0/c ivnam^ ft IDNV-SOV^ 33 TO/, 3- *oi TJ»JS ?N^n J33 wS tf//, m & 'j ij j^ \\tf )# i lUL^-l T»^««. I =o -n *-> PHILADELPHIA: CHARLES FOSTER, 118 S. Seventh Street. JESL'S IN THE MANGER. ■ , py righted 1882, Nv Charles Koscer. / a n F5I PREFACE. ^M fA. A considerable portion of this book was read during its prepara- tion to children in Kindergartens. They appeared to be interested, and listened attentively. It was found important when reading to them to speak slowly and distinctly, thus giving the little hearers time to understand every word. Although the author's aim has been to make the book answer its purpose without alteration or addi- tion, it would always be well for the judicious parent or teacher, when instructing from it, to enlarge on the text and modify the questions according to the age and intel- ligence of the pupils. e> \ A 'v>. ^ 822685 JESUS BLESSING LITTLE CUILDKKN. "•>.' I r°^ Tittle Teet nifow m • ■* ] I WANT tO talk with you a lit- tle while and tell you what I saw. As I was passing by a ?A house I saw a bird- cage hanging in the window, with a beau- tiful little bird in it. The cage was new, audit was very pretty. I know who made it. A man made the cage to sell it and get money for it. But the 5 6 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. man did not make the bird. Men ean make cages and chairs and tables and houses, and a great many other things, but they cannot make things that are alive. Only God can make them. God lives up in heaven. We cannot see him, but he looks down and sees us. He sees us all the time, not only in the day, but in the night too. In the night it is dark. Then we lie down on our beds and go to sleep. The sun goes away in the night, and we see the moon and the stars shining up in the sky. But in the morning, when the sun comes again, we cannot see the moon and the stars any more. God made the sun and the moon and the stars, and he put them up in the sky, where we can see them. Now I am going to ask you some questions to see if vou remember what I have read to vou. What did I see hanging in a window ? What was in the cage ? 8 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. Who made the cage ? Did a man make the bird ? Can men make a great many other things beside cages? But can they make things that are alive ? Who can make .things that are alive? W T here does God live? Does he look down and see us in the dav, and in the night too? What do we see at night if we look up at the sky? But in the morning, when the sun comes again, can we see the moon and the stars any more ? Who made the sun, the moon, and the stars, and put them up in the sky ? Kfc, FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 9 then 2. But we see something else up in the sky besides the sun and the moon and the stars. We see the clouds there. The rain comes down from the clouds, and in winter, when it gets cold, the snow comes down from the clouds. Sometimes in winter, when you get up in the morning and look out of the window, the ground is all covered with white. The snow makes it white. Then you put on your warm coat and your thick shoes and run out ;iikI play in the snow. God made the clouds, and he made the rain and the snow that come down on the ground. After the snow has all gone, the ilowers come in the spring. How FIRST STEPS FOB LITTLE FEET. 11 pretty the rod roses are, and the green grass is pretty too, idp and tfte trees covered all over with leaves. The birds fly about among the trees and flowers. $? Once I went to a 4-> house in the country. had a porch around it. There was ^ a honeysuckle growing over the _/j\ porch. I looked in among the jfF$j%M leaves, and there \ -;( I saw some dry grass and little sticks all twisted together. It was a bird's nest. The bird was sitting on the nest. I could see its little bill and its shining black eyes and its red breast. It was a robin. 12 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. Presently it flew away. Then I saw three little young birds in the nest. Very soon their mother came back. She had a worm in her mouth, and she fed the little robins with it. Little birds love worms as much as little bovs love bread and butter. And I saw another bird ; it was very small, hardly any bigger than your little finger. It was called a humming- bird, because it made a humming noise when it was flying. Then I saw a big bird called an eagle. A man had shot it He was a wagon driving along the road, and he stopped his wagon and held up the eagle for me to see it. It had sharp, crooked claws on its feet. When it was alive it was so strong that it could pick up a little lamb or a little pig and flv a wav with it. EAGLE AND HUMMING-BIRD. with his gun in 14 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. Ducks and geese are birds too. They love to swim on the water. God made them all. He made the robin and the little humming- bird and the big eagle, and all the other birds, and he taught them how to build their nests. DUCKS AND GEESE. If I should give you some dry grass and little sticks, and tell you to make a nest out of them, you could not make so nice a nest as the little birds can. But then the little birds cannot go to school and learn to read as you can. What else do we see up in the sky besides the sun, the moon, and the stars? FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 15 What comics dowD from the clouds? Who made the clouds and the snow and the rain? After the snow has all gone, what comes in the spring '.' What did I sec in a honeysuckle vine.' What was sitting on the nest ".' What did I see in the nest when the robin flew away ? When the robin came back, what had she in her mouth ? What did she do with the worm ? How much do little birds love to eat worms? What other bird did I see that was very small, hardly any bigger than your little finger? Whv is it called the humming-bird ? What big bird did I see with sharp, crooked chnvs on its feet ? When the eagle was alive what could it pick up in its sharp claws and fly away with? What do ducks and geese love to do? Who made all the birds, and taught them to build their nests? If I should give you some grass and some little sticks, could you build as nice a nest as the birds can ? But what can you do that the birds cannot do? 16 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 3- And God made the animals. Some animals are wild, and live out in the woods, MU* ^-'i- "uu L WOLVE8 AND BEARS. like wolves and bears. And some animals are tame, like horses and cows and sheep. Tame animals do not live out in the woods. They stay where men can take care of them. The horse works for the man who takes care of him. He pulls his wagon and he pulls his plough. The cow gives the man nice milk for taking care of her, and the sheep gives him wool. FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 17 "v# M^-x^^^tM*^ j^C_ - ^^ - «8"»i !**..», HOUSE, COW, AND SHEEP. Wool grows on the sheep's back. Men take big scissors, called shears, and cut the wool off of the sheep's back, and they make clothes out of it. Your warm clothes that you wear in winter are made out of wool that grew on the sheep's back. IS FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. Lions and tigers are wild animals. They are very fierce, and can kill people, but they LION AND TIGER. do not live in this country where we live. They live in countries for away from here. We often see pictures of them, and some- times we- see them alive when men have them to show. But the men have to keep them in very strong cages, so that they cannot get out and hurt us. Who made the animals? Where do the wild animals live? FIRST BTEPS FOB LITTLE FEET. 19 Do the tame animals live out in the -woods? Do men have to take care of the tame animals? What does the horse do for the man who takes care of him ? What does the cow give the man who takes care of her ? What grows on the sheep's hack? What do the men make out of the wool that grows on the sheep's hack ? Are lions and tigers very fierce animals? Do they live in this country where we live? Do men sometimes bring them here to show? Why do the men have to keep them shut up in very strong cages ? V.Tjsii8i& 20 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 4- And God made the fishes. Thev live under the water. They do not have wings to fly with, like the birds, or feet to walk with, like the animals. They have fins to swim with. Some of the fishes are very small ; vou can hold them in your hand. They could not hurt you, but you could easily hurt them. But there are some fishes that are very large and strong and fierce. Thev have great mouths, with sharp teeth in them, and sometimes they eat up men. These fierce fishes are called sharks ; thev live in the sea. And there are a great many other kinds of fishes that you and I never saw, because they are hidden under the water. Thev are swimming about there all the. time, in the ponds and in the rivers and in the' ocean. God made the fishes to live in the water. If we take them out of the water they die. Who made the fishes? "Where do the fishes live ? What do they have to swim with ? Are there some large fierce fisho that can eat men"? What are thev called ? 'iiiMil.i. irr ■: ,- -'.:;■ ..■:.■,:! •■■i^ili'w 22 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. Are there a great many other kinds of fishes that we never see ? Where did God make the fishes to live? If we take them out of the water, what happens to them ? 5. Butterflies are insects. They are very ©^ pretty ; they have large wings with bright colors on them. Some of them have red l£\ wings, some yel- low, and some blue. They fly about the fields and the woods in the summer-time. The bee is not so pretty as the butterfly, but it is more useful, because it makes honey. It lives in a little house that men make for it. This house is called a hive. Early, before you WTTERFLY. FIRST BTEPS FOB LITTLE FEET. 23 are awake, in the morning, it comes out of its hive and Hies away to the flowers. It finds drops of honey in the flowers, and it takes the homy and carries it back to the hive, and puts it away there. The bee goes on doing this until its hive is full of honey. Then men come and get the honey out of the hive, and they take it home with them, because it is nice and sweet to eat. BEEHIVE. God made the butterfly and the bee and all the other little insects. There is one little insect that flies about at night, and FIREFLY. S W~^_J* 24 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. makes a bright light wherever it goes, just as if it were carrying a little lamp with it. It is named the fireliv. What are butterflies called ? What are some of the colors on butterflies' wings ? Where do they fly about in the summer-time? Is the little bee as pretty as the butterfly '? Why is it more useful ? What is the name of the little house that the bee lives in ? What does the bee find in the flowers ? What does it do with the honey ? Is honey good to eat ? Who made the butterfly and the bee and all the other little insects? What does the firefly do? 6. One day, as I was walking along the street, I saw a strange-looking man. His clothes were different from our clothes, and his shoes were different from our shoes, and his face looked different from other people's faces. JAPANESE. 26 FIRST STEPS FOIt LITTLE FEET. I will tell von why lie looked so different from us : he came from another country, a great way from here. If you wanted to go to the country where that man came from, you could not go in a carriage, or even in a railroad-car. You would have to get in a big ship and sail away over the sea. After you had sailed a great many days and nights you would come to the country where that strange-looking man lived. And when you got out of the ship and walked on the land, you would see a great many more men who looked like him. God made all those men. He made all the men and women and little children in the world. And he made you and me. We ought to love God, because he is our heavenly Father, who made us and is very kind to us. What sort of a looking man did I meet one day? Did his clothes look like other people's clothes, or his face like other people's faces ? Why did this man look so different from other persons ? If you wanted to go to the country that he came from, how would you have to go? ■ ■.' ■ ''iiiiitiiiii ■ ■■■■><■■. ■■„;,,;.» ■ 28 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. AY hen you got there would you see a great many more men that looked like the one I met in the street ? AY ho made all the men and women and little chil- dren in the world? Why ought we to love God? 7. And God made the angels. The angels do not live in this world where we live ; they live up in heaven with God. They are very good, and never do wrong ; they do only those things that God tells them to do. Sometimes God sends the angels down to this world. I want to tell you a story about an angel. Once there was a little boy named Ishmael. His mother was named Hagar. And Hagar, the little boy's mother, had to go away from her home. Ishmael's father sent her away. So she took Ishmael and went out into the wilderness : that means out into the fields and woods where nobody lived. It w^as very warm in that country; the sun shone very bright and hot there. And the little boy Ishmael wanted some water to drink, but his mother had none to give him. FIRST 8TEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 29 HAGAK IS SENT AWAY. And because he could not get any water to drink he was very sick, and was going to die. Then his mother laid him under a bush in the 30 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. shade, because it was not so hot in the shade as it was in the sun. And after Hasrar had laid him in the shade she went a little way off, where she could not see him, for she did not want to see her little boy die. And she cried because she was troubled. And God sent an angel down from heaven, and the angel came and spoke to Hagar, and asked what ailed her. And the angel told her not to cry, but to take Ishmael up and hold him in her arms. Then the angel showed Hagar where some water was coming up out of the ground. And Hagar took some of the water and gave it to her little boy Ishmael to drink. And he got well and strong, and afterward he grew up to be a man. And he lived out in the wilderness, and used to shoot with a bow and arrow. Who live up in heaven with God ? Are the angels very good '.' Do they always do what God tells them to do? Does God ever send them down to this world ? What was the name of the little boy in this story ? 32 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. Did his mother take Ishraael out into the wilder- ness ? What does "the wilderness" mean? Was it very hot in that country ? What made Ishmael sick? Where did his mother lav him when she thought he was going to die ? AYhy did she leave him and go a little way off, where she could not see him ? Whom did God send down from heaven to speak to Hagar? What did the angel show Hagar that was coming up out of the ground ? What did Hagar do with the water? Did Ishmael get well after that, and grow up to be a man ? Where did he live? What did he use to shoot with ? FIRST STEPS FOB LITTLE FEET. 33 8. Let me tell you another story about an angel. Once there was a great king- A king is a man that everybody has to mind. And this king 1 am telling you about had some lions. He kept them in a den; that mean a place where they were shut up, so that they could not get out and hurt any one with their great teeth and claws. And there was a very good man named Daniel in that country. But there were some bad men too, who wanted to hurt Daniel. So they went to the king and asked him to let them put Daniel in the lions' den. Now, the king did not want them to do this, but they persuaded him until he let them do it. So the bad men took Daniel and put him in the lions' den. Then they rolled a great stone to the door of the den, so that Daniel could not get out, and they left him there alone with the lions. After they had done this the king was very sorry, and he went home to his house. But he could not sleep all night, because he was thinking about Daniel. The next morning he got up very early FIBST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. 35 and went in haste to the den of lions. And he called out with a sad voice, Daniel, for the king was afraid that Daniel was killed. But Daniel heard him in die lions' den, and he answered the king and told him that he was not hurt. God had sent an angel, Daniel said, and the angel stayed with him in the den, and would not let the lions hurt him. Then the king was very glad, and he told his servants to take Daniel up out of the den. And they took him up, and found that he was not hurt at all, because the angel had taken care of him. Let us be good and mind God like Daniel, and then perhaps God will send an angel to take care of us if wicked people should want to do us harm. What did the king in this story have? Where did he keep the lions? Why did he keep them in the den ? What was the name of a good man who lived in that country? What did some bad men want the kinu: to let them do to Daniel ? 36 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. Did the king "want them to put Daniel in the lions' den ? Did the bad men persuade him until he let them do it ? How did they shut up the den after they had put Daniel into it? How did the king feel after he had let them do this to Daniel ? Could he sleep when he went home to his house that night ? Where did he go early the next morning? Whom did he call when he came to the lions' den? Did Daniel hear him calling ? Whom had God sent to be with Daniel in the lions' den? And what had the angel kept the lions from do- ing? Was the king very glad when he heard this? What did he tell his servants to do ? W 7 hen they took Daniel up out of the lions' den, was he hurt at all ? If we are good and mind God like Daniel, what, perhaps, may God do for us? FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 37 9. THEangels live up in heaven with God. And God's Son lives up in heaven too. His name is Jesus. A great while ago God sent his Son Jesus down to this world where we live. I want you to listen while I tell you about it. In a country very for away from here there was a city. A city is a place where there are a great many houses mid a great many people. The city I am telling you about was named Bethlehem. One day a young woman named Mary came to Bethlehem. Her husband w r as named Jo- se ph. Mary and Joseph did not live in Beth- lehem ; it was not their home. They came there to stay only a little while, so they went to a house called an inn, where persons used to go to sleep. But the inn was full of people. The man at the inn said there was no room for them. Then Mary and Joseph went into the stable to sleep. A stable, you know, is a place where horses and cows are kept. There is a place in the stable lor horses to lie down, and there is a THEKE IS NO ROOM FOR THEM AT THE INN. I'lKST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. -V.) place for them to eat out of. The place that horses eat out of is called a manger. Little children eat out of plates, but horses eat out of mangers. When a man feeds his horse he pours some corn into the manger. Then the horse puts his mouth down into the manger and eats up the corn. And there was a man- ger in the stable where Mary and Joseph had come. But now it was night ; it was not the time to put corn in the manger for the horses to eat. But the manger was not empty. No, if you had been there and looked into it you would have seen a little baby in the manger. This baby was named Jesus, and Jesus was God's Son. God had sent Jesus to Mary. And Mary had no nice bed or cradle to lay her baby in there in the stable. So when she had wrapped some clothes around him she laid him in the manger for his cradle. Where do the angels live? And who else lives up in heaven with God? Did Jesus ever come down to this world '.' What w;is the name of* the city he came to? MARY LAVS JIvSUS IN THE MANGER. PIEST 8TEPS FOB LITTLE FEET. 41 What was his mother's name? And what her husband's name? Did Mary and Joseph live in Bethlehem, or did they conic there to stay only a little while? What house did they go to when they first came to Bethlehem? Why could they not stay at the inn? Where did they go then to sleep? What do men keep in a stable? Is there a place in the stable for horses tt eat out of? What do we call that place? Was it time now to put corn in the manger for the horses to eat? Was the manger empty, then ? If yon had been there and looked into it, what would you have found ? What was this baby's name? Who had sent Jesus to Mary? Had Mary any nice bed or cradle to lay her baby in there in the stable ? When she had wrapped some clothes around him where did she lay him? 42 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 10. In that country the people used to have a great many sheep. These sheep stayed out in the fields to eat the grass. But some- WOLVES KILLING SHEEP. times wild beasts, such as bears and wolves, came into the fields and killed the sheep, so that men had to stay with them to take care of them. The men who stayed with the sheep were called shepherds. They stayed with the sheep in the day, and in the night too, for the night was the time when the wild beasts came to kill the sheep. 44 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. On the night that Jesus was born some shepherds were out in the field taking care of their sheep. And an angel came down from heaven and spoke to them. When the shepherds saw the angel they were afraid, for I suppose they had never seen an angel be- fore. But the angel told them not to be afraid, for he had come to tell them good news. . A little child had been born, he said, to be their Saviour. The angel meant Jesus, and he called Jesus the Saviour. What did the people use to have a great many of in that country ? Where did the sheep stay ? Why did men have to stay out in the field to take care of them ? What were the men called who took care of the sheep ? Did they stay with the sheep in the day, and in the night too ? On the night that Jesus was born who came down from heaven and spoke to some shepherds out in the field? FIRST stki's loi; 1. 1 ri 1. 1 : ii;i:t. 45 How did the shepherds feel when they saw the angel ? Did the angel say lie had come to tell them good news What little child did he say had been born? What did the angel call Jesus? 40 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 11. I want to tell you why the angel called Jesus the Saviour. Suppose you were fast asleep in your bed at night, and the house where you lived should get on fire. You would not know it, but the fire would be burning more and more, and coming nearer and nearer to your room and to your bed, and very soon it would burn you. SAVED PROM THE FIRE. But suppose that just then a strong man should come into your room ; he would run 1'IKST STEPS Foil LITTLE FEET. 47 to your bed and pick you up and hold you in his arms, and cany you out of the house to a safe place, so that you would not be binned at all. That man would save you from the fire, would he not? Or suppose you were out in the woods all alone, and you heard a sound in the bushes near you. You looked, and there you saw a fierce beast, a lion or a bear. You could not run away from it, because the bear could run faster than you. It was coming toward you, "■ \ VV ■■■<■■ ,■■ mm:- "■:>■■: SAVED PBOM THE JiEAK 48 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. nearer every minute, and you knew that very soon it would catch you. But suppose that, just as it reached you, you heard a gun go off, and the bear fell down dead. A man who was in the woods had seen it coming after you, and he shot it and killed it. That man would save you from the bear, would he not? And Jesus came down from heaven to save us, not from a burning house or a fierce bear, but he came to save us from our sins. Our sins are the bad things we do. And Jesus came to save us from doing those bad things, and to save us from being punished for them after we die. That is the reason we call him our Saviour. What did the angel call Jesus ? Did Jesus come down from heaven to save us from a burning house or from a fierce wild beast ? Did he come to save us from our sins ? What are our sins ? Did Jesus come to save us from doing those bad things? And did he come to save us from being punished for them after we die ? What do we call him for this ? - a a K •S E i en s 50 FIRST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. 12. After the angel had told the shep- herds that Jesus was born he said they could see Jesus if they would go to Bethle- hem ; they would find him in a stable lying- in a manger. Then the shepherds said to one another, Let us go and see this little child that God has sent his angel to tell us about. So the shepherds left their sheep and made haste to Bethlehem. And they came into the stable, and there they saw Jesus lying in the manger, and they were glad when they saw him. Afterward they went back to their sheep in the field, and as they went they told all the people what the angel had said to them about Jesus. Where did the angels say the shepherds could see Jesus ? Did they go to Bethlehem and find him lying in the manger? Were they glad when they saw Jesus ? What did they tell all the people as they were go- ing back to their sheep in the field? i '2j 52 FIRST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. 13. And some other men came to see Jesus in Bethlehem. They were called " wise men." These wise men knew a great deal about the stars. Sometimes they used to stay up all night looking at the stars, trying to learn all about them. One night when they were looking up at the sky they saw a new star that was differ- ent from all the stars they had ever seen be- fore. God had sent that star for the wise men to see, so they might know that Jesus was born. And as soon as they knew that Jesus was born they wanted to see him. So they thought they would go and find him, but they lived a great way from Bethlehem. They did not know where Bethlehem was, and how should they find the way? I will tell you. God made the star that they had seen up in the sky move along before them, and show them the way to Bethlehem. And they followed the star and came to Bethlehem, and there they saw Jesus. And they kneeled down on the ground before him J and worshipped him. Then they took out THE WISE MEN FOLLOW THE STAR. 54 FIRST STEPS FOE, LITTLE FEET. some presents they had brought and gave them to him. Afterward they went back to their own home. Did some other men beside the shepherds come to see Jesus in Bethlehem ? What were these men called '.' What did they know a great deal about ? One night when they were looking up at the sky what did they see ? Who had sent that star ? Why did God send that star for the wise men to see? So they might know what? After they had seen the star did they want to see Jesus ? Did they know where Bethlehem was? What was it that showed them the way there ? When they saw Jesus did they kneel down and worship him? What did they take out and give to him ? After that where did the wise men go ? -^5 < u. .- K F Z - - 2 u H O G 56 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 14. There was a king in that country. I told you that the king was the man that every- body had to mind. But this king was very wicked. He sent some men to Bethlehem to kill all the little children who were there. He did this because he wanted to kill Jesus. And the men came to Bethlehem and killed the lit- tle children there, but they did not kill Jesus. 58 FIEST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. They did not kill Jesus, because God sent an angel down from heaven to tell Joseph that the men were coming. The angel came to Joseph while he was asleep, and told him to make haste and take Jesus and Mary away from Bethlehem. 60 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. So Joseph got up in the night while it was dark, when no one could see him, and he took the child Jesus and Mary his mother and went away to another country, where the king's men could not find him. But after a while the wicked kino- died, and then Joseph brought Jesus and Mary back to their own land. And they came to a city called Nazareth, and Jesus lived in Nazareth till he grew up to be a man. But the people did not know he was God's Son, for no one had told them this yet. 62 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. Was there a kins; in that country ? Did every one have to mind the king? What did the king send some men to Bethlehem to do? Why did he send men to kill all the little children in Bethlehem ? Did the men go to Bethlehem and kill the little children there? Did they kill Jesus ? Who had told Joseph to take Jesus away ? Did Joseph mind what the angel said ? Where did he take Jesus and Mary his mother ? What happened to the wicked king after a while ? Did Joseph bring Jesus and Mary back to their own land then? AY hat city did they go to live in ? How long did Jesus live in Nazareth ? Did the people know he was God's Son ? Why did they not know this? 64 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 15. There was a very good man in that country, named John the Baptist, He did not live in the city where other people lived, he lived out in the wilderness : that means out in the fields and woods. He lived there all hy himself. John wore a very strange coat, it was made of camel's hair. Camels are animals that live in countries where it is very warm. Some- times there is very little water to drink in those countries, and camels can go a long time without drinking any. They can go four or five davs without a drink of water, and all that time they can carry heavy loads on their backs. God made them able to go without water so that they could work for the men who live in those warm countries. Camels are very strange-looking animals; they have long necks and queer-looking faces, and great humps on their backs. Their bodies are covered with hair. The people cut this hair off and make clothes of it. John the Baptist wore a coat that was made of camel's hair. CAMEL. 66 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. John did not eat bread such as we eat ; he ate locusts and wild honey. Locusts are in- sects something like grasshoppers; they have wings and fly. " There are a «reat LOCUST. many of them in that country where John the Baptist lived. The people there eat them. They take the locusts and roast them in the fire, and mix a little salt with them, and so make them ready to eat. John used to eat locusts, and he ate wild honey too. I told you that the bees made honey. They fly away to the flowers and take the drops of honey out of the flowers, and car- ry it to their little houses, called hives, and they put the honey away there. There were bees out in the wilderness where John the Baptist lived. But they were wild bees, and they had no hives to live in because there was nobody out in the wilderness to make hives for them. So when they found the honey they took it to holes in the trees and rocks, and put it away there. And John JOHN SPEAKS TU THE PKOPI-K. 68 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. the Baptist used to go and get the honey out of the trees and rocks and eat it. And John was a very good man ; he loved God and did everything God told him to do. And now God told John he must go away from that place where he was living all alone ; he must not stay there any longer. He must go and teach the people about Jesus and tell them that Jesus was God's Son, because now the time had come for the people to be told about this. Then John went to a place near a river. There was a great deal of water in the river ; it was called the river Jordan. And a great many people came there to hear what John would say. And John told the people that very soon they would see Jesus, and John said that the people must get ready for Jesus to come to them. And how were they to get ready ? Were they to put on their best clothes ? No, that was not the way. The way to get ready for Jesus' was to stop doing everything that was wrong, and not to do wrong any more. FIRST STEPS FOR LfTTLE FEET. 69 What good man lived in that country? Did John live in the city where other people lived? What was his coat made of? Do camels live in countries where it is very warm ? What can they go without for a long time? Who made them able to go without water? Why did God make them able to go without water? Are camels queer-looking animals? What are their bodies covered with '.' What do the people make out of camels' hair? What did John the Baptist use to eat? What are locusts? Do the people in that country eat them ? What else beside locusts did John eat? Where did he get the honey ? Was John a very good man ? Did God tell him he must go and teach the people about Jesus? What was the name of the river John came to? Did many persons come there to hear what he would say? Did John tell them they must get ready for Jesus to come? Were they to get ready by putting on their best clothes ? How were they to get ready? 70 FIRST STEPS FOE, LITTLE FEET. 16. And the people minded what John said to them ; they stopped doing wrong, and promised not to do so any more. Then John RIVER JORDAN. took the people down into the river Jordan, and he baptized them in the river. And while John was baptizing the people Jesus came there and asked John to baptize him. Then John took Jesus down into the river and baptized him too. After Jesus was baptized he came up out of the water, and while he was coming a very wonderful thing happened. He heard a voice speaking up in the sky; it was God's voice. 1'IHST STEPS 1X)K LITTLE FEET. 71 It said that Jesus was God's Son, and that all the people must mind him. And there came a beautiful bird with wings flying down from heaven. It looked like a dove. It came on Jesus, and rested on him. But it was not really a dove ; it was the Holy Spirit that looked like a dove. Then Jesus went out into the wilderness, where nobody lived. Only the wild beasts were there. But the wild beasts could not hurt Jesus, because he was the Son of God, and he could keep them from hurting him. And Jesus stayed out in the lonely wilder- ness with the wild beasts forty days and forty nights. And all that time he did not eat any bread or drink any water. Afterward he was hungry. Did the people mind what John said? Did they promise not to do wrong any more? What did John do to the people when he had taken them down with him into the river Jor- dan ? While John was baptizing the people, who came and asked to be baptized ? Did John baptize Jesus? 72 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. As Jesus came out of the river whose voice did he hear speaking up in the sky ? What did it say? What came flying down from heaven ? Where did it rest? Was it really a dove, or was it God's Holy Spirit in the shape of a dove ? Where did Jesus go to after he was baptized ? How long did he stay out in the wilderness ? Did he eat any bread or drink any water in those forty days ? Was he hungry afterward ? FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 73 17. And now, while Jesus was out in the wilderness, the bad Spirit came there. His name is Satan. He came to try and make Jesus do wrong. Satan knew that Jesus was hungry and that he wanted bread to eat ; so Satan told Jesus to change the stones that were lying on the ground into bread. And Jesus could easily have changed the stones into bread, but he would not do it, because that would be mind- ing Satan. Then Satan took Jesus away from the wilderness to a very high place on the top of a beautiful church called the temple. And Satan told Jesus to throw himself down from that high place, for Satan said that God would send some angels to catch him while he was fall- ing, so that he would not be hurt when he fell. But Jesus would not do this, either, to mind Satan, for Jesus knew that would be wrong. Then Satan took Jesus on to a very high hill or mountain, and he showed Jesus a great many beautiful countries and beautiful cities from that high mountain. Jesus could see them all at the same time. 74 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. And Satan told Jesus that if he would only mind him he should have all those beautiful countries and cities for his own. But Jesus said he would mind God, and he would not mind Satan, for God says in the Bible that he is the one we must mind. When Satan found that Jesus would not mind him, Satan went away and left Jesus. And then some good angels came and wait- ed on Jesus, and perhaps they brought him the bread that he wanted so much. Sometimes Satan comes to us and tries to make us do wrong. We cannot see him when he comes, but we can tell he is near, for he makes us feel as if we wanted to do wrong. But when we feel so let us tell Satan that we Avill not do it. Then he will go away from us, as he went away from Jesus, and perhaps God will send his good angels to help us and to give us the things that we want. Who came out in the wilderness to try and make Jesus do wrong ? What did Satan tell Jesus to change the stones into ? SATAN TAKES JESUS ON THE Thi> OK T1IH TEMPLE. 76 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. Could Jesus have changed the stones into bread ? But would he do it to mind Satan ? When Satan took Jesus up to a high place on the temple what did he want him to do? Who did Satan say would come and catch Jesus to keep him from being hurt when he fell '? Did Jesus throw himself down from the top of the temple ? What did Satan show Jesus from the top of the high mountain? Did Satan promise to give all these cities and countries to Jesus if he would mind him ? But who did Jesus say he would mind ? What book tells us we must mind God ? When Satan found that Jesus would not mind him, did he go away and leave him ? Who came then and waited on Jesus? What, perhaps, did the angels bring him that he wanted very much ? Does Satan ever come to us and try to make us do wrong ? Can we see him when he comes? How, then, can we tell he is near us ? What should we say to him when he tries to make us do wrong ? Will he go away from us if we answer him so ? And will God send his angels, perhaps, to help as then ? FIRST BTEPS FOB LITTLE FEET. 77 18. Jesus came to a city. I told you that a city is a place where there are a great many houses and a great many people. The city that Jesus came to was named Cana. There was a man in that city who had just been married, and this man made a feast for the persons who should come to his house Nice food was put on the table for them to eat, and wine for them to drink. Wine is made out of grapes. A great many grapes used to grow in that country, and the people made wine out of them. And now the man who had been married put some wine on his table for the persons who should eome to his feast. But so many persons came that they drank up all the wine, and when they wanted more there was no more for them. Then Jesus told the servants who waited on the table to bring in some water, and to pour the water into some large pitchers or jars that were in the room. There were six large jars standing on the floor of the room where they had the feast. Bo the servants brought in water and filled 77 23. Jesus went to the house where Peter lived. A very sick woman was in this house; she had a great fever and was lying on the bed, and they begged Jesus to make her well. Then Jesus came and stood by the bed where she lay, and told the fever to go away from her; and he took hold of her hand and raised her up, and she was well. And she got up from the bed and w r aited on the people who were in the house. In the evening, when the sun was going down and it began to get dark, many people in the city brought their sick friends to Jesus, and he cured them all. And Jesus stayed all night at Peter's house. Whose house did Jesus go into? Who was in this house? What did they ask Jesus to do? When Jesus told the fever to go away, did it mind him? In the evening, when it began to get dark, whom did the people bring to Jesus? What did Jesus do for the persons who were sick? Where did Jesus stay all night? FIRST STEPS I'OK LITTLE FEET. 99 24. Very early the next morning, before the sun was up in the sky, Jesus rose up from his bed, and lie went out into the lonely wilder- ness, and there he kneeled down on the ground and prayed to God. But after he had gone the people in the city came to Peter's house to find him, and when' they heard he had gone out into the wilderness they went out after him. And they came to him there, and begged him to stay in their city and not to go away and leave them. But Jesus said he must go and teach the people who lived in other cities too. So he went into other cities, and taught the people, and told them to repent. To repent is to be sorry. Jesus meant that the j)eople should be sorry for their sins. Their sins were the bad things they had done. Jesus told them they must be sorry for doing those things, and must not do them any more. Where did Jesus go very early in the morning, be- fore the sun was up in the sky'.' JESUS PRAYS IN THE WILDERNESS. I MIST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 101 What did Jesus do when he came out in the \\\\- derness ? Who went out into the wilderness to find him? When they found him, what did they beg him to do? But where did Jesus say he must go? Did he go into other cities and teach people who lived there ? What did he tell them to do? What does " repent " mean ? What were the people to be sorry for? What are our sins? Does Jesus tell us we must be sorry for our sins and not do them any more ? 102 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 25. The people in that land used to have ! a very bad sickness called the leprosy. The leprosy made sores come on a j>erson's skin, and made his skin look white like snow. When a man got the leprosy, he had to go away from his home to some other place where he could live by himself ; for if he stayed at home with his little children, perhaps they would get the leprosy too. And after the man had gone away from his home, he could not come back there again until he was well ; but no- body could make him well except God. And now a poor man who had the leprosy came to Jesus, and he kneeled down on the ground before him and asked Jesus to make him well. And Jesus was sorry for the poor man, and said, I will do it. Be well. As soon as Jesus had spoken these words the leprosy went away from the man, and he was well. Then the man was so glad that he went out and told all the people how Jesus had cured him. And after that so many people came to Jesus, and crowded around him, that he could not stay in that place. r . / JESUS CURES THE MAN' WITH THE LEPROSY. 104 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. j What very bad sickness did the people use to have in that land ? When a man got the leprosy, did he have to go < away and live by himself until he was well ? Could anybody make him well but God ? What did a man who had the leprosy come and ask Jesus to do for him ? Did Jesus make the man well ? Then the man was so glad that he went out and did what ? Why could not Jesus stay in that place ? FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. lOi 26. After this, Jesus went again to the city called Capernaum. The houses in that city were not high houses — two or three stories high, like the houses we live in ; they were low houses — only one story high. And the roofs on these houses were flat, so that people could go up and walk about there. Jesus went into one of these houses, and some persons brought a man who had a sick- ness called the palsy. The man was very sick and weak, so that he could not walk, or even stand up, but he had to lie on his bed. And when his friends heard that Jesus was in the city, they thought they would bring him and ask Jesus to make him well. But how could they bring the man, when he was not able to walk? I will tell you: they took up the bed, or mattress, that he was lying on, and they carried the sick man, on his bed, to the house where Jesus was. But when they came there, they could not get in, because the house was full of people. So many persons had come to hear Jesus, there was no room for any more. Then these men got up on the roof of the 106 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. house, and they took the sick man up with them, lying on his bed ; and they broke a j)lace open through the roof, and lowered the man ' down on his bed into the room below, where Jesus was. When Jesus saw how much trouble they had taken to bring the sick man to him, he EASTERN IiEDS. was pleased ; and he said to the man, Stand up on your feet, and take up your bed and carry it to your home. And just by speak- ing those words Jesus made the man well. Before Jesus spoke to him he could not stand up at all ; but now he could not only stand up, but he could pick up his bed and carry it. When the people saw the man do JESUS CURES THE MAN WITH TUK PALSY. 108 FIRST STEPS TOR LITTLE FEET. this, they were surprised, and said they hac never seen such a wonderful thing done be- fore. Were the houses in the city of Capernaum high houses, like the houses we live in? What kind of roofs had these houses on them? After Jesus had gone into one of these houses, whom did some men bring to him ? Why could they not bring the sick man into the house ? Where did they take him to, lying on his bed? When they had broken a place open through the roof, what did they do with the man? Was Jesus pleased when he saw how much trouble they had taken to bring the sick man to him ? What did Jesus tell the man to do ? Was the man able to stand up and carry his bed? Had Jesus made him well by only speaking those few words ? FIBST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. KM) 27. The cities in that land had high walls built up around them. These walls were to keep out robbers and any other persons who came to do the people harm. The city of Jerusalem had high walls around it, and there were gates- in the walls for the people to go through. One of the gates was called the Sheep-gate. It was called the Sheep-gate because the people took sheep through it into the city. Near the Sheep- gate was a little pond, or pool, of water, called the Pool of Bethesda. Sometimes the water in this pool moved as if somebody w r ent into it. The people could not see anybody going into it, but they thought it w r as an angel who went into the pool and moved the water. And then, if any sick person went into the water as soon as it moved, they thought he would get well. So a great many people stayed by this pool. Some of them were blind, and could not see; some of them were lame, and could not walk ; and some were weak, and lying on their beds. They were all wait- ing for the water to move, so that they M -< (A a ■"3 o H O o o a, W w B m h O FIRST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. Ill might go down into it quickly and be made well. On the Sabbath-day Jesus came to this place, and he saw all the poor sick people who were waiting there. One of them was a man who had been sick a great many years. Jesus knew how long it had been, for he knows everything about us. This poor man was lying on his bed, and was not able to get up. And Jesus spoke to him and said, Would you like to be made well ? The man said that he would like to be made well, but when the water moved he had no one to help him down into it, and before he could get there some one else stepped into the pool, and he was too late. Then Jesus spoke to him and said, Stand up on your feet and take up your bed and walk. And at once the man was able to do what Jesus told him. He stood up on his feet and took up his bed and carried it, for now he was well. But some of the people found fault with Jesus because he had made the man well on the Sabbath-day. But Jesus told them that ETBST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 113 God had Bent him to make sick people well, and that he could not only make sick people well, but dead people alive. And there was a day coming, he said, when he would make all the people who were dead alive again. The day when Jesus will do this is called the Judgment-Day. What was built around the cities in that land? What was there in these walls for the people to go through ? What was one of the gates of Jerusalem called ? Why was it called the Sheep-gate? What was there near to the Sheep-gate in the city of Jerusalem ? Did the water in this pool move sometimes as if some person went into it ? Who did the people think it was that made the water move? If any sick person went into the water as soon as it moved, what happened to him ? Were a great many people always waiting by the pool for the water to move? •What did Jesus ask a poor sick man if he would like? Did the man say he would like to be made well? Then what did Jesus tell him to do? 8 \ 114 FIEST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. Was the man able to stand up on his feet and take up his bed and walk ? Why did some of the people find fault with Jesus for making him well? M'ho did Jesus say had sent him to make sick persons well '.' What else did Jesus say he could do beside mak- ing sick persons well? When will Jesus make all the people who are dead come to life again ? < 1 ' #T 28. Jesus told the people who were listen- ing to him that they should read in the Bible, because the Bible is the book that tells about him. Suppose you had done wrong, and your father was angry with you and was going to punish you, but your brother was sorry for FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE II i. 115 you, and he came and asked to be punished in your place. Would not that show how much your brother loved you? This is the way that Jesus did for us. We have done wrong, and God was going to punish us; but Jesus loved us so much that he came down from heaven to he punished in our place. The Bible is the book that tells us about this. What book did Jesus tell the people to read? If you were going to be punished for doing wrong, and your brother should come and ask to be pun- ished in your place, what would that show? And when God was going to punish us, what did Jesus come down from heaven to do? Did he do this because he loved us ? What is the book that tells us about this ? — ! Y '-• 116 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 29. Jesus went into a church on the Sab- bath-day, and a great many people were there. One of the men in the church had something the matter with his hand. He could not shut or open his hand as you can, because it was stiff and withered up, as if it were dead. And this poor man was not able to work with his hand and earn money to buy bread for his little children. When Jesus saw him, he pitied him and told him to stand up where all the rest of the people could see him. Jesus told the man to stand up, because he was going to make his hand well. But some men in the church said that Jesus ought not to make, the man well then, because that day was the Sabbath-day. For they said that God had told them not to work on the Sabbath-day. Then Jesus spoke to these men and said, Suppose you had a sheep out in the field, and it fell into a deep hole, or pit, on the Sabbath- day. Would you not go and lift it out of the pit ? And if we ought to be kind to a sheep on the Sabbath-day, ought we not to be kind to this poor man ? 118 FIRST STEPS FOB LITTLE FEET. So Jesus taught the men who found fault with him that it is right to be kind to per- sons, who are poor and sick, on the Sabbath- day. Then Jesus said to the man, Stretch out vour hand. And at once the man's hand was made well, and he could stretch it out like the other. Before that time he could not move it at all, but Jesus had made it strong and well by speaking those few words. And now the man could go and work and earn bread for his little children to eat. What place did Jesus go into on the Sabbath- day ? What was the matter with a man who was there ? Was thfs poor man able to work and earn bread for his little children ? Why did some persons say that Jesus ought not to cure the man then ? What did Jesus ask them if they would do to a sheep on the Sabbath-day? How sin in Id we treat persons, who are poor and sick, on the Sabbath-day ? What did Jesus say to the man with the withered hand ? i I «8 .v - J - THEY PULL Ur THE SHEET CH'T <>F THE Til. 120 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. Was the man's hand made well by these few words '.' What was he able to do for his little children after that ? 30. After this, Jesus went out into the lonely wilderness, and he stayed there all night praying to God. And in the morn- ing he called twelve of the men who followed after him, and he chose those men to stay with him all the time. They were to do whatever he told them to do, and they were to go wher- ever he told them to go. These twelve men Jesus named " apostles." I want you to remember this : The twelve men who stayed with Jesus all the time were named " apostles." And Jesus went up on a mountain, and a great many people came there to hear him. And Jesus taught the people what they must do to please God. He said they must not be proud and think themselves very good. In- stead of this, they must remember how often they had done wrong, and they must be sorry for doing it. 1 22 FIRST STEPS FOP. LITTLE FEET. And lie told the people they must be kind to one another, and they must be kind to dumb beasts too. Sometimes little children are cruel to dumb beasts, but God is not pleased with them when they are so. And they must not quarrel with one an- other, Jesus said, or be angry with one an- other. And when any person was unkind to them, they must not be unkind to that person again : they must be kind to him, and pray for him. And Jesus told the people they must try all the time to mind what God said. How long did Jesus stay out in the wilderness praying to God ? I n the morning how many men did he call to come to lii in '.' What name did he give these twelve men? Were the apostles always to stay with Jesus after that, and to do everything he told them to do? What did Jesus teach the people on the moun- tain to do? — to please whom ? < hight they to he proud, did Jesus say, and to think themselves verv good? Instead of this, what ought they to remember and be sorry for? FIRST STEPS FOIl LITTLE I'LKT. 123 How were the people to behave to each other? And how were they t<> treat dumb beasts? Arc little children cruel to dumb beasts some- times .' Is God pleased with them when they are so? What did Jesus tell the people about quarrelling with each other? If any person is unkind to us, must we be unkind to that person again ? Who did Jesus say we must be trying to mind all the time? 124 FIRST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. 31. Jesus came to the city of Capernaum. A man lived there who was a soldier, and he had a servant whom he loved a great deal ; l»i it now the servant was very sick, and it seemed as if he would die. And the soldier came to Jesus and asked him if he would not make his servant well. Jesus need not go to see his j£| servant, the soldier said ; he need not give him any medicine, or do any- thing to him to make him well. If Jesus would only say he should get well, the soldier was sure his servant would get well. Then Jesus was pleased with the soldier for thinking he could make his servant well by only telling him to be well, and Jesus told the soldier to go back to his home, for his ser- vant should get well. Then the soldier went back to his home ; and when he came there, he found that the ROMAN SOLDIER. FIRST STKl'S FOR LITTLE FEET. 125 Bickness had gone away from his servant, and bis servant was well. When Jesus went into the city of Capernaum, who came to him there'.' What did the soldier ask Jesus to do? Did the soldier think that Jesus would have to come and see his servant before he could make him well? If Jesus would only say his servant should get well, the soldier was sure of what? Was Jesus pleased with the soldier for thinking he could cure his servant by only saying he should be well ? When the soldier went to his home, what did he find ? 126 FIRST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. 32. Jesus went to a city called Nain. This city had a high wall built around it, and there was a gate in the wall for the people to go through whenever thev went in and out of the city. As Jesus came near to the city he met some men coming out of the gate. They were carrying a dead man on a bier. A bier is what dead persons are carried on to the grave. And these men were carrying out a dead man to the grave to bury him. This dead man was the onlv son his mother had, and she was a widow ; for her husband had died before. And now she was walking by the bier to her son's grave. And she was crying because she would never see him again. "When Jesus saw her crying, he pitied her and he told her not to cry. Then he came to the bier that her son lay on, and he touched it ; and the men who carried it stood still. And Jesus spoke to the dead man and said, Young man, I say to you, Arise. And as soon as Jesus had spoken these words the dead man came to life again, and he sat up and 128 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. l began to speak ; and Jesus gave him to his mother. But when the people who were there saw the dead man come to life, they were afraid, and they said that God had sent Jesus to them. For if God had not sent him, he could not do so wonderful a thing as to make a dead person come to life again. "When Jesus came near to the city, who was being carried out of the gate ? What was the dead man being carried on ? Was the dead man the only son that his mother had ? What was his mother doing now because she would never see her son again '.' When Jesus saw her crying, what did he tell her ? When the men who carried the bier stood still, what did Jesus say to the dead man? What happened then ? How did the people feel when they saw the dead man come to life again ? Who did they say had sent Jesus to them? Why did they say it was God who had sent him ? FIRST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. L29 33. 1 want to tell you about something the people used to do in that country where Jesus lived. They used to take some very nice ointment, or oil, and put it on their hair and on their skin. This ointment smelled very sweet, and it made their skin feel soft and smooth. And a man asked Jesus to come to his house ; and Jesus went to the man's house, and they sat down to dinner. While they were at dinner a woman came into the room. She had a little box in her hand, and this box was full of ointment. And she broke the box and poured the ointment on Jesus' feet, and she kneeled down and kissed his feet ; then she wiped them with her long hair. She did this to show how much she loved Jesus. She loved him because he had come down from heaven to be her Saviour. I told you before what this means. I told you two little stories to help you understand it. I said, Suppose you were asleep in your bed and the house should get on fire, and just as the fire was coming near you to burn you THE WOMAN PUTS OINTMENT ON JESUS' FEET. II Its r STEPS FOB LITTLE FEET. L31 a strong man should come into the house and carry you out to a safe place. Thai man would save you from the fire. Or suppose you were out in the woods alone and a fierce bear should come after you, but just as it was going to catch you a man should kill it with his gun. The man would save you from the bear. And Jesus came down from heaven to save this woman ; he came to save her from her sins. For she had often sinned and made God angry with her, but now she was sorry for it; and Jesus said he would forgive her sins, so that God would not be angry with her, or punish her for them. When Jesus did this, he was her Saviour ; and she loved him for coming down from heaven to be her Saviour. What did they use to put on their hah' and on their skin in that country? Did this ointment smell very sweet ? While Jesus was at dinner who came into the room where he was? What did this woman have in her hand? Where did she pour the ointment that the box was tilled with ? 132 FIKST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. What did she do to his feet then? Why did she kiss his feet? Had this woman often sinned and made God an- gry with her '.' Was she sorry for it now ? What did Jesus say he would do for her, so that God would not be angry with her, or punish her? What was Jesus when he forgave the woman's sins ? — her what ? Did she love him because he was her Saviour ? FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 133 34. Some persons brought to Jesus a man who was blind, and could not see; and he JESUS MAKES THE BLIND-AND-IH'MU MAN WELL. was dumb, and could not speak. Other per- sons could see the sun shining and the flow- ers growing. Other persons could see their friends' faces, and could talk with their friends. But this poor man could not see his friends 134 PIEST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. or talk with them ; lie could hear them speak to him, but he could not answer them. And Jesus was sorry for him, and made him well. How glad he must have been when he opened his eyes and found that he could see, and when he tried to speak and found that he could talk with the friends that he loved. What was the matter with the man who was brought to Jesus? Could this man see his friends, or answer them when they spoke to him? How did Jesus feel when he saw this poor man? What did Jesus do for him ? Do you not think the man loved Jesus for being so kind to him? FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. L35 35. Jesus tokl the people a story about a man who had a great many good things to eat and to drink. And this man built some large Till; HICH MAN IN HIS BARN. houses called barns, and there he put all these good things away to save them up for himself. Then, after he had put them away, he said 136 I IKST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. '' to himself, Now I have everything I want. I need not work any more, but I will do just THE RICH MAN DIES. as I please ; and I will have a nice time as long as I live. But as soon as he had said this God sj)oke to the man, and told him that on that very night he must die. Then all those things I li:si STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. L37 that he had saved up for himself would do him no good, but somebody else would get them. And Jesus said we must not be like that man. For all he cared about was to get rich and to do what would please himself. But we must care to do what will please God. What did the man in this story have? What were fche houses called that this man built? What did the man put away in his barns? After he had put all his good things away there, what did he say to himself? But after he had said this, what did God say to the man ? Would all the things he had saved up do him any good then '.' Did Jesus say we must not be like this man? Who was it that this man wanted to please most? Who is that we must want to please most? &&M. 138 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 36. Jesus spoke to those persons who loved him and minded him, and he told them that God would always give them enough food to eat and clothes to wear. God gave the little birds food to eat, Jesus said, and God cares more for the per- sons who love him than he does for the little birds. So, if we love and mind Jesus, we need not be afraid. God will never for- get us, and he will always take care of us. What will God always give to the persons who love and mind Jesus ? What does God give to the little birds ? And does not God care more for the persons who love Jesus than he does for the little birds ? If we love and mind Jesus, need we be afraid that God will ever forget us? FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. V.V.I 37. Jesus told the people a story about a man who went out into the field to plant some wheat. Wheat, you know, is what bread is SOME SEEDS THE BIRDS EAT. SOME FALL ON STONY GROUND. made of. It comes in little grains. If we take these little grains of wheat and plant them in the ground, they will grow up and bear some more wheat. 140 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. And now Jesus told the people a story about a man who went out into the field to plant some wheat. The way he did it was to take some of the grains in his hand and scatter them over the ground as he walked along. But some of the grains fell in the wrong place ; and the birds saw them, and they flew down from the trees and the fences and ate them up. So these grains of wheat were wasted ; for, of course, they could not grow after the birds had eaten them. And some more of the grains fell in a place where there were a great many stones on the ground, and some fell where weeds and briars were growing. And these grains of wheat could not grow, either, because the stones and the weeds would not give them room. But the rest of the grains that the man scattered over the ground fell in the right place where the ground was soft and ready for them to come. And the rain came on the grains there, and the sun shone on them, and they made little roots in the ground and grew up ; and after a while the man had a great deal FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FP-ET. 141 more wheat growing up in his field than he took out with him and planted. And this is the way it is when I am teach- SOME FALL AMONG BRIARS. SOME FALL ON GOOD GROUND. ing little children what Jesus wants them to do. Some of them do not listen to what I say, and then it is just as if some little birds came and took away the words I spoke, and the children do not remember them. L42 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. But some of the children remember the words that 1 speak, and they try to mind what Jesus says. They are like the wheat that fell on the good ground and grew up, and bore more wheat for the man who planted it. What do we make out of wheat? Wheat comes in little — what ? What was the man in this story planting out in his field? How did he plant the grains of wheat ? Could those little grains grow that fell in the wi*ong place ? What flew down from the trees and ate them up? Did the grains that fell in the right place grow up and bear more wheat? When I am teaching little children what Jesus wants them to do, and they will not listen, it is just as if — what, came and took away my words ? But when the little children listen to the words I speak, and try to mind them, then it is like the wheat that fell where ? FIRST STEPS FOB LITTLE FEET 148 38. Jesus told the people about the mus- tard-seed. There are a great many different 1IIK MUSTARD-SEED FIRST PLANTED. kinds of seed that we plant in the ground. Some of them are large, and some are small. The mustard-seed is very small — not much larger than a pin's head. 144 FIBST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. It is so small that if you should be hold- ing one of them in your hand, and should let it fall, you would hardly be able to see it or THE MUSTARD-SEED GROWN UP TO BE A TREE. find it again. Yet if this little seed is planted in the ground, it grows up to be a tree large FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 145 enough for the birds to 11 v into it and stand on its branches. And when little children first begin to love Jesus, their love is like the little mustard- seed before it is planted in the ground, it is so small. But if they keep on minding him and trying to do what he tells them, then their love will get larger and larger, like the mustard-seed when it grows up to be a tree. What kind of a seed did Jesus tell the people about? Is the mustard-seed large or small ? But when it is planted in the ground, what does it grow up to be? When little children first begin to love Jesus, is their love very small, like the little mustard-seed? But if they keep on trying to mind him, their love grows larger and larger like — what ? 10 140 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 39. -VxD Jesus spoke about a woman when she makes bread. She takes the nice white Till: WOMAN MAKING BREAD. flour, and puts some water in it, and works it with her hands, and makes it into dough. But she does something else beside this. She takes a cup, and puts something called yeast in the cup ; and she pours a little of I'IKST STEPS R>11 LITTLE FEET. 1 17 the yeast into the dough, and then she covers it up and leaves it there. And this yeast makes the dough better than it was before; so that when it is put in the oven and baked, it makes nicer bread. And when little children love God, that makes them better children than they were before ; for then they are more careful to do right, because they want to please him. What was the woman doing that Jesus told the people about? After she has poured some water into the flour and made dough out of it, what else does she pour into the dough? Does the yeast make the dough better than it was before, so that it makes nicer bread? And when little children love God, does that make them better children than they were before? What are they careful to do when they love God ? Why are they so careful to do right? 148 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 40. Jesus told the people a story about a man who wanted to buy some pearls. Pearls are beautiful little white stones. Sometimes THE MAN SEES THE BEAITIKII. I'EARL. we see pearls in rings and in bracelets and in breastpins. And where do you think pearls FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 149 come from? They come from under the water. Yes, from away dowD under the deej) sea. Men swim down under the sea, and thi y find oysters on the bottom of the sea ; and they bring these oysters up on the land, and open them and find pearls in them. Then they take out the pearls, and sell them and get money for them. Once there was a man who wanted to buv some pearls. He did not want to swim down under the water to find them for himself, but he wanted to buy them from the men who had found them already. So he went to these men and asked them to show him all the pearls they had to sell. And at last one of the men showed him a very beautiful pearl. Tt was larger and pret- tier than any pearl he had ever seen before, but it would cost so much he had not enough money to buy it with. 80 he told the man to keep that pearl until he came back again. Then he went away and sold everything he had, so as to get money enough to buy that pearl. 150 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. Perhaps he had horses, and cows, and sheep, and land; but he sold them all, and got money HE SELLS ALL HE HAS TO GET THE BEAUTIFUL PEARL. for them, and came back to the man, and gave him the money, and got the beautiful pearl. Then he was very happy, because he had the thing that he Wanted more than anything else in this world. FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FRET. 151 And what will make you and me happy? Not a pearl ; that will not make us happy. I will tell you what will make us happy — to have God pleased with us, and to be his dear children. And we ought to want this as much as the man wanted to get the beautiful pearl. We should be willing to do everything God tells us to do, and to stop doing everything he tells us not to do, so that God may be pleased with us, and so that he may take us to be his children. What is a pearl ? Where do we see pearls sometimes ? Can you tell me where pearls come from ? What did the man in the story want to buy? When at last he saw a beautiful pearl, why did he not buy it ? What did he go away and do, so that he might get money enough to buy the pearl ? When he had sold all the things he had, what did he do with the monev that he trot for them ? How did he feel when he got the pearl that he wanted so much ? Can a pearl make you and me hippy? L52 FIRST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. Will it make us happy to have God pleased with us, and to be his children? Ought we to want this as much as the man wanted the beautiful pearl ? And what ought- we to be willing to do, so that ( iod may be pleased with us, and may take us to be his children ! 41. I have told you what a net is. It is made of twine, and men catch fish with it. Let me tell you how they do this. They put the net in a boat, and take their oars and row the boat out on the water. Then they let the net down under the water, and the fish that are swimming there are caught in the net. Then the men pull up the net and take the fish out of it. But the fish are not all of one kind. Some of them are good : these they put in a basket to keep ; and some of them are bad : these they throw away. And Jesus says that all the men and all the women and all the little children in the world are like those fish in the net. Some are good, ami some are bad; and when the Judgment - Day comes, God will send his 154 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. angels to take the good men and the good women and the good children up to heaven. But the bad men and women and children will be sent away to the place where they are to be punished. What are nets made of? What are they used for ? Are all the fish of one kind ? Are some fish good, and some bad ? Who did Jesus say were like the fish in the net? What will be done to good men and women and children at the Judgment-Day ? What will be done to bad men and women and children on that day? THE GOOD FI.SU, THEY KEEP ; THE BAD, THEY THROW AWAY. 156 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 42. A max came to Jesus and told him that he wanted to stay with him and live with him all the time. But Jesus told the man that he had no home to live in. IESUS HAS NO HOME TO LIVE IN. Jesus said that the little birds had homes, for they had their nests up in the trees. And the wild beasts had homes, for they had eaves and holes in the ground where they could go and stay. But Jesus had no home where he could go when he was tired and lie down to rest. FIRST 8TEPS FOB LITTLE FEET. 157 It was because he was so poor that JTesus had no home. He was poorer even than the birds and the beasts. But Jesus was not al- ways poor. He used to live up in heaven, and he was not poor there. He had every- thing to make him happy. Why, then, did he come down to this world and be poor and have trouble? It was be- cause he loved ns and he wanted to make us good, so that we might go up to heaven, too, after we die. If Jesus loved us so much as to come down from heaven for us, we ought to love him. What did the man who came to Jesus tell him that he wanted to do? Did Jesus tell the man that he had no home to live in ? What did Jesus say about the birds and the beasts? What was the reason that Jesus had no home? Was Jesus always poor? Why did he come down to this world and be poor and have trouble ? Ought we not to love him for this'.' 158 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 43. Jesus went into a boat with his apostles to sail across the sea. And while they were sailing on the water he lay down, with his head on a pillow, and went to sleep in the boat. And there came a great storm of wind that made the waves very high and rough. And the water dashed into the boat, and the apos- tles were afraid it would sink ; and they came to Jesus and wakened him and said, Lord, save us, or we shall be drowned. But Jesus asked the apostles why they were afraid of the winds and the sea while he was with them to keep them safe. Then Jesus stood up in the boat, and he told the wind not to blow and the waves to be still. Then the wind did not blow any more, and the waves got still and smooth. When the apostles saw this, they said to one another, Even the wind and the sea mind him. And when the boat had come to the shore, Jesus and his apostles got out of the boat and walked on the land. .IESVS SLEEI'S IN THE STOKil. 160 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. What did Jesus get into, with his apostles, to sail across the sea? Where did he lay down his head and go to sleep ? What made the waves very high while Jesus was asleep on the pillow ? How did the apostles feel when the water dashed into the boat ? What did they say to Jesus when they had wa- kened him ? Ought they to have been afraid while he was with them ? What did Jesus say to the wind and the waves? Did the wind and the waves mind him ? FIKST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. 161 44. 1 told you about the good angels that live up in heaven. But there are some bad angels, too. The bad angels do not live up in heaven, for no one who is bad or wicked can live there. We call these bad angels evil spirits : that is their name. These evil spirits do not have hands and feet and bodies like ours, and we cannot see them, and they can go into places where we cannot go. Sometimes they used to go into men and into women, and even into little children. And when Jesus got out of the boat and walked on the land, a man met him who id evil spirits in him. And the evil spirits made the man very fierce and angry, so that he was like a wild beast, and all the people were afraid to go that way. The man's friends had often tried to keep him at home ; they had put chains on his hands and on his feet to keep him there, but he broke the chains and went out and lived in the mountains. There were caves in these mountains. Caves, you know, are hollow places dug out of the 162 FIRST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. ground. Some caves had boon dug out of these mountains to bury dead people in, and this man used to go and live in the caves. At night he did not sleep, but all night long he was crying out with a loud voice ; and sometimes he would pick up sharp stones from the ground and cut himself with them. The evil spirits that were in him made him do this. And the poor man could not make the evil spirits go out, but Jesus could make them go out. And now Jesus spoke to them and told them to come out of the man, and at once the evil spirits came out of him. Now, there were a great many swine, or pigs, near that place ; they were eating the grass that grew on the mountains. And when the evil spirits came out of the man, they went into the swine ; and then the swine ran down a steep hill into the sea, and were all drowned in the water. But the man was not fierce and angry any more; he was quiet and well, like other per- sons, because Jesus had made the evil spirits go out of him. And he thanked Jesus, and JESUS MAKES THE EVIL SPIRITS GO OUT. 1<)4 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. wanted to go with him and stay with him all the time. But Jesus told him to go to his home and tell his friends how he had been made well. Where do the good angels live '? Are there bad angels, too ? Do they live up in heaven with God ? Have the bad angels hands and feet and bodies like ours, so that we can see them ? What do we call these bad angels ? — what is their name ? Who did the evil spirits use to go into sometimes? When Jesus came out of the boat and walked on the shore, who met him? Did the evil spirits make this man so fierce that the people were afraid to go that way ? Could the man's friends keep him at home ? Where did he go and live ? What did he do all night long? Did Jesus make the evil spirits go out of the man? When they came out of him, what did they go into? And what did the swine do then ? Was the man well after that? Who did he want to go with, and stay with ? But what did Jesus tell him to do? IIKST STEPS FOB LITTLE FEET. 165 45. Jesus and his apostles went again into the city called Capernaum, and a great crowd of people followed him. Some of these peo- ple were pressing and pushing against him. In the crowd there was a woman who had been sick for a very long time. She had asked a great many doctors to make her well, and had given them all her money, but they could not cure her. And now she was in the crowd that was following Jesus. As soon as she saw him she said to herself, If I can only come behind him and touch his clothes, I am sure I shall be well. So she came behind Jesus softly, and put out her hand and touched him, and at once she felt that she was well. And Jesus stopped and looked around, and asked who had touched him. The apostles had not seen the woman do it, and they won- dered that Jesus should ask who touched him, when so many persons were pressing against him. But Jesus said that some one had touched him and been made well. When the poor woman saw that he knew it. and that she could not hide herself from THE WOMAN TELLS HOW SHE WAS MADE WELL. FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 167 him, she was afraid ; and she came trembling to Jesus, and kneeled down on the ground before him, and told him what she had done and how in a minute she was cured of her sickness. Then Jesus spoke kindly to her and call- ed her, Daughter, and said she did right when she came to him. And he told her to go to her home and not be afraid any more. When Jesus came to Capernaum, who was in the crowd that followed him ? What had this poor woman given the doctors to make her well? And had they made her well? What did she say to herself when she saw Jesus ? Was she made well as soon as she touched him ? Did Jesus know that she had done it? When she found that she could not hide herself from him, what did she do? What did Jesus call her? And did he tell her not to be afraid any more ? 168 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 46. There came to Jesus a man who was in great trouble because his little daughter was sick, and he was afraid she would die. And the man begged Jesus to come to his house and put his hands on her, to make her well. Then Jesus went with the man ; but when they got near to his house, somebody came out and told them that the little girl was dead, and that it was not worth while for Jesus to come any farther. But Jesus told the man not to be troubled, for his daughter should be made alive again. When they went into the house, the people were crying, because they were so sorry that the little girl was dead. Then Jesus made them all go out, and he took three of his apostles and the little girl's father and mother and went into the room where she lay. And he came to her bed, and took hold of her hand, and said to her, Arise. And as soon as he had said this the little girl came to life, and she got up from her bed and walked ; for she was twelve years old. And Jesus told the people to give her some- FIRST STEPS FOll LITTLE FEET. 169 JESUS MAKES TUB LITTLE GIRL ALIVE AGAIN. tiling to eat. Then her father and mother were glad, because their little daughter was alive again, and because they would have her to live with them and love them as she used to do before. 170 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. Why was the man who came to Jesus in great trouble ? What did he ask Jesus to do ? When they came near the man's house, what did some one come out and tell them '? What did Jesus tell the man when he heard this? When they came into the house, what were the people doing there? Where did Jesus make all the people go? When he came into the room where the little girl lay, what did he say to her ? What happened to the little girl then ? How did her father and mother feel when they saw that she was alive again ? 47. As Jesus was going away from that place two blind men followed him. They could not see him, but some one had told them that Jesus was there. Perhaps they had heard how he brought the little girl to life again, and they thought he could make their eyes well. So the blind men followed Jesus, and called after him, and begged him to cure them. 172 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. Jesus stopped, and asked them if they thought he was able to do this. They said, Yes, Lord. Then he said he would do it ; and lie put out his hand and touched their eyes, and by only touching them he made their eyes well. Then the men went away and told all the people who lived in that country how Jesus had cured them in one moment, and made them able to see. As Jesus was going from that place, who followed him? What did the blind men want him to do ? What did Jesus ask the blind men ? How did he make their eyes well ? What did the blind men do after they were made well ? •S3 FIRST STEPS FOIL LITTLE FEET. 173 48. Some persons brought to Jesus a man who was dumb: this means that the man was not able to speak. lie; had been able to speak once, like you and like me, but now JESL'S MAKES THE DUMB MAN ABLE TO SPEAK. an evil spirit had gone into him that would not allow him to speak. And none of the man's friends could make 174 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. the evil spirit go out; but Jesus made the spirit go out, and then the man was able to speak. And the people, who saw Jesus make the evil spirit go out of the man were surprised, and they said they had never seen such a wonderful thing done before. Whom did some persons bring to Jesus ? What does it mean to say he was dumb ? Had this man been able to speak once, like you and like me '? What was it that made him dumb? Could the man's friends make the evil spirit go out ? But what did Jesus do ? Could the man speak after that? 49. After this, Jesus went into other cities to teach the people who lived there. But he could not teach all the people in that land by himself: there were too many of them. So he sent out his twelve apostles to teach the people who lived in the cities where he would not come. JESUS SENDS OUT HIS TWELVE APOSTLES. 176 FIRST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. And the twelve apostles went and taught the people in those cities. And while they were gone, Jesus let the apostles make sick people well and dead people alive, just as Jesus used to do himself. Jesus let the apostles do this, so as to make the people listen to what thev said. And after the apostles had taught the people they came back to Jesus, and told him where they had been and what they had done. Did Jesus go into other cities to teach the people ? Why could he not teach all the people in that land by himself? Who did he send to teach the people in the cities where he would not come? What did he allow the apostles to do while they were teaching the people there ? Could they have done this if Jesus had not made them able to do it? FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 1/7 50. Tin:\ Jesus and his apostles got into a boat and sailed to another place across the sea, because they wanted to be alone. But when the people saw him going, they follow- ed after him, so that a great crowd of men and women and little children came to the place where lie went. But Jesus was very kind to them ; he taught them many things about God and about heaven, and all those persons who were sick he made well. When it began to get dark, the apostles asked Jesus to send the people away, so that they might go and buy food for themselves, because they had nothing to eat. But Jesus said that the apostles should give them some- thing to eat. But the apostles said, Where shall we get food for so many persons ? Shall we go and buy tw T o hundred pennyworth of bread for them? And even if Ave bought so much, it would not be enough to give each one a little. Jesus asked the apostles how many loaves of bread they had, ami they said they had only five loaves of bread and two small fishes. 12 178 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. Then Jesus told the apostles to make the people sit down in rows on the green grass. And he took the loaves of bread in his hand, and the fishes, and he looked up to the sky and thanked God for them. Then Jesus broke the - bread and the fishes in pieces, and he gave the pieces to the apostles ; and the apostles went out and gave them to the people. And as soon as they gave a piece of bread to any person, another piece came into the apostles' hands. And when they gave that piece, another piece came. And so the pieces of bread and fish kept on coming into the apostles' hands, until all the men and women and little children had as much as they want- ed to eat. And after they had eaten as much as they wanted, Jesus told the apostles to pick up the pieces that were left on the ground, so that nothing should be wasted or lost. And they picked up twelve baskets full of pieces that were left. This was a great deal more than they had when they first began to feed the people. JliSUS FKKILS THE 1MCOPLK. ] 80 1 n- • I • ' FOB LIT] U. i BET. 1 .. .1' -sua who made the bread and fish keep on coming into the apostles' hands until all the people had • !j. This was a mir- acle f ha >ld von that men cannot do miracles; but Je u could do them, because he is the Son of God, and \\<- can do the me things that God can <\<>. Wh< Ji and his apostles go in a. boa Who followed them to that place? \V:i J< I ind to the people when they came to ill" place where he Why did the apostle want Jesus to send the people i ' -o that they might buy what '.' Who did Je us ij hould give them something to eat ' What 'li'l the apostles ash Jesus when he told them thi ' How many loaves and fishes did the apostles ha i ' Where - l'ETKU TAKliS 1 liK HOMEY OUT OF T11E Mol'llI of THE FISH. 20G FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. the line and trying to get away, he drew up the hook with the fish fast to it. And Peter took the fish into his hand ; and he opened its mouth, and found the piece of money there, just as Jesus had said. And Peter gave the money to the man who had asked for it, so that he might send it to the ministers at the Temple. AVho used to stay at the beautiful church called the Temple ? What did the people use to send to the ministers at the Temple ? AVhen a man asked Peter for some money, where did Jesus say lie would find it? Did Peter find the money in the fish's mouth ? What did Peter do with the money that he found there? ^r FIR8T STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 207 59. Sometimes little children want to do wrong, and they love to do it more than they love to do right. But Jesus says we must not LITTLE CiilLDKEN MUST FOKoiVE EACH OTHEK. do what is wrong ; and if we are doing wrong, we must stop doing it, no matter how hard it is to stop. For if we know that we are doing wrong, and go on doing it, and will not stop, then we shall be punished for it after we die. But 208 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. if we mind God and do what is right, we shall be taken up to heaven after we die. Jesus said that if any person is unkind to us, and afterward that j^erson comes and tells us he is sorry for it, we must forgive him. And if he is unkind to us a great many times, and afterward tells us he is sorry, we must forgive him every time, no matter how often it may be. Do little children sometimes love to do wrong more than thev love to do right? If we go on doing wrong, and will not stop, what will be done to us after we die? But if we mind God and do what is right, where will we be taken to after we die? If any person is unkind to us, and afterward he comes and tells us he is sorry for it, what must we do? Must we forgive him every time he tells us he is sorry, no matter how often it is ? FIRST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. 209 60. Jesus told the apostles a story about a king. This king had a servant-man who worked for him, and the servant-man had some of the king's money; and now the king wanted him to pay it back. But the servant-man could not do this, for he had no money to pay the king with. Then the king said that the servant and the ser- vant's wife and all his little children must be sold, so that the king might get the money that was paid for them. But when the servant heard what the king said, he was very sorry ; and he came to the king, and kneeled down on the ground before him, and begged him to wait a little while until he should go and try to get some money, and as soon as he got it, he said, he would come back and pay the king all that he owed him. And when the king saw how much troubled the servant was, he pitied him, and said that the servant and his wife and their little chil- dren should- not be sold. And he told the servant that he would forgive him for the money, and that he need not ever pay it. 1 1 210 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. Then the servant was very glad, and he thanked the king for being so kind to him. But when he went out of the king's house, he met a man who owed him some money ; and the servant told the man that he must pay him the money. But the man could not do it. He said that he would pay it as soon as he could, but he could not do it then. But the king's servant would not wait, and he caught hold of the man's throat and said, Pay me the money you owe me. And be- cause the poor man could not do it right away the servant sent him to prison, to be shut up there. When the king heard what his servant had done, he was very angry ; and he called the servant to him and said, O wicked servant, I forgave you when you could not pay me, and you ought to forgive this poor man when he cannot pay you. Then the king sent the cruel servant away to be punished. This story is to teach us that we must be willing to forgive other persons- when they have done wrong, or when they owe us some- thing that they cannot pay us. For if we do HE TAKES THE MAN BY THE THROAT. 212 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. not forgive other persons, God will not for- give us. What was it that the servant owed the king in this story ? When the servant could not pay the money, what did the king say must be done to him, and his wife, and his children? When the servant heard this, what did he kneel down and ask the king to do? Did the king pity the servant and forgive him, and say that he need not pay the money at all ? But when the servant went out of the king's house, whom did he meet? What did the servant do to the man ? When the man asked him to wait until he could get some money to pay him with, was the servant willing to wait ? Where did he send the man ? How did the king feel when he heard how cruel his servant had been ? Where did the king send him ? This story is to teach us that we must be willing to do what to other persons ? FIRST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. 213 61. While Jesus and his apostles were walking along together, they came near to a little town, or village. A good many peo- ple lived in this village, and Jesus sent some of his apostles to ask them if they would not let hi in stop there, and rest, and get some food to eat. But the people in the village were unkind to Jesus, and would not let him stop. Then two of the apostles, named James and John, were very angry, and wanted to punish the people. And they asked Jesus to let them bring down fire from the sky, that would burn up the village and all the people who lived there. But Jesus would not let them do this, and he was displeased with James and John for wanting to do so cruel a thing. Jesus told them that he did not come down to this world to make persons die, but he came to save them from dying. And he would not punish the people who were unkind to him, but he went on to another village, and stopped there to rest and get food to eat. /fen JSP- . a s « o H en a j H DQ O - -«1 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 215 What did Jesus send some of his apostles into a village to ask? What did the people say when the apostles asked them ? How did the apostles James and John feel when the people said this? What did they ask Jesus to let them do to punish the people? Was Jesus displeased with the apostles for wanting to do so cruel a thing? Instead of punishing the people of that village, what did Jesus do? 62. Jesus told the people a story about a man who was going along a road that was very lonely and still. There were rocks and caves beside this road, where robbers used to hide. And all at once some robbers came out of the place where they had been hiding, and they stopped the man, and took away his money and his clothes, and everything that he had. They not only did this to him, but they beat him, and hurt him so much that he could not walk any further ; and he had to 21(5 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. lie down on the ground. Then the robbers went away and left him lying there, half dead. And after a while a man who was going along that road came to the place. This man was a minister ; he used to stay at the Temple and teach the peoji>le to be good and kind to each other. But he was not good and kind himself, for he would not help the poor sick man. He would not take the trouble to help him. In- stead of doing so, he crossed over to the other side of the road, and pretended he did not see him, and went away. Soon another man passed by ; but he did not help the poor man, either. He walked on, just as the minister had done, and left him lying on the ground where he found him. But after these two cruel men had c;one, a man came along who was called a Samaritan. He was riding on an ass. As soon as he saw the man lying in the road he stopped, and got off the ass, and went to him. And he lifted him up very carefully and put him on the ass, and he walked beside him, with his arm around him, holding him, THE litMJl) SAMARITAN. 218 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. so that he would not fall off. And lie took him to a house that was near, and there he stayed with him all night and e nursed him. And the next day, when he had to go away, he gave some money to the man who lived in the house, and told him to care for the sick man until he got well. This story is to teach us that we must be like the Good Samaritan. We must be kind to persons who are sick, and who have no one to take care of them ; and we must help them whenever we can. We must do this even when it gives us trouble to do it, and even if the person is some one w r e never saw before. Who came out and stopped the man as lie was going along die road in this story? What did the robbers take away from the man ? What else did thev do to him ? Who came walking along by that place first? What did this minister use to teach the people to do? But was he good and kind himself? Instead of helping the poor sick man, what did this minister do now? FIRST STEPS FOB LITTLE FEET. 219 What did the man who passed by next do? But when the Good Samaritan came, what did he do to the poor sick man? This story is meant to teach us that we must be like whom ? Must we always be kind to persons who are sick or in trouble? 63. Jesus came to a village named Beth- any. A woman named Martha lived there, and she asked Jesus to come to her house. Martha had a sister named Mary. When Jesus came into the house, Mary stopped doing her work ; and she sat down by his ' feet, so that she might listen to what he said. For Mary wanted Jesus to teach her about God, and to tell her what she must do to please God. But Martha thought that Mary should go on doing her work ; and she asked Jesus to tell Mary to go on with her work. But Jesus said that Mary did right to stop and listen to him. It was better for Mary to learn how to please God, Jesus said, than it was even to go on doing her w r ork. FIRST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. 221 What was the name of the woman who asked Jesus to come to her house ? What was the name of Martha's sister? When Jesus came into the house, where did Mary sit down ? Why did she sit down at his feet? Was Martha pleased at this? A\ 'hat did she ask Jesus to tell Mary to do ? But what did Jesus say when Martha asked this? 222 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 64. A man asked Jesus to teach him what he should say when he said his prayers. Jesus told the man to say, Our Father who art iu heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth «2^ OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN. as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil ; for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory for ever. Amen. FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. '2'2'.\ This is called the Lord's Prayer, because the Lord Jesus teaches us to say it. But whenever we say this prayer, we must re- member that we are speaking to God; and we must think of what we are saying, or God will not listen to us. And Jesus not only teaches us to say the Lord's Prayer, but he tells us to pray to God for everything that we need. For God is our Father who lives up in heaven, and he loves to give his children the things they pray to him for. What did a man ask Jesus to teach him ? What is the name of the prayer that Jesus taught the man ? When we say this prayer, who are we speaking to? Will God listen to us if we do not think of what we say ? Does Jesus tell us to pray to God for everything that we need ? What does God love to give to his children '.' 224 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 65. As Jesus was going along the street, he saw a man who was blind. This man had always been blind ; he was blind when he was a little child. And now he had grown up, but he could not work and earn money, be- cause he could not see. So he sat down in the street, and begged the people who passed by to give him some of their money, so that he might buy food to eat and clothes to wear. When Jesus saw the man, he was sorry for him ; and he stooped down and took some clay off of the ground, and put it on the blind man's eyes, and told him to go and wash his eyes in a pool of water called the Pool of Siloam. Then the man went to the pool and washed, and after that he could see. But it was not the clay, nor the water in the pool, that cured his eyes. It was Jesus who cured them and made the man able to see. When the people who had known him be- fore saw the blind man walking along like any other person, with no one to lead him, they wondered, and said, Is not this the ! ■ & u THK BLIND MA-N WASHKj IX THE POOL OF SILOAM. 15 226 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. man who used to sit in the street and be."" 9 & • Some of them said, Yes ; this is the man. Others said, This is not the blind man, but an- other man, who looks like him. But the man himself said, I am he. Then they asked him how he had been made well, and he told them that Jesus had made him Avell. But the men who asked him were not pleased when he said this, for these men were wicked ; they did not love Jesus, and thev would not believe that he could make blind persons well. And when the man said it was Jesus who had cured him, they were angry with the man, and would not speak to him, or have anything more to do with him. Jesus heard how unkind they had been to him, and he came to the man and told him that it was God's Son who had made him well. For before that the man did not know 'that Jesus was God's Son. Then, when he heard this, he kneeled down on the ground and worshipped Jesus. THK IJI-IND MAN SAID, I AM UK. 228 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. What was the matter with the man whom Jesus saw in the street beersrinff? What did Jesus put on the blind man's eyes? After that, what did Jesus tell him to do? "When the man had washed his eyes in the pool, could he see ? Had the water or the clay cured his eyes, or was it Jesus who cured them ? How did the people treat the man when he told them that it was Jesus who cured him ? When Jesus told the man that it was God's Son who had made him well, what did the man do? Kg*. JET FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 229 66. I told you about Martha and her sister Mary, and that Jesus went to their house. Martha and Mary had a brother named Lazarus; and after Jesus went away from their house, Lazarus got sick. Then they sent word to Jesus that their brother was sick. When Jesus heard this, he eame to them, for he loved Martha, and Mary, and Laz- arus ; but by the time he had come, Lazarus was dead, and was buried in his grave. And the people who were with Martha and Mary were crying, because they were sorry that Lazarus was dead. Jesus asked them where they had buried Lazarus, and they took him to the place. It was a cave in the ground, with a great stone rolled to its door, to shut it up. Jesus said to the people, Take away the stone. So they took away the stone from the door of the cave. Then Jesus said with a loud voice, Laz- arus, come forth. And as soon as he said this, Lazarus came out of the cave alive, with his grave-clothes fastened around him. FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 231 Jesus had made him alive by speaking those few words. And Jesus told the people to loosen his grave-clothes, so that he might be able to walk. Then Lazarus went with Martha and Mary to their home again, and he lived with them there as he used to do before. What was the name of Martha and Mary's brother ? When Lazarus got sick, who did Martha and Mary send for ? What had happened to Lazarus by the time Jesus came to them ? Where had they buried him ? Did they bring Jesus to the cave? When they had taken away the stone from the door, what did Jesus say'.' What happened then ? Who made Lazarus alive ? A\ hen Jesus did this, what was it? Can men do miracles? Why could Jesus do miracles '.' After Jesus had made him alive, where did Laz- arus go and live? 232 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 67. Jesus went into a church on the Sabbath-day. A woman was there who had been sick for a great many years, and her sickness made her bend over, so that she could not stand up straight, as you can. THE OX AND THE ASS ARE LED OUT TO WATER. She bent over when she walked, and while she sat still, and all the time : she could not help it. When Jesus saw her, he called her to him and told her that she should be well. And FIRST STEPS TOR LITTLE FEET. 2'M\ he put his hands <>n her, and she was cured right away, of her sickness, and could stand up straight, like other persons. Then she was glad, and she said how much she thanked God for being made well. But there was a man in the church who said that Jesus ought not to cure sick per- sons on the Sabbath-day, because God had said we must not do any work on that day. But Jesus asked the man whether he did not go into his stable on the Sabbath-day, and untie his ox and his ass, and lead them out, and give them water to drink. And if it was right to be kind to the ox and the ass on the Sabbath-day, Jesus said, was it not right to make this poor woman well on the Sabbath-day? Then all those persons who had found fault with him were ashamed, and could not answer him; but the rest of the people were glad lor all the kind things he had done. What was the matter with the woman who was in the church on the Sabbath-day V What did Jesus do to her to make her well? 234 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. Why did a man in the church say that Jesus ought not to cure the woman on that clay? What did Jesus ask the man if he did for his ox and his ass on the Sabbath-day? If it is right to be kind to dumb beasts on the Sabbath-day, ought we not to be kind to poor sick people on that day ? 68. After this a great many people came to the place where Jesus was, for him to teach them. Then Jesus said to the people that if they wanted to be his children, they must do whatever he told them, even when it was something they did not want to do. They must be willing to take up the cross, he said. Let me explain to you what this means. Suppose you had a dollar in your pocket — a bright silver dollar. It had been given you, and it was your own, to do what you pleased with. Then vou said to yourself. Now I will buy that beautiful plaything I have wanted so long. Perhaps it might be a little wagon or a paint-box, or something else that you wanted very much. FIRST STKPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 235 And you started to go to the shop where they had it to sell. But as you went you passed by the house where a poor little boy lived. You had often played with him when THE SICK BOY. he was well, but now he was siek, and you knew that his mother had not money enough to buy him the things that he wanted. You stopped by the door, and you remem- bered how kind Jesus was in making siek 236 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. persons well. You could not do this, you could not make the little boy well ; but perhaps your money would buy something that would do him good and help to make him well. You think about this a little while ; then you open the door and see the little boy lying on his bed. You go up to him, and speak kindly to him, and put your dollar in his hand. You are going to do without the beautiful plaything that you wanted so much, so that you may be kind to the poor sick boy. This is taking up the cross. It is doing something that you would rather not do ; yet you do it because it is right. Or suppose it is a pleasant summer morn- ing, and you are playing under some trees that grow before your door. A little way off you can see, through the trees, a high steeple with a clock in it. And while you are play- ing, your mother comes out of the house. She has her bonnet and shawl on, and she says, I am going to be away a good while — perhaps till dinner-time. You may play here FIRST STEPS I'OK LITTLE Fl.l I. until the clock in the steeple strikes, but then you musl go in. Then she stoops down and kisses you, and afterward walks away along the street until you cannot see her any more. i v, V N\'" fcSK THE CLOCK IN THE STEEPLE STRIKES. Then you begin to play again. Presently some other little children come to play with you ; and you play different games together, and are having a very happy time. But all at once you hear something that makes you 238 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. stop. It is the clock in the steeple. How quickly its big hand has gone around, and how soon the time has come for the clock to strike. You were just beginning a new game ; it is so pleasant out under the trees. The sun is shining, and the birds are singing, and the chil- dren who are with you do not want you to go. But you remember what your mother said. The clock has struck, so you bid your little friends good-bye and go into the house. You do not want to go, it is very hard to go ; but you go because your mother told you to. This is taking up the cross to mind your mother. And Jesus says we must take up the cross to mind him, and to do what is right, or else we cannot be his children. What did Jesus tell the people they must take up if they wanted to be his children ? Suppose you went without some plaything that you wanted very much, and gave the money to a poor sick boy instead ; what won Id that be doing? Or suppose you did not want to come in from your play, yet you came because your mother had told you to ; what would that be doing? FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 239 It would be taking up the cross to mind whom? Did Jesus say we must take up the cross to mind him ? Tf we Avill not do this, we cannot he what '.' 69. Jesus told a story about a man who had two sons. And the younger son came to his father, and said that he wanted all the money his father was ever going to give him. So his father gave him all the money he had for him. Then the younger son took the money, and went awav from his father's house to a country that was a great way off. And there he wasted and spent all the money his father had given him, until he had none of it left. Then he had to go and work for a man in that country, so as to get food to eat. And the man sent him out in his field to feed his swine; but the man did not give him enough to eat himself, and he was very hungry. Then lie was .sorry he had gone away 240 FIRST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. from his father's house. He remembered that when he was there he used to have plenty to eat, and more than he wanted. So he said to himself, I will go back to my father, and tell him how sorry I am that I went away and left him, and then perhaps he will forgive me and let me live at his house again. So he started to go back to his father's house ; but while he was a good way off, his father saw him coming. Then his father did not wait for him to come any nearer, but he ran out of the house to meet him, and put his arms around his neck, and kissed him. Then the son began to tell his father how sorry he was that he had been so wicked as to go away and leave him. But his father was so glad to see him he would not let him say any more. He called the ser- vants to bring out new clothes and put on him, and to put a ring on his finger, and new shoes on his feet. And make a feast, the father said, and let us be happy ; because my son who had 16 242 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. gone away and left me has come back again. I thought he was lost, but now he is found. This story is meant to teach us something. It is meant to teach us that if we have been wicked, but now are sorry for it, and will go to our heavenly Father and tell him we are sorry, then he will forgive us, just as the father in this story forgave his son when his son came back and told him. What did the younger son in this story ask his father to give him? When his father had given him the money, where did the younger son go? After he had spent all his money, what did he have to do, so as to get bread to eat. Did the man he worked for give him as much food as he wanted ? When he got very hungry, where did the younger son say he would go? When his father saw him coming, what did his father do? Did his father forgive him when he saw how sorry he was for being so wicked ? Will God forgive us if we tell him we are sorry for the wicked things we have done, and do them no more? IIKST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. - \'-\ 70. Jesus told the people another story. It was about a rich man who had a great deal of money and could buy everything he wanted. He wore beautiful clothes, and had nice things to eat every day. And in the same city where the rich man lived there was a poor man. His name was Lazarus. And Lazarus was not only poor, but he was sick and weak, and his body was covered with sores. And because he was so poor and sick, his friends used to carry him and lay him down outside of the rich man's door, so that he might get the pieces of bread that were left after the rich man was done eating his dinner. And the dogs that were in the street seemed to pity Lazarus, for they came and licked his sores. And poor sick Lazarus died. Then God sent some of his good angels for him, and the angels came and carried Lazarus up to heaven. But he was not sick or poor any more when he got to heaven, for God loved him, and made him well, and gave him every- thing to make him happy. , LAZAliUS LYING BY THE RICH MAN'S DOOU. FIRST STEPS FOB LITTLE FEET. lM~> And after a while the rich man died too. But the angels did not come for him. He was sent away to the place where wicked men go. And while he was there, being punished for his sins, he could see Lazarus a great way off, in heaven. And the rich man wanted to go to heaven, where Lazarus was ; but he could not, because he had been wicked. Let us try to be good, like Lazarus, and to love God and mind him. Then, after we die, God will send his angels for us, and they will take us, too, up to heaven. What did the rich man in the story have every day? What was the poor man's name? Did Lazarus have nice food to eat? Where did his friends carry him and lay him down? Why i^= r&rSSg^ 250 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. For God is not pleased with us when we are proud, and when we want other persons to praise us and call us good. He is pleased with us when we are sorry for our sins, and when we ask him to forgive us for them. What did the two men in this story go to the Temple to do? What did one of them think about himself? Did the other man think himself very good ? Which one of the men did Jesns say. God was most pleased with ? Is God pleased with us when we are proud, and when we want other persons to praise us and call us good? What is it that God wants us to be sorry for? Should we not ask him to forgive us for our sins every day? FIBST STEPS FOB LITTLE FEET. 251 72. Some persons brought little children to Jesus, for him to put his hands on their heads and pray for them. But the apostles thought this would he a trouble to Jesus; and they found fault with the persons who brought them, and wanted those persons to take the children away again. But Jesus was displeased with the apostles for this. He told them to let the little chil- dren come to him, and not to forbid them. And he took them up in his arms, and spoke kindly to them. For Jesus loves little chil- dren ; and if they will love him and mind what he says, he will always remember them and take care of them. Whom did some persons bring to Jesus? Why did the apostles find fault with the persons who brought them ? What did the apostles want those persons to do with them ? Was Jesus pleased with the apostles for this? What did he say about letting little children come m •> to hi What did he do to the little children that had been brought ? FIRST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. •i:>:\ 73. Jesus told the apostles that when he came to the city of Jerusalem, the people who lived there would be very cruel to him. Thev would beat him, a n d would spit upon him, and af- ter that they would kill him. ' They would kill him by nailing him to a cross. A cross was made of two large pieces of wood fastened iy/ together. The people would kill Jesus by driving great nails through his hands and his feet, and nailing him fast to the cross. And then they would stand the cross up in the ground, and leave Jesus hanging on it until he died. They would do this because they were an- gry with him for telling them about their sins, and for saying that he was God's Son. ci:m-^ 254 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. For the people were wicked. They did not want to be told about their sins, and they would not believe that Jesus was God's Son. How did Jesus say the people would treat him when he came to Jerusalem ? What would they nail him to ? What was a cross made of"? Why were the people so angry at Jesus ? Would they believe that Jesus was God's Son ? 74. Jesus came to a city named Jericho, and a great many people followed him, and crowded around him as he was walking along. And a poor blind man named Bartimeus was sitting in the street ; he Avas begging money from persons who passed by. When Bartimeus heard the noise of the crowd, he asked the people what it meant. They told him that Jesus was passing by. Then Bartimeus called out with a loud voice, Jesus, help me. The people told him to be still, but he only cried a great deal more, Jesus, help me. Then Jesus stood still and told the people X ►3 F. C a > - R 01 s E H Pi H O 256 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. to bring Bartimeus to him. When Bartimeus heard this, he was glad ; and he got up and made haste to go to Jesus. Jesus said to him, What is it you want me to do ? Bartimeus answered, To make my eyes well, so that I may be able to see. Then Jesus put out his hand, and touched his eyes ; and at once they were well, and he was able to see. Before that, Bartimeus had to let some other person lead him, but now he walked along the street by himself, and fol- lowed Jesus ; and he spoke, and thanked God because he was made well. What was the name of the blind man who sat in the street to beg ? When Bartimeus heard the noise of the crowd, what did he ask ? As soon as he heard that Jesus was passing by, what did he cry out ? Did Jesus stop and tell the people to bring Barti- meus to him ? When Jesus asked Bartimeus what he wanted him to do, what did Bartimeus say ? How did Jesus make his eyes well ? Did Bartimeus thank God for sending Jesus to make him well ? FIRST STFPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 257 75. I told you that the king was the man that everybody had to mind. All the people in that city had to mind the king, and ZACCHEl'S IN THE TREE. the king said they must give him some of their money. The king did not go to get the money himself, but he sent men to get it for him. One of these men was named Zaceheus. 2-58 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. As Jesus walked along the street, Zacclieus tried to see him ; but he could not, for the crowd. For Zaccheus was smaller than the other men ; he was not big enough to see over the heads of the rest of the people. So he ran on before, and climbed up a tree, and waited there until Jesus came by. When Jesus came to the place, he looked up and saw Zaccheus, and told him to come down, because he wanted to go and stay at his house that day. Then Zaccheus came down, and he was very glad to take Jesus to his house. And Zacclieus listened to all that Jesus said to him, and he promised to do all that Jesus told him to do. He would mind God, he said, and would try not to sin any more. And he would be kind to poor persons who had no money to buy clothes to wear and food to eat. He would give them some of his own money, he said, to buy these things with. And if he had ever taken anything for his own that did not belong to him, Zaccheus promised to give it back to the person he took it from. Then Jesus was pleased with Zac- FIRST STKI'S FOR LITTLE FEET. 259 cheus; and Jesus told him that lie would for- give all his sins, so that God would not be angry with him, or punish him for them. And if we want Jesus to forgive our sin>, we must do like Zaccheus. We must mind what God says to us, and try not to do wrong any more. And we too must be kind to per- sons who are poorer than we are. If we have no money to give them, we must help them in any way that we can. And we must be very careful never to take for our own anything that belongs to another person. Then, if we do these things, Jesus will be pleased with us, and he will forgive us as he forgave Zaccheus. Who did everybody in that city have to mind ? What did the king tell the people they must give him? Did the king go and get the money himself, or did he send men to get it for him ? What was the name of one of these men? When Zaccheus could not see Jesus, for the crowd, what did he do? When Jesus came to the tree, what did he say to Zaccheus? 260 FIRST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. Whore did Zaccheus take Jesus? Did Zaccheus listeu to Jesus and promise to mind what he said ? What did Zaccheus say he would give to poor per- sons who had not any money to buy clothes or food with ? If he ever took anything that belonged to another person, what did he promise to do with it ? Did Jesus tell Zaccheus he would forgive his sins, so that God would not be angry with him, or punish him for them ? If we want Jesus to forgive us, must we do like Zaccheus ? 76. As Jesus was coming to the city of Jerusalem, he told two of his apostles to go into a village, or little town, that was near. And Jesus said they would find an ass tied there, and a colt with the ass. Jesus told the apostles to untie them and bring them to him. If some men should ask why they took them, the apostles were to say that Jesus had sent for them. Then Jesus said the men would let the apostles take them. 262 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. So the apostles went to the village, and they found the ass and the colt tied there, as Jesus had told them they would. As they untied them, some men asked why they did this; and the apostles said that Jesus had sent for them. Then the men let the apostles take the ass and the colt, and they brought them to Jesus. And Jesus sat on the colt, and rode into the city of Jerusalem on the colt's back. A great crowd of people followed after him as he was riding along, and they all cried out, Hosanna. And some of them took off their coats and laid them down on the ground, and other persons cut off branches from the trees and laid them on the ground, for Jesus to ride over them. They did this to show how glad they were to have Jesus come into their city ; for that was the way they used to do when a king rode through their streets. JESUS BIDES INTO THE CITY ON A COLT. 264 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. And Jesus went up to the Temple ; and the people brought to him some persons who were blind, and others who were lame, and Jesus made them well. In the evening he went away from Jerusalem and came to the village, named Bethany, that was not far off; and he slept at Bethany. What did Jesus send two of his apostles into a village to find ? What were they to do with the ass and the colt? Where did Jesus ride on the colt's back ? What did some of the people put down on the ground for him to ride over? Why did they do this? — to show what? Who did the people bring to Jesus at the temple ? What did Jesus do to the persons who were blind and lame? What was the name of the village that Jesus went to in the evening; ? Did he sleep at Bethany ? 266 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 77. The next morning, as Jesus was com- ing back to Jerusalem, he saw a fig tree grow- ing by the road, and he came to it. Figs are good to eat. They grow on trees, like apples and pears. Jesus came to this tree to get some of the figs and eat them, because he was hungry. But when he came to it, he found no figs on the tree ; only leaves were growing there. Then Jesus spoke to the tree, and said that no more figs should ever grow on it. The next day the apostles passed by the tree again ; and when they looked at it, they saw it was dead, from its roots all the way up to its top. The words that Jesus spoke to it made the tree die. The tree had minded him, because he was God's Son. For everything must mind Jesus. When Jesus made the tree die by only speaking to it, that was a miracle. What did Jesus see growing by the road as he was going to Jerusalem ? What did he come to the fig tree to get ? Were there any figs growing on the tree? 268 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. When Jesus found that nothing but leaves were growing on it, what did he say to the tree? When the apostles passed by the tree the next day, how did it look ? What had made the tree die ? When Jesus made it die by speaking to it, what was that? 78. Jesus told the people a story about a man who made a vineyard. A vineyard is a place where grape-vines grow. And this man planted a great many grape-vines in the ground, and made a vineyard. Then he set up a fence, or wall, around his vineyard ; and he built a house there, and sent some men to stay and take care of his grape-vines. But the man himself went away to another country. After a long while, when it was time for the grapes to be ripe, the man sent his ser- vant to get some of the grapes for him. But the men who took care of the vine- yard would not give the servant any. Then the man sent another servant ; but the men threw stones at him, and hurt him on the 270 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. head, and would not give him any grapes, either. ^ST* £>' THE MEN SAID TO ONE ANOTHER, LET US KILL HIM. Then the man said to himself, What shall T do to make these men mind me? Now, FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 271 the man had one son that he loved very much, and he said, This is what I will do: I I IKY KILL Till'. SON. I will send my dear son to them ; they will be afraid to hurt him. So the man sent his son ; but when the 272 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. men saw him coming, they said to one another, Let us kill him and take the vine- yard for our own. And as soon as the son came into the vineyard, they took hold of him, and put him out, and killed him. Jesus told this story to show what the wicked people in that land were going to do to him. For Jesus was God's Son, and God had sent him to tell the people they must love and mind him. But, instead of minding what God said to them, they were going to kill his dear Son, like the wicked men in the vineyard. What grows in a vineyard? After the man in this story had planted his vine- yard, where did he go? Who did he leave in his vineyard to take care of his grape-vines? After a long time, what did the man send his servant to the vineyard for ? Would the men in the vineyard give his servant any of the grapes? Who did the man send that he was sure they would mind? But what did the men in the vineyard do to his son ? FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 273 Was this story meant to show what the people were going to do to Jesus? Whose Son was Jesus ? Had God seut Jesus to teach the people to love him ? But instead of minding what he said, what were they going to do to Jesus? 18 ' 274 FIRST STEPS TOK LITTLE EEET. 79. Jesus told the people another story. It was about a king who had a son that got married. Then the king made a wedding- THEY WOULD NOT COME TO THE FEAST. feast, and asked some persons to come to it. And when the feast was all ready, the king sent his servants to tell those persons that FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 275 now they should come. I>ut they would not conic Then the king sent his servants again to tell them that all the nice things were on the table waiting, and that it was time for them to come to the feast. But some of the people would not listen to what the servants said; and some listened, but would not mind ; and some were so wicked that they took the king's servants and killed them. When the king heard what they had done, he was very angry, and he sent his soldiers to the place where the men lived ; and the soldiers burned up their houses with fire, and killed those wicked men. Then the king called some other servants to him, and told them that the feast was all ready, but that there was nobody to eat it, for the men who were asked to it before could not come to it now. So the servants must go and get some other persons to come to the feast. They must go out into the streets, the king said, and bring in everybody they met. So the 276 FIRST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. servants went out, and brought in a great many people. But these people had not nice enough HE HAD NOT ON THE BEAUTIFUL CLOTHES. clothes to come into the king's house with. So the king had beautiful new clothes made FIRST STEPS FOR UTTLE FEET. -77 for them, and each person who came into the king's house had to take some of these new clothes and put them on. Then, as soon as he had put them on, he went into the room where the feast was ready, and sat down with the rest of the people at the table. But when the king came into the room to speak to the people, he saw a man there who did not have on the beautiful new clothes. Then he asked the man how it was that he came into the feast without them. But the man was ashamed, and could not answer the king ; for he knew that when those clothes Avere offered to him, he would not take them, because he was proud and thought that his own clothes were good enough. Then the king was angry, and he told his servants to bring the man out from the feast, and to tie his hands and his feet, so that he could not get away, and then to take him to the place where he should be punished for not minding the king. This story is meant to teach us that we must always be willing to mind God, and 278 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. to do exactly the way that he tells us to do. For if we are not willing to do God's way, but want to do our own way, he will not be pleased with us or take us for his children. Who made a feast for his son in this story ? When the king sent his servants to tell the peo- ple to come to his feast, what did they do to his servants ? Who did the king send to punish those people ? What did the soldiers do to them ? Where did the king send his servants afterward to find people to come to his feast ? Had the people who came in from the streets nice enough clothes to come into the king's house with ? What did each person have to put on ? When the king came into the room, whom did he see there ? Why had this man not put on the new clothes when they were offered to him ? What did the king tell his servants to do to him? And where were they to take him ? Is this story meant to teach us that we must be willing to do just as God tells us? If we are not willing to do God's way, but want to do our own way, will God have us for his children ? FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 279 80. I told you about the Bible, that it is God's book. It tells us the things that God wants us to do. A man came to Jesus and asked him what it was that God wanted us to do most. Jesus said that the thing God wanted us to do most was to love him. We cannot see God, but he is so kind to us that we can love him without seeing him. Very often persons that we love go away where we cannot see them ; yet we keep on loving them, and we want to see them. We shall see God after Ave die, but he wants us to love him now, before we die. And we ought to love God more than we love any one else. And Jesus said there was another thing God wants us to do besides loving him : he wants us to love each other. If we love each other, we will be kind to each other ; and then God is pleased with us wdien we are kind to each other. Whose book is the Bible ? What things does the Bible tell us about '? What is it that Goc 1 wants us to do more than anything else? JESUS TELLS THE MAN WHAT GOD WANTS US TO DO. FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 281 Who else docs God want us to love beside Loving him? If we love one another, how will that make us treat one another? Is God pleased with us when we are kind to each other ? -eftiv 282 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 81. There were some men in that country V called Pharisees. These men used to say their PHARISEE PRAYING IN THE STREET prayers out in the streets, where people could hear them, for they wanted the people to think they were good, and to praise them. F RST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 283 And so, whenever anybody was looking at them, they were very careful to do what was righl ; but when nobody saw them, they did what was wrong. Jesus said we must not be like the Phari- sees. We must not say our prayers for other persons to hear us, but for God to hear us. And we must not do right because we want other persons to think us good, but because God tells us to do right, and because we want to please him. AY here did the men called Pharisees use to say their prayers? Who was it that they wanted to hear them saying their prayers ? Why did they want the people to hear them? When anybody was looking at them, what were the Pharisees very careful to do? But when nobody saw them, what did they do ? Ouo-ht we to be like the Pharisees? Who is it that we should want to hear us when we say our prayers ? Ought we to do right only when somebody sees us? Y\ T ho sees us all the time? Should we do right because we want to please him? 284 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 82. I told you before about the beautiful church called the Temple. Some ministers always stayed at the Temple, and the people who went there used to give them money. The people did not put this money into the minister's hands, but they dropped it into a box that had a hole in the top, and that stood near the Temple. Every person dropped in just as much as he chose. After a good deal had been dropped in, the ministers opened the box and took the money out, and they bought things with it for the Temple. And this money was the same as if it were given to God ; it was God's money. And one day Jesus saw the people dropping their money into the box. Some of them who were rich dropped in a great deal. But after a while a poor woman who was a widow came, and dropped in only a very small piece of money. Then Jesus called his apostles to him, and told them that God was more pleased with the small piece of money that the poor woman gave, than he was with the large pieces of money that the rich people gave. THE POOR WOMAN GIVES A SMALL PIEl'E OK MONEY. 286 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. For the rich people had plenty of money left for themselves afterward. But the poor woman had nothing left for herself, because she gave all that she had, and did not save enough even to buy bread with. And this showed how much she loved God; and God wants us to love him more than he wants us to do anything else. What did the people use to give to the ministers who stayed at the Temple? What did they drop this money into ? Who was it that gave the large pieces of money ? Who came there and dropped in a very small piece of money? Which did God think the most of, the large pieces of money that the rich people gave, or the small piece that the poor widow gave ? Had the rich people plenty of money left for themselves afterward ? But had the poor woman any left for herself? Did she give all she had to God ? What did this show ? What does God want us to do more than anything else ? FIRST STEPS TOR LITTLE FEET. 2m at night carry in their hands'.' Who did they go OUt tO meet ? Winn thf bridegroom stayed longer than they ex- pected, tlitl they all fall asleep".' 19 1 THK BOOK WAS SHUT, AND THEY COULD NOT GO IN TO THE PEAST. FIRST 8TEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 291 What did sonic one come and say in the middle of the nighl ? When they woke up, what had happened to their lamps '.' Why had their lamps gone out ? What had the wise young women brought with them? What did they do with this oil? Did the bridegroom take them with him into his feast ? Had the foolish young women brought any more oil ? What did they have to do to get some? When they came back, could they go in to the feast ■! W r ho is coming down to this world again at the Judgment-Day ? If we want to be ready for Jesus when he comes at the Judgment-Day, what must we do now ? 292 i TEST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. 84. And Jesus told his apostles about the Judgment-Day. The Judgment-Day will be the last day in this world. There will never be another day after that. Jesus will come down from heaven on that day, and all the angels will come with him. Then he will sit on a high seat, called a throne, where everybody can see him. You and I will see him then, and every one will see him. The people who are dead and buried in their graves will come to life again at the Judgment-Day. Jesus will call to them, and they will hear him, and will come up out of their graves ; and they will stand where they can see Jesus. The good people who have loved him and minded him will stand on one side, and the bad people who have not minded him will stand on the other side. Then Jesus will take all those who have loved him up to heaven, but those who have not loved him will be sent away from him for ever. What is the last day called that will ever be in this world ? JESUS TELLS HIS APOSTLES ABOUT THE JID1.MENT-DAY. 294 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. Who is coming down to this world at the Judg- ment-Day ? Mho will come with Jesus '.' Where will he sit ? AVill you and I and every one see him? Who will come to life again at the Judgment- Day? Will they hear Jesus when he calls them, and come up out of their graves ? Where will the good people who have loved and minded Jesus stand? Where will the bad people who have not loved him stand ? Where will Jesus take the good people who have loved him ? But what will be done to those who have not loved him ? 85. You remember that the apostles were the men who stayed with Jesus all the time. There were twelve apostles, and they all lov- ed Jesus, except one ; this one was named Judas. He did not love Jesus ; he loved to get money for himself more than he loved anything else. And now Judas went to the men who FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 295 THE Ml'.N PEOMISE JUDAS THIRTY PIECES OF SILVER. wanted to kill Jesus, and he asked them how much money they would give him if he would show them where Jesus was. The men told Judas that if he would show them where Jesus was, SO that they could go and 296 FIEST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. take him, they would give Judas thirty pieces of silver. Then Judas made up his mind that as soon as he could find Jesus in some j3lace alone he would show these wicked men the place, so that they could go there and take Jesus, to kill him. How many apostles were there ? Did they all love Jesus except one ? What was this one's name ? What did Judas love more than anything else ? W r hat did Judas go and ask the men who wanted to kill Jesus? How much money did they promise to give him ? Did Judas make up his mind that some day he would show them the place where Jesus was, so that they could take him to kill him ? 8G. The people who lived in that country used to have a feast, called the feast of the passover. They had this feast once every year. It was the time to have it now. Jesus and his apostles were going to have the feast together, but they had no place to have it in. And the apostles came to Jesus and said, THE APOSTLES liil.Mvw THE MAN INTO THE HOUSE. 298 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. Where shall we get the feast ready ? Jesus told them to go into the street, and they would meet a man carrying a pitcher of water. The man would go into a house, Jesus said, and the apostles were to follow him into the house ; and thev were to ask the man who lived there to show them a room where they might have the feast. And the man would show them a room up stairs, Jesus said, with a table in it, and seats around the table. So the apostles did as Jesus told them. The} 7- went into the street and met a man carrying a pitcher of water ; then they followed him into the house, and they told the man who lived there that Jesus had sent them. And the man showed them a large room up stairs, as Jesus said he would. And the apostles made the feast ready in that room. In the evening Jesus came with them to the table. Then he told the apostles that this was the last time he would ever eat the feast with them. Very soon, he said, he would be taken away from them : he meant that very soon he would die, for he knew that the people were going to kill him. Then Jesus told the apos- JESUS WITH THE APOSTLES, AT THE TABLE. 300 FIKST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. ties that he was going up to heaven to make a place ready for them there, but afterward, he said, he would come back to take them up to heaven too. Jesus meant that he would come back and take them at the Judgment- Day. And after they had eaten the feast, Jesus and his apostles sang a hymn together. Then they went out of the house, and came to a place where there was a garden. And when they came into the garden, Jesus went a little way off by himself, and he kneeled down on the ground and prayed. When he came back to the apostles, he found they were asleep. Then he told them they ought not to sleep. They should pray to God, he said, that God would keep them from doing wrong. What was the name of the feast that the people used to have in that country ? How often did they have this feast? Were Jesus and his apostles going to have this feast together? What did the apostles come and ask Jesus? JESIS VRAYS IN THE GARDKS. 302 FIRST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. W'Iki did Jesus say they would nice! in the street '.' Where would the man go? Were the apostles to follow him into the house? What were they to ask the man who lived in the house to show them ? Did the apostles do as Jesus said ? Where did the man show them a room? Who came in the evening with the apostles to the table? Did he say thai this would be the last time he would ever eal the feast with them '.' \\ hat did Jesus know the people were going to do to him ? Wlnic did he -ay he u.i- U"in^ to make a place ready lor the apostles ? When was hi' coming bad? to this world to take the apostles Up to heaven tOO ? After i hey hud eaten the feast, where did Jesus and the apostles go ? What did Jesus do in the garden '.' / L ■ FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 303 87. Judas, the wicked apostle, did not go into the garden with Jesus, but he was watch- ing; to see where lie went. And when Judas saw that Jesus had gone into the garden, lie thought it would he a good lime lor him to go and tell the men who wauled lo kill Jesus. So Judas went to those men, and told (hem where Jesus had gone. And the men gave Judas the thirty pieces of silver they had promised him. Then they sent some wicked men with Ju- das to take Jesus. These men carried clubs and swords to light with. They carried lan- terns, loo, so that they could see in the dark, because now it was night. And Judas went witli the men to show them the way lo the garden. While they were going, he told them how they should know which one was Jesus. .In- dus said that as soon as they came into the gar- den he would go up lo Jesus and kiss him, and then, he Said, the men should take Jesus and hold him f'asl. So Judas came with the men into ihe gar- den ; and he wen! up (o Jesus, and pretended JUDAS CALLS JESUS MASTER, AND KISSES HIM. 11 Its T STEPS 1'oii LITTLE FEET. 305 ho was glad to see him, and culled him Mas- ter, and kissed him. As soon as he had kissed him the men took hold of Jesus, and they fastened ropes, or chains, around him, so that he could not get away. Did Judas go with Jesus into the garden? When he found thai Jesus had gone there, who did lie go and tell? What did those men give Judas? Did they send some wicked men with Judas to take Jesus? What did these men cany with them? How did Judas say they should know which one was Jesus? After Judas had kissed Jesus, what did the men do to him? 2(1 306 FIKST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 88. When the apostles saw the men put- ting chains around Jesus, they were angry, and were going to fight with them. And one of the apostles, named Peter, took a sword that he had, and he struck one of the men with it, and cut oft' his ear. But Jesus told Peter to put away his sword. Then Jesus touched the man's ear, and made it well again. Jesus did not want the apostles to fight for him. He said that God would send down a great many angels from heaven to fight for him if he asked for them. But Jesus would not ask for them. He was willing to let the men take him, and he was willing that they should kill him. Why was Jesus willing to let the men kill him ? Because that was the way he was go- ing to be punished in our place for all the sins that we have clone. So the men took Jesus with them out of the garden. Then the apostles were afraid that the men would take them too, and they all made haste and went away, and left Jesus alone with the men. 308 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. How did the apostles feel when they saw the men putting chains on Jesus ? What did one of the apostles, named Peter, do ? What did Jesus do to the man's ear? Did he want the apostles to fight for him ? Whom did Jesus say God would send down from heaven to fight for him if he asked for them ? Was Jesus willing to let the men kill him? Why was Jesus willing to be killed ? When the apostles saw the men taking Jesus away, what were' they afraid of? And what did the apostles do? 89. There was in that land a man called the governor. He was the one who punished persons for doing wrong. And the men who wanted to kill Jesus brought him to the gov- ernor ; and they told the governor that Jesus had done wrong, and that he should be pun- ished. JESUS IS BROUGHT TO THE GOVERNOR. 310 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. Jesus had not done wrong, but these men said he had ; and they told the governor that Jesus was a wicked man, and that he ought to be killed. Then the governor was very cruel to Jesus ; he beat him with a whip, and after that he told some soldiers to take him away and kill him. And the soldiers got a cross that was made of wood ; and they laid Jesus on it, with his arms stretched out, and they drove great nails through his hands and his feet, and nailed him fast to the cross. JESUS IS NAILED TO Till. CROSS. 312 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. Then they set the cross up in the ground with Jesus nailed to it. And the soldiers stayed there and watched him, but they did not feel sorry for him, or try to help him ; but they left him hanging on the cross until he died. What was that man called who used to punish persons for doing wrong? AYhat did the men who wanted to kill Jesus tell the governor about him ? Was the governor very cruel to Jesus ? What did he do to him first? Then what did lie tell some soldiers to do to Jesus? What did the soldiers nail him to? Were they sorry for him, or did they try to help him ? Where did they leave him hanging till he died ? a HANGS ON THE CROSS TILL 1IF. HI I -. 314 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. 90. There was a rich man, named Jo- seph, who loved Jesus. And when Joseph saw that Jesus was dead, he went to the gov- ernor, and asked the governor to let him take Jesus down from the cross and burv him. a/ And the governor said he might do it. So Joseph came to the place where they had killed Jesus, and he pulled out the great nails that they had driven through his hands and his feet ; and he took Jesus down from the cross. 316 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. And Joseph wrapped up his dead body in some new, clean linen that he had bousrht. And a good man named Nicodemus came and helped Joseph, and they buried Jesus in a cave that was hollowed out of a rock. And they rolled a great stone to the door of the cave, to shut it up, and went away, and left Jesus there. And some women who loved Jesus came and saw where he was buried. Then the governor sent some soldiers to watch by the cave, and to keep the apostles of Jesus from going to it. IS BURIED l.N THE CAVE. 318 FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. But in the night, while it was dark and still, God sent an angel down from heaven. When the soldiers saw the angel, they were afraid, so that they trembled and fell down on the ground, and could not move, and were like dead men. And the angel came to the cave, and he rolled away the stone from the door. And Jesus came out of the cave alive. You remember how he had told his apos- tles, long before that time, that the people would kill him and bury him in the grave. But he would come to life again, he said, and would come out of the grave after the people had buried him. And now Jesus did come to life again and come out of the grave, as he told the apostles he would. What did a good man named Joseph ask the gov- ernor to let him do ? After Joseph had taken .Jesus down from the cross, what did lie wrap up his dead body in? Who came to help Joseph ? Where did they bury Jesus ? What did they roll to the door of the cave? Why did the governor send soldiers to watch there ? Whom did God send down in the nighi ? Z: o o o a o - - r < o20 FIKST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. How did the soldiers feel when they saw the angel ? Did the angel roll away the stone from the door ? Who came out of the cave alive ? Had Jesus told the apostles, before, that lie would come to life again, after the people had killed him? 91 . After he came out of the grave, Jesus went to the apostles. They were in a room together, and the door was shut. But Jesus came into the room. When the apostles saw him, they were afraid ; for they thought it could not be Jesus : they thought he was dead. But Jesus told them not to be afraid. Then he showed them his hands and his feet with the marks of the nails in them, so they might know that he had really come to life again. Then Jesus told the apostles that they must go and tell all the people how he had died on the cross for them. They were not only to tell the people who lived in that land, but JESDS IN I UK ROOM WITH TIIK APOSTLES. 21 :;-l> FIRST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. they were to go over the whole world, and to tell every person. And Jesus wanted you and me to be told about it, too, so that we might know how much he loved us, and so that we might love him, and be willing to do everything that he tells us to do. After he had come out of the grave, whom did Jesus go and talk with ? Where were the apostles ? Were the doors of the room shut? How did the apostles feel when they saw Jesus? Why were they afraid? What did Jesus show them, so they might know he had really come to life again? What did he tell the apostles they must go and tell all the people? Did he want you and me to be told about this too? Why did he want us to be told about it ? / •> FIRST STEPS FOE LITTLE FEET. 323 92. Aiti:i: Jesus had talked with the apostles, lie took them out of the city to a plaee by themselves. And while he was speaking to them there, he went up from them toward the sky. He went up higher and higher, until they saw him go into a cloud; and then they could not see him any more. Then two angels came and spoke to the apostles, and told them that Jesus had gone up to heaven. And Jesus is in heaven now ; but he looks down from there, and sees all the little children who love him and mind him. He hears them when they pray to him, and he helps them to be good. They never need be afraid, for he loves them and will take care of them. And when he comes down to this world again, at the Judgment-Day, he will call them all to him ; then he will take them up to heaven, and they will stay with him there always. After Jesus had talked with the apostles, where did he take them '.' While he was speaking to them, what happened? JESUS GOES UP TO HEAVEN. FIRST STEPS FOR LITTLE FEET. ;Wf> What did they see him go into? Could they see him any more after that? Who came then and spoke to the apostles? Where did the angels say that Jesus had gone? And where is he now ? Does he look down from heaven and see all the little children who love him and mind him? Why need they never be afraid ".' Where will he take them when he comes again at the Judgment-Day ? How long will they stay with Jesus in heaven ? INDEX. A NGELS, 28, 44-58. -^- Animals, 1(3. Animals, tame, 16. Animals, wild, 18. Anointing, 129. Apostles chosen, 120. Apostles quarrel, 201. Apostles sent out to preach, 320. Ass, 232. "DAD angels, 161. - Bad spirit, .Satan, 7:;. Baptize, 70. Bartimeus, 254. Bear, 16, 42, 47. Bee. 22. Bed, 105, 106. Bethany, 219,264. Bethlehem, 37, 56. Bethesda, 109. Bible, 114. Birds, Ciod feeds them, 138. Bird's nest, 10. Boats, 90. Bow and arrows, 30. Bread, Jesus asked to change stones into, 7::. Butterfly, 22. pAMELS, 64. ^ Camel's hair, 64. Cana, 77. Capernaum, 90, 105, 165. < louds, 9. Commandment, first and greatest, 279. Cow, 16. Cradle, 39. Cross, 234. Cross, we must take it up, 234. Cross, figure of, 253. DANIEL, 33. Den, 33. Duck, 14. 826 EAGLE, 12. Evil spirits, 161. FIRE (saved from, A storv), 46. Firefly, 23. Fishes, 20. Flowers, 9. Forgiveness enjoined, 208. G1ARMENT, new, at the wedding- r feast, 276. Geese, 14. Girl who conies in at the striking of the clock I A story), 236. Governor, 308. Gun, 48. HAGAR, 28. Herod kills John, 80. Hive, 22, 23. Honey, 22-26. Honeysuckle, 11. Holy Spirit, 71. Horse, 16. Houses (Eastern''., 105. Humming-bird, 12. TNN, 37. -*• Insects, 22. Ishmael, 28. JAPANESE, 24, 25. " James would call down fire from heaven, 213. Jerusalem, 109. John the Baptist, 64, 82. Jordan, 70, 254. Joseph, Mary's husband, 37, 60. Joseph, who buries Jesus, 314, 316. Judgment-Day, 113, 289,292. Judas, 294, 303 Jesus Christ is born, 39. is brought to Nazareth, 60. i.s baptized, 70. is tempted, 73. INDEX. 327 Jesus Christ turns water into wine, 77. cure- the nobleman' ion, 86 is cast oul at Nazareth, B8. preaches Iroin boat, 92. causes the miraculous draught of fishes, 94. cure- Peter's wife's mother, 'j7. v cures the leper, 102. cures the palsy, 106. cuius t lie man ut Pool of Bethes- da, in. cures the man with withered hand, 116. chouses the twelve apostles, 120. cures the centurion's servant, 124. raises the widow's sun, 126. is anointed by a woman, 129. cures the blind and dumb man, 133 has no home, 156. Bleeps in the boat, 158. stills the storm. 158. casts out evil spirits, 161, 188, 198. i- touched by the woman in the crowd, 165. raises the ruler's daughter, 168. heals the blind, 170, 190, 224, 254. heals a dumb man IT:;, sends out his apostles to teach, 171. feeds the multitude, 177. prays on the mountain, 182. walks on the water-, 1 34. heals the sick in the streets, 186. is transfigured, 192. predicts his death, 196, 253. goes to Bethany, 219. raises Lazarus, 229. heal- the woman i lowed down,233. blesses little children, 251. Bends lor the aSS and the eolt, 260. enters Jerusalem, 2 12. heals the lame and the blind in the temple, 264, curses the tij: t ice, 266. eats the passOver with his disci- ple-, 296. prays in the garden, 300. i- betrayed by Judas, 303. is crucified, 310. is buried, 316. rises from the dead, HIS. talks with the apostles, 320. ascends to heaven, 323. T \Z VRUS, brother Of Martha, '.'"J. J J Lazarus, beggar, 243. Leprosy, 102. I, ion, 18. I.,i. Il-t, I',!'.. Lord's Prayer, 222. MARY, the Virgin, 37. Mary, sister of Martha, 219. Martha, 219. Manger, 39. Miracles, 7s, 86,94, 180. Moon, (J. >J"AIN, 126. - L> Nazareth, 60. Net. 92, 152. Night, 6. OINTMENT, 129. Ox, 232. T/MN<;, 33, 56. PALSY, 105. Peter, 92. Peter walks on the water, 1S4. Peter takes money from the fish's mouth, '.'04. Peter cuts off the man's ear, 306. Pharisees pray in streets, 1'S-J. Pit, lie. Pitcher, 'J9S. Presents of wise men, 51. Parable of the rich fool, 135. of the sower, Pill. of the mustard-seed, 143. of the leaven, 111',. of the pearl, 1 is. of the fishermen with their net, 152. of the unforgiving servant, 209. of the • rood Samaritan, 215. of the prodigal son, 239. of Dives and Lazarus, 243. of the Pharisee and publican, 248. of the vineyard, 2G8. of the wedding-feast, 274. of the ten virgins, 'Js7. R.\ I N", 9. Robin, 11. Roman soldier, 124 Roof, 10G. SALOME, 82. Satan, 73. Satan tempts .Iomis, 71. Saviour, II. 16, Is. 181. 328 INDEX. Sick boy fstorv), 235. Siloam, 224. Shark, 20. Sheep, 16, 42. Sheep-gate, 109. Ship, 2(5. Snow, 9. Stable, 37. Stars, 6, 52. Star of Bethlehem, 52. Sun, 6. rpEMPLE, 73. WALLS, 109. vv Water-jars, 78. Wheat, 140. Widow's mite, 284. Wild bee, 266. Wilderness, 28, 71, 120. Winter, 9. Wise men, 52. Wolves, 16, 42. Wool, 17. VACCHEUS, 257. THE END. t * A' Electrotyped by Westcott & Thomson, Philadelphia. # UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ucro EDURI ^ #w& > iir 10 MM -ttflQ^ & t_3 o -r>. 0JI1Y 3 1158 012 ICEI 2 2742 .vkIOS-ANCEI UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 619 692 7 l\rf %MI1VJ'; ^OFCAIIFC ^t/Advaall >, ..j * • .1 ,. ' w ^ ec ,-\WE-UNIVER5//2 ^clOS o