Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN «' Cf/'^^' \* - ^ THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. St. Paul's Journey to Ajipii Furii THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. BY TUB AUTHOR OF " THE MORNING AND NIGHT WATCHES," " THE FAITHFUL PROMISER," " ShouM any one ask mo to name the man who, of aU otherB, has been the greatc-t benefactor of our race, I should say without hesitation the Jposlle Pavl. His name is the typo of human activity the most endless, and at tho same time the most useful that history has cared to preserve."— -l/onoti. •■ May wo not believe, in a sense higher than Chrysostom ever dreamt of, that the pulses of that mighty heart are still the pulses of this world's life-still beat in thoBO latter ages with greater force than ever."-S£»«Jej/'» Essays on the Jpostohcal Age. gift^ ©Mtmn. LONDON : JAJVIES NISBET AND CO. 21 BERNEES STREET. MDCCOiVL LONDON : Printed by G. Barclay, Castle St. Leicester Sq. PREFACE. In venturing, in the following pages, to occupy ground whicli has been so often and so well tra- versed, it is perhaps superfluous to disclaim any great attempt at originality. The complaint of Chrysostom is now no longer, or sliould no longer, be true, that St Paul is not known by Chris- tians as he ought to be, ]\Iuch interesting light has been recently thrown by a mass of able authors on the history and character of the Great Apostle ; and good service it was thought might be done by translating into a simpler form what had been so admirably supplied for more advanced and thoughtful minds. All the more valuable Com- mentaries, as was to be expected, are copiously interspersed with learned and valuable disquisi- tions on questions of great moment, and important VI PREFACE. in themselves, but which are little fitted to interest and instruct younger students. The writer has endeavoured, therefore, in a course of reading on the Life of St Paul, to cull from " treasm^es new and old " what would he serviceable to the latter class of readers. He has to acknowledge his obligations to the following among other works : — Howson and Conybeare's " Life and Epistles of St Paul" (London, 1852), especially in the openfng chap- ters ; the less known but able work of ]Mr Lemn, "Life and Epistles of St Paul" (1851), frequent references to which will attest the amount of obli- gation; Cave's "Lives of the Apostles" (1676); Stanley's " Sermons and Essays on the Apostolical Age" (1847); Neander's "Planting of the Chris- tian Chm-ch ; " Olshausen on the Acts of the Apostles ; Stackhouse's " History of the Bible " (1764) ; Benson's " Planting of the Christian Religion " (1750) ; Barnes on the Acts ; Home's *' Litroduction ; " Blunt's " Sermons on St Paul ; " Suetonius' "Lives of the Ceesars;" Josephus' "Wars and Antiquities ; " Kitto's " Bible Cyclo- paedia." Besides these, many books of travel, PREFACE. Vll such as Kiiineir's " Travels in Asia Minor " (1818), Beaufort's "Karamania" (1817), Eustace's "Clas- sical Tour in Italy " (Paris, 1837), &c. &c. While following, however, in the wake of these great explorers, and not ashamed to profit by the lights they have hung out astern, it is hoped there will be found sufficient, in what follows, of inde- pendent research and thought, to redeem it from the unattractive character of a mere compilation. Another reason may be mentioned for giving these pages a permanent form. Amid the vast, the perplexing multiplicity of " Religious books," and " Books for the Young," of all kinds, in the present day, the writer has felt, by expe- rience, the want of a class of volumes suitable for young men, which would tend, by com- bining historical and biographical interest with religious instruction, to attract them to a more careful and devout study of the Word of God. What nobler model could be selected in this respect for the youthful mind — what history more replete with stirring interest and noble spiritual lessons, than the Life of "the Scholar of Gamaliel?" It has been truthfully Vm PEEFACE. said, that " no romance has ever been written so interesting as the Acts of the Apostles." It is a sort of inspired Picture Gallery of stirring scenes and events. The centre portrait, on which the eye rests, or rather the prominent figure reproduced in all the others, is the Great Apostle of the Gentiles. Since it is for jouthfal readers this volume is mainlj designed, the endeavour has been made to sustain throughout, the pictorial and descriptive character of the narrative, which forms not the least charm in the pages of Messrs Howson and Cony- beare. The writer will be happy should the per- usal of what he has written, lead, at a more advanced stage, to the study of a work in which learning and eloquence have been so successfully brought to bear on the greatest of biographies. One other sentence to a Preface which has already outrun its due proportions. The author made use of the substance of these notes at a weekly meeting in a rural parish; and the interest manifested in hearing them has formed an addi- tional inducement to commit them in their present shape to the press. The auxiliary of a large map the reader cannot enjoy, in which he was able PKEFACE. IX to trace the " Footsteps of St Paul;" but it is hoped that this want will be in no small measure compensated by the series of wood engravings illustrative of scenes and incidents in these " oft joui'neyings." December 1854. *** When the whole of these pages were writ- teUj and one half were finally revised, the writer ob- tained the last volume of (alas ! now) the late Dr Kitto's " Scripture Eeadings" — the "Apostles and Early Church" — in the preface to which, he finds that esteemed and lamented author acknowledges similar obligations to many of those English works to which he has been so largely indebted. Although the same groimd has, in some respects, been trodden, yet his object — to write a simple con- secutive liistory of St Paul — has sufficiently pre- vented collision; and any similarities that may occur, must only award to a less skilful hand the credit of discrimination in gleaning what was best from those ample storehouses to which both have been led. CONTENTS. PAGE CHAP. I. THE YOUTH 2 CHAP. II. THE SCHOLAR 18 CHAP. III. THE PERSECUTOR 82 CHAP. IV. THE CONVERT 46 CHAP. V. THE FUGITIVE 68 CHAP. VI. THE MISSIONART ..... 92 CHAP. VII. THE TRAVELLER 114 CHAP. VIII. THE DELEGATE 140 CHAP. IX. THE SECOND JOURNEY .... 154 CHAP. X. THE PRISON 176 CHAP. XI. THESSALONICA AND BEREA . . . 196 CHAP. XII. PAUL AT ATHENS 210 CHAP. XIII. PAUL AT CORINTH 228 CHAP. XIV. PAUL AT EPHESUS 248 CHAP. XV. THE TUMULT 262 CONTENTS. CHAP. XVI. THE FAITHFUL PASTOK CHAP. XVII. THE SEA- VOYAGE . CHAP. XVIII. PAUL IN JERUSALEM CHAP, XLS. PAUL IN CESAREA . CHAP. XX. THE SHIPWRECK CHAP. XXI. PAUL IN ROME CHAP. XXII. PRISON-LIFE . CHAP. XXIII. THE CLOSING SCENE PAOE 274 292 306 326 342 366 384 396 ^ 3 / THE FOOTSTEPS OE ST PAUL. \ CHAPTER I. f k ITautlr. "Sweetly wild! sweetly wild! Were the scenes that charm'd me when a child. Rocks — grey rocks, with their tracery dark. Leaping rills, like the diamond spark. Torrent voices thundering by, When the pride of the vernal fioods swell'd high, ***** It was sweet to sit till the sun laid down At the gate of the west liis golden crown. Sweetly wild ! sweetly wild ! Were the scenes that charm'd me when a child." Mrs Sioodrney. To the north-west of Palestine, washed bv the blue v.aters of the -^ Mediterranean, is situated a portion of our globe, which history, sacred and profane, ancient and modern, alike invests with deep interest, — the country of Asia Minor. In the south-east comer of it, running parallel with the coast, are the Alps of that region — the high mountain range of the Taurus. As the snow which covers their summits is melted by the sun's heat, many rivulets flow down to water and refresh the thirsty plains below. A stream larger than the rest is seen to dash its way, first through the rocks and valleys of the upper regions,* and then to * The name of the river now is " Kara Su," or " Black water," and it must have greatly changed its course, as it is now more than a mile from the modem Tarsoos. 4 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. wind its dark and sluggish course through the rich level country bordering on the sea. The name of the river is the Cydnus, and of the province Cilicia. You may try to form a picture of the animated scenes on its banks at the time of which I am going to write. Women coming down to fetch water, with veils over their faces, and pitchers on their heads ; shepherds playing on their reeds, with their flocks of goats and sheep browsing around them. Now and then, bands or caravans of merchants from distant parts, with camels bearing spices and wools, are glad to pause at mid-day, under the shade of the palm-trees which cast their beautiful reflection in the stream, and there to get refreshment ere they pursue their journey. This river in its course from the mountains, flowed through the large town of Tarsus, which, at the same period, formed the capital of the country. It was delightfully situated among luxuriant gardens ; the houses were ranged in the form of a half-circle on either side of the river, giving it something of the shape of the wings of a bird. If you had gone inside its walls, you would have seen a great variety of faces and dress, and heard spoken many different languages Sometimes you would meet with native Cilicians ; at other times you could not mistake the features of Jews, or Greek merchants, or haughty Romans. Like the greater portion of the known world, Cilicia and Tarsus had fallen into the hands of the Emperor Caesar. Roman soldiers would be seen now and then pacing up and down its streets ; Roman ships were sailing up the Cydnus into its harbour, and with Roman names and signs painted on them, filling its docks. It THE YOUTH. 6 enjoyed privileges, however, peculiar to several Roman towns. It was one of those cities which was called Libera or free. It was ruled by its own magistrates, and had its own laws, just as is the case with some modern cities on the continent of Europe, such as Frankfort-on-the-Maine, Hamburg, Lubeclc, Bremen, and others. These, for special reasons, while re- maining under the protection of Prussia and Austria, have an independent government of their own, as Tarsus had under the broad shadow of imperial Rome. In other and more important respects, Tarsus was "no mean city." One of the three great universities, or seats of learning, in the world, at that time, was within its gates; those of Athens and Alexandria being the other two. Many of the young men trained at the Tarsus schools were found afterwards at Rome, tutors in the highest families of the state, and even in the palace of the emperor on the Palatine. Indeed, at this very time, a philosopher named Nestor, who had been tutor to Marcellus, the nephew of Augustus, ■was ruler of the city. Along the banks of the Cydnus there was a lawn of grass, with shady trees similar to our modern parks. Aged philosophers and learned men might be seen walking up and down engaged in deep thought or earnest discussion; while youths of the university, at their holiday hours, were busy prac- tising those athletic games which were so famous among the Greeks. I daresay the young Tarsiaus would have among themselves their o\vn trials of strength — running, leaping, wrestling, boxing. They would have their own mimic crowns of olive or laurel 6 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL, to put on the brow of youthful victors ; and doubtless would often talk about the day when they would be able to go to Corinth, and take part in its well-known contests.* It was in a house in this Cilician city that " Saul of Tarsus" was born. People go to a great distance to visit the birthplaces of famous men. There are spots on the earth's surface which will be ever memorable as being the scenes of the childhood of Csesar and Alexan- der, Luther and Melancthou, Howard and Wilber- force. We shall find afterwards, that the little reed- thatched cottage, where Romulus the founder of Rome was born, was preserved sacred and untouched among the splendid palaces on the Palatine. What an inter- est must gather around the birthplace of one who, in the highest spiritual sense, was hei'o, scholar, philan- thropist, all in one, — the greatest of those " great men" who have left their "footprints on the sands of time !" I remember looking down several years ago in Swit- zerland on the little rill flowing out of that vast wall of ice, " the Rhone glacier." What interest was con- nected with it as the commencement of that giant river which sweeps past the walls of Lyons and Avig- non, and waters the most fertile provinces of France ! From Tarsus and its snow-capped Taurus, we watch the first tiny rill of a moi-e glorious river, " the streams whereof," in every land and under every clime, have " made glad the city of God." I cannot tell you the exact year in which Saul's birth took place. It was, however, at a most memor- able era of the world's history. When he was lying ■* See Strabo, the geognrapher, who lived in the same age of which we write. — Book xiv. vol. ii. THE YOUTH. an infant in his cradle in Tarsus, there were other httle children training up by God in other places for great duties and great services.* On the banks of a solitary lake in the land of Judea, there were a number of youths about that same time going out day after day with their fathers fishing in tl.eir boats, or helping them to mend their nets on the beach. These were afterwards to become the apostles of Christianity. There was a little child who was recently born in the old city of Hebron, a son of a priest, who was ere long to appear as a great preacher to prepare the way of the Lord, saying, " Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand;" and more interesting and solemn still, while Saul was an infant boy at Tarsus, there was a wondrous Being in an infant's form growing up at Nazareth, — it was the holy child Jesus, the promised Messiah ! Little did the proud world know the worth that was contained in these two distant homes — two helpless children unknown to one another; but the one was the Son of the eternal God, the Redeemer of mankind ; the other. His greatest minister and apostle. As regards even the political history of the world, the period of Saul's birth was an eventful one. Augus- tus, the greatest of the Roman emperors, was on the throne of the Caesars ; his vast dominion extended over a large portion of the human race ; the wealth of his capital was unbounded ; its temples were filled with the spoils of conquered nations ; the ruins of vast buildings, aqueducts, arches, bridges, and harbours, remain to this day, to tell the grandeur of what was called by the poets " the golden age." Alas ! it was but a painted glory ; like the whited sepulchres of the * Howson and Conybcaie, vol. i. p. 68. 8 THE FOOTSTEPS OP ST PAUL. prophets, "within was full of corruption and wicked- ness." God seemed to read mankind a lesson what a poor world this would be, with all the power and wealth of Rome, and all the learning and wisdom of Greece, if it had not the gospel of Jesus to make men holy and happy. " The world by wisdom," the boasted wisdom of this its greatest and wisest epoch, " knew not God ;" the religion of Rome, such as it was, had become a mere form ; the palaces of the nobles were filled with vice and crime ; the simple morals of her common people were gone ; and thousands of slaves fi'om her conquered provinces were pining in the hard- est drudgery. It was at this mournful period, when the grossest spiritual gloom had settled over the nations, that the great Sun of Righteousness, and His brightest attendant stai', arose. You would doubtless like to know all about Paul's parents — what his father's trade was, and whether he was a rich man or a poor man. We are not told. Most probably he was neither the one nor the other, but a respectable merchant or trader, en- gaged like other Jews in traffic with the cities on the coast of the Mediterranean. We may conclude, how- ever, that he could not have been in straitened cir- cumstances, from his being able to bestow on his son an education at Jerusalem. In this respect, yoimg Saul was placed in a more favourable position than other three apostolic men who lived 1500 years after him, and who, both in their mission and character, most nearly resembled him of any since his time. We read that " the Reformer Zuingle issued from the cabin of a shepherd of the Alps; Melancthon, the theologian of the Reformation, from the shop of an THE YOUTH. armourer; and Luther from the hut of a poor miner."* Tliis last (the great German Reformer) is perhaps the individual who, of all others, is most worthy to be placed side by side with the Apostle of the Gentiles, and we shall have more than once occasion to compare them togethez'. With regard to Saul's father, we know, from the letters his son afterwards wrote, that he was very strict in his religion. Though he had changed his native countiy, he had not clianged his creed. He still remained a strict Phainsee, and brought up his little boy as such. You know that the Pharisees were the most rigid of all the sects among the Jews. They wore long dresses, and used long prayers ; they fasted, and made a great show about religion; thev loved to be seen of men, and to get the praise of men more than the praise of God. Many of them, however, I believe, were good people — tried to be good and to do good, and brought up their children in the way of truth. I would be inclined to think that Saul's father was of this number. He tells us afterwards that " he served God from h\^ forefathers" This would seem to imply that not only his father but his grandfather, and far- ther back still, were strict Pharisees, serving the God of Israel in their synagogue, in the midst of that Gen- tile city. We are led to infer, too, that one of these ancestors of his had been a brave man, and was re- warded for his courage ; for they had received in some way the honour of Roman citizens, which Paul himself inherited, and which we shall afterwards find proved on many occasions very serviceable to him. It has been a question with many how this citizenship was * D'Aubigiie's Reformation, book ii. chap. i. 10 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. obtained. I have just told you that the great houses and palaces at Rome -were supplied with numerous slaves, and these we know, moreover, were principally obtained from the coasts of Asia Minor. It is possible that Saul's father or grandfather may have been in this way purchased, during their youth, by some Roman. Their master may further have taken a fancy to them, and as a reward, perhaps, of good conduct, have be- stowed upon one or other their freedom. I by no means venture to say that this is the accurate expla- nation. I merely state it as one of the more likely of the suppositions which learned writers have made re- garding the possession of this family privilege. Most young people who, on growing up to manhood, have become good and great, have owed very much to their mothers. And it would not fail to have been deeply interesting to us to know something regarding the mother of the future Apostle. The sacred narrative, however, is silent regarding her name and history. Perhaps she may have been taken early away from him, and he left in his infancy a motherless orphan ; or, perhaps, the tears may have fallen fast from her eyes when she heard, in future years, that her son had deserted his sect and his creed, and become a disciple of Jesus; or who can tell (may we not speak of the barely possible hope ?) that, before he became " Paul the aged," he was allowed to sit by his mother's dying pillow, and point her sinking eye to the "Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world ?" He had, at least, one sister.* We may picture to ourselves in thought the two little ones in their early years, seated on their father's, or, it may be, their • Acts xxiii. 16. THE YOUTH. 11 mother's knee, hearing from their lips about all the wondrous deeds of their ancestors. Sometimes their young minds would be turned to the story of Moses in the ark of bulrushes, and the awful plagues of Egypt; at other times, to the passage through the Kdd Sea, and how Pharaoh and his hosts were drowned in its waves. At others, they would love to listen to the tale of the wanderings of their fathers in the desert — the arrival in Canaan— and the glories of David and Solomon. We may imagine them hushed to sleep, night after night, with some of the sweet songs of Zion which the great Psalmist King had played upon his harp, or the poor captives had sung by the rivers of Babylon. The Jews were strictly enjoined by Moses, in the 6th and 11th chapters of Deuteronomy, to teach their children the law of God. Five was the age when they generally began to read the law. We have every reason to think that Saul's parents were not slow either in obeying the divine command, or following the usual practice of their countrymen, making their little boy " from a child to know the Holy Scriptures,'' which were afterwards (in a way they never dreamt of) to " make him wise unto salvation." Our young readers, then, may imagine "little Saul" in his Hebrew home. Many a league separated him from the city of Jerusalem ; but he was not the less brought up "an Hebrew of the Hebrews." As was the custom with Jewish children, he had been "cir- cumcised the eighth day" after his birth, and then received the name of Saul. You will not wonder at this being a favourite name in the tribe of Benjamin, to which he belonged, when you remember that the first king whom the Jewish people chose was " Saul 12 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. the Benjamite." Some indeed have thought he was called " Saul," because the Hebrew word for Smd liter- ally means ''the desired,'" or "prayed for," and that he was named so ft'om being the fii'st-born child of his parents, and given to them in answer to prayer." Be this as it may, let us think of him in his infancy, a little boy playing, perhaps, as Timothy did, around the feet of another "grandmother Lois and mother Eunice," and they delighting to watch the progress of his mind as his infant lips began the fii'st attempts at speech. What did he speak 1 "What was his language 1 We have reason to believe, from what is told us in the Acts of the Apostles, that he was taught to speak both in Greek and in Hebrew. The Greek was probably the tongue he was most in the habit of using. It was veiy much then what French is now, the language known more than any other among the nations of Europe. It is worth observing, that when at any time he refers in after life to the Old Testament, he quotes the Septuagint,t or Greek version of it, and not the Hebrew. But at the same time, he was far from ignorant of Hebrew — the language of his fathera. Though Greek was chiefly spoken in Tarsus, the Jews there never forgot to teach their children their native tongue. They generally had many friends and kins- folk in Palestine who came from time to time to visit them (Paul, for instance, had himself a nephew at Jerusalem J), and with these they could converse only in Hebrew. It was the practice always among the Jews to in- * Neander's Planting of the Christian Church, p SO. t This is the oldest triuslation of the Old Testament. It was so called from its having beeu trauslated by 70 le;iraed men. J Acts xxiii. 16. THE YOUTH. 13 struct their sons iu e:irly youth in some trade. This was not the case amoug tlie very poor only, but with those of a better class. It was a commou proverb auiong them — " If a man does uot teach his sou a trade°hc teaches him to steal ;" and we know that several learued Raijbis, whose writings have come dowu to us, were brought up with the knowledge of some com- mou business. " We have au iustauce of a great aud eiuiuent critic who was a carpenter, another an iron- fouuder, with many simdar examples." "" The custom was a wise aud prudent one. It was to prevent them ever falluig into idleness, and to enable them, if they 3ver were in straits, to have the means of earning their bread. Saul's father chose for him a very natu- ral occupation. He taught him, or sent him to learn, to make "tents." This would seem to have been a favourite trade in Cilicia; indeed the material of which these tents were made w-as called Ciliciiim, from the name of the province. The goat was an animal that was common there, as in many other parts of the East, and from its hair, which was long and beautiful, these tents were constructed. Occasionally it would seem that they were made of the hides as well as the hair; and hence an old father of the Church, in speaking of Sard's occupation, calls him sometimes a tent-stitcher, and sometimes a worker in leather, t We shall, by and by, find how fortunate it was that the young Jew of Tarsus had thus early learned this useful trade. It relieved him, for many years of his after life, from a state of poverty and dependence. Many a midnight hour found him hard at work at his web of goats' hair, for he " laboured night and day, that he might be • Bluut'.s Sermons on St Paul. t See Olshausen ou Acts. 14 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. chargeable to no man."* I may just add, that this hair-cloth, which was a thick stuflf" Hke felt, seems to have had the property, if not of keeping out wet, at all events of not rotting soon under the influence of damp or moisture. It served very much the purposes which our modem giitta percha and oilcloth do. It was employed in making coats and coverings for those who were much exposed to the variable weather in these mountain districts. Sailors used it, too, for bad weather at sea, and when we come, long after this, to describe Paul tossed for fourteen days and nights, amid black skies and rain-torrents, we may think of the sailors and crew around him, plying the pumps and reefing the sails with their Cilician hair- coats on. Very possibly this manufacture formed the greater part of the merchandise of his father in the market towns around ; and it is striking to hear from travellers who have visited these countries in our own times, that at present, during harvest, the rich corn fields may be seen dotted with the very same goats'-hair tents, the peasants and reapers living in them till the harvest work is over.t We may imagine, then, the young apostle, when he was the age of many of my readers, spending his happy boyhood in his Tarsus home. We are apt always to think of Paul as the grown-up man — an apostle — not perhaps advanced in life, but still with the marks of hard toil, and "the care of all the churches" on his furrowed brow; but we must remem- ber he had once a boyhood like ourselves, his boyish amusements, and occupations, and pleasures. • 1 Thess. i. 9. t Beaufort's Karamania, p. 263. THE YOUTH. 15 The youth of the Reformer Luther, which we have already spoken of iu connexion with his, was formed amid much less beautiful scenery. The banks of the Wipper, and the plains of Mansfield in Saxony, were poor and tame compared with the snowy cliff's of the Taurus range, and the verdant banks of tlie Cydnus. Still more cheerless, in other respects, was the infixncy of the young apostle of Germany. He tells us, that often he had to follow his father and mother to the forest to gather bundles of sticks, which they after- wards carried on their backs to the village and sold, to relieve them from their extreme poverty. Even at school he met with anything but kindness. His mas- ter beat him fifteen times successively in one day ! We are led to think of a sunnier morning of life in connexion with Saul. We love to follow him iu thought in his boyish rambles amid the beautiful scenery in the midst of which his childhood was cast. We can imagine him gazing often and again on the noble hills which rose like wall above wall behind the city, their white tops sparkling in the rays of the sun. He and his sister would love to watch, from the flat roof of their house, the deep shadows chasing one another across the mountain sides, or, perhaps, on a longer holiday, they would go and climb part of their craggy slopes, and look down on the lovely plains beneath. Often, I daresay, they would like to wander up by the banks of the Cydnus, as you see them in the picture at the beginning of this chapter, to watch the leap of the waterfall a mile north from the town, which grew very large after the melting of the snows in the mountains.* • "The extreme coldness of this celebrated river is said to have occa- 16 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. We may think at other times of the Jewish boy, in company with his hardier playmates, going, on those greater holidays when all work in the city and schools was stopped, to the gymnasium to witness the runners and wrestlers in the athletic games. We cannot won- der if we should come afterwards, in reading some of Paul's writings, to find these contests which his child- hood had looked upon lingering in his memory. Or, to change the scene, we may imagine him, during the day, in some Jewish school near the Sanhedrim ; the circle of black-eyed scholars, with their white cloaks, seated on the ground (as was the custom) round about their Jewish teacher, learning them to read and to write, and getting by heart portions of their sacred law. We read of Martin Luther, when he was of a similar age, probably a little younger, that a young man of Mansfield, called Nicholas Emler, was in the habit of taking him to the house of George Emilius, and re- turned to fetch him thence. It would, in all likelihood, be the same with young Saul. A slave or servant would be employed to conduct him to school and wait to bring him safe home again ; according to his own beautiful comparison, when he speaks, in one of his epistles, of " the law" being like " the slave who takes us to the school of Christ." '•'' Once more, we may picture him, at other times, perhaps at night, when the day's duties were past, seated by a blazing fire at his father's sioned the death of Frederick Barbarossa, and to have proved nearly fatal to Alexander. We found the water undoubtedly cold, but nut more so than that of the other rivers which carry down the melted snow of Mount Taurus, and we bathed in it without feeling any pernicious eflects." — Beauibrt, p. 266. * Gal. iii. 24. See Conybeare and Howson, vol. i. p. 54. THE TOUTH. 17 feet, giving his help to complete some goats'-hair tents they were wishful to have finished, either in good time for harvest, or in order that they might be able to leave as soon as possible, according to the universal custom, for their abode in the mountaius, to escape the burn- ing heat of the summer plains. There would probably be several other schools in Tarsus, but they were Gentile ones. Saul would be brought up, not perhaps with a determined hatred to the youth attending these, as many young Israelites were, but at least with no friendly feeling. As it is with the Jews to this day all over the world, the children of Abraham would dwell in Tarsus " alone," and not be " reckoned " among the rest of the citizens. The young apostle would get what other religious knowledge he possessed from the reading of the law. Sabbath after Sabbath, in the synagogue ; and with reference to his expectations regarding the Saviour promised to his fathers, he must have been taught, like others, to look for some great temporal sovereign who would drive the Romans out of Judea, and make it once more a glorious kingdom, as in the days of David and Solomon. Little did he think, at that very moment, the Messiah was toiling unknown and unnoticed as a carpenter in a workshop of Nazareth. CHAPTER 11. f I]e Stljokr. Fair 1)07 ! the wand'rings of thy way It is not mine to trace, Through buoy.int youth's exulting day. Or manhood's bolder race. What discipline thy heart may need. What clouds may veil thy sun, The eye of God alone can read, And let His will be done. ,„ hi^Luiidu of the Refoima- uon, m spTakmg of the boyhood of Luther, tells us that his father had, in a little tune, saved as much money by hard labour as enabled him to erect two furnaces at his native Mansfield ; and from the profits arising from his new trade, he began to think of a better education for his boy. " He wished to make his son a man of learn- in- ; the boy's remarkable aptness and persevering industry inspired John (the honest miner) with lively hopes. When Martin, therefore, in 1497, had attained the age of fourteen, he resolved to part with him, and send him to Magdeburg to the school of the Francis- 20 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. cans. His mother was obliged to consent, and Martin prepared to quit his father's house." * Such a time had now arrived for young Saul of Tar- sus. He had got what education a Jewish school in the city of his birth could afford. He might doub-„- less have carried on his studies much further in the celebrated Tarsus university ; but his father would probably, for the reason given at the close of last chap- ter, be averse to his boy mixing with Gentile yoviths. He might be afraid, lest in a heathen seminary any influence might be used to abate his love and rever- ence for the faith of his ancestors ; he therefore deter- mined to send him away for some years to complete his education, probably sharing in the ambition of the humble miner of Germany to make him a distinguished scholar ; or rather, what to a Jew was the highest of all honours, that he should become a scribe or doc- tor of the law. I daresay some of my young readers may remember with what soiTowful feelings they found theinselves for the first time going far away fi'om the happy scenes of their infancy to a strange place, and among strange faces and friends. I doubt not Saul, who, when he was an older man, chided those who would " make him weep, and break his heart," f had his own mingled thoughts in going from that happy mountain home where the morning of life had been spent. But there were joyous feelings also at the prospect of this long journey ; he was going not so much away from home as to home ; for although he never had seen it, Jeru- salem was always a happy " homeword " to every Jew. From their earliest childhood they were taught to feel * D'Aubigiiti's Hiitory, book ii. f "^^^ '"■^^ ^'^- THE SCHOLAR. 21 it as such. The gladdest day of their lives was that on which they were able to say, " Our feet shall stand within thy gates, Jerusalem ! " Every thought about Palestiue, its hills, valleys, cities, villages, were holy thoughts. Often would the Jews of Asia Minor, as they returned year after year from the feasts, pause at Saul's fathei''s dwelling, and lodge for the night, before crossing the heights of Mount Taurus to their own homes. While seated there, we may well believe the young listener would often and again have heard them speak of the glories of Zion and the temple. When his school-days at Tarsus, therefore, were about to be concluded, we may imagine, in such an ardent mind as his, with what feelings he would hear his father telling him — " I am going ere long to take you to see all the glorious things spoken of the city of God !" It must have been when he was between the age of eleven and fourteen that Saul set out to his new abode. We cannot suppose it likely that one so young would be allowed to go alone. His father would himself most probably be too glad to have the opportunity of visit- ing the city of his people, and would delight to be the first to point out the wonders of the land of promise td his dear boy.* Neither is it likely, when they were so near the sea, that they would attempt the long journey by land. If you look again to the map, you will see how easily they could sail by vessel. We may imagine the Hebrew youth bidding an affectionate farewell to his old friends at Tarsus ; his little sister, it may be, accompanying him to the ship in the docks, and, with a tear in her eye, following him, after the anchor was weighed, till he was lost from her sight amid the other * Howson and Conybeare, vol. i. p. 56. 22 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. vessels that crowded the harbour. We may imagine him sailing slowly down the river, which, near the town, was still and motionless ; some hardy Phoeni- cian captain at the helm, perhaps, struck with the sharp and intelligent features of the Jewish boy, de- lighting to give him his first ideas of a seafaring life. We may suppose him wandering on the deck until the sun has set behind the mountains of his childhood. They have now reached the mouth of the Cydnus, twelve miles below Tarsus. Here the river swells out, before joining the sea, into a large basin or lake, which by art had been made into docks, and was called the poii; of Tarsus.* By and by, they have passed the pro- montory which encloses it, and the silvery moon has risen on the great wilderness of waters all around. Another day finds them gliding along the waves of the Mediterranean. Its surface may have been the calm, deep blue for which it is remarkable, with an unclouded sky looking down into it. Or the young voyager may have had the words of the Psalmist of Israel often in his mind — " They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters ; these see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep. For He commandeth, and raiseth the stormy wind, which lifteth up the waves thereof They mount up to the heaven, they go down again to the depths. . . . They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wit's end. . . . He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still. "t "See!" we may imagine his father saying to him, as he points his eye to something in the far east, " seest thou yonder white mountain peaks like our own • Strabo, quoted by Lewin, f P**- cvii. 23-29. THE SCHOLAR. 23 Taurus ? — these are the heights of Lebanon ; " and the boy's thoughts wander up and down the hazy steeps, till he imagines he sees them clothed with dark cedars, and then he remembers he is sailing on the very waters by which Solomon got these giants of the forest floated on rafts for the building of the temple. No scene in the holy land can have undergone so little change since the days of Saul as the appearance of this " goodly mountain." The picture given, therefore, by a recent wi-iter, of the view of Lebanon from the sea, describes with accuracy what the eye of the youth of Tarsus then gazed on. " At sea the mountain rises before the spectator as a whole, and the eye can pass leisurely from its snowy peaks to the rich gardens at its bottom. The spectator never wearies in gazing on the goodly prospect before him. The undulating line of its promontories and bays extends for many a mile along the coast. On the mountain itself terrace rises above terrace, displaying at once the industry of the inhabi- tants, and the fertility of the mountain. Villages, with their flat-roofed houses, are seen sweetly placed amidst groves of vines and mulberries, or plantations of sugar- cane, oranges, and lemons."* But they have passed Lebanon — its heights are re- ceding in the distance, and by and by they come to a bold moiintain, with rocky front jutting out into the sea. ''This," his father would again say, "is Mount Carmel, — yonder is where our father Elijah stood. From this very sea he brought up his barrels of salt water to pour into his dug trenches, and from yonder top the smoke of his sacrifice ascended to heaven!" Shepherds, who were attracted to Carmel by the " ex- * See Wylic's Modem Judea, p. 70. 24 THE FOOTSTEPS OP ST PAUL. cellency" of its pastures, may have been looking down at the moment from its heights of pine and olive on the lonely vessel that was now sailing by its base. Little did they know the value of the youngest mem- ber of that crew, or the influence that one hfe in its manhood was yet to exercise on the world. As little did the young voyager himself foresee with what different feelings he would make the same voyage in after times ! He was now full of boyish glee — a bright w^orld before )iiTn ! Forty years later, a care-worn missionary, his back marked with scourging, and his hands hardened with toil, would be seen, as he bounded over these same waves, lifting up his dimmed eye, not to Carmel nor to Lebanon, but to the " everlasting hills," from whence alone came his aid. A few hours more, and the sails are lowered. With a joyous heart, Saul sees the land coming nearer and nearer ; they are within sound of Jewish voices on the shore ; and entering among many vessels into a spa- cious harbour, they find themselves safely moored, pro- bably in the newly-built town of Cesarea, one of the last and greatest of the works of Herod. The Hebrew boy is treading the sacred soil of Judea.* Soon he commences the remaining land journey. We need not pause to describe it, — the more so as the last of its many interesting scenes casts all the othei*s into the shade. We may think of the two travellers standing on the eastern slope of a gentle eminence, •where for the first time the glories of Jerusalem open before them. — What three-topped hill is this, its * We need not say that, in describing Saul's journey, only a probable account of his route, and the incidents that took place in it, can be given. In this we have followed Howson and C'onybeare in their interesting narration — pp. 57, 58. THE SCHOLAR. 25 sides partially clothed with wood, rising immediately behind the city 1 It is the green Mount of Olives — the same mountain across which old King David went weeping and bare-foot, and which was ere long to be trodden (if it had not been trodden already) by Holier footsteps. What stately roof is that, which seems like a sheet of solid gold glittering in the sun, with pillars and porticoes all round about if? It is Solomon's fixmous temple, with the holy of holies, — where the God of Israel dwelt in visible glory ! Perhaps at the moment Saul saw it, the smoke of the morning or evening sacrifice was ascending. And what is that, towering high on the right, nearer where they are standing — a noble pile of building, with ranges of pil- lars, and surrounded with lovely gardens 1 It is the royal palace — the same in which David and Solomon once lived — where the latter erected his house of the forest of Lebanon, and which King Herod had now rebuilt in more than its former splendour. Soon the western gateway is passed, and the feet of the young Cilician boy are standing within " the joy of the whole earth" — " the city of the Great King." Without pausing to describe more particularly the sacred spot which Saul was now for several years to make his home, let us at once accompany him to the place where most of his time was to be spent. It was at a celebrated school in Jerusalem. There were several of these within the city famous for their learn- ing. But one of the chief (if not the very chief) was that of Hill el, which dated its origin aboiit sixty years before the birth of Christ. Hillel, the founder, is sup- posed to be the father of old Simeon, who took the child Jesus in his arms in the temple, and blessed him. 26 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. The grandson of Hillel, and probably the son of Simeon, was a very learned and eminent Rabbi of the name of Gamaliel. To shew in what esteem his learning was held by the Jews, we are told that they designated him " the beauty of the law." We know from the Acts of the Apostles that " he was had in reputation of all the people."* We have reason to believe he was a candid, upright, honourable man — amiable in himself, and -beloved by all who were acquainted with him. There is a tradition which says that he was after- wards converted to Christianity by the preaching of Peter and John ; but this does not seem likely. Indeed, it is to be feared he lived and died a zealous Pharisee. Had it been otherwise, we could not well credit what is said in the Targum, that another learned ptipil, named Onkelos, spent seventy pounds of incense at his tomb, out of respect for his memory. Such was Saul's teacher. We may follow the pupil to the school, where, morning after morning, he was found " at the feet of Gamaliel," along with a group of other ardent students like himself. Among his other school-fellows was very possibly Barnabas, who was, in future years, his travelling companion and fellow- labourer ; also, the sons of Gamaliel, Jesus and Simon — the former of whom became high priest. The learned teacher, with his quick eye and long flowing beard, is seated in the centre. At one time he in- structs them in Greek, at another in Hebrew; more seldom, pei'haps, in Latin. By far the greater portion of their time is devoted to the well-used scroll he has by him, out of which he teaches the Jewish law. He explains its precepts and promises, its ceremonies, pro- * Acts V. 34. THE SCHOLAR. 27 phecies, and types ; although the Rabbi, with all his wisdom, had his own eyes blinded to the greatest of the truths he was trying to unfold. It was fortunate Saul had a liberal instructor like Gamaliel, who did not object to impart to his scholars a knowledge of the Greek language. Many others in Jerusalem, at that time, would on no account have done so. In the case of Saul, it formed a very im- portant part of his training for the great work of his future life, in preaching to the Gentiles. Greek, as I have already said, was then understood and spoken in many countries of the Roman empire ; and we find him afterwards, when, on difi:erent occasions, he ad- dresses Athenians, Corinthians, and Cretans, making quotations to them from their own poets, shewing that he must have been familiar with their writings. We can trace, also, in his future epistles and letters, the peculiar way in which he had been trained by Gamaliel to argue. When we think of such Jewish schools, we must not imagine them similar to our own, or our own colleges, where the master or professor only is the examinator. The Jewish doctor encouraged the youths under him to question and cross-question one another — he himself, too, being asked by them in turn about anything they did not understand. It was a school for debate, for, in this way, the Jews consi- dered the minds of their youth to be best trained for sharpness and acuteness. A question was started, objections were raised to it, and then these objections were answered. If you look to the Epistle to the Romans, you will see more than one example of how Paul used this form of debate or dialogue for the defence and explanation of Christian doctrine. " What 28 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. advantage, then, hath the Jew, and -what profit is there of circumcision ? " * " What shall we say, then 1 Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound T't We have good reason to imagine that the young Tarsus stranger, as well as his companions in the school of Hillel, loved their master, and listened with attention and reverence to his instructions. The quick mind of Saul grew more in love every day with the law and the religion of his fathers. As he himself tells us, " I made progress in the Jews' religion above many my equals (those of the same age and standing with me) in my own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the ti-aditions of my fathers."| The thorough study of the ancient Scriptures in such schools accounts for the readiness he shews in his after life in quoting passages from the Old Testament. Writers have noted no less than eighty-eight quotations, one half of which seem to have been from memory. I doubt not the eye of the old Rabbi, as he surveyed the little countenances that surrounded him, often fell with peculiar hope upon that of the Cilician youth. Perhaps he expected that, when his own head was laid in the grave, the young Tarsian would take his place as a great Jewish doctor. But " God's thoughts are not as man's thoughts." That studious boy was training for a nobler use ! The thought may occur — did Saul at this time, when he was in Jerusalem, never meet any of those with whom he was afterwards to be joined in such sacred bonds 1 Did he never see any of the young fishermen of Galilee, when they came with their fathers and friends to attend the great annual feasts 1 Did he * Konians iii. 1. f Kom. vi. 1. See also Rom iii. 9, iv. 1, ix. 14 ; Lewin, vol. i. p. 11. X Gal. i. 14. THE SCHOLAR. 29 never see the young Baptist, before his voice was heard in the deserts of Jordan? or, more than all, did he never see the blessed Saviour — "the holy child Jesus" — as he came, year after year, with Joseph and Mary, and mingled in the crowds at the temple? Most probably he did see one or all; but if so, they were unknown to one another. It has been thought by some, that Gamaliel was more than probably one of the doctors in the temple whom Jesus, when he was twelve years of age, astonished by asking questions. If this be the case, possibly Saul may have been there in company with his teacher, and heard the tender voice of one who was afterwards to claim him as his most " chosen vessel." * But, be this as it may, the occasion passed by; and we shall end this chapter by leaving our readers to imagine the future apostle, seated, year after year, at the feet of his instructor, having his head stoi'ed with learning, and his faculties ripened and matured, for great duties and great ser- vices, which at the time he little dreamt of. What a bright future must have seemed to his com- panions, and perhaps to himself, to be opening before him! God had given him, as his inheritance, the greatest of all wealth — the wealth of intellect — the riches of a cultivated mind. He was active, bold, eloquent, virtuous, learned. He gives every promise of future greatness. The army of Titus is, in a few brief years, to be with their battering-rams at the gates of Jerusalem ; and if we were asked to point out one in the whole nation of Israel, who gives best pro- mise of acting the hero in that terrible conflict — head- ing the ranks of his desponding countrymen, and keep- * Acts ix. 15. 30 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. ing back, for a while at least, the Roman eagles from their prey — we should, without doubt, poiut to that quick-eyed youth who has battle-fields marked out for him, nobler far than Roman valour ever contested. A conquest is to be his, greater than the world's greatest victors. Meanwhile, he is learning lessons of bitterest hatred to that truth which he was afterwards to pro- claim with a giant's voice. He was now taught to boast of nothing, save the traditions of his fathers — the pride of his birth — the distinction of his sect — the glory of his natioc . We know not if Gamaliel lived to read in a letter, sent by this boy of Tarsus, in after years, to some poor Christians, " God forbid that I shoidd glory, save in the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ!" CHAPTER III f ^e |lmtc«tor. Foremost and nearest to His throne, By perfect robes of triumph known, And likest Him in look and tone — The holy Stephen kneels." Christian Tear. K We must now pass over a cousiderable number of years. The period of Sauls boy- hood was over, and he was entering on manhood at the age of thirty or upwards. He had, probably, many years before this, left (Tamaliel's scbqol at Jerusalem, and was once more at Tarsus, pursuing in private, or in the schools there, different branches of knowledge. We may take for granted, that, before leav- ing the Holy City, he had received the lowest " detjree" of learning, which was known among the Jews by the term " Rah ,•"' and perhaps, too, from being so distinguished among his fellow-students, he may have received the next highest title, viz.. that of " Puihhi." There was only one higher than these, which was reserved for seven indi- viduals who had attained to a great age, as well as to gr^t learning, sucli as Gamaliel ; it was called " Rabbah " or 34 THE FOOTSTEPS OP ST PAUL. '•' Rahhan." This, also, the young Tarsian scholar might, with confidence, have looked forward to, had he not learned, ere long, to " count all these titles of earthly wisdom as loss" for the excellency of a higher " know- ledge." If we have dismissed in silence twenty years of his life, it is not because these years have no interest to us. They were, indeed, the most eventful time in all the 6000 years of this world's history. The Saviour of mankind had lived in them. He had lived his holy life, and died, on Calvary's cross, his bitter death. A new dispensation had been ushered in upon the earth — "old things had passed away, and all things were made new." We may imagine the future apostle, then at the age of thirty or upwards, once more at his native Tarsus. He never makes mention, in any of his writ- ings, of the public ministry of Christ, or of his miracles and discourses. It is not probable, therefore, that he had continued to reside at Jerusalem after finishing his education. Had he done so, it is reasonable to think he would often have spoken, like John, of what " he had heard, and seen with his eyes, and looked upon" — the mighty works and the holy words of Him who " spake as never man spake."* If we are correct in supposing that he had once more gone to his native city, many changes, doubtless, had occurred since we last found him there, while yet a boy, climbing the heights of Mount Taurus, or watching the foam as it dashed over the falls of the Cydnus. His sister had now grown to be a * We follow in this the view adopted by most, although there are other opinions advanced by learned writers as to the reason of Paul's silence on this subject. THE PERSECUTOR. 35 ■woman, and -was probably married — the mother of one we shall find afterwards mentioned towards the close of the apostle's life. The quiet of his home, too, must have been disturbed, during his absence, by civil war. A Roman historian tells us that Piso, a former gover- nor of Syria, made an attempt to conquer the country for himself^that, for this purpose, he gathered the warlike chiefs of Mount Taurus together, and pitched his hostile camp at the town of Celendcris, not far from the mouth of the Cydnus.* We have reason to believe, however, that, before the return of Gamaliel's pupil, all was quiet again. Let us leave him for a little under his father's roof, busily carrying on his studies in Gi-eek and Hebrew — or, from time to time, making use of his learning in the synagogue — while we glance at the position and prospect of that Church called "Chris- tian," of which he was ere long to be the great apostle. The Lord Jesus Christ had risen from the grave, and appeared again and again to his disciples. He had taken them up, after forty days, to the top of the Mount of Olives, and, while talking with them " con- cerning the kingdom," and pronouncing a parting bless- ing, " a cloud received him out of their sight." The sorrowing eleven were left alone, and returned with sad hearts to Jerusalem. There was no time to be lost. While it was their dear Lord and Master's last request to preach his Gospel to " every creature," they were to " begin at Jerusalem." They assembled, first of all, in a small upper room. There were but 120 of them. There they began with what all the great and impor- tant duties of life should be begun and ended — • Tacitus. 36 THE FOOTSTEPS OP ST PAUL. prayer to God to help them in then- great work, and then they proceeded to proclaim the name and religion of the risen Saviour. Their first sermon was a never- to-be-forgotten one. Peter preached it, and 3000 Jews were converted to the new faith. Many of these had come from far distant parts of the world, to attend the great feast of Pentecost, and, when the festival was finished, they returned back to their several homes, and told all the wondrous things they had seen and heard. The different sects in Jerusalem were alarmed at the progress the " Nazarenes " (as they called them in mockery) were making. They resolved, if they could, to crush the infant Church. The Sadducees had now the greatest influence. To their party the high priest belonged. And as the apostles of Jesus dwelt, in their discourses, more especially on His resurrection, this sect were more violent in their opposition than any others; for you are aware that the Sadducees denied altogether the doctrine of a resurrection. They saw that, in young Saul of Tarsus, with his energy, and zeal, and learning, they had one in every way quali- fied to carry out their purposes of vengeance against the followers of Jesus. He was willing enough to listen to the call. His proud spirit could not for a moment believe that that meek " Man of sorrows" — whose only birthright seemed poverty — who had lately expired, like a common felon, on the cross, could be the Messiah whom he and his fathers had looked for. Would the great Shiloh, of whom the patriarch Jacob spake — the " Prince of Peace," of whom Isaiah sung — have none but twelve peasants of Galilee for his com- panions, and make these the teachers of the world? THE PERSECUTOR. 37 No, no; the manger of Bethlehem, the carpenter's shop at Nazareth, the cross of Calvary, the fishermen disciples — all shocked the pride of the young Pharisee. The very thought of a Messiah so lowly seemed au in- sult to God and to the whole Jewish nation. He had thought, at first, that the new religion of this " one Jesus" would soon be forgotten — that, after this death of shame and humiliation, all his other followers would, like his apostles, have forsaken him and fled. But when he saw the sect growing daily in strength, he resolved to do God service, by entering with his whole soul on the work of persecution. There was a holy man who rose into note at this time among the disciples of Jesus ; his name was Ste- phen, one of the seven deacons of the infant Church, chosen to take charge of the money collected for the relief of the poor. He is described by Jerome, and some of the early fathers, as a person of great learn- ing and eloquence. In Scripture he is spoken of as " a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost." He was bold in the cause of his crucified but now exalted Lord. He went day after day into the synagogue, disputing with the learned men and doctors, and try- ing to shew them, from their owti Old Testament scrip- tures, that Jesus was the true Messiah. We are told (in Acts vi. 9, 10) that among these synagogues into which he entered was that of " the Cilicians ; " and we have reason to believe, that among those whom this " devout man " addressed, was one who had again left his native Tarsus and come up to Jerusalem. It is more than likely that the "young man Saul"* (who is now again brought before our notice) often * Acts vii. 58. 38 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. and again disputed with Stephen ; that all the powers of ai-gument he had learned so well inider Gamaliel's teaching were put in force ; but that he, like the other Jews, " were not able to resist the wisdom and spirit " with which the holy deacon spake.* Their malice was excited, and they resolved to have him condemned. How can they best succeed 1 False witnesses are hired to convict him of speaking blasphemous words against the law and the temple, " against Moses, and against God." No charge could more certainly rouse the pas- sions of the Jews against the accused than this. " What ! this Nazarene to assert that all we love as most sacred is to be destroyed ! — the law, which our great father Moses received from God himself on Sinai, to be abo- lished ! — the great temple of Solomon, the wonder and glory of the world, whither for ages on ages ' the tribes have gone up, even the tribes of the Lord, unto the testimony of Israel,' was all its magnificence now to pass away ! — were they to see no more their high priests in their splendid robes ! — the smoke of their morning and evening sacrifices ! — to hear no more the music of the timbrel, and harp, and stringed insti'u- ments at their sacred feasts, or the silver trumpet of jubilee pealing over the land ! It is the height of blas- phemy ! No sentence can be too severe, no death too terrible for such a scoffer as this." These, doubtless, would be the feelings alike of Pharisees and Sadducees ; and we can readily calculate what the resiilt will be when Stephen is dragged before the Sanhedrim — the great Jewish court of law — to answer to the charges thus preferred against him. A great meeting is called of this tribunal. The * Acts vi. 10. THE PERSECUTOR. 39 place in which they were wont to assemble was a liall called " Giizith," or the " stone chamber" situated close by the wall of the temple, with the rocky side of Mount Moriali immediately beneath. Before this time, indeed, the Jews were forbidden to meet here. They had religious scniples about Gentiles crossing the sacred enclosures ; and the Romans, not unreasonably, dreaded lest the holding of assemblies, in a place ihey were not permitted to enter, might become a danger- ous privilege.* In the present instance, however, the prohibition had been winked at, and the " stone cham- ber " was the place of meeting. Our young readers may fancy to themselves the scene. The president of the assembly, the high priest (Theophilus the Sadducee, one of the sons of Annas) occupies a raised seat at the upper end of the room ; other seventy-one members are ranged in a half-circle around him, consisting of the heads of the twenty-four courses of priests, twenty-four elders, and twenty-four scribes. Stephen stands in front of his judges ; but he is not afraid — his God and Saviour is with him. Indeed, at that moment, while the eye of Saul, along with the others, is fixed with rage on the prisoner, the young Tarsian sees what he never afterwards could forget — a bright heavenly light or glory resting on the face of Stephen, as if the flame of truth in his inner soul was seen reflected on his countenance. Said looks on the faces of the judges ; he sees them, as his own was, flashing with fire and indignation ; but the eye of the first martyr is directed up to heaven ; with him, all is peace ! The great charge, as we have said, brought against * Lewin. C 40 THE FOOTSTEPS OP ST PAUL. him -was, that he had foretold the destruction of the temple, and "the change of the customs which Moses had formerly delivered to them." * The president hears the false witnesses first ; after they state their charges, he turns towards Stephen and puts the usual question, whether he pleads "guilty, or not guilty." " J.?-e these things sof" The prisoner, unmoved, with a calm and clear voice enters on his defence. He begins by mi- nutely rehearsing the leading events in the history of their nation, from the calling of Abraham and the Exodus from Egypt, to the building of the temple during the reign of Solomon ; he declares that he was no enemy to the Old Testament rites — these he loved in common with all Jews ; but, at the same time, shewed that Moses himself had spoken of a time when his law would be displaced by a better dispensation, quoting the very words of the great lawgiver — " A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren like unto me; Him shall ye hea7\"f He charged his hearers with trusting too much to outwaixl privileges, and sinfully resisting the grace and Holy Spirit of God, as their fathers did. The whole assembly are roused into fury ! Like wild beasts springing upon their prey, " they gnashed upon him with their teeth." J As their rage, however, increases, so also does his calm compo- sure ; a holier brightness gathers over his countenance. We cannot wonder at it ; for we are told that then " he looked up into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God."§ He looked far above the cruel assembly gathered in the earthly Jerusalem. He was gazing upon " the gene- * Acts vi. 14. t Acts vii. 37. 1 Acts vii. 54. § Acts vii. 55. THE PEB8ECDT0R. 41 ral assembly and church of the first-born in heaven." The veil of the skies had been drawn aside. He saw holy angels smiling upon him ; and, better than all, that blessed Saviour he had probably last seen expir- ing in agony on the cross, " standing on the right hand of God." As an early father says, "not ^ seated,^ but 'standing,'' as if he rose from his glorious throne to welcome his first apostle and martyr." Beautifully does a Christian poet say — " Well might you guess what vision bright Was present to his raptured sight, Even as reflected streams of light Their solar source betray ; " The glory which our God surrounds, The Son of mau — th' atoning wounds — He sees them all, — and earth's dull bounds Are melting fast away." But he can expect no mercy from the hands of men ; they saw no such bright heavenly vision ! The seventy- two are all against him. " They cried with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon him with one accord." In that loud voice there mingled, doubt- less, the shout of the young rabbi of Tarsus. If there was one event in his life more than another Saul after- wards bitterly wept over, surely it was that mad rush he made on an innocent and holy saint, and when he helped to urge him, unresisting along, from the place of trial to the place of death. It was contrary to the Jewish law to commit murder inside the walls of the city ; they must therefore for some moments repress their rage till they are outside the sacred enclosures. They drag their victim through the gate, which still bears his name, and by which, in ages long after, the brave and victorious Godfrey of Bouillon conducted his armies with loud acclamations in entering Jerusalem. 42 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. Soon they reach the scene of violence. It is supposed to be a lonely spot, low down in the valley of Jebosha- phat, not far off from where Stephen's Saviour had suf- fered far more terrible agonies in the garden of Geth- semane.* The brook Kedron is mnrmuring in his ear. He could not fail to remember that Jesus too listened to its sound in that darkest night the world ever saw. What a " mixed multitude," we may imagine, are present ! There are the idle mob from the city, "who are ever hanging on, ready to take part in any tumult, and to be witnesses of savage deeds. There are priests and scribes, by their words and gestures stirring up the passions of the rabble, and hurrying them to execute with all speed the act of cruelty. While, lurking in the crowd, afraid to utter a word which might bring down on themselves similar veugeance, are the trembling disciples of the same Master whose cross Stephen so meekly bears. Who is to begin the bloody work ? A number of stones lying in the channel of the Kedron, or that have fallen from the rocky ridges of Jehoshaphat, are the weapons of death. According to the Jewish law, it is the wit- nesses in the trial who must cast the first. And these seem resolved to effect their purpose thoroughly ; for their upper loose garments are cast aside, tliat their arms may be able to dash the stones with sufficient force. There is one close by, who is ready enough to assist. They lay down their coats at his feet to take charge of them. It is a young man, described by early writers as being " short in stature, of a fair complexion, and with expressive eyes." His name is Saul! The dreadful tragedy is soon over — stone after stone is • See the pictvire at the beginniiig of the chapter. THE PERSECUTOR. 43 hurled upon that bruised and tortured body. The greeu turf is dyed with the first martyr's blood. But lie litters not one revengeful word — a new spirit has been introduced into the world. Like his Lord before him, he prays with his dying lips for his murderers, and then " falls asleep," "With such a Friend and Witness near, No form of death could maUe him fear; Calm amid showers of stones he kneels, And only for his murderers feels I " * That prayer was heard for one at least of those who were in that crowd. — There is a cave or grotto still pointed out in the valley of Jehoshaphat, where it is said the murderers dragged the mangled body of the martyr when life was extinct.t " The shades of evening closed around that guilty city, which had that day added another sin to her cata- logue of crimes, and maintained her ancient character as a murderer of God's messengers. The multitude had dispersed to their homes. The priests were recounting with jo}'' the events of the day, and the disciples were weeping in secret the loss of one so honoured and be- loved. But everywhere was heard the name of one who had stood prominent in these fearful scenes. Among the gi-oups who lingered at the corners of the streets, and talked over these transactions — at the fire- side, where Jewish mothers heard with glistening eyes of this new triumph of their faith — in that mourning asseml)ly, where the Nazarencs blended their tears and prayers, the deeds of tlie youthful Saul were canvassed with joy on tlie one hand, and terror on the other. It seemed a sad day for the religion that had lost her eloquent and earnest preacher, and not less bright and * John Nowton. f Slauudrell. 44 THE FOOTSTEPS OP ST PAUL. promising for that ancient system which had called forth a champion worthy of her happiest times. The rich and poor, the Pharisee and Sadducee, wei"e loud in praise of the rising zealot, and everything seemed to augair for him a career of high distinction. The path was ah'eady open for Saul to the most exalted honours which a Jew could receive from the rulers of his people."* The Bible tells us nothing as to how Saul himself must have really felt at Stephen's death. I doubt not, though he concealed it, there were other feelings that mingled with rage and bigotry, as the dead body lay at his feet, and he heard the sound of the " sore lamen- tation" made by sorrowing friends over their " loved and lost " one. He must have thought to himself — Can all that peace, and calmness, and prayer, and forgiveness, and love have been that of a hypocrite 1 Meanwhile, ihowever, we know that he did go away from the place a furious zealot as before. Perhaps he thought he saw in that tranquil death only the power of the evil one at work on a naturally pure and holy mind, tempt- ing him to desert the faith of his fathers for a miser- able heresy. This would only give him the greater desire to extinguish it, and prevent others from falling into the same snare. But there were thoughts and impressions, notwithstanding, made on his heart, which he never could forget, and which he never did forget, when he came afterwards to follow in Stephen's steps, and to pant for Stephen's crown.t * 77(6 Apo.itle Paul : a Biography, 1854. t See Acts xsii. 19. CHAPTEE lY. %\lt €mkxt " See me, see me — once a rebel, Vanquish 'd at His cross I lie ; Cross ! to tame earth's proudest ahle ! Who was e'er so proud as I ? He convinced me ; He subdued me ; He chastised me ; He renew'd me. The nails that nail'd — the spear that slew Him, Transfix'd my heart, and bound it to Him. See me, see me — once a rebel, Vanquish'd at His cress I lie." "Grace came, omnipotent grace, and the rampart of that great soul fell like the walls of Jericho; the impregnable citadel was car- ried in an hour, and all its ample magazines were redeemed for the service of the Lord." iiE Jlaiues of persecution were now fairly lighted. The Jewish Sanhedrim waxed fiercer than ever in their hatred to tne disciples of Jesus. Soon, alas ! did the Sa- viour's words come true, John xvi. 2 — "They shall put you out of the synagogues : yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service." We are not, indeed, warranted to sup- pose that the Sanhedrim were permitted to persecute unto death. Stephen's martyrdom was doubtless an act of treason against the government of the land, and, at other times, would have been dealt with as such. But Pilate had now been deposed, his successor was not yet appointed, and the Jews felt themselves at ii'uiltv libertv to commit this cold-blooded murder. 48 THE FOOTSTEPS OP ST PAUL. Although it is uot probable the repetition of such a violation of law would be allowed, no such inter- ference was made in the case of lesser cruelties. The " young man Saul," now advancing to manhood, is elected one of the council • and he seems to exceed all the others in the amount of his rage and fury against the followers of Jesus. " He made havoc of the Church," seizing not only on men, and making them the objects of his cruelty, but women also were bound in chains and put in prison. Sometimes he was not even satisiied with this, but had individuals ready to whip and scourge them. By making them thus suffer torture, he tried to induce them to blas- pheme the name of Jesus. Think, in this happy and favoured age and countiy of ours, what all these poor Christians must have been suffering then in Jerusalem ! The old and infirm — the Simeons and Annas — who had had the evening of their days gladdened by that bright Gospel Sun which others had only seen afar off — think of their tottering frames borne down with heavy irons, their hoary locks in vain appealing for mercy ! Think of the daughters of Jeru- salem — the wives and mothers who once had wept for the Lord they so loved, when they saw Him carrying liis cross — now called to weep and carry that cross for themselves — their helpless children torn from them because they would not deny the name of Him who was dearer than the dearest on earth ! In connexion with these dreadful doings, the cruelty of the Rabbi of Tarsus was known hundreds of miles off. " How much evil he had done to the saints of God at Jerusalem ! " •• Little was he aware, at the time, how literally true THE CONVERT. 49 the saying of his future Lord and Master would bo in his case — "With what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again!" He had taken part in "stoning," "scourging," "imprisoning." In all the three, he himself was yet to " bear, in his own body, the marks of the Lord Jesus !" I do not think, however, that we can argue from this, as many have done, that Saul was naturally of a savage and cruel natxire. He was a true and sincere worshipper of God, and a person of correct life. He tells us himself that " as touching the righteousness of the law, he was blameless." It was a blind and erroneous zeal, in what he supposed was the cause of truth, which led him to such acts of oppression. He thought all the time he was " doing God service," and that the more he shewed his hatred to Jesus and his people, God would love him the more. His own words are striking — "I verily thought I ought" — (it was a false sense of duty) — " to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth." * Besides, the principles of tole- ration prized and acted on in our happy country were not known in his time, or at least never mani- fested. We may be struck indeed at the amount and bitterness of his persecuting zeal ; we read that he was "breathing out threatenings and slaughter" (with all the ferocity of a ivild beast, as the word means). This may at -first sight seem strange, if what we have a little ago said be true, that he was impressed with Stephen's holy death. But alas ! this is often one out of many ways that people take to resist con- viction, and thereby to silence the voice of conscience. Just as the sun, shining upon a stagnant pool, draws * Acts xxvi. 9. 50 THE FOOTSTEPS OP ST PAUL. forth from it only noxious vapours, so the holy radi- ance on the countenance of the martyr seemed but to exti-act stronger feelings of hatred from the proud heart of the persecutor. As a writer has well said, " The arrow of conviction, when it fails to bring the sinner bleeding to Christ, saying, 'What must I do to be saved V seldom fails to exasperate his natural enmity so as to rouse his violent opposition to Christ and his cause ; insomuch that, when at any time we see a man breathing out violence and threatenings against the ministers or people of God, we are ready to think that at one time that sinner must have had an arrow sticking fast in his conscience, and that he is un- easy and restless and wretched within, in conse- quence of its rankling and festering sore."* These dreadful scenes and cruelties in which Saul now en- gaged, were like scorpion-stings afterwards to his warm and tender heart. They pained and lacerated him more than the thongs of the gaoler, or the rough irons that bound him — " I am the least of the apostles," he says, "that am not meet to be called an apostle, be- cause I persecuted the Church of God."\ " Beyond measure I persecuted the Church and wasted it." J Till now the Gospel had been principally, if not alto- gether, preached in the city of Jerusalem ; but these mournful cruelties were beginning to scatter the dis- ciples among the neighbouring provinces of Judea, and even among the countries beyond. Philip, Stephen's old companion and friend, was preaching and working miracles in Samaria, and Peter and John shortly after followed him there on the same errand. Thus the rage of the persecutors was overruled by Divine Pro- ♦ Buchanan On the Uoly Spirit, p. 291. f 1 Cor. xv. 9. t Gal. i. 13. THE CONVERT. 51 vidence for the spread of the glad tidings of salvation in other lands. The martyrdom of Stephen was like the fall of the forest tree, which, as it comes with a crash to the gi-ound, scatters its seeds on every side. These seeds, however, are not to be allowed long to rest in peace. The Christians who had taken refuge in other lands are to be hunted out by this fierce zealot as well as when they were within the walls of Jerusalem. Where is he to begin his new warfare 1 what spot does he fix upon first, in order to spring upon his unoffend- ing prey 1 There was a city far north of Palestine, Damascus, the capital of Syria, where many of the poor saints had taken refuge, and where many more, by their preach- ing and influence, had become disciples of the Lord Jesus. Saul could of himself exercise no authority at a distance ; but he received from Theophilus, the high priest in Jerusalem, letters to the Jewish synagogues in Damascus, in order that he might seize hold of all the converts he could find there — "any of this way" (as he in words of bitter contempt expresses it), wliether they were men or women, and bring them bound to the prisons in Jerusalem. You have heard of the Crusaders of the middle ages, who went to Palestine to fight for the Holy Sepulchre, and how manfully they endured every kind of hardship and suffering in what they thought was a holy enterpiise. You have heard of the poor wretched Hindus in India travelling on their knees for hundreds of miles, under a burning sun, to the temples of their idol deities, thinking thus to obtain their favour. Never, we believe, did Pilgrim, or Crusader, or Hindu, set out with a more honest conviction that he was 52 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. " doing God service," than did Saul of Tarsus at this time to the Syrian capital. To explain this " authority from the high priest," it must be borne in mind that the Roman emperors, though ever jealous about giving their own power to others, had (since the reign of Julius Csesiir) invested the Jewish high priest, as head of the Sanhedrim, with full authority over all Israelites who might be living in foreign cities, — at least to the extent of " excommu- nication, scourging, and imprisonment." When they wished to enforce any of these, " a mandate" was sent by the hands of a special messenger (as was the case now with Saul) to the synagogue of the city where the Jews resided, whom they wished to punish.* What a journey was this ! how much hung upon it ! and yet the Bible tlirows no light upon the journey itself — as to what route the future apostle took, or who were with him. There were several ways by which he could reach Damascus ; but as it is more than likely that by this time the Roman roads were made through Judea,t we may suppose that Saiil, mounted on horse- back and surrounded with his companions, proceeded out of the north-western gate of Jerusalem, taking the great paved road, whose remains are traced at the pre- sent day, similar to the paved highways we shall after- wards come to speak of in Italy, and other countries.j It has been attempted to give a precise date to this memorable journey — about Nov^ember a. D. 37, a few months after Stephen's martyrdom. It may help to * Lewin. t For ;i description of the different routes from Jerusalem to Damascus, see Conybeare and Ilowson. We liave adopted the one selected by them as most probable. J Biblical Researches, vol. iii. p. 77. THE CONVERT. 53 assist our impression of the incidents connected with it, to assume the date to be the correct one. The usual time which modern companies take to travel between Jerusalem and Damascus is a week — the dis- tance being 136 miles. On the supposition that Saul and his companions were a mounted band, they would do it sooner ; but it would seem, from his own descrip- tion, that the party in this respect very nearly resem- bled caravans in the present day, some being mounted, and some on foot.* Ascending the ridge, on the left of which are the tombs of the Judges, they wovdd wend their way across a hill which was to become more me- morable, some years later, as that where the Roman standards were first planted by Titus when he came against Jerusalem. The temple has now sunk from the view of the travellers, and the road lies, with many devious windings, through a mountainous district, till they come to Ramah of Benjamin. Two cities of a similar name open upon them right and left. The for- mer, Gibeah of Saul, could not be without interest to the young Pharisee, who proudly bore the name of Israel's first king. Here was the monarch's birthplace. They could follow in thought his brave son in his mid- night exploit, with his armour-bearer, when he left his father's tent under the pomegranate tree in Gibeah, and by the morning the Philistines were fleeing in dis- order over the plain. The city, towards the right, had recollections equally interesting. It was over the walls of Gibeon that, at the command of Joshua, the sun stood still in the heavens. Here, under David and Solomon, the tabernacle had for many years been set up, and the latter monarch, on ascending the throne, • Lewin. 54: THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. offered up his thousand burnt-offerings. They hasten onwards through a rocky country, occasionally relieved by gentle slopes or artificial terraces, where the melon and cucumber are found cultivated along with patches of grain. The eye of the inquisitor is doubtless intent on the great object of his journey; he may have little inclination to gaze on the various spots of renown which are crossing his path ; but surely he could not pass Bethel without a solemn pause and many hallowed remembrances. Was this the spot he had so often read of in his Tarsus home, where father Jacob had taken the stones of the place for his pillow, and saw the ladder stretching down from heaven to earth — the angels of God travelling up and down upon it 1 The impressive typical meaning of that vision was to young Saul yet sealed. He had yet to know the glory of that mediatorial work which connected earth with hea- ven — the sinner with God. Who can tell but these same angels that hovered over the weary patriarch 1700 years before, had now "charge given them to encamp " around another erring fugitive ! If there be "joy in heaven among the angels of God over every sinner that repenteth," what must that joy be when they can bear tidings to the throne that there is one weeping at the cross like Saul of Tarsus ! But they pursue their way. Shiloh was the last place of note they passed before entering the hills of Samaria. Here they could not fail to think of the touching story of old Eli and the youthful Samuel; but there was nothing in the town itself to attract at- tention. Ever since the " Ark of God " had been taken from it by the Philistines, Shiloh had sunk into insig- nificance. Perhaps, from some height here, the young THE CONVERT. 55 Benjamite may have got a glimpse of the blue moun- tains bounding the horizon on the north ; they are the heights of Gilboa. On yonder mountain side, the stately king, whose birthplace he had recently passed, fell, when " the archers hit him, and he was sore wounded of the archers." He might see, or fancy he saw, the direction by which the messenger hurried along to Ziklag with the crown and bracelet of the fal- len monarch, carrying the heavy tidings to David that "the beauty of Israel had been slain \ipon the high places." After crossing the hills of Ephraim, we may listen in thought to their horses' hoofs sounding along the winding valley between Ebal and Gerizim, close to Sychar. They may have even possibly paused to re- fresh themselves at the very fountain — the well of Jacob — where a Samaritan woman had the water of life first pointed out to hei'. If we have said in a former chapter that the glories of Lebanon and Carmel must have been much the same in the days of Saul as now, we may say the same of this lovely valley ; for while the features of nature in her bold mountains and valleys never can be changed, the old Shecliem of Scripture still survives when many other towns and villages of Palestine have been swept away. As Saul rode through its groves and orchards, scenes which have met the eye of recent travellers were those most likely to meet his own. " A beautiful stream would be running through the valley, and a shepherd might be seen seated on its bank, play- ing a reed-pipe, with his flock feeding quietly around hina." " Along the valley he might behold a company of Ishmaelites coming from Giload, as in the days of 56 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. Reuben and Judah, with their camels ' bearing spicery, and balm, and myrrh,' who would gladly have pur- chased another Joseph of his brethren, and conveyed him as a slave to some Potiphar in Egypt. Upon the hills around, flocks and herds might be feeding as of old ; nor, in the simple garb of the shepherds of Sama- ria, would there be anything to contradict the notions he might entertain of the appearance formerly exhi- bited by the sons of Jacob." * Samaria is soon passed, and Galilee is entered. They have reached a lofty ridge from which they look down into the deep basin of the Sea of Tiberias — that spot which had become sacred with the presence and deeds of a Greater than the greatest of apostles. It was there that a mighty Voice liad stilled a furious tem- pest, and rescued a sinking disciple ; the same Voice and the same Hand was ere long, by a mightier miracle, to rescue him who now rode unconcerned along its white pebbly beech ! Crossing to its other side, they come in view of Capernaum and Bethsaida. Boats might be flitting, as they passed, to and fro in the calm sur- face of the lake, in which probably Peter, and James, and Andrew, and John, once sat and toiled, and in which Jesus had sat along with them. After the hills which rose on the eastern side of the lake have been climbed, the view becomes quite altered ; the land of mountains and valleys is about to be left behind, and one vast plain, extending for miles on miles, stretches before them. Towards the extreme north, the brow of Hermon, white with snow as if hoary with age, towered far up in the blue sky. It formed the highe&t point in the range of Mount Leba- » Stephen's Travels, and Clarke's Travels, quoted by Wylie. THE CONVERT. 57 noil — the giant boundary-line of the north of Palestine, and which now lay right between the persecutor and his native Cilicia. The journey presently is over a flat and even country, but wasted, dry, and sterile, A hot burning sun pours its rays down upon their heads, and many a league has to be trodden before their eyes are gladdened with cooling streams or welcome shade. At last, in the far distance, a dotted streak of sparkling white greets their vision, and circling lines, glancing in the sun, seem to mark the presence of a flowing river. It is their longed-for city — the towers and pinnacles of great Damascus. " The mid-day sun, with fiercest glare, Broods o'er the hazy twinkling air, Along the level sand. The palm-tree's shade unwavering lies. Just as thy towers, Damasciis, rise , To greet you wearied baud." * Damascus, the " head " or capital of Syria, is one of the oldest towns in the world. When the patriarch Abraham lived, Damascus was built. His trusty and faithful servant was " Eliezer of Damascus." In the reign of David and Solomon, it carried on an extensive trade with neighbouring and distant cities. The pro- phet Ezekiel speaks particularly of its commerce with Tyre — " its wares, emci'alds, purple and broidered work, the wine of Helbon, and white wool." While Nineveh can only be dug out of its grave, and the ruins of Babylon can scarcely be found, Damascus remains a great and beautiful city to this day, the wonder of all travellers, with its busy throng of 120,000 inhabitants, its same bright white buildings, its long streets, its busy bazaars, its sparkling fountains, its * Christian Year, D 58 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. lovely palm-trees and delicious fruits.* It is called by eastern writers, "a pearl surrounded by emeralds." Abana and Pharpar, the rivers which Naaman of old liked " better than all the waters of Israel," and which (united) the ancient geographers knew by the name of "the Golden Stream," t still come tumbling down from the heights of Lebanon, and wind in graceful curves through the long flat plains, carrying beauty and fresh- ness in their course, more especially around the rich gardens and forests of olive-trees in which the city it- self is embosomed. It is said of an Arabian prince, that when he was on his way to Damascus, and first beheld it, he stopped his horse and refused to go any further, erecting on the spot where its towei'S first burst upon his view, a monument with the following inscription : — " I expect to enter one Paradise, but if I enter this city, I shall be so ravished with its beauties as to lose sight of the Paradise which I hope to enter." " We were looking down," says a recent traveller, "from an elevation of 1000 feet, upon a vast plain bordered in the distance by blue mountains, and occu- pied by a rich luxuriant forest of the walnut, the fig, the pomegranate, tlie plum, the apricot, the citron, the locust, the pear, and the apple, .orming a waving grove of more than fifty miles in circuit. . . . Then conceive ovu" sensations to see, grandly rising in the distance, . . . the swelling leaden domes, the gilded crescents, and the marble minarets of Damascus, while in the centre of all, winding toward the city, ran the main stream of the river Barrada."| * Among theso is the well-known Damson, or Damascene plum. t LiOle Cyclopiedia. { Addison. THE CONVERT. 59 Truly we need not be surprised at Naaman thinking more of his own native rivers, the Scripture "streams from Lebanon," than all the waters of Syria ; for the former, with their " golden streams," and never-fcdlmg ones, too (as Amana or Abana literally means), make Damascus, though on the borders of a desert, one of the loveliest spots on earth ; while the rivers of Judea (the Jordan excepted), are small and scanty, and their narrow rocky channels generally dry in the summer.* It may be further interesting to mention, that Chris- tian missionaries are at this day labouring among the Jewish population of Damascus, which recently amounted to the numl)er of 5000. But to i-eturn. We may imagine the band of horse- men, with the fiery Cilician at their head, nearing the walls of this "eye of the east." The sun of the last day of their journey is brightly shining upon them. They are hopeful that they will, ere long, either be screened from the sultry heat in the house of one of their brethren, or at all events attain the cooling shade of one of the many avenues leading to the city. Soon they are riding along among palm, orange, and citron groves, getting, through some occasional openings, a glimpse of Mount Hermon. Natural and artificial streams are murmuring at their feet. Birds with their lovely plumage are hiding themselves among the branches. Creeping flowers in endless variety and beauty, and especially among these the Damascus (or Damask) rose, ai'e diffusing a grateful perfume all around. In the distance, they may see miiles and camels approaching the city from other quarters, laden with goods and merchandise, just as at this day cara- * Bible Oi/cloj}cedia. 60 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. vans are still observed carrying Indian manufactnres in great quantities from Bagdad, or from Mecca and Aleppo. The words of a modern writer* may, with little alteration, have described what Saul and his fol- lowers beheld — " The rich turbans and flowing robes of respectable merchants, are finely contrasted with the rude sheep-skin covering of the mountaineer, and the dark abba of the wandering Arab." They are riding along with no thought but that their errand will soon be done. They are thinking of the number of their victims, and how they will best be able to return with them through these burning plains — " The leader of that martial crew Seems bent some mighty deed to do. So steadily he speeds ; With lips firm closeil and fixed eye, Like wan-ior when the fight is nigh. So steadily he speeds." And now they have reached a spot half a mile from Damascus, where, at the present day, there is a village called El-Kochaba (caucabe), or " the star" (briglitness), from the marvellous occurrence we are now to relate. t But what is this ! In a moment they are stopped on the way. One of them reels from his horse and falls sense- less to the ground. It is mid-day — the sun is right above their heads in the cloudless sky ; but a light brighter than even a bright Eastern sun dazzles their eyes. It is a "great light," and it shines " suddenly" upon them. They are all struck for the moment speechless ! The others at least cannot tell why they should tremble so, for they neither " hear any voice nor see any vision." It was different with their chief. The * See Biblical Keepsake. t -SJi^e Cijclopadia. THE CONVEET. 01 Jew of Tarsus is lying speechless on the earth ; but in his ear there sound some strange and thrilling words. He lifts up his eye towards the awful brightness. It is nothing else than the emblem of God's presence — the "shekinah" or " glory," which he had often heard of as dwelling in the tabernacle of old, and in the Holy of holies in the temple. But it is no mere light — no mere vision which he sees. There is a glorious Person also. It is Jesus of Nazareth whom he persecuted. He leaves us no doubt, in other places where he speaks cf this great event in his history, that it was actually fesus in his glorified person he beheld, — " Have I not seen the Lord?" — and, "Last of all he was seen of me also." And Ananias we shall presently find saying to him, " The Lord, even Jesus, who appeared to thee in the way as thou camest." Saul knows Him at once ! Jesus addresses him in the Hebrew tongue — the same language in which He had conversed with his twelve disciples. He names him ! and in mingled tenderness and rebuke thus speaks, " Saul ! Saul ! why persecutest thou ?He?" as if He said, "It is iiot my poor innocent people you are cruel to, but what you do to them I feel as if you were doing to me, — in hurting the/n you are hurting me." Wliat a gracious, tender word of this gracious Saviour ! What a laying bare of his loving heart ! What even was Stephen's dying love to this 1 If we may suppose Saul venturing to reply, and saying, " When persecuted I thee? I took no part in the awful scenes of Gethsemane and Calvary ! I formed not one of the assassin band. I gave thee no traitor's kiss. I weaved for thee no crown of twisted thorns. I plunged no rough iron into thy side. My tongue was not raised to add to thy last agonies, mockery and 62 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL, insult." The reply was ready. " Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye did it unto me."* The awe-struck horseman, scarce know- ing what he says, replies, " Who art thou, Lord 1 " The ansn-er comes from the same glorified lips, " I am Jesus of Nazareth whom thou persecutest." t "I am that very Jesus whom thou thoughtest to be a despised and crucified malefactor ; but / a77i the Lord of glory — * I am Jesus of Nazareth' — the name thou wert in the habit of using in mockery, calling me and my people the Nazarene-s.'''' The whole current of Saul's thoughts must have been in a moment changed. What! Jesus of Naza- reth, whom he had imagined was a mere pretender and impostor — Jesus, whom he really supposed to have been crucified as a wicked person, dying between thieves, and laid dead in the grave ! Could it be that all this while he had been wi-ong in thinking him a de- ceiver — that he had been all this while guiltily " fighting against God ?" Yes — he looks up to that awful bright- ness, and a glance there tells him that he was wrong — that that glorious Being is " that same Jesus" — risen, exalted, glorified ! It was a silent sermon (but a far more solemn and pov.-erful one than Peter preached to the thousands at Pentecost) on the text, " Him hath God exalted to be a prince and a Saviour." It was the whole Gospel Christ the Son of God is shining above his head in glory brighter than the brightness of the sun ! No wonder the awe-struck persecutor lies powerless on the ground, "trembling and astonished." " What !" we may suppose him saying to himself, "Jesus! to whom all power is committed. May he not have come to seal my blaspheming lips for ever? There * Blunt t Acts xxii. 8. THE CONVERT. 63 surely can be no hope for me. I have been rushing with madness against the thick bosses of his buckler. I have been hunting down the innocent sheep of this gracious Shepherd, and in injuring them I have been injuring Him. I can surely listen for nothing from his lips but words of stei-nest rebuke and vengeance !" He listens ; but there is no terror or upbraiding in the voice. Jesus proceeds to sootlie with words and tones of kindness his agitated spirit. " It is hard," he says, " for thee to kick against the pricks." Our Lord, when he was on earth, often em- ployed terms taken from common customs to enforce his sayings. He does so here in speaking from heaven. It was the habit in Judea for the man who was at the side of oxen, to have a goad or pointed steel to drive them with. Often these animals would refuse to move ; they would kick and grow restive when their master was goading them on. When they did so, he only applied the pointed steel more severely, and they found it was vain to resist. Jesus says the same to Saul, — " It is hard for ihee" There was fresh discovery here, too, of love. He does not say, "It is hard for me" but, " It is hard for thte ;" as if he had said, " Poor man, thou art wronging thyself, Saul. It is of no use thy attempting to resist my grace ; I have long had great things in store for thee. Tliou need'st try no longer to be my enemy ; I have marked thee out for a great apostle. It is hard for thee to go any longer against my bidding. I have struck thee down a persecutor ; I will raise thee up ' a chosen vessel unto me.' "' It was even so. He can no longer " fight against God." He sees — he trembles — he believes — he rejoices! That look of mingled reproof and love which smote Peter to the 64 THE FOOTSTEPS OP ST PAUL. heart, melted a harder still. As he beholds the vision and listens to the words of mercy, he can say, " He loved me, and gave himself for me." As Benjamin, the youngest of the twelve sons of Jacob, was at last brought to see Joseph in Egypt, so Saul, of Benjamin, the youngest of the twelve aposles, " as one born out of due time," has the t7'ue Joseph at last revealed to him. He can say, " This is our brother, he talks kindly to us." The same adorable Lord and Saviour further pro- ceeds to tell him, ere he vanishes from his sight, that He is to send him forth to be His minister " to the Gen- tiles, to open their eyes, and to turn them from dark- ness unto light, and from the power of Satan unto God." He had just pleaded with him in tenderness and love, now He speaks to him with the authority of his risen and glorified Master — the Sovereign in whose ranks he was now to fight — "Arise, and go into the city." There he was to be told what in future he was " to be, to do, and to suffer." After a few brief moments of terror, the brightness is past — the voice is hushed. He who fell a bigoted Pharisee, is now an humble and humbled follower of Jesus. A glorious light is shining in his soul ; but the dazzling brightness had been too much for his bodily eyes. He rises stone-blind ! What a different entrance through the Damascus gate !* The proud horseman is led by the hand as a little child, along the street called " Straight," t to the house of one named Judas. * "On the 25th day of January, annually, the Christians in Damascus •walk in procession to the scene of the conversion, and read the history of it from the Acts of the Apostles, under the protection of a guard furnished by the Pacha." — Biblical Keepsake. t To the indifferent crowd that thronged the street, there would be little worthy of attention in a blind Jew being conducted along. Yet w.as there more true interest, more real greatness, and more momentous results con- THE CONVERT. 65 Interesting and strange spectacle ! " Whosoever," says Christ, " shall not receive the kingdom of God as a lit- tle child, shall in no wise enter therein." Such a little child had the bold and proud Israelite of Tarsus be- come — "born again" by "the Word of God which liveth and abideth for ever." He is heard engaged in prayer — prayer, the "cry of the new creature" — that blessed means by which he and all who have trodden his steps, "out of weakness have been made strong, waxed valiant in fight, and turned to flight the armies of the aliens."* We have been already led more than once to mark points of resemblance or comparison between the early history of Luther and that of Saul. We cannot resist adverting, in passing, to a remai'kable similarity in this the great turning point of their two lives. Luther, when in the prime of yoiithful man- hood, was returning one day from his father's house at Mansfield, to resume his labours at the univei'sity of Erfurth. All at once a thunder-storm overtook him. The lightning flashed fearfully and vividly around him, and one bolt fell and burst at his side. That road was to him a Damascus hvjhwayt His troubled conscience was roused from its depths. He threw nected with this event than with the most gorgeous of E istem processions or the grandest of Roman triumplis. One cannot help thinliin^, in con- trast with it, of another very different cavalcade whicli takes place la Damascus year after j'ear in lionour of another ' Ai>ostle," whose influence on the human race (thougli an influence of fdsehood and dehision) is only second to that of the Apostle Paul. " E\ ery year the standard of the false prophet (Mahomet) is displayed. It is of green silk, with passages from the Koran embroilered in gold, and the camel which bears it is ever after exempted from labour. The Koran itself is also carried by the piltciims, bound in silk, and borne by a camel richly caparisoned, aroumi which armed Mnssulmeu are stationed, playing ou all kinds of iustrumeuta." » Eeb. xi. 34. 66 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. himself, like Saul of Tarsus, on his knees. Death, judgment, and eternity, were before him ; and with all the terrible thoughts of how unprepared he would be to meet his Judge, he vowed that if it pleased God to rescue him from these " terrors of death," he would leave the world, and give himself entirely to reli- gion. From that hour he was an altered man. The age of miracles and special visions had now indeed gone by. No " Lord Jesus" did appear to him visibly and personally "by the way," as he had done to his other servant ; but He whose "voice is the thunder" had spoken to him in language he could never forget. Humbled and trembling, he puts the very same ques- tion which the awe-struck persecutor put fifteen cen- turies before — " Lord, what wouldest thou have me to do 1" A great work truly God had in reserve for both these " sons of thunder." Those two quiet spots in Asia and Europe — the one on the way to Damascus, the other on the road to Erfurth, must be memorable to all time.* Meanwhile, we shall leave the elder apostle in the lonely chamber of the " Straight street" of Damascus. The owner of the house, and perhaps some of his companions, beheld with amazement the blinded traveller on his knees, calling again and a"ain in some such words as these, he came afterwards to write, " Jesus ! Jesus ! Thou Son of God, whose grace I have so long despised ! This is a faithful saying, and wortliy of all acceptation, that Thou didst come into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the chief !" * Rubianus, one of Luther's friends at the University of Erfurth, wrote to him at a later period, — " Divine Provideuce looked to what thou wast one day to becomo. when, on thy return from the house of tliy i)arents, fire from hciven made thee, like another Paul, fall to the grovmd, near the city of Erfurtli, and snatching' thee from our societj', drove thee to enter the sect of Augustine." — U'Aubigue's History of the Reformation. CHAPTER V. %\}t ifugitilj^* " And can I be the very same, Wbo lately durst blaspheme Thy name, And on Thy Guspel tread ! Surely each one wbo bears my case, Will praise Thee, and confess Thy grace Invincible indeed ! " John Newton. " Truly these were three memorable days in the life of Paul ; and, if we exce[)t the three days spent in the new tomb in Joseph's gar- den, the most wonderful in the history of the Church and the world." LONG, straight, but very narrow street, a mile in length, leading from the gate to the palace of the Pacha, stretches at the pre- sent day from east to west, in the town of Damascus. It forms the chief thoroughfare of the city, and is probably the very same through which, eighteen hundred years ago, a blind Jew was led along " trembling and astonished." At the east end of it there was a gate, which now bears the name of " Paul's gate ;" as it is said that by this he entered the ancient town. Travellers who have recently been in Damascus, describe this gateway as having been at one period an imposing one, consisting of a centre arch for carriages and waggons, and two smaller side ones for foot passengers. The central opening, however, and the lesser one towards the south, are now fHled up with stones, forming part of the city wall. At a short distance, on the right, there 70 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. is still pointed, out to the curious stranger, by the monks of Damascus, the " House of Ananias ;" and farther on the left, forming a grotto or cellar below the level of the street, is the reputed house of Judas.* When Saul reached the dwelling which had been pro- vided for him, he was in a state of great helplessness. He could take no meat. He ate nothing and drank nothing, and for three days groped in darkness. We caunot think he had any friends to be kind to him. The Christians would be afraid to go near him, for they had heard of his cruelties, and perhaps of the object of his present journey. " Saul uf Tarsus is on his tvay hither /" — we may well believe what terror and agony such an announcement would produce in many a bosom and home among the refugee converts at Damnsciis. They would suspect the vision and the blindness were all a pretence, and that, if they went to his lodging, his companions might be concealed some- where near, ready to seize them and put them in chains. The Jews, on the other hand, would shun and bate, with a bitter hatred, the man who was now on his knees praying to Jesus, and calling him by the title of God ! How many strange thoughts must have been pass- ing, meanwhile, in Saul's own bosom ! He would revert, perhaps, to his Tarsus home. What would his loved father, and sister, and friends think of such a change? auu Gamaliel! how could he meet him again as a Christian? and, worse than all, he would think of his former cruelties to the poor saints at Jenisalem. He would remember, with bitter tears, the heavenlj' look of the martyr Stephen — his unearthly forgiveness, • Bae Wilsou's Travels. THE FUGITIVE, 71 his holy resignation, his triumphant death — and how he had helped in that scene of blood ! But one thought, rising above all these sore reflections, would comfort his spirit. When no earthly voice was near to cheer him, he would remember those tender tones that were still ringing in his ear, '^ Saul! Saul!" and the last glorious sight his eyes had seen ere they were smitten with blindness. God had seemed purposely to exclude the outer world, that the eye of His dear ser- vant might be taken away from all earthly things, and fixed on his own heart, and on his adorable Re- deemer. "Behold! he prayeth!" What! had he never prayed before 1 Were not the Pharisees famed for their many and their long prayers 1 Can we sup- pose the young disciple of Gamaliel, who, " after the straitest manner of his religion, lived a Pharisee," was a stranger to prayer ? No, not to prayer in its outward foi-m. He had repeated ivords often before; but he had never really, till now, uttered the cry of faith. The Jews of his own sect might often point to him as a man of prayer j but God, the "searcher of hearts," says of him for the first time, when he sees him in that vaulted chamber, " UeJioId! he prayeth!" AVliile wrapt in such mingled thoughts as we have supposed, a humble Christian stranger knocked at his chamber door. Saul was prepared for his visit ; for God had told him by a dream or vision that one of the name of Ananias would come and lay his hands on him, and restore his sight. Who Ananias was, we are not specially informed. Probably he was one of the scattered sheep whom Saul, like a ravening wolf, had set out from Jerusalem to destroy. He had known, indeed, the object of the persecutor's visit to Damascus. 72 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. Very probably " the men" who had come along with Saul, and whom we lose sight of after he was struck to the earth, had not been aware of the wondrous change that had taken placs on their leader, and were making publicly known in the city the cruel errand they had come to discharge. But God appeared by a vision to Ananias, and instructed him to go and lay his hands on the bhnded Pharisee. " And there was a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias j and to him said the Lord in a vision, Ananias. And he said, Behold, I am here, Lord. And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the street which is called Straight, and inquire in the house of Judas for one called Saul, of Tarsus : for, behold, he prayeth, and hath seen in a vision a man named Ananias com- ing in, and putting his hand on him, that he might receive his sight." * We can hardly wonder at the simple-minded disciple being astonished, and, at first, even afraid to go on so strange a mission. "Then Arianias answered, Lord, I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hath done to thy saints at Jerusalem : and here he hath authority from the chief priests to bind all that call on thy name." t What ! to go to the man who, above all others, was signalized for his cruelties to the people of Christ ! But God's wish is enough. " He is not disobedient to the heavenly vision;" and, although we had known nothing else of this kind messenger, we know enough from one word to see the strength of his faith in God's command, and his love to one whose name he was wont to tliink of only with terror — " Brother Saul!" He is no longer afraid. God has told him that the lion * Acts ix. 10-12, t Acts ix. 13, 4. THE FUGITIVE. 73 has become a lamb — the fierce persecutor a true believer. He goes at once and speaks to him as such. Saul was a bold and courageous man. He was not in the habit of shedding tears ; but I think a tear must have rolled down from his rayless eyes as he listened to the first word that a Christian friend ever spoke to him. It was the kindest word that could be used. It must have put away all his fears if he had any. " Brother Saul, the Lord, even Jesus, that appeared unto thee in the way as thou earnest, hath sent me that thou mightest receive thy sight, and be filled with the Holy Ghost." * Who can tell but this kindly little word may have at the moment sunk firm and deep into the soul of the great apostle, and taught him those large-hearted views and feelings of Christian brotherhood which led him afterwards so often in closing his letters thus to write, " Grace be with all them that love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity !" God had owned him as a son, and whenever Ananias knows this, he hastens to own him as a brother. " The Lord, even Jesus." It was the first time he had listened to that name with feelings of unmingled joy. Christ, indeed, had Himself spoken to him, saying, " / am Jesus." But at the moment that comforting word was mingled with many self-accusations. Now it came like a strain of heavenly music. It was the name of one who was henceforward to be better to him than tlie best of of all earthly friends. " The Lord, even Jesus, hath sent me," not to upbraid thee for thy great guilt, and pierce thy heart afresh with new sorrows, but to tell that he has selected thee as a chosen vessel, to bear to 74 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. distant nations "the unsearcliable riches" of his Gos- pel."' What a specimen had Saul here of the love and kindness both of Master and disciple ! How specially impressed must he have been with the interest mani- fested in him by the Lord Jesus ! He had been breath- ing out slaughter against one whom he now sees could have struck him dead in a moment, and made him a monument of vengeance! But thut One not only em- ploy's words of love and kindness towards him, but He goes to the street of a city — He selects a particular house in that street, where the new convert is to be lodged — He goes to another disciple, arid tells that disciple to see to the safety of the blind Hebrew, and " speak comfortably unto him." While Saul was thus " called to be an apostle by Jesus Christ," it is worthy of notice that he was bap- tized into the faith of Christ, not by any apostle, or boasted " siicces.i journey from Tarsus to Jerusalem! Now their glory is all past. He may have seen at the moment the smoke of the sacrifices ascending to heaven. But these wei'e only the shadows — the Substance had come, and with His coming, all the types were done away. These former glories had now in his eyes " no glory, by reason of the glory that excelleth." From the road by which he entered the city, the tiny waters of the Kedron, or at all events the green sward of the valley through which it flowed, must have met his eye. The voice, too, of a brother's blood must have there been sounding mournfully in his ears. How could he meet that dreadful band of murderers who were so lately his bosom friends and companions 1 What a look of scorn and reproach he must expect to be cast upon him, when he next sees the old master whose instructions he still reveres ! How will every Jew hate him ! how must every Christian, for a time at least, suspect nim ! He had left Jerusalem, honoured and caressed — the 84 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. prayers and blessings of many a father and mother in Israel had followed him — priests and people had spoken of him as a young hero. Now his name would be in every lip as a vile apostate and castaway. All these are very painful thoughts ; but he goes manfully on, feeling that " the Lord will stand by him." The words of the Psalmist were, perhaps, often in his lips, — " In God have I put my trust : I will not be afraid what man can do unto me. Thy vows are upon me, God : I will render praises unto Thee. For Thou hast de- livered my soul from death : wilt not Thou deliver my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of the living?"* Much of what he dreaded does take place. The Jews hate — the Christians are suspicious. He had come to Jerusalem probably supposing that the news of his conversion would have reached long ago, and been well known to them all. We must remember, however, that communications between distant places were neither so frequent, nor so much to be relied on as now ; and very possibly the Christian disciples may have heard only floating rumours about the sudden change, and treated it as a very unlikely story. We cannot wonder, therefore, they give him at first a cold reception. " And when Saul was come to Jerusalem, he essayed to join himself to the disciples : but they were all afraid of him, and believed not that he was a disciple." t How cutting to the feelings of the future apostle ! How cheerless and chilling an introduction to his future fellow-labourers and friends ! One of their number, of whom we shall hear more hereafter, comes and speaks a kinder word for him. Barnabas, * Psalms Ivi. 11-13. t Acts ix. 26. THE FUGITIVE. 85 •who proved all that his name implies — " a son of con- solation" — takes him by the hand, and told the others "how the Lord had appeared to him by the way, and spoken to him, and how he had preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus." We ought not to place much reliance on mere tradition ; but there is a story, beautiful in itself, and not improbable, that has been handed down to us regarding Barnabas and Saul. It is said that, having been schoolfellows and playmates under Gamaliel, Barnabas, who had become a believer at an early date, had often prayed for the conversion of his friend, and pleaded with him personally to no effect : that he met him on this occasion on the streets of Jerusalem, not aware at the time of what had taken place at Damascus. He once more began, as formerly, to plead with him to renounce Judaism, and become a Christian. Saul threw himself weeping at his feet, and told him the joyful news.* Be this as it may. Gospel love cannot any longer be withheld — Peter and James, who alone of the apostles were then present, gave him the right hand of fellowship. From that moment they were brothers. We seem to hear them saying to him, in his own beautiful language, " Brother ! thou art no more a stranger and a foreigner, but a fellow-citizen with the saints, and of the household of God." It is peculiarly beautiful to see Peter, and very characteristic of him, so ready to welcome Saul, when many of the other disciples were hanging cautiously back. He, doubtless, wou.ld remember his own case — how he, too, had been a denier of his Lord — basely forsaking Him whom once he had loved, and had been so tenderly loved in return. He must have felt that in this respect * Bible Ci'dopadia. 86 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. his sin was greater far thau that of the Cihcian, -who "did it iguorantly iu unbelief;" and how much more justly, therefore, the brethren might have re- fused to receive him back again as a disciple, and especially as an apostle. But would he deny to Saul a welcome, when his forgiving Lord had not denied one to him ? Saul had abundantly answered that great question of Jesus, which Peter to his dying hour never could forget — " Lovest thou mel" and, conscious of the same love to the same gracious Shepherd from whom they had both wandered, these stray sheep re- joice together in the same fold. Their common Lord had represented Himself as greeting the returning prodigal while he was yet " a great way off." It was befitting, therefore, that when the two brothers met, " they should make merry, and be glad." Saul's going to Jerusalem at this time must, indeed, have required more than ordinary fortitude. It is no easy matter for those with a natiirally lofty spirit like him to owti that they are wrong, and to find old friends turned against them. Great, too, must have been the courage required to face them iu j)Mic — to stand in the midst of a synagogue where once he could see nothing but smiling faces — now darkened with anger ! But he seems to have felt it his duty, in the city where he had done so much hann, " to deny him- self, and take up his cross and follow Jesus." His yearning love to his Jewish brethren, of which he after- wards so touchingly speaks, and his earnest desire to remove, if possible, the blindness from their eyes, seems to have greatly prompted him to this early visit to Jerusalem. " I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, (my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost), THE FUGITIVE. 87 that I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh."* Perhaps, in the first ardour of his new- spiritual life, so convinced had he been himself of his own error in rejecting the Saviour, he may have sup- posed that he would have had little difficulty in win- ning over to the same belief those with whom he formerly possessed much influence. Alas ! he soon found that it is nothing but the grace of God that can melt the hard heart, and open the sealed eyes. Thougli his old friends and kinsmen, however, thus disowned him, many Christian hearts and homes were open to him. It is not to be wondered at, after what I have said, that the Apostle Peter's house became his dwelling at this time. Tliere he remained for fifteen days. Tliere is notliing told us regarding this fortnight's intercourse between these two great apostles — tlie fisherman of Galilee, and the pupil of the learned Gamaliel. We can picture to ourselves what their fellowship would be j their talk together, evening after evening, when the day's work was over. Saul would doubtless love to listen to Peter's account of the Saviour's blessed life — the never-to-be-forgotten sayings and doings which he was privileged to hear and to witness. How the fervid soul of the narrator would kindle at the recol- lection of his Master's many acts of personal kindness and love, and the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth ! Peter, we know, was not afterwards slow to confess and speak of his own failings ; may we not suppose he would even narrate with many tears the story of his fall, that he miglit contrast with it the * Romans ix. 1-3. See the reuderiug of these verses iu Haldane On the Romans. THE FOOTSTEPS OP ST PAUL. tender love of Him Tvho so graciously forgave him ! He would fondly recall the special message sent by the angel, "Go and tell Peter;" and how, when he met face to face the Lord he had denied, he got no harsher rebuke than the thrice-repeated question, " Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me ?" We may well believe these two holy men, who had each received in different ways such touching proofs of Jesus' love, would pray ear- nestly together on their bended knees that God would enable them, by their future lives and ministry, to make good the words, " Lord, thou knowest all things ; thou knowest that we love Thee." Sometimes their conversation would turn on matters concerning the welfare of the Church, or it may be, after the stormy discussions in the synagogue, other kindred spirits would be assembled along with them in this quiet home, for mutual prayer and encouragement. It has been reckoned to have been now about the time of the Passover (April, 41). Jerusalem was crowded with Jewish strangers from all parts of the world. Savil himself being by birth one of these Hellenists, or Jews of the dispersion, had probably thought it would be a suitable coLamencement to his ministerial work to " dispute against the Grecians," and proclaim to them the name of his crucified Master. "He hoped, no doubt, that an enlarged measure of success would attend Lis ministiy in this city, where his previous life, and habits, and education were so universally known, and that the miracle of his conver- sion would here form an in-esistible argument to the truth of his doctrine. Veiy different, however, are the intentions of God, respecting our future disposal, from the intentions of ourselves and our friends. Saul THE FUGITIVE. 89 perhaps expected to spend many years at Jerusalem. The Almighty had appointed that he should remain there ^'een days r* The Lord Jesus had other work in reserve for him. His special name from this time was to be " The Apostle of the Gentiles." He was to be the great Missionary of the infant Church, as his Lord had declared to Ananias in Damascus — " He is a chosen vessel unto me to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel." His remaining any longer at Jerusalem at present would be attended with great danger to him- self; for, unknown to him, there was already a plot laid for his destruction, and no human means could have prevented the early loss of a life so precious. The Jews at this time, as we learn from history, must have had their fiercest passions roused into action, so as to make them ready for any daring crime. This was owing to a threatened violation of their national and religious feelings by the wicked Eoman emperor, Caligula. He had given orders to have his statue erected in the Temple of Jerusalem, — a proposal so abhorrent to the mind of every Israelite, that they re- solved to shed the last drop of their blood in resisting it. Fortunately, however, the news of his death by the hand of an assassin reached the Jewish capital during the very time that Saul was living there in the house of Peter.t Their fury, therefore, now finds vent in another channel, against the devoted apostle, and a Higher than any human friend warns him of his danger. One day Saul went up to the temple, in great sadness of spirit at all this violent opposition, to seek comfort and support in prayer. When he was on * Bluul's Lectures, vol. i. p. S9. f Joscphus. 90 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. his knees, the Lord Jesus again appeared to him in a trance or vision. This memorable occasion he speaks of afterwards, as what he might well " glory in," were he given to boasting. He was caught up into the third heavens, and heard " unspeakable words, which it is not lawful (or possible) for a man to utter." In that vision Jesus told him expressly to leave Jerusalem, as " they would not receive his testimony." It may be well to quote his own description. " And it came to pass, that, when I was come again to Jerusalem, even while I prayed in the temple, I was in a trance ; and saw Him saying unto me. Make haste, and get thee quickly out of Jerusalem : for they will not receive thy testimony concerning me. And I said, Lord, they know that I imprisoned and beat in every synagogue them that believed on thee."* What, we may be led to ask, is Saul's precise meaning in giving this answer 1 It is as if he had said, " Lord, if there be any place surely where I will have attentive listeners, it will be in Jerusalem, wliere there are many who knew me well as Saul the perseciitor — the murderer of holy Stephen ; and when they think of me being at one time as fierce and bitter against Thy name as themselves, and see what Thy grace can do, they will not sui-ely refuse my testimony !"t " Man proposeth, but God disposeth !" Nay, " but man ! who art thou that repliest against God V His Divine Master, on that same occasion, answers him in a single sentence, telling him what his future work and calling is to be — " Depart, for I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles." At this vision his drooping spirit revives. ]\Ieanwhilc the brethren become ao- * Acts xxii. 17-19. t Blunt. THE FUGITIVE. 91 quainled with the conspiracy against his hfe, and they get him persuaded immediately to leave Jerusalem. Could he leave it, do you think, without a pang 1 As he passed through its gates, I doubt not he wept, like his Lord, over its hardness and unbelief. We may imagine him pausing on the rising ground out- side, and taking one last look of the fated city, undei the feeling that he may never see it again ; and that when he is sleeping in his grave, "l\xr hence among the Gentiles," the proud towers and palaces and temple which now meet his eye, may be blazing under the torch of the conqueror. Willingly would he have lingered for a while in her streets, to try and convince these hard hearts of their guilt, and bring them to re- pentance; but the voice of his God has called him else- where, and he feels he must obey. The disciples take means to have him privately conveyed to Cesarea. He probably takes a ship from thence to Cilicia, and after an eventful absence, the Apostle finds himself once more in the city and scenes of his infancy. There, it is pro- bable, he was actively engaged in preaching the Gospel. From all we can gather, this was his last visit to Tarsus. We shall leave him seated in his old chamber, looking out on the crags of Mount Taurus, and the shadows of the Eoman vessels reflected in the waters of the Cydnus,— talking, perhaps, to his sister about his own great change, and of the Prophet of Nazareth, whom once he scoffed at, now his chiefest boast,— kneehng, it may be, in prayer with her, and asking Jesus to pour his grace into he?- heart, as He had done into /us. We shall leave Saul in thought in this loved retreat, while we trace what work was preparing for him in other cities. CHAPTER Yi. " Up to tliy Master's work ! for thou art call'd To do His bidding, till the hand of death Strike off thine armour. Noble field is thine — The soul thy province, that mysterious thing "Which hath no limit from the walls of sense. Oh! live the life of prayer, The life of tireless labour for His sake ; So may the Angel of the Covenant bring Thee to thy home in bliss, with many a gem To glov/ for ever in thy Master's crown," " Over the vast extent of the Roman empire, Paul everywhere projects his shadow. What are we, preachers or missionaries of a day, before such a man 1 " — Monod, F my readers will carry their eye along the ooast of Palestine, they will see the names of two cities marked, at a consideral)le distance from each other. The one was Joppa or JafFii, strikingly sitnatod on a rocky ledge, jutting into the sea. From it, you remember, Jonah fled when God wished him to go to Nineveh. It was also famous as the old port of Jeru- salem, to which Solomon floated his rafts of cedar-wood from Lebanon for the building of the temple. The other city was Cesarea, of which we have already spoken. It was situated 35 miles north of Joppa, built by Herod in honour of his royal master, and called after him. He constructed there, at enormous cost and labour, a harbour, where ships might ride in 94 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL, safety from the fearful western storms that swept the coast. Also, a large Roman theatre, a remnant of which, at the present day, survives among the other ruins. While Saul was at his Tarsus home, there dwelt two celebrated individuals in these two towns. The Apostle Peter was living in Joppa, in the house of a tanner.* A Roman officer, of a great family, called Cornelius, was stationed at Cesarea. He was centu- rion (or captain over a hundred) of a troop of Italian soldiers, which were there in garrison as a body-guard to the Roman governor. Peter one day, as he was en- gaged in prayer on the roof of his house, " overlooking the waves of the Western Sea — the sea of Greece and Rome — the sea of the isles of the Gentiles" t — fell into a trance, which you will find particularly described in Acts X. 3. He heard a voice commanding him to " slay and eat " some of the animals prohibited to be eaten by the Levitical law. X The day preceding this, Cornelius had a vision also in his house at Cesarea, telling him to send messengers to Joppa, to inquire there for "one Simon, whose surname was Peter." The messengers just arrived when the latter was returning from his devotions, and wondering what tlie vision he had witnessed could mean. Their appear- ance furnished him at once with an explanation. It was nothing less than this, that the Gentiles were now to be admitted to share the privileges of the Jews ; and that the distinction between clean and unclean animals, * The trade of a tanner was generally despised by the Jews, as binnw connected with dead animals, and many of these in themselves, accordin.tr to their law, unclean. It was generally carried on in the outskirts <:f towns near the sea. t Stanley's Sermons and Essaijs, p. 94. t Lev. xi. THE MISSIONARY. 95 which was till this time the sign or badge of separa- tion, was henceforth to be done away. Peter did not hesitate to obey the heavenly voice. Many years before, his Lord had given him the " keys of the king- dom of heaven." He now understood the meaning of the words. The gates of salvation, which had for ages been locked against the Gentiles, were now to be thrown open to " all people ;" and he was to have the privilege of first unbarring them. We find him the following day standing in the house or barrack-room of the centurion, where the good Koman soldier had also gathered his kinsmen and near friends. The Gos- pel of the grace of God is freely proclaimed to Gentile hearers, and, henceforth, "in every nation he that feareth God and worketh righteousness is accepted of him."* The Holy Ghost descended. The officer of Rome, his house, and believing friends, were all bap- tized. It was a most solemn and joyous moment for the Church of Christ, The Gospel ship is now fairly launched in Gentile waters. The Gospel seed has now fairly taken root in Gentile soil. There is one spot— a noted city — upon which, at this time, the mind rests with more than or- dinary interest. If you again examine your mapt of Asia, you will find, far north from Damascus, a little way inland from the Mediterranean, and almost oppo- site the island of Cyprus, the city of Antioch. Antioch was situated on the river Orontes, 20 miles from the sea, and 300 miles from Jerusalem. It formed the great mart of Eastern luxury, and, from its central position, commanded the whole trade of the Mediter- ranean. It was the outlet for merchants and cara- * Acts X. 35. t See the green line in the map. 96 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. vans -who travelled from the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates, and ranked third (after Rome and Alexan- dria) among the cities of the Roman empire. Some Jewish converts — natives of Cyprus and Cyrene — had already gone thither and proclaimed the Gospel. Its Gentile inhabitants were beginning to be converted to the faith of Jesus. Many Greeks there " believed and turned to the Lord." Barnabas, whose name has already been favourably before us, crossed from his native island of Cyprus, and preached to them. But the numbers were growing, and he felt the urgency of having an abler minister to argue with Jewish preju- dices, Greek learning, and false philosophy. He, as " the son of consolation," was able enough to comfort and direct young inquirers. But he needed some " son of thunder" to rouse the careless, and overturn the wisdom of men by the wisdom of God.* Where can he look? Who can he think of as the fittest man for such a work? I need scarcely name him! The Cyprian apostle embarked in some trading vessel Avhich was bound for the Cydnus, and went, it is conjectured, about the beginning of the year 43, " to Tarsus to seek Saul." We may picture their meeting. The heart especially clings to the friends who have been kind to us in times of trial. With what joy must Saul have seen the well-known face that had beamed with kind- ness and good- will upon him in Jerusalem, when the other disciples were cold and suspicious ! " The son of consolation" has, indeed, " consoling" news to give his old friend since they last met — that " God had granted to the Gentiles repentance unto life!" He could tell what he had seen with his own eyes in the city he had * The Apostle Paul : a Biography. THE MISSIONARY. 97 left. Saul does not hesitate to obey his wish. He leaves, possibly for the last time, the home of his youth ; and^the two holy men of God set out together for the great work in store for them at Antioch. We cannot omit just noting by the way the unself- ish conduct of Barnabas. He had himself been doing much good in this city— had gained many converts, and formed many Christian friendships. By his la- bours, we read, "much people in Antioch had been added to the Lord." If he had been a jealous or selfish man, he would not certainly have thought on brin'^ing another to supplant him or be his rival. But how far removed he was from any such feeling ! With simple-hearted joy, we read that, " when he saw the grace of God" displayed in the conversion of so many, " he was o-lad !" From that moment, he meekly takes the second place in the sacred narrative, saying, in the spirit of the Baptist, regarding a Greater than Saul, "He must increase, but I must decrease." He had but one thought, and that was, the promotion of his Lord's cause and glory; for this he willingly sacrificed self. His was the contented but beautiful feeling of Jonathan of old, when he said to David, " Thou shalt be king, and I shall be next to thee." * We cannot tell whether this was Saul's first visit to a city with which he was afterwards so well acquainted. If it were so, his eye must have gazed with dehght on its vastness and magnificence — its towers and temples, Eoman villas and gardens, baths and theatres. You will be able to form some idea of Antioch from the picture at the beginning of this chapter. The town itself was nearly five miles long, and lay on the north- * 1 Sam. xxiii. 17. 98 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. em slope of the rocky Mount Silphius. "Walls of enor- mous height and thickness (fifty feet high, and fifteen "wide) extended round about it — spanning, in many places, the deep ravines of the mountain — and the ruins of which remain to the present day miracles of art and labour. A remarkable island was formed in the centre of the city, on which stood the palace of the Seleiicidee, with a bridge connecting it with the north- ern portion. The crags of Mount Silphius were all of them bold and rugged. One remarkable column of rock overhung the town, which the art of the Greeks had formed into an immense head, with a crown upon it, and which they called " the Head of Charon." If Saul could not see, from the road he travelled, the celebrated temple itself, he must have seen the vast groves of laurels, myrtles, and cypresses, which begirt for ten miles the great shrine at Daphne, erected in honour of Apollo and Diana. In the midst of these thickets, a thousand streams leapt from the neighbour- ing hills, and refreshed the sultry air. Antioch was well entitled to the name which for a long period it bore, " the Queen of the East." We may imagine the two brothers in the Lord now entering the town. They have perhaps reached the spacious colonnade in the long centre street, which was erected, at enormous cost, by Herod the Great, and where the citizens could assemble for business or plea- sure, and be protected either from rain or heat. What a strange and motley crowd would greet their view ! — Roman soldiers — servants from the prefect's palace — gay and pleasure-seeking Greeks — the keen dark eye of their brethren according to the flesh ; the latter not arrayed in the poor garb they were often found in^ in THE MISSIONARY. 99 other cities, but bearing the evidences of wealth and prosperity, and worshipping the God of their fathers in handsome synagogues.* But there were other glories which gladdened them more. The cause nearest and dearest to their hearts was fast spreading in Antioch. The sect of disciples now began to assume the form of a Church, and, in the year 44, Jews and Gentiles who believed in Jesus as the Son of God and Saviour of the world, had a new title given to them, which they retain to this day, from the Greek word Christos (" an- ointed," or " the Messiah"), — " the disciples were called Christians first at Antioch." A writer of the sixth century — himself a native of the city — mentions the very spot where the two apostles first engaged in their work of preaching the Gospel. Its situation reminds us of St Paul, at a future period of his ministry, when he stood on Mars Hill, close to the Athenian temples. At Antioch they also took their position near to the Pantheon, in a street called " Singon," close to the busiest thoroughfare.t Little did Saul think of the wonderful change which the power of God would produce in a few years in that Pagan city. Heathen temples were to give way to Christian churches — hymns to the praise of Jesus were to be heard in every street. In the age of Chrysostom, we find the Christians numbering 100,000, and sup- porting no less than 3000 poor, besides relieving many more ! Antioch became, for many hundred years, the capital of Christendom, and was called by the name of Theopolis, a Greek word which means " the City of God." These facts will explain to our readers why we have * Lewin. t Makla, quoted by Lewin, p. 115. 100 THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL. dwelt more minutely than we shonld otherwise have done, in giving an account of this interesting place.* An event in the meantime occurred, which required the two Christian ministers to leave Antioch for a little. Owing to a predicted failure in the harvest, in all the surrounding countries, and especially in Judea, thousands of the poor were about to endure famine. The Christians in Jerusalem, from their poverty, were likely to be among the greatest of the sufferers. Ac- cordingly, they sent some " prophets," and among them one Agabus, to Antioch, to acquaint their fellow- Christians of their coming wants, and request from them what relief they were able to afford. The Gentile believers of the city met. They resolved to do what they could to help their starving friends at a distance ; and, having collected some money, they appointed Saul and Barnabas to go with it, and give it to the elders at Jerusalem. God thus overruled this calamity in the world of nature to bring out the spiritual graces of His people, so that Jews and heathen might be brought to say of the Nazarenes they hated, " See how these Christians love one another!" Josephus, in his history, confirms the account given in the sacred narrative regarding the famine. Among other things, he relates that Helena, the Queen of Adiabene (a countiy not far from Antioch), having become a convert to the Jewish religion, had taken up her abode in the city of Jerusalem, in order to be near the temple. When the famine broke out, she sent her * Lewin Conyheare and Howson, Neander, Bihle Cyclopcedia,