GIFT or JANE K.SATHER One Hundred and Fifty Copies Printed for Private Distribution. CM. THE REGISTERS OF THE PARISH OF MONKS' SOHAM, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. THE REGISTERS OF THE PARISH OF MONKS' SOHAM, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. TRANSCRIBED & EDITED BY CLAUDE MORLEY. F.E.S.. F.Z.S. PRIVATELY PRINTED. 1920. A. •s , • •■_; « • •« • PREFACE. CENTIMENT is a most exacting jade : she took me by the hand and drew me to the Churchyard, where all was bright with sun and still, without a breeze. She pointed to the head-stones, nearly sunken, by moles and ants, disintegrating rain and wintry storm, below the sods. Their inscriptions* were half-blurred : she bade me copy down the words, ere they should be all lost. Upon a balmy May day in 1912, I recorded them. But who were these departed people, one or two of a family here and there ; what did they here, and why are not their little ones and forbears laid with them ! The Registers would tell the tale ! She bade me copy down their words as well. Again, disconnected individuals looked up at me from out the page ; but many more than had spoken in the Graveyard. Material thickened : the older people knew their simple histories * right well ' ; and so they gradually got jotted down, from time to time. Pleasant gossips with the village dames and their husbands gave way to deeper sources for research, too dry to mention here. Beyond Monks' Soham I have not ventured : let other parishes each do its share in the great work of preserving their Monumental Inscriptions and Registers and the storied past will then stand forth, a homogeneous whole — a fitting memorial of those who died that we might live. CLAUDE MORLEY. Monks' Soham, Suffolk, The First Anniversary of Armistice Day (November nth), igig. * Will be separately published with Notes and Pedigrees. 478089 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. The first mandate for keeping registers of baptisms, marriages and burials in each parish of England was issued in 1538, by Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, as Vicar-General ; only some eight hundred of these very early registers are said to be still extant. The mandate was repeated in more vigorous terms upon the accession of Queen Elizabeth in 1558, but even then was so irregularly observed that in 1597 it was ordained that parchment register-books should be pur- chased at the expense of each parish ; and at that date, too, " it was required that the *Churchwardens of every parish should, within a month after Easter in every year, transmit to the diocesan registry a transcript of the register of baptisms, marriages, and burials for the preceding year," to be preserved in the episcopal archives; nor was this regularly done, for the earliest transcripts at Lincoln are in 1587, and at Gloucester 1571, but few dioceses have any earlier than 1660. This is accounted for by the Civil War, well expressed in a Leicester- shire entry: "A.D. 1641. Know all men, that the reason why little or nothing is registered from the year 1641 until the year 1649, was the civil wars between King Charles and his Parliament, which put all into a confusion till then, and neither minister nor people could quietly stay at home for one party or the other" ; as we very plainly see, in an aggravated form, in our own Rector, the Revd. Thomas Rogerson. Official enquiries were made of all the Parochial clergy early in Victoria's reign, as to the exact date, condition and number of the parish registers in their custody, and abstracts of their replies were piiblished in a Blue Book, "The Parish Register Abstract of 1830," in 1833 ; but it is not generally known that part of the returns, which I have examined, are themselves preserved in the British Museum (Add. MSS. 9355 et seqq.). Not many of the original letters of the 1831 returns are preserved in the British Museum. The volume containing them is lettered * A List of the Churchwardens of Monks' Soham 1553 — 1919 is given at the end of this chapter. CM. 2 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. "Parish Registers Extant i83i./Nottingh. Suffolk/4.B./Brit. Mus. Additional 9358. B. /Press 185.H.". The Parishes are arranged in alphabetical order under each Hundred. Our official entry is: — "16. Monk-Soham R. (J. H. Groome Rector) No i Register Book of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials (in Parchment) commencing in the year 17 12, ending 1786. No. 2 Register Book of Baptisms and Burials (half bound) commencing in the year 1786 ending 1790. No 3. Register of Baptisms and Burials (in Parchment) commencing in the year 1790, ending in the year 181 2. No 4 Register of Marriages (Parchment) commencing 1754, ending 1786. No 5. Register oi Marriages (In Calf) commencing 1786, ending 1790. No 6. One Re- gister of Marriages In Calf, commencing 1790, ending 181 2." — Just as at present. The Registers now at Monks' Soham are complete from 17 12 only. What became of any earlier, if such existed, cannot now be traced ; the most likely event is that the erratic Cave Beck, who was also rector of St. Helen's, in Ipswich, kept them in his house, and when he died they passed with the rest oi his effects as private property to his wife as legatee, especially as the present Rector of St. Helen's informs me that the Registers of that church also begin in 1712. Indeed, the Revd. William Ray's somewhat elaborate heading at that date indi- cates that he himself had no knowledge of earlier ones. Throughout discursive notes are extremely rare and aid little in local history, tell- ing rather (as they should) of a good heart than a perpetuating mind. Mr. V. B. RedstcHie in his excellent paper (mi the "Records of the Sudbury Archdeaconry" (Suff. Arch. Soc. 1902 pp. 252-266) gives a "Calendar of Register Returns, 1580-1640," in which is: — " Soham, Monks', (Parish Register stated to commence — in the Re- turn of Parish Registers (Population Abstract), 1831-1559*), 1563 (the earliest date for any parish in this Archdeaconry), 1567, 1569- 1572, 1575-1577, 1580, 1581, 1583, 1584, 1586, 1587, 1591, 1594- 1596* 1599^ 1600-1603, 1606, 1609, 1612, 1613, 1615, 1616, 1619-22. 1624, 1625, 1629-1631, 1635-1638, 1640; and (p. 253). The remain- ing bundles 1650-1813 are only labelled according to years, as the * The Diocesan Registrar (Leonard G. Bolingbroke, in lit. 30th March, 1914) informs me that ' ' the earliest year for which any copies of registers are deposited here Norwich is 1699 but they were usually only sent here for the Visitation years, the remaining six years going to the Archdeacon's Registry." The Suffolk archdeaconry Registrar (Chas. R. Steward in lit.) adds to this, " I regret the copy registers here do not begin earlier than 17 12." THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 3 parishes of the Archdeaconry are for the most part represented in each bundle." To a copy of this list in the Diocesan Registry at Bury are added in pencil, as being also extant, the dates 1627 and 161 7. *Davy and Jermyn also state our Register to begin in 1559, but they further refer to the years 1565, 1566 and 1639. I asked Mr. Redstone if he could account for this apparent disparity, and he replied (in lit. i6th Mar. 1915) : "The register references are to me a mystery." This was, however, instantly explained when I came to examine the bundles at Bury in June, 191 7 : the whole belonged solely to Soham in Cambs. ! The same date of initiation is accidental. No part of our Registers has hitherto been published; "Suffolk Parish Registers: Marriages," by Phillimore and Blagg, 1910, and F. A. Crisp's publication of at least eight Suffolk parishes, do not touch it. For regulations, cf. the 70th canon of 1603, the mass of litera- ture on the subject is well known, THE REGISTERS OF ST. PETER'S CHURCH, MONKS' SOHAM CONSIST OF THIRTEEN VOLUMES, THUS :— VOL. I. — A MS. parchment vol. in vellum (ii| x 6f in.), containing: Baptisms: 31 August 171 2 — 14 April 1786. Marriages: 28 July 1713 — 12 October 1752. Burials: 19 August 17 13 — 23 April 1786. VOL. II.— An Official "Register-Book for Births" and "Burials" (pub. 1783), containing: Baptisms: 14 April 1786 — 24 December 1790. * Burials: 23 April 1786 — 5 December 1790. * From Davj' MS. p. 201 : "Extracts from the Parish Registers, which begin 1559:- William Kilderby was Buried 26 March, 1565. Christopher Mawson, Vicar of Lodington in Lincolnshire, burd. 16 Jan. 1566. Robert Kilderby sun of Robt. christened 26 Aug. 1570. Kenbaarow Kilderby da. of Robt. & Ales, babt. 19 Oct. 1572. John Casson, Paison of Bedfield & Marie Bowman Wo. niard. 18 May 1635. Sarah Penning da. of Thos. & Marie bapt. 15 May 1639. Sarah Penning, da. of Thos. & Marie huried 17 May 1639. Mary Penning, wife of Thos. burd. 13 June 1639. Elizabeth Penning, da. of Thos. & Mary, burd. 7 May, 1640. Also Stebbing da. of Philip & Alse babt. 11 Mar. 1650. (This is the total of entries given both by him and Jermyn.") * THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. VOL. III. — A MS. parchment vol. in vellum (i2f x 8 in.), containing: Baptisms: 23 January 1791 — 22 November 1812. Burials: 27 January 1791 — 13 December 181 2. VOL. IV.— An Official "Register of Baptisms" (pub. 1813), con- taining : Baptisms: 19 February 181 3 — 22 April 1877. VOL. v.— An Official "Register of Baptisms" (pub. 1876), in vellum with clasps, containing: Baptisms: 22 April 1877 et seqq. VOL. VI. — An Official "Register of Burials" (pub. 1813), containing: Burials: 10 March 1813 et seqq. VOL. VII. — A MS. paper vol. in vellum (15 J x 9J in.), containing: Marriages: 25 November 1754 — 2 January 1786. VOL. VIII.— An Official whole-leather "Register-Book for Banns" and "Marriages," containing: *Banns : 24 September 1786 — i November 1789. Marriages: 13 October 1786 — 17 November 1789. VOL. IX. — ^An Official whole-leather " Register-Book for Marriages" (1763), containing: Marriages: 18 May 1790 — 10 August 181 2. VOL. X. — An Official Register of Marriages in vellum, containing : Marriages: 16 September 1813 — i June 1837. VOLS. XL et XII. — Duplicate Vols, oblong in green cloth, " Register of Marriages" (1837). Marriages: 20 October 1837 et seqq. VOL. XIII.— An Official "Register of Banns of Marriages" (1823), in ^ vellum, containing: Banns: 23 November 1823 et seqq. * There is no record of Banns between 1789 and 1823. CM. THE CHURCHWARDENS OF MONKS' SOHAM (Compiled from the Towne Booke). b2. 63-4- 65. 66. 68. 69. 73. 76. 77- 81. 82. 84. 85. 86. KING EDWARD VI. 1553. William Lyng & Robert Wythe. QUEEN MARY. 1557. William Wythe & Robert Denny. 58. Robert Akfrych & Robert Denny. QUEEN ELIZABETH. 1559. Robert Wyth. John Mayhew & James Rackham. John Mayhew& James Rackham. Peter Alldryche& Robert Grynible Robert Grymble. Peter Aldryche & Robert Aldryche Robert Grymbell & Peter Alldryche. Peter Aldryche & Robert Grymble. Robert Aldryche. John Shorte & John Aidriche. Ditto & Reygnold Morgan als Carter. Reignold Morgan als Carter. Robert Wheymond & John Nicholl. Jhon Nicholl & Robert Wheymond. Reinold Morgan & Jhon Mayhew. Jhon Mayhew & Reinold Morgan. 87, Reignold Morgon & Jhon Mayhew thelder. 88. Wyllm Wythe & Peter Tyler als Merchant. 89-92. Edward Morgon als Carter & Jhon Mayhew the yonger. 93. Jhon Wythe Jhon Aldrich. 94. Richard Reydon. 95-6. James A ldnch& Laurens Calver. 97/8. John Wythe & John Aidriche. 99. PJames Aidriche & John Mayhewe thelder. 1600-02. Robert Wheymonde & Robert Downinge. 03. James Aldwiche & Edward Morgane . KING JAMES i. 1604. James Aldwiche & Edward Margane. 05-6. Robert Wheymonde thelder & John Aldrich thelder. 08. James Aldrich thelder & Edward Morgan. 09-10. Robert Wheymond & James Mayhewe. Robert Wheymonde. John Cullum. John Mayhew. James Aldrich senr & James Mayhewe. Thomas Fenne & James Aldrich junr. 17-18. James Mayhew & George Lorde. 19. John Mayhew & James Mayhew. 20. John Aldrich sen. & James Aldrich sen. & II. 12. 13- 15. 16. Henery Tylor alls Marchant James Aldrich. James Aldrich and Ilenery Tylor. ffrancis Aldrich & James Aldrich. Thomas Baldric & flVancis Aldrich. George Lorde and Thomas ffenne. 1621. 22. 23- 24. 25- KING CHARLE.S i. 1626. Thomas ffenne & George Lorde. 27. James Mayhewe & Thomas Baldrie. 28. Robarte Whayment & Henry Lanchester. 29. Henery Lanchester & Robarte Whaymon. 30. Henery Lanchester & ffrancis Aldrich. 31. ffrancis Aldrich & Henery Lanchester. 32. Daniell Whaymon & John Aldrich. 33. Hugh Verdon & Daniell Wliaymon 34-5. Dan. Whaymon & ffrancis Aldrich. 36. John Aldrich & Thomas Adam. 37. John Aldrich & Thomas Adams. 38. James Maihewe & Thomas Addm. 39. Daniell Whaymand. 40. John Haill & Daniell Whayman. 41. John Hayle. 42 . James M ayhewe & Lenard Ha wes. 43. Daniell Whayman & James Mayhewe. 44-5. James Mayhewe & Daniell Whaymon. William Seaman. Robert Bacon & William Seaman. William Seaman & Robert Bacon. Edmund Welles & Josias Denny. William Seaman & Edmund Well. Sam Chiluer & Edmund Welles. William Church & Sam Bacon. 53- 54- 55- 56. 57. 58. 59- KING CHARLES ii. 1660. Robert Rowse & Humfry Drane. 61. Robert Rowse & Daniell Whamand. 62. John Aldrich & Robert Hawes. 63-4. Samuell Bacon. 65-6. ?Dan Whaymand & Robert Hawes. 67. William Seaman & Edward .Satisfat. 68. Lionell Blaxell & Thomas Gosling. 69. Thomas Crane. 70. John Denny & Daniell Whaymand 71. Dan. Whaymand & John Aldrich senr. 72. Robert Hawes & John Aldrich senr. 73. Robert Hawes & William Baron. 74. John Midleton & James Aldrich. 75. Robert Baldry & Daniell Whaymand. 76. Daniell Whaymand & Robert Baldry. 77. Thomas Colbye. THE CHURCHWARDENS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 1682. Richard Baldry & John Aldrich senr. 83. Caleb Leggate & Joseph Bridges. 84. John Midleton& Richard Osborne KING JAMES Ji. 1685. ? William Seaman & Edward Tyler. 87. ? William Seaman & Joseph Bridges. KING WILLIAM iii. 1689. Lionel! Blaxell. 90. George Lord & PWilliam Seaman. 91. John Leggate & John Mallows. 92. William Garlatt & John Aldrich senr. 93. John Midleton & ?John Whaymand. 94. John Mallowes &, James Barker. 95. William Whaymons & William Lord. 96. James Barker & John Whaymand. 97. John Eliot & Robert Tyler. 98. Caleb Leggate & John Downing. 99. Joseph Pyet 6i John Taylor. 1 700. George Garnham & Thomas Peake 01. John Edwards & John Sadd. QUEEN ANNE. 1 702 . William ffransum . 12. John Taylor & William Turner. KING GEORGE ii. 1729. Thomas Aldrich. 34. Laurence Spinny & Thomas Martin. 37. Laurence Spinny & Thomas Martin. 39-42. Thomas Aldrich. 43-48. PLaurence Spinny & Thomas Martin. 49. Laurence Spinny. 50. Thomas Aldrich & Laurence Spinny. 51. Laurence Spinny. 57. Philip Aldrich. 59. William Pollard. KING GEORGE iii. 1 76 1, Laurence Spinny. 63. William Pollard & Jeremiah Smith. 65. Jeremiah Smith & William Pollard. 66. WiUiam Pollard & Philip Wade. 67. Thomas Ringe & Robert Marsh. 68. Robert Marsh & Ralph Ward. 69. Ralph Ward & Robert Marsh 70. (WiUiam?) Pollard. 71. John Kerry & William Pollard. 72. PJohn Kerry & William Pollard. 73. William Pollard & Jeremiah Smith. 74. William Pollard. 75. John Lanham & Jacob Brunning, 76. John Lanham 6c William Pollard. 77. Thomas French & William PoUard. 1778-9 80. 81. 82. 83- 84. 85- 86. 87. 1808. 13- William Pollard. William Pollard & John Ling. John Ling & PWilliam Pollard. John Ling & Samuel Darby. Samuel Darby 81 John Ling. John Ling & PSamuel Darby. Samuel Darby & John Ling. William Pollard & John Darby. PPhilip Wade. P Richard Haward & William Meadows. Thomas Colby & James Botright. KING WILLIAM iv. 1834. William Aldous. 35. William Haward & William Gooderham. 36. George Edwards and William Gooderham. 37. William Gooderham & George Edwards. QUEEN VICTORIA. 1838-9. William Gootlerham. 40-3. William Gooderham & George Edwards. 44-7. George Edwards. 48. William Creasy. 49-50. John Hammond & William Creasy. 51. William Creasy. 52-3. James Hammond & William Creasy. 54. John William Gameys & James Hammond. 55. John Edgar Hammond & John William Garneys. 56-7'. John William Garneys & John Hammond. 58-78. John Edgar Hammond & James Seaman Edwards. 79-88. John Edgar Hammond & Arthur Wright. 89. John Edgar Hammond & James Seaman Edwards. 90-2. George Seaman Edwards & Frank John Sadd. 93. Frank Saddf & John Russell Edwards. 94. John Russell Edwards & Frank John Sadd. 1895-1900. Charles Ling & John Russell Edwards. KING EDWARD vii. 1901-2. Charies Ling. 03-5. Charles Ling & John Walpole Hammond. 06. John Walpole Hammond & Claude Morley. 07- 1 1 . Samuel Jarrold King & John Walpole Hammond. KING GEORGE v. 1912. et seqq John Walpole Hammond & Claude Morley. THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. THE BURIAL REGISTER OF THE PARISH OF MONKS' SOHAM. Vol. I. : 1712— 1786. " The Register Book of Christenings Burials and Marriages in the Parish of Monk Soham in the County of Suffolke and Diocese of Nor- wich since the Eleventh Year of the Reign of our Soverain Lady Anne by the Grace of God Queen of Great Britain France and Ireland Defender of the Faith &c " 1712. None. 1713- Frances Aldrich Widow was Buried August 19 17 13 (signed) Guiliel- mus Ray Rector. Elizabeth Raffe Widow was Buried Janry 19, 17 13. 1714. James the Son of Robert Barker and Mary his Wife was Buried April 18, 1714. Elizabeth the Wife of Samuel Benham was Buried July 14 1714. Mary the Daughter of William Lord and Lydia his Wife was Buried August 28, 1 7 14. John the Son of Samuel Smith and Susan his Wife was Buried January 5th 1714/5- John Tayler was Buried March 3rd 1714/5.* 1715- None. 1716. Elizabeth the Daughter of Samuel Benham and Helena his Wife was Buried June 12. Robert Ife was Buried August 16, 1716. Vartue Plant Widow was Buried November 2nd 17 16. * Tliis is doubtless the ' ' John Taylor ' ' against whom the parson Cave Beck brought a suit in the Eccl. Court and with whom other inhabitants combined on 29th April, 1696. 8 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. John the Son of Thomas Mallows and Margaret his Wife was Buried December 4, 17 16. Henry Brown was buried December 11 17 16. Margaret the bastard child of Charles Starling of Brandeston and Margaret Cutting of the same was buried January 30, 17 16. Grace and Rose, wife and child of Edward Spolding Buried at Bed- field, Feb. 28 1 7 16. 1717. Martha the Daugher of Samuel Plant and Alice his wife was Buried April 25, 1717. Samuel Benham was Buried July 4, 17 17. John the Son of Thomas Bradley and Mary his Wife was Buried January 26, 17 17. Sarah the Daughter of John Godbolt and Susan his wife was Buried Feb. 26, 1717. 1718. Elizabeth Aldrich widow was Buried March 25, 1718. Mary the Wife of Jcseph Pyat was Buried October 6, 17 18. Mary the Daughter of Samuel Plant and Alice his Wife was Buried October 14, 1718. 1719. Robert Girling was Buried October 2nd, 17 19. William the Son of William Last and Anne his wife was Buried Octo- ber 15, 1719. William the Son of Richard Garlatt and Martha his Wife was Buried October 18. Mary the Wife of John Legate was Buried November 19, 17 19. 1720. Rebecca the Daughter of Richard Garlatt and Martha his wife was Buried May 4. William Girling was buried August i, 1720. Anne Girling was buried Sept. 9, 1720. Rose Smith widow was buried Sept. 15, 1720. Mary the wife of John Mallows was Buried October 19, 1720. Sarah the wife of Woolfran Button was buried December 16, 1720. 1721. George Mayhew was buried Oct. 6, 1821. William the son of Richard Garlatt and Martha his wife was buried Octob. 24. John the Son of John Homes and Martha his wife was Buried January 15, 1721. THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 9 Margaret the daughter of Thomas Walters and Ruth his wife was Buried March 3rd. 1722. Susan Denant was Buried April 28, 1722. Mrs. Minstrell vidow was buried October 26, 1722. John the son of Thomas Aldrich of Ashfield and Lydia his Wife was Buried Oct. 31. Anna Beaumont was Buried December 2d, 1722. 1723. Robert Worlidge senr was Buried March 28, 1723. Thomas the son of John Homes and Martha his Wife was Buried April 2, 1723- Deborah Thring widow was buried June 18, 1723. Martha Sanders Widow was buried August 20, 1723. Lydia the daughter of Thomas and Lydia Aldrich was buried August 27, 1723. Sarah Daughter of Thomas and Susanna Brook was Buried October 4, 1723- Thomas Walters was buried Oct. 20, 1723. 1724. The widow Stock was Buried April i, 1724. Timothy son of Thomas Brook and Susanna his wife was Buried Oct. 7, 1724. Elizabeth the Daughter of Edward Spalding and Elizabeth his wife Jan. 13, 1724. John the Son of Thomas Pulford and Mary his Wife was Buried Febr. 2d, 1724. 1725- Mrs. Frances Kersey Widow was Buried April the seventh 1725. Richard the Son of Richard Garlatt (of Bedfield) and Martha his Wife May 3d, Anne Daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Cook was Buried July 17 1725- John Legate was Buried Sept. 17, 1725. Anne the Daughter of Thomas and Mary Pulford was Buried October 21, 1725. Susanna Daughter of Thomas Brook and Susanna his Wife buried February 9, 1725. 1726. Thomas Ferrar was Buried May 13, 1726. William the Son of John Barker and Martha his Wife was Buried June 22d, 1726. 10 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. Martha the daughter of Richard and Martha Garlatt (of Bedfield) August 1 8, 1726. 1727. William Ramplin was buried August 10, 1727. Martha the Daughter of Richard and Martha Garlatt (of Bedfield) was buried in Woolen Aug. 20, 1727. William Lord was Buried Sept. 8, 1727. 1728. Mary the Wife of Jefferey Marriot was buried Sept. 15, 1728. Mary the Daughter of Richard Garlatt (of Bedfield) and Martha his wife Sept. 19. Frances the Daughter of John Nicholis and Anne his wife was buried Sept. 20, 1728. John Mallows was Buried Sept, 22, 1728. James Barker was buried Oct. 24, 1728. Jinett the Wife of John Gygfer was Buried February 8, 1728. (Possibly Guyfer— CM.) 1729. Mary the Daughter of Samuel Ingham (of Kelshal) and Mary his wife April 27, 1729. Lydia King Widow was Buried June 26, 1729. Martha the Wife of Richard Garlatt (of Bedfield) was Buried Decem- ber 20, 1729. Sarah the Wife of Thomas Youngman was buried February 11, 1729. William the Son of John Barker and Martha his wife was Buried March 14, 1729. John the Son of John and Sarah Curtis was buried March 16, 1729-30. 1730- Elizabeth the wife of Thomas Youngman was buried July 2, 1730. Robert Woods was buried Sept. 17, 1730. Anne Barker widow was buried February 8, 1730. 1731- Bridget the wife of Laurence Spinny was buried April 17, 1731. Charity "an infant found in a barn" was buried May 5, 1731. Anne Bradshaw widow was buried October 5, 1731. Lydia Lord widow was buried Oct. 12, 1731. William the son of John Barker and Martha his wife was buried De- cember 15, 1 73 1. 1732. George Chapman was Buried Sept. 26, 1732. Maria daughter (A Robert and Rebecca Pissey was Buried October 4, 1732. THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 11 Jinett daughter of John and Mary Guyfer Buried November 5th 1732. Jeffery Marriott was Buried Januar, 18, 1732. Alice the wife of Samuel Plant was Buried February 25, 1732. 1733- Elizabeth daughter of Robert and Mary Hall was buried March 38, 1733- Thomas Bentham, Gentleman, was buried Nov. 25, 1733. Mary daughter of James and Mary Elliot was buried January 19, 1733. 1734- Sarah Jessop, widow was Buried April i, 1734. Elizabeth Guyfer, of Kenton, was buried May 12, 1734. Ann the Wife of George Lord was buried July 17, 1734. John Son of John and Elizabeth Mayhew was Buried on All Saints Day 1734. 1735- Elizabeth Daughter of Elizabeth and Benjamin Page was buried Octo- ber the 14. Mary Daughter of John and Mary Cook was Buried January 27, 1735. Abigail Mays Widow was Buried Febr. 16, 1735. • 1736. Elizabeth Jolly Widow was Buried Aug. 29, 1736. 1737. Deborah Thring was Buried September 5, 1737. John Son of George and Sarah Osborn was Buried March 23, 1737. 1738. Sarah (the Base Child) of Mary Marriott was Buried June 29, 1738. The Widow Girling was Buried March 4 1738. 1739- Elizabeth Wife of Thomas Cheney was buried April 6, 1739. Margaret wife of Thomas Mallows was buried May 14, 1739. Elizabeth Wife of Thomas Cook was Buried June 13, 1739. Francis Pulford was Buried June 23, 1739. Mary Daughter of Robert and Ann Elliot was buried June 30, 1739. Elizabeth Spalding Widow was Buried November the 6th 1739. Mary W^ife of Thomas Martin was buried Febr, 10, 1739. 1740. Catherine Daughter of John and Elizabeth Shoulding was buried April 20, 1740. Samuel the Son of John and Mary Elwes was buried June 10, 1740. 12 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. John Son of Samuel and Mary Plant was buried June i8, 1740. George the Bastard Child erf Elizabeth Vincent being drowned was Buried Jun. 29. William Son of Robert and Maria Meadows being drown'd was buried July 6, 1740. Samuel Jessop was buried August i, 1740. 1741. Anne Daughter of Samuel and Mary Plant was Buried May 4, 1741. Mar>' the Wife of Robert Cutting was buried October 12, 1741. Ann the Wife of William Last was buried December 13, 1741. 1742. William Son of Robert and Lydia Roper (being drown'd) was Buried June 4, 1742. Temple the bastard Son of Sarah Marriot was buried June 13, 1742. Daniel Son of John and Martha Barker was buried December 16, 1742. Mary the Wife erf James Watling was buried March i, 1742/3. 1743- Susanna W'ells of Framlingham Widow, late erf this Parish was Buried April 22, 1743. That she was buried in Woollen * I was certi- fied by Mr. James Smith Curate of Framlingham The Wife erf John Watling of Worlingworth was buried August 27, 1743- Philip Aldrich was buried September 27, 1743. 1744. Anne Daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth Read was buried November 23» 1744- Old Thomas Cooke was buried November 26, 1744. Alice Whayman Widow was buried March i8, 1744/5. 1745- John Son erf John and Lydia Barker was Buried May 28, 1745. Daniel Son of John and Martha Barker was buried Sept. 15, 1745. Anne Daughter of Robert and Lydia Roper was Buried December 16, 1745" 1746. Sarah Mallows was Buried April 22, 1746. George Nichols was buried October 18, instant * The laws enforcing burial in sheeps' wool only were 18 Car. ii, cap. 4 ; 30 Car. ii, cap. 3 ; and 32 Car. ii, cap. i. The usual form was : — "Susan of and Sarah made oath before Philip of with their seales and names subscribed that Henry of was buried in woUen only, in presence of Jonn and Thomas " THE R EGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 13 1747- Thomas Youngman was buried April 29, 1747. James Son of Robert and Elizabeth Hall was Buried August 12, 1747. Mrs. Sarah Scott widow was buried Nov. 8, 1747. Richard Elliot was buried February 16, 1747/8. 1748. Henry Son of Robert and Lydia Roper was buried April 18, 1748. Lydia Daughter oi Mr. Thomas Aldrich and Lydia his Wife was Buried June 15, 1748. John Taylor was Buried June 18, 1748. John Lord was Buried July 24, 1748. T. No. 92. Thomas Martin was Buried August 27, 1748. T. No. 74. 1749. John Mayhew was buried May 28, 1749. Samuel Plant was buried Nov. 10, 1749. Elizabeth Daughter of Henry Edwards and Susan his Wife was buried December 24. Mar\' the Wife of Robert Grapnel was buried December 30th 1749. John Herring, a Child, was buried 9 January 1749. (NEW WRITING). William Turner, a Child, was buried 15 January 1749. February 11, 1749/50 John Son of Thomas and Anne Noble was buried (RAY'S LAST ENTRY— CM.) 1750- Mary, the Wife of William Ray Rector, was buried 11 May 1750. WILLIAM RAY, Rector of this Parish, was buried 25 May 1750. 1751- Sarah a base Child of Sarah Browning was buried April 5, 1751. Sarah Daughter of Sarah Good a Base Child was buried April 7, 1751. Mary, the Daughter of John Pemberton and Mary his Wife was buried December 3. John the Son of George Lord (of Melton and Xtian his Wife was buried Dec. 20. William Fish was buried — December 28, 1751. 1752. Richard Rumsby was buried — April 15, 1752. Lyonel and George Sons of George Lord of Melton and Xtian his Wife were buried — (No date of burial indicated ; nor of death on their tomb, q.v. — CM.) Martha, Daughter of Robert Elliot and Ann his Wife was buried May 24, 1752. U THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. Samuel Simonds Widower was buried — May 29, 1752. 1753- Ann Elliot of Worlingworth was buried — August i, 1753. Mary Hamlyn singlewoman was buried — Aug. 10, 1753. James the Son of Nathan Gosling and Bridget his Wife was buried Sept. 30, 1753. Susan Last singlewoman was buried — Oct. 24, 1753. John Sad (aged 86) was buried — Nov. 7, 1753. 1754- John Guyford (aged 78) was buried — Feb. 15, 1754. Benjamin Bickar was buried — Feb. 16, 1754. Ann, Daughter of Francis Scotsmere and Mary his Wife was buried — Feb. 27, 1754. Noel, the Son of Thomas Noble and Ann his Wife was buried Septem- ber 9, 1754. ' . 1755- Henry(?) Johnstc«i was Buried ye 24 day Sept i755- (NEW WRITING). John Aldrich aged 83 years was Buried ye 7 day oi Deem. 1755. Elizabeth ye Daughter of John Pemberton and Mary his Wife wa» buried 10 Deem. 1756. Robert Pimberton of Saxted was buried march 31 1756. (NEW WRITING). Bur. Eliz: Cutting aged 80. — June — 9 Bur: Robert Pizzy — Octr, 3. Bur: Mark (an Infant) Son to John and Mary Pemberton — Octr. 7th Bur: Susanna Aldridge Spint. aged 90. lor. 16. 1757 Bur Mary Pizzey an infant — ^jan 25 Bur. Alice wife of Edwd Abbot of Ashfield Feb: 19 Bur. Elizabeth Wife of John Podkin— Feb. 26 Bur. Mary wife to Robt Meadows of Benefield Mar. 2 Burd. Martha wife to Jno. Ellet aged 81. Aug. 30 1758- Buried John Elliot 12th April (NEW WRITING). Buried Robert Whitman an Infant 14th May Signed Robt. Moxon Rector Bur: Daniel Son of Nathanl & Martha Durrant i6th Septr. THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 15 1759- Mary Wife of Laurence Spinny was buried Feby. 19th. (NEW WRITING). Anne Wife of John Nichols was buried . . May 7th. Rebecca Daughter of Thomas Noble & Anne his Wife was buried Deer, 19th. 1760. Mary Wife of Edward Catchpole was buried July 20th. William Son of George Osborn & Susanna his Wife was buried August 17th. Martha Wife of John Barker the elder was buried Septr. 7th. Lydia Daughter of John Girling & Mary his Wife was buried Octr. 5th Susan Youngman Widow was buried Novr. 19th. John Son of William Pollard & Rose his Wife was buried Novr. 19th. 1761. Elisabeth Daughter of Frances Taylor was buried March 27th. (Bapt. 15 June, 1759) William Son of Elisabeth Last was buried May 4th. Sarah Daughter of Robert Roper & Sarah his Wife was buried June 2d. John Nichols aged 84 was buried Septr. 2ist. Mary Daughter oF John Nichols was buried Septr. 21st. Daniel Son of Samuel Collins & Lydia his Wife was buried Octr. 9th. Christian Daughter of George Lord of Campsey Ash and Christian his Wife Octr. 20. 1762. Sarah the Daughter of John Elwys of Ashfield and Mary his Wife Buried Feb. 21. Deborah the Wife of John Roper of Ashfield was Buried April 22. Philip Aldrich was buried August 15th. (NEW WRITING). 1763. Laurence Spinny was buried Feby: 12. 1763. Mary Whayman was buried April 27. Hannah wife of John Kerry was buried May 9th Mary Syred Infant was buried June 8th. Samuel Collins Infant was buried Augt. 2 2d. Samuel Collins was buried Sepr. the 8th. 1764. William Whayman was buried Feby: 22. Susan Osborne was buried April 19th. Thomas Aldrich was buried may 29. 16 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. Edwd. Catchpole was buried June 3 John Barker was buried July 30 Simon Collins Infant was buried October 14th 1765. Abel Herring (from Kenton) was buried Janry. 12th, 1765. (NEW WRITING, ist of Capper's). Esther Hunt (widow) was buried Februar}- 2d. John son of Thomas Hatcher & Dorothy his wife was buried March 27, 1765. Anne mfe of James Wythe was buried Apl. 7th, 1765. Mary wife of John Girling was buried Apl. 13th, 1765. Jane basebcm Daughter of Mary Roper was buried May loth, 1765. Francis Barker was buried June i6th, 1765. Samuel the son of Daniel Ling & Anne his wife was buried September 2d, 1765. Mary wife of Luke Lyon was buried September 24th, 1765. Wife of Rt. Pissey was buried. (Cf. 1756) Deer. ist. Deer. 1 6th. Joseph Buck was buried 1766. April 9th. Elizabeth Girling was buried. Augst. 4th Peter Hatcher an infant buried Sepr. 14th James Barker buried Sepr. 17th. James (?) Withe buried Deer. 24th. Rebecca D. of Thos. & [Rachel: cf. 1772] Ringe buried Deer. 30th. Mary Wife o( Robert Marsh buried 1767. April 3d. Rt. S. of Rt. & Mar}' Herring buried July 28th Elizabeth Vincent buried Octr. 2 2d Mary Moyse buried Novr. 1 8th. Peter Hatcher buried Novr. 30th Hannah Buck buried. 1768. June 5th Robt. Cutten Buried March 3th Mary Craeknell buried May 4th. Elizth Wife of Robt. Taylor buried June 2 2d. John s. of George & Sarah Osborne bur July 6th Jeremiah Pipe Infant buried August 1 8th Elizth. Pemberton buried THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 17 August 25th James s. of James & Elizth. Crane buried Novr. 26th. James s. of George & Mary Churchyard bur 1769. Jany. 6th. Elizth. Flurry Infant buried May 3rd. Samuel Taylor Infant buried May 17th Mary Berry Widow buried July 2ist. Lydia Aldridge Widow buried 1770. April 1 8th Mary Mallows Infant buried April 26th. Sarah Bucke buried 1771. May 26th. Cracknell buried June 5th Robert Syer buried June 9th Wm. s. of Wm. & Mar>' Pipe buried July 30th Susan Pipe buried Sepr. 14th Elizabeth Rattle bur Octr. 22d. Samuel Neasling bur: Octr. 2 2d. Anne D. of Thos. & Dorothy Hatcher bur: Novr. 8th. Sarah Osborne buried Novr. 15th. Mary D. of Robert and Mary Roper buried 1772. Jany. 2d. Rebecca Pizzey buried Feby. ist. Edward Abbott buried March 6th. Thos. S of Thomas & Dorothy Hatcher buried April 3d Hannah D of George & Mary Churchyard buried April 19th Martha D of Wm. & Mary Pipe buried April 26th. William Pipe buried April 26th Elizabeth Taylor Octr. 9th. Mary Bond buried Octr. 13th. Anne D of Thomas & Dorothy Hatcher buried Deer. 25th, Rachel Wife of Thomas Ringe bur: 1773- Feby. 7th. Elizabeth Wife of Robt. Cheney buried May 26th. Robert Pizzey buried May 29th Mary Clarke buried an infant 1774- Feby. i8th. Philip S. of Lydia Aldrich bur: April 1 2th George Lord bur: April 29th Elizth. Wiie of Frans Barker bur. 18 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. May 28th. Martha D of James & Elizth. Crane bur. Novr. 6th. Robt. S of Robt. & Mary Roper bur 1775- April 24th Anne Taylor bur. May loth. Mary Bond bur June 5th Lydia Roper bur Deer. 1 2th. Robert Herring bur 1776. Jany 26th. Thos. Mallows bur April 5th. Peter Hatcher bur April 9th Joseph Stevens. 1777. Jany 23d. Robert Bond buried May 2d. James Crane buried May 5th. Sarah Wife of Thomas French buried May 30th. Hannah D. of John & Elizth. Stevens buried 1778. March 7th : John and Mary Bond were buried May 2 2d. Sarah Plant buried July 29th. Thomas Noble buried. Augst, 28th. Martha Durrant buried Novr. I St. John Kerry buried 1779. May 3d. Dinah Lanham buried May 7th Elizabeth Fish buried June loth Frances Youngman buried July 13th Priscilla Taylor buried Augst 13th Benjamin Thomdick buried Octr. 1 8th. Mary Last buried 1780. Jany. 8th. Mary Bond bur Jany. 20th, Martha Bond bur Feby. 5th. Sarah D. of Robt & Elizabeth Plant bur April 2d. Samuel Marshall bur April loth. Jonathan Sawyer bur April 7th. Samuel Marshal bur (PApril 2d. duplicated— CM.) May 28th. Susanna wife of Youngman bur May 28th Anne D of Robert & Anne List bur Sepr. 28th John Pemberton bur THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 19 Octr, 4th. George Osborne Widower bur Octr. 20th Edward S of John & Elizabeth Stevens bur Novr. 1 2th. Mary Syer Widow bur 1781. March 28th. Thomas Cheney Widower bur April 1st. William S of William & Mary Pollard bur July 7th. John Kerry bur Sepr. 27th. Elizabeth Wife of John Hall bur. 1782. June 21st Robert Roper bur June 2 1 St. Robert Hall bur July 30th. Benjamin Cracknall bur Deer. 22d. William Pollard Jun Bur 1783- March 9th. Robert Rattle bur March 24th Susanna Legget bur Sept. 1st Robert Pemberton buried Octr. i8th. George Boulton buried 1784. Jany. nth. Luke Lyon buried Widower aged 80 March nth Elizabeth Bond Widow buried 70 March 28th. Mary Plant Widow Buried 70 April 25th. Francis Barker Widower bur aged 84 June 24 Hannah Wife of Thos Roper of Ashfield buried Aged 47 Sepr. 2d John Ling buried Aged 63 Sepr. 9th. William French of Eye buried aged 64 Sepr. loth. Lydia Thomdick Widow of Campsey Ash buried aged 38 Sepr. 19th. Anne Wife of William Durant buried aged 56 Sepr. 26th Thomas Roper of Ashfield Widower Aged 46 buried October 3d. Mary Monies Daughter of John & Deborah Moules (late Turner) buried. Deer. 29th Lydia Wife of John Barker Aged 73 buried 1785. May 1 8th Harriot Cordel aged 4 years buried May 23d Lydia Wife of Martin Harsant of Earl Soham buried Richard Hay ward aged one year buried May 29th July 25th Maria Darby aged 4 years buried Augst 6th. Samuel Darby aged 38 buried Augst 2 1 St. Phaebe Noble aged 4 years buried 20 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. Deer 23d Elizabeth wife of Jeffry Heam Buried aged 70 Jany ist Jeffry Heam Widower aged 60 bur Vol. II. : 1786 — 1790. 1786. Sarah Crane aged 20 was buried April 23d 1786 FRANS CAPPER Rector Rose Cook aged 49 was buried May 2.8 1786 William Clough an Infant was buried Sepr. 17th 1786 1787. John Girling aged 67 was buried Jany. 27th. 1787 Elizabeth wife of Iber Ellett aged 77 was buried July i8th 1787 Anne Leggett aged 15 was buried Sepr. 12 1787 1788. Hannah Berry aged 57 was buried Jany. nth 1788 Thomas Noble aged 70 of this Parish was buried May 2d 1788 Anne Foulger aged 78 was buried June 2 2d 1788 James Farrer aged 48 was buried Novr 29 1788 1789. John Last an Infant son of Robt & Elizth. Last was buried February 5th 1789 Elizabeth Vince aged 49 was buried June nth 1789 1790. Mary Wife of Daniel CoUings aged 28 was buried April nth 1790 Daniel Collings an Infant was buried Augst. 29th 1790 Christian Lord Widow aged 81 of the Parish of Campsey Ash was buried Octr. 13th Elizabeth Cracknall aged 61 was buried Deer. 5th 1790. Wife of Robt. Cracknall. Vol. III. : 1790 — l8l2. 1791. Robert Cracknall Widower aged 65 was buried Jany. 27th Anne Wife of John Elliott aged 56 was buried Feby 20th Dorothy Wife of Thomas Hatcher aged 56 was buried March 7th. James Nichols aged 5 years was buried March 14th. Son erf James & Anne Nichols Lushey Plant was buried May 30th. Aged 42 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 21 179a. Thomas I.anham was buried aged 48 Feby (Date omitted ; cf . his tomb- stone) Elizabeth Wife of Joshua Herring aged 79 Feby. 15th Lydia Moves Singlewoman Aged 52 March 27tK. Mary Wife of John Benham Aged 22 May 27th 1793- James & Dinah Rivers Infants March 17th. Susan Pollard aged 35 buried May 5th (Bapt 21 v 1757 — CM.). Henry Girling aged 38 buried Sepr. 2 2d. 1794. Charles Son of Charles Cracknell & Sarah his Wife buried Jany. 19th Aged 2 years Nathanael Durant Widower Aged 84 buried March 17th Benjamin Son of Charles & Sarah Cracknell Aged 5 years buried May 2d John Hearn Singleman aged 40 buried John Son of John & Catharine Roper buried Sepr 9th an Infant 1795- March 9th. James Pemberton aged 41 April 19th Lydia Collings Widow aged 60 July 31 St. Buried Mary the wife of Jacob Brunning aged 56 — Maiden name Davy Novr. 9th. Buried Benjamin Girling Infant — 1796. March 4th Buried Rose Pollard Wife of William Pollard — aged 73. March 4th. Buried Samuel Collings Infant — March 20th. Buried Anne Nicols Wife of John Nicols. Aged — 55, — April 6th. Buried Robert Cracknell aged 2 j-ears. — July 6th Buried Priscilla Taylor aged 73 years — July 9th Buried Thamer Wisselcraft aged 86 years — Octr. 30 Buried Robert ( ?)Potter aged 68 years 1797. February 2d. Buried Nathaniel Hayward Aged 50 years March 9th Buried Mary Widow of Robert Pemberton aged 7 [possibly 9] 4 years. — March 15th. Buried Ann French late of Eye Widow of Willm. French Aged 67 years. March 25th. Buried Elizabeth Girling Widow of John Girling Aged 79 years — 22 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. October 29th Buried Elizabeth Plant Wife of Robt. Plant Aged 55 November 19th. Buried Frances Boon — An Infant. — 1798. PARTS OF 1795-8 ARE NOT IN CAPPER'S WRITING— CM. Jany. 30th Buried Lydia Elliot — Aged 34 — years — March 20th. Buried Mary Ann Barker — An Infant. — March 30th. Buried John Lanham Aged 79 Years April 4th. Buried Frances Hatcher Wife of Thomas Hatcher Aged 62 years April 6th. Buried Charles Cracknel Aged 34 years — July 15th. Buried Elizth. Cook Aged 18 years. — Deer. 1 6th John Girling aged 52 1799. Jany. 6th Elizabeth Ling Widow aged 80 Jany 23d John Groom an Infant. June 1 2th. Elizabeth the Wife of John Stevens aged 63 June 24th Keble Pipe aged 21 years Sepr 15th Mary Taylor an Infant — Sepr 25th Elizth. Pipe an Infant Deer 7th. John Dove an Infant. 1800. Feby. 20th. John Bond March 12th Mary Wife of Charles Barker Aged 73 April 2 1 St John Elliott aged 69. May 25th Rose Lanham Aged 14 years Augst 23d George Pipe an Infant Novr 30th Anne Noble Widow Aged 82 Novr 24th Mary Wife tt buried August 13 1870 age 80 yrs by George Blake Everett Off. Min. Horace Nesling buried Sepr. 15th Infant by the rector. 