i^>A :• : i Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/charterordinanceOOfresrich CHARTER AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FRESNO CALIFORNIA ISSUED UNDER CHARTER PROVISIONS BY AUTHORITY OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES EDITED BY G. L. AYNESWORTH and S. L. STROTHER APRIL 30th, 1911 '. • • . • Editorial Note The editors submit their work to the City and the public without apology. They were instructed to print the ordinances in the order of their passage, and to index them as fully as possible. They feel that, considering their limited experience in, and facilities for, such work, it is done as well as anyone could do it. Any defects that may appear in it are not due to lack of pains in preparation, but to inevitable oversight of some things in attempting to co-ordinate the treat- ment of the same subjects in various ordinances. Some explanation of the arrangement of the book in other respects should be made. The index to the Charter is given In the first of the book, for the reason that it is so long, and includes so many subjects in common with the ordinance index, that it was thought best to take it entirely away from the latter, so as to avoid confusion. Indeed, there are so many subjects common to the Charter and the ordinances, that we suggest that those having occasion to use the book should refer to both indexes. There has been prepared and placed in the first of the book, a list of all ordinances of the City, in numerical order, giving a general idea of the subject of each, and, when repealed, the number of the repealing or- dinance; if in the book, a statement that it is "published;" and if a tax, franchise or other ordinance listed in the appendix, that it will be found there. The ordinances listed in the appendix are, many of them, still in force, or are ordinances which have fulfilled their function. The text of these may be found in the office of the City Clerk. The heading in parenthesis at the top of the pages of the index refer to sections, subsections and pages. Where the double parenthesis occurs, the first number refers to section and the second number refers to sub- section. If only one parenthesis occurs it refers to section number only. PRESS OF FRANKLIN PRINTING HOUSE PRCSNO. CAL. Officers of the City of Fresno April, 1909, to April, 1913 CHESTER ROWELL, Mayor Board of Trustees (Meets first and third Mondays of eacli montli.) J. M. Collins First Ward J. C. Pottle Second Ward E. Klette TMrd Ward Geo. W. Jones Fourth Ward H. F. Martin Fifth Ward O. V. Cobb Sixth Ward Geo. Pickford Seventh Ward A. E. Snow Eighth Ward Standing Committees Finance Committee. Trustees J. C. Pottle, Geo. Pickford, A. E. Snow. Ordinance, Franchise and License. Trustees A. E. Snow, E. Klette, J. C. Pottle. Water, Liglit and Telephone. Trustees E. Klette, Geo. Pickford, Geo. W. Jones. Street Committee. Trustees H. F. Martin, J. M. Collins, O. V. Cobb. Sewer and Sewer Farm. Trustees Geo. Pickford, J. C. Pottle, E. Klette. Building and Insurance. Trustees Geo. W. Jones, J. M. Collins, H. F. Martin. Police and Fire Committee. Trustees J. M. Collins, O. V. Cobb, Geo. W. Jones. Health, Garbage and Pound Committee. Trustees O. V. Cobb, H. F. Martin, A. E. Snow. Police and Fire Departments William Shaw Chief of Police Thos. Coyle Sergeant John G. Wintermute Chief of Fire Department Thos. H. Baird Asst. Chief of Fire Department City Officials Frank Kauke City Attorney W. H. Ryan City Clerk James J. Senior Deputy City Clerk Fred'k Mortimer License Collector Herbert F. Briggs Police Judge Chris P. Jensen City Engineer Bert Cronkite Deputy City Engineer Thos. Thorn Superintendent of Streets A. E. Mussleman Dep. Supt. of Streets T. M. Robinson City Electrician G. P. Cummings Assessor J. R. Hickman Treasurer J. G. Lowry Pound Master Library Trustees. Wick W. Parsons, President. D. H. Cashin. A. L. Warner. James Gallagher Wm. Glass. Public Librarian. Miss Sarah McCardle. Police and Fire Commissioners. Chester Rowell, President. Jos, P. Bemhard. T. G. Hart. W. G. Holland. L. O. Stephens. W. H. Ryan, Clerk. Park Commissioners. Chester Rowell, President. Chas. Chambers, Secretary. Thos. Dunn. Henry Gundelfinger. Chris P. Jensen, City Engineer. Health Department. Dr. George H. Aiken Health Officer R. H. Ellithorpe Plumbing Inspector H. G. Bancroft Meat and Food Inspector Board of Health. Dr. W. T. Barr, President. Dr. J. L. Maupin. Dr. A. H. Sweeney. Dr. E. C. Dunn. Dr. L. R. Willson. Numerical List of Ordinances Summary of Fresno Ordinances by number, showing the ones in exist «nce, those no longer in effect, and the ones which have been repealed. No. of Ordinance. Repealed by 1. Relating to official bonds 7 2. Concerning vacancies in office 7 3. Concerning confinement of prisoners 7 4. Fixing meetings of Trustees 7 5. Fixing compensation of Marshall, etc 13 6. Defining misdemeanors 7 7. Establishing Municipal Regulations 627 8. Amends 7 627 9. Amends 7 627 10. Amends 7 627 11. Ameiids 7 627 12. Amends 7 627 13. Amends 7 627 14. Amends 7 627 15. Amends 7 627 16. Amends 7 627 17. Amends 7 627 18. Amends 7 " 627 19. Amends 7 627 20. Amends 7 627 21. Amendr 7 627 22. Not passed. ^3. Amends 7 627 24. Amends 7 627 25. Amends 7 627 26. Amends 7 627 27. See list of Franchise ordinances, Appendix 28. Amends 7 627 29. Amends 7 627 30. Amends 7 627 31. Amends 7 627 32. Amends 7 627 33. Amends 7 627 34. Amends 7 627 35. Amends 7 627 36. Amends 7 627 37. Amends 7 627 38. Amends 7 627 39. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 40. Amends 7 627 41. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 42. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 43. Amends 7 627 44. Amends 7 627 45. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix vi NUMERICAL LIST OF ORDINANCES. No. of Ordinance. Repealed by 46. Amends 7 627 47. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 48. Amends 7 ^ 627 49. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 50. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 51. Amends 7 627 52. Amends 7 627 53. Amends 7 627 54. Amends 7 627 55. Amends 7 627 56. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 57. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 58. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 59. Amends 7 627 60. Amends 7 627 61. Acquisition of School lands, etc. 62. See list of Franchise Ordinances. .• Appendix 63. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 64. See list of Election Ordinances Appendix 65. Amends 7 627 66. See list of Election Ordinances Appendix 67. Acquisition of Sewers. 68. Amends 7 627 69. Advertisements for bids 627 70. See list of Election Ordinances Appendix 71. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 72. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 73. Amends 7 627 74. See list of Election Ordinances Appendix 75. Amends 7 627 76. Amends 7 627 77. Bond issue. 78. Amends 7 627 79. See list of Election Ordinances Appendix 80. See list of Election Ordinances Appendix 81. Amends 7 627 82. Amends 7 627 83. Bonds Issue. 84. Amends 7 627 85. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 86. Amends 7 627 87. See list of Tax Ordinances Appenflix 88. Amends 7 627 89. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 90. Amends 7 627 91. Acquisition of Schools, land, etc. 92. Amends 7 627 93. No such ordinance. 94. See list of Election Ordinances Appendix 95. See list of Election Ordinances Appendix 96. Amends 7 627 97. Amends 7 .".... 627 98. Amends 7 627 99. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 100. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 101. See list of Election Ordinances Appendix 102. Amends 7 627 NUMERICAL LIST OP ORDINANCES. vii No. of Ordinance. Repealed by 103. Amends 7 627 104. Bond Issue. 105. Amends 7 627 106. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 107. Amends 7 627 108. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 109. Amends 7 627 110. Amends 7 (J27 111. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 112. Bond Issue. 113. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 114. Amends 7 627 115. Ratifies a contract Performed 116. Amends 7 627 117. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 118. Amends 7 627 119. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 120. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 121. Amends 7 627 122. Amends 7 627 123. Amends 7 627 124. Ratifies a contract Performed 125. Amends 7 627 126. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 127. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 128. Amends 7 627 129. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 130. Relating to Wards 627 131. See list of Water Ordinances Appendix 132. Amends 7 627 133. Election of Trustees. 134. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 135. Amends 7 627 136. Amends 7 627 137. Amends 7 627 138. Amends 7 627 139. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 140. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 141. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 142. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 143. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 144. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 145. Removal of Rubbish 627 146. Amends 7 627 147. Amends 7 627 148. Construction of buildings in fire limits "627 149. Amends 7 627 150. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 151. Amends 7 627 152. Amends 7 627 153. Amends 7 627 154. Compensation of Sewer Commission 627 155. Amends 7 627 156. Ratifies a contract Performed 157. Enumerating duties of certain officials 627 158. Ratifies a Contract Performed 159. Laying of Pipes and Tracks, etc 640 viii NUMERICAL LIST OF ORDINANCES. No. of Ordinance. Repealed by 160. Sewer Ordinance 62T 161. Fees of City Engineer 627 162. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 163. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 164. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 165. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 166. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 167. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 168. Sale of unclaimed articles 627 169. See list of Franchise Ordinances ' Appendix 170. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 171. See list of Ordinances accepting streets " Appendix 172. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 173. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 174. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 175. Amends 7 627 176. Amends 7 206 177. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 178. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 179. Specifications for approaches to sidewalks 638 180. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 181. Relating to construction of lateral sewers 627 182. Amends 7 627 183. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 184. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 185. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 186. See list of Water Ordinances Appendix 187. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 188. See list of Ordinances accepting streets. Appendix 189. See list of Ordinances accepting streets. ." Appendix 190. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 191. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 192. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 193. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Append!:? 194. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 195. Fees of City Engineer 206 196. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 197. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 198. See list of Ordiannces accepting streets Appendix 199. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 200. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 201. Declares canal through Fresno Street a nuisance. . .Performed 202. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 203. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 204. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appends 205. Acquisition of School House and School Grounds. 206. Fees of City Engineer Published 207. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 208. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix o? A T^^ }}^^ °^ Ordinances accepting streets Appendix -JIO. Hauling of excessive loads, forbidden 627 211. Amends 7 g27 o}l 1^® }}^]: ^l Franchise Ord'iAknceV. V. V.* .' .' .' .* .' .' ! .' .' .* .' ." .* .'Appendix oJ5- ^^^ ]}^^ «i Election Ordinances Appendix 91 ^ T^ f %^ Franchise Ordinances " Appendix 215. Amends 7 g27 216. See list of Franchise Ordinances' '. *. '. ' *. '. '.*.'; .* .* .* ', .' .* .* .* .'Appendix NUMERICAL LIST OF ORDINANCES. Ix No. of Ordinance. Repealed by 217. Amends 7 g27 218. Amends 7 627 219. Adds Woodward's Addition to Second Ward 627 220. General Licenses 323 221. Providing for punishment of misdemeanors Publislied 222. Amends 7 627 223. Providing Health and Police Regulations 627 224. Fire Limits Ordinance 32? 225. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 226. Acquisition of School land. 227. See list of Water Ordinances Appendix 228. See list of Election Ordinances Appendix 229. See list of Election Ordinances Appendix 230. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 231. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 232. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 233. Salaries for two years Performed 234. See list of Election Ordinances Appendix 235. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 236. Bond Issue. 237. Establishing Municipal Regulation Published 238. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 239. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendfx 240. Amends 220 323 241. Amends 224 324 2'42. Amends 224 324 243. Amends 221 • Published 244. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 245. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 246. Amends 224 324 247. Amends 220 323 248. Amends 224 324 249. See list of Water Ordinances Appendix 250. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 251. Condition of Application for Franchise Publisfie'd 252. Establishing Fire department 32? 253. Amends 221 Published 254. Amends 224 32? 255. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 256. Amends 220 323 257. Condition of Application for Franchise Published 258. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 259. Amends 7 627 260. Bond Issue. 261. Sewer Ordinance. 262. Amends 224 324 263. See list of Franchise Ordinance Appendix 264. Sewer Ordinance. 265. Amends 224 324 266. Amends 240 and 220 323 267. Amends 240 and 220 323 268. See list of Election Ordinances Appendix 269. See list of Election Ordinances Appendix 270. Amends 237 Published ^ 271. Amends 224 324 272. See list of Water Ordinances Appendix 273. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix NUMERICAL LIST OF ORDINANCES. of Ordinance. Repealed by See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix Salaries for two years Performed Fire Limit Ordinance 627 Concerning hackmen Declared Void Amends 221 Published Amends 224 324 Amends 224 324 Requiring Water & Gas Co's to file map of extensions Published Amends '221 Published Amends 220 323 Requiring statement of Water Company for 1894. Amends 221 Published Amends 224 324 See list of Water Ordinances Appendix Building Ordinance 324 Amends 220 323 Amends 220 323 Amends 220 323 Amends 288 324 Requiring statement of Water Company for 1894. Amends 220 323 Amends 223 627 Declares Fiske Opera House a nuisance Performed See list of Water Ordinances Appendix Salaries of City Officials 627 Sewer Ordinance. See list of Election Ordinances Appendix See list of Election Ordinances Appendix Relating to sale and storage of Petroleum 632 Fees of Pound Keeper, Amends 223 62T See list of Election Ordinances Appendix Bond Issue. Amends 220 32? Amends 221 • Published Amends 221 Published Amends 221 Published See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix Bond Issue. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix Amends 220 323 Requiring statement from Water Company for 1896.* Amends 220 323 Amends 224 325 Amends 220 .!!.!..!..!..!..!..!..!.....!.. 323 See list of Water Ordinances*. '. *. '. * *. *. '. '. '. * *. *. '. *. '. *. '. ". *. *. *. *. Appendix Amends 220 323 See list of Franchise Ordinances*. * *. *. *. *. *. *. *. '. *. *. *. *. *. *. '. '. '. *. Appendix Amends 221. Published Assessment of Taxes g27 General Licenses .*.*.*.*.*.'.*.*.*.*.*.*.* 627 Relating to Fire Departmeii't*. '.*.'.*.*.'. 627 Regulating Street Department 64n Establishing Municipal Regulations. ..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.[['. 627 Amends ^2%^'''^^'''^ ^ ''^^'^^'' Pe'rform'ed See list of W^ier "o^din^nces: '.\\V.'.'.V.V.\\\'.\\\\\\ 1 Appendix ^^'^ NUMERICAL LIST OF ORDINANCES. xl No. of Ordinance. Repealed by 330. Not OQ. record. 331. Amends 221 Published 332. Amends 323 627 333. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 334. Amends 323 627 335. Amends 223 627 336. Amends 221 Published 337. Amends 323 627 ^38. Amends 224 627 339. See list of Water Ordinances Appendix 340. Amends 221 Published 341. Inspection and disinfection of second hand goods. .Published 342. Amends 221 Published 343. Amends 325 640 344. Amends 323 627 345. Amends 223 627 346. Amends 325 640 347. Amends 332 627 348. Declares certain trees a nuisance Performed 349. See list of Water Ordinances Appendix 350. Amends 223 627 351. Amends 323 627 352. Amends 326 627 353. Requiring Flagmen at certain railroad crossings 627 354. Amends 324 627 355. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 356. Prescribing certain duties of Policemen 627 357. Amends 223 627 358. Amends 322 627 359. General Licenses 627 360. Amends 359 627 361. Amends 359 375 362. Amends 359 627 363. Relating to condemnation, etc., of sidewalks 63$ 364. See list of Ordinances accepting streets Appendix 365. Amends 359 627 366. Amends 359 ' 627 367. See list of Ordinances closing streets Appendix 368. See list of Ordinances closing streets Appendix 369. See list of Ordinances closing streets Appendix 370. See list of Ordinances closing streets Appendix 371. See list of Ordinances closing streets Appendix 372. See list of Ordinances closing streets Appendix 373. See list of Water Ordinances Appendix 374. Divides the City of Fresno into wards 627 375. Amends 361 627 376. Amends 221 Published 377. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 378. Amends 359 627 379. Amends 359 627 380. Amends 359 627 381. Amends 359 627 382. Amends 324 627 383. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 3S4. See list of Water Ordinances Appendix 385. Relating to Wards 627 386. Amends 359 627 xli NUMERICAL LIST OF ORDINANCES. No. of Ordinance. Repealed by 387. See list of Francliise Ordinances Appendix 388. Relating to Powers and Duties of Chief of Police .. Publisfied 389. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 390. Relating to performances where liquors are sold . . . Publishea 391. See list of Tax Ordinances , ApperiTIlx 392. Amends 221 Vetoed 393. Amends 359 627 394. Relating to keeping of domestic Fowls Published 395. Relating to Gambling and Gameing Machines 627 396. General Licenses 627 397. Concerning the Board of Health and Health Regulations 495 398. Relating to Gambling and Gameing Machines Published 399. Amends 324 62T 400. See list of Election Ordinances Appendix 401. See list of Election Ordinances Appendix 402. Amends 394 Published 403. Amends 396 627 404. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 405. Prohibiting certain kinds of advertisement Published 406. Relating to flagmen at railroad crossings Published 407. Relating to Powers and compensation of Pound Keeper Published 408. For protection of rights of persons traveling streets 629 409. Amends 326 627 410. Amends 406 Published 411. Prohibiting possession of lottery tickets, etc Published 412. See list of Water Ordinances Appendix 413. Amends 396 627 414. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 415. Amends 396 627 416. Relating to wards. (Printed as part of Sec. 7 of Charter) . . Published 417. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 418. Fire Limit Ordinance 627 419. Relating to Salaries Published 420. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 421. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 422. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 423. Regulating removal of buildings 6C7 424. Election Precincts 57S' 425. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 426. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 427. Relating to Pool Selling Published 428. Relating to Gambling Published 429. Amends 407 ', .Published 430. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 431. Amends 397 495 432. See list of Election Ordinances Appendix 433. Requires water companies to lay pipes Published 434. House numbering Ordinances Published 435. Concerning obstruction of streets, etc Published 436. Concerning detrimental use of streets, etc Published 437. Concerning incandescent and electric signs Published 438. Requiring motorman to sound alarm bells, etc Published 439. Liquor Licenses 62T 440. See list of Water Ordinances . '. '. '. * * * ". '. *. * *. '. '. *. '. *. * '. '. *. *. Appendix 441. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix NUMERICAL LIST OF ORDINANCES. xlil No. of Ordinance. Repealed by 442. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 443. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 444. Restaurant Licenses 627 445. Specifications for street, etc., work Published 446. Amends 444 627 447. Concerning places where liquor is sold 627 448. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 449. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 450. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 451. See list of Water Ordinances Appendix 452. Vetoed. 453. Amends 221 Published 454. See list of Election Ordinances Appendix 455. Concerning prize fights Published 456. Building Ordinance 607 457. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 458. Fire Limits 627 459. See List of Tax Ordinances Appendix 460. Concerning excavation in street, etc 640 461. Prohibiting throwing of confetti Published 462. Amends 221 Published 463. Proposal to amend Charter. 464. Proposal to amend Charter 465. Proposal to amend Charter. 466. Proposal to amend Charter. 467. Proposal to amend Charter. 468. Proposal to amend Charter. 469. Proposal to amend Charter. 470. Proposal to amend Charter. 471. Proposal to amend Charter. 472. Proposal to amend Charter. 473. Proposal to amend Charter. 474. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 475. See list of Election Ordinances Appendix 476. Fire Limits 56» 477. Vetoed 478. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 479. See list of Water Ordinances Appendix 480. Election Precincts 621 481. Bond of License Collector Published 482. Not passed. 483. Creating office of City Electrician Published 484. Concerning entry into buildings by linemen Published 485. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 486. Fire Limits 607 487. Fire Limits - 569 488. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 489. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 490. Fire Limits 569 491. Vetoed. 492. See list of Election Ordinances Appendix 493. See list of Election Ordinances Appendix 494. Amends 396 627 495. Concerning Board of Health and Sanitation Published 496. Amends 396 627 497. Concerning Safety Gates, Towers, etc Published 498. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix xiv NUMERICAL LIST OF ORDINANCES. No. of Ordinance. Repealed by 499. Regulating Fire Department Published 500. General Licenses "^^ 501. City Hall Bonds. 502. Sewer Bonds. 503. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 504. Regulating Tree Planting Published 505. Amends 497 Published 506. Amends 419 Published 507. Amends 445 623 508. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 509. Amends 500 643 510. Amends 500 643 511. Amends 500 643 512. Amends 500 643 513. Amends 439 627 514. Amends 439 627 515. Amends 444 627 516. Amends 444 627 517. Amends 444 627 518. Amends 500 643 519. Amends 500 643 520. Condemning land for Sewer Farm Performed 521. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 522. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 523. Amends 495 Published 524. Concerning speed of Vehicles 629 525. Vetoed 526. Amends 325 641 527. Laid on table. 528. Relating to Fees of Plumbing Inspector Published 529. Salary of Plumbing Inspector Published 530. Amends 495 Published 531. Relating to Salary of Meat and Food Inspector Published 532. Amends 500 643 533. Requiring statements from Water, Gas and Electric companies for 1907. 534. Amends 445 634 535. Concerning Artificial Stone, etc., Sidewalk Published 536. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 537. Fire Limits 569 538. See list of Water Ordinances Appendix 539. Establishing width of sidewalk of Tulare St Published 540. Changing Grade of Angus Street Published 541. Vetoed 542. First Street changed to East Street (Repealed in effect) 620 543. Relating to Gambling 627 544. Relating to salary of City Expert Published 545. Amends 510 643 546. Relating to use of Sewers 630 547. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 548. Regulating Street Sweeping Published 549. Fire Limits 569 550. See list of Tax Ordinances '.Appendix 551. Vetoed. 552. Not passed 553. Relating to Second-hand Goods 631 554. Sewer Farm Fund. NUMERICAL LIST OF ORDINANCES. XV No. of Ordinance. Repealed by 555. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 556. Repeal portion of 528. 557. Specifications for Concrete Curbs and Gutters 633 558. Specifications for crushed rock or macadam pavement 634 559. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 560. Fire Limits 569 561. Vetoed. 562. Relating to Sewers 631 563. Amends 405 Publisbed 564. Saturday Afternoon Holiday Published 565. Amends 500 643 566. Amends 500 643 567. Vetoed. 568. See list of Water Ordinances Appendix 569. Amends 476 633 570. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 571. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 572. Relating to lodging houses 628 573. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 574. Railways required to pave streets Published 575. General Specifications for paving 634 576. Governing motor-cycles 580 577. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 578. School election Precincts 621 579. See list of Election Ordinances Appendix 580. Regulating use of motor-cycles 636 581. Fire Limits 602 582. Not passed. 583. Not passed. 584. Not passed. 585. Ofiicial Grade of Streets, etc., on Forthcamp Published 586. Relating to Gambling instruments in barred rooms. .Published 587. Changing sidewalks on "I" St Published 588. Regulating payments of Liquor Licenses Performed 589. Amends 575 634 590. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 591. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 592. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 593. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 594. Regulating Hay Markets Published 595. Leasing alleys, streets, etc Published 596. Amends 500 643 597. Keeping minors off of street Published 598. Regulating travel and traflSic Published 599. Vetoed. 600. Amends 531 Published 601. Concerning intoxicating liquors Published 602. Fire Limits 633 603. Regulating speed of Cars on Street, etc Published 604. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 605. Amends 500 643 606. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 607. Building Ordinance Published 608. See list of Election Ordinances Appendix 609. See list of Election Ordinances Appendix 610. See list of Franchise Ordinances Appendix 611. Bond Issue XTi NUMERICAL LIST OF ORDINANCES. No. of Ordinance. Repealed by 612. Regulating Pool Rooms, etc Published 613. Regulating Dance Halls, etc Publisbed 614. Boundaries of Wards Published 615. See list of Water Ordinances Appendix 616. Specifications for vitrified iron sewers Published 617. Declaring a public street Published 618. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 619. Sidewalk on Forthcamp Published 620'. Street naming Ordinance Published 621. Election Precincts Published 622. Regulating the Removal of Debris Published 623. Amends 445, as amended by 507 Published 624. Prohibiting playing of musical instruments 637 625. Regulating speaking on the Streets Published 626. See list of Tax Ordinances Appendix 627. General repealing Ordinance 628. Lodging House Keepers required to keep register. .Published 629. Regulates speed of street cars Published 630. Regulates use of sewers Published 631. Register required of second-hand dealers Published 632. Regulating storage of petroleum Published 633. Fire Limits Published 634. G-eneral repealing Ordinance 635. Prescribing specifications, etc., for curbing, grading and oiling Published 636. Regulating Motorcycles Published 637. Prohibiting playing of musical instruments Published 638. General repealing Ordinance 639. Regulating construction of sewers by private con- tract Published 640. Regulating making excavations in streets, etc Published 641. Concerning streets, alleys, etc, keeping clean Published 642. Construction of booths in moving picture shows Published 643. General license Published 644. Hitching or leaving rigs at street corners Published 645. Relating to overhead electric wires Published INDEX TO CHARTER (Sec.(Subd.) Page Accounts of officers, auditing, under (27(16) 9 Administration of City affairs. Mayor shall supervise, under (31(4) 14 Advertising, contracts for, under, limit of (25) 7 Advice in writing, City Attorney shall give when, under. ...... (56) 21 Affidavit for attachment. License Collector shall make in suit to collect delinquent taxes, under (45) 18 Affidavits may be taken by City Clerk, under (42) 17 Agreements with City under, Mayor shall see to perform- ance of (36) 15 Alleys, Board of Trustees may under, open, close, etc (27(5) 8 Alleys, register of, Supt. of Streets shall keep, under (48) 20 Animals, pound for, may be established under (27(26) 10 Appeals to Superior Court under, from Police Court, when (64) 22 Apportionment of moneys, City Clerk shall make, under (41) 16 Appropriation authorized by (27(40) 13 Appropriations, Board of Trustees may make, under (27(19) 9 Archives of City shall be kept by City Clerk, under (41) 16 Assessment may be provided for under, for cost of grad- ing low and stagnant lots (27(33) 12 Attachment may issue under, for unpaid license on suit filed by License Collector (45) 18 Attorney to assist City Attorney, employed when, under (27(36)56) 12-21 Audit, City Clerk shall, all claims and demands, under (42) 17 Auditor, Mayor shall appoint, annually for books, under. .(31(3) 14 Award of contract under, notice of, shall be posted (84) 24 Bids, collusion in making, vitiates contract (85) 24 Bids on public works under, filing and disposition of (84) 24 Bids on public work, etc., under, more than one not al- lowed by one person (83) 24 Bids for public work under, see Contracts. Bids for public work, under, see Public Works, Births, statistics concerning, under (163) 31 Board of Education, under, See Officers. See Offices. compensation, shall receive no (130) 30 elected how (131) 30 elected, shall be, at same time as City officers (130) 30 electors of, shall vote where (131) 30 five, shall be elected (130) 30 government of schools vested in (130) 30 High School under control of (132) 30 precincts for election of, outside of City Limits (131) 30 Schools, government of, vested in (130) 30 special meetings of (266) 47 special meetings of, how called (266) 47 special meetings of, subjects considered at (266) 47 term of office of, four years (130) 30 xvUi INDEX TO CHARTER. (Sec.(Subd.) Page Board of Health, under. See Officers. See Offices. appointment of by Mayor (160) 3<> Board of Trustees shall provide for enforcement of rules and regulations of (164) 31 cemetery records, shall be supervisor and custodian of. . (163) 31 cemetery superintendents, forms and regulations for, provided by (163) 31 City Physician elected by, see City Physician. City Physician, shall elect, when (165) 31 City Physician, shall prescribe duties of (173) 32 compensation, members of, shall receive no (160) 30 death records, shall be supervisor and custodian of.... (163) 31 dairies may be licensed by (27(41) 13 diseases, contagious and infectious, regulations of, for preventing (163) 31 disinfection of City, has power over (162) 30 drainage, has power over, when (162) 30 expenses of, provided for by Board of Trustees out of general fund (164) 31 five members, shall consist of (160) 30 health department under management of (160) 30 health officer, City Physician elected by, shall be (165) 31 health officer, shall prescribe duties of (173) 32 meeting of, regular, held once a month (161) 30 meetings of, shall be public (161) 30 meetings of, special, calling of (161) 30 mortality statistics, shall keep (163) 31 nuisances, abatement of, by (162) 30 oaths in relation to Health Department, members of, may administer (174) 32 physicians, forms and regulations for, provided by (163) 31 physicians, members of, shall be duly licensed (160) 30 Plumbing Inspector appointed by, see Plumbing In- spector. Plumbing Inspector, shall appoint (175) 32 president of, shall be member of, and serve one year.. (160) 30 qualifications of members of (160) 30 quorum for transaction of business of, three shall be.. (161) 30 record of transactions of, shall be kept (165) 31 rules and regulations of, enforced by Board of Trustees (164) 31 sanitary condition of City and its institutions under supervision of (162) 30 Sanitary Inspector appointed by, see Sanitary In- spector. Sanitary Inspector or Plumbing Inspector, appointed by, shall be (175) 32 secretary of. City Physician shall be (165) 31 slaughter-houses may be licensed by (27(41) 13 special meetings of (266) 47 special meetings of, how called (266) 47 special meetings of, subjects considered at (266) 47 term of office of (160) 30 transactions of, record of, shall be kept (165) 31 undertakers, forms and regulations for, provided by.. (163) 31 vital statistics, shall keep (163) 31 INDEX TO CHARTER. xix (Sec.CSubd.) Page Board of Health may be authorized under, to license dai- ries, slaughter-houses, etc (27(41) IS Board of Library Trustees under, see Library. Board of Park Commissioners under, see Parks. Board of Police and Fire Commissioners under, see Police and Fire Department. Board of Trustees, under. See Officers. See Offices. amendment of ordinance by, manner of (17) 6 appointment of officer, shall not suggest (38) 16 attendance at meetings of, enforced (13) 5 "Board means (252) 45 bond of License Collector to be approved by (44) 18 bond of member of, official, amount of (214) 40 bond of member, official, filed where (215) 40 bonds, sale of, by (122) 29 books, records, etc., shall have possession and control of. (80) 23 business which may be transacted at meetings of (12) 5 canals, may construct and maintain (87; 25 chairman of committee of, administers oaths (14'> 5 City Attorney, appointment of, approved by (56) 21 City Clerk, may nominate, when (38; 16 City Engineer, appointment of, approved by (50) 20 codification of ordinances by, duties of, as to (28) 13 condemnation of property for public works by (87) 25 contempt, may punish for (14) 5 contracts by, limitations of power of, as to (25, 26) 7 contracts may be extended by, when (86) 25 drainage, may construct and maintain system of (87) 25 elected how and when (10) 4 election for acquisition of public utilities, shall call when (91) 26 expel members, may, when (14, 27(1) 5-7 firemen, salaries of, fixed by (234) 42 franchise ordinance by, limitations on power of, to pass. (19) 6 illegal debts, members of, liable for, when (27(19) 10 inspect public works, etc., shall (81) 23 judicial notice shall be taken of acts of (271) 47 legal holiday, may meet on (12) 5 legislation of, shall be by ordinance (18) 6 legislative power vested in (10) 4 levees, may construct and maintain (87) 25 levy of taxes by (Ill, 112) 27 library, shall levy annual tax for support of (181) 34 Library Trustees, appointment of, approved by (180) 34 Library Trustees, Board of consisting of five mem- bers, shall appoint (180) 34 License Collector, appointment of, approved by (44) 18 materials for public use, shall furnish (81) 23 Mayor may vote at meetings of, when (33) 15 Mayor presides at meetings of (14) 5 Mayor pro tem, shall appoint, when (37) 15 Mayor shall appoint to fill vacancy in (11) 5 Mayor, shall appoint, when (37) 15 Mayor shall preside at meeting of (32) 15 meeting of, regular (12) 5 meeting of, special (13) 5 XX INDEX TO CHARTER. Board of Trustees, under (Cont.) (Sec(Subd.) Page members expelled by, when (14, 27(1) 1 number of (10) 4 oaths administered by chairman of committees of (15) 5 officer. Mayor's appointment of, may be approved or rejected by (38) 16 officers, may remove elective, for cause (262) 46 officer. Mayor's suspension of, may be approved or rejected by (36) 15 officer, shall not suggest appointment of, except when. . . (38) 16 offices, certain, may create, when (224) 41 ordinance, amended by, how (16) 5 ordinance, five votes are required to pass (13) 5 ordinance passed by, votes required (19) 6 ordinances relating to parks, shall adopt (199) 38 penalty for failure to attend meetings of (220) 40 penalty for not attending meetings of (13) 5 penalty imposed for contempt in presence of (14) 5 Police and Fire Department, contracts of, shall con- trol, when (241) 44 Police Court, shall provide room and suipplies for (68) 22 police, salaries of, fixed by (234) 42 powers of (27) 7 property for public works, may condemn (87) 25 property of City, shall have possession and control of.. (80) 23 public utilities by, acquisition of (91) 26 public utilities, provision by, for management of (101) 27 Public Works, see Public Works. public works, shall have possession and control of (81) 23 qualifications of members of (10) 4 quorum of (13) 5 recall election, duties of, as to (282) 49 regulations of, what authorized (27(37) 13 removal of, causes for (125) 29 resolution, certain acts of, may be by (19) 6 rules of proceeding, established by (14) 5 rules of, what authorized (27(37) 13 salary of (220) 40 salary of, payable how (220) 46 salaries, certain, to be fixed by (221) 40 salaries of fire officers and employes fixed by (234) 42 salaries of police officers and employes fixed by (234) 42 special meetings of (266) 47 special meetings of, how called (266) 47 special meetings of, subjects considered at (266) 47 Superintendent of Streets, appointment of, approved by. (47) 19 supplies for public use, shall furnish (81) 23 tax for support of free library, shall levy annually (181) 34 tax for support of parks, shall levy annually (198) 37 taxes for bonds, levy and collection of, by (124) 29 taxes, levy of, by (Ill, 112) 27 term of office of (11) 5 vacancy in, how filled (11) 5 witnesses, may compel attendance of (14) 5 "Boards" under, mean boards of the City of Fresno (252) 45 Bond License Collector shall give under, amount of (44) 18 Bonds, City Attorney shall draft, under (56) 21 Bonds, City Attorney shall pass upon validity of, under (56) 21 INDEX TO CHARTER. xxi (Sec.(Subd.) Pag© Bonds, official, under, see different officers. Bonds, (of City), under, bids for, shall be advertised for (122) 29 Board of Trustees, action of, on issuance of (120) 28 Board of Trustees shall determine money of, pay- ment of (122) 28 Board of Trustees shall fix date of payment of (122) 29 building, for municipal, proposition for, to be submit- ted at special election when (120) 28 character of (122) 28 City Clerk shall countersign (123) 29 coupons on, payment of (123) 29 coupons on, signing and numbering of (123) 29 denomination of, not more than $500.00 (122) 29 election for, notice of, how given (121) 28 election, proposition for issuance of, shall be sub- mitted by special (120) 28 Interest on, payable how (122) 29 Interest on, rate of (122) 29 levy of taxes for, shall be at same time as for other taxes (124) 29 money, kind of, payable in (122) 28 Mayor shall sign (123) 29 notice of election for (121) 28 one-fortieth of, paid annually (122) 29 ordinance calling election for, contents of (120, 121) 28 ordinance calling election for, published how (121) 28 ordinance, proposition for, shall be submitted by (120) 28 proceeds of sale of, disposed of how (122) 29 proposals for purchase of, how made (122) 29 publication of ordinance calling, election, how made.. (121) 28 public utilities, issuance of, for (91, 94) 26 public utilities, proposition for, to be submitted at special election when (91, 120) 26-28 public works may not be undertaken without issue of, when (87) 26 rate of interest on (122) 29 Bale of, by Board of Trustees (122) 29 sale of, disposition of proceeds of (122) 29 serial, shall be (122) 28 signing of, what required (123) 29 surplus of proceeds of sale of, disposition of (122) 29 taxes for, shall be levied and collected at same time and in same manner as other taxes (124) 29 Treasurer shall sign (123) 29 Treasurer shall sign coupons on (123) 29 votes, number of, necessary to authorize issuance of.. (121) 28 Books and records of City, Mayor shall inspect and see that they are properly kept (31) 14 Books of City shall be kept by City Clerk (41) 16 Books of City, shall be open to public inspection (41) 16 Books of ordinances published under, when (28) 13 Books of ordinances distributed under, when (28) 13 Breach of provisions of, Board of Trustees prescribes penalty for (27(35) 12 Bribery shall disqualify for and forfeit office held under (256, 257,260) 45-46 xxii INDEX TO CHARTER. (Sec.CSubd.) Page Building are under control of Board of Trustees under. ..(27(21) 10 Building, construction of, control of, under (27(28) 10 Building plans and specifications examined by certain City Officials under (52) 20 Buildings, public, issuance of bonds for (120) 28 Burials, permits for, under (165) 31 Canals, construction and maintainence of, under (87) 2& Cemeteries, control of, under (27(20) 10 Cemeteries, record of interments in, kept by Board of Health under (163) 31 Cemeteries, statistical forms and regulations for Super- intendents of, provided by Board of Health under (163) 31 Cesspool not permitted on premises adjacent to lateral sewer by (270) 47 Chattels may be attached under, for failure to pay license. .(46) 19 Check, certified, deposited as a guarantee when, disposi- tion of (83, 84) 24 Chief of Fire Department and City Engineer, inspect building plans, etc., under (52) 20 Chief of Fire Department under, see Police and Fire De- partment. Chief of Police shall assign policemen to Police Court under (69) 22 Chief of Police under, see Police and Fire Department. Chinese shall not be employed in contracts under, ex- cept when (265) 46 City Assessor, office of, abolished by (224) 41 City Attorney, under, See Officers. See Offices, appointed by Mayor on approval of Board of Trustees. .(56) 21 attorney to assist, may be appointed (56) 21 bond of, amount of (214) 40 bond of, filed where (216) 40 bonds of City, shall pass upon validity of (56) 21 bonds, shall draft, when required (56) 21 contracts for public work shall be drawn by (86) 25 contracts of City, shall pass upon validity of (56) 21 contracts, shall draft, when required (56) 21 criminal cases in police court, shall prosecute (56) 21 defaulters, shall prosecute (31) 14 duties of (56) 21 duties of, may be increased (56) 21 fee for prosecuting for delinquent license (45) 18 license, shall prosecute for delinquent (45) 1& meetings of Board of Trustees, shall attend, when (56) 21 opinion, shall give in writing when (56) 21 ordinances, shall draft, when required (56) 21 ordinances, shall prosecute violations of (56) 21 papers, legal, shall draft, when required (56) 21 powers of (56) 21 public work, contracts for, shall be drawn by (86) 25 qualifications of (56, 267) 21-47 resolutions, shall draft, when required (56) 21 rules, shall draft, when required (56) 21 salary of, amount and payment of (221) 40 INDEX TO CHARTER. xxiii City Attorney, under (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page suits, sliall attend to all, in which City has an interest. .(56) 21 violations of Charter and ordinances, shall prosecute. .(56) 21 City Clerk, under, afladavits, may take, without charge (43) 18 apportionment of money to funds, shall make (41) 16 apportionment of taxes by (112) 27 archives, shall be custodian of (41) 16 audit, shall, all claims and demands (42) 17 bids for public work to be filed with (84) 24 bonds for performance of contracts filed with (86) 25 bond of, amount of (214) 40 bonds of City countersigned by (123) 29 bond of, filed with Mayor, when (216) 40 books in office of, may be inspected when (259) 46 books, shall be custodian of (41) 16 hribery by, forfeits office (256) 45 candidate, shall be, at recall election of (282) 50 cash of City, shall assist in counting (35) 15 cash, shall report amount and source of, monthly (42) 17 claims against City, shall keep complete detailed ac- count of (41) 16 claims, shall number, date and file (42) 17 claims, shall refer to Board of Trustees (42) 17 contract, becoming interested in, forfeits office (255) 45 countersign, shall, all licenses, receipts, etc (41) 16 custodian of archives and seal, shall be (41) 16 demand, forfeits office for paying illegal, when (258) 46 demands against City, shall keep complete detailed account of (41) 16 demands, partial payment of, by, shall be in full (42) 17 demands, shall not pay, unless authorized by law (42) 18 demands, shall not pay, unless presented in one year (42) 17 demands, shall not pay, without deducting claimants indebtedness to City (42) 18 deputy, may appoint, to act without pay, when (281) 49 deputy of, is liable for acts of (281) 49 donation, forfeits office for accepting, when (257) 46 duties of, may be increased when (43) 18 elector, shall be (267) 47 embezzlement by, forfeits office (260) 46 employees of City, shall keep list of, posted in his office (43) 18 employees of City, shall keep list of salaries of, posted.. (43) 18 financial condition of City, shall keep record of (42) 17 funds, shall apportion moneys to, and notify treasurer. . (41) 16 gratuity, forfeits office for accepting, when (257) 46 hours of office of (275) 48 index, shall, all books (41) 16 inspection of records of, permitted when (259) 46 licenses, shall sign, deliver and take receipts for, de- livered to License Collector (41) 16 malfeasance by, forfeits office (260) 46 Mayor, City Attorney and, to count cash monthly (35) 15 meetings of Board of Trustees, shall attend and keep record of (41) 16 money, forfeits office for accepting, when (257) 46 money, shall pay, out, when (41) 16 xxiv INDEX TO CHARTER. City Clerk, under (Cont.) (Se<;.(Subd.) Page money, shall receive, due City and assign to proper fund. (41) 16 notice, shall give, to Mayor of violations of contracts and ordinances (268) 47 oath of, contents of (272) 48 oaths, shall administer, without charge (43, 281) 18 office hours of (275) 48 office, is ineligible for, when (256, 260) 45-46 office, may be removed from, how (262, 263) 46 office, may be removed from, for failure to give cer- tain notices to Mayor (268) 47 office, shall devote entire time to (43) 18 officer's salary, shall not pay, when (42) 18 ordinance passed, delivered by, to Mayor (20) 6 ordinances, shall be custodian of, and copy in books .... (41) 16 Police and Fire Commissioners, is secretary of Board of (231) 42 recalled, may be, how (282) 4& recall election, duty of as to (282) 49 receipt for money, shall issue, to Treasurer, when (41) 16 receipts, shall countersign (41) 16 record, shall, all ordinances, contracts and official documents (41) 16 records of, may be inspected when (259) 46 records, shall be custodian of (41) 16 reports of, contents of (42) 17 reports to Trustees, shall make monthly (269) 47 report to Mayor and Trustees, shall make, when (42) 17 residence of, required (267) 47 salary of, amount and payment of (221) 40 seal, shall be custodian of (41) 16 suspended from office, may be, when (262) 46 taxes, apportionment of, by (112) 27 transactions of City, shall keep record of (42) 17 Treasurer's salary, shall not pay, when (42) 16 treasury, shall know condition of (41) 16 warrants, shall draw and sign, when (42) 17 warrants, shall number consecutively, date and sign (42) 17 warrants, shall specify fund from which, are payable. .(42) 17 City Engineer, under, bond of, amount of (214) 40 bond of, filed where (216) 40 books, maps, etc., of, property of City (55) 21 buildings, may inspect work on, at all times and when necessary stop work thereon (53) 21 buildings, shall inspect (52) 20 buildings, unsafe, shall report, to Mayor (52) 20 certificates, shall keep all, in his office (55) 21 Civil engineer, shall be (50) 20 duties of, may be increased (55) 21 index, shall make, to office books (55) 21 inspect, shall, all alteration and construction of buildings. (52) 20 inspect, shall, building to prevent variance from plans.. (54) 21 maps, books, etc., of, delivered to successor (55) 21 maps, shall keep all, in his office (55) 21 Mayor shall appoint, subject to approval of Board of Trustees (50) 20 notice, shall give, that plans and specifications for buildings are not in conformity to City laws (53) 21 INDEX TO CHARTER. XXV City Engineer, under (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page oath of, contents of (272) 48 office, forfeited when, see officers. office, may be removed from, see Officers. office of, term of (50) 20 office, shall keep (55) 21 Park Commissioner, is ex-officio (191) 36 permit for building, etc., shall issue when (52) 20 plans and specifications filed with, shall keep (55) 21 plans for buildings, shall examine (52, 244) 20-44 plats, shall keep all, in his office (55) 21 qualifications of (50) 20 records of, may be inspected when (259) 46 records, shall keep all, in his office (55) 21 removal of, from office, see Officers. report to Mayor defective buildings, shall (52) 20 reports to Mayor and Trustees, shall make monthly, of all matters pertaining to office (54) 21 residence of (267) 47 salary of, amount and payment of (221) 40 specifications for buildings, shall examine (52, 244) 20-44 surveyor for City works, shall be (51) 20 surveys, shall keep all, in his office (55) 21 City of Fresno, under, boundaries of (6) 2 common seal, may have (1) 1 condemn lands, may, when (1) 1 condemnation of property for public use by (87) 25 corporate power of (1 to 4) 1 damages, shall not be liable for, when (5) 2 defend, may (1) 1 legislative power of, vested in Board of Trustees (10) 4 liable, shall not be, in damages (5) 2 municipal corporation, is (1) 1 name of (1) 1 ordinance, action on, by (21) 6 powers of (1 to 4) 1 property, may own and dispose of (1) 1 public uses, may declare (1) 1 rights in, vested, preserved by Charter (274) 48 seal, may have (1) 1 succession, shall have perpetual (1) 1 successor, is, to City of Fresno (2, 3, 4) 1 sue, and be sued, shall have right to (1, 4) 1 uses, charitable, may execute (1) 1 wards. City to be divided into by, every 5 years (23) 6 wards of, enumerated and bounded (7) 2 City Physician, under. See Officers. See Offices. appointment of by Board of Health (165) 31 Board of Health, record of transactions of, shall keep.. (165) 31 dispensary, shall have charge of City (166) 31 duties of prescribed by Board of Health (173) 32 enforce, shall, laws and ordinances relating to public health (165) 31 food inspector, as, duties of (171) 32 food inspector, shall act as (171) 32 xxvi INDEX TO CHARTER. City Physician, under (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page health officer, shall be (165) 31 health officer, as, see Health Officer. hospital, shall have charge of City (166) 31 indigent sick or wounded, shall attend (166) 31 permits for burials issued by, when (165) 31 police officer, shall have powers of (165) 31 qualifications of (165) 31 report of, to Board of Health, contents oi (165) 31 report to Board of Health, shall make annual (165) 31 secretary of Board of Health, shall be (165) 31 term of office of, is during pleasure of Board of Health (165) 31 City Tax Collector, office of, abolished by (224) 41 City Treasurer, office of, abolished by (224) 41 Claims, under, allowed, shall not be, when (42) 17 audit. City Clerk shall (41, 42) 16-17 barred, are, when .(42) 17 City, against, payment (27(18) 9 date. City Clerk shall (41, 42) 16-17 debts of claimant deducted before paying (42) 18 file. City Clerk shall (41, 42) 16-17 fund. City Clerk shall give, from which payable (42) 17 itemized and verified, shall be (42) 17 number. City Clerk shall (41, 42) 16-17 payment of illegal (258) 46 signed, dated, etc., shall be (42) 17 sued for, may be, when (42) 17 Classification of ordinances required under, when (28) 13 Codification of ordinances required under, when (28) 13 Combustible materials. Board of Trustees have control of, under (27(6) 8 "Commission" under, means of City of Fresno (252) 45 Commissioners, Board of Park, under, see Parks. "Commissioner" under, means, of City of Fresno (252) 45 Concerts, public, appropriation for allowed under, when. . (27(40) 13 Contracts, (by Board of Trustees,) under, advertising, for, conditions of (25) 7 approval of, by Mayor (26) 7 award of, notice of, shall be posted (84) 24 bidder, shall be with lowest (84) 24 bids for, conditions of (84) 24 bids for, not more than one shall be made by one person. (83) 24 Board of Trustees, action of, on vetoed (26) 7 Board of Trustees, authorized by vote of, when (26) 7 bond required on entering into, conditions of (86) 25 book for, shall be entered in, by City Clerk (41) 16 breach of, penalty for , . . .^^86) 25 check may be given in lieu of bond on entering Into (86) 25 Chinese shall not be employed in, except when (265) 46 City Attorney shall draft (56, 86) 21-25 City Attorney shall pass upon validity of (56) 25 collusion in bidding on, annuls contract (85) 24 contents of (86) 25 conveyance, of. Mayor shall sign and acknowledge (34) 15 drafted, shall be, by City Attorney (86) 25 duplicate, shall be executed in, and signed by Mayor. (33, 86) 15-25 extension of time on, allowed when (86) 25 INDEX TO CHARTER. xxvii Contracts, under (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page fuel, for, conditions of (25) 7 fund, must specify, payable out of !..!*.!! (27(19) 9 gas, for, conditions of (25) 7 inundation, to prevent, may be made how (82) 23 lighting, for, conditions of (25) 7 materials, for public works, for, conditions of (82) 23 non-performance of, penalty for (86) 25 notice of award of, shall be posted (84) 24 objections of Mayor to, statement of (26) 7 officers interested in, shall be void (255) 45 performance of. Mayor shall see to (36) 15 Police and Fire Department, concerning, controlled by Board of Trustees when (241) 44 printing, for, conditions of (25) 7 prisoners, for maintenance of, conditions of (25) 7 publication of ordinances, etc., need not be advertised for (82) 23 public printing need not be advertised, for (82) 23 public works, for materials for, conditions of (82) 23 repairs, for, conditions of (25) 7 signature of Mayor to, not required when (26) 7 sprinkling, for, conditions of (25) 7 stationery, for, conditions of (25) 7 supplies, for, conditions of (25) 7 sureties upon bonds for, qualifications of (86) 25 valid, when (26) 7 validity of. City Attorney shall pass upon (56) 21 veto of, conditions of (26) 7 water, for, conditions of (25) 7 Coupons on bonds under, see Bonds. Criminal actions authorized by, name brought in (27(35) 12 Criminal action for license, license deemed not procured in, when (45) 19 Custodian of City books, records, archives, etc., City Clerk shall be, under (41) 16 Dairies, Board of Trustees may provide for inspection of, under (27(41) 13 Damages, City of Fresno is not liable for, from defective streets, etc (5) 2 liability for, under, who has (5) 2 officers liable for, under, when (5) 2 Superintendent of Streets liable for, under, when (5) 2 sureties liable for, under, when (5) 2 Deaths, statistics, concerning, under (163) 31 Debts, paying illegal, under (256) 46 Deeds, Mayor shall sign and execute, under (34) 15 Defalcations, Mayor shall search out, under (31) 14 Definitions of words under (252) 45 Demands are barred when under (42) 17 Demands, City Clerk shall number, date, file, audit, and give fund from which payable under (41) 16 Demands may be sued for, when, under (42) 17 Demands, paying illegal, under (258) 46 Demands, shall be signed, itemized, dated and verified, when (42) 17 xxviii INDEX TO CHARTER. (Sec.(Subd.) Page Demands, shall not be allowed unless presented in one year, under (42) 17 Demands shall not be paid under, without deducting claimant's debts (42) IS Deputies, certain officers may appoint, under (281) 49 Diseases, persons from households affected with certain, excluded from schools under (168) 32 Drainage under (87) 2& Drainage under, foul, controlled by Board of Health (162) 31 Drains, Superintendent of Streets shall enforce laws con- cerning, under (47) 19 Drains, Superintendent of Streets shall keep register of, under (48) 20 Duties of City Clerk under, may be increased (43) 18 Duties of City Engineer under, may be increased (55) 21 Duties of employees may be fixed by Board of Trustees, under (27(34) 12 Duties of Mayor under, may be increased (40) 16 Duties of Superintendent of Streets under, may be increased (48) 20 Educational Department under, see Board of Education. Election, under. Board of Trustees shall control (27(14) & bonded indebteaness, for, see Bonded Indebtedness. candidates at, shall be designated as independent (205) 39 canvassed by Board of Trustees, etc (201, 205) 38-39 canvass of returns of, made when (201) 38 canvass of returns of, postponed when (201) 38 certificate of, issued when (202) 38 date of (200) 38 declaration of result of, made when (202) 38 independent candidates at, all shall be (205) 39 laws governing (205) 38 nomination for, made how (205) 39 officers elected at, length of term of (203) 38 officers elected at, term of, begins when (203) 38 officers of City, for, held when (200) 38 party name shall not appear on ballot at (205) 39 public utility, to acquire, see Public Utilities. recall, how instituted (282) 49 recall, proceedings, on (282) 49 state laws govern, where applicable (205) 38 times of (200) 38 vacancy, not necessary to fill (204) 38 voters, qualified, only, may vote at (200) 38 Elective officers under. Mayor may suspend when (36) 15 Electric light wires, installation of, control of, under. .(27(27, 29) 10-11 Electric wires, installation of, control of, under (27(27, 29) 10-11 Employee not permitted to be interested in contracts with, sales to, or purchases from City, under (255) 45 Employee not permitted to engage in politics under (250) 44 Employees, Board of Trustees may fix duties of, under. . (27(34) 12 Employees, bribery by, shall forfeit and disqualify for office under (256) 45 Employees, removal of for certain causes, under. . (250, 255, 256) 44-45 Engines, steam, etc., control of under (27(27) 10 Executive officer, Mayor is, under (30) 14 INDEX TO CHARTER. xxlx (Sec.(Subd.) Page Exits to buildings, control of, under (27(28) 10 Fees, Board of Trustees may require payment to City Treasurer under (27(34) 12 Fees of officers fixed by Board of Trustees under (27(34) 12 Fees, witness for City shall not receive, in advance (45) 19 Filling of lots to prevent stagnant water required (27(33) 12 Finances of City, City Clerk shall render accounts of, under (42) 17 Fines for violating, or ordinances. Police Court has juris- diction of (62) 22 Fines for violating, or ordinances, Police Court pays to Treasurer (69) 22 Fines fixed by Board of Trustees under (27(35) 12 Fire Department under, see Police and Fire Dept. Fiscal year under (261) 46 Flagmen, railways may be required to have, under (27(29) 11 Food inspector, see City Physician. Forfeited to City under, Checks deposited are, when (84) 24 Forfeitures fixed by Board of Trustees under (27(35) 12 Forfeitures under. Police Court has jurisdiction of, when. ... (62) 22 Franchise, under, advertise sale of, must (27(31) 11 fare on street railways having, not to exceed 5 cents. .(27(31) 12 forfeited under (264) 46 granted by Board of Trustees, how . . (19) 6 gross receipts, 3% to be paid to City, under (27(31) 12 ofiBcer or employee of City shall not be interested in.. (255) 45 public service for, conditions of granting (27(31) 11 rail on street railway having, kind required (27(31) 12 renewal of (19) 6 street railroads, for, term and conditions of grant. (27(30-31) 11 tracks, for elevated or surface, conditions of granting. (27(30) 11 Funds, City Clerk shall apportion, under (41) 16 Funds, City Clerk shall render monthly account of, under.. (42) 17 Funds, under. Board of Health expenses paid out of General (164) 31 Board of Trustees may establish new (112) 27 Bond, established (112) 27 Bond, money of, shall not be used for other purposes. . (112) 27 City Clerk shall order transfer of money in, when (112) 28 Fire, established (112) 27 General, established (112) 27 General, unidentified sums apportioned to (112) 27 Library, see Library. Library, established (112) 27 loan may be made from General, to another, and repaid. (112) 2& money in, except in bond, park and library, transfer- red at end of year to General (112) 28 Park, established (112) 27 Police, established (112) 27 Public light, established (112) 27 Sewer, established (112) 27 transfer of money from one, to another, unlawful. ..(112) 27 transferred, moneys in, except in bond, park, and library, shall be, to General (112) 28 Treasurer shall transfer money in, when (112) 2S XXX INDEX TO CHARTER. (Sec.(Subcl.) Page Gas, City may own its own, plant, under ^^^ Ja?| It Gas works are public utility under (91) 26 Grading of alleys and streets under control of Board of Trustees under • • • • • ;'J^'^i^J ^° Grading of lots to prevent stagnant water may be under (27(33) 12 Grass on lots, owner may be required under, to remove. .(27(33) 12 Health department under, managament of, is in Board of Health (160) Sa Health Officer, under. See Officers. ^Gp Offi.ces appointed by Board of Health, shall be (165) 31 certificate by, that person is not longer in danger from contagion, entitles to admission to schools. . (168) 32 City Physician, as, see City Physician. City Physician shall be (165) 31 disease, place where contagious reported to exist, shall visit and quarantine (169) 32 diseases, shall report to Superintendent of Schools names and residences of persons affected with contagious or infectious (168) 32 duties of, prescribed by Board of Health (173) 32 guard over house with smallpox, may place (170) 32 oaths, may administer, on matters connected with Health Department (174) 32 police officer, shall have powers of (165) 31 public buildings, shall visit and examine sanitary condition of, at least once quarterly (167) 32 qualifications of (165) 31 quarantine when established by (169,170) 32 school houses, shall visit and examine sanitary con- dition of, at least once quarterly (167) 32 smallpox, how quarantined by (170) 32 smallpox patient, may remove, to smallpox hospital.. (170) 32 vaccinate free, shall, all person applying to him (172) 32 High School, under (132) 30 High School under, controlled by Board of Education (132) 30 High School under, laws governing (132) 30 High School under, taxes for (132) 30 Highways, Superintendent of Streets shall enforce laws concerning, under (47) 19 Hours of office under (275) 48 Imprisonment as a punishment, limit of, under (27(35) 12 Inspector of Food, see City Physician. Inspector of Plumbing, see Plumbing Inspector. Inspector of Sanitation, see Sanitary Inspector, Index, City Clerk shall, all books in his office (41) 16 Index, City Engineer shall, all books in his office (55) 21 Initiative and referendum ordinance, proceedings as to, under (277, 278, 297, 280) 48-49 Inspection of dairies, etc., Board of Trustees may provide for, under (27(41) 13 Interments, permits for (165) 31 Jail, may use county, under (27(24) 10 Judge of Police Court under, who may be (66) 22 INDEX TO CHARTER. xxxi (Sec.(Subd.) Page Judge, Police Court shall liave one, under (61) 22 Judicial notice shall be taken of acts of Board of Trus- tees under (271) 47 Judicial department under, see Police Court (60) 22 Jurisdiction of Police Court under (62, 63) 22 Justice of Peace may preside in Police Court under (66) 22 Laws applicable to Police Court same as to Justice's Court under (65) 22 Laws prior to, certain, continued in force (274) 48 Laws when to be drafted by City Attorney under (56) 21 Legal papers when to be drafted by City Attorney under (56) 21 Legislative power under, see Board of Trustees, ante (10) 4 Levees, construction and maintenance of, under (87) 25 Levees, duties of Superintendent of Street in relation to, under (47) 19 Levees, emergency construction of, under (82) 23 Levees for prevention of overflow by water under (27(39) 13 Liability to amount of $300, under ordinance recoverable in Police Court under (62(2) 22 Library Trustees under, see Library. Library, under. Trustees of, see Officers. Trustees of, see Offices. . . . . Board of Free Library Trustees shall have con- trol of (180) 34 Board of Trustees shall approve appointment of. Trustees (180) 34 books belonging to, control of (184) 34 control of, who shall have (180) 34 debts of, paid from "Library Fund," when (186) 35 demands for, paid from "Library Fund," when (186) 35 employees in, hired by, trustees (185) 35 employes in, salaries of, fixed by, trustees (185) 35 expenses of, paid from "Library Fund," when (186) 35 financial report of. Secretary shall make (187) 35 fund for, drawn upon when, only (182) 34 fund for, known as "Library Fund" (182) 34 fund for, money from all sources paid into (182) 34 injuries to property of, punishment for (188) 35 leasing property for, taxes raised for (181) 34 librarian of, employed by trustees (185) 35 magazines belonging to, control of (184) 34 management of, who shall have (180) 34 Mayor shall appoint board of Trustees for (180) 34 meetings of trustees of (184) 34 ordinances shall be passed to protect (188) 35 penalties for violations of rules of, shall be made (188) 35 property acquired for, belongs to City (183) 34 property acquired for, under control of trustees (184) 34 qualifications of trustees of (180) 34 quorum of meetings of trustees of, what (184) 34 report of conditions of, trustees shall make, when (187) 35 rules of, made by trustees (185) 35 salary of trustee of, nothing (180) 34 Secretary of Trustees of, powers and duties of (184, 185) 34-35 Secretary of trustees of, salary of (180) 34 xxxii INDEX TO CHARTER. I^ibrary, under (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page seal for, trustees shall adopt (184) 34 taxes for, maximum 5 cents (181) 34 taxes for, minimum 3 cents (181) 34 taxes for, purposes for which levied (181) 34 trustees of, have honorary position (180) 34 trustees of, number of (180) 34 trustees of, powers and duties of (184, 185) 34-35 trustees of, shall adopt a seal (184) 34 trustees of, shall elect a member as president (184) 34 trustees of, shall elect a member as secretary (184) 34 trustees of, shall meet when (184) 34 trustees shall report condition of, when (187) 35 Tustees of, special meetings of (266) 47 Trustees of, special meetings of, how called (266) 47 Trustees of, special meetings of, subjects considered at. (266) 47 trustee of, terra of office (180) 34 trustee of, who is eligible (180) 34 License Collector, under, affidavit for attachment, shall make, for failure to pay license (45) 18 appointed by Mayor, upon approval of Board of Trustees. (44) 18 attached, property which may be, on failure to pro- cure a license (46) 19 bond of, amount fixed by Board of Trustees (44) 18 delinquent license reported by, to City Attorney (45) 18 duties of (44) 18 fees of, for prosecuting delinquent license case (45) 18 license issued by, used as evidence when (45) 19 license, shall report delinquent, to City Attorney (45) 18 license taxes, shall collect (44) 18 misdemeanor not to procure license from (45) 19 money collected by, delivered to. Treasurer (44) 18 Licenses to be countersigned and delivered by City Clerk, under (41) 16 License taxes, apportionment of (112) 27 License taxes may be imposed and collected under (27(9, 17) 8-9 License, under, affidavit for attachment for failure to pay, made by License Collector (45) 18 attachment may issue against certain property for failure to pay (46) 19 attachment may issue for not procuring (45) 18 collected by License Collector (44) 18 collected by License Collector, paid to Treasurer (44) 18 Misdemeanor not to procure (45) 19 penalty of $5.00 added to, if not paid within 5 days (45) 18 procured, deemed not, in suit for license, when (45) 19 property enumerated which may be attached for fail- ure to pay (46) 19 punishment for not procuring (45) 19 Lien, cost of filling lots may be made, on, under (27(33) 12 Light, city may supply, under (27(23) 10 Light, provisions for, under (27(23) 10 Light works are public utility under (91) 26 Litigation of City conducted by whom under (56) 21 Litigation of City controlled by Mavor and Board of Trustees under ' (56) 21 INDEX TO CHARTER. xxxiii (Sec.(Subd.) Page Lots, cost of filling, may be made lien on, under (27(33) 12 Malfeasance in office, suspension for, under (36) 15 Maps, City Engineer shall keep, in his oflSce, under (55) 21 Market may be established and regulated under (27(13) 9 "Materials and supplies", definition of, under . . . , (82) 23 Materials for public works, furnished under written con- tract, when (82) 23 Mayor, under, age of (30) 14 absence of, who presides (37) 15 appoint oflficers, shall, upon approval of Board (38) 16 appraiser for City, shall be, when (27(4) 7 attorney, may employ, when (27(36) 12 auditing of books and records, must require annual. .. (31(3) 14 Board of Trustees, can not remove from office (262) 46 Board of Trustees, vacancy in. Mayor shall fill (11) 5 bond of, amount of (214) 40 bond of, approved by Board of Trustees (211) 39 bond of, filed where (216) 40 bond of Plumbing Inspector, shall approve (175) 33 bonds of City signed by (123) 29 books of City open to inspection of, at all times (31) 14 breaches of contracts shall be reported to, by ofllcers. .(268) 47 bribery by, forfeits office (256) 45 candidate, shall be, when, at recall election (281) 50 cash of City, shall count monthly (35) 15 contract, becoming interested in, forfeits office (255) 45 contracts of City, action of, on (26) 7 contracts of City submitted to, when (26) 7 contracts, shall see that all, are faithfully performed. .. (36) 15 contracts, shall sign all (33) 15 conveyances, shall sign and acknowledge (34) 15 defalcations to be reported by (31) 14 demand, is liable if he authorizes payment of unlawful. (268) 47 disability of, who presides (37) 15 donation, accepting, forfeits ofiice when (257) 46 duties of, enumerated (30 to 40) 14-16 . duties of, may be increased by law (40) 16 elector of City, shall be (267) 47 employes of City can be removed by, when (262) 46 employe, must notify Trustees on removal of (263) 46 executive officer of City, is (30) 14 fund, secret, may have (27(40) 13 gratuity, accepting, forfeits office when (257) 46 hours of ofl^ce of (275) 48 laws, must see to enforcement of (31(2) 14 Library Trustees, shall appoint with consent of Board of Trustees (180) 34 malfeasance in office by, forfeits office (260) 46 militia, may call, for aid of, when (31(5) 15 money, accepting, forfeits office when (257) 46 money, must keep account of collections and dis- bursements of (31) 14 oath of, contents of (272) 48 oath, shall have power to administer, when, under (15) 5 objections to ordinances, shall state in writing (20) 6 xxxiv INDEX TO CHARTER. Mayor, under (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page office hours of (275) 48 office, shall not hold any other (39) 16 officers of City except trustees can be removed by when (262) 46 officer, may remove, for malfeasance, when (31(3) 14 officer, may suspend, when (31(3) 14 officer, must notify Trustees on removal of (263) 46 officer removed by, proceedings on (262) 46 officers, must watch conduct of (31) 14 officers, shall appoint, upon approval of Board (38) 16 officers, shall have supervision over all City (36) 15 ordinance passed by initiative and referendum need not to be signed by (280) 49 ordinances referred to, action on (20) 6 ordinances, veto of, by (20) 6 Park Commission, is ex-officio a member of (191) 36 Park Commission, is ex-officio president of (192) 36 Police and Fire Commission, is ex-officio president of... (231) 42 police force, shall command, when (31(5) 14 preside, shall, at all meetings of Board of Trustees, under (14) 5 powers of, enumerated (30 to 40) 14-16 presides over meetings of Board of Trustees (32) 15 prosecution of defaulters, shall institute (31) 14 pro tem shall preside in absence of Mayor (37) 15 public order, shall preserve (31(5) 14 recalled, may be, how (282) 49 recommend, shall, needful measures (31(1) 14 records of City open to inspection of, at all times (31) 14 report, written, shall make, when (31(1) 14 residence of, required (267) 41 riots, shall suppress (31(5) 14 salary of, amount and payment of (221) 40 salary, shall not have, increased (39) 16 Superintendent of Streets, shall appoint, upon ap- proval of Board of Trustees (47) 19 supervision over all departments, shall have (31(4) 14 suspend officers, may, when (36) 15 vacancies, may fill when (36) 15 vacancy in board of trustees filled by (11) 5 vacancy in office of, filled how (37) 15 violation of contracts shall be reported to, by of- ficers (268) 47 votes with Board of Trustees, when (32) 15 warrants, shall sign all (33) 15 Meats, licensing, inspecting, regulating sale of, etc., under. (27(41) 13 Meetings of Board of Trustees, held when, under (12, 13) 5 Message of Mayor to Board of Trustees under (31(1) 14 Military aid, when Mayor shall call for, under (31(5) 15 Milk, licensing, inspecting, regulating sale, etc., of under. .(27(41) 13 Misconduct of officers to be reported by Mayor under (31) 14 Misdemeanor to do business without license, under (45) 19 Misdemeanor, violation of ordinances is, under (27(35) 12 Money, manner of deposit of City, under (41) 16 Moneys collected by Police Judge, when to be paid into City Treasury under (69) 22 INDEX TO CHARTER. xxxv (Sec.(Subd.) Page Moneys from license and other taxes, apportionment of, under (112) 27 Moneys, public, apportionment of, under (41) 16 Morgue may be maintained, under (27(11) 9 Mortality statistics kept by Board of Health under (163) 31 Mortgaged, property of City, can not be, under (27(4) 7 Neglect of duty by officers reported by Mayor, under (31) '""^ 14 Neglect of duty by officers, suspension for, under (36) 15 Nomination of certain officers by Mayor under (38) 16 Nomination of certain officers not to be suggested by Board of Trustees under (38) 16 Notice of application for certain franchises published under (27(30) 11 Notice of bids for public work, posted and published when, under (82) 23 Notices, contracts for publication of, how made, under (82) 23 Nuisances, regulation and prevention of, under (27(6, 7, 8) 8 Oath, administration of, by certain officers under (15, 281) 5,49 Oath, administration of, by City Clerk, under (43) 17 Oath of office under (272) 48 Obstructions, streets and sidewalks required to be kept free from, under (27(33) 12 Office under, forfeited by certain acts . . (250, 253, 255, 256, 257) 44-46 appointee to, how removed (27(1) 7 appointive, shall be divided equally between political parties (276) 48 appointment to, shall not be based on political ground. .(276) 48 books of, open to public inspection, when (259) 46 bribery shall forfeit and disqualify for holding. ..(256, 257) 45-46 candidate for, officer holding shall be on recall (282) 50 created by Board of Trustees, certain, when (225) 41 hours of (275) 48 oath of, shall be taken before entering upon (272) 48 public, records of, shall be, see Various officers. recall from, manner of (282) 49 records of, certified copies of, shall be made when (259) 46 records of, open to public inspection when (259) 46 Officers, under, absent, shall not be from City more than 60 days or without consent of Mayor (253) 45 appointive, removal of, by Mayor (263) 46 appointment of, shall not be based on political grounds. (276) 48 appointment of, to discharge duties of suspended (262) 46 auditing of accounts of (27(16-19) 9 bonds may be required of appointive (215) 40 bonds of, additional, may be required (211) 39 bonds of, amounts of (211) 39 bonds of, approved by whom (211) 39 bonds, official, failure to give, forfeits office (213) 39 bonds of, filed where (216) 40 bonds of, filed with County Recorder, when (216) 40 bonds of, payable to whom (211) 39 bonds of, kind of, required (210) 39 bonds of, premiums on, shall be paid how (210) 39 breaches of contracts, shall report! (268) 47 xxxvi INDEX TO CHARTER. Officers, under (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page bribe, receiving, by, forfeits and disqualifies for hold- ing office (257) 46 bribery by, forfeits and disqualifies for holding office.. (256) 45 candidate, shall be at recall election (282) 50 Charter, under, mean officers of City of Fresno (252) 45 claims of, against City when not allowed (42) 18 compensation of, amounts of (220, 221) 40 contracts with City, shall not be interested in (255) 45 crimes, certain, render ineligible for (260) 46 damages, liable for, when (5) 5 deputies, certain, may appoint, without salary when.. (281) 49 deputies of, acts of valid (281) 49 deputies of, liable on bonds for (281) 49 duties of, generally (223) 41 duties of, may be increased (223) 41 election of certain (200, 205) 38 eligible for, certain persons are not (260) 46 funds for political purposes, shall not solicit (250) 44 hours of office of (275) 48 license suits, shall not charge City for services in (45) 18 merchandise, for inspection, etc., of, appointment of.. (27(8) 8 money, certain, required to make monthly reports concerning (269) 47 names of, regular (212) 39 National Guard, may be member of (250) 44 Notary Public, may be (250) 44 nomination of certain, by Mayor to be approved by Board of Trustees (38) 16 nomination of certain, not to be suggested by Board of Trustees (38) 16 oath of (272) 48 oaths, certain, may administer (281) 49 office of certain, abolished (224) 41 office of certain, may be created (225) 41 office of, vacant when (213) 39 office, removed from, for failure to make certain reports. (268) 47 office, shall not hold other, except certain (250) 44 payment, unauthorized, shall be liable to City indi- vidually and on his bond, if made or approved by (258) 46 IK)litical parties, appointive, shall be divided equally among (276) 48 politics, shall not be worker or active in partisan (250) 44 premium on bond of, rate allowed (210, 211) 39 purchase from City, shall not make (255) 45 recalled, may be how (282) 49 recall of, manner of (282) 49 regular, names of (212) 39 removal of appointive by Mayor (263) 46 removal of, causes for (31(3) 14 removal of certain, causes for (250, 253, 255, 256, 257) 44-45-46 removal of certain elective, by Board of Trustees (262) 46 removal from office for failure to make certain reports. (268) 47 reports, monthly, financial, required of certain (269) 47 salary of (220, 221) 40 salary of, payable in installments (220) 40 sell, shall not to City (255) 45 INDEX TO CHARTER. xxxvii Officers, under (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page supervision over, by Mayor (31, 36) 14-15 suspended, certain electives may be, by Mayor (262) 46 suspension of, causes for (31(3) 14 suspension of, for malfeasance (36) 15 terms of, begin and end when (203) 38 violations of ordinances and contracts, shall report (268) 47 Official misconduct reported by Mayor under (31) 14 Opinions required to be given by City Attorney under (56) 21 Ordinances, under, see Bonds, Public Utilities. adopted, how (17) 6 amended how (16) 5 bond election called by, how (19) 6 codification and publication of (28) 13 contracts for publication of, how made (82) 23 drafted, shall be by City Attorney when (56) 21 effect, shall take, when (22) 6 elections, calling by (19) 6 enacted, what, may be (27(2) 7 enacting clause of (24) 7 enforce, Mayor shall (31 (2) 14 franchises, passage of, granting (19) 6 franchises shall be granted by (19) (27(30, 31) 6-11-12 initiative and referendum, passage of, by.... (277 to 280) 48-49 legislation shall be by (19) 6 obligations under, recovered where (62 (2) 22 passed, within what time (19) 6 pleading of (271) 47 proof of (271) 47 prior to Charter, certain, continued in force (274) 48 prosecutions for violations of, by City Attorney (56) 21 publication of (19, 28) 6-13 punishment for violation of (27(35) 12 record of, kept by City Clerk (41) 16 submitted, shall be to Mayor when passed (20) 6 title of (17) 6 vetoed by Mayor, action of Board on (20) 6 violations of, prosecuted by City Attorney (56) 21 violations of, punishment for (27(35) 12 votes required to pass, number of (13) 5 Parks, under, bequests for. Commissioners may accept .(196) 37 Board of Park Commissioners for, number of (190) 36 Board of Park Commissioners, shall have control of... (190) 36 bonds which may be bought with endowment for (196) 37 Commissioners may work prisoners in (195) 37 Commissioners of, see Officers. Commissioners of, see Offices. Commissioners of, appointed by Mayor and Board of Trustees (191) 36 Commissioners of, Mayor is President of (192) 36 Commissioners of, powers and duties of (193) 36 Commissioners of, shall adopt rules of procedure (192) 36 Commissioners of, shall elect a secretary (192) 36 Commissioners of, shall not receive pay (192) 36 Commissioners of, special meetings of (266) 47 Commissioners of, special meetings of, how called (266) 47 xxxviil INDEX TO CHARTER. Parks, under (Cont) (Sec.(Subd.) Page Ck)mmissioners of, special meetings of, subjects con- sidered at (266) 47 Commissioners of, term of office (191) 36 control of, who has (190) 36 debts for, limit allowed annually (198) 37 donations for. Commissioners may accept (196) 37 employes of,' bonds for, required when (193) 36 employes of, Commissioners shall engage (193) 36 employes of, powers and duties of, prescribed by Commissioners (193) 36 endowment for, how created from gifts (196) 37 equipment of (196) 37 expense of, limit allowed annually (198) 37 expenses of, payment of (193) 36 funds for, expenses paid from (193) 36 gifts for. Commissioners may accept (196) 37 improved, shall be by Commissioner (193) 36 investment of endowment for (196) 37 land for, control of (190) 36 legacies for. Commissioners may accept (196) 37 lease of, disposition of money from (194) 37 lease of, unimproved parts of, permitted when (194) 37 management of, who has (190) 36 Mayor and City Engineer ex-officio members of board of Commissioners of (191) 36 meetings of Commissioners of, held when (192) 36 meetings of Commissioners of, quorum of (192) 36 moneys donated for, deposited in Park fund when (196) 37 money from lease of, placed to Park fund (194) 37 ordinances shall be passed to protect (199) 38 Park Fund for, all moneys shall be paid to (198) 37 plans for improvement of. Commissioners shall make. . .(193) 36 police power of City extends over (199) 38 prisoners may be worked in, when (195) 37 proceedings of Commissioners of, to be recorded (192) 36 property of, control of (190) 36 report of Commissioners for, contents of (197) 37 report of Commissioners for, made when (197) 37 rules for control of, enforced by ordinance (199) 38 rules for control of, established by Commissioners (193) 36 Secretary of Commissioners of, keeps books of (192) 36 Secretary of Commissioners of, salary of (192) 36 taxes for, amount allowed annually (198) 37 taxes for, estimated by Commissioners (197) 37 taxes for, paid to Park Fund (198) 37 warrants against fund for, drawn how (193) 36 Parks may be maintained under (27(10) 9 Payment of warrant for unauthorized claim forbidden under. (42) 18 Penalty for doing business without licenses, under (45) 19 Penalty for violation of, and of ordinances under (27(35) 12 Penalty of $5.00 for non-payment of license tax within 5 days after due, under (46) 19 Penalty to amount to $300.00 under ordinance recover- able in Police Court under (62(2) 22 Penalties for violation of ordinances prescribed how „ under (27(35) 12 Permit for building granted by City Engineer under (52) 20 INDEX TO CHARTER. xxxix (Sec.(Subd.) Page Pipes, control of lying of, under (27(29) 11 Physicians, statistical forms and regulations for, provided by Board of Health under (163) 31 Plans and specifications filed with City Engineer under (55) 21 Plans and specifications of buildings to be examined by City Engineer under (52) 20 Plats of, City Engineer shall keep in his office, under (55) 21 Pleadings in Police Court same as Justice's Court, under.. (65) 22 Plumbing Inspector, under. See Officers. See Offices. appointed, shall be by Board of Health (175) 32 bond of, amount of, to be fixed by Board of Trustees. .(175) 33 bond of, to be executed to City and approved by Mayor (175) 33 certificates by, of proper plumbing (178) 33 corrections in plumbing plans, shall give notice of (177) 33 permits for plumbing work issued by (177) 33 plans and specifications for plumbing, shall examine (176, 177, 244) 33-44 plumber, shall be a practical (175) 32 plumbing, permit for given or refused by, when (177) 33 Plumbing, plans and specifications of, examined by (176, 177, 244) 33-44 plumbing work, shall examine (178) 33 qualifications of, prescribed by Board of Health (175) 32 records of plumbing work, shall keep (176) 33 reports of, to Board of Health, contents of (179) 33 reports, shall make monthly, to Board of Health (179) 33 salary of, to be fixed by Board of Trustees (175) 33 Sanitary Inspector, as, see Sanitary Inspector. Sanitary Inspector, shall be ex-officio (175) 33 Police, Chief of, under, see Police and Fire Department. Police and Fire Department, under, apparatus for. Commissioners report necessity for. . . (240) 43 badges for. Commissioners shall establish (235) 43 Board of Police and Fire Commissioners have control of. (230) 42 Board of Trustees shall order work and materials for.. (241) 44 bond of Chief of Fire, amount and filing of (214, 216) 39-40 bond of Chief of Police, amount and filing of (214, 216) 39-40 books of, open to inspection when (259) 46 bonds of employees of, may be required (231) 42 building permit issued by Chief of Fire, when (244) 44 buildings shall be inspected by Chief of Fire, when.. (244) 44 Chief of Fire, powers and duties of (244) 44 Chief of Fire, salary of (221) 40 Chief of Fire, shall give entire time to office (222) 41 Chief of Police, salary of (221) 40 Chief of Police, shall give entire time to office (222) 41 City Clerk is secretary of Commissioners of (231) 43 claims against, proreedings on payments (239) 43 Commissioners of, appointed by Mayor and Trustees. . . . (230) 42 Commissioners of, may consider what business at a special meeting (232) 42 Commissioners of, not more than two can belong to one political party (230) 42 Commissioners of, powers and duties of (235) 43 xl INDEX TO CHARTER. Police and Fire Department, under (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page Commissioners of, receive no salary (230) 42 Commissioners of, report quarterly to Board of Trus- tees (238) 43 Commissioners of, shall adopt rules for employes,. (231, 235) 42-45 Commissioners of, shall adopt rules of proceedings (231, 235) 42-45 Commissioners of, shall hold meetings, when (232) 42 Commissioners of, term of office of (230) 42 Compensation of, established by Board of Trustees. .(234) 42 demands against, proceedings on payment (239) 43 duties of Commissioners of (235) 43 duties of members of, see Oflacers. employes appointed and removed by Commissioners of. (234) 42 employes removed after hearing only (234, 235) 42-45 executive session of Commissioners of, may be held when (232) 42 expenses of. Commissioners must make annual es- timate of (237) 43 expenses of, proceedings on payment (239) 43 expenses of, which Commissioners may order (241) 44 Fire Chief, duties and powers of with regard to buildings (244) 44 firemen appointed and removed by Commissioners of. . . (234) 42 houses and supply for, Commissioners report ne- cessity for (240) 43 houses shall be inspected by Chief of Fire, when (244) 44 inspection of police, record permitted when (259) 46 materials for, ordered by Board of Trustees (241) 44 Mayor is president of Commissioners of (231) 42 Mayor may vote at meeting of Commissioners of, when (231) 42 meetings of Commissioners of, held when (232) 42 meetings of Commissioners of, what business may be transacted at special (232) 42 members of, number of (242, 243) 44 members of, removal from office, see Officers, notices by Commissioners of, to be published by secretary (233) 42 number of members of (242, 243) 44 oath of members of, see Officerg. office, members may be removed from, see Officers. order of Commissioners of, three votes necessary to pass (232) 42 order of Commissioners of, signed by President (233) 42 orders of Commissioners of, to be recorded at length. . (233) 42 permit for building issued by Chief of Fire, when (244) 44 policemen appointed and removed by Commissioners of (23.4) 42 power of Chief of Fire, as to buildings (244) 44 powers of Commissioners of (235) 43 president of Commissioners of, Mayor is (231) 42 property of, Commissioners have control of (236) 43 qualifications of Chiefs of (267) 47 quorum of Commissioners of, what is (232) 42 records of, open to inspection when (259) 46 records of Police, not subject to inspection, when (259) 46 regulation of, Commissioners shall have (231, 235) 42-43 removal of members from office, see Officers. INDEX TO CHARTER. xU Police and Fire Department, under (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page repair of apparatus for, CJommissioners may order, when (241) 44 resolutions of Commissioners of, signed by President. .(233) 42 reports of, Commissioners make quarterly to Board of Trustees (238) 43 resolution of Commissioners of, three votes neces- sary to pass (232) 42 resolution of Commissioners of, to be recorded at length (233) 42 rules for, and employes established by Commission. (231, 235) 42-43 salaries of, established by Board of Trustees (234) 42 salary of Chief of Fire (221) 40 salary of Chief of Police (221) 40 salary of special policemen of (235) 44 secretary of commissioners of, City Clerk is (231) 42 secretary of Comniissioners of, to keep complete record of all proceedings, votes, etc (233) 42 secretary of Commissioners of, duties of (233) 42 special policemen of, salary of (235) 43 specifications for buildings to be inspected by Chief of Fire (244) 44 taxes for, Commissioners must make annual estimate of. (237) 43 trial, employes entitled to, before removal from... (234, 235) 42-43 uniforms for. Commissioners shall establish (235) 43 Police Court, under, actions, pending, tried In (71) 22 appeals from, procedure applicable in (65) 22 appeals from, to Superior Court, when (64) 22 books, etc., for, Board of Trustees shall supply (68) 22 business of, shall be open for, at all times (67) 22 Chief of Police shall assign police officers for (70) 22 civil jurisdiction of, limit of (62, 63) 22 collections by, paid to Treasurer when (69) 22 court room for. Board of Trustees shall supply (68) 22 created by (60) 22 fines collected by, paid to Treasurer when (69) 22 judge of, qualifications of (61) 22 judge, shall have one (61) 22 judge of, who may be, when regular is disqualified (66) 22 judicial notice, shall take of acts of Board of Trustees. . (271) 47 jurisdiction of (62) 22 jurisdiction of, co-ordinate with Justice's Court, when.. (63) 22 jurisdiction of, exclusive as to ordinances (62) 22 justice of peace may preside in, when (66) 22 police officer for, Chief of Police shall assign (70) 22 Police Judge, under, see "Officers," and "Offices." Police Judge, under, see Police Court. Police Judge, amount and payment of salary of, under (221) 40 Police Judge, amount of bond of, under (214) 40 Police Judge, bond of, filed with City Clerk (214) 40 Police Judge, qualifications of (267) 47 Police, Mayor shall command when, under (31(5) 14-15 Police officer shall attend on Police Court, under (70) 22 Police regulations, under (27(38) 13 Police power of City extended over parks, under (199) 38 Political parties shall not nominate officers, under (276) 48 xlii INDEX TO CHARTER. (Sec.(Subcl.) Page Politics, officer or employee forbidden by, to engage in partisan (250) 44 Posse comitatus, when Mayor shall call under (31(5) 14-15 Posted, list of persons receiving salaries or wages shall be, by City Clerk, under (43) 18 Pound may be established under (27(26) 10 Powers, general, of Board of Trustees, under (27(37) 13 Practice in Police Court same as in Justice's Court under.. (65) 22 President pro tern, of Board of Trustees, duties of, under. . . (37) 15 President pro tern, of Board of Trustees elected how, under. (37) 15 Presiding officer of Board of Trustees, Mayor shall be, under. (32) 15 Printing, contracts for, how made under (82) 23 Printing, contracts for, under, not to be more than one year (25) 7 Prison, County jail used as, under _. (27(24) 10 Prison may be established under (27(24) 10 Prisoners, City, may be worked in parks (195) 37 Privy not permitted on premises adjacent to lateral sewer by (270) 47 Proceedings in Police Court same as in Justice's Court under (65) 22 Proceedings pending in City Recorder's Court tried in Police Court, under (71) 22 Process of Police Court, service of by Police officer, under.. (70) 22 Prohibited, certain things may be under, by Board of Trustees (27(9) 8 Property attachable in suit for license tax under (46) 19 Property of City, under custody and control of Board of Trustees, under (80) 23 Property, taxes leviable on, under (27(3) 7 Proposals for contracts under, see Contracts. Proposals for contracts, under, see Public Works. Prosecutions by City Attorney under (56) 21 Prosecutions for violations of ordiances to be in Police Court, under (62(1) 22 Prosecution of actions on contracts directed by Mayor, under (36) 15 Prosecution of violation of ordinances, manner of, under. . (27(35) 12 Publication, contracts for, how made, under (82) 23 Publication for sale of real property of City shall be made under (27(4) 8 Publication of notice of bond election under (120) 28 Publication of ordinances, under (28) 13 Public buildings may be maintained under (27(10) 9 Public concerts, provisions for, under (27(40) 13 Public halls, construction of, under (27(28) 10 Public improvements, under control of Board of Trus- tees, under (27(5) 8 Public order. Mayor shall enforce, under (31(5) 14 Public Printing under, contracts for, may be let with- out advertising (82) 23 Public scales, provision for, under (27(8) 8 Public Utilities, under acquired, by City, shall be, when (90) 26 Board of Trustees may call election for acquisition of, when (92) 26 bonds of City, issuance of, in payment for! !*.!!!!!.'!!!( 91) 26 INDEX TO CHARTER. xliii Public Utilities, under (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page construction of, estimate of cost of (93) 26 defined (91) 26 election for acquisition of, how called (91) 26 electric light works are (91) 26 estimate of cost or construction of, shall be made when. (93) 26 gas works are (91) 26 indebtedness, limitation on amount of, for acquisi- tion of (96) 27 limitation on indebtedness for acquisition of (96) 27 management of, Board of Trustees shall provide for.. (101) 27 ordinance, acquisition of, shall be submitted by (91) 26 ordinance calling election for acquisition of, contents of. (94) 26 petition of electors for acquisition of, how made (91) 26 plan for acquisition of, must be submitted at election. (91, 93) 26 purchase of, estimate of cost of (93) 26 street railroads are (91) 26 telegraph or telephone works, local, are (91) 26 water works are (91) 26 Public Works, under, advertisement for bids for contracts for (82) 23 award of contracts for, notice of, given how (84) 24 bid for, lowest regular, must be accepted (84) 24 bid, if more than once by same person, etc., rejected. .(83) 24 bid, one only, allowed by same person, etc (83) 24 bids for contracts for, when advertised (82) 23 bids for, how made (82) 23 bids for, how presented (84) , 24 bids for, may be rejected (84) 24 bids for, must be rejected when (84) 24 Board of Trustees has charge and supervision of (81) 23 Board of Trustees has charge of furnishing of ma- terials and supplies for (81) 23 bond election for, when, shall not be undertaken without (87) 26 bond for performance of contracts for, filed with City Clerk (86) 25 honds for, issuance of (112) 27 canals are (87) 25 charge of. Board of Trustees shall have (81) 23 check, certified, for 10% to accompany proposal or bid, for (83) 24 check, certified, may be given in lieu of bond for (86) 25 checks accompanying bids for, forfeited when (84) 24 checks accompanying bids for, returned when (84) 24 collusion in bids voids contract for (85) 24 condemnation of property for (87) 25 contract for, of less than $300 need not be advertised for bids (82) 23 contract, shall be done under written when (82) 23 contracts for, avoided by collusion in bidding (85) 24 contracts for, awarded to lowest bidder (84) 24 •contracts for, changed how (86) 25 contracts for, contents of (86) 25 contracts for, drawn under supervision of City At- torney (86) 25 contracts for, duplicates of, filed with City Clerk (86) 25 contracts for, failure to complete in time avoids (86) 25 xliv INDEX TO CHARTER. Public Works, under (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page contracts for, how executed (86) 25 contracts for, payment on, void, when (86) 25 contracts for, time of completion of, may be extend- ed more than 90 days when (86) 25 drainage works are (87) 25 forfeiture of check accompanying bid for, may not be remitted (84) 24 levees are (87) 25 "materials and supplies" in connection with, -defined.. (82) 23 materials for, furnishing of, in charge of Board of Trustees (81) 23 materials for, shall be furnished under written con- tract, when (82) 23 necessary or proper, Board of Trustees shall cause to be done (81) 23 notice of awards of contract for, given how (84) 24 property relating to, possession and control of in Board of Trustees (80) 23 proposals for contracts for, when advertised (82) 23 proposals for, how made (82) 23 proposals for, may be rejected (84) 24 supervision of. City Engineer and Board of Trus- tees shall have (51, 81) 20-23 supplies for, furnishing of, in charge of Board of Trustees (81) 23 "supplies" in connection with, defined (82) 23 supplies for, shall be furnished under written con- tract, when (82) 23 sureties on bond for performance of, qualifications of... (86) 25 written contract, shall be done under, when (82) 23 Published, notices of applications for certain franchises shall be, under (27(30) 11 Punishment for doing business without license, under (45) 19 Punishment for violation of, and of ordinances under. . .(27(35) 12 Purchases by officers or employees from City forbid- den under (255) 45 Quorum of Board of Health, under (161) 30 Quorum of Board of Library Trustees, under (184) 34 Quorum of Board of Park Commissioners, under (192) 36 Quorum of Board of Police and Fire Commissioners, under. . (232) 42 Quorum of Board of Trustees, under (13) 5 Railroads may be required to install crossings and bridges, under (27(29) 11 Railroads may be required to station flagman, under (27(29) 11 Railroads required to keep in repair certain parts of streets, under (27(32) 12 Real property, purchase or sale of by City, under , . . (27(4) 7 Recall election, proceeding as to, under (282) 49 Receipts issued by Treasurer for moneys paid in under (41) 16 Records, City Engineer shall keep in office under (55) 21 Records of City Engineer property of City and to be turned over to successor under (55) 21 Records of City in custody of City Clerk under (41) 16 Records of City open to public inspection under (41) 16 INDEX TO CHARTER. xlv (Sec.(Subd.) Page Records of City, under custody and control of Board of Trustees, under (80) 23 Record of proceedings of Board of Trustees kept by City Clerk under (41) IS Records of Superintendent of Streets to be kept in office and delivered to successor, under (48) 20 Referendum ordinances, proceedings as to, under, (277, 278, 279, 280) 48-49 Register of streets, alleys, etc.. Superintendent of Streets required to keep, under (48) 20 Regulation and control of railroads (27 (15) 9 Regulation, license taxes may be imposed for, under (27(9) 8 Removal of officer for refusal to permit examination of books, etc., under (31(3) 14 Report of cash in treasury to Board of Trustees, under... (35) 15 Reports by City Clerk of funds and revenues under (41) 16 Report of Superintendent of Streets to Board of Trustees required by (47) 20 Report of variance in building plans, by City Engineer to Mayor under (53) 21 Reports of City Engineer to Board of Trustees, under (54) 21 Resolution, certain acts of Board of Trustees, under, to be by (19) 6 Resolutions when to be drafted by City Attorney under (56) 21 Revenues of City, see Taxes. Revenue, license taxes may be imposed for, under (27(9) 8 Riot, prevention of, under (27(12) 9 Riots, suppression of, by Mayor under (31(5) 14-15 Rubbish, streets and sidewalks required to be kept free from, under (27(33) 12 Rules governing officers, etc., made how under (27(34) 12 Rules, when to be drafted by City Attorney under (56) 21 Salary, under, Board of Education, members of, shall not have (130) 30 Board of Health, members of, shall not have (160) 30 Board of Trustees may fix, when (221) 40 Board of Trustees, of (220) 40 Board of Trustees, of, reduced, when (220) 40 Chief of Fire Department, of (221) 40 Chief of Police, of (221) 40 City Attorney, of (221) 40 City Clerk, of (221) 40 claims for, audited by City Clerk (42) 17 employes, of, amounts of (221) 40 firemen, of (234) 42 Library Trustees shall not have (180) 34 License Collector, of (221) 40 list of persons receiving, shall be posted by City Clerk (43) 18 Mayor, of (39. 221) 16-40 Officers of, amount of (220, 221) 40 officers, of, payable when (220) 40 Park Commissioners shall not have (192) 36 Police and Fire Commissioners shall not have (230) 42 Police Judge, of (221) 40 Policemen, of (234) 42 xlvi INDEX TO CHARTER. Salary, under (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page Superintendent of Streets, of (221) 40 Superintendent of Streets, of Deputy (221) 40 Sales by Officers or employees to City forbidden under (255) 45 Sanitary Inspector, under, See Officers. See Offices, badge of office prescribed by Board of Health, shall wear (175) 33 bond of, fixed by Board of Trustees and approved by Mayor (175) 33 duties of (175) 33 inspection, shall have right of, of all places in City (175) 33 Plumbing Inspector shall be ex-offlcio (175) 33 report, shall, to Board of Health, within 24 hours, all unsanitary conditions (175) 33 salary of, to be fixed by Board of Trustees (175) 33 Sanitary regulations under (27(38) 13 Schools, persons from households affected with certain diseases excluded from, under (168) 32 Schools, under, see Board of Education. Secret fund of Mayor, under (27(40) 13 Sewer, connection with, required by (270) 47 Sickness of Police Judge, any Fresno County Justice may sit, under (66) 22 Sidewalks, improvements, etc., of, under control of Board of Trustees, under (27(5) 8 Sidewalks, improvement of, may be assessed to adjacent property under (27(25) 10 Sidewalks required to be kept free from rubbish, etc., under (27(33) 12 Slaughter-Houses, licensing, inspection, etc., of, under. . (27(41) 13 Special meetings of Board, called how, under (13) 5 Stationary, contracts for, not let for more than one year.. (25) 7 Stationary to be furnished by City for Police Court, under.. (68) 22 Steam railroads, granting of franchise for, under (27(30) 11 Street Railroads are public utility under (91) 26 Street railroads, granting of franchises for, under (27(31) 11 Street repairs, contracts not let for more than one year (25) 7 Street, required to be kept free from rubbish, etc., under. .(27(33) 12 Streets, certain portions of, required to be kept in repair by railroads under (27(32) 12 Streets, improvement, etc., of, under control of Board of Trustees, under (27(5) 8 Sub-division of contracts forbidden, when, under (82) 23 Suit for recovery of license tax under (45) 18 Suit on rejected claim must be brought in 90 days under.. (42) 17 Suits can not be brought against the City, under, when.. (5) 2 Superintendent of Streets, under, alleys, shall enforce ordinances, etc., relating to (47) 19 appointed by Mayor subject to approval of Board of Trustees - (47) 19 bond of, amount of (214) 40 bond of, filed where (216) 40 damage from defective streets, is liable for (5) 2 drains, shall enforce ordinances, etc., relating to (47) 19 duties of (47^ 48) 19.20 highways, shall enforce ordinances, etc., relating to (47) 19 INDEX TO CHARTER. xlvii Superintendent of Streets, under (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page levees, shall enforce ordinances, etc., relating to (47) 19 oath of, contents of (272) 48 office of, forfeited when, see Officers, office, removal of from, see Officers. office, public, to be kept by (48) 20 recalled, may be when (282) 49 records of, may be inspected when (259) 46 records of, to be delivered to successor (48) 20 records of, to be kept in office of (48) 20 register of streets, alleys, etc., shall keep (48) 20 removal from office, see Officers. report to Board of Trustees of condition of streets, buildings, parks, etc., by (47) 20 residence of (267) 47 salary of, amount and payment of (221) 40 salary of deputy, amount and payment (221) 40 sewers, shall enforce ordinances, etc., relating to (47) 19 sidewalks, shall enforce ordinances, etc., relating to.. (47) 19 streets, shall enforce ordinances, etc., relating to (47) 19 Superior Court, appeals may be taken from Police Courts to, under (64) 22 Supervision by Mayor of officers and public institutions under (31, 36) 14-15 Suspension of officers for neglect or malfeasance under (36) 15 Suspension of officer for refusal to permit examination of books, etc., under (31(3) 14 Supplies, contracts for, not let for more than one year (25) 7 "Supplies," definition of, under , (82) 23 Supplies for public work, to be furnished under, written contract, when (82) 23 Sureties on bond of officer, liable for damages, under, when.. (5) 2 Surveying, City Engineer shall do, in prosecution of pub- lic works, under (51) 20 Surveyor, City Engineer shall be competent, under (50) 20 Surveys, City Engineer shall keep in his office under (55) 21 Taxes, under, apportionment of revenues from, into funds (112) 27 assessment of, manner of (224) 41 Board of Trustees shall levy on or before first Mon- day of September (110) 27 bonded indebtedness, for, may be in excess of or- dinary rate (Ill) 27 bonds, levy and collection of, for (124) 28 collection of, manner of (224) 28 funds into which revenues from, apportioned (112) 27 High School, for (132) 30 levy of. Board of Trustees makes. (27(3) 7 levy of, manner of (110, 224) 27-41 library, Board of Trustees levy, to maintain (181) 34 license, revenue from, apportioned as other revenues. .(112) 27 offices concerning, certain, are abolished (224) 41 offices concerning, certain, may be created (225) 41 ordinance assessing, copy of, served on County Auditor. (224) 41 ordinance assessing, copy of, server on County As- sessor (224) 41 xlviil INDEX TO CHARTER. Taxes, under (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page ordinance assessing, copy of, served on County Tax Collector (224) 41 ordinance assessing, copy of, served on County Treasurer (224) 41 parks, Board of Trustees levy, to maintain (198 37 parks, for, Park Commissioners shall make estimate of. (197) 37 rate of, fixed when (110) 27 rate of, shall not exceed $1.00 on hundred for or- dinary purposes (Ill) 27 revenues from, apportioned how (112) 27 special, voted by people, may be in excess of or- dinary rate (Ill) 27 Treasurer shall apportion revenues from, into funds.. (112) 27 Telegraph and telephone works are public utility under.. (91) 26 Telephone and telegraph wires, location of, under. . .(27(27, 29) 11 Theaters, construction of, under (27(28) 10 Transaction of business, Police Court shall be open at all times for (67) 22 Treasurer, apportionment of taxes by (112) 27 Treasurer, bonds of City signed by (123) 29 Treasurer shall not receive salary until funds accounted for under (42) 18 Treasury, count of money in, by Mayor, under (35) 15 Treasury, fines collected by Police Judge to be paid, into when, under (69) 22 Trustees of Library under, see Library. Undertakers, statistical forms and regulations for, provided by Board of Health under (163) 31 Vacancy in Board of Trustees, filled by Mayor, under (11) 5 Vacancy In elective office, how declared under (36) 15 Vacancy in elective office, how filled under (36, 204) 15-38 Vacancy in office of City Clerk, how filled under (38, 204) 16-38 Vacancy in office of Mayor, how filled under (37) 15 Vaccinate, Health office shall, free, when, under (172) 32 Verified, claims against City must be, under (42) 17 Veto of ordinance under, action of Board on (21) 6 Violation of, and ordinances, Police Court has exclusive jurisdiction of (62) 22 Violation of, and ordinances, punishment for (27(35) 12 Violations of, prosecuted by City Attorney (56) 21 Vital Statistics kept by Board of Health under (163) 31 Vote, deciding, Mayor shall cast on tie of Board of Trustees (32) 15 Votes of Board of Trustees on contracts taken how, under.. (26) 7 Votes of Trustees, taken how, under (18) 6 Wages, list of persons receiving, shall be posted by City Clerk, under (43) 18 Wards, manner of re-districting under (23) 6 Wards of City of Fresno boundaries of (7) 2 Wards of City of Fresno number of (7) 2 Wards under, requires re-districting into, every five years (23) 6 Wards, shall not be re-districted within 90 days of elec- tion, under (23) 6 Warrants, action on, when order for, disapproved by Mayor, under (33) 15 INDEX TO CHARTER. xlix (Sec.CSubd.) Page Warrants, except for salaries, signed by Mayor, under (33) 15 Warrant for purchase of real property by City, drawn when under (27(4) 8 Warrant, legal, which may be drawn under (27(19) 9 Warrants must be drawn and signed by City Clerk, under. . (42) 17 Warrant must be drawn on proper fund, under (42) 17 Warrants, numbering and contents of, under (42) 17 Water, City shall have power to supply and sell, under. (27(22) 10 Water, provisions for prevention of overflow by, under. .(27(39) 13 Water, rates paid by City under (25) 7 Water works are public utility under (91) 26 Witnesses, Board of Trustees may compel attendance of, under (14) 5 Works, public, City Engineer shall supervise, under (51) 20 Year, fiscal, under, defined (261) 46 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF FRESNO ARTICLE I. OF BOUNDARIES, RIGHTS AND LIABILITIES. Section 1. The municipal corporation, now existing, corporate known as the City of Fresno, shall remain and continue name; a body politic and corporate, in name and in fact, by the rights, etc. name of the City of Fresno, and by that name shall have perpetual succession; may sue and defend in all courts and places, and in all matters and proceedings whatever; and may have and use a common seal, and the same alter at pleasure; and may purchase, receive, hold and enjoy real and personal property, within and without the City of Fresno, and sell, convey and dispose of the same for the common benefit; and may determine and declare what are public uses, and when the necessity exists of condemn- ing lands therefor, and what are the lands it is necessary to condemn; and may receive bequests, gifts and dona- tions of all kinds of property, within and without the city, in fee simple or in trust for charitable or other purposes, and do all acts necessary to carry out the purposes of such bequests, gifts and donations, with power to manage, sell, lease or otherwise dispose of the same in accordance with the terms of the gift, bequest or trust. Sec. 2. The public buildings, lands and property, all property rights of property, and rights of action, all moneys, rev- vested in city, enues, and income belonging or appertaining to the City of Fresno, are hereby declared to be vested in said City of Fresno. Sec. 3. The said City of Fresno shall continue under this charter, to have, hold, use, and enjoy all public build- ings belonging to the City of Fresno, and lands and prop- erty, real and personal, rights of property, rights of action, suits, actions, moneys, revenues, income, books, documents, records, archives, claims, demands, and things in possession and action, of every nature and description, and shall be subject to all the obligations, debts, liabilities, dues, and duties of the existing municipality, - Sec. 4. Suits, actions and proceedings may be brought suits and in the name of the City of Fresno for the recovery of any actions, property, money, or thing, belonging thereto, in law or equity, or dedicated to public use by the City, or for the enforcement of any rights of, or contracts with, said City of Fresno, whether made or arising or accruing before or after the adoption of this charter; and all exist- ing suits, actions, and proceedings in the courts or else- where, to which said city is a party, shall continue to be carried on by or against the said City of Fresno. *As orig-inally ratified by election Oct. 19, 1899, approved by Act of Legislature, Jan. 28, 1901, and as amended by election Feb. 13, 1905, approved by Act of Legislature Feb. 28, 1905. CHARTER. City not liable for damages in certain cases. Boundaries of city. Sec. 5. No recourse shall be had against the city for damage or loss to person or property suffered or sus- tained by reason of the defective condition of any side- walk, street, avenue, lane, alley, court or place, or by reason of the defective condition of any sewer, or by reason of any defective drainage, whether any of said de- fects originally existed, or whether they were occasioned by construction, excavation or embankment; nor shall there be any recourse against the city for want of repair of any sidewalk, street, avenue, lane, alley, court or place, or by want of repair of any sewer; nor shall there be any re- course against the city for damage to person or property suffered or sustained by reason of accident on any sidewalk, street, avenue, lane, alley, court or place, or by falling from any embankment thereon or into any excavation therein; but in any such case the person or persons on whom the law may have imposed the obligation to repair such defect in the sidewalk, street or public highway, or in the sewer, and also the oflScer or officers through whose official negligence such defect remains unrepaired shall, with their sureties, be jointly and severally liable to the party injured for the damage sustained. Boundaries. (Sec. 6. The boundaries of the City of Fresno are as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of section three, township fourteen south, range twenty east. Mount Diablo Base and Meridian; thence north to the northeast corner of said section; thence west to the northwest cor- ner of section four in said township and range; thence south to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of said section four; thence west to the northwest corner of the east half of the southeast quarter of section five in said township and range; thence south to the southwest corner of the east half of the southeast quarter of section eight of said township and range; thence east to the southeast corner of the west half of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section ten in said township and range; thence north to the northeast corner of the west half of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of said section ten; thence west to the southeast comer of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said section ten; thence north to the northeast corner of the west half of the northeast quarter of said section ten; thence east to the point of beginning. Said boundaries include all of sections three, four and nine; the west half; the west half of the northeast quarter; the west half of the southeast quarter; and the west half of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of sec- tion ten; the east half of the southeast quarter of section five; the east half of the east half of section eight; all in township fourteen south, range twenty east, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian. Wards. Sec. 7. The City of Fresno is hereby divided into eight wards, numbered consecutively from one to eight inclusive, as follows: CHARTER. 3 1. All that portion of the City of Fresno bounded as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Magnolia street and the west boundary line of said city; thence east to the center line of Trinity street; thence south to the center line of Calaveras street (pro- duced) ; thence northeast along the center line of Cala- veras street to the intersection of said line with the center line of M street; thence northwesterly along the center line of M street to the northwesterly end thereof; thence north across Central Addition to the center line of Voor- man avenue; thence east to the center line of San Pablo avenue; thence north along the center line of San Pablo avenue to the center line of Belmont avenue; thence west to the produced center line of Bloomington avenue; thence north to the produced north line of lot 13 of said Bloom- ington Park Tract; thence westerly to the southeast corner of lot 22 of said Bloomington Park Tract; thence northerly to the northeast corner of lot 26 of said Bloomington Park Tract; thence westerly to the northwest corner of lot 27 of said Bloomington Park Tract; thence southerly to the southwest corner of lot 31 of said Bloomington Park Tract; thence westerly to the northwest corner of lot 34 of said Bloomington Park Tract; thence westerly across Kroeger avenue to the northeast corner of said Buena Vista Addi- tion; thence westerly along the north line of said Buena Vista Addition to the west boundary line of section 33 in township thirteen south of range twenty east, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian; thence south to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of section four in township four- teen south of range twenty east, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian; thence west to the northwest corner of the east half of the southeast quarter of section five in said town- ship and range; thence south to the center line of Magnolia avenue. (As changed by Ordinance No. 614.) 2. All that portion of said City of Fresno bounded by the centers of Magnolia avenue, Trinity, Calaveras, L and Fresno streets and the west boundary line of the City, shall constitute the Second Ward. (As changed by Ordi- nance 416.) 3. All that portion of the City of Fresno bounded as follows: Commencing at the center of the intersection of L and Fresno streets, thence northwesterly to the center of the intersection of L and Calaveras streets; thence northeasterly to the center of the intersection of Cala- veras and M streets; thence northwesterly to the center of the northwesterly end of M street; thence north across Central Addition to the center line of Voorman avenue; thence east to the center line of San Pablo avenue; thence north along the center line of San Pablo avenue to the center line of Belmont avenue; thence west to the pro- duced center line of Bloomington avenue; thence north to the center of the intersection of Bloomington and Engle- wood avenues; thence east to the center of the intersection of Englewood and Glenn avenues; thence north to the cen- ter of the intersection of Glenn and La Salle avenues; thence east to the center of the intersection of La Salle and Blackstone avenues; thence south to the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter First ward. Second ward. Third ward. CHARTER. Fourth ward. Fifth ward. Sixth ward. Seventli ward. Eighth ward. of section thirty-four in township thirteen south of range twenty east, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian; thence east to the center line of Weymouth avenue; thence south along the center lines of Weymouth avenue and Diana street to the center line of Q street; thence southeasterly along the center line of Q street to the center of the intersection of Q and Fresno streets; thence southwesterly to the point of commencement. (As changed by Ordinance No. 614.) 4. All that portion of the City of Fresno lying south- west of the center line of N street and between the centers of Fresno and Tulare streets shall constitute the Fourth Ward. (As changed by Ordinance 416.) 5. All that portion of the City of Fresno bounded as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the center of the inter- section of N and Tulare streets; thence northeasterly along the center line of Tulare street to the center line of Tulare avenue; thence east to the east line of section three in township fourteen south of range twenty east. Mount Diablo Base and Meridian; thence north to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty-four in township thirteen south of range twenty east, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian; thence west to the center line of Weymouth avenue ; thence along the center lines of Weymouth avenue and Diana street to the center line of Q street; thence southeasterly to the center of the intersection of Q and Fresno streets; thence southwesterly to the center of the intersection of Fresno and N streets; thence southeasterly to the point of commencement. (As changed by Ordinance No. 614.) 6. All that portion of the City of Fresno southwest of the centers of K street and between the centers of Tulare street and Ventura avenue shall constitute the Sixth Ward. (As changed by Ordinance 416.) 7. All that portion of the City of Fresno bounded by the centers of Tulare avenue and Tulare and K streets, the center of Ventura avenue and the east boundary of the City shall constitute the Seventh Ward. (As changed by Ordinance 416.) 8. All that portion of the City of Fresno southeast of the center of Ventura avenue shall constitute the Eighth Ward. (As changed by Ordinance 416.) (City redistricted pursuant to Sec. 23 of original Charter by Ord. 416, in effect April 28, 1902.) Board of Trustees. Qualifications. Election of. ARTICLE II. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. Sec. 10. The legislative power of the city shall be vested in a Board of Trustees, consisting of eight members. Each member thereof shall be at least 25 years of age, and a resident and qualified elector of the ward from which he is elected. A Board of Trustees shall be elected every four years, one member from each ward, but by the votes of the entire city, the candidate from each ward receiving the highest number of votes to be declared elected. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) CHARTER. Sec. 11. Any vacancy occurring in the office of Trustee shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor, and the per- son so appointed by him shall possess the qualifications hereinbefore prescribed for members of said board, and shall hold office until the election and qualification of a Trustee to fill the vacancy, which election shall take place at the next succeeding municipal election. Sec. 12. The Board of Trustees shall meet on the first Monday after the election of its members shall have been officially declared, and shall hold regular meetings on every first and third Monday monthly thereafter; provided, that if any regular meeting shall fall on a holiday, such meeting shall be held on the Tuesday following unless the Board of Trustees at the previous meeting shall by order entered in its minutes direct that a meeting shall be held on such holiday. It shall be lawful for the Board of Trustees to meet and transact any of its business on any legal holiday, and any business transacted at such meeting shall be as valid as if transacted on any other lawful day. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 13. Special meetings of the Board of Trustees may be called by the Mayor or by three Trustees. Five mem- bers shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business in which the concurrence of a larger number shall not by this Charter be required; provided, that no ordi- nance shall ever be passed by less than the affirmative votes of five members. A less number than five members at any meeting may adjourn to another time and compel the attendance of absent members under such penalties as the Board of Trustees may prescribe by ordinance or resolution. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 14. The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall estab- lish rules for its proceedings. It shall have the power to punish its members for disorderly conduct in its presence; and may expel any member for malfeasance in office by an affirmative vote of seven of its members. The board shall also have the power to compel the attendance of witnesses, and the production of all papers relating to any business before that body, and may punish disobedience of its subpoena, or contemptuous or disorderly conduct committed in its presence, by fine not exceeding fifty dol- lars, or imprisonment not exceeding five days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 15. The Mayor and the chairman of each com- mittee of the board shall have the power to administer oaths and affirmations relating to any business brought before the board or under consideration by any committee thereof. Sec. 16. No ordinance shall be amended by reference to its title only; but when any ordinance is amended, the section, or, if subdivided, the subdivision amended, shall be set out in full as amended. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Vacancy, how filled. Meetings. Meetings on Holidays. Exceptions. Special meetings. Quorum, Adjournment. Compelling attendance of absent members. Rules, etc. Oaths. Ordinances amended, how? CHARTER. Ordinances to be entitled. Ayes and noes. Legislation to be by ordinance. Concurrence of 6 members, necessary when? Publication of ordinances. Publication, when unnecessary. Grants and renewals of franchises. Approval and veto of ordinances. Action on vetoed ordinances. In effect. City to be re-districted every fifth year after 1912. Sec. 17. Every ordinance shall have a title briefly stat- ing the general subject thereof. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 18. No proposed ordinance shall be adopted ex- cept by vote taken by ayes and noes, and the names be entered in the minutes. Sec. 19. All legislation by the Board of Trustees shall be by ordinance; other acts thereof may be by resolution, upon motion, or other customary and lawful method. No ordinance granting any franchise, or calling for an. election or submission of a proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness, shall be passed without the concurrence of at least six members. No ordinance other than such as is required by law to be passed at or within a time certain, shall be passed within five days after its introduction, nor until it has been published at least once in a newspaper published in the City of Fresno, or posted in three public places therein; provided, that if it be amended after so published, it shall be republished as amended before passage; provided further, that any ordinance other than such as grant fran- chises or propose the incurring of a bonded indebtedness, may be passed at any meeting by the affirmative votes of eight members, and so recorded, which by its terms may be made to take effect immediately without publication. No ordinance granting any franchise shall be put upon its final passage within thirty days after its introduction, and no franchise shall be renewed before one year prior to its expiration. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 20. Every proposed ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees shall be submitted to the Mayor, the Clerk noting thereon the time of delivery to him. The Mayor shall consider the same, and if he approve it, he shall sign and return it to the Clerk; if he shall disapprove it he shall state his objection thereto in writing, and, in either case, return it to the Clerk within ten days, after receiving it. If he shall sign it or fail to return it to the Clerk within ten days, it shall become an ordinance. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 21. When such proposed ordinance shall be re- turned with the objections of the Mayor, the Board of Trus- tees shall, on or before its next regular meeting, proceed to consider and vote on the same. If it be again passed, by the vote of six members voting therefor, it shall take effect as if approved by the Mayor; otherwise it shall be finally lost. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 22. No ordinance passed by the board shall take effect until ten days after its passage and approval unless otherwise provided in the enactment. Sec. 23. The Board of Trustees shall, not later than the year 1912, and every fifth year thereafter, redistrict the city into eight wards, making them as nearly equal in population and as geographically compact as possible, but the city shall not be redistricted into wards within ninety days previous to any municipal election. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) CHARTER. Sec. 24. The enacting clause of all ordinances shall be in these words: "The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows." Sec. 25. Except as otherwise herein provided, no con- tract for supplies, printing, advertising, . stationery, main- tenance of prisoners, water, fuel, street sprinkling, street repairs, or lighting streets, public buildings, places or offices, shall be made for a longer period than one year; nor shall any contract be made to pay for water, fuel, gas, electric lights, or any other illuminating material at a higher rate than is charged to any other customer. Sec. 26. No contract calling for the payment of more than one hundred dollars shall be effective unless author- ized by a vote of the Board of Trustees; when any con- tract shall be so authorized it shall, before it becomes effective, be presented to the Mayor for his approval; and the Mayor shall return the same to the board, or to the clerk thereof, within five days after receiving it. If he sign the same it shall then become a contract, but if he disapprove it, he shall state his objections thereto in writ- ing. If the proposed contract be not returned with such approval or disapproval within said five days, it shall be- come valid as if he had approved the same. When a pro- posed contract is returned without the approval of the Mayor, the Board of Trustees shall, within ten days there- after, proceed to consider and vote on the same. If it be again authorized by an affirmative vote of not less than six members, it shall become a valid contract of the city the same as if the Mayor had signed it, and not otherwise. The vote shall be taken by ayes and noes, and the result shall be entered in the minutes of the board. Sec. 27. The Board of Trustees shall have power: First. Except as in this Charter otherwise provided, to try, and by majority vote of all the members of the Board to remove from office appointees against whom charges have been preferred; and by not less than seven affirma- tive votes to remove any appointee at any time when in the judgment of the Board the public service will be im- proved thereby. Second. To make by-laws and ordinances not repug- nant to the Constitution of the United States or of the State of California, or any of the provisions of this Charter. Third. To levy and collect taxes and assessments on all property within the city, both real and personal, made taxable by law for state or county purposes, as hereinafter provided and limited. Fourth. To buy, sell, use, lease, control, have police power over, improve and take care of the real estate and personal property of the city; provided, however, that said Board shall have no power to mortgage or hypothecate any property of said city for any purpose; provided further, that no real property shall be purchased or sold until the same shall have been appraised by three appraisers, one of whom shall be the Mayor, and two competent disinterested persons appointed by the Board. Such appraisers shall Enacting clause. Duration of contracts. Contracts over $100 must be authorized by vote of Trustees. Mayor's veto to contracts, etc. Removal from office by Trustees. Powers of. Power to make by-laws and ordinances. Levy and collection of taxes. Power over city property. City property not to be mortgaged or hypothecated. Property to be appraised before purchase or sale. 8 CHARTER. Notice calling for sealed proposals must be published. Powers with reference to streets House numbering. Power with reference to giant powder, etc. Abatement of nuisances. Board to have general police powers. Slaughter houses, etc. Inspection and weighing. Power to license amusements. General power to fix license taxes. Saloons, etc. Power to prohibit certain sports, gambling, etc. make a written report under oath to said board of the actual value of the same, and no title shall pass from said city, in case of a sale, and no warrant shall be drawn, in case of a purchase, until such appraisement; and provided further, that no real property shall be sold except after publication calling for sealed proposals for at least ten days in a newspaper pub^iffshed in said city. Fifth. To lay out, extend, alter or close streets and alleys, provide for the grading, draining, cleaning, repairing, widening, lighting, or otherwise permanently improving the same, and for the construction, repair, regulation and preservation of sidewalks, bridges, drains, curbs, gutters and sewers, and to prevent or remove obstructions thereto or to any part thereof, and to provide for the numbering of houses and spaces. iSixth. To regulate or exclude the landing and storage of gunpowder and other combustible materials. Seventh. To determine what are nuisances, and to prevent and remove the same. Eighth. To regulate the maintenance of acid works, slaughter-houses, wash-houses, laundries, tanneries, offen- sive trades, and all other works, store-houses and busi- ness of every description that may endanger the public safety, health or comfort, and to restrict the prosecution thereof to such fixed limits as may seem proper or ex- clude such works and business from the city. To provide for the appointment of an officer for the inspection, measurement or graduation of any merchan- dise, manufacture or commodity, and to regulate his duties and provide for his compensation. To provide public scales for weighing according to lawful standards, and to provide regulations for the use thereof and for the appointment and compensation of agent to conduct the same. Ninth. To fix and collect license taxes for revenue and regulation, on, and to regulate theaters, melodeons, dance halls, concerts and all theatrical and melodeon per- formances of any kind for which an admission fee is charged or which may be held in any house where wines or liquors are sold; circuses, shows, billiard tables, bowling alleys, and all exhibitions and amusements. To fix and collect a license tax for the purposes afore- said on all taverns, hotels, lodging houses, restaurants, saloons, bar rooms, bankers, brokers, gold dust buyers, manufacturers, livery stable keepers, express companies and persons engaged in transmitting letters or packages, railroad and stage companies or owners, whose principal place of business is in said city, or who shall have an agency therein; to license and regulate auctioneers; to license, tax, regulate, prohibit or suppress, all tippling houses, dram shops, saloons, bars, bar rooms, raffles, hawk- ers, peddlers, pawn-brokers, refreshment or coffee stands, booths and sheds; to prohibit and suppress all dog fights, prize fights, cock fights, bull or bear or badger baits; also, to prohibit or suppress all gaming and all gambling or disorderly houses; to regulate, prohibit or suppress all CHARTER. 9 Tiouses of ill-fame; also, to fix and collect a license tax, for revenue, upon all lawful professions, trades or busi- nesses not heretofore specified. Tenth. To provide and maintain all public buildings, parks or squares necessary or proper for the use of the city, within or without the limits Cl the same. Eleventh. To provide and maintain a morgue, and city hospital. Twelfth. To prevent and restrain any riot or riotous assemblage or disorderly conduct within said city, or on property owned or leased by it. Thirteenth. To establish and regulate markets. Fourteenth. To provide for conducting elections and appointing the necessary election officers. Fifteenth. To fix, alter and change the route of any railroad in the city, and regulate the speed at which the cars may run within the city limits, or any portion thereof. Sixteenth. To examine, either in open session, or by committee or commission, books, papers, vouchers, reports and statements of the several officers, or of any other per- son having custody, care, management, collection, dis- bursement or control of any moneys or property belong- ing, appertaining or appropriated to the city, or either of its funds, trusts or uses. Seventeenth. To license for revenue and regulation hackney coaches, cabs, omnibuses, drays and other vehicles used for hire, and to regulate their stands and rates of fare, and to license or suppress runners for taverns or hotels. Eighteenth. To examine and liquidate all accounts against the city, and to allow or reject the same or any part thereof, as found legal or illegal. Nineteenth. To make appropriations authorized by law; to examine and audit, reject or allow the accounts of all officers or other persons having the care, manage- ment, collection or disbursement of any money collected for, belonging, appertaining or appropriated to the city, or any of its uses or trusts, and to determine, allow and pay the salary, fees or percentage which such officer or person may by law be entitled to receive, except as other- wise herein provided; to make contracts and agreements for the use and benefit of the city, such contracts and agreements in all cases to specify the fund or funds out of which payment for the same is to be made, and that the same shall be paid out of the moneys appropriated to such fund or funds for the fiscal year. In no case shall a liability be created or a warrant drawn against any fund beyond the actual amount of money existing in such fund wherewith to meet the same: porvided, however, should the Board, or a majority thereof, contract or create any debt against the city, not author- ized by the provisions of this Charter, such debt, claim or obligation shall be null and void as against the city or any License tax on professions, etc. Maintenance of public buildings, etc. Morgue and city hospital. Riots and disorderly conduct. Regulation of markats. Conduct of elections. Police power with reference to railroads Powp-r to audit accounts. Examination of books, etc. Regulation of cabs and hotel runners. Power to allow or reject bills. To examine and audit accounts of officers. To make contracts. No warrant to exce'^d money in fund. Unauthorized debts void as against city. 10 CHARTER. Trustee voting in favor of illegal debt, personally responsible and removable from office. Regulation of cemeteries. Police powers with reference to erection or alteration, etc., of buildings. Fire limits. City water supply. Street lighting. City prisoners. Assessments for improvements. Power to establish and regulate pound. Boilers — poles, etc. Regulation of places of assembly or Exits to theaters, etc. of its funds; but every Trustee voting in favor of the con- tracting or creation of any such illegal debt, shall be held personally responsible for the entire debt so created or contracted, and shall be deemed guilty of a malfeasance in office, and upon conviction shall be removed therefrom. Twentieth. To control, enlarge and improve or abolish the cemeteries belonging to the city, and to acquire other cemeteries, and to sell or lease lots therein; to control and regulate interments, and to prohibit them within the city limits. Twenty-first. To establish fire limits and prevent the erection of wooden buildings therein; to regulate the con- struction of buildings, sheds, awnings and signs; and to forbid the erection, alteration, improvement or repair of any building to be used for immoral or unlawful purposes, or in such manner as to obstruct the officers of the law; and to require permits for the erection, repair or improve- ment of buildings, and that all applications for such per- mits shall state the purpose for which the building is to be used. Twenty-second. To provide for supplying the city with water, and to regulate the sale and distribution thereof. Twenty-third. To provide for lighting the public streets, alleys, public buildings and public grounds, and to construct, purchase, lease, own, control, maintain and operate a system of lighting by artificial gas, natural gas, electricity or other means of illumination. Twenty-fourth. To provide and maintain a city prison, and for the care, feeding, working and clothing of the city prisoners; provided, that during such time as the city shall have no such prison, sentences to imprisonment for viola- tions of the Charter or ordinances shall mean, and shall be executed by, imprisonment in the County Jail of Fresno County, within the city. Twenty-fifth. To make real estate in said city limits liable for the construction of sidewalks, crossings and all other street improvements adjacent thereto, and provide for the forced sale thereof for such purposes. Twenty-sixth. To prevent or regulate the running at large of any animals; to establish a pound within or with- out the city, and to authorize the destruction, sale or im- pounding of any animal found running at large in the city or upon any of the public property of the city. Twenty-seventh. To regulate or prohibit the use of steam boilers, -gas and gasoline engines, the location of telegraph, telephone, electric light and other poles and wires, and the construction of entrances to cellars and basements from sidewalks. Twenty-eighth. To regulate the entrances to and exits from theaters, lecture rooms, public halls and churches, and the number and construction of such entrances and exits, and to prohibit the placing of chairs, benches, stools or other obstacles in the aisles of such buildings; also to ordain regalations for the construction or alteration of any classes of buildings where deemed necessary for the safety of persons, in cases of fire or otherwise. CHARTER. 11 Twenty-ninth. To regulate and control the construction and maintenance of, and to grant the right to construct and maintain, subject to control by the Board, pipes, tubes, conduits, signal bells, warning signs, wires and other elec- tric, telegraph and mechanical appliances, in, along, over, under and across the streets; provided, that said appli- ances shall be so constructed and placed as not to inter- fere with the fire alarm system, nor with the extinguishing of fires, nor with the free use of the sidewalks and streets. Also to require railroad companies either to station flag- men or to place sufiicient warning signals or signal bells on such street crossings as may, in the judgment of the Board, be necessary. To construct or require any railroad corporation operat- ing a railroad in or through the city, to construct all neces- sary and convenient crossing or bridges over or under such railroad tracks, and according to plans and specifications and directions therefor provided by resolution or ordinance of the Board of Trustees; and to require to be opened and maintained by any railroad company or corporation operat- ing, maintaining and conducting any railroad through any portion of the city, all such street crossing as may now exist or that public convenience may require in the judg- ment of the Board of Trustees of said city; and, by reso- lution or ordinance, compel the opening of said crossings, and the maintenance and repair thereof as directed and required; and to prohibit the obstruction of any and all such crossings. Thirtieth. To grant franchises by ordinance permitting any person, company or corporation to lay and maintain tracks and to pass with steam railroads along, upon and across or elevated above or placed below any street of the city; provided, that the free use of such street shall not be unnecessarily obstructed thereby; and provided further, that any such franchise shall be granted only after notice published for thirty days in a daily paper published in the city, and by ordinance passed by the affirmative votes of not less than six members of the Board of Trustees. Such grants shall be without prejudice to the rights of non-con- senting owners to compensation for damages. Thirty-first. To grant franchises by ordinance for a term not exceeding twenty-five years for any lawful public service, and when for the construction and operation of street railroads on or along the streets of the city, upon the following terms, viz: Whenever the Board of Trustees shall determine that a franchise to construct and operate a street railroad along and upon any of the streets of the city should be granted, it shall, after such determination, cause notice to be pub- lished for ten days in a daily newspaper published in the city, specifying the route over and along which it is de- termined to grant such franchise, and shall offer to grant the same to the person, company or corporation that shall agree to pay to the City of Fresno, at the expiration of five years after the franchise is granted, and thereafter semi-annually, the largest per centum of the gross receipts of such road; provided, that all grants of franchises for Regulation of the use of streets. Conduits, etc. Regulation of railroad crossings. Opening of streets. Grants of railway franchises. Grants of franchises for public services generally. Publication of notices. Franchises to be granted to highest bidder. 12 CHARTER. Street railway- fares not to exceed 5c. 3 per cent of gross receipts of railway to be paid to city after 5 years. Repair of streets by railway companies. Power to require filling of water holes. To require owners to keep sidewalks free from weeds, etc. Power to fix duties and compensation of certain officers. Power to fix penalties for violation of ordinance of charter. Civil or criminal prosecution for violation optionally. Power to employ additional counsel. Street railways shall be upon condition that single lares on such roads shall not exceed five cents, and that only- such rails as are the most approved pattern shall be made use of in the construction of the road. The Board may, in the granting of such franchise, im- pose such further regulations and restrictions in the use thereof as to it may appear expedient, and may also reject any and all bids and refuse to grant any franchise for the proposed route; provided, further, that the Board shall not grant any franchise for the construction of a street railway except upon conditions that at least three per cent of the gross receipts of such railway shall be paid to the city each year after the expiration of five years from the granting of the franchise. Thirty-second. To require every railroad company to keep the streets in repair between the tracks and along and within the distance of two feet upon each side of the tracks occupied by the Company. Thirty-third. To require, upon such notice as the Board may direct, any lots or portions of lots within the city which may be covered with stagnant water a portion of the year, to be filled up to such a level or grade as will prevent the same from being so covered, and to assess the cost of such filling upon such real estate, and provide that it shall be a lien thereon; and to require and provide that the owners of lots fronting on any street or sidewalk of the city shall at all times keep such sidewalks free from weeds, grass and rubbish and other obstructions, and to remove all rubbish and unsightly matter from their prop- erty. Thirty-fourth. To make all needful rules to govern the official conduct and duties of all officers and employees of the city whose duties are not defined by this Charter, and to impose additional duties upon those whose duties are stated; and to fix and regulate the charges and fees of all such officers where the fees are not otherwise fixed, and to compel the payment of all such charges and fees into the City Treasury. Thirty-fifth. To prescribe fines, forfeitures and penal- ties for the breach of an ordinance and for the violation jf any provision of this Charter; but no such fine or other pecuniary penalty, shall exceed three hundred dollars in amount and no penalty of imprisonment shall exceed ninety days, but such punishment may be by both such fine and imprisonment; provided, that the violation of any ordi- nance of said city shall constitute a misdemeanor and may be prosecuted by the authorities of said city in a criminal action in the name of the People of the State of California, or be redressed in a civil action in any court of competent jurisdiction in the name of the City, at the option of the city authorities. Thirty-sixth. To authorize the Mayor to employ, in addition to the City Attorney, an attorney at law to prose- cute and defend the interests or property rights of the City of Fresno, or any question involving the rights of the inhabitants thereof in any suit pending or to be brought for CHARTER. 13 or against the said city or any of its oflacers; and to pro- vide for the employment and compensation of said attor- ney in any such suit or action, provided that where such compensation exceeds the sum of two hundred dollars, such employment or contract must be approved by the Board of Trustees. Thirty-seventh. To make all rules and regulations necessary and proper for carrying into execution the fore- going powers and all other powers vested in the Board of Trustees by this Charter, or by general laws. Thirty-eighth. To make and enforce all such other local, police, sanitary and other regulations as are not in conflict with the provisions of this Charter, or the con- stitution of this State. Thirty-ninth. To provide for the erection and construc- tion of necessary levees, water ways, and other structures within and without the city, where necessary to prevent the overflow of said city by water and to provide for the payment of the cost thereof. Fortieth. To appropriate annually a sum or sums of money, not exceeding in the aggregate one thousand dol- lars, for public concerts or other entertainments in the open air, which shall be free to all the public, and the dates, hours and places of which shall be under the con- trol of the Board of Trustees. Also to appropriate a sum not more than five hundred dollars annually, to be placed at the disposal of the Mayor, for use in furthering the ends of justice in such ways as to him shall seem best for the interests of the city, of which said sum no account shall be required of him. Forty-first. To provide for licensing, inspecting and regulating dairies and slaughter-houses, whether within or without the city, where the milk, butter, cream, cheese and meats from same are brought into said city for sale or are sold in said city, and to provide for granting licenses only on inspection; to provide for licensing and regulating venders of milk, butter, cheese, cream and meats; and to exclude dairies and slaughter-houses from the city; to grant power to the Board of Health to issue such licenses. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 28. The Board of Trustees shall, during the year 1905, and every five years thereafter, cause to be classified and codified under appropriate heads all ordinances then in force, and provide for the publication thereof in book or pamphlet form, together with the Charter; no other publi- cation shall be required. The Board of Trustees shall also, at the end of each year, except the years aforesaid, cause to be published in pamphlet form, all ordinances passed or amended during such year and then in force. When such ordinances are so classified and codified as above provided, it shall be lawful for the Board of Trus- tees to revise and amend the same and to pass or adopt the whole as amended, as one or more ordinances, and no other publication other than such book or pamphlet shall be required. Incidental powers. Construction of levees, etc. Appropriations for concerts, etc. Appropriation of money for Mayor's use. Regulation of dairies and slaughter houses. Codification and publication of ordinances. 14 CHARTER. Every officer shall be entitled to one copy of all such hooks or pamphlets, and a sufficient number shall be pub- lished for general distribution in the city. (Added. Elec- tion Feb. 13, 1905.) Duties of the Mayor. Messages. Enforce laws, etc. Have books experted yearly. Supervisory power. Preservation of order. ARTICLE III. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. The Mayor. Section 30. There shall be a Mayor, who shall be the chief executive officer of the city. He shall be at least thirty-two years of age. Sec. 31. He shall vigilantly observe the official conduct of all public oflEicers, and take note of the fidelity and ex- actitude, or the want thereof, with which they execute their duties and obligations, especially in the collection, administration and disbursement of the public funds and property; and the books, records, and official papers of all departments, boards, officers and persons in the employ or service of the city, shall at all times be open to his in- spection and examination. He shall take special care to see that the books and records of the said departments, boards, officers and persons are kept in legal and proper form; and any official defalcation or willful neglect of duty, or official misconduct which he may discover or which shall be reported to him, shall be laid by him before the Board of Trustees, City Attorney or District Attorney, in order that the public interests may be protected, and the person in default be proceeded against according to law. One. He shall, from time to time, give the Board of Trustees information in writing relative to the state of the city, and shall recommend such measures as he may deem beneficial to its interests. Two. He shall see that the laws of the State, the pro- visions of this charter, and the ordinances of the city are observed and enforced. Three. He shall appoint a competent person or per- sons, expert in matters of bookkeeping and accounts, to examine the books, records, condition, and affairs of every department, board or officer, and report fully thereon, in writing, to him at least once in every year, and to enforce such examination. Any person refusing to submit to or permit such examination, or purposely delaying or imped- ing the same, must be suspended from office by the Mayor, and may be removed as for malfeasance in office. Four. He shall have a general supervisions over all departments and public institutions of the city, and see that they are honestly, economically and lawfully con- ducted. Five. He shall take all proper measures for the pres- ervation of public order and the suppression of all riots and tumults, for which purpose he is authorized and em- powered to use and command the police force; and if such CHARTER. 15 police force is insufficient, it shall be his duty to call upon the citizens, or the Grovernor for military aid, in the man- ner provided by law, in order that such riots or tumults may be properly and effectually suppressed. Sec. 32. The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Trustees, and shall be entitled to vote only on questions coming before said board when the votes of said Trustees are evenly divided. Sec. 33. The Mayor shall sign in behalf of the city, all written contracts approved by him. All written contracts to which the city is a party shall be executed in duplicate, and one copy delivered to the other contracting party, and the other filed in the office of the City Clerk. The Mayor shall sign all warrants except for salaries, ordered by the Board of Trustees, unless the order shall be disapproved by him, in which case like proceedings with like effect, as near as may be, shall be had as in case of contracts disapproved by him, as provided in Section 26 of this Charter. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 34. The Mayor shall sign all conveyances made by said city, and is authorized to acknowledge the execu- tion of all instruments executed by said city, that require to be acknowledged. Sec. 35. He shall, at least once a month, together with the Clerk and City Attorney, count the cash in the city treasury and see that it corresponds with the books of the Treasurer and Clerk, and report the result of such count to the Board of Trustees. Sec. 36. He shall see that all contracts and agree- ments with the city are faithfully kept and fully per- formed; and to that end shall cause legal proceedings to be commenced and prosecuted in the name of the city, against all persons or corporations failing to fulfill their agreements or contracts, either in whole or in part. He shall have the general supervision of all city officers elected or appointed; he shall have power to suspend any elective city officer (except a member of the Board of Trustees) for a dereliction, neglect or non-performance of duty, and shall report the same to the Board of Trustees. If the board, after a hearing, by affirmative vote of at least six members, approve of the suspension, they shall declare the office vacant, or continue the suspension for such time as they may deem proper, and such vacancy shall be filled by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. Sec. 37. During the temporary absence or disability of the Mayor, the Board of Trustees shall elect one of its members to act as Mayor pro tem, in like conditions dur- ing his term of office, who shall, after taking the oath as such, perform the duties of Mayor during such times. When a vacancy occurs in the office of Mayor it shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Board of Trustees by the election of a duly qualified person other than a member of such Board of Trustees. (As amended. Elec- tion Feb. 13, 1905.) To preside at meetings of Trustees, Mayor to approve and sig-n all contracts and warrants. Sign all papers, etc. Count cash. Enforce faithful performance of contracts. Acting Mayor. Vacancy in office to be filled by Board of Trustees. 16 CHARTER. Appointments by Mayor. Trustees not to suggest or request appointments. Mayor shall hold no other office. Other duties. Duties of City Clerk. Sec. 38. The Mayor, by and with the consent of th& Board of Trustees, shall, in writing, appoint all officers of the City whose election or appointment is not other- wise provided for in this Charter or by law. When a nomination is made to the Board of Trustees, it shall be confirmed or rejected not later than the next regular meet- ing thereof; and in case the officer nominated is not con- firmed, the Mayor shall, within ten days thereafter^ nominate another, and may continue doing so until the place is filled. No member of the Board of Trustees shall ever sug- gest or request the appointment of, appoint or nominate any officer, clerk or employee to any place in the city government, except to fill a vacancy in the office of Mayor or City Clerk, and necessary election officers. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 39. The Mayor shall not, during the term for which he shall have been elected, hold any other office or be a member of any board or commission connected with the federal, state, county or city government, except as in this Charter otherwise provided. Nor shall he ever receive from the city, for any cause or reason, any other or greater compensation than the salary allowed him by this Charter as Mayor. Sec. 40. The Mayor shall perform all such other duties as may be prescribed by law or ordinance. City Clerk. Sec. 41. There shall be a City Clerk who shall have the custody of and be responsible for the corporate seal and all books, papers, records and archives belonging to the city not in actual use by other officers or elsewhere by special provision committed to their custody; he shall be present at each meeting of the Board of Trustees, and keep a record of its proceedings; he shall keep separate books in which, respectively, he shall record all ordi- nances, contracts, and official bonds; he shall keep all of his books properly indexed and open to public inspection when not in actual use; he shall make out, sign and de- liver to the collector, charging him therewith and taking his receipt therefor, all licenses and receipts for water rates; he shall number and keep a record of all demands passed by the board, showing the date of approval, amount and name of original holder, the number, on what account, and out of what fund payable. It shall be his duty to be constantly acquainted with the exact condition of the treasury. He shall, on application of any person indebted to the city, holding money payable into the city treasury, or desiring to pay money therein, certify to the Treasurer the amount thereof, to what fund applicable, and by whom to be paid. He shall, upon the written order of the Treas- urer directing him to issue a receipt for money paid into the city treasury, charge the Treasurer with the amount received by him and give the person paying the same a receipt therefor. It shall be his duty to apportion among the several funds all public money at any time in the city treasury not by law or ordinance spefically appor- tioned and appropriated, and forthwith notify the Treas- CHARTER. 17 Tirer of such apportionment or appropriation. He shall counter sign and deliver to the proper officer all licenses and receipts for water rates, charging them therewith and taking their receipts therefor. Sec. 42. He shall, on the first Monday of each month, or oftener if required, report in writing to the Mayor and Board of Trustees, the condition of each fund in the treas- ury. He shall make a semi-annual report to the same, showing the sources from which the city's revenues are derived, and the amount paid into the treasury from each source, and the amount expended, and for what purpose. He shall state in such report, separately, the revenues derived from licenses authorized by the Charter, and so separately of every other source of revenue, or money paid to the city. He shall set forth in the proper book a plain and businesslike statement of every money tran- saction of the city, so that he can at any time tell the exact condition of the city's finances, and each fund thereof. He shall audit all claims for salaries of officers and employees of the city, except as otherwise in this Charter provided, and shall draw and sign warrants for amounts legally due on the same, and all warrants finally ordered by the Board of Trustees; he shall number and mark filed every claim properly presented for allowance, with the date of filing and refer the same to the Board of Trustees at its next session for its examination by com- mittee or otherwise, and for its approval or rejection. He shall designate and draw upon the proper fund for the payment of the same as ordered by the Board of Trus- tees; he must number all warrants consecutively in the order allowed and drawn, with the date, amount and to whom payable, and the same shall be entitled to pay- ment in the same order as allowed and drawn. Every demand against the city treasury, except for salaries of city officers and employees and except upon bonds, and coupons for interest, must be itemized, specify- ing the goods furnished, the service performed, or other basis of the claim, giving the date and amount of each item, and by whom ordered, and the amount of the claim, and must be verified by the oath of the claimant or some- one for him having knowledge thereof to the effect that such claim is justly and wholly due and unpaid, and that each item thereof has accrued within one year next be- fore its presentation for payment; and no claim or de- mand or any part thereof shall be allowed or paid unless so presented within one year next after it became due; and such allowance and payment, whether of the whole or a part of the amount claimed, shall be in full payment of the demand presented; provided, however, that any person whose claim has been properly pre- sented within one year, and has been rejected, shall have the right to bring a suit thereon against the city within ninety days from the date of such rejection; otherwise such claim shall be barred; and any claim presented for allowance may, at the option of claimant, be deemed re- jected if not acted on within ninety days. City Clerk to report monthly or oftener to Mayor and Trustees. Duty of Clerk with reference to claims. "Warrants, how drawn. Demands against City Treasurer to be itemized and verified. Must be presented within one year. Suit to be brought within 90 days after rejection oj demand. 18 CHARTER. Allowance of unauthorized demands prohibited. Indebtedness to City to be deducted. Demands of City officials. Not paid when. Post list of employes. Bond of License Collector. Licenses to be paid in the treasviry weekly. License Collector to report delinquents, weekly. City Attorney to sue. Attachment. Costs of suit. No demand shall be allowed or paid by any board or officer unless payment thereof from the city treasury is authorized by law; nor shall any demand be so allowed or paid in favor of any person or his assigns, who is in- debted to the city, without first deducting therefrom the amount of such indebtedness; nor in favor of any person having the care, custody or control of public funds, unless the accounts of such persons have been presented, passed upon, and approved, as is or may be required by law; nor in favor of any officer or his assigns, who has failed to do any duty imposed upon him by law as such officer, or who withholds from the proper demand and custody of the city, any of its property. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 43. He shall keep publicly posted in his office a list of all persons receiving salaries or wages from the city, with the amount of monthly salary or wages received by each opposite his name, which list shall be revised and corrected by him monthly, and perform such other duties as are or shall be imposed upon him by this Charter or by ordinance; he shall devote his entire time to the duties of his office, he shall have power to take affidavits and administer oaths in all matters relating to the busi- ness of the city and shall make no charge therefor. License Collector. Sec. 44. There shall be a License Collector, appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Board of Trustees, who shall give bond to the City in such amount as shall be prescribed by the Board, and with such sureties as shall be approved by the Mayor. It shall be his duty to receive and collect all city license taxes and charges, and all such money due the city not otherwise provided for, as the Board of Trustees may by ordinance direct, and pay the same over to the treasurer weekly. The timo and manner of the collection of license taxes may be pro- vided for by the Board of Trustees. (As amended. Elec- tion Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 45. Whenever any person required by any city ordinance to take out a license shall fail, neglect or re- fuse to take out such license and pay therefor at the time and in the manner in such ordinance provided, or if any person required to take out any license shall transact, do or carry on any business, trade or occupation, without first having procured the requisite license for such busi- ness, trade or occupation, the License Collector shall re- port such delinquent td the City Attorney, who shall at once bring suit in the name of the City against the delin- quent, and in such case the License Collector or City Attorney may make the necessary affidavit, as in other cases, for an attachment, and a writ of attachment shall issue, upon the filing of the affidavit, against the property of such delinquent, without an undertaking being filed by or on behalf of the city; and in such action the sum of fifteen dollars — ten dollars of which shall be paid to the City Attorney for services in prosecuting such action, and five dollars to the License Collector for reporting the same CHARTER. 19 — shall be included in the judgment as liquidated damages, together with the original debt and costs of the action; provided, however, nothing in this section shall authorize the Court, officer or any other person whomsoever, to make any claim or charge against the city for any services rendered in or about any such action; provided further, that in any such suit, no witness for the plaintiff shall he entitled to demand or receive any witness fees or mileage in advance, nor shall any witness be entitled to charge or receive any fees or mileage whatever unless the same be recovered as costs from the defendant; pro- vided further, that any person who shall commence or continue to do, transact or carry on any business, trade, profession or calling, for which a license may by any ordinance be required to be taken out without first pro- curing such license, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding three hundred dollars or imprisoned not more than ninety days, or be punished by both such fine and imprisonment. Upon the trial of any criminal action pro- vided for by this section, the defendant shall be deemed not to have procured the proper license unless he either produce it or prove that he did procure it; but he may plead in bar of the criminal action a recovery against him and the payment by him, in a civil suit or action, of the proper license money, damages and costs. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 46. All billiard tables, bar fixtures, ten-pin alleys, pins and balls, furniture, crockery, glassware, liquors, and chattels of every kind used in transacting or carrying on or doing the business of a drinking saloon, bar, restaurant, billiard saloon, ten-pin alley, tavern, eating-house, ball- room, dance house, theater or circus, where by ordinance such business is required to be licensed, shall, without reference to the actual ownership of such property, be liable for and may be taken in attachment or on execution for the license money due on the business in which they -are allowed to be used; and every dray, cart, wagon, car- riage, hack, omnibus, or other vehicle required by ordi- nance to be licensed, together with the horse or horses commonly used thereon, shall, without reference to the actual ownership of such property, be liable for and may be taken in attachment or on execution for the license money due on such dray, cart, wagon, carriage, hack, omnibus, or other vehicle. There shall be added to every license not obtained within five days after the same be- comes due and payable, the sum of five dollars, which shall become a part of the license, and be paid into the treasury in the same manner as other revenues. Certain charges prohibited. Witness fees not to be '• allowed unless recovered as costs. Failure to procure license a misdemeanor. Criminal action barred by recovery in civil suit. Property liable to attachment for license fee. Superintendent of Streets. Sec. 47. There shall be a Superintendent of Streets, who shall be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the consent of the Board of Trustees, and shall hold office at the pleasure of the Mayor, and whose duty shall be to see that the laws, ordinances, orders and regulations, re- lating to sewers, drains, levees, streets, alleys and high- Duties of Superintendent of Streets. 20 CHARTER. Register of streets, etc. Appointment and qualifications of City Engineer. Duties of Engineer and bond. Must inspect plans and specifications for buildings, repairs or improvements- Must see that buildings, etc., are constructed properly. ways are fully carried into execution, and that the penal- ties thereof are rigidly enforced. He shall superintend and direct the cleaning of all sewers and drains, and keep himself informed of the condition of all the public streets and highways, and also of all public buildings, parks, lots, sewers, levees and grounds of the city, and report the same to the Board of Trustees. Sec. 48. He shall perform such other duties as are hereinafter specified, or as the board may require of him; and he shall have the power and shall perform the duties required of the Superintendent of Streets by the act of the legislature of the State of California, entitled "An act to provide for work upon streets, lanes, alleys, courts, places and sidewalks, and for the construction of sewers within municipalities," approved March 18, 1885, or by any acts amendatory thereof, supplementary thereto, or sub- stituted therefor. He shall keep a public office in the city, as provided by the board, and shall keep therein the records of his office and a register of all streets, alleys, sewers and drains, and all improvements and repairs made thereon, with an index for easy reference. Should he fail to see the laws, ordinances and regulations relating to the public streets and highways carried into execution, he and his sureties shall be liable upon his official bond to any person injured in person or property in consequence of said official neglect. All registers, records, books, con- tracts, plats, diagrams, and all papers and documents be- longing to his office shall be delivered to his successor in office. Section 49 repealed. Election Feb. 13, 1905. City Engineer. Sec. 50. There shall be a City Engineer, appointed by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the Board of Trus- tees, and to hold office at the pleasure of the Mayor. He shall be a competent surveyor and civil engineer, who shall have had not less than three years experience as such. (As amended. Election Feb, 13, 1905.) Sec. 51. It shall be his duty to perform all surveying and civil engineering required in the prosecution of the public works and improvements of the city, and to certify to the progress and completion of the same. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 52. He shall, together with the Plumbing Inspec- tor and Chief of the Fire Department, inspect all plans and specifications of all the contemplated buildings, re- pairs or improvements of buildings within the city, when required by the building ordinances of said City, and if found to conform to the requirements of the ordinances, he shall, with them, sign a permit for the erection of the same. He shall examine and see that all the buildings and fixtures thereof, balconies, porches, awnings and signs, except as aforesaid, are constructed in a safe and sub- stantial manner, according to the ordinances and shall re- port to the Mayor any failures in those respects. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) CHARTER. 21 Sec. 53. If, upon examination of plans and specifica- tions, it be found by the said Engineer, or Plumbing In- spector, or Chief of the Fire Department, that they do not conform to the requirements of the law, they shall give written notice to the owner or architect designing them, specifying the points of variance therefrom. The City Engineer shall inspect the works of construction of all such structures as are permitted from time to time, and upon discovery of any variance from the plans or specifica- tions as permitted, he shall order the unlawful work stop- ped and at once make report thereof to the Mayor. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 54. He shall make monthly reports to the Board of Trustees of the plans, specifications and structures ex- amined, and the results thereof, and of all variations from, or violations of the law respecting the same. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 55. He shall do such other work pertaining to his profession as he may be directed to do by the Board of Trustees or by any general law of the State of California. He shall keep a public office within the city, as provided by the Board of Trustees, and shall keep therein the records of his office and all maps, plats, surveys and cer- tificates pertaining thereto, with an index for easy refer- ence; also all copies of plans and specifications for build- ings, structures, improvements or repairs presented to him for permits, with a statement of the location of each, made of record, and numbered as filed. All such records, maps, plats, surveys, certificates, plans, specifications and monu- ments as filed or recorded, shall be the property of the city, and shall be by him turned over to his successor in office. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) City Attorney. Sec. 56. There shall be a City Attorney who shall be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the consent of the Board of Trustees, who shall be an attorney at law, ad- mitted to practice by the Supreme Court of this State. It shall be his duty to prosecute on behalf of the people, all cases before the Police Court for all violations of this Charter and of city ordinances and resolutions. It shall be his duty to attend to all suits and other matters to which the city is a party, or in which the city may be legally interested; provided, the Mayor and Board of Trus- tees shall have control of all litigation of the city, and may direct an attorney, selected by the Mayor, to take charge thereof, or to assist the City Attorney therein. The City Attorney shall give his advice or opinion in writing to the Mayor, Board of Trustees or other city officers, when- ever required to do so, and do such other things apper- taining to his office as by the Board of Trustees or Mayor may be required of him. He shall pass upon the validity of all bonds given to and all contracts made with the city. He shall, when required by the Board of Trustees or any member thereof, draft any and all proposed ordinances, resolutions, laws, rules, contracts, bonds and all other legal papers for the city; and attend all meetings of the Board of Trustees when requested by the Mayor, or as required by ordinance. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Duty with respect to defective specifications. Must stop unlawful work and report same to Mayor. Engineer to make monthly reports to Trustees. Office and records. Appointment and qualifications of City Attorney. Duty with reference to suits. Mayor and Trustees may employ special counsel. To advise Mayor and Trustees and other officers. To pass on bonds and contracts. Dra^v ordinances and legal papers. Attendance at meetings 22 CHARTER. Police Court. One Judge. Jurisdiction. Concurrent jurisdiction of. Appeals. Appeals, procedure in case of. Disability of Police Judge. Open. Courtroom and supplies. Fines, etc. Court officer. Undetermined actions. ARTICLE IV. JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT— POLICE COURT. Sec. 60. There is hereby created, in and for the City of Fresno, a court which shall be known as the Police Court of the City of Fresno. Sec. 61. Said court shall consist of one judge, who shall be a duly licensed attorney of the Supreme Court of the State of California. Sec. 62. Said court shall have exclusive jurisdiction: (1). In all prosecutions for violations of the city ordi- nances. (2). In all actions for the recovery of any fine, penalty or forfeiture, and the enforcement of any obligation or liability prescribed or created by the city ordinances and in which the sum sued for does not amount to three hundred dollars. Sec. 63. Within the city limits said court shall have concurrent and co-ordinate jurisdiction with township Jus- tices' Courts in all matters and things in which said Jus- tices' Courts now or may hereafter have jurisdiction; and the judge of said Police Court shall have as aforesaid like authority, power and jurisdiction as the justices of said Justice's Court. Sec. 64. Appeals may be taken to the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Fresno, from the judgments and orders of said Police Court, in all cases in which appeals now are or may hereafter be taken to said Superior Court from said Justice's Court and Police Courts. Sec. 65. In all proceedings in and appeals from said Police Court, the pleadings, practice, procedure and laws now applicable or that may hereafter be made applicable to said Justice's or Police Courts, are hereby adopted and made applicable to said Police Court. Sec. 66. Upon the sickness or disability of the judge of said Police Court, he may cause to preside in his place any qualified Justice of the Peace of the County of Fresno. Sec. 67. Said Police Court shall be open for the tran- saction of business at all times. Sec. 68. The Board of Trustees shall provide a court- room and court-room accommodations, dockets, blanks and stationery free of charge for said court. Sec. 69. All fines and other moneys received or col- lected by the judge of said Police Court, for or on account of the City of Fresno, shall be paid into the city treasury on the first Monday in each month. Sec. 70. The Chief of Police shall assign a police officer for attendance on said court to preserve order therein, enforce its orders and serve its process. Sec. 71. All actions and proceedings pending and un- determined in the existing City Recorder's Court shall be proceeded with, heard, tried and determined in said Police Court hereby provided for, before said judge, the same as if said actions or proceedings had been originally com- menced in said Police Court. CHARTER. 23 ARTICLE V. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. Sec. 80. The Board of Trustees shall, except as other- wise provided in this Charter, take possession and have the custody and control of all maps, surveys, field notes, records, plans, specifications, contracts, models, machinery, tools, appliances, contract rights, privileges, books, docu- ments, papers, archives and property belonging to said city, heretofore kept by or in the offices of the City Sur- veyor or Superintendent of Streets, or kept by or in the possession of any other officer, and pertaining to any pub- lic buildings or public works of the city. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 81. The board shall have charge and superin- tendence of all public work of every kind, not otherwise controlled by general law, to be done for the city, and also of furnishing all material and supplies for public use, except as otherwise provided in this Charter. It shall be the duty of the board to inspect vigilantly all parts of the city, and cause to be done, from time to time, such work as it shall deem necessary or proper. Property and records. Have charge of all public work. Sec. 82. All public work authorized by the Board of Trustees to be done, and not within the provisions of the general law of the State of California operating thereon, and all materials and supplies to be furnished for public use, shall be done and furnished under written contract, except as hereinafter provided. Before awarding any such contract for doing any work or furnishing any materials or supplies for the city, the Board shall cause notice to be posted conspicuously in its office and published not less than ten days in a newspaper published in the city, inviting sealed proposals for the contemplated work or materials or supplies, and in case the estimated cost of the same exceed five thousand dollars, to be so posted and published for not less than twenty days; except that any repair or improvement or materials or supplies not exceeding an estimated cost of three hundred dollars may be made by the Board of Trustees under written contract, or otherwise, without advertising for sealed proposals, but no piece of repair work or improvement, or bill of mater- ials or supplies or labor shall under any circumstances be subdivided for the purpose of bringing the estimated cost within the limit herein provided; provided, however, that should there be imminent danger to the city from inunda- tion, the Board may, in its discretion, contract for the immediate construction or repair of levees without such notice, posting or publication. Provided, further, that the Board of Trustees may contract for the publication of notices, ordinances and resolutions, and for all public printing, on the best terms obtainable, with or without advertising for proposals, as they deem most conducive to the public interest. The words "materials and supplies" as used in this section shall include implements and machinery. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Work, materials and place to be arranged under written contract. Sealed proposals to be invited except where estimated cost is $300 or less. Subdivision of contract prohibited. Construction and repair of levees. Contract for publication and public printing. Definition. 24 CHARTER. Form of proposals; to be accompanied by check. Opening of bids and awarding- contracts. Penalty for collusion. Sec. 83. All proposals shall be made upon printed forms, to be prepared by the Board and furnished gra- tuitously upon application. All proposals offered shall be accompanied by a check, certified by a responsible bank, payable to the order of the Mayor and clerk of the board, for an amount not less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposal, and no proposal shall be considered un- less accompanied by such check. No person, corporation, or firm shall be allowed to make, file or be interested in more than one bid for the same work or supplies. If, on the opening of said bids, more than one bid appear in which the same persoil, corporation or firm is interested, such bids shall be rejected. Sec. 84. On the day and at the hour specified in said notice inviting sealed proposals the board shall assemble and remain in session for at least one hour thereafter, and all bids shall be delivered to the Board by the bidder or his agent before the expiration of the hour named in the advertisement. No bid not so delivered to the Board shall be considered. Each bid as it shall be received shall be numbered and marked "filed" by the City Clerk and authenticated by his signature. At the expiration of the hour stated in the advertisement within which the bids will be received, the board shall, in open session, open, examine and publicly declare the same, and an abstract of each bid shall be recorded in the minutes of the board by the clerk. Before adjourning, the board shall compare the bids with the record made by the City Clerk, and shall, thereupon, at said time, or at such other time, not ex- ceeding twenty days thereafter, as the board may adjourn to, award the contract to the lowest bidder, except as other- wise herein provided. Notice of such award shall forth- with be posted for five days by the clerk of the board in some conspicuous place in the office of the board. The board may reject any and all bids, and must reject the bid of any party who has been delinquent or unfaithful in any former contract with the city, and all bids other than the lowest regular bid; and on accepting said lowest bid, shall thereupon return to the proper parties the checks corres- ponding to the bids rejected. If all bids be rejected, the board shall return all the checks to the proper parties, and again invite sealed proposals, as in the first instance. The check accompanying the accepted bid shall be held by the clerk of the board until the contract for doing said ■work, or furnishing said materials or supplies, as herein- after provided, has been entered into, whereupon said certified check shall be returned to said bidder. If said bidder fail or refuse to enter into the contract to do said work, or furnish said materials or supplies, as hereinafter provided, then the certified check accompanying his bid, and the amount therein mentioned, shall be forfeited to the city, and shall be collected and paid into the street fund. The board shall have no power to relieve from or remit such forfeiture. Sec. 85. If at any time It shall be found that the per- son to whom a contract has been awarded has, in present- ing any bid or bids, colluded with any other party or CHARTER. 25 parties, for the purpose of preventing any other bid being made, then the contract so awarded shall be null and void, and no recovery shall be had thereon, and the board shall advertise for a new contract for said work. Sec. 86. All contracts shall be drawn under the super- vision of the City Attorney, and shall contain detailed specifications of the work to be done, the manner in which it shall be executed, and the quality of the materials to be used, or the quality and quantity of the materials or supplies to be furnished. No change or modifications in the plans or specifications, or quality or quantity of the materials or supplies to be furnished, shall be made after proposals for doing the work or furnishing said materials or supplies have been called for, except by unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees, All contracts shall be signed in duplicate, one of which, with specifications and drawings, if any, of the work to be done, and the materials to be fur- nished, shall be filed with the City Clerk, and the other, with said specifications and drawings, shall be delivered to the contractor. At the same time with the execution of said contract, said contractor shall execute to said city, and deliver to City Clerk, a bond in the sum named in the notice for proposals, with two or more sufficient sureties to be approved by the Mayor, or shall deposit with the City Clerk a certified check upon some solvent bank located in this State for said amount for the faithful performance of said contract. The qualifications of such sureties shall be the same as of sureties upon the official bonds of County officers. The contract shall specify the time within which the work shall be completed, or the materials furnished, or during what time or when the supplies shall be fur- nished, as specified in the notice inviting proposals there- for. The Board of Trustees may extend said time, but in no event for more than ninety (90) days beyond the time originally fixed for its completion, except by the unani- mous consent of the Board of Trustees. In case of failure on the part of the contractor to complete his contract within the time fixed in the contract, or within such ex- tension of said time as herein provided, his contract shall be void, and the Board of Trustees shall not pay or allow to him any compensation for any work done or sup- plies furnished by him under said contract beyond such sum as in the judgment of the Board of Trustees, the work done or materials furnished are actually worth to the city, less the detriment suffered by the city by such loss of time in the completion of the same. (As amended. Elec- tion Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 87. The Board of Trustees is hereby authorized to adopt, establish and maintain a system of levees, canals and drainage, and to repair, maintain, construct and con- trol all levees, canals and outfall sewers and other works necessary to the protection and safety of the city. The purposes for which any and all of the works in this section mentioned are or may be constructed are hereby declared public uses, and the City of Fresno is hereby authorized to proceed at any time, under the provisions of the statutes for that purpose, to condemn for such use any and all Contracts, how executed. Bond of contractor. Contract to specify time for completion. Extensions. Effect of contractor's default. Drainage and sewer system. Condemnation of property authorized. CHARTER. Limitation on expenditure. property necessary to the construction and maintenance- of such works; provided, however, no system or plan for any of the work in this section authorized to be performed shall be followed by construction thereof where the expen- diture thereon in any year shall exceed the income and revenue provided for auch year, without compliance with the requirements of Article VIII of this Charter. As. amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Ownership of public utilities. Special elections to be called for purpose of acquiring public utilities. Estimate of cost to be made. Contents of ordinance calling election. ARTICLE VI. ACQUISITION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES. Section 90. It is hereby declared to be the purpose and intention of the People of the City of Fresno that such public utilities as shall be deemed best for the in- terest of the people shall be acquired and owned by the City. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 91. The Board of Trustees may, by the affirmative vote of at least six members, and shall, upon petition therefor signed by a number of the qualified electors of said city not less than thirty-five per cent of the number voting at the last general elections in the city — and so as-^ certained by the Board of Trustees from satisfactory affi- davits — submit by ordinance to the qualified electors of the city, at a special election thereby called for the purpose, a plan for the acquisition of one or more public utilities, and its adoption and the issuance of bonds of the city for the payment therefor. The provisions hereof shall apply to the acquisition of water works, electric light or other works for illuminating and for power, gas works, local telegraph or telephone works, street railroads, or other public utilities. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 92. Repealed. Election Feb. 13, 1905. Sec. 93. Before formulating or submitting any plan for the acquisition of any public utility, the Board of Trus- tees shall cause to be ascertained and made an estimate of the probable cost of the purchase and establishment thereof, if such utility can be purchased; or, if it cannot be purchased, then the cost of its condemnation; and full estimates of the construction of such utility, if it cannot be purchased; and the plan which the Board of Trustees shall determine to be for the best interest of the city shall be submitted to a vote of the qualified electors, as set forth in Section 94 of this Charter. (As amended. Elec- tion Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 94. The ordinance calling such election shall con- tain a statement of the plan adopted and proposed for the acquisition of such public utility or utilities, naming the same, the estimated cost or price thereof, and shall other-^ wise conform to the provisions of this Charter concerning- elections for the incurring of bonded indebtedness, and the law for holding elections therefor. No question other than the acquisition of such public utilities or utility upoa the plan proposed and the incurring of the bonded indebt- CHARTER. 27 edness therefor shall be submitted at such election. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 95. Repealed. Election Feb. 13, 1905. Sec. 96. No indebtedness shall be incurred under this or any other provision of this Charter which, together with the existing indebtedness shall exceed ten per centum of the assessed value of all real and personal property of the city as shown by the last assessment roll. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 97. Repealed. Election Feb. 13, 1905. Sec. 98. Renumbered Section 123. Sec. 99. Renumbered Section 124. Sec. 100. Renumbered Section 125. iSec. 101. In the event of the determination by the elec- tors herein provided for, to acquire one or more public utilities, the Board of Trustees shall have power to create such boards and officers as may be needed to carry out the purposes of ownership by the city of such public utili- ties as may be acquired. (Added. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Limit of indebtedness. Board of Trustees to create necessary boards and officers. ARTICLE VII. TAX LEVY. Section 110. The Board of Trustees shall by resolution on or before the first Monday of September in each year, fix the rate of city taxes, designating the number of cents on each hundred dollars of property levied for each fund, and shall levy the city taxes upon the taxable property therein. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 111. The levy for all purposes for any one year shall not exceed one dollar on each one hundred dollars of the assessed value of all real and personal property within the city, except a levy for the payment of the bonded indebtedness of the city and the interest thereon, or other special tax voted by the people. iSec. 112. The revenues of the city shall be apportioned by the Treasurer, as paid in, to the respective funds to which they belong, as far as possible; and there is hereby established the following named funds, to-wit: Bond Fund, Street Fund, Sewer Fund, Police Fund, Fire Fund, Public Light Fund, Library Fund, Park Fund, a General Fund, and such others as the Board of Trustees may prescribe. All sums which the Treasurer cannot identify, or which shall not be directed to a particular fund by the City Clerk, shall be apportioned to the General Fund. The revenue derived from licenses, license taxes and business or trades taxed, shall be applied by the Treasurer to the various funds as other moneys collected from taxes. It shall not be lawful to transfer money from one fund to another, or use the money in the Bond Fund otherwise than in payment of the principal or interest of the bonded indebtedness; provided, however, that in case of urgent Taxes to be levied when. Limit of tax. Apportionment of funds. Application of license taxes. 28 CHARTER. Money not to be transferred except from greneral fund. Balances to be transferred to general fund. Propositions to incur bonded indebtedness. Notice of Bond Election, how given. Two-thirds of the qualified electors must assent. Bonds, how issued. need, money may be transferred from the General Fund to another fund sufficient to supply the need, by way of loan to such fund, the General Fund to be reimbursed from such special fund as soon as sums sufficient for that purpose have been placed to its credit. At the end of each fiscal year, all money remaining in any particular fund, except the bond fund, park fund and library fund, shall be by the Treasurer, upon the order of the City Clerk, transferred to the General Fund, the Clerk carefully noting the amount thereof, and the fund from which transferred so that the same may be Identified. (Added. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) ARTICLE VIII. BONDED INDEBTEDNESS. Section 120. In proceeding for the acquisition of public utilities, and whenever the Board of Trustees shall deter- mine by the affirmative vote of not less than six members thereof that the public interest requires the construction or acquisition of any permanent municipal building or im- provement, the cost of which in addition to the other ex- penses of the city, will exceed the income and revenue provided for the city for any one year, they must, by ordi- nance, submit a proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness for such purpose to the electors of the city, at an election to be held for that purpose. Such ordinance shall specify the purpose for which the proposed indebtedness is to be incurred, the estimated cost of the building, improve- ment or utility, the amount of the proposed bonded in- debtedness, the number and character of the bonds to be issued, and the rate of interest thereon. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 121. The ordinance required by Section 120 call- ing such special election shall fix a day on which such election shall be held, state the manner of holding the same, and of voting for or against incurring such indebted- ness. Such ordinance shall be published once a day for at least seven days in some newspaper published at least six days a week in said city, or once a week for two weeks in some newspaper published less than six days a week in said city, and one insertion each week for two succeed- ing weeks shall be a sufficient publication in such news- paper published less than six days per week; and no other notice of the election need be given. Such election shall be held in the manner provided by law for holding elections in the city, and the assent of two-thirds of the qualified electors voting thereon at such election shall be necessary to authorize the issuance of such bonds for such purpose. (Added. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 122. The bonds issued under the provisions of this article, or under any other provision of this Charter, shall be of the character known as serial bonds, and shall be payable in such lawful money of the United States as shall be determined by the Board of Trustees at or before their issue. CHARTER. 29 Not less than one-fortieth part of the whole amount of indebtedness shall be paid each and every year, on a day to be fixed by the Board of Trustees, together with the interest on all sums unpaid at such date. The bonds so issued shall be in denominations not exceeding five hun- dred dollars, and preference in the sale and allotment thereof shall be given to subscribers for the smallest amounts. Said bonds must be payable on the day and at the place fixed therein, and with interest at the rate speci- fied therein, but such interest shall not exceed five per cent per annum, payable semi-annually. Such bonds, when issued may be sold by the Board of Trustees from time to time as required, and in such quantities as they may determine, but the same must be sold for cash in lawful money of the United States, as aforesaid, to the highest bidder, at not less than par, after having been advertised in such newspaper and in such other manner as the Board of Trustees may elect; provided, that such sale of bonds shall be advertised in some newspaper of general circula- tion published in said city, for at least thirty days. They shall be sold under sealed proposals, and the Board of Trustees shall have the right to reject any or all bids made for the purchase thereof. The proceeds of such sale shall be placed in the treasury to the credit of the proper fund, and shall be applied exclusively to the purposes and ob- jects mentioned in the ordinance authorizing their issue until such objects are fully accomplished, after which, if any surplus remains, such surplus shall be transferred to the General Fund. (Added. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 123. Such bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and by the Treasurer, and shall be counter-signed by the City Clerk. The coupons shall be numbered consecutively and signed by the Treasurer, and the bonds a.nd coupons shall be payable at the office of the Treasurer and no war- rant need be issued therefor. (Formerly Section 98. As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 124. At the time of levying the municipal tax and in the manner provided for such tax levy, the Board of Trustees shall levy and collect annually a tax sufficient to pay the annual interest on such bonds, and also the proper aliquot part of the aggregate amount of such in- debtedness so incurred. Such taxes shall be in addition to all other taxes levied for municipal purposes, and shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as other municipal taxes are collected. (Formerly Section 99. As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 125. A neglect or refusal on the part of the Board of Trustees, or any member thereof, to comply with the provisions of Articles VI, VII or VIII of this Charter, im- posing duties on them, shall constitute cause for removal from office. (Formerly Section 100. As amended. Elec- tion Feb. 13, 1905.) Section 131 to 140, inclusive. Repealed. Election Feb. 13, 1905. See Art. IX. 1-40 of indebtedness with interest to be paid yearly. Denomination of bonds. Payment and place of payment. Sale of bonds. Application of proceeds. Bonds, how executed. Taxation for payment of interest and indebtedness. Trustees, cause for removal from office. 30 CHARTER. Board of Education established. Members of Board, how chosen. Power of Board with reference to High School. ARTICLE IX. EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. Section 130. The government of the public schools of the City of Fresno, including the whole of the City of Fresno school district, shall be vested in a Board of Education, to consist of five members to be called school directors, and who shall receive no compensation, who shall be elected at the same time and for the same term ^M of office as the members of the Board of Trustees. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 131. The members of the Board shall be elected from the City of Fresno School District and by the vote of the whole extent thereof, and the five persons receiv- ing the highest number of votes therefor shall be declared elected; provided, that the part of said District lying out- side the city limits shall be laid off by the Board of Trus- tees into one or more election precincts, for all school pur- poses; and at such elections, the qualified electors shall vote in the election precinct of their residence only. (Added. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 132. The Fresno City High School is hereby rec- ognized as an established institution, and the law govern- ing the Board of Education in reference thereto shall be such as is now or may at any time be in force as the gen- eral law of the State in such case provided, and the duties of the Board and of the Board of Trustees respecting esti- mates and levying taxes therefor shall be as by such law prescribed. (Added. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) ARTICLE X. Constitution and organization of Board. Qualifications and compensation. Meetings. Power of Board. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Section 160. There shall be a health department under the management of the Board of Health. Said Board shall consist of five members who shall be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the consent of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Health shall select one of their number as president, who shall act as such for one year. Each mem- ber shall be a duly licensed physician in accordance with the laws of the State. They shall receive no compensa- tion for their services, and their term of office shall be until the next regular election and qualification of city officers, and until their successors are appointed and quali- fied. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 161. Regular meetings of the Board of Health shall be held once a month, and special meetings when called by the president or any three members, and all meetings shall be public. Three members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business. Sec. 162. Said Board of Health shall have supervision of all matters appertaining to the sanitary condition of the city and public institutions thereof, and full powers are hereby given to said board over all questions of foul CHARTER. 31 -or defective drainage, and of the disinfection and sanitary cleaning of streets, alleys, cellars, cesspools, sewers, or nuisances of any description and of low places within the city limits calculated to receive and retain unhealthy de- posits. Sec. 163, The Board of Health shall exercise a general supervision over and be the custodian of all the death and cemetery records now belonging to the city, and they shall cause to be kept in books prepared for the purpose, complete records of all deaths, interments in all the city cemeteries, and births occurring in said city. They shall adopt such forms and regulations for the use of physicians, undertakers and superintendents of cemeteries as in their judgment may be best calculated to secure reliable vital and mortality statistics in said city, and prevent the spread of contagious and infectious diseases. They shall have power to prevent or forbid communication with infected families or houses, and by the consent of the Mayor may establish a pest-house and provide the necessary attendants and supplies therefor. Sec. 164. The Board of Trustees shall, by ordinance or otherwise, provide for enforcing such orders and regula- tions as the Board of Health may from time to time adopt; -and all expenses necessarily incurred by the Board of Health in carrying out the provisions of law and of this Charter shall be provided for by the Board of Trustees, who are hereby authorized and directed to make an appro- priation therefor out of the general fund. Sec. 165. The Board of Health, within two weeks from the time of its organization, shall elect a City Phj^sician, who shall also act as health officer and secretary of the Board of Health. Said City Physician shall not be a mem- ber of the Board of Health, and shall be an elector of the city for at least five years and not less than thirty years of age, a licensed physician of not less than five years, and actually engaged in the practice of his profession therein. He shall hold his office during the pleasure of the Board of Health, and must see that the laws and ordinances of the city in relation to the public health, and the regula- tions and orders of the Board of Health are properly en- forced. He shall keep a full record of all the transactions of the Board of Health, as well as all records appertaining thereto, and issue all permits for burials, and no inter- ments shall be made from the city unless said health officer is satisfied of the correctness and reliability of the certificates of death presented for his inspection.. He shall have the powers of a police officer, and shall make an ex- tended annual report to the Board of Health of the affairs pertaining to his office, including mortuary and other sta- tistics, with such observations and recommendations in re- lation to the sanitary condition of the city as he may deem proper. Sec. 166. The City Physician shall attend, when called upon, the indigent sick or wounded in the city, and shall liave charge of any receiving hospital or dispensary estab- lished for the benefit of the sick poor. Record of deaths, births, to be kept. Statistics, City physician, duties. Indigent sick. 32 CHARTER. Visit schools. Duty of Health Officer as to contagious disease. City physician; duties. Food Inspector. Vaccination. Power to administer oaths. Board to appoint Plumbing Inspector. Qualifications. Sec. 167. The City Physician, as health officer, shall visit, at least once in each quarter, all public buildings and school houses in said city. During such visits he shall examine the manner in which they are lighted, ventilated and heated, and particularly as to their sanitary condition. Sec. 168. The City Physician, as health officer, shall promptly report in writing to the City Superintendent of Schools the name and residence of every person sick with cholera, smallpox, scarlatina, diphtheria, or any contagious disease. Said City Superintendent, when so notified, must refuse admittance to the schools of any members of a household, one or more of whose inmates are sick from any of the aforesaid diseases. The person excluded shall be admitted on presenting a certificate from the health officer that there is no longer any danger from contagion. Sec. 169. When a case of contagious disease is re- ported to the Health Officer, he shall visit the premises where the person is, and when satisfied that said disease exists, he shall place a yellow flag or printed sign on said premises, which shall remain during the continuance of the disease. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 170. The Health Officer may cause to be removed to a smallpox hospital any person in said city affected with smallpox. When a case of smallpox exists in any house, and the person so affected is not moved to said hospital or pest-house, the Health Officer shall immediately place a quarantine flag on said premises, and may place a competent person in charge thereof who shall see that a quarantine is strictly enforced so long as public safety requires. Sec. 171. He shall act as food inspector, and as such his duties shall be to inspect meat, milk, butter, poultry, eggs and all other marketable produce, including green and dried groceries and vegetables, and all and every kind of food products, and shall have the power without liability, to condemn and destroy such and so much thereof as are unfit, unwholesome, deleterious or injurious as food, or fall below the standard established by the Board of Health. Sec. 172. The Health Officer shall vaccinate free of charge all persons applying to him. Sec. 173. He shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Health or by ordinance. Sec. 174. Each member of the Board of Health, and the City Physician, may administer oaths on any matter connected with the Health Department. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 175. There shall be appointed by the Board of Health a Plumbing Inspector, who shall be ex-officio Sani- tary Inspector. Such Plumbing Inspector shall be a prac- tical plumber, and shall possess such other qualifications as may be. required by such Board of Health, and discharge such duties as may be required by the rules thereof or by- ordinance, and as required by this Charter. CHARTER. 33 As Sanitary Inspector, he shall diligently inspect and examine, under the direction of the Board of Health, all alleys, offensive privies, vaults, cesspools, nuisances and places suspected of being in unsanitary condition, and re- port all places in unsanitary condition to the City Physician, within twenty-four hours after discovery of the same. He shall wear an appropriate badge of office, prescribed by the Board of Health, and shall, upon his exhibition thereof, have the right of inspection of all places in the city, and as directed by said Board. He shall execute an official bond to the City of Fresno to be approved by the Mayor, in such amount as shall be fixed by the Board of Trustees of said City, and receive such salary as Plumbing Inspector and Sanitary Inspector, as the Board of Trustees shall fix. (Added. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 176. He shall act as inspector of plumbing, and the plans and specifications of all contemplated buildings, improvements, repairs and alterations thereof within the city, in so far as related to plumbing work, and as affected by the rules and regulations of the Board of Health, shall be submitted to him for his examination and report; he shall number and file the same (except such as are re- quired to be filed by the City Engineer), with the date of filing, and record the names of the owner and architect, and the location of the proposed work. (Added. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 177. He shall examine such plans and specifica- tions, and if in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Board, he shall, in conjunction with such other officer as may be required by law to do so, sign a permit for the work to go on; otherwise, he shall give written notice to the party presenting them, explaining the cor- rections necessary to compliance therewith. (Added. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 178, He shall examine all plumbing work before the same is covered up, or closed, and if found to be done in accordance with the rules and plans and specifications filed, he shall issue a certificate to that effect, and upon the completion of any plumbing work, he shall examine the same, and if found to conform to the rules of the Board of Health and the plans and specifications filed, he shall issue a final certificate. (Added. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 179. He sfhall make a monthly report to the Board of Health of the number of plans and specifications re- ceived, the number approved and rejected, the number of first and final examinations made, where and by whom the rules have been violated, and such other matters as shall be required by the Board of Health. He shall immediately upon knowledge of any infraction of the rules and regula- tions, report the same to the Board of Health. (Added. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Duties of Sanitary Inspector. Badge of authority. Official bond and salary of Inspector. Duty of Inspector with reference to plans and specifications. Permits for plumbing work. Plumbing Inspector's certificate. Inspector must report monthly to Board of Health. 3* 34 CHARTER. Board of Library- Trustees. To receive no compensation, except Secretary. Qualifications. Term of office. Library tax. Library fund. Property rights. Meetings. ARTICLE XI. Chapter I. FRESNO FREE LIBRARY. Section 180. The Free Library shall be under the con- trol and management of five trustees, who shall be known as the "Board of Free Library Trustees." They shall be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the consent of the Board of Trustees. The oiSce of Library Trustee shall be honorary, and the members thereof shall serve without salary or compensation except that a reasonable com- pensation may be paid the secretary; any person, male or female, over the age of twenty-one years, who is a citizen of the United States and of this State, and a resident of the city, shall be eligible to the office of Library Trustee. The term of office of Library Trustees shall be until the next succeeding city officers are elected and qualified, and until their successors are appointed and qualified. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 181. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno shall levy and collect, as in other cases, annually, a tax not less than three cents on the one hundred dollars and not more than five cents on the one hundred dollars, for the purpose of maintaining a free public library and read- ing room, and purchasing such books, journals and other publications, and leasing such real and personal property as may be necessary therefor. Sec. 182. All money and revenue paid, collected or re- ceived by authority of anything herein contained, whether by taxation, gift, devise, bequest, or otherwise, shall be- long to and be known and designated as the "Library Fund," and shall be paid into the City Treasury, and there kept separate and apart from other funds, and be drawn therefrom as hereinafter provided, but only to be used and applied to the purposes herein authorized. Sec. 183. All property, real and personal, acquired by gift, devise, bequest, or otherwise, shall vest, be and remain in the city, and may be protected, defended and sued for by action at law, or otherwise, in the name of the city, as in other cases. Sec. 184. The Board of Free Library Trustees shall take charge of all property belonging to such library and reading-room, or that may be acquired by loan, purchase, gift, devise, or otherwise. The Trustees shall meet for business purposes on the first Tuesday of each month, and at such other times as they may appoint, at a place to be provided for the purpose, and a majority of all their number shall constitute a quorum for business. They shall elect one of their number to act as president of their board, and one of their number to act as secretary, who shall keep a full statement and account of all property, money, receipts and expenditures, and a record and full minutes in writing of all their proceedings. The secretary shall certify to such proceedings, or any part or portion thereof, under his hand, verified by an ofiicial seal adopted and provided by the Trustees for that purpose. CHARTER. 35 Sec. 185. Such Trustees, by a majority vote of all their members, to be recorded in the minutes with the ayes and noes at length, shall have power: 1. To make and enforce all rules, regulations and by- laws necessary for the administration, government and pro- tection of such library and reading-room, and all property belonging thereto, or that may be loaned, devised, be- queathed, or donated to the same. 2. To exercise and administer any trust declared or created for such library or reading-room, and to provide memorial tablets and niches to perpetuate the memories of those persons who may make valuable donations thereto. 3. To define the powers and describe the duties of any and all officers, determine the number and employ all necessary subordinate officers and assistants, and at their pleasure and without previous notice remove any officer or assistant. 4. To purchase necessary books, journals, publications, and other personal property. 5. To order the drawing and payment upon properly authenticated vouchers, duly certified by the president and secretary, of money from out of the library fund for any liability or expenditure herein authorized; and generally to do all that may be necessary to fully carry into effect the provisions of this act. 6. To fix the salaries of the librarian and assistants, to furnish and equip said rooms and buildings as may be necessary for such library and reading-room. Sec. 186. The orders and demands of the Board of Free Library Trustees, when duly made and authenticated as above provided, shall be paid by the Treasurer of the city out of the library fund. Sec. 187. The Trustees of such library and reading- room, on or before the first Monday of January and July of each year, shall make a semi-annual report to the Board of City Trustees, giving the condition of their trust, with full statements of all property and money received, whence derived, how used and expended; the number of books, journals, and other publications on hand, the number added by purchase, gift, or otherwise, during each year, the number lost or missing, the number and character of those loaned, and such other statistics, information and suggestions as may be of general interest. A financial report showing all receipts and disbursements of money shall also be made by the Secretary of the Board of Trus- tees, duly verified. Sec. 188. The proper municipal authorities shall pass ordinances for the protection of the library and reading- room, and all property thereto belonging, and for imposing penalties for the punishment of persons committing injury to such library or reading-room, or the property or books thereof, or for failure to return any book or other property lielonging thereto. Powers of Library Trustees. City Treasurer to pay demands. Report to City Trustees. Ordinances shall be passed to protect. 36 CHARTER. City Parks to be managed by Commissioners. Membership of Board of Park Commissioners. Members to serve without compensation, except Secretary. Meetings. Quorum. Record of proceedings. Powers and duties of Commissioners. Chapter II. PUBLIC PARKS. Section 190. The several tracts of land belonging to or controlled by the City, or which may hereafter be acquired by the City, for Park purposes, shall be managed and con- trolled by a board of five commissioners, which shall be called the Board of Park Commissioners. (Added. Elec- tion Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 191. The Mayor and City Engineer shall be ex- officio members of said board, and the three remaining commissioners shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject- to confirmation by the Board of Trustees, and shall hold office until the next succeeding city officers are elected and qualified, and until their successors are appointed and qualified. (Added. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 192. The Mayof shall be president of said Board, and the Board shall elect a secretary who may be one of the appointed members of said board and may receive a salary of not more than twenty-five dollars per month; the members of said board as such shall serve without compensation. The Board shall hold regular monthly meetings at such time and place as it may determine; and special meetings may be called at any time by the president or by two members of the board. Its meetings shall be public; three members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business; it may adopt rules for its proceedings, and shall cause a record of such proceedings and all plans and other documents pertaining to the work of said board, to be kept by its secretary under its direction. (Added. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 193. Such board of park commissioners shall have full power and authority to manage, control and govern the parks of the city, and to direct the maintenance and im- provement thereof. Where not already provided, it shall cause to be prepared and adopt general plans for the permanent improvement of such parks, and necessary changes in such plans; cause the parks to be properly laid out in accordance with such plans, and planted with suitable trees, shrubs and fiowers, and the same to be cared for, cultivated and preserved. It shall engage and discharge all persons empolyed in or about the city's parks, prescribe their powers and duties, and fix their com- pensation, and require bonds of such employees as it may deem proper, for the faithful discharge of their duties. It shall supervise and control the expenditure of all money in the park fund of the treasury, and shall order payment therefrom on warrants signed by the president and sec- retary. It shall adopt such rules and regulations as it may deem proper to govern the use of grounds under its supervision and control, and for the protection of the prop- erty thereon. And said board shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be neces- sary to carry into effect the provisions of this chapter, and to maintain, beautify and improve the city's public parks. (Added. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) CHARTER. 37 Sec. 194. Said iboard shall have power to lease unim- proved parts of any park under its control, for terms not exceeding one year, until the grounds so leased are re- quired for improvement for public use. The moneys real- ized from such leases shall be paid into the treasury and be added to the park fund. (Added. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 195. Said board may, upon its requisition and with the consent of the Board of Trustees, put city prison- ers to work upon the parks and grounds under its control. (Added. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) .Sec. 196. Said Board of Park Commissioners may ac- cept suitable articles for the use or adornment of such parks, and cause such articles to be placed therein. It is hereby authorized and empowered to accept and receive donations and aid from individuals, societies, clubs and corporations, and legacies and bequests by the last will of deceased persons, for the aid or improvement of the parks or grounds under its control; and all moneys that shall be derived from such donations, legacies or bequests, shall, unless otherwise provided by such gift, bequest or legacy, be deposited in the treasury to the credit of the Park Fund, and paid out on warrants as provided for the payment of other moneys of such fund; provided, however, that if the moneys derived from such gifts, legacies or bequests be not needed for immediate use for the purpose for which they are received, or if it be deemed advisable by said Board to use them as a permanent endowment fund for such purposes, said Board is hereby authorized to invest said moneys or any part thereof in interest-bear- ing bonds of the United States, or the State of California, or approved municipal or school district bonds of the State of California — preferably bonds of the City of Fresno — ^and thereafter to sell and dispose of said bonds or change the investment, as to the Board shall deem best. (Added. Elec- tion Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 197. The Board of Park Commissioners shall, an- nually, on the first Monday in July, present to the Board of Trustees a full report and statement of its proceedings for the past fiscal year, containing an itemized account of all moneys received and expended for park purposes, together with an estimate of the amount required to be raised by taxation for the maintenance and improvement of the city's parks during the ensuing year; provided, that it may exclude from such estimate all moneys received by it as provided in the preceding section. (Added. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 198. The Board of Trustees shall annually include in the general tax levy a tax of not less than three nor more than ten cents upon each one hundred dollars in valuation of property appearing upon the assessment roll, for the maintenance and improvements of its parks. Such tax, when collected, shall be paid into the treasury to the credit of the Park Fund, and shall be used and paid out only for the benefit of the city's parks. Said Board of Park Commissioners shall not in any fiscal year contract Lease of unimproved parks. City Prisoners, to be worked. Power of board as to receipt of donations. Surplus funds to be invested. Board shall report annually to Trustees. Tax levy for Park Fund. 38 CHARTER. Ordinances to enforce orders of Board. any debt in excess of the money on hand in such fund, or provided for iby the tax levy for such year. (Added. Elec- tion Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 119. The Board of Trustees shall, by ordinance, provide fcrr carrying into effect the powers herein granted to the Board of Park Commissioners, and enforcing such orders as it may make concerning the use of the parks and the preservation of the park property; and the police power of this city shall extend over such parks, whether without or within the city. (Added. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) When city officials are elected. Canvassing returns. State laws govern. Time of taking office. Mayor to fill vacancies. ARTICLE XII. ELECTIONS. Section 200. The Mayor, members of the Board of Trustees and of the Board of Education, and the City Clerk, and Police Judge shall be elected by the qualified electors of said City, at a general municipal election to be held therein. The first election under this charter shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June, 1901, The second election hereunder shall be held on the second Monday in April, 1905, and an election shall be held every four years thereafter. Sec. 201. The Board of Trustees must meet at their usual place of meeting on the first Monday after the elec- tion; and if the returns from each precinct in which polls have been opened, have been received, the board must then and there proceed to canvass the returns. But if all the returns have not been received the canvass must be postponed from day to day until all the returns are re- ceived. Sec. 202. Such canvass, declaration of result and cer- tificates of election must be made and had in conformity with the laws of the State of California. Sec. 203. All elective officers shall take office on the first Monday after the result of the election shall have been officially declared and shall hold office for the period of four years and until the election and qualification of their successors, unless otherwise provided in this charter; except that the officers elected under this charter on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June, 1901, shall only hold office until the first Monday after the official declaration of the result of the election to be held on the second Monday in April, 1905. Sec. 204. Any vacancy occurring in any of the elective offices provided for in this charter, except as otherwise herein provided, shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor, by and with the consent of the Board of Trustees until the next regular election, at which time a successor shall be elected. Sec. 205, The provisions of all general laws governing elections for State, County and municipal ofllicers, not in- consistent with the provisions of this Charter are hereby CHARTER. 39 adopted as the law governing City elections for city offi- cers except that no party name or designation shall appear on the tickets and all candidates shall be designated as "independent" and the Mayor, Board of Trustees and City Clerk, respectfully shall exercise the powers and perform the duties conferred or imposed on Boards of Supervisors and County Clerks concerning elections; provided, that a candidate for any city office can be nominated only in the manner provided by section 1188 of the Political Code of the State of California, except that no party name or de- signation shall appear in the certificate and the candidates shall be designated as "independent." (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) General election laws govern. ARTICLE XIII. CITY OFFICERS AND OFFICIAL BONDS. Sec. 210. All officers of the city, w^hether elective or appointive, of whom a bond is required, must give a bond in some approved surety company, provided that the premium charged shall not exceed a rate of 50 cents on the $100 for each year; provided, that the premium on any single bond may not be less than five dollars, which premium shall be paid by the city. (As amended. Elec- tion Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 211. In case the premium should be in excess of said rate, then a bond may be given with personal sureties. All official bonds shall be approved by the Mayor, except that the official bond of the Mayor shall be approved by the Board of Trustees. All official bonds shall be made payable to the City of Fresno. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 212. Besides the various appointive boards pro- vided for by this Charter, the regular officers of the city shall be as follows: Mayor, Members of the Board of Trustees, Members of the Board of Education, City Clerk, City Attorney, Judge of the Police Court, Chief of Police, Chief of the Fire De- partment, City Engineer, Superintendent of Streets, License Collector, City Physician, Plumbing Inspector (who shall be ex-officio Sanitary Inspector), Poundmaster, and such other officers as the Board of Trustees shall under this Charter have power to create. (Added. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 213. The Board of Trustees may, at any time, require an additional bond whenever any official bond may be deemed insufficient, and upon the 'failure on the part of any officer to furnish a satisfactory bond at the request of the Board of Trustees, his office shall be declared vacant, and as soon as such declaration is made, the office becomes vacant. Sec. 214. The amounts in which the respective officers shall execute official bonds shall be as follows: Premium of official bonds to be paid by City. Personal surety allowed, when. Approval of official bonds. Regular officers of City enumerated. Additional bonds. Amount of official bonds. 40 CHARTER. Bonds of other officials. Bonds, wiiere filed. Trustees, each $ 5,000:00 'Clerk 10,000.00 Attorney 2,000.00 Superintendent of Streets 5,000.00 City Engineer 5,000.00 Mayor 5,000.00 Chief of Police 5,000.00 Chief of Fire Department 5,000.00 Police Judge 5,000.00 Sec. 215. The Board of Trustees shall have the power to require bonds from any other officer or employe of the city whenever deemed necessary. Sec. 216. The bond of the City Clerk shall be filed with the Mayor and all other bonds shall be filed with the City Clerk. Official bonds with personal sureties must be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Fresno County. ARTICLE XIV. SALARIES. Compensation of Trustees. Deduction for absence from meetings. Salaries of City officials fixed. Salaries not be increased until after April, 1905. to Sec. 220. Each memher of the Board of Trustees shall receive a salary of three hundred dollars per annum, pay- able monthly in equal installments, but there shall be deducted therefrom the sum of ten dollars for each and every regular meeting of the Board which he shall fail to attend; provided, that if a member is absent on business of the City by permission of the Mayor, no deduction shall be made on account of such absence. (As amended. Elec- tion Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 221. The compensation of other officers and em- ployees of the city per annum shall be as follows, pay- able in monthly installments: Mayor, fifteen hundred dollars; City Attorney, fifteen hundred dollars, and as herein provided; City Clerk, fif- teen hundred dollars, and one deputy clerk (to be paid by the city), ten hundred eighty dollars; Superintendent of Streets, fifteen hundred dollars, and one Deputy Super- intendent of Streets (to be paid by the city), nine hundred dollars; Chief of Police, fifteen hundred dollars; Chief of Fire Department, fifteen hundred dollars, which shall also be in full compensation as Fire Marshal; License Collec- tor, ten hundred eighty dollars; Police Judge, three hun- dred dollars, and such fees as are allowed by law in civil actions, and such compensation in prosecutions under the State Law as are allowed or may from time to time be allowed Justices of the Peace in the township in which said city is situated. Such salaries shall be in full com- pensation for all services rendered. The compensation of all the officers and employees of the city not in this Charter specified shall be fixed by the Board of Trustees; provided, that no increase of salaries provided for in sections 220 and 221 shall take effect until the qualification of officers elected in April, 1905. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) CHARTER. 41 Sec. 222. The Chief of Police, the Chief of the Fire Fire Department and Superintendent of Streets shall de- vote their entire time and services to the duties of their respective offices. Sec. 223. The duties of all officers, elected or ap- pointed in the City of Fresno, are such as are now or may hereafter be prescribed by general law or ordinances of the city. Sec. 224. It is hereby declared to be the purpose of the people of the City of Fresno to do away with and abolish the offices of City Assessor, City Tax Collector and City Treasurer, and to that end the Board of Trustees shall, on or before the first Monday in February, 1901, or as soon as this charter is approved by the Legislature, and annu- ally thereafter while any valid law exists for the assess- ment, collection, custody, safe keeping and disbursing of city taxes by officers of a county, pass an ordinance elect- ing that the City of Fresno, avail itself of the provisions of an act entitled: "An act to provide for the levy and collection of taxes, by and for the use of municipal cor- porations and cities incorporated under the laws of the State of California, except municipal corporations of the first class, and to provide for the consolidation and aboli- tion of certain municipal offices, and to provide that their duties may be performed by certain officers of the county, and fixing the compensation to be allowed for such county officers for the services so rendered to such municipal corporations," approved, March 27, 1895. And shall cause a certified copy of such ordinance to he forthwith served upon and filed with the Auditor, As- sessor, Tax Collector and Treasurer of Fresno County. If said act shall be amended, or some other law be substi- tuted in its stead, providing for the assessment, collection, custody, safe keeping and disbursing of city taxes by county officers, the Board of Trustees shall conform to the provisions of such amended act, or such law, in order that the city may avail itself of the privilege of having its taxes assessed, collected, safely kept and disbursed by such county officers. Sec. 225. If said law should be repealed by the Legis- lature or annulled by the courts, then the Board of Trus- tees are hereby authorized by ordinance to create the office of City Assessor, City Tax Collector and City Treas- urer, and said offices shall be filled by appointment of the mayor, by and with the consent of the Board, as in other cases, until the next municipal election. And the Board of Trustees shall, by ordinance, prescribe their duties and fix their bonds and compensation. Entire time to duties of office. Duties of officers. Offices abolished. Duties of county officers. Notice to county officers. City offices may be created. ARTICLE XV. POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENT. Sec. 230. The Police and Fire Departments shall be under the control and management of a Board of four Commissioners, selected from the qualified electors of the Police and Fire Commissioners. 42 CHARTER. No compensation. Duties of Commissioners. Meetings. Special meetings. Record of Board proceedings. Duties of Secretary. Appointments and removals. Salaries of employes. city, by and with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees, and who shall hold office without compensatioTi until after the next regular election of city officers, and until their successors are appointed and qualified. Not more than two of such commissioners shall belong to the s«me political party. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1305.) Sec. 231. The commissioners shall enter upon their duties as soon as they have qualified. The commission shall establish rules and regulations governing its proceed- ing and for the regulation and conduct of its officers and employes, and may require bonds from its subordinates for the faithful performance of their duties. The Mayor shall be president of the board, but shall have a vote only in case of a tie. In the absence of the Mayor, the com- mission may select a president pro tempore from among its members. The City Clerk shall be the secretary of the commission. Sec. 232. The commission shall hold regular meetings at least once a month, and special meetings at such othei' times as it may appoint or of which the president ma.y give notice. The regular meetings shall be held on a day and at an hour fixed by resolution entered upon the records of the commission, which shall not be changed except by a resolution passed at a regular meeting of said commission. The meetings of the commission shall be public; provided, however, that executive sessions may be held by a unanimous vote; three members shall con- stitute a quorum and the affirmative votes of three mem- bers shall be necessary to pass any order or resolution. No business shall be transacted at a special or adjourned meeting except such as may have been made a special order of business for such meeting or such as may have been under consideration at the meeting at which the ad- journment was had. Sec. 233. The secretary of the Board shall keep a record of its transactions, specifying therein the names, of the commissioners present at the meeting, and giving the ayes and noes on all votes when demanded by any member. Every order or resolution shall be recorded at length, and the record shall be approved by the Board, and signed by its President. The Secretary shall cause the publication of all notices herein authorized to be pub- lished, or which the Board shall order to be published, and shall perform such other duties as the Board may from time to time require. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 234. The officers, members and employes of the police and fire departments shall be appointed by the board, and no removal shall be made except for cause established to the satisfaction of the board, after due in- vestigation and trial. The salaries of officers and em- ployes of the board, except so far as the same are de- signated in this charter, shall be fixed or altered from time to time by the Board of Trustees in its discretion or on recommendation of the Board of Commissioners. CHARTER. 43 Sec. 235. The Board of Police and Fire Commissioners shall have power: 1. To prescribe the qualifications, duties, badges of ofiice and uniforms of officers, members and employes of said departments. 2. To prescribe rules and regulations for the govern- ment and discipline of the same, and prescribe and enforce penalties for their violation. 3. To hear and determine all complaints of miscon- duct, inefficiency, violation of the rules and regulations, or other charge against any officer, member or employe of said departments, and to take such action thereon as shall be most conducive to the maintenance, discipline and efficiency of said departments. 4. To appoint and remove at their discretion special policemen, who shall be under the supervision and control of the Chief of Police; provided, however, that the com- pensation of said special policemen shall in no event be chargeable to the city, unless appointed by authority of the City Board of Trustees. 5. To make all necessary rules and regulations to carry into execution the foregoing powers and all other powers vested in said commission by this Charter or by any or- dinance of the Board of Trustees passed pursuant thereto or by the constitution and laws of this state; and in general to manage and control said departments. Sec. 236. The commissioners shall have the custody and control of the houses, engines, hose carts, trucks, lad- ders, horses, stables and all other property and equipments now or that may be hereafter used by or belonging to said departments. Sec. 237. The commission shall annually report to the Board of Trustees an estimate of the amount of money that will be required to pay all salaries and expenses of the police department and of the fire department for the ensu- ing year, specifying in detail the proper items for which the same will be required. Sec. 238. The commission shall make full quarterly re- ports to the Board of Trustees of its acts and expendi- tures and also of the condition of said departments. Sec. 239. Every claim against the police department or fire department contracted by the commission shall be verified by the claimant and approved by the commission in open session, which approval shall be entered in the records of the commission. No such claim shall be allowed or ordered paid by the Board of Trustees until the same has been approved by said commission, and has endorsed thereon such approval, authenticated by the signatures of the president and secretary of the commission. Sec. 240. The commission shall determine and report to the Board of Trustees as to the necessity of construct- ing cisterns and erecting hydrants in particular localities, the necessity for additional houses, apparatus, material, supplies, engines, horses, hooks and ladders and also Powers of Police and Fire Commissioners. Duties of Police and Fire Commissioners. Duties of Police and Fire Commissioners. Reports. Claims. Apparatus, etc. 44 CHARTER. Contracts. Repairs by commissioners. Police force. Fire flepartment. Chief of. Fire Chief to Inspect houses, sign permits for constructions and repairs. as to alterations and repairs required; but the action of the commission with respect to the necessity of these matters shall be only advisory to the Board of Trustees, Sec. 241. All contracts let and work ordered for the fire and police department shall be let and ordered by the Board of Trustees; provided, however, that the Police and Fire Commission shall have power to make repairs upon engines and other apparatus under their control when the necessity for such repairs is urgent and the cost thereof does not exceed the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars. Sec. 242. The police department shall consist of a Chief of Police and as many regular officers and policemen as the Board of Trustees may from time to time determine, not exceeding in the aggregate one to every one thousand inhabitants of the city. Sec. 243. The fire department shall consist of a Chief and as many drivers, engineers, hosemen and other paid employes as the Board of Trustees may authorize, together with such volunteer firemen as may be determined by the commission; provided, that prior to the election of a chief, a volunteer fire department while in existence, may nomi- nate and present to the Board the name of a nominee for chief, who, if acceptable to said board, shall be elected such chief, and if not elected, such volunteer fire depart- ment may nominate and present other names to said board for such chief. Sec. 244. The Chief of the Fire Department shall have the right, and it shall be his duty when required by the Board of Police and Fire Commissioners, to inspect all houses in the city; and he shall, together with the City Engineer and Plumbing Inspector, examine all plans and specifications for buildings, repairs and improvements, when required by the building ordinances of the city, and If found to be in conformity with the law, shall sign a per- mit therefor; but if he finds otherwise, he shall give notice to the owner or architect of the points of variance from the requirements of law in respect to safety from fire. He shall observe the structure in progress of building from time to time, and report to the Mayor promptly any vari- ance from the plans or specifications permitted, and shall order the work stopped until the law is complied with. (Added. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Holding other public office prohibited. ARTICLE XVI. General Provisions. Sec. 250. No officer under salary, and no deputy of any city officer or employee of the city receiving pay from the city, all of whose time is required to be devoted to the duties of his office, shall hold any other public office while in the employment of or holding office under the city gov- ernment, except notary public or member of the National Guard; nor shall any officer or employee of the city be- come a party worker or solicitor or active partisan, nor shall he solicit any funds to be used for political purposes. CHARTER, 45 A violation of any of the provisions of this section shall be sufficient cause for his removal from oflBce. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 251. It is hereby made the express duty of the Mayor to see that all the provisions of this article are strictly enforced. Sec. 252. The word "City," whenever it occurs in this Charter means the City of Fresno; and every commis- sion, commissioner, department, board or officer, wherever mentioned in this Charter, means a commission, commis- sioner, department, board or officer, as the case may be, of the City of Fresno. The word "Board," when used in relation to the Legis- lative Department of this city, means the Board of Trus- tees; otherwise the definition of words as provided in Sec- tion 14 of the Civil Code of the State of California, as far as applicable, are adopted as to all such words used in this Charter and the ordinances thereunder. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 253. No officer of the city shall absent himself from the State without the written permission of the Mayor; and the Mayor is authorized to issue such permits, when deemed proper by him, for a period not exceeding sixty days. A violation of this section by any officer of the city, shall be sufficient cause for his removal from office. (As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 254. Repealed. Election Feb. 13, 1905. Sec. 255. No officer or employee of the city shall be or become, directly or indirectly, interested in, or in the per- formance of, any contract, work or business, or in the sale of any article, the expense, price or consideration of which is payable from the treasury; or in the purchase or lease of any real estate or other property belonging to, or taken by the city, or which shall be sold for taxes or assessment, or by virtue of legal process at the suit of the city. If any person in this section designated shall, during the time for which he was elected or appointed, acquire an interest in any contract with, or work done for, the city, or any de- partment or officer thereof, or in any franchise, right or privilege granted by the city, unless the same shall be de- volved upon him by law, he shall forfeit his office, and be forever debarred and disqualified from being elected, ap- pointed or employed in the service of the city; and all such contracts shall be void, and shall not be enforceable against the city. Sec. 256. No officer or employe of the city shall give or promise to give to any other person, any portion of his compensation or any money, or valuable thing, in con- sideration of having been, or of being, nominated, ap- pointed, voted for, or elected, to any office or employment; and if any such promise or gift be made, the person mak- ing or accepting such gift or promise shall forfeit his office and employment, and be forever debarred and disqualified from being elected, appointed or employfed in the service of the city. Penalty for violation. Duty of the Mayor. Definition of terms used. Officer not to leave State without permission. No interest in contracts, etc. Promise of reward. 46 CHARTER. Penalty for acceptance of gift. Individual liability. Books and records to be open to the public. Disqualifica- tions for office. Fiscal year. Suspensions and removals. Forfeiture of franchises. Chinese. Sec. 257. Any officer of the city who shall, while in office, accept any donation or gratuity in money, or other valuable thing, either directly or indirectly, from any subor- dinate or employe, or from any candidate or applicant for any position as employe or subordinate under him, shall forfeit his office, and be forever debarred and disqualified from holding any position in the service of the city. Sec. 258. Every officer who shall approve, allow or pay any demand on the treasury not authorized by law, ordinance or this charter, shall be liable to the city indi- vidually and on his official bond for the amount of the demand so illegally approved, allowed or paid. Sec. 259. All books and records of every office and de- partment shall be open to the inspection of any citizen at any time during the business hours. Certified copies of extracts from said books and records shall be given by the officer having the same in custody to any person de- manding the same, and paying or tendering ten cents a folio of one hundred words for such copies or extracts; but the records of the police department shall not be sub- ject to such inspection except permission be given by the Police Commissioners or by the Chief of Police. Sec. 260. No person shall be eligible to or hold any office, or be clerk or deputy in any office or department who has been found guilty of malfeasance in office, bribery or other infamous crime or who in any capacity has embezzled public funds. Sec. 261. The fiscal year mentioned in this charter shall commence on the first day of July and end on the thirtieth day of June following. Sec. 262. Any elected officer, except City Trustee, may be suspended by the Mayor and removed by the Board of Trustees for cause; and any appointed officer may be re- moved by the Mayor for cause. The Mayor shall appoint some person to discharge the duties of the office during the period of such suspension. Sec. 263. When the Mayor shall remove an appointed officer from office, he shall immediately notify the Board of Trustees of such removal, and furnish it a statement of the cause therefor, which statement shall be entered in the record of its proceedings. Sec. 264. All franchises and privileges heretofore granted by the city which are not in actual use or enjoy- ment, or which the grantees thereof have not in good faith commenced to exercise, are hereby declared forfeited and of no validity unless said grantees or their assigns shall, within one month after this Charter takes effect, in good faith, commence the exercise and enjoyment of such privilege or franchise. Sec. 265. No Chinese shall ever be employed, either directly or indirectly, on any work of the city or in the per- formance of any contract or sub-contract of the city, except in punishment for crime. CHARTER. 47 Sec. 266. Whenever special meetings are called of the Board of Trustees, Board of Education, or any other board of the municipality, notice thereof shall be served on each member personally or by mail addressed to his place of residence; if by mail, the notice, postpaid, shall be de- posited in the postoffice of the city at least twenty-four hours before the time of meeting. At such special meet- ing no subject shall be considered except that specified in the notice. Sec. 267. The Mayor, City Attorney, Judge of the Police Court, City Clerk, Chief of Police, Chief of the Fire De- partment and the Superintendent of Streets, shall each have been a resident of the City of Fresno for at least three years next before election or appointment, and shall be, at such time, a qualified elector of the city. The quali- fications of all other officers not by this Charter prescribed shall be such as may be prescribed by ordinance. {As amended. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 268. It shall be the ofiicial duty of every officer and person in the employ or service of the city, when it shall come to his knowledge that any contract or agree- ment with the city, or with any officer, or any department thereof, or relating to the business of any office, has been or is about to be violated by the other contracting party, forthwith to report to the Mayor all facts and information within his possession concerning such matter; and a will- ful failure so to do shall be cause for the removal of such officer or employe, as in case of malfeasance in office. Sec. 269 repealed. New Sec. 269 added. Sec. 269. Every executive and judicial oflSicer of the city, except the Mayor and City Attorney, and every other officer and agent of the city charged with the collection or disbursement of any money of the city, shall furnish, at the end of each month, to the Board of Trustees, a full and detailed statement upon oath of all moneys received or disbursed by him, and of his other official transactions during said month. Like statements shall be made at and for such other times as the Board of Trustees may require. (Added. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 270. No privy, vault or cesspool shall be permitted upon any premises adjoining a lateral sewer. Sec. 271. In all prosecutions for violation of any of the provisions of this Charter, or for violation of any city ordi- nance rule, resolution, or other regulation of the Board of Trustees, whether in the court of original jurisdiction or in any appellate court, it shall not be necessary to plead the contents of the same, but the court before which the proceedings may be pending shall take judicial notice of this Charter, and of such ordinance, rule, resolution, or other regulation, and of the contents thereof; and in all civil actions to which the city, or any officer of the city, is party, either plaintiff or defendant, the adoption and con- tents of any ordinance, rule, resolution, or other regula- tion of the Board of Trustees, may be proven prima facie Special meetings. Qualifications of certain officers as to residence. Duty of officers in known violation of contracts. Officers to report monthly to Board of Trustees. Cesspools, etc. Charter prima facie evidence. 48 CHARTER. Oaths of office. " First election. Prior laws in force. Office hours. Partisan appointments. Initiative and referendum ordinances. by the introduction of the original entry thereof on the records of the board, a copy thereof certified by the City Clerk to be a full, true and correct copy of such original entry, or by the introduction of a printed copy published, or purporting to have been published, by authority of the city. Sec. 272. Every officer provided for in this Charter shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take, subscribe, and file with the City Clerk the following oath: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of California, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of to the best of my ability." Sec. 273. The Board of Trustees of the present City of Fresno shall provide for the holding of the first election of officers under this Charter, and shall canvass the votes and declare the result. Sec, 274. All acts of the legislature relating to the city, and all city ordinances, resolutions and other regulations now in force and not inconsistent herewith, shall be and remain in force after this charter takes effect until changed or repealed by the proper authority; and all rights vested under any former act or regulation, when this takes effect, shall not thereby be lost, impaired or discharged; and all actions and proceedings commenced in any court wherein the city is a party, shall be continued under the law exist- ing when said action or proceedings was commenced. Sec. 275. Except as otherwise in this Charter provided, all officers of the city shall keep their respective offices open for the transaction of business from the hours of eight in the forenoon until five in the afternoon of each day; Sundays and legal holidays excepted. Sec. 276. No appointment made by the Mayor or by any officer, board or commission shall be based on political or partisan grounds; and all appointments shall, as far as practicable, be equally distributed among persons belong- ing to different political parties. Sec. 277. Whenever there shall be presented to the Board of Trustees a petition signed by a number of voters, residents of said city, equal to fifteen per cent of the votes cast at the last preceding state, city or county election, asking that an ordinance to be set forth in such petition, be submitted to a vote of the electors of the city, the Board of Trustees must submit such proposed ordinance to the vote of the electors at the next national, state, county or municipal election. Sec. 278. The signatures to the petition need not all be appended to one paper, but each signer shall add to his signature his place of residence, giving the street and num- ber. One of the signers of each such paper shall make oath before an officer competent to administer oaths, that the statements therein made are true, and that each signa- ture to the paper appended is the genuine signature of the person whose name purports to be thereto subscribed. CHARTER 49 Sec. 279. The tickets used in sucti election shall con- tain the words "for the ordinance" (stating the nature of the proposed ordinance) and "against the ordinance" (stat- ing the nature of the proposed ordinance.) Sec. 280. If a majority of the votes cast upon such ordi- nance shall be in favor of the adoption thereof, the Board of Trustees shall within thirty days from the time of such election, proclaim such fact; and upon such proclamation such ordinance shall have the same force and effect as an ordinance passed by the Trustees and approved by the Mayor, and the same shall not be repealed by the Trustees. But the Trustees may submit a proposition for the repeal of such ordinance, or for amendments thereto, for vote at any succeeding election; and should such proposition, so submitted, receive a majority of the votes cast thereon at such election, such ordinance shall be repealed or amended accordingly. Sec. 281. Every officer of the City of Fresno, including the Chief of Police and Chief of Fire Department (except- ing police officers and firemen), shall have power to ad- minister and certify oaths in all matters relating to the business or affairs of said city, and the City Clerk, City Engineer, Superintendent of Streets and City Attorney, may appoint such deputies as they see fit, who must have the same qualifications as their principals and qualify as other city officers, and such principals shall be liable on their official bonds for acts of their deputies, and all acts performed by such deputies shall be as valid and binding as if done by the principals; provided, that no such deputy shall receive any compensation from said city unless it is so specified in this Charter. (Added. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) Sec. 282. THE RECALL. The holder of any elective office may be removed at any time by the electors qualified to vote for a successor of such incumbent. The procedure to effect the removal of an incumbent of an elective office shall be as follows: A petition signed by electors entitled to vote for a successor to the incumbent sought to be re- moved, equal in number to at least fifty-one per centum of the entire vote for all candidates for the office, the in- cumbent of which is sought to be removed, cast at the last preceding general municipal election, demanding an elec- tion of a successor of the person sought to be removed, shall be filed with the City Clerk; provided, that the peti- tion sent to the Board shall contain a general statement of the grounds for which the removal is sought. The signa- tures to the petition need not be all appended to one paper, but each signer shall add to his signature his place of resi- dence, giving the street and number. One of the signers of each such paper shall make oath before an officer com- petent to administer oaths, that the statements therein made are true, and that each signature to the paper ap- pended is the genuine signature of the person whose name purports to be thereunto subscribed. Within ten days from the date of filing such petition, the City Clerk shall ex- amine and from the great register ascertain whether or not said petition is signed by the requisite number of quali- Certaln officers to administer oaths. Deputies. Sufficiency of petition, how determined. y <. UMlV£r..9{TY i 50 CHARTER. Board of Trustees to order election if petition is sufficient. Notice and conduct of election. Wliat effects removal. Effect on failure to qualify. fied electors, and if necessary, the Board shall allow him extra help for that purpose, and he shall attach to said petition his certificate showing the result of said examina- tion. If, by the Clerk's certificate, the petition is shown to be insufficient, it may be amended within ten days from the date of said certificate. The Clerk shall, within ten days after such amendment, make like examinations of the amended petition and if his certificate shall show the same to be insufficient, it shall be returned to the person filing the same, without prejudice, however, to the filing of a new petition to the same effect. If the petition shall be found to be sufficient, the Clerk shall submit the same to the Board without delay. If the petition shall be found to be suflSicient, the Board of Trustees shall order, and fix a date for holding, the said election, not less than thirty days nor more than forty days from the date of the Clerk's certificate to the Board that a sufficient petition is filed. The Board of Trustees shall make or cause to be made publication of notice, and all arrangements for holding of such election; and the same shall be conducted, returned, and the result thereof declared, in all respects, as are other city elections. The successor of any officer so removed shall hold office during the unexpired term of his prede- cessor. Any person sought to be removed may be a candi- date to succeed himself, and unless he requests otherwise, in writing, the clerk shall place his name on the official ballot without nomination. In any such removal election, the candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. At such election, if some other person than the incumbent receive the highest number of votes, the incumbent shall thereupon be deemed removed from the office upon qualification of his successor. In case the party who receives the highest number of votes should fail to qualify within ten days after receiving notification of election, the office shall be deemed vacant. If the in- cumbent receives the highest number of votes, he shall con- tinue in office. (Added. Election Feb. 13, 1905.) ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FRESNO ORDINANCE NO. 206. In effect July 9, 1890. An Ordinance to amend the Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance regu- lating the fees of the City Engineer," approved November 26, 1889, and repeal Ordinance 176, passed the 24th day of February, 1890, and Ordi- nance No. 195, passed the 31st date of March, 1890. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. The ordinance entitled "An ordinance regulating the fees of the City Engineer," adopted Nov. 26, 1889, is hereby amended by sub- stituting three sections to read as follows, to-wit: — Section 1. It shall be the duty of the City Engineer to give the lines on surveys of lots and the proper grades of streets in front of all build- ings or other lots, and the line and grade for sewers, with certificates of same when applied to for that purpose, in contracts for street work, sewer work or by private individuals desiring to know the boundaries or grades of their property. It shall be unlawful for said engineer to make a greater charge for such service than is provided in this ordinance, under penalty of forfeiting his claim for such service, such charges and fees to be as follows, to-wit: 1. For giving line or grade for building or for curb of sidewalk for a lot of twenty-five feet frontage $5.00, or for both $10.00. 2. For running lines and setting necessary stakes for the grades and curbing only, including profiles, cross sections estimates and cer- tificates of record, at the rate of four (4) cents per linear foot for the first one thousand (1000) feet or less, and at the rate of two (2) cents for each foot over one thousand (1000) feet. 3. For running line' and setting necessary stakes for the curbing, macadamizing or paving of any street already graded to the official grade, including certificate of record, at the rate of eight (8) cents per linear foot of the work. 4. For the giving lines and grades for sewers in streets or alleys and keeping a record of location of all lines and Y's at the rate of four (4) cents per linear foot for work for the first one thousand (1000) feet or less, and at the rate of two (2) cents per linear foot for each foot over one thousand (1000) feet. The term linear foot shall be deemed to include both sides of any street or alley, and the rates charged shall include the furnishing of stakes used. 5. For replacing or verifying any street monument or bench mark that has been removed or disturbed, the sum of five ($5) dollars. Sec. 2. The City Engineer shall keep a record of all surveys and measurements made under the provisions of this ordinance, or upon any order of the Board of Trustees, in a book or books to be kept for that purpose. A copy of all records of surveys and calculation books con- taining street or other City work, with all maps, plans and profiles in which the said City of Fresno can in any manner be interested, shall be and remain the property of said City and shall be kept in the vault -at the City Hall, open to public inspection. All such books, maps, plans 52 ORDINANCE NO. 221. and profiles shall be carefully preserved by the City Engineer and trans- mitted to his successor in office. (See Art. 55, Charter.) Sec. 3. Repealed by Ord. No. 419, Sec. 1. Sec. 4. Ordinance number 176, passed the 24th day of February, 1890, amending the third paragraph of said ordinance 161, and ordinance number 195, passed the 31st day of March, 1890, amending the fifth para- graph of said ordinance number 161, are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. ORDINANCE NO. 221. In Effect June 10, 1891. An Ordinance declaring, and providing for tlie punishment of mis- demeanors. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. Any person violating or willfully non-complying with any of the provisions of any ordinance of this City of Fresno is guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, where no other penalty is especially provided, be punished by a fine not exceeding Three Hundred Dollars, or by im- prisonment in the City or County jail not exceeding three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. (Amendment Ord. 453, March 21, 1904.) Sec. 2. It shall be competent for the Recorder or Court convicting any person charged with violating or non-complying with any provision of any ordinance of this City to enter an alternative judgment imposing a fine, and on failure to pay the same, imprisoning such person one day for each dollar of such fine. Sec. 3. A chain gang is hereby established for the purpose of causing and compelling persons imprisoned for any misdemeanor to labor on the streets or other property or works within the City. The Marshal or Superintendent of Streets shall have charge of such persons while in the chain gang and shall superintend their work. Sec. 4. Any person undergoing or serving out a term of imprisonment in the City or County Jail, under a judgment of imprisonment, or under an alternative judgment of fine or imprisonment, who refuses to labor or who does not labor on the public streets or works when so required, is guilty of a misdemeanor. The City Marshal is hereby empowered and required to feed any refractory prisoner or prisoners on a diet of bread and water during the time that such prisoner or prisoners refuse to labor on said public streets or works, when required. Sec. 5. Any person who shall engage in any disorderly or boisterous conduct, or disturb the peace of others by assaulting, striking or fighting, or who shall be found in an intoxicated or drunken condition upon any street, thoroughfare, alley, sidewalk, or grounds, or in or upon any premises within the corporate limits of this City; or who shall expose his person or any part thereof in an indecent or lewd manner or commit a nuisance in any public place within the corporate limits, or in any place in said City where there are other persons to be offended or annoyed thereby, is guilty of a misdemeanor. ORDINANCE NO. 221. 53 Sec. 6. Any person who shall make in any public place, or suffer to he made on his premises, or upon premises under his control, any disorder or tumult to the disturbance of the public peace; and any person who shall utter in the presence of two or more persons bawdy, lewd or ob- scene words or epithets, or shall address to another any words language or expression having a tendency to create a breach of the peace; or any person who shall own or allow to be kept open, by day or night, any house of assignation, prostitution or illfame, the in- terior of which is not entirely protected from public gaze by a slattened blind covering the window, which blind shall be kept continually closed, and the door or doors of which house shall not be kept continually closed; or any inmate or frequenter, or person in any way connected with any house of illfame who shall publicly, at or near such house, or on the sidewalk or street in front thereof solicit, invite or entice any person to visit the same, is guilty of a misdemeanor. (Amendment Ord. 336, March 22, 1898.) Sec. 7. Any person who shall keep or maintain any disorderly house or house of assignation, or who shall persuade or assist any female to visit any such house, or house of illfame, is guilty of a misdemeanor. And every day of the maintenance of such house shall be deemed and taken to be a new offense. Sec. 8. Any person, excepting peace officers and travelers, who shall carry concealed upon his person any pistol or firearm, slung shot, dirk or bowie knife, or other deadly weapon without a written permission (re- vocable at any time) from the President of the Board of Trustees, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 9. Any person who shall carry on his person or have in his pos- session any slung shot or instrument, or other thing commonly used or which may be used for throwing any shot, bullet, rock, stone or other missile, or in any manner use the same to the danger of persons or prop- erty in said City, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 10. Every person who wilfully or maliciously breaks or destroys any windows, window sash, door, blind or pane of glass of any occupied or unoccupied or outhouse in the City of Fresno, or commits any nuisance therein, or breaks or destroys or injures anything therein, or any part of said house or outhouse, or any fence or improvements whatever, or who aids, abets or assists any one to commit such nuisance or to injure such property, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 11. Every person who shall visit any house within the City of Fresno, for the purpose of soliciting food, or clothing, or alms, or who shall, in any public place in said City, solicit alms or money from any person, provided that this section shall apply only to those able-bodied persons commonly known as tramps, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 12. Any person who shall discharge firearms of any description within the City of Fresno except in a duly licensed shooting gallery, or any person who shall discharge or explode any torpedoes, bombs, dyna- mite canes, fire crackers, sky rockets or fireworks of any description, or discharge or explode powder under an anvil or in a cannon, or in any other manner, without a permit in writing from the Chief of Police, which shall designate the place, time of firing or discharging and the number of discharges authorized (a copy of which permit shall be filed with the City Clerk before such firing is commenced), is guilty of a misdemeanor. The provisions of this section shall not be construed so as to prohibit any person from shooting destructive animals within or upon his own enclosure, nor to empower the Chief of Police to grant a permit under 54 ORDINANCE NO. 221. any circumstances to authorize a person to fire, discharge or explode in said city, any giant powder or dynamite bombs, cannon or giant fire crackers, nigger chasers or dynamite canes. (Amendment Ord. 462, Nov. 7, 1904.) Sec. 13. Any person who shall engage upon any public highway or square, within the corporate limits of the City, in any sport or exercise having a tendency to frighten horses, or injure persons passing; and any person who shall, in any public place, be guilty of conduct annoying to persons passing or being upon the streets or public ground, or upon ad- jacent premises; and whenever the free passage of a street or sidewalk shall be obstructed by a crowd (except on occasions of public meetings) any person or persons in such crowds who shall fail or refuse to disperse or move on, when directed so to do by the Marshal or his deputies, or a policeman, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 14. Any person who shall make a false alarm by ringing the fire bell or by shouting fire, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 15. Any person who shall ride or drive any horse or other animal upon any public highway or thoroughfare, within the corporate limits of the City, immoderately or beyond a moderate gait, or in such manner as to endanger the safety of persons on such highway or thoroughfare, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 16. Any person who shall run or propel any railroad car, loco- motive, hand-car, horse car, or any train of cars in this City, at a greater rate of speed than six miles per hour, or in such manner as to endanger or obstruct the free passage of any public street, is guilty of a misde- meanor. Sec. 17. Any person who shall ride, drive, lead or tie any horse or mule on any sidewalk, or shall allow his horse, mule, wagon or street car, or other vehicle to stand upon the crossings of any street walk, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 18. Any person who shall open and leave any gate extended across or upon any sidewalk, so as to be an obstruction to persons passing- on such sidewalk, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 19. Any runner, hackman, coach or omnibus driver, expressman, porter or peddler, who enters upon or into any railroad car, the depot or any platform or passageway leading to or from the same, while actually prosecuting his employment as such and wilfully violates and refuses to comply with such rules and regulations as may for that purpose be prescribed by the corporation owning or controlling such car, depot or platform, and approved by the Board of Trustees of this city, when printed copies of said rules and regulations showing such approval are kept posted conspicuously in or on said depot, platform or passageway, is guilty of a misdemeanor. (Amendment Ord. 309, July 18, 1895.) Sec. 20. Any person who shall tear down, mutilate, remove, deface or destroy any notice, handbill, or sign of any business or performance of any kind, or any ornamental sign or awning posts, or any news or bulle- tin board, or who shall use any such boards for posting any notice, device or other matter, without the consent of the owner, is guilty of a mis- demeanor. Sec. 21. Any person who shall place or cause to be placed upon any public way, street or sidewalk, and any person owning or occupying, or having control of any premises who shall suffer to remain in front thereof, upon the sidewalk, or the half of the street or way next to such premises, anything which shall obstruct the free passage of such street or sidewalk for more than one hour at a time, is guilty of a misdemeanor. ORDINANCE NO. 221. 55 This section shall not apply to goods or merchandise in actual course of receipt, delivery or removal, to goods or merchandise within the inner two feet in width of the sidewalk placed for the purpose of display and advertisement; lamp posts or hydrants erected by permission of the Board of Trustees or its President; ornamental trees planted along the outer line of the sidewalk and within the curb, and barriers for protec- tion of the same; watering troughs placed by permission of the Board of Trustees or its President upon the sidewalks for the accommodation of the public; materials being used in the construction or repair of any build- ing, if such materials shall not occupy more than one-third of the whole width of the street in front of such building; provided that in case ma- terials are being used in the construction or repair of any building, not less than three feet of the sidewalk shall be left clear and free from ob- structions, or a sidewalk or temporary walk not less than three feet wide, shall be built around or over any materials left in the street or the side- walk by builders or their employees or agent in the construction of all buildings, such sidewalk or passage way to be free from obstruction and safe for foot travel and satisfactory to the Superintendent of Streets. Each day of the continuance of the obstruction, forbidden as afore- said, is a separate misdemeanor. (See Ord. No. 436.) Sec. 22. Any person who shall do any act, or cause, suffer or create anything within the corporate limits of this City, which is injurious to public health, or which prevents or obstructs the free and comfortable enjoyment of life or property or is dangerous to the surrounding prop- erty, is guilty of a nuisance and a misdemeanor. In addition to the penalty provided by law against the person guilty of a nuisance, and whether the penalty be enforced or not, such nuisance may be abated by the Marshal or other executive officer of the City, upon order of the Board of Trustees so to do, at the expense of the person maintaining the same. Sec. 23. Any person who shall, within the limits of this City, estab- lish or carry on any slaughter house, or who shall slaughter animals, or who shall keep any number of hogs, or other animals; or who shall permit any stable, privy or vault to accumulate filth or excrementitious matter so as to emit an offensive smell to the annoyance of the neigh- borhood in the vicinity thereof, or who shall permit any cesspool or drainage to collect on his premise or premises under his control, in such manner as to be offensive to the senses or prejudicial to the health or comfort of the inhabitants of the City, or any portion thereof, or who shall place or permit to be or remain upon premises under his control any slop, garbage, offal, filth, dirt or any article or thing that emits an offensive odor, to the annoyance of the inhabitants in the vicinity, or who shall deposit any ashes, filth, rocks, sticks, wood, manure or other article or thing in any slough or conduit running through the City so as to prevent the flow of water therein, or who shall throw or deposit any ashes, filth, rocks, sticks, wood, manure or any other article or thing upon the premises of another, is guilty of a misdemeanor. (See Ord. 495, Sees. 27-43.) Sec. 24. Any person who shall deposit any ashes in any wooden vessel, or on the floor of any building, or who shall deposit them on their own or other premises nearer than ten feet to any wood work or struc- ture; or who shall build any fires or burn any refuse matter or deposit or throw into any street or alleyway any paper, ashes, dirt or trash of any kind or nature whatsoever, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 25. Repealed, in effect by Ord. 405, Sec. 7. 56 ORDINANCE NO. 221. Sec. 26. Every person making or using shavings, who shall at the close of each day, fail or refuse or neglect to cause the same to be securely stored away or disposed of, so as to prevent the same from being set on fire, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 27. Any person who shall hitch any animal to any hydrant, on the streets of the City of Fresno, is guilty of a misdemeanor. (Amend- ment Ord. 453, March 21, 1904.) Sec. 28. Any person who shall picket out any cow, horse or other animal, or graze the same upon the public street or sidewalk, or so near there as to endanger or annoy any pedestrian or horseman or occupants of any vehicle passing thereon, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 29. Any person who shall permit the water to be or remain turned on, so as to let the same flow from the pipes of the Water Com- pany, upon any premises under the control of such persons during the prevalence of any fire, after the alarms shall have been given, except where such water is used to extinguish said fire, is guilty of a misde- meanor. Sec. 3-0. Any person driving any vehicle over any hose, while said hose is being used by the Fire Department, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 31. Any person who shall break, injure, remove or displace, without lawful authority, any hitching post erected or maintained in this City for the purpose of hitching horses, or other animals thereto, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 32. Any person who shall leave any horse, mule or other work animal upon any public street, alley or highway of the City of Fresno, or upon any square, plaza or lot opening into any such public street, al- ley or highway, without securely fastening or hitching such animal or animals to some substantial stationary object, unless the same are left in the immediate care of some person of suitable age and discretion, is guilty of a misdemeanor; provided, that where any such animal or ani- mals are securely hitched or fastened to a weight of not less than twenty pounds, it shall be deemed a compliance with the provisions of this sec- tion. (Amendment Ord. 453, March 21, 1904.) Sec. 33. 1. Any person having the possession or control of any veloci- pede, bicycle, tricycle, horse cart or other vehicle, who shall ride or per- mit or allow the same to be run on any sidewalk in the City of Fresno or in any public park or square within the limits of the City of Fresno is guilty of a misdemeanor. 2. Every person who shall ride a bicycle, tricycle or velocipede in any public lane, street, alley or thoroughfare within the corporate limits of the City of Fresno, immoderately or beyond a moderate gait, or in such manner as to endanger the safety of persons on such lane, street, alley or thoroughfare, is guilty of a misdemeanor. 3. Every person riding a bicycle, tricycle or velocipede in the night time in any public street, lane, alley or thoroughfare within the limits of the City of Fresno must have a lamp and bell or horn attached thereto, and must keep the said lamp lighted, and must ring the said bell or sound the said horn loudly and continuously immediately before reaching and while traversing every public street crossing, and every person failing so to do is guilty of a misdemeanor. (Amendment Ord. 278, June 8, 1893.) Sec. 34. Any person who shall carry upon any sidewalk a basket or baskets, bag or bags, suspended from or attached to a pole upon or across the shoulders, and any person who shall carry upon any sidewalk any rubbish, garbage or filth, so as to be offensive to pedestrians, is guilty of a misdemeanor. ORDINANCE NO. 221 57 Se<;. 35. Any person who shall cut, break, deface or injure any grass plat, trees, shrubs, flowers, bench, chair, outhouse, building, or fixture upon any street, public walk, park or other public place in this City; or who shall lie or sleep upon any chair, bench or seat in any improved public park or plaza; or who shall break or injure any lamp posts, or ex- tinguish during the night time, any light maintained for public con- venience or safety within said City, without lawful authority; or who shall remove or cause the removal of any street guide, or any portion thereof from any public lamp or post; or who shall obliterate, deface, destroy or interfere with any street guide or any portion thereof upon or attached to any fence, post or any public lamp post; or who shall obliterate, de- face or remove any public number upon any house, door, building or public place, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 36. Any person is guilty of a misdemeanor who shall in any manner, or for any purpose: Break up, dig up, disturb, undermine, or dig under, or cause to be dug up, broken up, disturbed, undermined, or dug under, any public street, highway or place; Tear up, break or loosen, any stones, lumber, planks, blocks or mate- rials of a bridge, street or alley; Take or carry away any stones, lumber, planks, blocks or material of a street, bridge or alley, or any free or loose stones, lumber, plank, blocks or materials of a bridge, street or alley; Pill in, put, place thereon or deposit In or upon any public street, highway or place, any earth, sand, dirt, clay, manure or rock, without the permission, implied or expressed, or authorization of the corporation, acting by its proper agents. Sec. 37. Any person who, being permitted so to do, as aforesaid, shall have broken up, dug up, disturbed, undermined or dug under any public street, highway or place, shall, as soon as possible complete the work, which he is authorized to do, and shall without delay put the street, high- way or place in as good condition as it was before such work was done; and shall remove all surplus sand, clay, earth, dirt, manure or rubbish. And for any willful or negligent failure to complete the work afore- said, or to repair the damage done thereby, as aforesaid, such person is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 38. Any person by whom, or under whose immediate direction, or by whose immediate authority, as principal or as contractor or as em- ployer, any portion of a public street may be made dangerous, is guilty of a misdemeanor, unless he shall erect and so long as the danger may continue, maintain around the portion of the street or highway so made dangerous, a good and substantial barrier; and shall cause to be main- tained, during every night from sunset to daylight, lighted lanterns at the points of danger sufficient to give fair warning from every point of ap- proach. Sec. 39. No person having control of any wagon, cart, or other ve- hicle, used for jobbing purposes, shall allow such wagon, cart or vehicle to remain or stand for any length of time in front of any store, dwelling or building without the consent of the owner or occupant. Provided, that wagons, carts or vehicles so used are allowed to stand on K, Fresno, Tulare and M streets, on the side of said streets next to the public square. No person having charge of, control of any wagon, cart or vehicle loaded with hay, wood or coal, shall permit or allow the same for any 58 ORDINANCE NO. 221 length of time (than loading or unloading) on any public street, highway or alley of this City, except as herein provided for teams used for jobbing- purposes. Any person willfully continuing to violate the provisions of this sec- tion, after being warned by the Marshal, or Superintendent of Streets, or any Policeman, is guilty of a misdemeanor. (Amendment Ord. 243, Oct. 9, 1891.) Sec. 40. Any person owning or having in his possession or under his control any water pipe or drain, who shall permit the waters therefrook to run across any sidewalk, public street or alleyway, so as to injure the same or obstruct the free travel thereon. Is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 41. It is a misdemeanor for any person, either owner, contractor,, agent, employe or servant to have or maintain upon any street, sidewalk or alleyway, either temporarily or permanently, for the purpose of build- ing, repairing or convenience any hole, break, cavity or dangerous ob- struction, unless substantially protected from danger of accident. Such person is excused from liability, under this section, by using properljr some means or device for protection approved by the Street Superin- tendent. Sec. 42. Any person who shall destroy, injure or remove any notice or monument erected or placed by the City Engineer or Superintendent, of Streets, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 43. It is a misdemeanor to erect or place any structure for ex- hibiting any bills, posters or advertisements (excepting bulletin boards) in any street, alley or public place, without written permission therefor from the President of the Board of Trustees. Sec. 44. It is a misdemeanor for any person to have in any of the streets, alleys or public grounds, or within any enclosure exposed to view,, any stallion, bull or jackass, for the purpose of exhibition or advertise- ment. Sec. 45. Any person under the age of fourteen, years who shall visit any saloon or tippling house where liquors are sold at retail; or frequent any improper places of resort; or who shall loiter upon the public streets, sidewalks or public grounds of the City of Fresno, after the hour of eight o'clock p. m, without written permission of the parents or guardian of such person and after being warned by a peace officer, is guilty of a mis- demeanor. Sec. 46. Any person, the proprietor or keeper or bartender of any saloon, tippling house or other place where liquors are sold at retail, who permits any person under the age of sixteen years, to visit such place under his control, without a written permit from the parent or guardian of such minor, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 47. Any minor of or under the age of sixteen years, who, in the streets, or in any of the public places of this City, smokes cigars, cigar- ettes or tobacco in any form; and any person who directly or indirectly sells or gives to any such minor, in this City, cigars, cigarettes or tobacca in any form, or cigarette paper, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 48. Any boy under the age of sixteen years, who shall get on, or attempt to get on any car or train of cars propelled by steam, or get off or attempt to get off any such car or train of cars, while the same is in motion, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 49. Any person who shall establish, maintain or carry on the business of public laundry or wash house where articles are cleaned for hire, is guilty of a misdemeanor, unless he shall have obtained: ORDINANCE NO. 221. 5? First: From the President of the Board of Health a certificate that the premises are sufiiciently drained and that such business can be car- ried on without injury to the sanitary condition of the neighborhood; Second: From the Fire Marshal of said City a certificate that the heating appliances are in good condition and that their use is not dan- gerous to the surrounding property. Sec. 50. Any person who shall, at a fixed stand or place of business, buy, sell or keep on hand for sale any second hand clothing, books, fire- arms, knives, tools or implements of industry of any kind, shall be deemed a junk shop keeper. Sec. 51. Every junk shop keeper shall keep a register showing the names of all persons from whom he purchases or trades for any article or thing whatever, and the date and name or description of such article or thing so purchased or traded for. He shall also keep a register show- ing the names of all persons to whom he shall sell or trade any article or thing, and the name or description of such article or thing so sold or traded, and the date of such sale or exchange. Such register shall be open to the inspection of the Marshal or any of his deputies, or of any policeman or detective. Sec. 52. No junk-shop keeper or pawn broker shall purchase, trade for or receive on any pretext, any article or thing whatever from any minor under the age of eighteen years, without the written consent of the parent or guardian of such minor. Sec. 53. No junk-shop keeper or pawn broker shall hire, loan or de- liver to any minor under the age of eighteen years, any gun, pistol or other firearm, dirk, bowie-knife, powder, shot, bullets or any weapon, or any combustible or dangerous material without the written consent of the parent or guardian of such minor. Sec. 54. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of sec- tions 51, 52 and 53 is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 55. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person within the City of PYesno to keep on hand or vend, or give away or dispose of any fruits, vegetables, fruit trees or ornamental shrubs which are infested with pests such as cottony cushion scale, red scale or San Jose scale, or any other pest injurious to fruits, vegetables, fruit trees or ornamental shrubbery, and having a tendency to spread and propagate itself. Sec. 56. It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees to appoint, by resolution, at any time and under such salary as may be fixed by the Board by such resolution, an inspector of fruit and quarantine officer, whose duty it shall be to inspect fruit, fruit trees, ornamental shrubbery and vegetables, within the City of Fresno, and to quarantine against the introduction of infected fruit, fruit trees, ornamental shrubbery and vege- tables, and to cause the same, when so infected, to be destroyed; and shall have power to order persons having the same on hand, or vending the same, to destroy them, and see, in person, that the same are so des- troyed; and to enforce, as a misdemeanor, the provisions of the preceding section against any person whom he may deem willfully violating tlie same. Sec. 57. Any person wearing a fire.man's badge, in the City of Fresno, such person, not being a member in good standing of the Fire Depart- ment of said City, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 58. Any person, association of persons, or corporations who shall run, or stretch or maintain, through, along or across any street or alley. 60 ORDINANCE NO. 221. any wire, cable, rope or cord, on poles or otherwise, at a less height than thirty feet, without the permission of the Board of Trustees, is guilty of a misdemeanor; and any such wire stretched less than thirty feet from the ground is hereby declared a nuisance. Sec. 59. It shall be the duty of the Fire Marshal of the City of Fresno to give reasonable notice to any person or corporation having or maintain- ing or stretching wires, cables, ropes or cord, or having caused the same to be stretched in any street or public place, contrary to the provisions of the preceding section, to remove the same; and in case such removal be not so made, said Fire Marshal may remove such wire or other ob- struction, or prosecute any person or corporation willfully maintaining the same or may both remove and prosecute. Sec. 60. Each day of the willful continuance of any act prohibited by any ordinance of this City, is a distinct misdemeanor. This provision includes among other things the continuance to erect or construct any building or structure which, when completed, would be a building or structure prohibited by ordinance in the locality where so erected or constructed. Sec. 61. Any auctioneer, his agent or clerk, who shall sell or expose for sale by auction any livestock, goods, wares, merchandise or other things, of whatever nature, to any person or persons who, at the time of bidding for or while examining the same, shall be on any public street or sidewalk of said City, without having first obtained from the Street Super- intendent a permit so to sell or to expose for sale at such place, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 62. Any person who shall drive any vehicle over any taut rope, wire or cable while in use in moving any building or structure, in any public place in the City of Fresno, or who shall cut or smash or otherwise injure the same while in use, or who shall willfully interfere with the workmen, tools or horses engaged in the work of removing a building, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 63. All persons who carry on, or attempt to carry on any busi- ness, occupation or performance for profit, without procuring the proper license therefor, and all persons who aid, assist or abet such persons in so doing, as their servants, agents or employes, are guilty of a misde- meanor; and in case of a circus or other public performance, they shall be arrested and prevented by the City Marshal from effecting such pur- pose. Sec. 64. The sidenotes or catchwords in this ordinance are no part of said ordinance. Sec. 65. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage, printing and posting. Sec. 66. Any person who uses any cart or vehicle upon any public street, lane, or alley, within the limits of the City of Fresno, for the convey- ance or removal of swill, garbage, butchers' offal, the contents of cess- pools or private vaults or any other filth whatever, between the hours of five o'clock A. M. and nine o'clock P. M. from the first day of May, and the first day of November, and between the hours of seven o'clock A. M. and seven o'clock P. M. from the first day of November to the first day of May of each year without a special permit from the Board of Trus- tees is guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. Substituted by Ord. 376, July 16, 1900.) ORDINANCE NO. 237. 61 Sec. 67. Any person who shall throw or deposit, or permit to be thrown or deposited any dirt, paper, filth, sweepings of any store, house, shop or office, or any ashes, shavings, filth water, offal, straw, wood, stones, earth, manure, refuse matter or rubbish of any kiSd whatsoever, into any street, lane, alley or public ground, is guilty of a misdemeanor. And any person or persons having control of premises from which any of the aforesaid articles shall be or may have been thrown or deposited in any street, lane, alley, or public ground or place who shall fail to remove the same therefrom within four hours after receiving knowledge thereof, is guilty of a misdemeanor. And any person who, except before the hour of 8 A. M. of Friday of each week washes or cleans or causes to be wash- ed or cleaned any plank, stone or cement sidewalk or any plate glass, front or exposition window on the line of the sidewalk by using water in such quantities as to run into the gutters of the streets, or by applying water directly from a hose is guilty of a misdemeanor. (Added by Ord. 282, Oct. 5, 1893.) Sec. 68. Any person who uses or maintains barbed wire for fencing purposes within the City of Fresno or surrounds any lots, buildings or structures with the same within said City is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished accordingly. (Added by Ord. 285, Dec. 28, 1893.) Sec. 69. Any proprietor, keeper, bartender, clerk or any other person having the charge or control of any saloon, bar-room, billiard-room or pool-room, or cigar store, or of any other public place within the City of Fresno, who permits any person under the age of 18 years to play or engage in, or be present at any game of billiards, pool or of cards, without the express consent of the parent or guardian of such minor, is guilty of a misdemeanor; and any person under the age of 18 years who plays or engages in or is present at any game of billiards, pool or of cards in any public place within the said City of Fresno, without the express consent of his parent or guardian, is likewise guilty of a misde- meanor. (Amendment Ord. 307, June 20, 1895.) Sec. 70. Any proprietor, keeper, bartender, clerk or any other per- son having the charge or control of any saloon, bar-room or other place where malt, vinous or spirituous liquors are sold in quantities less than one quart and used as a beverage, who permits any female to visit said place, or ante-room or compartment connecting with the same, is guilty of a misdemeanor and any female who visits any such drinking saloon, bar-room, or other such place is likewise guilty of a misdemeanor. (Amendment Ord. 307, June 20, 1895.) Sec. 71. Any person who shall spit or expectorate, on the floor of any street railway car, or other public conveyance or public building, or any sidewalk in the City of Fresno, is guilty of a misdemeanor. (Added by Ord. 331, June 24, 1897.) Sec. 72. No person or persons shall, in any theater in the City of Fresno, wear any hat or bonnet or other head-gear, that shall obstruct the view of those sitting behind them, while a performance or other en- tertainment is actually in progress at such theater. (Added by Ordinance No. 340.) ORDINANCE NO. 237. In effect June 10, 1891. An Ordinance to re-enact certain provisions of sections 1390, 1391, 1392, 1393, 1396, 1398, 1399, 1400, 1401, 1402, 1405, 1406 and 1407 of the ordi- nance entitled, ''An ordinance to establish municipal regulations for the 62 ORDINANCES NO. 251 AND 257. City of Fresno," passed November 28th, 1885, and to repeal all ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent with the provisions of the ordinances numbered 220, 221, 223 and 224. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: (Sections 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 are repealed by the Charter.) Sec. 3. The common seal of this city shall be argent, a bunoh of grapes proper, surrounded by the inscription, *'City of Fresno, Incorpo- rated 27th October, 1885." Sec. 4. Until this city has a City Prison all persons sentenced to imprisonment for the violation of any ordinance thereof must be im- prisoned in the County Jail of the County of Fresno and the expense of such imprisonment shall be a charge in favor of said County against this •City. Sec. 16. All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance and of (the aforesaid) ordinances, num- bered 220, 221, 223 and 224 are hereby repealed. Sec. 17. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, printing and posting as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 251. In effect March 7, 1892. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. That any person, persons or corporation who shall here- after make application to the Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno, asking said Board to grant a franchise within the corporate limits of said City shall be required to accompany such application with and deliver to the City Clerk of said City a certificate of deposit or check duly certi- fied by a solvent bank payable to said City, which said sum of money said City shall be at liberty to draw upon and use in meeting and de- fraying all necessary expenses that may be incurred by said City in refer- ence to and by reason of any action or proceeding that may be had or taken by said Board in pursuance of such application. And if there shall remain any balance in the hands of the City after all such expenses shall have been paid the same shall be returned to the person, persons, or <;orporation who deposited the same or to their order. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval. ORDINANCE NO. 257. In effect June 6, 1892. An Ordinance requiring applications for franchises within the corporate limits of the City of Fresno, to be accompanied by certified checks. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. Any person, persons or corporation who shall hereafter make application to the Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno, asking same Board to grant a franchise within the corporate limits of said City, shall be required to accompany such application with, and deliver to the City Clerk of said City^ a check for the sum of $300.00 duly certified by ORDINANCES NO. 281 AND 341. 63 a solvent bank and made payable to the City of Fresno, as a guarantee of good faith in the event of the said City making such grant. Said check shall be forfeited to the City of Fresno and be collected for the use and benefit of said City, should the grantee fail to carry out all the provisions and requirements contained in the said franchise. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage, approval and publication. ORDINANCE NO. 281. In effect October 3, 1893. An Ordinance requiring all water and gas companies to file with the Superintendent of Streets a map of plat of any proposed extension, altera- tion or repair of their pipes, etc. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. No water or gas company shall hereafter make any ex- tension, alteration or repair of any of their lines of pipe now situated in the streets or alleys of this City without first filing with the Superintend- ent of Streets a map or plat thereof showing in detail the proposed extension, alteration or repair, where situated, the size of pipe and the location of all valves, openings and hydrants, and shall obtain from said Superintendent his consent in writing therefor. Sec. 2. Any officer or employe of any such company not complying with the requirements herein shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished accordingly. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. ORDINANCE NO. 341. In effect July 18, 1898. An Ordinance providing for the inspection and disinfection of second- hand goods. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall buy, sell or exchange w^ithin the City of Fresno any second-hand furniture, bedding, carpets, clothing, books or other second-hand goods, wares or merchandise brought from without the City of Fresno, or permit any such second-hand furni- ture, bedding, carpets, clothing, books or other second-hand goods, wares or merchandise to be brought into and delivered in the City of Fresno, for use, sale, or exchange until the same shall have been first inspected by the Health Officer of this City, and said furniture, bedding, carpets, clothing, books, or other goods, wares or merchandise, shall, if ordered liy said Health Officer be thoroughly fumigated or disinfected by the owner or consignee thereof before it is delivered, sold or exchanged, or offered for sale or exchange. Sec. 2. If the owner or consignee of any articles mentioned in the preceding shall fail, refuse or neglect to fumigate or disinfect any such article or articles within forty-eight hours from notice from the Health Officer so to do, the Health Officer may forthwith proceed to have such article or articles fumigated or disinfected and the cost and expense 64 ORDINANCES NO. 388 AND 390. thereby incurred shall be chargeable to the owner or consignee of such article or articles and shall be a lien thereon. Sec. 3. Any person or persons willfully violating any of the provis- ions of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. ORDINANCE NO. 388. In effect July 15, 1901. An Ordinance concerning certain powers and duties of tlie Chief of Police. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. All the powers conferred and duties enjoined upon the "Marshal" or the "City Marshal," by an existing ordinance of the City of Fresno, being No. 221, entitled "An ordinance declaring and providing for the punishment of misdemeanors; as amended heretofore, shall here- after be exercised and performed by the Chief of Police of the City of Fresno. Sec. 2. All the powers conferred and duties enjoined upon the "Mar- shal" or the "City Marshal" — by any law or ordinance now existing, and in force or applicable to the City of Fresno, shall hereafter be exercised and performed by the Chief of Police of the City of Fresno. (See charter. Sec. 242.) Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. ORDINANCE No. 390. In effect August 19, 1901. An Ordinance concerning certain performances in and about places where spirituous, vinous, malt or intoxicating liquors are sold or used as a beverage. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. No person shall cause, procure or employ any person for hire, drink, gain or otherwise, to play upon any musical instrument or to dance, promenade, sing or give any vaudeville, theatrical, operatic or other performance, or otherwise exhibit himself or herself in (or near enough to attract to such place several persons) any drinking saloon, bar-room, dance cellar, ball room, public garden or in any place what- soever, if in such place or at such place there is connected therewith the sale, directly or indirectly for use as a beverage, or to be drunk at or near such place of any intoxicating, spirituous, vinous, or malt liquors; nor shall any person owning or having charge or control of any such place, allow any person to play on such instrument, or any phono- graph, graphophone, gramophone or any other instrument that reproduces the voice, or sound, song or music, or cause or allow the same to operate automatically or otherwise; nor allow any person in, at or near such place to sing, dance, promenade or otherwise perform, so as to attract or amuse, where two or more persons are present, or so as to attract or cause to come together two or more persons; and no person shall do any of the acts herein specified which others are hereby forbidden to cause or allow to be done. ODRINANCES NO. 394 AND 398. 65 Sec. 2. No person shall exhibit or keep for exhibition or inspection or permit to be exhibited or seen in or about any of the places mentioned or referred to in Section 1 of this ordinance, and obscene or lewd pic- ture or image, or any machine or device containing any such picture or pictures. Sec. 3. Every person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, or any of the prohibitions thereof, shall be subject to arrest, and if found guilty, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $300.00 or by imprisonment not exceeding ninety days, or by both such fine and im- prisonment. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 394. In effect October 14, 1901. An ordinance concerning domestic fowls and prohibiting the trespass of the same upon the premises of persons other than the owner within the City of Fresno. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person owning or having control of any pigeons, chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys or other domestic fowls to permit the same to run or go upon the premises of any other person within the City of Fresno. (Amendment Ord. 402, No- vember 18, 1901.) Sec. 2. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding Ten Dollars ($10.00), or be imprisoned in the County Jail for a term not exceeding twenty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. ORDINANCE NO. 398. In effect October 21, 1901, except Sec. 1 and 2 in effect Jan. 1, 1902. An Ordinance relating to gambling and prohibiting all gaming machines and certain classes of gambling, and providing a punishment for a viola- tion thereof. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, either as owner, leasee, agent, employe, mortgagee, or otherwise, to operate, keep, main- tain, rent, use or conduct, within the City of Fresno, any clock, tape, slot or card machine, or and other machine, contrivance or device upon which money is staked or hazarded upon chance, or into which money is paid, deposited or played upon chance, or upon the result of the action of which money or any other article or thing of value is staked, bet, hazarded, won or lost upon chance. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, either as owner, lessee, agent, employe, mortgagee, or otherwise, to operate, keep, maintain, rent, use or conduct, within the City of Fresno, any machine, contriv- 5* 66 ORDINANCE NO. 398. ance, appliance or mecliaiiical device, upon the result of the action of which money or other valuable thing is staked or hazarded, and which is operated or played by placing or depositing therein any coins, checks, slugs, balls or other article or device, or in any other manner, and by means of the action whereof or as the result of the operation of which, any merchandise, money, representative of article of value, check or token redeemable in, or exchangeable for money, or any other thing of value, is won or lost or taken from or obtained from such machine, when the result of the action or operation of such machine, contrivance, appliance or mechanical device is dependent upon hazard or chance. Sec. 3. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person within the City of Fresno to conduct, carry on, deal, play or bet at or against any game played with cards, dice or any other instrument, thing, device or machine, for money, chips, credit, or any other representative of value, when such game of cards, dice or other Instrument, thing, device, or machine is played with a kitty, take out, or rake off, or with or in connection with any device, scheme, or arrangement whereby any portion of the gains, losses, bets or stakes of said game, or of any of the players thereat, is taken out, laid aside, or paid for drinks, cigars, cards, dice, refresh- ments, light, fuel, rent ot for any other consideration or thing whatso- ever, or is paid to, taken out or laid aside for the use or benefit of any person owning or managing, conducting, controlling or having the con- trol, conduct or management of the game, room, apartment or place wherein or in which such game of cards, dice or other instrument, thing, device or machine is dealt, played, conducted or carried on. Sec. 4. It Is hereby declared unlawful for any person within the City of Fresno to rent, open up, carry on or conduct, or have charge or con- trol of any room, apartment or place in said city wherein or whereat any game played with cards, dice or any other instrument, thing, device or machine is played, dealt, conducted, carried on, or permitted to be payed or dealt for money, checks, chips, credit, or other representative of value, with a kitty or take out, or rake off, or with or in connection with any device, scheme or arrangement whereby any portion of the gains, losses, bets or stakes of said game, or of any of the players thereat, is taken out, laid aside or paid for drinks, cigars, cards, dice, refresh- ments, light, fuel, rent or for any other consideration or thing whatso- ever, or is paid to or is taken out, or laid aside for the use or benefit of any person owning, managing, conducting, controlling or having the control, conduct or management of said game, room, apartment or place wherein or whereat such game played with cards, dice, or other instru- ment, thing, device or machine is played, dealt, conducted or carried on. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police and every police- man to be vigilant in finding any and all places where any game, device or machine, prohibited by this ordinance, is used, played, carried on or conducted, and in making arrests, all persons liable to punishment, or whom they have good reason to believe are so liable, under this ordinance, shall be arrested, and it shall be their duty to proceed with them as in the case of other persons liable to punishment as for a violation of penal ordinances, and any such officer or policeman who fails or neglects to perform the duties herein enjoined, shall be subject to dismissal from the service and from his office. Sec. 6. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, or who shall do any act herein declared to be unlawful shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars or more than $300.00 or by imprisonment in the City or County jail not exceeding ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. ORDINANCE NO. 405. 67 Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, except sections one and two thereof, which shall take effect and be in force on the first minute of the first day of January, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 405. In effect January 20, 1902. An Ordinance prohibiting certain kinds of advertising witliin the limits of the City of Fresno, and making provision for punishment of violations thereof. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person upon any public sidewalk, street, alley or public place in the City of Fresno, to •carry, bear or support any banner, sign, transparency, framework, device or emblem used or purporting to be used, or intended as an advertise- ment of any trade, profession or business, place of business, office, store or occupation, or used or purporting to be used, or intended to divert trade, business, patronage or custom from any person, firm or corporation. Sec. 2. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person upon any public street, sidewalk, doorway, stairway, window, alley or public place in the City of Fresno, to blow any bugle, horn, trumpet, or beat any drum, or ring any bell or to drive any horse, team or wagon to which is attached any bell or gong that rings or sounds when said team or horse is in motion, or to make any other loud or unusual noise for the purpose of, or with the intention of advertising, proclaiming, publishing, announcing or calling attention to any business, calling, occupation, firm, dealer, amusement, show, exhibition, event, prize fight, boxing contest, goods, wares, merchandise or other property. Sec. 3. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to lead, ride or drive upon any public street, alley or place within the City of Fresno, any animal or animals upon which is placed or carried, or to which is attached any banner, sign, advertisement, picture or other device, ad- vertising, publishing, proclaiming, announcing or calling attention to, or intending to advertise, publish, proclaim, announce or call attention to any business, calling, occupation, firm, dealer, place of business, show, exhibition, event, goods, wares, merchandise, or other property, or any <;ontest, prize fight, boxing contest, or which attempts or purports, or is intended to divert or drive away trade, business, patronage or custom from any person, firm or corporation. Sec. 4. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to drive, push, pull or propel upon any public street, alley or public place in the City of Fresno, any advertising wagon, buggy, cart, vehicle or machine, or any wagon, buggy, cart, bicycle, vehicle or machine used exclusively for ad- vertising purposes, or used or purporting to be used or intended to be used for the purpose of diverting or driving away, or drawing off custom, trade, business or patronage from any person, firm or corporation. Sec. 5, It is hereby declared unlawful for any person upon any public street, alley, sidewalk, or public place in said city, or in any doorway or stairway leading or opening upon any such public street, alley, side- walk or public place, to cry, proclaim, or announce any firm, dealer or place of business, show, exhibition, event, goods, wares, merchandise or property, for the purpose of advertising, proclaiming, announcing, or otherwise calling attention to the same; or for the purpose of diverting 6g ORDINANSE NO. 405. or turning away, or drawing off custom, trade, business, or patronage, from any person, firm or corporation; provided, that this section shall not apply to newsboys calling attention to or crying out newspapers which they have for sale. Sec. 6. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to post, stick, stamp, print or otherwise affix, or cause to be posted, stuck, stamped, printed or otherwise affixed any bill, poster, advertisement or notice (except official notices) upon any telegraph pole, telephone pole, fire alarm pole, electric light pole, awning or shelter pole or the pole of any electric street railway company in the City of Fresno, or upon the curb- ing of any public street or alley in said city; or to mar, deface, change the appearance of, injure or write upon any such pole or street curbing. Sec. 7. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to hand or dis- tribute to, or among pedestrians, or to place, throw, or deposit, or cause to be placed, thrown, or deposited into, or upon any car or conveyance, doorstep, porch, yard, or lawn within the City of Fresno, or upon any of the public streets, alleys, sidewalks, advertisements, paper, bill, poster^ notice, hand bill, advertising card, business card, advertising device^ dodger or emblem used, or purporting to be used or intended as an ad- vertisement or notice of any article of merchandise, or any trade, pro- fession or business, show, exhibition, theater, store, occupation of any person, firm or corporation; or used or purporting to be used, or intended to divert, draw off, turn or drive away patronage, custom, business or trade from any person, firm or corporation; provided, that nothing in this section shall apply to the United States mail carriers in the dis- charge of their duties in the distribution of mail matter, or to the sale or delivery of newspapers; provided, further, that nothing herein con- tained shall prevent house to house advertising by placing advertising matter, carefully prepared in book, parcel, pamphlet, sheet, page or bundle form, within the outer door of any resident within the City of Fresno without knocking or ringing the door bell, or by handing such advertising matter, so prepared to any inmate of such residences. (As amended by Ordinance 563.) Sec. 8a. It shall be unlawful for any company, corporation, individual, co-partnership, association, theatrical company or circus, to advertise within the (5ity of Fresno, by placing cloth banners upon any of the buildings, fences, walls, structures or other places upon any of the streets, alleys, or highways within said City of Fresno. (Added by Ordinance 563.) Sec. 8b. It shall be unlawful for any theatrical company, social en- tertainment, fair, amateur or professional athletic exhibition or indi- vidual advertising within the City of Fresno by means of single sheet, boards to use more than twenty-five of said single sheet boards at any one time or by placing any of said boards upon any of the sidewalks, streets, alleys or highways within said city, but nothing herein contained shall prevent said persons, companies or associations so advertising from placing said single sheet boards in any door-way, alcove or recess of any building within said city where permission to so place the same is first had from the owner, tenant or occupant of said building where said boards shall be so placed. (Added by Ordinance 563.) ORDINANCE NO. 405. Sec. 8. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to post, stick, stamp, print or otherwise affix, or cause to be posted, stuck, stamped, printed or otherwise affixed, any bill, poster, notice or advertisement to, or upon any house or part thereof, outbuilding, or upon any wall, fence, gate post, sidewalk, trees, or boxes around trees, awning or shelter posts in any part of the City of Fresno without the permission in writing of the owner, agent or occupier of the premises to do so; provided, that nothing in this section shall prevent licensed bill posters from posting bills upon billboards owned or controlled by them. Sec. 9. Sections one (1) and two (2) of this ordinance shall be sub- ject to the PROVISO that the Mayor, in the exercise of his sound dis- cretion, upon application and a proper and satisfactory showing, may grant a special permit, under such reasonable restrictions as in his judg- ment shall be necessary to safeguard the public interests of said city, for the doing of such of the acts forbidden by said sections one and two hereof as he may determine, when, in his judgment, the issuance of such permit shall not conflict with the purposes of this ordinance; provided, further, that such permit shall specify the time when, and the streets or place where any of said acts may be done. Sec. 10. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, or doing any of the acts herein declared to be unlawful, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding the sum of one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the City or County jail not exceeding fifty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 11. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 12. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. (,) ORDINANCES NO. 406 AND 407. 69 ORDINANCE NO. 406. In effect January 27, 1902. Entitled an Ordinance concerning flagmen at railroad crossings in the City of Fresno, regulating the stationing of and the duties of such flag- men, and others In respect thereof, and providing penalties for violation of this ordinance. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. All persons, firms and corporations owning, operating or controlling any steam railway, engines or cars propelled by steam, upon Q street or between P and R streets in the City of Fresno, are hereby required to station flagmen and keep said flagmen stationed at the in- tersection of the main line track with Tulare Street and also Ventura Street; and all persons, firms or corporations owning, operating or con- trolling any such steam railway engines or cars propelled by steam, upon or between G and H Streets in this City, are hereby required to station flagmen, and keep them stationed, at the crossing of the main line track with Fresno, Tulare and Kern Streets, and from the 1st day of August to the 20th day of December of each year at such crossing also with Ventura Street; and from the 1st day of August to the 20th day of De* cember of each year also at such crossing with Mono Street. Provided, that such flagmen shall be so kept stationed at such places during the hours from 6 A. M. to 7 P. M., between the 1st day of Decem- ber and the 1st day of June, and from 6 A. M. to 8 P. M., between the 1st day of June and the 1st day of December of each year. (Amendment Ord. No. 410, March 3, 1902.) Sec. 2. No person, firm or corporation owning, operating or controll- ing any railway engine or cars upon any of said streets, or running or used thereon, shall cause or permit the said engine or any car to pass any of the points or go upon any of the said crossings, above mentioned in Section 1 hereof, within any of the times when required by Section 1 hereof, until such flagman stationed at such point or crossing shall signal him or them so to do; and no flagman so stationed shall ever so signal so long as the passing of such engine or cars would be dangerous to any person or vehicle approaching such points or crossing. (Amendment Ord. No. 410, March 3, 1902.) Sec. 3. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding three hun- dred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 407. In effect January 27, 1902. An Ordinance relating to the pound-keeper; prescribing his powers, duties and compensation, and the fees to be collected by him and the disposition of the same. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. The City pound-keeper shall execute a bond to the City of Fresno, in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, with such security 70 ORDINANCE NO. 407. or sureties as shall be approved by the Board of Trustees, for the faithful performance of his duties, and shall hold his office and receive a com- pensation for such time and in such amount, and shall discharge such duties as in this or other ordinances from time to time provided. Sec. 2. The City pound-keeper shall be appointed by the Mayor, and he shall take and have charge of the City Pound and crematory, and he shall furnish metal tags for dogs registered to the persons owning or controlling the same, upon payment of the fees therefor; he shall take and impound all animals found running at large upon any street, side- walk, lane, alley or other public or unenclosed place within the City of Fresno, except dogs duly registered for the time being. He shall also cremate all filth and garbage or other combustible material that may be deposited within the pound, the City furnishing the necessary fuel. He shall take good care of all the machinery, pumps, tanks, windmills and other property and appliances of the pound and crematory and com- ply with instructions from the Board of Trustees, or its proper commit- tees, as to the quantity and character of fuel and other material used. He shall have the right to gather and sell for his own use all junk and non-combustible refuse material delivered at the pound; and the delivery of such material and of all garbage and refuse combustible ma- terial at any place within the city, elsewhere than within the pound enclosure, is hereby forbidden. (Amendment Ord. 429, February 9, 1903.) Sec. 3. In lieu of all license tax now imposed upon dogs by this city, which tax is hereby intended to be abolished, those owning or having charge of dogs shall be subject to the' provisions of this ordinance, in respect to dogs, and it shall be the duty of the pound-keeper to register, once every twelve months, in a book kept for that purpose, all dogs in this city, charging and collecting therefor the sum of $1.00 from such owner or person having charge thereof (except persons who have paid heretofore, a license tax for such dog, — such dogs being exempt herefrom until expiration of such license), and upon the payment of such fee, he shall enter in such dog-register book a description sufficient to identify such dog, with name of owner, and number and date of registration, and he shall then deliver to the person making such payment, a metal tag, with the number and date thereof stamped or cut thereon and the words, "Dog Tag" stamped thereon; and such tag whilst attached to a collar upon the neck of such dog, shall exempt the same from impound- ing for twelve months from such date, except as provided for vicious or dangerous dogs running at large unmuzzled. Sec. 4, Any animal found trespassing upon any private enclosure in said corporate limits may be taken up by the party owning such enclosure, or by his agent, and committed to the pound-keeper, who shall hold the same subject to reasonable demands for damages, in addition to the fees prescribed in this ordinance. Sec. 5. The pound-keeper shall keep a true and faithful record of the number and the description of all animals taken into his custody, with the date of their impounding and the date and manner of their disposal, and shall keep conspicuously posted at the entrance of the pound a list of animals detained therein. He shall provide the necessary subsistence for all animals while in his custody, and shall not alter or suffer to be altered any mark or brand thereon and shall not suffer cruel treatment thereof. Sec. 6. All animals, except dogs, taken into the custody of the pound-keeper, if not reclaimed within twenty-four hours thereafter, may be sold by the pound-keeper at any time after giving at least three days notice of such sale. ORDINANCE NO. 407. 71 Sec. 7. The notice shall describe the animal, and shall state the time and place of sale, and shall be posted up in three public places in the city, one of which notices shall be posted at the entrance of the pound. At the time advertised the pound-keeper shall sell all the animals so advertised at public auction to the highest bidder for cash. The pro- ceeds of such sale, after deducting the fees and charges, shall be im- mediately paid by the pound-keeper to the treasurer of the city, who shall pay over said proceeds to the owner of such animal so sold upon warrant ordered by the trustees, if claimed within three months there- after. Sec. 8. The owner, or persons entitled to the control of any animal impounded may, at any time before the sale or other disposition thereof, redeem the same by paying the pound-keeper all fees and charges thereon, and, if a dog, by paying for tag and registration thereof in addition, if unpaid. Sec. 9. The pound-keeper may appoint not more than two deputies or assistants, to be paid by himself, and he shall charge and collect the following fees and charges from persons redeeming animals taken up or impounded and for registering dogs and furnishing tags for same, that is to say: For taking up and impounding any horse, bull, cow, jack, mule, steer, yearling calf or colt the sum of $2.00 For keeping each animal, per day 50 For taking up or impounding any hog, sheep, goat or calf under one year old 1.00 For keeping any such animal per day 25 For registering and tag for each dog 1.00 A commission of twenty per cent on all sales. Sec. 10. The pound-keeper shall be entitled, in full compensation for the faithful performance of all his duties, to receive a monthly salary of Seventy-five Dollars, and a further amount equal to all the fees and pro- ceeds of sale of all junk and non-combustible material collected by him and paid into the City Treasury and reported by him, an itemized state- ment of all of which he must report monthly and pay such sums into the treasury of the city, and there shall be no charge against the City for his deputies or assistance. (Amended Ord. 429, February 9, 1905.) Sec. 11. All animals herein specified and specified in the ordinance of which this is amendatory, required to be destroyed shall be cremated by the pound-keeper, except during such time as the city has or shall have a contract with other person or persons for the disposition thereof; and during such time he shall, when the time arrives for the destruction thereof, notify the contractor thereof and deliver same without charge to such person or persons, who shall thereupon remove the same, either dead or alive, as he may prefer, beyond the city limits for the destruc- tion by him (if taken alive) and for such disposition as required by the terms of such contract, without expense to the city. (Amendment Ord. 429, February 9, 1905.) Sec. 12. All persons owning or having under their control vicious or dangerous dogs, shall keep the same securely muzzled during the day, and within their enclosure during the night. And the pound-keeper and his deputies are hereby required to seize, take and carry to the public pound all such vicious and dangerous dogs and not muzzled, — also all female dogs in heat, — at any time, in any of the streets or any public or unenclosed places in the city, with or without tags. Sec. 13. The pound-keeper shall make a true and correct report to 72 ORDINANCE NO. 411. the Board of Trustees, at the second regular meeting of each month, under oath, of the number of animals taken by him into the public pound, and also the number redeemed and by whom redeemed. Sec. 14. The pound-keeper shall keep all dogs taken up by him, for two days thereafter, and, if redeemed, is entitled to charge and receive one dollar for each dog, provided, that he may charge three dollars, for redemption of a vicious, dangerous or female dog in heat. If any dog be not redeemed within two days he shall destroy it; provided, that vicious and dangerous dogs may be destroyed at any time after twelve hours. Sec. 15. The pound-keeper shall keep a correct and true account of, and pay into the treasury once in each month, all moneys received by him, over and above his salary, showing from whom received and for what received. Sec. 16. No person shall resist, obstruct or prevent the pound-keeper, or any of his deputies or assistants, in the exercise of his duties as such. Any person who shall violate any provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof shall be pun- ished by a fine of not less than five dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the City or County prison for not less than five days, nor more than fifty days. Sec. 17. When any animal is taken up for impounding which, by reason of age, disease or other infirmity, is unfit for further use, or dan- gerous to be kept impounded, the pound-keeper shall within twenty-four hours thereafter, destroy such animal upon examination and recommen- dation of the City Health Oflicer, or any reputable Veterinary Surgeon, but no charge therefor shall be made against the City. Sec. 18. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Sec. 19. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 411. In effect March 3, 1902. An Ordinance prohibiting the possession of lottery tickets, papers, stamps, tools, instruments or devices. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Sec. 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person within the City of Fresno to have in his possession any lottery ticket, or any ticket, bill, paper, device, certificate, or instrument purporting to be or to represent a ticket, chance, share, or interest in, or depending upon the event of, a lottery; or any tool, instrument, stamp, die, cut or device used, or in- tended to be used in, or for contriving, setting up, preparing, printing, stamping, writing or getting ready for sale, or distribution any lottery ticket or lottery tickets, or used or intended to be used in, or for con- triving, setting up, preparing, proposing or drawing up a lottery; or any tool, instrument, stamp, die, cut or device for stamping, or marking lot- tery scrolls, or for stamping, or marking any statement, declaration, memorandum, copy, or list of lottery tickets that have been sold, or for marking or for stamping any paper, statement, certificate, or instrument representing or purporting to be a statement, scroll, copy or list of num- bers, characters or figures chosen, selected, designated, or marked as ORDINANCE NO. 419. 73 played, or as having been played at, or in or against a lottery, or lottery drawing, or any tool, punch, instrument, die, cut or device used, or in- tended to be used, in or for contriving or preparing or setting up, or printing or stamping or writing or getting ready for distribution, or cir- culation, lottery drawings or papers, bills, hand bills, cards, writings, prints, instruments or devices setting forth or containing, or purporting to set forth or contain memoranda, statements, copies or lists of the lucky or winning numbers, characters or figures in or of a lottery or lot- tery drawing. Section 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance, or doing any act herein declared to be unlawful, is guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding three hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the City or County Jail not exceeding ninety days or by both such fine and imprison- ment. Sec. 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with any of the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 419. In effect June 16, 1902. An Ordinance relating to and fixing certain municipal salaries. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. The City Engineer shall receive a salary of Two Hundred Bollars per month, payable monthly, out of the City Treasury, which shall be in full compensation for his services; he shall also be allowed such deputies, to be selected by himself and allowed by the Board of Trustees, as shall be necessary to properly conduct the business of his office, and in addition thereto, such draughtsmen, to be selected by himself and allowed by the Board of Trustees, as shall be necessary to properly conduct the business of his office, and all necessary assistance in the field, such as chainmen, rodmen, etc., and such inspectors, appointed by authority of the Engineer and allowed by the Board of Trustees, as shall be necessary to properly conduct the business of his office; and while so employed, such deputies shall receive the sum of One Hundred Twenty- five Dollars per month each; such draughtsmen, doing office work ex- clusively, the sum of One Hundred Dollars per month each; such in- spectors, the sum of Four Dollars per day each; and such other assistants, such as chainmen, rodmen, etc., the sum of Three Dollars per day each. All of such compensation payable monthly out of the City Treasury. The City Engineer shall, in addition to his monthly salary be allowed, upon bills presented as other claims against the City are presented, all claims for necessary transportation, stakes, office supplies, etc., in work pertaining to his office, or upon work done by him for the City by virtue of his office. All fees collected by the Engineer, or through his office, shall be paid monthly into the City Treasury and belong to said City. (As amended by Ordinance No. 506.) Sec. 2. The Health Officer of said City shall receive a salary of one liundred dollars ($100) per month, payable monthly out of the City Treas- ury, which shall be in full compensation for his services, and all fees collected by him shall be paid into the City Treasury and shall belong to the said City. 74 ORDINANCES NO. 427 AND 428. Sec. 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with any of the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 427. In effect January 19, 1903. An Ordinance relating to the subject of gaming or gambling on con- tests between persons or animals, commonly known as "pool selling" or dealing in pools. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or association of per- sons within the City of Fresno, to sell, or offer for sale, or to have in hia or their possession for any purpose herein declared unlawful, or to buy, issue or in any manner dispose of (except for purpose of evidence for prosecution under this ordinance, and to destroy) or to purchase or ac- quire any pool ticket, certificate, writing or other evidence of payment, acceptance or deposit of money or other thing of value, or any interest in any pool or other thing herein mentioned, staked or bet upon the re- sult of any contest of speed or other contest between persons or animals. Sec. 2. No person shall within said City of Fresno make any bet or lay any wager on such a contest as mentioned in Section one hereof, or act as stakeholder of any bets or wagers laid thereon, or receive or pay over any money or article or thing of value, or any evidence thereof, the possession, ownership or value of which has been, is, or is to be deter- mined by any such contest, or is, or is to be in any way dependent upon the result thereof, whether such contest has been, is or is to be within said City or elsewhere. Sec. 3. No person shall lease, rent or use any building, structure,, room, apartment, place or premises whatever within the City of Fresno,. or permit the same to be used or occupied for any of the purposes men- tioned in, prohibited or declared unlawful by this ordinance. Sec. 4. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, or doing any act herein, declared to be unlawful, is guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not ex- ceeding Three Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment in the City or County Jail not exceeding ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprison- ment. Sec. 5. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with any of the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. ORDINANCE No. 428. In effect January 19, 1903. An Ordinance relating to the subject of certain l lected by the Plumbing Inspector for services performed by him in the performance of his duty as such officer. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: First: It shall be the duty of the Plumbing Inspector to charge and collect as the fees of his office which he shall turn into the City Treasury on the first day of each month after same shall be collected those cer- tain sums of money which are herein designated and set forth, to-wit: For each permit issued the sum of fifty cents; for each sewer In- spection the sum of One Dollar; for the inspection of plumbing includ- ing the first and final inspection as follows, to-wit: For one fixture $1.50 For two fixtures ( 2.00 For three fixtures 2.50 For each additional fixture 25 (As amended by Ordinance 556.) Second: All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Third: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the date of its passage and approval. ORDINANCE NO. 529. In effect Dec. 18, 1906. An Ordinance fixing and regulating the salary of the plumbing in- spector of the City of Fresno. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: First: That the salary of the Plumbing Inspector of the City of Fresno shall be One Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars per month and shall be paid at the time and in the manner that other City Officials are paid. Second: This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon and after its adoption. Third: All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. ORDINANCE NO. 531. In effect Nov. 21, 1906. An ordinance relating to and fixing the salary of the meat and food Inspector. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: First: The compensation to be allowed and paid to the Meat and Food In- spector shall be the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per month, same to be paid from the General Fund of the City of Fresno at the same time, and in the same manner, as the salaries of other appointees of said city are paid, which said sum of money per month shall be in full compensa- tion for all horse and team hire and other traveling expenses, and for ORDINANCE NO. 535. 12S all services performed or to be performed by him as such Meat and Food Inspector, and for all services and duties performed or to be per- formed by him in any other official capacity in which he may be author- ized or required to act. (As amended by Ordinance 600.) Second: All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Third: This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon and after its adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 535. In effect Jan. 22, 1907. An Ordinance providing for the laying of artificial stone or cement sidewalks and the grading, paving or otherwise permanently Improving any street alley or public place in the City of Fresno by private con- tract and for the regulation and control thereof. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: First: Whenever the Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno shall grant permission to any person, firm, company, or corporation, to grade, pave, sidewalk, or otherwise make any permanent improvements on the streets, alleys, or other public places of this City, by private contract, such person, firm, company, or corporation, shall immediately after per- mission shall have been granted therefor by this Board apply to the Superintendent of Streets for a permit to do such work, which said writ- ten permit from said Superintendent of Streets shall be obtained before any of the work sought to be done shall be commenced. Second: Said person, firm, company, or corporation, to whom per- mission for such work shall be granted by the Board and also in writing by the Superintendent of Streets shall before commencement of the work for which permission has been granted enter into a written agree- ment between himself or the contractor doing the work for him, or them, and the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Fresno, In which said agreement the person, firm, company, or corporation or contractor shall agree to commence the work sought to be done for which permission is granted within ten days after the permit is Issued and also agree therein to complete the same within such time as the Superintend- ent of Streets of the City of Fresno may designate, which shall of course be a reasonable time In all cases. Third: For the purpose of this ordinance it is hereby made the duty of the Superintendent of Streets to have and prepare and keep in his office the necessary blanks for such permits, the necessary contracts and agreements provided for herein, and also a book In which a record shall be kept of all permits issued and agreements made. Fourth: All work so done by private contract must be under the supervision and direction of the Superintendent of Streets or an In- spector appointed by him and In all respects shall comply with the plans and profiles on file In the office of the City Engineer and specifica- tions on file in the office of the City Clerk of the said City of Fresno. Fifth: The person, firm, company, or corporation, or contractor do- ing such work for which such permit shall have been granted shall not collect from the property owners, his agent or assigns, any com- pensations for any part or portion of said work so done until all of the Incidental expenses for surveying. Inspecting, etc., have been paid, nor shall such compensations be collected until the Superintendent of 184 ORDINANCES NO, 539 AND 540. Streets of the City of Fresno shall have accepted the work in writing, which said acceptance shall be the only notice to the property owner that the work was done to the satisfaction of the City of Fresno through its Street Superintendent, Sixth: For the violation of this ordinance the person, firm, company, or corporation, so violating the same shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) and not more than Three Hundred dollars ($300.00); or by imprisonment in the City or County jail for not more than ninety (90) days; or by both such fine and imprisonment. Seventh: All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Eighth: This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon and after its adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 639. In effect Mar. 25, 1907. An Ordinance establishing the width of the sidewalk on Tulare street In the City of Fresno on the south side thereof from the easterly curb line of K street to the westerly curb line of Q street and on the north ^ide thereof from the easterly curb line of M street to the westerly curb line of Q street. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: First: That the width of the sidewalk on Tulare street from the Easterly curb line of K street to the westerly curb line of Q street on the south side of said Tulare street shall be reduced to and is hereby established at the width of twelve feet, and the sidewalk on the north side of Tulare street from the easterly curb line of M street to the west- erly curb line of Q street shall be reduced to and is hereby established to be in width twelve feet. The pitch of said sidewalk so reduced and established hereby shall be three and one-half inches rising from the curb to the inside edge of said sidewalk. Second: The additional or extra two feet taken from the sidewalk as is in the last section referred to shall be taken in such a way that the regular curb line shall be removed on said Tulare street between the limits herein designated two feet closer to the present real property line than it now is, at which point the curb shall be established and the extra additional two feet removed therefrom on each side shall be added to the width of Tulare street between the points designated herein. Third: All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this and especially that part of Section 4 of Ordinance No. 325, being Section 228 of the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Fresno, in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Fourth: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon and after its adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 540. In effect Apr. 4th, 1907. An Ordinance changing the official grade of Angus street between Ventura avenue and Belmont avenue from pts present grade and estab- lishing and fixing the grade thereof between said Ventura avenue and iBelmont avenu(». ORDINANCE NO. 544. 125 The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: First: That the grade to tvhich and upon which Angus Street within the City of Fresno between Ventura Avenue and Belmont Avenue shall be built is as follows, to-wit: At Ventura Avenue in the said City of Fresno, County of FYesno, State of California, where the said Angus Street intersects the flaid Ven- tura Avenue the grade thereof shall be 295.7 feet At the intersection with Mono Avenue the grade shall be 295.7 feet At the intersection with Inyo Avenue the grade shall be 296.3 feet At the intersection with Kern Avenue the grade shall be 297.6 feet At the intersection with Tulare Avenue the grade shall be 302 feet At the intersection with Iowa Avenue the grade shall be 304 feet At the intersection with Illinois Avenue the grade shall be 305 feet At the intersection with Nevada Avenue the grade shall be 305.5 feet At the intersection of McKenzie Avenue the grade shall be 303 feet At the intersection with Washington Avenue the grade shall be 300 feet At the intersection with Monroe Avenue the grade shall be 299.4 feet At the intersection with Belmont Avenue the grade shall be 300 feet Second: The altitude or elevation of the grade of said Angus street hereinabove referred to is based upon mean sea level levels and the grade herein established shall be the oflQcial grade of said Angus Street. Third: The points at which the altitude, elevation or grade of said street shall be computed is at the curb corners of the intersections of said Angus Street with each and every street or avenue over which it crosses or with which it intersects. Fourth: The grade of said Angus Street between the different points of intersection hereinbefore designated and set forth shall be at every point between the points hereinabove given on a regular, ordinary and mean grade from one point of intersection to the other closest point herein given. Fifth: All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sixth: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon and after Its adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 544. In effect May 24, 1^7. An Ordinance fixing the salary of the City Expert of the City of Fresno. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. The salary of the City Expert is hereby fixed at $125 per month, payable in the same manner and at the same time as other city officials are paid. Sec. 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon and after its passage. 126 ORDINANCES NO. 548 AND 554. ORDINANCE NO. 548. In effect Aug. 21, 1907. An Ordinance relating to and regulating the time and manner of sweeping on streets, alleyways, sidewalks, stairways, and other openings leading to the street, alleyways, sidewalks, and other public places in the City of Fresno. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: First: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, company or corpora- tion to sweep any of the paved streets in the City of Fresno either hy hand, broom or machinery during the months of April, May, June, July, August, September and October, at any time except between the hours of 9:30 o'clock P. M. and 6:30 o'clock A. M. of any day in any such month, and between the hours of 9:00 o'clock P. M. and 7:00 o'clock A. M. of any day during any of the other months of the year. Second: It shall also be unlawful for any person, firm, company or corporation to sweep any sidewalk, stairway, or other opening leading to the street or sidewalk within the business section of the City of Fresno, after the hour of 8:00 o'clock A. M. Third: Each violation of this ordinance shall constitute a misde- meanor and upon conviction thereof the punishment shall be not to ex- ceed thirty days in the City or County Jail or one hundred dollars fine, or both such fine and imprisonment. Fourth: All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Fifth: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force Immediately upon and after its adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 554. In effect Dec. 19, 1907. An Ordinance creating a sewer farm fund for the City of Fresno. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: First: That there shall be and is hereby created a fund to be known hereafter as "The Sewer Farm Fund," into which said fund all moneys or other revenue raised or appropriated for the purpose of the improve- ments or maintenance of the sewer farm shall be by the Clerk and the Treasurer of the City of Fresno placed. Second: It shall be the duty of the Clerk immediately upon the pass- age or adoption of this ordinance to place into the sewer farm fund all moneys now on hand which have been raised or set apart for that pur- pose and thereafter to draw his warrant upon and against the moneys deposited in such fund for the purpose of paying the indebtedness cre- ated in the improvements and maintenance of the sewer farm. Third: All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Fourth: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon and after its adoption. ORDINANCES NO. 564 AND 574. 127 ORDINANCE NO. 564. In effect June 2nd, 1908. An Ordinance declaring every Saturday from Twelve o'clock noon un- til Twelve o'clock midnight a legal holiday and authorizing the various officert of the City of Fresno to close their respective offices to the tran- saction of business on Saturdays between such hours. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: First: Every Saturday from twelve o'clock noon to twelve o'clock midnight is hereby declared to be as far as the transaction of business with the various officers of the City of Fresno in their respective offices a legal holiday. Second: All, each and every officer of the City of Fresno are hereby authorized to close their respective offices as far as transaction of busi- ness with the City of Fresno is concerned every Saturday at twelve o'clock noon and keep the same closed until twelve o'clock midnight Third: All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Fourth: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon and after its adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 574. In effect Jan. 5, 1909. An Ordinance requiring all persons, firms, companies, or corporations, owning or operating street railways upon the streets in the city of Fresno to grade and pave that portion of the street between the tracks and two feet on each side of the tracks. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: First: All persons, firms, companies, or corporations owning or oper- ating street railroads or railways upon the streets in the City of Fresno shall in the event the street upon which said street railway is located be paved, pave all of that part of said street between the tracks of the street railway and two feet each side thereof with the same materials, at the same time and under the same specifications as the street upon which said railway is located shall be paved. Second: In the event the said person, firms, company or corporation operating such street railway or railroad shall refuse to comply with this ordinance with reference to the paving of that portion of the street required to be paved by it or them, then the Board of Trustees hereof shall cause the Clerk of the City of Fresno to certify a copy of the reso- lution of intention under which said street is to be paved and deliver the same to the person, firm, company or corporation whose duty it is to pave between the track and two feet each side thereof in which said notice the said person, firm, company or corporation whose duty it is to pave between the tracks and two feet each side thereof shall be given thirty days, or such other extension of time as the City Council may grant to the same, and in the event the said person, firm, company or corporation shall fail or refuse within said period of time given to do such paving, then it shall be lawful for the city council to do such work. Improvement or pavement and charge the same to the company, person, Arm or corporation whose duty it was to do the same. Third: This ordinance shall be In effect and apply to erery street 128 ORDINANCES NO. 585 AND 586. in the City of Fresno upon which the pavement may be laid, except where the same is laid under what is known as the Bonding Act passed by the Legislature of the State of California, at the session in 1893, and amended in 1899. Fourth: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon and after its adoption. Fifth: All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. ORDINANCE NO. 585. In effect April 20th, 1909. An Ordinance establishing the official grade of the streets, sidewalks, alleys and public places, in and for Forthcamp Addition No. 2 to the City of Fresno. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. The oflBcial grade for the streets, sidewalks, alleys and public places in and for Forthcamp Addition No. 2 to the City of Fresno, shall be and is hereby established to be, in accordance with the profile thereof heretofore prepared by the City Engineer, of the City of Fresno, adopted by this Board, and ordered placed on file in the ofl&ce of the city engineer of the City of Fresno, which said profile is based upon and gov- erned by a granite bench mark, at the southeast corner of Tuolumne and J Streets in the City of Fresno, which said granite bench mark has an established elevation of 292.5 feet above sea level, and said profile of said streets, sidewalks, alleys and public places in said Forthcamp Addi- tion as based upon said granite bench mark at the southeast corner of Tuolumne and J streets in the said City of Fresno, gives the grade for the curb at the intersection of Franklin and Yosemite Avenues in said Forthcamp Addition No. 2 an elevation of 291.2 feet above sea level, and the curb on "Coast Avenue" at the north line of Lot 15 in Block 3 of said Forthcamp Addition No. 2 an elevation of 291.8 feet above sea level, and such elevations at such places in said addition are hereby estab- lished as the official grade and elevation for said places in said addition. Sec. 2. All other streets, sidewalks, alleys and public places in said addition shall be based upon such elevations at such intersections of such streets in said addition as is hereinabove set forth, in accordance with said plan or profile thereof this day adopted by this Board, and filed in the office of the City Engineer of the City of Fresno. Sec. 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in confiict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall be in force and effect, immediately upon and after its adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 586. In effect June 8, 1909. An Ordinance prohibiting the exposure of gambling tables or Imple- ments in a room barred or barricaded or protected in any manner to make it difficult of access or ingress to police officers. When three or more persons are present, or the visiting of a room barred or barricaded or protected in any manner to make it difficult of access or ingress to ORDINANCE NO. 587. 129 police, in which gambling tables or implements are exhibited or exposed, when three or more persons are present. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person within the limits of the City of Fresno to exhibit or expose to view in any barred or barri- caded house or room, or in any place built or protected in a manner to make it diflacult of access or ingress to police officers, when three or more persons are present, any cards, dice, dominoes, fan-tan table or lay- out, or any part of such layout, or any gambling implements whatsoever. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person within the limits of the City of Fresno to visit or resort to any such barred or barricaded house or room or other place built or protected in a manner to make it difficult of access or ingress to police officers, where any cards, dice, dominoes, fan-tan table or layout, or any part of such layout, or any gambling im- plements whatsoever are exhibited or exposed to view when three or more persons are present. Sec. 3. Every person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed three hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period of not more than ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances In conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force Immediately on and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 587. In effect June 28, 1909. An Ordinance to change and establish the width of sidewalks on cer- tain portions of "I" Street in the City of Fresno. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the width of the sidewalk on the northeasterly side of "I" Street from the northwesterly curb line of Tuolumne Street to the southeasterly curb line of El Dorado Street in the City of FYesno, shall be increased to, and is established at, a width of fifteen feet, and the side- walk on the southwesterly side of "I" Street from the northwesterly curb line of Tuolumne Street to the southeasterly curb line of El Dorado Street in said City shall be increased to, and is established at, the width of fifteen feet. Sec. 2. The additional or extra foot added to the width of the sidewalk along the northeasterly side of said street shall be added In such a way as to establish the curb line on said side of said street one foot farther southwesterly than the same now is, and the additional or extra one foot added to the sidewalk on the southwesterly side of said street shall he added in such a way as to establish the curb line one foot farther north- easterly than the same now is; and the width of the roadway of said street (from curb line to curb line thereof) shall be and is hereby de- creased in width to the extent of the two feet hereinabove designated. Sec. 3. The pitch of said sidewalks, as so increased in width and established by this ordinance, shall be in the same proportion for such 9» 130 ORDINANCES NO. 594 AND 595. increased width as is now required for sidewalks of lesser width in said €ity. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and he in force immediately on and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 594. In effect June 10, 1909. An Ordinance relating to hay markets and the keeping or storing of hay and straw within the fire limits of the City of Fresno. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be, and is hereby made, unlawful for any person, firm or corporation at any time to establish, conduct or maintain any hay market, or to have, keep or store any quantity of hay or straw of any kind on any premises or lots or parcels of land which are at such time within the fire limits of the City of Fresno, unless such hay or straw is kept or stored in an enclosed brick, stone, artificial stone or concrete building, or is kept in quantity not to exceed seventy-five tons within an enclosed livery barn, feed stable, or other enclosed building for the usual and ordinary use and consumption by animals kept therein. Sec. 2. It shall be and is hereby made unlawful for any person, firm or corporation at any time occupying, controlling or owning any premises, lots or parcels of land which are at such time within the fire limits of the City of Fresno, knowingly to permit or suffer keeping, maintaining or conducting on such premises, lots or parcels of land, of any hay market, or the keeping or storing of any quantity of hay or straw of any kind thereon, unless such hay or straw is kept or stored in an enclosed brick, stone, artificial stone or concrete building, or is kept in quantity not to exceed seventy-five tons within an enclosed livery barn or feed stable or other enclosed building for the usual and ordinary use and consumption of animals kept therein. Sec. 3. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provis- ions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the County Jail of the County of Fresno for a period not exceeding fifty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with any of the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 595. In effect Oct. 5, 1909. An Ordinance relating to the alleys, streets and sidewalks fn the City of Fresno, and making it unlawful to lease, let, charge or collect for any space or portion thereof. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be and is hereby made unlawful for any person or persons, firm, association or corporation (except the municipal cor- ORDINANCE NO. 597. 131 poration of the City of Fresno) within the corporate limits of the City of Fresno to lease, let, charge or collect for any space in or portion of any alley or street or sidewalk of the City of Fresno, or to ask, demand or receive any money, property, check, credit or other representative of value for any consent or permission or pretended or purported consent or permission on his, their or its part that any such space or portion of any alley, street or sidewalk may be occupied or used by any other person, or persons; or to ask, demand or receive any money, property, check, credit or other representative of value as a condition, or upon a promise or understanding, expressed or implied, that no complaint shall be made or caused to be made by such person, firm, association or corporation, to the Board of Trustees, or any other City official or officials of said City, or that no action shall be instituted, by reason of or on account of any such space or portion of any alley, street or sidewalk in said City being occu- pied or obstructed by any person or persons. Sec. 2. In any action or proceedings instituted under or by reason of any violation of any of the terms of this ordinance, it shall be no de- fense that the money, property, check, credit or other representative of value so received or donated, was voluntarily given or paid by the person occupying or obstructing any such space or portion of any alley, street or sidewalk. Sec. 3. It is hereby declared to be unlawful and fraudulent for any person, firm, association or corporation within the corporate limits of the City of Fresno to use, devise or operate in any manner whatsoever any trick, shift, artifice or pretense to evade, avoid or defeat any of the terms, conditions or provisions of this ordinance, or to escape or avoid any of the penalties in this ordinance provided, and every such trick, shift, de- vice, artifice or pretense is hereby declared fraudulent and unlawful. Sec. 4. Every person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, or do anything in this ordinance made or declared to be un- lawful, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $50.00 nor more than $300.00, or by imprisonment in the County Jail of the County of Fresno for a period of not less than 5 days nor more than 90 days, or by both 4Buch fine and imprisonment. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force immediately on and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 597. In effect Oct. 21, 1909. An Ordinance relating to and regulating the appearance of minors on ihe public streets, avenues, alleys and other public places In the City of Fresno. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. That it is hereby made unlawful for any child under the age of twelve years, and not accompanied by its parent or guardian or other adult person having legal custody and control of said child to loiter, wander or stroll in or about any of the public streets, avenues, alleys or any public place in the City of Fresno at any time between the hours of -8 o'clock P. M. and 5 o'clock A. M. of the succeeding day, in or during the 182 ORDINANCE NO. 597. montlis of October, November, December, January, February and March; or at any time between the hours of 9 o'clock P. M. and 5 o'clock of the succeeding day in or during the months of April, May, June, July, August and September. „ Sec. 2. That it is hereby made unlawful for any parent, guardian or other person having legal care and custody of any child under the age of twelve years, to allow or permit such child or ward to loiter, wander or stroll in or about any public street, avenue, alley or other public place in the City of Fresno not accompanied by such parent, guardian or other person hav- ing legal care and custody of such child, at any time between the hours of 8 o'clock P. M. and 5 o'clock A. M. of the succeeding day, in or during the months of October, November, December, January, February and March; or at any time between the hours of 9 o'clock P. M. and 5 o'clock A. M. of the succeeding day in or during the months of April, May, June, July, August and September. Sec. 3. That it is hereby made and declared to be the duty of every police officer of the City of Fresno to enforce or cause to be enforced each and all of the provisions of this ordinance. Any police oflBcer finding or observing any child under the age of twelve years, not accompanied by its parent, guardian or other adult person having legal custody and control of such child, loitering, wandering or strolling about in any of the public streets, avenues, alleys or other public places in the City of Fresno con- trary to or in violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall place such child under arrest and shall take, or cause to be taken, or send, such child to its home or place of abode, or to its parent or guardian, and shall notify such parent, guardian, or person having legal custody and control of such child, to be and appear with said child at and before the Police Court of the City of Fresno on the next succeeding day at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.; and it is hereby made the duty of such parent, guar- dian or person having the legal custody and control of such child to be and appear with said child at and before the Police Court of the City of Fresno at said time and place at which he or she is so notified, then and there to answer to any charge that may be pending or may have been placed against said parent or child under the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 4. That any officer named or designated in Section 607f of the Civil Code of the State of California is hereby authorized and empowered to enforce the provisions of this ordinance, and to make arrests for the violation of any of the provisions thereof; and for the enforcement of this ordinance each and all of such officers are hereby vested with all the power and authority of police officers of the City of Fresno. Sec. 5. That every violation of this ordinance, or any of the terms or provisions thereof, shall constitute a misdemeanor, and every person found guilty of any such violation thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $2.00 nor more than $5.00, or by imprisonment in the County Jail of the County of Fresno for a term not exceeding five days, or by both such fine and imprisonment; provided, however, that the court or judge before whom any person is found guilty of violating any of the terms or provisions of this ordinance, may, for the first offense, in lieu of a fine or judgment of imprisonment, reprimand such person for his or her vio- lation of this ordinance, and admonish him or her against any further violation thereof. Sec. 6. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force immediately on and after Its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 598. I33 ORDINANCE NO. 598. In effect Oct 4, 1M9. An Ordinance regulating travel and traffic upon the streets and other public places of the City of Fresno. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the following terms, whenever used herein, except as otherwise specifically indicated, shall be defined to have and shall be held to include each of the meanings hereinbelow respectively set forth, and any such terms used in the singular number shall be held to include the plural: Street: Every avenue, boulevard, highway, roadway, lane, alley, strip, path, square and place used by or laid out for the use of vehicles. Curb: The lateral boundaries of that portion of the street designed or intended for the use of vehicles, whether marked by curbing, con- structed of stone, cement, concrete or other material, or not so marked. Vehicle: Every wagon, hack, coach, carriage, omnibus, pushcart, bicycle, tricycle, motor-cycle, automobile or other conveyance in whatever manner, or by whatever force of power the same may be driven, ridden or propelled, which is or may be used for or adapted to pleasure riding, or the transportation of passengers, baggage, merchandise or freight, upon and street; and every draft or riding animal, whether driven, ridden or led, excepting that an animal or animals attached to any such vehicle, shall with such vehicle, constitute one vehicle. Business District: Those certain streets and portions of streets in the City of Fresno, described as follows: F, G, H, I, J, K and L Streets from Tuolumne Street to Mono Street, both inclusive; Tuolumne, Merced, Fresno, Mariposa, Tulare, Kern, Inyo and Mono Streets from F Street to L Street, both inclusive. H Sec. 2. That every person riding, driving, propelling or in charge of K any vehicle upon any of the streets within the City of Fresno shall ride, H| drive or propel such vehicle upon such street in a careful manner and ^Rwith due regard for the safety and convenience of pedestrians and all ^Kother vehicles upon such street. ^H^ Sec. 3. That every person riding, driving, propelling or in charge of ^Hlny vehicle, upon meeting any other vehicle at any place upon any street ^fwithin the City of Fresno, shall turn to the right, and on all occasions when it is practicable so to do, shall travel on the right side of such street, and as near the right-hand curb thereof as practicable. Sec. 4. That every person riding, driving, propelling or in charge of any vehicle, shall, in overtaking any other vehicle upon any street within the City of Fresno, pass to the left of such vehicle, and the person in charge of such vehicle, being so overtaken and passed, shall give way to the right. Sec. 5. That every person riding, driving, propelling or in charge of any vehicle moving slowly upon any street within the business district, shall keep such vehicle as close as practicable to the curb on the right, allowing more swiftly moving vehicles free passage on the left. Sec. 6. That every person riding, driving, propelling or in charge of any vehicle upon any street in the City of Fresno, shall, before turning, stopping or changing the course of such vehicle, first see that there is sufficient space so that such movement can be made in safety, and shall 134 ORDINANCE NO. 598. give a plainly visible or audible signal to persons in charge of vehicles behind him of his intention to make such movement. Sec. 7. That every person riding, driving, propelling or in charge or any vehicle upon any street within the City of Fresno shall, in turning to the right into another street, turn the corner as near the right hand curb as practicable, but shall not drive upon or over such curb or any part of the sidewalk. Sec. 8. That every person riding, driving, propelling or in charge of any vehicle upon any street within the City of Fresno shall, in turning to the left into another street, pass to the right of and beyond the center of the street intersection before turning. Sec. 9. That any person riding, driving, propelling or in charge of any vehicle crossing from one side of any street to the other side thereof, in the business district of the City of Fresno, shall make such crossing by turning to the left so as to head in the same direction as the traffic on that side of the street toward which such crossing is made. Sec. 10. That no person riding, driving, propelling or in charge of any vehicle shall stop the same upon any street in the business district of the City of Fresno with the left side of such vehicle toward or along the curb. Sec. 11. That no person riding, driving, propelling or in charge of any vehicle shall stop the same upon any street within the City of Fresno, except as close to the curb as practicable; and in no case shall he stop or leave standing a vehicle with the outer wheel or wheels more than. eight feet from the curb; provided, however, that this section shall not apply in case of emergency, or when such stop is made for the purpose of allowing another vehicle or pedestrian to cross his path. Sec. 12. That no person riding, driving, propelling or in charge of any vehicle upon any street within the City of Fresno shall allow such vehicle to remain backed up to the curb, excepting where said vehicle is being actually loaded or unloaded. Sec. 13. That every person riding, driving, propelling or in charge of any vehicle upon any street within the City of Fresno, shall keep such vehicle at least four feet from the running board or lowest step of any street car which is stopping for the purpose of taking on or discharging passengers; and if, by reason of the presence of vehicles at the place where such car is stopping, or by reason of the narrowness of the street, it is not possible to preserve such distance of four feet from such running board or lowest step, as herein prescribed, then such person shall stop such vehicle until such car shall have taken on nr discharged its passen- gers and again started. Sec. 14. That every person in charge of any horse, mule or other animal attached to a vehicle backed to the curb upon any street within the business district of the City of Fresno, shall turn such animal and keep the same turned at right angles to such vehicle and in the direction in which the traffic upon that side of the street is moving. Sec. 15. That it shall be unlawful for any person to ride, drive, or propel any vehicle at the rate of speed greater than eight miles per hour upon or along any portion of the streets in the City of Fresno described in section one of this ordinance as the business district Sec. 16. That it shall be unlawful for any person to ilde, drive or propel any vehicle at a rate of speed greater than fifteen miles per hour ORDINANCE NO. 598. 135 on or along any street or portion of any street in the City of Fresno; pro- vided, however, that on or along those certain streets, or portions of street, described in section one of this ordinance as the business district, the rate of speed shall not be greater than eight miles per hour as specified in section 15 hereof. Sec. 17. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride, or drive any horse or other animal at a rate of speed faster than a walk, or to ride, drive, or propel any bicycle, tricycle, velocipede, motor-cycle, automobile, or other riding machine, or horseless vehicle, at the rate of speed greater than six miles per hour on turning a corner from one street into another or on going over, upon or across street crossings or street intersections, on any of the streets designated in section 1 of this ordinance as business district. Sec. 18. That all carts, vehicles, boxes and other receptacles used for hauling or carrying dirt, sawdust, sand, gravel, oil, or other loose sub- stance on or over any of the streets in the City of Fresno shall be suf- ficiently tight to prevent any sifting, leaking or spilling therefrom, and no dirt, sawdust, sand, gravel, oil, or other loose substance shall be hauled, carried or conveyed upon, along or over any of the streets of the City of Fresno, unless such dirt, sawdust, sand, gravel, oil or other substance is in a wagon bed, box or other receptacle sufficiently strong and tight to pre- vent any sifting, leaking or spilling therefrom; and no person while car- rying, hauling or moving any dirt, sawdust, sand, gravel, oil or other loose substance, upon, along or over any of such dirt, sawdust, sand, gravel, oil or other substance to sift, leak, spill or go upon the pavement or street. Sec. 19. That no person in charge of any vehicle shall leave the same, or allow the same to stand in any alley of the City of Fresno for a longer period of time than thirty minutes, nor shall any team, horse or other animal at any time be hitched or left standing in any such alley. Sec. 20. It shall be unlawful for any person to throw, deposit or place on any street within the limits' of the City of Fresno any nails, tacks, crockery, scrap iron, tin, wire, bottles, glass, thorns, or thorny clippings, or thorny branches of trees or bushes, or any other article or thing liable to cause the tire of any vehicle to become punctured. Sec. 21. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or propel any bicycle, tricycle, or velocipede, motor-cycle, automobile or other riding ma- chine, or horseless vehicle, within the limits of the City of Fresno without having attached to such bicycle, tricycle, velocipede, motor-cycle, automo- bile or other riding machine, or horseless vehicle, a bell, gong or horn, in good working order, and sufficient to give warning of the approach of such vehicle to pedestrians and to riders or drivers of other vehicles, and to persons entering or leaving the street car. Said bell, gong or horn, shall be of such size only as may be necessary to give such warning, and shall not be sounded except when necessary to give such warning. Sec. 22. That it shall be unlawful for any person having charge, cus- tody or control of any horse, mule, pony or donkey to leave the same un- attended and unsecured in any public street within the City of Fresno. A horse, mule, pony or donkey left unattended in any street shall be deemed to be unsecured within the meaning of this ordinance unless it shall be securely tied or hitched by chain, strap or rope fastened to its neck or bridle, and to a post or other permanent fastening, or by a chain, strap or rope fastened to its bridle and to a weight of not less than twenty pounds resting upon the ground, or in the case of one or two horses or mules harnessed to a wagon having a brake, by tightly setting the brake on said wagon, backing the horse, mule or team, so that the traces shall 136 ORDINANCE NO. 601. be loose, pulling the lines taut, and securely fastening them to the wagon In such a manner that the wagon can be drawn only by means of the lines. Sec. 23. That it shall be unlawful for any person to hitch or tie any horse, mule, or donkey or other animal to any shade or ornamental tree in any street, park or public place in the City of Fresno, or to hitch or tie any such animal or allow the same to stand near enough to any shade or ornamental tree so as to permit or enable such animal to injure or destroy the same. Sec. 24. That it shall be unlawful for any person to feed any horse, mule, or other animal upon any street within the business district of the City of Fresno, unless such horse, mule, or other animal shall be securely tied or hitched by a chain, strap or rope fastened to its neck, bridle or halter, and to a post or other permanent fastening. Sec. 25. That it shall be unlawful for any person wilfully to stop, drive or propel any vehicle along or across any street, railway or inter- urban railway track in such manner as unnecessarily to hinder, delay or obstruct the movement of any car traveling upon such track; provided, however, that vehicles of the Fire and Police Department of the City of Fresno and hospital ambulances shall have the right of way when in service or responding to call. Sec. 26. That any person who shall violate any provisions of this or- dinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding $100.00, or by im- prisonment in the County Jail of the County of Fresno for a period not exceeding 50 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 27. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 28. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force imme- diately on and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 601. In effect Dec. 8, 1909. An Ordinance for police regulation, relating to places where spirituous, vinous, malt, mixed, fermented, distilled, alchoholic, or any intoxicating liquors may, under certain conditions and restrictions be sold, served, fur- nished or given away in the City of Fresno; providing for a license tax thereon, and for the collection of such license tax; forbidding and making unlawful the opening, keeping, conducting or carrying on of any place where any of such liquors are sold, served, furnished or given away, and the sale, serving, furnishing or giving away of any of such liquors, except at the places, in the manner, upon the conditions, and under the restric- tions in this ordinance specified; providing penalties for the violation of the terms of this ordinance and for the recovery of such penalties, and repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be and is hereby made unlawful for any person or persons, firm, corporation, club or association, either as owner, principal, agent, servant, employee or otherwise, to establish, conduct or keep a place, within the corporate limits of the City of Fresno, where spirituous, vinous, malt, mixed, fermented, distilled, alcoholic, or any intoxicating liquors are sold, served, furnished or given away, or allowed to be drunk. ORDINANCE NO. 601. 137 except in the manner and upon the conditions and under the restrictions hereinafter specified. Sec. 2. It shall be and is hereby made unlawful for any person or per- sons, firm, corporation, club or association, either as owner, principal, agent, servant, employee, or otherwise, to sell, furnish, serve or give away, or in any manner dispose of, either directly or indirectly, to any person or persons, any spirituous, vinous, malt, mixed, fermented, distilled, alcoholic, or any intoxicating liquors, within the corporate limits of the City of Fresno, without first obtaining and having the permission and a license therefor as in this ordinance hereinafter specified. Sec. 3. No license to sell, furnish, serve or give away any spirituous, vinous, malt, mixed, fermented, distilled, alcoholic, or any Intoxicating liquors of any kind, within the corporate limits of the City of Fresno shall be issued to any person or persons, firm, corporation, club or association except upon a permit previously granted by resolution of the Board of Trustees of said City duly passed and entered upon the minutes of said Board, authorizing the issuing of such license, and specifying the kind of liquor license that shall be issued thereunder, and the location where such liquor may be sold; and no permits for liquor licenses shall be granted nor liquor licenses issued other than those in this ordinance specified and provided for. Sec. 4. For the purpose of this ordinance liquor license are hereby classified as follows: Retail Liquor License, Wholesale Liquor License, Class A Restaurant Liquor License, Class B Restaurant Liquor License, and Club Liquor License. Sec. 5. For the purposes of this ordinance a retail liquor establish- ment is defined to be any place where spirituous, malt, or fermented liquors or wines, or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold, served or given away in quantities of less than one-fifth of a gallon to be drunk either upon the premises or elsewhere. Any person, firm or corporation, who, either as owner, agent, lessee or otherwise, conducts or carries on a retail liquor establishment as herein defined, is for the purposes of this ordinance declared to be carrying on the business of a retail liquor dealer. Sec. 6. For the purposes of this ordinance a wholesale liquor estab- lishment is defined to be a place where spirituous, malt, or fermented liquors or wines, or mixed intoxicating liquors, are sold, served or given away in quantities of not less than one-fifth of a gallon, and where such liquors are sold, served or given away, not to be and which are not drunk upon the premises where so sold, served or given away; and every person "Who as owner, agent or otherwise conducts or carries on, or assists in con- ducting or carrying on, any such place or establishment, the same being conducted and carried on exclusively, or in connection with or as a part of, or department or branch of any other business or occupation, is for the purposes of this ordinance declared to be carrying on the business of a "Wholesale liquor dealer. Sec. 7. Neither sections 5 nor 6 of this ordinance, nor the definitions Siven or contained therein, shall apply to the sale by any registered phar- macist under the laws of this state of liquor for medicinal purposes, or mechanical or scientific uses, nor to the sale or serving of liquors in res- taurants and clubs in the manner and under the restrictions in this ordi- nance hereafter set forth. Sec. 8. For the purposes of this ordinance a restaurant is defined to be a place fully equipped with modern conveniences for cooking and pre- 138 ORDINANCE NO. 601. paring victuals, and where hot meals are actually served three times a day, and at least six days in the week, and a bone fide meal is defined to be a meal of such quantity and quality of food as is ordinarily served for a meal in hotels or restaurants. Merely sandwiches, or lunches, or crackers and cheese, or either thereof, shall not be held nor considered to be a bona, fide meal within the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 9. Whenever any person desires to open, keep or conduct a whole- sale or retail liquor establishment in the City of Fresno, or engage in the- business thereof, such person shall make an application in writing to the- Board of Trustees of said city for permission to obtain a liquor license, and said application shall contain and set forth the following: (a) The name and residence of the applicant or applicants, and how long he or they have resided in the City of Fresno. (b) The kind of license desired (whether a wholesale liquor license or a retail liquor license), and the particular place for which such license is desired, and the name of the owner of the premises. (c) That the applicant or applicants are the only persons interested in the business asked to be licensed, and that no other person or persons- shall in any way be interested therein during the continuance of the per- mission. (d) Whether or not the applicant or applicants have had a permission for a license for the sale of liquor in said City of Fresno, or in any other city or county, revoked during any time preceding his or their application^ and if so the cause of such revocation. (e) A statement that if such permit is granted and license issued, same shall be accepted by applicant subject to the terms and provisions of this ordinance and to such other rules and regulations as may at any time be adopted or enacted by the Board of Trustees of said city. (f) Said application must be verified by the applicant or applicants therefor. Sec. 10. There shall be filed with said application tor a permit for a wholesale or retail liquor license, a written recommendation setting forth that the applicant or applicants (or if the applicant is a corporation, that its manager and the persons composing its Board of Directors), are per- sons of good, moral character, and are sober and suitable persons to con- duct such business, and that such place of business is in a suitable, re- spectable and proper locality for conducting the business agreeably to social order and due police regulations of the city; which recommendation must be signed by not less than ten respectable residents of said city, (none of whom shall be ofiicers or employees of said city) owning or occu- pying property in the immediate vicinity of such proposed establishment,, giving their residences or places of business and occupations. Sec. 11. Upon receiving such application and recommendation for a permit for a wholesale or retail liquor license, the Board of Trustees may refer the matter to the Chief of Police, and Mayor, for investigation as to the moral character of the applicant, whether he is a sober and suitable person to keep and conduct such a place, and whether such place is a suit- able and proper place for conducting such business, and they shall then report to the Board of Trustees at the next meeting. Upon such report being made, and after such investigation as may have been made by the members of the Board of Trustees, or upon the hearing of any re- monstrance made to the application, the Board of Trustees may, in its discretion, by resolution, grant a permit for such wholesale or retail liquor license, and order the Clerk and the License Collector to issue such license; but if the Board, upon such report, investigation or hearing for ORDINANCE NO. 601. 1Z9 any reason, or In its discretion, shall determine that such permit should ^not be granted or such license issued, it shall deny the application, and mo permit shall be granted or license issued. Sec. 12. A permit for a retail liquor license and such license shall not authorize or allow the sale of any of the liquors in this ordinance specified other than in the manner and under the conditions and restric- tions hereinbefore and hereinafter specified in a retail liquor establish- ment at the premises for which the permit for such license was granted; provided, however, that such retail liquor license shall entiile the licensee at the same place of business and as a part of the same business to carry on a wholesale liquor establishment Sec. 13. A permit for a wholesale liquor license and such license shall not authorize or allow the sale of any of the liquors in this ordinance specified other than in the manner hereinbefore and hereinafter specified in a wholesale liquor establishment at the premises for which the permit for a license was granted. And it is hereby declared fraudulent and un- lawful for any person, firm, corporation or association holding such license^ (unless the person or persons, firm or corporation having such wholesale liquor license and carrying on the business of a wholesale liquor dealer at said premises has cbtained a permit for and had issued to him, and holds, a retail liquor license) to suffer or permit or allow any such liquors to be drunk on the premises, or In any room or place connected there- with, or under the same control, where sold, served, or given away; and it shall be no defense that such act was done, suffered, allowed or per- mitted by an agent, servant or employee of such licensee. Sec. 14. No liquor license shall authorize or allow the holder thereof to sell, serve or give away any liquors at any time other than between the hours of six o'clock A. M. and twelve o'clock midnight of the days from Monday to Saturday, both Inclusive, of each week; and it shall be and is hereby made unlawful to sell, serve or give away, any spirituous, malt, or fermented liquors or wines or mixed intoxicating liquors, in any establishment, saloon, tippling house, sample room, bar room, drinking place, restaurant, hotel, club, club room or drug store, at any time be- tween the hours of twelve o'clock midnight on Saturday and six o'clock A. M. of the next succeeding Monday, and on any day or days of the v(eek. between the hours of twelve o'clock midnight and six o'clock A. M. of the succeeding day. Provided, however, that the foregoing provisions shall not apply to the sale by druggists of such liquors for medical purposes, upon the prescrip- tion in writing of a licensed physician, nor to the sale by such druggists of pure alcohol for medical, mechanical or scientific uses. Section 15. The owner, proprietor, manager, or other person having charge or control of any establishment, saloon, tippling house, sample room, bar room or other place where spirituous, malt, or fermented liquors or wines, or mixed intoxicating liquors, are sold, served or given away, either at wholesale or retail, excepting restaurants, drug stores and clubs, shall securely close and lock all entrances to and exits from any such place, or cause the same to be so closed and locked, and keep the same in such condition, against the entry or exit of all persons other than the owner, proprietor or manager thereof, or the servants regularly employed in or about the same, at all times, between the hours of twelve o'clock midnight on Saturday and six o'clock A. M. of the Monday next succeed- ing, and at all times between the hours from twelve o'clock midnight to six o'clock A. M. of each and all days of the week. It shall be and is hereby made unlawful for the owner, proprietor, man- 140 ORDINANCE NO. 601. ager or other person having charge or control of any establishment, saloon, tippling house, sample room, bar room or other place where spirituous, malt, vinous or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold, served or given away, either at wholesale or retail, excepting restaurants, drug stores and clubs, to permit any person other than the servants regularly employed in or about the same, to enter, remain or be therein between the hours during the times in this section hereinabove mentioned; or to rmove or carry out or suffer to be removed or taken from said premises any spirituous, malt, or fermented liquors or wines, or mixed intoxicating liquors. Sec. 16. No serving or partaking of what is commonly known as a "free lunch" shall be allowed or permitted in any retail liquor establish- ment; and any person having a retail liquor license who serves or fur- nishes or suffers to be served or furnished any free lunch in his estab- lishment or place where liquors are sold, served or given away, shall thereby immediately forfeit his liquor license. Sec. 17. Whenever any person desires to conduct or carry on the busi- ness of a hotel, restaurant or boarding house and to sell or serve any of the liquors in this ordinance hereinabove designated at any such hotel, restaurant or boarding house, same to be there sold, and served, with and as a part of a regular bona fide meal sold and consumed between the hours of six o'clock A. M. and twelve o'clock midnight, he shall make an application in writing to the Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno for permission to obtain a restaurant liquor license, and shall set forth the class of such restaurant liquor license desired. If only beer or other malt liquor or wine is to be sold or served, he shall apply for a Class A Restau- rant Liquor License. If he desires to so sell and serve any mixed liquors or any intoxicating liquors other than or in addition to beer or other malt liquor or wine, he shall apply for a permit for a Class B Restaurant Liquor License. Sec. 18. Said application for a permit for a restaurant liquor license shall be signed and verified by the applicant and filed with the City Clerk, and shall set forth the following: The particular place, including street and number, where such restaurant business is to be conducted; that the applicant is lawfully and in good faith engaged or is about to become en- gaged personally in the restaurant business as the proprietor or manager thereof, at the place designated in his petition; that he desires to obtain a permit for a restaurant liquor license, naming the class thereof, and that he will not violate or evade, nor allow any of his clerks, servants, agents or employees to violate or evade any ordinance of said city relating to the sale of intoxicating liquors; and that if a permit is granted or a license issued, same shall be accepted by applicant subject to the terms and provisions of this ordinance and to such other rules and regulations as may at any time be adopted or enacted by the Board of Trustees of said city. Sec. 19. Upon the filing of such application for a permit for a restau- rant liquor license the Board of Trustees may refer the matter to the Chief of Police and Mayor for investigation as to the moral character of the applicant and whether he is a suitable person to be granted a permit for a restaurant liquor license, and whether he is conducting or intends to conduct a restaurant in good faith, and whether such place is a suit- able locality for such license and the sale of liquor thereunder. Upon such report being made, and after such investigation as may have been made by the members of the Board of Trustees, or upon the hearing of any remonstrance made to the application, the Board of Trustees may, in its discretion, by resolution, grant a permit to such applicant for such restaurant liquor license, designating the class thereof, and order the ORDINANCE NO. GW. 141 Clerk and License Collector to issue such license; but if the Board of Trustees, upon such report, investigation or hearing, for any reason or in its discretion, shall determine that such permit should not be granted or such license issued, it shall deny the application, and no permit shall be granted or restaurant liquor license issued. Sec. 20. Such permit for a Class A Restaurant Liquor License and such license shall not authorize nor allow the person receiving same to sell or serve any intoxicating liquor whatsoever other than beer and other malt liquor and wine, and as a part of a regular bona fide meal at the restaurant, hotel or boarding house designated in said permit Such permit for a Class B Restaurant Liquor License and such license shall not authorize nor allow the person receiving the same to sell or serve any intoxicating liquors whatsoever other than as a part of a regular bona fide meal at the restaurant, hotel or boarding house designated in said permit. No permit for a restaurant liquor license nor any such license shall authorize or allow the person receiving or holding same to sell, serve or give away intoxicating liquors at any time other than between the hours of six o'clock A. M. and twelve o'clock midnight of the days from Monday to Saturday, both inclusive, of each week, nor at any time, place or manner except as In this ordinance specified. Sec. 21. No restaurant or eating house within the City of Fresno in which wines, liquors, beers or other spirituous, malt, fermented or intox- icating liquors of any kind are served with meals or refreshments shall have connected therewith or use In connection therewith any apartment, room, booth or curtained off place in which there shall be any bed, sofa, lounge, couch, divan, cot, bench or other place for lying down; and no booth, box or compartment in any restaurant or eating house shall have any means of ingress other than from the Inner part of the main room, nor shall it have any door next to the Inner part of the main room, but over the opening therein, curtains may be used; all partition walls be- tween any booth, box, room or curtained off place, and the main room, shall be removed and kept removed In such a way that cne entrance to and egress from all such apartments, booths, boxes or curtained off places shall be through or into the main dining room of such restaurant or eat- ing house. Sec. 22. Whenever a number of persons have associated themselves together for social purposes in what is commonly known as a club, or for any purpose where pecuniary profit is not their object, and for which indi- viduals may lawfully associate themselves, whether incorporated or other- wise, and have club rooms or apartments where only the members and their invited guests may meet, and such association desires to keep or have on hand intoxicating liquors to be served only to the members there- of and their Invited guests, and such service to be merely incidental to (and not one of) the objects or purposes of the association, such associa- tion may present an application for a Club Liquor License to the Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno, which application shall be verified by the president or other presiding officer of the association or the secretary thereof, and shall contain and set forth the following: The particular place. Including street and number, where the club rooms are situate; the purposes for which the association or club is formed and whether in- corporated or unincorporated; that said association will not, nor shall any of the members thereof, or its agents, servants or employees, in or about the club rooms, violate any ordinance of said city relating to the sale of Intoxicating liquors ; that no gambling is or shall be carried on or permit- ted in or about said club rooms; that no liquor shall be sold, or given 142 ORDINANCE NO. 601. away, at said club rooms except to the members of the club or association, and that no liquor shall be served or allowed to be consumed or taken by any person except such member or members, or persons who are then and there present with a member or members as invited guests; the names of all of the persons who are members of the club or association, (provided, however, that when the membership is large, the application in lieu of stating the names of all of the persons who are members may set forth the names of twenty persons who are members thereof) ; and that if a permit is granted and a license issued, same shall be accepted by applicant subject to the terms and provisions of this ordinance and to «uch other rules and regulations as may at any time be adopted or en- acted by the Board of Trustees of said City. Sec. 23. Said application for a permit for a Club Liquor License shall also be accompanied by and have attached to it a certificate signed by ten respectable residents of said city setting forth that they have knowledge of said association or club and of its purposes, and that they verily be- lieve that no gambling is or will be carried on or permitted in or about said club rooms; and that in the opinion of such signers such association may properly be intrusted with a Club Liquor License. Sec. 24. Upon the filing of such application for a permit for a Club Xiiquors License and said certificate, the Board of Trustees may refer the matter to the Chief of Police and Mayor for investigation, and after in- vestigation they shall report to the Board of Trustees at their next meet- ing. Upon such report being made, and after such investigation as may iave been made by the members of the Board of Trustees, or upon the hearing of any remonstrance made to the application, the Board of Trus- tees may, in its discretion, by resolution grant a permit to such associa- tion or club for such Club Liquor License and order the Clerk and License ■Collector to issue such license; but if the Board, upon such report, in- vestigation or hearing, for any reason, or in its discretion, shall determine that such permit should not be granted or such license issued, it shall •deny the application and no permit shall be granted or license issued. Sec. 25. Such permit and such Club Liquor License shall not author- ize or allow the sale, furnishing, serving or giving away of any of the liquors in this ordinance specified other than between the hours from six o'clock A. M. to twelve o'clock midnight of the days from Monday to Satur- day, both inclusive, of each week, in the club rooms or apartments at and for which the permit for a license was granted, nor to any person or per- sons other than the members of such association, or to the member or members of the association for himself or themselves and his or their guests therein. Sec. 26. No intoxicating liquors shall at any time be served to any person in any club, or under a Club Liquor License, unless the name of such person appears as a member upon the records of such association or club, or his name appears as an invited guest on the register of guests or visitors at said club. Each club or association to which a Club Liquor License is issued shall keep a book containing the names of all of its members, and a register in which shall be entered each day the names of all visitors or guests, and the name of the member inviting or accom- panying such visitors or guests. Such books and registers shall at all times be open for inspection and subject to the inspection of the Chief of Police, the City Attorney, any member of the Board of Trustees, and to any one designated by said Board. Sec. 27. When an applicant for a permit for a liquor license is a cor- poration or association, the application may be verified by its president. ORDINANCE NO. 601. 143 secretary or manager; and in addition to the matters and things by this ordinance hereinbefore required to be set out in the application, there shall be set forth the name of the person who shall have the management of its business for which or in connection with which a liquor license is desired, and the names of the persons composing its Board of Directors, Sec. 28. No permit for a liquor license of any kind shall be granted at the same meeting of the Board of Trustees at which the application is presented, except by the affirmative vote of at least six of the members of the Board of Trustees; provided, that if the application is for a removal or transfer, the Board of Trustees may grant a temporary permit, revocable at the pleasure of the Board, and if such license is granted, it shall be dated and commence to run as though issued on the date of the temporary permit. When an application for a liquor license has been filed with the City Clerk, any person or persons desiring so to do may object to the granting of any such permit or the issuance of such license by fling a written remonstrance at any time prior to the final action of the Board on such application. When a remonstrance has been filed, no permit for a license shall be granted by the Board until such remonstrance has been lieard and determined. Sec. 29. The liquor licenses provided for in this ordinance shall when Issued be issued for a quarter of a year and for the quarters endmg on the 1st day of January, April, July and October; provided, that a person receiving a permit to take out a license under the provisions of this or- dinance after the beginning of any quarter shall only pay a pro rata amount of said sum for the balance of the time to the end of the quarter. Sec. 30. The rates for the liquor licenses provided for in this ordinance shall be and the same are hereby fixed and established and the same shall be paid by all persons receiving such licenses, respectively, as follows: For a Retail Liquor License the sum of $200.00 per quarter. For a Wholesale Liquor License the sum of $75,00 per quarter. For a Class A Restaurant Liquor License the sum of $50.00 per quarter. For a Class B Restaurant Liquor License the sum of $100.00 per quar- ter. For a Club Licfuor License the sum of $25.00 per quarter. The Restaurant Liquor Licenses shall be and are in addition to the regular restaurant, hotel or boarding house license, now or that may here- after be required by any ordinance of the City of Fresno. No liquor license shall be issued for any quarter until the payment for such quarter has been made. Sec. 31. It shall be and is hereby made unlawful for any person own- ing, or in charge of, or employed In, any drug store, to sell, serve or give away therein any spirituous, malt, or fermented liquors or wines, or mixed Intoxicating liquors; provided, however, that this prohibition and the pro- visions of section 2 of this ordinance shall not apply to the sale or giving :away therein by a druggist or druggist's clerk, entitled to practice phar- macy under the laws of the State of California, of pure alcohol (with or >without a physician's prescription) for medicinal, mechanical or scientific uses; nor to the sale or giving away therein by such druggist or such -clerk, of spirituous, malt or fermented liquors or wines, or mixed intox- icating liquors (not to be consumed, and which are not consumed, upon the premises where sold), for medicinal purposes upon the written pre- scription of a practicing physician (other than such druggist or any one in his employ) entitled to practice medicine under the laws of the State of California, but such prescription shall be written, signed and dated by the physician, and shall contain the name of the person applying person- lUy for the prescription and the name of the person for whose personal 144 ORDINANCE NO. 6ai. use the prescription is made, and shall be presented to and filed by the druggist before any sale or furnishing is made thereon, and such pre- scription shall not be refilled, nor more than one sale be made thereon; that all prescriptions shall be numbered and kept in regular succession by the druggist filling the same on a separate file, convenient for and open and subject during all business hours to the inspection of the Chief of Police, the City Attorney, any member of the Board of Trustees, and to any person who may be designated by said Board; that the prescription shall be given or written only when in the opinion of the physician such liquor is actually necessary as a medicine for the person named thereon, and such prescription shall specify the kind of liquor to be furnished there- on; and it shall be and is hereby made unlawful for any physician to give to or write for any well person, or person not in actual need of such liquor as a medicine, any prescription for intoxicating liquors, either separately or compounded with other ingredients, or to violate or assist in violating any of the porvisions of this ordinance, and if, in an action or proceeding brought under this ordinance, any physician is by the court or by the Board of Trustees found to have violated or assisted in violating any of the terms hereof, then in addition to the penalty therefor herein specified, no intoxicating liquors shall thereafter be supplied, furnished or delivered to any person by any druggist, or druggist's clerk upon the prescription of such physician, after notice thereof in writing given by the Chief of Police of said city, which notice in such case, it is hereby made the duty of the Chief of Police to give to every druggist or owner of a drug store in said city. Sec. 32. It shall be and is hereby made unlawful for any druggist or person owning or in charge of any drug store to allow the drinking on the said premises, or in any room or place connected therewith, or upon any premises occupied or controlled by him of any intoxicating liquors of any kind, or to permit any violation of this ordinance in or upon any such premises owned, occupied or controlled by him. Sec. 33. All liquor licenses shall be paid for in advance in lawful money of the United States at the oflSce of the License Collector of the City of Fresno. A separate liquor license must be obtained for each branch establishment or separate place of business in which the business is carried on for which or in connection with which the license is issued, and each license shall authorize the party obtaining it to carry on the busi- ness or to do the acts hereby permitted only at the location or place of business designated in the permit therefor and indicated in the license. Sec. 34. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to prepare and issue a license under this ordinance for every person to whom a permit therefor has been granted, and such permit not rescinded, revoked or cancelled but in force and effect, and to state in each license the amount thereof, the period of time covered thereby, the name of the person, firm or corporation for whom issued and the kind of license, and the location or place where the business is to be carried on in which or in connection with which said license is issued. The City Clerk shall deliver such license to the License Collector for collection and take his receipt for the amount thereof. Sec. 35. Any permit for a liquor license at any time granted by the Board of Trustees shall continue in force until the 2d day of January of the next succeeding year unless such permit shall prior to such date have been rescinded, revoked or cancelled, or the license issued thereunder de- clared forfeited; but the Board of Trustees may at any time, in its dis- cretion, without notice, revoke, rescind or cancel any permit for a liquor license theretofore granted and may cancel and declare forfeited any 11- ORDINANCE NO. 601. 145 cense Issued, and every such licensee accepts the permit and license sub- ject to such right of revocation without notice; provided, however, that if any liquor license is declared forfeited or cancelled without the prefer- ring of charges against or the giving of notice to the holder thereof, there shall on the cancellation or forfeiture of such license, be returned to such former licensee, on his application therefor, the pro rata portion of the license for the balance of the quarter year for which payment was there- tofore made in advance. If neither the permit received nor the license granted under the provisions of this ordinance be rescinded, revoked or cancelled, the licensee may receive his license on the 1st day of each quar- ter during the year for which the permit was granted by paying on said day the rate or amount of the license tax as hereinabove specified, such payment to be in advance for such quarter and to be made In lawful money of the United States, at the office of the License Collector of the City of Fresno. Sec. 36. No liquor license shall be Issued to any person or persons, firm or corporation except upon a permit therefor previously granted by the Board of Trustees. No such permit shall extend beyond the 1st day of January of the year next following the year In which it is granted, and before a license is issued in any year a new application shall have been presented and a new permit granted; provided, however, that applica- tions for permits for liquor licenses for any year may be heard by the Board and acted upon In the month of December next preceding the be- ginning of any year, and the permit If granted at any time during said month for the next succeeding year shall be deemed to be a valid permit for the next ensuing year the same as though granted on or after the first day of January of such next ensuing year. In case the permit granted to any person for a liquor license shall be rescinded or revoked by said Board, the City Clerk and the License Collector shall not issue any fur- ther liquor license to such person unless and until a new permit shall have been granted him by said Board. Sec. 37. No permits for retail liquor licenses in excess of 49 shall at any time be granted by the Board of Trustees, and the whole number of retail liquor licenses Issued under this ordinance and in force at any one time shall not exceed 49; and should the whole number of permits for retail liquor licenses granted under this ordinance for or during the three months next succeeding the date of the adoption hereof exceed 40, then thereafter no other or additional permits for retail liquor licenses shall be granted or such licenses issued except as, or by way of, a renewal of the licenses theretofore issued under this ordinance until the whole num- ber of retail liquor licenses in force in said city has been reduced to 40, and whenever the number of such retail licenses has been reduced to 40, no permits for retail liquor licenses in excess of 40 shall ever thereafter be granted and thereupon and thereafter the whole number of liquor li- censes issued and in force at any one time in said city shall not exceed 40. Sec. 38. Whenever it appears or has been shown to the satisfaction of the Board of Trustees that any licensee under the provisions of this or- dinance, or any of his servants or employees has been in an intoxicated condition while in or about the premises or business for or in connection with which a liquor license has been issued, or has sold or served liquor to any minor or to any intoxicated person, or that any game or other transaction in violation of any state law or city ordinance, or any gam- bling of any kind has been conducted, carried on or suffered or allowed to be conducted, or has existed or been done in or about such premises, or that any such licensee, or any of his servants or employees, has com- mitted or permitted any breach of the peace or any disorderly conduct at or about said premises, or that any such licensee has violated or failed 10* 146 ORDINANCE NO. 601. to keep and observe any of the terms of this ordinance, or that any holder of a liquor license has sold, furnished, served or given away intoxicating liquors in manner or time other than is allowed by such license held by him, then such license shall by resolution of said Board be declared for- feited and cancelled, and the permit therefor be rescinded and revoked, and thereupon and thenceforth it shall be unlawful for such person or former licensee to sell, furnish, serve or give any of the liquors whatso- ever In this ordinance mentioned in said city. Sec. 39. No permit granted nor license issued under this ordinance can be assigned except to a bona fide purchaser of the business to which it relates or in connection with which it was granted or issued, and after the consent of the Board of Trustees of said city upon an application therefor filed, containing in addition to the requirements hereinbefore specified for obtaining an original license, a statement setting forth such transfer, or proposed transfer, of the business. Such application must be verified by both assignor and assignee. Sec. 40. This ordinance shall not apply to the giving or serving of liquors by persons in the privacy of their own homes and households for the uses thereof, or to the serving or giving of same to members of the family of such persons, or as an act of hospitality toward invited guests within such homes or households. Sec. 41. It is hereby declared to be unlawful and fraudulent for any person, firm, corporation or association within the corporate limits of the City of Fresno to resort to, use, devise or operate in any way or manner whatsoever, any trick, shift, device, artifice or pretense to evade, avoid or defeat any of the terms, conditions or provisions of this ordinance, or to escape or avoid any of the penalties in this ordinance provided, and every such trick, shift, device, artifice or pretence is hereby declared fraudulent and unlawful. Sec. 42. Every person, firm, corporation or association who commits or is guilty of any breach of any of the provisions, terms, conditions, lim- itations or restrictions of this ordinance, or who does, or aids, assists or encourages in the doing of any act or thing by its provisions or terms prohibited or made or declared to be unlawful or fraudulent shall, for each such act or thing so done, or aided, assisted or encouraged to be done, be subject and liable to the City of Fresno for a penalty of Forty Dollars, lawful money of the United States, which said penalty, together with all legal costs, shall be recovered by said city in a civil action therefor, as provided by law, in any court of competent jurisdiction, against any per- son, firm, corporation or association subject or liable therefor as in this ordinance provided. Sec. 43. A right and cause of action is hereby created in favor of the City of Fresno, and full authority and power and right to bring, maintain and prosecute same and recover said penalty is hereby conferred on said city against all persons, firms, corporations or associations subject or liable therefor as in this ordinance set forth. And it shall be the duty of all police officers to report all violations of this ordinance to the City At- torney, and the City Attorney shall, when in his judgment there is suf- ficient evidence to justify it, bring actions in the name of said city for the recovery of such penalties in any court of competent jurisdiction. Every officer of said city, including police officers, is hereby authorized for and on behalf of said city, and as its agent, to verify the complaint in any action by said city for the recovery of any penalty for the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 44. Whenever judgment is given and entered in any such action. ODRINANCE NO. 603. 147 in favor of said City of Fresno for the recovery of the amount of such pen- alty and costs, the same may be enforced by execution as provided by section 684 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California, which said section is hereby adopted in so far as the same is applicable, and if the judgment in any such action direct that the defendant therein be arrested, execution may issue against the person of such judgment debtor, after return of execution against his property unsatisfied in whole or in part, and require the officer to whom it is directed to arrest said judgment debtor and commit him to the County Jail of Fresno County, State of California, until he pays such judgment, according to the terms thereof, or be discharged according to law. Sec, 45. Every breach of this ordinance or of any of its terms, con- ditions, provisions, requirements, restrictions or limitations as the same are hereinbefore established, created, declared, defined and set forth, shall separately or for each day of its continuance be deemed to be, and shall be a separate breach thereof; and no action to recover any penalty in- curred under the provisions of this ordinance and no judgment or recovery of any such penalty, shall be deemed a waiver of, or bar to the recovery of any other penalty or penalties incurred for breaches of this ordinance whether such breaches shall have occurred before or after suit or recov- ery; and every person, firm, corporation or association who commits, or aids, assists, abets or encourages the commission of any such breaches, or any breach whatsoever of this ordinance, or any of its terms, condi- tions, provisions, requirements, restrictions or limitations, shall be deemed to have incurred, and shall be subject to and liable for the penalty and costs hereinbefore provided. Sec. 46. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 47. This ordinance shall take effect on, and shall be in force and effect immediately on and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 603. In effect Dec. 8, 1909. An Ordinance providing for the better protection of the rights of per* sons traveling the streets and public ways of the City of Fresno. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be, and is hereby made, unlawful for any person in charge or control, either as engineer, conductor, brakeman, or other- wise, of an engine, car, train of cars, or any part of a train of cars, on any railroad operated within or passing through the City of Fresno, to cause or allow such engine, train, car, or part of a train of cars to stand or remain on or across any street crossing within the said City, or so much of the way across any street crossing within said City as to hinder or obstruct travel on or over any street, at or during any time except when making up a train or stopping a train at a station, and then only for a period of time not to exceed three minutes; and in no case shall any en- gine, train, portion of a train, or any railroad car obstruct any street for a longer period than three minutes. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, or doing any act herein declared to be unlawful, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine in a sum not less than Ten Dollars nor more than One Hundred Dol- 148 ORDINANCE NO. 607. lars, or by Imprisonment in the County Jail of the County of Fresno for a term not to exceed ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately on and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 607. In effect Feb. 11, 1911. An Ordinance regulating the construction, erection, repair, alteration, removal, demolition, condemnation and use of buildings in the City of Fresno. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Unlawful to Build in Violation of Ordinance. Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to hereafter erect, construct, alter, repair, raise, build upon, move, demolish, maintain or use, in the City of Fresno, any building or structure, or any portion thereof, in a manner that shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance. Unlawful to Build Without a Permit. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, either as owner, architect, builder, principal, agent or otherwise, to commence or proceed with the erection, construction, alteration, repair, moving or demolition, of any building or other structure, exceeding twenty dollars in cost (restoration of plastering or painting or reshingling of roofs ex- cepted), in the City of Fresno, unless a written permit to do such work has been first obtained from the City Engineer in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. Provided, however, that any building or other structure erected by the County of Fresno, or the State of Califor- nia, or the United States of America shall be exempt from the provisions, of this section. Any party desiring such permit shall file with the City Engineer, on a blank furnished by said City Engineer, an application therefor, settings forth the exact location, by deed description, of the proposed work, the names of the owner, architect and builder, an estimate of the cost of the proposed work, the probable time of completion of said work, and the purposes for which the building is to be used. A full and complete set of plans and specifications shall also be filed with the application, and in the event of a permit being issued therefor, the said building or other structure shall not be constructed in other man- ner than as set forth in said plans and specifications, unless a new permit is obtained therefor. Fees. Sec. 3. Fees for the issuance of permits to do any of the work out- lined above shall be collected by the City Engineer, and by him turned over to the City of Fresno every month, as follows: For any proposed work costing not over one thousand dollars, one dollar; For any proposed work costing over one thousand dollars, but not over ten thousand dollars, one dollar and fifty cents for the first one thousand dollars and one dollar for each additional one thousand dollars or fraction, thereof; ORDINANCE NO. 607. 149 And for each additional one thousand dollars, or fraction thereof, above ten thousand dollars, fifty cents. If any party, whether as owner, architect or builder, shall commence any of the work outlined in the above sections, without first obtaining a written permit therefor, as provided, he shall be required, upon sub- sequently taking out a permit, to pay double the amount of fee hereinbe- fore provided for such permit, in addition to other penalties herein pro- vided. Time Limit. Sec. 4. The work authorized by any permit hereunder shall be com- pleted on or before the time specified in the application, which said time shall be set forth in the permit, and if said work is not completed within said specified time, a new permit shall be taken out. If any work is done in violation of the permit or the provisions of this ordinance, the permit shall be immediately revoked by the said City En- gineer. Penalty. Sec. 5. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than three hundred dollars, or by Imprisonment in the County jail for not less than five days nor more than ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each such person, firm or corporation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for every day during which any such violation of these provisions exists. Duty of Officers. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the Chief and Assistant Chief of the Fire Department, the Chief of Police and all police oflBcers In conjunction with the City Engineer, or his deputies, to see that the provisions of this ordinance are enforced, and they are hereby empowered to enter any premises, or go into any building where they or either of them have reasonable grounds to believe that any of the provisions of this ordinance are being violated. And said officers are hereby directed to make com- plaint, in the Police Court, against any person refusing or neglecting to comply with the provisions of this ordinance. Immoral Purposes. Sec. 7. No permit shall be issued for the construction of any building or other structure to be used for immoral or gambling purposes. Dangerous Use of Buildings. Sec. 8. If, at any time, any building or other structure within the City of Fresno is found to be used or occupied for any purpose which, in the judgment of the City Engineer or Fire Chief, is dangerous to the safety of said building or other structure, or to any other building or structure, or to the life of any person in or around said building or other structure, then upon written notice to the occupant from either the said City En- gineer or Fire Chief, or both, said use or occupancy must be vacated; pro- vided, however, that the Board of Trustees may, If it desires, grant a special permit for such hazardous use, under such restrictions and regu- lation as it may Impose. Use of Part of Streets. Sec. 9. When it Is desired, in connection with any of the work out- lined in this ordinance, to use a part of any street, avenue or alley, permit may be given by the City Engineer for the use of one-half of the width of any such street or avenue, and one-third of the width of any such alley, 150 ORDINANCE NO. 607. immediately adjacent to the proposed work, provided, however, that such use shall not interefere with the operation of any street cars that may be running on said street or avenue. When desiring the use of any such street, avenue or alley, a deposit of twenty-fine dollars shall be made with the City Engineer as a guarantee that the permittee will leave the said street, avenue or alley in as good condition, when the building or other structure is completed, as when the permittee took possession of same, and that the permittee shall, as the work progresses, clean up all debris and remove all material and appliances not necessary for construction work, from the street and sidewalk, as directed by the City Engineer. Sidewalks must be left passable to the extent of at least six feet in width and if necessary to the safety of pedestrians, such passageway must be protected, in an approved manner, by overhead scaffolding or otherwise, so that no material will fall thereon to the injury of passers-by. All damages due to neglect or carelessness in maintaining proper passage- ways shall be paid by the permittee. Red lights must be kept lit during the whole of every night, upon all piles of material on any public street, alley or sidewalk. Removal of Frame Buildings in Fire Limits. Sec. 10. No wooden, frame, or combination wood and iron building now within the established Fire Limits of the City of Fresno, shall be moved to any other location in the said Fire Limits, excepting upon another por- tion of the same parcel of land upon which said building then stands, held and owned by the same person. Such building, may, however, be removed to a location outside of said Fire Limits upon the issuance of proper permit therefor. Moving Buildings on Public Streets. Sec. 11. When a building or other structure is to be moved along any public street or alley, it shall be necessary to obtain from the City En- gineer, in addition to the original permit above mentioned, a permit for such removal along any public street or alley before such removal can be commenced. The person applying for such permit shall deposit with the City Engineer fifty dollars. The permittee, by the acceptance of such permit, agrees to put the streets over which such removal is made, in as good order and condition as they were prior to such use, and agrees to clean up and remove all debris deposited thereon by reason of such use, otherwise to forfeit to the City the said deposit, in addition to other dam- ages which he may be the cause of, and be responsible for. All removals made under such permits shall be done in a careful man- ner, and shall be prosecuted with diligence, and shall be under the super- intendence and control, and to the satisfaction and approval of the Super- intendent of Streets. No person, firm or corporation owning or having charge of the removal of any building through the public streets, shall permit such building to be or stand on any street, lane, alley or public grounds within the limits of one block for a longer period than twenty-four hours, nor shall they permit the same to obstruct any street car line in operation, by cutting wires or otherwise, except between the hours of 1 A, M. and & A. M. When the cutting of any wires, or temporary removal of any pole or poles of any public or private telegraph, telephone, electric light, or any other wire, passing along or over any street, lane or alley becomes neces- sary for the removal of any building, the person in charge of such removal shall, at least six hours in advance of reaching the same, notify the per- son or persons having charge of and control over such wire or wires, and the person so notified shall cause such wires to be promptly cut or re- moved, and replaced, after being first paid or tendered the reasonable cost I ORDINANCE NO. 607. 151 and expense thereof; provided, however, that In every case in which the cutting of wires belonging to the City of Fresno, may be necessary, the City Electrician shall be notified, and he shall have the wires cut and re- placed, the person or persons having charge of the removal of the build- ings paying the entire cost and expense of the cutting, removal and re- placing of the same. Demolition of Buildings. Sec. 12. In demolishing any building, one story shall be completely removed before the demolition of another story is begun. No material shall be placed upon the floor of any such building in the course of de- molition, but the brick, timbers and other parts of each story shall be lowered to the ground immediately upon displacement Dangerous Buildings. Sec. 13. Whenever the City Engineer shall find that any structure, or any part thereof, is dangerous to persons or property, or is unsafe for the purpose for which it is used, or is in danger of fire from any defect in its construction, or that the doors, passageways, or stairways of any struc- ture are insuflftcient for the escape of the occupants in case of fire, or do not conform to the ordinances of the City of Fresno, he shall notify the owner, person in charge or occupant thereof in writing, specifying where- in such structure is dangerous, unsafe or defective, or not in conformity with said ordinances, and requiring such owner, person in charge or occu- pant forthwith to remove, demolish or repair the same, or to make such alterations therein as may be necessary to make such structure conform to said ordinances, and the person receiving such notice shall, within forty-eight hours after receiving same, begin to comply therewith, and shall complete the work so required as soon as practicable. It shall be unlawful for any person to use or to permit the use of any such structure, or part thereof, described in said notice, unless the work mentioned In said notice shall have been done. Damage to Frame Buildings In Fire Limits. Sec. 14. Whenever a wooden or frame building or other structure within the Fire Limits, is damaged by fire, decay or other causes or by any or all of said causes combined, to the extent of thirty per cent of its actual value immediately after its erection, estimated above the founda- tion of said building or other structure, it shall be unlawful to repair, re- construct or to use such structure, but said structure must be demolished and cleared away. Arbitration. Sec. 15. Appeal may be taken from the decision of the City Engineer under Sections 13 and 14 as follows: Such appeal must be taken within five days after the decision of the City Engineer is rendered, by filing with said City Engineer a request in writing for arbitration, which shall state the subject of the proposed arbitration and the name of the person who is to represent the appellant as arbitrator. The City Engineer shall there- upon furnish to the appellant a statement of the cost of such arbitration, and such appellant shall within twenty-four hours from the time of filing the original request for arbitration deposit with the City Engineer the sum of money required for defraying the expenses of the same, which sum shall in each case be fixed by said City Engineer in proportion to the difficulty and importance of the case, but shall in no case be more than the cost of similar services in the course of ordinary business. As soon as such sum of money shall have been deposited with the City Engineer, he shall appoint an arbitrator to represent the city, and the two arbitra- tors thus appointed shall, if they cannot agree, select a third arbitrator, and these arbitrators shall be competent builders, architects or engineers, 152 ORDINANCE NO. e07. and shall, after Investigating tlie matter make a decision in regard to the same. A majority report from the arbitrators shall be final and binding upon the appellant as well as upon the city, and shall be rendered in writ- ing to the City Engineer and to the appellant. The fee deposited by the appellant with the City Engineer shall be paid to the arbitrators upon the rendering of their decision, and shall be in full for all costs incident to the arbitration. Whenever the decision of the City Engineer upon the safety of any building, or any part thereof, is made in a case so urgent that failure to promptly carry out orders to demolish such building or part thereof may endanger life or limb, the decision and order of the City Engineer, when set forth in a notice marked "emergency," shall be final without recourse to arbitration. Alterations and Repairs in the Fire Limits. Sec. 16. No repairs, changes or alterations shall be commenced or made upon any building or other structure within the Fire Limits, except in compliance with the provisions of this ordinance for new buildings or other structures within the Fire Limits, provided that a permit may, in the discretion of the City Engineer, be granted as herein provided, for the repair, alteration or change of any building already erected in said Fire Limits and used exclusively as a dwelling house, to the extent of one-sixth of its original value and no more, and such materials may be used therein as are approved by the City Engineer, provided further that but one such permit only shall be granted for any such building regardless of owner- ship. Definitions. Sec. 17. For the purposes of this ordinance, the following terms shall have the meanings attached to them by this section, unless it is apparent from the context that they are used with another meaning. A frame building is a building or structure of which the exterior walls or a portion thereof are constructed of wood. Buildings sheated with wood and wholly or partially covered with a veneering of brick or mason- ry, or buildings constructed of a wooden frame covered with iron or other metal shall be considered frame buildings. "Masonry" means brick, stone, cement, concrete or reinforced concrete. "Story" means (for the purpose of calculating the thickness of walls) the vertical distance between any two floors of a building above the side- walk, or between the upper floor and the ceiling above it, provided such distance does not exceed sixteen feet. If any such distance exceeds six- teen feet, then each sixteen feet or fraction thereof shall be considered a separate story. "Cellar" or "Basement" means all that portion of a building below the surface of the ground upon which it Is built. "Alterations" means any change or addition, other than plumbing. "Repairs" means the reconstruction or renewal of any existing part of a building, or of its fixtures or appurtenances, other than plumbing. "Party Wall" means a wall used, or built to be used, in common by two buildings. "Partition Wall" means any interior wall In a building other than a division wall. "Division Wall" means any wall, other than an exterior wall or a party wall, which extends the full height of the building and through the roof, and such walls shall be in all respects as provided for party walls. "Bearing Wall" is a wall carrying the Interior load of a building. ODRINANCE NO. 607. 153 "Exterior Wall" means every outer wall or vertical enclosure of a building, other than a party wall. "Thickness of a Wall" means the minimum thickness of such wall, be- tween floors, or between floors and ceiling or roof. "A Dwelling" means a building intended for the residence of not over two families. "An Apartment House" or "Tenement House" is a building containing separate apartments for three or more families, and having a street en- trance common to all. "Flats" is a building of two or more stories containing Independent dwellings, each having its own street entrance. "A Hotel" is a building used as a place of entertainment of transient guests and having more than twenty sleeping rooms for guests. "A Boarding" or "Lodging House" is a building used for boarding or lodging purposes, and containing not less than five nor more than twenty sleeping rooms for guests. "An Office Building" is a building, the whole or larger part of which is Intended or used for office purposes, no part of which is used for living purposes except by the janitor and his family. "A Public Hall" is a room for public assemblages, having a total seat- ing capacity of 100 or more persons, not including a theater. "A Theater" is a building containing a room used for theatrical or operatic exhibitions or other public entertainments, having a total seating capacity of 300 or more persons, upon the stage of which movable scenery is used, or which has a stage twenty feet or more in depth, with the ceil- ing of the stage more than three feet higher than the proscenium arch at any point. "A Hospital," "Sanitarium" or "Asylum" is a building in which sick, demented, injured, infirm, aged or orphaned persons are housed,, or in- tended to be housed, in any number exceeding twenty-five. "A Warehouse" is a building used for the storage of goods, wares or merchandise, or whose floors are designed to sustain a load of 250 pounds or more to the square foot. "A Factory" is a building used for manufacturing purposes. "A Store Building" is a building used wholly or in part for the purpose of exhibiting for sale goods, wares or merchandise. "Length of a building": its greatest linear dimension. "Width of a building": its next greatest linear dimension. "Height of a building": the vertical distance between the highest point of the curb grade in front of said building and the highest part of its roof, except spires, belfrys or steeples. Quality of Materials. Sec. 18. All materials entering into the construction of any building or other structure shall be first class In every respect and their quality must conform to the standards which may, from time to time be adopted by the City Engineer and the Building Committee of the Board of Trustees. Excavations and Foundations. Sec. 19. (a) All excavations for buildings shall be properly guarded and protected so as to prevent the same from becoming dangerous to life or limb and shall be sheath-piled by the person or persons causing the excavations to be made when necessary to prevent the adjoining €arth from caving In. 154 ORDINANCE NO. 607. (b) Plans filed with the City Engineer shall he accompanied hy a statement of the character of the soil at the level of the footings. (c) Whenever an excavation of either earth or rock for building or other purposes, shall be intended to be, or shall be carried to the depth of more than nine feet below the curb immediately in front thereof, the person or persons causing such excavation to be made shall at all times, from the commencement until the completion thereof, if afforded the necessary license to enter upon the adjoining land and not otherwise, at his or their own expense preserve any adjoining or contiguous wall or walls, structure or structures from injury, and support the same by proper foundations, so that the said wall or walls, structure or structures, shall be and remain practically as safe as before such excavation was commenced, whether the said adjoining or contiguous wall or walls, structure or structures, are down more or less than nine feet below the curb. (d) If the necessary license is not accorded to the person or persons making such excavation, then it shall be the duty of the owner or owners refusing to grant such license to make the said adjoining or contiguous wall or walls, structure or structures, safe, and support the same by proper foundations satisfactory to the City Engineer, so that adjoining excavations may be made. (e) If such excavation shall not be intended to be, or shall not be carried to a depth of more than nine feet below the curb, the owner or owners of such adjoining or contiguous wall or walls, structure or struc- tures, shall preserve the same from injury, and so support the same by proper foundations, satisfactory to the City Engineer, that it or they shall be and remain practically as safe as before such excavation was com- menced and shall be permitted to enter upon the premises for that pur- pose when necessary, where such excavation Is being made. (f) In case an adjoining party wall is intended to be used by the per- son or persons causing the excavation to be made, and such party wall is in good condition and sufficient for the uses of the adjoining building, then and in such case the person or persons causing the excavation to be made shall at his or their own expense, preserve such party wall from injury and support the same by proper foundations, so that said party wall shall be and remain practically as safe as before the excavation was commenced. (g) If the person or persons whose duty it shall be to preserve or pro- tect any wall or walls, structure or structures from injury shall neglect or fail so to do after having had a notice of twenty-four hours from the City Engineer then the City Engineer or his deputy may enter upon the premises and employ such labor, and furnish such materials, and take such steps as, in his judgment, may be necessary, at the expense of the person or persons whose duty it is to keep the same safe and secure, to make the same safe and secure, or to prevent the same from becoming unsafe or dangerous. (h) Any person doing the said work, or any part thereof, under and by direction of the said City Engineer may bring and maintain an action against the person or persons last herein referred to, to recover the value of the work done and the materials furnished. In and about the said premises, in the same manner as If he had been employed to do the said work by the said person or persons. (i) When an excavation is made on any lot, the person or persons causing such excavation to be made shall build on the adjoining lot at his or their own cost and expense, a retaining wall of sufficient strength to support the adjoining earth, If accorded the necessary license to enter ORDINANCE NO. 607. 16G upon said adjoining lot and not otherwise, and such retaining wall shall be carried to the height of the adjoining earth, and be properly protected by coping. If the necessary license is not accorded to the person or per- sons making such excavation, then it shall be the duty of the owner or owners refusing to grant such license to build the retaining wall on his or their own property at his or their own expense without recourse to the person or persons making the excavation on the premises adjoining thereto. Bearing Capacity of Soil. Sec. 20. (a) Where no test of the sustaining power of the soil is made, different soils, excluding mud, at the bottom of the footings, shall be deemed to safely sustain the following loads to the superficial foot, name- ly: Soft clay, one ton per square foot; ordinary clay and sand together, in layers wet and springy, two tons per square foot; loam, clay or fine sand, firm and dry, three tons per square foot; very firm, coarse sand, stiff gravel or hard clay, four tons per square foot or as otherwise deter- mined by the City Engineer. (b) Where a test is made of the sustaining power of the soil the City Engineer shall be notified so that a representative may be present. The record of the test shall be filed in the office of the City Ehiglneer. (c) When a doubt arises as to the safe sustaining power of the earth upon which a building Is to be erected the City Engineer may order bor- ings to be made, or direct to be tested the sustaining power of the soil by and at the expense of the owner of the proposed building. Construction of Frame Buildings. Sec. 21. Frame buildings, except as otherwise hereinafter specified, shall comply with the following conditions: (a) Wood frame buildings shall be limited to a height of fifty-five feet. All spires of churches and towers of breweries which are higher than fifty-five feet shall have such parts as are higher built of and covered with fireproof material. (b) The walls of wood frame buildings shall be constructed with stud- ding, covered with weather boarding on the outside. No uncovered stud- ding will be allowed against the wall of an adjoining building or struc- ture. (c) Brick and concrete foundations for wood frame buildings, one and two stories in height, used as dwellings, must not be less than eight inches thick, and not over four feet high above the ground surface. When the foundations are more than four feet high above the ground surface they must not be less than thirteen inches thick. Foundations for three-story wood frame buildings shall not be less than thirteen inches thick. When the foundation walls of wood frame buildings are used for em- bankment or retaining wall, two and three-story buildings with basement shall have foundation not less than thirteen inches thick, and not higher that ten feet from top of top footing to bottom of first floor joists (first tier). (d) For a building of two stories or less in height, the studding for the outside walls and bearing partitions shall not be less than 2x4 inches; for a building of three stories in height, the studding shall not be less than 3x4 inches, to the bottom of the upper floor joists, and 2x4 inches for the remaining height; for a building of four stories In height, the stud- ding shall not be less than 3x6 inches for the first story, and 2x6 or 3x4 inches for the second and third stories and 2x4 inches for the fourth story. 156 ORDINANCE NO. 607. Where the bearing partitions are less than twelve feet apart, the stud- ding may be less than the outside walls, but never less than 2x4 inches. Partitions dividing several stairways and sliding doors may by permis- sion of the City Engineer be less than 3x4 inches. Studding on the exterior and interior walls of buildings shall not be placed more than sixteen inches between centers. The underpinning of buildings shall be at least one Inch thicker than the studding of the story immediately above, and said studding shall not be placed more than twenty-four inches between centers. Sufficient underpinning shall be used under the structure, as will, in the judgment of the City Engineer, safely sustain the load to be placed thereon. (e) All dividing partitions between buildings shall be closed boarded from the lower floors to the ground, and from the upper ceilings close to the underside of the roof boarding, so as to effectually check all connec- tion from one building to another. Where a large building is divided into tenements the boarding shall be applied on each dividing partition. The distance between dividing partitions shall not exceed twenty-five feet (f) Attics or the unfinished space between the ceiling and roof rafters of frame buildings shall be divided into compartments or rooms in order to prevent the rapid progress of fire. Such compartments shall not have a floor area of more than twenty-flve hundred square feet. (g) When stories are framed separately, each tier of studding must have top and bottom plates, and the top plates must be doubled; when stories are not framed separately, proper bridging must be placed behind the ribbon at the ceiling line and on top of the joist at the floor line. Bridging must be two inches thick and of the full width of the studding in every case. All wood beams or joists shall be trimmed away at least one and one* half inches from all flues and chimneys, whether the same be a smoke, air or any other kind of chimney. The trimmer beam shall not be less than eight Inches from the insid« lace of a flue, and four inches from the outside of a chimney breast, and the header beam must not be less than two inches from the outside of the brick or stonework of the same, except that for the smoke flues of boilers and furnaces where the brickwork is required to be eight inches in thick- ness the trimmer shall not be less than twelve inches from the inside of flue. (h) All stud walls, or partitions hereafter built, altered or repaired, shall have one row of bridging for every seven feet in height over the first seven. Said bridging shall in all cases extend to the lathing or sheathing, so as to prevent the passage of fire and smoke, and shall be the same thickness as the studding. All outside walls and cross-parti- tions shall be thoroughly angle-braced; all joists shall have solid end- blocking. All buildings over twenty-five feet in width shall have a row of solid blocking over girder or partition of stairways. A row of cross- bridging at least two inches thick must be placed between the fioor joists at least every twelve feet. (i) When a chimney is furred out, the space between the chimney and the breast shall be so built that the passage of fire and smoke shall be intercepted, and wherever cove ceilings are used, they shall be solid blocked behind on the studding at the spring of the cove. (j) Bay, oriel or swell windows constructed in frame buildings shall have spaces of not less than five feet in width, measured on outside of building clear of finish; provided, that in buildings built on lots having a ORDINANCE NO. 607. 157 frontage of twenty-five feet or less, the space between said bay, oriel or swell windows may be decreased, provided the studding in said space shall be increased in thickness so as to contain the same amount of lum- ber as would be contained in the studding of the piers in the aforesaid spaces of five feet, but the spaces shall be at least two feet six inches between bays in any case. Such windows may project not more than three feet over the street line, measured to the finish; they must not be more than ten feet wide, measured from end to end, and the finish of their soffits must be at least ten feet above the sidewalk, unless the window is entirely back of the street line. Construction of Masonry Buildings. Sec. 22. All masonry buildings, except as hereinafter particularly specified, used for any purpose, shall be constructed in such a manner as to comply with the following conditions: (a) The total height of any such building shall not exceed one hun- dred and fifty feet, provided further, that no building shall be erected to a height in excess of the available fire fighting facilities and water sup- ply as determined by the Chief of the Fire Department. (b) Masonry buildings must have their outside and party walls built of brick, stone, concrete or reinforced concrete except as hereinafter otherwise specified. (c) General table for the minimum thickness of outer and bearing walls: No. of Thickness of wall at stories in each story. building Basement 12345678 One story 16 12 Two stories 16 16 12 Three stories 20 16 16 12 Four stories 20 20 16 16 12 Five stories 24 20 20 16 16 12 Six stories 24 24 20 20 16 16 12 Seven stories 28 24 24 20 20 16 16 12 Eight stories 28 28 24 24 20 20 16 16 12 (d) Table for minimum thickness of Party or Division Walls: No. of Thickness of wall at stories in each story. building Basement 12345678 One story 16 16 Two stories 20 16 16 Three stories 24 20 16 16 Four stories 24 20 20 16 16 Five stories 24 24 20 20 16 16 Six stories 28 24 24 20 20 16 16 Seven stories 28 28 24 24 20 20 16 16 Eight stories 32 28 28 24 24 20 20 16 16 (e) Clear span thickness: If there is to be a clear span of over twenty-five feet between the bear- ing walls, such walls shall be four inches thicker than in this section specified, for every twelve and one-half feet, or fraction thereof, that said walls are more than twenty-five feet apart, or shall have instead of the increased thickness such piers or buttresses as, in the judgment of the City Engineer, may be necessary. 158 ORDINANCE NO. 607. (f) Existing Party Walls: Walls heretofore built for or used as party walls, the thickness of which at the time of their erection was in accordance with the require- ments of the then existing ordinance, but which are not in accordance with the requirements of this ordinance, may be used, if in good condi- tion, for the ordinary uses of party walls, provided the height of the same be not increased. (g) Fire Walls: All exterior, division and party walls shall project through and be at least three feet above the adjoining roof line and shall be twelve inches thick, unless otherwise permitted by the City Engineer. Such fire walls shall be continuous without openings therein and shall be laid in mortar containing not less than one part of cement to four parts of good lime mortar, said cement mortar to extend from the top of wall to a point two feet below the roof joists and all such brick work to be laid as "full grouted" or "shoved" work. Where by reason of the pitch of roofs or otherwise, fire walls shall extend more than three feet above adjoining roof line, the same shall be anchored with 3-4 inch iron rods or pipes of one inch outside diameter, said anchors to be well secured to roof, to have "T" heads built eight inches into wall, eight inches below its top anchors to be not more than ten feet apart (h) Heading courses in brick walls: In all brick walls every sixth course shall be a heading course except where walls are faced with brick in running bond, in which latter case, every sixth course shall be bonded into the backing by cutting the course of the face brick and putting in diagonal headers behind the same, or by splitting the face brick in half and backing the same with a continuous row of headers. Where face brick is used of a different thickness from the brick used for the backing, the courses of the exterior and interior brickwork shall be brought to a level bed at intervals of not more than ten courses in height of the face brick, and the face brick shall be properly tied to the backing by a heading course of the face brick. All bearing walls faced with brick laid in running bond shall be four Inches thicker than the walls are required to be under any section of this Ordinance. If brick walls are laid in Flemmish bond, all headers must be full head- ers, if possible. Where this is not possible, the headers of every sixth course must be full headers, and in this case, the thickness of the wall must be four inches greater than it otherwise be, under the requirements of this Ordinance. Or an approved metallic bond, satisfactory to the City Engineer, may be used in place of the extra thickness of wall. Stone used for the facing of any building, and known as ashlar, shall be not less than four inches thick. Stone ashlar shall be anchored to the backing and the backing shall be of such thickness as to make the walls, independent of the ashlar, conform, as to the thickness, with the requirements of paragraphs "c" and "d" of this section, unless the ashlar be at least eight inches thick and bonded into the backing, when it may be counted as part of the thickness of the wall. Iron ashlar plates used in imitation of stone ashlar on the face of a wall shall be backed up with the same thickness of brickwork as required for a brick wall without ashlar. All foundation walls, isolated piers, parapet walls and chimneys above roofs shall be laid in cement mortar, but this shall not prohibit the use I ORDINANCE NO. 607. 159 in cold weather of a small proportion of lime to prevent the mortar from freezing. All other walls built of brick or stone shall be laid in lime, cement, or lime and cement mortar mixed. The backing up of the stone ashlar shall be laid up with cement mortar, or cement and lime mortar mixed, but the back of the ashlar may be parged with lime mortar or coated with asphaltum varnish to prevent discoloration of the stone. (i) Partition Walls: Masonry partition walls, bearing no weight, between bearing or fire walls not exceeding thirty-three feet apart, may be constructed not less than eight inches thick; if distance between bearing or fire walls is greater than thirty- three feet, the said partition walls must be not less than twelve inches thick. All such partitions shall be carried on proper foundations, or on iron or steel girders and columns properly insulated or piers of masonry. In buildings with studding walls and partitions, there shall be a fire stop of two inch lumber at each floor where the partitions occur to prevent the spread of fire between the floor joists and between the studding. Studding walls and partitions shall have a fire stop of two Inch lum- ber not more than eight feet apart in vertical height the full length of the wall or partition. €oved ceilings against studding walls shall have a two-inch fire stop set in at the springing of the cove and fire stops must, in like manner, be put behind all ribbons supporting fioor beams. (j) Allowable span: No clear span between bearing or fire walls shall exceed seventy-five feet. (k) Floor areas: In all non-fireproof stores, warehouses and factories, no single fioor area, between brick fire walls of a thickness corresponding to the main bearing walls, shall exceed the following: When located fronting on one street only, may cover an area of not more than 7,500 square feet; or if a comer building fronting on two streets, it may cover not more than 9,000 square feet; or when such a building fronts on three streets It may cover an area of not more than 10,500 square feet between brick fire walls. In all stores, warehouses and factories, not exceeding fifty feet in height, which may be built fireproof, the areas between brick fire walls of a thickness corresponding to the main bearing walls may be increased fifty per cent over the above limits. But in case any such fireproof building exceeds the height of fifty-five feet, the areas between brick fire walls of a thickness corresponding to the main bearing walls may be the same, but no greater than the areas hereinbefore stated In this section for non-fireproof construction; pro- vided, however, In case the foregoing described buildings are completely equipped with a system of automatic sprinklers in a manner approved by the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific, the areas between the brick partition walls may be increased as follows: For the non-fireproof constructed buildings, the respective areas here- inbefore stated may be increased fifty per cent. For the fireproof constructed buildings not exceeding fifty-five feet in height, the respective areas hereinbefore stated may be increased thirty- three and one-third per cent; and 160 ORDINANCE NO. C07. For the fireproof constructed buildings exceeding fifty-five feet in height, the respective areas hereinbefore stated may be increased thirty- three and one-third per cent. No wall or part of wall in any existing building nor in any building hereafter erected shall be removed to produce a larger area than those named in this section. When more than two fireproof or non-fireproof buildings communicate although protected by double standard fireproof doors, they shall be pro- vided with a system of approved automatic sprinklers where occupied as stores, warehouses and factories. Openings in the brick fire walls of buildings specified in this section shall in no case exceed eight feet in width, nor more than ten feet in height, and above each such opening there shall be a curtain wall be- tween the top of the opening and the ceiling line of at least three feet. The openings shall be provided with approved standard fireproof doors on both sides of the wall. (1) Lining existing walls: In case it is desired to incerase the height of existing party or inde- pendefnt walls, which are less in thickness than required under this code, the same shall be done by a lining of brickwork to form a combined thickness with the old wall of not less than four inches more than the thickness required for a new wall corresponding with the total height of the wall when so increased in height or a satisfactory bond is made with the original wall in the opinion of the City Engineer. The said linings shall be supported on proper foundations and carried up to such height as the City Engineer may require. (m) Hollow walls: In all walls that are built hollow the same quantity of stone, brick or concrete shall be used in their construction as if they were built solid, as in this ordinance provided, and no hollow wall shall be built unless the parts of same are connected by proper ties, either of brick, stone or iron, placed not over twenty-four inches apart. (n) Light and Vent Shafts: In every building hereafter erected or altered the walls forming the light or vent shafts shall be built of brick, tile, concrete or with studding having metal lath and cement plastering on both sides. In all cases the construction of the proposed light or vent shafts must be of such material as may be approved by the City Engineer, and in no case shall the proposed construction be less fireproof in its character than the construction of other hazardous parts of the building. If the shaft is covered with a skylight the louvres must be galvanized iron and the frame work must be metal clad. The glass must be wired and at least one-fourth inch in thickness. The walls of all light or vent shafts, whether exterior or interior, hereafter erected, shall be carried up not less than three feet above the level of the roof, unless otherwise permitted by the City Engineer, and the brick walls shall be coped as other parapet walls. (o) Cornices and Appendages: Every cornice, gutter, eave or parapet on any masonry building shall be made of incombustible material. Every metal cornice shall have riveted joints, and shall be supported by heavy steel brackets, properly braced and capable of sustaining at each extreme outer point a load of not less than three hundred pounds. Such brackets shall not be placed more than two feet six inches apart from center to center, and shall be thoroughly anchored into the brick work and to the roof, and the top ODRINANCE NO. 607. 161 member of each bracket shall be carried through the masonry to the inside thereof, and be properly anchored into the wall. The roof or cover- ing of any cornice may be sheathed with wood, provided that such sheath- ing shall be entirely covered with metal; or, where composition roof is used, it may extend within six inches of front edge of cornice, and said space of six inches shall be covered with metal, and the brick firewall shall be extended solidly to the under side of the boarding which form the top side of the cornice. No cornice on any building shall exceed in width one inch for every foot in height of the building. Appendages such as skylights, dormer windows, gutters, mouldings, eaves, parapets, balconies, bay windows, towers, spires, ventilators, tur- rets and lantern lights, except as in this ordinance provided, if not wholly fireproof, shall be enveloped with fireproof materials. (p) Awnings: All awnings except canvass awnings shall be made either of metal or wire glass, or both metal and wire glass, supported by metal brackets in such a manner that no part of the awning or its support shall be lower than a point seven feet above the sidewalk; no posts or other supports connecting with the sidewalk will be allowed. All supports, framing or other structural parts of any awning except canvass shall be sufliciently strong to safely sustain at least 200 pounds per square foot. Rolling canvass awnings may be used provided all the framing and supporting material be of metal and no part of same be allowed to reach below a point seven feet above the sidewalk. All existing awnings shall be made to comply with the provisions of this section. (q) Roof: Rafters in masonry buildings shall be placed not more than twenty- four inches apart from center to center, and shall be covered with board- ing not less than one inch thick. All roofs shall be covered with metal, or with felt and asphaltum covered with gravel or with other fire resist- ing composition, satisfactory to the City Engineer. (r) Attic: The space between the ceiling of the top story and the roof in masonry buildings shall be divided by tight partitions of. one-inch redwood. Into sections each having an area not exceeding two thousand five hundred square feet. All doors or openings in said partitions shall have doors of similar construction and self closing. (s) Elevator, Dumb Waiter and Chutes Shafts: All passenger elevators in masonry buildings shall be enclosed in a shaft having a covered top; said shaft shall extend from the basement floor to at least eighteen feet above the highest floor reached by car, or not less than three feet above the roof. Such shaft shall be of brick, tile, concrete or of wood studs having fire stops the width of studs and not less than two inches thick at each floor and once between floors; such studs shall be metal-lathed on both sides and plastered three-fourths inch thick, or such shaft may be enclosed with wired glass not less than one-fourth inch thick in metal frames and sash. All doors to such shafts shall be constructed of metal or metal-covered wood, and any glass in doors or shaft walls shall be wired glass not less than one-fourth inch thick in metal or metal-cQvered sash and frame. The room containing the elevator machinery shall be of samo con- struction as required for shaft. 11* 162 ORDINANCE NO. 607. Every dumb waiter, chute or other shaft, cutting through from floor to floor, shall be of the same class of construction as required for pas- senger elevator shafts, or may be of metal or metal-lined where too small to plaster, and all openings to such shafts or chutes shall be provided with doors or covers. If a freight elevator is placed in a shaft the shaft shall be constructed as provided for shafts for passenger elevators. In case a freight elevator is not enclosed, trap doors shall be provided at each floor, which doors shall be automatic, or shall be held open by fusible links and so arranged as to fall shut when link is fused, and shall be covered with lock jointed tin on under side and edges. Every passenger elevator car or hoist shall be provided with the proper automatic apparatus to prevent its falling in event of accident. Imme- diately below sheave beams of elevator there shall be placed a strong metal netting of not less than three-sixteenths inch round iron and having a mesh not exceeding two inches, supported on steel angles, and upon such metal netting there shall be a lighter wire netting not exceed- ing three-eighths inch mesh. Every elevator and its carrying beams and cables shall have a capacity of not less than one hundred pounds to the square foot, with a factor of safety of ten. Every such elevator shall be provided with automatic devices which shall stop the car at the top and bottom floors and with automatic safety devices which will bring the car to a stop in case of excessive speed, or in case of failure of any part of the apparatus. (t) Stairways: Masonry buildings shall have one main stairway, not less than four feet wide, from first to highest story, but in no case shall there be less than two stairways from the top floor to the second floor in any building having more than six thousand square feet area to each floor; and every building shall have at least one stairway removed not less than ten feet from any elevator shaft or open well-hole, and one stairway to the roof. Stairways from the first story to any basement or portion thereof occupied for only storage or for the maintenance of service for the building, shall be closed at some point with a tight partition and door, containing no glass other than wired glass not less than one-fourth of an inch thick. (u) Floors: In masonry buildings all fioors, ceiling and roof joists may be of wood. Every floor shall be composed of two layers of flooring, each not less than seven-eighths of an inch thick, with one inch of non-combustible material placed between the layers of the flooring and extending over the entire area solid up to all materials which pass through the floors and between, furring strips. Under such layer of non-combustible material there must be placed a sheet of water-proof paper; or the floor may be constructed with a layer of two-inch tongued and grooved planking and a layer of one-inch flooring, with a layer of water-proof paper between, or two thick- nesses of seven-eighths inch flooring with two thicknesses of asbestos paper between the flooring. All water-proof paper must be turned up at least two inches where it comes in contact with the walls or any material passing through the floor. (v) Sidewalk vaults: In buildings where the space under the sidewalks is utilized, a suf- ficient stone or brick wall, or brick arches between iron or steel beams, shall be built to retain the roadway of the street, and the side, end or party walls of such building shall extend under the sidewalk, of suflBiCient thickness to such wall. The roofs of all vaults shall be of incombustible material. ORDINANCE NO. 6a7. 163 Openings In the roofs of vaults for the admission of coal or light, or lor any other purposes, if placed outside the area line, shall be covered with glass set in iron frames, each unit of glass to measure not more than sixteen square inches, or with iron covers having a rough surface, and rabbeted into or made flush with the sidewalk. When any such cover is placed in any sidewalk, it shall be placed as near as practicable to the outside line of the curb. All vaults shall be thoroughly ventilated. All areaways shall be properly protected with suitable railings, or be covered over. When areaways are covered over, iron, or iron and glass combined, stone or other incombustible materials shall be used, and be supported on brick or stone walls, or on iron or steel beams. (w) Fire Doors and Shutters: (1) Exterior openings: Every exterior window and opening in build- ings within the fire limits, except offices, dwellings, churches, and school- houses, that overlooks any adjoining building or is within thirty feet of the wall of any opposite or diagonally exposed building other than a blank wall, shall have metal covered shutters or doors, constructed and arranged as specified in this section, or in lieu thereof may have frames and sash of metal glazed with wire glass not less than one-quarter of an Inch thick, no pane In which shall be larger than twenty-four by thirty inches. Rolling iron or steel shutters may be used on the first story only, and shall be counterbalanced so as to be readily opened from the outside l)y firemen. All shutters or doors opening upon fire escapes, and at least one row vertically above the first story, shall be so arranged as to be readily opened from the outside by firemen. (2) Communicating Openings: Openings through exterior, division, or party walls, whereby communication is made with an adjoining build- ing or room, shall not exceed eight feet in width or be more than two in any one story, and shall have metal covered fire doors, constructed and arranged as specified in this section hereof, on each side of each such opening. (3) Construction: All fire doors or shutters shall be constructed in conformity with the following specifications: Doors and shutters shall be constructed of redwood two thicknesses of matched boards not over six inches wide, at right angles to each other, or crossing diagonally, nailed with wire nails clinched, and securely <;overed with good quality tin on both sides and edges; sheets to be 10x14 inches in size put together with tin roofers' lock joint and securely nailed; the nails to be driven inside the lap and the joints hammered down over the nail heads. No solder shall be used. The hinges, bolts and latches shall be secured or fastened to the door or shutter after the tin has been nailed on. Sheet iron shall not be used. Doors shall never be less than two inches, nor shutters less than 1 1-2 inches thick. Hinges and hangers shall be of strong wrought Iron and fastened to the door or shutter with bolts and nuts. Latches shall be so arranged on shutters that they can be opened from either side. Swinging doors and shutters shall extend at least three inches over the masonry at sides and top of door or opening, and 1 1-2 Inches below top of sill, or they may close into the opening provided the wall be rab- beted three inches at the top and sides and 1 1-2 Inches at the bottom to receive same. All sliding doors shall extend at least three inches over the masonry at sides and top of doorway or opening, and 1 1-2 Inches below top of sill. 164 ORDINANCE NO. 607. Sliding doors may run at the bottom in a channel iron so set as to give the door a bearing of 1 1-2 inches below top of sill. Sills shall break the floor and rise at least one inch above floor level to prevent passage of flame and smoke, and be constructed of masonry. Wood sills shall not be used. Rail or track must be heavy enough to withstand heat without warp- ing, and may be made of angle or channel iron, and both rails must be secured to wall whenever possible by bolts passing through the wall, otherwise "expansion" bolts shall be used. When channel or angle iron cannot be obtained, the track can be made of common flat bar steel % inch to one inch thick and 4 inches wide, bolted through the wall with % inch bolts. The distance of track from the wall can be regulated by washers. Binders shall be placed so as to prevent the door from rolling off the track at either end, and also hold it in position when closed. (x) Arches and Lintels: (1) All openings in all masonry buildings shall have good and sufficient arches of stone, brick, or terra cotta, well built and keyed with good and sufficient abutments, or lintels of stone, iron or steel of sufficient strength, which shall have a bearing at each end of not less than five inches on the wall. (2) On the inside of all openings in which lintels shall be less than the thickness of the wall to be supported, there shall be timber lintels, which shall rest at each end not more than three inches on any wall, which shall be chamfered at each end, and shall have a suitable arch turned over the timber lintel. Or the inside lintel may be of cast iron, or wrought iron or steel, and in such case stone blocks or cast iron plates shall not be required at the ends where the lintel rests on the walls, provided the opening is not more than six feet in width. (3) All lintels or arches shall be capable of sustaining the weight and pressure which they are designed to carry, and the stress at any point shall not exceed the working stress for the material used. Tie rods shall be used where necessary to secure stability in accord- ance with current good practice. (y) Galvanized iron front Fire Walls: When a one story masonry building not over fifty feet wide is to be constructed in such manner that its front shall be flush with the side- walk, or property line of the lots upon which it stands, the front of said building may at the discretion of the City Engineer, be constructed of plate, wire or prismatic glass, properly set in metal framing extending up to the height of the ceiling; the fire walls may then be constructed of galvanized iron properly fastened to wooden framing in such a manner that no woodwork is exposed; provided that such fire wall rests on steel lintels of sufficient strength and provided further that no part of the roof load is to be supported by said front wall. Chimneys and Fireplaces. Sec. 23. (a) Chimneys and flues: All chimneys and flues hereafter constructed, except as herein other- wise provided, shall be of brick or stone; their enclosing walls shall not be less than four inches thick and except in dwellings, flats, apartment houses and tenement houses, shall, if less than eight inches thick, be lined on the inside with well burnt clay or terra cotta pipe not less than one inch thick. Said lining shall start from the bottom of a flue or the ORDINANCE NO. 607. 165 throat of a fireplace, be continuous to the top of the flue, and be built in first and bricked around as carried up. nues where lining is not required by this ordinance shall have the joints struck smooth on the inside, and, if less than eight inches thick, shall be smoothly plastered for the entire height on the outside. No smoke flue shall be less than 7% by 7% Inches in the clear, and such sized flue shall have but one inlet; for two inlets the flue shall be not less than 7% by 11% inches in the clear, for three inlets not less than 7% by 15% inches in the clear, and for a larger number of inlets the size shall be increased in the same proportion. Flues larger than two hundred square inches and less than Ave hundred square inches area shall be sur- rounded by walls not less than eight inches thick; flues larger than five hundred and less than one thousand square inches area shall be surround- ed by walls not less than twelve inches thick to a height of fifteen feet above the inlet, and eight inches thick the remaining height; fines larger than one thousand square inches shall be proportionately increased in size and shall be lined with firebrick for at least twenty feet above the inlet. Bakery oven flues shall not be less than twelve by twelve inches in the clear and shall be surrounded by brick work not less than eight inchea thick. The Inside four inches of all boiler flues for boilers of over twenty- five horse power shall be of fire brick laid in fire mortar for a distance of twenty-five feet in any direction from the source of heat All chimneys having a greater fine area than two hundred and sixty square inches shall be carried up at least ten feet above the highest point of the roof of the building of which they form a part, and ten feet above the higheat point of any roof within fifty feet of such chimney. Where a smokepipe is to enter a chimney or flue, a tile thimble not less than one inch thick shall be placed as construction progresses. Thimbles shall be surrounded by four inches of brickwork brought out flush with furring, extended to the face of the plastering, and not to be nearer than six Inches to any wood lath and plaster. Chimneys not part of a wall shall not be built upon any floor or beam of wood, but shall be built from the ground up, and shall not increase in size from the foundation. No chimney shall be corbelled out more than eight inches from a wall, and corbelling shall consist of at least five courses of brick, but no corbelling shall be more than four inches in twelve-inch walls. Off-setts for reducing the size of chimneys shall not be greater than one inch to each course. Flues in party walls shall not extend within four inches of the center of the wall, and joint flues in party walls shall be separated across the wall by an eight-inch width of brickwork for the entire length. No joist or girder shall be supported on the walls of any chimney or flue, and no woodwork shall be placed nearer than two inches to the out- side face of or within six inches of the outside of any smoke, air or other flue. All wood joists shall be trimmed away at least two inches from any smoke, air or other flue; the trimmer beam shall not be less than eight inches from the inside of the flue, and four inches from the outside of a chimney breast, except that for smoke flues the brickwork of which is by this ordinance required to be eight inches thick or more, the trim- mer beam shall not be less than twelve inches from the inside of the flue. Chimneys built outside of frame structures or in light wells thereof, shall be well anchored at intervals of not less than ten feet ^ the stud walls. 166 ORDINANCE NO. 607. All chimneys and flues shall extend at least tour feet above a flat roof and at least two feet and six inches above the ridge of a peaked roof, and if rising above the roof to a height of more than six times their least thickness, shall be anchored with an iron rod or pipe not less than one inch in diameter, with fixed washer at each side of chimney, and not more than four feet from the top of said chimney, and each chimney projecting more than six times its least thickness above roof shall have at least three four-inch cross walls or two eight-inch walls in its greatest widths and all such chimneys shall be laid in cement mortar as provided for un- der head "Fire Walls" from the top to the first tier of joist below the roof joists. Chimneys and stacks connected with steam boilers ehall extend not less than ten feet above the woodwork of the roof, or any adjacent roof, and if sawdust, shavings or wood are burned shall extend twenty feet above such roofs and be provided with a spark arrester. Spark arresters shall be placed upon all chimneys and stacks whenever by the City En- gineer or Fire Chief deemed necessary for the safety of property. Chimneys and flues from boilers, restaurants and hotel ranges, bakers' ovens and similar unusually hot flues, shall have the outside exposed to the height of the room in which connection therewith is made or be plastered directly upon the bricks. All chimneys and flues shall be properly cleaned and all rubbish re- moved and same left smooth on the inside on completion of building. (b) Fireplaces: All fireplaces and chimney breasts where mantels are placed, except as herein otherwise provided, whether intended for ordinary fireplace uses or not, shall have trimmer arches to support the hearth ; arches shall be of brick, stone, burnt clay or concrete, at least twenty inches wide measured from the face of the chimney breast, and their length shall not be less than the width of the chimney breast. Wood centers shall be removed from under trimmer arches and no timber shall be placed under any fireplace or hearth. Hearths shall be of brick, tile or stone. Fireplaces shall have arched heads with an iron arch bar over the top of the opening not less than ^ by 2^^ inch, turned up at the ends two inches in each side of a chimney breast, so as to make a perfect bond for arch. All fireplace openings where furred with wood on face shall be surrounded by a brick rim eight inches wide projecting four inches, bonded into brick- work. The firebacks and jambs of all fireplaces shall not be less than eight inches thick, of solid masonry. When a grate is set in a fireplace a lining of firebrick at least two inches thick shall be added to the fire- back, unless soapstone, tile or cast iron is used, and filled solidly behind with fireproof material. No mantel or other woodwork shall be exposed back of a Summer piece; the ironwork of the Summer piece shall be placed against the brick or stonework of the fireplace. No fireplace shall be closed with a wooden fireboard. Pipes for gas logs or gas grates shall only enter at sides and through the brickwork. (c) Patent Chimneys: In lieu of chimneys of brick or stone there may be erected any patent chimney for which a United States patent has been issued and which has been approved in writing by the City Engineer or Fire Chief. A permit of the City Engineer to use a patent chimney shall not be transferable and may be revoked for failure to erect the chimney as re- quired by the patent or in a workmanlike manner. The name of the 1 ORDINANCE NO. 607. 167 patentee or builder and the date of the latters patent must be stamped in a conspicuous place on each patent chimney. All patent chimneys shall be built up from the floor on which they are used, and in no case shall a stovepipe enter the bottom of a patent chim- ney. If a patent chimney be erected on the outside of a building it shall rest on a substantial iron bracket, which shall be of metal and fastened to stud- ding with bolts and nuts; screws or lag screws shall not be allowed. When erected on the inside of a building it shall rest on an iron plate not less than one-quarter of an inch in thickness and not less than eight inches of brickwork on top of said iron plate, and shall have a smokeproof open- ing near the bottom for cleaning it All patent chimneys shall be braced every four feet of their height All joints shall be cemented and the bands covering the joints shall be made of the best No. 24 iron' and filled with cement to make them smoke and spark proof. All galvanized iron used for the outside covering of patent chimneys shall be of the best No. 24 iron riveted together with rivets not more than three inches apart, or may be seamed and top and bottom of seams se- cured by rivets, and shall be ventilated with eight holes not less than one inch in diameter, said holes to be made close to the top of chimney above the roof, so as to permit the escape of hot air; there shall oe a space of not less than one inch between the clay pipe and the iron covering. No patent chimney shall be less than one and one-half inches from wood- work, and the opening in the roof and at each floor and ceiling through which it passes shall be closed with an iron plate or other flreproof ma- terial, so as to prevent the passage of fire and smoke. Patent chimneys shall not be fastened to the laths or the siding of the building, but shall be securely fastened to the studding or crosspieces with good iron straps, and in no case shall any patent chimney be suspended from any roof tim- ber or floor beams. No patent chimney shall have more than one inlet. All pipe used for patent chimneys shall be composed of pure calcined clay, not less than one inch in thickness, and shall have the name of the manufacturer stamped into each piece. Patent chimneys built on the inside of a house shall have an opening in any partition enclosing same to permit of clean- ing it (d) Patent Fireplaces: All fireplaces connected with patent chimneys shall be set on an Iron plate not less than one-quarter of an inch in thickness and not less than three feet nine inches in length by three feet in width, which shall be free from all holes ; boards shall not be placed under the iron plate, which shall rest on the floor joists. On top of the iron plate there shall be one inch of concrete or cement, then a course of brick followed by the tiling or marble; the strength of the floor must not be impaired by the cutting out for the fireplace. In lieu of resting on the floor joists, said iron plate may be suspended by wrought iron stirrups of sufBcient strength to sus- tain the fireplace and patent chimney. The brick jambs of every fireplace or grate opening shall be at least eight inches wide, and the backs shall not be less than eight inches thick; and where fireplaces come over one another, on separate floors, the jamb of the lower fireplace shall be wide enough to carry the patent chimney far enough to one side of the jamb above, so that the patent chimney will pass the upper fireplace in as straight line as possible. Where bends are necessary in patent chimneys, off-sets shall be used; said off-sets shall be made solid and without joists. 168 ORDINANCE NO. 607. The inside dimensions of patent chimneys shall be as follows: For fireplace flues, 18 inch opening, 6 inch. For fireplace flues, 21 inch opening, 7 inch. For fireplace flues, 24 inch opening, 8 inch. For ordinary stove flues, 6 inch. For French range flues, 8 inch. For steel range flues, 8 inch. For furnace flues, 8 or 10 inch. (e) Oas Grates and Gas Logs: Every opening for a gas grate or a gas log shall be surrounded by brickwork on all aides and over top at least eight inches thick, and pro- vided with, and carefully connected to, a flue not less than 3x12 inches, which flue shall be formed of galvanized iron, joints lapped, riveted and soldered, and the whole enclosed in similar pipes of a size to leave at least % inch air space all around between the two pipes, and the outer pipe to be covered with three thicknesses of asbestos paper, said paper to be not less than ten pounds to one hundred square feet. This pipe to be carried up and cut through roof. (f) Instantaneous Heaters: Every instantaneous heater shall be provided with a vent pipe not less than three inches in diameter, extending clear through and at least twelve inches above the roof, with a T connection at the top; and around every such vent at all places not exposed, there shall be a galvanized iron sleeve extending the full length of the concealed portion with a clear air space of not less than one inch surrounding the vent. In every room fitted with an instantaneous heater there shall be provided an air vent independent of doors or windows. (g) Smokepipes: No smokepipe, stovepipe, terra cotta or earthen pipe, except as else- where provided, shall extend through any wall or window, or through the roof of any skylight of any building. (h) Smokestacks: Smokestacks of iron or steel may be used in connection with boilers and coffee roasters, provided same are not nearer than twenty inches to any woodwork where passing through floors, ceilings, roofs or partitions, and are protected with a solid metal jacket twelve inches from the stack extending above and not less than twelve inches below the joists, and have metal umbrella to cover the roof opening high enough above the same to permit a free vent. Any woodwork or enclosure of such stack within four feet thereof, other than masonry or tile, shall be metal lathed and plastered or have equivalent protection. Such stacks on the outside of a building shall not be nearer than eighteen inches to any woodwork, or wood lath and plaster, or nearer than twelve inches to any woodwork or wood lath and plaster, protected with metal extending two feet on each side of such stack. (i) Chimneys to be Extended and Cleaned: If the City Engineer or Fire Chief deems any chimney unsafe to any adjoining or adjacent building, said chimney shall be carried up four feet above the extreme height of said building; and if an extension of iron pipe is deemed unsafe by said City Engineer or Fire Chief, such extension shall be of brick or of terra cotta pipe. The owner or occupant of any building shall cause the chimneys there- of to be swept as often as may be required to keep same clean. ORDINANCE NO. 607. 169 (J) Chimneys of Cupolas: Iron cupolas or chimneys of foundries shall extend at least ten feet above the highest point of any roof within a radius of fifty feet of such cupola, and no woodwork shall be placed within two feet of the cupola. (k) Cooking Ranges, Ovens and Similar Structures: Whenever cooking ranges, ovens, coffee roasters, candy kettles and similar structures in which fires are maintained, are set on any wooden floor, such floor shall be protected by a continuous sheet metal bearing plate of not less than No. 12 iron, with all Joints securely riveted, ex- tending two feet in front of and the full length of same; the top of said plate shall be covered with not less than two courses of brick or equiva- lent concrete. The above named ranges or other structures shall not be set against a brick or tile wall with any combustible material between them and the wall, and if set nearer than six inches to a wooden or stud wall or partition, the wall or partition shall be framed four feet higher and one foot wider than the range or other structure, and filled in to its face with brick or tile and plastered, except that old buildings may have in lieu of such framing any wall of the setting, nearer than six inches to a wood or stud wall or partition, sixteen inches thick. The back of any setting (and the end if set in a corner) shall not be less than eight inches thick, and, except where against masonry or tile wall with no wood thereon, shall be extended with masonry or tile not less than four inches thick, to a height of four feet above the top of such range or similar structure. No wood shall be placed on any masonry or tile wall behind any large range in any hotel, restaurant or boarding house, and all wood lathed and plastered, or wood ceilings, over such ranges, shall be guarded by metal hoods at least nine inches below the ceiling. Ventilating pipes from such hoods shall be of metal at least nine inches from wood lath and plaster or any combustible material, covered with one inch of asbestos or wire mesh, connected to a suitable brick or patent flue, and neither pipe nor flue shall be used for other purposes. When unavoidable and in buildings already erected only Iron or steel vent pipes may be substituted for brick or patent flues if made double "With a three-inch continuous air space vented at top and bottom between their inner and outer shells, and no wood, or wood lath and plaster, within twelve inches of the outer shell; and any enclosure of such vent, other than of masonry or tile, shall be of metal lath and plaster. Any portion of such vent pipe that is outside of the building need not be ^■double if not nearer than eighteen inches to any woodwork, or wood lath md plaster, or if not nearer than twelve inches thereto when protected rith metal two feet on each side of such stack. Portable ranges and stoves shall have a metal shield under and twelve [inches in front of same, and if the range or stove is nearer to any wood [lath and plaster of woodwork than twenty inches, same shall be protected [by a metal shield with at least one Inch air space behind it, which shield [shall extend three feet above the top of range or stove and its whole [length. All low gas stoves shall be placed on iron stands or their equivalent, [or the burner shall be at least six inches above the base of the stove, and ^metal guard plates placed four inches below the burner, and all wood- work under them shall be covered with metal. Wooden floors under large gas cooking ranges shall be protected with metal over asbestos, or one inch of concrete, or one course of brick or tile. 170 ORDINANCE NO. 607. (1) Heating Furnaces: The top of every heating furnace set in brick shall be covered with sheet iron and brick supported by iron bars with at least two inches of sand on top of brick, so constructed as to be perfectly tight. The top of every portable heating furnace or smokepipe shall be not less than two feet from the underside of nearest joists or girders, except- ing where said joists or girders are protected by metal furring strips one- and one-half inches deep and metal plates or plaster and metal lath; but in no case shall the top of the furnace or smokepipe be nearer than fifteen inches to the underside of nearest joists or girders. Such metal protec- tion or plaster above such furnace or smokepipe shall extend not less than one foot each side of such smokepipe and two feet on all sides of such furnace. Every furnace used for heating purposes shall be set on a masonry floor, and there shall not be any woodwork, or wood lath and plaster, within two feet of such furnace, unless said woodwork or wood lath and plaster is protected by metal furring one and one-half inches deep and metal plates or plaster on metal lath, and in no case shall it be* nearer than fifteen inches to either smokepipe or furnace. Where petroleum, or any product of petroleum, is used as fuel for a. furnace, the said furnace shall be sunk in a concrete or masonry pit, with a concrete floor sunk not less than six inches below the surrounding floor level, such pit to be at least two feet on all sides larger than the furnace. In no case shall the smokepipes from a furnace enter the same flue; to which the exhaust from an automatic gas water heater is connected. (m) Furnace Pipes, Boxes and Fittings: All concealed wall pipes, register boxes and fittings shall be thoroughlr covered with two thicknesses of eight-pound asbestos paper cemented to same, and after being placed, all joints shall be covered in the same- manner. All concealed wall pipes and all first floor side wall boxes shall be provided with suitable boots extending to the underside of floor joista and all joists between same to be tightly fitted together and well covered and cemented as above. The boots at the bottom of all risers and side wall register boxes shall be attached at the time said risers and boxes are placed in the building. All wall pipes to have full capacity at all points with no square bends. Advantage shall be taken of all available space, including lath, plaster and baseboard, for inlets or throats of side wall register boxes on first floor. (n) Steam Pipes: Steam pipes shall not be placed within two inches of any timber or woodwork, unless the timber or woodwork is protected by metal; then the distance shall not be less than one inch. All steam pipes passing through floors, ceilings, or lath and plaster or wood partitions, shall be protected by a metal tube passing entirely through said floors, ceilings or partitions, one inch larger than the pipe^ having a metal cap at the floor. All pipes or ducts used to convey heated air shall be of metal or other incombustible material. Pipes used for conveying steam under high pressure shall in no case be less than eight inches from any woodwork, unless protected by mag- nesia or equivalent pipe covering at least one inch thick, when the distance may be not less than two inches. All steampipe coverings shall consist of incombustible materials only* I ORDINANCE NO. 607. 171 (o) Notice as to Heating Apparatus: Where hot water, steam, hot air or other heating appliances, or of furnaces, or restaurant or hotel ranges, are hereafter placed in any build- ing, due notice shall first be given the City Engineer or Fire Chief by the person or persons placing same. Stand Pipes, Hose Reels and Fire Escapes. Sec. 24. (1) Stand Pipe for Hose Reels: In every building exceeding fifty-five feet in height and not over one hundred feet, there shall be provided a vertical stand pipe of not leas than three inches in diameter. In every building exceeding one hundred feet in height, there shall be provided a vertical stand pipe of not less than four inches in diameter. These stand pipes shall be located In halls near stairways, shall be of wrought iron or steel and together with fittings and connections shall be galvanized, and shall be of such strength as to safely withstand at least three hundred pounds per square Inch water pressure, when Installed and ready for service. They shall be connected to water mains, or pumps, with pressure on at all times. In buildings exceeding one hundred feet frontage on two or more streets, there shall be a stand pipe at each end of hall, and there shall be one stand pipe at each stairway. (b) Connection at Bases: Where more than one stand pipe Is required in a building, they shall be connected at their bases by pipes of size equal to that of largest stand pipe, so that water from any source will supply all the stand pipes. (c) Arrangement of Pipes and Connections: Stand pipes shall extend from the cellar to and through the roof, with a hose connection located from five feet six Inches to six feet above the floor level, fitted with approved straightway composition gate valve in each story. Including cellar, and a hose connection provided above the roof with the valve controlling latter, located in the stand pipe under roof and arranged to be operated both from above and below roof. A suitable three-quarter drain pipe and valve shall be provided under the roof for each roof connection. This stand pipe may be connected with Fire De- partment stand pipe at level of first floor, and if connected to said stand pipe there shall be a horizontal check valve outside of building. (d) Hose: Hose sufficient to reach all parts of the floor shall be attached to each outlet in the building, and hose for roof-hydrant may be placed on rack on top floor near the scuttle leading to the roof. Hose shall be 1% inches in diameter, in 50-foot length, and provided with standard couplings (with lugs) at each end, all couplings to be of the same hose thread as that in use by the Fire Department, with an increase from 1^ to 3 inches to fit valve or stand pipe. (e) Kind of Hose: Hose shall be approved cotton rubber-lined made under specifications recommended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. (f) Hose Fittings: Each line of hose shall be provided with washers at both ends, and be fitted with play pipe or nozzle of Underwriter pattern, having handles at the base and with discharge outlet not less than five-eighths of an inch in diameter. One spanner shall be located at each hose connection through- out the building. ..« 172 ORDINANCE NO. 607. (g) Water Supplies: In addition to tlie provision made for connections to stand pipes, the water supply may be from the city water where pressure is sufficient, automatic fire pump of five hundred gallons or more capacity per minute, elevated tank or steel pressure tank of not less than five thousand gallons capacity. (h) Check Valve Under Tank: Where a stand pipe is connected to a tank there shall be a straight- way check valve in a horizontal section of pipe between the first hose outlet in connecting pipe and tank, and said tank must be filled by a sep- arate pipe and not through the stand pipe. (i) Location of Pumps and Boilers: Where pumps constituting a supply to stand pipes are located in the lowest story of a building, they shall be placed not less than two feet above the floor level, and boilers upon which pumps depend for steam shall be arranged so that flooding of fires under same will be impossible. (j) Elevator: In every building exceeding one hundred feet in height at least one passenger elevator shall be kept in readiness for immediate use by the Fire Department during all hours of the day and night, including holidays and Sundays. (k) Auxiliary Fire Appliances: All existing buildings and those hereafter erected exceeding one hun- dred feet in height shall be provided with such auxiliary fire apparatus and appliances as wrenches, spanners, fire extinguishers, hooks, axes and pails, as may be required by the Chief of the Fire Department; all of said apparatus to conform in design to those in use by the Fire Department. (2) Fire Escapes: (a) Every apartment house, tenement house or dwelling house oc- cupied by or built to be occupied by three or more families and every building already erected, or that may hereafter be erected, more than two stories in height, occupied and used as a hotel, apartment-hotel or lodging house, and every boarding house, having more than fifteen sleeping rooms above the basement story, and every factory, mill, manufactory or work- shop, hospital, asylum, or institution for the care and treatment of indi- viduals, and every building three stories and over in height used or occu- pied as a store or workroom, and every building in whole or in part occu- pied or used as a school or place of instruction or assembly, and every office building three stories or more in height, shall be provided with such good and sufficient fire-escapes, stairways, or other means of egress in case of fire as shall be directed by the Chief of the Fire Department. The owner or owners of any building upon which a fire-escape Is erected shall keep the same in good repair and properly painted. Fire-escapes on the outside of buildings shall consist of open iron bal- conies and stairways. Fire-escapes may project into the public highway to a distance not greater than four feet beyond the building line. The stairways shall be placed at an angle of not more than sixty degrees, with steps not less than six inches in width and twenty inches in length, and with a rise of not more than nine inches. The balcony on the top fioor, except in case of a front fire-escape, shall be provided with a goose-neck ladder leading from said balcony to and above the roof. ORDINANCE NO. 607. 173 (b) Balconies: The balconies shall be not less than three feet in width and placed where directed by the Chief of the Fire Department at each story above the ground floor. They shall be below and not more than one foot below the window or door sills and extend in front of and not less than nine inches beyond the jambs of the openings. There shall be a landing not less than twenty-four Inches square at the head and foot of each stairway. The stairway opening on each platform shall be of a size sufficient to provide clear headway. (c) Floors of Balconies: The floors of balconies shall be of wrought iron or steel slate not less than one and one-half inches by three-eights of an Inch, placed not more than one and one-quarter Inches apart, and well secured and riveted to iron battens one and a half inches by three-eighths of an Inch, not over three feet apart and riveted at the Intersections. The openings for stair- ways in all balconies shall be not less than twenty-one inches wide and thirty-six Inches long, and such openings shall have no covers of any kind. The platforms or balconies shall be constructed and erected to safely sustain in all their parts a safe load at a ratio of four to one, of not less than eighty pounds per square foot of surface. (d) Railings: The outside top rail shall extend around the entire length of the plat- form and In all cases shall go through the wall at each end, and be prop- erly secured by nuts and four-Inch square washers at least three-eighths of an Inch thick, and no top rail shall be connected at angles by cast iron. The top rail of balconies shall be one and three-quarters Inches by one- half inch of wrought Iron, or one and a half inch angle iron one-quarter inch thick. The bottom rails shall be one and one-half Inches by three- eighths of an Inch wrought Iron or steel, or one and one-half Inch angle Iron, one-quarter inch thick, well leaded Into the wall. The standards or filling-In bars shall be not less than one-half inch round or square wrought iron or steel, well riveted to the top and bottom rails and platform frame. Such standards or filling-In bars shall be securely braced by outside brack- ets at suitable Intervals, and shall be placed not more than six Inches from centers ; the height of railings shall in no case be less than two feet nine inches. (e) Stairways: The stairways shall be constructed and erected to fully sustain In all their parts a safe load at a ratio of four to one of not less than one hundred pounds per step, with the exception of the tread which must safely sustain at said ratio a load of two hundred pounds. The treads shall be flat open treads not less than six inches wide and with a rise of not more than nine inches. The stairs shall be not less than twenty Inches wide. The strings shall be not less than three-inch channels of iron or steel, or other shape equally strong, and shall rest upon and be fastened to a bracket, which shall be fastened through the wall as herein- after provided. The strings shall be securely fastened to the balcony at the top, and the steps in all cases shall be double-riveted or bolted to the strings. The stairs shall have three-quarter inch handrails of wrought iron, well braced. 174 ORDINANCE NO. 607. (f) Brackets: The brackets shall be not less than one-half inch by one and three- quarters inches wrought iron placed edgewise, or one and three-quarter Inch angle iron one-quarter inch thick, well braced; they shall be not more than four feet apart, and shall be braced by means of not less than three- quarters of an inch square wrought iron, and shall extend two-thirds of the width of the respective balconies or brackets. The brackets shall go through the wall and be turned down three inches, or be properly se- cured by nuts and four-inch square washers at least three-eighths of an inch thick. On new buildings the brackets shall be set as the walls are being built. When brackets are built on buildings already erected the part going through the wall shall be not less than one inch in diameter with screw nuts and washers not less than five inches square and one-half inch thick. (g) Drop-Ladders: A proper drop-ladder shall be required from the lower balcony when the floor of such balcony is more than fourteen feet above the sidewalk or ground; if the stairway terminates on top of an awning the awning must be cut away to give an opening of the same size as required in the floors of the balcony. (h) Incumbrances on Fire-Escapes: No person shall at any time place any incumbrances of any kind what- soever before or upon any fire-escape, balcony or stairway. It shall be the duty of every fireman and policeman who shall discover any fire-escape, balcony or stairway of any fire-escape incumbered in any way to forthwith report the same to the commanding ofllcer of his com- pany or precinct, and such commanding officer shall forthwith cause the occupant of the premises or apartment to which said fire-escape balcony or stairway is attached or for whose use the same is provided, to be notified, either verbally or in writing to remove such incumbrances and keep the same clear. If said notice shall not be complied with by the removal, forthwith, of such incumbrances, and keeping said fire-escape, balcony or stairway free from incumbrance, then it shall be the duty of said commanding of- ficer to apply to a police magistrate for a warrant for the arrest of the occupant or occupants of the said premises or apartment of which the fire-escape forms a part, and the said parties shall be brought before the said magistrate, as for a misdemeanor. (i) Scuttle Ladders: All buildings requiring fire-escapes shall have stationary iron ladders leading to the scuttle opening in the roof thereof, and all scuttles and lad- ders shall be kept so as to be ready for use at all times. (j) Bulkhead Stairs and Doors: If a bulkhead is used instead of a scuttle, it shall have stairs with suf- Hcient guard or hand-rail leading to the roof. In case the building shall be occupied by more than one family, the door in the bulkhead or any scut- tle shall at no time be locked, but may be fastened on the inside by mov- able bolts or hooks. Special Regulation for Public and Sennl-Public Buildings. Sec. 25. (a) Public Buildings: In all public buildings or buildings of a public character — such as ho- tels, churches, restaurants, railroad depots, public halls, and other build- ings used or intended to be used for purposes of public assembly, amuse- ORDINANCE NO. 607. 175 ment or instruction and including department stores and other business and manufacturing buildings where large numbers of people are congre- gated, the halls, doors, stairways, seats, passageways and aisles, and all lighting and heating appliances and apparatus shall be arranged as the City Engineer shall direct to facilitate egress in case of fire or accident, and to afford the requisite and proper accommodation for the public pro- tection in such cases. All aisles and passageways in said buildings shall be kept free from camp-stools, chairs, sofas and other obstructions, and no person other than an employee, policeman or fireman shall be allowed to stand in or occupy any of said aisles or passageways, during any performance, service, ex- hibition, lecture, concert, ball or any public assemblage. (b) In every frame building of more than one story in height hereafter erected outside of^the established fire limits in the City of Fresno, to be used as an office building, store, factory, school, hospital, sanltorium, asylum, apartment or tenement house, or a building which contains an assembly hall on any fioor above the first floor, and covering a ground area of three thousand to five thousand square feet there shall be not less than two continuous lines of stairs from the top floor to the sidewalk, yard or court. In every such building covering a ground area of more than five thou- sand square feet there shall be one additional line of stairs for each five thousand square feet of ground area covered or fractional part thereof in excess of that required for five thousand square feet. The stairways must be located as far from each other as possible and the building must be planned so that all parts thereof shall be easily ac- cessible to two stairways. If suitable fire-escapes are put up, one stairway may be omitted from the number above required; provided, the substitution of fire-escapes for the stairway is approved by the Fire Chief; but in no case shall there be a less number than two stairways from any floor, one of which may be an outside or service stairway. The width of stairways leading to the street shall be not less than three feet six inches on the top or uppermost floor. Four inches shall be added to the width for each floor below the top floor until a width of four feet six inches is obtained. The width of the stairways to the yard or court shall be not less than two feet on the top or uppermost floor. Two inches shall be added to the width for each floor below the top floor until a width of two feet six inches is obtained. The main hallways connecting with the street stairways shall be not less than four feet wide and no hallway shall be less than three feet wide. On each floor above the first or ground floor, there shall be a sufficient number of outlets for hose attachment that all parts of the building may be reached with a hose fifty feet long, and every outlet shall be supplied with hose and fittings as may be required by the F^re Chief. The stand pipe shall be not less than one and one-fourth inches inside diameter. Stairways leading to the basement of any such building where a fire is maintained for a part or all of the time, the stairway shall be enclosed by a brick wall or by a studding wall with metal lath and plaster on both sides and on the soffit of the stairs, which wall shall extend from the bot- tom of the basement to the underside of the floor. There shall be a metal-clad door at the bottom of the stairway and if any glass is used in the door or in the enclosing walls about the stairs, it must be wired glass not less than one-quarter inch in thickness. The furnace room or room in which a fire is maintained for any pur- pose, in the basement of such building shall be constructed in the same 176 ORDINANCE NO. 607. manner as required for the construction of enclosures about stairways and the underside of the floor joists must be protected by metal lath and plastering. (c) Any room used for the installation of a heating or ventilating plant or for any machinery whatever in a building containing a church, lecture room, music hall or other public hall, shall have brick walls surrounding the same and extending from floor to ceiling. The ceiling of any such room shall be lathed with metal lath and plastered and all openings through its walls into any other part of the building shall be protected by fireproof doors built as specified in Section 22 (w) hereof or by metal sash with wire glass in frames of metal or covered with metal. In said buildings the underside of every stairway and gallery, both sides of every vestibule wall and the ceiling of every vestibule shall be lathed with metal lath and plastered; also if there is a basement under any audience room all walls, partitions and ceilings in such basement shall be lathed with metal lath and plastered. In said buildings all seats and pews shall be arranged so that there shall be not less than thirty-two inches from the back of one seat to the back of the next seat parallel thereto in a horizontal line. Where the seating capacity of a floor is not more than five hundred persons, the ag- gregate width of the aisles thereof shall not be less than ten feet, and the aggregate width of such aisles shall be increased one foot for each increase of seating capacity of one hundred persons or fraction thereof in excess of five hundred. In said buildings no staircase leading to a gallery containing two hun- dred seats or less shall be less than four feet in width, and same shall be increased twelve inches in width for each one hundred additional seats or fraction thereof in excess of two hundred. There shall be proper hand rails on each side of any stairway leading to gallery or basement. There shall be no winders in any stairway, and every landing shall be the full aggregate width of both flights leading to the same, and the depth of such landing or landings shall equal the width of one run of stairs. The minimum head room over any stairway at any point shall be not less than eight feet six inches. In said buildings the aggregate width of the exits shall be at least fifteen per cent greater than required for the aisles, and each gallery shall have an exit separate and distinct from other exit, direct to the vestibule or street. (d) All doors used for the ingress or egress of the public, in any building or part of building used for public assemblies, shall be so con- structed that they shall open both inwardly and outwardly. All buildings hereafter altered for the use of public assemblies shall be made to con- form to the provisions of this section. (e) If it is, at any time, in any building, thought advisable by the City Engineer acting in conjunction with the Fire Chief and the Build- ing Committee of the Board of Trustees, that any alterations or changes shall be made in order to provide greater safety to persons or property, or greater facility for egress from a building, the said City Engineer shall serve a written or printed notice upon the proper person, firm or corpora- tion, stating what such alterations or changes should be, and it shall then be the duty of such person, firm or corporation to make such changes ■within such time as may be specified in the notice. Boiler and Drying Rooms and Smoke Houses. Sec. 26. (a) All walls surrounding a boiler room shall be of masonry or terra cotta for its full height, and the ceiling of the entire boiler room ORDINANCE NO. 607. 177 shall be plastered or metal lath. Every boiler room shall be provided with a sump hole or blow-off chamber, for the purpose of blowing off the steam from the boiler, independent of the sewer. Any opening into a boiler room from the interior of the building shall have a door or shutter constructed as specified in Section 22 (w) of this ordinance, arranged to close automatically; and where oil is burned, every doorway shall have a masonry or terra cotta sill rising not less than eight inches from the floor. No wood shall be used in the construc- tion of the floor of any boiler room. In frame buildings there shall be a clear space above the boiler of not less than flve feet, and above the breeching of not less than two feet, provided that a sheet of No. 18 iron shall be suspended not less than two inches from the ceiling, over and one foot beyond breeching. Every boiler room shall be provided with a stand pipe not less than 1% inches in diameter, with at least twenty-five feet of hose not less than one and one-half inches in diameter attached thereto. (b) The floor under every drying room in a laundry shall be of mason- ry or tile. No part of such drying room shall be nearer to any partition constructed in whole or in part of wood than three feet. Steam pipes in such rooms shall not be nearer to woodwork than three inches, and shall be protected from contact with inflammable materials by wire netting. Hanging raclcs in drying rooms shall be of metal. (c) Every smoke house shall be constructed of fireproof material throughout, with all walls, fioors and roofs of masonry, and the walls shall be built up at least three feet higher than the roof. An iron grate shall be placed three feet above the floor, and the hanging rails shall be of iron. Special Regulations for Theaters. Sec. 27. (a) Every theater or opera house, or other building intended to be used for theatrical or operatic purposes, or for public resort or en- tertainments of any kind, hereafter erected, for the accommodation of more than three hundred persons, shall be built of masonry construction, throughout. No building, which at the time of the passage of this ordiance, is not in actual use for theatrical or operatic purposes, and no building here- after erected not in conformity with the requirements of this Section, shall be used for theatrical or operatic purposes, or for public entertain- ments of any kind, until the same shall have been made to conform to the requirements of this Section. No building hereinbefore described shall be opened to the public for theatrical or operatic purposes, or for public entertainments of any kind, until the City Engineer shall have approved the same in writing as con- forming to the requirements of this Section, nor until the Chief of the Fire Department shall have certified in writing that all the appliances for extinguishing of fire or guarding against the same conform to this ordinance and to the special requirements of this Section and are in a complete and satisfactory working condition. (b) Every such building shall have at least one front on the street, and in such front there shall be suitable means of entrance and exit for the audience. In addition to the aforesaid entrances and exits on the street, there shall be reserved for service in case of an emergency, an open court or space on the side not bordering on the street, where said building is lo- cated on a corner lot; and on both sides of said building, where there is but one frontage on the street The width of such open court or courts 12* 178 ORDINANCE NO. 607. shall be not less than seven feet where the seating capacity does not exceed one thousand people, exceeding one thousand and not more than eighteen hundred people, eight feet in width, and exceeding eighteen hundred people, ten feet in width. Said open court or courts shall begin on a line with or near the proscenium wall and shall extend the length of the auditorium proper, to or near the wall separating the same from the entrance lobby or vestibule. A separate and distinct corridor shall continue to the street, from each open court, through such superstructure as may be built on the street side of the auditorium, with continuous walls of brick or fireproof ma- terial on each side of the entire length of said corridor or corridors, and the ceiling and floors shall be fireproof. Said corridor or corridors shall not be reduced in width to more than three feet less than the width of the open court or courts, and there shall be no projection in the same; the outer openings to be provided with doors or gates opening toward the street. During the performance the doors or gates in the corridors shall be kept open by proper fastenings; at other times they may be closed and fastened by movable bolts and latches. The said open courts and corridors shall not be used for storage pur- poses, or for any purpose whatsoever except for exit and entrance from and to the auditorium and stage, and must be kept clear and free during performances. The level of said corridors shall be graded to the sidewalk and made flush therewith at all points at the street entrances. (c) The entrance of the main front of the building shall not be on a higher level from the sidewalk than four steps, but this shall not preclude the use of an additional number of steps at the street entrance to the sides or rear of the building, as may be necessary to overcome the dif- ference in grades of sidewalk. To overcome any difference of level in and between courts, corridors, lobbies, passages and aisles on the ground floor, gradients shall be em- ployed of not over one foot in twelve feet with no perpendicular rises. From the auditorium opening into the said open courts, or on the side street, there shall be not less than two exits on each side in each tier from and including the parquet and each and every gallery. Each exit shall be at least five feet in width in the clear and provided with fire- doors constructed as hereinbefore in this ordinance described for fire- proof doors. All of said doors shall open outwardly, and shall be fastened with movable bolts, the bolts to be kept drawn during performances. There shall be balconies not less than four feet in width in the said open court or courts at each level or tier above the parquet, on each side of the auditorium, of sufficient length to embrace the two exits, and from said balconies there shall be staircases extending to the ground level, with a rise of not over eight and one-half inches to a step, and not less than nine inches tread exclusive of the nosing. The staircase from the upper balcony to the next below shall be not less than thirty inches in width in the clear, and from the first balcony to the ground three feet in width in the clear, where the seating capacity of the auditorium is for one thousand people or less, three feet and six inches in the clear where exceeding one thousand and not more than eighteen hundred people, four feet in the clear where exceeding eighteen hundred people, and not more than twenty-five hundred people, and four feet six inches in the clear where the seating capacity is more than twenty-five hundred people. All the before mentioned balconies and staircases shall be constructed of wrought iron or steel throughout, except that the treads may be of cast iron, and be of ample strength to sustain the load to be carried by them. ORDINANCE NO. 607. 179 and they shall be covered with a metal hood of awning, to be constructed in such manner as shall be approved by the City Engineer. Where one side of the building borders on a street, there shall be balconies and staircases of like capacity and kind, as before mentioned, carried to the ground. (d) When located on a comer lot that portion of the premises bor- dering on the side street and not required for the use of the theater may, if such portion be of fireproof construction, and not more than twenty-five feet average width, be used for ofllces, stores or apartments, provided the walls separating this portion from the theater proper are carried up solidly to and through the roof, and that an exit is provided for the the- ater, on each tier, equal to the combined width of exits opening on oppo- site sides in each tier, communicating with balconies and staircases lead- ing to the street in the manner provided elsewhere in this Section. Nothing herein contained shall prevent a roof garden, art gallery, or rooms for similar purposes being placed above a theater or public build- ing, provided the floor of the same forming the roof over such theater or building shall be constructed of iron or steel and fireproof materials, and that said floor shall have no covering boards or sleepers of wood, but of tile or cement. Every roof over said garden or rooms shall have all supports and rafters of iron or steel, and be covered with glass or fire- proof materials, or both, but no such roof garden, art gallery or room for any public purpose shall be placed over or above that portion of any the- ater or other building which is used as a stage. (e) No workshop, storage or general property room shall be allowed above the auditorium or stage, or under the same, or In any of the fly galleries, unless all of such rooms or shops are located in the rear of or at the side of the stage, and in such cases they shall be separated from the stage by a brick wall not less than twelve inches In thickness, and the openings leading into said portion shall have self-closing standard fire-doors. (f) No portion of any building hereafter erected or altered, used or intended to be used for theatrical or other purposes as In this Section specified, shall be occupied or used as a hotel, boarding or lodging house, factory, workshop or manufactory, or for storage purposes, except as may be hereafter specially provided for. Said restriction relates not only to that portion of the building which contains the auditorium and the stage, but applies also to the entire structure in conjunction therewith. No store or room contained in the building, or the oflSces, stores or apartments adjoining, as aforesaid, shall be let or used for carrying on any business dealing in any article or material dangerous to life, except under such conditions as may be prescribed by the Fire Department, un- der authority of a written permit issued by the Chief of said Department, or for manufacturing purposes. No lodging accommodations shall be allowed In any part of the build- ing communicating with the auditorium. (g) Interior walls built of fireproof materials shall separate the au- ditorium from the entrance vestibule, and from any room or rooms over the same, also from any lobbies, corridors, refreshment or other rooms; and in all such walls the windows and door frames and all sash and doors shall be fireproof; the window frames and sash shall be of metal ol standard construction, and the sash made stationary and glazed with wired glass not less than one quarter inch in thickness, and each pane or unit measuring not more than twenty-four by thirty inches; the doors shall be made to close automatically and be of standard pattern and make in every respect 180 ORDINANCE NO. 607. (h) All staircases for the use of the audience shall be inclosed with ■walls of brick, or of fireproof materials approved by the City Engineer, in the stories through which they pass, and the openings to said stair- cases from each tier shall be the full width of staircase. No door shall open immediately upon a flight of stairs, but a landing at least the width of the door shall be provided between such stairs and such floor. (i) A fire wall, built of brick, not less than twelve inches in any por- tion of same shall separate the auditorium from the stage, and the same shall extend at least four feet above the stage roof, or the auditorium roof, if the latter be the higher, and shall be coped. Above the proscenium opening there shall be an iron girder of suf- ficient strength to safely support the load above and the same shall be covered with fireproof material not less than four inches in thickness. Should there be constructed an orchestra over the stage, above the proscenium opening, the said orchestra shall be placed on the auditorium side of the proscenium fire wall, and shall be entered only from the au- ditorium side of the said wall. The molded frame around the proscenium opening shall be formed entirely of fireproof materials; if metal is used, the metal shall be filled in solid with non-combustible material and securely anchored to the wall with iron. (j) The proscenium opening shall be provided with a fireproof metal curtain, or a curtain of asbestos, or other fireproof material approved by the City Engineer, overlapping the brick proscenium wall at each side not less than twelve inches, and sliding vertically at each side within iron grooves or channels to a depth of not less than twelve inches, said grooves or channels to be securely bolted to the brick wall and extend to a height of not less than three feet above the top of the curtain when raised to its full limit. Said fireproof curtain shall be raised at the com- mencement of each performance, lowered between each act, and lowered at the close of said performance, and be operated by approved machinery for that purpose. If the proscenium curtain be of asbestos, that material shall be re-inforced with wire or wire spun in the asbestos, and at the bottom of the curtain shall be placed a rigid metallic rod or bar of proper weight, securely fastened to the curtain and covered over with like ma- terial as the curtain itself, to carry down the curtain by the weight of the said rod or bar when released. The excess weight of the curtain is to be overcome by a check-rope of cotton or hemp, extending to the floor on both sides of the stage, so that the cutting or burning of which will release the curtain and the same will then descend at Its normal rate of speed. The proscenium curtain shall be placed, at the nearest point, at least three feet distant from the foot-lights. The provisions of this paragraph shall apply to existing theaters, where a stage is used in connection therewith. (k) No doorway or opening through the proscenium wall, from the au- ditorium, shall be allowed above the level of the first floor, and such first floor openings shall have self-closing standard fire-doors at each side of the wall, and the openings, if any, below the stage shall each have a self- closing standard fire-door, and all of the said doors shall be hung so as to be opened from either side of the wall at all times. There shall be provided over the stage metal skylights, of an area or combined area of at least one-twelfth of the area of said stage, fitted with rolling sash and glazed with glass not exceeding one-eighth of an inch thick, and each pane thereof measuring not less than three hundred square inches. The rolling sash shall be fitted with brass wheels not less than two and one-half inches in diameter, and latter shall roll on brass tracks ORDINANCE NO. 607. 181 extending the entire length of the sash. The portion of the tracks ex- tending from the edge of the curb of the skylight to the end of the in- cline may be made of iron. These skylights shall be set on curbs, so that the lowest portion of the tracks upon which they slide shall be not less than twelve inches above the roof. The whole of which sklight shall be so constructed as to open instantly on the cutting or burning of a hempen cord, which shall be arranged to hold said skylights closed, or some other equally simple approved auto- matic device for opening them may be provided. Immediately under- neath the glass of said skylights there shall be wire netting, but wire glass shall not be used in lieu of this requirement (1) The roof over the stage shall be provided with a shaft of galvan- ized iron extending from the ceiling line up through and at least four feet above the roof and have a raised cover at the top for the escape of smoke. The least inside diameter, or the least horizontal measurement if the shaft be of other shape than circular, shall be forty-eight inches. At the bottom of this shaft, on a plane with the ceiling, shall be a gal- vanized sheet iron door in two parts, each part separately hinged and kept closed by fusible links, so that in case of fire the doors will instantly open downwards by their own weight. (m) All that portion of the stage not comprised in the working scen- ery, traps and other mechanical apparatus, for the presentation of a scene, usually equal to the width of the proscenium opening, shall be built of iron or steel beams filled in between with fireproof material, and all girders for the support of said beams shall be of wrought iron or rolled steel. The fly-galleries and the tie-galleries entire, Including pin-rails, shall be constructed of iron or steel, and the floors of said galleries shall be composed of iron or steel beams, filled in with fireproof materials, and no wood boards or sleepers shall be used as covering over beams, but the said floors shall be entirely fireproof. The gridiron or rigging loft shall have a lattice iron floor, and be readily accessible by iron stairways. All stage scenery, curtains and decorations made of combustible ma- terials, and all woodwork on or about the stage, shall be painted or sat- urated with some non-combustible material, or otherwise rendered safe against fire, and the finishing coats of paint applied to all woodwork throughout the entire building shall be of such kind as will resist fire to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. (n) The roof over the auditorium and the entire main floor of the auditorium and vestibule, also the entire superstructure over the en- trance, lobby and corridors, and all galleries and supports for the same in the auditorium, shall be constructed of iron or steel and fireproof ma- terials, not excluding the use of wood floor boards and necessary sleepers to fasten the same to, but such sleepers shal not mean timbers of sup- port, and the space between the sleepers, excepting the portion under the stepping in the galleries, which shall be properly fire-stopped, which shall be solidly filled with incombustible material up to the under side of the floor boards. The fronts of each gallery shall be entirely formed of fireproof ma- terials, except the capping, which may be made of wood. The ceiling under each gallery shall be entirely formed of fireproof materials. The ceiling of the auditorium shall be formed of fireproof materials. 182 ORDINANCE NO. 607. All lathing, whenever used, shall be of wire or other metal on metal Studding. The partitions in that portion of the building which contains the au- ditorium, the entrance and vestibule and every room and passage devoted to the use of the audience, shall be constructed of fireproof materials, including the furring of outside or other walls. None of the walls or ceilings shall be covered with wood, sheathing, wood wainscoting, canvass, or any combustible material. But this shall not preclude the construction of a wood sounding board over orchestra pit when the same extends back of and below the over- hang of the stage; provided the said wood sheathing be properly fire- stopped by a twelve-inch brick wall back of same, and also have a proper fireproof construction directly under the overhang of the stage extending from the brick wall to the apron of the stage. (o) Actor's dressing rooms shall not be placed on the stage, under the stage, over the stage, on the fly-galleries, nor under the auditorium, but shall be placed in a separate section provided for that purpose. The wall separating said section containing the actor's dressing rooms from the stage shall be not less than twelve inches in thickness, and the openings therefrom to stage shall be protected with standard self-closing fire-doors. The partitions dividing the dressing-rooms together with the partitions of every passageway from the same to the stage, and all other partitions on or about the sides of the stage, or fireproof portion thereof, shall be constructed of fireproof material not less than .four inches in thickness approved by the City Engineer. All doors in any of said parti- tions shall be standard fire doors. All dressing-rooms shall have an independent exit leading directly into a court or street, and shall be ventilated by windows in the external wall. All shelving and cupboards in each and every dressing-room, property room or other storage rooms, shall be constructed of metal, slate, or some fireproof material. All windows where accessible, except as in this section otherwise specified, shall be arranged to open. None of the windows in outside walls shall have fixed sashes, fixed iron grills or bars; these may be arranged to hinge and lock, but must be left unlocked during performances. (p) AH seats in the auditorium excepting those contained in boxes, shall be not less than thirty-two inches from back to back, measured in a horizontal direction, and firmly secured to the floor. No seat in the auditorium shall have more than six seats intervening between it and ah aisle, on either side. No stool or seat shall be p.'aced in any aisle. All platforms in galleries formed to receive the seats shall be not more than twenty-four inches in height of riser, nor less than thirty-two inches in width of platform. All aisles on the respective floors in the auditorium, having seats on both sides of same, shall be not less than three feet wide where they begin, and shall be increased in width toward the exits in the ratio of one and one-half inches to five running feet. Aisles having seats on one side only, shall be not less than two feet six inches wide at their begin- ning, and increased in width the same as aisles having seats on both sides. (q) The aggregate capacity of the foyers, lobbies, corridors, passages and rooms for the use of the audience, not including aisle space between seats, shall on each floor or gallery, be suflicient to contain the entire ORDINANCE NO. 607. 183 number to be accommodated on said floor or gallery, in the ratio of one hundred and fifty superficial feet of floor space for every one hundred persons. Gradients or inclined planes shall be employed instead of steps where possible to overcome slight difference of level in or between aisles, cor- ridors and passages. (r) Every theater accommodating three hundred persons shall have at least two exits; when accommodating five hundred persons, at least three exits shall be provided; these exits not referring to or including the exits to the open court at the side of the theater. Doorways of exit or entrance for the use of the public shall be not less than five feet in width, not including the fire exit doorways, and for every additional one hundred persons or fraction thereof in excess of five hundred, to be accommodated, an aggregate of twenty inches addi- tional exit width must be provided. (s) All doors for exit or entrance shall open outwardly and be hung to swing In such manner as not to become an obstruction in a passage or corridors, and no such doors shall be closed and locked when the build- ing Is open to the public. Distinct and separate places of exit and entrance shall be provided for each gallery above the first gallery. A common place of exit and entrance may serve for the main floor of the auditorium and the first gallery, provided its capacity be equal to the aggregate capacity of the outlets from the main floor and the said gallery. No passage leading to any stairway communicating with any entrance or exit, not Including fire exits, shall be less than four feet in width In any part thereof. (t) All stairs within the building shall be constructed of fireproof ma- terial throughout, as Is elsewhere In this ordinance required. Stairs from balconies and galleries shall not communicate with the basement or cellar. All stairs shall have treads of uniform width and risers of uniform height throughout In each flight. No stairways from galleries shall be less than four feet in width. Where accommodation Is provided In a gallery for more than one hundred people there shall be at least two stairs extending to the ground arranged on opposite sides of the gallery, and for every additional fifty people or fraction thereof in excess of the first one hundred to be accommodated six Inches shall be added to the width proportionately divided between the two flights. The width of all stairs shall be measured in the clear between hand- rails. In no case shall the risers of any stairs exceed seven and a half inches in height, nor shall the treads exclusive of nosings, be less than ten and one-half inches wide In straight stairs. No circular or winding stairs for the use of the public shall be per- mitted. Where the seating capacity Is for more than one thousand people, there shall be at least two independent staircases with direct exterior outlets provided for each gallery In the auditorium; where there are not more than two galleries, the stairs shall be located on opposite sides of said galleries. Where there are more than two galleries one or more addi- tional staircases shall be provided, the outlets from which shall com- 184 ORDINANCE NO. 6a7. municate directly with the principal exit or other exterior outlets. All said staircases shall be of width proportioned to the gallery accommoda- tions as elsewhere herein prescribed. Where the seating capacity is for one thousand people, or less, two direct lines of staircases only shall be required, located on opposite sides of the galleries, and in both acses shall extend from the sidewalk level to the upper gallery, with outlts from each gallery to each of said staircases. At least two independent direct exterior outlets shall be provided for the service of the stage and shall be located on the opposite sides of the same. All inside stairways leading to the upper galleries to the auditorium shall be inclosed on both sides with walls of fireproof materials. Stairs leading to the first or lower gallery may be left open on one side, in which case they shall be constructed as herein provided for similar stairs leading from the entrance hall to the main floor of the auditorium. But in no case shall stairs leading to any gallery be left open on both sides. When straight stairs return directly on themselves, a landing of the full width of both flights, without any steps, shall be provided. The outer line of landings shall be curved to a radius of not less than two feet, to avoid square angles. Stairs turning at an angle shall have a proper land- ing without winders introduced at said turn. In stairs, when two side flights connect with one main flight, no winders shall be introduced, and the width of the main flight shall be at least equal to the aggregate width of the side flights. All stairs shall have proper landings intro- duced at convenient distances. All inclosed stair-cases shall have, on both sides, strong hand-rails firmly secured to the wall about three inches distant therefrom and about three feet above the stairs, but said hand-rails shall not run on level plat- forms and landings where the same are of greater length than the width of the stairs. All staircases eight feet and over in width shall be provided with a center hand-rail of metal, not less than two inches in diameter, placed at a height of about three feet above the center of the treads, and sup- ported on wrought metal or brass standards of sufficient strength, placed not nearer than four feet nor more than six feet apart, and securely bolted to the treads or risers of stairs, or both, and at the head of each flight of stairs, on each landing, the post or standard shall be at least six feet in height, to which the rail shall be secured. (u) Every steam boiler which may be required for heating or other purposes shall be located outside of the building, either under the side- walk or in an extension, but in no case under or within any portion of the building used for theatrical purposes, and the space allotted to the same shall be inclosed by walls of masonry on all sides, and the ceiling of such space shall be constructed of flreproof materials. All doorways in said walls connecting with the building shall have standard automatic sliding fire doors. No floor register for heating, ventilating or other purposes shall be permitted. No coil or radiator shall be placed in any aisle or passageway used as an exit, and thereby reduce the same to less than the width required by this section; but all said coils and radiators shall be placed in re- cesses formed in the wall or partition to receive the same. All supply, return or exhaust pipes shall be properly incased where passing through floors or near woodwork. (v) Stand pipes of not less than four inches in diameter shall be pro- vided with hose connections as follows: One on each side of the audi- ORDINANCE NO. 607. 185 torlum In each tier, one on each side of the stage In each tier, one within ten feet of the door of the property room, one within ten feet of the door of the carpenter's shop and scenery storage room. All of such stand pipes and hose connections shall be kept clear of ob" Btructlons. Said stand pipes shall receive their supply of water from at least one of the following sources: (1) From a gravity tank located over stage roof of not less than five thousand gallons capacity. (2) Approved steel pressure tank of not less than five thousand gal- Ions total capacity, located on stage roof or not lower than gridiron floor. (3) Automatic fire pump of not less than five hundred gallons cap- acity per minute. (4) From city mains where pressure is not less than twenty-five pounds per square Inch at level of highest hose outlet Pipes shall be fitted with approved straightway composition gate valves at hose outlets, and the thread of all connections shall be uniform with that In use by the local Fire Department. One spanner to be located at each hose connection. Pipes shall be kept constantly filled with water under pressure and be ready for Immediate use at all times. In addition to the requirements contained in this section, the stand pipes shall have a Siamese steamer connection and conform to all other requirements contained in Section 24 of this ordinance covering stand pipe installation. A sufficient quantity of approved linen, cotton rubber lined, or rubber hose not less than two and one-half inches in diameter, in fifty-foot lengths, but not less than fifty feet in total length, shall be kept attached to each hose connection. Hose shall be fitted with washers and equipped with couplings and nozzles, the thread of which shall be uniform with that in use by the local Fire Department The stand pipe equipment above described to be installed independent- ly of and without connection to the automatic sprinkler system required under this section. (w) A system of automatic sprinklers approved by the City Engineer shall be Installed throughout the entire stage section of the theater lo- cated in the rear of the proscenium walls; this is to Include under roof, under gridiron, under galleries, under the stage. In all dressing rooms, in all workshops, property and all other rooms and passageways. There shall be an Independent water supply to the sprinklers which may consist of any one of the following: (1) Gravity tank of not less than ten thousand gallons capacity, and elevated not less than twenty-five feet above the highest sprinkler. (2) Approved steel pressure tank of not less than seven thousand five hundred gallons capacity, located not lower than the highest line of sprinklers. (3) Direct supply from the city water mains where the pressure is suffi- cient to maintain not less than twenty-five pounds at highest line of sprinklers when same are In operation. In addition to one or more of the above-required supplies, there shall be a Siamese steamer connection placed on the outside of the building at each street front with suitable Iron plate with raised letters securely attached to the wall near steamer connection, reading "Stage Sprinklers.'" 186 ORDINANCE NO. 607. The location and spacing of sprinkler heads and the schedule of pipe sizes shall conform to the standard recommended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters, which is hereby made a part of the requirements of this ordinance. (x) There shall be kept in readiness for immediate use one forty- gallon cask filled with water and six fire pails on each side of the stage, under the stage, on each fly-gallery, and a supply of fire pails in property and other storerooms and in each workshop; said casks and brackets shall be painted red and lettered "For Fire Purposes Only." There shall also be provided six three gallon approved chemical fire extinguishers, at least four axes, two twenty foot hooks, two fifteen foot hooks and two ten foot hooks, and such other appliances as may be re- quired by the Chief of the Fire Department, and to be placed under his direction. The requirements of this paragraph shall apply to existing theaters as well as theaters hereafter to be constructed. (y) Every portion of the buildings devoted to the uses or accommoda- tion of the public, also all outlets leading to the streets, and including the open courts and corridors, shall be well and properly lighted during every performance and the same shall remain lighted until the entire audience has left the premises. There shall be one light within a red globe or lantern, placed over each exit opening, on the auditorium side of the wall. Gas mains and electric light wires supplying the building shall have three independent connections as follows: One for the stage, one for the auditorium, excepting the exit lights therein, and the third for the halls, corridors, lobbies, exit lights, including the exit lights in the auditorium, and such other portions of the building used by the audience outside of the auditorium proper. All gas and electric lights in the halls, corridors, lobbies and other portions of the building used by the audience, with the exception of the auditorium proper, but including the exit lights therein, shall be control- led by two separate switches or valves, one to be located in the lobby and the other to be so located as to be operated from the outside of the building. Provision shall be made for shutting off all gas at a point outside of the building. When interior gaslights are not lighted by electricity other suitable appliances, to be approved by the City Engineer, shall be provided. All suspended or bracket lights surrounded by glass, in the auditorium, or in any part of the building devoted to the public, shall be provided with proper wire netting underneath. No gas or electric light shall be recessed in the walls, woodwork, ceil- ings, or in any part of the building unless protected by fireproof materials. All lights in passages and corridors in said buildings and wherever else deemed necessary by the City Engineer shall be guarded with proper wire network. The footlights when not electric, in addition to the wire network, shall be guarded with a strong wire guard and chain drawn taut placed not less than two feet distant from said footlights, and the trough containing said footlights shall be formed of and surrounded by fireproof materials. All border lights shall be constructed according to the best-known methods, and subject to the approval of the City Engineer, and shall be suspended for not less than ten feet therefrom by wire rope or iron chain. All ducts or shafts used for conducting heated air from the main chan- delier, or from any other light or lights, shall be constructed of metal and ORDINANCE NO. 607. 187 made double, with an air space between, or some other approved fireproof material may be used. All stage lights shall have strong metal wire guards or screens, not less than eight inches in diameter, so constructed that any material In contact therewith shall be out of reach of the flames of said stage lights, and such guards or fixtures shall in all cases be soldered to the fixture. The bridge calcium lights at sides of proscenium shall be inclosed in front and on the side by galvanized iron, so that no drop can come in con- tact with the lights. Electric calcium so-called are included in the above requirement. The requirements of this paragraph shall apply to existing theaters, as well as to theaters hereafter to be built. (z) The stand pipes, gas-pipes, electric wires, hose, footlights and all apparatus for the extinguishing of fire or guarding against the same, as in this section specified, shall be installed to the satisfaction of and be in charge of and under the control of the Chief of the Fire Department, and the said oflRclal is hereby directed to see that the arrangements in respect thereto are carried out, enforced and maintained. (aa) A diagram or plan of each tier, gallery or floor, showing dis- tinctly the exits therefrom, each occupying a space not less than fifteen square Inches, shall be printed In block lines in a legible manner on the programme of the performance. Every exit shall have over the same on the Inside, the word "EXIT" painted In legible letters not less than eight Inches high. The require- ments of this paragraph shall apply to existing theaters as well as to those hereafter to be constructed. (bb) It shall be the duty of the owner, agent or lessee of every theater now in use or hereafter to be used, to employ one or more competent experi- enced firemen, approved by the Chief of the Fire Department. Said firemen shall report to, and be subject to the orders of the Chief of the Fire Depart- ment; shall be on duty In uniform at such theater during the whole time It Is open to the public; shall before every performance examine all fire apparatus required by this ordinance and see that the same Is In proper place and In good working order; shall keep diligent watch during every performance for fires and take prompt measures for extinguishing any fires that may occur; and shall not be required or allowed, while on duty as such firemen, to act as scene shifter, or stage hand, or to do any other work or perform any other duties than are herein specified. (cc) Open Air Theaters: Open air theaters, having no roof, may be used and maintained In the city during the summer months only, under such conditions and requirements as may be Imposed by the Board of Trustees. Applications for permission to erect such buildings shall be made to the Board of Trustees. Buildings in Fire Limits. Sec. 28. All buildings or other structures hereafter to be erected within the established Fire Limits of the City of Fresno, shall be of ma- sonry contsructlon as defined In Section 17, and must comply with the provisions of Section 22 hereof; except as herein otherwise provided, and except that outbuildings or sheds having less than three hundred square feet area and not over ten feet high, with at least one side open, may be built with eight Inch masonry walls, or of corrugated iron on metal frames; no such shed shall be less than five feet from the nearest building. Provided further that temporary enclosed wooden sheds, not to exceed twenty feet in height, may be erected within the Fire Limits to facilitate 188 ORDINANCE NO. 607. the erection of buildings, but when said buildings are completed the sheds shall be removed. The outside stairways of all buildings within the Fire Limits shall be constructed of iron or other non-inflammable material. Masonry Buildings Outside Fire Limits. Sec. 29. All masonry buildings hereafter erected outside of the estab- lished Fire Limits of the City of Fresno, shall conform to the general re- quirements of Section 22 hereof, except that masonry buildings to be used exclusively as dwelling houses may, at the discretion of the City Engineer, be exempted from the requirements of said Section 22. Storm Water to be Carried Under Sidewalk. Sec. 30. It shall hereafter be unlawful to discharge any storm or rain water, from the roof of any building in the City of Fresno, upon the surface of any sidewalk; when it is desired to convey any such storm or rain water to the gutter of any street, the same must be done by a pipe or other suitable method, under the surface of the sidewalk. Discretionary Power. Sec. 31. The City Engineer shall have power to vary or modify any of the provisions of this ordinance or any rule or regulation therein con- tained, relating to the construction, alteration or removal of any building or structure erected or to be erected within the City of Fresno, upon an application to him therefor in writing by the owner or lessee of such building or structure, or his duly authorized agent, where there are prac- tical difficulties in the way of carrying out the strict letter of this' ordi- nance, so that the spirit of this ordinance shall be observed and public safety secured and substantial justice done; but no such variation or modification shall be granted or allowed unless the particulars of each application and of the decision of the said City Engineer thereon shall be entered upon the records of his department, and if the application is granted a certificate therefor shall be issued by the said City Engineer. Any and all matters pertaining to the construction of buildings not covered by any of the sections of this ordinance, shall be left to the dis- cretion of the City Engineer, whose decision shall be final. Records. Sec. 32. The City Engineer shall keep a record of all applications presented to him concerning, affecting or relating to the construction, alteration or removal of buildings or other structures. Such record shall include the date of the filing of each such application; the name and ad- dress of the owner of the land on which the building or structure men- tioned in such application Is situated; the names and addresses of the architect and builder employed thereon; a designation of the premises by street number, or otherwise, sufficient to identify the same; a state- ment of the nature and proposed use of such structure; and a brief state- ment of the nature of the application together with a memorandum of the decision of said City Engineer upon such application, and the date of the rendition of such decision. The record shall be kept In two classes; one for new buildings or structures, and one for alterations to existing buildings or structures. Each application for a new or altered building or structure shall be respectively and consecutively numbered In the date and order of filing, and the record numbers and the application numbers shall correspond. The books containing such records, and all plans, statements and other papers relating to any such application are hereby declared to be ORDINANCE NO. 612. 189 public records, and shall be open to inspection at all reasonable times, but such inspection shall not include the right to copy any plan on file with the City Engineer, and the copying of any filed drawing, tracing or print is hereby forbidden. Right of Entrance. Sec. 33. The City Engineer, or his deputies, or the Chief of the Fire Department or his assistant, so far as may be necessary for the perform- ance of their duties, shall have the right to enter any new or unoccupied building, or any building under construction, repair, alteration, or re- moval, or any building alleged to be unsafe, or a menace to life and limb, upon showing their badge of office. Right to Stop Construction. Sec. 34. The City Engineer shall have the power to stop the construc- tion of any building or the making of any alteration or repairs to any building when the same is done in a reckless or careless manner, or in violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, and to order in writ- ing or verbally any and all persons in any way or manner whatever en- gaged in so constructing, altering, or repairing any such building, to stop and desist therefrom, and the person or persons so ordered shall immedi- ately comply therewith. Repealing Section. Sec. 35. Ordinance No. 423, Ordinance No. 456, Section 6 of Ordinance No. 325, and Sections 6, 7, 8, 9 and Sections numbered from 2Z to 43, both inclusive, and Sections 45, 46, 47 and 48 of Ordinance No. 499, of the City of Fresno, and all other Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in con- flict with the provisions of this Ordinance, are hereby repealed. Date When Ordinance to Tal ]ng the names of certain streets already named. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the maps in this ordinance hereinafter mentioned or referred to are the respective maps and plats having the names or titles so designated which are now on file and of record in the ot&ce of the County Recorder of the County of Fresno, State of California. Sec. 2. That in the event any street or avenue whose name by this ordinance is changed, is in whole or in part shown or delineated (whether given the same name or a different name or names) on more than one map on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder of the said County of Fresno, then it shall be understood, and it is hereby declared, that the name of such street shall be and is changed from the name or names by which it has heretofore been known, to the name hereinafter so given to and designated for such street, regardless of the map or maps, on which the same appears or is delineated, all with the same force and effect as though such street had originally been designated on each and all of said maps so showing it in whole or in part by the name now given to it in this ordinance. Sec. 3. That the name of that street which extends from Kearney Avenue to the south city limits, and is designated on the map of Resurvey of Paige Tract as 1st Street, be and the same is hereby changed to Mayor Avenue. Sec. 4. That the name of that street which extends from Merced Street to the south city limits and is designated on the Map of Resurvey of Paige Tract as 2nd Street, be and the same is hereby changed to Collins. Avenue. Sec. 5. That the name of that street which extends from Merced Street to the south city limits and is designated on the Map of Resurvey of Paige Tract as 3rd Street, be and the same is hereby changed to Pottle Avenue. Sec. 6. That the name of that street which extends from Merced Street to the south city limits and is designated on the Map of Resurvey of Paige Tract as 4th Street, be and the same is hereby changed to Stephens Avenue. Sec. 7. That the name of that street which extends from Merced Street to the south city limits and is designated on the Map of Resurvey of Paige Tract as 5th Street, be and the same is hereby changed to Klette Avenue. Sec. 8. That the name of that street which extends from Merced Street to the south city limits and is designated on the Map of the Re- survey of Paige Tract as 6th Street, be and the same is hereby changed to Jones Avenue. ORDINANCE NO 620. 199 Sec. 9. That the name of that street which extends from Merced Street to the south city limits and is designated on the Map of Resurvey of Paige Tract as 7th Street, be and the same is hereby changed to Modoc Street. Sec. 10. That the name of that street which extends from Merced Street to the south city limits and is designated on the map of Resurvey of Paige Tract as 8th Street, be and the same is hereby changed to Martin Avenue. Sec. 11. That the name of that street which extends from Merced Street to the south city limits and Is designated on the Map of Resurvey of Paige Tract as 9th Street, be and the same is hereby changed to Cobb Avenue. Sec. 12. That the name of that street which extends from A Street to Kearney Avenue, and is designated on the Map of Resurvey of Paige Tract as Stanislaus Street, be and the same is hereby changed to Pickford Avenue. Sec. 13. That the name of that street which extends from A Street to Merced Street and is designated on the Map of Resurvey of Paige Tract as Tuolumne Street, be and the same is hereby changed to Snow Avenue. Sec. 14. That the name of that street which extends from Trinity Street to Tehama Street and is designated on the Map of Grand Avenue Park as Palm Avenue, be and the same Is hereby changed to Amador Street Sec. 15. That the name of that street which extends from Trinity Street to Tehama Street and is designated on the Map of Urand Avenue Park as Orange Avenue, be and the same is hereby changed to San Joaquin Street Sec. 16. That the name of that street which extends from A Street to Tehama Street and is designated on the respective Maps of Resurvey of Paige Tract and of Grand Avenue Park as Magnolia Avenue, be and the same is hereby changed to Stanislaus Street Sec. 17. That the name of that street which extends from A Street to Tehama Street of which that portion extending from A Street to Trinity Street is designated on the Map of Resurvey of Paige Tract as Park Ave- nue, and of which that portion extending from Trinity Street to Tehama Street is designated on the Map of Grand Avenue Park as Park Avenue, and which by resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno passed and adopted on the 6th day of February, 1905, was changed to Olive Avenue, be and the same is hereby changed to Tuolumne Street Sec. 18. That the name of that street whfch extends from Belmont Avenue to the north city limits and is designated on the respective Maps of Buena Vista Addition to Fresno, Cal., and Bloomington Park Tract as Kroeger Avenue, be and the same is hereby changed to Echo Avenue. Sec. 19. That the name of that street, a portion of which is in Park Addition to the Town of Fresno, and a portion is between Elwood's North Park Addition to Fresno City and Sierra North Park Addition to Fresno City, and which is designated on the respective Maps of Park Addition to the Town of Rresno and Elwood's North Park Addition to Fresno City and of Sierra North Park Addition to Fresno City, as Froelich Avenue, be and the same is hereby changed to Jensen Avenue. Sec. 20. That the name of that street which extends from Belmont Avenue to the north city limits and is designated on the Map of Blooming- ton Park Tract as Bloomington Avenue, be and the same is hereby changed to San Pablo Avenue. 200 ORDINANCE NO. 620. Sec. 21. That the name of that street which extends from Belmont Avenue to the north city limits and is designated on the Map of Belmont Addition to the City of Fresno as Stockton Street, be and the same is here- by changed to Abby Street. Sec. 22. That the name of that street which extends from Belmont Avenue to the north city limits and is designated on the Map of Belmont Addition to the City of Fresno as Weymouth Street, be and the same is hereby changed to Diana Street. Sec. 23. That the name of that street which extends from Belmont Avenue to the north city limits and is designated on the Map of Belmont Addition to the City of Fresno as Caso Blanco Street, be and the same is hereby changed to Thesta Street. Sec. 24. That the name of that street which extends from Belmont Avenue to the north city limits and is designated on the respective maps of Belmont Addition to the City of Fresno, and of Fresno Home Addition, as Campbell Street, be and the same is hereby changed to Angus Street. Sec. 25. That the name of that street which extends from Belmont Avenue to the north city limits and is designated on the Map of Fresno Home Addition as Muller Avenue, and on the Map of Union Addition to Fresno City as Muller Street, be and the same is hereby changed to Orchard Street. Sec. 26. That the name of that street which extends along the easterly side of the corporate limits of the City of Fresno from Ventura Avenue to Garfield Street and is designated on the respective Maps of Windsor Terrace, East Fresno, Arlington Heights Tract, Union Addition to Fresno City and of Bartlett Heights adjoining the Town of Fresno, as First Street, and which by Ordinance No. 542 of the City of Fresno was changed to East Street, be and the same is hereby changed to First Street, and that said street throughout its entire length from Ventura Avenue to Garfield Street shall henceforth be known as First Street. Sec. 27, That the name of that street which extends from Fresno Avenue to Angus Street and is designated on the Map of River Dale Addi- tion as Monroe Avenue, be and the same is hereby changed to Grant Avenue. Sec. 28. That the name of that street in Fisher's Second Addition to the City of Fresno which is designated on the Map of said Fisher's Sec- ond Addition to the City of Fresno as Bell Street, be and the same is hereby changed to U Street. Sec. 29. That the name of that street in Fisher's Second Addition to the City of Fresno which is designated on the Map of said Fisher's Second Addition to the City of Fresno as Fisher Street, be and the same is hereby changed to Dimond Street. Sec. 30. That the name of that street in Fisher's Addition to the Town of Fresno which is designated on the Map of Fisher's Addition to the Town of Fresno as Hyde Street, be and the same is hereby changed to Howard Street. Sec. 31. That the name of that street which extends from Van Ness Avenue to Park Avenue and is designated on the respective Maps of Mul- ler and Northcraft Addition to Fresno City and of Re-subdivision of lots 10 and 11 Park Addition to Fresno City, California, as Laura Street, be and the same is hereby changed to Franklin Avenue. Sec. 32. That that street which extends along the east side of Wood- ward's Addition to the City of Fresno and is so shown on the Map of said ORDINANCE NO. 621. 201 Woodward's Addition to the City of Fresno, is hereby named and desig- nated Pearl Street, and the same shall henceforth be known as Pearl Street. Sec. 33. That that street between blocks 2 and 3 of Yosemite Addition to Fresno City and which extends from Poplar Avenue to San Pablo Ave- nue, and as so shown on the map of said Yosemite Addition to Fresno City, is hereby named and designated Klondike Street, and the same shall henceforth be known as Klondike Street Sec. 34. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 35. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately on and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 621. In effect Sept. 20, 1910. An Ordinance districting and subdividing the City of Fresno and tlie City of Fresno School District into municipal election precincts for hold- ing certain elections, and repealing Ordinances numbered 385, 480 and 578 of the City of Fresno. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the City of Fresno be and is hereby districted and subdivided into twenty-five Municipal Election Precincts hereinafter de- scribed, for holding all municipal elections in said City, and that that portion of the City of Fresno School District lying outside of the City of Fresno be and is districted and subdivided into three additional precincts for the purpose of voting for School Directors of the City of Fresno School District. Municipal Election Precinct No. 1. Sec. 2. Municipal Election Precinct No. 1 shall comprise and include all that portion of the City of Fresno bounded on the north by Silvia Street and the south line of Central Addition to Fresno City; on the south- east by Tuolumne Street and on the southwest by K Street. Municipal Election Precinct No. 2. Municipal Election Precinct No. 2 shall comprise and include all that portion of the City of Fresno bounded on the north by Silvia Street and Tulare Avenue, on the east by East Street, on the south and southeast by Kern Avenue and Kern Street, on the southwest by Q Street, and on the northwest by Tuolumne Street. Municipal Election Precinct No. 3. Municipal Election Precinct No. 3 shall comprise and include all that portion of the City of Fresno bounded on the north and the northwest by Kern Avenue and Kern Street, on the east by East Street, on the south and southeast by Ventura Avenue and on the southwest by Q Street. Municipal Election Precinct No. 4. Municipal Election Precinct No. 4 shall comprise and include all that portion of the City of Fresno bounded as follows: Commencing at the intersection of Ventura Avenue and K Street; thence northeasterly along Ventura Avenue to Angus Street; thence south along the east line of said City to the north line of Woodward's Addition to the City of Fresno; thence east to the northeast corner of said Woodward's Addition; thence 202 ORDINANCE NO. 621. south to the southeast corner of said Woodward's Addition; thence west to the southwest corner of said Wodward's Addition; thence north to the northwest corner of said Woodward's addition; thence east to the inter-^ section of Hamilton and K Streets; thence northwest to the point of com- mencement. Municipal Eiection Precinct No. 5. Municipal Election Precinct No. 5 shall comprise and include all that portion of the City of Fresno bounded on the northwest by Kern Street, on the northeast by Q Street, on the southeast by Ventura Avenue and on the southwest by K Street. IVIunicipal Election Precinct No. 6. Municipal Election Precinct No. 6 shall comprise and include all that portion of the City of Fresno bounded on the northwest by Fresno Street, on the northeast by Q Street, on the southeast by Kern Street, and on the southwest by K Street. IVIunicipal Eiection Precinct No. 7. Municipal Election Precinct No. 7 shall comprise and include all that portion of the City of Fresno bounded on the northwest by Tuolumne Street, on the northeast by Q Street, on the southeast by Fresno Street and on the southwest by K Street. Municipal Election Precinct No. 8. Municipal Election Precinct No. 8 shall comprise and include all that portion of the City of Fresno bounded on the north by the south line of Central Addition to Fresno City, on the northeast by K Street, on the southeast by Calaveras Street, and on the southwest by the main line of the Southern Pacific Railroad. Municipal Election Precinct No. 9. Municipal Election Precinct No. 9 shall comprise and include all that portion of the City of Fresno bounded on the northwest by Calaveras Street, on the northeast by K Street, on the southeast by Tuolumne Street, and on the southwest by the main line of the Southern Pacific Railroad. Municipal Election Precinct No. 10. Municipal Election Precinct No. 10 shall comprise and include all that portion of the City of Fresno bounded on the northwest by Tuolumne Street, on the northeast by K Street, on the southeast by Fresno Street and on the southwest by the main line of the Southern Pacific Railroad. Municipal Election Precinct No. 11. Municipal Election Precinct No, 11 shall comprise and include all that portion of the City of Fresno bounded on the northwest by Fresno Street, on the northeast by K Street, on the southeast by Mariposa Street, and on the southwest by the main line of the Southern Pacific Railroad. Municipal Election Precinct No. 12. Municipal Election Precinct No. 12 shall comprise and Include all that portion of the City of Fresno bounded on the northwest by Mariposa Street, on the northeast by K Street, on the southeast by Tulare Street and on the southwest by the main line of the Southern Pacific Railroad. Municipal Election Precinct No. 13. Municipal Election Precinct No. 13 shall comprise and include all that portion of the City of Fresno bounded on the northwest by Tulare Street, ORDINANCE NO. 621. 203 on the northeast by K Street, on the southeast by Inyo Street and on the southwest by the main line of the Southern Pacific Kailroaa. Municipal Election Precinct No. 14. Municipal Election Precinct No. 14 shall comprise and include all that portion of the City of Fresno bounded on the northwest by Inyo Street, on the northeast by K Street, on the southeast by the north and west lines of Woodward's Addition to the City of Fresno, and on the south* west by the main line of the Southern Pacific Railroad. Municipal Election Precinct No. 15. Municipal Election Precinct No. 15 shall comprise and include all that portion of the City of Fresno bounded on the northwest by Tulare Street, on the northeast by the main line of the Southern Pacific Railroad, and on the south by the south City Limits. Municipal Election Precinct No. 16. Municipal Election Precinct No. 16 shall comprise and include all that portion of the City of Fresno bounded on the northwest by Merced Street, on the northeast by the main line of the Southern Pacific Railroad, on the southeast by Tulare Street, on the south by the south City Limits, and on the west by the west City Limits. Municipal Election Precinct No. 17. Municipal Election Precinct No. 17 shall comprise and Include all that portion of the City of Fresno bounded on the north by Silvia Street, on the northeast by the main line of the Southern Pacific Railroad, on the southeast by Merced Street, and on the west by the west City Limits. Municipal Election Precinct No. 18. Municipal Election Precinct No. 18 shall comprise and include all that portion of the City of Fresno bounded on the north by Belmont Avenue, on the east by Forthcamp Avenue, on the south by the south line of Cen- tral Addition to Fresno City and Silvia Street, and on the west by the west City Limits. Municipal Election Precinct No. 19. Municipal Election Precinct No. 19 shall comprise and include all that portion of the City of Fresno bounded on the north by Belmont Avenue, on the east by San Pablo Avenue, on the south by the south line of Central Addition to Fresno City, and on the west by Forthcamp Avenue. Municipal Election Precinct No. 20. Municipal Election Precinct No. 20 shall comprise and include all that portion of the City of Fresno bounded on the north by Belmont Avenue, on the east by Blackstone Avenue, on the south by Silvia Street and the south line of Central Addition to Fresno City, and on the west by San Pablo Avenue. Municipal Election Precinct No. 21. Municipal Election Precinct No. 21 shall comprise and include all that portion of the City of Fresno bounded on the north by Belmont Avenue, on the east by Diana Street, on the south by Silvia Street, and on the west by Blackstone Avenue. Municipal Election Precinct No. 22. Municipal Election Precinct No. 22 shall comprise and Include all that portion of the City of Fresno bounded on the north by Belmont Avenue, 204 ORDINANCE NO. 621. on the east by Fresno Avenue, on the south by Silvia Street and on tRe west by Diana Street. Municipal Election Precinct No. 23. Municipal Election Precinct No. 23 shall comprise and include all that portion of the City of Fresno bounded on the north by Belmont Avenue, on the east by First Street, on the south by Silvia Street and Tulare Ave- nue, and on the west by Fresno Avenue. Municipal Election Precinct No. 24. Municipal Election Precinct No. 24 shall comprise and include all that portion of the City of Fresno which is situate in section 34 in township 13 south of range 20 east, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian. Municipal Election Precinct No. 25. Municipal Election Precinct No. 25 shall comprise and include all that portion of the City of Fresno which is situate in section 33 in township 13 south of range 20 east. Mount Diablo Base and Meridian. Sec. 3. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno by the resolution or order preliminary to or calling any election, or by the advertisement or publication giving notice of any election, may consolidate the municipal election precincts and may otherwise precinct and subdivide the mun- icipality into special election percincts for any such election; but unless otherwise ordered or noticed for any election, the municipal election pre- cincts for all municipal elections shall be as in this ordinance hereinbefore set forth, and the numbers of municipal election precincts (unless other- wise specified) shall be deemed to refer to, designate and describe the municipal election precincts respectively hereinbefore set forth. Sec. 4. That that portion of the City of Fresno School District lying outside the corporate limits of the City of Fresno be and is hereby dis- tricted and subdivided into three election precincts for the purpose of voting for school directors of the City of Fresno School District, and said precincts are hereby named and designated as follows: East Fresno ScFiool Election Precinct. East Fresno School Election Precinct shall comprise and include all of sections 1, 2, 11 and 12, all that portion of section 10 lying outside the corporate limits of the City of Fresno, and the north half of section 15, in township 14 south of range 20 east. Mount Diable Base and Meredian. Belmont School Election Precinct. Belmont School Election Precinct shall comprise and include all of sections 21, 22, 27 and 28, the north half, and the north half of the south half of section 34, the west half and the south-east quarter of section 35, in township 13 south of range 20 east, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian. Hedges School Election Precinct. Hedges School Election Precinct shall comprise and include all of sec- tions 31 and 32, all that portion of section 33 lying outside the corporate limits of the City of Fresno, the east half and the southwest quarter of section 29, and the south half of section 30, in township 13 south of range 20 east, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, and the north half; the north- east quarter of the southwest quarter, and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 5 in township 14 south of range 20 east. Mount Diablo Base and Meridian. ORDINANCES NO. 622 AND 625. 205 Sec. 5. Those ordinances of the City of Fresno known and designated as Ordinances Nos. 385, 480 and 578, and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately on and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 622. In effect Sept. 20th, 1910. An Ordinance regulating the removal of debris resulting from fire. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the owner or person having in his possession, or under his control, upon any premises any hay or forage of any kind, bales of wool, cotton, rags, paper or other substances which have been rendered useless or unmerchantable by reason of any fire on such premises, or any other debris resulting from such fire, must commence to remove the same from such premises within twenty-four hours after notice so to do from the Chief of the Fire Department, and must thereupon proceed with, and diligently carry on, the work of such removal until the same has been completed. Sec. 2. That any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Three Hundred Dol- lars, or by imprisonment in the County Jail of the County of Fresno for a period not exceeding ninety days, or by both such fine and imprison- ment. Sec. 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be In force imme- diately on and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 625. In effect Dec. 20, 1910. An Ordinance for police regulation, and prohibiting the obstruction of passage, travel and traffic in certain streets of the City of Fresno and pro- hibiting public speeches, lectures and discourses upon the public streets and alleys and other public places of certain portions of said City. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be and is hereby made unlawful for any person to stand or sit idly in or upon any public street, alley, sidewalk or cross- walk in the City of Fresno, or to stand or sit in or upon any such public street, alley, sidewalk or cross-walk, so as in any manner to hinder or obstruct the free passage therein of persons passing along the same, or so as in any manner to annoy or molest persons passing along the same, or to stand in or at the entrance of any church, hall, theater, or place of public assemblage so as in any manner to obstruct such entrance. Sec. 2. It shall be and is hereby made unlawful for any person to hold, conduct or address any assemblage, meeting or gathering of persons, or to make or deliver any public speech, lecture or discourse, or to conduct or take part in any public debate or discussion, in or upon any public park, public street or alley within the district bounded as follows: Commencing 206 ORDINANCE NO. 628 at the point of interesection of the northwesterly line of Tuolumne Street with the southwesterly line of D Street in the City of Fresno, running thence in a northeasterly direction to the point of intersection of the north- easterly line of M Street with the northwesterly line of Tuolumne Street; thence in a southeasterly direction to the point of intersection of the south- easterly line of Inyo Street with the northeasterly line of M Street; thence in a southwesterly direction to the point of intersection of the southwesterly line of D Street with the southeasterly line of Inyo Street; thence in a northwesterly direction to the point of commencement. Sec. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than forty dollars, or by imprisonment in the County Jail of the County of Fresno for a term not to exceed forty days. Sec. 4. All ordinances and party of ordinances in conflict with the pro- visions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately on and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 628. In effect Feb. 8, 1911. An Ordinance requiring lodging house keepers to keep a register of the persons renting or occupying rooms In such lodging house, and prescribing the duties of such lodging house keepers with reference to such register, and repealing Ordinance No. 572. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: 1. Every person, firm, company or corporation, within the limits of the City of Fresno, who keeps, maintains or controls a lodging house, shall provide, keep and maintain a public register, and shall require every per- son who rents or occupies a room in such lodging house to write in said register his name and place of residence; such registration shall be made upon a page of such register properly dated with reference to the day of the year, month and week, and at the time the person rents or arranges to occupy a room. 2. Such lodging house register so kept shall be open to the public at any and all reasonable hours, and the pages thereof shall, upon demand, be open for inspection or investigation by any member of the Police Force or other peace officer of the City of Fresno, immediately upon demand, having been made by such peace officers. 3. The violation of this ordinance, or any of its clauses, shall be, and is hereby made, a misdemeanor, and the punishment therefor shall be a fine of not less than Ten (10) nor more than Three Hundred (300) Dol- lars, or imprisonment in the City or County Jail for a period of time not to exceed ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 4. Ordinance No. 572, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately on and after its adoption. ORDINANCES NO. 629 AND 630. 207 ORDINANCE NO. 629. In effect Feb. 8th, 1911. An Ordinance regulating the rate of speed at which any street car, steam engine or railway cars may be propelled, within the limits of the City of Fresno, and repealing Ordinances Nos. 408 and 524. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: First. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, to propel or cause to be propelled any street car on any street or other public way in this City at a rate of speed greater than sixteen miles an hour. Second. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to propel or cause to be propelled any street car, upon, across, or around any corner of, any of the following streets or alley crossings within this City, to-wit: — Kern Street between H and K Streets; Tulare Street between H and K Streets; Mariposa Street between H and K Streets; Fresno Street be- tween H and K Streets; and Merced Street between H and K Streets; also H, I, J, and K Streets between Merced and Kern Streets, or any alley crossing any of said streets within said limits, at a greater rate of speed than eight miles per hour. Third. It shall be unlawful for any person in charge, having control, or directing the movement of, any steam engine or any railway cars, to cause or permit any such engine, car, or cars, to be propelled along or across any of the street crossings of this City at a greater rate of speed than eight miles an hour. Fourth. All street cars operated upon any of the streets or public places in the City of Fresno shall stop to take on or let off passengers on the near side of the cross street toward which said car is going; such street car must stop so that the front platform of the same shall be in line with the near sidewalk on the cross street. Fifth. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, or doing, or causing to be done any act herein declared to be unlawful, Is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction therefor shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Three Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment in the City or County Jail not to exceed ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sixth. Ordinances Nos. 408 and 524 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby expressly repealed. Seventh. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force Immediately on and after its adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 630. In effect Feb. 8th, 1911. An Ordinance regulating the use of the sewerage system of the City of Fresno by the inhabitants thereof and prescribing penalties for the violation of the same, and repealing ordinances numbered 546 and 562. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: First. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, company or associa- tion, to deposit in any part or portion of the sewerage system of the City of Fresno any crude petroleum, gasoline, kerosene, or other substance, of which any oils or any crude oil is a component part. 208 ORDINANCE NO. 631. Second. No person, firm, company, or corporation, shall be permitted to use, in the City of Fresno, in connection with the sewerage system thereof, any automatic flush tank, of any kind or description, for any pur- pose, which will automatically dump, deposit or discharge the water therein accumulated, at periods of less than five minutes. Third. No person, firm, company, corporation or association shall de- posit, or permit to be deposited, in any part of the sewerage system of the City of Fresn'o, any sand, dirt, lime, cement, or seeds, or any other substance which has a tendency to settle to the bottom of the sewer- age pipes, or to clog the same in any way which will interfere with the free and unobstructed flow of the sewage therein. Fourth. No person, firm, company, corporation or association manag- ing, maintaining, or having the control of any raisin or fruit packing house, which is connected with the sewerage system of the City of Fresno, shall permit or cause to be deposited in any part of the sewerage system of the City of Fresno any water or other substance, into which fruit or raisins have been dipped or processed, or to connect, or to cause to be connected, with the sewerage system of the City of Fresno any pipes, or sewerage connections, into or through which any seeds, pits, stems, skins or fruit may or can be deposited or placed in the sewerage system of the City of Fresno, without placing in connection with such sewerage connections a sand-trap, and also initial receptacles or tanks for the purpose of catching the seeds, stems, skins, pits and fruit and preventing them from gaining an entrance into the sewerage system, which said sand-traps and re- ceptacles or tanks shall be constructed in accordance with the specifica- tions and plans on file in the ofiice of the plumbing inspector of the City of Fresno, and shall be installed to the satisfaction of said plumbing in- spector of the City of Fresno. Fifth. No person, company, corporation or association shall have any wash rack, or any other rack of any kind, connected with the sewage sys- tem of the City of Fresno, through which or by the use of which, sands, sediment, dirt or other substances which settle to the bottom of the sewer pipes, may be deposited in, or go therefrom into, the sewerage system. Sixth. It shall be, and is hereby made, the duty of the plumbing in- spector of the City of Fresno to examine and report immediately to, and thereafter from time to time to keep this Board informed by such reports of the conditions of all matters covered by this ordinance, copies of which reports shall be by said plumbing inspector filed and kept as permanent records in his ofiice. Seventh. A violation of this ordinance shall be a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof the punishment shall be by fine not to exceed $300.00, or by impriosnment in the City or County Jail not to exceed ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Eighth. Ordinances numbered 546 and 562, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Ninth. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after its adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 631. In effect Feb. 8th, 1911. An Ordinance requiring all persons, who, within the limits of the City of Fresno, buy, sell, exchange, or otherwise deal In and with second-hand goods as a business to keep a register, and repealing Ordinance No. 553. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 632. 209 First. All persons, firms, companies, or corporations, who, within the limits of the City of Fresno, buy, sell, barter, exchange, or otherwise deal in and with, second hand commodities of any kind or description, in a regularly fixed place of business, shall immediately enter, in the English language, in a register, to be kept by him, them, or it, the date any piece or portion of second hand property is purchased, and an accurate descrip- tion of the property so purchased, together with the name and address of the person from whom it is purchased. Second. Every person, firm, company, or corporation, who fails or re- fuses to produce his register for the Inspection of, or to exhibit all ar- ticles purchased by him in his business as a second hand dealer to, any officer holding a warrant authorizing him to search for personal property or the head of the Police Department of the City of Fresno, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Third. The violation of this ordinance shall constitute a misdemeanor and the punishment therefor shall be imprisonment in the City or County Jail for not more than ninety days or by a fine of not more than $300 00 or by both such fine and imprisonment * ' Fourth. Ordinance No. 553, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed Fifth. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately on and after its adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 632. In effect Feb. 8th, 1911. An Ordinance providing for the sale and storage of petroleum and the refined products thereof, and repealing Ordinance No. 302. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful, without the permission of the Board of 1 rustees, for any person or persons, firm or corporation, to store, permit the storage of or to keep for sale in any one building, within the corporate limits of the City of Fresno, a larger quantity than One Hundred gallons of crude petroleum, except when stored in a building or warehouse li- censed for. used and devoted exclusively to, the storage of petroleum gasoline, any product of petroleum or other hydrocarbon liquids. ' Sec. 2 It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm or corpora- tion, to store, permit the storage of, or to keep for sale in any one build- ing w thin the corporate limits of the City of Fresno, a larger quantity than ten gallons of gasoline, any product of petroleum or other hydro- carbon liquids, which shall flash or emit an inflammable vapor at a tem- perature below 110 degrees Fahrenheit, unless the same be kept stored in a building or warehouse especially licensed for, used for and devoted exclusively to, the stprage of gasoline, and other products of petroleum =t.^/'°;''n'^';'' ^'^"k^'; ^""^ ^^^^ substances, in whatever quantities stored, shall always be kept in metal cans or tanks. "i-^ues Sec. 3 It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm or corpora- tion, to store permit the storage of, or to keep for sale, in any one build- Sfn^^/i '"l^^H ^^^P^^f^^ limits of the City of Fresno, a larger quantity ihtn V^ J^^^d.^ed gallons of refined petroleum, and said quantity or less shal be kept in metal cans, and the said oil shall stand a temperatu?! of 110 degrees Fahrenheit or better before it shall flash or emit an in- 14* 210 ORDINANCE NO. 632. flammable vapor. Provided, however, that refined petroleum in larger quantities may be kept or stored in a building or warehouse duly licensed for, used for, and devoted exclusively to, the storage of such substances. Sec. 4. No building or warehouse shall be licensed for the purpose stated in this ordinance, except upon the recommendation, that it is suit- able therefor, of the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department and a majority of the Fire Department Committee of the Board of Trustees; the License Collector shall exact for such license the sum of one dollar per month, payable quarterly in advance; provided, that no such warehouse shall be used for storage of gasoline or other products of petroleum which shall flash or emit an inflammable vapor at a temperature below 110 degrees Fahrenheit, unless such warehouse shall be especially recommended for such storage as hereinbefore provided, and shall be especially licensed for such storage, and have prominently printed externally on the front thereof in plain Roman letters, at least five inches in length, the words, "LICENSED FOR THE STORA&E OF GASOLINE." Sec. 5. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firm or corpora- tion to mix or adulterate with benzine, naphtha, gasoline or any other substance, any oil to be used for illuminating purposes, or to sell or keep the same for sale, and all oils or fluids manufactured from petroleum or its products to be used for illuminating purposes, shall be required to stand a temperature of 110 degrees Fahrenheit or better, before it shall flash or emit an inflammable vapor. Sec. 6. Any person or persons manufacturing or selling illuminating oils or fluids made from petroleum or its products, shall be required to have stamped upon the case or package the name of the manufacturer and seller thereof, and his place of business, together with the words, "War- ranted to stand a temperature of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will flash or emit an inflammable vapor," and any seller shall furnish a certif- icate of the test above when required. Sec. 7. Any question arising under the provisions of this ordinance as to the character of the oils herein mentioned, shall be tested by, or in the presence of the Board of Fire Commissioners and the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, and they shall decide the tests of such oils. Sec. 8. All said articles shall be tested and their quality determinec^ by the above designated persons, using C. J. Tagliabue's instruments, or such other improved instruments as may be approved by both parties. Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of the Chief of the Fire Department and all police ofiicers of the City of Fresno to carry out the provisions of Sec* tions 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 of this ordinance, and they may enter upon the pren> ises where such oils are manufactured, stored, kept or sold, for the pur- pose of examining such oils, and no person shall hinder or obstruct sucll ofiicers in carrying out the foregoing provisions. Sec. 10. The Chief of the Fire Department and all police ofiicers of the City of Fresno are directed to see that the provisions of this ordinance are enforced, and to file complaints in the Police Court for violation of the provisions hereof. Sec. 11. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be pun- ished by a fine of not more than Three Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment in the County Jail not more than ninety days, or by both such fine and im- prisonment, and the continuance or maintaining of such violation shall be deemed a new offense for each day on which the same is so continued or maintained, and shall be punished accordingly. ORDINANCE NO. 633. 211 Sec. 12. Ordinance No. 302. and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 13. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after its adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 633. In effect Feb. 23rd, 1911. An Ordinance providing for protection against fire and establishing the fire limits within the City of Fresno, State of California, and repealing Ordinances numbered 602 and 569 of the City of Fresno. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the fire limits of the City of Fresno are hereby de- clared to constitute and be all that portion of the said City of Fresno bounded and described as follows, to wit: Commencing at the northerly corner of lot nine (9) in block 145 of the City (formerly Town) of Fresno, thence in a southeasterly direction to the northerly corner of lot nine (9) in block 144; thence in a southwest- erly direction along the southeasterly lines of lots eight (8) and twenty- five (25) in each of the blocks numbered 144, 135, 126 and 117, to the southerly corner of lot twenty-five (25) in block 117; thence at a right angle in a southeasterly direction along the northeasterly line of "M" Street to the southerly corner of block 117; thence at a right angle in a southwesterly direction along the northwesterly line of Kern Street to the easterly corner of lot seventeen (17) in block 95; thence at a right angle in a southeasterly direction to the easterly corner of lot seventeen (17) in block 96; thence at a right angle in a southwesterly direction along the northwesterly line of Inyo Street to the southerly comer of block 96; thence at a right angle in a southeasterly direction along the northeasterly line of "K" Street to the southerly corner of block 97; thence at a right angle in a southwesterly direction along the northwesterly line of Mono Street to the easterly corner of block 53; thence at a right angle in a northwesterly direction along the southwesterly line of "G" Street to the easterly comer of block 51; thence at a right angle in a southwest- erly direction along the northwesterly line of Kern Street to the southerly corner of block 38; thence at aright angle in a northwesterly direction along the northeasterly line of "E" Street to the westerly corner of block 39; thence at a right angle in a northeasterly direction along the southeast- erly line of Mariposa Street to the westerly comer of block 50; thence at a right angle in a northwesterly direction along the northeasterly line of "F" Street to the westerly corner of block 49; thence at a right angle in a northeasterly direction along the southeasterly line of Fresno Street to the northerly corner of block 49; thence at a right angle in a north- westerly direction along the southwesterly line of "G" Street to the northerly corner of block 46; thence at a right angle in a northeasterly direction along the southeasterly line of Stanislaus Street to the north- erly corner of block 68; thence at a right angle in a southeasterly di- rection along the southwesterly line of "J" Street to the northerly comer corner of block 70 ; thence at a right angle in a northwesterly direction along the southeasterly line of Merced Street to the westerly corner of block 107; thence at a right angle in a southeasterly direction along the north- easterly line of "L" Street to the westerly corner of lot 21 in block 107; thence at a right angle in a northeasterly direction along the northwest- erly line of said lot 21 in block 107 to the northerly corner of said lot; thence at a right angle in a southeasterly direction to the easterly corner 212 ORDINANCE NO. 633. of lot seventeen (17) in said block 107; thence at a right angle in a. northeasterly direction along the northwesterly line of Fresno Street to the southerly corner of block 114; thence at a right angle in a south- easterly direction along the northeasterly line of "M" Street to the south- erly corner of lot 25 in block 116; thence at a right angle in a northeast- erly direction along the northwesterly line of lots 24 and 9 in each of the blocks numbered 116, 127, 134 and 145, to the point of commencement (excepting therefrom blocks 93, 94, 105 and 106, or what is commonly known as the Fresno County Court House Park) ; all of said lots, blocks- and streets being as the same are shown on the respective maps of the Town of Fresno on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Fresno, the said fire limits including and comprising all of blocks 38, 39, 49, 50, 51, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 92, 95, and the southwesterly half of block 96; all of block 104; lots numbered from 17 to 21 both inclusive in block 107; lots numbered from 9 to 24 both inclusive in block 116; lots numbered from 1 to 8 inclusive, and lots numbered from 25 to 32 both inclusive in block 117; lots numbered from 1 to 8 both inclusive, and lots numbered from 25 to 32 both inclusive in block 126; lots numbered from 9 to 24 both inclusive in block 127; lots numbered from 9 to 24 both in- clusive in block 134; lots numbered from 1 to 8 both inclusive, and lots numbered from 25 to 32 both inclusive in block 135; lots numbered from 1 to 8 both inclusive, and lots numbered from 25 to 32 both inclusive in block 144; and lots numbered from 9 to 24 both inclusive in block 145; also that parcel of land bounded as follows: Commencing at the inter- section of the southeasterly line of Stanislaus Street (produced) with the southwesterly line of "H" Street, thence southeasterly along the south- westerly line of said "H" Street to the northwesterly line of Mono Street; thence southwesterly along the northwesterly line of Mono Street to its intersection with the northeasterly line of "G" Street; thence north- westerly along the northeasterly line of "G" Street to its intersection with the southeasterly line of Stanislaus Street (produced) ; thence northeast- erly along the southeasterly line of Stanislaus Street (produced) to the< point of commencement. Sec. 2. It shall be and is hereby made unlawful for any person or persons, firm, company or corporation to erect or construct at any place within the boundaries of that portion of the City hereinbefore described as the fire limits of said City, or upon any of the lots or parcels of land included within said fire limits, any building or structure unless such building is constructed and erected in accordance with the requirements for buildings within the fire limits, as such requirements are now set forth in Ordinance No. 607 of the City of Fresno, or as may hereafter be set forth or required by ordinances supplemental thereto or amendatory thereof for buildings within the fire limits of said City. Sec. 3. Any person or persons, firm, company or corporation violating' any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not. to exceed $300.00, or by imprisonment in the County Jail of the County of Fresno, for a term not to exceed ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 4. Ordinances numbered 602 and 569 of the City of Fresno, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force, without pub- lication, immediately on and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 635 213 ORDINANCE NO. 635. In eflfect March 9, 1911. An Ordinance prescribing and adopting general rules and standard specifications for curbing, grading and oiling of streets In the City of Fresno. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. Streets of the City of Fresno hereafter to be curbed and graded, or curbed, graded and oiled, shall, unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Trustees of said City, be curbed and graded, or curbed, graded, and oiled, is in this ordinance hereinafter specified. Sidewalk Widths. Sec. 2. Sidewalks shall be of the following widths, viz: On streets 80 feet wide or over, the sidewalks shall be 14 feet wide; on streets 60 feet wide or over, but less than 80 feet, the sidewalks shall be 12 feet wide; on streets 50 feet wide or over, but less than 60 feet, the sidewalks shall be 10 feet wide; on all streets less than 50 feet wide, the sidewalks shall be eight feet wide, excepting, however, such sidewalks, the width of which has heretofore been or may hereafter be otherwise fixed or established by an ordinance or ordinances particularly designating same. Crown and Cross Section. Sec, 3. The street to be graded shall be divided longitudinally in such manner that a sidewalk shall be left on each side of the same, with a roadway in the middle. Lines of curbing shall separate the sidewalks from the roadway. Sidewalks shall slope upwards from curb to property line four inches for 14 foot sidewalks, and three inches for all other side" walks. Gutters, adjacent to curbs, shall be one (1) foot deep, (measured ver- tically from the top of curbs) ; the crown of the finished street shall be three (3) inches higher than the elevation of the curbs on either side, and the balance of the street between curbs to be finished to a uniform curve from crown to gutter. Alley intersections on sidewalk lines shall be graded so that at the property corners the elevation will be as required for the inner side of sidewalks; the center of said alleys on property lines, produced, shall be four inches lower than at the property corners, and then the whole alley intersection shall slope uniformly to the street gutters. Curbs — Construction. Sec. 4. Curbs may be either of redwood or concrete, as shall be speci- fied in the Resolution of Intention. (a) If wood curbs are to be used, the following specifications shall apply: All lumber used shall be of the best Coast Redwood; curb planks shall be 3 inches by 14 inches, 16 feet long except where shorter lengths are necessary to fit in the work; posts shall be 4 inches by 6 inches, 3^^ feet long. Posts shall be placed on the sidewalk side of curbs, with their top ends flush with curbing, and shall be placed at every joint in the curbing and at other intervals not to exceed 5 1-3 feet center to center. At least four 60d nails shall be used in each plank at each post. The curbing at corners of blocks shall be bevelled with a four foot plank of the same material as above specified. At alley intersections the curbing shall be returned squarely to alley corners along the alley lines produced, with the outside or alley edge of curb on alley line pro- duced, and the top surface of entire curb following the rise of sidewalk. 214 ORDINANCE NO. 635 The posts shall never be cut shorter than specified above, and the earth filling under and around them shall be puddled or tamped firmly, so that no future settling of the earth will occur. The curbs shall be placed so that their top outer edges will be on the true official grades and on the sidewalk lines; the curbs shall then be battered or sloped outwards into the roadway two (2) inches in the total depth of 14 inches. (b) If concrete curbs are to be used, the following specifications shall apply: The foundation shall be brought to the required elevation and shall be firm; if necessary, the foundation shall be tamped, puddled or filled with sand in order to secure such suitable foundation. The curbs shall be six (6) inches wide on the top surface, when com- pleted; eight (8) inches wide on the bottom, and fifteen (15) inches deep; the side of curb next to the sidewalk shall be vertical, and the side next to the gutter shall batter two (2) inches into the roadway. At the block corners, on street intersections, the curbing shall be turned with a six (6) foot radius. At the alley intersections, the curbing shall be returned to the property corner, with a three (3) foot radius, in such manner that the outside, or alley, edge of the curb will be on the true alley line pro- duced, and shall follow the grade or slope of the sidewalks. Concrete shal be made in the proportion of one part, by measure, of a standard brand of cement, answering all of the requirements, of the amended specifications of the American Society of Civil Engineers, to 2^ parts, by measure, of clean sharp sand, to five parts, by measure, of gravel or crushed rock, maximum size to pass a 2^^ inch ring. The top of all curbs, the gutter side of all curbs, and three (3) inches, measured from the top downwards, of the back face of all curbs, shall be plastered with a ^ inch thickness of cement mortar, trowel finished^ and blocked at least every six feet. Said cement mortar to be made in the proportion of one (1) part, by measure, of a standard brand of cement as heretofore specified, to 1% parts, by measure, of clean sharp sand. The concrete and mortar materials, of the quantity and in the propor- tion herein specified, shall be mixed dry, in a suitable box or on a suit- able foundation, until the mixture has an even color; water shall then be added slowly while the materials are being constantly turned and mixed, until an evenly tempered and complete mixture, suitable for its purpose, is obtained. Machine mixers, satisfactory to the Street Superintendent, may be used in lieu of hand mixing. When, and as soon as, mixed, the materials shall be placed in position and tamped where necessary. No concrete or mortar which has attained its initial "set" shall be used. Culverts. Sec. 5. Wherever specified in the Resolution of Intention, or wherever required by conditions of surface drainage, culverts shall be constructed between curbs; they shall be four feet wide, outside measurement, and be constructed as follows: The bottom shall consist of two layers of brick, laid flat, in cement mortar mixed in the proportion of one part cement to three parts of clean sharp sand, and having the top surface one foot below the top of adjacent curbs, and extending the full width of the roadway to within 3% feet of the curb on each side. The walls shall be nine inches thick and nine inches high, laid in cement mortar, as specified above, and shall extend over the full length of floor. 4 inch by 6 inch Coast Redwood sills shall then be laid across the walls, said sills to be laid on 3^4 foot centers, and to be bevelled off from the middle, to a thick- ness of three inches at the ends. Space between sills, over culvert walls* to be filled fiush with brick and cement mortar. One inch Redwood boards shall then be laid on the sills from curb to curb, covering the full width of culvert, and then two inch Oregon ORDINANCE NO. 635 215 Pine planks shall be laid upon the Redwood boards, breaking joints in every way possible. The ends of planking over culverts, next to curbs shall be recessed into the curbs so that curb and plank will be flush. All to be spiked together to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent Bricks shall be first class, sound and hard burned throughout. Sidewalk Approaches. Sec. 6. Wherever there are no culverts to be constructed on sidewalk lines, sidewalk approaches shall be constructed across the gutters on sidewalk lines; they shall be four feet wide and extend from the curbs four feet outwardly to meet the finished surface of the graded street. Said approaches shall consist of four plank, each 2"xl2" by four feet long recessed into and spiked to the curb at one end, and spiked to a 4x6 inch sill 4 feet long, at the other end. Grading. Sec. 7. The roadway and sidewalks shall be graded up to a height and condition that after rolling, they will present a smooth and uniform surface, free from any irregularities, depressions or lumps, and in con- formity with the cross section, as hereinbefore specified. No filling shall be made with other than good sound earth. The street shall be rolled with a roller weighing not less than ten tons, such rolling to be continued until the surface is perfectly smooth and firm. Any places not accessible to the roller shall be tamped with hard tampers, if necessary in order to make the surface perfectly smooth and firm. Oiling. Sec. 8. If called for by the Resolution of Intention, the roadway, be- tween curbs, shall be oiled under the following specifications: After the roadway has been graded, rolled and completed as herein- before specified, its top surface shall be loosened up and pulverized with a revolving or disc harrow, or other equally efficient means, to a depth of at least three inches. The surface shall then be thoroughly soaked with water under the direction of the Street Superintendent, after which it shall at once be uniformly oiled by a suitable sprinkler, approved by the Street Superintendent, at the rate of 1% gallons per each square yard of surface. The disc harrow or other machine of equal efficiency shall then be used to thoroughly mix the oil and earth together. Another ap- plication of oil shall then be sprinkled upon the surface, as soon as pos- sible, at the rate of % gallon of oil per each square yard of surface. Sand shall then be sprinkled uniformly over the surface in sufficient quantity to take up the free oil. The whole surface shall then be thoroughly rolled with a roller weighing not less than ten tons. The oil used shall be a natural oil with an asphalt base, not having been treated in any way and not heavier than what is commonly known as 14 gravity oil. It must carry at least 65% asphaltum. Sec. 9. Whenever any street or portion thereof in the City of Fresno, is to be curbed and graded, or curbed, graded and oiled, and no special specifications therefor have been adopted, said work or improvement shall be done In accordance with the specifications in this ordinance set forth, but nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the adoption of special specifications for any particular work or improvement, it being the in- tention of this ordinance to adopt standard specifications for work where no special specifications are adopted for the same. Sec. 10. Sections numbered 3 and 4 of Ordinance No. 44u of the City of Fresno, (being an ordinance entitled "Ordinance No. 445, prescribing general rules and standard specifications for street, avenue, alley, place 216 ORDINANCES NO. 636 AND 637. and sidewalk work and work on sewers in the City of Fresno, where the expense thereof is a charge upon or to be assessed against private prop- erty"), and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed; provided, however that as to all grading and curbing of streets in the City of Fresno concerning which a resolution of intention to order work has heretofore been passed by the Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno, or any order or resolu- tion has been passed or adopted by said Board authorizing or directing or allowing such street work, such grading and curbing and all the work and matters pertaining thereto may be carried on and completed in every respect in accordance with the specifications originally designated for and applicable thereto; and the repeal of the above numbered sections of Ordinance No. 445 shall not be construed as applying to such work, and said sections as to such work shall not be deemed to have been so re- pealed, but for all the purposes of said work shall be in full force and effect therefor. Sec. 11. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force, without pub- lication, immediately on and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 636. In effect March 9th, 1911. An Ordinance for regulating the use of motorcycles within the limits of the City of Fresno, and repealing Ordinances Nos. 576 and 580. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride a motorcycle within the limits of the City of Fresno unless the exhaust of the same be muffled with a complete muffler of the latest standard design. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride a motorcycle at a greater rate of speed than eight (8) miles per hour within the district bounded by "K" street on the east and Merced on the north, "F" street on the west and Inyo street on the south, and not over 16 miles per hour at any place within the limits of the City of Fresno. Sec. 3. The violation of this ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $25, or by imprison- ment in the City or County jail not to exceed ten days or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 4. Ordinances Nos. 576 and 580 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon and after its adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 637. In effect March 9th, 1911. An Ordinance prohibiting the playing of musical Instruments at op about the entrance to places of business adjoining the public streets. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be and is hereby made unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to have outside the entrance of any theater, store or ORDINANCE NO. 639. 217 place of business occupied, conducted or carried on by him or it, adjoin- ing any street in the City of Fresno any piano, organ, music-box, phono- graph, or other musical instrument, or instrument making, producing or reproducing noises or sounds, which instrument is there played, sounded or operated in such a manner as to attract the attention of the passers by, or to attract the attention or annoy the occupants of properties adjacent thereto, or in the vicinity thereof. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $300.00, or by imprisonment in the County Jail of the County of Fresno for a term not to exceed ninety days, or by both such fine and Imprisonment. Sec. 3. Ordinance No. 624 of the City of Fresno and all other ordi- nances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this or- dinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force, without pub- lication, immediately on and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 639. In effect March 9th, 1911. An Ordinance relating to the construction of sewers by private con- tract, and providing certain rules and regulations for connection with and use of sewers and the penalty for violations of such rules and regulations. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. Whenever a lateral sewer is to be constructed in any alley or street, or other public place of this city, and the owners of the prop- erty along the line of such work determine to construct such lateral by private contract, and shall duly make and sign such contract In writing, and file with the Board a copy thereof, then such private owners or the contractor for the work shall apply to the Board of Trustees for permis- sion to do such work and to construct such lateral. Sec. 2. The Board of Trustees may grant permission to do such work, but the same shall be done upon the following terms and conditions, which shall be included as terms and conditions of the grant of such privilege, whether expressed in the resolution granting such privilege or not, to wit: (a) Such lateral shall be constructed in accordance with the general system of sewerage for this City, and shall comply with and conform to the plans and specifications for such work, on file, or which may here- after be placed on file, in the office of the City Clerk and the City En- gineer, and in accordance with the designs, plans and specifications for sewers adopted, or to be adopted, from time to time, by the Board of Trustees of this City, and shall be constructed and completed under the supervisions and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets. (b) Work on such lateral shall be commenced within ten (10) days after a permit shall have been granted by the Superintendent of Streets, in accordance with sections 5, 6 and 7 hereof, to connect with the public sewer, and such lateral sewer shall be completed within such time there- after as will allow five (5) days for each block along which said lateral shall be constructed. (c) Before commencing such work, each contractor shall furnish and file with the City Clerk a bond for a sum to be fixed and approved by 218 ORDINANCE NO. 639. the Mayor, conditioned for the faithful performance of such contract ac- cording to the plans and specifications for laterals and public work as shall then be in force. (d) The time for the commencement and completion of such work may be fixed and determined and shortened or extended at the option of the Board of Trustees. Sec. 3. Such lateral sewer shall be, when accepted by resolution of the Board of Trustees, a component part of the public system of sewerage of said City, and forever under the control and management of the gov- erning body of this City, and the ownership thereof shall be and remain forever in the said City of Fresno. Sec. 4. All connections of private drains or sewers with the public sewer of the City of Fresno shall be made in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Board of Trustees, and on file in the office of the City Clerk at the time of such connections. Sec. 5. No person or corporation shall make any connection with, or any opening into any public sewer, without a permit therefor from the Superintendent of Streets; and under no circumstances shall the sewer- age from more than three dwellings discharge into a lateral sewer through a single pipe connecting with said lateral sewer, and then only when said three dwellings belong to one owner. Sec. 6. The Superintendent of Streets shall before issuing to any per- son, firm or corporation, a permit to make any connection with a public sewer, require of such person, firm or corporation a bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00), approved by the Mayor, conditioned to indemnify and save harmless, for the period of one year from date of making such connection, the City of Fresno from any and all damages arising from making such connection with the public sewer. Sec. 7. All permits to connect with the sewer shall be given upon the express conditions that the Board of Trustees may, at any time before the actual work is commenced, revoke and annul the same, and no party interested shall have a right to claim damages in consequence of such permit being revoked or annulled. Sec. 8. Any person who connects any private drain with the public sewer shall be held responsible for any injury he may cause to the sewer, public street or alley. He shall restore the street or alley to the satis- faction of the Superintendent of Streets, and make good any settlement of the ground or pavement. Sec. 9. No person or corporation shall connect any open gutter, cess- pool, privy, vault or cistern with any public sewer, or with any private sewer connecting with the public sewer. Sec. 10. No rainwater conductors shall be connected with the public sewer, or with any private sewer connected with the public sewer, ex- cept for the purpose of flushing the sewer, in which case a special permit will be granted by the inspector of sewers, or Superintendent of Streets. Sec. 11. No person or corporation shall injure, break or remove any portion of any manhole, lamp-hole, flush tank or any part of the public sewer, and when any person or corporation shall desire to lay or drive any pipe in any of the streets or alleys in which sewers are laid, they shall give at least twenty-four hours notice to the Superintendent of Streets, or to the inspector, appointed under section 15 hereof. Sec. 12. No person or corporation shall deposit any garbage, offal, dead animals, filth or any substance having a tendency to obstruct the ORDINANCE NO. 639. 219 flow of the sewage, in any manhole, lamp-hole, flush tank, water closet or sewer opening. Sec. 13. Any person or corporation offending against either of sections 2, 6, 8 or 9 of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a penalty of not less than $50.00 nor more than $300.00 for each and every offense. Sec. 14. The Superintendent of Streets shall have the power to stop and prevent from discharging into the public sewer any private drain- through which substances are discharged which are liable to injure the sewer, or to obstruct the flow of sewage. Sec. 15. The Superintendent of Streets shall have power to appoint an inspector of sewers when necessary in the judgment of the Board of Trustees, who shall have all the powers conferred upon the Superintend- ent of Streets hereby, and the powers conferred upon such inspector by the act of the Legislature, entitled, "An Act to provide for work upon streets, lanes, alleys, courts, places and sidewalks, and for the construc- tion of sewers within municipalities," approved March 18th, 1885, and the acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto. Sec. 16. Every branch sewer or drain hereafter constructed with any main or lateral sewer, shall, at its point of connection with such main sewer, be left uncovered until inspected and approved by the Superintend- ent of Streets or Inspector of Sewers, who shall examine the same and ascertain if said connections have been made staunch and tight Sec. 17. It shall be the duty of every person owning a lot adjoining a lateral sewer to connect with such lateral sewer in every case where a sewer may be used from said lot by reason of being inhabited, or water being used thereon. And any person who shall fail or refuse to make such connection after having received a ten days' notice so to do from the Superintendent of Streets, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 18. Whenever, In tlie opinion of the Board of Health and the Superintendent of Streets it is necessary for the preservation of health or the suppression of a nuisance, that connection be made with the public sewer from any property owned by private persons or corporations, or by public corporations, the Superintendent of Streets shall give reasonable notice of such opinion to the owner of such property or his agent or tenant, and notice to cause such connection to be made; failure, refusal or neglect to comply with such notice shall be a misdemeanor. Sec. 19. All owners and occupants of premises connected with the public sewer, after having reasonable notice from the Superintendent of Streets, failing or refusing to keep such connections and hand traps clear and free from grease or other injurious matter, shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor. Sec. 20. Any pine, poplar, cottonwood, locust, willow, mulberry, euca- lyptus or any other trees growing in any public street or sidewalk, along the line of any main or lateral sewer, which is endangering or which, in any way, may endanger the security or usefulness of any public sewer, is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. Whenever it may appear to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets that public necessity requires the removal of any trees coming under operation of this section, it shall be the duty of said Superintendent of Streets to report the same to the Board of Trustees, and the Board of Trustees may by resolution order the same removed, and the said Superintendent of Streets, after the adoption of such resolution, shall have the authority to remove the same forthwith. 220 ORDINANCE NO. 640. Sec. 21. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in coniaict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 22. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force, without publication, immediately on and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 640. In effect March 9th, 1911. An Ordinance regulating the making of excavations in public streets, alleys, sidewalks and places within the City of Fresno. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be and is hereby made unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to make any excavation in any public street, alley, sidewalk or other public place in the City of Fresno, without first giving notice thereof to the Superintendent of Streets of said City, and making a deposit, or giving a bond as a guarantee that all damages to such streets, alleys or sidewalks will be repaired in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance and to indemnify the City of Fresno from any and all loss or injury resulting from said excavation. Sec, 2. The person, firm or corporation desiring or intending to make any such excavation shall file with the said Superintendent of Streets, a written notice of such intention, describing specifically the location and area of the excavation or excavations intended to be made; and where such excavations are to be for the purpose of laying pipes for supplying water, gas or pipes or conduits for other purposes, said person, firm or corporation shall also file with the Superintendent of Streets a diagram of the streets, alleys, sidewalks and places, or parts thereof, proposed to be used for the purpose of laying such pipes or conduits, and said diagram shall cover no more than one mile of streets, alleys, sidewalks and places and another and separate diagram shall be filed for each additional mile or fraction of a mile to be so used. Sec. 3. Said person, firm or corporation, at the time of giving the aforesaid notice shall deposit with said Superintendent of Streets a sum equal to thirty cents per square foot of surface of said excavation to be made in streets or other places which are macadamized or paved with asphaltum or bituminous rock or other pavement; a sum equal to twenty cents for each square foot of surface of said excavation to be made in gravel streets or places; and a sum equal to ten cents for each square foot of surface of said excavation to be made in streets or places where neither macadamized, paved or graveled; provided that no deposit shall be less than $1.00; and provided, further, that any person, firm or corpo- ration intending to make excavations in the public streets, alleys or places may, in lieu of said deposit, execute and file with the Superintendent of Streets a bond in the sum of $1000.00 with sureties satisfactory to the Superintendent of Streets conditioned for the proper performance of the work to be done, and that the terms of this ordinance shall be fully and faithfully complied with and that all such excavations shall be refilled in every respect as required by the terms of this ordinance and within the time hereinafter specified. The Superintendent of Streets shall issue a receipt for said deposit setting forth the purpose for which the same was made. Where a bond is filed the Superintendent of Streets shall issue a certificate setting forth the purpose of said bond and that the same is on file in his ofiice. ORDINANCE NO. 640. 221 Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Streets to direct and oversee the laying of pipes and conduits put down in said streets for the supplying of water or artificial lights, and all such pipes and con- duits shall be laid under his direction and supervision, and he shall cause all surplus material for any and all such work to be removed after the work is finished, or during its progress, by the parties doing the exca- vating. Sec. 5. No trench dug for pipes or conduits shall remain open more than twenty-four hours after the pipe or conduits are laid and all pipes and conduits shall be laid within twenty-four hours after the trench has been made, and trenches shall be considered and deemed open as soon as the first opening is made in the street or alley for the purpose afore- said. Sec. 6. Within forty-eight hours after a trench is opened, it shall be filled, and if not filled by the parties opening it, then the Superintendent of Streets shall cause it to be filled and when filled it shall be in as good condition as it was before the excavation was commenced. Sec. 7. All refilling of such excavations shall be made in the follow- ing manner, to wit: The dirt shall be replaced, and carefully tamped in layers not exceed- ing two feet in thickness, as each such layer is put on, and the last layer shall be well flooded and tamped, although the same may be less than two feet in thickness. In all cases where a pipe not exceeding four inches in diameter is placed in said excavation, all the dirt removed therefrom shall be replaced therein. When the refilling of any excavation In a mac- adamized, graveled or unimproved street or place is completed, the same shall be well wet and rolled by a roller weighing not less than six tons, and the surface of such refilling, after the same is rolled, shall be made flush with the surrounding surface of the macadamized, graveled or un- improved street or place. Sec. 8. Where the street or public place, in which such excavation Is made, is paved with asphalt, or bituminous rock, the person, firm or corporation making the excavation shall refill the same, as hereinbefore provided, up to the under side of the pavement, and when said refilling is in proper condition, shall proceed to replace and repair the pavement torn up or damaged by such excavation and shall replace all pavement so that on the completion thereof the portion torn up or excavated shall be replaced with the same kind and character of material as was thereon at the beginning of the excavation, whether of macadam, gravel, asphalt or other pavement. Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of any person, firm or corporation making any excavation in any public street or alley, or other public place, to place and maintain lights at each end of such excavation, and at distances of not more than fifty feet along the line thereof, from sunset of each day to sunrise of the next day, until such excavation is entirely refilled, and to place such barriers and guards along and about said excavation and work as may be necessary to properly safeguard the traveling public thereon. Sec. 10. After such excavation is commenced, the work of making and refilling the same shall be prosecuted with due diligence, and so as not to obstruct the street or other public place or travel thereon, more than is actually necessary therefor. If the work is not so prosecuted, or if the work of refilling does not, in the judgment of the Superintendent of Streets, comply with the terms of this ordinance, the Superintendent of Streets shall notify the person, firm or corporation named in the re- 222 ORDINANCE NO. 640. ceipt, that the work is not being prosecuted with due diligence, or that the refilling of said excavation has not been properly done, and require the person, firm or corporation, within five days of the service of such notice, to proceed with the diligent prosecution of said work or to prop- erly complete the same, as the case may be. Such notice shall be writ- ten or printed, and shall be served personally, or by leaving it at the residence or place of business of such person, firm or corporation; or if such person, firm or corporation cannot be found, and such place of busi- liess, or place of residence, is unknown, or is outside of the City, said notice may be served by depositing it in the post oflice, addressed to the person, firm or corporation, at such place of business or residence, if known, or if unknown, at the City of Fresno. If such notice is not com- plied with the Superintendent of Streets shall do whatever work is neces- sary to refill said excavation, and to restore the street, or other public place, or part thereof excavated, to as good condition as the same was in before such excavation was made. Sec. 11. The person, firm or corporation by whom any excavation in paved, macadamized or graveled public streets or place is to be made, shall be deemed and held to warrant the work of refilling and repair thereof for the period of one year after the refilling of such excavation against all defects in workmanship or materials. Whenever within said period of one year any part of the pavement or surface of any public street or place, so warranted, becomes in need of repairing, by reason of any defect in workmanship or material done or used in said work of refill- ing or repair, the Superintendent of Streets shall serve on the person, firm or corporation, by whom the excavation was made, a written notice, stating what repairs are necessary and requiring such repairs to be made within five days after the service of said notice. Said notice shall be served in the manner provided in Section 10 of this ordinance, and if the same is not complied with, the Superintendent of Streets shall proceed at once to make such repairs. Sec. 12. The Superintendent of Streets shall deduct the cost of any work done or repairs made by him under the provisions of Section 6, 7 or 10 of this ordinance, from any and all deposits then in his hands, or that may thereafter come into his hands, belonging to the person, firm or corporation required by this ordinance to do such work or make such repairs. Immediately upon completion of the work of refilling and resurfacing the excavation or excavations for which a deposit has been made, as aforesaid, the Superintendent of Streets shall return and refund to the person, firm or corporation making such deposit, as in Section 3 hereof provided, the balance of such deposit, after making all deductions herein authorized. Provided, however, that said deposit shall not be re- turned until the Superintendent of Streets is satisfied that the work of refilling and resurfacing of said streets, alleys, or sidewalks, or other public places has been done in every respect as by this ordinance re- quired. If, in enforcing the foregoing provisions, the Superintendent of Streets incurs any expense, he shall keep an account of such expense and certify the same to the City Attorney, who shall immediately commence proper proceedings to collect the same from the persons or company so failing to put said streets, alleys, or other public places in proper condition and repair as in this ordinance provided, or from the sureties upon their un- ~ dertaking, together with all costs or charges wherein the City has been put to. The decision of the Superintendent of Streets as to the cost of any work done or repairs made by him under the provisions of section 6, 7, 10 or 11 hereof, shall be final and conclusive as to such cost. ORDINANCE NO. 641. 223 Said Superintendent of Streets shall pay to the City Treasurer all sums deducted by him from all deposits, and said City Treasurer shall deposit all said sums to the credit of the "Street Fund." Sec. 13. All excavations, refilling of excavations and repairing of pave- ments under the provisions of this ordinance shall be made under the supervision and direction of the Superintendent of Streets. Sec. 14. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to lay any gas or water service pipe, or main pipe of private sewer or any drain or other conduit, in any street or other place in the City of Fresno, at a distance less than two feet below the established grade of gutter of such street, or less than two feet below the surface of such other public place. Sec. 15. Any person, firm or corporation engaged in making or re- filling any excavation in any public street, alley or place, must at all times while such work is in progress, keep at the place where such excavation is located, the original receipt, or a copy thereof, for any deposit made for such excavation, or the original or a copy of the certificate of filing of the requisite bond, and must, on demand, exhibit the same to the Superin- tendent of Streets, or any of his Inspectors, or any police officer. Sec. 16. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, or doing any act herein declared to be unlawful, Is guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not ex- ceeding Three Hundred Dollars, or by Imprisonment in the City or County Jail not exceeding ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 17. Ordinances numbered 159, 325 and 460 of the City of Fresno, and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances In conflict with the provi- sions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 18. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force, without pub- lication. Immediately on and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 641. In effect March 9th, 1911. An Ordinance relating to streets and alleys of the City of Fresno, pre- scribing certain rules and regulations concerning the same and adjoining properties. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. The owner, lessee, tenant or occupant of any building front- ing on any of the main streets of this City may erect and maintain in good order in front of such building, by securely fastening in the outer line of the sidewalk along said street good and substantial hitching posts, not exceeding eight inches in diameter. Sec. 2. (1) No person or corporation shall have, build or maintain any canal, ditch, flume or, artificial stream or conduit for water, within or upon any street, alley or public place within the City of Fresno without the same being covered and enclosed in a safe, solid and substantial manner, with sound and durable material, and to the approval of the Superintend- ent of Streets and to the satisfaction of the Street Committee of the Board of Trustees. (2) Whenever said Superintendent of Streets shall discover any such ditch, flume or artificial stream, or conduit of water uncovered, or in such condition as to be anywise inconvenient, dangerous or injurious or a 224 ORDINANCE NO. 641. nuisance to the public in any manner, he shall give one day's notice in writing to the person or persons having or maintaining such canal, flume or artificial stream or conduit of water, such notice to specify what shall be done by said person or persons to render such canal, ditch, flume or artificial stream or conduit of water safe then such person or persons shall imme- diately cause the same to be covered and repaired in the manner directed by the Superintendent of Streets, and for failure to do so, such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and each day of the continuance of the of- fense after said notice shall be deemed a separate misdemeanor. (3) In case the person or persons aforesaid fail to comply with the notice aforesaid, or in case of an emergency, without having given such notice, the Superintendent of Streets may cause the necessary repairs to be made, and material used, and shall charge the cost of such repairs and materials against such person or persons or corporation and demand pay- ment thereof and proceed to collect the same from such person or cor- poration by suit in a court of competent jurisdiction, if necessary. (4) In case of any accident to any team, horse, vehicle or persons upon any street or other public place within the City of Fresno, it shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Streets to inquire into the same, and if caused or aggravated by any insecurity of any canal, ditch or artificial stream of water, as aforesaid, then the said Superintendent of Streets shall enter complaint and prosecute the person or persons guilty of such misdemeanor in the Police Court of this City. Sec. 3. The owners and occupants of all residences or business lots must keep the sidewalk adjoining the same clean and clear of weeds to the outer line of the curb, and must keep all trees extending over any sidewalk or street along such lots trimmed up to a height of not less than seven feet; and owners of all vacant lots in this City must keep all grass and weeds thereon well cut down. It shall be the duty of the owners and occupants of real property fronting on alley-ways within the City of Fresno to keep all grass, weeds and other noxious growths cut down and cleared away from the alley adjoining such lots and also to cause to be removed therefrom all debris of every kind and description. Sec. 4. At the request of any resident of the City, and at his own dis- cretion, the Superintendent of Streets shall move or cause to be moved to a suitable place any vehicle or other article or thing found in or on any street, lane or alley in this city, in violation of law; or a nuisance or interference with public travel, trade, work or business, and imme- diately advertise such article or thing for sale at public auction for cash to the highest bidder. He shall not be required to remove unwieldy ve- hicles or other cumbersome articles, but may sell the same upon the premises where found, and in the manner and after advertisements as herein provided such sale may be had in the City of Fresno in such pub- lic place as he may deem proper at any time between the hours of nine in the morning and four in the afternoon, Sundays and holidays excepted; and one of the conditions of the sale shall be that the purchaser shall immediately remove the article or vehicle or thing sold. Such advertise- ments shall be by notices posted in three public places in the City, and one insertion in some daily newspaper published in the City of Fresno, stating time, place and conditions of sale, and describing property to be sold, such sale not to be less than five days after posting and publication of the notice. If the address of the owner be known, a copy of such notice shall be at the same time served on him personally or mailed to him at his post oflElce address, properly directed and postage prepaid. The proceeds arising from such sales, after deducting all expenses and charges incurred therein, shall be retained by said Superintendent of Streets and paid on demand to the owner of the article sold, upon proof of ownership ORDINANCE NO. 642. 225 to the satisfaction of said Superintendent of Streets; provided, that the owner of any vehicle or other article seized under the provisions of this section may reclaim the same at any time before the sale upon paying all expenses incurred thereupon, up to the time of such reclaiming, and shall immediately remove the same to some private place. Sec. 5. At the expiration of three months after any money is received by the said Superintendent of Streets from proceeds of such sales, in case the same Is not called for by the owner, the Superintendent of Streets shall pay the same over to the City Treasurer to the credit of the general fund, and upon vacating his oflace he shall pay over to his successor in office any sum in his hands resulting from such sales. Sec. 6. Any dumb animal known to have been left on the streets for a period of eight hours without food or water shall be removed by any member of the Police Force to a suitable place and cared for, the ex- pense of such care to be borne by the owner of the animal. Sec. 7. No person shall cause or permit to be carried, hauled or drawn on any truck, dray or other vehicle belonging to him or in his charge or under his control, any load exceeding 10,000 pounds in weight upon any portion of the paved streets or sidewalks; provided, the hauling or the moving of a single article weighing more than 10,000 pounds which can- not be divided, or reduced in weight, shall not be prohibited by this sec- tion. Sec. 8. No person shall cause or permit to be carried, hauled or drawn on any truck, dray or other vehicle belonging to him or In his charge or under his control upon any portion of the paved streets or sidewalks, any load exceeding 6000 pounds In weight unless the tires to the wheels to such truck, dray or other vehicle shall be at least four Inches In width, when a load exceeding 6000 pounds and not exceeding 10,000 Is carried; and at least five Inches In width when a load exceeding 10,000 pounds and not exceeding 12,000 pounds Is carried. Sec. 9. No header, combined harvester, or other machine or vehicle having flanged wheels shall be run or drawn on any paved streets or side- walk at any time. Sec. 10. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed Three Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail of the County of Fresno for a period not to exceed ninety days, or by both such fine and Imprisonment. Sec. 11. Ordinances numbered 325 and 526 of the City of Fresno, and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances In conflict with the provi- sions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 12. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force, without pub- lication, immediately on and after Its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 642. In effect March 9th, 1911. An Ordinance for protection against fire, relating to moving picture shows, requiring the plans and specifications for the picture booths and moving picture machines and the electric wiring connected therewith to be approved by the City Electrician of the City of Fresno before such booths are constructed or the machine and electric wiring Installed or used. 15* 226 ORDINANCE NO. 643 The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows; Section 1. Where any machinery or apparatus is used in the City of Fresno for what is commonly known as moving picture shows, or shows of like character, where an admission fee is charged, or where the public is invited to or does attend, the booths, machines and electric wires con- nected therewith shall be constructed and installed in accordance with specifications approved by the City Electrician of the City of Fresno and not otherwise. Before any such booth is constructed, or moving picture machine, or electric wiring therefor, is installed or operated therein, the plans and specifications for such booths and electric wiring shall be ap- proved by the City Electrician of the City of Fresno. The said City Elec- trician shall require all such booths and electric wiring to be so con- structed and installed that the danger from fire shall be reduced to a minimum. Plans and specifications which are in substantial accord with the specifications for such purposes prepared and adopted by The Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific shall be accepted by the City Elec- trician as complying with the requirements of this ordinance, and booths constructed and the electric wiring and machines installed in substantial accord with such plans and specifications shall be deemed to be con- structed and installed in all respects as required by law. No booths for moving picture machines shall be constructed, or such booths or any mov- ing picture machines used or operated in any building in the City of Fresno, unless such booths have been constructed and the electric wiring installed in accordance with plans and specifications therefor approved by the City Electrician of said City, or the actual construction and install- ment thereof have been approved and accepted by such City Electrician. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $300.00 or by imprisonment in the County jail of the County of Fresno not to exceed ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall, without publication, take effect and be in force immediately on and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 643. In effect March 9th, 1911. An Ordinance of the City of Fresno, licensing, for purposes of regula- tion and revenue, every kind of lawful business hereinafter specified, transacted or carried on within the corporate limits of the City of Fresno, State of California, fixing the rates of license tax upon the same and pro- viding for the collection of said license tax, and a punishment for carry- ing on or conducting any such business without a license, and repealing Ordinances Nos. 500, 509, 510, 511, 512, 518, 519, 532, 545, 565, 566, 596 and 605. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. The City Clerk must prepare and have printed blank li- censes of all classes mentioned in this chapter for terms of three, six and twelve months, and for such shorter terms as herein authorized to be issued, with a blank receipt attached to each for the signature of the License Collector when sold. Sec. 2. The City Clerk must affix his official seal to, number and sign all licenses, and from time to time deliver them to the License Collector ORDINANCE NO. 643. 227 in such quantities as may be required, taking his receipt therefor and charging him therewith, giving in the entry, the number, classes and amounts thereof. Sec. 3. The City Clerk must keep in his ofBce a ledger in which he must keep the License Collector's account for all licenses delivered to him, sold or returned unsold by him. Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, club or association, to commence, carry on, engage in, or continue In, in the City of Fresno, State of California, any business, trade, occupation or em- ployment, upon which a license tax is imposed by the terms and provi- sions of this ordinance, and for which a license tax is required to be pro- cured by the terms and provision of this ordinance, without first paying such license tax and procuring such license as hereinafter provided. Said license authorizes the party obtaining the same to transact the business described in such license in a particular locality in the city. Separate licenses must be obtained for each branch establishment or separate house of business; and said license, when payable quarterly, must be taken out in the quarters commencing on the first Monday of January, April, July and October of each year. Provided, that a person taking out a license under the provisions of this ordinance after the beginning of any quarter, shall only pay a pro rata amount of said sum for the balance of the time to the end of the quarter, unless herein otherwise specified. Sec. 5. The License Collector must make diligent Inquiry as to all persons in this city liable to pay a license as provided In this ordinance, and must require each person, where the license tax depends upon the receipts or amount of business transacted, to state under oath or affirma- tion the probable amount of business which he, or the firm of which he la a member, or for which he Is an agent or attorney, or the association or corporation of which he Is president, secretary or managing agent, will do In the next succeeding period for which said license may be Issued, which said amount shall be computed according to the amount of business done during the period next preceding the period for which said license may be Issued, unless an extension or enlargement of business Is con- templated; and thereupon such person, agent, president, secretary or other officer must procure a license from the License Collector for the term desired, and In the class of which such person Is liable to pay; and in all cases where an under-estimate has been made by the party apply- ing, the party making such under-estlmate, or the company he represent- ed, shall be required to pay for a license for the next period for which license may be Issued, double the sum otherwise required. Sec. 6. Every license shall become null and void at the expiration of the term specified In the receipt Issued by the City Clerk and License Col- lector, and the person holding said receipt shall be deemed not to hold or retain any license by virtue of having been previously licensed. Sec. 7. On the first Monday of each month the License Collector must return to the City Clerk all licenses unsold, and be credited therewith, and must upon the order of the City Clerk, pay Into the treasury for dis- tribution as other City moneys are distributed, all moneys collected for licenses so sold during the preceding month, take the Treasurer's receipt therefor, and file duplicate copies thereof with the Clerk. The Clerk must credit the License Collector and charge the Treasurer with such monys so deposited. The License Collector must also, at the end of each quar- ter, file with the Clerk a statement showing in detail the value of licenses obtained by him from the Clerk, the value of licenses Issued by him, the value of licenses returned by him to the Clerk, and such other Information as the Board of Trustees may by resolution from time to time require. 228 ORDINANCE NO. 643. Sec. 8. Every person who, at a fixed place of business in the City of Fresno, sells any goods, wares or merchandise, drugs or medicines, jewel- ry, or wares, or precious metals, whether on commission or otherwise^ must obtain from the License Collector, for each branch of his business, a license, and must pay quarterly therefor an amount of money to be de- termined by the class in which such person is placed by the License Col- lector; such business to be classified and regulated by the amount of the average monthly sales made at the rates following: (a) Where the average monthly sales are under the sum of Five Hun- dred Dollars, the sum of Five Dollars per quarter. (b) Where the average monthly sales are Five Hundred Dollars and over, but are under Twelve Hundred Dollars, the sum of Seven and 50-100 per quarter. (c) Where the average monthly sales are Twelve Hundred Dollars; and over, but are under Two Thousand Dollars, the sum of Ten Dollars, per quarter. (d) Where the average monthly sales are Two Thousand Dollars and. over, but are under Four Thousand Dollars, the sum of Fifteen Dollars per quarter. (e) Where the average monthly sales are Four Thousand Dollars and over, but are under Six Thousand Dollars, the sum of Twenty Dollars per quarter. (f) Where the average monthly sales are Six Thousand Dollars and over, but are under Ten Thousand Dollars, the sum of Twenty-seven and 50-100 Dollars per quarter. (g) Where the average monthly sales are Ten Thousand Dollars and over, but are under Fifteen Thousand Dollars, the sum of Thirty-five Dol- lars per quarter. (h) Where the average monthly sales are Fifteen Thousand Dollars and over, but are under Twenty Thousand Dollars, the sum of Forty-two and 50-100 Dollars per quarter. (i) Where the average monthly sales are Twenty Thousand Dollars and over, but are under Twenty-five Thousand Dollars, the sum of Fifty Dollars per quarter. (j) Where the average monthly sales are Twenty-five Thousand Dol- lars and over, the sum of Sixty Dollars per quarter. Provided, however, that where any person carries on exclusively at wholesale any of the business in this section mentioned, he shall only be required to pay a license equal in amount to one-half of the license of that class under which he would fall if he were conducting a retail busi- ness, as in this section specified, but where a person conducts both a wholesale and a retail business on the same premises and desires to take advantage of the wholesale rate, he shall, in making the statement herein required of him, segregate the wholesale and retail sales, and he shall thereupon pay the license on sales for each branch. For the purpose of this section, a wholesale dealer is defined to be one who exclusively sells to retail dealers. Sec. 9. The rates of license tax for the businesses, trades, occupations and employments hereinafter named are hereby fixed in and for the City of Fresno, and the same shall be paid by any person engaged in or car- rying on the same in said city, as follows: (1) For the business of acting as an auctioneer, $12.50 per quarter;: provided, that if the person by or for whom the auctioneering is done is an itinerant merchant or vender of goods, wares or merchandise, tern- ORDINANCE NO. 643. 229 porarily located in this city, he shall pay a license of $50.00 per day; provided, further, that a person duly licensed under this section shall not permit any other person not so licensed to conduct an auction under his license. (2) For the business of banking, loaning money at interest, or in buy- ing and selling notes, bonds, or other evidences of indebtedness of private persons, or in buying and selling state, county or city bonds, or other evi- dences of state, county or city indebtedness, or stocks or notes, bonds or other evidences of indebtedness of incorporated companies, or in buy- ing and selling gold dust, gold or silver bullion, gold or silver coin: (a) Those doing a business of $10,000.00 per quarter, $20.00 per quarter. (b) Those doing business in any amount under $10,000.00 per quarter, $7.50 per quarter. (3) For the business of conducting or carrying on theaters as follows: If for less than one month, $10.00 per day; if for one month, $20.00 per month; if for one year, $100.00 per year or $30.00 per quarter; provided, however, that no license shall be granted to any person, firm or corpora- tion conducting or carrying on a theater if liquors are sold or given away in connection therewith or to the patrons thereof. For each exhibition of minstrels, opera or concert singers, the license shall be the same as re- quired for theatrical performances. (4) For the business of conducting or exhibiting any circus, caravan, menagerie, or any collection of animals, or acrobatic performance, the sum of $125.00 per day. For each show, for pay, of any panorama, figures, jugglers, necromancers, magicians, wire or rope dancers or sleight-of-hand performance, or any other side show, $25.00 per day. Every person, firm, company or corporation owning, managing or hav- ing in their control any circus, caravan, menagerie, or any collection of animals, who shall use the streets of Fresno for the purpose of parading the same shall pay to the City of Fresno a license therefor in the sum of $50.00 per day. (5) For the business of conducting or exhibiting any show where the exhibition consists solely of trained animals, the sum of $25.00 per day; this provision shall not be construed to apply to any circus, or any per- formance, exhibition or side show provided for in subdivision 4 of this section. (6) For the business of exhibiting or charging a fee for the use of any microscope, lung or muscle tester, phonographic diversion, ball, knife or ring throwing, galvanized battery, or any other feat, performance or di- version of a similar character not otherwise in this ordinance specified or named, $2.00 per day, $10.00 per week, or $20.00 per quarter. (7) For the business of operating or conducting any flying horses, or merry-go-rounds. Twenty Dollars per month or fraction thereof, where the said license is payable monthly, or where it is payably annually, One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per year. (8) For the business of keeping or managing any stallion, jack or bull, and permitting the same to be used for the purpose of propogation for liire, an annual license as follows: For each horse that is hired for the purpose of propogation, at $50.00 or more for the season, a license of $25.00; for each horse hired at less than $50.00, $10.00; for each jack, $10.00; for each bull, $10.00. (9) Every person, firm or corporation who operates or runs, within the City of Fresno, any dray or other vehicle used for the transportation of freight or other materials for hire must obtain from the License Col- 230 ORDINANCE NO. 643^ lector for each dray or other vehicle a license, and must pay yearly there- for the amount of money to be determined by the class in which said person, firm or corporation is placed by this ordinance; such business to be classified and regulated as follows: (a) For every person, firm or corporation using for such purpose of drayage or transportation a single horse, the sum of $7.50 per year. (b) For every person, firm or corporation using for such purpose of drayage or transportation two horses attached to one wagon, the sum of $15.00 per year. (c) For every person, firm or corporation using, for such purpose of drayage or transportation, two teams, the sum of $30.00 per year. (d) For every person, firm or corporation using, for such purpose of drayage or transportation, three teams, the sum of $45.00 per year. (e) For every person, firm or corporation using, for such purpose of drayage or transportation, four or five teams, the sum of $50.00 per year. (f) For every person, firm or corporation using, for such purpose of drayage or transportation, six teams, the sum of $60.00 per year. (g) For every person, firm or corporation using, for such purpose of drayage or transportation, from seven to ten teams, the sum of $80.00 per year. (h) For every person, firm or corporation using, for such purpose of drayage or transportation, from eleven to fifteen teams, the sum of $120.00 per year. (i) For every person, firm or corporation using, for such purpose of drayage or transportation, from fifteen to twenty teams, the sum of $150.00 per year. (10) For the business of running or operating any hack, omnibus, coupe, or other vehicle, propelled by muscular power, for the .transporta- tion of passengers for hire, except street cars, $2.00 per day or $7.50 per quarter for each such hack, omnibus, coupe, carriage, or other vehicle so used. For the business of running or operating any automobile, loco- mobile or other motor vehicle for the transportation of passengers for hire, except street cars, $2.00 per day or $10.00 per quarter. (11) For the business of keeping or conducting billiard, bagatelle or pool tables, $5.00 per quarter for each billiard, bagatelle or pool table; and for each bowling alley or bed, $7.50 per quarter for each bowling al- ley or bed, except where kept exclusively for private or family use. (12) For the business of conducting a funeral or undertaking parlor, the license shall be as follows: (a) Where the monthly sales do not exceed the sum of $1000.00 the license shall be $5.00 per quarter. (b) Where the monthly sales are over $iOOO.OO but not over $2500.00 the license shall be $20.00 per quarter. (c) Where the monthly sales are $2500.00 and over, the license shall be $50.00 per quarter. (13) For the business of conducting or operating laundries, wash- houses at fixed places of business in this city, and from each person, firm or corporation who shall solicit in the city laundry work or orders there- for, not to be done in the city, the several sums per quarter determined and fixed by the following classification, a license being paid for each separate laundry or wash-house operated or conducted, to wit: (a) Where the average gross monthly receipts are under $400.00, the sum of $10.00. ORDINANCE NO. 643. 231 (b) Where the average gross monthly receipts are $400.00 and over, but under $1500.00, the sum of $20.00. (c) Where the average gross monthly receipts are $1500.00 and over, but under $3000.00, the sum of $30.00. (d) Where the average gross monthly receipts are $3000.00 and over, but under $5000.00, the sum of $40.00. (e) Where the average gross monthly receipts are $5000.00 and over, but under $7000.00, the sum of $50.00. (f) Where the average gross monthly receipts are $7000.00 and over, the sum of $60.00. (13a) For the business of running or operating any wagon or other vehicle from which any Illuminating or fuel oil Is sold or delivered within the limits of the City of Fresno a quarterly license shall be paid therefor for such business In accordance with the following classification: (a) For every person, firm or corporation, engaged In such business, whose average monthly sales are less than $500.00, a license of Five Dol- lars per quarter shall be paid. (b) For every person, firm or corporation, engaged In such business, whose average monthly sales are over $500.00 and less than $1200.00, a license of Fifteen Dollars per quarter shall be paid. (c) For every person, firm or corporation, engaged in such business, whose average monthly sales are over $1200.00, a license of Twenty-five Dollars per quarter shall be paid. 14. For the business of keeping or conducting a hotel or lodging house, as follows: (a) For a hotel of less than twenty-five rooms, the sum of $6.00 per quarter. (b) For a hotel of twenty-five rooms ajid over, but less than fifty rooms, the sum of $10.00 per quarter. (c) For a hotel of fifty rooms and more, but less than seventy-five rooms, the sum of $15.00 per quarter. (d) For a hotel of seventy-five rooms and more, the sum of $25.00 per quarter. (e) For a lodging house of ten rooms and more, but less than twenty rooms, the sum of $4.00 per quarter. (f) For a lodging house of twenty rooms and more, but less than thirty rooms, the sum of $6.00 per quarter. (g) For a lodging house of thirty rooms and more, but less than fifty rooms, the sum of $10.00 per quarter. (h) For a lodging house of fifty rooms and more, the sum of $15.0€ per quarter. (15) (a) For carrying on, pursuing or conducting the business of ac- cident, life or fire insurance, as agent, sub-agent or broker, having a fixed place of business in the City of Fresno, soliciting insurance of any kind, or receiving for, and forwarding or transmitting to, any company or agent, applications to insure against accident, or on life or on property in this city, $8.00 per quarter. (b) For carrying on, pursuing or conducting the business of accident, life or fire insurance, for each company doing business in the City of Fresno, either through agencies located here or through agents soliciting such insurance or receiving for and forwarding, or transmitting to any company, the sum of $3.00 per quarter as a license therefor. 232 ORDINANCE NO. 643. (c) Every itinerant or travelling insurance man or solicitor, not main- taining a regular or fixed place of business in the City of Fresno, shall pay a license of $25.00 per quarter, or fraction thereof. (16) For the business of a common carrier in expressing, transmit- ting or conveying gold dust, bars, bullion, coin, furniture or general mer- chandise from or to any points within California, $50.00 per quarter. (17) For the business of conducting or operating any warehouse or cold storage plant, used for the storage of any merchandise or goods of other persons for profit: (a) Where the amount of business per year is under the sum of $500.00, the sum of $7.50 per quarter. (b) Where the amount of business per year is $500.00 or over, but is under $2000.00, the sum of $15.00 per quarter. (c) Where the amount of business per year is $2000.00 or over, the sum of $30.00 per quarter. (18) For the business of supplying or furnishing water to the City of Fresno, or to the residents thereof, $100.00 per quarter. (19) For the business of supplying or furnishing gas for illuminating, heating or for power, $100.00 per quarter; for the business of supplying or furnishing electricity for illuminating, heating or for power, $100.00 per quarter. (20) For the business of telephoning or renting telephones or having an office in this city and there sending or receiving messages by tele- phones, $50.00 per quarter. (21) For the business of packing or preparing green or dried fruits for hire or otherwise, for shipment or otherwise, or for sale upon com- mission or otherwise, where the amount of fruit packed or prepared in one year is: (a) Under 600 tons, the sum of $50.00 per annum. (b) &0O tons and over, but under 120O tons, the sum of $65.00 per annum. (c) 120O tons and over, but under 1800 tons, the sum of $80.00 per annum. (d) 1800 (tons and over, but under 2500 tons, the sum of $100.00 per annum. (e) 2500 tons and over, the sum of $150.00 per annum. (22) For the purpose of peddling tickets to apply in whole or in part payment of photographs and frames by any person, firm or corporation, in the City of Fresno, and from any such person, firm or corporation soliciting orders for the same or for anything in any way connected with the business of photography, or from any such person soliciting for frames or enlarged or retouched photographs, $50.00 per quarter for each solicitor. (23) For the business of keeping or conducting a livery, sale or board- ing stable as follows: (a) Where the average gross monthly receipts from said business are less than $500.00 per month, the sum of $5.00 per quarter. (b) Where the average gross monthly receipts from said business are $500.00 and over, but less than $1000.00, the sum of $7.50 per quarter. (c) Where the average gross monthly receipts from said business are $1000.00 and over, the sum of $10.00 per quarter. (24) For the business of keeping or conducting a feed yard, the sum of $2.50 per quarter. ORDINANCE NO. 643. 233 (25) For the business of keeping bicycles, or tricycles for liire and letting the same out for pay, $5.00 per quarter in addition to any license required by section eight hereof. (26) For the business of conducting, maintaining or keeping in this city any stock or produce exchange, where orders may be placed by tele- graph or otherwise, for the sale or purchase of any stocks, securities, wheat, corn, oil or other commodities, or where a call board is main- tained, giving or quoting prices on any article sold, $100.00 per year for any stock or produce exchange so conducted; provided, however, that for conducting a brokerage business in this City where stocks and bonds of oil, mining. Industrial or banking corporations are bought and sold, or bought and sold on a commission basis, where actual delivery of the cer- tificates of such stocks, is or is to be made at a specified date, the license shall be $15.00 per quarter or fraction thereof. (27) For the business of conducting and carrying on any pawn shop, or acting as pawnbroker, the sum of $25.00 per quarter. (28) For the business of keeping, operating or maintaining a shooting gallery, $10.00 per quarter or fraction thereof. (29) For the business of conducting a tailoring shop or establishment, where the monthly sales are under $500.00, the license shall be $5.00 per quarter. Where monthly sales are over $500.00, the license shall be $7.&0 per quarter. (30) For the business of conducting and maintaining an office or place of business in said city wherein tickets are sold for travel upon any rail- road to and from places within the State of California, the sum of $25.00 per quarter. In advance; provided, that only one license shall be collected from any one person, firm or corporation, regardless of the number of offices or places of business so maintained or conducted. (31) For the business of maintaining or conducting a telegraph office or place of business in said City, wherein telegraphic messages are sent and received to aud from points within the State of California, the sum of $25.00 per quarter; provided, that only one license shall be collected from any one person, firm or corporation, regardless of the number of offices or places of business maintained. (32) For the business of conducting, maintaining or operating a flour or a flour and feed mill, the sum of $50.00 per quarter; for a feed mill, $5.00 per quarter. (33) For the business of manufacturing syphon soda, soda pop, or ar- tiflcial mineral water: (a) Where the average monthly sales are under the sum of $500.00, the sum of $7,50 per quarter. (b) Where the average monthly sales are $500.00 or over, the sum of tl5.0O per quarter. (34) For the business of dealing in second-hand goods, wares or mer- chandise of any kind, character or description, where, as a part of any such transaction, a contract or agreement is made, or an undertaking, verbal, written or otherwise, had with the vendor, to re-sell to him the same goods, wares, or merchandise, or to sell other goods, wares or mer- chandise In their place or stead, then, and in case of such agreement as aforesaid, a license tax of $25.00 per quarter fihall be paid. (35) For carrying on or conducting the business of selling or giving away trading stamps or tickets of any kind redeemable in money, mer- chandise or any other thing, and so redeeming the same, the sum of $50.00 per quarter. 234 ORDINANCE NO. 643. (36) For the business of operating or maintaining a planing mill and selling its product, the sum of $25, 0& per quarter. (37) (a) For the business of operating or maintaining a furniture fac- tory or doing grill work, the sum of $5.00 per quarter. (b) For the business of operating or maintaining a machine shop or boiler works, the sum of $20.00 per quarter. (38) For the business of conducting and operating a tamale house in the City of Fresno, the sum of $5.00 per quarter. (39) For the business of maintaining public scales for hire, the sum of $2.50 per quarter. (40) For the business of conducting a swimming-tank, Hammam or Turkish baths, the sum of $15.00 per quarter. (41) For the business of peddling or selling from wagons any fresh,, salted, dried, or cured meats, within the City of Fresno, the sum of $25.00 per quarter. (42) For the business of posting or advertising by posting, sticking^ tacking, affixing, or painting bills or signs to, or upon posts, fences, bill- boards, advertising boards, buildings or other structures used in whole, or in part, for advertising purposes, the license shall be $10.00 per quarter. (43) For the business of maintaining and operating a handball court, for each court, the license shall be $5.00 per quarter. (44) For the business of carpet cleaning, where the machinery used therefor is stationed outside of the building, the license shall be $20.00 per annum. (45) For the business of keeping or soliciting for any dyeing or clean- ing establishment or carrying on the business of dyeing or cleaning, the license shall be $5.00 per quarter. (46) For the business of keeping an employment or intelligence office, and for each employment or intelligence office so kept, the license shall be $5.00 per quarter. (47) For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the real estate business, Irrespective of whether such person, firm or corporation has, or has not, a fixed place of business, the license shall be $10.00 per quarter. (48) For the business of supplying towels for stores, offices and public institutions, at regular intervals, and for stated times, the license shall be $5.00 per quarter. (49) For the business of publishing a daily paper, the license shall be $20.00 per quarter. (50) For the business of conducting or carrying on a job printing es- tablishment, the license shall be $5.00 per quarter. (51) For the business of keeping or conducting a skating rink, the license shall be $100.00 per year. (52) For the business of peddling delicatessen, the license shall be $5.00 per quarter. (53) For the business of conducting a building and loan association, the license shall be $25.00 per quarter. (54) For the business of peddling blocks, shavings or sawdust, the license shall be $15.00 per year, and the wagons shall be numbered. (55) For each bond insurance company, the license shall be $2.50 per each company per quarter. (56) For the business of slaughter-house peddling or delivering fresh meats in the City of Fresno to markets other than their own: ORDINANCE NO. 643. 235 (a) Where the average monthly sales are under $2000.00, the sum of $12.50 per quarter; (b) Where the average monthly sales are $2000.00 or over, but are under $5000.00, the sura of $20.00 per quarter; (c) Where the average monthly sales are $5000.00 or over, the sum of $50.00 per quarter; (57) For every person peddling fish, the license shall be $20.00 per year. (58) For the business of moving houses or other buildings, the license shall be $25.00 per year. (59) For the business of conducting and carrying on any restaurant or eating house: (a) Where the gross amount of business done is $400.00, or more, per month, the sum of $15.00 per quarter. (b) Where the gross amount of business done is less than $400.00 per month, the sum of $12.00 per quarter. (60) Upon the business of blacking or shining boots and shoes, being the conducting or carrying on of what is commonly known as a bootblack stand, there is hereby fixed and imposed and required to be paid a license tax, to-wit: (a) Where at the stand or business or place there is at work at any time but one boot-black, or person engaged In the work of blacking or shining boots or shoes, the sum of $15.00 per quarter. (b) Where at such stand or business or place there are at any one time more than one boot-black, or person engaged In the work of blacking or shining boots and shoes, the sum per quarter of $15.00 plus the further sum of $5.00 for each boot-black or person, in addition to or more than one boot-black or person, at any one time at work at said stand or place; provided, however, that on Sundays and holidays, and on other special occa- sions, but for not more than three days In any one month In addition to Sundays and holidays, there may be employed or kept at work at any boot- black stand an extra person or extra persons in addition to the number of persons usually employed or kept at work at such stand or place, without Increasing the amount to be paid as a license tax by reason thereof. (61) Corn doctors, traveling merchants, hawkers, vendors of books, charts, maps, patent medicines, or any minor article of trade, or peddlers who vend goods, wares, merchandise of any kind, whether by sample or otherwise, to those not regularly engaged in carrying on the business of selling such books, etc., must pay a license of twenty-five dollars per month; and every such traveling merchant, hawker, or peddler who uses a wagon or cart, or one or more animals for the purpose of vending such goods, wares or merchandise of any kind, must pay a license of thirty- five dollars per month; provided, however, that every person who vends or peddles vegetables, berries or fruit, shall pay a license of twenty-five dollars per year, or for any part or portion of a year. In oases where such persons are engaged in such occupation for less time than one month, they shall pay a license of five dollars per day for each day or part of a day or night while so engaged, and when obtaining a license, such person shall state the number of days for which they shall require the same, which shall be Inserted therein by the License Collector or ClerK, and on the expiration thereof they shall, before engaging further In such occu- pation, procure a new license; provided, that every traveling merchant, hawker, peddler or vendor, street fakir, or advertiser who advertises goods, wares, or merchandise of any kind by music, singing or dancing, jugglery, tricks, sleight-of-hand, buffoonery, gymnastics or any spectacular display, show or performance, or by speeches or oratory, or by any performance 236 ORDINANCE NO. 643. upon the streets calculated to draw or collect a crowd of people about those so calling or advertising wares as aforesaid, shall pay a license in the sum of twenty -five dollars per day; provided further, that this section shall not apply to any farmer, who vends or peddles berries or fruit raised or grown by him on land owned or rented by him in the County of Fresno. Provided, further, that the obtaining of a license to do any of the things or for any business in this ordinance specified, shall not authorize or em- power the holder of such license to do anything which is now or may here- after be made unlawful by any ordinance of the City of Fresno, or other law applicable therein. (62) Every person who shall engage in or carry on the business, trade, profession or calling of a soothsayer, astrologer, palmist, seer, mind reader, fortune teller, clairvoyant, spiritualist, or spirit medium within the City of Fresno, who demands or receives a fee for his or her services, or gives an exhibition at any place where an admission fee is charged, shall pay a license therefor of Ten Dollars per month or fraction thereof; provided, that this section shall not be construed to require a license from any reg- ularly ordained or regularly authorized minister of any denomination or creed in the pursuit of his or her religious calling. (63) Every person, firm or corporation who sells in the City of Fresno any bankrupt, assigned or damaged stock of goods, wares, merchandise, drugs, jewelry, dry goods, boots and shoes, clothing, hardware, groceries, furniture or other stock of merchandise shall pay a license of $100.00 per quarter or fraction thereof. (64) For the business of conducting a hospital or sanitarium, the li- cense shall be as follows: (a) Where there are not to exceed eight rooms in such hospital or san- itarium, the license shall be $15.00 per quarter. (b) Where there are more than eight rooms, the license shall be $30.00 per quarter. Sec. 10. The License Collector shall assign a separate number to each and every vehicle for which he issues a license and shall furnish a tin number, in duplicate, with each number thereon for which he shall charge the sum of $1.00; provided, that no two vehicles of the same class shall have the same number. Such number shall be permanent, without re- gard to the ownership of such vehicle, and shall be affixed to such vehicle, by the party owning and obtaining the license, in the manner and place designated by the License Ckjllector, and no other person shall use or drive, or permit to be driven or used, any vehicle, belonging to him or under his control, without having such number affixed thereto, and such number shall not be inverted, covered, mutilated or otherwise rendered obscure or illegible. Sec. 11. Whenever the word "person" or "party" is used in this ordinance, referring to those liable to pay a license tax, the same is intended and shall be construed to mean and include a firm, corporation, club or asso- ciation, carrying on the business for which a license must first be pro- cured; and when the terms used in this ordinance designate the principals, the same shall be construed to mean and include the clerks, agents, servants, representatives, or employees of such principals, it being the intention to hereby license the business, and not separate or individual acts. Sec. 12. The license tax imposed by this ordinance shall be deemed a debt due to said City of Fresno, from and against any person who com- mences, carries on, engages in or conducts, in said city, any business, oc- cupation, trade of employment upon which a license tax is herein imposed. ORDINANCE NO. 643. 237 or for the commencing, engaging in, carrying on or conducting, for which a license is herein required to be procured, without first having paid said license tax and procured said license according to the terms and provis- ions of this ordinance, and such person shall be liable in a civil action (as provided in the charter of said city) in the name of said City of Fresno, as plaintiff, in any court of competent jurisdiction, for the recovery of the amount of license tax imposed by this ordinance, and for the costs of suit and the penalties in said charter specified. Sec. 13. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be construed as requiring the payment of any license tax or the procuring of any license for any exhibition or entertainment given for the benefit of any church, school or other charitable object, by any amateur dramatic association or literary society of the city. Sec. 14. The license tax imposed by this ordinance shall become due and payable, and be paid without demand therefor, in lawful money of the United States of America, to the License Collector. Sec. 15. Whenever the rate of license tax by this ordinance imposed Is fixed at a sum for a quarter of a year, or any other period, the license tax for the whole of such quarter of a year, or other period, must be paid in advance, and a like payment must be made for each recurring quarter of a year, or other period, so long as the business, trade, occupation or em- ployment subject to a license tax is continued. Sec. 16. All ex-Union soldiers and sailors, honorably discharged from the military or marine service of the United States shall be permitted to vend, hawk and peddle goods, wares, fruits or merchandise (not other- wise prohibited by ordinance or by law) In the City of FYesno, without a license; provided, said soldier or sailor Is engaged in the vending, hawk- ing and peddling of the goods, wares, fruits or merchandise for himself only. Upon the presentation of his certificate of discharge to the License Collector of said City, and showing proofs of his identity as the person named In his certificate of honorable discharge, the License Collector shall Issue to said ex-Unlon soldier or sailor a license, but such license shall be free and said License Collector shall not collect or demand for the City any fee therefor; provided, that nothing herein shall authorize said soldiers or sailors to sell intoxicating liquors. Sec. 17. Every person receiving a license under this ordinance shall place the same in a conspicuous place In his place of business, and all peddlers and other persons, who have no fixed place of bu&lness, must pro- duce and show their license, whenever required to do so by any person who may make demand to see the same, and any person, who shall fall or refuse so to post, and any peddler, or other person, who shall fall or refuse so to exhibit on demand, as herein provided, the license for conducting the business in which such person or peddler may be engaged, when such license tax shall have been paid, shall. In addition to the penalties here- inafter Imposed, have his license revoked, upon such notice and hearing as is in this ordinance provided. Sec. 18. All licenses granted under this ordinance, or any section here- of, are granted and accepted by all parties receiving said license with the express understanding that the Board of Trustees may revoke the same at any time if any of the conditions of the license or terms of this ordinance have been violated, or if the license was obtained by fraudulent repre- sentations, or the holder of such license is an unfit person to be trusted with the privileges granted by said license; provided, however, that no license shall be revoked without giving the holder thereof an opportunity 238 ORt)INANCE NO. 644. to appear before said Board in his own behalf. On revocation of the li- cense, no part of the money paid therefor shall be returned, but such license fee shall be forfeited to the City. Sec. 19. Those ordinances of the City of Fresno which are numbered 500, 509, 510, 511, 512, 518, 519, 532, 545, 565, 566, 596 and 605, are hereby repealed; provided, however, that the enactment of this ordinance and the repealing of the above numbered ordinances shall not invalidate any license heretofore issued, but any and all such licenses shall continue and be in force and effect until the date of the expiration thereof, nor shall any person be relieved or released from the payment of any license tax now due from him under any of the terms or provisions of the aforesaid ordinances, but the amount so due, together with all penalties attached or accrued, shall be collected from him in the same way as though said above numbered ordinances were not repealed. Sec. 20. Nothing in this ordinance contained shall be construed as in any way repealing or amending in whole or in part, ordinance No. 601 of the City of Fresno relating and pertaining to the sale, serving or giving away of intoxicating liquors. Sec. 21. Any person violating any of the terms or provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed three hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the County Jail of the County of Fresno for a term not to exceed ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 22. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force, without pub- lication, immediately on and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 644. In effect March 10, 1911. An Ordinance relating to the streets of the City of Fresno, forbidding the standing or leaving of animals and vehicles at certain places therein. The Board of Trustees of the. City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be and is hereby made unlawful for any person to hitch, or cause or permit to be hitched, any horse, mule or other animal, or to leave standing or cause or permit to be left standing, any bicycle, motorcycle, automobile, buggy, carriage, wagon or other vehicle, or any animal, upon any street in the City of Fresno, along which street cars or interurban railway cars are run or operated, within forty feet of either side line of any street that crosses, intersects, or terminates in such street, or within forty feet of either such side line extended across such street at right angles thereto. The provisions of this ordinance shall apply, only, to that portion of the City of Fresno known as the business district as de- fined by ordinance No. 598. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $300.00, or by imprisonment in the County Jail of the County of Fresno for a term not to exceed ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall, without publication, take effect and be in force, immediately on and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 645. 239 ORDINANCE NO. 645. In effect March 22, 1911. An Ordinance relating to overhead wires, and requiring those corpora- tions, companies and persons owning or operating overhead wires to send linemen to shut off the electric current on portions thereof at the tinne of any fire in the City of Fresno. The Board of Trustees of the City of Fresno do ordain as follows: Section 1. That all corporations, companies and persons owning or operating overhead wires in the City of Fresno, shall, at the time of any fire in said City, send one or more linemen to the scene of the fire, and they shall promptly cause all electricity and electric currents to be switched or shut off from any and all wires or cables which might, with the electric current thereon at said time, become a menace to life and property. Sec. 2. Said corporation, companies or persons shall arrange to have their overhead wires and the electric currents thereon subdivided in dis- tricts and circuits so that the electric currents on such wires in any dis- trict, or part' of the City, may be switched or shut off, leaving the wires uncharged and harmless in such district or part of the City, but without shutting off the electric current or the electric lights or power in other parts of the City, and they shall switch or shut off the electric current from any district at the time of any fire when, if the electric current were not so switched or shut off, the charged wires would be a menace to life and property. Said lineman or linemen so present at such fire shall keep the chief, captain or person In charge of the fire apparatus at such fire informed as to the wires which have been disconnected, or from which the electric current has been switched or shut off, and of the wires which remain charged with electricity. Sec. 3. All such corporations, companies and persons, with all rea- sonable diligence, when the fire has been extinguished, or the danger from the electric currents or overhead wires has ceased, shall promptly restore all wires to a safe condition and cause the electric current to be switched on, and at no time, except for the protection of life or property, shall it or they cause any portion of the City to be without light or power where such corporation, company or person has undertaken or is in any manner required to furnish such light or power. Sec. 4. Every person, company or corporation that shall violate any provision of the ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the County Jail of the Coun- ty of Fresno for a period not to exceed ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall, without publication, take effect and be In force immediately on and after Its passage. APPENDIX LIST OF WATER ORDINANCES. Ordinance No. 131: Establishing water rates from July 1st, 1889. Ordinance No. 186: Establishing water rates from July Ist, 1890. Ordinance No. 227: Establishing water rates from July 1st, 1891. Ordinance No. 249: Establishing water rates from July 1st, 1892. Ordinance No. 272: Establishing water rates from July 1st, 1893. Ordinance No. 289: Establishing water rates from July 1st, 1894. Ordinance No. 297: Establishing water rates from July 1st, 1895. Ordinance No. 318: Establishing water rates from July 1st, 1896. Ordinance No. 329: Establishing water rates from July 1st, 1897. Ordinance No. 339: Establishing water rates from July Ist, 1898. Ordinance No. 349: Establishing water rates from July 1st, 1899. Ordinance No. 373: Establishing water rates from July 1st, 1900. Ordinance No. 384: Establishing water rates from July 1st, 1901. Ordinance No. 412: Establishing water rates from July 1st, 1902. Ordinance No. 440: Establishing water rates from July 1st, 1903. Ordinance No. 451: Establishing water rates from July 1st, 1904. Ordinance No. 479: Establishing water rates from July 1st, 1905. Ordinance No. 538: Establishing water rates from July 1st, 1907. Ordinance No. 568: Establishing water rates from July 1st, 1908. Ordinance No. 615: Establishing water rates from July 1st, 1910. LIST OF ELECTION ORDINANCES. Ordinance No, 64: Calling special election for bonds for school pur- poses, and for protection from fire and from flood. Ordinance No. 66: Notice of election, called by Ordinance No. 64, ap- proved, and publication of same ordered. Ordinance No. 70: Declares result of election called by Ordinance No. 64. Ordinance No. 74: Calling special election for sewer bonds. ♦For the text of ordinances listed in this appendix, reference must be had to the Books of Ordinances in the oflSce of the City Clerk. 16* 242 APPENDIX. Ordinance No. 79: Notice of election, called by Ordinance No. 74, approved, and publication of same ordered. Ordinance No. 80: Declares result of election called by Ordinance No. 74. Ordinance No. 94: Calling special election for bonds for fire, flood and school purposes. Ordinance No. 95: Notice of election, called by Ordinance No. 94, approved, and publication of same ordered. Ordinance No. 101: Declares result of election called by Ordinance No. 94. Ordinance No. 213: Calling special election for bonds for school pur- poses. Ordinance No. 228: Calling special election to submit question of in- curring indebtedness for acquiring and constructing school grounds and buildings. Ordinance No. 229: Notice of election, called by Ordinance No. 228, approved, and publication of same ordered. Ordinance No. 234: Declares result of election called by Ordinance No. 228. Ordinance No. 268: Calling for special election for bonds to complete the sewer system. Ordinance No. 269: Notice of election, called by Ordinance No. 268, approved, and publication of same ordered. Ordinance No. 300: Calling special election submitting the proposi- tion of incurring indebtedness to complete the sewer system. Ordinance No. 301: Notice of election, called by Ordinance No. 300, approved, and publication of same ordered. Ordinance No. 304: Declares result of election called by Ordinance No. 300. Ordinance No. 400: Calling special election submitting the proposi- tion of acquiring a system of water works, by incurring indebtedness. Ordinance No. 401: Calling special election for bonds for an electric light and power system. Ordinance No. 425: Calling special election for bonds for a septic tank system. Ordinance No. 432: Calling special election for bonds for the pur- chase of the necessary lands for and the construction of a septic tank, also lands for an intercepting sewer. Ordinance No. 454: Calling special election for submitting a plan for a septic tank system, and if approved, for incurring bonded indebtedness therefor. Ordinance No. 475: Calling special election submitting proposals to amend Charter, embodied and described in eleven certain ordinances herein referred to. (Ord. 463-473). Ordinance No, 492: Calling special election submitting plan for dis- posal of outfall sewage by means of septic tanks and sewer farm. Ordinance No. 493: Calling special election for bonds for City Hall. Ordinance No. 579: Calling special election to submit anti-liquor li- cense ordinance or referendum for April 12, 1909. Ordinance No. 608: Calling special election for park and play-ground bonds. Ordinance No. 609: Calling special election to submit proposition for annexing outside territory to the City. APPENDIX. 243 LIST OF TAX ORDINANCES. Ordinance No. 39: Tax to provide for the issue of fire and overflow bonds. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 45). Ordinance No. 45: Repeals Ordinance No. 39. Ordinance No. 57: Tax to provide for the issue of fire and overflow bonds. (Amended by Ordinance No. 58). Ordinance No. 58: Amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 57. Ordinance No. 87: Tax to pay interest on sewer bonds and the prin- cipal thereof. Ordinance No. 113: Tax to pay the interest on bonds issued under the provisions of Ordinance No. 104. Ordinance No. 239: Tax to pay school bonds provided for by Ordi- nance No. 236. Ordinance No. 383: Providing for levy and collection of taxes, con- solidating certain municipal offices, and providing for performance of duties by certain county officers, and fixing compensation, in accordance with Act of Legislature of March 27, 1895. Ordinance No. 389: Determines amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation for year 1901-2. Ordinance No. 391: Fixing rate of taxes on property in City Limits for school purposes, for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1901, and ending June 30, 1902. Ordinance No. 404: Providing for levy and collection of taxes, con* solidating and abolishing certain municipal offices, and providing for per- formance of duties by certain county officers, and fixing compensation, in accordance with an Act of Legislature of March 27, 1895. Ordinance No. 420: Determines amount of money necessary to ba raised by taxation for year 1902-3. Ordinance No. 421: Fixing rate of taxes on property in City Limits- for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1902, and ending June 30, 1903. Ordinance No. 430: Providing for levy and collection of taxes, con- solidating and abolishing certain municipal offices, and providing for per- formance of duties by certain county officers, and fixing compensation, in accordance with Act of Legislature of March 27, 1895. Ordinance No. 442: Determines amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation for year 1903-4. Ordinance No. 443: Fixing rate of taxes on property in City limits for use in carrying on City Government, for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1903, and ending June 30, 1904. Ordinance No. 448: Providing for levy and collection of taxes, con- solidating and abolishing certain municipal offices, and providing for per- formance of duties by certain county officers, and fixing compensation, in accordance with an Act of Legisltaure of March 27, 1895. Ordinance No. 457: Determines amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation for year 1904-5. Ordinance No. 459: Fixing rate of taxes for carrying on City Gov- ernment for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1904, and ending June 30, 1905. Ordinance No. 478: Providing for levy and collections of taxes, con- solidating and abolishing certain municipal offices, and providing for per- formance of duties by certain county officers, and fixing compensation. In accordance with an Act of Legislature of March 27, 1895. 244 APPENDIX. Ordinance No. 488: Determines amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation for year 1905-6. Ordinance No. 489: Fixing rate of City taxes on property for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1905, and ending June 30, 1906. Ordinance No. 503: Electing for the City to avail itself of the pro- visions of the Act of Legislature authorizing municipalities to have taxes assessed and collected by, and deposited with County officers. Ordinance No. 521: Determines amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation for year 1906-7. Ordinance No. 522: Fixing rate of taxes for property for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1906, and ending June 30, 1907. Ordinance No. 536: Electing for the city to avail itself of the pro- visions of the Act of the Legislature authorizing municipalities to have taxes assessed and collected by, and deposited with County officers. Ordinance No. 547: Determining amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation for year 1907-8. Ordinance No. 550: Fixing rate of City taxes on property for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1907, and ending June 30, 1908. Ordinance No. 555: Extending time for payment of taxes, etc. Ordinance No. 559: Electing for the City to avail itself of the pro- visions of the Act of the Legislature authorizing municipalities to have taxes assessed and collected by, and deposited with County officers. Ordinance No. 570: Determines amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation for year 1908-9. Ordinance No. 571: Fixing rate of City taxes on property for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1908, and ending June 30, 1909. Ordinance No. 577: Electing for the City to avail itself of the pro- visions of the Act of the Legislature authorizing municipalities to have taxes assessed and collected by, and deposited with County officers. Ordinance No. 590: Determining amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation for year 1909-10. Ordinance No. 591: Fixing rate of City taxes on property for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1909, and ending June 30, 1910. Ordinance No. 606: Electing for the City to avail itself of the pro- visions of the Act of the Legislature authorizing municipalities to have taxes assessed and collected by, and deposited with County officers. Ordinance No. 618: Determining amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation for year 1910-11. Ordinance No. 626: Electing for the City to avail itself of the pro- visions of the Act of the Legislature authorizing municipalities to have taxes assessed and collected by, and deposited with County officers. LIST OF ORDINANCES ACCEPTING STREETS. Ordinance No. 139: Accepting L Street, from Fresno Street, north- westerly to the City Limits. Ordinance No. 142: Accepting Mono Street, between H and I Streets, and Inyo Street between H and I Streets. Ordinance No. 143: Accepting H Street from south side of Ventura Street to Stanislaus Street. APPENDIX. 245 Ordinance No. 144: Accepting J Street from north side of Kern. Street to center of San Joaquin Street, except from center of Tulare Street to center of Fresno Street and except the half of the street and sidewalk in front of lots 14, 15 and 16, in block 69. Ordinance No, 162: Accepting Tulare Street from east side of H Street to east side of J Street. Ordinance No. 163: Accepting I Street from north side of Kern Street to south side of Fresno Street, except crossings of Tulare and Mariposa Streets. Ordinance No. 165: posa. Ordinance No. 166: City limit line. Ordinance No. 167: Streets. Ordinance No. 170: Ordinance No. 171: to City Limits Ordinance No. 172: M Street. Ordinance No. 173: Ordinance No. 177: to City Limits. Ordinance No. 178: Ordinance No. 180: side of K Street. Ordinance No. 183: Ordinance No. 184: tura Avenue. Ordinance No. 185: Ordinance No. 187: Streets. Ordinance No. 188: Ordinance No. 189: tura Avenue. Ordinance No. 190: Ordinance No. 191: erly City limit line. Ordinance No. 192: Streets. Ordinance No. 193: Ordinance No. 194: Street to west line of Ordinance No. 196: dor Street. Ordinance No. 197: Ordinance No. 198: Street. Ordinance No. 199: islaus Street. Ordinance No. 200: Avenue. Accepting J Street from Tulare Street to Mari- Accepting M Street from Fresno Street to north Accepting Q Street from Mariposa to Tulare Accepting Tuolumne Street from H to O Streets. Accepting K Street from Tuolumne Street north Accepting San Joaquin Street from H Street to Accepting Stanislaus Street from H. to N Streets. Accepting J Street from San Joaquin Street north Accepting Calaveras Street from H to N Streets. Accepting Mariposa Street from H Street to east Accepting Kern Street from L to P Streets. Accepting M Street from Fresno Street to Ven- Accepting Mono Street from I to P Streets. Accepting J Street from Mariposa to Fresno Accepting G Street from Kern to Fresno Streets. Accepting L Street from Tulare Street to Ven- Accepting Mariposa Street from M to S Streets. Accepting Merced Streets from H Street to east- Accepting Q Street from Mariposa to Fresno Accepting Inyo Street from I to P Streets. Accepting Mariposa Street from east line of H H Street. Accepting I Street from Ventura Street to Ama- Accepting Kern Street from G Street to E Street. Accepting E Street from Kern Street to Tuolumne Accepting N Street from Ventura Avenue to Stan- Accepting J Street from Kern Street to Ventura 246 APPENDIX. Ordinance No. 203: Accepting Tulare Street from G Street to D Street. Ordinance No. 207: Accepting L Street from Ventura Street to Los Angeles Street. Ordinance No. 208: Accepting K Street from Kern Street to Los An- geles Street. Ordinance No. 209: Accepting Ventura Street from H Street to east- erly City limits line. Ordinance No. 225: Accepting Mariposa Street from P to G Streets. Ordinance No. 235: Accepting F Street from Tulare to Fresno. Ordinance No. 244: Accepting Tulare Street from J Street to the east- erly line of the City limits. Ordinance No. 245 : Accepting K Street from Mariposa Street to Kern. Street. Ordinance No. 273: Accepting R Street from Mariposa Street to Tu- lare Street. Ordinance No. 364: Accepting Blackstone from northerly terminus of O Street, north to City limits. LIST OF ORDINANCES CLOSING STREETS. Ordinance No. 367: Closing Q Street from southeasterly line of Tu- lare Street northeasterly to City Limits at intersection of Q Street with roadway of PoUasky Branch of Southern Pacific Railroad at southeasterly Limits of City. Ordinance No. 368: Closing Kern Street from a line 40 feet north- easterly from and parallel to northeasterly boundary line of alley running through Blocks 143 and 144 northeasterly to southwesterly line of alley running through Blocks 154 and 155. Ordinance No. 369: Closing Inyo Street from line 40 feet northeast- erly from and parallel to northeasterly boundary line of alley running through Blocks 142 and 143 northeasterly to southwesterly line of alley running through Blocks 155 and 156. Ordinance No. 370: Closing Mono Street from line 40 feet northeast- erly from and parallel to northeasterly boundary line of alley running through Blocks 141 and 142 northeasterly to southwesterly line of alley running through Blocks 156 and 157. Ordinance No. 371: Closing Santa Clara Street from line 40 feet north- easterly from northeasterly boundary line of alley running through Blocks 140 and 178, northeasterly to City limits. Ordinance No. 372: Closing alley running through Block 158 between Lots 7 to 10 inclusive and 11 to 19 inclusive in Block 158. FRANCHISE ORDINANCES. Ordinance No. 27. In effect July 30, 1886. Franchise to Lewis Leach, et al., and to Electric Light and Power Company. Term 50 years. To erect and maintain in the streets, alleys and public places in this City such poles, wires and other appliances as may be necessary or conveni- ent for the transmission and application of electricity for light or power or other useful purposes. APPENDIX. 247 Ordinance No. 41. In effect March 25, 1887. BYanchlse to George L. Bradley, M. J. Church, George W. Meade, W. W. Phillips, J R. Whlt« and F. G. Berry. Term 25 years. Commencing at the intersection of Mariposa and H Streets, thence along the center line of Mariposa Street to "R" Street, thence along the center line of "R" Street to Tulare Street, thence northeasterly along the center of Tulare Street to the boundary of said City of Fresno, together with all necessary side-tracks. Foiv felted by 355. Ordinance No 42. In effect April 8, 1887. Franchise to Fresno Water Company. Term 25 years. Privilege of laying down pipes in the streets, alleys, avenues and other places of the City of Fresno for supplying wa- ter for the streets and buildings thereon, and the inhabitants of said City. Ordinance No. 47. In effect April 22, 1887. Franchise to Western Electric Company, Term 30 years. To erect and maintain in the streets, alleys and public places in this City such poles, wires and other appliances as may be necessary or convenient for the transmission and application of electricity for light or power or other useful purposes. Ordinance No. 49. In effect May 6, 1887. Franchise to George H. Eggers and Herman C. Eggers. Term 25 years. Privilege to erect and maintain in the streets, alleys and public places in this City, such poles, wires and other appliances as may be necessary or convenient for the transmission and application of telephone, telegraph and other electric systems. Ordinance No. 50. In effect May 13, 1887. Franchise to George Mc- Cullough, E. C. Winchell, C. G. Sayle, W. F. McVey, George L. Bradley, M. J. Donahoo and J. D. Fiske. Term 25 years. Commencing at the in- tersection of Mariposa and "H" Street; thence along the center line of Mariposa Street to the center of "J" Street; thence along the center line of "J" Street to the center of Tuolumne Street; thence along the center line of Tuolumne Street to the center of "O" Street; thence along the center line of "O" Street to the northern limit of the City of Fresno. Ordinance No. 56. In effect June 24, 1887. Franchise to G. L. Brad- ley, M. J. Church, G. W. Meade, W. W. Phillips, J. R. White and F. G. Berry. Construction must be commenced within 6 months and completed within 9 months from date of passage of this ordinance. Repealed by Ordinance 355. Ordinance No. 62. In effect September 16, 1887. Franchise to Thos. E. Hughes, J. H. Hamilton, Lewis Leach, Alexander Gordon, and M. J. Donahoo. Term 25 years. Commencing at the Railroad Depot on the Railroad Reservation at a point opposite the center of Tulare Street and running thence up the center of Tulare Street to a point where a line in the center of said Tulare Street intersects a similar line in I Street; and thence on a line in the center of I Street, southeasterly to the limits of said City. And, also, on and over the following named streets in said City, to-wit commencing at a point where the center line of Ventura Streets intersects the center line of I Street; and thence along the said center line of said Ventura Street, northeasterly along said center line of Ventura Street to the limits of said City of Fresno. Ordinance No. 63. In effect September 23, 1887. Franchise to J. G. Rhodes, J. A. Waterman, B. R. Woodworth and M. W. Muller Term 50 years. Commencing on the west line of "H" Street in the center of Mariposa Street; thence up the center of Mariposa Street to a point where "J" Street interesects said Mariposa Street in the center of said streets, thence at right angles southeasterly in the center of "J" Street to the center of Mono Street, thence at right angles northeasterly in the center of Mono Street to a point in the center of "O" Street, thence 248 APPENDIX. northwesterly in the center of "O" Street to the center of Stanislaus and "O" Streets, thence at right angles, southwesterly in the center of Stanislaus Street to a point in the center of "K" and Stanislaus Streets, thence at right angles northwesterly in the center of "K" Street to a point in the center of Calaveras and "K" Streets, thence at right angles southwesterly in the center of Calaveras Street to the center of Cala- veras and "J" Streets, thence at right angles northwesterly in the center of "J" Street to the center of Sacramento and "J" Streets, thence at right angles southwesterly in the center of Sacramento Street to a point in the center of Sacramento and "E" Streets, thence at right angles south- easterly in the center of "E" Street to a point in the center of Tulare and "E" Streets, thence at right angles northeasterly in the center of Tulare to "G" Street, thence at right angles northwesterly in the center of "G" Street to a point in the center of Mariposa and "G" Streets, thence at right angles northeasterly in the center of Mariposa Street to the point of beginning. Furthermore, beginning in the center of Mariposa and "H" Street, thence running northwesterly in the center of "H" Street to a point in the center of Stanislaus and "H" Streets, thence at right angles northeasterly in the center of Stanislaus Street to a point in the center of "K" and Stanislaus Streets connecting there with the main line; thence at right angles southeasterly in the center of "K" Street to a point in the center of Tulare and "K" Streets; thence at right angles northeast- erly in the center of Tulare Street to the interesection of the main line on "O" Street. Furthermore, bginning at a point in the center of "J" and Mono Streets, connecting with the main line, thence running south- westerly in the center of Mono Street to the center of Mono and "E" Streets, together with right of way necessary therefor, and for turnings, turnouts, etc. Ordinance No. 71. In effect November 4, 1887 Franchise to George McCollough, E. C. Winchell, C. G. Sayle, W. F. McVey, George L. Bradley, M. J. Donahoo and J. D Fiske. Term 25 years. Commencing at the In- tersection of H and Mariposa Streets, thence running up Mariposa Street, through J Street to Tuolumne Street, through Tuolumne Street to O Street and through O Street to the northern limit of said City. Extended to and including the 1st day of May, 1888. Ordinance No. 72. In effect November 11, 1887. Franchise to J. G. Rhodes, B. R. Woodworth and J A. Waterman. Term 50 years. Com- mencing at a point in the center of Sacramento and G Streets, thence running northwesterly in the center of G Street to a point in the center of G Street where the same meets the South Avenue of the American Addition to the City of Fresno; furthermore, commencing at a point in the center of F and Sacramento Streets, thence running northwesterly on said F Street in the center of said street to a point where said F Street meets the South Avenue of the American Addition to the Citv of Fresno. Forfeited by 169. Ordinance No. 85. In effect February 16, 1888. Franchise to Frank E. Tadlock, Jr., Frank H. Ball, C. G. Hutchinson, Timothy Paige and M J. Donahoo. Term 50 years. Commencing at the intersection of Mari- posa and J Streets, thence along the center of said south J Street, to the southeastern limits of said City, to what is now known as "Hamilton Street" in Woodward's Addition to the City of Fresno. Forfeited by 169. Ordinance No. 89. In effect March 15, 1888. Franchise to E. C. Win- chell, A. M. Drew, W. R. Thomas, T. C. White, J. P. Vincent, and H. P. Hedges Term 50 years. Commencing at the intersection of J Street, with the line of the middle of Mariposa Street in said City, thence run- ning northwesterly along the line of the middle of J Street to the north- ern limit of said City, at the half section line which runs east and west APPENDIX. 249 through the middle of sections four and five in township fourteen south, of range twenty east, of the base and meridian of Mount Diablo. Ordinance No. 99. In effect May 8, 1888. Franchise to Western Union Telegraph Company. Term 50 years. Privilege of erecting and main- taining in the streets, alleys and public places in this City, such poles, wires and other appliances as may be necessary and convenient for the conducting of their business of telegraphing. Ordinance No. 100. Amends Ordinance No. 50, and extends time for completing street railroad. Ordinance No. 106. In effect June 11, 1888. Franchise to A. H. Emery, Frank H. Ball, F. D. Vanderlip, J. M. Cory, C. G. Hutchinson and Frank E. Tadlock, Jr. Term 25 years. To erect, operate and maintain, poles, masts, arms, wires and all necessary connections within the ave- nues, streets, alleys, lanes and public grounds of said City of Fresno, for the purpose of conducting and conveying currents for the distribution of electricity for public and domestic uses, either for Arc or Incandes- cent lighting, power, storage batteries, or any other uses to which elec- tricity may be applied. Ordinance No. 108. In effect September 8, 1888. Franchise to Fresno Railroad Company. Term 50 years. Commencing at the center of Tulare Street in the center of I Street, and thence running up the center of I Street north to a point where a line in the center of I Street intersects a similar line in J Street, and north in center of J Street to limits of said City. Ordinance No. 111. In effect October 2, 1888. Franchise to Pacific Postal Telegraph Cable Company. Term 50 years. To erect and main- tain in the streets, alleys, and public places in this City such poles, wires and other appliances as may be necessary or convenient for the purposes of a system of telegraphy. Ordinance No. 117. In effect December 5, 1888. Franchise to Fresno Railroad Company Term 50 years. Commencing at a point where a line in the center of "I" Street intersects a similar line in the center of Cala- veras Street, and thence on a line in the center of "I" Street northwest- erly to City limits of Fresno together with the right of way necessary therefor and turnings, turnouts, etc., of proper width, the cars upon such road to be propelled by horse power, stationary steam power, electricity or other power for the term of fifty years. Forfeited by 169. Ordinance No. 119. In effect December 20, 1888. Franchise to Frank H. Ball, Frank E. Tadlock, Jr., C. G. Hutchinson, J. M. Cory, and F. D. Vanderlip. Term 50 years. Commencing at the intersection of Mariposa and J Streets, thence along the center of said South J Street to the south- eastern limits of said City, to what is now known as Hamilton Street in Woodward's Addition to the said City of Fresno. Ordinance No. 120. In effect December 13, 1888. Franchise to H. W. Snow, A. J. Weiner, W. F. Hills, J. N. Pattison and A. S. Edgerly. Term 50 years Commencing at the center of Fresno Street at its intersection with H Street; thence running northeasterly along the center of said Fresno Street to the City Limits. Forfeited by 169. Ordinance No. 126. In effect January 17, 1889. Franchise to J. H. Long and H. D. Long. Term 50 years. Commencing at or near the point where Mariposa Street crosses the Southern Pacific Railroad, thence run- ning southwesterly along the middle of Mariposa Street to the southwest- erly line of the City of Fresno. Section 6 amended by 129 Ordinance No. 127. In effect January 30, 1889. Franchise to J. G. Rhodes. Term 50 years. Commencing in the center of I Street where 250 APPENDIX. the northwesterly line of Mariposa Street intersects I Street, thence northwesterly along the center of I Street to Calaveras Street, thence along the center of Calaveras Street northeasterly to the City limits; also beginning at the center of I and Calaveras Street to H Street; thence northwesterly on the center of H Street to the City limits on the north. Forfeited by 169. Ordinance No. 129. Amends Section 2, Ordinance No 126, prescribing conditions of franchise. Ordinance No. 134, In effect March 13, 1889. Franchise to W. S. Mc- Murtry, Jr. Term 50 years. Right to erect and maintain in the streets, alleys, and public places of the City of Fresno, such poles, masts, wires and other appliances as may be necessary and convenient for the produc- tion, transmission and application of electricity for light, heat, motive power, mechanical, scientific, domestic or other useful purposes. For- feited by 310. Ordinance No 140. Amends Section 2, Ordinance No. 127, prescribing conditions of franchise. Ordinance No. 141. In effect May 22, 1889. Franchise to Fresno Rail- road Company. Term 50 years. Commencing at a point where a line in the center of Inyo Street intersects a similar line in the center of I Street, and thence on a line in the center of Inyo Street northeasterly to City limits of Fresno, together with the right of way necessary therefor and for turnings, turnouts, etc., of proper width. Forfeited by 230. Ordinance No. 150. Amends Section 8, Ordinance No. 126, and ex- tends time for completing street railroad. Ordinance No 164. In effect December 26, 1889. Franchise to J. R. White and E. B. Perrin. Term 50 years. Beginning at the intersection of Monterey Street at the southerly limit of said City, with that certain public highway in said City, known as Elm Avenue, running thence north- easterly along the center of said Monterey Street to the easterly or north- easterly limit of said City. Forfeited by 230. Ordinance No. 169. In effect February 12, 1890. Forfeitures of fran- chises. Grant, September 19th, 1887, per Ordinance No. 63, to Rhodes, Water- man and others. Grant, October 1st, 1887, per Ordinance No 72, to Rhodes, Woodworth and others. Grant, February 13th, 1888, per Ordinance No. 85, to Tadlock, Ball and others. Grant September 3d, 1888, per Ordinance No. 108, to Fresno Railroad Company. Grant, December 3d, 1888, per Ordinance No. 117, to Fresno Railroad Company. Grant, December 3d, 1888, per Ordinance No. 119, to Tadlock, Ball and others. Grant December 10th, 1888, per Ordinance No. 120, to Snow, Weiner and others. Grant, January 28th, 1889, per Ordinance No. 127, to J. G. Rhodes. Ordinance No. 174. In effect February 14, 1890. Franchise to J. G. Rhodes. Term 50 years. Commencing in the center of I Street where the northwesterly line of Mariposa Street intersects I Street, thence northwesterly along the center of I Street to Calaveras Street northeast- erly to the City limits; also beginning at the center of I and Calaveras Street to H Street, thence northwesterly on the center of H Street to the City limits, on the north. Forfeited by 263. APPENDIX 251 Ordinance No. 202. In effect June 5, 1890. Franchise to George L. Bradley, M. J. Church, George W. Meade, W. W. Phillips, J. R. White and F, G. Berry. Term 25 years. Commencing at the intersection of Mari- posa and H Streets; thence along the center line of Mariposa Street to K Street; thence along the center line of K Street to Tulare Street; thence northeasterly along the center line of Tulare Street to the bound- ary line of said City of Fresno; and also commencing at the intersection of Mariposa and H Streets; thence along the center line of H Street in a southeasterly direction to the City limits. Together with all necessary sidetracks. Repealed by 355. Ordinance No. 204. In effect June 27, 1890. Franchise to Fresno Rail- road Company. Term: Commenced within three months and completed within eighteen months of the date of May 20, 1889. Forfeited by 230. Ordinance No. 212. In effect July 16, 1890. Franchise to Robert Bar- ton. Term 50 years. To erect and maintain In the streets, alleys and public places In the City of Fresno all such poles, cross-arms, and wires thereto suspended as shall or may be necessary and convenient for the production, transmission and application of electricity for light, heat, mo- tive power, mechanical, scientific, domestic or other useful purposes. Ordinance No. 214. In effect September 3, 1890. Franchise to Fresno Street Railroad Company. Term 25 years. Commencing at the inter- section of Mariposa and H Streets, thence along the center line of H Street to the center of Merced Street, thence along the center line of Merced Street to the center of Grand Avenue, thence westerly along the center line of Grand Avenue to the City limits. Forfeited by 250. Ordinance No. 216. In effect November 6, 1890. Franchise to Sunset Telephone and Telegraph Company. Term 25 years. To erect, or lay, maintain and operate in the City of Fresno, including all the streets, al- leys, avenues and thoroughfares thereof, poles, wires and other conduc- tors for the transmission of electricity for telephone and telegraph, but not for electric lights or motors. Ordinance No. 230. In effect March 18, 1891. Forfeitures of fran- chise. Grant, May 20, 1889, per Ordinance No. 141, to BYesno Railroad Com- pany, a corporation. Grant, December 23, 1889, per Ordinance No. 164, to J. R. White and E. B. Perrin. Grant, June 27, 1890, per Ordinance No. 204, to Fresno Railroad Com- pany, a corporation. Ordinance No. 231. In effect April 22, 1891. Franchise to San Joaquin Valley Railroad Company. Repealed by 238. Ordinance No. 232. In effect April 9, 1891. Franchise to Fresno Rail- road Company. Term 50 years. Commencing at a point where a line in the center of Inyo Street intersects a similar line in the center of I Street, and thence on a line in the center of Inyo Street, northeasterly to City limits of Fresno, together with the right of way necessary therefor, and for turnings, turnouts, etc., of proper widths. Forfeited by 263. Ordinance No. 238. In effect May 21, 1891. Franchise to San Joaquin Valley Railroad Company. Term 50 years. Beginning at a point on the West side of Cherry Avenue due west of the point where the north line of Braly Street intersects Cherry Avenue; thence in a northeasterly di- rection across Cherry Avenue intersecting the west line of Block 5 of Woodward's Addition, according to the official plat thereof now on file and of record in the County Recorder's office of Fresno County, State of California; thence continuing in a northeasterly direction to Anna Street 252 • APPENDIX. in said Woodward's Addition to a point 25 feet, a little more or less, south of the northeast corner of said Block 5 in said Woodward's Addition, thence across Hamilton Street in said Woodward's Addition in a north- easterly direction to the center of San Diego Street, as the same is des- ignated on the plat of the City of Fresno, now on file and of record in the County Recorder's office of said Fresno County, State of California, and continuing along the center of said San Diego Street to a point where K Street in said City of Fresno, interesects said San Diego Street; thence curving gradually to the southeasterly corner of Block 196 of said City of Fresno, thence across L Street in the said City of Fresno to a point on the southwesterly line of Block 189 in said City of Fresno, fifty feet, a little more or less, north of the southwesterly corner of said Block 189; thence crossing said Block 189 to a point on the northeasterly line of said Block last mentioned 175 feet, a little more or less, north of the southeasterly corner of said Block 189; thence across M Street on a straight line to a point 160 feet, a little more or less, south of the north- west corner of Block 187 in said City of Fresno; thence across said Block 187 to a point 18 feet, a little more or less, south of the northeasterly corner of said Block 187, thence across N Street due north crossing O Street, Monterey Avenue, P Street, San Benito Avenue, Q Street, Santa Clara Avenue, R Street, Ventura Avenue, S Street, Mono Street, T Street, Inyo Street, U Street, Kern Street; thence curve gradually in a north- easterly direction to the easterly line of the City limits of the City of Fresno. Ordinance No. 250. In effect February 18, 1892. Forfeiture of certain franchise. Grant, Ordinance No. 214, passed September 1st, 1890. Ordinance No. 255. In effect May 20, 1892. Franchise to Fresno Electric Railway Company. Term 50 years. Commencing at the inter- section of the easterly end of Tulare Street with the City Limits, run- ning thence southwesterly along the center of said Tulare Street to K Street; thence along K Street to Mariposa Street; thence along Mariposa Street to H Street; thence along H Street to Ventura Street; thence along Ventura Street to C Street; and thence along C Street to the south- erly limits of said City. Also commencing at the Southern Pacific Depot on Mariposa Street in said City of Fresno, and running thence along Mari- posa Street to J Street; thence along J Street to Tuolumne Street; thence along Tuolumne Street to O Street; thence along O Street to the north- erly limits of said City. Also commencing as last aforesaid, and running thence along Mariposa Street to J Street; thence along J Street north westerly to the City Limits. Also commencing at the junction of Tulare Street and the Railroad reservation, thence along Tulare Street to I Street; thence along I Street to Ventura Street, thence northeasterly along Ventura Street to City limits. Forfeited by 263. Ordinance No. 258. In effect June 20, 1892. Franchise to San Joaquin Valley Railroad Company. Term 50 years. Commencing at a point on the southerly side of Hamilton Street at the intersection of San Diego Street; thence in a northerly direction along said San Diego Street and the sidewalks thereof on its westerly side to a point where the west line of San Diego Street crosses the alley in Block 196 in the said City of Fresno crossing Hamilton, J. K and L Streets and the Streets and the sidewalks thereof, at their interesection with San Diego Street, and across L Street and the sidewalks thereof, between San Diego and Los Angeles Streets. Ordinance No. 263. In effect December 7, 1892. Forfeitures of fran- chises. Grant, February 10, 1890, per Ordinance No. 174, to J. G. Rhodes. APPENDIX. 253 Grant, April 6, 1891, per Ordinance No. 232, to Fresno Railroad Com- pany. Grant, May 2, 1892, per Ordinance No. 255, to Fresno Electric Rail- way Company. Ordinance No. 274. In effect March 7, 1893. Franchise to D. J. Canty. Term 10 years. To erect, maintain and operate in connection with and in the vicinity of the Hughes Hotel in said City of Fresno, a machine with necessary appurtenances and appliances to be used In manufacturing gas for the purposes of fuel and illumination. Ordinance No. 310. In effect July 18, 1895. Forfeiture of franchise granted to W. S. McMurty, Jr., by Ordinance 134. Ordinance No. 312. In effect September 6, 1895. Franchise to San Joaquin Electric Company. Term 50 years. To build, erect, construct, equip, operate and maintain poles, masts, wires and conduits in the streets, alleys and public places. Ordinance No. 320. In effect March 23, 1896. Franchise to San Fran- cisco and San Joaquin Valley Railway Company. Term 50 years. From a point beginning at the southwest corner of the Shanklin Addition to the City of Fresno, thence on a curve with radius of 1146 feet across Silvia Street and Tuolumne Street, and after crossing Block 150 across the east side of Q Street at the intersection of Merced Street, thence on the center line of Q Street to the east boundary of the City; also two side tracks on said Q Street from Tulare Street to the east boundary of the City; one of said side tracks eighteen feet from the center of said Q Street on the west side thereof and one of said side tracks fifteen feet from the center of said Q Street on the east side thereof; and also side tracks across Kern, Inyo, Mono, Ventura and Santa Clara Streets on each side of Q Street to connect the tracks of said Company to be laid on and across blocks 144, 143, 142, 141, 140, 158, 157, 156, 155, 154; said streets and blocks being all described according to the oflQcial map of the town, now city of Fresno on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder of said Fresno County. Ordinance No. 333. In effect September 18, 1897. Franchise to Mt. Whitney Telephone and Power Company. Expired July 31, 1889. To erect, construct, maintain and operate thereon lines and wires in, through, over and upon and along, across and under all the streets, roads, avenues, lanes and highways. Ordinance No. 355. In effect September 7, 1899. Forfeiture of cer- tain franchises. Grant to George L. Bradley, et al., per Ordinance No. 41 as amended by Ordinances Nos. 56 and 202. Ordinance No. 377. In effect August 16, 1900. Franchise to G. W. Hooven. Term 50 years. To construct, maintain, lay down and operate by means of steam locomotives a spur or side track over, along, upon and across Hamilton Street, from a point where the Pollasky Branch of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company crosses said Hamilton Street, to the easterly line of Mary Street; also along, over, upon and across Anna Street, Isabella Street, Sarah Street and Mary Street, where the same are intersected by said Hamilton Street; also along, upon, over and across that certain strip of land designated as a street on the map or plat of Woodward's Addition filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Fresno, State of California, on the 7th day of March, 1887, and recorded in Vol. I of Maps at page 20 thereof, records of Fresno County unnamed, lying between the easterly line of Blocks 1, 10, 11 of said Wood- ward's Addition and the City limits, where the same would be intersected 254 APPENDIX. by said Hamilton Street were said Hamilton continued easterly in a straight line through Block one of Woodward's Addition to the City limits. Ordinance No. 387. In effect July 6, 1901. Franchise to S. N. Griffith, et al. Term 50 years. Commencing at the intersection of Mariposa and J Streets and running southwesterly along Mariposa Street to and on H Street; thence northwesterly along H Street to and on Merced Street; thence southwesterly along Merced Street to and on F Street; thence northwesterly along F Street to and on Sutter Street to and across G Street and continuing northeasterly across South Avenue to and across East Avneue and to and across West Avenue to and upon Nielsen Ave- nue; thence easterly along Nielsen Avenue to and on the street running north and south along east side of Block (4) of Central Addition, said Street being the northerly extension of K Street; thence on and along said last named street to and on Voorman Avenue; thence westerly along Voorman Avenue to and on Van Ness Avenue; thence north along Van Ness Avenue to and on Belmont Avenue; thence east along Belmont Avenue to and on Blackstone Avenue. Commencing at the intersection of Fresno Street and Belmont Avenue; thence south along Fresno Street to and on McKenzie Avenue; thence east along McKenzie Avenue to and on First Street; thence south along First Street to and on Ventura Street; thence west along Ventura Avenue to the intersection of Gilbert Street and Ventura Avenue; thence southwesterly along Ventura Avenue to and on P Street; thence southeasterly along P Street to and on San Benito Avenue; thence southwesterly along San Benito Avenue to and on N Street; thence southeasterly along N Street to and on Los Angeles Avenue; thence southwesterly along Los Angeles Avenue to and on F Street; thence northwesterly along F Street to and on Merced Street. Commencing at the intersection of Mariposa and J Streets and running northwesterly along J Street to and on Stanislaus Street; thence north- easterly along Stanislaus Street to and on P Street; thence north across Silvia Street to and on Abby Street; thence north along Abby Street to and on McKenzie Avenue; thence east along McKenzie Avenue to and on Fresno Street; thence south along l^'resno Street to and on Silvia Street; thence southwesterly along said Fresno Street to and on H Street. Commencing at the intersection of Stanislaus Street and K Street; thence northwesterly along K Street to the southwesterly limits of Central Addi- tion, the same being the northerly extension of K Street, to and on a street running north and south along the east side of block 11 in said Central Addition; thence running north along said last named street to and on Nielsen Avenue. Beginning at the intersection of Ventura Ave- nue and P Street; thence northwesterly along P Street to and on Mono Street. Beginning at the intersection of Mariposa and H Streets; thence southeasterly along H Street to and on Tulare Street; thence northeast- erly along Tulare Street to and on K Street; thence northwesterly along K Street to and on Mariposa Street. Beginning at the intersection of Mariposa and J Streets and running thence southeasterly along J Street to and on Los Angeles Avenue. Commencing at the intersection of Mono Street and J Street and running thence northeasterly along Mono Street to and on P Street; thence northwesterly along P Street to and on Fresno Street. Commencing at the intersection of Mariposa and J Streets and thence northeasterly along Mariposa Street to and on K Street; thence along K Street to and on Stanislaus Street. Beginning at the intersection of I Street and Tulare Street; thence running northwesterly along I Street to and on and across Eldorado Street to the southerly line of Central Ad- dition; thence north on a street between blocks 12 and 13 in said Central Addition to and on Nielsen Avenue. Ordinance No. 414. In effect March 11, 1902. Franchise to Fresno City Railway Company. Term 25 years. Beginning at the intersection APPENDIX. 255 of Belmont Avenue and Abbey Street at the northerly limits of the City of Fresno, Fresno Ckjunty, State of California, running from thence south along, over and upon said Abbey Street to Silvia Street, thence across Silvia Street to Stanislaus Street; thence in a southerly direction along, over and upon said Stanislaus Street to J Street; thence in an easterly direction along, over and upon said J Street to San Diego Avenue. Be- ginning at the intersection of Belmont Avenue and Fresno Street, some- times called Toll House Road, at the City limits of the City of Fresno, and running from thence south along, over and upon said Fresno Street or Toll Huose Road to Silvia Street; thence across Silvia Street In a southerly direction along, over and upon said Fresno Street to P Street; thence easterly along, over and upon said P Street to San Benito Avenue. Beginning at the Intersection of J Street and Mariposa Street, and run- nlng thence along, over and upon said Mariposa Street to the south line of H Street, to a point where said H Street touches the reservation of the Southern Pacific Company. Beginning at the intersection of P Street and Tulare Street, and running from thence along, over and upon said Tulare Street to C Street. Beginning at the Intersection of Los Angeles Street and F Street, and running from thence In a westerly direction along, over and upon said F Street to Merced Street, thence northerly along, over and upon said Merced Street to J Street. Beginning at the Intersection of Stanislaus Street and K Street, and running thence west- erly along, over and upon said K Street to the southerly line of Central Addition, to the street running north and south on the dividing line be- tween Block 4 and Block 5 and Block 11 In said Central Addition; thence north along, over and upon said last named street to Voorman Avenue; thence west along, over and upon said Voorman Avenue to and on Van Ness Avenue; thence north along, over and upon said Van Ness Avenue to and upon Belmont Avenue to the City limits of the said City of Fresno. Beginning at the intersection of P Street and Ventura Avenue; thence easterly along, over and upon said Ventura Avenue to Gilbert Street; thence across said Gilbert Street, and along said Ventura Avenue to the easterly limits of the said City of Fresno. Beginning at the intersection of P Street and Fresno Streets; and running from thence along, over and upon said Fresno Street to J Street. Beginning at the intersection of P Street and Mono Street and running from thence southerly along, over and upon said Mono Street to the intersection of said Mono Street and J Street. Ordinance No. 417. In effect April 29, 1902. Franchise to Fresno City Railway Company. Term 25 years. Beginning at the intersection of Tulare and P Streets In said City of Fresno running from thence in an easterly direction along, over and upon said Tulare Street and to and upon R Street, thence In a southerly direction along, over and upon said R Street to and upon Ventura Street. Beginning at the Intersection of Tulare and R Streets running from thence in a northerly direction along, over and upon said R Street to and on Fresno Street. Beginning at the in- tersection of Tulare and N Streets and running from thence northerly along, over and upon N Street to and upon Fresno Street. Ordinance No. 422. In effect October 6, 1902. Franchise to Fresno City Railway Company. Term 25 years. Beginning at the intersection of J Street and Forthcamp Avenue, in said City of Fresno, running from thence in a northerly direction along, over and upon said Forthcamp Ave- nue to and upon Belmont Avenue. Beginning at the intersection of O, Stanislaus and Blackstone Streets, In said City of Fresno, running thence in a north direction along, across and upon said Blackstone Street to and upon Belmont Avenue. Ordinance No. 426. In effect December 29, 1902. Franchise to Fresno City Railway Company. Term 25 years. Beginning at the Intersection 256 APPENDIX. of Blackstone and McKenzie Avenue, in said City of Fresno, running from thence in an easterly direction, along, over, and upon said McKenzie Avenue, to and upon First Street, sometimes called East Avenue, to the City limits of the said City of Fresno. Beginning at the intersection of Tulare and P Streets, in said City of Fresno, running from thence in a westerly direction along, over and upon said P Street to and upon Stanis- laus Street, thence west along, over and upon said Stanislaus, to and upon O Street. Beginning at the intersection of Los Angeles and F Streets, in said City of Fresno, running from thence in a southeasterly direction, along, over and upon said F Street, to the City limits of the City of Fresno. Ordinance No. 441. In effect July 20, 1903. Franchise to Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, Term 41 years from and after the 26th day of February, 1903. A spur track commencing for its center at a point on the existing track of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company on Santa Fe Avenue at a point about Eighty (80) feet northwesterly from the northwesterly line of Inyo Street (extended across said Santa Fe Avenue) and on or near the southwesterly line of said Santa Fe Avenue, and running thence southeasterly on a suitable curve to a point on the northwesterly line of Inyo Street, distant eight and one- half {SV2) feet northeasterly from the southwesterly line of Santa Fe Avenue and continuing thence southeasterly parallel to, and distant eight and one-half (8^/^) feet from said southwesterly line of said Santa Fe Avenue to the northwesterly line of Mono Street (extended across said Santa Fe Avenue.) Ordinance No. 449, In effect February 15, 1904. Franchise to South- ern Pacific Railroad Company. Term 25 years. Commencing at a point on the track of the Fresno City Railway Company on Ventura Avenue, 100 feet, more or less east of the east line of Gilbert Street; thence curv- ing to the left with two tracks across Ventura Avenue and entering the right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, and thence to a connection with the track of the last named company. Ordinance No. 450. In effect February 15, 1904. Franchise to Fresno Traction Company, Term 25 years. Beginning at the intersection of J and Tulare Streets at or near the center line of J Street, and connect- ing with the street railroad and franchise thereon, and running from thence in a northeasterly direction, over and upon Tulare Street in said City, to, over, upon and across K Street therein, and to a point thirty feet, a little more or less, east of the easterly line of K Street, and con- necting with the Street railway and franchise on Tulare Street at said point. Ordinance No, 474. In effect December 19, 1904. Franchise to At- chison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company. Term 41 years from and after the 26th day of February, 1904. A spur track commencing for its center at a point on the northwesterly line of Mono Street (extended across Santa Fe Avenue), distant eight and one-half feet northeasterly from the southwesterly line of Santa Fe Avenue, (being the center of the end of the spur track now existing at said point), and extending south- easterly parallel to and distant eight and one-half feet from said south- westerly line of said Santa Fe Avenue to the southeasterly line of the (said) City limits, being the northeasterly line of the right of way of what is known as the Pollasky Branch of the Southern Pacific Company. Ordinance No, 485. In effect August 7, 1905. Franchise to Southern Pacific Railroad Company. Term 50 years. Commencing on San Diego Avenue, on Pollasky branch, where San Diego Avenue intersects K Street, thence westerly along San Diego Avenue, on slight curve, crossing J and Hamilton Streets, Cherry Ave. and I Street, to intersection with main line of Southern Pacific Railroad; providing for two spur tracks. APPENDIX. 257 Ordinance No. 498. In effect January 18, 1906. Franchise to Califor- nia Products Company. Term 25 years. Grants franchise to lay spur track from Pollasky branch, along Hamilton, Anna, Isabella, Sarah and Mary Streets, in Woodward's Addition, to City limits. Ordinance No. 508. In effect April 12, 1906. Franchise to Fresno Traction Company. Term 25 years. Grants street railroad franchises on portions of I Street, M Street, Fresno Street, F Street, Sacramento Street and Merced Street. Ordinance No. 573. Franchise to F. S. Granger. Term 25 years. For interurban railroad. Forfeited. Ordinance No. 592. In effect November 9, 1909. Franchise to Fresno, Hanford and Summit Lake Interurban Railway Company. Term 25 years. Commencing at southeast City limits, thence along Cherry Ave., to I Street, thence along I Street to Monterey Ave., thence along Monterey Ave. to H Street, thence along H Street to Tulare Street, thence along Tulare Street to I Street, thence along I Street to Monterey Avenue. Ordinance No. 593. In effect February 26, 1909. Franchise to Atchi- son, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company. Term 37 years. Fran- chise for five switch tracks adjacent to and connecting with the main line of said railway on the reservation thereof. Ordinance No. 604. In effect February 19, 1910. Franchise to Fresno Traction Company. Term 25 years. Granting franchises on portions of Inyo Avenue, U Street, Fresno Avenue, C Street, and F Street Ordinance No. 610. In effect April 14, 1910. Franchise to Fresno Traction Company. Term 25 years. Granting franchises on portions of Blackstone Ave., Tulare Street, and Anna Street INDEX TO ORDINANCES. (Sec.(Subd.) Page Abatement of Nuisance, see Nuisance. Acceptance of private paving, etc., by Superintendent of Streets, see Paving or Improving, etc. Accountant, Mayor to appoint Charter 31 (3) 14 -Advertisements, see Advertising. banners as, by consent of Mayor may be strung across street when (4) 78 bicycle rack used as, unlawful (3) 78 bulletin board, etc., as, unlawful (1-2) 78 business, can advertise only what (2) 78 business, in building, only, can be advertised by (2) 78 erection of certain kinds of, unlawful (1) 78 kinds of, allowed (2) 78 misdemeanor to erect certain signs as (5) 78 misdemeanor to permit certain (5) 78 nuisance, certain kinds of, declared a (1) 78 punishment for erecting or maintaining certain (5) 78 sidewalks, certain, over, unlawful (1-2) ' 78 sign, etc., on bicycle rack as, unlawful (8) 78 sign boards as, allowed when (2) 78 sign boards, etc., as, erection over sidewalks, etc., unlawful (2) 78 sign boards, etc., as, over sidewalks, etc., a nuisance (1) 78 sign post, as, unlawful when (2) 78 Superintendent of Streets to destroy, when (1) 78 Advertising, (in public streets, etc.) See Advertisements, animals, by carrying placards, etc., on, unlawful when.. (3) 67 announcing by, unlawful when (5) 67 banner, etc., by carrying, unlawful when (1) 67 bell, by ringing, unlawful when (2) 67 bicycle, used for, unlawful when (4) 67 bills, etc., by posting, unlawful when (8) 68 bills, by distributing, unlawful when (7) 68 bills, by afllxing to property, unlawful when (8) 68 bill posters, by posting, lawful when (8) 68 boycott, by, unlawful when (1 to 7) 68 bugle, etc., by blowing, unlawful when (2) 67 buildings, by cloth banners on, unlawful when (8a) 68 buggy, used for, unlawful when (4) 67 -cards, by distributing, unlawful when (7) 68 cars, in, by distributing, unlawful when (7) 68 -cart used for, unlawful when (4) 67 cloth banners, by placing on buildings, etc., unlaw- ful when (8a) 68 crying, by, unlawful when (5) 67 curbing, by posting on, unlawful (6) 68 design, etc., by carrying, unlawful when (1) 67 device, etc., by carrying, unlawful when (1) 67 doorways opening on streets, etc., from, unlawful (5) 67 260 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Advertising (in public streets, etc.) (Cent.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page drum, by beating, unlawful when (2) 6T emblem, by carrying, unlawful when (1) 67 fences, by cloth banners on, unlawful (8a) 68 framework, etc., by carrying, unlawful when (1) 67 houses, distributing in, by, unlawful when (7) 6& horn, etc., by blowing, unlawful when (2) 67 lawns, distributing on, unlawful when (7) 68 machine used for, unlawful when (4) 67 Mayor may permit certain, when (9) 68- misdemeanor, unlawful, is (10) 68 newsboys, papers by, permitted (5) 68 noises, by loud or unusual, unlawful when (2) 6T notice, by distributing, unlawful when (7) 68 notices, oflScial, by posting, lawful (6) 68 official notices, by posting, lawful (6) 68 penalty for unlawful (10) 68 permit by Mayor, for certain, contents of (9) 68 permit by Mayor for certain, issued when (9) 68 poles, electric, etc., by posting on, unlawful when (6) 68: posting, by, on electric, etc., poles, unlawful when (6) 68 posters, by aflSxing to property, unlawful when (8) 68 posters, by distributing, unlawful when (7) 68 property, by posting on, unlawful when (8) 68 punishment for unlawful (10) 68 single sheet boards, by, unlawful (8b) 68^ single sheet boards, by placing in recess of building, lawful when (8b) 6& single sheet boards, using more than 25 thereof, un- lawful (8b) 6^ stairways opening on streets, etc., from, unlawful when.. (5) 67 street cars, by cloth banners on, unlawful when (8a) 68 structures, by cloth banners on, unlawful when (8a) 68 transparency, etc., by carrying, unlawful when (1) 67 trumpet, by blowing, unlawful when ' (2) GT vehicle used for, unlawful when (4) 67 wagon used for, unlawful when (4) 67 walls, by cloth banners on, unlawful (8a) 68 yards, in, distributing, unlawful when (7) 68 Advertising lottery tickets, etc , (1-2) 72-7 J Affidavits, clerk may take Charter (43) 18 Agreement for private paving to be kept in office of Superintendent of Streets, see Paving or Improving, etc. Agreement, one doing private paving, etc., must enter into with City, see Paving or Improving, etc. Alcoholic liquors, see Liquor. Alley, see Charter, Travel and Traffic. animal in, removed by Superintendent of Streets when.. (4) 224 animals in, unlawful when (2) 79 animal left in, to exceed 8 hours, to be fed by police- man at owner's expense (6) 225 articles, cumbersome, found in, sold where found (4) 224 awnings over, permitted when (1) 79 bicycle rack in, not an obstruction when (1) 79 bicycle racks, obstruction of, with (3) 78* building in, standing, moving (11) 150 canal in, maintaining, misdemeanor when (2) 22 J INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 261 Alley, see Charter, Travel and Trafllc (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page canal may be built on, when (2) 223 cellar ways in, permitted when (1) 79 debris on lots fronting on, to be removed (3) 224 ditch, etc., in, cost of repair of, recovered by suit (2) 224 ditch, etc., in, owner of, to be prosecuted for damages caused by (2) 224 ditch, etc., in, repaired at cost of owner, when (2) 224 ditch in, maintaining, misdemeanor when (2) 224 excavations in, see Excavations. flanged wheel vehicles not permitted on paved (9) 225 flooding of, unlawful (40) 58 flume in, maintaining, misdemeanor when (2) 224 flume may be built in, when (2) 223 goods in transit over, not an obstruction when (1) 79 grade of certain, changed, see Streets. Grade of, Forthcamp Addition No. 2, in, changed (1) 128 Forthcamp Addition No. 2, in, determined how (1) 128 Forthcamp Addition No. 2, in, elevation deter- mined how (1) 128 Forthcamp Addition No. 2, in, profile filed with City Engineer (1) 128 grass and weeds on lots fronting on, to be removed (3) 224 harvesters, not permitted on paved (9) 225 hauled, maximum load to be, on (7) 225 headers not permitted on paved (9) 225 hitching post in, permitted when (1) 79 hitching post may be erected on, when (1) 223 hitching post, size of, which may be erected on (1) 223 inspection of, by plumbing inspector (71) 104 leasing, etc., unlawful (1-2-3-4) 131 load, maximum, to be hauled on (7) 225 load, to exceed 10,000 lbs. hauled on, when (7) 225 lots fronting on, weeds and grass on, to be removed (3) 224 lots on, vacant, weeds and grass on, to be removed (3) 224 machine having flanged wheels, not permitted on paved.. (9) 225 minors in, unlawful when (1) 131 misdemeanor to maintain canal, ditch, etc., in, when.... (2) 224 misdemeanor to obstruct sidewalks, and (3) 79 misdemeanor to violate provisions of ordinance con- cerning (10) 225 notice of sale of things found in, contents of (4) 224 notice to repair canal, ditch, etc., in, given when (2) 224 noxious growth on lots fronting on, to be removed (3) 224 nuisance in, removed by Superintendent of Streets, when. (4) 224 obstruction of (41) 58 obstructing, unlawful when (1) 79 paving, by private contract, see Paving or Improving, etc. poles on, permitted when (1) 79 proceeds of sale of things found in, disposition of (4) 224 proceeds of sale of things found in, paid to Treasurer when (5) 225 punishment for obstructing sidewalk, and (3) 79 punishment for violation of ordinance concerning (10) 225 reclaiming of things found in (4) 225 refuse in, unlawful to throw (28) 94 repaired by contractor, must be when (21) 196 262 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Alley, see Charter, Travel and Traffic (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page sale of animal found in, made by Superintendent of Streets (4) 224 sale of article found in, made by Superintendent of Streets (4) 224 sales of articles found in, conducted how (4) 224 sales of articles found in, conditions of (4) 224 signs, obstruction of, with (1-2) 78 speaking in certain, unlawful (1) 205- Superintendent of Streets to prosecute owners of ditch, etc., in, when (2) 224 tires of vehicles used on paved, required width of (8) 225 travel in, obstruction of, unlawful (1) 19^ trees on, to be trimmed to height of 7 feet (3) 224 trees, shade, in, not unlawful when (1) 79 vacant lots on, weeds and grass on, to be removed (3) 224 vehicle in, removed by Superintendent of Streets, when.. (4) 224 vehicles, unwieldy, found in, sold where found (4) 224 vehicles used on paved, width of tires required on (8) 225 violation of ordinance concerning, is misdemeanor (10) 225 water pipes must be laid in, when (1) 75 weeds and grass on lots fronting on, to be removed (3) 224 weeds, to be kept clear of (3) 224 wheels, vehicles having flanged, not permitted on paved.. (9) 225 Alms, ablebodied men soliciting, unlawful (11) 53 Amateur theatricals, license for, not required (13) 237 Angus Street, grade changed (1 to 4) 125 Animals, advertising by means of, unlawful (3) 67 alley, street or sidewalk, on, sold when (4) 224 betting on contests between, unlawful 74 burial of infected (38) 96 conducting, from place to place on streets, not unlawful. .(2) 79 fed at owner's expense, when (6) 225 herding of, on streets, etc., unlawful when (2) 79 hitching or leaving, within forty feet of certain corners, unlawful (1) 238 infected, bringing, into city, unlawful (37) 96 meat of, under 4 weeks old, sale of, unlawful (44) 97 misdemeanor to drive, on streets, when (3) 79 misdemeanor to tie, on streets when (3) 79 picketing, unlawful when (28) 56 public places, on, unlawful when (2) 79 punishment for driving and tying, on streets (3) 79 refuse, matter must be burned or removed from City... (28) 94 sales of, by Poundkeeper (7) 71 speed of, unlawful (15) H streets, etc., in, unlawful when (19) 35 streets, on, unlawful when (2) 79 trespassing, disposition of (4) 70 trespassing, see Fowls. tying of, on streets, etc., unlawful when (2) 79 unlawful to bury dead, in City (28) 94 unhitched, leaving, unlawful (32) 56 Announcements on streets (5) 67 Apartment, renting, using, etc., for gambling or pool selling (3) 74 Apartment, renting for gambling. (4) 66 INDEX TO ORDINANCES 263 (Sec.(Subd.) Page Appeals, see Charter. Application for franchises, see Franchises. Application for liquor license, see Liquor. Apportionment of city funds, see Charter. Approaches, specifications for, see Sidewalks. Arbitration, see Building. Artificial stone, laying by private contract, see Paving or Improving, etc. Ashes, disposition of (44) 120 Asphalt pavement. In alleys, etc., See Paving or Im- proving, etc. Assault is a misdemeanor (5) 62 Assignation house, unlawful (6-7) 63 Association may sell, etc.. Intoxicating liquors, etc., see Liquor. Auctioneer selling on street, unlawful when (61) 60 Auctioneer's license (9(10) 228 Automobile, leaving, within forty feet of certain comers, unlawful (1) 238 Automobile license (9(10) 230 Avenue, see Coast Avenue. Avenue, Forthcamp, widened north of Belmont, see Sidewalks. Avenues, see Building. Avenues, minors on, unlawful when (2) 132 Avenues, names of certain, changed, see Streets. Awnings, how fastened, see Building (1) 79 B Bacteriologist, see Milk. Bailiff, of police court (70) 22 Ball room, lawful, when (2) 190 Ball room, playing musical Instruments In, unlawful (1) 64 Banker's license (9(2) 229 Banners, carrying of advertising, unlawful when (1) 67 Barbed wire, using, for fence unlawful (68) 61 Barber Shop, apparatus of, sterilized how (47) 97 barber in, cleanliness required of (47) 98 bath tubs of, cleaned how (47) 97 business of, place of, rules concerning (47) 97 floors of, cleaned how (47) 97 misdemeanor to violate rules concerning (47) 98 placard of rules concerning, required (47) 98 punishment for violating rules concerning (137) 115 razors of, wiped how (47) 98 rules concerning, to be placarded In shop (47) 98 sewer connections, must have (47) 97 towels, separate, for each customer of, required (47) 97 water, shall be provided with running (47) 97 Barbers, regulations concerning (47) 97 Barbers, under control of Board of Health (47) 97 Barred house, resorting to, unlawful when (2) 129 Barricaded House, cards can not be exhibited In (1) 129 dice can not be exhibited In (1) 129 264 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Barricaded House (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page dominoes can not be exhibited it (1) 129 exhibiting cards, etc., to view in, unlawful (1) 129 exposing cards, etc., to view in, unlawful (1) 129 fan tan table can not be exhibited in (1) 129 gambling instruments can not be exhibited in (1) 129 misdemeanor to resort to, where cards, etc., are played.. (3) 129 punishment for resorting to, where cards, etc., are played (3) 129 resorting to, where cards, etc., are played, unlawful (2) 129 room or, visiting, where cards, etc., are played, unlawful. . (2) 129 three or more persons must be present in (2-3) 129 visiting, where cards, etc., are played, unlawful (2) 129 Bar room, see Liquor. Bar room, playing musical Instruments in, unlawful (1) 64 Basins, see Plumbing. Baths, see Plumbing. Beer, see Liquor. Begging, misdemeanor (11) 53 Bell must be sounded on street car, see Street Car. Bell on motor vehicles, see Travel and Traffic. Bell, ringing of, may be stopped (40) 97 Bells, unlawful to call attention to advertisement by (2) 67 Benevolent, etc., dances, lawful (2) 190 Benzine, storing and selling of, see Petroleum, etc. Betting, see Gambling. Betting, unlawful, see Pool Tickets. Bicycle, see Bicycle Racks. Bicycle, lamp and bell required on (33) 56 Bicycle, leaving, within forty feet of certain comers, unlawful (1) 238 Bicycle Racks, advertisements, used as, unlawful (3) 78 kinds of, permitted (3) 78 misdemeanor to erect certain (5) 78 misdemeanor to have certain (5) 78 placed, may be, where (3) 78 punishment for having or erecting certain (5) 78 Bicycle, riding, on sidewalk, unlawful (33) 56 Bicycles, speed of, unlawful (33) 56 Bill boards, unlawful when (43) 58 Billiard Room, license (9(11) 230 misdemeanor to violate ordinance concerning (2) 190 open, allowing, between certain hours, unlawful (1) 189 open, keeping, between certain hours, unlawful (1) 189 open, permitting, between certain hours, unlawful (1) 189 persons, permitting, in between certain hours, unlawful . . (1) 189 playing in, between certain hours, unlawful (1) 189 punishment for violation of ordinances concerning (2) 190 Bill posters' license (9(42) 234 Bill posting on poles and curbing, unlawful (20) 54 Bill posting on private property, unlawful when (8) 68 Bills, advertising with, see Advertising. Births, record of (6) 89 Blocks, how numbered (3) 76 Blocks within fire limits (1) 211 Boarding house liquor license (4) 137 Boarding houses, see Building. INDiEX TO ORDINANCES. 265 (Sec.(Subd.) Page Board of Education Charter (130 to 132) 30 Board of Health, see Charter, 160 to 179; Disease; Millc; Plumbing Inspector, animal having dangerous disease, not to be brought in city without permit of (37) 96 animals with dangerous disease, can not be buried in city except by permit of (38) 96 appeal to, allowed when building is condemned (121) 112 arrest, health officer of, may, for certain acts (7) 90 bacteriologist appointed by (55) 101 bacteriologist appointed by, salary of (55) 101 barber shop, rules of with respect to (47) 97 bell ringing may be stopped by order of (40) 97 births, a record of, shall be kept by secretary of (6) 89 births, report of, to be made to, by whom (8) 90 bond of plumbing inspector to be filed with (124) 113 building, condemnation of, by plumbing inspector, ap- peal from, to (121) 112 burials permitted by, on what conditions (10) 90 cellars, cesspools, drains, etc., rules of, with respect to.. (28) 94 certificate of death to, giving false, misdemeanor (13) 91 cesspool, kind of, permitted by (36) 96 cesspool shall not be constructed without permit of.... (36) 96 chairman of, appointed when (5) 89 City Health officer of, vaccinates free when (25) 94 City Physician elected by (1) 88 City Physician to furnish rules of, to tuberculous patient (17) 92 condemned building, sign, required on, by (121) 113 conveyance to be disinfected under direction of, when.. (22) 93 dairies to be inspected by health officer of (7) 90 dairies, rules of, with respect to (48 to 51) 98 dead bodies, permit for removal of, given by president of, when (5) 89 dead bodies, shipment of, permitted by, when (10) 90 dead body, carrying of, permitted by, when (13) 91 death certificate by physician and undertaker given to, when (11-12) 90-91 death certificate to, of person unattended, furnished by whom (12) 91 deaths, a record of, shall be kept by secretary of (6) 89 diseases, communicable, list of, to be published by, * and furnished to schools and Sunday schools (20) 93 diseases, communicable, shall be reported to Health Officer of (16) 91 disease, misdemeanor for one suffering with danger- ous, to enter city without permit of (37) 96 disease, person with dangerous, not to be moved with- out permit of (21) 93 disinfection of house, etc., under control of (24) 93 elected, may be, when (2) 88 fee to, for scavanger's permit (33) 96 fees received by, paid to city treasurer (6) 89 foods, to be inspected by Health Officer of (7) 90 fumigation of house, etc., under control of (24) 93 funeral permitted by, on what conditions (10) 90 guards may be established by, when (26) 94 Health officer appointed by, is the executive officer (7) 89 266 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Board of Health (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page Health officer appointed by, powers and duties of (7) 89-90 Health officer of, certificate of recovery issued by (17) 92 Health officer of, shall placard and quarantine house where communicable disease is (17) 92 Health officer of, shall placard house where communi- cable disease is (17) 92 Health officer of, to report certain diseases to Super- intendent of Schools (17) 92 house, etc., can not be rented until disinfected by, when (23) 93 house, etc., deemed not hired under rules of, when (23) 93 infectious diseases, record of, kept by secretary of (6) 89 inspection of dairies required by (51) 9S inspection of milk sold in city required by (48 to 51) 98-100 Inspector of foods, health officer of, is (7) 90 inspector, necessary, may be elected or appointed by....(l) 88 license of plumbers, susptjnded for violation of rules of (129-134) 114-115 manure, papers, etc., rules of, with respect to (28) 94 meats, decaying, rules of, with respect to (28) 94 meats to be inspected by Health Officer of (7) 92 meetings of, held when (3) 88 meetings of, special, may be called when (3) 88 members of, term of office of (1) 88 midwifery, list of practitioners of, list kept by sec- retary of (6) 89 midwife to report births and deaths to (8) 90 milk, to be inspected by Health Officer (7) 90 milk, rules of, with respect to (48-49-50-51) 98-100 misdemeanor for physician not to give death certifi- cate to, when (11) 91 misdemeanor, to blow whistle or ring bell contrary to order of (40) 97 misdemeanor to bring person or animal suffering with dangerous disease into city without permit of (37-38) 96 misdemeanor to bury or ship dead bodies without permit of (10) 90 misdemeanor to employ scavenger not authorized by.... (34) 96 misdemeanor to give false death certificate to (13) 91 misdemeanor to occupy house without sewer connec- tions under rules of (28) 95 misdemeanor to violate rules of (137) 115 nurse to report births and deaths to (8) 90 nurse treating communicable disease to disinfect herself on leaving as prescribed by rules of (17) 92 order of business at meetings of (4) 88 organization of, when and how (1) 88 parent to report birth and death to, when (8) 90 penalties for violation of rules of (137) 115 penalties received by, paid to City treasurer (6) 89 physician to report births and deaths to (8) 90 physician to report communicable diseases to health officer of (17) 92 physician treating communicable disease to disinfect himself on leaving as prescribed by rules of (17) 92 physicians, list of, kept by secretary of (6) 8» INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 267 Board of Health (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page physicians, under rule of, monthly report to be made by, to State Board of Health of cases, etc, treated. . . .(9) 90 placard, disease, shall not be removed without con- sent of health officer of (16) 91 place, containing dangerous disease subject to control of (26) 94 place, entering or leaving, where dangerous disease is, forbidden by (26) 94 plumber's license suspended for violation of rules of ...(129-134) 114-115 plumbing, changes of, in accordance with rules of, permitted (131) 114 plumbing changes of, shall conform to rules of (131) 114 plumbing, inspection of, to be under rules of (64) 102 plumbing inspector, rules of, with respect to.... (60 to 138) 60 to 115 plumbing inspector shall report to (68) 103 plumbing inspector to distribute rules of, when (28k) 95 plumbing inspector to file bond with (124) 113 plumbing shall not be accepted unless in accordance with rules of (67) 103 president of, powers and duties of (5) 89 president of, term of office one year (1) 88 public building to be inspected by health officer of (7) 90 punishment for violation of rules of (113) 115 quorum of, what constitutes (3) 88 refuse vegetable and animal matter, rules of, with respect to (28) 94 rules of, to be distributed by plumbing inspector, when (28k) 95 rules of, to be furnished to tuberculous patients (17) 92 rules of, with regard to barber shop (47) 97 rules of, with respect to cellars, cesspools, drains, etc... (28) 94 rules of, with respect to filth and garbage of all kinds.. (28) 94 rules of, with respect to plumbing inspector (60 to 138) 60 to 115 sanitary inspector to wear badge of office, prescribed by. . (65) 102 sanitation of city under rules of (64) 102 scavenger must have permit of (31) 95 scavenger's apparatus to be exhibited to and approved by (31) 95 scavenger's permit revoked by, when (32) 96 scavenger's permit by, contents of (33) 96 schools furnished list of communicable diseases, by (20) 93 schools to be inspected by health officer of, quarterly. .(7) 90 secretary of, city physician is (1) 88 secretary of, powers and duties of (6) 89 sign required by, on condemned building (121) 113 spring may be ordered filled by, when (39) 96 term of office of members of (1) 88 undertaker obtains permit from, for burials (10) 90 undertaker, duties and powers of, under rules of (10-11) 90 undertaker to get death certificate from attending physician and file with (10) 90 undertaker to notify officer of, of deaths (11) 90 vaccination free by health officer of, when (25) 94 vaccination of all persons required by, when (25) 94 vegetables, decaying, rules of, with respect to (28) 94 water, house required to be supplied with, by rules of. . . .(47) 97 well may be ordered filled by, when (39) 96 whistle blowing may be stopped by order of (40) 97 Board of Library Trustees, see Library Trustees, Charter. 268 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. (Sec.(Subd.) Page Board of Park Commissioners, see Board of Park Commis- sioners, Charter. Board of Police and Fire Commissioners, see Police and Fire Department, Charter. Board of Trustees, see Charter; Liquor; Plumbing Inspector. druggists' prescription book, may inspect when (31) 144 pipes and mains, may require water company to lay, when (1-2-3) 75-76 Boiler, installation, etc., of, see Building. Boiler rooms, see Building. Bomb, discharge of, unlawful (12) 53 Bond, see various officers. Bond, required when, see Sewers. Bonded Indebtedness, (Charter, 120 to 125) 28-29 Bond of License Collector Twenty Thousand Dollars (1) 84 Bond required on making excavations, see Excavations. Bonds, see Charter. Boot black license (9(60) 235 Boundaries of City of Fresno, see Charter. Bowling Alley, license (9(11) 230 misdemeanor to violate ordinance concerning (2) 190 open, allowing, between certain hours unlawful (1) 189 open, keeping, between certain hours unlawful (1) 189 open, permitting, between certain hours unlawful (1) 189 persons, permitting, in between certain hours unlawful. .. (1) 189 playing in, between certain hours unlawful (1) 189 punishment for violation of ordinances concerning (2) 190 Boxing gloves (1) 84 Boxing match unlawful (1) 84 Brakemen must not obstruct streets, etc., with cars (1) 147 Bran, etc., throwing of, unlawful (1-2) 84 Broker's license (9(2) 229 Buggy, leaving, within forty feet of certain corners unlawful. .(1) 238 Building, see Charter; Fire Department; Plumbing; Sewers. actor's dressing room in theater, construction of (27(o) 182 advertising on (8a) 68 aisles in public, see Public hereunder, aisles in, see Theater, see Public, hereunder allowable spans in (22 (j) 159 alley, standing, moving, on, forbidden when (11) 150 alteration of. City Engineer, may stop, when (34) 189 alteration of, in fire limits permitted when (16) 152 altering in, violation of, ordinance unlawful (1) 148 alteration of plans for. City Engineer may make (31) 188 alteration of, without permit, unlawful (2) 148 "alterations", definition of in ordinance relating to (17) 152 altered, dangerous or defective, must be when (13-15) 151 "apartment house", definition of, in ordinance relating to (17) 153 apartments permitted in theater, when, see Theaters, hereunder (27(d) 179 apartments, shall have fire-escapes (24 (2a) 172 appeal from order to repair or demolish (15) 151 appendages to (22 (o) 161 application for change of plans for (31) 188 application for permit for, to City Engineer, contents of. . . (2) 148 arbitration of repair or demolition of (15) 151 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 269 Building (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page arbitration of repair or demolition of, costs of, depos- ited by applicant (15) 151 arbitration of repair or demolition of, decision in. . .^ . . . . (15) 151 arbitrators of repair or demolition of, appointment of.. (15) 151 arches in masonry, construction of (22(x) 164 arches required in all openings in masonry (22 (x) 164 area of rooms in masonry (22 (k) 159 areaways in masonry, protection of (22 (v) 163 art gallery permitted over theater or public, when (27(d) 179 assembly, shall have fire-escapes (24 (2a) 172 ashlar facing of masonry, see Masonry hereunder. "asylum," definition of, In ordinance relating to (17) 153 asylum, regulations as to (25(8) 175 asylum, shall have fire-escapes (24(2a) 172 attics in frame (21(f) 156 attics in masonry (22(r) 161 automatic safety device for (22 (s) 162 automatic sprinklers in (27(k, w) 180-185 auditorium in theater, see Theater, hereunder (27) 178 awnings on masonry, construction of (22(p) 161 axes for theater (27(x) 186 bakery oven flues for, construction of (23(a) 165 balconies on fire escapes in, requirements as to. (24(2 b, c, d) 173 balconies to side courts to theater, see Theater, here- under (27(c) 178 "basement," definition of, in ordinance relating to (17) 152 bay windows for, construction of (21 (J) 157 bearing capacity of soil for (20) 155 bearing partitions In frame, construction of (21(d) 155 "bearing wall," definition of. In ordinance relating to.... (17) 152 binders on fire doors in, construction of (22(w) 163 boarding house, certain, shall have fire escapes (24 (2a) 172 "boarding house," definition of, In ordinance relating to. (17) 153 boarding house, theater, shall not be used as, when. ..(27(f) 179 Board of Trustees may grant special permit for haz- ardous use of (8) 149 boiler flues in, construction of (23(a) 166 boilers for fire pump in, location of (24(1, i) 172 boilers In, construction of smokestacks for (23(h) 168 boiler rooms of, regulations as to (26(a) 177 bonding of masonry, see Masonry hereunder. brackets for fireescapes In, requirements as to ....(24(2, f) 174 bridging In, construction of (21(g, h) 156 brick, see Masonry hereunder. Building Committee of Board of Trustees, duties of, as to public (25(e) 176 Building Committee of Board of Trustees may pre- scribe standard of materials for (18) 153 building in violation of, ordinance unlawful (1) 148 building, without permit unlawful (2) 148 bulkhead stairs and doors connected (with fire es- capes in (24(2j) 174 candy kettles In, setting of, see Cooking ranges here- under. car, moving, will not obstruct (11) 150 ceiling in theater (27(n) 181 "cellar," definition of, in ordinance relating to (17) 152 270 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Building (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page cement in, see Masonry hereunder, check valve under tank on (21(1, h) 172 Chief of Fire Department and assistant may enter, when (6) 149 Chief of Fire Department and assistant, duties in relation to (6) 149 Chief of Fire Department shall determine height of masonry, when (22 (a) 157 Chief of Fire Department shall determine necessary fire fighting appliances to be installed in theater. (27(x) 186 Chief of Police, duties in relation to (6) 149 Chief of Police, may enter, when (6) 149 Chimney (and flue) in, anchored, shall be, when and how (23 (a) 165 bakery oven, shall be exposed to height of room.. (23 (a) 166 bakery oven, thickness of (23(a) 165 boiler, materials and constrution of (23(a) 165 boiler, shall be exposed to height of room (23(a) 166 brick or stone, shall be of (23 (a) 164 clean, shall be kept (23 (j) 168 cleaned upon completion, shall be (23(a) 166 construction of (23(a) 165 corbelling of, manner of (23(a) 165 cupola, construction of (23 (j) 169 foundation of (23(a) 165 foundries, of construction of (23(j) 169 frame building in, construction of certain (23(a) 165 height of (23(a) 165 hotel range, shall be exposed to height of room (23(a) 166 hot, shall be exposed to height of room (23(a) 166 inlets to, member of (23(a) 165 joists shall not be supported on (23 (a) 165 girders shall not be supported on (23(a) 165 joists, wooden, to be trimmed away from, how (21(g), (23(a) 156-165 lining of (23(a) 164 materials of (23 (a) 164 offsets in, size of (23(a) 165 party-walls, in, shall not be in 4 in, of center of.. (23 (a) 165 party-walls, joint, in, separated how (23(a) 165 patent, approved by City Engineer may be placed (23(c) 166 base of, inside of building (23(c) 167 base of, outside of building (23(c) 167 bracing of (23(c) 167 ceilings, passing through, openings for (21>(c) 167 construction of (23(c) 167 dimensions of (23(d) 167 fastening of, manner of (23 (c) 167 covered, shall be with certain galvanized iron pipe (23(c) 167 joints of, manner of making (23(c) 167 inlet shall have only one (23(c) 167 materials of (23 (c) 167 opening, shall have, for cleaning (23(c) 167 permit of City Engineer for, not transferable. .(23(c) 166 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 271 Building, chimney (and flue) in, patent (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page stamped, shall be, with date and name of maker (23(c) 167 stove-pipe, shall not enter bottom of (23(c) 167 suspended, shall not be, from roof or floor beams (23(c) 167 plastered smoothly, shall be when not lined (23(a) 165 restaurant, shall be exposed to height of room.. (23(a) 166 sizes of smoke (23(a) 165 smoke, minimum size of (23(a) 165 spark arresters on, required when (23(a) 166 stack, height of (23(a) 166 steam boilers, connected with, height of (23(a) 166 stone or brick, shall be of (23(a) 164 terra cotta pipe, lined with how (23(a) 164 terra cotta pipe 1 inch thick, shall be lined (with, when (23(a) 164 thimble Inlet to, placing of (23(a) 165 thimble inlet to, shall be of tile at least one inch in thickness (23(a) 165 thickness of, walls of (23(a) 166 trimmer beam, distance of, from inside of, and from breast of (21(g), (23(a) 156-165 wood, shall not rest on (23 (a) 165 church, regulations as to (25) 174 chutes shaft in masonry, construction of (22(8) 162 City Electrician, notice and payment to, for cutting City wires in moving (11) 151 City Electrician shall cut and replace wires of City necessary in moving (11) 151 City Engineer, actions for expense of retaining wall for, built by.. (19) 154 alteration or repair of, in fire limits permitted by when (16) 152 application for modification of requirements for, made to (31) 188 arbitration of repair or demolition of, duties of, in.. (15) 151 bonding of lining of masonry, prescribed by (22 (L) 160 bonding of masonry walls of, metallc, may permit. (22(h) 158 book of records relating to, kept by, public (32) 188 border lights In theater, constructed to approval of (27(y) 186 borings to test bearing capacity of soil for, may be made by (20) 155 buttresses of masonry, prescribed by (22(e) 157 certificate of modification of ordinance. Issued by... (31) 188 chimney in, may order extension of (23(1) 168 chimney In, patent, may permit in (23 (c) 166 construction of. right of, to stop (34) 189 curtain In theater, materials to be approved by..(27(j) 180 dangerous, notice by, to vacate or repair (13) 151 defective, notice by, to vacate or repair (13) 151 deposit by permittee for, made with, when (9) 150 deposit on moving, made with (11) 150 discretion as to requirements for, exercised by (31) 189 emergency order for demolition of, by (15) 152 272 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Building, City Engineer (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page entered, may be, by, when (6) 149 entrance to, right of, to (33) 189 fees for permit for, paid monthly by, to City (3) 148 fees for permit for, paid to (3) 148 fire, exits from, insufficient for escape from, must give notice to vacate or repair (13) 151 fire walls of masonry, galvanized iron front may be permitted by, when (22(y) 164 fire walls of masonry, thickness permitted by (22(g) 158 gaslights in theater, lighting appliances for, to be approved by (27(y) 186 heating apparatus in, notice of installation of given to (23(o) 171 inspection of, by (33) 189 lining of masonry, height of, prescribed by (22(1) 160 lights in theater, guarding of, prescribed by (27 (y) 186 light shafts in masonry, construction of, approved by (22(n) 160 masonry, outside of fire limits, may exempt from requirements as to (29) 188 materials for, quality of, prescribed by (18) 153 modification of, ordinance action on, by (31) 188 moving, deposit made with (11) 150 notice of demolition of, "emergency," given by (15) 152 notice of installation of heating apparatus in, shall be given to (23(o) 171 notice to make alteration in public, given by, when (25(e) 176 notice to vacate or repair, given by, when (8(13) 149-151 ordinance, not conforming to, must give notice to vacate or repair (13) 151 ordinance relating to, enforced by (6) 149 permit for patent chimney in, may be issued by.. (23(c) 166 permit, written, for construction and repair of, issued by (2) 148 plans for, filed with, shall state character of soil at footings (19(b) 154 ordinance relating to, power of, as to (31) 188 plans of, filed with, shall not be copied (32) 189 public, alterations of, directed by (25(e) 176 public, arrangements, etc., directed by ....(25(a) 175 ranges in, as hotels, etc., shall have notice of installation of (23(o) 171 record of bearing capacity of soil for, kept by (20) 155 records relating to, kept by (32) 188 records relating to, kept by, public (32) 188 roof of masonry, construction of, shall be satis- factory to (22(q) 161 soil for, bearing capacity of, tested by (20) 155 staircase walls of theater, materials of, to be approved by (27(h) 180 streets, etc., used in construction of, cleaning and passability of, enforced by (9) 149 theater, border lights in, constructed to approval of (27(y) 186 guarding of lights in, prescribed by (27 (y) 186 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 273 Building, City Engineer (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page theater, lighting appliance for gas lights in, to be approved by (27(y) 18S theater, materials of certain in, to be approved by. . (27 (j) 180 theater, painting of, subject to approval of (27(m) 181 theater, partitions in, construction of, must be approved by (27 (o) 182 theater, permit by, for use of, directed by (27(a) 177 theater, staircase walls of, materials of, to be approved by (27(h) 180 underpinning in wooden frame, to be approved by. (21(d) 156 vacation of, by order of (8) 149 vent shafts in masonry, construction of, ap- proved by (22(n) 160 City, fees for permits for, turned over to (3) 149 clean span thickness in regard to walls in (22(e) 157 coffee roasters in, construction of smokestalks for... (23(h) 168 coffee roasters in, setting of, see Cooking ranges, hereunder, combination wood and Iron, may be moved on permit, outside of fire limits (10) 150 combination wood and iron, may be moved to other part of same lots in flre limits (10) 150 combination wood and iron, not to be moved in flre limits (10) 150 complaint for violation of ordinance relating to, who required to make (6) 149 completed, shall be within time limit or new permit obtained (4) 149 concrete, see Masonry, hereunder. connections of stand pipes In certain kinds of (24(b) 171 constructing in violation of, ordinance, unlawful (1) 148 construction of, City Engineer may stop, when (34) 189 construction of, in fire limits (2) 212 construction of, without permit, unlawful (2) 148 cooking ranges, etc., In, floor plate on which, sit, dimensions of (23(k) 169 floor plate, shall be set on Iron, covered with brick or concrete (23(k) 169 floors under large gas, plates on (23(k) 169 framing of setting of (23 (k) 169 hood, metal, shall be placed over, and installed how (23(k) 169 sitting of, construction of (23 (k) 169 shield, metal, kind of, placed behind portable ..(23(k) 169 ventilating pipes for hoods over, installation of...(23(k) 169 wood not to be placed on setting of (23 (k) 169 cornice of masonry, construction of (22 (o) 160 corridors to side courts to theater, see Theater here- under (27(b) 178 costs of arbitration of repair or demolition of, de- posited by appellant (15) 151 cost of cutting wires In moving, paid by mover (11) 150 conform, must to ordinances or be demolished, when. .(13-15) 151 courts required on sides of theater, see Theater here- under (27(b) 178 cove ceilings in Masonry, see Masonry hereunder. 274 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Building (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page cupolas on, height of (23(j) 169 curtain for theater, see Theater hereunder. curtain wall in, requirements as to (22 (k) 160 cutting wires in moving, cost of, paid by mover (11) 151 cutting wires in moving, time of » . . (11) 150 damaged by use of pole-spurs, etc., must not be (1) 87 damaged, in fire limits demolished when (14-15) 151 damage to frame, in fire limits, action as to (14) 151 damages for failure to keep and protect passage on sidewalk, permittee for, liable for (9) 150 dangerous, action in regard to (13) 151 dangerous, repaired or demolished when (13-15) 151 dangerous use of. Board of Trustees may grant special permit for (8) 149 dangerous use of, may be ordered vacated for, unlawful. .(8) 149 defective, shall be repaired or vacated on notice by City Engineer (13) 151 defined (74) 105 Definitions, "a boarding house," of, as applied to a (17) 153 "a dwelling," of, as applied to a (17) 153 "a factory," of, as applied to a (17) 153 "a frame building," of, as applied to a (17) 152 "a hospital," of, as applied to a (17) 153 "a hotel," of, as applied to a (17) 153 "a public hall," of, as applicable to a (17) 153 "a store building," of, as applied to a (17) 153 "a theater," of, as applied to a (17) 153 "a warehouse," of, as applied to a (17) 153 "alterations," of, in (17) 152 "an apartment house," as applied to a (17) 153 "an office building," of, as applied to a (17) 153 "asylum," of, as applied to a (17) 153 "basement," of, as applied to a (17) 152 "bearing wall," of, as applied to (17) 152 "cellar," of, as applied to (17) 152 "division wall," of, as applied to (17) 152 "exterior wall," of, as applied to (17) 153 "flats," of, as applied, to (17) 153 "height of a building," of, as applied to (17) 153 "length of a building," of, as applied to (17) 153 "masonry," of, as applied to (17) 152 "partition wall," of, as applied to (17) 152 "party wall," of, as applied to (17) 152 "repairs," of, as applied to (17) 152 "sanitarium," of, as applied to (17) 153 "story," of, as applied to (17) 152 "tenement house," as applied to (17) 153 "thickness of a wall," of, as applied to (17) 153 "width of a building," of, as applied to (17) 153 demolished, damaged, in fire limits shall be when. .(14-15) 151 demolished or repaired, dangerous, must be, when. .(13-15) 151 demolishing, in violation of ordinance unlawful (1) 148 demolishing of, manner of (12) 151 demolishing, without permit (2) 148 deposit for arbitration concerning (15) 152 deposit for moving (11) 150 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 276 Building (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page decay of, in fire limits, regulations as to (14) 151 deposit of $25.00 made by permittee for, when (9) 150 depot, regulations as to railroad (25) 174 diagram of floors and exits in theater, printed on program (27(aa) 187 discretionary power of City Engineer, with respect to.. (31) 188 "division wall," definition of, in ordinance relating to.. (17) 152 division wall of masonry, see Masonry hereunder (17) 152 doors in boiler rooms in (26(a) 177 (doors in elevators in (22 (s) 161 doors in furnace rooms In (25(c) 176 doors, in masonry, fire, construction of (22 (k, w) 159-163 -doors in public (25(d) 176 doors in theater, exits (27(c) 178 drawings of, cannot be copied (32) 189 drops in theater (27(g, k, o, s) 179-180-182-183 drop ladders required from fire escape In (24 (2g) 174 drying rooms of laundry in, regulations as to (26) 177 duty, officers, is to enforce ordinance concerning (6) 149 dumb waiter shafts In masonry, construction of (22(s) 162 •"dwelling," definition of, in ordinance relating to (17) 153 dwelling-house, certain, shall have fire escapes (24(2a) 172 dwelling-house, used as, In fire limits may be altered or repaired when (16) 152 eaves on masonry, construction of (22 (o) 160 -electric wires for theater (27(y, z) 186-187 ■electric wires or poles, removal of, for moving (11) 150 elevator in, certain kinds of, kept in readiness for Fire Department (24(1, j) 172 elevator shafts in masonry, construction of (22 (s) 161 emergency order for demolition of (15) 152 ■entertainment purposes, used for, regulations as to, see Theater hereunder (27) 177 entrances to (27(c) 178 entrance to. City Engineer shall have right of, when.. (33) 189 entrance to, Chief of Fire Department, has right of, when (33) 189 excavation for, manner of and precautions in making. .. (19) 153 excavations of, protection of contiguous lots and buildings in making (19) 153 exits, a map or diagram of, In theater, printed on program (27(aa) 187 exits in public (25 (c) 176 exits in theater, see Theater hereunder (27(b, c, r) 178-183 ■"exit" shall be placed over doors of theater, when ..(27(aa) 187 exterior openings in masonry fire protection of (22(w, 1) 163 "exterior wall" definition of, in ordinance relating to... (17) 153 facing of masonry, see Masonry hereunder. "factory," definition of, in ordinance relating to (17) 153 factory, shall have fire escapes (24 (2a) 172 factory, theater, shall not be used as, when (27(f) 179 fees of City Engineer for permit for (3) 148 fees for permit for, double, required when (3) 148 fees for permit for, turned over to City (3) 148 fire appliances, auxiliary, uncertain kinds of (24(1, k) 172 fire brick for (23(a, b) 165-166 Fire Chief, duties of, as to public (25(e) 176 Pire Chief may order, vacated for hazardous use of (8) 149 276 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Building (Cont.) (Sec.(SuM.) Page Fire Chief, shall approve theater (27(a) 177 Fire Chief shall have notice of installation of fur- naces, ranges, etc., in (23(o) 17L Fire Chief shall require fire appliances in certain kinds of (24, 25) 172-17& fire doors in masonry (22 (w) 16? fire escapes in certain kinds of requirements as to.. (24 (2) 172; fire escapes in, balconies on (24(2, b, c, d) 173 fire escapes in, incumbrances shall not be placed on. (24(2, h) 174 fire, exits from, insufficient for escape from, must be repaired or vacated, when (13-15) 151 fire extinquishers and pails for theaters (27 (x) 186 Fire limits, alteration of, in, permitted when (16) 152" appeal from order to repair or demolish, in (15) 151 damaged, in, may be repaired when (14) 151 demolished, damaged, shall be, in, when (14-15) 151 exterior openings in masonry, in (22 (w, 1) 163 frame, damaged, in, may be repaired when (14) 151 masonry, in, shall be of, when (28) 187 masonry, outside of, requirements as to (28) 187 moving, in, forbidden when (10) 150 shed, in, may be constructed (28) 187 stairways outside of, in, construction of (28) 188 temporary, wooden, in, permitted during con- struction (28) 187 wooden, damaged, in, may be repaired when (14) 151 firemen shall be employed in theater, see Theater (27 (bb) 187 Fireplaces in, arches in connection with, materials and con- struction of (23(b) 166 arches, shall have trimmer, when mantels placed over (23(b) 166 arches to support hearth, shall have trimmer (23(b) 166 firebacks of, construction of (23(b) 166 fireboard, shall not be closed with wooden (23(b) 166 gas logs or grates in, pipes for, placed how (23(b) 166 grate in, construction of (23(b) 166 heads of, shall be arched with iron bar (23(b) 166 hearths of, shall be of brick, tile or stone (23(b) 166 hearths of, shall be supported by trimmer arches. (23(b) 166 jambs of, construction of (23(b) 166 rim, furred with wood shall have brick (23(b) 166 summer piece in, construction and placing of (23(b) 166 wood shall not be in or under (23(b) 166 fireplaces for, patent (23(d) 166 fire stops in masonry, see Masonry, hereunder. fire walls in, between auditorium and stage (27 (i) 180 fire walls in masonry, galvanized iron front may be constructed when (27(g, y) 179-186 fire walls of, see Masonry, hereunder. "flats," definition of, in ordinance relating to (17) 153 flemish bond for (22 (h) 158 floor areas in masonry, dimensions of (22 (k) 159 floors in theater (27(b) 178 floors of masonry, construction of (22 (u) 162 flues in, see Chimney, hereunder. INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 277 Building (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page fly galleries In theater (27(m) 181 footlights for theater, requirements as to (27 (y, z) 186-187 foundations of, see Masonry, hereunder. foyers in theater, see Theater, hereunder (27(q) 182 Prame, angle-braced, partitions and outside walls of, shall be (21(h) 156 attics in, area of compartments of (21(f) 156 attics in, to be divided by partition (21(f) 156 bay windows in, spaces between, and distance above sidewalk of (21(J) 157 blocking, row of solid, shall be placed over gir- der or stair partitions In (21(h) 156 brewery, tower of, higher than 55 feet shall be fireproof (21(a) 155 bridged, studding in, must be, when stories not separately framed (21(g) 156 bridging of studding in, dimensions of (21(g) 156 bridging of studwalls In (21(h) 156 chimneys in, construction of certain (23(a) 164 chimneys In, manner of furring out (21(i) 156 chimneys In, wood beams or joists trimmed away from, how (21(g) 156 church, spire of, higher than 55 feet shall be fireproof (21(a) 155 cove ceilings in, shall be solid blocked how (21(1) 156 definition of (17) 152 fire limits, not to be moved If in, when (10) 150 floor-joists of, cross-bridged how (21(h) 156 flues in, wood beams or joists trimmed away from how (21(g) 156 foundations of, construction of (21(c) 155 foundations of, used as retaining wall, construc- tion of (21(c) 155 furring out of chimney in (21(1) 156 girder in certain, shall have row or solid block- ing over (21(h) 156 hallways in certain public, provisions as to (25(b) 155 header beams for flues or chimneys in, placing of. (21(g) 156 height of, shall not exceed 55 feet (21(a) 155 joists in, shall have solid and blocking (21(h) 156 moved, may be, on permit. If outside fire limits. . .(10) 150 moved, may be, on same lots in fire limits (10) 150 oriel windows in, spaces between, and distance above sidewalk of (21(j) 157 partitions, attic in, to be divided by (21(f) 156 partitions in, construction of (21(e) 156 partitions in, dimensions of studding in (21(d) 156 partitions of, shall be thoroughly angle-braced (21(h) 156 plates, studding of stories of, separately framed must have top and bottom (21(g) 156 plates on top of studding in, must be doubled (21(g) 156 projection of windows in, length of (21 (j) 157 spire of, church, higher than 55 feet shall be fireproof (21(a) 155 stairways in certain public, provisions as to (25(b) 175 278 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Building, Frame (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page stairway partitions in certain, shall have raw of solid blocking over, (21(h) 156 studding between projecting windows of, spacing of (21(j) 157 studding of, dimensions and spacing of (21(d) 155 studding of, uncovered, not allowed against wall of adjoining building (21(b) 155 stud walls in, bridging of (21(h) 156 swell windows in, spaces between and distance above sidewalk of (21(j) 157 trimmer beams for, flues or chimneys in, dimen- sions and placing of (21(g) 156 tower of, brewery, higher than 55 feet shall be fireproof (21(a) 155 underpinning of, dimensions of (21(d) 156 underpinning of, to be approved by City Engineer. . (21(d) 156 walls of, outside, shall be thoroughly angle-braced. (21(h) 156 walls of wooden, construction of (21(b) 155 furnace in, see Heating furnace hereunder (23(b, 1, m) 166-170 furnace in public, regulations as to (25(c) 176 galleries in public, regulations as to (25 (c) 176 galleries in theater, see Theater hereunder. galvanized iron front fire walls for (22 (y) 164 gambling, for, permit shall not be issued for (7) 14^ gas grates and gas logs in, flue connected with, size and construction of... (23(e) 16S openings for, construction of (23(e) 168 gas lights, etc., for theater, requirements as to (27(y, z) 186-187 gas stoves in, setting and protection of (23(k) 169 gradients in theater (27 (c, q) 178-183 gridirons for (27(m) 181 gutters on masonry, construction of (22 (o) 160 hazardous use of. Board of Trustees may grant special permit for (8) 149 > hazardous use of, may be ordered vacated for (8) 149 hearths in, regulations as to (23(b) 166 heating furnace in, fittings in connection, with, covered how (23 (m) 170 gas water heater, smoke pipe from, shall not enter same flue as (23 (k, 1) 169-170 masonry floor, shall be set in (23 (k, 1) 169-170- notice of installation of, shall be given to City Engineer and Fire Chief (23 (o) 171 petroleum, setting of (23(k, 1) 169-170 pipes, concealed wall, connected with, covered how (23(m) 170 pit, shall be sunk 6 in, in masonry or concrete when petroleum used as fuel (23 (k, 1) 169-170 register boxes connected with, covered how (23 (m) 170 smokepipe of, position of, with relation to joists, etc (23(k, 1) 169-170 steam pipe connected with, requirements for (23(n) 170 top of portable, position of, with relation to joists, etc (23(k, 1) 169-170 top of, set in brick covered how (23 (k, 1) 169-170 woodwork near, protection of (23 (k, 1) 169-170 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 479 Building (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page heating plant in public, regulations as to (25(c) 176 "height" of, definition of, in ordinance relating to (17) 153 height of frame (21 (a) 155 height of masonry (22(a) 157 height of masonry, manner of increasing (22(1) 160 hollow walls in masonry, construction of (22 (m) 160 hooks for theater (27 (x) 186 hose, fire, for theater (27(z) 187 hose fittings used in (24(1, f ) 171 hose for fire use in certain kind of (24(d) 171 hose in boiler rooms in (26(a) 177 hose reels for theater (27(v) 185 •hose used in, kinds of fire (24 (e) 171 hospital, regulations as to (25) 175 hospital, shall have fire escapes (24 (2a) 172 "hospital," definition of, In ordinance relating to (17) 153 "hotel," definition of, in ordinance relating to (17) 153 hotel, regulations as to (25) 175 hotel, shall have fire escapes (24 (2a) 172 hotel, theater shall not be used as, when (27(f) 179 immoral purpose, for, permit shall not be issued for (7) 149 incumbrances on fire escapes to (24(h) 174 instantaneous heater in, air vent, shall have separate (23 (f) 168 vent pipe for, size and placing of (23(f) 168 iron covered frame (17) 152 law, standing moving, on, forbidden when (11) 150 laundries in, regulations as to (26) 177 laundry, requirements as to (26(b) 177 "length" of, definition of, in ordinance relating to (17) 153 license of, owner of adjacent lot for retaining wall in excavation for (19(d) 154 light and vent shafts in masonry, construction of (22(n) 160 lights for theater, requirements as to (27 (y) 186 lining existing walls in masonry, manner of (22(b) 157 lintels in, masonry, kinds of, required (22(x, y) 164 lobbies in theater, see Theater hereunder (27(q) 182 lodging house, shall have fire escapes (24 (2a) 172 lodging house, theater, shall not be used as, when (27(f) 179 maintaining in violation of, ordinance unlawful (1) 148 mantels to fireplaces in, requirements as to (23(b) 166 manufactory, theater shall not be used as, when (27(f) 179 masonry, areaways in sidewalk by, requirements as to...(22(v) 163 arches and lintels in, requirements as to (22 (xl, 3) 164 ashlar facing in, requirements as to (22(h) 158 attics in, requirements as to (22 (r) 161 awnings on, requirements as to (22 (p) 161 balconies in, requirements as to (22 (o) 161 binders on sliding door tracks in, requirements as to (22(w, 3) 163 ceilings in, may be of wood (22 (u) 162 chimneys in walls in, what required (22(h) 158 chutes in, requirements as to (22(s) 162 cornices on, requirements as to (22 (o) 160 defin'ijon of (17) 152 doors in sidewalks in, requirements as to (22(v) 163 280 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Building, masonry (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page dormer windows in, requirements as to (22 (o) 161 dumb waiters in, requirements as to (22 (s) 162 eaves on, requirements as to (22 (o) 160 elevators in (passenger and freight), require- ments as to shafts and doors for (22 (s) 161 fire doors in, requirements as to (22 (w, 3) 163 fire escapes in, windows and openings near, re- quirements as to (22(w) 163 fire limits, construction of, outside of (29) 188 fire limits in, shall be (28) 189 fire shutters in, requirements as to (22 (w, 3) 163 fire stop in partitions in, when required (22 (i) 159 fire wall in, requirements as to front (22(g) 158 fire walls in, height and construction of (22(g) 158 floors in, areas and dimensions permitted (22 (k) 159 floors in, requirements as to (22 (k) 159 floors in, when dimensions of, may be increased. . . (22 (k) 159 foundation walls in, what required (22(h) 158 gutters on, requirements as to (22 (o) 160 heading courses in brick walls in, requirements as to (22(h) 158 height of, limit of (22 (a) 157 height of walls in, may be increased how (22(1) 160 iron front fire walls, requirements as to, gal- vanized (22 (y) 164 light shafts in, requirements as to (22(n) 160 lintels in, requirements as to (22 (x, 2) 164 metallic bond in (22(h) 158 metallic laths and plaster in parts of 27(n, s).. 182-183; (25(b, c) . .176; (26(a).. 177; (27(n) 182 mouldings in, requirements as to (22 (o) 161 openings in brick fire walls in, requirements as to.(22(k) 160 openings in, exterior, requirements as to (22 (w) 163 openings in, through division or party walls, re- quirements as to (22 (w, 2) 163 parapets on, requirements as to (22 (o) 160 parapet walls in, what required (22(h) 158 partition walls in, what required (22(1) 159 piers in, what required (22(h) 158 rafters in, requirements as to (22 (q) 161 roofs on, may be of wood (22 (u) 162 roofs on, requirements as to (22 (q) 161 shafts in, requirements as to (22 (n, s) 160-161 shutters on exterior openings in, requirements as to (22(w) 163 sidewalk vaults in, requirements as to (22 (v) 162 sills in, requirements as to (22 (w, 3) 164 skylights in, requirements as to (22 (o) 161 sliding doors in, requirements as to (22 (w, 3) 163 span in, length allowable (22 (j) 159 spires on, requirements as to (22 (o) 161 stairways in, number, location of, requirements stone facing in, requirements as to (22(h) 158 swinging doors in, requirements as to (22 (w, 3) 163 theater, shall be of, throughout (27(a) 177 thickness of walls in, requirements as to (22 (c, d, e) 158 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 281 Building, masonry (Cont) (Sec.(Subd.) Page tie rods, shall be used in, when (22 (x, 3) 164 towers on, requirements as to (22 (o) 161 track or rail for sliding doors in, requirements as to to (22(w, 3) 164 turrets on, requirements as to (22 (o) 161 ventilators in, requirements as to (22 (o) 161 vent shafts in, requirements as to (22 (n) 160 walls in, height of, may be increased on making lining (22(1) 160 walls in, manner of, laying of (22(h) 158 walls in, requirements as to heading courses in brick (22(h) 158 walls in, requirements as to hollow (22(m) 160 walls of, clear span thickness of, requirements as to (22(e) 157 walls of, construction of (22(b) 157 walls of, existing party, may be used when (22(f) 158 walls of, table of minimum thickness of bearing and outer (22(c) 157 walls of, table of minimum thickness of division or party (22(d) 157 windows in, exterior, requirements as to (22(w) 163 windows in, requirements as to (22 (o) 161 materials entering into, quality and standard re- quired as to (18) 153 materials for, in streets, etc., red lights kept on (9) 150 metallic bond in (22(h) 158 metallic laths and plaster required in parts of, when ..(22(n, s).. 160-161; (25(b, c) . .176; (26(a).. 177; (27(n) 182 mill, shall have fire escapes and stair in (24(2, a) 172 misdemeanor to encumber fire escape on (24(2, h) 174 misdemeanor, violation of ordinance concerning is (5) 149 modification of plans for, City Engineer may make, when. (31) 188 moved in violation of, ordinance unlawful (1) 148 moving of, conditions, etc., of (10-11) 150 notice, alterations in public, City Engineer gives, to make, when (25(e) 176 contents of, to repair unsafe (13) 151 dangerous. City Engineer gives, to repair (13) 151 dangerous, vacation of (8) 149 "emergency," as to safety, etc., of, given by City Engineer when (15) 152 fire escapes on, firemen and policemen to give, of encumbrances on (24 (2, h) 174 heating apparatus, shall be given City Engineer of installation of (23(o) 171 public, City Engineer gives, to make alterations in, when (25(e) 176 public entertainments, shall not be used for, when. (27(a) 177 repair unsafe, contents of, to (13) 151 unsafe, in whole or in part, City Engineer gives, to repair (13) 151 vacate. City Engineer shall give to, when used for dangerous purposes, when (8) 149 282 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Building, notice (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd. Page vacation of dangerous, of (8) 149 wall, failure to protect, after, action upon (19(g) 154 "office building," definition of, as applied to (17) 153 office, see Public Building (25) 175 officers, certain, shall investigate and make com- plaint as to violation of ordinance relating to (6) 149 offices permitted in theater, see Theater hereunder. . (27(d) 179 open air theater, requirements as to (27 (cc) 187 open courts (27(b) 177 openings in division walls in masonry, requirements as to (22(w) 163 openings in masonry, requirements as to (27 (k) 160 as to (22(t) 162 operatic purposes, used for, regulations as to, see Theater hereunder (27) 177 oriel windows in, requirements as to (21(j) 156 outside stairways in fire limits in (28) 188 ovens in, requirements as to (23 (k) 169 painting of old, exempt from ordinances relating to (2) 148 parapets in, enveloped In fireproof materials when (22 (o) 161 partitions in, bridging required in, when (21(h) 156 partitions in frame, requirements as to (21(e) 156 partitions in masonry (22 (i) 159 partitions in theater (27(n, o) 182 "partition wall," definition of, as applied to a (17) 152 "party wall," definition of, as applied to a (17) 152 party walls in, see Walls. passageways in public, see Public Building hereunder. .. (25) 175 passageways in theater, see Theater, hereunder. patent chimneys in, requirements as to (23(c, d) 167 patent fireplaces in, requirements as to (23(d) 167 patent flues in, requirements as to (23 (k) 169 penalty for violating ordinance concerning (5) 149 permit for, double fees required for, when (3) 149 permit for, fees of City Engineer for (3) 148 permit for, granted by City Engineer upon application (2) 148 permit for moving, conditions of (11) 150 permit for moving, deposit for (11) 150 permit for moving, granted by City Engineer (11) 150 permit for moving wooden, etc., outside of fire limits. .. (10) 150 permit for, new, required for changes in plans, etc (2) 148 permit for, new, required if work not completed in specified time (4) 149 permit for, revoked for violation of ordinances (4) 149 permit for using part of street, alley or sidewalk in construction of (9) 149 permit required for construction, alteration, repair, demolition or removal of (2) 148 permit shall not be granted for, to be used for gam- bling or immoral purposes (7) 149^ permit, special, may be granted by Board of Trustees for hazardous use of (8) 149 permit to install patent chimney in, not transferable. .(23(c) 166 permit to install patent chimney in, revocable when. .. (23(c) 166 permit to repair, in fire limits granted when (16) 152 permit to repair, in fire limits necessary when (16) 152 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. ?8S Building (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page permit to use theater, for certain purposes, in neces- cessary (27(f) 179 pews in public, see Public Building, hereunder (25) 17S pipes for gas logs or grates in, shall enter fireplace where (23(b) 166 plans and specifications for. shall not vary from without new permit (2) 148 plans and specifications shall accompany application for permit for (2) 148 plans for, must state character of soil at footings (19(b) 154 plans of, can not be copied (32) 189 plastering of old, exempt from ordinances relating to.. (2) 148 platforms on, see Balconies (24(2 c) 173 police court, complaint for violation of ordinance re- lating to, made In (6) 149 police shall make complaints for violations of ordi- nance relating to (6) 149 portable furnace In, requirements as to (23(k) 169 portable ranges In, requirements as to (23(k) 169 print of, can not be copied (32) 189 program of performance at theater, shall contain dia- gram of floors and exits (27(aa) 187 proscenium to theater, see Theater hereunder. protected, shall be, In case of excavations (19(c) 154 public, are exempt from ordinances relating to (2) 148 public, (used for assembly, etc.) aisles In certain, width of (25(c) 176 aisles In, what required as to (25(a) 175 alterations In, City Engineer may require, when.. (25(e) 176 basement under audience room In, requirements as to (25(c) 176 City Engineer may require alterations of, when.. (25(e) 176 City Engineer shall determine arrangements doors, aisles, seats, etc.. In (25(a) 175 doors, aisles, etc., In, City Engineer shall direct arrangement of « (25(a) 175 doors in, shall open both Inwardly and outwardly. (25(d) 176 door to stairways, shall have metal-clad, at bottom (25(b) 175 exits in, requirements as to (25(c) 176 frame, stairs required In outside fire limits (25(b) 175 furnace room in, manner of construction of (25(b) 175 gallery In, requirements as to (25(c) 176 hallways connecting with stairways In, con- struction of (25(b) 175 heating appliances in. City Engineer shall direct arrangement of (25(a) 175 heating room in, requirements as to (25(c) 176 hose attachments in, what required (25(b) 175 landings to stairways In, requirements as to (25(c) 176 lighting appliances in, City Engineer shall direct arrangements of (25 (a) 175 notice to make changes in. City Engineer gives when (25(e) 176 passageways In, what required as to (25(a) 175 pews In certain, manner of arrangement (25(c) 176 seats In certain, manner of arrangement (25(c) 176 284 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Building, public (used for assembly, etc.) (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page staircase leading to basement in, requirements as to (25(c) 176 staircase leading to gallery in, requirements as to. (25(c) 176 stairways, construction of, required in frame, outside fire limits (25(b, c) 175-176 stairways number of, required in frame, out- side fire limits (25(b) 175 standpipe in, size required (25(b) 175 ventilating room in, requirements as to (25(c) 176 vestibules in, requirements as to (25(c) 176 "public hall," definition of, as applied to a (17) 153 public halls, see Public Building, hereunder (25) 174 pumps for (24(i) 172 pumps in, requirements as to (24(1, i) 172 punishment for, violating ordinance concerning (5) 149 quality of materials used in, standard required as to (18) 153 rafters in, requirements as to (22 (q) 161 rails for sliding doors in, requirements as to (22 (w) 164 railings on, requirements as to (24(2, d) 173 railway depots, see Public Building (25) 174 ranges in, requirements as to (23 (k) 169 record of, applications for alteration of, how (32) 188 application for removal of, how (32) 18S architect connected with (32) 188 book of, is public record (32) 188 builder connected with (32) 188 contents of (32) 188 decision of City Engineer with respect to (32) 188 location of (32) 188 new, kept separate from record of r. Iterations (32) 188 permits for, shall be kept by City Engineer how (32) 188 plans of, can not be copied (32) 189 premises on which, is located, street number, etc (32) 188 red lights shall be kept on piles of materials for.. (9) 150 reels for hose in, requirements as to (24(1, d, f) 171 register boxes in, requirements as to (23 (m) 170 register for heat not permitted in floor of theater. . (27(u) 184 removal of, conditions of (10-11) 150 removal of, not to interefere with street cars or block street (11) 150 removal of, wires may be cut in, when (11) 150 renting, using, etc., for gambling or pool selling unlawful. (3) 74 repairing in violation of, ordinance unlawful (1) 148 repairing, without permit, unlawful (2) 148 "repair," definition of, as applied to a, (17) 152 repair of, in fire limits, permit for, necessary when (16) 152 repair of, shall begin when, after notice to repair unsafe. (13) 151 repair to, City may stop, when (34) 189 repair of wooden or frame, in fire limits, unlawful, when. (14) 151 restaurant, see Public Building (25) 174 retaining wall shall be built by adjoining owner in constructing, when (19(f) 154 retaining wall shall be built in constructing, when. . .(19(f> 154 right of entrance to (33) 189 roof for theater, see Theater, hereunder. INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 285 Building (Cont) (Sec.(Subd.) Page roof garden permitted on theater or public, when. ..(27(d) 179 roof in, requirements as to (22 (q) 161 running bond in masonry (22(h) 158 "sanitarium," definition of, as applied to a (17) 152 sanitarium, see Public Building (25) 174 school, shall have stairs and fire escapes in (24 (2a) 172 scuttle ladders in, to connect with fire escapes (24(2i) 174 seats in, see Public Building hereunder (25) 175 seats in theater, see Theater hereunder (27(p) 182 shafts for elevators in, requirements as to (22(s) 161 shafts for light in, requirements as to (22(n) 160 shafts for lights or heated air in theater (27 (y) 186 sheath-piled, excavations for, shall be (18) 153 shed, permitted in fire limits when (28) 187 shingling of old, excepted from ordinances relating to (2) 148 shutters in, requirements as to (22 (w) 163 sidewalk adjacent to, in construction kept passable (9) 150 sidewalk, cleaning of, after construction of (9) 150 sidewalk must be protected overhead in construction of . . . (9) 150 sidewalk, permit for use of part of, in construction of (9) 150 sidewalk vaults in, requirements as to (22(v) 162 sills in, requirements as to (22 (w) 164 skylights for theater, see Theater hereunder (27(k) 181 skylights in, enveloped in fireproof materials when. . . .(22(o) 161 sliding doors in, requirements as to (22 (w) 163 smoke fiues entering chimney in, requirements as to.. (23(a) 165 smoke house in, regulations as to (26) 177 smoke house in (26(c) 177 smoke pipes in, requirements as to (23(g) 168 smokestack entering chimney in, requirements as to. (23 (a, h) 165-168 soil, (as foundation for,) bearing capacity of, deemed to be what (20) 155 sustaining power of, deemed to be -what (20) 155 sustaining power of, tested how (20) 155 test of, at owner's expense (20) 155 test of, made by whom and how (20) 155 test of, record of, filed In oflBce City Engineer (20) 155 sounding board for (27(n) 182 span in (27(c, j) 179-180 spans in, length of permitted (22 (j) 159 special regulations for theaters (27) 177 specifications for, can not be copied (32) 189 spires in, enveloped in fireproof materials when (22(o) 161 spires to frame, shall be built how (21(a) 155 sprinklers in, see Theater, hereunder. stage in (27(1, m) 180-181 stage lights in theater, see Theater hereunder (27 (y) 186 staircases for audience in theater, see Theater here- under (27(e) 179 staircase to balconies to theaters, see Theater here- under (27(c) 179 stairway outside of, in fire limits, construction of (28) 188 stairways in masonry, requirements as to (22 (t) 162 stairways in, see Public Building hereunder (25) 175 stairways on outside of, how constructed (24 (2a, b) 172-173 stairways shall be placed in school, etc (24 (2a) 172 stairways to, manner of construction of (24 (2e) 173 286 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Building (Coiit.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page standpipes for theater, see Theater hereunder (27(v, z) 184-187 standpipes in, requirements as to (24(1) 171 steam boilers in theater (27(u) 184 steampipes in, requirements as to (23 (n) 170 stone pipe for (23 (c) 167 stop construction of. City Engineer may, when (34) 189 "stord building," definition of, as applied to a (17) 153 storeroom not permitted in auditorium in theater, When (27(f) 179 storeroom not permitted over auditorium in theater, Avhen (27(e) 179 store, see Public Building (25) 175 stores In theater, permitted when, see Theaters here- under (27(d) 179 stormwater from, manner of conveyance to street (30) 188 "story," definition of, as applied to a (17) 152 stoves in, requirements as to (23(k) 169 stoves in theaters (27(d) 179 street, cleaning of, after construction of (9) 150 street, permit for use of part of, in construction of (9) 150 street, rubbish in, must be cleaned up after removal of. (11) 151 studding for frame, requirements as to, see Frame Building (21(d, g) 155-156 stud walls in, bridges required in when (21(h) 156 summer piece for fireplace in, requirements as to (23(b) 166 Superintendent of streets controls moving of (11) 151 swell windows in, requirements as to (21 (j) 156 swinging doors in, requirements as to (22 (w) 163 "tenement house," definition of, as applied to a (17) 153 tenement, see Public Building (25) 175 tenement, shall have fire escapes (24 (2a) 172 Theater, etc., (special regulation for,) actor's dressing room in, location of (27(o) 182 aisle in, coil or radiator placed in, how (27 (u) 184 aisles in, shall not be obstructed (25 (a) 175 aisles in, width of, required (27 (p) 182 auditorium of, separated from main vestibule, etc., by fireproof walls (27 (g) 179 automatic sprinklers in, requirements as to (27(w) 185 balconies in courts to, regulations as to (27(c) 178 boiler, steam, for heating, etc., location and setting of (27(u) 184 borderlights in, requirements as to (27 (y) 186 bridge lights at side of proscenium of, require- ments as to (27(y) 187 buckets for fire use in, requirements as to (27(x) 186 casks for water in connection with stage of (27(x) 186 ceiling of, construction of (27(n) 181 chemical fire extinguishers required in (27 (x) 186 City Engineer, materials for staircase walls in, to be approved by (27(h) 180 coils in, for heating, placed how (27 (u) 184 connections of automatic sprinklers in, require- ments as to (27(w) 185 connections of gas mains and electric wires in...(27(y) 186 connection of stand pipes in, requirements as to. . . (27 (v) 184 corridors from street to courts to, shall have (27(b) 178 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 287 Building, Theater, etc., (special regulation for,) (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page corridors of, capacity of required (27(q) 182 corridors to courts to, size and construction of (27(b) 178 corridors to, shall not be obstructed (27(b) 178 courts to, location and size of (27(b) 177 courts on side away from street, shall have open.. (27(b) 177 courts to, shall not be obstructed (27(b) 178 curtain in, construction and operation of (27 (j) 180 curtain in, shall be fireproof (27 (j) 180 curtains of, shall be made non-combustible (27(m) 181 dangerous use of portion of, forbidden except when (27(f) 179 decorations of stage of, shall be made non- oombustible (27(m) 181 definition of (17) 152 diagram of, shall be printed on programs (27 (aa) 187 doors and frames in interior walls of, shall be fireproof (27(g) 179 doors and openings in proscenium wall of, shall be fireproof (27Ck) 180 doors in (27(c) 178 doors of entrance to and exit from, construction of. (27(s) 183 doors shall not open immediately on stairways of. .(27(h) 180 doorways in proscenium wall of not allowed above first floor (27(k) 180 doorways of entrance to and exit from, width of, required (27(r) 183 dressing rooms, location and construction of (27(o) 182 electric wires in, connection of (27 (y) 186 entrance to, size of, required (27(s) 183 entrances to (27 (b, c) 177-178 exits from (27(b, c) 177-178 exits from, number and size of, required (27(r, s) 183 exits from, shall have word "Exit" painted over. . (27(aa) 187 fire appliances in, may be required by Fire Chief. (27(x) 186 Fire Chief, fire precautions in, shall be to satis- faction of (27(z) 187 Fire Chief may permit dangerous use of, when (27(f) 179 Fire Chief may require appliances in (27(x) 186 fire doors in (27(c) 178 fire extinguishers, chemical, required in (27 (x) 186 fire hooks required in (27(x) 186 fire hose in, kinds of, used (27(v) 185 firemen in, duties of (27(bb) 187 firemen, manager of shall employ two, in (27 (bb) 187 fire pail in, requirements as to (27(x) 186 fire precautions in, enforcement of, by Fire Chief (27(z) 187 floor frame of auditorium and main vestibule of, shall be of iron and steel and fireproof (27 (n) 181 fioor gradients of (27(c) 178 fioor of, shall be firestopped (27(u) 181 fioor of stage of, construction of (27(m) 181 floor register not permitted in (27(u) 184 fly galleries in, construction of (27(m) 181 footlights in, requirements as to (27(y) 186 foyers of, capacity of, required (27(q) 182 288 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Building, Theater, etc., (special regulation for,) (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page front on street, shall have one (27(b) 177 galleries in, construction of (27 (n) 181 galleries in, platforms for seats in, construction of.(27(p) 182 gas in, provision for shutting off (27 (y) 186 gaslights in, lighting appliance, to be approved by City Engineer (27(y) 186 gaslights in, lighting of (27(y) 186 gas mains in, connections of (27 (y) 186 gradients instead of steps in, required when (27 (q) 183 gradients of floor of (27(c) 178 gridiron of, construction of (27 (m) 181 hooks, fire, required in (27(x) 186 hose for fire use in, requirements as to (27 (v) 185 interior walls of, shall be fireproof (27(g) 179 landings of stairways of, required (27(t) 184- lathing of, shall be metal (27(n) 182 lighting of, requirements as to (27 (y) 187 lights in, guarding of, subject to approval of City Engineer (27(y) 186 lights in, shall not be recessed except when (27 (y) 186 lobbies of, capacity of, required (27(q) 182 masonry, over 300 capacity shall be (27(a) 177 open air, application to Board of Trustees for erec- tion of (27(cc) 187 Board of Trustees may regulate mainten- ance of (27 (cc) 187 maintained, may be, when (27 (cc) 187 permit of Board of Trustees for erection of..(27(cc) 187 roof, shall not have (27(cc) 187 openings, in proscenium wall not allowed above first floor (27(k) 180 orchestra pit, construction of (27(n) 182 pails for fire use in, requirements as to (27(x) 186 painting of, shall be fireproof (27 (m) 181 partitions of, shall be fireproof (27 (n) 182 passage of, capacity of, required (27 (q) 182 passages to stairway of, width of, required (27(s) 183 passage ways in, coil or radiator placed in how.. (27 (u) 184 passage ways in, shall not be obstructed (25(a) 175 permit for use of, by City Engineer and Fire Chief (27(a) 177 pipes in, return, supply or exhaust, encased how. . . (27 (u) 184 pipes in, stand, requirements as to (27 (v) 185 pipe sizes for automatic sprinklers in (27 (w) 185 platforms for seats in galleries, construction of..(27(p) 182 programs shall have diagram of, printed on (27 (aa) 187 property room of, not allowed above auditorium or stage (27(e) 179 proscenium curtain in, construction and opera- tion of (27(j) 180 proscenium opening of, construction of (27(i) 180 proscenium wall of, construction of (27 (i) 180 proscenium wall of, shall not have doorway or opening above first floor (27(k) 180 radiators in, for heating, placed how (27(u) isi INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 289 Building, Theater, etc., (special regulation for,) (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page register not permitted in floor of (27 (u) 184 rigging loft of, construction of (27 (m) 181 roof of, shall be iron and steel and fireproof (27 (n) 181 rooms of, capacity of, required (27 (q) 182 scenery of, shall be made non-combustible (27(m) 181 seats In, size and location of ^ (27(p) 182 shafts from light in, construction of (27 (y) 186 shaft over roof of stage, requirements as to (27(1) 181 skylights over stage of, requirements as to (27(k) 181 sprinkler heads in, automatic, location and spacing of (27(w) 186 sprinklers in, automatic, requirements as to (27 (w) 185 stage of, construction of (27(m) 181 stage of, nothing shall be built over (27(d) 179 stage of, roof of, shall have shaft (27(1) 181 stage, shall have skylights (27(k) 180 staircase of, shall be enclosed with brick or other fireproof material (27(h) 180 stairs of, construction of (27 (t) 183 stairways in, regulations as to (27(c) 178 stairways of, number of, required <27(t) 183 stand pipes In, shall not be connected with au- tomatic sprinklers (27(v) 185 stand pipes In, requirements as to (27 (v) 185 steam boiler for heating, etc., location and set- ting of (27(u) 184 steps in, gradients substituted for, when (27 (q) 183 storage room of, not allowed above auditorium or stage (27(e) 179 street, shall front on (27(b) 177 switches for electric lights in (27 (y) 186 tie galleries In, construction of (27 (m) 181 used, shall not be, until ordinance relating to. Is conformed with (27(a) 177 used, shall not be, without certificate of con- formity by City Engineer and Fire Chief (27(a) 177 uses of, portion of, certain, forbidden (27(f) 179 uses of portion of, certain, permitted when (27(d) 179 valves for stand pipes in, kind of required (27(v) 185 vestibule, main, etc., separated from auditorium of, by fireproof walls (27(g) 179 water supply for fire use In, auxiliary (27(x) 186 water supply for stand pipes In, provided how (27(v) 185 water supply, separate, for automatic sprinklers, requirements as to (27(w) 185 windows and frames in interior walls of, con- struction of (27(g) 179 windows In, construction of (27(o) 182 wood, walls or ceilings of, shall not be covered with (27(n) 182 woodwork of, shall be finished with fireproof paint ; (27(m) 181 workshop of, not allowed above auditorium or stage (27(e) 179 thickness of wall, definition of, as applied to a.. (17, 22 (c, d) 152-157 thimbles tor smoke pipes In, requirements as to;.... (23 (a) 165 290 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Building (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page time limit, must be completed in, or new permit obtained (4) 149 towers in, enveloped in fireproof materials when (22 (o) 161 tracks for sliding doors in, requirements as to (22 (w) 164 trap door in (22 (s) 162 trimmer beam in, requirements as to... (21(g), (23(a, b) 156-165-166 turrets in, enveloped in fireproof materials wben (22(o) 161 underpining for, what required as to (21(d) 156 unlawful to build, in violation of ordinance (1) 148 unlawful to build, without a permit (2) 148 unoccupied, City Engineer has right to enter, when... (33) 189 unoccupied, Chief of Fire Department has right to enter, when w. . . . (33) 189 unsafe. Chief of Fire Department has right to enter, when (33) 189 unsafe. City Engineer has right to enter, when (33) 189 unsafe, in whole or in part, must be repaired when (13) 151 unsafe, in whole or in part, use of, unlawful when (13) 151 use of streets for (9) 149 using in violation of ordinance unlawful (1) 148 using unsafe unlawful, after notice to repair when (13) 151 use, notice to vacate, for unlawful, given when (8) 149 vacated. City Engineer or Fire Chief may order to be, for hazardous use of (8) 149 veneered (17) 152 ventilating room in, see Public Building hereunder (25) 175 ventilation of vaults (22(v) 163 ventilators in, enveloped in fireproof materials, when.(22(o) 161 vents in lieu of flues in, requirements as to (23 (k) 169 vents in, requirements as to (22 (n) 160 vestibule in, see Public Building, hereunder (25, 27(g) 176-179 violation of ordinance concerning, City Engineer may stop work on in, when (34) 189 violation of ordinance relating to, duties of ofiicers regarding (6) 149 violation of ordinance relating to, each day of, is separate offense (5) 149 violation of ordinance relating to is misdemeanor (5) 149 violation of ordinance relating to, punishment for (5) 149 violation of permit for, or ordinance relating to, per- mit revoked for (4) 149 Walls of, adjoining, protection of, in excavations for (19) 153 bridging required in stud, when (21(h) 156 chimney, requirements as to (23 (a) 165 City Engineer, duties of, in protecting, in ex- cavations for (19 (g) 154 division, of masonry, thickness of (22(d) 157 existing, of masonry, increasing height of (22(1) 160 fire, of masonry, construction of (22 (g) 158 fine, requirements as to (23 (a) 165 frame, construction of, see Frame hereunder (21) 155 galvanized iron front, of masonry, requirements as to (22(y) 164 heading courses in brick, requirements as to (22(h) 158 hollow, of masonry, construction of (22 (m) 160 mortar for, of masonry, composition of (22(h) 158 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 291 Building, walls of (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd,) Page outside, of masonry, materials of (22(b) 157 outside, of masonry, thickness of (22(c) 157 party, of masonry, existing, may be used when. .(22(f) 158 party, of masonry, materials of (22(b) 157 party, of masonry, thickness of (22(d) 157 pipes in, requirements as to (23 (m) 170 protection of, in excavations for (19(a) 153 retaining, in excavations for, by whom built (19(f) 154 theater, see Theater, hereunder (27) 177 "warehouse," defined (17) 153 warrant of arrest for encumbering fire escapes on, issued when (24(2h) 174 water supply in, requirements as to (24(lg) 172 water supply in theater, requirements as to (27(v, w) 185 windows in, fireproofing of (22(o) 161 windows in frame, requirements as to (21 (j) 157 "width of," defined (17) 153 wires. City, cut by City Electrician, when (11) 151 wires for lights in theater, see Theater, hereunder (27(z) 187 wires may be cut in moving, when (11) 150 wires, notice to owner of, to cut, on moving (11) 150 wooden construction of, see Frame, hereunder (21) 155 wooden, in fire limits, repair of, unlawful when (14) 151 wooden, moved in fire limits, when (10) 150 wooden, moving of. In fire limits forbidden when (10) 150 wooden, moving of, on permit outside of fire limits (10) 150 wood work in, shall not be in 2 in. of chimney, etc... (23(a) 165 work shop in, fire escapes shall be placed in v^'*^2a) 172 work shop not permitted over theater, when (27 (e, f) 179 Bulletin Boards, a nuisance, when (1-2) 78 Bull on street unlawful when (2) 79 Burials, see Board of Health. Business, advertising of, see Advertising. Business District (1) 133 Business license, see License. Business, official, see Saturday Afternoon. Butcher, unlawful for, to sell decaying meats (28) 94 c Canal, see Alley; Charter; Sidewalk; Streets. Carcass, unlawful to bury, in City (28) 94 Cards, see Gambling, Cards, advertising with, unlawful, when (7) 68 Cards, exhibiting, unlawful when (1) 129 Cars, see Travel and Traffic. advertising in, unlawful when (7) 68 allowing, to obstruct streets, etc., unlawful (2) 147 boarding by minors (48) 59 brakeman must not obstruct streets with (1) 147 causing or permitting, to exceed speed limit unlawful. .. (3) 207 conductor must not obstruct streets with (1) 147 crossing on streets must not be obstructed with (1) 147 engineer not to obstruct streets with (l) 147 engine or, must not obstruct street or crossings (1) 147 292 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Cars, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page misdemeanor for, to exceed eight miles per hour (5) 207 misdemeanor to obstruct streets, etc., with (2) 147 obstruction of streets with, unlawful (I) 147 punishment for permitting, to exceed speed limit (5) 207 punishment for obstructing streets, etc., with engines, etc. (2) 147 railroad, must not obstruct or hinder travel on streets, etc (1) 147 railway, speed of, within city, eight miles per hour (3) 207 speed of, within city eight miles per hour (3) 207 stand, must not, on street longer than 3 minutes (1) 147 stop, may, across street at station, 3 minutes (1) 147 streets must not be obstructed by railroad (1) 147 train of, must not obstruct street (1) 147 travel on streets must not be obstructed by (1) 147 Carriage, leaving, within forty feet of certain corners unlawful (1) 238 Catch words not part of ordinance (64) 60 Cattle, not to bury dead, in City (28) 94 Cellar must be cleaned annually (28) 94 Cellar, unlawful to allow, to become foul (28) 94 Cellar ways permitted in alleys when (1) 79 Cellar ways permitted on sidewalks when (1) 79 Cement, quality of, required for sidewalks (2) 83 Cemetery, see Charter. burial in, shall be done so as not to spread com- municable disease (14) 9X certificate of burial permit delivered to keeper of (11) 90 dead body, removal of, forbidden when (14) 9L dead body, result of certain diseases can not be ex- humed from i (14) 91 keeper of, care required of (14) 91 misdemeanor to violate ordinance concerning (137) 115- owner of, must not endanger public health (14) 91 punishment for violation of ordinance concerning (137) 115 sexton of, must use precaution to prevent spreading of disease (14) 91 Central Addition, houses and blocks numbered in (10) 77 Certificate, see various subjects. Cesspool must be cleaned annually (28) 94 Cesspools, see Plumbing Inspector; sewers. Chalk, throwing of, unlawful (1-2) 84 Check, certified, deposited when, see Franchises. Check, using, for gambling unlawful, see Gambling. Chief Engineer of Fire Department recommends licenses for petroleum, etc., warehouse (4) 210" Chief of Fire Department, duties of, see Building. Chief of Fire Department, duties of, see Fire Department. Chief of Fire Department, duties of, see Combustible Materials Chief of Fire Department, duties of, see Hay. Chief of Fire Department, duties of, see Explosive. Chief of Fire Department, may enter place where Pe- troleum, etc., is stored (9) 210' Chief of Police, see Building; Charter; Gambling; Mis- demeanor. City Marshall succeeded by (1) 64 dismissed, may be, for not stopping gambling (5) 66; INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 298 t^i it,',,'., Chief of Police, (Cont) (Sec.(Subd.) Page has all the power formerly exercised by City Marshall. .(1-2) 64 must perform all duties formerly enjoined on City Marshal (1-2) 64 second hand dealers, register oi, may inspect (2) 209 successor to City Marshal, is (1) 64 Children, loitering of, unlawful (1) 131 Church bell, ringing of, stopped when (40) 97 Church bell, ringing, unlawful when (40) 97 Church entertainment, free (13) 237 Church, standing at entrance of, unlawful (1) 205 Cigarette, misdemeanor for .one under 16 to smoke (45) 97 Cigarette, misdemeanor to sell to persons under 16 ^(45) 97 Circus license (9(4) 229 City Attorney, see Charter. City Attorney may inspect druggist's prescription book, ' see Liquor. City Clerk, see Charter. City Clerk, application for liquor license to be filed with, see liiquor. City Clerk, duties of, generally, (Charter, 31 to 43.) 14-18 City Clerk prepares license, see License. . j City Clerk, specifications for private paving, etc., filed idth..(4) 123 City Electrician, see Building; Moving Picture Show. alteration of, electrical installation without permit •;; of, unlawful ,...(8) 87 bond of (1) 85 certificate of. Issued after Inspection (7) 86 certificate of, issued when (3) 85 certificate of, necessary when (3) 85 compensation of , (1) 85 compensation of, how payable (1) 85 Duty of, Inspect, shall be, to all electrical wiring.... «.mmissioners (2) 117 Chief of, to have control of (3) 117 compensation of employees of (1) 117 cordon, established around fires by (4) 117 drills of members of (4) 117 drills of members of, ordered by Chief of (4) 117 employees of, compensation of (1) 117 employees of, subject to orders of Fire Commissioners. .. (2) 117 Engineer of, Chief, notice shall be given to before disturbing telegraph wires of (13) 118 engines, etc., of, shall have right of way in case of fire. . (20) 119 fire apparatus, controlled by Chief of (4) 117 fire, cause of, investigated by Chief of (4) 117 fire, cause of, reported by Chief of (4) 117 Fire Commissioners paramount over (2) 117 fire ordinances, enforced by Chief of (4) 117 fires, assistant, shall take charge of, when (4) 117 fires. Chief of, shall take charge of (4) 117 liydrants, inspected by Chief of (4) 117 liydrants, water shall not be turned off of, without notice to (17) 119 interference with Chief or members of, a misdemeanor. . (5) 117 interference with Chief or members of, punishment for.. (5) 117 management of, in Fire Commissioners (2) 117 misdemeanor to interfere with Chief or members of (5) 117 misdemeanor to injure apparatus or telegraph of (12) 118 misdemeanor to leave pipe open or empty at night or when water needed by (18) 119 notice to Chief Engineer of, of disturbing telegraph wires of, contents of (13) 118 officers of, subject to orders of Fire Commissioners (2) 117 ordinances, fire, enforced by Chief of (4) 117 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 303 Fire Department, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page penalty for Intereference with Chief or members of. . . (5) 117 permit by Chief Engineer of, to disturb telegraph wires of (13) 118 pipes must be capped when water needed by (18) 119 pipes, water must be left in, at night, for use of (18) 119 punishment for interference with Chief or members of.. (5) 117 right of way, shall have in case of fire (20) 119 rubbish or combustible material on lot. Chief of, shall order removed (11) 118 salaries of employees of (1) 117 suit for expense of removal of rubbish, etc., com- menced at instance of Chief of (11) 118 telegraph, injury of, misdemeanor when (12) 118 telegraph wires of, hours when may be disturbed (13) 118 telegraph wires of, when removed must be put in good condition (14) 118 uniform, officers and members of, shall wear, when (3) 117 violation of fire ordinances prosecuted by Chief of (4) 117 volunteer companies of, have no compensation (1) 117 water companies shall notify, before turning water off.. (17) 119 water companies shall turn in all water necessary for, in case of fire (17) 119 wires of telegraph of, injury of, misdemeanor when (12) 118 wires of telegraph of, wires shall not be placed in 6 feet of (12) 118 Fire, electric wires switched off during (2) 229 Fire escapes, see Building. Fire Limits, see Building; Sidewalk. blocks, certain enumerated, are within (1) 211 blocks shown on map of 1876 are within (1) 211 buildings within, must conform to building ordinance. .. (2) 212 constructing or erecting wooden or corrugated iron building, within, unlawful (2) 212 misdemeanor to build wooden, etc., structures within.. (3) 212 punishment for building wooden, etc., structures within.. (3) 212 storing hay, etc., in, unlawful when (1) 130 wooden or corrugated iron structures are forbidden within (2) 212 Fireworks, discharge of, is misdemeanor when (12) 53 Fish, certain kinds, can not be sold (44) 97 Flagmen, crossings, certain railway, shall be stationed at (1) 69 engines, etc., not to go over certain crossings except on signal of (2) 69 hours of duty of (1) 69 misdemeanor, violation of ordinance concerning, is (3) 69 penalty for violation of ordinance concerning (3) 69 periods when, required to be stationed at certain crossings (1) 69 punishment for violation of ordinance concerning (3) 69 railway companies required to station, at certain crossings (1) 69 railway crossings, certain, shall be stationed at (1) 69 signal, shall not, when dangerous to person or vehicle.. (2) 69 Flour Mill license (9 (32) 233 Flour, throwing on people or street, unlawful (1) 84 Flume, see Alley; Sidewalk; Street. 304 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. (Sec.(Subd.) Page Food, see Meat and Food Inspector. Food, inspection of, see Board of Health. Forfeit, check is, when, see Franchise. Forthcamp Addition No. 2, grade of streets in, changed (2) 128 Forthcamp Avenue, north of Belmont, widened (1) 128 Fortune teller's license (9(62) 236 Foul material, cannot dump in low place (43) 97 Foundation for sidewalks, see Sidewalks. Fowls, j certain kinds, can not be sold (44) 97 domestic, must not run or go upon other's premises.,. .. .(1) 65 misdemeanor to permit, to run or go upon others' premises (2) 65 permitting, to run at large, unlawful (1) 65 punishment lor permitting, to trespass (2) 65 trespassing of, unlawful (1) 65 Frame buildings, see Building. Franchises, Application for, accompanied by certified check (1) 62-63 board, is made to (1) 62-63 check on, forfeited, when (1) 62-63 expenses of, paid from check (1) 62-63 granting of (Charter, 27 (30, 31) 11 guarantee of, check is (1) 62-63 Fraternal, etc., dances, lawful (2) 190 Fresno City, see Charter. Fresno Free Library (Charter 180 to 188) Fresno School district, see Municipal Election Precinct. Fruit, certain kinds, can not be sold (44) 97 Fruit Inspector, appointment of (56) 59 Fruit peddler's license (9(61) 235 Fruit, sale of infected, is misdemeanor (55) 59 Fruit trees, sale of infected, is misdemeanor (55) 59 Fumigation, see Board of Health; Disease. Fumigation of second hand goods necessary (1-2) 64 Fund (1) 125 Funerals, see Board of Health; Disease. Furnaces, construction of, see Building. G Gambling, abetting, etc., in, unlawful (2) 75 apartment for, opening, controlling, carrying on, or renting, unlawful when (4) 66 cards for, dealing, playing or betting on, unlawful when (3) 66 check, credit, etc., use of in, unlawful (2) 75 Chief of Police, duties of, with respect to place for (5) 66 clock for, possession or use of, unlawful (1-2) 65-66 conducting machine for, unlawful (1-2) 65-66 conducting or abetting, unlawful (2) 75 contrivance for, possession or use of, unlawful (1-2) 65-66 definition of, machine (1) 65 device, betting on, of any kind, unlawful (2) 75 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 305 Gambling, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page device for, playing or betting on, unlawful (3) 66 device for possession or use of, unlawful (1-2) 65-66 dice for, playing or betting on unlawful when (3) 66 draw i)oker, on, unlawful (1) 74 games, all, played for money, etc., unlawful (1) 74 games of chance, playing or conducting, constitute (3) 66 hiring, employing, etc., for gambling, unlawful (2) 75 hiring machine for, unlawful (1) 65 houses, rooms, etc., using, leasing, or permitting use of, for, unlawful (1) 74-75 instruments, exhibiting, unlawful when (1) 129 Instruments for, playing or betting on, unlawful when.. (3) 66 instruments, use of, unlawful (1-2) 72-73 lottery tickets, by use of, unlawful (1-2) 72-73 machine for, possession or use of, unlawful (1-2) 65-66 machine for, what constitutes (1-2) 65-66 manner of, all, unlawful (1) 74-75 misdemeanor to conduct, abet, or carry on (3) 75 misdemeanor to deal or play in, games (2) 75 misdemeanor to knowingly permit (2-3) 75 misdemeanor to permit, in (3) 75 misdemeanor to violate provisions of ordinance con- cerning (6) 66 officer may be dismissed from service for not stop- ping (5) 66 permitting in house, etc., unlawful (2) 75 place for, opening, controlling, carrying on, or rent- ing, unlawful when (4) 66 poker, unlawful (1) 74-75 pools, by use of, unalwful (1-4) 74 prohibited at all times and places (1) 74-75 punishment for '. (4) 75 punishment for renting, using, or permitting, house, room, etc., to be used for (2-4) 75 punishment for using, device of any kind (2) 75 punishment for violating provisions of ordinance concerning (6) 66 renting machine for, possession or use of, unlawful (1-2) 65-66 room for, opening, controlling, carrying on, or rent- ing, unlawful when (4) 66 saloon, in, stores, out-houses, etc., unlawful (1) 74-75 saloon, license may be revoked for, in, see Liquor. seven-up, unlawful (1) 74-75 slot machines for possession or use of, unlawful (1-2) 65-66 tape for, possession or use of, unlawful (1-2) 65-66 three card monte, unlawful (1) 74-75 value, for, of any kind, unlawful (1) 74-75 Games, certain, unlawful (1) 74 Games of chance, playing of, unlawful (1-2) 72-73 Garbage, disposition of (2) 70 Garbage dumped where (41) 97 Garbage shall not be dropped on streets, etc (41) 97 Garbage, unlawful to throw, on streets, alleys, etc (28) 94 Garbage wagon must not stand on streets (42) 97 Gas Company, see Charter. alterations by, map of proposed, to be filed with Superintendent of Streets (1) 63 306 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Gas Company, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page extension by, map of proposed, to be filed with Su- perintendent of Streets (1) 63 map of extension, etc., filed by, contents of (1) 63 map of proposed extension or alteration by, to be file with Superintendent of Streets (1) 63 misdemeanor for, to make extensions or alterations without consent and filing map (2) 63 penalty for violating ordinance concerning (2) 63 Superintendent of Streets to give consent to ex- tensions, etc., by, when (1) 63 Gasoline, depositing, in sewer, unlawful (1) 207 Gasoline, storing and selling of, unlawful when (1-2) 209 Gates, safety, railroad to erect, when (1 to 5) 116 Geese trespassing unlawful (1) 65 Goat on street unlawful when (2) 79 Gong on motor vehicles, see Travel and Trafllc. Gong to be sounded on street car (1) 81 Goods in transit not an obstruction (1) 79 Goods in transit not an obstruction, see Sidewalks. Goods, second hand, see Second Hand Goods. Grade of sidewalks, see Sidewalks. Grade of streets, etc., see City Engineer. Grading by private contract, see Paving or Improving, etc. Grading of street, specifications for, see Streets. Gramophone, playing of, in saloon unlawful (1) 64 Graphophone, playing of, in saloon, unlawful (1) 64 Grass and weeds on vacant lots to be removed (3) 224 Gravel hauling, see Travel and Traffic. Guardian permitting children on street, unlawful (2) 132 Gun Cotton, see Explosive. Gutters, specifications for, see Streets. H Hack license (9(10) 230 Hackmen soliciting on railway platform (19) 58 Hall, dancing, unlawful when (1) 190 Hall, standing at entrance of (1) 205 Halls, plumbing in, see Plumbing. Hand ball court license (9(43) 234 Hand bills, advertising with, unlawful (7) 68 Hauling on streets, see Travel and Trafllc. Hay, Chief of Fire Department may enter premises where, stored, when (50) 120 cover, secure, shall be stored under (10) 118 enclosed, when stored shall be (10) 118 misdemeanor for violation of ordinance relating to (49) 120 permit for storing of (10) 118 police may enter premises where, stored, when (50) 120 punishment for violation of ordinance relating to (49) 120 quantity of, that may be stored (10) 118 stored securely at end of day, shall be (44) 120 straw, under same rule for storing as (10) 118 suspended, rules for storing may be, when (10) 118 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 307 (Sec.(Subd.) Page Hay and Straw, allowing to be kept or stored on vacant lots, etc*. unlawful (2) 130 buildings for storing, must be of brick, stone, etc (1) 130 conducting Market for, unlawful, when * (1) 130 feed stable may keep 75 tons of (1) 130 keeping, in fire limits, unlawful, when (1) 130 kind of markets required for (1) 130 livery barn may keep 75 tons of (1) 130 maintaining Market for, unlawful, when (1) 130 markets for, unlawful in fire limits, when (1) 130 may be kept for use of animals on premises (2) 130 misdemeanor to keep or store, when (3) 130 must not be stored or kept in fire limits, when (2) 130 one controlling premises cannot permit storing of, when. .(2) 130 permitting, to be kept or stored in vacant premises, etc., unlawful (2) 130 punishment for keeping or storing, contrary to ordinance. (3) 130 storing, on vacant lots, etc., unlawful In fire limits (1) 130 Hay Markets unlawful when (1) 130 Health Department (Charter, 160 to 179) 30-33 Health Officer, see Board of Health; Charter (160 to 179); and Milk, fees collected by, belong to City and are payable to the Treasurer (2) 73 salary of, paid how (2) 73 salary of, in full for all services (2) 73 second hand goods, may inspect If necessary (1) 64 second hand goods, may require fumigation of, when....(l) 64 High School (Charter, 132) 30 Hitching post may be erected how (1) 223 Hog pen, unlawful to maintain (28) 94 Hogs, keeping, see Board of Health. Hogs, unlawful to bury dead, In City. (28) 94 Holidays, Saturday afternoons are (1) 127 Hoppers, see Plumbing. Horns on Motor vehicles (2) 135 Horses, hitching or leaving, within forty feet of cer- tain corners, unlawful (1) 238 Horses on Streets, see Travel and Traffic. Hospital license (9(64) 234 Hotel dances lawful (1) 190 Hotel license (9(14) 231 Hotel liquor license, see Liquor. Hotel runners soliciting on railway platform (19) 58 Hotels, construction of, see Building. House, connection of, with sewer, see Sewers. House, construction of, see Building. House defined * (74) 105 House, disinfection of, see Board of Health. Houses, "block tier," for numbering of, means what (2) 76 Central Addition, in, numbered how (10) 77 Grand Park Addition, in, numbered how (9) 77 misdemeanor not to number, when * (14) 77 misdemeanor to mutilate number, when (14) 77 mutilation of number of, unlawful (13) 77 308 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Houses, (Cont) (Sec.(Subd.) Page North Park Addition, in, numbered how (10) 77 numbers of, begin soulh and increase northward of city. .(6) 76 numbers of, begin on west, and increase to eastward of city (5) 76^ numbers of, and "tier" maps increase in same direction. .(7) 77 number of, odd, on left as numbers increase (7) 77 number of, even, on right as numbers increase (7) 77 numbers of, to be placed in conspicuous place on street side (12) 77 numbers of, to be in large figures (12) 77 number of, given by Superintendent of Streets (12) 7T numbering of, supervised by Superintendent of Streets.. (1) 76 numbering of, determined how (4-5) 76 punishment for failure to number (14) 77 punishment for mutilation of number (14) 77 Superintendent of Streets to supervise numbering of...(l) 76 Superintendent of Streets to give number of (12) 77 Superintendent of Streets to require numbering of (12) 77 Sylvia Street, north of, numbered how (11) 77 "tier" for numbering of, means what (2) 76 "tier" number of, 100 (3) 76 "tier" numbers of, the same between parallel streets (2) 76 "tier" numbers of, determined how (4-5) 76 Tulare Avenue, north of, numbered how (11) 77 unit for number of, 12Mi feet in width (3) 76- unit for "block tier" number of, 100 (3) 76 Woodward's Addition, is numbered how (8) 77 House, injury to (10) 53 House mover's license (9(58) 235 Houses of assignation (7) 53 Houses of ill-fame (6) 53 Houses, renting for gambling (1) 74-75 Houses, renting for gambling, unlawful (1) 66 Houses, renting, using, etc., for gambling, or pool selling, unlawful (3) 74 Houses unlawful not to connect, with sewer (28) 94 Houses, unlawful to hire, not connected with sewer when. . . . (28) 94 Houses unlawful to occupy, not connected with sewer when.. (28) 94 Hydrants, see Building and Fire Department. Hydro-Carbon liquids storing and selling of (1-2) 209- Idle Persons, see Public Speaking. alley, standing in, by, unlawful (1) 205 annoying people on streets by, unlawful (1) 205 church, standing at entrance of, by, unlawful (1) 205 cross-walk, standing on, by, unlawful (1) 205 hall, standing at entrance of, by, unlawful (1) 205 misdemeanor, guilty of, when (3) 206 molesting people by, unlawful (1) 205 obstructing, streets, etc., by, unlawful (1) 205 public assemblage, standing at entrance, by, unlawful. .(1) 205- punishment for standing or sitting by (3) 206 sidewalks, standing on, by, unlawful (1) 205 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 808 Idle Persons, (€oiit.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page sitting on streets, by, unlawful (1) 205 standing on streets, etc., by, unlawful (1) 205 theater, standing at entrance, by, unlawful (1) 205 Imprisonment to be in County Jail (4) 62 Improving streets, etc., by private contract, see Paving or Improving, etc. Incandescent sign, see Signs, (Incandescent and electric.) Indebtedness, bonded Charter (120-125) 28-29 Infectious disease, see Disease. Infectious diseases, control of, see Board of Health. Initiative and referendum (Charter, 272 to 280) 48-49 Inspection of Milk, see Milk. Inspection of second hand goods necessary (1) 64 Inspector, meat and food (1) 122 Inspector of fruit, appointment of (56) 59 Inspector of milk, see Milk. Inspector of plumbing see Plumbing Inspector. Inspectors, appointment of, see Board of Health. Insurance license (9(15) (9(55) 231-234 Intoxicating liquors, see Liquors. I Street curb line set nearer center of street (1-2) 129 I Street decreased in width (1-2) 129 J Jail of FYesno City Is City Prison (4) 62 Journeyman plumber, see Plumber. Judgment, enforcement of, see Liquor. Junk, disposition of, see Pound Keeper. Junk shop keeper defined (50) 59 Justice of Peace, see Charter. L Lateral sewers, see Sewers. Laundries, see Building. Laundry, carrying on, is misdemeanor, when (49) 58 Laundry license (9(13) 230 Laying artificial stone, by private contract, see Paving or Improving, etc. Leasing, alley, sidewalk, or street space or portion of, unlawful (1) 130 asking or demanding money for same, unlawful (1) 131 asking or demanding money for permission to use same, unlawful (1) 131 asking or demanding money on express or implied promise not to complain of such use, or that no action will be brought, unlawful (1) 131 defense, voluntary gift or payment by person using, no (2) 131 evading provisions by trick, etc., fraudulent or unlawful. . (3) 131 misdemeanor, doing of (4) 131 punishment for (4) 131 receiving money, etc., for same, unlawful (1) 131 License, acrobatic performance, for (9(4) 229 advertising by posting for (9(42) 234 310 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. License, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page agents, for (9(61) 235 amateur performers, need not have (13) 237 animals, for exhibition collection of (9(4) 229 astrologer, for (9(62) 236 auctioneer, for Itenerant merchant (9(1) 228 auctioneer's, not to be used by others (9(1) 228 automobile, for (9(10) 230 ball throwing, for conducting (9(6) 229 bag-a-telle tables, for conducting (9(11) 230 banking or loaning money, for (9(2) 229 bankrupt stock, for sale of (9(63) 236 baths, for (9(40) 234 battery, galvanized, for conducting (9(6) 229 bicycles, for business of keeping for hire (9(25) 238 bill boards, for business of advertising by (9(42) 234 billiard tables, for conducting (9(11) 230 bill poster, for (9(42) 234 blacking or shining boots, for (9(60) 235 blank, to be prepared by City Clerk (1) 226 blocks, for peddling (9(54) 234 boiler works, for (9(37) 237 bond insurance company, for (9(55) 234 bonds of incorporated companies, for buying and selling (9(2) 229 bonds, for buying and selling (9(2) 229 books, for vendors of (9(61) 235 boot black, for (9(60) 235 bowling alleys, for conducting (9(11) 230 brokerage business, for (9(26) 233 broker, for (9(26) 233 building and loan association, for (9(53) 234 bull, for standing (9(8) 229 bullion, gold and silver, for buying and selling (9(2) 229 business, carrying on, without, unlawful (4) 227 business, commencing or engaging in or carrying on (4) 227 business, engaging in, without, unlawful (4) 227 business shall have, not separate acts (11) 236 business, statement of amount of, done, required to ascertain amount of (5) 227 caravan, for (9(4) 229 carpet cleaning, for (9(44) 234 charitable entertainment, need not have (13) 237 church entertainment, need not have (13) 237 circus, for (9(4) 229 City Clerk must affix seal, number and sign (2) 226 City Clerk must prepare blank (1) 226 City Clerk to charge License Collector with, when (2) 226 City Clerk to deliver, to License Collector (2) 226 City Clerk to keep ledger of, delivered to License Collector (3) 227 civil action filed if, Is not procured (12) 236 civil action for not procuring, jurisdiction of (12) 236 clairvoyant, for (9(62) 236 cleaning establishment, for (9(45) 234 cold storage plant, for (9(17) 232 collected from whom, is (12) 236 commission merchant, for, having fixed place of business. (8) 228 common carrier, for (9(16) 232 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 811 License, (Cont) (Sec.(Subd.) Page concert singers, for (9(3) 229 conspicuous place, must be posted In (17) 237 corn doctors, for (9(61) 235 costs in addition to, amount of, recoverable, when (12) 237 coupe, for (9(10) 230 daily paper, for conducting (9(49) 234 dancers, for (9(4) 229 debt, imposed by ordinance, is (12) 236 definition of "person" and "party" under, ordinance. .. (11) 236 delicatessen, for peddling (9 (52) 234 dogs, on (3) 70 dray, a number shall be assigned to each, having (9(9) 230 dray, for (9(9) 23ft drummers do not have to pay, when (9(61) 235 dyeing establishment, for (9(45) 234 eating house, for (9(59) 235 electricity, for the business of supplying (9(19) 232 employment office, for (9(46) 234 entertainment for charitable object need not have (13) 237 entertainment for church or school need not have (13) 237 .evidences of indebtedness, for buying and selling (9(2) 229 expiration of, when (6) 229 express company, for (9(16) 232 farmer shall not pay for sale of fruit, when (9(61) 235 feed mill, for (9(32) 233 feed yard, for (9(24) 232 figures, for exhibition with (9(4) 229 fish, for peddling (9(56) 234 flour mill, for (9(32) 233 flying-horse, for (9(7) 229 flying-jenny, for (9(7) 229 fortune teller, for (9(62) 236 fruits, for peddlers of (9(61) 235 fruits, not necessary for sale of, when (9(61) 235 fuel oil wagon, for (9(13a) 231 funeral parlor, for (9(12) 230 furniture factory, for (9(37) 234 gas company, for (9(19) 232 cold coin, for buying and selling (9(2) 229 gold dust, for buying and selling (9(2) 229 goods, for sale of bankrupt stock of (9(63) 236 granted, is, subject to revocation (18) 237 green fruit, for packing (9(21) 232 hack, for (9(10) 230 hammam baths, for (9(40) 234 hand ball court, for (9(43) 234 hawkers, for (9(61) 235 hospital, for (9(64) 236 hotel, for (9(14) 231 house mover, for (9(58) 235 insurance company, for bond (9(55) 234 insurance, for the business of collecting as agent or broker, for (9(15) 231 insurance, for the business of conducting, through agents or otherwise (9 (15) 231 insurance man, for itenerant or travelling (9(15) 231 intelligence office, for (9(46) 234 312 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. License, (Cont.) (Sec.CSubd.) Page intoxicating liquors, to sell, see Liquor. jack, for standing (9(8) 229 job printing establisliment, for (9(50) 234 jugglers, for (9(4) 229 jurisdiction of civil action for not procuring (12) 237 knife throwing, for conducting (9(6) 229 laundry, for (9(13) 230 laundry, for those soliciting for (9(13) 230 License Collector, is payable to (14) 237 License Collector shall ascertain all business re- quired to pay (5) 227 License Collector shall give a separate number to each vehicle having (10) 236 License Collector shall number vehicles having (10) 236 License Collector's statement as to value of, made when. (7) 227 License Collector to be charged with, by City Clerk (2) 226 liquor, to sell, see Liquor. literary society, need not have (13) 237 livery stable, for (9(23) 232 locomobile, for (9(10) 230 lodging house, for (9(14) 231 lung tester, for conducting (9(6) 229 machine shop, for (9(37) 234 magicians, for (9(4) 229 maps, for vendors of (9(61) 235 meats for peddling (9(41) 234 menagerie, for (9(4) 229 merchant, for retail, having fixed place of business (8) 228 merchants, for travelling (9(61) 235 merchant, for wholesale, having fixed place of business. . (8) 228 merry-go-round, for (9(7) 229 microscope, for conducting (9(6) 229 milk, to sell, see Milk. mind reader, for (9(62) 236 mineral water, for manufacturing (9(33) 233 minstrels, for (9(3) 229 minister of the gospel, shall not pay (9 (62) 236 misdemeanor not to pay for (21) 238 misdemeanor to conduct business without procuring. . . (21) 238 misdemeanor to violate provisions of ordinances con- cerning (21) 238 money for, not returned on revocation (18) 237 moneys collected for, paid to treasurer (7) 227 moneys for, charged to treasurer, when (7) 227 muscle tester, for conducting (9(6) 229 necromancers, for (9(4) 229 notes, for buying and selling (9(2) 229 null, when (6) 227 number on vehicle having, shall be permanent (10) 236 numbers shall be placed on vehicle having, as de- signated by License Collector (10) 236 oil wagon, for (9(13a) 231 omnibus, for (9(10) 230 opera singers, for (9(3) 229 ordained minister shall not pay (9(62) 236 ordinances, shall not authorize violation of (9(61) 236 palmist, for (9(62) 236 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 313 Xiicense, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page packing fruit, for (9(21) 232 panoramic performances, for (9(4) 229 parade by show, for (9(4) 229 party, definition of, under terms of (11) 236 patent medicines, for vendors of (9(61) 235 pawn broker, for (9(27) 233 pawn shop, for (9(27) 233 payable by whom, is (12) 236 payable to whom, is (14) 237 payment of, determined how (15) 237 peddler, for, using jugglery, etc (9(61) 235 peddler, for, using singing or dancing, etc (9(61) 235 peddler of fruits, for (9(61) 235 peddler of berries, for (9 (61) 235 peddler of vegetables, for (9(61) 235 peddlers, for (9(61) 235 peddlers must produce and show, when (17) 237 peddler's revoked for not producing, when (17) 237 peddling blocks, for (9(54) 234 peddling delicatessen, for (9(52) 234 peddling fish, for (9(57) 235 peddling, for slaughter house (9(56) 234 peddling meats, for (9(41) 234 penalty for not procuring (12-21) 236-238 penalty for violation of ordinances concerning (21) 238 performance, for certain, not named (9(6) 229 person, definition of, under terms of (11) 236 photographer, "fixed, permanent place of business of" under, defined (9(22) 232 photographer, for itinerant, determined how (9(22) 232 photographer, for peddling tickets for itinerant (9(22) 232 photographer, for soliciting for itinerant (9(22) 232 phonographic diversion, for conducting (9(6) 229 planing mill, for (9(36) 234 plumber's license, see Plumbers. pool tables, for conducting (9(11) 230 preacher shall not pay (9(62) 236 principal includes what under terms of (11) 236 prize fight cannot have (1) 84 produce exchange, for (9(26) 233 pro rata payment of rate of, allowed when (4) 227 public scales, for (9(39) 234 punishment for violation of ordinances concerning (21) 238 quarterly, if payable, taken out when (4) 227 quarterly, payment of, when (15) 237 railway ticket ofiice, for (9(30) 233 rate of, pro rata payment of, allowed when (4) 227 real estate business, for (9(47) 234 receipt for moneys for, duplicate filed with City Clerk (7) 227 receipt for moneys for, issued when (7) 227 receipt given for, by License Collector, to City Clerk (2) 226 restaurant, for (9(59) 235 retail liquor, for, see Liquor. returned to City Clerk, when (7) 227 revocation of, only after notice to appear (18) 237 revoked, may be, when (18) 237 revoked, peddler's, may be, when (17) 237 814 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. license, (Cont.) • (Sec.(Subd.) Page ring throwing, for conducting (9(6) 229 rope dancers, for (9(4) 229 sailor, (ex union) need not have (16) 23T sailors, for, shall not authorize sale of intoxicating liquors (16) 23T sailors, obtained how (16) 237 sanitarium, for (9(64) 236 scales, for public (9(39) 234 school entertainment need not have (13) 23T ' second hand goods, for dealing in (9(34) 233 seer, for (9(62) 23G separate acts, business shall have, not (11) 236 separate, must be obtained for each branch of business. .(4) 22' shooting gallery, for (9(28) 233 show, for (9(4) 229 show, for parade of (9(4) 22& side show, for (9(4) 229 silver coin, for buying and selling (9(2) 229 singers, opera or concert, for (9(3) 229 skating rink, for (9(51) 234 slaughter house, peddling for (9(56) 234 sleight-of-hand performance, for (9(4) 229 soda-pop, for manufacturing (9(33) 234 soldier, (ex union) need not have (16) 237 soldiers, for, shall not authorize sale of intoxicating liquors (16) 237 soldiers, obtained how (16) 237 soothsayer, for (9(62) 236 spirit medium, for (9 (62) 236 spiritualist, for (9(62) 236 stable, for (9(23) 232 stallion, for standing (9(8) 229 statement for, as to amount of business done, made by whom (5) 227 statement for, as to business done, contents of (5) 227 statement for, penalty for false (5) 227 statement of business done required to ascertain amount of, when (5) 227 statement of License Collector as to value of, issued (7) 227 stock exchange, for (9(26) 233 stocks of incorporated companies, for buying and selling (9(2) 229 subjects of Charter, (27(9) 8 swimming tank, for (9(40) 234 syphon-soda, for manufacturing (9 (33) 233 tailor shop, for (9(29) 233 tamale house, for (9(38) 234 telegraph office, for (9(31) 233 telephone, for (9(20) 232 theater where liquors are sold, shall not have (9(3) 229 theaters, for the business of conducting (9(3) 229 ticket office, for railway (9(30) 233 tin number shall be placed on vehicle having (10) 236 trader's, for (8) 228 trading stamps, for business of selling (9(35) 233 trading tickets, for business of selling (9 (35) 233 trained animals, for show, for (9(5) 229 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 315 license, (Cont) (Sec.(SuM.) Page treasurer must issue receipt for moneys for (7) 227 towels, for supplying stores with (9(48) 234 turkish baths, for (9(40) 234 undertaking parlor, for (9(12) 230 unlawful act, shall not authorize (9(61) 236 union sailors, (ex), need not have (16) 237 union soldiers, (ex), need not have (16) 237 unsold, returned to City Clerk, when (7) 227 vegetables, for peddlers of (9(61) 235 vehicle, each; having, to have a separate number (10) 236 vehicle for transportation of passengers, for (9(10) 230 vehicle having, must be numbered (9(10) 230 vendors of books, etc., for (9(61) 235 void, when (6) 227 wagon for fuel oil, for (9(13a) 231 wagon yard, for (9(24) 232 warehouse, for (9(17) 232 warehouse, storing of petroleum, for (4) 210 wash-house, for (9(13) 230 water company, for (9(18) 232 wholesale liquor, for, see Liquor. 'wholesaler's (8j) 228 wire dancers, for (9(4) 229 yearly, payment of, when (15) 237 Lecturing on streets, unlawful (2) 205 Legal Holiday, Saturday afternoon is (2) 129 Legislative Powers, see Charter. Levees, see Charter. Library (Charter, 180 to 188) 34-35 Library Trustees (Charter 180 to 188) 34-35 License Collector, see License. License Collector (Charter, 44 to 46) 18-19 License Collector, bond of, Twenty thousand dollars (1) 84 License Collector issues license to sell liquor, see Liquor. Lien, see Plumbing Inspector. Liens, see Charter. Lime, throwing, on person or street, unlawful (1) 84 Linemen, (for telephone, etc., Co's.) misdemeanor for, to use pole-spurs, etc (2) 88 punishment for, using pole-spurs, etc (2) 88 use of sharp pointed devices on feet for climbing by, unlawful when , (1) 87 use of pole-climbers by, unlawful, when (1) 87 use of pole-spurs by, unlawful, when (1) 87 Linemen for wires, required when (1) 239 Liquids, inflammable, storing of (1) 209 Liquor, (intoxicating) abetting breach of, ordinance an offense (45) 147 action, right of, for penalty for breach of, ordinance created in City (43) 146 actions for breach of, ordinance, shall be brought by City Attorney (43) 146 arrested, person may be, if judgment for violation of, ordinance is not paid (44) 147 associations may have license to sell, when (22) 141 bona fide meal, definition of, which may be sold with... (8) 138 bona fide meal, may be sold with, when (21) 141 316 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Liquor (intoxicating) (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page breach of, ordinance, a separate offense for each day... (45) 147 business of retail dealer defined (5) 137 business of wholesale dealer, defined (6) 137 carrying on retail, business, defined (5) 137 carrying on wholesale, business defined (6) 137 City Attorney shall bring actions for breach of, ordinance (43) 146 closing hours, taking out of, during, unlawful (15) 140 closing hours of, establishment (14) 139 Club, (association or corporation), License, Application for, acceptance will be subject to ordinance and regulations of Board, must state (22) 142 board of directors and manager of corpora- tion must state names of (27) 143 Board of Trustees, made to (22) 141 club members will not violate City Ordi- nance, must state (22) 141 contents of (22) 141 gambling will not be permitted, must Btate (22) 141 granting of, discretionary (24) 142 made, may be, when (22) 141 manager and board of directors of, must state names of (27) 142 members or guests only will be sold or given liquor, must state (22) 142 names of members, must state, when (22) 142 president, etc., of corporation, may verify (27) 142 recommendation, kind of, must be accom- panied by (23) 142 referred, may be, to Mayor and Chief of Police. (24) 142 remonstrance may be made against (24) 142 resolution, granted or denied by (24) 142 verified, must be how (22) 141 guests, shall authorize sale of liquor only to registered (25-26) 142 hours for sale of, under, shall not authorize sale of liquor on Sunday (25) 142 members, shall authorize sale of liquor only to registered (25-26) 142 rate of, $25.00 per quarter (30) 143 register of guests, club, etc., licensed by, shall keep. . (26) 142 registers of guests and members, of club licensed by, shall be open to inspection of police and City Attorney at all time (26) 142 register of members, club, etc, licensed by, shall keep (26) 142 clubs may have license to sell, when (22) 141 complaint in action, for breach of, ordinance, veri- fied by any officer of City .TT(43) 146 conducting place for sale, etc., of, unlawful, without license (2) 137 corporation may have license to sell, when (22) 141 court, in what, penalty for breach of, ordinance recoverable (42) 146 defense, no, that wholesaler's agent permitted drink- ing of, on premises (13) 139 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 817 Liquor (intoxicating) (Cont) (Sec.(Subd.) Page drinking of, cannot permit, on premises of wholesale, dealer (6-13) 137-139 doors to places for sale of, to be locked during clos- ing hours (15) 139 druggists may sell, on Sundays on prescription of licensed physician, or for mechanical, etc., pur- poses (14) 139 Druggist may sell or give away, alcohol, and pure, for mechanical, medicinal, etc., purposes (3) 143 consumed, not to be, upon premises where sold (31) 143 drinking of, on premises, must not permit (32) 144 license, without (31) 143 mechanical purposes, for, without a prescription. .. .(31) 143 medicinal purposes, for, without a prescription (31) 143 permit, without, when (31) 143 physician, when unlawful, for, to fill prescriptions of (31) 144 prescription, of licensed physician, upon (31) 143 prescription for, writing, unlawful, when (31) 144 prescription, upon written, signed and dated up- on, with certain contents (31) 143 upon, filed in book open to Inspection of officials (31) 144 upon, filed, must be by druggist (31) 144 upon, made by other than druggist (31) 143 upon, of physician unless he has violated liquor law (31) 144 upon, refilled, which cannot be (31) 144 upon, unless notice Is given of physician's violation of law (31) 144 upon, specifying kind of liquor (31) 144 scientific purposes, for, without a prescription (31) 143 drunk, cannot be on premises of wholesale dealer (6-13) 137-139 employees, only may enter saloon, during certain hours. .(15) 140 entrance to, establishment unlawful during certain hours. (15) 139 establishing, conducting, etc., place for sale of, un- lawful except under City Ordinances (1) 136 evasion of, ordinance, fraudulent and unlawful (41) 146 execution on judgment for violation of, ordinance (44) 146 execution, party may be arrested If, is not satisfied, for violation of, ordinance (44) 146 family, may be served in (40) 146 free lunch in, establishment forfeits Ucense (16) 140 fraudulent, to sell at retail with only a wholesale license. (13) 139 guests, invited, may be served to, in home (40) 146 homes, may be served in (40) 146 hours, certain, sale of, unlawful (14) 139 households, may be served in (40) 146 jail, person arrested for violation of, ordinance, shall be confined in (44) 146 judgment for breach of, ordinance, no bar to action for other breaches (45) 147 judgment for penalty for violation of, ordinance, execution for (44) 146 kinds of, licenses specified (4) 137 license for sale of, necessary (2) 137 license to sell, forfeited for serving free lunches (16) 140 318 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Liquor (intoxicating) (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page License to sell, furnish, serve or give away, Application for, acted upon in December (36) 145 action on by Board (11) 138 assignment of, to be verified by assignor and assignee (39) 146 assignment of, must state what (39) 146 Board of Trustees, must be to (9) 138 certificate of good moral character of ap- plicant, or if corporation, of its manager and directors, must accompany (10) 138 corporation, by, must show good moral char- acter of directors and manager (10) 138 granted, shall not be at meeting of Board when made, except when (28) 143 kind of license desired, must state (9) 138 location, proposed, must state (9) 138 location, must show suitable (10) 138 managers, etc., must show, to be sober and suitable persons (10) 138 name of owner, must state (9) 138 name and residence of applicant, must give (9) 138 new, necessary each year (36) 145 ordinances and right of revocation, must state that license will be accepted subject to. (9) 138 persons interested, must state names of (9) 138 referred to Chief of Police and Mayor for in- vestigation, may be (11) 138 remonstrance against, may be made (11-28) 138-143 remonstrance against, must be heard and de- termined before granting (28) 143 residence, occupations and place of business of signers, must give (10) 138 revoked, if former license, must state, and cause thereof (9) 138 signed must be by 10 respectable residents (not officials) owning or occupying ad- joining property (10) 138 time of residence, must give (9) 138 verified by applicant or applicants, must be (9) 138 written, must be (9) 138 assigned, may be after consent of Board (39) 146 assigned, may be to bona fide purchaser of business. (39) 146 assigned, may be upon verified application stat- ing proposed transfer and facts required for original license (39) 146 assignee of, must verify application for (39) 146 assignor of, must verify application for (39) 146 branch place, separate, must be procured for (33) 144 classification of (4-17-22)136-141-150 Clerk and License Collector, issued by (11) 138 Clerk shall prepare and issue (34) 144 collection of, shall be by License Collector (34) 144 drug stores not required to have, for medicinal, mechanical or scientific purposes (7) 137 forfeited, may be at any time by Board (35) 144 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 319 Ijlquor, (Intoxicating), License to sell, furnish, etc., (Cent.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page forfeited, shall be, for serving or giving away free lunch (16) 140 form and contents of (34) 144 fractional quarter, paid for pro rata (29) 143 granted, can not be, if Board revokes permit (36) 145 granted, shall not be, without permit of Board, by resolution, previously passed and entered In minutes, naming kind of, and location of place. (3) 137 hours for sale authorized by, from 6 A. M. to 12 midnight (14) 139 issued by Clerk and License Collector upon order of Board (11) 138 issued, shall be by quarters (35) 145 Issued, shall not be, until payment made (30) 143 issued, shall not be, without permit of Board (36) 145 License Collector and Clerk, issued by (11) 138 License Collector, shall be delivered to, by City Clerk (34) 144 number of retail, shall not exceed 49 (37) 145 number of retail, shall be reduced to 40, when (37) 145 payment for, shall be in advance (33-35) 144 Permit for. Board of Trustees, granted by (11) 138 cancelled, may be at any time by Board (35) 144 denial of, discretionary (11) 138 granted, may be by six members of Board at meeting when application made (28) 143 granted, a new one Is, each year (36) 145 granted, may be in December (36) 145 granting of, discretionary (11) 138 issuance of in discretion of Board (11) 138 issued on application, when (11) 138 kinds of, granted (3) 137 required (36) 145 resolution, granted by (11) 138 retail, authorizes sale only as prescribed by ordinance (12) 139 revoked, may be, at any time by Board (35) 144 temporary, may be granted for transfer or removal (28) 143 temporary, revocable at pleasure of Board (28) 143 time for which granted, January 2nd, following. (35) 144 transfer or removal, temporary, may be granted for (28) 143 valid unUl 1st following (36) 145 wholesale, authorizes sale only as prescribed by ordinance (13) 139 wholesale, does not permit sale at retail (13) 139 permit of Board for, continues 1 year (35) 144 permit for, what kinds will be granted (3) 137 pharmacists not required to have, for what (7) 137 quarters, must be for ending 1st of January, April, July and October (29) 143 rate of retail, $200.00 per quarter (30) 143 club, $25.00 per quarter (30) 143 restaurant, Class A, $50.00 per quarter (30) 143 320 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Liquor, ( intoxicating) , License to sell, furnish, etc., (Cont.) rate of retail (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page restaurant, Class B, $100.00 per quarter (30) 143 restaurant, is in addition to ordinary res- taurant license (30) 143 wholesale, $75.00 per quarter (30) 143 repayment on, when revoked without notice shall be made (35) 145 retail, authorizes sale only as prescribed by or- dinance (12) 139 retail, authorizes sale at wholesale (12) 139 retail, business authorized by (5) 137 retail, issued by way of renewal, in certain cases... (37) 145 retail, shall not exceed 49 in number (37) 145 revocation, subject to without notice (35) 144 revocation of, without notice, pro rata repay- ment on application by holder (35) 145 revocation of permit, prevents issuance of (36) 145 revoked, shall be, by resolution (38) 145 shall be, if licensee is intoxicated, when (38) 14& shall be, if licensee permits gambling (38) 145 shall be, if licensee sells to an intoxicated person (38) 145 shall be, if licensee sells to minors (38) 145 shall be, if licensee violates liquor ordinance. .. (38) 145 shall be, if licensee violates state law (38) 145 sale between 12 midnight and 6 A. M., not author- ized by (14) 139 sale between 12 midnight Saturday and 6 A. M. Monday, not authorized by (14) 139 Sunday, sale on, not authorized by (14) 139 valid until Jan. 1st, following (36) 145 wholesale, authorizes sale only as prescribed by ordinance (13) 139 wholesale business authorized by (6) 137 wholesale does not authorize sale at retail (13) 139 wholesale included in retail (12) 139 locking of doors to places for sale of, necessary dur- ing closing hours (15) 139 lunch, free in, establishment forfeits license (16) 140 meal, bona fide, defined (8) 138 meal, may be sold with, when (21) 141 mechanical purposes, for, may be sold by pharmacists. .. (7) 137 mechanical purposes, for, may be sold on Sunday (14) 139 medicinal purposes, for, may be sold by pharmacists (7) 137 medical purposes, for, may be sold on Sunday (14) 139 notice given by chief to druggists who sell, of physicians who violate liquor ordinance (31) 144 offense, each day of breach of, ordinance, is separate (45) 147 officers to file complaint for breach of, ordinance (43) 146 penalty for breach of, ordinance, $40.00 and costs (42) 146 penalty for breach of, ordinance, recoverable in any court of competent jurisdiction (42) 146 permit for sale of, necessary (2) 137 permit for sale of, must be granted by board (3) 137 permitting drinking of, on premises of wholesaler unlawful (13) 139 pharmacists not subject to license for sale of (7) 137 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 821 Liquor. (Intoxicating) (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page physicians who violate, ordinance can not have pre- scriptions filled (31) 144 places for sale of, to be locked when (15) 139 place for sale of, must be licensed (2) 137 police officers, duty of, to report violation of, ordinance. .(43) 146 prescription for, by physicians violating liquor law can not be filled (31) 144 prescription of physician, authorizes druggist to sell (14) 139 quantity of, 1-5 gal. and less may be sold at retail (5) 137 quantity of, not less than 1-5 gal. can be sold at wholesale. (6) 137 recommendation necessary to obtain, license (10-23) 138-142 Restaurant license. Addition to ordinary llcenae, is In (30) 143 Application for, acceptance of license, will be subject to or- dinance and regulations of Board, must state. (18) 140 applicant shall sign and verify (18) 140 Board of Trustees, shall be to (17) 140 City Clerk, shall be filed with (18) 140 Class A, shall state what (17) 140 Class B, shall state what (17) 140 contents of (18) 140 filed, shall be, with City Clerk (18) 140 granting of, discretionary with Board (19) 140 kind of, desired, shall state (17) 140 laws, will not evade, must state (18) 140 place to be conducted, must state (18) 140 referred, may be, to Mayor and Chief of Police. .(19) 140 remonstrance may be made against (19) 140 resolution, granted or denied by (19) 140 signed by applicant, shall be (18) 140 verified by applicant, shall be (18) 140 bed, or other object for lying, not permitted in place licensed by (21) 141 Board, issued on order of (19) 140 boarding house, covered by (17) 140 Class A, authorizes sale of malt liquor or wine with regular meal (17-20) 140-141 Class A, rate, $50.00 per quarter (30) 143 Class B, authorizes sale of wine, and liquors, with regular meal (17-20) 140-141 Class B, rate, $100.00 per quarter (30) 143 contents of (18) 140 hotel, covered by (17) 140 hours for sale under, from 6 A. M. to 12 midnight. (17-20) 140-141 license collector, and clerk, issued by (19) 140 meal, bona fide, defined (8) 138 meals, regular, bona fide, must be served with wines, etc., under (17-20) 140-141 partitions not allowed In places licensed under (21) 141 Permit for, issuance of, in discretion of Board (19) 140 Permit for, issued by Board (19) 140 room in place licensed by, shall not have bed or other place for lying down (21) 141 rooms or recesses, private, must open into main dining room (21) 141 Sunday, shall not authorize sale of liquors on (20) 141 3:22 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Liquor, (intoxicating) (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page restaurant license shall not authorize sale of, in room ■with sofa, cot, divan, etc (21) 141 restaurant license shall not authorize sale of, in what kind of room (21) 141 retail, business defined (5) 137 rooms, certain, not permitted in restaurants where, is sold (21) 141 sale of, not permitted from 12 midnight to 6 A. M (14) 139 scientific purposes, for, may be sold by pharmacists (7) 137 scientific purposes, for, may be sold on Sunday (14) 139 selling, furnishing, serving, etc., unlawful without permit and license (2) 137 serving, in family permitted (40) 146 Sunday, sale of, on, unlawful (14) 139 violation of, ordinance shall be reported by police officers (43) 146 wholesale, business defined (6) 137 wholesaler, selling at retail guilty of fraud (13) 139 Liquor licenses, how obtained, see Liquor. Livery barn, storing hay, etc., in, unlawful when (1) 130 Livery stable, keeping hay in unlawful when (1) 130 Livery stable license (9(23) 232 Livery stables, unlawful not to keep clean (30) 95 Lodging House (Keepers,) all who rent or occupy room of, must register (1) 206 name and place or residence, to be entered in reg- ister of (1) 206 misdemeanor for, not to keep a register (3) 206 misdemeanor for, not to require roomers to register (3) 206 misdemeanor for, not to keep register open to pub- lic, when (3) 206 misdemeanor for, to refuse inspection of register, when.. (3) 206 provide, shall, keep and maintain a public register (1) 206 punishment of, for failure to keep register, require registration, or refusing to permit inspection of register (3) 206 register of, open to public at all reasonable hours (2) 206 register of, open to inspection or investigation of police officers, or peace officers of Fresno, upon demand (1) 206 registration to be made on page in register of, prop- erly dated, with reference to day, week, month and year, of the renting (1) 206 shall require all lodgers to register (1) 206 Lodging Rouse License (9 (14) 231 Lodging house, registers in (1) 206 Lodging house, construction of, see Building. Lots, vacant, weeds on (3) 224 Lottery ticket, bill, certificate, device, or paper purport- ing to, or representing a chance, share, or interest in lottery, etc., advertising, etc., of lists, etc., of, unlawful (1) 72 circulating, etc., of lists, etc., of unlawful (1) 72 contriving, drawing up, setting up, etc., of, unlawful (1) 72 copies, etc., of lists, etc., of winners, etc., of, posses- sion of, unlawful (1) 72 dies for making, unlawful (1) 72 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 323 Lottery ticket, bill, certificate, device, etc. (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page getting ready for, or selling, or distributing of, unlawful (1) 72 lists, etc., of, possession of, or making, etc., of, unlawful. .(2) 72 making, marking, stamping, etc., lists, scrolls, state- ments, etc., of, unlawful (1) 72 making, etc., or distributing of, unlawful (1) 72 misdemeanor to have possession, circulate, etc., of tools, instruments, etc., for making, stamping, etc., of. (2) 73 misdemeanor to have, own, etc (2) 73 misdemeanor to make, sell, circulate, etc (2) 73 played, or marked as, possession of, unlawful (1) 72 possession of any tool, stamp, die, etc., for making, marking, etc., unlawful (1) 72 possession of, unlawful (1) 72 printing, writing, or getting ready of, unlawful (1) 72 punch, tools, instruments, etc., for making, etc., of, possession of, unlawful (1) 72 punishment for making, circulating, etc., of (2) 73 punishment for having tools, etc., for making, etc., of (2) 73 punishment for stamping, advertising, etc., of (2) 73 scrolls, lists, statements, or memoranda of, posses- sion or making, etc., of, unlawful (1) 72 selling, advertising, etc., of, unlawful (1) 72 tools, etc., for making, marking or stamping of, unlawful (1) 72 winners of, lists, etc., of, possession, etc., of, unlawful. . (1) 72 Lottery tickets, use of, unlawful (1) 72 M Machine, advertising with, unlawful when (4) 67 Machine for gambling, use of, unlawful (1) 65 Machine shop license (9(37) 234 Machine with lewd or obscene pictures, unlawful (2) 65 Malt liquors, see Liquor. Mains must be laid by Water Company when (1) 75 Manure, depositing, in alley, etc., is misdemeanor (36) 57 Manure, must be burned or removed from city (28) 94 Manure, rules as to hauling of (30) 95 Manure, unlawful to permit over one load to accumulate. .(30) 95 Map, see City Engineer. Map designating trees to be planted on sidewalk (2) 121 Map of fire limits to be kept (1) 211 Map to be filed by gas company (1) 63 Map to be filed of water mains (1) 63 Marshall succeeded by Chief of Police (1) 64 Master Plumber, see Plumbers and Plumbing Inspector. Masonry, buildings, construction of, see Building, Materials, see Sidewalks. Mayor, see Charter. Mayor, duties of, generally Charter, (30 to 40) 14-16 Meal defined, see Liquor, Meat and Food Inspector, Compensation of (1) 122 in full for horse, team hire and traveling expenses. .. (1) 122 in full for all other services (1) 122 324 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Meat and Food Inspector, Compensation of (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page paid from general fund. (1) 122 payment of, manner of (1) 122 salary of (1) 122 Meats, certain kinds, can not be sold. (44) 97 Meats, decaying, unlawful for merchant to »ell (28) 94 Meats, inspection of (7) 92 Mechanical uses, liquor for, may be sold when, see Liquor. Medicinal uses, liquor for, may be sold when, see Liquor. Merchant license (8) 228 Merchant, unlawful for, to sell decaying vegetables (28) 94 Merry-go-round license (9(7) 229 Midwives, list of, see Board of Health. Miles, limit of, per hour for speed of motorcycles (2) 216 Milk, adulterated, sale of, unlawful (56) 101 analyzed, shall be (55) 101 application for right to sell (49-51) 98-100 application for right to sell, contents of (51) 98-101 bacteria in, number of allowed (56) 101 Bacteriologist shall make tests of, when (55) 101 Board of Health, rules of, for tests of (55) 101 Board of Health, rules of, relating to (51) 98-100 certificate of, Inspector, contents of (50) 98 certificate, sale of, without, misdemeanor (59) 101 condemned cow, must not be sold from (53) 101 contents of, required as to solids (54) 101 cows, from diseased or injured, shall not be sold (58) 101 cow, must not be sold from condemned (53) 100 cows, number of, constitute dairy (48) 98 cows, of which sold, must be inspected (48) 98 cows, permit of Health Board required for keeping (48) 98 cows with diseased cows, from, shall not be sold (58) 101 dairy, definition of (48) 98 dairy shall not be maintained in City (48) 98 disease, when contagious, in family of one selling, milk shall not be sold (57) 101 disease, from cow having, shall not be sold (58) 101 foods, from cows fed certain, shall not be sold (54) 101 fresh, only, shall be sold (44-54) 98-101 Health offices shall be Inspector of (7) 90 Inspected, shall be (55) 101 Inspector of. Health Officer shall be (7) 90 license for sale of, by Health Board (51) 98 license for sale of, when revoked (51) 100 misdemeanor to sell, from cow not inspected (50) 98 misdemeanor to sell, without certificate (59) 101 misdemeanor, violation of ordinances relating to, is... (137) 115 ordinances relating to, misdemeanor to violate (137) 115 penalty for violating ordinances relating to (137) 115 permit of Health Board for keeping, cows (48) 98 punishment for violating ordinances relating to (137) 115 reduced, sale of, unlawful (56) 101 rules and regulations of Health Board relating to (51) 98 sale of, unlawful without Inspector's certificate (50-59) 98-101 sale of, without certificate, misdemeanor (59) 101 skimmed, must be labeled how (53) 100 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 325 Milk, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page specific gravity of, required (54) 101 Bwill, must not be sold (54) laj tests of (55) 101 tickets once used must be destroyed (57) 101 unwholesome, shall not be sold (44) 97 vender of, must comply with rules of Health Board... (51) 98 vender of, must have name and place on delivery wagon. (52) 100 vender of, shall have license (51) 98 violation of ordinances relating to. Is misdemeanor (137) 115 watered, sale of, unlawful (56) 101 Minors, see Misdemeanor. alleys, in, during certain hours, unlawful (1) 131 allowed on streets, not, between 8 P. M. and 5 A. M., when.(l) 131 allowed on streets, not, between 9 P. M. and 5 A. M., when.(l) 132 avenue, on, during certain hours, unlawful (2) 132 guardian shall not permit, upon street, when (2) 132 humane officers allowed to arrest, when (4) 132 humane officers have power of policemen with regard to. .(4) 132 loitering of, unlawful when (1) 131 misdemeanor for, to stroll, when (5) 132 misdemeanor, to be on street, etc., when (5) 132 misdemeanor for parent to permit, to stroll when (5) 132 misdemeanor, certain acts of policeman are (5) 132 misdemeanor, certain acts of parent, etc., are (5) 132 parent, etc., of, to appear in police court when (3) 132 parent shall not permit, upon street, when (2) 132 policemen to arrest, when (3) 132 policemen to send, home, when (3) 132 policemen shall notify parent or guardian of, when (3) 132 policemen shall notify parent, etc., of, to attend po- lice court (3) 132 public places, in, during certain hours, unlawful (1) 131 punishment for, unlawfully strolling, what (5) 132 punishment for, violating curfew law, what (5) 132 streets, on, during certain hours, unlawful ...(1) 131 strolling of, unlawful when (1) 131 wandering of, unlawful when (1) 131 Misdemeanor, See Board of Health; Building; Cemetery; Charter; Debris from Fire; Disease; Electric Wires; Ex- plosive; Fire Department; Flagmen; Fowls; Gambling; Hay; Liquor; Milk; Plumbing; Plumbing Inspector; Sewer; Travel and Traffic. advertising by electric, etc., signs is, when (1) 79 advertising by certain obstructions is (1-2-3) 78 advertising, certain kinds of, is 67-68 alley, building fire In, is (24) 55 alley, erecting billboard in, is, when (43) 58 alley, exhibiting, bull, stallion or jackass in, is (44) 58 alley, depositing trash in, is (24) 55 alley, keeping hole or other obstruction in, is, when.. (41) 58 alley, running water on, is (40) 58 alley, to lease (3) 131 animal, leaving, on streets unhitched is, when (32) 56 animal, hitching, to hydrant, is (27) 56 animal, keeping number of, is (23) 55 326 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Misdemeanor, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page animal, killing of destructive, upon one's premises is not (12) 53 animal, leaving, on streets hitched to 20-lb. weight is not (32) 56 animal, leaving, on streets unattended is, when (32) 56 animal, leaving, on streets untitched is, when (32) 56 animal, obstructing sidewalk with, is (17) 54 animal, obstructing street crossing with, is (17) 58 animal, picketing, on sidewalk or street, is (28) 56 animal; slaughter of, in City, is (32) 55 animal, to bring infected, into City (37) 97 animal, to bury, in city (28-38) 94-97 animal, to hitch or leave, within forty feet of certain corners (2) 238 animal, to permit, on street when (2) 79 annoying of pedestrians, etc., is (13) 54 ashes, putting, in wooden vessel, is (24) 55 ashes, putting, on floor of building, is (24) 55 ashes, putting, within 10 feet of wood, is (24) 55 assault, is (5) 52 assignation, keeping house of, is (6-7) 53 auction, selling on streets by, without permit, Is (61) 60 awning posts, mutilation of, is (20) 58 barbed wire, fencing with, is (68) 61 barbershop, to violate ordinance concerning (47) 97-98 basket, carrying of, on back on poles on sidewalk is, when (34) 56 beggar, soliciting by, is, when (11) 53 bell on street car, not to ring (1) 81 benches in park, injuring of, is (35) 57 bicycle, riding, at immoderate rate of speed is (33) 56 bicycle, riding, at night without light is (33) 56 bicycle, etc., riding, in parks is (33) 56 bicycle, etc., riding, etc., on sidewalk is (33) 56 bicycle, riding, without sounding bell or gong at cross street is (33) 56 bill boards erecting without permission of Mayor, is (43) 58 bills, mutilation of, is (20) 54 bills, posting of, is when (20) 54 bombs, discharging, is, when (12) 53 bread and water only food for one convicted of, when.. (4) 52 building, each day of construction of, is, when (60) 60 building in park, injuring of, is (35) 57 building materials, when obstruction of street and sidewalk with, is not (21) 55 buildings, interfering with removal of, is, when (62) 60 buildings, to construct certain, in fire limits (2) 212 bull, exhibiting, in public, is (44) 58 bulletin board, mutilation of, is (20) 54 bus driver, soliciting by, on depot platform is, when (19) 54 business, engaging in, without license is, when (63) 60 cannon crackers, discharging of, is (12) 53 car, boarding railroad, by minor under 16, is (48) 58 cards, etc., to exhibit in barricaded house, etc (2) 129 car, propelling, more than 6 miles per hour, is (16) 54 carrying instrument for throwing missiles is (9) 53 catch words not part of ordinances on (64) 60 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 327 Mlideni^anor, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page cellar, to permit, to become foul (28) 94 cesspool, maintaining offensive or unheal tMul, is (23) 55 chain gang established for those committing (3) 52 chairs in park, injuring of, is (35) 57 Chief of Police, fireworks discharge under permit of, is not (12) 53 Chief of Police to have charge of chain gang for (3) 52 children, for, to be on streets, etc., when (1-2) 131 cigarettes, for one under 16 to smoke (45) 97 cigarettes, to sell, to one under 16 (45) 97 circus, conducting without a license is (63) 60 City Electrician, to interfere with duties of (8) 87 City Engineer, destroying, etc., notice or monument erected by, is (42) 58 concealed weapon, carrying, without permit is (8) 53 conduct, certain kind, is (5-6) 52-53 conduit, depositing rubbish in, so as to interfere with flow of water, is (23) 55 confetti, etc., to throw (2) 84 crossings of street, obstructing, is (17) 54 crowd, failure to disperse, is, when (13) 54 culvert, removing or undermining, is (36) 57 dance hall, to maintain public (1) 190 definition of junk shop within meaning of (50) 59 definition of nuisance punishable as (22) 55 depot platform, soliciting on, is, when (19) 54 diet of one convicted of, on refusal to la.bor (4) 52 disorderly house, keeping is (7) 53 disperse crowds, failure to, is, when (13) 54 disturbing peace, is (5-6) 52-53 ditch, to maintain, when (2) 224 drain, permitting water from, to run on or injure street, etc., or impede travel, is (40) 58 drain, to permit, to become foul (28) 94 drainage, maintaining offensive or unhealthful, is (23) 55 driving at immoderate rate is (15) 54 driving, dangerous, is (15) 54 drunk, being, is (5) 52 dynamite exploding, is, when (12) 56 electrical wiring, to alter or install, when (8-1) 87-226 enticing into house of ill-fame, etc., is (6) 53 excavations, failure to maintain barriers on, is, when.. (38) 57 excavations, failure to maintain lights on, is, when (38) 57 excavations in street, etc., neglect to refill, is, when (37) 57 excavations, to make, when (1) 220 exhibiting bull, stallion or jackass in public, is (44) 58 expectorating on sidewalk, in street car, or build- ing, is, when (71) 61 exposure, indecent, is (5) 52 expressmen, soliciting by, on depot platform is, when.. (19) 54 female, permittting, in saloon, is (70) 61 female, persuading or assisting to visit disorderly or assignation house, is (6-7) 53 fence, injuring, is (10) 58 fencing with barbed wire, is (68) 61 fighting is (5) 52 filth, carrying, on sidewalk, is, when (34) 56 328 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Misdemeanor, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page filth, sweeping or throwing, on sidewalk or street, is... (67) 61 fine, may be punished by (2) 52 firearms, carrying of, is, when (8) 53 firearms, sale of, by junk shop to minor, is (53) 59 firearms, discharge of, is, when (12) 53 fire alarm, giving false, is (14) 54 fire alarm, permitting water to run after, is (29) 56 firecrackers, exploding, is, when (12) 53 fire, building in street or alley, is (24) 55 fire hose, driving over, is, when (30) 56 fireman's badge, wearing of, is, when (57) 59 fireworks, discharging of all kinds of, is (12) 53 fruit trees, sale of infected, is (55) 59 fruits, sale of infected, is, when (55) 59 gamble, to, see Gambling. garbage, carrying of, on sidewalk is, when (34) 56 garbage, etc., on street, failure to remove, is, when (67) 61 garbage wagon, on streets without permit, is, when (66) 60 garbage, sweeping or throwing, on sidewalk or street is. . (67) 61 gate, yard, permitting, to obstruct sidewalk, is (18) 54 grass plat, injuring of, is (35) 57 guide, street, defacing, etc., is (35) 57 hackmen, soliciting by, on depot platform is, when (19) 54 hats, women wearing, in theater, is (72) 61 hay in fire limits, to store, when «. . . (2-3) 130 hay wagons, standing, on streets, is, when (39) 57 hitching post, breaking or injuring, is (31) 56 hog pen, to maintain (28) 94 hogs, keeping, number of, is (23) 55 holes, etc., keeping of, in streets, alleys or side- walks is, when (41) 58 horses, frightening of, is (13) 54 hose, driving over, is, when (30) 56 hotel runner, soliciting by, on depot platform is (19) 58 house, assignation, keeping, is (7) 53 house, disorderly or assignation, persuading or as- sisting female to visit, is (7) 53 house, disorderly, is (7) 53 house moving, interfering with ropes, etc., used in, is, when (62) 60 house not connected with sewer, to rent (28) 97 house, not to number, when (14) 77 house number, defacing, etc., is (14-35) 97-57 house of ill fame, keeping, is, when (6) 53 house, unoccupied, damaging, is (10) 53 house, unoccupied, injuring contents of, is (10) 53 hydrant, hitching animal to, is (27) 56 ill-fame, house of, persuading or assisting female to visit, is (7) 53 ill-fame, keeping house of, is, when (6-7) 53 Imprisonment, may be punished by (2) 52 improvements, injuring, is (10) 53 indecent exposure of person is (5) 52 infected fruits, sale of, is, when (55) 59 Infected vegetables, sale of, is, when (55) 59 Injury, committing, by throwing missiles is (9) 53 injuring persons on streets is (13) 54 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 329 Mlademeanor, (Cont) (Sec.(Subd.) Page instrument for throwing missiles, carrying, is (9) 53 jackass, exhibiting, in public, is (44) 58 Jobbers wagons, standing, on streets, is, when (39) 57 judgment for, may be in alternative (2) 52 junk shop, buying from minor by, Is (52) 59 junk shop defined within meaning of (50) 59 junk shop, failure to keep complete register of sales and purchases, is (51) 59 junk shop, selling, etc., firearms, to minor. Is, when (53) 59 jurisdiction of (Charter, Sec. 62) 22 keeping disorderly or assignation house Is (7) 53 labor, refusal to, by one convicted of, Is (4) 52 lamp post, Injuring of. Is (35) 57 language, use of, creating breach of peace. Is (6) 53 language, uttering bawdy and lewd. Is, when (6) 53 laundry, carrying on, Is, when (49) 58 license, engaging in business without, is, when (63) 60 license ordinance, to violate (4) 227 light, street, extinguishing, at night. Is (35) 57 liquor, to sell, furnish, serve, or give away intox- icating, when, see Liquor. lodging house register, not to keep (3) 206 lottery tickets, to have, or any article pertaining to (1) 72 mains, not to lay, when (1) 75 manure In alley, depositing, Is (36) 57 marginal notes, not part of ordinance on (64) 60 materials for street, etc., work, carrying away, is (36) 57 meat of animal under 4 weeks old, to sell (44) 97 merchandise, when obstruction of sidewalk with, is not. (21) 55 minor, Junk shop, buying from, Is (52) 59 minor, permitting to be present at game of cards, billiards, etc., Is (69) 61 minor loitering on public streets, etc., is, when (45) 58 minor, permitting to play billiards, etc., Is (69) 61 minor, playing billiards, etc., by, is (69) 61 minor under 16, boarding railroad cars by, is (48) 58 minor under 14, visiting saloon by, is (45) 58 minor under 14, visiting improper resort by, is (45) 58 minor under 16, furnishing smoking materials to, is (47) 58 minor, under 16, permitting in saloon is, when (46) 58 minor under 16, smoking in public by, is (47) 58 monument erected by City Engineer or Street Super- intendent, destroying, etc., Is (42) 58 moving picture show, to construct, etc., when (1) 226 musical instruments in saloon, to play (2) 65 nigger chasers, discharging of, is (12) 54 notice erected by City Engineer or Street Superin- tendent, destroying, etc., is (42) 58 nuisance, commission of, is (22-23) 55 nuisance, committing, is (5) 52 nuisance, committing, in unoccupied house, is (10) 53 nuisance punishable as, definition of (22) 55 nuisance, to maintain (22-27) 55-94 obscene picture, to exhibit, in saloon (2) 65 obstruction of streets, alleys or sidewalks is, when (41) 58 obstruction of street, etc., each day of, separate (21) 55 obstruction on street, failure to remove, is, when (59) 60 SaO INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Misdemeanor, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page obstructing street witli car, wagon, etc., is (17) 54 odor, offensive, permitting, on premises, is (23) 55 ordinance, violation of any, is ...(1) 52 outhouse, injuring contents of, is (10) 53 park, injuring of houses, flowers, etc., in, is (35) 57 park, injuring, is (35) 57 park, riding bicycle, etc., in, is (33) 56 paving, to accept pay for private, when (6) 124 paving, to do private, without permit (6) 124 pawnbroker selling, etc., firearms, to minors, is, when... (53) 59 peace oflicer, carrying concealed weapon by, is not (8) 53 peddlers, soliciting by, on depot platform is, when (19) 54 penalty for, where none is prescribed (1) 52 permit, fireworks discharged under, is not (12) 53 permit of Mayor, carrying concealed weapon without, is.. (8) 53 pimp, plying trade of, is (6) 53 pipes, not to lay, when (1) 75 pipes, to extend gas and water, when (2) 63 pipe, water, permitting water from, to run and in- jure street, etc., or impede travel, is (40) 58 pistol, carrying, without permit, is (8) 53 pole-spurs, to use, in climbing building (2) 88 pool-tickets, to have own, sell or buy (1) 74 porter, soliciting by, on depot platform is, when (19) 54 post, hitching, breaking or injuring is (31) 56 pound keeper, to interfere with (16) 72 powder, discharging of giant, is (12) 53 prisoners convicted of, fed on bread and water when (4) 52 privy, permitting odor from, is (23) 55 privy, to deposit certain substances in (35) 96 public way, when obstruction of, is (21) 54 railroad car, propelling, more than 6 miles per hour, is.. (16) 54 refusal to labor, by one convicted of, is (4) 52 refuse, depositing, in street or alley, is (24) 55 register, failure of junk shop keeper to keep, is (51) 59 rubbish, carrying of, on sidewalk is, when (34) 56 rubbish, depositing, on premises of another is (23) 55 rubbish, etc., depositing, in street, etc., is (36) 57 rubbish, sweeping or throwing, on to sidewalk or street is (67) 61 runners, soliciting by, on depot platform is, when (19) 54 rules of railroad, violation of, is, when (19) 54 safety gates, not to keep, and operator therefor, at certain crossings (1) 116 saloon, permitting female in, is (70) 61 saloon, permitting minor under 16 in, is, when (46) 58 sawdust, failure to securely store, is, when (26) 56 scavenger, to employ unlicensed (35) 96 second hand goods, for dealer in, not to keep register, and submit to inspection (2) 209 second hand goods, to deal in, when (1) 209 separate, each day of continuance of, is (60) 6& sewer, not to connect with, when (28) 94 sewer, to deposit certain substances in (1-2-3) 207-208 sewer, to permit, to become foul (28) 94 shavings, failure to securely store, is, when (26) 56 shooting gallery, discharging firearms in, is not (12) 53 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 331 Misdemeanor, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page shrubbery, sale of infected, is (55) 59 shouting false fire alarm is (14) 54 sidewalk, keeping hole or other obstruction in, is, when. .(41) 58 sidewallc, obstructing with animal, is (17) 54 sidewalk, permitting yard gate to open and obstruct, is. (18) 54 sidewalk, picketing animal on, is (28) 56 sidewalk, riding bicycles, etc., on, is (33) 56 sidewalk, running water on, is (40) 58 sidewalk, to lease (3) 131 sidewalk, washing of, excepting on Friday is, when (67) 61 sidewalk, when obstruction of, is (21) 54 signs, mutilation of, is (20) 54 signs over streets, to erect, when (1) 80 slaughter house, keeping, in city is (23) 55 sling shot, carrying, is (9) 53 sleeping in park is (35) 57 slough, depositing rubbish In, so as to interfere with flow of water is (23) 55 smoking in public by minor under 16 is (47) 58 smoking materials, furnishing to minor under 16, is (47) 58 soliciting on depot platform is (19) 54 speed, driving beyond moderate rate of, is (15) 54 speed limit, to exceed, with car (3-5) 207 speed limit, to exceed with motorcycle (2) 216 speed limit, to exceed, with street car (1-2) 207 spitting on floor of building, is (71) 61 spitting on floor of street car, is (71) 61 spitting on sidewalk, is (71) 61 stable, permitting odor from, is (23) 55 stallion, exhibiting, in public, is (44) 58 street, building fire in, is (24) 55 street car, obstructing street crossing with, Is (17) 54 street car, to stop, in certain places (4) 207 street, depositing refuse in, is (24) 55 street, digging up or undermining, is (37) 57 street, erecting bill board in, is, when (43) 58 street, exhibiting, bull, stallion, or jackass in, Is (44) 58 street guide or sign, defacing, is (35) 57 street, keeping holes or other obstruction in, is, when... (41) 58 street light, extinguishing, at night, is (35) 57 street, neglect in refilling excavations in, Is, when (37) 58 street, obstructing, with car, etc., is (17) 54 street, picketing animal on, is (28) 56 street, running water on, is (40) 58 street, to lease (3) 131 street, to obstruct, with car (2) 147 street, to speak on, when (2) 205 street, when obstruction of, is (21) 54 Superintendent of Streets, destroying, etc., notice of monument erected by, is (42) 58 Superintendent of Streets to have charge of chain gang for (3) 52 sweeping sidewalk, stairway, street, during certain hours is (1) 126 tobacco, etc., furnishing, to minor under 16 is (47) 58 tobacco, etc., smoking, in public by minor under 16 is.. (47) 58 torpedoes, exploding, is, when (12) 53 332 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Misdemeanor, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page towers, not to keep, and operators therefor at cer- tain crossings (1-3) 116 theater, women wearing hats in, is. (72) 61 train, boarding, by minor under 16 is (48) 58 trees, to plant certain, on sidewalk (2) 121 trees, to remove certain, from sidewalk (2) 121 tramp, soliciting by, is (11) 53 traveller, carrying concealed weapon by, Is not (8) 53 trees, injuring of, is (35) 57 vegetables, sale of infected, is, when (55) 59 vehicle, to stand or leave, within forty feet of cer- tain corners (2) 238 violation of any ordinance is (1) 52 wagon for swill, garbage, etc., on streets is, when (66) 60 wagon, obstructing street crossing with, is (17) 54 wagons, standing, on streets, is, when (39) 57 water company, not to lay pipes, etc., when (1) 75 water company, to make extensions or alterations, when. . (1) 63 water, permitting, to run after fire alarm, is (29) 56 washhouse, carrying on, is, when (49) 58 water, preventing flow of, in slough or conduit by de- positing rubbish in is (23) 55 water, running on street or sidewalk, is (40) 58 weapon, concealed, carrying without permit, is (8) 53 windows, etc., of unoccupied house, breaking, is (10) 53 windows, washing of, excepting on Friday, is, when (67) 61 wire, across street, failure to remove, is, when (58) 59 wire, maintaining, across street is, when (58) 59 women wearing hats in theater is (72) 61 wood or coal wagons on streets, is, when (39) 57 Moving Picture Show, apparatus for, to be approved by City Electrician (1) 226 boooth for, how constructed (1) 226 booth for, to be approved by City Electrician (1) 226 City Electrician, must be approved by (1) 226 construction of, what deemed sufficient (1) 226 electric wires for, to be approved by City Electrician. . (1) 226 fire, danger from, to be constructed to prevent (1) 226 machinery for, to be approved by City Electrician (1) 226 misdemeanor to construct or operate, when (2) 226 operated, shall not be, unless approved by City Electrician. (1) 226 plans and specifications for, to be approved by City Electrician (1) 226 plans and specifications for what required (1) 226 punishment for constructing and operating unlawfully. .(2) 226 Mixed liquors, see Liquor. Morgue (27(11) 9 Motorcycle, eight and sixteen mile districts outlined for (2) 216 eight miles per hour, limit of speed for, in business districts (2) 216 exhaust in, must be muffled (1) 216 leaving, within forty feet of certain corners unlawful. . (1) 238 misdemeanor for exceeding speed limit on (3) 216 misdemeanor not to keep muffler on (3) 216 punishment for exceeding speed limit on (3) 216 punishment for not muflaing exhaust on (3) 216 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 333 Motorcycle, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page sixteen miles per hour, limit of speed for, in resi- dence section of town (2) 216 Motorman to ring bell on street car (1) 81 Motor (vehicle), see Travel and Traffic. Mule, hitching or leaving, within forty feet of certain corners, unlawful (1) 238 Municipal Election Precinct, Belmont School election precinct bounded (4) 204 Board may consolidate, for municipal elections by publishing notices thereof (3) 204 City of Fresno divided into (1) 201 designated by reference to number thereof (3) 204 East Fresno School election precinct bounded (4) 204 Fresno School District divided into (1) 201 Hedges School election precinct bounded (4) 204 No. 1, bounded (2) 201 No. 2, bounded ..(2) 201 No. 3, bounded (2) 201 No. 4, bounded (2) 201 No. 5, bounded (2) 202 No. 6, bounded (2) 202 No. 7, bounded (2) 202 No. 8, bounded (2) 202 No. 9, bounded (2) 202 No. 10, bounded (2) 202 No. 11, bounded (2) 202 No. 12, bounded (2) 202 No. 13, bounded (2) 202 No. 14, bounded (2) 203 No. 15, bounded (2) 203 No. 16, bounded (2) 203 No. 17, bounded (2) 203 No. 18, bounded (2) 203 No. 19, bounded (2) 203 No. 20, bounded (2) 203 No. 21, bounded (2) 203 No. 22, bounded ..(2) 203 No. 23, bounded (2) 204 No. 24, bounded (2) 204 No. 25, bounded (2) 204 Musical Instruments, misdemeanor, playing of, when (2) 217 playing, manner of, unlawful (1) 217 playing of, outside of entrance, unlawful (1) -217 playing of, to annoy or attract attention, unlawful (1) 217 playing of, unlawful when (1) 64 punishment for playing of (2) 217 Music box, playing of, unlawful when (1) 217 Names of certain avenue changed, see Streets. Names of certain streets changed, see Streets. Naptha, storing and selling of, unlawful when (1 to 9) 209 Noises, advertising with, unlawful (2) 67 334 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. (Sec.(Subd.) Page Notice of accepting private paving, etc., see Paving or Improving, etc. Nuisance, see Charter; Bicycle Racks; Debris from Fire; Misdemeanor; Plumbing Inspector. abated, may be, by Chief of Police when (22) 55 abated, may be, by Mayor when (22) 55 abated, may be, on order of Board of Trustees (22) 55 abated, shall be, at expense of party maintaining (22) 55 abatement of, at owner's expense (27, 69, 70) 94, 103-104 abatement of, by Plumbing Inspector (69, 70) 103-104 costs of abatement of, recoverable how (69, 70) 103-104 definition of (22-27) 55-94 enumeration of (27) 94 maintaining is a misdemeanor (22) 55 misdemeanor to maintain, etc (27) 94 notice to abate, failure to obey, adds 20% penalty. . .(69-70) 103-104 notice to abate, served how (69-70) 103-104 obstruction of streets, etc., is, when (41) 58 Plumbing Inspector, abatement of, by (69-70) 103-104 removal of, see Board of Health. signs are, when (1-2) 78 wire across street is, when (58) 59 Numbering of houses, see Houses. O Obstructions, see Charter. Oflacer may be dismissed for not stopping gambling (5) 66 Officer, see various officers. Officers have right to inspect register of dealers In second hand goods (2) 209 Officer, liability of, for damages (Charter, 5) 3 Officer, salary of, see various officers. Officer, salary of fruit inspector (56) 59 Offices, closing hours of (2) 127 Official bond of License Collector, Twenty thousand dollars.. (1) 84 Official Grade of Angus Street, see Street. Officials, salary of, see various officers. Oiling of streets, specifications for (8) 215 Oils depositing in sewer unlawful (1) 207 Oils, storing and selling of (MO) 209 Oil wagon license (9(13a) 231 Omnibus license (9(10) 230 Opera singers license (9(13a) 231 Ordinance, violation of any, is misdemeanor (1) 52 Ordinances, see Charter and Fire Department. Organ, playing of, unlawful when (1) 217 Over-head elecric wires, regulations as to 239 P Packing house license (9(21) 232 Papers must be burned or removed from city when (28) 94 Parade license (9(4) 229 Parent permitting children on street unlawful when (2) 132 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 335 (Sec.(Subd.) Page Parks (Charter, 190 to 199) 36-38 Park Commissioners (Charter, 190 to 199) 36-38 Park Commission controls tree planting 121 Parks, riding bicycle, etc., in (33) 56 Parks, speaking in certain, unlawful (2) 205 Passengers to get on and off of street cars how and where.. (4) 207 Paved streets, sweeping, limited to night time (1) 126 Paving or improving, by private contract, streets, alleys, sidewalks, etc. acceptance of, by Supt. of Sreets, only notice to owner. . (5) 123 agreements for, must be kept by Supt of Streets (3) 123 application for permit for, must be made to Supt. of Streets (1) 123 book of permits, agreements, etc., kept in office of Supt of Streets (3) 123 compensation for, not payable till Supt of Streets accepts work in writing (5) 123 contractor cannot collect for, until work is accepted, in writing, by Supt of Streets (5) 123 contracts for, must be kept by Supt of Streets (3) 123 control of, Supt of Streets has (1) 123 misdemeanor to accept pay before Supt of Streets accepts (6) 124 misdemeanor for, without permission of Board (6) 124 misdemeanor for, without permit of Supt. of Streets. . .(6) 124 must be according to plans and profiles filed with City Engineer (4) 123 must be done according to specifications filed with City Clerk (4) 123 must be done under supervision of Supt. of Streets or inspector appointed by him (4) 123 notice of acceptance of, by Supt of Streets only notice to owner (5) 123 plan of, must be filed with City Engineer (4) 123 permission for, must be obtained from Board of Trustees (1) 123 permit for, from Supt of Streets to be in writing (2) 123 permit for, must be had from Supt of Streets (1) 123 permits for, blank, must be kept by Supt. of Streets. .. .(3) 123 person doing, or who obtained permission for, must sign agreement to begin within 10 days and to complete work within a fixed time, time to com- plete must be reasonable (2) 123 profile of, must be filed with City Engineer (4) 123 punishment for accepting pay before Supt. of Streets accepts (6) 124 punishment for, without permission of Board (6) 124 punishment for without Supt of Streets permit (6) 124 regulation of, Supt of Streets has (1) 123 specifications for, must be filed with €ity Clerk (4) 123 Paving required of railways, when (1) 127 Pawn shop license (9(27) 233 Peace officer, carrying concealed weapons (8) 53 Peace officer may inspect register of lodging house keepers.. (2) 207 Peddler's license (9(61) 235 Peddler soliciting on railway platform (19) 54 Penalty, see Building. 336 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. (Sec.(Subd.) Page Permission for private paving, etc., to be had from Board, see Paving or Improving, etc. Permit, see Sewers. Permit for license to sell liquors, see Liquor. Permit for liquor license issued when, see Liquor. Permit, scavenger's, issued when (33) 96 Permit to do electrical wiring obtained from City Elec- trician (3) 83 Permit to do private paving, etc., to be had from Super- intendent of Streets, see Paving or Improving, etc. Permit to plant shade trees 121 Petroleum and refined products thereof: Chief of Fire Dept. and Police officers must report all places where, is stored in violation of law. .. .(9-10) 210 Chief of Fire Dept must investigate storing and selling of (9) 210 gasoline is (2) 209 hydro-carbon is (1) 209 keeping, for sale, unlawful, when (1) 209 kinds of, which may be stored, etc (4) 210 license for warehouse for, granted when (4) 210 licenses for warehouse for, issued by License Collector. .(4) 210 licenses for warehouse for storing of, issued when (4) 210 misdemeanor to store or sell, contrary to ordinance. .. .(10) 210 mixing or adulterating of, unlawful (5) 210 must be kept in metal cans and tanks (2) 209 must not be mixed or adulterated with benzine, naptha, or gasoline (5) 210 officials may enter upon premises where, is stored, etc., when (9) 210 one hundred gallons of crude, may be kept, when (1) 209 package of illuminating, must have what printed on it.. (6) 210 Police officers must investigate storing and selling of (9) 210 sale and storing of, unlawful, when (1) 209 seller of illuminating, must furnish certificate of tem- perature test when required (6) 210 storing of, unlawful, when (1) 209 temperature of, must stand 110 Fah (5) 210 ten gallons of, only, may be kept, sold, etc., except in warehouse (2) 209 test of, to be made with C. J. Tagliabue's instru- ments, when (8) 210 test of such illuminating, to be made by Fire Com- missioners, and Chief Eng. of Fire Dept (7) 210 two hundred gallons of refined, more than, may be stored in licensed warehouse (3) 209 two hundred gallons of refined, is all that can be kept in one ordinary building (3) 209 warehouse for, must have sign, "Licensed for the Storage of Gasoline" (4) 210 warehouse, licensed, exclusively for, necessary, when..(l) 209 what required of persons selling illuminating (6) 210 Pharmacists may sell intoxicating liquors when, see Liquor. Pharmacists may sell liquors when, see Liquor. Phonograph Gallery: misdemeanor to violate ordinances concerning (2) 190 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 337 Phonograph Gallery (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page open, allowing, between certain hours, unlawful (1) 189 open, keeping, between certain hours, unlawful (1) 189 open, permitting, between certain hours, unlawful (1) 189 persons, permitting, in between certain hours, un- lawful (1) 189 playing in, between certain hours, unlawful (1) 189 punishment for violation of ordinances concerning (2) 190 Phonograph, playing of, unlawful when (1) 217 Phonograph, playing of, in saloon unlawful (1) 64 Photographer's license (9 (22) 232 Physicians, list of (6) 89 Piano, playing of, unlawful when (1) 217 Pictures, obscene or lewd, exhibiting unlawful (2) 65 Pigeons trespassing unlawful (1) 65 Pipe, see Sewer. Pipe, see Plumbing. Pipe, see Charter. Pipe for sewer, see Sewer. Pipe, laying of, under supervision of Superintendent of Streets (4) 221 Pipe must be laid by Water Company, when (1) 75 Planing mill license (9(36) 234 Plans, see Plumbing Inspector. Plans and specifications, see various subjects. Plans for private paving must be filed, see Paving or Im- proving, etc. Planting of shade trees, etc 121 Plaster, throwing, on person or street unlawful (2) 84 Pleadings under Charter Charter, (271) 47 Plumbers, see Plumbing Inspector: application of, for registration, verified (125) 114 bond of master, condition of (124) 113 certificate obtained how (132) 115 journeyman, license suspended when (134) 115 journeyman, license revoked when (134) 115 license, examination for (128-132) 114-115 license of master, expires when (127) 114 license of journeyman, when suspended or revoked (134) 115 license of master, forfeited how (133) 115 license of master, renewed how (127) 114 license of master, suspended when (129) 114 license of master, term of (127) 114 master, qualifications of (126) 114 master, registration and license of, may be cancelled for overcharge or failure to comply with regula- tions (133) 115 master, shall display sign (133) 115 master, shall give $500.00 bond (124) 113 master, shall not do plumbing while suspended (129) 114 master, suspended when (129) 114 misdemeanor for, to violate plumbing ordinance (137) 115 plans and specifications, shall submit to Inspector (66) 102 Plumbing Inspector, shall register with (123-125) 113-114 register, shall with Plumbing Inspector (123-125) 113-114 registration of master, forfeited how (133) 115 unlawful for, to practice without certificate (132) 115 Plumbing, see Board of Health; Plumbing Inspector. air pipes from, arrangement of (101) 108 338 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Plumbing, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page alterations in, plans for, approved by Inspector (131) 114 basins in, vents of, size of (102) 108 baths in, vents of, size of (102) 108 bath tubs, kind of, allowed In (118) 112 beer pumps, connected with, discharged how (Ill) 110 bell traps in, prohibited (107) 109 branch vent in, defined (102) 108 branch vents in, how located (103-104) 109 branch vent in, sizes of, required (102) 108 building, definition of, in rules relating to (74) 105 building in which, condemned shall not be used or rented (121) 112 buildings, old, removed, must be put in sanitary con- dition (120) 112 caps on vents in, not permitted (106) 109 castiron pipe used in, joints made how (81) 105 certificate of test of, by Plumbing Inspector (113) 110 cleanouts for drain pipes connected with, construction of (86) 106 closets, certain, prohibited in (115) 111 closets in, supplied from one tank when (115) 111 closets, range of, may be served by one trap in, when.. (107) 109 completion of, notice to Plumbing Inspector of ^,xi3-114) 110-111 condemnation of, appeal from (121) 112 condemnation of, notice of (121) 112 condemned, warning sign of (121) 113 cowls on vents In, not permitted (106) 109 cuspidors, dentists, connected with, discharge how (111) 110 dentists' cuspidors connected with, discharged how (111) 110 examination of (67) 103 floors of closets in, construction of (116) 111 flushmeter closets in, water supplied to how (115) 111 foundation of closets in, kind of (116) 111 heel outlets, when permitted In (73) 104 house, definition of, in rules relating to (74) 105 house drain connnected with, shall have air inlet (84) 106 house drain defined in ordinance relating to (77) 105 house drain used in, kind of, required (79) 105 house sewer defined in ordinance relating to (76) 105 house trap required in sewer connected with (83) 106 hubs, when may be used in (73) 104 inlet to house drain connected with, construction of (84) 106 inlet to house drain, fresh air, shall have (84) 106 inspected, shall be by Plumbing Inspector (66) 102 inspection of, cost of paid how, see Plumb.ng Inspector, inspection of, work must be ready for, when notice given (129) 114 Inspector of, duties of, in relation to (66, 67, 68, 69, 73) 102-104 iron pipes, soil or waste, in, how coated (93) 107 ironstone pipe used in, joints made how (80) 105 joints between lead and iron pipes in, how made (91) 107 joints in certain, how made (90) 107 joints of castiron pipe used in, made how (81) 105 joints of ironstone pipe used in, made how (80) 105 lead pipe in, provisions with regard to (95) 107 main trap inlet, connected with, constructed how (85) 106 material must be good and sound (72) 104 misdemeanor to violate rules for (137) 115 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 339 Plumbing, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page notice of completion of (113-114) 110-111 offsets in, pipes may be used when (73) 104 outlets of, must be direct as possible (73) 104 permit for (66) 103 pipes, arrangement of, must be direct as possible (73) 104 pipes, change in direction of, how made (73) 104 pipes, soil and drain, connected with, construction of (87) 106 pipes connected with, soil, how secured (88) 106 pipes connected with, soil, size of (88) 106 pipe, size and weight of cast iron, in (79) 105 plans and specifications for, approved by Inspector. .. .(130) 114 plans for, approval of (66) 102 punishment for violation of rules for (137) 115 range of closets or urinals may be served by one trap in, when (107) 109 rubber couplings or elbows not allowed in (92) 107 safe waste in, how connected (109) 109 safe waste in, how drained (109) 109 sewer, in each house must be separately connected with. . (74) 104 sewer connections of certain building with, must be new (89a) 106 sewer, must be connected with, when (28j) 95 sewer ventilator in, kind of, required (96) 107 sewer pipes connected with, laid how (82) 106 sinks in, how connected (108) 109 sinks in, material of (108) 109 sinks in, scullery, shall have traps of 2 in. diameter (108) 109 sinks, wooden, lined with metal, not allowed In (118) 112 sinks, wooden, not allowed In (118) 112 sleeves, certain kinds of, forbidden in (73) 104 slop hoppers In, how connected (108) 109 slop hoppers In, material of (108) 109 slop hoppers in, not allowed In building (108) 109 slop hoppers In, shall have traps of 2 in. diameter (108) 109 slop hoppers In, when required (108) 109 soil pipe defined in ordinance relating to (78) 105 soil pipes in, termination of (105) 109 steam exhaust, shall not connect with (112) 110 straight crosses, bands and saddles In, prohibited (73) 104 tanks for closets in, height of (116) 111 tested how (113) 110 traps, bell, prohibited In (107) 109 traps In, how placed (98) 107 traps in public urinals in, size of (110) 110 traps in, size of, required (107) 109 traps in, vents of, required (100) 107 traps in, where required (98) 107 traps shall not be placed at foot of vertical, etc., pipes in (107) 109 urinals in, public, flushing of (110) 110 urinals in, public, materials of (110) 110 urinals, range of, may be served by one trap in, when.. (107) 109 vent branches in, how located (103-104) 108-109 ventilating pipes of, provisions concerning (102) 108 ventilation of (119) 112 vent pipes in, material of which made (93) 107 vent pipes connected with, in certain buildings, kind required (89) 106 340 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Plumbing, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page vent pipes in, termination of (105) 109 vents in, rules as to, when varied (103) 108 vents in, shall not have cap or cowl on (106) 109 vents in, sizes of (102-103) 108 vents in, when not required (103) 108 vents in, when 10 foot limit enforced (105) 109 vents in, when 10 foot limit not enforced (105) 109 vents to traps in, provisions concerning (100) 107 vertical soil, etc., pipes in, extent of (106) 109 vertical soil, etc., pipes in, shall not have trap at foot.. (107) 109 waste, etc., pipes in, concealed how (122) 113 waste, etc., pipes in, shall not run in stone, etc., walls.. (122) 113 waste pipe defined in ordinance relating to (79) 105 waste pipes in, how connected (110) 110 waste pipes in, must be properly trapped and ventilated (110) 110 water closet in or within 10 feet of building, how vented in (103) 108 water closet IQ feet or more from building need not be vented in (103) 108 water closets, certain, prohibited in (115) 111 water closets in, combined with traps, materials of.... (116) 111 water closets in, connections of (115) 111 water closets in, marking ter men and women (117) 111 water closets in, number of, required (117) 112 water closets in, separate for sexes, when required. ... (117) 111 water closets in, supplied from one tank, when (115) 111 water closets, vents of, sizes of (102) 108 work must be well done (72) 104 wrought iron pipe in, provisions with regard to (94) 107 wrought iron pipe in, required quality of (94) 107 Y's, double T, when permitted in (73) 104 Plumbing Inspector, see Charter, 175-178; Board of Health; Plumbing. abating nuisance by (69) 103 alleys, annual inspection of, by (71) 104 appeal from condemnation of plumbing by (121) 112 approval, shall issue certificate of, when (67) 103 assistant, appointed by Board of Trustees and under control of (61) 102 assistant, compensation of (62) 102 assistant, disposition of reports of (63) 102 assistant, salary of (62) 102 badge of, as Sanitary Inspector (65) 102 Board of Health, reports of assistant, to (63) 102 Board of Trustees appoint assistant, and fix his salary.. (62) 102 bond of master plumber given before registering with.. (124) 113 buildings, shall inspect (64) 102 certificate of approval, shall issue when (67) 103 certificate of test of plumbing system by (113) 110 cleaning up, compelled by, when (71) 104 cesspools, annual inspection of, by (71) 104 committee appointed by, to examine plumbers (128) 114 compensation of, paid from general fund (1) 122 compensation of, $125 per month (1) 122 compensation of, to be paid when other City officials are paid (1) 122 condemnation of unsanitary plumbing by (121) 112 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 341 Plumbing Inspector, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page cost of abating nuisance by, shall be lien when (69) 104 Fees of, Inspection of plumbing, for (1) 122 inspection of sewer, for (1) 122 permit for (1) 122 plumbing, for Inspection of (1) 122 sewer, for inspection of (1) 122 treasurer, must pay to on 1st of month (1) 222 Inspection of streets, etc., by, annual (71) 104 license of master plumber by, qualifications for (126-128) 114 license of master plumber by, term of (127) 114 lien, notice of, for cost of abating nuisance by, served how (70) 104 Hen, cost of abating nuisance by, shall be, when (69) 104 master plumbers license by, term of (127-128) 114 master plumbers license by, forfeited when (129-133) 114-115 master plumber's license revoked for failure to notify, when (129) 114 misdemeanor to violate ordinances concerning (137) 115 notice of lien for cost of abating nuisance by, served how (70) 104 nuisance, abatement of reported to Board of Health by. .(69) 103 nuisance, notice of, by (69) 103 penalty for violating ordinances concerning (137) 115 permit by, for repairs, etc (131) 114 permit for plumbing work issued by, when (66) 103 plans for plumbing, approved by (130) 114 plans for plumbing, defective, shall notify party (66) 102 plans for plumbing, shall Inspect (66) 102 plans for plumbing, shall reject, when (66) 102 plans for plumbing, submitted to (130) 114 plans of plumbing shall be filed with (130) 114 plumber, license of, revoked by, when (134) 115 plumbers, examination of, by (128-132) 114-115 plumbers, manner of registration of, with (125) 114 plumbers, master, qualifications for license by (126-128) 114 plumbers shall register with (123) 113 plumbing, certain rules of, varied by (73) 104 plumbing, shall inspect (66) 102 plumbing, shall inspect before covered (67) 103 plumbing system, notice of test of, must be given to (113-114) 110-111 plumbing system, test of, must be made in presence of, . (113) 110 plumbing, unsanitary, notice of condemnation by (121) 112 privies, annual inspection of, by (71) 104 punishment for violating ordinances concerning (137) 115 record of plans for plumbing, shall keep (66) 103 registration of plumbers with, manner of (125) 114 report of, contents of (68) 103 report, shall make monthly, to Health Board (68) 103 reports of assistant (63) 102 salary of (1) 122 salary of assistant (62) 102 Sanitary Inspector, as, shall wear badge (65) 102 Sanitary Isnpector, shall be (60) 102 sewer, to report condition of (6) 208 sewer constructor, permit to, by (133) 115 specifications for plumbing, shall inspect (66) 102 stables, annual inspection of, by (71) 104 342 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Plumbing Inspector, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page test of plumbing by, in sections (113) 110 test of plumbing, final, by (113) 110 test of plumbing system must be made in presence of. .(113) 110 test of plumbing system, must give certificate of (113) 110 ventilation of closets, etc., must be approved by (119) 112 Poker playing, unlawful (1) 74 Pole-climbers, use of, unlawful (1) 87 Poles, posting on, unlawful (6) 68 Pole-spurs, use of, unlawful (1) 87 Police, see Misdemeanor. Police, see Combustible Materials. Police, see Hay Police, see explosive. Police and Fire Commissioners, see Fire Department. Police Commissioners Charter (230 to 244) 41-44 Police Court Charter (60 to 71) 22 Police Court, see Building. Police Department Charter (230 to 244) 41-44 Police Judge Charter (60 to 71) 22 Police may inspect druggist's prescription book, when, see Liquor. Policemen, duties of, see Fire Department. Policemen to arrest minors for loitering, when (3) 132 Police officers may enter place where petroleum, etc., is stored (9) 210 Police officers may inspect register of lodging house keepers (2) 206 Police officials to report place storing petroleum, etc, il- legally (9-10) 210 Pool room: license for (9(11) 230 minors in, unlawful (69) 61 misdemeanor to violate ordinances concerning (2) 190 open, allowing, between certain hours, unlawful (1) 189 open, keeping, between certain hours, unlawful (1) 189 open, permitting, between certain hours, unlawful (1) 180 persons, permitting, in between certain hours, unlawful. .. (1) 189 playing in, between certain hours, unlawful (1) 189 punishment for violation of ordinances concerning (2) 190 Pool Tickets: betting by use of, unlawful (2) 74 buildings, using, for sale of, unlawful (3) 74 buying, etc., of, unlawful (1) 74 contest, on, between man or animals unlawful (1) 74 destroying, not unlawful (1) 74 issuing, etc., unlawful (1) 74 misdemeanor to act as stakeholder for (4) 74 misdemeanor to bet on contest between men or animals. .(4) 74 misdemeanor to buy or possess (4) 74 misdemeanor to sell or issue (4) 74 misdemeanor to use, lease or let house for sale of (4) 74 paying, or receiving money, or anything of value on, unlawful (2) 74 possession of, for evidence not unlawful (1) 74 punishment for buying, possessing, issuing, selling, etc... (4) 74 punishment for using, renting, or leasing house for sale of (4) 74 purchasing, acquiring, etc., of, unlawful (1) 74 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 343 Pool Tickets, (Cont) (Sec.(Subd.) Page renting or permitting houses to be used for selling of, unlawful (3) 74 representing a stake or bet, possession of, unlawful (1) 74 selling, or offering for sale, unlawful (1) 74 stakeholders of, acting as, unlawful (2) 74 wagering by use of, unlawful (2) 74 writing, or, possession of, as evidence of payment on contest, etc., unlawful (1) 74 Poster, advertising with, unlawful when (7-8) 68 Pound, see charter Pound Keeper: animal, trespassing, may be committed to (4) 70 animal Impounded by, must be claimed, when (6) 70 animal impounded, except dogs, may be sold by, when.... (5) 70 animal impounded, must not treat, cruelly (5) 70 animal impounded, must not alter mark or brand of.... (5) 70 animal impounded must be fed by (5) 70 animal impounded by, may be disposed of by contract (11) 71 animal impounded by, disposed of by city (11) 71 animal impounded, redemption of (8) 71 animal. Infected, etc., may be destroyed, when (17) 72 animal, record of, kept by (5) 70 animal to be destroyed by, cremated, when (10) 71 animal to be Impounded by, when (2) 70 animal, vicious, must be Impounded by, unless muz- zled or Inclosed (12) 71 appointment of, by Mayor (2) 70 assistants of, paid how (9) 71 assistants of, appointment how (9) 71 auction sale, animal sold by, to be at (7) 71 bond to City, shall execute, when (1) 69 book, shall keep, as dog register (3) 70 city pound, to have charge of (2) 70 compensation of (10) 71 cremate, shall, garbage, filth and combustible materials. .(2) 70 cremating, fuel for, furnished by city (2) 70 crematory, to have charge of (2) 70 deputies of, paid how (9) 71 deputies of, appointed how (9) 71 dog Impounded by, redemption of (8) 71 dogs registered by, Impounded If vicious (3) 70 dogs registered by. In lieu of license (3) 70 dogs Impounded by, kept two days (14) 72 dogs impounded by, fee for redemption (14) 72 dogs unredeemed, to be destroyed by, when (14) 72 fees for, schedule of (9) 71 fees of, for registering dogs (3) 70 fees received by, to make Itemized statement of (10) 71 female dogs to be Impounded, when (12) 71 fuel for cremating, to be furnished by city (2) 70 garbage and refuse shall be delivered to, at pound (2) 70 health officer may advise destruction of animal by, when (17) 72 impounded animals, record of, must be kept by (5) 70 instruction of Board to act under (2) 70 junk may be sold by, for own use (2) 70 license, number, on dogs registered by (3) 70 list of impounded animals, kept posted by (5) 70 344 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Pound Keeper, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page misdemeanor to resist, obstruct, or prevent perform- ance of duties (16) 72 monies received by, should pay into treasury monthly. .. (15) 72 monies received by, should make true account of (15) 72 notice of sale of animal by, contents of (7) 71 obstructing performances of duties of, unlawful (16) 72 proceeds of sale by, disposition of (7) 71 redemption of animals impounded by (8) 71 register of dogs, to be kept by (3) 70 registration of dogs by, duration of (3) 70 report by, to Board of Trustees, should contain, what (13) 71 resisting of performance of duties of (16) 72 sale of animal by, contents of, notice of (7) 71 sale of animal by, to be at auction (7) 71 sale of animal by, to be to highest bidder for cash (7) 71 schedule of fees of (9) 71 statement, itemized, should make monthly (10) 71 tag of, shall be delivered to person registering dog (3) 70 tag on dog registered by, stamped how (3) 70 tags, to be registered when (3) 70 dogs registered, can not be impounded by (3) 70 tags for dogs, must furnish, when (3) 70 trespassing animal held by, for fees (4) 70 trespassing animals held by, for reasonable damages (4) 70 trespassing animals may be committed to (4) 70 veterinary surgeon may advise destruction of animal by, when (17) 72 vicious dogs must be impounded by (12) 71 Pound Master, see Pound Keeper. Powder, see Explosive. Powder, discharge of (12) 53 Powers of Board of Trustees, see Charter. Precincts, election, see Municipal Election Precincts. Prescription of licensed physicians, liquor may be sold on, see Liquor. Prison, what is (4) 62 Prison and prisoners, see Charter. Prisoners may be fed on bread and water when (4) 52 Private contract for paving, etc., see Paving or Improving, etc. Privies, see Plumbing Inspector. Privies must be cleaned how (31) 95 Privies must be cleaned, when (31) 95 Privy, depositing certain substances in, is unlawful (35) 96 Privy must be cleaned annually (28) 94 Privy, permit necessary to construct (36) 96 Privy to be made how (36-39) 96-97 Prize fight: license for, unlawful (1) 84 sparring match as, unlawful (1) 84 boxing match as, unlawful (1) 84 exhibition as, unlawful (1) 84 Profiles for private pavings must be filed, see Paving or Improving, etc. Property, injuries to, see Misdemeanor. Public assemblage, standing at entrance to (1) 205 Public auction, see Pound Keeper. Public ball room lawful (1) 190 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 345 (Sec.(Subd.) Page Public billiard hall, see Pool Room Public Bowling alley, see Bowling Alley. Public buildings, see Building. Public buildings, see Board of Health. Public buildings, plumbing in, see Plumbing Public dance hall lawful (1) 190 Public garden, playing musical instruments In, unlawful (1) 64 Public lectures on streets, etc., unlawful (2) 205 Public Parks Charter (190 to 199) 36-38 Public phonograph parlor, see Phonograph Parlor. Public places, advertising on, unlawful 68 Public places, improving, by private contract, see Paving or Improving, etc. Public places, minors In, unlawful when (1) 131 Public pool room, see Pool Room. Public register, see Lodging House Keepers. Public service company, see Water Works. Public service corporations, see Gas Company. Public service corporations, see Water Company. Public shooting gallery, see Shooting Gallery. Public sidewalk, obstructing, unlawful (1) 79 Public speaking, see Idle Persons. assemblages, at an, unlawful (2) 205 aiding In, unlawful (2) 205 alleys, on certain, unlawful (2) 205 conducting. In certain places, unlawful (2) 205 crosswalks, on certain, unlawful (2) 205 district, within certain, unlawful (2) 205 gathering of persons at, unlawful (2) 205 holding, unlawful (2) 205 misdemeanor, when (3) 206 parks, in certain, unlawful (2) 205 punishment for, what (3) 206 sidewalks, on certain, unlawful (2) 205 streets, on certain, unlawful (2) 205 taking part in, unlawful (2) 205 Public Utilities Charter (90 to 101) 26-27 Public Works Charter (80 to 87) 23-25 Quarantine, see Disease. Q K Rags, removal of burnt (1) 205 Railroads, see Charter; Flagmen. cars on, obstructing streets unlawful (1) 147 cars on, speed of (3) 207 crossing on, flagmen must be stationed at certain (1) 69 fire alarm, gates erected by, kept open 10 minutes after. (3) 116 gongs on gates erected by, bust be sounded (4) 117 misdemeanor for, not to erect gates when (5) 117 misdemeanor for, not to erect towers (5) 117 misdemeanor for, not to keep operator in towers (5) 117 346 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Railroads, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page misdemeanor for, not to sound gong (5) 117 operator, duties of, for gates erected by (3) 116 operator of, to signal train when to pass (3) 116 punishment for, not erecting gates, towers (5) 117 punishment for, not to keep operators for gates (5) 117 safety gates, erected by, to have electric gongs (4) 116 safety gates erected by, must close completely (1) 116 safety gates, length of time, may be closed by (3) 116 safety gates made by, to be of what pattern (2) 116 safety gates, made by, to be operated from towers (2) 116 safety gates, must erect and maintain, when and where.. (1) 116 safety gates not to be erected by, on unopened streets (1) 116 steam, only required to erect safety gates (1) 116 streets, name of, on which, must erect and maintain safety gates (1) 116 towers erected by, must have an operator (3) 116 towers erected by, to be of certain height (2) 116 towers to be erected by, at place named by Supt of Streets (1) 116 towers to be erected by, at safety gates (1) 116 Railway cars, speed of (3) 207 Railway Companies, see Flagmen. Railway Crossings, see Flagmen. Railway platform, soliciting at (19) 54 Railways required to pave streets (1) 127 Real estate license (9(47) 234 Recall of officers under Charter Charter (282) 49 Records (2) 51 Refrigerators, not to connect with sewers (Ill) 110 Refuse matter must be burned or removed from City (28) 94 Refuse shall not be dumped into low places (43) 97 Refuse, unlawful to throw, on streets, alleys, etc (28) 94 Register in lodging house (1) 206 Register must be kept by dealers in second hand goods (1) 204 Registration of guests (1) 206 Renting houses, etc., for gambling unlawful (1) 74 Residence district (2) 81 Residences, see Building. Restaurant defined, see Liquor. Restaurant license, see License. Restaurant Liquor License, how obtained, see Liquor. Restaurant Liquor License, kinds of, see Liquor. Restaurant, sale of liquors in, see Liquor. Retailer's license, see License. Retail liquor licenses how obtained, see Liquor. Rooming house, see Building. Room, renting, using, etc., for gambling or pool selling (2) 74 Rooms, renting for gambling, see Gambling. Rooms renting for gambling unlawful, see Gambling. Rubbish, see Charter. Rubbish, see Sidewalks. Rubbish on streets, see Travel and Traffic. Rule of road, see Travel and Traffic. Rules of Board of Health, see Board of Health. INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 34T 8 (Sec.(Sab(L) Page Safety gates must be erected, when... (1) 116 Sailors (ex-union) license .' (16) 237 Sale of animals found on sidewalks (4) 224 Sale of animals found in streets (4) 224 Sale of animals conducted how (7) 71 Sale of animals found in alleys (4) 224 Salaries, see various officers. Salaries, see Charter. Salary of Fruit Inspector (56) 59 Salary of officers, see various officers. Saloon, see Liquor; Plumbing. attracting person in or near, by music or perform- ances of any kind, unlawful (1) 64 dancing, or permittting of, in or near, unlawful (1) 64 exhibiting of obscene or lewd pictures, etc., in or near, unlawful (2) 65 females in, unlawful (70) 61 gambling In. unlawful (1) 74-75 glTing. or permitting vaadeTille, theatrical, or ope- ratic performances, in or near, unlawful (1) 64 gramophone, playing or permitting, of. In or near, unlawful (1) 64 graphophone, playing or permitting, of, in or near, unlawful ( 1 ) 64 hiring, etc, to play musical instruments, in or near, unlawful (1) 64 hours of opening and closing, see Liquor, machines containing lewd pictures, exhibiting, in or near, unlawful (1) 64 minors in, unlawful (45) 58 misdemeanor to dance in or near (3) 65 misdemeanor to exhibit lewd or obscene pictures. In.... (3) 65 misdemeanor to play, or permit playing of musical instruments In or near (3) 65 musical instruments, playing of, in or near, unlawful (1) 64 number of, permitted, see Liquor. obscene or lewd pictures or image, etc., keeping or permitting In or near, unlawful (2) 65 permitting playing of musical instruments in or near, unlawful (1) 64 phonograph, playing, or permitting, of, in or near, unlawful (1) 64 picture, lewd, exhibiting in, unlawful (2) 65 punishment for dancing, playing, etc., in or near (3) 65 singing or permitting, in or near, unlawful (1) 64 Sanitarium license (9(64) 236 Sand hauling, regulations as to (18) 13o Sanitarj' Inspector Charter (175) 32 SanitaiT Inspector, see Board of Health. Sanitation, see Board of Health. ^^^^ SanitaUon Charter (160 to 179) 30-32 Saturday Afternoon, authorized, officers are, to close from 12 M. to 12 midnight (J) 127 business, officers need not transact on (2) 127 348 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Saturday Afternoon, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page closed, oflace may be, on (2) 127 holiday, legal, is (1) 127 officers may close and not transact business on (2) 127 offices may be closed on (2) 127 Sawdust, regulations as to hauling (18) 135 Sawdust, failure to store, is a misdemeanor (26) 56 Sawdust, must be burned or removed from city (28) 94 Scavenger governed by rules of Board of Health (31) 95 Scavenger, permit and duties of (31-34) 95 Scavenger wagons must have water tight metal cang (42) 97 Scavenger wagons must not stand on streets (42) 97 School directors Charter (130) 30 School district Charter (131) 30 School district, see Municipal Election Precinct. School entertainment does not require a license (13) 237 Schools Charter (130 to 132) 30 Schools, see Board of Health. Scientific uses, liquor for, may be sold when, see Liquor. Seal of Fresno (3) 62 Second Hand Goods, bedding, furniture, carpets, wares, etc., of every kind are (1) 64 buying, selling, etc., of, brought from outside of Fresno City, when unlawful (1) 64 Chief of Police may inspect register of dealer in (2) 209 consignee or owner may be required to disinfect, etc (1) 64 date of purchase of, must be given by dealer in (1) 209 dealers in, having fixed place of business must keep register (1) 209 dealer in, must give date of purchase, description, etc., in a register (1) 209 dealers in, must keep register of (1) 209 description of, must be registered by dealers in (1) 209 disinfection of, from without Fresno, necessary be- fore sale, etc (1) 64 exhibited, must be, by dealer in, to officer (2) 209 failure to fumigate, etc., within 48 hours after notice from Health officer, misdemeanor (2) 64 fumigating of, may be required (1) 64 fumigation, etc., done at owner's, etc., expense (2) 64 Health officer may do the inspecting, disinfecting, and fumigating of (1) 64 inspection and disinfection of, necessary if brought from outside of Fresno (1) 64 license for dealing in (9(34) 233 misdemeanor for dealer in, not to keep register (2) 209 misdemeanor for dealer in, to refuse inspection of, to certain officials (2) 209 misdemeanor not to disinfect, when (2-3) 64 misdemeanor not to fumigate, when (2-3) 64 misdemeanor to sell, etc., or offer for sale, etc., when.. (1-3) 64 name of person from whom purchased must be en- tered in register by dealer in (1) 209 permitting sale, etc., of, without inspection and dis- infection, if from without Fresno, unlawful (1) 64 person dealing in, must keep a register of (1) 209 punishment for failure to keep register of (3) 209 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 349 Second Hand Goods, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page punishment for refusing oflQcer right to inspect register of (3) 209 punishment for refusing to exhibit, to officer (3) 209 punishment for violation of ordinance concerning (3) 64 register of, purchased by dealer, must be in English language (1) 209 Seven up, playing, unlawful (1) 74-75 Sewer, see City Engineer. barber shops must be connected with (47) 97 Board may by order require trees endangering, to be removed (20) 219 bond, conditions of, before making connection with (6) 218 bond required before making connection with (6) 218 branch of, inspection of (16) 219 branch of, left uncovered until inspected (16) 219 building, four-story, extra heavy pipe shall be re- quired for, in (89) 106 building must be connected with, when (28j) 95 building with, separate connection of, required (74) 104 cement, depositing, in, unlawful (3) 208 cesspool shall not be connected with (9) 218 cistern shall not be connected with (9) 218 connecting with, by certain persons unlawful (133) 115 connection with, compulsory when (17-18) 219 connection with, failure to keep clean, misdemeanor. .(19) 219 connection with, how made (4) 218 connection with, permit for (5) 218 connection with, shall not serve more than three dwellings (5) 218 construction of (1) 122 damages caused by connection with, borne by owner (8) 218 damages for revocation of permit to connect with, not recoverable (7) 218 dirt, depositing, in, unlawful (3) 208 depositing certain substances in, unlawful (1-2) 207-208 drains, private, connected with, how (4) 218 drains, private, connected with, stopped by Street Superintendent when (4) 219 dwellings, number of, permitted on one connection with. .(5) 218 dwellings, when 3, may be served by 1 connection with.. (5) 218 fall of, pipe (82) 106 flush tank connected with, shall not discharge oft- ener than once in 5 minutes (2) 208 foul, allowing to become, unlawful (28) 94 gasoline, depositing, in, unlawful (1) 2C7 gutter, open, shall not be connected with (9) 218 house, definition of (76) 105 house trap, shall have (83) 106 house, unlawful not to connect, with, when (28) 94 house with, separate connection of, required (74) 104 ice boxes may be indirectly connected with (Ill) 110 injured, shall not be (11) 218 inspector of, appointment of (15) 219 inspection of, costs of (1) 122 inspector of, powers and duties of (15) 219 Joints on castiron, how made (81) 105 joints on ironstone, how made (80) 105 kerosene, depositing, in, unlawful (1) 207 350 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Sewer, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd. Page Lateral, Private contract, by, application to construct, made to Board (1) 217 Board issues permit to construct, when (1) 217 bond for proper construction of, required (2c) 217 bond on construction of, conditions of (2c) 217 City to own and control, when completed (3) 218 construction of, shall conform to plans and specifications therefor (2a) 217 construction of, supervised by Superintend- ent of Streets (2a) 217 controlled, shall be by City (3) 218 owned, shall be by City (3) 218 permit to construct, conditions of (2) 217 permit to construct, issued by Board, when (1) 217 specifications for (2a) 217 Superintendent of Streets superintends con- struction of (2a) 217 system of sewerage, public, are part of (3) 218 time allowed for work on (2b) 217 time to begin work on (2b) 217 lime, depositing, in, unlawful (3) 20« misdemeanor, failure to connect with, is, when (28J) 95 misdemeanor, failure to connect with, is, when (17-18) 219 misdemeanor, failure to keep connections with, clean when (19) 219 misdemeanor to deposit certain substances in (7) 208 misdemeanor to make certain connections with (7) 208 misdemeanor to violate ordinance concerning (13) 219 notice, failure to connect with, upon, is Inisdemeanor. .(17-18) 219 notice of laying pipe in street where (11) 218 nuisance, trees endangering, are (20) 219 obstructed, shall not be (12) 218 oil, depositing, in, unlawful (1) 207 permits for connection with, revocable when (7) 218 petroleum, depositing, in, unlawful (1) 207 Pipe, (vitrified ironstone and concrete,) back filling for, to begin when (16) 195 back filling for, to be done how (16) 195 back filling for, to be to satisfaction of Inspector. . (14) 194 Board may change specifications for (1) 191 bridges must be erected over excavations (18) 195 Concrete, age of, when delivered (3) 191 alignment of, to be uniform (3) 191 bands on joints of, made how (11) 193 cement used for, kind required (3) 191 cement used for, tested how (3) 191 circular in section, to be (3) 191 City Engineer may reject, when (7) 191 City Engineer shall specify places for "Y" (13) 194 composition of, what (3) 191 contractor to deliver, joints to City Engineer for tests (7) 192 delivery on work, must not be, when (3) 191 embedded in excavation, shall be firmly (11) 193 ends of, to be washed, etc., before laying (11) 193 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 351 Sewer, Pipe (vitrified ironstone and concrete) Concrete, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page forms of, special material or workmanship of. . . (8) 193 forms of, special, to be furnished when required. .(8) 193 grades shall be laid on true (11) 193 joints of, composition of mortar for (11) 194 joints of, lengths required (3) 191 joints of, manner of making (11) 193 joints of, to be banded how (11) 193 joints of, to be swabbed (11) 194 joints of, to be water tight (11) 193 rejected, may be, by City Engineer (7) 192 spigot ends of, laid toward outlet (11) 193 tests for, what required (7) 192 trenches for, bottom excavated how (9) 193 trenches for bottom of, to be made solid (9) 193 trenches for, dimensions of (9) 193 trenches for, excavated thirty feet In ad- vance of laying of (9) 193 trenches for shoring or bracing of, to be furnished by contractor (9) 193 trenches for, to be kept how (9) 193 variations of diameter of, what allowable (3) 191 walls of, required thickness of (5) 192 warps, etc., must be free from (3) 191 "Y" branches of, closed how (13) 194 "Y" branches of, closed until used (13) 194 "Y" branches of, for house connections, to be laid at certain intervals (13) 194 contractor laying of, not to interfere with traffic (17) 195 contractor laying, must repair all injury to gas and water pipes or tracks, etc (17) 195 contractor liable for damages from unprotected trenches for (19) 195 contractor must erect bridges over gutters and streets in case of excavations for (18) 195 contractor must regrade streets excavated for (21) 196 contractor must repave streets excavated for (21) 196 curbs altered for, to be repaired by contractor (21) 196 damages for unprotected, to be paid by contractor. . . (19) 195 gas pipes not to be interfered with in laying of (17) 195 gutters altered for, to be repaired by contractor (21) 196 gutters to be bridged over excavations for (18) 195 inspection holes for, to be constructed how (15) 195 Inspection holes, top of constructed how (15) 195 kind of, required (2) 191 laying of, not to injure tracks, pipes or posts, etc (17) 195 man hole covers to be on grade of street (14) 194 man holes for, composition of (14) 194 man holes for, construction of (14) 194 man holes for, laid on what level (14) 194 man holes for, steps in, to be made how (14) 194 man holes of, dimensions of (14) 194 man holes, rims and covers for, shall be satis- factory to City Engineer (14) 194 man holes inside of, plastered how (14) 194 man holes of, rims and covers of (14) 194 352 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Sewer, Pipe (vitrified ironstone and concrete) (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page offensive matter arising from excavations for, to be removed (18) 195 pavement over trenches for foundation, required (21) 196 price bid for construction of, must include costs of repaving, etc (21) 196 railroad tracks not to be interfered with in laying of. (17) 195 reconstruction of streets, etc., excavated for, must be done when (21) 196 regrade streets excavated for, must be by contractor. (21) 196 repaired streets, etc., excavated for, must be kept in. (21) 196 repaved streets excavated for, by contractor (21) 196 resolution of Board to specify kind of (1) 191 resolution of intention for, may change specifications. (1) 191 specifications for, applies to both kinds (1) 191 specifications for, must conform to (1) 191 steps in man hole for, to be made how (14) 194 standard specifications for laying, adopted (1-22) 191-196 standard specifications for laying, may be changed. (1-22) 191-196 streets to be bridged over excavations for (18) 195 Superintendent of Streets to supervise all work for laying, repairing, etc (21) 196 trafiic not to be interfered with in laying of (17) 195 trenches for, extent allowed open at one time (20) 196 trenches for, to be filled when (16) 195 trenches for, to be fenced and lighted (19) 195 trenches for, to have red lights (19) 195 trenches for, to have watchman when (19) 195 Vitrified iron stone, bell and spigot form ends required for (2) 191 embedded in excavations how (10) 193 forms of, special material or workmanship of... (8) 193 forms of, special, to be furnished when required. (8) 193 grades, must be laid on true (10) 193 joints of, manner of making (10) 193 joints to be left smooth inside of (10) 193 kind of, required (2) 191 lengths of, not to exceed three feet (2) 191 size of, determined by inside diameter (2) 191 spigot end of, toward outlet (10) 193 spigot form ends, required (2) 191 swabbed, must be (10) 193 tests of (6) 192 trenches for bottom, excavated how (9) 193 trenches for bottom of, to be made solid (9) 193 trenches for, dimensions of (9) 193 trenches for, excavated thirty feet in advance of laying of (9) 193 trenches for shoring or bracing of, to be furnished by contractor (9) 193 trenches for, to be kept how (9) 193 walls of, thickness required (4) 192 "Y" branches of, for house connections to be laid at certain intervals (13) 194 placing of, pipes (82) 106 plumbing inspector to keep specifications for sand traps, etc (4) 208 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 353 Sewer, (Cont) (Sec.(Subd.) Page plumbing inspector must inspect all private, connec- tions and file report (6) 208 privy shall not be connected with (9) 218 punishment for wrong use of sewer (7) 208 quality of building connection with (75) 105 rainwater may be run into, when (10) 218 recepticles must be used by packing house (4) 208 refrigerators may be indirectly connected with (Ill) 110 sand, depositing, in, unlawful (3) 208 sand trap must be used by packing house (4) 208 sand traps, etc., to be made according to specifications. .. (4) 208 seeds, depositing, in, unlawful (3) 208 steam condensation pipe may connect with (112) 110 steam exhaust shall not connect with (112) 110 street damaged by construction of, shall be repaired (8) 218 Superintendent of Streets to remove trees endanger- ing, when (20) 219 Superintendent of Streets to stop private drains con- nected with, when (14) 219 tanks must be used by packing house (4) 208 trees endangering, a nuisance and may be removed (20) 219 vault shall not be connected with (9) 218 ventilators of, flues shall not be (96) 107 wash racks, certain kinds, unlawful (5) 208 water closet, unlawful not to connect, with, when (28) 94 water filters may be indirectly connected with (Ill) 110 water may be run into, when (10) 218 Sewer Farm Fund, created (1) 125 expenses of sewer farm, paid from (2) 125 moneys, certain, shall be deposited in by clerk (2) 125 Treasurer shall pay certain moneys into (1) 125 warrant to be drawn against, when (2) 125 Shooting Gallery, misdemeanor to violate ordinances concerning (2) 190 open, allowing, between certain hours, unlawful (1) 189 open, keeping, between certain hours, unlawful (1) 189 open, permitting, between certain hours, unlawful (1) 189 persons, permitting, Is between certain hours, unalwful. .(1) 189 playing in, between certain hours, unlawful (1) 189 punishment for violation of ordinances concerning (2) 190 Shade trees, planting of 121 Shavings failure to store (26) 56 Sheds forbidden where, see Fire Limits. Sheep on street unlawful when (2) 79 Shooting gallery license (9(28) 233 Show, license for (9(4) 229 Shrubbery, sale of infected is a misdemeanor (55) 59 Shrubs, planting of 121 Sidewalk, see Building; Charter; Coast Avenue; Exca- vations. animal left on, to exceed 8 hours, to be fed by police- men at owner's expense (6) 225 animal on, removed by Superintendent of Streets, when (4) 224 animals on, unlawful (14) 54 approaches to, specifications for (6) 215 aprons to, specifications for (6) 215 354 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Sidewalk (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page articles, cumbersome, found on, sold where found (4) 224 awnings over, permitted when (1) 79 bicycle rack on, not an obstruction when (1) 79 canal In, maintaining, misdemeanor when (2) 224 canal may be built on, when (2) 223 cellar ways on, permitted when (1) 79 changed, may be by ordinance (2) 213 ditch, etc., in, cost of repair of, recovered by suit (2) 224 ditch, etc., in, owner of, to be prosecuted for damages caused by (2) 224 ditch, etc., in, owner of, to be prosecuted for injury to teams, etc (2) 224 ditch, etc., in, repaired at cost of owner, when (2) 224 ditch in, maintaining, misdemeanor when (2) 224 ditch may be built on, when (2) 223 expectorating on, unlawful (71) 61 flooding of, is a misdemeanor (40) 58 flume in, maintaining, misdemeanor when (2) 224 flume may be built on, when (2) 223 Forthcamp Avenue, curb line on east of, north of Belmont, set four feet eastward by narrowing of (2) 197 curb line on west of, north of Belmont, set four feet westward by narrowing of (2) 197 pitch of, set three and one-half inches on Forth- camp, north of Belmont Avenue (3) 198 width of, on Forthcamp, north of Belmont Ave- nue decreased to eight feet in width (1) 197 goods in transit over, not an obstruction, when (1) 79 grade of certain, changed, see Streets. •Grade of, Forthcamp Addition No. 2, in, changed (1) 128 Forthcamp Addition No. 2, determined how (1-2) 128 Forthcamp Addition No. 2, elevation determined. .(1-2) 128 Forthcamp Addition No. 2, in, profile filed with City Engineer (2) 128 harvesters, not permitted on paved (9) 225 hauled, maximum load to be, on (7) 225 headers, not permitted on paved (9) 225 hitching post may be erected on, when (1-1) 79-223 •hitching post, size of, which may be erected on (1) 223 I Street, curb line on portion of I street, set one foot nearer center of street (2) 129 increased one foot in width on portion of I Street.. (1) 129 I Street, curb line of, set one foot nearer center of street by increase of (2) 129 I Street decreased two feet in width by increase of.. (2) 129 I Street, on both sides of, between Tuolumne and El Dorado streets increased in width one foot...(l) 129 pitch of, portion of (3) 129 roadway of I street reduced two feet in width by increase of (2) 129 street, I, decreased two feet in width (2) 129 width of, increased on portion of I street (1) 129 leasing, unlawful (1) 130 load, maximum, to be hauled on (7) 225 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 355 Sidewalk (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page load, to exceed 10,000 lbs., hauled on, when (7) 225 lots on, vacant, weeds and grass on, to be removed (3) 224 machine having flanged wheels, not permitted on paved. (9) 225 misdemeanor to maintain canal, ditch, etc., in, when.. (2) 224 misdemeanor to obstruct (3) 79 misdemeanor to obstruct alleys (3) 79 misdemeanor to violate ordinance relating to (10) 225 misdemeanor, to sweep, during certain hours (3) 126 notice of sale of things found on, contents of (4) 224 notice to repair canal ditch, etc., in, given when (2) 224 nuisance in, removed by Superintendent of Streets, when. (4) 224 obstructing, unlawful when (1) 79 obstruction of. Is a misdemeanor (21) 54 obstruction of with bicycle racks (3) 78 obstruction of, with signs (1) 78 planting trees on 121 poles on, permitted when (1) 79 private paving, see Paving or Improving, etc. proceeds of sale of things found on, disposition of (4) 224 proceeds of sale of things found on, paid to Treasurer. .(5) 225 punishment for obstructing (3) 79 punishment for violating ordinance relating to (10) 225 punishment for sweeping, during forbidden hours (3) 126 reclaiming of things found on (4) 225 repaired by contractor (21) 196 riding bicycle on, is a misdemeanor (33) 56 «ale of animals found on, made by Superintendent of Streets (4) 224 sale of articles found on, made by Superintendent of Streets (4) 224 «ale of articles found on, conducted how (4) 224 sale of articles found on, conditions of (4) 224 «ign8 not allowed over when (2-1) 78-79 slope of, established at what (3) 213 speaking on certain, unlawful (2) 205 specifications for approaches and aprons to (6) 215 Specifications for artificial stone, built, shall be, in accordance with (2) 81 cement, quality of, required by (2) 83 concrete foundation, composition of, required by (2) 83 concrete, required by, to be mixed under direc- tion of Street Superintendent (2) 83 contractor required by, to correct imperfect work.. (2) 83 contractor required by, to remove rubbish, etc (2) 83 Division One, in (2) 81 Division One, require full width of sidewalk in, when. (2) 82 Division One, require less than full width of sidewalk in, when (2) 82 Division Two, in (2) 82 Division Two, width of required by (2) 82 fire limits, in (2) 82 foundation, concrete, required by (2) 83 foundation, 4 in., thickness of, required by, in fire limits (2) 83 foundation, 3 in. thickness of, required by. In residence district (2) 83 grading of unpaved part, required by (2) 83 856 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Sidewalk, Specifications for Artificial Stone, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page imperfect work, contractor required by, to correct.. (2) 83 materials furnished, required by, to be to satis- faction of Street Superintendent (2) 83 residence part of city, in (2) 82-83 rubbish, etc., contractor required by, to remove. ... (2) 83 special, may be adopted (27) 83 streets, width required by, on various (2) 82 Superintendent of Streets, work and materials required by, to be to satisfaction of (2) 83 top coat, border of, required by (2) 83 top coat, composition of, required by (2) 83 top coat, finishing squares, size of, required by.... (2) 83 top coat, finish of, in squares, required by (2) 83 top coat, y^ in. thickness required by, in resi- dence district (2) 83 top coat, % in, thickness required by, in fire limits.. (2) 83 work done, required by, to be to satisfaction of Street Superintendent (2) 83 standing on, unlawful, when (1) 205 Superintendent of Streets to prosecute owner of ditch, etc., in, when (2) 224 sweeping of, cannot be done in day time (2) 126 sweeping of, may be done between 9 P. M. and 7 A. M. from Oct. to April (1) 126 sweeping of, must be done at night (1) 126 sweeping of, must be done between 9:30 P. M. and 6:30 A. M. from March to November (1) 126 travel, obstructing of, unlawful (1) 79 trees on, to be trimmed to height of 7 feet (3) 224 trees, shade, on, not unlawful when (1) 79 Tulare Street, curb line on both sides of portion of Tulare St set 2 ft. farther from center of street by narrowing of (2) 124 decreased 2 ft. in width on portion of Tulare St (1) 124 pitch of, on Tulare portion of street (1) 124 roadway of Tulare Street increased 2 ft. in width by decrease of (2) 124 Street, Tulare, increased in width by decrease of . . (2) 124 Tulare Street, curb line of, set back 2 ft by change of (1) 124 Tulare Street increase in width by change of (2) 124 width of, decreased, increase width of Tulare Street. (2) 124 vacant lots adjoining, weed and grass to be removed from. (3) 224 vaults permitted when (22v) 157 washing of, is a misdemeanor, when (67) 61 widths of, established (2) 213 widths of, may be changed by ordinance (2) 213 Signs, (incandescent and electric,) building front of, defined with relation to (1) 80 bulletin board, considered as (1) 80 Class 1 of, defined (1) 80 shall be 8 feet or more above sidewalk (1) 80 ghall not project more than 12 inches over sidewalk. (1) 80 front of building, shall be parallel to (1) 80 INDEX TO ORDINAiNCES. 357 Signs (incandescent and electric) (Cont) (Sec.(Subd.) Page Class 2 of, attached, shall not be, till approved by Trustees (1) 80 attached, shall not be till permit issued (1) 80 attached to building, how (1) 80 defined (1) 80 design of, to be approved by Trustees (1) 80 dimensions of (1) 80 extended during what hours (1) 80 lighted, must be, while extended (1) 80 wall, when, must be against (1) 80 Class 3 of, (Vertical) approved, must be by Board (1) 80 attached to building how (1) 80 defined (1) 80 kind of, allowed (1) 80 sidewalk, must not project more than four feet over (1) 80 vertical, are (1) 80 misdemeanor to erect, when (2) 80 misdemeanor to maintain, when (2) 80 punishment for erecting and maintaining (2) 80 transparencies considered as (1) 80 unlawful, certain, are | (1) 80 Sign post, a nuisance, when (1) 78 Sign, what, to be placed on petroleum warehouse (4) 210 Signs, mutilation of, is a misdemeanor (2o) 54 Signs a nuisance when (1) 78 Signs on bicycle racks unlawful (3) 78 Sink, unlawful to allow, to become foul (28) 94 Sinks, see Plumbing. Skating rink license (9(51) 234 Slaughter house peddler's license (9(56) 234 Slot machine, possession of, unlawful (1-2) 65-66 Smoke houses, see Building. Soil pipes, see Plumbing. Soldiers (ex-union) license (16) 237 Sparring match unlawful, see Prize Fight. Speaking on streets, etc., forbidden (2) 205 Specifications, see Plumbing; Plumbing Inspector; and Sidewalks. Specifications for moving picture shows (1) 226 Specifications for approaches (6) 215 Specifications for curbs, gutters, etc (3-4) 213-214 Specifications for lateral sewers (2a) 217 Specifications for sewer connections (4) 218 Speed Limit, generally (15-16-17) 134-135 Speed of railway cars, etc • (3) 207 Speed of street cars (1-2) 207 Speed limit per hour for motorcycles (2) 216 Spirituous liquors, see Liquor. Spring, may be filled when (39) 96 Stairway or opening to street or sidewalk, misdemeanor, to sweep, during certain hours (3) 126 punishment for sweeping, during forbidden hours (3) 126 sweeping of, cannot be done in day time (2) 126 sweeping of, may be done between 9 P. M. and 7 A. M. from Oct. to April (1) 126 sweeping of, must be done at night (1) 126 858 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. (Sec.(Subd.) Page Stables, unlawful not to keep clean (30) 95 Stand pipes for buildings (24) 171 Steam engine, speed of, in City (3) 207 Steam exhaust, requirements as to (112) 110 Steam railroads to erect gates, when (1) 115 Stock exchange license (9(26) 233 Storage of hay, see Hay. Straw, storage of, see Hay. Straw, must be burned or removed from city (28) 94 Straw storing of, unlawful when (1-2) IZQi Street, see Building; Charter; Coast Avenue; Excava- tions; Plumbing; Sidewalks; Travel and Traflac. Abby, formerly Stockton St (21) 200 advertising on, unlawful when (3) 67 Amador, formerly portion of Palm Ave (14) 199 Angus, formerly Campbell (24) 200 Angus, grade of, altitude of, based on what (2) 125 Belmont Ave., at (1) 125 changed between Ventura and Belmont Aves (1) 125 computed at curb corners (3) 125 elevation of, based on what (2) 125 Illinois Ave., at (1) 125 Inyo Ave., at (1) 125 Iowa Ave., at (1) 125 Kern Ave., at (1) 125 McKenzIe Ave., at (1) 125 mean, how determined (4) 125 Mono Ave., at (1) 125 Monroe Ave., at (1) 125 Nevada Ave., at (1) 125 official, what (2) 125 Tulare Ave., at (1) 125 Washington Ave., at ' (1) 125 animal in, removed by Superintendent of Streets, when.. (4) 224 animals, leaving or hitching, within 40 ft. of certain corners unlawful (1) 238 animal left in, to exceed 8 hours, to be fed by police- men at owner's expense (6) 225 animals on, unlawful when (2) 79 articles, cumbersome, found in, sold where found (4) 224 barriers, misdemeanor not to maintain, on, when (38) 57 bicycle racks, obstructing, with, unlawful (3) 78 canal in, maintaining, misdemeanor when (2) 224 canal may be built on, when (2) 22? cars, manner of passing street, on (13) 134 cars on, speed of (3) 207 Cobb Ave., formerly 9th (11) 199 Collins Ave., formerly 2nd (4) 198 Culverts for, specifications for (5) 214 Superintendent of Streets, made to satisfaction of . . .o) 214 curbs for, alley intersections for, made how (4) 21S concrete, composition of (4) 214 concrete, mixed how (4) 214 concrete, specifications for (4) 214 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 359 Street, curbs for, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page comers, for, made how (4) 213 posts for, filled around how (4) 214 posts for, placed where (4) 214 I)OBt8 for, size required (4) 213 specifications for concrete (4) 214 specifications for wood (4) 213 wood, lumber required (4) 213 curvature of, shall be what (3) 213 Diana, formerly Weymouth (22) 200 Dimond, formerly Fisher (29) 200 ditch, etc., in, cost of repair of, recovered by suit (2) 224 ditch, etc.. In, owner of, to be prosecuted for damages caused by (2) 224 ditch, etc., in, owner of, to be prosecuted for Injury to teams, etc (2) 224 ditch, etc., in, repaired at cost of owner, when (2) 224 ditch in, maintaining, misdemeanor when (2) 224 ditch may be built on, when (2) 223 Echo Ave. formerly Kroeger Ave (18) 199 elevation of, above curb, what (3) 213 elevation of, at alley intersections what (3) 213 elevation of gutters on (3) 213 expectorating on, is a misdemeanor (71) 61 First, formerly East (26) 200 flanged wheel vehicles not permitted on paved (9) 225 flooding of, is a misdemeanor (41) 58 flume in, maintaining, misdemeanor when (2) 224 flume may be built on, when (2) 223 Forthcamp, north of Belmont Ave., widened (2) 197 Franklin Ave., formerly Laura (31) 200 Grade of, Forthcamp Addition No. 2, in, changed (1) 128 Forthcamp Addition No. 2, In, determined how (1) 128 Forthcamp Addition No. 2, in, elevation deter- mined how (1) 128 Forthcamp Addition No. 2, In, profile filed with City Engineer (1) 128 gates on, shall erect safety, when (2) 116 grading, divided for, how (3) 213 grading for, height of (7) 215 Grant Ave. formerly Monroe Ave (27) 20O gutters on, depth of, shall be what (3) 213 harvesters not permitted on paved (9) 225 hauled, maximum load to be on (7) 225 headers, not permitted on paved (9) 225 hitching post may be erected on, when (1) 223 hitching post, size of, which may be erected on (1) 223 houses on, numbering of (1-12) 66-67 Howard, formerly Hyde (30) 200 I, decreased in width (2) 129 Jensen Ave. formerly Froehlich Ave (19) 199 Jones Ave. formerly 6th (8) 198 Klette Ave. formerly 5th (7) 198 leasing, unlawful (1) 130 lights, misdemeanor not to maintain, on when (38) 57 load, maximum, to be hauled on (7) 225 load, to exceed 10,000 lbs., hauled on, when (7) 225 360 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Street, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page lots on, vacant, weeds and grass on, to be removed (3) 224 machine having flanged wheels, not permitted on paved.. (9) 225 maps of, certain, made official (1) 198 Martin Ave. formerly 8th (10) 199 Mayor Ave. formerly 1st (3) 198 minors on, unlawful when (1-2) 131-132 misdemeanor to maintain canal, ditch, etc., in, when... (2) 224 misdemeanor to sweep, during certain hours (3) 126 Modoc, formerly 7th (9) 199 name of 1st, Map of Resurvey of Paige Tract, changed to Mayor Ave (3) 198 name of 2nd, Map of Resurvey of Paige Tract, changed to Collins Ave (4) 198 name of 3rd, Map of Resurvey of Paige Tract, changed to Pottle Ave (5) 198 name of 4th, Map of Resurvey of Paige Tract, changed to Stephens Ave (6) 198 name of 5th, Map of Resurvey of Paige Tract, changed to Klette Ave (7) 198 name of 6th, Map of Resurvey of Paige Tract, changed to Jones Ave (8) 198 name of 7th, Map of Resurvey of Paige Tract, changed to Modoc (9) 199 name of 8th, Map of Resurvey of Paige Tract, changed to Martin Ave (10) 199 name of 9th, Map of Resurvey of Paige Tract, changed to Cobb Ave (11) 199 name of Campbell, Map of Belmont Addition, changed to Angus (24) 200 name of Caso Blanco, Map of Belmont Addition, changed to Thesta (23) 200 name of Bell, Map of Fisher's Second Addition, changed to U (28) 200 name of Bloomington Ave., Map of Bloomington Park Tract, changed to San Pablo Ave (20) 199 name of certain, changed (2) 198 names of certain, changed regardless of names given them on original map (2) 198 names of certain, shown on map, changed (2) 198 name of East, Map of Union Addition, changed to First. (26) 20O name of Fisher, Map of Fisher's Second Addition, changed to Dimond (29) 20O name of Froelich Ave., Map of Park Addition, changed to Jensen Ave (19) 199 name of Hyde, Map of Fisher's Second Addition, changed to Howard (30) 200 name of Klondike, Map of Yosemite Addition, de- signated as Klondike (33) 201 name of Kroeger Ave., Map of Bloomington Park Tract, changed to Echo Ave (18) 199 name of Laura, Map of Muller Addition, changed to Franklin Ave (31) 200 name of Magnolia Ave., Map of Resurvey of Paige Tract, changed to Stanislaus (16) 199 name of Monroe, Map of River Dale Addition, changed to Grant Ave (27) 200 name of Muller, Map of Union Addition, changed to Orchard (25) 200 INDEX TO ORDINANCE. 361 Street, (Cont) (Sec.(Subd.) Page name of Orange Ave., Map of Grand Avenue Park, changed to San Joaquin (15) 200 name of Palm Ave., Map of Grand Avenue Park, changed to Amador (14) 199 name of Park and Olive Aves., Map of Resurvey of Paige Tract, changed to Tuolumne (17) 199 name of Pearl, Map of Woodward's Addition, design- ated as Pearl (32) 200 name of portion of Stanislaus, Map of Resurvey of Paige Tract, changed to Pickford Ave (12) 199 name of portion of Tuolumne, Map of Resurvey of Paige Tract, changed to Snow Ave (13) 199 name of Stockton, Map of Belmont Addition, changed to Abby (21) 200 name of Weymouth, Map of Belmont Addition, changed to Diana (22) 200 notice of sale of things found in, contents of (4) 224 notice to repair canal, ditch, etc., in, given when (2) 224 nuisance in, removed by Superintendent of Streets, when. (4) 224 obstruction of, is a misdemeanor (41) 58 oiling, specifications for (8) 215 Orchard, formerly Muller (25) 200 paving, by railway, etc., manner of (1) 127 paving done by city on refusal of railway, etc., when.... (2) 127 paving, required of railway, when (1) 127 paving, required of street railroad, when (1) 127 paving, refusal of railway, etc., action on (2) 127 paving, space to be paved by railway, etc (1) 127 paving of, by private contract, see Paving or Im- proving, etc. Pickford Ave. formerly portion of Stanislaus (12) 199 pipes must be laid In, when, see Water Works. Pottle Ave. formerly 3rd (5) 198 proceeds of sale of things found In, disposition of (4) 224 proceeds of sale of things found In, paid to Treas- urer, when (5) 225 punishment for sweeping, during forbidden hours (3) 126 railways, paving required of, when (1) 127 reclaiming of things found In (4) 225 refuse, unlawful to throw, on (28) 94 repaired, shall be, by contractor when (21) 196 sale of animals found In, made by Supt of Streets (4) 224 sale of articles found In, conditions of (4) 224 sale of articles found In, conducted how (4) 224 sale of articles found in, made by Supt. of Streets (4) 224 San Joaquin, formerly portion of Orange Ave (15) 199 San Pablo, formerly Bloomlngton Ave (20) 199 sidewalk, shall have, on each side (3) 213 signs, obstructing, with, unlawful (1) 78 Snow, formerly portion of Tuolumne (13) 199 speaking on certain, unlawful -(2) 205 specifications for grading ("-9) 215 specifications for oiling (8) 215 speed of cars on • (^) 207 speed of street cars on (1-2) 207 standing on, unlawful when • • (1) 205 362 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Street, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page Stanislaus, formerly portion of Magnolia Ave (16) 199 Stephens Ave., formerly 4tli (6) 199 Supt. of Streets directs oiling and grading of (8-9) 215 Supt. of Streets to prosecute owners of ditch, etc., in, when (2) 224 sweeping of, cannot be done in day time (1) 12S sweeping of, may be done between 9 P. M. and 7 A. M. from Oct. to April (1) 126 sweeping of, must be done at night (1) 126 sweeping of, must be done between 9:30 P. M. and 6:30 A. M. from March to Nov (1) 126 Thesta, formerly Caso Blanco (23) 200 tires of vehicles used on paved, required width of (8) 225 trees on, planting, unlawful when (3) 121 trees on, to be trimmed to height of 7 ft (3) 224 Tulare, increased in width (2) 124 Tuolumne, formerly Park and Olive Aves (17) 199 U, formerly Bell (28) 200 vacant lots on, weeds and grass on, to be removed (3) 224 vehicles in, removed by Supt. of Streets when (4) 224 vehicles, standing or leaning, within 40 ft of certain corners, unlawful (1) 238 vehicles, unwieldy, found in, sold where found (4) 224 vehicles used on paved, required width of tires on (8) 225 water pipes must be laid in, when, see Water Works, wheels, vehicles having flanged, not permitted on paved. (9) 22& Street Car, alarm or gong on, must be sounded repeatedly (1) 81 allowing, to cross street without first sounding gong or bell, unlawful (1) 81 engineer on, must ring bell, etc (1) 81 misdemeanor for, to exceed speed limit (5) 207 misdemeanor for, to let off or take passengers, ex- cept on near side of a cross street (5) 207 misdemeanor not to sound gong or bell on, when (2) 81 motorman on, must sound gong or bell 50 ft. from cross street (1) 81 passengers shall get off or on, on the near side of the cross street (4) 207 punishment for exceeding speed limit (5) 207 punishment for not sounding gong on bell on (2) 81 punishment for stopping except on near side of cross street (5) 207 speed of, shall not exceed sixteen miles per hour (1) 207 speed of, in business district not to exceed eight miles per hour (2) 207 stop, must, on near side of cross street to take on or let off passengers (4) 207 stop, must, so that front steps are in line with near sidewalk of cross street (4) 207 Structures, erection of, see Building. Suits, see Charter. Sunday sale of liquor unlawful when, see Liquor. Superintendent of Schools, power of, as to disease (17) 92 Superintendent of Streets Charter (47, 48) 19-20 Superintendent of Streets, see Sidewalks. Superintendent of Streets, see Excavations. INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 36S (Sec.(Subd.) Page Superintendent of Streets controls sewer (21) 195 Superintendent of Streets, duties of, see Sewers. Superintendent of Streets, map to be filed with (1) 63 Superintendent of Streets to accept private paving, etc (5) 123 Superintendent of Streets to control numbering of blocks. .. (12) 67 Superintendent of Streets to have control of chain gang, when (3) 52 Superintendent of Streets to issue permit for private paving, etc (1) 123 Superintendent of Streets to keep blank agreements, etc., for private paving, etc (3) 123 Superintendent of Streets to make sales when (4) 224 Superintendent of Streets to prosecute ditch owners, when.. (2) 224 Superintendent of Streets to prosecute ditch owners, when... (2) 222 Superintendent of Streets to supervise private paving, etc... (4) 123 Superintendent of Streets to tear down signs when (a) 78 Survey, see City Engineer. Sweeping sidewalks permitted when (1) 126 Sweeping stairways and openings permitted when (1) 126 Sweeping streets permitted when (1) 126 Swimming tank license (9(40) 234 T Tagliabue's instrument used in testing petroleum, etc (8) 210 Tailor shop license (9(29) 233 Talking machines (1) 189 Target shooting, not unlawful (1) 18& Taxes, see Charter. Teams, regulations as to, on streets (14-23) 134-6 Telegraph employees can not use pole-spurs or climbers (1) 87 Telegraph Wires (21) 120 Telephone employees can not use pole-spurs or climbers (1) 87 Telephone Wires (21) 120 Test of inflammable character of petroleum, etc (8) 210 Theater, standing at entrance to, unlawful (1) 205 Theater, wearing hats in (72) 61 Theaters, construction of (27) 177 Theater's license (9(3) 229 Three Card Monte, unlawful (1) 74-75 Tickets, lottery, etc (1) 72 "Tier" of houses or blocks, how numbered (2) 76 Tippling houses, closing of, etc (14) 139 Tobacco, use of by minors (47) 5S Tools, etc., for gambling d) "^^ Towers, railroad to erect, when (1) H^ Trader's license (9(35) 233 Train, boarding, by minors (48) 58 Train of cars, not permitted to obstruct streets (1) 147 Tramps, soliciting by (H) ^3 Travel and Traffic, regulation of, on Streets, etc. alley, considered as street, under, when (1) 133 hitching or leaving team, etc., standing in, unlawful. . (19) 135 time limit of standing vehicles in (19) 135 364 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Travel and Traffic, regulation of, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page animal attached to vehicle, considered part of same, under. (1) 133 feeding, in business district without hitching, unlawful (24) 136 hitched, must be, how (22) 135 hitching, to shade, etc., tree, unlawful (23) 136 standing near shade, etc., tree, unlawful (19) 135 standing near shade, etc., tree, unlawful (23) 136 street, leaving, unattended or unsecured in, unlawful. (22) 135 tree, allowing, to injure or destroy, unlawful (23) 136 unattended, deemed, when (22) 135 vehicle backed to curb, must be turned in direc- tion of traflBc, when attached to (14) 134 bell, gong or horn, motor vehicle shall have, under rule of (21) 135 business district, boundaries of, under (1) 133 feeding animal in, without hitching, unlawful under (24) 136 speed, lawful rate of. In (15-16) 134 speed, turning corners in, lawful rate of, in (17) 135 car, unnecessarily delaying, unlawful, under (25) 136 curb, regulations as to, under, backed to, vehicle must not be, except when loading or unloading, in (12) 134 backed to, animal attached to vehicle, must be turned in direction of traffic, in (14) 134 definition of, in (1) 133 vehicle must keep close to, on right, in (3-5) 133-135 vehicle must not run over, in (7) 134 vehicle must not stop with, on left, in (10) 134 vehicle must stop close to, on right, In (11) 134 vehicle must turn corner close to, on right, in.... (7) 134 course, care in changing, in (6) 133 'course, warning of, on changing. In (6) 134 crossing from one side to other of street, manner of, in. .(9) 134 crossing corner, rate of speed when, in (17) 135 crossing street, rate of speed of motor vehicles on, in... (17) 135 dirt, hauling, etc., must be in close receptacle, in (18) 135 dirt, hauling, etc., must not allow to spill, in (18) 135 feeding, animal in business district without hitching, unlawful, under (24) 136 gong, bell or horn, motor vehicle shall have, in (21) 135 gravel, hauling, etc., must be in close receptacle, in (18) 135 gravel, hauling, etc., must not allow to spill, in (Id) 135 liauling of dirt, etc., must be in close receptacle, in (18) 135 hauling of dirt, etc., must not allow to spill, in (18) 135 misdemeanor to violate provisions of ordinances re- lating to (26) 136 nails, etc., placing on street, unlawful, in (20) 135 punishment for violation of, ordinance (26) 136 rule of road, see vehicle below. sand, hauling, etc., must be In close receptacle, in (18) 135 sand, hauling, etc., must not allow to spill, in (18) 135 sawdust, hauling, etc., must be in close receptacle, in... (18) 135 sawdust, hauling, etc., must not allow to spill, in (18) 135 speed of, lawful rate In business section (15-16) 134 speed of, lawful rate in city generally (16) 134 speed of, lawful rate in crossing corner (17) 135 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 365 Travel and Traffic, regulation of, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page speed of, lawful rate in turning corner (17) 135 street defined In relation to (1) 133 street, hauling dirt, etc., on except close receptacles, unlawful, in (18) 135 street intersections, unlawful, rate of speed of, of motor vehicles on (17) 136 street, nails, or any article liable to puncture, placing on, unlawful, in (20) 135 street, spilling dirt, sand gravel, etc., on, unlawful, in.. (18) 135 street car not in motion, manner of passing, in (13) 134 substances, loose, hauling, etc., must be In close re- ceptacle, in (18) 135 vehicle, under alley, must not stand in more than thirty minutes. (19) 135 bell on motor, size of (21) 135 car, etc., unnecessarily delaying, unlawful (26) 136 definition of (1) 133 gong on motor, size of (21) 135 horn on motor, size of (21) 135 meeting another, must turn to right (3) 133 motor, shall have bell, gong or horn (21) 135 passed, overtaken and, must give way to right (4) 133 passing one going in same direction, on left (4) 133 right hand of street, must keep to (3) 133 street car, must not pass in 4 ft of running board of (13) 134 slow moving, keep to right curb (5) 133 stopping, with left side to curb, unlawful (10) 134 stopping, In street, care in (6) 133 stopping. In street, warning of (6) 133 stopping, must be close to curb as practicable (11) 134 stopping, outer wheel must be In 8 ft. of curb (11) 134 swift moving, given passage on left (5) 133 turning corner, rate of speed when (17) 135 turning In street, care in (6) 133 turning in street, warning of (6) 133 turning corner to right Into other street, manner of . (7) 134 turning corner to left Into other street, manner of.. (8) 134 turning corner other side of street, manner of (9) 134 wagon-bed in hauling dirt, etc., must not leak (18) 135 Travel, obstructing, in alleys, unlawful (1) 79 Travel, obstructing, on sidewalk, unlawful (1) 79 Travel on streets, etc., must not be obstructed by cars, etc...(l) 147 Trees, book of permits to plant, to be kept by Park Com (5) 121 cannot be planted unless Indicated on tree map (2) 121 cannot be removed from sidewalk without permit of Park Com (6) 121 can be removed to plant kind designated on map (6) 121 dead, may be removed (7) 121 dying may be removed (7) 121 growing, cannot be removed by Park Com., unless dead, dying unsafe condition, or obstructing travel.. (7) 121 map of, showing kind which may be planted on side- walk to be kept by Park Com (2) 121 misdemeanor to plant certain kinds of, on sidewalks.... (8) 121 misdemeanor to remove, from sidewalk, when (8) 121 366 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Trees, (Cont.) (Sec.(Subd.) Page obstructing sidewalk may be removed (7) 121 owner may remove, to plant kind designated on map.... (6) 121 Park Com. may give permit to plant (3) 121 Park Com. must keep map of city designating kind of, which may be planted on various sidewalks (2) 121 permit to plant, contain name of applicant, date, street, kind of trees, distances, etc (5) 121 permit to plant, cannot be given, unless shown on map. . .(4) 121 permit to plant, must be had from Park Com. or its secretary (3) 121 planted on sidewalks, must be kind indicated on map... (2) 121 planting, or causing to be, without permit, unlawful. ... (3) 121 punishment for planting of certain, on sidewalk (8) 121 punishment for planting removing, from sidewalk (8) l^"" secretary of Park Com. may give, permit to plant (3) 121 sewer, endangering, to be removed (20) 219 sidewalk, permitted on, when (1) 79 trimmed to height of 7 ft, shall be (3) 224 unsafe, may be removed (7) 121 Trenches, see Sewers. Tulare Street, portion of, increased in width (2) 124 Turkeys trespassing unlawful (1) 165 * U Undertaker, see Board of Health. Undertaking Parlor license (9(12) 230 V Vacant lots, unlawful to throw refuse on (28) 94 Vacant lots, weeds and grass on, to be removed (10) 225 Vacant lots, weeds on, unlawful (3) 224 Vaccination, see Board of Health. Vegetable matter, refuse, must be burned or removed from City (28) 94 Vegetables, certain kinds of, cannot be sold (44) 97 Vegetables, decaying, unlawful for merchant to sell (28) 94 Vegetables, sale of infected, is a misdemeanor (55) 59 Vehicle, advertising with, unlawful (4) 67 Vehicle, leaving, within forty feet of certain comers unlawful. (1) 238 Vehicles, see Travel and Traffic. Vehicles for hauling swill, etc., must have what (42) 97 Vehicles in streets sold when (4) 224 Vendor's license (9(61) 235 Ventilation of plumbing, see Plumbing. Ventilators, see Sewers. Vents, see Plumbing. Verification of application for liquor license... (9) 138 Vinous liquors, see Liquor. Vitrified ironstone sewers, regulations as to, see Sewers. Voting at municipal election, see Municipal Election Precinct INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 367 w (Sec.(Subd.) Page Wager, by use of pools, see Pool Tickets. Wagon, leaving, within forty feet of certain corners, unlawful (1) 238 Wagon yards, unlawful not to keep clean (30) 95 Wagons, see Travel and Traffic. Walls, see Building. Wards of City, number aud boundaries of Charter (7) 4 Warehouse license (9(17) 232 Warehouse, licensed for Petroleum, etc (1) 209 Warehouses, see Building. Warrants, see Charter. Wash house, carrying on, is misdemeanor when (49) 58 Waste pipes, see Plumbing. Water closets, see Plumbing. Water closet, unlawful not to connect with sewer (28) 94 Water Company, see Charter; Pire Department. alterations by, map of proposed, to be filed with Superintendent of Streets (1) 63 extension by, map of proposed, to be filed with Su- perintendent of Streets (1) 63 map of extension, etc., filed by, contents of (1) 63 map of proposed extension or alteration by, to be filed with Superintendent of Streets (1) 63 misdemeanor for, to make extensions or alterations without consent and filing map (2) 6? misdemeanor to violate ordinance concerning (18) 119 penalty for violating ordinance concerning (2) 63 pipes of, not to be left open at night (18) 119 pipes of, to have water in them, when (18) 119 punishment for violation of ordinance concerning (18) 119 Superintendent of Streets to give consent to exten- sions, etc., by, when (1) 63 Water, filthy, unlawful to throw, on streets, alleys, etc ^"^H) 94 Water, permitting, to run after fire alarm, unlawful (29) 56 Water Works, (Company owning), alley, required to lap pipes in, when (1) 75 Board of Trustees may by resolution require, to lay pipes and mains when (2) 76 Board of Trustees to notify, to lay pipes and mains, when. (1) 75 mains must be laid by, when (1) 75 misdemeanor for, not to lay pipes when (1-3) 75-76 notice by Board of Trustees, to lay pipes, on (1) 75 pipes must be laid by, when (1) 75 punishment for refusal to lay pipes and mains (3) 76 refusal by, to extend main and pipes, unlawful (1) 75 residents, five, may petition Board to have, to lay pipes and mains (2) 76 resolution of Board of Trustees, copy of, requiring, to lay mains and pipes, presented to (1) 75 resolution to require, to lay pipes and mains may be made without petition (2) 76 street, required to lay pipes in, when (1) 75 Weapon, concealed, carrying (8) 53 Weeds and grass on vacant lots, to be removed (10) 225 Weeds on sidewalk to be removed (3) 224 368 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. (Sec.(Subd.) Page Well may be filled when, see Board of Health. Wells may be condemned by Board of Health when (39) 97 Whiskey, see Liquor. Whistle, blowing of, stopped when (40) 97 Whistle, blowing of, unlawful when. (40) 97 Wholesale Liquor Licenses how obtained, see Liquor. Wholesaler's license (8j) 22& Windows, washing of, unlawful when (67) 61 Wine, see Liquor. Wires, electrical, regulations as to (1-2) 239 Wires, (electric, telephone or telegraph,) abandoned, shall be removed (21) 120 distant, shall be, not less than 4 feet from other wires».(21) 120 owner of abandoned, shall remove (21) 120 Wires of Fire Department may be removed when (12-13-14) 118 Women wearing hats in theater, unlawful when (72) 61 Wooden buildings forbidden where (2) 212 Woodward's Addition, houses and blocks, how numbered in.. (8) 77 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. MAR 10 193 - i LD 21-100m-8,'34 I YC 09400 27H04B J5 88Q, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY