tjr Co. Rawson, Jas. (Rev.) Preparation for tlic Tulpit, an Essay on the Composition and Delivery of a Sermon. 18mo. el net VJ T. K. Collins, Jr. Raybold, G. A. (Rev.) Annals of Methodism in West Jer- sey. 18mo. el net 25 " Raymond, (i. S. Red- Wing; or, the Weird Cruiser of Van Dieman's Land. 8vo. pap 25 Stringer df- T. '53 Read, Thos. B. New Pastoral, The ; a Poem. 12mo. cl. 100 Parry <^ McM/bb " Poems. A New and Enlarged edit. Svo. mor., $5; cl. e.\ 3 00 " '54 Readings for a Month, preparatory to Confirmation, by Rev. Wm. Sewell. 16mo. cl 75 Appleton <^ Co.'b^ Readings in Zoology, by J. L. Comstock, 12mo. r. cl. sds. 1 00 Neicman <\- I. '53 Reason and Faith, and other Miscellanies of Henry Rogers, 12mo. cl. 1 25 Crosby,N.<^Co.'53 Rebel Bride, a Revolutionary Romance, pap. . . 25 //. Long cf- Bro. Scout, pap 25 Stringer cf- T. Recalled (The) in Voices of the Past, and Poems of the Ideal, by Jane E. Locke, 12mo cl. Munroe cf- Co. '54 Recollections of a Policeman, by Thos. Waters, 12mo. pap. 60c. ; cl 75 Sheldon, L. 4- B. " Southern Matron and New England Bride, by Mrs. C. Gilman, 12mo. cl. . .1 00 W. P. Hazard. Record of the Boston Stage, by W. W. Clapp, 12mo. cl. 1 25 Munroe ^ Co. '53 Recorded Will (The), by a Clergyman's Widow, 12mo. cl. Tappan c^ W. '55 Records of Woman, and other Poems, by Mrs. Hemans, 12mo. cl 63 C.S.Francis ^ Co. " the Bubblelon Parish ; or, papers from the Ex- perience of an American Minister, 12mo. cl. 1 00 A. TumyUns.'b\ Recruit (The), a Compilation of Exercises and Movements of Infantry, Light-Infantry, and Riflemen, by Capt. J. T. Cairns, ISmo. cl 50 E. Walker. 'b^ Rector (The) of St. Bardolph's ; or. Superannuated, by F. W. Shelton, 12mo. cl 1 00 C. Scribner. "53 Red Brook ; or. Who '11 buy my Water Cresses, by Francis Forrester, 16mo. cl. 31 Geo. Rand. '^3 Indians of Newfoundland, by the author of the " Prairie Bird," pap 50 T. B. Peterson. Red-Wing ; or. The Weird Cruiser of Van Dieman's Land, by G. S. Raymond, Svo. pap 25 Stringer cj- 7'. "53 Redemption of Tabor, and other Poems, by C. P. Shiraz, Svo, 50 W. H. Whitney. '53 Redfield, J. W., Comparative Physiognomy; or. Resem- blances between Men and Animals, Svo. cl. . . 2 00 J. S. Redfield. '54 Redwood, a Tale, by Miss C. M. Sedgwick, 12mo. cl. . 1 25 J. C. Derby. '54 1852—55.] REE R E 1* 163 Reed, Henry, Lectures on English Literature, from Chaucer to Tennyson, 12mo. el 1 25 Parry i!^- McM.'o^ Reef Rovings in the South Seas, by E. T. Perkins, 8vo. el. 1 50 Pudmy <ij- R. '54 Regal Rome, an Introduction to Roman History, by Francis W. Newman, 12mo. cl 63 J. S. Redfuhl. '52 Regeneration, by E. H. Sears, ]2mo. cl. . . . 38 rro.s/;y, A'.cf-C'«.'53 Regent's Daughter (The), A Serio-Comic Play in five acts, 12mo. pap 25 ApjdHon cf Co. '5A Reginald Lyle ; or, The Adopted Heir, by Miss Pardee, 12mo. pap. 50e. ; cl. 75 Bitrarss i\- Duy.'oi Regnault, M. V., Elements of Chemistry for the use of Col- leges, Academies, and Schools, from the French, by T. R. Betton, M. D., and edited, with Notes, by Jas. G. Booth and Wm. L. Faber, 2 vols. 8vo. shp. net 5 00 fjijnnr<>il,Ci.i!^- Co. Reichenbach, C. Von., Physico-Physiological Researches in the Dynamics of Magnetism, Electricity, Heat, Light, &c., I2mo. cl. 1 00 J. S. Rcdfiehl "53 Reid, Mayne (Capt.), The Boy Hunters ; or. Adventures in Search of a White Buffalo, 18mo. cl. 75 Tick nor i\- To. '53 " " Forest Exiles ; or, The Perils of a Pe- ruvian Family, iSmo. cl. " " Hunter's Feast, 8vo. pap. " " Young Voyagers ; or, The Boy Hun- ters in the North, 18mo. cl. . Reinick, R., The Road to Fortune, with other Tales, 12mo. Religion, Natural and Revealed; or. The Natural Theology and IVIoral Bearings of Phrenology, 12mo. cl. . of iManhood ; or, The Age of Thouglit, by J. H. Robinson, 12mo. cl. of the Northmen, by R. Keyser, from the Icelandic, by B. Peunock, 12mo. cl. . . . . 1 50 C. ]{. \i>rt>m.'r)\ the Weal of the Church, and the Need of the Times, by Geo. Steward, 12mo. cl. . . .0 60 ('<irll<>ii <\- P. Religions of the World, and their Relations to Christianity, by Rev. F.D.Maurice, (iu C.-«n/W cj- /.. "53 Religious Denominations in the United States, their History, Doctrines, Government, and Statistics, by Rev. J. Belcher, 8vo. J- E- l'<>"<'r. "54 Miscellany, edited by Rev. Geo. E. Ellis, 1 2mo. cl. 1 00 Munror i.\- Co. Remarkable Escape from Peril, 18mo <» 20 Ain.S.S.rnion/b4 Reminiscences of Thought and Feeling, by the author of " Visiting my Relations," 12mo. cl. Rena : or. The Snow-Bird, by C. L. Ilentz, 12mo. cl. Reno, Lydia M., Early Buds, IHmo. cl Reporter's Manual, a Comiilete Exposition of IIh- Rejiorting Style of Piionograpliy, by Andrew .1. (Jraliam, cl. . Repository of Wit and Humor, selected and arranged by M. L. Byrn, 12mo. cl 75 Ticknor iJJ- F. "55 50 Dm- it I cV /;. 75 'ricknor <f" Co. '54 50 C'ros%,A'.4-Co.'52 75 Fotrlers ij- 11'. 75 Ji. Marsh. '5A (1 75 r'n.,v/.y..V.t\-ro.'53 75 Parry ij- McM. 1 GO Minirif i\- Co. '53 (1 75 Fowlers if- ir. 75 Jeirrtl i\- ( •(». '53 Ifi4 li i: I' u /; y [aw. cat. Republican Court ('I'lio) ; or, Amtrli-an Society in the Days of Wiishington, by RufiiH VViimot (Jri.swold, with twenty-ono portrults of distinguished women ; en- graved from Original Pictures by Woolaston, Copley, (Jainsborougli, Stuart, Trumbull, Malbone, and other contemporary painters, 1 vol. 4to. antiijue mor. Restoration of Belief (The), I. Christianity in Relation to its Ancient and Modern Antagonists, 12mo. cl. Results of Hydropathy, Treating of Constipation and Indi- gestion. 15y E. Johnson, M. I)., 12mo. cl. Retiring from Business. By T. S. Arthur, 18mo. cl. Reuben Medlicott. By M. \V. Savage, 12mo. cl. Reverence in the Sanctuary. By a Layman, 3-2mo. Review of " New Themes for the Protestant Clergy." By a Layman, 12mo. cl of the Spiritual ^Manifestations — >S'ee Beecher, Clias. Revolutionary Soldier. By Rev. Joseph Alden, square cl. Reynolds, G. W. M., Angela Wildon ; or, the Mysteries of Altendorph Castle, 2 vols. 8vo. pap. " Banker's Daughter ; or, the Lost Wit- ness, a Seciucl to Joseph Wilmot, pap " Caroline of Brunswick, 2 vols. pap. f 1 ; 1 vol. cl " Count Christoval, Sequel and Conclu- sion to Lord Sa.vondale, 2 vols. pap. " Eustace Quentin, a Sequel to Mary Price, 8vo. pap. " First False Step; or, the Path of Crime, 8vo. pap " Isabella Vincent ; or, the Two Orphans, pap " Joseph Wilmot ; or, the Memoirs of a Man Servant, 2 vols. pap. " Kenneth, a Romance of the Highlands, 2 vols. pap. .... " Lord Saxondale ; or, the Court of Queen Victoria, vol i. 8vo. " Massacre of Glencoc ; or, the McDonalds and Campbells, pap. " Master Timothy's Book Case, 8vo. pap. •' Mary Middleton ; or, the History of a Fortune, pap " Mysteries of Old London, Bvo. pap. " INIysteries of the Court of Naples, pap. •' Rival Lovers, pap " Robert Macaire ; or, the French Bandit in England, 8vo. pap. " Rosa Lambert; or, the Memoirs of an Unfortunate Woman, pap. 1 2 00 Ajrjileton cf- Co. '54 75 //. Hooker. '53 75 Fowlers t^ W. 50 Fairchildi^(U). '55 75 Applelon cjr ('o. '52 25 C. B. Norton. '54 50 Lipott,G.f^Cn.'52 50 .S'. Raynor. 1 00 Garrett <|- Co. 50 H. Long tf Bro. I 25 1 00 50 " '53 25 50 1 00 1 00 50 " '53 50 50 Garrett cf- Co. 50 H. Longf^'Bro. 'bb 50 Garrett <f- Co. 50 //. Long 4'- Bro. 50 Stringer ^ T. 50 Garrett t^ Co. 50 H. Long tf Bro. Stringer c|- T. '53 H. Long (Sf Bro. ] 852— 55.] R E Y R I C 1G5 Reynolds, G. W. M., Rose Somerville : or, a Husband's Mys- tery, and ;i Wife's Devotion, 8vo. P'lP " Royal Favorite ; or. Mysteries of the Court of Charles the Second, pap. " Rye House Plot; or, Ruth the Con- spirator, 2 vols. pap. " Soldiers Wife (The), 8vo. pap. Rhetoric of Conversation ; or. Bridles and Spurs for the 3Ianagement of the Tongue. By G. W. Hervey, 12mo. cl. ........ Rhoda; or, the Excellence of Charity, iSnio. cl. Rhode Island Freewill Baptist Pulpit. By A. D. Williams, , 12mo. cl History of. By Rev. Edward Peterson, 8vo. Rhyme and Reason of Country Life ; or, Selections from Fields old and new. By Miss S. F. Cooper, Svo. cl. ex. $3 ; cl Rhymes with Reason and Without. By B. P. Shillaber, 16mo. cl and Jingles, square cl. . ■ . Rich Kinsman, (The) ; the History of Ruth, the Moabitess. By Rev. S. H. Tyng. 16mo. cl. and Poor, and other Tracts for the Times. By Rev. J. C. Ryle. 16mo. cl Ricltird, The Lion-Hearted. cl Richards, Maria T., Life in Judea ; or, Glimpses of thf First Christian Age. r2mo. cl. . T. A., Romance of American Landscape. 4to. morocco " Summer Stories of the South. 12mo. cl. Wm. C. ; A Day in the New York Crystal Palace, and How to Make the Most of It. 12mo. pap. 25c ; cl. illustrated " Harry's Vacation or Philosophy at Home. 12mo. cl. " (Mrs.), At Home and Abroad ; or, ilow to Behave. By Mrs. Manners. s<i. cl. Richardson, .Tohn, Ecarte ; or, the Saloons of Paris. 8vo. pap. " Ilardscrabble; or, the Fall of Ciiicago. V^P : " Matilda IMontgomcric : or, the Prophecy Fulfiiled. Svo. pap. " Wacousta ; or, the Prophecy. Svo. pap. «' Westbrook; or, the Outlaw, pap. T. G., (M. D.), Elements of Human Anatomy, with 400 11 hist rations. Svo. . . w/ Riches have Kings. By T. S. Arthur. ISmo, cl. . Ricord, F. W. Stories of Ancient Riune. r2mo. cl. J.j 50 1 (III 50 75 :]() 1 00 2 00 1 00 25 Stritii^fr t|' 7'. '!t'S '53 llarjiir <.y- /frrts.'53 /•;. //. Fletcher. (iuuhl 4- L. '53 ./. N. Taylor. "53 50 Piihinm tj- i'n. '54 Mussey tj" Go. '53 Henderson 4* Go. 1 00 ( 'arl( r i\- Bms. '55 75 Carter ij- Bros. '55 75 J. S. Dickerxon.^bA 80 Am. B. r. SiH-. -54 5 00 Learitl 4- A. '54 75 ljijtrutl.(;.i.\'Cii. 53 75 I'lilinnn i\- Go. 53 1 (III ./. X. Dickerson, '54 50 r.ntns tV- B. 53 50 ihiriii i\ n 50 Ih will k\ />. 50 Ihir,:i .\ ]) (1 50 Ihwill ,\- 1). 25 Ih irill .V />. o 50 LipCi>tl,(i.tH'{'i> •55 .')ii rainlnlJ ijj- Cn '5.') 7.) M. 11'. /;,«/,/. '5 > 166 II I C R () n [am. cat. Ricorfl, P., (M. D.) illiistrations of Sypliilitii: Disease?. Translated from the I-Vt-neh Ijy T. F. IJetton. Willi the addition of a History of Syphilis, and a cojii- pleto Bibliography and Formulary of Remedies, col- lated and arranged by P. B. Goddard. With .00 large, beautifully colored plates. 4to. el. P., (M. D.) Letters on Sy|)hilis. Translated by W. P. I.attimore, M. D. 8vo. shp F. W. Youth's Grammar ; or, Easy Lessons in Etymology Ridgely, J. L. Odd-Fellow.s' Pocket Manual. 24mo. el. Thos. (Rev.) Body of Divinity. Wherein the the Doctrines of the Christian Religion are explained and defended. 2 vols, royal 8vo. Ridley, W. H., (Rev.) Holy Communion (The). Its Na- ture and Benefits. 18mo Right of the Bible in our Public Schools. By Rev. George B. Cheever. 16mo. cl. ..... . and Left Hand Blessings of God. Designed as a cure for Covetousness. By Rev. N. West. ISmo. cl. Riker, James, (Jr.) Annals of Newtown, in Queen's Co., New York. 8vo. Rilda; or, Coming to Christ. l8mo. . . . . Riley, H. H. Puddleford and its People. 12mo. cl. Rings, (The); or, the Two Orphans. l8mo. . Ripley, Geo., and Taylor, B., Hand-Book of Literature and the Fine Arts, small 8vo. Rising in the World. By T. S. Arthur, ISmo. cl. Ritchie, Leith, Wearyfoot Common, 8vo. pap. Rival Belles. By J. B. Jones, pap. .... Lovers. By G. W. M. Reynolds, pap. River Pirates ; a Tale of New York, pap Road to Fortune (The) ; with Other Tales. By R. Reinick. 12mo. cl . to Ruin. By E. F. Roberts, pap Rob of the Bowl ; a Legend of St. Inigoe's. By .T. P. Ken- nedy. 12mo. cl Robber's Wife, The. pap Robbins, Eliza (Mrs.), Elements of Mythology. 18mo. hf bd. . . . .net " " Guide to Knowledge. l8mo. " " Poetry for Schools. 12mo. R. D. C, Xenophon's Memorabilia of Socrates. 12mo Robert Bruce, the Hero of Scotland ; a Historical Romance. 8vo. pap. Graham ; a Sequel to Linda. By Mrs. C. L. Hentz. 12mn. pap. 50c. ; cl \'y 00 Blanchard 4* Jj- '54 2 00 nianchard 4- L. '54 20 D. Burgess c^ Co. 1 00 Moss 4- Bro. Carter tf- Bros. '66 2.5 //. Hooker. 75 Carter <^ Bros. '54 22 Preshj. Bd. "53 2 00 Nerc York. '53 18 Mass. S. S. Soc.'54 1 00 S. Hueston. '54 38 W. S. Martien. '54 • 2 00 Barnes <^ Co. '54 50 Fair child c^ Co. '55 38 Stringer <f- T. 54 50 T. B. Peterson. 50 Stringer 4- T. 25 H. Long 4" Bro. 50 Croshy,N. 4" Ci>. "52 25 Stringer 4- T. 1 25 Putnam 4- Co. '54 25 Stringer 4- T. 36 Muss 4- Bro. 63 Appleton 4" Co. '53 84 C.S.Francisi^Co. 1 00 Appkton 4- Co. '53 50 Stringer 4- T. '54 75 Parru rf- McM. '55 1852—55.] li () B li O (; un Robert Macaire ; or, the Frencli Bandit in England. Jiy Reynolds. 8vo. pap. ' 50 Garrett i.\- Co. Roberts, E. C, Essay on the Causes and Cure of the Potato Rot. ISmo 1 00 C. M. Saxlun. '53 E. F., Road to Ruin. pap. . . . 25 Stringer cf T. " Twin Brothers. " 25 " Sarah, My Childhood ; or, the Good Grandmother. 18iuo. cl 38 Eji.S.S.l'ni<m.'b2 Robertsonian System of Teaching French. 12mo. . . 1 25 Lockwood ^ Sun. Robin Hood and His Merry Foresters. By S. Percy. Col- ored plates, cl. 63 J. C. Rikvr. '54. Red-breast; a Juvenile Music Book. By B. F. Rus- sell and D. W. Saunders 38 hhan i\- I*. '55 Robinson Crusoe's Farm Yard. By Misses Warner, sq. cl. 75 W. I'. Hazard. 'o I Robinson, Edward (Mrs.), Woodhill ; or, the Ways of Prov- idence. By"Talvi." 12mo. cl. . . . 1 25 Daiitl i.\ 1). F., Wizard of the Wave, a Romance, 8vo. pap. 25 Stringer <^ T. "53 II. N., Concise Mathematical Operations, 8vo. . 2 GO J. Emal. '5-1 " Treatise on Surveying and Navigation, 12mo. " '52 John, History of England, abridged from Hume Smollett, 12mo. cl 90 Farmer, B. ij- Co. J. H., Religion of Manhood ; or, the Age of Thought, 12mo. c! 75 B. Marsh. "54 " Silver Knife; or, the Hunters of tlie Rocky Mountains, 12mo. pap. . 25 W. V. Spencer. 'dii Solon, Hot Corn, Life Scenes in New York Illus- trated, 12mo. cl 1 25 DiiritI i\- 1). *53 Roche, R. M., Children of the Abbey, 32mo. r. . . 75 Leary i\- iielz. Rochester ; or, the iMerry Days of England, 8vo. pap. . 50 Garrett tj* Co. Rockytansky, Pathological Anatomy . . . . 75 W. Raddc. Rodman, Ella (Miss), The Catanese ; or, the Real and the Ideal, 12mo. pap. 50c.; cl (J3 Bunnell <!^ P. .r.i Rudolphus, a Franconia Story. By Jacob Abbott, 18mo. cl. 50 Ilarjur if- //n»-. "52 Rodriguez, Alphonsus, Practice of Christian and Religious Perfection, crown 8vo. . . ' . . 2 5o Duiii^an i\- B. "54 Roe, A. S., Long Look Ahead; or, the First Stroke and the Last, 12mo. cl 1 25 ./.('. /)pr/;y. '55 Roelker, B., German Reader for Beginners. Second re- vised edition, 12m(). ./. Bart I' /f. "51 Rocmer, J., Dictionary of English and French idioms, I2ino. hf. bd. net 75 Mason tf- /in..v. " First French Reader, 12mo. . . 1 00 Appleton tj[- Co. " Second " " .... 1 25 Rogers, E. C, Philosophy of .Mysterious Agents, Human and ■Mundane, 12mo. cl 1 00 .A i/W^ .y- ( ',.. '53 G. A. (Mr.-.), Folded Lamb; <ir, the Memorials of an Infant Son, 18mo. cl <• 10 Carter i\- Bros. IHH n o r; n () s [am. cat. Rogers, Hull ly, of Faith ; or, a Visit to a RcligiouH Sceptic, 12I1IO. il. .... " Rca.son and Faith, and otiior MiscellanioH, 12mo. cl. Sanil., Poetical Works, with a Biographical Sketch and Notes. Fi(lit(;d by lOpcH Sargent, I'Jmo. cl. Rogcl, P. M., ThcHauru.s of English Words, 12nio. cl. . Roland Trevor ; or, the Pilot of Human Life, being an Auto- biography of the Author, 12mo. cl RoUo in London. By Jacob Abbott, 18mo. cl. in Paris. " "... in Switzerland. '• " . . Rollo".s Tour in Europe. " "... Roman Traitor ; or, the Days of Cicero, Cato, and Cataline. By n. W. Herbert, 12mo. pap. $1 ; cl. . Romance of American Landscape. By T. A. Richards, 4to. . of California. By Geo. Payson, 12nio. cl. of Indian Life. By Mrs. Eastman, 8vo. of Nature ; or, Poetical Language of Flowers. Edited by Mrs. E. Oakes Smith, 8vo. cl. ex. ^3; cl. of Student Life Abroad. By R. B. Kimball, Vlmo. of the Forest. By Miss Radclitte, 24mo. r. of the Forum. By P. Burke, 12mo. cl. . of the Pyrenees. By the Author of " Santo Sebas- * tiano" of the War ; or, the March to Moscow, pap. 1 25 Crosby, N. dfCo. '53 1 25 '53 1 (JO l'liillips,S.<!^Co:5i 1 50 dnltld c\- L. '54 1 00 IApr.oll,a.<Sf-Cn:b^ 63 Rcynoldsi^Co. '55 63 •54 63 '54 63 '.54 1 25 T. B. Pettrsuu. "53 5 00 Lecn'Ul cj- .4. '54 1 00 J. C. Hiker. '54 4 00 LipcuU,G.<!fCo:b2 2 25 J. C. Riker. 1 00 Pulnnm 4* Co. '53 50 Leary cf- Getz. 1 00 Cornish,L.<SfL\).'b'i 75 J. B. Perry. 50 Slriyiger c\- T. Romantic Incidents in the Lives of the Queens of England. By J. P. Smith,12mo. cl Rome against the Bible, .nnd the Bible against Rome. By Rev. W. S. Plumer, iSmo. cl Romish Confessional. By M. Michelet, pap. Romulus, History of. By Jacob Abbott, 16mo. c'. Root, H. K. (M. D.), The People's Medical Lighthouse, 8vo. Rory O'More, a Romance. By S. Lover, 8vo. pap. Rosa Lambert ; or, the Memoirs of an Unfortunate Woman. By G. W. M. Reynolds, pap Woodville ; or, the Jailer's Daughter, pap. Rosamond. By Maria Edgeworth, 2 vols. 18mo. cl. Roscoe, Wm., Life of Lorenzo de jMedici, 2 vols. cl. Rose Somerville ; or, a Husband's ]N[ystery and a Wife's Devotion. By G. W. M. Reynolds, 8vo. pap. of the Parsonage. By R. Giseke, 12nio. cl. (The) and the Ring, a Fireside Pantomime for Great and Small Children. By W. Thackeray, small 4to. and Lillie Stanhope ; or, the power of Conscience. By M. J. Mcintosh 1 00 Garrcll d^ Co. '53 25 Am.Bap.Pub.So.54 50 T. B. Peterson. 60 Harper cf- Bros. '52 Author, .\. Y. '53 50 Garrett cj- Cn. 50 H. Long cj- Bro. 50 Garrett tf- Co. 80 C.S.Francis,^Co. 3 00 H. C. Baird. 25 Stringer cf- T. 1 00 Parry <f- McM. 5A 75 Harper cf Bros.'54 38 Appleton tj- Co. 1852—55.] R O S R US 1G9 Ross, J. H. (M. D.), Spirit World ; or, the Cavillers An- swered, cl Rotteck, Charles von, General History of the World, from the Earliest Period to the Year 1840, continued to the Present Time. By Chas. J. Peterson, 4 vols, in 1, Svo The Same in 2 vols. Svo Roughing it in the Bush ; or, Life in Canada. By ]Mr9. 3Ioodie, 12mo. cl. Roussell, N. (Rev.), Catholic and Protestant Nations com- pared in their three-fold relations to Wealth, Know- ledge, and iforality, Svo. cl Rowcroft, Chas., Australian Crusoes ; or, Adventures in the Wilds of Australia, 12mo. cl. " Confessions of an Eton Boy, Svo. pap. Rowland, H. A., Light in a Dark Alley, 24mo. " The Way of Peace, 16mo. cl. . Royal Arch Text-Book. By John Dove, M. D., 12mo. cl. Favorite ; or, the Mysteries of the Court of Charles the Second. By G. W. M. Reynolds, pap. Royle, J. F. (M. D.), Materia Medica, and Therapeutics. By Carson, Svo Rudiments of Public Speaking and Debate. By G. J. Iloly- oake, 12mo. of the Art of Building. By J. Bullock, 12mo. cl. Rueckert, T. J. (M. D.), Apoplexy and Palsy, Homoeopathic Treatment of . " Homcoopathic Cures for Diseases of the Eye and Ear " Homa-opathic Cures for Diseases of the Stomach '• Homoeopathic Cures for Inflamma- tion and Dropsy of the Brain „ Nervous Diseases and Mental De- rangements, Homa'opathic Cures for " " Treatise on Headaches Ruffin, E., Essay on Calcareous Manures, Svo. shp. " The same, 12mo. cl. Rule, W. H. (Rev.), The Brand of Dominic; or, The In(iuis- ition of Rome, Supreme and Universal, 12mo. cl. Rupert Cabel, by Rev. Joseph Alden, square cl. Rural Hours, by Miss Susan F. Cooper, 12mo.cI. " The same, Svo. mor. 87 ; cl. ex. Life of England, by Wni. ilowitt, 2 vols. r2mo,cl. . Rambles ; or. About Flowers, Birds, and Insects, and other wonders of Nature, crown, Svo. cl. ex. 82 CO ; cl Ruskin, John, Lectures on Architecture and Painting. r2nio. ?.2 50 M. W. DodJ. '53 3 50 4 00 1 00 50 38 75 1 25 50 3 00 50 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 2 00 1 25 76 no 1 2.') .") 0(1 2 00 2 00 1 25 Leary cf- Gelz. 1 00 Deicilt 4- D. '54 1 50 Jewelt <f- Co. '55 W. P. Hazard, '53 Bunnell t^ P. '52 .1/. W. Dodd. '5i " '53 J. ^V. Randolph. Strint^er c^ 7'. Blanchard <f- L. McElralhdi-B. '53 Stringer cjr T. '53 • W. Radde. '53 " '54 " '54 ir. Rnddc. '34 " '54 '53 J. IV. Randolph.'53 Carlton if- /'. "53 N. Rat/nnr. \V. P. Hazard. Parry k\-McM. "5 t W. P. Hazard. J. Wih-y. '5 J 170 li II S S A If [am. cat. Russell, B. v., !ind Sanders, I). W., Robin Red-Breast, a vonilo Music- Book ..... M., Ili.story of England .... " " France " " Greece and Rome " " United States Martiia, Leaves from Tree Igdrasyl, 12mo. el. Rachel (Lady), Letters of, 12mo. el. Russell's Pulpit Elocution, 12mo Rusaell and Sydney ; or, The Young Revolutionists, 16rao. Russia, by Marquis De Custine, Abridged from the French, revised and improved, 12mo. cl. ... As It Is, by A. Gurowski, 12mo. cl. . and England, their Strength and Weakness, by J. R. Morell, 12mo and the Eastern Question^ by R. Corden, 12mo. pap. Russian Shores of the Black Sea in the Autumn of 1852, by L. Oliphanf, 12mo. cl. Russio-Turkish Campaigns. See Chesney, Col. Ruth, a Novel, by the author of " Mary Barton," I2mo. cl. Garnett; or, The Loves of the Earl of Rochester, 8vo. Hall, by Fanny Fern, 12mo. cl. .... Rutherford's Children, by Misses S. & A. Warner, 2 series, ISmo. cl each Ryan, James, Astronomy, iSmo. . . . . nel " Algebra, 12mo. .... '■ Rye House Plot ; or, Ruth, the Conspirator, by G. W. M. Reynolds, 2 vols, pap Ryle, J. C. (Rev.), Home Truths, 16mo. cl. " " Priest (The), the Puritan, and the Preacher, 16mo. cl. ... " " Rich and Poor, and other Tracts for the times, 16mo. cl. .... " " Startling Questions, 12mo. cl. . " " The Young Man's Christian Year ; or. Twelve Hints to Young Men, ISmo. 38 Ivison <f P. '55 75 Lindsay <Sf B. 75 ti 75 " 75 " 75 Jewelt 4- Co. '64 1 25 Parry cf- vUc3f.'54 1 00 W. F. Draper. 50 W. P. Hazard. 1 25 Appklon djc Co. '54 1 GO " '54 25 J. C. Riker. '54 25 Jewelt cf- Co. '54 75 .S. J. Redfield. '54 75 Ticknor cf- Co. '53 25 Deicitt cf- D. 1 25 Mason cf- Bros. '54 75 Putnam cf- Co. '54 30 Lippincotl,G.<^Co. 63 1 00 H. Long 4- Bro.'54 35 Carlton cf- P. '54 75 '55 75 Carter <Sf Bros. '55 75 " '63 15 '53 s. Sabbath Morning Readings in the Old Testament (Book of E.\odus),by (Kew John Cumming, 12mo. cl. Morning Readings in the Old Testament (Book of Leviticus), r2mo. cl. School Melodies, by W. B. Bradbury " (The), a Collection of Hymns and Tunes for Sabbath Schools, Families, *&lc., by William Williams, oblong. 75 Jeuilt cf- Co. "54 75 15 '55 Iiif^on df P. Jewitt cf- Co. '54 1852—55.] .V A C S A P 171 Sacred Harp, a Collection of Church Music, by Wiiite and King net Literature of the Lord's Prayer. See Jimeson, A. A. Melodeon, by A. S. Hayden, . . . net Melodies, 12mo. cl. Minstrel ; or, American Church-Music Book, by V. C. Taylor Saddler Mullers Wendel, and other Tales, by Mary Howitt, 12mo. cl. Sadlier, S. J. (Mrs.), New Lights ; or. Life in Galway, 32mo. Sages and Heroes of the American Revolution, by L. C. Judson, 8vo. cl. ...... net Saint and the Sinner, a Tale, not stranger than true, 8vo. cl. Salad for the Solitary, by an Epicure (F. Saunders, Esq.), 12mo. cl for the Social, by the author of " Salad for the Soli- tary,'' ]2mo. cl. ...... . Sallust, with English Notes, by H. R. Cleveland, 12mo. net Salt Water Bubbles ; or, Life on the Wave, 12mo. Salzmann, Stories for Children ; or. Elements of Moral- ity, ISmo. cl Sam Slick's Wise Saws and Modern Instances, by T. C. Haliburton, 12mo. cl Sand George (Mrs. Dudevant), Corsair (The), Svo. pap. " " « Countess of Rudolstadt " " " First and True Love, pap Sanders', C. W., Spelling Book, based on the Orthography and Orthoepy of Dr. Webster " Primary School Primer, pap. " « " " stiff cov. " Pictorial Primer, bd. green cov. " First Reader " Second " « Third " " Fourth " " Fifth " " New Speller, Definer, and Analyzi-r « " First Reader " '■ Second " . . . . " « Third " ... " " Fourth " . . . . " Elocutionary Chart " School Speaker. " Young Ladies' Reader .... Sandford and Merton, by Thomas Day, Kimo. cl. Sandwich Islands, Life in, by Rev. II. T. Checver, 12mo. cl. Island, Notes, by A. lliiolc, 12mo. cl. Saphir, Phiiipp, Letters and Diaries of, edited by his brother, 16mo. cl. 58 T. K. Collins, Jr. 60 50 r.K. Collins, J,. Ep. S. S. Union. 88 D. Burgess tj- Co. 50 34 1 50 75 Crosby, N.<!i- Co.' 52 Sadlier cf* Cr>. '53 Moss <^ Bro. E. N. Grnssman.'54 1 25 Den-ill <f- D. '54 1 25 42 Lj'pincotl, 0'. 4" Co. W.J.Rey'lds4-Co. 50 C.S.Franciscf-Co. . 65 Bland ard <^ L. '53 25 Bunce <f- Bro. 50 Stringer tf T. 50 T. B. Peterson. y . 12i hi son <SrP. 06 a . 08 » 10 " . 12i '« 19 " . 38 >( 62i " . 75 '• 15 ii 12i " . 25 ti 38 " . 63 " 3 00 '• 1 no 75 \\. /'. Hazard. 1 25 A. S. Barnes tf- Co. 1 00 Harper i^- Bros. '54 30 Carter tf /iro."!.'63 172 .N .4 n S C E [am. cat. ►Suracon ('J'lie), ;i Romance from the French Sargent, Epe.s, B'irst Class Standard Reader, for public and private schools, 12mo. r. cl. sds. '' Selections in Poetry f(»r ExercLses at School and at Home, r2mo. cl. . " Standard Fourth Reader, 12mo. r. cl. sds. II. J., Feathers from a INIoulting Muse, 12mo. cl. Winthrop, (Editor.) History of an E.vpedition against Fort Du Quesne, in 1755, under Major-Gen- eral Braddock, edited from original Manuscripts. 8v'o, cl Satire and Satirists, by Jas. Hannay. 12mo. cl. Saunders, F. London — Its Historical and Literary Curiosi- ties. 12mo. cl. " Salad for the Solitary. 12mo. cl. " " " Social. 12mo. cl. Savage, M. W. Bachelor of the Albany. 12mo. cl.'' " My Uncle the Curate, 8vo. pap. . " Reuben Medlicott. 12mo. cl. Sawyer, L. A. Organic Christianity ; or, the Church of God. 12mo. cl. ...... T. J., Rev. and Westcott, Isaac, Rev. Discussion of the Doctrine of Universal Salvation. 12mo. cl. Sax, J. B., Rev. Organic Laws ; or, the Laws that Govern the Human Organism. 12mo. cl. ... Sayings of the Great Forty Days between the Resurrection and the Ascension, by G. Moberly. 12mo. cl. —of the Little Ones and Poems for their Mothers, by Mrs. L, H. Sigourney. 12mo. cl. and Doings of Animals. Square cl. . Scarlett, John, The Life and E.xperience of a Converted In- fidel. l8mo. cl Scenes at Home, by Mrs. Anna Bache. 12mo. from Opera at the Five Points, by G. H. Curtis. Oblong, from the Life of an Actor, compiled from the Jour- nals, Letters and Memoranda of the late Yankee Hill. 12mo. cl in America. 64mo. cl. ex. .... " by Rev. Isaac Taylor. ISmo. cl. in Europe. 64mo. cl. ex in the Life of the Saviour. 8vo. mor. or cf., $4 ; cl. e.x The same. 12mo. cl. ex., $1 ; cl. in the Lives of the Apostles. 8vo. mor. or cf , $4 ; cl. ex The same. 12mo. cl. ex., $1; cl. in the Lives of the Patriarchs and Prophets. 8vo. mor. or cf., $4 ; cl. ex 75 ./. li. Perry. 1 00 Phillips, ,S. 4- Co. 1 13 77K/a.s,C.4-Ca'52. 75 Phillips, S. 4- Co. 75 C'ros^iV. 4- Co. '54 3 00 LVpcoU,G.<S(-Co:bb 75 J. S. Redjield. '55 75 Kiggins 4- K. '54 1 25 Deri'ill 4- D. '54 1 25 75 Harper <Sf Bros. 25 " 75 Appleton 4- Co. '52 1 00 Jewetl 4- Co. '54 75 H. Lyon. "54 75 Fowlers 4- W. 75 H. Hooker. 75 hison 4- P. '55 67 Lindsay 4- B. '53 Carllon 4- P. '54 J.4-J.L.Gi7ion.'52 25 H. Waters. '64 75 25 31 25 3 00 75 3 00 75 3 00 Garrelt 4- Co. '53 Du^rie 4" P- Andrus 4" Son. Durrie 4" P- Lindsay 4" B. 1852—55.] S C E S C H 173 Scenes in the Lives of the Patriarchs and Prophets. 12mo. cl. ex., $1; el and Adventures in the South-West, by Fred. Hard- man. 12mo. cl and Characters from the Comedy of Life. 18mo. cl. and Hymns of Life, by Mrs. Hemans. r2mo. cl. and Scenery in California, by J. J. Jarvi?. 12mo. cl. and Thoughts in Europe, by Geo. H. Culvert. 12mo. SchafF, Philip, (Rev.) History of the Apostolic Church, with a General Introduction to Church History. Svo. Schell, H. S. Introductory Lessons in Arithmetic. 12mo. hf. bd Schenck, P. A. Kitchen Gardener's Directory. l8mo. shp. Schinderhannes, the Robber of the Rhine, cl Schlegel, A. W. Lectures on the History of Ancient and Modern Literature, with Questions by John Frost. 12mo. r. cl. sides net Schleiden, M. J. Poetry of the Vegetable World ; a Popu- lar Exposition of the Science of Botany, and its Re- lations to Man. Edited by Alphonso Wood. 12mo. Schmid, C. von, a Hundred Short Tales for Children, from the German. By F. B. Wells, 16mo. cl. Schmitz, L., History of Rome, 12mo . and Zumpt's Advanced Classical Exercises, 18mo. Schoedler, F., Book of Nature, an elementary Introduction to Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry, Mineralogy, Geol- ogy, Botany, Zoology, and Physiology. Translated from the German. By II. Medlock, 8vo. cl. Scholar's Companion, a new edition revised by Bailey, emb. backs net School Singer ; or, Young Choir's Companion. By W. B. Bradbury and C. W. Sanders .... for Fathers. By T. Gwynne, 12mo. cl. for Husbands, a Novel. By Lady Bulwer, pap. for Politics, a Dramatic Novel. By Chas. Gayarre, 12mo. cl. in the Woods (The), l8mo of Christ ; or, Christianity Viewed in its Leading Aspects. By Rev. A. L. R. Footc, 18mo. cl. Schoolcraft (Henry R.), Information respecting the His- torical Condition and Prospects * of the Indian Tribes of the United States, collected and prepared under the Direction of the Bureau of Indian AlVairs per Act of Congress of March 3, 1847, 3 vols, royal Svo. cl. " Indian Tribes, vol. 4. 75 Lindsay c^- D. 1 25 Dtrhy i.\- M. -53 38 Dunigan cj* Bro. 63 C. S. FranrisdfCu. 1 00 Munroe cj- Co. 1 25 I* III nam cf- Cn. '54 3 00 V. Scrilmer. "53 20 Fanner, B. cj- Co. 50 J. P. J'H-etl 4- Co. 50 J. P. Perry. 75 Mays 4- Bro. '53 1 25 Moore, A. 4- Co. 50 Carter 4- Bros. '53 75 Ivhon cf P. 50 Blanchard 4- L.'54 2 00 '• "53 40 E. II. ButhrdfCo. 38 hison 4'- P. (I tJO Harper 4" Bros. '52 50 (Jarrrtt 4'- Co. 75 Appltton 4 Co. '54 IG Am. S..S'.rHion.'53 50 C'niihl 4- /.. '55 22 50 Lipcott,G.<\-Co:53 7.4 174 S (J II s r ; () [am. cat. Schoolcraft, Henry R., Narrative of an Hxploratory Ex- pedition to the Sources of the Mississippi River in 1820, re- sumed and completed by the Discovery of its Origin in Itasca Lake in 1832, 8vo. cl. " Scenes and Adventures in the Semi-Alpine Region of the Ozark Mountains of Missouri and Arkansas, Svo. cl. Schooler, S., Elements of Descriptive Geometry, 4to. hf.mor, Schuster, S , Drawing Cards, Part 1, Nos. 1 to 24 in packet " " '• 2, Nos. 25 to 48 " " Practical Drawing Book, .... " Systematic and Progressive Drawing School, in six parts or numbers, each part Schwartz, J. A., Descriptive Geography and Brief Historical Sketch of Palestine, Svo. cl. .... Science and Mechanism, the Progress and Present State of Applied Science and the Useful Arts. Edited by C. R. Goodrich, Esq., aided by Professors Hall, Silli- man, Jr., &.c. Profusely illustrated, 4to. cl. Scotia's Bards, Svo. cl . Scott, Chas., Analogy of Ancient Craft Masonry to Natural and Revealed Religion, Svo. cl. . . net Julia H. (Mrs.), Memoir of. By Mrs. C. M. Sawyer, with her Poems, 12mo. cl. . . . . . (Lady), The Pride of Life, 12mo. pap., 50c. ; cl. Thos. (Rev.) Commentaries on the Bible. 3 vols. Svo .net " and Henry, Matthew (Rev.), Com- mentary on the Bible, embellished with 51 steel engravings, 2 vols. 4to. cl. e.\. gt. edges Walter, Lady of the Lake, 30 illustrations cl. ex. 82 50 ; cl " Life of. By Donald MacLeod, 12mo. cl. " Life of Napoleon, Svo. shp. $1 25; cl. " Miscellanies, 3 vols. 12mo. cl. . " Poetical Works, Svo. shp. $1 25 ; cl. " Prose Works, 5 vols. Svo. cl. . . . " Prose and Poetical Works, 10 vols. Svo. cl. $10; scarlet cl " Waverley Novels, 5 vols. pap. " " " « cl. bks. " " " " cl. ... " '• " " scarlet cl. " " " " hf. mor. Winfield (Gen.), Infantry Tactics, 12mo. cl net 3 00 Ijip'cott,U.<!^Co.'!ii 1 50 2 00 75 75 1 50 25 2 50 4 50 3 00 .03 J.W.Randolph. '54 Ivison <Sf P. '54 Parry cf- McM. Putnam cf- Co. '54 Carter 6f Bro$. '54 2 00 E. H. Butler ^ Co. 1 00 A Tompkins. '54 75 H. LongiSfBro. '54 5 00 Lij>j)incott,G.<SfCo. 16 00 Martin 6f J. 1 50 W. P. Hazard. 1 00 C. Scribner. '52 1 00 Parry tf- McM. 3 50 H. C. Baird. 1 00 Parry <$• McM. 5 00 (1 12 00 » 2 50 Parry <Sf McM. 3 50 (1 5 00 u 6 00 u 7 00 tl 50 Moss cj- Bro. 1852—55. .S' C O ■ .S' E E 175 Scott, Winfield (Gen.), Life of, by E. D. Mansfield, ]2mo. cl. 1 I') A. S. Barnes tf- Co W. A. (Rev.), Daniel a Model for Young Men, a series of Lectures, 8vo. cl. . Scottish Chiefs, by Miss Jane Porter, 24mo. r. Orphans, by Mrs. Blackford, ISmo. Songs, Ballads, and Poems, by li. Ainslie, 12mo. cl. Scougal, Henry (Rev.), Scripture Truths, sfjuare, cl. . Scourge of the Ocean, by an Oflicer of the U. S. Navy Scout (The) of the Silver Pond, a Tale of the American Revolution, by N. M. Curtiss, pap. (The); or. Black Riders of Congaree, by W. G. Simms, 12mo. cl. Scoville, Joseph, Adventures of Clarence Bolton ; or. Life in New York, pap Scribner J. M., Engineer's, Contractor's, and Surveyor's Ta- ble-Book, tucks net Scripture Geography and History, Outlines of, by Edward Hughes, 12mo. cl Histories for Little Children, square cl. Prophecy, by Rev. S. H. Turner, 12mo. cl. Portraits ; or. Sketches of Bible Characters, by Rev. J. Brace, 12mo. cl. .... School Reader, compiled and arranged by W. W. Everts and W. H. Wykoff, 12mo. . Text-Book and Treasury, 12mo. cl. Truths, by Rev. H. Scougal, square, cl. Scudder, J. (Rev.), Provision for Passing over Jordan, 12inn. Sea-King, a Novel, by Capt. Marryat, pap. Sea and Sailor, by Rev. Calvin Colton, 12mo. cl. Seabury, Samuel (Rev.), The Continuity of the Church of England in the Si.vteenth Century, Two Discourses, with an Appendi.v and Notes, Svo. cl. . . . Seaman, E. C, Progress of Nations in Civilization, Produc tive Industry, Wealth, and Population, 12mo. cl. Sears, E. H., Regeneration, 12mo. cl. . . . . Seaton, W., A Man in Search of a Wife, Svo. pap. Secret Order of Seven, pap Secretary (The) ; or. Circumstantial Evidence, Svo. pap. Sedgewick, C. M. (Miss), Chirence, a Tale of our own Times, 12mo. cl. • '' " Facts and Fancies for School Day Reading, 18mo. cl. " " Morals of Manners ; or. Hints for our Young People, sijuare " " New England Talc, 12mo. cl. . • «' " Redwood, a Talc, TJmo. rl. . Seed Time and Harvest, by T. S. Arthur. 18mo. cl. " " or. Sow Well and Reap Well, by Rev. W. K. Tweedie. Klmo. cl. .... 1 50 75 38 75 15 75 1 00 75 75 Carter <J- Brof. '54 Leary cj- Getz. ('. S. FrancisdjfCo. J. S. Reilfield. '54 ('arter cj- Bros. J. B. Frrry. 25 (utrrrit 4'- Co. 1 25 J. S. Redfi^lJ. '54 25 Garrett cf- Co. 90 Mason, Bros. Blanchanl cf- L.'53 Evans lif- D. '54 Stanford 4" '^'• 88 M. W. Dodd. '54 75 Ivison cf- P. 75 Sheldon, L. tf- B. 15 Carter c^ Bros. 64 A m. Tract So. '52 50 T. B. Peterson. 1 00 A. S. Barnes (Ji-Cn. G3 Pudneij cf- R. '53 1 50 C. Scrilmer. 38 Crosty,'63 25 Dewitt 4- D. '53 75 Stringer i\- T. 50 Drwilt ij- D. 1 25 J. C. Ihrby. '54 50 J. S. Dicker son.' b\ (1 25 •54 I 25 J. ( : Ihrhy. 54 1 25 '54 38 Lip}>incotl,G. cf- Co. 03 Gould 4- /.. '54 17G s i: (.• S If A [am. cat. Scpnr (li'Abbe de.) Short and Karniliar Answers to the most (Common Ohjoctions urged against Religion. l8ino. Selden, Henry 11. iteports of Cases argued and Determ- ined in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York, with Notes, References, and an Index, vol. 1. 8vo Select Verse System for the Use of Families and Schools, by K. Yale. 12mo. el. Selections in Poetry for E.xercises at School and at Home, edited by Epes Sargent. 12mo. cl. ... Self-Deception ; or, the History of a Human Heart, by Mrs. S. Ellis, cl Instructor in Phrenology and Physiology, cl. Semmes, R. (Lieut.) Campaign of (ien. Scott in the Val- ley of Mexico. 12mo. cl. . . . . . Senator's Son (The), by M. V. Fuller. 12mo. cl. Sepulchres of Our Departed, by Rev. F. R. Anspach. 12mo. Sequel to INIainma's Bible Stories. 18mo. col'd illust'ns, cl. to the Female Jesuit, containing her Previous His- tory and Recent Discovery, by Mrs. S. Luke. 12mo. cl. to the Neighbor's Children, from the German, by Mrs. S. A. Myers. 16mo. cl. .... Seron, T. Mosaique Franraise, ou Choi.x deSujets. 12mo. Service Book for Worship in the Congregation and the Home, for the Use of Unitarians, by Rev. Samuel Gilman and Rev. C. M. Taggart. 12mo. Seton, Eliza A., Life of, by Rev. Chas. J. White. 12mo. cl. Seven poor Travellers (The), a Christmas Story, by Charles Dickens. 12mo. pap. ..... Sevvall, Jotham (Rev.), Memoir of. 12mo. cl. Seward, Wm. H., Life of, with Selections from his Writ- ings. 12mo. cl " Works. Edited by Geo. E. Baker. 3 vols. 8vo. cl Sewell, E. M. A First History of Greece. iSmo. " (Miss). Experience of Life, a Tale. 12mo. pap., 50c. ; cl. . " " Katherine Ashton. 2 v. 12mo. cl. Wm. (Rev.) Readings for a IMonth preparatory to Confirmation. 16mo. cl. . . . . Seymour, Almira. The Emigrants ; or, First and Final Step. l2mo. cl Shabby Genteel Story and Other Tales, by W. Thackeray. ISmo. cl Shadows ; or, the Reminiscences of a New York Reporter. pap Shady Side (The) ; or. Life in a Country Parsonage, by a Pastor's Wife. l2rao. cl 38 J. ^furpfty4•C'o.'54 2 50 Little 4- Co. '53 75 Pease cjr Co. '53 1 13 Thomas, C. 4" Ca'52 1 25 Stringer cf- T. 50 Fowlers cj- W. 1 25 Moore cj- A. '52 75 Tooker <^ G. 1 00 Lindsay cf* £f. '54 50 Carter <if Bros. '53 63 M. W. Dodd. '52 Lindsay df B. "54 Courlenaydf Co. '54 Dunigan<SfBro. '53 J. A. Dix. '55 Tappan cf" ^^ • 52 1 00 J. S. Redfield. '55 63 84 1 00 1 50 13 75 7 50 •53 50 Appleton <^Co. '53 75 '53 1 50 '54 75 '53 50 Miinroe cf* Co. '53 50 Appleton 4* Co. *52 38 Dew it t 4- D. 76 Jewett 4- Co. '63 1862—55. S HA S II E 177 Shakspeare, Wm. Works of, the Text regulated by the recently discovered folio of 1632, con- taining early Manuscript Emendations, with a Life of the Poet, and an Intro- duction to each Play, by J. P. Collier. 8vo. cl The same. 8 vols. lOmo. el. " (/omplete Works, including his Plays, Poems and Life, illustrated with new and finely executed Steel Engravings of Portraits in character of American and English Actors of the Present Century. 4to. " Complete Works. 6 vols. 48mo. cl. extra, ..... iiel " " " 8vo. lib., net Laconics, a Selection of Pithy Extracts from Shakspeare. 32mo. cl. ex , 75c. ; cl. . and His Times, by M. Guizot. 12mo. cl. . Shaksperian Oracle, edited by J. C. Mills, 16mo. cl. gt. Shannondale, by Mrs. Emma Southworth, pap. $1 ; cl. . Shanty, the Blacksmith, aTale, by Mrs. Sherwood, iSmo. cl. Sharp, G., Confessions of an Attorney, 12mo. cl. Sharpey and Quain's Human Anatomy, edited by Leidy, 2 vols. 8vo. shp. ....... Shautller, W. G., Lust Hours of Christ, 12mo. cl. . " The same, 8vo. mor. .... Shaw, Edward, Architecture. 1 vol. 4to. Thos. B., Outlines of English Literature, 12mo. cl. . i^hea, John G., Discovery and Exploration of the Mississippi Valley, with the Original Narratives of ]\Lir(juette, Allouez, RIembre, Hennepin, and Anastase Douay, 8vo. cl. " First Book of History, 12 mo. " General History of Europe, continued from Sixteenth Century to the Year 18.54. 12ino. "' History of the Catholic Missions among the Indian Tribes of the United States, IJrno. Shell, Richard L., Sketches of the Irish Bar, edited, with a Memoir and Notes, by Dr. Shelton Mackenzie, 2 vols. 12mo. cl. .....••• Shelton, F. W., Chrystalline; or, The Heiress of Fall Down Castle, a Romance, 12mo. cl. " Rector (The) of St. Bardolph's ; or, Sui)er- annuated, 12mo. cl. .... ■- " Up the River, 12mo. cl. Shepherd's Call (A) to the Lambs of his Flock, by Rev. C. W. Bolton, 23 4 00 J. S. Redfield. '63 6 00 " '53 Martin d,- J. '55 1 50 Moss t^ Bro. 1 38 50 Hetultrsun cjf (Jo. 1 00 Harper <$• Bros. '52 1 00 Bimce c^ Bro. 1 25 T. B. Peterson. 38 J. S. Taylor. '53 1 00 Sheldon, L. cf- B. G 00 Blanchnrd cj* /'• 1 00 J. P. J V welt <|- Co. 5 00 7 50 1 15 Blanchard<Sc L. 2 00 ./. N. linlfuid. ■:»2 50 Siidlicr i\- ( '<). '54 75 Diiiiii^nn t\- Brn. 1 75 " "54 2 on ./. N. li'dtl'ld. "51 88 C. Scrihnrr. '54 1 00 1 25 '53 '53 50 Carter tj- Bros. '53 178 .S // E S I (1 [am. cat. Sliepliord's Own IJook, an account of the dilVerent Breeds and Management, and Diseases of Sheep, el. 2 00 Shoridan, Richard Brinaley, Life of, by Thos. Moore, 2 vols. 12nio. cl. ........ 2 00 Shcrrill, H. (M. F).), Treatise on Ilomir-opathic Practice of Medicine, comprised in a Repertory for Prescribing, adapted to Domestic or Professional Use, 12mo. Sherwood, Mrs., Infant's Progress to Everlasting Glory, 16mo, cl 50 " Sliiinty, the Blacksmith, a Tale, ISmo. cl. 38 " Stories Explanatory of the Church Cate- chism, revised by Rev. Jas. Kemp, D. D., 12mo. cl 75 Shew, Joel, Hydropathic Family Physician, 12mo. . . 2 00 John (M. D.), Children, their Hydropathic Treatment, 12mo. cl 1 00 Shiei, R. L., Sketches of the Irish Bar, 2 vols. 12mo. cl. . 2 00 Shillaber, B. P., Life and Sayings of Mrs. Partington, 12mo. cl 1 25 " Poems, 12mo. cl 1 00 " Rhy mes with Reason and Without, 16mo. 1 00 Ship Builders' Manual and Nautical Reference Book, by John W. Grifllths. Illustrated with Tables and En- gravings. 2 vols, small 4to., cl. ... 6 00 and Shore, by Rev. Calvin Colton. 12mo. cl. . .1 00 Shipwreck, (The) ; or, the Desert Island, cl. . . 38 Shiraz, C. P. The Redemption of Tabor, and Other Poems. 8vo. . Shoulder to the Wheel of Progress, by Wm. M. Wood. 16mo. cl. . . 75 Shurtleif, J. B. Govermental Instructor. 16mo. . . 25 Sibyl (The) ; or. New Oracles from the Poets, by Mrs. Gil- man. 12mo. cl. ...... 1 00 Sick Chamber; a Manual for Nurses. 16mo. cl. . . 38 Sickness (The) and Health of the People of Bleaburn. 12mo. cl 50 Sidney, Miss. Home and Its Influence. 12mo. cl. . .0 75 Samuel. History of Australia. 12mo. cl. . 1 25 Siebold, C. T. V., and Stannius H. Comparative Anatomy. Vol. i. 8vo. cl Siege of Londonderry and Defence of Enniskillen in 1688, '89, by Rev. John Graham, pap. . . . 38 of Rochelle, by Mad. de Genlis, {in French.) 12mo. 1 00 of Valencia and Other Poems, by Mrs. Hemans. 12mo. cl 63 Signs of the Times ; or, Present, Past, and Future. By Rev. John Cumming. 12mo. cl. ... 75 Sights and Scenes in Europe, in a Series of Letters. By Mrs. N. Y. J. Bullard. 12mo. ('. M. Saxton. J. S. Redfield. '53 1 00 W. Radde. '54 W. P. Hazard. J. S. Taylor. '53 //. Hooker. "53 Fowlers cf- W. '54 » '52 J. S. Redfield. '54 J. C. Derby. '54 Mussey 4" Co. '53 Sherman tf* Co. '54 A. S. Barnes cj- Co. Dunigan 6f Bra. 50 W.H. Whitney. 'bZ Miller, O. 4- M. R. B. Collins. '54 G. H. Whitney. "54 Munroe <Sf Co. Crosby,X.(^Co. '53 Bunce cf- \Bro. Miller, O. tf- M. 3 00 Gould <$• L. '54 T. B. Peterson. Lockwood cj- Son. C.S.Francis <^ Co. Lindsay cf- B. '55 Chambers <^ K. 53' 1852—55.] S I a S I M 179 Sigourney, L. H. (Mrs.) Faded Hope (The). l6mo. cl. 75 Car/er cf Bros. '52 " " Past Meridian. 12mo. ci. . 75 Apphton ,^- OCbb " " Poems. 12mo. cl. ex., $1 50; cl 1 25 Parry cy- McM. " " Poetical Works. 8vo., illustrated mor., $7; cl. ex. . . .5 00 " " Sayings of the Little Ones, and Poems for their Mothers. 12mo. cl 75 hixon c^- P. '55 " " Western Home (The), and Other Poems. 12mo. cl. .... . 1 25 Parrin^- McM.'b^ Silent Pastor. Edited by Rev. J. F. W. Ware. ISnio. el. () 50 Munrne cf- Co. Silliman, Benj. (Prof) Visit to Europe in 1851. 2 vols. 12mo. cl 2 50 Barnes 4"- Co. '54 Silver Cup of Sparkling Drops. Edited by Miss C. li. Porter. 12mo. cl 1 00 Miller, O. 4- M. and Pewter; or the Contrasts of New York Life. 8vo. pap. ........ 25 Long tf Bro. '53 Silverstring; or, Tales and Poems for the Young, by W. O. Bourne. 18mo. cl fiS C. Scribner. '53 Similitudes from the Ocean and Prairie, a .Juvenile, cl. . 50 J. P. Jeu-eAt ^ Co Simms, W. G. Egeria ; or. Voices of Thought and Coun- sel for the Woods and Wayside. 12mo. 100 /?»?/<)• 4- Co. '53 " Eutaw; a New Revolutionary Romance. 12mo. cl 1 25 J. .S'. Redfield. '54 " Katharine Walton, a Romance of the Re- volution in Carolina. 12mo. cl. . 1 25 " '54 " Marie de Berniere, a Tale of the Crescent * City. 12mo. cl 1 00 />)>Vo//,G'.cj;-Co.'53 " Mellichampe, a Legend of the Santee. 12mo. cl 1 25 J. .S. RcdfirW. '54 " Norman Maurice ; or the Man of the Peo- ple, a Romance. 12mo. . . . 50 Lip cott ,(t .tScCo.'' b^ " Partisan (The), a Tale of the Revolution. 12mo. cl 1 25 J. S. Redfiehl " Poems — Descriptive, Dramatic, Legendary, and Contemplative. 2 v. 12mo. cl. . 2 50 " '54 " Scout (The) ; or, Black Riders of Conga- ree, 12mo. cl 1 25 J. S. RedfvUl. '54 " South Carolina in the Revolution, being a Reply to certain mistakes and misrepre- sentations of recent Writers in rel.-ilinn to the course and conduct of the State, cl. 50 Cf)»/r/rH/iycf-r'o.'54 " Southward Ho! A Spell of Sunshine, 12mo. 125 J. S. Rrdfield.'b\ " Supplement to Shakespeare's Play.>», 8vo. cl. 1 50 J. B. Smith t^- Cn. " Sword and the DislalV, a Tale of the Revo- tion, 12mo. cl 1 25 LiprnU,G.<^-Co.'b3 " Woodcraft; or, Hawks about the Dove- cote, 12mo. cl 1 '-5 J. S. Rcdjicld. '54 180 .S / iM S K J] [am. cat. Simnis, VV. (i., Yetnasaee, a Romance <tf Carolina, 12ino. cl. 1 25 Simon Kenton ; or, the Scout's Revenge, an Historical Novel. By Jas. Weir, r2ino. cl. . . , 63 Simon, John, Lectures on (Jcncral I'atholorjy? as conducive to the eHtal)li.shmi'rit of Rational I'rinci|)Ie8 for the Diagnosis and Treat ment of, 8vo. cl. 1 2.5 Simonds, Wra., Clinton, a Book for Boy.", 16mo. el. . 7.'3 Simone, E. S., Ciiammar for Spaniards to Learn French. 12mo 2 00 " Key to above . . . . 75 Simonnc, T., Manual of French Verbs, 12mo. . . . 50 Simons' Planter's Guide and Family Medicine Book, 12mo. 1 00 Simpson, J. Y. (M. D.), Homoeopathy, its tenets and tend- encies, Theoretical and Therapeutical, 8vo. cl. . 1 25 Sinclair, Catherine, Beatrice ; or, the Unknown Relatives, 12mo. pap. 50c. ; cl. . . . 75 " Modern Flirtations, a Novel, 12mo. pap. 50c.; cl 75 Singing Bird (The) ; or Progressive Music Reader. By Wm. B. Bradbury, oblong 38 School Companion, a Collection of Secular and Sacred Music. By J. &l H. Bird, oblong . 50 Singer's Companion, a Selection of Popular Songs, Duets, Glees, Catches, &,c., with Music arranged for the Voice, Flute, Violin, and Piano, 12mo. cl. . . 75 Sir Jasper Carew, Knt., his Life and Experiences. By Chas. 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'54 Appleton <Sf Co. (( '54 Mc Carter cf- Co. Lindsay tSf B. "54 Dewitt cf- D. '52 Strivger cj- T. '53 Newman <Sc J. '52 Wilkins,R.i!fK.'b2 Stringer <f T. "54 Harper cf- Bros. '54 Riker, T. <f Co. '54 C. S. Francis cf Co. Leanj cf- Getz. T. B. Peterson. Harper cf- Bros. '53 J. D. Flagg. "52 Mass. S. S. So. '54 T. B. Peterson. Carlton cf- P. "54 E. II. Fletcher. Putnam cf- Co. '54 J. S. Redjield. "54 1852—55.] S K I- s ^r I 181 Skillful Housewife, containing 700 valuable Receipts, &c., for Housekeepers, 12mo. cl. .... Skoda, J. (M. D.), Auscultation and Percussion, translated by W. O. Markham, M. D., 12mo. cl. . . . Skunk, W. F., Practical Treatise on Railway Curves and Location, for Young Engineers, 12mo. cl. Slack, H. J., Ministry of the Beautiful, 18mo. cl. Slave (The) of the Lamp, by William North, 12mo. cl. Slavery and Anti-Slavery. See Goodell, Wni. Sloan, Samue',^rodel Architect, containing Original Designs for Cottages, Villas, &c., &-c., with E.xplanations, Specifications, Estimates, and Elaborate Details, demy fol. 2 vols. hf. cf. Small, A. E., Manual of Homoeopathic Practice, for the use of Families, 12mo. ...... Smedley, F. E., Fortunes of the Colville Family, 12mo. pap. Smee, Alfred, Biology ; or. The I'rinciples of the Human Mind Smiles and Frowns ; or Good and Bad Little People, 16mo. Smith, Albert, Story of Mont Blanc, 12mo. cl. " Tor Hill, pap Alex., Poems, 16mo. cl. ..... " " 12mo. cl. .... 7iet Asa, Illustrated Astronomy, 4to. hf. bd. " The same, in the Spanish Language " Primary Astronomy Chas., Sparks from a Smith's Forge, 12mo. Charles H. J., Landscape Gardening, with Practical Notes on Country Residences, Villas, Public Park*, and Gardens, cl. ...... . C. M., The Working-Man's Way in the World, being the Autobiography of a Journeyman Printer, r2mo. David, Dyer's Instructor, comprising Practical Instruc- tions in the Art of Dyeing Silk, Cotton, Wool, and Worsted and Woolen Goods, 12mo. cl. E. O. (Mrs.), Bertha and Lily ; or, The Parsonage of Beech Glen, a Romance, 12mo. cl. " " Hints on Dress and Beauty, 12mo. pap. " " Stories for (lood Children, 18mo. vc/ E. P., Manual of Political Economy, 12ino. cl. Geo., Gentile Nations (The) ; or, The History and Religion of the Egyptians, Assyrians, Baby- lonians, ]Medes, Persians, Greeks and Romans, Svo. H. L., Natural Philosophy, 12nio .Tas., Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Mannfacturt's, 8vo. shp. $5; cl. James (Rev.). Green Pastures for the Lord's Flock ; or. The Christian's Daily IJfmiMnlirnni'or, I'Jrnc. rl. 6.3 Fairchild cj- ( -. .O.j 1 00 Limhaij ij[- B. 54 I 25 i:.H.Buthr<!iCo. 50 Parry 4- McM. 1 00 H. Long df- Bro.'bb 15 00 P>>rry cj- E. 'b\ 2 00 Rademaherdj'S '54 50 LoniT cj- Bro. '53 25 Fowlers 4- W. 75 W. P. Hazard. 50 Putnam £)[• Co. '53 50 Stririirer £|- T. 63 Ticknor <^- Co. '53 50 Moss cf- Bro. 1 00 D. Burgess 4- CV.. 1 67 " 42 u 1 2.5 1 00 1 00 50 35 1 00 2 00 7". t 00 1 no Author, A', y. '52 C. M. Soxlnn. J. S. Rcllhld '54 1 50 //. C. Boird. '53 ./. C. Derby. "54 Fowlers tf- \V. '52 J. B. Smith tf- Co. Putnam 4' Co. '53 Carlton 4- /'. ".•) | hisi.n 4- /'. Phillips, S. 4- Co. Carti r cf- Bros. I 182 S M I S M Y [am cat. -.1. - J. p. 1 00 2 00 1 50 5 75 50 25 50 50 50 1 00 75 25 1 13 Fowlers df W. '54 Lijj''oU,G.f^Co:^4 S. 4" Suords. "53 Harjier 4- Bros.'bb II. Long cf- Bro.'bb Stringer <Sc T. (iarrell 4- ^o. '53. Stringer 4- T. '53 Garrett cj* Co. '54 '53 J. French d^ Co. '54 Z). Burgess cj- Co. 1 50 J. Wiley. '54 Sriiilli , .Tolin, Fruits and Farinacca (ho IVopt-r Food of .Man, 12mo. cl Josepli (ll('V.),()ld Redstone; or, Historical Sketches of Western Presbyterianism, 8vo. cl. . .1. A. (jM.D.), Prelections on some of the more impor- tant subjects connected with Moral and Physical Science, 12mo J. Calvin, Gazetteer of the World, particularly de.scrib- ing the United States, royal, 8vo. cl. $b ; whp. F., Adelaide Walgrave ; or, The 'J'rials of a Go- verness, pap. ..... '- Kllen de Vere ; or. The Way of the Will, pap. " Harry Ashton ; or, The Will and the Way, 8vo. " The same, Svo. pap " Woman and Her Master, Svo. pap. Romantic Incidents in the Lives of the Queens of England, 12mo. cl. J. V. C, Turkey and the Turks, 12mo. cl. . R. C, Inductive Aritlimetic and Federal Calculator " New Geography and Atlas .... R. S, (Lieut. U. S. A.), Manual of Topographical Draw- ing, Svo. cl Seba (Jack Downing), Way Down East; or. Por- traitures of Yankee Life, 12mo. cl. Sidney, Miscellanies, Svo. cl S. J., Reuben's Key to the Art of Drawing the Hu- man Figure, 24 pages of illustrations, with Instruc- tions, folio hf bd net 2 bO Moss tf- Bro Thos. L., Elements of the Laws ; or, Outlines of the System of Civil and Criminal Laws in Force in the United States, and in the several States in the Union, 12mo. law shp Wm., History of Greece from the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest, 12mo. cl. . " (Rev.), What is Calvinism ? A series of Dia- logues between a Presbyterian Minister and a Young Convert, 12mo. W. L. G. Uncle Tom's Cabin as it is, 12mo. cl. W. T. (M. D.), Parturition and the Principles and Practice of Obstetrics, 12mo. shp. W. W., Speller 'ftnd Definer's Manual, 12mo. . Primer Libro de Gregrana, 4to Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, vol. 6, 4to. cl. Smollett, Tobias, Translation of Gil Bias. By Le Sage, 32mo. roan Smyth, W. W., Year with the Turks ; or. Sketches of Travel in the European and Asiatic Dominions of the Sul- tan, 12mo. cl 1 00 1 25 J. C. Derby. "55 P/i'ZijJs,S. 4- Co. '54 1 00 1 00 35 1 25 1 25 63 75 6 00 Lip'coit,G.4-Co.'b3 Harper 4" Bros. "54 Pres.BJ.ofPub.'bi T. B. Peterson. Blanchard 4* L. Burgess 4" Co. '55 Apple ton 4" Co. Sm ithon ian Inst.'b-i 75 Leary 4* Geiz. 75 J. S. Redfield. '54 1852—55.] S O C S O V 183 Social Hymn-Book. Edited by Rev. C. Robbins, ItJmo. cl Singing Book. By W. B. Bradbury Society of Friends (The) — See Greer, J. R. Sociology for the South ; or, the Failure of Free Society. By Geo. Fit/.hugh, 12mo. cl. . . . . . Soft Words ; or, Gentle Susan. By -Mrs. C. M. Edwards, ISmo. Sol Smith's Apprenticeship, 2 series, pap. . . each Soldier of the Cross, The. By J. Leyburn, 12mo. cl. Soldier's Wife (The). By G.'w. M. Reynolds, 8vo. pap. Son of a Genius. By Mr.«. Holland, 18ino. cl. Songs for the Little Ones at Home, l6mo. in the Night ; or, Hymns for the Sick and Suffering. of Labor and other Poems. By J. G. Whitticr, 12mo 12mo. cl. ....... of Yale, 8vo. pap. ....... of the Affections. Sophocles, Antigone of. Electra of. By Mrs. Hemans, 12mo. cl. Literally translated, pap. Q^dipus Tyrannus of. " " " " Literally translated. 12mo. Soulo, Caroline A. (Mrs.) Home Life ; or, a Peep Across the Threshold. 12mo. cl South, Rob't. (Rev.) Sermons. 4 vols, in 2. 8vo. shp. net South-Side View of Slavery ; or. Three Months at the South in 1854, by Rev. N. Adams, 12mo. cl. Suutliern Class Readers. See Griffin, S. L. Home (A), by a Lady of Virginia. Square 12mo. and Southwestern Sketches, edited by a Gentle- man of Richmond. 12mo. pap. and Western Orator, Southey, Caroline (Mrs.) Poems. 12iiio. cl. Robert. Common-place Book. Edited by his Son- in-law, J. W. Warter. 2 v. 8vo. cl. Southward Ho! a Spell of Sunshine, by W. G. Sinims. 12mo. cl Southworth, E. D. E. N. (Mrs.) Deserted Wife. pap.. .$1 ; cl " " Discarded Daughter, a Tale of the Chesapeake. 12mo, pap., .«!1 : cl. " " Curse of Clifton, a Tale of Expiation and Redemp- tion. 12mo. pap., -Si; cl. «» " Lost Heiress (The). 12mo. 50 Munroe cj- Co. 50 /ii.son tf- /*. 1 00 A. Morris. '55 Mass. S. S. So. '54 50 T. B. Peterson. 1 00 Carter if Bros. '5 1 50 Long <^ Bros. '53 38 C.S.Fraticis 4" Co. 35 Am. S. S. In. 52 63 Ticknor tf- Co. 63 A.D.Rando}ph.'b\ 25 E. Richanlsun. '53 63 C.S. Francis df Co. 50 TV. N. White. 50 D. Burgess cj- Co. 50 W. N. White. 50 a 50 Z. i\- J. Cochran. '55 1 00 .4. Tompkins. '54 4 00 J. B. Smith if Co. 75 T. R. Manin.'h\ 63 .A. Morris. "55 38 J. W. Randolph. 'b'l S. Babcock. '55 1 00 A ntlriis i\- Son. 2 50 Harper i\- Bros. 1 25 ./. N. Red field. '54 1 25 7'. H. Peterson. 1 25 1 25 1 25 "51 '54 184 S O II s I' i: [am. cat. Southworth, K. U. K. N. (Mrs.) iMuther-in-Law (The); or, tlielsleof RayH. paji.,!?!!; " " Old Nt'iglil)f)rhood8 and New Settlements ; or, Christmas Evening Leg- ends. 12mo. el. . " " Shannondale. pap., $1; el. " " Virginia and Magdalene ; or, the Forest Sister-s. pap., $1; cl. «' " Wife's Victory (The), and Nine other Nouvellettes. 12mo. cl. . . . S. A. (Mrs.) Inebriates Hut (The) ; or, the First Fruits of the Maine Law. 12mo. cl. 1 25 7'. B. Peterson. Spaewife (The) ; or, the Queen's Secret, a Story of the Reign of Elizabeth. 2 v. 12mo. Spain ; her Institutions, Politics, and Public Men, a Sketch, by S. T. Wallis. 12mo. cl Spalding, Wm. History of English Literature, with an Out- line of the Origin and Growth of the English Lan- guage. 12mo. ....... Spanish Without a Master, in Four easy Lessons, pap. Sparing to Spend ; or, the Loftons and Pinkertons, by T. S. Arthur. 16mo. cl. ...... Sparks from a Smith's Forge, by Chas. Smith. 12mo. — Bubbles and Tears, from the Hearthstone and the Stream of Life, by E. H. Dixon, M.D. 12mo. cl. Sparks, .Tared, (Editor.) Correspondence of the American Revolution, being Letters of Eminent Men to Geo. Washington, from the time of his taking Command of the Army to the end of his Presidency. 4 vols. 8vo. cl Sparry, C. (Rev.) Illustrated Christian Martyrology ; or, Sutlerings of Early Christians, ara. Spalding, M. G. (Bp.), Miscellanea, comprising Reviews, Lec- tures, and Essays, on Historical, Theological, and Miscellaneous Subjects, 8vo. cl. Spectator (The), by Joseph Addison, with Prefaces, Histori- cal and Biographical, by Alex. Chalmers, 6 vols. 8vo. Speller and Delincr's Manual, by W. W. Smith, 12mo. Spencer, Geo., English Grammar . " Latin Lessons, with Exercises in Parsing J. A. (Rev.), The East, Sketches of Travels in Egypt and the Holy Land, 12mo. cl. J. S. (Rev.), Pastor's Sketches, second series, 12mo. — '• '• Sermons, with a Sketch of his Life, by R. J.M. Sherwood, 2 vol. 12mo. 1 00 1 25 1 25 1 00 75 1 50 1 00 1 00 25 75 9 00 1 50 9 00 63 38 60 1 25 1 25 A. Hart. '33 7'. B. Peterson. '55 Phnips,}i.<SfCo.'6\ Murphy c^ C'o. '52 Ticknor <Sf Co. '53 Applelon <j^ Co. '53 T. B. Peterson. C. ticribner. "53 Author, .V. Y. "'52 1 25 Dewill cf- D. Little, B. ^ Co. '53 Leary <Sf Getz. Webb, G. cj' L. '55 Appleton cf" Co. '54 D. Burgess cf- Co. Ivison <^ P. Farmer, B. cj- Co. Barnes df- Co. "54 M. W. Dodd. '53 '55 1852—55.1 S I' K S I' R 185 Spencer, Theo. (Rev.), Conversion, its Tiieory and Process Practically Delineated, 12mo. el. and the Fairy Queen, by Mrs. Kirkland, ]2mo. cl. Spicer, T. (Rev.), Christian Baptism and the Lord's Supper, 16u]0. Spiers, A., French and Dictionary, hf. bd. . net Spincke's Manual of Private Devotion, 12mo. cl. . Spirit Manifestations Examined and E.xplaincd, by J. B. Dods, 12mo. cl Spirit-Rapper (The), an Autobiography, by O. A.Brownson, 12nio. cl. Rapping Unveiled, by Rev. II. Mattison, 12mo. cl. World (The); or. The Caviller Answered, by J. II. Ross, M. D., cl of Humanity and the Animal's Friend, by J. Ames, r2mo. cl. ........ Spirit's Sword (The) ; or. Truth Defended from Errors and Popular Delusions, by Rev. Wm. Warren, 18mo. cl. Spiritual Medium, its Nature Illustrated by the History of its Uniform [Mysterious Manifestations when duly Excited, 18mo. cl Progress; or. Instructions in the Divine Life of the Soul, edited by J. W. Metcalf, 12mo. cl. . Vamperism, by C W. Webber, 12mo. cl. . Visitors, by the author of "Musings of an Inva- lid," 12mo. cl. Spitfire (The), a Nautical Romance, by Capt. Chamier, 8vo. Spooner, L., Essay on the Trial by Jury, 8vo. S., Anecdotes of Painter.s, Engravers, Sculptors, and Architects, and Curiosities of Art, 3 vols. l8mo. cl. " Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Painters, Engravers, Sculptors, and Architects, from An- cient to Modern Times, with the Monograms, Ciphers, and Marias used by distinguished Ar- tists to certify their Works, royal 8vo. 1150 pages, cl Sportman's Vade Mecum, by Dinks, ciiitcd by Frank For- rester. 12mo. cl Spots in our Feasts of Charity, by Rev. Win. M. Thayer, 16mo. cl. Sprague Family, History of, 12mo. cl Wm. B. (Rev.), Visits to European Celebrities, a scries of personal Sketches of distin- guished Men and Women of Europe, 12mo. cl " (Rev.) Letters to a Daughter, 12mo. cl. " " " Young Men, " 24 1 25 M. W. Ootid. '54 G3 J. C. Kiker. '54 ^ Co. '54 75 I\I(tson cj- Bros. 75 Stanford 4" i^- 75 Den- ill 4- IJ. "54 1 25 Liltlr, B. iif Co. '54 75 J. C. Derby "55 50 iM. W.Dixld.'bi 1 00 Joel Munsell. '55 38 Whijyplr cjf- Co. 38 Ciovld 4- L. '52 75 M. W. Dvdd. 1 00 LipcoU,G.<^Co:bZ 75 J. S. Taylor. '53 50 Buttce 4. Bro. '53 1 20 Jeiiell 4- Co. "53 7 00 75 50 1 00 J'utiunii tj- ('('. '53 'r,3 StriitfTfr tif T. '54 Jewett cf- f'«». '64 Munrtv if- Co. 1 00 Gould cf- L. '65 1 00 Clark. A. tf- S. 1 00 186 .s /' ye s T i: Spriiiff, (i. (Ilcv.), (ilory of Christ, illustrated in liis Charac- ter and History, 2 vol. 12mo. cl. " " The Contrast, 2 vols. 8vo. cl. Samuel, Monk's Revenge (The) ; or, The Secret Kneiny, 8vo. pap. Spring Time (The) of Life ; or, Advice to Youth. J{y Rev. D. Magie, 16mo. cl Sijuier, E. G., Antiquities of the State of Now York, 8vo. cl. M. P. (Rev.), The Problem Solved; or, Sin not of Goil, 12mo. cl St. Alphonsus (Bishop of St. Agatha of the Goths), Life of, 12nio. cl — Augustine, Life anil Labors of. By Rev. Philip SchafT', 12mo. cl. — Clair of the Isles; or, the Outliues of Barra — Francis of Rome, Life of. By L;idy FuUerton, 12mo. cl. — Giles and St. James. By Douglas Jerrold, pap. — John, B., Purple Tiuts of Paris, Character and Manners in the New Empire, 12mo. cl. . " Village Life in Egypt, with Sketches of the Said, 2 vols., . . . . — Joseph's Manual, a Selection of Catholic Prayers, 24mo. — Paul, Life and Epistles of. By Rev. W, J. Conybeare and Rev. J. S. Howson, royal 8vo. — Petersburgh and its Inhabitants. By Jarram. — Pierre, J. H. B., Studies of Nature, 8vo. — Rose of Lima, Life of. Edited by Rev. F. W. Faber, 12mo. cl. ........ Stanfield Hall, a Novel. By Author of " Amy Lawrence," 2 vols. 8vo. pap Stanford, John (Rev.), Aged Christians' Companion, Essays adapted to the Improvement, Con- solation, and Encouragement of Persons Advanced in Life, 8vo. cl. " Memoir of. By Charles G. Somers, 12mo. cl. . . . . . Stanhope Burleigh, The Jesuits in our Homes, a Novel. By Helen Dhu, 12mo. cl Stapf, E. (M. D.), x'X.dditions to the Materia Medica Pura, Star Chamber (The), an Historical Romance. By Ains- worth, pap Papers (The). By Henry Ward Beeeher, 12mo. cl. in the Desert. By Miss Planche, ISmo. limpd. of the Fallen. By N. M. Curtis, pap. of the Wise Men. By R. C. Trench Startlmg Questions. By Rev. J. C. Ryle, 12mo. cl. . Stearns, E. J., Notes on Uncle Tom's Cabin, an Answer to the Allegations against Slavery, 12mo. cl. . Stephens, Ann S. (Mrs.), Fashion and Famine, 12mo. cl. . 2 50 I A.M. CAT. M. W. Dodd. '54 '55 50 DewiLt <Sc I). '53 75 Carter tj- Bros. '52 2 00 Miller, 0. 4- M. 75 M. W. Dodd' 55 1 25 J. Murphy<^Co.'54 75 J. a Riker. '54 75 J. /?. Perry. 50 Sadlier 6/- Co. '55 50 Strimrer <$• T. 1 00 J. C. Rlker. '54 1 25 Ticknor cf- Co. '53 50 P. Donahue. '53 6 00 C. Scribner. '54 75 A.S.Barnes (Sf Co. 1 25 Leary df G. 75 Cuningham. '55 1 00 Garrett cf- Co. 2 00 Stanford df- S. 75 u 1 00 Stringer cjf- 7'. '55 1 50 W. Radde. 50 Bunce <$• Bro. 1 25 J. C. Derby. '55 25 Munroe cf- Co. '53 25 Garrett ^ Co. 38 H. Hooker. 75 Carter cf- Bros. '53 75 Lip'otl,G.<!jrCo.'o3 1 00 Bunce cf- B. '54 1852—55.] S T E STO Stephens, Ann S. (Mrs.), Ladles' Complete Guide to Crochet, Fancy Knitting, and Needle Work, oblong, cl. . H. M. (Mrs.), Hagar the :\rartyr, 12mo. cl. " Home Scenes and Home Sounds; or, the World from my Window, 12mo. cl J. L., Egypt and the Holy Land, 8vo. Stevens, Wm. B. (Rev.), Bow in the Cloud; or. Covenant of Mercy for the Afflicted. With 9 engravings, mor. net ^3 ; el. ex. . . , . net " Parables of the New Testament Practically Unfolded. With 8 line engravings, mor. net $A 50 ; cl. ex net Stevenson John (Rev.), Gratitude, an Exposition of the Hundred and Third Psalm, 12mo. cl. . Steward (The), a Romance of Real Life. By H. Cock ton Steward, Geo., Religion the Weal of the Church and the Need of the Times, 12mo. cl Stewart, Dugald, Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind. Revised and abridged by F. Bo wen, 12mo. Stiles, W. H., Austria in 1848 and '49, History of the late Political Movements in Vienna, Milan, Venice, and Prague, a full Account of the Revolution in Hungary, &LC., &.C., 2 vols. 8vo. cl Stillmun, G. A., Life Real, a Poem, 12mo. cl. . StinsoD, A. L., Easy Nat ; or, the Three Apprentices, a Tale of Life in New York and Boston, 12mo. cl. Stirling, Wm., The Cloister Life of the Emperor Charles V., 12mo. cl. Stockhardt, J. A. Chemical Field Lectures for Agricultu- rists. 12mo. ........ Stockton, T. H. (Rev.) Sermons for the Pwple. 12mo. Stoddard, John F. American Intellectual Arithmetic, « Juvenile Mental " " Philosophical " " Practical " " Ready Reckoner. 24mo. tucks R. H. Adventures in Fairy Land. ISmo. cl. Stokes, Wm. (M. D.) Treatise on Diseases of the Heart and Aorta. 8vo. cl. ...... Stone, John S. (Rev.) The Contrast; or, the Evangelical and 'I'ractarian Systems compared in their Structure and Tendencies. l8mo. cl. .... T. D. P. Child's Reader. 18mo. Thos. T. Sermons. 12mo. cl. ... Stories. Illustrating the Shorter Catechism, by Rev. John Todd. 2 vols, cl 75 1 00 1 00 2 00 3 50 75 1 25 1 00 75 20 13 60 10 1 00 187 Garrett cj- Co. "54 Fet ridge dj- Co. '54 '53 J. C. Derby. 2 50 E. If. Butler 4- Co. 3 75 75 Carter tf- Braf. "54 50 Long cj- Brn. GO Carlton cj- P. 1 25 Miniroi' tj- Co. "54 Harper c^ Broa. '53 J. C. Derby. '54 '54 Crosby,^.<!i•Cn.'53 J. Bartlett. '53 Englhh tj- Co. '54 Sheldon, L. cj- B. 75 Ttrknnr i.\- Co. '53 3 r.o I.vulsay ij- n. 54 \ Evang'cal Knoir' 10 ( lalge So. '53 25 Iii.'ion tj[- P. 1 00 Crosby, N. cjf- Co. 1 Jo IIoj,kn,:^.H. »i- Co. 188 .S 7' () S T II [am. cat. Storii-s for Alice, told in KiiHy Verso, 4to. cl. ■ • Tor Children; or, Elements of Morality, by Salz- iiinnn. 18ino. cl. ...... for Good Children, hy .Mr. K. Oakcs Smith. 18mo. cl. ricl for Little Clara, by Mrs. Anna Bache. Square cl. net . for ParentH, by T. S. Arthur. l8mo. cl. for Summer Days and Winter Nights, by Miss E. Leslie. 12mo. cl . for Young Housekeepers, by T. S. Arthur. 18mo. • " Peopli', by Miss E. Leslie. 18mo. cl. from ''Blackwood." 18rao. cl. .... • " History, by Agnes Strickland. 24 engs. 12mo, — '■ " .Jewish History. 24 plates. 12mo. cl. " the History of the Reformation, for the Young. 16mo. cl. ... . . of Great ^len. d . of Waterloo, by W. H. Maxwell. 8vo. pap. . • of the Wars of 1812, and with Me.\ico ; a Juvenile. ]8mo. cl. and Sketches from Chronicles and History, by Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Foster. 12mo. cl. ... Stork, J. (Rev.) Children of the New Testament. 12mo. Story of Mont Blanc, by Albert Smith. 12mo. cl. of Stories ; or. Fun for the Little Ones. Square cl. of an Apple. Square cl. ..... Stoughton, .Tohn (Rev.) Lights of the World ; or. Illustra- tions drawn from the Records of Christian Life. 12mo. cl Stowe, n. B. (Mrs.), Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin. 8vo, pap., 50c. ; cl. .... " May-Flower (The), and Miscellaneous Writings, 12mo. cl. ... " Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, 2 vols. 12mo. cl. .... " Uncle Sam's Emancipation, 12mo. pap. 25e. ; cl. " Uncle Tom's Cabin, 2 vols. 12mo. cl. $1 50; Svo. pap. " The same, illustrated, Svo. cl. ex. Strain, J. G. (Lieut. U. S. N.), Sketches of a Journey in Chili, and the Argentine Provinces, in 1849, 12mo. el. Strange Stories, by E. T. W. Hoffman, 12mo. cl. Stranger Here (A), by Rev. H. Bonar, 16mo. cl. Stray Leaves from Fairy- Land, r2mo. cl. . Meditations, by J. P. Thompson, 12mo. Yankee in Texas, by Philip Paxton, 12mo. cl. . 7.0 \V. I'. Hazard. 50 CS. Francis dfiU). 35 J. n. Smith tf- Co. 25 " 38 JApincotl^Q.^Co. 1 00 //. F. AnneTs. 38 Lip'inrott^G. df ('n. 45 //. F. Anners. 50 Appletnn cf- Co. '53 75 C.S.Francisdc Co. 75 " G3 " '54 25 Ilenckrson c^ Co. 25 Garrett <f- Co. '52 38 Stringer <f- T. 50 Leanj <^- Getz. 1 00 Riher, T. cf- Co. 75 Lindsay <f- B. '64 50 Putnam <Sf- Co. '53 75 C.S.Francis <f-Co. 50 Ticknor cf- Co. '53 50 Carlton cf- P. '54 75 Jeuetl 4- Co. '53 1 25 P/u7/j>,S.<f-Co.'54 2 00 " '54 38 ir. P. Hazard. '53 38 Jeicetl cf- Co. '52 3 50 " '52 1 00 77. 77. Moore- 53 1 25 Burnham Bros.'bb 75 Carter cj- Bros. "53 1 00 G. Collins. 75 A.S.Barnes d^ Co. 1 25 J. S. Redfield. '53 1852—55.] .S' T R S U E 189 Strickland, Agnes, Lives of the Queens of Scotland, 6 vols. 12mo. cl " Memoirs of Elizabeth, Second Queen Re- gent of England and Ireland, Svo. cl. " Memoirs of the Queens of Henry VIIF, and of his Mother, Elizabeth of York, Svo, cl " Pilgrims of Walsingham, a Romance, 12mo. cl " Stories from History, with Twenty-four engravings, 12mo. cl. ... N. P., Manual of Bible Literature, 12nio. W. R., Light (The) of the Temple, 12mo. cl. String of Pearls for Boys and Girls, by T. S. Arthur, 16mo. Strobo, Robt., Memoirs of, 16mo. ..... Strong, James, Harmony of the Gospels, in the Greek of the received Text, on the plan of the author's English Harmony, 12mo. . Struggh^s for Life ; or, The Autobiography of a Dissenting JMinistor, 12nio. cl. ..... and Triumphs of Religious Liberty, by E. B. Uii- derhill, 12mo. cl Stuart, Chas. B., The Naval and IMail Steamers of the United States, illustrated, with Thirty-six engravings, 4to. I']lizabeth M., The Lover upon Trial, a Novel, 12mo. Moses (Prof.), Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews, third edition, Svo. cl. "' " Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, third edition, Svo. cl. Stuckley, L., A Gospel Glass, representing the Miscarriages of Professors ; or, A Call to Sinners and Saints to Prepare and jNIeet God, 12nio. cl Student's Reader, Spelling-Book, &c. Sec Denman, J. S. Studies in Religion, by a Lady, ISmo. cl. . Sturm, C. C, Reflections on the Works of God, Svo. lib. Stuyvesant, A Franconia Story, by Jacob Abbott, ISmo. cl. Substance and Shudows ; or, IMiases of Every-i)ay LitV. by Emma Wellmont, 12mo. cl Successful Merchant (The), Sketches of the Life of Samuel Budgett, by Wm. Arthur, 12mo. cl. ... Sue, Eugene, Atar Gull ; or. The Bridal Eve, pnp. " Female Blue-Beard, pap '' First Love, a Story of Woman's Heart, Svo. " Man-of'-Wars Man (The), Svo. pap. " Mysteries of London, 2 vols. pap. . " " of Paris, pap « " the Heath, pap. . . <« " the People. Svo. pap. " Raoul de Surviiie. pap. 6 00 Harper d^-nros.' 55 1 40 nianrhar(hS-L:5Z 1 01) » '53 1 00 (iarrelt i\- ( '<>. '5 1 75 C.S. Francis i^Co. 80 Carlton cf P. J. Ernst. '54 84 Millrr, O. tf .l/.'55 25 ./. S. Ddiitlson. '54 1 50 ./. ('. Rihcr. "54 1 00 lAndsay tj- /?. '54 75 Sheldon, L.6cn/5\ 8 00 (.'. B. Norton. '53 25 Stringer cf- T. "54 2 25 W. F. Draper. 2 2.5 " 75 Cnrttr i^- Tiros. '53 50 1 80 50 .^f1mrne i)|- Co. Lenry c^- (Silz. JIarpiT t\- Bros. '53 75 Jnnll c)'- ( 'o. '54 75 Applrton tV Co. '53 25 (inrrrtt cf- Co. 25 T. B. Pilerson. 25 '54 25 " "5 1 1 00 Slrini^cr i\- 7'. 75 '* 25 " 50 Garrett cf- Co. 25 T. n. Peterson. 190 .s // r: s w I |a5I. cat. Sue, Eugene, Woman's Love, a 'J'rue Story of the Heart. 8vo. pap. SufTerings and Glories of the Messiah, by Rev. John Brown. 8vo. cl Summer Cruise in the Mt^diterrnnean on board an American Frigate, by N. P. Willis. 12mo. cl. Gleanings; or. Sketches in a Pastor's Vacation, by Land (The), a Southern Story. 12mo. cl. Rev. John Todd. 12mo. cl. Rambles in the West, by Mrs. E. F. Ellet, 12mo. Stories of the South, by T. A. Richards. " and Winter of the Soul, by Rev. E. Neale. 16mo. Summerfield ; or Life on a Farm, by D. K. Lee. 12mo. cl. Sumner, Chas. White Slavery in the Barbary States. 12mo. Sunbeam, The, a Juvenile, cl Sunday Scliool Prayer Book for the Prot. Epis. Church, by Rev. C.W. Bolton. 18mo. " and Other Poems, by W. W. Tappan. l6mo. Sunderland, Lc Roy. Book of Human Nature, illustrating the Philosophy (new theory), of Instinct, Nutrition, Life, &c. 12mo. cl Sunlight through the Mist. 16mo. cl upon the Landscape, and Other Poems, by a Daughter of Kentucky. 12mo. Sunrise and Sunset, a True Tale, by Helen F. Parker. 16mo. cl. Sunshine in the Palace and Cottage ; or, Bright E.vtremes in Human Life, by L. B. .Urbino. 12mo. cl. of Greystone (The) ; a Story for Girls, by E. J. May. 12mo. cl. on Daily Paths ; or, the Revelation of Beauty and Wonder in Common Things. 12mo. cl. through the Clouds, by L. Lermont. 16mo. cl. Supersensual Life ; or, the Life which is above Sense, by J. Behman. 32mo. cl. Surrey (Earl). Poems. ISmo. cl. .... Surveyors' Guide, by A. Duncan. ISnio. cl. . . . Susan, the Fisherman's Daughter; or. Getting Along, by Caroline Chesebro. 12mo. cl Swallow-Barn ; or, a Sojourn in the Old Dominion, by J. P Kennedy. 12mo. cl. . ... Swan Maiden and Other Tales, by Nieritz. ISmo. cl. Sweet, Sam'l. Practical Elocution. 12mo. hf roan Sweethearts and Wives, by T. S. Arthur. 18mo. cl. Swell Life at Sea ; or, Fun, Frigates and Yachting, a Col lection of Nautical Yarns. 12mo. el. Swete, John (Rev.) Family Prayers. 16mo. el. . Swift, Jonathan. Poetical Works. 2 v. 18mo. cl. Swiss Family Robinson. 12mo. cl. . . . 2.5 Stringer <f- T. '.54 1 .50 Cfirler cf- liros. '.53 1 25 (J. Scrihner. '53 75 Applelon 4" Co. 80 Jlopkinf!, B. i^ Co. 1 00 J. C. Riker. '53 75 Lip'coU,G.<^Co:o3 75 M. W. Dfxld. '53 1 00 Miller, O. cf- M. 50 Jewett <f- Co. '53 50 J. P. Jncell cj- Co. J. H. Watsnn. '53 75 Munroe cf* Co. 1 00 Garrell cf- Co. '55 75 Stanford cf- .S'. '54 25 Moore cf- il./53 63 Derby 4- M. '53 75 Heath 4- G. '54 75 Appleton cf- Co. '54 1 25 Peck tf- Bliss. '54 63 Luermore if- Co. '53 31 M. W. Dodd. '50 75 Little, B.<^ Co. '54: 75 //. C. Baird. "54 1 25 J.C.Derhy4-Co:55 Putnam 4- Co. '51 Lip'incutt.G. 4* Co. ^[erriam, .V.4" Co. H. F. Annerx. Stringer 4- T. '54 Carter 4" Bros. '55 Little, B. 4- Co. '54 W. P. Hazard. . 1 50 50 . 1 00 50 . 1 00 60 . 1 50 1 00 52— '55.] S W I TA T 191 Swiss Family Robinson, l6mo, cl. .... Sequel to the above. IGoio. cl. . .... Swisshelm, Jane G. Letters to Country Girls. 12iuo. cl. Switzerland, History of, by 11. Zschokke. 12mo. cl. Sword and the Distall"; a Tale of the Revolution, by W. G. Simnis. 12mo. cl. ' Syriac Grammar. See Ulhmann. 84 Miller, 0. 4- M. 63 " 75 J. C. Riker. *53 1 00 Francis tj- Co. '55 I 25 Ijipcotf,a.<!^Co:53 T, Tacitus, The Germania and Agricola of, literally' translated, 12mo. pap . Tactics for Light Infantry and Riflemen, 12mo. cl. Tagheonic; or. Letters and Legends about our Summer Home, 12mo. cl Take Care of Number One ; or. The Adventures of Jacob Karl, by S. G. Goodrich, 18nio. cl Talbot, G. H., French Pronunciation Self-Taught, 12mo. Tale of a Tub, An Adventure in Venice, by F. W. N. Bay ley, 12mo. cl Tales Worth Telling, ISmo. cl for Winter Nights, ISmo. cl from Shakspeare, by Chas. and Mg,ry Lamb, r2mo. cl. of Humor, ISmo. cl. of Old Times, by G. Nieritz, 16mo. cl. of the Borders, and of Scotland, Historical, Tradition- ary, and Imaginative, by J. M. Wilson, 5 vols. cl. . of Romance, ISmo. cl. of the Festivals, ISmo. cl. of the Five Senses, by G. Griffin, ISmo. of the Southern Border, by C. W. Webber, Svo. cl. Talfourd, T. Noon, and Stephens, Jas., Critical and ]\Iiscel- laneous Essays, Svo. d. Talpa; or. The Chronicles of a Clay Farm, 12mo. cl. Talvi (Mrs. Edward Robinson), The E.viles, a Talc, 12mo. cl. Tanglewood Tales, for Girls and Boys, by N. Hawthorne, ]8mo. cl Tanning and Currying. See Morfit, C. Tappan, W. B., Poetry of Life, l8mo. cl. c.v. $1 ; cl. W. W., Sunday School, and other Poems, 16mo. el. Tarbell, J. A. (M. D.), Pocket Homd'opathist and Family Guide " " Sources of Health and Prevention of Disease .... Tasso, Tonjuato, Jerusalem Delivered, translated by Edward Fairfax, 12mo. cl. Tator, Henry H., Brother Jonathan's Cottage, a Temperance Novel, 12mo. cl 38 J.f^Z.Cijcliran.'bA 50 Courtenay(^(Jo.'5A 75 Redding 4- Cu. '52 30 Sheldon, L. <Sf B. G3 Ivison c\' I*. 38 J. Wiley. '54 50 C S. Fra 71c ist^Co. 50 Leary c^ Getz. 1 25 Phillips, S. tf- Co. 50 Leary cj- Getz. 63 Chas. Scoll. '54 10 00 Martin t!\- J. '54 50 Leary cj- O'elz. 38 Sadlierc\-('<>. '54 50 " 1 00 LipcoU,G.<^Co:b3 1 25 Phirps,s.i.s-Co.'b\ 75 DanJurthyU.i^Co. 1 00 Putnam tf- Co. '53 88 Ticknor tj- (,'0. '53 75 Andrus ijj- .Si(7i. 75 Munroe tf" ^'0. 25 0. Clapp. '4lt 50 " 1 1:5 IlLndersiini\-('ii.'54 75 F. Jl.trl. '51 l'J2 T A Y T i: M [am. cat. Tayler, C, M. (Rev.), Artliiir and liis Motluir; or, The Child (»f the Cluirch, l8mo. d. " " f.e<,'fnds and Records, 12mo. cl. » " ^feinorials of tlie English Martyrs, rJnio. cl. " " Thankfulness, a Narrative, comprising Passages from the Diary of Rev. Al- len Temple, 12mo. cl. . , " « Truth: or, Persis Clareton, a Narrative of Church History in the Seven- teenth Century, 12mo. cl. Bayard, Journey to Central Africa; or. Life .ind Landscape from Egypt to the Negro Ivingdoms of the White Nile, 12mo. c " Lands of the Saracens; or. Pictures of Pal- estine, Asia Minor, Sicily, and Spain, 12mo. cl . '• Poems of the Orient, 12mo. cl. Benj. F., January and June, being Out-Door Think- ings and Fire-Side Musings, 12rao. cl. C. B., Pictorial History of the United States, 8vo. ara E. E. L. (Rev.), The Christian Sanctuary, 18mo. Henry, Notes from Life, in seven Essays, 12mo. cl. Isaac (Rev.), Sciences in America, iSmo. cl. . Jane, Hymns for Infant Minds, scjuare, cl. . Jetlries, Young Islanders; or, School Boy Crusoes, 16mo. cl. ....... . Oliver A. (Rev.), Memoir of. By Rev. T. A. Tay- lor, 12mo. cl. V. C, Chime (The), a Collection of New and Old Tunes, including a Melodeon Instructor, oblong " Choral Anthems ' " Concordia (The), a New Collection of Glees, Quartettes, Trios, &c., oblong • " Golden Lyre, a Collection of Church Music Z. (Gen.), Life of. By H. Montgomery, 12mo. cl. Teacher (The) and the Parent, a Treatise on Common School Education. By Chas. Northend, 12mo. Teacher's Last Lesson, a Memoir of Martha Whiting. By Catharine N. Badger, 12mo. cl Tegg, Thos., Young ]\Ian's Book of Knowledge, 12mo. . Tell-Tale (The); or. Home Secrets. By H. Trusta (Mrs. Phelps), iSmo. cl Temperance Lyre, a Collection of Temperance Songs adapted to Popular Melodies. By Mrs. Dana 38 ir, Htanfitrd cj- .S. .S. cf- Swiml. '54 1 00 Harper tSp Bros. ".5.3 7.5 Stanford <^ S. Ifi S. 4- Swords. '53 I. . 1 50 Putnam tf- Co. '54 1 25 '• '54 75 Ticknor cf- F. '54 1 00 S. Heuslon. '53 2 50 Learij tf- Getz. 25 E. II. Fletcher. '53 63 Ticknor <^ Co. '53 31 A ndrns <|* Son. 40 Carter cji- Bros. 75 1 25 88 1 00 25 88 1 00 1 00 1 00 Francis cf- Co. '54 Tappan cf- W. '53 D.Burgess<Sc Co.54 '52 Miller, O. cjr M 1 00 Jenks, II. c|- S. '53 Gould cf- L. "55 Leary cf- G. 50 PAi7/j>s,"53 13 Ivison cf- P. 1852—55.] T E M T It \ 193 Temperance Tales and Hearth-Stone Reveries. By T. W. Brown, 12mo. el. .... . Tempest and Sunshine ; or, Life in Kentucky. By Mrs. ]M. J. Holmes, 12mo. cl Templeton, Wm., Practical Examinator on Steam and the Steam-Engine, I6mo. cl. Templi Carmina, a Collection of Church Music. By Geo. Kingsley, oblong ...... Ten Nights in a Bar-Room, and what I saw there. By T. S. Arthur, 12mo. cl. Tender Grass for Little Lambs. By Rev. C. VV. Bolton, square, cl. ....... . Tennessee, History of. By Carpenter & Arthur, iSmo. cl. Annals of, from 1769 to the Year 1800. By J. G. M. Ramsey, 8vo. cl Tennessean Abroad ; or, Letters from Europe, Africa, and Asia. By R. W. MacGavick, 12mo. cl. Tent (The) and the Altar; or, Sketches from Patriarchal Life. By Rev. John Gumming, 12mo. cl. Teste, A. (M. D.), Homoeopathic Materia Medica . Testimony of the Poets (The), 12mo. cl Texas, Fiscal History of — See Gouge, W. M. Text-Book of the Constitution of the United States, 12mo. Thacher, Jas., Military Journal during the American Revol- utionary War, from 1775 to 1783, 8vo. cl. . Thackeray, W. M., Book of Snobs, 18mo. cl, . " Confessions of Fitz Boodle, 18mo. cl. " Doctor Birch and his Young Friends, square, fancy boards " English Humorists (The), of the Eight- eenth Century (a Series of Lectures), 12mo. cl. " Henry Esmond, 8vo. pap. " Jeames's Diary, a Legend of the Rhino, and Rebecca and Rovvcna, 16mo. cl. " Luck of Barry Lyndon, a Romance of the Last Century, 2 vols. 16mo. " Mr. Brown's Letters to a Young Man about Town, 16mo. cl. " Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo, 12mo. cl. . " Punch's Prize Novelists, The Fat Contri- butor, and Travels in London, 18iao. '' Rose (The) and the Ring, a Fireside Pantomine for Great and Small Child- ren, small 4to. cl. " Shabby Genteel Story, and other Tales, l8mo. cl.- ..... 25 1 26 Miller, O. cf- M 1 00 Applelon d^- Co. '54 75 H. ('. Baud. '53 75 Hopkins 4- Co. '53 75 Lip'cotl.G.iSfCo.'bA 50 Carter tf- Bros. '54 50 Lip''incott,G.<^Co. 3 00 Lip'coU,G.<^Co.''bZ 1 00 J. .S. Redfield. '54 75 Jewell <!f Co. '54 2 50 W. Radde. 1 00 Mussey 4- Co. '54 75 Child f 4- P. 2 25 50 50 75 Andru.'^ c^ Son. Applekm cjf- Co '52 '52 1 00 Harper cf- Brof. '63 50 » 50 Appleton <J- Co. '63 1 00 ■53 50 •53 50 J. C. Riker. '64 50 Applrlntl cf- Co. '53 • (1 75 Harper <Sj- Bros. '54 50 Appleton 4- Co. '62 194 7' // A T II O [am. cat. 60 T. If. Peterson. . 75 Ticknor cf- Co. '53 Thackeray, W. M., Sketches in Ireland, pap. Thalatta, a iiook for the Sea-Side, 12mo. cl. Thankfulness, a Narrative comprising Passages from the Diary of Rev. Allen Temple. By Rev. C. B. Tay- ler, 12mo. el. Thayer, A. D. (Rev.), Manual for Sponsors, 16mo. cl. . W. M. (Rev.), Hints for the Household; or, Family Counsellor, 12mo. cl. . « Pastor's Wedding Gift, 12mo. cl. " Spots in our Feasts of Charity, 16mo. 50 Theatrical Journey Work (The) and Anecdotical Recollec- tions of Sol. Smith, 12mo. pap Theological Sketch-Book ; or. Sketches of Sermons, from Simeon's Skeletons of Sermons, Pulpit Assistant, Benson's Plans, Preacher, Pulpit, &c , 2 vols. 8vo. cl. Theory of Politics. By Richard Hildreth, 12mo. cl. Thesaurus of English Words. By P. M. Roget, 12mo. cl. Thierry, J. N., Historical Essays and Narratives of the Mero- vingian Era, 8vo. cl. 1 50 Thiers, Louis A., Consulate and Empire of Napoleon, 2 vols. 8vo. cl • " • French Revolution, 4 vols. cl. Things as they are in America. By W. Chambers, 12mo. cl. to be Thought of. Addressed to the Young, ISmo. Thinker, The, a Moral Reader. By J. B. Burleigh, 12mo. 75 Stanford <Sf S. 31 Ep. S.S.Union. '53 75 Jewett <Sf Co. '53 75 " '64 '54 50 T. B. Peterson '64 3 00 75 1 50 3 00 5 00 1 25 25 25 34 1 00 Thinks I to Myself, 32mo. r This, That, and the Other. By Ellen L. Chandler, 12mo. cl. -Tholuck, F. A. O., Guido and Julius, the Doctrine of Sin and the Propitiator ; or, the True Con- secration of the Doubter, 12mo. cl. 60 " Hours of Christian Devotion, 12mo. cl. 60 Thomas, Caroline, Farmingdale, a Novel, 12mo. cl. . 1 00 F. W. John Randolph, of Roanoke, and other Sketches of Character, together with Tales of Real Life, 12mo. cl. . . . . . 1 25 J. (M. D.), Travels in Egypt and Palestine, 12mo. 63 • Jacob (Missionary to Assam), Memoir of. By Mrs. Harris, iSmo. cl 40 J. J., American Fruit Culturist, 12mo. cl. . . 1 25 " Farm Implements, and the Principles of their Construction and Use, 12mo. cl. . . 1 00 Thompson, A. C, Better Land ; or, the Believer's Journey and Future Home, 12mo. cl. . . . 85 John L., History of the Wars of the United States, from the earliest Colonial Times to the close of the Me.xican War, 8vo. . . . 2 50 . J. P., Egypt, Past and Present, 12mo. ej. . 1 00 " Stray Meditations, 12mo. . . 75 Carter cf- Bros. Harper cf- Bros. '53 Gould <f- L. '54 //. C. Baird. Lip'incott, G. df Co. Appleton iSJc Co. Lipott,G.<!^Co. '54 A.D.F.Rand'ph.'54: Lip'incott ■,&.<!(• Co. Leary <^ G. PVlips,S.<!i-Co.54 Gould, <f- L. 54 Carter <^ Bros. '54 Appleton cf- Co. '54 Parry cf- McM. Lipott,G.<^Co.'bZ E. H. Fletcher. Miller, O. <f- M. Harper cf- Bros. '64 Gould cf- L. '54 Lip'colt,G.<!^Co.'54 Jeicett cf- Co. '54 A.S Barnes*^ Co. 1852—55.] THO THR 195 Thompson, T. (M. D.), Clinical Lectures on Pulmonary Con sumption, 8vo. cl. .... T. B., Facts for the People, relating to Teeth 12mo. Thomson, A. T., Conspectus of the London, Edinburgh and Dublin Pharmacopceia, 12mo. Jas., Poetical Works, 2 vols. ISmo. cl. . . " The Seasons, with Notes, by Prof. Boyd school edition, 12mo. " The same, Svo. illustrated, cl. . .T. B., Arithmetical Analysis ; or, Higher Mental Arithmetic, 16mo " Elements of Algebra, 12mo. " " Geometry, 12mo. S. (M. D.), Dictionary of Domestic Medicine and Household Surgery, with additions, by H. H. Smith, Svo Thoreau, H. D., Walden ; or, Life in the Woods, 12mo. cl. Thorn Cottage ; or, The Poet's Home, a Memorial of F. Knight, E.«q., of Rowley, Mass. 12mo. Thornton, John W., The Landing at Cape Anne; or, The Charter of the first permanent Colony on the Terri- tory of the Massachusetts Company ; now discovered, and first published from the Original Manuscript, with an inquiry into its authority, and a History of the Colony 1624,1628; Roger Conant, Governor, Svo. cl Thornwell, J. H. (Rev.), Discourses on Truth, 12mo. cl. Thorpe, T. B., Hive of the Bee-Hunter, a Repository of Sketches, 12mo. cl. . " Our Army on the Rio Grande, 12mo. cl. " " " at Monterey, 12mo. cl. . Thought Blossom (The), A Memento, by N. P. Willis, small 4to. cl Book of the Wise Spirits of all Ages, 16nio. cl. Thoughts for the Afflicted, 12mo. cl. . . . . on the Education of Girls, by Mrs. Anna. C. Lowell, 18mo. — to Help and to Cheer, by (Miss Guild), 16mo. cl. " " " " second scries, 12mo. cl. . and Stories on Tobacco, for American Ladsi 24mo. and Things at Home and Abroad, by Elihu Bur- ■ ritt, 12mo. cl. Thousand and One Phantoms, by Alex. Dumas, pap. Three Darlings (The); or, The Children of Adoption, 18mo. cl. ....... ■ Experiments of Living, a Tale, 32mo. gt. cdgs. . 1 25 1 50 1 00 1 00 63 63 5 00 67 75 25 63 63 Lindsay cf- R. '54 Mussey <f- Co. '54 1 25 S. S. 4- W. Wood. 1 50 Little, Co. '54 1 00 A. S. Barnes dj;- Co. 2 50 u 25 Ivison cj- P. '64 84 Durrie cf- P. 84 u 1 *75 Lip\o!t,G.4-Co.'53 1 00 Tichior cf Co. '54 Crocker cf- B. "55 Gould cf- L. '55 Carter 4" Bros. '54 Applet 071 4" Co. '54 //. C. Baird. Lea I it t 4* -4. '54 Mitnroe 4* Co. Miller, 0. 4- M. 'licknor 4- Co. '53 Cros6y,A'. 4- Co. '63 '55 38 /,;rcn7iore4- Co. '52 1 00 /Vm7/i>s,.S.4-Co.'54 50 Stringer 4- T. 25 Am.F.Guar.So.'54 25 Appleton 4" Co. 196 r II li T O R [am. cat. Three Great Temptations (The) of Young Men, with seve- ral Lectures Addressed to Business and Profession- al Men, by S. VV. Fisher, 8vo. cl. Guardsmen, by Dumas, pap "75 Months under the Snow. By J. .1. Porchat, 16mo. cl. 30 Tales, Christine Van Amberg, Resignation, and The Village Doctor. By the Counte.s8 D'Arbouville, 12mo. el 75 Years After, a Sequel to Mysteries and Miseries of New York. By Ned Buntline, pap. . . . 50 Thrilling Adventures by Land and Sea. Edited by J. O. Brayman, 12rao. cl. 1 25 Tickell, Poem.s, 16mo. cl 75 Ticknor, H., Columbian Calculator . . . . net 20 " Mensuration net 38 " Key to the above . . . . net 45 " Youth's Columbian Calculator . . net 13 " Key to Columbian and Youth's Calculator, Tiet 38 Ticonderoga ; or, the Black Eagle, a Romance. By G. P. R. James, 8vo. pap Tilt, E. J. (M. D.), Elements of Health and Princples of Female Hygiene, 1 25 Timbrel of Zion. By T. K. Collins, Jr. . . net 60 Timid Lucy, 16mo. cl 63 " 18mo. hf. r 38 Tip-Top ; or, a Noble Aim, a Book for Boys and Girls. By Mrs. L. C. Tuthill, l8mo. el 63 Todd, John (Rev.), Daughter at School, a Companion for "Students' Manual," 12mo. cl. . 85 " Lectures to Children. New illustrated edition, 16mo. cl 67 " Lost Sister of Wyoming, 18mo. cl. 42 " Stories Illustrating the Shorter Cate- chism, 2 vols. l8mo. cl. . each 63 " Summer Gleanings, 12mo. el. . . 80 Todd's Johnson's Walker's Dictionary,' 8vo. shp. . . 2 50 Toliver, E., Our Folks at Home ; or. Life at the Old Manor House, 16mo. cl 75 Tolon, M. T., Elementary Spanish Reader and Translator, 12mo 63 Tom Burke of Ours. By Chas. Lever, pap. 50c. ; cl. . 1 00 Crosbie and his Friends, by Saml. Lover, 8vo. pap. 60 Tomes, John, Dental Physiology and Surgery, a Course of Lectures, 8vo. shp 3 50 Tongue of Time ; or, the Language of a Church Clock. By Rev. W. Harrison, 18mo. cl 40 Tony the Sleepless, with other Tales. By Mad. Chate- laine, cl 50 Tor Hill. By Albert Smith, pap 50 Moore «Sc A. '52 //. Long dc Dm. Carter cf-iJrws.'GS. Harper <Sf Bros. '63 Garrett 6f Co. Miller, 0.<^ M. Boston. '54 Lippincott, G. <$• Co. 50 Harper cj* Bros.'oi Lindsay cf* J5. '53 T. K. Collins, Jr. Ep. S. S. Union. C. Scrihner. '53 Hopkins, B. cf Co. Coiop'wa it, D. df B. Henderson<SfCo.''b'^ Appleton cf- Co. '52 T. B. Peterson. A. Burke. '55 Lindscty 4- B. '53 .4. D. Randolph. Croshy,N.<^Co. '52 Stringer cj- T. 1852—55.] O T TR A 197 Totemwell. By Geo. Payson, 12mo. cl. ... Touchstone of Character (The). By F. E. Chassay, 12mo. Toussaint, Pierrie (Born a Slave in St. Domingo), Memoir of. By Mrs. Lee, 12mo. cl Toussenel, A,, Passional Zoology ; or, Spirit of the Beasts of France, 12mo. Tower of London, by W. H. Ainsworth. 8vo. pap., $1 ; cl. Tower, D. B. First Reader, " Second " " Third « " Fourth " " Fifth " . .... . " Sixth " " Elements, First Lessons in Language ; or, Elements of English Grammar, " First Step; or. Exercises in Articulation, " Gradual Lessons in English Grammar, " Gradual Speller and Complete Enunciator. 12mo. fine edition, .... The same, cheap edition, ..... " Intellectual Algebra, .... " " " (Key to) . " Intermediate Reader, .... Town and Country ; or. Life at Home and Abroad, With- out and Within, by J. S. Adams. 12mo. cl. Townsend, Chas. E. Mechanical Zodiac — Designed to Il- lustrate the Motion of the Earth, the Apparent Movement of the Sun among the Constella- tions of the Zodiac and other Heavenly Bodies. 4to., .... ... Elizabeth W. White Dove and Other Poems for Children. 16mo. cl. .... Narrative of the Battle of Brandywine, with illus- trative Documents. Svo. cl. .... Traces of the Roman and the Moor ; or. Twice Trodden Tracks through Lombardy and Spain. 12mo. cl. Tracy, S. (M. D.) The Mother and Her OtTspring. 12ino. Traditions of De-Coo-Dah. See Pidgeon, Wm. Tragedy of the Seas ; or, Sorrows of the Ocean. 12mo. ol. Traill, C. P. (Miss). The Canadian Crusocs. iSmo. cl. Trail, R. T. (M. D.) New Hydropathic Cook Book. 12mo. " " Treatise on Uterine Diaea-ses and Displacements. 12mo., colored, $5 ; plain Transactions of the National Eclectic Medical Association fur 1852. Svo. pap. Translators Revived, a Biographical Memoir of the Authors of the English Version of the Holy Bible, by A. W. McClure. 12mo. cl. Travellers' Vade Mecum. See Baldwin, A. C. Travels of Orlando. 12mo. cl. ..... 1 25 J. C. Riker. '54 ^T. Cozans. '53 50 Crosfry,iV. cf- Co. '53 1 ou Fuiclers if- IV. '52 1 50 T. B. Peterson. 14 D. B irgess cj- Co. 25 t( 34 " 50 u 63 " 84 <i 25 " 13 t( 5G " 17 .' 13 " 42 " 42 l( 25 " 1 GO J. B, If urn. '54 1 00 D. Burgess tf- Co. 50 J. C. Derby. '54 1 50 //. ('. BairJ. 1 25 Sheldon,L.i^Co:bA 1 00 Iltrper i|- Bros. '53 75 Leurij 4'- Cietz. 75 Francis tf* Co. '52 75 Fowlers cf- \V. '54 3 00 '.55 G3 F. Darrow. '62 75 C. Scrifmer. '53 1 00 C.S.Francis^- Co. 198 T R i: T V C [am. cat. Treasures in Song and Story from Aunt Mary's Portfolio. 16mo. cl. .....'.. Treasury of Pleasure Books — Old Nursery Tales. 12mo. Trench, R. C. (Rev.) English ; Past and Present. 12mo. " Full Proof of the Ministry. l6mo. cl. " Lessons in Proverbs. 12mo. cl. " Star of the Wise Men, . " . Synonyms of the New Testament. 12mo. cl. .... " The Fitness of Holy Scripture for Unfolding the Spiritual Life of Men, being the Hulaean Lectures for 1845 and 1846. 12mo. cl. Tri-colored Sketches in Paris, during the Years l85l-'2-'3, with illustrations. 12mo. cl. . Trials of a Mind in its Progress to Catholicism, by L. S. Ives. 12mo. cl of a Needle- Woman, by T. S. Arthur, pap. and Confessions of an American Housekeeper. 12mo. Tried and Tempted, by T. S. Arthur. 18mo. cl, . Trinitarian Principles (The) ; or, Law^ of Tri-Personality, 12mo. cl. Tripp, Alonzo, Crests from the Ocean W^orld; or. Experi- ence in a Voyage to Europe, principally in France, Belgium, and England, in 1847-48, 12mo. cl. Triumphs of Industry (The), illustrated by the Life of Ad- am Clark, LL. D., l8mo. cl. ... (The) of Perseverance and Enterprise, 16mo. cl. Trollope, Mrs. Charles Chesterfield, pap Troubat, F. J., The Law of Commandatory and Limited Partnership in the United States, 8vo. Troy (State of New York), Reminiscences of, from its Set- tlement in 1790 to 1807, by John Woodworth, 8vo. True Spiritual Illumination, by J. Behmen, S2mo. cl. Truth ; or, Persis Clareton, a Narrative of Church History, by Rev. C. B. Tayler, 12mo. cl Tschudi, J. J., Travels in Peru, 12mo. cl. ... Tubber Derg ; or, The Red Well, and other Tales of Irish Life, by Wm. Carleton, 16mo. cl Tucker, Abraham, Lights of Nature Pursued, 4 vols, in 2, 8vo. cl. Beverly, on the Science of Goverhment, a series of Lectures on the Constitution of the United States H. St. George, Lectures on Constitutional Law, 12mo. cl. .... " " Lectures on Natural Law and Go- vernment, 12mo. cl. (Miss), Abbeokuta, an Outline of the Origin and Progress of the Yoruba Mission, 18mo. cl. 63 Cro.%,iV.4-Cfl.'53 75 W. P. Hazard. 75 J. S. RedfieU. '55 75 '65 50 '53 38 //. Hooker. 75 J. S. RpJfieU. '54 75 H. Hooker. '54 1 25 Harper cj- Bros. '55 50 Sadlkr 4- Co. '54 50 T. B. Peterson. 1 00 L.ipcoti,G.4-Co:5'l 38 Lip'incutt^G.c^ Co. 75 J. P. Jewell cf- Co. 1 25 Tappan cf- W. '53 43 88 50 Am. S. S. Union. Evans <|- 7). '54 Stringer <f- T. 5 00 Kay,Jr.<^Bro. '53 25 J. Munsell. '53 31 M. W. Dodd. '50 75 Stanford <f- iS. '53 1 00 Barnes cf Co. '54 50 Sadlipr cf- Co. '54 5 00 Munroe <Sf Co. 1 50 A. Morris. 75 J. TV. Randolph. 75 75 Carter cf- Bros. '53 1852—55.] T U C T WE 199 Tuckerman, Henry T., A Month in England, 12mo. cl. " Memorial of Horatio Greenough, con- sisting of a Memoir, Selections from his Writings, &c., 12mo. cl. Tuner's Guide, a Treatise on Tuning the Piano Forte, Organ, Melodeon, and Seraphine, 12mo. .... Tapper, M. F., Poetical Works, 12mo. cl. ... " Proverbial Philosophy, r2mo. cl. " Proverbial Philosophy and Poetical Works, 2 vols, in 1, small 8vo. cl. ... " Proverbial Philosophy and Thousand Lines, 16mo. cl. ex. $1 25; cl. Turkey and the Turks, by J. V. C. Smith, 12mo. cl. " Greece, Picturesque Sketches of, by De Vere, 12mo. cl Turkish Captive, a Novel, by Louis F. Lehmanowsky, 12mo. Empire, Historical, Statistical, and Religious Con- dition of, &c. iS'ee De Besse, A. Turks, A Year with. See Smyth, W. W. Turnbull, L. (M. D.), Electro-Magnetic Telegraph, with an Historical Account of its Rise, Progress, and Present Condition, 8vo. cl. .... R. (Rev.), Christ in History; or. The Central Power Among Men, 12mo. cl. " '• Genius of Scotland; or. Sketches of Scottish Scenery, Literature, and Religion, 12mo. cl. ... " " Pulpit Orators of France and Switzer- land, 12mo. cl Turner, O., The Phelps and Gorman Purchase, to which is added a Supplement, containing the History of On- tario^ Wayne, Livingston, Yates, and Alleghany Coun- ties, 8vo. cl S. H. (Rev.), Scripture Prophecy, 12ino. cl. . " The Ej)istle to the Hebrews in Greek and English, with an Analysis and E.xegetical Commentary, 8vo. cl Turney, Edmund (Rev.), Scriptnral Law of Baptism, 12mo. Turnover, a Tale of New Hampshire, 8vo. pap. 'J'usculan Disputations. By M. T. Cicero, a Literal Trans- lation, 8vo. pap Tustin, S. (Rev.), Doubting Christian Encouraged, 24 mo. cl. Tuthill, L. C. (Mrs.), Beautiful Bertha, 16mo. cl. . • " Queer Bonnets ; or. Truthfulness and Generosity, a Book for Girls, 18mo. " Tip-Top : or, a Noble Aim, a Book for Boys and Girls, 18mo. cl. Tweedie, W. K. (Rev.), Glad Tidings; or, the Gospel of Peace, 16mo. cl. . 75 J. S. Redjkld. '53 75 Putnam cf- Co. '53 38 1 25 1 00 2 00 75 75 1 00 50 2 00 1 25 1 00 1 00 2 00 75 1 25 50 31 75 38 63 03 (53 63 O. Dilson. '52 Miller, O. <;$- 3/. E. Da trow. J. Frenchf^Cn. '54 Parry ^ McM. A. Hart. '53 Parry tf- McM. Ph:iips,S.iSfCo.''bi Carter tSf- Bros. Miller, O. cj- M. Slajijurd <f- S. '52 /;. //. Fletcher. J. French. '53 G. Thtjmpson. '53 L ipp i ncot /, G . <J- Co. r. Scribner. '54 '53 '53 Gould cf- L. '54 20n T W E T Y I' Tweedic, W. K. (Rev.) Ljuni) to tlie Path ; or, the Bible in till) Heart, the Home and the Market Place, 12mo. cl. . . 63 " Seed-Time and Harvest ; or, Sow Weil and Reap Well, IfJmo. cl. «3 Twelve Years a Slave, Narrative of Solomon Northup, Kid- napped ia 184l, and Rescued in 1853, 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Twenty Pictures from Switzerland. By Rev. C. Malan, ISmo. cl 50 Twenty Years in the Philippines. By Paul P. Gironiere, 12mo. cl 1 00 Twilight Dreams and Moments of Solitude. By N. C. Free- man, 12mo. Twin Brothers. By E. F. Roberts, pap 25 Sisters (The), a Brief Memoir of Little Amelia, iBnio. 18 Twins (The); or, Conversations on the Importance of the Office of the Ruling Elder. By the Author of "Why am I Presbyterian?" 16mo. . . . 31 The ; or, the Dales in Newport. By Leila Lee, 16mo. 50 Two Dianas, The. Alex. Duma'^, pap. . . . . 75 Eras of France; or, True Stories from History. By H. Normand, 12mo. cl 1 00 Fathers, The, a Romance from the Spanish. By A. Calpe, 3 vols, cl 2 25 Loves, The, pap 25 Merchants (The) ; or. Solvent and Insolvent. By T. S. Arthur, 8vo. pap 25 Roads (The) ; or, the Right and the Wrong. By Jas. Knorr, 12mo. cl 1 00 Sisters (The); or. Principle and Practice, 12mo. cl. . 75 Wives (The) ; or. Lost and Won. By f . S. Arthur, ISmo. cl 38 Tyler, Satnl., Discourse oa the Baconian Philosophy, 12mo. 1 00 W. S., Prayer for Colleges, a Premium Essay, 12mo. 50 Tyndale, Wm. (The Martyr), Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ 1 25 Tyng, S. H. (Rev.), Christian Titles, 16mo. cl. . . . 75 " Rich Kinsman (The), The History of Ruth the Moabitess, 16mo. cl. . 1 00 Tytler, Ann F., Leila at Home, 18mo. cl 75 — " Leila in England, l8mo. cl. . . . 75 " Leila; or, the Island, 16mo. cl. . . . 75 Types of Mankind; or. Ethnological Researches, Based upon the Ancient Monuments, Paintings, Sculp- tures, and Crania of Races, and upon their Natural, Geo- graphical, and Pliilological and- Biblical History, illus- trated by selections from the inedited papei-s of Samuel G. Morton, M. D., and by additioual contributions by Agassiz, Usher, and Patterson. By J. C. Nott, M. D., and Geo. R. Gliddon, 4to. $7 60; 8vo. cl. . . 5 00 Gould 4- L. '54 MUler, O. <^ M. ('artfr 6f Bros. '54 Harjier df Bro:.. '54 Lindsay <$• B. '63 Stringer cj- T. A m. >V. »S'. Union, '52 W. S. Martien. '54 A. D. Randolph/b-k Stringer tf- T. Alden, B. cf- Co.'64 Stringer cj- T. T. B. Peterson. '53 Lip'coU,G.4-Co.'bA Stanford <$• S. '54 Liiipintutt,G. c^ Co. C. Scribner. M. W. Dodd. '55 Ivison tf- P. Carter cj- Bros. '55 Francis df Co. '53 '53 '63 Lip'ott^G.i^Co.'U 1852—55. T Y P V V F 201 Typographia ; or, The Printer's lastriictor, by Thos. F. Ad- ams, 12mo. cl. . 1 25 Peck \ li '31 u. Ugly Duck, and other Tales, by Hans Andersen, 18mo, cl. Effie ; or. The Neglected One and the Pet Beauty, by C. L. Hentz, Svo. pap. ..... Uhltnann's Syriac Grammar, translated from the German, by E. Hutchinson, with a Course of E.xercises and a Chrestomathy, and brief Lexicon, Svo. Uncle Ben's New Year's Gift, by T. S. Arthur, 18mo. cl. . Jerry's Letters to Young Mothers, by Ann E. Porter, 16mo. John's Games and Sports, 18mo. hf cl. . " New Pictorial Alphabet, iSmo. hf. cl. " Panorama of America, " " . . " " Europe, " " . . " Picture Alphabet, " '• . . " Stories of Animals, " " . . ■ Robin in his Cabin in Virginia, and Tom Without One in Boston, by J. W. Page, 12mo. cl. . Sam's Emancipation, by Mrs. H. B. Stowe, 12mo. pap. 25c. ; cl " Farm Fence, by A. D. Milne, 12mo. cl. ^- Palace; or, The Reigning King, by Emma Wellmont, 12mo. cl Tom at Home, a Review of the Reviewers and Re- pudiators of '' Uncle Tom's ('abin, by Mrs. Stowe," by F. C. Adams 12mo. pap. 38e.; cl. in Kngland ; or, A Proof that Black's White, Svo. Cabin, by Mrs. H. B. Stowe, illustrated, Svo. cl. ex. The same, Svo. pap As It Is, by W. L. G. Smith, 12nio. cl. " in Ruins, In a series of Letters to Mrs. H. B. Stowe, IGino. pap. '' ■• contrasted with Buckingham Hall, by R. Criswell, 12mo. .... Underground Mail- Agent, by Vidi, 12mo. cl. . Underbill, E. B., Struggles and Triumphs of Religious Lil>- erty from the English Reformation to the Settlement of New England, 12ino. cl Undine and Siutram, by Fouque, 12mo. cl. Undying One, and other Poems, by Hon. Mrs. .Norton, ]2ino. cl. c.\. .$1 25; cl Unfortunate Maid (The) ; or. The Miser's Fate, pap. 26 3S C iS. Francis iSf Co. 50 T H. Peterson. '63 3 50 Appleton 4- Co. '55 3S Lippincolt,G.<ScCo. Jewett <Sf Co. '54 25 Henderson die Co. 25 " 25 '• 25 " 25 " 25 11 1 on ./. \\ .Randidph.'b'i 38 75 W. P. Hazard. '53 C Shepard<^ Cn.'bA 1 00 Musscy 4" Co. '53 50 U . /'. Hazard. 53 25 Failiu<r cji'- Co. '52 3 50 Jewelt t^ ( '((. '52 38 '52 1 25 7'. li. Pi'lrrson. 25 l\ Watlr. "53 ti3 D. Faiiahaw. 52 75 /w7</j't>//,rf'if-Co.'53 75 shridou, I.. iV n. (1 75 W. /'. Hazard. 51 1 00 Franci.s «.^ Co. '54 i) 25 Diicitl cf- D. 202 (/ A' a V A I [am. cat. Ungewitter, F. 11., Europe, I' and I'rescnt, a Comprehen- sive Manual of European Geography and History, 12mo 2 00 names <Sp Co. '54 United States Dispensatory, by Wood and Bache, tenth ed. 8vo. shp. 7i«/ 4 75 Lipjnncoll,G.<^Co. " Dissector, by Horner and Smith, fifth edition, 8vo. Tie; 1 60 " " History of, for Schools, by E. Guernsey, 12mo. 70 D. Burgess <^ Co. " " by John Lord, 12mo. . . . 1 00 Thomas C.<S^Co'b^ " Pictorial History of, by C. B. Taylor. 8vo. 2 50 Leary <^ Gelz. '• " " for Primary Schools, by Booth, 50 " " Practical Receipt Book, containing many Thousand valuable Receipts in all the Use- ful and Domestic Arts, by a Practical Chemist. 12mo. 75 Lindsay cf- B. '49 Universal Library of Literature and Illustrated Mirror of the World, royal 8vo. cl 3 50 Phillips, S. tf- Co. Universe (The) No Desert; The Earth No Monopoly ; pre- ceded by a Scientific Exposition of the Unity of Plan in Creation. 12mo. Munroe (Sf Co. '54 University Drawing Book. See Field, Thos. W. Up the River, by F. W. Shelton. 12mo. cl. . . 125 C. Scribner. 'bZ Upham, Thos. C. (Rev.) Religious Maxims, having a Con- nection with the Doctrines and Practice of Holiness. 16mo 38 \V. S. Martien. "54 Upper Ten Thousand (The). Sketches of American Soci- ety, by C. A. Bristed. 12mo 75 Stringer cf T. Upsher, Abel (Judge). Inquiry into the Nature and Char- acter of our Federal Government. 8vo. bds. . 75 J. Woodhouse<!Ji-Co. Urbino, L. B. Sunshine in the Palace and Cottage ; or, Bright Extremes in Human Life. 12mo. 75 Heath 6f G. '54 " Village Teacher ; or, Miss Kate. 18mo. 19 " Ursinus, Z. Commentary on the Heidleberg Catechism, from the Original Latin, by the Rev. G. W. Hilliard. 8vo. pp. 659, Scott cf- Bascam. Use of Sunshine (The), by S. M. Author of Maiden Aunt. 12mo. cl 75 Appleton cf- Co. Useful (The), and The Beautiful ; or. Domestic and Moral Duties necessary to Social Happiness. Squared. 50 Lip'olf,G.(^ Co.'di Uses of Adversity and the Provisions of Consolation, by Rev. H. Hooker. 18mo. cl 30 Carter cf- Bros. Utah and the Mormons. See Ferris, B. G. V. Vail, S. M. (Rev.) Ministerial Education in the Methodist Epis. Church. 12mo. cl. J. P. Mayer. '53 1852—55.] V A L V IL 908 Valentine, D. T. History of the City of New York. 8vo. " Manual of the Corporation of the City of New York. 12mo. cl. .... D. W. (Dr.) Comic Lectures. 12mo. pap., 50c.: el " and Yankee Hill's Metamorphoses. l2mo. pap., 50c.; cl Valeria, a Novel, by Capt. iMarryat. pap Valley Farm (The) ; or, the Autobiography of an Orphan. pap. ... Valley of the Mississippi, History of. By A. M. Hart. 12mo. cl. Valman, K. Amadeus ; or, A Night with the Spirit. ISrao. Valpy, F. Greek Grammar. 12mo. . . . net Van Doren, VV. H. Mercantile Morals ; or. Thoughts for Young Men entering Mercantile Life. 16mo. cl. Santvoord, Geo. Sketches of the Lives and Judicial Services of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. Svo. cl. .... Vane, C. VV., Story of the Peninsular War, 12mo. cl. Vannier'a French Pronunciation and >Spelling, 16mo. Vara; or, the Child of Adoption, 12mo. cl. Varden, T. J. (M. D.), Medical Companion. Second series, Svo. cl " Rational Religion and Morals, Svo. Vasconselos, a Romance of the New World. By Frank Cooper, 12mo. cl. ...... . Vathek, an Arabian Tale. By Wm. Beckford, 12mo. cl. Vaughan, S. A. (Mrs.), Speller, Reader and Definer, No. 1 (( « i( <i 2 « « " " 3 V^enetia ; or. Lord Byron and his Daughter. By B. D'Israeli, Svo. pap. Venice, The City of the Sea— See Flagg, E. Vere, Scheie De, Grammar of the Spanish Language, 12n]o. Vermont, History of. By W. H. Carpenter &- T. S. Arthur, ISmo. cl Very Little Tales for Very Little Children. 2 Series, each Little Verses for Very Little People, sq. cl. Vestige.s of Natural History of Creation, Svo. pap. Victim of Excitement, The Bosom Serpent, &.f.. Sec. By Caroline L. Hentz, Vlmo. pap. 50c.; cl. . Victim's Revenge. By N. M. Curtiss, pap. Victims of Amusement. By Martha Clark, cl. Vidal, A., Treatise on Venereal Disease,-*. Edited by G. C. Biackman, M. D., Svo. cl Village Church Yard, ISmo. cl. ..... Life in Egypt, with Sketches of the Said. By B. St. John, 2 vols. 12mo. cl 2 00 2 00 75 75 r,Q 25 Putnam tf- Co. '.'54 A uthor, N. Y. '54 Garrett tj- Co. (( 7'. B. Peterson. 88 Muore (Xf A. '53 60 C. Scrilmcr. '63 50 Lip'inrott,(r. cf- Cn. S8 C. Scribner. '52 2 25 '54 90 Harper <^ Bros. 45 Lockuond df Son. 1 00 Carter <^- Bros. '54 2 00 Author, y. Y. "52 3 00 '52 1 25 J. S. RedfielJ. '53 75 //. C. Baird. '54 13 J. W. Randolph. 19 " 25 11 38 " 50 7'. n. Peterson. '54 1 00 AppUtondf Co '54 5(t IAp\,lt,C!.i.\-Co. '53 38 Carter t^ Bros. 38 W. P. Hazard. 60 J. A.iSV.James.'b^ 75 Parry 4- M M. 25 iiarrvit tj- Co. 38 T. B. Peterson. 5 00 S. cf- U". Wood. '54 40 Carter <f Bros. '65 1 25 Ticknor 4- Co '53 204 VI I. V I V [am cat. Villugo Observer, ISmo. cl. Pastor, 18ino. cl. Queen ; or, Summer in the Country. 15y Tlios. Miller, small 4to. cl. ex Teacher; or, Miss Kate. By L. B. Urbino, 18mo. Villette. By Currer Bell, 8vo. pap. 50c. ; 12mo. cl. Villoslada, F. N., Dona Blanca of Navarro, an Historical Romance, 12ni(). cl Vincent, John, The Pretty Plate. Illustrated by Darley, ISmo. el Vinema's Institutes of Theology. Translated ])y Rev. A. W. Brown, Svo. cl. ...... Vinet, A. (Rev.), Ilomiletics; or, the Theory of Preaching. Translated and edited by Rev. Thos. H. Skinner, D. D., Svo.. cl. " Pastoral Theology; or, the Theory of the Evangelical Ministry. Translated and edited by Thos. H. Skinner, D. D., 12mo. cl V^ingut, F. J., Spanish Reader and Translator, 12mo. Violet, The Child of the City, a Story of New York Life. By R. F. Greeley, 12mo. cl the Danseuse ; or. Courtship and Wedlock, Svo. pap. Virgin Queen (Elizabeth of England) ; or, the Romance of Royalty. Svo. pap Virginalia; or Song of My Summer Nights, by T. H. Chiv- ers. 12mo. .... ... Virginia Comedians (The) ; or. Old Days in the Old Domin- ion. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. ..... Convention of 1S50. Journal, Acts and Proceed- ings of. Svo. hf. of. . . . . . History of, by Beverly. Svo. cl. ... " " by Carpenter and Arthur. ISmo. cl. " " the Early Settlement of. See De Hass, " " the Valley of, by Samuel Kercheval, second edition, revised. Svo. Mineral Springs. See Burke, Wm. Statistics of, from Otfieial Documents. Svo. cf. • and Magdalene ; or, the Forest Sisters, by Mrs. Southworth. pap., $1; el. . • . . Viri Romae. ISmo. emb. backs, ... .net Vision of Fairy Land, and Other Poems, by Wm. Gibson. 16mo. cl. . . . . .... Visit to Remarkable Places, by ]\rary riowitt. 2 v. 12mo. Visits to European Celebrities ; a Series of Personal Sketches of Distinguished Men and Women of Eu- rope, by Rev. Wm. B. Sprague. 12mo. cl. Vivian Grey, by D'Israeli. pap 30 Car/f-r tjf- Dros/brj 40 " 'br) 3 00 Applelon <f Co. '63 19 Ifealh cj- Graves. 90 Harper <!^Bros. '.53 1 00 Ma^agnos(!^CtK54 G3 ./. .S. Redfield. '52 1 50 W. F. Drniipr. 1 25 liison tf P. '54 1 00 1 00 75 25 50 75 1 50 2 00 2 50 50 W. 1 50 2 50 1 25 27 75 2 00 1 00 50 '54 Lockwooddj;- Son. ^55 Bunce c|- Bro. '54 Stringer cf- T. '54 Garrett cf- Co. '55 lApcott^G.^Co.'bZ Appleton <Sf Co. '54 J. \y. Randolph. Lipincott, Co. A. Morris. J. W. Randolph. T. B. Peterson. E. H. Butler cf- Co. Munroe cf- Co. "53 Parry cf- McM. '54 Gould cf- L. '55 T. B. Peterson. 1852—55.] V' O / W A L 205 Voice from the Forest, by Mary Hinckley. 32mo. el. , 25 J. P. Walkt-r. of Letters. >S'ee Manning, J. B. to the Young ; or, Lectures for the Times, by W. W. Patton. 12mo. cl 75 Milhr. (J. cj- M. from St. Helena. See O'Meara, B. E, Voices from the ^Nlountains and from the Crowd, (Poems), by Chas. ^Vlackay. 12mo. cl. . . 1 25 'I'irknor i^- Co. '53 " Silent Land, by ^frs. H. I). Williams. 12mo. cl. 1 00 J'-uett i.\- Co. ".5:1 of Life, by Mrs. E. P. Lesdernier. 12mo. . . 50 CW.s/i, L.c^rCo. '52 of Nature to her Foster Child, The Soul of ]\Ian, by Rev. G. B. Cheever. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 25 C. Scrilmer. ■ • of the Day, by Rev. John Cumming. 12mo. el. 75 Jt-ircfl cj- Co. '54 " Night, " " " " 75 " '54 of the Spirit. See Maxwell, Sarah H. Voltaire, F. M. History of Charles XII., in French. 18mo. net 25 Lip'incotl,G.<Sc Co. Voyage of Life, by Rev. J. B. Waterbury. 12mo. cl. . 60 Max^. S. S. .Sor.'53 W. Wacousta ; or, the Prophecy, by John Richardson. 8vo. 50 Dpwiti d^- I). Wake, (Arcbp.) Apostolic Fathers, Epistles of St. Clem- ent, St. Polycarp, St. Ignatius, St. Barnabas, &c., &c. Svo. cl 1 50 Stanford cf- S. VValden ; or, Life in the Woods, by H. D. Thoreau. 12ino. 100 Ticknur i^- C" 'r,A Waldo Warren, a Tale of Circumstantial Evidence, by E. Bennett, pap. 25 T. B. Peterson. '5"J Walker, Alex., On Beauty. 12mo. el. . . . 1 00 Andrus tf- .Son. " On Woman ; or. Woman Physiologically considered. 12mo. cl. 1 Oo '• John. Dictionary of the English Language. Svo. 1 25 /i /.<../( t\- /'. " Elements of Elocution and Oratory, with additions, by R. Culver. 12mo. cl. sides 75 L (//«<//, (7. <f- Co. '53 " Rhyming, Spelling, and Pronouncing Dic- tionary of the English Language. 12in<t. I 'J.') Lhuhmj if- li. Walks of Usefulness, by John Campbell. IHmo. el. i> ;u Il'.ith ^\- Craves. " " or. Reminiscences of Mrs. .Margaret Prior. ISmo. cl. 50 Am.'ardianSo. and Talks of an American Farmer in England, by F. Olmsted. 12mo. cl 75 ./. C. «iA. r. "54 Wallace, M. A. (Rev.) Hymns of the Cluireli, the Nativ- ity and Other Poems. 12mo. Sanlnnn i)- Co. '53 Wallis, S. T. Spain — Her Institutions, Polilies, and Pub- lic Men, a Sketch. 12mo. cl. . . 1 00 Tirhwr i.\- Co.'^i^ Walpole, Horace. Castle of Otranto (The), a (Jotliic Story. 12nio. cl 75 //. C. Baird. 'b\ 20G W A L W A R [am. cat. Walter O'Neil ; or, llio Plea.siire ftf Doing (iood, a Juvenile. 18mo. c-1. Powers, the Orphan JJoy. 18mo. el. Walton, li. 11. Treatise on Operative Opthalmic Surgery. Edited by S. Littell. 8vo. shp. Izaaek. I/ivch of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Richard Hooker, Geo. Herbert, and Dr. Rob't. Sanderson. I'Jmo. cl Walworth, M. T. Mission of Death, a Tale of the New York Penal Laws. l8mo. cl. .... Wanderers by Sea and Land, with Other Tales, by S. G. Goodrich. 12mo. cl. Wonostrocht, N. Recucil Choise. 12mo. . . net Wanted, a Husband. 12mo. pap. .... Warburton, E. Crescent and the Cross. 12mo. cl. Ward, Catharine G. Cottage on the Cliff. 32mo. ura. F. De W. (Rev.) Christian Gift ; or. Pastoral Let- ters. 12mo. M. F. English Items ; or, Microscopic Views of England and Englishmen. 12mo. cl. Wardlaw, Ralph. On Miracles. 12mo. cl. ... Wardorf Family ; or. Grandfather's Legends, by Mrs. Em- bury, cl Ware, H. Jr. (Rev.) Discourses. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. John. Hints to Young Men in Relation to the Sexes. ISmo. Mary L. (Wife of Henry Ware, Jr.) Memoir of, by Edward B. Hall. 12mo. cl Waring, Geo. E., Jr. Elements of Agriculture. 12mo. cl. Warner, Anna (Miss). Dollars and Cents. 2 vols, in 1. 12mo. cl. . . " " My Brother's Keeper, D. C. (M. D.) Family Dentist, a Popular Treatise on the Teeth. 12mo. cl Warner, H. P. Liberties (The) of America. 12mo. el. Susan (Miss). Lyrics from the Wide, Wide World. Bvo. cl " " Queechy. 2 vols, in L 12mo. cl. " " The Law and the Testimony Bvo. cl. «' " Wide, Wide World, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. cl " " The same, Bvo. illustrated, mor. $6 ; cl. e.\. S. and A. (Misses), Carl Krinken, his Christmas Stocking, ISmo. cl. ... " " Mr. Rutherford's Children, 2 series, ISmo. cl. .... each W., Experiences of a Barrister, 12mo. cl. Warren, Charles, My Scrapes and Escapes, pap. 0.31 Li]}incolt,G.>SfCo. 20 Mass.S.S.Soc.'5^ .3 00 Lindsay tj- B. '53 75 Barnes <^ Co. '54 50 Sadlier 4- Co. '54 1 1 3 Appleton <^ Co. '54 38 Lipincolt,G.<^ Co. 25 Stringer cf- T. '54 1 25 G. H. Whitney. '54 75 Leary tSj- Getz. 25 E. Darrow 4" Bro. 1 00 Appleton <f- Co. '53 75 Carter <$• Bros. '53 75 J. C. Riker. 2 50 Munroe cj- Co. 25 Tappan,W.<ii-M. 1 25 Crosiy,iV.4-C'o.'52 75 Appleton tSf Co. '54 25 Appleton cf- Co. '55 75 Folders <f- W. 1 00 Putnam c|- Co. '53 75 Putnam tf Co. 1 75 3 00 Cartrr d^- Bros. '53 1 25 Putnam <$• Co. 4 00 75 " '54 75 " '54 1 00 Sheldon, L. cj- B. 50 Stringer tf T. 1862—55.1 WAR WAT 207 Warren, John C. (M. D.) Genealogy of the Warren Fam- ily, (printed for private distribution.) 4to. pp. 11.3, John C. (M. D.), The Preservation of Health, with Remarks on Constipation, Old Age, &c., 18mo. Wm. (Rev.), Spirit's Sword (The) ; or. Truth De- fended from Errors and Popular Delusions, l8mo. cl. ....... Warrington, J. (M. D.), Obstetric Catechism, 12mo. shp. Wars of America, containing a Complete History of the early Indian Wars, from the Landing of the Pil- grims, the War of the Revolution, the Second War with Great Britain, and Me.xican War, with numerous illustrations, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. cl. gt. " the United States, History of, from the Earliest Colonial Times to the Close of the Mexican War, by J. L. Thompson, Svo. cl. . Washington, Geo., Letters to Joseph Reed during the Ame- rican Revolution, small Svo. cl. " Life of, by Jared Sparks, 12mo. cl. " Maxims of, Political, Social, Moral, and Religious, collected and arranged by Rev. J. F. Schroeder, 12mo. cl. " Pictorial Life of, embracing a History of the Kevolutionary War, the Adminis- tration of Washington, &c., by J. Frost, Svo. « Mary and Martha (Mother and Wife of George Washington), Lives of, by Mar- garctt C. Conklin, 12mo. cl. Waste Not, Want Not, by Maria Edgeworth, ISmo. cl. Watch and Pray ; or, Helen's Confirmation, by Cousin Alice (Mrs.Neal), 16mo. cl Water Cure in America, containing Reports of over 'J'hree Hundred Cases, 12mo. cl. ... " " Chronic Diseases, by J. M. Gully, M.D., Svo. Waterbury, J. B. (Rev.), Voyage of Life, 12mo. cl. Waters, Thos., Recollections of a Policeman, 12rao. \k\\\ 50c., cl. Waters from the Well-Spring, by Rev. E. H. Bickersteth, l6mo. cl. . . Watson, H. C, Heroic Women of History, Svo. cl. " Ladies Glee-Book, small 4to. hf. bd. H. H. (Rev.) Dictionary of Sacred Quotations, Svo. cl. ex. $3; cl John F., Annals of Philadelphia, 2 vols. Svo. cl. Thos. (Rev.), Select Works of, royal Svo. Wm., Mental Arithmetic, iSmo. Watts, Isaac, Divine and Moral Songs, cl. . . . Boston. '55 38 Ticknor cf Co. '54 38 Whipple <f- Co. 2 00 BarrVglondi-H.'bS 2 00 Lip'cott,a.<^Co.'54 2 50 '54 75 A. Hart. '53 1 50 Miller, O. <Sf M. 1 00 Appleton cf- Cn. '54 3 00 Learij cf- Getz. 84 25 63 Miller, O. <|- M. Henderson cj- Co. 1 00 1 25 60 Ep. S.S.Union.' 51 Fowlers cf- IV Mass. S. S. So. '53 75 Sheldon, L. i\- It. Carter 4- Bros. '53 J.<.f-J.L.aibon.'b3 Lainporl,n.i\-Ij.'5\ [jindsnij c^- /?. I'arrij ij- McM. Carter <$• Bros. '65 Wanzer, B. i^- Co. Henderson cj- Co. 60 2 50 1 50 2 (10 5 00 25 50 208 W A T w /; H [am. CAT. Watts Isaac, Divine and Moral Songs, illustrated, square, cl. " Honr liyrif.T, and Divine Sonfr.s, with a Me- moir, by Robert Soutliey, ISrno. cl. . (Waugh, Arthur), Manual of Commercial Correspondence, Enfrllsh and French, 12iiio. cl. .... Way Down East; or, Portraitures of Yankee Life. By Scb;i Smith, 12mo. cl. ..... of Peace (The). By H. A. Rowland, IGmo. cl. to Christ. By J. Behmen, 32mo. cl. . . . to do Good. By Jacob Abbott, 12mo. cl. Wayland, Francis (Rev.), Elements of Intellectual Philoso- phy, 12nin. cl. ...... . Ways of Life, The Right Way and the Wrong Way. By Rev. G. S. Weaver, 12mo. cl of Providence. By T. S. Arthur, 18mo. cl. We, By Us, That is to Say, James Yellow and John Blue, their Travails, by them, 12mo. pap. Wearyfoot Common, by Leitch Ritchie, 8vo. pap. . Weaver, J., System of Practical Elocution and Rhetorical Ge.sture, 12mo. cl net G. S. (Rev.), Hopes and Helps for the Youth of both Se.xes, 12mo. " " Ways of Life, the Right Way and the Wrong Way, 12mo. cl. Webb, Normal Primer, stiff cov Reader, No. 1, 12mo. .... " " 2, " .... o, ..... " 4, " .... Primary Lessons, a series of Cards, . . per !>et Weber, Geo. Outlines of Universal History, from the Crea- tion of the World to the Present Time, 8vo. cl. M. J., (M. D.), Plates of the Muscles of the Human Body ....... net Webber, C. W., History of Ethereal Softdown and her Friends of the New Light, 12mo. cl. " Spiritual Vamperism, 12mo. cl. " Tales of the Southern Border, 8vo. cl. " Wild Scones and Song Birds, 8vo. cl. " " " " WildHuntcrs, 8vo. cl. Webster, A. L. (Mrs.), Improved Housewife, 12mo. cl, Daniel, Life of, 16mo. cl. .... " Life and Memorials of, by S- P. Lyman, 2 vols. 16mo. ..... " Memorial of, from the City of Boston, 8vo. '• Private Life of. by Chas. Lanman, 12mo. cl. " and his Masterpieces, by Rev. B. F. Tefft, 2 vols. 12mo. cl. .... 40 CartPT 6f Bros. U 75 lAltle, B. 4- Co. '55 75 .7./?..S'mi7/i4-C«.'54 1 GO J. C. Derhij. 'bfi 75 M. W. Dodd. '53 31 " '50 1 00 Harper cf- Broa. 1 25 Ph''lips,S.<^Co.'o4 75 38 50 38 60 75 75 06 13 25 38 50 75 1 00 2 00 1 50 Fowlers <Sc W. Lippincolt, G-tSfCo. Baker, G.6f Co. '54 Stringer cf- T. '54 T. K. Collins, Jr. Fowlers 4- W. '53 Sheldon, L. cf- B. Little, B. cf- Co. '53 L ippincott, G. cf- Co. 75 " 1 00 '53 1 00 53 5 00 J. C. Riker. *54 1 50 Lippott, G. cf- Co. 75 P/n7/j>'53 56 Lindsay cf- /?. '53 1 00 Applelon cf- Co. "53 1 25 Little. B. cf- Co. "53 75 Harper cf- Bros.'bi 2 50 Miller, O.i^M. "54 852—55.] WE B WE 6- 209 Webster, Noah, English Dictionary, University ed. . net " " " Academic . " " " " High School " " " Primary School " " " " Pocket, net 30c. to Weeks, J. M., Easy Method of Managing Bees in the most Profitable Manner to the Owner, 12mo. Week's Delight (A) ; or. Games and Stories for the Fireside, 16mo. cl. , Weir, Jas., Simon Kenton ; or. The Scout's Revenge, an Historical Novel, 12mo. cl " Winter Lodge (The) ; or. Vow Fulfilled, Sequel to Simon Kenton, 12mo. cl. Weisbach, J., Principles of the Mechanics of Machinery and Engineering, edited by Johnson, 2 vols. 8vo. cl. Weiss, Jas., History of the French Protestant Refugees, from the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes to our own Days, 2 vols. 12 mo. cl Wellingtun (Duke), Life of, by Stocqueller, royal 8vo. shp. net " " and Times of, 18mo. cl. Wellmont, Emma, Substance and Shadows ; or, Phases of Every-Day Life, 12mo. cl. . " Uncle Sam's Palace; or, The Reigning King, 12mo. cl. .... Wells, Lucy K. (Mrs.), A Mother's Plea for the Sabbath, ISmo. cl. Wells of Baca; or. Solaces of the Christian Mourner, ISmo. Wemyss, F, C, Chronology of the American Stage from 1752 to 1852, 12mo. pap Wensley, a Story without a Moral, 12mo. cl. Wesley Oficring (The) ; or, Wesley and His Times, by Rev. D. Holmes, 12mo. cl. Wesleyan Sacred Harp, cl.63c. ; hf. bd. West, Chas. (M. D.), Enquiry into the Pathological In)|i<ir- tance of Ulceration of the Os Uteri Nathaniel (Rev.), Analysis of the' Holy l^ibh-, royr.l 8vo cl. Westbrook, The Outlaw, by John Richard.son, pap. Westcott, Isaac (Rev.), and Rev, T. J. Sawyer, Discussion on the Doctrine of Universal Salvation Western Characters; or. Types of Border Life in the West- ern States, by J. L. McConnel, 12mo. cl. . Home (The), and other Puems,by Mrs. Sigourney, 12mo. cl. Scenes and Adventures, 12mo. Westminster Shorter Catechism (The), with Analysis, Scrip ture Proofs, «Sz;c., by Rev. J. R. Boyd, 16mo. . Weston, Amanda, Home Scenes, a Family Story, l6mo. 27 113 Mason <!f Bros. 75 50 «' 25 50 50 C. M. Saxton. '64 75 Applefon tf- Co. '64 63 Lipott,G'.<^Co.'b3 75 " '64 6 00 Blanchard ^ L. 2 50 Stringer tf- T. '54 1 76 J. B. Smith, tf- Co. 50 Leary <^ Gelz. 75 J.P.Jewett<SfCo:b\ 1 00 Mussey cf- Co. '63 38 E. Hunt cf Sun, 25 Whipple df Co. 50 W.Taylor<^Co:b2 75 Ticknnr <^ Co. '54 1 00 Milhr, 0.<^ M. 50 J.P.Jewitl 4" Co. 1 00 Jilanrhard cf- />.'65 5 00 (..'. Scribmr. '53 25 Deicitl tf- I). 75 Buncr 4- Brn. '54 1 25 ./. .*?. R'dfi'hl. '53 1 25 Parry,i\-McM. '5 J 1 00 //. r. Baird. b 50 M. W. Dodd. '54 L. C. Matlack. '63 210 WES \V 11 1 1 25 1 25 42 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 63 1 00 50 Westover Manuscripts, containinfr a History of the Dividing Lino betwixt Virt,nnia and North Carolina; a Journey to tlio Land of Edt-n, A. I). 1733, and a Progress to the Mines, written from 1728-'36, and now first pub- lished, by VV. Bird, of Westover, 8vo. bds. What Not, by Mrs. M. A. Denison, 12mo. el. Now, for Young Ladies leaving School, 18mo. cl. I S;i\v in London, by D. W. Bartlett, 12mo. cl. is Calvinism. See Smith, Rev. Wm. to Observe at the Bed-Side and after Death, in Medical Cases, 12mo. cl 1 Whately (Arehbp.) Historic Doubts relative to Napoleon Bonaparte, and Historic Certainties respecting the Early History of America. 16mo. cl. Richard. Elements of Logic. 12mo. cl. " " Rhetoric. 12mo. cl. — '' Selection of English Synonymes. 12mo. Wheaton, Rob't. Memoir of, with Selections from his Wri tings. 12mo. cl. ...... Whedon, D. D. Public Addresses, Wheel of Misfortune ; or, the Victim of Lottery and Policy Dealers, by Ned Buntline. pap, Wheeler, G. Homes for the People in Suburb and Coun- try; or, the Villa, the Mansion, and thi Cottage, adapted to American Climate and Wants, with 100 engravings. 12mo. Whimsical Woman (The), by E. F. Carlen. 12mo. pap. Whisper to a Newly Married Pair. ISmo. scarlet cl. White, Charles (Rev.) Essays in Literature and Ethics, 12mo. cl 1 00 Geo, (Rev.) Historical Collections of Georgia, Svo, cl. , H. Elements of Universal History. 12mo. hf. r. net • Henry. Outlines of Universal History, with Ques- tions, by Rev. F. Knighton. 12mo, H. Kirke. Poetical Works. ISmo. cl. " " " and Remains of, with 10 eng's. mor. net, $3; cl. ex. . . net • N. F. Medium Voices from Spirit-Land. 12mo. ■ R. G, Shakspeare's Scholar, being Historical and Critical Studies of his Text, Characters, and Com- mentators, Svo. cl. 1 50 50 50 3 00 63 60 75 2 50 75 White Dove and Other Poems for Children, by E. W. Townsend. 16mo. cl. ■ Mountains (A Guide to.) ISmo. " Scenery of, by W.Oakes, in 16 pits. 4to. Slavery in the Batbary States, by Charles Sumner. 12mo. cl, —— SUves of England, compiled from Official Docu- ments, by John C. Cobden, 12mo. cl. [am. cat. J. W. Randolph. Lip'ott,G.<H-Co.'5A M. W. Dodd. Miller, O. <^ M. 00 Blancharddf-L.'h^ 50 25 4 00 50 1 50 Carter^ Bros. '53 Morton cf- G. '55 '64 Munroe cf Co. '53 Ticknor cj- Co. '54 J. P. Jewetl 4" Co. 25 Garrett <^ Co. C. Scribner. '55 *54 Parry cj* McM. W hippie di- Co. '53 Pudney c«- R. '54 J. B. Smith 4- Co. Childs 4- P. Luile,B.i^Co. '54 E. H. Butler cf- Co. Partridge cf- B. '54 2 50 Appleton cf- Co. '54 J. C. Derby. '64 Crosby, N. cf* Co. Jetcett 4- Co. '53 Miller, O. 4- M. 1852—55.] W HI W IL 211 White Veil (The), a Bridal Gift, by Mrs. S. J. Hale, with 11 engravings, mor. ne^ $3 60; cl. ex. . net 3 00 E. H. Butler di- Co. Wolf; or, the Secret Brotherhood, by Paul Feval, pap 25 Garmt cjr Co. Red, Black. See Pulszky, F. «& T. Whitecross, John. Moral and Religious Anecdotes. 2 vols. 18mo. .... ... Whitefield, Geo. (Rev.), Life of. Reprinted from the Lon- don Tract Society. ISmo. cl. . .0 63 " (Rev.), Life and Sermons of, Svo. . 2 50 Whitehall ; or, The Times of Cromwell, an Historical Ro- mance, Svo 50 Whitlock, G. C, Geometry and Surveying, Svo. shp. . 1 50 Whitman, J. (Rev.), Letters to a Universal ist, 16mo. cl. 75 Sarah Ellen (Mrs.), Hours of Life, and other Poems, 12mo. cl Whitney, J. D , The Metallic Wealth of the United States, described and compared with that of other Countries, Svo. cl 3 00 Whitney, Martha, Memoir of, by Catherine N. Badger, 12mo. 1 00 Whitney, S. W. (Rev.), Open Communion . . . 38 Whittier, J. G., Chapel of the Hermits, and other Poems, 12mo. cl 50 " Literary Recreations and Miscellanies, 12mo. 1 00 " A Sabbath Scene, ISmo. pap. . . . IG " Songs of Labor and other Poems, 12mo. cl. 63 Whittlesey, S. J. C. (Miss), Heart Drops from Memory's Urn 1 00 ' Who Works the Hardest? or. For this World or the next? ISmo. cl 25 are Happiest, and other Stories. By T. S. Arthur, l8mo. 38 is Greatest, " " " 38 is Jesus, l8mo. cl. ...... 25 Whom to Marry, and How to get Married, pap. . 25 Why I am a Temperance Man. By T. W. Brown, 12mo. cl. 1 00 Wickliffites (The) ; or, England in the Fifteenth Century. By Mrs. Mackay, r2mo. cl 75 Wide-Awake Gift and Kaovv-Notiiing Token, 12mo. full gt. $1 50; cl 1 00 Wide, Wide World. By Miss Susan Warner, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. cl 1 25 The Same, Svo. illustrated, mor. $6 ; cl. e.\. . 4 00 Widow's Walk ; or, the My.steries of Crime, . . 25 Wife's Victory (The), and Nine other Nouvellctfes. By Mrs. Southworth, 12mo. cl. . . . . 1 00 Wight, O. W., the Romance of Abelardand Heloise, 12mci. 75 " (Editor), Philosophy of Sir Willium Hamil- ton, arranged for the use of Schools, Svo. *1 CO Wikoff, Henry, My Courtship and its Consequences, 12mo. 1 26 J. C. Derby. '65 Wild Irish Girl (The). By Lady S. Morgan, ISmo. cl. . 75 AnJrus cf- Son. 75 Pres.Bd.of Pub:&A Fairchild cf- Co.'55 Leary <^ Getz. Dunce cf- Bro. '62 Farmer, B. tf- Co. Munroe cj- Co. 75 G. II. U'/iiVnci/. '54 L\fntt,G.<SfCo:b^ Gould 4- L. '54 M. IV. Dodd. '53 Ticknor <f- F. '53 '64 Jewett cf- Co. '53 Ticknar cf* Co. A.S. Barnes <^- Co. Ep. S.S.Union. '63 Lippincotl,G.<H- Co. Stanford if- S. Garrett cf- Co. Derby cf- .M. '53 Carter cf* Bros. J. C. Derby. '65 Putnam cf* Co. Garrett cf- Co. T. B. Peterson. '55 Apj'kton cf-Co. '53 '53 212 W I L \V I Jj [am. cat. Wild Jack ; or, the Stolen Child, a Sketch from Life. By C. Lee Ilentz, 12mo. pap. 50c.; cl. . , . 75 Oats Sown Abroad, being Leaves from a Private Jour- nal, 12ino 75 Scenes and Song Birds. By C. W. Webber. With 20 illustrations, printed in colors from Drawings by Mrs. C. W. Webber and Alfred J. Miller, 8vo. cl. 5 00 Scenes and Wild Hunters. By C. W. Webber, 8vo. 1 50 Scenes of a Hunter's Life. By John Frost, 12mo. cl. 1 50 Wilde, W. R., Practical Observations on Aural Surgery, and the Nature and Treatment of Diseases of the Ear, 8vo. shp 2 80 Wilkes, Geo., Europe in a Hurry, 12rao. cl. . . . 1 00 Wilkinson, J. G., Popular Account of the Ancient Egyptians, 2 vols. 12mo. cl 2 00 Will Crittenden ; or, the Lone Star of Cuba, pap. . . 25 Willard Emma (Mrs.), Astronography; or. Astronomical Geography, with the use of the Globes, 12mo. Willement, Emily E., Catechism of Familiar Things, 12mo. r. cl. sides 56 VVillett, Jacob, Scholar's Arithmetic, 12mo. . . . 25 Williams, A. D., Rhode Island Free-Will Baptist Pulpit, 12mo. cl 1 00 B. B., Mental-Alchemy, a Treatise on the Mind and Nervous System 56 C. J. B. (M.D.),On the Principlesof Water Cure, with remarks by J. Timberlake, 12mo. hf. bd. 50 H. D. (Mrs.) Voices from the Silent Land ; or. Leaves of Consolation for the Afflicted, 12mo. 1 00 — John (Rev.), (The Deerfield Captive,) History of, l6mo. cl 50 " " (Missionary to Polynesia), Memoir of, by E. Prout, 12mo. cl. . . 1 00 Richard (Surgeon in the Missionary Expedition to Patagonia), Memoir of, by Rev. Jas. Hamilton, 12mo. cl 75 Roger, Life of, by Rev. R. Elton, 12mo. . 50 Stephen W. (M. D.), Catechism of Medical Juris. prudence, 18mo. bds Wra., The Sabbath School, a collection of Hymns and Tunes for Sabbath Schools, Families, &c., oblong. Williamson, A. (Rev.), Letters to a Millenarian ; or, The Present Jews not the Lawful Heirs of the Abrahamic Will, 18mo. cl 38 J. D. (Rev.), Examination of the Doctrines of Endless Punishment, 12mo. cl. Walter (M. D.) Diseases of Females and Chil- dren, and their Homceopathic Treatment . 75 Willie and the Mortgage, by Jacob Abbott, 12mo. pap. 25 Parry cj- McM. T. B. Peterson. '53 J. C. Riker. '64 Lip-pincott, G. 4" Co. Miller, O cjr M. Blanchard <Sf L.'53 H. Long (Sc Bro.'52 Harper <Sp Bros. '54 Stringer iSf T. 75 Afer'wi,iW: 4- Co. '54 Lindsay cf- B. Sheldon, L. cj- B. Gould 4- L. '53 Fowlers 4" W. J.W.Randolph. '63 Jeirelt <$• Co. '53 iibp'ns.B. 4" Co. '63 Carter cj- Bros. Carter dj; Bros. G. H. \Vhilney.'52 50 Hopkins, B. <^ Co. Jewett <Sf Co. '54 M. W. Dodd. '53 G. W.Quimby.'bX Rademaher^S'bA Harper<^Bros.'55 1852—55.] W IL W IL 213 Willis, N. P., Famous Persons and Places, 12mo. cl. . 1 25 " Fun-Jottings ; or, Laughs I have taken a Pen to, 12mo. cl 1 25 " Health Trip to the Tropics, 12mo. cl. . 1 25 " Out-Doors at Idlewild ; or. The Shaping of a Home on the Banks of the Hudson, 1 25 " Poems, 12mo. cl. e.x. .$2; cl. . . . 1 75 " Poetical Works, 8vo. mor. $1 ; cl. ex. . 5 00 " Prose Works, Svo. cl 3 GO " Rag-Bag (The), a Collection of Ephemera, 12mo. cl 1 25 " Summer Cruise on the Mediterranean in an Am- erican Frigate, 12mo. cl 1 25 " Thought-Blossom (The), a Memento, small 4to. cl 5 00 Willison, J. (Rev.), Afflicted Man's Companion, ISmo. cl. 50 Willmott, R. A. (Rev.), Journal of Summer-Time in the Country, 16mo. . , ... . . . 50 Wills, H., Outlines of Chemical Analysis, edited by Prof. Hosford, 12mo. cl 75 Willson, M. American History, 12mo. shp. . . . 1 50 " The same, library edition, Svo, shp. . . . 2 00 " Comprehensive Chart of American History, on rollers and varnished 6 00 " History of the United States, 12mo. . . 75 " Juvenile American History . . . . 31 " Outlines of History, 12mo. shp. . . 1 25 " The same, library edition, Svo. shp. . . 2 00 See Wilson, also. Wilmarth, B. (M. D.), Memoir of, by Wm. H. Fish, 12mo. cl. 75 Wilmsen's Reader, 12mo. hf r 84 Wilson, E., Healthy Skin, a Treatise on the Skin and Hair, 12mo. cl. 1 00 " On Syphilis, Constitutional and Hereditary. Svo. 2 50 " On Diseases of the Skin. Svo. cl. . . . 1 75 " Colored Plates to the Above. Svo. . . 3 75 John, Scripture Proofs of Unitarianism (Abridged). 12mo. cl 50 " Treatise on English Punctuation. Designed for Letter Writers, Authors, Printers, and Correctors of the Press. 12mo. . . 1 OU " (Prof.), Foresters (The) ; a Tale. 12mo. i-l. 75 " '• Genius and Character of Robert Burns. 12mo. cl. 75 '• " Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life. 12mo. cl 75 " " The Same Work, 18mo. cl. . . . 50 " " Miscellanies Recreations of Christo- pher North. Svo. cl. . . 1 25 C. Scribner. '54 '53 '53 '54 Clark, A. <^ S. //. C. Baird. C. Scribner. "55 '53 LeaviU cj- A. '54 Leary 4- Getz. Appleton cf Co. Munroe <Sf Co. '54 Ivison cf- P. Cros6y,.V.<f- Co. '55 Cow'whait,D.4-B. Blanchard<^L. '.'54 Munra" c^- Co. J.lVi7son<^«on. Carter »^ Bros. W. P. Jlazanl. "54 Carter tf- Bros. '64 Lieary cj- Getz. Phillips, S. 4- Co. 214 Win W O L Wilson, John Lydc (Ex Gov. of S. Carolina), Cupid and Psyche. A Mythological Tale, from the " Golden Asa " of Apuleius. 8vo. .1. M., Tales of the Borders, and of Scotland, His- torical, Traditional, and Imaginative. 6 vols. 8vo. cl 10 00 See Willson also. Wind-Spirit (The) and The Rain Goddess. From the Ger- man. Square cl 63 Wines, E. C, Commentaries on the Laws of the Ancient Hebrews. 8vo. cl 2 60 Winslow, Chas. F. (M. D.), Cosmography; or, Philosophical Views of the Universe. 12mo. cl 63 Winter Evening Recreations; a Collection of Tales for Youth. ISmo. cl 60 " Story Book. By Uncle Tom. Sq. 12mo. 75 " Tales. By Mrs. Loudon. ISmo. cl. 31 Lodge (The); or. Vow Fulfilled; a Sequel to Si- mon Kenton. By Jas. Weir. 12mo. cl. . .0 75 Wreath of Summer Flowers. By S. G. Goodrich. Bvo. Colored plates, cl. ex. ... 3 00 in Madeira, and a Summer in Spain and Florence. By John A. Dix. 12mo. cl 75 Winthrop, Edward (i{ev.), Premium Essay on the Character- istics and Laws of Prophetic Symbols. 12mo. 75 John, History of New England, from 1630 to 1649. 2 v. Bvo 4 50 Wisconsin Gazetteer. By J. W. Hunt, Bvo. . . . 1 00 Wisdom, Wit, and Whims of Ancient Philosophers. By Jo- seph Banvard. 12mo. cl. , \ . . . 75 Wise, D. (Rev.), Young Man's Counsellor. 12mo. cl. . 55 « " " Woman's " " . 65 Isaac M., History of the Israelitish Nation. Bvo. 2 00 Wise Saws. By Sam Slick (Judge Haliburton). 12mo. cl. 65 Wiseman, N. (Cardinal), Fabiola; or, the Church of the Catacombs. 12mo. cl. " " The Real Presence of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Eucharist, proved from Scripture. 12mo. 1 00 " " Transubstantiation Proved from Scripture. 12mo. . . 1 00 Witnesses to the Truth, developing the Great Truth of Uni- versal Salvation. By J. W. Hanson. 12mo. cl. Wizard of the Wave ; a Romance. By F. Robinson. Bvo. 25 Woehler, F., The Analytical Chemist's Assistant. Trans- lated from the German, with Additions by O. M. Lie- ber. 12mo. cl. 1 25 Wolfert's Roost, and Other Papers, now first collected. By Washington Irving. 12mo. cl 1 25 [a.m. cat. Charleston,S.C:42 iMartin cf- J. '64 Cros Jy,A'. 4- Co. '53 Putnam cj- Co. '52 Cros6y,A'.4- Co. '53 Appleinn <Sf Co.'52 '52 H. F. Anners. Li'j)Cott,G.(5(-Co:bA Ajypleton df Co. '64 Fairchild cf Co.'55 F. Knight. '54. Little, B. cf- Co.'63 B. Brown. '64. Sheldon,L.<^Co:5\ Carlton cf- P. J. Munstll. '54 Blanchard 4' L.'63 Sadlier <^ Co. '65. J.Murphyi^Co:b2 J. M. Usher. '54 Stringer tf T. '53 H. C. Baird. '52 Putnam <Sf Co. '55 1862—65. W O M TV O O 215 Woman and Her Master. By J. F. Smith. 8vo. pap. . in her various relations, by Mrs. L. G. Abell. iSmo. cl 50 Garrett cf- Co. '54 Woman's Influence and Woman's Mission, 12mo. cl. . Life ; or, the Trials of Caprice. By Miss E. Car- len, Svo. pap. Love, a True Story of the Heart. By £ugene Sue, Svo. pap. Medical Guide on the HomcEopathic Treatment, By J. H. Pulte, M. D., 12mo. r. cl. sides Record ; or, Sketches of all Distinguished Women from the Beginning till A. D. 1860. By Mrs. S. J. Hale, Svo. cl. Trials. By T. S. Arthur, ISmo. cl. Witchcraft; or, the Curse of Coquetry, 16mo. pap. Women in France during the Eighteenth Century. By Julia Kavanagh, 12mo. cl. .... of Israel. By Grace Aguilar, 2 vols. 12mo. cl. of the Bible, Historical and Descriptive Sketches of. By P. C. Headley, 12mo. cl. of the Scriptures. Edited by Rev. H. Wild, Svo. mor. $4; cl. ex. The Same, 12mo. cl. e.\. $1 25; cl. Wonderful Adventures of Capt. Priest. By Philip Paxton Story Book, colored plates, square cl. • . Tales from Denmark. By Hans Andersen, 16mo. cl Wonders of the Earth. By Rev. J. L. Blake, cl. of the Insect World. By F. C. Woodworth, 12mo. cl of the Ocean. By Rev. J. L Blake, cl. Wood, G. B. (M.D.), Treatise on the Practice of Medicine, 4th edition, 2 vols. Svo. shp. net " and Bache, F. (M. D ), Dispensatory of the United States, 10th edition, Svo. shp. .... net J. G. (Rev.), Illustrated Natural History, 12mo. cl. Leonard (Rev.), Works of, 5 vols. Svo. cl. Wm. B., Personal Hi-collections of the Stage during a Period of Forty Years, 12mo. cl. . Wood-Notes; or, Carolina Carols, a Collection of North Carolina Poetry, compiled by Tenella, 2 vols. 12mo. Woodbury, I. 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" New Method for German.s to Learn English, 12mo " New Method with the German Language, 12mo " Shorter Course with the German, 12mo. " Key to the above .... Woodbury, Connecticut, History of, from 1659 to 1854. By Wm. Cothren, 8vo. cl. Woodcraft ; or, Hawks about the Dovecote. By W. G. Simms, 12mo. cl Woodcutter of Lebanon (The), and the Exiles of Lucema. By Author of "Morning and Night Watches," ISmo. Woodhill; or, the Ways of Providence. By Talvi (Mrs. E. Robinson), 12uio. cl . Woodman's Rifle, a Tale of the Revolution, pap. Woods, Danl. B., Sixteen Months at the Gold Diggings, 12mo. cl Woodworth, F. C, American Miscellany of Entertaining Knowledge, 12mo. cl. . per vol. " Wonders of the Insect World, I2mo. " World as it Is ; or, a Miniature Sketch of the Earth", and its Inhabitants, 2 vols. ISmo. cl. .... " Youth's Book of Gems for the Head and the Heart, 8vo. cl. Worcester, J. E., Historical Atlas. With Descriptions. 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By Thomas Ewbank, 12mo. cl. as it Was and Will Be. By Mrs. A. C. Judson in the Middle Age.«, an Historical Geography. By A. L. Kocppen, 2 vol.s. 12ino and Its Wonders, a Juvenile, iSmo. cl. . net of Art and Industry. Illustrated with 500 Drawings. Edited by Prof. B. Silliman, Jr., and C. R. Good- rich, Esq., 4to. cl. World's Laconics (The); or, the Best Thoughts of the Best Authors. 12mo. cl Progress; a Dictionary of Date?, with Tabular Views of General History, and a Historical Chart. By G. P. Putnam. Small . Wounded Buy, and Other Stories. By T. S. Arthur. ISmo. Wright, A. S., American Receipt Book, for Cookery, Pastry, Confectionary, &c., ifcc. r2mo. cl. H. C, Marriage and Parentage ; or, the Reproductive Element in Man, as a Means to his Elevation and Happiness. 12mo. d. . . . . ^ . Wurdeman, Dr. (M. D.), Notes on Cuba in 1842. I2mo. cl. Wyatt, Thos., Poetical Works of, with a Memoir. ISmo.cI. W. E. 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With an Ac- count of the Breeds in the United States. By Henry S. Randall, d. . " and Martin, W. C. L., Treatise on the Breeds, Management, and Medical Treatment of Swine, cl Youman, E. L., Alcohol and the Constitution of Man, the Eficcts of Alcohol on the Healthy Human Constitution, 12mo. cl. ... " Chemical Atlas ; or, The Chemistry of Fa- miliar Objects, 4to. .... Y'oung, A. W., Introduction to the Science of Government, 12rao Edward, Night Thoughts, with Life, «Sic., by Rev. George Gilfillan, 8vo. cl. ... " Night Thoughts, with Notes, by Prof. Boyd, School cd., 12mo. .... " The same, Svo., illustrated, cl. Y^oung American's Elocutionist, by L. B. Hardcastle, 12mo. Artist ; or. The Dream of Italy, by T. S. Arthur . Choir, by W. B. Bradbury and C. W. Sanders . Christian, by Jacob Abbott, 12mo. cl. Christian Encouraged, by Mrs. Louisa P. Hopkins, 18mo. cl Composer ; or, Progressive Exercises in English Com- position, by F. 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'52 50 Barnes cf- Co. '53 z. Zender's Pictorial French and English Primer, 12mo. Zephyrs from Italy and Sicily, by W. M. Gould, 12mo. Zingra, The Gipsey, by A. M. Mai Hard, Bvo. pap. Zion's Harp, by F. E. Pitts, new ed. r. emb. 60e. ; shp. . Songster, by Mason ...... Zschokke, H., History of Switzerland, 12mo. cl. " The Rum Plague, a narrative for the Admoni- tion of both Old and Young, 18mo. cl. 25 Riker, T. cf- Co. 1 00 Appleton cf- Co. 25 J.A.<!i-U.P.James. 45 Morton cf- G. 50 Clark, A. cf- S. 1 00 Francis cf- Co. '55 31 J. S. Taylor. '53 285 Broadway, New York, April 10, 1855. ^ROBERT CARTER & BROTHERS Ufto ^ublirations. The Footsteps of St. Paul. By the author of the "Morning and Night Watches." 12mo. Illustrated. §1. "The 'Footsteps of St Paiil' is tlie title of an al)lc ami instructive work, present- In;; a consecutive history of llie life, ial)or», ami traeliiii;;* of the fireat Apostlo. 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" This admirable little volume illustrates and applies some of the precious utter- ances of ?lie Blessed Saviour, in lansuaije chaste, simple, atTectlonatM and urgent, enlightoning the thou^rhts, exciting the all'ectlons, subiluing the passions, guiding the soul, lil^e the starof Betliiehem, to the meek and lowly Saviour." — WatctuttOfi^ II. The Mind of Jesus. IGnio. 40 cents. III. Morning and Night "Watches. IGino. ("lO cents. " \ precious volume of relizious truth most pleasinely and scriplurallv presented for the comfort and edillcation of the jieopio of Uod." — Ubnerver. IV. Family Prayers. IGino. 75 cents. "Simple, evangelical, earnest, and well ailapted to prove a derotlonai help."— Christian Herald. "Direct, fervent, and compreliensive." — Kvanyfliit. Y. The AVoodcuttcr, and The Exiles. 18nu>. 50 cents. VI. Tlie Great Journey : A PllORIM.\GE TnilOl'GH THE V.\LLKY OP Te.\K.S TO MoVXT ZiON, THE City of the Living God. llustratcd. lOnio. bO cenUt. CAliTERS' PUBLICATIONS. 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Ills course on earth termi- nated long ago, but not until, in a far more evalted s«'iiv than the racers In the Grecian game^ he liail delivered a torch to survivors— a torch which culdes to Heaven; and which lias not only remained uiie\tiiii;nislied, but Mill tlaines with increased and cheering brllliaiic"e. » » • • The habit of upriirlitly and apt allu-sion to Scripture facts, and tlie use of Sciiplure laiienav'e, wliieli Mr. Henry diligently cultivated, has not only enriched, but unsp,»kably enlivened bis miscellaiJi-ous writiiics. • « • '• Ills diction, always extircssivc. Is often felicitous; and, tliou^-h it mak<-s no pretension to clepince. Ii nervous and forcible. ♦ ♦ • llis sllusions aii"l Inmirery. In like manner, alwavs plea.«c and ' Iwavsedifv; the forinci, becausi' tluv are \'cn. Tally scripfciral; the latter, !•<•- T ause, like the iiaralles of our l^«r<L, ihey arc derived from "Jie most common *V iccurronces." — li*T. J. & WtUuim*. \<k e «» CARTERS' PUBLICATIONS. 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Every minister wlio would liave his armor well furnished, and every man who would know how to meet infidelity, as he will find it now in the world, should possess a copy of this volume." — Wiitchman. "It is destined, we doubt not, to perform u high mission wherever the Enilish languace is read. It is fitted to be a mishty qnickener of the intellect, as well as an ellieient defender against error, and a faithful guide to evangelical truth." — Argim. "The appearance of a great hook is a event. It makes an epoch in the his- tory of immortal minds. This remark is emph.itically true w iicn this advent is peculiarly opportune. Now both these conditions exist in the present case. This is a u'reat book, and it comes to us just .it the right time. No attentive ob- server of the times needs to be told that the whole .ispect of unbelief has changed within the present seneralion. He who would answer completely the argu- tneiits of Hume, Gibbon. 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The records of her life are the more interesting because there ;ire inwoven in them so many incidents connected with Cecil. Hut her own piely and opinions stand on its pages as flue gold piu-ified in Uie furnace." — Hichmond L'h. -Advocate. ^M"^^^^-"^ CARTERS' PUBLICATIONS CHALMERS— Sermons, enlarged by the aJilitii>a of his Posthu-'ljJ^ mous Sermons. 2 vols., Svo. With a fiue piji-trait. §3 00. Lectures on Romans. With a fine portrait. Svo. §1 50, — Miscellanies, Essays, and Reviews. "With fine portrait. Svo. >'l 50. — Select Works; comprising the above. 4 vols, Svo. With IK.rtrait. $i) 00. — Evidences of Christian Revelation. 2 vols. $1 25. — Natural Theology. 2 vols. ;?! 25. — Moral Philosophy. 60 cents. — Commercial Discourses. CO cents. Astronomical Discourses. CO cents. 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The mere title of the book, as indicating an in- quiry that must needs embrace .some of the deejiest questions that have rvrr e.\ere;sed the human inielleci, is sure to draw the attention of those wlio ire addicted to speculative studies. A glance at its contents will .sjitisfy such that it is deserving of a careful perusal ; and once perused, it amnot fail, we should think, to leave animpre-ssiou of wonder that, for the tirst time, the author should have become known to the public by a work of such pri-eminent* merit. Nor do we fear to hazard the a.s.-*ertion,' that he has thus, by a single stride, secured for himself a position in literature such as few ever reached by a tirst publication, and one which he might never have attained had he put forth in separate and more Imited etlorls the learning and thought which he hiis concentrated on this.'" — .\'oith BritUh Hcview. McCRINDELL (Miss R.)— The Convent. A Narrative founded on fact. 1 81110. 50 cents. 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We know not indeed any book which i;ives »> lull and so accurate a description of the various aspects which infidelity, in the j)resent aw, has assumed. To ministers of the t;osj>et and to all who are brouiihj into contact with Ihe prevailing; unbelief of the day, liiis volume will be peculiarly Valuable, while it camiot fail to be deeply interesliui; to every thou'.;hlful Christian. We consjratulate the Church on having amoni; its ministers one so able to do battle for the faith once delivered lo the saints; and we con- Kfatulale the author on having [jroduced a book which will win for him a liii^li place in the estimation of all who love the truth a.s it is in Jesus." — United I'rfflii/'enait .Mngir.inr. Peep of Day ; or, the Earliest Religious Instruction the Infant }iliucl is capable of receiving. 18nio. 'M) cents. PHILIP (Rev. 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LvDiAs. or. the Development of Female Character. 40 cts. Ha.nsaiis, or, Mtiternal Influences on Sons. 40 cents. '•The fine discriininalioii of character, the sweet spirit, and just views of these works, we have always very much admired. We deem them among the most useful works for the re.adini; of Christian females that we know of. There are but few v;iricties of woniaii's trials, fears, duties, and wants, which do not here find sympathy and counsel." — F.cangetist ^ PIKE (Rev. .1. G.)— True Happiness. ISmo. 30 cejts The Divine Origin of Christianity. 30 cents 28 CARTERS' rUBLICATIONS. POLLOCK (Robert)— The Course of Time. A Poem. EU{,':iut edition. IGiuo. l*riiit«.'il mi line {.aper. With a jwrtrait of llie aulliur. Clotii. 81. Kxtra gilt, do SI 50. Turkey iiKirucco. : The Life, Letters, and Remains of Robert PoUok, A.M. liy Jamks Scott, D.1>. With portrait. IGnio. ^1 UU. Tales of the Covenanters. Containing Helen of the Glen ; 'J'he Perseentcd Family snd Ralph Geniniell. I'l inted on large jtaper, uniform with the above. Illustrated. 18n?o. 50 eents. — Helen of the Glen. Separate. Illustrated. Ibmo. 25 cts. The Persecuted Family, do. do. do. do. — Ralph Gemmell. do. do. do. do. ■*POOLE (MArrnEw) — Annotations upon the Holy Bible, wherein the Sacred 'I'ext is inserted, anil various i(adin;,'s an- nexed ; together with the parallel Scripturo-s. The more ililHcnlt terms are explained ; seeming contradictions reconciled ; doubts resolved, and the whole text opened. 3 vols. Imperial 8vo., printed on line linen paper In clotlu f^lo ; in half calf, §12. "The late Rev. Uichartl Cecil said, ' If wo itiu». have commentators, a.s we cep- tainly iiuist, I'oole i.s incoiiipaniliie, and I had almost said, abinidant ul' hiiii- selt ;' and the Kev. E. Ulckersleli'i, anioTinsl his > Hints lo ( 'hri>!ian .siudi-nls,' recomniendeil it as 'judicious aiHl lull.' The Itev. Tlioinas llarlwcll Home, in his 'Inlrdduclion lo llie I'rilical .><uidy of ihi> Holy Sori|ilurcs,' remarks — 'The .Vniiotations are minified wilh the text, and .-ire allowid to Ik- vitv ju- dicious; and he who wishes to nndi-rsland tin- Scriphires will ranly ronsnlt them wilhmil advanl.m'e. (^Tliis) the inijaTiai t'vo eilition, is very beaiitilully anil cornclly prinled."" PORTEOUS— Lectures on Matthew. 12mo. 75 cents. POWERSCOURT— Letters and Papers of the late Tiikodosia A. Visuountcss 1*o\vi;iiscolut. l2nio. 75 cents. Precept on Precept, by the author of the "Peep of Day." ISmo. :iO cents. Psalms in Hebrew. ;{2ino. Gilt. 50 cents. PROUDFIT'S Cotmsels to the Young. S(pmre. Retrospect (ihe) — or, lieview of Providential ^lerciea, with nuec- dotes of various characters. By Aliqims. 18mo, 40 cents. RICHMOND ( I, K(.ii)— Annals of the Poor. 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He writes like a man who was noi only familiar wiili the throne of grace and the Bible, but who also lived in closi' communion with '.he spirit and writings of such men as lia.vler, and Flavel, and the older I'liritsns. Hence his words ring like the Sroimd of a trumpel, and he speaks like a man awake. The present volume is in the same strain with its excellent predecessor, ' Living or Dead V and is designed more especially for prolesseil Christians." — tVatchman. Startling Questions. 16iuo. 75 cents. " Few writers hold a more vigorous pen than the author of this little volume. The questions are pressed home upon the conscience of the reader, and their consideration uru'ed, by motives which make their appeal to the noblest feel- ings of our nature."— ^;fH(s.«(f F.rnn<:dist. Young Man's Christian Year. 1 5 cents. SAPPHIR— Letters and Diaries of Philip Sapphir, a Cou- veite,! I luiiijai-ian Israelite. 80 cents. SCHMEID ,C. Vox)— A Hundred Short Tales for Cliildren. Illustrated. Square. 50 ceuts. SCOTT (Tnos.)— The Force of Truth, an authentic Xarrativo. I 18 mo. 25 ceuis. 30 CARTERS' PUBLICATIONS. u Scotia's Bards — Cuin])risiiii^ the clioicest pi-oiliictious of the Scottish '(' Poets, aoeoinpaiiied with brief sketches of each. Elegantly il- '/ liistratetl. Cloth, § . Full gilt, S . Turkey inor. ? . • This wdjJi comprises the mosl exquisile effusions of Tliomson, nanisny, Hlair, | Falc )Mc* Healtie, Ossian, McNeil, Hriice, Lo^aii, Bums, (Irahani, Scoti, IIo-'!;, j Taiinahill, lA-ydcn, Knox, (.'anipLjcll, Ciuiiiini^haiii, Prinijle, Pullok, Mulher- wcll, Uillillan'. lic'.hune, Nicoll, More, Wilson, Mackay, Aytoun, Siuitli, ami others. The poels of Kniflanil and .Vmerica, and even those of (Jerinany, Italy, and France have hecii ifroupe<l loi,'ether in many a aracefu' ind rrai;rant wreath, while those of Scotland hitherto remain uii'.;athered. It i.iis been the desire of the Editor to give a selection — in most cases, complete [xienis — from each of Ihe best or most noted poets. The selections have been the nn>sl co- pious from the minor poets — those least known in this country— amoni; them will be found some <»J" the mosl exquisite productions of genius, .Accompa- nying the selections there is a brief sketch of each poet. SCOUGAL— The Works of the Rev. Henry Scougal. To- gether vitli his Fittiefiil Serinoii by Df. GAtit)NKR, :iud au ac- eoiitit of his Life aud Writings. ISino. 40 cents. Scripture Truths. Square. Cloth. 15 cents. Scripture Promises. Square. Cloth. 1.5 cents. Select Christian Authors — Comprising Doddridge, Wilbcrforce, Adams, Halybuitnti, A'Kempis, ite., itc. With Introductory Es- says, by Dr. Chalmeus, and others. 2 vols., 8vo. *'2 00. Select Works of James, Vkxn, Wilson', Piiimp, and Jav. Eight complete works ia 1 vol., royal 8vo. ?1 50. *Self-explanatory Reference Bible. The H<dy Bible of the au- thorized \'eisioii witli Maigiiial Reading, and Original nnd Se- lected Parallel References i'rinted at lk.sgth. 8vo. Ttirkey morocco, *6.0n. Half calf, ^4.50 "While the importance of liefcrnicc Hibles is admitted by all, il c«iino'. be dc- llie<I that their utility is much impaired by the time .ind labor re(iiiireil in turnini; to numerous p-.tssatfes. To remedy this delect the present c<lili<>n has l)«en prepared. It.s peculiar object is to set before the reader, at a u'lance, the very words of those passjiijes wliich are best lilted lo illustrate llie text, or to throw satisfuctory light on its metuiing." SERLIj (AMnuosE) — The Christian Remembrancer. S2mo. (iiit. 50 cents. SHERWOOD (Mrs.)— Clever Stories. Containing " Think before you .Vet," "Jack, the Sailor Boy," and " Duty is Safety." 60 cts. Think before you Act. Separate. 25 cents. Duty is Safety. Separate. 25 cents. Jack, the Sailor Boy. Separate. 25 cents •^ Short Prayers in Scripture Language. 15 cents. jSick Room (The). Square. 15 cents. 31 CARTERS' rUBLICATIONS. SIGOURNEY (Mrs. L. II )— Water Drops. Illustrated with ei{jht line tiiiti (1 t'ri;^r.i\ing9. IGrno. 75 edits. " \\\' know dl' iiotliini; mnn: np\irm>r\iilo as a gift b(ii)k than this useful and cn- terlainin;^ volume." — Chii. Srcrr.tary. Letters to my Pupils, witli Narrative and fJiographical Sketolios. Illui'trated witli a fine portrait of tlie aiitlioress, en- graved expressly for this work by Ritchie. 16mo. 75 cents. Olive Leaves. Illustrated. 18mo. 50 cents. "This is a sweet book ordeli!,'htful moral and reli'/ious tendency. Histon.-, bi- of^raphy, story and jxietry are here inleriniii!;led in a manner both charinini,' and inslruclive, niakinj? it one of the best of children's fjill books." — hid'p'ui. The Faded Hope. ISuio. 50 cents. 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We should be very reliiclatit to enilorse Jeremy Taylor's hii?li churchisin, with lii-s no sin:ill spiee of superslllion, or to hold him up asa sale iruide in reliuious mat- ters; the reader must make abatement in these respects; yet, atler all, who eamiot relisli his often line and atlhient thouijhi.s, his no less strikin:; and elo- quent laniiuase, his poetical imairery, and his briiiht and picturesque paintiii!;, or .itTord to make up u Iheoloifical library without reservina: a niche for him V" — Prefl»/terian. (Isaac) — Loyola; or, Jesuitism in its Rudiments, by Isaac Tavlou. l'2tno. 75 cents. " In its historic details it is fair, perspicuous, and sufficiently minute ; in its reasonintrs it is luminous, inwnious, and to ourselves at le;ist, generally irre- sistible."- -./rn-K.?. Natural History of Enthusiasm. 12mo. To cents. " Every one will remember the 'enthusiasm' of delight with which this work and those belons;ini; to the same series were greeted on ihcir first is.sue. It was the discovery of a new ^placer'' of thought ; and allhomjh severe tests have shown that all is not gold that glitters; and that some of the bri;;htest surfaces of splendid thouLrht were very thin, yet they have also shown that there was geimine bullion there." — IVatchman and Obscrrer. (Jaxk) — Limed Twigs to Catch Young Birds. Square. 50 Cents. Beautifully illustrated with colored plates. Hymns for Infant Minds. Square. Illustrated. 40 cts. Life and Correspondence. 18 mo. 40 cents. Display, a Tale. ISmo. 30 cents. Contributions of Q. Q. Illustrated. 16 mo. $1 00. Original Poems for Infant Minds. IStno. 40 cents. Essays in Rhyme. ISmo. 30 cents. Mother and Daughter. ISmo. 30 cents. Rhymes for the Nursery, with sixteen colored plates. TENNENT (Rev. Wm.)— Life of. 25 cents. Theological Sketch Booiv ; or, Sketches of Sei-mons. From Sim- eon's Sketches of Sermons ; Pulpit Assistant ; Benson's Plans ; Preacher ; Pulpit, &<.'. 2 vols., Svo. Cloth, S3 00. 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The work is un cniineiuly experimental one, and is titled to (piicken and brighten all the Christian graces." — i'aritan liecorder. A Lamb from the Flock. 25 cents. Very Little Tales fur very Little Childreu. In large type. Square. First Series. o5 cents. Do. do. Second Series. 40 cents. WARDLAW (Rev Ralph, D.D.)— On Miracles. 12nio. 75 cts. " A more I liorouu'h, profound anil perfectly conclusive an^iiment in favor of miracles than this work ciuitains, is, so far as we know, not t.i l)e found ; and one of its chief reconiinendatiiuis is, that it meets most triumpharrtly some of the most popular forms of inlldelily at the present day. It is a wi'rk that will well repay an attentive perus;il." — .li<,'ii.<. WATERBURY (Rev. J. B.)— A Book for the Sabbath. 40 cts. WATTS (Isaac) — Divine and Moral Songs. Square. Beauti- fitlly illustrated with colored plates. 4ti cents. »y WAUGH— Memoir of the Rev. Alexander Waugh, D.D. ?1. \.Week (The"). By the author of the " Coinniandtnent with Piomiso." Illustiiited with eight beautiful engravings. ICino. 75 cents. 86 _,_._. CARTEllS' PUBLICATIONS. ,(» Week Completed. Separate. 25 cents. WHATEIiY— The Kingdom of Christ Delineated, ami The Errors of Romanism Iraceil t» tluir Origin in Iluniuu Xuttiie. By Richard Wiiately, D.D., Archbisliop of Dublin. 75 cents. WHITECROSS— The Assembly's Catechism. Illnstrated by iilipiojuiate aiic'ctlotcs. By John Whitecross. ISnio. .30 cts. WHITE (Kcv. IlL(in) — Meditations and Addresses on the Sub- ject of Prayer. 18nv>. 40 cents. The Believer. A Series of Discourses. 18nio. 40 cents. Practical Reflections on the Second Advent. 40 cts. The Complete Works of Henry Kirke White, with an Acetnuit of liis Jjife. I'y Robkut Solthey, LL.D. 81 OO. WUiBBRFORCE— A Practical View of the prevailing Religious Systems of professed Christians in the Middle and Higlier Classes of Society, contrasted with real Christianity. By William Wil- BKRFORCK, Esq. Fine edition. Large type. §1 00. WILSON— Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life. By John- Wilson, I'rotV.^sor of Mural Philosophy \A the University of Edinburgh, Editor of Blackwood's Magazine, «fcc. Illustrated with eight fine engravings by Howland. 16mo. 75 cents. WILLIAMS— Memoir of the Rev. John Williams, Missionary to Polynesia, by Ebenkzku Puout. 12ino. 5^1 00. WILLISON (Toiin) — Sacramental Meditations and Advices. ISmo. 50 cent's. Wine and Ivlllk. .Square. 25 cents. WINER'S Grammar of the Idioms of the Greek Language of the New Testament. Translated. Svo. §2 50. WINSLOW (OtTAvius)— Midnight Harmonies; or, Thoughts for the Season of Solitude and Sorrow. 16nio. 60 cents. Personal Declension and Revival of Religion in the Soul. 12ino. 60 cents. WOODRUFF (Annk T.)— Shades of Character; or, the Infant Pilgrim. 2 vols., 12ino. 81 50. WYLIE— A Journey over the Region of Fulfilled Prophecy. By the Rev. J. A. WynE. 18mo. 30 cents. YOUNG'S Night Thoughts. Elegant edition. Large typo. With piM'trait. 16mo. $1 00. Small edition. Close type. ISnxi. 40 cents. 36 NEW YORK, MAY, 1855. LIST OF BOOKS PUBLISHED 13Y 683 BROADWAY, corner of AMITY ST. UPWARD AND ONWARD: or, tlie Ilistoiy of Merritt ; by the author of ' Irisli Amy," <tc. 1 vol. 16 mo. HENRY AND BESSIE; by tlie autlior of the "Flower of the Family," "Only a Daudelion," Ac. 1 vol. 16mo.,with Ilumerou^* illustiatioiw. THE CHILD'S SUNDAY BOOK: a collection of Bible Stories, with suitable illastratious. 1 vol. 16ino. MY BROTHER; or, the Man of Many Friends ; by Mrsi. Ellis, author of " The Women of Enijlanti."' 1 vol. 12 mo. LECTURES TO YOUNG MEN; by Rev. Joseph P. Thompsoa A new edition. 1 vol. 12mo.. 75 ct9. A BOOK FOR THE AFFLICTED; edited by Rev. Samuel Iraeneiw Prime, D. D. 1 v()l. l'2rao. HOPE CAMPBELL: or, Know Tliyself; by Cousin Kate, author of " Lily Gordon," "Margaret Ce- cil." 1 vol. 16mo. 75 cts. ONLY A DANDELION", and other stories ; by the author of " Little Susy's Si.\ Birth Days," '• Howor of the Fainiiy, ttc. 1vol. 16mo., with illustrations. 75 cts. THE FOUNTAIN OF LIVING WATERS: by Rev. Theodore Irving, LL D. 18mo. .18 cts. LILY GORDON. THE YOUNG HOUSEKEEPER; by Cousin Kate, author of "Hope Campbell." 16mo. 75 cts. SPIRITUAL SONGS FOR A MONTH: selected by Rev. J. C. Ryle. 32mo., paper, lo cts.; flexible cloth, 16 cts. THINGS TO BE THOUGHT OF: by the author of" Little Things." 18mo., flexible doth, 20 rfs. THOUGHTS ON THE DEATH OF LITTLE CHILDREN: by Rev.S. Iricneus Prime, with sin Appeiulix of Hyiims and Poems, selected from various authors. 1 vol. 16mo., cloth. THE FLOWER OF THE FAMILY: A book forGirlj;by the author of " Little Susy's Six Birlii Days." 1 vol. ICmo, cloth, 75 cts; gilt, !?1 00. LITTLE SUSY'S SIX BIRTH DAYS: by iier Aunt Susan. Square Ifima, large tyiKMUid illus- tratit>ns, cloth, 50 cts. 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Bedell — Is it Well ? oi', Three Serious and In- tercstinc; Questions to Wives and Mothers. 82rao. Cloth, gilt, 31 cts. 4 published by Stanford and Swords. Bedell — It is Well ; or, Faith's Estimate of Afflictions. 32mo. Cloth, gilt, 31 cts. Bedell — Onward ; or, Christian Progression. 82mo. Cloth, gilt, 31 cts. Bedell — ^Pay thy Vows. A Pastoral Address, subsequent to Coufirmation. 82ino. Cloth, gilt, 31 cts. Bedell — The Renunciation. An Essay on Worldly Amusements. 32mo. Cloth, gilt, 31 cts. Bedell — Way Marks for Persons commencing a Ecligious Life. S2mo. Cloth, gilt, 81 cts. Berens. Village Sermons on the Chief Articles of Faith, &c. 12mo. 75 cts. Berrian, (Rev. Wm., d. b.) Devotions for the Sick Eoom, and for Times of Trouble, compiled from Ancient Litur- gies and the Writings of Holy Men. 12nio. 63 cts. 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A Compendium of (Bingham's) Chris- tian Antiquities; beintr a Brief View of the Orders, Kites, Law?, and Customs of the Ancient Church in the Early Ages. 8vo. $1.50. Historical Account of the Venerable Society for Propagating the Gospel. By Humphreys. 75 cts. Historical Notices of St. Mark's Church, New York. 8vo. 25 cts. History of Trinity Church. By the Eev. Wm. Berrian, D. D. Numerous plates. $2.00. History of the American Church. By "Wilber- force. $1.00. Hobart, (Bishop J. n.) Apology for Apostolic Order. 12mo. 50 cts. Hobart — A Companion for the Altar ; or. Week's Preparation for the Holy Communion. 12mo. 75 cts. Hobart — A Companion for the Festivals and Fasts of the Protestant Episcopal Church, principally selected and altered from Nelson. 12mo. 75 cts. Hobart — Clergyman's Companion, ismo. cioth, 62c. ; roan, 75c. ; roau ex., $1.00 ; mor. super, $1.50 ; mor. tucks, $1.75. Hobart — Edition of Mant and D'Oyly's Com- mentary on the New Testament. 4to. $2.50. Hobart — Memorial of By the Rev. Dr. Schroe- der. 50 cts. Hobart — Posthumous Works. 3 vols. svo. $5.00. 12 published brj Stanford and Swords. Hobart — Revision of Claude on the Composition of a Sermon. 12ino. 63 cts. Hobart — State of the Departed. i2mo. socts. Hobart — The Christian's Manual of Faith and Devotion. Contiiinintj Dialogrues and Prayers suited to tho Various Exercises of the Christian Life, and an Exliortation to Ejaculatory Prayer. 16mo. 75 eta. Hobart — The Communicant's Manual; contain- inij the Order for the Administration of the Holy Communion, together with Prayers and Meditations, 82ino. 81 cts. Hodges, (Eev. wm.) Infant Baptism tested by Scripture and History. 12mo. 50 cts. Hoffman. A Treatise on the Law of the Prot- estant Episcopal Cliurch in the United States. By Murray Hoff- man, Esq. 8vo. Cloth, $2.00. Holmes, (Mrs. Marcus 11.) Sccnes in our Parish. To which is prefixed a Memoir of the Author, by her Sister. 2 vol- umes in one. 12uio. §1.00. 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Keble — Poems. (Lyra Innocentium.) i2mo. 75 ct8. King's New York Grace Church Music. $2.00. Kip's (Eev. W.I.) Double Witness of the Church. 12mo. $1.00. Kip — Early Conflicts of Christianity- New ediuon. 12mo. 75 eta. Kip — Lenten Fast. The History, Object, and Proper Observimco of the Season of Lent. 12aio. 63 cts. Kip — Kecantation ; or, The Confession of a Con- vert to Romanism. 16mo. 6S ttJb. 15 Catalogue of Books KotZ(3l)U0's Life. 12mo. 60 cts. I^dy Maiy; or, Not of the AVorld. By the Kev. C. B. Taylor. 12ino. 75 cts. Law, (Wm., A. M.) A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life. Adapted to the State and Condition of all Ordere ot Chri3tian3. 12mo. 75 cts. Lee, (Bp. Alfred.) Life of the Apostle Peter. In a Series of Practical Discourses. 75 cts. Lessons of the Church. By the Rt. Rev. Dr. Wainwright. Various styles and sizes. See Prayer Booh List. Lewis. Sermons for the Christian Year. By the Eev. W. II. Lewis, D. D., Kector of the Cbiirch of the Holy Trinity, Brooklyn, L. I. 8vo. $1.25. Lewis — Confession of Christ. By the Rev. W. H. Lewis. 12mo. 83 cts. Lewis — Position of the Protestant Episcopal Church, with Kefcrence to other Protestant DeBOuiinations. By the Eev. W. H. Lewis. NintTi Thousand. 8 cts. Little Elsie and Little Jemmy. (For children.) ismo. 25 eta. Lives of Hale, Rochester, &>c. ismo. 75 cts. Lyra Innocentium, and other Poems. By the Kev. J. Keble. 12mo. 75 cts. Mair's Litroduction to Latin Syntiix. Revised by G. Ironside. 12mo. 50 cts. Manning's (Archdeacon) SormOnS. Svo. First Series, §1.70; Second Series, $1.25; Third Series, $1.25; 3 yoIs. Svo., com- plete, $3.75. ]\Iant and D'Oyly's Bible. Edited by Rt. Rev. Bishop Ilobart, 3 vols. New Edition. In Press. Maut and D'Oyly's New Testament. $2.50. 16 %' published by Stanford and Swords. Mant, (Bishop E.) Happiness of the Blessed. i2m<>. 75 cts. Mant — On reading Church Liturgy. i2mo. 75 cts. Manual of Confirmation and Communion. ismo. 25 cts. Mason, (Ecv. h.) Selections from the Fathers of the Church. In Latin. For Schools. 12mo. 75 cts. Mcllvaine's (Bishop c. p.) Discourses. 2 vols. svo. u- 50. Mcllvaine — ^Reasons for refusing to Consecrate a Church having an Altar instead of a Communion Table. 18mo. 25 cts. Meade (Bishop wm.) on the Pastoral Office. 8vo. $1.25. Melvill's (Eev. H.) Sermons. Edited by the Rt. Eev. C. P. Mcllvaine, D. D. 2 vols. Svo. Ninth Thousand. $3.50. Melvill — Sermons on Certain of the Less Prom- inent Facts and Eeferences in Sacred History. First and second series, bound, 75 cts. Melvill — Lectures on Practical Subjects, in i vol. $1.50. (Pub. July 1853) Mercy to Babes. A Plea for the Christian Bap- tism of infants. By Eev. Wm. Adams. 12mo. 62 eta. Miller's (Rev. Dr., of Princeton) RctrOSpCCt of the Eight- eenth Century. 2 vols. Svo. $2.50. Moore's (Bishop Benjamin) ScrmODS. 2 vols. Svo. $8.00. Moore's Greek Grammar. i2mo. so cts. More, (nannah.) SpiHt of Prayer. 82mo. cioth, giit, 87 cts. ; cloth, plain, 25 cts. More — Private Devotions. 32mo. cioth, giit, 87 ots. ; cloth, plain, 25 cts. 17 Catalogue of BooTcs Murdock. Tlie New Testament; or, The Book of the II"] V Gospel of our Lord nnd our Gorl, Jesus the Messiah. A l>itcral 'IViinsliition from tlic Syriac Pcshito VerHiou, by James Murdock, D.D. 8vo. $2.00. Murdock — Institutes of Ecclesiastical History, Ancient anil Motlem. In Four Books. By John Liiwrenco Von Mosheiin, I). D. A New aurl Literal Transfntion from the original Latin, with eojiious additional Notes, orijjinal and so- loctcd, by Jiimes Murdock, D. D. in 3 voLs, SheeiJ, $6.75. Music of the Church. By the Rev. J. M. Wain- Wright, D. D. New edition, nuidi improved. $1.00. Neander. The History of the Christian Religion and Church, during the First Three Centuries. By Dr. Augus- tus Neander. Translated from the German, by Henry John Kose, B. D. Third edition. 8vo. $1.75. Nelson's Greek Exercises. Edited by Professor Antbon. 12mo. 50 cts. Newnham's Tribute of Sympathy. i2mo. 5(j cts. New Manual of Devotions, in Prem. Newton's (Ecv. Richard) Praycrs of the Church. 87 cts. Odenheimer's (Rev. w. h.) Devout Churchman's Companion. Gilt, 75 ct3. Cloth, plain, 63 cts. Odenheiraer — Origin and Compilation of the Prayer Book. 82mo. 25 cts. Odenheimer — True Catholic no Romanist. 32mo. 25 cts. Odenheimer — Young Churchman Catechised. No. 1, 18mo., 16 cts. No. 2, 18mo., 16 cts. Old Truths and New Errors. By Rev. C. M. Butler. 50 cts. Orbis Sensualium Pictus. i2mo. so cts. Paget's (Rev. F. E.) Sermons. i2mo. $i^. 18 published by Stanford and Swords. Palmer. A Compendious Ecclesiastical History, from the Earliest Period to tlie Present Time. By Pvev. William Palmer, M. D., with u Preface and Notes by an Aniericaa Editor. 12mo. 50 cts. Parisli Register; or, Record of Baptisms, Mar- riages, Confirmations, Communicants, Burials, &c., conveniently arrangred for Reference and Preservation. Various Btvles. From $6.00 to $12.50. Perranzahuloe : The Lost Cliurcli Found. i2mo. 2d edition. In press. Plain Sermons. By the Contributors to the " Tracts for the Times." 2 vols. 12mo. $1.50. Pointed Psalter, ismo. cioth, ss cts. Position of the Protestant Episcopal Church. By W. H. Lewis, D. D. 3 cts. Prayers of the Church. By Rev. R. Newton. 18mo. 57 cts. Prelections on some of the more Important Sub- jects connected with Moral and Physical Science. By John Augustine Smith, M. D. 12mo. $1.50. Questions on Self-Examination. 82mo. locts. Recantation; or, The Confessions of a Convert to Komatiism. Edited by Eev. W. I. Kip, 16mo. 63 cts. Religion as Seen through the Church. i6mo. so cu. Remember Me. By Bernard Barton and Others. 12uio. 25 ctB. Richardson. The Churchman's Reasons for his Faith and Practice, witli an Appendix on the Doctrine of De- velopment. By Eev. N. S, Ricnardson. 12nio. 75 cts. Richardson — On Confirmation. 52mo. scu. Richardson — Reasons why I am not a Papist. 12mo. 12 cts, Robinson's (Archdeacon) Last Days of Bishop ITeber. 12mo, 50ots. 19 Catalogue of Books Sacra Privata. lemo., rs cts. Sacra Privata, with Andrewes' Devotions, lemo. 75 cts. ; Seeker's (Archblsliop Thomas) LccturCS On Churcll Cat- echism. 12mo. 75 cts. Seeker — Lectures on Popery, ismo. 25 cts. Selectae e Patribus, sen Theologica Sumraa Clcri- cis Haud Inutile in Usum Juventutis Academic^e. Aactore Henrico M. Mason, D. D. 12mo. 75 cts. Scenes in Our Parish. By a " Country Parson's" Daughter. To which is prefixed a Memoir of the Author, by her Sister. 12mo. $1.00. Scott's Narrative of the Phigue in London, ismo. 25 cts. Sermons for the Christian Year. By the Rev. W. H. Lewis, D. D. 8vo. $1.25. Short, The History of the Church of England to the Revolution, 1688. By Thomas Vowler Short, D. D., Lord Bishop of St. Asaph's. 8vo. $1.50. Short — What is Christianity ? 50 cts. Simeon's (Kev. c.) Sermons on the Holy Spirit. 88 cts. Simeon — Sermons on the Liturgy. i8mo. 25 cts. Skinner's (Bishop John) Truth and Order, svo. $1.00. Smith's (Rev. Wm.) Primitive Psalmody. i2mo. 50 cts. Smith, (John Augustus, M.D.) Prclectious on some of the more Inip:)i-tant Subjects connected vnih Moral and Physical Sci- ence, in oppoiiition to Phrenology, Materialism, Atheism, and the Principles advanced by the Author of the "Vestiges of Crea- tion," and deducing the True Criterion of Moral Propriety from the Instinctive Ruling of the Moral Sense. By John Augustine Smith, M. D., and Member of the Royal College of Surgeous, London. $1.50. 20 published by Stanford and Swords. Spencer. History of the Reformation in Eng- land. By Eov. J, H. Spencer, A. M. 16mo. 50 eta. Spincke's Manual of Devotion, ismo. 75 cts. Stanford. The Aged Christian's Companion, con- taining a variety of Essays. Adapted to the Improvement, Con- solation, and Encouragement of Persons advanced in Life. By the Rev. John Stanford, D. D. With a Memoir of the Author by the Eev. George Upfold, D. D. 8vo. Portrait. Cloth, $2.00 ; gilt, $2.50. Stanford, (Rev. Dr. John.) Memoir and Life. ismo. 75 cts. Stanley (Lord) on the Parables. For Children and Sunday Schools. 18mo. 38 cts. Staunton. A Dictionary of the Church, con- taining an Exposition of Terms, Phrases, &c. $1.25. Staunton — Book of Gregorian and Modern Chants. 75 cts. Steps to the Altar. A Manual of Devotions and Meditations for the Blessed Eucharist. Compiled by a Parish Priest. Flexible cloth, 25 cts. Stone, (Rev. J. s., D. D.) Church Universal, svo. $1.25. Stone — Address on the Death of Dr. Milnor. Sumner's (Bishop j. b.) Exposition, cioth, 75 cu. Sunday School Teacher's Companion, ismo. 87j eta. Sunliffht throuofh the Mist, illustrated, lemo. 75 cu. Tayler— Mark Wilton, the Merchant's CAerk. 12njo. 75 cts. Tayler — Angels' Song. i2mo. 75 cts. Tayler — Arthur and his Mother; or, The Child of the Church. A Book for Children. ISino. 85) eU. 21 Catalogue ofBookt Tayler — Earnestness; or^ Incidents in the Life of an English Bishop. 12mo. 75 cts. Tayler — Lady Mary; or, Not of the World. I2mo. 75 cts. Tayler — Margaret ; or, The Pearl. i2mo. 75 cts. Tayler — Records of a Good Man^s Life. umo. 75 cts. Tayler — Scenes in a Clergyman's Life. i2mo. 75 Ctft. Tayler — Thankfulness : A Narrative, comprising Passages from the Diary of tl)e Rev. Allan Temple. 12mo. 75 cts. Tayler — Truth ; or, Persis Clareton. A Narra- tive of Church History iu the Seventeenth Centnry. 12mo. 75 cts. *«* Uniform jSeU of 0. £. Tatjler^i Works can he had in variom styles of Binding. The Pointed Psalter ; or, Psalms of David, <fec., &c., Pointed for ChantiU)^. 18mo. S8 cts. The Vast Army. By the Rev. Edward Monro. 18mo. 88 cts. Thomas a Kempis. Imitation of Christ, ismo. 75 cts. Thornton. Family Prayers, and Prayers on the Ten Commandments, &o. To which is added, A Family Com- mentary upon the Sennon on the Mount, by the late Henry Tliorutbn, Esq., M. D. Edited by the Et. Rev. Manton burn, D. D., Bishop of Miussacliu.sctts. Twentieth Thousand. 12mo. 75 cts. ; calf, $1.50 ; morocco extra, $2.25. Torrey's Flora of the Northern and Middle Sec- tions of the United states. Vol.1. Svo. $2.50. Totten's (Kov. s.) Analogy of Truth. i2mo. so cts. Trimmer (Mrs.) on the Church Catechism, i&no 25 cts. 22 published by Stanford and Swords. Trimmer — Easy Lessons. 24mo. is cts. Trimmer — Scripture History, ismo. 25 eta. Turner, (Rev. s. n., d. d.) Spiritual Things compared r, an Attempt ferences. By ' J. C3 . ivith Spiritual, and explained to Spiritual Men; or, an Attempt to Illustrate the New Testament by Parallel Eefe: Samuel H. Turner, D. D. 12mo. 25 cts. Turner — A Companion to the Book of Genesis. 8vo. $1.25. Turner — ^Tlie Epistle to tlie Romans, in Greek and Eni,''Ii.«h, with an Analysis and Exegetical Commentary. 8vo. $1.50. Questions to ]5o. i5 ets. Turner — Biographical Notices of some of the most Distincuished Jewish Rabbtes, and Translations of Por- tions of their Comtneutaries, and other Works. With illusira- tiv« Introductions and Notes. 12mo. 75 cts. Turner — The Epistle to the Hebrews, in Greek and English, with an Analysis and Exegeticid Commentary. 8vo. $1.25. Questions to Do. 25 cts. Two Sisters : Principle and Practice. i6mo. 75 ct3. Tyng — Address, and Stone's Sermon on the Death of Dr. J^ninor. 8vo. 25 ots. Wainwright, (Rt. Rev.j. m., d.d.) An Order of Fam- ily Prayer for Every Day in the Week, and for the ComnnMnora- tion of the Holydays and Seasons of the Church. 12mo. 75 cts. Wainwright — Edition of Church Lessons. Sm Prayer Book Li*t. Wainwright — Music of the Churcli : A Collec- tion of Psalms, llyrans, and Chant Tuiks. Adapted to tii« Worship of the Protestant Episcopal Cliurch in the United States. A new edition, much improctd. $1.00. Wainwright — Sermons on Religious Education. 8vo. 50 eta. Wainwright — Short Family Prayei-s for Every Morning and Evening of the Week, and for Particnlar Occasions. 25 els. 23 Catalogue of Books Wainwriglit and Mulil(3iil)erg. Cliurcli Music. Choir and Family Psalter. 4to. $2.00. Wake. The Genuine Epistles of the Apostolic Fathers, and an Account of the Martyrdoms of St. Ifnatiua and St. Polycarp, written by those who were present at their Suffer- ingB. Being, together with the Holy Scriptures of the New TeHtnment, a complete Collection of the most Primitive An- tiquity for about a Hundred and Fifty Years after Christ. Translated and Published, witli Preliminary J-)iscourBes, by the Most Reverend Father in God, WilUam, late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. 8vo. $1.50. What a Mother can Endure. From the Flemish of Heudrick Conscience. 18mo. Illustrated. 81 ct3. White (Bishop wm.) on the Ordination Offices; i2mo. 75ctB. White — History of the Church, svo. inpress. Who is Jesus ? Cloth. ISmo. 20 cts. Whole Duty of Man, The, Laid Down in a Plain and Familiar TV ay. For the Use of All. With Private Devotions lor Several Occasions. 12mo. 75 cts. Wilberforce. Family Prayers, by the late Wil- liam AVilberforce, Esq. Edited by his Son. To which are added, Prayers, by the Kev. John Swete, D. D. ISmo. 25 cts. Wilberforce — A History of the Protestant Epis- copal Church in America. By Samuel, Lord Bishop of Oxford. 12mo. $1.00. Williams. Tlioughts on the Gospel Miracles. By the Kev. John Williams, D. D. 18mo. 88 cts. Williams (Rev. Isaac) ou the Lord's Passion, svo. Cloth, 75 cts. Williamson's Essay on Climate. 5o cts. Wills — Ancient English Ecclesiastical Architec- ture, and its Principles applied to the Wants of the Church at the Present Day. By Frank Wills, Architect, and Member of the Ecclesiastical Societies of London and New York. Numerous plates. $2.50. Wilson, (Bishop.) Parochiala. i2mo. so cts. 24 published by Stanford and Sioords. Wilson — Address on Confirmatiou. ssmo. 25 cu. Wilson — A Short Introduction for the True Understanding of the Lord's Supper. 82mo. 38 cts. Wilson — Sacra Privata, with a Memoir of the Author by the Kev. W, H. Odenheimer, A. LI. S8 cts. Wilson — Sacra Privata, and Bishop Andrewes' Devotions. In 1 vol. 16mo. 75 cts. Wilson Sacra Privata. Churchman Library Ed., 16mo., 75 cts. Pickering edition, 63 cts. Wilson, (Rev. w. D., A.M.) The Church Identified, by a Eeference to the History of its Origin, Perpetuation, and Extension into the United States. $1.00. Wilson — Compendium of Greek Prosody. i2mo. 19 cts. Wilson — Introduction to Greek Prosody. i2ino. 50 cts. Wilson — Rules of Latin Prosody. i2mo. :o cts. Words of Jesus, with Faithful Promiser. Wyatt, (Rev. w. E.) Parting Spirit's Address to his Mother. ISmo. 13 cts. Wyatt — Christian Offices, for the Use of Fami- lies and Individuals; compiled from the Liturgy of the Protest- ant Episcopal Churcli, and from the Devotional Writings of various Authors; together witli SelcL'tions of Passages of Scrip- ture, and a Calendar, pointing out a suitable Portion of Scripture for the Family Worship of Every Day in the Year. 12jno. $1.00. Wall on Baptism, to wlilch is added Jerram's Conference on Baptism. ICmo. 63 ct«. Zerah, the Believing Jew. i2mo. 75 ct«. 2 26 CHUECH 3mSIC. Hcv. THE C h::?. a: >:d -A:.mT fsal .TER: •»r with t!: :5ce= .,( :',. 1 GREATOREX-S . $2.0). THE JrrTsIC or THE CHTJRCH: A -- ad»pte<J to the wonbip of tb* I- - . New edition, much ImproTcd. L. ; V. THE CH' : A Co'.: - 'TT of Psalm «nd Hfmn Tun#*. .1 - . . -.. . ... . ..^.^.•..- - .-— .^J PUno Forte. Bj Eer. Joe«ph Mueascuer, I>. L*. 4i-'.^J. NEW TORX JRACE CH^TRCH COLLECTTOIT OF SACRED MUSIC : » •He Cli.**i?al in.i 5a<-re.i Works of the Great Cooi- I P-alm* an.J Hvmn^ of the Protcst-int Epi-v:opal I -in Aci;c%rn[ian;m-nt bv Wi'.Iiim A. Kin::, <.>rgaaijt and I« r ..: -r ■ i t .• M .-; - .,f Gnce Charch, >'ew t'ork. Price %-l.^nX THE CHfJHCH CHANT BOOK: C - - -^ ■ ' ■ -" ' •■-:-- '"-^--••^ :- •-- r---.-:.- „^ >' :' the ; - ve to t-.- J-. - i ,,.i._.-. •■:...•;... i...i-.i-.-.. .!_ . .J ;.^. ■.■■.. .v^. jy tb« : and "ine. c.L :ices, < >«of :her I i- -A- r . J.- : 'f -.■;.-:;-- j.-.: ~-:Zi'>o:i. r,v ii. «>. i/r-^corex, I . irector of the 31 Qsie in Calvary Church, New Tork- fl.OO. THE ?::_J1~ 3 PSALTER: Br;:..- t.e Ij^jra-' of Davit arransed for Chanting, with an Appendix containing Hvtnas from Holv scripture, and a Selection of Chants. Edited by W. A. Muhlenberg, D. D.' 37 ca. DEITS MISEREATtTR: Beir.z ar. A '.-■-- f I'--' words of Psalm LXTIL, with the Gloria Patri, to M35tc :- . jrated Miserere. 35 eta. THE SEE A r. . >r i-'.-. c -.-juninj Orizinal Compositlona. toeetber -B n celebrated Enslbb and other anthora, r- . in this country. By G. F. LeaTena, THE OHDEE OF THE DAILY SERVICE; OR CANTICLES, With tLe Ma-i''al N'>a.:iia. a< iHcd in En^ii^h Cathedral and Collegiate Churchea, tiistrther with a Collection of Communion Serricei, and Chan Li for the Psalms tor the Day and CanUcUa. fl.tXi r«r Do2en. THE PSALTER. OR PSALMS OF DA'TTD. tc . &=. I' ' ' - : -npson. 37 ets. ORZ -lANTS; A .: to be song in Chorchea. THE MANtrsCRIPT OHAJST BOOK: liy George F. Jones. tl^X. BOOKS OF COMMOX PKAYEE. FOl.TO. EnglUb Type. A. 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra, flexible back, bevelled sides, Gtitliic and other patterns $15.00 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra, flexible back 12.00 3 French Morocco, gilt 6.00 4 French Morocco, plain 6J)0 QUARTO. EnylisU Type. B. 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra, flexible back, bevelled sides, Gothic and other patterns 12.00 2 Turki-j- Morocco, super extra, flexible back 10.00 5 Turkey .Morocco, gilt S.OO 4 French Morocco, gilt 5.00 5 French Morocco, plain 4.00 ROYAL OCTAVO. C. Great Primer ORlfC"* in Large Typo. 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra, fle.-cible back, bevelled 10.00 i Turkey Morocco, super extra... 7.00 % French .Morocco, gilt S^iX) No. 1. OCT.WO. D. (iron' I'l-imer, Olllres and Psalms nnd Hymns in Large Type. 1 Silk velvet, cla.«p, rim, and other ornaments 15.00 8 Turkey Morocco, snper extra, flexible back, bevelled, with rims and clasp |10.00 3 Turkey Morocco, super extra, bevelled aoo 4 Turkey Morocco, snper extra, clasp 7.00 5 Turkey Morocco, snper extra . . Ci'O Xo. '2. OCTAVO. Standard. E. 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra. .. 6.50 2 French -Morocco, gilt 8^00 3 Sheep 2.00 >o. 3. OCTAVO. Pica. F. PSAIJIS AXD DTJCXS IX LAEGS TYPE. 1 French Morocco, gilt 3.00 2 French Morocco, plain 2.00 3 Boan, gilt 2.50 4 Koan, plain 1.T5 5 Sheep 1.50 Xo. 4. OCT.WO. G. PSALVS XXD imi.VS IX SHALL TTPK. 1 French Morocco, glit 2.50 9 French Morocco, plain 1.75 8 Sheep 1,25 .No. 3. OCT.WO. IL Thin Small Piea. French M.toccii, gill 5.0<) French Morocco, pLoin l."J5 Sheep 1.00 Stanford tfc Swords' DUODECIMO. Pica. I. 1 Turkey Morocco, sup. extra IS.SO 2 Froiicli Morocco 2.00 DrODRCIMO. Long Primer. K. 1 FrcMcli Morocco, gilt 1.50 2 French Marucco, plain 1 .2.') f Shui>p 0.75 .SIXTEEN MO. Small Pica. 1 Silk velvet, clasp, rim, and other f/rnaments 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with clasp 8 Turkey Morocco, super extra... 4 Turkey Morocco, super e.\tra 8. * S.'s pure flexible 5 French Morocco, gilt 6 Frencli Morocco, plain I.. 8.50 8.00 8.00 1.75 1.25 No. 1. EIGHTEEN 3IO. M. Small Pica. (Super Extra Paper.) 1 Pearl inlaid devices, various .. . 18.00 2 Ivory, beautifully inlaid with rich mountings and clasp 18.00 8 Papier Machi, inlaid 10.00 4 Velvet, with rich mountings, clasp, and extra ornaments . . . 6.00 5 Turkey Morocco, super extra, antique, colored edges, and tooled in gold, with clasp 6.00 6 Turkey Morocco, super extra, gilt, rims and ornaments 5.00 7 Turkey Morocco, super exir.'x, bevelled with clasp 4.00 8 Turkey Morocco, super extra, antique clasp 3.00 9 Turkey Morocco, super extra, antique 2.50 10 Turkey Morocco, super extra, cla,sp 2.75 11 Turkey Morocco, super extra.. 2.25 IS Turkey Morocco, super extra, pure flexible 2.25 No. a. i:ic;iiti;i:n .>io. n. Siiiiill Pirn. 1 French .Morocco, gilt cdge.1 $1.23 2 Roan, gilt edges 1.00 3 " gilt, pnrc flexible 1.00 4 " plain 0.68 No. 3. ElfJUTEEN MO. O. Small Pirn. VISION I-S.VLMS AND IfTMNS. 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra clasp 2.50 2 Turkey .Morocco, super extra. .. 2.25 3 French Morocco, gilt 1.00 4 Turkey Morocco, flexible 1.00 5 Eoan,gilt 0.87 No. 1. EIGHTEEN MO. P. Sninll Pica. MINIOX PS.iLMS AND nT.MN8. 1 Eoan, plain 0.75 2 Sheep, neat 0.75 EIGHTEEN 3IO. Brevier. Q. 1 French Morocco 1.00 2 Eoan, plain 0.62 3 Sheep 0.38 4 Cloth 0.31 5 For Distribution 20 per 100 TWENTY-FOIR MO. R. Small Pica. (Super Extra Paper.) 1 Velvet, with rich mountings and clasp, extra 6.00 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra, clasp 2.75 3 Turkey Morocco, super extra . . . 2.25 4 Turkey Morocco, S. k. S.'s pnre flexible 2.25 TWENTY-FOIR MO. S. I Small Pica. (Super Extra Paper.) MINtON PSALMS AND HTMX3. . 1 Velvet, with clasp 5.5C Cat'ilnr/ue of Pnn/er Bookx. 3 'i Turkey Morocco, clasp *2.50 8 Turkey Morocco 2.00 4 Turkey Morocco, S. & S.'s pure flexible 2.00 No. 1. TWENTY-FOUR MO. T. Bour-teoiM. (Super Extra Paper.) 1 Velvet, with rich mountings and clasp 4.50 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra, gilt, rims and ornaments 5.00 3 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with clasp 2.50 4 Turkey Morocco, super extra. . . 2.00 5 Turkey Morocco, S. & S.'s pure flexible 2.00 No. 2. TWENTY-FOUR MO. U. Bourgeois. French Morocco, gilt 1.25 2 French Morocco, flexible 1.25 3 Roan, gilt edges 1.00 4 Koan, pure flexible, gilt 1.00 TWENTY-FOUR MO. V. Brevier. (In Rules.) 1 Velvet, with rich mountings and cla-sp 5.00 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra, gilt, rims and ornaments 4.50 8 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with cla.sp 2.50 4 Turkey Morocco, super extra. .. 2.00 5 Turkey Morocco, S. & S.'s pure flexible 2.00 THIRTY-TWO .1IO. Brevier. W. (Super Extra Paper.) 1 Velvet, with rich mountings and cln-sp 5.00 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra, gilt rims and ornaments 4.00 8 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with clasp 2.25 4 Turkey Morocco, super extra . . . 1.T5 6 Turkey Morocco, S. & S.'s pure flexible $1.75 6 Turkey Morocco 1.50 THIRTY-TWO MO. Minion. X. 1 Velvet, with rich mountings and clasp 5.00 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with clasp 2.00 3 Turkey Morocco, super extra.. 1 60 4 Turkey Morocco, S. & S.'s pure flexible 1.50 5 French Morocco, with clasp... 1..50 6 French Morocco 1.00 7 Roan, gilt edges, flexible 0.C2 8 Roan, plain edges 0.50 9 Ar.ibesque, gilt edges, with clasp 0.50 10 Arabesque, gilt edges 0.37 11 Arabesque, plain 0.31 THIRTY-TWO MO. Y. Nonpareil. (In Rules.) 1 Velvet, with rich mountings and cla.=p 5.00 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra, gilt rims and ornaments 4.00 3 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with chisp 2.00 4 Turkey Morocco, super extra. . . 1.50 5 Turkey Morocco, 3. & S.'s pure flexible 1.50 FORTY-EIOHT .■>«>. Z. Nonpareil. (Super Extra Paper.) 1 Velvet, rich mountings and clasp 450 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra, rims and other ornaments 3.50 3 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with clasp 2.0» 4 Turkey Morocco, super extra. .. 1.50 5 Turkey Morocco, S. & S.'s pure flexible 1.50 G French Morocco 1 .00 I 7 Arabesque, gilt, with clasp 0.88 ! S Arabesque, gill 0.81 Stanford (k Sioords' CHIJHCII SKIIVICB. CotUaining the liouk of Common Priiyer, and Vuit portion of the BibU (ipjioinlfd to be reatl on Stindnija and Jlolyda;/*. TWKNTV-rOlIt MO. It. UrcviiT. (.1" l^ilis-) 1 Ivory, Inlaiil, with cla»p nnil or- imuifiitf, variuiis styles $18.00 2 I'lijiier Macliu, with clasp and ornitinents, various styles 10.00 5 Vi-lvcL, ri<ili niouiitiiigs ami cl;isp 7.00 4 Turkey Morocco, super extra, rims ard otlier ornaments 5.50 6 Turkftv Morocco, super extra, with clii5p 3.50 6 Turkey Morocco, super extra. . 3.00 7 Turkey Morocco, S. & S.'s pure flexible 3.00 8 French Morocco, with cla.sp... 2.50 9 tVi-nch Morocco 2.00 10 Koan, (rilt, pure flexible 1.50 1 1 Roan, gilt 1.50 12 r.oan, plain 1.25 TWENTY-FOUR MO. Bourgeois. 1 Ivory, inlaid, cL-uip and orna- monts JIS.OO 2 Papier Machii 10.00 8 Velvet, rich mountings and clasp 7.00 4 Turkey Morocco, super extra, rims and other ornaments, with clasp 5.50 5 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with clasp 8.50 C Turkey Mo>-occo, super extra.. 3.00 V Turkey Montcco, super extra, S. .i S.'s pure fle.vible ;\0 8 French Morocco, with cla-ip . . . 12.50 9 French Morocco 2.00 10 Itoan, gilt, pure flexible 1^ 11 I'voan, frilt 1J50 12 Koan, plain 1.25 TIIIllTY-TWO .MO. Ilicvier. 1 Ivory, beautifully inlaid, various styles $12.50 2 Papier .Mach6, inlaid, various styles 8.00 3 Velvet, rich mountings and clx-ip 6.00 4 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with rims and cla-:p 4.50 5 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with clasp 3.00 6 Turkey Morocco, super extra.. 2.50 7 Turkey Morocco, S. & S.'s pure fltxible 2.50 8 French Morocco, with clasp .. . 2.00 French Morocco 1.50 10 Roan, gilt 1.25 U Roan, plain 1.00 FORTY-EIGUT MO, 1 Velvet, rich mountings 5.00 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with rims 4.00 3 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with clasps 2.50 4 Turkey Morocco, super extra. .. 2.00 5 Turkey Morocco, super extnv, S. i S.'s pure flexible 2.00 Catalofjue of Prayer Books. PROPER LESSONS. Containing Vie Leasonn as appointed to he read from the Scriptureit. SIXTEEN MO. Small Pica. (In Rules.) 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with cl(i«p $3.W) 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra. . . 3.00 8 Ro.-m gill 1.50 4 Roan, jihiin .... 1.25 6 Sheep, neat . . 1 00 EIGIITKEN MO. Small Pica. 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with clasp 2.75 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra. . . 2.25 8 Turkey Morocco, super extra, 8. & S.'s pure flexible 2.25 4 Roiin, gilt 1.25 5 Roan, plain 1.00 TWEXTY-FOUR MO. Bourgeois. 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra, witli cla.sp 2.2.) 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra. . . 1.75 8 Roan, gilt 0.75 4 Roan, plain 0.6-3 TWENTY-FOUR MO. Brevier. (In Rules.) 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with clasp 2.25 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra . . . S1.75 3 Turkey Morocco, super, 3. & S.'s pure flexible 1 75 THIRTY-TWO MO. ROYAL. Brevier. 1 Roan, gilt 0.75 2 Roan, plain 0.6.3 3 Sheep, neat 0.50 THIRTY-TWO MO. Brevier. 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with clasp 2.00 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra,. . . 1.50 3 Turkey Morocco, super extra, 8. 4 S.'s pure flexible 1.50 4 Roan, gilt 0.75 5 Roan, plain 0.6$ FORTY-EIGHT MO. 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with clasp 2.00 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra. . . 1.50 3 Turltey Morocco, super extra, S. ft S.'b pure flexible 1.50 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra 2 Turkoy Morocco, super extra 8. & 8.'s pure flexible 4.00 ALTAR SERVICE. 4.00 3 French Morocco 2.50 4 Roan, gilt 2.'M» Stanford <k Swords* THK ORDINAL. 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra. .. $5.00 | 2 Imitation Morocco $4.00 PSALMS AND HYMNS. OCTAVO. Picn. WITH OR WITHOUT THE C0LLBCT8. 6 KoaiL, plain 1.00 7 She«p 0.75 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra. . . 4.00 TWPT VF IIO 2 Turkey Morocco, pure flexible. . 4.00 gj^^^p ^^ ^loth !....' O.ST 3 French Morocco 2.00 < French Morocco, pure flexible. . 2.00 EIGHTEEN HIO. ft Eoan, gilt 1.60 ^ Sheep or Cloth 0.43 ADDENDA ♦ !/■ J * ^k iviDiiothtca :a]iicriciuia, C A T A L G U P: OF AMERICAN PUBLICATIONS, (REPRINTS AND ORIGINAL WORKS,) KKOM MAY, 1855, TO MAPtCH. 1858. COMPILED AND AKK.VJSOKI) BY ORVILI.E A. ROORBACH. NEW yOIIK: A\' I L K Y k II A L S T ED, 3 r, i V, W A I > \N' A \ LONDON: TRUBNEK k CO. 18 5 8. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1S68, by ORVILLE A. r.OOKBACn, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. li . C R A I r. II E A D , P n I -S T K B , C.ulcii UiiilUing, SI, 83, and 85 Cfntre Streft. ABBREVIATIONS. ara Arabesque — Embos3C<l. bds Boards. cf Calf. cl Cloth. el. ex Cloth full gilt and gilt edges. emb Embossc<l — A rabcsquo. flex, cl Flexible cloth. hf ara Arabesque backs. hf. r Half roan. hf. nis Half russia, hf cl Cloth backs. hf bd Slieep backs. ill'd pap Illuniinated paper. im. mor Imitation morocco. Lib b^heep, Phihidclphia style. mor Morocco. pap raj). r llonn. r. el. sides Roan back, cloth eidoi. slip Plain sheep. shp. gt Sheep, gilt back?. Saxy Saxony. LIST OF rUBLlSlIERS. Akorman, Geo New York Allen, Kdward P Boston AUiu^', Wiliiam Kochoster, N. T. Anier. Bap. Pub. i^ocioty . . Mcw York " Bible Union .... " Sunday Scliool Union . Plilludt-Iphia " Tract Society .... Xow York " Unitarian Association . I'.ostun Anners, II. F Pliiladelphla Anderson, D Columbus, O. " Gates & Wright . Cincinnati Applepato &• Co " Api)leton, ]). & Co New York Asliincad, Henry B Cincinnati Babcock, S New iraven W. P. Charleston, S. C. Backer, George New \ork Balrd, 11. C Pbiladelpiiia Baker, Z. it Co Worcester, Mass. " it Godwin (printers) . New York Ballatyne, J. F Chicago BoJlllcre, H New York " Charles K " Ballon ifc Loveland .... Montiielier, Vt. J5arnes, A. S. & Co New York Bartlett, Jolin Cambridge, Mass. Bcardsley, J. E Buffalo, N. Y. Bell, F Philad.lphiu Biddle, K. C. &. J Blanchard, C New York " it Loa Philadelphia Board of I'ub.of Itof. Dutch Ch. New York Bond. J. \V. & Co Baltimoro Bradley, J. W Philadelphia Brady, F New York BrigRS, Geo. W. it Co. . . . Boston Brinkerhoff, J. W New York U. it n Brooks, T>. B. & Bro. . . . Saloin, Mas.s. Brown, F. A Hartford, Conn. " II Providence, K. I. " J. S. A Co New York " Thomas <'lcveland, O. " Bazln it Co Boston " Loomls it Co. . . . Now York " 'I'aggard & Chaso . . Boston Buffum. J " Bnnce it Bro New York Burdick Bros " Burgess, I), it Co " Burke, A Bnffiilo, N. Y. Burnham I'ros Boston liutler, Francis Now York '• .1. M BufTalo. N. Y. " K. H. it Co Pliila.l.lphla Butts, J. U Boston C«lkln.^ D. it M Worcester, Mass. Calkin* A Stiles New York Campbell & Co Philadelphia Carlton it Phillips .... New Y'ork '■ & Porter " Carter, Bobert it Bros. ... " Cballen, .las. it Son .... Philadelphia Cliilds it Peterson " Clajip, David Boston " Otis Clark, Aastin it Smith . . . Now York Clement & Fore (printers) . Eiehmond, Y«. Cubb, J. 15. it Co t:leveland, O. Collins, G Philadelpliia " Kobt. B. it Bro. . . New York " T. K. Jun'r .... Philadelphia Colton. .T. II. it Co New York Collar. B. of Pub Boston Cooke, 1>. B. it Co Chicago Courteiiay, S. G. it Co. . . . Cliarleston, 8. C. Cotton, U Boston Cowpurthwait, II. it Co. . . Philadelphia Cozaiis, P. J New York Crandall, Chos I'azenovia, N. Y. Crocker it Brewster .... Boston Crosby, Nichols i Co. ... " ( 'rowen. T. J New York Crown, L. P. it Co Boston Cunningham, P. F Philadelphia Curtis Aiva (author) .... Cincinnati Cushing ii Bailey Baltimore Damrcll & Moore Boston Dana. D., .Ir New York 1 arrow <fe Bro Iiochcstcr Pavidbon, J. S Pittstic'd, Masi. Davis. C. II Philadelphia •' K. S. it Co Boston Dayton, II New York Derby, II. W ClnclnnaU " J. C Now York " it 'Inckson '• Desllver, Clmrles Philadelphia Dcwev, 1>. .M Uochester Dewltt, U. .M NuwYork " it D.ivcnnort ... " Dick it Fitzgorald " IHokerson, .1. S " Dix, Kdwards it Co Dinsmoro it Co " Dltson. O Boston Dodd, M. W Now York Donahoe. P Boston Dnipi r, W. F Andovcr, Mam. Duncan, L. A. it Co New Orloona DiinlKan >t Bro New York. Durrle it Peck New Haven Dutton it Wentworth . . . Boston Edwards A- Bushncll . . . . Pt. Louis. Mo. Enplc, Jos.oh P Philadelphia Ensign, Brldgeman <fc Fanning New York LIST OF PUnLISIIERS. [am. cat. Eplncop. Biinday-iehool I'nlon Now Turk KriiRl, I'npob Cliicliinntl Kftlrrlillil, ,1. M. A. Co. . . . Now Vork Kanslmw. I). . . . KnriniT, Ilriicc" & Co. FetrldKo, \V. P. & (o FIcfclicr, K II, . . Fowlpm fi Wclln . Krnnois, C. 8. A Co. French, .las. is, Co. " 8. ... Onrrotf, Dick k FUigernld Ooctzol, S. II. .t Co. Oonid \- LInrnIn . Gowaii?, \Silliiiin . Graves, Marks fc Co. Grcolcy k McElrnth. Green, H. 11. . . . Gurloy, \V. & L. E. HbII k TTopktns . " k Wilson Hallott, 3. . . . Hamerslcy, W. J. Harper it Uros. . llarrold iV Murray Ilastinps, II. L. . llavcrty. P. M. . Hays .V Zoll . . Havs itTliompRon Hazard, AV. P. . Heath k Graves Hcdian & O'Hrlon Henderson, C. G. & Co. Henry, O. W. (author) Heuston, S Hickllni,', Swan & IJrewer Hisiiiins .t Perkenpine . Hiffsins, Bradlev & Dayton Holbrook School Apparatus Co, Holdcn & Wilson Homans, .J. S Hooker, H Hopkins, Hrldgeniin & Co. Howe, Henry " M. F. & Co Hnll k 15ro Hunt k Son Huntington, F. J. Boston Now York . New York Boston New York Nashville, Tenn. New York Boston Troy, N. Y. Syracuse, N. Y. Now York TTartford Now Ynrk Kiohniond, Ta. EochfSter New York Philadelphia Chicago Philadelphia Boston Baltimore Philadelphia Oneidu. N. T. New York Boston , Philadelphia Boston Hartford Raleiph. N. C. Now York Philadelphia Northampton, Mass. Cincinnati Boston Louisrille, Ky. Philadelphia New York Ivison & Phinney NewYork James, V. V Cincinnati Williams »t Getsinger Charleston, 8. C. Jenkins, E. O. (printer) . . . New York Jewctt, J. P. k Co Boston Jones, T., Jr. & Co. .... New York Kay <fc Bro Philadelplua Keen k Loo Chicago Keith & Woods St. Louis, Mo. Kelly & Bro Boston Kig:rins & Kollosg .... New York Knight, F. & Co LaflFcrty, H. .\ Beading, Pa. Lossalle, Chas New York Ixjary Jc Getz Philadelphia Leavitt A Allen New York Lee. Mann it Co Rochester lyeonard, J. W. & Co. . . . New York Lindsay & Blaklston .... Phil.idclphia Lipplncott & Co " LlttoU, E. & Co New York Little, W. C. it Co Vlbany " Brown it Co Boston Liveiraoro, E Now York .fcRudd .... Lloyd. T. T. & Co Cincinnati Lockwood, R. vt Son .... New York Long, E. D New York " H. it Bro Longlny k Bros Cincinnati. O. Longstroth, H I'hlliMlelphla Luca' Bros Balllinoro I..iidwlg, II New York Lyon, (J. P Concord. N. H. " Henry New York Mngagnos, T. L New York Msgee, .J. P Boston Miinsfleld, H New Haven Marsli. Bcia Boston Martien, W. S. A A I'hllad.lphla Martin & Johnson New Voik Marvin, T. li Boston MiLSon l?ros New York Massachupotts Sab. School So. Boston Mayhew & liaker " M'C.irter&Co Charleston. 6. C. M'(ioor2e, W New York M'Grath, H Philadelphia .M'Millan, J Pittsburgh, Pa. Mcndum, J. P Boston Mentz, AV G I'hiladelphia Merriam, Moore A Co. . . . Trov, N. Y. Morrill .t Mctcriir Lowell, Mass. Methodist Book Conoern . . Cincinnati . . New York Miller, G. D Philadeli.hia " J. Pu Boston " Urton & Mulligan . . New York " " A Co " A Co " A Curtis " " k Iliilnian " Minifie, William Baltimore Moffet, John New York Montague, W. L St Loui.*. Mo. Moore, A. O New York " A. A Bro Boston J. W Philadelphia Moore, Wilstach, Keyes A Co. Cincinnati Morgan k Co New York Morris, \. Richmond, Ya, Morrison, W. M. A Co. . . . Washington, D. CL Morton A Griswold .... Louisville, Ky, Moss, W. J Auburn, N. Y. " Bro. A Co Philadelphia Mott, J. B Dowagiac, Mich. Munroe A Co Boston Munsell, Joel Albany Murphy, J. A Co 15altirnore Murray it Stock Lancaster, Pa. " ' Young & Co. ... " Nelson A Sons New York New Church Publishing Assn. " Norton, C. B Noyes, N Boston Nunemacher, J. R N. Albany, Ind. O'Shea, P New York Orr, H Philadelphia Orton, A. B Palmer A H.all . . Parry A M'Millan Parson.s O. F. . . Partridge A Brittan Patterson A Clark Pearson, T. S. . Peck it Bliss Perry, J. R. . . " " A Erety . Peterson, T. B. . Phillips, Sampson Phippen. A. R. . Pollok, M. . . Pomeroy, W. L. Potter, John E. A Co. Boston Phila.lelphia New York Cincinnati Peacham. Vt. Philadelphia Boston Now York Philadelphia Raleigh, N. C. Philadelphia 1855-68.J LIST OF PUBLISHERS. Pratt. Oakley Sc Co Now York Presbj-ii. Hd. of Publication . Philadelphia Price & Cordoza Kichniond, Va. Prot. Ep. Sim. School Union . Xew York Piidney &. Kiissell .... " Putnam, A. G Boston " Geo. P New York " '• & Co " Quinby, G. W Cincinnati Padde, TVilliam Now York Piadem.'xchei- & Shuck . . . I'liiladelphia liand, F. & G. C Boston Pvandolph, A. T). F New York J. W Kichmond, Ya. llanney, A New York Kayle k Vannuxom .... Knoxville, Tenn. Kaynor, Howe ic Ferry . . New York Bedding & Co Bostoi; Kedfield, J. S Mew York Keed, George P. A; Co. . . . " Reeve, Samuel 'Washington, D. C. Reynolds, W. J. it Co. . . . P>()ston Richards, J. O. B New York Richardson, N. F Boston Rickey, Mallory &, Webb . . Cincinnati Biker, J. C New York Robinxin, Jas. & Co. . . . Baltimore Roorbaeb, O. A., Juur. . . . New York Rose, W. W " Ross & Tousey " Rudd & Carleton " Eulison, D Philadclpbia Sab. Sc'l Kef. Prot. Dutch Ch. New York Sadlier. D. & J. & Co. . . . " Sase, W. N Rochester Safnuel.s, Conjrdon »t Co. . . New York Sanborn, Carter Sc, Baziu . . Boston Sawyer, In jrersoll <fe Co. . . Hudson, O. Saxton. C. M. & Co New York Scott, E. & Co Trenton, N. J. Scribner, Charles New York Shaw, S. B Cleveland, O. Shea, John G New York Sheldon, Blakeman &, Co. . . " " Lamport & Co. . . " Shepard, C. & Co " " Clark &, Brown . . Boston Sherman fc Son Philadelphia Shryoek, J. T I'ilt.sburph, Pa. Bmi'tb, Jamos B. &, Co. . . . Philadelphia " W. White " English tc Co. ... " " & Wilden Cliarloston. S. C. Bo. for the I)if. of I'seful Kno. New York Southern Baji. Pub. Society . Cliarleston, S. C. Spencer, W. Y Boston Spracue <fc Co Albany, N. Y. Sprinixer & Westhaeffer . . Loncu-iter, Pa. Stanford, Thomas N. . . . New York " & Delisser .... " Stanford & Swords .... New York Stearns and Spicer .... In<lianapolU Steele, O. G. i Co BufTa!.. Stephens. Edward .... New York Stevenson <k Owt-n .... Nashville. Tenn. Stillman <k Durard .... New Yurk Stockton, T. ir Stone, C. it Co Boston Stringer <k Townsend . . . New York Stroni:, T. W Sworuistedt &, Poe .... Cincinnati Tappan »t Whittemoro . . . Bo.<ton Taylor it Maury ■Washington, D. C. Tit'bals, N New York Tieknor & Fields Boston Tilton, G. J Newburvport, Moae. Tinson, W. II. (printer) . . New York Tomlinson, A Poughkeepsle, N. Y. Tomjikins, A Boston Tracy it Sandford Claremont, N. II. Trun'ian it Sjioflord .... Cincinnati Usher, J. M Boston Valentine, D. T New York " Richard C. . . . Yan Benthuvsen (printer) . . Albanv Yan De Bogert G. Y. ... Schenectady. N. II. Yaugan John New Orleans Yick, James Rochester Yirtue, Emmins & Co. . . . New York Yuitt & Woods St. Louis, Mo. Walker, E New York Wanzer, M'Kinn & Co. . . . Buffalo Webb, Gill & Levering . . Louisville, Ky. Weed it Parsons (printer.s) . Albany AVeik, J Phila.lelphia Wells, J. G New York Weiitworth & Co Boston West, G. M Richmond, Ya. Westermann, B. it Co. . . . New York Westervelt, Isaac Y " Whilt it Yost PhiKidelphia Whipple, S. K. it Co. ... Bo.slon Whitney. George II. ... Providence, R. I. Whiton. Tome it Co. . . . San Francisco Whittemore, A. it Co. . . . Milwaukee N lies it Hall . Boston Wilev it Il.ilsted New York L Troy. N. Y. Williams, A. A; Co Boston " C. S Cincinnati " AV. T Savannah Wilson, J. M Philaclilphi* " .T. it Son (printers) . Boston " William Poughkeepsle, N. Y. Wood. S. S. it W. . . . ' . New York Woodhouse, James Jt Co. .J, Richmond, Va. Young, R. T New York W. S. (jTintcr) . . . Philadelphia ADDENDA. A. A Place for Everything, and Evcrytliing iu its Place. By Alice B. Haven. 16mo. cl 75 Aj}pleton & Co.'55 Abaddon and Mahaniain, or Demons and Guardian Angels. By Rev. J. F. Berg . 12uio. cl. . . . 9 GO Higgim cfi P. '50 Abbey, R. (Rev.), Baptismal Demonstrations. Pap. . . 15 Stetemon & 0. '57 '• Ecclesiastical Constitution; The Origin and Character of the Church of Christ, and the Gospel Ministry, 12mo. cl. . 1 00 •' '66 Abbott, Annie W., Evergreen Chaplet, a Collection of Sto- ries for Children. 18mo. cl 31 Wliitteni're^N'.&II. Jacob, Aunt Margaret, or how -John True kept his Resolutions. Small 4to. pap. 25 ; clo. . 40 Harper & Bro$.^56 " EUVed, or the Blind Boy and his Pictures. Square cl 40 " '50 " Engineer, (The), or IIow to Travel in the Woods. S<inare pap. 25; cl. . . .0 40 " '56 . " Great Elm (The), or, Robin Green and Josiah Lane at School. Small 4to. 25; cl. 40 " '56 " History of King Richard the First of Eng- land. IGmo. cl. . . . 60 " '57 . " " of Napoleon Bonaparte. 2 v. 8vo. cl 5 00 " '55 " Hoary Head and McDonner. New and im- l)roved edition. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 00 " '55 " Judge Justin, or, The Little Court of Mor- ningdale. 18mo 25 " '57 " Learning about Common Things, or Fami- liar Instruction for Children iu rc.«pect to objects around them. Small 4to. cl. . 50 " '66 1 A BB A CA [am. cat. 40 Abbott Jacob, Lonrning nbont Ri(,']it and Wrong, or Les- sons for Young Cliildrcn in respect to tlioir Duty. Small 4t(). cl. . " T.oiirning to Redd; Con^i.^ting of Easy and Kiitortaining Lessons. Small 4to. cl. " Loaniing to Talk. Square cl. . " Learning to Think ; Easy Lessons for Cliil- drcn. Sqnaro cl. . . . . . " Little Philosopher net " Rollo in Geneva. 18mo . . " " in Scotland. 18ino. cl. . . . " Teacher (The,) 12mo. cl " Vernon, or Conversations about Old Times in England. Small 4to. pap. 25 ; cl. -T. S. C, ConfidtMitial Correspondence of the Empe- ror Napoleon and the Empress Joseph- ine. 12mo. cl " History of Henry the Fourth, King of France ; nd Navarre. 18mo. cl. GO " " Hernando Cortez. ISmo. cl. . CO " " King Philip, Sovereign Cliief of the Wampanoags. ISmo. cl. " " Napoleon Bonaparte. 2 v. Bvo. slip. 5.T5 ; cl. • " Napoleon at St. Helena ; Narrative of his Conversations, &c., during the five and a half Years of his Captivity ; Collected from various Authors. Bvo. cl. Abelard and Heloise, The Romance of. By O. W. "Wight. IGmo. cl Abell, L. G. (Mrs.), Skilful Housewife ; containing Receipts for Cookery, &c., &c. 18mo. cl. " " Young Ladies' Reticule, or. Gems by the "Wayside. 12mo. cl Abemethy's Family Physician ; A ready Prescriber in all Cases of Illness or Accident. 12rao. pap. Abbie Nott and Other Knots. By " Katinka." 12mo. cl . Abridgment of the Debates of Congress, from 1789 to 1856. From Gales and Seaton's Annals of Con- gress; from their Register of Debates, and from the Official Reported Debates, by John C. Rives. By Thomas H. Benton, (to be in 15 volumes — published by sub- scription). Vol. 1 to 5 now ready; pr. vol. cl . . 3 00 Abyssinia, Life in. By M. Parkyns. 2v.ini. 12nio. cl. 1 50 Academy Vocalist, a Collection of Vocal [Music. By Geo. F. Root . 63 50 Ilarijer & Bro».''b(i 50 '56 50 " '55 50 " '50 17 JlirMiivj, S. & B. GO Brown, T. & C. '57 50 Jicynoldn & Co. '5G 1 00 Uarjier & Bros. '56 1 25 Mason Bros. '56 60 Harper & Bros.^56 '56 5 00 2 50 50 1 00 25 1 00 (I 5^ 56 Ajtphton & Co. A. 0. Moore. Uigffins, B. & D. Stringer & T. Lip2nncott& Co.'oG Appleton <C Co. Appleton & (7o.'56 Mason Bros. '50 1855-58.] ACK ADL Ackennan, A., Natural History. 12mo. Lf. r. . Acton, II., on the Urinary and Generative Organs; colored Illustrations. Svo. shp Acton; or, The Circle of Life. 12mo. cl. Actors as they Are ; a Series of Sketches of Forrest, Bur- .ton, Wallack, Lester, Laura Keene, &c. 12nio. pap Adam Graeme, of Mossgi-ay. By Mrs. Oliphant. 12mo. . Adams, Edwin G., Historical Discourse on the 100th Anni- versary of the 1st Congregational Church, in Templeton, Mass. Svo. ])ap F. A., First Book in Arithmetic. . . . net • " Arithmetic in two parts. ..." " Key to the two parts " F. C, Justice in the By "Ways. A Tale of Life. 12mo. cl X. (Rev.), Christ a Friend. Svo. cl. . . . " " Communion Sabbath, (The.) 12mo. cl. . • " " Friends of Christ in the New Testament (Thirteen Discourses). Svo. cl. . J. S., Psalms of Life, a Compilation of Psalms, Hymns, Chants, Anthems, &c. . H. C. (Rev.), First of June (Tlie), or. School Boy Rivalry. ISmo "William (Rev.), Sacred Allegories. Svo. (;1. ext. « " Three Gardens (The), Eden, Gethse- mane, and Paradise ; or, Man's Ruin, Redemption, and Restora- tion. 12mo. cl Geography and Atlas net Addison, Jo.seph, Spectator, 2 v. cl " Works of. G V. 12ino. cl. . . . Adelaide, Queen of Italy; or, the Iron Crown. By Wm. B, MacCabe. 12mo. cl "Waldgravc, or the Trials of a Governess. By J. F, Smith, imp Adele ; a Tale by Julia Kavanagh. 12mo. cl. . Adina, the Prince of the House of David ; or, Three Years in the Holy City. Edited by Pvev. J. JI. Ingra- liam. 12mo. cl. . Adler, G. J., Hand Book of German Literature. Vlnw. " Progressive German Render. 12mo. • " Abridged Ciermnn and English and English and (ierman Dictionary. 12mo. Half Russia. ...... " Cierman and English and English and German Dictionary. Compiled from the best autho- rities. Large Svo. Half moroco. C3 Clai% A. & S. 3 50 Lijqnneott <fe Co. 1 25 Ai'pUton & Co. 25 O.A.noorlncJi, Jr. 1 00 G(crrcttJJ.£F.'57 50 Crosby & K '57 13 Cowpcrthwait&Co. 33 " 30 » 1 25 Lirermore it Ii.''56 1 00 Jewett <& Co. 1 00 " '56 1 00 « '55 75 CDitson. '57 35 H. Uooler. "57 4 50 E. U. Butler & Co. 1 00 C. Scrilner. '5G 50 Dark <£• Co. 2 50 Derhj & J. 7 50 1 00 J. Jlfurj>hi/£Co.''57 50 T. n. Peterson. 1 25 Jpj'lr(on£ To.' 53 1 00 Puihiey tfc li. '55 1 50 Applcton db Co. 1 00 " 1 50 3 60 ADR A ON [am. cat. 75 Applcton & Co. 1 00 T. n. Petemon. 88 Ajqjleton & Co. 38 " 50 T. B. Peterson. '56 1 25 Derhy rfi J. Adrion ; a. Koumnco. Uy G. P. K. James, and M. ]J. Field. 12mo. ol. Adventures of Cai)tniii Priest, jiap. 75. cl. Captain Joliii Sinitli. .... I)atiiel Hoouo Captain Simon Snggs. i)ap. Ciorard the Lion Killer. 12mo. cl. ■ lli'jj' ]?aba in Turkey, Persia, and Russia. IJy J. Morier. 12mo. cl 1 00 Lippincoit<&Co.''B5 Hunters and Travellers, and Narratives of IJurder Warfare . . . net 45 PecJc & B. my Cousin Smooth. By Timothy Temple- ton. 12mo. cl 75 Miller, 0. & M. '56 a Gentleman in Search of a Ilorse. By Geo. Stephen. 12mo. cl 1 2o J. W. Moore, '57 a Roving Diplomatist. By Henry "Wikoflf. 12mo. cl 1 25 Fetrid^e & Co. '56 ^ a ^A'itch Finder, or Jane Seton the King's Advocate. 12mo. cl. . . .1 00 Derhy & J. iEschylus, literally translated, with Notes. By T. A. Buck- ley. 12mo. cl. 75 JIar2)er& Bro8.''56 Africa, Southern, Missionary Labors, and Scenes in. By Rev. R. Moffat. 12mo. cl 100 Moore, W. K.&Co. Travels in North and Central. See Barth, H. ■ Travels in Southern. See Livingstone, David, Rev. — — "Western, History of the Condition and Prospects of. By Rev. J. L. "Wilson. 12njo. cl. . . . 1 25 Harper & Bros. and the American Flag. By A. H. Foote. 12mo. cl. ■ . . . 1 50 Appleton & Co. Africa's Mountain Valley. By Author of "Ministering Children." 18rao. cl. 40 Carter & Bros. After Dark, a Novel. 8vo. pap. 50 Diclc cC F. '57 Agassiz, Louis, Contributions to the Natural History of the United States of Amei-ica. First Mono- graph, in three parts. L Essay on Classi- fication. IL North American Testudin- ata. HL Embryology of the Turtle ; with thirty-four plates. 2 vols. 4to. (To be completed in Ten Volumes.) per vol. . 12 00 Little, B. & Co.'bl Age of Fable (The) ; or. Stories of Gods and Heroes. By Thos. Bulfinch, 12mo. cl. . .125 S:in'born,C & Co. 'oo Agnel, H. R., Book of Chess. A Complete Guide to the Game. 12mo. cl 1 00 Appleton & Co. Agnes Evelyn; or. Beauty and Pleasure. By Reynolds. pap 50 r. J?. Peterson. The Beautiful, pap 25 /S". French. Agnew, D. H. (M. D.), Practical Anatomy. 12mo. . .100 Lippincott&Co.'56 (Miss), Tales of the Sacrament. ISmo. cl. . .0 50 E. McGrath. 1855-5S.] ACrU- ALCt Aguilar, G., Days of Bruce. 12mo. 2 vols. cl. . Homo Scenes and Heart Studies. 12nio. cl. . Mother's Recompense. 12rao. cl. . A" ale of Cedars. 12mo. cl . — — "Women of Israel. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. "Woman's Friendship. 12mo. cl. . Aias of Sophoklcs, with Critical and Explanatory Notes. By J. B. M. Gray. 12mo. cl. Aid to Teachers and Students in ISTatural Philosophy. By F. G. Johnson Aikin, J. B., ITnrnionica Excelsia? net Ailleford, a Family History. 12rao. cl Aims and vVids for Girls and Young "Women, in the Various Duties of Life. ]3y Rev. G. S. "Weaver. 12nio. cl. and Obstacles. By G. P. R. James. 8vo. pap. Aimwell Stories, Whistler; or, the Manly Boy. 18mo. . Ainsworth, "Wm. II., Mysteries of the Courts of the Stuarts. 8vo. pap " Star Chamber (The). 8vo. pap. . Alchemy and the Alchemists, Remarks on. 12mo. cl. . Alcohol and the Constitntion of Man, See Youmans E. L Alcoholic Controversj'- (The), a Review of the "Westminster Review on " The Physiological Errors of Teeto- talism. By R. T. Trail, M.D. IGmo. pap. Alcott, "W. A., Book of Ilealth. 12tno. cl. " Confessions of a Schoolmaster. 12mo. cl. . " Laws of Ilealth ; or, Sequel to " The House I live in." 12mo. cl. . . . • . " Young "Woman's Book of Health. l2mo. cl. Aldrich, T. B., Daisy's 'N'ecklaco, and "What Came of It. 12mo. cl Alexander, Arch. (Rev.), Practical Truths. 12mo. . • J. A., (Rev.) Acts of the Apostles Explained. 2 V. 12mo. cl • " " Later Prophesies of Isaiah. 8vo. cl. J. W. (Rev.), American Mechanic and "Working Man. cl. . " " American Sunday Schools and Its Adjuncts. lOmo. cl. . " " Merchant's Clerk (The), Cheered and Counselled, flex. cl. . " " Plain "Words to a Young Com- municant. ICmo. cl. Alger, II., Jr., Bertha's Christmas Vision, an Autumn Sheaf. 16mo. cl Israel, Murray's Exercises net " " Grammar. ..... " " Reader 1 50 Ax'pleton & Co. 75 (( Y5 a Y5 u 1 50 (I 75 (( 1 25 /. Bartlett. 50 A. Ranney. '56 G3 T. K. CoUim Jr. 75 Stringer & T. '56 88 Folders & W. '56 50 Harper & Bros. G3 Gould c6 Co. '56 50 T. B. Peterson. '55 50 Garret cC Co. '56 1 00 Croshy,K£Co.'o7 80 Foiplcrs & F. '56 1 00 Jeioctt & Co. 1 00 n. A. Lantz. 1 00 Jewctt & Co., '56 75 Miller, 0. & Co. 75 Derby and J. '57 50 Am. Tract So. '56 2 00 C. Serihner. '57 2 50 Wiley tC IT. 75 W.SA-A.Afartien. Am. S. S. Union. 25 A. D.F.Randolph. 35 A. D.F. Randolph. C3 Brown B. <£• Co. 20 Davis & Co. 10 (1 20 u 6 A LG ALS [am. cat. Algor, Israel. Introduction to Murray's Reader. . net 15 DarU ({• Co, . Win. R., Toetry of the East. IGmo. cl. . . .100 Whittemore NA II. Alice Uarbcr, pap 25 /S'. French. ClifVonl and lior Day Dreams. IGino. cl. ... 38 Am. S'S-Cn ion. ''55 — — Franklin. By Mary Iluwitt 88 Appleton & Co. Loo ; or, tlio Maine Law Triumphant. By Mrs. S. A. aoutlnvortli. IGmo Hall & W. '55 Sherwin, an Historical Tale of the Day of Sir Thomas More. 12mo. cl 75 Sadlier & Co. Alieford, a Family History. 12ino. cl 75 Stringer & T. Alison, A., History of Europe, from the Fall of Xapoleon in 1815 to the Accession of Louis Napoleon in 1852. 2 vols. 8vo. cl 2 50 Harper & Bros, m All Aboard ; or. Life on the Lake ; a Sequel to " The Boat Club." IGmo. cl 75 Broum, B. £ Co.''51 All's not Gold that Glitters; or, the Young Califomian. By Alice B. Noal. IGmo. cl 75 Appleton & Co. Allen, David, 0. (Rev.), India Ancient and Modern. Geo- graphical, Historical, Political, Social, and Religions. 8vo. cl. 2 00 Jcicett & Co. '56 ■ ■■ ■■ J., Autocracy in Poland and Russia ; or, a Descrip- tion of Russian Misnile in Poland. 12mo. cl. 75 Wiley <£• H. John (Rev.), Daily Monitor. Being a portion of Scripture, &c., for every Day in the Year. 32mo. .... 25 Jewett £ Co. "William (Rev.), American Biographical Dictionary, fchird edition. 8vo. slip. . . 5 00 Jeireft £ Co. '57 ■ " " Wnnnissoo, an Indian poem. 12mo. cl 75 Jewett £ Co. Z., Philosophy of the Mechanics of Nature. Illus- trated. 8vo. cl 3 50 Appleton £ Co. Alleghan, a poeni in nine Books. By N. M. Gordon. 12rao. cl 125 Moore, TT. K £ Co. Allibone, Susan, (Miss), Memoir of. Chiefly compiled from ["55 her Letters and Diary. By Bp. Alfred Lee. 8vo. cl. . . . 1 75 Lippincott£Co.''56 » » Psalm CXIX. Amplified and il- lustrated by other Scriptures. IGmo Am. S.S. Union '55 Allston, Washington, Monaldi, a Tale. 12mo. cl. . . 75 Ticlnor £ F. '56 Almack's, a Novel of Enghsh Fashionable Life, Svo. pap. 50 H.Long £ Bro.''o5 Alone. By Marion Harlaud. 12rao. cl 1 25 Der'by £ J. Alphabet of American Subjects, 24 pictures, printed in colors 10 Lippincott £ Co. General Subjects, 24 pictures, printed in colors 10 Lippincott & Co. Alsop, Richard, Charms of Fancy, a Poem in Four Cantos. 12mo. cl 1 00 Appleton £ Co. '56 S., Treatise on Surveying. Svo 175 E.C.£J.BiMW5T 1855-58.] • ALT A ME 7 Altar at Home. A Collection of Prayers fur Private and Social Use, by Unitarian Ministers .... 50 Am. Unit. Au. Altlia ; or, Shells from the Strand. By Mrs. Ada M. Field. 12mo. cl 1 00 J.French & Co.'^Q Ambition. By Eutli AYillis. 12nio. cl 1 00 " Ambrose, Isaac, Looking unto Jesus. A View of the Ever- lasting Gospel. 8vo. cl 2 00 Lippincott&Co.''b6 Ambrotypo Manual, see Burgess, N. G. Amelia. By Ilenry Fielding. 12nio. cl 1 00 Dcrhy & J. Amelia's Poems. 12mo. Gilt edges $1 50. cloth . . 1 25 Aiqdcton & Co. America, History of the Discovery of. By "William Eobert- son. 8vo. shp 2 00 Derby & J. America Vindicated. By T. J. Yaiden. 12ino. cl. Morgan & Co. '55 and American Methodism, By Rev. F. J. Jobson. 12mo. cl. 1 50 Virtue E.S Co. ''57 and Europe Compared. By A. G. Do Gurowski. 12rao. cl. 1 25 Ajq^letoH&Co.'ol American Angler's Guide. Illust. 12mo. cl. . . .1 25 " . Bee-keepers' Manual. By T. B. Miner. 12mo. cl. 1 00 A. 0. Moore. Church Harp. By Rev. W. R. Rhinehart. 12mo 50 Applegate <& Co. Citizen (The), his rights and duties according to the spirit of the Constitution of the United States. By Bishop J. E. Hopkins. 12mo, cl. 1 00 Pudney & R. Collection of Instnimental Music. By J. Moore. oblong folio, cl 1 50 G.P.Reed & Co.'56 Cottage Cook Book. By Emily Thornwell. 12mo. hf. cl 42 r.udd & G. Drawing Book. By J. G. Chapman. 1 vol -ito. cl.. -i 00 J. S. liedjield. — Eclectic Dispensatory. By John King, M.D. 8vo G 00 MooreW.KA-Co:o5 Eclectic Obstetrics. By John KJng, M.D. 8vo. -i 00 Moor6W.K.<S:Vo.''bb Eclectic Practice of Medicine. By J. G. Jones, M.D. Edited by Wm. Slierwood, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo 7 50 " • Eloquence. See Moore, Frank. Ephemcris, and Xautical Almanac for 185G-'57. Royal, 8vo. paji 1 75 Putnam tt Co. '66 Evening Entertainments ; or, Talcs of Country and City Life, By J. C, Campbell, 12mo, cl, 1 00 Derby .{• J. Expositor. By R. Clagitt. . . . net 17 Moss cC Broi. Family Physician ; or. Domestic Guide to Health. By John King, M.D. 8vo 5 00 Longhy ti- Brot.'ol Farmers' Encyclopajdia, By G, Emerson. 8vo. 4 GO Sixton it Co. '57 ■ " New and Universal Hand Book. By I. T. Smitli. 8vo. ara 2 25 C. Desilver. ^— Flower Garden Directory. By Robert Buist. 12mo, cl \ io A. 0. Moore. 8 AME AM E [am. oat. Ainoricjin Fruit Book. By S. W. Cole. cl. . . . ■ Gardener. By W. Cobbett. 18rno, cl. Gciitleiuaii'd Guide to Politeness and Fashion. By U. Lunettes. .12ino. cl — Geology. Contuining tlio Principles of the Science, and their Application to Mining, &c. By E. Enunons, M.J>. 1 vol. 8vo. cl., $3 00; Part VI. (being i of vol. 8, remainder in prep.) Gift Book. A Perpetual Souvenir. 12rao. cl. . ■ Historical Reader. By J. L. Tracy. 12mo. hf. nra — Historical Talc.-^. IGmo llonse-C'arpenter. A Treatise on the Art of Building and tlic Strength of Material. By R. G. Hatfield. 8vo. cl Kitchen Gardener. By T. G. Fessenden. cl. ■ Ladies' System of Cookery. By Mrs. T. J. Crowen. 12mo. cl. Landscape Annual. Demi 4to. cl. ex. net ;J2 75, im. mor. Lawyer and Business Man's Form Book. By D. W. Beadle. 12mo. hf. bd. 75c. Law shp. —' Manual. By J. B. Burleigh. 12mo. hf. ara. [Manual of Phonography, cl Moclianic and Working Man. By Rev. J. "W. Alexander, cl Melodies, or, Gems from the American Poets. By Geo. P. Morris. 12mo. cl. ... Merchant in Europe, Asia, and Australia, in a series of Letters. By Geo. F. Train. 12mo. Ornithology. See Cassin, John. Poulterer's Companion. By C. J. Benuet. Square 8vo. cl. Preceptor. By Caleb Bingham. Primary School Reader. By J. B. Burleigh. ISmo. iSTo. 1, 10c. ; No. 2, 15c. . Privateers and Letters of Marque, during our War with England, in the years 1812, '13, 'U, History of. By George Coggershall. 8vo. cl Pulpit (The). Biographical and Descriptive Sketches of Living American Preachers. By H. Fowler. Svo. cl ' — Railway Library : Vol. 1, Punch's Pocket Book, . Vol. 2, Macaulay's Sketches, Vol. 3, Stories from Blackwood, Vol. 4, Essays from London Times, 50 50 A, 0. Mijore. 1 25 Dcrly ,{; J. 1 50 J. Mumell. 1 00 /. C. Derljy. '55 75 Lippincott & Co. 75 Appleton & Co. 2 50 Wiley & E. 57 50 A. 0. Moore. 1 00 T. J. Crovcen. '55 3 00 Leavitt&A. 1 00 FaircUld & Co. 75 LippAncott d. Co. 50 Longley^ Bro'i. 75 W.S. & A. Martien 1 00 Derby & J. 1 25 Putnam & Co. '57 1 25 Harper <L Br' s: bQ 25 Lippincott & Co. Lippincott & Co. 2 00 Author.N'.YorTc.'bQ 2 00 J.M.rrchild£ Co. • foe 50 D. Appleton & Co. 50 «( 50 (( 50 (( 1855-68.] AMF- AND American Revolution and Beauties of Auierican History. 12mo. el. School Hymn Book. By Asa Fitz. 24mo. Speaker. By John Frost. 12mo. lif. r. ■ Spelling Book. By J. McCurdy. ■ Sportsman ; containing Hints to Sportsmen, Notes on Shooting, and the Habits of Game Birds and Wild FottI of America. By E. J. Lewis. Svo ■ Spy ; or, Freedom's Early Sacrifice. A Revo- lutionary Tale of N". England. By J. R. Simms. Svo. pap ■ Statesman. See Young, A. "W. • — Sunday Schools, and its Adjuncts. By Rev. Jas. W. Alexander. 16mo. cl — — System of Education. First Thoughts : or, Begin- ning to Think. 24mo Veterinarian. By S. "W. Cole. cl. . among^he Orientals. See Boiilden, J. E. P. in Japan; an Abridgment of the Government Narrative of the U. S. Expedition to Japan, under Com. Perry. By Robert Tomes. 12mo. cloth . Amy Herbert, a Tale. By Miss E. M. Sowell. 12mo. cl. Amy Lee, or. Without and Within. 12mo. cl. gt. Analogy of Ancient Craft Masonry to Natural and Revealed Religion. By Charles Scott. 12mo. cl. Analytical Class Book of Botany. By F. H. Green and J. W. Congdon, Svo. cl Anatomy of the Human Body ; or. Anthropology Illustrated. With an Atlas of twenty-two steel plates, containing six hundred illustrations. 2 vols. cl. ... Ancient Mariner, a Poem. By S. T. Coleridge. Blnstrated by Birket Foster, post Svo. mor. ex. $3 00. cl. extra Andersson, Charles J., Lake Ngami, or Explorations and Dis- coveries in South- Western Africa- Svo. cl. The Same. 12mo. cl Anderson, Joseph (Rev.), Bible Lights from Bible Lands. 12mo. cl John (Rev.) Course of Creation, with a Glossary of Scientific Terms, Third Edition. 12mo. cloth W., Practical Mercantile Writer. 12rao. hf. bd. Andre, A Tragedy in Five Acts. By W. W. Lord. 12ino. Andre do Taverney. By Alexandre Dumas. 2 vols. pap. Andrews, 0. C, Minnesota and Dacotah, in Letters descrip- tive of a Tour in the North- West in the Autumn of 185G 1 00 Derhj <i- J. 20 Crosby Kit Co.'ol 75 C. Disiher. 12 Lip]H7icott& Co. 2 25 Lippincott&Co.'bl 1 00 Joel Munsell. Am. S. 3. Union. 50 Appleton & Co* 55. 50 A. O.Moore. 1 25 Ap])leton £ Co. '57 75 Appleton & Co. 1 25 Uiggins, B. d- D. 1 50 E.n. Butler & Co. 1 50 Appleton & Co. '55 3 00 Aj^leton & Co. 1 50 1 25 Dix.Edw'sACo:^': 75 Harper it Bros. ''57 75 Carter <{• Bros. '55 1 25 Moore, W. K. <C Co. 1 00 Ajypkton .C Co. '55 1 00 C. Scribner, '50 1 00 T. B. Peterson. 1 00 Coic'rwaiti&Co.'bl 10 AND ANT [am. cat. Aiulrcws, II. P. (Rev.) Six Stops to Honor, or Great Truths. 12ino. cl 65 C. <i- Portcr.'^fj " " Siiro Anchor (TIk-). 12ino. cl. . 63 J. French & €0/55 S. r. find Batcht'lor, Geo., New and Coinprehen- sivo French Instructor, . . . . 1 25 Apiileton & Co. '55 " and Batchclor, Geo., Practical Pronouncer and Kc}' to New French Instructor. 12nio. 1 00 Appleton £ Co. '56 AV. E. Ileviow of Fox's Book of Martyrs. 8vo. cl 2 50 I/ucas, Bros. Angel Whispers, or the Echo of Spirit Voices. By Rev. D. C. E.ldy. 12ino. cl 1 00 Z>. liulison. Angell, James B., Hand Book of French Literature. 12ino. cl 1 00 Cowp'wait£Co.''51 Angler's Guide, or, Complete Fisher's Manual for the United States. 12rao. cl 1 50 Appleton & Co.''o1 Angus, Joseph, (D.D.) Bible Uand Book, an Introduction to the Studj' of Sacred Scriptures. 12mo. cl. . 1 25 W.S.&A. Martien. Anima Devota, or Devout Soul. 24mo 38 Lucas Bros. Animal Magnetism, or Psychodunamy. By T. Leger. 12mo. cl 1 00 Appleton & Co. Animals of the Bible; being a series of Illustrations, colored. Oblong 4to. cl 1 25 Lindsay & B. Anna Clayton, or the Mother's Trial, a Talc of Real Life. 12mo. cl 100 J. French & Co: oo or Passages in the Life of a Daughter at Home. 16mo. cl. V5 Carter & Bros. Annie "Wallace, or, the Exile of Penang. A Tale by II. P. Ilalsey. 12mo. cl 1 00 Miller & ^.'57 Annals of Albany. By Joel Munsell, 8 vols. 12mo. cl. to be completed in 10 vols per vol. 1 00 J. MunseU. of Christian Martyrdom. By the Author of "Lives of the Prophets." 12mo. cl 80 C. <& Fortcr. '57 of San Francisco, and History of California. By F. Soule, J. H. Gihon, and Jas. Nisbet. 8vo. cl. . 3 50 Appleton & Co.''55 of the American Pulpit. See Sprague, "W". B. of the Christian Church, In Familiar Conversations for Young Persons. By Mrs. Parker. ISmo, . 35 Carlton & P. '57 Annual of Scientific Discovery, and Year Book of Facts in Science and Art for 1856-7-8. Edited by D. A. Wells. 12mo. cl. each 125 Gould & L. Anspacb, F. R. (Rev.) Two Pilgrims (The), or, the Israel- ite and the Christian, on the Journey to the Earthly and the Heavenly Canaan. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Lindsau & B. '57 Answer to Taber's Ditficulties of Romanism. By Bishop Trevern. ]2mo. cl 75 Lucas Bros. Anthem Dulcimer, or, ]:^eAv Y^ork Collection of Sacred 3*i:usic. By I. B. Woodbury . . . net 58J- F. J. Huntington. Anthon, Chas., Satires of Juvenal and Persius. 12mo. shp, 90 Harper & Bros. '57 1855-58.] ANT- 'ARC 11 Anthon, H. (Rev.), Catechism on the Ilomilies. 18ino. pap. " Early Catechism for Young Children. 18mo. pap John, Law Student ; or, Guide to the Study of the Law. 8vo Anthony Burns ; a History by C. E. Stevens. 12mo. el. Antiquities of Freemasons. By Rev. G. Oliver. 8vo. cl. . Apocryphal New Testament, cl. Appleton, Jesse (Rev.), "Works. 2 v. 8vo Appleton's Cyclopa>diaof Biography, Foreign and American, Edited by the Rev. Dr. Hawks. Royal 8vo. "With over 600 Engravings, half cf. $5 ; shp. $4 50 ; cl Cyclopredia of Drawing, for Engineers, Mecha- nics, and Architects. Edited by "W. E. TVorthen. Royal 8vo Dictionary of Mechanics, Machines, Engine "Work, and Engineering. Containing over 4000 Illustrations, and nearly 2000 pages. Complete in 2 vols, large 8vo. Strongly and neatly bound. . Library Manual. 8vo. hf. bd Mechanics' Magazine and Engineers' Journal. Vols. I., n., and IH., for 1851-'52-'53. cl., each . Modern Atlas of the Earth, on 34 Maps, colored. Royal 8vo., hf. bd New Railway and Steam Navigation Guide. Published Monthly under the Supervision of the Railway Companies. 16mo. pap. . Now American Cyclopredia of Universal Know- ledge. To be in 15 large vols. Yol. I. now ready, shp. $3 50 ; cl • Illustrated Handbook of American Travel. 12mo. cl . The same in 2 parts, cl. each Application of Art to ;N[anufactures. By G. C. iNfason. "With 150 Illustrations. 12mo. cl. Arab (The) ; a Juvenile. 18mo. cl Arabian Nights. 12mo. cl. Araucanians (The) ; or, Notes of a Tour among the Indian Tribes of South Chili. By E. R. Smith. 12ino. cl Archard's History of Foreign Baptists Architects' iNfagazine, or Book of Designs, Plans for Public Buildings, &;c., &c. 4to. cl. .... Architectural Instructor. A Complete YicAV of the His- tory and Practice of Architecture. By M. Lafever, Archy More the "White Slave, or. Memoirs of a Fugitive. By Richard Ilildrcth. 12iuo. cl. ... 00 Aunht,m. ,{' Co. 06 3 00 (I 75 Jewett d- Co. 1 00 Leonard <{- Co. To R. M. Dewitt. 4 50 Ivifon <{• P. 4 00 Appleton £ Co. 12 00 1 25 3 50 3 50 25 3 00 2 00 I).App!eton(tCo.'57 1 25 Appleton (C Co. 2 00 0. P. Putnam. '58 25 ChaUcn ,C- Shm. 1 00 Derhj tC- J. 1 00 IT,rrper ,(• Bro.i. '55 1 00 Am.Bp.Pub.So.'56 3 00 F. nrn. 10 00 Putnam <fc Co. '50 1 25 Miller, 0. d- M. '57 12 A li C- A R N [am. cat. Arctic Advouturcs by Soa ami Land, from the earliest dato to tlio Last Expeilitioa in Searcli of Sir John Franklin. J3y Kpcs Sargont. 12nio. cl. Arctic Exploriitions and Discoveries during the Nineteenth Century, being accounts of tiio Exjicditions of KoHs, Parry, McClure, and others, including tho First Griunell Expedition and the final effort of Dr. E. K. Kane in Search of Sir John Franklin. Compiled by Samuel Smucker. 12mo. cl. . Arithmetical Problems. By John Farrar. . . net Arithmetical Tables for the School-Pwoom, 48 by 54 inches net Armageddon, or United States in Prophecy. By S. D. Bald- win. 8vo. cl Arminian Inconsistencies and Errors. By Pwev. H. Brown. 12mo. cl Arminianism ; or, Divine Sovereignty Contrasted with the Arminian Doctrine of Predestination. By 0. "Webster. 12mo Armstrong, Geo. D. (Rev.), Christian Doctrine of Slavery. 12mo. cl " " Scriptural Examination of tho Doctrine of Baptism. . — - — . " " Summer of the Pestilence ; A History of the Eavages of the Yellow Fever in Norfolk, Va., A.D. 1855. 18rao. cl. . Army and Navy Pension Laws and Bounty Land Laws of the United States. 8vo Arnold, A. 0. L. (Rev.), Philosophical History of Free Masonry and other Secret Societies. 12mo. cl. . M., Poems. 16mo. cl. ..... T. K., Cornelius Nepos. With Notes. 12 mo. " First Greek Book. l2mo. .... ■ " First Latin Book. By llarkness. 12mo. . —— " First and Second Latin Book and Practical Grammar, by Spencer. l2mo. " Greek Reading Book. Ed. by Spencer. 12 mo. " Greek Prose Composition. 12mo. " Second Greek Prose Composition. 12mo. . Thos. (Rev.), Christian Life (the), its Course, its Hindrances, and its Helps. 2 vols. 12mo. cl — " History of Rome. 8vo. cl. " Lectures on Modern History. 12mo. cl. W. D., Oakfield; or. Fellowship in the East. A Novel. 16mo. cl Amoult, E.. Pronouncing Reading Book of the French Lan- guage. Part L 12mo. cl 1 25 Phillipa S.£Co:57 1 00 Mason Bros. '57 30 UicUing S. & B. 2 00 Mason Bros. 2 50 Applegate & Co. 1 00 W.S.&A.Martien Smith & E. '55. G3 C. Scrilner, 57. 1 00 C. Scribner. 50 Lippineott ACo'bl Lucas Bros., "54. 88 vlarl\ A. & S. 75 Ticl-nor, F. '56. 1 00 Appleton tfi Co. 75 a 75 u 75 u 1 25 (> 75 i( 75 ^^ 2 00 Lindsay «£• B. 3 00 Appleton cfi Co. 1 25 50 Ticlcnor & F. 1 75 EicUing,S&B.'57 1855-58.] ARR ART 18 Arrali iN'cil. By G. P. R. James. Svo. pap. . . . 25 Hm'jier d- Brot. Arrington, A. W., Rangers and Regulators of the Tanaha; or. Life among the Lawless. By Chas. Sum- merfield. 12nio. cl 1 25 R. M. Dewitt. '57 Arrow of Gold. Pap. 25 S.French. Art Hints on Architecture, Painting and Sculpture. By J. J. Jarvcs. 12rao. cl 1 25 Harper & Bros.^oa Maguire, or, the Broken Pledge. By "Wm. Carleton. ISnio. cl. 33 Sadlier & Co. of Building in Ancient and Modern Times ; or, Archi- tecture Blnstriated. With an Atlas of sixty steel plates, containing 1,100 Illustrations. 2 vols. . . 6 00 Appleton & Co. of Perfumery and Method of obtaining the Odors of Plants. By G. W. S. Piosse. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 25 Limlmy rfc B. '56 ■ and Scenery in Europe, with other papers. By Horace B.Wallace. 12rao. cl 125 Parry &McM.'m Arthur Gordon Pym, a Romance of the Sea. By Edgar A.Poe. 'l2mo. cl 100 J. S. ReifJield.'Qe — Mcrvyn ; or, Memoirs of the year 1793. By C. B. Brown. 2 v. 12ino 1 50 J/. Rolocl: '57 - ■■ ^routeith, a Moral Tale. By Mrs. Blackford. 18mo. cl 38 Francis <fi Co. '50 T. S. Friends and Neighbors ; or. Two Ways of Living in the World. 12mo. cl. . .1 00 D.'RitUson. " Golden Grains from Life's Harvest Field. 12mo. cl. " Good Time Coming (The). 12mo. cl. ^—- " Leaves from the Book of Human Life. 12nio. cl " Lights and Shadows of Real Life, with an Autobiography of the Author. Svo. cl. gt. 2 50 " Mother's Rule (Tlie) ; or, the Right Way, and the Wrong Way. 12m(>. cl. . .1 00 D. Rulmn. . " Our Homes, Their Cares and Duties, Joys and SoiTows. 12mo. cl 1 00 '• " Sketches of Life and Character. 8vo. cl. gt. 2 50 J. W. Bradley. " Temperance Tales ; or. Six Nights vnih the Washingtonians. 18mo. cl. . . . 50 Lwry <£• G. " Ten Nights in a Bar Room, and what I saw there. 12mo. cl 1 f'O J. »'. Bradley. " True Path, (The), and Iiow to Walk Therein. 12mo. cl. 1 00 Z>. Rulison. " Wedding Guest. 12ino. cl. . . . 1 00 " What Can AVoman Do. 12iiio. cl. . .1 25 /. W. Bradley. " Words of Clicer fur the Tomi)ted, the Toiling, and the Sorrowing. 12ino. cl. . . 1 00 I). Rulison. . " Young Lady at Home. 12mo. cl. . .1 00 I>erl>y ^ J. Wm. (Rev). Etymological Dictionary of Family and Christian Names. 12mo. cl. . . .125 Sheldon B.i& Co. 'h^ 1 00 /. W. Bradley. 1 00 Lii>'incott d- Co.'66 1 25 J. W. Bradley. U A nr A TT [am. cat. Arthur, Win. ( Ilov). Addresses Delivered in Now York, with a Biographical Sketch of the Author. IGmo 55 Carlton & P. '66 •• The Successful Merchant. 12ino. cl. . 75 Ayphtoa & Co. Tongue of Fire; or, the Tnio Power of Christiiinity. 12mo. cl. . . 75 JIarjjcr it Broi.'oG Artist, (The). IJy Mrs. L. C. TuthiU. 12nio. cl. . . 63 Jiicleij, M. it W. Life ; or. Sketches of American Painters. By IT. T. Tuckcrinau. 12mo. cl 75 Ajypleton <fc Co. and Tradesman's Companion ; or. Painter and Var- nislier's Guide. By M. L. Byrn, M.D. 12mo. cl. 75 Stringer tfc T. Artist's Bride ; or, the Pawnbroker's Heir. By Emerson Bennett. 12mo 1 00 Garrett.D.&F.'hl Asche, Jonathan (Rev.), Masonic Manual ; or, Lectures on Freemasonry. 8vo. cl 1 00 J.W.Leo'd&Co.'b^ Ashley, Mary, Brother Clerks, The ; a Tale of Xew Orleans. 12mo. cl. ' 1 25 Derly & J. Ashton Cottage ; or, the True Faith. 18mo. cl. . . -iO Carter <£ Bros. Asleep in Jesus; or. Words of Consolation for Bereaved Parents. By Eev. W. B. Clark. 18mo. cl. . 31 W. S. & A. Martien. Aspen Court; a Story of our Time. By S. Brooks. 12mo. cl 1 25 Stringer & T. 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Atlas of Classical Geography. Constructed by Wni. Hughes and Edited by George Long. With a Sketch of Ancient Geography, and other Additions, by the American Editor, Hf. bd. cl. sides. . . . 3 00 BlancJiardJcL.'oQ Attach6 (The) in Madrid ; or, Sketches of the Court of Isa- bella IL Translated from the German. 12mo. cl. 1 00 Appletondc Co.'oQ or, Sam Slick in England. By Judge Halliburton. 12mo. cl 75 Stringer & T. 1855-58.] ATT- BA G 15 Attic Philosopher in Paris. By E. Souvestre. 12mo. pap. Atwater, II. 0. (Rev.), Incidents of a Soutliorn Tonr ; or, The South seen with Northern Eyes. i)ap. Aadubon (The Xaturalist of theNew AVorld; ; his Adventures and Discoveries. By Mrs. 11. St. John. 12ino. el. Auld, Alex., Key of the "West (The) ; or, The Ohio Collection of Sacred Music Aunt Edith ; or. Love to God the Best Motive. 16mo. cl. . Fanny's Story Book for Little Boys and Girls. ISmo. Boards 31 cents ; cl Kitty's Tales. By Maria J. Mcintosh. 12 mo. cl. . • Margaret ; or, llow John True kept His Resolutions. By Jacob Abbott. Small 4to. Pap. 25 cents ; cl. . Rose and Her Little Nieces, sq. .... Wonderful. Translated from the German by Cousin Fannie. Aurora, The Betrayed, pap Leigh. By Eliz.abeth B. Browning. 12mo. cl. Leigh. By Mrs. E. B. Browning. 32mo. cl. ex. Austen, Jane. Emma, a Novel. 12mo. cl. ... " Mansfield Park " Pride and Prejudice, and Northanger Abbey. " Sense and Sensibility, and Persuasion. Authenticity and Inspiration of the Bible. By S. Bagster. 12mo. cl Autobiography of a Female Slave. 12mo. cl. ' of an Or2)hau GirL By Alice Gray. Pap. $1 ; cl Autocracy in Poland and Russia ; or, A Description of Rus- sian Misrule in Poland. By J. Allen. 12mo. cl. Autographs for Freedom. 12mo. cl Autumnal Leaves. Tales and Sketches in Prose and RhjTne. By L. Maria Cliild. 12nio. cl. ... Autumn Leaves ; Original Pieces in Prose and Verse. Vliiw. cl Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk. l-4mo. cl. . Aylmerc ; or, the Bondman of Kent and other Poems. By Robert T. Conrad. 12mo. cl Aytoun, AY. E. Bothwoll. ICmo. cl. .... 25 Appleton & Co. 25 Jticett (£• Co. '57 75 Franck & Co. '56 85 J.U.Ililcy & Co:oo 50 Carter & Bros. '56 38 Ai^pleton t£- Co. 75 (( 40 Harper & Bros. '50 25 Am. Tract So. 75 PldlUps,S.itCo:bQ 25 S. French. 1 00 Francis A Co. '57 75 (( 1 00 Dcrly <(• /. '57 1 00 i( 1 00 u 1 00 "•• GO Carter it Bros. 1 00 J. S. BeJfuIJ. *5G 1 25 T. B. Peterson. 75 Wihi/ <C JI. 1 50 J. E. Beardslerj. 1 00 Frauds tf- Co. '57 75 J. Bartlett. 75 Dcicitt ({• D. '55 1 00 Parry d- McM. 75 Tiehwr tO F. B. Bachelor of Salamanca; Translated from the French of T,e Sage. 2v. 18mo. cl :^|^ F. Bell Bacon, Delia. Philosoi»hy of* the Plays of Shak.<5peare Un- folded. 8vo. c!. ....... 3 00 Tlchwr <(• Co. '57 16 J] A r. HAL [am. oat. Haoon, Francis (Lord.) Essrnys ; or, CoudboIs, Civil and Moral. 18ino. cl 75 Little, IJ. ,{: C'o.'Gd '• Essay."*, with Annotations. By Richard AVluitely. 8vo. cl. . . . 2 00 Francis & Co. '67 Henry (Kov.), Pastor's Bccjucst ; Selections from the Sermons of. 12mo. cl. 1 00 A. Tomplitis, '57 L. "\V. (Rev.), Congi-egational Hymn and Tune Book. 88 Durrie & P. Badois, C. Grammar for Frenchmen to Learn English. 12mo 1 00 Ajypleton & Co. Key to do 50 " Bagster, S. Authenticity and Inspiration of the Bible. 12mo. cl CO Carter & Bra. Bailey, E. First Lessons in Algebra. . . . net 45 Sickling S. & B. Key to the above net 45 " F. W. N. New Tale of a Tub ; an Adventure in Verse. 12mo. cl 38 Wiley & E. Philip J. Festus, a poem. 32mo. cl. ex. . . 75 Sanborn C. £ B.''57 " Mystic (The) ; and other Poems. IGmo. cl 50 Ticl:n<^r £ F. '55 Baillie, John (Rev.), Life Studies ; or, How to Live. Blns- trated in the Biographies of Johti Bunyan and others. IGmo. cl 75 Carter £ Bros. '57 The same. 16mo. cl 40 Earper £ Bros.^o7 Baird, Henry M. Narrative of a Residence and Travels in Modern Greece. 12mo. cl 1 25 '" • Rob't (Rev). Rehgion in America ; or, an Account of the Origin, Relation to the State, and Present Condition of the Evangelical Churches in the United States, with Notices of the Evangelical Denomina- tions. 8vo. cl 2 00 " '56 Sam'l J. (Rev.), Collection of the Acts, Deliverances, and Testimonies of the Supreme Judicatory of the Presbyterian Church, from its Origin in America to the Present Time. 8vo. cl Pres.Bd.o/Ptib.'55 Baked Head. 12mo. pap. 50 ; cl 75 G.P.Putnam. Baker, B. F. Church Music 75 Jeicett £ Co. D. (Rev.), Baptism in a Nutshell. The proper Sub- ject and the proper Mode. . . . 16 W. S. £A.2fartien. " Revival Sermons, (Second series. 12mo. cl 1 00 '' " Talks to Little Children. 18mo. . . 25 Pred>n.Bd.ofFubn. O. C. (Rev.), Guide Book in the Administration of Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 12mo. cl. . 60 Carlton £ P. '55 P. (Rev.), Sunday Monitor ; or. Moral Reflections and Devout Aspirations on the Gospel for every Sunday from Easter to Advent. 18mo. shp. . 38 Lums Bros. Baldwin, A. C. (Rev.), Themes and Texts for the Pulpit. New Improved Edition. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 25 M. W. Dodd^ 1855-58.] BAL ■ BAR 17 Baldwin, Geo. C. (Rev.), Representative "Women, from Eve to Mary, the Mother of the Second Adam. r2nio. cl. —J. G., Flush Times in Mississippi and Alabama. I2u)0. " Party Leaders. r2mo. cl. ... S. D., Armageddon ; or, United States in Pro- phecy. 8vo. cl -Thos,, Pronouncing Gazetteer. Isew Edition, Enlarged. ....... " Vocabulary of English Pronunciation. Ball, B. L. (M.D.), Rambles in Eastern Asia, including China and Manilla. 12mo. cl. . ■ „ Three Days in the "White Mountains. Ballads of Ireland. By Edwd. Hays. 12mo. cl. Ballantyne, R. M., Snowflakes and Sunbeams ; or, the Young Eur Traders. 12 mo. cl. " Young Fur Traders; a Tale of the Far North. ...... Balloon Travels of Robert Merry and his Young Friends over various Countries in Europe. By Parley. 12mo. cl. ....... . Ballow, John, Lady of the "West (The) ; or, the Goldseekers. r2mo. cl. ....... . Ballyshan Castle. By Sheelah. 12mo. cl. ... Balmes, Jas. (Rev.), Fundamental Philosophy. "With an Introduction. By O. A. Brownson. 2 vols. 8vo. cl Bancroft, Geo., Miscellanies. 8vo. cl. Banished Son. By Mrs. C. L. Ilentz. r2mo. pap., $1 00; cl Banker's Daughter. By Reynolds. 2 vols. 12mo. pap. $1 00; cl Banvard, Joseph, Tragic Scenes in the History of Maryland and the Old French War. IGmo. cl. Baptism in a Nutshell. The Proper Subjects and the Proper Mode. By Rev. D. Baker. Baptismal Demonstrations. By Rev. R. Abbey. Pap. Baptist Harmony. Shp Barbauld, Anna L. (Mrs.), Evenings at Home. 18mo. cl. Barber, John ^Y., Proverbs of All Nations. 18mo. eml leather gt Barclay, J. T., City (The) of the Great King; or, Jerusalem as it AVas, as it Is, and as it is to Be. Svo. cl Bard, S. A., Waikna; or. Adventures on the Mosquito Shore. 12mo. cl Bards of the Bible. By Geo. Gilfillan. 12n\o. cl. Barham, R. H. (Rev.), Cousin Nicholas. 12mo. cl. , " " Ingoldsby Legends. 1 vol. Barker, Jacob, Incidents in the Life of, from the year 1800 to 1855. 8vo. cl 2 1 00 S7iddon,L.<tB.'bb 1 25 Appleton <C Co. 1 00 2 50 Applcgate <C Co. 1 25 Lippineott & Co. 38 " 1 00 Jas.FrenchiS:Co.''bb liedding & Co. '57 1 00 /' Lonahoe. "5G 1 25 Nelson cG Son. 50 1 25 •♦ 1 00 J. C Derhj. '50 Moore, W. d; K. '55 75 K Tibbals. '57 3 50 SadlienS: Co. 2 00 Uarper & Bros. 1 25 T. B. Peterson. 1 25 " 00 Gould <G L. 50 10 W.S.&A.Martien. 15 Stevenson tt 0. '57 03 (7. Desilver. 75 Hayes £ Z. 1 50 IT. Howe. 3 50 Challen ct Sons. 1 25 Harper A Bros. "55 50 Appleton <(; Co. 1 00 A. Burke, '56 03 AppUton tfc Co, 1 00 AppUton ct Co. 18 fiAIi- BAH [am. cat. Unrlow, (Joo. IT. (M.I).), Mannal of tho Practice of Medicine, -with Adtlitions hy I). I'\ Condie, M.I). Hvo. cl Barnes, Albert (lie v.), C'luirch (Tlie) and Slavery. ]2mo. cl " Faiiiiiy I'rayer.s. 12ino. cl. " Miscellaneous Essays and lieviews 2 V. 12mo. cl. ... " Way of Salvation. Illustrated in n Series of Discourses. 12nio. cl. . Geo. (liev.), Notes on Exodus. 2 v. 12mo. cl. " " Genesis. 2 v. " . "• " Josliua. " . " " Judges. " . "■ "• Leviticus. " . Josiab, Sen., Green Mountain Traveller's Entertaitt mcnt. V2mo. cl. liarnuin's Parnaspiis (or, Prize Songs). 12mo. paper Barrett, Alfred, Boatman's Daughter (The), A Narrative for the Learned and Unlearned .... ■ ■ B. F., Beauty for Ashes ; or, the Old and the New Dcxjtrino, concerning the State of Infants after Death contrasted. 12ruo. el. " Golden Keed (The) ; or, the True Measure of a True Church. 12mo. cl. P., Flowers by the Way Side, a Book for Children and Youth. 18ino. Baretti's Italian and English Dictionary. Revised, En- larged, and Improved. By Davenport and Comelati, 2 vols. 8vo Barrington, Jonah, Rise and Fall of the Irish Nation. 12mo. cl Barry, John S. (Rev.), History of Massachusetts. Svo. cl. P., Fruit Garden, a Treatise on Fruit Trees. 12mo. cl. Barry CoriiwaU's Dramatic Scenes and other Poems. Svo. Illustrated. Extra cloth, gilt edges, $5 ; morocco extra iBarth, Henry, Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa. Being a Jonrnal of an Expedition undertaken under the Auspices of 11. B. M.'s Government, in the years 184:9-^5. V. 1 and 2, Svo. cl. per. v. . . . '' Travels in Africa. 3 vols. Svo. Maps and Plates. Bartlett, J. R., Personal Narrative of Exi)lorations in Texas, New Mexico, California, &c., &c. Maps and Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. . " The same, cheap edition,jn 1 v. cl. • W. n. C, Analytical Mechanics, Svo. " Synthetical " Treatise on Astronomy. 2 75 Blanchard d L. '6G 75 Parry & McM. '56 1 Of> C. Detiher. 2 00 Ivison & P. '55 1 00 Parry & McM. '56 1 50 Jvison <& P. 1 50 u 75 K 75 II 75 u 1 00 /. a Derby, '65 25 D. Appleton & Co. 30 Stevenson & 0. '55 50 Appleton & Co. '56 1 00 Appleton & Co. '55 Price & Co. '56^ 7 50^ Appleton <& Co. 1 00 SaMi«r & Co. 2 25 PhiUips,S.d-Co.'55 1 25 A. O. Moore. G 00 Appleton & Co. 2 50 Harper & Bro. '57 12 00 Appleton & Co. 4 00 Appleton cfi Co. 3 50 a 4 00 Barnes & Co. 8 00 a 3 35 u, 1855-68.] BAH BBA 19 Bartlett, J. R., Treatise on Optics, &c 2 00 Bame» & Co. Bartol, C. A., Pictures of Europe, Framed in Ideas. 12mo. 1 25 Crosby K.dh Co.'55 U, B., Treatise on the Marine Boilers of the United States. Svo. cl 1 50 AppUton & Co. Bartoli, Daniel, History of the Life and Institute of St Ignatius de Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus. 2 v. 12mo. cl. . .2 00 DunigaruSc Bro.''bb Barton, J. G., Outline of the Principles of English Gram- mar. 16mo. cl 38 Harper & Bro. '55 W. S., New System of English Grammar. 12mo. . 0^75 Gould tfc L. '66 Bascom, Ilenry B. (Rev.), Posthumous "Works of. Edited by Rev. Thos. N. Ralstoon. v. 2. Svo. Stevenson & 0. '55 Basil, a Story of Modern Life. By W. Wilkie Collins. 12mo. cl 75 AppUion &, Co. Basket of Chips. By John Brougham. r2mo. cl. . . 1 25 Bunee & Dro.''hh of Flowers ; or. Piety and Truth Triumphant. IBmo 31 W.S. &A. MartUn Bassnett, T., Theory of Storms. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 00 Appleton & Co. Bassini, C, Art of Singing. 4to 4 00 O'Ditson. '57 Batchelder, Eugene, Romance of the Fashionable World. 16mo 50 French & Co. '57 Bates, D. B. (Mrs.), Incidents on Land and Water; or, Four Years in the Pacific. 12mo. cl. . 1 GO " Battle Fields of the American Revolution. 12nio. cl. . 1 25 J. W.Bradley Battles of our Navy in different Wars, including Privateer- ing. 12ino. cl 1 25 Biggins, B. <t D. Baxter, Richard, Saints' Rest. 12mo. cl 1 00 Derhy & J. ■ " Select Practical Writings of. With a Life by Dr. L. Bacon. 2 v. Svo. cl. . .4 50 Durric cC P. '65 Bay Path (The), a Story of Colonial Life in New England. By J. G. Holland. r2mo. cl. . .1 25 Putnam A Co. Bayley, John (Rev.), Marriage As It Is, and As It should Be. 12mo 75 J/", TT. Bodd. "57 Bayne, P., Christian Life, Social and Individual. 12mo. cl. 1 25 Oould <C- L. " Essays in Biograi)hy and Criticism. 12mo. cl. 1 25 " Thos. M. Popery Subversive of Amcriciin In- stitutions 50 /. McMilUn. '66 Bayonet Exercise. See McClellan, Geo. B. Beach, W. (M. D.), American Practice of :Medicine. Svo. 5 00 Clar\\ A. .C S. Bears of Augustusberg (The) ; an Epi.sodo in Saxon History, by G. Nieritz. ISmo. cl. . . .0 75 rrosl>y.N.<t Co.'5(\ Beatrice Cenci. A Tale of the XVI. Century ; Translated from the lUJian, by Mrs. Watts Shennan. 12mo. cl 1 50 Mason Bros. '58 The Same. Translated by Luigi Monti. 12mo. cl 1 25 Budd,(- Carlton'56 Beattie, Jas., Minstrel, and Bloorafield, Robert, Farmer's Boy. ISmo. cl 50 Derby .0 /. io BE A BEL [am. cat. Boftuohninp. liy (J. P. 11. Jntne". 8vo. pfip. BoftiicLampo; or, Tho Kentucky Tragedy. JJy W. G. Simnis. 12mo. cl Hcauinnnoir ; or, Tho Career of A Ki-siiif; Man. 8vo. pap. Bcauniarohais and Ilia Times. Sketches of I'rencli Soeiety in tbo Eigliteenth Century, by Louis Do Momenie. 12mo. cl Beauties of Sir Thomas More. By \V. J. Walter. 18mo. cl. Beautiful Gate and Other Tales. By Caroline Checsoboro. 18mo. cl Beauty for Ashes. By B. F. Barrett. 12mo. cl. of "Woman's Faith. A Talo of Southern Life. 12mo. cl of the Heart ; or, The Story of Margaret Craven. 24rao. cl Beauvallot, L., Rachel and The New World. An Account of Her Trip to the L'nited States and Cuba. 12mo. cl Becker, Geo. J. Bookkeeping. 8vo. .... Beckwourth, James P. (Mountaineer, Scout and Pioneer, and Chief of the Crow Nation of Indians), Life of. By T. D. Bonner. 12mo. cl. Bedford, G. S. (M. D.), Clinical Lectures on the Diseases of Women and Children. Svo. Beechcroft. A Tale, by Miss 0. Yonge, 12mo. cl. Beecher, Catharine E. Common Sense Applied to Religion ; or, the Bible and the People. cl. 12ino " Letters to the People on Health and Happiness. 12rao. cl . " Physiology and Cahsthenics. For the use of Schools and Families. ISmo. cl • Charles (Rev.), Pen Pictures of the Bible. ISmo. cl. ■ Edward. Papal Conspiracy Exposed. 12mo. cl. n. W. (Kev.), Lectures, cl. .... " " Star Papers. 12mo. cl. Lyman (Rev.), Works; Comprising his Lectures, Sermons, «fec. 3 v. 12mo. cl Beginning and Growth of Christian Life. 16mo. cl. . Belcher, Joseph (Rev.^ Rehgious Denominations (The) of the United States, their History, Doctrine, Gro- vernment, and Statistics. Svo Believer's Refuge; or. Meditations on Christ and Heaven. By Rev. J. P. Thompson. 16mo. cl. Belisarius. A Fable. 12mo. cl. Belknap, Jeremy (Rev.), Life of, with Selections from his CoiTespondence. By his Granddaughter. 12mo. cl 25 Ilarper <fc Brot. 1 25 J. H. Rcdfield. lioaa & T. '50 1 25 Ilarjyer & Broa.'hf) 75 Lucas Bros. 75 Miller S Son. 50 Appleton & Co. 1 00 Derby it J. 35 Am. S. S. Un. '57 1 00 Dix.Edw's.d-C'o.'be 1 50 E. II. Butler & Co. 1 25 Ilarper (£; Bros. 'oCj 2 75 S.S. (t W. Wood.'ob 75 Appleton & Co. '55 100 Earper & Broi.'ol 50 '• '55 50 Earper & Bros.'oQ 50 J. C. Bcrly. '55 1 25 M. TT. Dodd, '56 75 Brooks d- Bro. 1 25 J. C. Derhy, '55 3 00 Jemett &. Co. 50 Crosly, N. & Co. Stearns & S. '56 60 A. D.F. Randolph. 75 E. M. Bemtt, "57 75 Earptr dc Brot. 1856-68.] BEL- BER 91 ( Bell, John (M.D.), ^Mineral and Tlicrmal Springs of tho United States and Canada. 12ino. cl. Carrer. See Bronte, Charlotte. Smith's Travels and Adventures over the Ocean. 12mo. cl. . Smith, Abroad. 12ino. cl. Belle Scott; or, Liberty OverthroAvn. A Tale for the Times. 12nio. cl. and Lilly ; or. The Golden Rule-. 1 Grao. cl. . Beman, N. S, S. Episcopacy Exclusive, beinf^ a Review of Dr. Colt's Sermon and Pamphlet. Pap. Bement, 0. J. American Poulterer's Companion. Square 8vo. cl Bement, C. IST. Rabbit-Fancier. 12mo. cl. . . . R. B. (Rev.). Kingdom of Brass, or the History of the World from the Birth of Alexander the Great to the Birth of Christ. 12mo. cl. . Benedict, Frank L. Shadow- Worshipper and Other Poems 12mo. cl. - Joel T. Elements of Algebra. Part L 12mo shp. ....... Bennett, Emerson. Artist's Bride, or the Pawnbroker'; Ilein 12mo. cl. . " Border Rover. 12nio. pap. 1 00, cl *' Ellen Norbury. 12mo. pap. 50c., cl. " Viola. 12mo. pap. .00c. , cl. • J. Gordon, and His Times, Memoirs of. 12mo. cl Bentley, R. Pictorial Definor. . . . Benton, IST. S. History of Herkimer County, New York, including the Upper Mohawk Valley. 8vo. cl. Thos. ir. Abridgement of tho Debates in Con- gress from 1780 to 18.jG (published by .subscription), to bo c<impleto in 15 vols. Vols. 1 to 5 now ready. 8vo. Per vol. shp. 3 50, cl. . " Examination of tho. Dred Scott Case. 8vo. cl • " Tliirty Years' View ; or HiKtory of the Working of the American Govern- ment from 1820 to 1850. 2 vols. 8vo. cl. 5 00, shp Beranger, P. J. Two Hundred Lyrical Poems of, done into English Verse by Wm. Young. 12nio. cl. Berard, A. 15. School History of the United States, net Berenice. An Autobiographical Novel. 12mo. cl. . Berg, J. F. (Rev.). Abaddon and Mahsnaiin ; or Demons and Guardian Angels. 12mo. cl. ." " Europe and America ill Prophecy. 12mo. 75 Parry d: McM. 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 50 1 00 75 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 75 1 25 25 :5 00 1 00 G 00 1 25 :{8 1 00 00 1 0(» Derhy d- J. J. C. Derhy, 65 //. Dayton, '56 f'rosby n. ri- Co. 38 L. WillarJ: '56 Harper d- Bro». '56 a M. Saxton. '55 Moore, W. K. & Co. J. S. BedJiM. Pratt. 0. £ Co. '68 Garrett,D. ilk F.'57 T. B. Peterson. Stringer <(• T. '55 Lippincott <C; Co. 2 50 J. Mun»eU. Apphton fC- Co. '67 " '58 " '58 '67 Cofrprrfhteait Co. Phirp$S.SCo.'bQ IIiggin$ <f P. '66 22 BEE Bin AU. CAT. Borg, J. F. (Tlov.), Prophecy and the Times ; or, I^ngland nnd Armageddon. 12mo. cl. . .0 50 " " Btono (The), and tho Image; or, the Amorican Republic, tho IJano and Ruin of Despotism. 12mo. . . . 60 Berkeley, Cora. Hamiltons, The ; or, Sunshine in Storm. 12mo 38 Bernard Lile; an Eistorical Romance. By J. Clemens. 12mo. cl 1 00 Berqnin's Conversational French Reader. lOmo. , .0 50 Bertha ; or, the Pope and the Emperor. By W. B. McCabe. 12mo. cl. Bertha's Christmas Vision ; an Autumnal Sheaf. By H. Alger Jr. IGmo. cl 63 Bertini, Henry. Method for the Piano Forte. , . net I 50 The same, Abridged net 1 00 Bethel ; or, The Claims of Public Worship. By W. W. Everts 50 Betrothal (The). By 0. Patmore. 16mo. cl. . . . 75 Betrothed (The). A Tale. By A. Manzone. 2 v. 1 50 Better Covenant (The). By Rev. Francis Goode. 12mo. 60 Land (The), or. The Christian Emigrant's Guide to Ueaven. By J. Dodsworth. 12mo. cl. . .0 75 Boveridge (Bishop). Private Thoughts upon Religion, and a Christian Life. 2 v. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 50 Beza, T. Latin Testament. 12ino. r. cl. sides. . . 75 Bible Defended against the Objections of Infidehty. By Rev. W. H. Brisbane 50 - " Gallery. Illustrating Our Saviour's Life and Passion, Prominent Events in the Lives of His Disciples, and the Patriarchs, Prophets, &c., with 24 Illustra- tions. 8vo. mor. $0 ; cl. ex. . . . .4 00 — - — Hand Book, an Introduction to the Study of Sacred Scriptures. By Rev. Joseph Angus. 12mo. cl. . 1 25 History of Prayer. By Rev. C. A. Goodrich. 12rao. 1 00 Lights from Bible Lands. By Rev. Joseph Anderson. 12mo. cl 75 News of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in a series of Letters. By Rev. Noah "Worcester, 12 mo. . 36 Songs ; a collection of Melodies for the use of Chil- dren. By M. D. Sullivan 25 in the Family. By Rev. H. A. Bonrdman. 12mo. cl. 1 00 in the "Workshop. By Rev. J. "W. Mears. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 and Astronomy, an exposition of the Biblical Cos- mology and its Relations to Natural Science. By Rev. J. H. Kurtz. 12mo. cl 1 25 — — and Men of Learning, in a Course of Lectures. By Rev. J. M. Mathews. Svo. cl 2 00 niggim ti P. '56 Bunigan & Bro. Lip'ineottA Co.'56 Loekwood <fe*S'on.'55 A.Moore & Bro.'56 Brown^ B. &■ Co. Mason Bros. Hull & Bro. '56 Tieknor <& F. Appleton <t Co. A. D. F.Randolph. Stevenson & 0. Ca/rter & Bros. '57 Appleton & Co. Eiggint & P. Lindsay d B. W. S.&A.Martien. Jewett tfc Co. '55 Carter & Bros. '57 Am. Unit. Ass. N. RicTiardson. Lippineott li Co. C. Scribner. '56. Lindsay <& B. '57 I). Fanshaw. '55 1855-58.] BIB BLA Bible and Science ; or, the "World's Problem, By Tayler I^wis. 12mo. cl Bibliotheca Probata. Catalogue of Books Selected, Exa- mined, and Arranged, with full descriptive Titles, Characterizations, and Prices. 12ino. Bickersteth, Edwd, (Rev.), Treatise on the Lord's Supper. Edited by Rev. L. W. P. Balch. 12mo. cl. .... ■■ ■ " " Treatise on Prayer. 12ino. cl. . Bickerton; or, the Immigrant's Daughter. 12mo. Bickford, J. T. (Mrs.), Scandal. 12mo. cl. ... Bfg Bear of Arkansas, and other Sketches illustrative of Characters and Incidents in the Soutli and South- West. 12rao. pap - . Bill's Complete Penman in 7 numbers, doz.l . •»fi . Binder, "Wm. E., Madelon Ilawley ; or, the Jesuit and his Victim. 12rno. cl Bingham, Caleb, American Preceptor. .... " Columbian Orator. . . . . " Young American's Speaker. 12mo. Bingley, Thos., Tales of Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea. 18mo. cl Binney, Horace, Literary Criticisms, and other papers of. 12ino. cl Biographical Essays. By H. T, Tuckerman. 8vo. cl. Index to the History of England. By Rev. S. Y. McMasters. 12 mo. cl Biographies of the Heroes of History — Oliver Cromwell Edited by Rev. F. L. Hawkes. IGmo. cl. Bird, J. & H, Singing School Companion. . . net Birds of Aristophanes, with Notes. By Prof. C. C. Felton. 12mo. ol. Bishop, Harriet K, Floral Home ; or, First Years of Min- nesota. 12mo. cl Bits of Blarney. By R. S. Mackenzie. 12mo. cl. Black, F. G. (Rev.), Sermons. 12 mo. cL . Black Bess ; or, Claude to the Rescue. 8vo. pap. Diamonds; or, Humor, Satire, and Sentiment, treated Scientifically. 12mo. cL . Hawk, Life and Adventures oL By B. Drake. 12mo. cl Ranger ; or. The Maid and the Marksman. 8vo. pap. Blackford (Mrs.), Arthur Montoith; a Moral Tale. IXmo. cl. Blackwell, Robt. S., Practical Treatise on the Power to Sell Land for the Non-payment of Taxes assessed thcrco'i ; embracing tlio Decisions of tho Federal Courts, and of tho Supreme Judicial Tribunals of the several States. 8vo. 1 00 G.Y.YanDebogert 1 25 D. Dana Jr. '57 1 00 T. K Stanford.'hl 75 Am. Tract So. '56 P. O'Shea. '55 1 2.5 Shepard,G. <t B.'57 50 T.B. Fetenon.' 57 1 25 Shepard, C. <£ B. 1 00 IT. Dayton. '57 25 Lippincott & Co. 50 a l( 50 t( (( 31 Whittamore X.d-ff. 1 25 Parry .t McM. '56 1 75 Phillips £ Co. '57 1 87 B. U. ButUr & Co. 1 00 J. S. Diclcer»on,''55 40 Sanborn, C. tfc B. 1 00 /. Bartlelt. 1 00 1 00 80 25 50 25 88 Sheldon, B. <t Co. J. S. RidjieU, "65 D. Iiuli»on. Garrett & Co. 1 25 T. L. Mii'jagnoi. D Exdison. G. Akarman, '55 Franc it cfc Co. '56 6 60 D.B. Cooked Co.'56 u BLA Til [am. cat. Bliiir, Diivid, Outlines of Chronology. Hugh, Lectures on Klicloric and JJellcs Lettre.s. 8to. slip Tlio Same Abridged, with (Questions. Ifinio. Blake, J. I.. (Rov.), General Biogra[)hic,il Dictionary of tho most Distinguished Persons of all Ages, Nations, and l*rofessions. Ninth Edition. Iloyal 8vo. shp. " Universal Biographical Dictionary, com- prising a Summary Account of the most Distinguished Persons of all Ages, Nations, and Professions, in- cluding more than Two Thousand Articles of American Biograi)liy. Thirteenth Edition. 8-vo. shp. . fJlakcley, John (Kev.), Theology of Inventions; or, Mani- festations of the Deity in the Works of Art. 12mo. cl. . . - ... iilakeman, P. (Rev.), State of the Soul between Death and the Resurrection. 18nio. cl Blakes and Flanegans (The), a Tale Illustrative of Irish Life in the United States. By Mrs. Sadlier. 12mo. cl. Blanchard's Tables of Interest and Discount at 7 per Cent. 12mo. hf. bd. ..... . Blanche DearAvood, a Romance of American Life. 12mo. cl. Blemmertons ; or, Dottings by the Wayside. By Rev. J. J. Nicholson. 12mo. cl Blind Agnese ; or, the. Little Bride of the Blessed Sacra- ment. Cl Alice. By ^laria J. ^IcTntosli. Square cl. Girl (The) of Wittenberg, a Life Picture of the Times of Luther and the Reformation, from the Gei-man. By Rev. J. G. Morris. r2mo. cl. . . . ' . Tom ; or, the Reformed Street ]3oy. IGmo. cl. Bliss, S., Analysis of Geography. 4to " Outline Maps, S in a set, mounted and varnished. Blodget, L., Climatology of the United States, and of the Temperate Latitudes of the North American Continent. Embracing a full comparison of these, Avith the Climatology of the Temperate Latitudes of Europe and Asia; with Isothermal and Rain Charts, including a summary of Meteo- rological Observations in the Unitetl States, condensed from recent scientilic and official publications. 8vo. cl Blood of the Cross. By Rev, H. Bonar. 24mo. cl. . Bloomfield, Robert, Farmer's Boy : A Poem. Illustrated. Mor. %Z 50 ; cl. ex nci 25 ITiclcling, S. cfc D. 1 75 Hayes A Z. 38 " 3 00 Sanborn, C.&B:m 5 WiC'owpertJmait&Co'bl 75 Carter db Bros. '56 38 M. W.DoM. 75 D. & J. Sadlier^ '55 25 C. Crandall. 1 00 Bu7\ce & Bro. '55 1 00 D. Dana, Jr. 38 Dunigan <fc Bro. 38 AppUton & Co. '56 75 Lindsay & B. '56 60 yf.S.l-A.Martien. 75 Jewett & Co. 00 '^ 5 00 Lippineottd-Co.''57 33 A. Martian. 2 00 Appleton & Co. '58 1855-58.] BLO BOO 35 Blossoms of Cliildliood. By Author of " Broken Bud." 18mo. cl of Piety, culled from tUe Recollections of a vSab- bath-school Teacher. 12ino. .... Blue Ribbons (The), a Story of the Last Century. By Anna II. Drury. 18mo. cl. . Boardraan, 11. A. (Rev.). Bible in the Family. 12nio. cl. " Great Question (The), Will You Consider the Subject of Personal Rehgion ? 18mo Boat-Club (The) ; or, The Bunkers of Rippleton. A Talo for Boys. ISmo. cl Boat-Life in Egypt and Nubia, by Wm. C. Prime. 12mo. cl. Boatman's Daughter (The), A Narrative for the Learned and the Unlearned, by A. Bari-ett. Boccaccio. The Decameron of. 12mo, cl. . . Boeckh, Augs. PubUc Economy of the Athenians, with Notes and Index, Translated from the German by Anthony Lamb. 8vo. cl Boise, J. R. Exercises in Greek Prose Composition. 12rao. Bojesen, E. F., and Arnold, T. K. Manual of Grecian and Roman Antiquities. 12iao. cl. ... Bolton, Robt. History of the Protestant Episcopal Clmrch in the County of Westchester, from its Foundation, A.D. 1693, to A.D. 1853. 8vo. cl. Bombergor, J. U. A. (Rev.), Protestant, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Encycloptodia. Royal 8vo. To be completed in IG Numbers, per No. . Bonaparte, Napoleon. Confidential Correspondence of, with his Brother Joseph. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. . Bonar, II. (Rev.), Blood of the Cross. 24mo. cl. " Desert of Sinai (The), Noteg of a Journey frona Cairo to Beersheba. 12mo. cl. . . . " Hymns of Faitli and Hope. lOnio. cl. " Land of Promise. 12mo. cl And. (Kcv.j, Commentary on the Book of Leviticus. 12mo. cl Bond, Henry (M.D.), Genealogies of the Families and De- scendants of the Early Sottlors of Watertovvn, Mass., including Waltham and Weston. 8vo. . J. AV. Minnesota and its Resources. 12ino. cl. Robt. (Rev.), Golden Maxims. 32mo. cl. Bond Family (The;, or Self-Culture. l8mo. cl. Bonner, John. Child's History of Greece. 2 vols. ISnio. cl. " " " of the United States. 2 vols. 18mio. cl. . Book for Summer Time in the Country. By R. A. Wilmott. 1 vol. 16mo. cl 50 Carter cf- Bros. 50 Ai7i.Bap.Puh.S.'56 50 mut'me,Xctn'u6 1 00 Lippineott & Co. 33 Am.S.S. n''on.''ob To Brown B. it Co. '55 1 25 Harper £ Bro8.''57 30 Stevenson <fc 0. '55 1 00 C. Blanchard. '55 4 00 Little, B. tC Co. "57 75 Appleton & Co. 1 00 2 50 Stanford & S. 50 Lindsay & B. '5G. 2 00 Appleton cf- Co. '50 33 W.S.itA.Mariien. 1 00 Carter d- Bros. '57 (I 75 '• '67 1 25 " '57 1 00 " 5 00 Little B. <& Co. '56 1 25 AWti <(• L. '50 31 Appleton & Co. 30 C. Stone. 1 00 Harper <£• Bros. '57 1 00 " " 50 Applclon dt Co. 9ft BOO- BOH [am. cat. Book of Tloauty, Roynl. 8vo. cl. ex. 1 50, in inor. . net Chants, lly T/Owoll Mn-son. net. - — Cnriosities. IJy liov. J. Plntt. Svo. . Eloqnonce. A Collection of Extracts in Proso and Verse. By Chos. D. Warner. 12mo. slip. Goma, a Gift for all Seasons. By E. Sinclair. 12mo Houlth. By W. A. Alcott. 12mo. cl. Oratory. By E. C. Marshall. 12mo. . — Parlor Games. 12mo. cl. ex. 75. cl. . . net — Public Prayer. Compiled from the Authorized Formularies of Worship of the Presbyterian Church. 12rao. cl Snobs. By W. M. Thackeray. 16mo. cl. the Great Railway Celebrations of 1857. Illns- trated. 1 vol the Lodge; or, OflBcers' Manual. By Rev. G. Oliver the Ocean, and Life on the Sea. 12mo. cl. . the Telegraph. 12mo. cl. . . . . . Boone, Daniel, Biographical Sketch of. By Timothy Flint. 12mo. cl Booth, J. C. Phonographic Instructor and Key. 18mo. . Bouquet (The), a Collection of Vocal Music. By L. H. Southard and G. W. Pratt. .... of Spiritual Flowers. By A. B. Child, M.D. 12rao. Border Beagles, a Tale of Mississippi, By W. G. Simms. 12mo. cl Life. Embracing a History of the Discovery of America, a History of Virginia, of the Early Set- tlement of Pennsylvania, Personal Narratives of Frontier Men, &c., &c. Svo. shp. . . lut Rover. By Emerson Bennett. 12mo. pap. 1 00. cl. Borgo, 0. Meditations on the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. 12mo. . Borrow, George, Rommany Rye, a Sequel to " Lavengro.'' Svo. pap. " Roving Adventures. Svo. cl. . Bossuet, French Word and Phrase Book. . . .net Jas B. (Bishop), History of the Variations of the Protestant Churches. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. Boston Academy's Collection of Church Music. By Lowell Mason. Svo. net Anthem Book. By Lowell Mason . . net Chorus Book, Enlarged. By Lowell ifason and G. J. Webb net Common, A Tale of Our Own Times. By Mr?. Varnham. 12 mo. cl 1 75 Leavitt tt A. 50 Mfuon liroH.' 2 50 Leary r£ G. '56 1 GO C. C'randall. J. Buff urn. '56 1 00 Jewett & Co. 1 00 Appleton <t Co. 50 Peek & B. 1 25 C. ScTibner. 50 Appleton & Co. 1 25 D. Appleton & Co. 7-" Leonard & Co. 1 50 J. E. Beardsley. 38 Palmer & H. 50 D. Bulison. 56 B.R. Butler <& Co. G.P.Reed<&Co.'o6 1 00 B. March. '56. 1 25 /. S. RedJUld. '53 1 25 SmitTi, E. A Co. 1 25 T. B. Peterson. "57 25 Lueaa Bros. 50 Harper <{• Bro8.'57 1 50 Moore, W. K. £ Co. 25 EicUing, S. <& B. 1 50 Sadlier & Co. 67 Moion Bros. 75 " 63 " 1 00 Jas.FrenehdCo.'5& 1865-58.] BOS- 'BOY vr Boston Glee Book. By Lowell Mason and G. J. Webb, net 75 — =^- Sights, and Strangers' Guide to the City and Suburbs, fully Illustrated 50 Stage (The). See Clapp, W. W., jr. Thomas (Eev.), Select Works of, with a Memoir of his Life and Writings. 8vo. cl. . .2 00 Botany for Beginners. 18rao lut 30 Bothwell. By W. E. Aytoun. 16mo. cl To Bonlden, J. E. P., An American among the Orientals, in- cluding an Audience with the Sultan and a Visit to the Interior of a Turkish Harem. 12mo. cl 75 Bourdon's Arithmetic. By Chas. S. Venable. . . . 75 Bourne, John, A Catechism on the Steam Engine. 16mo. 75 Treatise on the Screw Propeller. New Edi- tion. 1 vol. 4to. cl. . . . . 9 00 Boussingault, J. B., Rural Economy, in its Relations to Chemistry, Physics, and Meteorology. 12mo. cl. 1 25 Bouvier, Hannah M., Familiar Astronomy. 8vo. . . 2 00 Bovee, C. K, Thoughts, Feelings, and Fancies. 12mo. cl. gt. top 1 25 Bow in the Clouds. By Rev. J. R. Macduflf. or. Covenant of Mercy for the AflBicted. By Rev. W. B. Stevens, Crown 8vo. mor. $4 50. ; cl. ex. . . , 3 75 The Same. l2mo. cl 1 25 Bowen, E., United States Post-OfRce Guide. Map. 8vo. cl. 1 25 F., Metaphysical and Ethical Sciences. . net 94 " Principles of Political Economy applied to the Condition, the Resources, and the Institutions of the American People. 8vo. cl. T. J. Adventures and Missionary Labors in the In- terior of Africa, from 1849 to 1850. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Bowler, Geo. Chapel and Church Architecture, folio. . 10 00 Bowman, J. E. 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EloinciiU of Logic. 12mo ■ " Kainca' Eloincuts of CriticiHin. 8vo. Boyor, Abel. French ami ICnfflisliDictLonftry. 8vo. shp. net. Boyhood of Great Painters. Two series, lOino. cl. eacli. . Boynton, Cims. B. (Rev.), and Mason, T. B. Journey tliror.gli KansnH, with Sketches of Kebraska. 12nio. pap. 50; cl. . Brace, Chaa. L. Norse-folk (The) ; or,.a Visit to the Homes of Norway and Sweden. 12mo. cl. . . . J. B. Fawn of the Palo Faces. 12nio. cl. Brackcnridge, H. History of the AVar between the United States a!id Great Britain, 1812. 1 " Modern Chivalry. 12ino. cl. Bradbury, W. B. I^oys and Girls' Singing Book. ■ " Esther; or, The Beautiful Queen Cantata. . . . • . " Musical Gems for School and Home. " New York Glee and Chorus Book. " Sabbath School Choir. " Social Singing Book. " Young Shawm (The), a Collection of School ^[usic. . . . . . .net • " and Converse, Charles C. Musical Bouquet and Institute Choir " Boot, Geo. F. and others. The Shawm, a Library of Church Music. 8vo. . net ■- " and Sanders, C. "W. , Young Choir; or School Singing Book Braddock's Expedition. Edited by Winthrop Sargent. Svo. Bradford, Sarah H. History of Peter the Great, Czar of Russia. lOmo. cl. ... " Story of Columbus, Simplified for the Young Folks. 16mo. cl. 'William. History of Plymouth Plantation. Svo. Bradley, C. (Rev.), Family and Parish Sermons. Svo. cl. . Emelie R. (Airs.), Sketch of tlie Life and ^'harac- ter of. J^y Nancy Royce. ISmo. . Mary E. Bread upon the AYaters. 12mo. . " Douglass Farm ; a Juvenile . Story of Virginia. 12mo. cl. ... Bradley's Housekeeper, Guide and Cook Book. 12mo. cl. Bragelonne, The Son of Athos. Being a Continuation of '• Three Cinardsmen.'' By Alex. Pnmtxs. pap. Bramton, T. F. Hand Book of Practical Receipts for Every Day Use. A :Manual for the Chemist, Druggist^ Medical Practitioner, Manufacturer, and Heads of Famihes. 12 mo. ..... Brazil, Life in ; or, Journal of a Visit to the Land of the Cocoa and Palm. By Thos. Ewbank. Svo. cl. . 75 Barnes A Co. 1 25 " 1 25 Sanborn, ('. <k B. 38 SadlierA Co. 75 Moore, W. K. & Co. 1 25 C. Scrihner. 75 Appleton & Co. mo. 63 Hayes a- Z. 1 25 T. B. Peterson. 25 Ivison & P. A net 19 Maxon Bros. 38 Ivkon & P. net 75 Mason <t Bros. 25 Ivison & P. 20 (i 25 Mason Bros. 63 Ivkon tBP. o6 67 Mason Bros. 25 Ivison cfc P. 3 00 Lippincott & Co. 75 Appleton d- Co. '58 63 C. Scrihner, '57 2 25 Little, B. & Co.'bQ 2 00 Appleton & Co. 25 Am. Tract So. "57 50 Prot. Ep. S. S. U. 75 Appleton <& Co.'oT 70 Applegate & Co. 75 T. B. Peterson. 1 00 Lindsay & B. "57 2 00 Harper <& Bros.'56 1855-58.] BRA BRI 90 Brazil and the Brazilians, Portrayed in Historical and De- scriptive Sketches. By Kev. D. 1'. Kidder. 8vo. cl. — ■ — and La Plata, Personal Niirrativo of a Visit to, in 1850-3. By Rev. C. 8. Stewart. 12mo. cl. Bread upon the Waters. By Mary E. liradley. 12mo. Breban, J. 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Illus- trated with Elegant Steel Engravings. 8vo. fine paper; cl. ex. $4; cl. . " Cheaper Edition, with Portrait and four Plates, cl. ex. or Tni. mor. " "With Portrait and Vignette only. slip. or cl 3 00 4r>l>lcton & Co. 3 00 2 50 C. Caddell, Cecilia II., r>lind Agnes ; or, The Little Sponsc of the Blessed Sacrament. lOmo. cl. . " History of the Mission in Japan and Paraguay. 12mo. cl. . " Little Snow Drop, the Unbaptized One ; or, The Story of Three Baptisms, cl. C. M. (Miss)., Lost Genovetta ; or. The Spouse of the Madonna, cl " " " Miner's Daughter; a Catholic Tale. cl. Cfcsar's Commentaries, Literally Translated. 12mo. cl. " AVith Analytical and Interlinear Translation of theFirst FiveBooks, by Jas. llainilton ; and an Inter- linear Translation of the Sixth and Seventh Books, by Thomas Clark. 12ino " Notes by Spencer, 12mo. " "With English Notes, by F. P. Leve- rett net Calderon ; His Life and Genius. "With Specimens of his Plays, by Rev. R. C. Trench. 12ino. cl. . Caldwell, II. 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Calvert, Geo. H., Comedies, 12mo. cl 75 Phillips^S.itCo.'bG " Social Science. A Discourse in Three Parts. 12mo. cl. . . . . . . 00 J^, S. litdfidd. '5G Calvinistic Doctrine of Predestination. Examined and Re- futed by Rev. F. Hodgson. IBrao. cl. . . . 35 Iliggins <C P. '55 Cambridge, "Wm. G., Glenwood ; or, Tbe Parish Farm. 12mo. cl. , . . • . 1 2.J IHyjlns, B. <t- D. " Leila Stuart ; or, The Heart Un- veiled. r2mo. cl. gt. . . . 1 25 " " Mechanic's ]5ride; or, Autobio- graphy of Elhvood Gordon. 12mo. 1 00 She2)ard,C.<& £.''57 Camel, The. See ^larcb, Geo. P. Camp, N. "W. (Rev.), Pi*ogramme of Themes and Texts for the Sundays, Festivals, and Fasts of the Ecclesias- tical Year. 12mo. pap 50 JDana tC Co. '56 ■ Fires of Napoleon. Comprising the most brilliant Achievements of the Emperor and his Marshals, By Henry 0. Watson. 8vo. . ." . . .2 50 Feck d- B. '5C Fires of the Red Men, By J. R. Orton. 12rao. cl. . 1 25 Berhj <C- J. and March. See Grafton, H. D. Campbell, E. 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Square Carkn, Emilie, John ; or, Is a Cousin in Haud worth Two Counts in the Bush ? 12mo. .... Carlisle (Earl of). Diary in Turkish and Greek Waters. 12mo. cl. . . Carleton, Henry, Liberty and Necessity, in which are con- sidered the Laws of Association of Ideas, the moan- ing of the -word Will, and the true Intent of Pun- ishment. 16mo. cl Wm., Art Maguire ; or, the Broken Pledge. ISmo. " Valentine M'Clutchy, the Irish Agent. Cl. Cdrieton, Wra., Willy Reilly ; a Tale of Irish Life. 12mo. cl. Caritou, Robt. (B. R. Hall), New Purchase ; or. Early Years in the West. 12mo. cl Oarmina Sacra ; or, Boston Collection of Church Music. By Lowell ^[ason. Music 8vo. . . . net Carol (The) ; a Collection of Music and Hymns. Compiled by Lucius Crandall . Caroline of Brunswick. By Reynolds. 12mo. pap. $1,00; Carpenter, Thomas, Scholar's Spelling Assistant. Hf. bd. W. B. (M.D.), Microscope (The), and its Revela- tions. With an Appendix. By F. G. Smith, M.D. 8vo. cl 75 Dnnigan Bro. '57 75 Sadlier & Co. '56 50 F. Brady. '57 1 00 1 75 1 00 Appleton & Co. Mason Bros. '56 '57 07 1 00 75 1 25 1 00 88 1 25 1 00 50 25 25 1 00 50 38 75 1 00 1 25 67 35 1 25 12J C. Desilter. Ilarper & Bros. '55 Appleton & Co. Derly & J. '57. RuM & C. Derly & J. '57 Sadlier & Co. Moore, W. K. & Co. Ilarper & Bros. '57 Garrett, D. &F:m Eickling^S.&B. '55 Pamj tC- McM. '57 Sadlier <C- Co. u Moore d- Bros. '56 J. B. XunemacTier. Mason Bros. G. B. Utter. "56 T. B. Peterson. Sadlier & Co. 4 00 Bla7ichard£L.'5Q 1855-58.] CAR- GAS 39 Carreno, M. A., Manual do Urbanidad y Buenas Maneras. 12ino 1 25 . " Abridgment of do. 18rao. . . . 38 Carrie Emerson ; or, Life at Cliftonvillo. By C. A Ilayden. 12mo. cl 1 00 Ilainilton ; or, the Beauty of True Religion. By Mrs. Denison. 12uio. cl C5 Carroll, A. E. 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IST., Perilous Adventures in the Far AYest. 12mo. cl. . . 1 00 Gary, Alice, Married, Not Mated, or how they Lived at Woodside and Throckmorton Hall. 12mo. cl. 1 00 " Poems. 18mo. cl 1 00 Casket (The), Sacred Melodies for Public and Social Wor- ship. By G. O. Robinson Caspar, by Amy Lothrop. IGmo. cl. . . . . G3 Cass, Lewis (Gen.), Outlines of the Life and Character of. By II. R. Schoolcraft. Bvo. stitched. . . . 25 Oassin, John, American Ornithology ; giving a Cienerul Synopsis of North American Oraithologj', and containing Descriptions and Figures of all North American Birds not given by former American Authors, after the manner, and designed as a continuation of the Works of Audubon. Ilhis- trated with fifty beautifully colored Plates. 1 v. Bvo. cl. gt; $10 00; Turk. ant. gt. edg. . . 15 00 Cartanis, C. P., Greek Boy (The), and the Sunday School. .18mo. cl 03 Caste, a Story of Republican Equality. By S. A. Stor}', Jr. 12mo. cl 1 25 Castle Builders. By Miss C. Yonge. 12nio. cl. . . 75 Applcton & Co. u J. French & Co. '65 Am. Bp. JPub. So.": 1 25 Miller, 0. cC JI. '66 J. French Jc Co.'UG Am. Bap. Pub. So. Uickling, S. <& B. " '55 Phillips S.&Co:b& Carlton dc P. C. £ Porter, '56 Raycs <£ Z. '56 Berly & J. " '56 Ticlnor & F. '55 South Bap.Pul.So. Putnam tC Co. '56 /. Munsdl Lljfjiincott tC Co. W. S.i.{:A. 2larti<:n. Phillips SACo.'bb Appleton t£* Co. 40 CAS- CER [am. cat. Castlo of Ronssillon, or, Qncrcy in tho Bixtcenth Century ; n Tfilo. ISnio. cl 75 Sadlier & Co. Oathcrino Do Born, or, Social and Domestic Scenes in the Homo of Luther. By J. G. Morris. 12rao. . 50 Lindsay ik B. '56 II., Empress of Russia, with her Successors, Memoirs of the Life and Koign of. By S. ^f. Smucker. 12mo. cl 1 00 3liUer 0. & M: 55 Volmer ; or, a Father's Revenge. By Reynolds. 8vo. pap 50 Stringer & T. '56 Catholic Cliurch in the United States. Pages of its History. By n. De Courcey. cl 1 50 Dunigan Bro. Choir Book ; or, the ^Morning and Evening Service of tho Catholic Church. By R. Garbett. ob- long hf. r 2 00 Sadlier & Co. Christian Instructed in the Sacraments, Sacrifices, Ceremonies, and Observances of the Church. By Rev. R. Challoner. 18mo. flex. cl. . .0 25 " Question in Politics (The). A Series of Letters addressed to Geo. D. Prentice. By a Kentucky Catholic. ]2rao 50 Webb & Co. Harp. Containing the Morning and Evening Ser- vice of the Catholic Church. By P. A. King. 8vo. cl 50 Sadlier (£ Co. Legends, cl 50 " Catto, \V. T. (Rev.), A Semi-Centenary Discourse, deli- vered in the First African Presbyterian Church. Philad'a. 8vo. pap 25 J. M. Wilson. '57 Caudle (Mrs.), Curtain Lectures. By Douglas Jerrold. pap. 25 B. I). Long. '57 Cavaliers of the Cross. 12mo. cl 1 00 Apjylegate d- Co. Cavalry Tactics, prepared for the use of the Army of the United States, by order of the "War Department. 2 V. 18mo. cl 2 50 Lippineott & Co. Cave, Wm. (Rev.), Lives, Acts, and MartjTdoms of the Apostles of our Saviour, to -which are added the Lives of the Evangelists Mark and Luke. 2 v. 12ino. cl 1 50 Carter & Bros. Cave of IMachpelah and other poems. By Jas. Challen. 12mo. cl 100 J.Chalhnd-SonsoiS Cazeaux, P. (M.D.), Theoretical and Practical Treatise on ^Midwifery. Second American translated from the Fifth French Edition. By W. R.Bullock, M.D. 8vo. 4 00 Lin. d- B. '57 Celestina (The) ; or, Xew and Sacred Minstrel. By Y. C. Taylor 75 Irison tf- P. "56 Central Idea of Christianity. By Rev. J. T. Peck. 12mo. cl. 1 00 Carlton <£• P. Century of Puritanism. See Cooke P. Ceremonies of the Reception and Profession of the Sisters of our Lady of Mercy, according to the use of St. Catharine's Convent in the City of Xew York. 18mo. cl 50 Dunioan <& Bro. 1855-58.] CHA CUA 41 Chain of Sacrea Wonders. By Rev. S. A. Latta. Svo. cl. $2 50. shp 3 00 Ajjphfjate d- Co. Challen, James. . Cave of Machpolali and other Poems. 12mo 1 00 J. CMUeiui- Sons' oG " Christian Evidences. 18mo. cl. . .0 35 " " Gospel (The), and its Elements. 18mo. cl 35 " Challoner, R. (Rev.), Catholic Christian Instructed in the Sacraments, &c. ISmo. cl. . . . . . 25 Lucas Bros. (Bp.), History of the Bible. ISnio. . . .0 38 Dunigan Bro. R. (Rev.), History of the Protestant Religion. ISrao. cl. .... 25 Lucas Bros. " " Lives of the Saints of the Desert, and many Holy ^[en and "Women who have dwelt in Solitude. Kimo. cl. 75 Sadlicr & Co. " " Think well On't ; or. Reflections on the Great Truths of the Christian Religion, for every Day in the Month. 32mo. cl. . . . 25 Lucas Bros. Chambers, T. K. (M.D.), Digestion and its Derangement. Svo. cl 2 25 ^. ^. cC- W. Wood. Chamier (Capt.), Life and Adventures of Jack Adams. 8vo. pap 50 T.B. Peterson. '56 Champlin, J. T., Practical Grammar of the English Lan- guage. With Exercises in Analysis and Parsing 34 Aj^pUton tC Co. " " Short and Comprehensive Greek Gram- mar. 12mo. 75 " Chances and Changes; or, Life as it Is. By Charles Bui-- dett. 18mo. cl . 38 Appleton & Co. Chandler, J. R., English Grammar, hf. r. . . . 3S C. DesUter. Changeable Silk (The) ; or, Eliun's Resolution. 18mo. . 42 J/ass. S. School So. Channing, Edward T., Lectures read before the Seniors of Harvard College. 12mo. cl. .... 75 Ticlnor. '5(1 — W., ^Fedical Electricity. 12mo. cl. . . . G3 Pahiier & IL " Physician's Vacation; or, a Sunnner Tour in Europe. 12mo. cl 150 Ticlnor ,{: F. '51 Wm. E. (Rev.), Selections from the AVorks of, 12mo. cl 00 Am.UniCn Assem. " " " Thoughts 20 Chanticleer; a Thanksgiving Story of the Peabody Family. By C'ornelius ilathews. 12mo 50 Broini, L. lO Co. Chants and Tunes for the Book of Connnon Prayer. Mor. flox. gt. e. net $0 42; flex, cl 25 Mosoti Bros. Chapel and Church Architecture. By Geo. Bowler. Fol. 10 00 Jcircft A Co.'SG Chapin, E. H. (Rev.), Christianity the Perfection of True Manliness. 12mo. cl. . . . <^' 75 //. Lyo7i. '55 " " " Duties of Young Men. 24mo. cl. ox. f '-.3 A.G.Putnam. 42 CIJA CUE [am. oat. 01>ftpin,E. II. (Rev.), Duties ufYoiiii^'Woineu. C3 A. G. Put nam. " " " Iluinniiity in tlio City. 12ino. cl. . 1 00 Dewitl r£- D. Clmpinan, J. G., American Drawing Book. 4to. cl. . .4 00 J. S. Ikdfield. G. T. (Rev.), Sermons upon the Ministry, "Wor- ship, and Doctrines of tho Protestant Episcopal Clinrcli. 12mo. cl 1 00 7. N. S(avford:5o Tj. L., Priiicipiu ; or, Natiu'c's first Principles. Tlioory of Universal Electro-Magnetism simplified. Vol. 1. 12ino. cl 100 Camjyldl <& Co: 55 Characteristics of Women, Moral, Poetical, and Ilistorical. By Mrs. Anna Jameson. 32mo. cl. ex . . .0 75 Tichior & F. '57 Characters and Criticisms. By "\V. A. Jones. 2 v. 12mo. 2 00 J. Y. WesterreU'57 Chariclcs, A Dramatic Poem. By J. P. Quincy. ICmo. cl. 50 Tichior & F. or Private Life of tho Ancient Greeks. By "\V. A. Becker. 12mo. cl 2 00 Appleton tfi Co. Charity of the Primitive Churches. By Rev. S. Chartel. 12mo. cl 1 25 Lippincott & Co. Charlemont, the Pride of the Village. A Tale of Kentucky. ['57 By W. G. Simms. 12mo. cl 1 25 J". .S'. Bedjield. '56 Charles XII., King of Sweden, Life of. By Voltaire. 12mo. cl 75 Derly it J. Charley Dean's Task and other Stories. 18mo. . . .0 20 Mass.S.S. Union' 55 Charlotte Emma, a Gift from the Lord. By Rev. TT. II. Smith. 18mo. cl 15 Am. Tract So. '56 Charms of Fancy (The). A Poem in Four Cantos, with Notes by Richard Alsop. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 00 A2)pMon & (7o.'56 and Counter Charms. By M. J. Mcintosh. 12mo. cl 75 " Charnock, Stephen. On tho Attributes of God. 8vo. cl. . 2 50 CarUr & Bros. Chart of Urinary Deposits. By John King, M.D. pap. . 50 Moore TV. K. iC- Co. Chase's, Ira, Constitutions of tho Iloly Apostles, including the Canons. Bvo. cl 2 50 Appleton & Co. n., North and the South. A Statistical View of the Free and Slave States. 12mo 50 Jewett & Co.''5Q Chase, T., Treatise on Algebra. 12mo 1 00 Appleton & Co. Ohastel, S. (Rev.), Charity of the Primitive Churches. 12mo. cl 1 25 Lippincott & Co: 51 Chateau Lescure ; or, the Last Marquis. A Story of Brit- tany and tho Vendee. ISmo. cl. . . . 38 Dunigan & Bra. Chateaubriand (^^iscount De). Genius of Christianity ; or. The Spirit and Beauty of the Christian Religion. 8vo. cl 2 50 Lippincott&Co:5^ Chatterton, Thomas. Poetical Works. 2 v. 18mo. cl. . 1 50 Little^ B. <& Co.'57 Chancer, Geo. F., Canterbury Tales. With Notes and Glossary. By Thos. Tyrwhitt. A new edition. ICmo. cl. ex. §1 50. d 1 00 Ajypleton & Co. Chcsebro, Caroline (Miss). Beautiful Gate, and other Tales. 18mo. cl 75 Miller & Son. '55 1855-58.] CHE Cni , 48 Chesebro, Caroline (Aliss), Pliilly and Kit; or, Food and Raiment. 12ino. cl. . .1 00 J. S. Rc-1 field. '56 " " ^iisan, the Fislierman's Daugh- ter; or, Getting Aloiij?. 12mo. 1 25 /. C. Derby. '55 " •' Victoria ; or, The World Over- come. 12mo. cl. • . . 1 25 Derhy & J. '5G ' Frances 31. (Mi's.), Smiles and Tears ; or, Life at Glenbrook. square cl 50 TndttemoreX.&H Cheseman, Lewis (Rev.) Ishmael and the Church. 12mo. cl. 1 00 Parry & JIc2f. '56 Cheever, Geo. B. (Rev.), God against Slavery, and tiie Free- dom and Duty of the Pulpit to rebuke it as a Sin against God. 12mo 75 J: 77. LaJd. '57 " " Lectures on the Life, Genius, and Insanity of Cowper. 12mo. cl. 1 00 Carter £ Bros. " " Reel in a Bottle. 12mo. cl. . .1 00 C. Scrihner. " " Thoughts for the Afflicted. 12mo. 75 Miller 0. & Co. ~\Vm. M. Practical Evangelism ; or, Bible Chris- tianity Enforced, cl Cong.Bd.o/PublicaVn.'hQ Chemical Field Lectures for Agriculturists, by J. A. Stock- hardt. 12mo. cl 1 00 ^. 6>. Moore. Problems and Reactions to accompany Stockhardt's Elements of Chemistry, by J. P. Cooke Jr. 12mo. . J. Bar(lttt.''o7 Chesterfield, Lord, Letters to his Son. 12mo. cl. . .1 25 Derby & J. Chestnut Wood. A Tale, by Liele Linden. 2 vs. 12mo. cl. 1 75 Appletoii & Co. Chickering, J. W. (Rev.), Hillside Church (The) ; or. Re- miniscences of a Coimtry Pastorate. 12mo. . S.E.Whipple&Co.^QQ Chief of the Pilgrims; or, The Life and Times of AVilliam Brewster. By Rev. Ashbel Steele. 8vo. cl. . 2 50 Lip]nncottii;Co.'57 Child, A. B. (iLD.), Bou(iuet of Spiritual Flowers. 12mo. cl. 1 00 R Mur><h. '56 L. Maria. Autumnal Leaves, Tales and Sketches in Prose and Rhyme. 12 mo. cl. . .1 00 Francis S Co. '57 " NewF]ower(A), for Children. 18mo. cl. 50 C.S.Francis£Co.'5G Child, L. !^^aria. Progress of Religious Ideas through succes- sive Ages. 3 vols. 12mo. cl 4 00 CS.Fr(iiins£Co.'55 Child Wife, from " David Copperfiuld.'' ISmo. . . . 38 J. S. lioljicld. in the Street, and the CJiild on the Farm ; or, Irish Amy . . . \o Am. S. S. Union. of the Covenant (The); or, I low Christian Parents should Train up their Households. By Rev. J. B. Waterbury T. li. Martin. '66 (The) and the Man ; or the Children, tlio Sabbath School, and the AVorld. By Rev. Cha^. Greenwood, 12mo. cl Wliipph' d: Co.''b^ Child's Book of Nature. By W. Hooker, M.D. S.j. cl. . 125 Hariur d- Brog.'hl Botany for Beginners net 20 Jlidliiiy, S. £ B. Catechism of Scripture Ilistory. By Rev. J, A. Wallace. 18mo 75 Charleston, S. C. 44 CIIT- rjiJi [am. cat. Ohiltl'rt Catholic Piety (Cntliolic Prayer). 4Rmo. 10 cents to First History of America. IJy tlio Author of " Lit- tle Dora." Square 1 Hino. half cl History of Kiij^laiul. V>y C'has. Dickens. 18mo. cl. Eii},'lnii(1. r)y C'lias. ])i(;kens. 2 v. ]Hmo. ' Greece. ]Jy J. Bonner. 2 v. 18ino. cl. the United States. Py J. Ponuer. 2 v. 18mo. cl the U. States. Py C. A. Goodrich, net ' Little Thinker, a Practical Spelling Pock. By J. ]i. P)urleigh. ... . . Picture and Verse Pook. Py Mary Ilowitt. ICmo. ■■ Sunday Pook; or, Stories from the Pible. IGmo. . Treasury. A Selection of Verses for Little Chil- dren, compiled by Pebecca Collins. 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'55 38 Api)leton & Co. 1855-58.] cnn — cnR 45 Christian Beneficence. By Rev. Wm. nosnior. ISino. Coiinf^ellor ; Jewels for the Household. By Rev. Tyrone Powers. 8vo. cl. .... Days and Thoughts. By Rev. E. Poabody. IGmo. cl. ....... Directory ; Guiding Men to their Eternal Salva- tion. 12mo. cl Doctrine of Prayer. By J. F. Clarke. Doctrine of Slavery. By Rev. G. D. Armstrong. 12mo. cl. Evidences. By James Challen. ISmo. cl. . . Instructed in the Ways of the Gospel and the Church. By Rev. J. H. Spencer. 12mo. cl, . Instructed. By Father Quadrupani. 24mo. cl. . Keepsake. 12ino. iin. mor. gt. e. . . net Life (The) ; Social and Individual. By P. Bayne. 12mo. cl. Life (The); Its Course, Its Hindrances, and Its Helps. By Rev. Thos. Arnold. 2 vols. 12nio. cl. Liturgy, for tlie Use of the Church. By Rev. F. H. Hedge. 12ino. mor. .... Memorial of Two Sisters (Maria and Ann Jay). 12mo. cl. . . .... Philosopher ; or, the Connection of Science and Philosophy with Religion. B^Thomas Dick. 12mo. cl. . Poets of England and America. ISmo. cl. Profession ; a Series of Letters to a Friend on the Nature, Duties, Necessities, Trials, and Sup- ports of the Christian Profession. By Rev. J. Claybaugh. IGino. cl. . . ... Souvenir. — ■ Statesman (The). ^Memoirs of Wm. "Wilberforce. By Mary A. Collier. 12mo. cl. . Theism. The Testimony of Reason and Revela- tion to the E.xistence of the Supreme Being. By Robt. A. Thompson. 12mo. cl. Virtues in their Distinctive Characters, Associa- tions, Missions, &c. By Rev. D. D. Buck. 12mo. cl. ...... . Christian's Cilt (Tiie). Edited by Rov. Rufus "\V. Clark. 12mo (Jreat Interest. By "Win. Guthrie. 12nio. cl. . Legacy; or, Bible Directory. By Rev. "Wm. Jackson. 12mo. ara. gt — Pocket Hook; or, Counsels, Comforts, and Cau- tions, Conveyed in Short, Striking Sentences. Christianity, as Exemplified in the Conduct of its Sincere Professore. By Rev. W. Seeker. 12mo. cl. W. J. 2fo8Ci. '55 1 80 D. Rulmn. 1 00 Crosby K cC- Co:o7 1 25 Sadller <& Co. 50 AriLUnifn Asi^n. 0.3 C. Scribner. '57 35 Challen & Son. 1 00 Aj'j'Ieton & Co. 25 Sadller & Co. 1 00 Lear lit d- A. 1 25 Gould tC L. '55 2 00 Lbuhaij cC- B. '50 50 Crosby y Jsf. & Co. GO T.K Stanford. '58 1 00 Carter £ Bros. '57 50 Derby tC- /. 75 Moore, W. K. <C Co. 1 25 Burdickd'Bros.'o7 75 Carter d- Bros. "55 1 25 Harper & Bros. '55 1 25 Miller, 0. .C M. '50 J.P.Jetrett<i-Co.'5(i 50 C<irter <(• Bros. 1 25 Leary <(■ Q. 50 Am. Dap. Pub. So. 80 D. Rulison. 4fl ^7/7? CIC [am. CAT. Christianity in Cfiiiia, T.irlfirv, and Thibet. By M, Hue. '2 vols. 12iiio Sadlier & Co. '57 in tlio Kitclion ; a rhy.sio]o;,'icul Cook liook. Hy Mrs. II. .Mann. ICnio. d. . . .0 03 TuTcnor & F. '5^ it.s Esscrico and Evidenco; or, an Analysis of the New Testament. By Rev, Geo. W. Bur- nap. 12 mo. Croshj,y.&Co.''55 the IVrfection of True Manliness. By Rev. E. H. Chapin. 12mo. cl 75 JB. Lyon. '55 Christie Johnstone ; a Novel. By C. Reade. 12nio. cl. . 75 Ticknor & Co. '55 Christine; or, Woman's Trials and Triumphs. By Laura J. Curtis. 12mo. cl 1 00 R.M.DewiU. Christmas Holidays in Rome. By Rev. "NV. I. Kip, 12mo. cl. 1 00 A2>pleton& Co. Shadows. 12mo. cl. gt. e 1 25 W. J. Uamersley. Story Book. 18mo. cl. full gt. $1 ; cl. gt. . , 75 Hayes & Z. Christmas Tree. 12mo. cl. , ... 75 Eudd & C. Wreath for Little People, By Ella Rodman. IGrao, cl 63 Parry &MeM.'5Q Christy, D., Ethiopia, her Gloom and Glory, as Illustrated in the History of the Slave Trade and Slavery, the Rise of the Republic of Liberia, and the Progress of African Missions. 12mo. cl 1 00 HicTiey, M. do W. '57 Chronological History of Foreign Baptists, from A.I). 30 to 1800. By G. H. Orchard. 12mo. cl. , . .1 00 Graves, M. & Co. History of the U. Stat«, arranged with plates on Bern's Principle. By E. P. Peabody. 12mo 75 SheWon,B.&Co:m Chronology of Paper and Paper Making, By Joel Munsell. 8vo. pap 1 00 J". Munsell. Church, E. French Spoken, small 4to 150 E. E. Butler & Co. Church's Indian Wars. 8vo. cl. 1 50 H. Dayton. Church Book of St. Peter's (Presbyterian) Church, Roches- ter, N. Y 1 00 Darrow & Bro. Debts, Their Origin, Cause, and Cure. By Rev. Wm. Ramsay A() H. L. Hastings. Psahnod}-, a Collection of Psalms and Hymns, adapted to Public Worship. ISmo, . . , T. B. Marvin. '5G of Christ in its Idea, Attributes, and Ministry. By E. A. Litton. 8vo 1 25 A.B.F.Band'h. '56 and Slavery. By Rev. Albert Barnes. 12mo. . 75 Parry £ McM. ''56 and the Bible, how they are related to eacli other. 18mo, cl, 19 Dunigan <{• Bro. Churches aud Pastors of Washington, D. C, See Johnson, L. B Churchill, Chas., Poetical Works of; with Mleraoir and Notes. By Geo, Gilfillan, 8vo. cl, . . . 2 09 AppJeton <e Cb,'55 Cicero, M, T., Brutus, Edited with Notes by Prof, C. Beck, 16mo, cl 75 -L n'rflett. 1855-58.] CIC- CLA 47 Cicero, if. T., Immortftlity of the Soul ; The Tnscnlan Dis- putations. Book First : The Dream of Scipio, and Extracts from tlie Dialogues on Age and Friendship, -with English Notes. By Thomas Chase. 16mo. d. . " Select Orations, with English Notes. By C. Folsom net " Select Orations of. Translated by C. D. Yonge. 12ino. cl " Select Orations; Interlinear Translation. By Ilamilton and Clark. 12mo. hf. cf. . " De Officiis. Notes by Thatcher. 12ino. . ■ " De Senectnte. Pap " Select Orations. Notes by Johnson. 12mo. Cicero's Three Books of tlie De Officiis. Literally Tranplatod by C. R. Edmonds. 12mo. cl Citizens' Manual. By A. T7. Young. 12nio. shp. City Architect. See Ranlett, "W. II Poems. By Alex. Smith. IGmo. cl (The), Its Sins and Sorrows ; being a Series of Ser- mons from Luke xix., 41. By Rev. T. Guthrie. 16mo. cl. of the Great King (Tlie), or, Jerusalem as it "Was, and Jerusalem as it Is and as it is to Be. By J. T. Bar- clay. 8vo. cl. of Sin (The), and its Captnre l)y Immannel's Army. An Allegory. By Rev. E. F. Remington. 12ino. cl. Claggett, R., American Expositor. .... i\ct ' " Elocution Made Easy net Clapp, "^^ W. Jr., Boston Stage (The). A Record from the Earliest period to the Year 1853, drawn from the most authentic sources, relating to Tlieatrical-:, Per- formers, and the Profession, interspersed witli Anecdotes, itc. 12ino. cl Clara, or. Slave Life in Europe. 12nio. cl. . . . Douglass, or, the Unrequited Love of a "Mother. 1 Hnio. Claremont, or, the Undivided Household. 12rno. cl. . Clarence, a Tale of our own Times. By Miss C. if. Sedg- wick. 12mo. cl. ..... . Clarinda Mapes; or, Early Piety Exemplified. ISnio. cl. Clark, D. W. (Rev.), Historical Sketches. IGmo. cl. . " " Traits and Anecdotes of Animals " " " " Birds and Fishes. " " Travels and Adventures. " " True Tales for the Spare ITonrs. .- .Tolin (Rev.), Life of. By Rev. H. },[. Hall. 12mo. . J. 11. (M. D.), Sight and Hearing; how Preserved; how Lost. 12mo. cl. 75 J. Barllett. 67 Dmh d- Co. 75 Earper <C- Bro8.'56 1 50 C. Deniher. 90 Airphton <{• Co. 12 Duriujon d- Bros. 1 00 A2n)^cton «C Co. 75 Hnrper li- Bros.'iSa 75 J. B. Cohb tC Co. 03 Ticlnor£ To. '57 50 Carter <S: Bros. '57 3 50 Chullen & Son. 1 00 Carlton &r.'b':. 17 Moss <f" Bros. 17 '• 1 25 Munroe <C Co. 1 00 Harper Bro8.''5G 20 Am.S.S.C'on.'bo 75 Parri/ <C- McM. '57 1 25 Putnam <{• Co. '.w .v. W. DoJd. n r.o >? ,!■ j\ , ('.(I fiO r.o GO " (I 80 Carlton «C P. 1 13 C. Scribner. '56. 48 C'LA CLA [ajm. cat. Clftrk, I., G., Knick-Knncl<s from an Editor's Tabic. 12ino. Saml. (Ilov.), Son[)turo Promises " Scripture Promises, cl. . " A. (Kev.), History of St. John's Cliiircli, Eli- ziibetlitown, N. J., from the Year 1703 to tlie Present Time. T2mo. cl S. "\V., Analysis of the Englisli Language. " First Lessons in English Grammar. " Grammatical Chart. . . . mounted " New English Grammar. .... "\V. I>. (Kev.), Asleep in Jesus ; or, "Words of Consola^ tion to Bereaved Parents. 18ino. cl. Lectures to Young Men. 12mo Clark's Ciesar. shp net Clarke, Adam (Rev.), ComTnentary on the Few Testament. 8vo. slip. ..... " " Commentary on the Old and Xew Testament. 8vo. shp D. W. C. (Mrs.), Lizzie Maitland. cl. ... J. F., Christian Doctrine of Prayer Mary Cowden (Mrs.), The Iron Cousin. A Tale.l2mo. " " " Kit Barn's Adventures. IGmo. " " " "World- Noted "Women ; or, Types of Particular "Womanly Attributes of all Lands and Ages. Illustrated -with Seventeen Steel Engravings. 8vo. mor. anticj. ^ Mary G., Home Garner; or, the Intellectual and Jloral Storehouse. 8vo. cl. .... Class Book of Etymology. By James Lynd. 12mo. Class Book of Local Geography. By E. E. "White. 16mo. Nature. By John Frost ~ Poetry. By Eliza Eobbins. 12mo. cl. ■ —- Prose and Poetry. By T. Richard and H. Orcutt net — Zoology. By B. Jieger. IGmo. . Classmates (The), or, the College Revival. 18mo. Claude, John (Rev.), Essay, and Simeon's Skeletons. 12mo. cl. net Clay, Henry, Last Seven Years of the Life of. By Calvin Colton. 8vo. cl. " Private Correspondence of. Edited by Calvin Colton. 8vo. cl. " Speeches of. Edited by Calvin Colton. 2 v. Svo. cl Claybaugh, Joseph (Rev.), Christian Profession. A Series of Letters to a Friend, on the Nature, Duties, Necessities, Trials, and Supports of the Christian Profession. IGmo. cl 1 25 Apphton & Co. 38 11 30 niggh.s .(• P. 1 00 Lip'incottd- (7o.'67 40 Barnes rfc Co. 30 u 2 50 tl CO (( 31 W. SA-A.Martien. 1 00 Sheimnl, C. & B. 84 Cowpterthwait& Co. 8 50 Applegate& Co. IG 00 (( G3 Dunigan & Bro. 50 Am. Unit. Asso. 1 25 Appleton & Co. Vo Ticlnor <& F. 12 00 Appleton & To. '58 1 50 Lippincott & Co. '56 GO E. C. .(• J. Biddle. 10 J. B. Colh A- Co. 50 W. J. HamersUy. 75 Ap)pleton & Co. 14 Davis d- Co. 42 Appleton & Co. 25 Pres. Bd. of Pub. 80 Smith E. & Co. 2 00 Barnes & Co. foG 2 50 •55 4 00 '57 75 [•57 Moore W. K. & Co. 1855-58.] CLE- COE 49 Clemens, Joro (lion, of Alabama), Mustang Grey. 12mo. cl. " " " Bernard Lile, an Ilisto- rical Romance. 12mo. cl Cleve Hall, a Tale. By Miss E. M. Sewell. 12rao. cl. Cleaveland, 0. IT. (M.D.), Pronouncing Medical Lexicon. 16mo. shp Cleveland, II. "W. and Wra. and Sam'l D. Backus. Ee- quirements of American Yillage Houses, Con- sidered and Suggested, with Designs for such Houses of Moderate Cost, with 100 Engravings. 8vo. cl Clifton Tracts (The). By the Brotherhood of St. Vincent of Paul. 4 V. ISmo. cl Climatology of the United States. See Blodget L. Clinton, P., Glanmore; or, the Bandits of Saratoga, pap. . Closing Scene (The), or, Christianity and Infidelity Con- trasted in the Last Hours of Remarkable Per- sons. By Rev. E. Xoale. 12mo. arab. gt. . Clouds of Aristophanes, with Notes. By Prof. C. C. Felton. 12rao. cl and Sunshine, and Art ; a Dramatic Tale. By Chas. Reade. 12mo. cl " in the Life of a Village Pastor. 12mo. Clough, A. B., Contractors' Manual and Builders' Price Book. 18mo Clusky, M. TV., Political Text Book; or, Cycloprcdia. 8vo. Coal Pit (The) ; or. Light and Darkness. A True History by Jas. Bridges. 18mo Coale, "W. E., Hints on Health, with Instructions for the Treatment and Preservation of the Skin, Hair, Teeth, Eyes, &c. ICnio. cl. . . . . Cobb, Joseph B., Leisure Labors; or. Miscellanies, Histo- rical, Literary, and Political. 12mo. cl. Cobbett, "Wm., American Gardener, cl " History of the Reformation in England and Ireland. 18mo. cl. .... " Legacy to Parsons and Laborers. 18ino. cl. Cockburn, Henry (Lord), Memorials of his Time. 12mo. cl. Code of Masonic Law, being a Practical Exliibit of the Landmarks and Usages of Ancient Craft Masonry, by Robert Morris. 8vo. cl Coe, B. IL, Drawing Cards, in 10 parts; each . " Drawing Cards. Second scries, complete in 4 numbers; each " and Shell's Elementary Drawing, in 8 parts. ISmo. ; each .... " " Or, Complete in one Ca-lebs in Search of a AVife, by Hannah ilore. 12mo. cl. . 4 1 00 Lippincott&Co.''b^ 1 00 " 1 25 Appleton & Co. 1 00 Longley Bros. '56 2 00 Appleton & Co. '56 1 50 Dunigan & Bro. 25 Stringer & T. '55 1 25 Leary & 0. 1 00 J.BartUtt. 75 Txchior cG Co. '55 75 Lindsay & B. '65 50 -S: Eallett. '66 3 00 J.B.Smith <lcCo.'57 25 Stevenson & 0. '56 C3 Ticl-nor & Co. '57 1 00 Appleton dc Co. '58 50 A. 0. Moore. 76 Sadlier ct Co. 38 " 1 25 AppMon <L Co.'m {Ky. '56 2 00 Author LouittilU, 25 Appleton dc Co. 25 Wiley <C- ff. '68 1 8 Appleton <t Co. 50 " 1 00 Dcrhy & J. '57 60 CO a a L [am. oat. Coggcrsliall, Geo., History of llio American I'rivatters, and Letters of Manjuo, during our AVur with England 5n tlio years 1812-13-14. 8vo. cl. . OoggcsLall, "W. T., Oaksbaw; or, The Victims of Avarice. 12ino. pap Coit, T. W. (Rev.), History of Puritanism. 12mo. cl. " " Puritanism Reviewed. 12mo. cl. " 'f Theological Common I'laco Book. 4to. hf. russia. Oolbnm, ]). P., Arithmetic and its Applications. . net • " First Part in Arithmetic. . . . net "Warren, Memoir of, by Rev. Theodore Edson. Bvo. pap " Sequel to Arithmetic. 12rao. Cole, S. W., American Fruit Book, cl " " Veterinarian, cl Geo., The Contractors' Book of Working Drawings of Tools and Machines, used in Constructing Canals, Railroads, &c. oblong folio, cl Thos., Life and "Works of. By Rev. L. L. Xoble. 12mo. cl Coleman, Lyman (Rev.), Historical Text Book and Atlas of Biblical Geography Coleridge, S. T., Poems. 12mo. cl. ex. $1 50 ; cl. . ■■ — " " Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner. Sq. cl. . Coles, G. (Rev.), Heroines of Methodism ; or. Pen and Ink Sketches of the Mothers of the Church. 12mo. cl. Collection of Articles on Free Churches. By a Rector (Rev. E. A. Hoffman) of a Free Church. 12mo. cl. of Familiar Quotations, "with Notices of Authors and Subjects. 12mo. cl College "Words and Customs. By B. H. Hall. 12mo. cl. . Collegians ; a Tale of GarryoTven. By Gerald Griffin. 12mo. Collier, J. A. (Rev.), Right "Way (The) ; or, the Gospel ap- plied to the Intercourse of Individuals and Na- tions. 12 mo. cl. . Collins, A. M. (Mrs.), Mrs. Ben Darley ; or the Weal and the Woe of Social Life. 12mo. cl Rebecca, Parent's Gift. 18mo. cl Wilkie, Dead Secret (The). 12 mo. cl. . . . The Same. 8vo. pap ■ " Hide and Seek, a Novel. Bvo. pap. . Collot, A. G., Dramatic French Reader. 12mo. " " French Anecdotes and Questions. ISmo. " " French Dialogues and Phrases. l8mo. . " " French Grammar and Exercises. ISmo. . Key to do " " French Reader. ISmo. .... 2 00 AuihorN.YorTc'h^) 25 U. P. James. '55 1 00 Appleton & Co. 1 00 ct 2 00 D. Dana, Jr. '57 50 Couperthwaitd Co. 10 a 60 Brown T. & C. '56. 40 Sanhom, C. & B. 60 A. 0. Moore. 50 a 10 00 Author^New York. 1 25 Sheldon B. & Co. 1 50 Lippincott <& Co. 1 00 Appleton & Co. 1 50 u 00 Carlton & P. '57 30 D. Dana, Jr. '57 1 00 J. Bartlett. '55. 1 25 u 1 00 Sadller & Co. Am. Tract So. 1 00 Moore, W. E. & Co. 38 Lippincott & Co. 1 00 Miller & Co. '57 50 u 50 Did cC- F. '58 1 00 Appleton tC Co. G3 Hayes &, Z. 63 (1 63 (C 38 11 63 (( 1855-58.] COL- CON 61 Collot, A. G., Interlinear Freucli Eeader. 18mo. . . C3 Ilaxjes cC Z. Pere (Rev.), Doctrinal and Scriptural CatecLisui. 12mo. cl 50 Collster, O., Florist (The) ; or, Singer's Guide. IGnio. . 38 Colman, Julia, Boys and Girls' Illustrated Bird Book. Sq. 70 Oolomba, a Story of the Corsican Vendetta. Translated from the French 75 Colombat, De Tlsere, Treatise on Diseases of the Voice. ICmo 50 Colton & Fitch, Geo. W., Introductory Geography. Sui. -ito. " " iNfodern School Geography. Sni.4to. Columbian Arithmetic. By M. J. Kcrney. 12mo. . . 38 ■ Drawing Book. By C. Kuchel. r, cl. sides. . 3 50 Orator. By Caleb Bingham. 12ino. . . 50 Song Book. By Asa Fitz. . . . net 25 Columbia, the Beautiful Blonde ; or, Life in the Fifth Avenue, Xcw York. 12mo. cl 1 25 Combe, Geo., Constitution of ITan considered in Relation to External Objects. 12mo. cl. . . . 88 " Lectures on Phrenology. 12ino. cl. . .1 25 " Cox, Robt., and Others, floral and Intellectual Science applied to the Elevation of Society. 8vo. cl 2 25 Comer, G. X., Bookkeeping by Double Entry. . . net 45 Comic Miseries of Human Life. Cl To Comings, B. X., Class Book of Ph^'siology. 12mo. mns. . 1 00 " Companion Class Book. 12mo. mus. . 50 ■ " Preservation of Health and Prevention of Disease. 12mo 75 Oomly, John, Spelling Book. Bonsai's Edition. 12mo. bf. bd 12 Commo on Parle Francais. (A New Guide for Learning to Speak French Quickly). 75 Commissioner. By Cr. P. R. James. 8vo. pap. . . 50 Common-place Book of Thoughts, Memories, and Fancies. By Mrs. .Lamcson. 12mo. cl 75 School Songster. By G. J. Webb. . . net ^ 20 Sense applied to Religion; or, the Bible and the People. By Catharine E. Beccher. 12nio. cl. . 1 00 Communion; a Series of Letters to the Young. 18mo. cl. 50 Sabbath (The). By Rev. Xeh. Adams. 1 <iO Compendium of Methodism. Bee Porter, Rev. Jas. Comstock, J. L., Conversations on Cliemistry. 12mo. cl. . S." *' History of the Precious Metals. 12mo. cl. 75 Compte, Augnste, Positive Philosophy of. Translated and Condensed. By Harriet Martineau. 8vo. cl. . 3 00 Conchologist's First Book. By E. A. Poe. 12mo. cl. . 1 25 Cone, Spencer H. (Rev.), Life of. Prepared by his Family. 12mo. cl . SailUer d- Co. W.J.Iieyn'didCo. Carlton & P. Phillips, S. £ Co. Pedding & Co. "oC J. II. Colton tC Co. J. 2fui]jJiyd-Co.'r)Ci W. J. Ilamersley. Lijqiincott A Co. IlieUing, S. £ B. T. B. PettrsoH. Fowlers .C W. Wluttemorc.X.iScII. P. M. Dcwitt. Appleton <t Co. Lippincott tC Co. Applcton i(- Co. Harper li- Bros. Applcton dc Co. IlicUiug, S. £ B. Harper i{- Bros. '67 Murphy ,(• Co. '50 Jeicctt .(• Co. '50 TF. J. IFamcrshy. C. Blanchard. F. Bell. 1 25 Livermore t6 R. '5C 62 COX — noN [am. cat. Cono Cut Corners, t]io Experiences of a Conservative Family in Timc«i. 12mo. cl. .... Confession ; or, the r>liii(l Heart. I5y W. fr. Siniins. 12mo. Confessions of Fitz Hoodie. By W. M. Tliackcray. ICnno. cl. of a Pretty AVoinan. By Miss Pardoe. 8vo. pap. of a Schoolmaster. By W. A. Alcott. 12mo. cl. Confidence Man (Tlie), His Masquerade. By Herman Mel- ville. 12mo. cl Confidential Disclosure. By A. De Lamartine. Translated by E. Plunkett. 12mo. cl Congregational Church Music, with 150 Psalms and Hymns. square 16mo. cl Harp, a Now Volume of Sacred Music. llyiim and Time Book, square 16mo. hf. mor. Hymn and Tune Book. By Eev. L. W. Bacon • Congregational Psalmist, a Collection of Psalm Tunes for Baptist Churches. ICmo. Tune Book. By Lowell Mason and G. J. "Webb. net Connecticut Chapel Hymns. 24mo. nior. ex. $1 50 ; mor. 68c.; shp 32mo. mor. ex. $1 25 ; mor. 50c. ; shp. Psalms and Hymns, prepared and set forth by the General Association of Connecticut. 12mo. mor. ex. $3 ; mor. $1 38 ; shp. IBmo. mor. $2 25; mor. $1; shp. '. 82rao. mor. ex. $1 75 ; mor. 75c. ; shp. Connections of the Universe, as seen in the Light of God's created and written Revelations. 12mo. cl. Conquest of Kansas by Missouri and her Allies. By "Wm. Phillips. 12mo. cl Conrad, Robert T., Aylmere; or, the Bondman of Kent, and other Poems. 12mo. cl Conscience, H., Curse of the Village. 12mo. cl. " Demon of Gold. 12 mo. cl. ... " Fashion, a Tale. ISmo. cl. ... " Little Frank, a Tale. 18mo. cl. " Lion of Flanders. 12mo. cl. . " }>Iiser. " " " Tales of Flemish Life. " " . . . » Tales of Old Flanders. " " . . . " Vera ; or, the War of the Peasants. 12mo. cl. Conscience, or, the Trials of Mary Brooke. By Mrs. A. H. Dorsey. 18mo. 2 v Conscript (The), A Tale of the Empire. By Alex. Dumas. Pap. §1 00 ; cl 1 25 Manon Bron. '55 1 25 /. S. Jlcdfu'hl. '5(1 50 Appleton & Co. 50 Fetridge & Co. '55 1 00 n. A. Lantz. 1 00 Dix ,i E. '57 50 Appleton & Co. 38 Wiittem'e.K.&II. 50 0. Ditsm, '5G 1 00 Whittan'e,N.&II. 88 Durrie & P. 50 W. N. Sage, '55 20 Mason Bros. 50 Whittem'e.N.&H. 37 (( 1 12 (( 75 u 03 (( 1 00 T.K Stanford, '57 1 00 FhilUps,S.&Co.'5Q 1 00 Pannj d- McM. 75 Lippincott & Co. 75 Murphy & Co. '57 38 JDunigan & Bro. 38 (( 75 Lippincott & Co. 75 (( 1 00 Dix,Edw'sd-Co.''oQ 75 Lippincott & Co. 75 u 75 Dunigan& Bro. '56 1 25 T. B. Peterson. 1855-58.] COX COQ 5S Consolations of Solitude. 12mo. cl 1 00 Juicttt & Co. ^h(i Conspirator (The) ; An American Historical Tale. By E. A. Dupuy. 12uio. cl 75 AppLton tC Co. Constance Herbert. G. E. Jewsbury. Svo. pap. . .0 38 Jlarper <fc BrosShh Constitutional Documents of England and America, from Magna Charta to the Federal Constitu- tion of 1789. Compiled and Ilevised, with Notes, by F. Bowen. Svo. cl. • Text Book. See Sheppard, F. Contentment Better than Wealth. A Tale. By Alice B. Neal. 16mo. cl Continental Vocalists' Glee Book. Oblong 4to. . Contractors' Book of "Working Drawings, See Cole, Geo. . — Manual and Builders' Price Book. By A. B. Clough. ISmo. Contrast (The), or, the Stories of James and Edward. ISmo. Conversation, Its Faults and Its Graces. Compiled by A. P. Peabody. 12 mo. cl. Conversational French Keader. By Berquin. IGmo. Conversations on Chemistry. By J. L. Comstock. 12mo. cl. on the Doctrines and Practices of the Catho- lic Church. By Mary Monica. 18mo. cl. . Conversion of Ratisbonne (The), Convert (The), or, Leaves from my Experience. By O. A. Brownson. 12mo Oonybeare, J. W. (Rev.), Perversion, or, The Causes and Consequences of Inlidelity ; a Tale of the Times. 12mo. cl Cook, Eliza, Poetical Works. 12mo. cl. ex. $2 00; cl. Cooke, Jno. E. ; Ellie, or, the Iluman Comedy. ]2ino. cl. . Jolin, Last of the Foresters; or. Humors of the Border. 12nio. cl J. P. Jr., Chemical Problems and Reactions to ac- company Stockhardt'd Elements of Chemistry. 12mo ^ P. 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(/oppoo, ir., I-TlciiK'nts of Logic. 12rno Coquette (The), or, the History of Eliza Wharton. A Novel fouiidctl on Facts. V2\no. cl. . . . . Cora and the Doctor; or, Revelations of a riiysician's AVifo. 121110. cl. . ■ Cordcr, Susanna; Christian Introduction in the History, Types, and Prophecies of the Old Testament. Cordcry's Colloqurcs in Latin, with Exercises and Vocabu- lary. 12mo. Corinnc ; or, Italy, by Madame do Stael. Translated by Isabel Hill. 12tno. cl Cornelius, Mary II. (Mrs.), Young Housekeeper's Friend. 12mo. cl ISTepos. hf. cl Cornell, Miss, First Steps in Geography. 1 vol. boards. '• PhysicalGeographyfor Schools. 1 2mo. boards. S. S., Primary Geography. Small quarto. " Intermediate Geography with new maps. " High School Geography and Atlas. • " General Atlas. 1 handsome vol. 4to Corner, Julia (Miss), Merry Old England and her History. 16mo. cl Cornwall, Barry (B. "W. Proctor), Dramatic Scenes with other poems. 12mo. cl. . N. E. Music as it was and as it is. 12mo. cl. . Corsican Brothers. By Alex. Dumas, pap. Cortcz, Hernando ; History of. By J. S. C. Abbott. 18mo. cl. ....... . Ccsas De Espana ; or Going to Madrid via Barcelona. By J. M. Mackie. 12mo. cl Cosmogony; or. The Mysteries of Creation. By Thos. A. Davis. 8vo. cl Cottage Glees, comprising ^Nfadrigals, Quartettes, Solos, &c. By I. B. Woodbury net Life. 12mo. cl on the Cliff. 12mo. cl. . and Farm Bee-Keeper. ISrao. cl. . Cotter, J. R. (Kev.\ The Romish Mass and Rubrics. Trans- lated. ISmo Cotton Planters' Manual, by J. A. Turner. 12mo. cl. is King ; the Culture of Cotton and its Relation to Agriculture, Manufactures, and Commerce. By D. Christy. 12 mo. cl Coultus, II., The Plant ; an Illustration of the Organic Life of the Animal. 12mo. cl. . . . . . Counsel to the Awakened ; or, The Pathway of Safety. By Rev. A. Osenden. 16mo. ..... Count Christoval, by Reynolds. 12mo. pap. %\ ; cl. . of Moute-Christo, by Alex. Dimias. pap. $1 ; cl. nn ButTcr & Co.'oT 1 00 Fetridge t£ Co. '55 1 00 J. P. Jewett <Sc Co. ['55 U. Lonffstreth. 38 Leary dt G. 1 00 Derhj & J. '57 50 W%ittemoreN.<S:R. 25 Dnnigan & Bro. 25 D. Appleton cfc Co. 25 (( 50 (C 67 (1 1 75 (C 1 25 (( Moore, W. K. & Co. ^56 1 00 Ticlnor&F. '57 63 Appleton & Co. 25 T. B. Peterson. 50 Harper & Bros.''55 1 00 J. S. Bedfidd. 2 00 Budd & C. '57 42 F. J. Huntington. 1 00 Sanlorn, C & B. 1 25 Budd d- C. 50 A. 0. Moore. 38 Appleton <fi Co. 1 00 Saxton & Co. '57 75 Berly & J. To Perry & E. '55 50 Ltppincott<i-Co.''57 1 25 T. B. Peterson. 1 25 1855-58.] cou- c ox 55 Countess of Charny ; or. The Fall of the French Monarchy. By Alex. Dumas. 2 vols, pap of Lascelles ; a Continuation of " Vivian Bertram." By Reynolds, pap Countries and Cities of the World ; or, Geography Illus- trated ; including a Complete German and English Geographical Glossary. With an Atlas of forty- four Steel Plates, containing Geographical Maps and Plans of Cities. 2 vols, cl Country Margins and Rambles of a Journalist, by S. 11. Hammond and L. W. Mansfield. 12mo. cl. . Neighborhood (The)"; by Miss E. A. Dupuy. Svo. Courcillon, E., Le Cure Manque ; or, Social and Religious Customs in France. 12mo. cl. . Course of Creation ; with a Glossarj' of Scientific Terms by Rev. John Anderson. Third Edition. 12mo. cl. Court of Napoleon ; or, Society under the First Empire. With Portraits of its Beauties, Wits, and Heroines, by F. B. Goodrich, royal 4to. mor. antique Courtenay, E. IT., Diiferential and Integral Calculus. Svo. Courtesies of Wedded Life. 12mo. cl Courtship and Marriage ; or, The Joys and Sorrows of American Life, by Mrs. C. L. Hentz. pap. %\ ; cl. Cousin, Victor, Course of Modern Philosophy. Translated by Wight. 2 vols. 8vo. cl. . " Elements of Psychology ; included in a Cri- tical Examination of Locke's Essay on the ^ Human Understanding. With an Intro- duction and Notes, by Rev. 0. S. Honry. 12mo. cl " Lectures on the True, the Beautiful, and the Good. Translated by Wight. Svo. cl. . " Pliilosophy of tlie Beautiful. 16mo. cl. " The Youth of Madame Do Longucville. 12mo. cl. Cousin, Nicholas, by Rev. R. II. Barham. 12mo. cl. . . William. A Tale of Fashionable Lifof. By Theo- dore Hook. 12mo. cl. ..... Coutan, A. (Mad.), Choix do Poesies. 12mo. Covoll, L. T. Digestof English Grammar. 12m(). . Cowdory, M. F. Elementary Moral Lessons. . . net Cowper, Wm. Complete Poetical Works, -with Life, itc. cl. ex. $1 50 ; cl " Homer's Iliad. Revised by Southey, with Notes by Dwight. 1 vol. cl. ex. %\ 50; cl. " Tlio Task. A Poem. Illustrated by Birkct Foster. Svo Cox, A. F. Public School Singing Book. 32mo. bds. 1 00 50 T. B. Peterson. 5 00 Appleton £ Co. 1 00 /. a Derby. '55 50 Ji7ar;j<?r cf- i?r<?«. '55 75 " " 1 25 Moore, W. K. Jc Co. 12 50 Derhj <t J. '50 2 50 Barnes A- Co. 1 00 STn>pard,C and B. 1 25 T. B. Peterson. '50 3 00 Aj>pleton <C Co. 1 25 Irison <{• P. 1 50 Apphton <& Co. 02 ii 1 00 u 1 00 A. Btirle. '56 1 00 Mason Bros. 1 00 Appleton <C Co. 50 (( 42 Cottpcrthwa it<i- Co. 1 00 Appleton <C Co. 1 25 l( 4 60 Carter <f- Bros. 17 Tjcary tC 0. 56 COX- CRO [am. oat. Cox, S. S. Bnckoyo Abron'l ; or, Wanderings in Europe and tho Oritiit. Vlmo. cl Coxo, A. 0. (Rev.), Christian JJallads. 18mo. cl. " Impressions of England ; or. Sketches of Eng- lish Scenery and Society. 12mo. cl. . Cox, A. 0. (Rev.), Sonnons. 12ino. cl J. R. AVritings of Hippocrates and Galon. 8vo. shp. Coyner, D. II. Lost Trappers. 12mo. cl. ... Cozzens, F. S. Sparrow-Grass Papers ; or. Living in the Country. 12mo. cl Craftsman (The). See Moore, C. Craik, Jas. (Rev.), Search of Truth. A INfanual of Instruc- tion concerning the "Way of Salvation. 12nio. cl. Cranch, C. P. Kobboltozo ; A Sequel to " Tho Last of tho Iluggerrauggers." " Last (The) of the Iluggermuggers. A Giant Story. 8vo. Crania Americana. See Morton, Samuel G. Cranmer, Thomas (Archbp.), Life and Times of. 12mo. cl. Creasy, E. S., Rise and Progress of the English Constitu- tion. 12mo Creator (The) and the Creature ; or, the "Wonders of Divino Love. By Rev. F. "W. Faber. 12mo. cl. Creed of Christendom ; its Foundations and Superstructure. By W. R. Gregg. 12mo. cl Creole Orphans ; or, Lights and Shadows of Southern Life. By J. S. Peacocke. 12mo. cl Wife (The) ; or, Love and ;Mystery. Pap. Crofton Boys (The). A Tale for Youth. By II. Martineau. ISino. cl Crooked Elm (The) ; or. Life by the Wayside. 12mo. cl. . Cromwell, Oliver, Life of. By Robert Southey. ISmo. cl. Crosby, A., First Lessons in Geometry. ISmo. . Croserio, C. (M.D.), Homeopathic Manual of Obstetrics. 12mo. cl. ....... . Cross, Joseph (Rev.), Hebrew Missionary (The). ISmo. cl. " " Pizgah Views of the Promised Inheri- tance. A Series of Dissertations on the Unaccomplished Prophecies. 12mo. cl. Croswell, H. (Rev.), Domestic Altar, a Manual of Family Prayers. 12 mo. cl. . . . " " Manual of Family Prayers. 12mo. cl. William (Rev.), (Rector of the Church of the Ad- vent, Boston, Mass.,) Memoir of. By his Father. Svo. Crotchets and Quavers ; or, Revelations of an Opera Mana- ger in America. By Mas Miretzek. 12mo. cl. . Crothers Samuel (Rev.), Life and Writings of. By Rev. A. Ritchie. r2mo. cl 1 25 Moore, W. K. ^ Co. 50 E. Hooker. '55 1 00 D. Dana & Co. '56 1 00 27. nooker. '55 2 00 Lindnay & B. '57 50 D. liulUon. 1 00 Derly & J. '50 75 n. Hooker. '55 1 00 PMllipaS.&Co.'ol 1 00 " '56 75 W. W. Smith. '55 1 00 Appleton £ Co.'QQ 75 Murjphij & Co: 57 1 25 C. BlancTiard, "55 1 00 Herhj & J. '56 25 F. Brady. '56 08 Appleton & Co. 1 25 Whitteni're.N.&H. 38 Appleton & Co. 38 " 75 Moore, W. K. & Co. 40 Stevenson £ 0. '55 1 00 Carlton & P. '56 63 D. Dana, Jr. 03 " '57 2 00 Appleton & Co. 1 00 S. French. '55 75 Moore, W. K. & Co. 1855-58.] CRO' cun 67 Crowen, T. J. (Mrs.), American Ladies' System of Cookery. 12mo. cl Crozet, 0., Arithmetic for Colleges and Schools. 12ino. shp. Crozet, C, First Lessons in Arithmetic Crum, Geo. C, Lectures on the Beatitudes. 12nio. cl. Cuba (The), Island of. By Alex. Humboldt, with Notes by J. S. Thrasher. 12mo. cl Oolbertson, M. S. (Rev.), Darkness in the Flowery Land ; or, Religious Notions and Popular Superstitions in North China. IGmo. cl Cultivation of the Voice, without a Master. By J. B. Woodbury. net Culver's Practical Reader. 12mo. hf. ara. Cumberland, Richarel, Memoirs of ("Written by Iliraself). With Notes. By Henry Flanders. 8vo. cl. Cumming, John (Rev.), Daily Life ; or. Precepts and Pre- scriptions for Christian Living. 12mo. cl. .... " " Family Prayers for each Morning and Evening in the Year. 2 v. 12mo. cl. .... — — — - — ■ " " Last (The) of the Patriarchs; or. Lessons chiefly from the Life of Joseph. 12mo. cl. . " " Lectures on the Apocalypse. 2 v. 12rao. cl. .... " " Signs of the Times ; or, Present, Past, and Future. r2mo. cl. . 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Lippincott & Co. 1 50 Parry & McM.'bQ 75 Jcicett & Co. 1 50 Lindsay & B. '55 V5 11 1 50 u 75 (( 75 Jewctt S Co., '55 75 LiiuUay iC B. '55 1 25 Dcrly ,0 /. '.-.r, 75 Ticknor .t F. '55 2 00 Blanchardii- Z.'SO 1 25 J. S. BeJjield, '55 1 25 T. B. Peterson^ '57 25 Langhy Brot. 1 25 T. B. Peterson, '50 75 Lipinncott d- Co. 68 CUR- CYC [am. cat. Curtis, Alva fNr.D.), Fair Examination and Criterion of nil tho Medical Systems in Vogue. 8vo. . Ourtiss, D, S., Western Portraiture and Emigrant's Guide to Wisconsin, Illinois, and Iowa. 12mo. Curtis, G. H., Little Singer " School Vocalist. ..... Geo. W., Ilowadji (The), in Syria. 12mo. cl. . " Lotus Eating. A Summer Book. cl. " Nile Notes of a Ilowadji. cl. . " Potiphar Papers (The), or, Meditations of Paul Potiphar. 12 mo. cl. " Pruc and I (-Tudge), Opinion of the Dred Scott Case. 8vo. cl. Laura J., Christine ; or, AVoman's Trials and Triumphs. 12mo. cl. . , . . N. M., Doom of the Tory Guard. A Tale, pap Thos. 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American Edition. Edited by Rev. Francis L. Ilawks. Svo. cl. Sermons. By Ilev. Jabez Burns. 8vo, cl. . Cymbry (The) of '70, or, Welshmen and their Descendants of the American Revolution. Svo. cl. . Cyrilla, a Romance. By the Author of " Initials." Svo. pap. 7 00 C. Scribner. '56 Appleton & Co. '50 Sheldon, L.AB.'ba Garrett J; Co. '56 Oythara, a Coll. of Sacred Music. By I. B. Woodbury, net. 07 F. J. Huntington. D. D'Abrantcs (Duchess), Memoirs of Napoleon, his Court and Faniily. 2 vols. Svo. ; portraits, cl. D'Holbach (Baron), Good Sense, or, Natural Ideas opposed to Supernatural. IGmo. . " Letters to Eugenia, or, a Preventative against Religious Prejudices. 12mo. " System of Nature, or. Laws of the Moral and Phj'sical A\'orld. Dadd, Geo. II., American Cattle Doctor. r2tuo. cl. . " Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse. Svo. colored plates $1: 00 ; plain " Modern Horse Doctor. 12mo. cl. . Dagg, J. L. (Rev.), Manual of Theology. Svo. cl. Daily Life, or, Precepts and Prescriptions for Christian Liv- ing. By Rev. Jolm Cumming. 12mo. cl. . Monitor, being a portion of Scripture, &c., for Every Day in the Year. By Rev. John Allen. 32mo. . Piety (Catholic Prayer). 32ino. 19 c. to . Walk with God, or, the Bible Standard of Duty. By Rev. S. Portur Dairyman's Daughter. lUus.; cf. or mor. 3 00 ; ex. cl. gt. . Manual. By G. Evans. .... Daisy Burns, A Tale. By Julia Kavanagh. 12mo. cl. Chain, or, Aspirations; A Family Chronicle. By Author of "Heir ofRedcliffe " (Miss Yongc). 2 vols. 12mo. cl or, the Fairy Spectacles ISmo Daisy's Necklace, and What Came of It 12mo. cl 4 00 50 75 1 25 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 50 75 25 50 30 1 50 75 75 Appleton & Co. J. P. Mendum '56 " '57 A. 0. Moore. n (( Smith ct W. '57 Jiicett tC Co. Dunigun <(• Bro. Barrow <{• Bro. Ajijilfton <C Co. Miller, 0. .C M. '66 Appleton tC Co. By the Author of " ^'iolet." ]5y T. B. Aldrich. 1 50 75 rhillip»,S.ACo:b1 75 Derby iC J. "57 60 DAL- ■DA V [a.m. cat. Dalo, Ilonry (Rov.), History of U»o reloponiiosiaii War. By TLucydidcs. A New and J.iU'ial 'I'ranslution. 12tno. cl 75 Dalo Primer (TIio). 12rno 15 Dame Durdtn, from "Bleak House." ISmo. cl. . .0 38 Damphonx, E. (liev.), Practice of Christian Perfection from Cutliolic Authors. 12mo. cl 75 Dana, D. D., Fireman (The); or, A History of the Fire Departments of the United States. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 S. L., ^Iiick Manual for the Use of Farmers. 12mo. cl. 1 00 Danger in the Dark. By Rev. Isaac Kelso. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Dangers of Dining Out. By Mrs. Ellis 38 and Duties of Men of Business. By Rev. E. P. Rogei-3. ISrao 10 Daniel Verified in History and Chronology, Showing the Complete Fulfillment of liis Prophecies. By Rev. A. M. Osbon. 12mo. cl 60 a Model for Young Men. By Rev. "W. A. Scott. 12ino. cl 1 00 Daniels, J. W. (Rev.), Spiritualism versus Christianity; or, Spiritualism Thoroughly Exposed. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Dante, A., Poems. Translated by Carey. 16mo. cl. ex. $1 50. ; cl 1 00 Darkness in the Flowery Land ; or, Religious Notions and Popular Superstitions in North China. By Rev. M. S. Culbertson. IGmo. cl 63 Darley, Felix 0., Compositions in Outline, from Judd's "Mar- garet; a Tale of the Real and Ideal." Ob. folio. 10 00 Daughters of China ; or, Sketches of Domestic Life in the Celestial Empire. By Eliza J. G. Bridgeman. 18mo. cl 50 of the Cross ; or, "Woman's Mission, Memoirs of Prominent Females in the Christian Cause. 12mo. cl 1 00 David, Xing of Israel, Life of. By C. Beecher. 12mo. cl. 1 00 Davidson, D., Connection of Sacred and Profone History. 12nio. cl 1 00 Davies, Chas., Key to Davies' Bourdon's Algebra. Also a Solution of aU the Difiicult Examples in Davies' Legendre. 12mo. . . . 1 25 " Mathematical Dictionary and Cyclopedia of Mathematical Science. 8vo. cl. . .2 50 " Primary Arithmetic and Table-Book. l8mo. 15 " New University Arithmetic. 12mo. . . S-t Key to above. 12mo. . . . . 75 Davis, A. J. Autobiography of. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 25 " Great Ilarmonia (The). Yols. 4, 5, and G ; each 1 25 Harper & Brot. '56 CShepard <& Co. '55 J. iS. liedjield. Lucas Bros. Jas.Frcnchd: Co.^ 57 A. 0. Moore. D. Itulvton. Ajjpleton & Co. W.S.&A.Martien. Carlton & P. Carter & Bros. Miller, 0. cG M. '56 Applet 011 & Co. C. Scribner. J. S. EedfieU. '57 Carter Jc Bros. D. Bulison. BerVy & J. Carter cC Bros. A.S.Barnesd:Co.'5G " '65 '55 J.S.Brownd-Co.'57 SanlornC.dcB.'oS 1855-58.] DA V- DE 61 Davis, A. J. Penetralia (The) ; being Ilarmonical Answers to Important Questions. . Eliza B. Edith ; or, The Light of Ilome. 12ino. cl. Emerson. Ilalf-Centnry ; or, A History of Changes that Have Taken Place, and Events that Have Transpired between 1800 and 1850. 12mo. ol. E. S. (Rev.), Seven Thunders ; or, the Mighty Crash of Europe's Royal and Papal Thrones. lOmo. cl. . Geo. L. L. Day-Star (The") of American Freedom ; or, The Birth and Early GroAvth of Toleration in the Province of Maryland. r2ino. cl. . Thomas. Poems of. With an Introduction by John Mitchell. 18mo. cl Thos. A. Cosmogony ; or, The Mysteries of Crea- tion. 8vo. cl W. "W. II. El Gringos ; or, New Mexico and Her People. 12mo. cl. .... Davis's Manual of Magnetism. 12mo. cl. . Dawnings of Genius. By Anne Pratt. Day, N. H. Elements of the Art of Rhetoric. 12mo. Thomas. Sanford and !^[erton. 12mo. cl. and Thomson, J. B. Plane Trigonometry and Men- suration. 12mo Day-Star (The) of American Freedom ; or, The ]>irth and Early Growth of Toleration in the Province of Maryland. By Geo. L. L. Davis. 12rao. cl. Days of Bruce. A Story from Scottish Histoiy. By Grace Aguilar. 2 vols. lOino. cl. .. . of My Life. An Autobiography. By the Author of " Margaret ;^raitland■' (Mrs. Oliphant). 12mo. cl. De Bow, J. D. B., Industrial Resources, Statistics, &c., of the United States. Svo. 3 vols, bound in 1 vol. cl. De Conrcy, H., and Shea John G., Pages from the History of the Catholic Church in the t'nited States. 12mo. Do Custino (^farquis), Russia. Tran*. from the French. 12mo. cl. De Fiva, A., Elementary French Reader. IGmo. Classic. ,, „ 12mo. 1 00 B. Marsh. '5G 1 00 Croishj.N'. £ C'o.'56 1 00 WliittemoreN'.&n CO Pudney & li. '55 1 00 C. Scribner, '55 38 r. M. Uaterty. '50 2 00 Rudd t£ C. '57 1 25 Harper <& Bros. ''56 1 25 Palmer d- ITall.'5o 38 Jp2)Ieton £ Co. 84 Barnes & Co. 1 00 Dcrly & J. 1 00 Irmn d P. 1 00 C. Scrilmer. '55 1 50 Appleton <C- Co. 75 Harper ctBro$. ''67 5 00 AjypUton <fc Co. 1 50 Dunltjan (C Bro. De Forest, J. W., European Acquaintance ; being Sketches of People in Europe. 12mo. cl. " History of the Indians of Connecticut, fronitlic E.'irlicst KnowiiPoriod to l^*50.Hvo. " (Oriental Acquaintance, in a Series of Letters from Asia Minor. 12mo. cl. . De Gobinoau, A., Moral and Intellectual Diversity of Races. Svo. cl. . . . .... De Graff, S., Stair-Builders' Guide ; being a Plain Practical System of Hand-Railing, embracing all it.s Xoces- sary Details. Illustrated by 22 Engravings. 3 00 F. BeU^^d 1 25 Appleton & Co, 50 " 1 00 '' 75 Harper & Bros.'5S 2 50 W. J. HamerHey. 88 Dij,Edtrard«&Co^(i 1 50 Lippineottd'Co.^55 62 DE DEF [am. cat. Do Ilfiis, "Wm., Ilislory of llio Early Settlement ami Iii«]ian Wara of Western Virginia, previous to ITHo. 8vo. Do Lomonie, T/nii'', IJeamnarcIiuis and his Times; Sketches of French Society in the Eighteenth Century, Translated hy II. S. Edwards. ]2mo. cl. Do Moru, A. II., Inquisition Revived ; A Narrative of liis Imprisonment by the " Tribunal of tho Faith," and Escape from Si)ain. IRmo. cl De Poyrac, Mad., Comment on Parlo ii Paris ; or, French as Spoken in Paris, for tho Use of Pupils and Tra- vellers. 12mo Dc Puy, Henry W., Louis Napoleon and tho Bonaparte Family ; Memoir of, with Sketches of their Prin- cipal Cotemporaries. 12mo. cl Do Quinccy, Thos., Klosterheim •, or, The Masque, Avith a Biographical Preface. By Dr. R. S. Mackenzie. 12mo. cl. . . . " Memorials and Other Papers. 2 vol. 12mo. cl. 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Defence of the American Policy, as Opposed to the En- croachments of Foreign Influence, by Thos. R. "Whitney. 12mo. cl Dofoo, Daniel, Religious Courtship ; or, Marriage on Christian Principles. 12mo. cl " "Works of 2 vols. 12nio. cl 2 25 A. Morris. 1 2r, Harper <i- Bros/SS 1 00 A.D.F.nandolpKol 75 AppUton & Co. 1 25 Miller, 0. & M. 75 Whittemore.N'.itH. 1 50 TicTcnor & Co.'SG 75 » 75 Ilarperd; Eros. *56 1 00 Eerhj & J. '57 1 00 ffar])er ct- Eros.'oe 75 G. P. Putnam. '57 1 00 Appleton & Co. 1 00 Miller & C. '57 50 •' 2 25 Tichior t£ Co. '56 75 Appleton d- Co. 1 00 Methodist B. C. *56 PreshytcrianBd.^o7 1 00 ITarpcr,(- Eros. '58 50 T. E. Peterson. 1 00 P. M. Dcicitt. 80 Applegate & Co. 2 50 Eerly & J. 1855-1858.] DEF- ■DIA 68 DehoD, Theodore (Bishop), Sermons on the Public Moans of Grace, on the Fasts and Festivals of the Protestant Episcopal Church ; Scripture Characters and Va- rious Practical Subjects. 2 vols. 8vo. cl. Delafield, John, Mysticism and Its Results. ]2mo. cl. 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By Mrs. Southworth. 12mo. cl. Desert of Sinai (The), Notes of a Journey from Cairo to Beersheba. By Rev. II. Bonar. 12mo. cl. . . Deserted Village. By Oliver Goldsmith. Illustrated by the Etching Club. 12iiio. cl. extra $1 50; mor. e.\. Despotism ; or. The Last Days of the American Republic. 12mo. cl Devil Upon Two Sticks. By Lcsagc. 18mo. cl. Devil's Pulpit (Thi.) ; or, Astro-Theological Sermons. By Rev. Robert Taylor. 12mo. cl Devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 18mo. cl. Dew, Thos., Digest of Ancient and Modern History. 8vo. cl. " R., Lectures on the Restrictive System. 8vo. cl. Dexter, Samuel, Reminiscences of. 18mo. cl. . Dialectics of theSoiil. By E. V. Feuchtcr.iteben. 12mo. cl. Diana of ^feridor ; or, Franco in the Sixteenth Century. By Akx. Dumas. 2 vol. pap. .... Diary in Turkish and Greek "Waters. By Earl of Carlisle. 12mo. cl. ....... . Diary of Fanny Newell, with a Sketch of her Life. ISmo. cl net of an Emmyeo. By Mrs. Jameson. 32mo. cl. ex. 5 00 T.N'.Stavford.''m 03 Edicard^ tt B. '57 24 C. & Porter. [D. C. 'oG 75 Ld. ofPuh. ofRef. 25 Applcton & Co. 75 Murphy & Co. '57 1 50 Harper & Brot.'bl 1 50 Applcton & Co. '5G Go Am. Bp. Pul. So. 1 25 Sheldon, B.ii:Co.'b7 1 25 Crosbi/, N. & Co. Morton <C G. '55 Am. Bap.Puh. So.'55 75 Jcirett d- Co.'5G 1 25 T. B. Pe(er8on,'o5 1 00 Carter <C Bros. '57 3 00 Appleton & Co. 1 25 JMl .0 W. '50 50 Leary <C ii. 1 25 C. Blauchard, '50 50 //. McGrath. 2 00 Ajtpleton tO Co. 1 00 A. Morris. 50 JJutton. iC Son. 75 FrancU «(• Co. '50 1 0(1 T. B. Peterson. 1 00 IIickUtig,S.&B:bb 25 J. K. ( 'oUins, Jr. 75 Ticlnori(I'^efd»,'o7 64 DIA DIS [am. cat. Dinry of nn Old Doctor. V>y J. A. Muitland. 12riio. pap. $1.; cl ])ick, Thos. (I'ev.), Lectures on Theology. 1 vol. 8vo. slip. " Christian riii]oso[)liy ; or, The Connection of Science and riiiiosophy witli Religion. 12ino. " " Complete Works. 11 volunnjs in 2. 8vo. slip. Dickens, Chas. A Child's Eistoryof • " Uarnaby Riulge. • — " Bleak House. ' " Christmas Stories. ■ " David Copperfield. " Dombey and Son. " Little Dorrit. — " Martin Chuzzlewit. " New Stories. " Nicholas Nickleby. " Old Curiosity Shop, " Oliver Twist. — " Pickwick Papers. " Sketches by Boz. The above Works in 13 vols, without Illustrations. 12ino. cl. per vol. ..... Little Folks. A Series of Juveniles selected from Dickens' Works, in his own Language. 6 vols. 18mo. cl. each Dickinson, R. W. (Rev.), Responses from the Sacred Oracles. 12mo. cl Dickson, A. F. (Rev.), IIaza;l ; or, Know Thyself. ISmo. . " " Plantation Sermons. r2mo. . — • S. H. (M.D.), Elements of Medicine, a Compen- dious Xievr of Pathology and Therapeutics; or. The History and Treatment of Diseases. 8vo. shp. Dictionary of Shakesperian Quotations. 12mo. cl. of Symbolic ^Masonry, by G. Oliver, cl. . Diegesis, The, Being a Discovery of the Origin and Early History of Christianity, by Rev. R. Taylor. 8vo. cl. Dillenback, H. P. (M.D.), Medical Inhalation. 8vo. . Dinks, Maybe w and Hutchinson on Dogs. Compiled, abridged, edited, and illustrated by Frank For- rester. 12ino. cl. Dirckinck, John (Rev.), Path of Perfection. ISmo. cl. Discarded Daughter (The), a Novel. By Mrs. Southworth. 12mo. cl Disciples' Hymn Book, for Public and Private Devotion. Edited by Rev. J. F. Clarke, shp. Discipline of Sorrow. By Rev. W, G. EUot. 1 25 T. n. Peterson. 3 00 Applegate & Co. 1 00 Carter & Bros. '57 . 5 00 FetriJge .£• Co. '57 ]nglanc 1. 1 vol. 60 ITicHing,S.(i:B:56 2 vols. ISmo. cl. CO Harper & Bros. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. . 2 50 T. B. Peterson. (( u 2 50 i( (( 2 50 (1 u 2 50 (( u 2 50 t( (( 2 50 u u 2 50 1 vol. (( 1 25 2 vols. (( 2 50 (( u 2 50 (( (( 2 50 u (( 2 50 (( u 2 50 1 50 50 /. ,S'. Eedfield. '56 1 00 Carter d- Bros. 25 Am. S. S. U. "57 Preshy terianBd. '5 6 3 75 BlancTiard&L.'oo 1 25 F. Bell. 1 00 Leonard <£• Co. 1 00 J. P. Mcndum. 1 00 ir.P.BiUeniacii'57 2 00 Stringer d- T. '57 50 H.McGrath. 1 25 T. B. Peterson, '56 75 Crosby, K. & Co. 30 Am. Unit. Ass. 1855-58.] DIS LOM C5 Discoverers and Pioneers of America. By IT. F. Parker. 12mo. Dissectors' Manual ; or, Practical and Surgical Anatomy. By E. Wilson. Third Edition. 12iiio. shi). Divine Life. See Kennedy, J. Love (The). By Rev. John Eadie. 12mo. cl. Di.v, John A., Winter in Madeira, and Sununor in Spain, &c. 12mo. cl W. J., Unholy Alliance (The), An American View of the AVar in the East. l"2mo. cl Dixon, E. ir. (M.l).), Scenes in the Practice of a Xew York Surgeon. 12ino. cl " " "Woman and her Diseases, from the Cradle to the Grave " " on Diseases of the Sexual Organs. r2mo. Dobie, David (Eev.), Key to the Bible ; being an Exposition of the Ilistor}-, Axioms, and General Laws of Sacred Interpretation. 12mo. cl. ... Dobnoy, 11. IT. (Rev.), Future Punishment. Destruction. An Argument. 12mo. cl Docharty, (r. B., Elements of Plane and Solid Geometry; together with the Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, and an Article on Inverse Trigono- metrical Functions. 12mo. slip. . i 'jctor 7\.ntonio, a Tale of Italy. By Ruflini. 12mo. cl. I )octrinal Lectures. By Rev. "\V. G. Eliot. ; )octrinos and Discipline (The), of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. 12nio. cl. ... Dodd, J. B., Trigonometry. 12mo. shp. Doddridge, Pliilip (Rev.), Practical I)iscoursc'S on Regenera lion. 18mo. cl. • " " Rise and Progress. 12mo. cl. Pods. .1. 15., Philosophyof Electrical Psychology. 12nio. cl " Spirit Manifestations, Examined and Explained 12mo. cl Dodsworth, Jcremi:ili. Better- Land ; or. The Christian Emi grant's Cinide to Heaven. ]2mo. cl. I )oestick.'', and What lie Says. By Q. K. Philander I>oe sticks (Mortimer M. Thompson). 12ino. cl. . ' 'i)g (The). By Dinks, Mayhew, and Hutchinson. Com- jjiled, Abridged, Edited, and Illustrated by Frank Forrester. 12 mo. and Gun. Some Chapters on Shooting, also Instrnc tions on Dog-Breaking. .... Dolly Varden: The Littlo Coquette. From " Barnaby Rudge." ISmo. cl Domestic Altar. 12mo. cl. A Mamial of Family Prayers. By Rev. IT Croswell. 12mo. cl. . 5 1 25 Derly d- J. '5<'. 2 00 BlancJuir. 75 r.!:nJ.-,iv ,[■ r"-,-, 1 n,, Jj.j. .,..:, . . 75 Z>. Dana, Jr. 1 25 Dciritt tf 1). '", 1 00 D. Jiulwon. 1 00 0. A. lioorht'di Jr. 1 00 C. ScrP'u:: "'■; 75 //./>. .;. 75 Harper <(• .P;-".«.'57 1 00 livM <0 C. "57 25 Am. Unit. AKto. Stevenson Pratt, ^. .; 40 Am.Btip.riih.S'i, 1 00 Da-li/ .0 J. 75 Foirlcrs cf- IF. 75 R. M DeirW. 75 Stetenton cC O. '."T 1 "■' '.•..■?','■• '• 2 00 Stringer <(- T. "57 50 .1. O. yfoorr. .TS J. S. /?«v/^v^^ 75 W. J. JTai C3 D. Ihuck, Jr. 61) noM- DR [am. cat. Domestic Tnle."i. J5y If.'inn.nli More. 2 vols. Don Quixoto, ]?y Coivaiitcs, TJiiio. cl " 8vo. cl 'I'lio Saino. 12mo. cl DonuUlson, r. Oild-Fellows' Text-Book. J2mo. cl. . Doiiclan, J. P. (Rev.), 'i,\y Trip to France, 12uio, cl. Donne, John. 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Douglas Farm, a Juvenile Story of Virginia. By Mary E. Bradley. 16mo. cl Dover Selection of Spiritual Songs. By A. Broaddus. Dow, Lorenzo, Travels and Labors of, in Europe and Ame- rica, including a brief account of his early Life and Christian Experience. 8vo. cl Downing, A. J., Architecture of Country Houses. Includ- ing Designs for Cottages, Farm Houses, and Villas ; with remarks on Interiors, Furniture, and the best modes of Warm- ing and Ventilating. "With 320 illustra- tions. 8vo. cl *' Rural Essays on Horticulture, Landscape, Gardening. «S:c. 8vo. cl I)r. Birch and His Young Friends. P.y "W. M. Thackeray, square fancy bds 75 AppUton A Co. 1 00 Derby rfi J. 2 00 Appkton & Co. 1 27) >' 1 50 J/o«», JJro. ft- Co. 75 JJuniganABro.^hl 75 Little, B. & Co. '56 -3 00 E. //. Butler <& Co. 25 L. WilJarfJ. ^56 1 00 J. S. Jiedjield. '55 1 25 " '56 2 00 '55 1 25 " '55 1 00 Harper & Bro».''o'l 1 25 Lippiyicottd-Co.'oG 1 25 Mason Bros. '56 75 Dunigan Bro. '56 25 Murphy & Co. '57 75 J. P. Mendum. '55 56 C. Desiker. 25 Munroe & Co. '57 1 25 Miller 0. <f- J/:'55 75 Appleton & Co. '57 38 A. Morris. 1 50 J?. C.Valcntit^e.'oo 4 00 Appleton & Co. 3 00 A. 0. Moore. 75 Aj)pUton & Co. 1855-58.] DRA' BUM 67 Drake, Daniel (M.D.), Memoirs of. By E. D. IJ^ransfielJ. 12iao Drama of Life. By Jerome Kidder. 12mo. cl. . Dramatic Scenes with other Poems. By Barry Cc)rnwall (B. W. Proctor). 12mo. cl Draper, John, W. (M.D.), Human Physiology, Statical and Dynamical. 8to. cl Dreams and Realities of a Pastor and Teacher. By Author of " Parish Side." 12mo. cl. . . . . Dred, a Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp. By Harriet Beecher Stowe. 2 v. 12mo. cl Drew, Benjamin, The Refugees ; or, Ifarratives of Fugitive Slaves in Canada. Related by themselves. 12mo. cl Drummond (Mrs.), Emily Vernon, or Filial Piety Exempli- fied. ISmo. cl T. D. X. (Rev.), on the Parables of Christ. 8vo. Drury, Anna H., Blue Ribbons (The), a Story of the last Century. l8mo. cl • " " Light and Shade ; or, the Young Artist. 12mo. cl. ..... . Dryden, John, Fables from Boccaccio and Chaucer. ISmo. — — — " Poetical Works, with Illustrations by Frank- lin. 1 vol. ICino. cl. ex., $1 50 ; cl. " Works. 2 vols. 8vo. slip " Hind and Panther. A Poem. 18mo. Duer, Wm. 'A., Course of Lectures on the Constitutional Ju- risprudence of the United States. 12mo. Duganne, Augustine, Poetical Work? of. 8vo. nior. $G 00 ; cl. ex Duke of [Marchmont. By Reynolds, pap. Moninoutli, a Tale of the English Insurrection. By Gerald Griffin. 12mo. cl Dumas, Alex., And roe do Taverney. 2 vols. pap. " Bragelonne, the Son of Athos. " Count of Monte Cristo. pap. $100; cl. " Countess of Cbarny. 2 vols. " Conscript, a Tale of the French Empire. pap. $1 00 ; cl. " Corsican Brothers " Diana of Meridor; or, France in the Six- teenth Century. 2 vols. pap. . i " Edinond Dantes. pap. .... " Forty-Five (luardsmen. pap. . " Fernando ; or, the Fallen Angel, pap. ■ " Felina do Chamburo. jiap — «' George ; or, the Planter of the Isle of France. " Genevieve, pap. 1 88 Ap)'hgate .fc Co. 1 25 A. Jianney. "57 1 00 Ticl-nor <(• F. '57 4 00 Harper li- Bros. '50 1 00 Det-li/ <(■ J. '50 1 75 PhiU!ps,S.(&Co:5(i 1 00 50 1 50 Jctcett <(• Co. '55 Carter <{• Bros. 50 imrmore.X.d- IT. 75 Appleton it Co. 50 C. Blanchard, "55 1 fiO Appleton c{- Co. 3 00 Harper • <C- Bros. 38 Z«<-<w, Bros. 1 75 Litth\ /;., d- Co. 4 00 Parry < i- Mc2f., '5C 0.50 T. n. 1 ^cterson. 1 00 SaiUier .(• Co. 1 00 T. B. Peterson. 75 " 1 25 n 1 00 Si 1 25 " 25 " 1 00 •• 60 " 75 It 50 " 50 " 50 11 50 " «8 DUM- I) 7S [am. I >iiiiias, Alex., Iron Mask. 2 vols " " Hand; i>r, the Knight ut\^raiik()ti. pap. " Isabel of Bavaria, pap " Louise la Vallicre. 2 vols. pop. . • " Jfcinoirs of a Physician. 2 vols. pap. " " '• Marquis. 2 vol.^. pap. ■ " Queen's Necklace. 2 vols. pap. . " Six Years Later. 2 vols. pap. 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Duty of a Christian ToAvards God; to which is added the Prayers at Mass Dnyckinck, E. A. and G. L., Cyclopaedia of American Lite- rature. 2 vols, royal Svo. cl Dwight, M. A., Introduction to the Study of Art. 12mo. . Dwyer, Chas. P., Economy (The), of Church, Parsonage, and School Architecture. Svo. cl. Dyer, Sidney, Songs and Ballads. 12mo Dyncvor Terrace, or, the Clue of Life. By the Author of " Heir of Redclifte." 2 vols. i2mo. cl. . Dyson, Julia A. P. (Mrs.), Memorials of. By ^Miss E. Lati- mer. 12mo. cl. 1 00 T. n. Tctcrton. r>o 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 50 75 75 Appleton <C- Co. 1 25 " 1 00 Lippineott & Co. 50 Garrett & Co. '56 1 00 Appleton & Co. L. A. Duncan & Co. 10 CJnrTc, A. & S. 75 Jctcett (£■ Co. '57 1 00 Wiittem're,X.£E. 50 JIarj'cr d- Bros. '55 1 25 Fctrilgc & Co. 75 Appleton <t Co. G3 C. Desilrer. 63 A. G. Putnam. 63 " 60 Biggins & P. 38 SadUer & Co. 7 00 C. Scrihner. "56 1 00 Appleton S Co.'oQ 1 00 PJiinney tC- Co. '56 1 00 S1icldon,B.<S:Co:b7 1 50 Appleton £^ C<?.'57 1 00 Whittemore.XJcH. 1855-58] EAD' EDQ E. Eadie, John (Rev.), Analytical Concordance of the Holy Scrii)tures. 8vo. cl. . . . • " " Divine Love. 12mo. cl. . Earl's Daughter, a Tale. By Miss E. ^sl. Scwell. 12uio. cl. Early Contlicts of Christianity. By Eov. W. I. Kip. 12mo. cl. Friendships, a Tale. By Mrs. Copley. ISnio. cl. . History of the Universities of Virginia, as contained in the Letters of Tlioinas Jefferson and Josej)h C. Cabell, hitherto unpublished. 8vo. cL . Religious Education Considered. By Rev. W. G. Eliot. 16mo "Witnesses, or, Piety and Preaching of the Middle Ages. By Rev. J. P. Thompson. Square cl. Earnest Grey, or, the Sins of Society, a Stor}' of Now York Life. By Maria Maxwell. 12mo. cl. . Earth and Man, being a Vindication of Man's relations to the Soil. By L. A. Iline East, John (Rev.), My Saviour. 12nio. cl. ex. $1 50 cl. Eastman, Mary H. (Mi-s.), Tales of Fashionable Life, 12mo. Eastwood, B., Treatise on the Planting and Cultivating the Cranberry Vines. 12mo. cl. .... Easy Lessons on Scripture History. By E. A. Forbes. ■ " for Little Ones at Home. Square. Ecclesiastical Annals of the Irish Church. Compiled by Ruv. Thomas AValsh. 8v'o. cl. . Constitution. The Origin and Character of the Church of Christ. By Rev. R. Abbey. 12mo. Ecclesiastes Explained, Popularly and Critically. By Rev. Jas. M. Macdonald. 12mo. cl Economical Cook and llouso Book; or. Hints on the Daily Duties of a Housekeeper. By Mrs. E. Nicholson. 12ino. cl Eddy, D. C. (Rev.), Angel Whispers; or, the Echoes of Spirit Voices. 12mo. cl.. .... " Europe by Sunlight and Lamplight; or. Travels through England, France, and Switzerland. 12nio. cl. . • " Europe, its Scenes and Society. 8vo. cl. '' Young Man's Friend. Vhno. cl. . Eilgar, J. G., History for Boys. LSino. cl. ... Mary C, Four Months' Residence in the House of a Convert from Protestantism. ISmo. cl. • Saml. (I'ev.), Variations of Popery. Revised by T. O. Summers. 8vo 3 00 Gould & L. '57 75 Lindsay & B. '55 75 Apjtleton t& Co. 75 '' 38 a J. W.I^andoIph:50 50 Croihj, y. it Co. 50 xi.D.F.Iinnd'h.'hl 1 00 T. W. Strong. '56 50 Longley Bros. 75 Brooks & Bro. 1 25 Lippincott li- Co. 50 C. M. Saxton. '66 25 S.S.U.Ref.DCh'm 25 Am. Tract So. 3 00 Sddlier <t Co. 1 00 Stevenson «(• 0. '60 1 25 J/. W. Dodd. '5G 75 II'. /'. Hazard. '57 1 00 I). RulUon. 1 25 1 50 Hijijint, B. <C D. 1 00 D. L'uluon. CO llaiper «{• Brot. '55 25 //. McGra'h. 1 75 Sterens'tn .1 O. '55 70 EDO- ELL [am. cat. ]C(]j,'ar Clifton ; or, Right and "Wrong, a Story for I'.oy.s. By 0. Adams. IGnio. cl 75 Ap/iletonJc Co. Huntley; or. Memoirs of a Sleep-Walker. By C. P.. Brown. 12mio. cl 75 J/. Polork. '57 3»roiitrose. By Bcynoldti. jiap 25 Tl 2^. Peter$on. Edgarton, W. P., jind Kussell, Wm., New York Speaker. 12mo. cl 1 25 Maton JJros. '57 Edith Allen ; or, Sketches of Life in Virginia. By L. Neville. 12mo. cl 1 00 /. TT. Randolph. or, tlic Light of TTome. By Eliza B. Davis. r2mo. cl. 1 00 Crotiby,K. & Co.'56 or, tlie C^uaker's Daughter. A Tale of Puritan Times. 12uio. cl 1 25 Mason Bros. '56 Edraor.d Dantes. By Alex. Dumas, pap. . . . 50 T'. i?. Peterson. Edmondson, J., One Hundred and Forty Short, Plain, and Practical Sermons on Important Subjects. 8vo. shp. 2 50 Leary & O. Edward Clifford ; or, IMcWibirs of Childhood. I81110. cl. . 50 Carter & Bros. Edwards, Amelia B., Outlines of English History from the Koman Conquest to the Present Time. l(5mo. 30 HicHing, S.£B.^51 Justin (Kev.), Sketch of the Life and Labors of. 12mo. cl 60 At7i. Tract So. '55 J. E. (Rev.), Random Sketches and Notes of Euro- pean Travel in 185G. 12mo. cl. . 100 Harper (& Bros. '57 T., World's Laconics ; or, the Best Thoughts of the Best Authors. In Prose and Poetry. 12mo. cl. 1 25 M. W. Dodd. 56 Egliseau, S. S., Gleanings from Real Life. ISmo. . . 25 Fres. Bd. Piib. '57 Egyptian (The), a Juvenile. 18mo. cl 25 Challen & Sons. Eichhorn, Chas., Practical Gei-man Grammar. 12mo. . 1 00 Apjdeton & Co. El Gringo ; or, New Mexico and Her People. By W. W. II. Davis. 12mo. cl 1 25 Harper <{■■ Bros. '57 El Lenguaje De Las Flores. 1 vol. 18rao. pap. . . . 1 00 Appleton <fc Co. Elder, William, Enchanted Beauty (The), and other Tales, Essays, and Sketches. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 00 J". C. Derby . '55 Elder Sister (The), by Marian James. 12mo. , . . 75 Bunce tfi Bro. '55 Eleanor Mortimer; or. The World and the Cloister. 18mo. cl. 50 II. McGrath. Elephant Club (The), History and Records of. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Pudd <t C. Elfred ; or. The Blind Boy and His Pictures, by Jacob Ab- bott, square, cl 40 Harper £ Bros. '56 Eliot, Samuel, ^lanual of United States History, from 1492 to 1850. 12mo 1 25 HiclUnff.S.d: B.'oG W. G. (Rev.), Discipline of Sorrow. . . . . 30 ^»i. Unit. Ass^n. " " Doctrinal Lectures 25 " " " Early Religious Education Considered. K,mo. cl 50 Crosiy X. & Co. Elizabeth; or. The Exiles of Siberia, by Mad. Cottin. miniat. 31 Appleton & Co. Ella Clinton ; or. By their Fruits Ye shall Know Them. 18mo 30 Presb. Bd. Pui.'dT — • Lincoln ; or. Western Prairio Life. An Autobiography by Mrs. Hopkins. 12mo. cl 1 00 J. French & Co. '57 1855-58.] ELL- EME 71 Ellen Leslie; or, The Reward of Self-Control. By Maria J. [Mcintosh, square lUruo. cl. . . . . Middleton. A Tale by Lady Fullerton. 12ino. cl. . ■ Norbury; or, The Adventures of an Orphan, by E. Benuet. 12tno. cl Parry ; or, Trials of the Heart. 12mo. cl. Percy ; or, The Meniuirsof an Actress, by Reynolds, pap. and .Sarah ; or. The Sampler and Other Stories. ISrno. cL .'....... vet or. The Chained Mother, by M. B. Ilarlan. 12rao. cl. Ellet, E. F. (Mrs.), Practical Housekeeper; a Cyclopaedia of Domestic Economy. Svo. cl. . " " Scripture Gift Book, 12ino. cl. . Ellie : or, The Human Comedy. By J. E. Cooke. Elliot, S. IL, Lights and Shadows of a Pastors Life. 12mo. " Manual of United States History. . . n^t C. (Rev.), Bible and Slavery (The) in wldch the Abrahaniic and Mosaic Discipline is considered in Connection with the most Ancient Forms of Slavery. 8vo C. " History of the Great Secession from the Methodist Ep. Church, in 1845. Svo. cl, " " Sinfulness of American Slavery, and the Duties of American Citizens witli Regard to Slavery. 2 v. Tinio. cl Charles D., New England History (A), from the Time of the Discoveries of the Northmen, A.I)., 'J20 to 1770. 2 V. Svo. cl Charlotte, Hours of Sorrow Cheered and Comforted. 12mo. cl F. R., "Western Fruit-Book; or, The American Fruit Grower's Guide, in Orchard and Garden. Ellis, Geo. E., Half-Century of the Unitarian Controversy, with Particular Reference to its Origin, its Course, and its Prominent Subjects among the Congrega- tionalists of Massjichusetts. Svo. Sarah (Mrs.), Hearts and Homes; or. Social Distinc- tions. A Stor\'. cl. " " My Brother; or, The Man of Friends. KJmo. cL . . . . Ellsworth, Erastus W., Poems. 12mo. cl. . Elm Tree Tales. By B. F. J. B. Smith. 12mo. cl. Elmwood; or, Helen and Emma. 12mo. cl. Elocution Made Easy. By R. Claggett Emblem (The). 12mo. im. nior. gt. e. Emblems from Eden. By Rev. Jas. HanAilton. cl. Emerson, F., Arithmetic. Part I. . . . U H il JJ 38 Appleton d Co. 75 '• 1 00 T. B. Peterson. '55 63 Ajjphtvn & Co. 50 T, B. Peterson. 26 Carlton £ P. 1 00 Applegate & Co. 2 00 Stringer d T. '57 1 25 J/o«j Bro. <£• Co. 1 25 A. Morris., '55 1 00 Derby d J. 'J4 UicUing, S. <t B. 75 S. d- Poe. 2 60 " P.l 1 50 Methodist B. C. '56 4 00 63 1 00 C. Seribner, '57 Lindsay d B. '56 C. M. Saxton, '56 1 50 Crosby, X.dCo.'b": 1 50 AppUton <C Co. m A.l>.F.n,v>d'Iph. 75 F. A. Broirn, '55 1 00 ifa-ton Bros. 1 (to Munroe <(• Co. '5G net 17 Moss «{• Bro. net 1 00 Lear it t ,t A. 50 Carter d Bros. '5C net (1 (i7 2U }Miittemore,X.dII. It 73 K M K- EX (1 [am. cat. Emerson, F., Arillnnolic. Part HI Key to Piirts II. anil III B. D. National Spelling liook. . . .net " New National Spelling Uook. . . net G., American Farmer's Encyclopedia. 8v(). L. O., Golden "Wreath. A Collection of Melodies. II. W., English Traits. 12mo. cl. Emily llerhert ; or, the Happy Home. I>y Maria J. Mcin- tosh, square 16mo. cl. A'ernon ; or. Filial Piety Exemplified. By Mr.«. l)riiuniiond. 18mo. cl. Emma, a Novel. By Jane Austen. 12iiio. cl. . Enmiorich, Catherine, Siifterings of Christ. Translated by a Sister of Charity. 16mo Eminett, Robert, Life of. By Madden. 12mo. cl. Emmons, E. (M.I).), American Geology, containing the principles of the Science and their application to Mining, &c. Vol. I. 8vo. cl Part YI. (^ of Vol. 3, remainder in Press.) .... '• " Geological Report of the Midland Counties of North Carolina. 8vo. cl. . Emory, Robert (Rev.), History of the Discipline of the !^[ethodi.•^t Episcopal Church ; Revised and brought down to 185G. By Rev. W. P. Strickland. cl Empie, Adam (Rev.), Sermons on Various Subjects. r2mo. Enchanted Beauty (The), and other Tales, Essays, and Sketches. By Dr. TVm. Elder. 12mo. cl. . Encyclopa3dia of Instruction on Man and Manners. By A. B. Johnson. 12mo. cl. Engineer (The), or, IIow to Travel in the Country. By Jacob Abbott, square pap. 25 c, cl. . Engineer's Pocket Companion for the Field. By Griswold. IGmo. tuck and Mechanic's Companion. By J. M. Scribner. tucks, gt England, History of. By John Lingard. 13 v. 12mo. cl. . " " from the peace of Utrecht to the peace of Paris. By Lord Mahon. Edited by Henry Reed. 2 v. Svo. cl Impressions of; or. Sketches of English Scenery and Society. By Rev. A. C. Coxe. 12mo. cl. English Hearts and English Hands. By the Author of '•' Me- moirs of Capt. Yicars." 12mo. cl. . Items, or. Microscopic Views of England and Eng- lishmen. Bv M. F. "Ward, lirao. cl. .-/) W1iittem'e,N. & 77. 18 (( 12 liuM & C. 10 Rudd & C. 4 00 Scixton <& Co. 2o 0. Li (son. '50 1 00 PhiUip9,S.t{:Co.'oQ 38 Appleton (£• Co. 50 Carter & Bros. 1 00 Lerly & J, '57 38 P. aShea. '57. To P. M. Ilaterty. '56 3 00 /. Munsell. 1 50 " 3 00 Putnam £ Co. '56 75 Carlton tt- P. 1 25 Dana c£- Co. '56 1 00 J. C. Derly. '55 1 25 Derby <C /. 40 Harper & Brot.'b^ 1 25 Miller, 0.d-Jif."o& 1 25 Mason Bros. 9 75 Phinips,S.c(:Co.'o5 4 00 Appleton & Co. 1 00 D.Dana & To.' 56 75 Carter cC Bros. '56 1 00 Appleton tC- Co. 1855-58.] ENG EUS ' 73 English Orpliiins, or, a Home in the i^ew World. By 'Slnry J. Ilolracs, 12nio. cl. . ... 75 Appleton .£• Co. *55 Scriptures Revised, I. and II. Thessalonians. 4to. . CO Am. Bible U. '50 Tniits. By R. TV. Emerson. 12nio. cl. . . . 1 00 FhiUij>/>,S.(iCo.'56 Woman (The) in Russia. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 13 C. Scrihner. '55 and Scotch Ballads. Edited by F. J. Childs. 4 vols. ISmo. cl 3 00 Little, Rci- Co.''.': Englishman in Kansas (The), or. Squatter Life and Border Warfare. By T. H. Gladstone. 12mo. cl. . .0 75 Miller &( \: "^~, Eoline, or, Magnolia Farm. By Mrs. C. L. Ilentz. 12mio. pap. SI 00; cl 125 T. B. Peterson. Eolopoesis, American Rejected Addresses. IGmo. cl. . 1 00 J. C. Derhj. '55 Ephemeron, a Poem. By 11. 11. Bruwiiell. 12mo. pap. , 25 Appleton A ftf.'oy Equal Rights of the Rich and Poor. By A. II. Hall, ISrao. cl 38 J. French i(- Co.'^li Erna, or, the Forest Princess. From tlie German. ISmo. cl. 30 Darrow it Bro. Ernest Grey, or, the Sins of Society, a Tale of New York Life. 12mo. cl 1 00 T. TT. Strong. Linwood, a Tale. By Mrs. C. L. Ilcntz. 12mo. cl. 1 00 Jeicett <£• Co. 50 Eros and Anteros, or, the Bachelor's Ward. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Uttdd ct C. '57 Escaped Nun, or. Disclosures of Convent Life, and the Con- fessions of a Sister of Charity. 12mo. cl. . . 1 00 Uarjjer & Bros. Espousals (The). By C. Patmore. IGmo. cl. . . . 75 Ticknor J; F. Essays from the London Times. «l6mo. boards. . . ,0 50 J). Aj>pleton ct Co. Estello Grant, or, the Lost Wife. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 00 Garrett .C- Co. '66 Esther, or, the Beautiful Queen, a Cantata. By Wm. B. Bradbury net 19 Mason Bros. Lo Gendre, or, Bright Extremes in Human Life. ]5y L. B. Urbino. 12mo. cl 1 00 Wentw'rtMCo.^bd Ethel, or, the Double Error, By Marian James. 12mo, . 75 Buiice <(■ Bro. '55 Ethiopia; Ilcr Gloom and Glor}'. See Christ}', D. Etymological Dictionary of Family and Christian Names. By AVm. Arthur. 12mo. cl 125 Shcldon.rJC..:r,r, Enrii)ides. The Tragedies literally Translated, with Notes, by T. A. Buckley. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. . . .150 Harper d- J.r.s.'.u Eurojfe. History of, from the Fall of Napoleon in 1S15 to the Accession of Louis Napoleon in l.s.'"i2. By Arch. Alison. 2 vols. Hvo. cl 2 50 . by Sunlight and Lam])ligbt; or, Travels through England, France, and Switzerland. By D. ('. Eddy. 12mo. cl 1 25 A Riiliton. its Scenes and Society. By Daniel C. Eddy. Hvo. cl. 1 50 Jlnjfjins, 1>. <i- D. and America in Projihecy. By Rev. J. F. Berg. 12mo. cl 1 on jng'jin.<n(: P. .•uid the Allies of the IVt and of To-D;iy. 12mn. cl. 1 <i'i /.'"</</ «f- T, European Acquaintance; being Sketches of People in Eu- roi)e. By J. W. De Forest. 12mo. cl. . . 75 //./ryxr «(• y>ro#. '5S Eustace Qnentin. A " Sequel to Mjiry Price." By TUy- uolds. V2mo. pnp. Al 00 ; cl 1 25 T. B. Peterson. 74 BUT- EWB [am. cat. Eutaw. A 9of]Ucl to tho Foraycrs. By W. (i. Siiiuns. 12tiio. cl. ....... . Eutaxia; or, Tho Prosbytorinn Liturgies. Historical Sketches, l>y 11 MiiiistiT of tlic Prosbyteriaii (Jliurch. 12mo. cl. Evans, G. Djiirymarrs Manual. ..... lhi;,'ii I). Kssay on the Ei)iscopato of tho Protestant E|i. Clmrcli in the U. 8. of America. 12ino. cl. . Evansoii. IJ., and Maunsell, II. Treatise on the Manage- ment and Treatment of Children. 8vo. shp. Eve, Paul F. (M.D.), Collection of Remarkable Cases in Surgery. 8vo Eve of St. Agues. A Poem by John Keats. 12mo. mor. ex. $3 00 ; cl. ex Evelina ; or, The History of a Young Lady's Introduction to the World. By F. Burney. 12mo. cl. Evelyn Gray. By J. Macgowan. 18mo. cl. . . . Marston. By Mrs. Marsh. 8vo. pap. . Evelyn's Life of Mrs. Godolphin. Edited by the Bishop of Oxford. 16mo. cl Evening Hours with my Children ; or. Conversations on the Gospel Story, cl. Incense. By Author of " Morning Watches." IGmo. cl Evenings at Donaldson Manor. By M. J. Mcintosh. 12mo. cl. - at Home. By Mrs. Barbauld. 18mo. cl. 1 25 J. S. lU'lfuU. '56 Y5 84 75 1 50 3 50 I 50 1 00 50 50 50 75 40 75 75 ^ with Jesus ; a Series of Devotional Headings for Every Day in the Year, by Kev. Wm. Jay. 12mo. cl with the Prophets ; a Series of Memoirs and Meditations, by Kev. A. M. Brown, crown Svo. with the Eomanists, by Eev. H. M. Seymour. 12 mo. cl. . . . " " with an Introductory Chap- ter on the Moral Results of the Romish System, by Rev. M. n. Seymour. 12mo. cl Eventide, a Series of Tales and Poems by Effie Afton. 12mo. Evergreen (The). 12mo. im. mor. gt. edge. . . net Chaplet ; a Collection of Stories for Children by Annie "\V. Abbott. 18mo. cl Everts, W. W., Bethel ; or, The Claims of Public Worship. " (Rev.), Childhood, its Promise and Training. 12mo. cl Every Beginning is Easy. Translated from the German. 4to. — Lady Her Own Flower Garden, by Louisa Johnson. 18mo. cl " " Shoemaker, with Diagrams, cl. Ewbank, Thos., Hydraulics and Mechanics, Svo. cl. . ■ " Life in Brazil ; or. Journal of a Visit to the Laud of the Cocoa and Palm. Svo. cl. . M. ^V. J)orM. '55 MUUr, 0. & M. '50 n. Hooker. '55 Lindsay & B. Lijtpincott & Co. A2>pleton <€• Co. '56 Derby & J. W. S.&A. Martien. Harper & Brot. '56 Appleton & Co. Carter & Bros. '56 Appleton & Co. Hayes & Z. 1 25 Parry & McM. 1 00 ic • 75 H. Hooker. '55 1 00 Carter & Bros. '55 1 00 Fttridge & Co. '54 1 00 Leatitt & A. 81 W7iittemore,X.£H 50 Hull £ Bro. '56 1 00 Sheldon,B.ii-Co:o7 1 00 Fhillips,S.ii:Co.'56 50 A. 0. Moore. 50 B. M. Deicitt. 3 00 Dcrly & J. 2 00 Harper & Bros. '56 1855-58.] EWB- FA I 76 Evvbank, Thos., Tho World a Workshop. IGino. cl, , Evvell, Jas. (M.D.), Medical Companion and Family Phy- sician. 8vo. shp. Examples of Life and Death from the Eighteenth and Nine- teenth Centuries, by Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. 12mo. cl Excelsior (The) ; or, Helps to Progress in Pieligion, Science, and Literature. Edited by Rev, Jas, Hamilton. G vols. 12mo. cl. each Exercises of Faitli, Impossible Except in the Catholic Church, by W. G. Penny. 18mo. cl on Words, designed as a Course of Practice on the Rudiments of Rhetoric and Grammar. By W. Russell. 12mo Exhibition Si)eaker and Gymnastic Book. By P. A. Fitz- gerald. 12mo. hf. r. Exile's Lay, and other Poems. 12mo. .... Experience of Life. By Miss E. M. Sewell. 12mo. cl. Ezekiel and the Book of his Prophecy, an Exposition by Rev. P. Fairbairn. 75 Appleton & Co. 3 75 C. Dmlvcr. 75 C. Scribner. '57 1 00 A. D.F. Randolph. 38 II. McGrath. 63 ]\liit(em're,X.£II. 75 Sheldon, L. .C B. 88 /. Fmich <C Co. '56 75 Appleton cfi Co. W.S.&A.Martien. F. Faber, F. W. (Rev.), Creature (The), and the Creator; or, the Wonders of Divine Love. 12mo. 75 " " " Growth in Holiness; or. Progress in the Spiritual Life. IGmo. cl. . 50 Fabiola ; or, tho Church of the Catacombs. By Cardinal Wiseman. 12mo. cl 75 Fables from Boccaccio and Chaucer. By John l)ryden. 18mo. cl 50 in the French Language. By W. B. Fowle. 12mo. net 38 Faca, an Army ^lomoir. By ^Lijor March. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Faggots for the Fireside; or, Fact and Fancy. By Parley. 12mo. cl 1 00 Fairbairn, P. (Rev.), Ezekiel and tho Book of his Prophecy. An Exposition. .... " Prophecy Viewed iu Respect to its Dis- tinctive Nature " Typology of Scripture, Viewed in Con- nection with the Entire Scliemo of tiio Divine Dispensation. Revised and Enlarged. Wm., On tlie Application of Cast and Wrought Iron to Building Purposes. 8vo. cl. . . . 2 00 Murphy dc Co. '57 " "65 Sadlier tt Co. C. r>lanchard. '55 Sanhorn, B. <fc C. J. French <t Co.'5G Appleton <& Co. W.S.dcA. Martini. '58 '58 Wiley & n. re I'' A I FA n [am. cat. Fairy Wroftth. Ismo. ol. ex. $1 00; cl V5 Ifayei ,t Z. Faitli, a Poctii. Hy Rev. Jno. M. Leavitt. <1. . . . 50 Meth. Bk. (J. Cin. Faitliful Nicolctte, Tlio Froiicli Nurse. ISiuo. cl. . net 25 Carlton <fc P. I'roiiii.ser and Altar Stones. 18mo. . . . 25 Carter li- Bros. "'HI Familiar Science. ]5y R. E. Peterson. 18ino. lif. r. !f;0 50 ; 12m(). hf. r 1 00 Clark. A. tfc S. Quotations, a Collection. "Witli Tnilifrs fjf Authors and Subjects. ICnio. cl J. Bartlett. Family Annual. 8vo. cl 1 00 C. Stone. Companion (The) ; or, a Book of Sermons on various Doctrinal and Practical Subjects. By E. (Jodwin. 12rao. cl 1 00 Moore,W.K.((:Co. Doctor. By Buck. 12mo. cl 1 25 Damrell & M. Liturgy, Selected from the Book of Common Prayer. 32mo. cl. . . , 25 D. Dana Jr. Prayers for each Morning and Evening in the Year. By Rev. John Cumming. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. . 1 50 Lindsay & B. '55 Secrets ; or, the Danger of Dining Out. By Mrs. Ellis. ISmo. cl 88 Appleton dc Co. at Heatherdale ; or, the Influence of Christian Prin- ciples. By Mrs. Mackay. 18ino. cl. . . . 50 Carter <{; Bros. '55 Famous Stories about Fairies and Other Fuuny Peo[)le. IGmo. cl 75 Tichior & F. '56 Fanny Fern. Life and Beauties of. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 25 T. B. Peterson. '57 See Farrington, S. P. Hunter's "Western Adventures ; or. Border Lif5 in » Kansas and Missouri. 12mo. cl 1 00 Berly d- J. Farley, Harriet, Happy Hours at Hazel Xook. 12nio. cl. . 1 00 I). Jiulison. Farm (The) and the Fireside, Half Hour Sketches of Life in the Country. I>y Rev. J. L. Blake. 12mo. cl 1 50 /, i7. BcardsUy. Farmer's Bo}'. By Robert Bloomfield. Hlustrated. mor. $3 50 ; cl. ex. 2 00 Appleton <£• Co.'oS Daughter, A Tale of Humble Life. By Mrs. Cameron. 18mo. 38 " Hand Book. 12nio. cl 1 00 Applcgate & Co. ■ " " or. Chemistry Applied to Agricul- ture. . . . . . 25 iT. Dayton. Lighthouse, Treating upon Agricultural Che- mistry. By J. E. Kent. 18mo. cl. . . 38 Iliggins, B. tC- D. Farmingdale, A Tale. By Caroline Thomas. 12 mo. cl. . 1 00 Appleton & Co. Farnham, Eliza "W., California, Li-Doors and Out ; or, How we Farm, Mine, and Live Generally, in the Golden State. 12mo. cl. 1 00 D'u\Edicards,&Co Farrar, John, Arithmetical Problems. . . . net SO Hickling, S. & B- Farrier and Horse Doctor. 12mo. bds -20 R. M. Dewitt. Farrington, S. P. (Mrs.\ Fern Leaves. Two Series. 12mo. each 1 25 2fason, Bros. 1855-58.] FAR FER 7 Farrington, S. P. (Afrs.), Little Ferns. ISino. cl. ex. . . 75 3fafon, Bros. " " " Rose Clark. 12m(). cl. . . 1 25 " " " " Ruth Hall. . . 1 25 Fascination; or, The Philosophy of Charming. By .1. 1>. Newman, M.D. 12mo. cl 88 Fowlers tC- W. Fashion, A Tale. By 11. Conscience. ISmo. cl. . .0 38 Dunigan i(: Bro. Fashionable Amusements, Avith a Review of Rev. Dr. Bel- lows' Lecture on the Theatre. By Rev. D. R. Thomason. 12mo. cl 7"> M. W. BocUt. '57 Fasquelle, Louis, Chefs d'CEuvre de Racine. ]2ino. . 75 Itisond-P. " Esprit clc la Conversation Fran^aise ; being a INLinual or Class-Book of French Conversa- tion. 12mo. . . . . . . . 75 Father Jonathan ; or, The Scottish Converts. By Rev. J. !Mfcl)ermot. 12mo. cl. 75 Rowland, A North American Tale. By Rev. C. C. Pise. 18mo. el 38 Faust, A Tragedy. Translated from the German of (ioethe, with Notes. By Chas. T. Brooks. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Fawn of the Pale Faces; or. Two Centuries Ago. IGmo. cl. 75 Fay Alice, Lily Bell ; or. The Lost Child. 12mo. cl. . 100 T. S., Ulric ; or, The A'oices. 12mo. bds. . . . 75 Felicita, A ^Metrical Romance. l)y Elizabeth C. Kinney. 12mo. cl 75 "eliiia de Chambura; or. The Female Fiend. By Alex. Dumas, pap 50 Felton, C. C, Creek Reader. 12mo 125 " Selections from ^roderii (ircek "Writers. 12mo. d 1 00 Female Library of Health. 4 v. cl 1 "O Lifo^mong the Mormons. ]2m(i. cl. . .1 00 " In New York City, pap 25 Fenelon's Telemaque. Edited by Snrenno. 1 vol. isino. . CO Fenner, B., Raising the Veil; or, Scenes in the Courts. 12mo. cl 1 1^0 Fcnollosa, M., Introduction Book for the riano-Forfc . 1 50 Ferguson, Adam, History of the Roman Republic. 8vo. shp 2 0(1 N. L., Oasis ; or, Golden Leaves of Friendship. 12mo. cl 1 00 S., Hibernian Nights' Entertainments. 12ini). cl. 1 25 Fern Leaves from Famiy's Portfolio. Two Series. 12mo. cl. each 1 25 Fernando; or, the Fallen Angel. By Alex. Dumas. Pap. i> 5i> Ferris B. G. (Mrs.), Mormons at Home, with some Incidents of Travel from Mis.souri to California, 1B52-3. ]2mo. cl f T5 Z>i'.r .1 r. '5G " '57 //. }[rGr(tth. Litcas Bros. Tiel-nor .0 Co. "57 ApjiUton <fe Co. Jii.t. Frenchd- Co.^57 Ajiphtoii <C Co. J.S.Biclerson, '55 T. B. Beferson. W. J. Ilamersley. J. Barilett, 'oG D Ji'tfison. J. C. Dahy, '55 T. B Peterson. "56 Ap2)hton <C Co. Jill*. Frenchf{- Co.'ofi Jixrcft,i- Co. B,:rhy .1- J. B. RuJison. P. }[. Ifnrerttj, "57 Ma.^on Bros. T. B. Peterson. 78 FER FIR [am. cat. Ferris', Jncob, Great West (The) in 1856. Tlie States and Territories, their (!cof;rapliy, History, itc. 12ino. cl. 1 25 Miller^ 0. & M. '56 Ferry, (i., Vftt^nhoiidl.ife in Me.xico. 12ino. cl. . . () 1~) J/arperd: BroB.'5(i Fessonden, T. (r., American Kitchen Gardener, cl. . .0 50 A. 0. iloore. Festival Glco Book. V>y (ieo. F. lioot. 4to. cl. . . 1 .00 Mruon Bros. '57 Fcstus, a Poem. ]?y P. J. IJailey. 32mo. cl. ex. . . 7.> Sanhom/J.&Ii.''6"l Feuchtersteben, E. V., Dialectics of the Soul. 12nio. cl. . 75 Franch & Co. '56 Few Days in Athens. \\y Frances Wright. . . . (i bO J. P. Mendum. Field, Ada ^[. (^[rs.), Altha; or, Shells from the Strand. 1 00 Jru.Frenchi&Oo.'od >r., City Arcliitecture, with 20 engravings. 8vo. cl. 2 00 AjypUton & Co. " lliiral Architecture; or. Designs for Villas, Cot- tages, «&c. Bvo. cl 2 00 Miller & C. '57 T. W., Pear Culture, a Treatise on the Propagation and Cultivation of the Pear Tree. 12mo. cl. . 75 A. 0. Moore. Fielding, Henry, Amelia. 12mo. cl 1 00 Derby cD J. " llistory of Tom Jones, the Foimdling. 12mo. cl 1 00 " '57 Fifty Years in Chains ; or, The Life of an American Slave. 12mo. cl 1 00 iZ. Dayton. '58 Filmore, A. D. Nightingale ; or, Formal School Singer. . 50 Applegate & Co. Fillmore, !Millard. Life and Public Services of. By L. M. Barre. 12mo. cl 1 00 Wamer,McK<i:Co'56 Fine Arts Illustrated ; being a Complete History of Sculp- ture, Painting, and the Graphic Arts, including a Theory of the Art of Drawing. With an Atlas of twenty-six steel plates, containing five hundred illustrations. 2 vols, cl 4 00 Apphton & Co. Finley, Jas. B. (Rev.), Biographical, Historical, and Miscel- laneous Sketches of Western Me- thodism, illustrative of Pioneer Life. 12mo. cl 1 00. S. & Foe. " " Personal Reminiscences and Histo- rical Incidents illustrative of In- dian Life and Character. 12mo. cl. 1 00 " Finney, C. G. (Rev.), Lectures on Revivals. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Jeicett & Co. Fireman (The) ; or, A History of the Fire Department in the U. States. By D. D. Dana. 12mo. cl. . . 100 J. French & Co? b1 Fireside Fairies; or, Christmas at Aunt Elsie's, by Susan Pindar. 18mo. cl 75 Appleton d: Co. Harmony ; a Collection of Glees and Part Songs, by Wm. Mason. net G2^ Mason Bros. First Book in Orthography (m Spanish) 50 Appleton d: Co. Footsteps in the Way of Knowledge. 18mo. . . 50 Am. Tract. So. '56 Impressions, by Mrs. Ellis. ..... 38 " '' of England and Its People, by Hugh Miller. 12mo. cl 1 00 Gould <£• L. '56 ^— Thoughts ; or. Beginning to Think. With Engravings. 12mo. cl 50 Appleton & Co. 1855-58.] FIR FLA 79 First of June (The) ; or, Schoolboy Rivalry, by Rev. IT. C. Adams. 18ino and the Second Marriages ; or, The Courtesies of Wedded Life, by Mrs. M. Leslie. 12iiio. cl. Fish, Henry C. (Rev.j, Primitive Piety Revived ; or, The Aggressive Power of the Chris- tian Church. 12mo. cl. " " Pulpit Eloquence of the Nineteenth Century (Living ^Ministers). 8vo. " " Pulpit Eloquence of Deceased Di- vines. 2 vols. Svo. cl. Fisher, S. W. (Rev.), Three Great Temptations of Young Men. 12mo. cl Fisher's Daughter. 12mo. cl Fisk, Greek Exercises net " Grammar . " Fiske Geo. (Rev.), Christian Character in Its Connection with Secular Pursuits, flex, cl Fitch, Asa, Two Reports on the Noxious, Beneficial, and Other Insects of the State of New York. Svo. plates. Geo. "\V., Outlines of Physical Geography. 12mo. . John, Life of, by T. Westcott. 12rao. cl. S. S. (M.D.), Treatise on Health, its Aids and Hin- drances. Svo Fitz, Asa, American School Hymn Book. 2-tmo. " Columbian Song Book net " New Speaker and Exliibition Book. 12mo. r. cl. sides " School Exhibition Book. 12mo. " Sacred Minstrel. " School Songster. ...... Fitzgerald, Edward (Lord), Life and I)eath of, by Thomas Moore. 12 mo. cl. P. A., Exhibition Speaker, and Gymnastic Book. 12mo. hf. r. . Fitzhugh, Geo., Sociology for the South ; or. The Failure of Free Society. 12mo. cl. . . . . . Five Gateways (The) of Knowledge, by tieo. Wilson. IGmo. Hundred Mistakes of Daily Occurrence in Writing and Pronouncing the English Language Corrected. ISmo Flngg, E., Studies in Field and Forest. 12mo. cl. Flanders, II., Lives and Times of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. First Series : John Jay, John Rutlcdge. Svo. cl. . Flavel, John (Rev.), Exposition of the Assembly's Cate- chism, with Practical Inferences from Each Question 35 //. Ilnoler. '57 1 00 C. Stone d: Co.' 56 50 Cong. Bd. of Pub. 3 50 M. W. Dodd. 5 00 " 1 00 Moore, W. K. & Co. 1 25 Rudd & C. 45 Datis & Co. GO IG A. D.F. Randolph. [56 1 50 C.VanJJentliuysen. 1 00 Sheldon, R <C Co. 1 25 LippincottiiCo.'57 2 00 Pudtiey <{• R. '5T 20 Croshy,Kd- Co. '55 25 IlicUtng, S. d- B. 1 00 Iliggins B. <(■ D. 25 Crothy,X.d:Co:h5 15 Ilickling, S. & B. 10 " 75 P. il. Ilarcrty. '66 75 Sheldon, L.ti- B.'bo 1 25 A. JlforriA. 50 Porn/ ,f- .l/r.1/. 38 D.Burgt**>tCo'5Q 1 00 Little, B. <t Co. 2 50 Lipj'i'>e4}tt,(-ro.'57 40 Carttr c{- Brot. '57 4 80 ff^B FOL [am. cat. Fleetwood, John CRcv.), History of tlie Holy Bible from the Creation of the World to the Incnrnation ofOnr Lord .Tosns Christ, royal 8vo. cl. . . . 2 00 Flciiiiii^; niid Tiiilion's French and Eiiglisji, and Kiiylish and French Dictionary. 8vo. slip. . . . . 3 00 The Same. 12nio. enih. backs. . . . .113 Fletcher, John (Rev.), 8pirit of Kelifrions Controversy. l8mo. 38 Hilary (Mrs.), Life of. 12ino. cl 1 00 Fleury's Catechism, cl 38 Flint, A. (M.D.), Physical Exploration and Diagnosis of Diseases affecting the Respiratory Organs. 8vo. cl. 3 00 C. L., Practical Treatise on Grasses and F\)rage Plants. 1 25 Flora Lindsay ; or, Passages in an Eventful Life. By Mrs. S. Moodie. 12mo. cl 1 00 Flora's Dictionary. By Mrs. "Wirt. "With Eight Groups of Flowers, Colored. 4to. cl. ex C 00 $ The Same, -with 14 Groups of Flowers, Colored. mor. gt. e 00 The Same, with 58 Groups of Flowers, Colored. mor. ex. IG 00 Floral Home ; or, First Years of Minnesota. By Harriet E. Bishop. 12ino. cl 1 00 Keepsake and Language of Flower?, royal 4to. cl. ex. 7}et $3 ; im. mor 3 50 Offering, comprising the Language and Poetrj- of Flowers. 12mo. cl. net 63 ; cl. ex. . . . 1 00 Florence Arnott ; or, Is She Generous? By M. J. Mcintosh. 18mo. cl 38 Donibey, from "Dombey & Son."' 18mo. cl. . 38 Egerton. IGmo. cl 50 Florine, the Princess of Burgundy. By W. B. ilcCabe. 12nio. cl 75 Florist (The) ; or, Singers' Guide. By O. Collestor. . . 08 Florists' Guide. By Thos. Bridgman. cl. . . . 60 Flower Fables. 12mo. cl. . . . . . . 75 Festival, a Cantata for Floral and other Concerts. By J. C. Johnson 80 — — — Queen ; or, the Coronation of the Rose. A Cantata ill Two Parts. By Geo. F. Root. . . net 34 Flowers by the Way-Side, a Book for Cliildren and Youth. By P. Barrett. 18mo of Elocution. By C. L. Hentz. 12mo. . . 1 00 that 'Sever Fade. 18mo. cl 42 Flush Times in AJabama and Mississippi. A Series of Sketches by J. G. Baldwin. 12mo. cl. . . 1 25 Follen, Eliza L. (Mrs.), Little Songs for Girls and Boys. sq. IGnio. cl. ex. 50 cents. ; cl. . 38 " " Old Garret Stories. Three Parts in One vol. sq. ICmo. cl. . .0 63 Carter <fi Bron. E. If. ButUr & Co. Lucas Brot. Steze-nson & 0. "57 Lucas Bros. Blanchard <(• L. '56 A. 0. Moore. '57 R. M. Dexoitt. Lucas Bros. Shel<lon,B.d-Co.'b7 Leavitt & A. Peel- & B. Appleton (C Co. J. S. Bedfield. Carter & Bros. J. MurpTiy<S:Co.''ob Brown, T. <i: C. '50 A. 0. Moore. A. G. Putimm. J. E. Miller, '55 Ma^on Bros. Price <{• C. '56 C. Besiher, '56 A. G. Putnam. AppUton £ Co. WhitUmoreK&IJ. 1855-58.] FO L- F OS 81 Follen, Eliza L. (Mrs.), Twiliglit Stories. G v. sq. 16mo. cl. (in box). Following of Christ. 32nio. cl " " 48nio. cl Folsora, C, Cicero's Orations. ..... net Foote, Joiiu P., Scliools (The) of Cincinnati and its \'i- cinity. 8vo. . "\\'m. (Rev.), Sketches of Virginia, Historical an<l Biographical. (Second Series). Svo. cl. Footprints of an Itinerant. By liev.M.P.Gaddis. r2ino. cl. Footsteps of St. Paul. By Author of " Morning and Night "Watches." 12nio. cl " The Messiah. By Rev. Wm. Leash. 12mo. cl. On the Seas, a Poem. By A. D. T. W. ICmo. Forayers (The) or, the Raid of the Dog Days, a Tale of the Revolution. By W. (i. Sinmis. 12nio. cl. Forbes, A. P., Seal (Thej of the Lord, A Catechism on Con- firmation. 32mo. ...... E. A., Easy Lessons on Scripture llistor}'. cl. Hugh, Manual (The) of the Patriotic Volunteer on Active Service, in Irregular and Regular "War. 2 vol. 18mo. cl. Ford, Henry A. (M.D.), Observations on the Fevers of the "West Coast of Africa. 12mo S. K. (Mrs.), Grace Truman; or. Love and Principle. 12mo. cl. Foresters (The). By Alex. Dumas. 12ino. cl. . Forest and Shore ; or, Legends of the Old Pine Tree State. By Dr. Ilsley. 12mo. cl Foresti, E. F., Italian Reader. 12mo. cl Forget-Me-Not. 12mo. im. mor. gt. e. . . . net Form-Book, containing Practical Forms for every Man in Business. 12mo. law slip. .... Forniby, Henry (Rev.), Seven Sacraments (Tlie) of the Catholic Churcli. S'Jmo. Fortunes of Hector O'Halloran. By Maxwell, svo. pap. of Glencore. By Chas. Lever. Hvo. pap. . and Misfortunes of Harry Racket Scapegrace. By F. E. Smedley. i)ap Forty-Five (iuardsmen. By Alex. Dumas. i)ap. Fosdick, David, jr., German English, and English German Dictionary. 8(iuare Kinu). hi", mor. . . net Foster, B. F., Merchants' and Bankers' Assistant. Hvo. "W., First Principles of Chemistry, illustrated by a series of the most recently discovered experi- ments. 12mo. shj) . " Chart of the ( >rganic Elements, fur the uso of Schools. Colored and mounted on rollers. . 6 1 .->U WltUterii'e.X.ii-Il. 25 Lucas lirvs. 25 " G7 Davis & Co. II. W.Dc>h>/t(-Co.'55 2 00 Lip'incott tC To.'SS 1 00 ,S'. ii- Poe, '56 1 00 Carter «C- r>ros. "57 1 00 W. S.ti-A.Martien. 50 Croi<bj/,X.dCo.'o7 1 25 /. S. Redjidd;hb 88 Dima rf- Co. "50 26S.S.Un.Jx'fj:iJ.Ch.'b6 2 00 TT". II. Tiimn.-ljt 25 E. 0. Je>din8.'5ij 1 00 ,Skehion,B.<&Co.'57 75 Appleton tC Co. 1 00 Jeicett & rc;.'50 1 00 Apple ton <(• Co. 1 00 Lcatitt (t A. CO /: Bell. (■.:} 50 50 /. Murphy it Co. Apjileton <C Co. Harper cO Brot. '5' 50 T. li. Pdcrsoiu 75 " HO Whitt(v:oreX.d-H. S.K.Whip\i£-Co.'56 GO IIarj)cr tfi Bros. '55 •i 00 " 8S FOS- FRA [am. cat. Foster, B. F., Normal Copy-Books, C iinnilier.*. doz. net u Penciled " " G " " " " Peoi)lc'.s " " '• " " " AVritiiifjf.iiul Writing Master. Svo. " ]>. W., Bookkot'piii;,' net i\. (i., New York Nuked. 8vo. pap. Jolin, Tliouglits Mild Essay.s. 12mo. el. . Foster-lirothcrs ; or, Duty To-day aii.l i'leasiire To-morrow. 18mo. cl net Four Jklontlis Among tlio Gold-Finders in California. By .1. T. Brooks. 8vo. pap Four Months' Residence in the IIouso of a Convert from Protestantism. By Mary C. Edgar. 18ino. cl. . Years on the Pacific Coast. By Mrs. D. B. Bates. 12rao. cl Fourfold Difficulty of Anglicanism ; or, the Church of Eng- land Tested by the Nicene Creed, By J, S. North- cote. 18mo. cl. ...... . Fowle, W. B., French Fables net " lIundredDialogues, New and Original, 12mo. " Parlor Dramas ; or. Dramatic Scenes for Home Amusement. 12mo. cl Fowler, Uenry, American Pulpit (The), Biographical and Descriptive Sketches of Living American Preachers, 8vo. cl O. S., Home for All ; or, the Gravel Wall and Octa- gon Mode of Building, Nev?', Cheap, and Con- venient, 12rao. cl " and N. L. Phrenology Proved, Illustrated, and Applied. 12mo, cl Wm. C. English Grammar in its Elements and Forms. 8vo. cl. $1 50 ; shp Fox, John. Acts and Monuments of the Church, containing the History and Sufferings of the Martyrs. Boy. 8vo. cl " Book of Martyrs. 12mo. cl - — Joseph and Harris. On the Teeth. 8vo. shp. . Foxton, E. Premices (Poems), 12mo. cl, ... France, History of, fi-om the Earliest Period. By M. ^ii- chelet. 2 vols. Svo. d. Frank Fairleigh ; or. Scenes in the Life of a Private Pupil. By F. E. Smedley. Pap Forresters Sporting Scenes and Characters. By H. W. Herbert. 2 vols. 12mo. cl . Hilton ; or. The Queen's Own. Svo. pap.' Randolph and Other Stories. ISnio. • The Underground Mail Agent. 12mo. cl. Franklin, Benj. Autobiography of, with a Continuation. By Jared Sparks. Svo. cl. . r,2J Maton Brot. 02 i 42 '• 17 " 38 Sanborn, C. <i: R 50 iJeiritt & D. 1 00 Lcrhy & J. 22 Carlton & P. 25 Aj)pleton <& Co. 25 n. McGrath. 1 00 Jas.FrencMCo:m 38 H. McGrath. 38 Sanhorn, C. dc B. 1 00 M. Cotton, '56 1 00 '5T 2 00 J.M.Fair'd&Co:^^ 75 Folders & W. '57 1 25 1 75 Harper <\: Bros. "55 4 00 Carter (t- Bros. '55 1 25 Derly & J. 3 00 Lindsay tC B. 75 Tichior d: F. 3 50 Applet 071 tC Co. 50 T. B. Peterson. 2 50 " 50 Garrett & Co. "55 18 Mats. 8. S. Union. 1 00 Lippincott & Co. 1 50 Whittemore.2f.<tE. £855-58.] FRA- FRO Franklin, Eenj., Life of, iuclading his Autobiography. 8vo. cl. " Life and Writings of. By Jared Sparks. 10 vols. 8vo. shp. $18 00; cl. Fraserian Papere of the late Win. Maginn, Annotated, with a Life of the Anthor. By R. S. Mackenzie. 12mo. cl Freedlej', E. T. Legal Adviser; or, How to I>iminish Losses and Avoid Lawsuits. 12nio. law shn, $1 50; cl '. Freeman, O. S, Letters on Slavery, Address to the People of America. 12mo Freemasons' Manual. By K. J. Stewart. ]2nio. cl. . Monitor ; or, Illustrations of ifasonry. By Thos. S. Webb. 12mo. cl. . . *. Fremont, J. C. (Col.), Life of. By J. Bigelow. 12mo. cl. " " Life of. By Snuicker. 12mo. cl. . " •' Life, Explorations, &c., of. By C. W. Uphaiii. 12mo. cl. " " Life of. By F. C. Woodworth. ISmo. cl French, B. F., Historical Collections of Louisiana. Part HI. 8vo. cl L. Virginia, Wind-Whispei-s, a Collection of Poems. French Companion, Consisting of Familiar Conversations, together with Models of Letters, Notes, itc. 18nio. hf. r Pevolntion, History of. By A. Thiers. 4 v. 8vo. cl. Student's Fir:it Book, By G. J. H. Sanders. 12mo. hf. bd. net Translation Self- Taught, or. First Book on French Translation. By G. Talbot. 12ino. . Friends of Christ in the Xew Testament (Thirteen Dis- courses). By Rev. N. Adam''. 8vo. cl. . and Kcighbors, or, Two Ways of Living in the World. Edited by T. S. Arthur. 12mo. cl. ex. net 88; cl. 2 00 Derly ct /. Lj 00 WhitUmore,N.,tn. 1 00 /. S. Redf^ld. '57 1 25 Lippineott<{:Co.'b7 Friendship's Gift. 12ino. im. mor. gt. e. . Offering. 12nio. im. mor. gt. c. Fritz Harold, or, the Temptation. 18nio. cl. Frost, John, American Sjjoaker. 12in. hf. r. " Book of Anecdotes. 12nio. cl. " " " Blustrious Mechanics. 12ino. cl, " " " The Colonics. 12mo. cl. " " "The Indians. 12mio. cl. " " " The Navy. 12mo. cl. " Class Book of Nature, cl. " History of the United States. 12ifto. hf. r. The same abridged. 18mo. hf. r. . i>et net P.. Marsh. '55 1 00 Butler if: Co. '55 1 20 Applegate <{• Co. 1 00 Derby <& J. '5G 1 00 Jililkr, O..(JI.'r,0 75 Tichwrd:F.'o6 50 Miller, 0. d- M:[>6 1 50 Appleton d: Co. Xashmlle^ Tenn.^56 38 Sadlier d- Co. 5 00 Appleton d- Co. 20 E. C. d J. Buhlle. 1 00 Crosby, X.d-Co.'o5 1 00 Jctcelt .(• Co. '65 50 Peck ,(■ P. 1 00 Lcatitt <£• A. 1 00 t{ 40 drier <{• Bros. 75 C Besilrcr. 1 00 W. J. Ilamcrtlfy. 1 00 ti 1 00 >i 1 00 " 1 00 ti 50 " 90 C. Detilr^er 50 u 84 FRO- /■• U T [am. cat. Frost, Jol III, Panorama of Nations. '12nio. cl. " Picturifil History of !N[exico and tlic Mexican War. 8vo. ciiib. ..... " rictorial History of tlie World from tlio Earliest Period to tlie present Time. 3 v. -Svo. ini. mor. Tlio same, fiuo Edition. 1 v. royal 8vo. iin. mor . " Pictorial Life of Washington, embracing a His- tory of tljc Revolutionary War. Svo. emb. . " Pictorial Family Encyclopiedia of History, Bio- graphy and Travels. Svo. cl Frothinghan^, N. L. 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Riddle. 1 V5 S.S.(&W.Wood.'54: 1 00 J.P.JeweUdcCo.'bo M. v.. Two Wives; or, Narrative of Facts Stranger than Fiction. 12mo. cl 1 09 Derby tfc J. Fullerton,Georgiana (Lady), Ellen iliddleton. A Tale. 12mo. 75 Appleton & Co. " Lady Bird. 12mo. cl. . . 75 " • " Life of St. Francis, of Rome; of Blessed Lucy, of Yarni, of Dominica, of Paradisa, and of Anne de Montmorency. 12mo. 50 Sadlier <l Co. "55 Fulton, J. D., Roman Catholic Element (The), in American History. 12nio. cl Robert, Life of By J. F. Reigart. Svo. cl. . Fundamental Philosophy. By Rev. Jas. Balmes. With an Introduction by O. A. Browuson. 2 v. Svo. cl. . Funny Story Book ; a Laughter Provoking Book for Young Folks. 16mo. Illustrated, cl. ex. $1 00; cl. . Future Punishment, — Destruction. An Argument by Rev. H. H. Dobney. 12mo. cl 1 00 2 00 3 50 75 75 S7ieldon,B.(i:Co.'57 C. G. Henderson.'' 5G Sadlier d- Co. Appleton tfc Co. H. L. Mattings. 1855-1858.] GAB- G A T 85 G. Gabriel Vane, his Fortunes and Lis Friends. By .J. 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Wt/Jirif, '57 1 00 Longley Bros. '57 2 00 Ajipleton .t Co. 75 Jcicett (ir Co. 1 uO Jcirett cf- Co. '."57 2 50 0. Bitson. '50 5 OO SaJlicr <('• Co. 1 00 B. Buli-io,.. 2.") li. M. Betcitt. 50 A. 0. Moore. 1 2"; " 2 tii» h'. M. hr^rlil. 75 Jcvfttt A i 'o. '50 1 5<» Sanborn, C. <(• B. 1 50 Appleton tO Co. 1 00 A. 0. Moore. u 25 t'hnUin .f- >-' •. 1 50 J..;../,^.... ' . 2 50 Kiggtna d- K. '50 2 50 Sadlier <t Co. (r'oiUi L. <V 86 OAT- GEO [am. cat. Gathered Trcasnros from the Mines of Literature. 8vo. shp. Giiuss' Theory of the Motions of the Heavenly lUidiea Moving about tlic Sun in Conic Sections ; witli an Appeiuli.x l)y Charles Henry Davis. 4to. cl. Gavin, Anthony, Great Red Dragon; or, The ^^astcr Key to Popery. ]2mo. cl Gedding's Lectures on Surgery. 8vo. Gem Annual. 12mo. im. mor. gilt edge. . . . net Genia from American Poets. ... . . of Pritish Art. Consisting of Original Literary Con- tributions in Poetry and Prose. Illu-strated with thirty-six Line Engravings. 1 thick volume 4to. Morocco antique $1G ; extra cloth, gilt edges. of Spanish Poetry ; selected and Translated by F. T. Vingut. r2mo Genevieve, by JSl&s.. Dumas, pap Genin, Sylvester, Selections from the Works of^ in Poetry, Prose, and Historical Design. Svo. cl. Genius of Christianity; or, The Spirit and Beauty of the Christian Religion, by Viscount De Chateaubriand. Svo. cl. • and Faith ; or. Poetry and Religion, by Rev. Wm. C. Scott. 12 mo. cl Geno, and other Tales. Svo. gt Gentlemen's Glee-Book. By Lowell Mason. . . net Hand-Book of Homoeopathy. By E. Guernsey, M.D. 12mo. cl Geoffi-ey Moncton ; or, The Faithless Guardian. By Su- sanna Moodie. 12mo. cl Geognosy ; or. The Facts and Principles of Geology against Theories. By David X. Loixl. 12ino. cl. . Geological Proof of the Inspiration of the Bible ; or. The Witness of Science to Revelation. 12mo. pap. Geology and Agi-iculture of the State of Mississippi (Preli- minary Report on). By L. Harper, LL.D., Stats Geologist. Svo. el Geoi^e, W. D. 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'5,t 1855-58.] GER GIL 87 Gerald O'Reilly ; or, The Triumph of Principle : and Eva O'Beirne. Two Tales. 18rno Gerardin, Einile. Stories of an Old Maid, related to her Xephews and Xieces. 12ino. el. . Gerhard, Fred. Illinois as it Is. 12rao. cl. . . . Gerhart, E. V. (Rev,), Introduction to the Study of Philo- sophy. "With an Outline Treatise on Logic. 12nio. Germany ; Its Universities, Theology, and Religion. By Rev. Philip Schaff. 12mo Gerstaeker, E. Pirates (The) of the Mississippi. Piip. Gertrude of Wyoming. By Thos. Campbell. Mor. $3 00 ; cl. ex A Tale. By Miss E. M. Sewell. 12mo. cl. Gervase Skinner. By Theodore Hook. 12mo. cl. Gesenius's Hebrew Grammar. Edited by Rodigcr. Trans- lated from the last German edition by Conant. 8vo. Ghostly Colloquies. By Author "Letters from Rome." 12mo. cl Giant-Killer ; or, the Battle All must Fight. 12ino. cl. net or, the Battle which All most Fight. 12mo. cl. Gibbs, J. TT., Philological Studies, with English Illustra- tions. 12mo. cl Gibbes, R. W., Documentary History of the American Re- volution, 1781, 1V82. 8vo. cl The Same, 2d vol. 17G-i to 177G. Svo. cl. . Gibbon, Edward, History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Abridged, incorporating the researches of recent Commentators. By "\Vm. Smith. 12nio. cl. Gibson, "Walter M., Prison of "Weltevreden (The), and a Glance at the Eastern Archipelago. 12mo. cl. "Wm. (M.D.), Institutes antl Practice of Surgery. 2 V. slip ■ J., and Fessenden, L. G., Prairie Vocalist. Giddings, Jo.shua R., Speeches in Congress. r2mo. cL Gieslor, J. C. L., Toxt-Book of Church History. A New American Edition, revised and edited by Prof. Henry B. Smith. 2 v. Svo Gifibrd, A., Unison of the Liturgy fri>m Advent to Ash AVcduesday. 12rno. cl. ..... Gift for Young Ladies. By Emily Vernon. '.Vlnw. cl. gt. of Power (The); or, tiie .*^peeinl Intluence of tlio Holy Spirit the Need of the Cliurcli. P.y Rov. S. II. Piatt. 12mo. cl Gil Bias, Adventures of. By Le S.ige. (500 Engravings.) Svo. cl — ' Adventures of. By Lo Sago. ]2mo. cl. 25 Murphy <f- Co. '57 75 1 50 Appleton it Co. Keen li Iac. '57 1 00 T.h,'l-i,ni A- n. "57 1 25 25 1 7.-) 7."j 1 00 2 50 R. M. Deiritt. *5C Apphton d- Co. '58 Manon Bros. '57 Ajfjihton (£• Co. 1 00 Appleton <£• Co. '55 25 Carlton d- P. 30 Carter & IJros. '57 75 Durrie d P. '57 1 50 Ajypleton d Co. 1 50 u 1 00 Harper Bro8.'b7 1 5t» J. C. Riler, '55 7 00 ITitycM d Z. 75 Moore, ir. K. d C: 1 00 Jevceti d Co. 4 5h Uarper d liroi.'hl 1 (10 />. Ihina Jr. :iS ]]'. J. Ilitmertley. (I 7"> ' '. d Porter, '56 2 5it Appleton d Co. ) 0<» Derby d J. 88 GIL a L [am, cat. Gill)nrt, J. W., Trcntixc on IJankliig. 8vo. cl. . (iilla-rt C!()-AlicarTrt Advoiitiircs and Travels in Foreign Parts. By Peter Parley. ]2tno. cl. . lireshuni, nn Ant(>l)iograi)hy. iHmo. Gilfillan, Goo., Gallery of Literary Portraits. Second Sorie>i. cl. . Gill, .John (Rev.), Word and Works of (ioil. 12mo. . Gillespie, Wm. ^f., Treatise on Land Surveying. 8vo, cl. . Gillio-s, .John, History of (irecce. 8vo. slip. Gilliss, J. M. (Lieut.), The United States Naval Astronomi- cal Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere during the Years 1840-5()-'ol-52. Assisted by Lieut. A. ^[acrae, Acting Master S. L. Phelps, and Cap- tain's Clerk E. W. Smith. Part L 2 v. 4to. cl. Gilnian, Caroline, Oracles from the Poets. 12mo. net cl. ex. Toe. cl. Gipsey Chief, By Reynolds, pap Gladding, E. M, (Mrs.), Leaves from an Invalid's Journal and Poems. 12 mo Gladstone, T, IL, Englishman in Kansas ; or, Squatter Life and Border Warfare. 12mo. cl, , , . Glance Backward at Fifteen Years' Missionary Life in Xorth India, By Rev, J, Warren, 12mo, cl. Glances and Glimpses; or. Fifty Years of Social, including Twenty Years of Professional Life, By Harriot K. Hunt, M.D. 12mo. cl. , , . . Glanmore ; or, the l^andits of Saratoga. By P. Clinton, pap Glaucus ; or, the Wonders of the Shore. By Chas. Kings- ley, 12rao. cl. Gleanings, Some Wheat, Some Chaff, By Miss A, A. (roddard, r2mo. cl from Ileal Life. By S. S, Egliseau, ISmo. '' the Poets, for Home and School Selections, By Mi-s, Anna C. Lowell, 12mo, Glee Hive, a Collection of Glees and Part Songs, By Lowell ^Mason and G, J, Webb, . . iiet Glenwood ; or, the Parish Farm, By Wm, G, Cambridge. 12mo. cl, , Glimpses of Nineveh, B.C. 090. 12nio. cl. — of the Truth as it is in Jesus. By Rev, O, Wins- low, r2mo, cl, Gloria in Excelsis, a Collection of Church Music. By W. Williams, oblong -ito. Glories of Jesus, Contemplated in the Mirror of r)ivino Love, 24mo, cl, Glories of St. Joseph. 24:mo. cl. of the Holy Angels. 2-imo. cl 2 00 a. J). Miller, '5.5 1 00 Derby rfc J. 40 Am. S. S. U. '57 1 00 Ap]>leton rC- Co. 85 E. II. Fletc1ur;m 2 00 Ajjpleton & Co. 2 00 Derby & J. 10 00 Lippincott<&Co.''oo 50 Fech & B. 50 T. B. Peterson. G.n. Whitney;hl 75 MilUr & G. '57 1 00 Presbyterian,Bd.'bQ 1 00 Jewett & Co. 25 Stringer & T. '55 50 Tichwr & F. '55 1 00 Ajypleton <£• Co. 25 Fresb'>iBd.Fub.''o7 1 00 Crosby,K. <i- Co.'o5 33 ATasoji Bros. 1 25 Biggins, B. <!c D. 1 00 Miller c£- Co. 75 Lindsay & B. '56 75 FhilUp8,S.&Co:ba 3S H.McGrath. 38 as " 1855-58.] GLO- G OL 89 Glory of America. Comprising ireraoirs of the Lives and Exploits of Distinguished American Officers. By E. Thoma«. 12nio. ara. of the Redeemer in His Person and ^Vork. ]\v lie v. O. Winslow. 12mo. cl. ..... Glorying in the Cross of Christ. By J. McLaurin. 24nio. cl. flex. Gobineau, A. De (Count), Moral and Intellectual Diversity of Races. With Historical Notes hy II. Ilortz, to "which is added an Appendix, containing a Sum- mary of the latest scientific Facts bearing upon the question of Unity or Plurality of Species. By J. C. Xott, M.D. . • God against Slavery. See Cheever, Rev. Geo. B. Revealed in the Progress of Creation and by the Mani- festation of Jesus Christ. By Rev. Jas. B. "Walker. 12rao. cl. in Christ. By Rev. ITorace Bushnell. 12mo. cl. God's Messenger to the Young ; or, the Obhgations and Advantages of Early Piety. By Rev. Geo. "\V. Leyburn. 12mo. cl Goddard, A. A. (Miss), Gleanings — Some Wheat, Some Chaff. 12mo. cl Godolphin (Mrs.), Life of. By John Evelyn. 12ino. cl. Godwin, E. C, Hampton Heights; or, the Spinster's Ward. By Caleb Starbuck. 12mo. cl. " Wayside Songs. IGmo. cl. ... • E., Family Companion ; or, a Book of Sermons on Various Doctrinal and Practical Subjects. 12mo. cl. ...... . Park, Political Essays, most!}' reprinted from " Putnam's Monthly." 12mo. cl. . Goethe, J. W. Von, Iphigenia in Tanris. A Drama in Five Acts. 1 ranslated from the (4erman by G. J. Adler, 12mo. bds. . " Life and Works of. With Sketches of his Age and Contemporaries. By (t. II. Lewes. 2 vols. 12 mo. Gold Seekers' Manual. Jiy D. T. Ansted. 12mo. paji. and Silver. By A. W. 11. Klmo. s<iuare cl. Golden Age of American Oratory, by E. G. Parker. 12mo. cl. Book of the Confraternity. 32ino. cl. . Dragoon (The); or. Up and Down the Irrawaddi, being Passages of Adventure in the Km- pire, by J. W. Palmer, M.D. 12mo. cl. Grains from Life's Harvest Fields, by T. S. Arthur. 12mo. cl — Grove (The), by Jcr. Taylor. ICmo. cl. . 1 25 Leary d- G. 1 OO Lindsay <{• J]. '55 ft K. A. D.F. Randolph. 1 50 Lippincott&Co:^^ 1 00 Gould ((• L. '50 1 25 W. J. Hamenley. 75 M. W. Dodd. '57 1 00 Appleton & Co. 50 " 1 25 Mason Bros. '5G 75 1 00 Moore.W.K.ACo. 1 oO Dix^Edwards^ilcCo. 75 Appleton & Co. 2 50 Ticknor d- F. '5G 25 Appleton tC Co. (» 5ti Di.r,Edicards itCo. 1 25 Whittem'e.XA-II.'bS 38 Dunigan <{• Bro. ['50 1 00 I)ix,L\ltcardj>,<tCo. 1 00 J. W. Bradley. 50 Appleton <£• Co. 00 OOL 00 [am. cat. Goldiii Grove (Tho), To wliich is added a Guide to tlio Pe- nitent, and Festival Jlynins, by Itov. Jer. Taylor, el. Legacy to J)aiipliters; or, Advice to Young Ladies, by Mrs. Sarah Gould. 12nio. cl. gt. . Legacy (The), a Story of Life's PIiase.s. 12ino. cl. . Maxims ; or, A Tliought for Every Day in the Year, Devotional and Practical. r)2nio. cl. ex. Kecd (The) ; or. The True ^Measure of a True Church, by B. F. Barrett. 12ino. cl Treatise on Mentid Prayer. I81110. cl. . Wreath (The) ; u Collection of Melodies by L. O. Emerson Goldmaker's Village, by 11. Zschokkc. cl. ... Goldsmith, Alban (M.I).), Treatise on Diseases of the Genito- urinary Organs. 8vo. cl. . Oliver, Pictorial History of England to the Death of George IL, with a Continuation to the Present Time, by John Frost. Small 8vo. emb. ...... " Poetical Works of. 8vo. cl. ex, , " Vicar of Wakefield. 12mo. Illustrated. cl. 75 cents ; cl. ex. 50 W. P. Ilazard. '56 1 00 1 00 31 Essays. . Works of. " 82mo. cl. 4 vols. 12 mo. cl. . 12mo. shp. Good, J. M., Book of Nature. Grood Sense ; or, Natural Ideas Opposed to Supernatural, by Baron D'Holbach. IGrao. Shepherd, and Other Stories. Illustrated covers. Time Coming, by T. S. Arthur. 12ino. cl. — — in Everything, a Tale by ^Mrs. Barwell. IGmo. cl. . Gk)ode, Francis (Rev.), Better Covenant. 12mo. cl. . Goodrich, C. A. (Pvev.), Bible History (The) of Prayer. 12mo. " Child's Histoiy of the United States, net. " Geography of the Chief Places mentioned in the Bible, adapted to Sunday Schools. " Greek Grammar, shp. .... " History of the United States. . net — Frank B., Court of Kapoleon ; or. Society under the First Empire, -with portraits of its Beauties, Wits, and Heroines, royal -ito. mor. antique. . S. G., Lives of Celebrated Women. 12!no. cl. . " Parley. Common School History. 12mo. hf. bd ' . " Geographic Elementaire. 13mo. " Histoire des Etats Unis d'Amerique. 12mo Iliggina, B. & D. Ajjplcton & Co. '67 1 00 U 1 38 H. McGrath. 25 0. Ditson. '50 38 Appleton & Co. 1 00 Wiley & E. '57 " Petite Histoire Universelle. 12mo. . 1 50 C. Desilver. 4 50 R K Butler £ Co. 1 00 Appleton tfc Co. 38 (( 38 (( 5 00 Derby & J. 1 25 W. J. Eamersley. 50 J. P. Mendtim. "56 30 Carlton S P. '57 1 25 J. W.Bradley. 50 Apjpleton tfc Co. 60 A. D.F.Randolph. 1 00 Jewett d- Co. ■55 25 Cowperthwaitd' Co. 25 Carter <{• Bros. 75 W. J. Eamersley. 67 EicHinff, S. d B. .2 00 Derby d J. '56 1 00 D. Rulison. 94 E. E. Butler d Co. 50 11 1 00 (; 75 '• 1855-68.] 000- GOV 91 Goodrich, S. G., Recollections of a Lifetimo ; or, Men and Things I liave seen iu Europe and Ame- rica. 2 V. 12mo. el " Thousand, and One Stories of Fact and Fancy, Wit and Humor, Ehyrae, Reason, and Romance. 8vo Goodwin, L. S. (Mrs.), Little Folka' Own Stories, Sketches, Poems, &c., designed for the Young. 12mo. cl. . Gordon, N. M., AUeghan, a poem in nine Books. 12mo. cl. — r- — - W. R. (Rev.), Particular Providence, proved by the History of Joseph, 12mo. cl. « " Supreme Godhead (The) of Christ, the Corner Stone of Christianity. 12mo. cl. . . . . . " " Three-Fold Test of Modern Spiri- tualism. 12mo. cl. ... Gore, Mrs., Mammon; or, The Hardships of an Heiress. 12mo. pap. 7oc. ; cl Gospel in Ezekiel. By Rev. Thomas Guthrie. 12mo. cl. . — its Own Advocate. By Geo. Griffen. 12mo. cl. and its Elements. By Jas. Challen. ISmo. cl. Liturgy. A Prayer-Book for Churches, Congrega- tions, and Families, prepared by Direction of the General Convention of Hniversalists. 12mo. Gosse, P. H, Life in its Lower, Intermediate, and Higher Forms ; or, Manifestations of the Divine "Wisdom in the Natural History of Animals. 12mo. cl " The Ocean. 12rao. cl Gossner, J. Spiritual Treasury ; or, A Scripture Text and Meditations for Every Day in the Year. 12mo. cl. Gostick, Joseph. Hand-Book of American Literature, His- torical, Biographical, and Critical. 12uio. cl. Gould, ]>. A. Horace, edited by Beck. . . . net '' Ovid, with English Notes. . . . net — — — " A'irgil. ...... net Lucius D. House-Carpenter and Joiners' Assistant. Sarah (Mrs.), Golden Legacy to Daughters ; or, Ad- vice to Young Ladies. Cl. gt. " " Guardian Angels ; or. Friends in Hea- ven. 12mo. cl. ex " " Our Happy Home; or, The Family Circle. 12mo. cl. gt. . . . Wm. Zephyrs from Italy and Sicily. 12mo. col. pi. Goulding, F. R. Robert and Harold; or, The Young Ma- roonors of the Flonda Coast. 1 Cino. cl. Government of the Christian Schools. l>y Rov. .1. B. Do La Salle. 18mo. roan. 00 Miller 0. (£• M. '50 3 00 Derby & J. '58 To Fetridge & Co. '55 1 25 Moore, W. K. t€- Co. 1 25 R. R. Brinlcerhoff 50 1 25 1 00 1 00 1 00 35 B.P.ofP.DutchCh. C. Scribner. '50 r. B. Peterson. Carter cC Bros. Appleton <C- Co, Challen <fi Sons. 50 G. Collins. '57 1 00 Carter d- Bros. '57 1 00 Pai-ry tC McM. '56 55 Ain. Tract So. "50 1 00 Lippincott <C Co. 75 Sanborn, C. A B. 50 t( 00 u 3 00 Ivison <f- P. 1 00 nig gins., B. <£• D. 1 50 - 1 (10 I. 1 (lO AppUton it Co. 75 W.S.itA.Martien. r5o 1 00 Sadlier S Co. 92 n RA a It A [am. cat. Qraoo Loo. A Talo. Hy Jnlm Knvfinngli. I'Jiiin. d. Tnitimn ; or, Lovo and Trinciplo. I>y Nfrs. S. I! Ft ml. lliiiio. cl. . and Clarn ; or, Ho Just ns Well as Gonorous. liy M J. Alolnto.sli. IHmo. cl (iracie Aiiibor. ]{y Mrs. C. W. Denison. 12mo. d. . Gaotor's (lornian Phrases. Ilf. r Grafton, Henry I). (Capt. U.S.A.), Treatise on the Camp and March, with which is conncotod the Construc- tion of Field-Works and Military Bridges. With an Ajjpendix of Artillery, Kanges, &c. 12mo. cl. Graplia, C'., Italian Dictionary. IGmo. hf. r. . . net Graham, Goo. F., English Synonymes. Edited by Prof. Reed. 12mo • Mary J., Justifj'ing and Electing Grace. 18mo. . Thomas, Elements of Chemistry, including the Ap- plication of the Science in the Arts. Vol. 2, 8vo. pap — A. J., Reporter's Manual, a Complete Exposition of the Reporting Style of Phonography. . Graham; or, Masks and Faces. By J. F. Smith. 8vo. pap. Grahame, Jas., Sabbath (The) and other Poems, cl. $2 50 ; •IKT. ......... Grains of Gold. Selections from the Writings of Rev. C. A. Bartol Grandmother Lee's Portfolio, Illustrated by Billings, square. Grant, Jas., Philip Rolls ; or, the Scottish Musqueteers. pap. Mrs., Memoirs of an American Lady. 12mo. cl. Grantley ^tlanor, a Tale. By I^dy Fullerton. 12mo. cl. . Grape Growers' Guide. By Wm. Chorlton. 12mo. cl. Graves, J. R., Great Iron Wheel ; or. Republicanism Back- wards and Christianity Reversed. 12mo. cl. " Little Iron Wheel Gray, Alonzo, Practical Treatise on Chemistry for the use of Schools. ........ Asa, Botanical Text-Book, an entirely new edition. Electrotyped, with 1200 Cuts. 8vo. bf. bound. " Botany of the Exploring Expedition. The Plates imperial folio hf. bound, $30 ; the Text 4to. cl " First Lessons in Botany and Vegetable Physi- ology. 12mo '• Manual of Botany. 8vo. hf. bd. " The Same, with the " Mosses," &c. Illustrated edition. 8vo. cl " ^[anual of Bot^any of the Northern United States. 12mo ... Geo. H., Mystic Circle and American Uaud-Book of Masonry. 12mo. roan 1 00 Applcton ffc Co. 1 00 Sheldon, B.&Co.til 88 Appleton *C- Co. 1 25 Sheldon,B.<tCo.'67 C7 C. Ledher. 75 Fetridge & Co. '54 1 00 Sanborn, C. & B. 1 00 Appleton ^ Co. 25 W.S.&A.Martien. 1 50 C. E. Ballihe, '57 50 50 Folders & W. Garrett & Co. '56 3 50 Carter tC Bros. 20 75 50 75 75 CO Am. UnWnAss'n. Whitte'e,y.d:H.'o7 Garrett & Co. '56 Appleton & Co. u C. M. Saxton, '56 1 00 25 Grates, M. & Co. 75 Ivison cC- P. 1 50 u LO 00 G. P. Putnam. 1 00 1 50 Ivison & P. '57 2 50 (. 1 50 u 1 50 Rickey, M. & W. : 1855-58.] GRA GEE 93 Gray, John C, Agricultural and Literary Essays. 12mo. cl. Thos., Elegy written in a Country Clmrcli-Yard. 12nio. cl. ex. ..... . " Poetical Works of. cl. ex Gray Bay Mare and other Humorous American Sketches. Byll. P. Leland Mundy (The), 12mo. cl. . Grayson, AV. S., True Theory of Christianity. IGmo. cl. . Great American Battle (The), or, tlie Contest between Christianity and PoHtical Komanisni. By Miss A. E. Carroll. 12mo. cl Apostacy (The), a Sermon on liomauism. By Eev. Geo. Junkin Elm (The), or, Robin Green and Josiah Lane at School. By Jacob Abbott. Small 4to. pap. 25 ; cl. Iron Wheel, or. Republicanism Backwards and Chris- tianity Reversed. By J. . R. Graves, 12mo. cl. " " Examined, or its false Spokes Extracted. By Rev. W. G. BrowuloAv. 12mo. cl. Question (The), or, How shall I meet the Claims of God on my Proijcrty. By Rev. L. White. ICmo. " (The), Will you Consider the Subject of Personal Religion ? .... Red Dragon, or, the Master Key to Poper\'. By Anthony Gavin. 12mo. cl Reformer (Tlie). By Abel Stevens. Rosy Diamond (The). By Mrs. A. A. Carter. 18mo. West (The), in 1856, the States and Territories, their Geography, History, &lc. By J. Ferris. 12mo. cl. Western Cook Book. 18mo. cl is the Power of !Mary. By Wm. Lockbart. Greatness in Little Things. By Ruth Vernon. 12mo. cl. ex. $1 50; cl. Greece, History of. ]5y John Gillies. Svo. slip. ■ '• ]iy George Grote. 12 vols. 12mo. cl. " See Smith, Wm. and the (ireeks of the Pi'csent Day. By the Author of"Tona." 12mo. cl Greek Boy (The), and tlie Sunday School. By C. P. C ar- tanis. 18mo. cl. Greeley, Horace, Hints Towards Reforms. 12nio. cl. " History of the Struggle for Slavery Ex- tension or Restriction in tlie U. S., from 1787 to 1856. Svo. pap. 50c. ; cl. . " Life of. By J. Parton. Timo. cl. Green Mountain Girls (The), a Story of Vermont. By B. White. 12nio. cl 1 25 Brown <Sc Co. '56 1 50 Appleton db Co. '56 1 88 E. II. Butler cC Co. 50 LippincoU(i:Co.'56 1 25 Bamrell & M. 1 00 App>lelon S Co. 1 25 Jliller, 0. Jc J/.'55 25 W.S.<lcA.Jfartie7i 40 Harper & Bros.'oG 1 00 Graves M. & Co. 1 00 Auth'r,Naih'lle,T. 25 Carlton cC P. 50 Am. S. S. U. '56 1 25 D. Rulison. 20 Carlton li- P. '56 50 Phillips,S.<i:Co.'5G 1 25 Miller, 0. & J/.'5G 50 Barnes & Co. 25 Bunigan,(-Bro.'!J(J 1 00 Apj>lcgate (C Co. -1 00 Derhy ,0 J. - ".I OU IIaiper&Broa.'bC> 1 00 Bix.L'iiw'sii- Co.'bij 63 W.S.,(-A.2f,iriien. 1 25 Fowlers c£- ir. (I 75 I)u,Edir\<&Co:50 1 25 Mason Bros. 1 25 Derby & J. '56 , 94 ORE- ORE [am. cat. (Jrcen Monntnin Travollors' Entertainment. V.y J. Barncf. 12nio. cl Pons; I'ickod from the Patch of Invisible (ircen, Km(]. 12ino. cl Crci'iu-, (.'. W., History of the Middle Apes. 12mo. " Primary P.otany. An Illiistratccl Quarto. " and Congdon, Analytical Class-JJook of Bo- tany. Blast. 1 vol. 4to. Xatliaiiiol (Genl), Life of. By W. G. Simms. 12mo. . K. W., Analysis of Grammar. . . . net " Elements of English . . net •' First Lessons in Grammar. . . net " Introduction to the Study of English Gram- mar net Greenleaf, B. Algebra, Practical Treatise on. 12nio. net Key to the above net •• Arithmetic, Common School. Ilf. r. . Tiet The same "without Answers. . . net Key to the above net " Arithmetic, Intellectual. . . . net " Arithmetic, National. . . . net The same without Answers. . . net Key to the above net '' Arithmetic, New Primary. . . . net " Aritlimetic, Primary or Mental. Ilf. r. net " Geonieti'j, Elements of. . . . net Greenwood, Chas. (Rev.), Child (The) and the Man ; or, The Children, the Sabbath School, and the World. 12rao. cl F. W. P., and Emerson, Geo. B. Classical Reader. net Grace. Stories and Legends of Travel and History for Children. 16mo. cl. . Laura. Life Among the Flowers. 12mo. cl. Greenwood Psalms and Hymns. Net (black 75c.) ; pi. shp. Scrvice-Book. Net (black 8Tc.) ; plain shp. . Gregg, Samuel (Rev.), Infant Church Membership. IGmo. cl. W. R. Creed of Christendom (The) ; its Founda- tions and Superstructure. 12mo. cl. . Gregory, Wm. Inorganic Chemistry. 8vo. " " Organic " "... Chapone. and Pennington on the l^Iind. 18mo. cl. Gresley, W. (Rev.), Treatise on Preaching, with Notes, col- lected by Rev. B. I. Ilaight. r2mo. cl. Grey, Alice. Lily Iluson ; or, the Autobiography of an Orphan Girl. 12mo. cl Mrs. iLarriago a Lottery. 12mo. pap. 50c. ; cl. " Passion and Principle; a Domestic Novel, pap. Grey Bay Mare and Other Humorous Am. Sketches. 12mo. 1 00 Derhy J. 1 00 Livermore Jc B. 1 00 Ajiphton & Co. 75 " 1 .50 " 1 00 Derby <t J. 34 CowperthwaitiicCo. 3-i " 25 " 30 60 75 38 38 38 14 56 56 56 09 14 60 50 75 1 00 63 75 65 1 25 1 50 1 50 50 1 00 1 00 75 50 50 Davis S Co. WhippU & Co. '55 Dae is <fc Co. Ticlnor & F. '58 D. Bulison. HicUing, S. <C B. Methodist B. C. '56 C. BUnchard. '55 Barnes & Co. Derhy & J. D. Dana. Jr. H. Long d- Br 0. '56 Oarrett & Co. '55 T. B. Peterson. '56 Lijypincott dc Co. 1855-58.] GRE- G UE 95 Grcyson Letters, selected from tlio Correspondence of R. E. H, Greyson. Edited by Henry Rogers. r2nio. cl. Grior, Wm., Modern Mechanic and Scientific Guide and Calculator. 12mo. cl Griffin, G., Collegians (The), a Tale of Garry town. r2mo. — - Geo., The Gospel its Own Advocate. 12mo. cl. Gerald, Life of, by Ills l>rotlier. 12nio. cl. . " Poetical "Works and Tragedy of Gyssipus. 12mo. cl. " Works and Life of. 10 vs. 12ino. cl. Per vo. Griffith, R. E. (M.D.), Universal Formulary, containing the Methods of Preparing and Administering Ollicinal and Other Medicines, cl Mattie, Poems. 12mo. cl. ex. $1 25 ; cl. . Thomas, Live While You Live. ISmo. cl. Grimshaw, Wm., Etymological Dictionary. " Gentleman's Lexicon. .... " History of England. .... " " France. ..... ' " ;' Greece " " Napoleon " " Rome " " South America. " " United States. " Ladies' Lexicon Griswold, Rufus W., Poets and I'oetry of America. Six- teenth Edition. 8vo. cl. . . ^ . -^— — — W., Engineers' Pocket Companion for the Field. IGmo. ts Gross, Jos. V>. (Rev.), Heathen Religion (The), in its Popu- lar and Symbolical Development. 12mo. cl. S. D. (M.D.), Elements of Pathological Anatomy, shp, " " Treatise on Foreign Bodies in the Air- Passages. Bvo. cl ■ " " Treatise on the Diseases, Injuries, and Malformations of the Urinary Bladder and Pros- tate Gland, and the I'rethra. Mvo. slip. Grote, Geo., History of Greece. 12 vols. 12mo. cl. . Groves, S. J., Greek and English Dictionary. 8vo. slip. Growth in Holiness; or, Progress in the Spiritual Life. By Rev. F. W. Faber. IGmo. cl. Guardian Angels ; or, Friends in Heaven. I'.y ilrs. Sarah Gould. 12mo. Guenon, M. F., Treatise on Milch Cows. cl. . Guericke, H. F., Manual of Church History. Translated by W. G. T. Shedd. 8vo. cl Guernsey, E. (M.D.), Gentleman's Hand-Book of Homoio- pathy. 12mo. cl. 1 25 GouU & L. '57 1 25 Iliggins, B. & D. 1 00 Garret, D.ctF.'rjr 1 00 A^qdeton <t Co. 1 00 Sadlier (C- Co. 1 <iO " 1 00 " 3 00 Blanchard A L.'o^ 75 Appleton & Co. 30 Carter & Bros. ' 75 Lijjpincott cC Co. 38 " 50 " 50 " 50 " 50 " 50 " 50 " 75 " 38 " 3 00 Parry <C 3fcM. 1 25 Miller, 0. d- JI. 1 00 Jetcett <C Co. 5 25 Blanchard <(.'■ L. 2 75 " -50 9 00 mirj>crd;Bros.'oQ 2 00 Lippincott <C" Co. 50 Murphy <l!- Co. '55 1 50 IIl'jgihK, B. <i- D. CiO A. O. Moore. 2 25 W. F. Draper:^': 03 0. Clapp, "55 Ufl GUI': GUT [am. CAT. (iaornsey, Lucy E., Orpliftu Nieces; or, Duty and Iiiclimitioii. IC.iiio. el 75 A. D. F.Iiandolph. " Kol). ^fenitt; or, Upward and OiiwanJ. ]«iii(). cl 50 " " Sipn (The) of tlio Cross; or, Edah (•liaiii[)liii. ItJino 50 Prot. Ejy.S.S.U.'o^ '' rpward and Onward ; or, tlie History ofllob. Merritt. 12mo. cl. . . dS A.lJ.F.Iinr,doJ]jh,'65 ■ E., Triniary History of the Tiiited States. . net 25 Mons & Brot. " History of the United States. . . net 42 " Guide r.ook in the Adtninistration of the Discipline of the }>[ethodist Ep. Church. By Kev. O. C. Baker. rinio. cl 60 Ifethodist D. C.'56 • For tho Young to Success and Hapijiness. By W. W. Pell. KJuio. cl 38 Appleton & Co. to Knowledge. Edited by Eliza Ilubbins. 18nio. . 03 " Ornamental Leather "Work. 16mo. cl. . . 50 Munroe & Co. to tho Oracles ; or, the Bible Students' A'ade-Mccum. By Rev. A. Ncviu. 12mo. cl 100 Murray, Yd;Co."67 Guizot, F., History of Civilization. Notes by Prof. Henry. 12mo. cl. . . 1 00 Ax^pleton & Co. " " " Translated by W. Hazlit. 4 vols. 12mo. cl. . .3 50 " Gulick, L. H. (M.D.), Climate, Diseases and Materia Atedica of the Sandwich Islands. 8vo. pap. . . .0 25 S. S.&W.Wood:b& Gulliver's Travels, by Deau Swift. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 00 Derltj & J. Golly, J. M., Water Cure in Chronic Diseases. 12nio. cl. . 1 50 Fowlers & W. Gummere, J., Elementary Treatise on Astronomy. 8vo. shp net ">, bO K C. & J. Biddle. S. G., Compendium of the Principles of Elocu- tion. 12mo. shp. 1 00 Hunt & Son. '58 Gunu, T. B., Pliysiology of New York Boarding Houses. 12mo. cl 1 00 Ma6on Bros. '57 Gurlick, T. (M.D.), Treatise on the Artificial Propagation of Certain Ivinds of Fish. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 00 A. 0. Moore. Gumey, Joseph J., An Examination of the Memoirs and [Co. Writings of. By Wm. Hodgson Jr. . C. G. Henderson & ~ Jno. J.. Essays on the Evidences, Doctrines, and Practical Operations of Christianity. Svo. cl 2 00 ^. Longstreth. 'b1 J. J.. Hints on tho Portable Evidences of Chris- tianity 38 " Gorowski, A. Do (Count), America and Europe Compared. 12mo. cl 1 25 Appleton & Co. '• Paissia As It Is. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 " (luthrio, Wm., Christian's Great Interest. 12mo. cl. . 50 Carter & Bros. Thos. (Kev.), City (The), Its Sins and Sorrows ; being a Series of Sermons from Luke xix. 41. ICmo. cl. . .0 50 " '57 1855-58.] G UT- HAL 97 Guthrie, Thos. (Eev.), Gospel in Ezekiel. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Carter & Bros. Guy, Jas., Astronomy, and Keith on the Globes, hf. r. . _ To C. Desiker. Guy Livingstone; or, Thorough. A Novel. 12mo. cl. . 75 Uarjjer l^: Bro8.''i)l Rivers. A Tale of Georgia. By "W. G. Simms. 12mo. cl. 1 25 J. S. EedficU.'hTj H. Habersham, A. W. (Lieut. U. S. N.), My Last Cruise, being an Account of Visits to the Malay and Loo-Choo Islands, the Coast of China, Formosa, Japan, Kamtschatka, Siberia, and the mouth of the Amoor River. Svo. cl Habits and Men. By Dr. Doran. 12mo. cl. . . . . of the Turks. By Albert Smith. 12mo. cl. gt. Ilack, Maria, Tales of Travellers for "Winter Evenings. 16mo. cl ITackett, Horatio (Rev.), Illustrations of Scripture. 12mo. cl. Haddock, J. (M.D.), Psychology Considered Physiologically and Philosophically, pap Hagar, the Martyr; or. Passion and Reality, a Tale of the North and South, By Mrs. H. M. Stephens. 12mo. cl Haldeman, S. S., Elements of Latin Pronunciation, Hale, Nathan (the Martyr-S[)y of the Am. Revolution), Life of. By J. W. Stuart. 12mo. cl S. J. (Mrs.), New Cook Book. 12mo. cl. . " " New Household Receipt Book. 12mo. cl. Half Century. See Davis, E. of the Unitarian Controversy. See Ellis, Geo. E, Ilahburton, T. C, Nature and Human Nature. 12mo. cl. . " Sam Slick in Search of a Wife. 12mo. cl. " Sam Slick, the Clockniakcr. 12mo. cl. . Hall, A, H., Equal Rights of the Rich and Poor. 18mo. cl. A. O., Old Whitey's Christmas Trot A Story for the Holidays, small -ito. cl B. H., College Words and Customs. 12mo. cl. B. R., Now Purchase ; or. Early Years in the Far West. 12mo. cl. C. H., Family Commentary on the Scriptures, for Episcopalians. (Notes on the Gospels.) 2 v. 12mo, cl I). II., History of Eastern Vermont. Svo. cl. . Elizabeth ^[., Practical American Cookery and Do- mestic Economy. 12rao. cl. . . • ^ • 7 2 25 Lippincotti{:Co.''b1 1 00 J. S. EedJielJ, '55 1 00 Uiggins, B. & D. 75 Carter & Bros. '50 1 00 Eeath & G. "55 30 Fowlers & W. 1 00 Fetridgc & Co. '54 75 Lippincott & Co. 75 F. A. Brown, '50 1 00 T. B. Peterson. 1 no " 75 Stringer <i; T. '55 75 " 1 25 T. B. Peterson, "57 38 J. French & Co.'bo 50 Harper it Bros.'ol 1 25 J. Bitrtlctt. 1 25 J.R.Nunemaclur^'ho 2 00 A]tj>kton it Co. 3 00 " 1 00 milcr, 0. <& M.'oQ 08 IfAL HAN [am. CAT. llall, Jos., lioinnnco of Western History ; or, Sketches of History, Life, and Manners in the West, 12iiio. el. 1 00 Applcgatc&Co.''bl \s. "SV., Consumption. 12ino. cl 75 J. S. licdfield, "57 Ilallani, Henry, State of Europe During tlio Mitldlo Ages. Svo.'slip 2 00 Derby <i> J. liobt. A. (Rev.), Lectures on tlie Morning Prayer. 12nio. cl. ■ .... 1 00 n. Hooker^ '5G Hallam, Robt. A. (Rev.), Twenty-Six Sermons. 12mo. cl. 1 00 " '5G HalleUijah, a Collection of Music. By L. Mason. Music. gvo net CT Mason Bros. Hallig (Tlie) or, the Sheep Fold in the Waters. By Mrs. G. r. Marsh. 12mo. cl 1 00 Gould & L. '50 Halsey, U. P., Annie Wallace ; or, the Exile of Penang. A Tale. 12ino. cl. 1 00 Miller cfc E. '57 Hamilton, Alex., History of the Republic of the U. S. of America, vol. 1. 8vo. cl. . . . 2 50 A2)pleton & Co. " Life and Times of. By S. M. Smucker. 12mo. cl 1 00 L.P.Croicn&Co.'oQ James (Rev.), Emblems from Eden. 18mo. cl. . 30 Carter d: Bros. '50 " " Lessons from the Great Biography. 12mo. cl 75 " '57 " " Royal Preacher (The), Lectures on Ecclesiastes. 12mo. cl. .... 85 " Wm. (Sir), Philosophy. Arranged and Edited by O. W. Wight. Bvo. 1 00 Jj^pleton & Co. Hamilton The Young Artist. By Miss Browne. ISmo. cl. 38 Lippincott & Co. Hamiltons (The), or, Sunshine in Storm, By Cora Berke- ley. 12mo. 38 Dunigan&Bro. Uamley, E. B. (Maj.), Story of the Campaign, a Complete Narrative of the War in Southern Russia, Written in a Tent, in the Crimea. 12mo. pap. , . 38 Gould & L.''oo Hammond, S. H., Hunting Adventures in the Northern Wilds, or a Tramp in the Chateaugay Woods. 12mo. cl 1 00 J". C. Derby. '55 " Wild Northern Scenes, or. Sporting Ad- ventures with Rifle and Rod. 12mo. 1 00 Derly d- J. 'bl " and Mansfield, L. W., Country Margins and Rambles of a Journalist. 12mo. 1 00 J. C. Derby. "55 Hampton Heights ; or, the Spmster's Ward. By Caleb Starbuck (E. C. Godwin\ 12mo. cl. , . ,126 Mason Bros. "56 Hand-Book for Painters, witli Hlustrations. By C. R. Leslie. 12mo. cl 3 00 Appleton & Co. ■ of American Literature, Historical, Biographi- cal and Critical. By J. Gostick, 12mo. cl. 1 00 Lippincott & Co. " Anglo-Saxon Root Words. 12mo. . . 50 Appleton & Co. " Anglo-Saxon Derivatives. 12mo. . . 75 " " the Engrafted Words of the EngUsh Lan- guage. l2mo 1 00 1835-58.] HA iV ■ITAE 99 Hand-Book of Houseliold Science. By E. L. Youmans. 12mo. cl " Medifoval Geography and Ilistory. By "W. Putz. 12mo. ..... " Organic Chemistry. By "V\'ni. Gregory. 8vo. " Practical Picceipts. See Branston, T. F. " Wines. By T. McMuUen. 12mo. cl. " the English Language. By R. G. Latham. 12mo. Handel Collection of Church Music. Edited by B. F. Baker and A. N. Johnson, oblong Handel, Life of. By V. Schoelcher. 12mo. cl. . Handy W. E. (M.D.), Text-Book of Anatomy, and Guide in Dissections, for the Use of Students of Me- dicine and Dental Surgery. 870. shp. . Hansford, a Tale of Bacon's RebeUion. By St. Geo. Tucker. 12mo. cl Happy Days and the "Warnings. 18mo. cl. ... Homes. Edited by the Rev. A. R. Baker. 8vo. Hours at Hazel Nook. By Farley. 12mo. cl. Resolve (The). A Talc from Real Life. 18mo. 7iet. Harbaugh, H. (Rev.), Fathers (The) of the German Re- formed Church in Europe and America. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. " Union with the Church, the Solemn Duty and Blessed Privilege of all who would be Saved. 18mo. cl. Hardee "W. J. (Lieut.-Col.), Rifle and Light Infantry Tac- tics, for the Exercise and Manoeuvres of Troops when acting as Light Infantry or Riflemen. 2 vols. 24mo Hare, Robert (M.D.), Spiritualism Scientifically Demonstra- ted. 8vo. cl. . Harkness, A. (I'rof), Second Latin Book and Reader. 12nio. Harlan, ^lary B. (Mrs.), Ellen; or, the Chained Mother. 12mo. cl Harland, Marion. Alone. 12mo. cl. .... " Hidden Path (The), a Novel. r2mo. cl. . " Moss Side. 12mo. cl llarmonia Excelsia;. By J. B. Aikin. . . . 7iet Cards. See Steers. Harmony of Ages (The). A Thesis on the Relations be- tween the Condition of Man and the Charac- ter of God. By H. Parker, M.D. 12ino. cl. — — " the Divine Dispensations. By Geo. Smith. 8vo. cl Harold Tracy ; or, Pliases of Life. By .1. F. Smith. 8vo. pap. Harp of Freedom. A Selection of Songs, with Music, com- posed and arranged by Geo. W. Clark. 12mo. cl. 1 25 Appleton & Co.'bl 75 '• 1 50 Barnes J: Co. '57 75 Appleton £ Co. 1 25 " /. R Miller. "oS 1 25 Mason Bros. '57 3 00 Lindscnj <{• D. 1 25 G. M. West. '57 38 Crosby, K & Co. 2 25 C. Stone cfc Co. '55 1 00 D. RuUson. 18 Carlton tO P. 2 00 Sprcnger cC W. 50 Lindsay & B. '5G 1 50 Lippincott <C C.'.'55 1 75 Partridge <f- /?.'55 90 Aj'pkton <C- Co, 1 00 Applegate <{• Co. 1 25 Derby <fc J. 1 25 /. C. Derby. '55 1 25 Derby ,{■ J. '57 03 T. K. Collins, Jr. 1 00 Jeirett ,£• Co. '5G 1 50 Carlton ,f- /'. '58 50 CarrettJ)iC-F.'57 1 00 Milh r 0. <C Co. 100 IT Mi 11 A S [am. cat. Ilnrpcr, L. Priliminnry Koport of tlio Geol<igy and Agri- ciilturo of tlio St;it« of Mlssi.«8ippi. 8vo. Ilarpcr'.s School I li'^tory. 12iiio, cl Ilarpsiclionl (Tlio); or, Union Collection of Church Music. By h. Marsliall and II. N. Stone Harris, John (Uev.), Patriarchy; or, The Family, its Con- stitution and rrobation. 12nK). cl. " " Sermons on Special Occasions. 12mo, N. Donblo Entry Bookkeeping Key to the above. ..... Tlios. L. (Rev.), Hymns of Spiritual Devotion. 16mo. cl. " " Wisdom of Angels. 12ino. cl. Masonic Discourses. 8vo Harrison, Wm. (lie v.). Tongue of Time ; or. The Language of a Church Clock. lOmo, cl Harry Budd ; or. The History of an Orphan Boy. Sq. lOmo. Coverdale's Courtship. By F. E. Smedley. 12mo. pap. $1 00 ; cl Muir. A Scottish Story. 12mo. cl. ... Ilarsha, D. A., Heavenly Token, a Gift Book for Christmas. 12rao. cl " " "Wanderings of a Pilgrim Hart, J. C, Designs for Parish Churches, in the Three Styles of English Church Architecture, ■with over 100 Illustrations. 8vo. cl. " " Geographical Exercises, enlarged. . J. S., Essay upon Edmund Spencer's Fairy Queen. 12mo. cl Hartshorne, Caroline E., You Know "Whom ; or, our School at Pineville. 18mo. cl. Harvestings ; Sketches in Prose and Yerse. By Sybil Hast- ings (Mrs. Rose). 12mo. cl. .... Hase, Chas. (T'ev.), History of the Christian Church, trans- lated from the German. By Prof. C. E. Blumen- thal and Rev. C. P. AVing. 8vo. cl. . Hasheesh-Eater. (By Fitzhugh Ludlow.) 12mo. cl. . Haslott, Chas., Mechanic's, Machinist's, and Engineer's, Practical Book of Reference. Edited by C. "\V. Ilackley. 12mo. tucks Hastings, Anna, Russell Family (The). J., Lectures on yelU)W Fever, cl. . . . Thos., Dissertations on Musical Taste. 12mo. net. " Sabbath-School Songs. . . . net. " Sacred Praise ; an Earnest Appeal to Chris- tian TVorsliippers in Behalf of a Neg- lected Duty. IGmo " Selah (New Church Music Book), . '' The Trials and Experience of Forty Differ- rent Choirs. 12mo. cl. . . . net. 2 oO Wc8tcrmannfi-Co.''!)7 1 25 Harper c£ Bros. '50 Ca Whittemore.N.&n. 1 25 Gould &L.'bb 1 00 " '57 1 00 Clarl; A.&S. 45 " 40 N,Ch.P.A8sem.'m TO » 1 00 Leonard & Co. 40 A. D. F.Handolph. 50 Carlton & P. '50 1 25 T. B. Peterson. 75 Appleton Jc Co. 1 25 IT. Dayton. 50 Presb. Bd. Pub.'5Q 4 00 B. Bona, Jr. "57 38 Ivison c6 P. 1 25 Hayes S Z. 38 /. French & Co. 1 00 Fetridge & Co. '55 3 09 AppUton & Co. 1 00 Harper & Bros.' qS 2 50 Stringer & T. 75 M. W. Dodd. '57 50 Lindsay & B. 75 Mason Bros. 12^ " GO Barnes & Co. '50 1 00 " 5&i Mason Bros. 1855-58.] HAS EEA 101 Ilaswell, Chas. n., Mechanics' Tables. 1 2 mo. tucks. . . 75 Harper £ Ijros.''5Q Hatfield, R. G., American ITuuse-Carpentor, a Treatise on the Art of Building and the Strength of Mate- rials. 8vo. cl 1 50 Wilei/ <& II. '57. Ilaupt, n., Theory of Bridge Construction. "With Practical Illustrations. 8vo. cl 3 00 Aj)plet07i tl- Co. Haven, Alice B., A Place for Everything and Everytliing in its Place. ICmo. cl 75 Aiipleton <ii Co.^ol " All's not Gold that GHtters. ICmo. cl. . 75 " " Contentment better than Wealth. IGino. cl. C3 " " Ko Such Word as Fail. " " 63 " Nothing Venture Nothing Have. " " 03 " Out of Debt Out of Danger. " " C3 " Patient Waiting No Loss. " " 63 E. (Rev.), The Young Man Advised ; or, Illustrations and Confirmations of some of the Chief Histori- cal Facts of the Bible. 12mo. cl. . . . 75 Carlton d; P. '55 John, Mental Philosophy, including the Intellect, Sensibilities,, and Will. 12mo. cl. . . .150 Gould &L. 'hi Havergal, W. H. (Rev.), History of the Old Hundredth Psalm Tune. 8vo. cl net 5Gi JIason Bros. Hawes, Joel (Rev.), Lectures to Young Men on Character and Reachng Si W. J. Hamcrslcy. Hay, George (Bp.), Scripture Doctrine of Miracles Ex- plained. 18mo. cl 75 Dunigan Bros. Hay den, A. S., Sacred Melodeon 75 2Ioorc, W. K. & Co. C. A., Carrie Emerson ; or. Life at Cliftonville. 12mo. cl 1 00 J. French ((: Co.' o5 Wm. B., On the Phenomena of Modern Spiritual- ism. ISmo. cl 50 Otis Clap]), '55 Hayes, Edward, Ballads of Ireland. 12mo. cl. . . .100 F. Bonahoe, 'bQ Hayne, Paul H., Sonnets and other Poems, 12mo. cl. . 100 Uarper & Bros.'bl Hayncs, D. E. (Rev.), Bajitist Denomination (The), iti Origin, Rise, and Identity witli tlio Primitive Church. 12rao. cl 1 00 Smith tC W. "50 Hay-ward, Geo. (M.D.), Surgical Reports and Miscellaneous Papers on Medical Subjects. 12mo. cl. . .125 FhiUips,S.dkCo.'55 Ilazael ; or, Know Thyself. By Rev. A. F. Dickson. 18mo. 25 Am. S. S. H.^oT Hazard, R. G,, Essay 6ii Language and other Papers. l2tno. cl 1 00 FhiUip8,S.i&Co.^o7 Hazon, E., New Speller and Definer 3S IJppincotl A Co. Hazlitt, Wm., Works of. 5 v. 12mo. cl 6 25 Berbi/ ,(■ J. Head and Heart Enlisted against Popery. ISmo. cl. . mt 21 Carlton d- F. Heads and Tales of Travellers and Travelling. By E. L. Blanchard. pap 25 Appkion <C Co. Headley, J. II., Sacred Plains of the Bible. l2mo. cl. . Wauzer.McK.iiCo. Heart (The), of Mablo Ware. A Romance. 12mo. cl. . 1 25 /. C. Derby. '65 Songs, a Book for the Gift Season. 16mo. , . Crosby X.t& Co.'od 1(12 // E A If i:l [am. oat. Ilcnrt and Homo Tiutlis lining solf-inusing3 upon tho Divine Will. I5y Pwov. K. J. Whittingliani. 12mo. cl. . Iloftrts Unveiled ; or, I knew you would like liim, I3y .S. M. .S.'iyinorc. 12mo. cl and Homes; or, Social Distinctions, By Mrs. Ellis. 8vo. cl Hearth Stone ; or, Homo Truths from a City Pulpit. By Rev. S. B. Osgood. 12mo. cl Heartsease, or, tho Brother's Wife. By Miss C. Yonge. 2 V. cl Heathen Religion (Tho), in its popular and symbolical deve- lopment. By Rev. Jos. B. Gross. 12mo. cl. Heaven. By J. W. Ivimball. 12mo. cl Ileaveuly Token ; a Giflt Book for Christmas. By D. A. Harsha. 12mo. cl Hobcr, Reginald (Bp.), Life of. By a Presbyterian Clergy- man. 12mo. cl " " Poetical Works of. 8vo. cl. ex. Hebrew Missionary (The). By Rev. Joseph Cross. 18mo. Heck, J, G., Iconographic Encyclopajdia of Science, Litera- Hore, and Art, systematically arranged. Trans- lated from the German, with additions, and edited by S. F. Baird, A.M., M.D., with 12,000 illustra- tions on steel. G Vol. full mor. $50 00. hf. mor. . Hecker, J. T., Aspirations of Mature. 12mo. cl. " Questions of the Soul. 12mo. cl. llodding, E. (Rev.), Life and Times of. 12mo. cl. Hedge, F. H. (Rev.), Christian Liturgy for the use of the Church. 12 mo. mor. .' Ho "ge Manual. See "Wurder Jno. A. .... Highway, O. AV. T., Relatives (The), of Leila Ada, with some accounts of tho persecution of the Jews. IGino. cl Heine, "William, Graphic Scenes in tho Japan Expedition. 10 plates, printed in colors and tints. Large folio. Tlie same, printed on Bristol Board and colored like drawings. ....... Heir of Redclitfe. By Miss C. Yonge. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. , of Wast Wayland, a Tale. By Mary Howitt. 12mo. cl. Heiress of Grecnhurst, an Autobiogi-apby. By Mrs. Anne H. Stephens. 12mo. cl • of Haughton, or the Mother's Secret. By Author of'Aubry." Svo. pap Ilelderbergin, an apotheosis of tho Anti-Rent War. Svo. stitched Helen Locson, a peep at New York Society. 12mo. cl. Lincoln, a Tale. By Charles Capron. 12mo. cl. and Arthur. By Mrs. C. L. Hontz. 12mo. pap. $1 ; cl 75 Dana & Co. '56 75 Appleton & Co. 1 50 i( 1 00 (( 1 50 u 1 00 Jewett & Co. '56 1 00 Gould & L. '57 1 25 II. Dayton. 1 00 Jewett & Co. 4 50 E. n. Butler & Co. 40 Stevenson & 0. '55 40 00 75 75 1 50 Appleton & Co. Dunigan Bro. '57 Ajij^leton & Co. Carlton & P. 50 Crosby K & Co. 50 Wiley cO H. '56 G 00 G.P.Pittnam & Co. 12 00 ki 1 50 Appleton & Co. 50 (( 1 25 E. Stephens. 38 Harper cC Bros. '55 50 J. Munrell. 1 00 Parry d- Mcil. "55 75 Harper & Bros. '56 1 25 T. B. Peterson. 1855-58.] EEL- HEN 103 nelmutb, W. J. (M.D.), Surgery, and its Adaptation to IIo- mo(jopathic practice. 8ro. sbp Ileloise, or, The Unrevealed Secret. By Talvi. (Mrs. Ed- ward Robinson. ) 12mo. cl. .... Helps, Arthur, Spanish Conquest in America, and its rela- tion to the History of Slavery, and to the Govern- ment of Colonies. 3 vols. 12mo. cl. Helps to Reading of the Bible. By B. E. Nicholls. 12 cl. to the promotion of Revivals. By Rev. J. V. "Watson. 12nio. cl Heuians, FeUcia (Mrs.), Domestic Affections. 32rao. cl. . " " Complete "Works. Edited by her Sister. "With 10 Steel Plates. 2 vols. IGmo. cl. ex. $3. cl. Henck, J. B. Field-Book for Railroad Engineers. 12mo. Tucks Henderson, Thos. (M.D.), Hints on the Medical Examina- tion of Recruits for the Army, and on the discharge of Soldiers from the Service on Surgeon's Certificate. A new edition revised. By R. H. Coolidge, (M.D.) 12mo. cl Henry, G. "W., ^farriage of the Lamb, or. Wedlock and Pad- lock, Temporal and Spiritual. 12mo. cl. . " " Trials and Triumphs in the Life of. 16mo. cl. MathcAV, Miscellaneous "Works. 2 vols, royal 8vo. • Patrick, Life of. By "Wm. "Wirt. 12rao. cl. Henry Lyle, or. Life and Existence. By Miss E. Marryatt. 12ino. cl Morris, or Living for one object. ISmo. Smeaton. By G. P. R. James. Svo. pap. the Fourth, King of France and Navarre, History of. By Jno. S. C. Abbott ISmo. cl. ... Vni. of England, Memoirs of, with the Fortunes, Fates, &c., of his Six "ft'ives. By TI. "W. Herbert. 12mo. cl and Bessie; or, "What tlioy I)id in tlic Country. 18mo. cl Henry's Birthday ; or, Beginning to bo a Missionary. ICmo. cl Hontz, C. L. (Mrs.), Ernest Linwood. A Talc. 12mo. cl. " Flowers of Elocution. 12ino. " Banished Son. 12mo. pap. $1 00; cl. — •— " Courtship and !^[arriage. 12mo. pnp. $1 00; cl " Eoline ; or, Magnolia Vale. 12ino. pHji. $1 00; cl " Helen and Arthur. 12ino. pap. ^1 0<»; cl 3 50 Mom it Co. '55 To Appleton & Co. 3 00 Harper <& JSros.'ii''' V5 Ep.S.S. Union.''bC, TO C. importer. "50 31 Appleton & Co. 2 00 Appleton & Co. 1 To Appleton <& Co. 1 00 Lippineott cO Co. 1 25 G. W. Henry. 75 " 4 00 Carter <& Eros. 1 25 Eerhj tC /. 1 no Hid- <0 F. 30 Am.S.S. Union: oC 50 Harper & Eros. CO Harper tfc Eros. '50 1 25 Miller^ 0. .0 M. '55 50 A. D.F. Randolph. 35 Carlton (C- P. '55 1 00 Jacett <C Co. '50, 1 00 C. Desilrer. '56 1 25 T. B. Peterson. 1 25 1 25 1 25 104 HEN HER [am. cat. ITcntz, C. L. (Mrs.), Linda; or, tho Young Pilot of tlicBello Creole. 12rno. pnp. $1 00; cl. , " Lovo After Marringc. Vlxno. pap. $1 00; cl '• iMarcus Warland. 12ino. pap. $1 00; cl. " Planter's Northern Bride. 12mo. pap. %\ 00; cl " Rena ; or, the Snow Bird. 12mo. pap. $1 00; cl " Robert Graham. 12ino. pap. $1 00; cl. Ucrbcrt, Geo., Poetical "Works. ISino. cl. " Poetical Works. Small 4to. mor. $0 00; cl. ex The Same. IGino. cl. ex. $1 50; cl. . n. ■\^'., Deer Stalkers, a Tale of Circumstantial Evidence, pap " My Shooting Box. pap. " Quorndon Hounds, pap. " Roman Traitor. 12rao. pap. $1 00; cl. . . " "Warwick "Woodlands. 12mo. pap. . " Frank Forrester's Sporting Scenes and Cha- racters. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. . " Ilorse and Horsemanship of the United States and British Provinces of North America. 2 vols. 8vo. cl. . " Memoirs of Henry VHI. of England, witli the Fortunes, Fates, &c. of his Six "Wives. 12mo. cl " Oliver Cromwell ; or, England's Great Protector. 12mo. cl '• "Wager of Battle, a Tale of Saxon Slavery in Sherwood Forest. 12mo. cl Horbcrt, or, the Pride of the Mess. By "W. J. Neale. Svo. pap. Hero and Hereafter, or, the Two Altars. By Aima Athern, 12rao. cl Herkimer County, (X. York) History of, including the Up- per Moliawk Valley. By N. S. Benton. Svo. cl. Hernajit (Prof.), Pronouncing German Grammar and Con- versational Phrase Book. ISnio. Hernisz, S. (M.D.), Guide to Conversation in the Engli?h and Chinese Language. Oblong 12mo. Herodotus, with Notes. l>y Prof. Johnson. 12mo. . , Life and Travels of. See AVheeler, J. T. . Heroes (The), or, Greek Faiiy Tales for Children. By Chas. Kingsley. 18mo. cl of Methodism. By Rev. .L B. "Wakeley. 12ino. cl. and Hunters of the "West. 12mo. el. «<!i Heroine of Scutari and Other Poems. P>y E. R. Campbell. r2mo. cl r. n. Peterson. '55 1 25 I 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 u 1 25 (1 75 Liith, B. & Co. '65 5 00 Ajypleton & Co. '56 1 00 a no T. B. Peterson. 50 u 50 l( 1 25 11 50 (C 2 50 '50 10 00 Stringer & T. '57 1 25 Miller, 0. d- J/. 55 1 00 " '5G 1 00 Mason & Bros. 50 F. Bradtj, '55 1 00 Crosly, If. cfc Co. 2 50 J. Miinrell. 25 C. Shepard & Co. 5 00 Jeicett & Co. '56 75 Appletond Co. 75 Tichior & F. 1 00 Carleton & P. '56 45 Pech & B. 1 00 Dana <t Co. 1855-58.] HEB niL 105 Heroines of Charity. 12iao. cl — of Methodism, or, Pen and Ink Sketches of the Mothers of the Church. IJy llev. G. Coles. 12mo. nerrick, Robert, Works of Ilesperides, Iliinian and Divine, 2 vols. IGrao. cl. Ilereey, John, Identity of the Two Apocalyptic Witnesses, Their Character, Death and Ecsurrcction. 18nio. Ilertha. By F. Bremer. 12mo. cl Ilervey, G. W., Principles of Courtesy. 12mo. cl. Ilesperides, the "Works of, Uuman and Di\ine. By R. ITer- rick, Hiawatha, Legends. By II. R. Schoolcraft. 12mo. . nibbard, F.G., Psalms (The) Chronologically ai'ranged, with Ilistorical Introductions. 8vo. cl. . . Ilibernian Nights' Entertainments. By S. Ferguson. 12rao. llickok, L. P., Rational Psychology ; or, the Subjective Idea and the Objective Law of all Intelligence. 8vo. cl " Science of the Human Mind, as given in Consciousness. 12mo " System of Moral Science. 12nio. cl. . Hidden Path (The). By Marion Marland. 12mo. cl. Hide and Seek, a Novel. By AVilkie Collins. 8vo. pap. . Hildreth, Richard, Archy Moore the TMiite Slave. 12mo. cl. .... " Japan as it TTas and Is. 12mo. cl. " White Slave ; or. Memoirs of a Fugitive. 12nio. cl S. P., Biographical and Ilistorical Memoirs of the Early Settlers of Ohio. Svo. roan, Hill, B. L., and Hunt, Jas. G., Homoeopathic Pivictico of Surgery. Svo — — D. H., Algebra. 12nio. — — G. J., History of the War in La Vond6o and the Little Chouamierie. 12mo. cl H. F., Saints' Inheritance ; or, tlie World to Come. 12mo. cl Hillard, Geo. S., First Class Reader, . . . .net " " Second " " " " Third " " " " Fourth " " Six Months in Italy. Sixth Ed, 12mo. cl Henry W., Speeches. 8vo. cl. . . . Hills (The) of the Shatemuc. By Miss Susan Warner, 12mo. cl Hillside and Border Sketches. By Maxwell. Svo. pap. Church (The) ; or, Rcminiscciioes of a Country Pastorate. By Rev. J. W. Chickering. liino. . 50 Sadlur & Co. 90 Carlton cfc P. 1 50 Little B. S Co. '50 50 niggim & P. 1 00 Putnam tfc Co.' 50 75 IIai-j)er & Bros. '50 1 50 Little, B. & Co. 75 LipiAncott&Co.'bl 2 00 C. tt Porter. '56 1 25 P.M. llaurty, '57 2 00 Iviwn & P. 1 25 1 25 " 1 25 J. C. Derhj. '55 50 Did & F. '58 1 25 Miller 0. cC- M. '55 1 25 Phillips S.SCo.'bQ 1 00 WliittcmoreKiScn- 2 50 Rickey, M. tC W. 3 50 J.B. ColbciCo.'56 Lippincott tC Co. 75 Siidlier & Co. 1 00 Jewctt .0 Co. 07 UicUing, S. tC B. 45 " 33 " (I 1 50 Tirhior <(• /•'. '57 1 75 Ilarjicr <(■ J>ro$.''55 1 25 Appleton A Co. '56 25 Ajplcton tC Co. VThippU tC Co. '56 106 JriL HOT) [am. cat. Hillside Flowers, with nn Introduction, by licv. IJisbop Simpson. 12nio. cl 75 Carlton & P. *oO. Ililpor, II. R., Impending Crisis (The) of the Sontli. 12mo. cl 1 00 Burdich .C Bro. 57. Hind it Panther, a Poem, l»y John Dryden. 18mo. cl. . 88 Lucas Bro. nine, L. A., Curric Cnmmings, or Love's Labor not Lost, a Reform Story 25 Longley Bros. " Earth and Man, being a Vindication of Man's relations to the Soil 50 Longley Bros. " Science and Man, being a Vindication of Man's Educational Relations 50 Longley Bros. Hints on Health. See Coale, W. E. • towards Reforms, by Horace Greeley. 12mo. cl. . 1 25 Fowlers & W. Historia Sacra. 18mo. emb. backs 38 ^. iZ. Butler & Co. Historical Development of Speculative Philosophy from Kant to Hegel, from the German of Dr. 11. M. Chaly- baus. 12mo. cl 1 25 TT. i^! Draper. ■ Sketches of the Old Painters. 12mo. cl. . .0 75 W. W: Smith, '60. Sketches, by Rev. D. "SV. Clark, cl. . . . 60 S. & Poe. Tales for Young American Protestants, square 12mo. cl 65 Carlton & P. History for Boys, or. Annals of the Nations of Europe, by J. G. Edgar. ISmo. cl 60 JLarper & Bros. of the Inquisition in Spain, and other Countries. ISmo. cl «e« 25 Carlton & P. ' of Secret Societies. See Hoddc Lucien. Hkchcock, E., Bookkeeping, 2 v net o4: Sanlom C. A B. Key to the above 27 " Edward (Rev.), Religious Truth ; Illustrated from Sciences in Addresses and Sermons on special occasions. 12mo. cl 1 25 Phillips S.<& Co. 75 E., Jr., Elementary Anatomy and Physiology. . 75 Ivison & P. Hittell, J. S., New System of Phrenology. 12mo. cl. . 75 C. Blanehard, '50. " Plea for Pantheism, pap 25 (7. Blanchard^ '57. Hive of the Bee-Hunter, A Repository of Sketches, by T. B. Thorpe. 12mo 1 00 Appleton & Co. Hoary Head and McDonner. By Jacob Abbott. New and improved edition. 12mo. cl 1 00 Harper & Bros.''55 Hoblyn, R. D., Dictionary of the Terms used in Medicine and the Collateral Sciences. 12mo. slip. . . .150 Blanchard& L.' 55 Hodde, Lucien Do La, History of Secret Societies, and of the Republican Party of France from 1830 to 18i8. Demi 8vo., cl 2 00 Lijypincott & Co. Hodge, Chas. (Rev.), Commentary on the Romans. 15th Edition. 12mo. cl. ... 75 W.S.&A.Martien. " " Commentary on the Epistles to the Ephesians. 8vo. cl. . , . 2 00 Carter & Bros. '56 " " Exposition of the First Epistle to the Corinthians. 12mo. cl. . . 1 00 " *57 1855-58.] BOB nOL 107 Iloclge, Chas. (Eev.), Questions to tlio 1st Epistle to the Corinthians. ISino. " " Selection of Essays and Keviews from the Princeton RevieAv. 8vo. cl, Hodgson, F. (Rev.), Calvinistic Doctrine of Predestination Examined and Reflected. 18mo. cl. . IToftman, C. F., Lays of the Hudson, &c. cl. . . . J. N. (Rev.), Broken Platform (The), or, a Brief Defence of our Symbolical Books against recent charges of Alleged Errors. 12mo ' E. A. " Collection of Articles on Free Churches by a Rector of a Free Church. 12mo. cl. . " " Weekly Eucharist. The Old " Path and Good AVay " of the Church. ISrao. limp cl. ITofFman's Fairy Tales. IGrao. cl Hogg, Jas., Mountain Bard and Forest Minstrel. ISrao. cl. Ilohenloe's Prayer Book. IBmo. shp. .... Ilolbrook, Josiah, Arithmetic net • " Early Lessons in Geometry (per doz.) net J., Ten Years Among the Mail Bags, or Notes from the Diary of a Special Agent of the Post Office. 12mo. cl ■ ■ Samuel F., Autobiography of. 12mo. cl. . Holcombe, Jas. P., Supreme Court Leading Cases in Com- mercial Law. 8vo. law shp. " Law of Debtor and Creditor in the United States and Canada. Svo. Holland, J. G., Bay Path (The), A Story of Colonial Life in New England. 12rao. cl. Holland Tide & Other Tales by Gerald GrilRii. 12mo. cl. . HoUick, F. (^LD.), Class Book of Anatomy and Physiology. 18mo " Male Generative Organs. 18mo. cl. . • " Primary Lessons in Anatomy and Phy- siology. •' On Diseases of "Women. " Treatise on Venereal Diseases, Holmes, Mary J., Englisli Orphans, or a Home in the New World. 12mo. cl " Homestead (The) on the Hill-^ido and other Tales. 12mo. cl. . . . " Lena Rivers. 12mo. cl. ... " ^^oadow Book. 12mo. cl. . ■ — " Tempest and Sunshine; or. Life in Ken- tucky. 12mo. cl " Tlie English Orphans. A Tale. 12mo. cl. 50 Carter rC Bros. "57 2 50 " 35 Biggins & P. '55 38 Aiypleton & Co. Lindsay & Bros. '56 30 D. Dana, jr. '57 20 " 75 Burnham Bros. '57 50 Berhj & J. 50 Lucas, Bros. 8 67 BickUng, S. & B. 1 00 J. C. Derly '50 1 25 Ja3.French<&Co.''50 4 00 AppMon <C Co. 4 00 " 1 25 1 00 Putnam & Co. '57 SadUcr & Co. 50 1 00 T. W. Strong. 38 1 00 1 00 .1 a (1 75 Appleton & Co. 1 00 1 00 1 00 JIiller,0.£M.'5(i u 1 00 75 AppUton <fe Co. lOR II OL 11 M [am. cat. IIoliiios, W. (Rev.), nnd Parbor, J. W. lloligious Emblems nnil Allegories. iHiiio. emb. Lonthcr . . . 1 50 Ilolton, Iflimc F., Now Granada. Twouty Months in the AndcM. 8vo. cl 2 00 Holy Go8])cls (Tho), llhistratod in forty designs by Fre- derich Uvcrbeck. AVith descriptive text. 4to. mor. ex 20 00 T.iving and Dying, by Jer. Taylor. 12nio. cl. . .1 00 War, by Jolm iJunyan. 12nio. cl 1 00 Ilolyokc, Hetty, Never mind tho Face, or, the Cousins' Visit. 18mo. cl Ilomans, J. Smith, jr., Historical and Statistical Account of the Foreign Commerce of the United States . 1 Home, by Anna Lcland, 12mo. cl 1 Comforts, or, Economy Illustrated by Familiar Scenes of Every-day Life. 12mo. cl Games for the People. Square cl. . Garner, or, the Intellectual and Moral Store-house, by Mary Cr. Clarke. 8vo. cl Life, a Juvenile. 18mo. cl. . . . . . — - — Life ; or, A Peep across tho Threshold, by Mrs. C. M. Soule. IGmo. cl. 75 Made Happy. 18mo. cl 28 Scenes in the New Testament ; or, Christ in the Fa- mily, by Rev. T. Stock. 12nio. cl. . .1 00 •• and Heart Studies, by Grace Aguilar. 12mo. 75 — ' — " and Home Sounds ; or, The "World from my Window, by Mrs. H. M. Stephens. 12mo. cl. Service, a Manual intended for those who are occa- sionally hindered from attending the House of God, bv Rev. AV. B. Stevens. 12mo. cl. . . . JI. Hove. Ilarjier ft- Bros. '6G Aj>pletontS: Co. '50 Derly & /., '50 C. tScribner, '50 G.r.Pufm&C.'57 Derly & J. Bunce & Bro.^ '50 P. Cozans, '50 Lippincott £ Co.'66 CTuillen & Sons. A. TomjyTcins. '56 Heath & G. '55 Lindsay & B. ''bl AppUton & Co. 1 00 Fetridge & Co.' 54 03 00 00 75 40 1 50 25 1 25 E. H. Butler & Co. — Story Book, illustrated by Colored and Other Illustra- tions, dmy. 4to. cl 1 00 Studies, by Rebecca A. Upton. lOmo. cl. . . 75 — — in the South ; or. Two Years at Undo Warren's, by a Lady .... 50 is Home, a Domestic Story. 12mo. cl. . . . 75 for All ; or, The Gravel Wall and Octagon Mode of Bnilding, New, Cheap, and Convenient, by 0. S. Fowler. 12mo. cl 75 . 38 Lindsay cfi B. Crosby, X.& Co. '56 Am. Tract So. '57 Apiileton ((• Co. Fowlers tO W. '57 Lucas Bros. Appleton li- Co. '57 Higgins, B. & D. of the Lost Child. 18mo. el or, Tho Ways of the World, by Mrs. Rives, . . 1 00 on the Deep ; or, Tiie Mariner's Trials. 8vo. cl. . 1 50 Homes of the American Authors. Comprising Anecdotal, Personal, and Descriptive Sketches, by various Authors. Illustrated with Views of their Resi- dences, from Original Drawings, and Fac-Similes of their Manuscripts. An entirely New Edition, witli additional Portraits. 8vo. cl. extra §5 ; cl. 4 00 Appleton & Co. 1855-58.] noM nop 100 nomajopathicDomcstic Physician, by J. H. Pulfce, M.D. 12rao. Manual of Obstetrics, by C. Croserio, M.D. 12rao. cl ETomceopathy Simplified; or, Domc'^tic Practice made Easy. By J. A. TarbcU, if.D. 12mo. cl. ' , Homer, Iliad of, translated by Cowper, revised by Southey. "With Xotes by Dwight. 12mo. cl. " Interlinear Translation by Hamilton and Clark. 12rao. half mor. " Literally Translated with Explanatory Xotes, by T. A. Buckley. 12mo. cl ■ "W. B., Writings of, with a Memoir by Prof. E. A. Park. 12rao Homeric Ballads and Comedies of Lucian, Translated by Dr. Maginn. 12mo. cl Homestead (The), on the Hill-side, and other Tales. By Mary J. Holmes. 12mo. cl. .... Homeward Path (The). lOmo. cl Homilies on the Book of Tobias. By Rev. Francis Martyn. 12mo. cl Honduras, Explorations and Adventures in, comprising Sketches of Travel in the Gold Regions of Olancho, and a Review of the History and Resources of Central America. By "\V. V. Wells. 8vo. cl. Hood, Thos., Poetical Works. 2 vols. 32mo. gt. ex. . " Own. 12mo. cl. . . net " Poems. " " . . " " Prose and Verse. " " , . " " Up the Rhine. " '• . . " " Whims and Oddities. " " . . " " Whimsicalities. " •' , . " " Choice Works. 4 vols. " » . . " Hook, Theodore, Cousin William, a Tale of Fashionable Life. 12mo. cl. .... " Skinner. 12mo cl. Hooker, Richard, Complete Works. Edited by Keblo. 2 vols, cl W. (M.D.), Child's Book of Nature. Square, cl. . " " First Book in Physiology. . " " Physiology and Hygiene for High Schools. 12mo. Hooper, E. J., Western Fruit Book. 12mo. cl. . Hope, Jas. B., Leoni di Monata, and otlier Poems. 12mo. cl. (Mrs.), Life and Victories of the Early Martyrs. 12mo. Hope Campbell. By Cousin Kate. IGmo. cl. . Hope On, Hope Ever ! By Mary Howitt. cl. . Hopes and Helps for the Young of both Soxes. By Rev. G. S. Weaver. 12mo. cl. 2 00 Moore, W. K. & Co. 75 " 1 25 Sanborn,C.ACo:o(j 1 25 Aj^pleton <& Co. 1 50 C. Desilcer. V5 Uarper & Bros. '5G 80 W. F. Draper. \ 00 J. S. Redjkld. 1 00 Miller, 0. & M. '56 50 Croshj, X. & Co. GO Lucas Bros. 2 00 narper & Bros.'bl 1 50 ShciHird, C. & B. 42 Kiggins tC K. 42 " 07 " 5G '' 42 " 42 " ;] 00 " 1 00 Mason Bros. '57 1 00 Ma4iOii Bros. '57 4 no Appleton <£• Co. 1 25 JLiipcrti- Bros.'b7 CO Pratt, 0. .C Co. 1 25 Pratt, 0. A Co. 1 00 Moore, W. K. cO Co. 1 00 Lippincott <C Co. 75 Snillhr i{- Co. 75 A. J). F. Randolph. 3S Appleton Jk Co. 75 Foichrs tC W. no nor. now [am. cat. Hopkins, J. II. (Bp.), Ainoricnn Citizen, liis Ili^lits and Du- ties according to tlio Sjurit of tlio Coiiatitution of the U. Stfttos. 12mo. el Sftinuel, Yontli (The) of the Old Dominion. 12mo. Ilopkiusoii, F., Old Farm (The), and tholfew Farm, a poli- tical Allegory. IGmo Iloppin, J. M., Notes of a Theological Student. 12rrio. cl. . Horace, The "Works of, Literally I'ranslated into English Prose. By 0. Smart, with Notes Ly T. A. Buck- Icy. 12mo. cl Interlinear Translation. By Sterling, Nuttall and Clark. 12nio. hf. cf. -with English Notes. By Bev. A. J. Macleanc. Re- vised and edited by R. H. Chase. 12mo. . -with Notes, «&c. By Lincoln. 12nio. . Horace and May, or, Unconscious Influence. IGmo. cl. Ilora) Germanicro, a Version of German Hymns. By Henry ^lills. 12ino. cl Ilornihold (Bishoj)), Commandments and Sacraments Ex- plained in Fifty-Two Discourses. 12mo. Horse Doctor's Own Book. Pap Horsford, Maria G., Indian Legends and Other Poems. 12mo. cl. . . . .... Horstius, J. M., Paradise of the Christian Soul. 12mo. cl. . Hortz, M., Moral and Intellectual Diversity of the Races, ■with an Appendix upon the question of L^'nity or Plurality of Species. By J. C. Nott, M.D. 8vo. cl. Hosauna (The), a Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Anthems, &c. By L. Marshall .... 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Randolph. 1 00 Miller, O.&M.'oQ 63 Lucas Bros. 25 D. Rulison. 75 Derly & J. 1 25 P. OShea. '57 2 25 Lippincott&Co. 75 Tniittem'e,2f.&ff. W. J. Moses. '55 3 00 /. Munsell. 3 00 " 25 Dun iff an Bros. 63 Lindsay d- B.'oQ 3 00 Irison <& P. 75 Parry & McM. '56 1 00 Shepherd, C.dB.'57 1 00 Apphton & Cij.'Se 45 Peel- cf- B. 70 Applegate & Co. 1 25 Derhy tO J. 10 So. Bap. Pub. So. 1855-58.] nO\f n UD How to Behave, a Manual of Etiquette. IGrao. cl. . .0 50 to Talk *' Conversation and Debate. . . . 50 to Write " Comjiosition. . . . 50 • Do. Business " Practical Affairs . . . 50 to be Rich ; or, a Key to Honest "Wealth. By A. L. Smith. 12mo 38 HoAvadji (The) in Syria. By Geo. W. Curtis. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Hpward Grey, a Story for Boys. 18mo. cl. . . . 50 Howe, Fisher, Oriental and Sacred Scenes from Notes of Travel in Greece, Turkey, and Palestine. 8vo. cl. 2 00 Henry, Great West (The), containing Narratives of the most important and interesting Inci- dents i^i "Western Historj'. 8vo. . . 2 75 " Historical Collections of Ohio. 8vo. emb. leather gt 00 " Life and Death on the Ocean, a Collection of Extraordinary Adventures. 8vo. . . 2 SO — - — " Travels and Adventures of Celebrated Tra- vellers. 8vo. em. leatli. gt. . . . 3 00 Julia W. (Mrs.), World's Own (The). IGmo. cl. . 50 Howell, Robt. B. 0. (Rev.), Covenants (The). 12mo. Howitt, Anna M., School of Life. 12mo. cl. . . .0 75 Mary. Ballads and Poems. 12mo. cl. . . 75 " Picture aud Verse Book, commonly called Otto Speckter's Fable Book. Illustrated with 100 Plates. Cheap edition. Cl. 63c. ; gt. leaves 75 " Popular Tales. 12mo. cl. ... 1 00 Wm. History of Priestcraft in all Ages and Na- tions. 12mo. cl 75 " Land, Labor, and Gold ; or. Two Years in Victoria, with Visits to Sidney and Van Dieman's Land. 2 vols. 12mo. . . 2 00 Howland, John, Life and Recollections of. By E. M. Stone. 12rao. cl 1 00 Hubback, Mrs., Old A'icarago (The). A Novel. 12mo. cl. 1 25 " Throe Jtlarriages (The) ; or, Life at a Wa- tering Place. 12mo. cl I (^i'^ Hubbard, F. M. (Rev.), North Carolina Reader. No. 2. IGmo net 25 Hue, M. Christianity in China, Tartary, and Thibet. 2 vols. r2mo 1 50 " Journey through the Chinese Empire. 2 vols. 12ino. cl 2 00 " Recollections of a Journey to Tartary, Thibet, and China during the Years 184rl-i5-i0. 12mo. cl. 1 00 Hudson, Chas., Doubts concerning the Battle of Bunker's Hill, addressed to the Christian Public. 12mo. cl. iJ5 111 Fowlers & W. E. D. Long, '50 Dijc, E. <t t'o.'5G Pan-y & Mcil. '55 M. W.Eodd. IT. Iloice, '50 '50 Ticknor & F. '57 Sout'nBap.P.S:55 Tichnor & Co. '55 KiggiM & K. Appleton (C Co. Derby & J. C. 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'56 1 00 Derhy & J. 5 00 " 1 50 Stringer & T. 3 00 Apjyleton & Co. Hunter's Feast ; or, Conver<;ations Around the Camp Fires. By Capt. May no Eeid. 12mo. cl. . Life (A) among Lions, Elephant^, and other Wild Animals of South Africa. By R. G. Gumming. r2rao. cl. . Hunting Adventures in the Nortliern Wilds ; or, a Tramp in the Cliateaugay Woods. By S. H. Hammond, 12mo. cl Huntington (Lady) Portrayed ; including Brief Sketches of her Friends and Co-Laborers. 13mo. cl. 1 00 Jewett & Co. '56 1 50 Ticl-nor & Co. '5T 1 25 W. P. Eaizard. 5 00 Derhj & J. 75 Mason Pro's. 37i 40 Eiggins&P. 38 " 1 00 Jewett & Co. '57. 1 25 Peicitt <£• D. '56 1 25 Derby & J. '56 1 00 J. C. Derby, '55 75 Carton cC P. "57 1855-58.] HUN- ILL 113 ITuntingdoD, F. D. (Eev.), Lessons on the Parables of the Saviour " " Sermons for the People. Third edition. 12mo. cl. . ITurlbut, E. P., Iluinan Rights and their Political Guaran- tees. 121110. cl Ilurrah for the Holidays, or, the Pleasures and Pains of Freedom, from the German. 16mo. cl. Husband in Utah (The), or, Sights and Scenes among the Mormons, by A. N. Ward. 12mo. cl. vs. Wife. 18mo. cl. . . , Hutchinson, Win., Spirit of Masonry, cl. . . . Hyatt, Jas., Elements of Chemistry. 12ino. hf. r. Hyde, John, jr., Mormonism, its Leaders and Designs. 12mo. cl . J. F. C, Chinese Sugar Cane (The), its History, ^Modo of Culture, Manufacture of the Sugar, &c. pap. Hydropathic Encyclopaedia. By R. T. Trail, (M.D.) Hymn-Book for Christian Worship, Edited by Rev. C. Robbins. shp Hymns for the Use of the Methodist Episcopal Church, "with Tunes for Congregational Worship. Svo. extra gt. $2.00. roan. from the Land of Luther. 32ino. cl. flex. of Faith and Hope. By Rev. H. Bonar. IGmo. cl. " Spiritual Devotion. By Tlios, L. Harris. IGmo. and Tunes for Sunday School Worship. By Rev. J. F. W. Ware, per doz. 25 Cro^ly X. & Co. 1 25 Crosby X. & Co. 75 Fowlers & W. 75 Croshj,K.<£:Co.'o7 1 00 Ifcrhj a- J. CO Jiudd tC- C. '58. 1 00 Leonard <£• Co. 1 00 ClarJc,A.<£-S.,'jb. 1 25 Fetrulge & Co. ^5 2 50 1 25 16 75 40 Jacett & Co. '57 Fowlers & W. '50 75 Croshj, X. & Co. Carlton <i- F. A.D.F.Iiandolj^li. Carter & Bros. '57 X. Ch.F.Assn. '57 2 50 Croshj X. <C Co. I. Iconographic Encyclopajdia of Science, Literature and Art, Systematically Arranged. Illusfratod -with 500 fine Steel Plate Engravings, vols. hf. nior. $ 10 ; hf. raor. gt. e. $45 ; full mor 50 00 Appleton tC Co. Identity of the Two Apocalyptic Witnesses, their Character, Death and Resurrection. By John Horsey. I81110. 50 JTigrjins <C- P. Idoktto Stanley, a Juvenile W.S.i(- A.JfartieJi Illinois as It is. ]}y Fred Gerhard. 12mo. cl. . . 1 50 /ur/i iC Z«r. '57 Illustrated Biography, or, Memoirs of the Great and Good of All Nations and Times. Svo. cl. . .2 50 J). H.-n-io,,. Manners Book, a Manual of Good Behavior and Pohto Accomplishments, cl 1 00 .sn-/;(y< /• ,r T. Illustrations of Masonry. By Wui. Preston, cl. . .1 00 Leonard tO Co. 8 Ill iLs — lira [am. oat. Ilsloy (Dr.), Forest and Shore, or, Legends of the Old Tino Troo Stfito. 12mo. el. 100 Jewell & Co. 'hd Iininaculnto C'onception. See Bryant, J. I). . . . " see Laborde " see Lambruschini, Cardinal. Ininiig^ration, its Evils and its Consequences. By S. C. Bnroy, M.D. 12mo. cl 1 50 ^. if. Dcwitt. Impending Crisis (The) of the South. By II. K. Ililper. 12ino. cl 1 00 Burdich & Bro.'bl Impossibility of the Immaculate Conception, by Abbe La- borde. 12nio. cl CO iZ. IIooTccr. '55 Iniprovi:<itions from the Spirit, by J. J. G. Wilkinson. . 125 N.Ch.Ph Ass''n.''b1 Imray, K. (M.D.), Popular Cyclopasdia of Modern Domestic Medicine, 8vo. shp 2 50 C.Shepard&Co.''oQ In-Doors and Ont; or, Views from the Chimney Corner. 12mo. cl. gt 1 00 Biggins, B. & D. Incidents of Social Life, by J. 11. Zschokko. 12ino. cl. . 1 00 Appleton & Co. on Land and "Water ; or, Four Years in the Pacific, by Mrs. D. B. Bates. 12mo. cl 100 J. French <& Co.'Sl Indecision ; a Tale of the Far West, and other Poems, by J. K. Mitchell, M.D. 18mo. cl 1 00 Parry & McM. Independence, True and False. 18mo 26 Am.S.S. Union. '55 Independent Keader, for Schools and Academies. 12mo. 1 00 J.PoMrison&Co.'SG Indestructible Alphabet, Primer, Spelling-Book and Eead- ing-Book. Each 25 Ticknor & Co. '56 India, Ancient and Modern, Geographical, Historical, Poli- tical, Social, and Eeligious, by Rev. David O. Allen. 8vo. cl 2 00 Jeicett & Co. '56 The Pearl of Pearl River. By Mrs. Southworth. 12rao. pap. $1 ; cl 1 25 T. B. Peterson. Indian Battles, Captivities, and Adventures. By John Frost. 12mo. cl 1 00 Derly & J. Pairy Book, from Original Legends. 12mo. cl. . .1 00 Mason Bros. '56 Good-Book. 16mo. 1 00 Dunigan&Bro. '57 . ~ Legends and other Poems. By Maria G. Horsford. 12mo. cl Y5 Derhy & J. Inez, a Tale of the Alamo. 12mo. cl 75 Harper & Bros. Infant Church Membership. By Rev. Samuel Gregg. 16mo. cl 65 MetTiodistB. C.'56 and Primary School Reader and Defiuer. No. 1, 20c. ; No. 2, 25c. ; No. 3 30 Hayes & Z. Ingenue ; or, the First Days of Blood. By Ales. Dumas. • 12mo. cl 1 00 LippincoU&Co.''55 Ingoldsby Legends; or, Mirth and Morals. 2 v. 12mo. cl. 2 50 TJ^ P. Haza7-d,'56 Ingraham, J. H., Life and Adventures of Percival Mabeny. 50 T. B. Peterson.^ '56 " Prince of the House of David ; or, Three Years in the Holy City. 12mo. . . 1 25 Pudney & B. • • - " Rivingtone ; or, The Young Ranger Hus- sar, pap 25 Dewitt & D. '56 1855-58.] INI- IRE 115 Initials, a Lovo Story by Mrs. Southworth. 12mo. pap. $1 00; cl Inner Life of the Christian, by Rev. F. A. Ranch. 12m. cl. Innocence of Childhoocl; a Tale for the Yonng, by Mrs. Colnian. 18mo. cl Inquire Within ; or, Over Three Thousand Seven Hundred Facts Worth Knowing. 12mo. cl. . . . Inquirer Directed to an Experimental and Practical View of the Work of the Holy Spirit, by Rev. O. A?in^low. 12mo. cl Inquiry into the Principles and Policy of the Government of the United States, by John Taylor. Svo. slip. Inquisition Revived ; a Narrative by Dr. A. H. De ^lora of his Imprisonment by the " Tribunal of the Faith," and Escape from Spain. 18mo. cl. . in Spain (The) and other Countries. Revised by Rev. Thos. 0. Summers, 18mo. Ins and Onts (The) of Paris ; or, Paris by Day and Night. By Julie Marguerittes. 12mo. cl. ... Inside View of Slavery ; or, a Tour among the Planters. By 0. G. Parsons. 12mo. cl Inskipe J. S. (Rev.), Methodism Explained and Defended. 12mo. cl Inspiration of Holy Scriptures, its Nature and Proof. By Wm. Lee. Svo. cl Interior Christian. 18mo. cl Introduction to Biblical Chronology. By Rev. Peter Akers. Svo. cl. to Geometry and the Science of Form. 12mo. shp to the Study of Art. By M. A. Dwight. 12rao. Invalid's Own Book. By Lady Oust. 12mo. cl. Invasion, a Tale of the Conquest. By Gerald Griffin. 12mo. cl To ; a Tale of the Ancient Fane. By J. K. Barton. 12rao. cl Iowa Hand Book for 1850. By N. II. Parker. 12mo. cl. as it Is in 1855, a Gazette and Hand Book for Emi- grants. By N. n. Parker. 12mo. cl. . Tlio Same, with a Map of the State. Tphigenia in Tauris, a I)rama in Five Acts. By Goethe. 12mo. boards Iredell (Jndge), Life and Letters of. ByMcRee. 2v. Svo. cl. Ireland, History of. By Rev. G. Keating. Svo. cl. . " " from its earliest King to its last Chief. By Thomas Moore. 2 v. Svo — — — Modern, Revolutionary History and Literature of, from 1798-1848. By John Savage. 12mo. cl. . 1 25 T. B. Peterson. 1 00 Lindsay & B. '66 50 Appleton & Co. 1 00 Garrett & Co. 75 Lindsay & B. 2 50 A. Morris. ['57 1 00 A.D.F.RandoIiih. 35 Stevenson S 0. '56 1 25 W. W. Smith, '55 1 00 J.P.Jewett<&Co.'55 80 D. Euliso7i. 2 60 Carter (t Brot. 38 Lucas Bros. 1 50 S. & Foe. Munroc & Co. '57 1 00 Ajjpleton tC Co. '66 50 " 1 00 SadUer S Co. 75 Applelon <& Co. 75 Jcwett & Co. '56 1 00 Keen ffi Lee, '55 1 50 " 75 Appleton it Co. 4 00 " 2 5ii P. J/". IlavcrtAj, '57 4 00 Dunigan Bros. 1 00 • /. S. Eedjield. UC IRI TVO [am. CAT. Irish (The), Abrontl nnd at Iloino, at the Court and in tho Camp. I2nu). cl 1 00 Appleton & Co. Iron Cousin (Tln'), or Mutual Inflacnco. By Mary C. Clarke. l'2ino.cI 1 25 " — - Band ; or* tlio Knight of Mauleon. l{y Alex. Dumas, j.ftp 50 71 i?. Peterson. Maslv, a continuation and conclusion of " Thrco Guards- men." By Alex. Dumas, pap 25 " Ironthorpo, the Pioneer Preacher. By Paul Croyton. 18mo. cl 50 Phimp$,S.d:Co.'55 Iroqnois (Tlio), or, the Bright Side of tho Indian. By Min- nie Myrtle. 12m(j. cl 1 00 AppUton & Co. Irving, "Washington, Alhambra. 8vo. illustrated, cl. ex. $3 50, cl 2 50 Chills & P. " Bracehridge Ilall. 8vo. illustrated, cl. ex. $3 50, cl — " Knickerbocker's New York. 8vo. il- lustrated, cl. ex. $3 50, cl. " Life of George "Washington. 4 v. 12mo. cl. The same. 4 v. 8vo. cl. ■ " Sketch Book, 8vo. illustrated, cl. ex. $3 50, cl . " Sketch Book. 18mo. bds. 50c. cl. . " Tales of a Traveller. 8vo. illustrated cl. ex. $3 50, cl 2 50 Childi cfi P. . " Tales of a Traveller. 18mo. cl. 60 cents ; bds 50 Putnam & Co. '57 Isabel of Bavaria. By Alex. Dumas, pap. . . .0 50 " or. Influence. A Juvenile. ISino. cl. . . . 25 Challen <£ Sons. the Young "Wife and the Old Love. By J. C. Jeaf- ferson. 16mo. cl. 75 Harper £ Bros. '57 Isabella Vincent ; or, tho Two Orphans. By Reynolds, pap. 50 T. B. Peterson. Isham, "W., !Mud Cabin, the ; or, the Character and Tendency of British Institutions. 12n)o. cl. . , . 1 00 Appleton d- Co. Ishmael and the Church. By Rev. Lewis Cheeseman. 12mo. 1 00 Pai-ry d: JIcM.'56 Islaud Empire; or. Scenes of the First Exile of the Empe- ror Napokon in the Island of Elba. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 " '55 Isora's Child. By Harriett A. Olcott. 12rao. cl. , 1 25 Perhr/ & J. It is Never too Late to Mend. A Romance. By Chas. Reade. 2 vols. 12mo. cl 1 75 Ticlnor & F.'^Q Itinerant (The), or, the Rainbow Side. ISmo. cl. . net 32 Carlton dc P. — Side (The), or. Pictures of Life in the Itinerancy. 60 " '57 Pve Been Thinking ; or, The Secret of Success. By A. S. Roe. 12mo. cl 1 00 Derby & J. Ivors. By the Author of " Amy Herbert," 2 vols. 12rao. 1 50 Appleton & Co. '57 2 50 (( 2 50 (C 6 00 G. P. Putnam. 8 00 t( 2 50 Childs & P. 60 Putnam & Co. 1855-08.] J AC- JAM 117 J. Jacbin and Boaz; or, Key to Freomasonry. 12iuo. cl. Jack Lundon ; or, The Outlaw's Revenge. Pap. Jackson, Andrew, Life of. By Alexander "Walker. 12nio. " Pictorial Life of, with over 100 Engrav- ings. Royal 8vo. emb. James (M.D.), Letters to a Young Physician just entering upon Practice. 16rao. cl. John (Rev.), Sinfulness of Little Sins. ICmo. cl. Wm. (Rev.), Christian's Legacy, or, Bible Direc- tory. 12nio. arab. gt. '..... Jacob Faithful, or, The Adventures of a "Waterman. By Capt. F. Marrj'at. 12mo. cL . . . . Jacobus, M. "W"., Notes on the Gospels, Critical and Explana- tory: (.John.) 12mo. cl Jacques, from the French of George Sand. 12mo. cl. Jaeger, B., Class-Book in Zoology. 18mo. cl. . James G. P. R., Aims and Obstacles. 8vo. pap. ■ " Arrah Neil. . "... ^ " Beauchamp. . "... " Commissioner. . "... " Henry Smeaton. . "... • " Last of the Fairies. "... " Leonora D' Oreo. . "... " Life of Vicissitudes. "... " Margaret Graham. "... " Old Dominion ; or, The Southampton Mas- sacre. . . . 8vo. pap. . • " Old Oak Cliest. . "... " RusselL . . "... • " Smuggler. . . "... " Step-Mother. . "... ■ " and M. B. Field. Adrien ; or, Tiie Clouds of the Mind. 12mo. cl. n., Christianity tlie Logic of Creation. 12mo. cl. " The Church of Christ, not an Ecclesiasticism. 12mo. cl " Nature (The) of Evil, considered in a Letter to the Rev. Edward Beecher, ]). 1 ). 1 (imo. ■ " Young Man ft'om Home. iHmo. cl. ^ Marian, Elder Sister (The). ]2mo. " Ethel ; or. The Double Error. 12mo. ■- " Lord (A) of Creation, jiap. James Montjoy ; or, I've Been Thinking. r>y A. S. Roe. 12mo. cl 2 50 Wni. Gowang, '57 25 E. D. Long, '57 1 25 Derhy ,t J. '57 3 50 W. J. Ilamersley 1 00 rhilUps.S.&Co.'hb 50 A.D.F.liand:ph'b1 1 25 Leary <C- G. 1 00 Derhj & J. '57 75 Carter & Bros. '66 1 00 /. S, Eedjicld. 42 Apple ton (i: Co. 50 Harper & Broi. 25 <t 25 K 50 tt 50 k( 13 " 50 tl 25 <.( 13 11 60 " 38 l( (t 25 «l U 25 ii 50 ii 75 Appleton (£ Co. 1 00 " G3 1 00 ii 38 11 75 Bunc-e «t Bro. '55 75 ti 38 Jeit^t d- Co. '56 75 Appkton <fi Co. 118 JAM- .JEA [am. oat. Jameson, Alex., Ix>gio. 12ino. . . . .net " lihetoric. 12iiio net Aiiim (Mrs.), (.'harnctoristics of Women, Moral, Poetical and Historicil. ;52mo. " Coinmon-l'lacf I'.ook of Thouglits, Memories, ami Fancies. Original and Selected. 12ino. cl. . " Diary of an Ennuytc. 32mo. cl. ex. " Sacred and Legendary Art. 2 vols. 8vo. hf. mor. $10 00; cl. . " Sisters of Cliarity, Catholic and Pro- testant, and tlio Couimmiion of Labor. 12ino. cl. . . . 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Second Series. 12mo Jarvis, E., Physiology. 12mo. shp. . . . net " Primary Physiology. 12mo. hf. r. . . net C, and Getze, J., Tip-Top Glee and Chorus Book. S. F., Beply to Milner's End of Controversy. 12mo. cl. Jandon's Expositor. 12mo. hf. r Jaufry, the Knight and the Fair Brunisseude. A Tale of the Times of King Arthur. 12mo. Jay, Wm. (Judge), Writings on Slavery. 12mo. cl. . " (Rev.), Evenings with Jesus ; a Scries of Devo- tional Readings for Every Day in the Year. 12mo. cl. JeaflVcson, J. C, Isabel, the Young "VVife and the Old Love. IGmo. cl 75 50 1 00 75 1 00 1 25 1 25 75 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 00 67 34 1 00 75 38 1 00 1 00 1 25 75 Kiggin* & K. Ticknor £ F. '57 ApjAeton & Co. '55 Tickmrd-Helds: 57 50 Appleton & Co. '68 75 Tiehnor & F. "57 " "58 /. M. Wilson. '57 50 S. French. '56 Deriy tfc J. '56 M. Pohcl: '57 French & Co. '67 J.S. RedfiM.. PhilUp8,S.& Co.' 00 Sadlier & Co. '56 Lippineott & Co. Derly & J. 'o7 Harper £ Bros. Munroe & Co. Harper & Bros. '56 Cowperthwaii£ Co. Lippineott £ Co. Appleton £ Co. C. Beiiher. Wiley £H.'b7 Jeicett £ Co. Parry £ McM. Harper £ Bros. 'ST 1855-58.] JEA- JOB 119 Jealous Wife (The), by Miss Pardee. Svo. pap. Jeames's Diary, a Legend of the Rhine, and Rebecca and Rowena, by W. M. Thackeray. IGnio. cl. . Jeffers, W. N., Theory and Practice of Naval Gunnery. Svo. il. Jefferson, Thomas, Life and Times of, by S. M. Smucker. 12mo. cl • " Life of, by Henry S. Randall (Sold by Subscription.) 3 vols. Svo. cl. — — — — " Manual of Parliamentary Practice. 12mo. Jefferson College, History of, with Biographical Sketches. By Rev. Joseph Smith. 12mo. ■ County, N. York, History of. By F. B. Hough, M.D. Svo. cl Jamison, Mary (the White Indian Woman of Genesee), Life of. 12mo. cl Jenks, J. W., Rural Poetry of the English Language. Svo. Wm. (Rev.), Explanatory Bible Atlas. 4to . net Jennie White ; or, the Lovely Fruits of Early Piety. . Jerusalem and its Vicinity. A Series of Lectures on the Sacred Localities. By Rev. W. II Odenheimer. Small Svo. mor. $4 50, cl. e.x. . . " . and Other Poems. By Mrs. M. B. Park, Avith a Memoir of the Authfy. 12mo. cl. ... Jessie Graham ; or, Friends Dear, but Truth Dearer. By M. J. ^Mcintosh. 18mo. cl Jesus upon Earth ; or, the Story of His Birth, Life, Death, and Resurrection. ISmo. cl. .... Jeter, J. B. (Rev.), Mirror (The) or, a DeUneation of 17 Classes of Christians. 12mo. cl Jew (The), a Juvenile. ISmo. cl. . . . . . Jew's Daughter. A Tale of City Life. By Xed Buutline. Jewels of the Lord, and the Lord of tlie Jowols. Kimo. . Jewett, J. L., Spiers's French and I-^nglibh Dictionary, un- abridged. ...... net The same. School Edition, .... net Jewett's Duets, Trios, &c. arranged for two, three and four instruments. ■ National Accordcon Teaclier. .... " Flute " " YioHn " Jewsbury, G. E., Constance Herbert. Svo. pap. Jimeson, A. A. (Rev.), Notes on the Twenty-five Articles of Religion, as received and tauglit by Methodists in the United States. r2mo. <•!. .... Job, The Book of. Illustrated with Fifty Engravings, from Drawings by John (Gilbert, and with Ex- planatory Notes and Poetical Parallels by Rev. Jas. Hamilton. Svo, ...... Jobson, J. (Rev.), America and American Methodism. r2mo. 50 Fetridge dc Co. "55 50 Applelon cC Co. 2 50 i( 1 00 /. W. Bradley. 7 50 Derly & J. '57 G7 Clarl; A. & S. J.T.SlmjocTc. '57 3 00 /. Munaell. 1 00 D. M. DevDey. '56 •i 00 Jexcctt & Co. '5C 4 00 EicUing, S. cfc B. 38 vl/H. B'q). Pub. So- 3 75 E. n. Butler «C- Co. 1 00 T. X. Stafford. '57 38 Applelon & Co. C3 C. Scribner. '5G GO Smith ci- W. '56 25 Challen «f- Soni. 25 Garrett .f- Co. 50 Ep. S. S. U. 'oC 1 88 Mason Bros. 1 12J " 38 Jcicctt «(• Co. 38 K (1 Z^ 38 38 Uarpcr <C Bros. '55 1 20 Applcgate <C Co. 4 50 Carter .t Bros. 'CS 1 50 Virtue.E. it- Co. '57 120 jou — jon [am. cat. John ; or, Is a Con.sin in Hand worth Two Counts in the iJtish? J5y K. Ciirlcn. 12mo. . ... John Ilftlifax, Gentleman, by (Miss Mulock) Author of " Agathu's Ifusband," " The Ogilvics," &c. 8vo. I'-'M' Johnson, A. 15., Kncycloptodia of Instruction; or, Apo- logues and Breviuts on Man and Man- ners. 12ino. " Guide to the Riglit Understanding of Our American Union. 12mo. el. . " The Meaning of Words. 12rao. cl. . • " riiysiology of the Senses. 12mo. cl. — A. N., Clioir Chorus Book. . . . net '' Key-Stono Collection of Church Music. E. (M.D.), Results of Hydropathy. 12mo. cl. . F. G. (M.D.), Aid to Teachers and Students in Xatnral Philosophy. J. C, Flower Festival, or Pilgrims of the Rhine, a Cantata for Floral and other Concerts. . " Juvenile Oratorios. .... net " Temple of Industry, a Juvenile Oratorio. . net Lorenzo B., Churches and Pastors of "Washington, D. C, with Five Hundred Topics of Sermons, delivered in 185o-G. 12mo. cl. • . . Louisa, Every Lady her own Flower Gardener. ISmo. cl.. . • Rosa v.. Poems. 12mo. cl Saml., History of Rasselas. 18mo. cl. " " 18mo. cl. ■ " Life of, with his Correspondence and Con- versations. By Jas. Boswell. 8vo. cl. . ' — - " Lives of the Poets. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. " Pocket Dictionary, cl. . . . net 25 Garrett.D. & F.'bl 50 Harper & Bro$. '56 1 25 Derhj & J. '56 1 00 Derly & J. '57 1 00 Appleton & Co. 75 Derby & J. 63 Mason Bros. 1 00 Crosby K & Co. 75 Fmlers & W. 50 A. Ranney, '56 30 J. R. Miller, '55 20 Mason Bros. 19 Mason Bros. 50 M. W. BoU. 50 A.O. Moore. 1 00 Ticknor & Co. '57 38 Appleton & Co. 50 Derby & J. 1 75 J.W.Bond&Co:i^ 2 50 Derly & J. 18 T. K Collins, Jr. Johnston, John (Rev.), Autobiography and Ministerial Life of. Edited by Rev. Jas. Carnahan. 12mo. cl. 1 00 M. W. Dodd. J. F. "\V., Agricultural Chemistry. 12mo. cl. . 1 25 A. 0. Moore. " Catechism of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology. . . . . 25 " " Chemistry of Common Life. 2 v. 12mo. 2 00 Appleton & Co. " Elements of Agricultiu-al Chemistry and Geology. 12mo. cl. . .1 00 A. 0. Moore. " Instructions for the Analysis of Soils, Limestones and Manures. 12mo. . S. B. Shaw. '55 Johnston's Natural Philosophy. 12mo. shp. . . . 1 00 C. Desilver. Turner's Chemistry. 12mo. shp. . . . 1 50 " ■ " Elements of Chemistry, hf. r. . . 75 " Johnstone, K. F., Mathematical Key. New combinations in respect to the Binomial Theorem and Logarithms. 50 /. B. Mott. "56 1855-68.] JON-- JUV 121 Jones, Charles P., Eoman Catholicism Scripturally Con- sidered ; or, the Church of Rome the Great Apos- tacy. 12mo. cl »• J. G. (M.D.), American Eclectic Practice of Medicine. Edited by Wm. Sherwood, M.D. 2 vols. Bvo. . E. "W. (Rev.), Captive Youths of Judah, a Story with a Moral. 12mo. cl Paul (Com.), Life of. 12mo. cl W. A., Characters and Criticisms. 2 vols. 13mo. cl. Joseph Brown ; or, the Young Tennesseean : an Indian Tale by Thos. O. Summers — Wilmot ; or, Memoirs of a Man-Servant. By Rey- nolds. 12mo. pap. $1 00 ; cl Josephine (Empress), Life of. By P. C. Headley. 12mo. cl. Josephus, Flavins, History of the Wars of the Jews. Bvo. cl. Josie Gray, and other Sketches, for the Children at Home. By Mrs. L. B. Wright Joslin, T. (Rev.), Three Kings of Cologne. 82mo. Jourual of Summer Time in the Country. By R. A. Wil- mott. 16mo. cl Journey to Katmandu. By L. 01ii)hant. IGmo. cl. . Joy and Care, a Friendly Book for Young Mothers. By Mrs. L. C. Tu thill. 12mo. cl Joys and Sorrows of Home, an Autobiography. By Anna Leeland. 12mo. cl. ..... . Judge Justin; or, the Little Court of Morningdale. By Jacob Abbott. 18mo. Julia, a Poem. By Wesley Brooke. 12mo. cl. . Juhau; or. Scenes in Judea. By Wm. Ware. 2 vols, in 1. 3d Edition. 12mo. cl Julius, and other Tales from the German, by W. H. Fur- ness. 12mo. cl Jumping Jack's Journey, from the Gennan by Miss Lander. square 16mo. cl Junldn, Geo. (Rev.), Great Apostacy (The) ; a Sermon on Romanism. ..... " " Treatise on Justification. 12mo. cl. D. n. " The Oath, a Divine Ordinance, and an Element of the Social Constitution. 12mo. cl. Junius, Lord Chatham ; a Biograpliy showing that the Greatest Orator and Statesman was also the Great- est Epistolary Writer of the Age, by WiUiam Dowe. 12mo. cl Juno Cliftbrd, a Xovel, by a Lady. 12mo. cl. . Justice in the By-Ways ; a Tale of Life, by F. C. Adams. 12mo. cl Justifying and Electing Grace, by INfary J. Graham. ISmo. Juvenal and Persius, Satires of, with English Notes by Chas. Anthon. 12mo. shp. . : . . net. 90 Barjjcr £ Bros'bl 1 00 M. W. Dodd. 7 50 Moore, W. K. tD Co. 1 25 Derly & J. '56 1 00 Lipjnncott & Co. 2 00 /. Y. Westercelt. 25 Stci-enson & 0. "5G 1 25 T. B. Peterson. 1 25 Derly cC- /. 1 80 Applegate <t Co. H. EooUr, '66 25 Dunigan & Bro.'^l 50 Appleton & Co. 50 " 03 C. Scrilner, '55 1 00 Bei-hj & J. 25 Harper & Bros. '57 03 Tichwr & F. '55 1 25 Francis & Co. '56 75 Par^-y & McM. 50 Whittem'e,N.&H:&'J 25 W.S.&A.Martien. 1 00 « 63 " 1 00 Miller, 0.£M. '57 1 25 Ajypleton <£• Co. '55 1 25 Lircrmore&R.'bQ 25 W.S.d-A.Mitrtien. 123 JUV- KA V [ma. Juvoiiilo Defiiior. 15y \V. W. Smith. 12tno. lM)rj;et-Me-Not. 18mo. cl. ex. or iin. iiior. liibrury. 11 vols. I81110. cl. . ■ Oratorioa. IJy J. C. .Jnlinson. rtct, 80 lUirneH d Co. '56 ■net 75 Learitt & A. 5 25 Croahy^ N. & Co. net 20 Mason Bros. K. Kames, II., Elements of Criticism, Kevised. Edited by Rev. J. R. Boyd. 12 mo Kane, E. K., Arctic Exploration, the Second Grinnell Expe- dition in Search of Sir John Franklin 1853- 4. 2 vols!. Svo. cl " Biography of. By AVilliam Elder. Svo. cl. . " Narrative of an Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin. Svo. cl Kansas Border, Three Years on. By a Clergyman. 12mo. Its Interior and Exterior Life. A View of its Settle- ment, Political History, Social Life, CUmate, Soil, Prodnctions, &c. By Mrs. Sara T. L. Robinson, 12mo. cl Journey Through. "With Sketches of Nebraska. By Rev. C. B. Boynton and T. B. Mason. 12uio. pap. $0 50 ; cl. . . • Six Months in. By a Lady of Boston. 12mo. cl. ■ The War in ; or, Rough Trip to the Border. By G. D. Brewerton. 12nao. cl War (The) ; or, the Conquests of Chivalry. An Heroic Poem. 12mo and Nebraska Hand Book. By N. H. Parker. Karaman; or, the Bandit Chief. By G. W. M. Rey- nolds, pap. Kate Aylesford, a Tale of the Refugees. 12mo. pap. $1 00 ; cl. Coventry, an Autobiography, pap Stanton, a Page from Real Life. 12mo. cl. Weston ; or, to Will and to Do It. By Jennie Dewitt. 12mo. cl Katharine Ashton. By Miss E. M. Sewell. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. Kathie Brande, a Fireside History of a Quiet Life. By Holme Lee. 12mo. cl. Katie Stuart. By Mrs. Oliphant. Svo. pap. Kavanagh, Julia, Adele, a Tale. 12mo. cl. • ■ — - " Daisy Burns. 12mo. cl. . — - " Grace Lee. cl. ■ — • " Madeline. 12mo. cl. 1 25 Barnes & Co. '55 5 00 Childs & P. '56 1 60 " '58 3 00 Sheldon, B. & Co. 75 Miller, 0. & M. '57 1 00 Crosbrj,N.&Co.''o'l r57 75 Moore, W.K.&Co. 75 Jeicett & Co. '56 1 00 Derby tD /. '56 25 Mason Bros. '56 75 Jeicett & Co. 50 F. Brady. '56 1 25 T. B. Peterson. 25 Jewett cf- Co. '56 1 00 J. French & Co. 1 25 Dewitt & D. '56 1 50 Appleton & Co. 75 Harper & Bros. 25 u 1 25 Aiypleton & Co. 1 00 u 1 00 (( 75 a 1855-58.] JTA V KER 123 Kavanagh, Julia, Nathalie, a Tale. 12ino. cl. . '" Rachel (iray. 12rao. cl " St. Giklas ; or, the Three Paths, a Story for Boys. ICrao. cl " Women of Christianity exemplary for Piety and Charity. 12mo. cl. Kay's Infant and Primary School Reader and Definer. ISmo. No. 1, 20 cents; No. 2, 25 cents; No. 3, . Keach, B. (Rev.), Travels of True Godliness. 18mo. cl. Keating, G. (Rev.), History of Ireland. 8vo. cl. Keats, John, Eve of St. Agnes. A Poem. Finely illus- trated by Wehnert. 12mo. mor. ex. $3 00 ; cl. ex " Poetical Works. 12nio. cl. ex. $1 50 ; cl. . Keble, John (Rev.), Christian Year. 32ino. cl. . — " " Christian Year. 8vo. cl. ex. Keepsake. Royal Bvo. cl. ex. net $2 25 ; im. mor. Keotels, J. G., Collegiate Course in the French Language. 12rao Keightley, Thos., ^Mythology of Greece and Rome. Keller, Edward, New German Method, or a New System of Teaching the Modern Languages. 12mo. Kelley, J. F., Ilumors of Falconbridge. 12mo. cl. . Kelso, Isaac (Rev.), Danger in the Dark. 12mo. cl. . Kendall, E. 0., Uranography and Atlas Kendrick, A. C, Greek Ollendorff. 12mo. Kennaday, John (Rev.), Sunday School Speaker. Kennedy, Grace, Philip Colville, a Covenanter's Story. 18rao. cl. John (Rev.), Divine Life, A Book of Facts and lIistories,showing the Manifold Workings of the I)ivine Spirit. 12rao. cl. .... Kenneth, a Romance of the Highlands. By Reynolds. 12mo. pap. $1 00 cl. -or, the Rear Guard of the Grand Army. By Chax'lotte M. Yonge. 12mo Konrick, Francis P. (Archbp.), Primacy of the Apostolic See Vindicated. 8vo. cl. . '- " " Vindication of the Catholic Church, in a Series of Letters Addressed to Bishop Hopkins of Vermont. 12mo. cl. Kent, J. E., Farmer's Lighthouse, Treating upon Agricul- tural Chemistry. 18mo. cl. .... Kcrcheval, S., History of the Valley of Virginia. Second Edition, Revised. ...... Kerney, M. J., Columbian Arithmetic. 12mo. Kerr, J. J. (M.D.), Treatise on the History and Manage- ment of Ornamental and Domestic Poultry, col. Plates $2; plain $L 12mo. cl. 1 00 Appleton £ Co. 75 " 63 WlilCmore,K,i.H. 75 ApiAeton & Co. 30 Eayes <e Z. 35 Am. Bap. Puh. So. 2 50 r. M. Ilavert)/, '57 1 50 Ajipleton & Co. 1 00 " 37 " 4 50 E.n. Butler & Co. 2 50 Leatitt J; A. 50 Sheldon, B <i: Co. 42 Aiiplcton & Co. Edicards & B. 1 25 T. B. Peterson, '56 1 00 J). Eulison. 1 50 E. H. Butler £ Co. 1 00 Applcton, & Co. 37 Iliggins & P. 30 Carter cC Bros. '55 1 00 Parry (C McM.'ol 1 25 T. B. Peterson. 75 Applcton <t Co.'55 1 00 J. Murphy&Co.'bb 75 38 Iliggins, B. <t I). 1 50 A. J/<>;vw. 38 Murphy & Co. '56 1 00 A. 0. Moore. 1J4 KE Y- KIN [am. oat. Key, Frnncis S., Poems. Ifimo. cl. . . . . Key to Ik'iivon (Ciitliolic I'rftycr JJook). 2lino. 3ftc. to . — — to Willett'.s i[cntal and Practical Aritlimctic. 12rno. — — to the Bible, being an Exposition of the History, Axioms, anil general Laws of Sacred Interpreta- tion. By Key. David Dobie. ]2mo. cl. of Heaven. 18mo. Various prices, $1 50 to . " 24mo. 31 to . of tlio West (Tiie) ; or, tlie Ohio Collection of Sacred • Mnaic. By Alex. Auld Key-Stone, Collection of Church Music. By A. N. Johnson. Keycs, F. J., Life, A Poem, and other Poems. 12mo. cl. . Kiana, a Tradition of Iliawio. By J. J. Jarves. 12ino. cl. Kidder, D. P. (Rev.), Brazil and the Brazilians portrayed in Ilistorical and Descriptive Sketches. 8vo. cl. • Jerome, Drama of Life. 12mo. cl. ... Kiddle 11., Manual of Astronomy and the Use of the Globes. New edit. IGrao. .... Killen, J. M., Our Friends in Heaven ; or, the Mutual Re- cognition of the Redeemed in Glory Demonstrated. lOmo. cl. . ....... Kimball, J. W., Heaven. 12mo. cl King, Jolin (M.D.), American Eclectic Dispensatory. 8vo. " " American Eclectic Obstetrics. 8vo. . " " American Family Physician ; or, Do- mestic Guide to Health. 8vo. • " " Chart of Urinary Deposites. pap. Kingdom (The) which shall not be Destroyed, &c. An Exposition from Prophecy. By Rev. J. Oswald. 12mo. cl of Br.'iss ; or, the History of the "World from the Birth of Alexander the Great to the Birth of Christ. By Rev. R. B. Bement. 12mo. cl. King's Cruiser ; or, the Rebel and the Rover, pap. . — . Own, by Capt. Marryat. 12mo. cl. . . . Kings of Rome, (The), By F. W. Ricord. 16mo. cl. . Kingsbury, H., All the Recorded Sayings of Christ, 32mo. Kingsley, Chas., Glaucus, or. The Wonders of the Shore. 12nio. cl. ..... . " Heroes (The), or, Greek Fairy Tales for Children. 18mo. cl " Poems, now first collected by Himself. 12mo. cl ■ " Two Years Ago. 12mo. cl. . " AVestward Ho ! The Voyages and Adven- tures of Sir Amyas Leigh. 12mo, cl. . " (Rev.), Sermons for the Times. 12mo. cl. George, Sacred Choir, oblong. 75 Carter tt Bros. '56 2 00 Dunigan rfe Jiro. W.WilsmufcSon'b^ 1 00 C. Scrihncr, '5G 4 50 Sadlier tt Co. 75 " 85 J.E.Riley & Co.'55 1 00 Crosby, N. & Co. 63 jPhillips,S.(tCo.'55 1 00 Munroe & Co '57 3 00 Chilth & P.'bl 1 25 A. Hanney, '57 38 Ivison tfi P. '57 r57 75 Swormstedt & P. 1 00 Gould & L. '57 6 00 Moore,W.K.&Co:5o 4 00 5 00 Longley S £ro.''57 50 Moore, W. K. d Co. 1 00 Lippincott & Co.\^ 1 00 Moore, W.K.& Co. 25 E. D. Long, '57 1 00 Derly & J. '57. Barnes & Co., '56. 20 Calhins & S. '57. 50 Tichior & F. '55 75 •56. 75 i( '56. 1 25 u '57, 1 25 a '55. 75 J). Dana, Jr. 75 Ajypleton S Co. 1855-1858.] KIN K(EP 125 Kingston, TV. 11. G., Salt Water, or, The Sea Life and Ad- ventures of Neil D'Arcy, the Midshipman. 16iuo, Kinney, Elizabeth C, Fclicita, a Metrical Koniance. 12ino. Kinsman, J. B., Vermont Townsman ; a Compilation of the Laws of Vermont, in Relation to the Powers, Duties, &c., of Town Officers and Towns. 12mo. Kinzie, J, II. (Mrs.), Wau-Bnn ; or. The " Early Day " in the North-"West. Illustrated. 8vo. cl. Kip, W. I. (Rev.), Early Conflicts with Christianity. 12mo. cl. Kirke White's Poetical Works. Illustrated by Birket Foster. IGmo. cl. extra $1 50 ; cl Kirkland, C. M. (Mrs.), Personal Memoirs of George Wash- ington. 12mo. Illustrated. " " The Same. A cheap Edition for Schools. 1 vol. cl Kit Barn's Adventures, by Mrs. Mary C. Clarke. IGmo. cl. Kitchen Gardeners' Instructor, by Thos. Bridgeman. cl. . Kitto, John (Rev.), Memoir of, by Rev, J. E. Ryland. 2 vis. 12mo. cl. . . . .... Klosterheim ; or, The Masque, by Thos. De Quincey. Witli a Biographical Preface by Dr. R. S. Mackenzie. 12mo. cl Knapp, Samuel L., Female Biography. 12mo. arab. gt. Knaves and Fools ; or, Friends of Bohemia ; a Satirical No- vel of London Life, by E. M. Whitty. 12mo. 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New improved edition. 12mo. Kunst's German and English Dictionary. , Kurtz, J. II. (Rev.) Bible and Astronomy, an Exposition of the Biblical Cosmology and its Relations to Natural Science. 12mo. cl. . " " Manual of Sacred History. 12mo. cl. . 3 00 Apphton &, Co. 1 50 " 2 50 " 4 50 Moore, W. K. r£- Co. 75 Lmihay & B. '57 1 25 GouU & L. '50 1 50 Appleton <b Co. 1 50 Lippincott & Co. 1 25 Lindsay & B. '57 1 25 " L. La Rocbe, R., on Yellow Fever, in its Historical, Patholo- gical, Etiological and Therapeutical Relations. 2 vols. 8vo. cl 7 00 BUnchard&L.''bb Laborde, Abbe, Impossibility of the Immaculate Conception. 12mo. cl GO ^. Hooler, '55 M., Introduction to Physiology. 12mo. . . 1^ R. B. Collins. '55 Ladies' Christian Annual. 6 vols. Svo. cl. gt. (vols, sold se- parately). Per vol 1 50 Challen & Sons, !Nrirror of Fortune. 12mo. cl. . . . . 1 25 Derby d- J. ruli>it Offering. By Rev. W. C. Duncan. . . L.A.DuncaTi£Co'56 — Scrap Book. 12mo. im. mor. gt. e. . . net 1 00 Zearitt d- A. Vase. By a Lady. 32mo. cl. gt. e. . . . 38 TT. J. Hamersley. Work-Table Book. Pap. 50 cents, cl. . . . 1 00 T. B. Peterson. Lady Alice ; or, the New Una. A Novel. By J. Hunting- ton. 8vo. pap 38 Appleton & Co. Bird. A Tale. By Lady Fullerton. 12mo. cl. .0 75 " of the West (The), or, the Goldseekers. By John Bal- lou. 12rao. cl Moore, W. & Co.^ob Lady's Annual. 12mo. im. mor. gt. e. . . . net 1 00 Leatitt & A. Guide to perfect Gentility. By Emily Thornwell. 12mo. cl 75 Derhj & J. '56 Lafayette (Gen'l), Life of, by Wm. Cutter, 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Derly d J. Lafever, !M., Beauties of Modern Architecture. 48 plates. Svo 4 00 Appleton & Co. 1855-58.] LAF- LA R 127 Lafever, M., Architectural Instnictor ; a Complete View of the History and Practice of Architecture. 4to. hf nior. Lake Ngami ; or, Explorations and Discoveries in South Western Africa, by Chas. J. Andersson. 8vo. cl. The same. 12mo. cl Shore (The), or, The Slave, the Serf, and the Ap- prentice, by Eraile Souvestre. 12mo. cl. 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Bonar. 12mo. cl. Land, Labor, and Gold ; " or, Two Years in Victoria, with Visits to Sydney and Van Diemen's Land. By Win. llowitt. 2 V. 12itio. cl Landor, Walter S., Selections from tbe Writings of. By Geo. S. Ilillard. 16mo. cl Laneton Parsonage, a Tale. By Miss E. M. Sewcll. 3 v. 12mo. cl Langstrotli, L. L., Practical Treatise on the Ilivo and Honey Bee. 12ino. cl Language and Poetry of Flowers. V2mo. cl. . Lanman, Chas., vSporting Adventures in the Wilds of the United States, and the British American Provin- ces. 2 vols. 8vo. cl Lanmerc. By Julia C. R. Dorr. 12mo. cl. . . . Lard, Moses E., Review of J. B. Jeter's Book, entitled, " Campbellism Examined." 12rao. cl. . IG 00 Putnam & Co. '56 ['57 1 25 Dix, Edw^ds tfi Co. 75 Harper & Bros. '57 75 Crosby, K&Co.'5b 2 50 Fetridge & Co. '57 2 03 Harper & Bros. 3 00 Apphtoii & Co. '57 4 00 W. P. Hazard. '50 1 00 Dcrhj cC J. 1 88 E. H. 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Lawyer (The). By Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. 12mo. cl. . .0 63 Richey, M. & W. Lawyer's Story, The. By J. A. Maitland. 12mo. pap. $100;cl , . 1 25 T.B.Peterson. Layard, A. 11., Xineveh and its Remains. 8vo. with all the Illustrations, hf. cf. $5 00 ; cl 4 00 AppUton & Co. The Same. 1 v. 12mo. without the Hlustrations. cl. 1 00 " Layman's (A) Letter to a Lord Bishop on Sacerdotal Points. 25 " Lays for the Sabbath, compiled by Emily Taylor. 16mo. cl. 50 Crosby, AT. & Co. of Ancient Rome. By T. B. ilacaulay. 12mo. cl. . 75 Miinroe tC- Co. '56 " Virginia. By J. A. Bartley. 12mo. . J. W. Randolph. of a Lifetime, the Records of One Departed, with Por- traits, imp. 8vo. mor. $5 00 ; cl. ex. . . . 2 00 D. Dana, Jr. of the Holy Land, with upwards of Sixty Illustrations, from Drawings of Foster, Pickersgill, &c. 8vo. . Carter d- Bros. of the Hudson. By C. F. Hoffinan. 32mo. gt. ed. . 38 Appleton cfc Co. 1855-58.] LEC- LEB 1-29 Le Cure Manque; or, Social and Religious Customs of France. By E. 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By Heni-y Reed. 12mo. cl. — on the Beatitudes. By Rev. Geo. C. Crum. on the British Poots. By Henry Reed. 2 vols. 12mo. cl Lee, E. B. (Mrs.), Life of Jean Paul F. Richter. 12mo. cl. — — " " Parthenia, or the Last Days of Paganism, a Novel. 12mo. cl Holme, Kathie Brande. A Fireside History of a Quiet Life. 12mo. cl Harriet, Canterbury Tales. 2 vols. 12mo. Sophia, Canterbury Talcs. 12 mo. cl Luther (Rev.), Elements of Theology. 8vo. — -^ Wni., Inspiration of Holy Scriptures, its Nature and Proof. 8vo. cl Lee Avenue. Collection of Songs and Hymns for S. Schools. ........ Leech, Samuel, A Voice from the Main Deck. Being Iiis Experience in the British and American Navies and Merchant Service. ISmo. cl 50 Leech D., & Swan, TV. D., Primary Arithmetic. . net 10 9 75 07 25 2 00 1 00 1 25 8 50 50 50 50 50 50 1 00 75 1 25 75 50 1 00 1 25 GO 2 00 1 25 75 1 75 ] 00 1 50 2 50 Harper a- Jiros. HlclUng, S. & B. Apple ton & Co. Goetzel «£; Co. "57 T. K Stan/ord.'bT A.I).F.Band'fi:o7 Leavitt t£ A. Harper. W.S.<C:A.Martic>i. G. II. Whitney ^ol Appleton & Co. '55 J. W. Bradley. G. P. Putnam, '57 Jileth B. C. Cin:5G Carter S Bros. "55 Parry (C JIcM. Methodist B. C. '50 Parry & McM. Appleton £ Co. 1 00 T-ichior & F. '58 Harper <S;Bros. '5C» Mason <(• Bros. '56 '57 Miller, O. ,(• M.'oC Carter <(• Bros. 40 Barnes £ Co. W7iittcmore,X.(('H. HicUing, S. Ji B. mo LEE- LES [am. cat. Leech, I)., k Swftii, W. D., Intellectual Arithmetic. " «' " Practical " " " " Key to Arithmetic. . T)., Complete Spelling-Book. Legontis of the Flowers, liy Susan Pindar. IBnio. el Leger, T., History of Animal 12mo. cl Legion ; or, Feigned Excuses. 12mo. Lehmann, C. G., Chemical Physiology ; translated by ^Morris. 8?o. cl " Physiological Chemistry ; translated by Dr. G. E. Day, and edited by Prof. R. E. Rogers. 2 vols. 8vo. cl Leighton, Robert (Archb.), Expositions on the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the Ten Commandments. 16mo. cl. " " Complete Works. 8to. . Leisure Labors ; or. Miscellanies, Historical, Literary, and Political, by -J. P.. Cobb. 12mo. cl. . Leland, Anna, Home, a Tale. 12mo. cl " Joys and Sorrows of Home, an Autobio- graphy. 12mo. cl. • Chas. G., Poetry and Mystery of Dreams. 12rao. cl. " Meister Karl's Sketch Book. 12mo. cl. n. P., Grey Bay Mare and other Humorous Ame- rican Sketches. 12mo. pap. Lelia Stewart ; or, The Heai-t Unveiled, by TT. C. Cam- bridge. 12mo. cl. Lena Rivers, by Mrs, Mary J. Holmes. 12mo. cl. Lenten Season, — Discourses on Retirement and Self-De- nial, selected from the "Works of the most Emi- nent English Divines. 12mo Leoni Di Monata and Other Poems, by J. B. Hope. 12mo. cl Leonora D'Orco, by G. P. R. James. Bvo. pap. Lermant, A., New and Easy Method of Learning Ger- man. ISmo. ....... Lesley, J. P., jSIanual of Coal and its Topography. Illus- tratod by Original Drawings, chiefly of facts from the Appalachian Regions of the TTnited States of North America. 12mo. cl Leslie, C. R., Handbook of Painting. 1 vol. 12mo. Illus- trated, cl • Eliza (Miss), New Cookery Book. 12mo. cl. . M. (Mrs.), First and Second ifarriages, or The Cour- tesies of Wedded Life. 12mo. cl. . " Household Angel in Disguise. 12mo. cl. . " Old Moll and Little Agnes ; or. The Rich Poor, and the Poor Rich. 12mo. . . net 14 nichling, S. & B. (I 45 11 (I 20 (I 25 Cov]ierthwait& Co. 1. 75 AjqActon tfc Co. 1 00 (1 38 Dana & Co. '56 Moms. 2 25 Blanchard (t L.'55 6 00 75 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 13 1 25 Carter & Bro$. '57 Applcton & Co. '58 Derhy & J. '56 E.n.ButlerdtCo.'bb Parry &McM. '56 50 Lippincott <fc Co. 1 00 D. Rulison. 1 00 Miller, 0. & M. '56 1 00 T. K Stanford. '57 1 00 Lippincott & Co. 50 Eaiyer d: Brot. 57 25 Author, PIdV a. '65 1 00 Lip>pincott tt Co. 3 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 63 Appleton Jc Co. T. B. Peterson. "57 C. Stone cC Co.' 56 Shepherd, C.£Co.'57 1855-58.] LES- LIF 181 Lessons on the Parables of the Saviour. By Uev. F. D. lluntington. Letters from Ivomo. By the author of " Clouds and Sun- shine." 12mo. el from Three Continents. By M. F. Ward. 12mo. el. on the Laws of Man's Nature and Development. By H. G. Atkinson, and Harriet Martinean. to Fanny, from a Southern Home. 24rao. to a Young Physician just entering upon practice. By Jas. Jackson (M.D.) 12nio. el. . . . Leuchars, P. B., Treatise on the Construction, Heating and Ventilation of Hot-IIouses, Green-Uouses, &c. 12mo. el Lever, Chas., Fortunes of Glencoe, a Xovel. 8vo. pap. " Martins (The) of Cro' Martin. 12mo. cl. Leverett, F. P., Ca'sar's Commentaries. . . . net " Juvenal, with Notes. 12ino. hf. r. . net ' " Latin English and English Latin Lexicon. 8vo. shp net Lewes, G. H., Biogi-aphical History of Philosophy, from its Origin in Greece down to the Present Day. 2 vols. 8vo Lewis, Estelle pirs.). Poetical "Works. 8vo. mor. $7 00 ; cl. ex E. J., American Sportsman, containing Hints to Sports- men, Notes on Shooting, and the Habits of the Game Birds and Wild Fowl of America. 8vo. F. (Rev.), Sinners' Guide. 12mo. cl. . . . Samuel, Biography of. By Wra. G. W. Lewis. 12mo. Tayler, Bible (The) and Science ; or, The World's Problem. 12mo. cl Lewis Arundel. By F. E. Smedley. pap. The Little Emigrant. By 0. Schinid. . Leyburn, Geo. W. (Rev.), God's Message to the Young; or, the Obligations and Advantages of Early Piety. 12mo. cl. Liber Musicus ; or. New York Anthem-Book aiid Clioir Miscellany. net Liberty and Necessity. See Carleton, H. Library of German Stories for Young People. 10 vols. cl. Liddell, 11. D. (Rev.), History of Rome, from the Earliest Times to tbe Est.'iblishinent of the P^mpire. 12mo. Liebig, Justus, Familiar Lectures on Chemistry, cl. " Complete Works on Chemistry. 12mo. Life Among the Flowers. By L. Greenwood. 12mo. cl. . Made Happy; or, Iimocent Amusements. By F. W. Sawyer. 12mo. cl. gt. Pictures from a Pastor's Note-Book. By Rev. Robert Turnbull. 12mo. cl 25 Croihy^ X. tC- Co. 1 00 Appkton & Co. 1 00 " 1 00 /. P. Afendum. 80 Mim. S. S. So. 1 00 PhiUips.S.i&Co.'bo 1 25 Saxton tfi Co. 'of 50 Harper (t Bros. '57 75 " ^56 50 Paris <0 Co. 50 Sanborn, C. £ D. 3 50 " 3 GO AppJeton & Co. '57 5 00 " '57 2 25 Lippincott & Co. 75 //. McGrath. 1 00 S.dc Poe. 1 00 G.Y.VanPclogert 50 T. B. Peterson. 25 H. McGraih. C3 M. W. Do<Id, '57 07 F. G. Uuntington. 7 50 Croshy, K A Co. 100 irarpcrt(- Bros. '57 5ii A. O. Moore. 1 50 T. B. Pcterson^'SQ 1 no Z>. JiulUon. 1 00 ITiggins, B. ,{■ D. 1 00 Sheldon^B.d:Co:b7 132 LTF LIF [am. cat. Life room (A) nnd Otlier Poems. IJy F. J. Koycs. 12mo. 03 r?ilU!j>s, S. & Co. Scones from ^lission Fields. ]}y Ilcv. E. D. Mooro. 12II10. d. 1 00 C. Scribner. '57 Sketdies from Common Paths. V,y Julia L. Du- moiit. 12mo. cl. 1 00 Appleton& Co.''Z(j Sketches from Scottish ITistory; or, Brief Biographies of the Scottish Preshytcriari "Worthies. 18mo. cl. ... 25 Presb.Bd.ofPuh:hb Studies ; or, How to Live. Illustrated in the Lives of John Bunyan and Others, ^^y Rev. John Baillie. IGmo. cl. 75 Carter & Bros/Til The Same. IGmo. cl. . . . .0 40 Haiper <t Bros. '57 (A) of Struggle, and a Life of Song. By Eev. Erskine Neale. IGmo. cl 50 A.D. F. Randolph. — • in Earnest ; or, Memories and Remains of Rev. Z. Caldwell, by S. M. Vaill. 12mo J. P. MagH. '55 — - in Lidia; or, Sketches of Madras, the ISTeilgherries, and Calcutta. 18mo. cl 60 Am. S. S. Union '6Q — - in Israel ; or, Portraitures of Hebrew Character, by Maria T. Richards. 12mo. cl. . . • . 1 00 SMdon,B.SCo.'57 — - in its Lower, Intermediate, and Higher Forms ; or, Manifestations of the Divine "Wisdom in the Natu- ral History of Animals, by P. H. Gosse. 12mo. cl 1 00 Carter tfc Bros. '57 in the Clearings xs. The Bush, by Mrs. S. Moodie. 12mo. cl 1 00 P. M. Dewitt. in the Itinerancy. 12mo. cl 1 00 Carlton & P. in the South, Antidote to " Uncle Tom's Cabin." pap. 50 T. B. Peterson. in Paris, by Reynolds, pap 50 " of Father Maria Ephraim. 12mo. cl 75 JI. JIcGrath. - of St. Agnes of Rome, Virgin and Martyr. 18mo. cl. 25 P. F. Cunningham. — • of St. Angela Merici of Bresica, Foundress of the Order of St. Ursula 50 " — - of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Duchess of Thuringia. By Count Montalembert. 12mo. cl 1 00 Sadlier & Co. of St. Francis of Rome. By Lady Fullerton. 12mo. cl 50 " of St. Joseph, from the Spanish of Yallejo. pap. . 2 00 Ihinigan & Bro. of St. Margaret of Cortona. ISmo. cl. . . .0 50 P. F. Cunningham. of Vicissitudes. By G. P. R. James. 8vo. pap. . .0 25 Harp)er & Bros. of the Blessed Mary Ann of Jesus. ISmo. cl. . . 50 P. F. Cunningham. ■ Virgin Mary, with the History of the Devotion to Her. To which is add- ed the ^Meditations on the Liturgy of the Blessed Virgin. 8vo. cl. . .4 50 Sadlier cfi Co. Virgin Mary, of her Chaste Spouse St. Joseph, and Holy Parents St. Joachim and St. Anne. Roy. Svo. $7 00 to . . . . 12 00 Dunigan cfi Bro. 1855-58.] LTF- LIG 133 Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, from the Italian of Gen- tilucci. pap. — - of the St. Rose of Lima. 18mo. cl on the Road; An Account of Daring Adventures, Rob- beries, &c. cl — - and Adveutm-es of Henry Hudson. By the Author of Uncle Philip — " " " Ilernan Cortez. By do. — • and Death of Sam in Virginia. By a Virginian. 12mo. cl. " " on the Ocean. A Collection of Extraordinary Adventures. By H. Howe. 8vo. — - and Thought ; Cherished ilemorials of Mrs. Julia A. P. Dyson. By Miss E. Latimer. 12mo. cl. • and Times of St. Barnard. Translated from the French. 12mo. cl — - Life and Victories of the Early ;^Lartyrs. By Mrs. Hope. 12mo. cl Life's Discipline. A Tale. By Talvi (Mrs. Edward Robin- son). 12mo. cl Ligbt from the Cross. Sermons on the Passion of Our Lord. By Rev. A. Tholuck. 12mo in the Dwelling, a Practical Family Commentary on the Four Gospels. By Author of " Peep of Day." Edited by Dr. Tyng. Illustrated. 8vo. cl. ex. $2 50 ; imp. mor. or cl. of the Temple. By Strickland. .... and Darkness; or, The Shadow of Fate. 12mo. cl. . and Shade ; or, The Young Artist. A Tale. By Anna H. Drury. 12mo. cl Lights and Shadows of Real Life. By T. S. Arthur, with an Autobiography of the Author. 8vo. cl. • of a Pastor's Life. By S. II. Elliot. 12mo, cl ■ — • of English Life. 12mo. cl. of Free Masonry, consisting of Maso- nic Talcs, Songs and SKotches. By Robert Morris. Bvo. Lighton, Wm. B., Autobiography of. 12ino. cl. Liguori, St. A., Christian Virtues and the Means of obtain- ing them. IGmo. cl . ■ "■ " Mysteries (The) of the Faith. IGmo. cl. . ' ■ ■ — " " Practice of the Love of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 48mo. cl " " Preparation for Death. 12mo. . " " Rule of Life for a Christinn. 48ino. cl. " " Treatise on Prayer. -iSiiio. cl. . ■ " " Visits to the Blessed Sacrament and the Blessed Virgin Mary. 48mo. cl 3 00 Dunigan & Bro. 50 P. F.Cunningham. 1 50 R. M. Detcitt. 38 Appleton & Co. 08 » 1 25 A. Morris. '50 3 00 n. Iloxre. '56 1 00 WhiUemore,N.i&H. 1 00 Sadlkr <& Co. 75 63 Appleton cC; Co. 75 TT". *S'. &A.Martlen'b7 2 00 Ax>2^1eton <f: Co. 1 00 Anderson, G. S W. 75 Apiphton & Co. '65 75 2 50 J. W. Bradley. 1 00 Bcrhy .0 /. 1 25 Lippincott& Co.'5C 1 00 J.W. Leonard&Co. 1 00 Joel Munscll. 63 Dunigan & Bro. 50 '* . 31 " 50 P. Donahoc. '57 :U Di(u:,ia}i <f- Bro. 31 31 1S4 1 1 r. — /. / r [am. cat. Lily, a Xovel. Hy tlio Author of " JJusy ilomentj of an Idlo Woman.'' (ifrs. Henry King.) ]2ino. d. Bell, or, tho CMiild. By Alice Fay. ]2rno. cl. . Gordon ; or, tho Young Hou-sekeeper. By Cou.sin Kate. 18ino. cl Iluson ; or, the Autohiography of an Orphan Girl. By Alice Grey. 12iiio. cl Lincoln, A. H. (Mrs.), Familiar Lectures on ]>otany. 12nio net Linda, (>r, tho Young Pilot of tlie Belle Creole. By Mrs. C. L. Ilentz. 12mo. pap. $1 00, cl. . Lindsay, Walter M., New Volume of Poems. 12rao. cl. . Lingard, John, Tlistory of England. 13 Vols. 12ino. cl. J. (Rev.), Tracts on the Civil and Religious Prin- ciples of Catholics.' 12mo. cl Linn, Lewis F., Life and Public Services of. 8vo. cl. Linnie Lockvvood. A Novel. By 0. Crowe. 8vo. pap. . Linsley, D. C, Morgan Horses, A Premium Essay on the Origin, History, and Character of this Remarkable Breed of American Ilorses. 12mo. cl. . Linton, Chas., Healing (The), of all Nations, with an Intro- duction and Appendix by X. P. Tallmage. 8vo. . Lion of Flanders. By H. Conscience. 12rao. cl. Lippincott's Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer, or Geographi- cal Dictionary of the World. Royal 8vo. shp. List, F., National System of Political Economy. 8vo. cl. . Literary Fables. Translated from the Spanish by Geo. H. Devereaux. ICmo. cl Little Ben ; or, the Motherless Boy. By Margaret M. Brews- ter. 18mo. cl Black Pony and other Stories. By Mrs. Moodio. ISiiio. cl net ' Child's Book of Divinity ; or, Grandmamma's Stories about Bible Doctrine. 32mo Coin, Much Care. By Mary Howitt. cl. Commodore. 16mo. cl • . Don Quixote. Translated from the German by Robert R. Raymond. 18mo Dora ; or, The Four Seasons. By a Lady of Charles- ton. Illustrated, 25c. cl Dorrit. See Dickens, Chas. Episcopalian, or the Child Taught by tlie Pi'ayer Book by M. A. C. ISmo. . . ' . Flowers of Piety (Catholic Prayer Book). 32mo. . Folks' Own, Stories, Sketches, Poems, &c., designed for the Young. By Mrs. L. S. Goodwin. 12nio. cl. Frank, or, A Painter's Progress, and What a Mother can Endure, two Stories from the Flemish of n. Conscience. ISmo. cl 1 00 Harper <& Bros. '55 1 00 J. French & C'o.'Bl 50 A.U.F. Randolph. 1 00 n. Long & Bro.^bQ 00 Mason l!ro». 1 25 T. R Peterson. To Ajjpleton rO Co. '56 9 75 I'hillips,S.£Co.'55 75 Lucas Bros. 2 00 Appleton & C'o.'57 50 App>l6ton & Co. 1 00 C. 31. Saxton. '56 1 50 75 6 00 2 00 63 40 25 25 38 75 38 25 75 So.f<»- Dif.ofSp.K. Liprpincott & Co. Lippineott& Cl?.'55 Tichn(yr & F. A. D.F.Randolph. T. E. Collins, Jr. Carter & Bros. '57 Appleton tfe Co. Sheldon J B. & Co. Mall <& H. '55 Appliton & Co. Ep. S. S. U. Dunigan & Bro. 75 Fetridge dc Co. 88 Dunigan dc B. 1855-58.] L I T LIT ] 35 Little Frank and other Tales. Square 16nio. . . .0 25 Aj>pIeton <{; Co. Iron Wheel, by J. K. Graves 25 Grates, M. & Co. Josoi)h, or, the Young Savoyard, and other Tales, cl. 38 Sudlkr & Co. Millie and her four Places, by M. M. Brewster . . 25 Nelson & Co. "50 Nell, from " The Old Curiosity Shop" of Chas. Dickens. 18mo. cL 38 J. S. EcdJield,'5o Pau], from " Dombey & Son." ISmo. cl. . . . ."JS " " and other Stories, by Lizzie Amory. 18nio. cl. 38 Whitt€me^X.<S:II. Pedlington and the Pedlingtonians. By John Poole. 2 vols. IGmo. cl 1 00 Appleton & Co. Philosopher. By Jacob Abbott. . . . net 17 UickUng, S. tC- B. Shoemaker (The), or, the Orphan's Victory, cl. net 30 Carlton & P. Singer; or. Primary School Vocalist. By Geo. IL Curtis. Barnes & Co. "58 Snow Drop, The Unbaptized One ; or, The Story of Three Baptisms. By C. H. Caddell. cl. . .0 38 Duni'jan Bros. Songs for Little Boys and Girls. By Mrs. Pollen. 18mo. 38 WJiittan'e.X. d- II. Songs for Little Singers, for the youngest Classes. By Lowell Mason net 12 J Mawn Bros. Songster. By G. J. Webb net lo Uiclding, S. & B. Susy's Little Servants. Square clo. . . . 50 A.D. F. Eandoljih. " Six Birthdays. » .... 50 " " Six Teachers. " .... 50 " Travellers' Keepsake. 18mo. cl. full gt. $1 ; cl. gt. 75 Ilaije^ <C- Z. Water-Cress Sellers. 18mo. cl. ... net 18 Carlton <£• P. Litton, E. A. Church of Christ in its Idea, Attributes, and Ministry. 8vo 1 25 A.B.F. Liturgy for the Use of a Christian Church. By Ilcv. C. Bobbins. 12mo. cl 50 Cronby, N. .t Co. Live While You Live. By Thomas Griffith. 18ino. cl. . 30 Carter tf Bros. — — and Learn, a Guide to all who wish to Speak and Write Correctly. 12mo. 50 Garrett cfi Co. '50 Livermore, E. D. (Mrs.), Zoe ; or, The Quadroon's Triumi)h. 2 vols, 12mo 1 75 Truman d- S. '50 Lives of Celebrated Children. 18mo. cl :J1 W/iittemore^X.A II " Women. By 8. G. Goodrich. 12nio. cl. 1 00 IJ. Buli.'<ou. of Eminent Mechanics. 12mo. cl 1 00 Derby d J. of Judges, infamous as Tools of Tyranny and Instru- ments of Oppression. By Lord John Canipboll. 12rao. cl 1 00 Miller, 0. A' M.'od of Wellington and Peel. lOmo. cl 50 Appleton «C Co. of the British Uistorians. By Eugene Lawrence. 2 vs. 12nio. cl 2 50 r. Srn'bnrr, '55 of the Discoverers and Pioneers of America. 12mo. d. 1 00 Ikrhy d J. of the Fathers of the Desert. IHmo. cl. . . .0 38 Lucas Bros. of the .Saints of the Desert, and many Holy Men and Women who have dwelt in Solitude. By Kov. Richard Challonor. IGmo. cl 75 SudlU-r <C' Co. i;lC L I V- LOO [am. cat. Livinj: Authors of Eii^'land, with Illustrtttions from tlieir Works, by 'I'Iioiiihs i'owuU. 12mo. cl. Livingstone, Dnvid (Rev.), Missionary Travels and Re- .soarclics in South Africa, induding a Sketch of Sixteen Years' Residence in the Interior of Mrica ; and a .Tourney from the Cape of Good Hope to Loandii on the West, thence across tlie Con- tinent down the River Zambesi to the Eastern Ocean. 8vo. cl. Livingston, John Ilenry (Rev.), Memoirs of, by Rev. Alex- nuder Gunn. 12mo. cl Livy, Willi Notes, &c., by Lincoln. 12ino. Map. . Lizzie M-.iitland, by Mrs. D. W. C. Clarke, cl. . LloyJ, Jas. T., Steamboat Directory, and Disasters on the Western Waters, with the Lives of John Fitch and Robert Fulton. 8vo. cl Locke, E., & Nourse, S., School Melodist School Vocalist John, Essays on the Human Understanding. 8vo. shp •' Reasonableness of Christianity, as dehvered in the Scriptures. 12mo. cl. . . . " and Bacon's Essays. ISmo. cl. 1 00 AiqiUlon & Co. Lockbart, J. G., Ancient Spanish Ballads. 16mo. cl. W. (Rev.), Conversion (The) of Marie Alphonse Ratisbonne. cl " Great is the Power of Mary. cl. LuJcr, Geo., Philadelphia and New York Glee Book. Svo. cl Loftu«, W. K., Travels and Researches in Chaldea and Susiana. Svo. cl Li)fty and Lowly ; or. Good in All, and None AH Good. By M. J. McLitosh. 2 V. 12mo. cl Logan, John (Rev.), Sermons and Expository Lectures. Svo. cl. London, Its Literary and Historical Cariosities, by F. Saun- ders. 12rao. cl Long, J. D. (Rev.), Lectures on Slavery in Church and State. 12mo Longfellow, II. W., Prose Works. 2 v. 32mo. gt. ex. . " Poetical Works. 2v. 32ra. cl. ex. . '' Song of Iliawatha. 12mo. cl. Longley, Elias, Pronouncing Vocabulary of Geographical and Personal Names, cl. . . . . . Look Up; or. Girls and Flowers. A Juvenile. ISmo. cl. . Looking Glass for the Mind. Many Plates. to the Cross, with Preface and Notes. By Rev. II. Bonar. cl. ...... . 3 00 Harper & Broi.'h^ 85 Bil. of n. B. D. Ch. 1 00 Appleton t& Co. G3 Dunigan Bro. 1 50 4Q 40 75 50 63 25 25 1 00 2 00 1 50 1 12 V5 1 75 1 75 1 00 50 25 38 T.T.Lloyd&Co:o& Moore, W.K. & Co. 1 75 Hayes &Z. Carter & Bros. Derby & J. WJdt'more, K&H. ]}uni^and:Bro. "56 " '56 Lippincottdb Co.'oQ Carter ct Bros. '57 Appleton & Co. Kiggins & K. AiitJior, PMVa. Tichior £ F. '57 Longhy Bros. CliaUen t£- Sons. Appleton & Co. 33 W.S.&A.Martien. 1! ■■] ZOO- LOU 137 Looking unto Jesus; a View of the Everlasting Gospel. By Isaac Ambrose. 8vo. cl. .... Loomis, Elias, Progress of Astronomy, especially in the United States. 3d edition, re-written and enlarged. 12mo Lord, David N"., Geognosy ; or, the Facts and Principles of Geology against Theories. 12nio. cl. . -~— - Elcazar, Ilistorical Keview of the New York and Erie Eailroad. 8vo. pap E., Plenary Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. 12mo. cl John, History of the United States. 12nio. hf. r. " Modern History from the time of Luther to the Fall of Napoleon. 8vo. hf. r. . . . L. T. 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" " Prinmrj' School Soiif^ ^ " " Psaltery C'r^'^'A a New Col- lection of Church Music, ^[usic, 8vo. . . net , • " Twenty-one Madrigals selected from Old and Distinguished Composers. . . net » " Vocalist (The), a Collection of Short and Easy Glees, or Songs. . . . net "Wm., Fireside Uarmony, a Collection of Glees and Part-Songs net " and Bancroft, S. A., Social Glee Book. . net " . (liev.), Spiritual Treasury for the Children of God ; consisting of a Meditation for the Morning of each Day of the Year. 12mo. Masonic Law, by Albert G. Mackey Manual, by Ashe. 12mo. cl. .... " by Robert Macoy. 32mo. cl. ex. 80c. ; tucks }*finstre], by Robert !Macoy. 32iiio. Musical Manual, by Henry C. "Watson. 8vo. A'ocal Manual, by Robert Macoy. 18mo. Text Book. 32nio. tucks $1 25 ; cl. Mass and Vesper Book. C-imo. 13c. to Massachusetts, History of, by Rev. John S. Barry. Bvo. cl. Massacre of Glencoe, by Reynolds, pap Miisscy, Gerald, Poetical "Works of. 32nio. cl. ex. Massiuger, Piiilip, Plays of. "With Notes, Critical and Ex- planatory, by "Wni. Giftbrd. Svo. Master "Workman, containing Elucidations of the Symbolic l>egrees of Free Masonry, by Robert Macoy. 32ino. cl. gilt edge Masternian Ready ; or. The "Wreck of the Pacific, by Captain ^lan-yat. ISmo. cl Mastodon (The) Giganteus of Nortli America, by John C. AVarren, M.D. 4to Match Girl (The) ; or. Life Scenes as they are. 12mo. cl. . Mathews, Cornelius, Chanticleer, a Tlianksgiving Story of the Peabody Family. r2mo J. M. (,Rev.), Bible and Men of Learning (The), in a Course of Loctures. Svo. cl. 20 Maton Bros. 33^ '• 07 i( 63 12J - 07 3Ti 75 623 (( 02^ Mason Brot. 1 00 Fresh. Bd. rub.''57 1 00 aarl; A. & S. 1 00 Leonard & Co. 1 00 Clarl; A. & S. 38 (( Author^Kew Torh. 38 Clarl; A. <t S. 63 Barnes £ Co. 75 Dunigan & Bro. 2 25 FhilUj>s,SJ:Co:oo 50 T. B. Peterson. 75 TicTcnor & F. '57 J.W.Bond &Co:5^ 50 Clarl-, A. & S. 03 Applcton cC Co. 7 50 Ticl-nor & F. '56 1 25 W. W. Smith. '55 50 Brown.L. & (7(?.'56 2 00 Z>. Fanshaw., '65 1855-58.] MAT 3r C G 147 Matrimony ; or, Love Affairs in our Tillage Twenty Yeara Ago. By Mi-8. Caustic (Mrs. A. T. Jjullard). . 75 2f. W. JJodd, "56 Matthews on Whist, together with the Games of Boston and Euchre. 18mo 38 I/oss Bro. & Co. Mattison, 11. (Eev.), Spirit-Rapping Unveiled. 12mo. cl. . 75 Derhj dc J. Matty Gregg ; or, the "Woman that did what She Could. IBino. cl net 25 Carlton & P. Maud, and other Poems. By Alfred Tennyson. 12mo. cl. 50 Ticlcnor & Co. '55 Maurj', M. F., Physical Geogi-aphy of tlie Sea. 8vo. cl. . 1 50 Ilarjjerd; £ro8.^5G Maxims of Washington. Selected from his own Writings. By Rev. J. F. Schroeder, D.D. l2mo. cl. . .1 00 Appleton & Co. Maxwell, Maria, Earnest Grey ; or, the Sins of Society, a Story of New York Life. 12mo. cl. . . .1 00 T. W. Strong, '55 May, E. .J., Mortimer's College Life. 12mo. cl, . .0 75 Aj'phtonJ; Co. '55 Edith J. Poems. 12mo. cl 113 £. II. Butler £ Co. " Poetical Works of. crown 8vo. mor. $1 50 ; cl. ex 3 75 " May Middleton; or, the Ilistory of a Fortune. By Rey- nolds, pap 50 r. ^. Peterson. Mayhew, Henry, Wonders of Science. ICmo. cl. . .0 75 Harper & Bros. ^5& — Ira, Book-keeping. . . . . net 25 Banloru, C. & B. " on Universal Education. 12rao. cl. . .1 25 Barne* & Co. Maynard, F., Recollections of a Zouave hefore Sebastopol, 12mo. cl 1 00 Eayes & Z. McCabe, W. B., Bertha; or, the Pope and the Emperor. 12mo. cl 75 J". Donahoe. '55 " Fieri ne the Princess of Burgundy. 12rao. 75 J. Murphy & Co. McClellan, Geo. B., Bayonet Exercise, prei)ared for the Use of the Army of the U. States, by Order of the War Department. 12mo. cl 1 25 Lippincott tC Co. !&[cClintock, John (Rev.), Sketches of Eminent Methodist Ministers. 8vo. cl. . .3 00 Methodist B. C.'oG ■ " " Temporal Power of tlio Pope. 12mo 45 " McCIung, John A., Western Adventure. 12mo. cl. . .0 75 Applegate & Co. McCormick, R. 0., Visit to the Camp before Sebastopol. 12mo. cl 1 00 Appleton d Co.'55 McCosh, Jas. (Rev.), Method of the Divine Government, Physical and Moral. 8vo. cl. . .2 00 Carter <£• Bros. '55 " " Typical Forms and Special Ends in Creation, 8vo. cl 2 00 " '6C McCurdy, J., American Spelling Book 12 Lippincott & Co. McDcrmot, J. (liev.), Father Jonathan ; or, the Scottish Converts. 12mo. cl 75 ZT. McGrath. McDonald, W. (Rev.), and Ilubbard, S., Wesleyan Sacred Harp 50 Jeteett & Co. '66 McGhee, Robert J. (Rev.), Expository Lectures on the Epistle to the Ephesians. Bvo. cl. . . . " 2 00 Carter & Bros. '55 148 -^ '- -'■^ -''' ^ ^ [^^- CAT. McIInr?. C. K., Life of Prince Talleyrand. 12mo. cl. . 1 25 C. ScnT/Mr. "50 McIIvaino, C. P. (.Uev.), Evidences of Christianity. 12nio. cl , . 55 A. D.F.Randolph. Mcintosh, John, Oripn of the North .jVmerican Indians. ["56 12ino. cl 88 Lamport, B. Jc L. M. J., VioKt, or, tlie Cross and the Crown. 12rno. 1 00 Jeuett tt Co. '56 Mdilton, J. N., High School Literature. 12mo. cl. . .1 00 Barnet <& Co. Mcl..aurin, .Tohn, Glorying in the Cross of Chri>t. 24mo. cl. flex 16 A. D.F.Randolph. McLoc, A., Series of Alphabets, designed as a Text-Book for EnuTavers and Painters of Letters. 4to. cl. . . 2 00 Appleton & Co. McLclian, Frances E. 11., Memoir of, by R. M. Haskell. 12mo. cl 50 Jf. TT. Dodd. *56 McLennan, John, Chit-Chat; or, Fun, Fact, and Fiction. 12nio. cl 1 25 Stringer & T. McMasters, S. Y. ('Rev.'), Biographical Index to the History of England. 12mo. cl 187 E. H. Butler & Co. McMichael, Wm., Slavery and Its Remedy. 12mo. . . 50 J". .S'. Datimn. '56 McMillan, E. (P.ev.), Evils of Dr. Howell's Book on the '• Evils of Infant Baptism." 12mo. . . . 50 Jf. TT. Dodd. '55 McXally, F., School Geography.. 4to 1 00 Barnes £ Co. Meade, Wm. (Bp."), Old Churches, Ministers, and Families of Yii^nia. 2 vols. Svo. cl 5 00 Zippineott & Co. Meadow Brook. By Mary J. Hohnes. 12mo. cl. . .1 00 Miller 0. <& Co. '57 Meadows, F. C, Spanish and English Dictionary. 12mo. . 1 50 Appleton & Co. '• Spanish and English Dictionary, roan. . 1 68 C. Dmhtr. Means and Ends of Universal Education. By Ira Mayhew. 12mo 75 Barnes d- Co. '57 Mears, J. W. (Bev.), Bible in the Workshop. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 C. Seribner. *56 Meccah and Medinah, Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to. By R. F. Burton. 12mo. cl 1 50 Putnam & Co. '56 Mechanic (The). By Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. 12mo. cl. . .0 63 Rieley, M. ct W. Mechanic's Bride ; or, Autobiography of EUwood Gordon. By W. G. Cambridge. 12mo. cl. . . .100 Sh^pard,C.dB.'57 Mechanics' Companion. Se6 Nicholson, Peter. Mechanics, Their Principles and Practical Applications. Edited by Oliver Byrne, cl 75 ^. 2f. Detcitt. Manual. See Byrne, O. Mechanics', Machinists', and Engineers' Practical Book of Reference. By Chas. Haslett. Edited by C. W. Hackley. 12mo. tuck. . . . ' . . 2 50 Stringer «fe T. '56 Tables. By Chas. H. Haswell. 12mo. cl. . 50 Marperd Bros. '56 for the Millwright. &c. See Overman, F. Medical Inhalations. By H. P. Dillenback. Svo. . . 1 00 H.PJ)iUerJ>acTc:o'J Pocket Book, for Females, and Nursery Adviser. 1^™^ 38 Eayet & Z. Pocket Book, for Males and Health Adviser. ISmo, 38 " Student in Europe ; or, Notes on France. England, Italy, &c 12mo. cl. . . , 67 AppUgaU & Co. 1855-58.] MED- MEE 149 Meditations on the Last Days of Christ. By Rev. "W. G. Schauffler. 12ino. cl l^Ieek, A. B., The Rod Eagle, a Poem of the South. 12mo. Meigs, J. F., Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Children. Third edition. 8vo Meister Karl's Sketch Book. By Charles G. Leland. 12ino. cl Melodies for Children, cl -" the Craft Melodist. A Collection of Glees and Part-Songs. By Wil- ham Mason and G. J. Webb. . . . net Melville, Ilerman, Confidence Man (The). His Mas- querade. 12mo. cl " Piazza Tales (The). 12ino. cl. Memoir of Old Humphrey. ISmo Memoirs of a Marquis. By Alex. Dumas. 2 vols. pap. " Physician. By Alex. Dumas. 2 vols. pap. . Memorable Scenes in French History. By S. W. Smucker. 12mo. cl Memorial of a Christian Life. ISmo. cl " the Life and Writings of an Only Daughter, by her Mother. 12mo. cl Memorials and Other Papers. By Thos. De Quincey. 2 vols. 12mo. cl Memories of Bethany, by Author of " Morning and Night Watches."' 16mo " Gennesaret, by Rev. J. R. Macduff. 12mo. cl. '• Youth and Manhood, by S. Willard. 2 vols. l(3mo. cl Memorials of the Dead in Boston, by Thos. Bridgman. 12mo. cl Memory's Gift. 12mo. ini. nior. gt. e. . . , net Men and Times of the Revolution, or, Memoirs of Elknna Watson, Including Journals of Travels in Europe and America, from 1777 to 1S42. 8vo. cl. " Women (Poems), by Robert Browning. 16mo. cl. Men's Wives, by W. M. Thackeray. 16mo. cl. . }»rendenhall, Geo., Medical Students' Yade Mccum. Fifth edition. Svo Mental Philosophy ; or, A Critical Exposition of the Phe- nomena and Powers of the Human Mind. By L. A. Sawyer. 12mo. cl. . . . . . Mercein, T. F. R., Natui-al Goodness. 12mo. cl. Mercer's Cluster, shp. Merchant (The), By Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. IGmo. cl. . Vessel, A Sailor Boj^'s A'oyages to see the World. ]?y Charles Nordhoff. IGmo. cl. . . . Merchants' and J 5 ankers' Assistant. By B. F. Foster. Svo. 1 00 Jexjcett & Co. 75 Apjjieton <& Co. '55 3 50 Lindsay d; B. 1 25 Parry & 2IcM. '5G 50 Stanford <£• Z>. '58 50 AAderson, G. cC- W. G21 Mason Bros. 1 00 Dix &E. '57 1 00 " '56 25 Am.S.S.Union.'b^ 1 00 T. B. Peterson. 1 00 " 1 00 Miller, 0. & Co. 50 Lucas Bros. 1 00 Jtwett & Co. '57 1 50 Tichior & F. '56 GO Carter & Bros. '56 1 00 " 2 00 /. BartUtt. 1 50 Appleton <f To. '56 1 00 Lemitt&A. 1 50 Dana & Co. '56. 1 00 TichwnS: F. 50 Ap])leton & Co. 2 00 Lindsay <C- B. '57 1 00 Jeirett <(■ Co. G5 Methodist B. C. 56 C. Desikcr. C3 Rickey, M. d W. 75 Moore, W. A'.S Co. mijple cO Co. '56 IBO MEE MIL [am. cat. ^firclmnU' Clerk (The), Cheered nnd Conn.sclled. By Rov. J. "W. .Moxnndcr. flox. cl 25 A. D.F.PMndolph. nnd Moclmnics' Assistant. ]}y J. K. JJiitts. 12m() 1 25 Whipple & Co. '5G Morklfind ; or, Self-Sacrifice. Hy tlio Autlior of "Martraret Mnitlnnd." 12iiio. cl. 75 Stringer & T. Merry i took of Puzzles, flex, cl 28 Shepard, G. & B. Old England and Her History. By Julia Corner. Ifimo. cl Moore.W.K.&Co^h^ ^fossin^'or, E. J. P. (Rov.), Memoir of. By Pvcv. S. II. Tyng. 30 Am. S. S. U. '56 Motliodisni E-xplained and Defended. By Kev. J. S. Iii- skipe. 12ino. cl 80 Z>. Hulison. Methodist Social Ilynin Book, compiled by Rev. S. Parks. 2-imo 30 Carlton & P. Metrical Romances, Original and Select. By Rev. X. L. Frothingham. ]2nio. cl 1 25 Crosby^N. &Co'ab Mexico nnd Its Ri-ligion ; or, Incidents of Travel in that Country, during parts of the Years 1851, '52, '53, '51. By R. A. Wilson. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 00 Harper & Bros. '55 Mezrick, F. (Rev.), Moral Theology of the Church of Rome, ■with an Introduction. By A. C. Cox. 12mo, J. Eohinson, '56 Mia and Charlie ; or, a "Week's Holiday at Rydale Rectory. lOmo. cl 75 Carter & Bros.'' b1 Midiflot, M., History of France. 2 vols. 8vo. cl. . .3 50 Appleton & Co. '* History of Roman Republic. 12mo. cl. . . 1 00 " J., Women of the French Revolution. 12mo. cl. , 1 00 E. C Baird, '55 Michigan, Early History of, from the First Settlement to 1815. By E. M. Sheldon. Svo. . . . 1 50 Barnes & Co. '56 Microscopist ; or, a Complete Manual on the Tse of the Mi- croscope. By J. II. Wythes. New Ed. 12mo. cl. 1 25 Lindsay & B. Midgley, R. L., Sights in Boston Suburbs ; or, Guide to the Stranger. ICrao 50 Jewett & Co.'bl Midsliipman Easy. By Captain Marryat. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Berly & J. Mitlsumnier Fays; or, the Holidays at Woodleigh. By Susan Pindar. 18mo. cl 75 AppUton & Co.' -^ Mifflin, S. W., i[odes of Describing nnd Adjusting Railway Curves and Tangents. ISmo. cl. . , net 60 SmitJi, E. & Co. Migiuinetto (The), a Christmas and Xew Year's Gift. 12mo. cl. ex 1 75 Appleton & Co. '57 Milhurn, W. H. (Rov.), Rifle, Axe, and Saddle-Bags, a Book of Lectures. 12mo. cl 100 Berhy S J. '56 Mile Stones in our Life's-Journey. By Rev. S. B. Osgood. 12mo. cl 1 00 Ajypleton <£ Co. Miles, Pliny, Postal Reform, its ui-gent Necessity and Prac- ticability. Svo. pap 25 Stringer S T. '55 Will., Treatise on the Horse's Foot, and how to keep it Sound 5Q A, 0. Moore. Mille<lulcia; a Thousand Pleasant Things, selected from the " Notes and Queries." mor. antique, $8 50 ; cl. 150 Appleton it Co. 1855-58.] MIL MIS 151 Miller, Ilugli, First Impressions of England and its People. 12mo. cl 1 00 GonU <C- L. '56 " Geology of the Bass Rock. ISmo. cl. . .0 50 Carter & Bros. " Testimony of the Rocks ; or, Geology and its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed. 12mo. cl 1 23 Gould & L. '57 Saml. (Rev.), Office of RuHng Elder. ISmo. . 38 W.S.& A.Martien. Mills, Abraham, Ancient Ilobrews, (Tlie), with an Introduc- tory Essay concerning the World before the Flood. 12mo. 1 GO ^. >S'. Barnes & Co. Henry, Horse Germanicso, a Version of German Hymns. 12mo. cl 100 Miller, O.&M.'ofi Millwright and Engineer's Pocket Companion. By W. Tem- pleton. 16mo. cl. $1 ; tucks, . . . . 1 23 Api-)leton & Co. Miluer, J. (Rev,), Letters to a Prebendary, being an answer to " Reflections on Popery." 24mo. cl. . .0 38 Lucas Bros. Milton, John, Pivradise Lost. 18mo. cl. ex. oOc. cl. . 38 Appleton & Co. ' " Poetical "Works, with Life, &c. IGnio. illus- ,trated. ch ex. $1 50; cl 100 " Mimic Life ; or. Before and Beliiud the Curtain. By Mrs. Anna Cora Ritchie. 12mo. cl 1 25 Tlchior & F. '55 Mind and Matter. See Brodie, B. Miner, T. B., American Bee-Keepers' Manual. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 A. 0. Moore. Miner's Daughter, a Cathohc Tale. By Miss C. M. Caddell. 38 Sadlier & Co. Minifie, Wm., Text Book of Geometrical DraAving. 12ino. 1 00 Win. Minifie. '57 Ministering Children, showing how even a Child may be as a Ministering Angel to the Poor and Sorro^vful. IGmo. cl 90 Carlton & P. The same illustrated. 2 00 " " 12mo. cl 1 00 Minister's Family. By Mrs. Ellis. 18nio. cl. . . . 38 ^Minnesota, First Years of. By H. E. Bisliop. 12mo. cl. 1 00 Hand Book for l«5G-7. By N. H. Parker. 12mo. cl 75 and Dacotah. See Andrews, C. C. and its Resources. By J. W. Bond. 12mo. cl. . 1 25 Minnie Herman, the Landlord's Daughter. By T. "W. Brown, 12mo. cl 1 25 ' MjTtle, the Iroquois ; or, Bright Side of Indian Cha- racter. 12mo. cl. 1 00 • Ray, a Story of Faith and Good Works. 18mo. cl. net 25 Minstrel Gift, containing Songs and ]>allads; also Melodies for the Flute and Violin. 12mo. cl. . . . 75 of Zioii. By Rev.AV. Hunter and Kov. S. Wakefield. 38 Miriam Gray ; or. Scenes from the True History of Life. ISnio. cl net 10 Mirror of the Soul; or, Spiritual Things Discerned. ISmo. 75 Miser, — and Poor Gentleman. Two Stories. By H. Con- science. 12mo. cl 75 Lippincott cC Co. Carter & Bros. '58 Appleton (C Co. Sheldon, B.ciCo.'57 Jeicett cC Co. 'oG Keen cC L. "5G Miller, 0. & Co. Ajypleton & Co. Carlton A F. J. French & Co. Hi ij gins & P. Carlton & P. J. E. Beardsley. 153 MIS- <MOL [A3I. oat. Missing Hrido (Tliot; or, Mirimn Iho Avunger. J5y ^frs. Southwcirtli. 12mo. cl .Missioa ( i'lu") ; or Scoiu-s in Africa. By Capt. F. Marryat. IHmo. cl U.M.k (The), a Ciitliolic Prayer-nook. 18ino. 50c. to MiasioiiH N'.oiiriil to tlic- miller Jilosscdncss of tlie Church. I!v llov. \V. I{. AVilliams ill .l:i|jan mill Tnraguay. By C. Cad<lcll. 12mo. cl. Alissioimry'ri Daughter ; or, the Story of little Mary's Life. ISiiio. d net Missouri Harmony. By A. D. Garden. Pwcvised by Chas. Warren Mitchell, J. K. ai.I).\ Indecision ; a Talc of the Far West, and other Poems. I81110. cl S. A., Ancient Geography and Atlas. . . net " Biblical Sunday School Geography. . " • *' Geographical Question Book. . . " '• Intermediate Geography. ..." — " Primary " ..." " School Geography and Atlas, . . " " Universal Atlas (sold ly subscription), folio, hf. raor ilith of Hiawatha. See Schoolcraft, II. R. Model fur Men of Business ; or, the Christian Layman contemplated among his Secular Occupations. ]6mo. cl Modern Atheism, under its Forms of Pantheism, Material- ism, Secularism, Development, and Natural Laws. By Rev. James Buchanan. 12mo. cl. . Cattle Doctor. By Geo. H. Dadd. 12mo. cl. -Chivalry. By II. 11. Brackenridge. 12mo. cl. Mechanic ; a Scientific Guide and Calculator. By AVm. (Jrier. r2nio. cl. ^[ystories E.Kplainod and Exposed. By Asa Mahan. 12mo. cl I'ainters, by .John Ruskin. 4 vols. 12rao. cl. . rilgriins ; showing the Improvements in Travel and the Newest Methods of Reaching the Celes- ti.1l City. By Geo. AVood. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. Reform Examined ; or. The L^nion of North and South on tlie Subject of Slavery. By J. C. Stile?. 12mo. cl ■ — Story Teller. 12mo Moffatt, .las. C, Introduction to the Study of Esthetics. 12mo. cl. Moffiat, R. ( Rev.), Missionar)- Labors and Scenes in South- ern Africa. 12 mo. cl M.iH Pit, 'uv.; Offering; or, Tales for Fortune Iluuters. . 1 25 T. n. Peterson. '55 03 Appleton & Oo. 2 25 Dunigan & Bra. 25 Carter & Bros. '66 G3 Sadlier & Co. 19 Carlton «D P. 50 Moore, W.K£ Co. 1 00 Barry & McM. 83 Cowperthwait& Co. 50 u 17 u 56 (( 28 (I 80 !.{. .2 00 C. BesUver. 35 Carlton A P. 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 5 00 1 00 75 1 00 1 00 50 Gould & L. '55 A. 0. Moore. T. B. Peterson, 1 25 Biggins, B. & B. J. P. Jewett & Co. Wiley cC- H. 1 75 PMllip8,S.&Co.^bo Lippincott&Co. '58 Putnam tfi Co. '56 [06 Moore, W. K. & Co. Crosby. X. <£ Co. 1855^8.] MOL- ■ MOO 158 Molly and Kitty ; or, Peasant Life in Ireland, translated from the German. 16mo. cl.^ .... Monad, Adolplio (Rev.), Farewell to liis Friends and to the Church, translated from the French. IGmo. cl. • " " Lucilla, or, the Eeading of the Bible. ISmo. cl. . Monaldi, a Tale, by Washington Allston. 12mo. cl. . Monica, Mary Conversations on the Doctrines and Prac- tices of the Catholic Church. ISmo. cl. Monitory Letters to Church Members. 12rao. . Monograph on Mental Unsoundness, by F. Wharton, Svo. cl. Montague, Mary Wortley, Letters of. Edited by Mrs. Sarah J. Hale. 12mo. cl Montague, or the Rejected Suitor, pap Monteith, Jas., First Lessons in (Seography. " Introduction to the Manual of Geography. smaU 4to. " Manual of Geography The Same. Revised edition . Montgomery, James, Life of. By Mrs. H. C. Knight. 12mo. cl ■ " Sacred Poems and Ilymns, for Pub- lic and Private Devotion. 12mo. mor. ant. or ex. $2 25 ; cl W. F. (M.D.), An Exposition of the Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy. Svo. cl. . . . Month of Mary, a Series of Meditations on the Life and Vir- tues of the Holy Mother of God. 24mo. cl. Monti, Italian Grammar. 12 mo — " Reader. " Monument to Jackson. 12mo. cl net Moodio, S. (Mrs.), Flora Lindsay ; or. Passages in an Event- ful Life. 12mo. cl " " Geoftrey Monctou ; or. The Faithless Guardian. 12mo. cl » " Life in The Clearings vs. The Bush. 12mo. cl " " Mark Ilurdlcstone ; or, The Two Brothers. 12mo. cl " " Roughing it in the Bush. 12mo. cl. Moods and Emotions in Rhyme. 16mo. cl. . . . ;^[oore, Cornelius, Ancient Charges. r2mo. cl. . " Craftsman (The), and Freemason's Guide ; containing a Delineation of the Rituals of Freemasonry. 12mo. cl. " Templar's Text Book. 12 mo. cl. . " Outlines of the Temple. 12mo. cl. C. C, Life of George Castriot, King of Albania. l2mo. 75 Crosby, N.& Co. '55 50 Carter cC Bros. '57 40 75 50 40 1 25 50 25 40 50 GO 75 3 75 38 1 00 1 00 GO 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 25 63 1 25 Carter & Bros. Tichior&F. '56 n. McCratJi. Presbyterian Bd. Kay &Bro. '55 Mason, Bros. '56 B. D. Long. '56 Barnes & Co. '67 '57 1 25 GouU & L. '57 Apyleton & Co. Blanchard& L. '57 H. McGrath. Shepard, C. & B. CoiDperthwait& Co. E. M. Dewitt. Crosby, K& Co. '55 Anderson, G. S W. 1 00 /. Brnst. '55 1 00 Anderson, G. & W. 1 00 " 1 00 Appleton & Co 154 MOO- MOR [am. oat. Mooro, Chnfl. W., N"ow Ma.tonio Trcstio Board. 12mio. cl. 150 Avthoi\ Bonton. K., Vir>,'il. Revised aixl Improved. . . net 80 Sanborn, C. S B. F., Trent JHo on American Engiiicorinf.'. 1 vol. 4to. "With Folio Atlas 27 00 Samuels, C'.SCo:55 Frank, Amoricnn Eloquence; a Collection of Speeches and Addresses, by the most Krnincnt Orators of America, with Bio- grapliicul Sketches. 2 vols. 8vo. . " Soiif;s and Ballads of the American Revolu- tion, with Notes and Blustrations. l2mo. cl. . 1 00 J. G., Patent Office and Patent Laws; or, A Guide to Inventoi-s, and a Book of Reference for Judges, Lawyers, «fcc. 12mo. cl. . . . . . 1 25 John W., American Collection of Instrumental Music. Thomas, History of Ireland, from its earliest King to its Last Chief. 2 vols. 8vo. . . 4 00 " Lalla Rookh 38 " Melodies 38 5 00 AppUton & Co. '57 Parry & McM. '55 Gco.r.Reed&Co:5% Dunigan Bro. Apqjleton & Co. " Life of. By Jas. Burke. 12mo. cl. . " Memoirs, Journals, and Correspondence. Edited by Lord John Russell. Nos. I. to XI. (Complete). In paper, each, 25c. ; or, in 1 vol. cl 4 50 " ^femoirs. Journal, and Correspondence of. 8 vols. 12mo. cl 10 00 " Poetical Works, witli a Memoir. By M. Balmanno. 8vo. cl 2 00 " Poetical "Works. Illustrated with steel engravings and a portrait. 8vo. fine paper, cloth ex. $4 00 ; cl. . " Poetical "Works. Cheaper Edition, with portrait and 4 plates, cl. ex. $3 50 ; im. mor. With portrait and vignette only, shp. or cl " Poetical "Works of, collected by himself. 6 vols. 18mo. cl T. Y. (Rev.), Prophets of the Restoration ; or, a Commentary on llaggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. 8vo. cl. 2 00 Moral Entertainments on the Practical Truths of the Chris- tian Religion. By Rt. Rev. R. Manning. 12mo. 1 00 Philosophy of Courtship and Marriage. 18mo. cl. 75 Tales for my Young Countrymen. By J. C. Sher- lock. 18mo. cl 38 ■ Theology of the Church of Rome. By Rev. F. 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Bell. 75 Crosby, W.&Co.'bQ 31 D. Dana, Jr. 50 Applegate & Co. 1 00 Dix, Edw'ds & Co. 75 /. P. Magee, '56 Moore, W. K. & Co. 1 00 Miller & Co. '57 38 AppletonS Co. 63 " 1 00 W. W. Smith.'Bo 1855-58.] NOE NOB 163 Nordhoff, Chas., Man of War Life. A Boy's Experience in the United States Favy. 16mo. cl. . 75 Moore, W. K. & Co. " Merchant Vessel. A Sailor Boy's Voyages to see the World. 16mo. cl. . . 75 " " Nine Years a Sailor. 8vo. ... " " Stories of the Island World. ISmo. cl. . 75 Harper & Bros. '57 " Whaling and Fishing. ISmo. cl. . .0 75 Moore,W.K.Co:bG Normal Singer. By Lowell Mason neb 25 Mobson Bros. '56 Norman Leslie, A Tale. By G. C. H. 12mo. cl. . .0 75 Appleton & Co. Norse-Folk (The), or, a Visit to the Homes of Norway and Sweden. By 0. L. Brace. 12mo. cl. . . 1 25 C. Scrihner, '57 North Carolina Reader, No. 1. .... 7iet 15 Barnes & Co. '56 " " *' No. 2. By Eev. F. M. Hubbard. 16mo. . . . net 25 " " " » No. 8. By C. H. Wiley. 12mo net 50 " North and tho South, a Statistical VicAV of the Slave and Free States. By H. Chase. 12mo. cl. . . 50 Jewett & Co. '56 Northanger Abbey, and Pride and Prejudice. By Jane Austen. 12mo. cl 1 00 Derly & J. '57 Northcote, J. S. (Rev.), Fourfold Difficulty of Anglicanism ; or, The Church of England Tested by the Niceue Creed. ' 18mo. cl. . . . . 38 -S. McGrath. • " " Roman Catacombs; or, Some Ac- count of the Burial Places of the Early Christians in Rome. ISnio. 38 P.F.Cunningham. Northern Presbyter's Second Letter to Ministers on Slavery. By N. Lord. Svo. pap 38 Presi.B.ofPub.'5Q Regions ; or. Uncle Richard's Relation of Captain Parry's Voyages, and Franklin and Cochrane's Journeys. 16mo. cl. 75 Francis S Co. '56 Travel, Summer and "Winter Pictures of Sweden, Denmark, and Lapland. By Bayard Taylor. 12mo. cl 1 25 G. P. Putnam, '58 Northwest Coast (The) ; or, Three Years' Residence in Washington Territory. By Jas. G. Swan. limo. 125 Uarperd: Bros. ''57 Norton, A. (Prof.), Internal Evidences of the Genuineness of the Gospels. 8vo. cl 2 00 Little, B. £ Co. '55 " Statement of Reasons for not Believing the Doctrines of Trinitarians. 12mo. . . 1 00 Am. Vnit.As»''n.'56 " (Prof.), Translation of the Gospels. '^ 2 vols. 8vo. cl . 4 00 Little, B. c£- Co. '55 J. N. (Rev.), Rockford Parish ; or, the Fortunes of Mr. !^[ason'8 Successors. 12mo. cl. . . . 75 Dana S Co. '56 Jolin P., Elements of Scientific Agriculture. 12mo. 60 Saxton & Co. '55 W. A., Elementary Treatise on Astronomy. 3d edition. Svo. cl 2 00 /. Wiley. " First Rook of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy 50 Barnes <Sc Co. IC-i NOR C A [am. cat. Norvn, ft Tftlo of tlio Iloirmn Eiii|>irc. lOmo. d. Nerval I [ft-stiiifp*; or, the American Privateer. 8v. pnp. , N'otcs of a Tlieolo^'ical Htiulent. Uy J. ^f., 12in(). cl " Volunteer of tlio French Republic. I5y C. M. Smith. 12m(>. cl Nothing New, Kmbmcing " Lord Erlostoun" and other Tales. V>y Miss Mulock. 8vo. pap. . to J )o, an Accompanimont to " Nothing to "Wear." 18mo. cl " Eat. lOmo. cl " Wear, An Episode of City Life. (By "\V. A. lUitlcr.) 18mo " Yon ; or, Mind Your Own Business. In answer to " Nothings" in General, and " Nothing to "Wear" in Particular. ISmo. cl Venture, Nothing Uave. By Alice B. Neal. 16mo. Nott, Elijihalet (Rev.), Lectures on Temperance. 12mo. cl Nouet, J. (Rev.), Meditations on the Life and Passion of our Ijord Jesus Clirist for every Day in the Year ; to which are added, Meditations on the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, By Father C. Borgo. 2 vols. 12mo. cl Now or Never; or, Adventures of Bobby Bright. IGmo. Noye's Penmanship. ....... net Nursery Basket (The) ; a Hand-Book of Practical Direc- tions for Young Mothers. 18mo. cl. . Nutting, B. F., Drawing Cards. 24 cards to a set. Nystrom, John "\Y., Pocket-Book of Mechanics and Engi- neering, tucks V5 CroHl/y^ K. & Co. 25 Garrett & Co. '55 ' 1 00 Appleton & Co. 1 00 A. BurU. '50 50 Harper &Bro8. '57 50 Wiley & H. '57 50 Did & F. '57 50 Eudd & C. '57 50 Wiley <& E. '58 G3 Ap2yleton c& Co. 1 00 Sheldon B.£ Co. '57 1 75 Lucas Bros. 75 Brown, B. &Co. '57 12 HicUing 8. & B. 38 Appleton S Co. 25 Higgins, B. & Co. 1 50 Lippincott & Co. 0. O'Briens and the O'Flaherty's, a National Tale, by Lady Morgan. 2 vols. 12rao O'Callaghan, E. B., Commissary Wilson's Orderly Book. In Amherst's Expedition against Ticon- deroga and Crown Point, 1759, cap. 4to old stylo Type, sewed and uncut , " (M.D.), History of New Netherland, or, New York under the Dutch, second edit. 2 vols. 3 00 /. S. RedJiM, '56 2 50 /. Munsell. 8vo. cl 5 00 Appkton£Co.'56 1855-58.] OLE OLD 165 O'Leary, Charles, Elementary Greek Grammar. 12 mo. . 75 Sadlier & Co. O'LincoIn, Robert, George Ready, or, How to lyive for Others. IGmo. cl 75 Appleton & Co.^57 OakfieU, or. Fellowship in the East, a Novel by W. D. Arnold. 16mo. cl 50 Tichwr & F. Oakshaw, or, the Victims of Avarice, by "W. T. Coggeshall. 12mo. paper . . 25 TT. P. James^ '55 Oasis, or, Golden Leaves of Friendship, by IST. L. Ferguson. 12mo. cl 1 00 X». Rulmn. Oberlin, John F. (Rev.), Memoirs of. ISrao. cl. . . 40 Carter & Bros. '55 Object of Life, A Narrative illustrating the Insufficiency of the World, and the Sufficiency of Christ. 12mo. cl. 75 Carlton & P. '57 Ocean (The). By P. H. Gosse. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 00 Parry & JilcM. Work, Ancient and Modern; or. Evenings on Sea and Land. By J. H. Wright. ISmo. cl. . . . 38 Apjjleton & Co. Octorara, a Poem, with occasional Pieces. By Rev. Geo. Burrows, cl 75 Carter & Bros. '5G Odd Fellows' Pocket Almanac. By J. L. Ridgely. 12 mo. 1 00 Moss Bro. & Co. Text Book. By P. Donaldson. 12mo. cl. . 1 50 " Odd Fellowship Examined in the Light of Scripture and Reason. 50 Higains & P. Odenheimer, W. H. (Rev.), Jerusalem and its Vicinity. A Series of Lectures on the Sacred Localities, small 8vo. mor. $4 50, cl. ex 3 75 E.II. Butkr S Co. Oehlschlager, J. C, English and German, German and English Dictionary. 18mo. . .100 B. IT. Butler & Co. " Pronouncing German Reader. . . 1 00 Airpleton & Co. Off-Hand. Takings and Crayon Sketches. By George W. Bungay, cl. , 1 50 P. IT. Dcwitt. Office of Ruling Elder. By Rev. Samuel Miller. 18mo. . 38 W. S. &A.Martien- of the Holy Week, according to the Roman ^is'^al. 24mo. cl 50 Lucas Bros. of the Immaculate Conception, from the French. 32mo 25 P.F. Cunningliam. Ogilby, J. D., on the Validity of Lay Baptism. 12mo. cl. 50 Ajfpleton & Co. Ohio, Biographical and Historical Memoirs of the Early Settlers of. By S. P. Hildreth. 8vo. roan. . 2 50 Riclxy, M. £ W. Historical Collections of. By IT. Howe. 8vo. cm. leather, gt 3 00 jff". Jlowe. History of First Period of, 1650 to 1787. By Jas. W. Taylor. 12mo. cl 1 50 Bicleij, M. cD W. Olcott, Harriet A., Isora's Child. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 25 Derby & J. " Torchlight (The), or. Through the Wood. 12ino. cl. . ... 1 25 " '56 — H. S., Treatise on the Origin, Varieties, and Culture of the Chinese and African Sugar Canes. 12mo. 1 00 ^4. ^. JA'ore, '57 Old Chest (The), and Its Treasure.-^. By Aunt EHzabetli. 16mo. cl 60 Jf. F. Dodd. '56 ir.fl OLD LI [am. oat. Old Churclie.«», Ministers, nn.l Fflmilics of Virginin. By llislinp Willinm Momle. 2 vols. 8vo. cl. . Cornor CupLoar.) ; or, the Every iJay Lives of Every Day IVoplo. 12mo. cl DoinliiioM (Tho), or, the Sontbnmpton Mfis-acre ; a Novel hy G. P. R. Jfttnos. 8vo. pap. . Etliiibiirf^'h, An Historical Sketch of the Ancient Metro- polis of Srotland. Ilovi.sed by Rev. Thos. O. Siiminers. 18nio. cl — - Fanii (Tlio"), and the New Farm ; a Political Allegory. J'.y F. Ilopkinson, a Member of the Continental Congress. ICmo - " House, liy Mrs. C. H. B. Laing, 12mo. cl. . Haun, the Pawn Broker ; or, the Orphan's Legacy. r2mo. cl Honustead (The). By Mrs. Ann S. Stephens. 12mo. Moll and Little Agnes; or, the Rich Poor and the Poor Rich. ]3y Mrs. M. Leslie. 12mo. Oak Chest. By 9. P. R. James. Svo. pap. — - Painters, Historical Sketches of. 12mo. cl. Regime (The), and the Revolution. By A. De Tocque- villc. Translated by J. Bonner. 12mo. cl. Yic.'irage (The), a Novel by Mrs. Eubback. 12rao. cl. - 'Whitey's Christmas Trot ; a Story for the Holidays. By A. O. Hall, small 4to. cl Oliatta, and Other Poems. By 11. H. Caldwell. 12mo. cl. Olie, or, the Old West Room. By L. M. M. 12rao. cl. . Oliu, Sto]>hen (Rev.), Travels in Greece and Turkey. 12mo. cl Oliphant (Mrs.), Adam Grajme of Mossgray. 12mo. ■ " Athelings; or, T]ie Three Gifts. Svo. . " Days of My Life, an Autobiography. 12mo. cl '' Katie Stuart. Svo. pap. " ifagilalen Hepburn, a Story of the Scot- tish Reformation. 12mo. cl. " Mar^'aret ^L^itland of Sunnyside. 12mo. " Quiet Heart. Svo. pap - " Zaidec, a Romance. Svo. pap. Olivc-Branch (The) ; or, "White Oak Farm. 12mo. cl. Oliver, G., Book of the Lodge ; or, Officers' Manual. . " Dictionary of Symbolical ilasonry, including the Royal Aroh Degree. Svo. cl. " Historj- of Initiation, comprising a Detailed Ac- count of the Rites, Ceremonies, Doctrines, and Discipline of all the Secret Institutions in the World, cl " History of Masonry in England, cl. 5 00 Lippir,cotl&Co.'57 1 00 Truman & S. '56. 50 Harper & Bros. '56 30 Sterenson & (?. '55 03 D. Dana, Jr. '57 1 25 Hayes & Z. 1 25 Livermore & E. 1 25 Bance & Bro. '55 63 Shepherd, C. & Co. 38 Ilarpcr ik Bros. 75 W. W. Smith. '55 1 00 Harper & Bros. ''bQ 1 25 Fctridge & Co. '56 50 Harper & Bros. '57 1 00 J. S. EcdfieU. 1 25 Mason Bros. '55 1 00 Derhij&J. 1 00 Garret, B. & F.'57 50 Harper «£ Bros. '57 75 " 25 " 1 00 Garret & Co. '56 75 Putnam & Co. '56 25 Harper & Bros. 38 Jeicett & Co. 1 00 ;^Lipptincott&Co:b'J 75 Leonard c5 Co. 1 00 1 00 1 GO '55 1855-58.] OLI- OXB 1C7 Oliver, G., Star in the East, cl " Symbol of Glory, sliowing the Object of Free- inasoury. cl. P., Puritan Commonwealth (The), an Historical Eeview of the Puritan Government of Massa- chusetts. Bvo. cl. S. (Itcv.), Historical Landmarks, and other Evi- dences of Freemasonry Explained. Svo. cl. Oliver Twist By Chas. Dickens. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. . and the Jew Fagin, from " Oliver Twist." ISmo. cl. Ollendorff, II. G., Xew Method of Learning Italian. Edited by F. Foresti. 12uio Key to do " Primary Lessons. ISmo. " New Method of Learning German. Edited by G. J. Adkr. 12mo. Key to do. " New Grammar for Germans to learn the English Language. ByP. Gands. 12mo. Key to do. 12mo . " New Method of Learning French. Edited by J. L. Jewett. 12mo. " Method of Learning French. By V. Value. 12mo Key to each vol " First Lessons in French. By G. '\7. Greene. ISmo. • . . . . " Companion to French Grammar. By G. W. Greene. 12mo " New Method of Learning' Spanish. By M. Velazquez and T. Simonne. 12mo. ■ • " Grammar for Spaniards to learn French. By Simonne, 12ino • " Grammar for Spanfards to learn English. By Palenzuela. 12 mo. Key to each Olmsted, F. L., Journey in Texas; or, a Saddle trip on the Southwestern Frontier. 12mo. cl. ' " Journey in the Seaboard Slave States, with Remarks on tJieir Economy, 12mo. cl. Olney, J., School Geography and Atlas. Revised. Olshausen, H., Biblical Commentary on the New Testa- ment. 5 vols. Svo. cl. Omar Pasha; or, the Vizier's Daughter. By G, "NY. M. Reynolds. 8vo, pap One Hundred and Forty Short Tales and Parables for Chil- dren, By C. Von SchmicL cl 1 00 1 00 Leonard <& Co. 2 25 Little, B. & Co.'SG 2 50 2 50 38 1 50 75 50 1 00 75 1 00 75 1 00 1 00 75 50 75 1 00 2 00 2 00 75 J. W.Leonard (S: Co. T. B. Peterson, '57 /. S. Eedfield. Appleton & Co. 1 25 L>ix,Mw'8(&Co.''5Q 1 25 Bix tfc B. '50 1 13 Pratt, 0. & Co. .0 00 Sh€ldon,B.&Co.'57 50 Stringer & T. '55 38 Sudlicr & Co. ,88 ONH O.Sn [AJtf. OAT. Otio Wor.1 More, nn Appojil totho Ilcfisoriint,' ami Tlionglit- ("iil nmonj,' riilKliovors. IJy Juliii Neiil. 12iiio. cl. 75 M. W. lJodd,''i)o Onyx Uiii^' (Tlif). Hy .I«'lm Sterling. . . 75 }mite'e,K&n.''56 Oraclo» fn)iii tin- I'lu'ts. By Caroline Ciiliiian. 1 2tiio. cl. 7iet 50c. ; cl. ex 75 FenJc ,(: IJ. Ormnnrkn, nn Indian Story. 18mio. cl 50 Dunigan & Bro. Oratorio «'f Our Saviour, written fur Cliililnn. I5y Wni. •\ViIliains 25 Jewett & Co. C)rntor^' Own IJook. 18ino 38 Hayes & Z. Oratory of the Faithful Soul. ISmo. cl 38 Lucas Bros. Orchard, J. H., Chronological History of Foreign Baptists Iroin A. I). 30 to 1800. I'iino. cl. . . . 1 00 Graves, M. & Co. Ore from I'rccious Mines, a Selection for Daily Eeading. 2 tnio. cl. gt CO ^. D.F. EandolpTi. Oregon and California, History of. By L. W, Hastings. paper 50 Z>. Rulison. Oriental Acquaintance, in a series of Letters from Asia Minor, by , I. W. Do Forest. 12mo. cl. . .0 88 Bix FdiD'ds& Co'oQ Annual, royal 8vo. cl. ex. net. §3.00 ira. mor. net 3 50 Leavitt <&, A. • Pearl, or, the Catholic Emigrant, by Mrs. A. H. Dorsey. 32mo 25 Murphy £ Co. '57 and Western Siberia, a Is^arrative of Seven Years' Explorations and Adventures in Siberia, Mon- golia, the Khirgis Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and part of Central Asia. By Thomas "Witlam Atkinson. 8vo. cl 3 00 Earper & Bros.'SS and Sacred Scenes from Notes of Travel in Greece, Turkey, and Palestine. By F. Howe. 8vo. cl. . 2 00 J/. TT. Bodd. Origin of the North American Indians. By John Mcintosh. 12mo. cl . . .0 88 Lamp't,B. £ 1:56 Ornamentnl Art-Manufactures, Historical and Practical. By Geo. C. Mason. 12mo. cl 1 50 G. P. Putnam, '57 Ornaments of Memory ; or. Beauties of History, ]^omance, and Poetry. With 18 fine line engravings, from original designs. 4to. mor. ant. $10 00; ex. cl. gt. edg 6 00 App)leton & Co. Orphan Girls; or, Lights and Shadows of Southern Life. 12mo. cl 100 Berly&J. Boy ; or, Lights and Shadows of Northern Life. 12mo. cl 1 00 " ■ Nieces ; or, Duty and Inclination. By Lucy E. Guernsey. ICmo. cl 75 A. B.F. BandolpTi. Sisters, pap 50 T. i?. Peterson. Orton, J. Pv., Camp Fires of the Bed Men. 12mo. cl. . 1 25 Berhy tC J. Osbon, A.M. (Rev.), Daniel Verified in History and Chro- nology, showing the Complete Fulfilment of his Prophecies. 12mo. cl 60 Carlton itc P . Osborne, D. (Mrs.), World of Waters, cl 50 Carter & Bros. 1855-58.] S C UR 169 Oscanyan, C, Snltan (The) and his People. 12iiio. cl. . 1 25 Berhy & J. '57 Osgood, Josiah, American School Song Book. . . . G.R-Eeed & Co.'So Saml., Studies in Christian Biography ; or, Hours with Theologians and Reformers. 12mo. cl. . . 1 00 Francis & Co. '5G S. B. (Rev.) Ilearth Stone, The; or. Home Truths from a City Pulpit. 12mo. cl. ex. $1 25 ; cl 1 00 Appleton & Co. • " " Illustrated ISTew Edition. cl. ex. $1 50; cl 1 25 " " '• Mile Stones in our Life Journey. 12mo. cl. ex. $1 25 ; cl. . .1 00 " Osmond ; or. The Secret Witness. By C. B. Brown. 12mo. V5 IT. PoUoJc. '5T Ossoli, Margaret F., At Ilome and Abroad ; or, Things and Thoughts in Europe and America. Edited by her Brother. 12mo. cl 1 25 Crosby, K cfiCo.'5G Ostrea; or, The Loves of the Oysters, a Lay. By A. Fishe Shelly. (Jas. W. Gerhard.) IGmo. cl. . . 50 T. J. Crowen,'o7 Oswal, J. (Rev.), Kingdom (The) which shall not ho De- stroyed, &c. An Exposition of Prophecy. 12mo. cl. 1 00 Lippincott <!c Co. Otis, F. N., Easy Lessons in Landscape Drawing. Six Parts $1 87 ; in 1 vol. cl 2 25 Appleton & Co. " Studies of Animals. Five Parts. $1 87 ; in 1 vol. cl 2 25 " " First Lessons in Pencil Drawing. ... 25 " " Elementary Drawing Cards. Landscape, 12 Lessons ; Animals, 12 Lessons. Each Set. . 25 " Otta Held and other Stories, in Prose and Verse. \Srao. net 20 Carlton & P. Otto, F. J., Manual for the Detection of Poisons, by Medico- Chemical ^Vnalysis. 12nio 1 75 iZ". Bailliere, '57 Our American Union. A Guide to its Right Understand- ing. By A. B. Johnson. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 00 Derby cC J. Church-Music, A Book for Pastors and People. By R. S. AVillis. 12mo 50 D. Dana Jc Co.'57 Countrymen ; or. Brief Memoire of Eminent Americans. By B. F. Lossing 12mo. cl 75 Ensign, iJ.iC F. '55 Cousin Veronica ; or. Scenes and Adventures on the Blue Ridge. By Miss AVormely. 12nio. cl . 125 Bunce & Bro.''bQ — - First Families ; a Novel of Philadelphia Good So- ciety. 12mo. cl 1 00 Wiilt A Yost. '55 — - Friends in Ileaven ; or, the Mutual Recognition of the Redeemed in Glory Demonstrated. By J. M. Killen. 75 S. £ Foe. 'o7 Grandmother's Stories, and Aunt Kate's Fireside ife- mories. IGmo. cl 75 Tichior c6 F. '57 Happy Ilomc ; or, the Family Circle. By Mrs. Sarah Gould. 12ino. cl. gt 1 00 Jliijgins, B. ifi Z>. Homes ; their Cares and Duties, Joys and Sorrows. Edited by T, S. Arthur. 12mo. cl. ex. net 88 cents ; cl oG Peck <£ B. 170 OUR PA I [am. CAT, Our Iloncvmoon, nnil other Corulcnlitics. From " riiiicli." 12„,o. d 1 25 Slringer ,6 T. — LonlV Orcot Propliocy, and Its rnrallels tlirongliout the Hible. Uy Uov. I). 1). IJuck. 8vo. cl. . 1 25 Mdler, 0. & Co. — • IVtor; or, Ilfiniiiiscenccs of llov. Edward Tayson, of Port land, Mo. 12mo. cl 100 Tappan (^ W.'o^ , "World; or, tlio Slfivc-liolder's Pauglitor. 12ino. cl. . 1 25 Miller, 0. & M. Ont of Del.t, Out of Danger. P.y Alice 15. Ncal. lOmo. cl. G3 Apphton & Co. Outcasfw Daughter; a Story of the West Am. Tract So. 'b^ Outlines of Knglish History. By Ainulia Edward. . net 14 EichUnfj, S. & B. Ovennaii, F., Mechanics for the !^fillwright, Engineer, Ma- chinist, Civil Engineer, and Architect. 12mo. cl 1 00 Lippincott & Co. » Metalhirg}- ; Embracing Elements of Mining Operations, Analysation of Ores, &c, 8vo. ill. cl. 5 00 Appleton & Co. Ovid's Art of Love. 24nio. cl 50 C. Blanchard. '55 Ovid, Interlinear Translation. By Hamilton and Clark. 12mo. lialf mor 1 50 C. Desilver. Owen, John J. (Bev.), Commentaiy on the Gospels of Mat- thew and Mark. 12mo 1 00 Lemitt & A. '57 John (llev.), On Temptation and Mortification of Sin in Believers. 12mo. cl GO Presbyterian B. Pvichard (M.D.), Key to the Geology of the Globe. 8vo 2 00 Barnes & Co. '57 K. D., Treatise on the Construction of Plank Roads. 12mo. cl 50 Appleton & Co. Penmanship. 3 parts, each 13 " Owned and Disowned ; or, the Chattel Child. By Yan Bnren Denslow. 12rao. cl 1 00 il Dayton. Oxenden A. (Rev.), Counsel to the Awakened ; or, the Patliway of Safety. 16mo 50 Lippincott&Co.^61 P. Pacha of INfany Tales. By F. ^farryat. 12mo. cl. . .1 00 Derly rf: J. '57 Page, D. P., Xonnal Chart of Elementary Sounds. . . 2 50 Barnes & Co. Page, Henry F., Law of "Warrants, Entries. Surveys, and Patents, in the Virginia Military District of Ohio. 8vo 1 50 J. U. Filey & Co. Pnges from the History of the Catholic Church in the r. States. By H. Do Courcoy and John G. Shea. 12mo. cl 1 50 Dunigan & Bro. Pftigc, Lncitis R., Commentary on the New Testament. Vol. 4. 12mo 1 00 yl. TompHns. '57 1855-58.] FAI- PAE m Paine, Thos., Theological "Writings. 1 vol. 8vo. cl. " Political Writings. 2 vols. Svo. cl. PaJey, "Wm., Philosophy with Frost's Questions. . net " Evidences of Christianity. ISmo. . Palmer, J. II., First Lessons in Book-Keeping. 12mo. bds. " Ruled Blanks for do J. W. (M.D.), Golden Dragon ; or, Up and Down the Irrawaddi, being Passages of Adventure in the Burniau Empire. 12ino. cl. .... Panama in 1855. By Robert Tomes. 12mo. cl. Panegyricus of Isocrates, with Notes by Prof. 0. C. Felton. 12mo. cl. Panorama of Xations. By John Frost. 12mo. cl. Panoramic Guide from Niagara Falls to Quebec. By "W, S. Ilunter, Jr. 12mo. cl. Papal Conspiracy Exposed. By Rev, Edward Beecher. 12mo. cl Paper Dolls, and How to Make Them, a Book for Little Girls. Square, cl. Papers from the " Quarterly Review." 16mo. cl. Paradres Gartlein (Catholic Prayer Book). 32mo. 25 cts. to Paragreens (The), on a Visit to the Paris Universal Exhibi- tion. By the Author of " Lorenzo Benoni." 12mo. Pardee, R. G., Complete Manual for the Cultivation of the Strawberry ; also, Directions for the Cultivation of tbe Raspberry, Blackberry, Cranberry, Gooseberry, Currant, and Grape. 12mo. cl. . . » Pardoe (^liss), Confessions of a Pretty "Woman. Svo. pap. . ■^— — " Jealous "Wife. Svo. pap. " Romance of the Ilarem. 8vo. pap. " Rival Beauties. Svo. pap. . " "^'ife's Trials (The) pap. Parents' Gift. By Rebecca Collins. 18mo. cl. . Parish Side. 16mo. cl Sketch Book. By "W. i[. Thackeray. 2 vols. IGmo. Parisian Sights and French Principles, seen through Ameri- can Spectacles. By Jas. J. Jarves. Second series. 12mo. cl Park, Mary B. (Mrs.), Jerusalem and Other Poems, with a Memoir of the Author. 12mo. cl. . . . U., Arithmetic. 12mo. hf. r. .... Park Madison, the Senator's Son. By M. Y. Fuller. 12mo. Parker, Edward G., Golden Age of American Oratory. 12mo. cl. . . E. II. (M.D.), Mothers' Hand-Book : A Guide in the care of Young Children. 12mo. n. 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Tiio Same ■vvith a Map of the State. " Iowa Iland-Book for 185G. 12mo. cl. " Miniiosota do. " 185G-7. 12mo. cl. *' Kansas and Nebraska Iland-Book, Vx. G., Child's Primer, " School, " First School Reader, " Second " " " Third '• " " Fourth " " " Fifth " " " Juvenile Philosophy. Pt. I. . . . '_ H U II " II. . 1 25 Derhj & J. '50 "75 N. F. Richardson. " School, " " Progressive Exercises in English Composi- tion. 12mo. hf. r net • " and Watson, J. M., National First Reader, . " " " " Second " " " " " Third " u u » u Tourth " '• " " " Fifth " " " " Pronouncing Speller. Theodore, Speeches, Addresses, and Occasional Sennons, 2 vols. 12 mo. cl. " Additional Speeches. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. W. B., Notes taken during an Expedition through Unexplored Texas in 1854. 12mo. cl, O^r^-X Annals of the Christian Church, in Familiar Conversations for Young Persons. ISmo. . Parkman, F., Vassall Morton ; a Novel. 12 mo, cl. . Parkyns, M., Savage Life in Abyssinia. With Illustrations. 2 vols, 13mo. cl The Same, cheap Edition in 1 vol. cl. . , , Parley's Balloon Travels of Robert Merry and his Young Friends over various Countries in Europe. 12mo. cl. Faggoti! for the Fireside ; or, Facts and Fancy. 12mo. — First Book of History. .... net Second " . . . . " Third " . . . . " Common School History, by S. G. Goodrich. 12mo. GeograpUio Elemeutaire Keen & Lee. '55 (( Jewett & Co. '5G Barnes & Co. 50 1 00 1 50 75 75 75 05 10 15 25 37 G7 84 25 C7i 1 00 25 25 38 50 75 1 QO 25 2 50 Little, B. & Co. 2 50 " 1 00 Hayes it Z. 35 Carlton & P. '57 1 25 PMUij)s,S.(&Co.''56 Davis & Co. Barnes &, Co. 2 50 Appleton & Co. 1 50 u 1 00 J. C. Derly. '56 1 00 AppJeton c£ Co. 50 Hickling, S. & B. 50 a 50 (C <04 E. E. Butler tC Co 60 u 1855-58.] PAR- FA T 178 1 00 M. Cotton. '57 50 T. B. Peterson. Parley's Gilbert Go-Ahead's Adventures and Travels in Foreign Parts. 12mo. cl 1 00 Derly & J. Household Library. 8vo, cl 1 25 jE. Dayton. — ■ Present for all Seasons, by S. G. 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E., Text Book of Analytical Geometry. 12iiio. . " Analytical Geometry. 8vo. shp. 0. B., Primer. IGmo " First Eeader. 16mo " Second " IGmo " Third " 12ino Pell's Guide for the Young to Success and Happiness, 12mo. cl. ex. 50c.; cl Pen Pictures of the Bible (first series), by Rev. C. Beecher. 18mo. cl — - and Ink Portraits of the Senators, Assemblymen and State Officers of the State of New York, by G. AV. Bungay. 12rao. pap Pendleton, J. M., Three Reasons why I am a Baptist, and a Fourth on Conmiunion. 18mo. cl. . . . Penetraha (The), being Harmonious Answers to Important Questions, by A. J. Davis Penny, "\V. G., Exercises of Faith Impossible except in the Catholic Church. 18rao. cl. .... People's Medical Light Ilouse, by 11. K. Root. 8vo. . Pepperell, Wm. (Bart.), Life of. 8vo. cl Pepys, Saml., Diary and Correspondence, edited with a Life and Ni^tes by Lord Braybrooke. 4 vols, small Bvo. cl Percival Iveene, by Capt. F. Marryat. 12mo. cl. Percy's Reliques. 8vo. cl Pereira, J., Pocket Prescription Book, tucks. 75 ; cl. Perilous Adventures in the FarWest, by S.N.Carvolho. 12mo. Perils of Fast Living, by Clias. Bin-dett. 12mo. cl. . of the Ocean and the AVildcrness; or, Narratives t>f Shipwrecks and Indian Captivities, by John G. Shea. IGmo Perkins, G. R., Primary Arithmolic. Combining mental and written E.xerciscs. Introductory to Ele- mentary and Practical " Elementary Arithmetic. Introductory to tho Higher Arithmetic. 12mo. " Practical Arithmetic. Containing over 3000 Examples for Practice. 12mo. cl. GGc. ; bds. ' " Key to Arithmetic. Containing Complete and Full Solutions. 12mo. cl. . " Higher Arithmetic. New Edition, with Ap- pendix. 12 mo - - " Elementary Geometry. "With Practical Aji- plicatioua. 12mo. shp 25 Am S.S. Union''ofi 75 D. Dana, Jr. ,'56 75 Tickiior it F. 1 50 /. BartUtt. '57 1 50 " 10 Lippincott it Co. 15 " 25 " G8 " 38 Appleton dc Co. 50 J. C. Derby. '55 25 J Mu..scU. 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Coiwin. 12mt). cl. . 03 Appleton Jb Co. • " " Mechanics of Nature and of the Source and Modes of Proj)agation of Natural Motive Powers. By Z. Allen. 8vi). d. . . 3 50 '' '• Plays of Sliakspearo Inlbldcd. Byl'elia Bacon. Svo. c 3 oO Tichior <t F. '51 — " " Weather, and Guide to its Changes. By T. B. Butler. 18mo. cl. , .1 oO AppUton A Co.'bH Pha^nix, John, Phoenixiana; or, Sketches and IJurlcsqnes. 12mo. cl 1 00 12 ,7H PIIO -PK Phom-lic i»ictioiiurj- of tlie Kriglish Ijuiguftgc. 8vo. . . 3 50 IVimor, . 10 K.a.l.T 20 'rrnn.Hiiioii Ki-adi-r; or, ii Course of Iiiduclivo lio- miiiiic lioadiiig l/'ssons, 20 Pln»in>grnpliio Copy Hook, 12 • — In.Htructor and Key. JJy J. C. Ilootli. ISino. 50 Ucader. 13y Pitman 25 Tonclicr, By I'ittnaii. ..... 1 00 " By Webster. 12iiio. . . . 45 Photograph and Ainhrotype Manual, a Practical Treatise on the Art. ]?y N. liurgcss. el 1 00 Phrenology Proved, Illustrated, and Applied. By O. S. and N. L. Fowkr. 12mo. cl 1 25 Physical (Jeograpliy of tlio Sea. liy M. F. Maury. 8vo. cl. 1 50 Physician's Vacation, or, a Summer Tour in Europe. By "Walter Channing. 12nio. cl. . . . , 1 50 Physiology of Now York Boarding Houses. By T. B. Gunn. 12ino. cl 1 00 " Marriage. B}' An Old Physician. IGino. 75 — " the Senses. By A. B. Johnson. 12rno. cl. To Pianoforte PriiBtr. By J. F. Burrowes. . . • net 17 Piazza Talcs (The), by Herman Melville. 12rao. cl. . .1 00 PiekoU, J., Now Chapter in the Early Life of "Washington, in Connection with the NaiTative History of the Potomac Company. 1 vol. 8vo. cl. . . . 1 25 Pickering, Charles, Introduced Animals and Plants. 4to. net 2 40 ■ ■ — John, Greek and Englith Lexicon. Svo. shp. " 2 75 Picot, Chivs., Beauties of the French Drama. . . " 50 • " First Lessons in French. . . . " 34 " Fleurs du Parnasse Fran^ais. . . " 50 " French Students' Assistant. . . . " 17 " Historical Narratives in French. . , " 40 " Narratives in French " 40 " Scientific, Literary, and other Narrations. '' 50 Pictorial Adventures of !Margaret Catchpole, the Female Horse Thief, pap 50 Bible and Church History. Stories for the Young. lOnio 50 Household Primer 10 Treasury, with 700 Engravings. 4to. . . . 1 00 Pictures of Christian Heroism. 12mo. cl 50 • of Comical People, witli Stories about Them. 16mo. cl 75 of Europe Framed in Ideas. By C. A. Bartol. 12mo. cl 1 25 of the Oldon Time, as shown in the Fortunes of a Family of Pilgrims. By E. H. Sears. 100 [am. cat. Lonrjley Jlroi. FowUr»& W. E. n. Butler & Co. Fowlers & W. Wiley & II. Fowlers & W. Ilarper & Bros. '56 Tlcluor & F:o7 Mason Bros. "57 Jeicett & C(h '55 Derhy & J. Mason Bros. I)ix <& E. '56 Appleton & Co. Little, B. & Co. Saiiiorn, C. & B. CowpcrtTivaitii- Co. Garret & Co. '57 J.Murp7iy<&Co.'57 Liprpincott <fi Co. Lippincott ti Co. Sadlur & Co. Francis <& Co. '56 Crosby. KA Co.' o5 1855-58.] PIC- PIT 179 Pictures and Stories for Little Folks, with 15 colored illus- trations, square 12mo. cl. .... Pierce, Benj., Phssical and Celestial Mechanics; developed in four systems of Analytic Mechanics, Cele.-tial Mechanics, Potential Physics, and Analytic Mor- phology. Pai't I., Analytic Mechanics. 4to. Jas. M., Analytical Geometrj'. Svo. shp. Pierpont, John, American First Class Book, 12mo. . " Little Learner. ISmo " National Reader. 12mo. .... — " New Kcader; or, Introduction to Na- tional Reader. 12mo " Young Reader. 18mo Pierson's System of Geographical Questions. l-hnn. hf. bd. . net Piesse, G. W. S., Art of Perfumery and ^Method of Ohtain- ing the Odors of Plants. 12mo. cl. Piggot, A. S. (M.D.), Chemistry and ^Metallurgy of Copper. 12mo. cl. . • . . . ... Pilgrim Memorials and Guide to Plymouth. By "\V. S. Russell. 12mo. cl Fathers, a Cantata in Two Parts, composed by Geo. F. Root, paper net Pilgrim's Progress. By John Bunyan. 12iiio. cl. Piney "Woods Tavern ; or, Sam Slick in Texas. 12mo. cl. Pinkney,*"\Vm., Life, By his Nephew, Rev. "Wm. Piiikriey. 8vo. cl. Pinney, N., Elementary French Reader. . . . vrt " Barcelo's Spanish Grammar, a Practical Spanish Teacher. 12mo net Key to the above net Pinnock, Wm., Catechism of Geography " History of England. r2mo. hf. r. " " " France " .. . " " » Greece » i. . . " " " Rome u a Pioneer Heroes of the New "World, comprising the Lives of the most Famous Discoverers, Explorers, anil Con- querors of North and South America. 8vo. Pioneers of the AVest ; or. Life in the Woods, By "NV. P. Strickland. 12mo. cl. Pirates (The), of the ^rississij.pi. By F. Gerstacker. j'ap. Pise, C. 0. (Rev.), Fatlier Pmwlaiid, a North American Tale. 18mo. cl Pitman, B., History of Siinrt Haiul " Manual of Plioiiogrni)hy " New ^faimers Book. Printed in Piiono- gr«I'l'y- • • • oM A.lJ.F. Uandolph. Litth, D. A Co. '57 J. liartlett. Lippincott tt Co. 7 50 1 50 75 10 50 3>^ lit 28 1 25 1 25 1 00 ]<.t 1 00 1 25 2 00 42 75 37i 19 84 S4 84 b4 lA /•'. IhtrtAto. 1 00 Carlton <f^ P. 'SO 25 Ii\ M. Detritt. '60 3K Luciit Bros. 75 FotrUrs «(• W. fiO '> 75 " Ki'jgiua «t K. .(■ /?. '."G Jf'i.vm Broil. Perhif ,1- J. T. B. Peterson. ApjAeton <C- Co. Jdason Bros. Sttdlier it Co. C. Denilrrr. 180 PIT- PL Y [am. cat. Carlton & P. '50 ILHool-er. '56 Mason Bros. Phillips, S. & Co. A.D.F.Eandolph. Munroe & Co. '57 I'itman, ]j. Phonofrrapliic Roaclor 25 Fowlers & W. " " Teaclier 1 00 " " find Prosper n., PiOi'iortcrs' Companion, A (luidc to Verbatim Poi)orting. cl. . '. . . 1 00 " Pizgali-Views of the Promised Inlieritancc, a series of Dis- sertations on the unaccomplished Prophecies, By Rev. Joseph Cross. 12nio. cl 1 00 Plain Commentary on the Four Gospels. 2 vols. 8vo. . -i 00 irusic for tlic Book of Common Prayer. Edited by Rev. G. T. Rider. . . \ . . net Z^ Talk and Friendly Advice to Domestics, with Conn- sel on Home Matters. 12mo. cl 75 Words to a Young Communicant. By Rev. J. W. Alexander. 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Griswold. Sixteenth Edition. 8vo. cl. .... Political Class Book of the State of Pennsylvania. By D. Fuller. 12mo. hf. bd net EconoTny of Art. By John Itnskin. 12ino. cl. . ■ — ■ Lyrics — New Ilami^hire and Nebraska. 2 25 Little, B. ai 6't>.'5G 1 00 Bcrly & J. '57 ■ 38 Hayei & Z. 75 Dunigan <£ Bro. 1 00 /. S. Red field. '5G 1 25 F.Bell. 75 Lippincott & Co. 1 00 Tklcnor & Co. '57 38 Lippincott & Co. 38 W. J. Eamersley. 38 Appleton & Co. 75 M. W. Pod J. 'HO 5 00 Appleton & Co. 1 00 Wuttemore,N.&n. 1 88 E. II. Butler &Co. 1 88 E. H. Bntlcr cC- Co. 1 88 1 00 '55 ■ Text-Book ; or, Cyclopnsdia. P>y W. M. Cluskey. 8vo Pollok, Robert, Course of Time. 32mo Poltrooniers. A IMagic Farco, in One Act. By an Admirer of Ciiivalry. ........ Poor ik\v aiid Merchant Prince ; (jr, Elements of Success. Drawn from the Life and Character of the late Amos Lawrence. By W. M. Thayer. 16mo. Fellow (A). By Antlior of " AVhich, the Right or the Left?" 12mo. cl. Nelly; or, The Golden ^[iishroom. 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By St. Alphonso Liguori. 12mo. 50 Prescott, Wm. H,, History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain. 2 v^ Svo. cl. . . . 4 50 Preston, Wm., Illustrations of Masonry, cl. . . . 1 00 Price, David, Elenientary English Grammar. . . net 10 Joseph M., Interest Tables, at Five, Six, and Seven per cent. Fifth Edition. Folio, r. cl. sides. . 4 00 N. L., Baptism, the Design, Mode, Subjects. 12n)o. cl. Price of a Crown, or John the Alchemist. By Eugene Sue. Svo. cl 1 00 Pride of Life. By author of "Hen-Pecked Husbaud." 12mo. cl 1 25 and Prejudice, and Nortliangcr Abbey. By Jane Austin. 12mo. cl. . . . . . . 1 00 Priest (The), the Puritan, and the Preacher. By Rev. J. C. Ryle. 12mo. cl. . . . • . . 75 Priesthood and Clergy unknown to Christianity, oi", the Church a Community of Coequal Brethren. By Compaginator (Prof. Geo. Bush). 12rao. cl, . 75 Primary School Song Book. By Lowell Mason and G. J. Webb net Y2 Prime, S. I. (Rev.); Thoughts on the Death of Little Chil- dren. 16mo. cl 50 Wm. 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Boeckli, translated by Anthony Lamb. 8vo. cl. 4 00 School Singing Book 13 • • Singing Book, by A. F. Cox. 32ino. bds. . 17 Puddleford Papers, or, Humors of the "West, by H. II. Ptiley. 12mo. cl 1 00 Pulpit (The), and the Pe\\',from Leaves of a Pastor's Journal. 1 00 Cyclopiedia and Ministers' Companion, 8vo. . . 2 50 — - — Eloquence of the Nineteenth Century (Living Minis- ters), by Rev. H. C, Fish. 8vo. cl. 3 50 " " Deceased Divines, by Rev. Henry C. Fish. 2 vols. 8vo. cl 5 00 Pulte, J. II. (M.D.), Homoeopathic Domestic Physician. 12mo. cl 2 00 Punch's Pocket Book of Fuii. 18mo. . . . . 50 Prize Novelists, by "W. M. Thackeray. 16mo. cloth 50 '• • Pure Gold from the Rivers of Wisdom, min. cl. . . 38 " Pui'gatory opened to the Piety of the Faithful ; or, the ' Month of November consecrated to the relief of the Souls in Purgatory. 24mo. cl. . . . 31 Dunigan <& Bro. Puritan Commonwealth (The), an Historical Review of the Puritan Government of Massachusetts. By P. Oliver. 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I'salms (The), JJooks of Wisdom niul Canticle of Oanticlos, translated from the Latin Vuljjjate, with Notes, Critical ami Ex|)lanatory. liy Archbishop F. P. Kenrick. 8vo. cl. . . . . . Psaltery (Tlie), A New Collection of Church Music. By Lowell Mason and G. J. Webb, music Bvo. net Psalter, Noted, Carefully compared and made to agree with the Psalter of the Standard Prayer Book of the Church in America. By Rev. Thomas Ilelmore. 18mo. cl. " Accompanying Ilarmouies to. By Rev. Thomas Helmore. Bvo Pycroft, J., Course of English Reading. 12mo. cl. . 3 00 Lucas Bros. '57 C7 Mason Bros. 03 J. A. Xotello. '50 75 75 Appleton & Co. Q. Quackenbos, G. P., First Lessons in English Composition. 12mo " Advanced Course of Composition and Rhetoric. 12rao " History of the U. S. for Schools. 12mo. • — " * Natural Philosophy. 12mo. Quadroon (The), or, A Lover's Adventures in Louisiana. By Capt. M. Reid. l2mo. cl Queen's Fate (The), A Tale of the Days of Herod. 12mo. cl. Necklace, a Sequel to " Memoirs of a Physician."' By Ales. Dumas. 2 vols, pap Queens of England of the House of Hanover (the Wives of the Four Georges). By Dr. Dorau. 2 vols. 12mo. cl " A Series of Portraits of distinguished Female Sovereigns. With Biographical and His- torical Sketches from Agnes Strickland. Illus- trated with 29 splendid Portraits of the Queens. Royal 8vo. mor. ant. ..... Quesnel, P., the Gospels, with Moral Reflections on each Yerse. Edited by Rev. H. A. Boardman. 2 vols. 8vo. cl. Questions in Geography, Adapted to Mitchell's Atlas. By N. H. Morison. r2mo of the Sonl. By I. T. Hecker. 12mo. cl. Quiet Heart. By Mrs. Oliphant. 8vo. pap. Quinby, G. W., Gallows (The), The Prison and the Poor- House, a Plea for Humanity. 12 mo. . 50 Appleton & Co. 1 00 " 1 00 « 1 00 « 1 25 1 00 25 75 25 H. M. Bewitt, '57 Pudnfy d- B. '57 1 00 T. B. Peterson. 2 00 J. S. BedfieW. "55 10 00 AppUton £ Co. •i 00 Parrij <C- 2feJI. '55 Cnshing tC B. '56 Appleton & Co. Harper <& Bros. 1 00 Longley Bros. '57 1855-1858.] QUI RAiT 187 Quinby, M., Mysteries of Bee-keeping Explained. 12ino. cl. Quinc}^, J. P., Cliaricles, a Dramatic Poem. IGino. cl. ■ ■ " Lyteria, a Dramatic Poem. Uimo. cl. Quintus Curtius Ruftis' Life and Exploits of Alexander the Great. Edited and illustrated, with English Xotes, by Professor Crosby. 12m(). .... Qnits, a Novel. By Baroness Tautphoens. r2nio. cl. Quorndon Hounds. By Frank Forrester (11. W. Iler- bert). pap 1 00 50 50 00 C.M.Sax'n&Co.'o'J Tichuor & F. AppUton & Co. Li2)pincott& Co^'ol 50 T. B. Peterson. E. Pabbit Fancier (The). By C. K Beinent. 12mo. cl. Eachel Gray, a Story of Humble Life. 12mo. cl. and the Xew World. See Beauvallet, L. P^adchffe, Anne, Mysteries of Udolpho. 12nio. cl. " Eomance of the Forest. 12rao. cl. . Ragpicker (The) ; or, Bound and Free. 12mo. cl. Railroad Accidents, their Causes, and the Means of Pre- venting them. By E. With, Civil Engineer. 12nio. 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French & Co.'SG 50 Miller, 0. & Co. 1 25 J. French tC- Co. '55 40 n. L. Eastings. 38 (( 75 Smith, E. & Co. Ticknor & F. '58 2 25 Butler tC- Co. 13 ki 13 " 25 (1 50 (( 25 <i 25 u 25 (I 188 RAK HE A [am. cat. Rand's Small Alphabetical Copies Raiulolpli, John, Litb of. Including Letters, Spetclius, An- ecdotes, Personal Ileniiniscences and Times. By II. A. (Jarland. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. cl. Random Sketches and Notes of European Travel in 185G. By Rev. J. E. Edwards. 12mo. cl. Rangers and Regulators of Tanaha; or. Life among the Lawless. By Chas. Sunimerfield (A. W. Arring- ton). 12mo. cl Ranlett, W. H., City Architect; a series of Original De- signs for Dwellings, Stores, and Public Buildings, to be completed in twenty numbers. Pur Xo. Ranney, T., Ocean Steam Navigation and the Ocean. Post Svo. cl. Raphall, M. J. (Rev.), Post-Biblical History of the Jews. 2 vols. 12mo. cl Rapou, A. 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'• Propria Qua; Maribus and the Box Tunnel. 16mo. pap '' White Lies; a Novel. 12nio. cl. Reading Lessons by the Brothers of the Christian Schools : First Book. ISmo. 4 cents to ... . Second Book. ISmo. 10 cents to ... Third Book. 12mo. 88 cents to . 25 Btdhr .£• Co. 1 50 Appleton & Co. 1 00 Harper & Iiros.''b': 1 25 B. M. Dewitt. '57 50 u 2 00 Appleton & Co. 2 50 Moss £ Bro. '55 50 Moore, W. K. & Co. 50 Lerhy A J. 25 E. D. Long. '57 1 00 Lindsay & B. "56 75 Sadlier & Co. '56 W.S.&A.Martien. 35 Carter & Bros. '57 38 Mnnroe d: Co. '57 Hall £ H. '55 75 Parry & McM. '56 1 00 u 3 50 a 1 00 u 75 (( 75 Tichwr d- F. '55 75 1 75 '56 75 '55 25 (C 1 25 '57 06 Dun jgan & Bra. 13 (( 50 (. 1855-58.] REA REI 189 Reading Without Tears ; or, a Pleasant Mode of Learning to Read. By Author of ''Peep of Day." 16nio for a Month preparatory to Confirmation. 12ino. cl. Ready Work for Willing Uands. IGnio Reality ; or, the Millionaire's Daughter. By Mrs. Tuthill. 12mo. cl . 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Henry, Lectures on English History, as illustrated by Shakspear'ri Chronice-plays, and on Tragic Poetiy. 12 mo. cl. . " " " the British Poets. 2 v. 12rao. cl. II., Sabbath School Concert Hynms. Reeder, Louise, Currer Lyle ; or, the Stage in Romance and the Stage in Reality. 12mo. cl. . Recmelin, Clias., Vine Dresser's Manual, cl. Reeve, J. fRev.), History of the Old and New Testament. Gth Edition. 12mo. hf. r Refugees (The); or, Narratives of Fugitive Slaves in Ca- nada, related by Tliemsolves. By B. Drew. 12mo. V cl Regeneration. By E. H. Sears. Regulations for the Aruiy of the United States, 1S57. 12mo. cl Reid, Alex., Dictionary of the English Language, with De- rivations, &c. 12riio. shp D. B., Ventilation. Adapted to American Dwellings. 8vo. cl. . .' 50 Marper £ Bro8:57 75 D. Dana^ Jr. 45 Avi. S. S. U. 'oT 1 00 C. Scr'ibner, '5G 75 Carter & Bros. 50 /. French & Co.'o7 3 00 Jfiller, 0. & M. '5G 1 00 SJiepard, C. & B. 1 25 D. Eulison. 1 00 Hayes & Z. 1 50 Pudney cC- R. 1 00 D. 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The same. G vols in 3, full cf. $50 00; full mor Sarah, My Step-mother; or, the Power of Love. IGmo. . . Robertson, Frederick "W. (Rev.), Sermons, Preached at Trinity Chapel, Brighton. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 nianchard & L.'^l 25 Am. Tract So:56 1 00 DerJjy & J. '57 C3 LijipincHt^Co.'Bd 18 Appleton & Co. 1 00 " -56 1 25 TlcJcnor & F. '58 75 " '55 1 25 C. Desiher. '57 50 Fetridge & Co. '55 1 00 Sadlier d- Co. 1 00 AppUton <& Co.'QT 2 00 Mc Carter & Co.'56 25 Dewitt & D. '56 50 A. D.F.Randolph. 50 Crosby, K & Co. 75 Ap>pleton & Co. 38 Li2)2nncott <& Co. 63 Apjileton & Co. 50 Miller, 0. £ Co. 50 T. B. Peterson. 1 25 " e 75 W.S.&A.Martun. 45 00 Appleton & Co. 60 00 «( 38 D, Dana, Jr. '57 1 00 Tichnor&FieWm 1855-58.] ROB- ROB 195 Robertson, T., New System of Teaching the French Lan- guage. 12mo. hf. r Key to the above. .... • "Wm., History of the Discovery of America. 8vo. shp. ■• " " America, continued by a New and Complete History of the United States to the Pre- sent Time. 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The several pai'ts designed to serve as a mutual key. 5 vols. 12mo. . eacb Vol. 1 English Test. Vol. 2 French Transla- tion. Vol. 3 German Translation. Vol. 4 Spanish Translation. Vol. 5 Itahan Trans- lation. " Polyglot Reader (in German), Translated by Dr. Solger. " Key to same, in Enghsh, " " " (in Italian.) Translated by Dr. Botta. " Key to same, in English, " •' " (in Spanish.) Translated by Simon Camacho. 12mo. . " Key to the same, Rogers, E. C, Philosophy of Mysterious Rappings. New Edition, containing Reitly to Beecher. 12mo. . E. P., DangersandDutiesof Men of Business. ISmo. Samuel, Pleasures of Memory, and Campbell, Thos., Pleasures of Hope. cl. ex. . 1 50 Ajiphton ffi Co. 1 00 Dcrhj&J. 1 00 " 25 Sheldon,R<&Co:55 03 D. Dana, Jr. 30 Presbyterian Bd. CO Am. Unitn. Assn. 1 00 Derly & J. '57 03 Parry & McM. '56 1 00 Derly & J. 1 25 « V5 Appleton & Co. V5 " 1 25 Derly <{• /. 1 00 J. Bartlett. 2 00 /. S. Eomans. 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" 07 " " Young Men's Singing Book. . . " 07 " H. K. (M.D.), People's Medical Light House. 8vo. . 2 00 D. Eulison. N. "W". T., School Amusements ; or, how to make School Interesting. Embracing Simple Rules for Military and Gymnastic Exercises. . . . \ 2ij A. 8. Barnes & Co. Rosa Lambert ; or, the Memoirs of an Unfortunate Woman, By Reynolds. 12nio. pap. $1 00, cl. . . . 1 2o T. B. Peterson. of Linden Castle; or, Filial Aftection. 18mo. cl. . 60 W. S.&A.Martien. Rosales, G., Caton Cristiano y Catecismo de la Doctrina Cristiana. 12mo. .18 AppUton & Co. Rose Bud. ISrao. cl. ex. or ira. mor. gt. e. . . net 75 Leavitt & A. Clark. By Fanny Fern (Mrs. S. P. Farrington). 12mo. cl 1 25 Mason Bros. Foster ; or, the "^ Second Series to the Mysteries of the Court of London." By Reynolds, pap. $1 50; cl 175 T.B.Peterson. Milton ; a Romance. 12mo. pap 50 Parry & JIcJI. '55 of Ashurst. By Author of "Emilia "^^'yudham." 50 Harper & Bros. 'bl " Tanneubourg ; Moral Tale hy C. Yon Schmid. 18mo. cl 38 ZT. McO^rath. '' the Parsonage ; an Idyl of our Own Times. Translated from the German, pap. . . . 50 Parry & McM. and Lillie Stanhope : or, the Power of Conscience. By M. J. Mcintosh. 16mo. cl 38 Api^eton & Co. Ross, F. A. (Rev.), Slavery Ordained of God. 12mo. cl. . 100 Li2)2nncott<S:Co.''o7 W. P., Accountant. 12mo. cl 1 00 C. Desiher. " Bookkeeping. 8vo. " 1 25 " Ross's Latin Grammar, revived and enlarged by X. C. Brooks, shp 7iet 40 Cowperthwait&Co. Southern Speaker. 12mo. hf. ara 1 00 Lippincott & Co. Roughing it in the Bush. By Mrs. S. Moodie. 12mo. cl. 1 25 E. JL Beicitt. Rousseau, J. J., Confessions ; Period First. 12mo. cl. . 1 25 C. Blanchard. '57 " " " Second " " .1 25 " Roving Adventures. By Geo. Borrow. Svo. cl. . .1 50 Moore, W. K. & Co. Rowan, F. M., History of the French Revolution. 2 vols. 75 Appleton & Co. " Modern French Reader. 12 mo. ... 75 " Rowell, Chas. S., Manual of Dental Economy. 16mo. cl. . 38 Q. Scrihner. '55 Rowland, H. A. 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Russian Empire (The), its Resources, Government, and Po- licy. By a Looker on from America. 12 mo. cl. Ruth Elmer, a Tale for School Girls. ISmo. . Hall. By Fanny Fern (Mrs. S. P. Farrington). 12rao. 75 E. C. & J. Biddle. Ax>]jleton <£ Co. 1 00 J. French & Co. '56 2 00 Stringer & T. 75 Appleton t& Co. 2 00 Miller & Co. '57 3 00 Jiicett tC Co. '56 2 50 Lippincott & Go. 1 00 11 75 Wiley & n. 2 mo. 1 25 i. 5 00 41 50 U 50 tc 1. . 1 25 a , 2 00 11 net 38 Whit\ morc,2^.<& H. net 60 EicHing, S. & B. shp. 6 00 Derhy & J. net 14 EiclUng, S. & B. net 07 WhiV more^N'.&H. net 09 (1 net 12 u net 20 1. net 10 11 net 12i- n. net 47 11 1 by 1 00 W. F. Draper. 30 Wlut'm,nr.XA-E. 50 1 00 CroHlrj^y. .C-T^.'SS 25 Ear per tC* Bros. 75 .1/. ^Y. DodJ. '67 1 00 Appleton <C Co. 1 25 3foore, W. K. & Co. 20 Am. S. S. Union. 1 25 Mason Bros. 200 r,UT. S A [am. cat. Tlntlioifonl, A. C, Lectures on tlie Doctrine of Election. . Ryan, ;^[icllaol (M.D.), Pliilosopliy of Marriage, in its Social, Moral, and Physical Relations. 12mo. el. . Ryc-IIouso riot ; or, Ruth, the Consjurator's Dunghter. I5y Reynolds. 12nio. cl. $1 00 ; pap. Ryle, J. C. (Rev.), Expository Thoughts on the Gospels (St. Matthew). 12ino. cl " " The Priest, the Pui-i tan, and the Preacher. 12mo. cl . " " Spiritual Songs for a Month. 32nio. flex. r,o 75 1 00 75 10 TTiggins <fc P. Lindsay <£• B. '5G Reynolds & Co. Carter & Bros. '57 '55 A.D.F. Randolph. S. Sabbath Bell, a Collection of Music. By Geo. F. Root, net 07 Mason Bros. Bells chimed \>y the Poets. 16 Engravings printed in Colors. By Birket Foster. 1 vol. sm. 4to. mor. $5 00 ; cl, ex 4 00 Appleton & Co. Institutions (The), Traced and Defended in its His- tory and Changes. By F. Dennison. . . . Am. Bap. Pud. So. School Choir. By "W. B. Bradbury. . . . 25 Icison tfi P. " Concert Hymns. By II. Reed. . , . 25 Jewett & Co. '56 — " Songs. By Thomas Hastings. . . net 12i Mason Bros. " Teacher (The), Designed to aid in Elevating and Perfecting the Sabbath-School Sys- tem. By Rev. John Todd. 12mo. cl. . 50 EopVins, B. & Co. Poems, and Holiday Recreations. 18mo. cl. . .0 50 Derly & J. Talks with Children, on the Psalms of Da\ad. 16mo. 75 Jewett & Co. ''oQ Sabine, Lorenzo. Notes on Duels and Duelling. Alphabeti- cally arranged, mth a Preliminary Historical Es- say. 12mo. cl 1 25 Crosby^X.& Co.'' 00 Sacramental Thoughts, from the Diary of Philip Doddridge. 18mo. cl 38 W.S. <& A.Martien. Sacred Allegories. By Rev. Wm. Adams. 8vo. cl. ex. . 4 50 E. II. Butler £ Co. Choir. A Collection of Church Music. By George Kingsley. oblong 75 Appileton & Co. Heart of Jesus, and the Sacred Heart of Mary. 24mo. cl. . 38 Lucas Bros. Melodeon. By A. S. Hayden 75 Moore, W. K. & Co. Minstrel. By Asa Fitz net 15 HicMing, S. & B. OflFering, a Tableau of Remarkable Incidents in the Old and Xew Testament. 12mo. mor. ex. . 1 50 jniittemore,X.&R. Order and Othcers of Episcopacy Asserted and Main- tained. By Jer. Taylor. lOino. cl. . . . 1 00 Appleton & Co. Plains of the Bible. i3y J. H. Headley. J2mo. cl. 125 Warner, McE.& Co. 1855-58.] SA C- SAN 201 Sacred Poets of England and America, for Three Centuries. Edited by Rufus ^Y. Griswold. With 12 steel engravings. 8vo. cl. ex. $3 00; cl. . Praise. An Earnest Appeal to Christian Worship- pers in behalf of a Neglected Duty. By Thomas Hastings. IGnio. ...... and Legendary Art. By Mrs. Jameson. 2 vols. 8vo. lif. mor. $10 00 ; cl Sadlier, J. (Mrs.), Bhikes and Flanagans (The), a Tale Illus- trative of Irish Life in the L'nited States. 12nio. cl. ..... . " '• New Light; or. Life in Gahvay, a Tale of the New Reformation. 18mo. cl. ... Sage, Rufus B., Wild Scenes in Kansas and Nebraska, the Rocky Mountains, &c. 12mo. cl. ... Saint Gildas ; or, the Three Paths, a Story for Boys. By Julia Kavanagh. IGmo. cl. .... (The) and His Saviour. By Rev. C. 11. Spurgeon. 12mo. cl Saints' Ihheritance ; or, the World to Come. By H. F. Ilill. 12mo. cl • of Erin, Legendary History of Ireland. Translated from the French, by J. G. Shea. 12mo. cl. Salad for the Social. By F. Saunders. 12mo. cl. Salazar, F. F , Sinners' Conversion reduced to Principles. 24mo. cl Sallust, with Notes by Prof. F.utler. 12nio. A Literal and Analytical Translation. Bj' James Hamilton, revised by Thomas Clark. 12mo. Florus and Velleius Paterculus, literally translated with Notes by Rev. J. S. Watson. 12nio. cl. Salmagundi ; or. The Whim-Whams and Opinions of Laun- celot Langstaff and Others. ISmo. bds. 50ct3. ; cl. Salomon, G., Sermons, (Twelve) delivered in the >Jew Tem- ple of the Israelites at Hamburg. 12mo. Salt Water ; or, Tiie Sea Life and Adventures of Neil D'Arcy the Midshipman. By W. H. G. Kingston. IGmo. Salvation by Clirist. By Rev. W. Sherlock. 24:nio. shp. Sam Slick the Clockmaker. By Judge Halliburton. 12ino. in Search of ft Wife. By " 12ino. Sampson, Ezra, Brief Remarker on the Ways of Man. Es- says and Sketches of Life. 12mo. cl. F. S. (Rev.), Commentary to the Epistle to the Hebrews. Edited by Rev. R. L. Dabney. Svo. cl. Sand, George, Teverino, a Romance. 13 mo. Sanders, C. W., Fifth Reader. 12mo " High School Reader. 12mo. . '• School Speaker. r2mo. .... G. J. H., French Students' First Book, hf bd. net 2 50 Ax>pleton & Co. CO Barnes & Co. 7 50 Aj'pleton & Co. '58 "75 D. £ J. Sadlier.'oS 50 Sadlier & Co. G. D. mUer. '55 G3 Whittemore,K& H 1 00 Sheldon.B.&Co.'bl 1 00 Jcwett & Co. 50 P. Donahoe. 1 25 Dewitt & D. '56 31 E. McGrath. 1 00 Appleton& Co. " 1 50 C. Dcsiher. '57 75 Harper tC- Bros.' 55 GO Fiitnam £ Co. '57 1 00 Farnj £ McJI. 75 a S. Francis & Co. 33 Appkgate <C Co. 1 25 T. B. Peterson. '57 75 Stringer cD T. 1 25 Ai'pleton <C Co. 2 50 Carter <C- Bros. 75 Fetridge iC- Co. 75 Iviaon & P. 1 00 " 1 00 " 20 E.C.&J.Biddle. 202 SAN S CE [am. cat. Sanders, G. J. 11., Prnctlcal Course of Frciich (irainiimr. 12ino. lif. am net Sanderson, John P., liopuMicim Landmarks. Tlic Views and Opinions of American Statesmtin on Foreign Iimiii^rntion. 8vo. cloth. .... Sanford and Morton. By Thomas Day. 12mo. cl. . Sangster, Chas., St. Lawrence and the Saguenay, and Other Poems. 12mo. cl. Sarah Barry's Home, a Sequel to " The Christmas Gift," by Jane A. Eames. IGmo, ..... Sargent, Epes, Ai'Ctic Expeditions by Sea and Land. From the earliest date to the last Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin. 12mo. cl. • " Intermediate Standard Speaker. 12mo. • " Primary Standard Reader. 18mo. lif. r. . " Selections in Poetry, 12mo. hf. mor. " Standard Fifth or First Class Reader. 12mo. — • " " Fourth Reader. 12mo. hf. mor. . " " Third Reader. " " " . " " Second Reader " » First Reader " " Primer " " Spelling Book " " Primary Spelling Book. " " Speaker, hf. r F. "W., on Bandaging and other Operations of Minor Surgery. 12mo. shp Saroni, II. S., Muj^ical Grammar. .... net Saunders, F., London, Its Literary and Ilistorical Curio- sities. 12mo. cl " Salad for the Social. 12mo. cl. . Savage, Chas. C, The World, Geographical, Historical, and Statistical. 8yo. cl ■ ■ John, Modern Revolutionary History, and Litera- ture of Ireland, of 1798-1848. 12mo. cl. . Savarin's ^Meditations on Taste, Appetite, &c. 12mo. cl. . Sawyei-, F. W., Life Made Happy ; or. Innocent Amuse- ments. 12mo. cl. gt L. A., Mental Philosophy ; or, a Critical Exposi- tion of the Phenomena and Powers of the Human Mind. 12mo. cl. Scalp Hunters ; or. Adventures among the Trappers. By Capt. Mayne Reid. 12mo. cl. . . . Scarapavias from Gibel Tarek to Stamboul. By Lieut Wise, U.S.^^ 12mo. cl Scandal. By Mrs. J. T. Bickford. 12mo. cl. . Scenes of Clerical Life. By George Elliott. 8vo. pap. in the Practice of a Xew York Surgeon. By Edward II. Dixon, M.D. l2mo. cl. . 50 E. C. & J. Jiiddlc. 1 50 IJppincott (jD Co. 1 00 Z>erb>/ A J. 1 00 Miller, 0. & Co. 38 Pvot. Ep. S. S. '56 1 25 FhiUipi,S.<i:Co:o7 1 00 C. Dedlver. 31: (I 1 13 (( 84 PhilUi)s,S.&Co. 07 Cl 50 u 34 u 22 (( 15 (( 25 u 15 (( 1 50 C. Desiher. 1 50 Blanehard ifi L. 42 Mason Bros. 75 Kiggins & K. 1 25 Dewitt & D. '56 2 00 Ensigji, B. <& E:oo 1 00 J. S. BedJjelJ:o6 75 Liridsay & B. 1 00 Eiggins, B. S D. 1 00 Jeirett & Co. 1 25 i?. M. Baritt. 1 25 C. Scribner. '57 1 25 Shepard,C.c(:B.'o7 50 Earper & Bros.'oS 1 25 Deicitt d- i>. '55 1855-58.] SCE- SCE 203 Scenes and Adventures in the Army ; a Romanco of Mili- tary Life. By P. St. G. Cooke. 12nio. cl. . Schaefer, J. C, Manual of Veterinary Homceopatliy. . Schaff, P. (Rev.), Gonnany, its Universities, Theology, and Religion. 12nio. cl. . " Sketch of the Political, Social, and Re- ligious Character of the United States of North America. 12mo. cl Schamyl, the Great Circassian Chief, Life of. By J. M. Mackie. 12ino. cl Schauflfler, W. G. (Rev.), Meditations on the Last Days of Christ. 12mo. cl Schenck, P. A., Gardeners' Text Book. cl. ... Schiller, Frederick, Life of, comprehending an examination • of his Works. By Thomas Carlyle. 12mo. cl.. . Schlatter, Michael (Rev.), Life of. By Rev. H. Ilarbaugh. 12mo. cl Schleiden, M. J. (M.D.), Poetry of the Vegetable World. A Popular Exposition of the Science of Botany, and its Relation to Man. Edited b}- A. Wood. 12mo. Schmid, 0. A'on, One Hundred and Forty Short Tales and Parables for Children, cl Schmitz, L., Manual of Ancient History from the Remotest Times to the Overthrow of the Western Empire, A.D. 476. 12mo. Schmucker, S. S. (Rev.), Lutheran Manual on Scriptural Principles. 12mo. cl. Scholars' Companion. Revised by Bailey. 12mo. em. backs. School Amusements. See Root, X. W. T. Days at Rugby. By an Old Boy. 12mo. cl. Exhibition Book. By Asa Fitz. 12mo. Melodist. By E. Locke and S. Xourse. Songster. By Asa Fitz. . . . .net Speaker. By C. W. Sanders. 12mo. A'ocalist. By F. S. Xash " By E. Locke and S. Xourse. for Politics. A Dramatic Novel. By C. Gayarru. 12mo. cl of Life. By Anna M. Ilo-vvitt. 12m(). cl. Schoolcraft, Henry R., Indian Tribes of the United States, Avith over Two Hundred Illustra- tions. 5 vols, 4to. cl. " Myth of Hiawatha, and other Oral, Mythological, and Allegorical Le- gends of the Indians of North America. 12mo. cl. . " Notes on the Iroquois, chiefly in rela- tion to the Aboriginal History, Pojiulation, and Antiquities of Western New York. 8vo. cl. 1 25 Lindsay <t B. '5G Eadem acJi erdS.^o 6 1 25 Lindsay cC B. '57 1 00 C. Scribner. '55 75 Jewett & Co. '56 1 00 (( 50 A. 0. Moore. 75 Appleion S Co. 75 Lindsay <£ B. 1 25 Moore, W. K. & Co. 38 Sadlier «£ Co. 1 00 Blanchard & L.-ob 1 00 60 1 00 25 40 10 1 00 75 40 75 75 Lindsay & B. '55 E.n.ButJer& Co. Tielnor & Fields. Crosby, N. & Co. Moore, W. K. & Co. HicUing, S. & B. Icison & P. '57 ^-1. .S". Barnes & Co. Moore, W. K. & Co. Ap2)leton £ Co. Ticknor £ F. '65 37 50 Liirpincott cC Co. 1 25 2 50 J. Munscll. 204 i^cn- SCR [am. cat. Scbweglcr, Albert ; History of Philosophy, in Epitome Translated from tlio ficriii;in l>y J. 11. Seelyo 12mo. cl Science of Coinnion 'I'hiiigs. By D. A. "Wells. 12ino, » Fiiiiiiliar " " " " " Logic ; or, an Analysis of the Laws of Thought ]Jy Asa Mahan ■ and ;^[an, being a Vindication of Man's Educational Relations. ]>y L. A. Iline. . . . .0 vs. [Modern Spiritualism ; or, Turning Tables, the Supernatural in General, and Spirits, from tho French, with an Introduction by Rev. Robert Baird. 2 v. 12mo. cl. Sciences (The), or, Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Geology Illustrated. With an Atlas of twenty-four steel plates, containing one thousand illustrations. 2 vols, cl 3 Scientific Stair Builder. By Riddle, folio hf. mor. . . 7 Scotland and Ancient India, History of. By Wm. Robert- son. 8vo. shp 2 Scott, Chas., Analogy of Ancient Craft Masonry to Natural and Revealed Religion. 12nio. cl. . . .1 Tho3. 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M., Engineers' and Mechanics' Companion, tucks, gt Appleton fC Co. Rison (fc p. '57 Barnes & Co. *57 Longley Bros. 2 50 Eiggins A K. Appleton & Co. Lippincott & Co. Derhy & J. E. E. Butler iSc Co. W. S. &A.Martien. Am. Tract So. *56 Challen & Sons. Appleton & Co. Uttle, B. & Co.'oB Moss Bro. tC Co. Carter £ Bros. " '56 fUiiton, T. cfi Co. C. Scribner. 1 25 Mason Bros. 1855-58.] SCR SEL 205 Scribner, J. "W., Rozolla of Laconia ; or. Legends of the White Mountains. 12mo. cl 1 00 /. French, tfc Co. Scripture Biography for the Young. 16mo. cl. . . . 35 Am. Tract Society. Gift-]^ok. By Mrs. E. F. Ellet. 12rao. cl. . 1 25 Moss Bro. & Co. Proofs and Scriptural llhistrations of Unitarian- ism. By John Wilson. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 00 N. Y. Un. Assn. Revelations concerning Good and Evil Angels. By Archbishop Whately. 12mo. cl. . . .0 G3 Lindsay & B. '50 Subjects put into Simple Verse for the Young. ISino 15 Am. S. S. Union. Sea King (The), a Tale of the Sea. By Captain F. 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Sedgemoor, or, Homo Lessons, by Mrs. Manners. IGmo. cl. 75 Appletoniii Co.'ol Sedgwick, C. M. (Miss), Clarence, a Tale of Our Own Times. 12mo. cl 1 25 Putnam & Co. '50 '' " Married or Single. 2vo. 12mo. cl. 1 ^ii i Harper & Bros. 'b1 " " A Xew England Tale and Miscella- nies. 12mo. cl 1 25 Putnam & Co. '50 " " Redwood, a Talc. 12mo. cl. . .1 25 " Seed Grain for Thought and Discussion ; a Compilation, by Mrs. A. C. Lowell. 2 vols. IGmo. cl. . . . 1 Ti Tlchwr <(.- F. 'o(j Selah (New Church ^ilnsic Book), by Thos. Hastings. . 1 00 Barnes <C- Co. Select Italian Comedies. Translated. 12mo. cl. . . 75 Appleton tC Co. . London Lectures, delivered before the Young Men's Christian Association of London. Edited by Rev. D. W. Clark. 12mo. cl 75 /. P. M<iffcc. '50 Melodies, comprising Hymns and Spiritual Songs, by Rev. W. Hunter 40 Uiggins ,f; P. Selections from German Literature, by B. B. Edwards and E. A. Park. 12mo. cl 1 00 W. F. Braper. 20G SEL ■SEW [am. cat. Selections from Modem Grook "Writers, in prose and poetry, Avitli Notes by Prof. C. C. Folton. 12ino. cl. from the British Poets. Illustrated, 12mo. cl. ex. $1 25. cl from the (Ti-cek Historians, -uith Notes, by Prof. 0. C. Fcltoii. 12mo. hf. moroc. Self-Instructor in Phrenology and Physiology, by O. S. and N. L. Fowler, cl Sacrifice, by Author of " Margaret Maitland." pap. . Sennnes, R. (Lieut. U.S.N.), Service Afloat and Ashore during the MexiciUi War. 12mo. cl. . Sense and Sensibility, and Persuasion, by Jane Austen. 12mo. cl SentimentalJounicy, by Laurence Sterne. 18mo. cl. SeoanVs Neuraan and Barretti's Spanish and English, and English and Spanish Dictionary. By Velazquez. AYith Pronunciation, &c. etc. 8vo. . Abridged edit, of do. 12mo. hf. bd. . Sequel to Capt. James Riley's Narrative. 8vo. cl. Seraphic Staff, a Manual for the Members of the Third order of St. Francis Seraph. 4:8mo. cl. Sermons for the People. By Rev. F. D. Huntington, third edition. 12mo. cl. .... " " Times. 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X., Early History of ]\richigan. 12mo. cl. Shelley, Percy B., Poetical Works, with a Memoir by Jas. R. Lowell. 3 vols. 18mo. cl. . — " Poetical Works of. 2 vols. 32mo. cl. ex. Shclomith's Son, The Curser and Blai!i)hemer. 18mo. Shelton, N. W. (Rev.), Peeps from a Belfry ; or, Tho Parish Sketch Book. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 27. Ludicig. To n. HooJcei'. '55 1 00 50 75 25 75 75 1 25 50 G7 50 25 31 Carter cC Bros. '55 Appleton tfc Co. J. S. Eedficld. Carter tC Bros. '58 Methodist B.C. '5(i Little, B. ((: Co.'oG Bunce <& Bro. '56 Ajfjdetoji cC Co. Jas. French £ Co. Mason Bros. Sadlier tC Co. tc Ditnigan cC Bro. 50 P. Donahoe. '57 85 W. F. Drainer. GO " 1 00 Crosby, X. <0 Co. 1 50 Barnes & Co. 2 25 Little, B. & Co. '55 1 50 " '57 24 Am.S.S.Union:^^ 75 D. Dana, Jun. 208 SHE- SIG [am. cat Sheltoii, N. W. 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A Narrative of Seven Years' Explorations and Ad- ventures in Siberia, Mongolia, the Khirgis Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and Part of Central Asia. By T. W. Atkinson. Bvo. cl. ..... Sibert's Wold, a Tale to Gild Life with the Bright Rays of Hope. By Miss Blanche. IGmo. cl. . Sibyl; or. Out of the Shadow into the Sun. 12mo. cl. Sicily, a Pilgrimage. By H. T. Tuckerman. . 12mo. Sickness, its Trials and Blessings, to which is added Prayers for the Sick and Dying. 12mo. cl. . Sight and Ilearing, How Preserved, How Lost. By J. H. Clark, M.D. 12mo. cl Sights in Boston Suburbs ; or. Guide to the Stranger. By R. L. Midgley. 16mo Sign (The) of the Cross; or, Edah Champlin. By Lucy E. Guernsey. 16 mo Signs of the Times (The), in a Series of Eight Lectures. By Rev. X. L. Rice. 12mo. cl of the Times, being Letters on the Dangers to Re- ligious Liberty in the Present Day. By Cheva- lier Bunsen. 12mo. cl. Signal Fires on the Trail of the Path-Finder, pap. Signet Ring (The), and its Heavenly Motto. ISmo. cl. Sigourney, L. H. (A[rs.), Examples of Life and Death from ' the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. 12mo. cl. 1 00 Ij. iJana, Jun. 84 CJiilds <C- r. 'oG 1 00 Derhj & J. '57 88 U. McGrath. 75 Appleton ti: Co. 33 Applegate & Co. 5G Sanl&rn, C. & B. oG u 40 Barnes & Co. 1 00 u 1 00 Derly & J. 1 00 Long tO Bros. 'oG 38 Dunigan Bros. 1 00 Derly & J. '5G 38 Munroe & Co. 'oG 1 00 Bunee & Bro.'bd 3 00 Harper & Bros.'oQ 75 Munroe & Co. '57 1 00 L. P. Crown & Co C3 J. S. BedficU. 1 00 T.X. Stanford :o^ 113 C. Scribner. "56 50 Jacett cC- Co. '56 50 Prof. E. S. S. Z7.'56 75 Vuitt ct- TT. '55 1 25 Harper & B. '57 35 Dayton & B. 31 Gould & L:Z\ 75 " '57 1855-58.] SIG- sry 209 Sigourney, L. II. (Mrs.), Past Meridian. 12mo. d. . _ " " . Pleasant Memories of Pleasant Lands. 12mo. cl. . . . ■ — ■ " " Voice of Flowers. 32mo. gt. e. . " " "Weeping "Willow. 32ino. gt. e. • " " "Whisper to a Bride, cl. gt. e. Silent Footsteps ; a Tale. 32nio Sill, J. M. 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Bedfield.'oQ 1 25 A. Mo7Tis. Applegate ACo.'od 1 50 hison <£• P. '55 50 T. B. Peterson. 50 T. W. Strong. 38 Appleton & Co. 25 Mil-son Bros. 75 F. J. Huntington. 25 Challen & Sons. 38 Skepard,C.£B.'57 1 00 Ticl-nor d- F. '55 50 Cincinnati. '56 75 Carter & Bros. '57 214 SON- 'S OU [am. cat. Songs in tho Ilousoof My Pilgrimage, selected and arranged, by a Lady. IHino. : . . . . " Niglit; or, Hymns for the Sick and Suffering. IGmo. cl . of Snmnicr. By R. II. Stoddard. l'2mo. cl. ;nid Bidlads of the American Revolution, with Notes and Illustrations. By Frank Moore. 12mo. cl. . Sons of the Sires, a History of the American Party, con- taining a Review of the lion. Henry Wise's Letter against the Know Nothings. 12ino. cl. Sophocles, E. A. First Book in Greek " Modern Greek Grammar. . . Tiet " Pronunciation and History of the Greek Alphabet. 12mo. cl. ... (Edipus Tyrannus. "With English Notes. By Howard Crosby. 12mo The Trajjjedies of, in English Prose. 12mo. cl. . Sorgho and Imphee, The Chinese and African Sugar Cane. A Treatise upon their Varieties and Culture. By H. S. Olcott. 12mo. cl Sorrows of Werter. 18mo. cl. Soul United to Jesus ; or. Devout Methods of Hearing. 32mo. im. mor. 38c. cl Soule, Caroline A. (Mrs.), Home Life ; or, a Peep Across the Threshold. 16ino. cl. ..... South, Robt. (Rev.), Sermons. 4 vols. Svo. shp. $10 ; cl. . South Carolina Historical Society Collection. Svo. cl. " Sketch of the History of, to the Close of the Proprietory Government by the Revolution of 1719. By Wm. J. Rivers. Svo. cl Southard, S. L., " The Mysteries of Godliness." Svo. Bds. L. H., and Pratt, G, W. The Bouquet, a Collec- tion of Vocal Music Southern Child's First Book Cross (The), and Southern Crown ; or, the Gospel in New Zealand. By Miss Tucker. 16mo. Harmony, bf. r. Pocket Harmonist, hf. r. . Primer, per gross .... Reader ; or. First Reading Book. " " Second " " and Speaker. Scenes and Scenery, by a Southern Lady. ■ Speaker, by Ross. 12 mo. half ara. Spelling Book. ..... Table Book, per gross Southey, Robert, Complete Poetical "Works. TTith 50 Carter & Bros. 63 A. D. F. Randolph. 75 Ticknor & Co. '57 1 00 Appleton & Co. '56 1 00 Lippincott & Co. 50 W. J. HamersUy. 75 nichling, S. & B. 1 00 J. Bartlett. 75 Appleton & Co. 75 Harper & Bros.^55 1 00 A. 0. Moore. '57 50 Derlt/ & J. 25 Lucas Bros. A. TompTcins. '56 9 00 Clarl; A. & S. 2 00 S.G.Courtny&Co. 2 00 21cCarter£Co.'56 75 Appleton & Co. G.P.Reed&Co.'oQ 25 W. R. BabcocL . 75 Carter S Bros. '55 . 90 C. Desilter. . 50 (I . G 00 TT. R. Balcoch . 25 bi . 38 (. . 75 a . 25 So. Bap. Pul. So. . 1 00 Lippincott & Co. . 25 W R. Bahcocl: . 6 00 i; Steel Engravings. Svo. fine paper, mor. $G ; cl. ex. §4 ; cl. 3 00 Aj^pleton cfc Co. 1855-58.] ,S' U S U 215 The Same, cheaper Edition, with Portrait and 4 Plates. Im. inor. $3 ; cl. ex. . 3 50 Appleton & Co. » " with Portrait and Vignette only. cl. or sheep 2 50 Southey, Eobert, Life of Oliver Cromwell. ... 38 Southgate, Horatio (Bp.), Narrative of a Visit to the Syrian (.Jacobite) Church of Mesopo- tamia. 12mo. cl. . . . 75 D. Dana^ Jr. " " Practical Observations for the Observance of Lent. 24mo. cl. 20 " , " « War(The)intheEast. 18mo. cl. 25 " " " Visit to the Syrian Church. 12mo. cl 1 ^0 Appleton & Co. Southworth, E. D. E. N. (Mrs.), Curse of Clifton, a Novel. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 25 T. B. Peterson. "56 . . " " Deserted "Wife, a Novel. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 25 •' '55 . " " Discarded Daughter, a No- vel. 12mo. cl. . .1 25 " '56 « » Lidia, the Pearl of Pearl Pviver. 12mo. pap. $1 ; cl. 1 25 " — " " Initials, a Love Story of Modern Life. 12mo. pap. $1 ; cl 1 25 " " Kate Aylesford, a Story of the Picfugees. 12mo. pap. $1 ; cl. '. . . .1 25 " . " " IMabel ; or, Darkness and Dawn. 12ino. pap. $1 ; cl. 1 25 " '' " Missing Bride. 12mo. pap. $1 ; cl 1 25 " " " Eetribution, a Tale of Pas- sion. 12mo. pap. $1 ; cl. 1 25 " . — " " Vivia, the Secret of Power. 12mo. pnp. $1 ; cl 1 25 " S. A. (Mrs.), Alice Lee ; or, the Maine Law Triumphant. 12mo Hall cO W. '55 Souvenir of Friendship ; a Now Christmas Annual. "With highly finished steel engravings. 8vo. extra cloth gilt 5 00 , Aj)i)leton & Co. Souvenirs of Travel. By Madam Octavia "Walton Le Vert. 2 V. 12mo. cl 2 00 Goetzel & Co. '57 Souvestre, Emile, Attic Pliilosoi>her in Paris. 12 mo. cl. . 50 Appleton &. Co. " Brittany and La Vendue, Tales and Sketches. 12mo. cl 1 00 Dlx, Edwanh&Co. — " Lake Shore (Tlio), or, the Slave, the Serf, and the Apprentice. 12mo. cl. . 75 CrosJ)t/,2f. £ Co.^oo " Leaves from a Family .Toiirnal. 12m(). cl. 75 Appleton & Co.'bo 216 S U- HPI [am, cat. Souvestre, Einile, Stray Leaves froia a Family Journal. 12nio. cl Sowing and Reaping. By Mary Uowitt. cl. . Soyer, A., Modern Domestic Cookery. 12mo. cl. Spalding, J. W. (Col.), Japan and Around the World. An Account of Three Visits to the Japanese Empii-e, Avith Sketches of Madeira, St. Helena, Ceylon, Singapore, China, &c. 12mo. cl. ... W., Ilistor}' of English Literature. 12mo. cl. Spanish Conquest in America and its relation to the History of Slavery and to the Government of Colonies. By Arthur Helps. 2 v. 12mo. cl. ... Geography, Full and Coinplete. Illustrated. 4to. Sparrowgrass Papers ; or, Living in the Country. By F. S. Cozzens. 12mo. cl. Spectator (The), a new edition, cart-fully revised. G large vols. 8vo. in fine bold type, calf $20 00, hf. calf $15 00, cl. . . A smaller Edition, in 4 vols. 12mo. cl. (The). 8 vols. 16mo. cl Specter, 0., Book of Picture Fables. Hlustrated. 12mo. cloth, gilt. ........ Spencer, Geo. Latin Lessons with Exercises in Parsing. ISmo. hf. r ■ Ichabod S. (Rev.), Sermons, with a Sketch of his Life. By Rev. J. M. Sherwood. 2 v. 12 mo. cl. . J. A. (Rev.), Christian Instructed. 16mo. cl. J. H., History of the Reformation in England. IGmo Thos. (Rev.), Life and Discourses of. By Rev. Thomas Raffies. 12rao. cl Spencer and Rice's System of Penmanship. Young Lad's First Lessons in Business Penmanship. . . . . — Young Misses' First Lessons in Ladies' Penmanship Spenser, Edmund, Faerie Queen. With ISTotes, Glossary, &c. 16mo. cl. ex. %\ 50 ; cl. . — " Poetical Works of. 5 vols. ISmo. cl. . Spiers, A., French and English Dictionary. Edited by Prof. J. L. Je\^ett. Unabridged. . . . net The same. School Edition. . . . net ■ " and Surenne's Standard Pronouncing Dictionary of the French and English Lan- guages. (School Edition.) 12mo. " " " Complete French and English, and English and French Dictionary. With Pro- nunciation, &c., &c. Svo. hi mor. $3 50 ; shp. 75 Aiqileton & Co. 88 " 1 00 " 1 25 /. >9. RedfieU. '55 1 00 Ajjpleton <& Co. 2 00 Harper & Bros.'uG 1 50 D. Appleton & Co. 1 00 Derly & J. '5G 9 00 Apijleton & Co. 3 50 " G 00 Little, B. & Co.'56 1 50 D. Appleton & Co. GO J?ratt, 0. & Co. 2 50 M. W. Dodd. o5 1 00 Appleton & Co. 50 T. 2^. Stanford. 1 25 Sheldon, L. &B. '55 18| Appleton & Co. 181 u 18J (( 1 00 a 3 75 Little, B.SCo.'55 1 88 Mason Bros. 1 13 (1 1 50 Appleton <£ Co. 3 00 1855-58.] S FI- ST A 217 Sjjirit Manifestations Examined and Explained. By J. B. Dods. 12mo. cl 75 ■ Rappings Unveiled. By Rev. II. Mattison. 12nio. cl. 75 of Masonry. By Wm. Hutchinson, cl. . . . 1 00 of Keligious Controversy. By Eev. John Fletcher. 18mo. cl. . . . .... 38 of the Nation and Other Select Politicid Songs. By Writers of the Dublin Newspaper Press, cl. . 31 Spiritual Combat, to Avhich is added the Peace of the Soul, &c. 32mo. cl 2j Consoler; or. Instructions to Enlighten Pious Souls in their Doubts and Allay their Fears. 18mo. cl. 25 Songs for a Month. By Kev. J. C. Ryle. 32mo. IG Treasury ; or, a Scriptural Text and Meditations for Every Day in the Year, By J. Gossner. 12mo. cl. 55 Spiritualism Scientifically Demonstrated. By Robt. Hare, M.D. 8vo. cl 1 75 A Satanic Delusion and a Sign of the Times. By Rev. Wm. Ramsay. 12mo. cl. . ,0 38 ■ vs. Christianity; or. Spiritualism Thoroughly Exposed. By Rev. J. W. Daniels. 12mo. cl. 1 00 Sponge (Mr.), Sporting Tour. Edited by Frank Forrester. crown 8vo. cl 1 50 Sporting Adventures in the Wilds of the United States and the Britisli American Provinces. By Chas. Lan- man. 2 vols. 8vo. cl 5 00 Sprague, J. T., History of the Florida War. 8vo. cl. . 2 50 W. B. (Rev.), Annals of the American Pulpit. vols. I. and 11., Congregationalists. 8vo. cl. The Same, vols. III. and IV., Presbyterians. 8vo. . . 5 00 Spratt, G., Obstetric Tables, colored plates, royal 4to. shp. 8 00 Spring, G. (Rev.), Contrast (The) between Good and Bad Men. 2 vols. 8vo. cl 3 50 Spring-Time of Life; or. Advice to Youth. By Rev. David Magic. ICmc). cl. 50 Spurgeon, C. II. (Rev.), Saint (The) and His Saviour. 12mo. 1 GO " " Sermons. 3 vols. 12mo. cl. . .3 00 ■ " " Sketch of the Life and ^Ministry of. 12mo. cl CO Spuytendevil Chronicle. 12 mo. cl 75 Squicr, E. G., Nicaragua; its People, Antiquities, &c. Maps and Plates. 2 vols. 8vo 4 00 The Same. 2 vols, in 1, cl. or im. mor. . 3 50 • ' " Notes on Central America. 8vo. cl. . .2 00 St. Augustine's Confessions. ISmo. cl 38 Manual. 18mo. cl 25 Meilitations. 18mo. cl 38 — Soliloquies. 18mo. cl 38 E. M. Dcintt. Derby & J. Leonard & Co. Lucas Bros. Sadlier dc Co. Lucas Bros. A.D.F.rMndolpli. Am. Tract So. 'oG Partridge & B. '55 H. L. Hastings. Miller, 0. & M. '56 Stringer c6 T. '56 J. W. Moore. '57 Appleton <& Co. 5 00 Carter cO Bros. C. Desilver. M. W. Dodd. '65 . Am. Tract So. '56 Sheldon^B.&Co.'bl a u Livermore A B. '5G Aiyplelon S Co. Harper <& Bros. '56 Lucas Bros. 218 STn- S TE [am. oat. St. iicriKird, Lifo find Times of. By M. L'Abb6 Ratisbon. ]2ino. cl 1 00 St. Flore; or, tlie Fatal Promise. j)ai) 25 St. John's Manual, a Guide to the rublic AVorship and Ser- vices of the Catholic Church. 24mo. from $1 00 to 20 00 St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties, N. Y., History of by F. B. Hough, M.D. 8vo. cl 3 00 St. Lawrence and the Saguenay, and other Poems. By C. Sangster. ]2mo. cl . 1 00 St. Liguori, Alphonsus, Spiritual AVorks, a Selection from. 32mo. cl 50 St. Pierre's Studies of Nature. Translated by PlCV. llenry Hunter. 12ino. ara. gt 1 25 St. Thomas, "W. Indies, Historical Account of. By Rev. Jno. P. Knox. 12mo. cl 1 00 St. John H. (Mrs.) ; Audubon, the Naturalist of the New World, his Adventures and Discoveries. 12mo. . 75 Stable Book (The), a Treatise of the ^Nfanagement of Horses. By John Stewart, with Additions by A. B. Allen. 12mo. cl 1 00 Stairbuilders' Guide, being a Plain Practical System of Handrailing, embracing all its Necessary Details. By S. De Graff. Illustrated by 22 Engravings. 4to. cl 3 00 Standard Readers. See Sargent, Epes. Stanley, Arthur P., Sinai and Palestine, in Connexion with their History. Svo. cl 2 50 Stansbury, Chas. F., Chinese Sugar-Cane and Sugar-Mak- ing, its History, Culture, &c. . . . . 25 Star Chamber (The). By W. H. Ainswortb. Svo. pap. . 50 Papers. By Rev. H. "W. Beecher. 12mo. cl. . .1 25 in the East. By G. Oliver, cl. . . , . 1 00 — — (The) and the Cloud; or, a Daughter's Love. By A. S. Roe. 12mo. cl 1 25 of Bethlehem and other Stories. Illustrated pap. cov. 30 — — of the West ; or. National Men and National Measures. By A. E. Carroll. 12mo. cl 1 00 Starbuck, Caleb, Hampton Heights ; or, the Spinster's Ward. 12mo. cl 1 25 Stearns, E. J., Practical Guide to English Pronnnciation. 16mo 25 Steer's Harmonic Cards (48 in number) for Illustrating the Construction and Transposition of the Scales, In- tervals, and Chords net 67 Sterling, John, Onyx Ring (The). 16mo. cl. • . . 75 Sterne, Laurence, Letters of. 18mo. cl 50 " Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy. 12mo. cl 1 00 Sadlier & Co. '56 Garrett & Co. '55 Dunigan Bro. '58 J. Munsell. Miller, 0. & Co. H. M'Grath. Leary & G. C. Scribner. Fi'ancia & Co. '56 Saxton & Co. '55 F. Bell. '56 J. S. EedfieU. Saxton & Co. '57 Garrett & Co. '56 J. C. Derly. '55 Leonard & Co. Derly & J. '57 Carlton & P. '57 Jas. French & Co. Mason Bros. '56 Crosby, If. cC- Co. Mason Bros. Whittemore,2f(S:E Derby £ J. " '57 1855-58.] STE- STI 219 Sterne, Laurence, Sentimental Journey. 18nio. el. . .0 50 " Works of. 2 vols. 12nio.el. . . . 2 50 Step-Mother. By G. P. It. James. 8vo. pap. . . . 50 Step by Step ; or, Delia Arlington. By Anna Athern. 121110 1 25 Stephens, Anne S. (Mrs.), Heiress of Greenhurst, an Auto- biography. 12mo. cl. . .1 25 " " Old Homestead. 12mo. cl. . 1 25 ■ " " Portfolio of Fancy Needlework. roy. 4to. cl. ex. $5 00 ; scarlet cl. . . . 3 50 Geo., Advcntui'es of a Gentleman in Search of a Horse. 12 mo. cl. 1 25 — ■ H. M. (Mi-s.), Hagar the Martyr ; or, Passion and Keality, a Tale of the North and South. 12mo. cl. . . . ■ — " " Home Scenes and Home Sounds ; or, the AVorld from i[y Window. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 J. L., Egypt and the Holy Land. 8vo. cl. . .2 00 Steps to the Altar, with a Companion to the Altar. 18mo. roan, gt. e. 50c. ; cl 25 Stevens, A. (Rev.), Essays on the Preaching Required by the Times, and the Best Methods of Obtaining It. 12ino. cl G5 Abo], Great Reformer (The) 2(3 ' " Tales from the Parsonage. 18mo. . . 28 C. E., Anthony Burns, a History. 12 mo. cl. . 75 W. B. (Rev.), Bow in the Cloud ; or, Covenant of Mercy for the Afflicted, crown Bvo. mor. $4 50 ; cl. ex. . . 3 75 The same. 12mo. cl. . .1 25 " " Home Service ; a Manual intended for those who are occasionally hin- dered from attending the House of God. 12mo. cl '' " Lord's Day (The), its Obligations and Blessings. 12mo. cl. limj). . . 25 Stewart, Agnes M., Stories on the Seven Virtues. 18mo. 38 C. S. (Rev.), Personal Narrative of a Visit to Brazil and La Plata, in 1850-53. 12!iio. cl. . 125 John, Stable Book ; a Treatise on the Jlanagc- nicnt of Horses. 12mo. cl. . . • . 1 00 I\. J., Freemasons' Mnr.ual ; a Companion for tlie Initiated through all the Degrees of Freemasonry. 12mo. cl 1 00 Stiles, J. C, Modern Reformer Examined on the Union of the North and South on tlic Subject of Shivery. . 1 00 Stinson, A. L., New England Boys ; or, the Three Appren- tices. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Dcrhrj & J. u Harper & Bros. Munroe & Co. '57 E. Stephens^ '57 Dunce <& Bro. '55 Stringer & T. J. W. Moore, '57 1 00 Fetridge & Co. '54 Derhy & J. D. Dana, Jr. Carlton S P. Heath & G. '55 Jeicett & Co. Duller tC Co. 1 25 E.H. Dutler &Co. u Lucas Dros. Putnam iS:Co. '56 A. 0. Moore. Duller & Co. '55 Lippincott£ Co.^58 Derhy & J. 220 HTO. STR [am. cat. Stocklianlt, J. A., Chemical Field Lectures for Agi-icultu- rists. 12iiio. cl. ...... . Stockton (Coin.), I.ifo of. Stoddard, K. IF., Son;^ of Summer. 12mo. cl. . " Town aud Country ; a Jiook for Children. Stone, Thos. J. (Rev.), Eod and the Staff. .... T. D. P., Stories to Teach Me to Tliink. 18mo. cl. Stouer, David R. (Rev.), Memoir of, Avith copious Extracts from his Diary and Ei)istolary Correspondence. Revised hy Rev. Thos. O. Summers, cl. Stories for Christmas and "Winter Evenings. 16mo. . for llome Circle. 12mo. pap. 50c. ; cl. . for the Strawberry Party. A Gift Book for Chil- dren. 18mo. ....... ' from Blackwood. 16mo. boards. .... of an Old Maid. By Madame de Girardin. IGrao. of the Canadian Forests ; or, Little Mary and Her Nurse. By Mrs, Traill. 18mo. cl. . of the Good Shepherd. 18mo of the Island World. By Charles ISTordhoff. iSino. on the Festivals, Fasts, and Saint-Days of the Epis- copal Church. 12rao. cl. . . . . . on the Seven Virtues. By A. M. Stewart. 18mo. to Teach Me to Think. By T. D. P. Stone. 18mo. Stork, T. (Rev.), Home Scenes in the New Testament ; or, Christ in the Family. 12mo. cl Storrs, R. L., Jr. (Rev.), Constitution (The) of the Human Soul. Six Lectures delivered at the Brooklyn Institute, Brooklyn, N.Y. cl Story, S. A., Jr., Caste ; a Story of Republican Equality. 12mo. cl. ....... . Wm. W., Poems. 12mo. cl. . . . * . Story of Columbus, Simplified for Young Folks. By Sarah 11. Bradford. 18mo. cl of Mont Blanc. By Albert Smith. 12mo. cl.. of a Genius. 18mo. cl of a Pocket Bible, with illustrations, small 4to cl. . of the Campaign in Southern Russia. See Hamley, Maj. E. B. ^ Stowe, Harriet B., Dred, a Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp. 2 vols. 12mo. cl Stowell, W. H. (Rev.), and Wilson D., History of the Puri- tarts and Pilgrim Fathers. 12mo. cl. . Stratagems, a Story for Young People. By C. Toulmin. ISmo. cl net Strauss, D. F., The Life of Jesus Critically Examined. 8vo. cl. Strawberry Party, a Collection of Stories for the Young. ISmo. cl 1 00 A. 0. Moore. 1 25 Derhj&J.'nCi VS Tichior rfi F:m 38 Uix, E. & Co. '57 GO Am. Unitn. Ass. 31 lVhittemore,K&n. 40 Stevenson & 6>. '56 75 JPutnam & Co. '57 75 G. P. Putnam. 38 /. French & Co. '57 50 Appleton & Co. 75 " 63 Francis & Co. '56 50 Am. S. S. V. '56 75 Uarjjer & Bros. '57 75 T. N. Stanford.''b1 38 Lucas Bros. 31 IVhittemoreK&H. 1 00 Lindsay & B. '57 1 75 Carter t£ Bros. '57 1 25 PhiWps,S.<i;Co.'55 1 00 Little, B.& Co '56 63 C. Scribner. '56 03 Eiggins&K. 38 Appleton & Co. 1 00 Wiley & H. '57 1 75 Phillips,S.<&Co.'56 Jloore, W.K. tC Co:5Q 25 T. K. Collins, Jr. 3 50 C. Blanchanl. '55 38 /. French do Co. 1855-5S.] STR- SUM 221 Stray Arrows. By Rev. Tlieo. L. Cuyler. I81110. cl. Leaves from Fairy Land for Boys and Girls. 12nio. cl. net 50 ; cl. ex • from the Book of Nature. By M. ScLele de Vere. 12mo. cl Strickland, W. P. (Rev.), Astrologer (The) of Chaldea, or, the Life of Faith. 12mo. cl. . • " " History of the American Bible Society. Revised and brought down to the present time. 8vo. "- " " Pioneers of the West, or, Life in the Woods. 12mo. cl String of Diamonds Gathered from Many Mines. 12mo. cl. of Pearls, Embracing a Scripture Verse and Holy Thought for every Day in the Year. 12mo. cl. . Strive and Thrive. By Mary Howitt. ISmo. cl. Strong, A. L., System of Penmanship. Per doz. . net Student (The), a tStory for the Times, pap. $1 ; cl. . Student's (The), Memorandum of the Old and New Testa- ments. 12 mo. cl. Studies in Christian Biography, or, Hours with Theologians and Reformers. By Samuel Osgood. 12mo. cl. . in Organic Morpholog}', by Warner, in the Field and Forest, by Wilson Flagg. 12mo. cl. of the Human Figure, Progressive Lessons in Draw- ing, &c. 4to. cl. . ...... Substance and Shadows, by Epima Wellmont. 12mo. . Successful Merchant, Sketches of the Life of Samuel Bud- gett, by W. Arthur. 12ino. cl Sue, Eugene, Price of a Crown ; or, John the Alchemist. 8vo. cL ..*.... " Woman with Many Husbands. 8vo. pap. . Suffering Saviour (The), or. Meditations on the Last Days of Christ, by Rev. F. W. Krummacher. 12mo. cl. . Sufferings of Christ, by Catharine Emerick. Translated by a Sister of Charity. IGmo Sullivan, Marion D., Bible Songs (The). A collection of ^[elodies for the use of Children Sultan and His People, by 0. Oscanyou. 12mo. cl. . SununerLand (The), a Southern Story. 12mo. cl. ■ of the Pestilence. See Armstrong, Geo, D. Summerbell, H., and Flood, J. M. (Rev). Discussion on the Trinity Church Constitution and Disciplines, held in Centreville, Ohio, August 1854-. Tinio. cl. SummerGeld, John (Rev.), Life of, by Rev. Wm. M. Willett. 8vo. cl. Summers, Thos. 0., Refutation of the Theological Works of Thomas Paine. 40 Carter & Bros. '55 75 PecTc & B. 75 Patnara & Co. '55 1 00 J Ernst. '56 1 50 Ilarper & Bros.'oG 1 00 1 00 50 38 1 12 1 25 Carlton <(: P. '56 W. J. Ilamersley. C-arlton & P. '56 ApijJeton & Co. Ho])lins, B. <6 Co. T. B. Peterson. 90 T. H. StocMon.'5G 1 00 Francis & Co. '56 1 00 Lip]) incott<& Co.'' 57 1 00 Little, B. & Co. '56 3 00 F. Bell. 1 00 J. French & Co. 75 Appleton & Co. 1 00 T.L.Magaffiios. '55 25 T. B. Peterson. '55 1 25 GoukUi-L. "50 38 P. O'Shea. "67 25 N. Richardson. 1 25 Derly & J. '57 75 A^jpUtoii (&, Co. Applegaie <& Co. 1 25 Lippincott & Co. 25 Stevenson <& E. '56 222 S UM- ■S WA [am. oat. Summers, Tlios. O., Joscpli 15ro\vn; or, Tlio Yomig Tciics- socan, an Indian Talc. ..... Sumner, Charles, Life of, with Specimens of his Eloquence, and his Speech on , Kansas, hy \). Harsha. 12mo " Speeches and Addresses in tlie Senate of the United States and elsewhere. 12mo. cl. " AV^hite Slavery in the Jjarbary States. Sunbeam Stories, by Author of " Trap to Catch a Sunbeam" (Miss Planche), 12mo. cl Sunbeams, a Story for Boys and Girls. IGmo. cl. in the Cottage ; or, What AVomcn may do, by M. M. Brewster and Shadows, and Buds and lilossoms, by G. A. Ilulse. IGino. cl. Sunday Monitor ; or. Moral Reflections and Devout Aspira- tions on the Gospel, by Eev. P. Baker. 18mo. slip. School Facts, Illustrative of the Value of Sunday Schools. 18mo. cl. ... net " Ilymns. 32mo. " Liturg}^, containing Scripture Lessons, Pray- ers and Hymns. ..... " Singing Book, by I. B. Woodbury. . net " Speaker, by Rev. John Kennaday. Shop (The) ; or, the Fourth Commandment. 18mo. cl. ........ net Sunderland, L., Theory of J^utrition, the Treatment of Dis- ease and Philosophy of Healing without Medicine. Sunflakes and Sunbeams ; or, the Young Fur Traders. By R. M. Ballantyne. 12mo. cl Sunlight and Heartlight ; or, Fidelity and Other Poems, by S. D. Phelps. 12mo. cl. ' Sunshine of Greystone, by E. J. May. IGmo. cl. ' Throngh the Clouds. 18mo and Shade; or, The Denhani Family. ISmo. cl. Supplement to the " Bibliotheca Americana," a Catalogue of American Publications, from October 1852, to May 1855. Compiled by O. A. Roorbach. 8vo. 7iet Supreme Godhead of Christ. By Rev. W. E. Gordon. Sure Anchor (The). By Rev. II. P. Andrews. 12mo. cl. . Surenne, G., French and English Pron. Dictionary. 16mo. " " Manual and Travellers' Companion. IGmo. Surprise (The), By Hetty Holyoke. square, 16mo. cl. ex. Susan, The Fisherman's Daughter ; or, Getting Along. By CaroHne Chesebro. 12mo. cl Sutton, C, Disce Vivere, Learn to Live. IGmo. cl. . Swain, Charles, Poems. 32mo. cl. ex 25 Stevenson & JE'.'SO 1 00 Dayton & B. '56 1 50 Ilirjrjins, B. .C- D. 50 Jcwett & Co. 1 00 MunroeS Co. 50 Miller, 0. S Co. 25 lielson & Co. '56 75 Appleton <& Co. 38 Lucas Bros. 25 Carlton d- P. 30 Am. S. S. TJ. '56 25 Am. Un. Assn. 12^ ^. /. Huntington. 37 Jliggins&P. 18 Carlton & P. B. Marsh. "56 125 JSi'elson & Sons. '56 75 Sheldon, L.d-B. '55 75 Appleton <fe Co. 38 Rudd & Co. 38 J. French & Co. 3 00 O.A.Eoorlach,Jr. 50 B.ofP.ofD.R.Ch. 63 J. French <S:Co.'55 90 Appleton tfi Co. 62 " 50 A. G. Putnam. 1 25 J. C. Berly. '55 75 Appleton & Co. 75 Whittem're.N.&H 1850-5S.] SWA TAG 223 Swan, J. G., Xorthwest Coast ; or, Three Years' Residence in "Washington Territory. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 25 ^Y. D., District School Reader. . . . net oG " Comprehensive " ..." 45 " Grammar School " . . . . " 30 " Instrnctive " . . . . " 42 " Introduction to Instructive Reader. . " 25 " Primary School Reader, net, pt. 1, 8 cts. ; pt. 2, 17 cts. ; pt. 3. . . .0 20 " " Spelling Book. . . . net 08 " Speller " 13 " Young Ladies' Reader. . . . " 07 Swarm of JTs; or, Little Children's Duties Explained. 18mo. cl net 22 Swartz, J. (Rev.), Letters to My Godchild. 32mo. cl. ex. . 38 Sweet, S. F., Oratorical Reader. 12mo 1 00 Swett, J. A. (M.D.), Treatise on the Diseases of the Chest. 8vo 3 00 Swift (Dean), Tale of a Tub. ISmo. cl 50 " Works of. 2 V. 12mo. cl 2 50 Margarei^ First Lessons in Natural Philosophy. Parti " First Lessons in Natural Philosophy. Part II \ Swiss Family Robinson. 12mo. cl. .... Sylvia; or, the Last Shepherd, an Eclogue and other Poems. By T. B. Read. 12mo Symbol of Glory, showing the Object of Freemasonry. By G. Oliver, cl Syme, James (M.D.), Principles and Practice of Surgery. Edited by R. S. Newton, M.D. 8vo. Symphonia Granadova Rediviva, Ancient Harmony Revived, being a Collection of Music for Divine Worship. 8vo. Synonyms of the New Testament. By Rev. R. 0. Trench. 12mo. cl Syntagma of the Evidences of the Christian Religion. By Rev. Robert Taylor Synthesis of the English Grammar. See Sill, .1. M. B. System of Nature ; or. Laws of the Moral and Physical World. By Baron D'Holbach 1 25 Harper & Bros. '57 Coicperthwait & Co fficHing, S. it B. Cowi)ertMi:ait & Co. Carlton & P. Appleton & Co. Leavitt & A. '55 Appleton & Co. Berhy cC J. 20 W. J. Earner sley. 28 u 1 00 JDcrhj & J. 75 Parry & Ifc2I. '57 1 00 Leonard db Co. 5 00 Moore, W. K.&Co. S.K.Wlilpplc&Co. 75 J. S. Eedfield. 1 00 J. P. Mendum. T. Tacitus' Germania and Agricola. Notes by Tyler. 12mo. 02 Aiyiyleton A Co. Histories. Notes by Tyler. 12nio. cl. , . 1 25 " 224 TAT- TA T [A\r. CA^. Tai-piiici-Wjing (Chief of 'the Chinese Insurrection). Life of. By J. M. Mackie. 12in() Talbot, G. H., French Translation. 12ino. Tale of a Tub. By Dean Swift. 18ino. cl. . . . Tales from English History. 18ino. cl " the History of the Saxons. By Emily Taylor. 18mo. cl " " Parsonage. By A, Stevens. 16mo. . of A(lventm-e. ISmo. cl. full pt. $1 00; cl. gt. " Fashionable Life. By Mary H. Eastman. 12mo. cl. '' Fleiiiisli Life. By H. Conscience. 12mo. cl. . " 01(1 Flanders. By H. Conscience. 12mo. cl. " Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea, By Thomas Bing- ley. ISmo. cl " Sweden and the Norseman. 12mo. cl. " Travellers for "Winter Evenings. By Maria Hack. IGmo. cl " a Traveller. By "Washington Irving. ISmo. cl. 60 cents; bds " the Five Senses, and Night at Sea, By Gerald Griffin. 12mo. cl — " " Jury Boom, By Gerald Griffin. 12mo. cl. . " " Mariners. 12mo. cl " " Ocean. By Hawser Martingale . 12mo. cl. . " " Sacrament. By Miss Agnew. ISmo. cl. " Legends from History. 12mo. cl. Tales and Takings, Slcetches and Incidents, from the Itinerant and Editorial Budget of Rev. J. V. "Watson. 12mo. Taliaferro, H. E., Grace of God Manifested. ISino. . Talks to Little Children. By Danl. Baker. ISmo. . Talleyrand (Prince), Life of. By C. K. McHarg. 12mo. cl. Talmon, T., Captain Molly, The Story of a Brave AVoman. 12mo. cL Talvi (Mrs. E. Robinson), "Woodhill; or, the Ways of Pro- vidence. 12rao. cl Tangletown Letters. 12mo, cl Tango-ru-a, An Historical Drama in Prose. 12mo. . Tanner, T. H., Manual of Clinical Medicine and Physical Diagnosis. 12mo. cl Tappan, Henry P., Elements of Logic. Kew Edition, TIio- rongbly Revised. 12mo. cl. " Step from the New ^oxV\ to the Old, and Back Again. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. . Tarbell, J. A. (M.D.), Homoeopathy Simplified ; or, Domestic Practice iLadc Easy. 12mo. cl. ... Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered. Translated by "Wiffen. illus. IGrao. cl. ex. $1 50 ; cl. Tate. First Lessons in Philosophy net Natural and Experimental Philosophy . . " 1 00 Dix,EdiJo\h Co.'ol 1 00 Shepard, G. & B. 50 Derby S J. Y5 Carter t6 Bros. '55 G3 Francis & Co. '56 28 Heath & G. '55 75 Hayes & Z. 1 25 Lippineott & Co. 1 00 Dix, EdwiTs tfi Co. 75 Ltpjnncott & Co. .^1 J\liittemore,Kd;ff. 75 Carter & Bros. '66 75 (( 50 Putnam & Co. '56 1 00 Sadlier & Co. 1 00 u 1 25 Fhmips.S.£Co.'o5 1 00 Higgins, B. & D. 50 H. McGrath. 63 Sadlier & Co. 1 00 C. & Porter. '57 30 Summerson £0.^57 25 Pres. Bd.ofPub. 1 25 C. Scribner. '56 1 00 Derly <{• J. '57 1 25 Bcicitt & D. '56 1 00 'Wanz€r.,McK.& Co. 1 00 T. B. Peterson. '56 88 Blanchard & L, 1 25 Ajjpleton S Co. '56 1 75 (( 1 25 Sanborn C.SCo.'oT 1 00 Appleton & Co. 45 HicHing, S. <£• B. 84 u 1855-58.] TAT- TA Y 225 Tatler (The). 4 vols. 16mo. cl Tauler, John (Kev.), History and Life of, with Twent3--five of his Sermons. Translated from the German by Susanna Wink worth, square 12mo. cl. Tautphoeus (Baroness), Quits, a iSTovel. 12mo. cl. Taylor, Bayard, Northern Travel. Summer and AVintcr Pic- tures of Sweden, Denmark, and Lapland. 12mo. cl. " Poems of Homo and Travels, IGmo. cl. . • " Visit to India, China, Loo-Choo, and Japan in the Year 1853. 12mo. cl ■ D. T., Voice of the Chnrch, On the Coming and Kingdom of the Pedeemer. 12mo. cl. . Emily, Talcs from the History of the Saxons. 18mo. • Isaac, World of Mind, an Elementary Book. 12mo. Jane, Primary Lessons in Physiology for Children. Jeremy (Rev.), Golden Grove, to Avhich is added a Guide to the Penitent, and Festival ITymns. cl. • " Holy Living and Dying. 12mo. cl. " Episcopacy Asserted and Maintained. 16mo. cl John, Inquiry into the Principles and Policy of the Government of the United States. 8vo. shp. J. B. (Rev.), Restricted Oonnnunion, or; Baptism an Essential Pre-Requisite to the Lord's Sup- per. 18mo. — — ^— Jas. W., History of the First Period of 1G50 to 1787. 12rao. cl. . Robt. (Rev.), Astro-Theological Lectures on Free- Masonry, pap " " Devil's Pulpit (The), or, Astro-Theo- logical Sermons . 12mo. cl. . " " Syntagma of the Evidences of the Ciiristian Religion. V. C, Celestina (The), or, New and Sacred ^Min- strel. " Choral Anthems. 3 00 Little, B. & Co. '55 1 50 WiUi/ & II. '57 1 25 Lipinncott& Co.''57 1 25 G. P. Putnam. '58 75 Tichwr & F. '55 1 50 G.P.Putnam&Co. 1 00 C3 1 00 50 1 00 75 2 50 25 1 50 25 1 25 1 00 75 1 00 W. C, Manual of Modern and Ancient History. Edited by Professor Henry. 8vo, shp. $2 50; cl " Ancient History, separate, cl. " Modern " " d. Wm. (Rev.), Seven Years' Preaching in San Fran- cisco, California. 12mo. cl. .... Taylor's Pictorial History of Franco and Normandy, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Small 8vo. emb 15 2 25 1 25 1 50 n. L. Hastings. Francis <6 Co. '56 Harper & IJros.''5S PMnney & Co. '55 W. P. Hazard . "5G Apiyleton <D Co. A. Morris. South Bap. Pul. So. Rickey, M. & Tf. G. Blanchard. '56 cc J. p. Mendum. Ivison «6 P. '56 Ap2'>hton (C Co. 1 00 C. & Porter. '57 1 50 C. Deaikcr. 22G TEA TEX [am. oat Teacher's Last Lesson, a Memoir of Martha Whiting. By Ciitlicrino X. Badger. 12ino. cl. ... 1 00 Gould & L.''oli ^Miscelliiiiy. A .series of Articles on Education, ]2mo. d 125 Moore, W.K.dc Co. Technology ilhistratc'd ; hoiiig a Series of Treatises on the Construction of lloads, Bridges, CanalH, Hydraulic Engines, Flouring and Spinning Mills, and on the Principal Proceedings in Cotton Manufacture, Coin- ing, Mining, iletalhu-gy. Agriculture, itc. "With an Atlas of thirty-five steel plates, containing 1,100 engravings. 2 vols. cl. 4 00 Appleton & Co. Tecumseh, Life of, and of his Brother the Prophet. By B. Drake. 12ino. cl 50 Z). Ridkon. Tegg's Dictionary of Chronology. 8vo. cl. . . , 2 00 Appleton & Co. Temper. A Tale. By Miss E. Marryatt. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Dich & F. b1 Temperance Musician. 34 Applegate & Co. Tempest and Sunshine; or. Life in Kentuckj'. By Mary J. Ilolmes. 12mo. cl 1 00 Appjletoii c6 Co. Temple Melodies. A Collection of ahout 200 popular tunes, selected for Public, Social and Private Worship. 12mo. Eoan. net 50c. cl. 40 Mason Bros. The Same, larger type. 8vo. roan net. GTc. cl. . 58 " of Industry. A Juvenile Oratorio. By J. C. 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Geology and its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed, by Hugh Miller. 12mo. cl 1 25 Gould & L. "57 Teverino, a Romance, by George Sand (Mrs. Dudevant). 12nio. 75 Fetridge <& Co. '55 Texas, History of, from its first settlement in 1G85 to its annexation to the U. States iu 184G, by H. Yoakum. 2 vols. Svo ' . . . 5 00 /. ^. Eedjield. '56 1855-58.] TEX TEI 227 Texas, Information Abont, prepared by D, E. E. Braraan. 12ino 75 Lippincott & Co. Journey in, or, a Saddle Trip on the Southwestern Frontier, by F. L. Ohnsted. 12mo. cl. . . 1 25 Dix.Edioards &C'o. Thackeray, W. M., Ballads. 16mo, cl. . . . 75 Tichnor & F. "55 — " Newcomes (The), Memoirs of a most Respectable Family. 8vo. cl. . .2 00 Harper & B. '55 " Dr. Birch and his Young Friends. Square 12mo 75 Applcton & Co. 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Edited by D. A. Wells. 12mo. cl. 125 AppUton <t Co/^*! Think "Well On't; or, Reflections on the Great Truths of the Christian Religion, for Every Day in the Month.. By Rev. R. Challoner. 32 mo. cl. . . . 25 Tholuck, Augs. (Rev.), Commentary on the Psalms. 12mo " " Light from the Cross. Sermons on the Passion of Our Lord. 12mo. cL Thomas, C, Farmingdale. A Tale. 12mo. cl. . -J. (M.D.), First Book of Etymology. 12mo. cl. . R., Glory of America. Comprising Memoirs of the Lives and Exploits of Distinguished American Offi- cers. 12mo. ara, Thomas Balscombe ; or, the Usurer's Tictim. pap. . Thomason, D. R. (Rev.), Fashionable Amusements. Avith a Review of Rev. Dr. Bellows' Lecture on the Theatre. 12mo. cl Thoracic Diseases. The Pathological Diagnosis and Treat- ment. By C. Newton, M.D., and M. Calkin.", M.D. 8vo. hf mor Thinker, The. A Moral Reader. By J. B. Burleigh. 12mo. hf . r Thirteen Years' Experience in the Itinerancy. By Rev. A. Manship. 12mo. cl. . . . . . Thompson, A. 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Burdett. 12rao. cl 1 00 Reasons "Why I am a Baptist, and a Fourth on Coiu- munion, by J. M. Pendleton. 18rao. cl. . . 45 Years on the Kansas Border, by a Clergyman of the Prot. £p. Chm-ch. 12mo. cl. . .' . .0 73 Thrilling Scenes in Cottage Life. cl. . . . . 1 80 " on the Ocean ; or, Swell Life at Sea. 12mo. 1 00 Thucydides, History of the Pelopouncsian "War. Literally ti'anslated by Rev. Henry Dale. 12mo. cl. . 73 Ticknor, H., Columbian Speller. 12mo 12 Tillinghast, J. "W., Prayers for Schools. . . . net 50 Time of the End, by a Congregationalist. 12nio. cl. . .1 00 and Tide ; or, Sti'ive and "Win. ByA. S. Roe. IGmo. cl. 75 Tinker, Reuben (Rev.), Sermons, with a Biographical Sketch. By Rev. M. L. P. Thompson. 12mo. Tiny Tim and Dot, and the Fairy Cricket, from the " Christ- mas Stories." ISmo. cl 38 Tip Top Glee and Chorus Book. By C. Jarvis & J. Getze. 1 00 Tired of Housekeeping, a Tale. By T. S. Arthur. 18mo. cl. 38 Tit for Tat, a Novel. By a Lady of New Orleans. 12mo. cl. 1 00 Titania, Tales and Legends. Translated from the German of Auguste Linden. IGmo 75 To Love and To be Loved and Time and Tide ; or. Strive and "Win. By A. S. Roe. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 25 Todd, R. B. (M.D.), Clinical Lectures on Certain Diseases of the Urinary Organs, and on Dropsies. 8vo. . 1 50 John (Rev.), Question Book on the Lives of tlie Patri- archs. 18mo 10 " Sabbath-school Teacher, designed to aid in elevating and perfecting the Sab- bath-school System. 12mo. cl. . .0 50 " Truth made Simple, being the first volnme of a System of Theology for Children. 18mo. cl 45 Tv^cnor & F. '57 6'. Scrihner. "50 Iloore, W. K. & Co. T. B. Peterson. Dunigan Bro. '57 Lippincott& 6'o.'56 Derly & J. '56 Graves, M. & Co. Miller, O.Jc JT. '56 I). Rulison. Derly & J. Harper <tc Bros. Lippincott <& Co. Sanborn, C. & B. Jewett & Co. Apjpleton & Co. 50 Derly & J. "oC J. S. RedfieU. Lippincott & Co. Appleton & Co. Garrett & Co. '57 Crosly,N.<&Co.'o7 Derly <£ J. Blanchard & L. '57 Eopl-in3,B.£Co.'56 1855-58.] TOB- TO W 231 Todd, Pw B., Clinical Lectures on Paralysis, Diseases of the Brain, &c Robt. B., and Bowman, AVni., Physiological Anatomy and Physiology of Man. 8vo Toiling and Hoping, the Story of Little Hunchback. By Jenny Marsh. 12mo. cl. . . . . . Token, Tlie. A iSTew Christmas Annual, with fine engrav- ings. 12mo. ex. cl. gt. of the Heart. Do. of Affection. Do. of Remem- brance. Do. of Love. Do. of Friendship. 5 v. ea. Tolla, a Tale of Modern Rome. By Edmund About. IGmo. cl Tolon, M. T., Elementary Spanish Reader. 12uio. " Leyendas Cubanas. 12mo. cl. . Tom Brown's School Days at Rugby. 12mo. cl. Jones, the Foundling, History of. By Henry Fielding. 12mo. cl Tomes, Robert, American in Japan, an Abridgment of the Government Narrative of the U. S. Ex- pedition to Jai)an under Com. Perry. 12rao. cl — - " Panama in 1855. ICmo. cl. . Tongue of Fire ; oi*, the True Power of Christianity. By Rev. Wm. Arthur, 12mo. cl, , , , " Time ; or, the Language of a Church Clock, By Rev. Wm. Harrison. IGmo. cl. ... Too Late, or, the Fatal Eftects of Procrastination. ISmo. cl. nut Tooke, John Home, Diver>ions of Parley. A new edition, revised and corrected by Richard Taylor, 8vo. . Torchlight (The), or, Through the AVood, By Harriet A, Olcott, 12mo. cl Torrey, John "\V., Interest Tables Toulmin, Camilla, Stratagems. A Story for Young People. ISrao. cl net Tower, D, B,, First Step ; or, Exercises in Articulation. " '• " Reader " • " Second Reader " " Third " " " Gradual Speller " " Intellectual Algebra; or. Oral Exercises in Algebra. net Key to the above. ..." " Intermediate Reader. ..." " Pict(n-ial Primer, 15 cents, flex. cl. " and Tweed, B. F., Grammar of Composi- tion. . . . net " " " Lessons in English Gram- mar and Sequel net 150 Lindsmj <£• B. 4 50 BlancMrd it L/b^i 1 00 Derly cC /. 1 75 Applcton & Co. 31 " 75 Wfdttemore.NAE. 03 Apyplcton tD Co. Cl 1 00 Tichior&FieUs:b1 1 00 Derby dc J. '57 1 25 A2)pleton tC; Co. '57 GO Harper A Bros.'oo 75 " '50 40 A.D.F.nandolpli. 21 Carlton & F. Lippincott tC Co, 1 25 Dcrhj fC J. '56 1 00 Liptpimcott & Co. 25 T. K. Collins, Jr. 7i Sanlorn, C. <6 B. 9 " 17 " 20 " 10 " 25 " 25 " 18 " 30 />Iiq)nrd, C. & B. 45 Sanborn, C. cC B. 38 "■ 232 TO W- TRE [am. cat. Tower, D.r.., ia Walker, C. Fourth Ilc.idcr. . " " " Fifth Reader. " " » Sixth " Town, S., Analysisoftlio Derivation of English "Words " First Header — " Second " ..... _ " Third " — " Fourtli " — " Grammar School Reader. . — " Revised Speller — " Old " — " & llolbrook, N. M., Progressive First Reader. _" " " " " Second " _" " " " " Third " - " " " " " Fourth " _ " " » " " Fifth " net Sanlorn, C. & B. net Town and Country, a Book fur Children, by R. II. Stod- dard, cl Tracy, C, Child's First Book in Arithmetic. ISrno. " Elementary Arithmetic. 12rao. hf. r. " Scientific and Practical Arithmetic. 12 mo. hf. r. " Key to above. " Commercial and Mechanical Arithmetic, slip. " Key to the above. . . . . • J. L., American Ilistorical Reader. 12mo. hf. ara. — Stephen (iM.D.), Mother and Iler Offspring. 12mo. cl. Trade and Letters, bj'Rev. W. A. Scott. ISrao. cl. Tragic Scenes in the History of Maryland, and the Old French War, by Jose[)h Ban vard. ICmo. el. Traill, C. P. (Mrs.), Stories of the Canadian Forests, or. Lit- tle Mary and her Furse. ISnio. cl. . Train, Geo. F., Young American Abroad. Letters of an American Merchant from Java, Singapore, China, Bengal, Egypt, Holy Land, &c. 12mo. • " Young American in Wall-street. 12mo. cl. Traits and Anecdotes of Animals. By Rev. D. W. Clark. « of Birds. " " " . Trail, R. T. (M.D.), Hydropathic Encyclopedia. " Illustrated Family Gymnasium. 12mo. Transactions of the New York Ecclesiological Society, ISoo. 4to Travels of True Godliness. By Rev. B. Keach. 18mo. cl and Adventures of Celebrated Travellers. By Henry Howe. 8vo. emb. leather, gilt Treasure Trove, A Tale. By S. Lover. 8vo. pap. Treasury of Pleasure-Books for Young People, colored Plates. 12mo. cl. gilt edge. .... 00 38 50 23 07i 17 27 45 40 10 08i 17 25 38 07 S3 Dix, Edic\h & Co. 12 Lippincott <fi Co. 25 u 38 u 75 (t 75 (( 75 (C 1 00 Harper & Bros. 50 Carter & Bros. '5C GO GouU & L. 'oG 63 Francis & Co. '5G 1 25 Putnam S Co. '57 1 00 Derly & J. 60 S. & Foe. 60 " 2 50 Fowlers & W. '56 1 25 " '57 1 00 D. Dana, Jr. 35 Am.Bap.Pub.So:m 3 00 H. Howe. 25 Appleton & Co. 1 50 Shddon,B.(&Co.'58 1856-58.] TRE. TUG 233 Trench, N. C, Notes on tLo Parables. 8vo. cl. . . . 1 75 " " Miracles of our Lord. Svo. . 1 75 R. C. (Rev.), Culderon, His Life and Genius, with Specimens of his Plays. . . . 75 " " Poems, with an Introduction. By Eev. J. A. Spencer. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 " " Sermons Pi-eached before the Univer- sity of Cambridge. 12mo. cl 50 Trescot, Wm. IL, Diploauitic lli.'^tory of the Administration of Washington and Adams, 1789-1801. 12mo. cl. 1 25 Trevern, J. F. M. (Bishop), Amicable Discussion on the Church of England. 12mo. cl. 1 25 " " Answer to Faber's Difficulties of Romanism. 12mo. cl 75 Tri Mountain ; or, the Early History of Boston. ISuio. cl. 28 Trials and Confessions of an American Ilousekeeper. 12mo 75 Tricolored Sketches in Paris, during the Years 1851, '52, and '53. 12mo. cl 1 25 Trifloton Papers, by Tritle and the Editor. 12mo. cl. . 75 Trimmer (Mrs.), Natural History. 18mo. hf. bd. . net 20 Tristram Shandj', by Laurence Sterne. 12mo. cl. . .1 00 Triumph of Religion, Compiled from various Authors, by Rev. Jas. Fitton. 18mo. cl. .... of Truth, from the Journal, Letters, and Sermons of the Rev. Jas. Caughey, with an Introduction by Rev. Joseph Castle. 12mo. cl. . Triumphs of Industry, illustrated by the Life of Rev. Adam Clark. 16mo True Devotion, Portraiture of, from the French of Abbe Grou. 32mo. cl. Masonic Guide, by R. Macoy. 12mo. cl. . Path, and How to Walk Therein, Edited by T. S. Arthur. 12mo. cl. ex. ?ici 88c. ; cl. . . . Riches, Two Instructive Stories for Young People. IGmo. cl. Tales for the Spare Hour, by Rev. D. W. Clark. lOmo. Woman (The); or, Life and Happiness at Homo and Abroad, by Rev. J. T. Peck. 12mo. cl. Trumbull, Henry, History of the Indian Wars. Svo. cl. net Truth made Simple, being the first volume of a System of Theology for Children, by Rev. John Todd. 18mo. Tuck, W. J., Selections for Sabbath Readings, and brief Miscellaneous Essays, !Moral and Religious. 12mo. clotli Tucker, Geo., History of the United States from their Co- lonization to the End of the Twenty-sixth Con- gress in 1811. 4 vols. Svo. cl 8 00 Aiqjleton & Co. /. S. Eedficld. '56 J. S. RedfieU. '5G " '57 Little, B. & Co.'ol Lucas Bros. '57 Heath & G. '55 Lip2^incott & Co. Harper & Bros. Wliittemore^N.&H. Kiggins & K. JJerhy & J. 38 Lucas Bros. 1 00 Higgins & P. 43 Am. S. S Union. 25 Lucas Bros. 1 25 Clarl, A. & S. 50 BccTc cC- B. G3 Lindsay cC B. '55 GO S.& Boe. 1 00 Carlton & P. '57 75 Cowperthicait&Co. 45 IIopki7is,B.<&Co.'56 1 00 Lijyjnncott Jc Co. » '57 284: T IT C TWE [A^r. cat. Tucker, IF. St. George, Hansford, A Tale of JSacon's Ro- l.ellion. 12rno. cl. ' . . . 1 25 G^. M. West. '57 " " l.ccturcs on Constitutional Law. . 1 00 A. Morris. " " " on Natural Law. . . 1 00 " J. T., Sinless One (The), or, the Life Manifested. 12nio. cl. V5 Whijtplc & Co.''ho !, Southern Cross and Southern Crown ; or, the Gospel in New Zealand. lOnio. cl. . . .0 75 Carter & Br o.^^'^ Tuckernian, IL T., Artist Life. IMographical Sketches of American Painters. 12ino. cl. . .0 75 Jpjjleton d; Co. " Biographical Essays. 8vo. cl. . .1 75 Fhillips,S.&Co:m " Sicily, a Pilgrimage. 12mo. . . 03 /. .S'. Eedfield. Tupper, M. P., Proverbial Philosophy in French. 12mo. emb. backs 75 B.ff. Butler £ Co. — ■ " Eidcs and Reveries of the late Mr. urEsop Smith. 12mo. cl 1 00 " '38 Turkey, History of, by A. de Lamartine. 3 vols. 12mo. cl. 3 00 Jppleton & Co. '57 Turnbull, Robt., Genius of Italy; or. Fact and Poetry from Italian Life, Literature, and Religion. 12mo. cloth 1 00 J. S. I)icl-erson.'5o " (Rev.), Life Pictures from a Pastor's Note- Book. 12mo. cl 1 00 Slieldon.B.&Co.'bl Turner, Edward, Chemistry, new edition. ... C. Desilter. J. A., Cotton Planters' Manual. 12mo. cl. . .1 00 Saxton & Co. '57 S. II. (Rev.), Epistle to the Ephesians, with an Ana- lysis and Exegetical Commen- tary. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 50 D. Dana, Jr. '56 " " " to the Galatians, in Greek and English, with an Analysis and Exegetical Commen- tary. 8vo. 88 " Tnthill, L. C. (Mrs.), Joy and Care, a Friendly Book for Young Mothers. 12mo. cl. . .0 G3 C. Scrihner. '55 " " Reality; or, the Millionaire's Daugh- ter. 12mo. cl 1 00 " " " The Artist. 12mo. cl. . . . 63 Eiclcerj, X & W. " " " Lawyer. 12mo. cl. . . G3 " " " " Mechanic. 12mo. cl. . . 03 " " " " Merchant. 12mo. cl. . . 03 " Tuttle, Isaac H. (Rev.), Brief Sketches of the European and Eastern Churches. IGmo. cl. . . . 25 D. Dana, Jr. Twelve Urgent Questions, Personal, Practical and Pointed, by Rev. John Cummiug. 12mo. cl. . . . 75 Lindsay & B. '55 Twenty ]\ronths in the Andes, by Isaac F. Ilolton. 8vo. cl. 2 00 Harjycr <i- Bros. '56 Years After, a Sequel to " Three Guardsmen." pap 75 r. i?. Peterson. Twenty-one Madrigals, Selected from Old and Distinguished Composers, by Lowell Mason and G. J."^'ebb. net 37^ Mason Bros. two Years a Slave and Forty Years a Freeman, by A. Stewart. 12mo. cl 1 00 IF. Ailing. '57 1855-58.] T WI UI^ C Twice Married, A Story of Connecticut Life. 12mo. cl. . V5 Twin Roses, A ]Srarrative, by Mrs. Anna Cora (Mowatt) Ritchie. I61UO. cl To Sisters (The), a Tale, by Mrs. Sandham. ISmo. cl, . 38 Two Apprentices (The), by Mary ilowitt. cl. . . 38 Daughters, from " Martin Chuzzlewit." 18mo. cl. . 38 Guardians, or, Ilome iu the Xew World, by Miss C. Yonge. 12mo. cl. . . . . . . 75 Lights (The), by the Author of "Struggles for Life." 121110. cl 1 00 Lives, or, To Seem and To Be, by M. J. Mcintosh. 12mo. cl 75 Lovers (The), or, a Sister's Devotion, a Domestic Story. pap 50 Pilgrims (The), or, the Israelite and the Christian on their Journey to the Earthly and the Heavenly Canaan, by Rev. F. R. Anspach. 12rao. cl. . .1 00 Roads, or, the Right and the Wrong. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Schools (The), a Moral Tale, by Mrs. Ilughes. 12mo. cl 50 Wives, a Narrative of Facts Stranger than Fiction, by M. V. Fuller. 12mo. cl 1 00 Years Ago. By Charles Ivingsley. 12mo. cl. . .1 25 Tyng, Dudley A. (Rev.), Children of the Kingdom. 16 mo. cl. GO Typology of Scripture. See Fairbairn, P. Tytler, Alex. F., Universal History, from the Ci'eation of the World to the beginning of the Eighteenth Cen- tury. 2 vols. 8vo. cl. $3 25 ; shp. . . . 4 00 235 Blx & E. '55 Tlchnor & F. '58 Appleton <£- Co. u J.S.EedfieU. Appleton & Co. LippincHt & Co.'SG Appleton & Co. T. B. Peterson. '57 Lindsay <£ B. '57 Lippincott & Co. Lucas Bros. Derhj & J. Tichior & F. '57 Carter & Bros. Fetridge & Co. '5G U. Uhleman, !M., Three Days in J[emphis ; or. Sketches of the Public and Private Life of the Old Egyptians. 12mo. cl Uhlemann's Syriac Grammar, Translated from the Ger- man by Enoch Hutchinson. With a Course of Exercises in Syriac Grammar, a Chrestomathy and brief Lexicon, prepared by the Translator. 8vo. cl mric; or, The Voices. A Poem. By T. S. Fay. ICmo. Uncle Frank's Pleasant Pages for the Fireside. By F, C, Woodworth. 12iiio. cl. . . , . . John's First Book ; or. The First Steps iu the Ladder to Learning, cl. 1 00 Lippincott(&Co.^5S Second Book, square cl. 3 50 75 75 81 38 Appleton cC Go. II. Dayton. '57 Appleton & Co. '55 286 UND ur w [am. cat. Undine. A Ilomanco from tlio German of I)c La !Motto Foiique. IGuio. cl Unlioly Alliance (The). An American View of the ^\'ar in the East. By W. G. Dix. 12mo. cl. . Union Primer. By Mrs. E. 0. Woodson, part 1, 10c. ; part 2 Reader. " " " First, 81c. ; second of Christians and Death of Christ. By W. Scott. 18mo. cl with the Church, the Solemn Duty and Blessed Pri- vilege of all who would be Saved. By Kev. H. Ilarbaugh. 18mo. cl. Unison of the Liturgy, from Advent to Ash "Wednesday. By A. Giftbrd. 12mo. cl Unitarian Principles Confirmed by Trinitarian Testimonials. By John "Wilson. 12mo. cl. .... United States, History of. By John Frost. 12ino. bf. r. . The Same, abridged. 18mo. " " " By John Lord. 12mo. hf. r. . " " " By B. J. Lossing. 8vo. cl. I . " " " By Geo, Tucker. 4 vols. 8vo. cl. « n ic By J. F. "Watson. 8vo. emb. . " " Manual of, from 1492 to 1850. By Samuel Elliot. 12mo. cl. ... — " Primary History of. By B. J. Lossing. 12mo. " Post Office Book. hf."r " " " Guide. By E. Bowen. 8vo. cl. " School History of. By A. B. Berard. net Unity of the Church. By H. E. Manning. 16mo. cl. " " Episcopate, Considered in Rejily to the "\York of Rev. T. "W. Allies, entitled, " The Church of England Cleared from the Schism." By E. H. Thom- son. 18mo. cl Universe (The), No Desert. The Earth No Monopoly. 12mo. Universalism Against Itself; or, an Examination and Refu- tation of the Principal xVrguments Claimed in Support of the Final Holiness and Happi- ness of Mankind. 12mo. cl. . not of the Bible. By Rev. "W. D. George. 12mo. cl. . Universalliad ; or, Confessions of Universalism. A Poem in twelve Cantos, 12mo. cl Up-Country Letters. 12mo. cl. Upham, Thos. C, Letters, iEsthetic, Social, and Moral. 8vo. Ups and Downs ; or. Trials and Confessions of an American. Housekeeper. 12mo. cl. Upton, Rebecca A., Home Studies. 16mo. cl. . Upwai-d and Onward ; or, the History of Rob. Merritt, by Lucy E. Guernsev. 12mo, cl C3 Francii & Co. '56 75 15 38 50 1 GO 1 25 90 50 1 00 4 00 8 00 3 75 1 25 60 1 00 1 25 38 75 50 1 00 1 00 75 1 00 75 2 00 1 00 75 D. Dana^ Jr. Lippincott & Co. 40 Challen & Sons. Lindsay & B. "56, D. Dana^ Jr. '57 Am.Unit. Asso. '56 C. Desilver. Mason Bros. '57 Liiypincott & Co.'57 C. Besiher. nicHing, S. & B. Mason Bros. '57 C. Besiher. AppJeton & Co. CowperthwaitS Co. AppUton & Co. H. M'Grath. Munroe & Co. Applegate c6 Co. Carlton & P. B. Rulison. Appleton & Co. R. Longstreth. '57 Lippincott & Co. Crosby,K&Co:oQ 63 A.B.F. Randolph. 1855-58.] URB- VE2T 237 Urbino, L. B.. Esther Le Gendre ; or, Bright Extremes in Iluinan Life, 12rao. cl Urculu's Gramatica Inglesa. 12mo net • Spanish Grammar, ;...." Ure, Andrew, Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, New edition, greatly enlarged. 2 vols. 8vo. shp. $6 00; cl, Urquhart, John, Memoirs, Letters and Select Remains of. By Win. Ormo, 12mo. cl Ursuline Manual. ISmo. from 50 cents to ... Use of Sunshine (The). By S. M., Author of " The Maiden Aunt," &c. 12mo. cl. Useful Letter-Writer. and The Beautiful. ISmo. cl. .... 1 GO WentiDorth & Co. 67 CowpertTiwait&Co. 67 " 5 00 Appleton & Co. 05 J. P. Engle. '55 2 00 Lucas Bros. '56 75 Apphton & Co. 38 " 50 Lippincott & Co. V. Vagabond Life in Mexico, by Gabriel Ferry. 12mo. cl. . SB Vale of Cedars ; or, The Martyr, by Grace Aguilar. 12mo. 75 Valentine, D. T.. Manual of the Corporation of the City of Kew York, for 1855. 12mo. cl. . . . 2 50 Valentine McClutchy, the Irish Agent, by Wm. Carleton. cl. 75 Valley Farm; or, the Autobiography of an Orplian, by C.J. Peterson, pap, 25 Valpy, F., Greek Delectus. net 25 Van Lennep, Mary E. (^frs.). Memoirs of. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Varnham (Mrs.), Boston Common, a Tale of Our Own Time. 12mo. cl 1 25 Vasconaelas, a Romance of the ISTew World. By W. G. Simms. 12mo. cl 1 25 Vassall !Morton, a ^sTovel. By F. Parkman. 12mo. cl. . 1 25 Vaughn, Henry, Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations of. IGino. cl 75 Vaurin, M., Instructions on the Holiness and Dignity of the Sacrament of Matrimony. 18mo, cl, . , . 38 Vaux, C, Architecture, a Series of Designs for Villas and Cottages, 8vo. cl 2 00 Velazquez, M,, New Spanish Reader. "With Lexicon. 12mo. 1 25 • " Spanish Phrase Book. 18ino. . . , 38 Venable, Chas, S., Bourdon's Arithmetic 75 Vencma's Institutes of Theologj', Translated by Rev. A. W. Brown. 8vo, cl 1 50 Venetia Trelawney, By G, W, M. Reynolds, 12mo. pap, $1 00; cl 1 25 Ilarjper & Bros. '56 Appleton & Co. Author. A'', Tori: Sadlier <& Co. T. B. Peterson. Sanborn, C. S B. W. J. Hamersley. Jas.FrencTi& Co.^oG J. S. RedfieU, '57 Phillips,S.c(;Co:o(j Little, B. ct Co. '56 E. McQrath. Harper S Bros. '57 Appleton & Co. Lippincott& Co.'58 W. F. Draper. T. B. Peterson. 288 VER VI R [am. cat. Vera ; or, tho Wars of the Peasants; and the Conscript. V,y II, Ooiiscioacc. /12mo. cl Yorinont Townsman. /Se<? Kinsman, J. B. Vernon, Ruth, Greatness in Little TlilngH. 12mo. cl. . or, Conversations about Old Times in England. By Jacob Abbott, small 4to. pap. 25 cents ; cl. Verse Memorials. By Mirabeau B. Lamar. 8vo. cl. ex. . Very, Lydia L. A., Poems of. 12mo. cl Very Age (The), a Comedy in Five Acts. By Wm. M. Gould. ISmo. pap Vespucius and His Voyages. By the Viscount Santarem. 12mo. cl Veva ; or, The War of the Peasants, by H. Conscience. 16mo. Vicar of Wakefield. A Tale, by Oliver Goldsmith. 12mo. cl. i^ " By Oliver Goldsmith ; and Pviisselas, by Dr. Johnson. (2 vols, in one.) 12mo. cl. Vicars, Iledley (Capt. of OVth Regt.), Memorials of. 18mo. cl. A'ictoria ; or, The World Overcome, hj Caroline Chesbro. 12rao. cl. . . • Victory Won (The), by the Author of the "Memoir of Capt, Vicars." 18mo Village Notary; a Romance of Hungarian Life, by Baron Eotvos. 8vo. pap ITymns, two sizes, shp. . , . . net and Farm Cottages. See Cleveland, H. W. Villette, a Tale by Currer Bell (Miss Bronte). 12mo. cl. , Vine Dressers' Manual, by Chas. Remelin, cl, , Viugut, F. T., Gems of Spanish Poetry; selected and trans- lated. 12mo Vinton, Alex. 11. (Rev.), Memoii-s of. 12mo. cl, " " Sermons, 12mo. cl. . Viola, by Emerson Bennet. 12 mo. pap. 50c. ; cl. Violet (The). ISrao. cl. ex., or im. mor. gt. edge , net Violet, a Fairy Story. IGmo. cl or, Tho Cross and the Crovm, by M. J. Mcintosh. 12mo. cl Virgil, Interlinear Translation, by L. Ilart and V._R. Os- born. 12mo. hf. cf. The Works of. Literally translated into English Verse, with Notes by Davidson and Buckley. 12mo. Virginia Comedians (The), or, Old Days in the Old Dominion. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. Virginia, Historical and Biographical Sketches of. By Rev. Wm. Foote (second series). 8vo. cl. Virginia, History of the Early Settlement and Indian Wars of Western Virginia, previous to 1795. By Wm. De Haas. 8vo. " " Valley of. By Sam. Kercheval. 2nd edit., revised. 75 Lippincott <£ Co. 1 00 D. liulmn. 40 Ilarper & Bro8.''oQ 2 50 Fetridge &, Co. '67 75 Jewett & Co. '56 38 AppUton & Co. 75 Little, B. & Co. 63 MurpTiy & Co. '56 75 Appleton & Co. 1 00 Derly & J. 40 Carter <£ Bros. '57 1 25 Berly & J. "56 25 Carter & Bros. '5G 25 Appleton & Co. 34 J.M.Fairc'd& Co. 1 00 Derly & J. '56 50 A. Q. Moore. 1 25 Appleton & Co. '55 1 00 H. Eoolcer. '55 1 25 " 75 T. B. Peterson. 75 Leavitt & A. 50 Fhillips,S.d;Co.'o6 1 00 Jacett cC- Co. "56 1 50 C. Desihcr. 75 IIarp)er & Bros.''oo 1 60 Appleton & Co. 2 00 Lippincott<&Co.^55 2 25 A. Morris. 1 50 " 1855-58.] rir.- VUL 289 7irgima Illustrated, Contaiaing a Visit to the Virgiiiiaa Canaan, and the Adventures of Port Crayon and his Cousins. 8vo. cl. . Viri Eoma). ISmo. hf. cl. " ISmo. emb. backs " With English Notes and Lexicon. 12nio. net Virtue Rewarded. 12mo. cl Visit to the Camp before Sevastopol. By E. C. McCor- mic, Jr. 12rao. cl Vivia, The Secret Passion. By Mrs. Southworth. 12nio. pap. $1 00; cl Vivian Bertram ; or, a "Wife's Honor. By Reynolds, pap. Vocabulary of English Pronunciation, By Thomas Baldwin. Vocalist (The), A Collection of Short and Easy Glees or Songs. By Lowell Mason and G. J. Webb. net Voice from the Old Elm ; or, Uncle Henry's Talks. ISmo. cl. net from the Main Deck. See Leech, Samuel. from the Pious Dead of the Medical Profession ; or, Memoirs of Eminent Physicians. By H. J. Brown. 12mo. cl of Flowers. By Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. o2mo. gilt. of the Ohui'ch on the Coming and Kingdom of the Redeemer. By D. T. Taylor. 12mo. cl. . to America ; or, the Model Republic, its Glor}- or its Fall. 12 mo. cl Volncy, C. F., New Researches on Ancient History, 12mo. " Ruins (The) ; or, Meditation on the Revolu- tion of Empires Voltaire, F. M., Ilistoiro de Charles XIL Par Surcnne. ISmo " Philosophical Diotionary. Bvo. cl. . Von Rotteck, Charles, General History of the World from the Earliest Period. 4vols.ini. 8vo. Vose. Hand-Book of the Rail-Road Construction for the Use of American Engineers, containing the Ne- cessary Rules, Tables, and Formul.o for the Loca- tion, Construction, &c. of Railroads as Built and ^lanagcd in tlio V. S. 8vo. Voyage and Venture ; or, the Perils and Adventures of a Sailoi''s Life. 12nio. cl net Voyages, Travels, and Adventures of Gilbert in Foreign Parts. Edited by Peter Parley. Vlxwo. Vuliet Geography of Nature net 2 50 Harper & J3ro8.''o7 25 Dunigan & Bro. 40 E.n. Butler & Co. 50 Sanlorn, C. &. B. 1 25 Rudd & C. 1 00 A2ipleton & Co. 1 25 T. B. Peterson. 50 u 38 Lip>ijincott & Co. To Mason Bros. 32 Carlton & P. 90 38 1 25 1 25 50 50 4 00 3 00 45 1 00 1 12 Higgins & P. W. J. llamersley. 1 00 Lindsay & B. '50 E. Walker. '55 C. Blanehard. '56 Apjileton tC Co. J. P. Mendum. '56 3 50 Leary cG G. "50 Munroe tC Co. '5T Peck & B. J. C. Derby. '56 llickling, S. cC B. 240 WA a- W A L [\M. OAT. W "Wager of Battle. A T.ilo of Snxon Slavery in Sherwood Forest. By H. ^V. Herbert. 12ino. cl. . . 1 00 "^aikna; or, Adventures on the Mosquito Shore. By S. A. Bard. (E. G. Squier.) 12nio. cl. . . . 1 25 "Wainwright, J. M. (Bishop), Selection of his Sermons. 8vo. 2 50 TTakeley, J. B. 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"75 "Wulkingame, P., Arithmetic ; or, Tutor's Assistant. 12mo. half bound 75 Walks of Usefulness, cl 50 Wallace, Ilorace B., Art and Scenery in Europe, with other papers. 12mo. cl. . . . . 1 25 ' " " Literary Criticisms and other papers. 12mo. cl 1 25 J. A. (Rev.), Child's Catechism of Scripture His- tory. ISmo 75 M. A., Well, Well. A Tale Founded on Fact. 12mo. cl 75 • The Hero of Scotland. By Reynolds, pap. . 50 Walleyg, P., About New York. An J\ccount of what a Boy saw on his Visit to the City. 16mo. sq. cl. . 50 Walsh, Wm. (Rev.), Eucharistica ; or, a Series of Pieces original and translated on the most holy and adorable Sacrament of the Eucharii^t. ]8mo. cl. . . . 63 " " " Lenten Manual, and Companion for Passion Time and Holv Week. 24mo. cl. . . 38 Moion Bros. Harper & Bros. '55 Ajjpleton & Co. C'arhton & P. '56 Geo. Backer. '50 Derhj & J.'o^ J. W. Moore. '55 E.E. Butler & Co. Shepard, C. & B. Derly & J. '57 Gould & L. '55 Applet on & Co. Lipp)incott & Co. Sadlier & Co. C. Stone. Parry cfi McM. *56 Charleston. '56 Sadlier £ Co. '56 T. B. Peterson. Dix, E. (fi Co. '57 Diinigan & Bros. 1855-58.] WAL- WA H 241 Walter, W. II., Selection of Psalm?, together -with tlie Canticles, Occasional Anthems, &c. TT. J., Beauties of Sir Thomas More. 18mo. cl. . "Walter Binning, the Adopted Son, or Illustrations of the Lord's Prayer. IGmo. cl Lorimer, and Other Tales, by Miss E. M. Sewell. 12mo. cl March, or, Shoepac EecoUections. 12mo. cl. Wanderer (The), by James A. Maitland. 12mo. cl. . Wanderers by Sea and Land, with other Tales, by Peter Parley. 12mo Wanderings and Fortunes of German Emigrants. 12mo. cl ■ of a Pilgrim, by D. A. Ilarsha. War Path. 12mo. (pap. 50c.) cl Trail, or, The Hunt on the Wild Horse, by Capt. M. Raid. 12mo. cl Wars of the Western Border, by D. Brewerton, 12mo. cl. Ward, A. N., Husband (The), in Utah, or Sights and Scenes among the Mormons. 12mo. cl. . . . . M. F., English Items. 12mo. cl. . . Warder, Jno. A., Treatise on Hedges, Evergreens, and all Plants suitable for American Hedging. 12mo. cloth Ware, John (M.D.), Hints to Yoting Men on the True Rela- tions of the Sexes. ISrao. cl. flex. cl. J. F. W., Hymns and Tunes for Sunday School Worship, pr. doz Mary L., Memoir of, by Rev. E. B. Hall. 12mo. cl. — William, Julian, or. Scenes in Judea. 2 vols, in 1. 3d ed. 12mo, cl Warfare of all Ages ; or. Military Sciences Illastrated, with an Atlas of fifty-one steel Plates, containing fifteen hundred Illustrations. 2 vols. cl. ... Waring, Geo. F., Elements of Agriculture, a Book for Young Farmers, with Questions for the use of Schools, 12mo. cl Warner, Chas. D., Book of Eloquence ; a Collection of Ex tracts, in Prose and Verse. r2mo. shp. Anna B. (Miss), My Brother's Keeper. 12mo. pap Yoc. ; cl Susan (Miss), Hills of the Shatcrnuc. 12mo. cl. J. F., Rudimental Lessons in Music. 18mo. cl. '■ Studies in Organic ^Morphology. . Warren, D. M., Common-School Geography. 4to. " Phyt^ical Geography, royal 4to. ■■ . » John C. (M.D.), Mastodo (The) Gigantcus North America. 4to 16 of 50 D. Dana, Jr. '57 To Lucas Bros. 50 Carter & Bros. "56 To Appleton & Co. 1 00 /. French & Co. 1 25 T. B. Peterson. '57 1 12 Appleton £ Co. 75 " 50 Pres.B. of Fill. '57 1 25 Lijjpincott <& Co. 1 25 F. J/. Bewitt. 1 00 Berby & J. 1 00 " '57 1 00 Ap2Jleton & Co. 1 00 A. 0. Jiloore. '58 25 Whittemore,N.&H. 2 50 Crosby, N.&Co. 1 00 " '56 1 25 Francis & Co. '56 5 00 Appleton & Co. 75 *• 1 00 C. Crandall. 1 00 Appleton d- Co. '55 1 26 " '56 50 " 1 00 lAppincottiicCo.'bl 1 00 CowperthwaitttCo. 1 25 " '57 7 50 Tichwr cf F. '56 242 WAE- WA T [am. oat. "Wiirrcn, Jo.sopli (Ttov.), Glance Backward at ]'"iftc('ii Years of Missionary T.ifc in Nortli India. 12rn(). cl. . 1 00 "Warwick Woodlands. By Frank Forrester (W. H. Ilerbertj. pap 50 Washburn, E., Sketches of tlie Judicial llistory of Massa- chusetts from 1G20 to 1775. 8vo. cl. . Washington, George, Life of. By J. T. Ilcadley. 8vo., with 42 engravings, cl. . . . . 3 00 Life of. By Washington Irving. 4 vols. 12mo. cl. . ." . . 6 00 The same. 4 vols. 8vo. cl. . 8 00 " « Illustrated Edition. 5 vols. imp. 8vo. cl. . . . 20 00 Life of. By Chief-Justice Marshall. 12mo. cl 1 00 -^ — Memoirs of. By Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. 12mo. hf. r 1 25 The same, illustrated. 12mo. cl. 1 50 Religious Opinions and Character of. By E. C. McGuire. 12mo. cl. . 60 in Domestic Life, from Original Letters and Manuscripts. By Richard Rush. sm. 8vo. cloth 1 00 Washington (D. C), History of the Capture and Invasion of. By J. S. Williams. 12rao. cl 1 00 Watchman (The). A Tale. By James A. Maitland. 12mo. pap. $1 00 ; cl 1 25 Waterbury, J. B. (Rev.), Child of the Covenant (The), or, How Christian Parents should train up their Households. ........ Waterhouse, G., Married and Single Woman's Medical Com- panion. 12mo. cl 1 00 Waters, Thos., Recollections of a Policeman. 12mo. cl. . 1 25 Watson, Alex. (Rev.), Catechism of the Order of Confirma- tion. 18mo. 05 • ■ Elkana, Memoirs of. Including Journals of Travels in Europe and America, from 1777 to 1842. 8vo. cloth 1 50 ■ Henry C, Camp Fires of Napoleon ; Comprising the most brilliant Achievements of the Emperor and his Marshals. 8vo. 2 50 ■ . " " Masonic Musical Manual. 8vo. . J. F., History of the United States. 8vo. emb. . 3 75 J. V. (Rev.), Helps to the Promotion of Revivals. 12mo. cl 70 ., " " Tales and Takings, Sketches and In- cidents from the Itinerant and Editorial Budget of the Author. 12mo. cl 1 00 Presbyterian Bd. T. B. Peterson. Little, Brovm&Co. C. Scribner. '56 G. P. Putnam. n Derby & J. Appleton & Co. ''bl Harper & Bros. Lippincott& Co.^57 Harper & Bros. '57 T. B. Peterson. '57 T. R. Marvin. '55 Fetridge & Co. '55 D. Rulison. 5 Dana & Co. " '56 Peel & B.'b& Author.^ New York. C. Desiher. C. & Porter. '66 '5r 1855-58.] WA T WB B WatsoD, Thos. (Rov.), Select "Works ; comprising his " Body of Divinity," and various Sermons and Treatises. 8vo. cl 2 00 Wau-Bun, or, the " Early Day" in the Xorth-West. By Mrs. J. n. Kiiizie, ilhistrated. 8vo. cl. . . 2 25 Waverley Anecdotes, illustrating Scenes and Incidents in the Novels and Romances of Sir Walter Scott. 12mo. cl 1 00 Novels. 12 v, 12ino. hf. mor. $18 00, cl. . . 12 00 " Illustrated, 12 v. royal 8vo. hf. mor. $30 00, cl 18 00 " to be completed in 48 Vols. IGmo. per Volume, cl 75 Way Home. 18mo. cl 50 to Heaven ; a Select Manual of Prayers. Various prices, 50 cents to 20 00 of Salvation, Illustrated in a Series of Discourses. By Ilev. Albert Barnes. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 00 Wayland, Francis, Notes on the Principles and Practices of Baptist Churches. 12mo. cl 1 00 Ways of Life, Showing the Eight Way and the Wrong Way. By Rev. G. S. Weaver. 12 mo. cl. . .0 50 Wayside Songs. By Edward C. Godwin. 16mo. cl. . .0 75 Weaver, G. S. 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'5G Sanhorn^ (J &Co?h*J Lippincott & Co. Ticknor & Co. Carter & Bros. '57 Sadlier & Co. Parry & McM. '56 Sheldon^ B. & Co. F. & Wells. '55 Mason Bros. '5G Fowler & W. '56 " '55 nickling^ S. & B. Mason Bros. Applegate & Co. D. Rulison. EicUing, S. & B. Smith & E. '55 Applet on & Co. Little, B. <fi Co. 'bH 244 WEB- WEL [am. oat. Webster, E., Phonographic Teacher. 12nu). -Noah, Oouiiling House and Family Dictionary, an Entirely New Abridgment. By W. G Webster, Prof. Goodrich, and Prof. Porter, " Elementary Spelling Book. . " University Dictionary. 8vo. slip. R. (Rev.), History of the Presbyterian Churches in America, from its Origin xmtil the Year 1700 Svo. cl Thos., Family Encyclopa3dia of Useful Knowledge Svo Wedding Guest, Edited by T. S. Arthur. 12mo. net, cl. ex 88c.; cl Wedge of Gold (The) ; or, Achan in El Dorado, by Rev. W A. Scott. 12 mo. cl Week's Delight (The) ; or, Games and Stories for the Parlor and Fireside. 16mo Weekly Eucharist ; The Old " Path and Good Way" of the Church, by Rev. E. A. Hoffman. 18mo. limp cl. Weeping Willow, by Mrs. L. U. Sigourney. 32mo. gt. e. . Weisenborn, G., American Engineering, in Monthly Numbers. pr. No. Welby (Mrs.), Poems by Amelia. A new and Enlarged Edition. Hlustrated with Original Designs by Weir. 12mo. cl. $1 25 ; gt. edges, $1 50 ; mor. Weld, A. n., English Grammar net " Latin Lessons and Reader. . . . net ■ " New Enghsh Grammar. . . . net • " Parsing Book net Well Begun is Half Done ; or, the Toung Painter (from the German). 16mo. cl. ..... . Well, Well, a Tale Founded on Fact, by M. A. WaUace. 12mo. cl Wells, D. A., Elements of Natural Philosophy. . " Natural Philosophy. 12mo. " Science of Common Things. 12mo. " " Familiar Things • " Year Book of Agriculture ; or, the Annual of Agricultural Progress and Discovery, for the Y^ear 1855, Svo. cl — ■ — J. G., Every Man His Own Lawyer, and United States Form Book. 12mo. cl. .... " Illustrated National Hand-Book, embracing Documents Connected with the PoUtical History of America. 12mo. cl . ,.- William V., Explorations and Adventures in Hon- duras. Comprising Sketches of Travel in the Gold Regions of Olancho, and a Review of the History and Resources of Central America. Svo. 45 Fowlers Jc W. Mason Bros. Appleton tfc Co. 2 00 Lij^tincott & Co. 8 00 J. M. Wilson. 3 00 Derby & J. 56 PecTc & B. 1 00 Whiton,T.&Go:b% 75 Appleton & Co. 20 D. Dana Jr. '57 38 W. J. Hamersley. 1 00 Wiley & H. 2 50 Appleton & Co. 25 Sanborn, C. & B. 50 (I 30 K 8i t( 75 Crosby, AT. <&, Co. 75 Sadlier & Co. '56 1 00 Ivison & P. 1 00 'bl 75 '57 75 (1 1 50 Childs & P. '55 1 00 /. G. Wells. '56 '57 2 00 Earper & Bro8.'57 1855-58.] WEN- ■ wni 245 Wentz, Sara A., Smilos and Frowns. 12ino. cl. Wesley, John (Rev.), Life of. By Kichard Watson, with Notes, by Thomas 0. Summer. 12ino. and His Friends. Illustrating the lieligious Spirit of their Times. 18mo. • . • . . Wesleyan Sacred Harp. By Rev. W. McDonald and S. IFubbard Western Adventure. By J. A. McClung. 12rao. cl. Border Life ; or, What Fanny Hunter Heard and Saw in Kansas and Missouri. 12mo. cl. . Fruit Book. By F. R. Elliott. 12mo. cl. . " " By E. J. Hooper. 12mo cl. . Methodism. By Rev. J. B. Finley, 12mo. cl. Portraiture and Emigrants' Guide to Wisconsin, Il- linois, and Iowa. By 1). S. Curtis. 12rao. cl. Westward Empire ; or, the Great Drama of Human Progress. By E. L. Magoon, 12mo. cl Ho ! The Voyages and Adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh. By Charles Kingsley. 12mo. cl. Westwood, T., Berries and Blossoms. A Verse Book for Young People, square ICmo Whaling and Fishing. By Charles Nordhoff. 18mo. cl. Wharton, F., and Stiles, M., Treatise on Medical Jurispru- dence. Svo. cl What Can AVoman Do ? By T. S. Arthur. 12mo. cl. I Saw in California. By E. Bryant. 12mo. cl. Whately, R. (Archb.), Moral Lessons and Christian Evi- dences. Edited by F. D. Hun- tington. IGmo. cl. . " Scripture Revelations concerning Good and Evil Angels. 12mo. cl. " Thoughts and Apothegms, Reli- giousand Miscellaneous. r2mo. cl. " View of the Scripture Revelations concerning a Future Stale. 12mo. cl Whedon, D. D. (Rev.), Collegiate and Popular Public Ad- dresses of. 12mo. cl. . Wheeler, J. T., T>ife and Travels of Herodotus. 2 v. 12nio. cl. AVhewell, W., History of the Inductive Sciences. 3 vols, small Svo. cl. ...... . Which, the liight or the Left ? or, the Church of Christ, or the Church of Society. 12mo. cl, . . , is the Wiser ? By Mary Ilowitt. cl. . Whip-poor- Will ; or, Youth's Lyre. A new collection of Juvenile Music. By I. Ji. Woodbury. . . net Whisper to a Bride. By Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. cl. gt. e. Whist and Short Whist. By T. ^lathews and Mtyor Young. ISmo. cl 1 00 Appkton it Co. '57 1 00 Stevenson & 0. '57 35 Am.S.S.Union.''b% 50 Jewett & Co. '5G 75 Applegate <&, Co. 1 00 Derhy £ J. '50. 1 00 C. M. Saxton. '56 1 00 Moore, W. K. & Co. 1 00 Meth. Booh So.' oO 1 00 Colton & Cd. 1 00 Earper & Bros.'oQ 1 25 Ticlcnor & F. '55 S. B. Shmc. '55. 75 Moore,W.&K.Co. 6 50 Kay <& Bros. '50 1 25 J. W. Bradley. 1 25 Ap>pleton & Co. 75 J. Bartlett, '57 G3 Lindsay & B. '56 1 00 " '56 75 " '55 50 Carlton & P. 2 00 Harper £ Bros. '^ -t 50 B. ApjiUton tC Co. 1 25 3S 25 03 Garrett & Co. '56 Appleton <C Co. F. J. Jhtntlngton. W. J. Hamernlcy. 50 Appleton & Co. 24G Win- WIC [am. cat. WListlur; or, the Manly Boy. IJy Wultor Airawell. 18iuo, Wliite, B., Groori Mountain Girls (Tlio). A Story of Ver- mont. 12ino. cl. . ■ E. E., Class ]3ook of Local Geography. ICmo. Hugh L., Memoir of, with .Selections from his Speeches and Correspondence. By Miss Nancy Scott. 8vo. cl L. (Rev.), Great Question (The) ; or, How Shall I Moot the Claims of God on my Property? IGmo. R. G., Shakspcare's Scholar, hf. cf. ex. $-3 50 ; cl. AVm. (Bp.), ^Memoirs of the Life of, by Rev. Bnrd "Wilson. 8vo W. N., Gardening for the South ; or. The Kitchen and Fruit Garden. 12iiio. cl White Acre, vs. Black Acre, £< Case at Law. 12mo. cl. Chief; or, Legends of Northern Mexico, by Captain Mayne Reid. 12mo. cl Friars ; or. The Days of Charles the Second, pap. Lady (The) ; a Romance of Love and War, by G. W. M. Reynolds. 8vo. pap Lies ; a Novel, by C. Reade. 12mo. cl. . Rabbit and other Stories, by Aunt Martha. ISmo. Slave ; or, Memoirs of a Fugitive, by Richard Ilil- dreth. 12 mo. cl Slavery in the Barbary States, by Chas. Sumner. . "Whitehead, Wm. H., Contributions to the Early History of Perth Amboy and Adjoining Country. Svo. Maps and Illustrations, cl "Whiting, Martha, Memoir of, by Catherine N. Badger. 12mo. AVhitman, W. E. S., Ship Carpenter's Family (Thej. 12uio. "Whitney, Thos. B., Defence of the American Pohcy, as op- posed to the Encroachments of Foreign Influence. 12mo. cl "Whittier, John G., Panorama (The), and other Poems. IGmo. ■ " Poetical Works. 2 vols. 32mo. gt. Whittingham, R. J. (Rev.), Heart and Home Truths, being Self-Musings upon the Divine Will. 12mo. . Whitty, E. M., Knaves and Fools ; or. Friends of Bohemia, a Satirical Novel of London Life. 12mo. cl. Who are the Blessed ? or, Meditations on the Beatitudes. l2mo. cl . is Jesus? IGmo. shall be Greatest ? By Mary Howitt. Why am la Presbyterian? By Mrs. N. W.Campbell. ISnio. do I Live ? By Rev. Thos. Smyth. 3 Gmo. cl. should I be a Pastor? By Mrs N.W. Campbell. ISmo. " a Ruling Elder. By Mrs. N. W. Camp- bell. ISmo. cl Wickham, Martha, Sea Spray, a Long Island Village. 12mo. 63 Gould <& L. '50 1 25 Derly & J. '5G 10 J. B. Cohh & Co. 2 00 Lippincott<i:C'o.^66 25 2 50 Carlton & P. Appleton & Co. Hayes & Zell. '56 1 25 A. 0. Moore. 75 J. W.Rindolph. '56 1 25 i?. If. Dewitt. 50 T. B. Peterson. 50 Stringer & T. '56 1 25 Ticknor & F. '57 60 Wliipiile & Co. '57 1 00 Whittemore.N.i&H. 50 Jewett & Co. 2 75 ApplMon & Co. '56 1 00 Gould <& L. '55 1 00 Long & Bro. '56 1 00 Dewitt & D. '56 50 Tichnor & F. 1 50 " '56 75 Daiia & Co. '56 1 25 Eudd <£; C. '57 75 Lindsay &B. '5G 20 Stanford & S.'oo 38 Appleton & Co. 50 W.S.& A.Martien. 50 Am. Tract. Soe.'57 31 W. S. £A.Martien 31 » 1 00 ' Derly &J.'m 1855-58.] Win- WIL 247 Widdifield, Hannah, Xew Cook Book of Practical Receipts. 12mo. cl Widow Bedott Papers. By Mrs, B. W. "Wicker. 12iuo. cl. Directed to the "Widow's God. By Ptcv. J. A. James. ISmo. cl. "Wieland ; or, The Transformation. By C. B. Brown. 12ino. "Wife's Trials (The). By Miss Pardoe. pap. "Wight, 0. "^'., Romance of Abelard and lleloise. 12mo. cl. "Wigwam and the Cabin. By Vf. G. Simms. 13mo. cl. "Wikofl^ Henry, Adventures of a Roving Diplomatist. 12mo. cl "Wilberforce, William, Memoirs of. By Mary A. Collier. 12mo. cl Wilcocks, Alex., Essay on the Tides, Theory of tlie Two Forces. 18mo. hf. r Wild Northern Scenes ; or, Sporting Adventures with Rifle and Rod. By S. H. Hammond. 12mo. cl. . Scenes in Kansas and Nebraska, the Rocky Moun- tains, «&c. By R. B. Sage. 12mo. cl. Western Scenes. 12mo. pap. 50 cts. ; cl. Wilder, J. N., Rochester, a Poem. pap. .... Levi, Musical Elementary, an Improved Text-Book in the First Principles of Singing by Note. net " School Music " Wiley, 0. H., North Carolina Reader. No. 3. l2mo. Wilford Montressor ; or. New York Life Exposed. 2 vols. Wilkes, Chas., Theory of the Winds. Royal 8vo. cl. AVilkinson, J. J. G., Improvisations from the Spirit. Will (The) in the Valley. By Rev. Thos. Smyth. 12mo. cl. Willard, Emma (Mrs.), Ancient Geography. " " " Atlas ■ " " " Chronographer. mounted " " American " " " " English " " " " Temple of Time. " " " Universal History in Perspective. 12mo. " " Morals for the Young. S., Memories of Youth and Manhood. 2 vols. ICmo. AVillcy, B. G., Incidents of White Mountain History. 12mo. WiUiam Tell, the Patriot of Switzerland ; to which is added, Andreas Hofer, the " Tell" of the Tyrol, cl. ; or, the Converted Romanist, translated from the French. 18mo. WilUams, C. J. B., Pathology; or, Principles of Medicine. New edition. Svo. slip. ..... F. S., Conversations sur Lo Grand-pcre. r2mo. 1 00 T. B. Petenon. '50 1 25 J. C. Derby. '55 38 Ap2)leton & Co. 75 M. Pollock. '57 50 Fetridge & Co. '56 75 Appleton & Co. 1 25 J. S. Redfidd. '57 1 25 Fetridge & Co. '57 75 Carter & Bros. '55 50 Parry &, McM. '55 1 00 Derly & J. '57 G. D. MilUr. '55 1 25 Lippincott & Co. 25 Sheldon,B.&Co:o1 25 Mason Bros. 12i u 38 Barnes & Co. '5G 1 00 T. B. Peterson. 1 50 Putnam ct Co. '56 1 25 N.Ch.Pub.As.'hl GO Am. S. S. U. 'or 30 W. J. Hamersley. 60 u 2 00 Barnes & Co. 2 00 (( 2 00 (( 2 00 u 84 A. S. Barnes & Co. GO Barnes & Co. 2 00 J. Bartlett. '55 1 00 //. No yes. '56 50 AppUton & Co. 25 Stevenson & 0. '56 2 50 Bla)ie7tardi(:L.'57 1 (.10 HicUing, S. & B. 248 WIL WIL [am. oat. Williams, J. J., I^itllllU^H of Teliuantcpec : its Climate, Pro- ductions, itc. 2 vols. 8vo. cl. ... J. S., History of tbo Invasion and Capture of Washington, D. 0, 12mo. cl. ... ■ J. W. M. (Rov.), More Laborers Wanted, and How to Secure Them. ISmo W., Gloria in Excelsis, a Collection of Church ]^[usic, oblong 4to Wni., Oratorio of Our Saviour, written for Chil- dren. " Song Wreath, containing the Elementary Principles of Music W. R. (Rev.), Missions Needful to the Higher Blessedness of the Church. r2mo. . Williamson, J. D. (Rev.), Examination of the Doctrine of Endless Punishment. ISmo. " " Philosophy of Odd Fellowship, Il- lustrated and Explained. 12mo. Willis, N. P., Paiil Fane, or, Parts of a Life else Untold. 12mo. cl Richard S., Our Chnrcb Music, a Book for Pastors and People. 12mo Ruth, Ambition; A Tale. 12mo. cl. Willis, the Pilot, a Sequel to the " Swiss Family Robin- son." 16mo. cl Willitoft, or the Days of James I., a Tale. 12mo. el. Willy Reilly, a Tale of Irish Life, by W. Carleton. 12mo. cl. Wilmot Family (The), or Children at Home. cl. net Wilmsen's Reader, or, The Children's Friend. 12mo. Wilson (Bishop), Sacra Privata. abd. miniature, cl. . David (Rev.), Lectures on Colossians. 12mo. cl. . " " Sacred Fountains or Observations on the Holy Land. 12mo. cl. . E., Dissectors' Manual, or Practical and Surgical Anatomy, third ed. 12mo. . . . . George, Five Gat«vays (The), of Knowledge. 16mo. cl H., Elements of Moral Philosophy, Analytical, Syn- thetical, and Practical. 12mo John, Elements of Punctuation. 12mo. " Scripture Proofs and Scriptural Illustrations of Unitariauism. 12mo. cl. . . , " Unitarian Principles Confirmed by Trinitarian Testimonials. 12mo. cl. . . . . . ■ J. L. 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TVind Spirit (The), and The Rain Goddess, translated from the German, square cl Wind-AVhispers, *a Collection of Poems, by L. V. French. 12mo "Wings and Strings, a Juvenile. 18mo. cl. ... "Wingfield, Vi., and Johnson, G. "W., Poultry Book, with Coloured Plates. Bvo. cl "Winkles (The) ; or, tho Merry Monomaniacs. 12mo. cl. . Winnie and L 12mo. cl. "Winslow, II., Elements of Moral Philosophy. 12mo. cl. M., Hints on Missions to India. 12rao. cl. ■ O. (Rev.), Glimpses of the Truth as it is in Jesus. 12mo. cl. — " " Glory (The) of the Redeemer in his Person and "\York. 12mo. cl. ■ ■ " " Inquirer Directed to the Work of tho Holy Spirit. 12mo. cl. Winter Studies in the Country, a Poem. 16mo. cl. . Wreath of Summer Flowers, illustrated with colored engravings, by Parley. 8vo. cl. ex. . at Woodlawn ; or the Armour of Light. Illustrated. lOino. square. ....... in Madeira (A), and a Summer in Spain and Florence. By J. A. Dix. 12mo. el. . Winter's Wreath, royal 8vo. cl. ex. net $2 25 ; im. mor. Winthrop, E. (Rev.), Premium Essay on the Chai'acteristics and Laws of Prophetic Symbols. 12rao. cl. Wirt (Mrs.), Flora's Dictionary, Avith Eight Groups of Flowers, colored. 4to. ex The same, with 14 Groups, colored, mor. gt. c. . " " 58 " " "ex. . Wisconsin and Its Resources. By James S. Ritchie. 12mo. Wisdom of Angels. By Rev. Thomas L. Harris. 12nio. cl. Wise, Henry A., Biographical Sketch of. 12mo. cl. (Lieut. IJ. S. N.), Scanipavias from Gibcl Tarek to Rtamboul. 12mo. cl . Wiseman (Cardinal), Fabriola ; or, the Church of the Cata- combs. 12nio. cl. Wistar, C. (M.D.), Anatomy, with Notes by J. Pancoast, M.D. Xew Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. slip. Witchof Milton Hill. A Tale. 12mo. cl. With, E., Railroad Accidents, Their Causes and the Means of Preventing them. 12mo. cl. .... 1 25 Ap2)Ieton & Co. 38 Li2>pincoU tD Co. 2 50 S. & Oiren. 75 Crosby N. & Co. ]Vashville,Tenn.'56 25 Challen & Sons. 5 00 Api^leton & Co. 1 00 (( 1 25 J. C. Derby. '55 1 25 Appleton & Co. 1 00 M. W. Dodd. '5G 75 Lindsay tC- B. '56 1 00 (( 75 <( 38 Parry cC McM. '57 3 00 Apioleton c6 Co. G5 Carlton & P. '5G 1 00 Appleton & Co. 2 50 Leavitt& A. 75 F. Knight. 'oQ G 00 Lucas Bros. 9 00 u 16 00 a 1 25 C. Dcsiher. '57 75 KewCh.P.Ami.'m 75 J. W.Randolph. '50 1 25 C. Scrihner. '57 75 Sadlicr& Co. 6 00 C. Desihcr. 50 Sadlier & Co. 1 00 Little, B.£Co.'56 250 WIT- WOO [am. oat. •Withered Heart (The). 12mo. cl Wolfsden; an Authentic Account of Things There and There- unto Pertaining, as they Are and have Been. By J. B. 12mo. cl Wollstonocraft, Mary, Vindication of the Rights of Women. 12nio Woman,- Iler Health, Beauty and Intellect, Preserved from Premature Decline. Addressed to Mothers and Daughters. From the French of Dr. Rozier. . in America, Her Work and Her Reward. By M. J. Mcintosh. 12mo. cl " the Nineteenth Century, and Kindred Papers Relating to the Sphere, Condition, and Duties of Women. By Margaret Fuller. 12rao. cl. with many Husbands. By Eugene Sue. 8vo. pap and her Diseases, from the Cradle to the Grave. By E. H. Dixon, M.D Woman's Faith, a Tale of Southern Life. 12mo. cl. . Friendship, a Story of Domestic Life. By Grace Aguilar. 12mo. cl Worth ; or. Hints to Raise the Female Character. 18mo. cl. TVomen of Christianity, exemplary for Acts of Piety and Charity. By Julia Kavanagh. 12mo. cl. — — — " Israel. By Grace Aguilai*. 2 v. 12mo. cl. " the French Revolution. By J. Michelet. 12mo. cl Wonderful Mirror (The). 16mo. cl. . Phials and other Stories. Translated from the French. 16mo. cl • and Beautiful ; or, Apples of Gold in Vessels of Silver. 12mo. cl net " Thrilling Adventures, cl Wonders of Organic Life. Revised by Rev. Thos. 0. Sum- mers. 18mo. cl " Science. By Henry Mayhew. 16mo. cl. " the Earth and of the Heavens. By C. Wright. Svo • . . . Wood, Geo., Marrying too Late. A Tale. 12rao. cl. »- " Modern Pilgi'iras, Showing the Improvement in Travel, and the newest Methods of reach- ing the Celestial City. 2 v. 12mo. cl. . -»- Geo. B. (^I.D.), Treatise on Therapeutics and Phar- macology ; or, Materia Medica. 2 v. Svo. shp. . Woodbridge, Timothy (Rev.), Autobiography of, with Sketches of Men and Events of his Time. 12mo 1 25 /. W. Bradley. 1 25 75 1 00 75 1 00 25 1 00 75 75 38 75 1 50 1 00 50 Phillip8,S.<&Co:56 C. Blanchard. Eedding & Co. '5G AppUton & Co. J.P.Jewett&Co:m T. B. Peterson. '55 D. Rulison. Derhy & J. '5G Appleton & Co. H. C. Baird. '55 Crosly, N. & Co. 50 M. W. Dodd. '55 63 PecTc&B. 75 Shepard, C. & B. 35 Stevenson & 0. '57 75 Emper & Bros.'QQ C. Wright. '55 1 00 Appleton & Co.'56 1 75 PhilUps,S.£Co:55 7 00 J.B.Lippinc't&Co. 1 00 J.P.JewettSCo.'oQ 1855-68.] ; WOO WOE 251 Woodbridge, W. 0., Geography and Atlas. . . . 1 00 W. J. Eamersley. " and Willard, E., do. do. . . . 2 25 " "Woodbury, I. B., Anthem Diilcuner, or Xew York Collec- tion of Sacred Music. . . . net 58i^ F. J. Huntington. " Cultivation of tho Voice -without a Master 7ie« 75 " • " Chorus Glee Book 25 " " Cottage Glees, Comprising Madrigals, Quartette, Solos, &c. . . . net 42 " — " Cythara, a Collection of Sacred Music. " 67 " — — " Kew Lute of Zion " 07 " — — " Self-Instructor in Musical Composition and Thorough Bass. 12mo. cl. . . net 50 Mason Bros. " Song Crown, a new collection of choir Songs, Glees and Quartetts. . net 75 F. J. Huntington. " Sunday School Singing Book. . . " 12^ " " 'Whip-Poor-Will, or Youths' Lyre, a col- lection of Juvenile Music. . . net 25 " " Youths' Song Book. . . . " ISJ " Wooden Cross and the Chapel of Wolfsbuhl. . . . 25 iT. McGrath. Woodhill, or, the Ways of Providence, by Talvi (Mrs. E. Robinson). 12mo. cl 1 25 i?. i/. Dewitt. Woodla^vn Cemetery, in Xorth Chelsea and Maiden. 8vo. cl. 1 00 Higgins & B. '5G Woods, Leonard (Rev.), Work of. 5vo. 8vo. . . . 10 00 TF. F. Draper. Woodson, Ellen C. (Mrs.), Union Primer. part 1. 10c. part 2. , . . 15 Lippincott & Co. " " » First Reader. . . 31 " " " '• Second Reader. . . 38 " Woodward, A. (M.D.), Review of Uncle Tom's Cabin, or, an Essay on Slavery. 12mo. cl 70 Applegaie & Co. Woodworth, F. C, Uncle Frank's Pleasant Pages for tho Fireside. 12mo. cl 76 H. Dayton. WooUey, Edward M. (Rev.), Memoir of. By his Daughter. 12mo. cl A. Tompkins. '56 Worcester, J. E., Primer (per doz.) ?iet 07 Hickling S. & B. ^ " Second Book " 10 " " Introduction to Third Book. . . " 20 ' " . " Third Book . " 30 " " Fourth " " 50 " Academic Dictionary. . . . " 1 25^ " — " Comprehensive Dictionary. . . " 07 " • " Elementary " . . " 4:7 " " Primary " . . " 24 " — • " Univcr.-ial and Critical Dictionary. 8vo. shp net 2 50 " • — Noali (Rev.), Bible News of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in a Series of Letters. 12mo, 30 Am. Unitn. Assn. Word-Builder (The), or. First Lessons in Reading. By R. G. Parkea-. ICmo 25 Barnes dc Co. '55 252 won- ■W7T [am. oat. "Words for Workers. By W. D. Haley 75 — - — " the Hour. By Author of " Passion Flowers." 12mo. cl Y5 of Cheer for tlio Tempted, the Toiling, and the Sor- rowing. Edited by T. S. Arthur. 12mo. cl. ex. net 88c. ; cl 50 Wordsworth, F. C, American Miscellany. G vols. 12mo. cl. 4 50 William, Poetical Works of. Conij)lete. Edited by Henry Keed. 8vo. shp. $3 50; cl. 3 00 — " The Prelude. An Autobiographical Poem. 12mo. cl 1 00 Work and Wages. By M. Ilowitt. cl 38 World-Noted Women. Finely illustrated, large toI. mor. ex, 12 00 World of Mind. An Elementary Book. By Isaac Taylor. 12mo. cl 1 00 — — " Waters. By Mrs. D. Osborne, cl. . . . 50 * (The), Geographical, Historical, and Statistical, by Chas. C. Savage. 8vo. cl 2 00 World's .Jubilee (The), by Anna SiUiman. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Laconics (The) ; or, the Best Thoughts of the Best Authors — in Prose and Poetry, by T. Edwards. 12mo, cl 1 25 Own, by Julia W. Howe. IGmo, cl, . . . 50 Worth and Wealth, A Collection of Maxims, Morals, and Miscellanies for Merchants and Men of Business, by Freeman Hunt. 12mo. " " and Other Stories, by Cousin Agie. 18mo. square. . . . . 75 Wright, A. D., Primary Lessons; or, Child's First Book. . 12 ■ — Caleb, Wonders of the Earth and the Heavens. 8vo, — Francis, Few Days in Athens. . , , . 50 H. G. (M.D.), Headaches, their Causes and their Cure. 12mo. cl 60 Louisa B. (Mrs.), .Josie Gray and other Sketches, for the Children at Home. ..... W. C, Piano-Forte Manual. ISmo. cl. . . net 34 Wunnissoo, an Indian Poem. By Rev. W. Allen, 12mo, cl, 75 Wyatt, W, E,, Christian Altar, New edition, o2mo, cl, gilt edges 38 Wynne, J,, Lives of Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of America. 12mo. cl. 1 00 Wythes, J, H., Microscopist ; or, a Complete INFanual on the TJse of the Microscope, New edition, 12mo, cl. 1 25 Cronby^N. & Co. '55 Ticlnor & F. '57 Feck <& B. I'hilUpii,S.&Co:bo Ilriyes & Z. Appleton & Co. Harper & Bros. '58 Carter & Bros. Ensign., B. S F. M. W. Dodd. '5G Tichior & F. '57 1 50 Stringer & T. Phimps,S.&Co:bl Ajypleton & Co. C. Wright. '55 J. P. Mendum. S.S.&W.Wood:b^ H. JIooTcer, '56 Mason Bros. Jexcett & Co. Appleton & Co. Lindsay & B. 1855-58.] XEN- YOU 268 X. Xenopbon's Anabasis. By Cleveland. . . . net " Interlinear Translation. By Ilamil- ton and Clark. 12 mo. bf. mor. . " witb Exj)lanatory Notes by Jas. R, Boise. 12mo ■ " and tbe Memorabilia of Socrates, Literally Translated, by J. S. "Watson. 12mo. Memorabilia. Notes by Bobbins. New rev. ed. 60 Sanborn C. & B. 1 50 C. Desilter. 1 00 Appleton <& Co. '57 75 Harper & Bros. '^Q 1 00 Appleton & Co. Y. Yabveb Cbrist, or, the Memorial Name. By Alex. Mac Wliorter. 16mo. cl. ..... . Yankee Amongst Mermaids, and Other Waggeries and Vagaries. By Wm. E. Burton, pap. Travels through the Island of Cuba. 12mo. cl. Yeager's Class Book of Parsing. 12mo. hf. bd. . Year Book of Agriculture, or, the Annual of Agricultural Progress and Discovery for the Year 1855. Edited by D. A. Wells. 8vo. cl. . " of the Nations, fori 856. ByE.Burritt. 12mo. Yellowplush Papers. By W. M. Thackeray. 18mo. cl. . Yonge, C. M. (Miss), Castle Builders. 12rao. cl. " " Daisy Chain; or. Aspirations. A Family Chronicle. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth " " Dynevor Terrace. A Tale. 2 vols. 12ni<). cl. . ■ " " lleartsense. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. " " Heir of Rcdclyffc. 2 vols. 12mo " " Kenneth ; or, The Pvcar Guard. " " Lances of Lynwood. 16mo. cl. " " Richard the Fearless, cl. " " Two Guardians, cl. You Know Whom ; or, Our School at Pineville. By Caro- line E. Ilartshorne. 18mo. cl Youatt, Wm., The Dog, with Additions, by E. J. Lewis 8vo. cl 63 Gould & L. '56 50 T. B. Peterson. '50 1 25 Appleton & Cc».'56 38 Lij^pincoti & Co. 1 50 Childs&P.'ob 50 Appleton & Co.'56 50 " 75 » 1 50 1 50 1 50 cl. 1 50 cl. 75 75 63 75 50 /. French & Co. '55 1 25 Lcaxitt cC A. "57 254 TOU- YOU [am. cat. Touatt, "Wm., Tho Horse, a general History of, a Disserta- tion on tlio American Trotting Uorse, how trained and jockeyed, with an Essay on the Ass and Mule by T. S. Slvinner. 8vo. cl. .... Toumans, E. I.. Alcoliol, and tlio Constitution of Man, 12ino. cl " Cliart of Chemistry, on Roller. " Chemical Atlas. 4to. cl. " Class-Book of Chemistry. 12mo, . " Ilaiul-Book of Ilonsehold Science. 12ino. cloth. Young, Andrew W., American Statesman (The), a Political History, exhibiting the Nature, Ori- gin, and Practical Operations of Constitutional Government, in the United States. 8vo. ■ " Citizens' Manual. 12mo. shp. . Edward, Night Thoughts, miniature, cl. Jacob (Rev.), Experience, Travels, and Ministerial Labors of; or, The A.utobiography of a Pioneer. 12rao. cl. . . . • John, Christ (The) of History as grounded in the Facts of His Life on Earth. 12rao. cl. Young American Abroad. See Train, G. F. " in Wall Street, by Geo. F. Train. 12mo. cl. Americans' Picture Gallery ; being a Series of Illus- trations of Distinguished Men and Events connected with the History of our Country, with Descriptive Letter Press. Demy 4to. cl. . . . — " Speaker, by Caleb Bingham. 12mo. . ■ Choir ; or, School Singing Book, by W. B. Bradbury and C. W. Sanders — — r— Cottager, a Juvenile. 18mo. cl — Crusaders (The) ; a Tale of the Middle Ages. ISmo. — Debater ; a Debate upon the Character of Julius Cajsar, adapted from J. Sheridan Knowles. 16mo. cl. Fur Traders ; a Tale of the Far North, by R. M. Ballantyne — Gardeners' Assistant, by Thos. Bridgeman. Svo. cl. — ■ Hero (The) ; or. Money never makes the Man. ISmo. Housekeepers' Friend, by Mrs. Mary H. Cornelius. 12mo. cl Lady at Home, by T. S. Arthur. 12mo. cl. . Lady's Cabinet of Gems. 12mo. cl. . . . " Guide to French Composition, by G. Chou- quet. 12mo. cl . " " to the Harmonious Development of Character. Bv H. Newcomb. 12mo. 1 25 Leavitt & A. 50 Appleton & Co. 5 00 2 00 " 75 " 1 25 " 3 50 Stearm & S. '56 75 J. B. Cobb & Co. 38 Appleton & Co. 1 00 S. & Poe. 75 Carter & Bros. '55 1 00 Derby & J. '58 1 25 50 25 25 38 Lindsay & B. Lippincott & Co. Ivison & P. CTiallen & Sons. Dun igan&Bro.'oQ 38 Crosby, N. & Co. 1 25 Ifehon & Son. 1 50 A. 0. Moore. -40 Longley Bros. 50 Whittemore^.&E. 1 00 Derby & J. 1 50 Kclley & Bro. '56 75 Appleton tC Co. 1 00 21. W. Dodd. '57 1855-1858.] YOU YUS 255 Young Lady's Guide to Perfect Gentility. By Emily Thornwell. 12mo. cl. . . .0 75 Derby d; J. " 0\ra Book, By Emily Thornwell. 12mo. cl. 100 " '55 ■ " Reticule ; or, Gems by the Wayside. By Mrs. S. G. AbeU. 12rao. cl. gt. . . . 1 00 Eiggins, B. & D. Maiden's Mirror. 16mo. cl. . • . . . 80 C. Stone. Man Advised (The). See Ilaven, Rev. E. Man's Friend. By Rev. D. C. Eddy. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 2?. Rulison. ■ Men Admonished, in a Series of Lectures. By Rev. J.P.Thompson. 12mo. cl. . . . .0 75 A.D. F. Randolph. 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By Victor Cousin. 12mo. cl 1 00 Appleton cC Co. of the Old Dominion, by S. Hopkins. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Jetcett & Co.''56 Youths' Coronal (The), by H. F. Gould. 12mo. cl. . .0 63 Appleton & Co. — Keepsake. ISmo. cl. ex. or im. mor. gt. e. . net 75 Learitt S A. — Musical Lamp, and American School Song Book, by E. Pease -iO Moore, W. K. A Co. Song Book, by I. B. Woodbury. . . . net Q 18^ F. J. Huntington. Story Book. ICmo. cl 75 Appleton <& Co. Yusef, or the Journey of the Fragi, a Crusade in the East, by J. Ross Browne. 12mo. cl 1 25 Harper <L- Bros. ''53 2oG ZA C Z WI [am. cat. z. Zachos, J. C, New American Speaker. 8vo. el. Zaidec, a Romance, by Mrs. Olipbant. 8vo. pap. . Zephyrs from Italy and Sicily, by Wm. M. Gould. 16mo. Zillah, The Child Medium, a Tale of Spiritualism. 12mo. cl. Zimmermann, J. G., On Solitude. 18mo. cl. . Zoe, or, the Quadroon's Triumph, by Mrs. E. D. Livermore. 2 vols. 12rao Zornlin, R. M., Physical Geography for Families and Schools, with Additions, by "VV. L. 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