v>:lOSANCflfj> o ^ m T O % ^lOSANCElfj^ 2 5s -^""^ "^ Iriir ^ y AVEUNIVERi'/A gx _ ^>C ce _ __ , > oa " " LETTERS FROM VICTORIAN PIONEERS. f ttbltc |ftbrar|), Jfamums, artb Jtational dalkrg OF VICTORIA. LETTERS FROM VICTORIAN PIONEERS: A SERIES OF PAPERS ON THE EARLY OCCUPATION OF THE COLONY, THE ABORIGINES, ETC., Addressed by Victorian Pioneers TO HIS EXCELLENCY CHARLES JOSEPH LA TROBE, ESQ., LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR OF THE COLONY OF VICTORIA. Edited for the Trustees of the Public Library BY THOMAS FEANCIS BRIDE, LL.D., During his period of office as LIBRARIAN OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF VICTORIA. $ttblis!ub for the ^rnsttts of tlit^nblic ip BY ROBT. S. BRAIN, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE. 189$ NOTE. THIS Volume was edited by Dr. Bride during the period in which he held office as Public Librarian. The bulk of the work has been in print for some years, but for various reasons its publication has been delayed until the present time. E. LA T. ARMSTRONG, Librarian. The Public Library, March, 189 PREFACE. ON the 29th July 1853 His Excellency Lieutenant-Governor La Trobe addressed a circular letter to a number of early settlers, nearly all of whom have now passed away, request- ing information as to the time and circumstances of the first occupation of various parts of the colony. At least 58 letters or papers, detailing the personal experiences of the pioneers of Victoria, appear to have been placed at the service of Mr. La Trobe, who at the time con- templated writing a history of the Colony. These papers remained in the possession of His Excel- lency until 1872, when, writing, on the 19th March, to the Honorable James Graham, M.L.C., he said " I have this day addressed a small parcel of some interest to be forwarded to you when occasion offers. As I am in the prospect of a move, as you know, in the course of the autumn, so taking time by the forelock, and attempting to put my house in order, I have collected a number of documents, addressed to me in 1854, by old colonists, to whom I applied for information respecting the early occupa- tion and settlement of our Colony. I intended to have made a certain use of this information myself, but, from circum- stances, was prevented doing so. The day may come, how- ever, when it may be considered of too great interest to be lost, and I therefore propose that the parcel should be deposited somewhere where it will be accessible when that day comes, say the Public Library or other public archives. On this point perhaps you will consult those who ought to be consulted. I think it may be a little early to make unrestricted use of the contents of these letters. In sending them to you, however, I am securing their being deposited where they ought to go." vi Preface. These documents, Mr. Graham, in the judicious exercise of his discretion, in due course presented to this institution, and they are now, by direction of the Trustees, given to the public in the present volume. The letters record events which will recall to many persons still living old Victorian memories, and will have a great value for the future historian of Victoria, as narrating the experiences of actual movers in the early scenes of our colonization, while they will also possess interest as incidental contributions to the biographies of the men who half a century ago began to encounter the hardships and perils which beset the pioneer in every part of this continent. These papers also contain interesting contributions to our knowledge of the aborigines their languages, customs, and conflicts with the white men ; and although some of the incidents narrated have found their way into print before, they are now for the first time given in their entirety to the public. It cannot be claimed for these papers that they are infallible records of our early history in every point, but they do contain the first impressions of those who had ample opportunities of learning at the fountain head what could be learnt amid the hardships of early colonial days. The short paper contributed by Mrs. F. A. Davenport, of Hobart, was presented to the Trustees on the 21st May 1884, and will not be uninteresting as coming from the pen of a lady who had special facilities for studying the aboriginal language so far back as 1842. T. F. BRIDE, Librarian. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1. Letter from J. N. McLeod, Tahara, 18th August 1853. Lands at Indented Head in July 1837. Explores the country around Lakes Colac and Corangamite. The natives numerous. Takes up Borhoneyghurk station, on the Moorabool. Mr. Russell compelled by attacks of natives to vacate the Leigh. Further settlement on the Leigh and Moorabool. In October 1846 takes up a station on the South Australian boundary, on the border of the mallee scrub. His experience of the natives ... ... 1-3 2. Letter from Hugh Murray, Colac, 18th August 1853. First occupation of the Colac district, September 1837- First heard of the country from a party in search of Gellibrand and Hesse. Instance of cannibalism. The Colac tribe ... ... 3-5 3. Letter from J. H. Patterson, Moorabee, 15th August 1853. Takes up Greenhill station in 1836. Settlement of the Bacchus Marsh district. Whyte Brothers occupy the Wannon. The abori- gines troublesome. The Grange taken up by Messrs. Wedge. Took up Tourbouric. Settlement on the Campaspe and 'Murray. Moorabee taken up in 1838 or 1839. The aborigines hostile. Unsuccessful in his endeavour to ameliorate their condition 5-7 4. Letter from H. Norman Simson, Charlotte Plains, 24th August 1853. Occupation of the Loddon, Glenelg, and Wimmera. Murder of Mr. Allan. The aborigines troublesome on the Glenelg. Settlement of country about the Pyrenees ... ... ... 7-10 5. Letter from John Carfrae, Ledcourt, 1st September 1853. Unable to give any authentic account of first settlement of Wimmera district. Has given various gleanings to Mr. P. D. Rose ... ... ... ... ... ... 10-11 6. Letter from David Fisher, Roslin, Geelong, 21st September 1853. The Van Diemen's Land Association. Arrival of Messrs. Batman, Fawkner, Gellibrand, and others. Early Melbourne. Fawkner's Royal Hotel. Batman's hut. Explores the country in the vicinity of Geelong. Two men killed by the natives. The Derwent Company. An exploring expedition in the Western district. Mr. Geo. Mercer's journal of the expedition ... ... 11-19 7. Letter from T. H. Pyke, Upper Werribee, Ballan, 12th August 1853. Occupation of the Werribee country... 19-20 8. Letter from Edward Dryden, Macedon, August 1853. Occupation of the Mount Macedon country. Settlement on the Coliban, Campaspe, and Loddon ... ... ... 20-21 9. Letter from John G. Robertson, Wando Vale, 26th September 1853. Arrival in Van Diemen's Land in 1831. Sails for Portland Bay in 1840. Occupation of the Wando, Glenelg, and W T annon Rivers. The squatters quarrelling about their boundaries. The three event- ful years, 1841-43. The financial result of 14 years' squatting. The Glenelg, Pigeon Ponds, and Chetwynd stations taken up in 1840. Want of postal communication. The Dergholm and Roseneath stations taken up in 1841. Two ladies on the verge of the wilderness. Tiii Letters from Victorian Pioneers. TABLE OF CONTENTS continued. Murder of shepherd. Search for the aborigines. Fifty-one aborigines killed at the Fighting Hills. " Long Yarra " alone escapes. Murder of Mr. and a man called Larry. A harem of gins. Mr. Lewis speared. Natives not numerous. Description of the Wannon country in 1840. A severe frost. The face of the country changes 22-35 10. Letter from Charles Wale Sherard, Creswick Creek, 10th August 1853. Settlement of the country on the road to Melbourne from the eastern head of Western Port Bay ... ... ... 36-37 11. Letter from Thomas Learmonth, Buninyong, llth August 1853. First occupation of the Barwon, Moorabool, Buninyong, and Mount Emu districts. A fleet of small vessels employed in conveying stock from Van Diemen's Land, January to May 1837. Occupies runs on the Barwon River and the Native Creek. Extent of occupa- tion in April 1837. Disputes about boundaries. Encloses map show- ing the stations occupied in May 1837 and during the following year. A party explores the country in the neighbourhood of Buninyong. A party explores round Lake Corangamite. Further explorations. Occupation of the Buninyong, Ballarat, Maiden Hills, and Mount Emu district. The Buninyong aborigines ... ... 37-43 12. Letter from John Hepburn, Smeaton Hill, 10th August 1853. Induced to become a settler by Mr. John Gardiner. First stock brought overland from Sydney. Account of the journey. Mel- bourne in December 1836. Interview with Buckley. Foundation of the capital of Victoria. Occupies Gardiner's Creek the first cattle station in Australia Felix. Proceeds to the east coast of New South Wales. Opening up the navigation of the Murray. First day's journey thence to Sydney. Originates the overland post. Advance in price of sheep. Financial troubles. Second overland trip in 1838. Experiences of the natives. Quality of the land. Experience of prisoners of the Crown ... ... ... 43-64 13. William Thomas. Brief Account of the Aborigines of Australia Felix. Form of government. Daily life. Marriage. Laws. Dancest Games. Weapons. Men composing the native police on the Is. January 1843. Statistics relating to births, deaths, education, crimes, &c., among the aborigines. Returns showing the numbers of aborigines in various districts and tribes ... ... 65-83 14. William Thomas. Account of the Aborigines. Aboriginal traditions and superstitions difficult to grasp in their full significance. No trace of any ceremony analogous to the ancient ophiolatry. Australian deities. Creation of man. Creation of woman. How man first came into possession of fire. Notions of the flood. Tradition of the dispersion of mankind. Tradition of the origin of wind. Thunder and lightning. The Mindye. Super- stition about consulting bears. Superstitious notions of the Warmum. Charmers. Doctors. Murrina Kooding, or strength lost. Arrangement of native encampment. Fight between the Barrabool and Buninyong blacks north of Melbourne. Arrangement in encampment when different tribes meet. Ceremony of Tanderrum, or freedom of the bush. Ceremony of Murrain Turrukerook, or female coming of age. Ceremony of Tib-but, or male coming of age ... ... ... ... ... ... 84-100 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS continued. 15. Letter from Rev. James Clow, Melbourne, 4th August 1853. Settlement of Dandenong district. Mr. Clow's experiences of the natives. Earthquakes felt at Dandenong ... ... 100-107 16. Letter from J. M. Clow. Pine Plains taken up in August 1847 ... ... 107-108 17. Letter from J. M. Clow. Occupies Balerook, Wimmera district, in May 1847. " Geordie," his wives, and children the sole aboriginal occupants of this isolated tract. Stratagem of the aborigines to murder " Geordie." Mode of subsistence of the aborigines. Excursion into the desert in search of pastoral country. Most of the Wimmera district settled before his arrival ... ... ... ... ... ... 108-114 18. Letter from Captain Foster Fyans. Musters 275 natives at Geelong. Depredations by the natives. Experience of convict soldiers. Progress of settlement in the Port- land Bay district. Journey from Geelong to Portland Bay. Various classes of squatters. Longevity unknown among the aborigines. The natives, Balyang, Woolmudgen, and Bon Jon. Number of the Portland Bay tribes. Game. Bush inns in the early days. Mel- bourne in 1837. Comparison of the sites of Melbourne and Geelong. Prices in 1853 and 1848. Geelong in 1853 ... ... 114-129 19. Letter from W. Odell Raymond, Stratford, 15th August 1853. Induced by Strzelecki's pamphlet to remove to Gippsland. . Arrived at the Mitchell River on 20th June 1842. Other settlers in Gippsland. Letter written in August 1842 by Mr. Raymond, describing the state of Gippsland and a journey from Gippsland to Western Port. Populat ion and revenue of Gippsland ... 129-134 20. Letter from Thomas Manifold, Warrnambool, 30th August 1853. First visited Port Phillip in February 1836. Landed the first sheep at Point Henry, 9th July 1836. Settlement on the Moorabool, Bar won and Leigh rivers, in September and October 1836. Dis- covery of Lake Purrumbete and the Mount Leura district, 1838. Settlement of the Mount Noorat and Mount Shadwell district. Dis- covery and settlement of the Hopkins River ... ... 135-137 1. Letter from George Armytage, Hermitage, 6th October 1853. Landed at Williamstown in May 1836. Murder of Mr. Franks and others. Search for Gellibrand and Hesse, and discovery of Lake Colac, Buninyong, and the Stony Rises. Occupants of the country in the neighbourhood of Mounts Gellibrand and Hesse. Original occupiers of the country on the Upper BarM'on removed by the Government to make room for Wesleyan missionaries. Settlement in the Colac district ... .... ... ... ... 138-141 22. Letter from Henry Dwyer, Victoria Valley, 13th August 1853. Came to Victoria Valley in 1841. Run first occupied by Thomas Woolley ... ... ... ... ... 141 23. Letter from Sir H. E. F. Young, addressed to Norman Campbell, Esq., dated 20th April 1853. The Lady Augusta and Mary Anne steamers on the Murray 142 x Letters from Victorian Pioneers. TABLE OF CONTENTS continued. 24. Letter from A. M. Campbell, Ganawarra, 29th September 1853. Settlement on the Murray. His experience of the natives 143-145 25. Note taken from John Gardiner by Mr. La Trobe, on board the Argo, 19th August 1853. Mr. Gardiner first visited Port Phillip in 1836, and returned to Van Diemen's Land in December of same year. Came overland from Murrumbidgee with Ha wdon and Hepburn ... ... 146 26. Letter from Philip D. Rose, Melbourne. Maiden Hills, Wonwondah, Fiery Creek, Emu Creek, Leigh, and Ledcourt stations taken up. Murders by natives. Experience of the aborigines. Rosebrook taken up ... ... 146-150 27. Letter from George Faithfull, Wangaratta, 8th September 1853. Stimulus given to proprietors of Stock in New South Wales to migrate to Port Phillip by Sir Thos. Mitchell's discoveries. Settle- ment of the Ovens district. Natives troublesome. Encounter with them 150-154 28. Letter from George D. Mercer, Weatherboard, near Geelong, 22nd August 1853. First occupants of the Leigh and Barwon, and the Geelong district generally. Exploration in the Western district. The natives ... ... ... ... ... ... 154-157 29. Letter from William F. Splatt, Melbourne, 13th August 1853. Occupation of the Wimmera district. Occupation of the country on the Glenelg, Lower Loddon, Lower Avoca, and Lower Murray. The aboriginal inhabitants of the Lower Murray ... 157-158 30. Letter from Robert Jamieson, Melbourne, 9th August 1853. Arrived in Melbourne in 1838. Purchased the Cape Schanck run in 1839. Mr. Edward Hobson the only settler between Cape Schanck and Melbourne. Explores Western Port, and removes to Yalloak station. In the beginning of 1839 very few settlers on the south side of the Yarra. The Western Port and Gippsland blacks 159-160 31. Letter from Charles Wedge, 10th September 1853. Origin of the settlement of the colony of Victoria. First sheep landed at Williamstown. Formation of the stations of the Messrs. Wedge and Mr. Simpson on the Werribee River. The natives peaceably disposed. Sir Thomas Mitchell finds Messrs. Henty's whaling establishment at Portland. Murder of Mr. Franks. The first overlanders. Arrival of vessels from England and Scotland. Occupation of the country at the foot of the Grampians. Messrs. Henty and Messrs. Winter at Portland. The natives become troublesome ... ... ... ... ... 161-163 32. Letter from J. Blair, Portland, 13th August 1853. Settlement on the Glenelg. The aborigines aggressive 163-165 33. Letter from William J. T. Clarke, Melbourne, 13th September 1853. Took up Station Peak and a portion of the Little River early in 1837. Removed to Bowling Forest and thence to the Pyrenees. Hostility of the aborigines. Billy Billy's station. Station expenses and profits ... ... ... ... ... ... 165-167 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. xi TABLE OF CONTENTS continued. 34. Letters from Edward Bell, Wimmera, 12th August and 15th Septem- ber 1853. Arrived in Sydney in September 1839, determined on entering into pastoral pursuits. Started for Port Phillip, accompanied by Messrs. Watson and Hunter. Formed a station on the Gilmore Creek. A squatter's troubles. Started again for Port Phillip. Ten thousand head of cattle on the banks of the Murray. Arrival at Melbourne. Settlement on the Broken and Devil's Rivers. Attempt to find a road into Gippsland. Removal to the Wannon. Settle- ment in the Western district. Discovery of the Mount Talbot country. Aggressions of the natives. Settlement in the Wimmera district. The Devil's River district. Englefield station. The Green Hills station ... ... ... ... ... 168-182 35. Letter from W. T. Mollison, Pyalong, 22nd August 1853. A. F. Mollison's arrival at Port Phillip in 1836. Joined A. F. Mollison in 1838. Occupation of the Coliban and Loddon. The aborigines. Price of sheep and cattle. Depression of, 1842-45 ... ... ... ... ... ... 182-185 36. Memorandum by Leslie Foster. Occupation of the Avoca, Loddon, and Murray Rivers 185-186 37. Letter from George Edward Mackay, Tarrawingee, 30th August 1853. Occupation of the Ovens. Sufferings and losses caused by the aborigines. Demand for compensation ignored ... 186-188 38. Letter from William Taylor, Longerenong, Wimmera, 16th November 1853. Account of the settlement of the district around Mount Zero during 1843-46 ... ... ... ... ... 189-192 39. Letter from Charles J. Tyers, Alberton, Gippsland, 15th July 1844. Account of the state of Gippsland up to the 30th June 1844. Description of the country, its rivers, lakes, and mountains. Population, depredations of the aborigines, exports, imports, revenue, and capabilities ... ... ... ... 193-204 40. Letter from C. Hutton, Melbourne, 19th August 1853. Settlement on the Campaspe and King Parrot Creek. The Goulburn and Campaspe blacks ... ... ... 204-206 41. Letter from John Aitken, Mount Aitken, 26th August 1853. Mr. Batman the first person who visited Port Phillip from Van Diemen's Land. Other early arrivals from Van Diemen's Land. In June and July 1837 arrivals from Sydney side commence. Western Port and Macedon natives ... ... ... 206-208 42. Letter from Peter Snodgrass, St. Kilda, 15th September 1853. Settlement on the Goulburn. The natives... ... 208-209 43. Letter from C. B. Hall, Amherst, Burnbank, 6th September 1853. Overland trip from Sydney in 1840. Search for a station. Settlement on the Avoca, Wimmera, Glenelg, Norton (or McKenzie), Loddon, &c. The Mindai. Exploration to the north of the Pyrenees. Pleasures of exploring The aborigines hostile ; numerous about the Grampians. Superiority of the Loddon and Marrable natives. Absence of feeling of revenge... ... ... ... 210-222 xii Letters from Victorian Pioneers. TABLE OF CONTENTS continued. 44. Letter from Colin Campbell. Arrived at Port Phillip in 1839. Rise in prices. Settlement of the Mount Cole district. Mount Cole aborigines ... 222-227 45. Letter from Edward Grimes, 1st August 1853. Names of early settlers on the Broken River and Lower Murray ... ... ... ... ... ... 227 46. Letter from John Templeton, Kyneton, 6th August 1853. Settlement on the River Goulburn, the Broken River, and the Devil's River. The Western Port district. The aborigines 228-229 47. Letter from Alfred Taddy Thomson, Fiery Creek, 18th August 1853. Ascended the Broken River in 1840. Discovery of the Mount Battery distript by Messrs. Watson and Hunter. The aborigines troublesome. Murder of two of Mr. Waugh's men. Mr. Waugh leaves the Broken River a ruined man. Murder of Messrs. Watson and Hunter's hut-keeper. Occupation of the Fiery Creek District. Mr. Mather's death. Great hardships and privations endured by the early settlers ... ... ... ... ... 229-233 48. Letter from Thomas Chirnside, Point Cook, 1st November 1853. Arrives at Adelaide in January 1839, reaching Sydney two months later. State of New South Wales. Takes cattle overland to Adelaide. Settles on the Loddon, 1840. Forms a station at Mount William. Friendly relations with the natives. Changes in the seasons improve the country. Formed a station in the Adelaide territory. Barrenness of the country between Lake Alexandrina and the Glenelg. Port Phillip the Eden of the colonies. Characteristics of the settlers in the different colonies ... ... 233-238 49. Letter from E. P. S. Sturt, Lpnsdale-street, 20th October 1853. Initiation into bush life as Commissioner of Crown Lands for the Murray district in 1837. Description of the district. Charm of traversing new country. The seasons change. The Billabong country and the plains between the Edward and Murrumbidgee Rivers. Difference in the appearance of the Murray and the Murrumbidgee. Stream of overlanders commences. Destruction of Faithfull's party. The natives always treacherous and devoid of pity. Trip overland from Bathurst to Adelaide. Mode employed by blacks to catch ducks. Has resided at Mount Gambier since 1844. Description of the country, and experiences of an early settler. The Plenty a district of cattle stealers ... 238-250 50. Letter from Dr. A. Thomson, 20th March 1854. T Landed at Melbourne in March 1836. Built a church in April 1836. First clerical visitors. Arrival of Mr. Batman. Arrivals become frequent. First census. First herd of cattle brought from Sydney. Geelong and the Western district. The aborigines. Lonsdale's notes on Dr. Thomson's statement ... ... 250-253 51. Letter from A. McMillan, Bushy Park, 25th August 1853. Memorandum of a trip from the Maneroo district, in the year 1839, to the south-west of that district towards the sea-coast. Description of the country, its rivers, &c. Discoverer of Gippsland. Forms station on the Avon in 1840. Discovers Port Albert 254-259 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. xiii TABLE OF CONTENTS continued. 52. Letter from S. G. Henty, Portland, 16th January 1854. Edward Henty visited Portland Bay in 1833. Fixed hia habi- tation at Portland in 1834. Arrival of Francis and S. G. Henty. Major Mitchell's arrival at Portland in August 1836. The Hentys occupy Merino Downs and other stations. Arrival of Samuel Winter and others. The first land sale. Journey to Cape Jaffa. Port Fairy. Mr. Henty's application for land at Port Phillip 260-265 53. Letter from C. J. La Trobe, Melbourne, 22nd January 1853. Death of Capt. Dana. Important services rendered by him in the establishment of the native police ... ... ... 266-269 54. Letter from Hugh Jamieson to Bishop Perry, Mildura Station, River Murray, 10th October 1853. The aborigines capable of only a limited improvement. Have no knowledge of a Supreme Being. Death attributed in all cases to human agency. Numbers in the Murray and Darling tribes. In- fanticide prevalent. Their diseases and physical sufferings. Can- nibalism. Marriages. Probable future of the aborigines. Bennilong and the Native Police, instances of failure to permanently improve the aborigines. The aborigines doomed to become extinct 269-275 55. Notes on Port Phillip, by Thomas Winter, of Hobart, in a letter to Mr. Swanston, written probably in 1837. Port Phillip visited in 1802 in order to form a settlement. Batman and others induced to visit Port Phillip. Description of the harbor, Williamstown, Melbourne, and the country generally. The natives. The fauna ... ... ... ... 275-279 56. Gellibrand's memorandum of a trip to Port Phillip in January and February 1836. Embarks on board the Norval, 17th January 1836. Lands at Western Port. Loss of sheep and hardships experienced in the search for them. Mr. Mudie established at the Government settle- ment which had been abandoned in 1827. Journey overland to Port Phillip. Arrival at Melbourne. Description of the settlement. Conversation with Buckley. Examination of the districts around Melbourne and Geelong. Outrage on a native woman. The aborigines ... ... ... ... ... ... 279-301 58. Letter from John Hart, Melbourne, 24th April 1854. Visits Portland, Guichen, and Nepean Bays in 1831, on a sealing voyage. Life of the sealers on Kangaroo, Thistle, and other islands. Second sealing voyage between Bass's Straits and Doubtful Island Bay. Third sealing voyage in November 1833. Enters Western Port in December 1834. Ships bark to London. Returns to Laun- ceston, and gives account of his trip to Messrs. Conolly, Fawkner, Evans, and Batman. The fame of Port Phillip reaches Launceston. Sails for London. Drives a herd of cattle from Portland to Adelaide in 1837 302-306 Specimens of the language of the Barrabool tribe and list of members of the tribe, collected about 1842 by Mrs. Davenport ... 307-311 INDEX . 313 3Cetttc0 from Utctormn No. 1. DEAR Siu, Tahara, August 18th 1853. In answer to yours of the 29th of July, only just received, I send you the following information, which I hope may be what you require. I landed on Indented Head from V. D. Land with sheep in July 1837. In September I went with a party to explore. We Avent round Lakes Colac and Korangamite ; we were the first who went round the latter. The farthest out station at that time was Mr Ricketts's, on the River Barwon, 40 miles from Geelong ; he had only been there about three weeks ; the blacks bad robbed him, and were constantly driving his shepherds in with their flocks. As we came along the banks of Lake Korangamite a great many parties of natives ran off into the stony rise, leaving everything behind them. They were on the mouths of small creeks which run into the lake, fishing. The stony, scrubby rises come so close to the lake, they could not see us ; we were within a few yards of them ; we were stopped by the Pirron Yalloak. At night we could not find a ford, so we camped in the centre of a small plain, tethering our horses close around us, and kept a watch about all night there were seven of us. The natives were talking close to us the whole night, within 100 yards. At daylight two men came to us, when we made signs that we would not harm them. They came to ask for the black boy Billy Clarke. As it was about three weeks after Dr. Clarke had taken him, they wished to know if we had eaten him, and said his mother was very sorry and cried very much. In October I took up my station on the River Moorabool (Borhoneyghurk), 35 miles from Geelong. Mr. George Russell then lived on the Moorabool, 1 2 miles from Geelong, but had an 2 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. out-station on the Leigh, whore his house now is; but about November the natives drove three men (two shepherds and a hut- keeper) from their hut, notwithstanding the men having shot two of them. They robbed and burned the hut to the ground, so that Mr. Russell vacated that river for some months. In January 1838 G. F. Read took up his station on the River Leigh ; next came the Learmonths, Henry Anderson (occupying what is now John Winter's station), and the Yuilles, near Buninyong, I think about March or April. About the same time Stead, Cowie, and Robert Steiglitz came above me on the Moorabool, and, about twelve months after, John Wallace and Egerton. In October 1846 my brother Hugh and I took up Benyeo on the South Australian boundary, where he now resides, about 100 miles from Portland, on the border of the mallee scrub. There never were many natives in that part. What few there are have been very useful, but they are dying off fast as in all parts ; there seldom is a child born, and when such a thing does happen it soon dies. The first natives I saw after taking up my station on the River Moorabool was a party of about 20. I was shepherding my own sheep at the time, as all my men were shear- ing. I was two miles from the hut, but, as I had my double- barrelled gun with me, I signed to two of them to come and speak to me, as I wished to tell them they must not come too near the hut; and it was many mouths before I did allow any to come, but sent their provisions to them when they worked for me. I have counted 340 together at their meetings in 1843 and 1844. Since I came to the Wannon I have never seen more than about 70 together. I know of 12 quite young men who have died in this district within the last two years. I had two young men with their wives all lastwinter, nursing them at least three of them. One of the women (or rather she was quite a girl of about thirteen) got the provisions and cooked for the others, who could hardly move, and appeared in great pain indeed. From being in the summer fine strong young men they became perfect skeletons, and they are now perfect wrecks, although quite recovered. You are, perhaps, aware that I had one constantly with me for nine years; his father and mother gave him to me when about ten years of age, and he, as well as his parents, appeared to at once consider him my property. He Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 3 followed me wherever I went, was in Sydney and V. D. Land, and was very much attached to me. He grew a very fine man, and his tribe forced him to leave me. Fearing you may be in a hurry for an answer, I scud this as it is, having received a kick in the hand from a colt to-day. I hope you will therefore excuse the roughness of it. Your most obedient servant, J. N. McLEOD. His Excellency C. J. La Trobe, Esq. No. 2. SIK, Colac, 18th August 1853. I had the honour, on the 10th instant, to receive Your Excel- lency's letter dated 29th July, requesting information as to the time and circumstances of the first occupation of the Colac country, &c., and have now the honour briefly to give Your Excellency what information I possess. The Colac country was first occupied in September 1837 by myself, accompanied or immediately followed by Messrs. Gr. F. and A. Lloyd, and Wm. Carter ; my flock consisted of 100 ewes, and theirs jointly of 500, Avliich we joined together for mutual protection. These sheep were brought from Van Diemeu's Land, at a cost of about 3 per head, the price there at that time being 2. We were the only occupants of the country for about six mouths, our nearest neighbour being Mr. Thomas Ricketts, who occupied a station on the River Barwon about ten miles distant at the point where Gellibraud and Hesse were last seen. Early in 1838, Messrs. Pollock, Dewing, Bromfield, and Mr. Briggs (for Capt. Fyans) took up the unoccupied land around the banks of Lake Colac. They were followed by Messrs. Watson and Hamilton, and after them the Messrs. Manifold stretched out to the west, and towards the end of that year and the beginning of 1839 the squatters spread rapidly over the Western District. All those persons I have named came from V. D. Land, and brought their sheep from there, except Capt. Fyans, who brought cattle from Sydney. 4 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. I first heard of the Colac country from a party who were in search of Gellibrand and Hesse, in August 1837, under the guidance of the Rev. Mr. Naylor, and believe they were the dis- coverers of it. It may be interesting to state that this party, consisting of fourteen men, fitted out by Mrs. Gellibrand for three months, at an expense of 700, when arrived at Lake Colac, allowed some of the Barrabool tribe of aborigines who were with them to murder an old man and a child of the Colac tribe, whom they found on the banks of the lake, and afraid of retaliation from the tribe fled back in haste next morning, having passed the night without fire for concealment, and gave up the search. The blacks brought with them, on the end of their spears, portions of the man and child they had killed, which I saw them eat with great exultation during the evening. They stayed at our tent at the Barwon on their return. The Colac tribe of natives was not numerous when we came here men, women, and children not numbering more than 35 or 40. From their own account, they were once numerous and powerful, but from their possessing a rich hunting country, the Barrabool, Leigh, Wardy Yalloak, and Jaiicourt tribes surrounding, made constant war upon them, and the tribe, from having been the strongest, became the weakest. The extent of their country was a radius of about 10 miles from Lake Colac exce*pt on the south, where in the extensive Cape Otway Ranges there was no other tribe. We had very little intercourse with them for the first eighteen months, their demeanour towards us being always treacherous and dishonest. They never lost an opportunity of stealing our sheep at first by night carrying off a few from the fold, but afterwards became more daring, and drove off a score or two in the day time from the shepherd. These they would take to some secure corner and feast upon them, breaking the legs of those they did not at once kill, to detain them. In such cases the settlers assembled and pursued them, and when their encampment was discovered they generally fled, leaving behind them their weapons, rugs, &c., which, together with their huts, were destroyed. I am happy to think that they met with more forbearance here than in many other parts of the country, and to be able to state with certainty Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 5 that never upon any such occasion, or at any time since their country was first occupied, was one of their number shot to death, with one single exception, when I believe a man died of a shot wound he received after having thrown a spear, and while in the act of throwing another at one of a party in pursuit of his stolen property. After about two years our acquaintance became more friendly, and they began to be employed upon our stations. I have, &c., HUGH MURRAY. His Excellency C. J. La Trobe, Esq. No. 3. DEAR SIR, Moorabee, 15th August 1853. I only received yours of the 27th ult. last week, which will account for it not being replied to sooner. It will afford me much pleasure to give Your Excellency any information in my power on the subjects upon which you require it. In November 1836, I had shipped six cargoes of sheep from V. D. Land for Port Phillip, and landed myself, early in December, at Williamstown, and finding the country almost totally unoccupied, I took up the Greenhill Station about 25 miles north, and posted an out-station at what is now called Bacchus Marsh then without a white inhabitant. Soon after my occupation, say early in 1837, Messrs. James Clarke, Bacchus, Why te Brothers, and, I believe, Messrs. Powlett and Green, took up country beyond me to the west, called the Pentland Hills, and in an exceedingly short space of time that whole country was stocked with sheep from V. D. Land, as the arrivals at Geelong, with sheep, pressed up the Moorabool till they came in contact with the pioneers of Williamstown. In 1838, the Whyte Brothers travelled west, with their stock, in search of another run, and took up a country about the Wannon, but met with great difficulties from the deter- mined ferocity of the aborigines, which ended in a conflict and great loss of life to the latter, 6 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. The Messrs. Wedge, the same year, took up a run called the Grange, south of the Whytes ; and also, like them, experienced great annoyances from the natives. In 1839 they sold to William Forlonge, who sold to me in 1840. At that period the country between that and Geelong was very thinly peopled many parts being unoccupied, and that that was taken up was thinly stocked. The aggressions of the aborigines in that quarter at that time were such as to call for the interference of the Crown Lands Commissioner, Captain Fyans. In October 1843, I took my family to a station on the north of W. Mollison's, which was taken up by Messrs. Button, Simson, and Darlot in 1841 or 1842, who sold to Rule, a builder in Mel- bourne, from whom I purchased, and called it Tourbouric, after the aboriginal name of a large hill there. This station was in a state of nature, and on it I erected very considerable improve- ments, which are now used as an inn called the Pick and Shovel. The country down the Campaspe to the Murray, and down that river, was first, I believe, settled in 1840, but I cannot speak positively, as I did not visit it till 1846, when I selected some unoccupied country (which I named Pine Grove, from the number of pines in that locality), on the plains to the south of the Murray and east of the Mount Hope Creek. At that period the country round was but lightly stocked. Moorabee, the station on which I now reside, was taken up by Captain Hutton about 1838 or 1839. He sold to Daniel Jennings, who sold to C. H. Ebden, who only held it about three months, when I purchased it in August 1851, at a very high rate, under the firm conviction that the orders of Her Gracious Majesty would be carried out in the fullest integrity towards the occupants of Crown Lands termed " squatters." The aborigines have invariably shown themselves hostile to the settlement of new country, but became more reconciled as their intimacy increased with the Europeans. I have always been favourably disposed towards them, and tried to encourage those that visited my stations in habits of industry by rewarding them well when they did exert themselves, and I would have been most pleased had I succeeded in ameliorating their condition ; but I Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 1 regret to add I found all my endeavours fruitless, and, extra- ordinary to say, with civilization they are so fast decreasing from a constant warfare kept np amongst them, together with disease, that in an extraordinary short space of time I believe the race will become extinct. Should the foregoing remarks prove of any service to Your Excellency, it will afford gratification to Your most obedient servant, J. II. PATTERSON. His Excellency C. J. La Trobe, Esq. No. 4=. SIB, Charlotte Plains, 24th August 1853. Your favour of the 27th July I only received by last post. I do not exactly understand what you require me to state, but the following is a brief sketch of the circumstances attending my settling in Port Phillip. Any superfluous matter I hope you will excuse, and anything wanting I shall be happy to supply at any time you may require me to do so. In November 1839, 1 arrived in Melbourne by sea from Sydney, on my way to South Australia, and made a tour through a consider- able portion of the Province, and wrote to my brother, who was then collecting a large stock in Maneroo, recommending the Portland Bay District, for which place the stock accordingly started, under the charge of Mr. J. M. Darlot. I may mention that it consisted of 13,000 sheep, 4,000 head of cattle, and 100 horses. When they arrived at Mount Alexander, my brother (who had come by sea to Melbourne) met them, and after exploring to the northward, decided on taking up the country on the Loddon instead of proceeding to Portland Bay heavy losses from catarrh and scab, and the ewes having commenced to lamb, being the cause of his doing so. In about June 1840 he took up the station now known as Cairn Curran, and in the occupation of Mrs. Bryant, and during the year the stations now known as Charlotte Plains, Janevale, Langi-Coorie, and Glenmona, comprising all the country from the range to the west of the Porcupine Mount to the Pyrenees. I 8 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. returned to Sydney in January 1840, and did not again visit Port Phillip till June 1841, when I arrived overland, and shortly afterwards purchased the whole of my brother's stock and stations. On my arrival on the Loddon I found my neighbours were Messrs. Campbell and McKnight on the stations now Mr. Wm. Campbell's, and on which the Forest Creek and Fryer's Creek diggings are ; Mr. Lachlan Mackinnon on the station now belonging to Mr. W. M. Hunter; Mr. Colin Mackinnon on the station now Messrs. Joyces'; Mr. Donald Mackinnon on the station now Mr. Bucknall's; Mr. McCallum on his present station ; Mr. Jas. Hodgkinson on his present station; Mr. Catto on his present station; and Messrs. Heape and Grice and Mr. Chas. Sherratt on the stations now occupied by Messrs. Gibson and Fenton all the rest of the country to the northward being unoccupied. I almost immediately after my purchase sold the station now known as Cairn Curran to Messrs. Cole and Langdon, and shortly afterwards the station of Glenmona to Messrs. McNeil and Hall. In about May 1842 I took up the station now occupied by Mr. Morton, below Mr. Catto, and sold it shortly afterwards to a Mr. Sellars, on which then the lowest permanent water in the Loddon existed. In about twelve months afterwards Messrs. Bear, Booth and Argyle, Brain and Williams, and Thorpe took up extensive stations on the Loddon and Serpentine Creek and the remainder of the Loddon down to its junction with the Murray was taken up in 1845 by Messrs. McCallum, Curlewis, Cowper, and others. From the time of my arrival on the Loddon the aboriginal natives were concentrated under the charge of Mr. Parker at Jim Crow Hill (Mount Franklin), and with the exception of murdering a Mr. Allan, who had a small cattle station (which I afterwards purchased) between Mr. Catto and me, committed no depredations of any consequence, and were very useful to the settlers in cutting bark and at sheep-washing. In the latter end of 1842 Messrs. Gibbon sold a small station they had taken up below Glenmona on the Fourteen Mile or Bet Bet Creek to Messrs. Foster and Stawell, who shortly afterwards occupied a large scope of country on the east side of the Pyrenees ; and Mr. Colin Mackinnon having sold his station on the Loddon, took up a station to the northward of them, In April 1843 I Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 9 started with some stock from this station with the intention of taking up some new country either on the Avoca or Wimmera. I passed the north end of the Pyrenees, crossing the Avoca, Avon, and Richardson, all of which were completely dry for from 15 to 20 miles to the north of my course ; so much so that only for a timely shower I would have had to return. I made the Wimmera abreast of Mount Zero (the north point of the Grampians), and not liking the then parched and dusty Wimmera Plains, I crossed over to the head of the Glenelg, and in June took up the station now known as Glenisla, my nearest neighbour being Mr. Fairbairn, about thirty miles down the river. Mr. Chas. Sherratt, who accompanied me, immediately returned, and in the course of a month or two brought his stock from Mount Alexander and took up the country between me and Mr. Fairbairn. Immediately afterwards Mr. P. D. Rose took up the country between me and the Grampians. At this time the whole of the country on the Avoca, Avon, and Richardson was vacant, as also was the whole of the Wimmera below the Ledcourt Station, then owned by Mr. Benjamin Boyd, now by Mr. Carfrae ; but in a few months, Messrs. Taylor and McPherson, Darlot and McLachlan, Splatt and Pynsent, Wilsons, and Major Firebrace occupied the Wimmera down to Mount Arapiles. In 1844 I left Gleuisla in charge of my overseer and returned to the Loddou ; consequently from personal knowledge I can't enumerate any further particulars as to the occupying of the country. During my residence at the Glenelg the aboriginal natives were very troublesome, constantly taking sheep in large lots by force from the shepherds or stealing them from the fold at night. I had to follow them three different times driving my sheep away, but each time overtook them, after several days' harassing tracking, and took from them all the sheep they had not eaten or destroyed ; but not without running considerable risk in doing so, and having received several wounds from their spears and boomerangs. The last time in particular they broke the legs of about sixty of my sheep, leaving the poor animals to lie in a heap in a small yard in, of course, the greatest agony ; and whilst I was examining them my horse and I were both severely wounded by a discharge of spears from a body of the natives in ambush. 10 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. The whole of the country about the Pyrenees that I had passed thus on my way to the Glenelg was, in 1844, taken up by Messrs. Ellis, Elliot and Shore, Mr. James Campbell, Mr. Coutts, and others ; and although it has been several times very nearly dry, it has never been completely so as in 1843. In 1846, having purchased a station near Albury, I took up a large amount of country on the Billabong Creek, about thirty miles north-west of Albury ; but finding it impossible to dam the creek sufficiently full to ensure a permanent supply of water, I gave it up to Mr. Charles Huon, who, I believe, now holds it. I have had other stations in my possession, by purchase, of which I know the particulars of occupation ; but as you have most likely received these particulars from other sources, I do not consider it requisite for me to send them. I am, Sir, your most obedient servant, H. NORMAN SIMSON. C. J. La Trobe, Esq., Melbourne. No. 5. SIR, Ledcourt, September 1st 1853. I have the honour to acknowledge Your Excellency's circular of the 29th July, requesting information connected with the taking up of this station ; also with the habits and customs of the abo- rigines. In reply I have to inform Your Excellency that, having been a resident on this station for only five years, I am unable to give you any authentic account of the first settlement. This, combined with all the original occupiers having left this district, must plead my apology in not going into any detail. Mr. P. D. Rose, of Rosebrook, has taken a wide circuit (including Ledcourt), and in his report has entered fully into this station. Therefore anything I could write on the matter would be merely repetition. I have given Mr. R. various little gleanings Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 1 1 I have picked up since my residence here, which he has embodied in his report. Trusting my explanation will bo a sufficient excuse for not entering into particulars, I have the honour to remain Your Excellency's most obedient servant, JOHN CARFRAE. His Excellency C. J. La Trobo, Esq. No. 6. Roslin, Geclong, September 21st 1853. MAY IT PLEASE YOUR EXCELLENCY, I have to apologize for my apparent delay in replying to Your Excellency's circular of 29th July, requesting information upon the subject of the first settlement of Port Phillip (now the colony of Victoria). In this my reply I have the honour to state that my remarks upon this subject will be confined to matters in which I was personally concerned or what came under my own observation. In the year 1835 I was a resident of Van Diemen's Land, when the rumour of this fertile land reached that place, and induced many of ray fellow colonists to make a voyage to spy out the land. Their report being favourable to Port Phillip as a grazing land, a number of persons formed themselves into a company under the style of the "Van Diemen's Land Association," who, with some sheep, started for Port Phillip. With this party were the Messrs. J. and H. Batman and J. Fawkner. Mr. J. Batman and Mr. J. Fawkner settled at Doutta Galla (now Melbourne), while Mr. H. Batman returned, and by his flattering accounts I was induced to forward to Port Phillip a flock of 750 sheep, with six freedmen as shepherds, under the charge of Robert Mudie, Esquire, in the ship Adelaide. Mr. Mudie having settled the flock with the shepherds, returned, and again sailed in the JVorval, with 500 sheep and five shepherds ; and on the next voyage of the same 12 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. vessel I sent 1,100 sheep and seven men. On this voyage they encountered a heavy gale, aud were compelled to run into what is now called Western Port, where it was deemed necessary to land the sheep, and in doing so my good friend Mudie lost his life by the upsetting of the boat in a heavy surge between the ship and the shore. With the exception of 75 sheep which were recovered, this large flock became a prey to the natives and native dogs. On this voyage Messrs. Gellibrand, W. Robertson, and one or two other gentlemen visited Port Phillip. On their return I was made acquainted with the melancholy loss of my friend Mr. Mudie, and then set about making arrangements to come over myself, and took my passage in the ship Caledonia, having Messrs. Strachan, Austey, Gatenby, G. Russell, Dr. Thomson, and a few others, for fellow -passengers. We landed, after a pleasant voyage, at what is now called Williamstown, where Dr. Thomson pitched his tent, the others proceeding to Doutta Galla (Melbourne). Here we found a house of entertainment where we could not get entertained. This building was of turf or sods, with a portion of wood, and comprised six apartments of a very primitive order, occupied by "Johnny Fawkner," as a public-house, and was, of course, "The Royal Hotel," it being the first and then the only public-house in the district of Port Phillip. Here we could get a glass of bad rum and plenty of water by paying a good price for the same ; but we could get nothing to eat nor a place to sleep in. This celebrated hotel stood on the site now occupied by the Custom House in Flinders lane or street. Mr. Batman having built himself a hut about the spot where the " Clarendon Hotel " now stands, hospitably invited us to share his home, for which we were exceedingly grateful, and dined, supped, and next morning breakfasted on a schnapper fish and damper, our host being a bit of a fisherman as well as occupying the proud situa- tion of High Constable, having been appointed by the Van Die- men's Land Association, under whose auspices Mr. Batman was thus the first and then the only man who wielded the baton of authority. The Mansion House was a mud hut about 20 feet long and 12 feet broad, the one side of which was occupied by the family of our host, whilst our party, consisting of Dr. Cotter, Messrs. Anstey, Mager, Gatenby, G. Russell, my working Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 13 overseer Fergusson, and myself, seven in number, pigged on the other side in the best manner we could, and were thankful for the shelter. On the following day we got our luggage, provisions, &c., from the ship, 1 and on the next day we started to find our way to Western Port, in hope of recovering the remains of my lamented friend Mr. Mudie. We took an aboriginal for our guide, but he, being of a tribe near Sydney, was little acquainted with the Port Phillip district, and, consequently, no more use to us than to afford us a good deal of amusement by the antic man- ner in which he managed to roll himself over the soft mud creeks. On coming to a large creek or river, which we could not ford, and not being over-sure of our course, we considered it prudent to retrace our steps ; having spent two days and slept two nights in the bush, we were again grateful for the shade of friend Batman's hut at Doutta Galla (Melbourne), where we were again hospitably received, and availed ourselves of our host's kindness for two days, by way of resting. We then started for the Western District, some of my men having taken up a station on the River Werribee. Having found matters there to my satis- faction, we made our way downwards to the junction with the Barwon, which we followed to the station which had just been taken up by Messrs. Cowie and Stead on the ground afterwards the racecourse, now a cultivated farm, the property of Joseph Griffin and known as the old racecourse. Here we were kindly received and passed the night. On the next morning we started for Indented Head, which had also been taken up by my men as a station. Here I found two of my men were missing, and was informed that they had been killed by the natives. Having seen the stock, &c., all correct, we spent five days searching for the remains of the poor fellows, without success. About twelve months after- wards their bones were pointed out to me by an old aboriginal named " Woolmurgeu," who described the manner in which they met their deaths as follows : The men were on their way with a pack-bullock laden with provisions for the Werribee Station, and were met by a tribe of aborigines near the Murradock Hill. The men were both armed with fowling-pieces, which caused the wary tribe to entrap them by a stratagem, thus : by persuading one 1 Per Jfon-al. 14 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. that lie could shoot an emu, they got him to accompany a portion of their party to the one side of the hill, whilst, under pretence of having a shot at a kangaroo, they prevailed upon the other to go in a contrary direction. Having thus managed to separate the men, the latter became an easy prey to these heartless savages, who also killed the bullock and made themselves masters of a plentiful supply of provisions and all the property in possession of their unfortunate victims. I had their bones gathered together and decently interred. After resting a day we took a tour into the bush, following the course of the Barwon River to the sea, and much enjoying the romantic and picturesque scenery, particularly the lake Connewarre ; returning by an angle across the country, we made Corio (Geelong), where we were struck with the magnificent scene which burst upon our view as we reached the rise, now the centre of the town, known as Church Hill. The splendour and magnitude of Corio Bay, the gentle rise from the bay to where we stood, about three-quarters of a mile, and the like gentle fall to the River Barwon, the You Yangs, Station Peak, the Barrabool Hills, with all the varied scenery of hill and vale around clothed in the beautiful verdure of Nature, seemed to proclaim this spot as the site of a great mercantile city. Lost in contemplation, we were overtaken by night, and had the satisfac- tion of finding the shelter of a gum-tree near the place now called " La Trobe Terrace " ; here we camped for the night. Next morning we made Messrs. Cowie and Stead's, where we were entertained with a comfortable breakfast, and likewise got our provision bags replenished. We then crossed the Moorabool River, and afterwards the Barwon at the place now known as Pollock's Ford ; we tethered our horses in the valley and walked to the top of Mount Moriac, from which elevated spot we had a beautiful prospect of this delightful district, and with the assistance of a good telescope we were able to trace the various windings of the Rivers Leigh and Barwon ; also from this mount we had another view of beautiful Corio and its lovely bay. In imagination we could picture a splendid city, with the bay covered with ships of all nations, which fancies I have lived to see in part realized. This year, 1853, whilst yet under our first Governor, a commencement has been made to remove the Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 15 only impediment to the navigation of the bay. The town has been beautified by the erection of many elegant buildings, both public and private, and many more have been projected, some hastening to completion ; whilst we have also had the pleasure of seeing the foundation stone of the first railway in the Colony of Victoria laid in Geelong. Having thus far digressed from my subject, I must return to Mount Moriac, where, having taken our bearings, we descended to where we left our horses, and there we encamped for the night, and next morning started across the country and made the River Leigh at its junction with the Barwon, where I afterwards formed my home-station ; we then followed up the Leigh River for about six miles, to the place where Mr. Russell's station now is ; here we crossed the country in a direct line towards the Anakie Hills until we came to the Moorabool River, where we halted for the night. In the morning we ascended the highest of these hills, from which we had a most magnificent view of nearly all the hills, valleys, creeks, and rivers comprised within that portion of the country, now the County of Grant. We then proceeded to Station Peak, where our view was extended over the waters of Port Phillip, to the mountains on the opposite shore. From thence we took our course to the Werribee Station, which we reached with much difficulty, and next morning we started for Doutta Galla (Melbourne), intending to return to Van Diemen's Laud ; but finding that our ship had sailed we had to content ourselves until her return. To fill up this time we employed ourselves in building a house for Dr. Thomson, near the spot now occupied by St. Paul's Church. In this we were engaged about three weeks, and our vessel having returned, we took our passage to Van Diemen's Land, with the full determination of returning to Port Phillip, having all been greatly delighted with this beautiful country. Being now satisfied that sheep- farming would prove a profitable speculation in the New Land, as Port Phillip was then called in Van Diemen's Land, we entered into a copartnership to carry it out extensively. In this we were joined by Messrs. Swauston, Mercer, and Learmonth, and pur- chased up the shares and interest of the Van Diemen's Land Association. We took the style and title of the "Derwent Company." In the latter end of the year 1836 I returned to Port Phillip for the purpose of forming the different stations, 16 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. afterwards occupied by the Derweiit Co., and pitched my tent at the south side of Geelong, on the north bank of the Barwon River, near where a bridge was afterwards built communicating with the Western District. Here I built the first house in Geelong worthy of the name ; it is built of weatherboards of Van Diemen's Land timber, which house yet stands, and is still rather an ornament to what is now called Barwon Terrace. In this house I had the honour of receiving His Excellency Sir Richard Bourke, who had come hither to spy out the nakedness of the land, and with his suite encamped on the banks of the Barwon next to my house. It is worthy of remark that on the night of Sir Richard Bourke's arrival the district was visited by an earthquake, the shock of which \vas felt all over the district. Such a phenomenon has never occurred since that time, but I was informed by a very old native, King Murradock, that such had been felt before, but it was " long, long ago." In the month of September (1837), having finished nay house and got all things comfortable for the reception of my family, I proceeded to Van Diemen's Land to briiig them over, taking my passage by the James Watt, the first steam vessel that visited these shores. In the month of March following (1838.) I returned with my family, and having got them settled at Barwon Terrace, I proceeded to inspect the stations already formed, and also formed new stations at Mount Mercer and the Wardy Yalloak ; and then, accompanied by Major Mercer, Mr. George Mercer, and our over- seer named Anderson, started upon an exploring expedition to the interior, on which occasion we formed the station at Mount Shadwell, which was the farthest out station from Geelong, on the eastward of Portland. During this tour I undertook a new occupation. Major Mercer and myself being occupied in shaving, which operation being observed by some of the natives afforded them much amusement, and one of them signifying a desire to be trimmed, I undertook the task, which I accomplished amidst the yells, shouts, and laughter of some fifty savages with their lubras, who enjoyed the affair very much ; and thus I believe myself to be the first that shaved an aboriginal of New Holland, and that aboriginal the first that was shaved. Nor do I think he ever was. shaved again, for his beard was very hard and the razor none of the best, rendering the operation anything but pleasant, and I Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 17 much doubt if he would ever again submit to the ordeal. This was nigh being my last joke, as soon after, Major Mercer's servant in taking a loaded piece from the luggage, by some means caught the trigger upon something, which caused the piece to explode the ball passing under the Major's arm, striking a tin pannikin out of which I was drinking, and currying it clean from my hand. The full del ails of this tour were kept by Mr. George Mercer, a copy of whose journal I beg to annex for Your Excellency's information. Fro:n this time settlers were pouring into the district from Van Diemen's Land and New South Wales with their flocks and herds, and the land began to get peopled by mechanics and tradesmen ; stores sprung up in every quarter, and the whole country began to wear the aspect of prosperity. I here conclude this poor, but correct, account of what came within my own knowledge, and I feel assured that in most parts it will bo, corroborated by others (more able for the task than I am) in their returns to Your Excellency's circular. But should there be any particular transaction upon which Your Excellency may think I can afford further information, I shall be most happy to furnish the same to the best of my ability. I have the honour to be Your Excellency's Most obedient servant, DAVID FISHER. His Excellency C. J. La Trobe, Esq. Mr. George Mercer's Journal of a tour into the interior of the Port Phillip District in the year 1838. 1st day, 22nd March 1838. Started from the Wardy Yalloak S.W. to Elephant Hill, 22 miles through tea-tree scrub. 2nd day, 23rd March. Course, South to Manifold's Creek on the Saltwater Lake, 23 miles. 3rd day, 25th March. Course, West to Mount Appin, 12 miles tea-tree scrub. Bearings. 1st. Mount Marathon, N.W. | N. 2nd. Mount Elephant, N.E. by N. 3rd. Warrion Hills, East. 4th. Mount Kate, S.W. 5th. Mount Mary, North. 18 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 4th day, 28th March. N.W. N. to Mt. Marathon, about 12 miles. Bearings from Mt. Marathon. list. Mount George, W. by N. 2nd. Mount Jaufrone, West. 3rd. Mount William (Grampians), N.W. 5th day, 1st April. Course, W. by N. to Fresh Water Creek, 15 miles. Cth day, 2nd April. Course, W. by N. to Mount George, 12 miles. No water. Bearings from Mt. George. 1st. Mount Jaufrone, West. 2nd. Mount Alexander (supposed), N.E. by N. 3rd. West end of Grampians, due North. 4th. East end of Grampians, N.E. by N. 5th. Mouut William, N.N.E. (supposed). Gth. Distant Hill, E. by N. 7th day, 3rd April. Course, about N.N.W. to native well, 12 miles. Brackish water. 8th day, 4th April. Course, to S.E. end of Grampians to River, 12 miles. Bearings from S.E. Hill, Grampians. 1st. Mount Alexander (supposed), E. by N. 2nd. Mount Elephant, E. by S. 3rd. Distant range of hills, supposed to be the Victoria, N.W. 9th day, 5th April. Course, N.E., about 10 or 12 miles. No water. 10th day, Gth April. Course, N.E. to native well near the hill, 10 miles. Good water but little. llth day, 7th April. Course, N.E. to creek near hill (Pyrenees), 3 miles. 12th day, 8th April. Course, about E.N.E. to near the further end of the supposed Pyrenees, 15 miles. No water. 13th day, 9th April. Course, for about 6 miles E. by S.; for other 5 miles S.W. by W. ; 2 miles S.E.; distance direct about G miles E. by S. A little rain-water. Letters Jrom Victorian Pioneers. 19 14th day, 10th April. Course, S.S.E. to bottom of low tiers, 12 miles. No water. Crossed river and passed Stony Hill. Bearings from Stony Hill. 1st. Mount Elephant, S. by W. 2nd. Mount Marathon (supposed), S.W. | W. 3rd. Mount George (supposed), S.W. 4th. End of Grampians, W. by S. 15th day, llth April. Course, E.S.E. to creek ; crossed tier and thick scrub ; much time lost in cutting round for the cattle ; distance, 12 miles. 10 tli day, 12th April. Halted this day. 17th day, 13th April 1838. Course, S.E. to creek Smiles beyond our Wardy Yalloak Station (now Mr. McMillan's). Good water. Distance, 13 miles. 18th day, 14th April. Course, about S.E. to station at the Barwon. Distance to the Weatherboard House, 25 miles. D. FISHER, No. 7. Upper Werribee, Ballan, SIR, 12th Aug. 1853. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of yours of the 29th of July, requesting information as to my first occupation of the Werribee country, &c., &c. I succeeded Mr. John Gray, who was the first person on this run ; I purchased from him in July 1842. The adjoining station (Ballanee) I purchased from Mr. Kinnear, who had purchased six weeks previous from Mr. John Steiglitz, who was the first person that occupied it, having come into the country the same time as Mr. John Gray. The Morton Plains Station in the Wimmera District I pur- chased from Mr. Joseph Raleigh in March 1850; he took the run up two years before, and was the first occupier of it. My brothers at the Pennyroyal Creek (now the township of Melton) took that country up in 1838. They were the first c z 20 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. persons that remained on it, several others before them having left it as useless. The aboriginal natives here are very few, and have always been harmless and useless. At the Morton Plains they are in considerable numbers, but have always been (as far as I know) perfectly harmless, and in many instances very useful. I shall be always pleased and happy to render you or your Government any information when it is in my power so to do. I have the honour to remain, Your Excellency's obedient humble servant, T. H. PYKE. His Excellency the Lieuteuant-Governor. No. 8. Macedon, Aug. 1853. To His Excellency Charles Joseph La Trobe, Governor of the Colony of Victoria, &c., &c. MAY IT PLEASE YOUR EXCELLENCY, In compliance with the request made by Your Excellency to me, I gladly avail myself of the earliest opportunity of endeavouring to give the information required in answer to the various queries contained in that request, and trust it will prove satisfactory. I arrived in Melbourne from V. D. Land, accompanied by Mr. Charles Peters, with sheep, in the year 1837, and immediately after took possession of a run for them at Killamaine, where I remained only two years, leaving it in the possession of Mr. Robert Aitken. In 1839 I took possession of the Mount Macedon Station, which I have occupied even until the present hour, depasturing sheep and cattle. It is situated to the N.E. of that mountain, and had not been previously occupied by any other. At this period all the district was but thinly inhabited, and still more so as you advanced into the interior northwards, few having reached beyond the River Colibau. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 21 To the N. of my station were two settlers jointly depasturing sheep and cattle, the one a Mr. Ebden, the other Judge Douni- thnnio, who became occupiers of their run in the year 1838. Mr. Mollison in the same year took possession of a station to the 1 of the Coliban ; also Messrs. Munro, Yaldwyn, and Jennings took possession of stations on the River Campaspe. To the N.E. 2 dney sat down and to the E. Messrs. Jardine and Fulton followed the same example. All those parties were depasturing 3 first two mentioned and preceded me in the district about one year. Of the aborigines at rny time of locating there, there was one tribe consisting of about 150, including adult males and females and children of both sexes, Avho camped from place to place in their mia-mias, between Mount Macedon and Mount Alexander, generally calling at the various stations on their way for the purpose of soliciting food. They were unable to converse with Europeans, but made signs as the means of communicating their wants or desires. They were exceedingly simple in their manner and perfectly harmless in their bearing to strangers, possessing none of that sanguine temperament which characterized many other tribes. I never heard of a single outrage committed by any one of them upon any settler, nor even on any of their servants unto the present hour. As to those who followed me in extending the settled districts around, I cannot say anything definite ; otherwise it would give me pleasure to do so. All I can say is that during the years 1840 and 1841 several individuals settled the Mount Alexander and the Loddon Districts. In answering the queries I have confined myself to facts which came within my own knowledge only, without adopting another person's account. Should it prove to be what Your Excellency requires, I am most happy in subscribing myself Your Excellency's Most humble and obedient servant, EDWARD DRYDEN. 1-2-3 The words which should follow here are burnt oat of the MS. Ep, 22 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. No. 9. Wando Vale, 2Cth September 1853. To His Excellency C. J. La Trobe, Esq., Lieutentint-Governor, Victoria. DEAR SIR, I am in receipt of your circular by last post, and I am afraid I can give you but little information connected with the settling of our district ; but if a few extracts from the store of recollec- tion will be of any use to you, you are welcome to them, with part of my own personal narrative. I arrived in the neighbouring colony of Van Diemen's Land in the year 1831, and, like many of my countrymen, wiiha lightpurse one lialf-crown and a sixpence was all my pocket contained when I landed at Hobart Town with a few fellow-passengers. After walking through the streets for some two hours, they proposed having something to eat and drink, which I could not refuse joining. After bill was checked the little now I was left with, only six- pence I found it would not do for me to keep company any longer; so 1 left under the pretence of seeing a friend, but in reality to look for employment, which was easily found. Next morning I left the ship for my work, and never saw any of the passengers again. I remained for nine years in Van Diemen's Land, as overseer with two different masters on their farms, and at the end of 1840 1 had saved about 3,000 from hard work. About this time I learnt that one of my sisters had been recommended to come to the colony on ac- count of bad health, and that another of them would come with her. I determined to form a home of my own, and, owing to the ex- travagant price of land and stock in Van Diemen's Land, I looked to this colony as the place where I ought to invest my little all. In January 1840 I bought 1,000 ewes for 1,800 ; a team of six working bullocks, two cows, and a horse, for 195. Freight, stores, tools, &c., &c., cost 311. With four men at a wage of 175, I left for Portland Bay on the 17th February 1840, and had to wait near Portland for the return of the vessel. I had previously agreed with a Mr. Corney to take the half of the vessel for fear of a bad trip, so as to divide the risk. But Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 23 we were fortunate. By care and attention and fine weather, we only lost ten sheep, and a working bullock of mine had its neck broken, to replace which I had to pay 30 for another. I had no difficulty in finding a run, as the Messrs. Hcnty were applied to by my former employer to forward my views, and by doing so they would be conferring a favour on him. They pointed out their boundary, and I took possession of the land adjoining, as there were but three settlers here before me Messrs. Henty, Winter, and Pilleau. The latter had no sheep, but had taken up a run. Whyte Brothers, from the Pentland Hills, near Melbourne, came on to the VVannon country the week before I arrived, follow- ing iu the track of Wedge Brothers, who stopped at the Grange, passing all that fine sheep country from Fiery Creek to the Grange, for permanent water. Messrs. Addison and Murray arrived on the Glenelg River from Portland the same day I came on the Wando, and they ran about putting up frames of huts, thinking to secure country by that means that would have kept 200,000 sheep (if they had got leave to keep it) with 700 sheep. The same week (the second in March 1840) Messrs. Savage and Dana took up Nangeela on the Glenelg; Messrs. Wrentmore and Butcher took up Warrock Station on the east bank of the Glenelg, and Messrs. Corney Brothers occupied Cashmere on the east and west bank of the Wando River; Thomas Tulloh the Wannon Falls. In April following, Mr. Thomas McCulloch put himself down between Addison and Murray, Mr. Corney, and self, taking part from each, but most from me, from fear of going outside, where there was plenty of land, from fear of the natives. The same week Mr. Purbrick took part of Whyte Brothers', Pilleau's and Tulloh's. As we had all arrived from Van Diemen's Land direct, we knew nothing of the squatting regulation, and by the end of April we were all quarrelling about our boundary, and as we had no com- munication with Melbourne but by water occasionally, we all looked forward to the arrival of the Crown Lands Commissioner, and his duties seem at that time very ill-defined, and, owing to the conflicting testimony of the witnesses, he had a most difficult task to adjudicate. Although I had contented myself with about 12,000 acres, as there was a sort of natural boundary, by the end of June, when Crown Lands Commissioner Fyans arrived, I was left with 24 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. less than 2,000 acres. And even the place where my home-station was formed was not secure. Although myself, and my neighbour, Mr. Ileuty, decided on a boundary when he pointed out the land to me, he, Mr. II., procured a letter from the C. L. C., for me to remove my home-station, as it was too near his boundary, which letter was not presented to me until the Commissioner had left the district. I was exceedingly anxious to get on with my improvements, and I liked the spot I had chosen. I did not consider myself justi- fied in going on with the improvements until the return of the Commissioner six months afterwards, for fear I should have to remove my head station. By this time my qunrter was about the best in the district. I had a paddock, with plenty of hay and corn for a hungry horse. When I learnt that (he Commissioner was in the neighbourhood, I waited on him about twenty miles off, in- vited him to my place, and held out the bait of hay and corn to his horses (knowing some little of human nature) ; I did not forget the man as well as the horses. It had the desired effect. He promised my place the site I had chosen, told me I had been misrepre- sented to him, and after seeing his horses next morning, offered to extend my boundary in order to put my place in the middle of my run, which offer, to his astonishment, I declined, and by this second visit I was put in possession of my original boundary. I may here observe that the CroAvn Lands Commissioner made my place his quarters for nine years afterwards, and I saw a good deal of the wrangling among the squatters in this part of the district, and I may remark he had a most difficult task to perform there was no posssibility of his seeing the boundary of the different lands, and if he had, it was through thick forest, where each tried to lead him astray, and where he had never been before. His district was large, which did not admit of the time the land was taken up so rapidly. The most conflicting evidence was given by unprincipled men, and often, I am sorry to say such matters, so that there was no getting at the truth who was the first to occupy the land. From what I have seen the C. L. C's. office was no sinecure in this district at all events. Numbers of the young gentlemen who came out to this colony about that time, with a few hundred pounds, took up runs witli Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 25 300, 400, and 500 sheep, clubbed together, and expected to make fortunes in a few years, from the way they spoke, and the way in which they managed their sheep farms. Few of them knew anything of mechanics, and they were totally unable to make comfort for themselves or their servants. In consequence of which they fell back lower in morality and energy than many of their men, for dirt and filth were noticeable in places and persons, and their pride was, who would rough it best. They even went so far with their indolence as to drop shaving themselves, and it was no bad criterion to know how a man managed his station if the owner was seen looking out through a large wisp of hair on his face. The three eventful years, which will long be remembered in this colony, of 1841-2-3, swept off most of these young gentlemen with their herds and all. About twenty of the squatters in the Portland Bay District (that were fast men) were sold off. Three or four I knqw compromised for less than half with their creditors, and three other large stations were so overwhelmed in debt, that they are only recovering from it now and there is not one station, that I knew, but my own, and Addison and Murray's, in the Portland Bay District, that is occupied by the original squatter. Every station has changed hand either by dissolving partnership, letting, or selling even that of Murray and Addison (this is the third brother of the Addisons, two having died) ; so that I am left the only one now that I know of. I did not feel the effect of the three bad years like most of my neighbours. I had still 500 in V. D. L. to fall back on, which all went to carry on my station by the end of 1843. With the wool of that year I bought for my cousin, Warrock Station on the Glenelg, with 2,500 sheep and team of bullocks and all improve- ments, for 300. This station had been formed by Messrs. Wrentmore and Butcher for a Mr. Wilmore in V. D. Land, and cost that gentleman 5,700, forming and keeping it for three years. Nangeela was offered to me a few days after, with the same number of sheep, for 400, which station had been bought by the gentleman who offered it to me, at a sheriff's sale in Melbourne, for 230, the price of a dray and team of six bullocks (with the 2C Letters from Victorian Pioneers. expenses of bills and law added) lhat had been bought for the station in 1841, and paid for by bill at the time. As I have before said, in the three years from 1840 to 1843 I had invested 3,000 in my sheep station. It is true that in that time the station had fsillen in value to 300 or 400, but still the money was sunk. I did not come here as a sheep farmer with the intention of making a fortune in a few years, and leaving. I came with the intention from the first to form a comfortable home for self and two sisters, and live by the way, making and having as many little comforts within ourselves as the country could afford with frugality and industry. As a loading feature with us, we kept only one house-servant, and often none, so that the housekeeping expenses never reached 300 a year. I commenced with 1,000 sheep ; at the end of five years there wore 7,300 sheep on the run, and from 8,000 to 10,000 is the number I keep on it when full stocked. There are 11,810 acres of land, a pretty little station, well watered. I shall have been here fourteen years in March next, and all the cash I have taken out of the concern is 5,324, with expectations 1,500 more in wool now coming into the London market. It is true, if my stock and station just now were sold they would bring, with purchased land and improvements, about 13,000; but if the Government resumed the land, or took it away for any purpose, the stock and station (that is, purchased land) would not be worth more than 4,000, so that I have worked hard for fourteen years for 1 1J824, 1 and 3,000 of this sum was money invested. I may here mention that 4,324 of the above money was given away, as it was saved, to relatives who needed it, so that I have never had money at interest since I came here. This 11,824 gives me somewhere about 84,5 a year, suppose my run to be required by Government, and if you deduct interest on the 3,000, at the rate of 1 2^ per cent., which merchants charge for money borrowed on stations, that would leave me a clear profit of 470 a year for the last fourteen years and allow only for the keep of myself and wife and for my labour, for which I received 500 a year and keep when I left V. D. Land. The above is a true statement, which I can show data for, at any time, and you may make such use as you think proper of 1 The figures in this passage are printed exactly as they occur in the MS. KD. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 27 it. There is not a station in the Portland District better managed for its size, both as regards economy and care of man and beast in it, and I have always endeavoured to live as a farmer should do with such an income. I have no doubt there are numbers here who make their stations pay bettor, but most of them live little better than my pig does, and this kind of sheep farmer mostly, when he goes to town, does not like to return to his station, and often spends a deal of money at taverns in town, because he has such a comfortless home. In the month of June 1840, the station that is Willis and Swans ton's Glenelg, Pigeon Ponds, Chctwynd was taken up by Thomas Norris for a V. D. Land company of four gentlemen. Messrs. W. and A. Forlonge sold their farm of 3,000 acres in V. D. Land for 9,000 sheep, and William Forlonge went into part- nership with three merchants in Hobart Town. They were to keep all the female stock until they had 100,000 sheep ; sell the male stock the manager Norris to have 500 a year, and 10 per cent, on the sale of stock. Two of the merchants turned out men of straw ; the other, Mr. Thomas Winter, told me ho had 9,000 in cash to keep the station going for two and a half years, and Mr. Winter cams over in the winter of 1843 to try what he could do to recover his money. They sent 4,000 sheep to Hobart Town, but they hardly paid the freight. He then left, to sell the place, when he found he could not carry it on for want of money, and the splendid run with 20,000 sheep was sold to the merchants in Hobart Town for 1,900, and it required all the purchase money to pay the liabilities, so that poor Mr. Winter lost all his 9,000. Mr. Forlonge lost all his sheep. To show the reckless way business was managed in those days, William and Andrew Forlouge were partners in some purchased land near Melbourne; W. Forlonge only, in the sheep station above. William offered Andrew his share of this sheep station for the share in the land near Melbourne, which was accepted by Andrew, and it was not until Mr. A. Forlonge arrived as far as my place to arrange with Mr. Winter, that he learnt it was sold to pay the debts of the station, and delivered only the day before he came here. This was partly to be attributed to the want of postal com- munication, as I have before remarked, for our letters were sent 28 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. from hero to V. D. Land, and from thence to Melbourne, in those days. In October of 1841 Messrs. Jackson and Gibson from Mel- bourne came on the remaining unoccupied land on the right and left banks of the Glenelg, between Warrock on the right and Nangecla on the left, as far up as the company stations of Winter, Forlongo, and others, thus fourteen miles on both sides of the river. This was the farthest west station for two years. In the Gibson family there were two ladies (on the verge of the wilderness), one of them an old lady of 70 years of age. Mr. Jackson left for Scotland, leaving his station in charge of a Mr. Bell, who occupied the Dergholm Station on the Avestbank, Mr. Gibson occupying the Roseneath on the east bank about six miles apart. The ladies, Mrs. Gibson and Mrs. McFarlane, lived in tents for ten months. Mr. G. was but an indif- ferent manager, and had indeed hardships to encounter. Soon after they arrived they congregated a large number of natives about their place, whom they kept hanging about, doing and undoing, to keep them employed. The ladies were anxious to get a garden formed, as they had a quantity of English seeds. They got the natives to work in the garden for them, but they were expensive labour. I have gone to the station and found as many as 20 natives round the place and not one white man near the station, Mr. Gibson and his men being away splitting or doing something from home. I used to expostulate with them about the impropriety of allowing the natives to remain about the place when there was no one about but the two females. Mr. and Mrs. G. just laughed, and said they were poor harmless creatures, and the only precaution used was, Mrs. G. carried a broken three-barrelled pistol in a leather belt which she wore round her middle ; this formed part of her toilet. On one occasion Mr. G. and his only available men were making hurdles, and they were in want of nails that were at the Dergholm Station, six miles off. Mrs. G., who was fond of riding, offered to go for the nails, as they were so much wanted, and to take one of the black men for a guide. They arrived at Dergholm the six miles, Mrs. G. riding ; the black man, Yarra, walking ; they got 6 Ibs. nails in a leather bag, which Yarra had to carry. On the way back, in a thick forest, Yarra, who was a little before on a dray track, stopped suddenly, caught the bridle of Mrs. G.'s horse, ordered her to Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 29 get off and walk and he would ride. Mrs. G. had presence of mind to pull out her pistol from her belt under her shawl, and presented it at the man, who let go the bridle in a moment. With her whip she struck her horse, which dashed off, and saved her life. Some days after, Yarra brought home the nails, and they all laughed at the affair (which they told me some nights after), though there was nothing there to laugh at. A few days after this, Mrs. McFarlane was in the garden with some of her poor black creatures (as she called them), and she was reproving one of them for pulling up the young potatoes. Yarra came running at Mrs. McFarlane with an uplifted rake, evidently to strike Mrs. McF., when Mrs. G. heard the scream, and rushed out with the pistol in her hand. All the natives, nine or ten of them, leaped over the fence and were no more seen. In the evening, the shepherd at the home-station did not come home ; his dog brought about 300 sheep long after dark. Mr. G., the only man about the place, next morning went in search of his shepherd and sheep ; the poor dog went direct to the dead shepherd, about a mile from home. Mr. G. had to walk about six miles to Bell's, for his own horses were away. Mf. Bell had one man, and Mr. G. tracked the sheep through a long heath towards the Wando, and they found about 500 sheep coming back again, which they had to return with. Mr. Bell rode 21 miles for me and two others ; we all got to Roseneath about three in the afternoon. Mr. G. returned with the 500 sheep about the same time ; still 700 away. Five of us started, leaving Mr. G. to take care of the ladies, as they had been thus without the least protec- tion all day, and now became afraid to stop by themselves all night with the dead shepherd. After a smart ride of fourteen miles we came on the main body of the sheep, but no natives. The sheep were nearly all dead ; such wanton destruction no one but those who saw it can imagine. There were 610 fine ewes just about to lamb, for which 42s. a head had been paid the year before all dead ; some skinned ; others skinned and quartered ; some cut open and the fat taken out and piled in skins, but most of them just knocked on the head with a stick ; meat, fat, and all mixed with the fine sand of the stringy-bark forest. It was quite evident the natives had left in the morning, for all was cold, and we saw no cooking or cooked meat. We agreed 30 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. to all ride back for two miles, taking the few living sheep with us, and one man being left with the horses, to creep back after dark, and then all remain ; but no natives came. We returned to Rosencath in the morning, buried the shepherd, and six of us started in search of the natives, but never found any of them for two days. I was out on the third night ; two of our horses got away; one of them was mine, and I had to Avalk home, which I was afterwards very glad of, for the party fell in with an unfortunate native and ran him down, and I believe shot him in retaliation (and I now have no doubt he never heard of Mr. G.'s sheep). On my way home I came to an out-station hut of my neighbour's for a drink of water, and there was our friend Yarra, the native, chop- ping wood for the hut-keeper. I looked at him closely, and I saw a pair of Mr. G.'s old trousers he had on at the time all smeared with blood, whether the poor shepherd's or the sheep's I know not. I was only a mile from home, and there I found Mr. Gibson's bullock- driver with his team and two men, splitters, returning from Port- land on his way home. I told the bullftck-driver what had happened, and that I saw Yarra at the hut, and if he could take Yarra on with him in the morning in his dray, he might perhaps tell who had killed the shepherd. They called friend Yarra, and easily induced him to go with them, but when he came in sight of the station he got off the dray and was running away, when one of the splitters shot him. So ended poor Yarra. After this, there was a constant war kept up between the natives and the iwo stations Bell's and Gibson's and, I regret to say, a fearful loss of life to the poor natives by two young heartless vagabonds Gibson and Bell had as overseers when they left. The first day I went over the Wando Vale Station to look at the ground I found old Maggie (that Sir Thomas Mitchell gave the tomahawk to) fishing for muscles with her toes, in a waterhole up to her middle, near where the Major crossed that stream. Poor old Maggie died about fourteen days since a dreadful sufferer from rheumatism ; nearly all her male relatives were killed three days before I arrived on the Wando by Whyte Brothers. Three days after the Whytcs arrived, the natives of this creek, with some others, made up a plan to rob the new comers, as they had done the Messrs. Henty before. They watched an opportunity, and cut off Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 3l 50 sheep from Whyte Brothers' flocks, which were soon missed, and the natives followed; they had taken shelter in an open plain with a long clump of tea-tree, which (he Whyte Brothers' party, seven in number, surrounded, and shot them all hut one. Fifty- one men were killed, and the bones of the men and sheep lay mingled together bleaching iu the sun at the Fighting Hill?. It must have been a great relief to me and most of this part, for the females were mostly chased by men up the Glenelg, and the chil- dren followed them. This I learnt since from themselves. The man who escaped was afterwards known as " Long Yarra" a very fine-looking man. He afterwards lived for some time with a Mr. , a settler, who had taken a fancy to Yarra's gin, Lewequeen. There had been some very unpardonable conduct on the part of Mr. , who, I was of opinion, was at times deranged. In the autumn of 1843 Mr. and his man Larry went to strip bark, taking a bullock-dray, Long Yarra and another native with them, about eight miles back on the Adelaide road, intending to stop out all night. As soon as they were gone, Lewequeen went away, taking her child with her, and did not return, and on the third day the shepherd put his flock in the pen and came for us. We wont out, following the track of the dray, and came on the dead body of Larry, with two eagles pecking the remains of his skeleton, and at a short distance Mr. They had been in bed when they were attacked, and a frightful struggle they must have had, for Mr. was a very strong man. It was evidently a concerted affair, there being a number of natives, and Lewequeen leaving the shepherd's wife, which she had not done before. Mr. , of , on the Glenelg run, near me, kept a harem for himself and his men. The consequence was, he, like many more, had to sell out. All the men and masters got fearfully diseased from these poor creatures ; they, of course, quarrelled with the natives about their gins, and the natives, to be revenged for some of the insults, took away 48 ewes and lambs they were followed by some of the neighbours and Mr. 's own men. They rushed their camp, shot two of the natives, one of them a female, said to be Mr. 's foremost black woman. All the sheep were dead, which they 32 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. burned, and one of the neighbours who was out brought with him to my house for the night a native basket or Been-ak, with all the female paraphernalia of red and white clay to paint, a flint, two dead frogs, some shells, and a very neat female foot half-grilled, with a large mouthful taken out of the hollow part of the foot. My neighbour brought these to me, as he said he knew I was curious about such things. In the end of 1843 I was passing through the run, and came on a black lad crying, with his face fearfully scalded. I asked him how it happened. All I could get out of him was, " George had thrown a pot of tea in his face." I took him home with me, and dressed his face with lime-water and oil ; he felt grateful for what I had done for him, and he was the first I ever allowed about my place, and he and his wife and child are the only ones ever employed by me. They have been with me ever since, and I give them 12s. a week and two rations. He is always very clean ; but the woman, Jenny, is never clean. The native lad Joe told me he was defending his gin, which he had just got, from the man George, a bullock-driver, when he pitched the scalding tea in his face, and this man was the terror of all the fighting men on the Glenelg. About this time Mr. McCulloch parted with his overseer, who was too quiet and short- sighted, and always lost himself in the bush ; he was stopping with Mr. Coruey until he had an opportunity of returning to V. D. L. He went out gathering mushrooms, about 800 or 900 yards from Mr. Corney's house ; he had a red handkerchief gathering them in, when a native started up a few yards from him, asked his name, and he said " George " ; immediately another rose behind him, and spoke to the front native, who, dashing a spear at Mr. Lewis, struck him on the breast ; he turned, and now another spear struck him on the shoulder-blade, and about four inches of the spear broke close off in the wound, which we had to open up, and we took out the spear with a pair of pliers. The poor man was very ill afterwards, but, I think, as much frightened as hurt ; he used to say in his sleep that the men were eating him, which he seemed to have a great horror of ; he often used to say if he had called himself "Lewis " instead of "George " the natives would not have touched him. This is the only outrage I Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 33 have known of, where the whites were not the first aggressors, or that the natives had not theft in view. In all my rambles I have never seen but five natives in a state of nature. I have never thought them numerous. I am sure I have never seen 500 all put together from the Grampians to the sea. I do not mean to say that there were not more, for if I were to believe what I have heard of as having been killed in different affrays with the settlers, they would amount to more than that number. I have on four different occasions, when they committed murders, gone out with others in search of them, and / now thank my God I never fell in with them, or there is no doubt I should be like many others, and feel that sting which must always be felt by the most regardless of the deed done to those poor creatures ; and in twenty years more there will not be one in the Portland District. There are now but two settlers in the Portland District that I know who have been severe on the natives, and they are doing little good. It seems strange none have done any good who were murderers of these poor creatures either man or master. I will here change the subject, for it is too painful to dwell on, and I cannot see the way it could be avoided, for no law could have protected these poor people from such men as we had to do with at that time. When I arrived through the thick forest-land from Portland to the edge of the Wannon country, I cannot express the joy I felt at seeing such a splendid country before me where my little all that I was driving before me was to feed. The whole of the Wannon had been swept by a bush fire in December, and there had been a heavy fall of rain in January (which has happened, less or more, for this last thirteen years), and the grasses were about four inches high, of that lovely dark green ; the sheep had no trouble to fill their bellies ; all was eatable ; nothing had trodden the grass before them. I could neither think nor sleep for admiring this new world to me who was fond of sheep. I looked amongst the 37 grasses that formed the pasture of my run. There was no silk-grass, which had been destroying our V, D. L. pastures, where I had watched its progress with uneasiness, and I wrote to my friends there that I had never been able to detect any of this noxious grass. The fire had been so great that one could not get as much grass :U Letters from Victorian Pioneers. as would thatch our hut; we were obliged to take large cut tail-grass out of the waterholes. The sheep thrived admirably, and with a little care were clean from the scab, and I did know that there was such a thing as clean sheep. The few sheep at first made little impression on the face of the country for three or four years ; the first great change was a severe frost, 1 1th November 1844,. which killed nearly all the beautiful blackwood trees that studded the hills in every sheltered nook some of them really noble, 20 or 30 years old ; nearly all were killed in one night ; the same night a beautiful shrub that was interspersed among the blackwoods (Sir Thomas Mitchell called it acacia glutinosa) was also killed. About three weeks after these trees and shrubs were all burnt, they now sought to recover as they would do after a fire. This certainly was a sad chance ; before this catastrophe all the landscape looked like a park with shade for sheep and cattle. Many of our herbaceous plants began to disappear from the pasture land ; the silk-grass began to show itself in the edge of the bush track, and in patches here and there on the hill. The patches have grown larger every year; herbaceous plants and grasses give way for the silk-grass and the little annuals, beneath which are annual peas, and die in our deep clay soil with a few hot days in spring, and nothing returns to supply their place until later in the winter following. The consequence is that the long deep-rooted grasses that held our strong clay hill together have died out; the ground is now exposed to the sun, and it has cracked in all directions, and the clay hills are slipping in all direc- tions ; also the sides of precipitous creeks long slips, taking trees and all with them. When I first came here, I knew of but two landslips, both of which I went to see ; now there are hundreds found within the last three years. A rather strange thing is going on now. One day all the creeks and little watercourses were covered with a large tussocky grass, with other grasses and plants, to the middle of every watercourse but the Glenelg and Wannon, and in many places of these rivers ; now that the only soil is getting trodden hard with stock, springs of salt water are bursting out in every hollow or watercourse, and as it trickles down the watercourse in summer, the strong tussocky Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 35 grasses die before it, with nil others. The clay is left perfectly bare in summer. The strong clay cracks ; the Avinter rain washes out the clay; now mostly every little gully has a deep rut; when rain falls it runs off the hard ground, rushes down these ruts, runs into the larger creeks, and is carrying earth, trees, and all before it. Over Wannon country is now as difficult a ride as if it were fenced. Ruts, seven, eight, and ten feet deep, and as wide, are found for miles, where two years ago it was covered Avith tussocky grass like a land marsh. I find from the rapid strides the silk-grass has made over my run, I will not be able to keep the number of sheep the run did three years ago, and as a cattle station it Avill be still Avorse ; it requires no great prophetic knowledge to see that this part of the country will not carry the stock that is in it at present I mean the open doAvns, and every year it Avill get worse, as it did in V. D. L.; and after all the experiments I worked with English grasses, I have never found any of them that will replace our native sward. The day the soil is turned up, that day the pasture is gone for ever as far as I know, for I had a paddock that was soAvn with English grasses, in squares each by itself, aud mixed in every way. All was carried off by the grubs, and the paddock allowed to remain in native grass, \vhich returned in eight years. Nothing but silk-grass grew year after year, and I suppose it would be so on to the end of time. Dutch clover will not grow on our clay soils; and for pastoral purposes the lands here are getting of less value every day, that is, with the kind of grass that is growing in them, and will carry less sheep and far less cattle. I now look forward to fencing my run in Avith wire, as the only chance of keeping up my stock on the land. I am, Dear Sir, Your most obedient servant, JOHN G. ROBERTSON. 80 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. No. 10. Creswick's Creek, 10th August 1853. MY DEAR SIR, In answering your letter of the 27th July, I feel much pleasure in sending you all the information I can remember as to the origi- nal settlers in the Western Port District. Beginning at the eastern head of Western Port Bay, and taking the route towards Melbourne with a few deviations, the first station was Massie and Anderson's (cultivation), known then as the Old Settlement Station, from the circumstance of there having been a settlement formed there some years previous (though not at the exact spot they occupied) and afterwards abandoned. At that period, viz., 1841-43, a considerable quantity of wild cattle was running in the neighbourhood, supposed to have been the increase of some that were left when the original settlement was abandoned. About two miles from them was Armstrong, who succeeded John Thorn, who succeeded Massie and Anderson. About five miles from Armstrong were Cuthbert and Gardiner (original settlers), whose cattle I piloted myself from the Red Bluff, I believe in 1842 ; about twelve miles up the Bay, Fitz- herbert M. Mundy (original settler), Red Bluff; about seven miles from him Martin, who succeeded Robert Jamieson ; about four miles from him Robert Jamieson (original settler). These were all the stations at that time on the eastern side of the Saltwater Inlets. On crossing them, about three miles on, was Manton's (original settler) cultivation and cattle station ; about eight miles from him Charles Dodd (original settler), on the south side of the creek (the name of which I forget) ; on the north Turnbull and Reoch (original). Two miles from them, on another creek, was Dr. Jamieson (original) ; two miles from him, on the same creek, Captain Howey (I forget whom he succeeded) ; three miles from him, same creek, Captain Minton (original), who was killed by a tree falling on him. To return to the road to Melbourne, from Dodd's about three miles were Bathe and Perry (original); three miles from them, north of road, O'Connor (original) ; and about the same distance on the other side of the road the Ruffys (original), three brothers ; about eight miles from them and three from the Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 37 road, Bacchus and Woolley (original); next Dandenong, Dr.McCrao (original) ; up the creek, the Blacks' Station (Thomas, protector) ; next, I believe, the Rev. Mr. Clow ; next Mrs. Scott, on the same creek; seven miles from Dandenong, on the Melbourne road, the " No Good Damper Inn," kept at that time by De Villiers ; and five from that Le Man's station, which was the last station I knew towards Melbourne. I must apologize for sending you such a vague account ; it is now some time since I was in this country, and since my return I have never visited Western Port, and consequently I do not know by whom these stations may now be occupied, and the original names of stations and creeks I have forgotten almost entirely. My chief residence while in that district during the years 1841-43 was at Robert Jamieson's. I never had a station in Victoria myself. The natives seldom visited the country on the eastern side of the inlets except on war excursions. Robert Jamieson's station was attacked by blacks, but it was before I knew it; they were supposed to be Gippsland natives. In conclusion, I beg to state that all goes on well here with the gold miners, and the yield of gold continues steady. I beg to subscribe myself, Yours very truly, CHAS. WALE SHERARD. To His Excellency C. J. La Trobe. No. 11. SIR, Buninyong, llth August 1853. At Your Excellency's request, I have the honour to forward the following memoranda regarding the first occupation of the country in the districts of the Barwon, Moorabool, Buninyong, and Mount Emu, in which my brother and myself were personally concerned. The narrative is very brief and meagre, but may at least serve to mark dates. 88 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. Early in 1837 a fleet of small vessels, perhaps fifteen or twenty in number, and each carrying from 300 to 1,000 sheep, was employed in conveying stock from the Tamar on the opposite coast of Van Diemen's Land, from January to the middle of May, during the prevalence of the easterly winds in Bass's Straits. The vessels were much crowded, and the sheep were generally on board for seven or eight days, so that from want of a proper supply of food and water, or from stormy weather, whole ship- ments were sometimes almost entirely lost on the passage or shortly after landing. The average loss, however, on these im- portations was probably about 15 per cent. The sheep were pur- chased in Van Diemeu's Land at prices varying from 20s. to 35s. each, and the freight and expenses were about five or six shillings a head more. The original stock being composed entirely of breeding sheep, .the first settlers lived exclusively on salted provisions during the first year of their occupation, the purchase of which and the large expenses necessarily incurred in forming their stations, added to the small increase and the loss of wool from the fever engendered by the crowded vessels, entirely absorbed the profits of several seasons, and in some cases ruined the adventurers. The first stations were commenced with flocks varying from 500 to 1,500, and one or two, such as the Clyde Co. and Derwent Co., under the management of Mr. George Russell and Mr. D. Fisher, had 3,500 ewes respectively. In the month of April of that year (1837) my brother and I landed three cargoes from Van Diemen's Land, or about 2,000 ewes, and we purchased 1,000 more at two guineas a head. These we drove up the Barwon River to a place about twenty miles from Geelong, and occupied a run on each side of the river, and another on the Native Creek to the eastward of the Leigh. About a month previous to this, news had arrived of the loss of Messrs. Gellibrand and Hesse in the country towards the sources of the Barwon, or towards Colac ; and as the aborigines were committing depredations within fifteen miles of Geelong (which at that time had not even a hut to mark its present site), settlers were afraid to penetrate into the interior in order to take up runs, and a line drawn at little more than 25 miles from the shores of Port Letters from Victorian Pioneers. . 39 Phillip Bay comprised nearly the whole of the sheep stations at that time and for some months later. In the occupation of the country there was a tacit understanding that no one was to take up a station nearer than three miles to another person, the intervening ground being equally divided ; and this regulation, in general, was sufficient to secure harmony among the adventurers as they arrived. There being no Crown Commissioner, however, at that time, nor any recognised authority but that of the strongest, feuds and quarrels with regard to boundaries did take place, which in some cases resulted in blows, though in general more good-feeling and consideration for the rights of others were observed in the then lawless state of the infant colony than might have been expected. As it may be interesting in a record of this kind to give the names of the earliest adventurers, I enclose a rough map of the country on which the stations occupied at the date I arrived (May 1837) are noted in red ink ; those of which I shall now speak and which were occupied in the following year, that is up to May 1838, are marked in black ink. In August 1837 a party consisting of Mr. Darcy (a Govern- ment surveyor), Messrs. C. Hutton, G. Russell, Anderson, Fisher, Dr. Thomson, and myself took a horse cart, with a tent and pro- visions, and one of the aboriginals as a guide, in order to explore the country in the neighbourhood of Buninyong, the only hill that breaks the horizon to the north-west of Geelong. We reached the hill on the second day ; ascended it, and being disappointed by the thickly-wooded and inferior nature of the country, and suffering from want of food for two days (having separated from the cart), the party broke up, some returning down the Moorabool to the settled district, while the remainder, on getting on the track of the cart, followed it, and continued their exploration till led by the native to Lake Burrumbeet, twenty miles to the northward of Buninyong. The water of the lake was at that time brackish, and the country was thought to be too distant for occupation ; the party therefore returned. On our return home we learnt from a person who, with others, had been in pursuit of a tribe of natives, to the west of Lake Colac, in order to recover some property that had been stolen by them 40 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. from Mr. Ricketts, the furthest settler, that a large sheet of salt water had been discovered ; that they could not see across it in one direction ; and that there were shells and the appearance of the rise and fall of the tide on its shores. As soon therefore as we could arrange a second party, we again started to explore this place, which, from our informant's account, seemed to be an arm of the sea. We were six in number Dr. Thomson, Messrs C. Hutton, G. F. Read, W. Scott, my brother and myself and set out in September 1837. We travelled by Mount Gellibrand, crossed the Wardy Yalloak near its mouth, reached a hill which we named Mount Elephant (a name which it still bears), and ascended it, observing the magnetic influence of the rocks on the summit, which was so great that our pocket compasses were useless when laid on the ground and would only traverse when we mounted one of our number on the shoulders of two of his companions so as to get the bearings of different points on the horizon. From thence we went to the .Cloven Hills and to the country subse- quently occupied by the Messrs. Manifold, and returned eastward by the Pirron Yalloak, having thereby convinced ourselves that the sheet of salt water was really an inland lake, and that the ap- pearance of a tide, which had deceived our informant, was nothing more than the action of high winds on its shore. At the mouth of the Pirron Yalloak we came upon a large tribe of natives who seem to have been the plunderers of Mr. Ricketts's station, as they possessed some of the stolen property. We came upon them so suddenly that they had time only to set fire to their mia-mias as a signal of danger to the other tribes. We rode up to them, but without firing or injuring any of them, and encamped at a short distance off. Here we were in some danger, and had to keep a strict watch all night, for we saw by the smoke rising in different quarters that the signal had been observed and answered, and that the other tribes were on the alert. After much shouting and answering one another in the forest around us during the night, the savages decamped before daybreak, and our danger was over. Near our encampment we found a fishing weir of the natives, in which were small conical nets of good workmanship. Nearly a bushel of delicious little fish like white-bait was in the nets, part of which we took, and faithfully remunerated the owners by Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 41 giving provisions in return to a couple of men whom we induced to approach us. In the beginning of January 1838, we set out on another exploring excursion, the party consisting of Messrs. John Aitken, A. Anderson, W. C. Yuille, my brother, and myself. From Mr. Aitken's station we went to Mount Macedon, at which Mr. Ebden then resided, and thence to the Coliban, where Mr. A. F. Mollison had jnst taken up stations, with stock from the Middle District. This was the farthest station at that time in that direction; but within twelvemonths the Messrs. Coghill, Captain Hepburn, and others had pushed on farther. From Mr. Mollison's station we passed by Mt. Alexander, followed the Loddon down over the localities lately rendered famous by the gold mines of Forest Creek and Ben- digo, and crossed the plains at the Deep Creek to the Mount Beckwith Ranges, where, being in great distress from want of water, we passed a most uncomfortable night under the highest point of them, which we called Mount Misery a foolish name, which it has unfortunately continued to bear ever since. I may be allowed to pause for a moment here to remark with regard to this mountain, that it is one of the most conspicuous peaks in the country, and that it is seen as a landmark perhaps further than any other single elevation in the colony, being the culminating point from which rivers that flow into the basin of the Murray on the one side, and into the sea to the westward of Cape Otway on the other, take their rise. I cannot but regret, therefore, that it should continue to bear a foolish name, that originated in a thoughtless moment. If I may be pardoned the liberty of doing so, I would suggest the propriety of Your Excellency bestowing a suitable name upon it before leaving your present Government, and further that that name be your own, as a record of one who assumed the reins of Government when Port Phillip was the weakest of the British possessions, and who is now about to leave it the fairest colony annexed to the British Crown. From this mountain we came to the northern side of Lake Burrumbeet, then covered with a few inches deep of intensely salt water, the more tantalizing to us, as both ourselv.es and horses were suffering much from thirst. One of our party (Mr. Anderson) had already seen Burrumbeet on the occasion of the first excursion I 42 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. have spoken of ; but he did not recognise it, and we left it on our right, returning home by way of Bowling Forest, the Buninyong Ranges, and the Moorabool River, at the head of which we found the newly-formed stations of Messrs. Cowie and Stead, and of Mr. R. Steiglitz. Immediately on our return from this exploring tour, my brother and I removed our flocks from the Barwon River, where we origi- nally settled, and which we already found to be too confined, and pitched our tent at our present homestead at Buninyong, and in the course of the same year (1838) extended our runs to Burrum- beet and the Maiden Hills, which we still occupy. At the same time (February 1838) Mr. Yuille occupied Ballarat, which has lately proved to be so rich a gold-field, and within the year the station of Mr. Clarke at Bowling Forest was taken up, and those of the Messrs. Coghill, Birch, and Capt. Hepburn, and also of Mr. Bowerman on the northern side of the Maiden Hills, which latter was purchased by us in the following year. In 1839 the Messrs. Donald took up their runs, and also Messrs. Kirkland and Hamilton that now possessed by Mr. Goldsmith. The Mount Emu-country was occupied by Messrs. Baillie, Wright and Montgomerie, and Mr. Urquhart, and in 1840 the country to the westward, towards the Grampians, was being rapidly filled up. The remaining point on which Your Excellency desires infor- mation is with regard to the aborigines, their number and their demeanour towards the first settlers. The anxieties and labour connected with the forming of our sheep establishments were so great and urgent at the time of which I write that I never bestowed the attention requisite to form a correct estimate of the numbers or habits of the natives. They never were numerous at Buninyong or in the neighbouring district ; though I remember hearing of a gathering of them at Mount Emu, which was estimated to amount to 500 ; but I think this statement to have been much over-rated. I should consider myself to be nearly correct if I set down the whole aboriginal population in the district around Buninyong at the time of its settlement taking a radius of 30 miles from the mountain as a centre at 300 souls ; now probably there are not 300. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 43 In looking at this rapid disappearance of the native tribes in our own district, it is a pleasing subject of reflection that, notwithstanding our having had a servant killed, others attacked, and sometimes our sheep destroyed, we have never been brought into personal collision with them ; nor have we been instrumental in taking the life of a single individual ; and, moreover, I am free to confess that, considering the wrong that has been done to the aborigines in depriving them of their country, they have shown less ferocity and have exhibited the desire to retaliate less than might have been expected. I consider the disappearance of the native tribes in this district to be owing, not to the result of encounters with the stockmen and early settlers, but to the vices introduced by the white men among them, and to the change in their habits, by which the active exertion of the hunter's life was exchanged for the idleness and, commonly, the plenty they enjoyed in their new condition of beggars, thereby inducing diseases and catarrhal affections, to which they were not subject before ; for I believe that there is no surer way of extirpating a race of savages like the Australian native than by supplying them freely with food, and thereby taking from them the necessity for personal exertion. If there are any other details which Your Excellency may desire, and which it is in my power to give, I shall be happy to furnish them. I am, Your Excellency's obedient servant, THOMAS LEARMONTH. To His Excellency Charles J. La Trobe, Esq. No. 12. SIR, Smeaton Hill, 10th August 1853. In accordance with Your Excellency's circular, I have used my poor endeavours to furnish Your Excellency with such information as I possess, which I am sorry to say is very limited. With respect to the aborigines, and the settlement of this interesting 44 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. country of my adoption, such information as Your Excellency requires will no doubt be supplied by men of talent and education ; and I trust Your Excellency will find plenty able and willing to contribute, and from better authenticated sources than I possess. What I have written is nearly all from memory ; consequently I am not to be strictly relied on, having little memoranda to refer to. I must beg Your Excellency will pardon me for introducing many of my personal affairs, as they are quite foreign to the nature of Your Excellency's requirements ; but I trust that some of the ups and downs of a squatter might be of interest to some of Your Excellency's friends, and might serve for a laugh at my ignorance, if no information can be extracted from my observations. I must also beg Your Excellency will favour me with plenty of latitude for my orthography, my education being a very limited one, and no improvement ever having been made until required step by step in my profession, which I acquired by perseverance only, having no friends but those I made from my services. I have been a mere adventurer cast on the world since I was thir- teen years of age ; for want of education, my progress was slow, and a knowledge of astronomy, with other sciences belonging to my profession, was necessary, and for want of a good foundation I built on a very slender one; in fact I began where I ought to have left off. Under those circumstances, I trust Your Excellency will grant me the latitude required. I have the honour, to be, Your Excellency's most obedient servant and sincere well-wisher, JOHN HEPBURN. To His Excellency The Lieutenant-Governor. It may be necessary here to state my inducement to become a settler in Australia after being about 21 years at sea, in all capacities, from cabin boy to master. In the year 1833, on my voyage from England to Van Diemen's Land and Sydney, I took from the former place to the latter a passenger named John Gardiner, who had then been some twelve or fourteen years in Van Diemen's Land, and who was determined to leave that colony and try his Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 45- fortune in New South Wales as a squatter. After some weeks' travelling in New South Wales, he returned to Sydney, and from the flattering description of the country in the neighbourhood of Yass and Molonglo Plains, Mr. G. persuaded me to invest a small sum of money, and held out hopes of a good return. By this time I had formed a very high opinion of Mr. G.'s integrity, &c., which opinion, I am happy to say, has been fully realized and con- tinues to this day, 6th August 1853. I was never sea-sick, but had been for years sick of the sea, and was beginning to think seriously of turning settler. In the year 1835 my good ship, the Alice, was sold in Sydney. I was favoured by the merchants of that place with the command of a fine steamer (fine in those days) running between Sydney and the Hunter River. I then considered my for- tune made, getting a much better salary than I had ever before, viz., 300 a year, with other means of making money. After being in command of the steamer Ceres for a few months, I found not only the duties of the vessel but the whole duties of the Board of Directors fell on me, and this was more than I could do, being worked completely off my feet. Mr. Gardiner seeing the change, strongly advised me to give up this situation which I could not do in justice to my employers, who treated me in the most liberal manner. However, I knocked myself up, from over-exertion ; another master was put in (until I recovered) about the first week in August 183G, and on the 29th of the same month lost the vessel two masters then being on board, Martin and Liv- ingston, neither of whom would take the credit of losing the Ceres on the coast between Sydney and Newcastle. Everything was lost, and nothing was insured not even the ship. Previous to this I had joined my friend Gardiner and Mr. Joseph Hawdon in a Port Phillip speculation, to take a number of cattle to that place, overland. From the time I was left on shore sick everything Avent wrong on the steamer, and when my creditors met, I paid 20s., and was left with 72 to commence the world, with the exception of the sum invested in the above speculation, which was 200. Mr. Gardiner strongly urged me to accompany the expedition to Port Phillip, which I did. I had sent to England for iny family when I got the command of the steamer, and I saw clearly some- thing must be done to provide for them ; so now I determined to 46 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. leave the sea, and do something on shore. Neptune having given me my discharge, would have nothing more to do with me. To relate what took place in the first part of the journey would be most injurious. I tumbled twice off my horse in the first eight miles, very much to the amusement of my fellow travellers, who had all the sport at my expense. In the month of October 1836, the party met at Howe's station on the Murmm- bidgee by appointment, Mr. Hawdon having mustered the cattle, and brought them to the above station. Howe's being the starting point, some delay took place which it is not necessary to mention. I took little interest in all that was passing. Mr. Howe was a squatter, and kept a few sheep and a dairy station distance about 180 miles from Sydney. I saw something of the management of sheep, &c., while there, and thought the whole very simple. I have no data beyond this point, having kept no journal. We started with the cattle down the Murrumbidgee ; the whole river at that time on both sides was taken up as squatting stations. It must be observed, that was the first expedition in which stock, either of sheep or cattle, started from the Sydney side. On our arrival at Gundagai we met a part of Sir T. (then Major) Mitchell's expedition, who had come direct from Portland Bay, in charge of a Mr. Stapylton, who gave us some useful information respecting the route. We kept down the river to Guy's station, then the farthest clown, and of course the outside squatter. This was a cattle station, with only two men residents, and about 1,000 head of cattle. From this station we took our departure from the river, and kept nearly a S.W. course. Nothing particular occm'red in the journey worth notice. We reached the Murray River in about fourteen days. When the Major crossed the country it had been very wet, but many places where we had encamped were destitute of water when we passed, although the lapse of time was short ; the tracks of the drays were deeply cut, and ours, which was moderately loaded, did not make a mark. The Murray was running bank-high, and much discussion took place about the crossing. We first got the cattle across with a great deal of trouble, tied the tarpaulin round the body of our dray after the wheels were taken off, and got all safe across, taking a little of the load at a time. In getting the horses over, mine was Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 47 drowned. This was a serious loss that could not be replaced for love or money, and, what was most annoying, I was compelled to walk, or ride on the dray when tired. We kept the Major's track for the whole of the next three weeks. Black Dog Creek -is named from Mr. Jos. Hawdon shooting a black native dog there. On our arrival at the Ovens River, we had the misfortune of breaking the axle of our dray, which delayed us some time. Here a number of natives made their appearance, and I must confess I was much surprised to see the alarm it caused amongst the men ; nothing but guns and pistols was in requisition, and at one time I was left to fish the axle by myself. Mr. Hawdou followed the blacks, who were very shy; but one, who had seen white men before, allowed Mr. Hawdon to prevail on him to come to the camp. After a short time he made quite free. We saw nothing of the tribe afterwards. This black caught several tortoises in a swamp close to where we were encamped, and cooked and ate them. This man showed me how the natives procured fire by friction. This was the only instance which has come under my notice ; it was very simple, but required a quick action. This man continued with the party until we crossed the Goulburn, when he took his departure without ceremony. He was no use to us, with the ex- ception of assisting to lighten our stock of provisions, which was not over-abundant. After leaving the Ovens, we had much difficulty in getting across what is now called the Broken River. I named it the Portage Creeks, they being five in number where we crossed, and so soft was the ground that we had to carry the whole load across on our backs to save the fished axle-tree for the remainder of the journey. On our reaching the Goulburn we saw many symptoms that induced us to think the number of natives was considerable, but we never saw one. Still keeping the Major's line on a creek running into the Goulburn, we came on a very large encampment, about 70 mia-mias, but all the natives fled on our approach, leaving their fires burning, &c., &c.; also a specimen of their knowledge of naval architecture, in the shape of a canoe about 12 feet in length, cut rudely from a half round of a box tree, which was bent, and gave the canoe a good spring at both ends. This sheet of bark would carry four men easily. At this encampment there were some small fragments of bottle glass. This was the first sign since leaving the 48 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. Murrumbidgee of anything like a product of civilization. After crossing the Dividing Range that divides the Goulburn River and the Campaspe country, a council was held about our route, and from surveys taken from the most elevated spots a dispute arose about the route. I wanted to go round the south part of Mount Macedon, and then take a more easterly course, but was overruled by Hawdon and Gardiner, to shape a course across the ranges in a straight line for our destination, which was done. After some rough travelling through the ranges, we came out on the upper part of what is now Dr. Baynton's run. Here we took a day's rest, admiring the beauties of this interesting spot. I was so much delighted with it that I cut my initials on a large tree, and said this will be my abode at some future period. This we considered the commencement of the Port Phillip country. We then took a S.E. course across the Mount Macedon Ranges, and a very rough journey we had. After surmounting all difficulties and getting safely through the range, the P. P. country opened to our view, very much to the satisfaction of the whole party. We came on the upper branches of a creek now Deep Creek, east of Mount Macedon and from the top of an elevated spot discovered the Bay, and with the aid of my glass saw a ship at anchor. We continued our course from one eminence to another, and at last saw the smoke rising, as we supposed, from the settlement. We here determined to take the cattle no further for the present. The next day Gardiner, Hawdon, and myself started for the settlement. The horse I rode Avas quite done, being one of the stock- horses. Hawdon, who travelled too fast for Gardiner and me, left us about noon. We arrived about four p.m.; but Mr. H., having over- shot the mark, did not arrive until nine p.m., his horse being quite done up. There were only a few huts in the settlement (Buckley was the first man I saw). One hut was occupied by a Mr. Batman, one by Dr. Thomson (somewhere near where the Prince of Wales Hotel now stands) ; the other huts were only slabs stuck in the ground, forming a roof and covered with earth. One little wooden box, belonging to Strachan, stood where the Western Market is now, and the Old Lamb Inn was building, but no accommodation was to be had for money. This was in December 1836. There were several horses and fifteen head of cattle in the settlement. We were Letters from Victorian Pioiieers. 49 looked on by most of the people in the settlement at the time with great jealousy, and many would not believe our report. Hawdon and Gardiner started next day for the cattle, and brought them in to the settlement, while I amused myself in looking out for a run for them. My first object was to get an interview with Buckley, thinking I might get such information ; but I found him what he had been represented, a very stupid fellow, not possessed of any knowledge of the country. Before taking leave of Buckley, I may be allowed to observe that all writers on this to-be-a-great empire have lost sight of this man, who laid the foundation stone (if it may be con- sidered so) of this interesting colony. Buckley built chimneys of bricks imported from Van Diemen's Land, for Mr. Batman. This I consider constituted the foundation of the capital of Victoria, which seems to have been entirely lost sight of, but nevertheless is true. A staff of Government surveyors had arrived previous to our arrival with the cattle, and I believe Captain Lonsdale was commandant, but I do not remember having seen Captain Lonsdale. Provisions were very high during our stay, and we killed a bullock, one of the best, of course, for the good colonists to keep Christmas in good English style. The next step towards settling was making a station, which was done. We crossed the Yarra River at the only ford we could find, just at the point above where Dight's Mill now stands, and took up the ground on the south side of the river, where Mr. Pinnock's house now stands, and what is known as Gardiner's Creek. This was the first cattle station in Australia Felix. There were a few wretched sheep up the Moonee Ponds, and a few about the settlement ; the farthest out stations were Mount Aitken and the Werribee. The number of sheep I suppose at that time did not exceed 4,000 in the whole country, the fame of which began to attract attention both in Van Diemen's Land and Sydney. Mr. Gardiner and myself purchased Mr. Hawdon's share of the cattle, and some six months after, Mr. Gardiner purchased mine, so that he became the sole owner. The station was left in charge of a Mr. Hitchcock ; Mr. Gardiner went to Van Diemen's Land. HaAvdon and myself hired a boat of about 10 tons, and took the stockmen back to his brother's station on the east coast of New South Wales. On the 1st January 1837 1 landed Mr. Hawdon in a 50 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. small canoe opposite his brother's place, called Bergalia, and then proceeded with the men to the small harbour of Broulee. Some days after I took this boat, the Hope by name, into the Moruya River. This was the opening up of the navigation of that river, which is still continued. I shall now leave a blank in the time, as my overland journey to Sydney could be of no interest beyond the first day's journey. John Hawdon's son John, then a little boy, was to accompany his uncle and me to Sydney. We started early in the morning from Bergalia, forgetting all about the tide in the river, which was full tide or high water when we came to the bank. Mr. Hawdon said, "What is to be done; shall we go back?" Answer "No, we must proceed"; so we both stripped off our clothes for a swim. Hawdon took the lead, and when about the middle the horse rolled over him ; he extricated himself from the horse, and got hold of his head, and would have drowned him only for my advice. So he and the horse both struck out for the shore, and he landed safe, with his clothes tied behind his neck, of course well drenched. We had arranged that the little boy was to be carried over behind me on my horse. After seeing what had happened, I would not attempt to cross with the boy, but, to our great relief, one of the stockmen came down at the time and took the boy across. I was assured the horse I had was a first-rate swimmer. I was stripped, ready for the worst, with my shirt and all my underclothes with Hawdon's watch and my own all stuffed into my boots and slung round my neck ; so in I go. This horse had been in the habit of crossing here at low tide, and as soon as he found that he would have to swim he began to plunge up and down, reaching the ground at each plunge, first with his fore and then with his hind feet, and dipped me up to the neck. However, I kept my seat, and landed safe. We then set about drying our clothes and preparing for our jour- ney. The Moruya River was at this time the southern boundary of the colony of New South Wales. Mr. John Hawdon at this time was a squatter, and the only one between the boundary and Two- fold Bay. On my arrival in Sydney I found Port Phillip was attracting much attention, and to keep up the excitement I addressed a letter to the editor of the Colonist newspaper stating the possibility of running a post. I laid down all the stages from Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 51 the Murrumbidgee to the settlement, with estimated distances, and showing how easy it was to provide hay grass then was so abundant almost at any point. The Governor, then Sir R. Bourke, took up the matter. No questions were asked ; tenders were issued, and taken by Hawdon after much delay. This was, however, an advantage ; before the post was started the line of road was considerably shortened from the Goulburn to Melbourne. I believe to this day the originator of the overland post was never known. About the middle of the year 1837 a perfect mauia took place ; the price of sheep advanced to 60s. per head. In con- sequence of this I was long before I could make final arrangements for my settling, my exchequer being too low to meet the prices. However, I met with another old tar and also an old colonist, and we entered into a partnership. I then proceeded to a station of his to gain information and await the arrival of my family, determined to take them with me at all risks. My share (my partner putting in an equal share) was 700 ewes at 55s., 1,925; 25 rams, 150 ; 100 wethers for use, 100 ; supplies, drays, bullocks, &c., &c., 575; so that my debt to my partner amounted to 2,750, without interest for five years. No man in his senses would have undertaken to pay such a debt from 700 ewes, which was all the producing stock when the part- nership terminated. Not one fraction of the debt was paid. I then saw my way a little better, and made an offer to my partner either to take the whole stock and station at a valuation made by myself, to take or give. My partner then sold to me, not wishing to have anything more to do with sheep. I had many difficulties to surmount with such a debt, for all was credit. However, I paid all in time with interest, so I may safely say I never fingered, one shilling I could call my own for nearly ten years, but after the debt was paid I found I could not save much money for a long time. I suppose the rigid economy was relaxed, and my family increased my expenses. This is quite foreign to the matter now intended, and I trust will be forgiven. On the 15th January 1838 I started from Strathallen, county St. Vincent, New South Wales, with 1,400 ewes, 50 rams, 200 wethers, 2 drays, 18 bullocks ; 10 men (all prisoners of the Crown); 1 cart and horse, 1 saddle-horse, 2 brood mares, private 52 Letters Jrom Victorian Pioneers. property; and Mr. Hawdon, and two children. In travelling I found the greatest hospitality from the settlers. Mr. William Coghill had mustered his sheep on the Murrumbidgee, to accom- pany me to Port Phillip about the end of the month. After joining Coghill's party, one of my drays broke down, which caused some delay; in this delay Mr. William. Bowman overtook us, and arrangements were entered into for the three parties to keep company until all were satifactorily settled in the new country. After leaving the last settlement on the Murrumbidgee, we took a route more to the eastward than my former track, several parties having preceded us on this route Ebden, Howey, and Hamilton. We crossed the Murray at the spot where Hovell and Hume had crossed many years before, and where a tree with the name of Hume still stood to mark the spot. We now were out of all reach of stations, Ebden's cattle station being the last. At this point we overtook Mr. W. Hamilton, who had been eight days crossing his sheep, and had suffered some small loss. Mr. Bowman had about 5,000 sheep, Mr. Coghill 2,000, making, with my lot, in all near 9,000 ; from our arrangements we crossed the whole of the sheep in 2g hours without the loss of a single sheep; we followed the track of those before us; which was not difficult, and in a short distance came on to the Major's line, which was easily recognised at this time. My men, who had the lead of the party, refused to keep the advance, thinking their labours were more than the others' ; but they were soon taught a lesson which they never forgot, and they behaved well for the re- mainder of the journey. We reached the Goulburn, surveying all the fine-looking country, and saw many beautiful spots very beautiful spots between the Ovens and the Goulburn ; but I was anxious to avoid what was likely to become a general road, and to get within 100 miles of the settlement and no large river between. At the Goulburn we met a large party of natives. Mr. David Coghill and myself, being in advance, came suddenly on them ; in an instant about 100 spears were pointed towards us. We halted to consider what to do ; we got boldly off our horses, took our guns in one hand and a bush in the other, and advanced slowly towards them ; the women and children fled, but the men stood their ground. After a short parley, in which not a word Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 53 was understood on either side, the natives began to lay down their spears, and approached us without fear, put their hands on us, and felt the horses' skins. After spending about an hour amongst them, my cart, with Mrs. H., hove in sight. The day being far advanced, I determined to encamp on a favourable spot for that purpose. Shortly after, my sheep appeared ; the men my shep- herds were dreadfully alarmed at first ; but this soon wore off. I had nets for my sheep, set them up, and pitched our tent, &c. I sent a man back to inform Bowman that we were come to an anchor for the night. In the evening I heard a strange noise of birds, which proved to be a large flock of white parrots, a bird I had not seen before on my former journey. Having my gun in my hand, I fired both barrels, and by good chance shot two. This occurrence gave alarm to my sable brethren. All disappeared, but only for a short time. They appeared in much larger numbers than we had seen before ; they examined the guns with great curiosity, and wanted to see me fire again, which I declined. How- ever, Mr. Bowman gratified them. Next morning, March 2nd 1838, we crossed the river, all safe, without any molestation from the natives. Here we overtook Mr. John Harrison and Mr. Hamilton, who had pushed on to get the choice of the country. We assisted these gentlemen to cross their sheep. Hamilton advanced, and we took a day's rest on this beautiful spot. Before advancing any further I may now state Avhat country was taken up, and by whom. The station-holders were A. Mollison, C. H. Ebden, Capt. Brown, Harrison, Coghill, Bowman, and myself. No other sheep herds crossed the Goulburn up to the above date. A. Mollison after crossing the Goulburn kept the Major's line, and took up the Colibau, afterwards sold to Mr. Orr. Mr. Ebden took up the Sugarloaf Creek, but abandoned that part of the country and took up Carlsruhe. Howey, about the same time, took up his run on the east side of the mountain now Riddell and Hamilton's and the township of Gisborne. This station was the first connecting the runs taken up by the V. D. Land settlers. Capt. Brown took up the spot described in my former journal, 1 now Dr. Baynton's station, and Mr. William Hamilton took up the Sugarloaf Creek, left by Mr. Ebden. About this time, or shortly afterwards, an old military officer named 1 The journal of his first trip to Port Phillip. See p. 48. ED. 54 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. White took up the adjoining country. Coghill and myself started with Bowman, who took up the north side of Mt. Byng now Alexander of far fame, kept it a short time, and sold the stock to Umphelby, who sold to Orr, in whose possession it now is. Cog- hill's and my own stock we left on the Campaspe plains, and we advanced to look for country suitable for our purpose, which we found. I took up Smeaton Hill on the loth of April 1838, having just been three months travelling. About ten days after, the Coghills took up their stations, Glendaruel and Glendonald ; Harrison, who was too wise to be advised by me, came nearer the settlement, and took up a country I am not acquainted with, viz., the Plenty. After being some months on our respective stations that is Coghill and myself we found to the south of us the country about Bunin- yong taken up by Learmonth ; the Leigh River by Yuille. Between the last-mentioned parties, Anderson took up a station, thus crowding the stations so close that in a short time they found out their mis- take. The same year Pettett and Francis took up Bowling Forest, which would have been my run only for my ignorance, thinking it too rich for sheep. Messrs. Irvine and Birch made their appearance, and sat down between Smeaton and Glendonald, and called the station Seven Hills. In 1839 the early part of this year Mr. W. Kirk took up the run outside me, but abandoned it, and took up a large run west of Mt. Cole, afterwards Ross and McGill's. Then came Capt. McLachlan and D. Cameron, who both sat down on Smeaton. McLachlan, after much persuasion, took up the ground left by Kirk, and D. Cameron that left by Irvine, now known as Clunes. About this time, Simson, Button, and Barlot took up the Loddon ; then Bowerman took up the ground where Robertson and Skene's is, and all about Burnbank; in the meatime Learmonth extended his run in a direct line, pur- chased Bowerman's stock, and connected the whole line of country from Buninyong to Burnbank about 30 miles. He afterwards sold part to Br. Griffin and Elms. After this there were many subdivisions and parties surrounding, which did not come within my knowledge. I think in 1839 John Hawdon took up Mt. Greenock, afterwards sold to McCallum's party. L. Mackinnon took up the Loddon above Simson's (now W. Hunter's). Chirn- side took up first Muckleford, then the Beep Creek, afterwards Mackinnon's, and then Buckuall's. Another subdivision of the Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 55 Loddon run was to C. Mackinnon, now Joyce's. Next adjoining Seven Hills a station was taken up by Lyon Campbell, named Bullarook. About tliis time, I suppose in 1840, Jim Crow was taken up by Mr. Mollison, and all tbe available country between that and the Coliban. The Boughyards and Strathloddon were sold to Campbell and McKnight, then to D. Cameron of Clunes, then to Capt. McLachlan, then to William Campbell, and a portion to A. Kennedy. Forest, Barker, and Fryer's Creeks have all got their names since those days. I may here state, on my first visit to Castlemaine I was surprised to find the Church of England placed on or about the very spot that I had pitched my tent on, on the 12th of April 1838, then in all its virgin beauty. I may be here allowed to make another digression from my story, which, by-the- by, is nearly spun out. On getting fairly settled, I wrote a long rigmarole account of all my journeys through these ranges to an old friend of mine who was a gold-refiner. (The reason of my travelling through those ranges was that I was compelled to divide my party and leave some ewes on the Campaspe plains, they having commenced lambing.) John Betts of Birmingham, says, in answer to my description of the country : "John, look closely into all the streams ; dig, and wash the earth ; search dili- gently for gold, for I am sure your feet are passing over immense wealth every day.*' How true the prediction of my old friend ! I believe this my letter might be had if thought worth while ; it was like all my writing, badly written, and John Betts sent it to another old friend of mine, Rhodes and Son, Minories, London, to be corrected, and a clean copy written, which I believe was done, but whether in possession of Rhodes or Betts I do not know. On the brink of a waterhole at the junction of the creeks known as Barker's and Forest Creeks I buried the skull of a prisoner of the Crown, who was murdered by his mates after absconding from the service of Mr. Ebden. It was dug up by the natives twice, and the third time I buried it in the dry deposit in the waterhole, which was dry at the time, but on my next visit full, from a thunderstorm. If I had been unfortunate enough to have found gold then, I should most certainly have never acquired my present position, but I was not to be the Hargraves. With respect to the natives I can say but little, having had little intercourse with them. It will perhaps be necessary here to 56 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. relate what took place with myself, to show that a hostile feeling did exist, although much blame might be attached to my men, who paid smartly for their impudence. One lot of sheep was left at the Campaspe and another at the Loddon ; three men having been left at each place, well armed for defence; and three men of Coghill's having been left at the Campaspe for the same reason, viz., that the ewes were lambing. After taking possession of Smeaton as before stated, I had to go between the three parties. I have not got dates for these perambula- tions. I left Smeaton for the Loddon ; passed the night with the men ; gave directions for their removal to a point where I should direct the others to join them. There was a man of the name of Knight, who was one of Bowman's party, a veteran ; he had at this time been several days amongst the natives perhaps weeks ; he pretended he had lost himself. I took him back with me to Bowman's station, and there left him. I arrived at the Campaspe plains at night after dark ; found all right. In the morning I ear- marked all my lambs, mixed them with Coghill's, and started them for the Loddon, giving them their regular stages, and they were to be six days, in order not to hurry the sheep. I wanted to see some- thing of the country. Went that day to Mollison's Station, and started the next morning for the Loddon. I first took a S.E. direc- tion to the top of a hill about seven miles off, for the sake of having a view of the country through which I had to pass, and went regu- larly from one hill to another, Jim Crow being the last. I had then an open country to the spot where I directed the men to halt. It was after sundown when I got down. I saw the sheep and lambs, as I thought, all right ; I cooeyed loudly, but there was no answer. This was only the third day from the time I left them. I then fired a shot. No answer. I had purchased two dogs on my journey being kangaroo dogs. I coupled them with a strap, and tied them to a tree, for fear of their disturbing the sheep. I was very much troubled in my mind about the men one of them being a very bad character ; all I thought of was that the two had mur- dered the man in charge, and made off with the cart and horse. I walked round the sheep all night ; heard the howl now and again of native dogs, but not near. As soon as day appeared I started off to the old camp, and found the fire had been out some time. I then returned to my charge. Seeing them all right, I thought I would Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 57 make a circle, and try to discover what direction they had gone with the cart; but the country being so dry and hard, not a track was to be seen. I kept the sheep all this day, and in strolling about, I found part of the sheep-nets and a dead sheep. I took a good sleep during the day, and mounted guard at night. The dogs got a good feed off the dead sheep, but there was nothing for me. I began to feel a little hungry ; but, as the sailor says, I took in a reef by tying my neckerchief round my body. Next day, about sunrise, I began to think of driving the sheep to Smeaton, and had just rounded them up when I heard a cooey. This rather alarmed me. I put the saddle on my horse ; took the cap off my rifle ; saw the powder up and all right. I rode off in the direction I heard the cooey. Coming towards a bed of reeds on the river bank knowing the men were alarmed, and having, I must confess, little confidence, I was not inclined to put myself in their power. I made a stop, and then cooeyed, which was immediately answered, and I saw a man crawling out from amongst the reeds. I made straight for him, and saw, to my great surprise, one of Mr. Coghill's men. He exclaimed, " Good God, sir, I am glad to see you alive." I said, " What's the matter, William?" " Oh, sir, murder ! murder !" This confirmed my opinion. I said, "Who is murdered?" and he answered, "Lee." This was still a further confirmation of my own idea, for I thought Williams or Trayner had murdered Lee and made off. I got quite impatient at the old man's slow answers. At last I said, "Who has murdered Lee?" He then replied, "The blacks." This of course altered all my ideas. It appeared, when the three men had arranged to remove from the first camp, two were to take the sheep ; the other, the cart with the traps. The sheep started, and after travelling a short distance, the two men with the sheep were attacked, and fled to the cart for their arms ; but they soon found the cart was captured, and poor Lee dreadfully wounded, and left, no doubt, for dead. Williams fled first, without injury ; Trayner got a slight wound in the shoulder with a spear ; but Lee was dreadfully mangled ; he had on his body fifteen wounds, and three severe ones on the head. While I stood talking to William Free- man, I saw the reeds moving, and something in the shape of a man moving. I lifted my rifle, but heard a voice, " For God's sake, sir, don't shoot me." To my great surprise, this was the man Knight. 58 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. On being asked how he came there, he said he was lost. Only three days before, I left him at Bowman's camp. In about two hours the cart with the sheep and men all made their appearance. All the weakly lambs had been killed, and forced marches made. After meeting the cart, which had gone back, I purposed going home with the cart and Lee, who was very near dead, but all ex- claimed, if I took the cart away, with a man (Cook) to drive, they would all leave the sheep and follow. Finding this would not do, I got some hot water, bathed the wounds, got a piece of bread, and started home alone, giving directions how to come through the ranges, and I would meet them next day. After all the delays, it was very late when I arrived at Smeaton. I said nothing to Mrs. H., but got a little lint and dressing for the wounds, and started late, thinking the party would advance. I rode over range after range, and gully after gully, but there was no appearance of the sheep or party until I arrived at the spot where I left them. I felt a little vexed at the men for not starting, but they declared that as soon as I left them the natives made their appearance, and they were so paralyzed at the sight they dared not move, and also they said they heard cries as if of murdering some one, which appeared to be nothing but imagination. I got the wounds on Lee's body and head (which was the worst) dressed ; he kept in good spirits after my arrival ; he thought I was murdered, which had troubled him much. In the night they all kept up, and kept firing their muskets at the wind. I am now drawing to a period which will perhaps throw some light on this mysterious fellow, Knight. He kept in the camp all night with my men, but after starting the party in marching order, this man disappeared, and took with him a young dog, which was given him to carry. All the men got so alarmed that I was compelled to threaten to shoot the first man who flinched from the position given him. I closed the order of marching, so that I had all within my own view. I made a search for Knight, but could not see either him or any of the natives. I learnt many months afterwards from a black boy that Knight was killed that very night by the blacks, and buried on a hill which I have designated Knight's Fall, known now by the name of Yandoit. I have no doubt of the truth of the murder, as the boy's story of the dog Letters from Victorian Pioiieers. 59 showed that the boy knew something of the matter ; anil since I have had further testimony of the fact. I have no doubt in my own mind that this man was at the bottom of all the mischief, but at the same time he did me much service by making the natives believe that I should kill them all ; for, from that day to the pre- sent all the natives give me a wide berth, at least when met in the bush. I am happy to be able to say I never injured one beyond thumping him with a stick. This was after they were protected, and he well merited the correction. Some few months after this several parties of natives made their appearance, but always disappeared when I showed my face. On one occasion I heard two shots fired. I went to see what was the matter. The shepherds saw several blacks on a plain not far off. I went in the direction, and saw a number of men all running off as fast as possible. I pursued, and overtook two men and a woman. The men both took safe positions behind a tree, and balanced their spears. I got off my horse ; laid my gun down ; showed them my bare hands. After a short time the oldest man came out on to open ground, using his spear as a staff ; the other kept his safe post. The old man began to talk at a great rate, and fre- quently pointed to the Loddon, of course relating all that had transpired there, which I could not understand. The old man per- spired so, the perspiration dropped from his nose profusely. I left them and returned home. In less than an hour two shots were again fired. The horse being ready, I started off to the shepherds,, but could not find them. The two flocks were mixed, and I saw one sheep lying on the ground. I rode up, and found a fine ewe with a long spear driven right through her. I pulled it out ; she got up, but soon died. The shepherds all this time were watching my movements, and after a short time made their appearance, and took the sheep homeward. We saw nothing of the natives. The men said they never saw them even when the sheep was speared although within a short distance. No moreAvas heard of the natives for some months. The spear was newly scraped, no doubt for the purpose for which it was used. The next party that made their appearance were much bolder, and insisted on camping alongside of my folds. These were evidently natives from another quarter ; they had a few iron hatchets, and began to strip the bark off the GO Letters from, Victorian Pioneers. trees and build their mia-mias. I took the trouble of carrying some of the bark to a distance, but this would not do. I then ordered them to remove; but no, all efforts were in vain. They had a dog, which they tied up by the fore paw to the neck, show- ing they knew what sheep were. I had my double-barrelled gun and two useless double-barrelled pistols. I discharged all the four barrels, and they could see nothing, and did not know from whence they were taken. I shortly after this left them, but intended watching their movements. I returned in an hour ; found all the fires out and the whole of the natives gone ; saw nothing more of them. In the latter part of this year, 1838 say November, for I only write from memory I was sheep-washing ; had always carried either a double-barrelled gun or rifle; but this being the first day of washing, I did not take my gun. In returning home in the afternoon late, I saw the blacks had set fire to the grass closer to my home-station than I liked. I began to fear something serious had happened. On approach I saw one of the shepherds crouching behind a tree. I rode up and asked where the sheep were. His reply was, " The blacks had taken them." I asked which way they had gone ; he pointed to the east. I made for the hut as quick as I could. The double-barrelled gun was loaded before I left ; the rifle lying in the case out of the stock, but loaded and capped. Mrs. H. was in great fear, but had not given way until she saw me. I took both guns, and off I went. A man of the name of George Cook, a prisoner of the Crown, who was hut-keeper, had left his hut and come to Mrs. H.'s assistance ; he now followed me on foot as fast as he could. The grass being long, I got on to the tracks of the sheep, and presently saw them, with four men hustling them along ; but, the weather being hot, they did not make much progress. They kept at the sheep, expecting to get them into the timber; but I was too quickly on them, and they ran for the timber themselves, but made no resistance. I headed the sheep homeward, and met Cook, quite out of breath ; the poor fellow could not speak for some minutes ; he brought the sheep back, and then the cowardly shepherd made his appearance. When sundown came I found another shepherd did not come home. He also left the sheep, but not one was lost ; he did not return to the station till morning, being lost in the bush all night. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. Cl Now for Mrs. H.'s story. About noon, about 30 men mustered round the hut ; they had a musket, and wanted powder. Mrs. H. sent one of the children for old Cook, who shut his hut door and answered the summons ; he loaded all the muskets and car- bines, placed them all in the hut, and covered them up, deter- mined to defend, if required. While Cook was thus employed Mrs. Hepbiirn took them some tobacco ; but this weed was not known to them at this time, for they threw it all away. She then gave them some flour. Old Cook, being an old poacher, knew well the use of firearms, and boldened by their peaceable, friendly appear- ance at the time, although suspicious of them, asked to look at the musket they had, opened the pan, and unperceived drew the point of his thumb across the pan, which act cleaned the priming clean out, Avhich saved his life, for shortly after this act the same black laid the musket on the top of a round post about 30 yards distant, took a deliberate aim, and snapped the musket at Cook. Cook perceiving his danger, rushed into the hut ; Mrs. H. made her appearance at the door with a brace of pistols. The natives then fled. Cook fired a ball over their heads, and it was in their retreat they took the sheep ; but they made a clean sweep of the men's blankets, &c. This was the only time any attack was made on the hut ; there were several other times I turned out the men to drive them off the run. The number of sheep lost never ex- ceeded ten on any occasion, and all the depredations were by natives belonging to other districts, which I learnt in the course of time. A friendly intercourse was first made in a very extra- ordinary way. I was from home, and the women visited the station. Mrs. H. treated them well, and shortly after this about seven or eight of the women belonging to the tribe that claimed Smeaton as their beat, or, as they called it, Koorootyugh, came to the station. They had left all their usual traps, and fled to the huts for shelter ; nothing could drive them away; but no force was used for that purpose ; they stopped about six or eight days^ and after this we had many visits from them ; but finding the men making too free with them, I gave them very little en- couragement. So after all my residence amongst the natives I never learnt a word of their lingo. Nearly the whole of the tribe belonging to this district is dead. I only know of one in existence 62 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. that was born ou my station, and he is about fourteen years of age, but looks quite a man in his prime. I do not now know of a woman that waa on the station twelve years ago ; if there be any at the protectorate, the fact is not known to me. I do not believe I have seen a native black or party of blacks for these last four years that stayed a night on my run. I believe Mr. Robinson and Mr. Parker made their first appearance here in 1840, but I have no date perhaps 1841. Their object was to form a station. I strongly recommended them to take up Jim Crow, now Mount Franklin, for an aboriginal station; but this did not meet the views of the above-named gents, and of course it was not done at that time, although it was afterwards. For a time the natives appeared to improve much under the management of Mr. Parker ; but of late years the number has been limited, and principally children have been kept. Some of the young men have turned out very well as bullock-drivers on the station, and made themselves useful other- wise. All I can say about the natives only shows I know nothing about them, or at least very little. Some of my southern neigh- bours could tell better tales of them ; but it will be seen that I have not cultivated their acquaintance much. With respect to the country generally,! know a few miles round. I shall commence at the River Loddon, and come southward. On the Upper Loddon, about G-lenlyon and Holcombe, there is some good land, but most of it heavily timbered. The whole of the Upper Loddon is volcanic, and where the earth has a reddish or chocolate colour, it is generally very good ; but in this district it is so in small patches only. There is plenty of fine slabs of slate between Hol- combe and Kennedy's station, with patches of good land the whole way down, but not to any extent. About Kennedy's and down to Hunter's there are fine flats of considerable extent. On the Government reserve for the aborigines there is also some good ground, with a great deal of bad, much of Avhich will be at no dis- tant period trenched for gold. At Joyce Brothers', Bucknall's, and McLachlan's, there is but little that would be considered good land, although the flats on the creeks have produced crops of wheat much heavier than I could on much better land. On my run there is much good land to appearance, but the crop is below the average of my neighbours, which I can only attribute to the Letters from Victorian Pioneers. G3 want of proper drainage, the land being very wet in winter. To get a good crop, wheat ought to be put in in the month of March or April, in order that the wheat may be well rooted before the wet weather sets in, which is generally about the latter end of May. The summer frost is also a great drawback, particularly for horticulture. Gooseberries, currants, cherries, and raspberries do well ; vines not at all. At only 20 miles to the north, vines grow well, and produce good crops. The land on my run is very prepossessing in appearance, but in many places there is only a shallow soil, which lies on a bed of lava, which dries up early in the season; but this is not the case all over it. There is some very fine land. The Seven Hills is much the same, but all the best land on that station is heavily timbered. At Glendouald there is little good land, but it might be much improved. Clunes and McCallum's perhaps have less good land than any other runs 01 the same magnitude in this part of the country. Glendaruel, Coghill's, and Bowling Forest, with Wynholm, have perhaps more prime land than any country of double the extent in this part of the country. On the Leigh River there are many good spots, and through towards Burrumbeet and Burnbank, not to the township (which is poor), but as far as Robertson and Skene's, there is some beautiful country. To the south-east of Ballan and much of the Pentland Hills is a first-rate country for wheat or other grain. The average crop of wheat grown at Smeaton for twelve years does not exceed 20 bushels per acre. At Bowling Forest and Glendaruel, about 30 has been the average to the best of my knowledge. My information is very limited, and having no general knowledge of the qualities of land, it must therefore be taken for what it is worth. Nearly all this memo, is written from memory. Before closing, I should state the result of my experience amongst prisoners of the Crown under the old system, more particularly those under my own charge in this part of the country. I brought from Sydney, Francis Smith, Isaac Howe, William Butson, George Lee, George Carmichael, George Cook all six men, well-behaved and useful ; these men were paid 30 per annum while in my service ; they were the assigned servants of John Coghill; they are all in exist- ence, and have done well. Edward Trayner and Bartholomew 64 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. Williams were both bad men and petty thieves ; Dennis Walker and Joseph Woodford, two boys, turned out middling, but were trouble- some while in my service. I forgot to state that Lee had after his conflict with the natives to be sent to Melbourne for surgical assistance, and had a piece of a spear nine inches long cut out of his back by Dr. Cussen. One word more in favour of old hands. On our first expedition in 1836, Mr. John Gardiner had a man named Doggatty, a prisoner of the Crown from V. D. Land, brought to Sydney by permission of Governor Arthur. That man has been in my service for these last ten years, has a family, and is a well-doing man. I do not make these state- ments as an advocate for prisoners, for I am not ; but it only shows that prisoners are sometimes painted in worse colours than they deserve. I may also add that I have had many other old prisoners in my service, and have in general found them very good servants the Pentonvilles being the worst without exception. English training avails little in this country. I trust I shall not be considered partial or egotistic in these memoranda, for I can only state what I know myself, and what I have learnt from others, to a very limited extent. The first Commissioner of Crown Lands for this district was Peter Snodgrass, Esquire, now M.L.C.; the next, H. F. Graham, Esquire ; then Foster Fyans, Esquire ; after him F. A. Powlett, Esquire ; the new one I have not seen. I have had disputes about boundaries settled by all the above gentlemen, and also by Mr. Grimes, and in all cases without favour or affection to any party or parties. So much for the offi- cials. It may be considered I am some place-hunter, or looking for some favour. This is not the case. I look for my rights as a British subject, and will maintain them too, so far as my know- ledge goes. I unfurled but one flag, and to that I will adhere, I trust, for the remainder of my life, however long it may be the pleasure of God to spare me. J. H. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 65 No. 13. BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE ABORIGINES OF AUSTRALIA FELIX. Their government is patriarchal, the head of each family having control over his household ; nor is he accountable to the community for his conduct touching them, even after his children come to years of discretion, if they be unmarried. They, however, are by no means arbitrary, nor cruel ; and with the children are foolishly indulgent. It is only in passion that their conduct is revolting, and then they are generally checked by one or more powerful friends arresting the angered, while others try to appease him by reason. Although the head of the family is not account- able to the community, a mother will not tamely see her child ill-used, and when a son is grown up, if his mother is ill-treated he will show fight. I have witnessed some dreadful frays between father and son 1 on the mother's account. Should one kill his wife, the friends or relatives of the woman will have satisfaction; when the tribes meet, the slayer must show himself naked among them, and unflinchingly await their anger. Each tribe has a chief, who directs all its movements, and who, wherever he may be, knows well where all the members of the community are. About once in three months the whole tribe unite, generally at new or full moon, when they have a few dances, and again separate into three or more bodies, as they can- not get food if they move en masse ; the chief, with the aged, makes arrangements for the route each party is to take. In their movements they seldom encamp more than three nights in one place, and oftener but one. Thus they move from one place to another, regardless of sickness, deaths, births, &c. They will not wait for anything when they have an object in view. I have known instances of females having an infant at night, and com- pelled to tramp in the morning, and the men to carry their sick from one encampment to another. 2 In each body are a few old 1 Vide plate. A fine noble chief is opposed by his son, a fine j-outh about eighteen years of age. 3 I have many curious anecdotes of their determination to rove when any particular subject is on the carpet. Not long since, in order to be present at the punishment of two aborigines for murder, two blacks came one on two crutches, the other blind to Melbourne from the North, at least 120 miles. 66 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. men, Avho take charge of the small community, and give instruc- tions in the morning where they will encamp at night. They seldom travel more than six miles a day. In their migratory moves all are employed ; children in getting gum, knocking down birds, &c.; women in digging up roots, killing bandicouts, getting grubs, &c. ; the men in hunting kangaroos, &c., scaling trees for opossums, &c., &c. They mostly are at the encampment about an hour before sundown the women first, who get fire and water, &c., by the time their spouses arrive. They hold that the bush and all it contains are man's general property ; that private property is only what utensils are carried in the bag; and this general claim to nature's bounty extends even to the success of the day; hence at the close, those who have been successful divide with those who have not been so. There is " no complaining in the streets" of a native encampment ; none lacketh while others have it ; nor is the gift considered as a favour, but a right brought to the needy, and thrown down at his feet. In warm weather, while on the tramp, they seldom make a miam they use merely a few boughs to keep off the wind ; in wet weather a few sheets of bark make a comfortable house. In one half-hour I have seen a neat village begun and finished. The harmony that exists among them when none of another tribe is in the party is surprising. I have been out with them for months without a single altercation. Wher- ever one is born, that is considered his or her country. They have no regular burial places ; their bones lie scattered through the bush. Over the men, according to their importance, an oration is delivered, the purport of which is that they, his survivors, will avenge his death, and begging the defunct to lie still till they do so. Over the women and children no ceremony is performed. After the body is interred, the encampment breaks up, leaving a fire at the east of the grave. Orphans are taken great care of. It is considered a great honour to have an orphan added to the family. They have many ceremonies on particular occasions, such as when a youth or maiden comes of age, instalment of the bush, marriage ceremony, &c., &c. To give them in this brief account is impossible ; one must suffice. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 67 Marriage. The men engross the right of giving the women ;i\v;iy ; the women have neither choice nor will in the matter ; they are the property of the father ; if he is dead, of the brother ; if there is no brother, of the uncle. There is seldom a marriage without much fighting, as there is a great preponder- ance of males over females, and the. old chiefs' not being satisfied with less than two and sometimes four, increases the value of the women. Most females are purchased. The general price is two large koogrs (or opossum rugs), two or three dozen opossums, and other trifles. The woman is handed over to her spouse, who has scarce got her when some others those who were desirous to obtain her may be seen naked, discharging wonguims, &c., at the bridegroom. A general family fight takes place, and the bride- groom seldom gets off without a broken head. At night the dame is sulky, and when her spouse is asleep generally creeps to her mother ; and when he awakes and finds her gone, he claims her ; her father in a rage knocks the poor girl about Avith his bludgeon or tomahawk, drags her by the hair of her head 1 to her koolin, where she gets another drubbing. This is often continued for two or more days, till the poor creature is regularly broken down. She resigns to her fate, and generally proves a constant and affec- tionate wife. Laws. Of laws 2 they have three principal, viz., to punish murder, theft, and adultery. Murder is punished by the whole of the tribe throwing a spear and a wonguim at the murderer ; if he escapes without any material injury, the male who is the nearest of kin to the murdered may with his bludgeon or leonile strike at the murderer's head (no other part) till he is tired. During the punish- ment the murderer is not allowed to throw a single weapon, but may ward off the spears, &c., with his shield. I knew an instance of a man having 100 spears thrown at him, who warded them every one off. Theft is of rare occurrence, and is punished by blows on the head of the thief by the party wronged. I never knew but one case of this kind. 1 Of course these scenes are not practised now in iny encampment. I merely state their customs as I found them. 2 These are among their own community. F 2 C8 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. Adultery is a crime that keeps the encampment (when two or more tribes are present) in continued broils ; the adulterer and adulteress are both punished "-the latter awfully severe ; but the former having (what the poor females have not) a way of warding off the weapons, comes better off. There is one particularly amiable trait in the aboriginal char- acter, which is, that no animosity remains in their breasts, nor does any shrink from punishment. At the close of a fight or punish- ment, those who have inflicted the wounds may be seen sucking them and doing any other kind office required. Most tribes have intercourse or hold a kind of alliance with three or four neighbouring ones, with whom they barter for lubras, &c. They generally once a year at least unitedly assemble. There are many disputes, imaginary or real, to settle which cannot be done without some fighting. When all is settled they will corrobboree night after night till they separate. All the tribes beyond the district of their friends are termed wild blackfellows, and when found within the district are immediately killed. The blacks were formerly very superstitious. The most awful superstition is that they believe that man would never die unless he were killed ; that the sick man has been opened, and that his kidneys and fat have been taken out, which has caused death ; and that nothing short of the kidneys and fat of another will appease the dead. They also believe that, as the kidneys and fat are the life of man, the eating of the same gives double strength and vigour to those who partake of them ; hence they never kill a " wild black," as they term him, but they rob the body of that part. They also have another cruel custom of sacrificing the fruit of the womb till a male is born ; so that, should a female have three or four girls, all are killed until a male is born. The poor innocents are put out of the way by strangling or smothering, and generally on the ninth or twenty-first day. To go into the various traditions they have of the creation of the world, man, woman, and animals, stars, &c., is impossible here. Suffice it to state that they are a people that have names for particular stars, as the Southern Cross, Magellanic clouds, &c.; and their traditions are not more ridiculous than those of other savage nations. They have also an idea of several imaginary Letters from Victorian Pioneers. G9 beings, almost all of the dreaded class ; also superstitious notions of certain birds, native bears, and extraordinary appearances in the heavens. Dances. They have various kinds, day and night. Although a stranger, after seeing one, may think the whole alike and merely a monotony of sounds and motion, such is not the case ; the song and words are to the motion of the body, like our country dances and reels. One ignorant of dancing Avould look upon the move- ments as monotonous ; there is as much sense in the one as in the other. If the blacks' orchestra is inferior, their time and motion are better. Games. They have many, all admirably adapted to strengthen and expand the corporeal powers, as running, jumping, throwing, &c.; but the most manual is wrestling; and certainly every one who has ever seen them at this exercise has acknowledged that it is equal to any description given of the ancients, and destitute of the brutality often resorted to by the ancients, to gain the mastery. The aborigines' is sheer, fair wrestling. They challenge each other by throwing dust in the air towards those they desire to strive with, which is answered by a return ; they run towards each other ; on approaching, each puts his hands on his antagonist's shoulder, and it is not till both are nearly exhausted that one is down. I should have stated that besides chiefs they have other eminent men, as warriors, counsellors, doctors; dreamers, who are also inter- preters ; charmers, who are supposed to be able to bring and drive rain away ; also to bring or send plagues among other nations, and to drive away the same, as occasion requires. Although they have chiefs, doctors, counsellors, warriors, dreamers, &c., who form a kind of aristocracy, yet these are in no way a burthen to the com- munity. The chiefs govern, doctors cure, counsellors advise, and warriors fight, without pay. All alike seek their food, and He who is mindful of the ravens is not unmindful of these sable sons of Australia. Their war implements are : (1.) The Wouguim, thrown in battle and useful in the bush to knock down birds. (2.) Kurruk or throwing-stick, with which a reed spear is hurled out with great force. (3.) WorraWorra, a common club used in single combat. (4.) Leonile, the most dreadful hand weapon, used in single combat only. 70 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. (5.) Kudgerin, a thick club very weighty at the end, used in close combat only. (6.) Mulga, a shield used in single combat only, to defend the head from the hand-clubs 3, 4, and 5. (7.) Geam, a large shield used to ward off long spears. (8.) Tirrer, a reed spear used for distant objects. 1 (9.) Tare, a long spear pointed at the end, used for distant combat. 2 (10.) Nandum, a jagged spear a dreadful weapon. 3 (11.) Mongile, a double glass-jagged spear, the most fatal of their weapons. 4 (12.) Wa-voit, mostly used in play ; it is thrown by the hand ; the knob end bounds on the hard ground a considerable distance as a stone would do when thrown on ice. He whose wa-voit is the greatest distance is considered victor. 5 MEN COMPOSING THE NATIVE POLICE ON 1ST JANUARY 1843. Billbolary 6 (Bil-li-bel-la-ry) was chief of the Yarra 7 tribe ; he stands foremost, and justly so, as ever having been the white man's friend generous, frank, and determined as he was. Having received intimation that Government was desirous of forming a native police, I consulted this chief who had often protected my life. I remember well the day I and Captain Dana, on a huge gum log, on the 17th February 1842 made known to Billibellary the Government's intention, and to further it stated that his influence was applied to first. He begged seven days to think. Night after night did this faithful chief address the encampment. True to the day, on the 24th he had the company together, leading the train. After stating the duties, he signed his name first, not, however, before saying, " I am king ; I no ride on horseback ; I no go out of my country ; young men go as you say, not me." Through his influence the native police was first formed. This good man used often, after the first fortnight, to appeal to me, on being ordered to march up and down for two hours ; nothing like command would do for him. I at '-* These spears are from 8 to 10 feet long. * The form of these weapons is shown in plate II. ED. 6 In this description of the Native Police, where two forms of a name are given, the second is, according to Mr. Thomas, the correct one. The first is the form of the name under which the aboriginal was enrolled in the Native Police. See note p. 76. ED. 7 However musical this word sounds, and however it has taken its stand for the river, such is not the river's name. Ynrra means hair or nap, man or animal ; thus Yarra Knwan, hair of the head ; Yarra Ifunduk, hair of the chin, beard. Surveyors' names, of all others, are most ridiculous, except those of Mr. Smyth of Western Port. 11 1O Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 71 length brought Captain Dana to consent that he be permitted to 'be on duty when he pleased; regimentals, gun, &c., were at his disposal. Generally an hour before sundown the chief would dress himself, and take it into his head to march to and fro from his lubra's miam to my tent which invariably was adjacent. This good man died on the 10th of August 1846. After preserving the lives of the first settlers checking in the bud any jealousy or revenge in the precincts of Melbourne towards the whites he was engaged with the Mount Macedon tribe in trans- ferring the land to Batman, Simpson, Swanston, and others. Fostering all missionary and other exertions to better his race, he lamented much the deterioration of his people ; he lived to see them become drunkards, and refractory to their own laws ; he was the last chief who was recognised as having any power. On his demise, missions, schools, and police began to totter, and were subsequently kept up, I may say, through pressing from distant tribes. Buckup (Bug-gup). A fine intelligent young man. After two expeditions he was made a corporal, and received pay ; he continued in the police till his death ; had been on much arduous duty ; from the effect of one very long day's ride, somehow his ankle was hurt by the stirrup-iron, which was not considered of any consequence ; however, after some months, it so affected his leg, then his thigh, that to save his life, amputation above the knee was required, which he consented to. He was one of the first in the colony who underwent an operation under the influence of ether, and did well; the operation was performed by Drs. Hobson, Thomas, and Barker ; he lived a year after the operation, making himself useful at the police quarters till his death on the 2nd September 1848, after nearly six years' service. Boro Boro (Bur-bor-rougK). This black remained but a few months in the service ; his habits and disposition were too restless for restraint, and too immoral to be kept in subjection ; he latterly was a notorious drunkard ; and on the last meeting of the tribes was killed (while drunk) on Richmond swamp, and shoved into a rut, 29th May 1852. Benboo. This harmless man, like Billibellary, was but a short time in the service ; in fact, was not by nature or disposition adapted for the police ; he, however, to the time of his death was 72 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. seldom seen out of uniform, which was generally that of a com- missariat in full dress, except the cocked hat. Mr. Erskine used invariably to give him his left-off uniform, and Benboo never shrunk when he wanted uniform from asking for it. This good and inoffensive chief died on his way to Moody Yalloak, at Little Brighton, on the 5th July 1852 ; his few subjects were drunk for three days previous, and neglected their king. Berring. This young black, who continued in the service for some time, was in two journeys ; he subsequently went to the Devil's River, and has not been heard of since. Cnlpendurra (Kul-pen-dure). This fine young man was son of Billibellary, but widely different in disposition and character. I think he went but two journeys ; he was an awfully dissipated character after his father's death, and was eventually killed at the Goulburn in a drunken fray with the Goulburn blacks. Curra Curra (Kur-rek-Kur-reK). Remained but a few months in the" police. Afterwards he was continually going to and fro to Gippsland, where he died some time in 1848. Coonerdigum. I cannot recollect or find in my papers a name in the least like this ; those enrolled on 24th of February 1842, were all correct. I wrote their names down. Gellibrand. Was a faithful black, much respected by the whites, especially the gentry; he took his name from the unfortu- nate gentleman who was lost with Hesse ; his real name was Beruke (a kangaroo-rat). It is said that while he was being brought into the world a kangaroo-rat ran over his mother. The natives invariably consider such occurrences as omens for something, and he was named after the animal. He was one who accompanied the whites in search of Gellibrand. He remained in the police till his death, which was premature. Having come with the Govern- ment dray from Narre Warren for the month's provisions, he drank to such excess (as reported to me by the blacks) at the Club-house, that he died on his way back with the dray, and was buried near South Yarra pound. He had been on duty in all parts of the colony, was a corporal, and had received pay for years. Giberuke. This was a noble-looking black, but sullen, and in no way to be depended upon ; he soon left the service, after his first orders to accompany Mr. Commissioner Powlett to Mount Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 73 Macedon ; he went subsequently to the Goulburn, and, for aught I know, is still alive. Murrumbean (Mur-rum-Mur-mm-beari). A fine powerful black, next to Billibellary of the greatest influence over the Yarra blacks. He, however, soon left the police. As they assured me afterwards, they only joined to set the example ; he died on the IGth October 1849. He was never addicted to drink, and endeav- oured, with his cousin Billibellary, to stop this growing vice. Many and many times have the young men's heads been split by these two worthy men ; that is, those who came in drunk over-night to the encampment ; but all to no avail. The vile whites made others drunk daily. Had this man and Billibellary the power such was their determination they would have summarily dealt with the case, and have taken a band with waddy and spears, and have discharged the contents of every spirit cask in Melbourne, and have felt no repugnance (if opposed) in shedding blood to accomplish their object, for with aborigines murder is no crime when for the public good. Moonee Moonee. This was a fine young man, who was sent two important journeys, and died in the service while at the Wimmera in August 1845. Nangollibill (Ning-goolobin), alias John Bull. A fine power- ful black ; but no sooner were the police ordered upon distant duty than he and several others deserted. He being a man of importance, Captain Dana was awfully prejudiced against him, which prejudice on the Captain's part had nearly been fatal to the life of Ning-goolobin, insomuch that the second in command (for giving evidence which I compelled him to give) of the native police ever afterwards was under the displeasure of his superior. Ning-goolobin was afterwards tried for the murder of Booby, an aboriginal from the present Colonial Secretary's station. I was so convinced of his innocence, having daily intercourse with him at the time, that in spite of official opposition, which was truly unpleasant, I persevered in order to prove such, and at length, after four months, from circumstantial evidence brought forward, the jury (in spite of direct evidence 1 ), after a tedious trial, which lasted till eight o'clock at night, acquitted him. 1 There is no mistake in the matter ; the two men who accompanied the dray out were drunk, and that beastly so, but swore most distinctly that he was the man. 74 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. Nunuptune. Remained but a few months in the force. He was a good-tempered fellow, but as restless as a hyena in confinement. He subsequently was (unjustly) accused of taking Mr. Willoby's child at Western Port, which so frightened him, that for years he scarce rambled further than along the coast from Mount Eliza to Point Nepean. He died near Mount Eliza llth of August 1849. Nerimbineek (Ner-rim-bin-ufi), brother to the unfortunate Windberry (shot by Major Lettsom's party) ; he continued in the force for a considerable time ; getting tired of it, he left, and for some years rambled along the Goulburn to the Devil's River and Moogolumbuk tribes. Like his unfortunate brother, by family connexion he seems to pass safely through different remote tribes. He is still alive, and left some months back our encampment by the ranges for Bacchus Marsh ; he is a terrible drunkard. Peripe (Pee-rup}. There have been two of this name in the police. The one who was in the force in 1843 continued in it till 1847. After leaving it, he was scarce in his district for a month's continuance, going to and fro with others purchasing or stealing Gippsland lubras ; he was subsequently, with two others, killed there in May 1850 on the Mitchell River through the treachery of a knowing Gippsland black named Tyers. Perpine (better known as McNoel). An active, shrewd, able, and intelligent policeman; for two years highly serviceable. He had the boldness to be the first to fire at a white man, when with Commissioner Gisborne's police up the Yarra. On leaving the police, he, like most others, became a notorious drunkard, and was dangerous when so. In a drunken fray with two of his own tribe he received a spear wound, from which he died four days afterwards (on 2nd May 1850) at the encampment between the Merri and Darebin Creeks. Polligary (Polligerry). An able-bodied black, intelligent, and to be fully depended upon. He went through a routine of service for Government, being selected for most of their important journeys. On leaving the force, he accompanied Mr. Bunce and others in an expedition, I think, in quest of the lost Dr. Leichhardt ; he is still living. In Bunce's correspondence he is designated as " Black Jimmy." Munmungina (Mun-Mun-gin-ner). A fine and faithful black, of good disposition and temper ; had been out on three Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 75- expeditions ; the Wimmera was the last, where he was taken ill, and returned before his comrades. The black doctors recom- mended rambling through the district, which he did, to no effect. He died at Mahoon, Western Port, on the 16th August 1845. Tonmiel. A young, steady, and faithful policeman ; he con- tinued in the service till his death. He had been on duty the whole round of the colony from Portland Bay west, to Gippsland east and the Murray north ; he died at the police barracks, Narre Narre Warren in November 1850. Tomboko. This black continued in the service for at the least three years ; Captain Dana was particularly partial to him. His Inbra was also of great service. She could wash, iron, and do needlework almost as well as a white woman. An altercation, however, took place at the police barrack, Narre Narre Warren. The sergeant brought Tomboko to Melbourne handcuffed, and lodged him in the watch-house. My blacks at the Merri Creek gave me information of it. I attended the police office next morning. No one appeared against him, and he was discharged. With all I could do I could not get him to return. He was indus- trious and sober. He went a few trips to Gippsland after the death of his lubra, where he now is, and has been for the last eighteen months, shepherding. Waworong. This black continued in the service, I should say, at least four years beyond my expectation ; so much so that, when Billibellary presented him, I told Captain Dana it was useless to* have his name. Is either he* nor any of the Murray family could be kept for any continuance from the Yarra Ranges ; he, however, was enrolled, and proved a faithful servant of Government ; but becoming at length constitutionally affected with the venereal disease, he left or had leave of absence. Dr. Jamieson and others gave him medicines; his disease gained on him, and, like all blacks in great affliction, wandering seems the last recipe; he went rambling with a few Yarra blacks, and died in the Yarra Ranges ; the date I cannot exactly give, but it was between 1849 and 1850. Wideculk (Wi-gee-gulK). Also a fine youth; was in the force nearly two years. After returning from the Murray River, he became tired of that kind of life, and, though continuing in the force, was continually asking for furloughs, and would come to Melbourne, plant his police clothes, and get drunk with impunity ; '70 . Letters from Victorian Piomers. he subsequently was tried for larceny on 15th July 1844. Since then he has led a dissipated life. He is at present (if alive) in Gippsland. Yamaboke ( Yam-mer-book). An intelligent and faithful black, good tempered, and no one on a bush excursion more to be depended upon ; was a considerable time in the native police, and had ac- companied most of the journeys through the district. On leaving the police he commenced, with others, to go to and fro to Gippsland, and is, for what I know, still alive in Gippsland ; but he has for years been a notorious drunkard. Yuptun (Yeap-lune). One of the coolest, commanding tempers that ever I knew in a black, but when drunk the most determined on mischief. Captain Dana and other officers have assured me that for patience, perseverance, and other requisites in a long journey no European could equal him. This was the black who, in the conflict with the blacks to the westward, had the full opportunity of shedding blood to no small extent, but would not on his race, although he received several wounds two on his head being very severe in saving the life of his superior officer, for which he received on his return the commendation of His Excellency the present Lieutenant- Governor. He was made corporal and received pay. However, since he left the service and while in it when opportunity offered, he would get drunk, and to such excess that he was in continual trouble ; the last time he was convicted with imprisonment. I advised him when I got him from the gaol to keep to the bush, which he has done since. In every other respect a more kind-hearted, feeling black could not be found. In the early history of the colony, his father, mother, and elder brother were shot by the settlers in a sheep robbery between the Goulburn River and the Ovens, which left him to the care of Billibellary, chief of the Yarra tribe, to whom his aunt was married ; he is still alive with the DeviPs River tribe. WM. THOMAS. Pentridge, 6th April 1854. MEMO. His Excellency will perceive that the names for- warded are strictly given, but when a material difference exists in the orthography, I have indicated in brackets the real name ; thus, (Bil-li-bel-lary}, &c., &c., &c. W. T. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. TT a B 5 J i S i | >s J _ :: | 3 -, ^ 3 O 8 _o a 5 3 b 3 3 rH s o O '2 '3 O o "o "c K x , >, _,.. >. '3 '3 1 "= o o -^ g. _i 3 1" d .f 1 p fa -^ I -X IN I lA 00 3 c ^. ^ CO M 03 " 3 X 2 >, P o h Februa: L850 st Decem , ^ g j 1 S M i-l ^ _: O 3 ~ 1 H "S O "c bourne Alcxan 2 1 I "S -^ 1 o S ^ 1 -2 g 1 Q TO 1 CO O ~ti I C i; 1 ill's! N | v = = "~ c d i o 00 ~- e 1 Tr "3 * i. < | OK j ~ S -s O 1 1 02 o S o i_ rt 1 f g ^< ~ P H S g w M OK H 78 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. It will be seen that all these cases, except Bour-turning (alias Billy) merge into drunkenness, viz. : Kulpendure, violently drunk, going to cut in two the rope at Richmond Punt because the puntman in an instant could not convey him across ; Bungerburnanook, leaving a butcher's in Geelong (in whose service he had been for some length of time) upon a drunken spree, forgetting to return the knife in his belt, was had up for larceny. Yeaptune, one of the best of blacks (and most faithful of the police) when sober and the worst when drunk, was figuring away among a mob of constables, and with difficulty secured. The white man Gillmore was drinking hard, when he fell in with three blacks, two of them belonging to the police. All were drinking hard together. A dispute subsequently arose about a bottle of rum. Gillmore became frightened, and thought one was going to kill him ; Gillmore shot at him, and he fell ; fearful of the others, as he said, he shot and wounded another. Bour-turning's case is more what I would call your attention to as it is more important to my mind than the others (though there was no loss of life) ; it is from such cases the danger of the aborigines may be calculated. My impression ever was, and is still the same, that, from the blacks as a body, to Europeans there is no danger whatever ; it is our damnable drink that has made them so nauseous even to ourselves, without our for a moment calculating the beam in our own European eye. But to proceed with Billy his case was enveloped in mystery. From a child known in the neighbourhood from 8 years of age ; with the native police highly respected by every officer, from Mr. Dana downwards ; Hurst, Lydiard, and others assured me that he must be innocent. All rested on the evidence of the girl, who subsequently being found to be of a most objectionable character, I lost no time in preparing a memorial to His Excel- lency for a commutation of sentence, Avhich memorial was signed by the foreman of the jury, and by the whole, except two who had left for the diggings. More than one of the jury remarked to me that, had they known an hour before the trial what they knew an hour after, a verdict quite the reverse would have been given. My impression is still the same, that he is and was Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 79 an innocent man, and as such I do not for a moment consider that the aboriginal character is in any way the least affected to its prejudice by this trial. 27/3/54. THE GUARDIAN OF ABORIGINES. ABORIGINES IN PORTLAND BAY DISTRICT. RETURN DEC. 31sT 1853. Numbers. Tribes frequenting district Males. Females. Children. Total. Port Fairy 27 28 6 61 Colac 35 27 62 Lower Hopkins ... 16 13 3 32 Middle 18 16 4 38 Upper ,, 38 29 3 70 Eumeralla 8 5 13 Grange ... 13 8 "2 23 Wannon 26 16 4 46 Mount Emu 14 12 3 29 Glenelg River ... 130 55 40 225 Totals... 325 209 65 599 W. N. GRAY, C.C.L. GIPPSLAND. NUMBER OF ABORIGINES. 1843 ... 1,800 1853 ... ... ... ... ... ... 131 1854 (February) ... ... ... ... ... 126 Feb. 9th 1854. C. J. TYERS. NUMBER OF ABORIGINES UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE GUARDIAN OF ABORIGINES, W. THOMAS. Yarra Tribe ... ... ... ... ... 36 Western Port or Coast Tribe... ... ... ... 17 Gippsland Orphans ... ... ... ... ... 2 Total 55 For Return respecting the Mount Rouse Aboriginal Station, 1845-49, &c., see Council Papers, 1852-3. See also Return printed at the close of Session 1853-54. 80 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. Returns with remarks I. RETURN SHOWING THE NUMBER OF ABORIGINES IN THE YARRA AND WESTERN PORT TRIBES, 1852-53. Yarra Tribe. Western Port Tribe. Year. Children. Children. Total both Tribes. M. F. M. F. 1852 22 17 39 11 9 20 59 1853 20 15 1 36 10 7 17 53 II. RETURN SHOWING THE NUMBER OF DEATHS 1 IN THE YARRA AND WESTERN PORT TRIBES, 1850-53. Yarra Tribe. Western Port Tribe. Total Year. Children. Children. both Tribes. M. F. M. F. 1850 2 1 1 j 4 1 1 5 1851 1 1 1 1 2 3 1852 8 1 1 | 10 6 2 8 18 1853 2 1 ! 3 1 1 4 III. RETURN SHOWING THE NUMBER OF BIRTHS IN THE YARRA AND WESTERN PORT TRIBES, 1850-53. Yarra Tribe. Western Port Tribe. Total Year. both Tribes. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. Total. 1850 1851 1 1 1 1852 1853 1 1 1 Grand total in four years in both tribes, two ; and for three years previous in the two tribes there had not been a birth. However, these two both died 2 or were killed within a month. 1 See remarks p. 81. 3 It is lamentable that the parents will leave the general body of blacks for seven or eight days, and invariably return in mourning, "their pickaninny dead." Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 81 IV. RETURN SHOWING THE NUMBER OF ABORIGINAL CHILDREN UNDER INSTRUCTION, 1851-53. Year. Male. Female. Year. Male. Female. Year. Male. Female. 1851 2 1852 2 1853 2 N.B. These are the two orphan aboriginals; none other are under instruction. Deaths. It will be seen by this return that, from the end of 1851 to the end of 1852, there was a mortality of 18 out of a population of 77 nearly . The mortality has been among the males princi- pally, viz., 14 males, and but 4 females, one of the latter being an infant. Eight were murdered, and two of the murderers were sub- sequently arrested and killed. It is true sickness prevailed to a great extent among them, and, notwithstanding my continued attention, and the truly fatherly visits of the late Colonial Surgeon (Dr. Sullivan), 8 died. Three of these, however, were, during the druukea freaks of May and June, almost perpetually drunk. Five only out of the 18 may be said to have died by the visitation of God ; the remainder by violence. This year of mortality was ushered in as satisfactorily as could be ; the Yarra blacks were engaged with the farmers by the Plenty, and most of the Western Port blacks in the county of Mornington were engaged at different stations. In February, some Western Port blacks returned from Gippsland, bringing about 10 Warrigal blacks with them. I tried to remove them ; they promised day after day to leave. While engaged with them near Unwin's survey, south of the Yarra, some messengers were despatched, and Melbourne had in a few days three encampments within ten miles of it. They begged very hard to remain, and said they would leave in three weeks, and not come near the town. They had not met for years, and wanted to have once more some corrobboree together. I got the three encampments at length to one spot in a Government reserve on a bend of the Yarra, about twelve or thirteen miles from Melbourne, and addressed His Excellency upon the indulgence which was granted, and night after night for fourteen days did they enjoy themselves. From the time, however, they visited Melbourne scenes of the most G 82 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. awful dissipation ensued. As they were shifted from one spot, they would be found two or three miles nearer Melbourne in another direction, until, in April and May, from morning to night there was naught but drunkenness. While I was taking one party off, two were murdered and three were subsequently found dead, which, with the previous murder at Brighton, regu- larly disgusted the public. After by the aid of police, I got the Goulburn, Barrabool, Booning, and Gippsland blacks off, assuring them that never more should there be an assemblage. By the end of June, the Yarra blacks were settled at the ranges, and the Western Port near the coast. During this year, reserves were granted the two tribes, and provisions secured for them in the bush, so that they are now left without the least excuse. I may add that some important cor- respondence between the Guardian and the Government took place, resulting from the awful outrages of the aborigines inter se, touching their case. The difficulties, however, seemed to increase as correspondence went on, and the question receded to its former position, and justly so. The fact is, that all must rest upon aboriginal evidence, to admit which (in their present state) Avould jeopardize the life of any they had a pique against. A proof of this is the murder of one Buller Bullup this year ; I missed him for three weeks before any of the other murders were discovered. I made con- tinual inquiries about him ; received such evasive replies that I was far from satisfied ; in fact, felt that he must have been killed by some of the number of strangers in the encampment. King Benbow, his brother, and another left for Williamstown for seven or eight days about the time. I was about getting a trooper or two to drive off the whole of the blacks, and said to a fine young man of the Yarra tribe, formerly of the native police, I should like to know, if poor Buller Bullup is killed, what tribe did it, and I would have the black, if possible, before I sent them away. He took me aside and told me, in as cool and deliberate a manner as a man could, " That king Benbow, his brother, and another, had killed Buller Bullup on account of Yal Yal being killed at Brighton, and that they had buried him in a scrub near Williams- town," After a little further inquiry this appeared substantiated, Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 83 and I reported the deed to His Excellency. Benbow subse- quently returned, and I felt thoroughly convinced, from his pro- testations, that he was innocent. Buller Bullup's murderer, after all, I found out to be this very black and two others, and his body \vas found, not at Williamstown, but mangled near Richmond Swamp. I lost no time in communicating to His Excellency how grossly king Benbow had been accused. W. T. Before I close, there are three documents transmitted to Government, not noticed here, of some import, which will put His Excellency in possession of the whole of the history of the aborigines of the Melbourne tribes, viz. : On 21st December 1852. Particular statistics of aborigines from 1836 to close of 1851 numbers, schools, &c., with notes. December 17th 1853. Returns required by Legislative Council 3, 4, 5, with notes. December 29th 1853. Returns furnished to Registrar- General, viz., 1, 3, 36. The above, with the particular returns I left as appendices to my last report as Protector, 31st December 1849, will make all aboriginal matters complete as respects returns. The manners, &c., of them are too numerous for me to be able to supply. W. T. There are, however, a few (and but a few) lines I can furnish in a day or two which are, nevertheless, necessary to make the whole complete, viz.: Those blacks who have been committed and tried since the end of 1849, and the whites who have been committed and tried for outrages on the blacks since the same date (all previous are in Government returns), and though I had the honour of first compiling such a return, I must say it is a most important one, the more so as the Attorney-General at Sydney said, some years back, such could not be furnished. 84 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. No. There is not a more diffident subject to treat upon than the superstitions of savage nations, for in treating of their supersti- tions wrongfully, you may be an obstacle on the one side to their minds being enlightened, and, on the other, place the people in the estimation of the world in a different light to what they should be. There is not a portion of the aboriginal character that I feel less confident in remarking upon than their traditionary and superstitious notions, not but that I am aware that they exist, and that to a considerable extent, but to know their full import and meaning I feel persuaded that one had need become an aboriginal native. And yet much has been written by individuals who have had little or no intercourse with them, which has materially bewildered the world touching the aborigines of Australia, as to whether they have not been so low in creation as to have no conception (judging from the vague accounts that have already emanated from different authors) of a Deity. D. E., an intelligent writer, whose heart is warmly engaged in the cause of these poor heathens, remarks (in No. 2 on abori- ginal subjects, which appeared in the Geelong Advertiser in 18-44) " It is doubtful whether there exists among them any notion of the existence of a Supreme Being which contains the slightest analogy to revealed truth," and, further, " that where any idea of a Supreme Intelligence exists, there have usually existed some out- ward indications thereof, as manifested in sacred relics, idols, rites, and ceremonies constituting religion; the entire absence of every- thing of this sort among the savages of Australia seems, therefore, corroborative of the utter loss of the knowledge of God." Equally, on the same ground of reasoning, may the conclusion be arrived at in this colony a few years since, by one travelling from Gippsland to the River Glenelg, and from the Bay to the Murrumbidgee, for what " outward indications " would he have witnessed among the 1 This description of the aborigines appears to have been written by William Thomas, the Guardian of the aborigines. ED . Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 85 white people ? and had he come from some strange land, of a strange tongue not having any idea from whence we came, who or what we or our fathers were as far as " outward indications "are con- cerned, what other impression would the traveller have than that we had altogether lost (if we ever had had any) all idea of an intelligent Supreme, and upon the very same grounds adduced by this zealous writer, that there are no " sacred relics, rites, or ceremonies constituting religion " to be observed among us. We should consider, moreover, that people may have notions of what perhaps theirvery superstitious laws enjoin perfect silence upon, and much of this mute solemnity is to be observed in the character of the aboriginal inhabitants of Australia. Mr. Assistant-Protector Parker, of the Loddon, has supposedly discovered " in their ceremonies and superstitions the obscure and nearly obliterated relics of the ancient ophiolatry or serpent worship," and this from the Mindye. The Miudye is certainly considered by them as a visible and invisible being. According to their account, he is seen and not seen at one and the same time ; but there is no ceremony whatever that I can trace among them that bears any analogy to what he supposes can give me any belief that they have any notion of the " Ancient Ophiolatry " so prevalent formerly, and still known in India and Africa. The Mindye has its residence, and some old prejudices exist among the aged that a certain family has the power of enchanting or incanting this being. The small-pox brought forward by Mr. Parker is no more than any other epidemic occasioned by the Mindye. The being called theMindye has no independent power; he is under the control of the Creator of all things, and, as they superstitiously believe, the family afore-mentioned. The term " Monola Mindye," as Mr. Parker has it " dust of the Mindye " is incorrect. " Lillipook Mindye," which Mr. P. has as a further proof " scales of the Mindye " is still more ridiculous. " Lillipook " means the cup which held the pock. The personages of the other Deities or Superior Beings spoken of by Mr. Parker do not tally with accounts received by me. Although I am in possession of much of their mythology, yet I am so dissatisfied with my own belief of the real meaning that I venture only to give you what I think you may safely commit to the press, worked up in your own superior style. 86 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. What I give you has been tried over and over again from state- ments made by old and young of different tribes at various times. I have been so scrupulously doubtful of the accuracy, like Thomas the Apostle ; I have done as much as could be done without becoming an aboriginal native to arrive at the truth. Australian Deities. The Australian aborigines believe in two principal Deities, viz.: Punjil, the maker of the earth, trees, animals, and man. Punjil, they say, had a wife named Boi Boi, but he never saw her face. She, however, bore him two children, one a son named Binbeal, 1 the other a daughter named Karakarook. To Binbeal is committed the sovereignty of the heavens, and to Karakarook the incidental occurrences on earth ; while great Punjil stalks like a " big one gentleman " in the clouds, on the earth, &c., always carrying a " big one sword." The Australian's next Deity is Pallian, brother of Puujil. Pallian made all seas, rivers, creeks, and waters ; also all the fish in the ocean, seas, rivers, &c. He governs the waters; was always in the waters, walking, bathing, and going over the seas. Creation of Man. Punjil one day cut, with his large knife, two pieces of bark, mixed up a lot of clay, and made two black men, one very black and the other not quite black more like dirty red brick. He was from morning till night making them ; it was not bright day then, but the sun was like blood all day. He began to make man at the feet, then made legs, and so on to the head. He then made the other in like manner, and, smoothing them both over with his hand from the feet to the head, he put on one's head curly hair and named him Kookinberrook ; on the other straight hair and named him Berrookboorn. After finishing the two men, Punjil looked on them, was pleased, and danced round them. He then lay on each of them, blowing into their nostrils, mouth, and navel, and the two men began to move. He bade them get up, which they did (young men, not like pickaninnies); he told them their names ; he showed his brother Pallian the two men he had made. Creation of Woman. The next day Pallian was in a creek paddling and beating in the water, in which he used to indulge. 1 Sinbeal, the rainbow, the reflection of which is his wife. See p. 89. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 87 After some time the water got thick like mud, so that he could scarcely move ; he plucked off a small bough from a tree that hung over the creek, and looked through the bough at the water, and said, " name you." He beat harder and harder, and saw near him come up four hands, then two heads, and so on, till breasts, and two human figures complete appeared. Pallian exclaimed, " like my brother Punjil, me make two Bagrooks." He beat again the waters, and the two lubras came above the water and fell on the land, but they could not move ; he carried one and then the other to his brother Punjil, who breathed into their nostrils, mouth, and navel, and Punjil gave them names to one Kunewarra, to the other Kuur- rook. They gave each koolin a lubra. Punjil put a spear in each koolin's hand, and Karakarook, daughter to Punjil, put in each lubra's hand a kannan (woman's stick). Punjil, Pallian, and Karakarook go out with them some days, showing them how to get their food. The two men were taught to spear kangaroos, emus, &c., and the two lubras to get gum, roots, bandicoots, grubs, &c. One morning, when they awoke, they " no see Punjil, Pallian, and Karakarook"; " they had gone up above." The blacks say that all this took place " very far, far away " to the N.W., not where " now blackfellows all about here sit down," alluding to their belief that man and woman were first created in other countries. All agree (I mean different tribes) in stating that that country was " far, far away," beyond what they know to the N.W., over seas. If the point they direct to be correct, it tallies with our position of the western part of Asia. How Man first came in possession of Fire. They say that " long time after Punjil made man and woman, blacks had no fire, were very cold, and eat all flesh raw"; that some lubras went out to get food. They were with their kannan digging up murrar (piss-ants' eggs), when several snakes of all kinds came up out of the earth where they were digging ; that they were terribly frightened ; kept beating the snakes but could not kill them. To their relief came down Karakarook with a large kannan, and two young men named Tourt and Tarrer ; that Karakarook and the lubras fought the snakes for a long time, when the end of Karakarook's stick broke off; from the piece broken off arose smoke. A bird (by their account of the same kind as a 88 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. crow, only of a great size as large as an eagle) flew down and ran off with the fire. Tourt and Tarrer immediately flew up in pur- suit of the crow, while Karakarook remained with the lubras. The crow flew to a mountain named Nun-nur-woon, where it was overtaken by the two flying young men. Tarrer returned with the fire safe, having pulled off bark from one tree and another to keep it from being exhausted. " Tourt no more come back"; he was burnt to death on a mountain named Munnio, where he had kindled a small fire lest what small quantity he had should be lost, and Punjil, for Tourt's good deed, turned him into a large star, that always looks like fire. Karakarook showed the lubras her stick, and, having examined the qualities of it, bade them never to be without fire. Tarrer afterwards directed them to where the stick might be found, and showed them how to make fire ; disappeared, and was no more seen. Notions of the Flood. The blacks say that after they had fire they were all marnumuk (meaning comfortable), and increased to great numbers ; and after many, many years " blackf ellows get very bad (wicked), when Punjil and Pallian big one sulky." " Punjil come down with his big one knife and cut the earth all over like blackfellow cut up damper, and come up water, and Pallian drive all big one water from sea on land ; then like great guns come up koor-reen (storms) and pull up all trees, and come up water every- where, and very bad blackfellows drowned, and that great many not very bad, Punjil take up and make stars of, and that Punjil when all gone water, send another very good man and woman, named Berwool and Bobinger, and take and cut up one kangaroo and other animals into small pieces and they became a great number." Karakarook and Tarrer, directed by Punjil, again descend and make Berwool and Bobinger acquainted with the way to provide themselves with food and fire, but stop " only little time " and then leave them. Tradition of the Dispersion of Mankind. The blacks have also a tradition of the dispersion of mankind over all the earth. They say that mankind, after many years, got very many and again very bad, fighting, killing, and eating one another " no work, blackfellows only beat and make lubras get 'em tunanan (victuals) ; blackfellows all sit down only one country; Punjil come down Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 89 again with his big knife, big one sulky, and cut into pieces all men, women, and children, kangaroo, and all living animals, biit they not die. Then come up a great storm (koor-reen), followed by many whirlwinds (pit-ker-ring), and take up all the pieces and carry them everywhere far, far away and drop them in every country ; then blackfellows in all countries ; no blackfellows in all countries till then; and blackfellow no more see 'em Punjil ; he too much sulky. Black doctors sometimes dream of him." Tradition of the Origin of Wind. Hurricanes and whirl- winds, as well as wind, the blacks have a tradition came from an immense flight of magpies a larger species than those at present seen. The blacks say that they came in great numbers like flights of cockatoos ; that after they came a rushing wind and a number of large bags like sacks appeared in the air, at first not full ; they filled as they passed along, as you would blow full a bladder, and when full " they busted, made noise like gun, and then came wind ; no wind before this." It is singular that this occurred also " far, far away," and came from N.W. Thunder and Lightning. Thunder and lightning they believe to be the voice and fire from the eyes of Binbeal 1 when he is sulky with the elements, and will be obeyed ; and when he has silenced all, he makes the sun stand before him. Mvndye. Of all the beings most dreaded by the blacks, the principal is the Mindye. It appears to have no independent power, but by the command of Punjil is sent to destroy or afflict any people for bad deeds, that is to say, when they have done very bad things, or not killed enough wild blackfellows for their dead. Its form is that of a snake, but of great size, though it can contract itself into a small compass extend or contract as we would a telescope. The blacks give awful accounts of this being ; it can make itself extend miles in length. They say that there are little Mindye ; that Mindye inhabits a country named Lillgoner to N.W. in this district, and resides on a mountain named Bu-ker Bun-nel, and drinks at a creek 1 I should have stated in the Australian Deities that Binbeal is a god that has a face that encompasses the earth, and has a lubra that always accompanies him. Binbeal is the rainbow, and his lubra is the reflection which may be seen occasionally. 90 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. named Neel Kumm; that the ground for a distance round is so hard that no rain can penetrate it (kulkubeek) ; that no wood but mullin grows near it ; and that the land is covered with hard small substances like hail. A family named Munnie Brumbrum, the blacks say, have been the only blacks that have ventured to put foot on this awful country where Mindye resides, and they are the only blacks that can stay the ravages of the Mindye, or send it forth. It differs from a snake, by having a large head and two ears; it has three fangs coming from its tongue, and when it hisses out its fury the earth around is covered with white particles like snow, from which the blacks say the disease is inhaled. It often ascends the highest tree in a forest, and, like a ring-tailed opossum, secures its hold, and stretches itself over a vast extent of 20 and 30 miles. When Mindye is in a district the blacks run for their lives, setting the bush on fire as they proceed, and not stopping to bury their dead or attend to any seized. Many drop down dead on the road. When seized, pains seize them in the back, with violent retching. When they try to get up they fall down; those not seized are quite well. The celebrated Munuie Brumbrum, the blacks say, can arrest and stay the Mindye by a secret move with his hand or finger. Such is the nature of the attack of the Mindye. Any plague is supposed to be brought on by the Mindye or some of its little ones. I have no doubt that, in generations gone by, there has been an awful plague of cholera or black fever, and that the wind at the time, or some other appearance from N.W., has given rise to this strange being. Superstition about Consulting Bears. The bear is a privi- leged animal, and is often consulted in very great under- takings. I was out with a celebrated Western Port black tracking five other blacks. The tracks had been lost some days at a part of the country where we expected they must pass. We ran down a creek ; after going some miles a bear made a noise as we passed. The black stopped, and a parley commenced. I stood gazing alternately at the black and the bear. At length my black came to me and said, " Me big one stupid ; bear tell me no you go that way." We immediately crossed the creek, and took a different track. Strange as it may appear, we had not altered Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 91 our course above one and a half miles before we came upon the tracks of the five blacks, and never lost them after. The bear, too, must not be skinned. The blacks have a strange tale of the bears having stolen all their tarnuk (buckets) and drained a creek of Avater, and so bewildered the blacks that Karakarook came down, and it was settled by Karakarook, on the part of the blacks, that they would no more take the skins from the bears' bodies, and on the part of the bears, that they would no. more in any way molest the blacks in supply of water and vessel. The wombat (or warren) is also a sacred animal, and must not be skinned. Many birds are also sacred ; some may be eaten by the aged only ; others by the doctors only. Superstitious Notions of the Warmum. The blacks have superstitious notions of many places, in which, no doubt, in bygone days some awful calamity had befallen their fore- fathers. Warmum is a very high mountain N.W. of Gippsland and N.E. of Western Port. The blacks have a superstitious notion that whoever looks on this mountain direct will first be struck blind, and then dead ; no one can look at it and live unless through some medium. The lubras veil their faces when they come within sight, or put boughs and twigs before their faces. The men, when prompted by curiosity to behold it, look along a stick as white people would do through a telescope. The blacks say that " big one Punjil once sit on that mountain." Charmers or Enchanters. There are characters among the blacks Avho are supposed to possess powers according to their various qualifications. When a continuance of rain is desired, the charmer is applied to, who sings, " Won-ner-rer Nger-wein Barm-we-are Won-ner-rer Tin-der-buk Koo-de-are Nger-wein Koo-de-are Tin-der-buk Kar-row-lin." l During the time that this is sung the charmer sits in his mia-mia, and with a piece of thin bark, about a foot or eighteen inches long, continues throwing hot dust from the fire into the air, alternately mumbling and singing the above song ; in fact, all their charmings are in mumbling language, not known to the rest of the blacks. 1 I have not succeeded in getting a translation of this song, if indeed the words have any meanitig at all. ED. 92 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. We have iii the Western Port tribe a celebrated charmer-away of rain, old Bobbinary. I have known this man to be kept singing for hours. The blacks say, when Bobbinary was a child that it had been raining for some days, and " blackfellows all sad, their bellies tied up to keep off hunger ; that the child Bobbinary began to sing, and that sun immediately came out, and no more rain. That ever since then he has been able to send rain away." Doctors. The blacks have various kinds of doctors for eyes, bowels, head, &c., and, like white physicians, are noted in pro- portion to the remarkable cures said to have been wrought. But the highest pitch of the profession is flying. Among the tribes who have visited the settlement there has been but one, that has come to my knowledge, possessed of this power, whose name is Malcolm, of the Mount Macedon tribe. I have known this man to be sent for 100 miles. The blacks say that he has power to soar above the clouds, and to fly like an eagle ; he also can, in some cases, recover the marmbula (kidney fat) when it has been stolen. I have a most singular account of one of his serial journeys, together with the solemnity of the encampment during his two hours' flight, but cannot trace it now. This Malcolm (aboriginal name Myngderrar) is said to have inherited this power from his father, who was famous before him. Murrina Kooding, or Strength Lost. In the encampment south of the Yarra, on the evening of l were Goul- burn, Mount Macedon, Barrabool, Yarra, and Western Port blacks. The Goulburn lubras, quite naked, stole upon seven young men. No sooner had the women their hands on the heads of the young men than the latter appeared helpless ; they cut from each young man a lock of his hair. As soon as the hair was cut the young men fainted ; the women took the ornaments from the men's heads and decamped. The young men's friends came about them to comfort them, but life apparently could scarcely be kept in them. Their friends sat with them the whole of the night. On the following morning, the doctors assembled ; a fire was made about a quarter or half a mile from the encampment, and 1 The date is omitted in the MS. ED. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 9 the seven young men were brought, each borne by two friends bearing pieces of lighted bark in their hands, to the spot ; the young men were placed round the large fire at some distance, and before each was the bark brought by the friends. The doctors, mumbling and humming, with a piece of glass bottle commenced scraping off all the hair from the crown of the head to the feet, and then rubbed them from head to feet with werup (red ochre). The young men lay speechless during the whole of the time the ceremony was being performed, and every muscle of their faces seemed to be keenly noticed by the doctors. This ceremony lasted from sunrise to three hours afterwards. I understand that these young men would have died had not this ceremony been performed. Strength left them as the lock fell from their heads. (Is not this some semblance to Samson's case?) Native Encampment. Although there may be 150 mia-mias (native huts) erected on the formation of a fresh native encamp- ment, no altercation, to my knowledge, has ever taken place touching site, or trees to be barked. They know beforehand where the chief's mia-mia is to be, and the distance required for his immediate connexions none asking his fellow permission or advice. They commence barking and building ; in one half hour' I have seen one of the most beautiful, romantic, and stillest parts of the wilderness become a busy and clamorous town, and the beauti- ful forest marred for materials for their habitation, and as much bustle as though the spot had been located for generations. Although to a casual observer a native encampment may appear void of arrangement, such is not the case ; if the whole or most of a tribe be present, it is divided into small hamlets of about six mia-mias each, distant from each other five or six yards, merely sufficient to prevent the fires of one from molesting the other. The hamlets are about twenty yards from each other, or more, according to the space of ground on which they are encamped. In each of these hamlets is one married man of consequence, whose duty it is to keep order, settle differences, &c. It often happens that one hamlet may have an altercation with another ; a lubra may have been seduced, or what not. The two hamlets will settle the dis- pute early on the following morning, the other hamlets no more interfering than if nothing was on the carpet, precisely as in some D4 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. of our courts and alleys in England when two neighbours quarrel, the others take no more notice than if nothing was the matter. I have often been much annoyed, when I have seen one knocking the other about and blood flowing from the head, to see an influ- ential black of the next hamlet, coolly sitting at his mia-mia smoking his pipe merely looking on. They hold no animosity when the quarrel is settled by the magistrate of the hamlet. The combatants may be seen sitting together sucking or cleaning each others' wounds, or smoking their pipes and eating together, Fight between Barrabool and Buninyong Blacks North of Mel- bourne. When two or more tribes congregate, they are ushered in by the messengers, who had been previously despatched with their diplomas, 1 one of whom, some hours previous to the tribes' approach, will return, and state the success or ill-success of his mission. The new comers will sit down about half an hour, when the principal males assemble. If their meeting be hostile (which is known for days before), the war-cry is heard for a mile or more ere they arrive at the encampment. At length the party arrives ; all males are seated together, their heads and faces daubed with clay; they look beastly and terrific. The one I shall describe took place 5th December 1844 at half-past four. The Barrabool blacks close lined ten lines, with eight and ten in each line, seat themselves W. of the Buninyongs. After half an hour, King William, chief of the Barrabool tribe, advanced and stated " that charges had been made against his blacks of killing two of the Buninyougs and stealing lubras ; that his blacks were not afraid of them, and had come down and were ready to have the accusers' spears thrown at them." While speaking, another ad- vances, and brings charges against the Barrabool blacks, and bids them to come forward. This rouses the ire of the opposite tribe, when two step forward and rebut or acknowledge the assertions, remarking that they also are ready, in the presence of the other tribes assembled, to stand foremost and receive the spears of their opponents, &c. A general bustle may be seen now in both parties ; the parties more particularly accused prepare themselves, if of murder undisputed, perfectly naked, and in mourning from head 1 Two sticks about 6 or 8 inches lontf. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 95 to foot, squatted 011 the ground, without spear or any other weapon .save a shield to ward off the spears. In this case it is more a judicial proceeding, or the law being carried into effect, and though the tribes are all under arms it is more to check any disturbance or interruption to the execution of what they consider the sentence. But if it be a disputed case, the parties accused on each side, gene- rally two, three, or four, may be seen stepping forward, capering round and round, with small bunches of leaves round their ankles, as sometimes in a corrobboree ; both parties are now on the general move, shaking their weapons at each other, which raises their anger, giving three yells, stamping, and making the most frightful grimaces, and with distorted gestures gathering up dust and throwing towards their opponents, which excites both parties the more. A fire is made ; then kicking the fire about they form themselves again into lines, and their chief leads them ; they generally branch out and form a crescent, or extend into a long straight line. They may be seen now on both sides capering in the strangest attitudes the body can be placed in, some running to and fro with long spears in their hands, with their noses almost touching the ground ; others vociferating, lifting up their heels to their bottoms ; some advancing even among their opponents, and as actively backing themselves, pointing and gritting their teeth, while others are dancing round and round like Jim Crow. Those with leaves around their legs are stationary. All the aforesaid moves and grimaces are merely flashes in the pan ; the chiefs and other important characters keep on wrangling, pointing with their spears towards one party and another till the word of command. Then each black is at his post, and won- guims, spears, &c., all beside each fighting man, and the real warm work commences with wonguims, which are hurled apparently indiscriminately, but not so. You would be apt to doubt, seeing them five minutes after they commenced, to which side some belonged there appears such confusion ; but among them it is otherwise each knows his work. The missiles are, in the first instance, hurled without intermission, directed to those who have the boughs on their legs. Some soon hit others, who plant themselves (purposely) near their friends, which causes a general fight. When the Avonguims are all exhausted, then spears are used ; and should, 96 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. after all, the parties who should have received punishment escape (those with boughs around the ankles), they are pounced upon with bludgeons, and at close combat seldom escape unhurt. If things get too serious, the chiefs of other tribes will interfere (for the blacks never fight but in the presence of two or three other tribes, aware of their own weakness or passions), and with leonile rushing between the contending parties, bring the matter to a close, which is, like its commencement, ended in war, war, war, as they call it, or high words. The fighting over, one after another may be seen moving off grumbling as he goes, and in half an hour all is the greatest harmony, and generally there is a corrobboree at night. They seldom do much execution in their fights a few wonguim and spear wounds in some not dangerous parts of the body. They are too adroit in warding off from the breast and other mortal parts. Arrangement in Encampment when Different Tribes meet. I have often been struck with the exact position each tribe takes in the general encampment, precisely in the position from each other their country lies according to the compass (of which they have a perfect notion). I have found this invariably the case, and latterly could form an idea on the arrival of blacks what part they came from. A particular instance of this I noticed when the greatest number of blacks (up to that time) that had ever visited the Settlement was encamped N.E. by E. from Melbourne about two miles, to witness the judicial proceedings against Poleorong and Warrador for killing the Warralim youth at Too- radin, Western Port (Mr. Manton's). There were upwards of 800 blacks by the Settlement no small portion of seven tribes viz., the Loddon, Campaspe, Groulburu, Mount Macedon, Barra- bool, Yarra, and Western Port. The two undergoing punishment were two of the leading men and greatest warriors in the Western Port tribe. A bird's-eye view would look down upon the encampment thus 1. Loddon Blacks. 2. Campaspe Blacks. 4. Goulburn Blacks. 3. Mount Macedon Blacks. 5. Yarra Blacks. 6. Barrabool Blacks. 7. Western Port Blacks. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 97 Generally speaking, there is not a more peaceable community than the blacks when but one tribe is present. I have often been out with them for months with scarce an altercation, years back, when they were less corrupted, and fewer settlers in the district. I should have stated, on the meeting of tribes there is generally, in a short time, howling among the women. As the women are married from other tribes, they are permitted to go and sit down with the females. When they hear of one and another of their friends having died, they will anxiously inquire if their murder has been avenged, and if there is no flesh to assuage their grief they mourn and mar themselves, as described by me in my burial of the dead which I presume you have, though that was never finished. Ceremony of Tanderrum, or Freedom of the Bush. There is not, perhaps, a more pleasing sight in a native encampment than when strange blacks arrive who have never been in the country before. Each comes with -fire in hand (always bark), which is supposed to purify the air the women and children in one direction, and the men and youths in another. They are ushered in generally by some of an intermediate tribe, who are friends of both parties, and have been engaged in forming an alliance or friendship between the tribes ; the aged are brought forward and introduced. The ceremony of Tanderrum is commenced ; the tribe visited may be seen lopping boughs from one tree and another, as varied as possible of each tree with leaves ; each family has a separate seat, raised about 8 or 10 inches from the ground, on which in the centre sits the male and around him his male children, and the female and her sex of children have another seat. Two fires are made, one for the males and the other for the females. The visitors are attended on the first day by those whose country they are come to visit, and not allowed to do anything for themselves; water is brought them which is carefully stirred by the attendant with a reed, and then given them to drink (males attend males and females females) ; victuals are then brought and laid before them, consisting of as great a variety as the bush in the new country affords, if come-at-able ; during this ceremony the greatest silence prevails, both by attendants and attended. You may sometimes perceive an aged man seated, the tear of gratitude stealing down his murky, wrinkled face. At night their mia-mias 98 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. are made for them ; conversation, &c., ensue. The meanitig of this is a hearty welcome. As the boughs on which they sit are from various trees, so they are welcome to every tree in the forest. The water stirred with a reed means that no weapon shall ever be raised against them. On Saturday, the 22nd March 1845, at an encampment east of Melbourne, near 200 strangers arrived. The sight was. imposing and affecting, especially their attendance upon that old chief Kuller Kullup, the oldest man I have ever seen among the blacks ; he must have been near 80 years. Female coming of Age Ceremony of Murrnm Turrukerook. Murrum Turrukerook is the name of the ceremony when a female comes to years of maturity, which is generally about thirteen or fourteen years of age, though age is no criterion, but the blood in the womb; when the first discharge of blood ceases, which they say is about three moons, they are of age. There were (at the one I am describing) two large fires of bark made (no wood of any kind save the bark) at about 100 yards from the encampment, at which was one aged lubra sitting down pensive. Bungerrook, the young woman (daughter of the Chief Billibellary) was brought forth in the encampment covered all over from head to foot with kunnundure (charcoal powder), except white spots all over her face and body, which gave her a singular appearance. She was attended by her mother, and another who led her. Her mother aided her up on a log, where the young woman stood silent and sad as though doing penance. She held a small branch in her hand, every leaf taken off, and on each twig was a piece of bread. About twenty young men went up to her slowly; each threw a little stick at her merely a twig ; the young men then drew near, and each bit off a bit of bread from the twig of the young damsel, and then spat it into the fire, and turned back and approached the second time, stamping and making the earth shake under them as they do in corrobboree, and raving and stamping out the fire. The same two lubras, who were her attendants, gathered the twigs thrown at her by the young men, and buried them deep in the earth. (This was to prevent her kidneys from wasting and falling into others' hands.) The twig held by the damsel was then demanded by the one who had charge of the fires, who gathers up the ashes and covers up the little twig when it is Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 99 burued. " She is then handed down from the log by her mother, who, with the other attendant, takes her to her father's inia-mia. A corrobboree, if it is a chief's daughter, as was this case, takes place at night, at which the father leads the dance. The young men before alluded to alone corrobboree. She is after this of age to have a kooliu, not before. The purport of this ceremony is, on the part of the young men, that they will not defile her person without her consent, or suffer others to do so, but will protect her to their utmost till she is law- fully married. Ceremony of Tib-but, or Males coming of Age. This is altogether a beastly concern. The young men have all the hair cut close from their heads, save a narrow streak from the front of the neck to the forehead, which gives them a raw-headed appearance. This is performed by a married man, and one of influence. The hair is first cut with scissors ; the head then scraped with glass. The head is then daubed over with mud, closely put on like plaster, the streak of hair being raised up, which gives the youth a still more beastly appearance ; there are strips of old rags, string, slips of opossum skin, and old rope, and all the variety of stripes with which a fringed apron girdles his body all round, flapping round his bottom, his face and body daubed over with motley daubs of clay, mud, charcoal powder in fact, every mess. To add to his beastly appearance, he is not allowed to have a blanket to cover him or anything night or day, and it is generally the winter season selected for this purpose. He goes through the encampment calling out " Tib- bo-bo-but." He has a basket under his arm, which contains all the filth he can pick up, not even omitting soil. In this plight, night and day, he is occasionally going through the encampment. He is not molested by any one. He frightens and bedaubs all he meets with some of the beastly commodities con- tained in his basket, but must not touch any Avho are in their mia-mias, or lubras on the way getting water, but in every other case he is at liberty to annoy and frighten all he meets ; the children are awfully frightened at him, and will fly, screaming, to their parents. He must, when he is on the move, continually cry out " Tib-bo-bo-but," which is the only warning the poor creatures 100 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. have of escaping him. I have been often struck at the fear created by him, though the encampment knows what it is, and think there must be more in the meaning than I am acquainted with. When his days are over, which last some time till appearance of hair begins to show itself, he is washed, and the females stripe his face with certain charcoal streaks mingled with werup (red ochre), and dance before him. P.S. You have read what I wrote for His Honor Judge Jeffcott. These scraps will give you a better idea of the people. Time will not permit me to give others ; and much that I have by me I cannot give you as yet, as I do not understand satisfactorily its purport. You are a married man, or I would not have stated what I have on the female coming of age. It will show you that these people have some respect for laws of nature ; in fact, they are more delicate than white people in many respects. There is one black who had a child by his daughter, and he is looked upon as a regular beast. These accounts are quickly put together, but the purport is correct, though you will find grammatical blunders innumerable. WM. T. No. 15. My DEAR SIR, Melbourne, 4th August 1853. Along with this note I have much pleasure in forwarding a statement drawn up in answer to Your Excellency's letter of the 25th ultimo; and I have to express my regret that I have not been able in all instances to give dates as I could have wished. Your Excellency will also perceive that the account of the occu- pation of the Dandenong district before I went to live in it, is given only on the information of others, and may not therefore be in every point correct. I remain, my dear Sir, Very truly yours, JAMES CLOW. C. J. La Trobe, Esq., Lieut. -Governor of Victoria. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 101 In the beginning of August 1838, the Rev. Mr. Clow took possession of the cattle run, Corhanwarrabul, which was so named after the mountain that formed its north-eastern boundary, but his home-station was at Tirhatuan, that part of the run which is adjacent to the junction of the Narrewong with the Dandenong. Before that period the more eligible portion of the country beyond him had been taken up. Mr. John Highett, he has been informed, was the first settler that crossed the Dandenong with stock, and that he was followed by O'Connor and the Ruffys, and that next after them came Mr. Joseph Hawdon, who may be considered the first that settled on the Dandenong, as those who had preceded him had gone about eight or ten miles to the east of it. He transferred his right to the Dandenong run to Captain Lousdale, who had Mr. Alfred Langhorne for his overseer at the time Mr. Clow settled at Tirhatuan. Their head station was at the bridge over the creek, where the present township of Dande- nong is situated. They had one out-station, Eumemmering, and both of these were transferred to Dr. McCrae in 1839; and shortly afterwards Eumemmering was transferred by him to the Fosters, and by them to Johnstone and Wilson, and by them to Mr. Power, by whom it is still held. The Dandenong station was retained by Dr. McCrae for several years, and then became the property of its present occupant, Mr. R. C. Walker. The run, which belongs at present to Mr. Charles Wedge, and which is generally known by the name of the Waterholes, was a part of country originally occupied by Mr. Hawdon, and has been since then in the possession of various owners. Along the Dandenong, on the east side, towards the moun- tain, and adjacent to Eumemmering, was the Corhanwarrabul run, which was occupied twelve years by Mr. Clow, and trans- ferred by him to Mr. Beilby, its present owner. In 1840 he formed an out-station close to the base of Corhanwarrabul, on one of three rivulets, which fall into a swamp, and which, on issuing from it at its south-west extremity, compose the Narre- wong creek. These on the side next the mountain always con- tinue to run, however hot or long the dry season may be ; but in general, for two or three months after the first of January, the Narrewong ceases to run, the water from the mountain being 102 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. evaporated and lost in the swamp, where it has no channel, and is spread out over a large surface among long grass and rushes. In dry summers the Dandenong, along its whole course, also ceases to run for one, two, or three months, and, like many other creeks in Australia, it spreads out, ere it reaches the sea, into a swamp, where a great portion of its water is lost, and evaporated in the way that has just been described. Throughout the period of Mr. Clow's residence at Tirhatuan, his family was very frequently visited by the aborigines belonging to the Yarra Yarra and Western Port tribes. They often encamped near his house; they were uniformly treated with kindness, and in return they always conducted themselves peaceably and honestly. While encamped on the Melbourne side of the Dandenong till a bridge was made for crossing the cattle and dray, his party was visited by a number of blacks, but the day after he crossed, about half a mile from his tents, an old man was found alone, beside a crab-hole in which was a little water, but he was without food and shelter. He had been left there by his tribe, because he had fallen from a tree, and was so lame that he was incapable of accompanying them on a hunting excursion to Corhanwarrabtil. He was removed to the tents, for he could not walk, and was taken care of till his people returned ; but as they did not do so in less than a week, it is difficult to conceive how he could have survived so long had he not been removed to the tents and fed. For the kindness shown him he was very grateful. He appeared to be the oldest member of his tribe, but lived many years after that time, and often referred to the occurrence which first brought him to Mr. Clow's acquaintance, but never did so without the most evident satisfaction and thankfulness. Not very long after the Tirhatuan Station was formed, Jack Weatherly, who was one of the finest looking and most intelligent of the natives, was applied to by Mrs. Clow, in Melbourne, to carry some biscuits to her son, as she was apprehensive that his provisions must have been expended, and as, owing to the state of the country after a heavy fall of rain, it seemed to be the best, if not the only way, she could send him a supply. He readily agreed to carry four dozen of biscuits to the station, a distance of seventeen miles, on the very easy terms that Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 103 he should have six to himself. With evidently great delight he stowed away his own in his dress, took up the bag containing the rest, and the note which was to be delivered along with it, and walked away, apparently quite proud that he was trusted. However, a few miles before he reached Tirhatuan, he fell in with a hunting party, and being one of the most athletic and expert of his tribe, he could not resist the temptation to join in the chase ; but before he did so he handed over the note and biscuits to a young man with strict injunctions to take them on, and deliver them immediately, and accordingly they were so delivered, contrary to the generally expressed opinion at the time Weatherly was despatched, for it was well known that the aborigines were particularly partial to bread and biscuit, and it was therefore inferred that the temptation to appropriate those \A-hich he had in charge would prove too strong for his moral courage to resist. This trifling incident is a pleasing illustration of the trustworthiness of two of the aborigines, and reflects favourably on the whole tribe, for it is not unreasonable to suppose that there were others belonging to it, who, if they had been em- ployed in the same way, would have acted in a similar manner. As to their honesty, no instance to the contrary was ever de- tected at Tirhatuan. Potatoes and melons were two articles of which they were very fond, and were produced at the station, and quite accessible; but never was a single instance known of any of them being stolen by the aborigines. They would not even go to a potato field that had been dug to look for potatoes without first asking and obtaining leave. The principal annoyance result- ing from their so much frequenting the run was occasioned by old Murray's dogs. That sable chieftain, who never could be in- duced to adopt any part of "whitefellow's" dress, always travelled with a large pack, and as necessity compelled him to train them to the principle of self-reliance for a livelihood, they were very ready to hunt the cattle, and, if possible, make some little calf their victim. At the time the Tirhatuan Station was formed, some of the natives expressed a determination to be revenged on one of the servant men. As soon as they saw him there, they recognised him as one whose conduct towards some of their women, before he 104 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. came into Mr. Clow's service, had given them great offence. He confessed that he had been to blame, and asked for his dis- charge, which was immediately given him, and he was safely returned to Melbourne. It is probable that, had they had mi opportunity, they would have murdered him ; but in doing so would they have done more than has been done by many Europeans, though in a more refined way ? Like other savages, they are naturally revengeful, but it is to be feared that on too many occasions their atrocities have not been committed without grievous provocation. The next settler on the Dandenong was Mr. Thomas Napier, who now resides in the parish of Doutta Galla. His run, which he took up about October 1839, lay along the western side of the creek, and extended from the Tirhatuan bridge to Scott's bridge. About a year afterwards he sold it to Mr. Scott, who died in Melbourne before he went to live there; but it was occupied by Mrs. Scott and family for two or three years, when they formed a small station on the other side of the creek, and sold the other to a family of the name of Drew. It was afterwards subdivided and occupied by a number of small settlers, who were principally employed in taking timber from that neighbourhood to Melbourne and other places for the purposes of building and the enclosing of purchased land. Two brothers of the name of Rourke, who were, in the first instance, sawyers on Mrs. Scott's original run, formed the station, which the elder brother still holds near the sources of the Dandenong. The aboriginal station of Narre Narre Warren was formed by Mr. Assistant Protector Thomas, and is so well known, that it is unnecessary for me to give you any account of it. The first settlers below the Daudenoug bridge, and beyond the run belonging to Messrs. Lonsdale and Langhorue, were Mr. Solomon and Major Frazer. The former had his station above the swamp through which the Dandenong passes, and the latter had his below it on the bay of Port Phillip. About six miles in a north-easterly direction from Tirhatuan, on the south side of the principal stream which descends from the mountain of Corhanwarrabul, and which mainly contributes to Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 105 form the Narrewong Creek below the swamp, is the sheep station of Monbolloc, which was first occupied by Messrs. Kerr and Dobie. It is small and scrubby, and has passed through many hands since its formation. On the south-east of Monbolloc is the small cattle station of Will- Will-Rook, originally formed and still possessed by Mr. Varcoe and his family. About the month of January 1850, during one night and a part of the succeeding day, an unusual noise, somewhat resembling that of a bush fire at a distance, was heard at Tirhatuan, and at an out-station about three miles off, situated near the Gap in the ranges behind Narre Narre Warren. At the former place it was heard by Mrs. Clow and others living there. She rose in the night time, and looked out to see if any of the huts was on fire ; and daring the day she went repeatedly into the verandah in front of the house to listen; and as the noise seemed to come from the rises on the west side of the creek, she sent two persons as far as the bridge with a view to ascertain what it was. On their return they said they could not tell, but that when they were at the bridge, the noise seemed to be at the house. The overseer happened to come, and she spoke of it to him, but he said that he had not noticed any unusual sound ; neither did he then perceive any. He was in a hurry and went off immediately ; but, happen- ing to go to the out-station at the Mountain Gap, he was asked by the two men there, both of whom had resided in the colony only a short time, and were therefore perhaps more liable to be easily alarmed, whether the fire was coming that way. He said he did not know of any fire. They told him that they had not slept during the night, for they had heard a noise as of a great fire at a distance, and were afraid it was coming in that direction, and that they could still discern it. He was thus forcibly reminded of what he had just before heard, and on going a little way to a rise, he listened, and acknowledged that he could dis- tinctly hear a noise similar to that which had been described, but could not tell what occasioned it. As heard by Mrs. Clow, the noise was not always the same, "but rose and fell, and after dying away for a little would begin again and gradually increase. IOC Letters from Victorian Pioneers. To some it seemed to be in the air, but the prevailing impres- sion on her mind at the time, and that to which she is still inclined, is, that it was subterranean. It will perhaps be con- sidered corroborative of this opinion that, on two previous occasions, an earthquake had been distinctly heard and felt there. The first was experienced in February or March 1843. It occurred at midnight, when the moon was full, the sky cloudless, and the wind still. To me and others who heard it at Tirhatuan, the sound was as if a light conveyance, making a sharp rattling noise, had passed rapidly between the house and the kitchen these buildings being about eight yards apart. The tremor, though distinctly felt, was not great ; but at the out-station, near the base of the mountain, both the shock and the noise were very considerable. The two men sleeping in the hut were instantly roused, and ran out to ascertain what was the matter ; but neither seeing nor hearing anything unusual, they conjectured what had happened ; and as the shock was experienced in the same manner at Rourke's station, about five miles off, it would appear that it was severest along the base of the mountain. The second shock was felt in 1847, at the same season of the year. It occurred at four o'clock in the afternoon, and was experienced at the same time in Melbourne and other adjacent places. Those in the house at Tirhatuan, when they felt it moving, ran out in alarm, not doubting for a moment what it was. And a party that were out riding in the direction of the mountain heard it, and were struck with the noise as an extraordinary one ; but, instead of ascribing it to an earthquake, they thought it was caused by horses galloping in the bush. Although the sound which has been described is not likely to have been produced by the action of wind on the forest, as the weather at the time is said to have been calm and settled, and al- though Mrs. Clow was then, and still is, of opinion that it was subterranean, yet perhaps it is possible that it was occasioned by currents of air in the atmosphere, but so elevated as not to disturb any objects on the face of the country, at least not in that immediate neighbourhood. It had often been observed that the wind blew very partially in that locality. Narrow belts of the Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 107 forest, scarcely a quarter of a mile broad and several miles long, might be seen on the run, strewed with fallen branches and uprooted trees, showing that- a hurricane had swept along that tract, whilst the forest on both sides remained uninjured. And it was no uncommon thing for one to witness the top of trees bending and tossed about in wild commotion though not broken down along only a narrow strip, and to hear the sound thereby occasioned, as then, on the surface of the earth and within very circumscribed limits ; so, at some elevation above, very partial and very powerful currents of air may sweep along, and, if they sometimes fly with increased, and sometimes with diminished speed, as in a hurricane or typhoon, the swelling and subsiding of the noise which was heard might be thereby occasioned. No doubt it is difficult, if not impossible, to conceive how currents of wind in the atmosphere alone could make a noise, as, in order to produce it, something opposing or retarding the current of air seems to be absolutely required. No. 16. PlXE PLAINS. 1 On the 23rd of August 1847, the application for this run 2 was accepted and registered in favour of J. Clow, junior, by the Com- missioners of the Wimmera district. Owing to the scarcity of water between it and Lake Hind- marsh (the distance being 50 miles), no stock was put upon it until the month of May 1848. As the scarcity continued, the sheep were removed in November of the same year. In April 1849, the right of station was sold to And. Russell, Esq., mer- chant, Melbourne, for 15. It has been used as a winter out- station by him. The Wimmera River, however, has at last forced its way through the desert and along a former channel into this 1 Native name " Wirringrre." 2 No. 78 on Ham's map. Fifty miles north of Lake Hlndmarsh, and the lowest run on the- Wimmera Itiver. 108 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. tract of country, and inundated it to such an extent that it is doubtful whether it was not more valuable in its former state than now. The water obtained there in 1848 was from a well 20 feet deep. It was sunk chiefly through the old red sandstone formation, 1 and the spring of water fallen in with underneath it appeared to be a very strong one. The pasturage on the beds of the present lakes, and on the slopes of their banks, was of the best description, consisting much of salsolaceous herbage. Some of the Lake Hindmarsh tribe having been taken to assist in driving the stock thither, and in finding water for us on the journey, it obtained for us a friendly reception from the aborigines of this isolated tract. For months afterwards it existed, until the over- seer, one night about eleven o'clock, fired at what he supposed to be a wild dog rushing the sheep in the yard, but which unfor- tunately turned out to be a blackfellow. The aim was fatal, 2 the ball of the pistol going through his head. This tract of country was frequented by both the Murray and Wimmera River blacks. The Murray is distant 60 miles. I am given to understand that this run, which contains, or did contain, 60 square miles of good pasture land, was sold about a mouth ago for 1,500. This was solely for the right of station. J. M. CLOW. No. 17. 3 About thirty miles to the westward of Lake Hindmarsh lies the large sandy desert^ through which the boundary line between the Victorian and South Australian territories runs. The most north-westerly tract of pastoral country in the Wimmera District at that point, and forming a bay on the edge of this desert, was first 1 From this circumstance, the spring is called by the aborigines "koortiup," their word for a rock. * The overseer, 3Ir. Jenkins, was tried before 3Ir. Justice a'Beckett for this in the beginning of 1849, and discharged. This document is not signed, but is endorsed in Mr. La Trobe's handwriting " Mr. Clow" that is, J. M. Clow. ED. 4 Called Balerook by the natives, and No. 75 on Ham's map. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 109 occupied under pastoral lease by me in the month of May 1847. It is of the finest description of sheep country, very openly tim- bered, but scantily watered. It is dotted with swamps of no great depth, but the bottom being of tenacious clay, they, except in the droughty seasons, now contain sufficient water for the wants of the stock, since they have been, when dry, well trodden by the sheep grazing on them. I found the sole aboriginal occupants of that isolated tract to be one man of great muscular strength and proportions, his three women and two children. The custom of each head of a family being by inheritance or conquest the acknowledged proprietor of a certain tract of the territory of the tribe to whose chief he owned allegiance (over which the others were understood to hunt by sufferance from him) I found to prevail amongst the Wimmera and Lake Hindmarsh tribes. What I took up as a run was his portion of it. Although this native, whom I shall call "Geordie" (his English name), as I forget his aboriginal name, was apparently on the best of terms with his tribe, yet they hinted that it was his prowess, not right, that maintained him in possession of such a large tract of their territory and more than his share of the women, when there were so many without one whereby hangs a tale of the deep treachery which they exercised a few months after my arrival to dispossess him of both ; and all was so well planned that he did not seem to have the least apprehension of any impending danger. One evening, some fifteen or twenty men of the tribe arrived at my station from the direction of Tattiara, whither they stated they had been to procure the rods of a water plant with which they form the heads of their spears, bundles of which they had with them in their crude state, and they were on their return to the lake. They appeared to be very much fatigued with their day's journey, and very soon encamped, about 300 yards from our huts having first prevailed on Geordie, who was encamped within 50 yards of us, to join them at their encampment, which he did without reluctance, as they showed him a good deal of deference, more from the position of lord, which his prowess had acquired for him, than as vassal to their chieftain (who was amongst the number). 110 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. When I saw them lounging round their fires that night, they counterfeited their intentions so completely by laughing and joking with each other that I was quite unprepared for the tragedy of bloodshed which I witnessed on the following morn- ing. The first shades of daylight were just dawning when the shrieks of the women rang through the forest. On reaching the outside of the hut, I heard that peculiar sound 1 which the men utter when engaged in fighting when in the act of throwing any of their rude instruments of warfare. As the hour was the one usually chosen by a hostile tribe to make their onslaught of re- venge, I concluded that they had been attacked by the Tattiara blacks, who had perhaps followed them up quickly to square a debt of blood with them. By the time that I had dressed suffi- ciently to go and see the fight, all was hushed except the low wailing lamentations of some women, a sure indication that there lay a corpse. It being yet too dark to see in one tableau their camp and surrounding forest, I made for the wailing. On reach- ing the group, which consisted of two of Geordie's wives and two or three men who were winding a blanket round a corpse which was lying about half-way between their camp and my hut, the men preserved a determined silence to all my inquiries, and it was from the women that I ascertained the corpse was their late hus- band, and that he had been murdered by some of the men who had been encamped with him. He had been attacked by nine or eleven men at once, who, springing from their fires, poured their spears into him as he lay awake at his. He jumped from his lair (they said) and made for our huts, snapping the spears which were in his body close by the flesh, as I found to be the case on walking from the corpse to their camp, where the remnants lay on either side of his track. He had got about half-way before he received the mortal wounds from two jagged mallee spears, which now lay alongside of the corpse, and were covered with blood from point to tip, from their having been drawn through his body to get them out. As the two spear wounds did not cause instan- taneous death, they rushed in with their waddies, and gave the finishing stroke to the deed of blood. 'A stranger can best form an Idea by trying to pronounce " Whur-r-r." Letters from Victorian Pioneers. Ill By the time that the day had dawned the murderers had decamped, and were then many miles on their way to the lake, 1 impatient to recite 2 to the council of war which had deputed them to the task the successful termination of the stratagem. Those who remained maintained that they had neither previous know- ledge of what was to take place that morning, nor participation in the murder, and the testimony of the women corroborated the statement that they took no part in it. In the small open plain where the corpse lay we interred it. My men dug a grave, and having secured the top well with stones, to pre- vent the wild dogs disinterring it, crowned its summit with the murdered man's spears and other instruments of war, which 1 Lake Hindmarsh. - The aborigines of this island consider that when they can compass the death of a friend or foe by stratagem instead of in open warfare it enhances their standing as skilful warriors according to their notions of one. Previously to the country which lies on the Western side of the bay of Western Port (between what was at one time Manton's, and Allan's run) being occupied by squatters in the year 1835, the Gippsland blacks attacked some five-and-twenty of the Western Port tribe in the gray of the morning, and cut off every one of them. Their tombs consist of many cairns plainly visible to this day. When I went to reside at Dandenong in 1838, the blacks told me of the occurrence, and that they never had been able to avenge the wrong. Shortly after I settled amongst them I gave " Jack \Veatherly," one of the tribe, a double-barrelled gun to procure for me the lyre-bird. He was employed occasionally in this way when opportunity offered, and with practice became a very good shot. One day, without my expressing a wish for any more of the birds, he applied for a much larger supply of powder and shot than I had formerly given him at one time, stating that a large party of his tribe were going to procure lyre-birds, and promising me, after four or five days, no end of curiosities in the shape of birds of the air and denizens of the forest. As he had always satisfactorily accounted for what he had before, I gave him it without reluctance. The days lapsed into weeks, when he stalked up to the station, evidently elated with some success, which he was not long in telling me. After getting the gun, &c., he went to a council of war which was being held to take into consideration the glorious opportunity now presented to the tribe of avenging the onslaught I have alluded to above. The old men, who always shut their eyes and stopped their ears when they saw a gun being fired off, decreed that the powder and shot which had just been received from the various squatters on the ostensible plea of procuring lyre-birds, &c., should, by Jack Weatherly (who was appointed leader of the expedition) and those of his compeers who were proficient in the use of their guns, he buried in the skins of the wild blackfellows as they termed them (to show them the new mode of warfare they had adopted, and thus to prevent a recurrence of their visits) wild in contradistinction to the life of amity they themselves led with the white men. After four days' march through the barren mountains which separate Western Port District from Gippsland, they on the fifth day sighted the smoke of some fires on the skirts of the beautiful pastoral district there. On the following day, about mid-day, they surprised the camp, making prisoners of all in it, which consisted only of some old men and some children. They then went in search of the able-bodied men, whom they espied very busily engaged in fishing on the banks of a large river not far off. They managed to sneak upon them within ten or twenty yards, and then blazed into them, killing or severely wounding every one of them, seven in number. Those who escaped the first volley jumped into the river and swam across, but the second volley brought them all down. After cutting out their kidney fat, they took as much of the carcases as they could well carry on their return route, and having mustered their forces at the camp where they had captured the old men and children, they despatched them also, and then commenced their retreat. When they reached the first station on the Western Port side of the mountains, they still had portions of the legs and thighs of their enemies, which they had not consumed, but reserved for those of the tribe who were not present. Many maintain that the aborigines are not cannibals. They are not cannibals for the love of human flesh, but there are occasions when they do eat their enemies, as in the present instance, where they did it to render, according to their notions, the deed of retaliation more complete, and under an impression that partaking of the flesh of an enemy tended to confirm hatred and foster a passion for fresh deeds of vengeance. 112 Letters from Victorian Pio'iieers. remained there till some sacrilegious white haud removed them. The three women and the orphan children left immediately after- wards. The men told me that it was the custom of their tribe for the women after the death of a husband to secrete themselves in the bush for a week or two, and that after a certain time (a week or two) they become the wives of the first man who finds them. My informant I saw afterwards in possession of one of them. The aborigines in this tract of country subsist chiefly on a variety of roots which are very abundant, opossums, small kan- garoos (called cumma) which frequent the edge of the mallee scrub, an occasional emu, the fruit or flower of the stunted honey- suckle (very prevalent in the desert), and manna in the autumn. When, the hot weather prevails, birds are easily caught by them in the following manner : They conceal themselves in an arbour of boughs, close to the small remnants of surface water, or at wells, and snare the birds by laying a gin (attached to the eud of a rod) where the birds must or are most likely to stand when they come to drink. Having secured their victim, they draw the rod in, and by having the same snare attached to the end of the rod, they can set it again without leaving the arbour or frightening other birds away by showing themselves. While at this station I made several excursions into the large desert, with the view of discovering new tracts of pastoral country. We first went in a westerly direction. After proceeding about fifteen miles into it from the side next my run, we came to a steep ridge of sand-hills, about 200 or 300 feet above the adjacent desert. The surface of them was composed of nothing but loose drift-sand, and they were covered with a few stunted bushes. When on the summit they appeared to be a chain of hills running from where we ascended them northerly as far as the eye could reach. To the westward we saw nothing but an unbroken ex- panse, for the next twelve or fifteen miles, of the same dreary wil- derness that lay around us. Some months afterwards, when 70 miles further north, on the course of the Wimmera, we again struck a westerly course, and encountered the same chain of hills, still possessing the same features, and bearing in the same direc- tion. Interspersed but very distant from each other, on this desert, are oases of a few acres, where the eucalyptus and other Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 113 trees grow, with a fair sprinkling of grass. As the soil of them is very clayey, it was only on them that we found surface water to drink. The whole eastern extent of it is a loose white sand, covered chiefly with a very prickly grass, which grows in large tufts, and is so stiff in the blade that it causes the horses' legs to bleed as they travel over it ; also with stunted mallee, and a very diminu- tive species of the honeysuckle tree, the flowers of which the natives crush and steep in water, in order to obtain what is to them a sweet and nourishing drink. The emu and the lowan are the only birds of size on it. The former frequents the open desert, the latter the mallee thickets. A remarkable feature of this small portion of country I observed to be that it blew a strong fresh breeze both day and night, beloAV which it seldom moderated, but occasionally increased to a tornado. One swept along with de- vastating fury in the month of December the same year. It passed over an out-station, snapping even trees of two and three feet diameter in two, about five or six feet from the ground, and lop- ping off the boughs of those it did not carry down. The tent in which the men were living was carried off into the swamp about half a mile, and few of the pannikins and plates were found again. It seemed to be confined to about half a mile in width. Owing to the constant current of air, I never saw any dews while there. As most of the Wimmera District was settled the year before I went there, I cannot give a correct statement of the deportment of the aborigines to the squatters when the latter first took possession of the territory. With regard to Geordie's behaviour on the occasion of my taking up the run, he attempted a day or two after our arrival to disarm one of the hut-keepers while in the hut with him, but failed, and luckily the man had presence of mind not to shoot him. We saw no more of him for two or three weeks. When he came back he seemed ashamed of having violated the confidence we had reposed in him, ridiculed his attempt on the hut-keeper, and apparently had made up his mind to have his little territory invaded by the sheep. At shearing time I found him and the other blacks very useful, placing all the flocks in their charge, as I was obliged from a scarcity of shearers in that out-of-the-way place to employ all the shepherds in shearing the sheep. I never found them to have appropriated any to their own use. 114 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. I sold this run (which I called " Balerook," from the desert on which it lay) to Mr. George Urquhart in the following December. It has subsequently passed from his hands to Mr. Broughton, the present holder. Its registered extent is 50 square miles. It is bounded by the runs of Major Firebrace (formerly Grant's), Mason, and Little. No. 18. 1 Arrived, by order of General Sir Richard Bourke, at Geelong in 1847, where, according to the General's directions, I was to take an absconded felon on my staff. This man had been a resident near Geelong for 33 years, and was therefore well acquainted with all the natives in that locality. My orders from the General being to assemble as many of the natives as possible, for the purpose of knowing their numbers in this part, due notice was given, and we succeeded in making a large muster of 275 of all classes men, women, and children. The General sent bales of blankets, slop clothing, dresses for the females, shoes, and a large quantity of flour and tea, and two dozen of toma- hawks (not issued, but thrown into Moorabool River). These articles were all divided amongst the natives. Unfortunately, a few blankets were deficient, whereupon the native men unprovided set up a yell, and became almost frantic, a state of things which instantaneously became general, and the assembly demanded more and more every minute. Fearing bad results from my visitors, from their general demeanour and manner, and becoming some- what apprehensive, I ordered my two constables to load, and my ten convicts to fall in close to my hut. The natives saw this preparation, and I kept some distance from them with my double- barrel gun, accompanied by Mr. Patrick McKeever, district con- stable, also armed ; it had the effect of making the natives retire, the interpreter Buckley telling them to do so. I 1 This paper is not signed, but has evidently been written by Captain Foster Fyans. ED. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 115 was exceedingly happy at the result, not having the slightest trust in Buckley; and I may now add, my conviction is that the natives assembled wishing an opportunity to murder every per- son in the place. After this escape I never permitted more than a few to approach the place, when they were kindly treated and provided with some salt pork, which was not such a delicacy as mutton, but fresh meat was not to be had, and sheep were ex- tremely dear and scarce. A few days followed. I saw a native in a rage take a child giving it many blows, and eventually catching it by the leg, and battering its head against a gum-tree. This was on the opposite range of the river. On my arrival at the spot (which took some considerable time, on account of the river winding so much), when I reached the tree I found evident marks that the child had been killed, and taken from the place, but there was not one native to be seen. A station at the Leigh was attacked ; two men in charge de- fended a few hundred sheep, driving them before them to another station. I saw some four natives that had been shot dead. I investigated the affray, and gave much credit to the men for their good conduct. Buninyong, only 50 miles from Geelong, was thought a great discovery. Some few of the settlers removed to that locality, where many disturbances took place. Shepherds were murdered and sheep stolen. On numerous occasions I have had to visit the place, on complaint of the settlers, and also that I might have it in my power to gain information as to the reported depredations of the natives. I felt convinced of these depredations, and gene- rally found the origin of theft and murder was from an over-inti- macy on both sides the women ruling, depraved, and bad ; so much of this existed that there was hardly a shepherd without disease. Large families of natives husband, wife, boys, and girls were eaten up with venereal disease. The disorder was an introduction from V. D. Land, and I am of opinion that two-thirds of the natives of Port Phillip have died from this infection. During 1837-8-9, as the country began to be occupied, I had many journeys to stations, of from 40 to 50 miles, Colac and 11G Letters from Victorian Pioneers. Buninyong being the most distant. In all my investigations I found where life was lost that blame was attributable to both sides to the jealousy of the native and over-intimacy of the hut -keeper or shepherd, who was one day feeding the natives and the day following beating and driving them from the pl,ace. In 1840 I was made Commissioner of Crown Lands. I had eighteen troopers. These men were soldiers who were sentenced by court-martial (when serving in America), for desertion, to trans- portation to N. S. Wales. I never met with a more orderly or steady set of men ; they had their horses always in good order, and were ready and willing to perform their duty. No pay was allowed by Government, and their only remuneration was the common ration. For the seven years I held the office of. Com- missioner of Crown Lands I had only one man who left me. He deserted to Adelaide. Every man I had could have followed him, and that, too, well mounted. I am glad to say, to their credit, not a man followed his example. In 1839 the squatters in Portland Bay District were very limited in number, not exceeding a dozen. In 1840 very few joined them, and the revenue in licenses did not exceed 150. In 1842 the district began to become of some notice, and a vast number of most respectable establishments appeared. In 1843 and 1844 the district was rapidly filling ; and during 1845 and 1846 there were four hundred licenses granted in a country almost without a European in it in 1839 and nearly as large as England. Mr. Gisborne was the Commissioner of Crown Lands for Port Phillip, which was divided when I was appointed. I may remark on the Portland Bay District knowing it for years, and having ridden over it some thirty-four thousand miles that a finer or a more beautiful country cannot be. There are parts sandy and barren, but generally the ground is useful, many parts possessing great advan- tages for pastoral purposes, and many bits of ground being fitted for immediate agricultural purposes, I may safely say, without an outlay for grubbing a tree so different from New South Wales, where every one cleared is attended with a serious expense. The district is exceedingly well provided with water ; many of the waterholes are everlasting, and there are besides reaches of rivers and many fine and valuable springs. letters from Victorian Pioneers. 117 In 1839, by order of Sir George Gipps, I left Geelong to proceed to Portland Bay. I was allowed three mounted police and seven horses. Mr. Smyth, of the Survey Department, had orders to attend me. The distance is about 220 miles. At that time the squatting stations were chiefly about the towns. We proceeded, bringing provisions on a pack-horse. We experienced great difficulties and obstructions. In many instances we had to return for miles, the country being impassable, and seek another route. We were two days endeavouring to cross a stony range, and had to return to Mount Eeles, without water. We found ourselves surrounded by, I suppose, 150 natives, following us with their spears, yelling and brandishing their waddies. On leaving the range we halted at a tea-tree scrub, where we found water. We Avere cooking some pannikins of tea when we heard the native cooey in every direction ; this subsided ; I suspected that the natives were close to us. I walked down the creek with my gun, first ordering the men to stand to their horses. I returned and told Smyth that the creek, I thought, was full of natives. We took some tea, mounted, and rode about 50 yards, when a formidable number, at least 150 natives, jumped from the brushwood in the creek, making after us for some miles. We escaped them, and we met others, but none would approach us. No inducement could persuade them. We chased one, to endeavour to make him find water for us near Mount Rouse ; he ran fast, and got to a tree, climbing it like a mon- key, and letting fly behind on some of the party as he ascended, to his utmost satisfaction. We were eighteen days before we reached Portland after leaving Port Fairy. On our left we met many obstructions on the flat grounds and large swamps in that part of the country, which is intersected so much by two small rivers, that with difficulty, after some days of consultation as to what we should do (as our stores were all expended) whether to push on or return, we came to a determination to endeavour to gain the high ground, which we fortunately did on that evening. After spending a truly miserable night, with nothing to eat, plenty of rain, and a good fire, we were glad at daylight to proceed again, when, to our great joy, we saw a vessel at anchor in the bay. We descended towards the beach, when our hearts failed us. We were pulled up by a large river in front of us. Another consultation 118 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. took place, when one of the policemen said, " Let us go on to the sea." In the former instance Smyth thought to keep up the river was our only plan, which we did. Smyth swam across with a sabre in his mouth, and got on the sand-hills, whence he could see the river, which close to the sea became a large lagoon. On returning, he explained it was useless to follow down ; therefore the party kept up, following the river, and rounding some large lagoons. In the second instance we took the advice of an old policeman ; we reached the beach where a hard sand answered as a good road. Had we in the first instance travelled down to the beach, we could have crossed in like manner, for the river in this neighbourhood has an entrance into the sea. We reached Port- land in a few hours, receiving a hearty welcome from Messrs. Henty, who kept a whaling establishment, and were the only residents in the place. I had His Excellency's order to make some investigations, and, after a rest of three days, our party pro- ceeded towards the Glenelg, to a station held by Messrs. Henty and the Messrs. Winter, on the Wando River. After finishing my business in two days, we purchased some provisions to carry with us on our return home. After crossing the Wannon River, we made a new route, almost east ; and we met with no kind of obstruc- tion, and were only one day without water. We reached Geelong on the fifth day after leaving the Glenelg. I may remark during this journey we did not meet with any natives ; the country was desolate and uninhabited, and was covered with rich kangaroo grass three and four feet high. At that time I considered the country beautiful, particularly in passing Mount Sturgeon and the long range of conical hills for many miles towards what is now called Mount William. We passed Terrinallum Hill, now called Mount Elephant. Since the journey, I have again visited all these parts. On the hill Mount Sturgeon a large stone sits in a cradle ; one or two of my policemen moved the stone ; it is nearly round. Terrin- allum has a large crater, like every other hill in this part ; also basins, some of them of great depth and two and three miles in cir- cumference. Three great beauties of the kind are close to Timboon. The country between Timboon and the Hopkins River would remind any person lately from home of a nobleman's park, with the expectation of coming soon to a magnificent house. Many a Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 119 dreary ride I have had over this magnificent, splendid country, lying waste and idle, with an odd flock of sheep here and there and fine, fat bullocks with hundreds of square miles to roam over. This land, for agricultural purposes, none can surpass, and it would maintain thousands and thousands of people by common industry, with a yearly surplus of grain, enough to feed the entire population of Victoria to this 17th day of August 1853. It lies, as formerly for years, in the hands of a few squatters at the nominal yearly rental of a squatting license, which is nothing like the value of the ground. The country for many miles about Colac nothing can sur- pass in its fine, rich soil. The lake is in circumference about, I suppose, 14 miles. A few years ago it became almost dry. On visiting it, it was my opinion that it would in a few years be- come a large swamp. Of late years it has regained its waters, so much so in May 1852, that its banks were overflowed the water rushing over the plains into the Barwon and Leigh, and causing the wonderful flood on the 20th May 1852. At Geelong the Barwon River rose about twelve feet higher than the highest flood experienced since my arrival in 1837, destroying a vast deal of property, and carrying the bridge away on Barwon River, Geeloug, and also several others. The squatting population consists of such various classes of persons that it is impossible to speak of it as a body. Many of the squatters are gentlemen, worthy and excellent men, of undoubted character and well connected at home. Mount Emu is a beautiful country. A noble pack of hounds was kept up by gentlemen squatters who met every season, hunting twice and thrice a week, and meeting at each other's houses, where good cheer and good and happy society were ever to be met. I have sat down with thirty gentlemen at Mr. Goldsmith's to an excellent dinner given by that gentleman. There was an ample provision of all that was good set before his guests, who, one and all, had hearty and joyful faces, talking of to-morrow and the day's sport before them. We retired to rest on our shakedowns on the floor at eleven o'clock ; at daybreak the master of the hounds, a squatter, sounded his bugle ; shortly after, his second, for breakfast ; and in half an hour his third bugle, when a fine pack of dogs let loose 120 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. from the kennel appeared, full of life and glee, led away by the well-known master of the hounds, Compton Ferrers, followed by thirty Avell-mounted gentlemen squatters. The game was not far distant. In half an hour we came on the scent of a native dog ; he had a long start ; the pack took up the scent, and followed breast high; the ground was rather moist ; some horsemen were thrown out ; but there were twenty in at the death, after passing over sixteen miles of ground without one check. The wild dog is noble sport ; and as to the day I speak of, I doubt even if Leicestershire ever turned out a better pack or a better set of sportsmen in a field during a season. On the following day I had the pleasure of again meeting the same party, and on many occasions after this. I may now remark, in a country like this, where dissipation prevails, among this class of gentlemen squatters in no instance did any man exceed, or forget that he was a gentleman. Another class of squatters is a kind of shop-boys. A plain man can barely approach them. They have wonderful sources of wealth and comfort, with dirty huts and no comfort, but with plenty of pipe-smoking, grumbling, and discontent. For seasons a hut would be just the same on one side of the door you will see an aged tobacco plant; there is no garden no vegetables, but bones, rotten sheep skins, and filth in plenty. Inside the door there was often a large hole in the mud floor worn by the heels of persons going in, and, if not aware of this, ten to one that you had a chance of upsetting the table, tin-dishes, and greasy mutton chops. As to beds, this gentry are not particular. I lay on one for hours in great torment, tired and wishing for sleep ; I envied five or six who were snoring close about me. Sleep I could not, from something hard and long under my loins. I took my knife, cut the sacking, when I pulled out the leg of a sheep with a long- piece of the hide as crisp as a toast. Here is a country yielding all that man can require for only a little labour. It abounds in a class who care for nothing excepting self-interest. For years they have the same hut ; not so much as a drop of milk ; for breakfast, hysonskin, mutton chops swimming in fat, and damper ; damper and fat chops for dinner ; hysonskin and the same for supper. No deviation even in lent. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 121 Another class consists of old shepherds. I have known this class to grow rich, the master poor, and in time the worthy would become the licensed squatter. I have known many of them to become wealthy, and some who did not forget themselves ; but most were out of their places, and it would have been better for the community had they remained shepherds rather than become masters. Litigation is a favourite rule, and almost anything can be gained by an overwhelming evidence. I stated that on my arrival I mustered 275 natives. So many years have passed over that at the present day, August 22nd 1853, I feel assured that not more than twenty aborigines are living about Geelong. Some were children when I came, and within the lapse of these few years have become aged and decrepit. The life of the aborigines cannot be of long duration ; and I am of opinion longevity is unknown. Balyang was held up to be more respected than any native in this place ; he was remarkable for his good conduct, decency, and good order ; he was very polite, con- stantly sending presents of oysters and bustards. He was a par- ticular friend of mine. By some means he became possessed of an old musket, of which I on many occasions told him to be careful, or he would shoot himself, urging that it would be better for him to use his spear and boomerang. He laughed, saying the gun was better. This remarkably fine old man went to the Werribee River to shoot bustards. As he was one morning leaving his miam, on pulling the gun, the lock went off, and the contents of the charge went through his body. He died in a few minutes, leaving some three wives and four young boys. One of the boys is still living in Geelong or the neighbourhood. He cannot be more than nine- teen or twenty years of age ; but for a stranger to look at him he must consider him an old man. Woolmudgen was always with his relative, old Balyang, until the latter died, when he lived with Mr. Fisher for some years. He was taken care of, and well provided for on the establishment, his father having been killed, and his old friend Balyang gone, so that he remained almost an inmate. As he grew rapidly, he became a man in a few years ; his habits changed; he withdrew himself for weeks ; on returning he would only laugh at all questions put to him, saying " The bush better than house, plenty of grubs good as mutton." Of 122 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. clothes he had always a good supply, but when he left in the morning well dressed, if he returned in the afternoon he was always naked. He placed no value on anything. The latter days of this youth (he was about twenty years of age) were spent in drunkenness and riot. He was nearly six feet high, a powerful and strong man, but disease and filth gave him the appearance of age. He died nearGeelong from inflammation. Bon Jon, another of old Balyang's tribe, lived with me for some four years. He was a stout lad, very civil and useful. He always attended me in the bush, and was often with me for a space of three or four months, going from one station to another, and during that time never seeing one of his tribe. I was passing Colac, and remained at Mr. Murray's for the night. The Colac tribe had a camp near at hand. Some seven men, accompanied by a couple of women, came to us, covered with white paint a death warning, the women's faces torn and bleeding, the men carrying spears, langeels, and waddies. One spoke to Mr. Murray. Mr. Murray immediately told me their intention, viz., " to kill my boy, Bon Jon." Pointing to the men, I told the boy r who, in a cool way replied, " I know it ; I am ready for them," letting out a volley of abuse at the party. Taking his pistol, and cocking it, "Come on Merrijig," he cried to the doctor, who came for the purpose of extracting Bon Jon's kidney fat. He defied all. For safety, I made my boy stay inside the house all night. The natives remained lurking about for an opportunity to murder him. This animosity was caused by the death of a Colac native, which happened at a corrobboree near Geelong ; it was, therefore, needful that a Geelong native should die. On the following morning a numerous collection presented themselves, demanding Bon Jon, with a promise not to kill him, but merely to extract the kidney fat. I asked him if he would be satisfied to undergo the operation. " Me give," said he, " if you wish it," showing his pistol's clean new flints, and his sabre as bright and sharp as a razor. All he required from me was liberty to have a quarrel on the ground. We mounted and left. About two miles from Colac we met some natives on their way to Colac from the Mission Station. Approaching us, and seeing Bon Jon, they were quite taken aback, and ran from us immediately ; in fact, the party were on their way to partake of Bon Jon's kidney fat, and femoral bits. Letters from Victorian Pioiieers. 12 3 The boy was very brave ; in fact, he had no fear ; he begged me to let him "only kill one with the big knife," stating that he would not fire, and pointing out one who had a fine lubra, saying, " If you let me kill him, I'll get his wife." I had on many oc- casions tried the courage of this savage boy. Near Port Fairy, in 1843, a shepherd was most barbarously murdered by natives, which attracted the attention of the police. I was out for many days with a party of seventeen mounted border police. The weather was cold and wet, and we suffered in many ways. We were on horseback from daylight to night, examining all the creeks and stony lands between Port Fairy and Eumeralla. We spent ten days in this way, and not a black did we fall in with. We were compelled to give up, owing to want of provisions and sickness. On the following morning, accompanied by Bon Jon, we set out to seek a passage for our dray, in order to get away. We went about seven miles, and, meeting with great obstacles, returned in another direction, finding a far better country. When we came within two miles of our camp, on turning a tea-tree copse, we met a most powerful native, and on asking questions, he related to Bon Jon that the clothes he had on belonged to the dead man at Mr. Ritchie's. It was a wet day. Bon Jon said " This is the fellow that we have been looking for." Again asking him if he had been at Mr. Ritchie's, and inquiring about the man and clothes, we are confirmed ; we threw our cloaks off; the native dashed his spear through and through Bon Jon's. Bon Jon pulled out his pistol, snapped it, and missed fire ; pulled out his sabre and dashed after him, when horse and all fell among the rocks and stones in a deep gully. We did all in our power to apprehend this savage, but we could not ; he had four spears, langeel, and shield ; with one blow he dashed the sharp end of the langeel through my horse's nose ; as we came up with him, the tribe threw many spears at us, making off ; the man was left to us. Jumping on a large mound of rocks and loose stones, he howled out, " Come on, white b ," at the same time throwing his last spear at Bon Jon. He was not to be seen in a. second. This native went into Port Fairy some days after, showing his shield with the sabre cuts on it. Some months after this, at Geelong, Bon Jon became quite changed ; he no longer had a wish 124 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. to follow me or Avear his dress. Away with his tribe constantly, he came to me occasionally; he still had a strong grudge against the Colac tribe ; he came to me one day saying, " One Colac fellow down here with a gin," and that he would kill him. I desired him not. He was as good as his word. He loaded a carbine, followed the unhappy black with his gun, and shot him dead. Bon Jon and the gin, who was now occupying his time and attention, I Duncan and Mason, McMillan, ) There are several settlers squatting without license, keeping stores, grog shops, &c. If obliged to pay license their licenses would produce : Campbell, Neilson, Fernham, ^j Bunton, Kennedy, Cutts, 70 Turnbull, J Assessment for this half-year : 7,000 cattle ^ 35,000 sheep 120 8 4 150 horses J Assessment for next half-year (adding 50 per cent.) ... 180 12 6 Probable amount of revenue for 1843 ... ... 511 1ft This amount is likely to be much increased, as follows, from the number of settlers going to Gippsland. Probable amount of Customs duty now lost to the Government : 3,600 Ibs. of tobacco all can be landed free of^j duty from Van Diemen's Land ... >- 360 0* Two public-house licenses ... ... J Spirits, at an average of 10s. a gallon ... ... 300 Total ... ... 1,171 10 This is the amount of revenue that can be collected in Gippsland with proper officers. This is allowing 12 Ibs. of tobacco to each grown adult male per annum known to be less than the average and say each man spends 5 per annum in drink, of this 4 is for spirits at 40s. (retail price) per gallon. The Treasury has also received 10,240 for two special surveys at Gipps- land, and also 5,120 for a third "special" there, but which has since been allowed to be selected elsewhere. The township is also being surveyed at this moment, and must bring a considerable sum to the Land fund. 1 This document is not signed. It was found by Mr. Raymond amongst his papers, and forwarded by him to Mr. Tyers, along with the preceding letter. ED. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 135 No. 20. Warrnambool, August 30th 1853. DEAR SIR, I received your letter of the 29th ult., asking information as to the first occupation of various portions of the colony. This I have great pleasure in furnishing, so far as my recollection will admit. I shall therefore commence from my first connexion with Port Phillip. I first visited it for the purpose of examining it early in February 1836, at which time there were not more than about 2,500 sheep in the whole district, although fully twice that number had been shipped, but from casualties had been reduced to about the number I have named. One of my brothers and myself reached Gellibrand Point early in July, where we heard that a number of gentlemen on a pleasure party had been with the brig Henry into Geelong harbour ; and as we wished to settle west- ward, this at once determined us on attempting to land our sheep at Point Henry, then known by the native name Maloppio. We succeeded in doing this, and I put the first sheep ever landed on the point ashore on the 9th July 1836. During the same day Mr. John Steiglitz also arrived with stock. We immediately removed to the Moorabool and occupied both sides of that river from Sutherland's Creek down to the old Race- course. At this time there were only three stations west of the Werribee, viz., Cowie, Stead, and Steiglitz, at a place on the Moora- bool known as the Bell-post ; Dr. Thomson's station at the falls on the Barwon ; and a Mr. Darke on the Barrabool Hills. These I believe arrived and occupied the country in the order I have named them, having landed their stock either at the Heads or at Gellibrand Point. We were immediately followed by Mr. Wm. Eoadknight, who occupied the country on both sides of the river where the lower vineyards are. In the September following a great influx of stock into the Western District took place by the arrival of Mr. Joseph Sutherland, who settled on the creek now bearing his name ; Mr. G. Russell, on account of the Clyde Company, on the Moorabool and Leigh ; Mr. David Fisher, on account of the Derwent Com- pany, occupying where Geelong now is, Indented Head, and the country about the junction of the Barwon and Leigh. A Captain 13G Letters from Victorian Pioneers. Pollock went on to the Barwon where the upper vineyard is ; a Mr. Sharpe, on account of Colonel Kelsall, taking the upper part of Sutherland's Creek, and Mr. John Highett, who remained (moving about) a short time on the Barwon, finally removed into the Melbourne District. The above, to the best of my recollection, arrived during September and October of 1836. I then, until the commencement of 1839, resided in Van Diemen's Land (with the exception of occasional short visits), and cannot say in what order the country was taken up. In Novem- ber of 1837, my brothers and self examined the country about Buninyong, Warrenheip, and Lake Burrumbeet, and encamped one night on the now-celebrated Golden Point, Ballarat, little dreaming of the immense wealth beneath us. At this time there were only two stations on the upper part of the Moorabool, viz., that of Mr. J. N. McLeod, and that of Mr. G. F. Read. It was in December of 1838 that my brothers first discovered Lake Purrumbete and Mount Leura country ; we then abandoned our station on the Moorabool (which became a kind of depot for stock on first arrival), and removed our stock to Purrumbete, which we occupied about the close 'of January 1839. The Messrs. Bolden had a week or two previously occupied the run on the Pirron Yalloak, which they soon after sold to Scott and Richard- son. The next station formed was at Mount Noorat, by a person named Taylor, on account of Messrs. McKillop and Smith, who sold to Messrs. Niel Black and Co. This was taken up in March 1839. The Mount Shadwell country was now occupied by a Mr. Anderson, who removed from the stations now held by McMillan and Wilson (Wardy Yalloak), with a portion of stock belonging to the Derwent Company, and soon afterwards fell into the hands of Captain Webster. Simultaneously with the occupation of Mount Shadwell the Messrs. Watson discovered the Hopkins, and took up the Merang run on the western side, and then sold to Mr. Farie. The land on the opposite side to Farie's was first taken up by the Messrs. Bolden, in August 1840, and then sold to Mr. G. Rodger. During the period from August to Christmas 1840, the Messrs. Bolden, by forming various out-stations, occupied on the western side of the Hopkins all the country subsequently held by Messrs. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 137 Plummer and Dent, Strong and Foster, Manifold, Ryrie, Car- michael, Good, Mailor, Manning, Eddington, Walker, and Cos- grove ; and on the eastern side, the part of the country held by Black, Johnson, Walker, Chisholm, and Allan. I cannot name the precise time when each of these stations was occupied, but be- lieve that Plummer and Dent's (now Joseph Ware's) was occupied about the latter end of 1842 or commencement of 1843 ; Strong and Foster's about the same time ; Ryrie's (the Lake Station) in June 1844 ; my own (the Grasmere Station) in the month follow- ing. The others were respectively portions sliced off the country claimed by the Messrs. Bolden. Allan's station was occupied first in 1841, and Chisholm's (junction of Hopkins and Emu Creek) about the same time. In reply to your inquiries as to the haunts, numbers, &c., of the aborigines, I am afraid I can give little or no information. Al- though each tribe has its own district, and each family its portion, I never could perceive that they became in any way attached to a particular spot, or attempted to construct a dwelling having any greater claim to permanency than the common mia-mia. Xor have I ever observed the slightest semblance of religion among them. With respect to their number at the time the country was first occupied, it has been, in all accounts I have seen, very much overrated. I come to this conclusion from having counted their mia-mias when congregated, and do not recollect in any instance seeing more than about 30, nor do I think they would average more than from four to five in a hut. Their manner towards the first settlers had generally the semblance of extreme friendship, but this, I am convinced, did not in reality ever exist ; it arose from the mere novelty of the thing, and a desire to gratify their curiosity, which, being satiated, they would, whenever they got a chance, plunder or murder even those from whom they had only a few minutes previously received presents and food This may seem harsh, but I have known so many instances of it, that I feel justified in speaking thus generally of them. Trusting the above may be of some little service, I remain, dear Sir, yours truly, THOMAS MANIFOLD. To His Excellency C. J. La Trobe, Esq. 138 Letters from Victorian Pioneers, No. 21. Hermitage, October 6th 1853. DEAR SIR, In reply to yours of the 29th July, requesting information as to the first settlement of the country adjacent to the Bar won and Glenelg rivers : In the first week of May 1836, I left George Town, Van Die- men's Land, with a small flock of sheep, in the brig Henry. Five days after embarkation they were landed at Williamstown, Port Phillip, where I found several, if not all, of the first settlers, with their flocks, all of which had been brought from Van Diemen's Land within the five or six previous months, and which were left in charge of the shepherds near the beach until suitable runs could be pro- cured. I have no recollection of any serious depredations having been committed by the aborigines at this time. The wild dogs were very numerous and troublesome, and destroyed several sheep. Their howling at night was terrific. While at Williamstown, a Mr. Franks and I agreed to take up a run together ; Mr. Franks was to select it. After making these arrangements, I left my sheep and shepherd and returned to Van Diemen's Land. About six weeks after, I received the melancholy intelligence of the murder of poor Mr. Franks and my shepherd, both of whom had been struck on the head by the blacks with a tomahawk while making a bush fence for yarding the sheep on the new run they had selected on Mount Cotterill, near the River Exe. Shortly after, during the day, my son Thomas on riding up to assist in making the yards, found the unfortunate Mr. Franks and the shepherd lying on their faces, with the back of their heads split open. About this time there were other murders one at Indented Head. Captain Flat, a manager for Dr. Thomson, after being dreadfully beaten and left for dead, recovered. Several other murders and robberies were committed by the blacks, but I cannot particu- larize them. After this, my sheep were put into a flock of Judge Pedder's, in charge of Mr. Darke, where they remained until the unfortunate circumstance of the loss of Messrs. Gellibrand and Hesse. These gentlemen had been missing some time, and, doubts being entertained of their safety, my son, who was an Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 130' articled clerk to Mr. Gellibrand, went with four or five others in search of the missing explorers in the direction where, from the information they had received, they hoped to fall in with their tracks. After searching and following the Barwon River in a westerly direction, about thirty miles from Geelong they found the tracks of the lost party, and followed them until they reached the place where Mr. Gellibrand and Mr. Hesse had camped. On this spot the searching party stayed during the night. Next morn- ing they continued following the track up the river until the country became so stony and rough that they could not trace the party further; consequently they struck off from the river towards Lake Colac; and therefore, it was at this time, and by this party, Lake Colac was first discovered, and also Buninyong, Stony Rises, and other places. After the party returned, my son took the sheep to the spot where he first found the track of Gellibrand's party, and where we have been ever since. This part of the country has since been- surveyed and marked off into counties and parishes. Our station, named Ingleby, is in the parish of Yan Yan Gurt, county Polwarth. The eastern side of my Ingleby station was taken up by Mr. Henry Hopkins, of Hobart Town, and is now the property of his son, John Hopkins, and called Wormbete. This property is considerably improved. The station on the north side of Wormbete was first taken possession of by Mr. W. Roadkuight, whose son is now in possession. The station south of Ingleby was taken up by William Road- knight, and is now occupied by Mr. Thomas Vicary, Mr. Roadknight's son-in-law. This station is called Yan Yan Gurt. The station adjoining this on the west was taken up by Thomas Crutch, who sold to Matthews, who sold to George Vicary, who is now in possession. The original occupiers of the country adjacent to, and lying W.S.W. further up the Barwon River, were Messrs. Austin, Roadknight, Ricketts, Dennis, and myself, all of whom, in 1840, were removed by the Government to make room for the Wesleyan missionaries, who, if I am correctly informed, brought an order from the Home Government to occupy ten miles square of land for the purpose of maintaining and civilizing the aborigines. This mission failed, and the land has since been sold, and let to the highest bidder. Nearly the whole 140 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. of it is now in possession of Mr. James Austin and myself. North- west of the Mission Station was originally occupied by a Mr. Matheson, who sold to the Messrs. Dennis, the present occupiers. The original occupiers of the land lying westerly from Messrs. Dennis, in the Colac district, were Messrs. Murray, Lloyd, Dr. Morris, Pollock, Dewing, and Captain Fyans, the whole of whom sold their right of runs, excepting Mr. Murray and Captain Fyans, in consequence of the great expenses and many difficulties they had to contend with. About five miles in an easterly direction from Dennis Brothers, and north from Ingleby about three miles, are two small mountains, supposed to be of volcanic production. They are named after the two unfortunate gentle- men, Messrs. Gellibrand and Hesse. Between Mount Gellibraud and Dennis Brothers' station is situated a station selected and originally occupied by Airey and Darnell, who made considerable improvements. These gentlemen dissolved partnership. Darnell sold to Airey, who has since died ; the property is now rented to Messrs. Beale and Trebeck. The station lying east of the last- mentioned, called Hesse Mount, is part of a station originally occupied by Messrs. Highett and Harding ; they having separated, Highett sold to Mr. Hopkins, of Hobart Town, whose son Arthur is now occupying it. Mr. Harding still retains possession of his half. My son Thomas, who has been previously mentioned in this letter, lost his life by a cold caught in crossing the Barwon before there were any bridges. I have the honour to remain, Your Excellency's most obedient servant, GEO. ARMYTAGE. His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, C. J. La Trobe, Esq., &c. P.S. Most substantial improvements, chiefly stone, have been made on nearly all the stations herein mentioned. They are fully stocked with sheep, cattle, and horses, and there are cultivated fields well fenced, on nearly every station. On our station there are 40,000 sheep, 2,000 cattle, and horses, &c. The aborigines occupying the country adjacent to the Barwon River, from the sea to its source, were supposed to be about 300 in all the Indented Head, Barrabool Hills, Colac, and Yan Yan Gurt tribes. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 141' Their chief support was fish, caught in the river in the summer and autumn seasons, and in winter and spring they depended on their success in hunting, together with the root called "murnong." The gentleman I expected to get information from relative to the country adjoining the Glenelg acquaints me he has given all the information Your Excellency required to Mr. Bell, 'the Com- missioner, but I am expecting this gentleman in Geelong, after shearing, when if I can glean anything further I will take care it shall be forwarded. G. A. No. Victoria Valley, MY DEAR SIR Saturday, August the 13th 1853. I am not surprised at your returning to Britain, be it for weal or woe. As for me, I suppose, as I made a fool of myself by going home for a wife, I must also make a fool of myself a second time by going again with her. For His Honour's informafcion : I came here about the year 1841 with 1,800 sheep and a few horses. The damned sheep eat the grass, and I pared their feet, and improved the country by my individual labour. I got the run from James R. Unitt, and Thos. Woolley first occupied it. I have had many a scrimmage with the w r hites, and the niggers once took a mob of my "jumbuks" across the Victoria to the Glenelg, where I followed them. I recovered all but 44 sheep with the assistance of Captain Dana and his since much-despised black guard. The niggers have always been shy of coming to or showing on this country. You will excuse my not writing more, as 'tis my abhorrence. With compliments to Mrs. Rose, and wishing you every happiness, I remain, yours very truly, HENRY DWYER. P. D. Rose, Esq. 1 This letter was forwarded by Mr. P. D. Rose to Mr. La Trobe. ED. 142 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 3STo. 23. Station of Hogg and Lawton, On board Lady Augusta steamer, beyond Swan Hill. Tuesday, April 20th 1853. MY DEAR SIR, You will oblige me by causing to be made, and sending to me at Adelaide, a copy of my despatch to the Secretary of State from the copy which I sent to Governor La Trobe, from Swan Hill, on the 17th inst. ; for by some oversight of my amanuensis a tran- script of it has not been retained to enable me to forward a duplicate to Downing Street. You will hear, no doubt, from Mrs. Irvine a correspondent of Mrs. Campbell's many of the little incidents of our voyage, which a lady's pen can only describe suitably. All I need say is that, in every respect, the journey has thus far been very agreeable, and Mrs. Irvine's wit and cheerfulness have con- tributed greatly to enliven us. The river for 40 miles approaching Swan Hill, and for 20 miles beyond it, presents the most singular aspect which it is possible to conceive a vast plain of reeds, without visible high land of any kind, or trees ; the river-course perfectly safe, 'open, and deep (3 and 3^ fathoms) ; occasionally a fringe of high trees, and then another vast plain, entirely bare and open, with large lakes. Whilst the first fringe of trees lasted, the snags were pretty frequent, and the trees rather overhanging, but offering no serious impediment to the navigation. On the reed- plains we have seen many fat cattle ; but generally, at this season, they are too much under water to be fit for pasture, but in summer I should think them excellent. The reeds evidently have a ten- dency to give place to grass, and consequently firmer ground, and when the day arrives for the wet plains to become meadows they will be rich indeed. The Mary Anne, a steamer of 20 tons, built, navigated, and owned by the Randalls, millers and farmers of Gumeracka, started a fortnight before us from the Reedy Creek, and reached Swan Hill some hours after us, on the 17th inst. She is now ahead of us, having steamed all night, and passed us this morning whilst we were at anchor cutting wood. The squatters are all delighted at the pi'ospect of sending their wool Letters from Victorian Piowers. 143 by water ; and there can be no doubt that steamers will hence- forth never leave these waters, to the great benefit of all the colonies, and the speedy exploration of the rest of the continent. Yours very sincerely, H. E. F. YOUNG. Norman Campbell, Esq. No. 24=. Ganawarra, 29th September 1853. oIR, I received your communication of the 29th July about five weeks since, and I have to apologize for not replying sooner. I hope that you will obtain some of the information required from the enclosed. Last Wednesday evening the Lady Augusta steamer arrived here, having on board Sir Henry Young and a number of ladies and gentlemen from South Australia. They left on Friday morning on their return. They seemed much delighted with their voyage, and quite sanguine as to the continual successful naviga- tion of the Murray for six or eight months in the year. I am, Sir, Your obedient servant, A. M. CAMPBELL. His Excellency C. J. La Trobe, Esquire. In October 1844, 1 came up to the Murray to look for unoccu- pied country suitable for pastoral purposes, and went out exploring on the other side of the river, and saw much available country. The lowest stations then were Messrs. Collyer's on this side, and Mr. Clark's on the other side of the river. Mr. E. B. Green had taken up a run below Mr. Clark's, which he had to vacate for about twelve mouths on account of the hostility of the blacks. In February 1845, 1 brought my stock (sheep and cattle) up to the Murray, and stationed them temporarily on the Yalloak Creek, about thirteen miles below the Messrs. Collyer's home-station, 144 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. and went out exploring on this side of the river, accompanied by Mr. McDougall (acting for Mr. J. C. Curlewis) and Jack, a native of Twofold Bay, and after being out fourteen days returned to my camp at the Yalloak Creek. Mr. McDougall and I proceeded to Melbourne to obtain depasturing licenses, and before my return poor Jack had been enticed away by other aborigines, who mur- dered him the day after. I was much surprised that he joined them, as I had frequently heard him express his belief that if they got an opportunity they would kill him, and that he put no faith in anything they might say to the contrary. I was much grieved at his loss, for he was a merry, agreeable fellow, a first-rate bullock- driver, and an expert horseman. He was about twenty years of age, and had lived seven years with the whites. I came here early in June. Mr. Curlewis had passed to Lake Boga ; Mr. James Cowper had located himself on the other side of the Loddon, with sheep, about eighteen miles from this ; and Mr. James RoAvan arrived at Gunbower Station shortly afterwards. I cultivated a friendly feeling with the natives, and I found them inoffensive and obedient. Upon one occasion, however, seven strange blacks came to the hut ; there was no one at home but myself, and after some conversation with them I went to the river for water. Previous to stooping down I happened to turn round, and saw one of the natives (Warrigal Jemmy, afterwards trans- ported for life) following me a few yards behind, with my own axe uplifted and clasped in both hands. I fixed my eye upon his, walked deliberately up to him, and gently took hold of the axe, which he quietly relinquished. I walked back to the hut con- versing with him, as if he had done nothing to excite my suspicion, and I concealed the circumstance from my own men and the natives on the station for about two years. When I men- tioned it to the natives of this place they said they had no doubt but that Warrigal Jemmy intended to kill me, but that he acted from impulse, and there was nothing premeditated. At another time, when near the Reedy Lake, about 30 natives, naked and armed with spears, surrounded me, and I was well pleased to recognise three of the blacks from my own station among them, whom I advised immediately to go home which they did. The party, when I saw them, were going in the direction where, two Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 145 days afterwards, about six miles distant, two of Mr. Cowper's shepherds were murdered by aborigines, who, about that time, showed much hostility towards Mr. Cowper, and shortly after- wards towards Mr. Curlewis. The latter sustained loss, from their attacks upon his cattle, of about 6,000. The cause was, I believe, the following. Some white men on one side of the Murrabit called out to some blacks on the other side to come to them ; the latter inquired who they were, and were told that they were Mr. Curlewis's men, shooting ducks. The unsuspecting blacks were crossing in a canoe, when one or two of them were shot by the whites, who were Mr. Cowper's men. In April 184G I went about 140 miles down on this side of the Murray, accompanied by two whites and a Gunbower black- fellow. When about ten miles below the country since occupied by Mr. Beveridge, we saw a number of natives at a distance, who seemed very frightened of us. At length they approached nearer (carrying green boughs in their hands, which they kept waving towards us), and came to the opposite bank of a creek, when we carried on a conversation through my blackfellow, and two of them agreed to cross to us if we sent away our guns, which was done. We were short of provisions at the time, and they pro- mised to meet us next day with fish. We then proceeded lower down the river, resolving to return next day. After parting with the natives, my blackfellow informed me that when we went for the fish the natives would kill us ; that they told him so, and asked him to join them. I doubted his statement. After consideration, and after questioning him closely at different times, I discovered that he was trying to deceive me, which he confessed, but said that we ought to shoot them after they brought us the fish. We met the two natives next day, according to appointment, who gave us the promised fish. One of these men afterwards assisted ta murder Mr. Beveridge. Some months after I came up here, Mr. A. McCallum occupied Mount Hope and Tragowel, and Mr. Greene re-occupied the stations on the opposite side of the Murray. The Gunbower blacks are 35 in number ; the Mially Water blacks (or my blacks) are 32 in number, and are not decreasing. 146 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. No. 25. NOTE TAKEN FROM MR. J. GARDINER BY MR. LA TROBE, ON BOARD THE " ARGO," AUG. 19TH 1853. First visit to P. P. with Gellibrand, 1836. See journal of latter. Returns to V. D. L., and thence to N. S. W. close of year December. Came overland from Murrumbidgee with sheep with Hawdon and Hepburn, having disposed of his station on that river to Mollison. Ebden follows. No. 26. DEAR SIR, Melbourne. I send you the enclosed, which I fear is of little value, but I found a reluctance in many to allow me to repeat anecdotes of blacks mentioned by themselves, and have only told of what I know to be correct. And am, dear Sir, Yours very truly, PHILIP D. ROSE. His Excellency C. J. La Trobe. James Hodgkinson. Maiden Hills, Woodstock, taken up, in 1841, with 2,000 sheep, 1 horse, and 6 bullocks. Sold in 1853, 20,000 at 23s. 6d., and let 10,000, with part of the station, at 2s. 6d. for five years. Had great trouble with the blacks at starting ; lost by them 200 sheep. The number of blacks exceeded 500 in 1841 now only a few stragglers remaining. Frequent murders among the blacks, and, in some instances, Europeans also. The country is now much improved for pastoral purposes. Kangaroo grass has nearly disappeared, and wire grass taken its place. Brodie and Cruikshank. Wonwondah, River Wimmera, taken up in February 1844, with 3,300 sheep. Lost by the blacks, Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 147 during the first year, 1,800 sheep. The extra expenses while form- ing the station, guns, extra labour, etc., two shepherds to each flock, and additional hut-keepers, 1,000; added 18,000 sheep during the year. The blacks were exceedingly numerous and trouble- some, Mount Arapiles being their head-quarters when with stolen stock. Their numbers are now greatly diminished. Alfred Taddy Thomson. Fievy Creek taken up in 1841, having been five months on the road, with 4,000 sheep ; lost 300 under Mount William by the blacks, who were so troublesome as to cause two shepherds to be with each flock, and at times the men refused to shepherd from fear of the blacks. R. Sutherland. Took up part of Taylor and McPherson's run iii 184G, and caused a law-suit, each party leading his men in a battle royal. Sutherland had to vacate. Alick Anderson. Emu Creek taken up, in 1840, with 2,000 at 30s. per head. Not troubled with blacks himself, but great complaints farther off. Company's. Leigh, on the Moorabool, taken up in 1839, with 25,000. Blacks troublesome at first. There were 200 at that time in the tribe, called the Woodcole tribe ; few remaining. John Carfrae, Ledcourt, Wimmera : bought in 1848, 21,000 sheep at 7s. per head ; clean. It is doubtful if this run has improved, being of a wet nature, a coarse grass having taken the place of the natural grass and herbs. The kangaroo still plentiful at the foot of the mountains. Main range of Gram- pians, sandstone, and all the shoulders from the base, ironstone ; granite in some places covered with sandstone. Sir Thomas Mitchell's track still visible at Mount Tyers ; also, one circular encampment. Neptune Melgorarainur (Light of the Mountain or Wild-dog of the Mountain), at the latter end of 1853, died with drinking spirits ; he slipped away from the other blacks and spilled a cask, and was found dead under it in the morning. One family of blacks have died off on this run in three years all strong, fine men ; each dying in the same month, same week, in corresponding years, from apparently the same cause, viz., wasting of the lungs, attributed to change of clothes and diet. Dublin Jack, a white man, lived six years with the blacks, and has two fine boys. He was found dead 148 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. in his cainp in about June last, supposed to have been strangled by the natives. One black at Mt. Wills Station died from eating wheat while grinding ; another at Ledcourt, from eating enor- mously of a diseased sheep. Crows and eaglehawks are our worst enemies, and the wild dog is again beginning to appear. Hay was sold this year at 75 per ton to the innkeeper. Old Billy Yanengoneh (spring from the earth) is at Norfolk Island, having been sent there for stealing 600 sheep belonging, to Baillie and Hamilton, which were found Avith all their fore-legs broken to keep them from getting away. This black was seen at Norfolk Island, and whenever he mentioned the Grampians invariably cried from thought of home. In 1841 a hut-keeper and stockman at Moke- pilly took two lubras from their camp to their own huts ; then went and shot the coolies, whom they buried in the sand. I was told this by a black, " Calligan," well known at the Grampians, who pointed out the spot where they were buried, and digging I found it to be too true. A black dead three months was taken from the tree where he was buried, and, a council being held, he was taken care- fully down, one old man holding the body in a sitting posture between his legs, still all covered with cloths and rags, when one black walked up and uncovering the foot broke off the toe-bones and retired ; another did the same with the other foot ; then others came in turn, and each breaking off a joint until they came to the neck the face never having been uncovered, which was kept from view by the old black holding it. The lubras were singing all the time, and the head was again buried in a tree, and all the bones of the body collected and put into a bag, which the old mother slept on, and uses still (September 1853) as a pillow. In 1844 or 1845, I took a white (half-caste) infant from the mother, who gave it up very willingly. I kept it for two months, but a disorder breaking out on it my servant refused to attend to it, and, on my departure for town, made the mother take it away, since which I could never persuade her to let me have him again, but she has since sold him for a sack of flour to Armstrong, of Allanvale, who has him at present with his own boys at school in Melbourne, and he surpasses the white children of his own age in quickness and learning. He has lost all knowledge of the native language, and is in great fear of blacks. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 149 lu 1843 I had a little girl about nine years old, who kept con- stantly on the station from being nearly blind and in continual bad health. She took great delight in pointing out springs on the run, and was always very merry. About two years after, an old black (Captain Jack) came and took her away, and when in the Gap, six miles from Rosebrook, he drew her behind him as he sat on the ground, and grasping her neck strangled her. This was told me with merriment by the other blacks, who were at the time simulating the noise and convulsions of the poor little savage. Captain Jack, her murderer, was himself killed by two of my own black boys, who made him the first victim they had ever slain. They did this by treachery. They induced him to go with them to hunt, and one sat down and offered the old fellow something to eat, and when quite off his guard the other boy from behind knocked out his brains. I am not aware what they did with the body. Being anxious to procure a skull, two boys brought me one, using it as a football, and in great glee when the jaws and teeth rattled. They did not like touching it with their hands. About 1846, a woman and two children came to my station (Mokepilly) badly wounded with spears ; the mother had crawled nine miles, and died two days after her arrival ; one child died also. The other, a boy, I kept for five years, and he was very use- ful. When my wife came to the station he was very fond of her, and told her of all bush and native habits. On one occasion he asked my brother to let him go to a meeting of blacks, but was refused, as we were busy, when he said " If busy, he did not want to go." My brother being pleased with his willingness, allowed him to leave, but the poor little fellow was killed the day after. The meeting had been all arranged for the purpose. A letter sent me by a hut-keeper " Mons., " le shenl Tin Bik Baks Mayates Box. P.S. caytche de Raytche. " Obediens Servitor, " NORBEKT DOLOBOSKI." " I send ten big bags, Margaret's box, and the puss has caught the rat." 150 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. Rosebrook, taken up in March 1843, as "Huber Station"; ex- pended 3,000 in purchasing stock for it. Had a few losses by Macks, and was obliged to have two hut-keepers together. Sold, in 1853, 10,000 sheep, 300 cattle, and all other items on station given in, for 12,000, 9,000 of which was to hang over five years at 6 per cent. 1 have foolishly transferred my license, which would have been one of the best securities. I have known as many as 400 blacks assembled different tribes on this and neighbouring stations at one time ; few are remaining about 30 only of one tribe. Now, in 1843, I think there were over 100. A few old men still use a spatula to dig a small hole, and cover their evacuations like the Israelites of old. In 1843, at the Grampians, all did this. None will eat pork there even now, cooked in any shape, salt or fresh. They think it brings a scab out on them. From my own experience, I think the country greatly improv- ing in grass, but in some districts getting scrubby from fires not being so frequent, principally in box forests and in the Sydney country. No. 27. MY DEAR SIR, Wangaratta, 8th September 1853. Your Excellency's letter of the 27th July I beg respectfully to acknowledge, and, as far as it may be within my power, I will endeavour to give your Excellency as clear an account, as my memory at this distance of time will admit, respecting the first settlement by the white man of the land lying between the Murray and the Broken River. It was in February 1838, that I first determined to remove my stock from the colony of New South Wales to the famed land of Port Phillip. It was known for years prior to this time that much fine land lay in this neighbourhood, and extended from the Murrumbidgee to the Bay of Port Phillip. Hume and Hovell were the first discoverers of this fine country, but Sir Thomas Mitchell, some Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 151 years afterwards in tracing down the Darling, opened up the great country to the westward, which gave the stimulus to the proprietors of stock in New South Wales to migrate with their flocks and herds from a land at that time suffering from severe drought, "unto a land which is the glory of all lands." Many persons and numerous flocks and herds were on the line of march when I was, but none tarried or turned to the right hand or to the left ; all were hastening on to the lands so highly pictured by the discoveries before mentioned. When. I arrived at the Ovens, I knew from Hume's descrip- tion that there were plains, called, after the former Surveyor- General, Oxley. I determined to turn out of the beaten road and visit Oxley Plains, where I finally determined upon leaving my horned cattle, sending on my sheep to the finer lands spoken of by Sir Thomas Mitchell. It was at this juncture that I sent on my brother's sheep, under charge of his overseer, to the Broken River to await my coming up. Unfortunately, within a few days after their arrival there, they were attacked by the aborignes, many of his men murdered, the stock scattered through the country, and about 200 worth of property then in the drays taken away. My brother having arrived shortly after the massacre of his men and destruction of his property, we determined, for the sake of more fully protecting each other, to settle on the Ovens. Some few months passed on, when I had Messrs. Bowman, Reid, Chisholm, and Docker as neighbours. The country was left to us for some years in consequence of the hostility of the blacks, which became so unbearable that I could not keep shepherds, although well armed, without employing a horseman, in addition to myself, to keep continually perambulating the woods lest the natives might cut them off. During my employment in this way my cattle were destroyed in numbers within the short distance of only six miles from my hut. I once found fourteen head of slaughtered cattle in one pond of water. They had been driven in by the natives, it being an ana-branch of the river, and from the depth of the water and the boggy state of its banks they were destroyed with the tomahawk in endeavouring to get out. Thus I and my men were kept for years in a perpetual state of 152 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. alarm. We dared not move to supply our huts with wood or water without a gun, and many of my men absconded from my service, throwing away their firelocks, and in some cases destroying the locks and making them wholly useless from sheer terror of the blacks. This may appear too absurd for belief ; nevertheless, it is a fact. At last, it so happened that I was the means of putting an end to this warfare. Elding with two of my stockmen one day quietly along the banks of the river, we passed between the ana- branch of the river itself by a narrow neck of land, and, after proceeding about half a mile, we were all at once met by some hundreds of painted warriors with the most dreadful yells I had ever heard. Had they sprung from the regions below we could have hardly been more taken by surprise. Our horses bounded and neighed with fear old brutes, which in other respects re- quired an immense deal of persuasion in the way of spurs to make them go along. Our first impulse was to retreat, but we found the narrow way blocked up by natives two and three deep, and we were at once saluted with a shower of spears. My horse bounded and fell into an immense hole. A spear just then passed over the pummel of my saddle. This was the signal for a general onset. The natives rushed on us like furies, with shouts and savage yells ; it was no time for delay. I ordered my men to take deliberate aim, and to fire only with certainty of destruction to the individual aimed at. Unfortunately, the first shot from one of my men's carbines did not take effect ; in a moment we were surrounded on all sides by the savages boldly coming up to us. It was my time now to endeavour to repel them. I fired my double- barrel right and left, and two of the most forward fell ; this stopped the impetuosity of their career. I had time to reload, and the war thus begun continued from about ten o'clock in the morning until four in the afternoon. We were slow to fire, which prolonged the battle, and 60 rounds were fired, and I trust and believe that many of the bravest of the savage warriors bit the dust. It was remarkable that the children, and many of the women likewise, had so little fear that they boldly ran forward, even under our horses' legs, picked up the spears, and carried them back to the warrior men. We at last beat them off the field, and found Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 153 that they had a fine fat bullock some of it roasting, some cut up ready for the spit, and more cattle dead ready to portion out. The fight I have described gave them a notion of what sort of stuff the white man was made, and my name was a terror to them ever after. I picked up a boy from under a log, took him home and tamed him, and he became very useful to me, and I think was the means of deterring his tribe from committing further wanton depreda- tions upon my property; my neighbours, however, suffered much long after this. The Government during all this time gave no help, no assis- tance of any kind, and at last threatened to hang any one who dared to shoot a black, even in protection of his property, and appointed Protectors to search about the country for information as to the destruction of the natives. These gentlemen resorted to the most contemptible means to gain information against indi- viduals, whom the trumpet-tongue of falsehood had branded as having destroyed many of these savages. This, instead of doing good, did much evil. People formed themselves into bands of alliance and allegiance to each other, and then it was the de- struction of the natives really did take place. I, however, never troubled myself to go off my own run. I had no need of help, and had no desire for the destruction of the wretched race, but I would not undergo the same injuries, annoyances, and anxiety again for ten times the quantity of land I hold. No sooner was all fear of the blacks dissipated than the whites became almost as great a nuisance, in edging in their applications and claims for portions of our runs (and let it be remembered that we were the first squatters and pioneers of the district). Unfortunately, the Government gave too willing an ear to them, as we were all branded as murderers of the blacks ; they readily deprived us of portions of our runs to give them to the other squatters, who were considered peaceful men, as they well might be after the war was ended. Ours was the danger, theirs the reward. I need hardly carry my short and necessarily imperfect account further. Your Excellency is fully aware of the history of the squatters since. No sooner did the Home Government give to that class an interest in their stations, for the wholesome purpose 154 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. of encouraging them to open up the wild lands of the colony, to raise the wool so necessary for the use of the world at large, to make themselves comfortable, and become the purchasers of some portions of these wild lands, than the gold-digger, the ephemeral grubber of a day, sets up his claim to the right, not only of the auriferous metal in the bowels of the earth but to the grass upon the earth, and that, too, free from all restraint, tramping under foot the rights of the pioneer squatter rights gained by discovery and by conquest, and Avhich are acknowledged by our Government. Because the land was God's land, made for all men to enjoy in common, therefore things in the earth and above the earth are theirs also in common ergo, the cattle will shortly be theirs, as the cattle eat the natural grasses of the earth, and breed upon the earth, and require no more tending than the kangaroo, and why should one man enjoy, monopolize, flocks and herds sufficient for thousands, because he may choose to put his brand upon them. This is the next argument I expect to hear from these men. Trusting that your Excellency will pardon me for inflicting so long a letter upon you, I remain, with great respect, Your Excellency's obedient and humble servant, GEO. FAITHFULL. His Excellency C. J. La Trobe, Esq., Lieutenant-Governor, Victoria. No. 28. Weatherboard, near Geelong, Victoria, g IR August 22nd 1853. I regret that indisposition has prevented my earlier reply to your letter of 29th July, requesting " information as to the time and circumstances of the first occupation of the Leigh and Barwon and Geelong district generally." On my arrival in this country, llth April 1838, the Derwent Company (lately Port Phillip Association) possessed stock on the Letters from Victorian Piomers. 155- Indented Head and at Geelong. The land about Point Henry was only used for landing stock. Messrs. Cowie and Stead had a station on Bell Post Hill, but shortly afterwards moved to their present runs. Messrs. Manifold had a run at Batesford, on the Dog Rocks, and they removed in April 1839, to their present runs. Mr. G-. Russell (Clyde Company) had his home- station on the Moorabool, now a portion of Dr. Learmonth^ purchased ground, but very shortly afterwards he moved up to his present head station, on the Leigh. Messrs. Sutherland had a station on a creek running into the Moorabool, on the north side the station Mr. William Sharpe now occupies. The Messrs. Bates were on the Duck Ponds ; Mr. Jas. Simpson on the Werribee, now Mr. Chirnside's station. The Derwent Company's stations extended as high as this one the Native Creek, Murghebolac Flat, and Deep Gully stations being all on the road, besides a station on the Barrabool Hills, on what is now Mr. Fisher's pur- chased land. Dr. Thomson occupied his present house, and held the adjacent country towards the coast with stock. The Messrs^ Learmouth had a station on my first arrival, which is now a portion of this one, on the south side of the Barwon, but they left it about May 1838, for Buninyong. At this time there were no stations further out in the plains. In May 1838, Major Mercer, Mr. Fisher, and myself went out and came on the Wardy Yalloak at or about the Frenchman's Inn, and, following the creeks up, discovered the run now held by Mr. J. G. McMillan, with those now held by Mr. Aitcheson, Mr. C. G. Ferrers, and Mr. A. F. Cunningham, as also the cattle run now belonging to the latter, and returning home by the Leigh immediately sent out stock, and took up in June 1838 the last-named four runs, and not long afterwards took up the first. In March 1839 we again started with a dray from Mr. McMillan's present station, went across to Timboon, which we then held temporarily with two flocks of sheep for Messrs. Mani- fold, who had penetrated through the Stony Rises, and discovered their present run. From Timboon we went on to Taylor's River, where Mr. F. Taylor, in charge of sheep belonging to Messrs. McKillop and Smith, had been about a fortnight. This station is now held bv Mr. N. Black. From thence we went on to Mt_ 15G Letters from Victorian Pioneers. Shadwell, under which the Derwent Company had two flocks. This station is now held by Mr. Burke (recently purchased from Captain Webster). Leaving this (the last station) we went by Mount House, Mount Napier, across to Mount Sturgeon, thence following the edge of the plains, crossed the Fiery Creek, Hopkins, &c., and, by Mount Emu and Emu Hill, back to Mr. McMillan's station, from whence we started. The station on Murghebolac Flat, afterwards held by the Derweut Company, was originally taken up by the Messrs. Yuille, but before my arrival they had moved, in consequence, I believe, of one of their number having been killed by the natives. The station (now Mr. P. Sharpens) on the Native Creek, on the old road to the Leigh, was originally taken up by Mr. J. G. Ware. Mr. W. Harding occupied, on account of Mr. Highett, the station (now Mr. A. Hopkins's) on the Muddy Lake and adjoining this, and on their afterwards separating formed the Mount Hesse stations (his present ones) on his own account, but the dates of these I am unable to give. Captain Pollock occupied the station, in 1838, (now purchased land) at Pollock's Ford, on the Barwon this is the spot where Messrs. Gellibrand and Hesse were last seen and transferred it to Mr. J. Allan, who, in 1842-3, I fancy, acquired the station now held by Messrs. Russell, Simson, and Russell, from Mr. C. P. Tilley, who originally settled it. Mr. A. must have sold to Mr. James Austin, who sold (1851) to Messrs. R., S., and R. Mr. Prentice originally took up the station held now by Mr. A. F. Cunningham Warrambine lately Mr. John Thomson's. This run was allotted to my father on the division of the Derwent Company in June 1842, as also the Mount Mercer cattle station now belonging to Mr. A. F. Cunningham. As regards the natives of the colony, my intercourse with them was little, chiefly in the neighbourhood of Geelong. When out on the expedition by Mount Rouse and Mount Sturgeon we were, under the latter hill, very nearly attacked by a band. The aborigines about Geelong were, after the first year, always quiet. They killed two of the Port Phillip Association's (or Derwent Company's) men on Indented Head in 1836. The Buninyoug natives were occasionally troublesome, both in their own country Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 157 and even down as far as this. Could I be of any assistance to you I beg you will command my services, and I will be happy to add any information I may just at present have forgotten, as this is written rather hurriedly. I remain, Sir, Yours faithfully, GEO. D. MERCER. His Excellency C. J. La Trobe, Melbourne. No. 29. DEAR SIR Melbourne, 13th August 1853. I have to acknowledge the receipt of your circular letter of date 29th ultimo, in which you ask for information respecting the first settlement of various portions of this colony. In reply, I beg leave to say that any information in my power to communicate will, I fear, prove very meagre, inasmuch as it was not until 1841 that I arrived in the colony, and I have never myself taken up any new country, but have invariably purchased from others who preceded me. It is, however, within my know- ledge that all the country on the Wimmera to the north and west of the Pyrenees, from W. J. T. Clarke's and Smythe's stations to Lake Hindmarsh, was unoccupied prior to the year 1844. In that year, the flocks of Messrs. Brodie and Cruikshauk, Messrs. Taylor and McPherson, Messrs. Wilsons, Major Firebrace, Philip D. Rose, and others, were first settled on the country in the neighbourhood of Horsham and Mount Arapiles. It was in August 1845 that I purchased Messrs. Brodie and Cruikshank's live stock, with the right to their station known by the name of " Wonwondah," and in connexion with my partner, Mr. C. P. Pynsent, I still retain that establishment. I have reason to believe that the aboriginal population (although not nearly so numerous here as on the Murray) were very troublesome,, and caused great losses to the settlers during the first year they occupied this part of the country, but since that period they 158 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. became nearly harmless, and appear to have greatly diminished in numbers. The neighbourhood of the Glenelg was much earlier settled. It was in 1840 that the flocks of Messrs. James Jackson and M. Gibson, after rejecting the fine plains from the Leigh to Mount Elephant and Mount Shadwell, and also the rich country of the Wannon, were finally settled down on the precipitous and heathy banks of the Glenelg. It was in 1846 that I purchased Messrs. Jackson and Gibson's live stock, with the right to their " Roseneath " stations on the Glenelg, which, in 1849, I sold to Mr. John Ralston, the present occupant. The country on the Lower Loddon, Lower Avoca, and Lower Murray, remained unoccupied until the year 1847. In that year there was a great rush to this quarter. The flocks arid herds of Messrs. Booth and Argyle, A. M. Campbell, Mr. Cowper, Messrs. Curlewis and Campbell, A. Beveridge, and others, occupied for the first time this fine pastoral country. In 1849 I purchased Messrs. Curlewis and Campbell's live stock, with the right to their extensive stations, all which I still retain. The aboriginal inhabitants of the LoAver Murray are more numerous and a finer race than any other native tribe I have seen in Australia. The comparatively warm, short winter of this neighbourhood, and the abundance of fish and game, may in part account for this. I can furnish no estimate of their numbers, but, as far as I am able to judge, their decrease here is much more gradual than elsewhere ; and although there have been numerous instances of aggression on their part (one of which, the murder of Mr. Beveridge, may be in your recollection), the native population of the Lower Murray have, on the whole, proved much more useful to the settlers than those of any other district with which I am acquainted. Yours very truly, WM. F. SPLATT. To His Excellency C. J. La Trobe, Esq. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 159 \ No. 30. g IR Melbourne, 9th August 1853. I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of July 26th, which reached me three days ago. In cheerfully complying with your request, I must express regret that I can afford so little information. I arrived in Port Phillip towards the end of the year 1838, and about six weeks afterwards proceeded to Cape Schanck, accompanied by William Ryrie, Esq., to look at a tract of country which had just been taken up, with a herd of 800 head of cattle from Maneroo, by an overseer in the employ of Charles Campbell, Esq., Sydney. By the advice of Mr. Ryrie (the stock and run being for sale) I proceeded to Sydney overland, completed the purchase, and took possession from the 1st of January 1839. The boundaries of the run were very indefinite, as 1 was the only settler on the coast side of Arthur's Seat, and all the country from Point Nepean to Cape Schanck, now comparatively so thickly populated, was then in undisputed possession of the kangaroo, emu, and native dog, the first of these running literally in large herds. Between my run and Melbourne, a distance of about 70 miles, there was but one settler, Mr. Edward Hobson, located at Kange- rong, at the base of Arthur's Seat. About the month of July 1839, Messrs. Hobson, Desailly, and myself, accompanied by three aboriginal natives, carted a whale- boat from Kangerong to Western Port, for the purpose of ex- ploring the country in the neighbourhood of that bay. The re- sult of the expedition was my taking possession of the run at the head of Western Port, known afterwards as Yalloak, and moving my stock there, with the exception of about 150 head of cattle, which, with my right to the Cape Schanck run, I sold to Messrs. Willoughby and Thomson. Mr. Thomson afterwards sold to the present occupant, John Barker, Esq. For a considerable period after occupying Yalloak, the only settlers beyond me were Messrs. Anderson and Massie, who had an agricultural establishment on the Bass River, and sent their pro- 160 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. duce to market by water, employing for that purpose small vessels of from 20 to 30 tons burthen. I retained possession of Yalloak Station till the year 1845, when 1 sold out to Henry Moor, Esq. In the beginning of 1839 there were very few settlers on the south side of the Yarra. Messrs. Ryrie were the highest up the river ; betAveen them, and near to town, were Messrs. Wood and one or two others. On the road to Western Port was the Dande- nong Station, superintended by A. Langhorne, Esq., and beyond it there were, I think, only Ruffy's and O'Connor's stations, while lastly, on what is now the Point Nepean road, was the solitary station of Mr. Hobson. The tribe of aboriginal natives, known as the Western Port blacks, numbered, I should imagine, when I knew them first, upwards of 300 ; but, on this point, Mr. Assistant Protector Thomas would be an authority. During the seven years of my residence in the bush I saw a great deal of the natives, and invariably found them quiet, inoffen- sive, and willing, in their way, to be useful. They never did me any harm intentionally, and on many occasions really helped me ; although any attempt to induce one or more of them to settle to any steady work, however light, even for a single day, was utterly vain. I believe I may safely say that the settlers south of the Yarra were invariably kind to the natives, and there are, I believe, few if any instances of ingratitude in return on record. I was not, however, so fortunate with the aboriginal natives of Grippsland, who, before the occupation of that district by white men, came to attack the Western Port tribe, and, making my station, did a considerable amount of damage ; but fortunately, no lives Avere lost. Again regretting the scanty nature of the information furnished to you, I am, Sir, Your most obedient sen r ant, ROB. JAMIESON. His Excellency C. J. La Trobe, Esq. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 161 No. 31. MY DEAR SIR, 10th September 1853. I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 29th July, and feel great pleasure in affording every information in my power on the subjects referred to therein; but I regret that, owing to the loss of my journal (which, for the first two or three years residence in the colony, I kept as a reference) by the melancholy occurrence occasioned by the flood in the Werribee last year, any which I can afford from memory will be of a very meagre and unsatisfactory nature. The settlement of this colony of Victoria originated with my father's brother, Mr. John Helder Wedge, and Mr. John Batman (I think, owing to some observations made relative to the proximity of the two lands by Sir Geo. Arthur, then Lieutenant-Governor of Van Diemen's Land, whom they had accompanied on an ex- ploratory expedition to the north coast of that island), when in 1835 a company was formed, and an expedition despatched, under Mr. Batman, to report on the nature of the country and its adaptation to the growth of wool, as an outlet for our surplus stock was then beginning to be severely felt. Immediately on the return of that expedition, and on the report of its leader of the great fertility of the soil being bruited abroad, several private adventurers as well as the company previously formed determined on the occupation of the country. In the end of that year or beginning of 1836, the first sheep were landed where Williamstown now stands, and the stations of the Messrs. Wedge and Mr. Simpson then formed on the river Werribee, at the confluence of the salt and fresh water. The tribe of natives occupying that part of the country were found to be very peacefully disposed, in a great measure owing, doubtless, to the facilities for communication afforded by the long residence among them of a runaway prisoner of the Crown, named Buckley, who had escaped from a party despatched from Sydney for the formation of a settlement in Port Phillip in the year 1803, and which was abandoned for the want of water. Vessels were now constantly leaving Launceston, Van Diemen's Land, with stock 162 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. for the newly-discovered country, which, in the vicinity of what is now known as Melbourne and G-eelong, was fast filling up. It is, perhaps, worthy of notice that shortly after, or about the time of the arrival of our expedition from Van Diemen's Land, in New South Wales an expedition was fitted out by the Government at Sydney, under Major (now Sir Thomas) Mitchell, then Surveyor-General, for the exploration of the same country, who, on his arrival on the coast, in Portland Bay, was astonished to find a large whaling establishment there, the property of the Messrs. Henty, who, on the report of Sir T. Mitchell of the grazing capabilities of the country to the northward of the port, immediately commenced, and with great labour succeeded in cutting, a road through the forest, and formed a sheep station on what is now known as the " Merino Downs." Shortly after the first arrivals, a Mr. Franks, who had formed a sheep station at Mount Cotterill, on the river Werribee, was killed by the natives, which outrage was at the time attributed to their anxiety to obtain axes, blankets, flour, &c., the value of which soon became apparent to them. Owing to the report of Sir Thomas Mitchell, some of the most enterprising of the stock-holders on the outskirts of civili- zation in New South Wales were induced, by the advantages of being near a shipping port, to travel their stock overland to Port Phillip, amongst whom, as the first arrivals, may be mentioned Messrs. Ebden, Hawdon, Hepburn, Coghill, Howey, Yaldwin, &c., who were fast followed by many others, and rapidly filled up the country in the neighbourhood of the coast. In the year 1839 vessels began to arrive from England and Scotland, the settlement of the colony having attracted consider- able notice at home. Stock-holders also began to push more into the interior, the earlier settlers having confined themselves to the coast line, and I, with my brothers, removed our stock to the country at the foot of the Grampians, now known as the Grange, on the creeks forming the river Wannon in the Australia Felix of Major Sir Thomas Mitchell, to which part of the country I was followed by Mr. John Cox, Dr. Martin, Messrs. Whyte, Barton and Aylward, Norris, &c., after which the country soon became fully occupied. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 103 Upon my arrival at Portland Bay, to which place I had -directed stores to be shipped to me from Launceston, I, to my surprise, found the establishment previously alluded to, in the occupation of Messrs. Henty. Here I also found the Messrs. Winter, who had also formed a sheep station on the Merino Downs, part of the Australia Felix of Sir T. Mitchell, which was very soon fully occupied with stock from the opposite shore. Herds of cattle and flocks of sheep were also now pressing on their way to Adelaide. Up to this time we had but little trouble with the aborigines, but they now began to attack our shepherds, whom they drove from their flocks, which they took into the mountains known as the Victoria Range, where they disposed of many hundreds of them by killing, maiming by breaking three of their legs, and otherwise mutilating them in a cruel manner to prevent their escape, and resisting (their numbers giving them confidence) recovery. At this time they also killed a valuable horse and cow belonging to me, and drove away the whole of my milking cattle and working bullocks, some of which returned with spears in them ; and these depredations did not cease till many lives were sacrificed, and, I may say, many thousands of sheep destroyed. In the hope that the very small amount of information I am able to afford may be of use to you, I beg to remain, my dear Sir, Yours very truly, CHAS. WEDGE. C. J. La Trobe, Esq., Melbourne. No. 32. Portland, 13th August 1853. MY DEAR MR. LA TROBE, I received Your Excellency's note of the 27th ult. some days ago, but delayed replying to it till I had satisfied myself by inquiry on some points I was doubtful about. 164 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. In January 1840, Messrs. Addison and Murray brought sheep from Van Dieraen's Land, and took up " Dunrobin " (the first station formed on the Glenelg), on the west bank of the river, above its junction with the Wannon, and were immediately fol- lowed by Mr. McCulloch, who took up the station known as the Retreat, on the east bank of the river, near its junction with the Wando. It is now occupied, I believe, by Messrs. Carmichael. Messrs. Whyte Bros, took up their station, " Konongwootong," on Bryant's Creek, and Messrs. J. G. Robertson and W. Corney took up their stations, Wando Vale and Cashmere, on the Wando, about the same time. In March or April 1840, Mr. Norris took up Koot Narin (now occupied by Messrs. Swanston and Willis, and Stawell and Ellis), comprising both sides of the Glenelg Chetwynd, and Pigeon Ponds ; and in about July or August Mr. Ricketts took up " Clunie," the station immediately above it, and now occupied on the east bank by myself, and on the west bank by Mr. Whittaker and Mr. Hamilton, and at the same time, " Fulham," still higher up, and now occupied by Mr. Armytage, was taken up by Mr. Desailly for, I think, Sir John Owen. In 1842 Mr. Winter took up a station on the east bank of the river below the junction of the Crawford, but, after some time, abandoned it, and it was again taken up by Dr. Macdonald in 1844, and in 1845 Mr. T. Scott took up a station on the west bank. About this time, or soon after, Mr. Lang took up a station oil the east and Mr. Black upon the west bank, near the mouth. Messrs. Whyte Brothers were the only settlers I heard of being annoyed by the aborigines as early as 1840, but they tracked those gentlemen on their route from Melbourne, and harassed them in every way setting fire to the grass round them, throwing spears at their shepherds, and stealing their sheep. It was not, however, till 1841 and 1842 that aboriginal ag- gressions became of frequent occurrence. Shepherds were then constantly murdered, and their sheep driven off sometimes 50 or 60 miles, and, as they were usually found with their legs broken, they were valueless to their owners. Mr. Ricketts, the original proprietor of " Clunie," lost so severely by their frequent incursions that he became insolvent in Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 1G5 1844, and I purchased the station from his trustees. Since then the natives have been quiet, but I believe they were troublesome as late as 1845 on a station at Mount Arapiles, which was just then taken up by Mr. Urquhart. I have no idea of the number of the aborigines at that time, nor do I think it possible to estimate it. They were shy and stealthy, holding no intercourse with whites, and seldom seen by the settlers unless when detected in committing an outrage or overtaken in retreating with their plunder ; and as they frequently travelled very long distances to commit outrages, no one could tell to what part of the district they belonged. I am, my dear Mr. La Trobe, Respectfully and faithfully yours, J. BLAIR. His Excellency C. J. La Trobe, Esq. No. 33. ^ Melbourne, 13th September 1853. Agreeable to your request, I have the honour to furnish Your Excellency with the little information I possess with regard to the early settlement of Port Phillip. Early in the year 1837, when Melbourne was then a forest of large timber, I sent 2,000 female sheep from Van Diemen's Land, and took up Station Peak and a portion of the Little River for nearly two years, where my sheep increased rapidly. The natives in that part were quiet and well disposed, but unwilling to work. The run I took up was capable of depasturing from 15,000 to 20,000 sheep. The first year my clip was only 17 bales of wool ; the second, 36 bales ; the third, 70 bales ; and it continued to in- crease almost in the same proportion. After remaining at the above station other settlers arrived, and contentions commenced about runs, when I left my station with my little improvements as they stood, to those that liked to occupy them, and travelled my sheep about fifteen miles north of Buninyong, where I took up a 1G6 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. station called Dowliug Forest, where my sheep increased, and the quality and quantity of the wool also. Shortly after occupying that country, many settlers soon followed, and disputes commenced about my run. Being deter- mined to have a sheep-walk, in 1841 I again removed to the Pyrenees with a portion of my sheep, and took up a large tract of poor but healthy sheep land of about 180,000 acres, where I was unfortunate with my sheep the first two years in consequence of the scab and the difficulty of procuring labour, it then being con- sidered so far back beyond all other settlers, and the natives being numerous soon became aware of their superiority in strength over my establishment and commenced their attacks on the shepherds, when the latter refused to take out their flocks alone ; conse- quently I was obliged, a.t great cost, to send two shepherds with one flock. Nor was it safe to leave one man as hut-keeper. The blacks, seeing their superior strength, commenced driving off a number of sheep in defiance of the shepherds and destroying them wantonly, and slaughtering them for their support. On one occasion, one of my overseers and shepherds traced them to one of the high mountains, where they had a large quantity of my sheep slaughtered for use, and they drove off my people and retained their plunder. There was one native soon discovered to be more notorious than the rest. He was given the name of Billy Billy, who reigned several years. He, with the assistance of a number of the tribe, drove off a considerable number of my sheep and formed a station north of mine, at a place which is now well known as Billy Billy's Water Holes, where they made a bush- yard and shepherded the sheep during the day and yarded them in the usual way at night, and when discovered the remaining sheep were recovered with considerable difficulty. Such was the state of the station for nearly two years. When my people found it necessary to defend themselves, a number of the blacks, I am sorry to say, was shot. A Mr. Francis, the overseer of the station, was many times engaged in the fights with them. He was after- wards murdered by one of the shepherds on the station, by being stabbed with a shears-blade ; the offender was brought to Mel- bourne, and found guilty of the murder. Soon after the natives became less numerous, and peaceable, taking occasionally a sheep Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 1C 7 or two out of the folds at night, but seldom came into contact with those in charge. When labour became more abundant, and the scab cured, the sheep increased rapidly, so much so that the stock of 2,000 I commenced with, now count upwards of 80,000, and I have sold and boiled down for these last four years, on an average, 12,000 per annum, and have shipped, from this stock alone, for several years past, nearly 800 bales of wool, worth upwards of 20 per bale. Notwithstanding the present result, I beg to observe the loss was great for the first seven years. Having had occasion to have the stations of Dowling Forest and Pyrenees valued seven years after I first settled, the expense of carrying them on, with first cost of sheep, &c., with interest added, amounted to double the amount of the highest value that could be then set on them, after giving credit for all sales of wool, &c. This arose chiefly from the great difference in the value of sheep, as when I shipped the original from Van Diemen's Land, sheep were worth upwards of 2 per head, and, at the expiration of seven years, they were only worth from 3s. to 3s. 6d., for which price I bought one of the best stations in Victoria, situated at the Maiden Hills, from a Mr. Hodgkinson ; but from that time sheep-farming has gradually improved, and every one that has managed his flocks properly cannot have any occasion to complain. As to cattle generally, I think they have been unproductive previously to the gold-fields, having myself purchased 400 head in the year 1840 for 4,000, which cattle I kept till the year 1849, and their increase, which numbered upwards of 2,200 head, when I sold the whole for 3,300, giving one, two, and three years' credit without interest. I also established a herd of horses, that increased and paid exceedingly well. I have the honour to be, Your Excellency's most obedient servant, WM. J. T. CLARKE. His Excellency C. J. La Trobe, Esq. 168 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. No. I arrived in Sydney from London in the latter end of September 1839. The weather was very hot, the glare very great, the dust abominable. I knew no one, and I was glad to get out of it without loss of time. I had read the treatises on sheep and cattle in the " Library of Useful Knowledge," and had en- deavoured to gain some information respecting colonial life from Major Mitchell's " Travels in Australia," Mr. Waugh's " Three Years' Experience," and Dr. Lang's " New South Wales," all which works I had industriously perused on the voyage. Beyond this, my general information regarding live stock was limited to a confused knowledge of sheep by their distinctive titles of rams, wethers, and ewes ; and a vague idea of cattle as heifers, cows, Lulls, and oxen, and as beasts that had horns, and made a great bellowing ; but I am not sure that I could have distinguished any of either description of animal on view. I had, however, acting under the advice of certain prudent relatives in England, fully determined on entering on pastoral pursuits, or what I found was called in the colony " going into stock," and had armed myself with letters of introduction to several gentlemen, who had emi- grated a short time before me, with similar views. Amongst these was one from Mr. Alex. Hunter, of Edinburgh, whom I had met in London, to Messrs. Watson and Hunter, who had sailed shortly before me, and who were amply supplied with means to form large stations. I had an indistinct idea that Port Phillip was to be the field of their operations, and a much more indefinite one of how I was to get there. Some inquiries, however, in Sydney brought me the gratifying intelligence that Mr. Watson was himself in the Sydney district at the time, though out of town at that moment ; and I was further informed he was on the point of starting with an expedition for Port Phillip, in which I made up my mind to join, if possible. I accordingly purchased a horse off a Sydney dealer as a preliminary step ; and, in five days from my landing, had made all the necessary arrangements with Mr. Watson for my forming one of his party. We left Sydney, I think, on the 3rd of Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 169 October, and travelled by easy stages till we reached Sutton Forest, where we overtook Mr. Alick Hunter, who had gone on before with the drays and horse-stock. From this place we went on to Lake George, on the other side of which a property had been purchased for the sole purposes of procuring some assigned servants, of whom we had twenty in the expedition. In this neighbourhood I bought about 300 head of cattle, and made an agreement with Mr. Watson to run them with his stock, giving him half the increase for two years, and the benefit of my services during that time. I recollect nothing particular about the country we passed through, except that the bush was very thick, and that I was always afraid of losing myself if I left the road, or was out of sight of my companions for a moment. We had, also, about 400 head of cattle bought from a Mrs. Barton, at Berrima, with which we fortunately got a stockman " given in," named " Little Sam," which, considering our intense " greenness," and the uselessness of most of the convict servants, who were just " turned out of Government," was of great consequence. Paddy's River, Yass, and other well-known localities were passed, and we eventually encamped on the Tumut, where some 600 more cattle (with a run) had been purchased, which, to add to our trouble, had the character of being the wildest brutes in the colony. Here our party divided. Mr. Alick Hunter, Mr. Tulloh, and the Honourable Gilbert Kennedy went on to Melbourne with the horses. Mr. Watson returned to Sydney to wind up some in- complete arrangements, whilst I remained with the cattle at the Tumut, where we formed a station on the Gilmore Creek. Here I added to my fortunes 100 picked heifers, which were strongly recommended by the vendor, Mr. Shelley, and also by Mr. Watson, whose interested motives in advising the purchase of female stock I was too " gullible " to see through at the time. My position at the Tumut, with my twenty " Government men," about 1,200 head of cattle, and about 30 horses, in a country with which I was totally unacquainted, may, perhaps, be conceived, but is difficult to describe. I was very much afraid of losing my cattle, and therefore tried to keep them within sight, counting them regularly every day, which, tonsidering that more than half were broken into the run, was an absurdity which nothing but 170 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. experience convinced me of ; for when we wished to remove them, about six weeks after, it was found to be impossible, with our insufficient help, to drive them off the run, and we consequently formed a permanent station at Gilmore Creek, a tributary of the Tumut, where we left the cattle till the next year. The vast herds which were travelling from the Sydney district, and the probability of the Melbourne markets being overstocked, coupled with the difficulties of the road from the flooded state of the rivers, confirmed us in this decision. My troubles as a squatter commenced very early in my career. The great scarcity of flour during the summer of 1839 was felt- all over the colony, but in no part more so than in the interior, where it was selling at 60 a ton. Even at Government House in Sydney, it was said that Lady Gipps was restricted in her supplies for pastry. For some weeks our food at the Tumut was confined to beef and milk, and a little rice ; but the incessant grumbling of the men at last induced me to send a cart to Yass for flour. The Tumut was flooded at the time, but I had seen a horseman cross, and ventured over myself at the same place. A hurdle was lashed on the dray, on which the bedding of the two men who were to accompany it was placed, and, with three horses harnessed to it, it went boldly into the stream after me. The leading horse, about half-way across, turned down the stream, and in a moment the cart was afloat, and soon capsized, drowning the two other horses and nearly drowning the two men on the hurdle. The one was a fine swimmer, and swam out to the leading horse, and eventually released him from his harness ; the other clung to a log, and was hauled ashore by a rope about ten minutes after- wards. A few days after this, the river having partially subsided, and the grumbling continuing unabated, a second attempt was made, but at another crossing-place, and with only one horse. The same occurrence took place again, except that the horse swam for a quarter of a mile down the river with the cart after him, and was not drowned till a log turned the cart over and rendered him helpless the driver, who remained till then on his seat on the hurdle up to his neck in water, calling out to me " he was done like a dinner." Three hundred pounds worth of horse-flesh went in these adventures. I then bought a team of bullocks, and Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 171 eventually procured a ton of flour from Yass, which lasted the party till it reached Melbourne. An overseer was then engaged, and the cattle delivered into his care, and on the 24th December Mr. Watson and I started in a tandem for Port Phillip. Near the Murray we broke both shafts, and had to take to our saddles, leaving the remains of the gig and several valuables (amongst others my writing case and journals) at an out-station hut of Mr. Cockburn's, to be sent on by the drays. Of course, I never saw any part of them again. On arriving at the Murray, we overtook several expeditions which were waiting for a favourable opportunity to cross. There were said to be 10,000 head of cattle on its banks, in various " mobs." Messrs. Bolden had crossed several hundreds that day, and at night we camped Avith their party. On the Ovens we overtook others. The natives had attacked some parties in this neighbourhood during the previous summer, and the places were pointed out to us where Faithfull's men were murdered, and where Snodgrass had had a "stand-up fight with the blacks." My own experience of the natives at this time led me to suppose they were a very inoffensive race ; for all I had seen had been the Bogong blacks, on the Tumut, who came down in the summer from the ranges, sleek and lazy from the grub or fly of that name which infests that part of the country. I think they were the handsomest natives I have ever seen ; at all events they were the best conditioned. On the Ovens, however, we saw none. A party of mounted police was stationed at the Broken River, who entertained us, as they appeared to do all travellers, for a consideration. The country was all, so far, settled, although we saw no signs of it, either by meeting with human habitations or with sheep or cattle. If the country was stocked, the stock fed off the road, but we heard the names of Barber, Mitchell, Fowler, W. A. Brodribb, Faithfull, Mackay, Docker, Binney, Speed, and Anderson, as occupants of the various runs through which we passed. At Templeton's, at the Seven Creeks, Mr. Watson left me to go up to the Devil's River, which he and Mr. Hunter had occupied during the previous spring. I remained for a few days at Ballowra, a station Mr. Hunter had formed on Templeton's Creek, about three miles above him, but 172 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. which was about being abandoned for the better country of the Devil's River and Mount Battery. I accordingly proceeded alone to the " Settlement," as the City of Melbourne was in those days called, stopping at Hughes's, Hamilton's at the Sugar Loaf, and at a Mr. George's at Kinlochewe, and eventually reached Keilor, where Messrs. Watson and Hunter had their head quarters at the time. There were no particular charms in Melbourne in those days beyond the champagne lunches which always accompanied the sales by auction, and of which I partook with others, though I never bought any land. One cannot help reflecting on the narrow escape from making a fortune which daily fell in one's way, when we look at the properties which were to be had for a few pounds at the time, now bringing in thousands per annum. However, I was never destined to this, and I soon returned to the bush, and devoted myself to learning my trade as a squatter. A serious illness which attacked me at Mount Battery, however, threw impediments in my way. I was confined to my bed with bilious fever for several weeks, and on my recovery went back to Melbourne, from whence, by the advice of the medi- cal men, I went by sea to Sydney. A few weeks' nursing at Parramatta restored me to health, and in May I returned to Melbourne in the Cumberland, chartered by Mr. Button. I was then about proceeding in her to Valparaiso to buy horses, and had secured my passage, when the news of a bad sale of South American horse-stock in Sydney deterred us from entering into the speculation, and I went back again with Mr. Hunter to Sydney to make further purchases of horses and cattle, taking some 16,000 with us for the purpose. After a few days' delay, I accompanied Mr. Terence Murray to his station near Queanbeyan, to attend a large sale in which he was interested, and to purchase cattle if I thought it advisable. Failing in getting what I liked (for I had by this time become a judge of stock), I went on to the Tumut, to collect our leavings of the previous year, where I was shortly after joined by Mr. Hunter and his cousins with more cattle and horses. We had altogether about 2,000 head and about 70 horses, with which we again started for Port Phillip, and after many losses and crosses, eventually formed our main cattle station on .the upper part of the Broken River, about four miles above the Letters from Victorian Pioneer*. 173 station at present in the occupation of Mr. John Moore. From the Broken River to the Devil's River, crossing the Mount Battery plains, a distance of about 20 miles, the whole country was claimed and stocked by Messrs. Watson and Hunter. Messrs. Stevens and Thomson were camped upon the Broken River, about three miles above the cattle station, but only remained till they had shorn their sheep, when they moved towards the westward. During the winter that I remained at the Devil's RiA r er, I was a witness of the fatal effects of catarrh in sheep. The climate was very severe, the frosts and fogs frequently lasting all day. The sheep could not be let out of the yards on many days till noon. How the disease came into that neighbourhood (if it is really contagious) I do not know, but if any climate could produce it I am sure that of the Devil's River in 1840 was quite trying enough. I have seen as many as 500 sheep dead at the yards in a single night. There were some settlers who had come with a few sheep above us on the Devil's River. I think their names were McFarlane and Mitchell ; their loss was more severe than Messrs. Watson and Hunter's. We used to fancy that the river was affected by their throwing the carcasses into the stream, though this is not probable, as they were 16 or 20 miles above us, and the river was a considerable one. During this year I formed one of a party, consisting of Mr. Alick Hunter, Mr. Archibald Jamieson, an overseer, and a black- fellow named " Pigeon" (who was afterwards drowned at the wreck of the Salthouse), that started to find a road into Gippsland for stock, which Strzelecki's discovery had just opened as a field for Port Phillip enterprise. We ascended what we took for a leading range to the south-west of Mount Buller, but found our- selves in a most difficult succession of gullies, in which we struggled for eighteen days, and eventually camped on the head waters of the La Trobe. My horse had met with an accident in falling down a steep bank, and I remained with Pigeon at our camp on the river while my companions went on to see what they could of the new country. In three days they returned, having reached a rich plain and fine herbage, I conclude, part of the run afterwards occupied by Mr. Reeve. On our return we got upon a 174 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. leading range in right good earnest, which in two days took us back to the head of the Goulburn ; but the descent was considered too steep for stock, and the idea of bringing a herd by that route was abandoned. Mr. Tyers aftenvards tried to follow on our returning tracks, but lost his horses, and gave up the attempt to reach Gippsland from that entrance, and I am not aware that it has yet been con- sidered practicable. The time was now drawing near when my agreement with Mr. Watson was about expiring, and I was most anxious for it, as I found that cattle in halves was not a profitable speculation to the proprietor. An attempt had been made to muster the whole herd in March, but it proved ineffectual, and it was not till October that I eventually got delivery of my stock. I now made an agree- ment with Mr. Riley, of the Wannon, to put my cattle on his run, he undertaking to hand his heifer station over to me if we did not continue to keep our cattle together ; and early in November 1841, I left the Devil's River, and drove my herd to Melbourne, where I sold all the butchers would buy, and, after providing my- self with a dray and stores, started for the west with the remainder, somewhere about 300 head. We passed by Lai Lai, Buninyong, BailhVs, and Mount Emu, which country was all occupied right and left of us, and crossed the plains to Lake Boloke, which was the only vacant spot I saw. Wyselaski was at the crossing place of the Hopkins, where his station now is. Dr. Martin, under the guidance of Mr. James Manning, who had sold his cattle with the condition that he was to find a run for them, had occupied Mount Sturgeon, the station being at the time under the charge of Mr. Knowles. Beyond him, to the west on the Wannon, was Mr. Barnett, now Chirnside's, and next to him was Mr. Riley, where my head quarters were for twelve months. During this time I saw a good deal of the surrounding country. At the Grange, a police magis- trate, Mr. French, was establishing himself ; and in the month of June of the same year I had the honour of being appointed a magis- trate, and assisted him regularly on the bench. Mr. Riley's station had been occupied by a Mr. Gibson (whose wife was famous for some extraordinary journeys she made to Melbourne, accompanied by a single male attendant), was abandoned by him, and afterwards Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 175 taken up by a Mr. Norris, who suffered so severely from depreda- tions committed by the blacks that he had also given it up. The natives had, however, by all accounts, been taught some severe lessons, and had learnt to be better behaved ; but they were still what was usually termed in the bush "very troublesome." We had in the meantime occupied Englefield, on the Glenelg, as our heifer station, and had erected the necessary improvements there ; but we found that the natives continually intimidated the men, and whilst absent from the hut had occasionally stolen their rations, and it was eventually determined to give up the heifer- tailing scheme, and the station was abandoned. Dr. Edward Barker, who had come into that neighbourhood on my recommenda- tion, immediately occupied it. A few months' residence there, and a partnership which he had in the meantime formed with Mr. Riley, induced him to sell it back to me for the value of the im- provements 50, and in the summer of 1842 I again took pos- session of it. My cattle had, in the meantime, discovered other country for themselves on the head of Bryant's Creek, but the arrival of Mr. Cadden, previously an overseer of Mr. John Hunter Patterson's, with sheep and cattle, soon dislodged them. Mr. Arch- dale next came in between me and the Wannon with sheep and cattle of Mr. Hyde, of the Green Hills, near Bacchus Marsh, and eventually, under the orders of Captain Fyans, the Crown Commissioner, I was hemmed in within very moderate bounds. The jealousy with which we heard of the arrival of any one in our neighbourhood, notwithstanding the vast tracts of land that we each laid claim to, was one of the remarkable features of our early settlement. I recollect my stockkeeper coming in one even- ing with a story of a dray-track across the Congbool Plain, as it was called, about eight miles to the southward, and some coffee spilt along it, and soon after finding we had a neighbour in a Mr. Mather, a carpenter from Melbourne with a few sheep, who was soon after killed by the falling of a tree near his hut. He was known, in consequence, as the " coffee merchant " till his death. There was no one at this time above me on the Glenelg ; and the stringy -bark ranges came in upon the river so determinedly for many miles that we imagined, for a long time, there was no avail- able country in that direction; but Mr. Cadden soon after discovered 176 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. a small creek running into the river, which would serve his pur- pose as a washing place for his sheep, in the event of the water in Bryant's Creek failing, which was considered more than probable. He soon, however, deserted the out-station he formed there, which was then taken possession of by Messrs. Urquhart and Glen- dinning, where they formed their head-station. It is now held by Mr. Mackintosh. Above him, again, Mr. D. C. Simson occupied both sides of the river, immediately under the Victoria range, and adjoining what is now Mr. Rose's station in the Grampians. This was not till 1843, in which year also Mr. Charles Sherratt, who had come from a station of Messrs. Heape and Grice's at Mount Alexander, arrived on the opposite side of the river to me, and occupied the frontage to it for many miles. He politely came to my hut and asked me what I claimed, and took what I did not want. Below me, Mr. Desailly was in possession of, the station now held by Mr. Armytage, having occupied it with sheep from Van Diemen's Land for Sir John Owen. About this time, however, the station got into Chancery, and in 1842 was managed by Mr. George Fairbairn, who now has the adjoining stations of Mather and Affleck, the latter having been admitted by me on to a part of my run during the winter of this year (as they were old servants of my friends the Hunters) on the express condition that they should return the station to me when the weather would allow them to look for another. They, however, sold it in spite of me to my neighbours for 50. Below Desailly, Ricketts (who had been removed from the Buntingdale Mission Station on the Barwon on its occupation by the natives) had in 1841 taken up the stations now held by Mr. Blair, as well as those occupied, on the opposite side of the Glenelg, by Mr. Thomas Hamilton of Koot Narin, and Mr. Donaldson of Longlands, now Messrs. Whittaker's. Mr. Norris, whose compulsory abandonment of the Wannon I have mentioned, came next on the river, taking up both sides, with sheep belonging to Mr. Thomas Winter, of Van Diemen's Land. This station, com- prising the Pigeon Ponds and Chetwynd country, was subse- quently sold to Messrs. Kerr and Swanston, and is now divided into two runs, occupied by Messrs. Willis and Swanston and Messrs. Stawell and Ellis. Mr. Gibson, who had first occupied Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 177 Mr. Riley's station on the Wannou, came next on the river. Very little of the country which had not frontage to the main rivers was considered available at this time. It was not till 1844 that Mr. John Airey sent a party, consisting of a Mr. Mann and his overseer, with about 3,000 sheep, to look for country in my neighbourhood. I had an indistinct notion, from various cattle hunts in that direction, that there must be plenty of good country to the north- west of me across the river, and advised them accordingly, and they returned to my station in a week, having discovered the Mount Talbot country, which, if they had occupied all they could at the time, would have been one of the finest runs in the whole colony. The want of water was for a long time considered its only deficiency, though it is now covered with many immense lakes, several of which are from 12 to 14 feet deep. In the sum- mer of this year several others passed to the westward, and the "new country," as it was called, was occupied by Wallace, Hope, Bates, Ballantyne, McLeod, &c. The collisions with the blacks, which I had heard of on almost every station after my arrival in the Western District, if they took place at all, were kept very quiet. There were certain hangers-on at stations (Tulloh at the Grange, for instance) who boasted of such encounters ; but it was generally believed that those who talked most knew least of such scenes. Their aggressions, however, whether avenged or not, were not infrequent. I had a horse which till his death would never go near a tree, my stock-keeper having been attacked by the blacks from behind one. On another occasion the blacks were seen driving my cattle through a swamp, and holding on by their tails, and spearing them as they went. I recollect a cow being brought into the stockyard stuck all over with spears, like a porcupine. We extracted them, and she lived and fattened, and was eventually sold fat in Melbourne. On my first settlement at Englefield, in tracking cattle I came upon a place where the blacks had within a few days camped some stolen sheep in bough-yards, and where the torn fleeces and broken legs and joints, since gnawed by wild dogs, told a tale of wasteful destruction. It was scarcely to be wondered at that the 178 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. settlers took the law into their own hands on such occasions. Whether it was fear or a better acquaintance with us which worked upon them, it is difficult to say ; but about 1843-4 wo heard no more of sheep-stealing in the neighbourhood, and the blacks, who had always fought very shy of my station where "Cranky Jem," my hut-keeper, had the reputation of being a good rifle shot, which was clearly proved by the holes in all the trees round, where bullets had been cut out commenced to come about, and offer to strip bark and make themselves useful. They are not generally very much wanted on a cattle station, and I seldom encouraged their advances. Later, in 1845, I had a black boy named " Bill," from the Mount Rouse tribe, who remained with me for about eighteen months, when the summer amusements of his relatives and companions proved an irresistible temptation for him, and he bolted. I could, however, place implicit confi- dence in him, and found him most obedient and docile, and a great deal more cleanly in his person than most of the white men with whom he lived. On one occasion I had taken him to Geelong to bring back some cattle. My stock-keeper was drowned at Fyans' Ford, and the cattle remained in the sole charge of Bill for a couple of days, until assistance was sent to him. He watched them night and day, and did not lose one. I have heard that he has since returned to the present proprietors of my station, and is still a useful member of society. In the summer of 1842 I returned with a stockkeeper to the Devil's River to collect the leavings of my herd. At Lake Repose, near Mount Sturgeon, I came upon Major Mitchell's tracks, and followed the marks left by his heavy boat-carriage across the Hopkins Plains to the Fiery Creek, where I found my friends, Messrs. Stevens and Thomson, shearing their sheep under a tarpaulin, and, passing through the runs of the Campbells and Donald & Hamilton, slept in a shepherd's watch-box on Mr. Irvine's run at the Amphitheatre. This was my first visit to the district for which I am now Commissioner. The Wimmera at this time was not occupied below Clarke's. Mr. Lynott had taken up what was afterwards " Decameron " for Dr. Imlay. Irvine had crept in above him on the river and between him and Messrs. Donald & Hamilton, disputing right and left. In 1842 Decameron Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 179 was sold to Mr. James Allan Cameron, late of the 13th Light Dragoons, for 1,500, who lately sold it to Mr. Charles Wil- liamson for 30,000. Below Clarke's, which was managed by Messrs. Pettett and Francis (the latter was killed by one of his own men), with sheep from Dowling Forest, originally brought from Van Diemen's Land, there was no head station, though Blow, who originally occupied the Allanvale country for Mr. Sinclair, of Van Diemen's Land, laid claim to what was subse- quently sold to Dr. Blundell and Mrs. Greene. The latter run was bought for 500, and sold lately to Mr. McMillan for 17,000. Briggs (from whom Briggs' Bluff at the Grampians derives its name) came next on the river, having out-stations near where the Four Posts Inn or Glenorchy now is. The lower part of the river was next taken up by Darlot in 1843, and after him, what he had passed through as valueless was occupied by Messrs. Taylor and McPherson, who have since divided two of the finest runs in the district. Back from the river, on the McKenzie Creek, Messrs. Brodie and Cruikshank took up about this time the Won- wondah Station, now Messrs. Splatt and Pynsent's. Below Mr. Darlot, Major Firebrace took up the Vectis Station on the river, disputing part of it with the Messrs. Wilson, who ultimately squeezed in between him and Mr. Darlot, about three miles below the present township of Horsham ; and Messrs. Baillie and Hamilton took possession of Major Firebrace's leavings again lower down the river. Ellerman came in about twenty miles below Firebrace, holding his present run for Darlot, and Steiglitz first took up the beautiful country at Lake Hindmarsh, which is now divided between the Belchers and Atkinsons, &c. The northern part of the Wimmera district, including the mallee runs, were not thought of till later. Grant, who took up the Mount Arapiles country, was the first who found out their value in 1844, and disposed of his interest in the present Mount Elgin station to Major Firebrace. The Murray, Avoca, Avon, and Richardson runs were all of later discovery. In 1845 I exchanged the Englefield run for one near Mount Rouse, to which we gave the name of " The Green Hills." The country about me had been all along settled, excepting a small 180 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. patch to the south-west of me, into which a Mr. Gibb managed to squeeze himself. But the days of the early settlement of the colony may be said to have been over before this period. EDWARD BELL. Wimmera, loth September 1853. DEVIL'S RIVER. This country, lying to the north of the Upper Goulburn River district, and extending to the head of the Broken River, was first occupied in September 1839, by Messrs. Watson and Hunter, who, in February 1840, formed their head station upon the DeviPs River, at a place called by the natives " Wappang." The original discoverers of this country were Mr. John Hunter, of the above firm, and Mr. Campbell, of Otter, who entered it from the Big Hill, near which, at the head of the Seven Creeks (Teniple- ton's station), Mr. Hunter had a station called " Balowra." They could see from the top of the Big Hill range the open country of Mount Battery, backed by Mount Buller and the line of Australian Alps. They eventually found the Devil's River, so called from hearing a black's " corrobboree " upon its banks the night that they first camped upon it, but their first station was at Mount Battery. The whole of the country occupied now by Messrs, Goodman, and Locke, and Malcolm, and the head station at " Wappang," which is now in the occupation of a working over- seer named John Bon, who landed from an emigrant ship in 1841 without a rap, were comprised within Messrs. Watson and Hunter's original station, besides their cattle station on the Broken River, which extended to and took in Mr. Moore's present station of " Barjang/' afterwards the Arundells' homestead. In 1841 I had a license for a small station upon the south side of the Devil's River, below Mr. Waugh's station (the author of " Three Years' Experience in Australia," a pamphlet which gulled half England and Scotland in 1839 and 1840) called Mimamiluke, but I gave it up, in the month of November of that year, to Mr. Alick Hunter, who afterwards sold it to a Mr. Serjeantson. Letters from Victorian Piotieers. 181 My first visit to this country was in January 1840, when the whole of this country was in Messrs. Watson and Hunter's hands. EDWARD BELL. Wimraera, 12th August 1853. EXGLEFIELD, &LENELG RlVEK. This station was formed by me and Mr. James Riley in No- vember 1841, as a heifer-station. There was at the time no settler higher up the Glenelg, and we laid claim to the country which now is divided between Mr. Lewis (late Cadden), Stirling And Fairbairn formerly Mather (a carpenter from Melbourne, who was killed in 1843 by a falling tree), and Mackintosh. It had been previously temporarily occupied by a Mr. Norton, but the blacks had killed so many of his sheep, he was glad to desert it. In 1842 I gave up my claim to " Englefield," and it was occu- pied by Dr. Barker, who sold it back to me for 50 towards the end of that year. In 1843 Mr. Cadden came with sheep, andMr. Commissioner Fyans allowed him to take a large portion of my country from me, which I disputed till 1844, when we settled the affair amicably. In the same year I allowed Messrs. Affleck, who had been old servants of Messrs. Watson and Hunter's, to occupy the lower part of Mather's Creek, and in 1846 they tried to claim my whole run, but eventually sold the run I had lent them to Messrs. Stirling and Fairbairn for 50, having first tried to do me all the injury they could. The natives were very troublesome till 1844. My cattle were frequently found with spears in them, and once the blacks were chased by my stock-keeper when they were hunting the cattle through a swamp. I never, however, heard of any collision with the natives on that station. In February 1846 I exchanged this run with Mr. Robert Clerk, for one called The Green Hills, near Mount Rouse. It is now occupied by Mrs. Greene, of Woodlands. EDWARD BELL. Wimmera, 12th August 1853. 182 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. THE GREEN HILLS. The original station of " Mumumberick," of which the Green Hills formed a part, was taken up in 1840 by Mr. Matthew Gibb, for Captain Swauston. It was afterwards, about 1843, sold to Mr. Robert Clerk, with whom I made an exchange for Engle- field, on the Glenelg River, in 1846. Mr. John Cox, who occu- pied Mount Rouse, and Mr. Henry Best, who occupied Burchett's run, and Messrs. Kemp, who occupied what was afterwards Cheyne's Station, on Muston's Creek, were the original neighbours to this run. EDWARD BELL. Wimmera, 12th August 1853. No. 35. Middle of 1836. A. F. Mollison came to Port Phillip in a vessel from Hobart Town, to view the land, having gone from Sydney to Hobart Town, as there were no vessels sailing from Sydney to Port Phillip at that time. (Major Mitchell had not returned from his journey through Australia Felix at this time.) John Batman, McKillop, Fawkner, and others, had been settled at Port Phillip two or three months when A. F. Mollison arrived. Sheep (breeding ewes) were being brought over from Van Diemen's Land for the first settlers price 20s. Having seen the .country, he returned to Sydney, vid Van Die- men's Land, and started (April 1837) from a station on the Murrum- bidgee, which he had bought a year before, with 5,000 sheep (collected from various quarters, price 25s. to 31s. 6d.); 600 cattle ; 20 horses. End of 1837. After a long and harassing journey, wintering at Bontherambo by the way, he reached Coliban, and formed that station. Ebden had reached Carlsruhe six weeks before with stock, and shortly afterwards Yaldwyn came down and took up (what is now W. H. F. Mitchell's) country. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 183 I joined A. F. Mollison in 1838. We lived in reed mia-mias and tents comfortably enough for some time. The winters were much drier. The Colibau, now a formidable stream when flooded, was crossed on a plank during the first winters. 1838. Pyalong was occupied as a cattle station. W. Hamil- ton, Mundy & Smy the, and F. A. Powlett followed in this quarter. 1839-1840. The head of the Loddon present aboriginal station was first occupied by A. F. Mollison. The country north of this river had been frequently explored before, but was called the " barren plains," and supposed to be without water. Look at them now. 1840. Lyou Campbell followed, and then L. Mackinnon and others. Early part of 1841. Parker occupied our station on Loddon as a reserve for the aborigines, and, settling there, attempted to carry out the Exeter Hall views for their civilization, with but slight success, as was to be expected. The aborigines in our neighbourhood (afterwards known as the "Jim Crow" tribe) were from the first peaceable. They were a small insignificant tribe, frequently spoiled and oppressed by the more numerous and warlike tribes from the G-oulburu, Murray River, and westwar.d, who used to carry off their women, &c. There is a tradition of one, if not two, bloody encounters be- tween parties of these last tribes and Hutton's men. Hutton was then the furthest out to the north-west, and it is pretty well known that several white men, getting lost in the bush, were cut off by the natives, as they were never heard of afterwards. At any rate the shepherds felt, or pretended so much alarm, that, at the request of the settlers about and beyond Mount Alexander, a small party of the 28th Regiment was stationed on the Campaspe during 1838 and 1839, to protect both whites and blacks. The squatters, or rather their men, should be in fairness freed from the imputation cast upon them by the Protectors and Missionaries of corrupting the native women. From the first I know that the use of the women was offered by themselves and their husbands indifferently for a very trifling gratuity. It was always believed that they were cannibals that is, that now and then, under particular circumstances, they ate portions 181: Letters from Victorian Pioneers. of the human body, rather as a rite, perhaps, than to make a meal. There are traditions of portions of the body, usually hands or fingers, being observed in the lubras' bags, but of doubtful authenticity, I think. Certainly, in conversation, they admitted the fact ; but this does not prove it, because we know that they Avill at any time admit or say anything which they think will please their interlocutor witness the bunyip and (Mr. Powlett's ?) great serpent of the in- terior, both of which have been accurately described in fifty different shapes ; also the volcanic eruptions of Jim Crow, &c., &c.; in short, if leading questions are put to them, as is usually done by enthusiastic inquirers, who are following up their own ideas, they (the natives) may, as I think, be made to say or to describe any thing. 1839. Sheep were in this and the following year taken hence to Adelaide considerable numbers by sea. Price paid here in 1839 by McFarlane and others for the purpose of sending to Adelaide, 27s. 6d. for breeding ewes. Wheat sold at the Colibau at 20s. the bushel. January, 1840. The first shipment of cattle hence to New Zealand by Welsh and others. Cows, 10 ; steers, 12. 1841. The first mill for grinding corn by water-power was erected at the Coliban about this time. 1842. Fat wethers this year from 8s. to 12s. 1842-45. In these years there was a great depression of the pastoral and agricultural interests. Yet the colony continued to advance slowly in point of comfort and property, although there was but little money. Many squatters, who in their earlier operations had become indebted to the merchants, were obliged to surrender their stations, and were left penniless. The new men who bought at this time have become rich, escaping the privations and anxieties of the first pioneers, their predecessors. They have been floated on to wealth by the tide of general prosperity, but of the older settlers who held on, many pressed down by the un- favorable terms on which assistance was granted to them, have only recently, after a struggle of years, found themselves freed from their difficulties. Letters from \Victorian Pioneers. 185 Now, in the pride of wealth consequent on the wonderful gold discoveries, the early squatters, their sufferings, and their services to the colony, are alike forgotten, and men seem to regard them, as the new heir regards the furniture and portraits of the distant relative to whom he has succeeded, as something to be at once quietly consigned to the lumber-room or the auction marts. 1845-53. From this period there are printed records of the pro- gress of the colony and its general statistics, which it will be at once more easy and more satisfactory to consult, than someAvhat loose memoranda. W. T. MOLLISON. Pyalong, 22nd August 1853. ISTo. 36. 1 . MEMORANDUM. Nettialcc Station, Avoca. I went with sheep to the River Avoca in February 1842, and occupied the country immediately north of Button, Simson, and Darlot, who arrived very early from New South Wales with sheep and cattle. There was no settler on the Avoca before me. Mr. Alex. Irvine had an out-station hut on it. He was formerly in partnership with Dr. Imlay of Twofold Bay. Mr. Lynott, a cattle holder, who purchased from Dr. Imlay, was my near neighbour. Mr. Hodgkinson was in the vicinity before me. A. McCallum was at Mount Greenock. The only settlers on the Loddon were Mollison, Mackinnon, and Dutton all from New South Wales. A few days after me> Mr. Colin Mackinnon, occupied the "Mountain Creek," be- tween the Pyrenees range and my station. In 1844, Mr. Ellis (from Ireland) occupied a station with sheep purchased from me 30 miles down the Avoca. There was then a general rush made to the plains lying to the north, which up to that time had been 1 This memorandum is not signed, but is endorsed in Mr. La Trobe's handwriting, " Leslie Foster." ED. 186 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. quite devoid of water. Mr. Allan Cameron (Scotch), Captain Harrison, Horsfall (English), Stewart (Scotch), Cay and Kaye, Foley & Cameron, Coutts, Rutherford, Donald and Hamilton, A. Thomson, and several others, all took up runs together. On the Loddon, Catto, Brain and Williams, Thorpe, and Bear all English took up stations ; while a large tract was taken on the Lower Loddon and Murray by Curlewis and Campbell from Sydney. Subsequently McCallum, Campbell, and Rowan, all Scotch, occupied Mount Hope and the banks of the Murray. The aborigines were reported to be very fierce and intract- able when I first occupied, but I never had any trouble with them. They never were much use, and seemed to me to im- prove very little, while by degrees they diminished in number. There was never any outrage of any moment committed by either the settlers or them in my time, but previous to that several had been killed on both sides. The country was quite wild when I first saw it. A herd of wild cattle, escaped from Dr. Imlay's herd, were running wild for years, and some horses, apparently lost by a surveying party. The soil on my run and to the northward is generally very poor, very flat, a very retentive clay lying for the most part on a bed of quartz pebbles. Gold has been found on the Ayoca, and there are several hills of most metalli- ferous appearance. No. 37. C IR Tarrawingee, 30th August 1853. In reply to the letter dated 29th July, which I have had the honour to receive from Your Excellency, I beg to state that I arrived at the Ovens in March 1838, on the evening of the day on which Mr. Faithfull's party were attacked by the blacks at Broken River. There were two temporary encampments previous to my arrival, viz., Mr. W. Bowman's and Col. White's. In a few days Mr. G. Faithfull selected the lands he now holds Oxley Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 187 Plains and I occupied the lands immediately opposite Myrrhee, now the station of J. W. Chisholm. A panic seized the servants and they deserted their employers. Bowman, Faithfull, and White, abandoned their cattle on the runs, and I was left alone with three assigned servants, my freemen having absconded. In a few days these assigned men told me that they would stay no longer, but offered to assist me back to the settled districts with the stock. I was thus compelled to leave the Ovens. I took my stock back to the Hume River (Nurengong). On my return to the Ovens in about six months' time, I found that Chisholm had -taken possession of Myrrhee, and I settled at Warrouley, which I still hold. Faithfull had returned to Oxley Plains. Bowman was here (Tarrawingee), and Docker at Bontherambo. Soon after, Reid occupied Carrajarmongei, and in a year or two the stations in this district were occupied pretty much as they are at present. I may mention as a specimen of the fatigue undergone by the earlier squatters, that for six days and nights before I left the Ovens I never lay down, being engaged all day in herding the cattle, and all night in walking round them. I was alone one of the men being similarly employed with my sheep, and the other two in removing and guarding the stores. As soon as the necessity for exertion ceased, I was seized with cedematous swelling of the legs and eyelids. I could neither see nor walk, and was carried back to the Hume on a dray. There was at that time no station occupied between Barnawartha, on the Hume (now G. H. Bar- bers), and Sugarloaf Creek (W. Hamilton's). The blacks were not numerous, but very hostile. They murdered a number of white men and destroyed a great many cattle and horses. In May 1840, 21 of them, all armed with guns, besides their native weapons, attacked my station in my absence. They murdered one of my servants and burned my huts and stores, and all my wheat. Tea was worth at that time in Melbourne 20 per chest, and flour 100 per ton. Four horses, each worth 100, were killed, and only seven head of cattle, out of nearly 3,000, were left alive on the run. One hundred and eighty head exclusive of those found dead were totally lost. The rest were recovered, at such an expenditure of money and of personal energy, as have left me an invalid for life, and to this day comparatively a poor man. 188 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. My demand for compensation was treated with contempt by the Governor of New South Wales ; he said I had voluntarily placed myself beyond the boundaries of police, and must take the consequences, although I was then paying an assessment upon stock for the very purpose of securing police protection beyond the boundaries. Three special commissioners were sent one after another to examine into the matter, Major Lettsom, of the 80th Regiment, Mr. Bingham, Commissioner of Crown Lands for the district, and Chief Protector Robinson. The whole drift of their inquiries seemed to me to be an attempt to prove that the cause of .the attack upon my station by the blacks was an improper treat- ment of the native women by my servants. This was shown to be totally without foundation, for the natives had no women with them, and it was their first visit to the station. It was also their last. I followed them for eighteen months, and apprehended seventeen of them, and, though they were discharged from Melbourne gaol almost as soon as they entered it, yet their capture had such a good effect that their depredations have since been confined to a few cattle for food. There have been none of their former whole- sale slaughterings, and no murders of white men since then. These, Sir, are the salient points of my experience as a squatter. I have lost my capital. I have lost my health. I have lost fifteen years of the best period of my life. I have undergone many hardships, exposed myself to many dangers, and am now a poorer man than I was when I became a squatter. There is an apparent egotism in this letter, which would be offensive without the com- ment, that, from the tenor of Your Excellency's circular, I concluded that short narratives of individual experience, and not general disquisitions, were what Your Excellency required. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your Excellency's most obedient servant, GEORGE EDWARD MACKAY. His Excellency C. J. La Trobe, Esq., Lieutenant-Governor of the Colonv of Victoria. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 1&9 No. 38. Longerenong, Wimmera, 16th November 1853. SIR, I have the honour to forward to Your Excellency the enclosed information, and trust that, although late, it may still be of some use. Wishing Your Excellency a pleasant and agreeable voyage, I have the honour to be, Your most obedient servant, WILLIAM TAYLOR. His Excellency Charles Joseph La Trobe, Esq., &c., &c., &c. STATEMENT OF THE PROGRESS OP THE SETTLEMENT OF THAT PORTION OF THE WIMMERA DISTRICT AROUND AND BEYOND MOUNT ZERO, DURING 1843-4C. 1843. In July of this year Mr. Darlot occupied his present station with about 300 head of cattle. In November my partner, Mr. McPherson, started to look for new runs, and followed the course of the Wimmera from Mrs. Greene's present home-station, at that time an out-station of Mr. John Allan's. The Wimmera was at that period unoccupied from Allan's out-station to Mr. Darlot's. 1844. In February we started our sheep from a station on the Moorabool, 20 miles from Geelong, and occupied our present homestead on the Wimmera about the end of the same month. At that date, with the exception of Mr. Darlot's 300 cattle eight miles lower down the river, there was no stock north of Cameron's heifer station (Navarre) or west of the Avoca to the Glenelg, that I was aware of. About this time Mr. Hamilton, manager for B. Boyd, Esq., occupied the eastern branch of the Wimmera for ten miles above and below where the township of Glenorchy is DOW fixed. Mr. Mills, manager for Messrs. Brodie and Cruikshank, passed our station about the 20th March with 3,000 sheep, and 190 Letters from Victorian Pioneers, occupied the station now held by Mr. Splatt (Wouwondah) a few days afterwards. This was the second flock of sheep that passed into the country beyond Ledcourt ours being the first. We saw no natives till we were on the station two months. Afterwards they came in very quickly till they numbered about 100 men, women, and children. At this time they were in tlie habit of stealing a sheep occasionally at night. In September, about 40 natives attacked one of our shepherds, threw several spears at him, and took his flock from him within a mile of the homestead. The overseer mustered the men, and the sheep were regained within an hour. During the winter the natives were very troublesome. Mr. W. J. T. Clarke, at the Pyrenees, lost 1,000 sheep ; he had a shepherd badly speared. After this Captain Dana and the native police arrived at the Pyrenees, followed the natives, and overtook them near Ayrey and Nicholas present homestead at that time unoccupied country. At Boyd's station (Ledcourt) the natives stole during the winter about 800 sheep. The station was constantly annoyed by their stealing sheep, which they generally drove towards the Richardson, and occasionally behind Mount Zero. Messrs. Brodie and Cruikshank had 200 sheep stolen. Messrs. Darlot, Ellerman, Mills, and McPherson tracked them for two days, and found them near Mr. Baillie's present station (Polkemet) in a gum scrub. They had killed ten, and carried the carcases away, breaking the legs of those left behind alive. This was their usual plan to prevent the sheep straying, and at the same time annoy the settlers. Brodie and Cruikshank's loss that winter was in all about 900 sheep. In November of this year Messrs. Creswick occupied the Avon Station. During December Messrs. Wilson occupied a station on the Richardson, near Rutherford's present station, but afterwards (in December) moved down the Wimmera, east of Mount Arapiles, where Mr. Firebrace's station now is. 1845. During January Major Firebrace brought up 6,000 sheep, and claimed the run occupied by Messrs. Wilson, and having no license, Messrs. Wilson were compelled to move lower down the river, where Mr. Baillie now is, but left during the Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 191 winter, being afraid of the natives, and sat down where their pre- sent station is three miles below Horsham with 2,000 sheep. Messrs. Baillie and Hamilton claimed the portion of this run adjoining Ledcourt, in February, but were removed by the Crown Lands Commissioner. About 10th February they occupied the ground vacated by Messrs. Wilson, below Major Firebrace's, with 3,000 sheep. About the end of February Rutherford and Robinson took possession of the run (on the Richardson) now in occupation of Messrs. Rutherford, Dennis, and Ayrey & Nichol, with 3,000 sheep. About 10th March Joseph Thier occupied the run on the Avon, now Love's. About this time we occupied the lakes north of Mount Zero and the Yarriambiack Creek, for twelve miles. Messrs. Wilson immediately afterwards built two stations lower down the same creek Kewell and Muckbilly. About the 20th March Messrs. Donald and Macredie came to Longerenong looking for runs. On questioning the natives, we found there was good water to the north-east, a day's journey distant. Two days afterwards my late partner, Mr. McPherson, started with them, taking a native as a guide, and the same evening struck the Avon below the station of Horsfall, who had been there about a week previous. Next day they followed the Avon to Banyeyong the water ihey started for. Mr. J. Donald immediately left for Melbourne to get a license and bring up stock. Mr. W. Patterson occupied his station on the Wimmera in April with 3,000 sheep. Mr. Geo. Urquhart occupied Maryvale in July with 4,000 sheep ; Mr. Glendinning the Salt Lakes in October and November with 2,000 sheep. In November Messrs. Scott occupied their run on the Yarriambiack Creek. In April of this year Mr. Robinson, the Protector of Aborigines, first visited the Wimmera, and penetrated as far as Lake Hind- marsh. Mr. H. Darlot and other settlers accompanied him ; they saw very few of the natives. The losses of the settlers in sheep by the natives were again considerable this winter. Messrs. Baillie and Hamilton suffered 192 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. most severely. In all, they lost 1,000 sheep, besides lambs, and were continually harassed, being near the scrub, where the natives Lad plenty of cover. Major Firebrace and Mr. Patterson also lost several hundred sheep. The old system of breaking the legs was still carried on. The stations higher up the river escaped this year. The country on the Richardson and Avon being settled, the blacks had no place to take the sheep to. On the Glenelg, also, the settlers were comparatively unmolested, as the Wimmera and the country about Mount Arapiles was a great resort of the natives with stolen sheep. In August Mr. Horsfall, on the Avon, had a hut-keeper mur- dered by the natives, with a spade that was in his hut. The murderers were never taken. After the first year's occupation, the demeanour of the natives was generally friendly to the settlers. On many of the stations their services were of great value in looking for strayed horses, and especially sheep. Several of them have shepherded for eight and ten months at a time, and were the best shepherds in the district. Not being afraid of losing their flock, they allowed them to spread over a large tract of country. They were also useful in pointing out the permanent water-holes. 1846. This year, in January, Mr. Steiglitz occupied the country around Lake Hindraarsh with sheep ; Messrs. Shaw and Ellerman the Antwerp Station in February. This year Mr. McGuinness occupied the lake that the Yarriam- biack flows into. In May of this year Captain Fyans, Commissioner of Crown Lands, first visited this part of the district, and we occupied Munarp towards Banyeyong. In June Dr. Thomson brought sheep up, and laid claim to 150,000 acres, a great extent of which had been already occupied by others. I believe that Your Excellency is aware that the country in the Wimmera district, at least this part of it, was, when occupied, poor and thinly grassed. Since it has been stocked with sheep, the grass has improved so much that I am sure it will now fatten more than double the number it could have done at first. WILLIAM TAYLOR. Letters from Victorian Pioneers, 193 No. 39. No. 98/44. Commissioner of Crown Lands Office, Gippsland, g m Alberton, 15th July 1844. Reverting to Your Honour's instructions, No. 43/1 354, of Septem- ber 18th 1843, and to my reply thereto, No. ll/44,of 22nd January, reporting the state of this district on my arrival, I have the honour to state that, as at that time my residence in Gippsland had been limited to eight or ten days, and consequently my opportunities of obtaining correct information relative to the district few, I con- sider it my duty, now that I have been resident here six months, collected some information, and gained a little knowledge of the country, to follow up that report by a second, in which I shall endeavour to convey to Your Honour an account of the state of the district up to the 30th June last, a description of the country, rivers, and lakes, and such other information as may appear essential to a knowledge of this part of the colony. AREA OF GIPPSLAND. The district of Gippsland, by His Excellency's proclamation published in the Government Gazette, is bounded " on the south and east by the sea ; on the north by a line running in a westerly direction from Cape Howe to the source of the nearest tributary of the Murray River and the Australian Alps ; again on the west by the Alps, and a line south to Anderson's Inlet" being about 250 miles in length, and 56 miles average breadth, and containing, consequently, about 14,000 square miles, of which the ranges comprise perhaps about 10,000 miles ; forest, scrub, and generally unavailable land, 3,000 square miles ; and the good available land, 1,000 square miles. RANGES. High, broken country extends from the Dividing Range or watershed towards the sea-coast, about 40 miles, a great part of which is covered with snow from June to October, and as the average distance from the main range to the sea-coast is not above 194 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 70 miles, the low and occupied country does not extend much above 30 miles from the coast. With the exception of three or four, the settlers are confined within a belt of this width, 89 miles in length, extending from Port Albert to the River Thomson or Tambo. To the eastward of the Thomson for some little distance, the country is so precipitous and broken that there has hitherto been no communication between this part of the district and the Snowy River (which is said to be distant 20 or 30 miles from the Thomson) but by way of Omeo. I believe an attempt was made by a party upwards of a year ago to reach Maneroo in a north- easterly direction from Bruthen, but failed in consequence of their horses being too jaded to proceed. The distance to be saved by this route to Maneroo, were it found practicable, would be nearly 100 miles ; and the high ranges about Omeo would be thus avoided. RIVERS. The rivers that water the before-mentioned belt of occupied country are seven in number, namely, the La Trobe, Maconochie, Barney, Dunlop,Macarthur, Riley or Nicholson, and Thomson, or Tambo of the Omeo natives. The Perry, described by Count Strzelecki, between the Dunlop and Macarthur, cannot be classed with these, it being merely a small chain of ponds. There are, besides these rivers, several minor streams falling into the sea, between Corner Inlet and the La Trobe. MINOR STREAMS. The Albert and Tarra rivulets rise in a small range 17 or 18 miles from Port Albert, and empty themselves into that port. Bruthen Creek, Merriman's Creek, and two others, rising in the same range, fall into the sea north-north-east of the Port. The River La Trobe, which is the westernmost and largest river in Gippsland, derives its waters by various tributaries from the Dividing Range, opposite the sources of the Goulburn. The chief source is perhaps in latitude 37 40' south and longitude 146 east, from which to its junction with Lake Wellington, in latitude 38 8' and longitude 147 22' nearly, is Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 195 about 100 miles. The course for the last 70 miles is due east, the lower part, for 42 miles, being occupied by settlers. For the respective positions of the stations, &c., I beg to refer Your Honour to the accompanying map. 1 RIVER MACONOCHIE. The next river to the La Trobe is the Maconochie. It appears to rise near the base of the hilly country, in latitude 38 and longitude 146 45', and, following an east-south-east direction for 19 miles, joins the Barney. Although running throughout the year, it is a small river, sometimes admitting a person to cross almost without wetting his feet. This river is also occupied, with the exception of a few miles of indifferent country near its source. The Barney, I have every reason to believe, rises about 30 miles south-west of Mount Buller, and, after flowing south-south-east for about 45 miles, enters the low country. Its course is then east for seven miles, and south-east and by south for sixteen miles, when, after receiving the waters of the Maconochie, it flows into the La Trobe at the distance of ten miles from Lake Wellington. Near the head of this river, between the Dividing Range and the Gippsland Range, a large extent of fine, open, and well- watered country is said to exist, having been discovered by an exploring party from the Devil's River two or three years ago. Its existence has been corroborated by some natives from the Doro country, and its supposed position was known to several settlers in Gippsland, yet no attempt has hitherto been made by any party in the district to reach it, although an extensive valley called G-lenmaggie, stretching in that direction, seems to invite the attempt. A stockman, named Andrew Ewing, in the employment of Messrs. Watson and Hunter, of Devil's River, informed me he had seen it, and even applied for a license, so far back as November last, to occupy a station there. Not having heard of his arrival, I may presume he has not succeeded in finding a road over the ranges practicable for sheep. 1 This map is not included in Mr. La Trobe's gift to the Trustees of the Public Library. ED. O Z 196 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. DUNLOP RIVER. The next river in succession, the Dunlop (the Avon of Mr, Macalister), apparently taking its rise near Mount Gisborne or Wellington, and running in a south-south-east direction for tAventy miles, through a broken and scrubby country, is met at the head of the low country by a minor branch from the westward, passing under a moderately elevated hill called Ben Cruachan. At the distance of twenty miles south-east from the junction, the Dunlop falls into Lake Wellington, and is navigable for eight miles from its mouth for vessels of considerable burthen, the depth being 4^ fathoms, and width varying from 100 to 200 yards. It is deep close to its margin. HEAET OF GIPPSLAND. The country between this river and the Barney, from the foot of the ranges to Lake Wellington, containing 160 square miles, may be truly called the heart of Gippsland. It consists of fine, open plains and forest land, and, from its superior herbage, is, I am of opinion, capable of depasturing 50,000 sheep, or at the rate of two acres to each sheep. A part of this country is in the occupation of the discoverer of Gippsland, Mr. Macalister, whom, I am informed, at the enormous expense of between 2,000 and 3,000, opened a road over the ranges to this beautiful district through the Omeo country, prior to Count Strzelecki's journey. MACARTHUR RIVER. The Macarthur, next in size to the La Trobe, apparently comes from the Snowy Mountains, and a minor branch of it from the Gippsland Range, near Mount Valentia. The country, as far as is known of it, through which it flows, is broken and scrubby to within twenty-three miles of Lake King, which lake receives its waters. The land on either side of the lower part of the Macarthur is occupied. RIVER RILEY. The Riley, or Nicholson, a small stream, occasionally dry in places, rising in a minor range, waters an unavailable scrubby Letters from Victorian Pioneers, 197 country. It falls into Lake King, about a mile to the northward of the mouth of the Macarthur. THOMSON, OR TAMBO RIVER. The Thomson, or Tambo, rises about ten or twelve miles to the eastward of Omeo. It flows into Lake King five miles east of the Riley, after a southerly course of sixty miles. The country between the Thomson and the Snowy River, a distance of about thirty miles, is unexplored, but a river of some magnitude is said to flow through it. EASTERN PORTION OP THE DISTRICT NOT VISITED. The eastern portion of the district I have not yet visited, nor will a visit to it be practicable until the spring, owing to the ranges being covered with snow. A description of that part of the country will therefore form the subject of a future communication to Your Honour. LAKES. The whole of the drainage of the ranges and country above described, forms an extensive chain of lakes, forty-nine miles in length, running near to and parallel with the sea-coast. The first or westernmost of these, called Lake Wellington by the discoverer, Mr. McMillan, receives the waters of the La Trobe, Maconochie, Barney, and Dunlop, and is fresh throughout the year. It is in length twelve miles; in width from six to eight and a half; and in depth, varying from one to three fathoms. The country between it and the sea has not been explored. That to the westward and northward is generally good, and all that is available occupied. MCLENNAN'S STRAITS. The outlet of this lake is through a narrow channel six miles long, and from one hundred to two hundred yards wide, and four or five fathoms deep, called McLennan's Straits (so named after one of the party who first explored it in a boat), into Lake Victoria. 198 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. LAKE VICTORIA. Lake Victoria also owes its name to the discoverer, Mr. McMillan. It is in length thirty-two miles, and in breadth averaging only about one mile and a half, and is generally between four and five fathoms deep. The outlet to the sea, at its eastern extremity, is too narrow and shoaly to be rendered available except for small boats. LAKE KING. Lake King, of Count Strzelecki, is the northern portion of Lake Victoria, eleven miles long and seven broad, having an average depth of about four fathoms ; it receives the waters of the Macarthur, Riley, and Thomson, the former of which carries four and a half fathoms water for upwards of ten miles, although it is only one fathom deep at the entrance. LAKE REEVE. Communicating with Lake Victoria by means of a very shallow channel, between that lake and the sea-coast, is another lake of some extent, called Lake Reeve, after the discoverer, John Reeve, J.P., proprietor of a special survey at Port Albert. While exploring the lakes a short time since, with a view to discover if any outlet from the lakes to the sea existed that could be rendered available for shipping, I made an ineffectual attempt to get a boat into Lake Reeve, an outlet to the sea about a mile wide having been seen by Mr. Reeve from a. hill between the two lakes. From a view I also obtained of that lake from a different hill, I am of opinion that, should there be an outlet to the sea, it is too shallow to admit of its being used as a harbour. If, therefore, this prove the case, Alberton and the special surveys, although badly situated with reference to the heart of Gippsland, must continue to command the country. GlPPSLAND LIKELY TO BECOME A VALUABLE PORTION OF THE COLONY. From the salubrity of the climate, the absence of hot winds and summer frosts, the copious supply of summer rains, the fertility of the soil, notwithstanding that the lakes should not be Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 199 available for external navigation, Gippsland will no doubt at some future period become the granary of New South Wales, and form a valuable portion of the colony. The number of stations in the district on the 30th June was 40, and of people employed on them 327, of whom 227 were free males; 51, free females ; 47, male prisoners of the Crown ; and 2, female prisoners. The stock depasturing on Crown lands was 410 horses, 20,157 cattle, and 62,455 sheep, besides a few hundred head of cattle, and some horses belonging to persons whom I have deemed it necessary to defer recommending for licenses until I shall have received testimonials of their characters from the Commissioner of the district they left prior to coming here. RESIDENTS AT VICTORIA, AT THE SHIPPING POINT, AND AT TABRAVILLE. Besides the number of persons given above, there are 120 living on purchased land, viz.: At Victoria (Mr. Orr's special survey), 17 males, 6 females, and 13 children; on Major David- son's survey (shipping place), 18 males, 7 females, and 3 children ; at Tarraville (Mr. Reeve's special survey), 29 males, 14 females, and 13 children. ALBERTON DESERTED. Albefton is now quite deserted in consequence of Messrs. Turnbull and Orr having moved their stores and counting-house to the Shipping Point, where most of the mercantile business of the district is carried on. Those persons given in my last half-year's return, then residing at Alberton, most of whom were bad characters, have either left the district, or have sought refuge on the special surveys. The runaway convicts and other bad characters with which this district was infested a few months ago, have, I believe, been nearly all driven out of the district by the system of surveillance pursued by the border police, acting under my instructions. (The system will be explained on reference to the annexed copy of a letter 1 addressed by me to the respective settlers.) 1 This letter is not included in the La Trobe MS. ED. 200 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. MORE POLICE REQUIRED. I regret, however, to observe that the depredations of the aborigines continue, and that the small police force at my disposal is inadequate to put a stop to them. The most effectual method that suggests itself to me to check these attacks, is by establishing two police stations in different parts of the occupied country, each consisting of five troopers of the border police, and two of the native police attached as trackers. One of these stations I should propose fixing in the midst of the settlers, on the La Trobe or Maconochie, under the orders of the sergeant of the border police ; the other, at the present head- quarters, on the Macarthur, near which the natives have been very troublesome, killing 90 head of cattle belonging to Mr. Sparks, at various times, and many belonging to Mr. Jones. In this quarter Mr. Thorn has also been a sufferer by their repeated attacks. The aborigines of Grippsland are supposed to exceed in number those of any other known part of the colony of equal extent ; and this supposition is favoured by the circumstance of their isolated position being such as, in a great measure, to prevent their being destroyed by wars made upon them by other tribes, as well as of their having had no intercourse with Europeans. Those inhabiting the country about the lakes, judging from the numerous fires, and the different large parties of them I saw while on the lakes, cannot be less than a thousand. VAN DIEMEN'S LAND A GOOD MARKET FOR GIPPSLAND STOCK. To turn, however, from the loss sustained by the settlers by the depredations of the aborigines, it is gratifying to remark the comparatively remunerating prices obtained by the stock-holders for their stock in the Van Diemen's Land market, for which market Alberton is so conveniently situated. The subjoined returns, kindly furnished me by Mr. Turnbull and the Collector of Customs at Port Albert, show a monthly average of eight vessels for the last half-year, employed chiefly in this trade ; and an increase of shipping over that of the Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 201 half-year ending December 1843, reported in my former com- munication to Your Honour, of 1,172 tons. EXPORTS EXCEED IMPORTS AS 2f TO 1. It also shows the value of exports to have been 8,238 8s. for the half-year, while that of the imports furnished by Mr. Moore of the Customs was, for the last four months only, 2,037 15s. 4d., being at the rate annually of 16,476 16s. exports, and 6,113 6s. imports, the exports exceeding the imports by 10,363 10s., or nearly as 2$ to 1. REVENUE. The revenue collected by Mr. Moore for the last four months was 157 Os. lid., or at the rate of 471 2s. 9d. per annum, but from the recent addition to the district of several settlers with stock, and from the circumstance of the sly -grog sellers having been driven from their unlawful occupation, and succeeded by two licensed publicans, added to the permission recently promulgated by the Governor to the merchants of Alberton, for the sale of wine and beer in quantities not less than two gallons, it may be fairly presumed that the revenue for the ensuing year will exceed that sum. Particulars of Port Albert shipping from the 1 st of January to the 30th June 1844, inclusive, furnished by Messrs. Turnbull and Co., merchants : Arrivals. Departures. Brigs. Brigantines. Schooners. Cutters. 48 43 8 11 17 12 Exports. 886 cattle, at 80s. ... ... 3,544 21 calves, at 20s. ... ... 21 2, 137 sheep, at 4s. ... ... 427 8 39 tons bark, at 30s. ... ... 58 10 335 bales wool, weighing 83,750 Ibs., at Is. per Ib. ... 4,18710 Amount of tonnage from 1st July to 31st December 1843 ... ... ... 3,339 1st January to 30th June 1844 ... ... 4,511 Increase 1,172 202 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. Statement of the value of all articles imported and ex- ported from 6th March to 5th April 1844, with the amount of duty and other revenue collected during that period, fur- nished by Mr. Moore : Amount of Revenue Collected. Duties. Fees. Total. s. d. s. d. S. d. S. d. 224 10 1,055 10 Nil 6 6 Statement of the value of all articles, imports and exports, during the quarter ending 5th July 1844 ; with the amount of duty and other revenue collected during that period, furnished by Mr. Moore : Imports. Exports. Duties. Fees. Total. S. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. S. d. 1,813 5 4 4,070 10 6 122 10 2 34 10 9 157 11 Exports from 6th March to 5th April, furnished by Mr. Moore : Wool, 12,600 Ibs. Cattle, 93 head... Sheep, 85 head... Sundries Total ... 630 ... 366 42 10 17 ... 1,055 10 Exports for quarter ending 5th July, furnished by Mr. Moore : Wool, 10,440 Ibs. Cattle, 6,540 head Sheep, 2,408 ... Sundries 522 2,476 909 14 162 16 6 Total ... 4,070 10 6 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 203"- Having now endeavoured to convey to Your Honour a succinct account of the district of Gippsland generally, as proposed at the commencement of this letter, I may now be permitted to make a few brief remarks on the state of that part of it more imme- diately connected with Port Albert. ALBERTON. The Government township of Alberton, as before stated, is entirely abandoned, owing chiefly, perhaps, to its possessing no commercial advantages, being out of the line of road from the interior to the shipping point. VICTORIA. The Victoria township, on Mr. Orr's special survey, cannot, for the same reason, be other than a small village. Major David- son's survey, containing, I believe, 180 acres, commands the anchorage; there are, however, only about 10 acres of scrub avail- able for any purpose whatever, the remainder being a saltwater swamp. Besides, the present few inhabitants have either to cart water a distance of five miles or to beg it from the ship-masters- Two wells have been sunk, but the water in both cases proved salt. A township evidently cannot be established at this point. TARRAVILLE. On the contrary, the township of Tarraville (Mr. Reeve's survey) has the advantage of being so situated as to command the nearest line of road to the interior, and at the same time of being within a convenient distance (about 3^ miles) of the shipping point. It has also the advantage of water communication to the shipping, for vessels of small burthen, such as lighters. RESERVE RECOMMENDED. Under these circumstances I feel it my duty to recommend that that portion of land on the Tarra Creek to the southward of Mr. Reeve's survey be reserved until it shall be finally decided on what site the Government township would be most advantageously situated. A court-house and lock-up are about to be built at the expense- of the settlers, as soon as a convenient site can be ascertained and sanctioned by the Government. 204 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. In informing Yonr Honour of these circumstances I cannot refrain from expressing my opinion that the erection of these buildings, and the appointing Alberton a place to hold petty ses- sions, will be attended with no advantage whatever, unless a constable and lock-up keeper be allowed. Hitherto the duty has been performed by the border police, but it is evident that the services of the few men of that corps attached to this district are equally required to protect the settlers against the incursions of the aborigines, and for other police pur- poses in the interior. In conclusion, I beg to express my expectation of being enabled to complete this report in the spring, when the disap- pearance of the snow from the ranges will admit of my visiting the eastern portion of the district. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your Honour's most obedient servant, CHARLES J. TYERS, Com. Crown Lands. His Honour C. J. La Trobe, Esq., Melbourne. No. 4,0. o Melbourne, August 19th 1853. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excel- lency's letter of the 29th July last, requesting information regarding the first occupation of the Campaspe and King Parrot creeks. My party was one of the numerous ones which drove sheep overland from the Sydney to the Port Phillip district in 1838. Unfortunately catarrh broke out in some of the flocks between the Murray and the Ovens, and, rapidly spreading to others, com- pelled the proprietors to seek for not only new runs but new districts, where no sheep were already depasturing. Mr. P. Snodgrass, Dr. Dickson, Farquhar McKenzie, and others followed up the Goulburn, and found suitable runs on that Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 205 river and its tributaries. I crossed the Goulburn in June, follow- ing Sir Thomas Mitchell's line of road, till I reached the Cam- paspe Plains, subsequently occupied by Monro, and then known as Munro's Plains, where I kept the stock for upwards of a month, while I examined the surrounding country; and I then moved lower down the creek to the run, which I disposed of in 1840 to Messrs. Jennings and Playne, and which has now passed into the hands of J. H. Patterson. At that time there were no runs taken up to the north of Mitchell's line, excepting Mr. Bowman's, on the Coliban, at the foot of Mount Alexander, which shortly after came into the possession of Mr. Orr, who is, I believe, still the occupier. It will be in Your Excellency's recollection that 1838 was the year of the great drought, and it was only by having my marching establishment complete, and thus constantly shifting my ground, that I was enabled to keep the stock alive. When I came into that district in July the ground was exceedingly dry, the grass apparently dead (although after the first rain it grew again most luxuriantly), the water-holes very low, and for nine months there was not even a moderate shower to freshen the herbage. Conse- quently there was no attraction for settlers, and I had no neighbour, except those I have mentioned, during my stay there. I am informed that there are now between 200,000 and 300,000 sheep depasturing on the Lower Campaspe Plains, where, in 1838-39, there was not grass enough to feed half-a-dozen goats. I only knew of two tribes of natives in that part of the country one called the Goulburn blacks, who chiefly stopped on that river, but occasionally came as far as my station, a distance of about 55 miles, and were tolerably well behaved, only pilfering and sometimes frightening the shepherds; and the other tribe more particularly belonging to the Campaspe, who, from the first, appeared to have a dislike to the whites. I can hardly tell the numbers of these tribes, but think the Campaspe blacks might muster about 40 able-bodied men in all. They were rather fine men, but very mischievous, and did much damage, not only to myself, but to the settlers as far as Ebden's run, at Mount Macedon. No doubt, there was blame on both sides, and had the whites not been over-familiar with them, for the sole purpose of 206 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. getting their women, many of the outrages then perpetrated might have been avoided. The greater part of these men suddenly disappeared, and I know it was, and perhaps is still thought that they were slaughtered by the whites, and especially by myself; but my belief is that they died from influenza, which was prevalent, in a very severe form, at that time, and, to my own knowledge, more than one died of it; and as Your Excellency is about to leave the colony, and I may not have another opportunity, it is a satisfaction to myself to solemnly assure you that I never shot or otherwise destroyed one of them. I never even fired at one, and only once, when some troopers came up to apprehend them for killing two of my shep- herds, am I aware of any being killed by the whites. My run on the King Parrot Creek was taken up by my overseer, and I never resided on the station. It was adjoining Farquhar McKenzie's, and indeed at one time was claimed by him. I can give Your Excellency no correct information of the first occupation of that part of the country. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your Excellency's obedient servant, C. HUTTON. His Excellency C. J. La Trobe, Esq., &c.. No. 41. e Mount Aitken, 26th August 1853. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 27th of July, asking information regarding the first settle- ment of Victoria. I beg leave to inform you that Mr. Batman, who arrived in May 1835, was the first person who visited Port Phillip from Van Diemen's Land. Messrs. Jackson, Evans, and myself, arrived in Hobson's Bay in September of the same year, for the purpose of exploring the country preparatory to bringing stock over from Van Diemen's Land. The country appeared to us so Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 207 well adapted for grazing purposes, both as regarded pasturage and climate, that we lost no time in going back to Van Diemen's Land for our stock. In March 1836, I landed with my sheep, &c., at Arthur's Seat, owing to the ship getting aground in the Bay, and travelled with them to this place, called by His Excellency Sir Richard Bourke, Mount Aitken, where I have continued to reside ever since. Mr. Batman and Mr. Arthur brought sheep over from Van Diemen's Land about the end of 1835, or the beginning of 1836. The above-mentioned gentlemen were the only parties who brought stock prior to my arrival. Various other parties arrived soon after me with stock, viz.: Messrs. Jackson, Evans, Brock, Brodie, Sams, Wedge, Franks, Malcolm, Smith, Sutherland, Whyte, Clarke, and Fawkner. The latter gentleman was the Cain, or the first tiller of the soil in this province. Unfortunately he made a poor selection opposite the present city of Melbourne, in the swamp, and consequently it turned out a failure. Owing to this circumstance the impression became general that, however well adapted the country was for the grazing of sheep and cattle, it was altogether unsuited for agri- cultural purposes. The consequence of this false impression was that the Van Diemen's Land farmers immediately raised the price of wheat to 1 per bushel, as they imagined this country would be entirely dependent upon them for supplies of breadstuff's. In June and July 1837, settlers from the Sydney side com- menced to arrive. Amongst the earliest were Messrs. Howey, Ebden, Mollison, Hamilton, Coghill, and Hepburn, a great number of others immediately following them. With reference to the natives: On landing at Arthur's Seat, they were most friendly, assisting me to land my sheep, &c. About 80 was the number I then saw, being the Western Port tribe, some of whom accompanied me in my journey round the Bay to Melbourne. The Mount Macedon tribe of natives came to my tent soon after my arrival at Mount Aitken. I did all in my power to conciliate them, by giving them rations of rice, sugar, flour, &c., while they remained about the place. The number of the tribe, as near as I could guess, was about 100 men, women, and children. I consider that this tribe was 208 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. more savage than the Western Port tribe, a neighbour of mine (Mr. Franks) and his servant being murdered while serving out food to them. Two of Mr. Gellibrand's men were killed soon after by the same tribe. I had great reason to be thankful that I succeeded in saving myself and shepherds from sharing a similar fate. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your Excellency's most obedient servant, JOHN AITKEN. His Excellency C. J. La Trobe, Esq., Lieutenant-Governor of Victoria, &c., &c. No. 4=2. SlE St. Kilda, September 15th 1853. In reply to your letter of the 29th July last, requesting infor- mation respecting the first occupation of the Goulburn River, and the general line of the Sydney road, or any other portion of the colony of which I am personally cognizant, I beg to state that I arrived in Port Phillip with stock from the Sydney district in May 1837, in company with Messrs. Hughes, Farquhar McKenzie, Murdock, and Colonel White. I took up a station on the Muddy Creek and Goulburn River. Mr. Hughes located himself on a creek known as Hughes's. Mr. McKenzie took up a station on the King Parrot Creek. Mr. Murdock occupied the country immediately below me on the Goulburn ; and Colonel White formed his station on the Sunday Creek. At that time the only person living on the river was Mr. John Clarke, who was resident at that part known as " the old crossing-place ;" he had arrived there in the previous February. There were no residents to the north of the Goulburn, with the exception of two houses of accommodation at the Murray and Ovens rivers. About two years subsequently Messrs. Colburn and Fletcher took possession of the country above me on the Goulburn, Acheron, and Rubicon rivers. Dr. Patrick first occu- pied the station now known as Cathkin, in the occupation of Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 209 Mr. Maxwell, and Messrs. Watson and Hunter occupied the Devil's River. The first occupants of the Goulburn below Seymour were: Colonel Anderson, who took the country immediately adjoining ; Messrs. Mantons, who occupied both sides of the river, including almost the whole from thence to the Murray ; and Mr. Macgregor, who located himself near the junction of the Broken River and Seven Creeks with the G-oulbura ; Mr. Gideon Stewai't occupied the country on the Sunday Creek contiguous to that part now known as the township of Broadford ; Dr. Hamlyn, the land around Kilmore ; Mr. Archibald Thorn, Beveridge's Flat ; and Mr. Malcolm, Kinlochewe. It is beyond my power to state precisely at what time each station was taken up, but the whole of the above parties were in occupation of them in the year 1840. The number of the aborigines on the Goulburn and its tribu- taries at the time of my first settling there, was probably about five or six hundred. They were generally scattered about in small tribes in various parts on the rivers and creeks, but occa- sionally collected in large numbers. At first they killed several of the men in the employment of the settlers, and some of their sheep and cattle ; but, by using conciliatory measures, they gradu- ally became well disposed towards the white inhabitants. From the statement of the natives themselves, they seem to have been, much more numerous some few years before our arrival amongst them, but they suffered severely from the small-pox, of which disease many of them bore evident marks ; in fact, individuals may be seen to this day who have plainly suffered from that malady. From their first acquaintance with the white population, their numbers have diminished from disease and other causes, until there are perhaps scarcely one-fifth of the number above stated, and it seems probable that in a few years they will become extinct. I have the honour to be, Your Excellency's most obedient servant, PETER SNODGRASS, To His Excellency C. J. La Trobe, Esq. p 210 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. No. 4=3. Amherst, Eurobank, 6th September 1853. Mr DEAR MR. LA TROBE, In answer to your letter requesting me to communicate any information that I may be able to give respecting the early settle- ment of a portion of this colony, I have much pleasure in for- warding the accompanying document. I have revised it carefully, and believe that the facts stated are correct, to the best of my knowledge and recollection. My interest in the colony, arising from early association, has long been great, and though uncomfortably disturbed by recent important changes in its social aspect, is still so much as to cause me to hope that its history may be rescued from oblivion. I cannot but trust that there is some promise of this being now done in a manner which must gratify all who can appre- ciate graphic records and vivid descriptions. I remain, my dear Mr. La Trobe, Very faithfully yours, a B. HALL. To His Excellency C. J. La Trobe, Melbourne. Muster Cattle on Maneroo. In the year 1840 I assisted in mustering on the plains of Maneroo a herd of cattle, belonging to a Dr. Shirwin, and purchased from him by a mercantile firm in Sydney to send to Port Phillip as a speculation. Start for Port Phillip. Thirteen hundred mixed cattle were gathered, with which our party started in August for Port Phillip by way of Yass. Many other Herds on the Road. There were several other herds travelling on this road at the time. It was said that there were 20,000 cattle between Yass and Melbourne. However this may have been, there were so many different parties moving with stock in the same line as ourselves as made it necessary that great Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 211 care should be exercised to prevent the mixing of herds, and con- sequent annoyance and confusion. The Crossing-places over the Rivers. This was particularly the case at the crossing-places over the rivers, where, sometimes from accident, bad management, or from the cattle proving refrac- tory, one party would occupy the ford for two or three days. It was usual for the parties which might be a day's stage, or even more, in front or behind, to send all their men that could be spared to assist at such times. The intermediate district through which the road lay was very thinly settled and stocked, but still it was all nominally taken up. There was, however, abundance of grass and water for travelling herds without interfering with the resident stock. The "Major's Line." In approaching the district of Port Phillip we understood that the line which we followed was that struck out by Major Mitchell on his return from Portland Bay. Finding, when we reached the Goulburn Eiver, that the cattle market in Melbourne was overstocked, it was determined to place the herd on a run if it could be found. Campaspe. With this view the country was explored to the north of Major Mitchell's return line, first down the Campaspe ; but though there was no station below what is now Mr. Lynott's (one formed below it having been abandoned on account of the attack of the natives), the country looked so parched up and uninviting that it was not taken up. Lower Loddon. The same cause deterred us from occupying the Lower Loddon, which had been already passed by others as worthless, the value of it and the country to the north generally as a winter run for stock not having then been ascertained. Halt the Herd at Glenmona. In order more perfectly to- prosecute the search for available country, the herd was halted at the creek lately occupied by McNeil and Hall, near Eurobank,, whence excursions were made in various directions. Button, Simson, and Darlot. This creek was then occupied by an out-station of Messrs. Button, Simson, and Darlot, who had recently arrived from the Sydney district with one of the largest establishments that had ever come overland. It formed the western portion of their run, their eastern boundary being 212 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. forty miles distant, near Mount Alexander. On this same creek, to the southward, nearer to the Maiden Hills, the Messrs. Hodg- kinsou were established, the southern portion of their run having been previously held by Messrs. Lang and Griffin, who had moved from it to Mount Elephant, and prior to them by a Mr. Bowman (or Borman), who, I understood, was drowned in going by sea from Melbourne to Sydney. At this time there were no stations to the north of this part of the country. Avoca River. The Avoca was also unoccupied except at its source in the Amphitheatre, among the Pyrenees, where Mr. Irvine had a sheep station. There had been a station taken up about ten miles below this by a Mr. Oliphant, but one or two of his shepherds having been killed by the natives it was deserted, and occupied afterwards by Mr. Irvine. Mr. Briggs, who finally settled at the Grampians, had halted hereabouts for some weeks on his way down from Bathurst with sheep. Southerly from this neighbourhood the country was held by Messrs. Donald and Hamilton (west from Mount Misery); by Messrs. Learmonth (north-east and south from the same hill); by Mr. McCallum (north from Mount Beckwith), he having pur- chased from Mr. Hawdon ; in the same line proceeding easterly, by Mr. Donald Cameron, and further on by Captain McLachlan, to the north of whom were Mr. Lachlan Mackinnon, who after- wards sold to Mr. Hunter ; and Mr. Colin Mackinnou, who disposed of his station to the Messrs. Joyce and moved on to the Pyrenees. River Wimmera ; Mount Cole. Proceeding west past the Avoca, we found the Mount Cole branch of the Eiver Wimmera occupied at the upper part ; first by Mr. Irvine with sheep ; next to him by Mr. Lynott with cattle of Dr. Imlay's, of Twofold Bay ; and below him by Mr. Francis. Mr. Francis was killed in 1842 by a wound inflicted by a madman whom he had imprudently employed. Mr. Lynott about the same time sold his station to Mr. J. A. Cameron for 1,300, who lately disposed of it to Mr. C. Williamson of Melbourne for 30,000. Want of Water to tlie North. On exploring the unoccupied country to the north, we found it without water. Places to which Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 213 we were taken by the natives with assurances that there would be plenty of water, we found quite dry. This was particularly remarkable in the channel of the Wimmera, which looked as if it had not run below the stations of Mr. Clarke of Bowling Forest (then managed by Mr. Francis) for some years. Mount William, Wimmera. From this district to the Mount William branches of the Wimmera there were no settlers ; though Mr. Blow shortly afterwards came in upon the intervening space with sheep of Mr. Sinclair's (of Van Diemen's Land), occupying country which is now held by Dr. Blundell and Dr. Thomson, it having first passed through the hands of Mr. John Allan, and thence I believe into the possession of the Bank of Australasia. Near to Mount William Mr. Horace Wills, from the Murrum- bidgee River, was settled. He had sold a portion of his run to Captain Bunbury. Mr. Kirk was superintending a station east from Mount William on the Hopkins River ; this was afterwards sold to Messrs. McG-ill and Ross, and by them recently disposed of to Messrs. Richardson and Wright, and Rodger. From these stations north for twenty miles, following the course of the Wimmera, there was no one ; beyond this distance Captain Briggs was settled with sheep brought down from near Bathurst, the property of the Redfern estate there. These were sold to Mr. Boyd, of Sydney notoriety, and next purchased, I believe, by the present proprietor, Mr. Carfrae. Plains and Northern Wimmera. North of this place, the plains and River Wimmera itself were totally unoccupied, little known, and supposed to be worthless for stock. Progress and Cause of Settlement of the Inferior Northern Country. At this time the richer portions only of the colony found favour in the eyes of intending settlers as only being calcu- lated to afford marketable stock. Afterwards, when melting down had been established into a system rendering settlers inde- pendent of the limited market of Melbourne, and giving a value to lean stock in consequence of their being in demand to replace stock boiled down from the richer runs, country till then despised was greedily taken up. The northern plains and the parts more immediately watered by the Wimmera and its tributaries were occupied under these circumstances. Then it was discovered that Letters from Victorian Pioneers. tracts which had been passed over as barren in summer had a peculiar value in winter, and in fact it gradually became apparent that they were second to no district in their capacity for producing fat stock, the fattening seasons, however, being different. Water becoming more permanent. Their condition also, of being in a great part without water, seemed to have altered, and creeks which had formerly been dry for long periods now filled with the regular rains. We take ^lp a Run. Finding the vacant country between Captain Bunbury's and Mr. Briggs's stations in some respects suitable for our purpose, we occupied it, intending, however, to remain there only for a time, during which search for a more favourable spot might be prosecuted. The Station changes hands. The station so formed remained permanent, passing into the hands of Messrs. Rose and Jackson, and from them to Mr. Horace Wills Mr. Rose, in 1843, taking up a run to the west of the Grampians, between Mount Zero and the Victoria Range. At this time, following the Grampians round the south-west, there was no station beyond that of Captain Bunbury till Mount Sturgeon was reached, where Dr. Martin, of Heidelberg, had a herd of cattle in charge of Mr. Knowles. Shortly after I settled, however, Mr. Chirnside took up a small creek flowing on to the plains from Mount William. To the south-east Messrs. Stevens and Thomson had arrived overland with sheep from Yass, and occupied the Fiery Creek. East of them were the Messrs. Camphell, who had settled at Mount Cole about a year before. Between the Grampians and Victoria Range a Mr. Dwyer took up in 1842 some country at the back of Dr. Martin's run. River Glenelg, upper part vacant. The Upper Glenelg, at its rise amongst the ranges, was "unoccupied, nor am I aware that any country for a considerable distance west from its source Avas taken up till later, and all towards Mount Arapiles and on the waters running to the Wimrnera from the western side of the Grampians was yet vacant. River Norton. It was not till 1843 that Mr. Rose took up a run on the head waters of the Norton (or McKenzie), which I had explored much earlier, for a heifer station, reaching it Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 215 through a wild and beautiful pass, now called "Rose's Gap," but which I did not then think worth occupying. Victoria Range. It was about 1843 that Mr. D. C. Simson took up country lying immediately beneath the Victoria Range to the west, and various stations were quickly formed on the Wimmera and Upper Glenelg, Mr. Sherratt establishing himself on the latter river below Mr. Simson, having removed from near Mount Alexander. / leave the Grampians. At the end of 1842 I left my residence at the Grampians and purchased a station from Mr. Simson on the creek which now forms the western boundary of the county of Talbot. My acquaintance with the former neighbourhood consequently ceased to be kept up except by casual visits. Loddon District, &c. The Mindai. Being thus settled in the Loddon district, in 1843 I formed one of a party, consisting of Mr. McNeil, Mr. Darlot, and myself, with two natives, to explore the plains to the north of the Pyrenees, induced thereto by the accounts the blacks gave of a large lake there, which we were anxious to see, in spite of the " mindai," which they gave us to understand infested it, making a prey of emus and blackfellows, and which the old lubras of the tribe asserted would never allow us to return, an imaginary fate which they bewailed with much lamentation and weeping, endeavouring to deter us by picturing the immensity of the monster. One old and hideous hag, in particular, dabbed her yam-stick into the ground dramatically, and affirmed that "Cobra belonging to mindai, along o' this one station, tail like it along o' Mr. MeCallum ! " (thus indicating a length of about eleven miles only !). The notion of discovering two such wonders, as a lake in a waterless country and a serpent of such magnificent dimensions, only stimulated our determination ; so, crossing the Avoca in April, 1843, we struck into a dry creek (the Avon), running north from the Pyrenees. Finding it without water throughout its course, which we followed for a day and a half, till discerning no sign of moisture in its channel, and being in great doubt how far the blacks were to be depended on as to their knowledge of any per- manent water thereabouts, we turned towards the^Wimmera. 216 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. This, by travelling all night steering by a star we reached early on the third morning. Our horses had been two days and three nights without anything to drink, except a quart of water to- each, which we gave them from our keg, pouring it into the crown of a cabbage-tree hat, into which the fold of a mackintosh cloak had been first fitted, to make it hold water. The winters of 18434 proving wet, these various northern creeks filled up, and the country near the Lake Bainenong was reached and occupied by Messrs. J. and W. Donald and the Messrs. Wedge, who sold to Mr. Robert Macredie. The Lower Avoca was also taken up first, below the stations of Mr. Irvine, by Mr. J. L. Foster and Mr. Archdale (since dead), near Bealiba ; next by Messrs. Ellis, Shore, and Elliott, followed by others, down its whole course. Nearer the Pyrenees, on a branch of the Avoca, were Mr. Colin Mackinnon (removal from the Loddon) and Mr. James Campbell. Avon River. On the sources of the Avon, among the northern spurs of the Pyrenees, a large tract of country was taken up about this time by Mr. Laurence Rostron. Pleasure of exploring. There was a wonderful charm in exploring country thus uninhabited except by the natives and wild birds and animals. These occupied, without altering the face of nature, which, heterodox as the opinion in these days may seem, was, to my eye, more beautiful than in its present aspect of national pretensions and " magnificence." Herds of kangaroo abounded in the forests, and emus grazed over the plains, in some cases so tame as to approach the rider with a strange gaze of curiosity. The creeks were then all fringed with reeds and rushes, undevoured by hungry cows and gaunt working bullocks. These reeds and rushes formed a beautiful edging to the dark solemn pools overhung by the water-loving gum-trees, where wild fowl abounded, as the plains did with quail and turkeys. Abundance of Game. About the Grampians, in particular, game was most plentiful. My stockman repeatedly brought in young live emu, which he had ridden down ; and kangaroo-tail soup, in its abundance, ceased to have any attraction for us. I had tame emu chickens performing their strange juvenile antic* Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 217 round my reed mia-mia yellow-striped and downy little objects, difficult to be recognised as the sources from which future mature emus were to grow. A female kangaroo was a familiar intimate of my hut, and on excellent terms with the dogs that had murdered its poor mother. Wild ducks, geese, and swans were constant visitors upon the water-hole opposite my door, and occasionally a pelican, or spoon-bill, appeared as a rarity. THE NATIVES. Hostilities. At the period of my entrance into the colony of Australia Felix, in almost every part of it the mutual relation of the natives and settlers, at first, was one of distrust and violence. This, it was stated, arose from the attempts of the blacks to steal sheep, or other property of value, from the settlers. These robberies were often accompanied with violence and murder, committed in the treacherous manner common to most savages. Such occurrences naturally led to reprisals, in which the superior arms and energy of the settlers and of their servants told with fatal effect upon the native race. Instances of this deplorable result might often be observed by the explorer in the early days of the settlement of the colony. Native Skeleton in a Waterhole. When I was passing with the cattle over the Eastern Wimmera, a shepherd came up and entered into conversation with me. He held a carbine in the place of a crook, and an old regulation pistol was stuck in his belt, instead of the more classic pastoral pipe pastoral pursuits in Australia being attended, at this time, with circumstances more calculated to foster a spirit of war than one of music. After some conversation he led me to a waterhole, where the skeleton of a native exposed by the shrinking of the water in the summer heat lay on the mud. There was a bullet-hole through the back of the skull. " He was shot in the water," the man told me, " as he was a-trying to hide hisself after a scrimmage ! There was a lot more tother side." Bones under a Gum-tree. " I might see the bones a-sticking up out of the ground close to the big fallen gum-tree, where they'd been stowed away all of a heap" a grave good enough, he 218 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. took occasion to assure me, for the " sneaking, murdering, black cannibals." Bones under the Logs of a Bush Fire. On another branch of the Wimmera, when looking for the horses one morning, after camping out, my black boy came back, his complexion changed to yellow Avith fright ; taking me away to a short distance, he showed me three or four bodies, partially concealed by logs. There were numerous tracks of horses round about. He explained the occurrence in his way "I believe blackfellow bimbulalee sheep all about. Then whitefellow gilbert and put 'em along o' fire." Every station had some tragic tale connected with this subject. At one, a paroquet was pointed out as it ran about the floor of the hut, quite tame. It had been the only thing left at an out-station by the blacks, after murdering the hut-keeper, and stealing the utensils and rations. It had been found perched on a tie-beam over the dead body, and brought in to the home-station. Hut-keeper left for Dead. At another, the servant who brought in the tea and damper had his face distorted. He had once been a good-looking man, but the blacks came on him one morning when he was shifting the hurdles, battered his face in, left him for dead, and robbed the hut. Spears taken out of Cattle. At a third, there was a heap of pieces of spears piled up on the rough slab mantelpiece. These had been taken out of various cows and bullocks, on a cattle run, where the natives had attacked them in the ranges, killing many and driving the rest away. The place was shown where they had had their corrobboree, to celebrate the triumph. The ground was beaten smooth and hard where they had danced, and bark plates lay about on which the choice morsels had been heaped. Cattle driven off tJie Run. On this run, out of 1,500 head of cattle, all had been driven off but about 30 " crawlers." It was many weeks before they were re-mustered. Sheep driven away; legs broken. From another station, a whole flock of sheep had been taken away, far to the north ; a few only were recovered, numbers being found by the pursuers with their legs broken, a cruel sort of tethering resorted to in those days by the natives under these circumstances. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 219 Settler speared. Again, at another station, a stockyard was pointed out in which one of the earlier proprietors had been speared while milking a cow. Natives made ^lseful. Yet, with all this, the natives generally were welcomed at the stations for the most part, and they made themselves useful in many ways, as for instance in stripping bark, finding lost horses, and in acting as guides and messengers ; but they seem always to have availed themselves of any opening for attack left by incaution at least for a long time after the first occupation of the country. Numerous about the Gramjjians. Fish Weirs. About the Grampians they were numerous at the time of my residence, and had apparently been much more so, judging from the traces left by them in the swampy margins of the river. At these places we found many low sod banks extending across the shallow branches of the river, with apertures at intervals, in which were placed long, narrow, circular nets (like a large stocking) made of rush-work. Heaps of muscle shells were also found abounding on the banks, and old mia-mias where the earth around was strewed with the balls formed in the mouth when chewing the farinaceous matter out of the bulrush root. Bird Catching. They had the art here of catching birds with a long slender stick like a fishing rod, at the end of which was a noose of grass twisted up. With this apparatus and a screen of boughs, they succeeded in putting salt on birds' tails to some purpose. One old villainous-looking black of my acquaintance used to catch large bundles of quail, which he would barter freely for suet. The kidney fat of a sheep would purchase a dozen brace. Craivfish. The lubras fished up crawfish from the shallow muddy water-holes with their toes and yam-sticks, and exchanged them for the dainties of civilized life. A large tin-dishful'might be obtained in barter by a small expenditure of tea and sugar, and when treated with a certain degree of gastronomic science formed a not unwelcome change of diet from mutton chops or salt beef, which in those days was the almost unvaried food of the " cormo- rant squattocracy." 220 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. Native Tracks. I here first saw the tracks formed by the natives in travelling over any particular pass. There was one across the Grampian Range, about 15 miles north of Mount William, leading up a wild romantic glen, and over onto the source of the Glenelg. I found another through the tea-tree scrub of the Wannon, near Mount Sturgeon, from which, on each side of the river, other tracks diverged over the open ground ; they were much like cattle tracks, except that they passed over places which cattle were not likely to attempt. Grass-tree. One variety of food was in use among the natives here which was new to me at the time. It was a portion of the grass-tree top. This was first pulled out of the stem, a few preliminary taps being made with the back of the tomahawk, and then a length of soft, white, succulent matter neatly twisted off the lower extremity, where it had been embedded in the rugged trunk ; it reminded me of asparagus in the proportion of tender to tough. I also observed them take a red grub out from the grass-tree, which I was informed was " merrijig " and " likit sugar," with an assurance further, that I was a " stupid fellow" for not adopting it as anarticle of diet. I cannot confirm the character given of this eat- able, however, not having been induced by the scorn and wonder of the aborigines to test their bill of fare further than by trying the crawfish and grass-tree. I conceive it quite possible, however, that an unprejudiced person might pronounce grubs red or white less repulsive in appearance as food than a fat. delicious oyster. I am by no means convinced that, while in o,ur self-satisfied horror at seeing fellow-men, black and savage though they be, eating things certainly not unlike worms, we abstain from Australian grubs, we may not be losing the enjoyment of a delicacy second only to white-bait. How the Blacks eat Emu Skin. When endeavouring to find the lake called Bainenong, before spoken of, I shot an emu, which the blacks who were with us received as a great prize. They cooked and eat it in a style which amused us much. Having first roughly plucked it, they took off the skin, which they stuffed with tender gum twigs ; thus prepared, it was delicately toasted at a slow fire, and then rich, yellow, oily lengths of what looked Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 221 like the thickest of the fattest possible goose-skin were trimmed off and swallowed, as the Lazaroni of Naples are said to suck down macaroni. Places of Interment. From one or two instances which came before us, I am inclined to believe that the blacks about the Grampians used to bury their dead in hollow trees. On one occasion I discovered my stockman manifesting a mysterious dislike to a particular vicinity, and on questioning him ascertained that, at the foot of a hollow tree, at the place in question, were the half-burnt remains of a human being. At another, a dead body was plainly perceptible high up the hollow of an old gum-tree. Superiority of the Loddon and Marrable Natives. The natives at the Grampians were, generally speaking, a much inferior tribe in appearance to those of the more fertile districts, such as the Loddon and Marrable. It seemed as if they depended physically upon the nature of the country which they occupied, the richer portions of the colony nourishing its inhabitants into better grown and handsomer men and women than the less fertile parts. About the Loddon and Marrable, I have seen men who might have served as models of symmetry and strength, and whose figures were perfection as regards the animal man. The lubras also here were often found tall, well-shaped, and good-looking, as far as could be judged of through a coating of grease and various pigments and filth white, black, and red. Inferiority of the Grampian Blacks. At the Grampians, both sexes were distinguished by pre-eminent ugliness and dirt, as far as I had opportunities of judging. Absence of Feeling of Revenge. In all parts of the colony in which I have been, the character of the natives seems to be free from the inclination to vengeance so common among most savages ; at least to vengeance towards the civilized intruder upon their country. Their murders of and thefts from the white population seem generally to have been prompted by mere acquisitiveness, the objects of their desire being different from those which tempt the criminals of civilized communities. The diplomatists of their tribes may even perhaps have pleaded justification that their kangaroos and emus were driven away by the flocks and herds of the settlers for reprisals upon an invading 222 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. enemy, stimulating a sort of guerrilla warfare, not indeed with the war cry Pro arts et focis, but for a reason no less cogent to men whose undisciplined appetites may be presumed to have been keen enough. Their cannibalism and cutting out of warriors' kidney fat were only manifestations probably of their religion or superstition, as the rack and the faggot have been, and the prison is now, the means by which the dominant orthodoxy of the day is vindicated on the other side of the world. Apart from these peculiarities, I am of opinion that they may, towards the whites, at least in the main, be considered a placable people ; for let them be offended ever so bitterly, and overtures then be proffered towards reconciliation through the medium of the cheap gifts which pervert their wisdom, and their wrath evaporates like the morning dew. I have known their dogs to be shot (an offence generally of the deepest dye against their social code) and the tribe depart in consequence, shaking as it were the dust from their feet against the station where the offence had been committed, the men jabber- ing all kinds of native imprecations, as was supposed, and the women howling ululations and hugging their dead mangy darlings in their arms. In a month they have come back smilingly for tobacco, protesting with the utmost amiability that " all gone sulky now." C. B. HALL. 4:4:. DEAR SIR, In answer to Your Excellency's communication of 29th July, requesting me to supply any information in my power as to the time and circumstances of the first settlement and occupation of the Mount Cole country, I have great pleasure in mentioning such particulars as have come within my knowledge as an old settler, although not one of the first inhabitants. I have the honour to be, with respectful regards, Your most obedient servant, COLIN CAMPBELL. To His Excellency C. J. La Trobe, Esq. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 223 In October 1838 I left London with my brother, and arrived at Hobarton in March 1839, with the intention of proceeding to Port Phillip. In VanDiemen's Land we bought about 2,000 sheep, which, after great trouble and delay, we landed at Williamstown without much loss. Many others were not so fortunate, losing half their cargo from stress of weather and close confinement. We also imported from Van Diemen's Land some fifteen horses. Our sheep cost us at first about 15s. per head, but prices were then rising rapidly, and the cost of shipment and the risk of loss were great. In the month of July 1839, 1 think sheep had reached 2 per head in Port Phillip. During that winter, flour, owing partly to monopoly, rose- to 70 per ton in Melbourne. The wages of shepherds and hut-keepers reached about 40 per annum, and 1 per week was given to extra hands. The sheep from Van Diemen's Land were all scabby, and the disease became much more virulent when they were put in yards in Port Phillip. This was a source of great trouble and expense, and the Act then in force prevented sheep from travelling except in February. We therefore spent the winter of 1839 at the Darebin Creek, under canvas on a small scale, and were there assailed by a suc- cession of floods, which continued at intervals until Christmas, on which day I saw a flock of sheep and half a dozen men nearly drowned in the Yarra. In summer, shearing was got over, and the wool sold at high prices, although much damaged (about Is. 6d. per pound in Mel- bourne). Then we explored for a run, and my brother, after surveying the then barren plains of the Loddon, selected the country at the foot of Mount Cole, as the best unoccupied tract. Thither we proceeded with the usual equipment, and in the begin- ning of March arrived at the Fiery Creek, a few miles from the base of Mount Cole. At that time the country was occupied from Geelongup to the Trawalla ranges, but was quite vacant beyond these to the north and west. We tenanted a large tract of country, as it was the fashion then for squatters to occupy the best spots as stations, without much regard to their distance from each other, but our dimensions were shorn by flock-owners from Sydney, who preferred appropriation to original discovery. It was upon this occasionr 224 Letters from, Victorian Pioneers. that the Commissioner of the Western District did me the honour of designating me a8 a " shabby Scotchman," although I was not aware of the fact until very lately. In the year 1840 stock began to pass down from the Sydney side by the Major's Line, which was then deeply furrowed with dray tracks, but the plains to the south-west of Mount Cole remained unoccupied, the prevailing feeling among settlers at that time being that they were too bare and uncomfortable for either man or beast. The country at the head of the Hopkins was, however, taken up soon after ours, with Sydney flocks. The north side of Mount Cole was also occupied about 1841 with sheep and cattle, and depasturage gradually extended down the Wimmera, reaching Lake Hindmarsh about 1846. It was about 1848 that the Rich- ardson and the Avoca became settled, a change having come over the seasons, which supplied with water tracts of country which had appeared unavailable. To return to Mount Cole. About a year after our first occu- pation we began to feel settled, having subdued the scab. I was induced, however, very foolishly to sell the greater part of my sheep and run, from an idea that horses and cattle could be man- aged at much less expense. So they were, but, on the other hand, they produced a still smaller income, owing to the great deprecia- tion which took place about 1843, and continued for some five years from that time. Wool alone, I may observe, was indepen- dent of this change, and the returns derived from this source from England alone enabled the squatters to weather the storm, and the merchants and shopkeepers to carry on their business. Many of the original squatters, however, went down in my neighbourhood, and others took their place, buying stations in some cases at little more than a year's income. Squatters at that time, if they could not provide cash, could only get credit through a merchant, for the banks gave them no facilities otherwise. The result was that a large number of settlers were in receipt of advances which cost them about 20 per cent. It was not, I believe, until within the last five years that they became as a class independent in their circumstances. The natives when we first went to Mount Cole were numerous, but nothing like a census of them was ever taken. When we first camped upon their grounds, as might be expected they made Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 225- a demonstration against us by collecting a body of fighting men. in our vicinity. It became necessary to dislodge them from their position, but, as five or six of us marched steadily up to their camp, with the intention of demanding an explanation, they all ran away, and never came round us again fcr twelve months. We met a black boy (Jacky), however, and induced him to come home with us, and he lived in or about our huts for about three years without ever leaving us for any length of time. He was very intelligent, and proved useful in tracking lost sheep, exploring country, &c., but when he came to a certain age he sought him- self a wife, and became a man and a savage. He was always honest and faithful, and at one time incurred some risk from a bushranger, who took his horse from him when he was tailing some heifers, and whom he resisted manfully until a pistol was presented at him. From a good many years' experience, I can> bear witness to the intelligence and good-feeling of the blacks,, and believe their capabilities to be almost equal to those of Europeans, but their associations from birth upwards are very powerful. I shall never forget a lesson I gave a fine young man, the son of King William, in geography. When I showed him the map of New Holland, he thought it was a plan of the run. Then I pointed out to him where we were at Mount Cole, and he took it all in. I then showed him the map of Asia, and he understood the relative size of its different parts. I then showed him the map of the world, with Asia in it, and he opened his eyes,, and made exclamations for five minutes together as the new idea flashed upon him. In 1851 I resided for four or five months at the station with Mrs. Campbell, and at one time there were about 100 natives en- camped beside us. I walked through them and introduced Mrs. C. When I came to King William I said, "Mrs. C. King W.," &c., when he took off a cocked hat and made a neat bow, but added, "Borak 1 Mrs. Campbell Mrs. Colin Campbell"; reserving the former honour for my senior brother's wife when he gets one. When I was last at the station in October 1852, 1 found that the very high wages given to the whites had caused the services of the natives to be regularly enlisted. About 40,000 sheep were 1 Borak means uo, not so. ED. Q 226 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. washed by them alone at Mount Cole, wages being given them at the rate of 12s. per week, and they went on steadily to the end of shearing. Two or three were receiving l a week as bullock- drivers. For ten years previous to this, I had seen them earning occasional wages, but I never saw them engaged with such per- severing energy as on this occasion. I think, therefore, that good wages would keep the able-bodied men fully employed, with an occasional spell, but when they get money the public-houses make sad havoc among them. Our tribe from the first saw very little of the Protectors, having to run the gauntlet of the Loddon blacks . to reach Jim Crow, but it often struck me that a voluntary protectorate might have been formed in some parts of the country. Suppose notice to have been given that settlers undertaking the charge of certain natives, and certi- fying that they had been employed by them for so long a time, would be entitled to receive blankets, clothing, &c., for their benefit, there would have been a great inducement to employ them, both on grounds of public duty and private interest. At least the disadvantages attending their labour would have been somewhat counterbalanced. In this way small parties of four or five might have been assigned to different stations, where habits of civilization would have grown upon them. The gregariousness of the natives has been the source of the strength of their wandering habits, which have prevented them from settling down in families on particular spots. They lived in clans, and their laws were not dissimilar to those of the Scotch Highlanders a century and a half ago. "Divide et impera" was I think the key to their improvement, but the system of Protectors in this colony was one which confirmed their gregarious associations. With regard to missionaries : While the collection of a number of aborigines gives good opportunities, their settlement in distinct places offers a better field for making impressions. In the latter case they would require to be visited where they lived, and it may be hoped that some settlers would take an interest in their eternal welfare. I, for one, cannot sufficiently condemn myself for the neglect of valuable opportunities. At present I should say the natives are as hopeful subjects for Chris- tianity as many of the whites in the interior. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 227 With squatting politics Your Excellency must have been ere now surfeited, and I have already trespassed enough upon your patience. However, perhaps you will excuse me for enclosing a " discourse " upon the subject in print, which has been the result of a good many years' study upon this subject. No. 4=5. MY DEAR SIR, lst August 1853. I am very sorry that so few names occur to me of the settlers who originally took up their runs in the vicinity of the Broken River and Lower Murray ; but almost all those who, to my know- ledge, occupied new country in those days are either dead or gone home. I put Mr. Holloway's name on the list, because I think he could give a good deal of information on the subject in general, although he did not settle in that particular locality. Should I recollect any more names, I .will forward them to you when I give you an account of the very little information that I possess individually on the matter. Allow me to remain, my dear Sir, Yours most sincerely, EDWARD GRIMES. To His Excellency C. J. La Trobe, Esq. W. McKellar, Lima, Benalla Alex. Mackenzie Cheyne, Goulburn River Charles Ryan, Seven Creeks, Sydney Road Willm. Atkins, near Seymour Ephraim and John Howe W. McDonald, Junction of Goulburn and Murray Charles and James Rowan, Ovens River, care of Messrs. W. Bell and Co. W. Chisholm, King River John and Charles Manton. Melbourne Joseph Holloway Theophilus Keene, Lower Murray. Q 2 228 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 4:6. IR Kyneton, 6th August 1853. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 27th ult., requesting me to furnish you with such details relating to the first settlement of this province as I might be personally cognizant of. I now beg to transmit to you a paper, containing such infor- mation as I possess, relating to the above matter. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient servant, JOHN TEMPLETON. C. J. La Trobe, Esq., Lieutenant- Governor, &c., &c. MEMORANDA RESPECTING THE FIRST SETTLEMENT OF PART OF THE PROVINCE OF VICTORIA. In October 1838 I took up the station known as Seven Creeks, situated close to the Sydney road, about 35 miles from the River Goulburn. At that time there were only two stations occupied between the rivers Ovens and Goulburn, viz., one by Mr. H. K. Hughes, at Avenel, and the other, at Mangalore, River Goulburn, by some person on behalf of Major Anderson. Both those stations were taken up about June 1838. In the beginning of 1839, a police-station was formed at the crossing-place of the Broken River, and in the latter part of that year, and the beginning of 1840, the country in the neighbour- hood of that river was occupied by different settlers. In the beginning of 1840, the country now known as the Devil's River country was taken up by Messrs. Watson and Hunter ; and about the same time the country in the neighbour- hood of the Upper Goulburn was occupied. In the end of 1840, and the beginning of 1841, the country on the River Goulburn, below Major Anderson's station, began to be occupied, and soon afterwards the banks of the Murray below the junction of the Ovens. I know personally very little of the first occupation of the country lying between the rivers Ovens and Murray, but may Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 229 mention the names of Dr. Mackay and Mr. G. Faithfull, both still residing on the Ovens, as original occupants of that portion of the district, and as likely to be able to afford you every informa- tion with regard to its first settlement. In the months of July and August J838 I saw a good deal of that part of the Western Port district lying between the Sydney road and Major Mitchell's homeward track ; the country on the Melbourne side of the track appeared to be pretty well occupied, but there was at that time only one station on the other side, viz., that occupied by Captain Hutton, near Mount Mclvor. With regard to the aborigines, my means of information are very meagre. I have no means of even guessing at their numbers when I first settled in Port Phillip, as, for three or four years, they very seldom appeared at my station, and then only in small numbers. I am glad to say that I never had any collision with them, nor in fact suffered any serious annoyance from them. I am aware that in several parts of the Murray district they proved very troublesome in the years 1838 and 1839 ; but I have reason to believe that, if the settlers had used proper precautions, in the generality of cases they would not have suffered. JOHN TEMPLETOX. Kyneton, 6th August 1853. No. 4,7. Fiery Creek, August 18th 1853. MY DEAR MR. LA TROBE, I duly received your circular from Bell, and avail myself of the first subsequent post day to reply to your queries. I am qmte willing to obey your injunction, though I fear that beyond what- ever value may attach to the mere record of the date of settlement of the country, all that I have to impart is comprised in the plodding routine of a squatter's life, unrelieved by startling 230 Letters from Victorian Pioiieers. incident or perilous adventure, and nearly destitute of interest. It might be enlivened by anecdotes of the effect of solitude upon the mind, the peculiarities it induces, and the self-delusion engendered amidst what Dr. Johnson would have called its "anfractuosities," but this would be treading upon egotistical ground, where our resources are abundant a due sense of our own merits being one of the virtues which solitude imparts, and therefore inconsistent with matter-of-fact statement ; besides to diverge at all from the path which you have pointed out would far exceed the limits of a letter, the dangers of the Brevis esse laboro, obscurus fio being already imminent. Upon reaching the Ovens in June 1840, with sheep from Sydney, and finding that disease had been spread along the road by the stock of Messrs. Button and Darlot, we turned aside and ascended the Broken River nearly to its source, passing the stations of Messrs. Brodribb, McKellar, and Peter Stuckey; then crossing a low dividing range we came upon an elevated plateau at the foot of the Alps, known as the Mount Battery country, which had a short time previously been discovered by Messrs. Watson and Hunter, and was then in process of settlement by them. Some unsuccessful attempts had been made to penetrate the Alps in search of new country about the time that Count Strzelecki was engaged upon his exploring expedition. The aboriginal natives were very troublesome in that locality ; they murdered two men in the service of Mr. Waugh, took and kept six hundred of his sheep, and ransacked his dwelling. He came over to me, having on one woollen stocking and one cotton sock, and com- plained that they had not left him even a pannikin. As illus- trative of the early settleme'nt of the country, I may conclude the history of this gentleman's sojourn upon the Devil's River. Some travelling sheep of Mr. McFarlane's, infected with catarrh, camped round his folds, and imparted the scourge to his flocks. Between the ravages of this disease and the constant attacks of the natives, he lost all his sheep, and left the river I believe a ruined man, to add another and a bitter chapter to the next edition of the " Experiences of a Settler in New South Wales." A hut- keeper was also murdered at an out-station of Messrs. Watson and Hunter, two miles from where we were camped. It is Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 231 probable that he went out of his hut to ascertain what the dogs were barking at, and that a blackfellow stepped from behind a tree and tomahawked him in the back of the head, for he was found quite dead, with his hands in his pockets and his pipe in his mouth. The shepherd returned to the hut shortly after, finding it pillaged, and encountering the lifeless body of his mate. The shock nearly overpowered his reason ; he threw off his hat, coat, and boots, and ran to the home-station five miles distant, climbed to the roof of the hut, and sitting astride of the ridge, cried " Murder ! murder ! " continuously for half an hour before he became sufficiently reassured to impart his intelligence. The effect of these atrocities upon the minds of the men, perpetrated in a lonely, isolated spot, remote from assistance, and where nothing distracted their ideas or prevented their brooding upon the one subject, was great. Their fears magnified the danger to such an extent, that they lived in a continual state of anxiety, apprehen- sion, and alarm. The huts were loopholed to enfilade each other. They neither dined nor slept without their arms being within reach ; the barking of a dog was a signal of danger which sent every man to his post ; we had to place two shepherds with every flock, and when the hut-keeper went to the creek for water, a man was posted on the bank with a double-barrelled gun to guard him from the waddy of the ubiquitous aboriginal, who was supposed to lurk behind every gum-tree and to peer from every bush. In February 1841 we resumed our journey by following the Broken River down to the Goulburn, and the latter to near its junction with the Murray, when we struck into Sir T. Mitchell's outward track and followed it to the Wimmera, but our expectations of the country to be found there, formed from his description, were not realized. A series of dry seasons had altered the face of the country, and the fertile region which had presented itself to his delighted view had been converted into an arid waste, destitute of either grass or water. Mrs. Redfern's station (now Mr. Carfrae's) was then the lowest upon the river ; we followed the river upwards, passing the stations of Messrs. Hall and H. S. Wills, and halted under Mount William, from whence we were driven by foot-rot and the blacks. At this time a strong prejudice existed against plains as runs for 232 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. sheep. It was generally supposed that the want of shelter, both from the rays of the siin in summer and the biting blasts in winter, "would soon break down their constitutions, and consequently many persons had passed over this Fiery Creek District, and proceeded many miles further from their markets to occupy much worse runs, and thus, though surrounded by stations, we found it most opportunely at our disposal. We took possession of a portion of it in May 1841. Much of the neighbouring country had been taken up the previous year by Messrs. A. and C. Campbell at Mount Cole ; and by Donald and Hamilton, Hassell and Hamilton, G-. and T. Macredie, G-. Allan, and Wright and Montgomerie, upon the upper part of the Mount Emu Creek. Mr. Kirk held Bur- rumbeep (McGill's run), and Mr. Wyselaskie's was then the next station upon the Hopkins. Messrs. Black and Steele adjoined us to the eastward. The lower part of this creek was dry for many miles, and its entrance to, and exit from, Lake Bolac could not be traced. In August of that year (1841), Mr. L. Mackinnon took up Mount Fyans, and Mr. Chirnside possessed himself of the run which we had vacated at Mount William. Two young men of the name of Mather formed a station under the Grampians ; one of them met with so dreadful a fate that it is worthy of mention in any record of the early settlement of the district. He remained alone at the homestead while his brother was at their only out-station. A short distance from his hut door he was employed cutting down a large tree, which fell across his legs, broke both his thighs, and pinned him to the earth. In this position he must have lain for three days before death terminated his sufferings ; he had scraped two large holes in the ground with his hands in the desperate hope of extricating himself. The agony of this protracted torture was probably heightened by the gathering round him of native dogs, greedy for their prey, and which may not have been restrained from commencing their attack during the short remainder of his life ; for on the fourth day, when his body was found, portions of it had been devoured, And if my memory serves me aright there were indications of his having endeavoured to scare them away. The first operations when taking up a new country, where the hostility of the aborigines Avas to be apprehended, and the Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 233 ravages of native dogs to be guarded against, were to provide for the safety of the stock. Great hardships and privations were almost unwittingly endured, for the constant occupation of mind and body, the newly acquired responsibility, the wild inde- pendence, and the charm of novelty all conspired to give interest to the pursuit. It certainly was not at the time when we lived in a gunyah or sod hut, and fared upon mutton chops served up in the fryingpan, with tea in a quart-pot and a slice of damper three times a day, that we reflected upon the hardships of our lot. It would, I fear, be foreign to the object you have in view to trace the improvement in our social state from the days of unvarying tea, damper, and mutton when our wants were few, and limited to the compass of our own ability to supply them through the several grades of cabbages, potatoes, eggs, tomato jam, news- papers, butter, glass windows, books, pumpkin pies, post offices, and preserving melons, up to our present state of complicated wants, enjoying most of the comforts and some of the luxuries of life. It is with much regret I learn that you are about to leave us. I trust very sincerely that I may have an opportunity of seeing you ere then. I shall make an effort at all events to say adieu personally, and if this should be impracticable I trust that you will remember me amongst the warmest of the many well-wishers you will leave in Victoria ; and believe me to be, Ever yours, my dear Mr. La Trobe, Very sincerely, ALFRED T. THOMSON. To C. J. La Trobe, Esq. No. 48. g IR Point Cook, Nov. 1st, 1853. I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of July 27th. Having been addressed to Geelong, it went to my upper stations, and I only received it a few days since. I shall be now happy to give any information relative to the progress of this colony, but am at a loss where to begin and where 234 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. to end. I will, therefore, give a brief review of what has come under my own observation since my arrival in the colony. I arrived in Adelaide in January 1839, and had no opportunity of judging of the capabilities of the country, although I visiled the most remote station, and that was only 30 miles from Adelaide; but I was surprised to find parties of such a speculative spirit, raising the price of land by false capital to a fictitious value, and paying for the same with long-dated bills. I arrived in Sydney two months afterwards, and was much disappointed with the poor, barren appearance of the country. There had been a series of unusually dry seasons ; butcher's meat being so poor, looked so black and unwholesome that I could not touch it. No vegetables to be had at any price. I started up the country to invest in sheep, and on my way to the Murrumbidgee did not travel a single mile without seeing dead horses and working bullocks. Hay or corn was not to be had at the inns. I saw, upon stations where cattle were eager to get a little water, them crawl to a waterhole all but dried up, and there get bogged, and leave their carcases where there Avere hundreds of others. No one but an eye-witness can have any idea of the state of New South Wales at that period. Besides the unfavourable seasons, the country was overrun with bushrangers. Neither life nor property was safe, not even in vil- lages. When travelling with the mail, I found at every inn horse- men and gigs waiting to accompany the mail for protection. I saw the corpse at Gray's inn of one who had been shot while in charge of a dray. I saw another near Goulburn, and I was within a few miles of Gundaroo when Scotchie and Whitten's party had possession of that village ; and as Mr. Hume (brother of Hamilton Hume, dis- coverer of the Murray river) was going with his servants to the assistance of the villagers he was shot dead, leaving a large family to lament his loss. Scotchie and Whitten were at last cap- tured; the one hanged himself in gaol; the other was hanged in Goulburn. I bought sheep on the Murrumbidgee in April ; re- turned to Sydney, bought a dray and eight bullocks, with the view of taking my sheep to Port Phillip. Before getting to Berrima, a distance of 80 miles, six of my bullocks died from starvation; and, in consequence of thousands of sheep dying of catarrh, I changed my mind and left my sheep at Murrumbidgee. I bought cattle Letters from Victorian Piotieers. 235- and took them overland to Adelaide ; found two of the lower stations on the Murrumbidgee (only 70 miles below Port Phillip road) had been deserted for the want of feed ; and from there to the Adelaide territory appeared to me to be unavailable for any purpose. Mr. Eyre, late Lieut. -Governor of New Zealand, who preceded me a few months, was then of the same opinion. I have seen a portion of the same country since, and what was then a, sandy desert is now tolerably grassed, and the whole of the coun- try occupied. On travelling down the Murray and Murrumbidgee, I found the natives cunning and treacherous, like all other savages, and they would take advantage when parties were off their guard. Mr. Chisholm's party, from Yass, who followed me, had all their stock taken, and the whole party killed except one man. Mr. Snodgrass followed, and also lost a great many sheep by the natives. When I arrived in Adelaide, I found cattle had fallen from 20 to 7, at which price I had to dispose of mine for bills. I returned to Sydney by way of Hobart Town, and found the appearance of the country quite changed, a good deal of rain having fallen in the interval. I then started with my sheep (which I left on the Murrumbidgee) for Port Phillip, and arrived at the Loddon in May 1840, having then been sixteen months in the colonies. I found all the country north of Captain Hepburn and Mr. Coghill unoccupied, and took out a license for the country adjoining them. At that time there were a great many cattle and sheep on the road from Sydney, and six months afterwards all the country to- the north for 50 miles was taken up. I found the natives on the Loddon very quiet ; but some came doAvn from the Pyrenees and killed a Mr. Allan, and also Mr. Oliphant's hut-keeper. I sold my station on the Loddon, bought sheep on the Sydney side, and on my way to the westward found all the country occupied until I arrived at Mount William, where I formed a station in April 1842. On my way to Mount William, I met Mr. Thomson, of Stevens and Thomson, who told me that, although he did not wish to intimidate me, he would at the same time assure me that I would lose every sheep by the natives at Mount William ; that he had been there for two months, and that he put two shepherds with double-barrelled guns to each flock to no purpose, and at 23G Letters from Victorian Pioneers. last was forced to leave. Having been always so lucky with the natives, I pushed on, and upon pitching my tent did all in my power to have some intercourse with the natives, so as to civilize them as soon as possible. It was weeks before I succeeded, as they were always on the look-out, and ran like deer. I at last came upon one on the plains, some distance from timber, and gave chase to him on horseback. When I pulled him, he could scarcely stand on his legs from fear ; but when I smiled, and showed that I wished to be on good terms with them, he gained courage and talked a little. A few days afterwards he brought some younger ones in sight of the tent, who could speak English better. I went to meet them, and gave them to under- stand that I wished to be friendly with them ; that if they did not steal, they should be at liberty to roam about as usual. They seemed quite delighted and pleased. I, at times, gave them a .little flour and mutton ; but it was some months afterwards before I would allow them to come nearer than 200 or 300 yards to the huts. I don't think I lost twenty sheep by them. In the same year, I bought a station on the Wannon, and, to my surprise, not a single native could be seen. I would come upon their camps and fires, but never got a sight of one of them. They were not allowed to come upon any station in that neigh- bourhood ; indeed, they were in a wilder state than any I had seen in the colonies, and at that time all my neighbours were losing sheep. Thinking it the best policy to civilize them as soon as possible, I took two from Mount William to the Wannon, who brought about a dozen to me. I told them the same that I told those at Mount William. A month or so afterwards there were about twenty assisting at sheep-washing. Mr. Riley, of Riley and Barker, hearing of it, immediately rode up to see if it wre correct, and told me that they were the first he had seen at a station in that district, and strongly advised me against encouraging them, as they were treacherous to their kindest benefactors. I pursued my own policy, thinking the sooner they were civilized, and could discriminate between right and wrong, the sooner they would become harmless to Europeans. I found it answer, and in a short time they were seen upon all the stations in that district. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 237 Mr. Matthew Gibson (wiue merchant) was the first party who occupied country in the neighbourhood of Mount William. He pitched his tent in 1839 on that portion of the Hopkins known as McGill's station ; but, finding the water very bad, he moved on to the Glenelg. In 1840 Mr. Kirk took possession of the same country ; and in the same year, Mr. Wills, Capt. Briggs, and others formed stations about the same period. It is the general opinion that the country has improved much by being stocked, and I have no doubt it has to a certain extent, but I think it ia more the result of the change of seasons. In 1842, the Fiery Creek plains were very thinly grassed, and, for the want of water between Mount William and Fiery Creek, there was a large tract of country not occupied till 1846. Being in the habit during those four years of riding over it every month, I observed the sward of grass getting thicker every season, although there was not a hoof upon it. In 1841 the Fiery Creek was dry for 20 miles, the bed of the creek smoking as if on fire, which is the origin of the name. In 1842 I saw a flock of sheep feeding in the centre of Lake Bolac, and, two or three years ago, Mr. Patterson told me that it was 15 feet deep at the margin near his house. Major Mitchell's Lake Repose, Lake Linlithgow, and several other lakes I saw dry in 1842. It is the change of seasons, and not the stock, that has changed the appearance of the country. In 1842 and 1843 water could not be had for the splitters, and now there are springs and creeks everywhere. I formed a station on the Adelaide territory, 40 miles from Guichen Bay, about the end of 1845. I found the habits, &c., of the natives there the same as in Port Phillip, but was surprised to find they could not swim ; and I believe, until lately, they never had an opportunity, as I am informed ten years ago they could only get water by digging for it. There is no river or creek between Lake Alexandrina on the Murray and the Glenelg. The country from that part of the Murray to Mount Gambler is the most barren, sterile country I have witnessed in all my travels. Sheep and cattle die within twenty miles of the coast. I had to remove cattle from a station there after losing about 500. The Police Magistrate, Guichen Bay, told me that it was impossible to keep goats for the supply 238 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. of milk, as they all died. With regard to the capabilities of the different colonies, no doubt Port Phillip is the Eden of the whole. From Lake Colac to Mount Shadwell, Port Fairy, Mount Rouse, Wannon, with the junction of the Glenelg, considering the extent tind area, it is the greatest extent of rich country I ever witnessed within my recollection. Poor, heathy soil, near Newcastle, county of Northumberland, has been ploughed, drained, and manured, so as to raise good crops. On visiting the different provinces and districts, I was struck more with the different manners and cus- toms of the Europeans than the aborigines. In Adelaide, there appeared to be a spirit of keen Yankeeism ; in Sydney, the people seemed light, gay, and thoughtless ; the settlers on the Murrum- bidgee and Goulburn, the same ; and again, on the G-eelong side and Western District, they appeared thoughtful for the future industrious and persevering, willing to put their shoulder to the wheel and overcome all difficulties, and that at a time when they did not know how to raise 10 to pay their license. Indeed, I have been agreeably surprised to witness so many very young men -arrive in this colony possessing such perseverance, sobriety, and exemplary conduct. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, THOS. CHIRNSIDE. His Excellency the Lieut. -Governor. No. 49. ,, Lonsdale-street. 20th Oct. 1853. MY DEAR SIR, As far as my recollections will allow me to record some of the circumstances attending my early career and travels through this southern portion of our Australian possessions, and by so doing contribute to the fund of information you have already gathered through your own long experience and personal observation, it will afford me much pleasure. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 2 39 My early initiation into bush life was as a Commissioner of Crown Lands for the Murray District in 1837, a portion of the colony at that time very thinly occupied by stations, though now forming one of our richest grazing districts. Provided with a good tent and camp equipage, a small supply of books and writing materials, a trusty Westly Richards with an ample supply of ammunition, a capital nag, and some fine kangaroo dogs, you may easily conceive that I looked forward to my expeditions with feelings of pleasure and excitement. My means of transport was a light cart with two draught horses, which, with a large tarpaulin, afforded an ample shelter for the men. The district allotted to me was from the left side of the Mur- rtimbidgee to the right bank of the Ovens River, forty miles on the Port Phillip side of the Murray. The country was at this time most beautiful miles of it untrodden by stock, and, indeed, unseen by Europeans. Every creek abounded with wild fowl, and the quail sprung from the long kangaroo grass which waved to the very flaps of the saddle. Seldom on my return to the encampment, after a long day's ride to some outrstations, but what I had to acknowledge the culinary talents of my tent servant, as the savoury steam of a stew or pastry would rise from the iron pot, simmering by a glorious fire in front of the tent. No dinner cooked by the most cunning artiste is equal to that one enjoys under such circumstances as those I describe, nor can anything equal the relish which is afforded by the quart-pot of tea, a delicacy I know you have yourself appreciated on some of your Excellency's flying expeditions. It has often been a source of regret to me that all the charms attending the traversing of a new country must give way to the march of civilization; the camp on the grassy sward is now superseded by the noisy road-side inn; the quart-pot of tea by the bottle of ale. All the quiet serenity of an Australian bush, as we have known it, has yielded to the demands of population ; and this, though a necessary change, is not the less to be regretted. I look back to those days as to some joyous scene of school-boy holidays. The seasons appear to me to have undergone a considerable change, and to have become both colder and more moist, for, though 240 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. a fire was fully appreciated, the weather generally was mild and dry. My impression with regard to the increased rains is borne out by the fact that many tracts of country are now occupied by stock, which I have ridden over vainly seeking for water to relieve my distressed horse, and moisten my parched lips. I may particularly allude to the Billabong country, and to those plains and flat box country extending between the Edward and Murrumbidgee rivers. For miles and miles I have ridden over this monotonous, dreary flat, not a hill to be seen to raise the hope that some creek or water- hole might be at hand ; the eyes aching with the dazzling reflec- tion and mirage of the plains. Sheep are now occupying the whole of this country, the supply of water for the stations being obtained by sinking waterholes and throwing dams across the slight falls or declinations of the plain, which, though barely visible, yet here and there in the wet seasons become runs of water. Even this, however, affords a precarious supply, and the losses and sufferings of these settlers are very great. In the dry seasons, they frequently have to move on with their flocks towards some of the rivers for their absolute salvation, and, driven to become interlopers and marauders on others' runs, their existence is far from enviable ; their risk, too, of spreading or con- tracting contagious diseases among their flocks thus becomes very great. The heat is also here excessive, which, together with the general dryness of the atmosphere and pasturage, deteriorates the character of the wools. Notwithstanding, however, these draw- backs, it may safely be considered a fine pastoral district. The country to the south-east of the main Sydney road to Port Phillip rises towards the Australian Alps, to which snow-capped mountains we are indebted for the numerous streams and rivers flowing through the lower and (in summer) arid regions to the north and north-west, most of which unite with the Murray. The nearer we approach the mountains both the climate and character of the soil change. I have noticed that the Upper Murray and table lands of Omeo afford an abundant, but coarse, unuutritious grass ; the trees also assume a cold and wintry appearance, and the foliage becomes yet more sombre than the generality of Australian trees. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 241 One circumstance I noticed as strange and difficult to account for. Though the climates on the Murray and Muirumbidgee rivers exactly assimilate, and the distance between them is inconsiderable about 130 miles the appearance of the two rivers differs materially. The banks of the Murrumbidgee are wooded with large swamp oak, as is also the case with its tributaries, the Lachlan, Boorowa, and Tumut rivers, &c., &c. On the latter these large oaks overhang the banks until they nearly meet, impart- ing a peculiar gloom to this rapid stream. On the Murray, the oak entirely disappears, being replaced by the bright wattle or acacia. The scent of its masses of blossom in the spring pervades the air, and adds to the pleasing effect this graceful tree has on the mind of the traveller, enhanced by the wild, sweet call of the bell-bird. Another peculiarity attending these rivers flowing to the north and north-west is that they abound in a fine fish, called the Murray cod. 1 In season, these fish are very rich, and afford the chief sustenance of the natives, who spear them from their canoes, at the prow of which they have a brilliant fire of pine, which attracts the fish at night, and entices them to their destruction. Strange to say that all the streams and rivers flowing to the south and south-west, though in many instances taking their source from the same mountains, are devoid of the river-cod, having only the blackfish, a peculiar kind of herring, and the eel, which run to a large size. About this time commenced the stream of emigration into' Port Phillip, and the main line of road became enlivened by the overland parties crowding one after another to the newly-opened and rich pasturages of the south. Numerous were the incidents, both by flood and field, which these adventurers met with. The rivers were all unbridged, and afforded no small obstacle to the overlander, taxing both his courage, enterprise, and invention to- overcome his difficulties. The danger of attack from the natives was not inconsiderable, and I need hardly call to your recollection the melancholy destruction of Mr. Faithfull's party, who were attacked near the Ovens River, several of the men being killed. I happened to meet one of the poor wretches who escaped, thanks to his speed of foot 1 This cod is, I believe, really a perch. B 242 Letters from Victorian Flowers. and endurance, as he was pursued many miles by the merciless savages, and, though severely wounded, he ran forty miles, and at last dropped at my tent overcome by fatigue and terror. The natives were at all times treacherous to a degree, and the murders they committed were numerous. I admit that they some- times met with treatment from some of the whites sufficient to excite their enmity, but I cannot attribute their acts of murder to a spirit of retaliation, nor do I believe that any cruelty was evinced towards them by the Europeans until exasperated by their savage acts of treachery. The natives of Australia are devoid of any feeling of mercy or pity; no native of a foreign tribe would be safe for an hour if in the power of others of the same race. The most cold-blooded murder will excite no remorse ; the braining of a wretched lubra will only add to the heroic and indomitable character of the savage. I knew a fine young lad whom Dr. Martin had civilized ; he was a stockman, and a very intelligent lad. He accompanied a party with fat stock to Melbourne ; at Buninyong he fell in with a tribe of natives, and, in the act of giving them tobacco, was basely speared, and died in the greatest agony. His only offence was that he belonged to a strange tribe. I have seen a lad of twelve years old drive a spear through the body of an old man because he refused the loan of his pipe. The father of this pre- cocious youth submitted his head without a groan to three terrific blows from a nulla-nulla, inflicted by a relative of the old man's. This was in extenuation of his son's offence. Love to their offspring is the only softening feature in these savages, and that is but an animal propensity natural to the brute creation. Much is laid to the evil effects resulting from the intimacies known to exist between the shepherds and stockmen, and the native women. This encouraged a familiarity with the tribes, which revealed the defenceless state of the European, and they too often availed themselves of this knowledge ; but a sensitive- ness on the point of their women I much doubt, for the first overtures a savage makes in barter is the tender of his unfortunate lubra. That there are some instances of their becoming useful men I cannot deny, as we might instance some of poor Dana's black Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 243 troopers, but they are rare indeed ; it is only under compul- sion that their natural disposition can be restrained. Poor "Mr. William," whom I am sure Your Excellency recollects, is now undergoing his sentence for a breach of the laws at the gold-fields; he is now at Pentridge Stockade, in the capacity of a servant to Mr. Barrow. In that capacity he is a useful, good creature, being a capital nurse and playmate for Barrow's children. Turn the poor fellow away, and he would soon be seen in the streets of Melbourne a drunken sot. I suppose the example of others had its effect with me, and, seized with an overland fit, I resigned my appointment and started for Bathurst, and thence with sheep and cattle to Adelaide. It would be uninteresting to give any detail of the expedition. I believe I was the first to run the Murrumbidgee down with stock, at least no trace of four-footed beast was to be seen as we approached the field of reeds forming the outlet of the Lachlan into the Murrumbidgee. Here I thought we should have been stopped. As far as the eye could reach was one bed of reeds about 15 feet high. The Lachlan here ceases to have the appear- ance of a river, and loses itself in this bed of reeds ; with the drays first, then the cattle, we managed to break down a track for the sheep, and, confident that there was no deep bed of a river to stop us, on we 'went, and three days' hard work saw us through the Lachlau swamps. I was among the most fortunate of the overlanders, having avoided any serious collision with the blacks. The country itself was monotonous to a degree ; the river runs through a nearly level country. The river-flats average about half a rnile wide on each side, and afford fine feed for the stock, and famous camping places at night. From these flats a bank rises to the plains, which extend for hundreds of miles. These plains, in some places, are thickly covered with a low polygonum scrub ; the soil is a species of whitish clay, formed into small hills and hollows like mole-hills. Some fine, silvery gra^s grows in these hollows, and the tops of the rises are utterly devoid of vegetation. The plains are sometimes intersected by a belt of Murray scrub, running down to the very river ; also, I met with some belts of pine forest, in which some very beautiful shrubs and flowers are 244 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. to bo found. The whole of this country has, to my surprise, become now occupied, but I hear that the herbage has improved from being fed over, and the sheep seem to thrive on the various salsolaceous plants which abound. It still, however takes a vast extent of this kind of country to support any number of sheep. The gum-trees on the alluvial flats are magnificent, stately trees, and some of our encampments were singularly picturesque. As tor the Murray ever becoming an agricultural country, the idea is absurd. The produce which Sir Henry Young fancies will all be conveyed to Adelaide by steamers is a chimerical idea which never can be realized. The alluvial river-flats constitute the sole land in any way suitable to agriculture, and these are flooded during the spring and early part of summer by the melting of the snow on the mountains. There is hardly a settler on the Lower Murray who can even luxuriate in a vegetable. The weather during my expedition was most beautiful. We, of course, kept regular watches, and the bugle sounding the morning-watch at two o'clock was the signal for the camp to arouse; breakfast was then cooked, drays loaded, bullocks yoked, and the stock moved off. We then travelled on, but seldom could do much after ten o'clock in the morning, when the heat would become too intense. The sheep would cluster in knots, seeking any shelter from the intense rays of the sun. We gene- rally managed to make one of the bends of the river at this time, and there lay by until four or five o'clock, when we would accom- plish another three or four miles of our journey. The extra- ordinary number of birds which collect on the river afforded abundant sport, as well as capital dinners. It appears to be now indisputably settled that the interior of this country is chiefly characterized by barren scrubs and sterile sandhills, forming as it were a basin, and yet the flights of birds all from the north would lead one to suppose that there must be some oasis in that desert tract extending to Sir Thomas Mitchell's discoveries on the Vic- toria River, on which the migratory feathered-race might rest on their weary flight. The air would sometimes absolutely resound with the chatter of birds, the lagoons swarming with ducks and snipe ; and then the Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 245 luxury of a plunge into the fresh stream after a hard day's work, with the thermometer at 110 Fahrenheit, cannot be exceeded. It is curious to observe the skill shown by the natives in their pursuit of game. They catch vast numbers of ducks in an ingeni- ous manner. The lagoons run for some length, narrowing at the end, where the trees close in; two or three blacks plant themselves near this narrow pass, having extended a large net from tree to tree; the others then proceed to the top of the lagoon, driving the ducks before them. As they fly by the ambuscade, they throw their boomerangs whizzing over the heads of the birds, which, dreading that their enemy, the hawk, is sweeping at them, make a dash under the trees, strike the net, and fall as if shot, when the natives dash in after them. I imagine it is a panic that seizes the poor birds, for I have seen a hundred caught by such means. We encountered some difficulty in crossing our stock and drays over the Rufns and Darling, but none which, with a good heart, we did not overcome ; indeed, such difficulties added zest to our labours. At the north-west bend of the Murray, the river takes a sweep to the south into Lake Alexandrina. From this point I left our party to strike across the scrub into Adelaide, or rather into the settled parts of the colony. We had run short of flour and sugar, and my object was to cut through the scrub with a light horse- cart and bring out supplies for the party, as well as ascertain the best route in for the stock to take. Tracks of former parties were indistinct, and at the point I struck in we noticed for some dis- tance a single cart- track going the direction I wished to follow. This, however, we soon lost, and I discovered that we had fear- fully miscalculated the width of the scrub, or its density at the point I entered. Since then, poor young Bryant perished in the same scrub whilst on an expedition with Colonel Gawler, the then Governor of South Australia. It appeared the Governor wished to penetrate to some hills north, but finding the scrub too dense, and no water to be had, he hastened back to the river, after having had to kill one of the horses. The party, somehow, sepa- rated in pushing for the river. It was a struggle for life, as another day's sun would have been fatal. Poor Bryant must have lost his presence of mind, for his tracks were found running the 24G Letters from Victorian Pioneers. scrub down parallel to the river, but no traces of the poor fellow could ever be made out ; he must have perished a miserable death. To return to my own misadventures. My party consisted. of two men and a native of New South Wales. For two days we cut through the scrub, with little appearance of getting out or of finding water. The labour was excessive, and the men were improvident with our limited supply of water. The third day saw us without any; still I was determined to push on to the hills, knowing that by keeping firm in the one direction I must succeed. The heat was terrific, and the second day told fearfully upon us. It was doubtful whether we could have made back to the river; and the hills, tlie object of our aim, and hopes of water I saw before us. So still we plunged on, the poor horses being in a most pitiable condition. The third day we crossed the hills, but not a sup of water to be found in the porous granite ranges. We camped at three o'clock, the men being utterly prostrated, and the horses in a dying state. The plains of Adelaide were before us. I was sure water must be near ; so leaving the men a compass, with directions that should I not return by morning they should kill one of the horses and moisten their mouths with its blood, and then push on in the same course, I started, or I may say, tottered on for about two miles, when overcome I sunk at the foot of a tree. I never shall forget my sensations at that time. I felt the miserable death awaiting nis. I then thought of home, and that I was in some richly-carpeted drawiug-roorn r and I struggled against insanity. When I recovered to some extent it was a bright, fresh night. I sat up endeavouring to collect my senses, when I heard a flight of birds overhead and the unmistakable cry of the wood-duck. With renewed energy I pushed on, and within a hundred yards of me was the creek. An hour served sufficiently to restore me, and, soaking my woollen shirt in the water, I retraced my steps to the cart. We were saved, but it was touch and go. One of the men never recovered it, and the last time I saw him he was nu idiot in Adelaide. We were but three days without water, but it was summer, and we were working with a blazing sun overhead. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 247 My residence since 1844 has been at Mount Gam bier, about half-way between Melbourne and Adelaide. I there formed a station, and occupied a most splendid portion of country. I just missed Your Excellency when you were at the Mount, being then on the point of taking up the country adjacent to the Mount. I look at this portion of the colony decidedly as the finest I have ever seen, and it would be most interesting to a geologist. When I first occupied it, surface water was very scarce, being found only in a few tea-tree springs, or in the craters of the extinct volcanoes. I, however, subsequently discovered that the whole country was cavernous, and that absolute streams and rivers were flowing within, in some places, a few feet of the surface. The rock is generally limestone, which crops from the surface in all directions ; indeed, in some places, there are but a few inches of soil above the mass of limestone. Our early occupation of Mount Gambler was marked with perhaps more of the difficulties and troubles generally attending a settler's life. When I took up the station I was again beginning the world, with little more than dear-bought experience. The ruinous years of 1842 and 1843 had involved me in the, I may nearly say, universal crash, thanks to the improvidence which I believe is as characteristic of the early squatters as of the British sailor, as also to the simplicity with which so many of us scribbled our autographs to pieces of paper for the relief of pretended friends, whom we found too willing to shuffle their own difficulties on the shoulders of their more generous dupes. There is nothing of which a young man, commencing his career in the colonies, should be more earnestly warned against than this same yielding to the impulse of a good nature. When I fixed on the site of my new homestead I had not a shilling in the world ; unfortunately, the boot was very much on the other leg, but thanks to the success attending sheep-farming I have outlived my difficulties. The natives were very inimical when we first arrived, and, to add to my difficulties, all our men with the exception of one deserted us. I had, however, a trusty friend in poor Edward White, whose daring energy of character has been fully tested in his expeditious in the Survey Department, to which I am sure Your Excellency will fully testify. Another 248 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. young friend, Mr. Brodribb, also bravely adhered to my fortunes. There were but four of us, but we managed to lamb the sheep down and to build a bark shed for shearing. With little assistance, we sheared the flocks, and managed, I can hardly say how, to turn the wool into supplies for the following year. Our neighbour, Mr. Leake, suffered many losses from the natives, some thousands I believe, but we escaped any attack, which I attribute to the astonishment they evinced at seeing the effects of a good rifle aimed by a correct eye, for not a crow would dare to caw on the highest tree near our camp but a rifle ball reached him, or a kangaroo bound through the forest within shot but the sharp ring of the rifle saw him stretched on the sward. I have always thought this gained us their respect. They gave me the name of a chief who had fallen in battle, and affirmed that I had again come among them as a white fellow. We gained their respect, but it was through fear, and subsequently their confidence through kindness. Many of them have since become useful shepherds, and been of the utmost service to me, but it is difficult to have fat sheep where natives shepherd them, for they are too indolent even for that service. The whole of this country is volcanic, but of a different charac- ter to that of Mount Napier and the Belfast District, where the rivers of lava can be followed for miles, now having the appear- ance of rivers of huge rocks of trap, cracked and rent by time and heat. At Mount Gambier there is little rock, save the limestone, and the eruptions of the expired volcanoes of the Gambier, Schanck and others are only marked by a deposit of scoriae and ashes. The bottoms of the craters are now lakes of unfathomable depth, the waters of which, on a cloudy day, assume an inky dark- ness, which gives a degree of solemnity to the scenery. There is also a singular feature in the country. There are many holes and caves ; the caves appear endless, and it requires some degree of nerve to head an exploring expedition in these subterranean territories. Some of them are very beautiful when lit up by torchlight ; long, pendulous stalactites hang from the ceiling or roof of the cavern, connecting themselves with the floor, and the continuous dripping of the water and deposit of the Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 249 sediment has formed itself into the most grotesque shapes ; niches and seats appear of this glittering white marble, which a not very imaginative mind might conceive to be the seats of the presiding genius and his attendant satellites. I have never discovered any petrifactions in these caverns, but I thought once to have discovered something that would have handed down my name to posterity. In one of these niches I observed the figure of a man, bent as in an attitude of thought, his elbows resting on his knees. I ap- proached and felt this object, when I found it to be the body of a man as I supposed petrified. Anxiously I examined it, and took an arm and hand, which were loose, to the open air for closer inspec- tion. I then found that it had more the appearance of a mummy, the skin having become hard and dry, and containing nothing but dust. It however merited closer inspection, but I had some miles to ride, and determined to defer such examination to another time. Since then I have never been near the spot. The holes which I have before alluded to are perfectly per- pendicular, and vary in size. Some go down perpendicular, as if bored by a huge auger, some 200 feet ; at the bottom is water, which has all the appearance of being bottomless. The country between the Mount .and Adelaide is very flat, having large gum forests, well grassed, and extensive swamps and plains. It has evidently been recently flooded by the sea, there being large beds of oysters exposed where any large tree has been blown down and torn up the soil. The surface is also covered with oyster shells and other deposits of the ocean. To the north the country becomes arid, and barren of any vegetation save the eternal Murray scrub. I have travelled much through the Western country, ascended the crater (or rather descended it) of Mount Eeles ; but of all that country you are equally well informed with myself. Of the Plenty, which you ask me to mention, I have no pleas- ing reminiscences. I only know at that time it consisted of a district of cattle stealers. The only pleasing recollection is that of a certain trip I took with Your Excellency, when certainly our bush experience did not ensure us a perfect knowledge of our locale. I fully believe you attribute our eccentric course to my guiding, but you will allow, and I have always believed, you are 250 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. fonder of leading than being led. Thus, I take no credit for our short-cuts on that occasion. I fear I have spun this out much longer than your patience will allow, but if any portion will afford matter worth noting I shall be glad. With a sincere hope that I may have the pleasure of talking over Australian life with you, happily united to your family, in brave old England, Believe me, My dear Mr. La Trobe, Yours most sincerely, E. P. S. STURT. To C. J. La Trobe, Esq. No. 50. SlR March 20th 1854. I would have replied long before this to your circular of date 27th July last, but waited expecting to find my journal, which was lent to Miss Drysdale and cannot be found, which will account for the meagre reply I now make. 1. In September 1835 I shipped per Norval, Capt. Coltish, the first cattle for Port Phillip. 2. In March 1836 1 landed at Melbourne with my family. There being no constituted authority, I was requested to act as a general arbitrator. I did so by common consent, my tent being the police office. Many felt a pride in showing an example in upholding order, which was done without much trouble. The people were very quiet and attended every Sunday morning at my tent for public worship, where I read the Church of England service. 3. In April 1836 I built, by subscription, a house for a church and school the old weatherboard lately removed from St. James's. 4. The first clergyman who visited us was the Rev. Jos. Orton, Wesleyan, and afterwards the Revs. Messrs. Clow, Forbes, Grylls, and Waterfield. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 251 5. In May 183G Mr. Batman arrived with his family. 6. From that time we had weekly arrivals with stock from Van Diemen's Laud, and many stations were taken up near Mel- bourne. 7. In July 183G we took the first census, numbering 149. 8. In December 1830, the first herd of cattle was brought from Sydney by Mr. Juo. Gardiner and Capt. Hepburn. GEELONG. 9. In May 1836 I landed my sheep at Point Henry, and occupied the present township of Geelong as a sheep station, and Indented Head as a cattle station for Capt. Swanston. Messrs. Cowie and Stead and myself had the whole Western district to ourselves for eighteen months, parties being all afraid of the blacks. We were afterwards joined by Roadknight, Darke, Der- went Company, Russell, Anderson, Brown, Read, McLeod, Steiglitz, Sutherland, Murray, Morris, Lloyd, Ware, Learmonth, Armytage, Raven, Pettett, Francis, Bates, and others. 10. In 1837 I built the present house of Kardinia, which I called after the aboriginal word for " sunrise." I built also a house for the Derwent Company, occupied afterwards by Mr. Fisher. 11. In 1838 Mr. Strachan built the first store in Geelong; he was followed by Messrs. Rucker and Champion. ABOEIGINES. 12. On my first journeys into the country I was very much surprised to find so few natives, and thought they were keeping out of the way. During our first visit to Buninyong we did not see one, and on our first journey to the west, when we discovered Colac and Korangamite, we saw about twenty atPirron Yalloak, who fled on seeing us. On better acquaintance I found their num- ber really very small. All within 100 miles had visited us. 13. In December 1836 I was at great pains to muster all that were in the Geelong district, and gave each a blanket ; they were Buckley's tribe, and he assured me I had mustered the whole of them, amounting to only 279. They were always friendly ; I was well known amongst them, and wherever I went they received me kindly. But, alas ! the decrease has been fearful, chiefly from drinking, and exposure to all weathers bringing on pulmonary 252 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. complaints. Since their connexion with the whites there has been little increase. When I first numbered them they had several children amongst them, but they decreased every year, and now in this tribe we have only 34 adults and only two children under five years. The men now living were all children when I arrived, and are beginning to look old, so that in ten years more there will not be one alive. Every attempt to civilize them has signally failed. I have had several in my family for years, and taught them to read and go to church with the family ; but after a time the other youths would threaten them and carry them off, when they again got fond of a savage life. I am convinced that no plan, except one based on entire isolation, will succeed with these poor degraded people. A. THOMSON, M.C. His Excellency C. J. La Trobe, Esq. Addenda. The Marrack (scrubby) Hills near Cape Otway form fifty miles by ten of dense scrub, exactly like the country you saw at Wilson's Promontory, with immense trees towering to the height of 80 and 120 feet, and fern trees of 20 feet in the gullies, a rich black soil, and streams of water running into the sea every six or seven miles. A. THOMSON. LONSDALE'S NOTES ON DK. THOMSON'S STATEMENT. 2. Mr. Simpson was named by the persons interested in the formation of a settlement at Port Phillip, as arbitrator, &c. Dr. Thomson and another were, I understand, afterwards named to assist him, somewhat in the quality of assessors. Dr. Thomson may possibly, during the absence of Mr. Simpson in Van Diemen's Land, have acted as arbitrator in some cases. As to the state of order among the people, I have no reason to doubt but that they were as peaceable as could reasonably be expected under the cir- cumstances in which they were placed, but I know that repeated representations were made to the Sydney Government to the contrary, of so strong a nature, that Sir Richard Bourke thought Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 253 there was a probability of some resistance beiug offered to his establishing authority in the place, and directed me to apply to Captain Hobson for the marines of his ship, should I find the detachment of troops I took with me insufficient. This, however, was perfectly useless; the people were quite quiet; the only indi- cation to the contrary was the simple circumstance of the printed proclamations which I had caused to be posted up being torn down. One of the first persons who made himself known to me was Dr. Thomson, who, with a formidable brace of pistols in his belt, told me he was very glad I had arrived, as they were in a most lawless- state, and always in dread of being assaulted or something to that effect. Dr. Thomson's appointment by the Port Phillip people, was that of medical officer, and I think catechist. In the former capacity, he was afterwards for a short time in the employment of the Government. I dare say he performed the church service as he states, but on my arrival I did not understand it was performed. Mr. James Smith was the first I was aware of who read the service regularly on Sundays, for such of the people as chose to attend. 3. When I arrived in September this building was not near finished. I was given to understand that it was erected by general subscription, for Church of England service, and was handed over to me for this purpose. I afterwards collected further subscriptions to finish it, in the course of which I had some little altercation with Dr. Thomson, who was supposed to be unconnected with it, but he claimed to be a member of the church. 4. The Rev. Mr. Orton was here after I arrived, as a passing visitor. I was not aware that he had been here previously. Mr. Waterfield, an Independent minister, was the first clergyman who arrived to perform service permanently. Mr. Naylor had paid the settlement a visit, and had performed service and some of the rites of the Church of England. 8. It was Mr. Gardiner and Mr. Joseph Hawdon who brought over the first herd of cattle from Sydney. 12. This is a very uncertain and indefinite statement, and appears in some measure to be contradicted by the next paragraph, where a tribe belonging to a small tract of country is represented' to be 279, and which I can say is correct from what I saw of the other tribes at that time. 254 Letters from Victorian Pioneers No. 51. DEAR SIR Busby Park, 25th August 1853. In answer to Your Excellency's letter of the 29th July, and to a note from Mr. Tyers of the 14th inst., requesting me to give, with the least possible delay, an account of the discovery of Gippslaud ; dates, with events connected with it ; the particulars of Count Strzelecki's visit, &c., &c., I beg to forward the accompanying memorandum, and trust that the information contained in it will answer the purpose required ; but should you require anything further, I shall be happy to give a more detailed account. I remain, dear Sir, Your Excellency's most obedient servant, A. MCMILLAN. His Excellency C. J. La Trobe, Esq. MEMORANDUM OF TRIP BY A. MCMILLAN, FROM MANEROO DISTRICT, IN THE YEAR 1839, TO THE SOUTH-WEST OF THAT DISTRICT, TOWARDS THE SEA-COAST, IN SEARCH OF NEW COUNTRY. Start from Maneroo. On the 20th of May 1839,1 left Curra- wang, a station of James McFarlane, Esq., J.P., of the Maneroo district, having heard from the natives of that district that a fine country existed near the sea-coast, to the south-west of Maneroo. Accompanied by one Black only. I was accompanied in my expedition by Jemmy Gibber, the chief of the Maneroo tribe. After five days' journey towards the south-west, I obtained a view of the sea from the top of a mountain, near a hill known as the Haystack, in the Buchan district, and also of the low country towards Wilson's Promontory. On the sixth day after leaving Currawang the blackfellow who accompanied me became so frightened of the Warrigals, or wild blacks, that he tried to leave me, and refused to proceed any further towards the new country. We pressed on until the evening, when Ave camped, and about twelve o'clock at night I woke up, and found Jemmy Gibber in the act of raising his waddy or club Letters from Victorian Pioneers. -'>'> to strike me, as he fancied that, if ho succeeded in killing me, ho would then be able to get back to Maneroo. I presented a pistol at him, arid he begged me not to shoot him, and excused himself by saying that he had dreamt that another blackfellow was taking away his gin, and that he did not mean to kill me. Omeo. Next morning we started for Omeo, where we arrived after four days' journey over very broken country. There were three settlers at Omeo at this time, viz., Fender, McFarlane, and Hyland. Numbla-Munjee. On the 16th September 1839 I formed a cattle station at a place called Numbla-Munjee, on the River Tambo, 50 miles to the south of Omeo, for Lachlan Macalister, Esq., J.P. A Mr. Buckley had, previous to my arrival here, formed a station ten miles higher up the River Tambo from Numbie-Munjee. On the 26th of December 1839 I formed a party, consisting of Mr. Cameron, Mr. Matthew Macalister, Edward Bath, a stock- man, and myself, with the view of proceeding towards and explor- ing the low country I had formerly obtained a view of from the mountain in the Buchan district alluded to in my first trip from Maneroo. After travelling for three days over a hilly and broken country, one of our horses met with a serious accident, tumbling down the side of one of the steep ranges, and staked itself in four or five places. In consequence of this accident we were compelled to return to Numbla-Munjee. On the llth of January 1840, the same party as before, with the addition of two Omeo blacks Cobbon Johnny and Boy Friday started once more with the same object in view, namely, that of reaching the new country to the south-west, and, if pos- sible, to penetrate as far as Corner Inlet, where I was led to believe there existed an excellent harbour. Meet with the Aborigines. After a fearful journey of four days, over some of the worst description of country I ever saw, we succeeded in crossing the coast range leading down into the IOAV country. This day we were met by a tribe of the wild blacks who came up quite close to us, and staved at us while on horse- back, but the moment I dismounted they commenced yelling out, and took to their heels, running away as fast as possible; and 25G Letters from Victorian Pioneers. from the astonishment displayed at the circumstance of my dis- mounting from the horse, I fancied they took both man and horse to constitute one animal. Lake Victoria. On Wednesday, the 15th of January, our little party encamped on the River Tambo, running towards the sea in a south-easterly direction. On the morning of the 16th we started down the Tambo, in order, if possible, to get a sight of a lake we had previously seen when descending the ranges to the low country and which I was certain must be in our immediate vicinity. The country passed through to-day consisted of open forest, well grassed, the timber consisting chiefly of red and white gum, box, he- and she-oak, and occasionally wattle. At six p.m. we made the lake, to which I gave the name of Lake Victoria. From the appearance of this beautiful sheet of water, I should say that it is fully 20 miles in length and about 8 miles in width. On the north side of this lake the country consists of beautiful open forest, and the grass was up to our stirrup-irons as we rode along, and was absolutely swarming with kangaroos and emus. The lake was covered with wild ducks, swans, and pelicans. We used some of the lake water for tea, but found it quite brackish. We remained on the margin of the lake all night. The River Tambo was about one mile north-east of our camp. The River Tambo, where we first made it, appears to be very deep and from 20 to 30 yards wide. The water is brackish for the distance of about five miles from its mouth, where it empties itself into Lake Victoria. Nicholson River. On the 17th January, started from the camp, and proceeded in a south-westerly direction. At ten a.m. came upon another river, to which I gave the name of the Nicholson, after Dr. Nicholson, of Sydney. This river seemed to be quite as large as the Tambo, and as deep. Finding we were not able to cross it in the low country, we made for the ranges, where, after encountering great diificulties, we succeeded in crossing it but not until sun-down high up in the ranges, and encamped for the night. This evening we found that, from the great heat of the weather, our small supply of meat had been quite destroyed. We were, however, fortunate enough to obtain some wild ducks, upon which we made an excellent supper. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 257 Hirer Mitchell 18th January. Started again upon our usual course (south-west), and, after travelling about seven miles, came upon a large river, which I named the Mitchell, after Sir Thomas Mitchell, Surveyor-General of New South Wales. Clifton's Morass. We followed this river up until we came to a large morass, to which I gave the name of Clifton's Morass, from the circumstance of my having nearly lost in it, from its boggy nature, my favourite horse Clifton. General View of Country from a Hill. Having crossed this morass, we again proceeded on our journey for three miles, when we came once more upon the Mitchell River higher up, and encamped for the night, the country improving at every step. In the evening I ascended a hill near the camp, from the top of which I obtained a good view of the low country still before us, of the high mountains to the north-west, and the lakes stretching towards the sea-coast in a south and south-easterly direction ; and, from the general view of the country as I then stood, it put me more in mind of the scenery of Scotland than any other country I had hitherto seen, and therefore I named it at the moment " Caledonia Australia." On the morning of the 1 9th January we crossed the Mitchell, and proceeded in a south- south-west course, through fine open forest of she-oak and red and white gum, for about sixteen miles, and encamped upon a chain of ponds in the evening. 20th January. We proceeded in a south-west course, and at ten a.m. came upon the border of a large lake, which I believed to be a continuation of the same lake we had been previously encamped upon. The Aborigines. While at dinner on the banks of the lake a tribe of blacks were walking quietly up to where we were encamped, but as soon as they saw us on horseback they left their rugs and spears and ran away. They never would make friends with us upon any occasion. The River Avon. 21st January. Started upon our usual course (south-west), and, after travelling about four miles, came upon a river flowing through a fine country of fine, open forest, with high banks, to which I gave the name of the Avon. We followed this river up all day, and crossed it about twenty miles from the foot 258 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. of the mountains. It appears to be a mountain stream, generally not very deep, and runs over a bed of shingle. The country around and beyond the place where we crossed the Avon consists of beautiful, rich, open plains, and appeared, as far as I could judge at the time, to extend as far as the mountains. We encamped upon these plains for the night. From our encampment we had a splendid view of the mountains, the highest of which I named Mount Wellington, and also I named several others, which appear in the Government maps (published) of Gippsland. 22nd January. Left the encampment on the plains, and pro- ceeded on our usual course of south-west, and travelled over a beautiful country, consisting of fine, open plains, intersected by occasional narrow belts of open forest, extending as far as the lakes to the eastward and stretching away west and north-west as far as the foot of the mountains. Macalister River. After travelling about ten miles we encamped in the evening on a large stream, which I named the Macalister. This river appears deep and rapid, and is about 40 yards wide. Here we saw an immense number of fires of the natives. 23rd January. Started early in the morning, and tried to cross the river, but could not succeed, and followed the River Macalister down to its junction with another very large river called the La Trobe, which river is bounded on both sides by large morasses. Meet with Aborigines. In the morass to north-east of the river we saw some 100 natives, who, upon our approach, burnt their camps and took to the scrub. We managed to overtake one old man that could not walk, to whom I gave a knife and a pair of trousers, and endeavoured by every means in our power to open a communication with the other blacks, but without success. It was amusing to see the old man. After having shaken hands with us all, he thought it necessary to go through the same form with the horses, and shook the bridles very heartily. The only ornaments he wore were three hands of men and women, beautifully dried and preserved. We were busy all the evening endeavouring to cut a bark canoe, but did not succeed. On the morning of the 24th January, the provisions having become very short, and as some of the party were unwilling to prosecute the journey upon small allowance, I determined upon Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 259 returning to the station and bringing down stock to the district. We then returned to Numbla-Muujee, which place we made in seven days from the 24th, and were the last two days without any provisions at all. I may add that I was the first person who discovered Gipps- land, and when I started to explore that district I had no guide but my pocket compass and a chart of Captain Flinders. We had not even a tent, but used to camp out and make rough gunyahs wherever we remained for the night. On the 27th March 1840, Count Strzelecki and party left our station at Numbla-Munjee for Caledonia Australis. He was supplied with some provisions and a camp kettle, and Mr. Matthew Macalister, who was one of my party in January of the same year, accompanied them one day's journey, and, after explaining the situation and nature of the country about the different crossing- places, left them upon my tracks on the coast range leading to Gippsland, and which tracks Charley, the Sydney blackfellow, who accompanied Count Strzelecki, said he could easily follow. On my return to Numbla-Munjee on the 31st January, after having discovered the country of Gippsland as far as the La Trobe River, I proceeded immediately to Maneroo, and reported my discovery to Mr. Macalister, who did not publish my report at the time. I had also written another letter to a friend of mine in Sydney, containing a description of my expedition; at the same time I wrote to Mr. Macalister, but it unfortunately miscarried. In October 1840 I arrived in Gippsland with 500 head of cattle, and formed a station on the Avon River, after having been six weeks engaged in clearing a road over the mountains. After four attempts I succeeded in discovering the present shipping place at Port Albert, and marked a road from thence to Numbla-Munjee, a distance of 130 miles. After having brought stock into the district, and formed the sta- tion in about the month of November 1840, the aborigines attacked the station, drove the men from the hut, and took everything from them, compelling them to retreat back upon Numbla-Muujee. On the 22nd December 1840, I again came down and took possession of the station, when the natives made a second attack. A. MCMILLAN. 260 Letters from Victorian Pioneers, No. 52. Mr DEAR SIR, Portland, 16th January 1854. I have allowed jour circular of the 27th July last to remain much longer unanswered than I intended, but concluding that the information you required at my hands would be in sufficient time if it reached you at any time previous to your departure, I have put it off from time to time, I am afraid at the expense of taxing your good opinion of me. I fear you will not consider the very short narrative herewith forwarded so full as you expected at my hands. I am, however, such a very indifferent hand at description, that I trust you will find what I have written answer your pur- pose. Accompanying my narrative, I beg to hand to you a copy of a statement l prepared by my brother William, when laying our claims for compensation before the Home Government. I do not see that it will interest you, but it bears out my account of the early settlement of this part of the colony. The difficulties and trials of early settling are, perhaps, better known to myself and two other members of our family than to any other individual in the colony. I have not touched upon any description of the country either at Mount Gambier, or Wannon, and Glenelg, simply because from your knowledge of these parts you are so much more able to do so than myself. I cannot, however, ever forget the pleasant rides that I. have had the honour of accompanying you on, on several occasions, over a great deal of the above-named country, and I trust I may live to have an opportunity of doing so again in some other part of the Avorld, as it is my intention (if spared) to visit the old country next year, and I am now making my arrangements accordingly. As another magistrate will be required here, and a friend of my own, Mr. Learmonth, of Ettrick, near Portland, is about to join me in carrying on my business here, I hope you will not consider that I am taking too great a liberty in asking you to put him in the Commission of the Peace, as, having been some years a magistrate in Van Diemen'a Land, he is in every way qualified for such an appointment ; and again, in begging your 1 See page 265. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 2G1 kind re-consideration of Dr. Hallett's case, for I really consider him very harshly used by the two individuals who sat with me at the hearing of his case, both of whom had prejudged the case before it came on for hearing. But for my illness, my report would have beeu decidedly in his favour, for the only point on which any evidence was given directly rebutted the charge made by Mr. Mai pas, that Dr. Hallett returned his own servant as Government office-keeper. There was no evidence whatever to bear out any other charge, but there is evidence now to prove that Mr. Blair wished the man to bear out Mrs. Malpas's state- ment. But for the death of the unfortunate lady, the case would have been brought forward again. I am sorry to trouble you upon such a subject at a time when I am sure you must be very much worried, but I feel it my duty to state to you my opinion in this case. Mrs. Henty unites with me in very kind remembrances to you, and may I beg you will convey the same to Mrs. La Trobe, whom I trust you will soon meet in perfect health. With every good wish for such a speedy consummation, and your future welfare and happiness here and hereafter, believe me to remain, Your sincere friend and admirer, S. G. HENTY. His Excellency C. J. La Trobe, Esq., &c. 1833. The Henty family residing in Launceston, Van Diemen's Land, being interested in a whaling company, whose operations were carried on along the coast from Portland Bay to Port Fairy, Edward Henty, accompanied by my father, visited Portland Bay during this year, and, finding the country well- grassed and apparently very well adapted for grazing purposes, it was determined by the family upon their return to Launceston to send over stock and other necessaries for an establishment at Portland Bay forthwith; and accordingly Edward Henty accom- panied it as manager, and, after a most boisterous passage of four weeks, during which several of the stock died, he reached Port- land Bay (1834), and fixed his habitation on Avhat is now block No. 4 in the township of Portland, and now occupied by me. 262 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. My father at this time applied to the Home Government for permission to exchange some portion of our large grant of land at Swan River for a smaller portion here, which, however, was refused; but what we considered a tacit permission was given for us to occupy and to claim such lands as we might improve by fencing or cultivation. Our subsequent operations bear out that we depended upon this concession; the sequel, however, shows that we were mistaken. 1834. In December of this year my brother Frank joined the party at Portland, bringing over more stock and servants. 1835. Early in the following year it was necessary for F. Henty to return to Van Diemen's Land. On his return to Port- land in October of this year, the small sloop in which he was a passenger called on her way at Indented Head, where they found Batman's party waiting an opportunity to get further up the Bay of Port Phillip. He took advantage of this opportunity, and pro- ceeded with the party up the Yarra Yarra, when the party camped for the first time on the present town-site of Melbourne. After remaining there for a fortnight, he proceeded on his voyage, and reached Portland again in November 1835. At this time the writer was residing at Swan River, to which colony he had emigrated from England as one of the pioneers of that colony at its earliest settlement in October 1829. Learning from my brothers at Portland that they had taken up their location there, and being urged by them to join them, I at once determined on doing so, and in order to effect this I purchased a vessel of sixty ton a called the Sally Ann, and embarked Avith my wife and servants,and reached Portland in June 1836. The vessel was afterwards em- ployed as a tender upon the party, running regularly between Port- land and Launceston. At this time we were entirely dependent upon ourselves, both for supplies from Van Diemen's Land and for protection against the natives and the many runaway prisoners who were at large at and around the whaling establishment. 1836. It was in August of this year that a portion of Major Mitchell's party, headed by himself, visited our establishment, when to his astonishment he found our party comfortably settled (having, as he expressed himself, the only glass windows to our house that he had seen since he left the boundary of New South Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 2G3 Wales). Not being aware of any settlement at this place, he supposed that we were a party of bushrangers or runaways from Van Diemen's Land, and, in approaching us, he took the precaution to have his men ranged in order, with their arms ready for action. This led us to suppose that his party was what he supposed ours to be, and we were consequently as cautious before holding any intercourse with him. From Major Mitchell we learnt that the country about 50 miles north was much more suitable for grazing purposes than where our stock was located, and as our sheep had accumulated to several thousands it was considered advisable to push into the interior. To enable us to do this, we cut a trackway through the forest to Mount Eckersley, and there took up stations until we could get further inland. 1837. It was not until the 3rd of August in this year that we succeeded in driving our first flock on to the Merino Downs Station a day that will be memorable in the recollection of the family of the writer as the natal day of his first-born son, Richmond. The remainder of our stock was sent up as fast as possible, with which we occupied the stations known as Muntham, Coiinell's run, and Sandford. At this time we had very great difficulty in retaining the services of any men, owing to the hostile disposition of the natives, to which many of our men's lives were sacrificed. 1838. In this year, Mr. Samuel Winter came over from Van Diemen's Land, and shortly afterwards took up a station called Tahara, adjoining our Merino Downs run. Shortly afterwards Mr. John Bryan came over; and when it became known in Van Diemen's Land that we had opened up a road into the interior many other gentlemen followed our 'example. 1840. Among others, in 1840, were Messrs. Pilleau and Jones, McCulloch, Purbrick, Savage, J. G. Robertson, Coldham, McPherson, Ritchie, and many others, until all the country imme- diately around us was taken possession of. It was in October of this year that the first land sale took place, and which deprived us of some of that land upon which we had made improvements at so much expense to ourselves some of it realizing at the rate of 1,600 an acre. 264 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. The South Australian Government held out very great induce- ments for the selection of special surveys. This induced me to take a journey across the boundary of this colony in search of some suitable spot on the coast within the colony of South Australia ; and for this purpose I prepared a party of two men and myself, and took my departure from Merino Downs in June 1839, steering a direct course by compass for Mount Gambler, which I reached on the second day. To those who have not seen Mount Gambler it may seem strange when I say that I ascended it by a very gentle slope on the north-east side, and was scarcely aware of my exact position until I reached the brink of the enormous eastern lake, a sight which I never can forget quite beyond my power of description. At this time I was not certain whether this beautiful country belonged to the South Australian colony, or I should at once have applied for a special survey in that locality, for at this time I believe no European had ever seen the country but my own party. Under this doubt, I determined to push further on, and examine the coast line as far as Cape Jaffa, and therefore extended my search for 28 days without success, and returned along the coast to Portland. We afterwards formed cattle stations at Mount Gambier, of which we were subsequently deprived by the chicanery of some unprincipled individuals in search of sheep stations. This part of the country is now thickly settled. The export in wool alone from the port of Portland this season will reach, to about 12,000 bales, or in money value nearly 300,000, and traffic consequent upon this is now very great. Port Fairy was (like Portland, but subsequently _) settled first by the formation of a whaling party, and afterwards stock was intro- duced from Van Diemen's Land by Messrs. Conolly and Griffiths, but, owing to the very great expense attending it, both these gentlemen were ruined. The trade to Portland from Great Britain is very considerable, no less than eight large vessels having arrived direct within the last twelve months fully laden with cargo one of them, the Aberdeen clipper Frances Henty, belonging to the writer besides some emigrant ships, ranging from 1,350 tons down to 650 tons. S. G. HENTY. Portland, January 14th 1854. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 265 MR. HENTY'S APPLICATION FOR LAND AT PORT PHILLIP. In February 1834 Mr. James Henty addressed to the Secretary of State for the Colonies (Mr. E. G. Stanley, now Earl Derby) a memorial praying to be allowed to purchase 2,500 acres of land, and a similar area for each of his seven sons, on the south coast of New Holland; which application was refused, on the ground that "arrangements had been made with an English company, with the concurrence of Parliament, for the colonization of that territory." Mr. Henty set forth in his memorial that he had parted with his landed property in England for the purpose of obtaining land in Van Diemen's Land under the regulations existing in 1830; that on his arrival he found that the system of selling land had in great measure deprived him of the opportunity of providing for his sons as he had expected, and that he had thus been compelled to hire land at an exorbitant rent. He also represented that he had suffered severe and unexpected losses at Swan River. Mr. Henty further stated that, with the aid of his sons, he had made several excursions to the south coast of New Holland, altogether apart from any settled part of the country ; that he had discovered islands, rivers, and headlands, not laid down in any published chart; and also that the south coast was faced with land to a considerable extent well calculated for sheep, and with- out asking any Government protection he prayed to be allowed to purchase, as above named, between the 135th and 145th degrees of east longitude, himself and sons paying a deposit of 5 per cent., and having a credit of ten years for the remainder of the purchase- money, which might be secured by mortgage on the land, bearing interest at 5 per cent. In sitpport of this proposal he urged the experience of his sons on the management and treatment of aborigines, acquired at Spencer's Gulf, Swan River, and King George's Sound, which would enable them to establish a friendly intercourse with the natives ; and he offered, on his application being acceded to, to give up the land-order which he held for 80,000 acres in Western Australia, by which would be shown his intention to become a bond fide settler, and not a land jobber. Colonial Secretary's Office, Van Diemeu's Land, 31st December 1853. 2G6 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. No. 53. Victoria, No. 17. Executive, O IR Melbourne, January 22nd 1853. In the case of the decease of the great majority of officers employed by Her Majesty's Government in these colonies, usage at least would confine the official notification to a simple record of the fact, and of the arrangements which such occurrence might entail. 2. There are circumstances, however, connected with the career of Mr. Henry Pulteney Dana, whose premature death occurred in November last, which may fully justify more particular remark. His name as Commandant of Native Police in this colony will have often been brought, during the past twelve years, under the notice of Her Majesty's Government. 3. The raising of a police force from amongst the aboriginal tribes, which were found in occupation of the country upon the arrival of the first settlers, was a project of very early contempla- tion after the new settlement was formally recognised, and taken in charge by Government in 1836. In fact, in obedience to special instructions, preparatory steps were taken to this end by the officer in charge of the new settlement as early as 1837. 4. The objects were two-fold the civilization of the younger natives, and the creation of a force which would be seemingly better adapted, in the then existing circumstances of the colony, than any other to check, if not to prevent, the aggressions of the tribes upon the lives and property of the scattered European population. 5. Upon the appointment of the Protectors of Aborigines in 1838, the carrying out of the scheme was somewhat injudiciously, for one reason or other, given into their hands, was pronounced a failure, and shortly after fell to the ground. However, after an interval, as the community grew and became dispersed over a larger extent of country, and collisions between the settlers and the aborigines became unavoidably more serious and fatal, the absolute necessity of securing some such co-operation on the part of the natives became more and more evident, and forced itself upon the attention of the local Government. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 267 6. Many obstacles stood in the way ; the most difficult of removal arose from the peculiarly unsettled habits of the race, the power which the older natives have over the young, and the steady opposition which they interposed to the scheme. How- ever, in 1841, circumstances encouraged me to make the trial, and Mr. Henry P. Dana was, on his own urgent and repeated application, with but very moderate encouragement in many respects, authorized to undertake the task. 7. The result is known, and need not be here detailed at length. A corps of native police was gradually embodied, disci- plined, and maintained under his sole management, which was acknowledged on all hands to have fully answered the main purposes for which it was organized, and to have rendered the most important service to the colony in the position in which it was then placed. It at once formed a link between the native and the European, and gave many opportunities for the establish- ment of friendly relations. The marked success which, in numerous instances, followed its employment gave confidence to the settler, removed the pretexts under which he would feel justified in taking redress into his own hands, and left no excuse for the vindictive reprisals which have been a blot upon the early years of the settle- ment. The native, on his side, soon saw that in yielding to his natural aggressive impulses he would be opposed to those who were not only his equals in savage cunning and endowment, but his superiors by alliance with the Europeans. 8. Such was the general result of the experiment till within two years of the present time, when, with the cessation of the urgent necessity which had called it into existence, the native police was seen to be evidently on the decline. It had, in a great measure, attained the objects of its organization, and had outlived its time. Almost the entire number of the original members had died from accident or disease. The natural decay in numbers of the tribes in the colony, and their change of habits and character, particularly among the young, and many other causes, rendered the possibility of its further continuance by any exertion very questionable ; and, although provision for the funds requisite for its maintenance as a distinct branch of the police force was made by the Appropriation Act of the past year, it was soon seen that -2G8 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. the gold discovery had its influence vipon this service also, and that the native police was in fact becoming extinct. 9. Though I am anxious that the memory of the existence and services of this corps, which furnished the only example of success among the many schemes set on foot to raise the aboriginal native in this quarter of New Holland above his natural level, should not be lost, and am glad to seize the opportunity of making this record, yet my principal object is to do justice to the officer who from first to last was the mainspring of the whole. I have no hesitation in saying that the entire credit of the measure is due to Mr. Dana, for no one who did not bring to the work his tact, energy, firmness, and moral and physical powers of endurance, could have succeeded. The service was a most peculiar one in every point of view, entailing much self-denial and many sacrifices, but it suited his natural temper and talents, and even ministered to his foibles. He may have had his failings, but that he spent himself freely in the service with singleness of purpose, and that the hardships and exposure which it inevitably entailed under- mined his constitution and brought him to a premature grave, there can be no question. 10. Had Mr. Dana lived, there can be no doubt but that his claims, whenever incapacitated for active duties, to favourable consideration, after services of so peculiar and important a character to the colony, would have been most readily conceded, and I think his untimely death should not debar his family from such consideration as it may be in the power of Her Majesty's Government to show. The case, viewed in rela- tion to the aboriginal inhabitants of the colony now rapidly disappearing from its surface, if in no other, is one which stands on its own ground, and cannot be drawn into an inconvenient precedent. 11. Mr. Dana leaves a widow and four children of very tender years, and I am heartily supported by the recommendation of my Executive Council in praying that Her Majesty's Government would concede that a gratuity at the rate of two hundred pounds for each year's service should be awarded to the children, and placed in the hands of the gentlemen named under his will to act as trustees and executors, such gratuity to be held chargeable Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 269' against that portion of the unappropriated moiety of the land fund, which is set apart for the aborigines, a far larger proportion, it may be remarked, than can ever now be so employed. I have, &c., C. J. LA TROBE. The Right Honorable Sir J. Pakington, Bart. No. LETTEK FROM HUGH JAMIESON, ESQ., TO THE RIGHT REVEREND- THE LORD BISHOP OF MELBOURNE, ON THE ABORIGINAL NATIVES OF AUSTRALIA. Mildura Station, River Murray, MY LORD 10th October 1853. In compliance with your lordship's request, I do myself the honour to furnish a few practical remarks upon the present and probable future condition of the aboriginal natives of Australia, more particularly of the tribes inhabiting the districts of the Murray and Darling. These remarks are the result of my own observations, and are expressive of opinions and convictions which have been matured by the experience of a residence in Victoria since the early years of its establishment. The almost universal opinion of the world seems to assign to the aboriginal natives of Australia the very lowest place in the scale of civilization and of intellect. In this opinion I cannot agree. 2. The past experience, of upwards of 60 years, has abundantly shown that the aboriginal natives of Australia are, even in the most uncultivated state of their faculties, possessed of a con- siderable amount of intelligence, observation, quickness of appre- hension, and aptitude for instruction in both reading and writing. But, notwithstanding all these natural advantages, and which they have been found in all parts of the colony to possess, I think it indisputably proved that there is a very clearly-defined limit to- 270 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. their civilization, amelioration of condition, and permanent improvement, either morally or physically. 3. Those who have gained experience in managing them on a proper system have found them capable of being civilized to a certain extent, and, in many cases, made useful in a short time without much trouble. How far they are capable of being brought to a higher aud more permanent degree of civilization may very properly be considered worthy of inquiry. I fear the question may already be considered determined. 4. On this station, they have always been managed upon a uniform and rational system ; they have ever been, both to my brother and myself, objects of interest. We have for many years endeavoured to show them the advantages of permanent improve- ment and the general amelioration of their condition. We have exclusively employed them, and successfully, for some years in shepherding and in the usual routine of the management of sheep on a station, in sheep-washing, and also in sheep-shearing to a limited extent. Their services have, during the recent scarcity of labour consequent on the gold discoveries of Australia, been to us and other settlers on the Murray and Darling of great value. The proper principle of managing them is founded on consistency, kind- ness, firmness, and decision. Following out this plan, we continue to secure their services for shepherding and some other descrip- tions of work. The prospect, however, of a continuance of their services I consider doubtful. I think it probable we shall resume in part the employment of European shepherds as soon as the state of the supply of labour will allow. Every year's experience clearly shows that there is a certain limit to their usefulness and general improvement. I use the word limit advisedly, as I much regret to say I feel quite satisfied of the correctness of my opinion beyond this limit we seem to have no encouragement to look for or to expect any advance. Our object and aim here is, at all times, to prevent a retrograde movement amongst those who have reached a certain state of usefulness and improvement. Very great difficulty is experienced in keeping them up to this given point, despite of every encouragement that can be offered. It unfortunately appears that we cannot impart to them a We rose at daylight and proceeded on our journey without any breakfast, under the hope of making the bay. We came to two or three very scrubby places, but without water, and at this time I do not think there was a bottle of water amongst the whole party. One or two of the gentlemen were of opinion that we were making too much north, which prevented vis from reaching the bay, and as that seemed to be the object of our desire, our course was altered a point or two more west, and about Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 285 eight o'clock in the morning we came upon a saltwater creefc which led to Port Phillip Bay. We found a fire burning in two native huts, and every appear- ance of their having been occupied the previous night ; and on the beach we found tracks of natives proceeding towards Arthur's Seat. We rested here, and made a fire ; some of the party pro- ceeded in search of water, which, however, was very brackish. We had our breakfast and consumed what little water was left. Two bottles of the brackish water were boiled with tea, in the event of not finding better water. After resting at this place about half an hour we proceeded on our journey about five miles, and then discovered several native huts, and to our great joy and gratitude found a creek with an abundant supply of water. We rested at this place about two hours, filled our bottles, and pro- ceeded on our journey about six miles, and came to some more waterholes and native huts. We dined at this spot, took a fresh supply of water, and proceeded on our journey, and came to a tract of low scrubby land, upon which we took to the beach, and came to an open sandy bay, about thirty or forty miles long. We continued walking till about six o'clock, when the weather became squally and wet. We walked for about half an hour, and had intended to do so till late at night, but the rain increasing, we thought it most prudent to get some shelter before it was dark. We then went into the scrub and found a sheltered spot. We made a blanket hut to protect us from the rain, with a large fire in front. We soon found a large quantity of blue ants on the ground which we had selected for our resting place, and I there- fore, as it was too late to move our tent, spread the ashes all over the ground, which had the effect of driving them away. It con- tinued raining till about two o'clock, but as we were lying on a sand bank, the rain was all absorbed. 30th January. We started this morning about half an hour before daylight and continued walking till eight o'clock without finding any fresh water. We then rested and had our breakfast and about half a pint of tea to each person, which was all the water we had left, and we then continued our journey, expecting at every turn of the bay that we should discover the river. We continued walking till twelve o'clock, when Mr. Leake and Tom lay down, 286 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. and declared they could not proceed any further till they got water. We had now quitted the shore and got upon high land again. After resting on the hill about half an hour, I urged upon the party to proceed, and after some difficulty we were all on the march, but some of the party were a considerable distance behind. We were now on a native track, and the advantage of following those tracks is soon experienced. This track continued along the margin of the hill, and ultimately led us to the beach, and near the beach we found a few native huts and one native well. Upon discovering the well, Mr. G-. gave the welcome shout " Water ! " which was immediately repeated by the others, and in a few minutes the weary ones in arrear came rushing down, anxious to quench their thirst. But by the time they had reached the well Mr. G-. reported the water to be bad. Mr. R., however, examined the well, and thinking that it had been choked up, he got an oyster shell and cleaned it out, and deepened it ; expecting that the fresh water would be good. The party were now obliged to wait with much anxiety, watching the rising of the water in the hole; and at length Mr. R. was enabled to distribute to each person half a pint, and in about one hour, a second supply of one pint each was distributed for dinner, and we were enabled, when we quitted at four o'clock, to take with us three bottles of water. At four we continued our course along the beach, Mr. Gardiner and myself making the first start, and in about ten minutes we saw a dog on the beach, advancing toward us ; at length he stopped and ran back again and turned into the bush, from which we concluded that the natives were at hand. We waited till some of the party came up, and then advanced and found on the beach part of a boomer kangaroo, and we saw the tracks of several natives on the beach, and several tracks of dogs. We fully expected this night to reach the settlement, and we pushed on until seven o'clock ; we then came to a point which we fully expected would be the head of the river. We crossed over the point and found a stack of wattle bark, and we also found the hut where the barkers had lived, and the tracks of a cart. It had been raining about three-quarters of an hour, and we were nearly wet through. We felt assured that we were near the Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 287 settlement, and that the bark had been obtained by Mr. Fawkner's party, but we could not see the river. It was near night, and there was every appearance of a wet night, and we therefore con- sidered it most prudent at once to make a blanket hut for the night, and make a fire, before the bark and grass were too wet, and which we accordingly did. Two of the party went in search of waterholes, but without success ; and Tom went to the beach, to shoot a duck, and in about ten minutes he returned, having found the waterholes near the beach, and where we again obtained an abundant supply of good water. This night was very wet, and the most uncomfortable night we had experienced. 31 st January. Although we were satisfied that we were near the settlement, we considered it most prudent to keep the bay until we reached the river, and after walking seven miles further, we at length discovered the mouth of the river. My feet had been for the last two clays very much blistered, and I felt quite unable to walk any further ; and I therefore proposed that half the party should proceed to the settlement, and send a boat or a horse to my assistance ; and Mr. Gardiner, Mr. Leake, Mr. Malcolm, and Tom proceeded to the settlement. I hobbled along, with the assistance of Mr. Robertson, about three miles, and then waited for the horse or boat. In about half an hour a boat, manned with blacks, came down the river. We hailed them, and after explaining where we had come from, and who we were, they came to our assistance. We found they were going to the Heads to fish; but they immediately proceeded with us to the settle- ment, and we arrived there about twelve o'clock. The settlement consists of about a dozen huts, built with turf, on the left bank of the river Yarra Yarra. The river, from the mouth to the settlement, is about eight miles long ; it is salt for about six. The first two miles, it is about 500 yards wide ; for the next three miles, it is about 300 yards. It then becomes gradually narrower, and is about 60 yards wide at the settlement, with deep and precipitous banks, and vessels of 60 tons burthen can with safety proceed to the settlement, close to the shore, and discharge a cargo. As it was of importance that immediate as- sistance should be rendered to Mr. Mudie, I made arrangements with Mr. Batman to despatch, on the next morning, four Sydney 1'ss Letters from Victorian Pioneers. natives who, it appeared, were well acquainted with Western Port, and who, upon my questioning them, appeared also quite confident that they would be able to find the sheep, and bring them to Port Phillip. I felt very much vexed on learning that the natives, with the exception of two, had left the settlement on a hunting expedition a few days previous, and would not return for some time. 1st February. I had, this morning, a long conversation with Buckley, and explained to him very fully the desire of the Asso- ciation, in every respect, to meet his views, and to make him superintendent over the native tribes, for the purpose of protecting them from aggressions, and also of acting as an interpreter in imparting to them not only the habits of civilization, but also of communicating religious knowledge. It appears, from his state- ment, that the tribes are most peaceably disposed ; that they fully understand the nature of the grants issued by them, and that they are looking forward to the time when the blankets, tomahawks, and flour will be distributed. Buckley appears to be of a nervous and irritable disposition, and a little thing will annoy him much, but this may arise from the peculiar situation in which he has been placed for so many years. I am quite satisfied that he can only be acted upon by kindness and conciliation, and that by those means he will be an instrument in the hands of Providence in working a great moral change upon the aborigines. He is not at all desirous of occupying any laud or having sheep, but is highly pleased at the idea of being appointed superintendent of the natives, with a fixed stipend, so that, to use his own expression, " he may know what he has to depend upon," and be enabled to make a few presents to his native friends. I told him that I intended on the following day to proceed to Geelong, and inquired whether he would not like to visit his own country. He seemed much pleased at the idea, but stated he did not think he could walk so far. I then proposed he should ride, which seemed to gratify him very much, and in consequence I engaged a large cart-horse of Mr. Fawkner's for that purpose. My feet were so bad I could not walk, and, as I was desirous of seeing No. 12, I had my horse taken to the fording place and Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 289 round to the Saltwater Creek, and about ten o'clock Mr. G., Mr. II., Dr. Cotter, myself, and Linfield, went in the whaleboat to the creek. I took Linfield with me for the purpose of making him acquainted with that section, as I intended to stock it. After passing over about six miles of the section we came upon a large saltwater river, which Dr. Cotter was of opinion communicated with a chain of freshwater ponds which he had recently crossed on that section. Dr. C. and myself, therefore, proceeded to trace up the river, and I requested the remainder of the party to trace it down to the sea. Dr. C. and myself then, traced the river up to the chain of ponds, and I was quite satisfied there was plenty of water on the Grant. We then made across to- the point at which the ships lay and the stock was landed, and we found all the party, with the exception of Linfield, who, it appeared, had stayed behind. We waited for him about three-quarters of an hour, and as it was six in the evening, the gentlemen were anxious to return, and I therefore desired the man to take the horse round to the point, find Linfield, and bring him home by the fording place. About ten o'clock at night the man returned home with the horse, and stated that he could not find Linfield anywhere, and as I felt very uneasy about him, I desired Mr. Batman to send the boat at daylight the next morning in search of him. 2nd February. The boat returned this morning, about seven o'clock, with Linfield, who, finding he had lost us, proceeded to- the Saltwater Creek, where he had been landed, and being, as I imagined, very much afraid of the natives, sat up in a tree all night, and seeing the boat come down the river cooeyed to them. Mr. Fawkner's vessel arrived this morning from George Town, and I considered it advisable to send assistance to Mr. Mudie in the removal of the women, stores, and rams from Western Port, and I therefore engaged the vessel for one trip, upon Captain Swanston's account. In consequence of Mr. Fawkner's people being engaged with the vessel, we were unable to obtain the horses for our journey until about four in the after- noon, when we started, seven in number, intending to reach Captain Swanston's station on the River Exe that night. The scenery from the settlement to the ford on the Saltwater River is most beautiful, and some of the spots quite enchanting. The 290 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. grass had been burnt about a month previously, and was then quite green and beautiful; the land is very rich, and consists of a succession of gentle hills and dales ; and the first view of the Saltwater River and its Avindings is beautiful beyond description. We reached the ford about 6.30, and we found the country com- pletely changed when we crossed the ford. The land was then quite flat, and rather rocky; and from the ford to the station on the Exe, a distance of fourteen miles, and, in fact, up to Geelong Harbour, consisted of open plains, with a thin coat of grass, and exposed to the cold winds. We did not reach the station until 10.30 at night, and were compelled for the last seven miles to follow a cart-track, which we were fortunately enabled to do, as it was a starlight night. 3rd February. As Mr. Furgesson had not found the sheep, and we were proceeding in the direction where they had been lost, he proposed to accompany us in our visit to Geelong, and we started this morning about seven o'clock. At noon we came upon a chain of ponds, which appeared to come from the Debacka- rite, and which I accordingly noted in my chart. We stopped at this chain of ponds and dined, and towards evening we came upon some native wells, near the point of Geelong Harbour, which are called Geewar, and as there was good feed for the horses, we determined on staying here for the night. 4th February. We started from Geewar about six o'clock, and shortly afterwards entered the section No. 16, which we found to contain a tract of most excellent land, fit for agricultural or pastoral purposes. After travelling about fourteen miles, we came to some more native wells on the margin of the bay, and close to the line which divides 16 from 17. We stayed at this place and dined, and then proceeded across the Bellarine Hills to the settlement at Indented Head. The Bellarine Hills contain about 20,000 acres of land of the finest description ; they consist of hill and dale, and although we did not see any water in the valleys, I am satisfied water could be easily obtained. The land is thinly timbered; the soil appeared very rich, and fit for any purpose. The kangaroo grass was up to my middle, and with a thick bottom. It is as fine a tract of land as any I have as yet passed over. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 291 We reached the settlement about four o'clock, and I learned, to my extreme mortification, that some of the natives had that morning, and the others the day previously, quitted the settle- ment, iu consequence of the threats made use of by the man at the station that he would shoot the natives. I found that the natives had a few nights previously stolen about a sack of potatoes out of the garden ; they had pulled up the roots and taken the potatoes, and then planted the roots in the earth again, thinking they should not be discovered ; and, to pre- vent a repetition of this conduct, the threats had been made use of, without the slightest intention of carrying them into execution. I found, in answer to my inquiries, that no food of any description had been given to the natives for the last three months ; that, although there is abundance of fish at Indented Head, yet there are no means of catching them, and that the natives had no idea of making boats or catamarans. February 5th. We started very early this morning, under the expectation that we should see the natives, and in order that they should not be frightened, I directed Buckley to advance, and we would follow him at the distance of a quarter of a mile. Buckley made towards a native well, and after he had ridden about eight miles we heard a cooey, and when we arrived at the spot I wit- nessed one of the most pleasing and affecting sights. There were three men, five women, and about twelve children. Buckley had dismounted, and they were all clinging round him, and tears of joy and delight running down their cheeks. It was truly an affecting sight, and proved the affection which these people enter- tained for Buckley. I felt much affected at the sight myself, and considered it a convincing proof of the happy results which will follow our exertions, if properly directed. Amongst the number were a little old man, and an old woman, one of his wives. Buckley told me this was his old friend, with whom he had lived and associated 30 years. I was surprised to find that this old man had not a blanket, and I inquired the cause, and was much concerned to learn that no blankets had been given him, because he did not leave that part of the country and proceed to Dutigalla for it. I could ill spare my blankets for him, but I could not refrain from giving one of them to Buckley in order that he might u z 292 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. give it to his friend, with an. assurance that he should have fur- ther clothing after our return. The men seemed much surprised at the horses. I, however, after some little persuasion, induced the youngest man to put his foot in the stirrup and mount my grey mare, and I led the horse round a few paces, to the great delight of the whole party. I then coaxed the mare, and put my face to hers, to show them they need not be afraid, and then pre- vailed upon a young girl, about thirteen years of age, also to take a ride. As soon as the horse began to move she seemed very much alarmed, and her countenance bespoke her fears, but she continued silent. We gave them a few presents, and then left them to proceed on our journey. I may here mention that so soon as Buckley crossed the Saltwater River, and obtained a view of his own country, his countenance was much changed, and when we reached Geeloug, he took the lead, and kept us upon a trot. He seemed quite delighted and proud of his horse. When we quitted the natives, we directed our course to the head of the Barwon River. This river is about two miles wide. There are breakers on each side of the heads, like Port Phillip, but it appeared to me that there was a channel in the centre. We then proceeded through a fair country, near the margin of the river, until we arrived at a flat, where the river is at least eight or nine miles wide. At this flat there are some very good native wells, called Yau-Yan. We dined at this place, and continued our course near the river, until we had crossed over a very extensive marsh on the banks of the Barwon, the extremity of No. 16. We stopped at this place all night, and shot some wildfowls, which we had for our supper. Tom shot a large musk duck, which Buckley had for his supper. February 6th. We started this morning about six o'clock, and when we had got out of the marsh, we saw Geelong Harbour, and ascertained that the distance from the harbour at the neck was not more than four miles. We continued our course upon some high land until we had reached the junction of the Yalloak and Barwon Rivers. We then descended into a marsh on the Yalloak, left our horses there, crossed the Yalloak by a native track over a large tree, and went across to the Barwon, to a spot called Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 293 Buckley's Falls, where there is a large basin, and the river some- what resembles the cataract and basiu at Launceston, but upon a Smaller scale. Buckley showed us the hollow tree in which he used to live and the places where the natives used to catch the fish in the winter season. Mr. Gardiner, Mr. Leake, Mr. Robertson, myself, and Mr. Malcolm crossed over the cataract for the purpose of examining the Barrabool Hills, which had presented a most inviting appearance in our progress up the Barwon River. We passed over about eight or nine miles, and kept upon the high grounds, in order that we might see the surrounding country. We found the herbage to be very good, and I think the best sheep country we had passed over, and I believe the other gentlemen were of the same opinion. We were compelled to cross the Bar- Avon at the same spot, and I should think from the appearance of the country that the Barwon is a deep river, about 60 feet wide for many miles up ; in the winter a large body of water passes down it. We then crossed the Yalloak and dined, and proceeded about twelve miles further up the river, for the purpose of inspecting the country, and also searching for tracks of sheep, but without success. We stayed in a small marsh on the banks of the Yalloak that night. The river at this part is only a small running stream. Having a few spare potatoes, we planted them in this marsh near the fire. February 7th. As soon as we made the rising ground this morning we took an observation of the Villamanata and Anakie Hills, and we found that they were not correctly laid down. We then proceeded direct for the Anakie Hills. We passed over a tract of very fine land, and found some waterholes at the foot of the Anakie, and the herbage for miles round, and even up to the top, of the finest description. We reached the summit of the highest hill, from which we had a beautiful view of the land, extending up towards the Exe, which appeared to be very fine and well timbered ; also of the Barrabool Hills, and of the land in and about Geelong. We descended on the north side, passed along flat land between the Anakie and Villamanata, and left them four miles on the right. We then came upon the Debackarite, which enabled me to continue the chain of ponds, and where we 294- Letters from Victorian Pioneers. dined ; and after dinner we rode across to Captain Swanston's station, which we reached at sundown. February 8th. We passed this morning over to the upper part of No. 12, in order to continue the chain of ponds which we traced up to and over No. 11. We dined at the stock hut at the ford, and after dinner passed about five miles along the side line of No. 9' and then made an angle across to the settlement, which we reached ahout four p.m., and found that no vessel had arrived during our absence. In the evening some of the natives came to the settlement and reported that a ship was coming in ; they also made us understand that they had tracked us on the beach and followed us many miles, and they had also seen the places where we had slept. February 9th. At daylight this morning we heard the report of guns from the ship, and shortly afterwards the natives reported that a vessel was at anchor, with three masts ; and, concluding it was the Caledonia, Mr. Furgesson went down the river with Mr. Batman's boat. About eleven o'clock Captain Symers, of the Caledonia, came up to the settlement. I then arranged with him for a passage to George Town, and to be on board on Saturday afternoon at two o'clock. Mr. Furgesson, Mr. Leake, Mr. Robertson, myself, Linfield, and Stewart, one of the Sydney natives, left the settlement for the purpose of proceeding to the northward and exploring that part of the country. We took with us four days' supplies and only two guns. My object in taking Stewart was to prevent the possibility of any collision with the natives, and that he might act as an interpreter. We proceeded in a straight line through the lands reserved for the settlement, and over No. 9. In passing over No. 9 we crossed a chain of ponds, extending a little to the N.W. When we had reached the extremity of No. 9, and were upon No. 7, it was nearly dark. We observed a tier of sheep hills to the right, and concluded that we should find water at the foot, and we accordingly moved to the right and passed over about four miles of very fine land, and just at dusk came upon a chain of ponds, as we expected, where we stayed all night. February 10th. We started this morning at daylight, leaning to the right, and ascending the sheep hills, so that we might be Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 295 enabled to obtain an extensive view to the north-east. We travelled in this direction about four miles, and from the summit of the hill we had an extensive view of the country composing Nos. 3 and 4 and part of 8. The country appeared rather thickly wooded towards No. 4, and particularly so over No. 8 ; and we were enabled clearly to trace the course of the River Yarra Yarra by the white fog. We then proceeded in a westerly direction until we came to the chain of ponds, which I had par- ticularly traced through No. 8, and the line of which I was then enabled to continue. This chain of ponds I considered to be within a mile of the side line between No. 7 and No. 6. The country and pasturage are here very fine, and present a desirable spot for an homestead. As I intended to come back over Nos. 1 and 2, and within a few miles of this spot, I marked down on the chart two sugar-loaf hills. The weather was exceedingly hot this day, and we rested under a blanket tent for some hours at the ponds. In the afternoon we proceeded in a westerly course over a continuation of plains. We then ascended a rise, and from the summit obtained one of the most beautiful views I ever saw, commanding a full view of the junction near the settlement, the bay, Geelong, Villamanata, and the Barrabool Hills. I think it must have been from this spot Mr. Hume had the first view of Port Phillip. After taking observa- tions and the bearings of these several places on the chart, we continued our course over No. 6 until we reached the Saltwater Eiver, or the River Arndell, as called by Mr. Hume. We found the laud lightly timbered, and fully equal to our expectations as to quality. The country near the river is hilly and full of glens, and is well calculated for an extensive sheep run. We continued our course on the high ground, and near the river, for about five miles, and then descended into a small marsh near Gumm's Corner, where we stayed all night. February llth. We this morning crossed the Saltwater River, and took a westerly direction to the summit of a flat-topped hill, which Stewart stated was the hill from which Mr. Batman saw the native fires upon his first visit, and which he called Mount Iramo. We then proceeded over a running stream which nearly divides No. 5. We were detained some time, waiting for Mr. Furgesson, 296 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. whose horse had lost a fore shoe. When he reached me, I told him that as we were limited to time, it was necessary we should push on, and I proposed that he should mount Stewart's horse, and that Stewart should lead his horse to the settlement. My object in doing this was to afford him the opportunity of inspect- ing No. 1 and 2, in order that he might report thereupon to Capt. Swanston ; and to accomplish this purpose, I should have deprived myself of Stewart's assistance. Mr. Furgesson, without even thanking me for the offer, observed that the black men were very careless, and that he should not trust his horse with him. Stewart had hitherto carried a double-barrelled gun for the protection of the party. Mr. Fergusson called to Stewart to give him the gun, and he then wished me " good morning." During the whole of our journey through the bush the fires had, in every instance, been produced from the phosphoric matches, which Mr. Furgesson had ; independent of which he also carried a steel with prepared punk. I felt much surprised at his conduct, and not knowing whether we might experience any difficulty in ob- taining fire, I said to him, " If you leave us, what shall we do without your matches ?" He simply replied, " Oh, you will have no difficulty in obtaining fire," and rode away and left me. At this time we were not more than 22 miles from his tent. Mount Cotterill was in full view, and he could easily have reached home that afternoon. We then proceeded N.W. about two miles, and as we were desirous of seeing the land to the westward, we left our horses with the servants, and ascended the summit of the Sugar-loaf Hill, about half a mile distant. We had now only a single-barrelled gun for our protection. We then altered our course nearly due north, and passed over some very good plains ; and near the foot of a tier of hills we crossed over two or three rivulets, at one of which we dined. We then came to a forest of gum and stringy- bark, and having ridden about a mile and a half, we then altered our course and proceeded due east. On our way from the forest to the line extending to the Villamanata Hills, we passed over two other creeks, which appeared to flow in a southerly direction ; we continued our course until Ave again reached the Saltwater River. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 297 The land of No. 1 is very good, aud is well watered ; we crossed three chains of ponds, about three miles distant from each other. We stayed on the banks all night, and as we did not reach the river till near dark and were fatigued, we did not put up any hut or breakwind. About twelve at night we had a heavy thunder-storm, and by two o'clock we were all wet through. February 12th. Mr. Leake and myself had slept upon the hills to avoid the mosquitoes, and when we had descended into the bottom, we found the fire almost out. We roused the party, and were at length, with the greatest difficulty, enabled to make the fire burn. It continued burning till daylight, and we then dried our clothes, had some hot tea, crossed the river, and pro- ceeded on our journey. We now altered our course for the purpose of passing between the two hills which I had marked down on the 10th ; and we arrived at the spot within a few minutes of the time we expected, so that the chart must be correctly laid down, and also our observation upon it. About one mile from the river we came upon a most beautiful vale, extending, apparently, several miles to the northward, and extending over part of No. 6 and 7. This vale contains about 20,000 acres of the richest quality and of the finest herbage I ever saw, and, in my opinion, far superior to any of the land upon No. 9 or any of the sections. We found the continuation of the rivulet, and that it wound round the flat-topped hill, thereby affording a most eligible situation for a homestead. We then con- tinued our course to another hill, near the margin of No. 7, which we passed over, and from this hill we had the opportunity of proving the correctness of the hills marked down by observation. We then continued our course about eight miles over fine feed- ing land, and came upon a rapid stream of water, flowing, like all the other rivers, from the north to south. We called this river the River Plenty, as it is the only stream, except the River Barwon, deserving the name of river. We dined at this river, and after proceeded about one mile down it in order to form an opinion as to its course, and as we were desirous of reaching, if possible, the River Yarra Yarra that afternoon, we then crossed the river and made an easterly course through forest land about six miles, and until we came upon another rapid stream, flowing in a southerly direction, and which it was impossible to cross in consequence of 298 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. the hills and scrub. We then proceeded about a mile S.E., when we were again stopped by a small stream, and found the land very boggy. After proceeding about half a mile S. and one mile W. along a high ridge, we determined to cross, if possible, the stream, and which after much labour we accomplished ; but finding it impos- sible to continue our course, and the laud between us and the Yarra Yarra being very heavy and thickly wooded, we were compelled again to re-cross the last stream ; and as it was near six in the evening, with an appearance of rain, we thought it most prudent to halt for the night, and put up a strong and secure tent to protect us from the wet. February 13th. When we awoke this morning we found to our dismay that the horses, with the exception of one mare, which had been tethered out, were missing. In about an hour Stewart re- turned, informing us that he had discovered the tracks, and that the horses were all gone. We were under an engagement to return to the settlement by twelve o'clock, and we calculated that we were distant about seventeen miles in a straight line. We got our breakfast, and packed all the saddles upon the horse which had been tethered out, and then proceeded in search of the horses by following their tracks. And here the instinct of that noble animal was most powerfully exhibited. The horses had been a circuit of at least 120 miles ; they had never been within ten miles of the spot where we were stationed that night ; and yet, instead of proceeding back upon their tracks, the horses made a direct course for the settlement round the hills, with as much care and sagacity as could have been manifested had they been led by a native. We followed the tracks about seven miles, and until we came upon the banks of the River Plenty, where we found the horses grazing. We then saddled them, crossed the river, and continued the course to th'e settlement, which we reached at five minutes past twelve. Upon my arrival at the settlement I found about 150 natives, and I learnt with much concern that an act of aggression had been committed upon one of the women, which required my immediate attention. Without waiting to refresh myself or refit, I proceeded to the native huts, and ordered the persons supposed to be implicated to be brought down. I found a young woman, about 22, lying on the ground, covered over with a kangaroo-rug, and suffering from a violent contusion Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 299" on the back part of her head, and which I understood had been inflicted upon her by her husband. It appeared that she was one of three wives, and that the tribe had lately been on the Saltwater River and near the shepherds' hut on No. 10 ; that this woman was proceeding towards the settlement to see her mother, and fell in with one of the shepherds, who laid hold of her, brought her to the hut, tied her hands behind her, and kept her there all night, and either that night or the next morning abused her person. When she reached the settlement she communicated to her friends the injury she had sustained, and they immediately apprised Buckley of it, expecting to obtain redress. The natives are par- ticularly jealous respecting their women ; and they consider any in- tercourse of this kind as a contamination, and in every case punish the woman frequently even to death. The natives men, women, and children assembled around me. I explained to them, through Buckley, our determination, in every instance, to punish the white man, and to protect the natives to the utmost of our power ; but we were not allowed to beat them, as they had the woman, but would send them to their own country to be punished. The woman was then raised, and the two men placed before her, and Buckley asked her if either of those men had ill-treated her person. She replied, " No " ; and I then inquired whether she had ever seen them before. She replied, " Yes," they were in the hut when the other man brought her in with her hands tied. I then inquired of the overseer, and found that a third man was at the hut, but had not been brought down. I then ex- plained to the two men the wickedness of their conduct, and how justly they would be punished if the natives had inflicted an injury upon them, and gave orders that as soon as fresh shepherds could be obtained, they should be removed from the settlement, under the terms of their indentures. I directed the other man to be immediately sent for, and if the woman identified him as the aggressor, that he should be removed from the settlement by the first ship, and be publicly taken away as a prisoner. I directed Buckley to explain to the whole tribe the course 1 which I had directed to be pursued, and I could perceive by the expression of their countenances that they were highly satisfied. I then 1 The MS. in the possession of the Trustees of the Public Library ends here, and the following passages are printed from the imperfect copy of Gellibrand's Journal, given in vol. III. of the Transactions of the Philosophical Society of Victoria. ED. 300 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. endeavoured to make the poor woman understand how much I com- miserated with her situation, and I tied round her neck a red silk handkerchief, which delighted her exceedingly. All of the party and we all went in the Captain's boat to the mouth of the river, and reached the ..... 16th February. By daylight this morning we were visited on board by four of our own tribe, in Mr. Batman's whale-boat. The natives appeared much pleased with their visit and surprised at the appearance of the vessel. They remained on board about a quarter of an hour, when having obtained a supply of biscuit, they left us. At o'clock, the vessel was under weigh . . and proceeded towards the sea. Mr. Escoart came to anchor near the settlement at Indented Head, When we were near Arthur's Seat it became necessary to work the vessel through a narrow passage about four miles long. This passage is not more than a mile and a half wide in some places, and the >. in the evening, so that the Captain was afraid to proceed to sea that night, lest we should be driven upon Cape Otway, and, in consequence, came to anchor about three miles from the Heads, under the lee of the land. 17 th February. We got under weigh at daylight, and made a safe passage between the Heads of Port Phillip about eleven o'clock at night we reached White's Hotel at Launceston. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 301'> OBSERVATIONS. The natives are a fine race of men, many of them handsome in; their persons, and all well made. They are strong and athletic, very intelligent, and quick in their perceptions preparing meat. . . The women, and especially the young ones, are particularly modest in their behaviour, and' also in their dress. They all appear to be well disposed, and very fond of bread and potatoes. In the winter season they live prin- cipally on fish and game. Upon the appearance of the country, I feel persuaded that they must exert themselves considerably in obtaining subsistence, and from their extreme partiality to bread and potatoes, I feel not the slightest doubt but that they may be all brought to habits of industry and civilization, when the mode of obtaining potatoes and wheat country is generally . . open, flat, champaign country, with abundance of verdure, and well watered. It far exceeds my expectations, although I was prepared to expect some- thing very superior. I consider the representations of Mr. Batman fully borne out, and from the account given by Buckley, I am dis- posed to believe ..... I this day settlement at Port Phillip, having taken a trip over in the Adelaide with some of my sheep; I found the young woman before spoken of living at the settlement with her husband and his other wives. She had quite recovered from the contusion, and her hus- band was again reconciled to her. 302 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. No. 58. g IR Melbourne, April 24th 1854. Enclosed is the account you favoured me by asking for. I have no doubt that most of its contents Your Excellency will not be interested in the least about. I found it necessary to go back a long time to arrive at the dates, having none of my books and papers with me, and I have been disappointed in getting from the Custom-house records at Launceston the information required on that head, in consequence of the dismissal of the officer to whom I wrote to furnish it. I regret I cannot at present go to Launceston and make the search. I have no doubt the local newspapers of the date would make mention of my early trip also. Trusting you will excuse the very imperfect manner that I complied with your request, I remain, Your obliged servant, JOHN HART. His Excellency Governor La Trobe. In the month of November 1831, became master of the schooner Elizabeth, of Launceston, owned by Mr. John Griffiths, and bound on a sealing voyage to the N.-W. Islands. Early in December we landed on the Lawrence rocks, Portland Bay, where we were joined by a boat's crew left there the year before, they having procured nearly 400 skins. Proceeding to- wards Kangaroo Island, anchored on the 16th in Guichen Bay ; landing on Baudin's rocks killed 30 seals, leaving one man with a supply of water and provisions until our return. Anchored in Nepean Bay on the 20th, and procured from the Salt Lagoon five tons of salt ; bought 150 skins (seal) and 12,000 wallaby skins from the islanders. These islanders were principally men who had left various sealing vessels when on their homeward voyage, the masters readily agreeing to an arrangement by which they secured for the .next season all the skins obtained during their absence. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 303 This island-life had a peculiar charm for the sailors, being sup- plied from the ship with flour, tea, sugar, tobacco, and a few slops, and living generally in pairs on the shore of one of the little bays. They cultivated a small garden to supply them with potatoes, onions, and a small patch of barley for their poultry. They thus led an easy, independent life, as compared with that on board ship. They obtained wives from the mainland ; these attended to the wallaby snares, caught fish, and made up the boat's crew when on a sealing excursion to the neighbouring rocks. At Kangaroo Island, there were some sixteen or eighteen of these men. On a certain day, once a year, they assembled from all parts of the island to meet the vessel in Nepean Bay, and dispose of their skins, getting a supply in return for the following year, the only money required being a sovereign or two for making earrings. There was another class of men, also, who probably had escaped from Van Diemen's Land ; these lived generally on islands apart from the others, some on Thistle Island, near Port Lincoln, and other islands in Spencer's Gulf, and there was one man who had been unvisited for three years when I saw him on this trip. This man lay under the suspicion of having murdered his original companions. He had two wives, whose woolly heads clearly showed their Van Diemen's Land origin. Although so long without supplies, he had every comfort about him. A convenient stone house, good garden, small wheat and barley paddocks, with pigs, goats, and poultry, made him quite independent of the vessel, except for tea and tobacco. He had collected 7,000 wallaby skins of a kind peculiar to this island very small, fine-furred, and beautifully mottled in colour. I sold these in Sydney for the China market. Returning to Launceston in February 1832, I was first employed to take Mr. Sinclair's whaling party to Twofold Bay, and afterwards in the Sydney trade. November 3rd, proceeded on a second sealing trip, landing on almost every rock between Bass's Straits and Doubtful Island Bay ; returned to Launceston after a very successful trip in March 1833. My mate, Mr. Dutton, appointed the chief headsman of the first fishing in Portland Bay ; employed attending on these whalers. Whales so plentiful that, on my visiting the Bay in June, I found all the casks full, and the men putting oil into pits 3 04 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. they had made in the clay. Out of 100 tons thus dealt with a very small quantity was saved. I took the first cargo of oil from Portland on this occasion. Port Fairy was visited about three years before by the cutter of that name, commanded by Mr. Wiahart. Mr. E. Henty made his first visit to Portland with me, returning to Launcestou the same voyage. November. Fitted for my third sealing voyage, which was extended to Cape Leeuwin; on this voyage we anchored in the Harbour of Middle Island; discovered close to the beach a lagoon containing fine salt, in such quantities that we took on board 20 tons in three days. On this voyage also I was on the plain where Adelaide now stands; and also discovered the dangerous reef off Cape Jaffa. Returned to Launceston in March 1834. Two fisheries in Portland Bay this year. Voyage to Hokianga, New Zealand. October. Brought Griffiths's party of whalers from Port- land. Employment having to be found for these men during the summer, to prevent them being employed by the opposition fishing party, took a number of them on an expedition to strip bark. Left Launceston the latter end of November, having on board a team of bullocks, a dray, and some twenty men besides the crew. Entered the Heads of Western Port the beginning of December; anchored under Phillip's Island; saw the place where a settlement had been; ruins of houses and workshops, with broken crockery, &c.; the land here was bad, and there were no wattle trees. Stood up the harbour ; surprised to find the deep-water channel marked with beacons on each side. Anchored abreast of the ruins of another settlement ; landed the men and team. Here were the remains of houses and gardens grass very abundant, and the wattle trees the largest I had ever seen. Employed for a fortnight collecting bark; saw the traces of numerous cattle; shot a large white bull. Finding the bark so abundant, I loaded the schooner and proceeded to Sydney, leaving the shore party behind; sold my cargo to a ship bound to London, and chartered the ship Andro- meda to load bark in Western Port for London. Put on board Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 305 Mr. Thorn (my mate) as pilot and supercargo. She arrived there in April 1835. In the meantime I proceeded to Launceston and gave an account of my trip, first to my owner and Mr. Conolly ; afterwards to a number of persons assembled in the billiard-room of the Cornwall Hotel, among whom were Mr. Fawkner, Messrs. Geo. and John Evans, and, I think, Mr. Batman. I spoke in high terms of the land and the grass ; instanced the sign of the mimosa trees as a proof of the one, and the condition of the wild cattle as the result of the other. When, however, the Andromeda arrived to get her clearance at the Custom-house of Launceston, the fame of the place was spread far and wide by the returned bark cutters. Many of these were farming men born in Van Diemen's Land, and they at once saw the advantages of this beyond that of their own country. The cargo of the Andromeda was consigned to John Gore and Co., of London, through Mr. Conolly, and sold for about 13 per ton. I brought vast numbers of black swans, which we had pulled down while moulting ; the waters of Western Port were covered with these birds. In December 1835 I sailed as a passenger to London, and while there gave evidence to some of the South Australian Com- missioners on the subject of the coast and lands of that province. I furnished sailing directions for Colonel Light, then about to leave in the Rapid. I related to Colonel Torrens the fact that the Port Lincoln natives circumcised their males in a very extra- ordinary manner, although the tribes round had no such custom. In September I sailed from London for Launceston, taking with me as passengers several of the now old South Australian settlers, who, on my suggestion, went to Van Diemen's Land, in the first instance, to select their stock, &c., to take with them. In November 1837 I undertook to drive a herd of cattle from Portland to Adelaide ; these cattle I had originally bought from Mr. Dutton, in Sydney, to be delivered in Portland. I had shipped a large number during the previous six months. The remainder, about 500 head, I started with from Darlot's Creek. My party consisted of Mr. Pullen, who had been my chief officer (now, I believe, Captain Pullen, R.N., of the North Star), and nine men. x 306 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. I arrived at Mr. S. Winter's station on the Wannou on the 3rd, and for a week was employed exploring to the westward of the Glenelg, with a view of making a direct course to Adelaide. Finding, however, no water, I determined to make the Murray by Major Mitchell's road. I had, however, greater difficulties to overcome than I expected. It was a season of extraordinary drought. Many waterholes were dry, in the bottoms of which we found the large monster mussels lying putrid. I was obliged, therefore, to leave the Major's road for the purpose of procuring water ; his object at the season in which he passed being to avoid it. I arrived on the Murray, near Mount Hope, early in January 1838, and, travelling down the stream, crossed the river about fifteen miles below the Darling. At this place the depth of water did not exceed eighteen inches on a sandy bottom. As a nautical man I felt great interest in this river, and saw at once that it would be navigable for a great portion of the year, possibly for the whole year, in ordinary seasons. I observed that the cause of the shallows was the river having to cross in its course to the westward the pine sand ridges that run north and south, and, therefore, when the river is full, in these places, it increases its width and brings a fresh supply of sand into its bed ; no deepening, therefore, will avail here, and it appears to me the only improvement that could be made would be to narrow the channel artificially with clay or wood, the expense of which would make it impossible to be done for ages to come. Nothing struck me so much on this river as the splendid ' timber that grows on its banks ; I never saw anything equal to it for shipbuilding purposes. I arrived in Adelaide, March 1st, without the loss of a beast,.- and on the 3rd sailed to Launceston to ship the whalers for Encounter Bay. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 307 SPECIMENS OF THE LANGUAGE OF THE BARRABOOL TRIBE, AND LIST OF THE MEMBERS OF THE TRIBE, COLLECTED ABOUT 1842, BY MRS. DAVENPORT, DAUGHTER OF THE LATE CAPT. SIEVEWRIGHT, ASSISTANT-PROTECTOR OF ABORIGINES.* I. SPECIMENS OF BAUUABOOL DIALECT. (Geelony District.) Head - Mdrg. Knee - Bon. Hair - Ngarmoork. Thiyh - Kareep. Forehead - - Maan. Heel - Barn. Eye - Myrr. Toes - Mdrg-i-dinang Eyebrow - - Ngar-i-maan(^\a.\\ (head of the of forehead), or foot). Wurdi-myrr. Toenail - Tiring-matuh. Eyelash - - Tarad-i-myrr. Back Wulurn. Tears - TiJr-i-myrr (dew Neck - Waning. of the eye) Rain - Munder. Nose - Kang. Wind - Moonmoot. Mouth - Wor-ro. Water - Ngobeet. Cheek - Waeng. Blood - Kurk. Ear - Wering. Thunder - . Turnbil. Teeth - Liang. Lightning - - Morineuk. Gums - Weerbeng. Rainbow - - Tyerm. Tongue - Tel-ling. Sun - Meree. Chin - Ngurnduk. Moon - Yern. Throat - KfJrrt. Stars - Toorbernr.en. Hand - Murna. Fire - Wieng. Thumb - - Ngardung-i-mur- Stone - La. na (mother of To-day - - Merio. the hand). To-morrow - Iramneu. Palm of the hand Dong-i-murna Yesterday - Tallio. (stomach of the Day after to- Yey-yeram. hand). morrow Fore finger - Wernwern-milurk. Day before yes- Yey-tallic. Little finger - Bab-ban-nuke. terday Arm - Turooh. Morning - - Kurdineu. Shoulder - - Ngam. Noon - Bary-meri. Shoulder-blade - Kangan. Twilight - - Talli-talli. Elbow- - Pnllot. Night - Mor gal-leu. Stomach - - Dong. Midnight - - Barji-morgal. Foot - Dinang. Evil spirit - - Kotyul. Leg - Lorg. Ghost - BootQ-ftoong-gari. In this vocabulary a is pronounced as in mate, i as in the French aim^, and 6 as in home. X 2 308 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. SPECIMENS OF BABRABOOL, DIALECT continued. One - - Koimott. Owl Wirmul. Two - - Boolitt. Snake Kornmil. Three - - Kurt-go-rin. Iguana jKurok. Four - - Boolite-ba-boolite. Dew Tor. Plenty - - Wurdy-yulyul. River Yalock. Wife - - Goork. Mountain - Banule. Husband - - Golli. Lake Boolok. Father - - Pect-ya-rik. Mosquito - Nyoya-ngoya. Mother - - Ngurduny. Fly Toi-tuet. Sister - - Burm-ba-rook or Bag Mooger-mooger . Ta-ta-rong. Cough Bork. Aunt - - Bubarong. Laugh Wa-ka. Brother or Friend Tati, Koki, Meli, Weep Loong-g(. Baryti. Speak Ngael. Elder brother - Weng-ut. By-and-bye Mai -to or Burr a - Baby - Poup-poup. hurra. Tree - - Piei. More Yuri. Gum-tree - - Gheran. Foolish Ye-lite-yereen. Cherry-tree - Kiraneuk. Sick War-war. Native cherry - Baloitt. Good Munni-meet. She-oak, or Shiac NgarG (hair-tree) Very good M erra-da-by-io or Tea- tree - - Boono. Kon-ya-benyeulc. Spear - - Karp or Derg. Bad Aieulem. Spear shield - Malga. Industrious Karangateen. Boomerang - Woomerra. Bashful - Tirabee. Boomerang shieldGwram. Loved Kaw6e. Waddy - - Liangwil or Gor. Lazy Tatagawan. Tomahawk - Karkain. Joyful Yera-o. Opossum cloak - Wallurt-wallurt. Mad Tanooba. Nose ornament - Note-kang. Sad, mournful - Kolorneen. Band for head - Bukirn. Dirty 7'arareen. Doctor - - Wirirrup. Proud Ngotaboreen. Emu - - Karwir. Giddy Muta-a. Kangaroo - - Ko-im. Powerful, strong Wottgarwil. Young kangaroo Kunyul. Vicious Boonboon dirin Old kangaroo - Woring-woring. gorn. Bandicoot - Bo. Jumping - Bilkbooretn. Kangaroo-rat - Barook. Whistle - War ok booming. Swan - - Konowar. Dream Ye-yey-dyileen. Turkey - - Tarawil. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 309 II. DIALOGUE. Where have you come from ? - Where have you been this long time ? Where are you going? Don't go away .... I am going now - I am going to-morrow I will come back soon ... Why did you go away ? - Why do you slay here ? - - - Go away ---... Stay here, sit down - ... Be quiet, go .and work Come, be quick .... What's your name ? - I am very tired - I am sick I am sulky (or angry) I am hungry You laugh too much - You are joking Go and sleep Are you hungry ? - Are you frightened ? This is my young wife This is my husband This is my child .... What are you doing ? - - - I am going to make my hut Come, make a fire - - - - Will it rain ? Where is there any water ? Have you anything to eat ? Where are you going to stay ? - I am going to catch fish - Go and get some fish Where is there any kangaroo ? - I am very weary - Where is your opossum cloak ? I did not take it It was not I Tell the other natives to come here - Where are the native huts ? Are yon going to fight ? - Winyong ngat korika ? Mywan goreek ? Weear wor ne yo ? Ngalahak yanni yo. Yanni wan. Yanni wnn iramneu. Ma will & wan. Konde weeny er rat? Kond6 weenyer rat bourdya neen f Yanni mat, or Yangad ya wat. Moon-gor6. Mdk bdrd, ko rah at. Yanni, kormd, hormi. Winnyar rat ? Dermil inyan. Moorat war-war. Toornin yan. Myr e yilt. Malard yon. Moeyo mi I in yat. Gong bad ye wan. Mirang in ? Ktt nar ngalbaleen ? Ngam a book. Ngam a boom. Fappapik. Winyer er yo mo 9 Ngar wille ate karong a. Toortkal6 wadaik weing ik. Wadd6 munder toolkilin ? Weourwooreen werra ngomf Gonan kotyereen ? Weear wooreen not ? Yanno wife kiang goorta. Yann6 yok wira binya. Weear wallo wooreen koim f Tata komong ngiting ta-a. Weourwooreen wallurt-wallurt T J\ 'galakaknong komoring. Borak kong. Keka wat teunin. Weear kadyong gir-ba f Ko nat peet-yure"? 310 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. D i A LOO UE continued. I am going away to fight - - - Yanni wite peet yure wony. Do not make a noise - - - Nyalagare toorne. You went away, I did not see you - Goormawar, ngala kak nin naring. Will there be a"corrobery" to-night? Ngar6 millywat morgalleu ? When will there be new moon ? - Weearbai woorneen kalkdrn yern? When will there be full moon ? - Weearbai woorneen borfxla yern ? Exclamation of astonishment - - Kardung wah .' Exclamation of pain - - - Ya-ki ! III. NAMES OF THE BAKRABOOL TRIBE, ABOUT 1841-43. Mamborn. Burda-boonook. Bana-murook. Tama kuiner. Kalanyoke. Warawadyang. Balinmoum. Badyakano. Boolbine. Moorat dong (pain in stomach). Yoloboyn. Neulem-boet. Terragubel (standiug up). Pulinelli. Yama-wuliug. Mettamoum. Boolbool. Murnen-murnen-dyook. Gorwelook. Wormebaneep. Banyewang. Kurnar-wetong. Boogeamorong-morok. Kirewey. Men: Winnurdurd. Yamarite. Yaybo borne. Woolah. Koimot-derg (one cane spear). Wirdyon. Barney wulurn. Tr6 wernuwil (foam of waterfall). Torraoeuk (heart). Tirrermap. Koram. Neeram-dinang (long foot). Burda-murra-dook. Woormadyon. Boys : Karkain-nieu-murt. Bongagornok. Waraduk (stormy wind). Niramying-ying (loud singing). Derdernook. Wirma murna neuk. Toort kang. Beergaru. Boorm-dyon. Burdaganeuk. Tarawil (turkey). Deringbaldyon. Kang-atuk. Toortaderemy - dy on . Kanagobermorg (large high cap). Moordy ngor-ngor. Kolarn (locust). Tromneuk (claw of emu's foot). Maan gyarong. Mooradum. Tooragbirn. Toorenbone. Maramome. Momneuk. Wurdy-mura neuk. Boolitengel (two bones). Torma-wone. Boonga torui neuk. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 311 NAMES OF THE BARRABOOL TRIBE continued. Women : Kokboning. Burdghea geurk. Bodyit. Keneywool. Ngurma-ngar- Lalageurk. Wirndelwoork. woreneuk. Neuwa-neuwete. Boona-gheranook. Kora-koradeuk. Ngarm-ngarm-toe Niram-boolok (long Yamakorewoork. woork. lake). Toepootynang. Boodyerneen. Bangoork. Ngalorwing. Toe woork. Boorna-waring-geurk. Eurok-dinang (foot of Titeyur. Bauga-ngare". iguana). Murbang-goork. Noorda-worady-woork. Boonakboork. Titurwoork. Moonalelly. Korengeurk. Torort goork. Mornep-dya-woork. Wmya-warwar. Tirap koraneuk. Bilang-goork. Koimo-moorna-goork Yilert. Murdiraunny. La-woork. Myrghingeurk. Murderd-goork Welwor-woork. Morkoit. (hyacinth girl). Girls : Kanyul-woork (young Ngam-yang-myr- Mordaley-dia woork. kangaroo girl). woork. Dindong. Torang-goork. Batkome. Bararwoork. Balawadoro. Bygoork. Ta-yanggoork. Terar-neuk. \ INDEX, NOTE. Abbreviations used, in., mount ; r., river; St., station ; I., lake. Aboriginal language, 307-310 Aborigines, 1,2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 16, 19, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 47, 52, 53, 55-62, 65-100, 102-104, 108, 109-112, 113, 114, 115, 121-124, 137, 138, 140, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148-153, 156, 157, 158, 160, 163, 164, 165, 166, 170, 171, 175, 177, 178, 183, 184, 186, 187, 188, 190, 192, 200, 205, 207, 208, 209, 211, 216-222, 224, 225, 226, 229, 230, 231, 235, 236, 237, 241, 242, 245, 248, 251, 253, 255, 257, 258, 259, 266-269, 269-275, 277, 288, 291, 292, 298, 299, 301 Acacia glutinosa, 34 Addison and Murray, Messrs., 23, 25, 164 Adelaide, 304 Adelaide, ship, 11 Affleck, Messrs., 176, 181 Agriculture, 207, 244 Airey, C. , 140 Airey, J., 177 Aitcheson, 155 Aitken, John, 41 ; letter, 206-208 Aitken, Robt., 20 Aitken, m., 206, 207 Alberton, 199, 203, 204 Albury, 10 Alexander, m., 7, 9, 18, 21, 41, 54 Allan, A. M., 8, 235 Allan, G., 232 Allan, J., 137, 156, 189, 213 Allanvale, 179 Anakie hills, 15, 293 Anderson, Col. J., 209, 228 Anderson, A., 39, 41, 147 Anderson, Hy., 2, 54 Anderson, 16, 36, 136, 159, 171, 251 Andromeda, ship, 304, 305 Anstey, 12 Antwerp, st., 192 Appin, m., 17 Arapiles, m., 9, 157, 165, 179 Arbuckle, 132 Archdale, M., 175, 216 Argyle. See Booth and Argyle Armstrong, 36, 148 Armytage, 251 Armytage, Geo., 138-141 Armytage, C. H., 164, 176 Arndell, r.,295 Arthur, H., 207 Arthur's seat, 159, 207 Arundell, W. F. H., 180 Atkins, Wm., 227 Atkinson. See Belcher and Atkin- son Austin, Jas., 140, 156 Austin, T., 139 Australia Felix, 163, 182 Avenel, st., 228 Avoca, r., 9, 185, 212, 216, 224 Avon, r., 9, 131, 196, 257, 259 Avon, si., 190 Aylward, 162 Ayrey and Nichol, Messrs., 190, 191 Bacchus, W. H., 5, 36 Bacchus Marsh, 5 Bagrooks, 87 Baillie, 42 Baillie, T., 179, 190, 191 Baker, J., 159 Balerook, 114 Ballan, 63 Ballanee, st., 19 Ballantyne, 177 Ballarat, 42, 136 Ballowra, st., Ill, 180 Balyang, 121 Barber, G. H., 171, 187 Bark shipped to Sydney, 305 Barker, Dr. E., 175, 181 Bar jang, 180 Barnawartha, St., 187 Barnett, E., 174 Barrabool hills, 293 Barrabool tribe, 4, 94, 96 ; dialect, . 307-310 ; names of members, 310,. 311 Barton, 162 Barton, Mrs., 169 .314 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. INDEX continued. Bar won, r., I, 3, 13, 14, 15, 16, 37, 38, 42, 154, 292 Bass, r., 159 Bates, 177, 251 Batesford, xt., 155 Bath, E., 255 Bathe and Perry, Messrs., 36 Batman, H., 11 Batman, J., 11, 12, 48, 49, 161, 182, 206, 207, 251, 262, 276, 289, 294, 305 Batman's hut, 12 Baynton, T., 48, 53 Beale and Trebeck, 140 Bear, Mr., 8, 186 Bears, superstitions about consult- ing, 90 Beckwlth ranges, 41 Beenak, 32 Belcher and Atkinson, Messrs., 179 Bell, 28, 29 Bell, Ed., letter, 168-182 Bellarme hills, 290 Bell-post, 135 Bell-post hill, 155 Benboo, king, 71, 82 Bendigo, 41 Bennilong, aborigine, 274 Benyeo, st. , 2 Berrima, st., 169 Berring, 72 Berrookboom, 86 Beruke, 72 Berwool, 88 Best, H., 182 Bet-Bet creek, 8 Beveridge, A., 145, 158 Beveridge's flat, 209 Bill, aborigine, 178 Billabong country, 240 Billbolary, 70, 73 Bil-li-bel-la-ry, 70, 73, 98 Billy, king. See King William Billy Billy, 166 Binbeal, 86, 89 Bingham, 188 Binney, 171 Birch, A., 54 Birch, 42 Bird catching by natives, 219 Black, 137, 164, 232 Black, Neil, 136, 155 Black Dog creek, 47 Blacks. See Aborigines Black station, 37 Blackwood trees, 34 Blair, 176, 261 Blair, J., letter, 163-165 Blow, 179, 213 Blundell, Dr., 179, 213 Bobbinary, 92 Bobinger, 88 Boi-Boi, 86 Bolac, I:, 237 Bolden, 136, 171 Bon Jon, 122, 123, 124, 180 Bontherambo, st., 187 Booth and Argyle, 8, 158 Borhoneyghurk, st., 1 Borman, 212 Boro Boro, 71 Boughyards, St., 55 Boundaries, 23, 24, 39, 50 Bourke, Sir Richard, 16, 252 Bowerman, 42, 54 Bowman, 151, 205, 212 Bowman, Wm., 52, 53, 54, 186, 187 Boy Friday, aborigine, 255 Boyd, Benj., 9, 189, 190, 213, 214 Brain, 8, 186 Bricks first used in Melbourne, 49 Briggs, 3. 179, 212, 213, 237 Broadford, 209 Brock, 207 Brodie, 146, 157, 179, 189, 190, 207 Brodribb, 248 Brodribb, W. A., 171, 230 Brodribb, Albt., 130, 133 Broken river, 47, 150, 172, 227, 228 Bromfield, 3 Brown, 251 Brown, Capt., 53 Bryan, John, 263 Bryant, 245 Bryant, Capt. , 53 Bryant, Mrs., 7 Bryant's creek, 164 Buckley, E., 131, 255 Buckley, Wm., 48, 49, 114, 161, 251, 288, 291, 292, 293 Bucknall, E. G., 8, 54 Buckup, 71 Buggup, 71 Buker Bun-nel, 89 Bullarook, st., 55 Buller Bullup, 82 Bullocks, 22, 23 Bunbury, Capt., 213, 214 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 315 INDEX continued. Bungerrook, 98 Buninyong, 37, 39, 42, 54, 139 Buninyong ranges, 42 Buninyong tribe, 94 Buntingdale mission station, 176 Bur-bor-rough, 71 Burchett's run, 182 Burke, R., 156 Burnbank, 54, 63 Burrumbeet, I., 39, 41, 42, 136 Burrumbeet, 6,3 Bushrangers, 234 Butcher, Mr., 23, 25 Byng, m., 54 Cadden, S., 175, 181 Cairn Curran, St., 7, 8 Caledonia, ship, 12, 294 Caledonia Australia, 257 Calligan, aborigine, 148 Cameron, Allan, 186 Cameron, D., 54, 212 Cameron, J. A., 179, 212 Cameron, Alex., 186, 189 Campaspe, r., 6, 21, 204, 211 Campaspe tribe, 96 Campbell, A., 232 Campbell, A. M., letter, 143-145, 158 Campbell, Chas., 159 Campbell, Colin, letter, 223-227, 232 Campbell, James, 10, 216 Campbell, L., 8, 55, 183 Campbell, Win., 8 Campbell, 158, 178, 180, 186, 214 Cannibalism, 4, 111, 183, 222, 273 Canoe, 47 Cape Otway ranges, 4 Captain Jack, aborigine, 149 Carfrae, John, 9, 10, 11, 147, 213, 231 Carlsruhe, 53, 182 Carmichael, W. and C., 164 Carrajarmongei, st., 187 Carter, Wm., 3 Cashmere, st., 23, 164 Catarrh, 7, 173, 204, 230, 234 Cathkin, st., 208 Cattle station, first in Victoria, 49 Cattle, 3, 7. See also Wild cattle Catto, J., 8, 186 Caves, 248 Cay, 186 Ceres, steamer, wreck of, 45 Champion, 251 Charlotte plains, st., 1 Chetwynd, 27, 176 Cheyne, 182 Chirnside, Thos., letter, 233-238 Chirnside, 54, 155, 174, 214, 232 Chisholm, J. W., 151, 187, 235 Chisholm, W., 227 Circumcision practised by Port Lincoln natives, 305 Clark, 143 Clarke, Dr., 1 Clarke, 42, 178, 179, 207,213 Clarke, Billy, 1 Clarke, James, 5 Clarke, John, 208 Clarke, W. J. T., 157 ; letter, 165- 167, 190 Clerk, R., 181, 182 Clifton's morass, 257 Climate, 237, 240 Cloven hills, 40 Clow, Rev., 37, 101, 250 Clow, James, 100-107 Clow, J. M., 107-108 Clunes, 54, 63 Clunie, st., 164 Clyde Company, 38, 135, 155 Cobbon, Johnny, aborigine, 2o5 Cockburn, 171 Coghill, 41, 42, 53, 54, 162, 207, 235 Coghill, David, 52 Coghill, W., 52 Colac district, 3, 4, 38, 119, 139, 140 Colac, /., 1, 138, 251 Colac tribe, 4 Colburn, 208 Coldham, 263 Cole, m., 54, 212, 222, 223 Cole, 8 Coliban, 20, 21, 41, 53, 182, 183 Collyer, J. D., 143 Coltish, Capt., 250 Compensation, 188 Council's run, 263 Connewarre, .,14 Conolly, M., 264, 305 Consulting bears, 90 Convicts, 63, 64 Coonerdigum, 72 Corangamite, 1, 251 Corhanwarrabul, st., 101 Corio, 14 Corney, 22, 23, 32 316 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. INDEX continued. Cbrney, W., 164 Cotter, Dr., 12, 289 Coutts, G., 10, 186 Cowie, A., 2, 13, 14, 42, 135, 155, 251 Cowper, Jas., 8, 144, 145, 158 Cox, John, 162, 182 Creswick, 190 Crown Lands Commissioners, 6, 23, 24, 64, 116 Cruikshank, 146, 157, 179, 189, 190 Crutch, Thos., 139 Culpendurra, 72 Cumberland, ship, 172 Cunningham, R. C., 132 Cunningham, A. F., 155, 156 Curlewis, 130, 132, 186 Curlewis, J. C., 8, 144, 145, 158 Curra Curra, 72 Currawang, st., 254 Cuthbert, J., 36 Dana, Capt. H. P., 23, 73, 141, 190, 242 ; account of, by La Trobe, 266-269 Dandenong, 37 Dandenong, st., 160 Dandenong creek, 101 Darcey, 39 Darebin creek, 223 Darke, 135, 138, 251 Darling, r., 306 Darlot, H., 191 Darlot, 230 Darlot, J. M., 6, 7, 9, 54, 179, 185, 189, 190, 211, 215 Darnell, 140 Davenport, Mrs. F. A., specimens of the language of Barrabool tribe and names of members of the tribe, 307-311 Decameron, st., 178 Deep creek, 41, 54 Dennis, A., J., and W., 139, 140, 191 Dent, 137 Dergholm, st., 28 Derwent Company, 15, 16, 38, 135, 154, 155, 156, 251 Desailly, 159, 164, 176 Desert, 112 De Villiers, 37 Devil's river, 173, 180, 228 Dewing, F., 3, 140 Dickson, Dr., 204 Dight's mill, 49 Dingo, black, 47 Distant hill, 118 Dobie, 105 Docker, J., 151, 171, 187 Dodd, Chas., 36 Donald, J., 186, 191, 216 Donald, 232 Donald, J. and W., 42, 178, 212, 216 Donaldson, A., 176 Donnithorne, Judge, 21 Doutta Galla, 11, 12, 13, 15 Dowling forest, 42, 54, 63, 166 Drew, J., 104 Drought, 205 Dryden, E., letter, 20, 21 Dublin Jack, 147 Duck catching, 245 Dunlop, r., 196 Dunrobin, st., 164 Duttoii, 6, 54, 172, 185, 211, 230, 303, 305 Dwyer, 214 Dwyer, Hy., 141 Earthquake, 16, 105-107 Ebden, C. H., 6, 52, 53, 146, 132 Ebden, 21, 41, 182, 205, 207 Eckersley, m, 263 Eddington, 137 Egerton, G., 2 Elephant hill, 17 Elephant, m., 17, 18, 19, 40 Elizabeth, schooner, 302 Ellerman, H., 179, 190, 192 Elliot, 10 Elliott, 216 Ellis, 10, 164, 176, 185, 216 Elms, G. W., 54 Emu, m., 37, 42 Emu creek, 147 Englefield, st., 175, 181, 182 Escoart, 300 Eumemmering, st., 101 Evans, Geo., 206, 207, 305 Evans, John, 206, 207, 305 Ewing, A., 195 Exe, r., 289 Eyre, E. J., 235 Fairbairn, Geo., 9, 176, 181 Faithful, Geo., letter, 150-154, 186, . 187, 241 Faithful, W. P., 171 Farie, 136 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 317 INDEX continued. Fawkner, J. P., 11, 12, 182, 207, 287, 289, 305 Fawkner's Royal Hotel, 12 Fenton, 8 Fergusson, 13 Ferrers, C. G., 120, 155 Fiery creek, 23, 147 Firebrace, Major, 9, 157, 179, 190, 191, 192 Fish, 241 Fisher, 155, 251 Fisher, David, letter, 11-19, 38, 39, 135 Fishing by aborigines, 30, 40, 219 Flat, Capt., 138 Fletcher, 208 Floods, 117, 223 Flour, 170 Foley, 186 Foot-rot, 231 Forbes, Rev. J., 250 Forest creek diggings, 8, 41 Forlonge, Andrew, 27 Forlonge, Win., 6, 27 Forlonge, 28 Foster, J. F L. V., 8, 137, 216 Foster, L., letter, 185, 186 Fourteen-mile creek, 8 Fowler, 171 Frances Henty, ship, 264 Francis, 54, 166, 212, 251 Franklin, TO., 8 Franks, 138, 162, 179, 207, 208 Frazer, Major, 104 French, A. S. J., 174 Freshwater creek, 18 Frost, severe, 34 Fryer's creek diggings, 8 Fulham, st., 164 Fulton, J., 21 Furgesson, 290, 294, 295, 296 Fyans, Capt. F., 3, 6, 23, 64, Paper by, 114-129, 140, 175, 181, 192 Gambler, m., 247, 264 Game, 216 Gardiner, 36, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283-287, 289, 293 Gardiner, John, 44, 45, 48, 49, 146, 251, 253 Gardiner's creek, 49 Gatenby, 12 Gawler, G., Governor of S.A., 245 Geelong, 1, 5, 14, 15, 16, 27, 38, 128, 135, 154, 251 Geewar, 290 Gellibrand, Tom, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283 Gellibrand, J. T., 3, 4, 12, 38, 138, 146, 156, 208. Memorandum of trip to Port Phillip, 279-301 Gellibrand, Mrs., 4 Gellibrand, aborigine, 72 Gellibrand, m., 140 Gellibrand's point, 276 Geordie, aborigine, 109 George, 172 George, m., 18, 19, 40 Gibb, 180 Gibb, M., 182 Gibber, Jemmy, aborigine, 254 Gibbon, Messrs., 8 Giberuke, 72 Gibson, 8, 174 Gibson, M., 28, 29, 30, 158, 176, 237 'Gibson, Mrs., 28, 29 Gilmore creek, 169 Gipps, Lady, 170 Gippsland, 129-134, 174, 193-204, 254-259 Gippsland natives, 37 Gisborne, 53 Glendaruel, ., 54, 63 Glendinning, 176, 191 Glendonald, st., 54, 63 Glenelg, r., 9, 10, 23, 25, 28, 34, 158, 164, 175, 181, 214 Glenisla, st., 9 Glenlyon, 62 Glenmona, <.,7, 8, 211 Glenorchy, 189 Gold, 55, 186 Goldsmith, 42 Good, J., 137 Goodman, 180 Goulburn district, 180, 208 Goulburn tribe, 96, 205 Graham, H. F., 64 Grampian tribe, 221 Grampians, m., 9, 18, 19 Grange, The, 6, 23, 174 Grant, 179 Grasmere, st., 137 Grasses, 33, 34, 35 Gray, John, 19 Gray, W. N., 79 Green, 5 Green, E. B., 143 318 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. INDEX continued. Green hills, St., 179, 181, 182 Greene, 145 Greene, Mrs., 179, 181, 189 Greenhill, at., 5, 175 Greenock, 54 Greenock, m., 185 Grice, 8, 176 Griffin, 212 Griffin, Jos., 13 Griffin, Dr., 54 Griffiths, 264 Griffiths, John, 302, 304 Grimes, 64 Grimes, E., 227 Grylls, Rev., 250 Gunbower, St., 144 Gunbower tribe, 145 Guy, 46 Hall, C. B., letter, 210-222 Hall, 8, 211, 231 Hallett, Dr., 261 Hamilton, 189 Hamilton, J. M., 178, 179, 186, 191 Hamilton, Thos-, 176 Hamilton, Mr., 3, 42, 53, 164, 172, 207, 212, 232 Hamilton, W., 52, 53, 187 Hamlyn, Dr., 209 Harding, W., 140, 156 Harrison, Capt., 186 Harrison, J. , 53, 54 Hart, John, letter, 302-306 Hassell, 232 Hawdon, John, 50, 54 Hawdon, Joseph, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 101, 146, 162, 212, 253 Hay, 148 Heape, 8, 176 Henry, brig, 138 Henty, Ed., 261, 304 Henty, F., 262 Henty, Jas., 265 Henty, S. G., letter, 260-265 Henty, Messrs., 20, 162, 163 Henty, 24, 30 Hepburn, John, 41-42; letter, 43-64, 146, 162, 207, 235 Hesse, 3, 4, 38, 138, 156 Hesse, in. , 140 Highett, 140, 156 Highett, J., 101, 136 Hindmarsh, I., 179, 192, 224 Hindmarsh lake tribes, 109 Hitchcock, 49 Hobson, Capt.. 253 Hobson, Ed., 159, 160 Hodgkinson, Jas., 8, 146, 167, 1S.1 Hodgkinson, Messrs., 212 Holcombe, 62 Hollo way, Jos., 227 Hope, boat, 50 Hope, Mr., 177 Hope, m., 145 Hopkins, A., 140. 156 Hopkins, Hy., 139 Hopkins, J. 139 Hopkins, R., 136, 237 Horses, 7 Horsfall, J., 186, 191, 192 Horsham, 157 Hotels. See Inns House in Melbourne, 1835, 15- House, first in Geelong, 16 Hovell, W. H., 52 Howe, 46 Howe, E., 227 Howe, H., 227 Howey, Capt., 36 Howey, 52, 53, 162, 207 Huber, st., 150 Hughes, H. K., 228 Hughes, 172, 208 Hume, r., 187 Hume, H., 62, 295 Hume, 234 Hunter, John, 180 Hunter, A., 168, 169, 171, 172, 173., 180, 181, 195, 209, 228, 230 Hunter, W. M., 8 Hunter, 212 Huon, Chas., 10 Hutton, C., 6, 39, 40 ; letter, 204- 206, 229 Hyde, 175 Hyland, 255 Imlay, Dr., 178, 185, 186, 212 Indented head, 1, 13, 135, 291 Ingleby, st., 139 Inns, 125 Iramo, m., 295 Irvine, Alex., 54, 178, 185, 212, 216 Jackson, 206, 207, 214 Jackson, Jas., 28, 158 Jacky, aborigine, 225 James Watt, steamer, 16 Jamieson, A., 173 Jamieson, Hugh, letter on abori- gines, 269-275 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 319^ INDEX continued. Jamieson, Robt., 36, 37, 159, 160 Jancourt tribe, 4 Janevale, St., 1 Janfrone, m., 18 Jardine, 21 Jennings, Daniel, 6, 205 Jim Crow hill, 8 Jim Crow, St., 55 Jim Crow tribe, 183 John Bull, 73 Johnson, 137 Jones, 132, '200, 263 Joyce, Messrs., 8, 212 Kangaroo island, 303 Karakarook, 86, 87, 88, 91 Kardinia house, 251 Kate, m., 17 Kaye, W., 186 Keene, Theo., 227 Kelsall, Col., 136 Kemp, 182 Kennedy, Hon. G., 169 Kerr, 105, 176 Kewell, st., 191 Killamaine, 20 Kilmore, 2(J9 King William, 225 King, L, 198 King Parrot creek, 204 Kinlochewe, 172, 209 Kinnear, R. H., 19 Kirk, W., 54, 213 Kirk, 232, 237 Kirkland, 42 Knight, 56-59 Knowles, 174, 214 Konongwootong, 164 Kookinberrook, 86 Koorootyngh, 61 Koot Narin, st., 164, 176 Korangamite. See Corangamite Kuller Kullup, 98 Kul-pen-dure, 72 Kunewarra, 87 Kur-rek Kur-rek, 72 Kuur-rook, 87 Lachlan, r., 243 Lady Augusta, steamer, 143 Land sale, 1840, first, 263 Lang, J. D., 168 Lang, 164, 212 Langdon, 8 Langhorne, A., 101, 160 Langi-Coorie, st., 7 La Trobe, C. J., account of Capt. Dana, 266-269 La Trobe, r. , 194, 258 Leake, 279, 280, 281-287, 293, 2!M, 297 Learmonth, 260 Learmonth, Dr., 155 Learmouth, Messrs., 2, 212, 251 Learmonth, Thos., 15; letter, 37- 43, 54 Ledcourt, st., 9, 147, 190, 191 Leigh, st., 147 Leigh, r, 2, 14, 15, 38, 54, 63, 154 Leigh tribe, 4 Le Man, 37 Lettsom, Major, 188 Leura, m., 136 Lewequeen, aborigine, 31 Lewis, Geo., 32 Lewis, 181 Lillgoner, 89 Linfield, 289, 294 Linlithgow, I., 237 Little river, 165 Lloyd, A., 3 Lloyd, G. F., 3 Lloyd, 140, 251 Locke, W. J., 180 Loddon, r., 7, 8, 9, 21, 41, 54, 62,. 183, 186, 211, 215,235 Loddon tribe, 96, 221 Long Yarra, aborigine, 31 Longerenong, 191 Longlands, st., 176 Lonsdale, Capt., 49, 101, 252, 253 Loughnan, J. M., 130, 132 Love, 191 Lynott, 178, 185, 211, 212 Macalister, L., 255 Macalister, M., 255, 259 Macalister, 131, 132, 196, 258 Macarthur, r., 196 McCallum, A., 8, 145, 185, 186, 212r McCrae, Dr., 37, 101 McCulloch, 263 McCulloch, Thos., 23, 32, 164 Macdonald, Dr., 164 McDonald, W., 227 McDougall, 144 Macedon, m., 21, 41 Macfarlane, 132, 230, 255 McFarlane, Jas. , 254 MacFarlane, Mrs., 28, 29 McGill, 54, 213, 232, 237 320 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. IND EX continued. Macgregor, G., 209 McGuinness, 192 Mackay, Dr., 229 Mackay, G. E., 171 ; letter, 186-188 McKeever, P., 114 McKellar, W., 227-230 Mackenzie, A. , 227 Mackenzie, F., 204, 206, 208 Mackenzie, r., 214 McKillop, 136, 155, 182 Mackinnon, C., 8, 54, 55, 185, 212, 216 Mackinnon, D., 8 Mackinnon, 185 Mackinnon, L., 8, 54, 183, 212, 232 Mackintosh, 176, 181 McKnight, 8 McLachlan, 9 McLachlan, Capt., 54, 212 McLennan's Straits, 197 McLeod, J. N., letter, 1-3, 136 McLeod, 177, 251 McMillan, 19, 132, 136, 156, 179, 197 McMillan, A., letter, 254-259 McMillan, J. G., 155 McNeil, 8, 211, 215 McNoel, aborigine, 74 Maconochie, r., 195 McPherson, 9, 147, 157, 179, 189, 190, 191, 263 Macredie, G., 232 Macredie, R., 191, 216 Macredie, T., 232 Mager, 12 Maggie, aborigine, 30 Maiden hills, 42, 146, 167 Mailor, 137 Malcolm, 180, 207, 209, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283-287, 293 Malcolm, aborigine, 92 Maloppio, 135 Malpas, 261 Maneroo district, 254 Mangalore, st., 228 Manifold, 3, 40, 137, 155 Manifold, Thos., letter, 135-137 Manifold's creek, 17 Mann, 177 Manning, Jas., 137, 174 Manton, 36, 209 Manton, C., 227 Manton, J., 227 Marathon, m., 17, 18, 19 Marrable natives, 221 Marrack hills, 252 Martin, 36 Martin, Dr. R., 162, 174, 214, 242 Mary, m., 17 Mary Anne, steamer, 142 Massie, 36, 159 Mather, 175, 176, 181, 232 Matherson, 140 Matthews, 139 Maxwell, 209 Melbourne, 11, 12, 13, 15, 23, 48, 49, 127, 165, 172, 250, 277, 287 Melgorarainur, 147 Melton, 19 Merang, st., 136 Mercer, 15 Mercer, Major, 16, 155 Mercer, Geo. D., 16, 17 ; journal, 17-19 ; letter, 154-157 Mercer, m., 16 Merino downs, st., 162, 163, 263 Mially- water blacks, 145 Middle district, 41 Mill first erected, 184 Mills, 189, 190 Mimamiluke, st., 180 Mindai, The, 215 Mindye, The, 85, 89, 90 Minton, Capt., 36 Misery, m., 41 Missions, 139 Mitchell, T., 171 Mitchell, Sir Thos., 30, 34, 46, 147 150, 151, 162, 163, 168, 182, 205, 211, 237, 244, 262 Mitchell, W. H. F., 182 Mitchell, r., 257 Mollison, 146, 185 Mollison, A. F., 21, 41, 53, 182, 183, 207 Mollison, W. T., 6, 182-185 Monbolloc, st., 105 Montgomerie, 42, 232 Moonee Moonee, 73 Moonee ponds, 49 Moor, Hy., 160 Moorabee, st., 6 Moorabool, r., 1, 2, 5, 14, 15, 37, 39, 42, 135 Moore, J., 173 Moore, 180, 202 Moriac, m., 14, 15 Morris, 251 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 321 INDEX continued. Morris, D., 140 Morton, 8 Morton plains, St., 19, 20 Moruya, r., first navigated, 50 Mount Aitken, St., 49, 206, 207 Mount Hope creek, 6 Mount Macedon, st. , 20 Mount Macedon tribe, 92, 96 Mount Sturgeon, st., 174 Mountain creek, 185 Muckbilly, st., 191 Muckleford, 54 Mudie, Robt., 11, 12, 13, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284-287 Mumumberick, St., 182 Munarp, st., 192 Mundy, F. M., 36 Mundy, 183 Munmungina, 74 Munnie Brumbrum, 90 Munnio, 88 Munro, 21 Muntham, st., 263 Murders by aborigines, 8, 13, 29, 31, 43, 123, 138, 144, 145, 149, 156, 170, 171, 187, 208, 230, 231, 235, 241 Murders by aborigines, Attempted, 57 Murders of aborigines, 30, 31, 145, 148 Murdoch, 208 Murradock, king, 16 Murradock hill, 13 Murray, 23, 25, 140, 164, 251 Murray, Hugh, letter, 3-5 Murray, Old, aborigine, 103 Murray, r., 6, 8, 41, 46, 142, 150, 244 Murray, Terence, 172 Murrina K coding, 92 Murrumbean, 73 Murrumbidgee, r., 46 Murrum Mur-rum-bean, 73 Murrum Turrukerook, 98 Myngderrar, 92 Myrhee, st., 187 Nar/geela, st., 23, 25, 28 Nangollibill, 73 Napier, Thos., 104 Narre Narre Warren, 104 Native creek, 38 Native police, 70-78, 266-269 Natives. See Aborigines Navarre, St., 189 Naylor, Rev., 4, 253 Neel Kunun, 90 Nepean bay, 303 Neptune Melgorarainur, 147 Neritnbineek, 74 New South Wales boundary, 50 Nichol, 190, 191 Nicholson, r., 196, 256 Ning-goolobin, 73 " No Good Damper Inn," 37 Noorat, m., 136 Norris, Thos., 27, 162, 164, 175, 176 Norton, 181 Norton, r., 214 Norval, ship, 11, 250, 279 Numbla-munjee, 255 Nunnur-woon, 88 Nunuptune, 74 O'Connor, Terence, 36, 101, 160 Old Lamb Inn, 48 Old Settlement, st., 36 Oliphant, 212, 235 Omeo, 255 Orr, 53, 54, 199, 205 Orton, Rev. Jos , 250, 253 Otway, Cape, 41 Outrages by aborigines, 32 Outrages on aborigines, 32 Ovens district, 151, 186, 187, 230 Overland post from Sydney to Mel- bourne, 50, 51 Owen, Sir J., 164, 176 Oxley plains, 151, 186, 187 Pallian, 86, 87, 88 Parker, E. S., assistant protector, 8, 62, 85, 183 Patrick, Dr., 208 Patterson, 237 Patterson, J. H., letter, 5-7, 175, 205 Patterson, W., 191, 192 Pearson, 132, 133 Pee-rup, 74 Pender, 255 Pennyroyal creek, 19 Pentland hills, 5, 23, 63 Peripe, 74 Perpine, 74 Perry. See Bathe and Perry Peters, Chas., 20 Pettett, W. H., 54, 179, 251 Phillip Island. 280, 304 Pick and Shovel Inn, 6 Pigeon, aborigine, 173 322 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. INDEX continued. Pigeon ponds, 27, 176 Pilleau, A., 23, 263 Pine grove, st. , 6 Pine plains, st., 107 Pirron Yalloak, 1,40, 136 Playne, 205 Plenty, r., 54,249,297 Plummer, 137 Point Henry, 135, 155, 251 Point Nepean, 159 Poleorong, 96 Police, 188, 229 Police. See also Native police Polligary, 74 Pollock's ford, 14 Pollock, 3, 140 Pollock, Capt., 136,156 Porcupine, m., 7 Port Albert, 201, 259 Port Fairy, 26 1. 264, 304 Portage creeks, 47 Portland, 261, 303,304 Portland bay district, 7, 22, 25, 33, 116 Portland bay, 162, 261 Port Lincoln, 303 Port Lincoln tribe, 305 Port Phillip, 41, 48, 275-279, 279-301 Port Phillip Association, 154 Port Phillip bay, 39 Port Phillip boundary, 50 Post from Sydney to Melbourne overland, 50, 51 Powlett, 5 Powlett, F. A., 64, 183 Prentice, 156 Prices, 25, 38, 51, 127, 128, 148, 170, 182, 184, 187, 223 Protector of aborigines, 266 Punjil, 86, 87, 88, 89, 91 Pullen, Capt , 305 Purbrick, 23, 263 Purrumbete, 136 Pyalong, 182 Pyke, T. H., letter, 19, 20 Pynsent, 9, 157, 179 Pyrenees, 7, 8, 9, 10 Queanbeyan, 172 Railway, first in colony, 15 Raleigh, Jos., 19 Ralston, J., 158 Randalls, 142 Raven, J., 251 Raymond, W. 0., letters, 129-134 Read, G. F., 2, 40, 136,251 Red Bluff, 36 Redfern, Mrs., 231 Reeve, 203 Reeve, J., 130, 132, 173 Reeve, L, 198 Reid, 151, 187 Reoch, 36 Repose, I, 237 Richardson, 136, 213 Richardson, r.,9, 190, 224 Ricketts, T., 1, 3, 40, 139, 16 1, 176 Riddell, 53 Riley, 236 Riley, Jas., 174, 175, 177, 181 Riley, r., 196 Ritchie, J., 263 Roadknight, Wm., 135, 139, 251 Robertson, 54 Robertson, J. G., letter, 22-35, 164, 263 Robertson, W., 12, 279, 280-287, 289, 293, 294 Robinson, 191 Robinson, G., protector, 62, 124, 188, 191 Rodger, 213 Rodger, G., 136 Rose, A., 214 Rose, P. D., 9, 146-150, 157, 176 Rosebrook, st., 150 Roseneath, st., 158 Ross, J., 54, 213 Rostron, L., 216 Rourke, 104 Rowan, 186 Rowan, C., 227 Rowan, J., 144, 227 Royal Hotel (Fawkner's), 12 Rucker, 251 Ruffy, 36, 101, 160 Rule, 6 Russell, And., 107 Russell, Geo., 1, 2, 12, 15, 38, 39, 155, 251 Russell, 156 . Rutherford, G., 186, 190, 191 Ryan, C., 227 Ryrie, 137, 160 Ryrie, Wm., 159 St. James's Church, 250 Sally Ann, vessel, 262 Salthouse, wreck of, 173 Saltwater inlets, 36 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 323 INDEX continued. Saltwater lake, 17 Saltwater, r., 290, 295 Sams, W. J., 207 Sandford, st., 263 Sandy point, 280 Savage, 23, 263 Scab, 7, 34, 166, 223, 224 Scotchie, 234 Scott, 136, 191 Scott, Mrs., 37, 104 Scott, T., 164 Scott, W., 40 Sealing, 302, 303 Sellars, 8 Serjeantson, 180 Serpentine creek, S Seven creeks, st., 228 Seven hills, 63 Shadwell, m., 16, 136 Sharpe, P., 156 Sharpe, Wm., 155 Shaw, 192 Sheep, 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 12, 20, 22, 25, 26, 27, 38, 49, 51, 161 Sheep stealing by aborigines, 4, 9, 29, 30, 31, 165, 190, 192 Shelley, 169 Sherard, Chas. W. , letter, 36, 37 Sherratt, Chas., 8, 9, 176, 215 Shipping, 38, 162, 201 Shipping point, 199 Shore, 10, 216 Simpson, J., 161, 252 Simson, 6, 54, 156, 185, 211, 215 I Simson, D. C., 176 Simson, Jas. , 155 Simson, H. N., letter, 7-10 Sinclair, 179, 213, 303 Skene, 54 Small-pox, 209 Smeaton, 61 Smeaton hill, 54 Smith, 136, 155, 207 Smith, Jas., 253 Smyth, surveyor, 117, 133 Smythe, 157, 183 Snodgrass, Peter, 64, 171, 204, 235; letter, 208, 209 Solomon, M., 104 Sparks, O. B., 200 Spatula used by natives, 150 Speed, 171 Splatt, W. F., 9, 157-158, 179, 189 Squatters, 119 Stapylton, 46 Station peak, 15, 165 Station statistics, 25, 26, 27 Statistics, 134 Stawell, 8, 164, 176 Stead, 2, 13, 14, 42, 135, 155, 251 Steamer first to visit Port Phillip. 16 Steele, 232 Steiglitx, 179, 192, 251 Steiglitz, John, 19, 135 Steiglitz, R., 2, 42 Stevens, 173, 178, 214, 235 Stewart, G., 186, 209 Stewart, aborigine, 294, 296 Stirling, 181 Stony hill, 19 Stony rises, 139 Strachan, 12, 48, 251 Strathlodden, st., 55 Strong, 137 Strzelecki, Count P. E. von. 130, 131, 173, 230, 259 Stuckley, P., 230 Start, E. P. S., letter, 238-250 Subterranean rivers, 247 Sugar loaf, 53 Sugar loaf creek, 187 Sunday creek, 209 Sutherland, 207 Sutherland, J. and R., 155, 251 Sutherland, Jos , 135 Sutherland, R., 147 Sutherland's creek, 136 Swanston, Capt. C., 15, 27, 164, 176, 182, 251, 279, 2b9, 294, 296 Sydney, 3 Symers, Capt., 294 Tahara, st., 263 Talbot, m., 177 Tambo, r., 197, 255 Tanderum, 97 Tarraville, 199, 203 Tarrawingee, st., 186, 187 Tarrar, 87, 88 Taylor (of Taylor and McPherson), 9, 147, 157, 179 Taylor, F., 136, 155 Taylor, J., 130, 132 Taylor, W., letter, 189-192 Templeton, John (of Gippsland), 171, 180 Templeton, John (of Kyneton), let- ter, 228, 229 Thier, J., 191 324 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. INDEX continued. Thistle island, 303 Thorn, 200, 280, 281, 282, 283, 305 Thorn, John, 36 Thomas, Wm., guardian of abori- gines, 37 ; account of aborigines, by, 65-100, 104 Thomson, 159, 173, 178, 214, 235 Thomson, Dr. A., 12, 15, 39, 40, 48, 135, 138, 186, 192, 213; letter, 250252 253 Thomson, 'A. T.. 147 ; letter, 229- 233 Thomson, John, 156 Thomson, r., 197 Thorpe, A., 8, 186 Tib-bo-bo-but, 99 Tib-but, 99 Tilley, C. P., 156 Tirhatuan, 101 Tomboko, 75 Tonmiel, 75 Tourbouric, st., 6 Tourt, 87, 88 Tragowel, 145 Transport, 38 Trebeck. See Beale and Trebeck Tulloch, Thos.,23 Tulloh, 169 Tulloh, Thos., 23 Tumut, 169 Turnbull, John, 36, 199, 201 Tyers, C. J., 174 ; letter, 193-204 Umphelby, 54 Underground rivers. See Subter- ranean rivers Urquhart, Geo., 42, 114, 165, 176, 191 Van Diemen's Land, 1, 3, 5 Van Diemen's Land Association, 11, 12, 15 Varcoe, R.,105 Vectis, st., 179 Vicary, Geo., 139 Vicary, Thos., 139 Victoria, Gippsland, 199, 203 Victoria, L, 198, 256 Victoria, range, 215 Victoria, r. , 244 Villamanata, 293 Villiers. See De Villiers Wages, 22 Walker, 137 Wallace, 177 Wallace, John, 2 Wando, r. , 23 Wando Vale, st., 30, 164 Wannon, r., 2, 5, 23, 33, 34, 35 Wannon falls, 23 Wappang, 180 Waralim, 96 Wardy Yalloak, at., 19 Wardy Yalloak tribe, 4 Wardy Yalloak, 16, 17, 40 Ware, 251 Ware, J. G., 156 Ware, Jos., 137 Warmum, 91 Warrador, 96 Warrambine, st., 156 Warrigal, Jemmy, aborigine, 144 Warrigals, 254 Warrion hills, 17 Warrock, fit., 25, 28 Warrouley, st. , 187 Waterfield, Rev., 250, 253 Watson, 3, 136, 168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 174, 180, 181, 195, 209, 228, 230 Waugh, D., 168, 180, 230 Waworong, 75 Weapons of aborigines, 69, 70 Weatherly, Jack, aborigine, 102 Webster, Capt., 136, 156 Wedge, Chas., 6, 23; letter, 161- 163, 216 Wedge, Henry, 6, 23, 216 Wedge, Richard, 6, 23, 216 Wedge, J. H., 161, 207 Wellington, L, 197 Wellington, m., 258 Werribee, r., 13, 19, 49 Wesleyan mission, 139 Western district, 3, 236, 237, 238, 251 Western Port, 12, 13, 159, 229, 280, 304 Western Port district, 36 Western Port tribe, 92, 96, 208 Whaling, 303 White, Col., 54, 186, 187, 208 White, Ed., 247 Whittaker, 164, 176 Whitten, 234 Whyte, Bros., 5, 6, 23, 30, 162, 164, 207 Wideculk, 75 Wi-gee-gulk, 75 Wild cattle, 36 Letters from Victorian Pioneers. 325 INDEX continued. William, King, aborigine. See King William William, m., 18, 213, 235 Williams, 8, 186 Williamson, Chas., 179, 212 Williamstown, 5, 12, 138, 161, 223, 276 Willis, Judge, 124 Willis, 27, 164, 176 Wills, H. S., 213, 214, 231, 237 Willoughby, 159 Will- Will- Rook, St., 105 Wilmore, 25 Wilson, 9, 136, 157, 179, 190, 191 Wimmera, 8, 19, 108, 178, 189, 212, 213 Wimmera tribe, 109 Winter, J., 2 Winter, Trevor, 23, 163 Winter, S., 263,306 Winter, Thos , 27, 28, 164, 176 notes on Port Phillip, 275-279 Wishart, 304 Wombat, 91 Woolley, J. M., 36 Wonwondah, */., 146, 157, 179, 189 Wood, 160 Woodlands, St., 181 Woolmudgen, 121, 124 Woolmurgen, 13 Wormbete, at., 139 Wrentmore, 23, 25 Wright, 42, 213, 232 Wynholm, *<., 63 Wyselaski, J. D , 174, 232 Yaldwin or Yaldwyn, 21, 162, 182 Yalloak, r., 293 Yalloak, St., 159 Yamaboke, 76 Yam-mer-book, 76 Yanengonah, 148 Yan Yan Gurt, St., 139 Yarra tribe, 70, 96 Yarra, aborigine, 28, 30 Yarra Yarra, r., 287 Yarriambiack creek, 191 Yeap-tune, 76 Young, Sir H. E. F., 142, 143, 244 Yuille, 156 Yuille, W. C., 41, 42, 54 Yuille, Messrs., 2, 156 Yuptun, 76 Zero, m., 9, 189,191 By Authority : ROBT. S. BRAIN, Oovernnjept Printer, Melbourne THE LIBRARY E-UNIVERS/A ^IOS ANCEtfjv ^AUIBRARYtf/- ~ - ' ' -S&HIBRARYQ^ ? 1 i r* ^ ^clOS-/ i lIBRARY-Or 1158 01254 7005 ^UUNIVERS/A vvlOSANCElfj> &, co ^ ^^ /* I