1871. Russell Samuel Reeve buried Jany 28th age one year by Do. John Bond buried Feby 7th age 58 years by Do. Kenia Chapman buried Feby 21 age 41 by F. Martindale Offg. Minr. James Moyes of Bedfield buried March 22 age 38 yrs by the rector Esther Stone of Melton Lunatic Asylum April 14th age 75 yrs by G. Everett James Seaman buried June 24th age 96 yrs by the rector. Samuel Smith buried Sepr. 19th age 77 yrs by Do. Henry Collins buried Oct 3rd 187 1 age 38 yrs by Geo. B. Everett offg. Minr. John Read buried Oct 20th age 69 yrs by the rector. Emily Marsh buried Dec. 26. Infant by Do. 1872. Frank Ruffles buried Jany. 5th age 18 yrs by Do. Charles Hurren buried Feb. 9th Infant by Do. Henry Pepper of Weybread buried Feb. 29th age 57 yrs by Do. Elizabeth Herring buried March 27th. age 62 yrs by Do. John Abbott buried July 13th age 82 yrs by Do. Samuel Jaye buried July 21st age 82 yrs by Do. 1873- Mary Ringe buried March 15th age 85 yrs by Do. George Davy buried June 5th age 82 yrs by Do. Robert Shulver buried July 12th age 49 yrs by Do. THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 39 Sarah Ruffles buried Oct 25th aged 88 yrs by Do. Elizabeth Kemp buried Dec. 20th age 85 by Do. 1874. Lilian Fanny Abbott buried Feb. 2d. age 3 yrs by Do. Sarah Cook buried Feb. 18 age 85 by Do. Anne Edwards buried Feb. 24th age 13 yrs by Do. Alfred Marsh buried March 26 age 41 yrs by Do. Phaebe Smith buried May i6th age 79 yrs by Do. Susan Kemp buried May 23 age 79 yrs by Do. Samuel Smith buried Oct i6th. age 80 yrs by Do. Davis Marsh buried Novr 16 1874 Infant by Geo Blake Everett OfFg. Minr. 1875- Jane Herring buried Jany 12th age 20 yrs by the rector. Jonathan Marsh buried Jany. 19th Infant by Do. Sarah Abbott buried April 15 1875 age 39 yrs by G. B. Everett Lucky Kemp buried April i8th age 49 yrs by the rector. Samuel Reed buried Augst ist. age 43 yrs by Do. John Abbott buried Aug. 28 age 54 yrs by J. H. Groome Offg. Minr. Sarah Elliott buried Dec. nth 1875 age 77 yrs by G. B. Everett. Mary Kemp buried Dec. 17 age 74 yrs by the rector. Charles Wright buried Dec. 31. age 70 yrs by Do. 1876. John Ringe buried April 5th age 86 yrs by Do. Fanny Kemp buried April 7th age 11 months by W. H. Groome Offg. Minr. William Bond buried April 14th age 19 yrs by Do. Sarah Pettet buried May i ith aged i year by the rector. Emma Hammond buried June 14th age 57 yrs by Do. 1877. Samuel Bond buried Octr. 5th age 56 yrs by Do. 1878. Charles Glaston (or Glasson) buried Jany. 28 age 8 yrs by Do. Edward Kemp (Parish Clerk) buried Jany. 7th age 80 yrs by Do. Myra Caroline Chapman buried March 29th age 2 yrs by W. H. Groome Offg. Minr. Mary Ann Stevens buried May ist. age 66 yrs by the rector. William Ruffles buried May 17th. age 88 yrs by Do. John Hall of Wingfield buried Oct 12th. age 90 yrs by Do. 40 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. William Elliot buried Dec. 19th age 62 yrs by Do. 1879. Frederic Hammond buried April 5th Infant by Do. 1880. Mabel Kate Kemp of M.S. (died at Eye Union House) March 27th 25 ys ( ? days) by Do. [The only other Mabel Kate Kemp was d. of William and Caroline (Meadows) his wife, bapt. 13 iii. 1880.— CM.] Lucy Kemp buried March 22 Infant by Do. Charlotte Calver buried March 31th age 80 yrs by Do. Robert Elliott buried April 15th age 84 yrs by Do. Mary Collins buried June 26th age 41 yrs by Do. Emily Marsh buried July 3d age 4 yrs by Do. Samuel Marsh buried July 24th age 17 yrs by Do. Maria Crisp buried Nov. 6th age 35 yrs by Do. Elwood Bacon buried Novr. 14th. age 14 yrs by R. Lawrance OflFg. Minister. 1881. Robert Pearl buried March 1 7 age 71 yrs by the rector. William Kemp buried March 29th age 10 months by Do. Elizabeth Parker buried June 8th age 93 yrs by Do. 1882. Jonathan Haxell buried Jany. 16th. age 74 yrs by R. Lawrence Vicar of Kenton James Hammond of Kenton buried Feby. i6th. age 69 yrs by Do. John Elliott Ruffles buried March nth Infant by the rector. Anne Abbott died in Eye Union Workhouse buried April 14th age 39 by Do. William Barley buried May 20th age 93 by Do. Alice Kemp buried Oct. 6th age (Hie year by Do. 1883. Alfred Samson buried March 19th age 7 Days by Do. Eliza Jane Samson buried March 24th age 2 yrs by Do. Sarah Crisp buried April 28th age 30 yrs by Do. Thomas Pepper buried Octr 9th age 73 yrs by Do. Hester Wright buried Dec. 19th age 35 yrs by Do. Samuel Smith buried Dec. 27 Infant by Do. 1884. Charlotte Anna Abbott buried Feb. 9th age 33 yrs by Do. John Mills buried May 14th age 83 yrs by Do. THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 41 Eliza AbBott buried May 2i age 67 yrs by Do. James Chapman of Charsfield buried August 13th age 50 yrs by Do. 1885. Maud Scales buried Octr. 23. Infant by Do. Rebecca Hammond buried Octr. 26th. age 78 by the rector. George Read buried Novr loth age 84 by Do. Eleanor Pearl buried Dec. 16 age 57 yrs by Do. 1886. Florence Agnes Clayton buried Jany ist. age i^ year by Do, Amelia Read buried Jan 14. age 84 yrs by W. T. Pratt Rector of Bedfield Sarah Ann Artis buried Jan. 5th age 39 yrs by the rector. Mary Marsh buried Feb. 12 age 14 months by Do. William Walter Goodchild buried Feb. 24 age 8 yrs by Do. Anna Moyse of Copdock buried March 6th age 23 yrs by Do. William Collins buried June 2d. age 67 yrs by Do. Sarah Gertrude Creasy buried June 5th age 5^ yrs by Do. Jth single Persons of this Parish were married (by Banns) October 28, 1741. Benjamin GOODING of Ashfield Singleman and Sarah FAIRWEA- THER of P'ramisden singlewoman were married November 12 1741. Jonathan CAPON of Clopton Widower and Martha KERSEY of Thorp St. Peter's singlewoman were married Decemb 25, 1741. by Licence 1742. William CROWFOOT of Ashfield singleman and Martha RAYNER of Bedfield singlewoman were Married June 15, 1742. — by Banns George DAY of Wickham Skyth singleman and Esther LOMAS of the same singlewoman were married September 20, 1742 (by Licence) Edward WARNER of Ashfield singleman and Elizabeth WARNER of Framisden singlewoman were Married September 28, 1742. John PRETTY of Horham singleman and Anne MOYSE of this Parish singlewoman were married (by Bans) October 8, 1742. 54 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. William GREENLEAF of the Parish of St. Margarets Ipswich, Sin- gleman, and Elizabeth SHERMAN of Melton singlewoman were Married January 21, 1742. Robert CUTTING Widower and Elizabeth JESSOP Widow were Married Febr. 14, 1742. 1743- Michael BARKER of Bennington singleman, and Susan Barker o( Ashfield singlewoman were Married (by Licence) April fifth 1743. John WYTH of Mendham singleman, and Mary FRESTON (rf the same Parish singlewoman were Married May 13, 1743, by Licence George COOKE of Kenton Widower and Alice CORBEL of Aspal Stonham singlewoman were married August 28, 1743. by Licence Benjamin SPENDLOVE singleman and Hannah GUYFER single- woman, both of Ashfield, were married by Banns September 30, 1743 John SPINK of Brandeston singleman, and Elizabeth KERRICH of the same singlewoman were married October 4, 1743, by Licence 1744. James WATTING of this Parish Widower and Elizabeth HALL of Kenton singlewoman were married April 20, 1744 by Banns William WRIGHT and Mary COOK both single Persons of this Par- ish were married December 11, 1744. 1745- James FLOWER of Cretingham singleman and Mary BENNET of Ashfield singlewoman were married May 7, 1745 Thomas PEAKE of Bedfield Widower and Ann GOODAY of the same Widow, were Married, by Bans, August 26, 1745. John FINCH of Redlingfield single man and Elizabeth WARREN of the same Parish singlewoman were Married Septeml)er 29, 1745- by Licence. Henry EDWARDS of Helmingham Single man, and Susan SAD of Monksoham singlewoman were married November 19, 1745. 1746. William SPALDING of Framisden and Elizabeth WATERS of this Parish were married July 23, 1746. 1747- Daniel COLLINS of Tanington Widower, and Susan AVIS of Bading- ham singlewoman were Married, by Licence August 25, 1747. George MAYHEW of Mendlesham singleman and Frances ALDRICH of Monk-soham singlewoman were Married (by Licence) October i3» 1747 James WYTH of Framisden singleman, and Mar>- SUTTON of De- benham singlewoman were married also by Licence Oct. 13, 1747 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 56 Richard JACOB of Bedfield singleman and Sarah MOYSE of this Parish singlevvoman were Married December 15, 1747. 1748. John KERSEY of Monewden singleman and Mary BENNET of Ash- field with Thorp singlewoman were Married by Banns September 6, 1748 William WHITMAN and Rose SUTTON Ixyth single Persons of this Parish were married October 20, 1748. 1749. William HERRING of Brandeston singleman and Sarah CHENEY of this Parish singlewoman were married, by Banns, June 26, 1749. Jeffrey HEARN singleman and Mary CLARK singlewoman both of this Parish were Married September 26, 1749. Robert GRAPNEL and Mary BERRY both single Persons of this Parish were married September 27, 1749. Martin HARSANT of the Parish of Earlsoham and Rose ALDRICH of Monksoham were married (by Licence) November 6, 1749 1750. John GODBOLT and Elizabeth GODBOLT both of Brundish were married by Licence Jan. 6, 1750/1 1751- Laurence Spinny of M by L. Jones Rector 1757. Henry COLLINS and Sarah KERRIDGE both single persons ot Monk Soham married (by banns) & consent of Parents 20 Febry-, i757» by L. Jones Rector. 1758. Charles BARKER and MARY REVE both single Persons of Monk- Soham married (by Licence) 31st March 1758 by Robert MOXON Rector John HERRING of Kenton widower and Lydia ELLIOT of Monk- Soham singlewoman married by banns 12 July 1758 by Robert Moxon Rector. John EIXIOT of Monk-Soham singleman and Ann BARKER of Bed- field Spinster were married by Banns 12 October 1758 by Robert Moxon Rector. 1759. Jeremiah SMITH Bachelor and Mary PRETTY Spinster, both of this Parish, married by Banns 17 April 1759 by Thomas Ibbot Curate. (She signs Pritty. — C.M.) John STEVENS Bachelor and Elisabeth PITT Spinster, both of this Parish, married by Banns 16 October 1759 by Thomas Ibbot Curate. 1760. Robert TAYLOR Bachelor and Elisabeth SMITH Spinster, both of this Parish, married by Banns 23 Decem^r 1760 by Thomas Ibbot Curate. 1762. Edwd. CATCHPOLE Widower and Mary SAWYER, Widow, both of this Parish were married by Banns nth day of Jany. 1762 by Frans. Capper, Rector. William BARKER and Susannah CRACKNELL both single Persons of this Parish were married by Banns 7 December 1762 by J. Spencer Curate. 1763. Samuel GIFER of this Parish singleman &: Elisabeth GIRLING of id. single-woman married by Banns 28 September 1763 by id. John TYRREL of Bedingfield single-man & Mary GOWIN of this Parish singlewoman married by Banns 10 October 1763 by id. (He signs Turrell.— C.M.) THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 67 Robert HERRING and Mary TAYLER both single Persons of this Parish married by Banns 17 November, 1763 by id. 1764. John DARBY of this Parish single man & Mary SCOTCHMER of ye Parish of Earl Soham single woman married by Licence 18 January 1764 by id. Robert BOND Bachelor and Mary CATCHPOLE widow, both of this Parish, married by Banns 16 October 1764 by Thomas Straker Curate. 1766. John GIRLING of this Parish Widower & Elizabeth PISSEY Widow were married by Banns 8 Febr 1766 by Frans. Capper Rector. Robt. LEGGET Batchelor & Susan JAYE Spinster both of this Parish were married by Banns 15 Octr 1766 by Frans. Capper Rector. Robt. NORMAN Batchelor of Bedfield & Elizabeth FRISH Spinster of this Parish married by Banns 28 Novr 1766 by id. 1767. Robt. PLANT of this Parish Singleman & Elizabeth BARKER of id. Singlewoman were married (by Banns) 12 Feby. 1767 by id. Philip WADE Widower & Anne ELLIOT Singlewoman both of this parish were married (by Banns) 12 October 1767 by id. Benjamin LEGGET Singleman & Anne CHURCHYARD Single- woman both of this Parish married (by Licence 18 November 1767 by id. (He signs Leggitt. — CM.) 1769. William EDWARDS of Brandiston Batchelor & Mary KERRY of Monk-Soham Singlewoman married (by Licence) 7 February m the year of our Lord 1769 by id. Thos. NOBLE of Brandiston Batchelor, and Sarah RETT of Monk- Soham, Singlewoman married (by Banns) 28 March 1769 by id. 1770. William ANDREWS Batchelor & Lydia BARKER Single-woman both of this Parish married by Banns 21 April 1770 by id. William POLLARD of Monk Soham Batchelor and Mary BUTTON of Earl Soham Singlewoman married by Licence 17 August 1770 by Frans. Capper Rector. 1772. William NUNN of this Parish Singleman and Elizabeth OSBORN of id. Singlewoman married (by Banns) 12 October 1772 by id. Samuel DARBY of Kenton Batchelor and Elizabeth BARKER of this Parish Spinster married (by Licence) 15 October 1772 by id. 58 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 1773- James CALVER of Woodbridge Single Man & Mary FOLKARD of this parish married (by Licence) 4 January 1773 by Willm. Clubbe Off. Min. for Francis Capper, Rect. 1779. Henry COLLINGS Batchelor and Margarett JACKSON Spinster both of this Parish married (by Banns) 15 June 1779 by Wm. Wynne Clerk 1780. John BOND single Man of this parish— A Mary BARKER single Wo- man of the same — married (Bv Banns) 8 September 1780 By Willm. Clubbe, Clerk. 1781. Robert ELLIOT Single Man of this Parish & Sarah SMITH Single- woman of the same married (by Banns) 26 February 1781 by Frans Capper Rector. 1782. Richard HA WARD Single Man of Monks Soham & Elizabeth BUT- TON Widow of the same married by Banns 29 January 1782 by Thos. Gooch minister. (Entry pasted in. — C.M.) Samuel NICHOLS of this Parish Singleman & Elizabeth CRANE of id. Widow married (by Banns) 18 June 1782 by Frans. Capper Rector. Stephen CLARKE Single-Man of Kenton & Amy POLLARD Single- Woman of Monksdham married (by Banns) 29 July 1782 by John Watson, Curate James BURROUGHS of this parish single Man & Sarah CHILVERS of id. Widow married (by Banns) 8 November 1782 by Willm. Clubbe Clerc Thomas COLBY of this Parish Singleman & Elizal)eth WYTHE of Winston Singlewoman married (by Licence) 28 November 1782 by Frans. Capper Rector. George TURNER of this Parish Singleman & Thamar PONT of id. Singlewoman were married (by Licence 20 December 1782 by id. 1783. Ivo ELLIOT of this parish Widower & Elizabeth BURROWS of id. Single woman were married (by Banns) 21 Feby 1783 by Thos. Gooch Clerk. John LANHAM of this Parish Singleman & Mary POLLARD of id. Singlewoman married (by Banns) 29 September 1783 by Frans. Capper Rector. (Obs. Luke Lyon signs most of the entries in this vol. and (?) was Sexton — C.M.) THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM, 59 1784. Willm. WORLEDGE of Greeting St. Peter single man — & Susan LING of this parish single Woman married (by Licence) 25 Octr. 1784 by Willm. Clubbe, Clerk. 1785- Th- COOK full age Bachelor s of Henry COOK Farmer & Emily POTKIN 20 years Spinster d of Richard Potkin after Banns by id. 1845. March 13 John HAMMOND full age Bachelor Grocer of Earl Soham s of William Hammond Yeoman & Emma HAMMOND full age Spinster d of John Hammond Yeoman married according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the C. of E. by Licence & id. Oct. 16 Robert Wame GRANT of Age Bachelor Farmer s of James Grant Farmer and Mary PEPPER of Age Spinster Farmer's Daughter d of James Pepper by id, Rect. Oct. 20th William Hammond of Age Bachelor Shoemaker s of James Hammond Farmer & Emma COTTON of Age Spinster d of Allan Cotton after Banns by R. H. G. Rector. Dec. 26 Charles HERRING of Age Bachelor s of John Herring & Hariet CURTIS of age Spinster d of James Curtis Blacksmith after Banns by R. H. Groome, Rector. 1846. Jany. 27 William SMITH of Age Bachelor s of Samuel Smith & Elizabeth CHAPLAIN aged 20 Spinster d of Robert Chaplain after Banns by id. Sep. 6 Ephraim BAILEY of age Bachelor of Rickinghall Superior s of Ephraim Bailey Carpenter & Phebe CURTIS aged 18 Spin- ster d of Obed Curtis Banns, id. Oct. 25 Samuel BOND full age Bachelor s of John Bond & Harriet WHITING full age Spinster of Kenton d of William Whiting after Banns bv id. 1847. March 15 William CREASEY Full age Bachelor Carpenter s of Samuel Creasey also Carpenter & Mary COOK full age Spinster d of Henry Cook Farmer after Banns by id Sep. 9 William HERRING of age Widower s of John Herring & Elizabeth WOLLADGE of Age Widow d of Simon Kerridge, Sawyer after Banns by R. H. Groome, Rector. Sept. 16 Robert COCKERELL of age Widower of Southolt s of Ro- bert Cockerell, Wheelwright & Susan JAYE of age Spinster d of Samuel Jaye, Thatcher, Banns, id. Sep. 30 Edward WRIGHT of age Bachelor Yeoman of Burgh s of William Wright Yeoman & Jane CUPPER aged 20 Spinster d of Alfred Cupper Yeoman, Licence, id. 1848. Oct. 25 George Lord EDWARDS of age Bachelor Yeoman s of Thomas Edwards Yeoman & Mary CUPPER of age Spinster d of Alfred Cupper, Yeoman, by Licence, by id. 72 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 1849. May 28 William KEMP of age Bachelor s of Robeit Kemp & Lucy RINGE of age Spinster d of John Ringe, Gardener, by Banns by id. May 30th Henry DALLISTON of age Bachelor s of John Dalliston & Martha MARTIN of age Spinster d of James Martin after Banns by id. Oct. 17 Robert STOPHER of age Bachelor of Cretingham s of Ed- ward Stopher and Mary Ann KEMP BACON age 24 Bachelor Dealer of Bedfield s of Wil- liam Bacon Miller & Emma Rosa ABBOTT age 18 Spinster d of John Abbott by id. (She is the Bedfield Postmistress, 1920. — CM.) Dec. 14 William HAMOND of age Widower Shoemaker s of James Hamond Farmer and Anna Maria COPPING of age Spinster d of Thcwnas Copping after Banns 1878. Jany. 27 Henry- HERRING of age Bachelor s of William Herring & Anne Maria MOWLE of age Spinster d of Hezekiah Mowle Car- penter after Banns by Rector. Oct. 29 George PEARL age 20 Bachelor s of Robert Pearl & Eliza- beth Alma ROPER age 22 Spinster of Kenton d of Samuel Roper of Saxtead after Banns by id. Nov. I St John LIST age 22 Bachelor s of Robert List & Anna Maria PEARL age 20 Spinster (Father's name omitted. — CM.) after Banns by R. H. Groome, Rector. Nov. ist Alfred KEMP age 28 Bachelor s of Robert Kemp & Mary Ann LIST age 19 Spinster d erf Robert List after Banns by R. H. Groome Rector. 1879. June 30th Robert WHITE age 25 Bachelor Whitesmith of Framling- ham s of John White Woodman & Margaret COLLINS age 23 Spinster d erf William Collins Carpenter after Banns by id. 1880. May 20 John CATCHPOLE erf age Widewer Farmer erf Letheringham s of Je>hn Catchpole Farmer & Jane Wright erf age Spinster d of William Wright Farmer, Licence, id. Sep. 24 Charles GYFORD age 23 Bachelor Blacksmith s of Samuel Gyford Dealer & Hariett MARCH 19 Spinster d erf Henry Marsh, Banns, id. (Signed Harriet Marsh). Oct. 14 Samuel READ of age Bachelor of Ashfield s of George Read & Maria Elizabeth LOCKE erf age Spinster d of Thomas Locke Gatekeeper after Baims, id. THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 79 Nov. 21 Daniel Dann CURTIS age 32 Bachelor Butcher of Bedfield s of Daniel Curtis Dealer & Sarah BOND 20 Spinster d of James Bond after Banns by id. 1882. Oct. 27 Frederic WILDING age 24 Bachelor s of Thcwnas Wilding & Caroline RUFFLES age 26 Spinster d of James Ruffles after Banns by id. 1883. Feby. 16 Robert ALLARD of age Widower Dealer of Bedfield (Fa- ther's name omitted) & Eliza SCALES 20 yrs Spinster d of Wil- liam Scales after Banns by id. March 21 George ABBOTT age 21 Bachelor Plasterer of Clacton-on- Sea s of Thomas Abbott & Emma COOK 26 Spinster d of Samuel Cook after Banns by id. Sep. 18 Horace SMITH 25 Bachelor of Surbiton Surrey s of Henry Smith & Esther COOK age 25 Spinster Painter d of Samuel Cook after Banns by id. Oct. 18 David MOVES full age Bachelor s of James Moyes & Betsey WHITING full age Spinster d of Charles Whiting after Banns by W. H. Groome offic. Min. Nov. 3 Walter MARSH age 21 Bachelor s of Alfred Marsh & Mary Ann PARKER age 20 Spinster (Father's name omitted. — CM.) after Banns by R. H. Groome, Rector. 1885. June 28 Henry MAYES age 22 Bachelor of Kenton (Father's name omitted. — CM.) & Ellen LIST age 20 Spinster d of Benjamin List after Banns by id. July 17 Robert LIST age 27 Bachelor s of Robert List & Susanna SCALES age 19 Spinster d of William Scales after Banns by W. Benson, Vicar of Kenton. 1 886. Oct. 15 John JAY age 21 Bachelor s of John Jay Thatcher & Anna Maria KEMP age 19 Spinster d of James Kemp Servant after Banns by Robert H. Groome, Rector. Nov. nth Samuel LIST age 21 Bachelor s of Robert List & Ada Sarah COOK age 18 Spinster d of George Cook after B^nns by W. T. Pratt, Rector of Bedfield. Nov. 23 Thomas ARTIS Full age Widower s of John Artis & Emma CHAPMAN Full age Widow d of William Mayhew after Banns by Robert H. Groome Rector. Dec. 27 David ARBON age 25 Bachelor s of George Arbon Farmer & Alice SCALES age 18 Spinster d of George Scales after banns by id. 1887. Feb. 18 William John PARKER age 21 Bachelor (Father's name cwnitted. — CM.) and Jane MARSH age 20 Spinster d of Charles Marsh after Banns by id. 80 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. Nov. lo George COOK full age Bachelor s erf George Cook & Emily MOYSE full age Spinster d LINS age 61 Widower Carpenter s of William Collins Carpntr. & Harriett DURRANT age 51 Widow d of John Cracknell both of Kenton, after Banns by id. Oct. 17 Albert Edward RACE age 21 Bachelor s of Henry Race & Florence T.aura Kate MARSH age 28 Single Woman d of John Jaye after Banns by id. Nov. 13 Thomas SMY age 34 Bachelor s of John Smy & Lilian Eliza- beth BROCK age 30 Spinster d of Benjamin Brock after Banns by id. 1904. Jan. 5 Samuel HAWES age 47 Widower Innkeeper s of John Hawes Carrier & Kate CRACKNELL age 39 Widow d of Henry Collins Blacksmith after Banns by id. Oct. 4 Samuel CRISP age 21 Bachelor Grocers Porter s of Peter Crisp & Elizabeth Charlotte STONE age 20 Spinster d of Jacob Stone after Banns by id. Oct. 7 John JAYE age 50 Widower (Father's name omitted. — CM.) & Elizabeth CRISP age 65 Widow d of Edward Parker after Banns by Geo. Allan Vicar of Kenton. 1905. April 27 Hugh Percv GOODCHILD age 27 Bachelor Farmer s of Walter Philip Goodchild Farmer & Anna Elizabeth CUTTING age 2 9 Spinster of Otley d of John Cutting Farmer after Banns by H. Gretton, Rector of Otley. 84 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 1906. Nov. 23 Frederick Jay age 26 Bachelor o( Bedfield s erf William Jay & Ethel Mary LIST age 20 Single Woman d of Robert List after Banns by Darrell. Nov. 28 Alfred ABBOTT age 29 Widower Gardener s erf Alfred Ab- Bott & Alice Ellen WARREN age 38 single Woman d of William Warren deed. Gardener, Banns, id. 1907. May 20 Ernest Ray DURRANT age 21 Bachelor s cf James Durrant & Emma ELLIOTT age 18 Spinster d of Robert Elliott Machin- ist after Banns by id. July 17 Ernest ABBOTT age 23 Bachelor s of Alfred Abbott & Emily JAY aged 19 Spinster of Bedfield d of William Jay after Banns by Darrell. 1908. July 8 Montague Frederick RAMSEY age 24 Bachelor of Cretingham s of Clara Ramsey Housemaid & Annie Elizabeth GRAY age 23 Spinster domestic Servant of Cretingham d of William Grey deed. Horseman after Banns by Geo. Allan. 1909. May 31 Frederick Arthur SCALES age 24 Bachelor Gardener s of James Scales Carman & Ethel Margaret READ age 23 Spinster of Earl Soham d of George Read Farmer after Banns by Darrell. Oct. 8 William George GOODERHAM age 26 Bachelor Engine Driver (Father's name omitted. — CM.) & Rosa LIST Single woman of Bnindish d of Samuel List by id. 1910. Oct. 17 James FISK age 25 Bachelor Farm Bailiff of Ashfield s of George Fisk & Alice BARBER age 24 Spinster d of George Bar- ber Farmer after Banns by W. H. Groome, Offic. Minister. Dec. 22 Alfred DAMANT age 29 Bachelor Sawyer St. Margarets Ipswich s of Thomas Damant Park Keeper & Ellen Gertrude May RAVEN age 29 Spinster d of John Raven Smallholder after Banns by N. Peers Adams Offg. Minster. 1911. Feb. 8 James MILLER age 32 Bachelor Bricklayer of Winston s of Robert Miller Dealer & Clara Christiana BROCK age 30 Spin- ster d of Benjamin Brock deed, after Banns by W. H. Groome, Off. Minister. May 31st Robert ROGERS age 24 Bachelor of Bulcamp s of John Rogers & Mildred Annie KEMP age 19 Spinster d of Jesse Kemp Drover after Banns by id. July 26 Samuel Jarrold KING age full Bachelor Farmer s of Samuel ' King deed. & Eliza PEMBERTON full age Spinster d of Samuel Pemberton deed., Licence, id. THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 85 1912. June 14 Herbert Alexander RAVEN age 26 Bachelor Fisherman s of John Raven Carpenter & Mary Louisa MAYES age 26 Spinster of Kenton d of Henry Mayes after Banns by W. H. Groome, Officiating Minister. 1913- 8 Sept. 1 9 13. William Arthur ATKINS, moulder, s. of Edward A., labourer, & Mary COLLINS, d. of George C. 1914. 3 June 1 914. Frank CAUDELL, gas inspector of Exeter, s. of Arthur C, gas inspector, & Alice Pulham GOOI>CHILD, d. of Philip G., farmer. 10 June 1914. Robert Harcourt Girling NESLING, wheelwright, s. of Harcourt Girling, deceased, & Bessie Elizabeth STANNARD, d. of George S., dealer. 9 Oct. 1914. Samuel James FRIEND, horseman, of Cretingham, s. of Samuel F., horseman, & Eliza ABBOTT, d. of John Smith, labourer. 1915- 9 Dec. 1915. Edward George PARKER, s. of John P., & Alice BLOOMFIELD, d. of William Bloomfield. 1916. I Jan. 1 9 16. Francis Frederick SHERWOOD, private 8th Suffolks, "in France," s. of John S., Labourer, & Sarah Jane PARKER, d. of William John P. 31 Aug. 1916. Thomas PARKER, private 7th Suffolks, s. of William John P., & Margaret Annie WATCHAM, d. of Stephen W. 1917. 7 April 1 91 7. Walter SNOWLING, porter Rv., s. of James S., lab- ourer, & Dorothy Mable CUTHBERT, d. of Robert C, miller. I Oct. 1 91 7, Arthur Herbert FELGATE, seaman, H.M.S. Cyclops, s. of Samuel F. deceased, & Harriett Elizabeth CHAPMAN, d. of Walter C, labourer. 15 Oct. 191 7. Frederick James BROCK, labourer, s. of Benjamin B. deceased, & Lidya WYTHE, d. of Samuel W. deceased. 1918. 5 June 1 918. Preston Stanley BARKER, marine engineer, s. of Albert James B., & Annie Janette ROUS, widow, d. of Frederick Tho- mas Fisk, farm bailiff. 5 June 1918. Francis John SPRUNT, Lance sergt., s. of Francis Major S., labourer, & Alice Emma FISK, d. of Frederick Tho- mas F., farm bailiff. — CM., 23rd October, 1919. 86 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. THE BAPTISMAL REGISTER OF THE PARISH OF MONKS' SOHAM. Vol. i. : 1712 — 1786.* 1712. Mary the daughter of Samuel JESSOP and Elizabeth his Wife August 31. 1712. Mary the daughter of John ELLIOT and Martha his Wife October 19 1712. Dorcas the Daughter of Joseph CACKAMOLE and Martha his Wife October 23d, 1712. 1713- Susanna the Daughter of John SAD and Elizabeth his Wife April 5, 1713- Susanna the Daughter of Samuel SMITH and Susan his Wife June 18, 1713- James the Son of Robert BARKER and Mary his Wife December 12, 1713- 1714. Jno the Scm of Jcrfin ELLIOT and Martha his Wife April nth, 1714. Hannah the Daughter of John NICHOLS and Anne his Wife May 9, 1714. James the Son of John FLOWER and Jemima his Wife July lo, 17 14. John the Son of William RAY Rectr. and Mary his Wife Aug. 18, 1714. Nat. 11**. horam circiter quintam antemeridianam. (Bom about 5 A.M. on nth.— CM.) Susan the Daughter of Thomas COOK and Alice his Wife Septemljer 4, 1714. John the Son of Samuel SMITH artd Susan his Wife September 4, 1714. In 1696 and for the ten years following, the date of birth is added to the entry of baptism and occupation of the father. This was in consequence of two Acts passed in 1694 and 1695 respectively. The first put a tax on every marriage, birth and burial hi proportion to the rank and means of the person concerned. The second ordered the parents of every child bom to give notice of it to the parish minister within five days and he was to keep a distinct Register of those l)om but not christened. Apparently he did not always keep it ; hut entered the date of birth in the general baptismal Register. THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 87 Elizabeth the Daughter of Thomas WOODS and Anne his Wife Sep- tember 5, 1 7 14. James the Son of John GUYFER and Jinet his Wife Sept. 12, 17 14. Martha the Daughter of Samuel PLANT and Alice his Wife Septem- ber 26, 1714. Simon the Son of Edward SPOLDING and Grave his Wife December 27, 1714. Elizabeth the Daughter of Edmund CACAMOLE and Mary his Wife March 2d, 17 14/5 1715- Susan the Daughter of William LAST and Anne his Wife April 10, 1715- Thomas the Son of Thomas GILBERT and Bridget his Wife May 18, 1715- William the Son of William TURNER and Susan his Wife Sept. 9, 1715- Mary the Daughter of Samuel YOUNG and Susan his Wife Novemb. 1> 1715- Jonathan the Son of Thomas COOK and Susan his Wife January 4th, 1715- Oliver the Son of John ELLIOT and Martha his Wife January 31st, 1715- Thomas the Son of John BUTCHER and Elizabeth his Wife March II, 1715- 1716. Sarah the Daughter of Edward SPOLDING and Grace his Wife March 25, 1716. Elizabeth the Daughter of Samuel BENHAM and Helena his Wife June 10, 17 16. Thomas the Son of Samuel PLANT and Alice his Wife June nth, 1716. Mary the Daughter of Robert CUTTING and Mary his Wife August 19, 1716. Jonathan the Bastard child of Sarah JESSOP September 7, 1716. Samuel the Son of Samuel SMITH and Susan his Wife September 9th, 1716. Richard the Son of John ASHFORD and Elizabeth his Wife Septem- ber 30, 1 7 16. John the Son of Thomas MALLOWS and Margaret his Wife Novem- ber 3d, 1716. Thomas MARTYN was Baptiz'd Decber 10, 1716. Margaret the illegitimate Daughter of Charles Starling of Bratideston and Margaret CUTTING of the same December 11, 17 16. Mary the Daughter of John NICHOLS and Anne his Wife January 27, 1716. 88 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. Francis the Son of Joseph PYAT and Mary his Wife January 30, 17 16. Rose the Daughter of Edward SPOLDING and Grace his Wife Febr, 23d, 1716. 1717. Mary the Daughter of Edmund CACAMOLE and Mary his Wife March 27, 1717. Elizabeth the Daughter of Robert PISSEY and Rebecca his Wife May 26, 1717. Hannah the Daughter oi John GUYFER and Jinet his Wife June 2d, 1717. Joseph the Son of Thomas YOUNGMAN and Sarah his Wife July 21, 1717. Lydia the Daughter of William CHAPMAN of Saxtead and Elizabeth his Wife July 21 John the Son of Thomas BRADLEY and Mary Ris Wife July 28, 1 7 1 7. Elizabeth the Daughter of Thomas MALLOWS and Margaret his Wife October 2d, 17 17. Martha the Daughter of John ELLIOT and Martha his Wife October 6, 1717. Thomas the Son of Thomas WALTERS and Ruth his Wife October 27, 1717. Mark the Son of Thomas GILBERT and Bridget his Wife February 14, 1717. 1718. ThcOTias the Scm of Thomas BRADLEY and Mary his Wife Sept. 21, 1718. Mary the Daughter of Samuel PLANT and Alice his Wife October II, 1718. Elizabeth the Daughter of John ASHFORD and Elizabeth his Wife Christmas day 17 18 William the Son of Richard GARLATT and Martha his Wife Febru- ary 6th, 17 18. Lydia the Daughter of John ELLIOT and Martha his Wife March 8, 1718. Sarah the Daughter of Thomas YOUNGMAN and Sarah his Wife March 17, 1718. 1719. George the Son of John NICHOLS and Anne his Wife June 21, 17 19. John the Son 1734- Sarah daughter of John and Mary CURTIS was Baptized October 27 1734. H THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. John son of Alexander and Ann COOK was Baptized December 26, 1734- Charles son of John BARKER and Martha his Wife Baptized January i3» 1734- Mar>- daughter of James and Mary ELLIOT was Baptized February 16, 1734. 1735- John Son of John and Elizabeth SKOULDING was Baptized June 20, 1735- Mary Daughter of Robert ELLIOT and Anne his wife was Baptized Sept. 21, 1735. Martha Daughter of Daniel and Sarah PETTET was Baptized De- cember 16, 1735. Anne Daughter of Thomas and Margaret MALLOWS was Baptized Decber. 25. 1735. Mary daughter of Samuel and Mary PLANT was Baptized March 21, 1735- 1736- Frances Daughter of John and Prisca TAYLOR was Baptized May 3i» 1736- Mary (a base child) daughter of Mary HALL of Kenton Baptized Aug. 29, 1736. Mary Daughter erf Alexander and Ann COOK was Baptized Sept. 26, 1736. George (a base child) of Elizabeth Vincent of Otley October 3d, 1736. Mary Daughter of Peter and Hannah SPAUL was baptized October 3i» 1736. Elizabeth Daughter of Francis SKOULDING and Mary his Wife Decemb. 30, 1736. Elizabeth Daughter of William and Elizabeth BLOSS was Baptized December 7, 36. Ann Daughter of James and Mary ELLIOT was Baptized January 3o» 1736- Elizabeth, a bastard Child, the Daughter of Elizabeth WATERS was Baptiz'd January 23, 1736 — Tho. Cheney being the reput. Father Anne Daughter erf Robert ELLIOT and Anne his Wife Baptized Febr. 18, 1736. 1737. Elizabeth Daughter of Robert and Elizabeth HALL was baptized Apnl 10 1737. John Son of Samuel and Mary PLANT was Baptized April 24, 1737. Sarah Daughter of George and Sarah OSBORN was Baptized May 22, 1737- Susan Daughter of William and Mary CRACKNEL was Baptized June 5, 1^7. THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 96 Benjamin Son of William and Mary FERRAR was Baptized June 6, 1737- Elizabeth Daughter of John and Elizabeth SKOULDING Baptized July 3d 1737. John Sen of John & Mary HERRING Baptized, with private Baptism, Sept. 20, 1737. Sarah Daughter of James and Mary SILVER was baptized January 21, 1737/8. Martha Daughter of Robert and Ann ELLIOT was baptized January 22, 1737/8. Francis Son of John and Martha BARKER was Baptized February 18, 1737. John Son of Luke and Mary LION was Baptized March 12, 1737. 1738. Jane, Daughter of John PLACE of St. Matthew's Ipswich & Katherine April 3, 1738. Anne Daughter of Alexander and Anne COOK was Baptized May 23 1738. Sarah & Mary Twins of John & Prisca TAILOR were baptiz'd July 20 1738. Elizabeth Daughter of John and Mary GUYFER was Baptized Sep- tember 3, 1738. Elizabeth Daughter of George and Sarah OSBORN Baptized Novem- ber 4, 1738. Jonathan Son of John and Elizabeth SKOULDING was Baptiz'd De- cember 3, 1738. James son of James WATLING and Mary his Wife baptized Decemb 18, 1738. Francis the Son of Robert and Maria MEADOWS was Baptized De- cember 26. 1738. Charles Son of James and Mary ELLIOT was Baptized February 25, 1738. 1739- Robert Son of John and Mary HERRING was baptized August 12, 1739- Ann Daughter of Samuel and Mary PLANT was baptiz'd October, 7, 1739- William Son of Alexander COOK and Ann his Wife Baptized Octo- ber 21, 1739. Sarah Daughter of Robert and Elizabeth HALL was Baptiz'd No- vemb. 18, 1739. John son of John HILLHOUSE and Mary his Wife was Baptiz'd January i, 1739. Samuel Son of Robert and Maria MEADOWS was Baptized February 28, 1739. 96 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. Catharine Daughter of John and Elizabeth SKOULDING was Bap- tized Febr. 25, 1739. 1740. Jdin Son of George and Sarah OSBORN was Baptized May 16, 1740. Sarah Daughter erf Luke and Mary LION was Baptized May 25, 1740. George Son of George NICHOLS and Susan his Wife Baptized Octo- ber 9 1740. Daniel Son of Daniel and Anne COLLINS was Baptized October 12, 1740. Mary the bastard Child of Elizabeth WATERS was baptiz'd Novem- ber 30, 1740. Anne Daughter of James and Mary SILVER was baptiz'd December 21, 1740. Samuel Son (rf Alexander and Ann COOK was baptized February 15, 1740. Susan Daughter of Thomas YOUNGMAN and Susan his Wife bap- tized March 15, 1740. 1741. Temple the Son o( Sarah Marriot was baptized April 3, 1741. Jcmathan Son of John and Mary GUYFER was Baptiz'd April 5, 1741. Mary Daughter of John and Elizabeth SKOULDING was Baptized April 12 1741. Joseph a bastard Child, the son of Anne SMITH, by, as its believed, Joseph Buck was Baptized Apr. 19, 1741. John Son of Thomas and Sarah MALLOWS was Baptized August 30, 1741. Nathanael Son of Nathanael DEN A NT and his Wife was Baptized Aug. I, 1 741. Temperance Daughter of John THREDKILL of Ashfield & Mary wife N0V.5, 1741. Ann Daughter erf John and Priscilla TAYLOR was baptized Novemb. 25, 1741- William Son of George and Sarah OSBORN was Baprized January 5» 1741/2- William Son of John HILHOUSE and Mary his Wife Baptized Feb- ruary 2d 1741/2. Dinah Daughter of William and Elizabeth BLOSS Baptized Febr. 14, 1741. Jonathan Son (rf John and Mary GUYFER was Baptized Febr. 25, 1741. Simon Son of James and Mary ELLIOT was Baptized March 14, 1741/2. THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 97 1742. Elizabeth Daughter of John and Mary BARKER was Baptized April i8, 1742. Rachel Daughter of James and Bonetta PIPE was Baptized May 8, 1742. James the bastard Child of Elizabeth SMITH was Baptized May 23, 1742. Jane Daughter of Alexander COOK and Anne his Wife was Baptized July 7, 1742. Elizabeth Daughter of Thomas and Susan YOUNGMAN was Baptized October 24, 1742. Samuel Son of Robert and Lydia ROPER was Baptized December 17, 1742. Catherine Daughter of James and Mary SILVER was Baptized Febr. 20, 1742. John the Son of James WATLING and Mary his wife baptiz'd March 2, 1742/3 1743- Mary Daughter of William and Catherine PECK of Ashfield Baptized April 29, 1743. John the base child of Lydia ELLIOT by a Person to the Parish un- known, May 8 Susan the Daughter of Michael and Susan BARKER of Dennington May 10, 1743. Robert the Son of Samuel and Mary PLANT was Baptized May 15, 1743- Mary Daughter of John and Lydia BARKER was Baptized June 9, 1743- William Son 1748. Anne Daughter of Ferrin and Catherine MAYHEW was baptiz'd February 12, 1748. 1749. Elizabeth Daughter of John BARKER junr and Lydia his Wife April 3. 1749- Elizabeth Daughter of Robert and Elizabeth PISSEY was Baptized May 6, 1749. Mary Daughter of John and Susan BRADLEY was Baptized June 1 1 , 1749. Samuel Son of Thomas and Susan YOUNGMAN was Baptiz'd June 16, 1749. 100 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. Robert Son of William and Mary ASHFORD Baptiz'd with private Bap. July 5, 1749. Rose Daughter of Robert and Elizabeth HALL was Baptiz'd Sep- tember 3, 1749. Mary the Daughter of Robert GRAPNEL and Mary His Wife No- vember 5, 1749. Elizabeth, Daughter of Robert PEMBERTON and Mary his Wife Nov. 17, 1749. Elizabeth, Daughter o( Henry, EDWARDS and Susan his Wife, was baptiz'd Nov. 19, 49. Philip, the Son of Philip ALDRICH and Lydia his Wife, was bap. 9 February 1749. 1750- Mark, the Son of Thomas NOBLE, and Ann his Wife baptiz'd June 24, 1750. I John, the Son of Joshua HERRING and Elizabeth his Wife baptiz'd July 29, 1750. Susan the Daughter of Robert ROPER and Lydia his Wife baptiz'd Sept. 3, 1750. Ferrine the Son of Ferrine MAYHEW and Katherine his Wife bap- tiz'd Nov. 4, 1750. Elizabeth Daughter of Henry EDWARDS and Susan his Wife bap- tiz'd Nov. 18, 1750. 1751- Sarah a base child of Sarah BROWNING was baptiz'd April 5, 1751. Elizabeth a Base Child of Elizabeth TURNER was baptiz'd May 19, 1751- Margaret the Daughter of John PRITTY and Anne his wife baptiz'd June 30: 1751. Sarah, Daughter of Robert PISSEY and Elizabeth his Wife baptiz'd —July 21, 1751. John, the Son of John BRADLEY and Susan his Wife was baptiz'd Septem. 22, 1751. Mary, the Daughter of John PEMBERTON and Mary his Wife No- vember 27, 1 75 1. Elizabeth the Daughter of John GIRLING and Mary his wife Baptiz'd Dec. 15, 1751. Elizabeth the Daughter of Nathaniel DURRANT and Martha his Wife — Dec. 25, 1751. 1752.* John & Ann, Son & Daughter of Ferrine & Catherina MAYHEW May 24, 1752. • The year hitherto has always begun on 25th March, know-n as the Annuncia- tion of the Virgin Mary (vulgarly, Lady Day) ; henceforth it begins on ist January, known as Natale of the Virgin Mary. THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 101 Francis the Son of Francis BARKER junr and Mary his Wife June 14, 1752. 1753- Susanna Daughter of Heny & Susanna EDWARDS was baptiz'd ffeby 25: 1753 Ann the Daughter of Francis SCOTSMERE and Mary his Wife June 5, 1753 Robert, the Son of Ferrine MAYHEW and Catharine his Wife— Nov. II, 1753- Robert, the Son of Robert PISSEY and Elizabeth his Wife— Decem- ber 23, 1753. 1754. John the Son of John PEMBERTON and Mary his Wife baptiz'd— Apr. 14, 1754 Susanna the Daughter of Thomas AI-DRICH junr and Sarah his Wife —Apr. 28, 1754. Bridget the Daughter of Nathan GOSLING and Bridget his Wife- May 19, 1754 Noel, Son of Thomas NOBLE and Ann his Wife was baptiz'd June 3o» 1754 1755- Elizabeth the Daughter of John PEMBERTON and Mary his Wife ye 15 day of May, 55. Mark the Son of Thomas NOBLE and Ann his Wife ye 10 day of August, 1755. Elizbeth the Daughter of Elizbeth SHEPARD a Base Child ye 24 day of august. James the son of Robt. PEMBERTON and Mary his wife ye 7 of December 1755 175^- Beningman ye son of Jon. GERLING was Baptizd Febrary ye 22 — 1756. Sarah ye Daughter of Nath. GOSSLING & Bridget his wife March ye 21 — 1756. Lydia ye Daughter of Jon. ELHOUSE & Mary his wife March ye 28 —1756 James the son of Samuel & Lydia COLLINS was baptiz'd Apr: i8th. 1756. Bapt Mary Daughter to Fering and Kate MAYHEW may 16 Bapt. Mark Son to John & Mary PEMBERTON June 15 Bapt. Mary daught. to Robert & Eliz PISSEY— June 15 Bapt. PRilip son to Philip & Sarah WADE, pr (Novr.— CM.) 29 1757- Bapt: Robt. Son to Robt & Dorcas WOOLNOUGH. Mar. 12 102 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. Bapt. Anne daughter of Thomas & Anne NOBLE May 30 Bapt Mary daugh. to Robt & Sarah ROPER May 31 Bapt. Susanna dau. to Wm & Rose POLLARD May 21 Bapt. Robt. Son to Robt & Eliz. CRACKNALL. Octr. 2 Bapt. Henry Son to John & Mary GOSLEN Septr. 2. 1754 & born Aug. 25. before Bapt John Son to Samuel & Lydia COLLINS oct 30 1758- Bapt. Lydia daught to John & Eliz : GIRLING jan 7 Bapt Mary bastard of Eliz: REED jan 19 Bapt. Francis son to Francis & Debh : POLLARD. 9th, May Bapt Elizabeth Daughter of Willm. & Ann DURRANT 2d : July Bapt. Elizabeth Daughter of James & Eliz: CRANE 2isr: Augst: Bapt: George Son of Joshua & Eliz: HERRING 3d: Septembr: Sarah Daughter of Sarah BAILEY, base bom, was baptized Deer. 3d. 1759- John ScMi of Daniel LYNG & Anne his Wife was baptized April 6th. Samuel Son of Philip WADE & Sarah his Wife was baptized May 9th. Mary Daughter of Robert PEMBERTON & Mary his Wife was bap- tized June. loth. Elisabeth Daughter of Frances TAYLOR, baseborn, was baptized June 15th. Elisabeth Daughter of Robert SYER & Mary his Wife was baptized July I St. Rebecca Daughter of Thomas NOBLE & Anne his Wife was baptized August 19th. Benjamin Son of Robert CRACKNELL & Elisabeth his Wife baptiz- ed Septr. 20th. Sarah Daughter of John ELWYS & Mary his Wife was baptized Octr. nth. 1760. Mary Daughter of James CRANE & Elisabeth his Wife was baptized March 2 2d. Mary Daughter of William DURRANT & Anne his Wife was baptiz- ed April 6th. William Son of George OSBORN & Susanna his Wife was baptized May 17th. Jeremiah Son of Jeremiah SMITH & Mary his Wife was baptized July 15th. Sarah Daughter of Philip WADE & Sarah his Wife was baptized July 28th. THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 103 William Son of John PEMBERTON & Mary his Wife was baptized Septr. 14th. Daniel Son of John GIRLING & Mary his Wife was baptized Septr. 2ISt. John Son of John STEVENS & Elisabeth his Wife was baptized Octr. 26th. 1761. Samuel Son of Thomas NOBLE & Anne his Wife was Baptized March 8th. Sarah Daughter of Robert ROPER & Sarah his Wife was baptized March 2 2d. Sarah Daughter of Joshua HERRING & Elisabeth his Wife was bap- tized April 5th. Lydia Daughter of Thomas HATCHER & Dorothy his Wife was baptized May loth. Elisabeth Daughter of Daniel LYNG & Anne his Wife was baptized Septr. 25th. Robert Son of Philip WADE & Sarah his Wife was baptized Octr. 4th. Charles Son of John & Mary PEMBERTON was baptized Novr. 15th. James Son of Wm. & Anne DURANT was baptized Deer. 6th. Mary Dau of Rbt. & Mary SYER baptized Deer. 20th 1762. Sarah the Daughter of John SMITH and Sarah his Wife was baptized Febry 14th. Elizabeth the Daughter of John STEVENS and Elizabeth his Wife Febry. 21st. Robert the son of Robt. TAYLOR and Elizabeth his Wife Baptized March 28th Edward son of Edward CATCHPOLE and Mary his Wife was Bap- tized July 4th Daniel Son of Saml. COLLENS and Lydia his Wife was Baptized July nth Thomas son of Thos HATCHER & Dorothy his Wife was baptized Septr: 26 Deborah Daughter of Francis & Deborah POLLARD was baptized November 23d. Charlotte Dr. of Daniel & Ann LYNG was baptized December 19th 1763. Alice Daughter of Philip WADE & Sarah his Wife was baptized March 13th George son of Robert TAYLER & Elisabeth his wife was baptized April 24. H 104 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. Sarah Daughter of Robt. ROPER & Sarah his wife was baptized May 7th. Charles son of Robert CRACKNEL & Elisabeth his wife was baptized July 3d. Mary Daughter of Robert RATTLE & Elisabeth his Wife was baptiz- ed September 18. William Son of William BARKER & Susannah his Wife was baptiz- ed October 9th. William Son of William PIPE & Mary his Wife was baptized Decem- ber nth — 1764. Mary Daughter of Elizabeth GIRLING basebom was baptized Jany. 8th Thomas the Son of John STEPHEN & Eliz. his Wife was baptized April ist James & John Sons of Thos. & Dorothy HATCHER were baptiz'd April 15th. William Son of Robt PEMBERTON & Mary his wife was baptized July 22 Simon Son of Lydia COLLINS widow was baptized July 29 Rose Daughter of James CRANE & Elisabeth his wife was baptized October 7 th Mary Daughter of Philip WADE & Sarah his wife was baptized Octo- ber 14th Elisabeth Daughter of Robert TAYLOR & Elisabeth his wife was bap. October 28th Samuel the son of John GIRLING & Mary his Wife was baptized October 18, 1764. Edward the son of Edward BUCKENHAM & Elisabeth his wife Oc- tober 28th, 1764. Edward the son of Thomas NOBLE & Anne his wife baptized No- vember 1 8th, 1764. 1765- Rebecca Daughter of John ELLIOT & Margaret his wife February 20th, 1765. Samuel the son o( Daniel LING & Anne his wife was baptized April 6th, 1765. Nathaniel the son of William DURRANT & Anne his wife was bap. April 14th, 1765. Nathaniel the son of Robert MARSH & Man- his wife baptized April 17th, 1765. Dorothy Daughter of Thomas & Dorothy HATCHER his wife was bap. June sth, 1765. 1766. Jany, 19th Robert Son of Rt. & Mary BOND was baptiz'd THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 105 March 23d Hannah Daughter of John & Eliz. STEPHENS baptiz'd. May 1 8th Mary D. of Rt. & Mary HERRING baptizd. May 1 8th Sarah D. of James & Eliz: CRANE baptizd. June 25th Sarah D. of Rt. & Mary MARSH July 6th Mary D. of John & Elizha PLANT baptizd July i8th Mary D. of Edvvd. & Eliz. BUCKMAHAM baptizd. July 13th E D. of Dan. & Anne LING baptizd. Augst. 4th Perer S of Thos. & Dorothy HATCHER baptizd. 1767. April 1 2th John S of Charles & Mary BARKER Bapt. April 1 2th Ezekiel S of Wm. & Anne DURRANT Bapt. March 15th Rt. S of Rt. & Mary ROPER Bapt. March 29th George S of George & Mary CHURCHYARD Bapt. Augst. 2d. Peter S of Thos. & Dorothy HATCHER Bapt. Augst. 30 Mary D. of Robt & Susan LEGGET Bap : Sepr. 27th. Mary D of Ann CHURCHYARD Bap: 1768. April ist John S of Martha BENNEM baptizd base-bom May loth Elizth. D of Ralph & Elizth. WARD bap. June 1 2th James S of George & Mary CHURCHYARD Bap. July 31st Elizth. D. of Elizth. FLURRY bap. August 7th. Anne D of Philip & Anne WADE bap. August 14th Lydia D of John & Margaret ELLIOT bap: Octr. 23d. Hannah D of Thos. & Dorothy HATCHER bap: 1769. Jany 15th Mary D of Robt. & Elizth. PLANT May 28th Edmund S of John & Elizth. STEPHENS bap. May 28th James S of James & Elizth. CRANE bap: June 4th Robert S of Robt. & Susan LEGGET bap : July 1 6th Martha D. of William & Mary PIPE bap July 23d. Dory S of Elizth. FAIRWEATHER bap: Octr. 22d. John S of John Alice PLANT bap. Novr. 1 2th. Mary D of John & Susan MAYHEW bap 1770. April 13th. John S of Thomas & Dorothy HATCHER bap. April 15th. Thomas S of Robt. & Elizth. POLLARD bap. May 8th Rose D of William & Anne DURRANT bap. May 6th Isaac S of Rose COOK bap May 15th Rachel D of S BUCKE bap: 106 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. April isth Samuel S of Ralph & Elizth. WARD bap: July 29th. James S of George & Mary CHURCHYARD bap. Sepr. 9th. Samuel S of Robt. & Sarah ROPER bap Deer. 9th. Francis S of Wiilm. & Lydia ANDREWS bap. (Right ; cf. marriage entry No. 179) — CM. Deer. 23d. Thomas S of Robt. & Mary BOND bap: Deer. 30th Daniel S of James & Elizth. CRANE bap; 1771. Jany 27th John S of John & Mary TYRREL.Bap: Mareh 3d. Elizth. D of Philip & Anne WADE bap : Mareh 24th Lot S of Samuel & Martha ROPER bap : May 28th Anne D of Thos. & Dorothy HATCHER bap: Sepr. 22d. Hannah D of George & Mary CHURCHYARD bap. 1772. May 13th Anne D of Thos. & Dorothy HATCHER bap May 24th Riehard S of John & Margaret ELLETT bap : July 19th. William S of Wm. & Mary POLLARD bap July 25th Samuel S of Sarah BUCKE Bap July 25th Hannah D of Ralph & Elizabeth WARD Bap July 26th William S of John & Elizabeth STEVENS Bap: Oetr. 1 8th Mary D of William & Mary TEMPLLNG bap Oetr. 25th. Sarah D of George & Mar>- CHURCHYARD bap Novr. 15th Robt. S of Robt. & Elizabeth PLANT bap Novr. 29th Charles S of William & Susan BARKER bap 1773. Jany. 23d. Elizabeth D of Samuel & Elizabeth DARBY bap Jany. 29th. William S of Thomas & Lucy PORTER bap April 25th William S of George & Anne DORLING bap : June 13th. Martha D. of James & Elizabeth CRANE bap: July 1 8th. Sarah D of Mary CALVER bap: base bom Novr. 14th. Lydia D of George & Mary CHURCHYARD bap: Novr. 28th. John S of John & Elizabeth PIZZEY bap : Novr. 28th. Anne D of Robert & Susan LEGGET bap: 1774. Jany. 8th. Mary D of Sarah LYON bap : base bom Jany. 2Sth. James S of Elizabeth WYTHE bap : April 3d. Samuel S. of William & Mary TEMPLING bap: April 25th Sarah D of Robt & Susan LEGGETT bap. May 13th. Anne D of Elizth. COLLINGS bap. THE RE GISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 107 July 24th D of Stephen & Mary EADE bap. Augst. 13th. Sarah D of Sarah CALVER bap. Octr. 8th. John S of James & Elizth. CRANE bap. Deer. 4th. John S of John & Sarah HERRING bap 1775- Jany. ist. Thomas S of Thos. & Dorothy HATCHER bap. Feby. 23d. Henry S of George & Marv CHURCHYARD bap. March 19th James S of Martha COLTHROP bap April 1 6th Sarah D of Robt. & Elizth. PLANT bap July 22d. Sarah D of Samuel & Elizth. DARBY bap.. Augst. 9th Joseph S of Sarah BUCK bap. Novr. 26th. Joseph S of John & Elizth. STEVENS bap. Deer. 24th. Peter S of Thos. & Dorothy HATCHER bap. 1776. June 2d. Benjamin S of John & Elizabeth STEVENS bap. June 9th Henry S of Mary PEARL bap June 9th. Charles S of Robert & Sarah ROPER bap July 7th. Elizabeth D of Stephen & Mary EADE bap. July 14th. Lydia D of James & Elizabeth CRANE bap. Augst. i8th. Elizabeth D of William & Susan BARKER bap. Octr. 8th. Benjamin S of Benjamin & Mary LIST bap. Octr. 9th. William S of Philip & Anne WADE bap. Deer. 15th. Joseph S of John & Elizabeth STEVENS bap Deer. 28th. Catharine D of John & Catharine KERRY bap. Deer. 29th. William S of William & Frances BORE bap. 1777. Jany 19th. Sarah D of John & Anne NICHOLLS bap. March 23d Anne D of Jacob & Mary BRUNNING bap. March 23d. Mary D of Jacob & Mary BRUNNING bap. March 30th Robert S of John & Sarah HERRING bap. March 30th Rachel D of Robert & Elizth. PLANT bap. April 25th. Elizabeth Wood D of Thos. & Sarah FRENCH— bap. May 1 8th. Anne D of William & Mary TEMPLING bap June 7th. Thomas S of Thos. & Elizth. COOK bap Octr. 5th. Sarah D of Rachel BUCK base bom bap. (cf. Entry No. 473.— CM.) Octr. 5th. Thomas S of Anne NOBLE base bom bap. Deer. 25th. Charles S of Thos. & Dorothea HATCHER bap Deer. 28th. Mary D. of Robert & Elizabeth LAST bap Twins 108 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 1778. April 5th. Mary D. of Benjamin & Mary LIST bap. Nov. (date omitted. — C.M.) Edward S. of William and Frances BOOR bap. Novr. 8th. Ann D. of Robert and Ann LIST bap. 1779. Jan: 3d. Robert S. of Robert and Elizabeth LAST bap. Febry: 14th. Kezia D. of Matthew and Ann NOBLE bap. Feb: 21st. Edward S. of Susannah BUTTON bap. Mar: 5 JcAn and Mary Son and Daughter of Daniel and Martha BOND. April nth John S. of John and Ann NICHOLS bap. April I ith. Mary Daughter of Stephen & Mary FADE Bap Octr. 3d. Elizth. D of Rose COOK bap Octr. 2 1 St. Mary D. of Mary CALVER bap. Deer. 2d Samuel S of Henry & Margaret COLLINGS bap. 1780. Jany 5th. Mary & Martha D of Daniel & Martha BOND bap. being TWINS Jany 5th Ann D of Benjamin & Mary LIST bap. June I Ith. Henry S of Timothy & Mary DENNY bap. Sepr. 1 8th. Lucy D of William & Mary GARRARD bap. Octr. 8th Elizabeth D of John & Elizabeth PIZZEY bap. Novr. 19th. Robert S of Mary CALVER Novr. 19th. Edmund S of Mary CALVER Deer. 31st Mary D of John & Elizabeth STEVENS bap. > Twins bap 1781. Jany. 14th. John S of John & Anne NICHOLLS bap Jany. 21st. Elizabeth D of Robert & Elizabeth LAST Bap. Feby nth John S of John & Dinah COLLINGS bap Feby. i8th. Phaebe D of Matthew & Anne NOBLE bap. Feby 25th Joseph S of William & Mary TEMPLING bap. May 27th. Thomas Potter S of Mary MARSH bap June 3d William S of William & Sarah ROGERS bap June loth Martha D of Elizabeth CHAMBERS bap June 29th Harriett D of Elizabeth CANDWELL bap. July 15th. Abel S of John & Sarah HERRING bap July 29th Robert S of Robert & Anne LIST bap. Octr. 7th. Susanna D of Robert & Sarah ELLIOTT bap THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 109 1782. Jany. 6th. John S of John & Mary BOND bap Jany. 13th. John S of William & Sarah ROGERS bap Jany. 29th. William S of Elizabeth BUTTON bap. Feby. 17th. Susanna D of Sarah BARLEY bap April 14th. Elizabeth D of John & Mary RINGE bap June 23d. John S of Henry & Margaret COLLINGS bap. July 14th. George S of Samuel & Elizth. NICOLS bap. Augst. 26th. John S of Richard & Elizabeth HAWARD bap. Deer. 8th. Jane D. of John & Susanna LARTER bap 1783.* Jany. 21st. Maria D of Samuel & Elizabeth DARBY bap. Jany. 21st. James S of William & Mary TEMPLING bap Jany. 21st. Benjamin S of Robert & Ann LIST bap. March 24th. George S of William & Mary GARROD bap April 6th. William S of Robert & Elizabeth LAST bap. 1784. March 14th. Abel HERRING Son of John & Mary bap April 25th. John S of William & Mary NOBLE bap. June 9th. Thomas S of John & Anne NICHOLLS bap (late Anne Utting Spinster). [The originals have " her maiden name was" or " late" : I have usually substituted " nee" for brevity's sake. — CM.] Augst. 1 2th. Thomas S of Thomas & Elizabeth COLBY bap (late E. Wythe Spin) Octr. 3d Mary Daughter of Barabas & Hannah WADE (late H. Witchet) baptized Octr. 31st. Mary Daughter of Robert & Sarah ELLETT (late S. Smith) baptized 1785. March 6th. Elizabeth Daughter of Thomas PEPPER & Hannah his Wife bapt March 27th Richard Son of Richard HAYWARD and Elizabeth (late E. Ashford) bapt. April 25th. Samuel Son of Matthew NOBLE & Anne his Wife (late A. Laper) baptizd. June 5th Edward Son of Sarah BAILEY base bom baptized July 24th. Charles Son of Henry COLLINGS & Lydia his Wife (late L. Jackson) bapt. * An Act of 1 783 put a stamp duty of three pence on every entry of birth, marriage and burial ; many Registers record this as ' Paid ' and poverty is the reason where not paid. The tax was removed in 1794. no THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. Augst. 2ist. Nahum Son of William NOBLE & Mary his Wife (late M. Pretty) baptizd. Octr. 9th Benjamin son of Wm. TEMPLING & Mary his Wife (late M. Claydon) baptized. 1786. Jany 8th James Son of John GIRLING & Susanna his Wife (late S. Mayhew) baptized. April 14th James Son of John & Anne NICHOLS (late Anne Utting) baptized Vol ii. : 1786 — 1790. The last Entry repeated. Bom Jany. loth. (All following Entries by Frans Capper, till noted). Mary d erf James MAYHEW & Mar)' nee Ling born 24 & privately bap. 26 April Susanna d of Robert LAST & Elizabeth nee Rose born i & bap. 17 June Robert Son of Elizabeth CORDEL christened July i6th. William s of Edward CLOUGH & Rachel nee Wollard born & pri- vately bap. Sepr. 15. 1787. William s of John GIRLING & Susan nee Mayhew bom Deer 25 1786 bap. Jan. 21st. Sarah d erf Benjamin LIST & Sarah nee Aldous bom 20 Feb, bap. 4 March James s of Henry COLLINGS & Lydia nee Pyott bom June 19th bap. July I St. Mary d of Edward CLOUGH & Rachel nee Wollard born Octr. i6th bap privately 17th Mary d of Reuben CUTTING of Ashfield & Mary nee Calver bom II, bap. 23 Deer. Henry s erf Henry COLLINGS & Margaret nee Jackson bom 20th, Bap. 30th Deer. 1788. Maria Daughter of Anne WADE base bom Jany. nth. Christened January 13th. Sarah d of Cornelius MARRIETT & Elizabeth nee Sparrow bom Feb. 7th bap. 17th. James Webber s of Daniel COLLINGS & Mary nee Webber bom Octr. 18, bap March 30 Thamar d of William NOBLE & Mary nee Pretty bom March 22nd, bap. 30th. John s of Robt. LAST & Elizth. nee Rose bom June 6th baptized June 22nd. THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. Ill Jonathan s of John GIRLING & Susan nee Mayhew bom Augst 30th bap. Novr. 23d. Elizabeth d of Rotert ELLETT & Sarah nee Smith bom Novr 29th bap. December 7th. 1789. Benjamin s of Charles CRACKNELL & Sarah nee Scace born Deer 9th, bap. Jany. 4th. Thomas s of William TEMPLING & Mary nee Clayton born Dec. 24th, bap. Jan. 25th. James s of Benjamin LIST & Mary nee Aldous born April 30th bap. May loth. Jeremiah s of John BRUNNING & Anne nee Wade born July 15th, christened 19th. James s of Robert ROPER & Anne nee Clarke born 7th, christened 9th Augst. George s of William NOBLE & Mary nee Pretty bom July 31st, bap. August 1 2 th. John s of James MAYHEW & Mary nee Ling born Augst 29th, bap. Augst 30th. Mary d of Noah PYOT & Mary nee Markel bom October ist baptized 4th. James s of Mathew NOBLE & Anne nee Leeper bom Octr. 5th bap. nth. Rachel d of Edward CLOUGH & Rachel nee Woolard born July 29, bap. Novr. 17th. 1790. William Harper s of Harper FARRER & Elizabeth nee Alexander born Feb. 17, bap. 24. Joseph s of Robert LAST & Elizabeth nee Rose bom Jany 19th, bap February 7th. Robert s of Robert TAYLOR & Martha nee Pollard born March nth, bap. March 21st. Maria d of John GIRLING &: Susan nee Mayhew born March 21st, bap. April 4th. Daniel s of Daniel COLLINGS & Mary nee Webber born March loth, bap. April nth. John son of Sarah DORLING bom Base April i8th christened May 2d. Elizabeth d of Mark PEMBERTON & Mary nee Rous born 13th, bap 1 6th May. Elizabeth d of Cornelius MARRIET & Elizabeth nee Sparrow bom June 15th, bap. 4th July. J- tized May 15th. Jeremiah s of Henry COLLINGS & Mary nee Jackson bom June i8th, bap. July loth. William s of James JOLLY & Sarah nee Warren born May 26th, bap- tized July 24th. Elizabeth d of Harper FARRER & Elizabeth nee Alexander born July 18, b. Aug. 12. Charles s of Charles CRACKNELL & Sarah nee Scase born Dec. 10th, bap. i8th. 1792. Charles s of Charles POLLARD & Susan nee Whaley born Jany 29, Bap. Feby. 5. Mary d of John BRUNNING & Anne nee Wade born April 7, bap- tized 29th. Phaebe d oi Thomas JOHNSON & Anne nee Noble bom April 29th, baptized May 6th. Susan d o( Elizabeth PAGE baptized May ist Base bom Lucy d o( Benjamin LIST & Mary nee Aldous born Augst 17, bap- tized Sepr. 9th. Mary d of John GIRLING & Susan nee Mayhew bom Dec. ist, pri- vately bap. 25th. Mary d of Elizabeth DORLING baptized June 3d base bom — Martha d of Robert TAYLOR & Martha nee Pollard bom May 25th, bapt. June 10th. 1793- Fanny d of William NOBLE & Mary nee Pritty bom Jany 31st, Bap. Feby. loth. Rachel d of Harpur FARRER & Elizth. nee Alexander bom Deer 22, 1792, bap. Feb. 10. THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 113 Mary d of John SPINCK & Elizth. nee Newson born Jany. 23d, bap. Feby. 17th. John & Dinah s & d of John RIVERS & Martha nee Cable bom Feb. 19, bap. March 3. Charles s of Henry COLLINGS & Lydia nee Pyott bom Feby. 22, bapt. March 24th. Elizabeth d of John HURN & Martha nee Funnel born March 26th, baptized 31st. Benjamin s of John BRUNNING & Anne nee Wade bom April 21st, bap. May 12th. Elizabeth d of William PEMBERTON & Elizth. nee Last bom May 18, bap. June i6th. Sarah d of Robert ELLETT & Sarah nee Smyth born July nth, bap. Sepr. 22nd. John s of John ROPER & Catharine nee Catchpole bom Deer. i8th, bap. Deer. 19th. Daniel s of John GIRLING & Susan nee Mayhew bom Deer. 8th, baptized Dec. 25th. 1794. Susan d of Charles POLLARD & Susan nee Wallage bom Jany. 6th, bapt. April 19th. Robert s of Charles CRACKNELL & Sarah nee Scace born Jany 8th, bapt. Feb. 29th. Daniel s of Daniel PATTLE & Elizth. nee Darby born Feby, 13d, Bap. 23d. Isabel d of Mathw NOBLE & Ann nee Leaper born Jany. i8th, bap- tized Jany. 26th. Elijah s of Sarah MARKHAM born April 3d, baptizd April 18th — David s of Robert TAYLOR & Martha nee Pollard born April 17th, bap. April 27th. Maria d of John SPINCK & Elizabeth nee Newson born April i6th, bap. May i8th. Mary d of William NOBLE & Mary late Pritty born Feby. 17th, bap- tized March i6th. Maria d of Elizabeth CHAMBERS bom May 19th, baptizd June 8th Thomas s of Thomas JOHNSON & Anne nee Noble born June 2d, baptizd the 2 2d. Mary Anne d of Harpur FARRER & Elizabeth nee Alexander bom Nov. 17, bapt. Dec. 31 1795- Mary d of James JOLLEY & Sarah nee Walne (Warren, cf. 1791) born Jany. 2d, baptized Jany. nth William s of Henry COLLINGS & Margaret nee Jackson bom Jany. 1 2th, bap. Feb. 8th. 114 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. Sarah d of Henry COLLINGS . Lydia nee Pyott bom Jany. 24th, bapt. April 12th. Phaebe d of Matthew BOON & Mary nee Stern bom May 21st, bap- tized May 31st. June 17 was born, June 21st baptized Samuel the son of Sarah COLENS— base born Phaebe d of John ROPER & Catherine nee Catchpool bom April 29, bapt. July 1 2th. John s of Samuel HAYWARD & Lydia nee Hatcher boyi June 28th, bap. July 5th. Susan d of Cornelius MARRIOT & Elizabeth nee Sparrow born July 24, bap. 26th. Benjamin s o( John GIRLING & Susan nee Mayhew born July 28th, bap. July 31st. John s of John PIZEY & Ann nee Hayward born August 25th, bap- tized Septr. 13th. William s of William ALEXANDER & Mary nee Edwards bom Aug. 30, bap. Septr. 13th. Susan d of John MILLS & Susan nee Hill bom Novr. 12, Baptized Novr 22. 1796. Robert s of Robert ELLIOT & Sarah nee Smyth bom Dec. 3, 1795 bapt. Jany 17, 1796. William s of Robert TAYLOR & Martha nee POLLARD bom March 7, baptized 27th. Rose d erf Charles POLLARD & Susan nee Walleage bom April 7th, baptiz. May 15. May 30th was born, June 5 Baptized Jdin Sc«i of Charity PEMBER- TON— Base Born.— Franes d of Matthew BOON & Mary nee Steam born June 28th, bap- tized July 1 6th. Mary Ann d of Charles BARKER & Elizabeth nee Plant bom July 22nd, bapt. Aug. 14. Susan d of James JOLLEY & Sarah nee Warren bom Septr. 4th, bapt. Novr. 6th. James s of Harper FARER & Elizth. nee Alexander bom Novr. 8th-, bapt. Novr. nth. 1797. Jan. 1 6th bom, Feby 5th bapt. John s of Thomas TURNER & Maria nee Carver. March 25th bom, April 9th bapt. John son of Sarah CARVER — Base Bom — April 8th bom, May 21st bapt. Marv d of Benjamin STEPHENS and Eliz. nee Garham (should be Gamham cf. No. 689 post) THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SO HAM. 115 May 2ist bom, June nth bapt. Mary d - Ann d of Samuel MORTIMER & Elizabeth (late Barker) born June 20th, bap. 6 July. 1807. Susan d of Charles POLLARD & Sarah (nee Robertson) born Deer 17 1806, bap. Jan. 11. James s of James WILDEN & Christian (nee Pool) born Feb. 6th, bapt. Feb. 22nd. James, illegitimate son of Mary CUTTING bom Feb. 11, bapt. March 8th, 1807. Ann d of John MARSH & Ann (nee Clark) bom Feb. 22, bapt. March 30th, 1807. (Sarah or Charlotte.— CM.) Daughter of Thomas KEMP & Eliza- beth (nee Andrews) born Dec. 23, bap. Ap. 19. Lewis s of Lionel & Elizabeth GROOME (nee Pizzey) born Feb. 8, bapt. April 19th. Harriet d of Samuel & Sarah KEMP (nee Corban) born March 6th, bap. May 17th, 1807. Benjamin, s of Benjamin STEPHENS & Susan (nee C(x>k) born March 16, bap. June 21st. Maria d of Joseph & Lydia TEMPLIN (nee Tarbot) born June 19, bapt. July 19th. Samuel s of Thomas & Sarah PEPPER (nee Crease) bom April 22, bapt. August 9lh. William, s of William & Ann PEARL (nee Harvy) bom Aug. 22, bapt. Septr. 12, 1807. 1808. Harriet, d of Henry & Lydia COLLINGS (nee Pyett) bom Dec. 26 1807, bap. Jan. 31st. James illegitimate Son of Hannah BLOMFIELD born October 18 1807, baptized June 5. Elizabeth d of William IFE & Mary (nee Abbett) bom Aug. 6, 1788, bap. June 19. Robert s of William & Mary NOBLE (nee Pretty) bom Dec. 13 1799, bap. June 19th. Maria d of Charles & Elizabeth BARKER (nee Plant) bom Dec. 23 1807, bap. Jan. 3 1809. 120 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. Thomas Wainwright s of Thomas & Martha ADAMS (nee Wainw.) bom Oct. 31, '07, bapt. July 22. Susanna d of John & Sarah BLOMFIELD (nee Thurston) bom Aug. 8, bap, Sept. 4th. Mary Ann illegitimate d of Barbary EMERSON born Aug. 5th, bapt. Septr. 4th, 1808. 1809. Mary Ann d of Henry & Mary WRIGHT (nee Bmnning) born Aug. 7 1807, bap. Jany 4th. Rhoda d of Thomas & Maria TURNER (nee Calver) born Feb. 4, baptized March 26th. Charlotte d of Jc^n & Frances WADE (nee Pizzey) bom Aug. 13, 1808, bapt. March 26th. Naomi d of Robert & Sarah MARSH (nee Roper) born March 6th, bapt. April 2nd. Sarah d of John & Martha ABBOT (nee Thrower) bom Sept. 19 1808, bapt. May 2i8t. John s of John & Amy MARSH (nee Clark) bom April 5th, bapt. May 2 1 St. George s of Amos GOODING & Mary (nee Osbom) bom March 21st, bapt. May 24th. Sophia d of Charles & Sarah BARKER (nee Mortimer) born Dec. 25 1808, bap. June 18. James illegitimate s of Amy WATLING bcwn June i8th, bapt. July 2d. 1810. Louisa d of Joseph & Lydia TEMPLE (nee Talbot) bom Aug. 27 1809, bap. Feby. nth. William s of John & Ann FELINGHAM (nee Johnson) born Feb. i6th, bapt. March nth. Mary Ann d of William & Ann PEARL (nee Harvey) born Nov. 8 1809, bap. Apl. 15th. Susan d of Richard & Charlotte ELLIOT (nee Mason) born Dec. 4 1808, bap. Apl. 22d. Elizabeth d of Richard ELLIOT & Charlotte (nee Mason) bom March 12, bap. Apl. 22d. Martha Maria d of Thomas & Martha ADAMS (nee Wainwright) b. June 9 1809, b. July 15. Charles illegitimate son of Maria WADE born Feby 4th, baptized Sepr. 9th. Maria d of Charles & Elizabeth BARKER (nee Plant) born Feb. 15, bapt. Augt. 9th. John s of Amos & Mary GOODWIN (nee Osborne) born July 23d, baptized Deer. 3d. 1810. THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 121 1811. Charlotte d of Joseph & Lydia TEMPLING (nee Talbot) bom Feb. 4, bapt. March 3d. William Kemp, illegitimate s of Sarah CALVER bom Jan. 6th, bap- tized March lo. Sarah Fade Drane illegitimate d of Mary EADE born June 8 1790, bap. June 9th. William s of John & Sarah BOND (nee Elliot) born Nov. 24 1810, bapt. June 23rd. Francis s of John [recte Lionel] & Elizabeth GROOM (nee Pizzey) born June 27 1810, bap. June 30. William s of John & Sarah BOND (nee Burrows) bom July 16, bap- tized Augt. 4th. Francis illegitimate s of Christian WILDING bom June nth, bapt. July 28th. Mary d of Henry & Lydia COLLINS (Pyett) was born July 29th, bap- tized Augt. i8th. Elizabeth d of Robert & Elizabeth KEMP (nee Elliot) born Augt 28, bapt. Sep. 22d. MartEa d of John & Martha ABBOT (nee Thrower) born Oct. 2d, bapt. Nov. 17th. George s of Charles & Elizabeth BARKER (nee Mortimer) born Aug. 16, bapt. Dec. 8th. 1812. Mira d of Richard ELLIOTT & Charlotte (nee Mason) bom Jan. 29, bapt. Feb. 5th. William Wainwright s of Thomas & Martha ADAMS (nee W.) bom Feb. I, bapt. Feb. 16. William s of Robert & Sarah MARSH (nee Roper) bom Nov. 27 1811, bapt. March 22nd. Harriet d of Thomas & Martha ADAMS (nee W.) born Aug. 19 i8ro, Bapt. Sep. I, 1810. " Omitted in the Register at the proper time." Robert s of William & Ann PEARL (nee Harvey) bom Nov. 15 1811, bapt. April 5th. Alfred s of Lionel & Elizabeth GROOM (nee Pizzey) born March ist, bapt. May 17th. William s of John & Elizabeth BOND (nee Burrows) born July 14th, bapt. May 30th. Samuel s of Joseph & Susannah PECK (nee Churchyard) born May 24, bapt. June 21st. Samuel illegitimate Child of Susan MUTIMER born May 23, bapt. July 26th, 1812. Samuel s of John & Ann FELINGHAM (nee Noble) bom July 7, bapt. August 2d, 1812. 122 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. Robert s of Abraham & Frances SHARMAN (nee Lenny) bom Aug. 26, bapt. Sept. 13th. William s of Peter & Sarah CRISP (nee Fade) bom August 30, bapt. Nov. 15th, 1812. Henry s of Samuel & Sarah CUPPER (nee Plant) born Aug. 27th, bapt. Nov. 23d, 1 81 2. Mary d of Charles & Elizabeth MARSHALL (nee Ife) bom October 27, bapt. Nov. 2 2d. Vol. iv. : 1813 — 1877. (N.B. — All fathers are labourers of Monk Soham throughout remainder erf Register, and Baptisms by Jackson till 1839). 1813. Feby. 19 Reed, into Church Mary Anne d of Amos & Mary Anne (Os- borne) GOODWIN. Feby 28 privately John s of John & Sarah (nee Burrows) BOND. March 10 privately Sarah d oi Robert & Lydia (nee Godbould) WAR- NER. April 4 Elizabeth d of Benjamin & Elizabeth [PSusan cf. 1807] (nee Cook) STEVENS. May 2 Miriam d of John & Sarah (Thurston) BLUM FIELD. May 2 William Thurston s of John & Sarah (Thurston) BLUMFIELD. June 27 Mary Ann d of Jcrfin & Sarah (Burrows) BOND. Cordwainer. July II privately Charles s of John & Charity (Pemt«rton) HURREN [Herring, cf. 1805]. October 25 privately Carolina d erf Thomas & Martha (Wainwright) ADAMS. Farmer. 1814. Feby. 27 George s of Peter & Sarah (Fade) CRISP. March 20 privately Eliza d of Richard & Charlotte (Masc«i) ELLIOT. by Henchman. March 22 privately John s ol Abraham & Frances (Lenny) SHARMAN. April 17th — bom 19 Jan — Pamela d of William & Ann PEARL. Henceforth W. Clarke. July 31st — Born 30 June — Rachel d erf Robert & Sarah MARSH. August 14th-— bom 23 Dec. 181 3 — Mary Ann d of Licwiel & Elizabeth GROOM. Cordwainer. 2nd Octr James son of Barbara EMERSON erf Monk Soham Spinster. 25 Deer. — bom 29 Sept — James s of John & Phaebe SHULVARD. 25 Deer. — bom 22d Novr — Eliza d of Samuel & Rebecca COLE Blacksmith. THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 123 1815. 14 May — born 23rd Jan — Mary Anne d of John & Anne FELLING- HAM. 28th May — bom 19 Nov. 1814 — Matilda d of Daniel & Maria ROGERS. June I St — born 14th Octr. 1814 — Maria d of John & Susan HAM- MOND Farmer. August 6th Matilda d of John & Elizabeth CLEMENCE Carpenter. August 13 Elizabeth d of Samuel & Sarah CUPPER Farmer. Septr. 24 Harriett d of John & Sarah BOND, Cordwainer. Deer, 24th. William s of Joseph & Susan PECK. Deer. 24th. Miriam d of Richard & Charlotte ELLIOTT. Deer. 24th. Sarah d of Richard & Charlotte ELLIOTT. 1816. Febry 25th Frances d of William & Ann PEARL. March loth Susan d of Robert & Elizabeth KEMP, Gardener. March 17th Charlotte d of Peter & Sarah CRISP. April 7th John s of Samuel & Lydia SMITH. June 9th — born 7 Feby 1813 — John s of John & Sarah BOND. June 9 James s of John & Sarah BOND. June 23 — bom 2nd August 1814 — Eliza d of John & Sarah ABBOTT. June 23rd Jane d of John & Sarah ABBOTT. July 7th. Elizabeth d of John & Phaebe SHULVER. July 14th — born i8th Jan 181 5 — Ann d of John & Mary HALL, Farmer. July 14th — born i8th Jany 18 15 — Mary d of John & Mary Hall, Farmer. 1817. Febry i6th Samuel s of Samuel & Rebecca COLE, Blacksmith. Febry 23 William s of Edward & Mary SMITH. March 2nd Received into church John s of Samuel & Mary JAY. March 2nd Mary d of Samuel & Mary JAY. March 13th Received into church Anna d of John & Susan HAM- MOND, Farmer. March 30th Sarah d of John & Sarah BOND. / April 27th Phaebe d of John & Elizabeth NESTLING. May nth James s of Robert & Sarah MARSH. July 20 — born March 9th 18 13 — Sarah d of Robert & Lydia WAR- NER. July 20 — born March 9th 1815 — Eliza d of Robert & Lydia WAR- NER. 124 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. July 2oth Maria d of Robert & Lydia WARNER. August loth Elizabeth d of John & Mary HALL, Farmer. Novr. 1 6 Eliza Hannah d of Peter & Sarah CRISP. i8i8. Janry 4th Mary d of Henry & Harriett COLLINS, Blacksmith. Janry 4th John s of William & Elizabeth RUFFELLS. Janry nth Mary Ann d of John & Hannah BARKER, Blacksmith. Janry 25 Mary Ann d of Samuel & Phebe SMITH. Febry ist Dinah d of John & Martha ABBOTT. Febry ist Sarah Ann d of Samuel & Mar> BURROWS. March 29th William s (rf Henry & Susan COOKE. May loth Susanna d of Robert & Sarah ELLIOTT. May loth Robert s of Robert & Sarah KEMP. July 19th William Illegitimate Son of Barbara EMERSON Monk Soham, Spinster. July 13th privately Juliana d of John & Elizabeth KIRBY, Fanner; by W. Bransby. July 24th — born Octr. loth 181 7 — Emma d of Jcrfin & Susan HAM- MOND, Farmer. Septr. 2 1 St — bom ist Septr 18 16 — Jdin Cole s of John & Elizabeth KIRBY, Farmer. 1819. Jan 31st Maria d of John & Sarah BOND. [First of J. H. Groome, Rector, entries]. Feb. 14th William Miller s of Joseph & Mary LAST, Carpenter and Innkeeper. Feb. 24th Maria d of Daniel & Maria ROGERS. Fe5. 28th— bom Mar. 17 181 8 — Samuel s of John & Lucy RINGE, Gardener ( ? to Groome) Mar. 14th William s of Jeremiah & Hannah COLLINS, Carpenter. Mar 26th Maria d of Samuel & Sarah CUPPER, Farmer. Apr. 3d. Mary d of John & Mar\' KNIGHTS. By certificate from W. B. Bransby, Minister. May 30th John s of William & Mary BARKER. July 25th Sarah d of John & Mary HALL, Farmer. Aug. ist Lemcmy d d[ Samuel & Rebecca COLE, Blacksmith ; by Rev. Walter Gee. Aug. 22d William Johnson s of John & Phaebe SHULVER. Aug. 29th. Samuel — nearly 3 years of age — s of Samuel & Lydia SMYTH. Aug. 29th William s of Samuel & Lydia SMYTH. Sep. 5th John Edgar s of John &: Susan HAMMOND, Farmer. THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 125 Nov. 2d. William s of James & Susannah HAMMOND, Farmer. Nov. 28th George s of Robert & Elizabeth ELLIOT, Carpenter. Dec. 5th Mary d of Henry & Susan COOK. Dec. 5 James s of Robert & Elizabeth KEMP. Dec. loth John s of John & Mary MILLER of Otley Fanner; by W. B. Bransby, Minister. 1820. Mar. 19th James s of Samuel & Mary BURROWS. Mar. 2ist Alfred s | twins of Robert & Sarah MARSH, by Rev. Mar. 2ist Harriot d J W. B. Bransby, Minister. Mar. 26th John s of John & Hannah BARKER, Blacksmith. March 29th Louisa d of Amos & Mary Anne GOODING, Carpenter; by W. B. Bransby. April 2d. Jemima d of Samuel & Phaebe SMITH. April 9th Henry Mills illegitimate s of Lydia MILLS, Servant. April 1 6th Henry s of Peter & Sarah CRISP. June 22d Martha d of John and Phaebe SHULVER. Aug. 27th Charles s of George and Mary DAVY. Sep. 17th William s of James and Jemima CHAPMAN. Oct. 3d John s of John and Mary KNIGHTS. Oct. 2 2d John Miller s of Joseph and Mary LAST, Carpenter & Inn- keeper. Nov. 26th Elizabeth d of John and Ann WRIGHT, Wheelwright. 1821. Feby. 4th Charlotte d of William and Charlotte RUFFLES; by W. H. Wyatt Curate. Feby. 4th Harriet illegitimate d of Mary ADAMS, Servant ; by Ditto Mar. 29th Elizabeth d of Robert and Lydia WARNER, by id. Apr. I St Emma d of Jeremiah and Hannah COLLINS, Carpenter. Apr. I St Phaebe d of Samuel and Mary JAYE. Apr. 22d Alfred illegitimate son of Lucy GOSLING, Servant; by W. H. Wyatt Curate. May 13th Sophia d of Peter and Sarah CRISP. May 20th Sarah d of George and Mary DAVY. May 20th John s of John and Martha ABBOTT ; by W. H. Wyatt. Aug. 26th Samuel s of John and Sarah BOND. Sep. 2d Elizabeth d of John and Susan HAMMOND, Farmer. Oct. 7th Louisa d of Samuel and Lydia SMITH ; by W. W. Hench- man, OfFg. Minister. Oct. 14th Susan d of Samuel and Mary JAYE. Nov. 1 8th Susannah d of James and Susannah HAMMOND, Farmer. 126 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. Dec. i6th Sarah d of Henry and Susan COOK. Dec. 30th Emma d of Daniel and Maria ROGERS of Ashfield. 1822. Feb. loth Abraham s ctf John and Lucy RINGE, Gardener. Feb. loth Thomas s of John and I.ucy RTNGE, Gardener. Apr. 9th Anthony s of John and Susan KIRBY, Farmer. May 26th Mary Anne d of James and Jemima CHAPMAN. Maria d of Robert and Hannah CHAPMAN baptized May 26th. July 2d Robert s of David and Eleanor TAYLOR. Sep. 4th John s of John and Mary HALL, Farmer. Sep. 4th Maria d of John and Mary HALL, Farmer. Deer. 15th William s of Samuel and Phaebe SMITH. 1823- Mar. 14th Edwin sof Amos and Mary Anne GOODING, Carpenter. June ist Eliza d of George and Mary DAVY. July 13th James Botwright s of John and Susan HAMMOND. Fanner. Aug. loth George s of John and Martha ABBOTT. Aug. 17th William s of Daniel and Maria ROGERS of Ashfield. Aug. 24th Samuel s of William and RUFFLES. Sep. 29th Sarah d of J'-Ann WILDING; by Ditto. * Civil registration of births, marriages and deaths was first instituted, irrespective of religious beliefs, by Act of Parliament : 6 & 7 Wm. iv. c. 36 : explained and amended by I Vict. c. 22. THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 131 Mar. 19th William s of Robert and Elizabeth PEARL; by id. May 7th James Ludford illegitimate son ' dr of the same (Aged 3 years). May 22 Anna dr dF the same. Aug. 28 Alice Mary dr of John Wentworth and Jane GARNEYS, Farmer (aged 5 years). Aug. 28 Reginald Clare son of the same (aged 3 years). Aug. 28 Maud Bessie dr of the same. Aug. 28. Katherine dr of the same. Aug. 28 Harriett dr of Henry and Sarah MARSH. Octr. 2d (of) Jdin and Eleanor PEARL. Octr. 2d. (of) Robert (and) PEARL, of Kenton. Octr. 9th Charlotte Anna dr of Joseph and Jane CALVER. Oct. 9 Frederic son of ARCHER. Octr. 16 Clarke son of John and Emma RUFFLES. Oct. 16 Agatha dr of John and Emma RUFFLES. Oct. 16 Charles son ' KEMP; by W. T. Pratt, OfFg Minst. Sepr. 1 8th Arthur William s of John and Jeannette CLAYTON. 1888. Feb. 30 Maria dr of Emma CRISP (pr). Jany 30th Abraham s of William and Sarah SAMPSON (pr). May 27 Geoffrey Seaman s of George Seaman and Mary EDWARDS, Farmer. June 10 Frederic s of John and Anna LIST of Earl Soham (aged 3 years). June loth Amy Rosanna dr of the above. June 24 Florence dr of George and Elizabeth COOK. Aged 11 years. July 22 William John s of William and Jane PARKER. Aug. 12 George Russel s of David (and) Alice ARBON. Last of R. H. Groome. THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 153 1888. Nov. 4th Rachel d of David and Anna Maria BALDWIN ; by Herbert. H. Wilford, Curate. Nov. 4th Eminson dr of George and Eminson SCALES; by id. Nov. 4th Fanny dr of the above ; by id. Nov. nth Rosy dr of Samuel and Ada LIST; by id. Nov. nth Fanny dr of George and Mary KERRIDGE; by id. Nov. 1 8th Robert s of Alfred and Emma MOYSE (aged 14 years); by id. Nov. 1 8th Clara Christiana dr of Benjamin and Maria BROCK; by id. Dec. 2nd Selina May dr of Jesse and Sarah KEMP; by id. 1889. Mar. 27th Gladys Mary dr of George Seaman and Mary EDWARDS, Farmer; by id. April 28th William s of Robert and Anna LIST ; by id. now Curate- in-charge. May 19th John s of William John and Jane PARKER; by H. G. Wilford, C.-in-charge. June 2nd Michael s of Edward and Lucy ABBOTT, Jobber; by id. June i6th James s of George and Emily COOK of Bedfield, Labourer; by id. June i6th William s of Robert and Sarah ELLIOT; by id. June i6th Walter s of the same; by id. June 1 6th Bessie, dr of the same; by id. June i6th Emma dr of the same; by id. June 23rd Arthur s of Walter and Mary Ann MARSH ; by id. June 23rd Harry s of Thomas and Hannah SMITH ; by id. June 23rd Ellen Elizabeth dr of the same; by id. June 30th Mary dr of John and Anna Maria JAYE of Bedingfield, Labourer; id. June 30th John Ringe s of William and Caroline KEMP; by id. June 30th Charles s of Charlotte RUFFLES ; by id. June 30th Frank s of Charlotte RUFFLES ; (last of Herbert H. Wil- ford). Septr. 29th Charlotte Elizabeth dr of William & Agnes Mary PAR- KER; by W. H. Groome, Rector. Novr. 3rd George William s of Harry and Eliza READ; by id. 1890. May 15th Walter John s of John and Eliza Maria CRACKNELL, Carpenter; by id. May 15th Sydney John s of the same; by id. 154 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. Septr. 14th Mary dr of John and Eliza FAIRWEATHER, Blacksmith Sept. 28th Harriett Rosetta (dr of) Alfred & Emma HUNT ; by J. G. Darling, Eyke. Sept. 28th Kate Louisa (dr of) the same; by id. Octb sth Arthur Philip s of William & Sarah SAMPSON ; by W. H. Groome, Rector. 1891. Feby 25th Edward s of William John & Jane PARKER (pr baptized) by id. April 1 2th Rose Justina dr of Jesse & Sarah KEMP; by W. T. Pratt Offic. Min. May loth Mary Valentine dr of Edward & Lucy ABBOTT, Jobber; by id. June 7th William James s of Ellen CHAPMAN of Kenton ; by id. June 28th Primrose Sarah dr of Robert & Anna LIST; by id. June 28th Frederick Arthur s of Jane SCALES (aged six years) ; by id. July 19th John s of Robert & Sarah ELLIOT; by id. August 23rd Charles Frederick s of Frederick & F*anny SALTER, Innkeeper; id. 1892. March 2nd George s of Samuel & Ada TJst ; by id. April 3rd Thomas s of William John and Jane PARKER ; last of W. H. Groome, R. May 19th Charles s of John & Jane WEBB— bom March i8th; by E. Bazalgette. June 19th Rose dr of Arthur & Ellen PEARL— bom April 20th— by id. October i6th Daisy dr of Samuel & Ada Sarah LIST — born August 5th ; by id. 1893. July 9th Joseph William s of Evelyn & Maud Emily BAZALGETTE — born April 13th; id. August 13th John s of John & Eliza FAIRWEATHER, Blacksmith- born May 20th. August 27th Ethel Maud dr of John & Jeannette CLAYTON— born Aug. 14th 1892. October 29th Mary dr of George & Florence COLLINS — bom Sep- tember nth. November 17th Lucy Ellen dr of Jcrfin & Jane WEBB — born Septem- ber 13th. 1894. Feb. 7th Arthur David (s of) David & Betsy MOYSE— bom August loth 1893. February nth Robert s of Robert & Susanna LIST — bom November 2ist 1893. THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 165 March 25th Thetford s of Edward & Kate Emma KEMP— bom January 5th. April I St Harriet Elizabeth dr of Walter & Mary Louisa CHAPMAN — born Jan 8th September 20th Alice Ellen dr of John Russell & Maude EDWARDS, Farmer — born November 26th 1893; by Evelyn Bazalgette. 7th Octr. Edward Frederick s of Edward Herbert & Lucy ABBOTT, dealer — bom 29th July; by H. F. BarfF, offictg. Minister. Dec. 16 Eliza dr of Ellen ABBOTT— born November 1890; by E. Bazalgette, Rect. 1895. May 1 6th Frederick Jesse s of David & Betsy MOYSE — born March 2 1 St. August nth Clifford George s of Samuel & Martha JAYE — born Oct. 31, 1894. Oct. 13 Walter William s of David & Betsy MOYSE— born Sept. loth 1891. Nov. 5 Elizabeth Emma dr of Frederick & Charlotte JAYE — born Sept. 27th. December 1 1 Evelyn Russell s of John Russell & Maude EDWARDS— born Oct. nth. 1896. Feb. 9 George s of George & Florence COLLINS — born Jan 30th. Feb 23 Ethel Mary dr of George & Rebecca BARBER, Farm Bailiff — b. Jan. 14th. April 26th Rose dr of Edward & Mahalah CRISP — born November roth 1895. April 26 Sarah Jane dr of William John & Jane PARKER, Horseman — bom Mar 12th. May 5th Kate Ellen Kathleen dr of Walter & Louisa PORTER, Ips- wich Policeman — bom November 15, 1877. May 24 Alice Selina dr of Robert & Susanna LIST — bom March 10th. Aug. 8 Evelyn s of Evelyn & Maud Emily BAZALGETTE— bom July 9th. Aug 29 Dorothy Selah May dr of James & Ellen KEMP, London milkman — b. Mar. 15. Sept 6 Arthur Horace Christopher s of Horace Christopher and Sarah Ann SCALES, 5 Whiteley Cottages Kensington W, Horseman at Wm. Whiteleys — b. Jy 29 1897. March 3 Clara dr of George & Florence COLLINS — born January 25th. March 8 Alfred s of Florence MARSH — born June nth, 1896 (pri- vately bapt.). 166 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. July 24 Annie Irene dr of Frank Henery & Adelaid Alice EDWARDS, Farmer — bom July 4th, Aug 22 Willie s of James & Sally HALL, Labourer — born July 28th. 1898. February 24th Bernard Patrick s of Edward Montgomery & Maria Frances Anne SWAN, Engineer — born June 12 1894. Mar 30 John Noel s of John Russell & Maude EDWARDS, Farmer — born Dec 27, '97. July 17 John s of John & Elizabeth WHITTON— born June 15th. July 24 Dorothy Emma dr ol James & Sally HALL — born June 25th. July 31 Samuel Edward s of Samuel Edward & Mahalah CRISP — born Feb. 2, 1897. Nov. 6 Samuel s of Robert & Susanna LIST — born September 2nd. Nov. 6 Rosaieni dr of Fred & Ellen Emstine COLLINS — August 21st. (LAST E. B.) 1899. May 21 Mar) Jane (dr of) Ada KEMP, Single Woman — born Apl. 29; by Mundeford Allen. July 30 Blanche Lucy (dr of) Horace & Ellen SMITH, St. Peters Ips- wich, of G.E.Ry. Aug 20 Walter (s of) Walter & Mar- garet RUFFLES. Oct 8 Walter Henry (s of) Walter (&) Alice Martha ABBOTT. By W. T. Pratt, Rect. of Bedfield, Offic. Minster. Nov. 12 Alfred (s of) Dennis & Emma RUFFLES. Nov 12 Jack (s of) John & Jessie BROCK. 1900. Jan. 3 Samuel Robert s of Samuel & Martha JAYE, Machinist ; by J. F. Darrell, Rect. Apr. 15 Arthur s of Ada LIST — bom Aug. 28th 1898. Apr. 15 Daisy d of Robert & Sarah ELLIOTT, Machinist— born April 19th, 1893. Apr. 15 Bob s of Robert & Sarah above — bom July 2nd 1895. Apr. 15 Samuel George s of above — bom June 19th 1898. Apr. 15 Garson Ralph s of Walter & Mary Louisa CHAPMAN — bom oct 2ist 1898. Apr. 15 Reginald Jesse s of Jesse & Sarah KEMP, Drover — bom Sep 13th 1898. Apr. 15 Olive Kathleen d oi above — bom June 9th 1894. Apr. 15 Mildred Annie d of the above — bom Sep 20th 1891. THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 157 May 27 Edward George s of William John & Jane PARKER, Bailiff — bom Jan. 31st. July 4th Edgar Aylward Seaman s of Frank Henry & Adelaide Alice EDWARDS, Farmer— bom April 13th. July 29 Ernest William s of Frederick & Blanche Emma SALTER — bom June 24th. Sep. 16 George Chandler s of Samuel Robert & Sarah COLE, Far- mer — born Aug. 20th. Sep. 16 Ernest William Abbott s of Horace & Ellen SMITH (as in 1899 supra) — bom July 10. Oct 14 Anna Isabella d of George & Ellen Esther SAUNDERS of Oakley Lodge Eye Gardener — born Aug. 25th, 1900; by Ray- mund Blathwagt. Nov. II Florence May d of John & Elizabeth KEMP — born Sep 13; by Darrell. Dec. 13 James Seaman s of John Russell & Maude EDWARDS, Far- mer — Born Oct 26th. 1901. Feb. 10 Florence Louisa d of Robert & Susanna LIST — born Nov. ist, 1900. Apr. 28 Margaret Kate d of Arthur Rodwell & Kate CRACKNELL (Reservist) — 20 i 96. Apr. 28 Grace Myrtle d of the above — born Sep 24th 1898. Apr. 28 Sydney Arthur s of the above — bom Nov. loth 1900. May 19 Mary Kathleen d of Charles Edwin & Clarissa Katherine RIVINGTON, Shorthand Clerk— born Nov. 3rd 1898. (Nee Payn.) May 26 Leonard Edward s of John & Ellen CRISP— bom Jan i6th 1901. May 26 George William s of Walter & Alice ABBOTT, Letheringham —bom Feb i8th. 1902. Mar 24 Edwin Charles s of George Seaman & Edith May EDWARDS, Farmer — b. Feb. 6th. Mar 30 Frank s of Walter & Margaret RUFFLES — bom Nov. 17th, 1901. July 27 Frederick Oliver s of Fred. James & Emily Jane BROCK — bom June 5th. 1903. May 10 Florence Mary d of Robert & Florence Mary KERRIDGE — bom Feb 23rd. May 31 Nellie Ismay d of George & Emma Martha ABBOTT of Lax- field — born 22 Sept. 02. Aug. 9 William George s of William & Anna Miriam ABBOTT — ^bom July 9th. 168 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. Aug. 23 Mary Elizabeth d of Robert & Anna LIST — bom April 1902. Aug. 24 Gerald Richardson s of John Russell & Maude EDWARDS, fmr. — born Aug. 5th. Aug. 30 William s of Ada LIST — bom April 29 1901. Sep 6 Hilda Alice d of George & Ellen Esther SAUNDERS (as in 1900) — b. 24 July. Sep. 6 Clifford Harry s of Harry & Eliza READ— born Oct i8th 1896. Oct. 18 John Arthur s of John & Ellen CRISP— bom May 17th. Nov. 2 Jane Sarah d of Frederick and Ellen COLLINS — bom Oct 5th. Nov 8 Elsie Roberta Irene d of Samuel Robert & Emily Sarah COLE, Fmr — b. 2 June 02. Nov. 8 Annie Eliza d of the above — bom July 22nd 1903. 1904. Mar 13 Arthur Samuel s of Arthur Samuel & Mary DURRANT — bom Jan. i6th. Mar. 13 George s of William John & Jane PARKER, Bailiff — bom Oct 24th, 1902. June 19 Jane Elizabeth d of John & Elizabeth KEMP — born April 8th. Aug. 14 William George s of Frederick James & Emily Jane BROCK — born Feb. 22nd. Dec 25 George s of Robert & Florence KERRIDGE— bom Sep 25th. 1905. April 30 Geoffrey George s of George & Florence COLLINS — bom Feb 5th. May 28th Samuel Charles s of William John & Jane PARKER, Bailiff — bom 17 Sept. 04. May 28 Arthur Richard s of Robert & Sarah ELLIOTT, Engine Driver — b. Nov. 28, 03. June 1 8 Mabel Mary d of Samuel & Martha JAYE — bora May 30 1 904 — Roadman . 1906. April 8 Lilian Elizabeth d of Frederick & Ellen COLLINS— bom March 17th. July 22 Alfred George s of Walter & Mary Louisa CHAPMAN — bom July sth, 1900. July 22 Allan Arthur s of the same — born Nov. 30th 1905. Oct. 28th Emest William s of Thomas & Lilian Elizabeth SMY, Ash- field — b. 30 Sep. 1907. April 7th Alfred Henry s of Frederick James & Emily Jane BROCK — b. June 6, 05. April 7th Bertie Percy s of the same — born Aug i6th 1906. THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 159 April 28 Fanny Beatrice d of Robert & Florence Mary KERRIDGE — b. March 2nd. June 2 Winifred Alice d of Walter & Margaret RUFFLES — bom Feb. 17, 1905. June 2 Hilda Margaret d of the same — bom April 29th, 1907. Nov. 3 Daisy Muriel d of George & Muriel HAMMOND — born Aug. 20th 1907. Nov. 3 Frank s of Frederick & Ethel Mary JAY (priv.) — b. Oct 19 1907, Reed. I xii 7. Dec. I Daniel Martin s of the same — bom Oct 3rd, 1906. 1908. June 7 Henry Ernest s of Samuel & Kate HAWES, Publican — born Nov. 4 1904. June 7 Gordon Rupert s of the same — born Jan 25th 1906. June 7 Margaret May d erf Noah George & May CREASY, Farmer — tx>m May lo, 1908. Nov. 22 Edith Mary d of Frederick James & Emily Jane BROCK — b. March 12, 1908. 1909. Jan 17 Ernest William s of Robert Wilfred & Florence Mary KER- RIDGE— b. 29 Oct. 08. Feb 21 Spencer George s of Thomas & Emma SMY of Ashfield — bora Dec. 28, 1908. Nov. 7 Alex Walter Edward s of William & Anna Miriam ABBOTT ; by W. H. Groome, O.M. 1910. Jan. 9 Ronald Noah s of Noah George & May CREASY, Farmer — Born Dec 2nd 1889 [sic] June 12 Ellen Susan d of William George & Ellen STEVENS — bom Sep. 1 8th, 1896. June 12 Margaret d of the same — bom Jan 29th 1899. (Father is "Labourer"). June 12 Eliza May d of William George & Ellen STEVENS — born May 8th, 1901. June 12 Eliza Vera d of Ernest & Emily ABBOTT— born Sep ist 1909. June 26 Kathleen Georgina d of George & Ellen Esther SAUNDERS of Oakley, Gardener — born Jan 8th 1910. July 24 Frederick Benjamin s of George and Muriel HAMMOND — born Nov. 15 1909. (End of Darrell). 160 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. Sept. 25 Dorothy Rose d of Frederick & Ethel Margaret SCALES, Gardener; by VV, H. Groome, Offic. Min. Oct. 2 Frederick William s of Frederick & Ellen COLLINS ; by id. Oct 9 Noel Freddy s of Tom & Lylian Elizabeth SMY of Ashfield ; by id. Nov. 13 Robert Wilfred s of R. W. & Florence Mary KERRIDGE— born Sep 8th ; by id. Nov. 20 William Robert Cecil s of Walter & Mary Louisa CHAP- MAN ; by id. 191X. Feb. 19 Jane Mabel d of Ernest & Emily ABBOTT; by id. March 12 Neville George s of Noah George & May CREASY, Fmr — bom Nov. 8, 19 10; id. April 16 Harry David s of Arthur & Mary DURRANT; by id. 1912. March 10 Alfred Roy s of Noah George & May CREASY, Farmer; by id. June 9 John William Harold s of Walter & Margaret RUFFLES— born Dec. 1909; id. June 9 Ernest Alfred s of Walter & Margaret RUFFLES — bom March 21 1912; id. 8 Sept. George, s. of George and Zillah STEVENSON, innkeeper (born 29 July, 1912). 6 Oct. William George, s. of Frederick & Ethel Mary JAYE, labourer (bom 5 May, 1909). 6 Oct. Primrose Mabel, d. of Ditto, (Bom August, 1910). 6 Oct. Gladys Ethel, d. of Ditto. (Bom nth May, 1912). 13 Oct. Gladys May, d. of George & Muriel HAMMOND (Bom 26 July, 1912). 13 Oct. William Nesling, s. of Bessie Elizabeth STANNARD, (B. 16 Aug. 1912). 1913- 9 March, Benjamin, s. of Frederick & Emily Jane BROCK. (Born 11 May, 1910). 27 April, Mabel Anna Esther, d. of William & Anna Miriam ABBOTT (B. 15 Mch. 1912). 9 Aug., John, s. of Frederick & Emily Jane BROCK. (Privately bap- tised; bom 7th August, 1913). 24 Aug., Daisy Emma, d. of James & Clara Christiana MHXER o( Brettenham, bricklayer. (Bom 23d Feb. 191 3). THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 161 1914. 18 Jan. Bertie William George, s. of William Arthur & Mary ATKINS, moulder. (Bom Nov. 1913). 8 March, Charles Henry, s. of Frederick & Ellen Ernestine COLLINS. (Born 2nd June, 191 3). 23 Aug., John Herbert, s. of Robert & Alice SHULVER. (Born 21 Apr. 1913). 13 Sept., Edward George William, s. of William Frederick & Edith Noreen LINCOLN, Ry. Guard. (Born 24 April, 1914). 4 Oct., Grace Marjorie, d. of William George & Ellen STEVENS, of Wilby, farm bailiff. (Bom 26th Aug. 1914). 1915- 4 April, Robert James Ray, s. of Ernest Ray & Emma DURRANT of Bedfield. (Bom loth Jan. 1915). 18 April, Kenneth Wilfred, s. of Noah George & May CREASY, far- mer. (Born 5 March, 1915). 23 May, Ernest Albert George, s. of Samuel James & Eliza FRIEND, of Framsden. (Born 15th April, 191 5). 25 July, Robert Sidney, s. of Frederick & Ethel Mary JAYE. (B. 7 Nov. 1914). I Aug., Ivy Ada, d. of George & Sarah LIST. (Bom 29th May, 1915). 3 Oct., Edward Nelson, s. of George & Muriel HAMMOND. (Born, Dec. 1914). 3 Oct., Ethel May, d. of Frederick & Emily Jane BROCK. (B. 9th Sept. 1 91 5). 17 Oct., Primrose Sarah, d. of Alice Selina LIST. 7 Nov., George Charles, s. of Frederick Arthur & Ethel Margaret SCALES, of Kenton, farm bailiff. (Born i6th Nov. 191 2). 1916. 30 April, Mildred Bessie, d. of Robert Harcourt & Bessie Elizabeth NESLING, of Bedfield, carpenter. (B. 3 March, 1916). 28 May, Ethel Florence Jane, d. of Francis Frederick & Sarah Jane SHERWOOD, private, 8th Suffolks. 25 June, Dorothy Olive, d. of William Frederick & Edith Noreen LINCOLN, Railway guard. (Bom 14 August, 1915). 24 Sept., Dorothy Primrose, d, of George & Muriel HAMMOND. (Bom, April, 1916). 1917. 24 June, Doris, d. of Ellen & William George STEVENS, of Easton, farm bailiflf. (Bom, 26th March, 191 7). 162 THE REGISTERS OF MONKS' SOHAM. 1918. 9 April, David, s. of Harry & Mary Ann READ, of Bedfield. 26 Mav, Grace Maud, d. of William Frederick & Edith Noreen LIN- COLN, labourer. 26 May, Joyce Doreen, d. of Thomas & Margaret Annie PARKER. 30 June, Ethel Mary, d. of Frederick & Ellen Ernestine COLLINS. 4 Aug., Evie, d. of Lydia WYTHE. 4 Aug., Benjamin, s. erf Frederick & Ethel Mary JAY. 27 Oct., Elsie Dorothv, d. of Robert Harcourt Girling & Bessie Elisa- beth NESLING of Bedfield. 4 Dec., Arthur James (adult), s. of George William & Hetty TUR- NER, of Kenton Lodge, farmer. 1919. 9 March, Anita Nance, d. o( George Noah & May CREASY, farmer. 20 April, Bessie Ethel, d. of Ernest Ray & Emma DURRANT. — C.M., 23rd October, 1919. INDEX OF SURNAMES. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 163 Abbay, 42, 43, 44, 81. Abbett, 119. Abbot(t). 14. 17. 27, 28, 31. 32. 34. 37, 38. 39. 40. 41, 43. 44. 50. 51. 67. 68. 69. 70, 73. 75. 76. 78. 79. 81, 82,83,84, 85, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 130. 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 140. 142. 144, 145, 146. 147, 148. 149. 150. 151, 152. 153. 154. 15s. 156. 157. 159. 160. Adam, 5. Adams, 23, 24, 25, 51, 63, 67, 72, 84, 115, 118, 120, I2F, 122, 125. Aldous, 6, 24, 73, no, III, 112. Aldred, 49. Aldrych, Alldryche, Aldricli(e), Aklwiclie, Aldridge, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12. 13, 14. 15, 17, 52, 54.55.90. 91. 100, lOI. Alexander, in, 112, 113, 114, 115. Allan, 44, 45, 81, 84. Allard. 79, 80, 81. Allen, 25, 60, 115, 156. Andrews. 57,62, 106, 116, 117, 1 18. 119. Anne, Queen, 6, 7. Arbon, 79, 152. Archer, 68, 73, 75, 76, 80, 83, 133, 142. Arrell, 73. 77. Arlis, 41, 79, 148, 151. Ashford, 50, 52, 78. Athow, 53. Atkins. 85. 161. Avis. 54. Backhouse, 31, 130. Bacon, 5. 37. 40, 75, 78. 143, I46, 149. Bailey, 71, 102, 109. Baldrie, Baldry, Baldrey, 5, 6, 50, 52. Baldwin, 153. Banister, 33, 68, 72, 74. Barber, 84, 155. Barff. 81, 155. Barham. 44, 47. Barker, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 22, 2Z. 24. 27. 35, 36. 45, 48. 49. 50. 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62. 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 81, 85, 86. 89. 90, 91, 92, 94. 95. 97, 98, 99, lOI, 103, 105, 106, 107, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 120, 121, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 130. 141, 152. Barley, 40. 109. Barnes, 55. Barrett, 46. Batteram, 60. Baxter, 152. Bazalgette, 41, 42, 43, 44, 80, 81, 154, »55- Beaumont, 9, 49. Beck, 2. 7. Beddingfield. 50. Bellman, 60, 61. Renhani. 7, 8, 21, 48, 87. Bennem, 105 Bennett, 46, 54, 55, 78, 81. Benson, 79. Bentham, II. Berry, 17. 20, 55, 92, 93, Bibsby, 49, Bickar, 14. Bickers, 64. Bilney, 47. Birch. 49. Biagg, 3. Blathwagt, 157. Biaxell, 5. 6. Block. 93. Blomfield, 42, 59, 65. Blumfield, 25. 122. Blo(o)mfield, 44. 45, 46, 49, 66, 85, 90, 117, 119, 120. BIoss, 94. 96. 99. Boar. 51. Bolingbroke, 2. Bolton. 52. 53. 97. 98. Bond, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24. 25. 32, 34, 36, 38. 39, 42, 43, 44. 46. 57, 58, 63, 64. 68. 69. 71.74. 77.79.99. 104, 106, 108. 109, 121, 122. 123, 124, 134. 135. 136. 137. 139. 142. 143. 147. Bonnet. 49. Boon, 22. 114, 118. Bore. 1 07. Boor. 108. Borret, 50. Borrett. 80. Botten. 23. Botton, 67. Botright, 6, 63. 64. Booth, 69. Boulton, 19. Bradley, 8, 88. 89. 90. 98, 99. lOO. Bradshaw, 10, 51. Braham, 50. Bransby. 26, 27, 29, 66, 67, 69. Brasey, 118. Brewster, 49. Bridges, 6, 67, 90. Broadhurst, 26. Brock, 43, 46, 82, 83. 84. 85. 147, 149, 153. 156. 157. 158. 159. '60, 161. Broodbank, 47. Brook, 9, 48, 89, 90. 91. Brown, 8, 29, 37, 38, 49, 53. 164 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Browning, 13, 100. Brunning, 6. 21, 23, 25. 30, 33, 59, 61, 107, III, 112, 113, 120. Bmning, 118. Bryant, 32. Bryenton, 70. Buck, Biicke, 16, 17, 47, 52. 73, 105, 106, 107. Buckenliam, 60, 104. Buckmaliam, 105. Buckinan, 112. Bull. 138. Bullen, 42. Bullock, 52. Burgess. 62, 73, 116, 117. Burrows, 27, 29, 31, 34, 36, 51, 53, 58, 63, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126. Burroughs, 58. Burward, 48. Bush. 28. 30. Butcher, 87. 134. Button, 8, 48, 57, 58, 73, 108, 109. Cacamole. 47, 48, 88, 89. Cackaniole, 86, 87. Cable, 113. Calver, 5, 28, 29, 33, 36, 37. 40, 41, 42, 56, 58. 59, 63, 66, 68. 72, 74, 75, 106, 107, 108, no. III, 114, 115, 116, 120, 121, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131. 132, 14a, 144. 146. Canham, 63. Csipon, 53. Capjier, if^. 20. 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62. 63, no, n6. Carless, 46. Car, 90. Car|>eMter, 76. Car^'er. 60. 89, n4, n?, nS. Casson, 3. Cason, 75. Castell, 34. Castledcn, 44. Catchix>le, 15, 16, 56. 57, 78, 103, 113, Cater, 76, 141. Cattermole, 82. Cattling, 61. Candel, 85. Candwell, 108. Chambers, 50, 70, 108, n3, n6, n8, 134- Chandler, 48. Chaplain. 32. 35. 70, 71, 73, 138, 140, 142, 144, 145. Chapman. 10, 28, 29, 35, 37, 38, 39, 41, 51, 67, 72, 77, 79, 80, 81, 85, 88, 125. 126. 127, 128, 129, 130, 140, 141, 143, 144. 145, 148, 151, 152, >54. »55. «56, 158, «6o. Charity, 10, 92. Charles I., I, 5. Charles II., 5. Chenery, 50. Cheney, n, 17, 19. 47. 55. 94- Chilver, 5. Chilvers, 58. Chittock, 41. Church, 5, 62, 68, 118. Churchman, 27, 28, 127, 128, 129. Churchyard, 17. 57, 105, 106, 107, 121. Clark(e). 17, 25. 26. 48, 52, 55, 58, 64, 65. 72. 73. 77.82, ni. n9, 120, 122. Clayton, 41. 42. ni, 151. 152, 154. Clemence, 64, 123. Clerk. 91. (lough. 20, 59, no, MI. Clowes. 33, Cliibbe. 58. 59. Cobbold, 140. Cockerell, 71. Colbye. Colby, 5, 6, 30, 31. 58, 68, 109, 133. 136. Cole. 55. 61. 122, 123, 124, 157. 158. Collens. 22, 103, 143. Colens, 114. Collings. 20, 21, 23. 29. 58. 66, 106, 108, 109, no. in, 112, 113, 114, 116, 118, 119. 130, 132. Collins, 15. 16, 26. 29. 30, 32, 35. 36. 37, 38. 40. 41. 43. 4A, 45, 46, 52, 54, i;6, 65, 72, 74, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 65, 96. 101, 102, 104, 105, 117, 121. I2^. 125. 126, 136, 137. 139, 142, 144, 145. 147. 148. 150, 154. 155 156, 157, 158, 160, 161, 162. Collyer, tg. Colthrop, 107. Combs. 74. Cook(e).9, II, 12,20, 22,30,31, 32, 34, 36. 37. 39. 42. 45. 46. 49. 5°. S*. 53. 54.64.65. 66,68, 70. 71. 73. 75- 77. 79. 8o- 83.86.87,91.92, 93. 94. 95. 96, 97. 105. «07. >o8, 119, 122, 124, 125. 126, 127, 128, I2q. 132, 134, 135. 136, 138, 139. 140, 141, 143, 145. 146, 147, 148, 149, 150. 151, 152. 153. Coppin(g), 28. 32. a, 36. 72, 73, 74, 77, 78. 136, 138. Corban, ng. Corbel, 54. Corckrili. 56. Cordel, 19. Cotton. 36. 69, 71. Crackling, n 1. Cracknel(l). Cracknall, 16, 17, 19. 20, 21. 22. 29. 46. 48, 55, 56, 62, 66, 72, 81, 83, 91, 92, 95. loi, 102, 103, ni, n2, 113, 129, 132, 133, 134. 153. 157. Crane, 17, 18, 20, 58, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107. Crapnel, 13. 55- 'CO- Crease, 1 19. Creasy, 6, 28, 30, 31, 33. 35, 41, 64. 68, 71, 131. 132. 133, 134. 135. 136, >37. 138. '39. 143. '44. >45. H^, 147, 150, 159, 160, 161, 162. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 165 Crisp, 3, 27, 40, 41, 42, 44, 64, 65, 67, 70. 75, 76, 80,81,82, 83, 122, 123, 124, 125, 127, 132, 131;, 139, 140, 141. 144, 145. 147. 14S, 149, 151. 152. '55. 156. 157. "SS- Crisne, 116. Crofford, 115. Cromwell, i. Crowfoot, 53. Cullum, 5. 52, 53. Cupper, 27,64, 67,71, 122. 123, 124, 127. Curtis, 10, 28, 33, 41, 49, 52, 66, 71, 73,,91,92.93. '29. 130. 131. '33. "34. '38, 142, i5«- Cuthbert, 85. Cutting, Cutten, 8, 12, 14, 16, 47, 54, 83, 87, 89, 90, 91, 110, 119. Dalliston, 71, 136. Damant, 84. Darby, 6, 19, 24, 31, 57, 60, 106, 107, 109, 113. 133- Darg, 26. Darling, 153. Darrell, 44, 45, 82, 83, 84, 156. Davie, 24, 25, 63, 64. Davies, 25, 65. Davy, 3, 21, 28, 29, 38, 50, 67, 68, 70, 125, 126, 129. Day, 34, 35, 36, 53, 74. Death, 48. Denant, 9, 96. Denny, 5, 66, 108. Dickens, 118. Dorling, 25, 106, iii, 112. Dove, 22, 52, Downing(e), 5, 6, 49, 50. Dowsing, 47, 49. Drake, 38. Drane, 5. Driver, 36, 37, 127. Dunn, 35, 74, 140. Durant, ig, 21, 61, 103, 105. Durrant, 14, 18, 27, 56, 77, 83, 84, 100, 102, 104, 105, 158, 160, 161, 162. Eade, 64, 70, 107, 108, 121, 122. Eagle, 117. Edward VI., 5. Edward VII., 6. Edwards, 6, 13, 37, 39, 45, 52, 54, 57, 67, 71, 73, 98, 99, 100, loi, 114, 128, 129, 137, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 147, 152, 153, 155, 156, 157, 158. Elizabeth, Queen, i, 5. Eldred, 128. Elhouse, loi. Ellet(t), 14, 20, 106, 109, III, 113. Eliot, Elliot(t), 6, II, 13, 14, 20, 22, 23, 26, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 40, 45, 53. 56. 57. 58, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 68, 6g, 70, 74, 75, 76, 80, 84, 86, 87, 88, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 104, 105, 108, 114, 116, 117, Eliot, 'T;iHot(t) continued — 118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 132, 133. 135. 13^. ^37. 153. 154. 156, 158. Ellis, 45. Elwes, Elwys, 11, 15, 102. Eni(m)erson, 31, 32, 34, 70, 120, 122, 124, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137. England, 68. Everard, 52. Everett, 38, 39, 77. Fairweather, 44, 53, 81, 105, 154, Farpin, 52. Farer, 114, Farow, 92. Farrer, 20, 24, iii, 112, 113, 115, Ferrar, 9, 90, 92, 93, 94. Felgate, 85. Fellingham, 24, 123. Felingham, 63, 120, 121. Fenne, 5. ffransum, 6. Finch, 54. Fish, 13, 18, 55. Fisk, 84, 85, 138. Fleg, 23. Flower, 54, 86. Flurry, 17, 105. Folkard, 49, 58. Ford, 68. Foulger, 20. Francis, 76, 132, Freeman, 49, 6g. French, 6, 18, 19, 21, 107. Frere, 41. Fr(e)uer, 35, 53, 136, 137, 138, 140. Freston, 54. Friend, 85, 161. Frish, 57. Fulcher, 98. Fuller, 50. Funnel, 112, 113. Garlang, 60. Garlatt, 6, 8, 9, 10, 88, 8g. Gameys, 6, 37, 74, 141, 142, 143, 144, 146, 150. Garnish, 73. Garnham, Garham, 6, 70, 114, 115, 116, 117, 147. Garrod, 72, 109. Garwood, 51. George II., 6. George III., 6. George V., 6. Gibbs, 59. Gifer, 56. Giffer, 61. Gilbert, 47, 87, 88, 90. Gillson, 59. Girling, 8, 11, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 56, 57, 61, 85, 100, loi, 102, 103, 104, no, III, 112, 113, 114, 115. 166 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Glanfield, 23, 117. Glaston (Glasson), 39, 149. Godbold, 49, 53, 122. Godbolt, 8, 49, 50, 52, 55. Goddard, 68, 83. Gooch, 58, 60. Good, 13, 55. Gooday, 54. Goodchild, 41, 46, 81, 83, 85. Gooderham, 6, 69, 70, 84. Gooding, 24, 30, 47, 51, 53, 120, 125, 126, 128, 129, 130. Goodram, 75. Goodwin, 63, 120, 122, 127. Gorbolt, 89. Gosling, Goslen, 5, 14, 80, 82, 102, 125. Gossling, loi. Ciowin, 56. Grant, 32, 34, 37, 71, 134, 135. Gray, 84. Greenard, 65, 131. Greenleaf, 54. Gretton, 83. Grimsby, 47. Gross, 48. Grymble, 5. Guyfer, Gygfer, 10, 11, 54, 87, 88, 89, 93. 95. 96- Guyford, 14. Gyford, 76, 78, 150, 151. Groom(e), 2, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31. 32, 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 41, 42, 44, 45, 61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70. 7». 74. 75. 76, 77. 78. 79, 80, 83, 84, 85, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 124, 132, 133, 134. 135. 136. 138. 140. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 159. 160. HaiU, Hayle, 5. Hall, II, 13, 19, 28, 31, 32, 35, 36, 39, 51, 54, 66, 67, 93, 94, 95, 97, 99, 100, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 156. Halls, 72. Hamlyn, 14. Hammond, 6, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37. 38, 39. 40. 4'. 42. 44. 64. 67. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78, 123, 125, 126, 127, 132, 133, 134, 135. 136. 137. 138, 139. 141. 143. 149, 150, 151, 159, 160, 161. Hamond, 78. Harding, 52. Hardman, 149. Harsant, 19, 55. Harsum, 64. Harvey, 43, 50, 59, 64, 68, 72, 73, 127, 128, 149. Hervey, 120, 121. Harvy, 119. Hatcher, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 60, 61, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 114- Haward, 6, 25, 27, 30, 35, 58, 60, 65, 109, 118. Hawes, 5, 44, 83, 159. Hawkins, 131, 132. Haxell, 40, 43. Hayward, 19, 21, 60, 61, 109, 114, 115, 116, 117. Hearn, 20, 21, 55. Henchman, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 63, 64, 67, 68, 132, 133. Hem, 49, 112. Herrell, 64. Henren, 25. Herring, 13, 16, 18, 21, 23, 30, 31, 32, 34. 37. 38, 39. 4». 4^. 52. 55. 5^, 57, 62, 66, 71, 74, 76, 78, 95, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 105, 107, 108, 109, 116, 118, 122, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131. 134. »37. 138. 139. 149. 150, Hill, 60, 98, 114, 115, 116, 117, Hil(l)house, 95, 96, 99. Hindes, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, Hitchcock, 72. Hollingsworth, 81, 82. Holmes, 49, 52, 68, 8g. Homes, 8, 9, 90. Hooper, 46. Howard, 47, 48. Hewlett, 51. Hunt, 16, 51, 132, 133, 154. Hurn, 113. Hurren, 38, 60, 122, 146, 147, 148. Ife, 7, 22, 27, 62, 64, 67, 119, 122. Ibbot, 55. Ingham, 10, 91. Jackson, 24, 25, 58, 64, no, 112, 113. Jacob, 52, 55. James, 53. James I., 5. James II., 6, Jay(e), 26, 27, 31, 33, 34, 38, 43, 44. 45, 46, 64, 67, 71, 73, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 123, 125, 126, 130, 131, 132, 138, 143, 148, 149, 153, 155. 156. 158. 159. i^. 161, 162. Jermyn, 3. Jessop, II, 12, 53, 54, 86, 87. Johnson, 28, 30, 59, 63, 64, 92, 112, 113, 120. Johnston, 14. JoUey, 60, 113, 114, 115. Jolly, II, 50, 6i6, 112. Jones, 56. Juby, 61, 66. Keble, 48. Keable, Keabel, 61. Keer, 50. Kemball, 67. Kemp, 23, 24, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35. 37. 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 62, 63, 64, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, INDEX OF SURNAMES. 1G7 Kemp, continued — 75. 76, 77. 78, 79. 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 116, 117, 118, 119, 121, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131. 132, 133. 134. 135. 136, 137. 138, 139, 140, 141, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. Kerrich, 54. Kerridge, 34, 43, 56, 71, 73, 74, 80, 81, 83, 141, 143, 147, 149, 153, 157, 158, 159, 160. Kerry, 6, 15, 18, 19, 57, 93, 107. Kersey, 9, 53, 55, 69, 93. Kett, 57. Kilderby, 3. King, 6, 10, 48, 49, 84, 116. Kirby, 55, 124, 126, Kitson, 67. Knights, 37, 124, 125, 128, 144, 145. Lambert, 53. Lanceter, 118. Lanchester, 5. Langham, 49. Lanham, 6, 18, 21, 22, 27, 31, 52, 58, 59. 62. Larter, 109. Last, 8, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20, 26, 60, 62, 63, 64, 87, 107, 108, 109, no. III, 113, 117, 124, 125. Lawrance, Lawrence, 40, 41. Laws, Lawes, 71. Lea per, 113, 116. Leeper, in. Leggate, Legate, Legget, Leggett, Leggatt, 6, 8, 9, 19, 20, 25, 48, 49. 57. 78, 83, 105, 106, 133. Lenny, 122. Lincoln, 161, 162. Ling, 6, 16, 19, 22, 59, 66, 104, 105, no. III. Lion, 51, 93, 95, 96, 97, 99. List, 18, 22, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 42, 43, 45, 46, 61, 62, 67, 70, 73. 78. 79, 84, 107, 108, 109, no, in, 112, 116, 117, 129, 130, 131, 132, 138, 139. 140. 141. 143. 144. 145, 146, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, , , 154. ^55, 156. 157, 158. 161. Locke, 78. Lodge, 51. Lomas, 53. Lorde, Lord, 5, 6, 7, 10, n, 13, I5, 17, 20. Lorkin, 51. Love, 49. Lyon, 16, 19, 106. Lyng, 5, 102, 103. Machltt, 141. Mackness,i4i. Mallett, 65. Mallows, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96. Mamot, 29, Manning, 66. March, 78. Nfarjoram, 60. Markel, in. Markell, 59. Markhani, 50, 60, 113. Markwell, 47. Marriot, 10, n, 12,48,96, no, in, 114, "5- Marsh, 6, 16, 23, 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35. 36, 37. 38, 39. 40. 41. 43. 44. 45, 66, 67, 69, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77. 78. 79. 80, 83, 104, 105, 108, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137. 138, 139, 140. 141. 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 155. Marshal, 67. Marshall, 18, 25, 48, 64, 122. Marston, 32, 33, 135. Martin, 6, 13, 34, 36, 67, 72, 133, 134, 135, 136. Martindale, 38. Martyn, 53, 87. Nfary, Queen, 5. Mason, 120, 121, 122. Masterman, 55. Mawson, 3. Mayhew, 5, 8, n, 13, 50, 51, 54, 55, 59, 77. 79. 92, 93, 99. 100. loi, 105, III, 112, 113, 114, 115. Mayes, 79, 85. Mays, II. Meadows, 6, 12, 14, 23, 24, 26, 33, 60, 77. 91. 92, 93. 95- Midleton, 5, 6. Miller, 65, 84, 125, 160. Mills, 23, 26, 31, 32, 35, 40, 48, 60, 63, 69, 72, 114, 115, 116, 117, 125, 127, 128, 130. Mingay, 49. Minstrell, 9. Moor, 51, 53. Morgon als Carter, Morgane, Morgan, 5. Morley, preface, 6. Mortimer, 61, 62, 77, 115, 117, 119, 120, 121. Moss, 47, 92, 131, Moules, 19. Mowle, 76, 78. Moxon, 14, 56. Moyse, Moyes, 16, 21, 29, 30, 32, 36, 38, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 51, 52, 53, 55, 63. 69, 73. 74. 77. 79, 80, 81, 97, 98, 99, 127, 128, 131, 139, 141, 142, 143, 146, 151, 153, 154, 155. Muddock, 76. Mullinger, 38, 75. Murdock, 52. 168 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Musk, 66, 67. Mutimer, 65, 75, 77, 121, 132. Neasling, 17. Nes(s)Iing, 27, 38, 46, 80, 85, 145, 161, 162. Nestling, 123. Newson, 27, 29, 48, 60, 73, 113. Nicholl, NichoUs, Nichols, 5, 10, 12, 15, 20, 26, 28, 52, 53, 58, 68. 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 96, 98, 107, 108, 109, 129. Nicols, 21. Noble, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22, 26, 27, 28. 36. 37. 57. 59. 64. 65. 69. 70, 100, loi, 102, 103, 104, 107, 108, 109, no, III, 112, 113, 115, 116, 119, 121. Norman, 57. Nunn, 57, 61 Nurell, 147. Oldring, 48. Orams, 117. Orems, 116. C)sbom(e), 6, 11, 15, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 26. 27, 45. 51. 57. 60. 63. 65, 70. 92, 93. 94. 95. 96. 99. »o2, 120, 122. Paddison, 51. Pace, 11,47, 59,65,82, 112. Palmer, 55, 93. Parker, 34, 40, 41, 42, 45, 75, 76, 79, 83, 85. 138. 144. 152, 153. »54. 155. 157, 158, 162. Pattle, 35, 36, 60, 113, 140. Paul, 48. Payne, 149. Peake, 6, 54. Pearl, 33, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 44, 68, 72. 73. 74i 78, 80, 81, 107, 119, 120, 122, 123, 130, 132, 138, 141, 142, 144, 145, 148, 154. Peck, 28, 63, 97, 121, 123. Pemberton, 13, 14, 16, 18, 21, 23, 24, 25. 29, 43, 48, 62, 84, 89, 90, 91, 92, 100, lOI, 102, 103, 104, III, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 122. Pepper, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 69, 71, 109, 118, 119. Perl, 140. Pettet, 39, 69, 94, 147. Phillimore, 3. Pickering, 33, 34, 35. Pict, 118. Pimberton, 14. Pipe, 16, 17, 22, 27, 28, 69, 93, 97, 104, 105, 116, 144. Pissey, Pizzy, Pizzey, 10, 14, 16, 17, 23, 48, 57, 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, 73, 87, 89, 90, 91, 99, 100, loi, 10(6, 108, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121. Pitcher, 51. Pitt, 56. Place, 95. Plant, 7, 8, II, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 22, 28, 51. 53. 57. ^. 64, 65, 71, 87, 88, 94, 95. 97. 105. 106, 107, 114, 115, 116, 119, I2Q, 122. Podkin, 14, 55, 56. Pollard, 6, 15, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 29, 33, 57. 58, 59. 63, 66, 102, 103, 105, 106, III, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119. Pont, 58. Pool, 119. Pooly, 76. Porter, 52, 155, Potkin, 71, 75. Pratt, 41, 43, 44, 79, 80, 82, 152, 156. Potter, 21, 23, 30, 32, 62, 65, 66, 77, 117. Pretty, 53, 56, no, in, 112, 115, 119. Pritty, 60, 99, 100, 112, 113, 116. Pulford, 9, n, 90, 91. Punchard, 143, 144. Pyat, Pyet, 6, 8, 88, 114, 1x5, 117, 119. Pyett, 121. Pyott, 59, no, 112, 113, 114, 116. Quinton, 26. Race, 45, 83. Rackham, 5. Raffe. 7. Rainbird, 52. Ramplin, 10, 50. RaiDsey, 84. Rands, 50. liattle, 17, 19. 103. Raven, 84, 85. Ray, 2. 7, 13, 55. 86. Raydon, 59. Rayner, 47. 48, 53. Read, 12. 31, 34. 35- 38. 4'. 4*. 43. 48. 70, 72. 73. 74. 75. 77. 78. 80. 82, 84. 98. i3>. '36. »38. «39. i44. MS. '49. «5'. 'S^i 153. "58. «62. Redstone, 2, 3. Keed. 39, 102, 140, 142, 150. Reid, 81. Reeve. 26, 38, 50, 69. 144, 145. Reve, 56. Reydon, 5. Rewse, 50. Ringe, 6, 16, 17, 25, 27, 28, 30, 32, 38, 39, 67, 72, 109, 125, 126, 127. Rivers. 21, 30. 32. 48, 68, U3. 182. Rivingfcon, 157. Roads. 45. Robertson, 118. 119. Kobinson. 32, 63. Robson. 31. 133. Rogers. 62, 65, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 84, 108, 109. n8, 123, 124. 126, 135, 137. 142- Roges, 118. Rogerson, I. Roop. 92, 93. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 169 Roope, 50. Roote, Root, 69. Roper, Rooper, 12, 13, 15,16,17, 18,19, 2>. 23, 25. 55, 78,93, 97, 98,99. 100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, III, 113, 114, 117, 120, 121. Rose, 48, 49, 50, no, in. Rowse, 5. Rows, 85, III. Ruffles, Ruffells, 28, 35, 38, 39. 40, 42, 43. 45. 65. 74. 77. 79. 80. 81,82, 124, 125, 126, 127, 129, 132, 133, 134. 135. 137. 138. 139. 140. MI. 142, 148, 150, 151, 152. 153, 156, 157, 159, 160. Rumsby, 13, 62. Ruse, 24. Rush, 52, 145, 146. Sad, 86. Sadd, 6, 14, 52, 54. Sage, 51, 52, 64. Salmon, 81. Salter, 82, 154, 157. Sampson, Samson, 43, 44, 77, 82, 140, 151, 152, 154. Sanders, 9. Sanderson, 49, 146. Satisfat, 5. Saunders, 82, 157, 158, 159. Savage, 51. .Sawyer, 18, 56, 74. Scace, 30, 31, 62, III, 112, 113. Scales, 34, 41, 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161. Scotchnier, 47, 57, 65. Scotsmer(e), 14, 52, 101. Scott, 13, 50. Seaman, 5, 6, 29, 38, 47, 62, 140, 141, 142, 143, 14s, 146. 147, 152. 153. Sewel(I), 47. Sheldrake, 50. Shepard, loi. Shering, 41. Sherman, 25, 52, 54, 77, 122, 136. Sherwin, 53. Sherwood, 85, 161. Shorte, 5. Shoulding, 11, 92, 93, 94, 96. Shulvard, 64, 122. Shulver, 38, 44, 64, 70, 80, 123, 124, 125, «33. 134. 135. '42, 144. 161. Silver, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99. Simonds, 14. Simons, 52. Sim son, 48. Skoulding, 94, 95, 96. Smith, 6, 7, 8, 12, 29, 31, 32, 33, 35, 37. 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44. 47, 49, 55, 56, 58,64,65, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 79. 83, 85, 86, 87, 96, 97, 102, 103, III, 114, 118, 119, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, ^33, 134. •35. 136. 137. 139, 140. Smith, continued — 144, H5, 149, 150. 151, 153, 156, 157- Smyth, 113, 118, 124. Smy, 83. 158, 159, 160. Snowling, 85. Snare, 46. Spalding, Spolding, 8, 9, 11, 50, 54. Spall, 59. Spaull, 94. Sparkes, 48. Sparrow, no, in, 114, 115. Spencer, 56. Spendclow, 89. Spendlove, 51, 54, 97. Spink, 32, 54, 68, 118, 130. Spinck, 60, 113. Spinndle, 55. Spinny, 6, 10, 15, 55. .Spalding, qr . Spolding, 87, 88, 90. Spurling, 61. Sprigge. 69. Sprunt, 85. Spurn, 51. Stammers, 81. Stannard, 27, 77, 85, 126, 137, 160. Starling. 8. Stead, 150. Stebbing, 3. Steel, 70. Steggall, 53, 98. Stephens, 23, 30, 31, 36, 61, 63, 67, 105. 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 141. Stephen, 104. Steam, 63, 1 14. Stern, 114, 118. Sterne, 61. Stevens, 18, 19, 22, 24, 32. 33, 34, 39, 43, 56, 68, 72, 75, 80, 81, 103, 106, 107, 108, 122, 128, 129, 130, 131, >32. 133. 13s. 136, 137, I4«. 142. 143. 144. «45. 148, 159, 161. Stevenson, 160. Steward, 2. Stimpson, 88. Stock, 9. Stone, 38, 65, 76, 83. Stopher. 53, 72, 74. Straker, 57. Sutton, 54, 55. Syer, 17, 19, 50, 51, 55, 102, 103. Symonds, 30, 53, 130, 131. Syred, 15. Tailor, 91, 93, 95. Tailour, 92. Talbot, 62, 118, 120, 121. Tanner, 37. Tarbot, 118, 119. Tarbut, 62. Taylor, Tayler, 6, 7, 13, 15, 16, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 51, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 65, 67, 94, 96, 102, 103, 104, III, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 126, 127. 170 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Teago, 50. Temple, 120. Templen, 59, 62, 63. 64. 118. Teiiipler, 23, 118. Templing. Templin, 23, 24, 25, 106, 107, 108, 109, no, III, 115, 116, 118, 119, 121. Tlieobald. 47. Thurndick, 18, 19. Thredkill, 53, 96, Tliring, 9, 1 1. Thrower, 49, 68, 69, 120, I2I. Thurlow, 59. Thiirsby, 49. Thurston. 72, 117, 119, 120, 122. Tolbart, 60. Todd, 138. Traiisham, 50. Turbit, 117. Turner, 6. 13, 23, 24, 27. 28. 31, 32, 58, 62, 65, 66. 67, 87, 98, 99, 100, 114. 115, 116, 117, 120, 162. Tye, 35- Tyler als Merchant, 5, 6. Tyrrel, Turrell, 56, bo, 106, 1 12. Tyrril, 51. Tyrwhitt, 75. Utthig, 109. Verdoii, 5. Victoria, Queen, i, 6, 29. Vince, 20. Vincent, 12, 16, 51, 94. Vinson, 48. Wade, 6. 57, 59. 61. 62,64. 69, loi, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109, no, III, 112, 113, 120, 130. Wainwright, 24, 25, 63, 120, 122. Wales, 59. Walne, 113. Walker, 72. Wallage, 113. Waileage, 114. Walpole, 70. Walters. 9, 88, 89, 90. Ward, 6, 28, 48 70, 73, 105, 106, 143. Warden, 49. Wain, 59. Warne, 65. Warner. 27, 32, 36, 51, 52, 53, 61, 66, 70, 76, 118, 122, r23, 124, 125, 126, 135, 136, 137, 139. 140, 141. Warren, 54. 60, 84, 1 12, 113, 114, 115. Watcham, 85. Waters, 48, 49. 54. 94, 96. Watling, 12, 24, 95, 97, 120. Watson, 58, 64. Watting. 54. Weavers, 24, 25. Webb, 42. 44, 150, 151, 154. Wel)ber. no, ni. Well, Wells, Welles. 5, 12, 66. Welton. 52. Wencock, 146. Wentworth, 141, 142. Wesley, 77. West,'36, 48. Whaly. 69. Whaley. n2. Wharle. 47. Whayman, Whaymand, Whamand, Whaymon, Whayment, Whey- niond, Wheynionde, 5, 6, 12, 15, 49.5'. 53.89- Wheakley, 67. Whclhani, n5. White. 25, 35, 36. 78. Whiteiiead. 66. 126. Wliiting. 71, 72, 7»». Whitman, 14, 55. Whitton, 82, 156. Wightinan, 63. Wilden, n9. Wilding. 33, 34, 35, 37, 42, 43, 68. 74. 75, 79, 81. 121, 130. 131. 132, iii. 134. '36. 137. >38. >39. I4>. M3. '44. 145- Wilford. 80, 153. William III., 6. William IV., 6, 29. Williams, 72. Wingfield, 91. Wink. 68. 137, Wisselcraift, 21. Wolladgc, 71. Woollard, no. Woolard, 59, ni. Wollaston, 151. Wood, 27. Woods. 10, 47, 48, 61, 77, 87, 144. Woodthori>e, 128, 129. Woolnougn, 26, 64, 101. Worledge, 76, n6 Worlidge, 9, 59. Wotling. 63. Wright, 6, 27, 28, 30, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 47. 54. 59. 61, 66, 69, 71, 78, 98, n6, n8, 120, 125, 129, 135. Wyatt, 66. Wurk, 33. Wylaiid, 82. Wynne, 58. 60. Wythe. Wyth, With, 5, 16, 54, 58, 85, 106, 162. Yeoman, 71. Young, 87. Youngman, 10, 13, 15, 18, 48, 50, 51, 53, 88, 89, 90, 91, 96, 97, 98, 99. Youngs, 51, 66, INDEX OF PLACES. 171 INDEX OF PLACES. Ash Bocking, 33, 72. Ashfield, 14. 15, 19. 27, 31. 34, 36, 44, 47. 48. 50. 51. 52. 53.54.64,66. 73. 74. 75. 78,81. 84.96,97, 126, 135. 136, 142. 158, 159. 160. Aslifield with Thorpe, 44, 55, 132. Aspall, 49, 52. Aspal Stonham, 54. Bacton. 42. Barking, 3. Baylham, 42. Bedingfield, 29. 56, 60. 66, 147, 153. Beddingfield. 52. Bedfield. 3. 8, 9, 10, 25, 27, 29, 32, 33, 34. 35.38. 41,42,44,45,47,48. 52. 53.54.,63.67, 70, 73. 75, 76. 77, 78, 79. 80, 82, 84. 135. '37, 150. 152, 153. 156. 161. 162. Benefield, 14. Brandeston, 8, 26, 36, 41, 48, 54. 55, 57, 69. 80, 87. 90. Bredfield. 48, 49. Brettenham, 160. Brundish, 49, 55, 84. Bulcamp, 84. Bury, Suffolk, 3. Burgh, 71. Bury St. Edmund's, 47. Campsey Ash, 15, 19, 20. Charsfield, 41. Clacton on Sea, 79. Clopton, 53, 70. Copdock, 41. Cratfield, 63. Greeting St. Peter, 59. Cretingham, 38, 48, 50, 54, 67. 72, 84, 85. Debbach, 53. Debenham, 30, 43. 51, 52. Dennington. 44. 49, 54. 59, 61, 90. 97. Dicklebuigh. 52. Earl Soham. 19, 32. 33. 34, 35, 47. 5'. 52. 57, 60. 66. 69. 71, 77. 78. 84. Earl Stonham, 51. Easton. 161. -Edinburgh, 44. Elmswell, 60. Exeter, 85. Eye, 21, 40. 41, 42. 43, 46, 49, 157. Finningham, 41. Finingham. 50. Framsden, 42, 161. Framisden. Framsdden, 53, 54. Framlingham, 12, 32, 33, 34, 48, 50. 51, 59, 60, 78. Fressingfield, 35, 48. Fresingfield, 51. Gloucester, x. Greenwich, 127, 128. Grundisburgh. 55. Harrow. Middx., 149. Hasketon, 55. Hatcheston. 61. 72. Helmingham. 47, 52, 54. Henley, 48, 50. 51. Hoo. 51. Horham, 28, 53, 126. Hoxne, 30, 32, 34, 36, 37, 73, 129, 138. Ipswich, 2, 37, 54, 76, 81, 82, 84, 95, >55- Kelshal, 10, 47, 9«. Kenton, 11, 16. 26, 27, 34, 35, 40, 44, 45. 49, 50, 52. 53. 54. 56. 57. 58, 64. 74. 79, 80, 81, 83, 85, 142. 161. Kenton Lodge, 162. Kettleburgh, 43, 48, 50. Laxfield, 52. 59, 157. Leicestershire, i. Leiston, 61, 74. Letheringham, 78, 157, Lincoln, i. Little Glemham, 67. Lodington, Lines., 3. London, 41, 146, 149, 152, 155. Maidstone, Kent, 37. Melton, 37, 38, 44, 54. Mendham, 54. Mendlesham, 52, 54, Mildenhall, 72. Monewden, 55, 69. Nayland, 52. Norfolk, 30. North Glemham, 52. Norwich, 2, 7. Nottingham, 2. Oakley, 159. Occolt, 52. Oheley, 47. Otley, 53, 69, 83. 172 INDEX OF PLACES. Pakenham, 42. Parham, 44. Peasnald, 50. Redlingfield, 50, 54. Rendham, 36. Rickinghall Superior, 71. Rishangles, 53. Saxmundham, 47. Saxtead. 23, 32, 43, 47, 50, 67, 68, 127. Scole, 59. Shotley, 49. Shottisham, 24. Sibton, 60. Southolt, 47, 48, 66, 71. Stonham Aspall, 25, 50, 53, 59. Stowmarket, 49. Stradbrooke, 32, 49, 83. Sudbury, 2. Suffolk, 2. Surbiton, Surrey, 79, Syleham, 50. Tannington, 49, 50, 52, 54. 152. Tattingston, 30. 'J horndon, 138. Thorp, 51. Thorp, St. Peter's, 53. Thwait, 52. Wetheringset, 47, 52. Weybread. 38. Whitton, 48. Wickham Skyth, 53. Wickham Market, 30. Wilbv, 131. Wimbledon, 44. Wingfield, 39. Wotxlbridge, 33, 58. Winston, 25, 46, 51, 53, 58, 84. Woodcroft Hall, 34. Worlingham, 12, 25, 49. Worlingworth, 12, 50, 61, 64, 66, 73. Wortham, 25. Yarmouth, 51. Yaxley, 47. W.G. May, iq20. SUBSCRIBERS AND LIBRARIES. 173 SUBSCRIBERS. Abbey, Canon, M.A., C.C. Adkin, Robert, F.E.S., etc. Brooke, Edward, J. P. Chevallier, J. B., M.A., J. P. Crisp, F. A., F.S.A. Douglas-Hamilton, W. J. (five copies). Duleep Singh, His Highness the Prince Frederick, M.V.O., F.S.A. Edwards, The Rev. H. T. A., M.A. (Rector of Monks' Soham). Elliott, Ernest A., F.E.S., F.Z.S., etc. Gandy, Wallace (two copies). Gripper, Mrs. Groome, J. C, M.A. Groome, W. H., M.A. Gower, G. H., Hammond, John Walpole, Monks' Soham. Hann, G. E., Hayward, Philip J. Iveagh, the Rt. Hon. the Earl of., K.P., G.C.V.O. Mayhew, J. J., J. P. Milner-Gibson-Cullum, G. Gery., M.A., F.S.A., D.L. Partridge, C. (Jun.), M.A., F.S.A., F.R.G.S. Pearson, The Rev. Wm. C, M.A. Ryan, Sir Gerald Hemmington, Bart., High Sheriff of Suffolk. Stedman, George T. Stevenson, F. S., B.A., etc. Watson, G. (Miss), Monks' Soham. Wayman, F. E., J.P. Wayman, Horace W. B. (ten copies). Wayman, The Rev. J. Wright, M.A. Wood, Sir John, Bart., M.P. LIBRARIES. British Museum (per A. C. Crawley, Esq.) British Explorations Society. Department Public Archives, Canada. Essex Institute, Salem, Mass., U.S.A. Havard University Library, U.S.A. John Rylands' Library, Manchester. Yale University Library, U.S.A READY FOR THE PRESS. The TOWNE BOOK of MONKS' SOHAM SUFFOLK, 1557-1831. EDITED BY CLAUDE MORLEY, F.E.S.. F.Z.S. With an INTRODUCTION on the PLACE of the TOWNE BOOK among HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS by WALLACE CANDY. Author ol "In the Days of Lionheart," &c Will be issued /or Subscribers only. Addreu : — COMMONWEALTH PUBUSHING ASSOCIATION, 4. Vernon Place. LONDON. W.C. I. / MONKS' SOHAM GENEALOGIES, with the MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS remaining in the Churchyard of Monks' Soham, Suffolk. and WILLS of the Inhabitants, proved in the P.CC. and the Consistory Court at Norwich, and the Court of the Archdeacon at Ipswich. EDITED BY CLAUDE MORLEY. F.E.S., F.ZS. Will be issued for Subscribers only. Address : — COMMONWEALTH PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION, 4. Vernon PIkc. LONDON, W.C. 1. parish or I' m c :ii X ers oi Tine onk s Soham LIB SCH0l|(O^J«7 478089 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY