PRESENTED r UKUKK ar RIGHT HONORABLE THE GOVERNOR IN COUNCIL RESULTS OF THE METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE GOVERNMENT OBSERVATORY, MADRAS THE YEARS 1861-1890 Under the Direction of the late NORMAN ROBERT POGSON, C.I.E., F.R.A.S. EDITED BY C- MIOHIE SMITH, B.Sc., F.R.A.S., F.RS.E. utoltetedi *jj (tft&et of t\nt (Bovmmnt ot MADRAS PRINTED AT THE LAWRENCE ASYLUM PRESS 1892 14- INTRODUCTION THIS volume contains the Results of the meteorological observations made at the Madras Observatory in the years 1861-1890 during the whole of which time, with the exception of the first few weeks, the late NORMAN ROBERT POOSON was Government Astronomer and had charge of the Observatory. It was his intention to have published this volume as soon as possible after the completion of the 30 years, and at the time of his lamented death a considerable part of the manuscript was nearly ready for the press. In editing the work I have, so far as possible, retained the original plan, but I greatly regret that the work was not completed by one who had carried it on so long and to whose care and knowledge it owes its main value. Begun at a time when accurate meteorological observations were less common than they are now and when instrumental appliances were far from perfect, the whole series has been carried out with that scrupulous accuracy and attention to details which his astronomical training had shown Mr. POGSON to be an essential for all really good work. All work connected with the testing of the instruments and working out the corrections was done by himself, while the whole of the work was rigidly supervised. This being so it is all the more to be regretted that he was not able to publish the results and to give a full account of the methods employed. Of his methods for checking the results I learned a good deal from him in conversation from time to time, but in preparing this Introduction I have frequently felt at a loss with regard to minor details which I cannot find amongst the voluminous papers in the Observatory. At the same time the results may be taken as being as nearly as possible accurate for they were reduced immediately after they were taken and all needful corrections were at once applied, so that with the exception of the actual printing and the notes the results had received Mr. POGSON'S final revision before his death. Even the notes are mostly taken with a few modifications from his remarks in the Government Gazette in which the weekly, monthly, and annual results have been published since 1870. The only results that I have found it necessary to re-calculate were those for humidity and vapour pressures, the latter of which were, for most of the period dealt with, not calculated at the time but only prepared for this work and not revised. With the exception of the first few months I have re-calculated these throughout from the printed sheets. All the averages have also been taken out fresh from the printed sheets and compared with the manuscript results, so that there seems little risk of any serious error in the printed means. INSTRUMENTS. (1) Barometer. From January 1861 to December 1876 the barometer employed was the old Obser- vatory standard, Newman No. 42. It was, as formerly, used with a fixed zero of 29*900 inches and the readings were corrected for capacity. The diameter of the tube is 0'514 inches, its thickness 0'125 inches, and the diameter of the cistern is 2'64 inches. When compared in London in 1840, before despatch to Madras, it read O'OOS inches higher than the flint glass standard of the Royal Society, or 0'012 inches higher than the 740429 IV INTRODUCTION crown glass standard. No correction has been applied for this difference. From January 1877 to January 1888 the instrument employed was Newman's standard No. 49. This is an instrument similar to Newman No. 42 but with a tube 0'532 inches in diameter. The two barometers were compared by 30 readings in June 1876 and 20 readings in January 1877 which yielded a mean zero correction of + 0-012 inches, which was applied to all the readings. From January 1888 onwards the standard barometer was a secondary standard by Casella (No. 636). It is a Fortin's cistern barometer and the zero is adjusted before each reading. The readings of this barometer do not seem to me to be thoroughly satisfactory, but it is possible that during the time dealt with in the volume there was no cause for complaint, and even at present I do not think that on any day the mean reading is as much as O'Ol inches wrong. The relative correction between this and another similar barometer has changed by only 0-001 inches. The fact that the mean barometer reading for the 30 years differs by only O'OOl inches from the mean obtained from the hourly readings for the preceding 20 years shows that the relative corrections of the other two barometers to the standard of Newman No. 42 have been made with great accuracy. (2) Thenmnneti'i-x. The dry and wet bulb thermometers have all been carefully compared from time to time with standard thermometers and the freezing points of the standards have themselves been checked in melting ice. The two standards employed were Kew 328 and Kew 329. The zero of the former was determined in 1865, 1872, and 1874 and on each occasion was found to be exactly right. This thermometer was accidentally broken by coming in contact with the punkah just after the last comparison was made. Kew 329 was less constant. The following are the freezing point determinations made with it : 1865 ... 31-90 1876 ... 31-50 1874 ... 31-50 1877 ... 31-50 1875 ... 31-55 It has been used since 1874 with the correction +0-5. It is rather remarkable that the freezing point has fallen. The corrections for the other thermometers were determined in the following way. For the dry maxi- mum the correction was taken as the difference of readings at 10 A.M. between the dry bulb (corrected) and the dry maximum. For the dry minimum the correction was taken as the difference of reading at 10 P.M., (or latterly 8 P.M.) between the dry bulb (corrected) and the dry minimum. The corrections for the wet minimum and grass minimum were similarly got by comparison with the wet bulb at 10 P.M., and the corrections for the sun maximum also by comparison with the dry bulb at the same hour. The evening and not the morning reading being taken in this case on account of the very unsatisfactory nature of comparisons that are made of sun thermometers in vacuo in day -light, and because the thermometer should be exposed long before 10 A.M. In each case the actual correction applied for each half month was the mean of the corrections obtained for that half month. Anemograph. Since 1864 the wind direction and velocity have been obtained from the records of a Beckley anemograph, by Adie, carried on a wooden framework erected on the roof of the Astronomer's house. The cups of the anemograph are about 8J inches in diameter and the distance from centre to centre of two opposite cups is 4 feet. The height of the cups above ground is 44 feet and the height above the parapet of the building is 18 feet. I can find no record of any tests that were made as to the accuracy of the scale of this instrument before it was sent to Madras, but as it was made under the direction of the late Professor Balfour Stewart it is probable that due care was taken regarding this important point. The readings for wind velocity have been accepted without any correction, and the instrument has been taken as the standard for smaller instruments used in other parts of the Presidency. The accuracy as regards wind direction has been tested from time to time. The record of direction is not thoroughly trustworthy when the velocity falls below two miles an hour. INTRODUCTION Raingauges. The standard raingauge has a funnel 8 inches in diameter and the mouth is two feet above the surface of the ground. The gauge and measuring glass have been carefully tested. The distribution of the rainfall between the hours of reading is effected by reference to the raingauge connected with the anemograph. This consists of a receiver nearly 15 inches in diameter connected by along pipe with a cylindrical receiver in which there is a float. This float actuates a pencil which records the rainfall on the revolving drum of the anemograph. When the receiver is filled up to a certain point it is emptied by a siphon on the principle of the tantalus cup. This arrangement is far from satisfactory, especially in a light rain, for at times the siphon does not act suddenly but the water only dribbles out at the same rate as it comes in. In heavy rain the action is fairly good. It should be noted, however, that any failure in the action of this gauge does not affect the total amount registered but only the- hourly distribution. The total fall registered is that given by the standard gauge. The real risk in rainfall measurements is in miscounting the number of fills of the measuring glass and this risk has been guarded against by always measuring the amount in two other gauges of different sizes. POSITION OF INSTRUMENTS. The barometer is hung on the north wall of the transit room and the cistern is 22 feet above mean sea level. The readings given in this volume have not been reduced to sea level, neither has any correction been applied for the value of gravity. To reduce to sea level and the value of gravity at latitude 45 the following corrections have to be applied : Barometer Temperature F Inches. 70 80 90 29 -0-044 -0-044, -0-045 30 -0-046 -0-046 -0-047 31 -0-048 -0-048 -0-049 Previous to 1861 the thermometers were exposed in a large open verandah with a tiled roof, hut as this evidently did not meet the requirements of exact shade temperature measurements Mr. POGSON introduced what is now known as the " Indian shed " and used, I believe, at all Indian observatories. The shed, which lies north and south, consists of a thatched gable roof supported on wooden posts and frames with alight railing round it to keep out cattle. The shed is 16 feet long and 12 feet broad ; the roof is 5 feet from the ground at the sides and 10 feet at the middle. The sides and ends are quite open except for two side screens 5|- feet wide, reaching from the roof to within 1 foot of the ground, in the centre of the sides. The thatch is 6 inches thick. Originally the thermometers, which face north, were fixed to an open frame in the centre of the shed but for some years past, to protect them from injury from crows and other animals, they have been placed in a light cage of which the back and front are made of very wide-meshed iron wire netting. The bulbs of the wet and dry bulb thermometers are 4 feet from the ground, those of the dry maximum and dry minimum 4 feet 7 inches and 4 feet 4 inches respectively. The wet and dry bulb thermometers are at opposite sides of the cage and are 16 inches apart. The door of the cage is hinged at the bottom so that when open the thermometers are fully exposed. The door is always opened five minutes before readings are taken. In front of the shed, in a space enclosed by a wire fence, are the raingauges and the stand for the sun maximum and grass minimum thermometers. The former is supported 10 inches and the latter 3 inches above the surface of the ground. VI INTRODUCTION The ground inside the enclosure and all round it is covered with grass in the wet season but in the hot weather there is frequently little grass to be seen. This form of thermometer shelter is perhaps not altogether an ideal one but it is incomparably superior to the Stevenson or other similar screens still used even in some tropical or semi-tropical countries. In fact Dr. Doberck has recently shown by a long series of comparisons with rotating thermometers, carried out at Hongkong, that the Indian shed is far the best screen in common use. So far as I have been able to determine, the errors are very small except on perfectly still, bright days when even the slight hindrance which it offers to the free circulation of the air produces appreciable differences between the air temperatures outside and inside the shed. The highest temperatures recorded are probably not at all affected by this, for they occur when there is a strong dry wind blowing from the west. It will be noticed from the table on p. 392 that the mean thermometric range and the mean maximum temperatures for the 30 years 1861 to 1890 differ considerably from those for the 20 years preceding. This is due to the change in the method of exposure. Comparative readings of thermometers in the verandah and in the shed were taken for a sufficiently long time to enable the relative corrections to be determined with accuracy, and when these corrections are applied to the 20 years' series the means come out almost exactly the same as those for the 30 years' series. HOURS OF READING AND METHODS OF REDUCTION. From 1841 to 1860 the readings were taken at each hour of Gottingen mean time, but from 1861 Madras mean time was employed. From 1861 to i889 the hours of reading were 10 A.M., 4 P.M., and 10 P.M., and thereafter, on account of a change in the hour of sending the daily weather telegram to Simla, the hours were 8 A.M., 2 P.M., and 8 P.M. The method of deducing the means from the observations differs from that usually employed and must therefore be described more in detail. It must be remembered that in India the daily barometer tide is the most prominent feature in the barometric readings, and no reduction is of any value which does not pay due attention to this. Were the tide perfectly uniform the correction for hours might be treated as a constant which had to be added to or subtracted from the mean reading, but the amount of the tide varies from day to day and Mr. POGSON held that the true correction for hours in any day was a function of the tide for that day. Accordingly the first thing to be determined is the daily range. The hours of maximum and mininum readings are near 10 A.M. and 4 P.M., but do not exactly coincide with them, and so the range is got by multiplying the difference between the 10A.M. and 4 P.M. readings by a factor which varies slightly from month to month and is called the Barometric Range Factor. The range having been thus determined the correction for hours is got by multiplying it by a factor depending on the season of the year and the hours of observation. An exactly similar treatment is applied to the thermometer readings. The following extract from Mr. POGSON'S Meteorological Reduction Tables will show the actual method employed : " The hours of registration adopted throughout the Madras Presidency are 10 A.M., 4 P.M., and 10 P.M. The barometric range is found, by multiplying the difference between the 10 A.M. and 4 P.M. readings, both previously reduced to 32, by the factor for the date, taken from the column headed Barometric Range, retaining only three decimal places. The daily range thus found when multiplied by the factor in the next column, headed Mean Barometer, gives the correction, always minus or snbtractive from the mean of the three reduced readings, to obtain the mean atmospheric pressure for the day. The numbers in the column headed Liry Bulb Thermometer, are factors by which to multiply the range, or difference between the corrected readings of the maximum and minimum dry bulb thermometers, retaining only tenths of a degree in the product. The mean of the morning minimum, and of the three ordinary readings, i.e., their sum divided by four, when diminished by this small correction, gives the mean daily temperature. From August 9th till September 28th there is no correction at all, the factor being O'OO; and for nearly all the rest of the year, as the factor is only O'Ol, the correction will be found by simply removing the decimal point two places to the left in the range for the day, retaining the nearest tenth of a degree in the usual manner. INTRODUCTION Vll For the mean daily temperature of evaporation the process is very similar ; only in this case, the range not being known, the factor for the day, taken from the column Wet Bulb Thermometer, is to be multiplied by the excess of the 4 P.M. reading above that of the morning minimum ; and the correction is always plus, or additive to the mean of the four readings." All these factors have been calculated from the series of hourly observations made between 1841 and 1861 of which the first 15 years have been published but the last 5 years are still in manuscript. The following is the actual table used when the readings were 10 A.M., 4 P.M. and 10 P.M. : MADRAS DAILY METEOROLOGICAL FACTORS. From Barometric Range. Mean Barometer. Dry Bulb Thermometer. Wet Bulb Thermometer. From Barometric Range. Mean Barometer. Dry Bulb Thermometer. Wet Bulb Thermometer. 1-05 1-04 1-03 1-02 1-02 1-02 1-03 1-03 1-03 1-04 1-05 1-05 1-06 1-06 1-06 1-06 1-06 1-06 - O'll - O'll - Oil - O'll - O'll - o-io - o-io - 0-09 - 0-09 - 0-08 - 0-07 - 0-06 - 0-06 - 0-05 - 0-04 - 0-04 - 0-03 - 0'02 - 0-02 - o-oi - O'Ol - O'Ol - O'Ol - o-oi - o-oi - o-oi - o-oi - o-oi - o-oi - o-oi - o-oi -o-oi - o-oi - O'Ol - o-oi -o-oi o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oo + 0-01 + 0-01 + 0-01 -l-o-oi + 0-02 + 0-02 + 0-03 + 0-03 + 0-04 + 0-04 + 0-04 + 0-03 + 0-03 + 0-03 July 23 1-06 1-05 1-05 1-04 1-04 1-05 1-06 1-07 1-07 1-07 1-08 1-08 1-09 1-09 1-08 1-07 1-06 1-05 - 0-03 - 0-03 - 0-03 - 0-04 - 0-05 - 0-05 -0-06 - 0-06 - 0-07 - 0-07 - 0-08 -0-09 -o-io - O'll - O'll -Oil - O'll -O'll - O'Ol -o-oi o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oo -o-oi - o-oi - o-oi - o-oi - o-oi -o-oi - o-oi -0-02 -0-02 - 0-02 - 0-02 + 0-03 + 0-03 + 0-03 + 0-03 + 0-03 + 0-03 + 0-03 + 0-03 + 0-03 + 0-02 + 0-02 + 0-01 + 0-01 + 0-01 + 0-01 o-oo o-oo o-oo T y July... .. 29 August... 9 August 15 September 4 February 21 September 11 September 20 September 29 October 3 March 1 March 8 October 6 March .. 26 October 14 April 3 October 26 April 10 April .. . 15 November 3 November 16 May 16 November 26 May 20 December 4 December 16 Jane 21 December 29 MADRAS HALF MONTHLY METEOROLOGICAL FACTORS. For Sign. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. Barometric Bange + 1-05 1-04 1-02 1-02 1-03 1-04 1-05 1-06 1-06 1-06 1-06 1-06 1-06 1-OG 1-05 1-04 1'04 1-06 1-07 1-08 1-09 1-09 1-07 1'06 Mean Barometer... Oil 0-11 O'll o-io 0-09 0-08 0-06 0-05 0-05 0-04 0-03 0-02 0-02 0-03 0-03 0-04 0-05 0-06 0-07 0-03 o-io 0-11 0-11 O'll Dry Bulb Thermo- 0-02 O'Ol o-oi o-oi o-oi 0-01 0-01 O'Ol o-oi o-oi O'Ol o-oi o-oi o-oi o-oi o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oi o-oi o-oi o-oi 0-02 0'02 Wet Bulb Thermo- + o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oi o-oi 0-02 0-03 0-04 0-04 0-03 0-03 0'03 0'03 0-63 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-02 0'02 o-oi 0-01 o-oo O'OO Moisture. The vapour tension (I use the term under protest) and humidity have been calculated from Blanford's Tables for the Reduction of Meteorological Observations in India. Wind. The mean daily direction of the wind was obtained simply by taking the arithmetical mean of the mean directions for each hour as measured on the anemogram. Similarly the mean monthly and annual directions are the arithmetical means of the daily and monthly means. A separate table is given at the end showing the resultant monthly and annual wind direction and force got by taking account of the number of miles of wind from each point of the compass from 1868 to 1890. Rainy days. The number of rainy days given is got by reckoning all days on which O'Ol of an inch V1H INTRODUCTION and upwards fell. This must be remembered in comparing with other Indian returns in which a day is not counted unless O'l of an inch falls. The rain recorded is for the civil day midnight to midnight. Clouds. The cloud proportion is obtained from eye estimates made three times a day. This is probably the least satisfactory of all the records and can be looked upon as only a very rough approximation to the truth. This is especially the case with the records since 1887 when night observations by the assistants were given up. After that no account was taken of the cloudiness between the hour of the evening observation and about 8 A.M. of the following day. 1 have not printed the records of the character of the clouds partly because Mr. POGSON had not intended to do so in the part of the volume he had prepared, and partly because of the very unsatisfactory nature of the records. General Weather. This has been taken from the weather remarks in the observation books up to 1870, and thereafter from the " General Weather" column in the weekly Gazette notices. It is of very little value but I have utilized it for recording thunder and lightning. With regard to this it may be pointed out that the term ' thunderstorm ' is employed only when there was thunder and lightning accompanied by rain. In cases in which the entry is " thunder : lightning : rain ", the rain did not accompany the thunder and lightning. GENERAL REMARKS. It was at first intended to add to this volume a series of appendices discussing the observations, but I have thought it better to issue the volume as it is, leaving over all discussion till it is possible to take up the records for the complete period of 50 years from 1841 to 1890. Before this is done it will probably be well to publish the hourly observations for the five years 1856-1860. Meanwhile the tables of averages at the end of the volume will give a very close approximation to the true, mean meteorological conditions of Madras, for the period of 30 years seems to be long enough to eliminate both accidental and cyclical variations. I cannot conclude this Introduction without expressing my admiration at the skill and thoroughness with which Mr. POGSON organised and carried out these observations. The immense amount of labour which he bestowed on the investigation of the corrections that had to be applied to obtain true mean values is proved by the masses of papers which he left on the subject, and some idea of it may be obtained from the consideration that in the matter of temperatures at least all the old observations had to be corrected not only for instru- mental errors but also for defective exposures before they could be utilized for this purpose. The success with which these corrections were applied may be judged from the fact that the means deduced in 1868 agree almost exactly with the means now got for the 30 years. Unfortunately, the whole of this work had to be done by Mr. POGSON himself so that none of the assistants know anything of the methods employed, hence though the results are available it is not always easy to find how they were arrived at, and other work has prevented me from going into the question as thoroughly as I would have wished to have done. C. M. S. MADRAS OBSERVATORY, 1st February 1892. Madras Meteorological Observations.' 1861 January'. BAROMETER SKI.K RK<;ISTKI-IX January 1861 REDUCE] TO 32 V Range Corn- ct ed Mean Temperature THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds M General Weather Mean Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches 9 Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 30-066 0-102 74-1 <>7'7 79-0 68-4 0-593 70 E N E ... 1 2 30-049 : 0-097 74-4 68-0 79-6 68-4 0-600 70 E KB ... 3 30-028 0-121 74-5 67-1 79-8 68-1 0-566 66 E by N ... 4 30-013 j 0-120 73-3 66-5 78-9 65-11 0-561 69 E NE 5 29-971 0-131 73-1 67-4 79-0 65'2 0-596 73 E N E ... 6 29-974 | 0-111 73-5 6S-:i 79-6 66-3 0-624 75 ... NEbyE 7 29-956 0-130 73-7 68-6 79'0 66-6 0-632 76 E by N ... ... 8 29-945 0-120 74-2 698 81-2 66-9 0-670 79 NEbyE ... ... 9 29-979 0-096 74-5 70-2 81-3 G8-1 ... 0-682 80 E by N ... 10 29-978 0-096 74-4 69-8 81-1 67-9 0-668 79 E by N 11 29-980 0-102 75"8 71-3 81-6 69-5 0-708 79 E by N 12 29-986 0-113 76-2 71-5 81-3 72-1 0-710 78 East ... 18 29-9S9 0-123 75-8 71-0 81-5 70-0 0-696 78 EN.JE 14 29-984 0-107 77-4 71-3 81-2 75-0 0-686 73 ... E N.B ... 15 30-014 0-108 77-4 71-2 81-7 74-4 0-682 72 NEbyE 1C 29-990 0-137 75-9 70-9 82-9 70-fl 0-691 77 E NE (.Not recorded. 17 29-939 0-155 75-4 70-4 81-9 68'9 0-678 77 NEbyE 18 29-971 0-107 74-9 70-3 813 67-6 ... 0-681 79 E by N ... ... 19 29-980 0-123 74-0 69-5 81-1 67-4 0-662 79 E S E ... 20 29-990 0-149 74-6 70-1 81-3 66-6 0-677 79 ERE ... 21 29-941 0-144 77-6 725 83-8 70-4 0-732 78 SEby E ... 22 29-890 0-157 78-2 73-6 83-6 72-2 0-768 80 S SE ... 23 29-921 0-127 77'7 73-0 83-8 72-0 0-750 79 S by W ... 24 29-950 0-115 77-2 72-1 83-1 70-3 0-721 77 S S E 23 29-965 0-133 77-3 71-9 82-8 70'!) 0-711 75 ... East 26 29-948 0-154 77-4 72-0 82-4 71-6 0-713 75 NE 27 29-940 0-117 78-6 71-5 S3-5 75-2 0-678 70 ... Eby N 28 29-904 0-146 754 70-6 827 69-4 0-686 78 ... EN E 29 29-876 0-131 76-4 704 84-6 67-6 0-664 73 ... N E by N ... 30 29-895 0-118 75-8 69-3 83-1 67-8 ... 0-630 71 S Eby S ... 31 29-937 i 0-138 76-2 69-6 83-1 68-4 0-636 71 ... S E J Mean 29-966 0-123 75*6 70-2 81-6 69-3 ... ... 0-669 75 East Nil 2 * * ' ""Madras Meteorological Observations. 1861 February. rVhriittry IWil BAKHMKTKK RKI'K Kll TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SKI.K RKfilSTKRIXli TllKKMOMKTKRS Deduced Wind VI O - cs <;.>m>ni! \Vciither Jll'UI! Kongo Dry Snn Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Hnui- Tension i idity Daily Velo- city Mt-;iu Direc- tion Day 1 Inches 29-950 Inches 0-121 Inches 0-64J Cents 71 Miles Points E S E Cents Inches j 763 69-8 825 68-4 ... 2 29-!i:W 0-148 75-3 66-9 81-5 67-1 ... 0-549 62 ... E by N 3 SB'913 0-142 73-6 68-7 80-9 64-7 ... 0-H37 77 ... X K 4 29-880 0-149 73-7 68-6 82-2 65-2 0632 7o. 27 29-903 0-131 82-0 766 88-8 73-1 ... 0-844 77 South 10 Clear. 28 29-903 0-123 80-fl 759 88'7 tt-4 0-888 78 South Da. 29 29-929 0-116 79-7 74-1 87-5 70-3 .... 0-769 76 .. South Very clear. 30 29-931 0138 78-8 73-8 87-0 eo-8 0-768 78 ... South 47 Fine with passing clouds. 31 29-883 d-127 80-1 74-6 88-3 70-0 ... 0-784 76 South 10 Fine. Mean 29-898 0-130 80-2 75-0 877 72-4 ... 0-800 77 ... S by E ... 1-04 Madras Meteorological Observ ations. 1861 April, I & BAROMETER RKDfCBI> T" :<2 Corrected Mean fempeiatnre SELF REGISTKKIM. THERMOMETERS Deduced Vuponr Hum- Tension idity Wind S o 5 it M General Weather Mean liange Dry Snn Max. (frass Min. Dry Wet Max. Min. Daily Mr;ui Velo- Diree- city tion Day Inches Indies O O O O o O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents '. nches 1 29-875 0-105 79-5 749 88-3 69^ ... ... 0-806 80 ... 8 S W Clear. 2 29-883 0106 79-8 73-9 88-1 70-6 0-757 74 S by W Do. 3 29-867 0-148 7'.' '.I 745 88-4 68-7 ... ... 0-782 76 South 10 Do. 4 29-813 0-1(57 S3-* 77-2 90-1 7H ... ... 0-854 75 ... South 27 ... Fine with passing e'ouds. 5 29-797 0-131 83-5 77-2 905 707 ... ... 0-850 7t ... S by W 88 Do. 6 29-782 0139 831 77 -1 91-7 74-0 0-864 76 South 88 Fine. 7 29-780 0-137 88-1 77-0 90-9 73-4 0-846 74 ... SS.E 63 Hazy. 8 29-788 0-138 83-4 77-3 90-7 730 ... 0-856 75 ... K by S 47 Do. 9 29-788 0-145 S3 1 78-1 91-7 76-6 ... 0-895 71 0-104 86-6 KO-7 946 18-4 ... 0-962 76 S W 17 ... Hazy. 23 29-726 0121 86-8 80-2 95-3 7s-<; 0-943 74 SWby S 13 Fine. 24 29-753 0-083 85-0 80-4 922 77-s ... ... 0-SI77 81 ... Sby W 10 Light liaze. 2.:, 29-829 0-095 85-4 79-3 92-7 77-9 ... 0-920 76 South 17 Fine. 26 29-840 0-120 84-8 78-6 92-6 7.V.'. 0-895 75 ... SSE 7 C]ear 27 29-810 0-147 85-4 78-3 935 76-2 ... 0-875 72 South 10 Fin'- 28 29723 0-160 87-1 799 99-2 77-1 ... 0-925 72 ... S S W 17 1),.. 29 29-698 0139 87-7 78-8 100-3 77-2 ... 0-865 66 ... SS W 18 Do. 30 29-732 0-104 88-0 79-3 100-1 78-8 0-884 65 SW by S 3 n,.;ir Mean 29-791 0-134 84-3 78-2 924 75-4 ... 0-884 75 ... ' South 21 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1861 May. B.VRoMKTKIi SKI.K KKGISTKKINU RKDl-C'EI) TO 32 Corrected THKKMOMKIERS W i n f\ MAAn ean Temperature Dry Sun Grass Deduced TI inn General Weather 1 M Mean Range Dry Wet Max. Min. .Max. Min. Vapour 'Tension Humi- dity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion OB O Z o K Day Inches Inches O O O O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 29-789 0-122 86-9 80-3 94-3 19-0 0-916 74 S S W 13 Fine. 2 29-801 0-164 84-8 79-9 926 77'.) ... 0-Cfta 81 SS.VY 27 Fire with passing clouds. 3 29-755 0-124 86-3 80-1 95-4 77-2 0-!!l 1 75 s s .w 3 Clear. 4 29-698 0-153 67/8 80-1 99-6 79-0 ... 0-924 70 s s w 10 Fine. 5 29-672 0-051 87 '"> SO'2 953 78-9 0-S34 71 s \v 20 Do. 6 29-721 0-152 88-6 80'f loi-i 78-5 0-C33 69 SWbyS 23 Fine with passing clouds. 7 89-699 0-148 88-1 99-0 78-5 O'!!40 71 S W by S 17 Hazy. 8 29-688 0-133 89-7 wt 11)1-1 79-3 0-884 63 W S W 10 Fine. 9 29-687 0-128 S9I 7MI 101-4 793 0-851 62 SW by W 7 Do. 10 29-714 0-119 89-2 79-5 101-3 81-7 0-877 64 sw.. 20 Hazy. 11 29-722 0-101 89-2 794 1C3-1 81-3 ... 78-7. 0-873 63 s w.. 13 Fine. 12 29-662 0-151 89-6 78'3 116-9 82-2 79-3 0-817 58 S Wby.S Clear. 13 29-650 0-157 88-2 77-2 97-6 81-7 ... 807.. 0-786 5!) Sby.E 67 Cloudy. 14 29-669 0-1C9 87-2 79-0 .96-8 80-9 79-2. 0-881 68 ... SEbyS 67 Do. 15 29-681 0121 88-1 77-9 .86-2 80-7 ... 79-0. 0-819 62 ... BSE. 57 Do. 16 29-717 0-094 88-0 79-3 94-9 81-7 79-9 0-885 61 s s w 57 Do. 17 29-723 0-136 86-0 79-4 93-5 81-5 ... 80-2 0-916 74 S by E 57 Do. 18 89-691 0-146 86-9 8ti'0 9.3-0 80-9 ... 797 0-32 72 S S W 7 Fine. 19 29-676 141 82-8 77 1 94-8 79-5 ... 77-7. i-868 77 S W 53 1-20 Cloudy. 20 29-631 0-152 86-1 767 98-4 78-0 769 (17! :i 63 West 57 Do. 21 29-614 0-118 87-4 7i>-6 98-4 Sl-4 78-2 0771 .v. W by K 40 Hazy. 22 29-605 0-123 89-9 76 1 98-5 83-6 79-3 0-738 53 NW byl\ 57 Fine with passing clouds. 23 29-599 0-146 89-3 7<;:i 102-2 83-7 79-7. 0-732 53 NWbyJs 37 Do. 24 29-6C6 0-1C6 88-8 77'5 97-6 84-4 80-9. 0-791 58 West 67 Clondy. 25 89-628 u-i:i 88-9 7v:i 98-1 82-2 ... 79-5 OS27 61 ... N W 77 Do. 26 29-637 0-119 89-1 78-S 96-3 82-2 !SU-1 0-847 62 N N W 57 Do. 27 29-654 0-084 89-8 79-9 98-3 84-2 80-9 0-8K8 63 NWbyl* 50 Fine with passing clouds. 28 19-670 0-101 87-4 80'6 93-0 83-2 ... 797 (i-.i:,:; 73 WN W 33 Do. 29 29-671 0-093 88"! 78-1 .8.8-3 80-6 ... 78-9 0-896 78 N W 80 (ins Cloudy. 30 29643 0-107 85-2 7-s-O 9.2-4 78-5 756 0-863 71 NN E 67 Cloudy Th. ami Ig 31 29-643 0-133 85-5 78-j 97-3 78-7 75-7 D-869 70 W N W 67 Cloudy. Meat 89-678 0-125 87-S 78-8 973 80-7 79-Q 0-868 06 ... SWby\\ m 1-28 6 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1861 June. BABOHETIR SKLF REGISTERING REDUCED TO 32 Corrected THKRMOMKTERS \l . n Wtii.1 Mean Temperature Dry Sun Grass JJeuucea T 1IHI General Weather ^ Mean Range Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour (Tnni- Tension idity I Paily Moan Vt-lo- Direc- i-ity tion 00 1 a '5 M Day Indies Inches o O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents 'nrla's 1 29-632 0-144 87-0 77-2 97-3 81-7 m 79-2 0-804 62 S W 97 Oveivast. ^ 29-IW8 0-098 86-9 78-1 93-6 81-3 ... 79-7 0-847 66 ... West M Do. :i 29701 0-105 89-4 78-0 100-1 81-1 ... 77-3 0-806 r,s W SW s:t 0-11 Do. : } K . S. 4 l'9-73t 0112 8S-9 76-8 98-0 81-2 78-2 0764 56 ... West 50 ... Cloudy. 5 29741 0152 89-0 764 98-6 83-2 ... 81-0 0-741 54 ... West BO 0-02 Overcast. 8 29719 0122 88-9 77-8 98-3 82-7 ... 79-6 0-804 59 ... S W 81 Cloudy. 7 29718 0-140 88-5 76-9 98-5 83-5 ... wa 0-770 53 ... S S W 27 Hazy. B 29735 0-114 88-9 77-0 976 82-7 ... 80-5 0-795 58 West 77 Cloudy. 9 29732 0-103 88-2 76-9 102-0 81-9 ... 79-2 0-773 58 ... WN W 49 ... Do. 10 29743 0-121 87-3 76-9 99-9 81-9 ... 79-2 0-785 60 ... SWbyW 7:! ... Do. : IK. X. W. 11 S9783 0-106 H7-1 77-9 98-4 80-7 ... 78-2 0-833 65 ... WS W 77 ... Clondy. 12 29749 o-i u 87-6 78-8 100-7 80-9 ... 78-7 0-867 67 ... WS W 43 ... r'ine with passing clouds. 13 29-737 0-113 87-9 77i 100-9 80-8 ... 77-6 0-784 59 ... W S W 37 ... n<>. 14 29722 0-099 87-8 76-8 99-8 80-9 ... 777 0-774 59 ... West 23 ... Do. 15 29-667 0-128 87-6 76-1 on 81-0 ... 78-0 0-747 57 ... WNW 60 ... Do. u 29-671 0-136 86-7 76-2 101-4 79-2 ... 77-3 0-763 60 ... N W 50 ... Do. 17 29-693 0-116 87-7 773 9.9-2 82-2 79-2 0-797 60 NWbyW 60 Do. 18 2!)'72H o-i o:> 87-4 77-3 99-4 81-6 ... 79-6 0-802 62 WSW 60 Do. 19 29750 0-106 88-6 776 97-2 S2-7 81-4 0-799 59 West 67 Cloudy. 2ci 10748 0121 96-8 78-1 943 81-2 79-2 0-842 65 South 77 Do. 21 89-6M 0160 88-2 7!) 1 996 80-7 ... 79-3 0-873 66 SWbyW 50 Fine with passing clouds. 22 29-697 0-109 H7-6 7!f.1 !.V.-, 81-7 ... 79-4 0-900 69 S W tw Cloudy : th. aud Ig. W. 23 29-730 0-051 84-8 771 924 81-7 ... 792 0-828 69 SWbyW 73 Cloudy. 24 29-744 0114 884 77'5 08-S 79-0 77-5 0-827 66 ... 8 W 60 1)0. 25 29-739 0122 s I :i 77-0 957 77-7 ... 757 0-830 71 WSW 53 0-21 Do : th. and Ig. 26 29-704 0-152 H3-4 7ti-() 95-3 764 753 0-799 69 NWby W 83 O-30 Do. 27 29-672 0-105 81-7 74'S 88-2 75-9 ... 75-1 0-770 71 ... West 100 Overcast. 28 29-698 0-096 84-9 7-a 92-3 77-7 ... 75-9 0-792 66 ... Why S 87 OMI1 Clondy. 29 29-734 0-096 S4'6 75-8 934 77-9 ... 764 0-774 65 West 97 ... OraroMt. 30 29-71 1 0-1M sr,:; 70 1 91 I'. 799 792 0-764 61 West 100 ... to. Mean 29-715 0-116 87-0 77-2 97-2 80-7 ... 78-5 0-803 62 ... Wby S 67 0-66 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1861 July. IUROMETKR SKLK REGISTERING KKiirrEii TO 32 Corrected \i*i.., THKKMOMKTEKS Wiiwl n6&n Te mperatur e Dry Sun Grass Deduced 111 11 General Weather 1 _>> 3 ^S Mean Kauge Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion W T3 _o 5 a & Day Indies Indies o o o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 L'9'725 0-130 88-9 71-C 95-7 82-2 ... 80-4 0-663 49 West 77 Cloudy. 2 29-735 0-119 88-8 76-0 98-6 83-6 80-7 0-726 53 ... Wby S 67 Do. 3 29-717 0-138 87-4 77-1 1TO-5 81-7 ... 79-7 0-791 61 ... ff S W 50 Hazy. 4 29-720 0-121 87-8 78-3 97-5 81-7 78-6 0-835 64 ... S W 57 0'07 Cloudy : th. and Ig. K. and N. E. 5 19-783 0129 88-0 79-:i 99-1 81-0 ... 77-9 0-885 65 ... S W 50 0-03 Hazy: Ig. S. 6 21)721 0-128 85-9 78-4 100-2 80-0 ... 78-2 0-872 70 ... Wby S 73 1-14 Cloudy : Ig. 7 29711 0-128 83-2 77-6 913 75-9 73-2 0-873 77 ... West 70 0-86 Cloudy. 8 29-690 0-112 82-4 76-4 88-7 747 71-6 0-830 75 ... W S W 90 ... Do. !) 29-677 0-099 83-6 76-1 91-5 7(5-9 ... 74-7 0-801 70 SWbyW 80 ... Cloudy. 10 29-64!) 0-143 84- L 76-5 !)3- 76-7 ... 75'5 0-812 70 ... West 97 Overcast. It 26'63'J 0-096 83-6 76-1 88-6 79-7 ... 76-2 0-801 69 ... West 100 Do. 12 29-648 0-090 83-0 75-7 86-6 78-9 ... 76-4 0-791 70 ... WS W 100 ... Do. 13 29-652 0-113 83-6 74-6 91-4 79-4 ... 77-7 0-737 63 ... WbyN 100 0-02 Do. 11 29-691 0-126 84-4 74-1 92-0 77-5 74-9 0-705 59 ... WbyN 100 ... Do. 15 29-737 0-121 84-5 75-1 92-6 79-7 ... 77-7 0-745 62 ... W N W 100 0'07 Do. : Ig. 16 29-7 is 0-127 84-5 759 92-8 78-9 76-4 0-780 66 ... WN W 93 Cloudy. 17 29-681 0-121 85-9 75-G 92-6 80-7 ... 78-0 0-748 63 ... West 100 ... Overcast. 18 29-692 0-127 86-6 75-3 94-6 79-9 ... 77-8 0-726 j 58 ... w s w 87 0-02 Cloudy : Ig. 19 29-729 o-i 10 ,s5-(i 75-7 953 79-9 762 0757 61 ... Wby 8 93 Cloudy. 20 89-736 0-142 86-7 7S-G 97-4 79-7 76-4 0-810 63 W S W 73 o-oi Cloudy : Ig. 21 29-786 0-119 86-8 7715 953 79-7 ... 76-2 0-810 63 ... S W 77 Do. 22 29-7-26 0-120 85-7 75"6 89-7 80-5 78-2 0-751 61 ... WbyS 97 ... Overcast. 23 29-724 0-141 88-1 7(i'9 91-6 82'2 ... 80-4 U'775 58 ... WN W 87 Cloudy. 21 29768 0-117 88-8 767 97-5 80-7 79-6 0-784 62 ... West 83 0-03 Do. n 29-786 0112 85-0 75-8 961 79-2 75-5 0-767 64 ... S W 50 Fine with piissing clouds. 26 29-782 0-113 86-5 77-4 95-5 79-5 76-8 0-815 65 S S W 47 Do. 27 29-783 o-09:> 83-0 764 92-5 78-7 ... 772 0-822 73 ... S W 4:i D). 28 29-77:( 0112 88-3 78-3 93-2 79-9 78-7 0-862 68 South 20 D. : Ig.'X. W. 29 29-789 0-119 86-0 7(5-15 95-5 79-6 75-4 0-790 63 ... S W 47 Do. -. Ig. W. 30 29-742 0-125 86-3 77-9 93-4 77"5 ... 74-9 0-843 67 ... SWbyW 47 ... Do. : Ig. \V. 31 29-711 0103 86-2 77-1 93-7 S'J'7 78-i 0-809 65 S W 40 0-93 Do. Jlean 2-720 0-121 85-7 76-5 94-2 79-6 ... 77-1 0-792 61 ... W S W 74 3-18 8 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1861 August. August 1801. BAROMETER REDUCXI) To .'ili Corrected Mi-Till 1'cinperatnre fKI.K ItKCISTKKIXI. TllKKMOJIKTKKS DcdilCI'd Wind Cloinls i: Goncriil Wi-atbiM- Mean Range Dry Sun i \ttm Dry Wet Max. Min. UK. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Ihiilv Veld- city Mi ;.n Hil-fC- tiun Day Inches Inches Inches Cents Milus Points Cents 1 1 1C 1 !(..-. I 80-728 0107 846 772 !)l-7 76-9 74 1 0-831 7(1 S .- \V 68 (i 12 Cloudy. 2 29-7l!li 0-124 81-0 7i>6 B9-6 74! ... 73-7 0-857 SI N WhyX BQ 0-35 Do : I-. \V. :t 29741 0-130 7:i-s 7ti-l S57 74-5 73-2 0-852 M Wed 77 Do. 4 29743 117 82-6 77-8 ii2:i 75-7 ... 74-2 0-889 SO S \V by \V 37 Do. : l.L'. S. W. 5 29747 0-117 >3 7 77-!) 927 7)6-6 * 75-2 0-879 76 s B \\ 17 Fine. 6 9-753 0130 84-7 7S-7 90-9 79-:! ... 76-7 0-901 7(i South :<:t l-'iin 1 \villi |>:iin<; clouds. 7 29749 0-101 84-7 79-J 896 78-9 762 0-935 77 Soutli 93 O'lO Do. 8 29-734 o-ica 83-2 j*i 938 769 ... 76-2 0-899 7!i W S \V 57 B-sa Do. : tli. :n 9 29724 0116 82-2 78-4 89-4 752 ... 722 0-622 84 West 77 nr.ii Cloudy. 10 29-753 OIS7 78-6 76-8 SI -4 73-7 ... 72-1 d-MiU Hi' \V S \V 9J Oroa ( Ivnvast. 11 -.'.1771 0-109 792 77-0 839 757 ... 74-2 0-8S9 90 \V S \V 93 <)vi>n-(i>t : l.L'. W. 12 29772 0121 803 77 -3 86-3 763 ... 747 0-898 87 W S AV !I7 1 I'! H> 1 Ivci-i-a.-t. 13 29-728 0-120 82-3 78-6 90-9 75-7 ... 78-J 0-928J 84 ... WbyS S7 o-ui Cloudy : Ig. S. \V. 14 29691 0-111 813 78-3 90-8 75-7 ... 75-2 0-!I25 87 ... W by N 97 0-23 Overc-iisi . Ijr. S. K. 15 29-709 0-CS4 79-5 77-4 88'2 75 7 ... 74-2 0-913 ill W N W 97 0-28 Over. - 1) 16 29-718 0-095 82-7 79-1 111 -5 76-1 ... 73-4 0-947 85 ... W S W 80 Cloudy. 17 29725 0-141 83-6 78-5 93-1 772 ... 712 o-ru3 7!) W S \V oa Cloudy : 1-r. K. 18 29-684 0-138 82-9 78-4 907 77-s 74-7 0-912 si \V N \V 87 0-8J Do. 1!) J9-661 012(1 84;4 78-4 92-2 774 74-7 0-892 7.-, \V,-i 7o Do. 20 29-710 0120 85-1 79-1 934 77-7 74-4 o-in 4 7(1 W S \\' 77 1 0. 2! 29732 0-141 83-7 7*0 94-9 77-5 75-2 0-883 70 W S W 88 1 .-)(> Do. : !. 22 29 806 0-114 81-3 755 Mi;, 7 79-9 73-2 0-806 71 206 West 50 Do. : Ig. S. E. 4 29-715 0-140 83--1 7<>-!i !s-4 78-7 742 0-838 73 195 SWbyA 70 o-oi Cloudy. 5 29-739 0112 81-2 702 1)1-0 78-7 71-7 0-797 08 184 W by S 70 To. 29-759 0-114 84-2 , 77-0 94-9 78-7 73-2 0-832 71 202 West 27 Fine with passing clouds. 7 29-753 0-119 81-6 77'3 92-3 78-7 75-2 nslu 71 188 s s.w 47 Hazy. 8 29-760 0-134 84-9 70-8 92-6 79-0 76-2 n-si |. OS 166 S S W 20 Fine. 9 29-747 0-125 85-2 775 92-9 77-7 74-8 0-840 69 161 s s w 27 Hazy. 10 29-743 0-134 M-B 77-3 91 4 78-7 752 0-837 70 134 s w 23 Do. 11 29-773 0-113 85-2 78-3 91-0 79-0 76-2 0-877 72 134 SS W 33 Do. 12 29-811 0-114 85-1 78-2 93-8 79-5 70-8 0-873 72 154 s w 63 1'loudy : th. 13 29-813 0-156 84-3 78-5 94-7 77-7 70-7 0-898 76 157 Wby.S 77 0-33 Do : Ig. N. W. 14 29-810 0-138 79-3 W-I 90-8 74-7 72-7 0-803 87 132 NW. 50 0-38 Mg. clondy, aftn. clear. 15 29767 0-145 79- 1 703 86-6 73-9 7:t-2 0-870 88 115 NWby.N 80 1-79 Cloudy : th. and Ig. 16 29749 0-138 80-3 77-5 85-6 717 ... 73-2 0907 88 131 X W 93 1-22 Cloudy with rain. 17 29-755 0-118 83-1 79'2 90-0 77-3 75-7 0-946 83 83 W S..W 93 0-05 Cloudy. 18 29-812 0-082 79-9 ' 77-1 90-6 76-7 ... 74-4 0-894 88 133 W by. S 80 1-91 Cloudy with ruin. 19 29-799 0-130 79-7 76-9 89-2 74-5 71-2 0-888 88 100 West 77 1-29 Jloudy : th. and l^ 1 . 20 29-759 0-137 80-4 77-2 888 73-9 73-2 0-891 86 144 S W 67 0-77 Do. do. 21 29-749 0-149 W--> 77-3 88-8 75-2 74-0 0-868 78 142 W N W 57 0-29 Do. do. 22 29-801 0-187 80-0 70-7 85-1 77-0 75-2 0-870 86 145 S W. 70 0-10 Jloudy. 23 29-802 0-107 77-4 76-1 85-5 75-7 75-2 0-885 94 44 WS W 70 0-12 Do 24 29-792 0-124 79-0 75-5 88-9 752 73-7 0-837 85 105 West 63 0-71 Do. with rain. 25 29-789 0-111 79-8 76-0 87-8 75-4 74-4 0-S48 83 97 West 100 0-20 Overcast. 2G 29-810 0-071 76-8 73-8 85-1 74-5 7.T2 0795 80 104 West 100 0-08 Do. 27 29-807 0-114 79-6 76-0 85-6 747 73-7 0-851 84 75 W S W 63 Pine with passing clouds. 28 29-750 0-151 82-1 770 85-7 75'7 745 0-801 79 132 W N W 53 Do. 29 29-720 0-145 82-5 772 88-1 70-7 752 o-so i 78 113 W by S 90 ... Cloudy. 30 29-718 0-135 8fO 77-0 91-2 77-3 76-7 d-s;;| 72 156 West 73 Do. Mean 29-705 0-129 82-2 70-9 90-3 76-9 74-0 (i-s.-, I 78 145 Wby.S 63 9-25 10 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1861 October. BAROMETER BEI.K REGISTERING KKIlfl-KD TO 32 Correeted M . n THERMOMETERS i i.iii i n'l'i i Wind 1 Moan 'emporature Dry Sun (I !-:,-- UBU0BOH (ic-neral Weather .I.M|I>1.1() Mean Hange 1 1 Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Hin. 1 Vapour Hum- Pension idity Dailv Velo- city Mean Direc- tion 00 o 5 ^ Lay 1 nches Inches o o O O o O Inches Cents \files Points Cents nchei 1 29728 0-146 84-7 7"> s 91-7 79-1 77-0 0-772 64 173 W S W 53 llax.y. 2 29750 0137 84-3 76-5 92-4 79-6 77 -2 0-809 69 164 | Why S 63 Cloudy. :t 29794 0128 846 77 7 94-4 78-5 702 0-857 72 157 iSWbyW 37 0-08 :-'ine with passing clouds. 4 29-779 0-143 84-5 78-0 926 77-2 74-7 0-872 74 132 27 DA 5 29761 0135 S.V1 76-6 <)H 707 73-8 0-802 (10 123 w s w r,:t lla/.y. 89779 0139 S3-7 76-3 926 77'7 74-6 0-808 69 114 South :;:: l-'ine with passing clouds. 7 M-7M 0124 83-9 764 90-8 777 71-' 0-810 69 10(3 S l>y W 30 Do. 8 29837 0-152 834 765 914 711-7 747 0-820 72 105 S by W 17 Fine. 9 29-805 0151 83-9 754 926 77-1 732 0-767 65 99 s s K M Hazy. 10 2'.l-8 ).'. 0-126 834 751 91-8 775 73 1 0-761 66 71) s K 50 Fine with passing clouds. n i".i S3!) 0114 83-0 747 91-6 75-8 72-9 0-752 00 96 S by E 23 Fi,.,-. u 29-stii 0-129 8*7 76-6 911 74-8 701 0-835 75 79 Soil/h U Do. 13 28-865 0-141 843 777 92-5 77-2 ... 71-1 0-862 74 96 SS E 57 Fine with passing clouds. 14 29879 0-144 841 77-7 90-1 791 72-7 0-869 74 107 S S W M Do. 15 29-855 0-139 82-9 77-6 915 78-5 ... 74-7 0-877 78 123 S by W 50 Hazy. 10 29850 0131 83-2 76-9 926 772 ... 73-7 0-841 74 104 { S S W 30 o-oi Do. 17 29841 0-126 838 76-2 93-4 77-7 74-8 0-803 69 107 S S E 40 Do. IS W-886 0114 83-2 757 90-8 767 ... 72-8 0-789 0!) 98 ; S S E 20 Fine. 19 29-879 0-132 82-7 72-6 915 75'5 70-7 0-667 60 145 X by E 40 Fine with passing clouds. 20 29-847 ! 0-132 78-0 734 81-3 742 71 7 0763 so II!) X X W N7 o-3s Cloudy with rain. 21 29-873 0-086 81-3 702 86-8 747 72 I 0-836 78 119 South 53 Fine with passing clouds. 22 29-919 0-121 ,81 1 702 85-7 754 73-9 0-838 78 90 ENE 07 -58 Cloudy with rain. n 2II-S23 O-122 80-1 757 sr, 1 75-2 73-7 0-830 80 90 X E n 0-04 Cloudy. 21 29905 0124 81-1 75-0 SO 1 75-7 732 0-788 74 95 XE by N a Fine willi passing clouds. 25 29-892 0124 79-8 70-5 85-8 75-5 73-4 0-867 81 s.-, X N E 70 o-:to Cloudy. 20 29-S96 0-103 81-1 700 8.V9 752 73 1 0-830 78 130 X X E 43 o-ol Fine with passing clouds. 27 29-880 0-106 794 71!) 85-3 747 712 0-806 80 1(18 X X E 40 Do. 2s 29-808 O-104 80-3 75-2 S07 7.V- ... 72-2 0-807 78 100 N NE 17 Do. 29-878 00(17 80-8 715 859 759 73-7 0-771 73 1 !8 .North 37 Fine. 30 29873 0124 79-8 73-5 86-4 739 7o4 0742 73 154 X X K 47 Fine with passing clouds. 31 29848 0141 80-1 734 861 737 70-7 0734 71 159 X X E 40 Do.: !_-. K and S. Men 29-84.1 0127 8Z1 7:, s 89-6 704 ... 733 OS. C, 73 111! 8 E by 111 1 54 11 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1861 November. BARUMKTF.R SELF REGISTERING November 1801 RKnrcED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 50 TJ Q 5 _o M General Weather Mean Range Dry Sin. Grass Dry Wet Max. Mi... Max. : Jlin Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Miles Mean Direc- tion Day Im-ln's Inclieg O O ' O Inches Cents Points Cents [nches 1 2:1-8 13 0-102 79-9 74-0 85-9 747 ... 72-7 p-76] 74 171 N NE 73 Cloudy. -> 29-.S03 0-OS7 70- 1 74-7 83-0 73-5 72-7 0-838 92 139 North 90 136 Showery. 3 29-874 0-1T2 77-2 74-4 SO-2 73-3 74-2 0-816 87 150 N N E 100 097 Overcast with rain. -1 29-303 0-118 74-8 736 80-6 73-9 73-2 0-807 92 139 X X K 100 1-40 Do. 5 29-734 0-125 78-1 71-5 81-0 737 ... 71-7 0-807 84 192 N by W 100 0-18 Overcast. 6 29-658 O'lOC 70-8 69-4 74-7 69-9 09-2 0-701 92 261) N X \V 100 4-98 Overcast with rain. 7 29-673 0-082 72-8 71-0 81-0 69-5 09-3 0-760 94 164 W X W 100 1-04 To. 8 29-711 0-114 77-2 75-2 83-0 (i'.)-7 ... OS-7 0-849 91 162 S W by 8 73 0-51 Cloudy with rain. 9 29-781 0-097 79-1 75-3 S7'5 75-7 74-4 0-848 80 139 S S W 87 0-46 J)o. 10 29-803 0-113 78-2 75-8 . 87-4 753 72-3 0-859 89 07 s S.K 93 1-11 Overcast with rain. 11 28794 0-145 78-3 756 85-7 741 73-0 0-850 88 80 South 83 0-09' Cloudy. \2 29-794 0-136 78-4 75-0 .84-0 729 ... 711 0-849 88 65 57 Ho. 13 29-820 0-085 79-3 7li-(i w-i 75'7 ... 737 0-880 88 54 ! SB 53 0-22 Do. 14 29-SG1 0-104 78-0 745 79-3 75-3 ... 74-5 0-808 84 84 North 73 Do. 15 29-800 0-130 76-4 72-4 . 83-9 72-7 . .. 70-2 0-743 82 57 North 57 Do. 10 29-381 0-157 74-5 69-8 .81-9 09-7 ... 00-5 0-066 78 81 North 43 Fine with passing clouds. 17 29-928 0-109 74-1 6S-9 81-8 68-0 59-5 0-638 75 77 North 27 Fine. 18 29-908 0-128 73-5 69-1 82-2 65-7 01-4 0-054 79 01 N by E 23 Do. 19 89-962 0-119 74-6 69-4 81-9 66-7 ... 01-8 0-050 75 80 North 20 Do. 20 29-971 0-090 74-6 099 81-8 67-7 64-2 0-669 78 119 X by E 33 Fine with passing clouds. 21 29-991 0-098 75-4 60-1 80-8 682 ... 03-7 0-028 71 145 NX E 60 Cloudy. 22 80-004 0-107 7-V7 70-4 80-7 70-7 ... 04-9 0-674 70 130 NN E 70 Do. 23 30-005 0-112 76-8 70-8 80-9 722 ... 70-1 0-682 75 187 North 13 Fine. 24 29-997 0-125 74-8 70-5 80-7 68-7 ... 67-0 0-690 80 150 X by E 30 Hazy. 25 20-998 0-105 70-1 72-4 83-0 70-1 ... 07-2 0-747 81 173 North 30 Do. 36 30-013 0-119 76-8 731 79-7 72-9 70-3 0-772 M 172 N N E 47 Fine with passing clouds. 27 30-024 0-102 75-4 71-1 80-8 69-7 68-2 0'705 80 181 N N E 33 Do. 28 29-992 0145 74-0 09-2 79-9 697 65-7 0-051 77 154 N X E 3 Clear. 211 30-000 0-119 71-8 68-1 79-2 64-9 03-2 U-039 82 148 X by E 43 Fine with passing clouds. :iO 30-007 0-090 73-5 70-3 SO-3 655 64-2 68-6 0-700 85 101 N N E 50 Do. Mean 29-887 O'llO 75-9 72-2 82-1 71-0 ... 715 83 132 N E hy.N 59 12-32 12 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1861 December. December 1801 BAROMETER SEDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF BEOISTKKIM; TllEKMOMETEBS reduced Wind Clouds i (u-neral Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Mean Velo- Da-ce- city tion Day Inches Inches o O O o Inches Cents Miles Voiuts Cents inches- 1 30-018 0-105 75-6 73-8 81-1 707 ... 09* 0-790 89 181 X X E 73 Cloudy. 2 30-011 0-130 75-7 720 80-7 735 72-2 0-736 83 194 N' E by X M 1 0. 3 29-990 0120 740 72-0 79-9 70-2 69-4 0-759 90 162 North 20 Fine with passing clouds. 4 29-989 0-106 73-4 70-9 80-1 07-7 ... 67-0 0-724 88 139 North n Fine. 5 29-984 0-097 75-1 732 82-0 08-7 ... 66-7 0-793 90 130 X by K 17 To. G 30-017 0-117 77-0 74-9 82-8 72-1 ... 69-2 0-839 91 131 X E by X 13 Fine with passing cloud*. 7 29-999 0-102 76-5 750 82-2 71-5 70-2 0-849 93 105 XKl.yK 27 To. 8 29-991 0-128 75-8 74-9 82-7 70-2 66-7 0-855 9(i 110 X K 77 0-04 Cloudy. 9 30008 0-111 75-4 731 82-1 71-5 67-7 0-785 89 133 X E by E 30 Fine with passing clouds. 10 29994 0-140 73-6 71-5 82-9 67-7 ... 63-2 0-745 90 90 NEbyK 33 To. 11 29-945 0-142 733 srH 82-8 67-1 ... 02-2 0-739 90 83 X E 53 Fine. 12 29-917 0-131 73-1 714 80-8 66-5 . 60-9 0-747 92 (iti X E 13 (Bear. 13 29-932 0-120 73-6 717 81-3 66-9 622 0752 S'l 82 K X E 40 Hazy. 14 29-955 0-139 74-8 72-7 823 68-5 ... 64-2 0-777 90 89 X E 20 Fine. 15 29943 0-141 75-7 74-0 83-4 68-9 ... G5-0 0-818 92 112 NNE 13 Ho. 16 29-928 0-119 75-4 73-0 82-1 69-9 ... 65-5 0-781 88 90 E X E 23 Fine with passing clouds. 17 29-919 0-1J9 75-5 73-4 81-8 687 ... 64-0 0-796 90 138 X E by X 10 Clear. 18 29-954 0-094 75-5 72-6 82-7 68-7 ... 63-7 0-763 86 124 NEbyK 30 Fine with passing clouds. 19 29-904 0-120 75-5 710 81-9 69-7 ... 65-4 0-700 79 138 X E 80 Cloudy. 20 29-960 0-114 74-4 67-9 81-4 68-2 ... 64-4 0597 70 129 N E 4:1 Fine with passing clouds. 21 30-012 0-092 74-9 68-3 81-1 67-4 ... 03-2 0-605 70 180 X E 70 Cloudy. 22 29-997 0-118 747 683 81-2 69-9 ... 66-2 0-607 70 132 NN E 57 Fine with passing clouds. 23 30-000 0-112 73-0 66-7 82-1 66-9 63-2 0-559 67 12 9 Nby E '23 Hazy. 24 29-991 0-108 76-1 66-6 80-7 68-6 653 0540 62 164 X X E 60 T.o. 25 30-003 0-125 75-1 66-8 80-7 70-7 ... 07-2 or. t7 63 1 !:! N N E :i3 Fine ^ith passing e!< iu!s. 26 30015 0130 73-6 66-4 81-4 657 ... 61-2 0-553 66 131 N X E 43 I 0. 27 30-043 0-127 73-2 66-8 80-4 65-3 ... 64-7 0-573 70 113 NNE 53 To. 28 29-998 0-135 730 66-4 804 68-2 64-4 0562 69 94 X X E M Do. 29 29978 0-117 75-0 66-4 80- > 64-7 59-2 0-535 73 100 X E by N 30 To. 30 30-002 0-132 71-9 67-3 80-9 711 ... fil-4 0-569 60 102 N K i:t ro. 31 29-977 0-111 75-0 66-6 81-1 687 64-4 0-543 62 204 NNE 57 Cloudy. SI can 29-982 0-120 74-6 70-5 MS 68-8 ... 65-2 0-695 81 131 N Kl.yX 40 (Kit 13 "O oo c [/) |j 5 co "S . . C". M C * l~ l~ ^ : : !& B tDMMTCOQiO'*w 'S H Greatest Fall a" ; : o : c-. --c to x x o cc x p - (M r^ Tl f S'l C 1 1 C * (NlOOl^l.Ot^^-'^H y, ' ' ' r-. rH rt 0-1 l^ n CO OO-f B 1 d ti S ' ' iH 'iHOWI>6j'-l'''O fc-H P . (N rl r-1 -1 ^ Mean Direction 1 s r^TF^TrTti! .S Scog.s.a.S'raoQ.c- ^- ^wScg&tj^^igHWW oo M & X H {>, tf. cc D g I ' l~- t^ U3 CO -^ E ja . do a s? :::::: rn c - R S H OOOO'CD'-ieQW, ?4 ^ , "3 ^ 3 n k a> 1O CO ^H (5 IGraps Thermometer! Lowest c? : : : ; : t- x o ^* w i>. cs Q N i-t r-i p- i-l CO CO CD W o QO * 4p ^i 03 QO us *>!>*> l> I- CD r^ ^) T3 IM O CJ OJ OJ 13 o 'So o V- O CO >-i !>. O N ; lO P M M 6 O5 6l i>- t- i>. t^. t>. us o uiniutxi?j\[ un S Sun Thermometel -u B & 5 S? : : : : : : Q Relative Humidity By Blanford's Tables ,o o t- o to (M -ft x x cc cc I-H *. 1> X> t* CD CD CD l> t- l> K OC -* t~ Ui OJ S Humidity Lowest s* cii^-xc:OTCOwc:coec (5 ^ WtM (M -4 T-4 M Tension of Vapour o x Q -t x co ci cc -.5cO^iiOCOiOrti4TpiO w n c c < -a c rt ^ _c ^_> c S c rt S io rt T3 rt g .0 N -*^ 1 ' Lowest * IDCO-^CO icocoot^oa P iH c^^_ (MW^-tW . d i .i-l * j>- ~t-i ^ 2 -4 C o S ID E OJ u X W t cfl TD cd S K V ^ o t-.o ^O-^WOTW^XOD ^ C .!> 1> I-- 1-- i- !>. l> !>. CC ?O CO O O "I-H Cl CO (M CO I-H COCO Oi a a o S (MOOCTCOlMlO-tClXC-liO o ^p i.^. o M^HiO^6(N AiMCilNfN o 6 6 o oo x i- cb i>- 6 ih >M 6 Dry Bulb Thermometer Lowest c loco-^eoKb-xowS'-tcsco Q f-i O i-i iH CC c OJ M CO'* CC'O CD 10 Ol^-* W r-lt> *

t> t- X- l^ 1- CO CD ggwa66c:ecrH(i; 50 00 O ^ M B & ci>OJcsiCBeoi-tc3eooiio p cDi>.xxxxxxxxt>.^ Barometer & c B H 05 COOSr-iCOCOCDCOMOS CN M 6 ^c 666666666666 (-H -a N g J.S g CO ONGOt-HQOOOW3iOlOl--. i-^ x x ci c; H XI O3 W Lowest 5a* oiioxoieorHootMi-Hco^* QlN f-l (N W i-Hr-i ^H S oo&crj6iC:cidic:6i6cjci 099t949l&l0104.Oi9ifloif4 GO NCOX(Ml>-Ci!MOOOCDC* ^ (MCT. WlMCM^l^CiCOiOr-IIO 1 Annual 2 OiOSCTiOSOiOlOlOSClClOSOl W.W;W&-'5OI>.eCWCDl^ Q f-t Tf.oOr-(-tiOOOXl>.O C -^ (OC^QOXOOXXOiOi ( p 666o5cic;cici66i66 I-A , i - i J S fc. 1" i ! i J 1 ..' 1 1 =-s_ I 1 J 1 -1 f I i ! i i t i 1 i 1 j nlj;M iriij 1 1 1 t S? I -^ 1 if I 1 4S-^S^^-5fnOXO 14 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1862 January. *1 i ^ & B E a > BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32' Corrected Mean Temperature SRI.F REGISTERING THERMOMETERS reduced Wind no 'C S _0 53 K (ienera! Weather Mean Bftoge Jlry Son Grass Try . Wet 1 Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city llean 1 ii-c-j- tion Pay Inches Inches Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29949 0-121 74-2 67-9 79-6 (58-7 65-5 0-600 71 235 North 97 Overcast. 2 29949 0-147 73-9 68-2 81-2 71-2 ... 69-5 0-615 73 237 Xorth 30 Fine. 3 29-959 0-116 72-6 70-1 773 68-7 67-0 0-704 88 260 North 100 0'02 Overcast. 4 29-987 0113 76-1 73-1 799 719 72-0 0-776 86 220 X E 60 O'OJ Cloudy 5 29-969 0-123 77-3 73-9 82-5 727 72-2 0-793 84 114 K:tM :i7 Hazy. 6 29975 0-125 76-4 72-8 82-4 70-7 ... 69-0 0-760 84 112 E S E ot Fine with passing clouds. 7 29-987 0-127 77-3 731 83-0 71-7 69-0 0-760 81 95 ES E 80 Cloudy, 8. 29934 O'lU 780 73-7 83-9 73-7 71-2 0-735 81 1M S E 37 Utl5 Fine with passing clouds. 9 29-911 0147 77-2 73-3 839 712 63-8 0-768 82 126 South 53 0-07 i ... 10 29-939 0-125 77-4 74-0 83-5 72-8 ... 70-6 0-79> 84 119 S by E 67 0-17 Cloudy. 11 29-976 0-126 779 73-6 82-7 74-2 70-5 0-745 81 125 S E 77 Do. 12 29-977 0-145 75-fi 71-8 82-4 70-1 ... 66-8 0-731 81 107 E S E 53 Fine with passing clouds. 13 29-961 0-127 76-1 71-0 83-4 70-2 ... 66-4 0-692 77 106 S E 17 Fine. 14 i9999 0-1 Z6 76-3 70-2 81-9 67'7 ... 62-9 0-672 77 98 E S E 10 Clear. 15 30-023 0-118 76-6 71-2 82-2 70-7 673 0-692 75 115 Eby S 23 Fine. 16 30-025 0-134 7.V1 69-3 80-8 67-6 64-0 0-640 73 102 East 27 bo. 17 33-015 0-126 74-8 68-3 81'2 87-4 ... 631 0-579 70 115 East 11 Do. 18 80-087 131 75-1 68-6 81-5 67-2 63-7 0-613 71 119 EN E 27 1 0. 19 30-033 0-123 75-4 68-9 81-0 67-2 63-0 0-621 71 118 10 X \. 37 Fine wiili passing c'onds. 20 30-026 0-084 765 699 81-7 71-9 - 68-0 0-644 71 185 E X 10 53 0-11 Cloudy. 21 30-008 0-127 741 67-6 80-3 69-3 659 0-590 70 149 NE by > 40 Fine with passing clouds. 2-> 3J-027 0-1-2(1 75-0 669 80-7 69-7 64-9 O-553 Gl 139 N E 40 no. 88 30-006 0-084 75-7 68-1 814 70-2 062 0-587 66 200 N'E by i 43 no. 24 29-992 118 srw 68-1 80-4 687 C74 0-592 67 203 X E 33 i a 25 29-95)4 0-113 74-5 67-4 80-9 637 04-0 0-577 6S 175 \ K 33 Do. 26 29-939 0-157 731 67-3 81-2 66-5 63-5 0-589 72 125 N E 68 Cloudy. 27 W864 0-150 72-1 68-3 80-7 64-6 Cu-:i O'(i?! 82 83 X E m Dd. 28 29-876 ; oio6 74'5 70-0 8!-7 667 63-1 0-674 79 99 E N E To. 29 29939 0-120 76-2 695 81-8 68-3 05-2 0-647 74 IN 10 N 10 27 Kim- with passing clouds. 30 29952 0-112 75-2 68-8 823 67-7 i . .. 64-0 llliMI 71 109 NE a Cloudy. 31 29-936 0-115 741 68-4 81-5 63-9 ... 655 0-616 72 125 X 10 53 1 <>. Me 29973 t)-l!3 754 70-1 81-5 69-6 ... 66-5 0-665 7(i 141 E by X 47 (Mil 15 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1862 February. February 1862 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SRT,K REGISTERING THERMOMETERS reduced Wind Clouds e '3 M General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max-. Min. Vaponr Tension Hum idity Dily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inche 1 29-916 0-126 74-5 68-0 81-6 07-2 63-3 0-599 70 120 NE by.E 30 Fine with passing clouds. 2 29924 0-114 73-9 68-4 81-3 65'7 63-5 0-622 74 133 NE. 33 Do. 3 29-912 0-117 75-8 696 82-9 69-4 66-0 0-9*8 72 118 NE. 37 Do. 4 29-902 0-110 74-6 70-0 82-0 67-5 63-9 0-673 79 107 EbyN 43 Do. 5 29-943 0-090 75-4 097 82-1 60-4 ... 62-8 0-652 74 89 E N.E 23 Fine. 6 29-987 o-ioe 75-7 69-5 83-1 07-2 63-6 0-639 72 144 EXE 23 Do. 7 29-991 o-iio 74-7 68-4 .82-3 66-7 62-8 0-612 71 138 NE. 73 Cloudy. 8 30-009 0-102 74-8 66-6 81-7 68-3 63-8 0-545 63 181 E NE 57 Do. 9 30-042 0-108 74-4 66-1 81-0 06-5 ... 63-5 0-531 62 155 NE by E 57 To. 10 30-020 0-106 75'6 070 S2-0 69-5 65-0 0-570 64 177 ENE 47 Fine with passing clouds. 11 30-012 0-116 75-2 68-7 82- 1 66-5 ... 62-8 0-616 71 181 NE by. L 37 Do. 12 30-042 0-117 78-4 72-2 . 83-3 75-1 72-0 0-708 73 244 NE by. E 87 Cloudy. 13 30-023 0-122 78-1 72-1 81-0 76-8 74-0 0-709 74 232 NE. 100 Overcast. 1-i 29-999 0-130 78-8 72-7 84-0 75-9 ... 73-4 0-751 74 201 NEby.N 73 Claudy. 15 99-961 0-122 77-7 71-0 83-6 72-0 ... 690 0-670 71 123 NE 47 Hazy. 16 r 9-901 0-106 77-3 70-8 84-0 71-2 ... 69-4 0-664 71 171 NE. 43 ... Fine with passing clouds. 17 29-940 0-106 76-9 70-3 83-5 70-1 ... 07-3 0-654 71 161 NNE 60 ... Cloudy. 18 29-951 0-102 76-2 70-4 82-9 69-5 ... 67-1 0-667 74 148 NNE 27 Fine with passing clouds. 19 29-970 0-116 75 "5 C9-7 82-8 66-7 03-5 0-643 74 129 NN.E 17 Fine. 20 29-948 0-143 75-9 68-3 83-8 67-2 ... 02-4 0-592 66 111 NE. 20 Do. 21 29-909 0-134 75-1 67-2 . 84-8 65-6 ... 61-2 0-562 64 98 EbyN Clear. 22 29-913 0-121 74-8 68-3 84-5 65-6 01-2 0-606 70 92 S E. ... Do. 23 29-917 0-117 74-6 68-4 84-0 64-9 oo-o 0-613 71 91 E S E Do. 2-t 29-931 0-116 74-5 69-2 84-2 65-9 ... ori 0-044 75 86 E S E Do. 25 29-931 0-122 75-6 69-6 83-7 66-9 62-8 0-644 73 104 E S E 3 Do. 26 29-872 u-15 t 73-7 67'3 83-3 65-9 61-5 0-584 70 85 E byS 13 Fine. 27 29-847 0-153 70-4 66-1 88-1 63-5 ... 58-3 0-505 55 114 S E. 17 Do. 28 29-885 0-105 79-1 72-7 87-5 70-7 67-0 0-718 72 152 South 17 Do. Mean 29-952 0-118 75-8 69-2 83-3 68-4 ... 64-7 0-630 70 139 EN.E 35 16 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1862 March. BAROMETER SELF KEGISTKKING REDUCED TO 32 Corrected THKKMOMKTKKS Mean Deduced Wind w Temperature Dry Sun GMt General \Veat licr A E --. Mean Range Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Mia. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Ml-all Direc- tion o P c 5 _o P3 Day Inches Inches o O o o Inches Cent Miles Points Cents nclics 1 29-892 0-155 79-2 741 86-9 717 ... 67-0 0-776 78 17 S by K ia Fine. 2 29-885 0-13S 79-9 73-6 87'9 73-9 ... 70-7 0-745 73 172 South 10 Do. 3 29-909 0-120 80-6 741 88-6 73-6 ... 69-0 0-756 72 192 SontL 17 Light Laze. 4 29-969 0-095 79-1 7i-6 86-4 7t'0 ... 675 0-715 72 180 Sby E 27 Fine. 5 29-929 0-139 78-9 72-3 86-9 71-3 ... 66-7 0-706 72 168 South ... Clear. 6 29-935 0-106 78-5 716 861 71-3 67-8 0-683 70 145 South 13 Fine. 7 29-978 0-101 79-0 72-1 86-3 71-5 ... 672 0-696 70 123 Sby E 17 ... To. 8 29-986 0-133 78-2 70-7 863 697 ... 65-2 0-652 68 109 S E by..S 17 ... Do. 9 29-947 0-130 78-4 70-9 86-1 69-9 ... 66-5 0-658 68 135 EbyN 10 ... Do. 10 29-893 0-129 79-9 74-0 87-0 72-0 ... 683 0-761 74 162 E S.S 13 ... Do. 11 29-887 0-133 81-4 75-5 89-1 73-9 ... 70-4 0-817 75 |64 Souih 20 Do. 12 29-940 0-126 80-9 75-1 88-7 74-2 ... 70-4 0-794 76 155 S S E 13 Do. 13 29-967 0-116 80-7 742 88-1 733 ... 70-0 0-759 72 105 SE 40 Fine with passing clouds. 14 29-996 0-133 80:5 739 88-2 74-2 ... 70-8 0-749 72 137 E SE 30 Do. 15 30-008 0-122 793 71-2 86-7 71 7 ... 67-6 0-631 66 146 E NE 30 Do. 16 29-980 01J5 78-2 70-7 87-0 717 ... 67-5 0-652 68 116 N E by E 17 Hazy. 17 29-937 0-133 77-2 71-6 86-4 69-8 ... 65-2 0701 75 1C6 NEbyE 10 Fine. 18 29-913 0-112 78-4 726 .87-3 69-8 ... 64-8 0-724 75 97 EN.E 40 Fine with passing clouds. 19 29-938 0-110 79-7 73-0 87-1 72-5 ... 68-6 0-723 71 109 ENE 43 Co. 20 29-907 0-134 78-8 7M 87-9 W4 ... 67-2 0-699 71 112 K N K 7 Clear. 21 29851 0-145 793 71-0 90-8 71-3 li7-5 0-649 65 78 NNE Do. 22 29-835 0-124 78-9 68-6 90-7 69-4 63-3 0-562 57 1C6 NN E 23 Fine. 23 29-835 0-124 78-4 68-9 90-9 661 647 0-581 60 1C6 North 17 Do. 24 29-856 0-136 80-3 71-5 89-8 687 64-0 0-655 63 105 North 7 Clear. 25 29-882 0-187 81-2 74-5 90-5 732 Ml' I 0-766 72 138 N \ \V 27 Light haze. 26 29-868 0-151 82-2 75-7 91 1 77-0 74-8 0-802 73 193 North 33 Kine with [lapsing clouds. 27 29-850 0-134 82-1 75-6 89-4 75-7 73-8 0-796 73 105 N N E 23 to. S8 29-884 0-118 82-8 77-3 89-6 78-3 75-6 0-864 77 185 South 37 Do. n 29-917 0-125 81-8 76-7 89-2 ' 77-7 76-J 0-852 79 168 Sby E 37 o-oi Do. 30 29-867 0-122 82-8 756 91-2 75-0 71-0 0-789 70 180 South 7 Fine. 31 29-886 0-123 84-8 76'4 91-7 77-3 ... 734 0-797 66 202 SbyE 40 Fine with jmssiiii; clouds. Mean 29-914 0-128 80-0 73-1 88-4 72-6 ... 68-8 0-726 71 141 E SE 21 o-oi 17 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1862 April. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING REDOCKI) TO 32 Corrected "\f n< THERMOMETERS U'ltnl Mean Temperature Dry Sun Grass i educed l> 111(1 General Weather l> Mean Range Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension 11 11 m- iclity Daily Velo- city Mean Tirec- tion. cc "2 ee Day Inches Inches o - o o O Indies Cents Miles Points Cents nche? 1 29-887 0-170 88-1 76-4 90-2 76-9 73-8 0-820 72 194 S byE 40 Fine with passing clouds. o 29-867 0-155 83-1 75-!) 91-2 75-1 71-0 0-798 70 180 S outh 37 no. 3 29-863 0-131 82-6 75-3 90-5 75-5 71-4 0-780 70 167 S by W Clear. 4 29-887 0-134 81-4 7.V1 89-6 73-0 03-4 0-788 73 163 South 7 Do. 5 29-919 0-114 80-4 73-1 88-7 725 67-8 0-718 69 146 S by E 7 Bo. 6 29-924 0-124 80-0 72-9 88-5 70-6 WO 0-715 70 115 S E by S 3 Ho. 7 29-881 0-140 80-7 73-3 89-3 71-7 6IV7 0-721 69 130 S by E To. 8 29-862 0-141 80-8 74-7 90-9 71-6 67-0 0-779 74 142 S by W 60 Cloudy. 9 29-870 0-143 81-7 74-2 90-2 72-8 68-2 0-746 69 138 South Clear. 10 29-894 0-102 81-9 74-6 92-3 72-2 <>7'4 0-760 70 150 South Do. 11 29-928 0-133 81-4 74-6 90-5 72-5 68-1 0-766 72 115 South 7 Do. 12 29942 0-136 80-9 74-4 90-9 72-8 69-2 0-765 72 117 South 13 Fine. 13 29-956 0-141 81-9 75-0 91-6 72-2 66-8 0-776 71 112 S S E 3 Clear. 14 29-893 0-160 82-5 76-1 90-7 73-7 69-4 0-815 73 141 S by E Do. 15 29-833 0-182 84-6 76-0 94-0 76-6 71-! 0-783 66 188 South 27 Light haze. 16 29-802 0-154 84-9 78-4 93-0 78-6 7.V9 0-885 74 221 South 7 Clear. 17 29-804 0-144 85-5 79-2 93-6 79-6 77-2 0-914 75 209 South 7 Ho. 18 29-790 0-137 85-3 80-2 92-3 79-8 73-0 0-964 79 220 South 27 Light haze. 19 29-778 0-122 85-6 81-2 92-7 80-8 7!H> 1-006 81 254 S by E Clear. 20 29-806 0-117 85-5 81-7 91-8 si-i 79-2 1-023 84 247 Sby E 27 Light haze. 21 29-832 0-120 85-3 80-7 91-9 80-8 79-0 0-987 81 22.-, S S E 30 Fine with passing clouds. i 22 29-861 0-104 83-7 76-8 91-5 79-3 77-0 0-829 72 176 S S E 30 Hazy. 23 29-857 0-151 83-3 75-6 91-7 75-1 ... 71-2 0-784 69 160 S S E 13 Fine. 24 29-820 0-161 84-5 76-9 93-2 75-9 72-6 0-824 70 176 S by E 13 Ho. 25 29-753 0-171 85-1 78-7 92-9 77-8 7 i'7 0-895 74 193 South 10 Eo. 26 29-702 0-158 86-0 80-4 93-3 79-8 78-0 0-963 78 237 South 7 Ho. 27 29-708 0-146 86-1 81-2 92-5 81-2 79-0 1-000 80 243 South 13 Clear. 28 29-738 0-114 86-0 82-3 93-8 813 78-7 1-051 85 238 South 17 Fine. 29 20743 0-126 86-4 82-8 93-2 81-8 79-8 1-082 86 250 S S E 27 Fine with passing clouds. 30 29-723 0-152 86-6 83-7 92-5 81-8 79-5 1-117 88 234 S S E 40 Hazy. Mean 29-838 0-139 83-6 77-4 91-6 76-5 73-1 0-862 75 183 Sby E 16 18 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1862 May. 1 BAROUKTER KK1HI KD TO 32 Corrected Moan Temperature SKLF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS reduced Wind 5 5 S (Jenei-al \Veaihor .Mean Range Dry San Grass Try Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Ham- idity Dailv Velo- city Mean Direc- lii'ii ray Inches Inches O o. O o O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents I Ill-he 1 L'H77:( 0-124 85-8 823 930 80-8 78-8 1-058 85 218 SS E 30 Hazy. 2 29762 0-128 85-8 79-5 93-0 80-5 ... 77-2 0-9.8 75 233 SSE 17 Fine. 3 29783 0137 86-1 790 98-4 80-4 ... 78-0 0-900 72 231 South 48 Fine wiili passing clouds. 4 29-826 0-141 861 78-5 935 80-6 78-2 0-874 70 2>\ S SE 20 lla/y. 5 29-866 0-134 86-1 78-1 94-5 80-7 77-8 0-854 68 208 SSE 73 Cloudy. 6 29-815 0-147 85-2 78-2 .91-3 80-2 ... 78-0 0-872 72 191 E S K 70 Do. 7 29-814 0171 81-1 74-2 .87-3 79-1 77-0 0-754 71 160 i: \ i-: / 7 Do, 8 297!):.' 0-134 85-3 76-6 96-2 76-0 72-4 0-799 65 169 S E 18 Fine with passim; clouds. 9 29-830 0-124 86-4 78-1 933 78-6 ... 75-5 0-844 67 m E S E 57 Cloudy. 10 29-818 0-116 84-9 77-7 93-5 78-6 76-0 0-854 71 107 EbyS 60 Do. 11 29-767 0-160 860 77-3 945 78-6 ... 76-0 0-820 65 159 S E 17 Fine. 12 29-711 0-174 87-8 79-7 97-2 80-6 78-8 0-904 69 217 SSE 40 Fine with passim; clouds. ft 21l74:i 0137 88-5 773 97-7 81-3 775 0-787 61 212 SSE 37 Do. 14 29792 0-144 89-8 798 101-1 82-6 79-8 0883 63 268 S by E 60 Cloudy. 15 29-796 0-153 89-5 79-0 100-3 82-7 ... 80-0 0-850 62 228 SSE 57 Do 16 29753 0-133 88-9 77-6 106-3 Mean liange Iry Wet Max. Miu. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city. Mean ])irec- tion T> S o 5 d M Day Inches Inches O O O Inches Cents Mdes Points Cents inches 1 J9-75:i 0-099 79-2 75-8 98'8 73-8 73-0 0-846 85 130 S S W 70 0-16 Cloudy. > 89-784 0-188 86-2 79-4 !lli 1 78-1 76-0 0-913 73 170 South 53 Do. a 2976S 0-112 Mi-9 79-6 947 80-6 78-6 0914 71 200 S by E 20 Fine. 4 29711 0-116 87'5 80-2 96-8 80-1 78-2 0-934 71 215 South 30 Fine with passing clouds. 5 29-668 0-135 88-4 79-2 101-1 81-6 79-3 0-874 65 289 South 20 Fine. 6 29-878 0-124 87'5 78-4 102-6 79-0 ... 76-8 0-850 65 225 South 40 0-26 Mg. Hue, evg. th. & Ig. 7 39-699 0-174 84-3 79-1 97-7 73-6 73-0 0-925 78 216 S by W 80 Cloudy. 8 29732 0-137 87-2 79-0 97-9 80-6 77-4 0-881 68 248 South 57 Do. it 211-724 0-139 88'5 S0'5 100-9 (Sl-4 80-2 0-935 70 232 S S W 40 Fine with passing clouds. 10 29-689 0-165 88-8 79-9 102-1 82-ti 80-2 0-908 69 224 S W 57 Hazy. 11 29-667 0-122 !l-2 74-9 108-9 82-6 79-8 0-646 44 228 S W 57 Cloudy. 12 29-704 0-116 90-3 72-5 103-9 SI'S ... 79-0 0-560 39 264 S W 5.3 To. 13 29-742 0-122 87-1 76-6 9.V2 81-6 ... 80-4 0-773 60 230 SbyE 53 To. H 29768 0-140 sa-4 76-2 loi-i 82'4 81-0 0-740 55 194 S S W 70 Do. 15 J9748 0-133 87-5 76-2 101-2 S2-(i 79-4 0-752 57 155 S by W 77 Do. 18 29-070 0-161 88-3 77-0 99-1 83-1 81-3 0-776 58 225 South 50 0-37 Passing clouds : thunderstorm. i 17 29706 0-137 88-1 771 94-7 78-1 ... 75-5 0-848 75 125 Sby W 70 0-25 Cloudy : th. & ]g. S and E. IS 29751 0-077 83-2 74-9 90-4 79-6 76-3 0766 66 116 S S W 93 Overcast. 19 29-755 0-145 86-2 76-7 100-0 80-6 78-0 0-792 63 156 S by W 63 0-73 Cloudy : rain. 20 29-746 0-156 82-S 77-2 94-8 76-6 73-2 0-860 77 203 S by W 67 1-09 Cloudy : th. i ]y. 21 29-700 0-119 85-4 76-6 96-6 776 7t-7 0788 65 198 South 23 Hazy : Ig. S. 22 29-671 0-117 86-6 75-6 96-7 7S-1 74-0 0-738 58 189 South 13 Fine : Ig. S . W 29 29-6(37 0-083 86-6 76-6 95-7 79-6 76-5 0-782 62 183 South 40 0-28 Hazy : Ig. 24 29-682 0-095 85-4 77-6 100-5 79-6 75-0 0-843 69 145 S W b j S 40 o-oi Cloudy: Ig. S. W. 25 29-678 0-135 86-1 76-3 94-0 79-6 76-4 0-776 62 175 S W 70 ... Cloudy. 26 29-650 0-123 86-3 75-7 907 80-7 ... 78-2 0-747 60 157 SWbyW 77 o-oi Do. 27 29-608 0-120 89'3 76-4 100-7 80-6 77-2 0-736 53 182 S W 67 0-04 Do. 2s 20-698 0-130 90-5 75-1 99-7 730 77'5 0-664 46 196 WS W 70 Do. 2!) 29-597 0-134 86-4 75-0 99-6 78-0 80-8 0-715 57 218 West 90 o-27 Do, 30 29-618 () 1 In 87-3 76-0 98-2 77-6 74-4 0-740 57 151 SS W 70 To. Mean 29-695 0-128 86'7 77-0 9S-2 79-8 77-4 0-804 63 195 S S W 56 3-67 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1862 July. a BAROMETER REUlTEIi TI> 3iT Corrected Mean 'emperatnre SEI.K RKGISTKKIXU THERMOMETERS 1 educed \Vind Clouds rt BJ General Weather Mean Kange Jry Sun Gras Dry Wet Max. Min. Hax. Min. Vapour Hum- Tension idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O O o o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents ncbes- 1 29690 0-104 87-6 76-2 97-6 81-4 ... 76-8 0751 57 178 S S \V 57 Cloudy. 2 29-737 0-118 87-1 77-2 100-7 81-7 77-9 0-801 62 175 - S v,- 50 Morning clear, night overcast. 3 29-739 0-105 86-8 78-5 97-6 80-6 ... 78-4 0-856 68 149 s 8 \v 57 o-aa Hazy. 4 29-719 0-089 85-8 78-1 99-5 82-1 ... 79-4 0-859 69 163 South 67 0-23 Cloudy : th. \V. 5 29-674 0107 86-8 78-4 98-7 79-6 76-4 0-859 67 157 s s w 73 0-06 Cloudy : Ig. X. W. 6 29-671 0-125 87-9 76-4 99-2 79-8 760 0756 5T 183 w s w 73 Cloudy. 7 29-686 0-120 83-7 76-4 97-2 77-2 76-2 0-812 70 151 s \v 100 1-13 Overcast with rain : Ig. S. K 8 29-701 0-122 84-5 77-5 959 767 747 0-850 72 173 s s w 57 0-03 Cloudy : Ig. S. 9 29705 0-152 84-2 78-5 95-0 78-8 76-5 0899 77 162 w ^ ^y 100 Overcast. 10 29-730 0-135 81-2 7.V7 95-4 75-2 71-9 0-816 77 174 S by W 100 1-90 Overcast : rain : th. & Ig. S. A \V. 11 29689 0144 82-0 769 95-6 737 720 0858 79 201 S S W 70 0-86 Cloudy : rain : th. and Ig. 12 29672 0-129 84-3 77-0 943 74-8 71-8 0-830 71 164 S W 83 Cloudy. 13 29-722 0-130 86-5 78-3 98-5 78-8 746 0-859 68 182 8 W 40 Hazy. 14 J9-702 0-152 865 79-1 99-5 80-4 77-0 0-895 70 193 S W by S 47 Cloudy. 15 9660 0-145 856 78-0 967 70-6 76-2 0858 70 196 South 50 Eo. 16 J9-681 0-095 86-f> 79-3 97-8 80-4 78-0 0-905 71 186 S by W 33 Passing clouds : Ig. S. W. 17 29-676 0-124 84-8 79-2 077 79-9 76-8 0-924 77 17(5 S S W Mi Cloudy. 18 S9-705 0-133 86-1 78-1 965 806 77-4 C-855 68 174 South * Passing clouds : Ig. S. K. 19 29-713 0-135 86-9 79-2 98-9 80-6 78-0 0-895 70 188 S by W 57 Fussing clouds. 20 20-714 0138 86-1 79-9 98-1 80-8 ... 78-2 0-938 75 191 S by W .-,:; Hazy. 21 29690 0-136 86-1 806 100-1 8o-e ... 77-5 0974 78 192 S S W 70 0-25 Cloudy : Ig. P. K. 22 29661 0-160 86-8 79-7 99-7 796 76-4 0-920 72 188 S S W 37 Hazy. 23 29-667 0-139 87'4 78-2 100-0 82-3 786 0-843 65 191 Sby W 50 Do. 24 29689 0-138 87-1 77-0 99-7 816 77-6 0793 62 170 South 47 l:o. -. Ig. X. K. 25 29-681 0-126 86-3 701 98-4 82-4 ... 78-0 0-764 61 183 S by W 90 Overcast. 26 29-635 0-140 86-0 76-9 98-7 79-1 ... 75-3 0803 62 161 Sby W GO Hazy. 27 29-657 0-153 87-6 75-6 996 80-8 76-2 0-726 56 107 SWbyS 77 Cloudy. 28 29684 0-135 87-6 76-9 101-0 81-8 77-0 0-781 60 188 S S W 50 Cloudy : Ig. S. W. 29 29-711 0-139 86-9 77-5 99-8 81-8 765 0818 64 177 S S W 20 Fine: Ig. P. W. 30 29713 0-126 84-9 77-6 94-7 78-8 73-8 0-843 71 157 South 87 0-05 Cloudy. 31 29-772 0-156 80-8 75-6 87-5 76-9 747 0816 78 144 S S W 07 Overcast : Ig. S. W. Mean 29696 0-131 85-8 77-7 97-7 79-6 ... V6-3 0-844 69 175 8 S W 63 453 21 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1862 August. ffj CO CD 4? BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 J Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind a 3 JD 5 General Weather Mean Range Dry Snn Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vnpoiir Tension Hum- idity P&ily Velo"- city Mean Direc- tion Tay Inches Inches O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inche 1 29-794 0-088 82-9 76'9 9U-7 77-4 72-1 0-845 75 125 South 77 0-13 Cloudy. a 29-778 0-137 86-4 7S-2 96-9 78-7 74-1 0-S55 68 139 SWbyS 50 Do. 3 29-757 0-125 85-9 77-4 95-2 80-6 75-2 0831 67 160 South 83 Cloudy : Ig. S. and N. W. 4 29-780 0-133 78-6 75-4 85-0 71-1 67-8 0-838 85 109 W S.W 97 2-30 Overcast : rain l h to 6 ?1 . 5 29-777 0-099 83-6 78-0 91-7 77-6 73-6 0-885 77 120 S W. 73 0-14 Cloudy. 6 29-728 0-145 83-5 77-1 91-5 77-4 72-8 843 73 138 S W. 87 Cloudy :lg. S. W. 7 29-699 0-132 82-8 76-2 . 88-9 76-6 ... 72-5 0-816 73 113 SWby.W 97 Overcast : Ig. S. W. 8 29-685 0-126 82-5 73-8 .92-3 78-1 71-5 0-718 lii 210 SWby.\\ 90 0-02 Cloudy. 9 29-660 0-120 S3 -2 74-4 92-9 77-1 71-0 0-734 64 206 W S W 97 0-01 Overcast. 10 29-666 0111 81-7 75-2 92-3 7N-0 71'7 0-788 73 155 W S.W 93 0-26 Overcast : Ig. S. E. 11 29-687 0-110 79-5 76-3 945 767 ... 72-2 0-865 86 130 S \r by b 100 0-90. Overcast : showery. 13 29-653 0-166 83-7 77'2 . 93-5 76-8 ... 71-2 0-847 73 157 S S.W 80 ... Cloudy. 13 I'D iiS!) 0-119 83-7 77-5 95-1 77-1 72-2 0-861 75 ISO S S.W 80 Do. 14 29-759 0-138 84-5 77-3 973 76-6 72-3 0-S42 71 169 S S.W 47 0-02 Fine with passing clouds. 15 29-782 0-166 85-9 75-9 977 77-8 73-0 0-761 61 155 W S.W 60 0-04 Cloudy : Ig. 16 29-759 0-140 849 745 92-4 79-6 ... 734 0715 60 164 S S.W 73 Cloudy : Ig. N. E. 17 29-730 0-145 85-2 74-6 95-0 788 ... 73-8 0-715 59 192 SWbyW 93 Cloudy. 18 29-699 0-162 84-4 7u-6 96-1 79-0 734 0-771 65 184 3 W by S 80 o-oi Ho. 19 29-713 0-149 84-1 75-5 97-0 78-0 71-0 0-7t39 66 210 S S..W 47 Fine with passing clouds. 20 29-741 0-145 83-9 75 -."> 95-7 78-8 72-8 0-771 67 166 S S.W 53 Hazy. 21 29-753 0-154 84-7 75-6 94-7 79-1 74-2 0-764 G4 167 South 47 002 Fine with passing clouds. 22 29-790 0-163 82-0 76-8 92-5 74-2 69-5 0-857 78 182 ss.w 40 0-56 Passing clouds : rain : Ig. N. W. 23 29-779 0-129 83-3 77-1 92-7 76-1 72-5 0-848 74 198 S S.W 63 Cloudy. 24 29-794 0-145 83-5 77-0 90-9 776 71-2 0841 73 209 S S.W 23 o-oi Fine with passing clouds: Ig. S. W. 25 29-772 0-134 84-9 77-4 96-8 78-6 ... 72-8 0-840 70 169 S S.W 30 Ho. do. 26 29-770 0-159 85-3 78-2 96-9 80-0 73-8 0-872 72 171 S by.W 47 006 Do. do. 27 29-771 0-141 85-7 76-G 96-7 79-6 ... 73-8 0-794 64 163 South 27 Ho. do. 28 29-756 0-101 84-7 76-8 94-0 77-6 ... 73-5 0-816 68 .151 S S VV 60 Cloudy : Ig. X. W. 29 29-754 0-105 85-0 76-6 94-8 77-8 73-4 0-798 66 185 South 50 0-03 Cloudy: th. and Ig. \V. 36 29-771 0-114 83-0 76-7 97-5 74-0 ... 70-0 0-835 74 207 S W 57 Cloudy : Ig. W. 31 29-789 0-089 82-4 77-2 94-8 75-9 ... 72-7 0-865 78 177 S S W 60 0-05 Cloudy : Ig. S. W. Mean 29-743 0-135 83-7 76-4 94-0 77-5 ... 72-4 0-813 70 166 SWbyS 66 4-56 22 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1862 September. September 196! BAKOMKTKK RKUl'CED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTEBIKG THEKMOMETKK.- reduced Wind Clouds _c H Gem-rill Weather Mean Range Try Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Hutu- Tension idity I'tiilv Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Eay Inches Inches O O O O " Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 29776 0-139 83-8 76-3 923 76-6 ... 73-2 0-813 69 158 s S \V 60 Hazy. 2 29-748 0-120 85'2 76-4 94-2 78-4 ... 74-2 0-792 U 147 s s w 57 Cloudy : Ig. S. \V. 3 29760 o-ni 83-3 75-7 .89-7 78-4 ... 74-0 0-788 69 101 W by S 100 Overcast. 4 29-725 0-142 84-6 76-9 93-2 79-6 ... 76-4 0-822 69 114 W by S 93 ... 1 to. 5 29-745 0-133 84-0 771 960 77-8 ... 74-0 0-888 72 149 S S \V 88 Cloudy : Ig. S. \V. 6 29761 0135 83-3 765 89-9 77-4 ... 734 0-829 72 109 SbyE 32 0'57 Fine with passing clouds. 7 29-764 0-134 83-8 777 .90-5 77-1 ... 74-0 0-869 75 136 S S E 20 ... Light haxe. 8 29-760 0-174 84-8 78-4 90-3 81-1 ... 77-0 0-886 74 131 S S E 45 ... Ha/y. 9 29-715 0153 85-0 78-1 91-9 78-6 ... 75-0 0-870 72 125 SEby S 15 ... Fine. 10 29691 0-163 85-6 78-3 93-4 79-6 ... 77-0 (IS72 71 145 SbyE 23 ... Fine with passing clouds : Ig. N. W. 11 29-690 0-113 84-1 78-5 916 77-6 ... 75-5 0-901 77 106 S S E 23 0-04 Fine with passing clouds. 12 2H-7U7 0-122 85-0 78-3 92-5 77-6 ... 74-0 0-880 73 83 South 53 Cloudy : Ig. X. E. 13 29-704 0-160 83-4 78-1 92-2 78-6 ... 73-8 0-892 78 81 S by \V 83 0-02 Cloudy. 14 29694 0-082 79-2 76-4 87-1 77-9 ... 75-5 0-873 87 67 S W 100 0-21 Overcast: Ig. P. \V. 15 29-667 0-132 82-5 77-0 90-9 76-6 ... 741 0-855 77 113 BWteS 70 ... Cloudy : Ig. S. 16 29-712 0-118 84-3 77-6 94-0 77-1 ... 74-7 0-857 73 161 s s w 77 ... Cloudy. 17 29765 0122 85-0 775 92-9 77-6 ... 74-2 0-844 70 164 South -,7 Hazy. 18 ' 29-785 0-113 85-1 775 94-6 78-7 ... 76-0 0-843 69 171 South 75 Da 19 29-785 0-134 82-7 766 95-5 77-7 ... 76-8 0-837 79 183 S S W 88 0-74 Cloudy : 111.. Ig.. and rain. 20 29-829 0-139 79-4 76-2 84-2 76-8 ... 740 0-862 86 61 S by E 98 0-12 Overcast. 21 29-881 0-093 78-2 753 83-9 76-6 ... 75-0 0-839 87 55 S E 90 0-22 Cloudy. 22 29-898 0-151 77-5 75-0 83-2 74-8 ... 73-0 0-836 89 59 South 7.1 0-84 Do. 23 29-843 0-141 80-0 76-0 90-9 74-3 ... 73-2 0-845 82 109 SS W 60 0-13 Cloudy : th. and Ig 24 29-768 0-141 82-3 760 90-9 75-8 ... 73-8 0-811 73 147 W S W 75 Cloudy : Ig. X. E. 23 29-726 0-116 80-1 76-4 85-6 76-6 ... 75-0 0-861 84 97 W by X 93 0-22 Overcast : Ig. X. K 26 29-686 0-138 80'7 76-0 88-0 72-8 ... 72-0 0-849 79 143 West 98 0-16 Overcast. 27 29-668 0-122 82-9 7.V7 89-5 77 -8 ... 75-2 0792 70 154 ws w 93 ... Do. 28 29-671 0119 82-9 76-3 89-8 76-8 ... 74-8 0-813 73 185 SW by S 90 o-oi Cloudy. 29 29-738 0110 83-4 77-9 915 76-8 ... 74-5 0-883 77 198 South 40 Cloudy : Ig. \V. and S \V. 30 29-782 0-147 82-3 77-4 90-7 75-2 ... 73-3 0-874 75 116 South 17 0-32 Fine. 76 Mean 29-748 0-131 82-8 76-9 90-7 77-a 74-6 0-847 126 S S.W 66 8-eo 23 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1862 October. i 35 | O BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32" Corrected Mean Temperature SE^F REGISTERING THEKMOMETEKS Deduced Wind Clouds d '5 M General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29787 0-1-27 82-6 76-1 91'8 77-6 75-0 0-814 73 93 SE by.E 48 Hazy. a 29-775 0-102 ,s:i-7 77-7 90-7 77-6 73-8 0-870 75 109 SS.E 7 Fine. 3 29-794 0-143 84-2 ; 77-6 92-2 78-3 ... 75-5 0-859 74 146 S S.E 30 Fine with passing clouds. 4 29-798 0-161 827 78-0 91'0 77-1 75-6 0-897 80 94 S E 82 ... Cloudy. 5 29-786 0-153 78-3 75-6 87-1 73-8 7V8 0-850 88 93 S W 100 1-23 Overcast. 6 29-755 0-128 82-5 77-6 91-5 76-2 75-5 0-882 79 99 South 33 Fine with passing clouds. 7 29-785 OM37 82-9 77-7 92-1 76-8 74-0 0-881 78 90 S S.E 22 Do. 8 29-775 0-124 82-1 77-4 90-9 76-3 ... 73-9 0-877 69 84 S S W 32 Do. 9 29-744 o-ioo 82-0 78-2 88-5 78-8 76-0 0-902 80 73 N N .W 83 o-oi Cloudy. 10 29-715 0-144 80-2 76-4 86-4 77-6 77-0 0-860 83 69 N W 75 0-19 Cloudy : ]g. 11 29-716 0-126 80-8 76-8 87-1 75-1 73-8 0-869 83 73 NEby N 30 Hazy. 12 29-780 0-102 81-9 77-3 88-7 76-4 ... 74-0 0-876 81 75 E S.E 18 Fine. 13 29-827 0-127 82-8 77-1 88-3 78-4 76-0 0-855 76 95 S E. 27 Fine : Ig. N. W. 14 29-845 0-114 82-3 77-4 88-7 77-6 74-5 0-875 79 73 E S E 23 Fine. 15 29-828 0-147 83-3 77-8 89-6 77-0 74-0 0-880 77 77 E S.E 22 Fine : Ig. 16 29-844 0-126 82-9 77-6 90-2 77-4 74-0 0-878 78 78 SE by. E 22 ... Do. : do. 17 29-849 0-145 82-1 77-3 88-9 77-6 74-6 0-873 80 66 E S.E 57 Cloudy. 18 29-829 0-150 81-6 76-9 88-6 77-1 ... 74-2 0-862 80 61 S E. 85 Do. 19 29-799 0-125 80-7 76-6 90-7 75-1 72-8 0-862 83 83 E S.E 88 Do. 20 29-769 0-145 81-3 75-9 89-6 76-1 73-2 0-812 77 73 N E 80 Cloudy : Ig. E. 21 29-752 0-141 83-4 77-4 92-3 76-5 74-0 0-830 75 177 S S W 70 Cloudy : Ig. N. E. 22 29-764 0-140 83-6 76-9 94-4 77-6 75-0 0-835 73 230 saw 45 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. N. W. 23 29-781 0-147 85-2 77-6 94-7 78-2 75-9 0-846 69 182 S S W 65 Hazy. 24 29-804 0-106 84-9 76-8 93-7 77-6 ... 75-1 0-814 68 127 WN.W 40 Fine with passing clouds. 25 29-825 0-095 84-0 76-8 91-5 78-4 75-5 0-826 71 84 Why S 73 Cloudy. 26 29-868 0-096 81-2 77-6 89-7 78-0 75-3 0-900 85 58 SS W 83 1-66 Do. 27 29-859 0-130 81-0 76-4 87-2 76-6 74-1 0-849 80 81 Var. 53 0-17 Do. 28 29-890 0-104 81-0 75-0 87-5 75-6 72-9 0-789 74 103 NE by N 10 Fine. 29 29-895 O'lOl 80-7 74-3 87-3 74-8 70-8 0-763 72 186 North 57 0-37 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. N. W. 30 29-851 0-101 74-3 73-2 78-9 72-4 ... 7l'0 0-791 90 219 North 100 1-35 Overcast. 31 29-836 0-046 73-1 72-2 78-7 71-8 ... 71-0 0-765 90 147 W N W 100 3-22 Overcast : rain : Ig. N. E. Mean 29-804 0-124 81-8 76-7 89-3 76-6 ... 74-2 0-850 78 106 SS.E 54 8-20 24 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1862 November. November 1*62 BAROMETER RRIIl'CEU To 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SF.LK REGISTERING THERMOMETERS reduced Wind Clouds (Ii-iii'iMl \V( i ather Mean Range Dry Son QXMI Pry Wet Max. Mi. Max. Mill. Vapour Ham- Tension iiliiy Dailv Velo- city Hean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents lnrl,. 1 29-911 0-119 77-6 75-4 343 70-6 ... 08*6 0-8M 90 80 K N K 40 O'OH Fine with passing i-lo;nl. J 29944 0-124 78-2 749 84-0 73-6 73-0 pm 85 71 N E 70 1-29 SlloWITV. 3 29-905 0-128 79-7 n-t 846 753 74-0 0829 81 13 L North :i7 0-11 I'iii.' will, jiiissin clomK. 4 29-899 0106 80 1 75-6 85-3 75-2 ... 73-6 0-826 80 12SI N N E IS Fiuiv 3 29911 0-112 79-0 7r> 1 84-7 741 ... 70-3 0-820 82 122 X N E 33 Fine uiil, jiassing clonds. 6 29-902 0-102 79-2 74'S .84-5 74-6 ... 71-6 0798 80 149 N \ K ;!7 o-o i 1 o. 7 20-880 0-136 79-4 73-7 84-5 73-8 ... 72-0 0-756 75 IS2 NE. 25 Pine. 8 29-894 0-116 78-7 71 1 .83-5 7t'!t ... 72-3 0-661 68 160 NE M Do, 9 89-88? 0-132 775 69-r, 82-9 72-8 ... 69-3 0-615 65 125 N .% E 12 Do. 10 29-891 0-097 7.V4 68-5 81-8 68-6 63-2 0-605 69 114 N X K 10 Do, 11 29-895 0-120 7 117:1:1 90 110 NN E 100 1-12 I ,. 20 29-992 0-140 7(1 1 72T, 80-9 96 72-1 0-751 83 |48 X X W 99 009 Do. 21 29-911 0-120 75-0 72-:! .81-2 72-8 70-1 0761 87 164 NWbyN 92 U'll Do. 22 29854 01X2 7(i!l 74-5 84-6 72-1 67-9 0-822 89 143 N E by N 77 0-12 Cloudy. 23 29-865 0-123 7W 747 .81-8 73-6 73-0 0-838 92 300 X X 1 : BO 014 Da 24 29-901 0-118 )M 739 Z8-6J 73 -s ... 72-1 0-812 91 92 x x ]: 92 z-ii 'ast. M 29946 0-078 76- 721 s-i 73-4 ... 72-8 0729 79 136 N by E 68 0'02 CloiKly. 26 29-946 0-097 76.6 71-5 81 1 7or, 65-5 0-708 77 126 NNE 43 Fine with jiassing clouds. 27 29-925 0-148 77-4 73-1 82-3 KM 98-4 0-768 81 140 N E by N 80 Cloudy. M 29-932 0-105 77-2 73-0 .83-4 730 68-5 0-756 81 147 NNE 77 Po. 20 29-954 0-097 77-0 73-2 82-4 73-1 7o-l 0768 83 1 it; N E by.N 78 Po M 29939 0123 77-9 73-6 83-7 73-6 ... 70-0 0772 81 130 X N E 27 Fine itli ]i:,s.-ii,i,' clouds. Mean 29913 0-114 77-i 78-1 82-9 78-2 ... 70-4 075*i 80 iae NN.E M :..vj Madras Meteorological Observations. 1862 December. recembcr 1862 BAROMETKR REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature Dry Wet SELK RKGIKTKKING THKKMOMKTERS Deduced Wind _0 5 e '3 H General \Vpnthei- Mean Range Dry- Sun Grass Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Hum- Tension idity Haily Velo- city Mean larec- tion Day Inches Inches O o o O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-977 0-082 76-5 7-2-1 82'2 72-5 67-5 0-792 80 106 x x i<: 23 Fine with passing clouds. 2 29-991 0-107 77-8 72-4 82'7 71-8 66-0 0-724 75 133 X E by N 27 So. 8 29-998 o-ioo 78-1 69-6 81-6 74-4 68-0 0-611 63 247 N E by N 30 Do. 4 29-986 0-102 77-1 71-0 81-7 72-6 67-0 0-678 73 228 N X E 62 Clondy. 5 29-954 0-132 75-9 \ 70-5 82-2 70-!) 65-7 0-675 75 191 North 63 To. 6 29-929 0-142 75-3 70-5 80'2 71-1 66-3 0-683 78 182 N by E 82 Do. 7 29-938 0-089 75-9 7o-o 80-7 69-8 64-7 0-655 73 215 Nby E 37 Fine with passing cloudb. 8 29-960 0-097 75-7 : (JS-!) 81-6 71-4 63-4 0-617 70 195 X XE 33 Do. 9 29-908 0-117 74-1 68-7 81-2 eye 58-4 0-632 74 145 Xorth 30 Do. to 29-892 0-120 74-9 71-1 79-9 67-7 (507 0712 82 163 Xorth 25 Do. 11 29-917 0-088 75'1 72'5 80-6 69-6 6J-4 0-766 .88 197 North 68 Cloudy. n 29-878 0-118 75-8 7.-!- 2 81-0 71-6 (Ki-0 0-784 88 232 Xorth 95 0-04 Ovei cast. 18 29-846 0-14: 72-6 71-0 83-1 72-2 67-8 0739 92 162 N X \V 100 I -36 Do. H 29-835 0-120 74-2 72-1 79-9 71-8 66-8 0761 90 196 North 10t) 3-28 Do. 15 29-854 0-107 75'5 70'8 796 71-7 66-2 0-693 78 202 Xorth 97 o-oi Do. l(i 29-846 0-104 75-9 71'5 79-5 73-6 66-1 0-714 80 253 Xorth 93 Do. 17 29-822 0-123 71-8 70'0 75-0 69-1 64-4 0-711 91 257 N X W 100 0-29 T.o. 18 29-784 0-107 71-7 69'(i 73-9 70-4 66-5 0-697 90 236 X X W 100 o-a? Do. 19 29-775 0-137 69-3 64-0 72-1 67-1 61-8 0-527 74 244 X X W loo 0-03 Do. 20 29-793 0-093 71-4 6.V8 74-3 68' 1 61-0 0-562 73 260 XX W 100 0-09 Do. 21 29-796 0-124 73-1 7o-i 77-2 7o-5 63-1 0-697 86 290 North 97 0'02 Bo. 22 29-788 0-081 74-0 ! 71 '2 79-1 71-7 65-0 0-728 87 263 Xortli 87 0-18 Cloudy. 28 29-813 0-083 73-9 71-8 76-5 716 67'0 0-753 90 198 North 100 0-17 Overcast. 24 29-851 0-081 73-8 72-3 77-1 72-8 66-0 0-774 93 221 North 100 Do. 25 29-880 0-099 76-1 74-3 78-3 72-5 68-0 0-825 92 199 X XE 100 0-39 Do. 86 29-924 0-U95 73-8 72-7 78-8 72-5 0-789 95 159 North 98 0-49 Do. 27 29-965 0-098 72-4 71-1 73-6 715 7r3 0-746 94 ' 190 Xorth 97 0'02 T:O. 28 29-998 0-099 74-4 71-8 79-5 71 -8 71 -3 0-747 88 167 North 70 Cloudy. 20 30 006 0-169 72-6 69-0 78-2 68-3 05-9 0-662 83 179 X by E 45 Fine with passing clouds. 80 30-053 0-1-29 70-4 67'0 77-4 65 + 61-6 0-617 83 126 North n Do. 31 30-046 0-141 69-5 6.V7 77'7 li2T> 56-9 0-606 81 83 79 X X E 3 CU-iii-. M ean i9-903 110 74-1 704 78-9 705 65-1 0-697 197 North 71 7-00 26 o 02 2 - g d | s g ; s 8 s - a a a s | ,= - = :- : p .* * jg 9 . 9 s 8 a) i e c E 6 '6 ' 6 -t rH 3-1 6 re 7-1 rt a -- X Q E O3 -H Ot-*COCOOOWO ~ ^h o CD co o o tc N o o g 6 "6 "6co-t'r'ecxiQt- X x fe ^ ^1 ^1 *! ^ ^- r-. CO M C-J CC 2 ^HW^'KJ-^'**>feK'^-J3 i " i~ X M I'- O -t =O D X -t C". | ^ ^ rx r/3 w co ^ a. ^ ^ "i w a * 1 ft- aHj'MgQaOtBCQ.^.aDttlBSSq a> ^ S* cc ; | 3 | | 8 | \ 1 O > J _>,. J SS'^SCSSSSSSSS a o V ^ c = > * VO 00 li 00 T-jWCHM (M rt (N^lrHCO I- X -, -f -t tt M -t ^ X 3 z. J MieCMOSOOXXOXNCS HSW.1 = 5C-tXXt~tO-NOcc-^; -g - to - en v wniu ;XB K t/5 8 02 u "S o S 5 I Q : : : : CJ V ^E SC 'So "S'5 3 1 ggSSSS8ggS8S K OS H _O Q :SB | o "c5 >, jfe ^ 5l M ^ M i-* 9 M^ 00 b k *- T3 i V "3 I II >. a 666066666060 X 6 oD _O O E H 3 00 o ^ o "3 3 ^= jij CO CO !O t^ 1~- ! t> t-* t"- t 1 - !* CO H *-! 4) 5 JOJ H ^^ o ^ 7-1 1 CO CO C pq ^i -g Q C = rtCQrt-^NOt^^'Ot-i-l'il t> is -3 o MOcox cir-o^j-.-j: \ S pCi (_> OS OS * -* >0 -w 1~ i^ ^* n c; |) O ^j ' j g a nSSS-SSSS" 0500 2 O ^H * (O Q d S O o -^ o cp-*cp.p9?>9.pK,cpo ? Si>i>aot.t..i>t>i>t- l ^ E H O H .0 X . Slllllglllll IO u .4-t X .a "s m 8 t ^ - fe = - - S - " 2 ffl tu >> .5f oi-ii>Oi-iao^-oi-c9t-i > c fDOI>XtXXCD m K o co 00 i- n 1-. g ^ .0 co t i 00 in rt .. . * X ^ L* _ i-ti | S2SMMMMMS322 S "O rt So i ^ ocoaocic-iococicIoii^i-H D3 n) | u Q| e 666666666666, t t 6 S a 660666606666 -o rt O*l I iisiSllHIii! S? x & ss;agfi = ss3o as Q s CO H F = SSSSS5SS o u =s _ g i 9 O Cii^-X-^OCi*^CX-rc:5 B g XW*f*CC'OO"^^J?lCiO ^H : : : g : t, ^ H O OOO*CiC^OiCiS5OO i-";";*"'fe-*4ii OS El ~ . 33 Jl ^ 3 M j* f" i^. *oOp;^ f U |JJJ^J_5 > l_l_j 1 Annua I^lf SP I ^ 1 1. 1 si ^fep4"^ a = 5 o "- e 27 Madras Meteorological Observations. January 1863. -5 3 a BAKOMKTKR KKlirCKI) TO 32" Corrected Mean Teinpera'.ure Dry i Wet SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind r OJ 3 _0 5 a 'a at Ueneral Weather Mean , Dry Sun Grass Max. Mic. Max. Min. 1 Vapour Hnm- Tensioii idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Indies Inches o O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inche 1 30-019 0-141 09-5 60-0 77-4 63-0 57-3 0-594 82 71 N E 2 Clear. 2 30-012 0-121 71-3 06-6 78-3 63-9 01-8 0-591 77 111 NE 20 ... Fine. 3 30-015 0-104 73-8 67-3 79-3 70-8 67-5 0-583 70 162 NEbyN 22 Fine with passing clouds. 4 30-029 0-109 73-8 70-1 80-3 67'5 66-3 0-688 82 155 NNE 43 ... Hazy. 5 29-977 0-177 74-9 72-0 80-5 71-5 ... 69-8 0-747 86 179 y E 47 ... Fine with passing clouds. 6 30-000 0-113 74-0 68-6 79-2 69-7 ... 66-7 0-628 74 150 E N E 30 ... .Do. 7 30-012 0-122 73-1 67-5 79-4 65-9 01-7 0-602 74 139 NEbyN 13 Fine. i 30-018 0-109 73-9 69-1 79-4 67-8 ... 64-6 0-648 77 190 NNE 37 Fine with passing clouds. 9 30-023 0-099 75'5 69-5 79-7 72-4 ... 70-4 0-642 73 237 NNE 37 Do. 10 30-050 0-097 74-2 69-7 79-7 69-6 67-9 0-667 79 183 NNE 28 Do. 11 30-074 0-122 73-7 67-9 79-5 08-4 64-1 0-607 73 174 NNE 22 .. Fine. 12 : 30-058 0-111 rz-7 67-3 .78-7 65-9 ... 62-1 0-597 74 137 NEbyN 15 ... Do. i 13 30-012 0-144 70-0 66-0 77-9 64-7 ... 62-5 0-579 78 113 NNE 13 ... Do. 14 30-011 0.111 71-7 66-3 77-7 63-6 59-2 0-575 74 100 N E 18 ... Do. 15 30-036 0-143 72-2 66-9 79-3 66-8 ... 63-6 0-590 75 95 N E 17 Do. t' 1 30-032 0-108 72-7. 07-4 78-9 65-3 ... 61-2 0-601 75 118 N E 8 Do. 17 30-035 0-129 73-8 68-6 79-8 67-6 ... 64-2 0-630 75 118 NE 13 Do. : 18 30-050 0-102 72-5 67-6 80-0 05-9 ... 61-5 0-011 76 86 NEby E 10 Do. 19 30-064 0-133 72-7 68-4 79-8 66-7 ... 63-0 0-638 79 91 NEhy E 8 ... Do. 20 30-026 0-121 71-9 67-7 79-2 66-0 0-623 80 88 E by N 10 Do. : 21 30-023 o-in 72-7 68-1 80-2 65-2 ... 61-0 0-6*7 78 78 East 12 Do. 22 30-064 0-089 74-2 68-7 79-7 66-8 ... 62-5 0-629 74 113 ENE 7 Do. 23 30-011 0-121 74-8 69-5 79-8 68-8 ... 65-2 0-652 76 169 NEbyE 20 Hazy. 24 29-942 0-089 74-3 69-3 79-5 07-0 ... 63-9 0-651 76 162 NE 5 ... Clear. 25 29-988 0-105 75'5 70-0 80-2 68-8 ... 64-1 0-661 75 167 NE 40 Fine witli passing clouds. 26 29-998 0-112 75-9 72-2 80-5 72-1 ... 70-9 0-741 85 222 NNE 92 ... Overcast. : 27 29-999 0-108 73-3 71-8 75-6 72-5 ... 72-6 0-761 93 197 NNE 100 1-46 Do. 28 29-973 0-114 74-0 71-2 78-4 70-6 ... 70-4 0-733 87 208 N E 100 0-49 Do. 29 29-972 0-090 75-6 71-5 79-4 72-5 71-3 0-718 82 164 NEbyN 93 Do. 30 29-970 0-126 75-3 70-9 79-7 69-7 67-0 0-700 80 173 NEbyN 45 ... Fine with passing clouds. 31 29-990 0-111 75-8 71-9 80-8 70-8 68-6 0730 82 149 N E 60 ... Cloudy. Mean 30-010 0-116 73-5 68-9 79-3 68-0 65-1 0-647 78 145 NE 32 1-95 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1863 February, X !> I BAKOM KKDl < KII Mean TO 32 Kanpe Corrected Mean Temperature SKI.K Ht:iiisTt:KiM: THKKMOMETKKS Deduced Wind QC O 5 K (inirral Weather Dry Sun Grass j Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Hum- Tension idity Daily Menu Velo- lirec- city tiuii Pay Inches Inches o o Inches Cents Miles Points Cent* nches 1 29996 0132 765 731 81-3 rs-4 70-7 0770 85 18S N E 7N ... Cloudy. 2 29-!i!l5 0125 7*1 71-7 SO-5 72-11 ... 70-6 0-719 SO I4S N F. 37 Fine with ]i:is-.iiii.' clouds. 3 291t IS (il 4.-, 741 70-3 79-4 69-0 (t5'9 0-692 82 LOB X E M ... Kiln . 4 29920 0-130 736 70-2 80-4 677 62-4 0-694 84 65 EXE 10 ... 1 0. 5 29-914 125 738 70-5 81-0 (i-7 ... 62 1 0704 M 64 E X E 15 1)0. 6 29-940 0-113 73-1 694 SI -6 66-8 C.2-t> 0670 82 84 KN E 2 Clear. 7 29-965 0-133 74-3 70-7 W3 674 ... 63-7 0'705 84 98 X E by E 40 J'ine with i-astirir clouds. 8 29-924 0-1--S 74-4 711 v-i 68-6 ... liS'5 0-719 85 06 X K 43 ... Do. 9 M*M 0-145 75-5 71 9 82-3 68-5 (i3-5 0-735 84 92 X K 33 ... To. 10 29-SS! 0-142 7511 72-1 82-3 695 04-7 0-738 83 ft EbyS 45 ... lo. n 29-907 0-120 76-5 72-5 81 -7 69-4 a<-sint; clouds. 23 291(90 0-104 77-6 728 82 6 72-5 68-0 0-718 75 14S N E H llax.y. 24 30023 0-140 74-5 68-4 80-6 6(17 59-3 0-015 72 131 X E h E 10 Fine. 25 291W5 0-118 733 069 80-B 66-3 579 0576 7o 124 X E 5 T.o. 26 29-993 0-128 72-5 671 80-4 65-0 57-9 0592 71 80 E X E 12 I.iffht ha/e. 27 22-WtO 73-2 68-7 80-7 65-3 58-2 0-((43 M 83 K N K 3 Clear. 28 291)42 0*118 74-L 69-7 812 65-1 ... 57-3 D-4M 79 92 K N E 10 Liulil ha/c. 81* Mean 29-943 0-125 75-9 71-5 70-0 ... tw 1 07 If. 80 118 E by.N 29 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1863 'March. cc 'o b 3 B BAROMKTEI; REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF EF THERM Dry GISTERINO OMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds c a General AVeather Mean Bange Sun Grass Dry Wet | Max. Min. Max. Mm. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion nay Inches Inches o O O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inche 1 29-917 0-142 75-2 70-8 S4-9 68-2 61-5 0-695 79 82 SE 23 Fine. 2 79-861 0-1C4 76-1 71-2 84-8 68-3 61-9 0-699 77 103 S E Clear. 3 29-811 0-146 77-8 72-9 86-1 68-4 ... 61-4 0-744 78 127 S S E 13 Fine. 4 29-833 0-135 79-4 74-1 86-0 71-7 ... 66-4 0-773 77 138 S S E 15 Do. 5 29-895 0-114 78-7 72-1 84-9 71-3 ... 65-1 0-701 72 111 S E 8 Do. G 29-903 0-116 77-3 70-5 84-4 69-3 ... 63-9 0-656 70 88 EbyS 8 Do. 7 29-874 0-143 77-8 70-2 85-5 68-7 ... 62'5 0-638 67 91 Eby S Clear. 8 29-923 0-122 77-1 70-1. 83-2 69-4 63-7 0-614 69 98 East 17 Fine. 9 29-951 0-124 78-5 72-2 84-8 71-1 ... 67-6 0-707 73 107 East 13 Do. 10 29-917 0-134 79-9 74-4 86-2 72-3 68-3 0-778 76 102 East 28 Fine with passing clouds. 11 29-867 0-136 0-2 75-5 86-3 74-2 70-7 0-820 79 101 E S E 37 Cloudy. 12 29-835 0-143 81-9 76-2 88-5 75-5 ... 72-0 0-828 76 110 S SB 30 Cloudy : Ig. S. W. 13 29-811 0-133 82-4 76-4 87-8 75-9 ... 72-3 0-830 75 130 S E bj. S 8 Fine. 14 29-835 0-115 82-1 76-7 88-8 75-6 72-3 0-848 77 137 S S E 13 Fine : Ig. W. 15 29-901 0-115 82-2 76-5 88-1 76-1 71-9 0-837 76 91 S E 32 ... Fine with passing clouds. 16 29-949 0-113 79-1 75-6 84-8 75-3 ... 73-3 0-840 85 52 ES E 57 0-65 Cloudy. 17 29-869 0-140 81-3 75-6 86-3 75-5 71-5 0-810 76 75 S E 20 Fine with passing clouds. 18 29-879 0-109 81-2 75-2 87-1 75-3 ... 71-9 0-795 74 83 S E, 10 ... Fine. 19 29-940 0-113 81-1 75-2 86-1 75-3 ... 71-2 0-796 74 71 S E 50 ... Fine -. th. and Ig. S. 20 29-941 0-105 81-1 75'8 87'3 74-7 ... 71-6 0-821 77 79 S S E 37 0-02 Fine with passing clouds. 21 29-943 0-156 81-0 76-0 85-5 76-7 ... 72-8 0-831 78 65 SE 78 ... Cloudy. 22 29-936 0-111 80-5 74-3 86-2 76-5 74-1 0-766 73 127 N E by E 87 ... Do. 23 29-929 0-126 81-4 75-5 87-3 75-3 72-0 0-805 75 54 East 28 Fine with passing clouds. 24 29-945 0-139 80-9 75-4 87-5 74-6 70-3 0-807 76 59 S E 8 Fine. 25 29-926 0-108 81-2 75-2 88-2 73-6 68-8 0-794 74 68 S E by S 8 Do. 20 .29-914 0-113 80-3 74-0 87-9 72-7 ... 68-2 0-756 73 66 S S E 3 Do. 27 29-875 0120 79-9 74-6 87-6 72-8 66-7 0-787 77 58 S E 3 ... Do. 28 29-867 0-110 80-8 74-4 8.8-4 72-5 67-0 0-766 72 88 S S E 8 ... Do. 29 29-876 0-124 81-8 70-4 89-1 73-9 ... 68-6 0-838 77 116 S S.E 5 Do. 30 29-868 0-128 81-9 75-6 .88-4 74-5 ... 70-6 0-800 74 116 S by.E 8 ... Do. 31 29-866 0-156 81-2 75-7 88-5 74-2 ... 68-1 0-816 77 115 South 20 ... Light haze. Mean 29-892 0-127 80-0 7*8 86-7 73-2 68-7 0-775 75 94 S E. 22 0-67 30 Madras Meteorological Observations, 1863 April. 1 liAKilMETKR REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTKKINC; THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Daily Mean Vein- 1 >irec- city tion o 5 (inii'i-al Weather Mean Range Dry Son Grass i Dry Wet Max. Min Max. Min. Vajxmr Tension Hum- idity Day Inches Inches o O o O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inche. 1 29-860 0-149 82-0 755 89-1 741 Iff* 0-796 M 1L>1 South 12 Light ha/e. 2 29-813 151 83-3 76-8 92-4 75-7 ... 71-8 0-S35 7:* 165 South s Fin.'. 3 29-747 0141 835 772 91-7 75-7 71-7 0-S50 74 189 South 13 Ha/y. 4 29-709 0162 81-5 781 91-3 77-9 71-9 0-876 74 205 S S \V US Do. 5 29754 0102 846 78-2 91-9 787 745 0-879 74 w South 25 Do. 6 29-752 0-133 84-8 78-6 93-4 78-9 7.V1 0-875 71 217 S by W M lla/.y : Ig. X. \V. 7 20735 0163 859 793 96-9 79 1 76-0 0-913 74 20S S S W IS Do. 8 29-757 0-131 86-1 79-7 946 79-6 76-6 0-928 72 tsn Booth 5 Fine. 9 M-88B 0-099 85-2 7!-S 921 797 ... 77'3 0-918 76 189 South 12 Do. 10 29-861 0-148 84-5 78-0 91-7 7s 1 73-9 0-S72 71 131 S S E 8 I),,. 11 ae-sae 0-155 83-6 77-6 909 757 ... 71-6 0-867 75 Ut a ^ E t Do. 12 80783 0-174 841 77-4 91-0 W-8 72-1 0-880 N 145 S Eby S 10 Do. 13 29-768 0141 85-2 78-0 92-4 77-5 ... 74-2 0-863 71 160 S E 10 Do. 14 29-790 0-120 85-5 78-8 82-6 78-3 ... 74-4 0-896 73 148 S E by S 111 Do. 15 29-816 0-148 85-3 78-7 923 78-7 ... 75-1 0-893 74 63 E SE 17 Light elouds. 16 29-812 0-090 84-8 7S-2 111-.-, 80-5 77-2 0-877 74 100 E S E 35 Fine with passing clouds: Ig. S. W. 17 20-806 0-124 85-8 77-7 913 79-1 76-8 0-850 70 83 SE 17 Fine with passing clouds. 18 29-790 0-109 85-3 78-6 925 777 ... 743 0-889 73 53 E S E 38 Do. do. 19 29-775 0122 85-6 78-9 913 803 7l>7 0899 73 79 Eby S IS Cloudy: th. and l.u'. X. 20 29791 0-158 83-4 777 90-1 78-7 77-1 0-874 7(1 71 E by S so 0-20 Cloudy. 21 29-813 0-151 77-6 76-6 82-5 75'5 ... 739 0-860 91 68 E S E 100 1 71 Ovemist : ill. and Ig. 22 29-832 0-102 78-1 761 83-1 717 73-0 0-875 91 82 S SE IIKI O'fiO Overcast. 23 29-841 0-117 80-5 77-4 86-9 78-3 78 0891 86 90 s s !: 60 0-41 Cloudy. 24 29-823 0-145 78-6 76-1 87-0 74-9 7315 0-868 89 110 SS E 7,-, 2-10 Tli. : Ig. ami rain. 25 29-778 0-158 799 76-2 90-6 73-7 ... 72-1 0-855 84 98 S S W 57 0-03 Cloudy : th. 26 29-780 0-134 83-9 774 91-1 763 ... 75-0 0-863 73 104 S S E II Fine \\iili passing clouds : Ig. 27 29-765 0-120 85-4 80-3 94-0 790 76-5 01(67 79 108 S by E n Fine : Ig. W. 28 29-778 0-128 85-2 79-S 96-8 796 ... 77-5 0-928 77 123 South 27 Fine with p. cl. : th. and Ig. N. W. 29 29-753 0-146 86-3 71C7 96-8 77-9 76-6 0926 74 141 Sby W 20 ... Fine : Ig. S. W. 30 29-745 0-140 87-8 80-0 98* 80-9 ... 78-7 09*0 70 164 S by W 27 Fine with passing cloud*. Mean 29-790 0-135 839 78-0 57-6 ..s 74- 0-881 76 13% S S E 31 5.5 31 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1863 May. 3 30 >> I BAROJ SEDOCJl Mean IETEE D TO 32 Rauge Corrected Mean Temperature SKLF HK THERM 1 Dry GISTERIXG 3MKTEKS Sun Grass Deduced Wind Clouds 1 General Weather Dry Wet Max. Win. Max. Min. Vapour i Hum- Tension idity Daily Vein- city Mean Direc- tion Hay Inches Inches o o Inches Cents Milea Points Cents [ncbes 1 29747 0-133 88-4 SO-3 98-5 81-6 78-2 0-986 69 151 S by W 10 ... Fine. 2 29-758 0-146 87-2 Bl-fe 9S-1 81-3 78-2 0-992 76 173 South ... Clear. 3 29741 0-136 86-9 90-1 967 SO- 7 76-9 0-931 74 160 South Do. 4 29750 ; UI.V. Sfi-5 Mf 95-4 79-5 75-1 0-S77 69 231 South Do. 5 29784 0-141 86-7 79-1 93-7 79-5 ... 767 0-898 70 219 S by E 3 Do. 6 29731 0-108 86-3 79-6 M-t 79-7 76-1 0-922 73 245 Sby E Do. 7 29758 0-127 86-5 80-0 94-5 80-3 77-8 D-flW 74 228 Sby E 3 ... Clear : Ig. S. W. 8 29-696 0-161 S7-i> S0'4 962 SI 3 78-9 Q-8J8 71 211 South 13 Fine : If*. S. W. 9 29-700 o-ioo 87-9 78-5 98i 805 ... 75-7 0-S50 65 198 South 17 ... Fine with passing clouds : Ig. S. W. 10 29-704 0-119 S7'i) Mi 94-7 SMI ... 78-5 0-928 70 194 S by E 18 Do. do. 11 29-696 0-139 86-9 80-4 92-7 81-4 78-7 0951 71 171 S S E 37 ... . Do. do. 12 29-682 0-107 87-1 S 1 -9 92'3 82-2 ... 79-3 D-OM 79 124 S E 38 ... Do. do. 13 29-696 0-096 si; 1 796 M-l 80-7 ... 777 0-924 74 79 E S E 82 Cloudy. 14 29-707 0-105 85-8 79-5 92-2 79-7 ... 76-3 0-922 75 74 BbyS 97 ... Overcast : Ig. S. W. 15 29-712 0-103 85-4 80-3 92-9 sir. 78-6 0-967 79 81 EN E 65 ... Cloudy. 16 29-713 0-131 85-9 80-4 92-2 81-3 ... 79-0 0-965 78 76 SE byE 42 0-12 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. S. W. 17 29-680 0-133 86-9 Tin; 93-4 80-3 ... 76-7 0-914 71 141 S E 25 ... Fine. 18 29-653 0-134 87-4 809 94-4 81-0 77-9 0-968 N 178 S S E 42 Hazy. 19 29-683 0-096 87-1 78-4 95-6 81-5 787 0-855 66 169 South 43 ... Fine with passing clouds : Ig. S. 20 29-692 0-109 87-2 78-0 98-4 80-9 77-6 0-836 65 192 S S W 40 ... Fine with passing clonds. 21 29-709 0-120 88-3 78-2 995 81-7 78-6 0-830 BB 207 S S W 27 ... Fine. 22 29-739 0-121 86-8 77-5 95-2 SO'O 767 0-826 64 191 South 68 Pine with passing clonds. 23 29-737 0-146 87-4 76-9 99-3 80-5 77-5 0'78t 60 173 S S W 52 Hazy. 24 29-753 0-109 87-8 77-0 97-1 81-2 ... 77'7 0-785 59 1 55 S S W 33 Fine with passing clouds. 25 29-776 0-112 87-7 7s-:i 96-0 79-9 ... 75-6 0-8 !:! 64 153 South 20 Fine. 26 29-774 0-093 86-5 76- 1 98-7 80-4 75-5 0-775 61 144 S S W 42 Fine with passing clouds. 27 29-735 0-139 88-1 77-2 101-4 797 76-1 0787 .Ml 168 SWbyS 35 Bo. 28 29706 0-138 89-1 78-0 100-6 80-6 ... 77-s 0-810 59 173 Sby W 23 ... Hazy. 29 29691 0-135 89-2 79-0 100-9 81-6 ... 79-4 0-854 62 189 South 40 Kne with passing clonds. 30 29-663 0-141 90-6 77-0 99 82-4 ... 80-4 0-745 52 185 South 47 Hazy. 31 29-631 0-131 897 77-2 101-4 84-7 81-3 0-766 55 213 S S W 70 ... Cloady : th. and Ig. N. and N. W. Mean 29-715 0-125 87-4 79-0 96-4 81-0 77-7 0-882 68 169 Sby E S3 0-12 32 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1863 June. 1 1 c I BAKOMKTKK BKJUTKLI TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SKLF REGISTKRIXI; THEBMOMETKK* Deduced Wind _5 5 , ' X (li-iieral Weiithei Mean Range Dry Snn Grass Dry Wot Mat. Min. Max. Min Vapour Tension Hum- idity Diiily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day 1 Inches 29-630 Inches 0-130 Inches 0-838 Cents 61 Milrs 171 Points S W Ceiits to nchcs Fine with passing rloud.-. 89-0. 78-6 1020 81-4 ... 77-9 2 29-653 0-114 88-1 78-0 95-5 81-2 76-4 0-824 62 190 Sby W 17 Fine. 3 29-629 0-116 N77 78-6 98-0 80-3 ... 76-7 0-S57 66 206 South 18 Fine :lir. \V. 4 29662 0-110 90-5 77-6 101-3 82-4 ... 77-S 0-773 54 176 SWbyS 27 Fine with passing clouds : tli. N. \V. 5 29-694 0-114 89-9 77-0 103-0 82-2 ... 77'7 0-782 53 221 SS W (>0 Cloudy. 6 29-713 0-052 88-4 77-2 98-2 84-4 ... 80-4 0-784 58 181 SSW 87 ... Do. 7 29-724 0-J06 87-7 76-1 96-4 81-8 ... 78-6 0-746 57 199 SWbyS 9o Overcast : lg. N. W. 8 29-743 0114 84-5 76-4 95-3 78-8 74-2 0-802 68 187 S S W M 0-12 Cloudy : lg. 9 29-760 0-112 857 77-8 96-4 79-4 ... 76-0 0-847 68 139 SSW 60 ... Cloudy : Ig. S. W. 10 29'756 0-128 87-4 78-1 98-2 80-2 ... 75-9 0-837 64 156 8 byW U ... Fine : lg. S. W. 11 29-727 0-144 87-8 78-0 100-9 79-5 ... 75-9 0-828 63 154 S S \V 50 ... Hazy : 1 S . S. \V. 12 29717 0-142 84-7 78-5 94-3 77-9 ... 74-9 0-893 75 146 W S W 97 015 Overcast. 13 29-734 0-102 86-3 76-3 97'4 80-6 ... 77-9 0-773 61 136 S S W 87 0-12 Cloudy : lg. 14 29-708 0-159 86-7 76-5 97-2 79-4 ... 74-9 0-778 61 160 W S W 73 0-07 Cloudy. 15 29676 0142 84-4 75-8 92-4 78-6 ... 76-3 0-777 60 152 S W 100 ... Overcast. 16 29728 0-121 80-3 74-1 85-9 77-4 ... 74-0 0-760 73 114 WS W 100 012 Do. 17 29-694 0-105 84-7 75-0 95-0 76-6 ... 7:f7 0-732 62 162 S W to Do. 18 29679 0-120 87-7 74-4 96-1 79-4 ... 7f>-4 0-673 51 189 S W 87 Cloudy. 19 29-677 0-144 89-2 73-9 96-1 82-2 ... 78-9 0-628 46 230 ws w !IU Do. 20 29-666 0-140 88-5 74-5 94-1 832 ... 77-9 0-666 50 237 S W bytt 93 Do. 21 29-661 0-120 89-2 74-1 972 81-2 ... 76-9 0-641 47 209 SWbyb BB Thick haze. 22 29678 0-104 88-9 75-6 99-4 82-2 ... 75-2 0-707 52 215 S W 80 Hazy : lg. N. 23 29-713 0-135 88-0 76-0 100-2 81-9 ... 77-6 0-737 56 184 S W 63 ... Hazy. 21 29-734 0-153 85-2 76-5 98-2 78-8 ... 79-6 0-796 64 215 S W 73 (j-:iii Do. 25 29-698 0-146 86-7 75-9 100-0 766 ... 75-0 0-750 59 181 S8..W 70 U-1S Cloudy : tli. and lg. 20 29-679 0-128 87-3 74-0 94-8 79-4 ... 76-8 0-662 51 212 W S W 75 ... Cloudy. 27 29-647 0-144 87-8 74-5 973 81-5 ... 78-8 0-676 51 206 S W by W 87 Do. 28 29-657 0-130 86-6 77-0 98-2 812 ... 76-9 0-806 63 193 SSW 77 Do. 29 29-681 0-132 865 76-9 W5 80-4 ... 7<-7 0-806 63 196 S S.W 60 O'Ol Fine with passing clouds. 30 29-693 0-135 87-6 77-1 1001 81-7 ... 7S-5 0-790 60 206 SWbjS 52 Do. Mean 29-693 0-125 87-1 76-3 97-3 80-4 ... 76-8 0766 60 182 8WbyS 70 1-07 33 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1863 July. 04 1 B 1-5 BAROMKTKR RKm:cEi> TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THKHMOMKTKRS Deduced Wind Clouds '3 H (ioneriil Weather Mean Kan^e Dry Sun Grasg Dry Wet Max. Jlin. Max. Win. Vapour 11 inn- Tension iiliiv Daily Velo"- city 1 Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o O O Inches Oents Miles 1'oiuts. Cents. Inches 1 2MM 0-095 86-4 76-2 1001 81-8 78-7 0-767 01 217 SWby.W 58 o-io Hazy. 2 29-671 o-m 87-6 75-9 100-1 79-4 75-6 0738 57 193 S W 70 0-07 Cloudy. 8 89-607 0-141 S!)-9 75-3 99-1 80-9 76-0 0-682 48 180 SWby.W 62 Fine with passing clouds. 1 29-697 o-lo:t 85 '7 76-5 ge-f 82- i 78-6 0-790 64 201 S W 70 0-34 Cloudy. 5 29-721 0-113 85-6 75-5 98-8 80-4 77-0 0-749 60 177 S S W 73 0-03 Cloudy : Ig. N. E. 6 29-688 0-128 84-7 75 7 97-9 7!)-(i 75-6 0-768 04 142 S S W 85 0-14 Do. 7 29-661 0-1)91 81-6 75-7 90-5 76-9 ... 75-3 0-811 75 136 S W 100 0-34 Overcast : th. and Ig. 8 29-638 0-091 81-0 76-3 91-9 75-7 ... 736 0-844 79 101 SWby W 93 0-04 Do. 9 29-673 0-086 80-4 702 W] 7(1.') 7.VIJ 0-848 81 137 SS W 83 2-25 Cloudy : rain. 10 29-721 0-109 82-0 70-5 !)[[ 75-0 74-8 0-840 77 150 South 85 0-11 Cloudy : heavy thunderstorm. 11 29-733 0-143 831 77'7 III -3 70-ti ... 73-7 0-878 77 131 SS W 50 o-M Cloudy : Ig. 12 29-750 0-112 82-1 70-1 91-9 75-3 71-1' 0-821 75 120 SW by.W 45 0-13 Fine with passing clouds. ia 29-770 0-122 84-4 77-1 BB-i 78-5 74-6 0-833 71 125 South 40 Do. 14 29-702 0-133 82-9 78-1 924 78-1 ... 73-0 0-898 80 105 South 67 ... Cloudy : Ig. W. IS 29-786 0-090 78-3 74-7 s_>-:i 73-2 ... 70-5 0-813 HI. 132 WS W 100 2-39 Overcast with rain. 16 29 771- 0-118 83-0 7ti -4 !1-U 77 1 ... 74-6 0-814 70 136 S S W 57 ... Hazy. 17 29762 0-11 1 83'7 75-1 93-1 77-1 ... 74-0 0-757 w 144 SW by W 70 ... Do. 18 21171 1 0-140 81-7 74-7 94-5 77-1 ... 70-7 (1720 61 162 W S W 50 ... Do. 19 29-657 0-107 84-9 75-8 95-3 772 ... 73-7 0770 (it 155 S W. 50 Fine with passing clouds'. 20 29-671 0-095 84-6 75'8 92-9 77'5 ... 7(i-l 0-774 63 159 SS W 22 Fine. 21 29-057 0-123 86-8 76-8 95-0 S|-|. 771 0-779 61 163 S W 47 Fine with passing clouds. 22 29-663 0-102 s:i-l 76-5 8!)- 7 770 71-8 0-825 73 138 West 92 0-13 Cloudy. 23 28-666 0-095 78-5 753 83- 1 756 ... 73-9 0-835 85 156 SWbyS 93 0-54 Do. 24 29-655 0-101 82-3 75-3 89-1 764 ... 73-8 0-794 12 141 SW by W 100 0-02 Overcast. 25 29'63-t 0-114 84.3 74-6 90-9 78-2 ... 75-2 0-727 62 186 Wby-S 93 Cloudy. 26 29-658 0-113 84-0 75-1 90-8 79-4 ... 75-8 0-752 64 130 WS W 1OO ... Overcast. 27 W668 0-L18 84-3 74-6 91-8 78-6 ... 73-6 0-727 62 L Wby S 88 0-06 Cloudy : Ig. K. 28 29-689 0-121 85-0 75-4 94-3 78-2 ... 73-3 0-752 02 173 S W 70 ... Do. 29 29-732 0-13 L 85-6 756 943 78-1 ... 73-7 0-752 61 134 SS W 70 ... Do. 30 29-721 131 85-6 77-3 96-0 78-9 ... 74-0 0-820 67 141 S by W 73 0-02 Cloudy : tli. and Ig. 31 29-738 0-127 86-7 76-0 96-0 78-6 ... 7 HI 0-754 6L 107 SW by S 58 Fine with passing clouds. Mean 29-701 0-114 84-0 75-9 wi 78-0 74-6 0-7MI 1)8 151 S W. 71 7-07 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1863- -August. -u 00 M a 4 BAKOMKTER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMKTKKS Deduced Wind o d c 5 | M (icueral Weather Mean Range Dry" Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Miu. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o o o Inches Cents Miles Points. Cents lichcs 1 29-774 0-108 85-8 76-9 94-5 78-6 ... 72-8 0-805 65 168 s s \v 52 o-oi Fine with passing clotuU. 2 29-788 0-143 84-1 75-5 96-4 77' t ... 73-6 0-768 66 151 SWby S 62 ... Fine: tli. ;\nd Icr. 3 29-748 0-123 84-4 76-3 95-2 76-6 ... 72-8 0-799 68 174 S W 70 Cloudy. 4 29-743 0-081 82-2 74-8 92-0 77-5 ... 71-9 0-763 69 ll'-' P S W 87 0-08 Cloudy : Ig. 5 29-762 0-066 79-1 74-5 92-5 76-0 ... 73-0 0-793 79 130 S S W S7 074 Dloudy : rain. 6 29-737 0-127 82-0 76-2 91-2 75-6 ... 72-8 0-827 76 196 S W 87 005 Cloudy :}<(. K. 7 29-727 0-127 83-1 77-5 92-5 76-9 ... 73-4 0-870 77 150 SWby W 70 O'lS Do. 8 29-750 0-118 82-2 75-9 89-2 76-4 ... 73-1 0-809 74 149 W S W 96 Overcast: U_'. 9 29-749 0-148 81-8 74-4 92-0 77-3 ... 73-7 0-752 69 165 SWbyW 100 023 Do. do. 10 29-727 0-132 82-2 75-3 91-5 76-5 ... 72-9 0-785 71 136 W S W 88 0-08 Cloudy. 11 29-687 0-138 80-5 74-3 84-5 76-3 ... 71-7 0-766 73 115 Wby S 100 0-04 Overcast 12 29-641 0-155 84-6 74-2 93-6 76-4 ... 72-0 0-706 59 181 W S W 63 ... Cloudy. 13 29-678 0-140 84-6 74-4 93-3 77-4 ... 73-3 0-715 60 191 SWbyW 70 o-oi Do. 14 29-692 0-148 85-8 74-7 941 77-2 ... 72-7 0-712 58 168 WS W 78 ... Do. 15 29-692 0-154 85-2 74-0 959 78-8 ... 72-7 0-690 57 167 S W 72 0-03 Do. 16 29690 0-153 85-3 75-2 96-1 79-0 ... 74-7 0-740 61 168 S W 7:! 0-09 Fine with passing clouds. 17 29-709 0130 83-4 76-0 93-1 77-8 ... 74-6 0-799 69 170 S S W 7:! 0-41 Cloudy : tli. and Ig. 18 29-740 0-127 83-5 76-0 94-9 76-0 ... 72-5 0-798 69 164 S S W 65 0-29 Hazy. 19 29-769 0-150 83-4 77-0 90-9 76-3 ... 72-7 0-843 73 135 South 43 Fine with passing clouds. 20 29-795 0-138 83-3 77-0 92-4 76-6 ... 73-4 0-844 74 141 S W 57 0-26 Do. 21 29-787 0-144 83-4 77-1 91-8 79-2 ... 73-9 0-847 74 136 Sby W 65 o-oi Co. 22 29-772 0-131 84-4 77-6 93-3 78-2 ... 74-5 0-850 73 146 SWbyS 33 0-09 Hazy. 23 29-789 0-151 84-3 76-9 92-3 77-4 ... 73-4 0-858 70 136 South 10 Do. 24 29-803 0-112 84-7 76-8 91-2 77-6 ... 72-5 0-816 68 125 S S E 23 ... Fine with passing clouds. 25 29-804 0-125 84-8 77-9 92-3 79-4 ... 74-7 0-863 72 118 S S K 50 Do. 26 29-787 0-121 83-9 76-1 931 78-4 ... 73-7 0-797 68 113 SS W 57 0-16 Do. 27 29-784 0-141 82-1 77-2 91-2 75-6 ... 73-8 0-869 79 132 S S W 45 0-08 Do. 28 29-756 0-162 84-4 77-7 112-1 78-6 ... 75-4 0-859 73 138 S SE 37 Do. 29 29-729 0-129 84-9 78-1 921 78-7 ... 75-4 0-871 73 134 S S.E n Kine. 30 29-725 0-138 82-8 759 941 76-6 ... 72-7 0-802 71 129 North 63 ... Fine with passing clouds. 31 29-719 0-122 84-1 76-7 92-8 77-9 ... 75-9 0-829 70 124 S S E 47 Do. Mean 29-744 0-132 836 76-1 (12-7 77-4 73-4 0-801 70 146 SSW lil H4 35 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1863 September. September 1863 BAROMETKK REDUCED TO 32 Corr( Me JYmpe Dry )cted an rature SELF KEGI.STKRIXG THEKMOMKTEKS Deduced Wind K r3 | 5 _g ft General Weatlier Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Wet Max. Mm. MHX. Miu. Vapour Hum- Tcnsion idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Indies O Indies . Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-693 0-132 88'S 76-8 91-5 78-2 ... 73-8 0-829 73 117 S W 68 Hazy. 2 29-686 0-U6 St-5 76-6 89-4 78-2 76-1 0-819 68 146 S W 88 0-05 Cloudy : Ig. W. 3 29728 0-088 77'7 73-9 83-2 74-3 724 0-784 83 170 w s w 100 0-75 Overcast with rain. 4 29-710 0-132 80-5 75-9 se-a 76-2 ... 74-4 0-825 80 73 SWbyW 95 o-oi Do. 5 29-690 0-HI 79-4 73-4 83-4 76-0 73-3 0-828 82 78 WS W 100 0-27 Ho. 6 29-709 0-104 78-9 75-3 83-4 76-1 ... 74-6 0-830 84 111 S W 100 0-19 Do. 7 29712 0-102 79-5 74'1 86-6 75-2 72-4 0'77l 76 114 SWbyW 100 To. 8 29-744 0-119 82-2 75-4 90-5 75-9 72-4 0-790 72 128 SWbyW 90 0'02 Cloudy. 9 29-728 0-156 83-7 75-7 91-3 75-6 ... 71-6 0-782 68 1.9 S W 80 ... Do. 10 29-717 0-153 84-5 73-2 91-9 77-8 ... 72-4 0-743 63 135 w s w 93 0-02 Overcast. 11 29-736 0-155 83-8 76-0 91-4 76-6 ... 73-7 0-794 68 133 SWbyW 92 o-io Overcast : Ig. 12 29-809 0-131 88-4 75-9 91-7 77-4 73-7 0-795 69 160 S S W 80 0-02 Cloudy. 13 29-837 0:150 82-3 76-4 91-7 77-4 73-8 0-831 75 155 S S W 63 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. 14 29-831 0-137 807 76-5 88-4 74-3 ... 71-8 0-S57 81 168 S S W 67 0-34 Morning overcast : evening fine. 13 29-786 0-150 83-7 75'5 92-6 76-2 ... 73-6 0-774 67 157 s w 35 0-06 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. 16 29-737 0-151 84-5 76-3 93-3 75-6 ... 72-7 0-797 67 151 S WbyW 40 ... Fine with passing clouds. 17 29755 0-128 80-5 75-3 85-8 72-9 ... 71-4 0-808 77 111 WbyS 93 0-88 Overcast with rain. 18 29-771 0-077 80-2 75-0 87-1 76-4 ... 72-5 0-799 77 131 SWbyW 90 0-09 Do. 19 29-754 0-123 84-6 75-8 91-6 76-8 ... 72-8 0-780 67 145 WbyS 57 Cloudy. 20 29-708 0-146 85-6 74-7 93-5 78-4 ... 72-9 0-714 58 175 SWbyW 43 Hazy. 21 29-706 0-128 83-6 73-5 90-2 77-7 73-0 0-691 60 171 W S W 88 0-03 Cloudy. 22 29-711 0123 82-4 72-4 87'2 76-5 72-8 0-662 60 196 West 100 Overcast. 23 29718 0-101 85-1 74-1 92-4 79-3 ... 74-4 0-696 58 147 West 75 Hazy. 24 29-746 0-125 87-0 74-4 95-6 78-4 ... 7V7 0-683 53 150 Wby N 65 Fine with passing clouds. 25 29-730 0-153 88-0 74-0 97-4 80-7 ... 75'5 0-652 49 144 W by S 53 ... Do. 26 29-747 0-116 86-0 76-0 96-4 78-5 ... 7:17 0-764 61 165 S S W 43 Do. 27 29-765 0-140 85'9 76-8 94-8 77-7 ... 74-3 0-800 65 150 South 23 Fine. 28 29-750 0-128 85-8 76-7 95-3 78-9 ... 74-9 0-797 65 121 S by W 42 Fine with passing clouds. 29 29-762 0116 85-7 75-9 95-4 79-3 ... 75-3 0764 62 145 South 53 ... Fine : th. and Ig. 30 29-749 0-113 85-2 77-8 93-4 77'7 ... 73-8 0-855 70 139 South 87 0-21 Cloudy. llean 29-742 0-127 83-3 75-4 90-8 77-0 ... 73-4 0-777 69 140 S W 73 3-04 36 M idras Meteorological Observations. 1863 -October. October 1803. BAROMETER REIH'CEI) TO 32 Correried Mean Temperature SKI.K KKMSTKRING THERUOHKTEKS Deduced \Vinil /. g tt (iencrul Weather Mean Range Dry Snn Grass Dry Wet Max. ICin. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Vein- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches laches o o o * 1 llrlies Cents Miles Points Cents m'ht's 1 29723 0-135 85'5 77 -0 960 770 73-9 0-841 68 l.Vj S by W M Fine with passing i-louds. 2 21)725 0-141 85-8 77-0 9^-8 79-0 7 IT, o-siu 09 160 Var M Cloudy : Ig. S. W. 3 111-751 0150 83-2 75-0 931 75-8 719 Or7M 66 1..7 3 \V 90 (>'.I9 Cloudy : Ig. S. \V. : rain. 4 29759 0121 84-3 75-ii 94Q 77-8 73-5 07(i!l ,:. 151 S S W fiO Fine with passing clouds: Ig. K. K. 5 29-733 0-148 84-9 749 937 77i; 72'9 0-732 til 1*0 s \v r,s lla/.y. 6 29-735 0-128 84-5 76-0 'J53 774 73-3 p-aui 68 146 S by E 33 Kin.- \viili passing clouds: Ig. 8. 7 29-778 0-132 SI- 5 76-3 96-0 77' i 73-(i 0-793 07 132 South I'.") Kin* 1 . 8 29-812 0-129 85'4 7(iO 92-8 78-4 731 0-79B aa 107 S K by 8 10 Fine : Ig. S. \V. 9 29834 0-142 84-2 771 92-8 78-8 711 u-s;tr, 72 108 K S E 18 l.iglii haze. 10 29-K1JS 0-143 84-5 77-4 918 777 73-4 nsili 72 123 SE 22 Juzy : lu'.'S. \V. 11 29-840 0-138 84-1 77-0 9o-a 77-8 71-7 u,s:i:! 72 103 S K -I' Fine with passing clouds: Ig. \V. 12 29-866 0131 83-2 76-j 89'7 77 1 72-11 0-810 71 96 EbyS 17 ... Fine with passing clouds. 13 211-855 0133 83-4 76-7 91 -3 78-9 7.V I o-s^;i 7:! 108 N N E 7:! Cloudy : Ig. S. W. 14 29-869 0-118 702 741 78-4 76-6 7-.-C, 0-816 91 115 X W 90 322 Cloudy : Ig. -\. : heavy rain. 15 29-847 0101 773 7.Vt 83-4 749 7:;:i us.",7 91 84 N N W 92 1-10 t'l'iinlx : ill. and Ig. : rain. 16 29-854 0-096 SO-7 76-9 84-9 769 71'2 0-875 84 106 North 7:) 1125 1).:. do. 17 29-796 0-134 77-6 753 82-5 75-7 ... 74-2 iiMS 90 DP Nby W -I 1 -:i.'t Cloudy with rain. 18 29-766 0-125 80-2 76-0 85-7 |*6 ... 7H1 0813 81 137 N by E M ... Fine with passing clouds. 19 29-683 0-104 79-4 75-7 82-7 7f,7 ... 78-8 0-841 84 349 N E 97 o-s7 Oven-ast: tli. anil Ig. : rain. 20 29-798 0-097 76-8 71.-, 83'8 7l!i 72-0 0-825 90 185 S E by S M I6J I'o. do. do. 21 29-891 0-082 76-5 74-8 82-6 743 72-4 0-840 !>_> 115 S SE M 3-Sl 1" do. do. 22 29-882 0-163 77-0 74-7 81-5 734 ... 72-6 0-830 90 52 Var. 100 0-07 ( )\ < Trust. 23 29-868 0-172 76-5 7:i-4 82-0 717 ... 71 II 0-783 8(1 111 North 80 1-41 Cloii'ly : rain. 24 29-839 0-090 78-1 741 833 732 ... 71-4 U7MI 82 125 N X \V 80 QrQH Do, 25 29-826 0-138 75-2 73-a 76-4 r.n ... 713 0779 M 9H 8 W 100 11.". asiiug clouds. 30 29-888 ; 0-122 79-5 750 ss-a 751 "04 080!) 80 71 Xortl, tee. 31 29-852 0-131 79-9 74-9 s t-s 7i'*i f.ll 1 1799 7s 83 N X K 88 Do, Mean 29-812 0127 80-9 75-8 aru 70-0 7211 (I'Mti 78 122 ES K 5!) 17-011 37 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1863 November. November 1 803 BAUO REDUCE Mean UETER i> TO :i2 Riin;4e Corr Hi Tempi Dry it-teil )au :]-ature SELF RE THKRMC Dry il.STEHI )MKTEI1.- Sun \G Grass Beds Vapour Tension cecl Hum- idity Wind Clouds (3 General Weather Wei Max. .Min. Max. Min. i Daily Mean Velo- i Direc- city tion Day ] nrlies Inches O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inche 1 29-868 0-098 80-2 757 85-3 75-9 71-9 0-829 80 140 X X E 35 Fine with passing clouds. 2 29-881 0-094 78-9 70-8 83-0 75-0 71-3 0-647 66 171 NNE 17 ... Do. 3 29-908 0-108 70-5 69-0 83- t 8 010 0-609 67 148 NXE 20 ... Do. 4 29-892 0-108 75-4 67'0 82-9 09-7 00-3 0-573 65 114 North 12 Fine. 5 29'84fl 0-132 76-2 67-9 83-5 07-7 ... 60-6 0-560 63 100 North 7 Do. (i 29*849 0-114 78-3 : 70-9 83-9 72-0 05-5 0-658 I 08 124 NX E 38 ... Fine with passing clouds. 7 2'887 0-099 78-1 71-4 83-8 71-5 64-6 0-680 71 126 XN E 10 Fine. 8 29-910 0-092 78-1 70-8 83-JJ 71-7 ... 05-1 0-657 69 136 NN.E 13 Do. 9 29-911 0-119 78-1 71 -2 83-5 729 66-6 0-672 70 115 N E by N 35 Hazy. 10 29-935 0-L11 77-3 71-1. 82-8 71- 1 ... 64-7 0-080 72 120 N E by.N 12 Fine. LI 29-941 0-131 76-6 70-9 83-0 70-5 ... 63-9 0-680 74 106 N NE 12 ... Do. 12 29-920 0-108 71 i 2 70-8 83-7 71-8 ... 05-6 0-682 75 91 X N E 10 ... Do. 13 29-901 0-113 76-4 70-9 84-8 69-5 62-4 0-684 75 77 NNE Clear. It 29-894 0-104 79-4 73-2 86-5 72-9 ... 67-3 0-736 73 73 Xorth 3 ... Do. 15 29-922 0-094 79-5 74-3 84-7 74-1 68-2 0-779 77 100 East 25 ... Hazy. 10 29-943 0-084 77-4 74-8 83-5 73-9 ... 65-8 0-829 88 80 N E 7o 0-55 Cloudy with rain. 17 29-935 0-106 790 75-3 83-0 74-9 ... 70-5 0-829 83 123 NNE 93 0-32 Do. 18 29-954 0-137 79-0 75-5 82-1 74-1 ... 72-2 0-837 85 170 Nby W 97 0-26 Overcast. 19 29-984 0-110 77'7 74-0 82-9 76'5 ... 74-2 0-791 83 183 N E by E 87 0-42 Cloudy. 20 29-906 OM30 79-4 74-1 83-5 75'5 ... 71-6 0-773 77 162 NE 60 o-oi Do. 21 29-976 0-129 79-3 72-8 83-5 76-5 ... 72-5 0-721 72 192 NE 45 0-02 Fine with passing clouds. 22 29-998 0-121 77-1 69-9 82-2 71-7 65-9 0-636 68 138 NNE 33 Do. 23 30-001 0-13] 75-7 72-5 82-4 70-3 ... 63-7 0-757 85 98 North 67 0-09 Do. 24 30-005 0-113 77-3 72-6 82-9 72-5 ... 68-7 0-739 79 115 NNE 48 o-oi Do. 25 29-993 0-110 78-0 72-3 83-0 73-2 ... 70-7 0-718 75 140 NEby.N 37 o-oi Do. 26 29-972 0-109 77-7 71-7 82-2 72-4 ... 65-4 0-698 74 130 NNE 47 ... Do. 27 29-957 0-121 76-5 70-6 82-1 71-3 ... 65-4 0-670 73 131 NN.E 32 Do. 28 29-977 0-089 77-2 70-8 82-5 70-5 ... 64-6 0-668 71 148 NNE 27 ... Do. 29 29-973 0-130 77-0 70-2 82-5 70-9 ... 65-1 0-648 70 188 N by E 32 ... Do. 30 29-953 0-099 77-5 70-1 81-6 73-9 ... 70-5 0-638 67 243 N N E 87 0-34 Cloudy. Mean 29-934 0-112 77-7 71-8 83-3 72-5 ... 67-2 0-703 74 133 NNE 37 2-03 10 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1863 December. December ISfil! BAROMETEK KKJH c'KIi TO 32 Corrected -Mean Temperatnie SKT.F RKCISTKKI.NC TltKKMOXKTKKS Deduced Wind 3 e D H K M (ifiicml \Vi-utlii'r Kou Range 1 >ry Bait Grass Try \Vct Max. Mil,. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Ililni- i.lity I'ailv Veln- rit\ Mean 1 iriT- linn fay 1 Inches 89*01 Inches 0-089 89-1 Inches i>7.-.7 Cents sn Miles 228 I'ninfs Worth Oenta HXi ln-lu's i':;s ( )\ in-cast \\ ii h ruin. 7:fii 71-7 76-3 71-ti ^ 88-967 0'08" 7I'7 7J-s 77-0 720 71-1 -78fl 91 tat X H [00 1-92 60. a B9-S84 0'0!9 7.V5 7H-7 7!iii 735 71-7 O'SO!) N 113 X K too 1 ;>.) Do. 4 20-979 0-135 727 71-5 710 71-9 71-5 0-759 CM 104 North 100 . ta 1 ,,. 5 2!I-!I'.H 0-145 73-5 715 7(1-1' 71-6 ... 70-9 0-748 !Mi [as X X \V HXI V!)S Do. C 2!l".>Ci 0103 7l>2 71-9 790 730 ... 72-5 0-725 SO ioi X K BO 003 Hourly. ^ i 20<->7 o-iis ".'.-I 70-0 7!lfi 71111 ... (IV7 OG90 n 102 x i: 17 l-'ilir. K 30-002 0104 7:!'i; 7(H 18-9. 68-9 ... 615 0-691 83 '.IS X K 17 Do 9 0D02C 0-098 73-7 06-9 79-0 C.70 ... Gii-Ji 0-570 69 100 X K 47 Fine with passing cli'i lo 30023 0-102 74-0 07'5 79-0 G!l-r> ... t C3-S 68 115 North 30 Do. 11 30011 0116 71-7 (IS-5 7M 09-0 (54-2 0-615 Tl 115 X \ V. 47 Do. 12 30033 0-09G 74-5 690 79-6 oa-a ... 626 0-636 74 144 X K i,y X 4M Do. U 30-037 0-112 71-2 69-2 7!>r, 70-1 > 656 0-648 N 151 >; x K 23 1),.. 11 30-028 0-09(5 736 676 7!>6 667 ... r,r<; 0-597 7-J 111 N'EbyN :):i Do. 15 30-014 0-116 74-2 67-8 79-8 re B9-8 0-5(15 70 ICO NEby-N :;:'. Do. 1G 30-009 a-iis 74-4 <4 79-9 r,vs ... ii-(i 0-616 72 194 X El.y X -'2 Do. 17 29-985 0-117 72-4 667 7sr, ii7-r. 88' l 6*9 73 116 X X K >_>> Do. 18 30034 0-086 72-8 liT 1 79-4 652 :.7 1 0-589 73 120 X K l.y X M Do. 19 30-035 0113 71-3 67-5 795 7(M ... 024 0-585 69 too X X K M Fine. 20 30011 0-092 74-6 686 7M 698 ... (15-1 o-(>;o 72 173 X X K 23 Fine \vitli |i:i*>inir cloud.-. 21 30055 0-106 74-1 672 78-9 (J7-S 60-3 0-575 68 144 x i:i,> N L'S Do. 22 30036 0-129 737 68-3 79-4 68-0 004 -6M 74 119 X X K 37 Do. 23 30033 0-126 731 68-1 796 'W- 61-6 0-021 7(i 86 X X K :io Do. M 30-036 0113 72-S 68-4 79-6 (i.-, (i r,7-ti 0-63(i 79 109 N N--K 38 Do. 25 30'OOG 0134 76-2 67-8 79-7 71 r. 67-:J 0-568 62 1S4 N N--K 27 eoj Do. ge 29989 0113 756 637 .iiO'2 TI-2 ... 64-6 0010 69 life MEby-X 2S Do. 27 29-992 0-098 748 690 o-i iw-s ... 63-6 0-C.33 73 167 X X E 07 Cloudy. 28 30-008 0-102 76-3 708 799 7i:i 70-H 0-681 75 199 X X-K 100 OU2 Oven ; 20 29-999 0-113 74-7 69-8 .40-1 70-S ... 63-6 0663 77 159 N X E 72 Cloudy. 30 29-984 0143 72--1 67-5 789 H ... 6i -a 0608 76 131 N X K M Fine. 31 29-97G 0-140 716 66-6 78-8 65-8 586 0-587 76 105 X X E 20 Do. Mean 30-004 O'lll 74-1 tiii 1 780 60-4 ... 64-4 0(>45 76 M N X..E 47 I3-3S 39 CO co c Cfi Jl T. CM O pS \ 1 | t* !>. o -* -* 10 10 l-^ * S3 * * Ol ' ft 7J l-t C-l f-t (-1 M 1-H _= 5 o x *- -^ ^ r. 5 :c ,oowOC:-*x^-iox g r-t 6^o67i66co6to I E ? " ^s ft *A -o m ^ CO O ^ -^ co x -f a x -^ -M -f co ,-t^^H^- W 71r-^CI i Mean Direction . OC * _ ,_! M o" , CG CG ^ ^ <>'"* ^ r/) *"" **" 'f- &2 02 /. p * ** M ?-i ii i-4 co *" - OS X i-t >(5 1^. t^ ^H !^> C5 CO 00 j CO^-S37|-r l CO' l ClC;-f' T r*l 5? *"!' >OX'-f'71Cl7"l^-<;rO7i:OCl r^- "'"'Ciwtcoo'f?^ ^j 1 w co re 2 (iraes JTIiermometer Lowed CI i-^ ^1 i i rl Ct t 1 * 3 o 'So o SSBJf) UO ^ - i- -^ i- x ----- -i - g oo COCCYX 1 ! ! t^ pH I 1 * ^ -* CO f' c O * 7 JC -r t-* (b -r 1 CO CO 7 1 t -^J- '- CD I- I- |> I - l>- t>. 1-. -~ o J'.j^.r-iaioroo^ a 6 * 10 s ;s to t- i t>. i>. i>. -o o o u in ,,,,, Brc -a u ISIITI 1'hermometei 1 I 1 : ; : ::::::::: ~ '- V. X O i.o'" X O y ~ ~ s - :c O ~ O 'So o OJ . . . o -1 I V Huniidiiy Lowest ^ Q t ?i ^ r: - ^ :- 10 ~ '-? i- f- x / i^- i - 7. \ -~ x i-^ ?c s 666666666666 6 2 3 '* Ol O CD Ci 71 O CO C 0) CO t.O O O ^ CO CO TT! CO -f it ni 9 -o C c: o s c i) rt 'f 8 J 1 - S 8 S t 2 5 8 * 2 & a 43 - a s -^ co >o co co x c: i i i-^ u i<- - tc i i t-* C t^- i- i 1-^. cs 5 71 X 71 71 1^ (" r X - 1 O O rt o 2 Sf.SS.SglSslg^gi i- i- t- 4 - ^ i^ ^ ^ ^ ^ .- Madras Extreme Month! | Dry Bulb Thermometer Lowest g- ^H ^D i t >O *O t>- 1(0 I'* 1>- CO lO X Dry Bulb Thermometer 3 SS5SS8SSS2SS 1 O O ^1 i>- O ^ (M CO Ci I 1 *- !* Ol OOWb o X 6 CO l^. Ai 6 X 1 s - 1-* 3 n x i> i" t* t* i- -c a o n ^* t-* co c: o t-* LO t-i 7) ra r-i -P c QCOrH w <>i o i-^ T? r. 4>- x c*c c: cv c; o c.' Ci x ou t- 5 ip os p 01 ^r 7^ p CD cc i" CO >O 6 CO t* I.' -* 70 CO O i"- 1- i-* X X X X y^ x X X l> S. 9 o oiorsir co6d5i--qD5b6 XXXCSOOOCiOOlXX Baromotc'i- o 4 to o i 71 "0 -^ ^ -J -ft i-rf - t^ Barometer r^X ( ^ f^O171CO7J'W.-iCOri7J p, . c 666666666666 g ^ 5SSS'iS8 g 666660000666 S CO 15 S ss w 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 5 z s s 1 cc i c H QCIi-^rH CO C*f-i r- 1 2 6 ci Ci cs ci O O ifl O O 1.-^ sf (Annual i s S si a S S S S 5 S S 41 1 |- = 3 2 2 s 2 8 s si a s I Illllllillli : ^ ^ llii^itiii b i' : ! s | t 1 i 40 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1864 January BAROMETEK SELF REGISTERING January ISIil RKWTEIP Tl> :i2 Curivi-tfd MiMII Temperature THERMOMETERS 1 'educed Wind 5 i _ [lichr lic'iirriil \\V;itlier Mean Range Dry Pnn Min. Dry Wet Max. .Min. Max. Vapour Tension Hum idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o o Inches Cents Miles I'oinis Cent* 1 29969 0-133 715 !ii;7 78'3 65-2 ;)(i- 1 0-592 74 84 NEbyN 13 l-'inr. 2 29-968 0127 72-4 669 77-9 65-2 ... 573 0-587 73 77 N K 5 Clear. :{ 29977 0-109 W-8 (171 78-2 655 57-C. 0-1587 73 101 X E by X 18 Fine. 1 29-970 l:H 742 67-9 so-o (>7-0 ... 59-5 O'liOO 71 117 N K 38 Fine with puaMng c-Iiuitls. 5 J!l!)57 0-130 74-4 (1!I2 80-6 671 ... EOt 0(U5 75 152 x E 18 ... Cloudy. 8 29-992 0-103 75-8 69-9 80-5 70-4 6*7 0-651 Ti- 2(H \ K 50 Do. 7 30-012 0-114 76-2 69-0 797 74-1 ... ears 0013 CS L'l'l X K 17 Fine with pn-sint; rlomU. s 30-015 0-116 756 68-4 79-fi 73-2 ... liS-4 0-599 67 218 \ K 77 Cloudy. B 30-040 0-099 755 1)7-2 7N-3 74-3 (HI2 O'557 03 231 X E by X W 1 h eivast. 10 :so-o:H 0-118 74-0 67-2 78-8 71-0 IKI-I; 0-577 69 186 NNE 50 Cloudy. 11 30-009 0-121 73-3 66-8 79-4 (i7-7 60-8 0-572 70 175 X X E 27 Fine with passiii',' rlomls. 12 30-023 0-138 720 65-3 7!ro 65-5 .-.77 0535 68 120 X K IS Do. 13 30-006 0-146 71-7 63-4 77-s 6V4 55'7 0-474 61 1 II N E by N 2:1 HMZV. 14 80-978 0-109 71-9 til.-.- 79-5 67-7 55-8 0- !!!> G3 88 X E 63 Cloudy. 15 29-939 O'lol 722 (54-0 79-6 (i(i-2 58-6 0-488 61 103 NNE 33 IFa/.y . 16 29916 0-136 72-0 lili-0 78-9 63-5 54-4 0560 71 88 N E 7 Pine, 17 29-938 0134 72-5 (iti'S 79-9 (54-8 56-2 0-582 73 128 K X E 7 Do. 18 29-941 0-123 72-0 66-4 73-3 64-5 56-5 0575 73 91 N E 5 (Hear. 19 29-962 0-137 72 1 66-1 78-6 64-8 ... 5(5-5 0-558 70 119 N E 3 Do. 20 30-009 0-113 727 63-7 79-1 64-3 ... 55-2 0-471 58 100 E X K 5 Do. 21 30030 0-136 71-5 64-4 79-4 64-0 ... 51-9 0-511 66 86 N E 32 Hax.y. -'2 30015 0129 70-6 (J4-5 78-5 62-1 ... 55-7 0-527 70 102 X K by X 18 Fine. 2.'! 29-981 0-142 697 63-6 78-4 61-8 ... 52-6 0-508 70 69 N E 22 ... Do. 24 29964 0-130 701 63-8 80-7 61-6 ... 54-5 0-509 69 73 East 13 Do. 25 29-980 0-149 70-4 64-2 81-0 61-1 ... 51-6 0-519 69 109 NEbyE 13 Do. 2fi 29-986 0-138 70-4 63-3 79-3 61-2 ... 52-0 0-489 66 100 NNE 12 ... Do. 27 29-995 0-137 70-1 63-9 79-5 617 52-2 0-512 6S 79 X E 2 Clear. 28 29-983 0-121 69-8 63-9 78-0 60-5 52-1 0-516 70 81 N E by E 17 Hax.y. 29 30013 0-110 70-1 64-3 78-5 61-6 ... 53-9 0-523 70 70 Eby N 22 ... Do. 30 30-001 0-123 71-4 66-2 79-4 63-3 * 54-1 0-575 7r, 70 K S K 8 ... Fine. 31 30-014 CrllO 72-2 65-8 79-1 64-7 ... 67-2 0-550 70 82 E fi E 12 ... Do. Mean 29-988 0-126 72-3 65-8 792] 66-5 ... 677 0-550 69 118 N E 26 Nil. 41 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1864 February. February 1864 BAROMKTER RKIil 1 Kl) TO 32 on-f cteil Mean fempenitmv Sv.r.V liKGIKTKKING TllKRMUMKTKKK Deduced Vapour I Hum- Tcnsion itlity Wind Clouds d 'S cc General VVeatlier Mean . Hange Dry Sun Max. (IniSN Min. Dry Wet Max. Min. Daily Velo- city Mean Dirw- tion Kay Inches Inched o o o IlK'lll'S Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 30-068 0-115 73-0 657 79-7 61-4 57-4 0-53(i m H N K by E 17 Hazy. 2 30112 0-102 7H-4 66-1 79-5 65-4 57-2 0-545 tKi 138 , N K 17 Fine. 3 30-109 0-093 75-!) (i?-7 80-9 70-7 63-1 0-575 (>:! 215 N E 30 Fine with passing clouds. 4 30-121 0117 75-4 liS'S 80-6 71-8 68-3 0-618 71 190 N E by K 33 Do. 5 30-128 0-1. SO 7I'4 t>8-9 80'6 67-6 60-1 0-634 74 113 N E by K 20 Da 8 30-107 o i 36 74 1 67-9 80-7 661 ... 58'8 0-597 70 114 N E 13 Fine. 7 30-102 0-136 711 6.VS 79-7 66-8 57-9 OT)22 61 159 N E 17 Do. 8 30-065 0-132 72-d 65 1 78-6 68-0 60-2 0-516 lil 119 N E 25 Fine with isfiiijr clouds. 9 30-060 0-113 71-4 61-8 78-8 63-5 54-8 0527 H m N K by N 3 Clear. 10 30-040 0-124 73-1; 65 1 79-9 64-8 56-6 0-507 61 132 N E 5 Do. 11 30-041 0-113 73-6 65-0 79-6 66-4 59-5 o-.-,c(i 61 126 KNE 20 Passing clouds. 12 30-074 0-105 75-9 65 -7 80-1 72-4 ... 86-9 0- HI7 M 132 K XE 40. Do. 13 30-031 -122 73-5 86-1 82-2 67-4 59-9 0-525 63 91 ENE 47 ... Do. 14 29-912 0-151 71-6 646 79-3 64-2 ... 56-9 0-517 67 69 East 15 Fine. 15 29-881 0-139 70-7 65-1 79-3 61-4 ... 52-5 0-557 74 80 SEby E 10 Do. 16 29-855 0-133 73-6 67-8 85-4 64-0 56-6 0611 73 142 S E 3 ... Clear. 17 29-847 0-175 75-8 70-5 82-8 68-0 63-7 0-(i7!l 76 173 S? 5 Do. 18 29-795 0-171 77-9 : 72-6 85-6 70-6 05-5 0-731 77 397 S S E 3 Do. 19 29-787 0-125 79-2 72- 1 86-8 72-9 69-3 0-7U(i 71 210 S by E 3 Do. 20 29-809 0-184 78-9 7:'.-0 84-9 73-1 07-4 0-733 74 191 i S S E 10 Fine. 21 29-913 0-104 78-3 73-7 84-2 73-6 68-5 0-771 80 17!) SE 23 Passing clouds. 22 29-963 0-121 77-7 71-8 83-3 71-7 65-8 0707 74 123 S E 20 Fine. 23 29-904 0-142 78-1 72-0 83'5 73-1 (Mi-0 0-705 74 113 SE 20 Do. 24 29-847 0-150 77-4 70-7 83-:) 709 (it>-5 fr-688 71 147 S E by S 7 Do. 25 29-854 0-131 77-8 72-0 S5-3 69-6 ()4'0 0'7(IN 74 175 S S E 13 Do. 26 29-885 0-141 79-2 733 85-9 73-5 (iS-il 0711 74 179 S S E 13 Do. 27 29-865 0-157 79-6 73-5 86-5 72-9 68-0 o-74(> 74 IC.9 S S E 12 Do. 28 29-822 0-143 80-2 74-2 88-8 73-7 69-2 07(Mi 74 168 S S E 7 Do. 29 29-871 0-108 79'(i 73-8 86-3 73-8 (is t 0-757 75 188 S E by S 3 Clear. Mean 2!HH>2 0-130 75-S (ill 1 82-5 (i9-0 G2-7 (KiL'S 7o 146 E by S 16 Nil. 11 42 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1864 March. BAROMKTCB SKLF REGISTERING 'z \ S REDUCED TO 32 3 Corrected Mean 'emperatnre Tlll.HMil.WKrURS Deduced V Daily Veto- city *ind Moan Direc- tion X O JJ 5 d I General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Ma, Min. Max. Min. Vajxnir Tension Hum- idity Day Inches Inches O O O o o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 29-941 0-119 78-7 71-8 85-1 73-2 ... 67-2 0-088 70 S EbyS 5 Clear. 2 29-949 0-121 78-2 71-5 84-6 70-8 64-7 0-688 71 S E i:t Fine. 3 29-953 0-144 76-9 70-6 83-7 71-9 ... 65-4 0-676 72 S E Clear. 4 29-978 0-114 77-3 71-4 81-1 69-1 65-0 CrflftO 73 S E 12 Fine. 5 30-020 0-140 7V2 72-2 84-6 71-1 65-4 0-711 71 ... ! K by S 82 Fine with passing clonds. 6 30-036 0-135 79-4 72-3 85-0 74-8 72-1 mi'lli 70 K X K 23 Do. 7 2SV999 0-137 77H 71-8 84-2 71-4 66-1 0-700 74 East 20 Fine. 8 29-961 0-141 77"s 71-2 85-8 70-3 ... 63 1 0-677 72 ... ES E 13 Do. !) 29-981 0134 77-4 70-5 84-2 69-8 ... 63-4 0-054 70 ... BSE 20 Do. 10 30-014 0119 76-3 68-4 84-1 69-1 ... 67-0 0-589 61 ... S EbyE 28 Fine with passing clouds. 11 29-972 : 0-156 76-1 68-7 84-5 65-1 ... 58-1 0-605 07 . . SEbyE 10 ... Fine. 12 29-931 0134 77-5 70-4 85-3 8-0 ... 61-7 0-660 69 SE 13 ... Ho. 13 29-952 0-137 78-8 72-6 85-4 71-1 ... 64-2 0-719 73 ... SK 30 ... Fine with passing clouds. 14 29-915 0-147 79-2 73-0 86-5 71-9 ... 65-5 0-730 73 ... S Eby S 20 ... Fine. 15 29915 0-1 28 79-7 72-5 87'3 72-1 ... 65-0 0-703 70 ... SE 17 Do. 16 29-950 0-125 79-5 > 727 7'1 72-0 ... 66-2 0-714 71 131 S Eby 8 13 Ho. 17 29-944 0-133 78-0 71-S 85-7 70-2 ... 63-9 0-699 73 146 S Eby S 3 Clear. 18 29-892 0-154 79-1 722 87-9 68-9 62-6 0-698 70 162 S S K .;:! Finr witli passing clouds. 19 29-892 0-112 *l-2 74-7 89-6 73-3 68-4 0773 73 1(51 S 8 E u Hazy. 20 2!Ht23 0-140 80-0 j 73-8 87-8 73-9 69-1 0-752 73 153 SbyE 7 Fine 21 29-920 0-129 7M-.1 71-8 86-6 C9-7 634 0-091 71 188 S S K 12 Do. 22 29-905 0129 78-7 72-8 87'6 09-3 61-0 0-729 7 1 175 South 3 Clear. 23 29-906 0-150 79-0 73-4 87-5 71-1 66-5 0749 76 153 S by E 10 Do. 24 29-918 0-107 78-8 73-2 87-7 70-7 64-0 0-744 70 127 SSE 12 Fine. 25 29-945 0-130 77-8 72-4 86-1 70-6 ... 64-5 0-724 75 110 SSE 3 Clear. 26 29-949 0150 79-7 74-1 87-6 70-1 ... 03-4 0-769 76 137 S S E 3 Do. 27 29-932 0-126 79-9 74-7 87-8 72-0 ... 64-6 0-791 77 141 S S K 13 Fine. 28 -!i X'7 0-121 81-4 751 89-4 73-3 ... 67-5 0-788 73 180 S S K 18 ... Do. 29 29-909 0-148 81-7 75-6 91-6 75-0 ... 71-1 0-806 75 Hiii SSE 13 Do. 30 29-924 0-134 82-3 75-0 89-8 75-0 73-6 0-771 70 181 SSE 20 Do. 31 29-911 0-127 82-2 75-2 91-2 75-0 ... 73-6 0-781 71 178 S S K 20 Do. Mean 29-944 0-133 78-9 725 86-6 71-3 ... 65-7 0-715 72 S E by S i 15 Vil. 43 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1864 April. 00 T 1 "t BARO REDUCE Mran METER ) TO 32" Riingn Corrected Mean Temperature SEI.K RE THKHM< Dry :ISTKI:I )METKR San \-<; 1 Grass Deduced Wind X 3 _O 6 General Weather Dry Wet Max. | MilL. Max. Min. I 1 Vapour | Hum- Tension ! idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents [nches 1 29-905 0-138 82-2 77-0 ss-ii 75-4 70-2 0-859 78 175 S S E 23 ... Fine. 2 29-925 0-130 82-7 76-6 89-1 7(3-0 72-9 0-835 75 169 S E by S 23 Do. 3 29-ill.O 0-120 81-7 75-4 8S-5 75- 1 ... 69-2 0-797 73 131 S E 7 Clear. 4 29-930 0-108 80-1 73-6 87-9 72-3 (ili-0 0-742 72 104 S E 10 Fine. 5 29-905 o-lli 80-0 729 87-8 71 1 64-8 0-715 70 120 SE 13 Do. 6 29-850 0-132 81-0 74-0 88-6 72-3 65-4 0-771 73 111 S by W i Clear. 7 29-815 0-138 82-5 772 90-1 74-4 C9-8 0-864 78 163 SEby S 37 Fine with passing clouds. 8 29-780 0- 1 15 84-1 78-1 90-9 7S-0 74-6 0-882 75 181 S S E 15 Fine. 9 29-813 0-137 83-6 76-9 90-0 78-7 ... 74-7 0-835 73 155 S S E 20 ... Do. 10 29-8 10 0-112 81-9 74-8 88-8 74-8 ... 68-8 0-768 71 118 S.E 5 Clear. 11 29-879 0-122 81-3 74-2 89-0 723 ... 05-2 0-752 71 106 SE 3 1)0. 12 29-882 0-130 82-8 76-4 hie t 75-0 69-0 0-824 73 100 S E 20 Fine. 18 29-834 0-136 83-7 76'5 90-5 75-8 70-2 0-817 71 181 S E 12 Do. 14 29-703 0-104 83-7 77-0 93-1 77-2 73-2 0-866 75 159 SSE 33 Fine with passing clouds. 15 29-793 0-129 83-3 70-8 90-0 75-1 75-3 0-835 73 149 S EbyE 23 Do. 10 29-824 0-130 88-7 76-4 90-0 70-5 ... 69-2 0-812 70 121 SSE 20 Fine. 17 29-837 0-136 82-6 76-2 90-1 76-3 ... 70-1 0-818 73 99 SSE 40 ... Fine with passing cloudg. 18 29-844 0-128 82-7 75-0 S!)2 75 7 ... 70-) 0-766 63 90 S E 53 Cloudy. 19 29-835 0-110 83- 1 75-9 89-8 74-8 69-4 0-798 70 118 SSE 33 ... Fine with {Missing clouds. 20 29-831 0-119 83-9 77-4 91-7 77-5 ... 73-9 0853 73 108 SSE 87 ... Cloudy. 21 29-834 0-112 83-8 77'7 92-1 75-8 ... 76-3 0-863 75 122 S E by S 78 ... Do. 22 29-830 o-i os 84-5 1 77'6 90-9 7sr, 71-1 0-854 72 106 ESE 48 Fine with passing clouds. 23 29-805 0-112 84-2 78-7 90-5 78-8 74-2 0-908 77 129 SSE 73 0-23 Cloudy. 24 29-885 0-098 84-3 77'5 90-5 77-1 71-2 0-353 73 121 Sby E 30 Fine with passing clouds. 25 29-879 O-HO 85-5 78-0 92-8 77-9 70-7 0859 75 173 S by E Clear. 26 29-845 0-123 86-1 79-6 919 78-0 74-4 0-924 74 163 South .Do. 27 29-799 0-159 85-0 77-6 90-9 78-1 76-2 0-848 70 157 South 15 Passing clouds* 28 29-796 0-140 87-0 78-7 97-9 78-6 773 0870 07 105 South 20 Fine. 29 29-811 0-106 80-2 79-5 95-7 78-8 ... 77-9 0-917 73 1S5 South 18 Do. 30 29-847 0-140 85'5 79-7 93-2 7s-5 ... 78-2 o-a-J7 77 19 L S by E 13 Do. Mean 29-848 0-124 83-4 76-8 91-0 76-2 ... 72-1 0-835 73 138 SSE 27 0-23 44 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1864 May. pH fr -. BABOMETEB EKDDCKI) TO 32 C directed Mean Temperature SEI.K RKIMSTKKIXG TllKKMOMKTKK- Dedo Vaixiur Tension coil Hum- idity Wind Daily Mean Veto- Direc- i-ity tion. 'V 1 B i tii'M'i-itl \Vcatlifi- Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Tay Inches Inches D o Indies Cents Miles Vuiiits Cents Indies 1 29-861 0-120 85-3 78-5 92-3 7SI-1I 7;-4 0-884 73 162 8 by E 13 Fini-. 2 29-834 0-161 84-8 78-5 91-3 7!l-3 75-G 0-881 75 13A S l.y K 27 Fine \\~irl. passing clonds. 3 29-329 0- 1 12 K-a 70-8 912 78-0 75-9 0-809 | 67 119 S S E 18 Finc. 4 29-810 0-126 84-7 78-7 91-9 781 ... 73-4 0-901 76 125 8 S E 15 Do. 5 29-823 0121 85-0 78-7 * 77-4 75*6 0-899 ! 75 1 -j 1 s S E Cler. 6 29-790 0-134 85-8 7v-' 949 78-1 ... 7i->; 0-864 70 122 S S E 10 Fine. 7 29-795 0-112 i H5'7 78-7 926 77-s 763 Ci-SV, 7.' !l P S K 10 Fine with passing clouds. 8 29-819 0-137 85-8 78-8 93-0 80-6 ... 75 '5 (r8H n S K 27 Fine with passing clouds : th. 9 29-818 0'149 84-1 779 92-9 79-5 ... 75-4 0873 75 117 S S \v (K) 0-03 Morning fine : afternoon th. and Ij-. 10 29-841 0-098 84-7 76-4 92-8 76-6 ... 72-6 U-71HI 67 120 S E 07 Cloudy. 11 29-872 0-087 85-0 78-2 91-1 81-1 ... 77'ii 0-874 73 129 S by E M Do. 12 29-884 0-105 856 78-6 93-1 80-1 ... 77-8 0-885 72 120 S by E 33 Do. 13 29-895 0-123 85-3 76-9 92-8 78-2 ... 717 0-812 67 117 S by E 10 Fine. 14 29-877 0-155 85-1 78-1 92-1 78-1 ... 74-0 0-869 72 178 S S E 13 Do. 15 29-846 0-146 86-0 76-5 93-2 78-6 ... 73-6 0-786 63 163 S SB 27 ... Fine with passing clouds. 1C 17 29-835 29-840 0-142 0138 85-9 85-9 78-2 78-3 923 92-7 79-6 79-2 ... 74-9 75'2 0-862 69 0-868 70 175 194 South South SO 37 Do. Do. 18 29-899 0-118 85'0 77-9 926 79-6 ... 7<;:-' 0-862 72 172 S S E 15 Do. 19 29-882 0-11.2 85-4 77-6 92-u 7s-ti ... 719 0-S43 69 178 South 1 i Fine. 20 29-852 0-169 86-2 78-0 94-0 79-3 711 0-849 68 205 South 17 Fine with ]i;issin;r clouds. 21 29-802 0-1 36 85-6 78-3 93-8 79-1 70-8 H-S72 71 221 S S E 18 ... Fine- : Ijr. 22 2:5 29826 29-808 0119 0-145 87-3 BM 78-0 79-2 953 97-8 80-9 80-0 77-9 7<;s 0-S34 64 0890 69 2(>4 225 South South o 3 Clear. Do. 24 29-743 0153 88-0 796 86-j 80-8 7IM 0-898 67 255 Sou h 7 Clear : Ig. 25 29-710 0-145 8<)!t 79-4 100-0 82-3 7(i"8 0-888 (il 191 S S W 30 Fine with pasfciuL' cluud.- 26 29-709 0-122 87-9 7!fO 95-1 83-5 199 0-H72 66 243 Sontli no Do. 27 29-729 0-ltt 87'3 78-3 949 79-9 73-!> 0-838 64 205 South :I7 lid. 28 29-717 0-1 2! 87-4 7S-1 96-8 7!l'7 77-H 0-887 ill 284 South 1.-, Fill!'. 29 29-755 0-127 87-3 7C.-4 94-9 80-2 76-7 0-763 r.s li.l SS E n 1'iissilljt clul.ds : Is;. S. \V. 3i> 29-718 0-133 85-8 784 100-9 82-1 77-4 0-NOl o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents [nches 1 29705 O'HM 84-4 76-5 101 -6 80-8 74-4 0-807 68 223 SWby S 70 1-29 Cloudy : th., Ig. and rain. 2 29-669 0-186 85-6 77-8 95-0 79-8 75*5 0-849 69 208 S S W 28 Passing clouds. 3 29-652 0-158 86-2 77-2 94-6 80-2 75"5 0-813 65 263 S by K 28 Fine with passing i-Iouds. 4 8*686 0-133 SO-8 773 94-5 81-4 77-1 0-810 63 314 South 37 Passing clouds. 5 29-613 0-144 87-0 77-0 98-1 81-0 76-3 0-794 62 220 South 57 0-03 To. 6 29-630 0-144 87'o 77-0 96-6 83-0 79-1 0-790 61 252 S S.W 83 Cloudy. 7 29656 0-117 88-4 77-4 98-6 83-1 78-5 0-792 59 267 S W 60 Do. 8 29-669 0127 87-9 772 949 81-9 76-1 0-790 60 204 s w 55 Passing cloud?. 8 29-696 0-135 8/ '0 78-0 97-1 826 767 0-831 64 260 S by W 63 Cloudy : If;. 10 29-621 0-164 sq-6 77-6 969 '. 81'7 77-0 0-826 65 243 S S.W 57 L'o. 11 29-581 0-146 86-9 77-8 979 81-8 77-0 0-831 65 245 S W. 50 Fine with passing clouds : th. N. W. 12 29-623 0-104 85-8 78-1 .98-4 80-5 76-6 0859 69 235 SWby.W 47 0-36 Fine with passing clouds. 13 29-653 0-102 84-4 78-0 .97-1 77-3 ... 76-8 0-873 74 211 SWbyW 50 o-io Do. do. 14 29-705 0092 87-3 77-8 97-6 79-3 ... 76-7 0-826 64 214 W S.W 60 Cloudy. 15 29-723 0-120 87-4 763 97-7 82-2 ... 76-0 0-758 58 200 WS W 70 Cloudy : th. 16 29-707 0-121 87-6 77-9 100-1 82-1 76-2 0826 63 220 S W 23 Fine with passing clouds. 17 29-683 0-113 88-5 78-3 100-6 824 ... 77-4 0-832 62 230 W S W 23 Do. do. 18 29-698 0-087 87-3 77-6 95-6 82-5 77'5 0-817 63 200 ss w 53 Passing clouds. 19 29-735 0-087 85-8 77-3 97-7 79-5 76-7 0-823 66 214 S S W 57 Passing clouds : If!. S. W. 20 29-748 0-130 86-7 75-6 98-3 76-6 75-4 0-737 ! 58 208 WS W 50 0-03 Passing clouds. 21 29-783 0-129 86-5 77-0 99-1 81-2 76-9 0-801 63 2iO West 63 0-03 Cloudy. 22 29-787 0-117 87-6 75-4 98-0 81-4 78-1 0-717 55 227 WS W 73 0-02 Do. 23 29-846 0-149 81-5 74-2 90-4 77-9 77'5 0-750 70 200 West 97 0-04 Overcast. 24 29-837 0-116 83-9 76-2 92-3 785 75-4 0-801 69 169 West 97 Do. 25 29766 0-116 86-7 75-3 97-6 78-5 75-1 0-724 57 177 NW byN 83 o-oi Cloudy. 26 29732 0-128 90-0 74-2 980 831 79-8 0-634 44 264 West 97 Overcast. 27 29-752 0-128 89-3 75-3 98-9 83-3 79-6 0-689 60 245 Wby.S 80 Cloudy. 28 29-781 0-125 88-4 75-2 97-5 83-5 80-6 0-697 52 290 S W 70 Do. 29 29-797 0-127 87-3 75-6 100-3 82-5 7S-4 0-729 57 217 Sby W 70 To. 30 29-771 0-136 86:6 76-0 99-1 81-7 'V 77-3 0-756 60 201 South 72 0-04 Do. Mean 29-708 0-125 86-8 76-7 97-3 81-0 77-0 0786 62 230 S W 61 1-95 46 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1864 July. 1 1 j*> e I-J BAROMETER RRDCCBD TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF ItniisimiM. THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds a oS General Weather Mean KilllL'i' Dry Bun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension MM, ii idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion ray 1 Indies. 29742 Inches 0-140 Inches 0-759 Cents. 59 Miles 171 Points South Cents 53 Indies Passing clouds. 87-0 76-1 984 81-5 ... 77-7 I 29742 0-110 86-1 765 93-0 79-4 76-1 0-785 63 239 S by \V 65 0-03 Do. :! 29-765 0-106 86-1 76-8 98-9 79-0 773 0797 64 221 S l.y W 7:t 0-44 Cloudy. 4 29-720 0-160 85-4 77-4 99-5 78-2 74-9 0-833 68 208 S S W 57 I 82-8 ... 79-2 0707 57 228 sw tfl Do. 8 29-663 0-15S 85-3 754 954 82-9 ... 79-8 0-748 61 218 sw 97 O'lO Do. 9 29-682 0-119 84-5 75-7 939 78-5 ... 75-0 0-771 67 199 S W 93 0-05 Do. 10 29721 0-092 85-3 75-8 97-7 80-1 ... 74-6 0-765 63 218 SWby S 70 o-oi Cloudy. 11 29-742 0-15 1 865 75-4 973 78-4 ... 74-8 0-732 58 230 SWby S 75 ... Do. 12 29737 0-127 861 736 973 81-8 ... 77-0 0-661 53 261 W S W 90 ... Overcast. 13 29-730 0-168 84-7 72-8 901 80-3 ... 76-6 0-6-48 54 216 WS.W 100 Do. 14 29-C77 0-134 84-9 734 931 80-4 ... 77-5 0669 56 247 W S..W 100 o-oi Do. 15 29-683 0-070 80-6 743 92-7 77-7 76-7 0-766 73 203 S W. 100 HIS Do. 16 29677 0151 82-3 74-2 89-4 77-7 ... 74-0 0-738 67 :u>5 S W 100 0-08 Do. 17 29-706 0114 SI 7 73-2 9:15 770 73-6 0664 56 333 SW by W 97 ... Do. 18 29-682 0-155 87-2 73-6 96-6 79-9 75-2 0-647 50 325 SW byW 77 Clon-7 92-8 78-0 ... 74-4 0-815 69 14j South 40 Do. do. 22 29-809 0-149 84-1 76-8 94-0 77-4 ... 74-1 0-824 71 132 South 3J Fine with passing cloud* : Ig. W. 23 29-791 0-147 84-4 7-4 92-4 75-4 ... 72-4 0-817 7V 219 South 40 o-oi Fine with passing clouds: Ig. Sf. 26 29-744 0-151 85-1 77-2 93-5 78-6 ,.. 75-0 0-828 6S 172 SbyE 15 Fine: Ig. S. W. 27 29-734 0-116 81-5 76-6 92-3 77-0 ... 76-0 0-851 79 146 S S W 67 0-99 Thunder showers : th. and Ig. 28 29-772 0-119 76-2 73-5 79-4 74-2 72-7 0-791 87 128 West 100 1-55 Overcast with rain. 29 29-754 0-124 76-3 73-2 78-2 74-0 717 0-778 86 195 W S W 93 0-79 Do. do. 30 29-747 0-112 80-0 74-7 86-6 74-5 72-6 0-790 77 170 W S W 80 o-oi Cloudy : Ig. S. 31 29-740 0-110 81-8 75-4 86-7 76-7 ... 73-5 0-795 73 160 W S W 87 Do. Mean 29-783 0-132 83-6 75-6 92-1 77-6 ... 73-8 0-777 68 185 SWby S 57 7-32 l 48 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1864 September. September 1864 BAKOMETEK REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Menu Temperature SELF REGISTERING TllKKMOMKTEb.s . Deduced Wind y. _C 5 M General Weather Mean Bange D Max. ry Min. San Grass Min. Dry Wet Max. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Vole,' city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 2975!) 0-102 83-0 75-3 89-4 775 73-7 0-775 68 222 W by S !M.i Clomh . 2 29-774 o-i M7 754 91-8 70-0 ... 74-8 0-770 66 193 \V S W 70 0-02 Do. 3 29797 0-148 83-8 757 93-0 793 75-1 0-781 68 207 29-896 0-140 82-8 75-6 89-5 75-4 ... 69-5 0-789 70 81 ES E 17 Fine. 28 29-863 0-141 82-7 751 90-3 74-8 ... 70-0 0771 69 109 K S.E 13 Do. 29 29-871 0-131 84-3 76-5 914 766 ... 72-0 0-809 69 117 S E by E 7 Fine : th. and Ip. 30 29-879 0-140 84-9 76-9 92-4 79-6 ... 75-0 0-817 68 82 SE 18 Fine : Ip. X. Mean 29-816 0-128 83-8 761 923 78-3 74-1 0-798 69 164 } S by W 59 0-83 49 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1864 October. BABOMKTKK SELF REGISTERING REDUCED TO 32 Corrected THEKMOMETEKS /' J i ivieflii Temperature Dry Sun Grass JJeuuceu W lllfl General Weather October Mean Ranue Pry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Clouds a 1 Day Inches Inches O O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-888 0-154 84-3 77-7 91-1 77-8 ... 73-4 0-862 74 92 ES E 37 Light clouds: th. and !<;. N. 2 29-847 0'12(i 82-3 75'7 88-3 75-8 ... 73-3 0-801 73 179 N by E 30 0-48 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. S. W. 3 29-814 0-119 S2-2 77-0 87-3 766 ... 73-7 0-859 78 149 N N W 47 0-42 Fine with light clouds : th. S. 4 29-813 0-116 8*4 76-3 88-7 76-1 72-9 0-826 75 89 N E by i 37 Fine with passing clouds. 5 29-826 0-114 82-7 75-0 91-5 75-9 72-8 0-766 68 94 S Eby E 27 Fine with passing clouds: Ig. S. W. 6 29-866 0-126 82-8 71-8 92-9 75-4 ... 73-5 0-633 57 103 N E 47 Hazy. 7 29-854 0-121 84-6 72-4 92-4 77-9 725 0632 53 177 NN E 33 Fine with passing clouds. 8 29-854 0-124 83-6 75-0 90-4 76-0 ... 72-3 0-754 65 166 N E by N 33 Fine with li KIM. TllKKMOMETKUS Deduced Wind Clouds A 7 o-oi PO. 6 30-034 0-102 79-3 72-7 85-0 75-3 69-5 0717 71 172 NEbyN 63 Ho. 7 29-990 0-102 77-7 711 82-8 73-7 ... 67-7 0-675 71 138 XE 43 PO. 8 29-973 ... ... ... 83-6 70-6 61-0 ... ... 165 NEbyN 47 Po. 9 30-011 0-106 79-0 730 83-7 73-6 ... 65-7 0732 74 188 NE 57 To. 10 30-037 0-110 79-4 73-5 83-5 771 ... 72-8 0747 74 257 XE 70 o->\ Cloudy. 11 30-053 0-117 798 73-6 83-6 77-2 ... 73-5 0-742 73 256 N.E 63 0-08 Passing clouds. 12 30-020 0-136 80-1 731 84-2 77-3 ... 73-5 0-722 70 234 N E 63 001 Po. 13 30-021 0-131 77-7 723 82-1 74-8 ... 71-6 0-721 75 231 Nby.E 77 0-51 Cloudy : rain. 14 29979 0-128 75-7 72-0 82-9 73-0 ... 71-1 0736 83 272 N E by N 85 0-92 Do. do. 15 29-945 0-125 75-6 721 81-6 71-8 ... 68-7 0-742 84 153 NbyE 87 ... Po. 16 29959 0-098 76-8 73-1 83-1 72-2 ... 70-8 0-766 83 143 Xorth 77 047 Po. 17 29-948 0-098 78-3 73-3 82-1 74-6 ... 69-7 0-754 78 290 North 87 ... Do. 18 29-860 0-166 72-2 717 760 70-1 ... 70-0 0772 98 416 North 100 9-35 Overcast : heavy rain. 19 29-916 0041 74-4 722 80-3 70-7 ... 72-8 0762 89 354 E SB 93 o-io Do. 20 29-996 0-112 76-6 739 829 72-0 70-1 0-801 87 67 SbyE 60 0-07 Passing clouds. 21 30-000 0-110 77-6 74-6 82-7 73-6 68-0 0-818 86 112 East 40 0-28 I)... 22 30-023 0-092 78-4 72-8 81-8 75-7 ... 71-5 0-733 76 237 NE. 37 Do. 23 30035 0-097 78-0 71-0 81-8 75-5 ... 70-9 0-666 70 243 NN..E 30 Do. 24 29-998 0122 761 70-8 80-9 714 ... 65-9 0-684 76 184 N N.E 37 Do. 25 29981 0-109 74-6 691 80-1 70-2 ... 65-4 0639 74 192 North 43 Do. 26 29-954 0105 74-3 69-8 79-2 69-8 ... 63-6 0-669 79 238 HN. W 80 029 Cloudy. 27 29-920 0124 73-9 71-5 78-9 72-0 ... 71-1 0-741 88 234 NNW 100 1-24 Ovrivasi with rain. 28 29-980 0-131 73-7 71-9 754 727 ... 7M 0759 91 280 Eby.N 100 431 Do. 29 30-017 0-118 77-3 73-8 82-3 78-0 ... 71-1 0-767 82 224 ENE 70 ... Cloudy. 30 30-024 0-108 775 73-9 82-0 784 * 72-6 0-790 84 163 NE 70 ... Do. Mean 29979 0-111 77-5 72-6 82-5 73-8 ... 70-3 0-738 78 211 N E 06 18-48 51 .Madras Meteorological Observations. 1864 December. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING REDUCED TO 32 J Corrected : THERMOMETERS Deduced Wirl I Meaii Temperature Dry Sun Grass lllU : General Weather Deccinbe Mean Range Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vaponr Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion 0) T3 I O 5 d '5 Day Inches Inches ? o o O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents inches 1 30-019 0-089 77-0 72-8 82-5 74-7 ... 74-0 0-752 81 147 XE 60 Passing clouds. 2 29-987 0-118 75-8 72-4 81-2 72-6 lit 71-8 0-751 84 81 XNE 57 ... Do. 3 29-993 0-127 77-0 73-1 82-0 71-7 ... 68-3 0-763 82 152 N by B 53 Do. 4 30-002 0-117 76-8 72-1 80-1 74-0 ... 719 0-726 78 261 N E by X 70 0-66 Cloudy with rain. 5 29-983 0-104 76-6 71-2 81-2 73-1 71-0 0-692 75 307 XXE 70 0-06 Do. 6 30-000 0-091 75-7 72-0 80-3 73-0 70-1 0-736 83 200 Xorth 73 0-69 Do. T ; 29'99r 0-119 77-1 73-7 81-7 72'G ... 72-4 0-783 83 289 X X E 63 ' 0-07 Passing clouds. 8. .29-985 0-093 78-4 73-9 82-3 75-3 ... 73-4 0-777 80 321 X E 67 O'll Cloudy. 9 29-987 0-121 77-8 707 81-9 75-5 ... 71-7 0-658 70 267 XXE 53 ... Passing clouds. 10 29-978 0-128 75 6 68-4 801 70-7 ... G6'9 0-600 67 219 Xorth 47 ... Do. 11 29'97-t 0-120 74-3 68-9 80-2 68-9 ... 61-0 0-636 74 152 Xorth 20 ... . Pine with passing clouds. 12 29-991 0-101 74-8 69-6 80-9 69-0 ... 63-2 0-655 75 161 Xorth 57 ... Passing clouds. 13 20-987 0-124 75-0 69-2 79-9 70-0 ... 64-6 0-G37 73 196 Xorth 52 ... Do. ~ 11 29-991 0-128 75-2 67-8 80-1 72 -2 ... 64-7 0-582 66 167 XN E 30 ... Do. 15 29-984 0-111 74-6 G8-6 80-0 68-0 60-5 0-620 72 151 Xby E 25 ... Fine wibh passing clouds. 16 29-992 0-109 74-3 69-1 79-9 68-7 ... 60-6 0-643 75 172 Xby E GO ... Hazy. 17 29-991 0-117 75-2 69-5 80-1 69-8 ... 61-4 0-647 73 219 Xorth 67 ... Passing clouds. IS 30-007 0-104 74-8 69-2 81-1 70-6 64-2 0-640 74 176 XXE 72 Cloudy. 19 30-004 0-122 75-4 67-9 80-3 69-8 ... 64-4 0-584 66 167 XNE 43 Light clouds. 20 30-011 0'109 74-3 67-3 81-3 69-9 ... 63-1 0-576 68 131 N E by E 60 ... Do. 21 29-996 0-124 73-9 68-8 80-8 68-9 ... 61-2 0-637 76 144 XEbyX 47 Passing clouds. 22 30-004 0-112 74-9 69-8 81-0 69-1 ... 62-1 0-662 77 184 Xby E 43 Do. 23 30-018 0-085 75-9 70-4 81-1 69-6 ... 64-0 0-671 75 249 Xby E 43 ... Do. 24 30-072 0-084 76-4 70-5 80-9 70-8 ... 64-6 0-668 73 257 N X E 70 o-io Cloudy. 25 30-079 0-091 77-0 72-5 81-3 73-4 ... 71-6 0-740 80 344 XEbyX 63 0-74 Passing clouds : rain. 20 30-100 0-112 77-7 71-5 81-9 76-0 ... 72-9 0-691 73 300 XNE 60 : Do- 27 30-080 0-107 75-9 69-8 80-0 70-3 Ml 64-7 0-647 73 199 XNE 30 Fine with passing clouds. 28 30-071 0-125 75-4 68-9 80-8 70-1 ... 639 0-621 71 185 NEbyX 37 Passing clouds. 29 30-076 0-098 74-9 67-7 80-5 71-4 ... 66-6 0-583 67 191 XXE 37 ... Hazy : passing clouds. 30 30-064 0-079 75-4 66-7 79-7 71-2 ... 67-8 0-540 61 265 XEbyX 33 Fine with passing clouds. 31 30-048 0-090 74-1 66-4 78-8 68-8 ... 60-9 0-546 64 225 XXE 23 ; Fine. Mean 30-015 0-108 75-7 70-0 80-8 71-3 ... 66-5 0-660 74 209 XXE 51 2-43 52 h 5 S s S I : ; ; c; i-t o ^* 3; x n ^ ...7^ ?t ;i _ _ 71 00 ! O ; ; ; ^ p-. O *O CC t> 00 >C |> - * o 1 (5 00 o ; ; 5 C j IT' *"'* O^^O^O^CiC 'S -g IX 1 ^ fi 1 > 5*-^ XX-f-.-f-OOOM 0^,-.:^ M NWUM C 5 cc^ K B * W 3 1 .S W ^ > - fl 02^^^'&>j > f : ''. CD a s (S "Wa^^ C OQ M!2: ^ ^ -s ^osw -ox-*i--f-c- x* c IB B sf S | =>22S3S2' w | S2 : Sxp??;7rS = '3 00 u, JJ .S 11 1 SS :l5llil5 = l i i oc S ' - 2" 4> ' 1 a" 10 >o 1-1 10 o =: i-. f> e o pWi MT^ICIT^W CO r^t-^^x COX^^?:i.7 n "^ s to o - ca * x i- o -t -j 11 t i o i < s 91 *b i- ^ -^ 6 6 to o 0) s *- t> i" cc ^ S ic cc i-* t- i'* o t- & JS 2 SI t "rt b ^ O k - a 1 " h*n j3 1 4-J 4) Sa 'S " S 5 I ISSiilS&ISIi g O i I ^* _^ S B K^ EH^. m* a 000006006000 i i o o O O rt . ioo>oom^'-*c-. ec o 10 es o B 4-1 4 " ^;og^22^'- 10 .0 a S *5 S3 0) Q no* C M ^ g o I a . | g g liiiiiiii S ^ 2 * J 13 C ~~S~ e 4-* C b -S fe- x-2-.^oo^^x-g,., 1 a SSSSSSSi^SS 0005 O -s i fi N PH ^ S 1 o 2 ipomNootoeniaaom 00 t3 c i; .S g SPSoot^Sit"it 2 C JS *^ ** o s H a jj T i 10 CD O ^~ O9 ~ CO O5 1O 00 I E -4* X -2 ' n . 1 l-ssiss-ss^ C m . >> ed > - c:O5^ 'XOscooo 10 r X q e SKSxo?o?o?o5ocSi^i2 5; rt x x a p a a I-S BAROMETER REDVCED TO 32 Corre Me Tenipe Dry cted in atiire tt'et SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds c ' General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Max. Mm. Max. Min. Vapour Hum- Tension idity Daily Velo. city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O o O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Indies 1 30-033 0-083 72-6 j 65-7 78-9 66-2 ... 58-1 0-541 67 176 N N E 20 Fine. 2 30-052 0-096 72-1 66-6 78-8 66-7 ... 59-3 0-580 74 138 N N K 47 Fine with passing clouds. 3 30-050 0-120 !':> 67-7 79-4 66-8 ... 616 0-601 73 201 N N E 33 Fine with light clouds. 4 30-084 0-129 73 !l : 66-0 79-3 67-3 ... 58-2 0-534 63 202 N N E 43 ... Fine with passing clouds. 5 30-070 0-1C2 72-7 68-5 763 68-0 ... 64-5 0-645 80 182 N by E 93 0-20 Overcast. 6 30-C69 0-110 74-6 68-3 80-4 71-6 ... 70-4 0-609 71 236 N E by E 73 ... Cloudy. 7 30-025 0-127 73-0 68-6 79-8 67"5 ... 61-3 0-641 79 156 NEbyE 30 ... Fine with passing clouds. 8 30-026 0-094 73-3 69-0 79-3 G6-5 ... 59-4 0-652 80 132 N K 17 Fine. 9 30-041 0-082 74-6 69-4 80-1 68-9 ... 63-7 0-650 : 75 214 N N E 17 ... Do. 10 30-042 0-112 741 68-3 79-6 67-3 ... 58-8 0-616 73 189 N E by N 23 ... Fine with passing clouds. 11 30-047 0-098 743 68-5 80-3 67-7 ... 59-9 0-621 73 113 NEbyN 27 ... Do. do. 12 30-049 o-ioo 73-9 68-8 .80-6 67-7 ... 60-0 0-637 76 105 N E by E 23 ... Eo. do. 13 30-071 0-116 73-8 67-9 80-2 67-2 ... 62-3 0-606 72 133 ENE ... Fine. 14 30-088 0-101 74-2 67-4 79-7 67-9 ... 60-8 0-581 69 230 N E 30 ... Fine with passing clouds. 13 30-093 0-006 74-0 66-3 ..79-6 67-0 ... 58-0 0-544 64 250 N E by N 23 ... Do. do. If. 30-109 0-078 74-5 67-9 80-4 66-8 ... 59-3 0-596 70 208 NN E 67 ... Clondy. 17 30-079 0-123 76-6 69-5 81-2 74-4 ... 70-4 0-628 69 256 N E by N 77 ... Do. 18 30-111 0-097 76-2 69-2 80-2 72-8 ... 67-3 0-621 69 233 N E 30 Fine with passing clouds. 19 30-079 0-132 75-8 68-5 81-0 72-1 ... 67-5 0-602 68 213 NE by E 32 Do. do. 20 30081 0-111 74-2 66-4 79-9 67-2 ... 58-4 0-545 64 186 N E 17 ... Fine. 21 30-066 0-096 73-6 65-7 79-7 663 ... 56-9 0-528 63 176 NEbyN 40 Passing clouds. 22 30-096 0115 73-3 65-9 79-2 65-9 ... 56-6 0-539 66 187 N E by N 18 Fine with passing clouds. 23 24 30-105 30-083 0-106 0-143 72-2 73-6 66-7 68-1 79-7 79-6 66-1 66-6 ... 57-4 59-1 0-582 74 0-615 74 160 156 N E N E by N 22 27 ... Do. do. Do. do. 25 30-072 0-098 734 68-7 80-8 66-4 ... 58-2 0-640 78 118 NE 13 ... Fine. 26 30-023 0-129 72-7 : 68-1 80-2 66-5 ... 59-0 0-625 I 78 112 N E by E 10 Eo. 27 29-967 0-156 71-7 67-0 .79-8 64-5 ... 56-0 0-600 77 84 East 30 Fine with passing clouds. 28 29-976 0-114 70-8 66-3 .79-6 633 ... 55-1 0-587 78 72 ES E 13 Fine. 29 29-997 0-130 73-6 69-1 80-8 64-3 ... 55-5 0-652 79 117 E S E 13 To. 30 29-989 0-132 75-0 69-6 81-1 67-6 ... 60-4 0-652 75 119 E S E 13 Bo. 31 29-966 0-134 74-5 69-6 82-1 668 67-6 ... 58-5 0-658 77 145 8E by E 40 ... Passing clouds. Mean 30-053 0-112 73-8 67-8 79-9 ... 60-4 0-604 73 168 N E 32 0-20 54 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1865 February. BAROMKTEB SKI.K KF.CMSTKRING February 1866 KKDCCKl) TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THBRUOHKTKKN reduced Wind I 5 - '= H (iciioral Weather Mean Range Dry San Grass Dry Wet Ma*. Mic. M*x. Min. V n pour Tension Hum- idity Daily Mean Velo- ! Direc- oity tiou Day Inches Inches o o O O o O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents hit-lies 1 30-019 0-101 70-1 70-7 82-4 68-8 ... 61-8 0-680 75 134 S E by K 70 Cloudy. > 30-032 0-091 763 712 81-8 70-7 ... 63-7 0-694 77 155 East 53 ... Pacing el.iil'ls. 3 30040 0-106 77-4 72-3 82-6 722 ... 66-8 0-726 77 184 EX E C.7 Da 4 30020 0119 75-8 70-5 81-8 89 1 60-5 0-685 78 101 N E by E 33 Fine with passim; i-louds. 5 29-997 0-118 75-1 70-1 821 68-7 61-6 0-671 77 04 E by X ;to n . .io. 6 30-002 0-110 76-0 71-0 82-4 687 ... 62-2 0-693 77 101 East 33 Do. do. i 29-998 0-133 76-2 70-5 82-1 69-0 ... 62-5 0-671 74 110 E by X :..-( 1'a^ini; clouds. 8 29-936 0-130 754 698 82-6 68-6 61- 1 0655 75 106 K by S 23 ... Fine with passing clouds. 9 29-910 0-122 761 70-1 82-5 690 60-6 0057 73 H9 S E ia ... Fine. 10 29-883 0-143 77-0 71-1 .83-8 70-7 it -4 0683 73 185 8SE 27 ... Fine with passing clouds. 11 29-865 0-154 77-3 72-2 .83-9 68-7 ... 61-6 0-723 77 180 South 3 ... Clour. 12 29-908 0123 79-2 74-7 .85-6 73-5 ... BfrS 0-800 80 170 SE 30 ... Liu'ht cloinls. 13 29-978 0-104 78-4 73-5 ..84-4 73-3 ... 72-5 0-761 78 170 E SE 70 ... Cloudy. 14 30-011 0-105 78-6 72-5 .83-7 74-2 ... 68-7 0-718 74 159 East 40 ... fussing elouds. 15 30-046 0-107 79-2 72-7 .85-5 74-5 ... 67-7 0-718 72 203 East 22 ... Fine with passing clouds. 16 30-074 0-108 78-7 71-5 .83-6 7.V2 ... 70-0 0-675 69 193 East 13 ... Fine. 17 30022 0-146 78-4 70-7 .83-8 742 69-0 0-649 67 IM East 15 Do. 18 29-981 U-126 77-3 70-9 84-2 70-0 62-8 0-671 71 102 ESE 10 Do. 19 29994 . 0-134 77-9 71-4 .86-2 69-9 ... 624 0-683 71 125 ESE 7 Do. 20 30-000 0-118 76-8 71-0 .85-1 70-0 63-1 0-682 74 80 ES K 21 29-979 0-148 76-0 69-4 .85-0 88-7 ... 59-2 0632 71 91 SK Do. 22 29-965 0-151 75-8 70-6 .84-6 077 59-1 0-680 76 94 S E Ho. 23 29-986 0130 75-7 70-9 .83-5 87-6 ... 60-2 0693 78 118 S K 18 Finf. 24 29-976 0-126 76-8 70-8 B4-3 67-4 60-4 0-674 73 114 S E by E 37 I'assini; elouils. 25 29945 0-156 794 73-6 .86-4 71-9 ... 67-4 0-752 75 175 SEhy fi 20 Fine. 26 29-942 0-139 80-0 73-9 86-4 73-7 ... 68-0 0-756 74 173 SE 22 ... Fine with passing clouds. 27 29993 O-102 79-9 78-6 86-1 73-7 ... 67-5 0-745 73 183 S.E 10 ... Fin,'. 28 30-036 0-106 78-6 72-4 85-0 72-2 65-6 0-713 73 109 Ehy.S 15 Do. Mean 29984 0-124 773 71-6 83-9 70-8 ... 64-2 0-698 74 189 ESE M (TO. 55 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1865 March. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING REDUCED TO 32 Corrected THERMOMETERS Wind i 00 jlean Temperature Dry Sun Grass i 'C(iucc 226 SWbyS H 0-02 Cloudy. 8 20*788 0-184 88-4 77'5 1029 80-6 76-S 0-797 59 297 6 WbyS 40 Passing clouds. !) 29751 0-119 89-3 77'6 102-8 82-8 79-4 0-7SO 57 344 S S W H Fine with pusshig cloud.--. 10 29-763 0-146 89-7 77-2 1012 83-5 HO- 1 o-76i; ~>~t 261 S S W 10 B'ine. 11 29-750 0-108 89-4 76-6 100-9 81-1 80-8 0-745 54 236 S by E 13 Bo. 12 29-778 0-081 90-5 77'5 98-4 82-5 777 0-769 53 205 South 43 Passing clouds : Ig. S. V,'. 18 29-787 0-119 87'7 77-1 95-5 80-7 ... 77-9 0-789 60 284 S W 60 Do. do. 14 29769 0-107 87-7 77-6 95-1 81-6 ... 78-1 0-813 61 213 South 20 Fine with passing clouds. 15 29-718 0-122 87-3 80-2 95-1 81-6 ... 79-8 0-937 72 237 S S E 15 Fine. 16 29-757 0-043 87'6 77-5 94-2 81-9 ... 79-1 0-810 62 230 SWbyS 37 Fine with passing clouds. 17 29-793 0-091 87'9 78-7 96-4 80-8 77'7 0-859 65 183 Sby W 15 Fine. 18 29-805 0-OM 88-5 79' 1 95-4 82-8 80-0 0-fS(i8 64 250 S 8 E 38 Hazy. 19 29-805 0'126 87-4 79-6 95-3 82-5 79-0 0-908 70 223 SS E 72 Do. 20 29-791 0-142 85-5 '78-1 93-5 82-7 78-8 0-863 70 196 SbyE 83 0'02 Cloudy. 21 29-762 0-121 86-3 78'8 93-7 80-2 7 97-2 83-0 80-0 0-895 (W 359 South 60 Do. 31 tt-606 0-155 86-5 78'8 96-2 81-9 80-0 0-882 70 303 S by W "2 Bo. Mean 29-743 0-125 88-0 78-6 97-9 81-9 78-8 0-853 64 254 S by W 45 0-38 I.'. f>8 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1865 -June. BABOMETKK SELF RKGISTERING 1 o 3 -> BEDIX'ED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THKRMOMKTKKK Di-dtio*! Wind ^c '5 H <;.>in>ral Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Mean Vplo- Direc- city tion Day 1 Inches 29-591 Inches 0-119 Inches d'890 CeutB M Miles 218 Points S by E Cents 33 Inches Fine with passing clouds : Ig. \V. 86-9 79-1 9fl 80-8 ... 77" I 27 Do. 4 29-711 0-107 87-9 80-0 97-8 82-0 79-8 0-918 69 253 S S E :t7 Do. 5 29692 0136 89-1 792 102-3 82-3 ... TIN 0865 63 in South 43 Passing clouds: ih. and Ig. \V A -V W 8 29-709 0-129 88-8 79-0 1027 81-9 ... 78-1 0-860 63 166 SS W Passing clouds : th. and Ijf. \V. 7 29-747 0-091 87-9 78-5 99-9 82-5 ... 79-2 0-850 64 188 S WbyS 50 ... 1-iyln clouds: tli. :incl Itf. \V and N W 8 297*55 o-i is 87-5 76-7 99-7 Ml 77-1 0774 59 B0 * WbyS 57 Hazy. 9 29-691 0-152 W!i 76-4 100-8 81-5 ... 76-4 0728 51 M Wby S s:{ Cloudy. 10 29-692 0-135 91-0 77-6 102-0 84-1 ... 80-2 0-766 52 2.") 5 West !)0 O'tMi Cloudy : th. and Itf. S. and S. W. 11 26-76* 0102 89-2 78-8 1024 83-8 ... 76-8 0-8*5 62 220 SWbyW 67 Cloudy : th. and Ig. S. W. 12 29-784 0-127 89-6 78-6 101 2 82-1 76-9 0-830 60 270 SWby W 73 Cloudy. 13 29-726 0-146 88-8 77-0 101-8 83-8 ... 78-3 0-797 59 256 PWby W 71! 0-04 Cloudy : l. S. W. 14 29-702 0117 88-5 77-1 100-8 83-0 79-4 0-791 59 239 8 W 73 0-04 Cloudy. 15 29719 0-107 87-6 76-6 99-7 834 ... 78-8 0-768 59 261 6 W 83 014 Do. Hi 29-732 0-151 88-4 78-4 97-0 80-6 ... 78-3 0838 62 252 S W 7:i Do. 17 29-707 0131 89-0 77-9 1000 835 79-2 0-807 59 251 S W 83 Cloudy : lir. 18 29-698 0144 90-4 772 101-9 83-7 ... 80-2 0756 53 288 P \V liy S 67 l'as>iiiL' clouds. 19 29728 0-106 89-0 78-1 1012 82-7 80-1 0-815 59 277 P S W m Do. 20 29-767 0-105 89-0 78-4 101-5 82-7 79-0 0-830 61 246 South 63 Do. 21 29-763 0130 89-5 79-0 989 82-4 ... 79-5 0-850 61 195 S S E H7 0-28 Passing clouds : Ig. V K. 22 29762 0095 88-7 78-5 101-8 82-5 76-9 0-838 62 223 P S W 57 ... Passi n;; clouds : Ig. 8. and S. \\ . 23 29-743 0-120 89-2 78-0 100-0 80-8 ... 78-8 0-809 59 251 South 37 Light clouds. 24 29-729 0-109 89-7 75-H 99-7 84-7 ... 80-2 0-704 50 285 S W fi7 Cloudy : tli. 25 29-721 0-093 86-7 77-2 103-3 82-7 ... 79-5 0-807 63 239 S W by S 60 0-52 Passing clouds : th. and lir. N. \V. 26 29-746 0-123 85-7 77-0 989 80-4 ... 75-5 0-811 65 233 S W 87 0-17 Cloudy : th. and IK. 27 29-698 0152 88-6 755 992 81-5 ... 77-7 0-708 53 274 W S W t*i 0-02 Do. 28 29-680 0-137 86-5 75-2 92-4 83-4 78-4 0-723 57 186 West 93 0-03 Cloudy : k'. S. K. 29 29-626 0-144 87-9 74-7 98-7 80-9 76-5 0-683 52 288 W by S 90 Cloudy. 30 29-650 0108 88-3 717 96-6 83-4 79-5 0-678 51 324 W by S 87 0'05 Do. Mean 29-712 0-121 88-5 77-7 99-6 82-4 ... 78-6 0-806 60 241 S WbyS 65 IK. 59 Madras- Meteorological Observations. 1865 July. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING KEIH'CED TO 32 Corrected THERMOMETERS Wind Mann ean Temperature Dry Sun Grass IJeiluceu TV 1 III! General Weather 1 jj, Moan Range Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Hum- Tension idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Clouds 's M Day Inches Inches O o o Inches Cent Miles Points Cents [nches 1 29-659 0-143 89-9 74-9 99-7 80-0 ... 76-9 0664 47 332 WS W 60 Passing clouds : Ig. S. 2 29-655 0-137 90-1 75-8 101-3 83-8 79'6 0-700 49 287 S W 60 0-03 Do. 3 29-708 0-117 88'6 75-1 96-5 81-9 ... 78-4 0-690 51 229 SWbyW 77 Cloudy. 4 29-705 0-128 88-1 74-6 97'6 82-6 80-0 0-676 51 304 S WbyW 90 Do. 5 29-717 0-121 S7'S 74'2 98-2 80-7 711-1 0-664 50 309 S WbyW 90 Do. 6 29-751 0-098 88-3 75-6 97-0 81-1 77-5 0-715 54 259 S W by S 80 Do. i 29-768 0-156 89-5 75'0 100-0 82-7 79-2 0-674 48 349 SWbyW 73 Passing clouds. 8 29-767 0-117 84-1 75-7 98-7 76-1 0-776 66 203 S W 83 0-87 Cloudy : rain. 9 29-770 0-107 83-3 76-6 92:i 76-8 75-1 0-826 73 199 S W 100 ... Overcast. 10 29-790 0-086 83-8 75 5 92-8 78-7 ... 74-5 0-772 67 187 ss w 97 0-03 Do. 11 29-767 0-140 83-9 76-3 98-0 78-4 ... 74-4 0-806 69 206 S by W 77 0-45 Cloudy : th. : rain. 12 29-729 0-157 85-9 77-1 95-7 78-8 ... 74-9 0813 65 251 S S W 67 ... Passing clonds. 13 29-735 0-135 85-1 77-3 95-0 80-0 ... 73-4 0-833 69 239 SWbyS 83 ... Cloudy. 14 29-745 0-112 86-0 779 98-3 78-8 ... 76-9 0-848 68 238 SS W 57 ... Passing clouds : Ig. S. 15 29-745 0-129 86-9 78-0 100-0 79-3 ... 78-2 0-839 65 222 SWbyS 70 0-04 Do. do 16 29742 0-119 89-2 78-7 99-5 80-6 ... 73-8 0-840 61 229 SWbyW 67 ... Passing clouds. 17 29-746 0-126 88-4 76-0 100-6 81-7 ... 78-7 0-731 54 272 W S W 67 o-io Do. 18 29-738 0-163 87-9 75-5 100-2 80-8 76-5 0717 54 233 S Wby W 60 0-02 Do. 19 29-698 0-141 85-9 76-1 99-0 81-3 ... 77-5 0-770 61 244 SWbyS 57 o-oi Do. 20 29-724 0-123 86-9 77-1 98-6 82-0 ... 78-8 0-800 62 228 S S W 63 0-17 Passing clouds : th. and Ig. 21 29-727 0-151 84-5 77'9 93-1 77-8 ... 73-4 0-868 74 202 Sby W 73 0-14 Cloudy : Ig. S. W. 22 29-714 0135 86'8 777 96-1 77-6 ... 75-1 0-849 70 187 SWbyS 43 Passing clouds. 23 29761 o-ioo 85-3 77-9 93-2 78-2 76-0 0-858 70 126 S S W 47 o-oi Passing clouds : th. 24 29-790 0-095 84-4 78-1 963 79-7 ... 77-1 0-878 74 172 S byE 47 0-15 Passing clouds : th. and Ig. R. W. 25 29-823 0-117 85-3 "->. 95-3 78-1 ... 76-1 0-826 68 225 NWbyN 63 Passing clouds : Ig. S , W. 26 29-795 0-096 85-5 77-4 94-0 77-6 ... 75-1 0-832 68 156 S by E 30 Passing clouds : th. 27 29-791 0-138 86-0 77'7 92-4 80-7 ... 77-3 0-838 67 142 S E by S 40 Passing clouds : Ig. S. W. 88 29-818 0125 86-0 77-6 941 80-1 77-1 0-884 67 165 Sby E 27 Fine with pnssiiig clouds. 29 29-820 0-105 85-5 78-9 920 79-8 771 0-900 74 162 SE 83 Passing clouds. 30 29-781 0-125 85-3 78-2 91-7 793 75-7 0-871 72 189 S E 30 Fine with )>assiug els. : Ig. W. & N. W. 31 29-759 0-117 86-5 78-1 92-4 81-6 77-4 0-849 67 229 S SE 33 Passing clouds : Ig. S. Mean 29-750 0-125 86-4 76-8 96-4 79-9 76-7 0-792 63 225 SWbyS 63 2-02 60 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1865 August. I i a < BARUMKTEB BEUCCKb TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF KKGISTKBING THERMOMKTKKS Deduced Wind Clouds "5 as lii-nenil Weather Mean Kangc Dry Son Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vaponr Hum. .'fusion idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches C O O O O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 29715 0-126 85-1 78-5 943 79-9 78-1 0887 74 187 Sby W .VI Passim; rlolids : ih. and !-. S. A S K. '2 29-751 0-085 823 76-6 87-6 79-0 76-5 0-840 7<> 70 South 73 Cloudy. 3 29-764 0-125 85-5 78-1 96-7 77-s 74-9 0-863 70 lu2 S by K 5(1 l'ii.-sin-' N. W. 4 29-788 0-119 843 76-9 93-4 78-5 76-2 0-826 70 88 South (iO Passing clouds : \u. W. 5 29-778 0160 85-1 76-7 933 769 74-9 0-808 ; 66 1 12 S WbyW so 0-16 Passinjr cloiuls. 6 29-758 0-072 77-4 75-2 82-4 74-9 743 0-846 90 107 W S W !7 1-25 Overcast -. ruin : th. 7 29-733 0-078 81-0 77-0 88-4 76-9 7o-0 0-875 N !I2 S W by S 1 i 0-12 Clondy. 8 89-743 0-132 81-6 77-0 89-1 76-6 75-8 0-867 M 110 S \V by S 93 O07 Do. 9 29-717 0-114 80-1 76-5 934 76-8 75-6 0866 M 118 S WbyW 90 vri Cloudy : ruin : iji. 8. W. 10 29-684 0-116 82-3 77-1 91-8 76-6 74-." 0-862 78 119 S S W S7 <>:;i Cloudy : tli. iuid IK S. K. 11 29-702 0089 82-5 77-7 91-3 77-0 760 0-886 80 177 s WbyW 88 0-13 Cloudy. 12 29-747 0-110 81-6 77-0 91-2 76-7 75-3 0-867 81 in; S S W n 052 Cloudy : rain : th. mid U;. W. 13 29-786 0-097 81:4 75-8 89-3 76-1 74-2 0-818 77 214 SWbyW 97 . 24 25 29732 2SC746 0-127 0-147 87-0 86-1 765 774 95-1 '.Mi-2 81 (1 80-6 78-4 77-6 0772 0-823 60 OB 259 238 S W S W by S M ,->5 Do. lo. 20 29735 0-120 85-1 77-0 96-4 79-9 76-9 0820 68 250 S W 57 0-08 Do. < 29-751 0-123 85-9 76-1 94-3 78-8 74-9 0-770 62 222 W S W 58 I'assinj.' cldiid.- : I'j. X. K. 28 29756 0-125 87-3 75-1 95-6 81-8 77-5 0-708 55 203 W S W 117 I'assinir eloinl.-. 29 29798 0-146 87-8 71 1'.'. 97-8 81-2 770 0-760 58 239 S Wby\\ 67 ii- hi Do. M 29795 0-165 83-6 75-4 94-2 77-4 75-4 0-771 66 202 SWbyW M 1-80 Cloudy : rain : th. and Itr. X. W. 31 29-755 0-154 84-5 769 93-6 75-8 742 0824 70 141 S W by S o-i5 Cloudy. Mea 29753 0-123 83-4 762 916 77-9 '/-">"> 0-810 71 178 S W 7!> 719 (il Madras Meteorological Observations. 1865 -September. IS.UCOMKTKK SKI.K RK.OISTKKIXI; t ? ; September 1865 BEDUCEI Mean > TO 32 Han ire Inohei Curr, Me Tempi 1 i-y o cted an raturi 1 Wet THKKMOMKTKKS I'educed Wind Clouds a K (i'-neral HYatlitr Di Max. V S un G rasa Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Uum- idity Cents Daily Menu Velo- Dircc- city i tion Inches o Indies Miles Points Cents Inche 1 29'8U 0117 SI 9 77-9 91-1 78-s 75-4 0-MB 72 180 S S W 63 Passing- clomls. 2 29-831 0-099 N4-6 78-1 91-5 78-6 71-7 0-875 ; 71 155 South 37 Do. a 29-797 0-1.1.1 s.-.-o 76-8 91-7 80-7 74-6 0-812 67 Jdl S W l.v S 57 Do. 4 29703 0'127 82-4 76-1 89-2 76-1 72-7 0-817 71 I '.HI W N W 92 0-23 Overe.'ist . 5 29-775 0-1 S3 1 77'3 90-4 77-2 73-7 0-8(50 76 1UI s s w 88 004 Cloudy. (i 29-779 0-132 83-8 7*4 92T8 77 1 736 0-811 69 1 13 S E by k 30 Fine with pacing clouds. 7 29-803 0-126 sri> 77-2 92-6 78-3 7.V2 0-83,1 70 U9 S S E 37 Fine with pat^infr clouds : \'.1 94*1 79-0 717 0-749 (il II 1 K S E 17 Fine with piissinu- c!oiui>. 29 29-829 0-188 S.I (I 75-s 91'S 76-9 7 13 0-7(58 61 142 South 47 I'assing- clouds : Is,'. ?. W. 30 29-838 0-119 8 19 76-d 94-7 7.17 7n 7 0-778 64 120 South 47 Do. do. Mean 89791 0-129 84-7 ; 7.V1I 93-0 78'5 ... 7 1 .1 0-779 6,1 i 170 SS W 58 1-S3 16 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1865 October. BARIIMETKK t.F RKUISTKHIM; KKI.rcKI) TO 32 D t'oi-rerted THKKMO.WICTKH* \\* ' 1 1 Mean Vinju'i-nture Dry Sun (irass u HIM < ; ,,K-ral W,,u.,er 1 s 5 HMD Ran.,'.. Di-y Wet Ha*. Mi... Max. Min Vaponr Tension Hum- idity Ball) V,-l,,- city Mean 1 >irec- tion X 5 5 1 ay Im-bi's Inches o o O O o O Inches Cents Miles 1'oints Cents lichen 1 29-S62 0145 M t 75-9 945 71-1 0-781 6(i 137 S by K M) d-21 l-'iue uiih [Missing clonils. 2 IM07 0114 SI'S 752 96-2 77"2 73-3 0-785 72 L45 Small 42 l*i.ssii..^- clouds. 3 29-891 0141 84-2 76-2 94-1 75-9 722 (.797 68 I2(i B 8 4:1 (P't3 I'assi....' c-l. .uds : rain. -I 2!)'890 0-109 80-2 74-1 960 73-2 ... 721 0'762 71 137 X B by i: 37 Kim' \\itli |i:issiiv_' clouds. 5 29-864 0-139 83-3 76-3 92-5 76-0 72(1 0-813 71 123 S B l.y S 23 1 o. Ii 29-836 0-124 81 I 71-9 931 78-3 73-8 0-738 l>2 131' S B t2 1 ... i IMM 1 . 1 32 83- t. 78-1 AY. 77-5 738 o-8!i2 78 128 S B TO II ./> 8 29-905 0143 85-7 78-_> 93- 1 78-1 711 0-865 70 UK S 8 K 53 I'assill^' itlomls. 9 29 8119 O-159 815 77-3 93-5 77-3 . 72-3 0-841 71 129 S S B 32 1.0. Id 29-903 (I 138 819 77-3 91-1 788 ... 74-1 0-836 70 M S B by B 30 Lil,t ,-louds. 11 29-908 135 S3 1 76-5 89-0 71V t 72-4 0-825 73 111 B by S 12 Fine. 12 2!)-9l2 0-122 83-5 76-0 89-6 7(VO 71-7 0798 69 108 B by S 8 Do. 13 29-913 0-123 82-7 75-8 89-4 7(VI 71 7 0-799 7! 105 Kast 12 Ho. 14 29 93 1 127 83-1 75-8 89-7 7.VS ... 71-4 0-794 70 159 E N B 15 Do. 15 29933 0-148 83-5 75-5 .89-2 766 722 0-776 68 180 K X K 23 Fine with |>a^Mn>j i-londs. 16 29-890 0-144 83-8 76-0 89-6 77-s 73-5 0-794 68 17(1 X B by K 30 Do. 17 29-881 0119 83-9 71-8 89- t "4 73-5 0742 M JI3 X E 43 1'a-jsin.r clouds : !_'. IS 29-9; 12 01 13 83- 1 7 1-3 8S-S. 77-0 73 1 0-731 64 213 NEby X 43 Ha.y. 19 10-880 o-lls 82-1 73-9 88'ti 741 7 18 0-728 (Mi lot X B by F 73 l',.8-5 86-3 07 1; ... 603 0-002 68 113 N by K 20 Co. 13 3-88 0-117 75-2 08-0 85-3 685 ... 01-4 0-590 67 133 X by E 33 Hazy. ] 1 29-941 0-185 74-9 06-2 81-9 67-2 00-2 0-528 60 102 NX E 20 Fine. 1 5 29-966 0-120 761 08-0 8.V1 96-6 59- 4 0-578 64 124 N XK 7 Do. 10 29-979 0-113 77-7 72-4 85-1 09-0 07-2 0-727 76 101 X E 3 Clear. 17 29-995 0-112 79-0 75'2 85-9 72-8 085 0-816 80 150 X E by E 32 ... Fine .virli passing dondg. 18 30-011 0-097 802 75'0 8.1* 1 75-0 7o-0 0-799 77 187 X E 70 0-03 Passim; elouds : Iff. E. and N. E. J 19 30045 0-125 70-4 741 79-9 i 710 71-4 0-813 89 141 iNEbyX 93 0-67 Cloudy : mia : li^. X. E. 20 29-984 0-146 77 5 ' 740 j 82-9 73-1 70-5 0-794 84 178 X by E 77 0-88 Cloudy : rain. 21 29-924 1 1 1 23 78-1 714 837 73-2 72-3 0-802 83 191 X E by X 80 0-7.i Do. do. 22 29-931 0-0! 12 79-0 740 832 7.VO 72-1 0774 78 192 1 X E 60 Passing elouds. 23 89-953 0-105 792 7i-o 83-8 735 71-1 771 7i 284 X by E 73 Do. 24 28-877 0-134 78-2 73-4 82-1 78-4 70-9 0-760 79 370 Xorth 93 o-ii Cloudy Itf. X. W. 25 29-759 123 73-8 721' 76-9 72-0 ... | 70-5 0-778 93 464 Xorth 100 17:; Overcast \vitli lieavy rain. 20 29-641 0-158 71-0 72-6 79-6 091 . 07-9 0'775 90 700 N X K 100 130 1 ... 27 29-886 0-080 73-7 72-4 78-1 72-1 70-7 (780 94 208 S by E 78 3-10 / oiidy : rain. as 29-051 0-090 75-9 74-0 82- 1 70-8 ... , 007 0-815 91 08 S S E 33 Va^sini!; clouds. 29 28-976 O'l 10 77-1 747 82-5 73-0 68-5 0-828 89 80 X K by K 50 Do. 30 29-949 0-123 77'fi 71-8 82-7 74-0 71-4 0-825 87 104 X K by E 07 000 Do. Mean 29911 0-118 77-3 72-0 83-8 72-1 69-0 0-7 M 79 177 N E by X 50 17-70 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1865 December. BAKOBETKK SKI.K RKOISTKRIM, j RKUITEI) TO 32' Cocn Mei Fempc Dry ted in atnre THKKHOMKTK.KS Deduci d a. = C D H icbet (Iri, i -nil \Vf:itlii-r V-aili!.' r!i, lids. Mean Kuii^r Dry Sun Grass Wet Max. Min. Mi.\. Mia. Vapour Tension Horn- iclity city Mean niivc- tic'ii 2 Inches 29-934 29-945 Inches 126 O'lO6 77'7 763 o 714 C S2 1 81-5 O 72 1 O 1 1 ... o 711 70-0 Inches 0-800 0704 Cents SI 77 Mill's I2S 155 I'oints S K by X S' Kby X Cents (in 57 3 29-937 01211 76-2 725 81-4 71-8 ... 671 0-750 K3 2OO Xorth S3 Cloudy. 4 29-830 0123 752 73-7 76-8 732 72-2 0-813 M 31H.I X K by X 100 3-U KIMVMM \\ itli nun. 1 5 29954 0-083 77 7 Hi s[ s 737 721 OS20 S'.l 137 Knst 88 I a Do. do. 6 30-002 0-0114 761 712 82-6 742 71-5 OS2I 91 112 XE bj E 77 0112 'ns-iliL'' rloiidsl : r.'iin. i 30-003 0-106 77 7 721 81-0 7311 ... 705 0714 75 ITS X E by X .13 007 'iissinsr cloiuls. 8 29-98-S (1113 75-s 72-2 SI'!. 711 ... oo-o 0713 M 120 X KU X 43 Do. 9 29995 0-119 TON 733 82-5 73-1 684 O774 M 111 XE by K 37 ]>. 10 30-028 0-104 70. 71-9 81-3 71 I ... 072 0-723 7!. 77 K X E 17 Ce. 11 30-012 0-118 76-8 72-2 S2-0 720 ... 67-7 O7:to 7'J 143 X E 2:: Fine with II;ISMIII_' 12 30-011 0-128 77-0 72-6 81-8 717 ... 67-1 0-740 80 isti X K by X 47 Paesing (.'louds. 13 30-000 0-116 759 69-4 81-8 70-6 ... 64-5 0(13:1 71 151 NE by E to fc'ine \vilh iiii^>iiiu r r]t uds. 14 30-029 0-109 75-9 67-9 80-8 70-6 ... 030 0-577 64 204 X E by E 23 l.o. do. 15 30-052 0-116 76-4 67-3 80-2 73-1 ... 06,7 0'54 BO 210 X E n Fin., 16 30-020 0-128 75-8 W* 81-1 a'(> 67'7 Sl-l 71-2 62-7 0-5.111 lil 197 X E D Do. 18 29991 0102 76-6 68-K SIC, 71-9 OH) 0-901 00 231 X E by X 25 I)... ie 30-002 0095 769 67-2 80-7 712 66-3 .-|3S M 202 X E by X 32 Kiuc with pAosinf? clouds. 2(> 30-028 0-083 76-8 69-1 si -2 70-9 (Mt.1 0610 M 259 X E by X 60 l':l>>ill'_' cloud-. 21 30-070 O'llO 77-H 69-7 Hl-t 75 I ... oi.-o 0-617 04 2!1 XEbyX 47 Do. 22 30-0711 olol 7vo 68-5 sl-l 75-11 70-4 0571 60 211.1 S E by X 43 I'o. 23 30-051 0-120 763 68-9 81-4 Oil 2 ... j 61-7 0-608 07 232 XEbyX 30 Do. 24 V028 0-096 77-1 69-5 81'0 75-3 . . (ili-lt 0-616 65 272 X E by N 40 1 0. 2.1 30D25 0112 70-2 68-8 81-7 "HI ... tiH'O iiiio.-, 07 2( Ht X X E 27 Einr il ii | :icsiii'_' cloini- 2ti 29984 0-126 76-1 oir.i 607 71-3 ' ..; (i.1'7 0-031 71 177 X N E 73 Cloudy. 27 29-953 0112 743 69-4 SI 1 6!HI ... 63-li 0-664 70 I3S X X E 40 l';is.-in^ cloud-. 28 29946 0-085 73 I 68-4 80-5 6H-.1 : ... 6 I'd 0-029 70 l.ili X X E 60 DC.. 2'.) 29973 0-120 735 os : 71-7 (IN-O . ... 61-5 0031 70 1 53 X X E 5O Do. 3,1 30-002 (I 121 752 70-0 HO 4 OS'.I . 02-r nor,-, 70 1K3 N X E .10 lo. 31 29-!97 0-111 77-3 6SJ-S 81-3 712 ils-J 0-629 67 868 X X 1- 3s Fine with |in-siiiv cloiul-. M 29996 0111 703 70-4 HI 2 72-o 67'( 0488 73 195 X E by 16 '"''" 65 h 1' (C S 1 >^ g, ,H : : - = - i 3-. -^ - t CD i I a c g o 6 : : 6666^oS5S 9 43 ; PH | 5 M CC jm E | 8 8 ss a - a - * s ^ 2 1 B 2 WW^^^t =s^^^ K 02 J I easagigggasi: S 5 "* " WW a2 ^^ ""'"S : 4 _ >., a c 2 aj C w ^ C -^O^'CCl'-ClOl^^XXCCCO bC 00 lO " fe s "= siisSii^?i VO oo f M S u & co S x io 5 CN 5 it S U S 1^ . a h c O "a 00 f I +s ! Q OJ CN rHCMM^t^CCWr^t-- c/) -t- "5 SSB.I 9 ll " I U !K 7 N-^OiXIpt-i-COl^Cp o ^ ~ ^^ ^ ^ ^ CD i^ ^f M Cl 1"~ B .c Is c A 3 = Slllillillls en .feS 00 JH 3 05 o **j"rt * *^fc. 1-1 o a s O 3 c p M UJ S || S >, i CD O -l^- XXX l 1 ^ X l 1 ^ X !*" 5D 666666666006 CD JD "o 1* o a W 1 _^ OW*0-ffCWOOT?W-'COO _ CD (M |>. CC O U5 a 3SSSKS5"SKiS g CJ k^ M i c n ^, u o c < s 1 CD _>. * ci 3 *^ ^i rH ^i 6 6 os c^ "*f -o c X c i, SJ. x g g X 9 ~ C-. M i o ^"^^^^^^^w^^ o 3 B (3 CO CO -i CN B M o I i . iOXXt*O5M>XI>l^>l>COCO C j: H o S EH ,a "3 ^! g t-XXOiOiOl-l'Jioic/DQOaO X X .c 's J= | SggSS2-'- . w >, U a! b 9 XCC^HCOO0-*-tt^.-fM o * 4) n S o 03 iV 6 'O X X CO W 'f 1 * I s * 3D i^ C ; I - s s Illl-llflllll (Annual . | r ^ J ; : l U 1 s 1 1 i||||'l-3|ll| i ir 66 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1866 January. ? a *^ BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF UK.ISTKUIM. THKRMOMEfERS Deduced Wind X O X General Weather Moan Range Pry San Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension lllllll- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Pay Inches Inches o O o Inches Cents Miles Points Outs Inclic- 1 30-01 H 0-115 76-9 70-0 83-1 72-6 130-2 65-0 0642 63 250 NEbyE 28 Fine with passing domta. 2 30-003 0127 76-7 695 81-8 72-0 1320 65-0 0-626 68 246 E X K 27 l.i-.-lii clouds. 3 30'OU 0-105 76-2 691 81-8 73-4 130-5 67-9 0618 69 196 E by N 37 1'assinjf c'loiiils. 4 29-995 0-107 741 67-8 80-8 67-7 1315 59-6 0-596 71 110 ME by t 33 !>!>. 5 29943 0-137 74-5 08-5 80-7 67-6 126-5 60-0 0-618 72 101 E N E 40 Kitu- \\itlt jwsMng clouds. (5 29919 0-128 74-5 68-6 81-6 67-7 1326 59-8 0621 72 98 Kast 13 Fine. 7 29974 0-098 74-4 69-8 80-7 67-8 131-0 60-4 0-645 75 98 E by N 23 Kiur with passing clouds. 8 30-037 0-122 75-9; 70-1: 81-2 68-8 130-8 61'5 0-660 74 151 E N E M 1).,. !l 30-066 0-133 76-2 693 80-6 68-9 126-8 61-6 0-625 69 199 E N E 27 Do. 10 30-070 0-097 75-8 67-9 81-7 71-1 1312 63-6 0-678 64 216 VE by E 40 Bo. 11 30-060 o-ioo 74-3 65-7 806 67-2 125-8 597 0519 61 161 NEbyE 27 Do. a 30047 0-126 73-9 05 7 79-6 669 1257 58-2 052i 62 109 NE by E 27 Do. u 30032 0-137 75-1 66-5 7-9 70-0 1299 627 0537 62 130 NEbyE 10 Do. 14 30046 0-106 752 67-7 82-1 70-0 1267 632 0-579 6& 157 X E 28 Do. 15 30-072 0-118 7;V9 70-4 81-4 694 130-7 63-9 0-671 75 175 N E 10 Fine. 16 30040 0113 73 9 690 79-9 699 1253 65-2 0-644 76 147 N E 12 Do. 17 30032 0-116 732 67-3 81-4 681 1272 60-0 0-591 72 66 E N E I! Clour. 18 30029 0131 72-5 670 HI -2 64-9 127-0 56-8 0-589 74 65 E S E :t Do. 19 30-035 0-125 731 68-1 82-1 6-0 1269 59-6 0-1521 78 74 SE by 8 2 1 ... 20 SO'053 0125 734 68-3 8f9 65*7 128-0 58-6 0-625 76 87 S 8 E I" Pine. 21 30-081 0-118 732 09-1 81-5 65-2 1202 586 0-620 76 80 S E by E 7 Do 22 300H3 O-13O 74-3 68-4 81-1 IWiT. 132-0 53-8 0-616 7* 9G Ml M !>,>. 23 30079 0-123 74-7 6B-4 81-5 7'7 1290 60-3 0-649 75 112 E by N 22 Fine with passing clonds. >t 30 100 0-131 75-1 68-4 82-4 69-7 130-0 61-9 0-606 69 146 E X E 12 Fine. 25 30-072 0147 74-2 (WO 81-0 67-4 127-0 59-3 0-603 71 137 E X E 2 Ofear. 2f5 3J-07H 0-133 73-9 67-5 80-9 .63-7 1266 :>1 t 0-589 70 119 EXE Do. 27 30-043 0-143 74-7 691 81 5 66-8 130-2 591 0-638 74 127 Eby N 2 DO: 2H 30-020 ttUl 74-7 67-8 81-0 67-4 1264 615 0-588 68 118 East 10 Fine. 2il 29-989 0-151 74-3 69-0 82-4 666 130-6 59-4 0-639 75 91 E by 3 10 I.'.,. 30 29-925 0-H6 74-9 6-5 82-8 66-4 127-0 59-0 0-650 75 113 SE by S 8 Do. 31 29-921 0126 770 725 M 6o 1380 64-1 0-74O 80 163 SE by S 1H Finu with passing clonds. Mean .W-028 ai2t 74-7 C85 *l 4 68-1 1290 61-0 0-618 71 132 EbyN 18 iiu. 67 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1866 February. BAROMETER M SELF REGISTERING REDUCED TO 32 Corrected THKRMOMKTKRS U',"i..l 1 t ean Temperature Dry Sim Grass Dodnced w inu General Weather Februan Meaiii Raugo Dry Wot Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension I Hum- idity Dailv Velo- city Mean Direc- tion X 1 a '5 M Day Indies Inches o o O o Indies Cents Miles Points Cents Inehe 1 29-941 0-125 78-4 74-1 86-| 719 134-0 67-3 0-786 81 144 SSE 22 ... Fine with passing clouds. 2 29-936 0-143 79-2 74-6 85-9 73-1 130-9 68-7 0-796 80 144 SEby S 20 Do. 8 29-88i 0-164 79-8 73-9 S.V9 73-1 135-0 68-6 0-758 74 144 S SE 33 1)0. 4 29-803 0-182 80-2 74-6 907 73-9 134-8 70-3 0-783 76 189 South 10 Fine. 5 29-815 0-126 80-5 73-5 .88-8 76-0 717 0-733 71 145 SE by S 23 Fine \virh passing clouds. 6 80-898 0111 79-9 73-9 .88-1 72-7 126-2 67'4 0-757 74 141 SbyE M Do. 7 2!)-i>58 0-140 79-9 737 86-6 73-3 l:U7 67-9 0-750 73 137 8 S E 18 D.I. 8 29-964 0-124 79-2 731 85-2 72-6 126-5 66-9 07:U 74 109 S E by S :r, ... Passing clouds. B J997I ii-l:u 78-8 72-H 84-5 71-7 120-3 67-7 0-727 74 128 E S E 18 ... Fine with passing clouds. 10 29'97(i 0- 1 41 78-7 74-8 S.V 1 71-7 131-6 70-6 0-810 N2 133 E S E 60 0-21 Passing clouds : rain. 11 29-960 0-159 80-9 M-i ..86-4 7-V! 132-0 72-8 0-811 77 177 SEbyS 33 ... Fine wiili passing clouds. 12 29-933 0-130 80-8 7.V2 . 86-4 74-8 135-5 72-2 0-800 76 131 SE by E 20 ... Do. 13 29-9(51 0-153 79-9 74-9 ..85-4 75-0 132-2 71-6 0-799 78 120 East tt ... 1'". 14 29-950 o-i to 79-9 73-2 ..85-8 73-8 131-0 6H-7 0-728 71 125 East 2S ... Do. 15 29-958 0-145 78'5 71-8 ..84-6 72-8 131-0 67'5 0-691 71 115 East 13 ... Rue. 10 29-944 0-118 78-1 713 ..837 70-7 132-2 1)5-4 0-077 7o 111 East 23 Fine with passing clouds. 17 29-940 0-118 77-3 69-7 ..83-8 70-0 137-0 01-0 0-626 67 97 E by S 17 ... ]>0. 18 29-957 0-128 77-0 69-5 84-5 71-6 135-0 67-0 0-614 65 94 ES E 33 Passing clouds. 19 29-955 0-148 77-.' USD 83-0 71-1 138-3 64-2 0-503 60 97 E by S 7 Fine. 20 29-956 0-138 77-0 67-7 .81-0 717 129-1 <>5-0 0-555 60 95 East Clear 21 29-943 0-139 76-3 687 .84-4 68-1 129-0 (H-.-! 0-608 67 79 Eby S > ... D... 22 29-921 0-130 75-8 70-1 AI3-8 67-2 133-0 61-8 OWil 74 93 E by S 20 ... Fine with liiflit clouds. 23 29-951 0-114 77-0 7 Hi 84-0 68-5 1333 M O-OJlo 74 115 East :t:( ... Fine with hogging cloo4i. 24 29-974 0-133 77-9 70-7 84-4 70-5 136-0 tn D-en 69 117 E by N 33 Do. 25 29-965 0121 77-8 695 84-7 70-5 135-0 6 1-2 0-6H 64 158 E N E 8 Fine. 26 29-926 0-131 76-3 68-6 83-3 71-9 1330 00-:i D-5D6 102 NE by E 3 ... Heart 27 29-923 o-iio 73- 67-2 83-3 65-5 131-0 91 0-578 69 73 E l.y X 9ft Hazy. 28 29-915 0-119 75-9 701 84-8 (ill 130-2 tiO-7 0-090 71 100 K S K 12 Fine. - Mean 29-935 0-134 78-3 71-9 85-2 71-6 1323 66-9 0699 72 122: K S E 22 021 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1866 March. SB 35 1 3 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32' Corrected Mean I'einperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMKTKIJS Deduced Wind Clouds ' a "I CiruiTal \\Vathrr Mean Kange Dry San Grass Dry Wet Max Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- t'on Day Indies Inches O O O O C Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29915 U'123 76-9 70-9 86-6 68-3 130-s 63-1 0-677 73 121 SEby S 7 ... Fine. 2 29-925 o-i u 75-9 69-2 85-8 665 131-2 59-3 0-624 70 120 SE by S 10 Do. 1 3 29-931 0-112 77-2 70-4 86-5 664 1IIO-0 59-6 0-653 ; 70 140 SSE 5 ... Clear. 4 29-877 0-134 78-8 73-3 88-6 70-7 135-0 66-1 0-747 7(i 137 S l.y K 23 Fine. 5 29-904 0-121 78-9 72-9 86-9 72-5 132-0 67-4 0730 71 156 SSE 20 ... Do. 6 29-928 0-125 77-5 71-0 86'9 688 1302 61-4 0673 71 135 SbyE 3 ... Clear. 7 29-919 0-131 78-9 72-1 87-1 69-0 132-0 62-9 0-698 71 157 SSE 2 Do. 8 29-923 0-116 80-4 74-0 87'6 71-9 134-0 66-9 0-754 72 169 S Eby S 8 ... Fine. 9 29913 0-142 81-2 75-3 88-5 72-9 132-0 67-6 0-800 74 172 s s i: 10 Do. 10 29-885 0-152 80-9 74-2 88-7 73-8 130-2 68-2 0-757 72 157 SE by S 35 ... Fine u iili jiiiv-iiiff clnwl>. 11 29-920 0-114 78-8 72-5 87-3 69-8 131-0 64-5 0715 73 164 SE by S 13 Fine. 12 30-040 0-103 80-3 737 88-2 72-9 131-2 67-4 0744 72 150 SEby S 35 Fine with passim: clouds. 1 13 30-015 0-157 79-6 72-9 88-9 71-7 134-0 65-7 0-720 71 104 SEby S 5 ... Fine. 14 29939 0-159 78-6 72-1 88-6 70-0 133-1 63-6 0-702 72 109 SEby S 15 Do. 15 29929 0-139 79-5 72-2 89-7 695 1333 637 0-692 ! 69 128 SSE 43 Hazy. 16 29-947 0134 80-6 75-2 88-6 72-4 129-1 07-9 0-802 76 199 SSE 27 ... Do. 17 29-908 0-180 81-3 763 90-4 73-4 133-2 69-4 0-840 78 186 S by E 35 Do 18 29-883 0-149 82-5 771 89-2 75-7 133-1 70-7 0-859 77 205 S by E 43 Do. 19 29-872 0-136 81-6 75-7 88-7 74-5 131-0 70-6 0-811 75 137 SSE 20 Fine. 20 29-876 0-135 81-5 75-8 90-5 74-2 1324 70-1 0-817 I 76 150 S by E 15 ... Do. 21 29-887 0121 81-6 75-7 88-4 744 I3!M 09-5 0-811 75 179 SSE 5 ... Clear. 22 29-803 0-170 826 763 92-2 744 135-4 70-7 0-823 74 210 S by E 5 Do. 23 29795 0-149 83-9 77-5 92-6 78-6 134-8 75-8 0-858 74 252 S by E 18 Light haze. 24 29846 0-107 83-3 76-8 90-7 766 133-3 721 0-835 73 248 S S E 12 Fine. 25 29-877 0149 82-5 763 90-8 74-2 134-0 li!7 0-824 74 230 S by E 7 Do. 26 29-836 0-166 83-0 76-4 90-9 75-1 134-0 7n-5 0-822 73 219 S S E 18 ... Light haze. 27 29-780 0-140 83-7 76-6 942 75-7 137-7 72-0 0-M2I -,'i _':tS South 2 Clear. 28 29-818 0-121 83-5 78-2 90-7 76-5 1323 72-2 0-895 78 254 SSE 13 ... Fine. 29 29-883 0-103 83-3 77-4 90-2 78-6 135-0 755 0-861 75 255 . E by 8 37 ... Passing rlonda. 30 29-892 0-123 82-6 75-7 89"2 76-1 mi 73-3 0-796 71 163 SEby E 10 ... Fine. 31 29-851 0-145 82-7 77-8 89-2 75-6 135-1 71-6 0-865 77 188 SE 10 ... Do Mean 29-894 0134 80-8 74-5 89-1 73-0 1332 68-1 0-775 73 IT.', SSE 16 A T t7. 69 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1866 April. I BAROMF.TKK REDUCED T<> 32 Contacted Mean Temperature SELF REGISTKKINU TllKKMOMKTKHS Deduced Wind Clouds pa (!eneral Weather Mean Bailee Dry Sun Grass Dry \\Yt Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity 1 'ailv Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O o o O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-850 0-135 83-6 77-7 896 76-0 140-0 7*8 0-871 75 214 S E 30 Fine with passing cloud*. 2 29-842. 0-143 84'5 7S'0 91-0 78-0 137-8 73-0 0-872 74 205 S K 30 Do. do. 3 29-802 0140 s.V2 78-4 91-4 79-7 140-5 75'8 0-881 73 220 S E 37 Passing- clouds. 4 29-820 0-105 Sl-S 77.") 91-0 79-3 137-8 74-7 o-sis 71 169 S E 30 Fine with passing cloud*. 5 29-845 0-093 84-8 77-8 91 3 79-8 1377 73-8 0-860 72 172 S E 47 Passing cloud*. 6 29-828 0-158 S3"J 7C.-9 90-4 76-1 136-6 70-9 O-HH 74 158 S E by S 1 Clear. 7 29-766 0-173 8t'l 77T> 94-2 76-5 136-5 7o-8 0-860 74 208 SEE Do. 8 29-767 0-153 S5-7 77-0 93-5 78-0 138- 1 72-7 0811 05 229 S S E 23 Fine with p:i*.in<; clotitU. 9 29-801 0-143 SIM 78-6 938 80-8 137-4 77-5 0-874 69 253 S S E 30 Do. 10 29-788 0-147 81 i- 5 78-9 95-6 79-8 139-8 76-3 b-888 70 268 S by E 13 Fine. 11 29-755 0-147 86-1 77-3 .97-6 78-3 139-8 72-6 0-819 65 267 8 by E 27 Hazy. 12 29-744 0-119 87-o 790 94-6 80-6 138-5 77-0 0-884 69 252 S by E 10 ... Fine. 13 29-820 0-127 B0D 79-3 95-3 81-2 136-6 77-6 0-900 "o 266 S S E 7 Do. 14 29-834 0-178 85-8 78-6 94-4 79-1 137-3 74-9 0-882 71 238 S S E 3 Clear. 15 29-804 0-1 -18 85-3 78-9 93 1 78-7 136-1 74-8 0-902 74 257 S S E 3 To. 16 29-801 0-131 86-0 78-4 95-4 79-9 136-8 75-6 0-871 70 276 S S E 7 Fine. 17 29-847 0-128 86-4 77'5 93-9 78-8 140-0 74-0 0-838 68 238 S S E 7 T.o. 18 29-859 0-147 si-:; 77-7 91-9 77-2 135-5 72-2 0-862 74 226 JS E by S 10 Do. 19 29-845 0-156 86-0 | 78-9 93-7 79-7 137-2 77-2 0-894 72 245 S S E 13 To. 20 29-860 0-142 80-8 7!P-3 94-3 82-0 135-0 79'7 0-901 70 268 i S S E 20 Fine with passing clouds. 21 29-893 0-120 8(i-4 79-4 93-6 80-9 138-0 77-5 0-91 1 72 236 S K l,y S 17 Do. 22 29-928 0-124 86-3 i 79-7 92-7 79-7 137-0 76-1 0-927 74 188 S E 20 Do. 23 29-928 0-140 86-4 79-7 93-7 81-1 141-0 771 0925 73 153 S E 20 Do. 24 29-918 0-1 53 86-4 : 78-6 93-4 81-6 141-2 771 0-874 69 185 88 E 43 Passing clouds. 25 29-871 0-140 S(i-2 78-9 93-7 80-2 140-4 76-3 0-891 71 201 S E by S 53 Passing clouds : th. S. VV. 26 29-861 0-145 86-5 i 79-1 931 81-0 138-0 77-5 0-895 , 70 224 S S E 37 Do. 27 29-883 0-138 86 1 79-1 93-5 79-6 138-6 74-8 0-901 72 194 S S E 2(1 Fine with passing clouds. 28 29-874 0-139 85-7 78-7 93-0 79-3 137-6 74-7 0-888 , 72 193 S S E 10 Fine. 29 29-854 0-142 8.")- 1 78-8 92-6 77-0 138-0 74-4 0-897 1 74 206 S 8 E 15 Do. 30 29-831 0-1 12 8.V9 78-5 93-1 79-0 140-0 73-5 0-876 70 173 S K l.y S 30 Light cloud*. Mean 29-837 0-139 85-7 78-5 933 793 138-2 751 0-878 71 219 6E by 8 20 K 70 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1866 May. 1 BAROMETER KKOrCKIl TO 32 Coi-rccted Mean Temperature oK IF U.KG1 STfcR I Xf t TlIKRMOMKTKBS De due Vu pom- Tension ed Win.l i : 5 X nrlii-n (ieneral Weather .Menu Ranffe Dry Sun Grass Dry We, Max. Min. Max. Min. Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O o a " O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents 1 29-828 0-148 85-4 794 91-9 81-7 138-8 77-6 0924 76 ]0ti SE by S 00 0-08 Cloudy : ih. 2 29800 0-155 86-2 78-7 93-6 79-1 134-2 74-9 0-881 70 135 SE 20 Fine itli li-jjlii el'Mids. 8 29-772 0-149 85-8 78-0 93-1 80-6 Ui-8 74-8 0-855 ; 69 87 S K 37 1'iis-iini; clouds : til. 4 29-712 0-14S 87-4 79-6 98 1 79-8 142-3 74-5 0-907 70 218 SS E 12 Fine. 5 29673 0-144 90-6 79 I 1047 884 143-9 79-6 0-854 59 217 S bv W 20 llazv. 29-658 0-120 91-4 79-4 1041 84-5 1 17-0 80-2 0-843 57 305 S by W 17 Fine. i 29656 0126 91-s 767 108-1 79-7 150-6 7!-5 0-716 48 232 S W 7 Do. 8 29675 0-112 91-6 76-6 104-3 82-7 146-8 79-3 0-714 48 204 S In K 8 Co. B 29-705 0-121 90-8 793 1042 83-4 1475 81-5 0-850 58 230 Souili :< Clear. 10 29-718 0-131 88-5 80-3 97-8 81-6 141-0 765 0-925 68 277 S S K 15 Fine. 11 29-706 0-156 88-7 79-5 979 BH 141-2 78-1 0-884 66 304 South 22 Fine wirli liiclit clouds. 12 29673 0-123 88-5 79-7 97-0 81-2 138-0 77-0 0-896 67 277 Sby E 15 Fine. 13 29-708 0-103 88-3 80-5 96-6 S2-5 140-9 79-3 0-937 70 317 S by E 5 Clear. 14 29723 0-130 88-3 79-6 98-3 81-6 140-5 77-6 0-894 67 288 South 1 Do 15 29-725 0135 88-3 80-1 94-6 82-0 138-1 78-8 0-917 68 340 South 10 ... Kill.' : \l*. 16 29712 0-144 90'0 79-5 107-0 82-5 IKI-i 79-2 0-867 62 306 S by W 18 Fine : 1- \V. 17 29-697 0127 89'8 79-1 101-2 83-0 1 1:, :, 79-1 0-850 61 323 S by E 12 Fin.'. 18 29-728 0-120 sirs 77-8 1000 4 144-2 79-4 0-792 56 266 South 40 lla/.y : !-. W. 19 29-709 0-139 91-3 777 106-8 83-2 155-0 78-5 0-767 52 257 R by W 88 Havjr. 20 29-718 0-112 90-8 78-1 I'll -2 83-8 14t-8 7!IT> 0-791 55 2 19 South 13 Fine. 21 29-725 0123 88-4 sr:> 04-5 83-0 138-8 HO-4 0-969 72 290 S by E 18 II... 22 29-709 0-141 88-5 79-9 97-0 sv-g 141-9 78-0 0-906 68 227 S S K 20 !.,. 23 29-676 0-106 83-7 80-3 96-9 82'5 141-0 7S-6 0!)21 67 208 South 7 Ofear. 24 29-671 0-129 89-4 80-6 103-1 82-e U.VI 78-4 0-926 68 273 South 13 Fine. 25 29-685 0-12H 88-7 80-0 96-0 OH 140-0 77-9 0-907 67 266 S by E 10 Do. 26 29-732 0-106 87-9 Hl-3 952 82-4 1140 78-8 0-981 74 259 SEbyS L'O Fin" iili ims-in:; el,.uds. 27 29-722 0-140 88-5 81-1 96-0 82-0 1406 78-6 0-963 71 231 S S E 18 Fine. 28 29-675 0-156 93-7 76-8 110-6 so-s 151-3 747 0-694 44 181 S\V by S 18 Do, 29 29-662 0:117 934 78-1 106-7 84-8 I.-.M-O 79-9 0-756 48 217 South 40 HH/V. 30 29-665 0-105 92-6 79-9 108-4 86-7 1492 81-6 0-850 56 301 S s W 7o Ma/. : k' > 31 29-653 0-088 92-0 78-3 106-9 85-5 148-0 81-9 0-785 52 316 S S W 07 Ha/.y Mean 29-706 0-128 89-5 79-2 1003 82-6 144-1 78-5 0862 62 250 South 21 ()( IS 71 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1866 June. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING X o 5 Pay REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THERMOMETERS Dry Sun Grass Deduced f Daily Velo- city r iml Mean Direc- tion Clouds a '3 M Inches General Weather Mean If :Mi l _!V Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum idity Inches Inches o o o o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents 1 29-698 0-070 90-4 77-3 100-0 84-2 147-8 797 0-761 53 257 Sby W 83 Hazy. 2 89-898 0-H86 92-0 78-7 105-8 82-6 1495 78-1 0-802 53 220 S by E 52 To. 3 29-727 0-101 91-7 78-2 109-0 83-7 152-7 79-7 0-784 52 282 Sby W 47 ... Do. 4 29-727 0-108 92-7 77-6 108-0 a5-i 150-2 79-5 0-711 49 257 South 50 1>0. 5 211-72 1 0-129 ! 1-2-2 77-1 107-0 85-0 15V5 80-8 0-728 48- 285 South 20 Fine with light clouds : th. 211-071 U-126 91* 77-6 105-2 83-8 151-2 78-2 0-761 50 257 South 37 ... Hazy. 7 29-061 o-loo 91-1 77-7 104-3 83-7 146-8 78-9 0-769 52 274 Sby E 17 Kine. 8 9 10 211-70:, 29-732 29-703 o-i Hl:j 0-109 o-li'ii 90-0 78"2 78-5 77-6 lOi-9 103-9 101-9 83-8 83-5 81-3 148-0 148-0 144-7 80-7 78-8 77-6 0-801 0-821 0-779 56 58 55 289 236 226 S by K South South 13 47 23 ... Fine : Ig. \V. Fine with p. d. : Ig. W. & N. W. 11 29-764 0-098 89-3 76-1 104-8 83-9 149-0 79-7 0-723 5-2 251 SWbyW 57 o-oi Passing clouds : ih. A \M. AV. 12 29-672 1 11 90-9 75-3 102-6 84-7 150-0 80-8 0-668 46 332 W by S t~ ... Cloudy. 13 29-064 0-145 89-4 75-1 104-8 85-7 151-0 79-8 0-679 49 315 W S W 50 0-03 Passing clouds : th. : Ig. W. 14 29-618 0-105 90-8 73-0 102-2 82-9 147-2 79-1 0-573 39 376 West 73 ... Cloudy. 15 29-610 0-147 91-6 73-1 99-7 86-2 148-5 84-2 0-567 38 409 West 100 o-oi Overcast. 16 29-598 1 1' 1 .V2 91-3 72-9 100-8 84-0 146-4 80-0 0-558 38 443 West 97 0-05 Overcast : Ig : S. W. 17 29-688 0-121 87-8 77-4 101-1 84-6 141-0 81-1 0'800 01 270 S W 70 0-29 Passing cl Hids. 18 29-701 0-105 86-2 77-0 DS-l. 81-3 146-0 70-4 0-805 01 265 S S W 57 0-14 Passing clouds : tli. S. K. 19 29-734 0-108 85-7 76-5 99-2 799 142-0 75-3 0-790 H 299 SWby S 47 Passing clouds. 20 29-093 0-141 88-8 73-8 99-4 79-8 1 Mi-2 74-9 0-638 48 367 W S W 73 Cloudy. 21 29-007 0-142 90-4 73-8 99-8 83-4 151-6 79-8 0612 43 312 WS W 87 ... Do. 22 29-709 0-092 90-1 7 1-0 97-8 84-4 147-2 HO-8 0-624 44 344 W S W 93 1 0. 23 29-70!) 0-133 89-9 75-2 98-2 84-2 139-2 80-0 0-677 48 287 SWbyW 83 Ho. 24 29-745 0-178 90-6 73-2 100-0 84-1 189-6 80-1 0-5S4 I'l 403 West 80 bo. 25 29-681 175 91-6 73-8 102-2 83-3 149-5 80-0 0595 11 391 Why S 52 Kine with passing clouds. 26 29691 i OKU 90-8 75-9 103-3 82-9 150-6 7S-6 0-694 4S 316 W by S 37 0-03 Do. do. 27 89-725 0-099 88-8 75-7 102-0 83-7 152-8 78-7 0-713 a 283 SW by S 47 Kim- with passing clouds: Ig. S. 28 29-70-2 0-09!) 88-7 75-7 101-5 83-5 119-0 80-4 0-714 53 276 S S W 80 Hazy. 29 29-777 0-118 90-3 76-0 100-5 85-6 149-5 8-2-0 0-706 111 259 South 17 Fin.'. 30 29-767 117 89-4 7(Vl 75-9 102-3 82-6 151-0 77-3 . 52 2-20 S by E 23 Kino with passing <-!,>uds. Mean 29-698 0-120 90-1 102-6 83-6 148-0 79-4 0-706 50 300 SW by S 56 0-50 72 Madras MeteQrological Observations. 1866 July. rH "3 n BAROXETEK REHCCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SKIP RKUISTEKI.NG TMKKMOMKTEKS Deduced Wind Clouds 1 General Weather Mean Kange 1 Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Hum- Tension itlity Daily Mean Velo- Dirt-c- city j titm Day Inches Inches O O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-768 0-086 89-3 763 J01-2 83-4 150-0 79-2 0-732 53 2(17 South l-'ine : bazy. 2 29-788 0-095 88-8 76-8 '.I7-.S 81-7 141-4 74-7 0761 56 209 S S E H l-'ine with {Hissing elouiK 3 29-788 0-122 89-8 773 100-2 84-1 1485 80-0 0-769 55 225 S by K 53 llu/y : If*. 4 29748 0120 88-0 764 102-2 80-8 1477 77-9 0756 :,7 Mi S by W 73 Cli.nily. 5 29-700 0-154 88-4 760 101-1 ,s:i- 1 1490 78-9 0-731 54 275 S S W 53 llii/y : l(f. S. 6 29-727 0-138 87-2 762 1.V1 4 83-3 1470 79-4 0-756 58 21!) S\\ byS 70 Cloudy. 7 29-720 0-146 88-2 766 9S-1 82-0 143-4 78-9 0761 57 310 South a Fine \\iili pBBBAIW clondft. 8 29-689 0-142 89-4 765 97-S 82-7 1438 797 U-7S H 315 S by W 2,S Do. (1,.. 9 29718 0-107 856 761 Woo 82-0 1 1 H 80-8 0774 63 kn P W 73 0-17 Cloudy. 10 29-675 0148 88-4 73 I ..98-1 80-7 111 1 77-5 ^an 46 304 \W, 87 DO. 11 29-632 0-148 894 733 968 839 1442 80-8 0-604 41 u \V by N M Overca,, 12 29-668 0-086 87;8 724 ..95-8 83-0 1366 80-7 0-589 44 340 W by N 100 Do. 13 29712 0134 89-6 75-2 1021 84-3 1420 81-9 0-681 48 262 W S W 77 001 Cloudy. 14 29-758 ; 0126 88;6 768 83-4 148-0 78-7 0-737 54 231 S S W 1^ ... Morning fine : af'trri.oon cluudy. 15 29740 0-129 87-8 77-8 986 81-7 146-2 775 0-827 64 218 South 47 0-07 Hazy : Ig. 16 29-695 0112 83-4 77-8 92-8 76-0 1360 727 0-879 77 255 South 0-34 Uazy : Ig. \\ . 17 29-708 0145 84-6 77-9 918 78-9 131-2 76-2 0-865 73 210 S by W SO lla/y. 18 29704 0126 87-7 775 998 80-9 146-0 711- 1 0607 1 62 249 S W oil Passing clouds. 19 29-709 0-146 88-9 759 1008 80-8 1471 76-3 0720 ' 53 257 W S W 52 Do. 20 29692 0-134 87-3 75-8 100-1 80-7 1487 76-4 0-738 j 57 311 S W 53 Ila/.y. 21 29677 0136 86-0 76-5 999 7 1 15-1 81-0 0-786 63 885 S \V Ml Oil Cloudy. 22 29-676 0119 86-2 7.V9 96-fl 81-0 1480 78-2 0757 60 210 S W l>y W 77 Do. 23 29-708 0166 88-5 759 1005 833 1474 80-6 0-726 54 S34 S W HO Do. 24 29-714 0143 89-2 76-8 100-0 84-0 148-8 80-5 0755 55 225 S W by W W l':issing clouds. 25 29703 0160 85-0 77-3 B4-0 Mill 117-1 77-3 0834 69 203 S W IM S !I7 0-30 < Ivei-rast : lain. 26 29-709 0113 82-8 7.V I 922 76-8 1032 74-0 0-7SI 69 165 SWbyS 100 null Ho do. 27 29-741 Olll 84-8 74-7 !M 7 4 126-8 78-6 0725 61 1H7 West H7 ota Do. do. 28 29774 0-096 83-7 74-5 111 !l 78-8 1368 78-4 0-731 63 M W S \V loo Orne**. 29 29777 0130 84-3 74-6 92-3 77-7 132-2 7:iti 0727 62 220 W by S 100 (1-02 Do 30 29758 0135 84-8 784 88-0 77 12*5 771 0711 65 260 \V l,j N loo no:; IK.. 31 29-722 0-106 82-7 742 88-5 77-3 122-0 1398 73-8 0-732 65 Kill 34t W by N loo Hi'. Mean 29-719 0127 869 75'H 81-2 78-1 0746 59 S W 70 1 >7 73 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1866 August. BAROMETER BEI.F REGISTKIMM; |H -r. 3 HO < BEDDCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds '3 K General Weather Mean Kange Dry San Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Taj Inches Inches o O O o Inches Cents Miles Points. Cents Inches 1 29-714 0-093 81-7 73-0 88-5 77-7 1234 74-5 0-696 64 213 NW byW 100 Overcast. 2 29-678 0-133 85-6 73-8 96-2 78-9 138-0 76-5 0-676 55 246 W S W 97 0-02 Do. 3 29-737 0-131 86-1 75-8 97-3 81-1 147-0 78-0 0-754 60 256 Sby W 83 Cloudy. 4 29-814 0-087 86-0 75-7 97-4 79-0 143-8 74-1 0-751 60 186' South 50 Hazy. 5 29-869 0-103 86-8 78-2 96-0 81-5 142-1 76-4 0-850 67 196 SW by S 83 0-25 Cloudy : rain : !<;. S. 6 29-883 0-112 8l'(> 74-9 86-3 77-0 105-0 75-2 0-777 72 161 S W 100 Overcast : Ig. W. and S. W. 7 29-862 0-124 84-3 75-0 91-6 77-9 134-3 75-6 0-744 63 178 W S W 90 Overcast. 8 29-775 0-171 84-7 75-1 97-3 77-1 143-5 76-1 0-743 62 219 S S W 5O Passing clouds. 9 29-721 0-139 86-5 74-7 99-8 76-7 144-4 77-1 0-702 56 287 S W 33 Fine with light clouds. 10 29-724 0-145 86-1 75-0 100-1 81-3 147-0 79-1 0-720 58 329 SW by S 47 0-45 Passirg clouds : rait:. 11 29-703 0159 85-5 75-6 95-9 79-0 146-0 76-5 0-754 61 246 S by W 40 Passing clouds. .12 29-690 0-138 88-1 74-9 98-9 81-2 150-8 78-5 0-688 52 296 W by S 60 0-02 Do. 13 29-683 0-127 87-8 77-0 96-1 82-5 144-0 75"6 0-783 59 294 SWby W 93 0-02 Overcast: Ig. S. K. 14 29-720 0-111 85-8 75-9 98-2 80-4 145-2 76-5 0-763 61 259 SWby S 77 0-09 Cloudy : Ig. S. E. 15 29-777 0-12.7 85-3 76-7 98-4 78-6 146-5 77-0 0-804 66 225 S S W 58 0'04 Passing clouds : Ig. S. 16 29-773 0'135 86-6 77-1 96-0 80-0 150-8 77'5 0-804 63 203 S by W 37 Passing clouds. 17 29-782 0-117 86-9 77-5 95-6 80-7 150-2 78-5 0-818 64 198 S by E 33 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. W. 18 29-799 0-164 85-0 75-9 93-6 77-G 150-0 75-5 0-773 64 182 South 50 Passing clouds. 19 29-771 0-159 84-6 75-4 952 75-3 138-9 74-6 0-757 63 165 W S W 60 0-06 Do. 20 29-734 0-176 86-5 759 96-6 80-6 143-0 76-6 0-751 60 141 SWby W 57 To. 21 29-724 0-144 84-1 77-0 94-5 78-5 144-0 76-2 0-833 72 169 S S W 67 o-io Passing clouds : Ig. N. W. 22 29-742 0-141 81-0 75-8 90-0 74-0 135-5 72-6 0-822 78 198 W S W 77 0-82 Cloudy. 23 29-733 0-135 80-4 76-5 88-9 72-2 138-2 70-7 0-861 83 139 S W 70 1-06 Hazy. 24 29-697 0-141 81-1 77-2 88-4 77-0 125-0 74-2 0-882 83 126 S by W 100 0-31 Overcast : Ig. S. 25 29-692 0-137 80-4 75-9 87-1 74-6 121-0 72-8 0-835 80 163 SWby W 97 0-42 Overcast : th. and Ig. S. W. 26 29-746 0-181 82-0 76-3 90-2 75-6 135-0 72-9 0-831 76 196 SWbyW 83 0-27 Cloudy. 27 29-748 0-141 82-7 75-9 93-9 77-5 140-0 75-0 0-804 72 233 S W 63 Passing clonds : th. and Ig. S. W. 28 .29-703 0-110 83-5 76-8 91-9 76-8 139-0 72-9 0-832 73 186 SWby 8 H 0-05 Passing clonds. 29 29-757 0-101 85-2 77-1 94-0 79-7 136-8 77-1 0-823 68 179 S S W 47 Do. 30 29-818 0-101 84-8 77-9 91-5 79-5 141-0 76-1 0-863 72 139 S by K 43 0-19 Passing clouds : Ig. 31 29826 0-129 84-4 77-9 91-8 78-8 150-8 75-4 0-869 74 133 s s w 63 Do. .Mi-mi 29-755 0131 84-6 760 94-1 78-3 140-0 75-7 0-786 66 205 S W by S 67 4-17 74 Madras Meteorological Observations, 1866 September. BAROMETER SELF REGISTKRING REDUCED TO 32 Corrected TLX THERMOMETERS \VlttA h Mean Temperature Dry Sun Grass Deduced \\ ma Gensrsl Weather Septembe Mean Range X o 3 O a PS Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Hum- Tension idity Daily Mean Velo- Direc- city tiou Day Inches Inches o o o o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inche 1 29-810 o-ioo 81-9 75-0 84-0 79-1 113-3 76-7 0776 71 157 VV by N 93 Overcast: Ig. S. W. 2 29-803 0-119 79-8 75-0 84-1 76-8 100-0 73-8 0-805 79 132 W S W 100 on Overcast. 3 29-769 0-086 80-7 742 84-7 77-8 108-2 74-7 0759 72 204 West 100 Do. 4 29-726 0-114 82-5 74-6 91-2 78-0 128-4 76-0 0-751 67 241 W by S 100 0-58 Overcast with rain. 5 29-763 0-139 832 75-7 89-8 76-8 130-0 74-8 0-789 69 180 Wby N 97 Do. 6 29-803 0-155 84-9 76-4 94-1 78-3 138-0 74-2 0-796 66 196 SWbyW 67 Passing clomls. 7 29-792 0-150 85-5 78-2 952 78-7 140-0 76-5 0-866 71 243 S S W 53 Do. 8 29-755 0-144 87-3 75-2 919 80-8 139-0 75-1 0712 55 236 SWbyW 40 Pine with passing clouds. 9 29-740 o-ioo 85-9 76-4 94-3 79-7 142-0 75-3 0-783 63 147 SbyE 43 Bksy, 10 29-758 0-133 85-8 76-2 95-4 80-5 140-0 75-4 0-776 63 208 Sby W 43 ... Do. 11 29-7&3 0-126 85-6 76-5 95-2 79-0 143-0 74-9 0-792 65 189 S S W 63 o-io Passing clouds. 12 29-727 0-162 85-2 76-7 94-3 76-6 138-0 75-1 0-805 66 283 WS W 37 0-05 Fine with passing clouds : lg. S. W. 13 29-739 0-112 84-8 78-2 95-3 80-7 142-0 77-1 0-877 74 165 S by W 57 0-64 Passing clouds : rain. 14 29-754 0-119 84-3 75-5 934 76-9 136-8 74-2 0-766 65 193 S W 70 Cloudy. 15 29-739 0-117 86-6 76-1 94-9 79-7 142-2 75-2 0-717 57 232 S W 53 ... Passing clouds. 16 29752 0-141 86-8 74-4 94-4 79-8 139-8 75-5 0-684 53 241 W by S 63 ... Ha/.y. 17 29724 0-131 85-5 75-1 942 80-4 1437 74-5 0-732 59 182 S S W 70 ... Do. 18 29-738 0-138 85-8 773 96-4 80-3 144-8 75-0 0-823 66 170 S WbyS 57 Passing clouds. 19 29-780 0-138 85-8 79-0 96-2 80-6 144-2 77-2 0-900 73 174 South 37 Hii/.y. 20 29-793 0-130 86-0 78-8 95-2 81-1 145-5 77-1 0-889 71 196 South 53 ... Passing clouds. 21 20-795 0-138 80-6 76-6 88-9 741 120-0 700 0-863 83 119 West 90 0-84 Cloudy : rain. 22 29-793 0121 84-2 77-9 92-0 78-2 136-0 75-0 0-872 74 172 SWbyS 33 ... Fine with passing clouds. 23 29-847 0-128 81-8 77-6 91-9 79-2 137-5 76-4 0-851 71 163 S by E 17 ... Fiiif. 24 29-850 0-140 84-4 77-4 92-2 79-5 139-2 75-7 0-847 72 131 Sby E 37 ... Passing clouds. 25 29-802 0-157 84-1 76-9 947 78-3 142-3 72-5 0-831 71 147 South 53 Hazy. 26 29-788 0112 8i'3 76-1 92-0 77-6 140-1 737 0-791 67 148 SbyE 20 Fine. 27 29-805 0-138 84-6 769 93-3 77-4 145-5 71-7 0-822 69 127 S S W 50 Hazy : lg. 8. W. 28 29776 0-109 85-6 77-6 92-5 79-9 142-0 75-3 0-840 68 116 S S E 35 ... Fine with passing clouds : lg. S. W. 29 29754 0-149 85-0 78-4 95-1 80-2 141-4 74-0 0-884 74 123 S WbyS 53 0-15 Passing clouds : lg. 8. W. 30 29-739 0-125 85-4 76-9 93-8 80-0 136-2 75-3 0-811 66 186 S by E 70 Cloudy : lg. S. W. Mean 29773 0-129 84-6 76-6 928 78-9 1360 74-9 0-807 68 180 S W by S 58 2 17 75 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1866 October. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING ; 55 1 o REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds a i General Weather Mean Bange Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Lirec- tion Day Inches Inches o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-088 0-108 79-8 74-5 86-6 73-0 138-0 71-5 0-784 78 155 Wby S 73 1-03 Cloudy : rain. 2 29-716 0-090 82-6 77-3 88-9 77-2 139-8 73-5 0-867 78 180 South 60 ... Passing clouds : Ig. N. W. 3 29-818 0-113 81-8 77-4 88-2 76-2 139-7 73-2 0-881 81 126 S S E 83 0-61 Cloudy : rain. 4 29-855 0-107 78-0 75-5 80-7 75-8 98-8 74-1 0-851 89 49 W N W 97 0-92 Overcast: rain. 5 29-829 0-127 79-8 76-4 86-1 75-9 139-6 72-3 0-865 85 70 N E 73 ... Cloudy : th. and Ig. W. 6 29-825 0-164 82-0 77-9 87-2 76-6 138-0 72-2 0-902 83 84 Ss W 53 0-29 Passing clouds : Ig. W. 7 29-821 0-131 80-4 77-1 89-1 72-8 131-5 L71-1 0-888 86 140 S S W 47 0-71 Passing clouds : th. : rain. 8 29-845 0-113 82-0 77-4 88-4 77-2 138-0 74-9 0-879 81 133 SbyE 27 0-02 Fine with p. cl. : th. and Ig. N. W. 9 29-859 0-144 82-5 78-1 89-0 78-0 141-8 74-1 0-903 81 126 Sby E 63 ... Cloudy. 10 29-798 0-152 83-2 77-7 89-1 77-8 140-4 75-1 0-877 77 130 8 by E 37 ... Fine with passing clouds : Ig. 11 29-815 0-105 82-2 76-5 87-2 75-3 136-6 70-4 0-837 76 106 Sby W 20 ... Passing clouds : Ig. S. W. 12 29-869 0-121 83-1 77-7 88-0 78-1 140-0 73-1 0-878 77 91 S E 23 Passing clouds : Ig. W. and S. W. 13 29-888 0-116 82-0 77-0 87-7 77-3 132-0 71-5 0-862 79 67 East 77 ... Cloudy : Ig. S. W. 14 29-866 0-126 80-7 76-9 85-7 75-9 147-1 73-3 0-875 84 80 East 42 1-66 Fine with passing clouds : rain : Ig. W. 15 16 29-833 29-842 0-139 0-109 80-9 81-1 77-3 76-3 85-5 86-7 77-0 77-2 135-6 140-2 74-2 72-5 0-890 0-843 85 79 77 96 SE byE EbyS 73 60 0-95 0-24 Cloudy : rain : Ig. 8. W. Passing clouds : Ig. W. and S. W. 17 29-862 0-114 80-8 76-9 86-0 76-4 143-5 73-4 0-873 83 109 NEbyN 60 0-81 Passing clouds : rain : Ig. W. 18 29-892 0-119 79-5 75-8 82-7 75-1 134-0 72-5 0-844 84 99 Nby W 93 0-76 Cloudy : rain. 19 29-875 0-137 78-4 75-3 84-5 75-8 138-0 72-4 0-837 86 114 Nby'E 97 ... Overcast. 20 29-866 0-117 77-4 74-9 80-1 75-6 955 73-0 0-833 89 69 N X W 100 : 06 Do. 21 29-796 0-130 80-1 76-6 86-5 75-9 122-4 72-4 0-870 85 65 NWbyN 97 Do. 22 29-734 0-096 80-8 75-6 88-0 76-6 126-8 73-4 0-816 78 80 Nby W 87 0-03 Cloudy : tb. and Ig. S. W. 23 29-677 0-132 79-6 76-0 87-6 74-2 138-0 71-3 0-851 85 92 SWbyS 90 0-47 Cloudy : rain : th. and Ig. W. 2-1 29-692 0-084 80-6 75-6 86-8 76-5 135-2 76-2 0-819 78 98 NWbyW 70 Cloudy. 25 29-756 0-105 82-2 76-7 90-2 76-1 139-8 70-7 0-816 77 89 North 47 ... Hazy. 26 29-879 0-077 80-7 75-1 88-5 77-1 138-8 72-8 0-797 76 89 S E 77 0-06 Cloudy. 27 29-918 0-096 80-6 74-6 88-2 75-5 1402 70-4 0-777 74 70 EbyS 43 ... Passing clouds. 28 29-930 0-103 80-1 75-0 84-0 74-5 138-5 70-0 0-801 78 166 NEbyN 30 Fine with passing clouds. 29 29-928 0-089 80-0 74-2 84-6 76-4 136-0 72-6 0-769 75 189 NEbyN 53 0-08 Passing <-londs. 30 29-927 0-123 80-5 73-0 84-6 76-0 140-6 70-5 0-712 68 186 NEbyN 53 Do. 31 29-908 0-131 78-5 71-5 84-0 73-2 135-3 68-3 0-679 70 136 108 N N E 23 ... Fine. Mean 29-832 0-117 80-7 76-1 86-5 76-0 134-9 72-5 0-839 80 EbyS 62 8-70 76 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1866 November. November 186C BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 00 5 5 '5 H General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Gnu Dry Wet Max. .Mil. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Veto- city Mean Direc- tion. Day Inches Inches Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-914 0097 77'7 69-9 84-6 71-8 1350 67-0 0-628 66 168 N N V. 25 Hazy. 2 29928 0-102 77-8 70-6 843 717 1335 64-1 0653 69 181 Nby K 60 1'asMiig clouds. 3 29-951 0-092 775 70-8 84-7 72-7 139-8 67-9 0-665 71 149 N Kl.yN 37 ,.. Ha/y. 4 29-973 0-108 79-1 74-2 85-9 71-8 140-5 65-6 0-781 78 154 NEbyN 30 Fine with passing clouds : I;.'. W. 5 29-951 0-117 80-4 75-5 86-2 75-8 139-7 69-8 0-817 78 162 N NE 33 Fine with passing clouds. 6 29-917 0-117 80-2 74-7 85-7 75-6 1355 73-6 0-787 76 161 NEbyN 30 Do. 7 29-901 0-128 80-6 751 86-8 75-2 1391 70-3 0-798 76 165 NEbyN 33 Do. 8 29-888 0-119 80-3 74-2 86-2 75-0 1385 70-0 0-765 74 174 NEbyN 10 Fine. 9 29-895 0-111 79-7 73-1 .86-0 72-3 1340 67-3 0-728 72 164 N E by N 3 Clear. 10 29-896 0-107 79-2 73-1 .84-5 72-9 1338 67-4 0-734 74 137 N K 23 ... Fine with passing clouds. 11 29915 0-102 75'8 72-3 .83-6 73-5 117-2 66-4 0-747 84 88 NE 80 0-53 Cloudy -. ruin 12 29-965 0-095 79-2 72-7 84-1 733 136-6 68-0 0-718 72 130 N E by E 38 Fine with passing clouds. 13 29-974 0-118 79-1 72-9 .84-3 72-7 143-6 67-9 0-726 73 205 NEbyN 53 ... Passing clouds. 14 29-936 0-109 78-7 71-8 84-7 73-4 136-4 69-5 0-68S 70 229 NNE 40 ... Do. 15 29-942 0-089 75-9 73-5 813 73-5 110-0 72-0 0-795 89 215 NEbyN 90 2-80 Cloudy : rain 16 30-032 0-097 735 72'2 746 73-0 87-2 70-6 0-774 94 178 N E by I 100 4-31 Overcast : rain. 17 30024 0-120 77-4 73-4 80-0 72-8 128-4 69-8 0-770 82 186 N NB 90 0-19 Cloudy. 18 29-988 0-130 773 73-4 82-0 72-8 132-0 68-2 0-771 82 164 Nby E 50 Passing clouds. 19 29-991 0-112 77-5 74-2 82-8 73-5 135-0 70-3 0-803 85 133 NNE 60 0'05 Do. 20 29-988 0-116 77-5 73-4 82-4 73-6 139-2 71-1 0-769 82 152 NEbyN 63 040 I'.-issing clouds : rain. 21 29-973 0-124 77-2 73-3 80-1 73-7 122-6 69-2 0-768 82 130 N N E 87 1-29 Cloudy : rain. 22 29-968 0-112 76-2 723 80-4 73-0 135-0 69-0 0-741 82 172 NEbyN 57 ... Passing clouds. 23 29-946 0-102 76-9 72-4 81-2 73-7 131-2 70-4 0-737 79 )86 NEbyE 77 0-56 Cloudy : rain. 24 29-968 0-102 72-6 710 76-0 714 95-2 69-2 0-739 92 144 N by E 100 1-58 Overcast : rain. 25 29-987 0-141 74-1 70-3 77-6 71-0 108-0 69-0 0-690 82 155 Nby E 97 0-16 Do. 26 29-951 0-110 73-0 65-3 80-1 67-9 126-9 59-8 0-523 64 157 NNE 2 ... Clear. 27 29935 0-10.2 71-1 63-5 79-8 63-2 1262 55-0 0-486 64 123 N by E K Fine with passing i-lmuU. 28 29-947 0-096 73-1 66-0 79-9 663 120'il 56-8 0-546 67 199 N N V. 53 Passing clouds. 29 29-966 0-104 74-5 69-0 799 70-4 128-2 64-9 0636 74 228 North 93 Overcast. 30 29-950 0-098 766 72-2 80-1 71-9 1274 68-1 0732 79 215 Nby E 87 Cloudy. Moan 29-952 0-109 77-0 71-9 82-3 72-3 1289 67-6 0-717 ^ 1 1 167 N XE 54 11-93 77 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1866 December. BARO.METKK SKI.K UKIIISTKKIM; December 1866 HEnCCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Tempera tu re TlIEKMOSIKTERS Deduced Wind O 3 O O '3 Inches General Weather Moan Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Hum- Tension idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Pay Inches Indies O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents 1 29-941 0-098 75-8 70-1 80-7 73-6 124-8 69-5 0-661 74 292 N N E 97 0-14 Overcast. 2 29-906 0-083 69-9 (is-ii 72-6 68-4 78-0 69-2 0-683 93 244 NN W 100 2-16 Overcast : rain. a 29-891 0'OS9 7:t-(i 72-7 7i;-.~> 70'3 81-2 70-0 0-793 96 274 NN E 100 4-97 To. do. 4 29-883 0-091 76-1 742 80-2 73-8 135-0 71-6 0-821 91 256 N E by E 98 2-13 Do. do. 5 29-922 0-137 74-8 7.TO 75-9 73-0 92-2 71-5 0-814 94 153 N E by E 98 7-99 I'o. do. 6 29-889 0-122 J*4 74-3 81-2 72-8 132-5 71-6 0-822 90 133 N E 77 0-33 Cloudy: rain. 7 29-962 0-124 76-7 74-0 8V3 72-7 142-0 72-4 0-805 87 125 E by N 67 O'23 Do. do. 8 30-004 0-113 76-9 72-8 80-9 73-0 132-0 69-3 0-753 82 232 N E by N 53 1-46 Do. do. 9 30023 0-103 751 G7'7 78-9 72'5 128-3 66-7 0-580 66 225 N E by N 37 Fine with passing cloud*. 10 30-044 0-10!) 7:i-(i (i8-l 77'5 69-1 121-0 63-2 0-615 74 227 North 00 Passing clouds. 11 30-050 0-093 73-1 70-2 77-8 69-6 111-9 65' 5 0-701 86 240 North 87 0-20 Cloudy. 12 30-021 0-120 74-4 72S 80-4 72-9 118-6 71-0 0-787 93 171 NN E 90 0-21 Do. 13 29-990 0-108 74-4 72-1 77-2 733 1062 71-0 0-758 89 166 N N E 90 0-39 Cloudy : rain. 14 29981 0-109 75- 1 70-9 79-9 71-6 128-2 69-7 0-701 80 164 Nby E 97 0-33 Overcast : rain. 15 30-035 0-104 77-2 71-3 80-6 73-9 133-4 71-4 0-688 73 191 NEbyN 87 ... Cloudy. 16 30-084 0-085 76-7 ! 70-9 80-6 73-1 136-3 68-5 0-681 74 212 NEbyN 90 Do. 17 30-083 0-120 75-0 69-4 80-3 71-9 132-8 68-3 0-645 74 209 NEbyE 33 Passing clouds. 18 30-079 0-133 74-9 69-4 80-1 69-3 1369 64-0 0-646 74 121 EN E 27 Pine with passing'clouds. 19 30-078 0-113 74-7 69-5 79-4 68-1 129-7 60-8 0-653 76 153 NEbyE 43 0-05 Passing clouds. 20 30-072 0-120 76-8 71-2 81-0 73-6 1352 68-3 0-690 75 252 NE 53 0-27 Do. 21 30-084 0-093 75-8 70-7 78-4 72-8 102-0 71-5 0-685 77 266 E by N 95 0-57 Overcast : rain. 22 30-087 0-114 75-4 68-0 79-4 72-5 129-6 67-2 0-587 66 276 NE 25 Fine with passing clouds. 23 30-084 0-116 74-4 67-5 79-6 67-2 128-2 58-9 0-587 68 222 NEbyN 27 To. 24 30-097 0-097 75-1 68-4 79-8 70-3 131-3 69-4 0-605 69 338 N E 50 0-29 Passing clouds. 25 30-090 0-097 75-2 66-9 79'5 71-5 130-1 67-3 0-550 62 308 N E 28 0-08 Fine with passing clouds. 26 30-059 0-129 74-2 86-9 78-4 69-7 130-4 62-7 0-563 66 239 N N E 23 Do. 27 30-013 0-105 72-2 65"5 77-8 67-1 1332 62-1 0-540 68 204 N by E 27 Do. 28 30-000 0-121 72-4 <;.-,<> 78-4 67-2 127-8 59-7 0-541 68 165 N by E 18 I<0. 29 29-977 0-122 72-8 68-2 80-2 67-6 130-7 59-1 0-630 78 168 N N E 57 Passing clouds. :to 29-935 o-ioo 75-2 70-0 79-4 71-9 114-1 66-7 0-665 76 148 NE 88 Cloudy. 31 29960 0-107 74-0 696 80-7 68-5 138-6 65*5 0-658 0-674 77 164 211 N E by E 23 Fine with passing clouds. Mean 30-010 0-109 74-8 70-0 79-2 711 123-6 67-2 78 N E by N 63 21-80 20 . 0* 0) 5 ici^xxt^-rhcccc-t-fc^rc s '3 S3 5 : i~ -j -H * to us .^ .rH-. -< M M i-H 1 1 i : . : : rn t- o to i>- CD P i- ^ _ o :L : li-LiT-i-,- Bi i q * OPPr-,PrH-l~ Amount s ' Lowest | 2 S 2 S - S 3 5 - = 2 * Mean Direction a 5! * * * * - - -^ s s. VO CIO I Sfc3|&aS8|9g s * S = lO'JWWAoesacs*!- TO O A ii~ s O M ^ Ot P5 Oi OS 00 4 4 ~ 2*'i^'~!?*" 1| '' : '* occ ? 8 (iraes Thermonic'tor j ^ r"i ?i X c-i co 5 1 ! cl Results SSBJ;) no uinuiiuijf imimiHi . ao i^ eo ao *o ci i- i*. o co O C3 ung O M ri N -H o x p o c, cs x ^ rological Records Suu Thermometer 1 1 5 s < o: -* c-- *^ ^H M o ** n i- Q ^ 71 S Dry Bulb Thermometer E 1 3 eOrtaS^jb-OiaSOMPPX P T-H 0) "1" ** O "~* 30 ON rH QC M "H 3 ^"t 1 3StC5C571**C l .t-*(OCO a i i-Miissssiss TO H 1 s jg* .-; * ij- X W -* O >0 t- ! H Mc*.-corHaoiow CO i MM 1 S HUx-iiiims 00 r |-4 .-I |-l Barometer i c 6b 6 6666666^6 r ( Madras Barometer || 10 M 6 ^c 600660000606 Reduced to 82 illlllilillil 1 i i i ^ ^'fcS^SsSSR 8 3 Ci *' ~- * ~. T. * ~. * OS CS C3 ^ $1 5 71 O1 iM C--I W ff* )M !N iM M 1 Annual... ; = : ^ j 1 S 1 fl o66ctCiC3ClCiSiCiC>6 :::;:.:::t,u !-'' ; -s s | 1 gp.-3iB. p g,'S55 U J i i i 1 1 J i 1 III Jllllf III 79 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1867 January. I >> 1 I-D BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wiu.l C'loucl.- _s General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Mill. Ma\. Min. Vapour Tension Hum idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Indies o o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents 1 IK. -lie 1 30-006 0-104 74-8 68-6 79-3 H-fl 128-5 as* 0-1316 72 150 NEby* 10 Pine. 2 30-029 0-130 73-8 6S'|. 78-3 67-1 124-5 59-1! 0-624 71 178 jNEbyN 40 0-05 Fine with passing clouds. 3 30-070 0-101 758 66-8 793 73-7 128-1 l>9-2 0538 60 261 |N K by F 47 Do. 4 30-054 0- 1 25 73-6 08-4 79-5 68-!) 131-1 59-5 0-627 75 129 N K 23 To. 5 30-041 0-121 75-0 (jll-9 79-6 69-S 131-0 025 0-665 77 187 N K 47 0-03 7!o. 30-000 0-107 75-4 71-2 81-1 69-9 130-7 62-3 0'709 80 1W XEbyh 23 no. 7 29-989 0-126 75-9 72-3 827 7()!l 133-0 65-4 0746 84 95 East 20 To. .S 29-975 0-134 76-3 72-7 83-8 70-8 138-8 63-2 0757 84 96 S E by S 32 Do. <) 29-994 0-108 767 72-4 83-0 71-8 1327 66-0 0-739 80 105 S E 23 Do. 10 30-052 0-113 75-8 71-1 80-2 70-3 127-1 613-4 0699 7S 149 East 30 ... Do. 11 30-052 0-118 77-2 71-8 82-2 73-0 136-7 f6'2 0-708 75 210 E N E 40 ... .Do. 12 30-009 0-123 76-9 71-5 80-7 72-9 130-6 69-9 0700 75 286 K N E 03 0-02 Passing clouds. 13 29-991 0-124 76-0 69-7 80-3 72-9 131-4 70-2 0-643 72 235 E NE 27 0-07 Fine with passing clouds. 14 30-008 0-099 74-5 68-0 78-9 68-9 128-1 61-0 0-599 70 176 NEby E 27 ... Do. 15 30-039 0-123 73-8 67-5 80-1 87-1 131-6 59-7 0-592 71 156 NEbyB 37 Do. 16 30-029 0-134 73-5 (58-0 80-6 l)7t> 132-9 5H-0 0-613 71 118 N E by E 27 Do. 17 30-037 0-113 73-8 68-6 80-7 6-3 i 35-9 61-8 0-631 75 105 E N E 27 Do. 18 30-052 0-111 73-5 69-0 80-2 67-8 127-8 593 0-650 79 90 E by N 27 Do. 19 30-080 0-125 74-0 70-2 80-9 C8-5 131-9 1)2-0 0-088 81 104 E N E 40 Passing clouds. 20 30-073 0-149 74-8 69-3 81-4 66-2 1332 62-3 0-644 74 1 :i 3 X E by E U) Do. 21 30-038 O'lli 73-1 68-0 79-8 08-7 128-5 59-0 0-618 M 122 NE 7 Fine. 22 30-032 0-115 73-4 t>8-2 81-1 66-7 La-7 57-6 0-622 75 70 K by N 27 Fine with passing; clouds. 23 30-012 0-107 72-6 68-2 Su-5 85-5 131-7 55-1 0-632 78 74 E S E 10 ... Fine. 24 30-000 0-112 72-0 68-2 81-3 687 128-6 57-7 0-640 82 98 S E by E 7 ... Do. 25 29-980 0-117 72-9 68-5 80-9 652 128'1 5.V9 0-639 79 89 S E 2 Clear. 26 29-992 0-094 737 68-5 81-1 66-4 133-2 57-9 0-629 75 92 S E by 8 20 Fine with light clouds. 27 30-000 0-121 75'6 69-2 81-4 68-5 131-0 61-8 eft 71 148 East 30 Fiii>> with passing clouds. 28 29-984 0-138 75-2 68-9 80-6 87-J 128-8 60-8 0-623 71 195 \ K by E 18 Do. 29 29-990 0-125 75-3 li9-2 81-4 67'9 1313 6ft -9 0-63 1 72 135 E by N 27 Do. 30 30-008 0-138 75-2 s-7 81-0 69-5 131-2 64-9 0-616 71 159 Eby N 43 Passing clotuls. 31 30-009 0-116 74-1 67-1 79-3 69-3 130-5 62-3 0-571 68 169 NEby E 37 Do. Mean 30-021 0-119 74-7 C.9-3 80-7 611-0 131-0 62 : O-(>4f3 75 144 E by N 28 017 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1867 February. February 1807 BARUM KKHrcFI Mean Mil; TII 32" Bun^e Corrected Mean Temperature SKI i REGISTERING THKBMOMKTKKS IVilm Vapour Tension ed Hum. iility Wind O c 5 i a: CmcrM Weather Dry Snn Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max, Min. Daily Velo- city Mciin Direc- tion .n t-hes Inches O O O Inches Cents Miles 1'ointf. Cents Hi-he* 1 30001 0-120 730 67-9 79-5 66-0 1314 59-0 0-616 76 148 N K by K 33 fine with patting clouds 29970 0-138 73-1 67-5 80-7 65-6 1295 67-8 0-600 74 ! N EbyK 28 lazy. 8 29-990 0-095 76-1 70-4 82-1 671t 133-0 58-7 0-668 74 178 N K by K 37 r'ine with |mssii>;_' clomls. 4 29-968 0-115 770 717 82-8 70-7 126-7 64-2 0-707 76 153 K by N 07 1'iisMii;; clouds. 5 29-951 0-123 77-5 72-9 83-3 70-5 129-8 68-3 0-749 80 190 Eby S 60 ... Do. (i 29932 0120 78-0 73-5 83-6 72-7 135-8 65-7 0-767 80 152 E by S 27 ... Fine with pussiiisr cluing. 7 29-917 0-123 78-3 737 84-0 72-9 134-7 66-3 0-771 80 in E by S 30 r>MI1!.' clolldS. it 29-957 0-119 78-3 73-0 83-3 73-0 130-9 65-6 0741 77 135 Eby N .'>< Do. 10 29-969 0-137 77-6 731 837 71-6 1315 64-7 0-756 80 88 East 47 Hazy. 11 29-922 0154 76-9 726 83-8 70-7 130-5 633 <>7H 81 !i K S K 50 Do. 12 29-397 0-147 769 725 8-1-9 70-3 1315 63-3 0-741 80 (HI SE 20 ... Fine. 13 29-876 0154 76-7 71-3 86-0 696 1320 61-2 0-695 75 122 S S E 27 ... Haay. 14 29-953 0122 77-0 69-1 88-2 69-5 134-8 62-0 0-607 65 110 SbyB 37 ... 1)0. 15 29-982 0140 76-8 706 83-4 69-2 131-7 60-6 0-666 72 145 ESE 23 Fine with pasi-ini; cloud;-. 16 -".IHU, 0-128 75-4 70-1 83-3 68-7 1307 60-5 0667 76 92 V E by E 7 ... fine. 17 29-966 0-117 75-3 70-0 83-6 67-6 131-0 58-9 0-664 76 88 K S K 7 DC.. 18 29-970 0-108 75-3 69-6 83-5 67-0 131-7 58-9 0-649 74 131 S by E 7 Do. 19 29-965 0-108 75-3 69-4 83-8 67-4 130-9 60-0 0-641 72 132 Soillll 7 ... Do. 20 29-976 0137 74-7 68-1 83-9 664 130-6 59-2 0-601 70 125 South 7 D(> 81-6 75-5 90-1 76-2 138-2 71-9 0-802 75 208 S S E 57 Do. 22 29-869 0-123 81-3 74-2 87-5 75-6 133-8 69-9 0-752 71 194 S Eby S 40 Do. 23 29-941 0-107 81-1 73-8 87-9 74-8 137-7 69-0 0-733 69 140 8 E 40 Do. 24 29-951 0-099 81-3 74-2 87-6 74-8 189-1 69-3 0-752 71 160 East 60 Do. 25 29-922 0-103 80-1 73-5 86-9 73-1 139-5 66-4 0-739 72 116 East 37 Do. 26 29-926 0-124 80-9 73-0 87-1 73-9 139-6 67-6 0-706 67 118 ES E 42 Fine with passing clouds. 27 29-918 0-121 82-2 74-7 88-4 76-8 140-9 69-0 0-760 69 167 E by S 60 Passing clouds. 28 29-943 0-113 82-3 74!t 87-8 77-1 141-7 71-3 0-766 69 160 E S E 47 Do. 29 29-931 0-144 82-7 75 '7 87'5 77-3 139-1 73-2 0-795 71 181 Eby 8 28 Fine with passing clouds. 30 29-895 0-156 82-8 76-0 87-9 77-3 139-5 76-3 0-807 72 220 East 27 Do. 31 29-892 0-119 83-1 75-5 89-0 77-6 137-9 74-0 0-782 69 1 ,-)<> E by S 33 Do. Mean 29-936 0-123 79-6 72-2 86-7 72-1 136-5 65-0 0-696 69 158 S E 24 Nil. Madras Meteorological Observations. 1867 April. i i BAROMETKB BEDCCEP TO 32" Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REOISTERIXI; THKRMOMETEKS Deduced Win,] V. *Q 3 I O a tt General Weather Mean Itange Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city KM> Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Im-lies 1 29-899 0-123 82-1 743 88-4 76-5 139-7 71-2 0-Ttt 68 ita K In S ta Fine. 2 29-850 0-153 82-6 74-6 90-7 74-2 140-5 66-8 0-747 67 118 8 K :i Clear. 3 29-817 0-146 81-7 74-4 90-0 74-0 140-0 69-4 0-754 70 125 S s K 17 Hazy. 4 29-831 0-114 82-3 74-9 89-8 74-6 137-2 66-4 0-766 69 168 SE by S 23 Do. 5 29-852 0-123 82-6 76-0 91-0 75-6 142-2 69-8 0-810 7:< 159 S S E 53 Passing clouds. 6 29-864 0-149 84-1 7(i7 910 77-2 139-2 71-2 0-820 70 18:* S S B 37 HaK.y. 7 29-842 0-142 83-5 767 90-6 77-0 137-3 71-5 0-828 72 221 s :,x K 17 Fine. S 29-857 0-119 82-9 767 91-6 75-2 144-0 69-1 0-836 74 17O S by K S3 Hazy. 9 29-906 0-146 82-4 75-3 88-8 78-8 135-2 73-4 0-783 71 143 S K l,v H BS 10 Cloudy. 10 29-868 0151 83-2 75-6 91-9 74-9 139'2 71-2 0-785 lilt 145 S SK 25 Fine with passing clouds. 11 29-853 0-134 83-9 7.V3 90-6 76-6 137-0 710 0-763 65 210 S by E 3 Clear. 12 29-869 0-133 84-3 77$ 91-0 76-8 136-7 7o-a 0-844 72 211 e s K 27 Fine with passing clouds. 13 29-877 0-156 84-4 78-0 91-8 77-2 1376 715 0-873 74 21! S S K 10 Fine. 14 29-853 0-144 84-4 76-9 91-1 77-1 1372 723 0-825 70 195 S K l,y S 1L> Ho. 15 29-822 0-147 85-0 T7-8 94-5 77-t> 1395 72-4 0-830 69 206 Shy E 10 Do. 16 29-864 0-119 84-6 77-3 92-1 777 1390 712 0-840 71 177 8 E l.y N 42 Hazy. 17 29-893 0-141 84-8 76-8 90-9 79-8 137-6 75-7 0-815 68 192 S E 18 Do. 18 29-901 0-155 84-4 762 91-2 77-3 139-0 75:t 0-794 67 159 S Eby E 23 Do. 19 29-888 0-137 84-2 77-1 90-6 76-8 1395 71 4 0-836 72 142 K S K 27 Fine with passing c!oiid. 20 29-859 0-122 856 78-1 91-8 79-6 142-2 73-5 0-862 70 170 S E by h 10 Fine. 21 29-822 0-119 86-7 78-6 93-7 79-7 142-2 745 0-870 69 218 S S K 23 Fine with passing clouds. 22 29-820 0-124 86-3 79-8 92-4 80-9 139-9 77-1 0-930 74 244 S S K 67 Ha/.y. 23 29-866 0-105 85-0 79-0 91-8 7'.i-s 142-6 74-9 0-911 76 162 S K 60 Do. 24 29-827 0-136 85-4 77-8 925 79-0 139-2 73-9 0-352 70 153 S K l.y S 13 Vine. 25 Wtti 0-130 85-4 77-6 92-3 77-8 139-0 715 0843 69 198 S E 17 Fine with piiseiiiK cloud*. 26 29-8^6 0-096 Ho 4 781 91-3 78-4 140-9 72-1 0-865 71 150 S K 27 Hazy. 27 29-889 0134 H.V1I 78-4 92-4 80-2 143-0 76-4 0-872 70 140 K by S M Passing clouds. 28 29-H64 ' 0-152 86-2 79-0 92-8 80-4 1471 78-2 0-895 j 71 123 K SK 77 o-oi Cloudy. 29 29-834 0118 86-2 7l 927 797 114-1 75-6 0-900 72 UN S E by K 63 Hazy : Ig. 80 29-827 0124 87-1 78-9 934 80-7 149-9 7ii7 0-877 68 194 SEby 8 53 I'assiug clouds. Mean 29-857 0-133 84-4 771 914 77-7 140-3 72-5 0-832 70 169 8 E by 8 K 0-11 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1867 May. i>. | fr M BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds a i General Weather Mean Ran^e Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Miu. Vapour Hum- Tension idity Daily Velo- city \ Mean Direc- tion Day Indies Inches o o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents ncbe I 29790 0-124 86-9 79-3 93-5 81-6 141-9 77"! 0-900 70 178 SE 40 Passing clouds. 2 29-821 0-107 85'6 787 94-8 80-1 146-7 78-4 0-889 72 149 S by E 73 Cloudy : th : Ig. S. W. 3 28-888 0-149 86-0 78-4 93-5 79-6 142-1 75-3 0-871 70 157 S S E 47 Passing clouds. 1 4 29-809 0-149 86-6 79-4 94-4 80-0 146-2 74-9 0-908 70 173 S S E 37 , Fine with passing clouds : Ig. W. 5 29-767 0-116 87-4 79-1 94-7 80-1 141-6 77-4 0-883 68 217 S S E 27 Fine with passing clouds. 6 39766 0-164 88-1 79-8 94-6 81-6 141-5 77-8 0-906 68 287 SbyK 23 Do. 7 29766 Ul Hi 89-2 WO 95-6 83-8 1398 79-7 O'SHJl 66 289 Sby E 20 Fine. 8 29785 ! 0-102 88-8 797 96-4 83-2 145-8 79-5 0-892 <56 229 S by E 17 Do. B 29-720 0-141 88-8 80-3 95-5 82-7 139-7 79-3 0-920 66 284 Sby E 32 Hazy. 10 29-777 0-09!) 85-1 78-2 93-5 797 139-3 81-3 0-873 72 151 South 77 Cloudy : th : Jg. S and E. 11 29-747 0163 86-8 77-6 95-7 81-7 1423 75-4 0-824 65 , 185 E S E 47 Hazy: Ig. W. 12 29-689 0-145 87'4 78-1 94-9 80-7 142-4 76-1 0-837 64 165 South 27 Hazy ; th. 13 29-679 0-119 87'7 78-9 99-9 79-6 145-5 76-2 0-871 67 , 191 Sby W 43 Passing clouds : Ig. S. W. 14 29700 0-116 89-4 78-9 100-3 82-6 153-3 78-7 0-847 61 164 South 57 Hazy : Ig. W. 15 29710 0-156 85-9 77-5 93-3 81-6 127-4 77-2 0-831 67 125 Sby W 93 Overpast. 16 29-665 O'llO 89-4 77-1 99-2 82-7 144-9 79-0 0-766 55 269 S S W 60 Hazy. 17 29-695 ' 0-125 84-2 76-4 99-3 79-1 1434 76-9 0-806 68 256 S by W 73 0-07 Cloudy. 18 29-680 O'lOl 85-9 78-6 95-2 76-9 144-7 72-3 0-881 71 125 Sby E 72 Hazy. 19 29-662 0-121 86-5 77-8 94-6 81-6 124-7 77-3 0-836 66 94 N E by E 93 Overcast : th. & g. 20 29-653 O'lOO 87'9 75-9 98-0 8.1-2 143-5 76-8 0-734 56 140 NN E 93 Do. 21 29-686 0-113 , 85-8 76-4 90-0 84-2 112-1 80:4 0-784 63 267 S by E WO ; Do. 22 29-682 0-118 88-4 77-4 99-5 81-8 1.38-4 773 0-792 59 294 S S W !:i Do. 23 29-679 ! 0-120 88-6 77-3 99-1 81-7 1421 78-2 0-785 58 222 South 53 Cloudy. 24 29-711 0-116 . 89-2 79-8 99-8 82-6 141-7 80-1 0-891 05 328 South 23 : Hazy. 25 29-720 0-142 89-9 80-6 101-5 82-9 1.44-1 80-7 0-919 66 378 S by W 23 Fine with passing clouds. 26 29-696 0-141 90-9 79-4 104-4 83-2 1454 80-8 i 0-851 58 371 S S W 23 1)0. 27 29-696 0-136 93-2 77-0 106-9 82-1 146:8 77-5 0-711 46 304 S W 13 : Fine. 28 18-488 0-135 91-7 78-5 1071 83-6 1 VI -1 80-1 0-798 53 290 S W by S 27 Hazy. 29 29-675 0-106 91-6 77-9 104-3 85-3 145-7 78'5 0-773 52 288 S S W 30 Fine with passing eloude. 30 29-670 0-170 92-3 76-9 106-9 86-9 148-4 80-3 0717 46 239 S W 15 -,, Fine. 31 worn 0-1.29 91-9 77-8 106-8 83-8 116-6 79-5 0-764 51 265 S W 2 ; Clear. Mean 29718 0-127 88-3 7H3 98-2 81-8 141-8 78-1 0-837 63 227 S by E 48 o-o7 84 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1867 June. BAROMETER SELF KKGISTERING REDUCED TO 32 Corrected \f _ THERMOMETERS fc> jit?-3 Mean Range Dry Wet 1 Max. t_ Hi,,. S-1 837 130-7 77-2 0-784 59 232 S W by S 70 o-oi Cloudy. 5 29-716 0-084 88-8 76-4 100-9 82-7 156-6 78-4 0-743 54 254 S S W 40 Hazy. 6 29-736 0-108 897- 78-8 98-3 82-7 1435 79-7 0-838 59 261 Sby W 22 Fine. i 29-737 0-144 88-8- 78-3 101-8 82-7 142-9 80-4 0-828 60 :i7:l S by W 22 Hazy Ig. X. W. 8 29-730 0-122 87-6- 77-4 99-8 83-0 139-8 80-5 0-803 61 291 Sby W 72 Cloudy. 9 29691 0-131 86-2 77-7 101-1 82-2 146-0 76-7 0-836 67 243 S. S W 77 0-04 Do. 10 29-681 0-126 88-2 77-5 99-8 83-8 144-8 80-2 0-800 60 300 S S W 33 Fine with passing clouds. 11 29-672 0-134- 88-9 77-7 101-9 82-7 152-8 79-6 0-800 59 279 Sooth 57 Passing clouds. 12 29-623 0-130 86-5 77-3 100-V 85-9 150-8 ... 0-815 64 230 S W 53 1-32 Mg. tine : night overcast with rain. 13 29611 0-145 87-0 77-0 97-J2 80-1 130-9 74-5 0-794 62 216 SWbyW SHJ Cloudy. 14 29-612 0-142 88-6 76-4 99-0 80-7 189-4 74-9 0-746 55 204 S W 7:i Do. 15 29-646 0-125 87-6 77-2 99-0 82-9 141-3 78-7 0-794 60 281 S S W (iO 0-03 Do. 1C 29-666 0-180 89-4 78-1 101-0 82'2 139-7 79-1 0-810 58 252 8 WbyS 67 ... Do. 17 29-604 0-193 89-5 76-3 101-1 83-1 144-3 79-3 0-729 53 263 SWbyW 87 Do. 18 29-556 0-156 91-1 75-8 102-1 83-3 143-6 79-3 0-686 47 312 WbyS 73 0-02 Do. 19 29-586 0-126 89-8 76-1 99-5 88-9 139-9 81-0 0-718 51 270 SWbyW 83 0-02 Do. 20 29-615 0-104 88-6' 77-0 990 83-3 1430 79-2 0-773 57 277 S S W 67 Do. 21 29-678 0-135 90-2 75-9 102-3 83-7 142-7 80-4 0-703 49 311 W S W 57 0-04 Passing clouds. t 22 29-715 0-133 89-2- 75-8 102-6 82-6 143-6 76-9 0-712 51 300 SWbyW 67 o-oi Do. 23 29-712 0-141 88-3 75-6 100-4 83-4 140-7 77-9 0715 54 282 8 WbyS 60 Do. 24 29-740 0-137 88-7 76-7 102-6 88-9 143-0 79-5 0-758 56 245 SWbyS 32 Fine with pas-sing clouds. 25 29-792 0-122 89-0 76-6 100-9 83-7 144-5 79-3 0749 55 260 S 8 W 40 Bo. I 26 29-849 0-124 86-4 76-6 99-6 80-S 147-3 77-3 0-785 62 183 Sby W 80 0-33 Cloudy : thunderstorm. 27 29-781 0-154 86-7 77-3 97-0 80-1 149-4 76-6 0-811 63 234 S by W 63 Cloudy. 28 22-704 0-145 87-1 74-9 99-3 81-6 142-3 76-5 0-701 55 242 S W by S 40 Fine with passing clouds. 29 29-692 0-141 89-4 75-7 1024 82-7 141-4 78-5 0-704 61 278 S W 40 Do. 30 29-721 0-135 88-7 76-4 101-5. 88-4 146-6 78-5 0-745 55 264 S WbyS 60 0-04 Passing clouds : Ig. S. W. Mean 29-688 0-134 88-8 769, 100-8 82-6 144-0 78-7 0-765 56 265 S WbyS 6 1-86 85 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1867 July. 1 rH BAROMETER REIIL-CEI) TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTKRING THERMOMKTKKS Deduced Wind t3 _5 5 c a K General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Pay Inches Inches " Inches Cents Miles Points. Cents. inches 1 29-696 0-163 88-6 78-0 101-3 8V8 141-3 76-2 0-817 61 228 S S W 57 0-02 Passing clouds. 2 29-675 0-138 87'6 77-7 100-6 83-2 142-4 79-6 0-817 62 212 S by W 75 o-oi Cloudy. 3 29-701 0-078 87-1 77-3 94-9 82-7 131-0 79-1 0-806 63 159 South 77 Hazy. 4 29-757 0-084 88-2 77-9 95-0 82-9 139-8 79-9 0-818 61 182 S S E 57 Do. 5 29-793 0-104 87'9 78-9 946 81-7 144-0 77-8 0-868 66 186 SE 35 Do. 6 29-805 0-113 88-0 77-8 95-5 82-5 143-3 80-4 0-816 62 201 Sby E 40 Fine with passing clouds. 7 29-814 0-093 88-1 77-5 956 82-6 141-8 .79-9 0-802 6L 206 S by W 23 Do. 8 29-801 0-106 86'8 77-0 96-6 79-6 141-4 75-6 0-797 62 194 S S W 37 Do. 9 29-784 0-123 85-2 77-2 96-3 78-9 144-7 76-2 0827 68 161 S by W 60 Passing clouds. 10 29-788 0-088 8-a 75-4 !l7-.-i 79-1 136-0 76-7 0-771 66 234 SW by \V 67 Cloudy : th. 11 29-757 0-137 85-2 76-8 94-5 79-8 118-7 77-2 O'SIO 66 220 S S W 68 Cloudy : Ig. W. 12 29-766 0-137 85-5 76-2 91-9 79-9 139-2 75-2 0-779 63 167 S WbyS 87 Cloudy. 13 29-762 0-135 86-0 75'2 95'6 80-5 142-8 78-4 0'730 ! 58 226 S W 98 0-45 Overcast with rain. 14 29-757 0-114 81-1 74-7 90-5 74-6 114-8 71-5 0-776 73 284 W S W 100 0-63 Do. 15 29-722 0-137 79-0 73-8 85-9 74-7 121-3 71-7 0-765 77 259 SWbyW 100 o-io Do. 16 29-719 0-088 77-2 7t'0 83-9 75-2 112-6 72-4 0-798 85 210 SW by W 100 0-47 Do. 17 29-697 0-126 78-2 74-3 83-5 75'5 108-9 72-5 0-796 82 280 S W 100 0-04 Do. 18 29-688 0-114 8-2-1. 73-9 91-9 76-0 135-5 73-3 0-727 66 293 SWbyW 90 Cloudy. 19 29-667 0-158 sii-.-s 74-2 96-3 76-5 i:u-7 70-7 0-684 55 278 SWbyW 37 Fine with passing clouds. 20 29-637 0-156 87-2 75'5 97'9 80-0 138-5 75-7 0-726 57 262 SWbyW 57 Pasting clouds. 21 29-667 0-116 S6-1 75-8 95-7 81-5 131-3 78-3 0-754 CO 272 SWby W 87 Cloudy. 22 29-703 0-131 87-6 74-6 97-9 81-7 135-5 77-0 0-683 51! 257 S Wby W 70 Do. 23 we 0-139 si;-6 75-9 98-5 81-0 139-8 75-3 0751 59 228 SW by S 57 0-02 Passing clouds. 24 29-681 0-113 S7-2 HN 97-2 81-7 i:i7-r> 76-2 0-765 59 219 SW by S 60 Hazy. 25 29-693 0-109 87-2 76-1 98-9 81-3 141-0 764 0-752 58 218 S by W 53 0-15 Passing clouds. 26 29-723 0-104 Sll-4 7(V7 95-2 80-3 138-9 75*5 0-789 63 171 S by W 53 Fine with passing clouds. 27 29-713 0-158 88-3 76-0 98-5 79-7 139-7 73-4 0733 55 213 S S W 57 Cloudy. 28 29-689 0-124 86-9 75-3 98-] 82-9 139-2 77'2 0-722 57 242 S W by S 58 Passing clouds. 29 29-680 0-142 87-9 76-7 99-6 82-9 139-2 78-2 0-769 58 218 S W 70 Cloudy. 30 29-720 0-086 85-9 76-0 97-1 81-7 135-9 75-2 0-765 61 1ST SS W 67 Do. 31 219-70 0-171 85-9 77-3 99-7 78-6 143-0 74-3 0-822 66 249 S S W 33 Fine with passing clouds. Mean 29-724 0-122 85-6 76-1 955 80-0 135-3 760 0-775 63 223 S W by S 65 1-89 1 22 86 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1867 August. BAROMETER SELF UEGISTKBIXG REDUCED TO 32 Corrected TllKKMliMKTKKS Dednead Wind I-. Mean Temperature Dry Sun Grass General \\Vather i OB SD Mean Range Dry Wet Max. Mill. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Veld- city -Mriin Direo- tion Clouds 3 Day Inches Inches o o ' o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents uches 1 29676 0-177 85-1 763 91-2 81-1 1217 76-7 0-789 05 167 SW by W 83 Cloudy : Ig. S. 2 29704 0-077 82-1 74-3 90-1 78-4 124-3 73-3 0-744 63 166 West 100 Oil ( >vercast. 3 29704 0-123 833 74-3 94-9 78-7 136-6 73-6 0-72S 63 174 S \V 92 Cloud v. 4 29736 0-128 84-7 74-6 97-8 78-7 1419 72-4 0-722 61 184 SWby W 07 O'Oo Passing clouds. 5 29752 0-148 85-9 759 99-0 78-8 144-8 76-4 0701 61 228 S W 73 Cloudy. 6 29-734 0-148 86-8 763 984 82-5 138-5 773 0-766 60 221 S W by S 50 Hazy : 1-r. K. 7 29-734 0-134 87-2 769 974 82-7 147-8 78-0 0-787 01 2J7 S l,y \V 57 Passing clouds : Ig. K. 8 29-744 0-128 87-0 752 972 817 144-2 761 0-716 56 190 South 60 H;i/v 9 29-754 0-156 84-5 772 96-0 79-5 146-2 74-2 0-836 71 159 Sby W 80 0-02 Cloudy. 10 29-758 0-145 81-2 77-0 89'5 757 135-2 73-4 0-872 82 157 S S W 77 1-63 Cloudy with rain. 11 29-693 0-159 86-3 770 96-1 79-7 136-0 76-8 0-830 66 194 S S W 73 Cloudy. 12 29-672 0-110 84-4 76-6 94-0 80-3 126-4 75-8 0-812 69 186 SS W 100 Overcast : Ig. S. 13 29-699 0113 84-8 76-4 94-8 79-7 129-0 74-8 0-797 66 235 SWby S !)7 0-02 Do. 14 29-707 0-130 83-9 76-8 94-4 78-8 135-0 735 0-827 72 250 S 3 W 100 ... Da 15 29-707 0-133 84-9 76-0 933 78-8 129-4 73-4 0-778 64 285 S by W 93 Cloudy. 16 29-760 0113 84-6 753 96-1 78-7 137-7 734 0-753 63 290 S S W 77 1 0. 17 29-799 0-124 85-3 76-4 95-5 78-7 136-6 73-7 0-790 04 239 Sby W 43 Fiiir with passing clouds. 18 29-812 0-132 84-1 773 944 78-6 136-2 73-8 0-846 72 208 S by W 70 0-03 llax.y. 19 29-813 0151 83-9 76-0 91 1 78-7 131-9 734 0-792 68 197 SS W 100 Overcast. 20 29-778 0-156 85-9 75-1 94-2 78-9 1346 75-0 0-727 57 199 S W 97 Overcast : Ig. S. W. 21 29-758 0153 85-5 75"5 95-1 78-7 1369 740 0-750 61 204 S \V by S 78 Cloudy : I*. S. W. 22 29-751 0126 857 76-0 97-0 78-7 142-15 73-6 0-768 62 232 SWbyS 27 O'OO F. with ]i. els. : th. and Ig. K. \V. 23 29-758 0133 84-6 76-0 96-0 77-9 137-1 72-9 0-783 66 200 S W 40 2 15 F. with p. els. : th. & lg. N. W. : rain. 24 29-764 0132 81-6 77-6 oo-o 72-3 134-6 714 0-893 83 166 S W by 6 57 frflg K. with p. cl. : th. and Ig. : rain. 25 29-739 0-122 82-8 771 90-2 76-9 137-5 737 0855 76 191 South 67 Cloudy : } K . S. \V. 26 29-717 0135 83-0 77-6 92-8 76-4 1353 74-4 0-875 77 166 South 57 Passing clouds : Ig. S. W. 27 29-746 0122 83-0 77-2 91-1 77-7 141-6 73-4 0-857 76 168 Sby W 50 ig clouds : )g. W. 28 29-734 0131 84-6 77-5 93-4 77-9 140-5 73-8 0-849 72 180 S S W 40 ... Passing clouds :lg. S. and S. \\". 29 29-713 0-140 84-9 77-7 90-8 78-1 125-4 74-3 0-854 71 190 SS W 03 Passing clouds. 30 29-698 0-139 83-8 76-4 94-8 78-8 145-9 743 0811 69 207 SWbyW 67 o:i4 Cloudy : th. and Ig. : rain 31 29-687 0-158 84-5 76-6 93-6 79-0 136-4 71!l 0810 68 210 Wby S 87 0'2(i Do. do. do. Mean 29736 0-135 84-5 76-3 94-2 767 136-1 74-4 0-799 67 205 S WbyS 72 6'7o 87 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1867 September. September 1 S(>7 BAKO 'JETER KKI.n-El) TO 32 Corrertr 1 Mean Temperature SEI.E REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds '5 General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hnm- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o o o o Inches Cents .Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-711 0-120 81-7 W'8 87-2 78-1 115-4 74-4 0-835 77 174 W by S 100 0-21 Overcast : Ig. S. - 29-876 0-109 83-7 75-8 896 77'5 138-9 73-6 0-787 63 163 W by N 95 ... Overcast. 3 29-668 0-150 85-6 76-3 94-4 78-9 137-8 72-8 0-781 63 198 SWbyW 80 Cloudy. 4 29-695 0-116 85-3 76-3 95-3 78-6 139-2 72-3 0-786 61 188 SWbyW 53 Passing clouds. 5 29-738 0'153 85-7 77-8 95-3 78-9 138-7 74-0 0-817 68 178 S W by S 67 Passing clouds : Ig. 6 20-754 0-150 84-7 77-6 95-6 78-4 139-3 73-6 0853 ' 72 186 IS WbyS 60 Passing clouds. 7 29-791 0-127 7S7 74-9 81-9 76-6 99-3 73-4 0-815 83 229 W by S 93 0-32 Cloudy : rain. 8 29-740 0-143 82-1 767 88-5 74-7 117-4 72-1 0-848 77 146 West 100 0-14 Overcast. 9 29-686 0-164 83-7 77-3 93-5 78-4 137-1 74-3 0-851 73 157 West 73 o-ii Cloudy : th. : Ig. N. E. 10 29-692 0-127 804 i 76-6 85-5 76-8 105-5 74-2 0-866 84 163 SWbyW 90 0-11 Cloudy. 11 29-711 o-na S2-0 76-7 85.9 73-0 101-0 75-2 0-849 ' 78 132 West 90 Do. 12 29-710 0-098 80-6 76-1 90-8 75-9 1365 71-8 0-841 80 170 S WbyS 90 0-54 Cloudy : rain. 13 29-689 0-112 81-4 75-4 87-8 75-6 1324 72-9 0-801 74 227 WN W 95 0-23 Do. do. 14 29-659 0-144 84-0 74-8 89-1 78-7 119-5 75-0 0-739 63 221 W by N 90 ... Cloudy. 15 29-691 0-069 81-1 73-9 86-3 77-8 117-8 72-1 0-740 70 176 NWbyW 100 o-oi Overcast. 16 29-691 0-128 83-7 i 73-5 91-1 77-7 127-0 72-5 0-690 60 198 WN W 93 ... Cloudy. 17 29-715 0-137 86-2 -:':.', 944 79-7 137-1 73-3 0-647 51 271 Wby S 73 ... Do. 18 29-757 0-148 85-3 74-4 94-7 78-9 1363 72-5 0706 58 266 Wby S 53 0-04 Passing clouds. 19 29-796 0-118 85-4 ! 74-7 93-6 78-3 135-2 707 0-717 59 193 SWbyS 60 Eo. 20 29-810 0-127 84-9 76-9 95-5 i 79-1 141-5 73-9 0-818 68 163 S by W 60 Hazy : Ig : S. W. 21 29-842 0-124 85-1 77-4 93-2 79-5 133-3 71-4 0-837 69 162 S S W 82 Cloudy : th. and Ig. 22 J 9-870 0-143 84-1 77-3 92'7 78-4 139-8 73-3 0-846 71 128 S W 73 0-07 Cloudy : Ig. S. 23 29-853 0-124 82-5 76-9 94-1 76-4 143-9 73-4 0-851 77 187 S S W 63 0-06 Passing clouds. 24 29-830 0-134 82-2 76-5 94-0 74-7 138-0 71-8 0-837 76 189 SWbyS 30 0-40 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. S. : rain 25 29-802 0-152 84-0 74-2 93-6 75'5 1362 71-9 0-715 61 174 SWbyW 27 0-04 Fine with passing clouds. M 29-79S 0-127 84-9 74-1 93-5 78-0 133-9 70-5 0-698 58 203 WS W 15 Fine. 27 29-803 0-142 85-1 75-2 93-2 ' 78-6 144-4 71-7 0-742 ; 61 151 S S W 40 Passing clouds. 28 29-7SI 0-1 : 85-5 ' 75-7 93-2 79-9 125-4 72-6 0-758 r,2 137 SWbyS 83 Cloudy : Ig. S. W. 29 29-763 0-138 80-8 i 77-2 85-4 77- 1 97-7 73-7 0-887 : 85 50 ;SWbyW 100 0-15 Overcast. 30 29-719 0-127 84-6 74-8 92-9 78-6 133-7 72-7 0-731 61 193 S W 80 Cloudy. Mean 29-748 0-131 83-5 75-8 91-4 77-8 129-4 73-0 0-791 09 179 W S W 74 243 88 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1867 October. October 1867 BAROMETER REDl-CED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced \Viml 3 5 g M General Weather Mean Bange Iry Snn Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city. Mean 1 i roc- tiou Day Inches Inches O o O O O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents [nches 1 29777 0-126 84-3 75-1 94-0 77-6 142-7 7V1 0-748 63 177 S by \V 17 Fine. 2 29-851 0-120 83-9 75-1 91-0 777 138-1 69-1 0-754 64 162 SbyE a Clear. 3 29-898 0-140 82-7 76-6 90-2 77-9 141-0 72-2 0-835 75 103 S by E 27 Fine with passing clouds. 4 29-891 0-119 831 76-1 89-9 76-9 136-2 713 0-807 71 103 s \-: 53 Passing clouds. 5 29-905 0-118 83-3 763 90-3 78-1 140-9 72-4 0-813 71 111 S S E 88 Fine with passing clouds. G 29-900 0-147 83-0 76-0 89-4 77-8 136-6 73-2 0-804 71 147 South 33 Do. 7 29-871 0-184 82-6 75-1 89-7 75-8 141-9 68-5 0-771 69 144 IS S E 13 Fine. 8 29-854 0-150 83-7 76-1 89-9 78-0 135-1 7-2-4 0800 69 128 : South 48 Passing clouds : th. and Ig. X. \V. 9 29-865 0-143 81-5 753 89-1 77-1 141-3 71-4 0795 74 89 s \v 53 0-54 Passing clouds : th. and Ig. 10 29-830 0-135 79-7 75-5 840 76-5 121-7 74-2 0-828 81 63 N by E 60 0-36 Passing clouds. 11 29-781 0-152 80-1 75-3 86-7 75-2 132-4 70-7 0-814 79 122 NN E 87 Cloudy. 12 29-748 0-121 78-2 74-9 85-4 74-7 131-1 71-3 0822 85 168 X by W 90 0-16 Do. 13 29-810 0-096 81-0 75-6 87-1 73-9 137-8 70-2 0-813 77 123 S S W 37 Fine with passing clouds. 14 29-873 0'081 82-3 76-8 87-3 76"2 133-0 73-3 0-849 77 86 SE 57 0-03 Hazy: Ig. S. \V. 15 29886 0-116 80-4 76-2 87-1 76-0 135-1 72-7 0-848 81 90 K s E 73 0-11 Cloudy : Ig. \V. 16 29-857 0126 79-5 75-2 87-2 75-1 1347 72-2 0818 81 136 XKbyX 77 0-39 Cloudy : tli. Ig. and nun. 17 29-803 0-135 77-0 73-9 79-7 75-0 j 91-2 72-6 0-797 86 126 NWbyN !I7 o-37 Overcast : rain. 18 2SI-723 0-076 77-9 73-6 81-5 73-9 92-7 71-0 0-772 81 129 Wby N 87 o-oi (horcntt. 19 29-786 0-083 79-3 75-8 86-3 75-4 125-1 70-3 0-846 85 129 S by VV 75 Cloudy. 20 29-868 0-104 82-3 77-5 87-1 77-3 131-6 73-3 0-880 80 107 SE by S 30 ... Passing clouds. 21 29-852 0-132 81-2 76-7 86-7 77-1 136-1 72-6 0859 81 104 EbyS 27 o-oi Fine with passing clouds. 22 29-823 0-126 80-6 77-2 85-2 76-4 136-5 72-2 0-889 85 75 X E 37 o-io Fine with passing clouds : th. 23 29-871 o-ioo 81-4 767 87-2 76-0 140-8 73-2 0-856 80 117 K X E 57 0-12 Passing clouds. 24 29-890 o-ioo 82-1 76-9 86-5 77-0 134-7 73-4 0-857 78 236 X K 53 0-211 Do. 25 29909 0-125 80-7 76-5 86-1 76-0 132-2 73-4 0-857 82 121 E N E 67 0-62 Cloudy : rain. 26 29900 0133 79-8 75-7 84-8 75-5 135-3 72-4 0835 82 119 X X E 50 0-2S Passing clouds : lain. 27 29-888 0-125 79-7 75-2 85-5 74-4 134-3 71-6 0-815 80 92 X E by N 37 Fine with passing c-h.ud:-. 28 29-869 0114 800 755 86-8 756 134-2 71-2 0824 80 108 X by E 50 ... Passing clouds. 29 29-854 0-110 BQrfl 753 86-9 75-4 132-1 71-4 0-803 76 173 North 30 Fine with passing clouds. 30 29-837 0-112 80-2 73-8 86-7 75-7 134-5 69-7 0-749 72 175 North >7 Do. 31 29-808 0-133 77-4 63-8 84-9 70-8 130-6 62-3 0-412 44 228 X by \V 43 ... Hazy. i Mean 29-848 0-122 81-0 75-3 87-1 70-0 1323 71-5 0-805 76 129 East I'.P 3-3!) Madras Meteorological Observations. 1867 November. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING November 1867 REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THERMOMETERS Dedi Vapour Tension iced Wind 3 O 5 '3 K General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Hum idity Daily Veto- city- .Mi-iin Direc- tion Day Inches Inches ' o Inches Cent Miles Points Cents [tiche 1 29-828 0-130 7.rO 63-i 85-3 679 134-4 55-5 0-387 44 168 NW 50 Hazy : th. and Ig. N. 2 L'9'857 0-119 75-3 64-1 86-1 65-4 130-6 54-1 0-450 51 92 NWbyJs 30 Hazy : Ig. N. 3 29-921 0-107 70-3 66-8 86'7 68-1 132-2 61-2 0-531 59 90 8E by E 22 Fine : Ig. N. 4 29-970 0-098 76-4 69-6 84-4 69-3 1297 60-6 0-633 70 96 EN E 30 Fine with light haze. 5 29-966 0-126 77-9 71-3 85-3 70-3 133-5 62-1 0-680 71 116 N EbyF 57 Hazy. 6 29-922 0-130 79-9 74-2 86-3 73-6 136-2 68-3 0-770 75 228 N N E 53 Passing clouds. 7 29-957 0-108 78-3 73-6 83-2 74-6 119-0 73-7 0-766 79 200 N NE 87 0-11 Cloudy. 8 29-983 0-080 80-7 729 84-0 77-0 111-9 72-4 0-705 67 289 N N E 90 Do. 9 29-954 0-130 77-1 69-3 84-9 73-9 1303 70-6 0-613 66 242 North 80 Bazy. 10 29935 0-157 76-9 64-7 87-4 70-8 137-4 66-1 0-449 49 178 N by W 53 ... Passing clouds. 11 29-895 0-167 76-3 65-7 87-1 66-2 130-8 55-1 0-492 55 103 NWbyN 13 Fine. 12 29-881 0136 76-9 69-4 88-1 67-0 137-0 58-3 0-619 67 145 N N W 12 Do. 13 29-991 0-089 78-3 73-8 84-0 73-6 129-7 67-9 0-775 80 96 N E by N 40 0-24 Showerj-. 14 30-037 0-102 79-1 73-8 84-8 75-1 1377 71-0 0-764 77 126 NEbyN 50 Passing clouds. 15 29-991 0-133 77-3 70-6 84-5 70-1 132-5 64-7 0-661 71 149 N E 10 Fine. 16 29-985 0-144 77-3 67-4 84-2 68-1 130-9 58-9 0-539 57 162 N E ... Clear. 17 30-023 0-110 76-2 66-2 84-5 66-8 134-2 61-1 0-511 56 150 NE Do. 18 30-069 0-113 76-0 66-7 83-7 67-7 138-3 57-0 0-531 59 150 NEbyN 33 Fine with light clouds. 19 30-084 0-111 75-5 66-3 84-4 67-7 1392 60-5 0-524 59 164 NN E 33 Do. 20 30-069 0-094 77-3 68-2 83-4 71-8 134-5 66-7 0-570 61 199 N E by N 50 Passing clouds. 21 30-055 0-132 75-8 66-5 88-j 68'3 135-5 60-6 0-527 59 183 N E 43 Do. 22 30-048 0-110 75-3 66-8 83-0 65-8 132-2 55-7 0-545 62 140 N E by N 15 Fine. 23 30-067 0-088 77-8 70-7 83-g 70-8 131-2 64-5 0-658 70 228 N E by N 43 Passing clonds. 24 30-061 0-103 78-7 72-6 84-5 72-6 13S-2 70-6 0-721 74 211 N E 63 0-08 Do. 25 30-015 0-117 74-7 72-2 77-2 73-6 101-5 69-6 0-758 88 104 N E by N 93 0-73 Cloudy : rain. 26 30-029 0-114 74-7 71-9 79-4 71-0 1G1-0 69-6 0-746 87 145 N by E 98 1-04 Overcast : rain. 27 30-058 0-099 77-8 72-5 81-5 74-7 131-2 72-1 0-729 77 291 N E by N 83 0-02 Moudy. 28 30-062 0-119 75-2 72-3 80-4 74-6 120-6 72-5 0-755 86 294 S~ E by K 97 MI4 )vercast : rain. 29 30-047 0-108 75-8 ] 72-5 81-4 73-3 130-7 70-3 0-756 85 233 NE 70 0-47 Cloudy : rain. 30 30-063 0-095 73-4 71-7 78-1 71-5 98-7 68-4 0-755 92 214 173 V E by E 97 3-64 )vercast : rain. Mean 29-994 0-116 76-8 69-5 83-8 70-7 129-9 64-7 0-631 68 i E by X 50 7-37 23 90 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1867 December. December 1867 HAKOMKTKK REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THKRMOMETKRS Deduced Wind r. 6 1 (jrueral Weather Mean Range Dry Son Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vajwur Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches. Inches o o o Inches Cents. Miles Points Cents inches 1 30-066 O'lll 75-6 70-3 80-4 70-li 127-5 69-2 0-672 76 235 X Kby X 57 0-03 Cloudy. I 30-047 0-106 75-0 69-4 79-7 70-7 123-8 63-3 0-645 74 198 X K l.y X 23 Fine with passing clouds. 3 30-046 0-084 73-9 708 79-6 70-8 126-2 67-0 0714 86 205 X by E 93 O'll Cloudy. 1 30-050 0-118 76-7 71-9 81-5 73-7 128-5 09-8 0719 78 233 N B 67 Passing clouds. 5 30-026 0-125 77-1 72-6 81-9 72-9 128-6 68-3 0-742 80 217 X F, by X 67 (((Hi Do. 6 29-993 0-116 76-6 70-8 80-5 72-3 125-0 69-0 0-677 74 259 NN E 60 Do. 7 29-984 0070 76-0 70-4 80-6 71-0 130-0 64-9 0-670 75 B40 N E by N 47 Do. 8 30-005 0-118 77-8 71-5 81-6 75-0 128-6 69-0 0-689 73 320 N E 40 Light clouds. 9 30-008 0-102 77-2 70-0 80-9 75-1 126-8 70-0 0-638 68 306 N E :i7 Passing clouds. 10 30-037 0-122 76-4 68-8 81-3 72-8 130-2 66-1 0-603 67 245 NEbyE 40 Do. 11 30-023 0-116 75-7 68-6 80-7 68-9 129-5 61-6 0-605 69 leu X E 43 Do. 12 30-022 0-095 75-0 67-8 . 80-2 69-2 127-5 60-0 0-585 67 189 NE 23 Fine with passing clouds. 13 30-033 0-117 74-7 67-2 79-7 68-6 127-1 61-1 0-568 6G 213 NE 20 Do. 14 30-040 0-121 74-2 66-0 79-6 67-9 125-3 60-3 0-531 62 218 N E 30 Do. 15 30-046 0-111 72-1 64-7 79-5 64-5 124-7 55-2 0-513 65 281 N E by N 27 Light clouds. 16 30-052 0-117 73-9 65-7 79-8 66-9 124-9 60-7 0-524 62 246 NEbyN 23 Do. 17 30-049 0-082 73-7 66-2 79-8 65-2 126-5 55-7 0-545 65 210 X E by N 35 Do. 18 30-037 0-136 74-4 67-3 80-6 683 128-7 62-4 0-575 68 198 N NE 23 Do. 19 30-034 0-137 71-4 66-3 80-4 64-9 131-7 55-4 0-580 75 156 N by E 7 Fine. 20 30-006 0-116 71-6 65-5 80-3 65-3 131-1 57-1 0-549 71 154 Nby E 10 Do. 21 29-984 0-127 71-9 65-5 79-7 632 127-2 531 0-544 69 177 NN E Hear. 22 30-012 0-117 73-9 67-9 81-7 65-2 134-5 56-3 0-604 72 ISO N by E 3 Do. 23 30032 0-121 73-7 68-0 80-9 667 126-6 66-9 0-610 73 190 NbyE 3 Do. 24 29-997 0-117 75-6 70-6 81-7 70-8 129-4 65-1 0-683 77 las N E 17 MM. 25 29-992 0-133 74-9 71-7 79-6 71-9 109-1 65-7 0735 85 144 N E by N 65 (I'M Passing clouds. 26 30-008 0-114 74-5 71-1 78-5 723 130-0 69-1 0-717 84 209 NEbyN 80 0-04 Clondy. 27 30-032 0-113 75-1 70-4 81-2 71-2 134-9 66-3 0-682 78 189 NEbyE 63 Do. 28 30042 0-108 75-2 69-6 80-4 70-0 126-9 63-6 0-650 75 151 X E by E 27 Kim- with passing clouds. 29 30-041 0-118 74-8 69-0 80-4 68-6 130-6 60-8 0-632 73 172 X E 27 Do. 30 30-046 0-106 74-5 67-7 80-3 67-5 128-7 58-0 0-588 69 172 X E 27 Do. 31 30338 0-127 74-1 68-1 80-0 67-9 131-4 BfS 60-1 0-608 72 163 X K 20 Do. Mean 30-027 0-113 74-7 68-8 80-4 69-4 62-6 0-626 73 H NEbyN 36 0-38 91 -5 jr i e to i- 71 -t 19 x to P-I o -T a 1- t l^ !O >O * 71 71 IQ 19 --C o "a -s g. .*.M*OO.O CO I a o . : ^^00-22-,. a * 1 3 6 ; ; 6o26^66TO6 1 1 X g 717lp^' PHTI" p^5i^ = -""71 2 6 " 6 6 -- tb ?> ro t 6 ^f & 1 rH g OM-HX-tiTOOSt-OCCOTO 2 ^ t a * t *. '*,* - ^ ^ 00 jg PH rt rt rt PH 1 a GG GO X.V}QO S^^ go " 1 p AH' 71 (M -HrtpHiNM . .2 l>^-i(?iffO'^ClOSCi'M30fOrC CO _!* J SSS^SSSSSSSS ^r ""*" s PH _ TO TO 71 -1 71 .! ., .. oo c st sS J2 i ssis-tsfija-fia&'B 00 J 5 1 !3 1 | 5 S - 2 2 2 S S -g * -, > ^ o a p-CS-*lOt^-*10pH O 00 O >0 i l^ O -^ O I> X a p v -5 O 19 10 CO il -^ 6 P-I 6 71 -H/ "3 uinu C5 CD "6 l-- l> t> *> ; t> t> l> W CO o ^ b 1> um !W , Illl^lliilll 3 "O O 1 ^ PHTOP^ L * S< M "" 1 / s 1i OOp-O03TOtOtX-*t?IO cB a ^ 30 9 u B ^^Sg5^^-?KS 5 -3 2 5 =-H JD "o J'g o 3 * a BH oc % Q o "c5 ^> 'S 43 CD p *PH PHCO*"N MTOpHpH o u ^-i OJ s l| 1 _s CD O CD N l~" ' O fS CS ^H i 'S i 1 CO s 666666666666 'So _o "^ M O aj to TO 'Ol ^COMCO^^TOTOO O pq u O j & TOCM^OXXOtoO ^PH 03 p ifi a O (M 30-CO r-trft CC W CO O CDCO c-. U m i i O H CO I n S 1 s 9 ,1 oosoi--i>ca>, f S 3 S i t! S S S -3 S S "O S a _c ^Nnnx^^^xpH^-H C cti h I. 11 * >J3 CO 1> ^ f?l It3 'ft CO >-H rH O " o s o 1 W o Q S n a SSKSgiSSSxg?: pj ^3 30 XOXXpHOOXXpHTll^X 7-1 c: c; -^< PH TO o x o * i~ r. en rt ft & '3 2 ciccrocoi^-^'Nio-'-'Ncc?: 10 A ir-t 5 g 666666666666 2 -w Oil o 666666666666 S 13 ni s 2 1 n Ifc 3 1 SlIlKllHSIIs 1O 00 GO ;S* XTOpHTOOXOpHCOX t^ p PH N TO PH H PH 5 g TO 7, 7, 71 71 7, 7, 7, M TO 71 5 o | INOJr^.5x:g>OO5XXtt71 I n . JO p717l" 74 pH"S" 1 1C W'-"pHlO.a>"^ 19 " H | 'oomiggSoSo^jH 1 - "?iSSa?ig;iTO I j : = : : : b ^ : i : : : : : ii : .' : Illiiii-UIIl 1 Annual r j M I T 1 j- i 1 a P *? j 92 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1868 January January IKtiH KAKOMKTKK KEl'rt'EP TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SKI.K KK<;ISTEKI\(; THER.MOHETEBS Drdured Wind 'L c O 1 General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. SI in. Max. Min. Vapour ' Hum- Tension idity Daily Veto- city .Mian Direc- tion Day 1 Inches 30057 Inches o-ioo Inches 0-573 Cents 65 Miles 207 Points X K ( l-llts 4 Inche Fine. 75-4 67-6 840 66-8 129-0 58-6 2 30-065 0-114 746 aja 83-3 64-S 132-1 56-6 0-594 69 205 NE 40 Fussing clouds. 1 30-041 ! 0125 751 70-9 84-6 69-0 132-4 61-8 0-701 80 194 X K 37 Fine with passing clouds. 4 30-009 0-114 74-1 69-6 84-4 (io-1 1346 59-0 0664 79 149 X K 37 Do. 5 29-975 0-138 72-6 68-3 84-3 62-6 131-1 56-2 0636 79 117 NEbyE 17 Fine. 6 29-978 0-U5 731 69-9 84-2 64-5 132-8 56-3 0-690 85 tn X E by F 28 Fine with passing cloud!-. 7 29-976 0-134 74-0 69-5 83-8 65-0 137-8 58-0 0-662 79 130 X E by E 43 Passing clouds. 8 29-980 0-138 75-1 67'7 84-9 64-0 1351 57-1 0-580 66 161 N E 35 ... Fine with passing clouds. 9 29-993 0-093 74-1 68-7 85-3 65-9 134-2 60-1 0-631 74 132 N E by E :i7 ... Do. 10 29-996 0-117 74-7 67-9 83-9 68-0 135-4 564 0-593 69 94 NEbyE 25 ... Do. 11 30-021 0-121 74-1 68-5 84-5 62-7 131-0 59-4 0-624 74 ll!l E N E 37 ... .Morning fine : afternoon cloudy. 12 30-035 0113 77-5 70-0 84-9 716 137-4 67-4 0-634 67 262 N E by N 40 0-02 Fine with passing clouds. 13 30-026 0-125 75-5 70-4 86-1 66-1 132-9 58-2 0-677 77 220 NNE 30 ... Do. 14 30-022 0-123 75-2 70-4 86-4 65-0 134-6 58-0 0-680 78 204 NNE 12 ... Fine. 15 30-027 0-123 76-7 72-9 85-7 69-8 1343 62-1 075SI 83 291 N N E 50 ... Passing clouds. 16 30-010 0-147 76-8 71-5 88-0 69-6 134-3 65-6 0-702 76 271 NNE 43 Do. 17 29-973 0-152 76-3 69-5 85-4 68-1 132-9 61-3 0-631 70 24d X X K j:f l.iirht clouds. 18 29960 0132 73-9 68-2 84-8 64-1 131-8 57-2 0-615 : 73 143 E N E I Clear. 19 29-978 0-115 73-9 68-0 843 626 130-9 56-3 0-607 72 151 N E by E 10 Fine. 20 29-998 0-131 74-8 68-7 84-7 65-3 132-4 58-8 0-622 72 212 NNE 30 Fine with passing clouds. 21 30-010 0-122 76-4 69-7 85-8 66-3 135-7 60-6 0-637 70 223 N E by N 33 Do. 22 29-957 0-102 76-:t 69-2 84-6 68-0 133-3 63-1 0-620 69 25S N E by N 30 Do. 23 29-887 0-131 77-4 72-4 83-2 74-7 114-2 73-2 0-730 77 222 N E by N n ... Overcast. 24 29-899 0-109 73-9 72-8 84-3 73-3 102-3 714 0-794 95 229 NE 100 2-64 Overcast with rain. 23 29-938 0-105 7fi 7 73-4 79-7 76-5 101-7 70-3 0-780 85 258 X E 98 L'-ll Do. 26 29-966 0-111 77 > 73-3 83-6 74-3 136-4 72-3 0-765 81 168 ENE 88 Cloudy. 27 29-933 0-123 76-7 72-6 84-0 70-3 135-9 66-7 0-747 82 130 N E by E 70 ... Do. 28 BM 0-107 7 .V.-, 71-2 84-1 67 m-i 65-1 0-707 80 116 N E by E 30 ... Fine with passing clouds. 29 29-949 0-104 766 71-7 si-5 69-7 lis (J5-| (712 77 114 EbyN 17 Fine. 30 29-952 0-120 70-6 72-1 85-4 68-7 137-1 63-6 0-729 79 115 N E by E 40 ... B'ine with passing clouds. 31 |MH 0-110 77T, 73- 1 s.-.-i 69 131 -8 66-3 0-757 80 141 E N E 28 Do. Mean 29984 0-120 75-4 70-2 84-5 67-8 130-9 02-0 0-673 76 180 N E M 4-77 93 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1868 February. February 1868 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind TJ | O d General Weather Mean Kanjre Dry Sun Gross Ery Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo"- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Indies " o Inches Centn Miles Points Cents nches 1 29-932 0-123 76-7 72-5 85-1 69-3 132-4 65-0 0-744 81 141 NEby E 33 Fine with passing clouds. 2 29-924 0-108 76-4 72-2 837 69-1 131-9 65-3 0735 81 130 East 3 Clear. 3 29-910 0-147 77-8 74-3 88-5 71-1 132-9 68-1 0-802 81 177 S S E 15 Fine. 4 29-938 0-122 79-7 76-0 90-7 73-7 140-7 70-2 0-849 84 146 S S E 30 0-03 Fine with passing clouds. 5 29-946 0-126 78-5 73-9 86-3 72-5 133-4 70-1 0-776 80 132 E by S 33 To. 6 29-941 0-130 77-5 72-5 84-6 69-9 132-5 65-9 0-733 78 160 East 33 Do. 7 29-9.72 0-IU2 77'5 71-7 85-0 72-4 135-1 67-8 0-698 74 157 East 27 ... Do. 8 30-025 0-114 74-4 68-6 84-0 65-8 129-6 59-7 0-623 73 113 EbyX 2 Clear. 9 30-049 0-131 72-". city Mnn Direc- tion Day I ncbes I nches O O O O O O Inches Cents Miles r.iints Cents nches 1 29819 0-150 78-9 66-9 100-2 66-3 145-1 61-8 0-500 51 135 8 E by E 1-2 Fine. 2 29-8S6 0-095 78-1 71-7 88-8 67-5 133-7 625 0-693 72 140 S K by K 35 lla/\ . 3 29-934 0-091 76-8 71-5 89-2 68-0 137-2 63-1 0702 76 118 S Eby E 43 Ha/.y : li'^lit clouds. 4 80-800 0-129 77-4 69-9 86-6 67-2 133-8 0-632 67 151 Kast 10 Kill''. 29-826 0143 75-7 ' 68-2 86-2 tiVti 139-8 60-7 0-591 66 125 E S E 2H Fine with passing clouds. 6 29-824 0139 78-0 71-8 89-6 (i-,-3 137-6 60-8 0-699 73 188 S E 3 Clear. 7 29-802 0-172 80-3 755 92-1 72-1 142-8 68-7 0-819 79 184 S E by S 2:! Fine with passing clouds. 8 29-840 0-138 82-0 749 924 73-6 141-3 70-7 0-771 71 292 S K by S 10 Fin,'. 9 29-896 0-186 80-5 i 74-5 89-5 73-4 139-9 70-5 0-775 74 211 S K by S 20 Fine with passing clouds. 10 29906 0-158 80-1 73-4 88-2 733 1357 70-4 0-734 71 2-2:> S E by S 23 Do. 11 29-926 0-115 79-2 72-9 87-5 70-9 135-4 67-9 0-725 73 155 SE 13 Fine. 12 29!t90 0113 79-4 72-6 88-7 72-0 135-4 69-6 0-711 71 122 E S E 37 ... Fine with passing clouds. u 29-993 0121 79-2 72-3 88-2 72-3 139-6 68-7 0-701 70 (08 Eby S 49 ... Do. u 29-945 0-133 777 72-8 87-0 69-8 136-0 66-6 0-742 78 118 E S E 13 ... Fine. 15 29-908 0-134 77 3 70-6 86-7 67-3 135-9 64-7 0-661 71 142 S E by S 8 Do. 16 29-913 0-112 77'5 71-0 86-8 65-8 136-0 61-9 0-673 71 135 S E 5 ... Da 17 29-968 0-138 79-2 72-0 87-5 68-1 1441 64-9 0-689 69 147 Is E by E 27 Fine with passing clouds. 18 29-923 0142 79-2 72-4 87-5 713 137-6 68-1 0-706 71 196 S E by E 28 Do. 19 89-887 0-149 79-5 72-5 88-0 723 140-6 69-8 0-706 70 168 E S E 38 Do. 20 29912 0-113 793 72-4 87-0 72-7 138-6 69-5 0-704 70 110 E S E 50 1'assing clouds. 21 MUM 121 793 721 87-4 69-5 136-1 66-9 0-692 69 121 E by S 28 Fine with passing clouds. 22 29-951 0-128 79-0 72-3 88-4 70-4 138-9 66-8 0-704 71 117 E by S 23 Da ;.-( t4 0-126 793 73-0 88-1 68-2 137-5 65-6 0-728 73 132 K by N 10 Fine. 24 29-91 1 0-130 78'6 72-8 88-3 692 1369 66-0 0-729 75 116 S E by E Clear. 25 29911 0-101 78-7 72-s 86-9 68-8 13.V7 66-0 0-728 74 1 Hi K S E Do. 20 29-916 0-129 80-6 741 88-2 70-9 137-6 68-7 0-756 72 Kil' S E by S 43 Hazy. 27 2993: 0134 81-9 759 90-3 74-6 142-6 72-3 0-815 75 162 ESE till Passing clouds. 28 29921 0-137 82-4 74-7 89-9 74-8 1432 71-4 0-757 68 17li S E 53 Da 29 29-912 0-123 ,S1 -2 748 89-9 75-0 119-6 7-':! 0-777 7:t 165 S S E H ... Cloudy. 30 29912 o 119 79-9 73-0 88-7 73-2 139-3 70-3 0-720 70 165 S E 40 ... Light clouds. 31 29-951! 0132 80-4 74-0 89-4 70-6 140-6 67-9 0-754 72 170 SE by S 30 Do. Mean 29-909 0-129 79-2 726 88-8 70-3 137-9 672 0-713 71 1.1 1 S E by E : 27 Sil, 95 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1868 April. % x> I 1 *C B. ^ BAROMETER RKIIL'CEI) TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SKI.F REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind o D _O O '3 H General Weather Mean Kangn Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Indies O O P o = Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches ] 29-982 0-141 82-7 77-3 89-6 74-9 139-1 72-6 0-865 77 199 S EbyE 27 Light clouds. 2 29-947 0-1 u'6 83-1 77'4 90-5 76-6 142-0 74-7 0-864 76 172 S E 33 Fine with passing clouds. 8 20-888 0-125 82-4 76-2 90-3 74-7 139-6 72-0 0-821 74 187 S E by S 3 Clear. 4 29-90(5 i )' 1 '27 82-7 767 89-8 73 7 143-9 73-8- 0-839 75 208 S S E 17 Fine. 5 88-904 0-119 81-8 76-3 88-6 74-7 138-7 71-8 0-834 77 193 18 E by S 10 Do. 6 29-892 0-141 82-6 76-1 89-2 76-2 142-4 73-3 0-814 73 221 SEby S 20 Do. 7 29-872 0-135 81-7 70-1 88-2 74-0 140-8 70-9 0-827 77 204 S E 13 ... Do. 8 29-850 0150 81-8 750 89-6 74-5 141-3 72-2 0-778 72 213 S E byS 7 Clear. 9 29-830 0-144 81-9 75'5 89-9 738 137-3 71-6 0-798 73 217 S S E Do. 10 29-806 0-129 82-4 7(i'5 92-8 75-9 140-6 72-7 0-834 75 251 S S E 43 Hazy : light clouds. 11 29-812 0-142 83-2 76* 91-9 75-8 140-5 73-3 0-823 73 205 S E by S 27 ... Fine : light haze. 12 29-834 0-122 82-7 75'7 89-4 75-0 138-3 71-5 0795 71 226 S E by S 13 ... Fine. 18 29-822 0-140 82-9 76-7 90-9 75-6 140-3 73-6 0-836 74 233 S E by S 20 ... Do. 14 29-813 0107 83-8 78-8 91-1 77'5 143-2 75-6 0-919 79 245 S Eby S 40 ... Passing clouds. US 29-823 0-131 84-2 78-0 91-4 77-5 140-8 75'2 0-876 75 217 S E by S 22 ... Fine with passing clouds. 16 29-829 0-130 84-5 77-6 91-4 78-7 1416 77-0 0-854 72 215 S Eby S 27 Po. 17 29-869 0-149 83-6 77-2 92-5 76-1 141-8 73-9 0-848 73 174 SE 23 ... Do. 18 89-873 0-147 83-8 77-0 02-5 77-3 141-9 75-7 0-837 72 139 SE by E 50 Thick haze. 19 29-836 0-156 84-4 77-3 93-4 77-4 145-7 75-9 0-843 72 211 SS E 27 Fine with passing clouds. 20 29-784 0-164 87-0 79-4 98-9 80-1 147-6 78-7 0-903 70 260 Sby E 88 ... Fine with light clouds. 21 29-775 0-154 87-6 78-6 97-4 79-7 144-6 78-7 0-858 66 187 Shy E 67 Passing clouds. 22 29-744 0-167 89-4 73-4 101-0 79-5 1 19-6 78-5 0-824 59 144 S S E 33 Fine with passing clouds. 23 29"755 0-116 87-9 78-2 104-6 78-2 152-7 75-9 0-835 63 143 S S E 10 ... Fine. 24 89-81] 0-118 85-6 78-8 92-5 80-9 142-2 79-0 0-894 73 272 S SE 10 Do. 25 29-799 0-122 85-0 79-4 90-4 79-3 140-1 78-0 0-930 77 282 S SE 18 Do. 26 29-760 0-164 87-7 80-4 997 81-8 150-7 79-5 0-941 71 268 S by E 52 Light clouds. 27 29-729 0-157 89-5 80-9 99-7 83-1 117-9 81-8 0-940 69 293 S by E 10 Fine. 28 29-728 0-123 ss-i 79-9 100-1 82-8 147-4 81-8 0-911 68 351 S by E 2 ... Clear. 29 29'74t 0-148 89-1 80-2 104-1 82-5 151-4 81 -2 0-911 66 349 South 32 Thick haze. 30 29-767 0-129 90-2 77-0 77-6 106-7 82-2 151-1 81-3 0-750 53 223 South 20 . Light haze. Mean 29-826 0-141 84-8 939 77-7 143-5 75-7 0-853 72 223 S SE 23 Nil. 96 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1868 May. BABOMETEK SF.I.K KKGISTF.KIXG REDUCED TO 32 Corrected \i . i THKKMOHETKKS it- i Mean Temperature Dry Sun Grass Deduced \\ met (ienerul Weather M ft- s Meau Range Dry Wet MM. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity I .'iiily Menu Vein- 1 irec- city tiou 1 o a Day Inches Inches O o O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents [nclies 1 29775 0-115 89-8 76-2 1049 80-0 150-7 78-8 0721 51 Itt SSE Clear. 2 29792 0101 H7-4 797 101-6 81-8 1 n;-.i SO'5 0-911 70 BOB S 3 K 5 Do. 3 29-836 0113 85-8 80-0 92-8 81-9 140-7 80-9 0-947 77 247 SK l.y S 3 Do. 4 * 29-857 0-117 85-4 78-4 920 78-6 139-5 70-6 0-879 72 202 S E 5 To. 5 29-820 0-142 85-4 78-9 930 78-2 1 H":i 76-3 0-902 74 206 SEby S 5 Do. 6 29-758 0170 86-7 80-1 93-4 80-6 ltO".l 79-1 0-939 74 BU SSE 10 Fine. 7 29-753 0-126 87-8 79-5 96-3 81-4 142-7 79-9 0-897 68 225 S S K 27 Fine will. |ia.-sini.' clouds. 8 29-797 0-127 87'9 80-1 94-3 84-0 141-5 81-9 0-923 70 HB SS K t!3 Pass-in;.' clouds. B ;29-803 0145 86-5 80-5 93-4 83-4 1 12 -:i 82-0 0-961 N 302 SSE 48 ... Kine with pugging cloud.-. 10 29-751 0175 89-4 78-0 102-0 83-0 148-8 81-1 0-806 58 275 S by E 10 Fine. li 29-735 0-137 88-7 79-9 99-8 83-6 143-0 82-0 0-902 67 283 S l.y K 3 Clear. 12 29-760 0-094 87-6 80-1 95-4 82-7 140-2 81-1 0-92S 71 352 SSE 17 ... Fine. 13 29-805 0-138 86-6 80-6 934 82-3 140-3 81-2 0-964 7(i 831 SSE 27 ... l.inht clouds. 14 29-799 0-084 86-1 80-8 94-0 82-0 141-1 80-3 0-981 79 261 SSE BO ... Fine will'. i>as-EJn^ clouds. 15 29-830 0112 86-5 78-5 959 81-7 144-5 80-0 0-868 68 248 SEbyS 27 ... I,ii:lit liax.c. 16 29-892 0-089 85-8 79-3 92-4 81-1 140-3 79-2 0914 74 im S E 23 ... Litrht clouds. 17 29-908 0110 84-4 78-4 91-0 7v 7 138-7 76-9 0-892 75 148 SE 30 ... Do. 18 29-870 0133 85'2 79-7 93-1 79-2 1463 78-1 0-941 78 UB S E 47 Passing clouds. 19 29-801 0122 85-4 81-4 936 78-0 1395 75-7 1-U19 83 226 S E by S 22 Fine ivith liylit l.a/r. 20 29-787 0-121 66 81-3 93-2 82-3 1447 81-0 b?w 7!i 306 SSE 27 Fine willi |i:^siu^r clouds. 21 29-789 0-123 86-1 79-8 966 81-8 142-7 80-7 0933 75 205 SK 53 ... 1'assing clouds. 22 29-796 0-109 851 775 100-9 80-0 148-7 79-1 0-842 1S7 SSE 57 ... CUjudy. 23 29-792 0-147 85-4 79-4 93-2 80-1 139-5 7S-9 0-924 70 1P6 SE by S 15 Fine. 24 29-737 0-139 86-6 80-6 93-5 81-8 139-6 XO-3 0-964 7G 200 SE by S 23 Fine -with imssinji clouds. 25 29-738 0-101 87'5 78-3 97-1 81-7 137-4 80-2 0-846 64 m s K i, y s 30 Fine with lifi'lit clouds. 26 29-751 0-114 86-0 79-1 94-2 79-0 139-8 77-1 0-902 72 160 .SK l.y K 50 ... I'aHsinj.' clouds. 27 29-738 0-102 86-1 79-2 93-3 79-1 i:!'.i-'.i 77-2 0-905 72 162 S E 33 Fine \vitli i>:issihj.' clouds. 2H 29-692 0-098 87-3 79-4 ipo-o 7'.'-2 146-4 77'0 D-SM 69 I7c. S K 33 Liglit cloud.--. 29 29-663 0-130 87-8 79-9 953 81-7 1 r.-:: 80-3 0-915 69 274 SSE BB Fine with lijilil clouds. 30 29-6C3 0-141 88-3 80-8 97-5 82-8 141-0 si-7 0-927 L'77 S S K 18 Fine. n 29671 0-107 86-6 799 94-4 83-0 140-0 81-8 D-982 71 283 SEby S 12 ... Do. Mean 29-779 0-122 86-7 7!l-5 95-5 81-1 1 12 t 79-6 0!>12 72 MB SEbyS 25 WO, 97 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1868 June. 00 i I ( III 1 a 1-1 BAROMETER KETR'CED TO '>- Corrected Mean live SKI.F BKGISTEKIXG THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds c i Geneva 1 Weather Mean Kange Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Dailv Velo- eity Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches P O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-693 131 s-4 79-3 94-0 80-3 141-0 7H-5 0-907 72 181 S E 33 Fine with passing cloud*. 2 29654 0-180 Mi-li 80'0 ills 80-3 139-8 78-7 0930 74 157 S E by E 43 Passing elonds. 3 29-619 0-117 84'8 79-7 924 81-7 123-6 80-2 0-048 79 127 East 82 0-64 Showery. 4 29-549 0-143 79-4 772 86-1 76-3 103-2 75"7 0'90.") 90 86 N N W 100 4-08 Overcast : heavy rain. 5 29-463 0-122 Bl-J 770 88-1 76-8 127-3 7o'<> 0-874 83 ,84 Wby S 100 0-18 Overcast. 6 29-459 0-101 84-2 78-3 93-1 79-0 133-0 77-5 0-890 75 319 S by W 92 Do. 7 29-556 0-092 86-9 7.V9 99-5 79-9 141-9 78-5 0-865 72 277 S by W 78 Cloudy. 8 29-653 0-112 85-2 77-3 937 80-0 139-5 78-4 0-831 68 274 South 70 Light clouds. 9 29-701 0-102 85'6 78-1 90-1 80-2 148-4 79-1 0-877 71 247 S by E 40 To. 10 29-740 0-081 85-2 779 95-9 81-5 131-0 804 0-859 71 197 South 90 Overcast. 11 29-750 0-104 8.VO 77'6 99-2 82-0 134-3 81-2 U-S4S 70 219 S S W 97 0-13 Do. 12 29-747 0-134 S4'0 77-2 93-9 79-3 133-8 77-0 0-843 72 176 S by E 88 0-29 Do. 13 29-773 0-1 Hi H4-1 77-9 93-4 79-0 125-5 77-7 0-873 75 157 S S E 90 Do. 14 29-802 0-093 84-4 76-6 90-0 80-8 1372 79-4 0-812 69 219 S S W 93 To. 15 29-805 0-088 847 76-4 91-4 78-9 115-2 779 0-799 67 179 S WbyS 97 Do. 16 29-801 0-1(12 83-9 76-1 100-0 79-6 144-3 78-1 0-797 (18 . 233 S S W 67 0-75 Cloudy with rain. 17 29-819 0-126 84-1 74-4 95-4 78-0 141-8 772 0-721 61 287 S W 78 Cloudy. 18 29-824 0-129 82'8 76-0 98-3 76-1 146-3 74-3 0-807 72 181 S 8 W 37 o-io Fine with passing clouds. 1!) 29-807 0-155 85-1 74-8 100-4 79-1 146-1 75-7 0725 n 243 SW 52 0'80 Passing clouds : rain. 20 29-831 0-127 83-3 7(V1 97-4 75-8 138-6 74-4 0-805 70 225 S S W 30 Fine with passing clouds. 21 29-791 0-161 87-7 75-1 100-0 78-3 137-5 75-4 0-702 54 216 SWbyW 37 To. 22 23 29-753 29-755 0-138 0123 87-7 87-3 74-5 767 101-1 100-1 79-4 81-1 139-6 1431 77-4 80-8 0-077 0-777 52 60 236 250 SW S W 13 20 Fine. Fine with passing cloiule. 24 29-779 0-120 86-5 76-7 98-0 82-0 141-4 81-3 0-788 62 227 S by W 43 Fine with light clouds. 25 29-773 0-130 87-3 77-7 100-3 81-6 145-7 80-0 0-822 64 233 S S W 67 Passing clouds. 26 29-750 0-120 86-6 77'2 100-9 79-6 145-0 77'5 0-80S 63 225 6W by S 60 To. 27 28 29-719 29-736 0-114 0-077 86-2 77-5 82-8 75-9 101-4 99-4 81-0 80-4 141-6 130-7 79-2 79-2 0-827 0-802 66 71 237. 243 S S \V S W 73 93 0-22 Clondv. Overcast. 29 29-764 0-116 84-6 76-8 100-9 78-7 144-9 77-1 0-818 69 227 SWby S 83 Cloudy. 30 29-759 0-131 86-1 76-2 99-0 79-6 145-0 78-7 0-771 61 215 S S W 53 jight clouds. Mean 29721 0-120 85-0 77-0 96-7 79-5 1367 78-1 0-825 (i'.i 216 S 8 VV 67 7-19 25 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1868 July. . 1 BAKOMKTKR KKIH-CKII TO 32 Ci irrertoil Mean Temperature SKI.K KKUISTEKIXG TllKKMOMKTKKS Dedu Vapour Tension ;ed Hum- idity Wind -1 livnei-ul Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Mill. Daily Velo- i-ity Mian Direa- tion Day Inches Inches o O o O Indies Cents met Points Cents Indies 1 29771 o-ioo 86-0 746 966 80-9 149-6 79-6 0704 57 (M S S W 80 Pa*sini; clouds. 2 88776 0-101 864 76-3 966 81-4 1399 795 0772 (il M South 23 Fine \vitli passing clouds. 3 297S2 0-110 86-8 75-7 102 1 78-8 150-6 779 0-740 58 252 S S W 50 'as-iiin.' doti'ls. 4 29750 0112 86-0 76-0 lo:)-5 792 1455 78-3 0-764 61 213 S by \V 67 Cl. 5 29729 0-111 87-5 751 96-8 80-8 1344 79-3 0705 54 170 South H Do. 1! 29-750 0-082 84-1 74-8 934 80-4 124-7 79-5 0-738 68 188 .S W by S 97 Overcast. 7 29750 0-096 83-9 765 90-2 80-0 1125 79-2 0-sl I 70 163 S by K 7S Cloudy. 8 10-788 OH I 83-2 77 1 93-0 775 143-2 75-2 0-850 75 161 S S E BO Do. 9 29700 0-104 84-5 7S-.I 97-9 78-4 1390 77-0 0-S72 74 225 S by W 18 Fine with (Hissing clouds. 10 29681 0-117 SI -3 77-2 93-0 71-9 137-1 70-7 0-880 83 211 P S W 60 312 Cloudy : heavy rain. 11 29737 0-070 82-6 771 89-5 78-6 131-4 77-1 0-858 77 142 SWbyS S7 Cloudy. 12 29-786 0-102 815 76-3 B6-4 76-4 113-8 74-9 0-838 78 96 S W 88 0-03 Orercact. 13 29790 0-089 78-8 74-8 81-8 77-5 91-7 75-0 0-810 82 91 S W 100 012 Do. 14 29757 0-123 78-4 7f9 82-8 74-6 100-8 73-0 0-819 84 141 S W 100 OlKi Do. 15 (9772 0-141 78-4 74-2 84-6 717 108-0 73-2 0-790 81 203 S W too 12 Do. 16 29771 129 835 75-0 961 75-5 132-4 734 0-755 61 192 S W vj Passing douds. 17 29751 0145 858 764 97-5 78-0 138-3 755 0-781 63 174 S W by S 57 Do. 1H 1'9 729 0-139 884 76-3 91-0 78-1 117-0 76-4 0-8H 70 127 S S \V 80 Overcast. 19 9-696 0-1 30 83-3 76-9 940 77-3 1365 75-2 0-839 73 153 South 50 20 89-661 103 85-0 76-5 98-7 78-5 140-8 76-1 0-799 88 211 Shy W .->3 21 80-656 o-osii 84-4 75-7 972 79-6 137-6 766 0-772 65 2oo S S W n 2-2 29-690 0-108 84-7 754 96-JJ 78-1 1355 755 0756 03 HIS S \V 9:. 0-113 23 29730 0-117 84-1 76-2 '.i,s--.' 78-5 143-5 74-7 0-798 US 170 S S W H 24 29-767 0-108 84-1 76'S 947 78-0 147-7 75-7 0-824 71 146 South BB 25 89746 0-137 81-6 773 91-6 75-3 135-4 75-1 0-880 S2 ISO SWIiyW 67 3 17 i- Not recorded. 26 29733 O-103 8S-S 77-0 86-8 78-0 110-0 76-1 0-86Q 7s 145 S Why S 89 o-ol 1 27 29-709 0-0(13 7S-2 74-3 Hti-2 74-7 109-8 72;5 0-796 S2 211 SW by W 100 "' :!l n 29717 0114 80-5 74-0 iW4 74-3 131-2 71-3 0-753 72 |68 Why S M |-I7 29 80-6M 0129 829 7113 89-8 76-6 126-0 73-(i 0-819 73 l il West 100 M 29709 0-080 H5-0 75 -1 94-1 77-9 139-5 74-2 0-752 62 (89 W S W 18 31 w 0*138 84-6 7>;-o 95-8 77-9 141-9 73-8 0-788 86 168 S W 57 Mean 29737 0-110 83-3 75-9 93-0 77-7 1305 756 0-798 70 175 S W by S 73 7-50 99 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1868 August. X 5 i i a; ti) <; BAKU] KKDrcEl Mean IF.TEB TO 32" Corrected Mean Temperature ^I:I.K RKGISTKKIXO THEKMOMKTKRS Deduced Wind Clouds ta General Weather Ratine Dry Sim Grass Dry Wet Max. Mill. Max. Miit. Vapour Hum- Tension . idity Daily Mean Velo- Direc- city tion Day Inches Inches o O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches I 2 29760 29-7S2 0-172 (1-102 84-3 83-7 76-9 77-2 911-7 S9-2 75-5 80-1 143-4 136-3 74-3 77'8 0-826 0-817 70 73 170 254 S W s s w 83 87 0-23 0-03 f- Not recorded. :? 297S2 d-104 77-0 74-0 93-9 73-8 1 50-8 72-2 0-703 84 262 S W by S 92 0-91 Cloudy with rain 4 29-7S4 0'0i)6 79-2 74-9 87-3 73-6 128-4 73-4 0-809 81 195 W by S 100 0-26 Overcast with rain. 5 29746 0-107 79-4 74- 1 89-4 73-4 134-5 72-9 0-785 78 185 W by S 98 1-30 Do. 6 29-03-, 0-117 82-9 78-8. 91-9 73-4 138-2 736 0-819 73 150 West 97 Overcast. 7 29-62-1 0-105 84-1 76-7 91-4 77-8 145-2 75-3 0-820 70 232 S W 70 O'Oo Passing clouds. 8 29-671) 0-113 85-2 76-8 95-7 76-9 141-4 73'5 0-809 66 208 S W by S 47 Fine with passing clouds. !) 29-680 0-188 86'7 75-0 96-7 78-6 117-8 73-4 0-711 56 218 SWbyW 57 Passing clouds. JO 29737 0-186 87-9 75-9 98-9 78-5 141-7 72-8 0-734 56 288 W S W 30 Light clouds. 11 20-744 0-139 88-5 75-4 97-8 81-1 143-0 77-0 0'705 52 279 W S W 63 0'05 Passing clouds. 12 29-707 0-121 85-8 76*5 97-7 78-7 145-8 7K> 0-788 64 256 Why S 70 0-03 Do. 13 29-772 0-133 84'7 76-3 99-2 79-6 1430 75-3 0-794 66 208 W S AV 83 0-03 Cloudy. 14 29-767 9-148 85-4 75'8 97-6 80-1 143-3 74-6 0-764 63 206 South 40 Passing clouds. 15 20-785 0-132 85-0 77-5 88-fl 80-2 143-3 77'7 0-844 70 150 South 60 ... Do. Hi 29-764 0- 1 75 86-0 76-6 98-5 77-9 140-7 76-7 0-782 62 223 S W 03 0-14 Do. 17 29-749 0-137 87-1 75-9 98-5 80-4 145-8 75-9 O-744 57 216 S W by S 63 0-13 Do. 18 29-787 0-118 84-6 74-8 97-0 77-8 142-5 72-1 0-731 61 184 S W 67 on Do. 19 29-785 0-132 Si'.'! 75-8 96-8 77-9 145'7 73-0 0-778 66 180 South 33 Fine witli passiug clouds. 20 29-759 0-127 85-2 76-9 96-4 78-7 146-8 74-6 0-814 67 180 Sby E 27 Do. 21 29-729 0-117 85'9 77-2 100-9 79-7 150-6 75-6 0-S17 SB 178 S by E 37 Do. 22 29-737 (1-102 85-6 772 9S'l 79-9 147-9 77-9 0-821 86 162 S byE 60 I-iiflit clouds. 23 29-765 0-111 S.-y9 76"5 97-7 78-8 151-7 75-2 n-787 63 160 S by E 47 Fine with passing clouds. 24 29-799 0'142 84-9 77-0 99-3 78-1 145-9 7(i'7 0-822 68 184 S S W 70 Cloudy. 25 29-79S 0-142 86-0 77-3 98-4 78'5 1474 74-0 0-820 65 128 S by E 40 Hazy. 88 29-813 0-188 83-9 75-2 92-0 76-8 1196 75-11 0-758 64 103 S W 93 Overcast. 27 29-763 0-138 85-6 76'7 101-8 78-3 153-5 73-9 0-799 65 156 S by W 67 Passing clouds. 28 29-742 0-141. 85-4 76-4 99-1 78-8 143-6 751 0-789 64 110 S Why W 80 0-12 Cloudy. 29 29-746 0-120 75-6 74-0 76-4 75-0 86-4 74-4 0-8SSO 93 147 West 100 0-94 Overcast with rain. 30 29-701 0-096 79-8 74-0 86-9 74-0 121-8 73-4 0-71)3 76 183 W by S 100 0-17 Do. 31 29-810 0-088 80-7 74-8 91-8 73-7 139-8 71-6 0-788 74 151 S by E 70 ... Cloudy. Mean 29-751 0-126 84-1 70'0 95-3 77-6 140-6 74-7 0-790 08 193 S W by S 68 4-50 100 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1868 September. BAROMETER SEI.K REGISTERING BEDrCEI) TO 32 Corrected THERMOMETER* \\'i. I 1 I* Temperature Dry Sun Grass Deduced > 11UI Cciienil Weather c .s sT 03 Mean Range Dry Wet Max. Miu. Max. Min. Vstfionr Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion 5 5 '3 et Day Inches Inches o o O O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents inches- 1 29-876 0134 81-7 770 93-1 7 10 142-2 735 0-866 80 114 South 48 Pa -Mils: cloud.-. o 29-879 0-128 82-5 77-0 94-5 702 140-0 73-6 0-855 77 12S S S E Do. 3 29-828 0-154 826 761 95-6 745 1512 72-5 0-813 73 109 S by W fine witb pasf-inu clonus. 4 29-813 0-119 82-5 757 95-5 766 1457 73-8 0-798 72 IS] SWbyS 5:! Pacing clouds. 5 29-798 0-134 82-3 76-0 97-3 76\s 149-5 74-9 0-815 74 1 vs S S W 05 0'02 Showery. 6 29-801 0-121 79-3 74-6 87-2 72-6 122-6 7T1 0-795 79 200 West 95 1-46 Overcast with ruin. 7 29-783 0-143 81-5 76-1 93-7 70-7 152-2 75-0 0-829 77 139 W by S 87 S1 Cloudy. 8 29-784 0-116 79-7 j 74 5 86-9 73-4 113-9 73-8 0-785 77 182 W by S 90 O'lo Do. 9 29-759 0-144 81-8 746 91-9 i 75-8 1362 73-5 0-761 70 164 W by N 85 0-07 Da 10 29-729 0-141 81-9 j 74-9 90-3 764 143-9 74-6 0772 71 220 W S W 92 Oil Do. 11 29-718 0-110 82-0 751 S9-7 76-8 1362 74-4 0-779 71 184 West 87 Do. 12 29-693 0-126 83-9 75-7 91-8 78-6 127-4 75-7 0-779 67 192 W S W 83 Do. 13 29-689 0-127 84-6 76-1 96-0 78-3 146-5 74-6 0-787 66 175 South 47 Passing clouds. 14 29-710 0-104 84-6 773 98-4 78-4 150-2 74-6 0-840 70 160 S by E 27 Fine with passing clo'als. 15 29-720 0120 84-7 757 98-7 75-0 145-2 70-8 0-768 64 190 S by W 30 ... To. 16 29-714 0-125 84-7 76-8 98-1 775 144-9 74-6 0816 68 190 S by K 07 ... 17 29-702 0-116 85-3 76-3 97-2 78-6 147-4 74-6 0-786 64 176 S E by S 53 18 29-708 0-149 87-8 75-3 995 79-8 145-8 70-7 0-710 54 134 S S W 50 19 29-738 0-116 83-4 75-2 101-4 80-3 147-1 75-8 0-765 66 224 S W by S 07 0-40 20 29-741 0-168 85-3 76-1 96-2 77-2 1401 74-2 077s 64 258 S W 07 ; Not recorded. 21 29-751 0-132 85-1 76-9 99-9 79-8 151-8 76-4 0-815 67 208 S W .-,.-, 015 22 29803 0-117 83-4 76-0 99-5 79-2 148-7 77-3 0-799 70 158 S by W 73 0-39 23 29-785 0-143 84-5 77-8 96-6 762 1443 75-5 0-865 73 191 S by E 53 24 29-768 0-052 86-0 771 95-9 80-7 1479 77-4 0-811 65 137 EbyS 63 o-io 25 29-780 0-094 84-8 77-8 94-8 78-5 1 10-3 75-6 0-833 70 120 SS K 77 ... Cloiuh . 26 29-814 0-126 84-1 77-8 92-3 78'2 144-3 75-5 O-SM 74 133 8 K 67 27 29-845 0-148 83-7 78-4 91-7 77-9 141-6 74-8 0-902 78 168 S EbyS 22 28 29-851 0-143 83-4 77-3 89-1 78-0 140-6 75-0 0-856 75 197 8 E by 8 17 Not recorded. 29 29-815 0-169 84-4 77-9 94-9 77-3 141-2 75-1 0-8C9 74 204 S SE n ... 30 29-805 0-145 82-7 76-8 931 79-5 146-2 77-0 0-843 75 100 S S E 63 ... Mean 29773 0-129 83-5 76-3 94-7 77-3 MM 74-7 0-812 71 173 S by W IB 3-00 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1868 October* 101 BAROMETKK SELF REGISTERING October 1SOS REDUCED TO 32 Con M Tom]) Dry cried fan rut nrr Wei r Mux. THERMOMKTKKS Deduced Wind 'D G _C O e: K General Weather 51 can Range ry Sun Max. Ci rass Min. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Indies o O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Indie 1 29-820 0152 82-11 77-6 111-7 7(1-7 145'G 73-7 0-877 78 164 SbyE 50 0-32 F. p. cl. : thunderstorm. -> 3 29-SOG 29-817 0-153 0-138 we 84-1 77-(i 78'8 941 77-1 95-7 70-5 143-2 139.-) 74-8 1 ! 75-3 0-867 0-892 75 76 156 181 South S by W 40 43 Fine with passing clouds. Passing clouds t 29-815 0-127 SJ-3 77-5 99 'I 80-1 1 :,< I-- 78-3 0-853 73 153 S l.y K 30 Passing clouds : Hi. 5 29-812 0126 SI- 1 7S 97-4 767 148-0 73-4 0-873 74 132 S by K T, Light clouds o 29-782 0-145 S4-S 711-1 98-a 7s-:, 1 H'2 74-7 0918 / / 158 S K 27 Fine with passing clouds. / 29773 0-132 Sl'll 78'6 98- 1 70-7 151-0 722 0-894 75 135 S S E 62 Ligiir clouds. ,s 29-782 0-111 s.VI 75-9 94-8 77-7 148-3 76-1 0-768 03 178 X X \V 83 Cloudy. g 29814 0-082 84-3 70-7 959 77-5 155-8 746 o-si.s 70 129 X KbyF 75 Do. 10 21C851 0-119 83-5 74-0 926 70-7 140-0 73-9 0-713 02 114 E X E 37 Fine with passing clouds. 11 29-871 0-081 8-J-S 74-8 1)1-7 7i' 1 139-4 08-9 0-756 67 113 E X E 13 Fine. 12 29-879 0-093 s:s-:! 75-4 92-8 71-9 141-2 71-8 0-777 07 152 E N E 10 Do. 13 29-873 0-125 s3-(i 75-7 91-7 75-8 142-2 73-0 0-793 68 138 IN E by E 13 Do. 14 89-888 0-131 84-0 770 92-5 76-2 143-9 73-7 0-834 72 109 E N K 47 Light clouds. 15 29-890 0-116 84-0 70-7 92-4 77-9 1 39-5 76-1 0-821 71 109 K by N 32 Fine with passing clouds. 16 29-907 0-120 83-7 77-1 91-1 76-5 Mil 73-8 0-S43 73 124 K by S 45 0-23 fussing clouds : Ig. S. K. 17 88-918 0-131 80-7 76-3 88-fl 76-6 1 10-9 76-8 0-848 80 97 E X E 70 1-67 Cloudy with rain. IS 29-913 0-106 80-8 76-5 88-3 7(i-(i 139-2 73-4 0-850 82 112 E NE 77 0-59 To. in 29-938 0-125 76-9 74 -9 79-5 75-9 87-2 71-7 0-840 91 88 X X W 82 0-82 Cloudy : Ig. X. W. 80 J9-92S 0-112 78-8 70-9 82-4 74-0 130-1 72-0 0-907 ; 93 124 N by E 90 o-os Cloudy : th. and Ig. X. 21 29-915 0-097 70-s 75-1 82-4 72-9 96-7 72-4 0-850 92 74 N by E 87 i-oa Cloudy. 22 29-880 0-102 811-0 75-5 88-2 74-0 1370 71-1 0-823 80 118 N E by N 47 ^ight clouds. 23 29-875 o-iio 79-7 71-9 SS7 73-8 136-0 71-1 0-801 79 97 N E by N 30 Do. 24 29-882 0-118 79-2 73-1 88-1 71-9 136-0 68-4 0734 74 137 Nby E 23 '^ine with passing clouds. 'a 29-851 0-127 711-H 74-0 S7'7 71-7 188-4 07-8 0-701 74 103 N by E 67 passing clouds. 26 29-849 0-089 78-L 71-4 84-8 76-4 103-3 73-0 0-799 S2 239 North 98 0-23 Overcast : Ig. S. K. 27 26-906 0-084 76T, 74-9 81-5 75-3 125-0 74-0 0-845 : 93 202 N N E 97 1-30 )vercast with rain. 28 29-921 0133 81-2 77"2 88-5 74-4 136-8 73-4 0-881 83 178 N by E 60 021 'assing clouds. 29 29-923 0-119 82-6 76-3 88-9 79-0 141-3 74-7 G-823 71 174 X E by X 07 Do. 30 29-898 0-131 81-4 75-1 88-5 74-5 1367 71-2 0-788 73 190 X N E 73 ) toady. 31 19-880 0-111 78-0 75-3 87-5 76-9 141-2 741 0-842 88 168 N E by E !K> 115 Cloudy : rain : Ig. N. Mean 29-86*5 0-118 81-7 76-1 90-3 75-9 1366 73-3 1 0-829 77 142 E N E 54 8-28 26 102 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1868 November. llAIIliMKTKK SELF REGISTERING KKDL'lEl) TO 32' Corrected "U THERMOMETERS \\* " 1 1 Mean Temperature Dry Sun Grass Deduced \\ ml b General \\Yather Novembi Mean liange Dry Wet Mm. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo"- city Mean Direc- tion y: O g H Day Inches Inches - O O O Inches Cents Miles 1'oints Cents Indies 1 29907 0-129 77-9 75-4 825 75-3 115-8 73-8 0-848 89 112 X K ,-Sfj 1 IX I ' lomly \vith rain. 2 29912 O'lOO 79-6 76-1 87-3 74-8 135-9 72-8 0-855 85 185 NEbyE 75 0-32 Glumly th. and Ig. N. 8 29941 0-095 78-2 755 834 76-6 119-8 73-5 0-847 88 105 N by K s:i "17 Cloudy. 4 29-913 0-116 77-4 75-4 81-2 73-8 97-8 73-0 0-855 91 164 X X \V !IS 0-03 < Ivi'rcilst. 5 29798 0-133 78-4 74-4 80-7 76-4 106-4 73-8 0-798 88 259 X X \V 100 001 Do. 29727 0-104 78-0 72-4 81-1 75-8 114-5 73-7 0-722 Jo 296 X X W 100 IX). 7 29-742 0-075 764 69-1 79-6 74-3 110-0 72-2 0615 68 271 NWbyN 97 00. 8 29-779 0-132 76-7 69-6 85-5 71-0 131-4 67-1 0-630 69 187 X by W 13 Fine. 9 29-776 O-058 75-7 693 86-4 65-4 133-8 59-9 0-631 71 120 X by W 50 Fine ulih hVht clouds. 10 29796 0-146 75-6 70-1 90-1 66-4 136-0 61-5 0-664 75 !I2 S W 47 Light clouds. 11 29-851 0-108 77-2 71-7 91-2 68-1 137-6 61-7 0-704 75 123 -S S E 22 Fine \vitli light clouds. 12 29-909 0-J25 79-1 74-2 911 71-3 1445 6)5-4 0-781 78 122 South 2U Do. ia M-916 0-124 78-5 74-2 91 5 71-4 146-6 66-8 0-789 81 105 S S E 17 Fin,'. 14 29-927 o-l :i2 78-9 737 91-0 717 145-4 66-9 0763 77 !>f> S K by K 12 Do. 15 29-963 o-loo 79-4 72-8 87"5 70-7 135-7 66-5 0-720 72 132 Fast 30 Fine with lij,'ht clouds. 16 30-037 0-102 78-7 69-2 86'3 70-4 134-9 63-8 0-588 60 200 X' K 2:i )>o. 17 30-046 0-114 761 68-0 87-5 66-1 140-7 59-6 0-578 64 164 X X E 8 Fiiif. 18 30023 0-106 75-1 67-5 87-0 64-8 1385 572 0-575 66 116 X X F, 13 Do. 19 29-990 0-134 75-6 67-7 863 65-0 144-7 58-2 0-573 64 139 X by E > Cl'-ar 20 29-977 O'lll 75-5 68-3 85-7 65-5 1374 58-4 0-597 <>7 161 X X K S Fillr. 21 29-981 0-OS9 76-8 68-2 85-0 67'5 138-2 62-0 0-576 62 203 X X K 13 Fine with light clouds. 22 29-989 o-o/o 77-8 67-8 86-0 692 139-4 *>3-7 0-547 58 205 N" E by N 40 Do. 2:i 30014 0-105 75-9 67-8 86-0 662 142-9 59-5 0-573 64 173 N N E 50 Do. 24 30018 0-118 74-6 675 85-0 6fl-0 13S!) 603 0-581 68 170 X by K H Do. 25 30-034 0-119 75-6 68-3 85-1 67- L 13S-3 <;ro 0-5SI2 aa 192 N X K 38 Fine wiili piissini; clouds. H 30018 0-119 75-4 Of 5 859 1)7-7 1393 lii-i 0-605 88 199 NN E 27 Fine \viil: lii^ht clouds. 27 29-978 0-127 77-2 722 87-1 679 143-7 li2-7 0-724 77 217 Xoith Ii7 I'aoiir,' clouds. 28 29993 0-086 770 74-6 Ki2 7 HI 127'il 73-7 0-826 89 1)59 X K !S (I'M- ( )\-iTcnsl \\ itli rain. 29 30 015 0-112 77-9 75-5 85-0 76-6 1293 71-0 0-852 89 143 EN E K 1 (il 1)0. to 29-975 0-126 77-4 71-7 84-0 741 134-4 73-0 0-825 68 199 X X K Bf 0'2 1 Do. Mean 29-932 o-lll 77-1 71-3 85-9 70-4 1327 66-0 0-694 74 167 N K 5O 1 "'.IS 103 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1 868 December. December 1868 BAROMETKK REDUCED T 32 Corrected Maui Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMKTKKS Dedu( Vapour Tension ed Wind go O 3 O 5 '5 H General Weather Mean Kiinue Dry Sun Grass 1,-y \\Vi .Max. Min. Max. Min. Hum- idity Daily Velo'- city ilean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches - O O Indies Cents Milee Points Cents Inches 1 29-960 0-120 78-2 73-4 Nt-7 73-9 Cl.VI 72-0 0-760 79 243 X K 45 0-52 Fine with light clouds : rain. | 2 30-014 0-094 76-9 71 1 84-5 72-0 133-7 08 1 0-606 75 257 N K by X 00 ... Light passing clouds. 8 30-080 0-092 77-5 72-2 82-8 75-0 132-7 72-5 0-721 76 285 X by E 92 Cloudy. 4 30-047 0'OS5 78-8 72-0 84-2 75-8 135-0 73-0 0-719 73 316 NX E 57 ... Passing clouds. 5 30-053 0-096 76-2 70-5 88-2 69-4 133-4 056 0-673 74 229 X X K 47 ... Do. 6 30-047 0-128 7-1-8 70-8 84-9 08-7 1376 65-1 0-701 81 160 X by E 37 Fine with passing clouds. 7 30-005 0-121 75-9 71-1 84-8 09-G 1382 654 0-699 78 211 Xby E 27 ... Do. 8 29-987 o- 1 -2-2 75-6 69'7 84-1 69-7 1355 66-4 0649 73 238 X by E 20 ... Fine. 9 29-983 0-119 72-1 07-0 82-8 64-7 1375 58-1 0-595 76 171 XX E 8 ... Ho. 10 29-989 0-120 73-7 ! 68-8 84-2 65-6 136-3 GOO 0-639 76 110 XX E 10 ... Do. 11 29-950 0-125 73-3 68'5 84-5 66-0 140-1 60-0 0-636 78 94 X E by E 23 Fine with light clouds. 12 29-939 0-105 70-9 00-9 81-7 61-3 131-8 53-0 0-608 80 80 E by S 37 ... Light clouds. 13 L'9-!I70 0-108 71-9 67-1 82-9 61-5 133-2 55-1 0-602 77 97 E by S 43 Passing- clouds. 14 30-020 0-114 7 1- 1 69-5 84-9 65-1 136-0 oi-i 0-656 77 104 EX E 40 Do. 15 30-083 o-llO 75-9 09-2 84-5 66-4 1356 62-1 0-625 70 203 N T E by X 43 Do. 10 30-054 o-ioa 78-1 I 09-8 84'fl 73-2 135-9 6S-G 0-618 64 320 X E by X 50 Do. 17 30-078 i 0-OS5 7 vi > 7o-7 8 1-5 75-4 142-5 73-0 0-655 69 31 X X E 68 ... Do. Is 30-040 0-133 74'8 I OS'S 85-3 70-5 145-6 66-3 0-625 72 217 N X E 47 *. Light clouds. L9 30'023 ' 0-137 74-1 i 69-0 85-3 66-0 136-8 59-8 0-642 76 160 X by E 17 ... Fine. 20 30-020 0-113 70'5 /0'5 84-6 07'1 135-4 61 8 0-667 73 214 X X K 33 ... Fiue with passing clouds. 21 29-990 I 0-113 77-3 71-2 84-6 : 72-0 130-4 70-4 0-083 73 209 i X X E 75 Cloudy. 22 29-903 0-141 70-1 P 70-3 86-8 68-8 139-4 019 0-666 74 227 XKbyX 48 Passing clouds. 2:i 29-908 0-105 75-7 091 Mi -7 08-0 134-5 O-2-o 0-022 71 240 iX Eby X 27 ... Fine with passing clouds. 94 29-985 0-131 74-8 07-9 83-7 65-6 136-9 59-8 0-591 08 201 N E by N 33 Bo. 25 28-989 0-117 75-1 68-2 84-2 05-7 137-2 007 0598 OS 131 X E by E 20 ... Fine. 96 99-906 0-113 753 70-1 86-3 66-2 141-4 01-9 0(>68 76 153 X E 30 ... Fine with passing clouds. 27 29-9*3 0-088 751 70-1 85-9 67-8 137-2 62-0 0-671 77 188 X X K 43 ... Passing clouds. 2s 30-002 0-125 71-s 88-3 84-4 641 137-1 02-2 0-607 7o 187 X X E 43 1)0. 21) 29-989 0-109 7G-4 70-1 85'5 67-9 136-2 03-8 0-653 72 169 X N E 63 in Do. 30 29-983 0-084 74-ti 70'0 88-4 67-7 134-5 01 0696 81 134 XEbyX 70 ... 13o. 3L 29-985 0-112 76-7 71-2 85-9 70-1 147-1 65-8 0-091 75 23.-, N 10 by X 90 ... Cloudy. .Ml 'Mil 30-003 0-111 75 -5 ' 69-8 84-4 68-4 136-.8 63-9 0-656 74 100 X E by X 43 0-52 104 1 *' O L 5 'OC oc c 'S firentest Fall % ~ - \ : ; - g o = ,- ? . - B "S 1 J,/; ! J C t t i . -- r I :: 5 . . : 5 g ? B S 3 Amount OD ^ Jj * 6 ' : ! k t *f M t -*. -^ ft A A ' ^ 1-* r ~ Meteorological Results in 1868. _g Mean Direction K K 'Jl 00 ^ x 00 CO CO 00 2i S 1 2 S 2 S 2 -= 2 3 g -- - 1 * X - -* CC d c: .- = - :: -M X ^- Ci X o5 "7 ir5 ~^ 1.7 X 10 CC d 2*1 S (2 rf }8!8ISiE*ii (il'BSS Thermoini-ier 1 I' "5 I- C: X! C 17 i.7 f, 71 o SSBJQ UO mmuiui]( ^ IN 115 t~ c: i~ i ;o x x i o o o & i^ t t- t> A"- i^ i-i cc ^ S O C C i<3 * O O 1- 1- 17 17 5 t~ l~ l l>. t- l : ..7 ..7 ing C5tCSW3'^l>CCDO^t"X ejj jorological Records C = i o X M -S-?-I-77---S o g8gig$5 = ?-; Relative Humidity By Blanford's Tables DC 08 S r- x ,^ _ ,, ,, T7 -3 ,0 N x (c, ^ ?t -t- -* '-7 O ^ 1.7 irj t't ir; ^ -* O Hnmidity 1 B 1 e" ~" ? O > ' ^ *.' I"* X O I s - *-7 Tension of Vapour S a S -t co ?i cc cc -^ ^ !.7 o e oocooooooooo ^ s- Lowest CB 3 C C tJ a a 43 e i CC 7< X C". O5 ^ O (M -^ 1C ^ >7 l>- 7_l c gSggggKKEKiS o cc i^ -f i>- x i- -* a o w g C MU5tctco!5 -^ ^p |Q 09 QD O CD A *^ tt i^ x rt f 1 ft 'b ft x i'~ rr 74 ^-i -^ CD CC C I.-"* !- t"* 1-- I. 1 * !." I s * " '^ c i ssi-smmsi I a. S ^ I ~B" I *8'SS 'J;2'"2 f, 1 - 111.1111^^7 I H- TirJl'.C. -* . -f it (?- i ^t * 5^ x i- o ?: ^H '^ i^ ^ . 1 t O CCTO'"f -T-l^--^ ~^^^ l^l^l-*Q030XQC3C3C Xl"-!^- Barometer M d *"t" ?l * X 'Si CC ^1 71 ~ ~~ *l r ci c: r: sc rr 71 cc rt ? -^ 71 Barometer f! a r- C : X 0* M VI ^l * C* f*4 04 04 > >l JB 666666666666 Reduced to 32 1 Lowest t. ^ Q S-l - p s ;c M OO Rax?. 29-885 0-150 79-0 73-2 90-9 71-4 141-0 68-0 0741 75 227 8 Eby S 47 ... Liu-lit rlomK 7 29-&3S 0-162 79-6 73-8 89-6 72-3 138-7 68-3 0-757 75 221 SSE 13 ... Hna. 8 29-884 0-121 79-8 73-0 86-4 72-6 135-4 69-2 0722 71 214 SE 20 * ])0. 9 29-883 0-151 79-2 72-2 87-0 72-4 139-8 69-5 0-697 70 190 S E 13 ... 1 ... 10 29-909 0-113 80-1 73-0 89-8 711 140-5 67-4 0718 70 168 S EbyS 5 ... Do. 11 29904 0113 81-0 74-6 90-2 72-7 138-3 69-0 0771 n 169 East 22 ... Kim' uitli |i:is6 0-171 75-6 68-7 87-9 64-8 1369 60-4 O'filO 09 110 S E by E ... D.I. 17 29-998 0132 75-5 69-2 88-9 62-0 137-2 57-2 0-031 71 102 SSE O Do. 18 29992 0109 78-0 70-1 90-5 65-9 140-1 61-4 0-631 65 143 SSE ... Do. 19 29-932 0-111 76-6 70-6 88-4 67-3 1367 641 0-669 73 112 S E J ... 1).,. 20 29-962 0-134 771 69-4 88-3 671 1405 63-0 0617 06 127 K by N 7 Fin.'. 21 29956 0-134 78-7 70-9 88-9 65-6 1380 61-7 0-653 07 poo NEbyB 10 Da 22 29-960 0-12J 81-4 74-8 89-9 74-6 1W.-7 0-775 73 198 E X K 73 ... . 23 29-968 0-103 80-5 74-0 90-1 72-7 1 43-9 69-5 0753 72 130 E X E M ... Fine \\iih ji.-^-iiiu- r!>nnN. 24 30-004 . 0-099 79-1 71-3 88-4 679 139-2 63-8 0-063 07 144 E by X 47 Co. 25 30012 0-129 794 71-6 90-1 69-2 137-0 00-3 0071 07 1 14 East 20 Fine. 20 29-998 0-108 79-4 72-8 90-0 8'9 1UT5 01-1 0720 72 102 X E 80 Cl.imly. 27 30-000 0-102 80-2 74-0 90-2 71-8 134-4 69-1 0-757 73 103 iNKby K 73 Do. 28 artn 0-088 79-6 731 89-2 704 136-7 66-3 0-72!) 72 117 161 East Livlit i-li' Mean 29-953 0-127 78-8 72-2 89-0 09-5 138-8 653 0'706 72 10 S E M JTU, 107 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1869 March. H a BAKOMKTEB BKorc-ED ro 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF RKCISTKRIXG TlIEHMOMETKBS Deduced Wind Clouds a 1 (ieneral Weather Mi'an Range i Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Hay I IH'lu'S I nolle s a o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Tnclies 1 I'll-!")-, 0-152 79-6 73-2 90-1 69-9 139-0 i ;<;:, 0-73.1 72 123 Eby S 27 ... Pine with passing clouds. Q 211-929 0-115 80-9 73-4 89-7 70-8 138-0 00-7 0-723 08 159 E S E 7 ... Fine. a 211890 0-130 80-2 73-5 88-5 70-3 138-0 05-9 0-737 72 201 S8E 5 ... Do. i 29-918 0-129 80-3 72-7 89-3 70-9 1380 607 0-703 08 208 8 Eby S 3 ... Clear. 5 29-036 0-129 81-5 74-8 89-3 71-3 137-7 07'5 0-774 72 205 S K by S 15 ... Fine. o 29-804 0-131 80-9 73-7 89-3 72-0 140-2 68'7 0-730 70 198 S E by S 53 ... Fine with passing clouds. 7 29-880 0-157 78-9 73-0 87-5 72-4 137-3 69-3 0700 77 157 S E by E 77 0-04 Cloudy. 8 29-868 0-143 82-4 75-8 90-9 75-9 140-1 733 0-804 73 235 S E 47 ... Fine with passing clouds. 9 29-888 0-125 81-9 75-9 89-3 75-1 141-1 73-2 0-815 75 200 S Eby S 47 ... Do. 10 29-871 0-138 81-6 74-9 89-3 75-4 138-8 720 0-777 72 180 S E 30 ... Do. 11 29-870 0-132 80-0 73-8 88-3 73-3 139-3 70-5 0-744 71 157 SEby E 47 ... Do. 12 89-876 0-1 20 81-0 74-4 89-0 74-0 140-3 72-0 0-764 72 103 S Eby E 47 ... Do. 18 29-891 0-130 81-2 73-8 88-6 73-3 138-5 70-1 0-735 09 138 BSE 30 ... Light cloudn. 14 29-87J 0-137 81-1 74-2 89-2 72-8 146-2 09-li 0-754 71 101 S E by E 89 ... Do. 15 29-858 0-147 81-4 75-1 91-3 74-5 141-2 71-3 0-788 73 168 S E 58 ... Passing clouds. 16 29-923 0-104 81-9 74-8 89-8 74-5 140-2 71'4 0-708 71 141 S E 30 ... Light clouds. 17 29-918 0-118 81-1 73-6 90-1 73-8 141-0 70-9 0-727 09 1-24 E S K 60 ... Oloudyi 18 29-883 0-122 80-6 73-1 89-8 713 139-3 07-0 0-715 08 1.19 ES E 43 t*t Fine with passing clouds. 19 29-825 0-1.11 te-a 74-7 93-9 75-4 149-2 73-1 0-700 69 161 SEbyE 53 ... Passing clouds. 20 29-833 0-137 82-0 71-1 90-1 729 139-0 69-5 0-737 <>7 180 S Eby S 10 ... Fine. 21 29-828 122 SL-7 75-1 90-1 7.1-0 140-3 70-1 0-7H4 73 218 SE 8 t> Do. 22 29-854 0-118 81-5 7*4 89-7 72-8 138-3 68-9 0-757 71 203 S E by S 7 ... Do. 23 29-807 0-097 81-9 74-2 89-1 74-5 140-3 7o-s 0-748 08 178 SEbyE 17 ... Do. 24 29-899 0-160 82-3 74-9 90-2 74-0 1 42-3 70-5 0700 09 177 SEby S 30 ... Fine with passing clouds. 25 29-876 0-135 88-8 74-9 92-0 74-4 141-7 7o". i 0700 119 209 S Eby S 13 ... Fine. 26 89-878 0120 82-8 75-5 90-6 74-1 140-7 70-9 0-785 70 209 SSE 10 ... Do. 27 29-877 0-131 83-5 70 1 96-2 75-0 145-4 72-4 0-810 71 210 ss i: 8 ... To. 28 L'lllllKI 0-103 Sii-0 75 9 92-1 74-0 140-3 72-1 0-800 71 197 SSE 3 ... Cleai 1 . 2!l 29-909 II- 109 HO-.H 74-9 90-1 72-0 139-3 09-4 0-786 74 161 SEby S 3 ... dear. 30 29-923 o-ioo 80-8 71-3 89-2 71-9 139-8 68-5 0-762 72 136 SEbyS 15 ... Fine. 31 28-988 0-120 82-8 75-0 91-6 72-7 140-4 69-5 0-764 08 139 8E 7 Do. Mr;tn 29-889 IN 27 81 1 74'5 90-2 73-3 1405 70-0 0-761 71 175 S E 27 0-04 108 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1869 April. H i BAROMKTKR BEDCCED TO 32 Corrected Mean 'emperature SEUF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind S (irneral Weather Mean Kange Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet lax. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Hum- Tension idity Jhiilv Velo- city Mean Direc- tion D.y Inches Inches O O o O I iii-hes Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 29946 0-132 81-9 75-0 90-8 74-0 141-0 714 0-776 71 126 S E by E 17 Fine. 2 29916 0-165 81-0 75-1 90-6 73-5 140-2 69-9 0-793 ! 74 132 S E by S 5 Do. \ 3 29-868 0-139 80-9 75-B 89-7 71-8 141-8 68-7 0-799 75 1 111 S E by S 13 Do. 4 29-889 0123 82-0 75-5 90-0 73-2 139-9 70-1 0-796 ft 177 S E by S 7 ... Do. 5 29-880 0-139 81-6 75-8 90'f 72'S 139-3 69-3 0-815 71 i 150 S E by S 10 Do. 6 29-831 0-142 84-3 76-1 93-6 746 1412 71-4 0-791 (17 176 S K by S 10 Do. 7 29-773 0-115 85-2 72-0 101-1 74-5 148-6 72-0 0-608 ;,M J-jii S by K If I),,. 8 29749 0114 84-5 75-0 94-2 76-0 141-1 734 0-780 Wi 271 S by E 22 Light haze. 9 29-766 0-129 84-4 78-7 91-4 7S'S 138-1 76-6 0-005 77 250 S E by 8 H Finr with (Kissing clouds. 10 29814 0-118 84-7 79-1 92-1 79-1 141-0 766 0-920 77 21(1 S K by S 17 Do. 11 29-872 0-139 83-9 78-B 91-5 78-2 139-7 76-3 0-889 7(1 233 S K by P n Fine. 12 29-856 0-143 85-7 78-7 93-5 78-5 139-7 75-8 0-838 72 217 8 S K 30 ... Fine with pesaing oloodl. 13 29-802 0-158 86-6 80-8 94-4 81-9 141-0 80-6 0-974 77 271 S P E H Do. 14 29-779 0-126 87-4 78-9 100-4 82-7 147-9 81-5 0-874 .17 271 SbyK 17 Finr. 15 29-785 0-116 86-0 81-8 92-5 82-9 142-3 81-7 1017 M 316 S S E 13 Do. 16 29-789 0-130 863 80-4 92-6 82-3 140-4 80-9 0-959 7(> MM S by K 2S Haz\ . 17 29-782 0-140 86-5 81-1 92-9 M'-l 111 1 U'l 0-990 7N U P by E 17 1),, 18 29-788 0-154 86-5 80-7 92-5 82-<> HIM WO '9 0-971 77 313 S by E 17 Fin... 19 29-795 0-123 85-9 80-9 92-0 82-1 139".) 80-7 6-080 80 2N9 S S E .-!.-! Fiiif with |>asMii'_ r i-lmnl>. 20 29-815 0-124 85-2 79-7 !>3-7 79-2 1 11 - Ml S E S3 ( 'Ininly. 23 29-817 0-135 80-4 77-0 86-4 77-9 109-0 757 n-.xs:, u 17 S S K loo d-12 Ovem,>,. 24 29-773 0162 84-5 78-5 98-f 77-2 ! t:; I 75-2 0-895 7(1 13S s E 73 Cloudy 25 29-756 0-124 85-6 79-8 94-8 7V, 1 12 1 7-V3 0-9411 77 173 S E 40 Il:i7.y. 26 29-774 0-093 85-7 79-8 94-3 7.V.I 1 12-5 711-7 0-93S 7(1 173 S E by :,7 Fiiir wit li p:i -MIIL: rl.iu-ls 27 29-788 0-124 85-6 78-6 944 7ss I m-r, 711-s IVSS3 72 Kll E S E .;:, MmniiiL' line: ill in-m on cli.udy. 28 29-772 0-157 87-1 76-8 970 7!.;, 1 12-4 78-6 0'7M (i" 17!. Smith 50 Pasfinir cloudn. 29 29-757 0-106 87-9 78-1 103-0 791 1.51-2 77'1 0-S31 (13 173 S hy \\ 17 Fiiu' wil h |iii^-iiiu' rl'.uils 30 29-790 0-110 87-7 77-5 100-9 81-2 147-1 79-4 1 I'M 17 (52 171' S by E ->.! Do. Mea 29-814 0-133 84-8 78-0 93-6 7H-4 1409 76-1 0-873 73 ,, S S K H 0-12 109 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1869 May. BABO.MKTKK SKI.F REGISTERING REDL-CED TO 32 Corrected TllKKMOMKTKK- \v ; .1 i Mr;i 11 Temperature Dry Sun Grass Deduced v> inu General Weather 2 S Mean Hange Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. tlin. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion '5 Day Inches Inches O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inche 1 29-817 o-oas 87-4 80-5 99-9 81-9 147-0 80-4 0-948 73 236 S by E 17 Fine 2 29-862 0-109 H5-2 79- 29-684 0130 84-1 76-4 93-4 81-3 1188 79-0 0-807 69 178 S W 97 I)... 3 29-620 0-181 87-0 76-8 103-3 80-4 141 1 79-3 0-785 61 282 \v s \v s? OH Cloudy. 4 29-664 0-085 88-2 76-5 96-0 79-3 1191 78-6 0-766 57 sss SW by W 100 Overcast. 5 29-675 0-1 29 89-8 77-3 104-8 84-2 148-0 82-6 0-769 55 887 W l,y S M 11:57 Cloudy : rain. 6 29-689 0-123 87-5 743 97-5 79-7 128-1 76-0 0671 51 207 W by S S7 Cloudy. i 29651 0-142 92-3 75-2 106-0 83-6 150-5 81-4 0-645 43 266 s w 77 Do. s 29-625 0-155 92-8 73-5 105-8 84-0 144-6 81-6 0-567 37 305 SWby W 7:! Do. B 29-646 0-121 90-5 76-8 105-4 86-6 1413 85-1 0-738 52 326 S W 63 Lisrht clouds. 10 29-677 0-116 89-9 76-7 106-0 85'8 147-0 84-0 0-741 53 288 S S W 48 P:t!iill!f clouds. 11 29-709 0-109 89-7 76-4 103-3 83-5 1455 8V4 0732 52 245 South ga Fine with passing clouds. 12 29-702 0-119 89-8 77-6 104-5 83-6 149-0 82-0 0-783 56 BM South 53 l'.-issiii 209 S S W 40 Da 14 29-726 0-099 885 77-3 98-9 81-6 1440 80-3 0-787 58 257 Sby W 53 ... Do. 15 29-745 0-091 89-0 770 106-4 83-6 1526 82-0 0-767 56 247 8 W 38 Do. 16 29778 0-110 85-6 75-4 97-4 80-7 1322 80-1 0-744 60 195 S S VV 95 ... Cloudy. 17 29-748 0-113 88-4 75-6 97-3 83-8 134-4 83-1 0-713 53 2 12 w s w 83 Do. 18 29-704 0135 85-5 75-1 92-3 80-0 1305 79-0 0-732 59' 264 w s w 80 ... Do. 19 29-672 0-095 86-2 73-9 95-7 79-9 1377 79-4 0-673 54 357 w s w 93 Do. 20 29-710 0-114 88-5 73-5 96-4 81-8 140-7 80-7 0-625 47 MO SW by W 72 Do. 21 29-651 0-148 87-9 747 973 83-7 135-7 81-6 0-683 U IMS S W 77 0-47 Cloudy with rain. 22 29641 0-100 87"5 75-0 98-0 79-7 1405 78-8 0714 57 280 w s w 87 Cloudy. 23 29-636 0-147 88-8 74-9 98-2 82-1 131-5 80-4 0-678 50 304 W by S 92 O'Ol Do 24 29-600 0-119 87-5 75-9 100-6 81-4 1424 79-6 0-740 57 244 West 90 0-02 Do. 25 29-611 0116 89-8 76-6 1030 82-8 149-2 80-9 0-738 53 274 SS W 70 ixx; Fussing clouds. 26 29-639 0-125 86-9 77-5 100-5 82-2 1446 80-5 0-818 64 293 SW by S 67 O'03 Do. 27 29-652 0-129 91-3 77-7 102-4 83-9 149-2 81-9 0-767 52 274 West 65 l.i'_rlit clouds. 28 29-C37 0-149 91-6 76-1 1013 84-3 145-3 82-7 0-692 46 311 W S W 68 ... Do. .t 29-606 0-163 89-7 76-9 102-9 84-4 146-4 83-6 0-753 54 269 S W 97 (HIS I h Breast. 30 29-671 0-110 85-3 77-0 975 81-1 122-3 140-0 78-8 0-817 >7 2.M s w V Il-Tli (,'lonily with rain. Mean 29-671 0-121 88-6 76- 1 100-6 82-6 81-1 0-734 55 266 s w 75 1-94 Ill Madras Meteorological Observations. 1869 July. 1 "3 -3 BARO REDUCE Mean METER ) TO 32 : Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REf THKRMf Dry ISTKRING METERS lieiluced Wind Clouds H General Weather Range .Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-698 0-126 84-2 77-4 90-2 75-2 1103 74-0 0-849 72 158 SSW 68 0-02 Passing clouds. 2 29-705 0-139 87-6 779 103-0 81-4 140-4 79-3 0-820 63 220 S by W 32 Fine with passing clouds. 3 29-700 0-113 87-9 76-1 103-8 83-4 1 lli-1 81-9 0-743 56 244 SW by S 45 0-03 Passing clouds. 4 29-000 0-144. 89-7 74-9 103-9 82-3 146-3 78-1 0-667 47 295 S \V 63 ... Do. 5 29-659 0-120 87'5 76-8 104-9 82-3 1471 80-8 0-778 00 285 S W 47 Fine with passing clouds. 6 29-053 0-108 88-4 70-4 102-5 81-6 148-3 80-8 0-749 56 272 SW by S 40 Do. 7 29-054 0-090 88-4 70-0 100-4 83-5 1 11-5 82-4 0-731 54 266 SSW 87 Cloiuty. 8 29-088 0-122 89-8 75-4 101-2 82-9 148-5 81-4 0-687 48 216 SSW 37 Passing clouds. B 29-736 0-117 87-5 78-4 98-6 83-4 146-9 82-6 0-850 05 210 SbyE 28 Fine with passing clouds. 10 29-742 0-143 80-5 78"2 94-2 80-5 141-4 78-8 0-854 67 243 S by E 23 ... Do. 11 29-082 0-136 86-6 78-2 1080 80-9 151-5 80-6 0-852 67 232 S S W 37 0-19. Do. 12 29-002 0-110 86-6 78-1 101-8 80-7 143-8 7S'3 0-848 67 230 SWbyS 43 0-39 Fine with passing clouds : rain. : Ig. 13 29-717 0-102 82-9 75"8 loo-o 79-3 146-8 77'7 0-797 71 203 SWby S 57 1-37 Passing c'ouds : rain : Ig. 14 29-737 0-135 84-6 70-8 94-9 75-4 133-1 74-7 0-818 69 230 SWby W 92 012 Cloudy. 15 29-088 0-146 87-3 75-4 100-3 79-4 141-2 77-8 0-720 55 242 S W 92 0-04 Do. 16 29-680 0-131 87-3 74-7 94-7 80-1 1263 77-4 0-691 54 237 WS W 93 ... Do. 17 29-691 0-116 87"5 74-3 97-2 79-9 140-8 78-8 0-671 51 243 W S W 97 ... Overcast. 18 29-691 0-141 86-1 73-5 93-0 82-1 128-9 80-6 0-658 53 198 SWby W 100 o-io Do. 19 29-688 0-120 85-2 75-1 94-5 79-6 142-7 77-0 0-737 61 211 SW by S 80 ... Cloudy. 20 29-697 0-125 86-6 76-8 101-4 , 80-5 145-3 78-4 0-791 62 212 jSWbyS 80 0-05 Do. 21 29-718 0-134 87-8 75-1 99-1 83-2 146-8 81-3 0-701 53 253 W S W 80 0-21 Cloudy with rain. 22 29-724 0-165 83-2 73-9 98-3 79-9 143-1 ... 0-713 61 207 XWbyW 75 0-31 Do. 23 29-704 0-111 82-8 75-2 93-4 743 1338 72-3 0-773 69 203 !SWbyW 80 ... Cloudy. 24 29-704 0-137 83-8 75-0 99 1 7D-7 135-8 77-2 0-776 67 209 SWbyW 80 ... Cloudy : Ig. 25 29-739 0-129 83-0 76-4 99-8 78-0 115 1 78-8 0-822 73 108 S by W 95 0-12 Overcast. 26 29-701 0-108 82-5 76'5 92-4 75-4 128-7 73-3 0-833 75 113 S S W 88 O'OO Cloudy. 27 29-730 0-142 84-8 77-0 93-4 79-0 137-3 70-5 0-824 69 155 SKbyS 35 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. S- W. 28 29-700 0-151 84-7 75-9 95-2 78-7 142-3 78-0 0-777 65 121 S W 77 o-oi Cloudy : Ig. S. W. 29 29-685 0-095 85-3 773 97-8 80-3 148-5 70-9 0-830 68 177 South 53 0-04 Passing clouds : th. S. W. 30 29-704 0-112 85-6 78-0 97-5 79-1 141-3 77'8 0-858 70 221 S by W 40 Passing clouds : Ig. S. W. 31 29712 0-109 84-0 76-0 95-5 75-9 137-2 74-4 0-791 08 167 SWby W 47 2-10 Passing clouds : Ig. : rain. Mean 29-701 0-125 86-0 76-2 98-4 80-0 142-0 78-3 0-775 62 215 SWby S 64 5-19 112 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1869 August. BABOMETKK SELF REGISTERING REDUCED TO 32 Corrected \i .. >i THERMOMETKRS \V A 1 -'loan Temperature Dry Son Grass Deduced 11 1I1U I leneral Weather M CO | 5 Mean Ranx<' Dry Wet Ma*. Min. Mai. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Me;ui Direc- tion Clouds It 2: Day Inches Inches Inches Cents Miles Points Cunts Inches 1 29-705 0126 84-5 78-6 934 791 138-8 76-2 0-899 76 115 Sby E no Liirht clouds. 2 297C4 0-095 82-9 77-6 94-1 77-1 141-6 74-8 0-877 78 103 S W 43 PMnng oloncte. 3 29733 0-117 83-8 77-8 91-1 771 136-1 751 0-873 75 93 South 13 Fine. 4 29-760 0-126 832 77-7 89-0 77-9 137-0 770 0-877 77 96 K l,y S 30 008 Morning cloudy : afternoon line. 5 29-727 0149 83-4 76-7 88-5 78-6 136-9 76-6 0-829 73 144 SEbyS 30 o-oi Do. 6 29-675 0-139 84-5 78-0 90-5 78-7 142-1 76-8 0-872 74 178 S by K 25 Fine with p. els. : th. & Itr. W. \- S. \V. 7 29-664 0-127 830 77-9 93-8 766 141-2 762 0-889 79 1 !* South to 0-28 Fine with passing clouds : rain. 8 29-719 0-091 83-4 77-1 91-5 77-7 138-2 76-2 0-847 74 1M5 S by W 10 Fine with passing clouds. 9 29-738 0-113 84-7 776 91-8 759 135-0 737 D-8H 72 1 1.1 SEbyS t- Oil Do. 10 29-735 0-123 83-8 78-8 89-8 78-8 141 2 76-7 0-919 79 161 SE by S 47 Lijrht clouds. U 29-729 0-090 83-5 77-7 91-9 79-9 142-4 78-2 0-873 76 194 88 E 80 Cloudy. 12 29-744 0-082 82-8 78-0 89-0 79-6 1407 77-7 0-895 80 137 South ta Da 13 29-781 0-090 83-0 77-7 91-3 755 143-0 74-9 0-880 78 129 South 60 Light clouds. 14 29-804 0-125 83-5 78-3 913 77-0 142-9 75-0 0900 78 130 ES E 45 Passing clouds. 15 29-779 0-123 84-3 77-9 90-7 77-8 138-0 75-8 0-870 74 176 S E 5 Fine. 16 29-750 0-141 86-2 78-6 97-1 79-9 147-8 78-7 0-877 70 216 South 18 Fine with p. cl. : th. and If.'. N. W. 17 29-721 0-158 88-5 77-2 100-4 80-6 1453 78-8 0-782 58 200 SWbyS 57 Passing clouds: th. and Itr. 18 29-664 0-106 87-1 749 Mi 82-1 133-4 78-9 0-701 55 208 Wby S 98 0'02 Overcast. 19 29-677 0-103 84-5 73-4 92-6 79-8 127-6 78-6 0-675 57 :.'!<; Wby 8 !>7 0-06 Do. 20 29-729 0134 87-7 74-2 98-3 79-3 149-5 77-7 0-665 50 263 W S W 82 Cloudy : Ijf. S. E. 21 29-779 0-153 87-6 753 99-9 80-2 147-4 78-4 0-712 54 264 S W 63 Cloudy. 22 29-769 0122 86-5 76-8 976 82-7 148-0 80-8 0-792 63 220 Sby W 77 0-71 Cloudy : rain. 23 29-715 0-153 81-3 77-1 93-4 74-4 136-6 74-4 0-875 82 173 South 88 206 Do. do. 24 29-725 0-077 81-6 759 96-5 79-7 142-0 77'7 0-821 77 167 Sby W 80 0-56 Cloudy : rain : I^r. S. W. 25 29-726 0-143 85-1 76-8 96-8 773 1357 755 0-811 67 213 SWbyS 63 Passing clouds. 26 29735 0-122 83-7 74-8 91-5 79-0 1368 76-6 ()7l:i 64 184 S \V !I3 Cloudy. 27 29-772 0-114 82-4 76-1 88-7 77-6 110-9 75-9 0-817 74 118 W by S !7 Overcast. 28 29-756 0121 79-5 743 88-6 75-2 132-7 73-2 0-779 77 182 NWbyW 100 0-20 Overcast with rain. 29 29604 0122 81-1 74-2 913 73-0 131-6 71-8 0-754 71 169 S by W !>7 0-28 Do. 30 29-696 0-149 85-4 755 96-7 76-5 1 15-6 739 0751 61 186 SWby W H 0-03 Cloudy : rain. 31 29-723 0145 86-0 756 951 80-1 1414 76-6 0746 60 207 S \V 87 Cloudy. Mean 29-730 0-122 84-1 767 931 78-2 1390 76-4 OSL'I 70 171 Sby W (i-2 4-40 113 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1869 September. September I860 BAROMETER REtJt:cEi> TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SKI.K UKGISTKRIXU THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind X 5 i General Weather Mean Rnnge D Max. ry Min. Sun (!rus> Min. Dry Wet Max. Vapour Hum- Tension idity 1 ailv Velo'- eity Mean Direc- tion ])ay I Ill-lies Inches O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 2!700 100 84-6 75-1 97-7 79-4 143-2 76-0 0-757 63 209 S by VV 07 Passing clouds. i 29-060 0140 SI.-7 7(i-2 9S7 80-8 1 19 7 7S-0 0-790 06 206 8 S \V 47 0"25 Fino with passing clouds : rain. :t 28-684 0125 S|-0 77-1 9L"7; l:!7-c. 7i'3 0-871 81 227 8 In \V 73 O'SJO Cloudy : rain. 4 2971-9 0-107 Sl-(i 70-1- 91-0 74-9 13.VS 74-0 0-84J 78 113 S S W 'so 0-09 Cloudy. 5 20-784 0-115 83'0 i 70-9 94'2 7IV9 1 19-9 74-9 0-844 75 179 8 by E 48 Fine with passing cloiul.-. (i 29-778 0- 1 53 sa-2 77-2 94-1 75-1 1 12-9 73'li (I-S5I 75 220 S by \V 17 0-20 Fine with passing clouds : rain. 7 88-774 o-i as S4-7 77-1 9.-N 77-0 143-0 75-6 0-830 70 138 S S K see Fine. 1 8 29704 U'157 so-2 77-9 95-1 78-3 147-4 7 1-s 1 1'S I,', 67 KiO South 40 Passing clouds. 9 2(1-720 0-.U7 s.Y.s 77'7 97-1 so-:i 142-3 78-0 0-842 68 130 S bj W 98 Cloudy. 10 28-788 0-095 s5-(i 75-:; 93-8 80-3 131-1 78'0 0-740 60 I9(> SWbyW 93 Do. It 29724 0-127 80-0 75-9 99-5 79-9 152-0 77-8 0-760 61 239 S by W 67 Do. 12 297(30 0-111 84'8 70-0 90-5 80-3 150-8 78-0 0-780 65 232 S by E 82 Do. 13 29-772 0-127 83'7 76-4 9S-4 77-1 143-1 74-4 0-812 70 20O S\V by S 85 0-0| no. 14 29-801 0-156 77-2 74-1 81-1 75-1 100-2 73-6 0-803 86 183 West 93 0-81 Cloudy : rain. 15 29-755 0-173 79-5 75-8 S3'(i 77-1 91-1 74-8 0-844 SI 93 W S W 92 0-09 Cloudy. l(i 29-721 0-117 82-4 76-5 93-7 77-3 143-1 74-9 0-834 75 151 VV N W 50 0-02 Passing clouds : th. and Ig. 8. W. 17 29-719 123 S3-0 77-3 97'C) 70-3 144-1 74-0 0-801 70 1S3 8\V l.xS 57 1-50 Cloudy : Iff. S. W : rain. 18 29732 0-128 82-0 70-4 8S- 1 757 119-0 73-7 0-836 77 170 W 8 W 93 Overcast . HI 29-6M9 0-173 82-4 745 89-t 79 1 1 WC, 75-9 0-74S 07 21 13 S \Vby\V 98 o-oi Do. 2(1 29649 ii-lll 83-2 70-5 93-9 77-2 1 14-1 74-c> 0-823 73 225 SW by S S3 Cloudy : tli. and Ig. N. 21 29-7 IS 0-102 N2'7 74-9 92-0 78-0 130-9 74-4 0-701 us 144 W by S ss, 0'02 Cloudy. 22 29758 0147 83-5 7-V 1 98-j 7(>i 140-4 71-5 0-773 67 183 S \V 77 Do. 28 2970S 0140 84-8 7.V2 98'* 78-0 139-s 71-5 0-750 62 188 SWby W so Do. 24 29773 0-128 S4-9 7-8 95-8 80-2 IKHi 77-8 0-802 00 201 S by W 73 Cloudy : Ig. \V. 25 89-804 0-123 so- 7 75-5 933 747 I3C>-| 71-(i 0'8I4 78 141 S by W 87 0-35 Cloudy : lg. VV. : ruin. 20 ae-$2s 0-1 Hi 79-0 75-1 ilO'7 75-1 1 W-J 74-6 0-812 80 204 S by W 75 0-03 Cloudy. _'7 29-887 0-188 SIM 71-s ft2-| 75-8 1 13-9 73-5 0-780 74 104 8 W (i3 0-40 Passing clouds : rain -. Ig. S. W. -'N 80-888 o-l is 81-0 ffi-8 91-2 74-1 139-1 73-3 0-822 78 201 SWby S SO 0'46 Cloudy : rain: Ig. N. K. I 29 29-817 0-183 827 70-1 90-9 7(i 4 188-7 74-3 0-820 71 178 SW by 8 70 Cloudy : Ig. N. 30 29780 0-147 84-5 70-s 94-0 70-3 144-3 74-9 0-819 09 210 W by P 77 0(i2 Cloudy : Ig. N. E. Mean 29*768 0-188 88-0 76-1 93-3 773 138-0 75-1 0-809 72 IS3 S W by S 73 4-57 29 114 Madras Meteorological Observations, 1869 October. October 18<>!i BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Mean Range Corrected MOM Temperature Dry Wet SK 1 D Max. LF REG IIKI: \lo ry Min. IM'KKIN METKRS Sun Max. 8 (iraas Min. l>f< laced Wind 3 O I Gen 'nil \V< ::tlier Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily \Ylo- city Moan Direc- tion Day Inches Inches t> Inches Cents Miles Points ( Vnl> I nulu's 1 2t77(i 0-137 81-4 76 1 89-i 74-8 132-2 73-9 0-830 77 17.'. \V by S 9S 0'3! Overcast whh rain. 2 i! >-769 0-157 82-4 75'5 887 75-9 124-6 74-9 0-790 71 173 \V S \V !!/ ii-nii Do. :i 29776 0-140 83-0 75- Cloudy : th. W. 5 29-721 0-155 850 751 95-7 77-9 141-2 73-1 0-739 (i| 224 S \V 37 Fine with passing rlouds. 6 29-775 0-131 84-3 73-7 95-9 78-0 141-3 73-9 0-690 59 2os S s \V 37 Do. 7 29-762 0-116 83-0 73-5 96-7 77-o 141-4 72-0 0-699 62 160 South M 1'assin^ clouds. 8 29-742 0-142 83-9 75-0 '.iv 1 77-5 142-4 73-0 0-749 64 2(ir. * S W 13 Fine with light clouds. 9 10 29-772 29-772 0-124 123 84-4 84-4 76-2 77-4 '.HI 77-7 96' I 77-5 143-8 151-8 74-5 73-9 071)4 0-848 07 72 IS'.' S by V. 1 13 j SE by S 80 IS l''ino with pnssinu 1 i-londR. Fine. 11 29-750 0-132 83-9 765 93-1 ! 78-4 1484 75-8 0-814 70 1 Hi NR by E s:i Cloudy. 12 29-782 0-103 78-9 75-7 88-3 74-3 141-0 74-8 0-846 86 76 NWby X 77 0'51 Cloudy with rain. 13 29-772 0-138 79-1 76-2 87-9 76-6 134-0 74-8 0-865 87 7s \Y \ \V S7 0-21 Do. 14 29-787 0-138 80-7 77-3 86-4 76-6 103-8 71-s 0-892 85 87 SWbyVV '.i< > Cloudy. 15 29-799 0-172 82-3 76-8 903 77-4 128-1 7(i-S 0-849 77 82 S W 88 O'Ol Cloudy : Ijr. \\". 16 29-829 0-111 79-6 75'S S3-9 77-4 101-9 76-0 0-842 83 90 W by N ss Cloudy. 17 29-818 0131 80-3 74-6 93-2 73-8 143-1 G9-6 0-782 75 112 N N K 27 Fine with passing rl.nids. 18 29-805 0-146 80-8 737 91-2 71-7 1 39-S li.S-2 0-738 71 147 NE by K 5 Fine. 19 20 29-817 29-803 0-132 0-138 84-0 80-2 74-2 75-6 9K> 75-5 S9-2 77-7 143-9 141-7 72-0 76-8 0-715 61 0-825 80 162 153 SEby E X N K 80 90 Q.gj Fine with ]j;tssintr i-loinl.s. Cloudy : with rain. 21 29-775 0-125 81-0 75-8 90-3 76-5 147-5 74-1 0-822 78 137 X X \V 7o Cloudy. 22 29-823 0-106 80-4 76-0 89-5 77-7 126-3 75-1 0-839 j 80 lot N b\ \V Ii7 Cloudy : !<. S. W. 23 29-870 0-117 82-1 75-7 92- ra-9 149-6 70-6 0-803 ' 73 I 121 JSTortfc 37 Fine with paSBIDg eloilds : \<. \V. 24 29-889 0-122 82-6 76-5 90-9 7(i-(S 1 13-9 75-2 0-83-2 7."> 159 SK by S 50 Paraing clouds. 25 0-132 81-8 76-6 881 77-1 146-5 74-7 0-848 78 111 SEby E 40 Kine with [lassini; elond : lu'. W. A X. 26 29-858 0-123 81-6 73-7 89-6 75-8 140-8 73-0 0-811 75 120 Eby 8 33 Kine wil h |iassiuL' rl'iihl- : \~f. S. \V. 27 29-881 0127 82-6 761 91-7 7-Vi! 1 l-7-o 73-1 0-814 73 132 XE by E IS 0-20 Do. do. 28 29-869 0-133 79-fl 7.V!) 85-2 739 131-4 74-8 0-8 17 84 137 X by E / / oil Cloudy : rain : th. and Is;. X. K. 29 99-887 0-130 774 75-2 88-9 749 119-S 73-9 0-846 90 77 Easl s.-, i-ol Cloudy : rain : lir. \V. 30 29-800 0-124 80-5 76-4 86-8 75-6 1373 7*3 0-856 82 109 E by S 68 0-16 Passing clouds. 31 29-895 0-122 80-9 76-4 87-7 74-8 140-2 72-9 0-850 80 101 E In X L6 in is Fine with pa-si in.' flcunls. Mean 29-807 0-132 81-8 757 90-9 76-2 137-3 7:i-!i 0-808 75 187 S E by S 80 3 15 115 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1869 November. BAROMETER SELK RKIMSTKRIM: ? November 1869 KEDUlKM TO 32 Coir Mt Tempi Dry o cteil an jraturi 1 Wet O THERM Dry 1MKTKKS Deduced Wind Daily Mean Velo- ' Tlirec- city tion. Clouds 1 Iiiche General Wear her Mean Inches llanye Inches Sun Grass Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents 1 29-928 0-098 M-l 7(i'l 877 75-0 l36-r> 73-2 0-830 77 225 NN K 53 0-13 Passing clouds : rain. a 89-987 0-121 83-4 76- i 88- 79-3 189-1 74-8 0-830 75 290 N by K 68 o-o7 Fine with passing clouds. 3 29-924 0-1*2 81-5 71-,-) x7 7 76-5 137-6 74-5 0-761 71 271 N by H 1-3 Passing clouds. 4 2926 0-114 82-6 74-4 88-2 79-5 138-4 750 0-712 lili 824 X X E 17 Do. 5 20-924 0-107 80-8 74-4 85-5 79-3 129-4 75-3 0-766 1 72 277 XEbyX 83 0-31 Cloudy : rain. (1 29-930 0-107 77'1 73-0 79-7 71-4 lo|-9 73-9 O'758 82 259 X K 100 1 11 Overcast : rain. 7 29-959 0-096 79-9 73-9 MiO 74-4 139-n 72-9 0-757 74 255 X E 80 o-oi Cloudy. 8 29-969 0-lo7 79'7 72-6 86-8 70-4 1 to- 1 71 7 0-707 7d 241 XKliy X 88 Pine with passing clouds. 9 29-977 0-131 77-3 732 88-0 7-2 1 35- 1 72-0 0-764 82 178 Nortli 1-3 0-21 Fine with passing clouds : rain. 10 29-950 O'lOO 78-3 71-5 84-1 7-2-8 1279 71-9 0-804 S3 133 North 53 0'03 Passing clouds. 11 29-975 0-098 79-4 74-8 87-7 72-3 122-7 70-8 0-802 80 146 X by K 60 'Do. 12 29-982 0-112 80'1 73-9 88-3 73-5 187-6 70-3 0'755 73 157 N N E 43 0'02 Fine with passing clouds. 13 29-9 14 0-1.31 70-7 73-0 85'6 72-0 1 1 I.-6 72-1 0-763 83 172 X by K 80 1-29 Cloudy with rain. 14 '29-903 0-117 79-2 73-4 85-1 72-1 130-0 73-1 0-746 75 214 X by \V 58 o-oi Passing clouds. 15 29-875 0-108 75-8 72-.) 80-3 74-0 103-9 73-8 O756 85 219 North 97 T35 Overcast : rain. 16 29-881 0-loS 77 9 74-9 $4-8 717 128-2 741 0-826 86 260 XX E 95 0-51 Do. do. 17 29-889 o-l ON 79-9 718 8tV3 77-5 188-8 7 1--0 0'795 7s 221) XE by X 60 0'05 Cloudy : rain. 18 29-879 0-122 77 7 74-6 83-2 73-4 132-6 718 0-817 86 130 X X E 77 0-16 Do. do. 19 29925 0-089 77-2 7 1 --5 86-3 78-6 136-2 70-fl 0-819 88 111 XKby X 57 O'OO Morning line : afternoon cloudy. 20 29-947 0-124 78-9 74-8 85-3 73-0 137-0 7-2-8 0-809 82 207 XE by X 68 0-43 Cloudy : rain. 21 -'9-955 0-094 78-6 73-4 St-9 74-0 I3(i 1 72-2 0-754 77 264 X by K 58 Fine with passing clouds. 22 29-921 0-1 2S 7s-(i 7-7 S.V2 72-C, 1341 711 0-726 74 241 X by K 63 Cloudy. 23 29-912 o-ioii 7.V2 70-4 81-4 717 133-7 70-0 0-680 78 282 X by W 77 0-04 Do. 24 29-912 0-09H 72-8 68-1 7fi'l 70. ', 103-1 7o li 0-632 80 299 XWbyX ss 16 Cloudy : rain. 25 29-846 o-i or, 72-0 83-6 78-1 (is-(i lL'6-s 63-9 o IJN i;o 286 XWby X Bt 034 I'M. do. 26 29-786 0-146 66'7 65-8 70'8 65-5 ; 777 65-1 1 0-H24 95 291 ; \Vcsl 100 1-7- Overcast : rain. 27 29-867 0-103 "Y7 72-1 829 68-6 133-4 084 0-753 85 231 ! 8 by E 47 O'Ol Pine with lisjht c-louds. 28 29-921 0-121 7(H> 73-0 &3'8 69-2 i 139-8 68'2 0-790 86 112 E S E 38 0-50 Passing clouds : rain. 29 29-88S 107 78-3 74-4 S6-5 72-2 1333 70-9 0799 82 103 X E 25 Fine with passing clouds. 30 29-873 0-107 78-3 74-6 85'(i 72-1 112-1 700 0-807 83 116 X X E 17 Do. i Mean -'9-913 O'lll 77-9 73-1 84-2 73-1 130'2 71 6 0-755 79 217 N N E 64 8-85 116 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1869 December. Drrpinber 1869 BAKOMKTEK m uri KII TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF KKO THKKMOS 1 :ry IETEKS Sun Grass Deduced Wind | 5 I (leiu-.-iil Weather MI-HI. Range Dry Wet Ma*. Min. Mar. Min. Vapour Hum- Tension id it y Hiiily Mean Vein- Hirer- city tiiiK nay Inches Inches O O O 1 nehes Cents Mill's Points r, ..!.- nehes 1 19-869 0-143 77-0 73-6 85-8 71 1 135-2 09-1 0-776 82 111 X X V. .C, Homing elnuih : Hfternoon line. 2 29-808 0-094 77-4 733 85'5 712 130-0 08-5 0-766 S2 121 S'Eby X 50 Passing 3 J9-873 0-117 77-9 72-S 857 71-2 13.1-1 68-4 0-740 78 171 X X E 47 Do. 4 2-877 0-105 78-2 724 85-6 71-6 I3H-0 68-7 0719 74 102 X by E 57 !>,,. 5 29-911 0119 70-0 09- 1 84-7 09 I 128-8 04-5 0023 68 I7o X by E H l-'im- with |.:iii.)i- rlniids. 6 29910 0-120 76-8 70-4 85-1 68-9 140-8 64-0 0-658 71 1 17 X l.y E 55 Da 7 29-930 0-107 74 4 68-2 x:( x 67'2 13,13 621 o-lios 71 174 North w I -o. 8 299-_>3 o-li7 76-4 69-6 M-o 69-6 i:ir,4 (il-7 0-633 70 211 North 07 I'll^ing Clullll.-. 9 29-922 Ol2.-i 74-0 714 793 71-3 97-3 72-0 DTO 88 1X9 X X \V 97 o-lo ( Ivi'ivsist will, ruin 10 29-907 0123 77-0 738 85-2 73-3 135-7 72-0 0-792 85 J23 North 75 o-io Cloudy with rain. 11 29-894 0-117 75-9 73-9 82-2 72-5 126-9 70-6 0-811 91 187 X l.y W 88 n-27 po. 12 29-876 0-118 78-4 75-6 84-9 73-7 134-1 72-0 0-850 88 128 NE by N 58 0-68 Do. 13 29-902 0-098 77-5 75-0 86-2 74-2 143-4 72-8 0-836 89 92 XK l.y K 67 o -1.1 D... 14 29-917 0-126 77-1 75-1 84-6 73-7 133-8 72-4 0-845 91 89 XKby X 80 11(1 Do. 15 29-929 0-121 77-8 78-2 84-9 73-5 136-8 73-5 0-841 89 161 X E 73 irxx Do. 16 29946 0-121 79-0 75-1 85-4 74-6 138-4 721 0-820 82 122 NE by E ap o-io Passing clouds. 17 29-975 0-133 77-8 739 86-4 73-4 180* 71-9 0-78C 82 137 XEbyN * Po. 18 29-977 0119 76-1 72-0 84-4 70-8 132-7 68-5 0-731 82 02 X E 18 Pins. 19 29-U84 0-105 76-1 718 84'3 68-6 130-2 65-6 0-723 8.1 73 K X K to Fine with [Kissing rlouds. 20 29-907 0-095 761 71-7 sl-s 69-6 137-5 67-2 0-719 80 00 NEbyE 90 Do. 21 2-.I-9C,;, 0-122 75-7 715 MI; 08-0 137-2 65-5 0-717 81 9.1 N E 10 Fin.'. 22 29466 0-106 77-7 7:"3 85-5 70-2 133-3 67-1 0721 75 150 N N E 42 Passing clouds. 23 ,:.-9.19 0-095 77-5 72-9 86-1 72-6 1380 68-5 0-749 80 148 X X E 42 ( c 1 :, IWing . -in. 24 29-900 o-|o2 76-4 732 84-6 71-9 130-9 70-6 0770 85 I 14 X E by X 73 0-13 Cloudy : ruin. 25 9494 0-110 74-5 70-9 84-5 71-6 1345 71-9 0-710 84 ISO N N E 47 Fine with P:ISMI.'_- Hi'inls. 26 Hr988 0-098 75-3 09-S 86'i 66-2 131 5 000 0-656 7.-, I.-,:; X l.y E 2S I),,. 27 299X1 0-110 76-0 (i'.M 83-8 r.x-7 134-5 li.VI 0-032 71 200 North 25 Do. i 28 29-9SO n-ldl 76-4 ; 09 7 84-7 07-4 132-1 61-1 0-637 7o 21 1 X by E :. Do. 29 29-958 0099 78-5 71-6 85-6 72-5 138-8 I-..V, 0-688 7o 270 X l.y 1 5O o-ol Passing e-lmi'i-. 30 29 9 U 0-129 78-4 72-3 si-:, 70-0 1320 72-t 0-713 74 HH X N K 7o CHoudy. 81 29-943 0-079 777 72-0 86-3 73-2 1 12 1 69-1 o-7io 75 217 NN E 02 Passing clouds. KM tt-986 0112 70-8 7---:i 84-7 71-3 134-4 c,v: 0-733 79 1.17 X X E 5O 3-73 117 S >> ^-_ ^ i $ -*. ,~ - r ,- o - o 3 ily Meteorological Records in 1869. K Greatest Fall e' *H i" M O -* i- s; -t M : CC CO C-l r- 54 71 ^ O * ^ .= - w - i s s s s a s ^ O (M -^71 O O -^ *M O J C> : O * ; 1^- i-t O iO C l'- i g 6 -60 -owi>i^i^-.f^( Amount - 7i -t T* -* c; o i^ o '.^ n -= : o - cr. ^ 17 -* x i- s o '66 ^- .'7 -^ - 1 - f; x r: | Lowest t o i- r- c? t^ -H rc o ?j cr. X 71 G>I 0-4 f-t r-l (M r- vo CO ' o Q 1 cc ^ '.- ^ fe * fiO H ca 94 iH -^ SSw^eo^^SSt^S i 1 X x a - ^ a: c >o o TI -^ ic o ~. i^ c: 7t 7i 74 S S* x oj'C;-#^r-"o x x c-i ^- fin it rt 6 o >o S i- i- t- i i^ s -o ^ Annual Meteorological Res "iiimuixBif '.- '.' ? T- r- ? "r ? ~ v" T" n x x p 6 " o 7i r. x i- o -H uiikj :--)-)-) :trc?rr;~ X u "S S -4J u w S* 7i c: c: ' o ^ o -- c; ?t r: 't "^ -5 = By Blanford's Tallies 1 K 74 rf X 1- i- rt O 71 .7 i- i- i- i- -^ 17 u: i- i- i~ i i- - s o F- ~-i 1>- 71 N O O >T5 ip O X CC -* -* ^ o to o 1 77 ^ o ^ i^ x 77 i~ 71 o o >7 r: ^ -C 1- 1- X X 1~ 1- X X X 1^ 1- i 666666666666 X 6 00 O D p X p X - 71 ~. .7 1- I- S e Jt> t> H o iC it i- fi Ji 5 rt .a Lowest ' X t* f-t 1- C? O CO C5 O C L-5 O ^i ti OCS71^O~ i *CiO 1 X ^* rH o - ?O O 1 o c: c: ?? x 7i 71 6 x i'- :c 77 o *- t oc x x i- i- i~ i- i^ (a D "5s 5 ^* " I"* ~ tO tO tO I 1 * "^ X CJ (-- 5 j OOiMtCX--^--- -41- C5 'x Z i ?. | g g g 5. 5 3 XCiCiOOOOOCictXX t* a> ao p 9 - -* o 00. a* GO is :c x ^ -H- x x :r ~ i"^ -i i l>- 1> X 1 X X X X X X X L-- 1^. -(H 71 X Barouictt-r ** hn C^ tO ! I". CC 1^ tO 7-1 i~ M 71 ~ - _i 71 71 71 K 71 71 71 T 1 ?- 77 ^ hS boo'oerc-obbbb 1-3 6 cfl Barometer B> i 1 kM'SsdlRggSg Mnoeootcoa404ooSin i t 'T S -- ^ X i- i- -^ .r> o o o IQ e & :c ^ ^ *i 5i ^ 5* I Slisslsslil'i 5 ggi?4SS3Sg2 >. & : i ' -' j 1 I H'l, :,^li||| 30 118 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1870 January. BABOMKTEB SK'.K KKlilsTKKIMi BEDUCKU TO 32 Corrected THERMOMETERS M - , i, i \Vind o * CO .Menu Temperature Dry San lirass Uoffufavu \ Illtl (ieiicrul Weather t- a Mean Range Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. M in. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion O 'S a Day Inches 1 nches O O O O D Inches Cents Miles Pototi Cents Inches, 1 29-964 0-100 79- 1 72 (i 85-8 75-4 1304 70-3 0-711 71 274 X N K 03 I'as.-ini; clouds. 2 2!>!I54 0-114 78-5 718 86-1 76-0 1398 72-7 0091 71 208 X X K K Do. 3 29-88!} 0-133 75-0 69-4 85-0 68-4 135-4 02-0 0-045 74 133 X by E .Vi 1).,. 4 29-875 0-100 75-0 9"-> 85-0 67'3 138-7 02- 1 0-005 77 128 X by E 57 D<>. 1 5 29-90(3 OUSlt 70-1 71-1 85-6 tis-.s 133-4 04-0 0-090 77 153 X by E 50 ... Da. 6 29-938 010!) 7t!l 70-7 86-8 <,!>!! 139-1 64-8 0-080 75 178 X by E 40 Fine with passing clouds. 7 2!>-89i) 0-113 756 71-0 85-7 69-7 1413 65-0 0099 7SI 180 Xortli 55 Passing clouds. 8 29-890 0-112 75'7 71-0 80-5 68-3 1432 03-0 0-721 82 101 Xorth 40 Fine wiih passing clouds. 9 29-881 0-109 75-7 71-1 86-2 67-7 18891 01-4 0-702 7!t 187 Nby E 10 I'a^sillLi' clouds. 10 29-865 0-109 75-3 "11 85-2 686 1373 03-2 0707 80 189 North n Do. 11 29-841 0-140 72-0 09-2 77-8 68-7 111-1 640 0-078 80 120 X by W a o-oo Cloudy. 12 29-802 0-138 721 66-1 81-3 66-3 1249 62-2 0-502 71 178 X X W 73 Cloudy : lir. u 29-781 0-129 732 01-9 834 62-4 135-9 57-9 0-404 50 203 XWbyN 77 Cloudy. 14 29-807 0-093 73-0 04-0 82-6 70-7 114-2 07'0 0-477 58 223 XWbyX !IO u-Ji; Cloudy with rain. 15 29722 0-141 C8-3 077 72-2 66-3 70-2 66-0 0-072 97 419 XWl.yX 100 4-81 ' tvcrcasi wit Ii rain. 10 29-753 0-074 74-2 73-3 78-1 72-1 1010 72-1 0-809 95 230 SWbyW 90 1 21 Cloudy with rain. 17 29-843 0110 754 731 813 72-5 1234 72-1 0-780 89 !M> S S K 88 0-26 Do. 18 29-900 0-112 7(i-7 737 834 72-0 134-9 69-4 0-79S SO 09 E by S 50 ... Passing clouds. 1!) 29-882 0-128 707 74-1 83-8 70-9 138-4 08-1 0-80!) 88 57 East 58 mi.-, Do. 20 29-880 0102 78-6 74-8 84-3 74-6 135-8 722 0-812 !S3 97 E by X 88 Cloudy. 21 29-918 127 78-1 743 84-5 727 1353 09-9 0-798 83 99 E NE 00 Passing clouds. 22 29-913 0129 795 75'5 K.-.-2 761 136-6 733 0-830 81 153 E X E 47 Do. 23 29910 0-095 77-9 73-8 85-5 71-8 138-7 07-7 0-780 82 140 X E by E 33 Kim- \\illi pa^sint^ clouds. 21 29-942 0-090 78-1 733 85-9 71-3 1117 Ii7- 1 0'757 79 213 XEbyN 18 Do. 25 29-958 0099 78-11 733 85-2 74-7 1370 091 0-740 70 235 X E 47 Do. 20 2> 29-978 0-130 7.VO ovo 85-3 029 136-2 57-4 0-585 M 136 X E 20 Fine. 23 29-988 0-139 75-3 (17-2 86-8 03-9 138-0 591 0-500 04 lee N X K 10 Do. 24 29-912 0134 77'7 7o-i 85-7 7o-o 139-6 073 0-030 07 271 North 37 Fine wirli passing clouds. 25 29-874 0-129 78-9 72-2 87-6 72-2 139-8 69-0 0701 71 290 N by \V 33 o-oi Do. 20 29-902 0-110 78-9 71-0 87-0 73-1 138-7 70-8 0-678 69 285 North 17 fine with light clouds. 27 29-903 o-l os 78-0 71-2 87-0 71-9 138-2 09-0 0-674 7o 231 Nby \V 37 Fine with passing clouds. 28 29-873 0-114 779 72-8 87-3 73-8 1 40-2 72-0 0'740 78 304 X W 80 0'04 Cloudy. 71 Mean 29-911 0-123 75-9 69-5 MIL' g|J-8 136-2 61-5 OHIO 140 ! 1 NEbyN 21 . 120 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1870 March. BABOMKTKK SKI.K ]{KI:ISTEKINU o 2 M S HKI'l rKI> T" 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THKRMOMKTKBS Deduced ITiad i ^ Cent* 72 nclies 1 72 (irh.TuI \\'r:il IIIM- Cloudy with rain. Mrini l!:ilif.'<- Dry Sim Grass .Min. Dry \V,-t Max, Min. Mav Vapour Tension Hum- idity Cents 88 Daily Veto- riry Mean Direc- tion Day 1 indies 29949 Indies 0-124 Inches Q-7W fllea 115 Points Bad 75-8 73-2 82-9 Mr 1335 69-2 2 29913 0114 7S-3 73-5 85-4 71-9 132-9 70-4 0-76:5 7!" P2 NKI.vK 18 'hie \v!tli ].;is>iim c-li.uiU. 3 29-889 0-126 76-6 72-0 84-4 69-(i 130-7 l>7'6 0-725 7'.i 61 XK by K _:: Do. 4 29-883 01 III 770 71-9 SS-2 70-4 136-1 us-.-, o-7l. 'I 77 82 K l.y X 18 Do. 5 29-898 0114 77-5 71-3 85-a (W-9 137-5 66-8 0-685 72 09 F.^( 20 'iuc willi lifjlit clouds. 6 W914 0117 78-1 -a 85-8 69-0 135-5 6S-0 0-728 7t> 104 Bwl 33 ?ine with ii.-is.sini.' d..iMl>. 7 29-895 0-116 78-3 73-1 865 70-il 133-9 70-1 0-748 77 00 Bad HI l-'ine. 8 29-876 0-121 787 73-5 88-8 li'.i-'.i 131-7 69-2 0-757 77 7s Hast 10 II,.. 9 29-863 0-110 77-9 72-9 88-1 , 70-1 134-3 68-0 0-743 78 71 K by S 3 Clear. 10 29-866 0-102 77-3 710 87-8 679 134-1 68-0 0-699 75 76 E S K 1)0. 11 29-872 0-122 76-6 71-0 87-0 1171 133-6 64-0 0-68S 75 N7 SKbyK S Pine. 12 29859 0-138 77-0 71-5 88-0 t!ti-7 13l-(i 63-1 0-699 75 121 S K o Clear. 13 29-838 0-i:il 78-2 72-0 88-fl (i7'0 135-9 63-9 0-703 73 144 SE 3 Do. 14 29-810 0-126 78-7 735 87-8 IM-7 134-8 61-5 0-757 77 CM S K 3 Do. 15 29-810 142 80-3 75-2 87-6 73-9 137-1 70-8 0%S(.l7 J8 HIM s K 23 l-'ino with imssini; doiids. 16 29-830 O'l 2(i 80:0 | 75-2 S9'i Toll 137-9 1,9-7 0-811 79 211 I S SE 51) Morning doudj : niLrlit line. 17 29-8(51 0-122 80-2 74-2 89-5 73-1 i 311-2 69-1 0-766 71 221 .SKbyS 33 1'inr with liffhi clouds. 18 29-929 0-127 79-7 74-1 88-0 73-2 II2<> 69-5 0-770 76 175 NX 47 Passing clouds. 19 29-914 0-128 81-3 7-1-4 88-8 77-2 1 1:5-7 74-0 0-760 71 179 K X K 2S !''int- witli Il^rht clouds. 20 29-916 0-094 80-0 73-4 8SI-2 7:M 139-7 71-7 0-736 72 128 But fti Do. 21 29939 0-089 79-6 73-8 89-5 721 139-.S 69-1 0-757 75 114 K l.y S 37 Fine with passi'iiir ci" 22 29-933 0-115 80-2 74-1 89-4 72-7 H3-6 09-7 0-762 71 106 SEbyK Ml Cloudy. 23 29-906 0-132 80-6 74-5 89-0 72-9 1372 70-1 0-773 71 ins s K 25 Kine ilh ji:i>siirj cli.uds. 24 29-886 o-iio 82-3 75-9 90-3 71 o 1422 71 I 0-811 74 1S7 S K i:; Do. 25 29-878 0-107 81-3 75-2 88-4 71-s 137-2 72-7 0-794 71 185 S K 85 1 M. 20 29-878 0-107 80-4 74-2 89-1 72-2 1374 6-7 0-7(>:! 73 148 SKI.y r 10 Fine. 27 29-897 0-125 80-2 73-9 8S-1I 731 13/2 70'3 o-7.-,:t 73 127 K l,y S -'7 I'M in- \\ ilh li^ht cloiuls. 2s 29-849 0137 79-3 73-7 88-fl 7(i.'. I:M;-S 67 I (i-7,')S n 118 K by S 3 C'lciir. 29 29-809 0-129 79-6 72-5 91 3 | 7o-4 140-7 i,s-7 0-705 70 lot SK l>v 1 Dft 30 29-803 0-095 78-8 711 87-5 <>!>:! 137-2 K-S 0-660 67 129 S K by S 7 Fine. 31 29-783 0159 80-9 739 89-6 (HI -2 \ 141-S lifi-i 0-744 71 162 S K 47 llu/y. Mean 29-876 0-121 79-1 73-3 87 71 -2 1371 68-6 0'74li 75 132 K S K 2:, 1 72 121 Madras Meteorological Observations, 1870 April. BAKOMKTKI: SEI.K llKCilSTKRIXt; 3 p, Day KKDl'CKIl TO 32 Con M( Temp Dry [cted >an .rature Wet Til K KM i-y Min. l.MKl-KRS Deduced I Vapour Hum- Tension idity Wind Clouds '5 K General Weather Mean Kanue 1 Hi-lies 1) that. Sun Grass Max. Min. Daily Veto- city Mean Direc- tion Points Inches 9 Inches Cents Miles Cents Inches 1 29-754 0-118 8-0 75'5 89'8 73-,-, 1 38-5 70-8 0-797 73 189 SEbyE 47 Passing clouds. 2 29-857 0-07 1 S2-4 75-1 90-8 74-3 1 Kf3 71-4 0-787 71 193 E S E 3S Fine with passing clouds. 29-897 0-090 S3- 1 75'7 90-3 79-0 140-1 75-8 0-789 69 150 Kast 23 1)0. 4 29-887 0-103 81-6 71-0 911-6 71'S 1 11-8 69-8 0-739 69 124 East 23 Do. 5 29-832 0-1 111 82-0 73-3 93-5 71 1 142-8 67'0 0-701 64 187 S E Clear. G 29741 0-188 83-1 73-6 97-0 71-4 144-8 68-1 0-702 62 239 S S E 3 Do. 7 29-772 o-ioa 88-1 74-7 90-5 711 138-5 71-3 0761 69 238 S S E 12 Fine. 8 29-813 0-131 82-7 76-8 9U-2 7.V5 137-4 71-9 0-843 75 234 S S E 30 Fine with passing clouds. 9 29-771 0-161 si 1 77-6 9i;-6 76-;, 1 16-1 73-8 0-860 74 249 SbyE 43 Buy. 10 29-724 0-171 S.Vl 76'5 99-s 78-1 Ill-G 762 0-798 66 309 S S E 33 Fine with light clouds. 11 29-705 0-135 85-4 77-8 101-3 78-3 1 IS-2 75-8 0-852 70 234 S by E 67 Do. 12 29-774 0-136 81-0 78-2 91 -6 79-0 139-9 76-8 0-888 76 279 S S E 60 Hazy. 13 29-784 0-156 83-4 77-0 91-1 76-1 131-4 73-8 0-842 73 221 SEbyS 70 Do. 11 29-787 0-141 83-3 76-5 91-7 76-8 1 38-i> 74-1 0-822 71 230 S S E 20 Light haze. 15 29-803 0-152 82-9 75'8 91-1 7ti-0 137-9 73-1 0-797 71 231 S S E 7 Fine. 1C, 29-779 0-137 82-2 75-3 91-0 73-8 l::s-2 72-7 0-785 71 168 S SE 8 Do. 17 29-799 0-1 l(i 817 75-8 90-0 JS-Q 137-0 69-8 0-814 75 180 SEbyS 10 Do. 18 29-829 0-113 83-2 76-3 90-4 76-0 137-4 72-8 0-81 1 71 159 SEby S 28 Light liaxi-. 19 29 29-845 29-849 0-118 0-137 83-1 83'8 76-6 77-5 91-9 91-5 77-0 138-4 112-4 72-5 75-6 0-829 0-860 73 74 140 SEby E 1 73 SE by S 13 43 Fine. Fine with light clouds. 21 29-839 0-121 84-3 77-9 91-11 78-0 110-4 7G-2 0-870 74 170 S E 33 Fine with passing clouds : th. A Ig. 22 29-839 0-133 81-5 76-3 9-M 7v 1 139-4 75-9 0-797 67 177 SEbyS 8 Fine. 23 29-814 0119 83-9 77-4 91 3 76-d 1.-17-1 73-2 0-853 73 205 SEbyS 8 T.o. 21 29-749 0-166; 78-0 967 77-7 1 13- 1 75-2 0-858 70 217 S S E 3 Clear. 25 29-743 0-158 86-8 792 98-5 SO-1 144-8 783 0-897 70 221 S byE 20 Fine. 26 29-735 0-151 889 77-9 103-4 S2'9 I.-.0-6 81-2 0-808 59 216 SbyE 30 Fine with light clouds. 27 29-723 0-143 89-0 74-2 103-6 79,-, 1 od-6 76-0 0-617 47 185 S onth Clear. 28 29-663 0-182 90-2 73-6 105-5 77-0 152-6 75-0 0-606 43 164 NWbyN Do. 29 29-69t> 0-136 87'8 76-4 08D 80-3 141-4 75-4 0-757 57 255 SbyE 8 Fine. 30 29-762 0-122 85-7 79-6 91-7 81-6 ,: 7S-2 0-930 76 265 SEbyS n zra. Fine with passing clouds. Mean 29-786 0-135 84-3 76-3 91-1 76-li 14V5 73-9 0-804 68 207 S S E 24 31 122 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1870 May. s a i BAROMKTKK RKUUC-'KIi To :!2 Mean Range Corrected Mean Temperature SKLP REGISTERING THERMOMKTKRS Deduced Wind 5 o O "3 IJcnenil \\Vather Dry San Grass Dry Wet Max. Mm. Max. Min. Vapour Hum- Teusiim iclity Daily .Mean Velo- IHrec- city tion Day 1 aches Inches O o o o Indies Cents Miles Points. Cents lidies 1 29-766 0-154 87-2 79-2 94-1 82-4 137-7 SI Hi 0-891 69 252 S by E 88 Day line : night cloud v. > 29740 0-147 87-0 76-9 97-6 81-8 144-1 80-5 0790 62 265 S by E 67 Ha/.y. 3 88-728 0-112 88-1 77-1 103-3 80-5 146-4 78-9 0-733 M 228 South 43 Light dun. Is. 4 29-699 012!) 88-3 77-6 101-0 82-2 145-6 80-6 0-805 60 226 S by E 10 Fine 5 29-678 01IS 88-4 79-0 96-2 83-0 139-5 81-5 0-S65 lit 248 S by K BO ... Fine with liglif lia/e. li 29-650 0-084 89-0 77'6 103-7 83-0 148-5 81-3 0-794 58 215 South 87 Light clninls. 7 29-652 0133 89-6 78-9 108-0 82-8 153-4 M-:; 0-844 61 217 S l,y K 88 Passing eloutls. 8 29-601 0-162 S9-1 76-9 99-2 83-9 147-8 SI -9 0701 56 1!MJ S by F. 77 Cloudy. e 29557 0-116 930 76-5 108-9 Sli-U 153-3 84-9 0-(i!H 45 2 10 S S W 47 Kine wit h light doiiils. 10 29-545 0118 95-5 75-3 109-0 84-3 156-3 81-0 0606 :(ti 235 West 43 Fin*. 1 with passing clonds. il 29-571 101 93-3 74-9 1071 85-5 156-6 82-8 0-617 39 188 S by \V 68 Hazy. 12 29-019 0-071 90-2 75-2 UO-'j 83-6 159-6 81-1 0'673 t 47 yea South 53 Fine \\ ii ]i li'j In eloiiiis. 18 29-632 0-123 90-7 74-7 106-3 81-8 151-3 77-8 0645 45 225 S by W 40 Un/cy. 14 88-686 0-126 89-9 76-2 .104-1 82-2 144-8 80-3 0-720 51 240 South 57 Do. 15 29623 0-118 89-5 76-1 104-6 82-8 149-7 81-3 0-720 51 269 S by W 33 Fine with light clouds. Hi 20-666 0-090 S8-1 77-0 103-7 83-1 1 18-8 79-5 0779 59 305 South 68 Do. 17 29-684 0-147 88-4 76-2 105-5 81-9 147-8 80-1 O-740 j 55 ' 251 South 17 Do. 18 29-674 0-147 89-3 ,77-8 105-5 83-2 149-7 S2-1 0-799 58 303 South .").-! 1'assini.' cl'iuds : lg. S. W. 1!) 29-683 0-119 88-6 77-2 .102-5 82-6 146-6 80'7 0-781 57 296 South 22 Fine with hVlit haxo. 20 29-714 0-113 87-7 77-4 97-1 82-3 140-0 80'5 0802 61 211 s s i-: H7 Hazy. 21 29-684 0-124 86-9 78-5 94-8 82-2 1394 80-5 0-862 67 295 S by E M Day line : night cloudy. 22 2D-OS9 0-108 80-9 75-9 100-3 81-9 144-2 79-7 0707 50 283 South 30 Fine wit li light doinls. 23 29-710 0-131 86-2 78-5 92-6 81-9 137-5 80-3 0-872 70 298 Sby E 13 Fine. 21 29711 0-140 86-3 79-0 93-0 81-6 1392 80-3 0-894 71 320 S S E 20 Fine \\ith li^'lit <-loinl>. 25 29-73S 0-139 80-3 78-1 93-2 81-3 1374 80-1 0-852 liS 801 Sby E 10 Fine. 2(i 29-751 0-137 85-9 77-2 92-6 81-3 140-5 80-4 0'81(i (i.j 31 1 S by E 7 Do, 27 29-731 0-127 87-8 78-4 98-8 80-9 1 13-3 79-4 0-846 6 1 316 P by I) t Fine : Ig. \V. 28 29714 0-160 88-7 77-1 103-8 81-2 148-4 79-9 O"776 57 31' I SbyW 53 Fine \\ ii h liu-lit haze. 29 29-6S.J IP- 163 88-8 74-6 104-3 84-0 1517 82-3 0-665 49 2(17 S S W 13 Fine uiih lighi douds. 30 29-622 0121 89-3 74-6 104-6 84-6 148-4 83-3 0-660 IS 253 S S ',V 73 Cloudy. 31 29-602 0-106 89-9 752 lOl'S 85-4 1390 83-3 0-677 48 280 S S W 53 I'assing clouds. Mean 29669 0125 88-9 76-9 101-5 82-7 146-4 80-9 0'7(i 56 264 South 41 Xil. 123 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1870 June. c> -r. o a f-s liARO) HKurcF.n .\1 i';lll II;TKII TO 32 Corn Me Tempi Dry cted in rature SKI.K REGISTERINC THKKMOMKTKRS I Deduced AVind __ 3 o C5 M General Weather I'anire Dry Sim Grass Wet Max. Min. ! Max. Min. Vapour ITnni- .Tensioii iclity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day 1 nclu'S Indies O * o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents iiches - 1 29-615 0-087 887 76-3 100-3 81-8 146-4 79-15 0-740 51- 252 S by W 23 Fine. 2 2!t-(>07 0-009 85'7 78-4 101-2 82-3 130-4 80-5 0'875 71 2(57 S S E 32 Kiue with light clouds. 3 2!)-(i6H 0-123 85'2 78-8 92-3 792 136-6 77'0 0-900 71- 253 S by E 30 Do. 4 29-072 0-180 86-8 77-9 93-7 80-5 138-6 79-2 0-836 (55 233 South 7 ... Fine. 5 29-089 0-088 87-2 773 97-2 80-4 138-4 77 1 0-804 Ii2 104 Sby E 23 ... Fine with [Kissing clouds. 6 29745 0-101 85-7 7(5-2 9(5-5 82-4 143-8 81-2 0-777 64 212 South 85 ... Cloudy. 7 29-731 0-09] 85'3 75-5 97-0 80-1 144-5 79-2 n-751 63 218 SWbyS 70 0-04 Light clouds. 8 29-liGG 0-1(53 88-0 7(5-4 100-1 79-9 144-5 78-3 O'Too 57 246 SWby S 57 ... Do. !) 29'l 0-110 81'0 7(5-2 90-7 77-4 137-9 76-2 0832 77 203 South 80 0-34 Cloudy : rain. 15 29617 (Viol 85-5 77-8 97-6 743 137-8 73-2 0-850 69 173 Sby W 08 0-02 Passing clouds. 16 29-835 0-142 80-0 74-1 95-2 804 133-3 77-1 0-675 53 285 W S W 83 ... Cloudy. 17 29-OM 0-121 87-9 74-(i 95-2 80-2 146-2 77-9 0-679 51 280 SWbyW 90 Do. 18 29-640 0-08(5 83-0 74-8 87-9 82-1 112-8 80-3 0-753 66 230 SWbyW 100 Overcast. 19 29-04S 0-100 83-5 73-8 89-0 78-7 1 1 3-9 75 7 0-704 61 242 S W 100 Do. SO 29-085 0-121 88-9 73-9 96-6 79-2 1417 78-1 0-663 52 282 SWbyW 97 Do. 21 29740 0-10(5 8-1-8 757 08'6 787 143-S 74-3 0-767 64 251 S S W 70 Passing clouds: Ig. S. 2-2 29-7(i I 0-147 84-6 75-8 100-3 78-7 115-3 707 0-774 65 198 S W 57 0-17 Tassing clouds: th. suul Ig. 2;j 29777 0-121 84-8 7(i-4 96-3 79-5 142-4 70-8 0-800 07 212 SWbyS 47 0-33 Passing clouds : rain : Ig. S. 24 29-749 0-138 84-3 77-1 93-6 767 123-4 761 0-835 71 192 S by W 93 0-14 Cloudy : rain. 25 29739 o-i 01 85-3 75-3 96-6 78-3 13G-(5 75'5 0-741 (51 201 S by W 73 ... Ha/.y. 26 29754 0-105 84-3 747 93-6 81-9 119-1 79-1 0732 I G2 1G7 South 90 ... Cloudy. 27 29-729 0-117 85-3 77-2 92-5 79-4 127-0 77-8 0-S26 68 143 South 88 o-io Cloudy : rain. 28 29706 0-082 81-1 75-9 86-8 76-6 102-2 74-0 0-825 78 ' 150 W by S 98 o-io Overc'ast : rain. 29 29-722 d-0/8 78'5 75-1 83-1 74-7 99-4 73-8 0-82(5 84 121 West 100 0-82 Do. ,do. 30 29-738 0-108 81-4 7(5-7 S9-5 7C-0 120-0 74-9 0-856 80 121 S by W 93 021 Cloudy : rain; MlMlll 29-091 0-114 86'0 7G-2 94-6 79-2 133-8 77-4 (1-785 03 206 S S W (59 8-63 124 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1870 July. o So 3 -? BAROMKT> i.- KKDrCKIi TO 32 C Corre Me Tempe Dry cted an rat u re SKI.K KK<;ISTKKIXG TllKRMOMKTKHS Deduced Vapour Hum- Tension idity 1 Daily Velo- city iiid Me:m llirec- tion rr. _C K (ieueral Went her Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Wet Max. ! Min. MHX. i Min. Day Inches Indies o o o o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Indies 1 29-731 0-131 82-3 764 93-4 76-6 132!. 74-0 0-831 75 1.-17 W S W 87 0-02 Cloudy. 2 29-710 0136 83-7 76-3 93-7 78-5 ian 75-7 0-808 69 136 W S \V M 0-02 Do. 3 29-692 0-090 83-0 74-9 90-1 78-1 116-8 74-2 0-758 67 15i W bv S ... po. I * 4 29-708 0-096 82-7 75-5 88-9 78-9 110-6 76-8 0-786 7o 80 W S W 8H Po, 5 29711 0080 82-5 75-1 913 78-8 ita-4 75-8 077si 69 1H2 S W M Do. 6 29-675 0-127 83-8 751 93-8 76-4 143-1 747 0-755 64 198 S W 7:! Do. 7 29-663 0-116 84-5 75-8 949 78-5 139-8 75-S 0-775 s:t OH Cloudy: i-,iiu. 11 29-718 0-131 79-3 74-2 85-1 7:!!l 109-8 71-8 0-779 78 196 SWbyW '.IS ... Overcast. 12 29-669 0-126 84-1 74-7 95-2 7(11 137-0 74-6 0734 62 242 W by S in- Cloudy. 13 29-672 0-120 82-9 74-9 93-4 7(i'7 136-7 75"2 075! 117 254 s w S7 Do. 14 29-675 0-101 83-8 74-8 90-3 7fs-o 1171 761 0-743 64 192 w s w 9f> Do. 15 29-682 0-116 830 74-7 945 77'ti 139-1 75-3 0749 66 173 WbyS 95 o-oi Do. 16 29-661 0122 80-5 745 87-4 76-3 106-8 75-1 0-774 74 1(12 W S W 100 o-i t Ovcreasi : ruin. 17 29675 0-119 83-8 745 95-2 76-0 138-0 74-1 0-730 1 83-9 75-8 105-5 74-7 0-745 72 230 SWbyW 100 Overcast. 20 29-724 0-125 83-9 75-6 98' JJ 7(>-8 140-0 73-8 0-775 67 195 S W 80 OH Clondy : rain. 21 29-718 0111 82-4 74-4 89-3 78-1 111 1 751 0-745 67 169 S W 100 ... ll\eiTH-i. 22 29-7G4 0-073 80-7 74-2 88-9 7.i!l 116-9 74-2 0-759 72 105 West 10U U'll Do. 23 29-779 0125 82-1 76-8 92-1 74-5 1353 73-2 0-852 78 175 S by W 87 Cloudy. 24 29-779 0-148 80-7 754 91-6 76-1 131-0 75-1 0-810 77 123 West M 0-84 Cloudy : rain. 25 29-737 0-li2 82-8 77-2 95-2 77-3 137-3 76-1 0-860 77 203 S W 77 Cloudy. 26 29-723 0-136 82-8 74-0 96-2 77-1 133-0 71-2 0-722 64 235 S W M J-5S Cloudy : t lniink'l'storin. 27 29721 0139 79-8 74-4 85-7 73-1 108-0 73-3 0-779 76 166 SWbyW 100 0-12 ( iierc:iHt : min. 28 29-730 0120 80-6 732 89-0 74-3 12S t 72-1 0-719 68 194 SWbyW 100 0-12 Do. do. 29 29-692 0-118 82-9 74-8 94-0 771 l:!7-2 72-1 0-755 67 225 SWbyW 7.8 o-o i Clondy : th. 30 29-698 0-106 80-2 74-5 92-5 74 1 133-1 73-9 0-778 75 250 S W 7:t L-84 Clondy : min. 31 29-734 0-099 81-1 75'8 89-1 75-0 130-2 73-1 0-822 77 160 ss w s:, ci-13 D... do. Mean 29-709 0-117 82-4 751 916 7(>7 1277 74-5 0-774 70 186 SWbyW 86 671 125 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1870 August. 2 X & to 1 BAKOMETKR REIIUCEI) TO 32 Corrected Mosul Tempcratim SKI.F UKUISTKKING THKKMOMKTKKS Dcd need Wind 00 5 c 1 General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wot 1 Max. Min. Max. i Min. ! Vapour Tention HIIIII- iclit v Daih- Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Indies = O o i Indies Cents Miles Points Cents Inche 1 29779 0-142 82-2 74-2 91-7 76-6 132-6 731 0-739 67 172 S W 85 Cloudy. 2 297-26 0-152 82-4 74-3 93-5 777 141-1 73-5 0741 67 189 SWbyS 58 Passing clouds. 3 29675 u-10:: 83'ti 76-0 1)3-7 767 135-3 74-5 0-798 N 181 South 33 0'02 Ha/y. 4 29-672 0-099 S4(> 75'2 94-3 80-6 134-5 777 0-748 62 167 S by W N Do. 5 29694 0*188 8-2-0 76-9 91-3 745 137-0 73-(i 0-858 79 169 S \Vby\V 95 1 12 Overcast with rain. 6 29-737 0-179 79-4 75-2 82-6 717 1020 731 0-819 81 100 SWbvW 100 0-81 Do. 7 29-737 0143 sot; 76-4 87-2 76-0 128 1 743 0-856 81 147 West SO 0'16 Cloudy with rain. 8 29-767 0-083 79-6 75'7 87'2 731 137-5 72-9 0-838 82 93 Wby N 90 1 14 Do. !) 29-751 0-1SS 80-5 760 87-1 74-9 137-8 74-4 0-838 80 106 S by W 37 0-08 Fino with passing clouds. 10 29-734 0-148 Ms 770 88-5 77-0 l:!:!-l 745 0864 80 163 S S E 33 Do. 11 29-748 0-112 82 1 774 87-1 78-5 132-0 7(1-4 0-878 80 209 S S E 30 Do. 12 29-758 0-127 8-15 77-2 91-3 77-0 136-1 74-3 0-877 82 198 S by E 50 0-18 Passing clouds: rain. 13 29-738 0-126 81-1 76-6 92-3 76-0 136-6 73-6 0-856 81 223 S by W 43 0-43 Do. do. 14 29-715 0-125 81 5 74-2 87-1 75-0 124-9 74-1 0-749 70 236 SWbyW 93 0-02 Cloudy. 15 29-750 0-092 79-1 73-4 86-7 76-5 121-0 71-1 0-747 75 201 S W 100 0-29 Overcast : rain. 1C 29-760 0-ODS 82-1 73-4 89-0 75-3 140-2 73-9 0-707 64 206 W by S 97 Do. 17 29-728 0-107 82-9 745 89-8 ; 77-1 130-9 75-7 0741 65 178 W N W 95 Do. IS 29-745 0-084 82-0 74-3 88-0 77-0 129* 75'5 O745 68 159 W N W 92 Cloudy. 1!) 29-724 0-122 sir, 739 92-8 77-7 141 -9 78-3 0-896 59 2J SEbyS 72 d-27 Climily : ruin. 6 29-812 o-ioo 79-4 753 87-1 77-5 1309 752 0-824 82 109 SWbyS 70 l-:!7 Thandentorn. 29-790 0-127 80-7 75-ri 90-1 74-9 139-3 73 1 0-814 7* 112 South 43 Passing rlomls. / 29-816 0125 829 70-6 8S'l 77-7 137-3 74-4 0-833 74 123 S K 47 Do. s 29-809 0-126 81-3 75-5 89-4 76-7 1342 73-15 0-806 76 143 SEbyS 5j ftMftittg oloudfl : Th. and 1^;. !) 29-797 0-102 81-4 759 925 75'7 143-0 73-3 0822 77 170 ! SW byS 73 211 Cloudy : rain : th. X.W. and S.\V. 10 2979J 0-121 83-4 766 93-0 75-9 135 6 74-6 0-825 72 ir.s S w 35 Finu with passing clouds. 11 29798 0-113 82-0 75 1 91-0 77-4 143-1 75-2 0-779 I 71 137 W S W 82 Cloddy. 12 29-787 0-129 81-3 747 87-9 733 121-3 73-3 0-772 73 132 West 97 1 )vi>n-:i-l. 18 89-766 0143 70-1 74-5 78-5 74-9 97-3 74-4 0-834 93 105 WN W 100 1 12 Overeast with rain. 14 29-728 0126 74-9 734 75-7 739 97'6 72-8 0-804 93 106 W N W 97 n;i Do. IS 9726 0-101 79-3 763 88-8 75-1 140-3 73-0 0-867 87 111 W S W M H8 Cloinlv : rain : Ig. 16 29-742 0-103 80-2 773 85-6 74-9 107-4 73-8 0-900 87 93 S S W 85 1 .-;!) 1 >o. do. do. 17 29737 0-102 78-4 75" 5 85-5 74-5 120-8 733 0-845 87 128 ws w 88 0'7S I).). do. do. IS 29-738 0-121 79-7 76-1 85-1 75-C 107-1 74-4 0-854 85 81 W by S 97 0-03 Ovi'lvasl. IS) 29706 0-128 79 9 76-0 85'4 76'8 118-6 75-0 0-846 82 120 SWbyS 100 0-42 Overcasi \vii h rain. 20 29-689 0-122 81-0 ; 75 7 . 87'7 757 133-8 74-4 0-819 77 159 S W 78 0-07 Cloudy : Ig. 21 29-718 0-147 8J-1 70-1 90-7 75-8 136-3 72-2 0-821 75 21S Sby W 33 Fiin- with passing clouds. 22 29-753 0-151 82-3 764 91-3 76-7 137-4 74-3 0-.S31 75 818 S by W 50 To. 2:i 29-7W) 0-156 81-2 75-8 92-7 76-6 137-5 71-9 0-779 C6 255 S S W 48 Do. 21 29-769 0-152 83-7 75-.I 92-3 78-7 137-6 75-6 0-791 6S 151 W S W 63 I'a iilrir rlouds. 25 29-764 0- 1 :)0 83 5 7 t-li 91-7 78-0 136-1 73-5 0-738 I!:! 162 W by S 17 I'ili.- 26 29769 0-153 82-9 72-9 92-4 76-3 139-1 72-3 0-675 GO 185 W by S 23 l.i^'lit i-liind-. 27 29-7 >7 0149 83-1 74-8 93-2 7C.-I 137" t 71-3 0-752 66 187 West 23 Do. 28 29-729 0144 83-5 73-8 90-7 772 134-9 72-2 0-704 Gl 161 West M Cloudy. 2!) 29749 0-116 82-1 75-8 89-4 76-9 127-0 74-8 0-808 71 100 NWbyW 87 0-02 Do. :o 2H771 0144 82-6 77 1 92 9 7<>-9 128-8 73-4 0-872 78 81 SWbyW 83 Do. Mean 29-762 0-128 81-4 75-6 89-1 76-3 130-5 73-9 0-809 70 144 S W 67 1258 127 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1870 October. o o O BAROMETER REDLH-Kli TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature Dry \\'et i 1 SB 1 D Max. LF REGISTERING 'HERMOMKTERS Deduced Wind JC a 5 H Genera! Weather Mean Range y Min. Sun Grass .Max. Min. I Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Dires- tion Day Inches [nchet o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nchcs 1 29-801 0121 83-7 77-6 .'.'5-0 78-1 147-8 7 1-0 0-866 75 130 S S E 33 Fine with light clouds. 2 29-815 0135 83-2 773 Ul-5 75-8 139-3 73-9 0-858 75 100 S by E 63 Passing clouds. 3 29-852 Oil I 88*0 77-1 92-5 77-s ito-i 76-2 0-888 79 183 S by E 55 0-23 Passing clouds : rain. 4 29-868 0-139 82-6 76-8 930 75-9 144-9 733 0-846 76 179 S by E 00 Cloudy : Ig. 5 29-819 0-150 79-4 74-8 8S-2 71-1 1367 70-1 0-802 80 138 S W 62 2-21 Cloudy day : rain. 29-837 0-129 77-8 91-4 77-3 136-0 75-1 0-889 79 163 S by W 30 Fine with light clouds. 7 29-859 0131 82-4 77-5 89-0 75-9 1333 73-1 0-879 79 163 8 S E 13 ... Fine : Ig. S 29800 0-14-J 80-3 701 88-1 72-9 1372 71-1 0-845 81 171 South 40 0-30 Passing clouds : rain : Ig. (1 29-830 0-141 80-8 7(5-2 88-1 74-7 141-1 723 0-843 80 102 South 18 Fine. 10 29-852 0130 80-8 704 8.S-2 76-0 131-1 733 0-851 80 84 S S E 4J Fins with light clouds. 11 2S)-S7I 0-155 82-3 77-2 90-0 76-0 140-2 72-o 0-867 79 88 SE byE 49 0-02 Fine. 12 29-817 0-120 81-7 76-3 912 75-1 140-3 71-0 0-835 77 98 SE byE 43 ... Fine with light clouds. 18 89-793 0-152 82-3 77-0 92-4 76-2 141-1 72-9 0-851 7(5 104 SE byE 7 ... Fine. 14 29-803. 0-108 81-1 70 -o 89-4 74-9 138-1 745 0-856 81 112 SE byE 53 1-35 Cloudy : rain : Ig. 18 29*810 0-145 79-8 7(5-9 88-8 77-1 1395 76-6 0-38G 87 70 XE byE 43 0'09 Cloudy : rain. 16 29-81(5 0-12!) 81-7 77-1 88-6 76-1 139-8 71-4 0-870 81 102 XE byE 42 Fine with passing clouds. 17 29-818 0-120 80-3 76-2 89-4 74-9 142-9 74-1 0-850 82 105 X E (53 0-38 Cloudy : rain. 18 29-807 0-148 75-9 74-1 82-3 72-3 128-9 72-7 0-820 92 122 Xorth 93 3-80 Overcast : heavy rain. 19 211702 0-144 74"5 73'5 772 74-1 973 733 0-814 95 175 XW byX 100 5-68 Continuous rain. 20 29-631 0-138 75-15 74-4 78-1 73-9 101-8 73-8 0-836 94 164 Xorth 97 5-93 Overcast with heavy rain. 21 29-639 0-114 79'6 7(5-2 SO-4 74-6 140-6 73-8 0-859 85 145 SW byS 87 0-02 Chietly overcast.' 22 29-699 0-140 80'6 77-2 86-7 75-5 139-9 75-2 0-889 85 150 S S E 90 0-79 Overcast t thunderstorm. 23 29-707 0-127 7S-2 75-8 83-4 74-9 117-0 73-5 0-860 89 94 SW byW 98 0-9(i Overcast : rain. 24 29-763 0-080 78-2 76-4 80-1 76-5 L04-2 7(5-0 0-887 92 88 S by W 97 0-21 Overcast : light rain. 26 29-781 0-120 80-1 77-0 8.V5 75-9 114-4 73-6 0-888 87 111 S by E 90 ... Cloudy. 20 29-794 0-133 82-0 73'5 90-1 76-0 132-6 723 0-713 05 172 S by W 53 Light clouds. 27 29-809 0-120 81-6 75'7 . 91-3 75-9 139-8 73-9 0-811 75 126 S by E 40 Fine with passing clouds : \g. 28 29-856 0-110 79-7 75-1 87-8 75-0 1374 74-0 0-811 80 105 X \VbyW 57 1-07 Cloudy : rain. 29 29-8(54 0-120 78-7 73-2 87-1 74-3 139-3 71-9 0-745 7(5 89 X X W 53 Fine with passing clouds. 30 29-871 0121 78-1 73-9 86-3 71-4 13V5 70-4 0-782 81 11(5 X by W 55 Light clouds. 31 29-861 o-no 78-6 72-5 8(5-0 71-5 132-4 67 '5 0718 74 114 X by W 30 Fine wiih light clouds. M.-ai 29-811 0-129 80-3 75'9 7'8 75-1 133-4 733 0-838 81 127 SW by S 50 2304 128 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1870 November. Novciiihor 1870 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature ifKi.r KKOISTKKIM, THKKMOMKTERS Deduced Wind -/ 3 5 .= K General \\ViitIier Alt-all Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet -Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Mean Velo- Dircc- city tiuii Day 1 Inches 29849 Indies 0-126 Inches 0-781 Cents 79 Miles 90 Points X by \V Cents 69 [nche Ha/y. 78-8 74-1 84-5 72-5 139-7 69-7 2 29-809 0-132 80-2 75-0 90-3 73-5 134-3 70-8 0-709 77 HI ]; N E 23 Fine. 3 29-77, 0-131) 82-2 76-8 91-3 76-1 136-9 74-4 0-851 77 108 S E 67 ... Cloudy. 4 29-742 0-137 81-4 76-0 87-7 75-.9 142-0 74-0 0-826 77 127 \V by S 80 Do. 5 29-742 0-125 81-7 73-9 91-4 74-1 1362 7o-3 0-733 68 145 s\v :;:s Fine with light clouds. 29-813 o-ioo 80-8 76-5 87-7 !(<> 1365 73-1 0-85C 82 1-27 SK byS SB Passing- clouds. 7 29857 0-104 812 76-6 88-0 753 1337 76-2 0-835 81 92 E S E 70 0-04 CloinK . 8 29-910 0-105 82-0 77-0 87-9 7ii:t 134-1 75-6 0-86-2 711 133 NKl.yK 47 U -13 Fine with passing clouds : rain. 9 29-955 0-096 82-1 75-7 88-4 762 1387 74-2 0803 73 187 NK l.vN 43 ... Fine with passing cloud*. 10 29-954 0-153 7(i-(> 75-1 77-9 75-1 89-1 734 0-852 93 78 Xorth BO OU Xearly overcast : I'll i,m lit ^lowcis. 11 29-921 0-132 81-2 77-1 87-6 75-2 139-9 74-8 0-877 83 125 NK 57 009 Passing clouds: flowers. 12 29-939 o-ioo 81-2 766 88-1 74-9 1351 74-7 0855 81 155 N K 1,* N 50 10 Do. do. 13 29-924 0-124 80-4 75-4 86-4 78-7 135-2 74-5 0-811 78 234 XE by Is 47 0-44 Passing clouds : rain. 14 29-930 0111 75-0 73-9 77-1 741 88-1 74-1 0-824 95 121 E X E 87 1-54 Chiefly overcast : rain. 13 29-941 0-119 76-6 741 84-7 70-3 143-6 70-1 0-810 88 129 N by E 78 1-28 Cloudy : rain. Ifi 29-958 0-109 78-3 74-5 6-2 731 138-6 71-7 0-808 83 116 Xorth 27 0-02 Fine with passing clouds. 17 29-968 0-121 78-1 74-6 86-5 74-0 1357 73-4 0-811 84 171 X by E 58 0:i7 Vassin^ clomls : rain. IS 29-954 0-143 79-0 745 86-0 732 1354 71-4 0-795 80 150 X E 62 0-08 I 'o. do. 19 29-997 0-105 78-6 74-1 85-8 74-0 135-9 70-3 0-783 80 1S5 X X E 25 Fine with passing clouds. 20 30-037 0-114 78-0 737 867 72-8 1384 70-1 0-775 81 126 N X K 7 Da 21 30-034 0-117 78-5 74-5 87-0 73-2 138-1 69-4 0-R02 82 138 XKbyX <)0 0-14 Passing clouds : showers. 22 29-961 0-161 78-4 7-1-3 86-4 72-2 139-2 70-5 0-815 84 140 N by E 89 2-05 Passing clouds : rain. 23 29-932 0-121 79-8 75-0 86-0 74-4 1335 73-1 0-805 79 109 XE 33 0-02 Fine with passing clouds. 24 30-005 0-089 79-0 73-4 85-9 723 1322 68-6 0-749 99 87 East 37 Passing clouds. 25 30-019 0111 79-1 72-8 86-1 72-9 l:ui 69-3 0-7-23 73 148 XEbyN 50 9-28 Passing clouds : rain. 26 30-026 114 77-0 70-7 86-5 70-0 1364 66-1 0-W.8 72 141 X XE 25 Fino with light clouds. 27 30-007 0-107 763 70-1 81-5 70-8 139-1 (ili'2 0-654 72 182 N by E 43 Fine wit h passing 1 clouds. 28 29-995 0109 76-4 68-5 84-7 71-0 1354 68-3 0-592 65 181 N by K 40 Do. 29 29-981 0090 77-0 70-8 851 71 1 1111 66-1 0-671 72 209 \ol-t h 57 1/iirht cloud.-. 30 29-980 0092 757 73-0 743 77-7 730 BS-fi 69-9 0-777 87 199 North <:i o:!2 Overcast \\ii h shoHcrs. Mean 29930 0-117 79-0 86-0 738 132-2 71-5 0-787 7! I 140 X E 53 7'2(i 129 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1870 December. KAROMKTEK SELF RsctlsTKBlWG December 1870 REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Tcmpc-rat urr THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind a; 5 o 5 1 General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Win. -Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo". city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Indies o c- Inches Cents Miles Points Cents [nches 1 30-015 0-076 70'9 74-1 85-4 74-9 140-8 71-2 0-806 87 209 N X E 90 1-27 Overcast. 2 30-032 o-ioo 7S-7 72-0 84-8 73-9 131-0 73-0 0-721 74 241 N N E 60 002 Passing clouds. 3 30-060 0-108 77-9 71-0 85-2 70-7 134-0 66-5 0-007 70 i09 N N E 40 Fine with passing clouds. 4 30-064 0-110 76'9 09'S 84-8 69-9 134-0 66-0 0-635 09 22U XE liyX 33 To. 5 30-044 0-124 73-0 09'0 84-9 68-3 139-8 63-3 0-649 78 151 X X E 53 Passing clouds. 30-029 0'109 74-9 09-3 84-2 67-9 131-2 63-2 0-643 71 174 X by E 27 Fine with light clouds. 7 30-050 o- loo 74-7 06-9 83-7 66-0 136-6 00-6 0'557 ; 65 192 N by E 27 Do. 8 30-044 0-102 72-8 08-i 75-9 67-2 101-1 01-6 0-625 77 170 X by W 80 Cloudy. 9 30-041 0-097 74-5 (59-0 83-5 72-3 137-6 70-0 0-658 77 252 N by W 97 Overcast. 10 30-045 0-096 74'6 09-4 81-5 71-9 124-9 70-2 1 0-650 75 202 X by W 65 0-04 Cloudy day : fine night. 11 30-031 O'Ui.", 73-9 1 07-9 83-3 67-0 131-6 61-2 0-604 72 186 N X W 33 Fine with light clouds. 12 29-986 0-J21 74-3 09-4 81-7 68-3 135-6 63-2 0-654 76 172 N N W 50 Fine with passing clouds. 13 30-002 0-110 72'7 67'9 82-8 67-8 1317 63-3 0-620 77 140 Nby W 55 Passing clocds. U 30-024 0'088 75'0 69-0 84-8 66-9 139-5 62-0 0-630 72 188 N by W 70 Do. 15 30-020 0-123 73-4 09-1 83-7 69-9 133-0 64-7 0-628 71 211 Xorth 50 To. 16 29-990 0-111 75-3 69-9 85-4 66-8 143-8 60-8 0-660 75 195 X by Vf 17 Fine witli passing clouds. 17 29-9(U 0-139 7.V4 09-9 84-1 68-4 137-2 62-9 0-659 75 214 N by W 33 Do. 38 29-970 0-091 74-0 68-3 82-2 68-8 135-0 63-9 0-617 73 222 NN W 33 Do. 19 29-968 0-130 72-6 66'1 82-6 65-0 137-3 57-9 0'557 69 204 N by W 30 Fine with light clouds. 20 29-930 0-142 72-4 05 '7 83-2 66-5 138-3 61-2 0-544 67 167 XX W 53 Passing clouds. 21 29-889 0-122 70-0 63-3 82-5 62-3 135-4 56-2 0-494 67 105 Xorth 33 Fine with light clouds. 22 29-943 0-092 69-8 63-3 81-8 59-1 133-0 53-8 0-496 68 104 North 37 ... Fine with passing clouds. 23 29-981 0-108 73-1 07-1 83-8 63-9 139-2 61-1 0-585 72 181 X X W 58 Passing clouds. 24 29-994 0-093 76*6 68-9 84-7 70-6 138-5 66-4 OU06 66 292 X by W 63 Do. 25 29-974 0-108 75-9 68-2 84-8 70-7 141-6 65-2 0-588 65 246 Xorth 40 To. 20 29-937 0-120 74-3 08-3 84-1 65-7 134-9 60-4 0-613 72 187 North 20 Chiefly fine. 27 29-930 0-090 74-5 68-9 81-2 66-5 134-0 01-2 0-633 74 232 N N W 60 Chiefly cloudy. 28 29-959 0-099 74-4 71-8 79-9 73-9 101-1 70-9 0-747 88 184 N by W 100 0-30 Overcast with light showers. 29 29-962 O'llO 74-9 70-7 79-2 731 98-2 71-4 0-696 80 173 N by W 98 Overcast. 30 29-933 0-125 74-0 69-7 82-9 68-4 1342 66-0 0-670 SO 174 N by W 88 Cloudy. 31 29-917 0-124 75-3 74-5 70-8 85-2 68-7 133-1 61-7 0-695 79 152 N by W 00 1'assing clouds. Mean 29-991 o-iio 68-8 83-2 68-4 132-2 64-0 0-632 74 192 North 54 1-63 130 6 x '- , i o J - o ' S Oti c H Grout rut Kail 3 - ; : 2 i i g ?! - '3 X I .* r i s s a a a a a ^ | 1 7 H ^ ; $ $ 3 3 ft $ $ 2 o ^4 m o *B M * s - o -^ *i cs o -* x -; =5 tO O I-- - - 1* Ci O O "M ' ' * " ** 5 8 '"- 3 Lowest -^ | SW^fcjife^ 1 * y ' - fc r/? * ' /. 5 t^tr-* oc&:c.-t030-* J- t >: 7i / 7i x x i <- c X E OB *O ^,-^-^ , 5-j rt M -* - a ^ x -f i r* f; ?i 7-i >i ?i 7i 7i il 1 Stg|||8S2S?8 i c (iraFK Thcriiionififr 1- I.U(J'[ ^' rt ^ 7i t " 71 ^- i^- -^ C5 *i **. Results ssnaf) uo o 2eS'.5S22 NlllllllUIJ^ CC !C CO 1 X l~ 1^. l~ L~ l~ I- i - Ci O ' C X C: ^ -- rt i 1 ^ '00 o 1^ ?7 C7 | -. I - 71 71 1^ JC w * M v -f x i- re -o -t M 7) " o *jgs~!3gs;gi??J3 3 -a |M O J 1) u Vj o Sun Tliormometer /. ^' ^ R z; .^ 1^ "^ - '^ d ^ 13 2 Meteorological II By Bh.mttord'HTnbU'sl ., ' mmmiii Z i~ i- i- -o .0 3 i- i~ i- x i- i- o Humidity B j ^. rc'O~i-*o -^ tDO'.7 C' ^ - Tl 71 75 71 71 3*J h r- -*- C f ? ? '.- *> '.- * P ? ? 5 '~ "^ = ZD030OOOOOOO - -2 tt -* TI IT l o -* rc O O >o -H Q t re N i- x M ia to Ji o V C/) CB ed Dry Bulb Tliennomcti-r I =: !>. -f. l 10 X -* OS X l~ N X J2 o 35OI~XlO"i"fMMl-f c S c ^ *2 ^ '^ M ~- CD ' CO O re X 1 3 5 2 ,~ * ." i~ .- ;i Z x % E 0) S 1" = 2 fi * - '' ~ ? "" ^ "" rt 1 I-NOS OCCSO-IXOM 3D 5ztS3SSSStez3 M i- re M - xo-*-* a S o 10 'o ct ^ i) o i ;' : i : ^ - S~j : ^ *3 = S"g t a ^ 131 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1871 January. BAROMKTKK SELF REGISTKRIXC; l~ f RKUUCBD TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THERMOMETERS lli'iliiecd Win.l n 10 3 5 M General Weather Passing elotuls. Mean liange Dry Sun Grass Dry Wei, Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum. idity Dailv Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Cents 74 Miles 20S Points N by W Cents 72 filches Pay I 1 nclie.s 29-91 1 0-098 70-8 711 84-0 68-8 135-0 05-0 ncnea 6-686 9 29-898 O'lOO 75-4 7o-7 83-7 7d-2 1322 072 0-090 78 100 X by W 0-( Do. a 20-073 135 70-2 7i 1C, 85-3 08-4 1 30-il 64-2 0-1575 75 141 North 03 Do. 4 20-95(5 0- 1 45 74-4 70-0 84-9 (55-8 184-9 5S9 0-075 79 127 North 35 Kino with liglit clouds. 5 2!P-9 7 0-104 711 68-9 SO- 1 (58-8 i:>,vl 032 01577 SO 120 Xorth 47 Fine with passing clouds. 6 29-907 o-iio 70"5 70- s 85-0 7o-o 135-3 05-0 0-078 74 210 X by W 47 Fine with liijht clouds. 7 29-842 II'IIS'.I 7.VO l>S-9 84-7 07'0 1 3 14 (50-0 0-1527 72 180 N by W 72 Chiefly cloudy. s 29-937 0-099 7 1-(> 69-5 83-4 09-2 131-9 Oli-2 0-655 77 228 NWbyN 77 Cloudy. 9 29-922 0-144 75-5 6:1-3 81-0 7o-o 115-6 67-5 0-034 72 217 X X W 95 Do. 10 29-909 o-IO i 7111 09-3 82-8 07-1 1-22-0 607 0-643 74 210 North 93 Do. 11 2!)-!K)5 ' 0-135 70-s 70'9 ,83-7 73-7 121-0 69-7 078 73 210 Xorth BO Do. 12 29-908 0-107 7C>-(5 7(i-7 85-4 71-2 136-2 64-9 0-073 ' 73 219 North 55 Passing clouds. I 13 29-92(5 0-098 75-7 70-1 84-8 os-o 1 i-o-o (33-7 0-663 ! 75 200 Xorth 50 Fine with passing clouds. 14 29911- O'lOl 70-5 71-9 85-3 Os-1 137-2 02-4 0-722 : 79 199 Xby E 30 Do. 1.5 29-S97 0-130 7-s 4 72-1 80-1 75-1 L86-8 73-2 0-705 73 234 XK bvX 23 Do. 10 29-891 0-101 70-1 72-7 84-0 7o-8 i w-i 60-3 0-759 84 110 K X K 73 o-io Cloudy, with light showers. 17 29-889 0-136 78-5 71-5 sr,-:; 74-0 189-9 72-3 0-S02 82 103 E by S 60 0-05 Cloudy day : tine night. 18 29-950 0-107 79-8 75-1 87-2 72-5 1395 6S-1 0-809 79 154 XE byE 30 Fine with passing clouds. 19 30-005 0-122 77'7 72-9 85-8 72-2 131-1 705 0-746 79 177 X by \V 43 0"->9 Fine with passing clouds : rain. 20 29-987 0-144 772 72-8 85-7 o:i-s 139-7 (552 0-7 1-8 80 167 X by W 23 Fine with passing clouds. 21 29-987 0-113 75'7 69-3 85-7 os-o 131-7 61-5 0-031 71 127 North 20 Fine. o>> 29-993 0-113 70-0 68-0 83-8 07-5 130-5 013 0-579 (H 150 Xorth 33 Fine with passing rlouds. I':! B9'999 0-115 74'7 0(5-0 83-3 70-0 1350 657 0524 60 144 X by E 37 Do. 24 29-985 0-144 723 00-1 83-9 644 1313 58 1 0-50' I 70 140 N by \V 43 Do. 25 29-993 0115 75-4 OS-7 84-0 07-5 132-1 01-7 (Mil 3 70 198 X by W 50 Jio. 20 80-048 0-10-1 75-3 70-1 84-9 70-5 141-0 67-3 666 76 103 X X W 82 Cloudy. 27 30-051 0-112 701 69'7 85'7 70-3 131-0 664 0-041 71 153 N by \V Cleaf. 28 30-041 0-119 73 5 00-7 8t-7 01-2 133-9 57-5 0-505 (59 los X N E l>n. 29 30-020 0-133 73 I 65-8 81-2 00-5 133-1 00-3 0-539 86 80 XEbyX 3 Fine. :iO 30-022 0122 72-3 66-0 83'3 02-2 132-3 55-8 0-556 70 90 KK byE 8 To. 31 30-041 0-118 727 05 (i S3' 1 63-4 136-3 57-2 0-537 67 95 X E 27 Fine \vith parsing clouds. Mean 29-960 0-119 78-6 09-9 84-0 68-9 134-3 64-1 0(157 74 102 X by E 40 o-i i 132 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1871 February. BAROHKTI i. SKI.K RKiiisTKHixu Folirunry IS? I BEl>rci:i> TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THKKMOMETEKS Deduced Wind v. 3 nches (Jeneral \\'e:t( liei Mean Uange Dry Sun Grass Dry \Vet Max. Min. Max. 3 Min. O Vapour Hum- Tension idity Dailv Velo"- eity Miles Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches Inelies Cents Points Cents 1 30-025 o-l-H 743 676 86-3 645 1330 58-8 0-587 89 181 X by E 7 Fine. 2 30-003 0-128 757 69-5 86-6 64-8 135-8 58-9 0-638 72 U7 North 88 Fine' with ]>as>ini; clouds. 29-987 O'llifS 736 686 86-1 64-0 1840 66-4 0-633 7ti BO X X E 33 Fine with li.u'iit elouiU. 4 9-999 0133 73 I 67-9 90-2 634 138-7 559 0-611 74 100 K !i\ X 3 fine. 5 29-924 0-140 7t-2 69-3 UO-5 64-0 138 1 57-1 0-651 76 106 i-: s !: H Clear. 6 29-895 U'130 72-9 68-2 87-5 62-8 135-0 55-4 0-628 77 111 SK by E i Fine. 7 29-897 0-125 73-li 68-8 85-2 63-5 1353 56-8 0-641 77 It'li Fast 3 Do. 8 29-89S ullO 7 Hi 69-1 85-1 6$8 134-9 56-8 0-639 74 108 XE by E 3 Uo. 29-915 0-132 741 68-9 84-7 5'2 135-2 59-8 UIJ09 69 113 X N E 2 Ofoar, 11 29-926 0-107 75-3 68-1 85-2 (io'O 135-2 59-4 0-592 07 150 North - Do. 12 29-929 0113 78'3 726 87-2 70-4 140-1 60-4 0-726 75 181 North n Cloudy. 13 29-909 0-163 78-9 73-6 87-2 73-7 137-4 69-8 U-7.-.1I 77 127 X E 47 Fine with pasting clondl. 14 29-916 0-141 78-7 72-0 87-4 71-1 1424 66-1 0-696 71 112 EN E 20 Clear. 15 29-914 0*129 77-2 68-8 85-4 67-0 1336 61-6 0-592 63 L80 E by X 2 Fine. 16 29-903 0-147 77-3 721 86-3 67-5 134-2 62-4 0-719 76 165 Eby S a Fine u :: i |.a.-.-iiii,' eli. mis. 17 29-878 0-140 80-6 745 91-8 7*6 142-2 71-1 0-774 74 170 SEbyE 17 Do. 18 29-889 0-138 80-8 75-6 896 76-1 144-2 72-8 0-816 7* 143 E S E 88 Do. lit 29-903 0130 79-9 74-8 87-2 74-1 136-2 7U-5 0-795 78 159 East 57 I'.tssinLT elnud* : tli. and 1^. 20 29-889 0-120 798 73-7 88-4 72 -I 135-1 68-7 0-751 74 145 Eby N 37 Fine with passing elnnels. 21 29-950 0119 79-8 73 5 86-7 71-0 135-2 88-a 0'742 73 128 E N E 27 Do. ; 22 29975 0133 80-0 73-2 88-6 71-7 1 K) 7 674 0-727 71 130 X E 27 Fine wiili Ii;;iit clmid*. 23 29-932 0-147 76-8 705 90-9 69-8 144-5 64-4 0-6a3 72 64 EN E 75 Moody. 24 29-949 0-110 772 70-9 89-2 66-7 1364 60-5 OMJ78 72 70 XEby E 7 Fine. 25 29-957 0-127 77-1 70-7 91-1 67-5 138-5 61-1 O'(i65 71 ea N E by N 50 Fine' wit li liax.e. 26 29923 0116 791 73-7 89-1 69-3 I3S-H 656 0780 76 131 Nby E ,-.7 Fine with |i;i!-sini; cloud*. 27 29-899 0116 81-3 75-7 90-9 71 s 142-8 ri-j 0-815 77 167 NN E 07 0-02 l'assin. ; 28 29-912 0-118 81 I 760 88-8 75'5 1-10-7 73-0 0-830 78 141 E by X 09 Fine itli jias.-ini; eluinls. i Mean 29-928 0-128 77-2 713 87-8 68-5 137'li 63-1- o- 3 NEbyF 0'02 133 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1871 March. liAKOMKTKl: SKI.K KKGISTKKING CO T-i ^ 5 M BKIIL'CKI) TO :'.2 Corrected ICeon Temperature TllKKMOMKTKKS Deduced Wind Clouds a ' M General Weather Mean Kaiifjc Diy Smi Grass Dry Wet Max. Kin. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city. Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Indies o O O O 1 lll-ill'S Cents Miles Points Cents Indies 1 29-988 0-146 81-5 75 -O as-6 75-4 186-3 72-2 0-782 73 181 SEbyE 20 Fine. 2 89-80] 0-188 816 75-7 9H-0 75-5 142-2 732 0-811 75 249 SK by K 40 Fine with passintc clouds. 3 28-842 0-165 82-2 75-6 9 1 -0 7tiT, 141-5 74-6 0-798 73 291 S K 43 Do. 4 29-859 0-157 7! H 75-1 85-8 7U 1 120-8 746 0-819 82 218 S E 68 0-14 Passing clouds : rain. 5 29-886 0-158 81-2 7(i-0 92-1 74-8 142-9 72-1 0-829 78 207 S E 57 0-61 Cloudy: rain with th. anil I-;. C 89-949 0-112 77-8 73-6 85-9 70-9 137-1 69-2 0-771 81 111 E SE 77 0-44 Cloudy : rain. 7 29-961 0-124 80-2 71-9 87-7 73-9 184-2 71-5 0-795 77 123 XKby K 35 Fine with passing clouds. 8 29972 0-103 80-8 74-7 88-1 73-1 134-fi 70-8 779 74 116 E NE 23 D.,. 9 29-994 0-121 78-3 721 86-9 71-0 185*6 88-a 0-708 73 88 NE by E 27 Uo. 10 29-958 0-136 75-3 68-5 868 (56-0 133-9 (il'O 0-607 70 89 Is E 7 Fine. 11 29-956 0-115 75-8 68-9 89-1 65-2 136-3 60-7 0-615 69 72 -jNEbyE 2 Cleur. 12 29-955 0-142 76-0 <>9'9 87-2 (58-1 133-3 64-5 0-651 73 82 ENE 12 Fine. 13 29-933 0-155 7(i-4 70-7 87-9 (56-9 135-5 61-7 0-677 74 100 EbyN 10 Do. 14 29-882 0-137 79-4 71-4 93-8 67-0 139-2 61-6 0-663 66 114 K S E 17 Fine with j i;i.~sin-j clouds. 15 29-839 0-147 Boi 72-5 93-5 69-2 137-7 64-6 0-697 67 174 S E 3 Fine. 16 29-857 0138 80-6 73-4 90-7 71-5 135-1 66-6 0-727 69 169 SE by E Clear. 17 29-869 0-145 80-1 73-7 89-9 71-1 186-fl 6(5-0 0-748 72 150 E S E 3 D(,. 18 29-858 0-122 79-6 74-3 91-0 71-0 137-7 65-3 0-778 77 113 1 E by 8 5 Fine. 19 29-893 0-089 79-0 73-0 90r, 72-1 1357 67-5 0-732 74 1119 E by N 7 Do. 20 29-939 0-130 78-7 72-5 89-5 69 2 131-0 64-0 0-716 73 111 X K 22 Fine with lijrht clmnls. 21 29-964 0-114 78-9 72-8 89-8 tiS'7 135-1. 630 0-726 74 93 NE 10 Fine. 22 29-924 0-148 8T6 7:!-:! 91-9 70-7 1 Ki-1 65-6 0-709 (ill 112 Kast 17 Fine witli light clouds. 23 29-922 0-1 15 7!>-9 73-4 928 71-2 137-5 (Hi- 1 0-737 72 115 EbyS 47 Fine. 24 29-906 0-132 HI -3 749 9ii-9 71-2 i:!8-(i 66-0 0-788 73 139 SEbyE 73 Hazy. 25 29-904 0- 1 :!."> 81-6 74-8 9-2".' 73-8 139-6 70-1 0-772 72 172 SEbyE 53 Fine with lm/<>. 26 29-901 0-121 so-i 74-6 92-5 69-8 138-0 64-5 781 76 160 E S E 20 Fine with liirht clouds. 27 20-897 0-1 in 81-6 75-6 89-1 72-9 135-1 (17-8 0-806 75 l!ll K S E 12 Fine. 28 29-891 0-143 BM 75-8 89-9 Til 1311-5 69-7 0-8M 72 1113 E by S Fine with passing clouds. 29 29-917 0-124 Mil 75"7 90-0 75-0 143-4 71-3 0-81 1 75 Kit K by S n Da 30 29-896 0-1 2(i 81-8 74-8 91-7 74-o 137-7 69-3 0-7W 71 150 EbyS 32 Do. 31 29-865 0-110 81-6 75-1 89'6 730 136-3 67-5 0-785 73 175 E S E 17 Fine with lii^ht cimnU. Mean 29-910 0-184 799 73-6 90-0 71-11 13116 67-5 0-748 73 1 15 E by S tt 1-19 34 134 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1871 April. 4 1- 30 1 4" BAROMKTER BKIHVKD TO 32 Correct t'd Mean Temperature Si I.K KKCISTKKINI: THKKMOMKTKKS Deduced Wind Clouds I ii'iieral Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wat Max. Min. Max. Miu Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily \Y].,. city .Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o o O O o Inches Cents M Mi's Points Cents Inrlies . 1 29-876 129 SI -8 75-5 91-0 73-4 137-0 68-3 0-800 74 162 SE by E 6 Kinc. 2 29-908 0-137 81-3 75-5 89-7 74-4 134-3 69-1 0-806 76 151 K S E is Fine with passing clouds. 3 29-896 0151 81-1 74-7 89-1 734 134-7 63-8 0-774 73 146 SEbyE 10 Fine. 4 20-864 0-174 82-1 75-2 91-0 72-it 13S-5 68-6 0-782 71 163 SE by E Kim> with light clouds. 5 Wtt 11-1 1:1 82'2 76-6 91-4 717 1367 70-3 0-842 77 Mil E S E S Fine. 6 29-901 0140 83-4 77'7 91-9 7>-o 138-1 -8 0-874 76 201 SEby E 17 Fine with Hsrlit clomls. 7 29-866 0133 83-6 77-2 91-5 n-9 137-5 72-9 0-848 73 219 SE by E 17 Do. 8 89-837 0-154 SJ.-2 7711 93-1 772 139-0 731 0-872 74 228 SE by E 32 Fine with passing clouds. 9 29-856 0-123 83-8 77-3 91-5 77-3 137-3 73-7 0-850 73 203 ES E is Fine. 10 29-849 0-112 84-7 78-3 92-0 78-1 1392 74-5 0-883 74 150 E by S -'.-. Fine with light clouds. 11 29-981} 0-118 84-0 77-3 92-0 77-5 141-3 73-7 0-847 73 124 East W Fine with passing clomls. 12 29-922 0-155 83-6 767 92-0 75-9 138-3 72-:! 0-826 72 158 ES E 18 Fine. 13 29-848 0-146 83-1 77-1 90-8 74-3 136-5 69-9 0-851 75 194 SEbyE :! Clear. 14 89-829 0-143 83-9 78-o 93-1 76-3 139-9 72-6 0-880 75 211 SE by E '2 1 Fine with passing clouds. 15 29-799 0-142 85-6 78-7 96-0 78-7 140-1 75-7 0-889 72 277 S E M "^a Fine with light clouds. 16 29-799 0-162 85-9 79-1 9s-3 80-3 141-5 79-0 0-903 73 306 SEbyE 17 I'axsiii'.' clomls. 17 88-896 0-147 84-5 77-9 92-8 80-8 141-9 79-r, 0-868 74 235 SE by E (10 D... 18 29-824 0-133 83-8 77-ii 91-8 78-9 140-1 76-1 0-864 75 172 E S E n Fine with passing clouds. 19 29-801 0-162 84-3 771 93-8 76-9 143-5 74-2 0-847 72 190 E by S :ts Do. 20 -788 0-187 84-6 77-.' 92-1 77-0 138-2 72-6 0-835 70 206 E S E s Fine. 21 29795 0-129 94-8 76- I 98i 77-3 138-8 73-5 0-804 68 !!( E S E I (Hear. 22 9768 0163 851 77-7 9't'S 76-8 1 12 I 72-9 0-851 70 226 8E M Fine : 1-r. \V 23 29-731 0-167 86-8 78-ii 95-6 79-9 142-0 76-5 0-875 70 263 SEbyE 20 Uo. : do. 24 29-724 0-117 86-9 n-9 98-4 80'1 1443 79-1 0-791 62 258 S E 23 Fine M ill] liil/.e : Ig. W. 25 29-761 0-113 85-2 79-0 92-3 80-0 138-5 773 0-908 75 232 E S E 17 Fin" with parsing clouds: Ig. \V. 26 29-782 0-117 85-5 7S'S 93- 79-3 142-2 76-5 0-896 73 184 E by S 53 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. \. \V. 27 29-770 0-102 84-6 78-3 90-8 80-0 1317 765 0-885 74 109 East 82 o-ol Clomly. 28 29-820 0-101 85-0 78-3 B2* 79-1 1355 76-8 0-880 73 115 East (17 I'assing clouds. 29 29-824 0-122 84-8 77-8 923 78-8 140-5 75-9 0-860 72 131 E by N 33 Fine with passing clouds. 30 29-813 0-112 si 7 773 92-0 78-5 140-4 75-8 0-839 70 166 E by S M Do. Mean 2!is: 0-137 81-1 771 92-6 77 -3 139-0 739 0-851 73 192 E S E M inl 135 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1871 May. I \r 11 's a UAKO.METEK REDUCED TO :i-! Corrected Mean Temperature SELF KEGISTEBING TilKllMOMETEBS Deduced Wind M 1 O 5 g 1 General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun (Ir.-iss Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. 1 Vapour Tension Hum- idity lliiilv Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o Inches Cents Miles Points. Cents. Inches I 20-818 0-123 S5-1 77-1 92-6 79-2 1374 75-6 0-824 68 187 ESE 10 ... Fine. 2 29-802 o-l Hi 84-S 77-9 92-4 78-8 13!Hi 75-3 0-863 72 212 E S E 20 ... Fine : \ K . S. W. :i 20782 0-181 86'2 78-3 94-5 79-1 Ml-.') 70-0 0-863 68 111 East 10 ... Do. 4 89-772 0-187 S.Y9 79-0 93-1 80-7 138-7 78-1 0-899 72 138 Eby S 83 Cloudy : Ig. W. 5 20746 0'126 86-0 75-8 95-6 77-9 140-4 7.VI! 0-755 61 143 SE by E 30 Fine with passing clouds: Ig. S. W. 6 29-741 o- 1 53 8li-(> 77-9 98-8 79-8 144-0 76-8 0-838 liU 173 SEbyE 18 Fine. 7 29-784 0-128 87-1 79-9 97-6 8V7 144-4 79-4 0-925 71 207 SEby E 37 i.i Fine with passing clouds. 8 29-749 0-129 87-9 ; 79-7 98-2 si-1 145-7 79-8 0-901 t>9 262 SE by S 40 Fine p. el. : th. and Ig. N. W. !> 89-728 0-148 8IJ-8 70-5 101-5 78-0 143-5 77-3 0-775 Cl 212 S by E 72 ... Cloudy. 10 20-763 0-121! S6-8 78-1 98-9 80'(i 145-4 78-3 0-845 66 164 S E 73 ... Passing clouds. 11 29770 o-ioo 87'0 i 707 96-0 80-7 141-0 79-3 0-781 (il 199 S S E 47 Fine with light clouds : Ig. X. W. 12 29-776 0-098 8(i-|. 7U-2 94-7 80-4 134-6 791 0-770 61 200 SE 57 Passing clouds. 13 29761 0-1<>4 87'0 78-0 96-1 81-2 141-6 79-5 0-838 65 192 SE 73 ... Do. 11 29712 0-140 SS7 76-8 .103-2 82-4 1464 79-7 0-762 56 173 S S E 80 0-08 Cloudy : th. 18 29-723 0-109 86-5 ' 74-3 103-0 75-5 140-4 73-1 0-684 54 178 SE 80 0-23 Cloudy : light rain. 16 29-779 o-ioo 86-5 76-8 96-5 80-7 141-6 79-2 0-792 63 168 SE 92 ... Cloudy. 17 20768 0-126 SS-D 76-5 103-6 83-1 150-1 81-6 0-759 57 248 S S E 37 Fine with light clouds. IS 29-730 0-139 89-0 75-8 100-3 82-2 145-7 80-6 0-714 52 195 SE 42 Fine with passing clouds. 19 29-737 o-oei 88-4 76-4 99-1 88-6 140-6 8V8 0-749 56 199 SE by S 80 Cloudy. 20 29-762 o-ioo 87-1 77-0 101-2 83-4 139-9 80-6 0-793 62 157 S S E 87 Do. 21 29-712 0-127 88-0 74-1 104-3 82-3 145-0 81-7 0-648 48 243 S SE 30 Fine with light clouds. 22 29-6SO 1 1- 1 _>:( 87-9 75-7 102-0 82-4 114-8 80-0 0-726 ' 55 282 SE by S 13 ... Fine. 23 29-697 0-101 87-0 77-5 102-2 82-1 1 13-7 80-8 0-817 64 254 SEby S 42 ... Fine with passing clouds : th. X. W 21 29-706 0-101) 87-7 77-9 104-2 82-3 1 1 |.-8 81-0 0-825 68 277 SE by S 33 ... Fine with passing clouds. 25 29-732 0-112 87-4 79-2 97-8 82-4 1 42-4 81-6 0-888 68 336 S E 17 Fine. 20 29-768 0-103 86"8 78-7 94-9 81-6 140-0 80-4 0-880 70 331 S E 10 Do. 27 29-798 0-088 85-3 79-1 92-0 81-2 136-3 80-1 0911 75 299 SEby E 27 Do. 28 29-817 0-082 85-8 777 95-7 80-7 140-6 78-9 0-842 68 318 S K 10 ... Fine with light clouds. 29 29777 0-173 87-3 77-9 96-9 80-9 141-4 79-6 0-830 61 279 SE 7 ... Fine. 30 29-724 0-152 88-4 76-2 104-2 82-0 1460 81-2 0-740 5.-> 241 S S E 22 Fine with passing clouds. 31 29-693 0-124 87'9 70-4 98-7 80-9 141-8 79-5 0-756 57 266 SEby S 27 ... Fine with haze. Mean 29-751 0-122 87-0 77-3 98-4 80-9 1422 7!i-l 0-806 03 222 S E 12 0-31 136 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1871 June. l * HAKOSETKK KKIH CKI) TO 32' Corrected Mean Temperature SKI F KKOISTKBING THKEMOMKTKKS Deduced Wind Clou. Is _= '5 H General Weather Mean Emigre Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Miu. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- iility Daily Mean Vrlo. Diree- city lion Day Inches Inches O O O o Inches Cents Miles Point* Genii Ine-he 1 29-688 0-125 87'6 77 t 1000 815 1-13-4 80-0 0-803 i;i 2l'l S K ;i7 Fine with li^ln clouds : li;. S W. 2 29-680 0125 88-4 76-4 101-3 82-6 1450 81-5 0-749 5 on 21 12 Da Do. 5 29-590 0-116 84-6 776 94-4 78-0 l:u-(i 76-si 0-847 72 237 S E 67 ... J'assim: clouds : \-r. S. W. 6 29-603 0-108 853 765 953 79-7 138-0 79-3 0-794 65 200 South 70 1 1-1 ii' Cloudy. 7 W4tt 0100 83-8 758 941 80-1 1442 Jt 0-792 69 192 SKby E n O-CIS) Chiefly tine. 8 29651 0-147 Ml I 753 996 78-4 145-4 77-5 0-692 50 213 \V by S 7:! 1'as-sini.' clouds : lir. X. 9 29-652 0-151 86-4 75-5 100-1 82-1 145-8 805 0-736 M 1MB S by K 43 Kinc \\ itli passing clouds. 10 29-703 0-134 87-3 76-8 102-3 81-5 147-4 79-3 0-7S1 (iO i'14 S S K <>3 l'assini . 23 29-661 0-119 90-3 71-9 101-6 82-2 140-4 SO'8 0-535 37 355 SW by S ! > Cloudy. 24 29-6C9 142 Vi-l 73-8 98-1 821 1438 so- 7 0-629 46 i'7:t S S W 93 Cloudy : th. 25 29-684 01-21 90-8 74-6 102-8 82-1 1437 80-7 0-639 45 341 s s W 57 Passinjr clouds. 26 29707 0-141 893 73-8 1037 82-7 1447) 81-4 0-626 45 318 B*MM (is 0-04 Cliietly o\ erca.-i. 27 29-708 0-147 86-5 74-6 101-6 80-9 141 1 7vii 0-697 60 275 Sonth n I'.is-in^' clouds. 28 29710 0-138 86-6 75-9 999 82-2 116-9 so- 1 0-751 M 252 BBS 57 Fine wit li passing cloinls. 29 29-761 01 o:i 86-1 75-9 96-1 81-4 1 12-0 80-0 0-758 60 2n S K 55 Do. 30 29792 1 2 I 862 86-7 763 96-9 98-8 811 144-4 7vs 077 1 M 240 ' S E i;:i 0-06 Passing clouds. Mean 29-685 0-128 753 si-i 1 10 9 79- 1 0-725 r,7 248 South 72 2M 137 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1871 July. X f~ HAROMKTKR KEHrCEI) TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF RKUISTFKIXG THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 'K 1 5 c "3 H General Weather Moan Range ! Dry Sun Grass Alin. Dry Wet Max. Min. Mas. Vapour Hum Tension idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches. Indies o o O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inclie ] 29771 0-119 85-3 76-6 95-8 79-1 180-8 76-4 0-799 65 227 S by K 83 O'O" Chiefly overcast. 2 29756 0-OS3 82-1 73-6 90-1 7::-l 113-3 71-7 0-715 65 158 S\V by 100 0-59 Overcast : thunderstorm. 8 29747 0-098 83-7 7-2-0 90-9 79-1 121-3 75-3 0-629 55 176 S W 100 Overcast. 4 29727 O'lOS ls-l-9 74-2 !I7'4 78-4 141-8 75'3 0-703 60 220 S S W 67 Passing clouds. 5 29-706 0-112 85"4- 75'1 !I7'0 79-4 142-4 78-0 U-7:! 1 60 225 S by W 70 0-06 Cloudy. 6 29-668 0-120 8S-1 | 76-0 1CO-2 81-3 144-8 79-8 0-736 56 234 SEbyS 43 Fine with passing clouds. 7 29-647 0122 f-8-7 7-M 96-4 88-8 129-r, 82-0 0-647 48 231 S W 75 Light clouds : th. 8 29-645 o-ioo 86-9 75-3 99-3 S2-S 1 10-7 NO- 7 0-720 57 238 South 80 Cloudy. 9 29-678 0-119 85-4 75-6 99-1 80-3 141-6 78-6 0-756 62 220 S S E 47 Fine with passing clouds. 10 29-671 0-136 84-7 74-2 102-6 79-2 152-4 77-3 0-705 59 215 South 63 Passing clouds. 11 29-664 0-148 85-8 75-5 100-9 81-1 14C-3 79-9 0-746 60 223 S by W 80 o-oi Cloudy. 12 29-685 0-114 84-2 73-8 99-0 80-1 114-4 78-7 0-695 59 218 S by W 90 4-07 Cloudy: heavy rain with th. and Ig. 13 29-719 0-121 82-3 ! 76-6 92-7 75-1 184-8 73-4 0-839 76 216 S S E 83 0'22 Cloudy day : light rain. 14 29-762 0-122 S2-3 7(3-3 95-5 76-3 1 I.VO 74-3 0-827 75 175 South 67 0-11 Cloudy : thunderstorm. 15 29-730 0184 8.1-9 75-8 9o-:i 711 132-1 72-3 0-810 75 248 SWbyS 82 2-08 Overcast: thunderstorm with rain. 16 29-760 0-094 78-8 74-5 84-3 74-5 103-4 71 -4 0-798 81 152 S by W 100 0-38 Overcast with showers. 17 29-743 0-122 81-3 ! 74-1 88-4 75-9 116-0 73-6 0-747 70 144 SWbyS 100 Overcast. 18 29705 0-121 81-1 74-8 88-3 76-2 123-2 74-5 0-779 73 169 S \V 100 0-20 Overcast -. light rain : th. 19 29-087 0-116 Sl'8 74-0 88-5 765 125-3 75- 1 0'73(i 6S 208 S by W 100 Overcast : th. 20 -9-6SI 0-108 S2-6 75-1 91-7 77-6 129-0 77-3 0771 69 189 South 97 0-02 Do. 21 29737 0*089 84-3 74-6 94-7 77-2 111-9 7 III 0-723 61 213 South 53 Passing clouds. 22 29-770 0-1M 85-6 75-4 9(5-3 7s-(i 135-0 76-8 0-716 (iO 250 SS W 63 Pasting clouds : Ig. S. \\". | 23 20-804 0-114 80-1 : 73-7 92-3 75-4 1 3n-l 73-0 0-7 IS 72 205 South 83 1-02 Overcast : thunderstorm. 21 29-764 0-119 81-0 74-7 80- 73-2 122-4 72-3 0776 73 175 S by E 87 Cloudy : Ig. S. 2.-) 29-721 0-098 83-0 7 1-3 91-8 77-7 ]- 171 South / 1 Cloudy. 5 29741 0-118 85-3 75-8 97'i W-8 142-0 76-9 0-765 63 221 S by E in Fine with light clouds. 6 29744 0-118 86-5 75-7 953 80-0 136-4 76-7 0-741 59 174 Sby E 77 Cloudy. 7 29750 111 81-5 75-2 96-5 81-3 138-4 79-2 0'750 63 203 South 87 11 111' Cloudy : ih. iiml ]g. S. W. 8 29-730 0-128 84-0 749 93-4 77 :i 127-2 75-4 0744 <>4 186 South 88 Cloudy. 9 29-691 0-158 86-8 75-4 100-1 79-7 141-5 7b"4 0-727 57 223 S S W 70 0'I6 Cloudy : Klin : Ig. !S. \V. 10 29-694 0121 85-5 74-9 97-5 78-3 141-2 74-5 0-724 59 827 S W 87 0-34 ( h ,'ivast : ruin : th. and Ig. S. W. 11 29-710 0-126 85-6 76-9 96-9 77-5 139-3 75-4 0-808 66 200 Sby E S3 0-04 Cloudy. 12 29-716 0-159 87-0 75-2 98-7 79-5 145-5 77-2 0-716 56 208 S by W 60 1'assiiig clouds. 13 29-711 0-129 85-3 75-4 92-9 80-7 1139 78-4 0-748 61 178 Sby E 03 Chiefly cloudy. 14 29-716 0155 86-7 75'6 979 79-3 141-7 76-9 0-737 58 229 South 63 Passing clouds : Ig. S. W. 15 29-742 O'lol 84-1 76-2 963 75-3 136-4 73-4 0-798 68 232 S by E 57 023 Passing rlouds : rain. 16 29-740 0-120 85-1 75'2 95-6 78-8 139-3 763 0-742 61 200 S E a o-o] Fine with passing clouds. 17 29-773 0-126 85-1 773 96-0 79-6 146-3 77-4 0-833 69 164 SEbyE 37 Do. 18 29-798 0-116 81-3 76'5 965 79-2 1439 77-5 0-809 69 161 SEbyS 28 To. 19 29-788 0-119 85-0 76-8 B4'8 7!2 143-7 77-3 0-800 65 195 SE by S 17 Fine. 20 29'SOi 0-098 .S3'4 7<>:t 92-8 742 137-5 72-3 0-812 71 224 S S K Be 12 II vy.d ust storm I'ol' rain : line day . 21 29-796 0-108 86-3 77-7 100-2 79-6 145-4 78-3 0-835 67 207 S S E 25 Fine with passing clouds. 22 29786 0-107 85-6 75-5 97-8 70-5 1437 78-4 0-749 61 194 S E 47 Fine with Imze. 23 29-760 0-121 85-7 75-8 966 79-9 142-1 77-5 0-760 61 177 E SE 37 Do. 24 2!) 777 0-116 85-6 76-6 98-2 79-1 145-3 77-1 0-795 65 215 S E n Fine, with passing clouds. 25 29-817 0-099 85-2 76-0 99-0 78-6 147-4 76-9 0-776 64 224 SE by S 60 Passim; el, mils : th. N. and S. W. 26 29-857 0-116 84-4 75-0 949 78-0 140-6 76'8 0-742 til' 172 SS E 77 Cloudy. 27 29-788 0135 85-7 74-4 '.143 77-5 1205 760 0-700 57 183 S S W 77 Do. 28 18-738 0-1 36 85-3 743 '.(4- 1 si -3 1323 793 0-701 58 168 S by E M HUM Overcast. 29 29-978 0129 77-6 78-i 81-J 7.vo 953 74-4 0-788 83 117 S\V by S 100 0-44 Overeast, : mill. 30 29-704 0-105 81-0 753 88-7 76-2 1H-7 74-3 0-802 75 120 Scilllll M n nl I l\ereaM . 31 29-775 0-106 82-2 7:1 1 87-1 70:! 112-7 73-9 0706 64 135 Sr.lltll 03 Cloudy. Mean 29-764 0-124 84-8 7.Vti 953 78-4 135-S 76-3 076!! 64 190 S by E (ii 1-43 139 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1871 September. x: ^ 3 BABOI HEDl-CBI Mean [ETER ) Til 32' Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Vapour ITim- Tensiou idity Wind Clouds * General Weather Range Dry San Grass Dry Wet, Max Min ATav. Min. Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 29764 0-156 81-6 70-0 nt-4 78-3 120-9 75-5 0-824 70 97 E S E 85 Cloudy. 2 29-774. 0-147 78-6 74-8 84-3 75-3 130-7 74-1 0-812 83 93 East 85 Cloudy : th. : X. and N. W. 3 S9-W8 0-113 84-3 75-9 92-8 77-3 139-4 743 0-782 lit) 175 N X E 13 Fine. 4 29797 0-1S8 84-4 77-0 92-6 78-1 1 14-9 74-9 0-829 70 129 NE by E 27 Fine with passing clouds. 3 29-788 0-116 (S5-5 77-3 117-4 78-1 145-4 75-0 0-827 07 143 East 60 Passing clouds : th. W. 6 29-707 0-149 83-8 75-2 96-6 77-3 U2-7 75-2 0760 65 165 SE byE 53 Fine with passing clouds. 7 80-740 0-140 82-0 75'5 96-7 75-8 1 t8-3 73-8 0-796 73 186 E S E 70 0-02 Cloudy. 8 29717 0-142 80-6 74-3 91.-3 77'3 146-2 75-7 0-765 73 205 S E 83 0-49 Cloudy : rain : th. W. 9 29-683 0- 1 12 S !-! 74-(i 92-6 76-8 144-2 74-4 0-726 80 192 S by E 92 Cloudy. 10 29672 0153 85-2 72-9 92-4 78-6 117-2 75-1 0644 53 296 S S E 90 Do. 11 29-677 0-161 88-1 73-0 98-7 79-3 1416 77-2 0-610 46 325 Sby E 57 ... Passing clouds. 12 29-684 0-152 88-7 73-0 99-4 79-3 146-2 77-2 0-601 45 315 S S E 43 Do. ia 29-692 0-165 87-5 739 98-2 79-7 141-7 77'7 0-653 50 286 S E 30 Fine with passing clouds. u 29-733 0-139 85-6 74-8 100-8 80-9 1452 78-8 0-717 58 228 E by 3 20 ... Do. 15 29-7(17 0-142 85-5 70-3 98-6 79-1 148-2 77-8 0-741 60 208 Eby N 47 0-02 Passing clouds. 16 29-760 0-107 82-6 76-2 92-3 73'9 135-9 72-5 0-818 73 187 SEby S 68 0-61 Cloudy day : rain. 17 297-16 0-106 78-0 73-8 92-3 72-2 134-5 70-8 0-779 82 243 SE 88 1-72 Thunderstorm : overcast : rain. 18 29770 0-106 80-9 74-4 91-3 73-3 138-8 68-5 0-768 72 198 S S E 73 0-93 Thunderstorm : day cloudy : evg. fine. 19 29-774 0-118 84-0 75-5 9 15 76-3 1 12-0 73-9 0-789 liti 100 S E 40 Fine with light clouds : )g. S. W. 20 28-707 0-113 85-3 74-4 96-3 77-6 139-3 74-9 0-706 58 201 E S E 40 Do. 21 30-744 0-119 84-8 75-2 92-6 78-8 131-0 70-9 0-746 63 214 SE by S 72 Cloudy. 22 29-731 0-137 83-3 715 89-8 78-8 130-1 76'6 0'73G 63 140 S E 92 Do. 23 29-733 o-i w 84-2 73-5 94-8 77-3 132-4 74-4 0-683 59 241 ES E 57 Light clouds : th. and Ig. S. 2-t 29-782 0-137 83-7 75"2 95-7 78-0 188-4 70-2 0761 05 229 E by S 33 0-04 Chietly line. 25 29-709 IN 15 83-4 | 75-6 97-0 70-5 140-7 74-0 0-782 68 177 East 48 Passing clouds. 2IJ 29 778 0-142 83-4 77-4 97-1 79-8 I44'4 77-u 0-860 75 139 ES E 87 O'fSO Cloudy : rain : th. and Ig. 27 29-802 0-113 79-6 75-6 S7-I1 ! 74-1 132-1 72-9 0-888 82 171 E S E S3 1-58 Heavy thunderstorm : day cloudy. 28 29-816 0-141 Sl-4 76'5 86-8 77-3 116-0 75-0 0-847 79 97 SW by W 80 o-si Cloudy : vain. 29 29-821 0-142 79-7 7(i-3 88-0 73-7 140-8 723 0-868 85 95 E by S 70 1-10 Thunderstorm : day cloudy. :w Msati 2978I- 0-111 80-5 75'5 87-8 74 1 L88-8 72-0 0-816 78 132 x :: SE by K 37 S-18 Kim- with passing clouds : Ig. X. W. 29-754 0-135 83-4 75-1 93-7 77-1 137-9 74-8 0'702 67 189 til 140 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1871 October. t-t i-* &4 E BAROMKTEK KEDITED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature Sh I.K HKC.ISTKRING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind : I c c; lichei- (ieiicral Weather .Mean Range |),v Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Uoz. Mil,. i*apour 'ensiou Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Menu Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o o O " Inches Cents Miles Points Cents 1 29-804 0-122 81-5 75-4 88-9 752 407 72-4 0-800 74 1 H S\V l,yS K Fine with passing clouds : lu. S. ,\ \V. 2 29-784 0-123 80-6 75-8 87-0 76-2 ... 73-9 0-828 n !I9 S by W 53 0-03 Cloudy day : fine night. 3 29-804 0-117 80-6 75-5 90-2 75-9 1*1-8 73-6 0-815 7S 101 S l,y K 27 o-o i fine with passing clouds. 4 29-831 0-126 81-4 76-1 91-8 75-6 141-6 73-2 0-830 77 126 S l>y \V n Kiue with pasting els : ill. A ly. W. 5 29-830 0-119 80-7 75-5 92-9 75-3 1371 74-1 0-813 78 1 1.1 saw 13 0-74 fine with p. clouds: tluindcrMt 6 29-817 0105 8L-1 75-5 92-9 73-C 138-6 72-2 0-809 77 118 S\Vl,yS .-,:! Passing clouds : tli. and !_'. W. 7 29-777 0-104 81-1 76-3 93-6 77-0 140-6 74-4 0-843 7!l 108 W S W 43 (i-jl Passing clouds . tli. and Ig. : rain. 8 29-783 o-ioo 83-8 76-9 95-3 76-7 ware 73-8 0-832 7'2 119 XWbyW 28 Fine with passing cknids. 9 29-797 0-109 84-0 75-3 96-0 75-1 l:i-7 69-8 0761 64 107 X by K 9 Fine with light clouds : Ig. \V. 10 29-810 0-106 82-4 74-6 93-8 76-0 1399 71-4 0-753 68 74 \V by S 70 ( 'Inudy. 11 29-783 0-126 83-2 76-5 95-2 76-8 138-7 72-4 0-823 73 105 S by W M ... Fine witli light clouds. 12 29-777 0-129 82-8 75-7 93-2 75-8 140-9 71-7 0-794 71 111 S by K 18 ... Fine. 13 29-793 0-125 82-2 75-6 89-3 76-4 141-6 72-8 0-797 73 122 SE by S 33 Fine witli light clouds. 14 29-844 0-114 83-2 76-0 88-4 771 138-2 73-4 0-802 70 150 "K by S 37 Do, 15 29-893 0-114 83-2 76-1 89-3 76-2 1412 73-0 0-806 71 126 E S E 70 0'05 Cloudy. 16 29-914 0-119 81-2 75-5 89-6 77-8 1371 73-3 0-808 70 132 E by N 57 0-02 Passing clouds-. 17 29-913 0-033 773 74-4 85-6 75-6 102-1 74-3 0-814 86 66 E by N 90 1-90 Overcast with rain : th. 18 29-896 0133 76-8 74-9 81-6 74-0 103-1 723 0-840 91 MS XWbyW N 0-89 OviTrast : frequent rain : lli. 1! 29-921 0-103 78-4 7.V7 88-6 75-1 13!)- 1 7i:; 0-S53 88 110 K NE 83 0-89 Cloudy with frequent s-ho\\ ci > 20 29-909 0-112 78-6 754 84-2 74-8 124-8 73-3 0-838 85 96 N by W 70 0-11 I'as.-ing cluuds and shower^ 21 29-880 0114 80-1 74-7 87-5 742 1337 72-1 0-788 76 122 XE by N M Fine with light clouds-. 2-2 29-857 0-111 79-4 741 87-4 J-fl 134-1 69-8 077:! 78 159 North so Cloudy. 23 29-790 0-108 77-7 73-9 82-7 74-5 961 72-3 0-788 83 149 X X W 07 Z\ Cloudy : rain. 24 29-739 0-126 73-6 693 77-4 70-0 86-6 66-3 0-659 80 1-JI Wby N 100 1-15 Overcast : rain. 25 29-731 0-120 78-6 71-5 89-f 72 I 1 lu-5 67-7 0-678 70 112 West s7 Cloudy. 20 29-798 0-124 79-3 714 '.H :: 70'0 1374 09-3 0-C65 66 83 NW 47 Fine \\ith light cloini.-. 27 29-839 0116 79-3 74-5 92-2 -1 1 137-1 69-8 0-791 79 82 SS K 47 r'inc \\itli ]ias->ing i-'onds. 28 29-875 0-094 80-3 74-6 90-7 74-2 1377 69-3 0-781 76 110 SE byE n Fine-. 29 29-919 0-095 79-3 73-5 S7".i 734 186-1 09-8 0749 75 S2 XE byE 15 Do. 30 29-893 0117 771 71 -It 87-8 682 132-8 62-1 0713 7(> 91 N K 2 Ofcorr. 81 29-890 o-ioo 79-6 726 89-4 69-4 136-2 H., 1 0-708 70 145 X by K ;(5 Fine " il h I'lis-fr: 1 - Mean 29-835 0-112 80-3 717 89-4 744 1323 71-3 D-788 76 112 K 8 E 51 0i 141 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1871 November. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING RKHUCEll TO 32 Corrected THERMOMETERS Mean Deduced Wind 1 Temperature Dry Sun (!r:iss General Weather Novembt Moan Range Dry Wet Kax. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion. V. C 5 f Day Inches Indies - O Inches Cents Miles Pointy Cents [nches I 20-906 0-096 73*6 72-2 76-2 70-1 100-6 68-9 0-772 P3 170 X \V 100 4-84 Overcast : th. & Ig. X. \V". : heavy rain. 2 29-903 0-112 79-5 76-1 86'7 74-2 189-8 72-4 0-888 85 175 X X K 53 0-54 Passing clouds and rain. 8 29-927 0-112 81-2 70-3 87"5 77-2 136-0 7 1--5 0-841 7s 188 EN E 37 Fine with passing clouds. 4 29-!)l 1 0-087 80-4 75-2 87-j 73-2 1361 73-6 0-805 77 192 N NE 50 0-02 Passing clouds. 5 29-000 0-123 7! 1-5 73-5 86-8 74-3 136-6 7(1-4 0-716 74 201 N by K 30 Fine with passing clouds. 6 29-851 0-093 75T, 73-8 775 74-1 81-1 71-0 0-770 87 294 North 97 371 Overcast -. ruin. 7 29-825 0-029 707 73-7 SO- 7 75-2 101-6 72-4 0-793 86 396 E by S 100 1-13' L>o. do. 8 29-857 0-110 75-8 7:s-7 81-7 74-9 135-7 72-4 0-805 91 150 S E 90 4-81 Overcast : th. and Iff. E. : heavy rain. 29-S7U 0-108 79-0 75-0 84-8 71-1 13 1-9 73-4 0-816 82 144 ES E 67 0-29 Passing clouds : rain. 30 29-877 0-117 79-G 74-8 85-8 73-0 136-5 71-5 0-799 79 177 E by N 57 0-34 Fine with passing clouds & showers. 11 29-807 0-112 78-4 73-7 85-9 72-4 136-1 68-1 0-769 79 154 NEbyN 30 Fine with passing clouds. 12 29-815 0-092 79-4 70-1 85"5 75-1 133-8 72-3 0-857 86 192 X N E 40 0-05 Fine with passing clouds & showers. 13 29-849 0-093 79-8 76-4 85-6 75-6 133-7 71-7 0-865 85 134 NEbyN 63 0-12 Cloudy : shower. 14 29-937 0-069 79-9 76-5 87-2 77-1 142-9 73-4 0-869 85 137 NE by E 85 034 Cloudy : rain 18 29-929 0-143 77-9 75-7 85-1 74-2 131-4 72-8 0-860 90 168 NEbyE 77 2-02 Passing clouds : rain. 16 29-942 0-133 79-4 75-9 86-7 74-6 134-2 70-9 0-849 85 (30 E by N 30 o-oi Fine with passing clouds. 17 29-991 0-107 80-2 75-2 87-3 74-6 136-5 69-9 0-8W 78 94 N E 37 Fine : light clonds. 18 29-980 0-113 79-6 74-5 86-4 73-7 195-9 71"7 0-787 78 119 NE by N 50 Fine with passing clouds. 19 29-958 0-112 7S-8 73-4 85-8 74-6 tae-fl 70-5 0-751 76 131 NE by N 43 Passing clouds. 20 29-944 0-109 78-7 72-9 86-3 72-(i 144-6 68-4 0-732 75 177 NNE 57 Do. 21 29-918 0-143 78-6 72-8 Bo-a 78-2 93-0 73-9 0-730 75 253 NNE 97 o-u Cloudy. 22 29-920 0-137 76-4 73-6 78-8 7G-0 95-5 72-5 0-792 87 170 NN E 98 2-90 Overcast. 23 29-923 0-086 74-1 73-1 74-9 73-5 77-1 72-9 0-803 95 134 N N E ICO 1-23 Do. 24 29-948 0-123 77-9 74-6 84-8 73-4 134-3 71-5 0-815 85 100 NE by E 72 0-29 Cloudy. 25 29-980 0-090 72-3 71-4 74-5 73-2 77-3 72-1 0-758 S>5 102 N N E 98 3-36 Overcast. 26 29-949 0-114 77-1 72-1 84'5 70'5 135-0 66-1 0-722 77 176 NNE 27 Fine with passing clouds. 27 29-845 0-094 78-2 71-7 84-7 73-4 1334 66-5 0-691 72 195 NNE 27 Do. 28 29-067 0-087 78-1 71-8 85-6 71-5 136-4 66-4 o-697 73 167 NEbyN 35 Passing clouds. 29 29-949 0-117 76-3 71-7 84-2 71-2 1326 65-7 0-717 79 126 NNE 65 Chiefly clondy. so 29919 0-1 26 76-7 71-2 85-3 71-4 134-1 66-3 0-691 75 104 N N E 43 Fine with passing clouds. Mean 29-916 0-106 78-0 73-9 83-8 74-0 125-1 70-8 0-786 82 166 N E 62 26-41 36 Maciras Meteorological Observations. 1871 December. 1) inber 1S71 BAROMETER KKDl'CKD TO 32 Mean Kan-re Corrected Mean Temperature Dry Wet P I Max. KI.K Rt 1'llKRMI ry Min. GISTKKIM: MM KKs Sllll (irass Detlneeii Vapour H inn- Tension idity \Vin,l ClollllH C.'lieral \\Vuther Max. Min. Daily Velo. city Mean Iliree. lion Fay Inches Inches o ' O O Inclics Cents Miles Pofatti Cenis Indies 1 B8-9M 0-116 71! 1 71 I si 3 70-5 1367 65-5 0-686 77 103 X X K >- Fine \\illi |iassins,' elinnls. 2 2H-H77 0-105 wa 71 1 S73 69-2 141-0 (13-2 0-695 77 104 X K 33 Do. 3 29-993 0-102 77-5 7J-4 85-9 705 1365 65-4 0-729 77 117 N K 57 Passinu- 4 29-999 0-1 10 70-s 725 85-6 71-1 13(13 63 4 0-743 81 117 XKbyX 17 Fine \\iili |iassiii-r. <-li>ii! 1 IKfQ 80-046 O' 1 1(1 0-108 78"9 79-0 7 I 9 74-0 Of 857 76-3 144 U 137-8 /I 72- 1 U olo 0-774 2 78 11)9 at X K 50 80 O-05 15 31-061 o-oai 79(1 71-5 85-0 77-2 1353 734 0-663 66 314 X K by X K Passing clouds. 16 3 1-023 0-120 7S-7 70-1 si-9 71-7 13(5-3 6S-5 0-623 63 321 XKbyX to Fine with (lassinij; elouds. 17 30-033 o 101 797 71-0 S'i-3 75-1 135-9 68-9 0-643 08 316 X K 60 'assinir. clouds. IS 30-030 0102 7S-3 OT1 S 15 75-0 194-1 68-1 0-590 61 307 XK by K 37 Fine with passing i-loinl*. 19 3 1-021 0-09,1 713 7o-(i 81-7 673 137-2 Bo-a 0700 S3 136 XKbyX 63 01 1 Cloudy. 20 29-9SS 0-122 7(11 72-2 85-6 70-4 [351 603 0-739 S2 150 XKbyX B6 o-17 'jl-vinrr elollds. 21 29-957 0133 770 70-0 sir, 72-0 1337 663 0-641 69 221 XKbyN 27 Fine with i::isin!r el 1? . 22 29936 0-121 70S 6:)-7 SI-9 6S'l 1 H-3 62-8 0633 88 1 2' i X K by K 2 i Fine. 23 29-927 0121 775 71-2 SI- 1 09-8 136-7 65-3 9-630 72 72 K S K 27 Fine with pa1 X t- * t- CO 10 i ~1 -5 X*jV>OTOt -ftHCiiOtDt** s * W ^ co H _ ^.&i;* W _ a i g o s ^_ K J^.jfr aa' ^ a * H OB j. * /) i I 3 H a Si ?! S SS5 -2 - ;" S ^ s g ^3 i-! s ; 'o Tl W t~ 10 -H O -? -f OH o 5 S -* <-H tO "-O tQ O 71 t OS CD ' CO X Oi O ?O *O >-1 SC' 71 1(5 Ci 71 C3O f f '-C fi -^ c; i 1 ! -t 1 c ?. x" i X ^ ( -^ i ?I 71 ?I -^ rH X E IP 2 X S S3 O o ^" O -H'-tit>- H -Oi-iXOC:c: jr ^ _- ^ PH .>i i- " OO ,- c 1 y) S^UT;) uo 5!-5SSi5b6 2 OJ J o O -^ O X r? ~f* -H I-H x 71 10 O iQ 55 '^ I- I.- i^ I> CO S * S tn .5 h t) uinuuxi: |^ un^ ii s i i ^ i i 1 s ^ -S X Jl a jS cp - i ** * rc 5i -* i^- X O *. IN. -f c ~ ^ ?l 71 71 71 ft i-i 71 71 71 Q -7 a be *X>*0-P=Oi-tl>--tCOCOCDON rt o - -' 1 o JU s a o 333333 g 23335? bn '3 3 "2 _ V -( o o 1_ ^ 5 '?, * 'r? o :j 15 o 1 30 | 1 ; a ; s * i; - i' a" ;- i OJ ^J OJ - * Hi S 25" 5 -' 1^ N X ^ O TO CO ^1 " 3 17 Ct -* 'i^ C5 ri -^ y? X X X T; *-D ^ I- X CO 1^ 1^ 1^ 1^ l^ 1^ 1 'So o w -5 1 ^ x ' - i- x x .- o -c s oooooooooooo o o ^ =3 M' i* o -O -g" OlO^^*#3i?0'~''~^tOOp'Ci vT3 .3 = 15 TO M O X C*. 1- -M iH X l~ " ifrj u S 5 H m rH 1 * eSSiSitgssssr;* s s V s xr^-M-^-tN^ot-ot-^ < i* ^ - TO a -t CO TO X -H ,. - c^ s, >-, " -a S '~ 4-1 i- ffl -H -* -H r, t~ rH c M |*tW>3jN,iS>C5^i OX'C , G Cu o I'a 3i X o i'* J>. ib yD 6 o Cw ?? tc O s : t ^^ S o ,_; 7)0!MOi'3COrHW'MW^HM f ^ 8 g c O5 O CD CO Cl t^ GC "^ ^H ~J< O Ct ^ X^-DCl -I.LI. .DL _ c " c o -J> = t> 1- X X .- 1^ I- 1- 1- l~ * H ^ 00 -WO- H x -0 X -0 -" X TO TO J- -* X 10 ,, u> ~z YJ -^ r- r- 1 S 1 ! >l ?1 &\ I 1 ^1 l-H f^ 1 ~ 3 I 3 g 3 g g 5 3 s X w C* !i! ?iao3-fnt>99ixsi5X s c' i ^Na-HO*-x^o- EA A W 'x 5 S S 3 | | S S 1 fe t- 1 - 1 - X X X X X X X 1>- I ~ X 2 -j > c' (/> - '-. 5 ^ rHMCteO-MfrlrHjJWi-HO M <5j rf 666666666666 2 S o=s c 666666666666 6 f^, 'U 1 " 1 si. ^ = X i |iiikig.i|i|i | ^a ^ i-i rH " 71 71 " ^3 i-H .71 pH s S u> ^ i ri ji 7-1 ?] M TI l i N ri r4 fi | a oo I-H o H o co o o as r* w x n * (N7ll>.r3-^^Hl-N.OXl^X^ 3 -3 OO 30 1- '-O :p 17 tp tp O 1- X | i- - = -* s i * ,, = 5 I ^Slilllillll I" 1 i .- Jlll11 1 Annual . liN.U 1 1 1 i 1 144 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1872 January. BAROMETER SKI.K RKCMSTHKIXC; KKHl'CED TO 32 Corrected TllKKMOMKTKlis , Mean Deduced Wind ;t>MMu Hi'lhU. 5 29-983 0-098 75-1 69-1 8-4-8 671 137-8 61-6 0-632 72 140 N K 80 Do. o 29984 0-132 74-0 67-8 85-9 65-4 135-0 58-7 ii-;,: is 71 130 XK1,, X _'n Fine with light i iumK. 1 29956 0-144 72-6 66-2 84-5 63-1 1321 56-9 0-560 69 HIS X E In Fine. S 29-926 O'Ut 72-2 65-8 83-6 65-6 13G-0 61-1 0-550 69 87 NEbyE LJ Do. 9 29-931 0-137 72-8 679 86-7 63-8 131-7 56-6 0-618 n 97 E S E 11 Clear. 10 30-000 0-120 73-6 68-9 86-2 65-1 134-6 58-5 0-646 78 107 East 20 i-'ine \vitli light clouds. 11 29-972 0-134 75-3 69-4 84-4 67-8 135-5 62-7 0-641 72 153 E N E 13 Fine with passing clouds. 12 29-985 0-106 75-8 66-6 83-8 68-0 135-3 62-5 0-530 60 150 E X E 53 Do. 13 29-995 0-116 74-4 66-8 84-3 66-6 137-9 61-0 0-557 66 133 X E 50 Do. 14 29-986 0-114 75-0 67-0 85-4 66-7 134-4 61-4 0-556 61 156 XE 37 Do. 15 30-001 0-111 71 t 66-9 M-7 64-8 136-1 58-9 0-561 66 155 NEbyE 43 Do. 16 30021 0-119 74-4 67-2 84-1 64-1 134-0 58-7 0-572 67 135 X K 17 Do. 17 29-998 0141 73-3 66-5 81-2 64-2 132-5 .-,7-3 0-561 69 158 XE l,y X 30 Do. 18 29-998 0-120 72-6 67-0 85-7 63-5 134-4 --.- 0-588 74 139 XE by X 27 Do. ! 19 30-027 0-116 76-4 696 86-3 65-3 135-4 58-5 0-688 70 171 XE by N 80 Do. 20 30-047 0-135 77-6 69-1 86-3 73-9 138-0 69-5 0-599 63 180 X E il Do. *. 21 29996 0-159 75-9 68-6 85-3 65-9 134-6 60-7 0-602 68 201 X F. 33 Do. 22 29-997 0-140 73-1 65-9 S.V2 64-5 133-5 58-2 0-542 66 189 K E 48 Do. 29-964 0133 75-3 68-7 H-9 64-5 188-0 59-2 0-615 71 141 XE by N 20 Do. 24 29-964 0126 76-9 7(>-!i 85-2 (17-1 1345 62-2 0-677 73 157 XEby X 37 Do. 25 29-963 0-122 78-9 72-7 65-2 75-3 136-3 72-2 0-722 73 167 K by S 57 Do. 2fi 29-977 0-134 77-1 69-7 86-2 (HIT, 136-5 65-0 0-628 67 1 17 E by X 40 Passing cloud*. 27 29972 0-126 76-0 tiM 85-9 W-2 139-7 60-5 0-594 66 161 X K hy E 17 Fine with passing cloud*. 28 29-997 0083 76-9 69-6 86-4 69-5 137-8 65-0 0-627 68 231 XE 60 1'a ssiiiff clouds. 29 30-015 0-112 76-5 687 85-7 66-3 133-7 60-5 0-598 66 209 NE by X 32 Fine with passing clouds. ** 30-012 0-128 77-3 71-6 863 70-7 135-8 67-0 0-690 75 236 X E l>3 Passing clouds. 31 30-003 0-118 78-5 70-2 86-2 71-2 139-7 69-5 0-623 64 224 E X E 37 ... Fine with passing clouds. Mean 29989 0-122 75'5 IINT, 85-3 67-5 135-5 62-1 0-608 69 163 XKbyE 35 Sil 145 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1872 February, February 1872 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELK REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 00 O a o 5 _e '3 H General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wot Max. Min. Ma*. Min. Vapour Hum- Tension idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o o O O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents [nches 1 29-995 0-115 77-0 70-6 85-5 68-7 133-3 63-0 0-663 71 162 NEbyE 30 Fine with passing clouds. 2 29-979 0-119 77-1 69-8 86-8 67-2 1377 617 0-632 68 146 E N E 37 Do. 3 29-954 0-146 77-2 70-1 86-4 67-5 138-5 63-0 0-643 69 146 E N E 37 ... Do. 4 29-938 0-119 77'5 70-8 86-3 69-1 ] 35-3 64-3 0-666 71 130 East 27 ... Do. 5 29-907 0-138 77-6 71-8 84-7 69-1 133-5 64-0 0-703 74 147 E 8 E 23 ... Do. 6 29-889 0-132 76-9 72-6 85-2 71-5 134-8 67-1 0-744 81 137 SEbyS 53 0-28 Passing clouds. 7 29-875 0-131 79-3 71-2 86-7 73-0 136-7 70-3 u-777 78 139 S SE 50 Do. 8 29-918 0-120 79-4 747 89-3 ?2'8 141-9 6S-!) 0-798 79 130 E S E 37 ... Do. 9 29-943 0-099 76-8 71-2 87-4 70-3 134-3 65-9 0-690 75 86 East 33 ... Fine with passing clouds. 10 29-928 0-127 74-9 69-8 86-7 66-4 1 3 I--3 60-5 0-662 77 105 SEbyE 23 ... Fine. 11 29-922 0-125 74-7 69-2 85-0 66-2 131-3 59-0 0-641 74 134 SEbyS 7 ... 'Clear. 12 29-927 0-124 76-2 70-2 88-0 67-5 135-3 62-2 0-659 73 149 S S E 13 ... Fine. 13 29-927 0-133 76-1 69-8 85-4 67-6 131-1 60-9 0-645 72 154 SE by S 13 ... Do. 14 29-959 0-108 75-9 70-1 85-9 67-4 181-8 63-0 0-060 74 132 SEbyS 7 ... Do. 15 29-966 0-129 76-7 7o-6 BB-f liT'l 131-0 60-9 0-668 73 121 SE by S 13 Do. 16 29-989 0-115 77-3 70'5 86-8 68-5 132-1 62-4 0-656 70 109 S E 10 ... Do. 17 29-990 0-143 77-3 69-8 86-9 68-4 131-7 62-9 0'6.'9 67 118 E by S 5 ... Do. IS 29-975 0-148 76-7 69-3 85-7 66-8 133-0 91* 0-61 S 67 122 East 17 ... Do. 19 29-630 0-125 77-6 7o-2 87-8 68-3 133-5 63-2 0-640 67 143 E by N 27 Fine with passing clouds. 20 20-998 0-138 79-9 74-0 89-6 jfi-a 138-8 88-6 6-761 74 161 E N E M.I ... Passing clonds. 21 L".i-!)7l 0-157 7*3 72-7 88-2 72-6 13J.-9 (i9'2 0-728 7(i 103 E by S 27 Fine with passing clouds. 22 29-936 0-121 77-2 70-7 87-3 os-i 133-2 629 0665 71 113 SKby S 27 Fine. 23 29*973 0-082 77-5 71-2 86-3 80-fl 132'S 8*8 0-680 72 124 S E 20 Fine with passing clouds. 24 30-013 0-135 76-3 70-6 87-f 68-0 1 33- 1 63-4 0-673 74 100 East 20 Fine. 25 29-992 0-120 77-6 71-1 88-0 i7-9 I36-2 63-2 0-676 71 148 E NE 37 Fine with passing clonds. 26 29-984 0-132 78-0 71-2 87-3 68-5 133-0 63-4 0-674 70 129 E N E 17 ... Fine. 27 29-946 0-116 76-0 68-9 86-9 66-9 131-7 00-6 0-613 69 98 East 23 ... Fine with light clonds. 28 29-964 0-107 75-5 68-2 89-6 65-1 H7'B 57-9 0-593 67 86 E by N 25 ... Do. 29 29-961 0122 77-3 695 89-8 67-1 136-2 62-4 0-617 66 118 E S E 7 Fine with passing clonds. Mean 29-953 0-125 77-1 70-8 87-0 68-6 1346 63-5 0-673 72 127 ESE 24 0-28 37 146 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1872 March, 94 fe | 1 1 1 BAROMETER BEDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wimi T3 g o '5 M General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Dailv Velo"- city Mean Direc- tion Day 1 Inches 29-964 Inches 0-133 Inches 0-608 Cent 69 Miles 121 Points SEby E Cents 7 Inches Fine. 75-8 68-7 85-9 68-3 133-2 63-9 2 29-975 0-117 76-6 68-5 85-8 64-8 133-5 57-9 0-590 65 150 ESE 13 ... Eo. 3 29-999 0-117 76-9 69-3 86-6 63-5 137-6 57-6 0-616 67 149 EbyS 30 ... Fine with passing clouds. 4 30-032 0-128 81-1 73-0 89-2 76-8 139-6 74-6 0-704 67 197 ENE 23 To. 6 29-989 0-143 78-9 72-1 89-9 71-1 134-8 67-0 0-698 71 96 East 7 Fine. 6 29-949 0-130 79-4 73-1 89-2 70-7 136-3 65-9 0-731 73 106 SK byE 5 Ck>:ir. 7 29-947 0-119 79-8 736 88-1 72-1 134-1 67-5 0-746 73 138 S E 10 ... Fine. 8 29-951 0-128 79-2 73-7 88-1 71-0 1337 65-3 0-759 70 160 SEbyS 7 Do. 9 29-983 0-122 80-7 74-5 88-6 73-6 133-6 68-7 0-772 74 172 S S E 7 Do. 10 29-971 0-128 79-4 73-5 88-1 71-3 133-3 65-8 0-747 74 156 S S E 3 Clear. 11 29-925 0-142 79-4 73-1 87-4 70-8 1323 65-9 0-731 73 162 SEbyS ... Do. 12 29-894 0-126 78-7 72-6 89-6 71-2 134-8 65-4 0-721 74 135 SEbyS ... Do. 13 29-872 0-095 78-6 71-7 88-8 70-2 1338 65-7 0-685 70 154 SE by S 3 ... Fine. 14 29-834 0-157 78-2 71-3 89-1 68-5 136-3 62-7 0-675 70 151 SEby S 5 ... Do. 15 29-873 0-127 80-1 74-5 88-4 73-3 133-5 68-2 0-730 76 177 SEbyS 13 ... 1)0. 16 29-911 0-118 79-5 72-0 90-9 69-5 137-8 64-7 0-685 68 130 SEbyS 10 ... Fine. 17 29-904 0-124 78-2 70-1 90-7 67-6 139-5 61-5 0-629 65 132 SEbyS 7 Do. 18 29-900 0-118 76-8 70-7 90-5 67-1 137-1 60-5 0-671 73 124 SE by S 3 ... (Hear. 19 29-879 0-141 77!) 70-1 88-8 68-2 137-5 61-7 0-633 66 136 SEbyS 17 Fine. 20 29-851 0-139 78-1 71-1 87-3 68-3 134-2 62-8 0-669 70 138 SEbyS 3 Clear. 21 29-855 0-123 79-0 72-4 89-4 68-7 138-7 62-9 0-709 72 164 SEbyS 33 Fine with light clouds. 22 29-901 0-115 79-8 74-3 90-0 71-5 138-1 66-0 0-775 76 135 S E 17 Fine. 23 29-901 0-133 79-9 73-8 88-7 71-9 135-8 67-0 0-753 74 140 S E Clear. 24 29-851 0-168 80-5 74-0 90-1 70-9 135-1 64-9 0-753 72 162 SEbyS 3 Do. 25 29-788 0-158 82-7 76-4 95-9 74-3 141-2 69-7 0-826 74 196 S S E :i ... To. 26 29-824 0-120 83-1 77-2 93-3 77-3 138-7 74-3 0-855 75 240 SEbyS 3 ... Do. 27 29-840 0-116 82-0 75'8 90-4 76-8 134-0 74-5 0-808 74 222 S SE 13 ... Fine. 28 29-850 0-133 82-1 75-9 90-9 75-0 134-8 70-9 0-812 74 230 Sby E 17 To. 29 29-823 0-101 82-2 75-8 91-5 75-3 1353 70-4 0-806 73 235 Sby E 13 Fine with passing clouds. 30 29-876 0-120 81-4 74-4 90-5 74-1 136-0 G9-3 0-758 71 213 Sby E 17 Fine. 31 29-900 0-154 81-4 73-9 90-1 71-5 137-5 G6-7 0-737 69 186 S S E 10 ... Do. Mean 29-QOS 0-129 79-6 72-9 89-4 71-1 135-9 661 0-724 72 161 SEbyS 10 Nil. 147 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1872 'April. S GO ( 1 o. <1 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds e 1 General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O O O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-905 0-138 82-3 75-7 90-4 75-3 137-6 69-4 0-802 73 210 SEbyS 20 ... Pine. 2 29-883 0-128 82-3 76-2 90-7 74-8 137-9 70-4 0-823 75 199 SEbyS 15 ... Do. 3 29-874 0-137 83-7 77-1 90-4 75-9 138-0 72-4 0-843 74 228 S E 17 ... Do. 4 29-872 0-138 83-8 77-6 913 77-3 137-2 75-2 0-864 75 231 S E 33 ... Fine with passing cloud*. 5 29-901 0-091 83-6 76-5 90-6 78-3 139-2 75'3 0-818 72 229 S E 53 ... Do. 6 29-935 0-120 84-6 75-9 91-0 79-9 1374 77-6 0-777 65 205 ES E 33 Pine with light clouda. 7 29-927 0-121 82-9 75"2 92-1 76-5 141-2 73-6 0-772 68 147 EbyN 23 Fine with passing clouds. 8 29-876 0-133 81-4 74-0 90-8 73-5 137-2 70-3 0-741 69 140 EbyS 10 Fine. 9 29-836 0-118 81-9 74-8 90-9 74-1 138-0 69-9 0-768 71 141 S E 10 Do. 10 29-834 0-116 82-7 76-1 91-9 74-5 139-0 70-4 0-814 73 162 S E 3 ... Do. 11 29-816 0-111 82-9 75-5 90-2 74-7 136-9 69-8 0-782 69 209 SEbyS 10 ... Do. 12 29-799 0-130 82-0 74-6 90-3 73-5 137-7 68-7 0-758 69 187 SEbyS 37 Fine with light clonds. 13 29-814 0-123 82-8 75-5 90-9 73-8 137-6 68-9 0-785 70 170 SEbyS 20 Do. 14, 29-850 0-111 83-5 75-6 91-9 74-9 136-7 70-6 0-781 68 141 S E 10 Fine with passing clouds. 15 29-854 0-109 83-8 76-5 92-8 76-6 137-5 73-6 0-815 71 142 E S E 17 Fine. 16 29-844 0-129 84-4 76-4 92-5 75'5 138-7 71-7 0-803 68 151 E S E 17 ... Fine with light clouds. 17 29-834 0-114 85-1 773 93-2 77-4 141-6 74-5 0-833 69 168 SEbyE 42 Do. 18 29-852 0-119 84-9 77-0 91-8 80-1 137-4 77-6 0-822 68 169 SEbyE 47 o-oi Fine with passing clouds. 19 29-814 0-125 85-0 76-0 93-8 78-5 141-3 77-2 0-777 64 167 SEbyE 33 ... Fine with light clonds : Ig. 20 29-805 0-133 85-2 77-0 93-7 78-8 141-8 75-6 0-818 67 195 SEbyS 23 Do. 21 29-793 0-142 84-9 76-8 94-4 77-6 140-7 744 0-814 68 186 S S E 23 Fine with passing clonds. 22 29-792 0-133 84-1 76-5 93-3 77-7 138-5 74-7 0-812 70 201 SS E 15 Fine. 23 29-775 0-114 83-7 76-9 924 75-5 138-4 72-3 0-834 72 217 SE by S 40 ... Fine with passing clonds. 24 89-768 0-144 85-4 77-2 94-0 79-8 138-7 77'7 0-824 67 231 S S E 37 Fine with light clonds. 25 88-788 0-128 85-4 78-4 96-2 78-2 142-0 75-3 0-879 72 231 S S E 22 Fine with passing clonds. 26 29-753 0-128 85-9 77-9 93-9 8V2 143-7 79-0 0-849 68 271 S S E 53 Passing clouds. 27 29-792 0-121 84-9 77-5 92-7 80-1 136-2 78-4 0-843 70 238 SEbyS 40 Hazy. 28 29-779 0-118 84-1 78-2 92-1 79-2 134-3 77-1 0-886 75 175 SEbyS 60 Do. 29 29-708 0-128 84-9 77-5 .95-8 78-6 144-7 76-5 0-845 70 166 E by S 73 Cloudy : Ig. N. E. A S. 30 29-057 0-090 80-7 76-5 917 79-5 129-6 76-7 0-857 81 201 NEbyN 95 1-64 Wet and stormy. Mean 29-822 0-123 83-8 76-5 92-3 77-0 138-6 73-8 0-815 70 190 S E 31 1-65 148 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1872 May. 1 I 8- s BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SET.F REGISTKKIXG THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind o a u a 'a K General Weather Meau Range Dry Snn Grass Try Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour 'iVlisimi Hum- idity Daily Velo"- eity Mi'iin Direc- tion Day 1 Inches 29-584 Inches 0-114 Inches 0-851 Cents 94 MUei 397 Points X l.y K Cents 100 [ nches toi Stormy and threatening. 76-7 75-1 83'6 75-1 124-4 72-6 2 29-48(5 0-158 77-1 75-2 80-5 76-0 ... 73-5 0-850 91 716 Eby S 98 2-07 A heavy storm : Ig. S. 3 29746 0-084 82-4 76-4 87-1 78-3 128-4 75-4 0-830 75 353 S SE 37 ... Passing clouds. 4 29813 0-122 82-2 75-9 88-4 76-5 128-9 74-4 0-811 74 no S by E 25 ... Fine with passing clouds. 6 29-814 0-165 83-9 77-8 96-1 78-5 135-6 76-9 0-872 75 213 South 2 Clear. 6 29-763 0-146 85-1 77-0 99-1 -6 139-6 77-0 0-820 68 885 S by W 10 Fine with light clouds. 7 29763 0-127 84-7 77-3 99-0 79-1 138-5 77'G 0-838 70 247 S l,y K 5 ... Fine. 8 29-753 0-137 86-5 78-5 102-4 79-6 147-8 77-3 0-868 69 235 South 30 ... Do. 9 29-715 0-121 87-8 78-1 101-8 80-3 143-6 78-9 0-832 63 261 South 15 ... Do. 10 29-678 0-125 88-8 78-1 105-0 81-3 145-5 79-4 0-818 60 264 South 12 ... Do. 11 29-695 0-119 88-5 78-3 104-2 81-0 146-1 79-2 0-832 62 218 S S E 5 ... Do. 12 29-737 0-105 86-4 78-9 102-5 80-5 143-9 78-9 0-888 70 275 South 3 ... Clear. 13 29-796 0-095 86-5 77-8 99-4 81-4 142-0 79-4 0-836 M 317 South 3 ... Do. 14 29-838 0-148 85-9 77-2 93-5 80-1 137-7 78-4 0-817 66 283 S by E 10 ... Fine : Ig. N. W. 15 29-797 0-135 85-4 77-1 97-3 80-2 138-8 78-2 0-820 67 283 S by E 13 ... To. 16 29-751 0-147 86-9 77-7 99-2 80-2 142-8 77*7 0-827 1)5 lan South 10 Do. 17 29-740 0-143 86-2 77-7 98-1 81-3 139-6 79-6 0-836 67 806 South 3 Clear. 18 29767 0-137 86-1 786 973 80-6 139-1 79-3 0-878 70 288 S by K ... Do, 19 29-748 0-151 tt 79-8 101-9 M-.-, 143-7 711-5 0-925 -1 BOB South 18 Fine. 20 29-eas 0-161 88-4 79-4 106-7 83-5 1446 82-1 0-884 66 BS9 S by E EB ... Do. 21 29-638 0-133 89-0 779 104-7 81-6 150-6 79-3 0-807 59 i ">> .SWl.yP a Fine with passing clouds. 22 29-687 0-129 87-1 76-7 100-4 81-9 1406 79-9 0-779 60 1 s.-, South 23 ... Firn' with passing clouds : ill. S 23 29-891 0-108 88-6 77-9 102-7 n-a 1417 80-1 0-812 60 ao:i Sby E 15 ... Fine'. 24 29-690 C-093 89-2 79-0 103-8 82-4 144-6 80-5 0-854 62 238 South 7 ... Do. 25 29701 0-137 88-4 79-1 100-4 83-0 141-3 80-9 0-870 65 258 South 17 Do. 20 29-640 0-124 89-2 77-3 107-5 82-0 145-1 79-9 0-777 56 280 SSW l.-, Fine with passing clouds. 27 29-614 0-125 89-8 77-7 103-2 81-4 144-4 79-5 0-788 56 Bl South 80 ... Cbudy. 28 29-638 0-094 90-2 77-8 100-0 86-5 141-8 84-8 0-786 55 182 S by 10 n ... no. 29 29-650 0-101 87-2 787 98-0 82-9 136-6 81-8 0-867 67 290 S by E 80 ... Cloudy : Ig. W. 30 29-673 0113 86-2 78-0 101-8 81-9 1446 80-6 0-849 68 2<;:i Sby E 83 Eo. 31 29670 0-070 86-9 78-6 104-4 81-1 143-2 78-9 0-867 68 176 South 60 ... Fine with light clouds. Mean 29-709 0-115 86-3 77-8 990 80-6 140-8 78-8 0-838 67 275 Sby E 30 4-15 N'lte. 2nd. A heavy storm raging nearly all day. The wind blew from north till 3} A.M., at the rate of 27 miles per hour. It veered to N. K. by 8J A.M., when it attained its greatest velocity of 53 miles per hour j the reduced barometric reading being 29'288 inches. The wind was due east about 9} A.M.. velocity 40 miles, and S. E. at noon with 34 miles per hour. The average velocity during the afternoon was 22 miles, and the direction was due south by 8 P.M. The rain extended over 17 hours but was unusually heavy only about 1 A.M. 149 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1872 June. 00 1 t -7 78-3 99-0 81-0 135-2 79-7 0-856 67 2GC S by E 33 Fine with light clouds. 2 29-674 0-126 86'3 77-8 100-3 80-8 KiO'5 79-6 0-839 67 251 South 33 Do. 3 29-672 0-126 67-1 78'2 103-5 81-1 143-5 79-0 0-84E 65 253 South 22 Fine : th. S. W. 4 29-693 0-128 86-8 78-1 93-5 81-9 132-7 80-6 0-845 66 249 S S E 22 Fine with passing clouds : th. S. W. do. 5 29-711 0-101 84-8 79-3 90-5 80-6 133-4 79-3 0928 77 274 S S E 47 Do. 6 29711 0-102 SIM 79-5 93-7 81-1 131-5 75-7 0-916 72 242 S S E 30 Fine with light clouds : l 107-3 76-7 0-754 65 206 S W 95 Cloudy. 22 29-691 0-076 M 1 71-4 92-7 79-7 124-3 77-5 0-721 61 254 S W 95 Do. 23 29-714 0-088 sa-e 7 f 1 91-3 77-4 12 Tl 74-5 0-744 67 237 SW by W 90 o-oi Do. 21 29-684 0-114 86-6 74-3 95-7 79-3 133-5 77'7 0-683 54 263 W S W 70 I'assiiig'clouds. 25 29-688 0-102 87-3 74-4 96-2 81-0 131-1 80-0 0679 52 320 \V by S 70 Do. 26 2!f727 0-071 87-1 72-9 oi-o 81-7 123-1 79-8 0-618 48 307 West 85 L'lumh . 27 29-736 0-106 87-1 72-8 94-6 82-3 1223 81-7 0-615 48 289 W S W 90 Do. 28 29-757 o-ioo 87-8 72-9 98-3 80-7 1362 78-5 0-609 46 263 Wby S 85 Do. 29 29-764 0-188 86-4 733 96-1 81-7 136-7 78-5 0-645 51 251 Wby S 72 Hazy. 30 29-711 ( i- 1 :,2 80'4 73-9 100-9 80-7 139-6 79-6 0-629 45 226 5W by W 73 Passing clouds. Mean 29-694 0-106 85-7 781 95-0 80-4 130-5 78-3 0-780 as 224 S S W 61 0-97 38 150 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1872 July. M "5 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected .Mi -a n Temperature SKLF KKGISTKKING TlIKRMOHKTKRS Deduced Wind D JD 5 H tji'iifi-al Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Uuni- Tcnsion idity Daily Veto- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-682 0140 88-3 71-3 97-4 82-7 1334 80-6 0-660 49 252 W S W 85 Ila/.y. 2 29-721 0-111 88'6 73-8 100-2 83-4 149-1 81-5 0-636 47 305 s w 77 Do. 3 29776 0-108 85-2 74-0 98-5 80-2 139-6 77-6 0690 57 284 S by W 53 Passing clouds. 4 297S9 0-118 85-2 75'3 96-1 81-0 137-1 78-5 0-745 61 283 South 33 Fine with light clouds. 5 29-813 0119 83-6 75-7 92-1 802 1159 78-5 0-784 68 207 S S \V SJ Ha/.y : th. 6 25)803 0-113 82-6 749 97-1 77-2 134-9 754 0761 68 180 SW by S 80 0-06 lla/,y : lir. N.\V. 7 29-778 0129 82-6 733 94-4 75-5 129-8 737 0696 62 tee SWliy \V 83 0-20 Do. : do. 8 29-726 0-127 82-0 73-2 98-1 76-9 135-6 7-1-8 0-700 64 199 W by S 87 0-03 Cloudy : Ig. W. and S.W. 9 21M581 0-129 82-7 73-8 96-8 789 133-7 76-5 0715 63 225 S W 87 Oil Do. 10 89-688 0-071 82-0 751 94-8 77-3 13S-6 74-7 0-779 71 183 SWbyS 87 0-09 Do. 11 29-064 0-128 84-4 73-7 97-5 78-9 134-8 76-0 0-688 59 239 W by N 87 0-53 Cloudy : rain. 12 29-643 0-137 85-2 73-3 99-5 77-2 1-10-7 74-5 0-660 54 236 WbyS ou o-oi Passing clouds. 13 29-676 0-118 88-5 72-6 100-7 79-2 142-6 76-4 0-588 11 271 W by S 52 Do. 14 29-734 0-156 86-7 75-4 101-3 79-7 139-7 77-6 0-729 57 214 WS W 5D 017 Light clouds. 15 29747 0-108 84-5 75-8 95-4 79-6 138-1 76-3 0-775 65 159 South 85 Hazy. 16 29-735 0-095 82-4 71-5 88-1 76-4 113-3 74-0 0-748 67 140 NWbyW 97 Overcoat. 17 29-741 0-098 79-2 75-5 82-7 76-9 104-3 73-5 0-835 84 171 SWbyS 98 O'lo (>\ rivast and wet. 18 S9-705 0-147 80-9 74-9 93-8 74-4 1425 72-3 0-786 74 199 s w 50 u-ii Pa-sing clouds : th. and Ig. 19 29-668 0-146 84-2 74-8 98-5 76-4 137-6 73-5 0-738 62 182 SWbyW 65 o-os Passing clouds : th. and Ig.'U'. 20 29-670 0137 85-1 75-9 96-7 76-4 135-5 74-8 0-771 61 212 SWbyS 83 0-o:i 11.. XV. 21 29-722 0-128 86-5 74-7 96-6 79-2 137-5 77-5 0702 56 225 S W 80 o-oi Chiefly cloudy. 22 29-713 0-113 83-8 75-2 95-6 79-6 1404 76-7 0-760 65 189 SW by S 83 0-03 Cloudy. 23 29-710 0-076 82-0 74-9 85-7 78-3 100-5 75-5 0-771 71 167 S S W 97 0-02 Overcast. 24 29-712 0-106 83-2 75-1 97-8 79-2 141-3 76-5 0764 67 198 SWby S 78 Cloudy. 25 29-714 0-118 86-1 75-9 97'2 78-5 137-5 76-3 0-758 61 161 SWby S 65 Hazy: Ig. S.W. 26 29-733 0-131 85-2 76-2 98-9 78-6 1443 76-3 0-783 64 187 S by W 37 Fine with passing clonds. 27 29-711 0-117 S.V7 77-1 97-3 79-1 141-4 77-4 0-816 66 177 South 33 o-oi Do. 28 29-774 0-087 84-1 76-7 91-6 79-3 135-6 78-4 0-820 70 196 Sby E 50 Passing clouds. 29 29-773 0-101 8i'3 77-3 98-2 80-2 13S-7 78-6 0-844 72 166 Sby E 70 0-53 Cloudy : rain. 30 29-726 0-159 84-5 77-6 95-3 76-2 1345 74-3 0-854 72 209 SWby S 28 0-08 Fine with passing clouds. 31 29-709 0-184 82-6 76-5 93-2 76-2 131-9 747 0-832 75 175 \v s w 58 0-49 Thunderstorm : passing clouds. Mean 29-723 0-121 84-3 751 95-7 78-5 133-9 76-2 0-748 64 206 s w 70 271 151 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1872 August. Ol i* OQ 1 1 t 90 3 < BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds a '3 M General Weather Mean Range I Dry ! Sun Grass Dry ; Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches i 1 29722 0- L 10 83-3 75-8 . 94-8 78-1 136-3 76-6 0-792 69 248 SS W 38 Fine with passing clouds. 2 29-715 0121 81-9 75-9 93-4 7.V3 137-8 73-5 0-815 75 192 S S W 62 0-15 Cloudy. 3 29-699 0-145 83-1 76'6 97-7 77-6 139-7 75-5 0-829 73 205 SWby W 60 o-oi Passing clouds. -1 29-704 0- 106 83-2 75'5 95-7 78-0 140-4 76-7 0-781 69 177 S S \V 67 0-21 Passing clouds : rain. "> 39-678 0-117 81-5 75-6 91-5 74-4 131-1 73-7 0-808 75 169 WS W 90 0-43 Cloudy : rain : lg. S. (i 29-681 0-117 82-3 75'0 92-8 771! 139-9 7o'o 0-771 70 ' 189 W S W 80 1-66 Cloudy : rain : th. and lg. S. & X.W. 7. 29-685 0-123 88-1 76-2 93-4 74-4 135-8 73-5 0-825 75 186 SWby W 67 1-00 Cloudy : rain : th. and lg. N. & W. 8 29712 0-098 79-3 75-3 84-8 74-5 102-3 72-8 0-825 82 126 W by S 97 1-22 Overcast : rain. 9 29-738 0-081 77-3 73-7 83-5 73-7 105-0 72-0 0-785 84 233 W S W 97 0-17 Do. : do. 10 29-732 0-095 80-8 74-7 89-1 75-3 125-6 74-3 0-779 74 192 SWby W 82 0-18 Cloudy : rain. 11 29-741 0-132 79-8 74-8 85-9 75-9 106-7 74-0 0-796 78 171 SW by S 95 0-02' Overcast. 12 29742 0-103 80-5 75-9 85'5 77-4 102-9 75-9 0-834 80 153 SW by S 88 0-02 Cloudy. 13 29-759 0-130 81-0 76-0 92-4 75-1 137-7 73-0 0-831 78 190 SWby S 53 0-01 Cloudy. 14 29-792 0-127 82-2 75-5 91-1 751 1336 73-6 0-793 72 199 S W 77 0-80 Cloudy : rain : th. and lg. N. & S. 15 29-742 0-150 81-8 75-4 92-5 73-1 139-4 71-5 0-795 73 204 SWbyS 60 ... Passing clouds. 16 29-724 0-122 83-7 75-3 93-4 77-4 134-7 75-0 0-765 66 210 SWbyS 70 ... Cloudy. 17 29-778 0-128 833 75-8 94-5 77-4 137-5 75-6 0-792 69 212 SWby S 53 o-oi Passing clouds. 18 29-777 0-149 81-3 75-5 95-2 75-9 137-5 73-7 0-805 76 206 SS W 45 0-57 Passing clouds : rain : th. and lg. W. 19 29-764 0-120 80-5 75'5 90-1 73-5 138-5 72-3 0-817 78 157 SWbyS 83 0-31 Cloudy : rain. 20 29-745 0-124 83-2 75-9 93-7 75*4 133-8 72-5 0-797 70 166 SWby W 73 Passing clouds. 21 29-718 0-131 85*5 75-8 96-3 77-8 130-5 74-7 0-763 63 200 SWbyW 50 ... Do. 22 29-689 0-102 83-2 75-3 92-2 79-5 134-5 77-3 0-772 67 178 W S W 90 0-02 Cloudy. 23 29-672 0-108 84-3 71-9 91-1 79-7 130-5 77-5 0-739 62 237 SWbyW 80 0-04 Do. 24 29-678 0-132 85-6 75-8 96-3 77-2 143-3 7-1-0 0-761 62 206 SWbyS 70 0-09 Passing clouds. 25 29-708 0-153 84-6 75-7 95-0 79-1 131-3 76-4 0-769 64 181 S W 85 Cloudy. 26 29-713 0-148 85-7 75-9 97-7 77-8 139-7 75-5 0-784 62 211 S W 50 Passing clouds. 27 29-692 0-135 86-0 74-6 98-2 78-8 140-0 76-4 0-704 57 212 SWbyS 30 ... Fine with passing clouds. 28 29-694 0-128 84-2 74-3 94-3 78-3 140-5 75'5 0-715 60 176 SbyE 28 ... Do. 29 29-728 0-103 83-4 74-8 94-5 77-8 145-4 75'5 0-748 65 148 S by W 63 Cloudy. 30 29-760 0-111 79-7 74-7 84-3 76-2 106-5 73-5 0-794 78 89 Wby S 90 0-27 Cloudy : rain. 31 29-794 0-093 81-0 76-5 88-4 76-3 132-0 74-5 0-853 81 14U South 60 0-39 Passing clouds : rain. Mean 29-725 0-122 82-4 75-4 92-2 76-6 131-6 74-6 0-788 71 18,6 S W 69 7'58 152 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1872 September. September 1872 BAROMETER REDUCE l> TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SKI.K REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind T3 - C c "z: K General \\Yailicr Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily V.-ld- city Mean Direc- tion Day 1 Inches 29807 Inches 0-114 Inches 0-830 Cents 78 Miles 138 Points S by E Cents 43 Indies- Fine with passing clouds. 81-1 760 86-4 75-4 133-5 72-5 2 29-781 0-157 82-8 76-7 90-3 76-7 138-7 73-7 0-838 75 110 SEbyE 27 Hue wiili passing clouds: )'72U 0-120 0-117 81-0 836 749 75-6 91-5 940 78-3 74-5 1352 136-7 75-4 72-4 0-785 0779 74 68 201 203 SW by g SW by S 80 63 0-S4 Cloudy : rain. Cloudy. 22 29-765 0-130 84-7 753 935 78-1 1357 75-4 0751 62 183 SWby S 60 Passing clouds. 23 29-775 0116 81-3 75-2 86-2 78-4 100-8 75-! 0-794 74 in; S W s:; Cloudy. 24 9-742 o-ioo 83-5 776 91-8 79-3 131-5 77-4 0-868 75 160 SW by S 88 0-03 tli. A Ig. V\V. 25 29774 0-122 82-7 75-6 *8-9 78-8 119-8 7ti!l 0-791 71 132 West 80 Cloudy. 2(1 20-771 0-127 83-2 75-8 95-6 76-5 144-2 711 0-792 69 115 SW by S 7:< Do. 27 29760 0-158 80-7 766 S9-3 78-0 116-3 76-4 0-862 83 ! S by W 80 Do. 28 29-766 0-130 83-1 77-0 13 75-6 135-4 72-4 0-847 75 174 S by E 27 Fine. 29 2<7<:! 0-125 81:6 747 942 700 1432 72-3 0-768 71 190 SW by S M Do. 30 29-803 0-139 85-5 74-0 961 766 139-5 73-9 0711 58 1!),-, Wby S r> Fine with light clouds. Mean 29-766 132 82-7 76-1 917 769 1339 71-4 0-815 73 143 Sby W M WO 153 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1872 October. W 1-*. X JH c d Cj O BAROMETER RKLU-fKM TO 32' Corrected -M pan Temporal mv SELF REGISTERING THERMOMKTERS Deduced Wind Daily j Mean Velo- Direc- city tion IX _ a '3 M General Weather Mean linage Dry Sun Grass Min. Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Vaponr Tension Hum- idity 1 >ay Inches 1 Ill-lies o o O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inche 1 19767 0-129 88-8 75 1 97-3 79-9 U2-7 77-9 0-775 Ii7 168 W by X 73 0-59 Cloudy : th. & \g. : rain. - 29748 0-112 83-0 76-8 91-6 76-5 127-1 75-5 0-839 74 100 W by N 78 Cloudy. :i 20728 0-113 79- 1 76-1 83-0 77-5 95-5 757 0-857 86 53 N W by X 100 0-12 Overcast. 4 30718 0-106 81-0 74-a 86-1 76-0 121-8 73-6 0-755 71 130 NW by K 88 Cloudy. 5 29732 0-125 s:!-t; 74-7 95-5 7V4 139-8 70-8 0-740 64 128 W N W 50 o-oi Passing eloudn. 6 20783 0-112 82-9 70-2 93-5 78-2 142-5 75-5 0-814 72 123 j S S W 53 o-oi Do. i 20-787 0-129 81-5 7(i-2 93-3 747 144-3 72-9 0-833 77 100 SB by S 57 0-22 Passing clouds: ruin. s 29791 0-130 S _-.-, 77-8 92-7 78-3 143-7 759 0-889 80 55 South 73 o-io Cloudy : th. 9 29-774 0-110 82-4 77-9 95-4 70-1 137-0 72-9 0-896 81 97 S W 70 Cloudy. 10 29-757 0-lffl 81 \S "(.' 90-1 78-4 142-0 755 0-861 80 95 E S E 70 Passing clouds. 11 29777 0-087 79-8 75-6 87-2 73-2 139-7 71-7 0-838 84 78 S by W 80 0-57 Cloudy : rain. 12 _>!I79I 0-1:22 72-8 717 74-6 71-2 81-3 70-5 0-764 95 247 NWby N 100 7-69 Overcast : heavy rain. 18 29-820 0-091 71-9 69-5 74-4 69-2 88-9 67-8 0-690 88 317 N N W 100 7-79 Do. : do. 14 29-801 0-105 7&9 72-7 8o-5 73-9 127-0 72-5 0-762 85 147 N N W 97 0-14 Cloudy. 15 29781 0-128 79-8 7(i-0 90-4 74-1 134-3 71-5 0-848 84 77 NWbyN 83 Do. Hi 29-817 o-ili 78 1 75-4 85-9 72-6 109-3 71-8 0-841 86 109 W S W 97 0-22 Cloudy : rain : th. A Iff. X. W. 17 29-848 0-180 .Stl'2 76-0 87-0 75-5 127-8 73-3 0-842 81 68 X W 63 Cloudy. is 29-825 0-L32 7S-1 7 1--3 85-6 70-1 129-8 74-5 0-798 83 100 W X W 83 0-22 Cloudy : rain. 19 29-8 i:t 0-096 75-2 70-7 76-8 74-5 90-2 72-5 0-692 79 233 N W 97 0-13 Do. : do. 20 29-808 0-089 77 1 73-0 87-2 70-8 134-8 69-3 0-755 ; 80 195 s \V 57 0-67 Passing clouds : rain. 21 29-905 0-098 79-1 75-3 88-5 72-9 140-8 71-3 0-829 83 66 E SV, 43 Passing clouds. 1-1 29-S7S u-113 80-7 70-5 88-2 76-1 135-8 73-5 0-857 82 149 N N E 50 Do. -':! 2979o 0-1 Hi 80-1 75-.' 86-7 76-3 1353 73-8 0-809 ! 78 184 North 53 Light clouds. 21 29-7 Hi 0-122 78-6 7I-(! 85-2 75-2 1I.V3 71-3 0-882 70 133 X W 90 Cloudy. 25 2977-1- 0-140 78-8 70-4 90-0 70-1 130-5 64-4 p-ess 63 134 W N W 70 Do. :.'(> jrxol 0-113 79-8 73-0 90-5 73-5 133-2 69-3 0-722 i 71 91 j N In W 57 Ha/.y. 27 _9-39 0-103 80-1 73-7 90-1 73-1 135-3 68-3 0-747 72 97 NE by V 50 Passing clouds. -S 29-887 0-087 79-2 73-0 89-7 73-1 137-5 68-1 0-730 73 04 IXE by E 30 Fine with passing clouds. 29 29-912 0-103 78-7 73-0 87'8 72-3 132-3 67'0 0-730 75 77 K by S 28 Passing clouds. :!0 29-971 0-133 78-9 737 88-3 72-6 135-0 li7-4 0-763 77 91 E by N 23 Fine with passing cloud*. 8] 29-971 0-107 SI 1-2 73-8 87-7 73-3 132-3 67-6 0-749 72 toa E N E 20 Fine. .Mean _'.'N1 2 0-118 79-.-J 71--4 87-8 715 127-9 71-7 0'785 78 122 NWby N 67 1 8-48 39 154 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1872 November. November 1872 BABOMETER REDUCED T 32 Corrected Mean 'emperature SE 1 Dr Max. i ! REGISTERING 'HEKUOMETEKS Deduced Wind X 5 c o Cents '5 M Ill-lies General Weather Mean Bange y San i Max. Grass Min. Dry Wet Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity ll:ulv Velo city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o o Inches Cents Miles Points 1 29-952 0-140 80-9 74-8 90-7 74-4 134-3 69-6 0-782 74 12<> X K byK 8 Hue. 2 29-958 0-118 79-6 74-3 89-7 73-9 136-9 68-4 0-778 77 148 N N E 27 Fine with passing clouds. 3 29-96!} 0-120 777 70-1 88-G 72-i 133-5 67-1 0037 67 184 N by K 27 Do. 4 29-951 0-119 76-3 71-6 83-5 71-4 1336 66-4 0-713 78 163 N by E 77 0-63 Cloudy : ruin. 5 29-929 0-120 77-1 731 85-1 73-4 183-4 71-3 0-762 82 137 X by E 7:t I'M Do. : do. B 29-939 0-126 80'0 75-0 88-1 73-7 135-2 69-8 0-802 78 m NEbyN 47 0-12 I'H.-Mng clouds. i 29-933 0122 79-5 74-8 87-0 73-9 141-2 70-1 0-800 79 89 EN K <;:* 0-08 Do. 8 29-922 0-113 78-9 74-4 86-5 73-3 134-4 68-5 0-792 80 151 N by E M 0-04 Passing clouds : tli. and Ig. S. \V. !) 29-945 ' 0-109 76-4 73-6 85-6 734 116-4 69-9 0-792 87 143 X E 78 1-18 Cloudy : rain. 10 29-946 0-117 79-7 74-9 87-3 73-4 1356 69-9 0-802 79 190 X X E 60 Passing clouds. 11 29-932 0-122 803 741 87-2 74-6 133-6 70-4 0-760 73 198 NEbyN 50 Do. 12 29-919 0-108 80-0 735 88-8 74-4 137-6 70-3 0-740 72 209 NE by N 50 Do. 13 29-885 0-099 77-3 73-0 830 73-3 1149 69-1 0-755 79 175 N by K 77 (I'll Cloudy : rain. 14 29-859 0-114 77-8 75-4 87-S 73-5 135-4 70-4 0-849 89 125 NEbyN 83 0-96 Do. : do. 15 29-895 0-101 76-9 743 88-2 74-5 1393 73-4 0-815 88 84 E N E 90 0-69 Do. : do. 16 29-875 0-124 793 75-1 86-7 74-0 136-4 71-7 0-818 i 82 159 NE byN 67 0-13 Cloudy. 17 29-858 0-129 79-8 74-4 85-2 74-6 127-2 70-6 0-779 76 218 N N E 63 Passing clonds. 18 29-846 0-116 75-1 741 76-5 74-9 89-6 73-3 0831 95 197 X by E 98 2-91 OveiViiM ; thunderstorm. 19 29-891 0-093 77-1 75-G 83-1 74-4 117-4 72-5 0-867 93 78 E X E 90 1-01 Cloudy : rain. 20 29-909 0-113 79-6 75-7 86-5 73-6 131-7 70-9 0-838 82 204 NEbyE 67 009 Do. : do. 21 29-882 0-128 79-1 74-9 86-8 774 1339 73-1 0-810 81 270 N E 78 0-73 Do. : do. 22 29-792 0-140 763 74-1 80-5 73-5 107-3 721 0-814 90 362 NEbyN ICO 3-34 Squally and overcast. 23 29-810 0-108 74-7 73-7 76-9 72-8 106-7 70-5 0-820 95 169 N NE 100 5-81 Overcast : heavy rain. 24 29-895 0-102 75-3 736 78-9 72-9 117-6 71-3 0-807 92 166 NbyE 88 0-84 Cloudy : rain : Ig. S. W. 25 29-923 0-118 79-4 73-7 85-9 75-6 134-3 71-3 0-756 75 234 N NE 47 Parsing clouds: fine night. 26 29-878 0-139 78-6 726 84-5 75-2 1331 69-7 0-722 74 301 Nby K 80 Cloudy. 27 29-792 0-107 73-1 723 742 72-4 79-2 71-9 0-784 96 2-2 85-4 75-1 134-4 72-1 0-871 89 87 SEbyE 7 0-03 Cloudy. I 8 29-938 0-119 78-4 75-6 84-2 74-9 132-0 71-4 0-849 88 6L E S E 43 0-15 Passing clouds. 9 29'94 0-603 69 233 N E r,o Fine with passing clouds. 28 29-916 0-122 73-2 67-2 83-4 66-8 133-6 59-5 0-588 72 160 N NE 20 Passing clouds. 29 29925 0-099 73-5 G5-8 83-8 68-1 135-7 63-4 0-534 G4 180 NNE 67 Fine with passing clouds. 30 29-915 0-132 731 66-7 83-2 66-5 132-5 59-7 0-571 70 136 X N E 43 ... Passing clouds. 31 29-901 0-108 73-2 67-0 83-8 66-4 131-5 60-4 0-580 71 93 NEbyN 48 Do. Mean 29-937 0113 76-2 71-6 84-0 71-7 128-8 67-6 0-718 79 142 N E 53 5-97 i 156 i* Q CO 00 M n -r cc r- 3 5 H Greatest Fall | r ^a - aja s a a 1 00 i :?i O *f iS 5 W 1-* X ^^ i - 91 6 i - - i- .t 7i Amonnt * 6 " A* 4f 6 M i>. N x dc 7 ~ i c c be -' s -r .- a- - i- - c - - - -. 00 c .S 1 | a H w > & * * 1 f f 2 5 J* J .* 5 ^5 CO ^ CC ^ <^* f. 00 i- '^Citt'o3;itrt' it X X C". -r IS O T X i" it 77 ^ 71 71 91 -. - 71 71 C IS C, 91 is X O e 1~ 3: 91 * BH 1 3 a S r: r S S 5 ?! '- r: ~ 71 r- 7i 7i i- ct ~ 9'i si r: n 91 *--. if I susssassaissa l~ oc a.^s HlH'ttT X E * t/J 41 "5 M sMui) uo ^^ D S' I ^^^*2^- D uiuunui]^ ^ 2 i^ t~ t'- t- i- i^ [Z A *j 2 ly Meteorological Records in i 6 c 3: ^ i- -f o it o ? * it U 1*3 O 35 X 4i5 mnuiixBK ,s ^r .s x 6 c 9 S ," 2 i ung > c-j 9i 91 1 Sun Therniometri c 6 7"l 71 91 91 7J 9< "91 Meteorologica Relative Humidity 1 By Blan ford's Tables 1 4; O !> I. 1 * 1 "~ 1C CO ^D I. 11 * I ^* 1 - 1 - 3T 1 -. o R = !. C: 91 1^ X IS 7t 7}- 71 77 71 Ihiiuidity 1 1 |- S! S L- 3! * 9 5 ^ * S Tension of Vapour cc qj X 91 'f ) Op X IS IS 91 X *y CC t^ X 06 t'- t> t>- X t-* 1~ l- ja 666666666666 D 13 91 r-< IS 91 ^ * ct ^H -f ?7 1* o = Lnwent i' '~ ?i n S ?! ?, - " 2 S ?, ?i re c c T3 1 je X C * C. - 91 LS IS S X 5= - 1- ss* 5 y 5 S''' ) "'"'~ 3: s 1 1 I B I ,S 1 1 1 S S a a waoeaort'* '*tw 5 gg9!J:t~3lli5li5^C7. Madras Extreme Month Dry liulb Tliermometer ^ o 43 DO C 5 * t- x r? ?i M i- y. it * ?: cr. Q C-l ^- ^ _ _ ,_ ^ ~, x Madras Mtan Monthly ar Dry Bulb Thermometer a a i: oo*:5t?).>*)fiyioooce X t- X X O X * 1^. IS -Ji CC O 91 i 17 O ?1 -f ^H -C 71 71 * M CO CD l- t^ X X l-~ t* t- I t- !- aottcoeoto^^eo^PAaom ^ X l" l - I- I - l- 1 - ~Z "C ^ ?4 ?"l Vl R 3 fH W F^ * M 1 o IA^ftc>tftuSiSC>l*--(^^f<^f l oBxxcscDoscicnasooobcc i >. x c; ?i -t r: ?i c ?r i - ^ O !C OS >C v I^> ** y * I"* O I 1 * x x r. r. c ; c r. r. ^. 5 x t n "C X 77 1- K * 1- it ,t 71 i 1-* t>- t>- X X X X X X !> !* l^. Btxi-dineter 1 d S3 00 \ d B ? X C -- X O !>. it C7 - 1- 71 - it t^ X i^ f. i~ 3: it it i~ i^ ?. T 91 91 C9 It 91 71 71 ~ r; 71 Barometer f! 91 IS C: 75 >S vO 91 91 X IS 77 6 _c 0000 = 0000000 ' C-. l- it 3, 71 71 71 K * -* f Q 71 r; Ji , 71 1 Reduced to 32 J2 3t 3; 3: x i" cc l-* t~ A x x 3: x 7-1 ft ft ft ft ft ft 3: ft ft o: ft ft " no -J X S 3: 1^- p 7_1 71 V. -S: 71 7 f i^ cr cc it i"t '^. Tt" -c i~ i ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ~. ft ^ Cl 91 71 91 91 91 71 91 71 71 71 71 os" O -f t - -* 3: is it s c Q 91 91 ^H 91 77 77 71 i. 666ftftci3'. ft3;o66 ^ X ?t r5 91 91 91 91 91 91 7t r: 7t ! ^ - : ^^ s"s 3 c"^o N> pa ' SI *4 w ( ^v ^ OQ CXQ ifsiiifllili 157 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1873 January. K -3 BAROMKTKK RKDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Tcmperatiiv SKI.K RKO IST K.KING THERMOMETERS I' educed Wind 1 'a a General Weather Menu r )ry Sun Gras Dry Wet Min. Max. Min Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Me.'in Direc- tion Day Indies; i 1 nches o O O * Inches Cent Miles Points Cents Inche 1 29903 0-129 72-8 67-6 84-1 66-4 134-0 61-5 0-607 75 128 N E 57 Light passing clouds. 2 29-914 0-116 75-7 69-3 84-4 69-1 134-0 64-3 0-G31 71 166 NE by 52 Passing clouds. 3 29925 0-112 74-2 67-9 S4-3 69-2 1317 63-5 0-600 71 116 NE by Jv 47 Fine with light clouds. i 4 29"!)82 0-104 73-6 669 836 66-4 140-4 61-5 0-571 69 90 N E 67 Light passing clouds. 5 29976 0-131 71-8 66-6 82-6 65-8 129-6 59-7 0-585 75 68 NBby I 23 Fine. 6 29-925 i 0-134 70-4 6.V9 834 62-2 129-5 54-7 0-578 78 79 Eiist 10 Do. 7 29-907 0-109 71-2 66-7 83-1 4 131-3 54-4 0-596 78 77 SB by I 8 Do. S 29-956 o-ioo 72-9 68-3 81-5 (H-2 130-6 57'9 0-632 78 99 East 23 Do. 9 29969 0119 75-0 (19-li W9 66-1 136-8 591 0652 75 133 NEbyN 50 Fine with passing clouds. III 29-956 0-133 73-6 68-4 sn-o : 66-0 132-8 591 0-627 75 126 NE by N 10 Fine. 11 29-948 0-123 72-1 117-7 84-6 62-6 132-1 55-5 0-620 78 112 NE by N 33 .Fine with passing clouds. 12 29-980 0-138 72-2 66-9 85-6 63-6 133-3 56-5 0-590 75 129 N N E 15 Fine. 18 30-006 0-127 73-0 66-5 83-2 65-4 134-8 58-3 0-565 70 118 N'E by N 35 Passing clondg. 1 1 30-021 ! 0-123 72-1 66-6 84-9 62-6 135-9 55-7 0-580 74 94 N E 33 Fine with passing clouds. 15 :>,o-02I 012(1 71-8 65-9 H3-5 05-4 135-1 58-5 0-560 71 70 EbyN 23 Do. 16 29-9SO 0-155 71-1 65-4 N2-9 61-9 130-4 52-7 0-552 72 86 S E Clear. 17 -'9-937 0-131 71-1 C,(i-7 82-2 60-9 127-8 52-2 0-597 78 111 i S E 2 Do. IS 29-986 0-107 71-9 (s o S2'0 63-4 128-5 53-5 0-R34 81 113 SE by S 20 Fine. 19 30-001 0-113 72-6 C,7-s s:;-4 (H-l 1353 56"5 0-617 77 84 SE by E 23 Fine with passing clouds. 2O 29-997 0-125 75-0 69-0 83-5 65-0 129 1 56-7 0-630 72 103 E by S 33 Do. 21 30-023 0-113 75-9 69-2 s.V | Bf-4 133 1 59-5 0-625 70 130 E by X 37 Passing clouds. 22 31 1-024 0-110 76-9 69-5 se-i 70-6 135-8 62-7 0-623 67 189 E N E 43 Do. 23 80-042 0-1 -_'7 76-7 (199 8(1-0 675 135-5 60-5 0-639 70 145 N E 5O Do. 24 80-011 0-118 76'l 7ol Ml 5 68-4 135-8 (12- 1 0-657 73 145 iXEbv X 53 Do. >>_- 29-968 0-116 745 69-4 S6'l 69-6 188-8 653 0-65-2 76 131 N E 47 O'Ol Do. I'll 29932 0-126 74-2 6S-1 S.V5 113-S 13J-H 55-6 0-607 72 107 NE by E 20 Do. 27 29-921 0-119 75-4 69-4 85-6 65-8 L84-S 58-7 I 72 118 E X K 30 !'iue with passing clouds. i - s 29932 0-128 77-9 70-5 Sll-6 68-6 132-5 62-5 0-618 68 152 iNEby E 22 Do. 29 29-980 0-106 75-9 69-6 87-1 68-6 1 34-4 61-3 0-640 72 144 N E 53 kissing clouds. , 30 29-985 0-115 76-5 686 86-7 68-2 135-5 61-0 0-594 65 167 N E 47 Do. :u 29-998 0-118 77-1 70-1 87-5 09-1 131-7 62-7 0-640 | 68 175 N K 17 Do. lean 29-971 0-121 73-9 68 1 84-7 658 1333 58-8 0613 73 I2(i E X E 33 o-oi 158 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1873 February. February 1873 BAROMETER SEDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF BEGISTEKING TIIKKMOMETEBS Deduced Vapour Hum- 'ension idity Wind c O c General Weather Mean Bange Dry Son Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Mm. Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o o o o o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches I 29-970 0-139 76-7 71-2 87-3 70-9 1353 65-5 0-691 75 203 NEbyN 70 Dloudy. 2 29-966 0-102 76-8 72-4 83-7 71-6 109-3 68-5 0-738 79 229 NN E 90 0-32 'loiidy : rain 3 30-003 0-084 75-1 72-4 79-2 727 102-5 69-8 0-761 87 313 N K by E n 1-32 Do. : do. 4 5 30025 29-963 0-112 0-143 73-4 76-0 72-1 737 74-5 83-9 71-7 72-6 82-3 135-0 69-5 70-0 0-772 0-802 94 89 173 102 Eby N E NE 100 80 4-Og o-oi i h < rrast with heavy rain. Cloudy. 6 29-981 0-123 77-6 73-0 84-6 72-3 130-2 68-5 0-752 80 117 ENE 50 Passing clouds. 7 29-988 0-107 76-3 710 84-4 70-9 128-5 66-5 0-689 76 86 K by N 33 Fine, with passing clouds. 8 30-000 0-109 77-2 70-7 84-6 70-6 131-0 66-4 0-665 71 125 Eby N 43 Passing clouds. 9 29-987 0-123 75-9 70-6 84-1 69-3 128-5 64-6 0-679 76 88 E by N : Fine with passing clouds. 10 29-986 0-134 74-8 69-8 84-2 67-9 130-6 62-5 0-663 77 80 Eby N 17 Fine. 11 29-965 0-102 75-4 71-0 84-6 67-5 130-0 61-6 0-701 79 83 East 20 Fine with passing clouds. 12 29-981 0-115 76-3 719 85-9 69-4 128-5 63-7 0-724 79 91 East 20 Do. 13 29-992 0115 77-2 72-5 87-3 69-9 133-0 65-3 0-737 79 101 ENE 33 Do. 14 29996 0-107 78-2 72-5 86-5 70-9 131-5 64-7 0-724 75 145 N E 37 Passing clonds. 15 29-957 0-122 77-5 713 85-8 69-6 130-7 63-4 0-685 72 153 N E 30 Fine with passing clouds. 16 29-947 0-121 76-9 714 86-2 70-0 131-6 64-6 0-696 75 126 N E 80 Passing clouds. 17 29-941 0-U3 77-7 73-0 85-6 70-4 131-5 65-4 0-750 79 112 E by N 10 Fine with passing rlondn. 18 29-980 0-106 79-7 74-3 87-3 73-2 137-6 68-9 0-776 76 119 E by N 40 Passing clouds. 19 30-003 0-117 79-9 734 87-9 75-5 133-1 71-3 0-737 73 211 ENE 50 Do. 20 29-9KO 0-165 79-2 72-6 88-5 75-0 129-6 70-4 0-714 72 182 NE 33 Fine with passing cloud*. 21 29896 0-139 78-1 73-9 89-0 713 130-4 65-4 0-782 81 76 NE by E 27 Do. 22 29-941 0-122 78-2 74-0 87-4 71-0 128-3 65-2 0-784 81 98 E 8 E 23 Do. 23 29'877 0-163 79-9 74-0 94-7 72-7 134-6 66-1 0-761 74 90 SE by S 15 Fine. 21 29-831 0-126 79-4 74-3 87-8 72-5 130-8 66-3 0-781 78 125 S 8 E 13 Do. 25 29-873 0-114 78-6 717 88-7 72-5 133-2 66-3 0-685 70 131 SE by S 10 D.,. 26 29-890 0-128 76-4 68-8 85-6 68-4 130-4 60-4 0-603 67 132 SEbyS 15 Do. 27 29881 0-114 75-2 69-0 85-3 65-4 130-2 57-4 0-627 72 128 SE by S 1 Clear. 28 29-851 0-135 75-3 70-2 85-6 65-5 129-4 127-8 58-3 0-672 77 104 SE byS Do. Mean 29951 0-123 77-1 72-0 85-7 70-8 65-6 0-720 77 134 E by N 37 6-28 159 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1873 March. 1 1 3 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32' Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETEKS Deduced Wind Clouds '3 M General Weather Mean Kange Dry Sun Grass Dry Wefc i Max. : Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O O O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents [nches 1 29-894 0-114 760 70-6 86-4 67-8 131-5 60-5 0-677 75 127 SEbyS 8 Fine. 2 29-884 0-108 75-6 68-4 85-6 66-6 130-6 59-5 0-600 67 132 SEbyS 13 Do. a 29-864 0-133 76-8 69-1 86-0 67-5 130-5 61-5 0-610 66 141 SEbyS 7 Do. 4 29-885 0-131 77-3 70-0 86-5 70-0 130-6 64-1 0-637 68 117 S K 17 Do. 5 29-894 0-142 76-3 69-7 85-9 68-8 131-7 62-5 0-639 71 ]29 SEbyE 20 Do. 6 29-891 0-131 77-6 70-5 86-4 68-9 136-4 62-9 0-653 70 140 SEbyE 23 Pine with passing clouds. 7 29-906 0-144 80-0 73-2 88-2 72-0 136-8 66-5 0-727 71 140 E S E 47 Passing clouds. 8 29-900 0-118 79-8 74-0 89-8 72-8 135-4 68-5 0-763 75 158 S E 18 Pine. 9 29-931 0-142 79-9 73-1 88-7 71-3 134-2 66-5 0-725 71 105 SEbyE 20 Do. 10 29-935 0-126 80-3 73-0 88-4 76-0 132-8 71-5 0-715 69 151 E by S 5 Do. 11 29-947 0-130 78-3 68-6 88-3 67-5 133-5 61-7 0-570 59 110 East 3 ... Clear. 12 29-924 0-132 76-8 68-7 87-2 65-3 134'8 59-5 0-595 65 109 E by N 3 Do. 13 29-869 0-206 76-8 70-5 90-3 68-0 134-6 62-3 0-663 72 134 SE 7 Pine. 14 29-903 0-140 78-6 71-6 87-5 69-3 134-0 63-9 0-682 70 185 SEbyS 17 Fine with passing clouds. 15 29-931 0-129 80-0 73-9 88-6 72-0 1365 66-3 0-756 74 140 ES E 20 Fine. 16 29-956 0-132 79-7 72-5 88-6 73-2 139-5 68-4 0-703 69 133 Eby S 20 Do. 17 29-945 0-133 77-9 71-8 88-0 68-4 132-3 64-0 0-700 74 127 East 13 Do. 18 29-949 0-126 78-5 72-4 87-3 70-9 135-2 66-4 0-715 74 121 East 23 Pine with passing clouds. 19 29-927 0-125 77-1 71-5 87-1 69-2 132-6 63-6 0-698 75 108 E S E 10 Fine. 20 29-922 0-121 77'5 72-4 86-8 69-2 132-3 63-6 0-729 77 148 S E 17 Do. 21 29-942 0-121 77-8 71-6 87-0 69-3 133-2 64-0 0-693 73 152 SEby S 17 Fine with passing clouds. 22 29-923 0-172 78-7 71-9 87-5 68-0 133-5 62-4 0-692 71 170 SEbyS 17 Fine. 23 29-914 0-123 79-9 73-5 88-6 71-3 135-2 66-4 0-741 72 154 SEbyS 3 Clear. 24 29-910 0-151 81-1 75-0 91-5 72-0 137-4 67-4 0-788 74 162 SEbyS 17 Fine. 25 29-901 0-140 80-8 75-2 91-1 74-2 135-6 69-6 0-800 76 189 SEbyS 10 Do. 26 29-872 0-114 80-9 74-3 88-7 73-4 132-4 69-4 0-761 72 203 S S E 10 Do. 27 29-852 0-141 80-3 74-5 88-3 71-7 132-2 66-5 0-777 75 187 S S E 17 Do. 28 29-895 0-111 80-5 74-3 87-8 74-3 136-2 69-4 0-766 73 154 SEby S 30 Passing clouds. 29 29-947 0-133 81-5 75-0 90-4 73-2 138-2 69-5 0-782 73 112 E S E 40 Do. 30 29-943 0-125 81-9 74-7 89-2 74-3 134-3 69-4 0-764 70 144 East 30 Do. 81 29-930 0-130 81-9 75-6 91-2 75-5 139-4 72-4 0-802 74 136 East 60 Hazy. Mean 29-912 0-133 78-9 72-3 88-2 70-7 134-3 65-5 0-707 71 143 SEbyE 18 Nil. 160 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1873 April. ec 1 'C BAROMETER KEUUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean 'wmperatiirp SELF REGISTERING THEBMOMETKR.S Deduced \Vind y. 5 5 c 'a si General Wesithei- Mean 1 1 a 111:- Dry Snn Grass Dry Wet Max. ,. Max. Min. Vapour ^ension Hum- idity Dailr Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day [ uches Inches = o Inches Cents MRei Points Centa tichi'S I 29-891 0127 81-6 75-5 90-8 745 1427 714 0-802 75 111 K by S 70 Cloudy. '2 29-836 0-133 83-0 76-9 90-3 76-9 1383 746 0-844 75 1 ir, KaM 70 Do. 3 29-793 0-093 80-0 74-8 90-3 79-5 131-8 771 0-793 77 271 XKbyK n 1-07 2!oml\ wit h rain. 4 2D-726 0-130 78-5 74-2 87'5 73-6 136-3 72-8 0-789 M 2i '7 North S.I 0-30 B 29-738 0-133 81-3 76-6 9V7 75-4 1335 73-4 0-853 Ml 123 \\ S \V DO Hazy. 6 29-754 0-114 83-1 7>;-2 93-7 7B-2 1324 737 0-811 71 136 Kast 30 Fine with ]>asiiiK rloinl*. 7 29-787 0-136 83-3 78-0 91-4 77-2 136-8 717 0-889 7s 131 K by X 50 1'a^sintr elouds. 8 29-8UN 0112 83-9 78-9 91-6 77-5 135-8 75-0 0-922 79 139 K by S 45 Do, 9 29-805 0-129 85-1 78-3 92-1 79-1 1 t'{) / / '0 0-878 73 127 K by S 45 1)0. 10 29-818 0-138 84-1 T7-I 89-0 80-8 13.VS 79-0 0-866 71 189 S K by K 50 Do. 11 29-776 0141 83-2 77-5 88-6 77-6 1332 75-5 0-868 76 201 SKby S 33 Liirht clouds. 12 29-742 0119 83-1 777 89-8 76-2 134-6 73-1 0-878 77 200 SEbyS 20 Fine. 13 29-745 0-134 85-1 78-2 93-7 78-6 139-8 76-8 0-873 72 24T. 8 S K 10 I'o. 14 29-777 0-136 84-9 77-8 101-5 78-1 142-8 76-2 0859 72 236 8 by K s Fine : 1;;. 15 29-733 0-127 87-1 77-4 1023 80-4 145-6 7H--1 0-809 H 200 S S K 13 Fine. 16 29-743 0-131 85-8 78-6 98-6 81-1 1U5 784 0-882 71 232 S by K |f Fine with jiafc-in^ rloud*. 17 29-816 0-108 84-5 78-2 90-8 80-0 133-9 TMI 0-881 71 262 SKby S 3 Clear. 18 m 0-120 85'0 77-8 92-7 - 80-0 1357 77-5 0-858 71 259 SK by S 3 Do. 19 29-871 0-149 82-4 76-7 91-4 MM 140-5 77-5 0-843 76 2 t-". 381 32 l'"ine with |ia>-in^ rli'i.d.i 20 29-826 0-161 82-9 75-5 91-6 75-6 136-0 730 0-784 H9 194 South 30 Do. 21 20-808 0144 85-1 77-6 96-4 79-0 111-3 77'0 0-843 70 220 S by K 37 1'nseiu^ elou.l- 22 29-804 0-140 85-1 77-5 100-9 78-1 ' 12-s 76-5 0-843 70 201 S by K 15 Fine | 23 29-827 0-140 85-4 791 99-5 704 114-3 77-2 0-910 75 2Oti S by K 5 Clear. 24 29-85 1 0-133 W8 77-8 01-3 77-6 134-5 74-7 0-873 75 22(i S S K 13 Fine. 25 29-866 0-141 S2'2 76-0 aei 754 1327 722 0-815 71 L9B SKby s 13 DM. 26 29-850 0-157 83-9 77-8 945 77-4 137-5 74-5 0-872 75 218 8 8 K 17 Do. 27 MM 0-143 84-8 78-4 945 78-2 138-3 765 0-885 71 25(i S S K 3 Clear _>s 29-790 01 11 84-2 77-9 lil-s 77-4 ! 135-4 7.V( 0-872 7 1 2*1 S S K 3 Do. 2(1 2-..7..K, 0154 86-0 78-5 96-8 79-0 1395 77-4 0-875 70 2! 11 S by K 13 Kin.-. 3D 29761 0-142 84-9 771 III -'.I 78- I 1335 75-0 0-827 69 _'.i:i S 3 K 5 Do. Mejii 29-800 0134 83-8 77-8 93-2 MM) 137-4 75-6 0-853 74 2H7 s K u 1-37 161 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1873 May. HAROMKTKR SELF HKGISTKRING KPDUCKn Til 32 Corrected THERMIIMETEBS M a \V : 11 A Cull Temperature Dry Sun Grass ijeuuceci \\ Itiu General Weather re 30 IK CS - Mi 'an Range Dry Wot Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Dailv Velo- city Mean Direc- tion S _o O a 1 Day Inches Inches o O o o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 29-754 0-151 86-7 7(i-(i 97-9 79-9 139-5 77-5 0-781 62 327 SbyE 13 ... Fine. 2 2SC721 0-1 17 86-2 78-2 102-3 79-6 142-9 78-5 0-858 68 306 SbyE 23 ... Do. 3 _>!l-7> 0-142 sii-j 78-9 97-5 80-6 139-3 79-5 0-891 71 287 S S E 10 ... Do. 4 29-802 0'133 85-3 78-8 114-5 79-9 140-3 78-1 0-898 74 2S9 S S E 13 ... Do. 5 2ip-sr>6 0-112 813 78-9 90-8 79-1 132-8 77-5 0-826 70 252 SEby S 15 ... Do. 6 2!I-SS7 , 0-111 83-6 77-0 90-8 78-2 138-7 753 0-840 73 206 S E 13 ... Do. 7 20-890 0-116 83 5 77'.") 91-5 77-H 133-4 74-5 0-864 75 185 SK by E 23 ... Pine with passing clondx. 8 29-887 0-129 84-5 77-6 91-6 77-6 134-4 74-5 0-854 72 164 S E 17 ... Do. 9 89-820 0-122 88-e 76-4 91-5 77-4 i:u-i 74-0 0-816 70 160 SEby S 13 ... Do. 10 29-895 0-142 83-5 w-6 93-3 77-3 145-2 74-0 0-823 72 158 SEby S 27 ... Do. 11 29-819 0-153 83-9 76-4 93-8 77-1 139-5 74-4 0-810 69 178 SEby S 17 ... Pine. 12 29-774 0-162 84-e 76-2 92-3 76-1 135-4 72-7 0-791 66 213 SE by S 27 ... Fine with passing cloncla, 13 29-813 0-128 85-5 78-a 93-6 80-0 136-5 77-0 0-873 71 174 SB by S 30 ... Do. U 29-836 0-109 85-4 78-2 93-9 80-6 138-4 78-5 0-869 71 188 S E 30 ... Passing clouds. 15 29-824 0-118 8t-5 78-1 92-7 77-8 135-9 75-3 0-876 7 t 159 S E 40 ... Do. 16 29-792 0-129 84-0 7s-o 92-2 76-9 134-9 73-5 0-879 75 164 JSK by S 22 ... Pine with passing clouds. 17 29-776 0-122 84-6 7(i-8 91-7 77-4 188-4 74-2 0-818 6!) 166 SEbyS 13 ... Pine. IS J9-SI.KI 0-092 84-0 77-1 91-9 77-2 129-7 73-6 0-838 72 150 S E 17 ... Do. 1!) 29-797 0-099 83-1 75-8 92-6 75-4 133-7 7) -2 0-794 70 120 SE 15 ... Do. 20 29769 0-109 st-7 773 93-9 76-3 132-9 73-4 0-839 70 146 S E 13 ... Do. 21 29-743 0-125 86-4 79-1 94-9 77-! J85-9 73-9 0-910 75 152 S E 20 ... Do. 22 29-694 0-129 88-fl 78-4 99-8 79-8 140-5 76-4 0-858 67 186 SEby S 12 ... Do. 23 29-678 0-114 86'6 80-3 96-7 80-4 137-2 77-4 0-950 75 106 S E 20 ... Do. 24 29-704 0-095 86-5 78-7 95-6 80-0 135-5 773 0-877 69 146 SE by E 23 ... Fine with passing clouds. 25 29-674 0-069 85-4 ?!>:! 91 1 80-4 1IU-7 78-4 0-919 i 76 130 E S E 80 ... Cloruly. 26 29-885 0-075 85-3 78-3 92-4 81-7 136-6 79-2 0-876 72 230 SEby S 67 0-02 Do. 27 . 89-887 0-133 85-0 77'5 91-6 80-6 137-5 78-9 0-844 70 320 S byE 47 ... Parsing clouds. 28 29-623 0-151 85-7 77-2 98-8 79-4 137-7 77-7 0-820 06 332 Sby W 27 ... Do. 2(1 29-585 0-138 88-1 76-6 101-8 81-4 142-2 77-9 0-762 57 353 S S W 18 ... Fine. 30 29-556 0-109 87-4 76-7 101-9 82-0 140-8 79-9 0-775 60 324 Sby W 30 ... Passing clouds. 31 29-581 0-129 87-6 76-8 100-7 82-7 133-6 81-6 0-777 59 280 South 55 ... Do. Mean 29-760 0-122 85-2 77'(i 94-8 79-0 136-9 763 0-845 70 212 SE by S 25 002 41 162 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1873 June. n |H 0> e p l-S BAROMETER RKIH-CKD TO 32" Corrected Mean Temperature SKI.K RK<.ISTKRI.NG THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds B i (ifitt-ru! \Veatht-i Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Miu. Max. Miu. A'apour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches | O O O O O 1 lll-llCS Cents Miles Points Cenfe Inches 1 29-608 0144 92-8 75-1 106-3 83-4 148-3 82-1 0-633 41 vo S W 60 1'assinjf ekiurls. 2 29-622 0-153 88-6 761 105-8 82-6 141-3 81-5 0-733 a 1 332 S \V by S M Do. 3 W087 0-141 88-3 76-8 1047 84-0 137-5 Nl-5 0'76 57 L-:i2 S S W 70 Fine with ps>iim I'lnuiU 4 29-684 0-125 88-0 75-2 103-2 88-4 1423 80-5 0-703 53 an S W 80 Cloudy. 5 20-701 0-119 89-9 74-1 99-7 82-5 135-1 81-1 0-0.31 II ^n W In S 77 Ob. 6 29-668 0-106 88-6 75-2 100-3 83-4 139-0 81-5 0-694 51 -'27 South 68 Do. 7 29634 0-114 , 86-5 75-5 97-6 82-4 131 1 81-5 0-7:):, 58 9M S S W n Ha/.y. 8 29632 0-047 82-2 75-0 92-3 BM 114-7 75-1 (mi 7d Jo:, S W M o-:di Cloudy : th. and lf{. 9 296/0 0-117 86-8 75-1 98-1 79-2 1335 76-8 071 1 .->!> EM W by S IK) Cloudy. 10 i n 29-683 29-633 0-112 0-135 87-1 87-5 75-3 756 97'6 103-4 81-2 82-4 1296 1399 743 81-5 0-719 0-726 56 56 210 2pa Wby 3 SWbyW S3 80 o-oi 0-15 I)!,. Do. 12 29-6-12 0-126 89-1 76-0 1005 81-1 137-5 795 0-722 53 200 SW by S 80 Do. 13 29-680 0-136 88-8 75-5 103-9 824 1393 80-6 0-704 52 275 SW by S 75 0-17 do. ! 14 29-693 0-147 88-5 76-2 104-5 81-0 143-3 78-6 0-739 55 mil \Vest st o-io Do. 15 29-686 0-162 87-3 766 101-5 80-4 143-5 78-3 0-772 60 205 SWbyW >S7 0-14 Do. 16 29-683 0-120 85-2 75-3 101-5 80-2 1368 77-5 745 61 265 SWbyW H7 0-06 Do. : 17 29-698 out 86-1 75-8 103-4 79-2 137-3 76-6 0-753 60 227 Sby W W i! clouds. 18 i'!i i>7 I 0151 88-0 76-1 104-4 82-5 1416 79-7 0-741 56 252 S S \V 55 Light rliiud- 19 29725 0-077 86-2 75-6 101-2 83-2 1339 81-5 0-744 59 204 s s \v 77 0-06 Clondx 20 29-711 0-127 85-9 75-6 101-2 78-5 1119 76'0 0-748 60 1KO SSE So Bo, 21 29-677 0116 88-2 75-8 103-1 83-7 140-6 82-5 0-72K 54 2BI s - \v 73 Do. 22 29-672 0-113 87-4 76-0 103-7 82-7 139-2 81-0 0-745 57 268 S S W 50 Light passing i-louds 23 24 29-704 29-745 0-097 0122 88-0 84-4 76-6 75-5 103-5 101-3 82-5 81-7 143-6 141-7 81-1 79-5 0-763 0-763 57 64 222 171 S by E S W 50 85 0-84 Uo. Cloudy : thunderstiM-in 25 29-706 0-127 86-2 75-7 100-2 77-0 132-5 74-9 0-748 <>0 24t i W S W 57 0-08 Passing cloiulH. 26 29-697 0134 853 753 101-1 78-7 135-7 76-7 0-744 61 259 : 8 W 42 Do. 27 29-679 0129 86-4 76-3 102-2 79-5 142-1 77-5 0-771 61 246 SW by S 37 0*B Fine with pausing clouds : Ig. N 28 29-674 0126 859 75-9 98-7 79-5 134-9 755 0-761 61 Jii! S S W t7 ... l.i^lit ]iassing clouds. 29 29-668 0-120 87-2 76-0 101-2 81-5 136-6 80-8 074H 58 260 SW by S 20 Passing clouds. 30 29-679 0-121 91 2 74-5 102-2 83-2 141-5 82-4 0-630 44 275 We,, 70 ( loudy. Mean 29677 0-124 87-4 75-6 101-6 81-4 137-8 79-3 0-730 .-,li 23S S W 66 I'iMJ 163 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1873 -July. BAROMETKB SKLF KE(> 76-8 13.VI 74-0 0-679 54 222 WS W 7o 0'02 Cloudy. 25 29-743 0-139 85-8 75-6 98-2 79-5 137-3 75-8 0749 60 205 SWbyW 73 Do. 2(i 2971 1 0-117 84-9 75-5 96-6 80-2 135-5 77-7 07.-)7 63 203 S S W 63 Do. 27 29-709 0-126 84'6 76-5 98-8 78-8 141-7 76-8 0-805 68 231 South t>3 Light clouds. 28 29747 0-109 88-6 76-2 95-5 76-5 135-0 74-6 0-806 70 275 SW by S 6" Light passing clouds. 2i> 29-799 0-121 83-2 75-9 98-2 75-8 141-8 73-6 QrJ&t 70 232 S\V l.y S :>o Passing clouds. 30 29-810 0-131 85-1 75-2 93-0 77'5 1248 74-7 0-742 61 162 West 73 HM/V I'louds. 31 29-748 0-163 85-9 76-0 99-8 80-0 138-3 78-0 0-765 lil 209 S by W 7o Cloudy. Mean 29-711 0-132 86-2 71-7 98-5 797 1 :r,:! 77-2 0-707 57 227 S W M 2-23 164 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1873 August. 00 l-H 43 CD a tc a BABO REI>r< F. Mean HF.TKK ) TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperatnre SKLF KF.GISTKKIXG THKBMOMETKRS Deduced (Find o c '5 23 (Jfiicra! \\Yarlier Range D Max. ry Son Grass Dry Wet Min. Max. Miu. Vapour Tension Hum. idity Dailv Velo- city Moan Direc- tion Day Indies Inches O O o o O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents [nches 1 29749 0-110 83-7 73-2 92-5 80-6 124-8 78-5 0-677 59 182 S \VhyW 93 Clomiy. 2 297(32 0-097 78-3 73-6 83-9 75-5 99-8 71-9 0-766 79 148 s w 100 0-S3 Overcast : min. 3 29-769 0114 78-2 73-9 84-9 74-2 104-6 72-3 0-779 81 108 S \V 100 0-09 Oven-ant. 4 29-693 0-166 80-5 74-8 91-1 74-9 136-2 72-7 0-786 75 142 W by S 97 0-22 Cloudy : rain. 5 29-681 0-111 82-5 75-2 90-6 77-4 123-9 74-7 0-777 70 113 Wby N 90 Cloudy. 29-738 0-132 82-5 75-9 95-6 75-6 141-3 .72-5 0-807 73 129 SWbyS 75 ... Do. 7 29-797 0-122 83-9 76-4 94-1 79-5 129-4 77-3 0-810 69 155 S S E 68 Light pas-ing clouds. 8 29-824 0-120 85-0 77-2 96-6 78-6 1367 76-6 0-830 69 133 SE by S 42 ... Light clouds. 9 29-829 0-134 84-6 77-6 9T6 80-4 138-9 78-5 0-853 72 229 SEby S 40 Do. 10 29-828 0-129 84-2 76-7 96-4 77-4 136-0 75-8 0-819 70 188 South 10 ... Fine, 11 29-843 0-120 84-4 76-0 92-2 79-2 133-9 77-3 0-785 66 225 S S E 12 ... Do. 12 29-868 0-119 84-0 77-4 93-0 78-4 139-9 75-5 0-840 70 185 SEby S 27 ... Passing clouds 13 29-833 0-152 83-9 76-9 96-3 78-9 140-2 76-7 0-831 72 196 Sby E 43 Light passing clouds. 14 29-792 0-102 84-9 75-9 93-7 79-4 134-6 77-5 0-774 64 204 South 33 0-02 Pine with passing clouds. 15 29-776 0-126 83-5 75-1 96-7 76-6 141-6 74-5 0-759 65 159 SWbyW 53 0-15 Passing clouds. 16 29-782 0-125 85-0 76-4 96-4 76-9 138-4 74-6 0-783 63 171 S S W 40 Film wilh litflu clouds. 17 29-760 0-116 86-5 75-4 97-6 78-3 139-1 76-7 0-732 58 157 S by W 40 ... Do. 18 29-761 0-124 86-6 75-9 96-1 80-0 142-7 78-1 0-751 59 131 S by W 63 Passing clouds. 19 29-740 0-158 84-0 75-4 98-7 76-3 1447 74-6 0-766 65 166 S W 70 0-08 Cloud V- 20 29-732 0-111 84-2 75-1 98-1 76-4 141-6 74-5 0-750 04 166 SWbyW <>3 Do. 21 29-714 0-151 84-6 75-8 98-5 75-8 146-0 73-4 0-774 ; 65 157 W S W 37 0-07 Fine- with pa-*ii><_' clouds. 22 29-714 0-098 79-2 75-7 93-0 77-3 139-2 75-9 0-843 85 93 WS W 77 1-22 Clondy: rain. 23 29-677 0-110 80-5 75-9 88-9 76-3 135-5 74-6 0-834 80 133 S S W 67 0'05 Clondy. 24 29-604 0-150 84-2 76-7 96-2 75-9 137-1 74-2 0-819 70 178 S W 63 0-18 Passing clouds : t Imndnrstorm. 25 29-681 o-ioo 81-7 76-0 88-9 77-3 123-6 76-4 0-822 76 79 W S W 90 ... Clouch . 2(! 29-687 0-124 83-2 74-7 92-0 78-3 124-9 77-2 0-746 65 170 West 83 0-07 Do. 27 29-697 0-135 84-3 74-3 93-6 79-4 127-9 78-2 0-715 60 275 S W 93 Do. 28 29-721 0-095 83-9 74-5 95-2 79-2 137-0 77-5 0-728 62 257 WS W 80 O'Ol Do. 29 29734 0-132 86-9 73-8 97-5 79-2 142-0 77-6 0-660 52 260 Wby S 68 ... Passing clouds. 30 29-738 0-185 88-0 73-2 98-3 78-9 151-4 76-9 0-619 46 266 W by S 63 ... Do. 31 29-744 0-145 83-9 74-0 89-1 80-3 142-7 78-6 0-707 60 219 West 63 0-40 Passing clouda : rain. Mean 29753 0-126 83-6 75-4 94-1 77-8 134-7 75-8 0-772 67 176 SWby S 63 3-:t 165 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1873 September. September 1873 BAROMETER RKDUCKI) TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds tf '3 General Weather Mean Kange Dry San Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. ' Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o o o o o Inches Cents Miles Points. Cents Inches 1 29709 0-128 81-9 75-1 91-6 75-4 134-3 74-5 0-781 72 109 West 95 0-18 Cloudy with rain. 2 29730 0-138 82-8 74-6 92-2 78-8 126-6 76-7 0-747 66 203 W by S 95 0-24 Do. 3 29725 0-161 85-1 74-8 94-2 77-4 135-8 71-0 0-725 60 196 SW by W 75 Cloudy. 4 29-729 0-134 86-5 75-6 96-3 79-2 141-7 76-4 0-739 58 249 SWby W 70 Do. 5 29-743 0-128 86-1 74-6 97-2 78-4 136-8 75'6 0-703 57 263 S W 65 Do. 6 29-789 0-112 84-2 75-8 97'4 78-4 138-4 76-5 0-779 66 224 S S W 70 Do. 7 29-824 0-145 85-7 74-8 99-2 79-6 143-2 77-6 0-716 53 236 SWby S 60 Passing clouds. 8 29-840 0-132 85-5 75-0 99-5 78-6 143-6 76-6 0-728 59 224 S by W 43 Do. 9 29-832 0-133 84-4 74-7 956 77-9 142-1 75-6 0-730 62 203 South 33 Fine with light clouds. 10 29-811 0-111 84-9 75-2 98-5 78-9 146-2 76-2 0-745 62 195 S by E 30 Fine. 11 29-775 0-161 85-7 75"5 97-5 79-3 148-7 70-8 0-746 61 196 South 28 Fine with passing clouds. 12 29-725 0-153 86-2 74-3 98-7 80-3 148-2 78-6 0-688 55 207 South 43 Do. 13 29-737 0-120 86-4 75-8 101-9 81-3 151-0 79-6 0-750 60 215 South 57 Passing clouds. 14 29-758 0-145 86-2 75-0 100-3 79-6 144-2 77-2 0-718 58 222 Sby W 60 Do. 15 29-795 0-137 85-0 731 96-9 78-6 142-3 76-4 0-655 54 229 S by B 10 Fine 16 29-819 0-139 85-8 75-2 97-6 78-1 147-1 75-5 0-733 59 159 SE by S 33 Fine with passing clouds. 17 29-830 0-073 82-7 76-7 95-4 80-1 147-6 78-4 0-839 75 90 South 85 0-33 Cloudy : rain. 18 29-824 0-127 79-9 75-6 86-4 70-1 109-9 74-3 0-829 81 79 S S W 83 0-12 Do. : do. 19 29-806 0-148 82-6 77-0 91-4 75-6 142-8 73-4 0-854 77 113 South 40 Fine with passing clouds. 20 29-784 0-154 82-7 77-4 89-4 76-4 139-8 74-2 0-870 78 124 SE by S 27 Ho. 21 29-771 0-108 81-8 77-2 89-8 75-9 132-6 73-8 0-873 81 155 S S E 63 1-16 Cloudy : rain. 22 29-757 0-153 80-6 76-3 94-2 73-5 137-3 71-9 0-850 81 170 S S W 73 0-32 Thunderstorm. 23 29-765 0-159 81-9 75-3 91-9 72-2 129-3 70-3 0-790 73 203 S W 60 0-63 Do. 24, 29-785 0-136 82-7 70-7 92-1 76-7 137-6 75-3 0-839 75 145 SSE 80 Cloudy. 25 29-816 0-123 79-3 75-2 84-0 77-5 99-5 76-3 0-821 82 108 SWby S 83 o-oi Do. 26 29-812 0-138 82-1 76-9 93-5 76-5 138-9 73-6 0-857 78 162 S by W 40 Passing clouds. 27 29-838 0-189 82-6 75-5 917 76-5 140-4 7.V.-, 0-788 71 169 South 60 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. 28 29-812 0-135 82-5 75'6 93-3 77-5 137-8 76-3 0-793 71 186 West 63 Light clouds : Ig. 29 29-804 0-097 81-6 75-9 93-2 75-9 143-8 73-7 0-820 76 160 SWby S 70 0-02 Cloudy : Ig. 30 29-825 0-106 80-5 75-3 97-1 76-6 141-7 74-1 0-808 77 175 South 80 o-ot Do. : do. Mean 29-786 0-134 83-5 75-5 946 77-5 138-3 75-5 0-777 68 179 S S W 59 3-02 42 166 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1873 October. m fe b O BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REUISTKRINU THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind -a s o 5 M General Weather Mean Kange Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Mean Velo- Direc- city tion Day Inches Inches o O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents [nches 1 29-808 0-125 81-4 75-9 952 78-1 139-3 75-7 0-822 77 145 S by W 67 0-18 Cloudy : thunderstorm at 2 P.M. 2 29-819 0-138 80-7 75-2 92-7 75-5 144-4 73-3 0-801 76 136 SWbyS 60 Cloudy. 3 29-791 0-151 76-6 74-5 82-9 71-3 110-2 70-3 0-827 91 115 W S W 73 1-41 Heavy thunderstorm. 4 29-757 0-149 79-7 76-7 89-8 74-5 138-7 72-5 0-880 87 103 NWbyW to 0-24 Passing clouds: th. and Ig. 5 29-764 0-131 81-3 77-1 88-1 75-0 131-5 73-5 0-875 S2 119 Eby S 70 0-91 Cloudy -. showers. 6 29-804 0-132 81-7 77-6 88-3 75-4 139-1 73-7 0-893 83 104 Eby N 53 0-29 Passing clouds :rain. 7 29-812 0-116 79-6 76-3 89-1 77-2 135-9 75-7 0-863 SO 12!) NWbyW 70 0-24 Cloudy with rain. 8 29-787 0-106 76-6 74-8 78-1 76-5 91-7 75-0 0-839 92 195 X W 97 0-52 Overcast with rain. 9 29-782 0-113 75-6 74-0 77-9 74-5 114-8 73-3 0-820 93 168 N W 100 1-70 Overcast. 10 29-781 o-ioo 78-9 759 84-8 74-1 1297 72-5 0-855 87 158 X N W 83 0-02 Cloudy. 11 29-782 0-152 81-4 76-8 87-6 75-3 137-9 73-3 0-861 81 123 S W 67 0-24 Passing clouds : rain. 12 29-766 0-136 80-4 76-9 91-7 74-6 140-0 72-4 0-879 85 121 W by S 77 0-89 Cloudy : th. and Ig. 13 29-798 0-113 77-7 75-6 89-2 73-7 139-3 72-3 0-859 91 151 S S E 97 1-82 Overcast, with rain : th. & Ig. 14 29-841 0-116 77-6 74-9 87-7 74-5 136-7 72-7 0-830 88 103 W by N 97 1-14 Uo. : do. 15 29-793 0-138 77-9 74-6 85-3 73-8 135-7 72-5 0-814 85 171 W N W 80 Cloudy. 16 29-784 0-108 "8-3 74-1 83-0 75-5 126-6 73-4 0-787 81 258 N W 67 Cloudy : Ig. S. E. 17 29-806 0-081 76-7 74-2 80-9 75-4 119-1 74-1 0-813 88 224 X W 93 ;o-o9 Cloudy. 18 29-809 0-104 78-1 74-9 83-4 78-1 129-6 71-3 0-823 85 210 N Why N 90 0-02 Cloudy : Ig. S. K. 19 29-782 0144 79-7 74-8 86-5 74-6 134-6 71-4 0-798 78 141 NW by N 77 Cloudy. 20 29-767 0-121 77-4 74-1 85-5 73-7 128-6 71-4 0-800 85 177 W by X 87 0-11 To. 21 29-799 0113 79-5 75-7 86-2 75-1 131-6 72-6 0-839 84 MM South 50 Fine with passing clouds. 22 29-840 0-090 81-6 77-2 88-2 75-6 134-5 72-4 0-875 81 97 East 63 Passing clouds : Ig. 23 29-839 0-122 76-7 71-7 83-8 756 132-6 73-0 0-S34 91 72 NWbyX 93 0-47 Cloudy \\ith rnin. 24 29-798 0-121 78-0 74-8 83-3 75-4 137-8 734 0-820 85 202 NWbyN 87 0-21 Cloudy. 25 29-808 0-080 79-6 75-6 85-9 75-6 139-6 73-4 0-833 82 129 WN W 73 o-ot Cloudy : Ig. S. W. 26 29-843 0123 79-6 76-4 89-9 74-9 134-5 72-2 0-868 80 102 NW by W 60 o-oi P;issiiig clouds. 27 29-831 0-139 79-8 76-0 90-1 74-9 138-6 72-6 0-848 83 74 XK by N 57 Light passing clouds: Ig. S. W. 28 29-859 0-1011 79-3 76-4 85-4 77-1 100-0 73-4 0-871 87 83 S W 73 Cloudy. 29 29-914 0-094 79-6 75-6 88-8 75-2 142-3 71 1 0-833 82 83 X NE 57 Passing clouds. 30 29-937 0-111 79:0 71-0 89-5 73-6 138-7 69-8 0-774 78 115 XK by K 00 Light, passing clouds. 31 29-936 0-117 77-5 702 876 70-6 132-8 653 0612 68 130 X by W 27 Fine with light clouds. Mean 29-814 0-119 79-0 75-3 86-7 74-8 131-2 72-0 0-831 84 138 XWbyW 72 10-61 167 Madras Meteorological Observations. 18/3 November. BAROMKTKR SELF RKGISTKKIXG November 1873 REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind DO 13 3 O 5 _a '5 H General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Hum- Tension iditj Daily Velo- city. Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O o O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents 'nches 1 29-917 0-129 77-0 67-2 89-2 65-7 133-8 593 0-537 58 132 N N W 43 Fine with light clouds. 2 29-907 0-120 75'9 6U-1 87-6 66-2 1366 59-6 0-511 57 131 NVVbyW 50 Light clouds. 3 29-897 0-118 76-6 66-4 86-2 64-0 1348 57-3 0-513 56 125 X W 73 Cloudy. 4 29-929 0-105 78-2 G9-0 88-6 68-2 132-7 613 0-587 61 94 SWby W 73 0-05 Do. 5 29992 0-101 77-1 72-2 84-3 73-1 121-2 69-3 0-725 77 83 SE 57 ... Cloudy day : fine uight. 6 30-000 0-112 77-6 72-5 88-5 69-1 136-6 63-3 0732 78 123 NEbyE 53 Fine with passing clouds. 7 29-981 0-129 78-3 ; 74 5 86-6 72-6 136-4 68-2 0-804 83 114 NbyE 60 0'12 Passing clouds. 8 29-985 0-116 79-5 74-5 87-5 71-5 134-0 67-1 0-788 78 92 NEbyN 20 Fine with light clouds. 9 29-980 0-112 80-7 75-9 89-2 74-4 140-8 71-3 0-831 79 158 N N E 43 o-oi Fine with passing clouds. 10 29-990 0-093 81-0 75-7 89-4 75-2 138-8 723 0-818 77 199 NN E 43 004 Passing clouds. 11 29-997 0-114 80-6 73-9 88-4 74-2 136-6 70-3 0747 71 256 NNE 43 ... Fine with passing clouds. 12 29-991 0-089 79-1 74 3 87-8 74-2 137-5 71-1 0-785 79 188 NE 82 Cloudy: ]g. 13 29-997 0-126 76-4 73-6 80-6 73-2 99-7 69-3 0-792 87 121 NNE 70 1-13 Cloudy : rain : ]g. N.E. 14 29-971 0-112 76-8 74 1 85-3 73-0 137-7 70-7 0808 87 164 North 93 1-58 Overcast : rain. 15 29-987 0-089 79-1 74-8 85-4 75-2 137-6 72-3 0-806 81 260 NNE 80 0-09 Cloudy: Ig. S. 16 30-041 o-ioo 79-7 72-7 86-9 75-2 1349 71-2 0-711 70 265 NNE 50 ... Fine with passing clouds. 17 30-018 0-140 79-5 72-0 86-3 75-4 1329 71-4 0-685 68 298 N by E 35 Passing clouds. 18 30-000 0-J84 78-1 70-6 85-7 70-4 132-8 662 0-649 68 230 NbyE 50 Light passing clouds. 19 29-989 0-128 78-5 71-0 84-8 71-7 129-9 673 0-659 68 300 N by K 50 Passing clouds. 20 29-979 0-125 7!Jr> 72-7 86-4 77-3 137-6 74-7 0-712 70 356 NbyE 67 Cloudy. 21 29-975 0-122 73-6 72-0 79-1 72-4 122-8 71-0 0'7()5 93 239 Nby W 87 1-35 Cloudy witli rain. 22 29-974 0-122 75-5 (( 81-5 699 129-9 69-1 0-760 86 184 NN W 77 2-40 Do. 23 29-982 0-098 75-4 71-7 83-4 71-3 126-5 70-5 0-728 83 262 NbyE t!7 0-41 Cloudy day : ti:ie night- 24 29-948 0-121 761 71-5 82-7 706 132-9 675 0-712 79 249 North 50 o-oi Passing clouds. 25 29-942 0-102 76-3 72-7 80-9 74-0 102-9 71-0 0-757 84 225 NNE 87 0-12 Cloudy. 26 29-910 0-091 74-8 73-8 79-9 72-2 120-9 69-5 0-822 95 140 N N W 90 0-74 Cloudy witli rain. 27 28-872 0-110 74-0 72-2 76-5 71-4 96-8 70-0 0767 91 300 N N W 100 M9 Overcast with rain. 28 29-838 0-137 72-0 70-1! 75-3 68-8 109-9 67-5 0-720 92 318 N N W 97 302 Do. 29 29-857 0-090 73-8 71'l 7"'."i 71-4 107-0 69-2 0-738 88 300 N'W by N 93 0-90 Cloudy with rain. 30 29-910 0-109 71 ! 72-2 78-8 72-1 12L-4 70-8 0-762 89 2(ii; N N W 90 0-35 Do. Mean 29-959 0-113 77-2 72-1 84-3 71-8 127-9 6S-4 0-724 7s 206 North ge 13-51 168 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1873 December. December 1873 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind K 5 B '5 M General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents [nehe 1 29-917 0-107 73-4 72-4 74-1 72-9 79-2 72-3 0-784 95 136 Nby E 98 (i'57 Overcast with heavy rain. 2 29-897 0-111 75-8 74-1 78-7 72-6 99-8 70-8 0-821 92 124 X by \V 9Ii 1-58 Cloudy witli rain. 3 29-911 0-109 76-4 74-1 79-4 74-3 97-6 72-2 0-813 90 143 X by W !7 0-20 Overcast. 4 29-887 0-091 77-0 73-2 80-5 73"5 121-7 73-4 0-768 83 227 Nby W 83 Cloudy. 5 29-887 0-095 77-5 73-4 83-7 72-5 134-7 68-9 0-769 82 160 NN W 50 Passing clouds. 6 29-926 0-117 78-7 74-4 86-7 72-7 137-3 69-6 0-795 81 83 Wbj-S 43 Do. i 29-930 0-114 78-4 74-8 87-7 74-6 1338 70-6 0-815 84 85 S by E 17 Fine. 8 29-993 0-118 78-3 741 846 73-5 137-6 69-4 0-787 81 71 Eby S 23 Fine with passing clouds. 9 30-027 0114 77-3 73-6 85-7 717 133-8 67-4 0-781 83 65 East 23 Passing clouds. 10 30-047 0-120 77-3 736 84-8 71-9 133-5 67-4 0-781 83 71 East 25 Fine with passing clouds. 11 30-047 0095 76-8 72-4 85-6 70-5 135-9 05-4 0-738 79 102 ENE 27 Do. 18 30-040 0-121 77-1 72-7 85-3 69-6 132-5 64-4 0746 80 137 X NE 57 Passing clouds. 13 30-019 0-126 77-7 73-1 85-4 72-7 132-1 68-6 0-755 80 20G N N E i:i Do. 14 29-991 0121 77-2 73-1 85-0 72-8 131-4 69-0 0-761 82 181 N by K 37 B'ine with passing clouds. 15 30-006 0-102 78-1 72-7 86-0 72-7 134-4 68-6 0-732 77 236 N N E 47 Passing clouds. 16 30033 0-129 77-3 70-9 84-2 70-9 130-2 (w-5 0-671 72 275 NbyE 40 o-oi Fine with passing clouds. 17 30-035 o-ioo 76-3 72-9 84-8 72-1 133-6 71-3 0-764 84 198 NN E 80 0-46 Cloudy with rain. 18 29-998 0-136 77-0 72-8 84-4 70-1 133-0 69-6 0-752 81 193 X X K 60 0-61 I'n.-.-iiig clouds : rain. 19 29-967 0-129 76-3 71-6 84-8 70-2 132-8 65-7 0-713 78 143 X X K 40 Fine with passing clouds. 20 29-964 0'107 75-2 69-1 84-4 67-4 133-9 62-8 0-631 72 141 N by E 20 Fine with light clouds. 21 30-001 0-105 75-1 69-8 85-2 68-4 135-0 64-5 0-659 76 202 Nby E 27 Fine with passing clouds. 22 30-016 0-099 753 68-5 82-4 73-7 1314 69-7 0-607 70 261 North 43 Do. 23 29980 0-126 75'5 67-9 82-5 68-7 129-6 637 0-583 66 283 N by E 20 Fine with light clouds. 24 29970 0125 74-7 67-6 83-5 66-3 129-6 61-4 0-582 68 216 Nby E 17 Fine. 25 29994 0-101 72-5 66-0 823 65-4 128-7 59-5 0-554 69 183 NbyE 10 Do. 26 29-992 0108 707 65-3 82-3 62-4 133-8 56-3 0-553 73 134 North 27 Do. 27 29-958 0-123 71 1 66-1 81-4 62-8 130-0 56-5 0-576 76 148 North 17 Do. 28 29951 0-126 71-5 66-5 83-2 64-2 130-8 58-3 0-585 76 117 North 17 Do. 2'.< 29-970 0-114 70-8 65-1 84-8 61-2 131-4 53-9 0-545 72 111 NN E 10 Do. 30 29-994 0091 71-8 66-9 82-7 63-6 129-4 573 0-595 76 76 N E 30 Fine with passing cloud.-. 31 29-988 0-117 72-6 676 833 64-4 132-8 57-7 0609 76 102 NEby N 27 Passing clouds. Mean 29-979 0113 75-5 70-8 83-5 69-8 128-4 65-5 0-698 79 155 NbyE 40 9--W 169 h 1 "C t 5O-lMi-H>O'f.i-^- H C/J a X CO *O ^^ O ^-1 W OS OS N CO lO 5 CO !* O ^ M t* CO t* t* t^ X CO | a^-^^-^^^^oaf 1 !^ ^ c S * 5 00 oo S tfl * iT ^COCOOS^^CO^^COOCO c c 03 00 -w o Js Q CO M 1 'S-22SSS2S - 3= t^. 00 K b. ** c 'IS o i; -- A & ^ O r-* g F 0S <5 US CO r~~ 00 o to fi 01 C 4 00 a* " t-^t^MpHOSO-^iNCO-^COOi Q'i-194 r-t-H (M CO M tfl -4_> "a SSUI r) 110 HOIIfclllll 09 H .s g 2 o 5 3 o s^s^ssssgsSc? OrHOSO>O^Mffl IMI O e 5 5 "Sn 3 so 0) p > M g 666666666666 i i o o u M ^ ^ "rt 3 a S o imiimii^ o 4J 5 1 43 s QiOlr-t frl ' i-( CO i-l CO ?l C C 5 CO CS CC O i^ OS tc cs cs o w x 74 x n ~ en ^i i_- s c: fc-< 1 o> 1 Q.-i 9 j= 4 > c S lo-iiii^^isi CO aj E 3 O O *O >O CO *O t>- O "^jt Vt O ^ ^ EH =J H X 1~ I~ 7! -M X C -0 ^ -C 1^ rt .0 CO 1_ z: .- ^ M^Nrt^^rtCoS^S 1 ^ <5 "5 s O ^fOXCOM''-HX - ^'"t < CO'^CO XXXClCiOCiOiOSXXQO o 05 X pq ID 1=1 cq &JO M OJ "cri > n o co J^- x co in t* cb eo co as j>- o 1- - 1>- X X X X X X > i- l> o i X CT3 o EQ SS|g||3ci!o > o ^^ o CD r^ iiO x "^ >f5 i-- i 2 M G> s O5 00 p 94 94 CO 1-1 94 C-l S 5 S O 1-1 ^ cri t>* (* 5O ^ 10 fS O tD CO IT* X n I gisssssssssa K IS o a a-s a rd 1*4 O Q OS OS I X OS OS OS O ^ : : : : S " S ^ : J, : : : : : : S : S |j lllllH-JjlJl 1 Annual Hi j :iii|| 43 170 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1874 January. I I-H > t 4 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Meau 1'emperatnre SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 'i. >B 3 5 a i General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Dailv Velo- city Mr;,,, Direc- tion Day 1 Inches 29-983 Inches 0-113 Inches 0-613 Cents 75 Miles !).-, Points N N E Cents 40 Inches Passing I'loiuls. 732 67-9 84-5 65-4 133-7 58-5 2 30-000 0-101 72-8 67-0 83-8 64-5 134-7 57-7 0-585 73 1O8 X X K 27 Fine with passing clouds. 3 30-0] 9 0-104 71-0 65-3 827 61-9 129-5 55-2 0-550 72 87 -\ K 10 Fine 4 30-038 0-098 74-0 65-9 83-3 65-4 134-1 58-0 0-530 63 130 XKbyX 23 Fine with pa^iiif? clouds. 5 30-037 0-092 76-1 68-7 85-1 68-1 135-0 62-3 0-604 67 252 NNE 13 Passing cloud.-. 6 30-042 0-082 77-7 69-2 85-0 72-6 129-8 68'5 0-601 63 284 X N i: 30 I'Mnc with passing cloud*. 7 30-049 0-096 76'5 673 82-8 72-6 132-8 67-5 0-547 60 274 XKbyX 43 Do. 8 30-058 0-093 76-8 669 834 72-6 133-2 67-5 0-529 57 245 NKbyX .-,:( Pas.-ill<; clouds. ! 30-028 0-127 74-4 660 83-1 68-8 131-1 62-0 0-528 61 237 X X K :!8 Fine with passing clouds. 10 30-035 0-110 73-9 65-7 83-1 63-6 1355 58-0 0-524 C2 203 NN E 43 Do. 11 30-025 0-132 73-8 66-7 84-9 68-5 139-6 62-7 0-563 07 168 NbyE 23 Do. 12 30-007 0-122 71-5 65-5 83-6 63-5 128-5 57-7 0-550 71 130 NbyE 27 I'M in' \\itli lijjht clouds. 13 29-990 0-123 732 66-1 83-2 66-6 131-7 60-5 0-548 67 79 N K go Fine. 14 30-008 0-131 69-8 63-9 81-9 59-8 129-1 51-8 0-516 70 60 NEbyE :t Do. 15 30-007 0-133 70-6 65-6 83-6 59-6 129-6 51-5 0-565 76 67 EbyN \ Do. 16 30-035 0-124 72-2 67-5 82-7 62-6 129-1 55-9 0-612 77 68 Eby N 10 Do. 17 30-073 0-121 73-4 66-7 83-3 64-7 129-5 59-0 0-566 69 74 NEbyE 10 Do. IS 30-102 0-110 75-2 68-0 84-3 65-8 134-0 60-3 0-590 67 180 NNE 20 no. 19 30-100 0-118 74-5 669 84-7 65-3 1329 5*3 0-560 6lj 193 NE by N 80 Fine with passing; clouds. 20 30-080 0-122 74-3 675 85-2 64-5 1324 58-8 0-585 69 147 NEbyN 17 KB*. 21 30-055 0-135 74-4 679 85-0 63-5 131 1 56-6 0-597 70 131 N X K ~> Do. 22 30033 0-136 756 70-7 85-4 67-1 1337 61-7 0-687 77 141 XEby N 37 Fine with passing clouds. 23 30-000 0-143 77-2 72-1 84-1 70-4 129-3 65-9 0-721 77 137 Eby N 30 P:i>Mllg Clouds. 24 29-967 MSB 76-0 70-1 84-0 69-5 135-3 6:5-8 0-658 73 !MJ E by N 88 Fine with passing clouds. 25 29-9 12 0134 75-7 70-1 84-a 07-9 134-7 (ii-7 0-663 75 109 E 8E 27 Do. 26 80-986 (ran 77-0 72-0 84-0 70-6 133-3 66-2 0-719 77 129 ES E 30 1 ... 27 30-030 0-119 77-8 7i'2 86-8 70-3 131-9 (i.vs 0-716 75 139 E N E 20 Do. 28 30-025 0-144 77-1 71-1 85-4 687 1353 63-7 0-682 73 112 NKby E 88 Do. 29 20-988 0-129 76-1 70-9 85-2 69-1 133-1 <;:!!) 0-678 76 103 K X K 10 Fine-. 30 29-946 0-139 7.V5 70-1 83-7 66-5 1343 59-6 0-665 75 98 Eby 8 17 Do. 31 29-963 153 7.-,-!) 699 83-8 67-0 130-7 60-0 0652 73 118 K s ]: 17 ... Do. ML-:HI 30-021 0-120 74-6 68-1 H4-1 66-7 132-5 60-7 0-603 70 142 N K 25 Nil. 171 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1874 February. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING REDUCED TO 32 Corrected THERMOMETERS Wintl H **- 00 . 1 jvioan Temperature Dry Sun Grass I feducei int. i General Weather February Mean Range Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. llin. Vaponr Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Clouds _g '3 cs Day Inches Inches * o O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 29-995 0-127 75-3 70-0 84-0 67-0 134-0 61-8 0-664 76 93 BSE 37 Fine with passing clouds. ~2 30-020 0-119 77'2 70-4 85-6 67-5 135-3 63-0 0-653 70 92 Beat 30 Passing clouds. 3 30-009 o-iii 76-3 69-5 84-9 67-2 139-1 66-5 0-631 70 115 E N E 13 Pine. 4 29-996 0-114 76-7 70'5 85-1 67-8 136-8 64-4 0-665 72 86 East 30 Do. 5 29-900 0-146 75-7 70-1 86't 68-7 1337 64-3 0-663 75 81 EbyS 10 Do. G 29-933 0-130 76-G 70-6 85'6 66-6 131-9 61-0 0-669 73 145 ! E S E 10 Do. 7 29-927 o-ioo 77-3 71-7 86-5 68-6 136-0 61-1 0703 75 103 SE by E 15 Fine with passing clouds. s 29-958 0-103 77-3 71-4 88-0 68-5 133-4 63-7 0-690 73 80 ! E S E 10 Pine. 9 29-911 0-174 77'5 71-1 813-3 69-7 135-4 65-4 0-677 71 90 E S E 10 Do. 10 29-812 0-163 77-3 71-8 88-7 69-2 132-5 64-7 0-707 75 151 SEbyS 10 Do. H 29-870 0105 78-0 70-8 89-3 69-1 132-7 63-9 0-658 69 160 S E 13 Do. 12 29-905 0-157 77-9 71-8 91-3 70-5 134-2 65-9 0-700 74 181 SEbyS 10 Do. 13 29-904 0-134 78-3 73-1 89-3 70-7 135-0 61-3 0-746 77 183 SEbyS 13 ... Ho. 11 29-951 0-105 79-0 72-2 86-6 71-5 133-0 67-7 0-700 71 131 E S E 20 ... Do. 15 30-009 0-113 77-0 70-7 86-2 67-3 132-4 Gl-9 0-668 72 198 NE 23 Fine with passing clouds. 16 30-058 0-136 78-6 71-4 87-6 69-2 133-8 65-2 0-673 69 230 N E 27 ... Do. 17 30-017 0-111 79-1 71-2 86-7 75-3 135-5 72-5 0-659 66 295 Nby E 87 Cloudy. 18 30-008 0-118 77-5 73-2 86-6 71-1 126-7 69-7 0-761 81 163 N by E 70 Cloudy day : fine night. 19 29-992 0-144 79-1 71-3 87-8 71-3 132-8 67-7 0-785 79 139 ' N E 30 Fine with passing clouds. 20 29-980 0-121 78-3 73-2 87-3 71-1 133-9 67-2 0-751 78 71 E by N 20 Fine. 21 29-912 0-124 77'7 7 '2 "5 86-5 70-1 132-3 65-7 0-730 77 93 E by S 10 Do. 22 29-916 0-117 76-1 68-1. 86-3 67-1 1313 62-7 0-592 65 88 E by S 3 Clear. J3 29-97 1 0-113 75'5 68-7 85-2 63-3 132-4 57-5 0-612 70 112 E S E 10 Fine. 21 29-963 0-133 76-7 69-2 86-0 68-3 131-9 63-9 0-614 67 106 East 10 Do. 25 29-919 0-135 74-6 6S-0 85-1 63-1 130-3 58-0 0-598 70 US E S E Clear. 2G 29-91S 0-097 772 70-4 85-1 66-4 128-7 61-9 0-653 70 146 SE by E 13 Fine. 27 29-967 0-106 76-3 70-6 8G-4 67-3 135-5 62-7 0-673 74 99 SEbyE 23 Fine wit fi passing clouds. 23 30-005 0-108 77-1 71-5 87-2 70-2 134-9 65-7 0-693 74 89 Eby S 17 Fine. i I Moan 29-961 0-124 77-2 71-0 86-7 63-7 133-4 64-3 0-678 73 129 Eby S 21 mi. 172 .Madras Meteorological Observations. 1874 March. I (-H ! M BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THEKMOMKTKKS Deduced Wind X d 5 a '5 M General Wouthi r Menu Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour lltim- Tension idity Dailv Veto- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o O O O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cnets Incite 1 30-003 0123 77-1 71-9 87-9 68-4 137-8 62-9 0-712 76 78 E N E 40 Passing clouds. 2 29-961 0160 76-7 71-9 87-0 67-7 132-3 62-7 0-719 78 H E N E 7 Fine. 3 29-891 0156 77-5 71-3 87-2 68-5 133-0 63-7 0-685 73 126 K S E 13 Do. 4 29-889 0-134 76-9 69-8 86-1 67'2 131-3 61-5 0-635 69 152 SE 10 Do. 5 29-930 0-095 77-0 69-0 86-0 66-3 132-9 61-3 0-603 65 141 S E 17 Do. 6 29-900 0-128 78-0 69-5 87-3 66-3 131-6 61-5 0-609 63 115 SE hy E 7 Do. 7 29-861 0-130 78-9 71-4 87-2 69-4 137-5 64-5 0-669 68 186 SE by E 18 Do. 8 29-873 0-113 79-6 72-5 86-6 70-7 132-7 66-5 0-705 70 186 SE by E 13 To. 9 29-877 O'lOo 79-7 73-9 87-1 71-5 138-4 67"5 0-760 75 181 SE by E 13 Do. 10 29-905 0-109 79-9 74-1 88-0 72-5 133-5 67-8 0-766 75 156 SEby K 17 Do. 11 29-959 0-093 78-6 72-1 .87-1 70-5 134-0 65-7 0702 72 129 E by S 13 Do. 12 29-958 0-112 79-4 72-2 .87-3 71-5 133-4 68-3 0-694 69 LM E by X 17 Do 13 29-922 0-137 78-6 71-4 88-3 69-5 133-2 64-5 0-673 69 108 East 13 Do. 14 29-888 0-121 77'3 71-7 88-0 67-5 133-9 02-8 0-702 75 96 ES E 7 Do. 15 29-885 0-121 79-3 72-6 89-3 70-5 134-0 66-3 0-712 72 106 E S E 17 Do. 16 29-901 0-138 79-4 71-5 87-9 70-2 133-5 656 0-667 66 126 E S E 17 Do. 17 29-869 0144 79-5 72-7 88-5 69-2 1355-8 65-0 0-714 71 189 SEby E 10 Do 18 29-801 0-174 83-1 76-5 94-0 76-5 138-6 74-5 0-825 74 243 S S K ;i7 Fine day : cloudy evening: th. 19 29-806 0-127 83-2 76-9 93-8 76-5 113-4 73-6 0-841 74 210 SEby S ^7 Fine with pupsing clouds. 20 29-823 0-126 82-3 75-8 93-2 76-0 138-0 73-8 0-805 73 224 S S E 20 Fine. 21 29-870 0-133 83-3 76-3 91-8 76-3 130-2 74-0 0-813 71 220 SE by S 13 Do. 22 29-848 0-157 83-6 76-5 929 75-9 136-2 71-9 0-818 72 220 S E 13 Do. 23 29-787 0-151 825 75-6 92-0 76-6 135-3 73-8 0-793 71 22G S E 17 Do. 24 29-780 0-127 82-5 76-5 90-8 76-4 133-0 74-4 0-833 75 250 SE by S 13 Do. 25 29-798 0-132 84-3 77-7 96-5 78-5 141-9 76-7 0-862 74 266 SS E 20 Fine : th. 26 29821 0-123 83-4 78-4 91-2 78-6 1361 76-6 0-906 79 275 SEbyS 50 Light elouds : th. 27 29-865 0-129 83-2 773 91-0 78-7 134-7 77-0 0-858 75 217 SE 17 Fine. 28 29-872 0-149 82-2 75-7 90-5 74-7 138-3 71-6 0-802 73 179 SEby E 47 Fine with pasxiiu; clouds. 29 29-876 0-133 82-4 75-4 92-6 746 137-1 70-6 0-787 71 175 S E 17 Fine. 30 29-885 0-128 83-4 77-2 91-5 77-6 135 1 75-7 0-851 74 203 S E 27 Fine with passing clouds. 31 Mean 29-858 0-163 84-1 77-5 966 77-7 139-0 75-8 0-856 73 225 S SE 27 Do. 29-876 0-131 80-5 74-0 89-8 72-6 135-4 69-0 0754 72 175 SEby E 19 Nil. 173 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1874 April. 00 C & BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds '5 M General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o O O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-805 0-177 83-3 76-8 94-7 76-8 137-7 73-6 0-835 73 270 SEbyS 13 Fine. 2 29-814 0-172 85-0 77-0 94-1 79-8 136-2 77-8 0-821 68 300 S S E 10 Do. 3 29-888 0-114 84-4 76-9 93-4 79-2 135-1 77-5 0-825 70 247 SE by S 10 Do. 4 29-926 0-121 81-6 74-4 89-0 74-8 134-1 69-9 0-755 70 178 S E 17 Fine with passing clouds. 5 29-839 0-151 82-6 75-0 95-0 73-8 138-4 69-8 0-767 69 188 SEby S 10 Fine. 6 29-851 0-127 82-8 75-5 91-9 74-7 134-2 70-6 0-785 70 204 SE 3 Clear. 7 29-891 0-113 81-3 74-5 88-7 74-4 130-8 70-4 0-763 72 162 SE byE 10 Do. 8 29-905 0-149 80-4 72-9 89-2 71-6 131-6 67-4 0-709 68 119 SE byE 7 Do. 9 29-800 0-160 80-2 73-4 89-9 69-7 134-8 64-8 0-733 71 164 S E 7 Fine. 10 29-890 0-123 82-1 76-0 90-0 73-3 132-8 69-6 0-817 75 188 S E 17 Do. 11 29-934 0-140 83-3 77-2 91-9 76-1 133-4 73-0 0-853 75 171 S E 20 ' Do. 12 29-917 0-143 83-0 76-2 92-1 75-6 134-8 71-6 0-813 72 191 SE by S 20 Do. 13 29-846 0-160 84-7 75-6 97-8 75-4 140-8 72-6 0-764 64 216 S by E 5 Clear. 14 29-769 0-170 85-0 76-4 99-8 76-4 138-1 74-6 0-795 66 246 S S E 7 Fine. 15 29-831 0-103 84-6 77-5 94-9 79-2 135-0 70*5 0-849 72 286 SE by S 7 Do. 16 29-909 0-122 83-7 77-2 92-1 76-5 132-1 73-4 0-847 73 174 SE by E 17 Eo. 17 29-893 0-155 82-3 76-3 91-3 75-8 131-0 727 0-827 75 182 SE byE 13 Do. 18 29-829 0-152 83-5 77-7 90-8 75-6 130-5 71-7 0-873 76 231 S E 20 Do. 19 29-777 0-118 84-0 78-9 91-5 78-0 133-2 74-9 0-921 79 253 SE by S 17 Do 20 29-803 0-127 84-8 79-0 92-2 80-7 132-8 78-9 0-914 76 244 SEby S 13 Do. 21 29-853 o-m 84-0 78-7 91-5 77-9 1330 75-5 0-901 78 198 S E 33 Fine with passing clouds. 22 29-823 0-152 83-5 77-3 91-1 77-4 133-0 73-7 0-854 74 183 S E 33 To. 23 29-780 0-148 82-8 77-3 91-7 75-7 135-4 72-6 0-864 77 192 S E 40 Do. 24 29-842 0-152 84-5 77-8 92-2 79-1 135-3 75-7 0-863 73 193 SE by E 40 Passing clouds. 25 29-847 0-143 84-9 77-6 93-4 78-5 135-1 75-7 0-849 71 202 S E 50 Do. 26 29-831 0-129 84-0 78-6 93-2 79-0 142-6 76-7 0-906 77 200 SE by S 60 Cloudy. 27 29-819 0-145 85-2 77-9 92-5 78-7 135-4 75-5 0-859 71 209 s K 30 Fine with passing clouds. 28 29-824 0-146 84-0 77-3 91-5 78-5 134-4 75-5 0-847 73 107 S E 80 Cloudy. 29 29-795 0-149 85-5 76-7 94-0 78-6 139-5 75-7 0-801 65 178 S E 50 Passing clouds. 30 29-773 0-136 85-8 78-4 93-9 80-4 136-4 78-5 0-873 70 189 S E 50 Do. Mean 29-8 tO 0-141 83-6 76-7 92-5 76-7 134-9 73-5 0-829 72 202 S E 24 Nil. 174 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1874 May. i 1 I s? BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds ^c '5 H General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Dailv Velo. city Mean Direc- tion Day 1 Inches 29796 Inches 0-122 Inches 0-871 Cents 70 Miles 177 Points S E Cents 43 Inches Passing clouds. 86-0 78-4 93-3 80-2 1353 77-3 2 29763 0-157 85-4 769 96-5 78-7 139-8 76-7 0-811 66 121 S E 60 Light passing clouds. 3 29-698 0129 83-9 77-1 92-1 80-7 117-1 79-4 0-840 72 65 SEbyE 98 Overcast and threatening : Ig. E. 4 29-627 0-089 78-1 72-9 87-5 793 96-6 74-7 0-740 77 144 NWbyW 100 091 Do. : do. 5 29-312 0-093 75-4 73-6 78-4 72-6 82-6 71-1 0-806 92 690 NWbyX 100 6-18 Overcast : stormy : heavy rain. 6 29543 0-040 74-4 71-7 80-5 73-4 116-2 71-8 0-742 87 444 E 8 E 98 0-13 A cyclone. * 7 29-702 0-071 77-5 72-0 84-7 70-8 129-6 69-8 0-712 75 246 S by E 63 0-02 Passing clouds. 8 29-727 o-iio 81-8 74-9 88-6 76-0 131-0 74-7 0-774 71 161 BEbyS 30 Fine with passing clouds. 9 29-761 0-084 82-2 76-6 90-5 77-8 132-7 76-1 0-842 77 179 S E 10 Fine. 10 29-768 0-151 83-5 77-8 89-6 78-5 132-2 77-4 0-877 76 243 SE by S 20 Do. 11 29-730 0-157 85-6 79-6 96-2 79-8 140-2 78-8 0-930 76 212 SS E 27 Fine with light clouds : ]. N. W. 12 29-731 0-125 85-6 76-4 101-3 80-8 146-8 80-5 0-787 64 162 Sby W 27 Fine with passing clouds, th.: Ig. N.\V. 13 29-730 0-169 86-7 77-5 101-9 77-7 140-0 76-7 0-822 65 174 South 27 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. N. W. 14 29-819 0-158 82-0 75-9 85-7 80-5 111-1 79-8 0-814 75 164 South 100 Overcast : th. 15 29-771 0-150 84-4 78-5 96-4 78-7 143-7 78-4 0-896 76 198 SSE 60 Passing clouds. 16 29-705 0-147 86-0 78-0 98-1 80-2 138-0 78'8 0-852 68 194 South 27 Fine with passing clouds. 17 29-697 0-118 85-5 78-1 97-2 80-3 140-5 78-4 0-863 70 209 SSE L6 Fine. 18 29720 0-135 85-5 79-2 99-0 79-6 142-7 78-6 0-914 75 182 S by E 23 Fine with passing clouds. 19 29-707 0-106 86-0 77-8 101-5 80-6 142-3 79-7 0-843 68 183 S by W 13 Fine. 20 29-672 0-132 87-7 77-6 100-6 79-3 138-0 77-9 0'812 62 235 South 20 Do. 21 29-649 0-139 89-6 77-9 102-0 80-7 139-1 79-6 0-799 57 253 South 23 Fine with light clouds. 22 29-638 0-122 87-8 77-9 98-2 83-4 1361 81-7 0-823 62 233 SSE 27 ... Do. 23 29-665 0-119 87-2 77-9 98-5 80-5 137-7 79-5 0-831 64 183 S by E 40 ... Fine with passing clouds. 24 29-675 0-149 89-6 75-3 100-8 80-6 1407 78-7 0-685 49 228 S R W M Do. 25 29-709 0-158 864 77-4 98-6 81-7 142-0 80-9 0-819 65 213 S S W 63 u-72 Cloudy : th. Ig. and ruin. 26 29-702 0-125 85-0 78-1 98-8 78-2 1319 76-7 0-870 72 204 South 40 Fine day : cloudy night. 27 29-708 0-131 85-6 77-8 99-4 80-8 137-8 79-7 0-849 69 233 South 50 Passing clouds. 28 29-700 0-127 86-1 77-3 101-1 79-3 137-0 77-8 0-819 65 194 S S W 73 Cloudy. 29 29-677 0-113 89-4 77-6 101-9 81-8 142-7 80-8 0-789 57 216 S hy \V 60 Passing clouds. 30 29-679 0-129 87-7 78-0 99-5 82-7 137-7 81-7 0-829 63 203 South 30 Fine with passing clouds. 31 29-708 0-085 87-6 77-5 102-2 82-4 138-0 80-8 0-809 62 228 Sby E 91 Light passing clouds. Mean 29-693 0-124 84-7 76-9 95-5 79-3 132-8 77-9 0-822 70 218 South 47 7-96 * The cyclone commenced about 8 P.M. on the 4th. At midnight the wind was W. N. W. 10 miles per hour. At 2 A.M. on the 5th it was W. 18 miles per hour ; 9 A.M. N.W. 25 miles and barometer at 29-40. The greatest force was attained at midnight when the velocity was 49 miles and the barometer (reduced) was 29'21. The lowest barometer was noted at 1 A.M. on the 6th and was 29*18. At 4'30 A.M. the wind was E. 25 miles an hour. 7'1 inches of rain fell between noon on the 4th and the evening of the 5th ; between 7 A.M. and 8 A.M. of the 5th, 2'35 inches fell. 175 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1874 June. X o B a BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds 3 General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 29-761 0-112 85-3 77-3 93-4 79-4 132-5 78-6 0-830 68 145 Sby B 83 Cloudy : th. and Ig. N. and N. W. 2 29-786 o-ioo 83-5 76-3 95-3 80-6 122-8 79-8 0-811 70 148 South 83 0-80 Cloudy : thunderstorm. 3 29-818 0-145 80-2 76-1 86-9 75-5 124-1 75-1 0-847 82 82 SB by E 80 0-23 Cloudy. 4 29-778 0-137 80-9 76-0 88-2 75-2 130-4 74-0 0-832 78 99 S S B 30 Passing clouds. 5 29-746 0-141 83-9 77-7 90-4 78-0 127-5 76-0 0-867 75 96 S E 30 ... Fine with passing clouds : Ig. N. W. 6 29-745 0-139 82-4 76-5 96-8 75-7 133-0 73-8 0-834 75 101 S W 37 ... Fine with passing clouds : th. and Ig. 7 29-787 0-136 77-7 75-0 84-5 72-7 102-9 71-3 0-833 88 51 West 77 0-64 Cloudy : thunderstorm. 8 29-755 0-135 79-3 75-5 92-1 73-4 127-7 72-0 0-833 83 88 SWbyW 53 0-38 Passing clouds : ruin. 9 29-718 0-146 82-8 77-2 92-8 76-5 129-9 74-8 0-860 77 89 W S W 53 Passing clouds. 10 29-701 0-128 83-6 77-1 93-1 77-4 123-8 75-4 0-844 73 79 SWbyS 73 ... Cloudy. 11 29-651 0-141 86-7 76-5 97'5 80-6 127-9 79-3 0-776 61 139 S S W 60 ... Hazy. 12 29-6)7 0-121 86-0 78-5 98-9 78-7 133-4 76-9 0-875 70 165 South 53 ... Passing clouds. 13 29-622 0-096 83-7 77-0 95-7 78-8 132-2 76-6 0-838 73 167 South 67 1-07 Passing clouds : thunderstorm. 14 29-626 0-114 81-5 76-0 88-4 75-7 111-6 75-0 0-825 77 165 WS W 93 0-06 Cloudy. 15 29-618 0-113 83-3 73-7 90-6 77-5 120-7 75-9 0-704 62 220 S W 100 ... Overcast. 16 29-650 0-082 83-0 73-5 89-5 78-5 112-4 76-5 0-699 62 227 SWbyS 90 ... Cloudy. 17 29-693 0-098 85-5 73-9 93-8 77-1 127-5 74-6 0-682 56 251 SWbyS 67 ... Do. 18 29-712 0-127 86-2 73-8 95-8 78-3 132-3 76-7 0-668 53 258 SW by 8 47 ... Passing clouds. 19 29-715 0-148 86-8 74-4 96-5 78-8 130-5 75-7 0-684 53 250 S W 40 ... Do. 20 29-705 0143 87-5 74-5 97-9 79-9 184-1 77-5 0-680 52 223 SWby W 57 ... Do. 21 29-707 0-148 88-7 74-7 99-4 81-5 K!7'7 79-6 0-672 50 258 W S W 60 003 Do. 22 29-692 0-142 86-1 74-8 95-0 77-7 117-1 76-1 0-711 57 171 SWby W 70 0-04 Cloudy. 23 29-677 0-127 87'2 75-5 96-6 79-6 141-8 77'5 0-726 57 215 W S W 67 Passing clouds : Ig. N. 24 29-698 0-141 88-8 74-5 99-6 80-7 136-9 79-4 0-662 49 257 SWby W 50 o-oi Passing clouds. 25 29-687 0-130 86-5 73-9 93-9 81-5 1213 80-2 0-668 53 281 SW by S 73 ... Cloudy. 26 29-670 0-121 87-1 75-6 95-7 80-8 127-5 79-5 0-732 57 262 SWbyS 57 Passing clouds. 27 29-714 0-119 85-1 74-5 95-0 77-7 132-3 76-1 0-713 59 241 S S W 67 0-05 Cloudy : a squall about 7 P.M. 28 29-761 0-094 80-3 74-8 96-7 76-3 139-6 73-3 0-789 76 177 S by W 60 0-38 Morning fine : afternoon rainy. 29 29-745 0-119 84-3 75-8 95-5 75-4 132-5 74-1 0-778 66 188 SWbyS 63 0-07 Cloudy. 30 29-734 0-086 82-9 74-2 91-6 76-6 113-9 75-7 0-729 64 184 SWbyS 83 ... Do. Mean 29-710 0-124 84-2 75-5 93-9 77-9 127-3 76-2 0-767 66 176 SW by S 64 3-76 176 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1874 July. BAROMETER SKI.H REGISTERING RBDUCED TO 32 Corrected \! . - THERMOMETERS i * . i . i . ? TIT. J .mean Temperature Dry Sun Grass Deduced \\ iud General Weather 00 "5 Mean Range Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Dailv Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Q jo D 3 Day Inches Inches O fc o B Inches Cents Miles Points Cents [nches 1 29-749 0-103 83-3 74-9 93-4 78-3 122-8 76-5 0-753 65 138 S W 85 ... Cloudy. 2 29-741 0-090 83-9 75-4 95-9 78-3 125-0 76-6 0-767 65 168 Sby W 57 Cloudy day : fine night. 3 29-737 0-118 83-3 76-2 936 77-6 120-6 76-1 0-809 71 142 Sby W 00 Cloudy. . 4 29-710 0-111 83-3 76-1 956 77-5 136-5 75*5 0-805 70 147 South 45 Passiug clouds. 5 29-678 0-125 83-2 75-9 98-2 76-6 1336 75-5 0-797 70 176 Sby E 60 001 Passing clouds : Ig. N. W. 6 29-703 0-095 80-0 74-7 89-6 727 110-8 72-5 0-790 77 135 SW by S 93 0'44 Cloudy : Ig. W. 7 29-691 0-120 85-1 76-1 95-2 77-3 132-6 76-5 0-780 64 212 MV In" S 53 Passing clouds : th. and Ig. X. \V. 8 29-762 0-094 82-0 75-3 94-1 76-8 134-0 74-9 0-788 72 157 S W 85 1-45 Cloudy : th. : rain. 9 29-768 0-123 82-2 75-9 91-9 75-2 130-0 74-5 0-811 74 140 SWbyW 60 0-07 Passing clouds. 10 29-735 0-145 83-4 75-1 96-2 77-5 131-0 75-8 0-762 66 146 WbyS 67 0-39 Cloudy : Ig. : rain. 11 29-716 0-074 78-0 74-3 85-1 74-5 104-0 73-5 0-799 83 102 SW by S 100 0-22 Overcast : th. Ig. and rain. 12 29-705 0-105 79-3 74-0 88-2 75-5 123-1 74-1 0-770 77 172 S by W 90 Cloudy. 13 29-761 0-105 79-5 74-3 85-4 75-3 109-4 74-3 0-779 77 152 S by W 93 Do. 14 29-748 0-093 81-3 74-4 911 76-4 133-0 74-7 0-760 71 154 S S W 50 Passing clouds. 15 29-715 0-137 82-7 75-4 943 77-3 135-1 74-5 0-783 70 161 Sby W 30 Fine. 16 29-709 0-091 80-7 75-3 94-1 74-5 1325 73-2 0-805 76 165 S S W 30 Fine : th. and Ig. 17 29-714 0-099 80-9 75-4 95-6 73-6 136-1 71-8 0-807 76 193 S by E 60 0-03 Passing clouds: th. und !<;. 18 29-739 0-125 79-3 75-0 85-1 73-5 126-9 72-3 0-812 81 127 W S W 97 234 Overcast with rain. 19 29-724 0-123 79-6 73-0 86-2 73-5 118-0 71-7 0-725 72 213 West 85 0-16 Do. 20 29-692 0-113 82-2 74-2 90-5 75-8 127-4 72-8 0-739 67 219 W S W 50 o-oi Passing cloxids. 21 29-680 0134 836 74-3 935 75-5 136-0 72-5 0-724 62 187 W S W 50 r,o. 22 29-683 0-127 83-5 74-2 92-8 79-1 126-4 76-4 0722 62 226 SWbyW 67 Do. 23 29-702 0-093 83-2 746 89-9 78-2 100-9 76-5 0-742 65 2-12 SWbyW 93 Cloudy. 24 29-696 0-136 84-1 74-3 91-3 78-5 1275 77-5 0-717 61 225 SWby W 77 Do. 25 29-659 0-134 84-1 74-7 94-9 77-8 135-3 76-0 0736 a 233 SWby W 03 0-02 Passing clouds. 26 29-667 0-112 84-8 75-3 96-4 78-0 133-6 75-6 0-750 n 219 S \Vl.yS 27 Fine : th. and Ig. 27 29-708 0-095 813 75-4 98-0 77-5 137-1 75-3 0-761 84 173 S W 60 1-00 Cloudy : th. and Ig. 28 29769 0-117 83-2 76-2 91-5 76-1 131-9 75-2 0-810 71 148 SWby S 67 0-04 Cloudy. 29 29-747 0-121 84-5 75-8 926 78-3 130-3 76-6 0-775 05 213 S W 80 Do. 30 29-724 0-152 85-3 75'8 98-5 78-7 134-1 76-5 0771 63 206 S W 43 Kim 1 with passing ulomlx. 31 29-702 0-131 85-9 74-4 95-5 78-2 140-1 761 0-697 56 220 SWbyW (50 Passing clouds. Mean 29-717 0-114 82-6 75-0 92-7 76-6 127-6 74-9 0-769 69 178 8 W 00 6-18 177 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1874 August. * fe 1 1 ja 1C a tc ' ! BAROMETER HEDl'CEI) TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind GO *o 3 o 5 c 1 General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. lliii. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches < o Inches Cents Miles Points. Cents. inches 1 29-710 0-119 85-5 74-5 95-5 79-6 130-3 77-3 0-707 58 213 SWby W 70 0-06 Passing clouds : Ig. 2 29724 0-116 84-4 73-9 91-8 79-5 130-4 75-5 0-696 59 236 S W 83 Cloudy. 3 29-757 0-119 86-3 74-6 99-2 76-9 140-5 73-2 0-700 56 215 S W 50 Passing clouds. 4 29-764 0-155 86-6 75-7 97-8 79-7 139-2 78-1 0-742 58 214 S W 57 Do. 5 29-781 102 82-2 74-7 88-7 78-2 103-0 76-5 0-760 69 120 SWbyS 90 Cloudy. 6 29-849 0-085 78-2 74-2 80-9 75-7 104-4 72-7 0-793 82 129 Wby S 90 0-21 Cloudy. 7 29-812 0-132 81-4 75-6 92-5 75-5 141-0 73-5 0-809 76 143 S S W 70 0-12 Do. 8 29-778 0-123 82-1 76-0 93-8 76-2 140-5 74-5 0-817 75 202 South 60 ... Passing clouds. 9 29-722 0-133 80-3 74-6 92-2 77-5 129-7 75-5 0-781 75 166 S W 87 0-09 Cloudy. 10 29-738 0-102 83-1 7t-6 91-3 77-9 122-8 75-7 0-743 65 167 S W 87 0-04 Clondy : th. 11 29-709 0-165 81-1 75-1 95-5 75-1 138-5 73-3 0-792 74 149 SWbyS 77 o-oi Cloudy. 12 29-683 0-109 83-5 76-4 94-7 77-7 143-0 75-5 0-815 71 172 South 38 ... Fine with passing clouds. 13 29-694 0-138 82-9 76-9 92-6 74-5 134-2 72-9 0-845 75 146 Sby W 53 0-73 Passing clouds : rain. 14 29713 0-091 84-1 75-9 93-2 79-3 139-0 76-8 0-785 67 175 South 33 ... Pine with light clouds. 15 29-728 0-121 84-4 76-8 96-1 76-8 136-0 74-2 0-821 70 164 S by W 57 0-02 Passing clouds. 16 29-717 0-150 85-2 76-9 99-0 77-7 140-8 75-3 0-814 67 167 South 40 ... Do. 17 29-745 0-113 83-0 76-0 97-0 76-8 141-8 76-0 0-804 71 185 S S W 57 0-06 Passing clouds : th. and Ig. 18 29713 0-115 80-2 75-7 88-8 73-6 119-2 72-4 0-829 80 131 S S W 93 0-42 Cloudy. 19 29-723 0-106 82-4 75-4 89-3 77-8 1187 76-6 0-787 71 202 S S W 70 o-io Cloudy : Ig. S. W. 20 29-790 0-109 81-1 74-1 94-0 75-6 13:-S 74-2 0-750 71 178 S S W 80 0-02 Cloudy : th. and Ig. 21 -".)7!7 0-115 86-1 75-1 97-1 76-G 1304 74-1 0-738 61 176 S S W' 53 0-02 Light passing clouds. 22 29-812 U'109 83-5 76-1 94-8 77-6 134-8 75-8 0-802 60 175 South 70 ... Do. 23 29-793 0-153 85-6 75-7 97-9 77-6 142-8 74-6 0-756 61 174 S by W 33 ... Passing clouds. 24 25 26 29-767 29-739 29-716 0-160 0-170 0-126 85-9 85-2 86-1 76-3 75-6 75-9 98-6 97-9 99-4 80-6 77-7 80-4 140-6 142-6 139-8 79-0 76-8 78-7 0-779 0-758 0-758 63 63 61 175 \ 208 232 S by W Sby W S S W 37 70 53 ... Fine with light clouds. Passing clouds : Ig.'S. W. Passing clouds. 27 88^44 0-136 86-4 75-4 98-0 78-6 139-2 76-1 0-733 58 199 SW by S 57 Do. 28 29-776 0-111 84-5 75-8 97-3 78-6 146-6 76-6 0-775 65 202 Sby E BO ... Do. 29 29-807 0-122 81-6 75-5 93-4 74-3 141-4 72-7 0-802 75 120 Sby E 60 0-08 Do. 30 29-791 0-099 83-9 76-0 95-8 76-8 147-2 74-2 0-792 68 150 S S E 33 ... Fine with passing clouds. 31 29-743 0-140 83-8 75'9 93-4 75-9 143-1 74-0 0-790 68 163 S S E 47 0-70 Passing clouds : th. and Ig. Mean 20-753 0-124 83-5 75-5 94-4 77-3 134-8 75-2 0-777 68 176 S S W 61 2-68 45 178 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1874 September. September 1874 BAKOMKTKK KKIircKli Til 32 Menu Kaiitfc Com Me Tempi Dry cted an ratnre Wet SKI.K RKC.ISTKKINI; THKKMOMKTKKS ] ted 11 Vapour Tension i-il Hum- idity Wind V. I O C | (iciicml \\ rat her Dry Sun Grass Max. Min. Max. Min. Daily Velo- city Moan Direc- tioi. Day Inches lni'hcs O O Inches C,.|ils Miles Points Cc-nis Inrlu-s 1 W-7U 0113 813 75-3 88-5 72-5 1207 71-6 0-798 74 157 \v s w 77 0-17 Cloudy with rain. i 29798 0-119 81-0 767 87-2 74-5 140-7 73-6 0-862 81 74 S K 53 o :;.'> Passing clouds with niin. 3 L'U7<>7 0-165 83-1 77'7 92-8 70-1 136-4 744 0-878 77 123 s s M 0,1 I'assillir : l L r. N. 4 29740 0119 81-8 76-9 BS-a 77-7 139-3 767 0-860 7H M S \n K 57 0-05 1'aisiiif; flnuds : Is;. S. 5 90748 0-139 81-5 77-9 ss-i; 76-5 131 -0 7,vi; 0-909 85 80 S by ]; 60 ll'Sli t'loudv : rain. 6 .".Till 0-109 81-4 77-7 90-1 77-:! 137-7 7ti'l II'IMI 84 7li South 67 am I'ilssill.; clouds. 7 ft-HM 0142 83-0 77-3 927 73-6 132-9 72-6 0-861 7li 160 \\- by S 1:1 n-23 I'assiii;.' rloiids : rain. 8 29691 0-137 83-8 76-7 93-2 79-3 138-2 77-s 0-824 72 toe s \v 77 CloinK 9 29726 0-108 81-6 76-6 92-0 77-(> ll'l -.-, 75-7 0-850 79 13s s s K S7 11 Hi l':issinir cli iinls : rfiin. 10 29777 0-095 786 747 88-1 72-1 128-7 71-6 0-808 S2 170 W by S r,s 1'55 C'KMidy : l^f. : ruin. 11 29792 0138 SO-2 76-1 ttt-a 77-5 UB-a 75-6 0-SI7 82 IL'.-, s .s w 77 ii HI; Cloudy. 12 29763 0147 81-3 70-0 83-a 74-5 138-7 72-6 0-853 80 117 S by K 47 l-'ini- with iiussin^ cl> : tli. \- !;_'. N.W 13 29764 . 0-155 81-3 76-2 90-0 3*8 140-9 71-8 0-836 78 I.V, S by W Ifl 0-47 I'assini; clouds. 14 29767 0-105 80-5 751 91-4 74-!) 139-2 7W 0780 70 135 S by W M Fine with passing clouds: l^r. \\". 15 29776 0-14.1 81-7 70-7 '.Mi-r, 76-0 1441 78'fl 0-868 79 108 S by W i:i Hassinx rloiids : Ijf. \V. 16 29786 0129 82-6 76-4 !)--, 7i-:> 138-8 72-5 0-827 74 168 Sontli 37 o-(i7 l-'inc with |.. elds. ili. : ]._;. W.A N.\V. 17 29781 0125 80-6 75-8 887 7-Vti 1U-2 73-6 0-828 7!) 118 South ft dii'.i Passing clcmils : lij. W. anil N. 18 29783 0-154 83-8 76-3 93-5 75-8 133-0 73-7 0-807 (ill ll'i S \V r,(i (1-lC, I'.-ISMHL; clouils : |i_'. 19 29721 0-116 t>3-2 76-6 93-G 76-6 138-0 73-7 0-828 73 llii S S W 80 I'assin^ clouds. 20 29739 0-148 81-0 75-8 8ii-4 76*5 105-8 73-8 0-822 78 121 \V S W Q| (i-ul Cloild\ . 21 29-659 0153 83-3 75'G 92-3 78-3 139-0 70-5 0-784 69 20!t w s w 73 Do 22 29635 0125 79-4 74-2 91-4 78-1 129-8 70-3 0-777 77 1 IS W by S 93 (fir, Dp. 23 29-633 0-139 82-0 76-8 iiO'6 75'3 130-4 73-7 0-854 78 155 \v s \\- 80 O- 1 .", Do. 24 29-648 0111 82-1 75-5 87-9 78-6 lKi-2 76-6 0-795 73 181 SWbyAV '.:{ Dp. 25 29-002 0-131 83-8 75-7 92-9 77-3 1353 745 0-7M IIS 22o S \VbyS -:> Do. 26 29721 0-126 84-1 76-5 91-4 7.-)- 7 138-8 72-3 0-812 70 ISI S S\V 57 Patsing di aids. 27 29-750 0-111 82-8 76-8 931 73-9 138-3 72-7 0-842 7."> 140 S S W 4J< nl 1 I'assini; clouds : I linndcr.siorni. 28 29-773 0-142 79-5 75-5 88-3 74-r, 122'ti 72T, 0-830 82 147 SWi W sr, 0-33 Cloudy : [li. : \ff. \. : l-.iin. 29 29-792 0-125 80-7 74-8 88-7 74-5 1205 72-5 0-783 71- 2113 s \\ 80 0-08 Cloudy. 30 29781 0-135 84-0 76-0 937 76-5 142-1 73-8 0-791 UN i-.'ii \\' by S 70 51!) Do. Mean 29737 0-130 81-8 76-2 91-0 76-8 133-8 74-0 0-830 76 140 SWbyS 64 179 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1874 October. t* 3D i, a< _D ! HAKOMKTKK KKIII I'KII Til 32 Moan Range Corrected .Mean lYmppi-:il lire SKI.K HKUISTKKIX TlIKRMOMKTBKS Dry Sun r, ji-ass Deduced Wind ; C O 5 '3 a Gem-nil Weather Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour j Hum- Vnsioti iflity )aily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Pay Inches Inches o O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 29794 0-108 84-0 769 94-3 78-6 149-6 75-6 0-830 72 103 S W 63 Cloudy : Ig. N. 2 29-820 0-107 79-7 75-3 94-9 77'3 148-0 73-4 0-819 80 121 SWbyS 80 1-48 Cloudy : Iff. S. W. 3 29-820 0-145 81-0 76-6 92-6 73-9 134-8 70-8 0-857 81 127 W S W 18 Fine. 4 29-793 0-135 81-3 75-2 943 77-(i 138-8 74-8 0-794 74 133 Wby X 35 0-13 Fine with passing clouds : th. mid Iff. 5 29-796 0-131 82-8 77-9 95-0 75'5 135-7 72-6 0-891 79 155 South 23 Fine : Ig. W. 6 39-820 0-105 84-9 76-6 96-4 76-7 134-3 73-4 0-805 67 154 .S W 13 Fine. 7 29-798 0-156 85-8 77'7 986 78-1 1387 75-0 0-842 68 150 S by W 33 0-11 Passing clouds. 8 29-775 0-123 85-7 77-9 97-8 78-5 138-5 75-6 0-853 69 144 Soutli 57 Do. 9 29768 0-126 88-4 77-7 92-0 79-3 121-0 76-2 0-888 80 74 S W 93 Cloudy : Ig. S. W. 10 29-793 0-136 80-7 76-3 85-4 77-8 100-6 74-4 0-848 80 32 VV X \V 77 Do. : do. 11 29773 0-151 82-0 76-7 89-6 76-6 137-8 73-5 0-849 78 102 S by E 40 1-04 Passing clouds : rain. 12 20-780 0-162 82-2 70-0 S7'S 79-0 132-8 75-2 0-842 77 156 SKby f 33 Fine with passing clouds. 13 29-757 0-131 82-1 77-0 88-9 76-s 135-6 73-3 0-801 79 74 S E 37 0-03 Passing clouds. 14 29753 0- 139 82-11 77-4 .88-8 77-8 138-0 73-4 0-867 77 80 SE by E 53 Po. 15 29-765 0-148 83 -5 78-2 93-5 77-8 138-4 74-2 0-895 78 114 SEby S 43 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. W. A- X. 16 29-76S 0-139 81-5 77-3 88-9 74-2 132-7 72-1 0-881 82 93 8 ]) by S 37 2-16 Passing clouds : rain : Ig. W. 17 29-795 0-087 81-4 78-0 88-3 77-8 131-5 75-1 0-914 85 61 E by S 67 o-79 Cloudy : rain : Ig. W. anil X. 18 88-840 0-086 80-8 70-5 87-6 753 13,3-0 73-6 0-856 82 So K N K 00 0-21 Passing clouds : rain. 19 89-844 0-125 SI'S 77-2 .89-1 76-6 130-3 73-6 0-873 81 98 X K 03 0-14 Po. : do. 20 29-829 0-035 77-8 75-1 83-0 76-6 100-1 73-4 0-836 88 46 North 97 0-88 Overcast : rain. 21 29-773 0-118 77-8 74-4 86-9 74-1 138-1 71-4 0-806 81 105 X \Y 80 o-o,-) Cloudy. 22 29-756 0-1J2 78-1 7T>'5 82-5 74-7 1134 73-2 0-849 89 71 NWby\ 87 0-18 fioj 23 29-736 0-129 74-6 72-0 76-1 73-2 78-7 7fi; 0-787 9l> 196 N W 100 2-86 Overcast : rain. 24 29-660 0-136 7,V5 74-0 80-9 730 120-4 73-4 0-821 93 241 X X \V M 7-47 Overcast : th. Ig. anil heavy min. 25 29-603 0-098 74-6 73-3 76-8 73-6 89-4 74-0 0-804 1)1 299 \V by X 93 3-41 Overcast : rain. 26 29 684 0-097 78-3 74-3 87-0 72-3 1326 71-4 0790 82 221 S W 87 0-28 Cloudy : th. Ig. and rain. 27 29-787 0-083 80-7 75-1 87"2 75-8 133-4 724 0-797 70 152 SWbyW 83 0-03 Cloudy : Ig. E. to S. 28 20-857 0-113 81-9 77-8 90-5 76-0 l:;:n) 73-7 0-899 83 108 SW by S 77 0-01 Cloudy : Ig. S. W. 29 29-890 0-103 so-:! 77-0 90-4 76-s 136-5 74-5 0-885 86 77 SS K 60 Passing clouds : Ig. W. 30 29-897 0-122 80-6 75-4 90-4 74-0 137-7 71-5 0-811 77 50 E by 8 27 Fine with passing clouds. 31 29-914 0-116 81-3 75-1 90-3 74-7 137-0 70-5 0-789 73 86 9 N E 10 Fine. Mean 29-788 0-121 80-9 76-2 89-2 70-2 129-3 73-5 0-843 80 120 W S W 59 21-26 180 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1874 November. November 1874 BABOMETEB BEOCCBD TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 03 T3 O O 5 c X General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry ; Wet Max. Min. Max. .Mi... Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Menu Direc- tion Day Inches. Inches Inches Cents. Miles Points Cents inches 1 29-895 0-112 79-7 74-7 867 75-5 134-1 71-6 0-794 78 153 North 43 Passing clouds. 2 29856 0-122 77-2 68-4 87-0 72-5 126-8 67-4 0-578 61 114 \V N W 67 Hazy. 3 29-883 0-105 79-2 72-5 91-8 68-6 137-1 62-3 0-710 71 110 Sby W 20 Fine. 4 29-943 0-112 80-5 74-8 86-3 74-3 135-3 69-5 0-786 75 102 K by S 43 0-09 Passing clouds. 29-946 0-106 79-3 74-9 88-4 73-5 1361 69-6 0-807 80 88 XE by N 67 Clondy. 6 29-899 0-125 79-2 75-2 87-1 74-9 136-3 72-9 0-822 82 148 North 77 0-1. > Cloudy : rain. 7 29-881 0142 79-3 756 85-9 74-5 132-9 71-8 0-838 84 131 X X W 73 Cloudy. 8 29-891 0-124 79-4 76-0 83-7 76-2 1257 73-7 0-853 85 128 N by W 63 0'04 Do. 9 29-907 0-127 78-2 74-4 85-5 74-5 124-3 70-9 0-801 83 140 N X \V 77 0-12 Do. 10 29-919 0-169 77-2 72-3 84-1 73-2 134-1 69-4 0-728 77 127 X X W 60 P:i.-sing clouds. 11 29929 0-119 76-4 70-4 88-6 67-6 131-7 61-5 0-664 73 75 North 40 Light clouds. 12 29-949 0-119 77-5 71-7 86-9 71-0 135-7 65-7 0-700 74 84 NE 27 Pirn- with passing clouds. 13 29-984 0-122 77-2 70-1 86-3 69-3 1337 63-4 0-643 69 96 Nby W Clear. 14 29-993 0-108 75-8 71-9 85-4 69-5 137-5 64-4 0-730 82 140 N N W 53 Passing clouds. 15 29-988 0-098 77-1 71-4 85-7 71-6 138-9 67-8 0-693 74 210 NN W 33 Fine with passing clouds. 16 29-984 0-094 77-0 71-5 85-7 72-7 139-8 67-5 0699 75 224 N by W 63 o-oi Passing clouds. 17 29-994 0-114 78-8 73-7 87-0 72-8 144-8 71-6 0-765 78 120 N X K 57 0-14 Do. 18 29-954 0-141 77-9 74-1 84-8 73-1 136-6 71-5 0-793 83 117 North 63 1-53 Passing clouds : rain. 19 29-930 0-106 77-6 731 85-4 72-4 134-5 68-5 0-756 80 129 N by E 53 Passing clouds. 20 29-943 0-102 76-5 72-3 84-1 70-4 136-7 65-5 0-738 81 166 \ X \V 50 ... Do. 21 29-938 0-124 78-2 73-1 85-8 73-8 133-4 69-7 0-748 78 200 X X W 50 Do. 22 29916 0-140 78-3 733 85-2 711 1376 70-7 0-754 78 197 X X \V 33 o-oi Do. 23 29-906 0-112 77-6 73-3 84-6 73-3 134-6 695 0-763 1 244 N N W 70 0-13 Do. 24 29-917 0-112 80-0 75-8 87-9 76-7 137-1 0-836 81 221 North 77 0-27 Cloudy with rain. 25 29-939 0-087 77-! 74-9 S7'5 75-5 140-9 735 0-826 86 160 North 70 0-22 Cloudy. 26 29-952 0-097 76-4 73-8 81-7 74-7 94-9 72-8 0-801 88 123 N N E 97 3-45 Overcast with rain. 27 29-970 0-098 76-0 73-4 83-6 71-3 140-0 70-6 0-790 88 113 NbyE 83 1-30 Cloudy with rain. 28 29-942 0132 78-4 74-8 85-0 72-6 135-4 70-6 0-815 84 201 NE byN 67 rss Cloudy. 29 29972 0-089 75-7 72-0 82-8 70-8 1326 69-7 0-736 83 166 X X !; 97 0-66 Overcast with rain. 30 29-972 0-111 77-2 -r i 83-4 73-3 1333 69-5 0-692 74 231 North 50 Passing clouds. Mean 29-936 0-116 77-9 73-2 85-8 72-8 133-7 69-1 0-755 79 150 North -7 10-30 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1874 December. December 1S71 BAROMKTKK KKI'IVKI' 'I'M 32 Mean Kaiifre Col-reeled Ifean Temperature Dry Wet SKI.K RE THKKM Dry Max. Miii. (IISTKKI JMF.TKK Sun Max. N<; 1 Grass Deduced \ Daily Velo"- eity find Mean Direc- tion -i. a c 5 a 'S General \Veatln-r Min. Vapour Tension Hum - idity Day 1 lldif'S [nrhes O O O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents [nches 1 30-003 0-107 76-4 70-2 81-4 70-7 1332 66-7 0-666 75 162 X by W GO Passing clouds. 2 30-014 112 75'6 i 70-1 83-5 69-7 132-8 Gi-7 0-664 75 205 Xorth 40 Do. 3 30-02!) 0-10G 75-7 69-4 83-6 69-8 133-7 653 0-69| 71 220 X by W 23 Fine with passing clouds. 4 30-039 01 IG 7-V3 67-4 83-5 67-5 135-1 61-7 0-566 64 222 , North 33 Do. 5 30-034 0-119 753 67'8 88-6 88-6 132-6 61 5 0-581 66 213 Xorth 23 Do. 6 30-035 6-128 75-3 (iS-2 88'9 G7-S 133-7 61-8 0-69U G.s 217 Xoi-th 30 Do. i 30-012 0-125 75-o G7"5 83'S 6S-2 133-8 63-7 0'575 66 200 North 37 Do. 8 89-976 0-1 3G 743 SJB-8 SO' 5 69-5 129-2 65-0 0-613 72 246 N X W 70 Cloudy. i 9 2!H)25 0-131 7 15 78-9 70-6 113-7 70-1 0-656 77 281 X \VbyX 97 Overcast. 10 29-850 0-136 75-O 707 76-5 72-7 91-5 70-7 0-690 80 353 N \V 100 0-03 Do. 11 29-SJ6 0-094 71-7 7o-8 73-7 70-7 90-0 70-7 0-71-3 95 418 N W 1 OO 1-24 Overcast with rain. 12 29-861 O'lOS 73-0 70-8 74-2 71-7 76-5 717 () 72.-) 89 527 X X K 100 2-98 Do. 13 2i)'!Ni7 0-083 75-2 72-6 79-4 73-3 1185 71-2 0-768 ss 227 E N E 87 0-77 Cioudy with rain. 14 B0-904 0-112 76-7 73-7 83-4 72-5 121-4 70-2 0-793 S(i 148 XE by N 83 0-31 Do. 15 80-003 0-082 77-0 72-1 84-3 72-5 184-6 G'.I'O 0-723 77 190 X X E 53 l';issin<_' clouds. 16 80-029 o-toi 75-1 70-3 S2-3 69-0 131-9 64-8 0-675 77 208 N by E 50 Do. 17 30015 0-094 75-1 70-9 82-6 69-6 L8JJ-8 G5-1 0-703 81 167 North 47 Kine with passing clones. 18 80-087 0-120 7*8 6B-2 82-1 C8-8 184:7 64-5 0-654 79 143 North 40 Do. 1!) 30-000 0-116 73'G 66-9 si-s 64-5 129-2 r,9-i. 0-572 69 213 N by E 27 Do. 20 30-016 0-116 73-9 G7-3 Sl-2 66-1 L29-9 61-1 0-582 70 217 North 20 Fine. 21 31V022 0-189 73-4 G7'5 60-1 68-8 129-3 G5-G 0-596 12 259 N by W G3 Passing clouds. 22 30'OJ -1 0'098 72-1 67-2 81-3 68-9 13! ', G-i-j 0-G02 7G 225 X by W 60 Do. 23 (0-022 0-090 72-2 67-1 81-0 07-0 130-3 G2 1 9-59? 76 175 Xorth 50 I)... 24 30-006 0-118 74-2 67-0 82-8 68-8 134-7 0-589 7o 164 Xorth 43 Co. 25 J9-951 6-188 72-3 G7'2 82-4 65-8 137-7 58T, 0'600 76 151 North 27 fine with passing clouds. 26 29-938 0-098 71-9 G!S'2 M-7 62-8 130-0 .-,:,'.-, 0-1)12 Bi 117 X by E G7 Passing- clouds. 27 29-951 9-101 71-2 71-8 80-4 69-5 116-4 81-0 0719 88 126 X by K 90 0-08 Cloudy. 28 2-.I-971 o-iin 77"2 74-9 84-4 73-8 133-4 70-5 0-886 90 126 NE by N 53 0-13 Passing clouds. 29 29-901 O'l 19 7S-1 73-8 85-8 73-0 132-8 (i8'8 0-777 81 146 X E G3 0-03 Do. 30 80442 0-084 7G-9 71-4 S3' 1 71-0 130-7 66-7 0-696 75 187 N by E 40 Do. 31 80-048 0-110 76-1 68-4 83-3 70-8 131-7 65-5 0-592 65 212 N by E 40 ... Do. Mean 29-989 o-lll 74-7 69-G 81-6 69-5 126-1 654 0-6GO 77 215 North 55 5-57 46 182 4- 00 E ||" g Rain Greatest Kail a 10 ~ : 77 C t tC 71 r^ 71 71 U 00 !' O 1 7 ?) re *~ Ci 30 O 3C c DO 3C 1^ -r 77 7 !>. 17 f 7= : - = v '.- .- r T ? C - 7, - - ~ 71 Amount tccoooxacooi^ 1 JS CO l- ~* CO i W CC i~ p J "^ Z JT 77 1- 17 71 S 3 2 i- cc cb w o ~ 6 b i *""* _g MOM n Direction a s ^ x > SS'iflBQ.Slfcisnt' ^"^'?^ ~ SB SB^'QQ^P^^ ae QQ a * 1 -S ,- S '5 ; J 5 6' 7 C , ,- ?:' ! t i "-C- t^ ~ O C C M '7 * I* ~ xc:i-or:x ?7 ? i r. M StmttoQQSMnSSilwMke '5 '5 .2 w , s f-H (irass '1 iiernioineter - C 5 Vi " ^ r^ ~ ~i Results ssirj'j uo UlUUIIlUJf I'- CO O 1 3t -M d M O "3 i-i -t 1 f 1 1- 10 c^ x x r: i- -* -^ : 17 .t : . - - c i i ~ ^ f *i i ^ it - I : iuiuuiM!|v img O -^ -rj- O5 X CO 00 X CO l^ -71 X o CJ u O 'So o o Sun 'hormoinrter 1 f > S * 9" 4 8 S ~ S; M Meteorological o ^T- - j5 By Blandford's Tablet ] 1 o 77 7. . = , , g 8 g t ic E c x x i ~i i x i^ . |g22*2ig?|ife =5^ . 6 Jluinidiiy Lowest >. t .i < > e4'a>>ooioe4oMo p S S 3 1- * g i S g 3 3 Og i-l * -^ 5C i 10 10 '-C 77 ^ is Extreme Month Dry Bulb Tlirrniunictcr S I C' OiOiOClI^-l^CCKOO Dry liulb Thermometer E 1 -fOX X I- ia !D CO C O -t -t iC C>1 iO M CC O ?J r-t ^ 0* ' ?4 ^H 71 .-H 71 71 ,-H Annual ~ ~ r. r. r. * ~ r. ~ * ~ r: 45 4 tN . a C". ^r-*rH-tCCO5CCC-li^i^-t J5 r-, r-< tH CC r- I ^ '\ M i i i : si y $ | ^ : : : : J | | | | p i O O c; r: c: :r. c: Ci c: 6 6 Illl-llllllll 183 Madras Meteorological Observations, 1875 January. BAKOMKTKK SKI.K REGI.STKKINU KKDITKI) TO 32 Corrected THERMOMETERS Mean Deduced Wind 3 X Temperature Dry San (i rass General Weather C a a CS HI Mean l\;inyr Dry Wet Max. Win. VMS. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Mean Velo- Direc- eity tion Clouds '3 s= Day [nohee Indies o O O IlK-lieS Cents Miles Points Cents inches 1 30-047 0-llil 710 9fr* 83-0 64-8 131-4 88-3 0-686 62 185 Nby E 40 ... Passing clouds. 2 80-046 0-102 71-0 07-8 83-0 65-6 1 30-5 598 0-598 71 164 N by E 43 Fine with passing- elouds. 3 30-o:>:i 0134 74-5 07-5 82-8 67-1 1345 62-8 0-581 68 207 North 20 Fine. 4 89-982 0-120 741 08-4 84-4 66-9 132-2 608 0-620 73 135 Nby K 13 Do. 5 29-959 0-103 73-4 09-1 83-8 65-3 133-0 59-8 0-055 80 132 N by E 7 Do. G 29-9S7 0-088 72-8 07-8 S3-4 64-6 135-2 57-8 0-01 1 70 135 North 17 Do. 7 30-007 0-121 72-4 Ot5 83-0 61-0 130-1 55-3 0-503 68 178 X by E 13 Fine with passing clouds. S 29-967 0-121 75-2 64-9 83-5 69-6 135-6 62-8 0-479 55 173 NEbyN 50 Do. 9 29-960 0-119 71-7 041 82-3 67'9 135-0 62-7 0-198 04 94 N by E 57 Passing clouds. 10 39-986 0-090 707 04-0 836 61-4 139-4 55-1 0-509 67 78 NE by N 43 Fine with passing clouds. 11 29-907 0-133 72'9 65-3 84-2 65-0 134-9 58-8 0-524 05 118 North 47 ... Do. 12 20-908 0-113 72-1- 07-7 84-4 64-6 137-0 58-1 0616 77 102 N by E 37 Do. 13 29-929 0-113 71-2 05-9 83-7 64-6 134-6 58-3 0-568 74 88 NE by N 27 Light elouds. 14 29-915 O'lSO 70-4 05-2 82-7 61-6 181-1 54-7 0-553 75 56 NE by E 17 ... Fine with light clouds. 15 28-894 0-133 71-8 69-4 84-4 62-9 132-0 r>6-2 0-577 73 43 E NE 20 ... Do. 10 29-880 1 25 74-o 07-4 84-9 62-8 131-0 05-9 0-582 70 72 EbyS 7 ... Fine. 17 29-890 0-128 71-3 08-2 83-8 64-6 129-3 58-5 o-oio 72 105 E S E 10 ... Do. 18 29-875 0-160 75-s 09-9 83-7 67-0 134-0 61-6 0-053 73 127 SEby E 23 Fine with passing clouds. 10 29-861 0-118 76-8 71-6 87-2 68-8 136-8 68-9 0'706 70 149 S E 27 ... Ho. 20 29-856 0-114 77-3 72-0 *7'9 70-4 1374 65-0 0-739 711 100 SE by S 20 Fine. 21 29-856 0-133 78-0 72-5 85-5 7l'0 184-8 05-9 0-725 75 116 E S E 37 Fine with passing clouds. 23 29-,sil|-,li aa 144 X X F ">7 DC,. 8 29954 O'llS 7,Vt Ii7 (i 84-0 65-5 132-5 58-7 0573 H 71 i-: \ K H Fine. 9 29-940 0124 73-9 U7-1 S3-5 64-0 131-1 .">7-4 0-585 7d SCI BBB) 17 Do. 10 29944 0-105 -:<,:, 68-3 83-8 t&g US$4 804 ii-i;-2i 7."> 71 K by S 89 Fine wi'li ]i;i?siMLr clouds. 11 29-973 0-113 74-0 68-8 .84-3 660 1293 59-4 0-6M n 08 EMI .(! F i n t . 12 29-975 0-130 75-6 69-2 .84-6 H-6 132-5 60-5 cn;i'7 71 mi K X F J7 Fine with passing clouds. 13 29-958 0-138 77-1 69-9 .85-8 66-8 135-9 61 2 n-i;:;s 88 llIN X K U Passing clouds. 14 29-967 0131 77-2 70-0 .87-7 694 139 1 64-3 0-688 (is Ki X K 27 Fine with pas.tinir clouds. 15 29-958 0-139 76-0 . 68-5 .85-9 60-9 1336 615 p-598 17 7:t i-: x K 30 Do. 16 17 29-937 iii-'.us 0-124 0109 77-1 78-3 715 727 .86-3 87-0 C7-H 68-4 182-5 131-S (iH-3 63-5 0-698 0-730 ~~> M 85 101 K tn X Eut ta N Fine. Fine with passing' el" 18 29-932 (i-ni 77-8 719 8S-0 68-8 132-3 62-5 0-703 74 IMi I'. l,y N n Hoe. 19 29-949 0-123 77-N. 714 ..88-2 69-3 133-8 63-7 0-687 72 11" Fust 23 Fine with passim; clouds. 20 29-964 0-124 77-9 71 I ..86-1 68-S 133-2 63-4 0-072 70 93 i-: N K 30 DC,. 21 29-971 0-128 77-0 i;n- 1 Mi 11 683 137-0 (12-7 0-618 07 119 NK 1,-. K IT Dei. 22 29-11 Ki 0-114 77-n 698 .87-6 (iS-.ll 1343 63-6 0-625 (ili mi x H: by i-: n Do. 23 29-912 0117 75-7 67-6 ..86-0 66-7 134-7 60-9 0569 64 111! NK IA F 27 DM 24 29-923 0102 7.V1 Ii77 87-2 (117 134-4 595 0-579 H l-J.-, NK IA K H Do, 25 29-959 0-114 7fi- 68-t ..86-3 654 138-8 59-5 0601 67 122 E N K M Fitie. 26 29-971 0122 77-1. 71-8 ..88-1 08-0 139-2 62-5 0'70C ~~> |:{H NF liy F :,n Passing clnuds. 27 29-927 0162 77-0 715 890 69-1 IRl-2 63-8 0-699 75 127 X K QS Ha/.y. 28 29-914 0-126 76-1 69-0 ..86-6 67-:! 133-8 61-3 oi;i.-, (in H7 NK by t 27 Fine with iijrht clouds. Meat 29-959 0-122 76-5 69-4 .80-0 r,vn 13V3 62-4 0-62.5 li-.i 123 XK by > 34 .\;/. 185 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1875 March. BAKHMETKR SELF REGISTERING REIUTKU TO 32 Corrected THERMOMETERS m Moan Temperature Dry Sun Grass Deduced Wind General Weather 00 1 ce a Mean Range Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion o O c '3 S3 Day Indies Inches o o O Inches Cents .Miles Points Cents 'ncheB 1 29-912 0-103 75-8 70-1 88-6 652 136-3 59-7 0-661 74 117 E X E 12 Fine. 2 29-936 0-090 70-3 71-1 80-5 67-6 133-4 61-5 0-704 77 117 EN E 10 Do. 3 29-943 0-138 70-8 71-0 87'5 67-4 134-8 61-8 0-682 74 131 EXE 20 ... Fine with light clouds. i 29-951 0-127 77-6 71-0 86-9 077 132-8 62-7 0-695 74 120 X E by E 13 Fine. 5 30-005 0-113 78-0 72-1 87-0 68-8 133-5 64-7 0-709 74 12.-. EXE 27 Fine with passing clouda. 6 30-008 0-138 78-9 73-3 88-fl 69-8 136-8 65-9 0-74(3 ; 70 141 E N E 23 Do. 7 29-967 0-157 79-0 72-7 90-0 70-8 135-5 66-3 0-712 i 70 125 East 23 Do. 8 29-913 0-169 79-6 73-4 90-3 69-6 130-9 64-7 0-741 73 187 SEbyS 20 Fine. 9 29-894 0-135 81-2 74-7 92 I 74-4 137-3 71-7 0-773 73 217 S S E 17 Do. 10 29-874 ! 0-136 81-0 74-6 111-0 74-6 137-4 72-5 0-771 73 219 S S E 13 ... Do. 11 29-845 0-168 82-9 75-4 96-7 76-4 141-2 74-4 0-780 09 226 Sby E 5 ... Clear. 12 29-796 0-166 82-5 76-8 94-3 75-6 139-5 73-5 0-844 77 218 S S E 5 Fine. 13 29-799 0-143 82-7 77-5 90-7 75'S 134-1 72-7 0-875 78 224 SEbyS 13 Do. 14 29-855 0-128 82-r, 76-9 90-1 76-7 134-1 74-7 0-851 77 216 SEbyS 20 ... Fine with light clouda. 15 29-849 0-147 81-2 75-5 93-2 74-5 137-8 70-6 0-808 76 208 S SE 23 ... Do. 10 29-844 ; 0-127 80-6 74-5 90-5 72-7 133-8 67-8 0-774 71 204 SE by S 10 ... Fine. 17 29-804 0-113 79-8 73-8 88-5 71-9 131-8 67-0 0-754 74 197 SEbyS 10 Do. 18 29-894 0-127 78-9 72-7 87-5 70-0 132'2 65-7 0-722 73 171 S E 5 Do. 19 2U-935 0-131 78-3 71-7 87-3 70-3 133-4 65-9 0-690 72 154 S E 13 Co. 20 29-937 (VI 15 so-a 73-7 svi 71-5 l::2-7 66-8 0-745 72 170 S E 13 Do. 21 29-900 0-157 80-9 75-0 89-0 73-1 1:14-8 68-5 0'790 74 139 SE by S 23 Tio. 22 29-878 0-133 MI- 7 7 1-8 88-6 72-1 133-8 (57-5 0-782 74 149 SEbyS 13 Do. 23. 29-813 0-125 81-8 75'5 89-7 73-U 132-2 69-0 0-808 76 230 SEbyS 20 Do. 24 29-863 1 1 1 32 si -7 701 896 71-7 U8-0 70-7 0-827 77 225 SEbyS 30 ... Fine with passing clouda. 25 29-883 0-237 76-5 73-2 87-1 68-9 126-8 68'7 0-775 85 131 Eby X 77 1-18 Cloudy: thunderstorm. 20 29-833 0-149 81-2 76-3 87-4 75-5 133-0 73-7 0-841 78 185 S E 63 Cloudy. 27 29-859 0-137 80-9 75-4 87-7 74-8 129-3 71-7 0-807 76 192 S E 50 Light clouds. 28 29-883 0-128 81-7 75-9 89-1 74-9 137-6 72-9 0-818 77 155 SE 60 ... Hazy. 29 29-895 0-131 82-0 76-0 91-1 7(1-1 136-8 73-7 0-818 75 128 S E 73 Cloudy. 30 29-872 0-152 82-6 76-6 89-5 74-9 131-2 726 0-836 75 156 S E 57 ... Hazy. 31 29-841 0-139 83-8 76-1 933 7S-.-J 136-2 76-9 0-798 69 194 SEbyS 60 Do. Mean 29-889 0-139 80-2 74-3 89-7 72-5 134-6 68-9 0-772 75 173 SEby E 26 1-18 47 186 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1875 April. t^ 00 "C < BAROMETER BEDCCKO TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTEBING THKKMOMETEBS Deduced Wind Clouds N I General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion. Day Inches Inches Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Indies 1 29850 0-129 81-2 77-1 86-1 77-2 1063 75-0 0-890 84 123 SB by6 83 0-76 Cloudy : rain. 2 29-839 0-143 82-9 77-2 88-6 76'6 131-G 74-8 0-858 76 202 SKhy S 03 Cloudy : Iff: \. \V. 3 29-871 0-118 83-4 77-6 .88-8 78-5 133-1 763 0-870 76 196 SKbvS 40 Fine with passing clondi . Ig. N. W. 4 29-881 0-120 82-6 77-4 .89-0 77-5 1375 74-9 0-871 78 160 SEby K 47 Passing clondi. 5 29-856 0-145 82-9 76-9 .902 MM 1339 74-7 0-815 75 154 SE by E 27 Fine. 6 89-842 0-111 820 76-0 .88-7 75-1 1302 72-6 0-818 75 in; SE 20 Do. 7 29-824 O'lOl 821 76-4 91-3 74-3 134-0 70-9 0-834 76 163 S K 27 Do. 8 29-800 0-138 82-7 76-4 .91-2 76-9 1330 73-9 0-826 74 156 S K 37 Fine with light clouds. 9 29-809 0-146 82-9 766 .92-7 75-9 134-2 72-7 0-832 74 200 SEbyS '27 Fine. 10 29806 0131 82-9 77-8 .907 75'7 1329 72-5 0-886 79 107 SB by S 17 Do. 11 29-813 0-129 82-7 77-4 .90-4 763 1336 727 0-870 78 180 SEbyS 23 Fine with light clouds. 12 29-815 0-142 823 76-3 .90-5 74-1 1336 707 0-827 75 187 SKliy S 13 Fine. 13 29-802 0-131 83-4 773 .90-7 76-3 1325 72-8 0-856 75 218 SEbyS 17 Fine with light clouds. 14 29-823 0-126 82-0 7C-7 .90-1 741 132-6 71-8 0-849 78 198 SE by S 20 Do. 15 29-842 0-120 82-2 76-7 J9D-0 75-2 133 723 0-846 77 200 SE by S 13 Fine. 16 29-829 0118 84-0 77-1 .921 75'5 1377 71-5 0-838 72 159 SEbyS 37 Passing clouds. 17 29-777 0-170 83-7 76-4 92-6 76-7 1385 727 0-812 70 162 S E L'.T Fine with passing clouds. 18 29-760 0-146 83-5 75-2 95-0 74-G 1381 71-5 0-764 66 15!) SKbyS 20 Pine. 19 29-818 0-082 83-2 78-2 .92-4 76-0 132-1 73-5 0-899 79 97 E S K 77 Cloudy. I 20 29-797 0-140 85-0 78-8 92-7 78-2 139-7 , . - /bo 0-901 75 129 E by N 07 Passing clouds. 21 29-753 0-134 85-2 77-7 9.6-4 79-5 143-9 77-3 0-850 70 tn E N R 77 Cloudy. 22 29-732 0-121 84-3 75-7 9.54 75-8 147-5 755 0-776 67 197 X by K 53 Do. 23 29-725 0-134 85-1 77-2 .94-0 77-8 136-6 75'5 0-828 68 161 N K :i7 Fine with passing clouds : Itr \V. 24 29691 0-161 87-1 79-1 .9.5-9 81-0 143-1 78-5 0-887 69 250 S S E 23 Kinc with passing clouds. 25 29-666 0-143 88-8 77-8 104-3 81-8 144-9 80-5 0-804 59 309 South 13 Fine. 26 29668 0-161 89-0 77-2 108-9 82-3 144-9 80-7 0-776 55 288 South 15 Fine : lg. S. W. 27 29656 0-128 89-5 75-7 1C6-4 82-8 145-4 81-7 0-704 50 309 S S \V 17 1 : do. 28 29-680 0-138 88-7- 76-3 1033 80-8 144-5 792 0-740 54 2S!t Smith 33 Fine with passing clouds. 29 29728 0-120 88:1 78-3 100-0 81-6 141-1 80-4 0-S38 311 S liy E 30 Do. 30 29-768 0-147 87-1- 78-8 .943 81-8 131-9 80-5 0-873 68 335 S S K 13 Fine. Mean 29-784 0-132 84-4 771 938 77-6 136-2 761 0-836 71 200 SEbyS 34 0-76 187 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1875 May. HAROMKTKK SELF REGISTERING REDUCED TO 32 Corrected THERMOMKTKKS Mean Deduced Wind Temperature Dry Sun G rags General Weather ia t>. 00 >* a ' " Mean Range Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion DO 'O 13 _O 5 _c *3 Day Inches Inches Inches Cents Miles Points Cents inches 1 29750 0-179 87'6 78-6 102-9 81-7 142-9 80-7 0-857 66 293 South 17 Fine. o 29746 0-137 87-9 77-7 99-0 81-7 141-2 79-8 0-813 62 242 S S E 13 Do. 3 29-767 0-146 88-9 78-5 101-4 81-4 143-9 80-3 0-835 61 216 S by E 43 Fine day : cloudy night : Ig. 4 29-745 0134 88-9 76-2 103-2 81-8 145-8 80-6 0-733 54 221 S by W 47 Passing clouds : th. : Ig. S. and W. 5 ,29-688 0-163 87-1 76-4 104-5 79-4 143-9 77-6 0-766 59 232 South 30 Fine with passing clouils : Ig. S. 6 29-667 0-136 88-6 76-2 105-7 79-8 147-2 78-6 0-737 54 268 S by W 25 Fine with passing clouds. 7 29-699 0-128 89-2 75-4 98-3 82-7 141-9 81-8 0-694 50 246 South 53 Passing clouds. 8 29656 0-127 89-1 77-3 109-0 82-7 146-5 81-6 0-779 56 264 S by W 40 Fine with light clouds. 9 29-628 0-140 89-9 76-8 106-5 81-8 145-f, 79-8 0-746 53 274 S by W 33 Fine with passing clouds. 10- 29-034 0-U6 90-3 77-4 106-3 83-7 146-2 ,Sl-9 0-766 53 291 S by W 27 Do. 11 29-630 0121 89-1 77-3 105-7 81-5 145-2 79-6 0-779 56 282 South 13 Fine. 12 . 29-704 0-093 87-0 76-0 94-4 82-2 1329 81-6 0-750 58 245 Sby E 50 Fine with light clonde. 13 29-771 0-127 84-8 79-4 90-6 81-0 1306 80-3 0-932 77 327 SEby S 30 Fine with passing clouds. 14 29-866 0-125 81-5 74-5 88-9 75-2 131-2 73-6 0-761 71 161 S by W 80 0-03 dourly. 15 29-797 O'lol 84-3 75-4 94-9 77-4 135-1 75-8 0-761 63 257 S S E 33 Passing- clouds. 16 29788 0-135 85-8 se-a 101-4 80-7 1-10-8 796 0-758 61 213' S by E 53 Passing clouds : th. 17 29-774 0-126 88-1 76-9 95-4 81-0 139-1 79-9 0-775 58 211 SEby S 30 Fine with passing clouds. 18 29-811 0-116 85-4 78-6 92-a 80-2 132-3 7S-8 0-885 73 237 SEby S 20 Fine with light clouds. 19 29-808 0-111 84-9 77-8 92-5 79-4 132-0 77-7 0859 72 246 SE by S 23 Do. 20 29-815 0-144 S4-3 77-0 93-0 76"5 133-1 73-8 0-830 71 172 SE by S 20 Light clouds. 21 29-817 0-122 85-1 77-1 92-4 79-3 1353 76-8 0-824 68 210 SEbyS 20 Do. 22 29-813 0-144 86-4 77-1 93-5 80-5 135-2 78-8 0-S06 64 251 S S E 17 Fine. 23 29-806 0-154 87-0 77-4 95-1 81-0 136-6 79-8 0-812 63 246 SS E 13 Do. 24 i9-767 0-155 87-1 78-1 96-4 sirs 134-7 80-8 0-841 65 290 S by E 17 ; Eo. 25 29-730 0-156 87-6 76-9 98-9 81-6 139-5 74-8 0-781 60 240 S S E 13 Do. 26 29-706 0-129 88-1 79-5 100-5 82-1 139-1 81-5 0-894 67 296 S by E 20 Fine with light clouds. 27 29-724 0-054 83-9 73-9 102-7 79-11 140-7 78-8 0-703 GO 184 SW by S 63 0-04 Cloudy. 28 29-690 0-151 86-9 78-0 102-4 77-5 Ul-:> 75'S 0-830 65 223 S by W 43 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. S. \V. 29 29-687 0-165 84-4 76-3 987 80-5 i:n-s 79-8 0-799 68 136 S W 90 Cloudy. 30 29-687 0-135 88-6 76-7 101-6 80-6 146-ti 78-8 0-759 56 122 S S E 53 Passing clouds : th. and Ig. :u 29697 0-115 88-5 77-4 103-1 82-6 136-9 81-8 0-791 59 205 South 37 Fine with passing clouds. Mean 29-737 133 87-0 77-0 99-1 SO-6 139-2 79-1 0-796 62 236 S by E 34 0-07 188 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1875 June. BAROMETKK SICLF REGISTERING 00 O ^ HEnfCEI) TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 3 c M General U'cather Mean Itange Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Ufa. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Dailv V,-lo'- city Mean Direc- tion Day 1 Inches 29-675 Inches 0-139 Inches 0-806 Cents BO Ml Irs 257 Points S S W Cems 60 Inches 012 Cloudy : th. and Ig. 88-7 77-8 106-3 82-9 144-2 81-8 2 29-661 0-146 87-7 774 104-3 82-0 141-6 80-2 0-802 r,i llll S by W 7O Cloudy : tli. and Ig. X. W. 3 29-629 0-133 87-9 77-5 103-0 82-5 139-2 81-5 0-804 61 257 S by W 60 Passim; clouds : th. 4 29-609 0-113 88-8 77-0 103-1 83-0 139-2 81-8 0-770 56 293 S liy \V 67 Passing clouds. 5 29-611 0-089 88-1 77-2 100-8 83-2 188-8 82-6 0-787 59 282 S l.y \V 80 Cloudy. 6 29-630 o-ioo 87-7 77-5 98-3 si -3 186-6 83-4 0-808 61 280 S by K 60 Passing clouds. 7 29-629 0-107 86-9 79-0 98-9 82-8 134-7 82-1 0-885 09 280 S S E 57 Passing clouds : Ig. N. W. 8 29-689 0-076 87-6 77-6 98-6 83-0 186-8 82-0 0-813 62 182 S S K 33 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. N. to W. B 29716 0-117 88-8 76-9 98-4 82-2 186-8 81-4 0-765 5(> 186 SEbyS 43 Passing clouds : Ig. N". to \V. 10 29-707 0-092 87-3 78-2 963 82-1 132-5 80-8 0-843 65 178 SSE 47 Kin.- will] passing clouds : Ig. W. 11 29-707 0-096 86-2 77-9 99-4 79-7 139-0 78-7 0-845 67 147 S by W 60 Passing clouds. 12 29-718 0-106 86-0 78-6 92-8 81-1 129-8 79-8 0-879 70 171 SEbyS 63 Fine \\-itli light clouds : Ig. W. 13 29743 0-104 85-9 77-5 965 81-0 137-6 79-9 0-831 67 186 Sby E 50 Kim' with passing clouds. 14 29-721 0-148 85-0 76-8 983 79-6 145-0 78-2 0-812 u7 175 S by W 70 0-12 Cloudy. 15 29-716 0-148 87-0 76-0 96-3 81-1 134-8 78-6 0-750 58 174 S S W 80 Do. 16 29-751 0-121 83-4 74-7 92-4 80-9 117-3 77-3 0-743 64 223 S W 87 0-33 Do. 17 29-755 0-103 81-7 739 89-5 74-4 117-:* 73-5 0-733 68 182 S W 97 Oven-asi. 18 29720 0-136 86-7 75-5 !7-5 78-1 130-7 76-5 0-734 58 218 S \V 87 Cloudy. 19 29717 0130 86-9 74-9 917 81-6 111-0 79-9 0-706 55 202 SWbyS 90 Do. 20 29-692 0-144 89-0 75-2 99-9 81-2 138-7 79-5 0-689 50 2-.M S W 70 Do. 21 29-743 0-092 88-1 74-3 lu:i-(J 80-2 142-3 78-5 0-663 51 Sffl \V S \V 67 0-26 Passing clouds : rain. 22 29-761 0-108 87'5 74-9 SlN-1 77-8 131-2 7(i'(i 0-698 54 243 WbyS 63 ... Passing clouds. 23 29-749 0-124 90-3 72-5 102-5 81-1 137-2 78-8 0-560 39 292 W by S 77 Cloudy. 24 29-738 0-138 891 733 lo:(-o 7'.)'5 135-2 77-3 0-608 11 253 S \VbyW 47 Light clouds. 25 29-712 0-162 89-1 74-0 102-0 80-3 1.-I7-.-. 78-6 0-638 17 248 S\V by S 57 Light passing clouds : Ig. N. W. 26 29-672 0145 89-5 74-9 102-6 81-1 141-2 78-6 0-670 48 301 S\V by S 53 Passing clouds : Ig. X. to W. 27 29-662 0-147 86-0 763 103-1 80-8 143-0 79-5 0-777 62 222 SW by 6 53 0-03 Passing clouds. 28 29708 0-099 88-7 74-6 97-6 82-8 124-7 80-4 0-668 50 244 SWbyW 87 Po. 29 29-720 0-142 896 73-8 100-7 82-5 1II3-1 81-3 0-622 44 259 Wby 8 87 Do. 30 29-702 0-143 87-6 74'8 102-7 81-9 141-6 80-5 0-691 53 874 S W 53 Light passing clouds. Mean 29-699 0-122 87-4 76-0 993 81-2 134-7 797 0-747 58 230 S S W 66 0-86 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1875 July. o g a BARC KEDl'C' Mean MKTKK :n TO 32 '' Kiingo Con M Temp Dry ected pan eraturr SKI,!'' HK.dlSTEKINf; TlIEH.MOMKTEHS Deduced Wind o General Weather Dry Sun Grass Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum iditv 1 Datlj Velo- city Mean Direc- tion 1 lay Inches Inches o O O O o Inches Cent Miles Points Cents Incli ] 29-008 0-1J33 87'5 754 104-2 82-1 140-6 80-6 0-7 IS 55 241 SWby 43 Fine, with light clouds. 2 29-603 0-114 87-4 76-6 101-5 82-8 147-8 81-6 0-771 59 231 SWby 57 Passing clouds. 3 29-696 0-113 89-7 70 1 101-3 83-6 140-0 82-0 0731 52 285 S W 67 Do. 4 W68I 0-128 87'6 76-3 105-7 80-9 147-4 80-0 0-755 57 256 S S W 53 Do. 1 29-678 Ml] 86-6 74-9 103-1 82-3 142-7 81-1 0-708 56 287 S W 53 0-11 Do. 6 29-708 0-119 85-8 75-2 100-6 78-8 IW-2 70-4 0-733 59 229 SWbyS 63 To. 7 29-758 0-109 85-1 74-5 98-7 78-2 1365 75-8 0'713 59 196 SW by S 63 Do. 8 29-701 0-127 83-5 74-6 92-9 80-6 125-7 79-5 0-738 64 124 W N \V 93 o-oi Cloudy. 9 29-720 0-094 80-3 75-2 85-4 75-8 97-8 74-3 0-814 78 147 S W 97 0-44 Overcast : rain. 10 29-733 0-101 ,st-i 75-9 96-8 77-6 1354 75-9 0-785 67 191 PWby b 87 003 Cloudy. 11 29-771 0-130 83-1 76-7 97-8 77-0 134-0 75'2 0-833 73 190 s S W 67 "Passing clouds. II 29-739 0-137 84-9 76-2 99-9 78-9 135-9 77'7 0-787 65 242 S S W 60 Light passing clouds la 29-740 0-110 83-0 75-4 97-8 80-4 130-4 79-4 0-752 62 19S S 8 W 80 0-08 Cloudy. 14 39-768 0-127 88-1 73-9 95-2 80-8 119-8 80-3 0-647 49 he Wby S 95 0-08 Do. 15 29-727 0-134 85-2 7:!7 99-3 7S-9 130-0 75-7 0-678 56 211 \v s w 87 0-01 Do. Hi 29-667 0-160 89-7 72-4 102-3 80-7 140-7 79-7 0-564 40 355 VV by S 53 Passing clouds. 17 29-643 0-151 894 72-9 102-1 79-8 1447 77-1 0-584 42 283 vv s \\ 00 Do. 18 29-658 0-103 90-6 74-0 103-6 S3-5 143-1 81-1 0-617 . 43 295 \\ 'es-l 63 o-o i Do. 19 29-720 0-071 86-8 73-5 96-1 83-9 126-5 *:;_> 0-647 51 2S5 W by S 97 0-02 oVercast. 20 29-681 0-184 85-9 733 94-7 78-0 118-6 75-8 0-652 ! 54 304 W S W 98 Do. 21 29-062 0-123 87-8 73-8 100-1 81-8 135-9 80-7 0-64(3 | 49 329 W S VV 90 Cloudy. 22 29-070 0-1S8 90-0 73-4 101-3 M-4 142-8 817 0-601 43 341 vvs vv 85 Do. 2:t - > :)-i;i;ii 0-153 90-3 73-9 100-5 82-4 ISM Sl-o 0-616 13 278 VV by 8 8O Bo. 84 29-tWJ 0-116 88-6 73-0 96-4 827 l-js-7 81-2 0-603 45 297 W by S 85 Do. 25 29-686 0-134 88-0 7:i'0 lno-1 S2-9 127-9 82-1 0-636 47 315 \V S VV 73 'assing clouds. 26 29-095 0-125 89-2 73-8 102-8 81-0 1 15 o 79-7 0-026 47 283 ws w 73 Ho. 27 29-757 0-087 85-5 74-9 103-7 80-7 151-3 78-7 0-723 59 219 !g\V In- S 53 0-03 Do. 28 29-796 0-113 83-6 199 98-5 77-7 1 H-0 75-3 0-831 72 131 .South 83 0-02 Cloudy : Ig. S. 29 29-801 0-113 81:8 75-5 87-5 78-8 1063 78-1 0-800 74 81 S by K 93 Cloudy. 30 . J9741 0-122 85-2 77 1 99-5 79-2 143-1 77-5 0-823 68 151 Soutli 60 *assing clouds : Ig. S. \V :il 29-751 0-120 82-7 75-9 102-3 75-:! 803 1 It '9 134-4 73-7 n-soi 74 I9o i S - VV s w 07 73 092 assing clouds: thunderstorm. lean 29-712 0-123 86-4 74-8 991 78-8 0-708 57 23s 170 18 190 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1875 AugUbt. 4 <~ X 1 H D :m IETEK TO 32 CorriH-trd Moan Temperature SKLK UF.GISTKRING THERMO.MKTEKS Deduct'tl Wind BO -3 3 5 c; 2X 1 iriieral Wrat hrr Range l)i Max. > Min. Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Vapour i Hum Teiisiim idity Daily V.'lo- rhy .Mean Direc- tion Jay I inches 29-820 [nchex 0-091 Indies 0-836 3ents 78 Miles Points IHJ S by \V Cents (8 nclifS 053 1'itssing clouds. 81-3 762 91-6 72-8 128-0 70-7 2 29-843 0109 81-7 75-8 88-2 74-8 129-9 73-2 0-813 75 148 S l.y K 17 Light passim; clouds : Ig. S. W 3 29-805 0-124 82-5 76-1 93-0 772 125-3 76-7 0-889 75 140 S by K 83 iu. N. W. 4 29-790 0-131 79-1 74-7 93-6 73-6 181-8 71-8 0-801 BO 150 8 \V S7 \-r.\ Ciondy : niiii : tli. A Ig. K. \V. A S. 5 i9-76i 0137 83-4 75-4 U3-7 717 131-4 72-3 0-773 07 176 SW by S 50 Light passing clouds: Ig. S.W. & N.W. 8 29-774 0-112 81-1 753 926 758 135-9 74-3 0-800 75 175 \v > \v 87 007 Cloudy : Ig. S. 7 29750 0-121 81-4 74!) 04-5 765 1339 73-8 0-777 7;i 161 S\V by S 90 0-08 Cloudy : Ig. S. W. 8 29696 0-145 83-8 75-7 92-4 77-7 127-2 765 0-7S1 63 117 SWbyS N7 y : th. and Ig. S. W. 9 29-698 0-116 85-1 75-7 94-2 78-0 136-7 763 0763 61 155 SW by 8 70 Clondy. 10 19-735 0-141 84-1 77-3 99-2 78-2 136-9 76-6 0-846 ~i 152 Sby W 50 Passing clouds : ]g. S. W. 11 23-732 0-156 81-4 76-2 91-5 75-8 138-2 73-5 0835 78 232 S\V by S 80 1-52 Cloudy : rain : Ig. 12 29749 0-106 80-4 75-0 90-3 73-8 1337 73-0 0-796 76 237 SVVbyS 87 1-53 Clondy : rain : If;. S. W. 13 29749 0-128 83-2 76-4 940 762 135-9 74-9 0-819 72 167 S W 87 0-67 Do. : do. 14 29-725 0-147 817 749 934 76-0 133-6 74-9 0-774 72 191 SWbyS 75 0-20 Cloudy : th. aud Ig. W. 15 29-741 0-121 82-5 75-2 95-2 75-8 133-1 739 0-777 70 151 S W 67 ... Cloudy : Ig. 16 29-738 0-123 84-4 75-3 95-0 78-1 137-5 75-9 0-756 64 170 SWbyW 80 Cloudy. 17 29-722 0-140 851 74-9 Jii-l 79-0 130-3 77-5 0-729 60 140 S W 57 PasMujj clouds. 18 29 704 0-139 84-6 76-0 94-2 78-8 139-7 76-8 0-783 66 164 Sby W 27 Fine with light clouds. 19 29-725 0-082 85-3 77-0 96-6 79-6 1431 75-8 0-817 68 178 South 52 Do. 20 29-755 0-107 84-8 76-3 96-0 77-5 143-5 763 0-791 66 185 South 40 Passing clouds. 21 29-741 0-122 85-2 77-0 98-8 79-5 142-5 77-0 0-818 67 170 S by W 37 Do. 22 29-7R3 0-128 84-2 73-0 96-5 77-5 139-8 761 0-745 63 211 8 S W 50 Do. 23 29-754 0-113 84-8 75'8 98-3 78-7 145-0 76-9 0-771 64 187 South 30 Kino with light clouds : Ig. S. W. 24 29-765 0-118 81-8 75'5 97-4 78-0 144-5 77-6 0-759 65 181 S by W 53 0-04 Passing clouds : Ig. S. W. 25 29-799 0164 79-4 731 87-4 74-4 126-9 72-0 0-731 73 2S9 Wby S 87 0-43 Cloudy: rain: Ig. S. W. 26 29-758 0-128 84-0 74-7 92-8 77-1 132-7 75-8 0-736 63 170 WS W 80 Cloudy : Ig. W. 27 29-722 0-115 81-5 75-3 94-9 77-6 141-3 75-3 0-795 74 144 South 77 0-26 Cloudy : Ig. S. W. and N . 28 29-697 0-137 78-9 74-1 84-4 72-4 115-5 70-6 0-779 79 139 SWbyW 95 0-39 Clondy : rain. 29 29-713 0-125 79-7 75-8 85-2 77-5 107-1 75-9 0-841 82 86 Wby S 90 Cloudy. 30 29-746 0-119 82-6 76-0 91-4 750 m-s 73-5 0-810 73 134 S S W 60 0-09 Passing clouds : rain : Ig. N. W. 31 28-759 0-123 85-3 76-1 94-8 78-9 1369 76-8 0-778 63 116 168 SWbyS 67 Passing clouds : Ig. W. by S. Mean 29-749 0-125 82-8 75-6 93-6 76-7 134-0 74-9 0-789 70 SW byS 67 7-04 191 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1875 September. BAROMKTKK SELF REGISTERING REDUCED TO 32 Corrected THERMOMETERS Wind 00 .Meiin Temperature Dry Sun Grass i 'euuoeu General Weather h CD Septemb' Mean Range Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Hum- Tension 1 idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion a O o 5 w Day Inches 1 uches " O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29 724 0-131 83-9 75-8 91-8 78-5 125-0 76-7 0-784 68 140 S S W 87 o-oi Cloudy. 2 29-707 0-131 85-2 76-1 92-3 80-6 141-9 75-1 0-779 64 155 SWbyW 77 Do. 3 29-696 0-105 82-2 75-0 88-8 79-5 112-6 76'2 0-772 70 130 S W 100 0-03 Overcast. 4 29-717 0-127 81-1 7.3-4 94-2 77'(i 128-7 75'4 0-805 75 148 S S W 93 0-24 Cloudy : Ig. N. 5 29-733 0-132 84-0 77-1 95-3 75-0 136-0 73-7 0-852 73 185 S S W 57 Passing clouds. 6 29-762 0-127 84-6 75-8 93-5 77-8 126-5 75-7 0-774 65 179 S S W 80 Cloudy : Ig. S. 7 29-756 0-149 85-4 76'5 96-9 77-0 140-1 76-1 0-793 65 242 SWbyS 60 Passing clouds. 8 29-764 0-149 86-8 73-2 97-2 79-7 143-1 77-5 0-636 50 226 SWbyW 83 Cloudy. 9 29-734 0-150 86-6 73-5 99-8 7G7 139-4 72-7 0-651 52 250 SWbyS 67 Passing clouds. 10 29-767 0-128 83-7 74-3 98-0 78-5 142-8 75-9 0-722 62 169 S by W 73 0-07 Cloudy. 11 29-S09 0-139 84-9 75-9 96-3 79-0 144-6 7o-8 0-774 64 152 South 40 ... Light passing clouds. 12 29-796 0-155 83-0 75'5 96-1 76-7 140-8 74-5 0-783 69 154 Sby W 53 0-02 Passing clouds. 13 29-796 0-159 79-5 75-7 91-8 71-2 135-0 70-2 0-839 83 100 SWbyW 90 0-70 Cloudy : rain. 14 29-761 0-140 82-2 74-7 93-1 71-8 134-0 70-7 0-760 69 144 S W 70 0-99 Do. : do. 15 29-748 0-141 83-4 74-5 93-9 76-9 132-8 74-3 0-736 64 153 WSW 73 0-02 Cloudy. 16 29-721 0-167 85-8 72-9 93-5 77-5 140-5 74-8 0-636 51 159 Why S 85 Do. 17 29-702 0-151 83-6 73-8 93-8 79-4 132-2 75-8 0-703 61 228 WSW 85 0-02 Do. 18 29-748 0-112 83-2 74-8 93-2 76'6 139-7 75-4 0-750 65 210 Sby W 73 Do. 19 29-805 0-139 82-9 75;9 91-0 76-5 135-3 73-7 0-801 71 139 S SE 57 ... Passing clouds. 20 29-852 0-133 76-4 73-5 81-0 73-4 MD7 72-7 0-788 86 90 West 93 2-25 Cloudy : rain : th. 21 29-851 0-13 TO 32" Corrected THKRMOMKTKRS Mean i W A ia t- Temperature Dry | Snn Grass ueaveed Wind OD r-l (ieiteral Weather October Mean Range Dry Wet Kai Min. Ma::. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Clouds i Day Inches laches Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inclie 1 2SI776 0-106 81.-8 75-9 90-8 76-1 155-2 74-3 0-817 75 117 \V X W 73 Cloudy. 2 29777 0-112 81-1 75-5 90-4 763 130-0 73-9 0-813 77 75 \VbyN 90 Do. 3 19-798 0-101 81-9 75'3 94-4 74-!) 154-6 70-9 0-790 73 88 X X K 60 Passing clouds. 4 19-8*6 0-106 82-4 76-0 91-6 774 142-0 75-1 0-812 73 59 S S \V 83 Cloudy. 5 2<*-si:i 0-127 70-5 75-2 91-6 nrc 1504 72-9 0-818 81 81 S S \V 80 o-i><; I'londy : ill. lif. illl SS E 57 o-ofl l'ii>sinj{ clouds : l<^. S. \V. 23 29-788 0-124 80-5 77-2 84-3 766 142-5 73-9 0-891 86 142 S K by S 17 0-27 Passing elonds : ruin. 24 29-830 0-156 81-6 77-3 86-8 76-8 1443 73-5 0-880 82 123 S K 40 o-oi Fine with passing cloinls 25 29-846 0-1 12 80-5 77-0 86-6 76-9 144-2 737 0-882 H 76 SKby K 43 Fine ith IKissim; cl Is : If!. S. W. 26 29-859 0-158 81-0 76-5 .88-8 75-8 114-5 72-1 0-846 78 72 SKby K 20 Do. : do. 27 29-891 0-154 80-8 76-3 897 7.v<; 147-9 71-6 0-847 80 06 S K 1.". ( lear; \n. S. W. 28 29-859 0-161 82-0 76-9 .89-7 75-7 147-9 717 0-858 7! 61 S K 27 Fine : th. and 1;.'. X \V 29 29-859 0-139 78-8 76-5 S5-1 77-8 1207 74-9 0883 90 43 Xorth ~>7 (l-l 1 Cloudy Hay : tine nijrht : In. S. 30 29-868 0-122 81-5 77-0 88-8 74-9 149-0 717 0'88 81 73 XKl.yX M I'asning clouds. 31 29-893 0-106 80-0 74-4 89-2 73-9 148-8 69-7 0-777 76 72 NKl.y K 17 Fine. Mean 29-829 0-126 793 7.V2 86-5 7&-0 1387 72-4 0-820 n 10-J X X K 66 6-47 193 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1875 November. November 1875 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF BKGISTKRING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind GO o s _c O ,a as General Wi'iitlu-r Mean lianire Dry Sun Grass Dry 1 Wet Max. Min. Max. Miu. Vapour lliini- Tension idit^. Ilaily Velo- city. Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Indies o o o Inches Cent Miles Points Cents Inche 1 29-032 o-ioo HO'7 75-0 90-1 72-7 147-0 69-6 0-793 75 86 X E by I 23 Fine with passing clouds. 2 29-919 0-114 82-0 75'0 90-9 74-5 144-1 71-0 0-775 71 147 N N E 17 Fine. 3 29-949 0-112 78-0 69-1 86-4 72-1 146-3 67-4 0-593 61 182 North 20 Fine with passing clouds. 4 29-941 0-116 77'7 077 85-9 70-7 145-9 65-6 0-545 58 200 X by \V 20 Do. 5 29-959 0-107 7<>-G 70-2 87-3 68-5 145-1 02-9 0-653 71 120 N by E 30 Fine with light clouds. 6 29-944 0-130 77-8 73-3 85-1 71-6 141-3 68-2 0-761 80 153 Xort h 00 Passing clouds. 7 29-932 0-125 79-1 75-2 89-3 73-1 70-5 0-823 82 85 X X K 40 Do. 8 29-937 0-118 81-3 75-9 89-4 73-8 141-1 71-1 0-822 77 81 E by X 60 0-05 Do. 9 29-963 0-133 7!)-7 75'3 90-5 73-8 159-1 72-2 0-819 80 90 N E 63 Do. 10 29-989 0-113 77-1 73-6 85-1 73-8 150-3 73-3 0-783 84 78 N E 93 0-35 Cloudy: rain. 11 29-989 0-106 79-1 72-0 87-9 70-9 149-6 08-1 0-715 72 147 N'Eby X 60 0-02 Passing clouds. 12 29-987 0-116 77-4 74-j 85-5 75-4 143-7 73-4 0-804 86 180 X E 77 0-27 Cloudy. 13 30-021 0-120 79-0 73-7 86-4 77-1 102-9 75-3 0-762 77 258 NN E 93 2-54 Cloudy: thunderstorm. 14 30-035 0-070 73-2 72-0 74-0 73-3 78-1 72-0 0-770 94 112 N by E 100 3-50 Overcast : thunderstorm. 15 29-994 0-08S 78-7 75-0 85-7 70-5 149-2 69-9 0-S20 83 189 NEbyN 80 0-06 Cloudy : Ig. N. ll> 30-008 0-097 79-8 73-6 86-0 74-0 151-4 72-3 u-747 72 193 X X E 50 Passing clouds. 17 30-001 0-134 78-8 74-6 86-1 75-0 1463 72-4 0-801 S] 199 XEl.yN 67 0-07 Cloudy. 18 29-956 0-188 79-5 74-7 85-9 76-4 151-2 73-3 0'79si 11-19 49 194 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1875 December. BAROMETER SELK REGISTERING December 187T> REDUCED TO 32 Com Me Tempe Dry ;cted in ra^ure Wet THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 3 O ' in-Ill 1 * (ii'iu ral \V rather Mean Range Dry Sun Max. Grass Max. Min. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Mean Vflo- Jli roc- city tion Hay Inches Inches o 9 o a Inches Cents Miles Points Cents ] 29-968 0-096 74-8 69-8 84-9 69-1 146-8 64-3 0-663 77 138 N X K 40 Fine with passing cloudi. 2 29-963 0-1 13 75-9 70-5 Ho-5 68-4 150-9 64-2 0-67.J 75 147 X K by X 57 Passing clouds. 3 29-917 146 77-7 7211 86-8 71-9 1 l!l-r> 69-2 0734 78 162 XKl.y X at 0- 13 Cloudy : rain. 4 29934 0-089 75-8 730 81-9 71-1 1154 73-2 0-776 87 168 NEbyN 100 i !:!_' Overcast i rain. 5 29-899 0129 78-1 73-8 s.V 1 7:ni 146-0 70-2 0-777 81 81 XEby K 00 0'50 !'a ing clouds: rain. 6 29959 0-089 74-7 719 78-5 72-5 136-3 71-0 0746 87 122 E N E !7 1 14 Overcast : ruin. 7 29-971 O'lO'l 77-0 73-2 84-8 71-8 14&-2 69-1 0-768 83 l:u X K 85 o-oi Cloudy. 8 29-985 0-113 78-2 7-."li 856 72-8 152-6 r) 0739 77 213 X K 63 o-oi Passing clouds 9 29 997 0-132 7!l-2 727 847 76-1 1473 73-0 0-718 72 280 X K 73 Cloudy. 10 29-972 0-141 78-8 73-0 85-6 755 149-4 72-1 0-735 75 185 X E 63 Passing clouds. 11 29944 0-124 77-5 72-2 83-9 739 147-9 71-9 0-720 76 197 SEbyN 73 0-02 Do. 12 29-930 0-120 75-6 711 84-3 71-2 147-4 68-4 0703 79 138 X X E 37 Do. 13 29-935 0-116 75-8 72-9 84-5 710 150-2 67-6 0-771 86 112 NEbyN 70 0-24 Cloudy with rain. 14 29-935 0-123 77-1 73-1 83-8 71-0 1473 69-3 0-762 82 172 NE 83 0-12 Do. 15 29 930 0-075 77-4 73-8 84-5 73-6 147-5 70-5 0-787 84 142 NEby E 87 0-14 Do. 16 29-958 0-117 76-1 72-5 837 71-8 150-1 69-5 0-752 84 155 NEbyN 53 0-24 Passing clouds : rain. 17 29-989 0-108 76-1 70-3 84-3 69-9 1467 67-0 0-665 74 160 N N E 50 Passing clouds. 18 30-034 0-098 74-9 68-0 83-4 68-8 143-5 65-0 0-593 68 165 N N E 37 Fine with passing clonds. 19 30-029 0-111 72-8 67-0 83-6 64-8 1530 61-0 0-585 73 94 NN E 30 Do. 20 30-029 0135 739 67-8 82-8 67-8 145-9 63-7 0-600 72 122 Xby E 20 Fine. 21 30-031 0141 73-2 665 82-6 63-8 146-5 59-6 0564 69 147 Nby E 20 Fine with passing clouds. 22 30035 0-129 71-6 66-6 82-9 64-5 144-6 60-3 0-587 76 143 Nby E 13 Fine. 23 30-051 0-107 725 66-5 83-3 62-6 151-3 58-3 0-572 72 143 N N E 20 Do. 24 30-046 0-124 75-7 674 84-6 66-1 151-7 60-4 0-561 63 253 N E by N 40 Fine with passing clonds. 25 30-033 0123 74-5 68-4 84-2 72-7 148-5 69-9 0-615 72 208 X E by N 53 Passing clouds. 26 30-032 0-117 73-8 68-0 84-1 67-2 148-1 63-5 0-609 73 113 N N E 17 Fine. 27 29-997 0-138 71-5 663 83-6 62-0 1471 573 0-578 75 113 NN E 10 Do. 28 30-005 0-111 731 67-2 83-1 64-7 144-5 60-3 0-589 72 90 N NE 13 Do. 29 30-008 0-129 73-4 67-6 84-2 64-1 146-1 59-4 0-599 73 147 NNB 10 Fine witli passing clouds. 30 30-002 0-109 74-5 66-2 84-4 64-1 148-5 60-3 0-534 62 193 NEbyN 27 Do. 31 29-969 0-116 77-0 69-0 84-8 68-8 145'6 642 0603 65 165 NEby N 17 o-oi Po. Mean 29-983 0-117 75-4 70-1 84-0 69-3 146-6 66-0 0-667 76 155 NE by N 48 3-18 195 h 5 1; 2 _2 h -s | a r - fc a s !? a 00 ; 6 -, - - 1 ~! ~ - l^ ti ~l a K V ^s a - s C5 H 6 "rHOOOOrHC^CJcbr^ 1 -ta i CO t, . . -s ,, 2 -w O t H r^ OS O r-i CS Cl (> Cw O >iO Q rH r^ pHi CQ rH (N ffl W W rH a a 6 'ric-oci^f^^'b^n *>Nt*i-C5WOOrH a o H W a a: =c x c a J ;2 ^ rH rH D 9 b a ^Xccco" 02 H X S P 1 "-S2S2S ffl ^3 ffi 'I 1 s -S '5 r-*rtMl-!C4^HC4 OH g 5 | 71 M 'N CO CO CO CO O-*3S^rfl~O-*-*-*C o 5 J "3 IIUIJ^ 3 1? S S fe 8 S *E S S & S S g P t. 0) t^ re o (M *.- * o m i~ t~ to 10 S rHt>^7-ICD-tl-.O5rHCSOl 0^ Ul 13 MmnmM^iSS^ !>. CO (/) o a a 00 r5 \- = H cc OWNiONOcOOOSWr-tO rt CJ o > CO o o a o gS355!3g3gSSS W) .S T3 1 (V _O "o ,5 a K 5 S . T" 1 ^ |> ^ lO O 1^- L^ 00 l> t> O "rt ff S r** ,, rH (M ^* IM i-H rH CO O u 4_> kg a s 11 1 M 50 S (M M 1-* i 35 -t O 00 30 (M ^ CD 3 CD 03 i--. 00 l^ I>- 1>- t* t* QO l> CD I "So JD Q 1 B o J o "*" w >S; H- pq o ^ t^-^PH^t^^oaoo^^t* CO .O c ?^0-M^Kl~0-H p tDCO^^^C3 c C8 o . p -o S _c ^ OOrH-*T,C-r-(a)COtOait C nj (- a CO o ffl (D Q i i ^i rH rH W ^ rH rH W N O a Si s s ^ON^0 2 S o a "SSS^SSiSSgi S a; g 3 c o o .d 3 totot-t-Soooot-SSSi s S H ^OJ HtOOO-H^COCONCO H ,a H ^Ot~^M^,^,ot, IM U< 3 1 Q CM CM r-l IN. X X 00 X X 00 ^ t- l> |> 00 2 *t3 S SS$8 258838 2 . ^ f Jj; PH m w ra n M 94 w ^ S PH p^l to rt fc^< c g 666666666666 u OJ 0g ^c 666666666666 6 S cfl o s M lls | 1 1 1 gg isIS | 1 1 10 a " ? 1 ? 1 rH i i 7-1 7-1 3 S3 " Ll | CJ S B I O r3 2 odsOSOCSCDCiOSOCSCiOS . pq . 4i g p (Hi-lWS^WrHrHIN .5P flj O O t* CO N rH U3 00 ^* CO t* rH B b ; i i ; j 1 - | J S||r-^j^-1i||| I Annual . ^llu^s^l^l I 196 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1876 January. O !> 00 iH J a a <-> BAROMETER KKDl'CED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds 'a M General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Volo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o o O o O o Indies Cents Miles Points Cents 1 ill-lies 1 29-914 0-112 7<>-0 69-2 84-0 70-1 149-2 65'9 0-624 70 217 X K 50 Passing clouds. 2 29-957 0-098 77-0 71-4 84-5 70-7 151-2 68-5 0-695 75 194 NEbyE 50 0-12 Do. 3 29-994 O'lll 77-2 71-4 83-9 71-7 142-2 69-0 0-692 74 201 XKbyX 86 Cloudy. 4 29-976 0-132 75-6 70-3 84-7 69-8 148-1 66-3 0-672 76 173 XKlnX 40 Passing Clouds. 5 29-954 0-123 76-1 70-7 85-3 67-6 146-6 6*4 0-680 75 118 XE byX a> Fine with passing clouds. 6 29-963 0-125 76-8 70-6 85-6 69-8 143-9 06-7 0-666 72 177 N K 30 Do. 7 29-966 0-121 75-7 70-1 84-7 67-7 150-8 64-3 0-063 75 159 XKlnX 30 Do. 8 29-967 0-141 75-5 68-3 84-5 6o-7 148-8 61-5 0-598 67 172 NEbyN 30 Do. 9 29-977 0-141 75-4 67-5 84-6 66-0 150-6 62-3 0-569 64 217 N N E 27 Do. 10 30-028 0111 75-2 68-0 83-5 67-6 146-2 64-7 0-590 67 186 NE by N 47 Passing clouds. 11 30-021 0-124 77-5 68-7 85-3 73-5 150-9 69-7 0-585 62 281 N Kl.y X 30 l-'inr with pawing clouds. 12 30-005 0-119 75-7 68-9 84-6 68-0 149-9 65-1 0-617 70 183 XKbyX 47 Passing clouds. 13 30-006 0-116 74-9 68-7 83-5 67-6 146-5 65-3 0-620 71 157 NKbyX 33 1)... 14 30-030 0-096 74-7 68-9 84-3 65-8 148-3 62-1 0-630 i 73 155 XKbyX 50 Do. 15 30-058 0-134 74-3 68-8 84-9 65-7 148-3 62-2 0-632 74 141 NKl.yX 30 Do. 16 30-016 0-136 72-4 65-8 83-7 63-9 147-5 60-5 0-549 69 l-'7 X K by X 27 Fine with passing clouds. 17 30016 0-137 72-7 661 83-1 66-6 149-2 63-2 0-553 69 Ml N E 27 IX.. 18 30-004 0-121 70-5 65-5 81-9 62-8 136-9 59-8 0563 7i - 1 X N K 50 Passing ck'iids. 19 29-995 0-118 717 65-0 83-6 61-0 1537 571 0-529 68 74 N E 40 Do. 20 29-971 0-114 73-0 65-8 85-2 64-8 152-2 62-8 0-540 66 !I5 XEbyE 50 Do. 21 29-968 0-138 74-3 67-7 84-7 65-0 146-9 61-0 0-591 70 H8 NKbyX 23 Pine 22 29-944 0-112 73-9 67-9 84-4 63-8 146-3 60-9 0-604 72 59 N E 13 Do. 23 29-909 0-133 72-8 67-0 83-8 63-2 1455 59-7 0-586 73 72 NKbyE 20 Do. 24 29-949 0-111 72-2 67-3 83-7 62-6 148-7 59-0 0- Cents Miles Points (Ynts Inche 1 29-882 0-143 77-6 70-0 87-5 66-0 137-9 61-9 o-ti:t (17 u;i SK l.y S i:i Fiin . 2 29-843 0-176 79-8 73-7 90-5 71-2 131-1 68-2 0751 74 Hi SK l.P M Kin.' \vitli i.a.-siiii.' i-lunil^. 3 29864 0-134 80-2 723 87* 72-9 138-0 li'J-t. 0-688 66 173 SE hyS 7 Finr 4 29-890 0-129 79-7 73-6 89-3 70-9 142-3 67-8 0748 74 172 SK byS 20 Di,. 5 29-920 0-133 80-0 733 89-8 72-9 137-5 mt-4 0731 71 i:i SK liy S i:: Do. C 29-896 0-156 79-9 72-5 87-8 7.0-8 1423 C7-o 0'700 fiK 165 S K 1,\ S lo Do. 7 29859 0-160 80-5 739 91-0 717 141-3 68-0 074SI 72 1M SK by S 13 Do. 8 29-889 0-127 80-3 746 903 74-0 141-0 71-5 0781 :\ 1135 a - 1- In Uo. 9 29-937 0-125 80-3 73-9 87-8 72-1 140-9 69-3 0-751 72 !)5 SK l.y K M Fine u ii I. I..-I-MIII; cliinil.-. 10 29-903 0125 79-1 72-7 88-8 699 1 !:; _' 66-1 0-718 72 92 KB E 17 l''iiif. 11 29-902 0-096 81-2 74-a '.MJ-4 71-2 141-2 68-7 0753 71 126 EH 17 Do. 12 29-933 0-112 82-5 766 90-4 77-6 145-2 SKM 0-837 75 139 Kusi :t7 Fii.e with passing cloml.-. 13 29-982 0-122 82-7 76-5 89-9 76-6 146-3 74-8 0-830 74 lir. E by S Hi Passing clon.l>. 14 29-953 0-171 82-4 75-6 90-2 74-3 146-9 71-5 0795 72 Us SE 20 Fine. 15 29-873 0-148 82-5 75-7 935 74-8 145-9 72-4 0-796 72 182 S S E n Fine with passing eli>ml>. 16 29-856 0-129 84-2 768 96-4 76-9 144-9 75-1 0-823 70 177 SS E 37 Bo. 17 29-886 0129 83-7 77-a 90-8 771 143-8 75-2 0-847 7H 215 SK by S 13 Fine 18 29-901 o-m 82-4 76-7 89'S 76-9 145-0 750 0-843 76 210 SKbyS 10 Do. 19 29-885 0-125 82-5 76-4. 90-0 75-8 147-6 72-9 0-829 75 194 SKby S 20 Fine \\ itb liglit ekimU 20 29-932 0-112 81-3 75-1 88-9 74-6 148-6 71-1 0-789 71 169 SE 23 Do. 21 29-956 0-165 80-7 74-1 89-7 73-6 148-5 70-8 0'755 72 132 S K 13 Fine 22 29-880 0-148 80-9 710 92-5 72-3 141-5 69-6 0-769 73 lt>2 SE by S 13 Uo. 23 29-820 0-157 82-2 74-7 94-6 73-8 141-7 71-6 0-780 69 200 SS E 13 Do. 24 29-773 0-144 82-5 76:2 946 74-4 1393 71-8 0-820 74 205 8 S E 17 Do. 25 29-752 0157 84-8 76-2 977 77-5 137-4 74- 0-789 66 SB) S S E 3 Clear. 26 29-786 0125 . 83-5 77-7 90-9, 78-5 142-1 77-1 0-S73 76 241 SS K M Fine 27 29-822 0-124 83-3 77-5 93'S 76-8 146-0 73-9 0-867 7(i 219 S S K 17 Do. 28 29-826 0-130 83-2 7711 !M:s 76-8 147-0 739- i.-fur, 73 202 SKl.y S 18 ... |o 29 29-835 0135 826 760 go-q 75-7 1437 73-1 0810 7:t M S K by S || Do 30 29-823 0-148 82-0 75-4 88-8 73-9 141-7 70-9 0-793 73 215 SKl.y S 10 Do. 31 29-786 0-129 82-6 763 89-a 76-8 143-9 743 0-823 74 230 SKby S 20 Do. Mean 29-872 0137 81-6 75-li o at 74rl 1427 71-4. 0-784, 72 17:i SE by S IS Nil. 199 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1876 April. o !>. CO i-H * BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind CD >B 3 O 5 _c OS General Weather Mean Range Dry i Sim (iniss Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension 1 1 ti in- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O o O Inches Cents Mile* Points Cents Inchet 1 29777 0-142 84-5 77-7 92-7 78-4 1 12-9 76-1 0-859 73 271 SS E 23 Pine with light cloudn. 2 29-813 0123 84-2 77-9 90-9 78-9 129-2 77-1 0-872 74 286 S 8 E 23 Do. 3 29-870 0-139 82-7 77-0 90-9 75-9 139-4 72-2 0-852 76 161 SEby S 23 Pine with passing clouds. 4 29-831 0-163 82-6 76-6 90-4 75-0 144-9 71-9 0-836 75 169 SE 17 Fine. 5 29-826 0-142 82-6 75-6 91-4 74-5 i n-'.i 71-0 0-792 71 203 SEby S 20 Fine with light clouda. 6 29-820 U-lti5 84-3 76-8 92-7 759 144-6 73-4 0-822 70 197 S S E 17 Pino. 7 29-831 0-145 83-7 77-0 929 76-5 142-0 73-9 0-838 73 208. S S E 15 Do. 8 29-835 0-177 84-2 78-0 90-3 77-5 143-1 74-4 0-876 75 196 SE byS 25 Fine with light clouds. 9 29-802 0-158 84-6 77-1 97-0 77-7 141-3 75-1 0831 70 225 S S E 7 Fine. 10 29-750 O'luO 85-2 79-0 91-7 78-9 140-1 75-9 0-908 75 253 SS E 40 Fine with passing clondH. 11 29691 0-146 86-3 78-7 9.6-7 81-0 139-3 79-7 0-880 7a 28 1 S S E 27 Do. 12 29-718 0-132 85-2 79-5 94-7 81-6 138-6 80-5 0-932 77 262 SS E 30 Do. 13 29-743 0-140 85-5 79-9 94-4 80-6 140-9 79-1 0-947 77 265 S S E 27 ... Fine with light clouds. 14 29-730 0-133 85-8 77-8 94-a 80-0 141-1 78-4 0-846 68 278 S SE 20 Fine. 15 29-745 0-139 85'7 79-4 94-8 79-5 140-9 77-5 0-920 75 250 SS E 20 Pine : Ig. 16 29-773 0-166 85-8 79-5 93-6 80-1 1 1 o-r, 78-8 0-924 75 248 SEby S 10 Fine. 17 29724 0-171 85-8 79-0 94-1 79-8 143-2 76-9 0-900 73 253 SK byS 10 Do. 18 29-687 0-149 S7-0 77-6 97-0 81-4 l:ui.-, 78-9 0-821 64 274 S S E 10 Do. 19 29-753 0-102 85-6 77-8 93-8 80'1 19H 78-6 0-849 69 tta S S E 13 Do. 20 29-780 0-1 12 83-6 77-0 91-4 75-8 1 l:i -.-, 72-7 0-840 73 203 S E 13 Do. i 21 29-766 0-146 83-3 76-5 92'2 tta 1 1 1 '.) 72-8 0-822 72 118 S E 30 Fine with light clouds. 22 29-719 0151 84-2 76-9 aa-a 75-1 143-3 73-0 0-827 71 I9<; S E 20 Fine. 23 29-721 0-135 85-9 78-9 94-1 7S-9 1346 7(i-s 0-895 72 199 S E 17 To. 24 29-746 o-l L'O 86-4 78-8 93-9 sn-ii L8M 7N-N 0-884 7o -00 SK liy S 10 Eo. 25 29751 0-117 86-2 7!)-:! 93-3 80-7 14-J-3 79-4 0-909 72 220 SEbyS 2.1 Fine witk light clouds. 26 529-718 0-120 86-5 7s-5 94-0 M 1353 7s-t; 0-868 69 227 SK l.yS :VA Do. 27 29-726 0-120 85-2 77-1 95-! 78-1 144-2 7W 0-836 69 179 SEbyS 20 Bo, 28 29-782 o-ioo 85-0 77-8 94-5 76-3 142-9 74-4 0-857 H 128 E by S 23 Do. 29 29-802 11-1(17 BM 79-1 95-3 797 145-0 77-!) 0'!(HJ 72 198 NK l.y K 43 Fine with light passing clouds : Ig. 30 29-790 0-12-1 81-O 77-li 90-J 9:t 1 76-0 78-1 141-7 7I.-8 0902 85 79 XKIiy X 60 071 Heavy thunderstorm : ligbt p. cl. lean 29-767 0-189 84-8 78-0 11&5 76-1 0-868 72 217 SEbyS 2"J OH 200 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1876 May. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING May 1876 BEDDCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds '3 ~ lleneral \\Yutlic-r Mean Inches Range p Max. T Min. Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Miu. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Dailv Velo- ei-.y Mean Direc- tion Day Inches O O O O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29761 0-141 84-6 78-4 .90-4 78-9 145-6 77-8 0-888 75 112 K S K 50 Passing eliui'ls. 2 29-736 0-120 85-5 78-0 93-4 78-1 147-2 76-4 0-859 70 176 SEbyS 43 Do. 3 29739 0-113 85-6 79-1 92-2 79-6 147-8 77-7 0-907 74 175 SE by S '40 Do. 4 29-704 0-098 86-7 79-7 94-4 80-5 144-9 791 0-921 72 146 SEbyE 67 Cloud v. 5 29-636 ' 0-122 85-3 79-0 94-5 82-9 1253 81-9 0-907 75 116 S SE 92 o-oi Do. 6 29-605 0-146 79-7 74-2 83-8 77-2 97-2 74-6 0-773 76 196 WbyS 100 0-43 Overcast : ruin. 7 29-643 0-102 82-3 75-0 89-8 76-9 118-0 73:4 0771 70 178 X W 97 0-01 Overcast. 8 29-656 0-119 86-0 78-0 98-4 79-7 144-9 77'7 0-852 68 141 N N E BO ( 'lomly . 9 29679 0-114 87-7 78-4 100-0 81-3 115-9 80-1 0847 64 217 S by E H Passinir ciouiK 10 29-669 0-112 88-2 79-9 101-2 80-9 146-4 79-9 0-910 68 228 S by E 37 Do. 11 29-690 0-101 87-1 77-2 104-0 81-6 145-6 80-7 0-801 62 245 Sby W 50 Do. 12 29-690 0-133 87-3 78-8 103-0 82-1 144-2 81-7 0-871 67 277 South 30 Fine with passing clouds. 13 29-714 0-112 89-7 78-4 106-2 82-7 147-6 81-7 0-820 58 294 Sby W 17 Fine : Ig. W. 14 29-726 0-142 89-5 76-9 103-4 82-4 147-0 80-7 0-756 55 291 Sby W 10 Fine. 15 29-686 0-116 90-9 76-9 109-1 83-1 148-2 82-1 0-737 51 201 S by W 27 Fine with light clouds. 16 29-690 0-074 90-5 74-9 108-1 82-0 145-8 80-9 0656 46 210 S S W 30 Fine with light clouds : Ig. W. & N. 17 29-737 0-096 90-0 77-0 105-2 83-0 148-9 81-6 0753 53 300 S S W 30 1'assing clouds. 18 29-766 0-136 89-2 78-5 100-5 83-6 149-9 82-4 0-831 61 284 South 30 Fine with passing clouds. 19 29-751 0-147 87-6 76-5 99-3 82-0 147-4 81-8 0-764 59 260 South 53 Passing clouds. 20 29-727 0-151 88-6 78-5 104-8 82-9 150-9 82-1 0-840 63 261 South 33 Light passing cloud*. 21 29-754 0-146 86-3 79-6 99-4 82-7 148-9 81-8 0-922 73 278 S l,y K 37 Light clouds : lg. \V. 22 29-783 0-127 88-1 777 98-9 82-0 147-1 81-4 0-810 61 282 Sby E 17 Fine. 23 29-761 0-157 87-3 77-6 98-4 81-5 148-9 80-7 0-817 63 282 Sby E 17 Do. 24 29-763 0-114 87-4 773 95-3 82-0 1395 80-7 0-802 62 264 South 53 Hazy day : line night. 25 29-743 0-116 88-7 77-4 106-2 82-1 150-1 817 0-788 59 296 Sby W 10 ... Fine. 26 29-773 0-131 85-7 75-7 101-1 80-8 147-7 81-0 0-755 61 229 SW by S 30 Fine wii.h passim;' clouds : Ig. S. 27 29-720 0-163 89-2 75-4 107-3 81-4 152-5 80-0 0-695 50 283 S S W 7 Fine. 28 29-673 0-146 90-3 76-3 108-9 82-0 150-1 81-5 0-719 49 294 S S W 20 Fine with light clouds. 29 29646 0-123 89-1 76-5 107-8 86-0 157-5 85-4 0-744 55 283 SW by S 50 Passing clouds. 30 29-599 0-144 89-3 77-0 109-0 83-0 147-2 821 0-763 55 254 SWby 8 43 o-oi Passing clouds : tli. 31 29-624 0136 89-1 76-8 104-2 82-0 1476 797 0-757 55 229 S by W 57 0-73 Cloudy : thunderstorm. Mean 29-705 0-126 87-5 77-4 100-6 81-5 144-4 80-3 0-808 64 238 South 42 1-1!) 201 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1876 June. g 00 0> - a 1-5 BAROMI.TKK REDUCED TO 32" Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind o p O 5 'd c3 General Weather Mean Range Dry San Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O " O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inche 1 29-633 0-141 81-5 76-0 95-9 71-0 144-1 70-9 0-850 79 226 S by W 90 0-26 Cloudy : rain. 2 29-660 0-105 85-5 78-5 95-9 79-7 149-1 77-7 0-882 72 156 S by E 73 0-07 Cloudy. 3 29-681 0-130 847 76-6 95-4 78-6 145-0 76-9 0-808 68 192 SW by S 67 0-04 Cloudy : Ig. 4 29-653 0-152 85-3 77-2 96-8 78-2 143-5 76-0 0-826 68 218 S by W 30 Fine with light clouds : th. 5 29-659 0-118 86-8 78-3 102-2 81-2 145-5 80-7 0-855 67 282 South 40 Fine with passing clouds. G 29-672 0-095 87-5 70-7 105-3 82-0 150-4 80-9 0-774 59 242 S by W 40 Passing clouds. 7 29-657 0-083 86-6 78-5 95-3 81-2 144-1 80-0 0-867 69 170 S S E 47 Light clouds. 8 29-677 0-184 84-7 78-2 90-0 81-0 143-7 .SO-4 0-878 74 267 S S K 57 Uo. 9 29-690 0-102 87-3 77-0 101-1 81-0 146-8 80-3 0-790 60 214 South 67 Passing clouds. JO 29-719 o-ooi 86-6 76-0 103-2 82-0 140-1 81-2 0-756 60 261 SWbyS 67 Cloudy : Ig. N. W. 11 29-679 0-114 88-3 76-5 102-8 83-0 1475 81-fi 0-755 56 229 S by W 40 Light passing clouds. 12 29-693 0-081 86-5 76-5 100-4 80-0 145-1 77-7 0-779 62 229 SWby ,S 67 o-oi Cloudy : Ig. S. W. 13 29-707 0-101 84-1 76-3 98-2 81-1 148-3 80-0 0-803 68 190 South 53 143 Passing clouds : thunderstorm. U 29-728 0-093 84-2 78-8 95-0 77-1 1370 76-3 0-890 75 179 South 33 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. W. & S. 15 29-724 0-139 83-3 75-6 99-6 78-7 148-3 77-7 0-784 69 262 S S W 47 0-43 Passing clouds : thunderstorm. 16 29-730 0-119 86-6 76-4 97-3 711 146-5 73-0 0-787 64 199 S W 67 0'53 Passing clouds : rain : Isr. X. \V. 17 29-761 0-136 88-1 75-2 99-1 81-7 143-6 79-9 0'702 52 226 S W 80 0-03 Cloudy. 18 29-770 0-145 85'7 75-8 100-0 79-8 148-1 78-0 0-757 61 191 S W 70 Do. 19 29-748 0-111 87-9 75-3 97-2 81-4 141-1 80-0 o-7oi 54 215 SW by W 83 0'05 Do. 20 29-748 0-143 88-2 76-0 96-6 82-5 132-8 80-6 0-736 55 244 SW by W 87 Do. 21 29-736 0-152 88-3 76-3 97-0 81-4 142-4 79-5 0-746 56 194 S W 87 0-03 Do. 22 29-759 0-120 89-0 74-9 100-2 81-1 138-2 78'6 0-670 50 201 SWbyS 80 Do. 23 29-742 0-144 87-5 75'5 102-5 82-3 1 IS S f-o-s 0-722 56 240 S W 07 Passing clouds. 24 29-705 0-134 87-2 76-0 104-2 82-3 150-5 78-6 074SS 58 231 S by W 70 o-oi Do. 25 29-724 0-091 86-8 75-3 99-5 83-2 1 18-3 82-7 0-723 57 184 SW by S 67 0-15 Do. 26 29-720 0-105 85-5 76-9 100-1 78-7 1 16-2 76-6 0-810 66 183 SS W 67 o-oi Passing clouds : th. N. \V. 27 29-740 0- 1 33 86-9 77-5 102-1 81-9 149-7 80-6 0-818 04 221 8 by AV 50 Passing clouds. 28 29-706 0-180 85-9 76-8 102-2 82-1 149-0 81-3 0-758 61 224 S S W 63 0-05 Light passing clouds : th. * Ig. S. W. 29 29-655 0-148 89-5 74-7 100-3 78-9 147-3 77-8 0-661 47 304 W S W 73 Cloudy. 30 29-625 0-131 90-9 72-4 101-5 82-7 149-1 81-6 0-548 37 359 W by S 88 Do. Mean 29-703 0-120 86-5 76-4 99-2 80-3 145-5 78-9 0-773 61 224 S S W 64 3-10 202 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1876 July. 1 _x "r -3 BABOMETEB REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean 'emperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds i linn-nil \\Vatlier Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Miu. faponr 'elision Hum- idity ):iily Mean 'clo- Direc- city tion Day inches Inches o O o o O Inches Cents met Points Cents nches 1 29-628 0-133 90-3 732 03-0 81-7 150-6 79-9 0-589 41 305 SWbyW 60 ['awing clouds. 2 29666 0-12H 91-7 74-2 02-4 83-2 149-4 81-5 0-611 41 345 W S W '- Do. 3 29-678 0-151 89-8 74-9 oo-o 84-3 152-2 83-3 0-666 47 304 S W 73 Cloudy. 4 29-669 0-164 90-3 76-0 04-2 83-7 149-4 B3-3 0-706 49 880 S W n 0-04 Do. 5 29654 0-139 86-4 75-4 01-7 81-2 144-1 7S-5 0-733 58 175 S W H Do. 6 29-694 0-106 87-0 75-2 01-1 82-8 146-2 Sl-7 0-716 56 248 S S W 03 Do. 7 29-723 0-118 85-9 75'7 101-9 80-0 150-4 78-9 0-753 61 242 Sby W 63 Do. 8 29-704 0-116 85-2 76-3 03-3 80-2 151-9 78-8 0-788 64 217 SWbyW 63 Do. 9 29-702 0-096 84-3 74-8 92-6 77'fl 133-1 1*9 0735 62 224 SWbyW N7 Do. 10 29-692 0-146 85-4 75-8 101-8 77-9 151-0 75-6 0-764 n 222 SW by S 60 o-oi Cloudy : Ig. X. W. 11 29-694 0-109 85-9 75-5 100-2 80-0 149-9 77-4 0-743 60 no S W 78 0-17 Cloudy : Ig. 12 29-684 0-120 83-9 76-0 96-0 7G-0 146-2 74-7 0-792 68 192 S \V 85 0-04 Clondy : Ig. 8.W. 13 29-688 0-120 84-1 75-9 99-4 79-5 149-6 78-7 0-785 67 184 S W 77 0-11 Cloudy. 14 29-748 0-121 83-5 75-6 100-9 79-0 149-6 77-5 0-781 68 146 SWbyW 83 0-52 Cloudy : Ig. : rain. 15 29-757 0-126 85-4 76-7 97-1 77-7 143-2 76-6 0-802 65 141 S S W 83 0-05 Cloudy : Ig. N. W. 16 29-752 0-155 81-0 74-4 97-0 78-9 146-5 77-1 0-764 72 179 SWby S 85 0-79 Clondy : Ig. : rain. 17 29-725 0-147 82-0 74-4 90-5 73-8 145-6 73-7 0-750 69 202 SVVbyS 95 Cloudy. 18 29-702 0-149 85-8 74-8 96-5 77-9 137-7 75-8 0-715 58 233 S W 27 S W 95 Ovc Ti-ast. 25 29-698 0-107 80-8 73-3 923 79-0 142-9 77'5 0-720 68 250 S SV 83 o-ie Cloudy. 26 29-695 0-113 835 7:J-(> 941 75-9 149-2 73-6 0-700 60 231 SWbyW 78 o-oi Do. 27 29-602 0-121 85-0 75-1 97-0 76-3 150-5 73-4 0-739 (il 218 SWby A 70 Do. 28 29-682 0-127 87-0 75-0 999 80-7 151-3 78-6 0-707 55 228 West 73 o-oi Do. 29 29-721 0-129 85-1 75-6 997 78-8 149-2 75-6 0-759 n 206 \Vliy S 53 Passing clouds. 30 29-738 0-140 85-9 76-4 98-8 79-7 160-8 78-3 0-783 03 200 Sby W Do. 31 29-737 0-120 81-4 76-2 94-9 74-0 145-9 72-8 0-834 78 182 SS W 40 0-61 Passing clouds : rain. M 29-707 0-126 84-9 75-1 97-6 78-8 144-5 77-2 0-748 62 220 S W 73 3-77 203 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1876 August. BAROMETEB SELF KKCIISTKRING i KM IT ED TO 32 Corrected THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind & 00 jleau 'emperature Dry Sun Grass General Weather CO i p Mean Range Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Hum- 'ension idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion 00 5 '3 aj Dav Inches inches O O O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents uches 1 29-743 0- 1 07 88*9 78 92-2 77-2 47-5 76-0 0-827 72 189 S S W 33 ?ine with light clouds. 2 29-765 0-092 83-2 76-8 92-5 76-0 49-9 74-4 0-814 71 134 Sby W 30 fine with passing clouds. 3 211-755 0-093 83-8 78-7 96-3 77-3 49-6 76-1 0-824 71 176 S by W 40 0-12 'assiug clouds. 4 29-780 p-] 1 1 81-2 75-5 91-2 75-0 17-2 7:;-7 0-807 76 227 W S W 57 0-74 Cloudy day, fine night : rain. 5 29796 0-123 84-1 77-6 91-3 77-9 46-7 75-7 0-860 73 116 S S W 73 Cloudy. (i 29769 0-087 83-7 75-4 90-9 77-8 139-0 76-7 0-769 66 137 W S W 80 Do. 7 29-711 0-109 83-5 73-0 94-8 77-2 148-5 76-5 0-672 59 160 Wby W 87 Do. 8 21V719 0-074 83-5 74-9 96-6 78-2 149-6 76-7 0-751 65 185 SWby S 83 0-23 Cloudy : rain. 9 29-738 0-068 83-0 75-8 95-8 76-6 .1D-7 74-6 0-795 70 160 S by W 83 0-08 Cloudy. 10 29-760 0-088 83-6 76-0 1IC.-2 79-1 146-9 77-1 0-797 69 189 South 87 Do. 11 29-743 0-116 84-1 76-3 99-2 78-9 149-4 78-0 0-803 68 162 Sby W 67 o-oi Do. 12 29-712 0-173 84-7 75-9 99-7 77-2 148-3 75'2 0-777 65 176 S by W 57 Passing clouds. 13 211-710 0-106 84-8 76-1 97-4 79-6 141-7 78-0 0-784 65 163 S S W 60 ... Do. 14 29-783 0-119 84-6 76-6 99-4 79-1 146-6 78-5 0-805 68 170 South 47 0-04 Passing clouds : Ig. 15 29-796 0-147 82-4 76-0 95-0 77-0 1 ls-7 74-5 0-811 73 131 S S W 77 0-04 Cloudy. 16 29-777 0-109 83-3 74-1 91-7 76-1 125-1 75-0 0-720 63 156 WS W 83 Do. 17 29-743 0-125 84-3 71-7 98-5 77-8 151-2 75-6 0-732 62 154 S S W 67 0-03 Passing clouds. 18 29-701 0-155 84-3 7.V2 98-4 76-7 147-6 74-2 0-753 64 218 S W 70 Cloudy. 19 29-675 0-153 86-3 74-8 99-1 79-5 150-3 78-7 0-710 57 223 WS W 67 0-03 Passing clouds : th. and Ig. 20 29-715 0-129 84-4 75-0 98-0 78-7 US S 76-8 0-742 62 208 S S W 50 l';i-sing clouds. 21 29-723 0-121 85-5 74-7 98-2 79-7 us :, 78-6 0-715 58 201 South 33 Fine with passing cloads : Ig. S. E. 22 29-723 0-136 84-9 75-6 98-0 76-8 148-1 75-6 0-762 63 192 S by E 33 Fine with passing cloads : Ig. S. W. 23 29-713 0-123 86-0 751 99-8 78-8 148-8 77-7 0-725 58 172 South 57 Passing cloads : Ig. W. 24 29-718 0-079 84-7 74-0 90-6 79-3 12(!-J 78-7 0-697 59 142 West 90 Cloudy. 25 29-690 0-124 84-9 74-8 H7-I) 77-8 148-8 76-3 0-728 ill 144 SWby V, 73 0-14 Do. 26 29-780 0-130 81-9 74-3 96-5 73-9 149-9 72-1 0-747 69 148 SW by 67 0-79 Cloudy : Ig. W. : rain. 27 211 741 0-135 82-9 75-1 91-5 72-8 134-3 70-9 0-767 68 138 S S W 63 Passing clouds. 28 29-788 0-134 81-3 76-1 88-3 78-0 112-3 76-9 0-832 78 120 S by W 95 Cloudy. 29 29-748 0-178 83-0 75-1 99-4 76-8 152-3 71-5 0-765 67 170 SWby 70 0-04 Cloudy : th. and Ig. : rain. 30 29-703 0-163 82-8 74-6 94-5 78-1 145-4 76-7 0-747 H 216 S W 80 0-11 Cloudy. 31 29-664 0-155 8C-8 725 959 78-2 151-4 76-4 0-628 52 268 SWby\ 80 Do. Mea 29-737 0-121 83-9 753 95-6 77-5 145-1 76-0 0-763 66 172 SWby 66 3-00 204- Madras Meteorological Observations. 1876 September. September 1876 BAROMETER BEDUCE1) TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THKKMOMETEBS Deduced Wind Clouds i General Weather Menu Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Veto- city Mean Direc- tion Day 1 Inches 29-669 Inches 0138 Inches 0-737 Cents 63 Miles >5C, Points SW by S Cents 77 luche (Kit Cloudy. 83-9 74-7 !I7^ 79-4 151-9 775 2 29716 0-150 83-9 75-3 967 78-2 151-1 75-5 0-763 65 223 s s w 7o o-oi Do. 3 29-747 0129 84-1 76-0 97-4 78-9 I5r7 78-0 0-790 68 171 South 67 o-K> Cloudy : th. ;ind Ig. 4 29-765 0134 81-3 75-9 90-6 77-5 135-5 75-9 0-823 77 100 S by W 93 0-9J Cloudy : th. and Iff. : rain. 5 29-777 0-148 83-3 753 94-2 73-3 144-6 71-6 0-771 67 ies S W 77 (IL'l Cloudy with rain. 6 29-811 0-113 82-7 72-2 934 765 147-1 7 0-630 Be 168 S by W 27 ... Kiiif with light cloud;-. 7 29-807 0-110 832 763 92-1 77-3 147-7 71-7 0-814 71 126 S by E 50 Passing clouds. 8 29-768 0-118 84-2 77-0 95-3 77-6 149-2 76-2 0-832 71 164 S by W 3d Fine with passing clouds. 9 29763 0-096 84-9 76-6 98-0 79-4 1483 78-0 0-805 67 156 Sby W 60 Passing clouds. 10 29-755 0-147 85-3 75-3 96-1 79-8 146-3 78-8 0-744 61 180 South 53 Do. 11 29-745 0-139 84-9 77-3 94-4 79-7 147-3 78-4 0-836 70 189 South 63 Pasting clouds : If?. 12 29-735 0-112 84-5 75-9 99-6 79-6 146-8 78-6 0-780 66 201 SWbyS 90 Cloudy. 13 29730 0-137 84-0 72-8 99-0 77-8 147-7 76-8 0-657 57 176 S by W 70 Do. 14 29749 0-134 84-0 72-6 99-4 76-0 1492 73-5 0-649 56 208 SWbyS 17 Fine. 15 29-757 0-114 84-9 72-6 99-0 76-3 149-1 75-0 0-037 53 196 S S W 7:i Hazy. 16 29-767 0-119 86-1 72-9 100-3 78-4 149-9 77-4 0-632 51 235 S S W 50 ... Passing clouds. 17 29750 0163 85-3 73-0 100-2 79-1 151-2 77-3 0-647 53 260 S S W 20 Fine. 18 29-760 0-110 85-2 75-0 97-2 78-0 147-1 76-6 0-732 60 210 South 40 Fine with light clond!-. 19 29-817 0110 85-5 74-9 98-1 79-5 149-6 78-1 0-724 59 19(> Sby E 37 Do. 20 29-833 0-138 86-3 76-9 101-3 80-9 148-4 80-0 0-799 63 138 SSE 67 Passing clouds: Ig. \V. 21 29-788 0175 85'7 75-7 96-4 77-9 148-5 77-8 0-755 61 193 S S W 77 Cloudy. 22 29-777 0139 86-5 76-4 96-8 80-4 1512 79-5 0-775 61 148 South 43 Passing clouds. 23 29-817 0-146 85-9 76-8 96-5 81-0 149-0 77-8 0-800 65 152 South 58 0-03 Cloudy day, fine night. 24 29-855 0-133 83-4 76-6 93-8 78-0 148-1 751 0-825 72 95 Sby E 77 052 Cloudy : rain. 25 29-840 0-134 83-0 77-9 89-7 80-1 147-0 78-7 0-889 79 83 S by W 60 l-lo Passing clouds : ruin. 26 29-839 0-169 84-1 76-6 967 79-0 148-7 78-5 0-812 70 97 S S W 40 Passing clouds. 27 29-826 0133 84-1 77-0 93-7 80-1 147-4 80-5 0-833 72 83 S E 4(1 Fine with passing cloud*. 28 29-827 0-125 83-6 75-9 98-5 77-0 148-2 74-9 0-793 69 102 S S W 63 Cloudy. 29 29-833 0-145 84-2 78-0 91-3 78-0 146-1 75-7 0-877 75 176 S by E 27 Fine with passing clouds. 30 29-833 0-153 83-0 75-9 94-3 79-6 146-6 76-0 0-800 71 213 South 53 0-23 Passing clouds : thunderstorm. HlMII 29-782 0-134 84-4 755 96-2 78-5 148-0 76-9 0-766 65 172 SbyW 55 3-26 205 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1876 -October. CO a b CD Ja Q BAKOMETKK KEDUCEI) TO 32 Corrected Ml illl Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETEKS Deduced Wind Clouds a General Weather Mean Range Dry Snn Grass Dry \Vet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O O - o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches I 29-817 0-117 82-9 77-0 91-4 75-8 148-4 74-0 0-849 75 108 Sby E 57 Passing clouds. 2 29-842 0-135 84-3 75-8 97'4 76-8 148-2 74-8 0-778 60 101 S by E 37 Fine with light clouds. 3 29-848 0-134 84-1 73-9 96-0 74-8 148-8 70-8 0-701 60 141 XE by K 27 Do. 1 29-840 0-125 82-9 75-8 92-1 76-8 149-2 74-3 0-797 71 117 N E 30 Fine with passing clouds. 5 29-828 0-128 82-2 75-1 91-2 77-0 151-1 74-6 0-777 71 95 NEbyN 47 Passing clouds. 6 29-792 0-138 S4-7 76-6 94-4 76-5 148-4 711 0-808 (iS 101 XE by E 77 Cloudy : Ig. \V. 7 29-721! 0-138 80-6 72-0 95-0 72-0 1486 71-8 0-695 67 83 S SK 90 0-59 Cloudy : th. : rain. 8 ae-686 0-135 So-4 71'." 99-1 74-0 148-6 70-7 o-5S(i 48 168 S Why \V 57 Hazy. g 29-723 0- 1 14 86-8 73-9 98-7 76-4 147-8 73-7 0-684 56 1!IS South 53 Passing clouds. 10 29-805 o-oos 84-8 74-8 97-4 76-8 151-1' H-Z 0-789 61 171 South 40 Fine with passing clouds. n 29-868 0-133 836 77-1 91 1 77-6 149-1 75-6 0-844 73 156 S S K 60 0-04 Fine clay : cloudy night. 12 29-911 0-123 83'5 7f8 92- 1 80-o 148-9 77-3 0-746 65 6(1 SEby S 83 o-oi Cloudy. 13 29-900 0-140 83-1 76-0 94-3 77-4 149-6 746 0-799 09 100 S S K 30 Passing clouds. 14 29-931 0-110 82-8 74-2 91 -S 74-8 150-0 71 o 0-73] 65 1)11 SE 23 Fine. 15 29-948 0-103 82-0 73-9 90-4 7:i-7 149-8 70 1 0-729 67 84 East 20 Do. 16 29-957 0-OS9 Sin 75-4 91-6 76-3 I47'(i 73-7 0-77:' 69 121 East 57 Passing clouds. 17 29-978 0-132 si-e 76-0 88-7 7S-4 142-3 75 -2 0-824 77 75 East 67 0'02 Cloudy. 18 29-968 (1 -131 88-1 76-1 91-4 76-i; 1 l!i-li 75'0 0-807 71 86 East 43 0-02 Passing clouds. 19 29-963 4 29-934 0-106 84-0 73-8 91-2 78-1 1 Ul-o 75 1 0-699 60 270 NE byN 33 Do. 25 29-932 0-110 81-8 71-2 80-9 72-8 149-4 69-1 0-623 59 249 NEbyX 52 Passing clouds : Ig. S. E. 26 80-908 ry Wet Max. Min. Mi. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches 1 nches o t> O o [nob es Cents Miles Cents Points nches 1 29-987 0-130 75-0 71-0 S3'! 70-4 142-4 68-3 0-699 79 110 NE by N 37 ... Fine with light clouds. > 29-972 0-124 74-2 tis-r, 83-0 07'5 142-5 64-4 0-022 73 123 N E by N 15 ... Fine. 3 29-995 0- 1 13 73-1 07-2 82-1 64-1 142-1 01"2 0-585 71 126 N E 23 Fine with passing clouds. -t 30-000 O'l 10 74-:i 07-2 83'7 68-4 148-2 6t-8 0-573 08 97 NE by E 27 Do. .- 30-032 0-090 7M 65'8 82-9 03-1 144-0 59-8 0-525 62 141 NE by E 37 Do. (i 30-081 0-0i)2 76-3 86-9 84-2 70-0 140-2 65-6 0-534 59 190 NE by N 43 Passing clouds. 7 30-083 0-111 75-1 86-a 84-0 65-4 145-2 61-5 0-531 60 220 X N K 33 Fine with passing clouds. 8 30-017 9-136 75-0 66-0 84-1 67-2 147-2 03-6 0-542 02 208 NE by N 40 Passing clouds. 9 30-007 0-122 74-2 66-5 84-3 88-fl 144-6 60-6 0-549 65 217 NNE 60 ... Cloudy. 10 30-02 1 0-118 71--.I 68-8 85-0 08-1 145-1 66-4 0-624 72 224 Nby E 50 Fine day : cloudy night. 11 30-038 0-095 75-9 87-6 84-4 05-9 1 1 1-5 02 t 0-566 63 202 NE by N 50 Passing clouds. 12 30-032 0-118 75-3 68-2 85-0 (57-4 143-8 63-4 0-596 68 191 NE by N 33 Fine with passing clouds. 18 30-014 0-127 74-li 67-6 83-9 05-1 143-6 61-4 0-583 68 156 NE by N 33 Do. 14 30-017 0-122 7*6 OG-S 84-7 (ill! 144-7 00-6 0-554 65 185 N E 40 Do. 15 30-010 0-130 74-0 o.v i 84-4 65-6 146-2 61-9 0-513 61 199 NE by K 40 Passing clouds. 16 29-984 0-124 75-8 06-5 84-7 61-8 142-0 61-7 0-527 59 199 NNE 47 ... Fine with passing clouds. 17 29-979 0-118 72-9 05-1 85-3 64-0 148-2 59-6 0-516 64 192 NN E 50 Passing clouds. 18 30-972 0-095 73-2 ill-l 85-1 62-9 1477 59-0 0-488 09 185 NNE 60 Do. 19 28-960 0-122 73-2 64-7 84-3 64-6 146-8 61-4 0-499 61 167 N by E 53 Do. 20 29-972 0-128 72-9 65-2 83-8 62-8 14,-. 9 58-1 0-520 64 173 NNE 47 Do. * 21 29-989 o-ni 73-1 65-7 s.Y |. 03-1 14I-.-9 58-9 0-534 65 172 NNE 40 Do. 22 29-996 o-i is 76-8 69-3 84-8 69-0 1465 06-4 0-617 67 288 Nby E 53 Do. 23 29-997 0-124 76-2 68-9 81-6 70-3 122-4 68-9 0-610 68 333 N by E 77 Cloudy. 24 30-039 0-091 75-9 09-5 797 71-6 113-5 70-1 0-636 71 348 NNE 88 0-06 Do. 25 80-042 0-118 74-6 70-1 81-8 71-0 127-5 68-9 0-676 79 244 N by E 80 0-02 Do. 26 30-036 o-lis 70-0 711 82-0 7-4 124-3 71-4 0-697 77 267 N N E 83 0-03 1)0. 27 30-043 0-141 76-5 08-0 83-8 71-3 1153 os-s 0-572 62 243 NE by N 50 Passing clouds. 28 30U!9 0-121 75-2 67-1 84-6 67'9 1 1-72 64-0 0557 64 174 NE by N 40 Fine with passing clouds. 29 30-041 0-121 740 07-1 88-0 O.yo 145-8 lil-3 0-572 68 162 NNE 37 Do. 30 30-043 0-118 75- 1 68-1 si-:, 66-9 147-5 62-9 0-594 68 207 NNE 37 Passing clonds. 31 30-043 0-099 74-6 66-7 84-5 64-4 145-6 60-7 0-550 64 200 198 NNE 30 46 Fine with passing clonda. Mean 3m no 0-117 74-8 07-4 83-9 66-7 142-4 63-4 0-573 66 N NE 0-11 208 Mean Monthly and Annual Meteorological Results in 1876. h rt >> C M 5 CO CO it l^ O CO (M ?3 T ' ~ ' 7 t 7 O U3 Createsi Fall -'71 C i ft M ^ >O t^. C rf jg C9 n i-^ ?1 71 ^ ^ ?J d 1 O i-l ; :--5^'COCCCS^CeO fc . - ,_, ^ ^ i- .-= N | -J :^iI^5S5SgS c o 'oc-^ b -crio Amount N ^HOSOl>-C^-tO- -g rH ; ;t>^-tr-il-O(MCC'3i-> C 6 'O^XCCJcft^HlbO H a Lowest ^s - it O O C 71 tt i7 I-* 7-1 * QW-^r: - -i - - _5 Mean Direction ., -s- ''. * >^ f. . .= * J * i- 1 J * * ; i jt ; ^ *f-J2*5 co x 01 fc Is -*s:MK.sxrc; ixn?i H f. a* i~ vo" i>- 00 c ^ - : -M - N ! Jl 7M ?'i M IS _ - r- r- SI PH rH fi t~, i| ^ Ciwscot^x-^Csiricc'Ccc .2 Si 05 1~ r- m 00 8 K Tl -Tl H BSUJQ no raniuraij^ C-. -H-*rHCOa:(NOCSXl~-i> x i^( t^ 05 t C -! ~. X -. " ~ . . rHO-HOOXi-tecciNCCcc COC31>t~XJ>l>I^l~l^:DO 5 --J - cc c c-4 6 " - ^ x ': o c i>- i^ i~ i^ i- i^ ^ to iQ uiinu;xj\; ung O O t- ? -t *Z ^ ^ O "5 Oi *t f5 ily Meteorological Records 1J1JUIOCII.10I(J ong 1 M H o ~- i- - - ~ * r: 3: c i -i ?l -M 71 M ?i S S - 1^ ift CM Q * ire -t 3 X ?l o .1,^.^,^^;^.^;^,^!^;^.^. Relative Humidity By Blan ford's Tables OS OXCNCM-^-^iMCOMacCX S5f-f : -*o33*85* 1^ 1- ^ O U9 ID CM K CT. Tl 01 o ccx>x>>ai~6iNr--^<6ao B^^-voSuiiotoiSiS^ ^ 3 B Lowi ~- xtr:xc:o nsx ^ 5 CM CM IN CC Tl i .2 a > oP- -( o (O^QOXCCOOCO^D'^'NCO Ol 00 X >P O IT* T 5C CD CC ^T ! C: 6 5 ' -^ -: ^ s i-j- c 666666666666 o "3 -*i & Lowest g- !>. * ^l l rt ^ |^ o -. - f 2 M -H M S !-3 S S a 'r. rtOooeDisinotti>oixi^ i o meiMia^iRiMMNnex pa o t o c: C't o r: -j r-4 M O ~ ~ C a cj X ttCOi-HO't^'^^CCI.O-HiH^* CC CC K g j? S g S S = g '- S |; j- o i- t^ b 60 jf- (o us ib >o ri< 6 i- bast-ti*-tl>>'~t-lScc j c o s OJ E u 4-J X .w C/l rt Dry Bnlh Tllormometer LOWPSI ' t-. -t rf is l~ -. 1- t^ 10 - - Q CM rt N ~ 71 7| Dry Bulb Thermometer & 2 *r-lt~O'-IC:OOi-lt~XO>N X) o etsicoiaaGcaoaDi^iOcci- SlOOKSCSOXXCCi- X o i^xb-^i jcficco ii 10 'i l 1^ t^ t^ l^ l~ |~ -~ -V 1 c i a>^-^>oooio>o>ot^^ M - l^ 3 >O^}t~XKt>>>t-:e-.c X do r.' ~ - ' f >~ ~ -* X C X a Q M CM 7-1 pH CN n ?i 9 s t^l^K-^iOMtSCOMCCe?. CM 1 o *566roj-->btb5;cbcj 00 00 Qa C O C O3 Ot CB O QB QD i i -fXl-OrtCCNXCC tO 1 s i viccxuiioasra^^^ac ? Fj 00 8 S r7 Sr7 | ^ = ?: E S ?. 7 O -t'^i-l'tt^CD-f'CC 1 *^!^"* t~t~(XXQOxxaoxt^t^. Id a rt S Barometer I 1 0! Madras Barometer Jfc-fe 11 Ifc 'O O * to i~ c; ; > co i * m <-> t- ^ M 99 M JD 4) OT 09* M a M CR ^H s 6 ~ x :c x co o i^ i-^ i^ ^ -^: 71 cc t co cc ri TI CM cc -r TI M _= 66c6666c66ic c 666666666666 C^ONt^OCOt^t^CM^-t*^ 2 tco*~ooooireact~cN J a> ci ao t^ i^- t^ i^ t> i^ ao c; o U9 | 7^ Lowest c? IK oc 13 x = 5 - = - x - r. Q M 1 1 T-l PH r-t r 2 asjiCscr. c:o5ctOiCic;c3b6 ^ H cl * 01 i o* M 'M M 04 c% n S 10 c-i ^- 7i x i~ y x cc 71 f c i cc 11 ": y ~ / ^. 3D B v

?l i-i e>] oo OC^t^OIXOt-i-tro-fO^ oj 0900di9g09e!02'4 -r 'T'-T'pcnqpGOaoxasOOr-' e OOOCiClO5C&C:"OOO ^ ^ CO CO 71 N C-1 iM 71 71 r? CO 07 : : : : : : &. : - ill i ; i s j ; i i 1 ; 1 ; | s liiijiiHlll l^l^a^^-S^a^cS limlll j ^feS-^s4s< c/3 oxc 209 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1877 January. January 1H77 BAKU KKDL'l K Mean MKTK K i TO 32 Range Cut r Mt Tempe Dry cted an rature SELF REGISTKKINC; THKKMOMKTKKS Deduced Wind Clouds H General Weather. Dry San Grass Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Hum- Tension idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Indies o f " Inches Cents Miles Points Cents [nchef* 1 30-044 0118 73 4 115-1 83 -s w-s 1117: 59-5 0-511 62 144 NE byN 30 Fine wirh ji:issin<^ i-louds. 2 80-082 0-118 71-9 (i3-3 83-5 62-0 146-4 58-9 0-469 59 175 NEbyN 50 Passing c-loiuls. a 30-088 0-1M 7d9 62-9 83-5 61-7 146-5 58-2 0-468 (12 159 XKl.yX 37 Fine with passing clouds. 4 30-031 0-114 73-3 (117 84-7 62-1 146-1 59-0 0-488 61 141 NEbyN 27 Fine. 5 80-046 US 73-9 66-5 84-t 61-9 140-5 58'8 0-552 06 183 XK l.yX 13 Do. 6 30-OGIi 0-114 73-2 Gl.i-4 85-0 H-8 145-2 60-9 0-658 67 158 XKI.yX 88 Fine with passing clouds. 7 30-075 0-lld 71 S 67-2 S.V7 65-5 147-0 62-8 0-567 65 200 NE byN 20 Fine. 8 :i(CO(il 0-134 74-S 66" 5 84-4 65-1 111-2 (i2-2 0-541 62 235 NEbyN 37 Fine with passing clouds. g 30-037 0-124 74-6 60-5 84-5 64-8 1 12-1 62-9 0-544 63 185 X Kby X 47 Passing clouds : fine ni;ht. 10 30-001 0-145 75-5 68-8 85-6 66-3 144-6 63-7 0-615 70 203 X E 30 Fine with light clouds. 11 30-00!) 0-108 77-0 71 (i 85-8 70-8 1 45-9 68-6 0-703 75 179 K X K 57 I'lissiiiir clouds. 12 30'023 0-129 77-7 7s 85-2 74-1 145-6 72-S 0742 78 99 E S E 60 o-oi Do. 13 30-007 0-1M 77-3 73-2 s|-| 71-6 HIS! 70-2 0-761 82 120 S E 53 Cloudy day : line night. 14 80-oM 0-113 70 (i 72-5 B5-| 69-9 145-1 ((;! 0-745 82 148 S E 23 Fine. 15 80088 0-111 77-1 72-0 S(i-:i M-8 144-5 67'5 0-718 77 120 E S E 20 Do. 16 30-078 0-131 77-s 72-1 84-9 71-1 144-7 69-1 D'718 75 137 Enst 33 1'ine with passing clouds. 17 30-088 0-112 7*-S 72-5 86-1 71-7 143-5 72 -7 0-709 71 182 K X K 27 ].'(.. 18 80-098 O'lOB 7S-1 71'4 86-2 73-9 147-1 72-1 0-680 71 190 XEbyE 30 Do. 19 30-097 (i- Km 77-3 <>8-9 86-6 fi7'9 141-6 64-9 0-566 63 202 XEbyK 37 Do. 20 30-0 I.") (i us 77-0 6!>-s 85'7 70-4 144-1 (i7-2 0-633 ae 210 X K 53 Ligln passing clouds. 21 30-030 o-i w 77-3 69-9 86-6 70-1 144-7 67-9 0033 68 193 X E 33 Fine with light clouds. 22 30-014 0-121 77-8 699 85-6 70-9 1 43- 1 68-4 0-627 65 182 XKl.yE 30 Fine with passing 1 clouds. 28 30-034 0-101 76-9 69-9 8 29-S7 Do. 18 30-092 0-116 79-0 70-8 88-5 73-6 146-6 70-6 0-646 65 210 K by X 30 Do. 19 30-103 0-131 78-2 695 88-0 68-4 1466 65"7 0-605 62 1 .19 E by X 17 Do. 29 30-115 0-094 78-4 70-3 86-6 68-9 144-4 65-8 0-631 65 12!l K by X M 1'assinj; clouds. 21 30-063 0-118 78-2 70-3 87'0 69-4 146-0 666 0-035 n 160 E by X 53 Fine diiy : cloudy night. 22 30-059 0-089 78-6 69-8 87-9 71-6 1+8-1 68-0 0-612 62 121 East 17 Finc>. 23 30-014 0-149 779 69-5 87-2 682 I 17-s 65-6 0-609 63 103 East 10 Do. 24 30-037 0-097 77-6 69-4 86-3 68-2 1474 65-3 0-610 64 131 E by X L'7 Fine with pas.sin>; clouds. 25 30-039 0-124 78-4 69-1 87-3 08-9 146-6 65-6 0-588 60 191 K X E 30 Do, 26 30-048 0-122 78-5 69-1 87-7 68-3 147-9 65-4 0-587 60 1 Hi E N E 27 Do. 27 30-032 0-122 78-4 68-0 88-5 677 149-4 65-2 0-546 56 174 N E 27 Do. 28 30-025 0-121 76-7 67-0 86-6 67-2 146-4 64-2 0-533 58 66 102 E N E 20 Fine. Mean 29-984 0-123 78-7 70-8 87-6 70-9 1465 68-1 0649 167 E S E 32 va. 211 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1877 March. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING KKDriKI) TO 32 Corrected THERMOMETERS Menu . Deduced Wind g Temperature Dry Sun Grass (trneral Weather - Mniu Kauiiv )aily Mean -,. p ~ Dry Wet fax. j Min. M;t\. Min. jTapom Tension Hum- idity Velo- Direc- city tion 5 '3 Day nclifs ! nches o O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 30-020 0-109 78-0 6S-9 89-7 67-5 1 1.8-8 65 1 0-586 (11 123 East 13 fine. 2 30-016 0-123 78-5 70-3 88-3 68-5 148-0 65-5 0-888 64 118 E by N 13 Do. 3 30-011 0-127 78-3 69-8 88'8 67'6 149-1 64'7 0-616 63 11 1 E byX 3 Clear. 4 29-957 ! 0-118 79-0 70-8 88'7 70 1 147-8 67-9 O-lill 65 156 E S E 27 Fine. 5 29-911 i 0-145 79-1 70-4 89-9 i 70-1 1 IS-2 67'7 0-629 62 203 SEbyS 10 Do. 6 39-956 0-121 79-3 71-4 88-1 71-0 147-1 07-7 0-664 66 177 S S E 13 Do. 7 29-997 0-136 7s- 7 71-0 SH'H /O'S 147-3 67-7 0-657 07 123 SE by E 47 Passing clouds. 8 29-1MI2 0-141 78-9 71-s 89-4 69-1 143-5 65-9 0-686 70 112 SEby E 3 Clear. 9 211-937 0-142 77-9 70-9 88-3 68-3 146-9 61-9 0-664 70 123 S E 7 Fine. 10 29-953 O-130 77'0 1)9-5 88-7 67-3 149-2 64-7 0-62 1 67 108 S E 7 Do. 11 29-921 O'l 37j 75'7 66-4 87-3 64-8 149-2 (10-7 0-525 59 152 S E 'Clear. 12 29-952 0-112 77-0 68-0 86-0 64-8 148-9 61-5 0-666 61 166 S E 8 Do. 18 29-991 0-111 71M 72-3 89-1 i 69-8 142-5 66-8 0-699 70 209 E S E 20 Fine. 14 29-983 0-123 8ii-6 74-3 88-7 74-4 143-5 72-7 0-765 73 151 E S E 58 ... Passsing clouds. 15 29-952 0-135 si-s 74-7 88-4 76-9 143-3 75-0 0'76(i 71 218 SE by E 43 Do. 16 29-973 0- 1 38 79-9 73-6 86-7 73-0 131-8 70-8 0-745 73 141 ES E 67 ... Cloudy. 17 29-954 0-123 81-2 74-2 90-6 717 146-0 73-0 0-753 71 166 E S E 67 Passing clouds. 18 29-91)7 0-098 81-J 74-4 90-8 75-o 1 15-1 74-0 0-761 71 163 ES E 50 Do. 19 89-946 0-115 81-3 73-7 89-8 73-2 149-1 70-9 0-731 (ill 186 S E 23 Fine with light clouds. 20 29-939 0-107 81-0 72-8 90-6 72-6 141-6 119-6 0-697 66 178 S E 7 C lear. 21 29-911 0-146 79-5 71-3 90-7 69-7 140-a 66-8 0-658 M 170 SE by S 7 Fine. 22 29-894 o-lll 79-2 70-3 89-4 69-1 1 I3-.S (16-1 0-1124 61 198 SEbyS Clear. 23 29-947 0-112 79-3 7o-o 87-7 69-9 140-6 66-9 0-610 60 160 SEbyS 10 Fine. 21 29919 0-140 79 -1 70-6 87-5 70-1 135-4 67-8 0-63(5 : 64 181 SEby E 17 Do. 25 10-908 0-151 80-7 74-0 90-0 72-0 135-1 70-3 0751 72 210 S E 10 Do. 26 29-882 0-146 81-9 i 75-9 899 76-2 134-0 74-1 0-S1 5 75 234 SE by S 23 Fine with passing clouds. 27 29-906 0-127 81-6 74-6 89-6 73-4 141-4 70-8 0-764 71 197 S E 17 Fine. 28 29-877 0-142 82-3 75-8 91-5 74-7 136-8 72-5 0-805 73 242 S E 27 Fine with light clouds. 29 29-874 0-140 82-3 77-6 87-7 80-2 131-3 78-9 0-885 sci 232 SEbyS 73 0-03 Cloudy. 30 29-882 0-151 82-7 76-5 90-3 78-4 133-8 70-0 0-830 74 291 SEby 8 70 Cloudy : Ig. W. 31 29-909 0-128 82-7 75-3 90-2 79-2 1311-8 78-0 0-778 69 248 S E 60 Passing clouds. Meai 29-943 0-129 79-8 72-3 89-1 71-7 143-5 69-2 0-696 68 176 SEbyE 26 0-03 212 Madras Meteorological Observations. '877 April. BAHOMKTKK SKLK KKGISTKRING RKDl'CKIl TO 32 Corrected THEK.MOMKTKKS - - Mean - Deduced Wind J^ Temperature Dry Sim Grass ( intend Weal her 2 Mean Range Orj Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Mean Velo- Direr- c .0 -t | city lion 5 H Day Inches Inches " Inches Cents Miles I'oints Cellts Inches 1 29-965 0-118 833 74-8 90-9 79-2 i ia-j 779 0-740 (i:-, 231 SEby E 33 Fine with passing clouds. 2 30-007 (I 102 83-1 7.1 o 91-8 759 1404 74-0 0-761 67 l!Ki K:,-, 40 Passim.' clouds. 3 29984 0-121 84-5 762 91-2 79-:! 135-2 78-0 0-793 (i7 194 Eby S 47 Da 4 29-995 0-123 84-2 76-0 91-5 797 141-7 7S 1 0-788 (17 216 E by S 80 Fine with passing clouds. 5 29-924 0-148 83-0 75-5 92-2 76-2 147-4 75-0 0-783 69 170 E S K i:. ... Liirhi p:i-siii!r clouds. 6 29891 0-155 83-1 75-8 91-4 77-0 !39-(i 71-9 0794 7o 191 S E 50 Do. 7 29-816 0-148 83-6 76-9 90-9 78-2 138-4 763 0-8M 78 2 IS S E 53 Passing clouds. 8 99406 0-179 84-4 78-1 91-0 80-6 136-4 79-7 0-878 71 , s . S S E 88 Do. 9 29-816 0-117 85-1 7S-7 91-6 81-0 1 11-3 79-9 0-895 74 302 SE by S no Do. 10 29-905 0-099 83-5 777 91-1 79-5 140-6 77-9 0-873 7.1 272 SEby S 78 Cloudy. 11 29-927 0-144 84-1 77-2 90-7 80-0 142-8 787 0-841 7-J 27,1 S E 10 ... Fine with light clouds. 12 29-906 0-156 84-3 760 90-6 79-3 139-6 77-8 0-787 67 221 S E 23 Fine. 13 29-908 0-137 82-3 743 91-4 75-0 139-2 72-5 0-712 (17 lei; S E 22 Fine with light clouds. 14 29-923 0-131 xi".i 7!-s 91-3 754 141-6 72-7 0-7.15 67 180 S E 27 Fine with passing clouds. 15 29-928 0-125 82-6 i 748 93-2 73-8 1477 71-1 0-758 6S 164 } ^ BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind IO 3. o o a 1 General Weather Mean Range Dry Snn Grass Dry Wet Max. ' Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O o o Inches Cents Miles Points. Cents Inches 1 29-739 0-143 89-7 76-0 103-4 82-3 148-2 80-9 0-714 51 249 S W 27 ... Pine with passing clouds. 2 29-761 0-109 90-2 75-3 103-1 83-3 146-6 81-8 0-677 47 238 SWby W 43 ... Do. 3 29-752 0-120 88-4 76-3 101-9 83-3 149-0 82-1 0-745 56 240 S W 50 ... Fine with light clouds. 4 29-747 0-093 88-1 75-8 103-4 83-2 146-6 81-9 0-727 55 223 S W 37 ... Do. 5 29-780 0-094 87-1 76-4 102-7 82-4 140-0 81-2 0-766 59 216 S by W 27 Do. 6 29-803 0-095 87-0 77-2 103-5 81-7 144-4 79-7 0-803 62 233 S by W 40 ... Fine day : cloudy night. 7 29-800 0-099 87-2 75-6 102-3 81-1 1 12-4 79-1 0-731 57 219 Sby W 57 Passing clouds : Ig. W. and N. 8 29-769 0-114 88-6 77-5 104-7 82-S 141-2 81-9 0-795 59 228 S by W 53 Fine with passing clouds. 9 29-790 0-119 83-8 76-2 103-8 82-0 143-1 8L-2 0-735 54 245 S S W 50 ... Fine with light clouds. 10 29-781 0-123 89-1 74-3 102-8 81-5 147-2 80-8 0-650 47 258 S W 53 ... Do. 11 29-774 0-103 87-7 74-3 104-0 82-0 144-0 80-9 0-669 50 247 S S W 67 ... Light clouds. 12 29-731 0-102 86-7 73-3 104-6 82-0 144-4 80-9 0-640 50 274 SWbyS 77 ... Cloudy. 13 29-696 0-162 86-2 74-2 101-8 82-4 146-4 81-0 0-685 55 270 SWbyS 83 ... Do. 14 29-740 0-107 87-2 74-2 103-5 82-8 143-7 81-7 0-672 52 267 SS W 60 ... Do. 15 29-797 0-105 87-8 74-8 103-5 81-9 145'G 81-4 0-686 52 215 S S W 55 0-06 Fine with light clouds. 1C 29-809 0-099 85-9 75-5 100-1 80-1 146-9 77-7 0-743 60 218 South 67 ... Passing clouds. 17 29-802 0-120 85-5 75-6 101-8 81-6 141-6 80-0 0-754 61 254 S S W 87 ... Cloudy. 18 29-783 0-119 86-2 74-1 101-6 81-1 143-8 80-9 0-681 55 262 S S W 73 Do. 19 29-784 0-126 86-7 74-5 103-1 82-3 143-6 81-6 0-690 55 236 S S W 50 Fine with passing clouds. 20 29-797 0-102 86-3 75-6 102-8 79-8 144-0 78-7 0-742 59 229 South 50 Do. 21 29-811 0-087 86-9 75-7 101-1 81-2 145-0 80-5 0-738 58 224 South 60 ... Passing clouds. 22 29-797 0-111 84-2 75-2 96-0 79-2 125-9 77-8 0-754 64 209 SS W 97 o-oi Chiefly overcast. 23 29-776 0-118 86-1 75-0 102-5 79-5 145-9 78-8 0-720 58 202 South 85 ... Cloudy. 24 29-791 0-119 85'7 73-4 102-9 79-7 146-9 78-7 0-658 53 244 S by W 63 ... Do. 25 29-809 0-110 84-2 75-1 100-9 79-5 143-4 79-0 0-750 64 212 Sby W 73 0-46 Cloudy with rain. 26 29-773 0-149 82-8 76-3 97-1 78-3 144-0 77-1 0-820 73 153 S S W 97 0-31 Chiefly overcast : rain. 27 29-775 0-114 82-5 75-7 95-5 77-1 144-4 74-5 0-798 72 131 Sby W 97 0-22 Overcast: rain. 28 29-766 0-124 82-1 76-5 97-3 77-2 145-0 75-6 0-839 77 168 Sby W 90 0-08 Cloudy. 29 29-772 0-092 82-9 76-5 96-2 78-1 145-6 77-0 0-827 73 158 S by W 90 0-02 Do. 30 29-809 0-088 84-0 76-6 96-1 77-2 143-8 75-8 0-817 70 154 South 73 0-05 Do. 31 29-784 0-106 85-5 76-4 102-3 78-8 146-0 76-7 0-788 64 206 Sby W 70 o-oi Do. Mean 29-777 0-112 86-4 75-5 101-5 80-8 144-4 79-6 0-736 59 222 S S W 65 1-22 216 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1877 August. i~ i-l g S D ^ BABOMETKR REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SULK REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind DC *C O M General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mi 'an Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o O O O O O Inches Cents Miles l'i hits Cents IlU'lies 1 29799 0-147 83-9 76-3 100-1 80-3 146-5 79-4 0-806 69 223 S by W 93 0-28 Clouily: tli. It,', ami lain. 2 29767 0-069 80-4 74-7 95-2 76-7 142-5 74-9 0-784 75 189 S S W 100 0'02 I Ivri'cast : tli. and If.'. 3 29-750 0-140 82-6 75-8 96-7 74-9 139-7 73-8 0-801 72 211 South 67 0-02 Passing clouds. 4 29-783 0-142 84-5 75-8 98-2 77-6 145-4 76-0 0'775 65 238 S l,y \V 80 Cloudy. 5 29-796 0-142 83-8 74-8 101-0 80-3 144-5 79-0 0-742 64 238 ssw 70 0-46 Passing clouds with rain. 6 29-763 0-130 81-5 74-7 98-0 77-2 144-5 75-4 0-769 72 227 S by VV 7u ('-.', Passing clouds : Ig. W. 7 9-768 0-142 82-7 71-5 96-4 76-8 1421 74-8 0-745 GO 231 S S W 63 O'Oli Cloudy day : line night. 8 29-786 0-138 83-5 74-0 100-0 77-6 1 15-s 75-6 0-713 62 230 BWbyfl 67 Passing clouds. 9 29-782 0-143 88-6 73-9 103-1 80-3 145-5 78-5 0-639 48 280 SWby W 40 Fine with light clouds. 10 29-784 0-159 86-9 736 102-1 79-9 150-3 78-1 0-651 51 206 SWby S 53 0-05 Do. 11 29-725 0-145 89-0 74-2 103-8 78-2 144-5 73-6 0-647 47 228 SW by S 47 0-04 Passing clouds: Ig. S. W. 12 29-743 0-078 83-9 74-4 97-7 84-1 143-7 82-4 0-724 62 216 S VV 'J7 0-25 Overcast : rain. 13 29-763 0-103 82-4 74-9 98-9 77-2 144-8 76-3 0-765 69 220 S by W 92 0'08 Cloudy. 14 29-809 0-104 84-0 73-8 95-4 77-8 145-5 76-4 0-698 60 177 SW by S 90 Do. 15 29-784 0-116 83-5 75-0 101-2 78-3 146-9 77-2 0-755 65 213 S by W 80 Do. 16 29-767 0-153 86-2 74-2 103-2 80-0 145-0 7S7 0-085 55 258 S \VbyS 57 0-06 Fine day : cloudy night. 17 29-807 o-ioo 84-3 74-7 101-6 80-0 137-1 78-7 0-732 62 232 SSW 63 O'lo Cloudy. 18 29-806 0-142 86-8 74-7 102-4 79-2 143-1 77-0 0-698 55 256 SSW 85 o-ui Do. 19 29-795 0-120 85-1 74-2 100-9 78-9 142-5 76-9 0-700 58 245 SSW 60 Passing clouds. 20 29-787 0-C95 85-1 73-4 97-8 79-0 142-7 77-9 0-666 55 240 S by W 40 Fine with passing clouds. 21 29-826 0-141 86-1 75-7 101-0 78-2 144-9 77-5 0-749 60 217 S by K 40 Do. 22 5.9-844 0-127 85-2 75-5 101-0 78-1 144-7 77-3 0-754 62 215 S by W 40 0-07 Fine with passing clout's: Ig. W. 23 29-813 0-127 82-9 76-2 90-0 75-2 143-7 73-7 0-814 72 212 S by W 47 0-37 Passing clouds: rain. 2-1 29-807 0-105 84-6 77-0 91-9 78-5 146-1 77-6 0-827 70 213 South 40 Fine day : cloudy night. 25 29-814 0-109 84-4 74-6 100-7 77-0 143-1 75-4 0-726 61 257 SSW 60 O'Ol Passing clouds. 20 29-820 0-108 86-6 75'7 99-1 79-9 142-5 78-7 0-743 58 186 South 27 Fine with passing clouds. 27 29-828 0-121 85-9 73-4 101-4 77-S 1446 75-7 0-650 53 171 South 47 Passing clouds. 28 29-760 0-144 86-2 74-9 100-7 78-9 142-5 77-5 0717 57 232 S S W 60 0-03 To. 29 29-732 0-123 86-4 74-8 98-8 79-9 142-7 78-5 0-707 57 230 S W 87 Cloudy. 30 29-768 0-125 82-6 751 97-0 77-0 138-3 75-0 0-771 69 124 X W 100 0-22 Overcast : th. Ig. and rain. 31 29-775 0-142 85-1 74-4 98-4 76-3 141-4 143-8 76-1 0-709 59 188 WbyS rcKi> TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SKT.K KEGISTKKING THERMOMKTKK* Deduced Wind 01 a S c 5 '3 H General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Hurn- Ti'iision idity Dailv Velo- city Mean Direc- tion I>ay Inches Inches o O O Indies Cents Miles Points Cents 'uches 1 29752 0-112 84-2 74-0 97-3 78-8 142-3 76-0 U'703 (>0 235 S W 47 Passing clouds. 8 29-750 0-126 85-4 75-8 98-3 79-2 143-8 77-3 0-764 03 171 S by W 77 0-19 Cloudy : rain. 3 29-787 0-116 83-7 75-(i 90-0 77-4 145-8 70-1 0-778 68 151 W by N 93 Cloudy. 4 29775 0-124 83-0 76-2 92-1 79-0 140-5 78-0 0-813 72 172 W by S 100 1-03 Overcast with rain. 5 29-7M 0-112 82-5 76-1 94-8 76-6 1467 75-8 0-815 73 183 SWbyVV S3 0-06 Cloudy : Ig. S. \V. 6 29-739 0-133 83-2 77-1 97-9 77-2 143-8 75-9 0-850 75 240 SS W 83 0-63 Cloudy : th. and )g. S. W. : rain. 7 29-781 0-116 81-7 76-7 69-4 75-4 144-1 74-6 0-853 79 2(J5 S by \V 90 0-13 Do. : do. : do. 8 29-820 0-125 83-5 75-2 93-2 77-5 141-5 7li - 5 0-764 Co 245 S S W 80 Cloudy. Ig. ,S. \V. 9 29-863 0-139 88-a 76"2 96-0 77-3 141-3 7,V4 0-810 71 230 S by W 70 0-13 Passing clouds : Ig. 10 29-897 0-129 81-6 75-9 93-3 76-7 141-6 75-4 0-820 76 198 S by W 93 Cloudy ; Ig. S. W. 11 29-900 0-105 79-5 74-7 87-3 72-2 127-5 70-7 0-794 79 153 S by W 83 0-35 .Cloudy : rain. 12 29-915 0-072 82-4 75-3 97-4 77-3 142-5 75'7 0-783 71 170 Sby W 53 Passing clouds. 13 29-937 0-114 82-3 75-2 95-5 75-4 143-5 72-5 0-780 71 154 S S W 33 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. W. 14 '29-911 0-130 84-2 75-8 97-8 78-2 148-5 77-1 0-779 Q6 204 S WbyB 60 Passing clouds. 15 29-919 0-112 82-3 74-5 88-9 79-7 146-7 78-7 0-752 68 169 S W 77 Cloudy. 16 20-890 0-151 83'2 75'5 94-1 77-4 144-5 75-6 0'781 69 172 S by W 47 Fine with passing clouds. 17 S9<878 0-116 83-3 75-0 95-2 78-4 143-9 77-' 0-758 6U 190 j South 27 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. ?. W. 18 29-871 0-118 83-1 76-0 96-8 77-5 146-3 76-2 0-8C3 71 166 South 17 Fine : Ig. W. 19 29-873 0-108 84-7 77-1 95-0 77-7 143-9 75-2 O'fcSO 70 130 S E by E 63 Cloudy. 20 29-863 0-136 82-3 76-3 91-4 78-2 141-3 76-6 0-827 75 104 S S E 73 0-04 Light clouds. 21 29-804 0-111 83-7 76-6 93-2 79-2 141-5 77-3 0-821 72 123 S by E 50 Passing clouds Ig. W. 22 29-794 0-112 84-1 77-2 92-6 77-8 144-9 75-8 0-841 72 91 SE by E 53 ... Light clouds : Igr. S. 23 29-782 0-130 84-9 77-8 93-1 77-5 143-3 75-6 0-869 72 109 East 40 ... Fine with passing clouds. 24 29-804 0-1C5 81-2 77-2 88-2 76-4 143-5 74-8 0-881 83 6 S E 97 0-38 Cloudy : Ig. S. W. : lain. 25 29-834 o-ioo 3-3 77-8 89-3 79-4 142-3 77-9 0-880 77 2C8 SEby S 67 ... Passing ch uds : t h. and Ig. S. 26 9-836 0-138 83-2 76-2 96-6 78-6 142-3 77-8 0-810 71 184 S by V, 62 0-11 Pacing dcu(!s: thucdergtoivn. 27 29-851 0-124 82-0 76-9 90-0 75-6 145-3 73-7 0'8o8 79 119 S S E 43 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. X. W. 28 29-857 0-134 B8-7 76-6 91-3 75-8 1 12-r, 73-8 0-835 75 132 SS E 43 0-05 Fine with passing clouds : th. & Ig. N. 29 29-892 0-113 82-0 77-0 897 78-1 1450 76-3 0-862 79 98 S E 87 o-oi Cloudy. 30 29-917 0-152 70'! 75-7 87-5 77-3 1438 75'1 0-833 81 143 S 6 E 90 0-04 Do. Menu 29-842 0-120 82-9 761 93-1 77-4 143-1 75-8 0-811 72 165 South 66 3-15 55 218 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1877 October. BAROMETER SKI.K REGISTERING October 1877 REDUCED Mean TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THERMOMETERS Grass 1 1. 1 1 need Wind Daily Mi-an Velo- Direc- city tiou X o O _ C.'ii Tal \\Yaiher Range Dry Sun Dry ; Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Day Inches Inches O o O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29914 0-153 82-9 76-5 92-9 77-0 142-0 75-7 0-827 73 199 S S E 27 Fin,-. 1 29-899 0-132 84-1 77-5 91-1 78-0 143-3 76-7 0-856 74 219 S S E 18 Fin.--. Ig. N. and X. W. 3 29-945 0-143 81-9 751 94-8 74-4 142-2 74-7 0-781 n 153 S S K 50 Passing clouds. 4 28-913 0-136 82-3 76-6 95-6 77-9 141-9 762 0-840 76 85 SE by S 50 0-87 Passing clouds : rain : Ig. S. W. 5 9-884 0141 83-0 77-9 94-5 76-2 141-5 74-8 0-889 78 112 ! S by K :iU Light, clouds : fine night. 6 29-897 0-104 83-2 77-4 90-1 77-0 140-6 75-4 0-863 76 169 s i; 23 Fine with passing clouds. 7 29931 0-121 82-4 75-7 93-7 768 142-4 75-1 0799 72 188 Sby E 37 Fin. -with passing clouds: Ig. * 29913 0-1 4S 83-8 75-7 963 78-2 141-4 77-0 0781 68 227 South BO Fine with passing clouds.: Ig. S. W. 9 29-911 0-133 83-4 764 27 78-3 144-3 77-8 0-816 71 170 Sby E 17 Fine with passing cl. . Ig. W. & S.Vf. 10 29-900 0-126 844 77-9 958 79-8 1403 78-9 0-869 74 177 S by E 63 Passing clouds : Ig. \V. and X. W. 11 29-875 0-141 81-4 76-3 95-8 74-2 137-5 72-2 0-839 78 142 S SW 70 0-32 Cloudy : Ig. : mill. 12 29-906 0-131 81-8 763 893 75-3 140-0 743 0834 77 133 Sby E 80 Cloudy : Ig. S. W. 13 29-985 0-112 78-8 75-9 81-1 77-9 101-5 77-1 0-856 87 66 SE by S 80 0-21 Cloudy : rain. 14 29-909 0134 81-9 763 90-0 74-0 139-5 72-2 0-834 77 130 SE by S 33 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. S. W. 15 29876 0-121 83-4 767 91-4 77-5 143-6 76-1 0-829 73 107 SEby E 40 o-oi Passing clouds : Ig. W. 16 29-895 0121 82-5 76-9 91-3 76-9 145-4 75-3 0-851 77 100 ESE 40 ... Fine with passing clouds. 17 29-1)27 0129 83-7 76-9 91-0 77-1 143-7 75-7 0-834 72 94 EbyS 33 o-oi Do. 18 29-925 0-123 82-9 76-4 92-4 76-1 140-8 746 0-823 73 106 East 30 o-oi Do. 19 29-918 0-150 84-2 77-2 929 76-8 149-1 75-6 0-840 72 78 ESE 57 Passing clouds : th. 20 29-907 0-135 83-4 76-6 927 77-1 140-5 75-9 0-825 72 123 East 43 Passing clouds. 21 29-896 0-119 83-3 76-2 92-7 766 141-1 74-8 0-809 71 113 EN E 67 Cloudy. 22 29-908 0-1U6 82-5 75-9 91-5 76-5 143-4 74-6 0-807 73 81 East 60 Passing clouds. 23 29891 0-118 79-0 75-7 88-4 75-8 137-4 735 0-845 85 83 East 82 0-94 Cloudy : rain. 24 29-906 0-114 80-7 75-4 89-5 75-2 141-2 73-8 0-810 77 82 Kasi 67 0-02 Cloudy : th. and ]g. W. 25 29938 0-098 78-4 75-6 84-3 74-2 135-4 73-6 0-849 87 69 NbyE 77 0-63 Cloudy: rain : Ig. S. \V. 2G 29-957 0-146 78-3 75-2 86-7 74-8 1413 73-6 0834 86 155 NEbyN 83 0-02 Cloudy : th. nnd Ig. X. W. 27 29-960 0-130 80-7 75-9 90-1 75-3 140-6 74-5 0-831 78 12:i NEby N 77 Cloudy : Ig. X. and \V. 28 29-961 0-113 80-9 760 88-0 75-0 1423 74-2 0832 78 202 NNE 77 0-47 Cloudy : rain : Ig. S. 29 29-922 0-160 76-3 74-0 83-7 73-9 1356 72-6 0-810 89 193 XE by X 97 3-52 Cloudy : heavy rain : tb. 30 29-914 0-121 77-7 75-1 87-1 72-9 138-6 72-8 0-838 89 150 X X K .S3 1-46 Cloudy : heavy showers. 31 29924 0-157 78-6 75-6 88-1 745 1444 73-6 0-846 87 98 X X E 63 0-07 Cloudy. Mean 29-917 0-131 81-7 76-2 90-9 76-2 140-1 74-9 0-832 77 133 ESE 56 S-.Oli 219 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1877 November. November 1877 BAROMETER HKUl'CED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced W Daily Velo- city ind Clouds ^a A General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun (irnsx Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O O e Q Inches Cents Miles Points Cents [nches 1 29-905 0-104 76'6 74-3 86-8 75-5 140-1 74-6 0-818 89 101 North 73 4-80 Cloudy with heavy rain : Ig. S. 2 29-880 0-134 79-4 7(1-1 87-0 73-7 142-2 73-1 0-857 85 132 N by E 73 0-25 Cloudy : rain : Ig. W. 3 29:901 0-082 78-8 75'5 83-2 76-4 119-4 75-7 0-840 86 81 Xorth 73 o-oi Cloudy. 4 29-878 0-144 79-5 75-3 88-6 74-4 141-4 73-1 0-822 81 66 XEbyN 77 o-oi Do. 5 29-914 O'lOl 79-3 75-5 87-0 76-2 140-6 75-3 0-833 83 78 N by E 90 0-06 Do. 6 20-882 o-ioo 79-7 72-3 88-2 75-0 142-7 73-9 0-694 68 134 North 70 ... Do 7 29-980 0-121 7S-7 75-4 88-6 75-5 143-8 74-3 0-837 84 138 X X K 80 003 Do. S 29-987 0-140 77-5 74'0 84-8 73-1 142-4 72-5 0-794 84 147 NNE 100 0-55 Overcast with rain. 9 30-016 0-102 74-5 73'0 76'5 72-2 86-4 72-1 0-793 93 110 NE by N 100 2-53 Do. 10 30-019 0-136 76-8 73-2 83-3 71-4 125-2 71-3 0-771 84 199 NNE 80 2-60 Cloudy : rain. 11 30-003 0-113 80-3 73-9 86-2 75-6 141-6 72-9 0-752 72 227 XN E 80 0-06 Cloudy. 12 W-997 0-078 8U-6 73-8 87-6 75-1 142-2 73-2 0-744 71 218 NE by X 37 ... Do. 18 29-998 0-124 79-1 73-5 86-5 74-3 143-7 71-2 0-752 76 248 X X E 80 0-86 Cloudy : rain. 14 29-985 0-118 76-0 733 81-6 72-2 110-4 71-9 0-785 87 165 Xorth 100 0-54 Overcast and wet. 15 29-996 0-116 73-7 72-5 75-1 72-1 84-4 72-1 0-784 94 133 X by E 100 5-30 Overcast : heavy rain. l(i 29-957 0-114 74-9 , 73-(i S4-4 7-2-2 142-5 71-5 0-813 94 110 Xorth 93 175 Cloudy anil wet. 17 29-968 o-in 76-7 74-2 82-8 71-2 142-3 70-7 0-813 88 169 North 93 1-64 Do. 18 30-003 0-111 80-4 76-4 87-3 75-9 139-4 74-2 0-857 82 183 NE by N 63 0-14 Passing clouds. 19 30-019 0-130 79-0 74-0 84-5 75-1 139-9 72-7 0-774 78 212 N E 73 ... Cloudy. 20 30-005 0-117 79-2 72-9 85-3 74-3 141-2 71-1 0-725 72 219 NNE 60 ... Passing clouds. 21 30-017 0-117 78-4 71-6 85-9 71-5 140-0 67-1 0-685 70 149 NN E 63 Do. 22 30-020 0-132 77-7 7L>-:i 86-1 71-1 140-0 67-4 0-721 75 161 NE by N 50 Do. 23 29-993 0-116 78-2 717 86-5 70-3 140-4 66-8 0-691 72 171 NN E 60 Do. 24 29-965 0-117 70-2 75-0 86-2 75-1 138-1 72-5 0-813 82 196 Nby E 87 Cloudy. 25 89-962 0-088 80-8 76-6 88-7 75-3 142-0 73-3 0-860 83 127 NNE 65 ... Passing clouds. 26 29-967 0-119 81-1 75-9 89-1 76-5 138-6 73-7 0-825 78 168 NEby E 40 Fine with passing clouds. 27 29-94-1 0-141 80-0 75-0 88-1 74-2 141-2 71-t 0-802 7s 125 NE by E 43 Do. 28 29-971 0-101 79-8 74-9 88-3 74-1 138-3 715 0-801 78 149 XE by E 57 Passing clouds. 29 29-972 0-109 78-4 74-2 87-5 733 140-0 70-2 0-790 81 115 SE by .X 43 Fine with passing clouds. 30 29-977 0-132 79-2 74-5 87-1 72-9 141-4 69-8 0-792 79 162 NE by N 43 0-12 Do. Mran 29-973 0-116 78-5 74-1 85-6 73-9 135-1 72-0 0-788 81 153 NNE 72 2125 220 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1877 December. December 1877 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds - General Went her Mean Bange Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Vein- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o O o O Inches CentB Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29973 0-126 75-2 7:i7 84-7 72-9 140-1 71-9 0-813 93 110 NK l,y 1- HO 8-98 Overcast: heavy rain. 2 30-003 0-097 77-7 73-4 85-5 743 140-1 73-7 0766 81 137 NE by E 67 Cloudy. 3 30-013 0-096 78-9 73-5 86-6 71-9 140-3 689 07*4 76 159 NE by E M Fine uitli passing clouds. 4 29-959 0-135 80-1 73-9 86-8 75-0 1436 73-7 0-755 7:! 215 X E 43 017 Fine with j'assin;.: clouds: rain. 5 29-957 0-123 78-5 73-8 84-1 735 119-9 71-9 0-772 7'.' 179 XE by N 90 0-02 Cloudy. 6 29-977 0-097 79-2 73-5 .84-2 73-3 125-3 71-3 0-750 75 111 E X E >>7 0-61 Cloudy : rain. 7 29-955 0-134 79-2 72-9 85-7 74-2 139-0 72-5 0-725 72 301 NE by t 100 Overcast. 8 29-961 0-C92 77-6 74-1 84-8 75-7 144-9 73-7 0-797 B4 11'7 XE by X G3 o-io Cloudy : ]ji. K. 9 30-019 0-097 78-4 74-1 82-4 75-2 116-6 74-9 0-786 SO IS7 XE by E n 0-86 Cloudy : rain. 10 30-032 0-080 80-5 76-4 87'5 75-5 HO-0 72-6 0-856 82 177 EN E 40 ... Fine with passing clouds. 11 29-991 0-128 79-5 76-7 87-4 76-3 143-4 74-2 0-882 87 144 E by N 53 0-08 Passing clouds : lu. S. W. 12 29-976 0-142 78-7 74-8 85-4 75-8 144-5 74-9 0-812 82 113 E by S 80 0'08 Cloudy. 13 29-993 0-139 801 75-0 86-6 75-0 138-4 73-2 0-801 78 178 K by N 43 o-oi Fine with passing clouds. 14 30-017 0-090 80-5 74-3 87-2 75-9 137-0 72-9 0-766 73 224 ENE 50 Do. 15 30-000 0-117 79-3 73-4 86-6 74-9 140-3 71-5 0-744 74 252 N E 47 Do. 16 29-985 0-107 79-0 72-4 86-3 72-9 1357 69-8 0-7C9 72 268 NE by N 63 Passing clouds. 17 29-989 0-128 80-0 73-0 86-0 78-1 137-6 76-8 0-719 70 H35 NE 07 Cloudy. 18 30-008 0-098 80-5 73-5 87-3 77-ci 139-7 74-6 0-733 71 244 X K 80 Do. 19 30-012 0-109 78-0 7*2 87-2 72-9 140-0 70-0 (i-7l:i 74 161 XE byK 33 Fine with r.assing clouds. 20 30-025 0-104 76-1 71-2 86-4 69-5 142-5 66-3 0-701 77 128 NNE n Do. 21 30-016 0-118 77-3 72-1 86-9 70-2 140-1 67'5 0-719 76 112 X E HI Do. 22 29-983 0-126 78-8 72-7 86-5 69-9 137-1 66-3 0-723 74 188 XE by E 40 Do. 23 30-004 0-118 79-1 71-7 86-4 74-9 138-1 71-3 0-678 68 44 N E 47 Passing clouds. 24 29-998 0-124 79-4 71-4 86-2 76-0 138-3 73-3 0-663 66 2!I7 X X E 37 Fine with passing clouds. 25 30-001 0-G90 77-3 71-5 86-6 72-2 142-4 0-695 74 208 X by E 43 Do. 26 29-991 0-137 76-9 72-0 85-8 70-8 139-5 l>7-0 0-720 77 200 X by E 80 Cloudy day : line niirlit. 27 29-969 0-128 77-1 70-7 86-8 69-2 139-4 65-7 0-666 71 178 X N K 37 Fine wil h passing clouds. 28 29-937 0122 77-2 71-5 87*4 70-3 138-1 66-7 0-696 75 127 NNE 2:! Do. 29 Z94U 0-126 79-0 73-5 87-9 72-4 140-1 (>!; 0-753 76 159 XE byN :::: Do. 30 29-906 0-125 78-7 74-3 S7-0 73-1 1 I.Vd 70-3 0-790 80 83 K by X a Passinu' clouds. 31 29-871 0-142 78-8 74-4 87-0 72-5 142-3 69-3 0-79:! 80 87 K l.y S 30 Fine with passing clouds. Mean 29-982 0-116 78-6 73-3 863 736 138-4 71-2 0-750 76 isil \ !: n 5-N*i 221 1 1" o ~ w X 1 ^Sj I-H : 5j : f-i ^H w ?if-n f " I" rH :rt lOOl^aW^S 05 OS H 00 IB i 93 a g O "6 eerioOiHK'ibra '3 fl 3 O o J ( 5 00 ss | V5 SSIM 9 uo NPHNWWI.OC-. x os =p fc-MI 2 B O 9 NrHK-HtDOOrttOt-NOO^ 3 nun Q!It t* C ID J3 H SSSSSR^ggggS 1 n S H i i 1 I 55 1 i I i I CO tn T3 u o 1 0) n S 43 CD > ^ 13 0^- 01 V OT S ^^Ot-^QOOOTW^OOO '5b J 75 ^ E ,0 1 iSSSSSSSK^Sg 05 CD on 8 H ||_i_S_S_|i_li.ij| o o m X J, "fS ( * > rtJ^-ll'3~-O o a | c . COOM50 Ht s X pq a 666666666666 i o o o W ^ -?-*-f(M(M> C-lr^rHl 10^1 IMrH M(N C 41 g | rtlOrHSOlfflNOSXOOOO < ^ 1 s g s-s s s is tt g g ,t g I ^ iS388SggKS C Cfl (H OJ a o r- :b i> o CD x 6 6 b , j, ^ 0) i i-l rH ... WiMi-li-lr-li-H >j i 5 X05i>>OTflTilQO'Jl-**J05eD 10 o O .-4 ^^OOXrtNrtOSNOCOlN -* * c S E 3 i fegsggligfcsgg s E 1 o 51 H X ^tO-H5X"*.0^055D5 o > f?-* *s pq 03 ssss-sassigssg g U 3 M X 5 c cxi > a t 5 CON.O-T-W.O^XCOCOrHO* V s ft 1 X ts> a P SSS|3^gfc en h -t' be Oi CO OS ?O CD l^ W 'O O rH co CD 'N rt bo C 1 s^allsliigil IH T3 o ej ^ 666666666666 6 * M a 066666666660 rt s I 0) o ~ n 1 flfi.ffl^lsi! X % OOOCDX^M^tO, (=1 o 3 S 6dic:''didic;c;d5Ci6ias6i S 1 43 S i O O 3 " . - ^ ' . .... T 1 ^ . i = MNN g S J.9p-"B^6B8fcSii H OQ tft X 1^- -f 1" -t -t X (M -* ^H X X i (r-OOClXXXOSOOO iiiSiJiiggg 5r"Ti : ' : 2,a^ ^t, cj. M . fli k^r^J e c c ~ ** 2* c ^> oc "^ <9 F c ^ ^^3 CL.^5*'-" s aT Oo l-sJi)^;-^^-;! H,-> s BAROMETER KKH'CED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SKT.F REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 5 '3 33 (i' Weather Mean Rauge Dry San Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. I Max. Miu. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mi'un Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-860 0-092 87-7 79-3 954 81-1 135-7 795 0-888 67 152 E S E !> Fine with passing clouds : Ig. S. W . 2 29-8 W 0-133 87-6 793 91-2 82-3 124-3 80-7 0-890 67 178 SEbyE 72 o-oi Passing cli mi Is : th. 3 29-870 0-126 85-9 78-1 94-2 81-4 1224 73-2 0-856 68 102 SEby S 93 1 Ivrivast. 4 29-842 0-133 86-4 78-7 94-4 79-4 127-7 78-7 0-878 71 168 E S K 53 Passing clouds. 5 29-838 0-117 86-7 78-9 954 80-4 120-9 79-1 0-884 60 204 S E 37 Kino with passing clouds. 6 29-827 0133 87-1 79-8 91-4 81-3 141-4 80-7 0-920 71 243 SEby 8 22 Fine with light clouds. 7 29-808 0-128 86-4 78-5 934 82-1 119-3 80-9 0-869 69 270 SEbyS 63 Passing clouds : Ig. S. 8 29-776 0-142 88-3 794 100-4 82-5 130-6 81-7 0-884 66 249 SEbyS 47 Passing clouds. 9 29790 0-128 87-1 79-3 93-6 82-5 133-2 81-9 0-897 69 259 SEbyS 63 Passing clouds : Is;. W. 10 29-815 0137 877 78-6 96-0 82-2 129-9 81-6 0-857 66 251 SEbyS 50 Light passing clouds : Ig. W. 11 29-802 0-161 88-6 79-7 100-2 82-9 1353 82-0 0-894 66 261 S S E 40 Fine with light clouds. 12 29-763 0-188 90-1 792 99-3 84-5 134-8 83-9 0-851 60 309 S S E 32 Fine with passing clouds. 13 29763 0-130 88-5 80-1 97-9 85-1 115-7 84-4 0-914 68 295 SEbyS 53 o-oi Passing clouds : th. W. 14 29-776 0-057 85-6 78-9 94-1 80-9 120-6 79-7 0-899 73 195 S S E 81 0-39 Cloudy : th. and Ig. 15 29-786 0136 86-4 78-7 94-1 79-2 131-7 77-8 0-878 70 168 SEbyS 50 Light passing clouds. 16 29-797 0-092 87-0 78-5 95-6 80-1 133-8 78-8 0-861 67 184 SEbyS 43 Fine with passing clouds. 17 29-814 o-ioo 877 80-6 95-2 81-0 141-1 78-8 0-950 73 163 SEbyE 50 Light passing clouds. 18 29-792 143 86-7 78-7 95-5 80-6 132-4 79-2 0-874 69 133 SbyE 57 r . 19 29749 0-104 85-8 76-4 105-0 81-4 117-6 80-2 0-784 63 120 8 Vi 80 0-07 Cloudy : th. and Ig. 20 29767 0-136 90-1 77-1 106-4 80-9 140-0 79-6 0-756 53 204 South 27 Fine with passing clouds. 21 29-775 0-117 89-4 78-4 1071 80-8 137-5 79-6 0-824 59 199 S by K 23 1),,. 22 29771 0-111 89-3 79-2 105-3 82-5 116-4 81-2 0-863 63 201 S 8 E 40 Do. 23 29-782 0-113 893 80-5 102-1 84-3 116-9 83-4 0-923 67 231 S S E 37 Do. 24 29-812 0122 78-2 74-2 857 72-0 112-7 71-9 0-793 82 213 SE by S 90 1-12 Cloudy : th.. Ig. and rain. 25 29773 0121 86-1 79-8 93-0 78-2 1314 76-4 0933 75 210 SEby 8 20 Fine with light clouds : Ig. W. 26 29-780 0134 88-6 80-6 102-0 82-7 134-4 816 0-937 69 252 i S S K 23 Fine with light clouds. 27 29-778 0-142 88-5 79-5 1006 82-6 133-0 81-7 0-887 66 256 S S K 27 Fini- with light clouds : Ig. W. to N. 28 29-763 0113 89-2 79-0 105-0 82-9 121-0 81-9 0-854 62 208 SEbyS 37 Fine with light clouds : Ig. W. 29 29-708 0149 90-8 78-5 104-7 84-0 136-6 82-8 0-810 56 219 S by E 37 ... Fine with light clouds: Ig. N. W. 30 29-727 0-110 89-7 777 99-8 83-5 122-7 82-9 0-789 56 207 S by E 63 Passing clouds. 31 29-739 0123 0-128 90-4 77-5 104-3 83-2 132-4 82-6 0-770 54 150 SbyE 53 Light clouds. Mean 29-790 87-6 78-8 98-2 81-6 128-5 80-4 0-867 66 208 SSE 4S 1-60 227 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1878 June. 00 00 a 3 1-3 BAHO> REDUCEL Mean IETER TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 7) B 9 _o o '3 te General Weather Kau go Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Hum- 1'ension idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches. Indies e o o o < Indies Cents. Miles Points Cents nclies 1 29720 0-142 90-9 79-6 108-9 82-6 137-9 82-3 0-859 59 212 South 37 ... Fine with passing clouds : Ig. S. W. 2 29-698 0-131 90-6 77-8 109-5 83-3 119-6 82-7 0-781 54 238 S S W 50 Light clouds. 3 29-062 0-108 92-8 76-1 108-8 86-7 124-4 85-5 0070 44 236 South 60 Light clouds : Ig. S. W. 4 29-082 0-135 92-3 77-3 108-2 85-9 132-7 85-1 0-735 48 220 S by W 57 ... Light clouds : Iff. N. W. 5 29-697 0-109 88-3 78-9 1U4'2 80-7 128-4 77-9 0-863 04 274 ^SWbyW 73 0-03 Cloudy. 6 29-095 0-130 89-1 78-2 107'3 83-3 117-0 82-3 0-818 59 259 South 73 ... Do. 7 29-080 0-111 90-5 77-2 102-2 84-0 134-8 82-7 0-755 53 272 South 67 Light clouds. 8 29-078 0-141 91-0 76-6 107-1 85-4 135-4 84-4 0-722 49 252 S W 53 Do. B 29-688 0-143 91-7 76-2 105-3 82-4 127-2 81-7 0-095 46 254 SWbyS 60 Passing clouds. 10 29-669 0-118 89-3 78-1 107-7 81-2 123-4 83-8 0-813 59 250 S by K 63 Light clouds: Ig. W. n 29-095 0-093 91-0 77-2 105-6 85-2 135-0 84-5 0-748 51 186 S by W 53 ... Light passing clouds : Ig. W. to N. 12 29-091 0-149 91-2 77-5 105'5 85-2 127-4 81-6 0-700 52 277 SW by S 43 ... Fine with light clouda. 13 29-069 0-129 92-2 76-0 106'9 84-9 139-8 85-3 0-706 47 265 W S W 60 ... Light passing clouds. 14 29-639 0-134 93-8 78-3 105-5 85-2 135-1 84-2 0-760 48 302 W S W 63 ... Do. 15 29-646 0-148 91-2 75-9 104-5 84-3 1374 83-5 0-689 40 289 SWbyS 57 Passing clouds. 1C 29-068 0:103 89-6 74-7 105-4 83-6 114-6 82-7 0-060 47 277 SSW 37 Fine with light clouds. 17 29-681 0-121 88-8 77-1 97-3 83-1 145-4 82-3 0-774 57 276 Sby E 47 Fine with passing clouds. 18 29-664 0-101 89-5 77-7 106-6 84-1 1324 83-5 0-791 60 231 S by W 57 Passing clonds. 19 29X389 0-131 897 76-8 105-7 84-0 155-8 83-6 0-748 53 284 SSW 50 Do. 20 29-731 0-094 89-6 77-3 107-8 85-3 158-4 85-1 0772 55 253 S by W 50 ... Fine with light clouds. 21 29-771 0-099 89-1 75-7 98-2 84-9 128-3 84-5 0-708 51 204 SSW 87 ... Cloudy : Ig. 22 29758 0-078 87-0 74-9 95-2 82-0 123-4 81-7 0-703 55 197 SW by S 93 0-02 Cloudy. 23 29-742 0-114 85-5 74-9 98-1 78-8 130-6 76-8 0-724 59 1 154 SWbyS 100 ... Overcast. 24 25 29745 29-792 0-094 0-130 87-1 81'o 76-8 75'3 95-4 87-0 82-3 77-6 121-2 108-6 79-5 7ii-7 0-784 0-796 00 74 137 134 South S by W 97 100 o-oi Do. Do. 20 29-787 0-106 85-6 77-6 96-3 79-0 140-0 78-1 0-S40 68 213 South 73 Cloudy : Ig. W. .27 29-733 0-167 84-9 75-7 99-6 78-2 152-2 777 0-705 64 242 SWbyS 57 0-05 Passing clouds. 28 29-698 0-164 87-5 76-0 100-0 80-4 1430 79-5 0-744 57 211 SWbyW 67 o-oi n>. 29 29-701 0-111 86-8 76'3 103-1 80-2 139-8 79-1 0-766 60 214 SSW 53 Do. | 30 29-739 0-105 87-5 76-8 95-3 81-9 117-1 81-6 0-778 60 184 ,SW by S 73 C loudy . Mean 29-704 0-121 89-2 76-8 102-9 82-9 132-2 82-1 0-758 55 233 SSW 6t 0-12 228 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1878 July. 1 Jfc Is >-5 BAROMETER REDUCE l> TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING TBERMOM ETER;. Deduced Wind CO a o 5 H General Weather Mean Kange Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Hum- Tension idity Dnily Veln- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches < o O o o Inches Cents, Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29790 0-087 80-6 75-9 87-8 74-6 120-8 74-0 0-832 79 146 S W 100 1-05 Overcast. 2 2<)-7t2 0-140 85-0 78-8 98-4 80-1 147-7 78-9 0-902 75 151 S S W 70 Passing clouds. 3 29-679 0125 84-9 78-7 94-4 81-7 139-3 80-6 0-898 75 193 South !7 1-18 Overcast : tlamdnstoini. 4 29-691 0107 81-0 77-0 88-0 74-2 108-1 73-8 0-875 83 143 Sby E 100 0-02 Overcast : th. and Ig. 5 29-770 0-075 82-6 77-8 93-2 79-2 134-3 77-8 0-889 79 153 S SE 100 Overcasi. 6 29-810 0-098 84-4 78-4 95-7 78-7 141-3 77-4 0-892 75 1 15 SE by S 27 Fine with pasting clouds. 7 29-829 0-134 78-4 74-8 83-9 74-5 101-6 0-815 84 78 S W 90 0-34 Overcast : rain. 8 29-814 0-112 79-4 747 863 76-8 1245 76-0 0-798 79 104 X N W 60 Fine with passing clouds. 9 29-814 o-in 82-7 77-5 90-4 766 135-1 75-5 0-875 78 107 j E S E 32 0-50 Fine with passing clouds: rain. 10 29-798 0-137 31 76-1 89-6 77-5 137-9 76-6 0-807 71 141 S E 17 Fine. 11 29-801 0-105 85-2 78-5 926 79-4 136-5 77-8 0-886 7:5 140 SE by E 12 Do. 12 29-764 0-140 85-9 77-1 96-0 79-3 144-5 77-6 0-813 66 152 SK by S 1 Do. 13 29-695 0-142 86-5 79-1 97-6 81-0 143-7 79-2 0-895 70 162 SE by S 12 Do. 14 29-685 0-149 85-8 77-6 993 79-4 138-3 78-8 0-837 68 170 SbyE 17 ... Do. 15 29-679 , 0-107 86-6 78-0 969 8C-0 146-3 78-5 0-844 67 151 Sby E 23 ... Fine with passing clouds. 16 29-659 0-110 86-5 78-1 99-3 82-8 141-1 82-4 0-849 67 145 SE .->" Hazy and cloudy. 17 29-683 0-086 85-4 77-2 93-8 82-1 112-5 81-6 0-824 67 5 86 191 S S W 100 051 Overcast with rain. 12 29-758 0-126 79-9 74-6 89-7 75-7 136-2 74-7 0-787 76 145 SS W 97 0-18 Do. 13 29-779 0-131 81-7 763 89-8 75-0 128-2 71-7 0-835 77 103 SWby S 98 030 Do. 14 29-811 0-145 78-8 74-5 86-9 73-9 118-0 72-9 0-799 80 107 South 97 2-21 Do. 15 29-820 0-116 82-2 77-1 91-4 777 123-4 76-7 0-864 79 173 BSE 60 Passing clouds. 16 29-797 0-136 84-1 78-1 94-6 78-7 152-7 77-7 0-881 i 75 210 S by E 60 Do. 17 29-792 0-113 84-5 76'9 94-0 77-G 142-5 76-5 0-824 70 155 S by W 73 0-04 Cloudy : Ig. S. \V. and N". W. 18 29-799 0-101 84-1 76-9 93-2 763 120-9 75-5 0-829 71 119 S W 70 Cloudy : Ig. S. 1 19 29-789 0-114 84-9 77-9 96-6 78-5 147-5 76-9 0-863 72 140 S by E 40 Fine with light clouds : Ig. W. 20 29:804 0-116 82-5 77-2 89-0 76-3 141-0 75-0 0-864 77 127 S by W 77 0-36 Cloudy : Ig. X. W. : rain. 21 29-783 0-132 83-1 76-4 94-6 77-5 146-1 75-8 0-820 72 195 S S W 70 0-29 Cloud}' : rain. 22 29-761 0-157 81-1 76-1 92-1 74-6 125-5 73-6 0-834 78 226 S by W 97 0-20 Overcast : Ig. W. and S. W. 23 29-739 0-119 83-0 76-9 92-3 76-3 149-5 74-9 0-844 75 157 S by E 60 Passing clouds : Ig. \V. and X. W. 24 29-757 0-120 84-1 77-1 05-2 78-1 149-9 76-7 0-837 72 125 Sby E 35 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. \V. 25 29-764 0-128 84-5 78-8 92-6 77-5 135-6 75-8 0-909 77 138 East 33 Fine with passing clouds. 26 29-772 0-135 83-4 76-2 95-8 75-1 149-5 73-7 0-808 70 173 South 17 Fine : Ig. S. W. 27 29-778 0-138 82-9 77-0 929 77-6 128-4 76-6 0-849 75 97 SWby S 73 Cloudy. 28 29-770 0-164 81-8 76-2 .92-6 77-3 139-7 75-9 0'830 77 107 South 73 0-01 Do. 29 29-744 0-154 83-1 75-6 n4 76-9 150-6 75-9 0-786 69 136 South 47 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. X. 30 29-765 0-111 85-0 77-4 .94-0 79-1 148-3 77-9 D-888 70 93 SEby S 23 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. \V. 31 29-816 0-129 837 76-9 90-8 79-3 141-3 7<>-8 0-834 72 104 SEby E 50 0-04 Passing clouds : Ig. X. W. tfean 29-755 1 0-124 82-7 70-1 91-6 76'8 133-2 75-6 1 0-813 73 150 S by W 72 5-62 5S 230 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1878 September. BAROMETER SKI.K KKGISTKKIM; September 187S REI'l/CED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THERMOXKTEKS Deduced Wind 3 O i (ieneral Weather Menu Range Dry- Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. I Min. Vapour ' Hum- Tension idity Daily Menu Velo- Direc- city tion Day Inches Inches O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents iichec 1 29-804 0-1JO 80-6 70-4 88-3 77-2 113-7 76-0 0-855 81 59 E X E S7 1-25 Cloudy with rain. 2 29-784 0-130 82-0 703 88-1 76-2 1444 73-8 0-831 70 SI SEbyE H 12 Fine with light clouds. 3 29783 0-115 83-6 777 89-2 79-3 143-8 77-7 0-871 75 137 SEbyS 47 Pas-ing clouds. 4 29-806 0-133 81-1 75-8 93-7 75-6 121-9 73-7 0-821 77 107 South 73 i:ss Cloudy : rain. 5 29-811 0-135 79-5 74-9 87-5 76-3 1 14-4 74-7 0-805 80 183 SS W 100 2-10 Overcast : th. Ig. and rain. 6 29-789 0-115 79-0 74-6 86-1 74-2 115-7 73-6 0-796 80 HIS S W 108 0-47 Do. : do. 7 29-794 0-125 81-5 74-9 90-3 740 136-9 74* 0-778 73 -8 145-8 753 0-737 64 171 SW by S 30 Fine. 8 29-793 0123 81-7 75-4 909 76-8 147-0 74-7 0-797 73 134 Sby K 13 Do. J9860 0-130 77-8 74-8 868 76-3 126-0 740 0-823 86 81 S E 87 0-31 Cloudy with rain. 10 29-865 0-123 793 744 87-5 74-2 109-5 72-3 0-787 78 79 NE 70 0-15 Passing clouds : rain. 11 29-890 0-103 77'7 735 85-6 72-2 139-5 70-1 0-771 81 126 NbyE 60 o-oi Passing clouds. 12 29862 0-106 78-0 72-5 87-9 70-6 112-7 67-9 0-726 76 150 N by E 40 To. 13 29-863 0-109 78-2 72-6 87-2 71-2 146-5 68-4 0-727 76 170 NbyE 40 Fine with passing clouds. 14 29-884 0-106 78-6 72-2 86-4 72-1 143-5 69-5 0-705 72 193 NbyE 50 Cloudy. 15 29-935 0-085 78-9 71-9 85-9 75-9 120-9 74-0 0-689 70 256 NE byN 67 O'Oo Do. 16 29-927 0-119 77-2 70-5 84-7 71-2 110-5 69-4 0-658 70 244 North 83 Do. 17 29929 O'lU 76-3 70-6 81-7 73-2 117-0 72-5 0-673 74 260 Nby W 90 Chiefly overcast. 18 29-912 0-102 77-1 69-2 856 69-7 144-0 67-4 0-609 65 305 Nby W 60 Passing clouds. 19 29-932 0-082 73-5 ! 70-1 79-9 75-2 92-5 73-5 0-692 83 278 X X \V 100 055 Overcast with rain. 20 29-939 0127 72-1 666 76-8 68-6 105-5 68-8 0-580 74 234 NW byN 93 Chiefly overcast. 21 29-885 0-152 73-7 668 82-5 68-2 122-7 05"5 0566 68 193 NN W 37 Light passing clouds. 22 29-873 0-117 72 -IP 00-0 84-7 fil-6 IL'77 58-3 0-560 71 142 N by W 27 Fine \vitli passing clouds. 23 29-926 0-090 73-S 66-9 83-2 662 llil-l 62-4 0-568 68 164 North 20 Fine. 24 20-967 0-094 73-1 64-9 83-2 63-1 114-3 59-4 0-507 62 174 North 33 Fine clay : cloudy uiglit. 25 29-966 0-095 74-1 68-2 82-6 68-5 113-3 >-2 0-612 72 198 Nby W 80 C'hieHy overcast. 26 29-954 0-129 W-9 72-5 87-5 70-4 1 t:s 1 BB-0 0-727 76 150 N by E 63 Cloudy. 27 29-972 0-099 79-S 74-5 87-9 75-7 1 U-:t 73-7 0-784 76 195 N E 63 Passing clouds. 28 29-981 0-118 78-7 73-4 87'5 72"2 142-9 70-7 0-753 76 163 NN E 40 Fine will' passing clouds. 29 29-998 0-133 77-8 71-8 86-2 7o-4 133-0 07-4 0700 74 102 NE by E 37 Do. 30 30-004 0-120 74-4 68-9 86-1 ae-a 140-3 64-8 0-621 71 100 N E 40 Do. 31 80-008 0120 73-6 04-1 8G-5 63-4 143-4 80-6 0-473 57 176 N NE 17 Fine. Mean 20-896 0-113 77-1 71 1 85'4 71-4 128-5 69-3 0-685 73 183 N by E 59 163 59 234 00 t^- 00 h . * xi^-sisssitocssoaicp-H .= :! 3 !> l tC O re W M M J7 -* -t x ^ -3- 1 1 as -3 E 6 -' n o -t i~ r; * 10 o 35 .2 &i -^ ?i flv -< x^ _= =S X Pi ^ CC ; S3 U3 il ?1 t~ OX C M IT X O ^ -J >3 5 ; D -H T-I x o ': i = i i iiM-*rtb Amount * Q ft O M i~ -xi O rc -s rt : : rtS- g b b~b-*i:b:bi. : -i k-5 i> 3D J 00 B TL n S" i-iO-*i'SMi9l-Oi-(i-iC> JS CO " M r* ?' - ^" 3 '^ Menu Direction 2 ^-SMS****^* 1 fjwaBB.Bj&'.S.fwi'^ a, * * w w x oo x y . - y. /. to <" H /: ? K>oa9t-Ti-<<3cmsea -S ti5vOO40t^9wM9t^ rH -, 3' X I- -- 01 Tl -t 1 IN 3 b- t- X a - 1 r-^>)NHNNr- s a ifsKoo-foot^t^os^irt-H Tfl CO t^ 00 c o 10 rj 10 3: N i^ x ^ cc o . ^i^^r. OWMCCI^CC: ,--*, rf i $* 1 J?352SS33S8i?3 S *? t t/3 4* "5 to D 2 b B d x 2 00 '/J 2 CJ * 2 > 5| .5 -' "^ l -C -t IT C5 rt -J >-S C. 1 Q I IM ?J M ^- r-l ^H N SSBJf) UO uiniuiuijf ioiaas-t<>4-iiO3eom o - 1 )' t^ 30 5 C: C; l~ "-O I tO 35 00 W ; o 35 as b >o o i~ >o io b 9 53 l~ 1- 38 00 I- t- t^ l~ I- j 'Nrj-jaj-HSKonoo oc " OB M IIIIIIUIXHJ( unc; 00 N O -H 11 <>> 3J n M S -f "5 2 as Extreme Monthly Meteorological Records Sun 'hennoiui'ter X 0) ^: .9 ^ i -< ' 30 7-1 1^ t? lO 1^ n 30 trewrsiMTOMMxrcrtri 5" O t Tl -^ S O n M is 1(5 ffl TI M n rH Meteorological If By Blandford's Tables X S Ol 3l9HM3?irC i^ ?i x re cc -j' -t i* i~ -t re ^ i* J^ on i: i^ M ^i ^- ri i^ * t -f x o -t ; o is is -t 31 O Humidity , Lowest 3' X IS O X -t -t O O r-l ^ " ^* M 71 0-1 -M ts CO .IIIO<|B\ jo 110(3110 |, / ~" /" '_T l~ 30 30 CC tO I - I - >O - 30OI^W^i!5-^ iC5C5-MX ~ ^ 1- 1^ X X 1- 30 l~ l~ l~ O _= o5ib6666656b CM l^ b I^O3C^ ^H^-^-Mft-f^H a) -twx-rccn^-t-f-tcc-f "a a Lowest a 1 35 s i- is -r r. i- -- 3! os c: en 3 " M <-i IN -. N 03 3 C C < T3 Wet Bulb B 3 i M i-i-*a>ioooooiN--D S ~-30 -fW-fCOCOO30 E S K S P- t- i~ i-. i~ t~ S S o c; r; s-*-* -o IH x o i-Hppqp>ai-iaa^|io<-i o ^ -^i b r i) ^5 10 o ri -M ! t^ l^ t* l>. t^. l> l- !* t-^ t> ^ 35 * o r: ^ -^ n C C O X ^H t^ i^ 35 -c -c :c \s i~ i t- s t> : t \ c E u _c ;-H J3 X t | 'f o en O J3 tc n a" 31 l~ -* * "5 -* i O 35 M (3 Tl 71 ?1 ,-. M C rs ^ 2 .*_ C s u s en rt -c r S Dry Bulb Tlu-rmometer E 1 i-HM3-.XO5I^O IO o a - ia ,> o m ^* ^* w * r^- J rCOO^?l3S>IC5IO ;: !: S ?' ?< '"- ^ r 1 ^ ?' ^ "i .= M iC5O-tsioja>S'N-Ti S i 3 Mjb^i't^.MMqooo5-i < o i' 35 ^ re i) i ri b i'~ o 30303!Ssa.O050:3JSa030 CO fin 35 5* rH C-. C: M -C ^ ri tC l g FH i n i ^ *i C5C5rtD-H'SrCS-tiOXl>- a 1 0) s 3SK>OINO>I-CO30'* I t ri X 8 : sasi|asfesss o aox^-t-fi^aiw^eo 6si^ l l~ X 30 30 X 30 X 30 30 l l~ L_ nr rt S BarutiKMrr 1 ? 3 8 i' "=' .': 5 5 ? x ? S -r cc ?i r: rt rt ri rt T>I 01 M cc - ^ c obbobbbobooo i Barometer i- SL 21 l fe |2 XO-hTlso '-t i - j i::reMMM .riroM rt -* M b _o boooobobbboo O> t M p * O >O X 1 -O | s s 1 1 e | 2 fi K e 7 % 30 3> 71 Lowest ;: -, i^ -i - -* r. .7 j: -M 10 Q ri r: ?i i w 1^- O O ?C "f 1" W O <>1 3D - 5<5s$flpeo3'-t * ^ ^ S OO353ia5CC-a5CO5C5CS _ M SO *l M C-l 71 N II 99 drl H jfl 1 Anuual js a a s ?. s f; ? i f, f; g 5- "S S ^* ^i--t-t?i^.-fos7a Q pH rH r-i T) ?l <~l pH (M C-l M SXiOl^tOX^-fOiCC^Xi i?C 50 2 M -f X 1- ^ w 5 . 3 J" 3 ^ : i.S-;3-s^<5y. OS5O C" h J L b i J ^ S iiitis^HIII -i-s-<~~^ /;Q 235 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1879 January. 3D L 3 5 a *-3 BAROMKTER RKIH'CKD TO 32 Corrc Me Tempo Dry eteil an rat n re Wet SKIP REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds *3 M General Weather Moan K;tltge Dry Sun G rass Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches D o o O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 30-019 0-120 75-1 62-9 85-2 63-2 1 15- 1 58-6 0-412 47 171 X X E 53 ... Fine day : cloudy night. t 30-00-2 : 0-112 ] 75'9 059 87-0 72-3 145-0 71-7 0-505 56 161 Nby E 53 ... Cloudy day : tine night. 3 i 29-995 0-099 30-031 0-091 77'5 77 108-9 (58-9 0-704 77 300 N N W 87 0-02 Overcast 22 29-931 0-109 77-7 74-8 84-5 73-2 118-7 73-0 0-822 86 218 . N E 97 0-73 Overcast : rain. 23 29-981 0-114 78-5 72-(i 84-3 74-8 139-8 72-8 0-723 74 147 E by S 37 ... Fine wicli passing clouds. 21 25 29-978 29-99 1 0-12!! 0-130 773 77-2 71-5 71-4 83-5 86-1 09-6 69-3 141-8 127'0 67-8 66-6 0-696 0-693 74 73 120 E by X 137 X E 4O 33 ... Do. Do. 26 30-032 0- 1 22 75-4 67-2 83-5 66-2 138-8 63-6 0-558 63 148 ;XEby X 13 ... Fine. 27 30-033 0-1 2(i 74-8 65-7 81-5 65-6 141-7 68-8 0-512 60 1 14 NE by N 20 Do 2S 89406 0-139 74-(i 66-0 84-7 66-5 142-7 63-(i 0-526 61 121 X X K 30 Fine with passing clouds. 29 29-974 0-170 74-8 66-2 8G-2 63-8 146-6 60-7 0-530 61 128 : X by E 33 Kine with light clouds. 30 30-028 0-119 74-0 Ii7'5 8(5-5 65-3 136-7 60-8 0-589 70 125 : X X E 17 Do. 81 BODS? 0-123 74-2 68-5 86-8 65-f! 142-5 63-8 0-622 73 146 174 X by E 33 Fine with passing clouds. Mean 29-982 0-120 75-8 68-7 85-7 68-0 13.V5 65-5 OlilO 68 X X E 45 1 30 236 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1879 February. BAROMETER SKI.K KEGISTKRING Fein-nary 1870 REDUCED TO 32" Menu Bange Corrected Mean Temperature TIIEKMOMKTKKS Deduced Wind ^ 1 e ~ . 74-5 67-4 85-4 656 143-1 62-4 2 30-061 0-133 73-4 65-5 85-7 62-8 139-9 59-1 0-525 63 w K x !: 10 Fine. 3 30-054 0-114 739 65-5 85-8 637 142-8 59-8 0516 61 M KNK :t7 Fine with pa>!ii].i.' eloud*. 4 30-071 0-116 77-9 66-6 86-8 69-5 143-1 666 0-502 52 200 X E 57 I'aseirs; clouds. 5 30-069 0-111 77-4 66-1 86-8 71-0 148-5 67-6 U'4'.KJ 52 17u Nby E 57 Do. 6 30-022 0-128 743 66-3 85-8 65-8 1467 t>2-0 0-540 63 155 X l>y K 10 Fine. 7 30-000 0-089 747 66-2 85-0 62-3 146-4 58-6 0-531 61 Ufi NK E 17 Do. 8 29-991 0-115 7ti 1 69-1 86-8 68-1 1 15 7 65-4 0-615 67 132 NE byN 20 Do. 9 29-987 0-080 70-3 67-5 86-5 653 145-5 61-7 0-557 61 108 E X E 17 Da 10 30-004 0-099 76-1 70-0 86-7 65-2 143-4 62-8 0-053 73 110 E X E 23 r'ine with light clouds. 11 30-014 0-104 77-6 71-4 87-7 66-4 144-0 63-6 0-087 72 120 EbyN 43 Fine with pnsfiiifr rloiulg. 12 30-009 0-124 78-8 72-9 88-2 71-8 140-4 69-7 0-730 74 127 EN E 50 Do. 13 30-014 0-146 79-1 726 89-1 70-3 147-5 67-6 0-712 72 121 EN E 37 ... Do. 14 29-995 0-146 78-9 72-2 87-9 70-0 145-7 66-9 0-701 71 103 EbyN 30 Do. 15 29-968 0-107 77-0 70-9 87-0 68-5 145-7 66-3 0-076 73 124 EbyN 33 Do. 10 29-921 0-132 77-:t 69-8 86-7 68-5 145-1 65-3 0-629 67 125 EbyN 30 Do. 17 29-929 0-125 77-0 675 86-6 66-1 148-7 63-4 0-548 59 111 XEbyE 30 D... 18 U 29-949 29-929 0-101 0-132 77'7 78-3 69-5 70-3 87-0 88-3 673 68-0 137-4 144-4 7 Da 23 29-849 0-147 80-5 73-9 87-9 755 1401 74-7 0-719 72 ISO E by S 33 Uu. 24 29-922 0-093 79-2 71-9 89-1 717 140-5 68-9 0-685 68 151 E X K 20 Da '25 29-947 O'lll 7!t7 71-6 89-1 702 145-1 67'8 0-668 66 \-M XEbyE 23 Da 20 29-929 0-123 79-3 713 88-5 69-3 140-3 (>0-4 0-661 66 I.'!,-, \ K :;:: Do. 27 29-883 0135 78-6 728 90-1 690 147-5 60-0 0-710 72 94 E by X 20 Fine. as 29-869 0135 79-9 72-8 92-6 87'6 70-2 1520 07-1 0-713 70 113 K s K 1 Da Mew 29967 0-120 776 70-0 68-0 144-0 65-7 0634 67 1 i-s EN K 31 Krt. 237 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1879 March. liAROMFTKR SKLF REGISTERING Wind RKDfl'El) TO 32 Corrected TllKKMOMKTKRS Moan Deduced X 1 'emperature Dry Sun Grass General Weather. *-< 53 .Menu Killlirr Dry \\ot Miiv. ilin. J[iix. Min. Vapour Huiu- L'ension idity Daily Velo- city Mcau Direc- tion 'JO -3 O 5 '5 Day nches 1 iii-lii'- O O 1 ill-lies Cents Miles Points Cents nolies 1 29-8 Mi Q-188 82-3 70-4 90'0 72-7 150-0 7o-o 0-584 52 173 SEby S 7 ... Kim-. 28-868 0-113 81-1 711 90-1 73-7 I is-:! 71-2 0-750 71 175 S E 13 Do. :i 29-870 0-110 81-7 75-8 92-0 75-1 1 18- 1 73-0 0-813 75 174 S E 33 Fine with pasniu',' .--lourls. I j;t sir, i.i- 1 13 81-2 73-9 93-8 7 I' 1 1 17-9 72-0 0-740 70 199 SEbyS 17 Fine. 29-877 0-110 80-7 73-7 ss- 1 73-0 147-9 7ii-9 0-739 ! 71 174 S E 10 Do. 29-911 0-113 80-3 73-0 88-9 72- 1 1 17-9 C.S3 0-715 08 129 SE by E 10 Do. 7 29-974 , 0-130 80-3 72-9 8H-9 7-21 147-9 09-8 0-710 08 100 Eby S 20 Do. S 29-980 0-131 80-0 733 89-9 72-1 140-4 09-2 0-723 68 75 East 40 Fine with passing rl<>mls. <) 29-973 0-128 79-2 71-7 89-3 70-4 U.V2 07'0 0-077 68 83 East '27 Fine. 10 29-9.1S o-]4i 77-1 09-8 87-5 07-2 1 i;V5 63-4 0-632 67 93 E S E 17 Do. ]1 W908 0-133 78-2 70-8 89-2 65-3 147-2 oi-t 0-655 68 130 S E 10 ... ' Do. 12 29-852 ; 0-103 79-0 72'7 895 69-9 1 19-2 66-0 0-713 70 136 SEbyE 10 Do. 11 29-827 0-127 80-1 j 72-1 901 69-1 149-0 65-2 0-678 64 144 SEbyE 17 Do. U 29-805 j 0-130 81-4 75-0 90-0 72-2 149-9 68-3 0-783 73 161 SEbyE 17 Do. 13 29-866 0-130 81-2 74-5 91-7 72-4 148-6 69-0 0-765 72 113 SEbyE 20 ... Do. Hi 29-868 0-144 81-4 73-7 92-2 73-5 149-0 70-7 0-729 68 121 SE by E 23 ... Fine wit h passing clouds. 17 29-808 0-123 78-8 73-2 92-9 08- 1 140-3 04-2 0-711 76 103 E S E 37 Do. 18 29-893 o-iio 81-8 751 89-0 74-0 118-4 71-9 0-782 72 100 ES E 87 Cloudy. 1!) 29'85(i 0-130 81-0 7">'7 92-1 77-1 138-0 74-5 0-778 06 146 SK by E 07 Do. 20 29-860 0-133 78'0 74-2 85-0 75-1 114-1 73-9 0-787 80 104 SE by S 92 0-60 Cloudy : \tf. S. \V. : raiu. 21 29-882 o-lll 79-3 i 74-2 80-9 70-3 1 13-3 69-6 O779 78 113 SE by S 80 0-58 Than don torra : cloudy. 22 29-949 0-151 80-3 75-0 87-8 73-1 142-4 72-0 0-797 76 100 SE by E tf 0-32 Passing clouds : raiu. 23 29-951 0-127 82-2 70-0 90-9 75-7 141-9 74-o 0-815 74 91 INK by E 32 Fine with passing clouds. 24 29-'.) U 0-12G BV8 75-3 89-9 717 1 H-0 72-9 0791 73 77 E by X 43 Do. 25 29-961 O'l 00 82-4 75'7 90-8 74-5 150-3 727 0-799 72 91 ; E by N 37 Do. 20 29-968 0-131 83-2 70-4 90-0 76-1 117-2 73-9 0-819 \ 71 112 i E by X 50 Passing clouds. I i7 29-9C.O 0-161 81-7 74-9 913 75-0 150-4 73-0 0-774 71 79 | E by S 40 Fiuc with passing clouds. 28 29-901 0-1 (Mi 80-9 71 -2 93-2 71-8 118-9 08-9 0-686 60 113 1 SEbyS 23 Fine. 29 29-839 o-i. ->o 81-G 73-1 96-3 71-1 147-0 liS'7 0'702 65 134 , S .S E 27 Fine with liahl (Clouds. 30 29-847 0-116 82-7 75-2 92-1 70-1 1390 7I". 0-774 09 15S S E 17 Fine. 31 29-&S7 0-141 81-9 74-1 90-5 75-3 124-4 73-5 0-739 68 112 SE by I 30 Fine with lis^lit clouds. Mean 29-900 0-133 80-9 73-8 90-5 72-8 144-0 70-2 0-739 70 124 SEby V 32 |-5o 4J0 238 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1879 April. o: '* < BABOMETKH KKHrCKD TO 32 Corrected HMD Tempo ratun SKI.K UK THERM Dry HISTKKI JJJETKB Bon xo 1 Grass Dediu-i'il Wind X o i (iciH'rai \\ .:illi?r Filn> illl Ij.j-lit rl,, ii, l>. Meaii Raiige Dry Wet Max. Min. MHZ. Miii. \'aiKiiir Tonsil in Hum- idity Daily Moan Vrl>- I>ilvr- city tion Day 1 1 nches 29-873 Inches 0-126 Inches 0-724 Owl iii) M ill's (IS J'nintB K S K Oenti 27 Indie 80-5 733 89-8 72 1 146-5 69-0 '2 29-808 0-152 82-1 738 !ll -4 7to 128-4 724 0-7*8 M 1 15 S h) :!ii Fine \vil li ].iis>ino rlninl>. :t 29-S28 0-117 833 7 til 91-1 71-2 1463 71-9 (WM 65 L88 s i; l:t Fine. 4 29-848 0-125 84-4 77-1 92-4 77 ."> 1 I.Y 7 75-1 0-833 7d LM SK l,y S Mil Fini- will, lisrlit i-l..mU. 5 29-807 0-145 83-7 77'7 931 77 1 1 I'.l'l 74-!) ns7o 7.-. 17.-, SK l,y S In r:liiii:- dl l> 29775 0-138 843 776 !I7H 7s- 1 ir.o-0 7.V.I 0-857 7:i 218 PK l.y S 20 Fine iviili passing rlninl.<. 7 29-778 0-134 84-0 78-7 921 7S7 1 11 1 76-9 0-911 ( ^ 191 SE liy I 40 l';t ^-iiiL'' i-li-llil> 8 29-759 o-ni 8S-3 7s 1 '.07 773 1.50-4 74'! ll-CH 71 106 V. S K -n Finr. 9 29759 0-109 85'3 7V7 975 775 ] is-r, 75-8 0-803 74 132 SK l,y K 17 D,,. 10 29-790 0-130 84-7 77-1 B8-I 77-3 1 19-2 74-6 0-830 70 LM 8K l,y K 1:1 Bo. 11 29-769 0-138 850 78-7 95-5 76-2 149-5 73-6 0-897 7t 116 S K 17 l.iglil | rloinl.s. 12 29-701 0-128 85-1 790 9.V4 79-0 1 Hi-3 76-9 0-910 76 178 SKbyS ::; l.iirlit olouils. IS 29-767 0-127 S60 79 1 102-9 79-8 111-7 78-7 0-901 72 241 S S V: M Fine with liphi cloinls. \ 1 29-787 0-109 86-4 776 119-S 80-7 145-1 79-5 Q-8S9 M 220 S S K 80 Do. 15 29-756 0-169 86-8 77-1 1083 so- 7 155-7 79-9 o-soi 63 212 s .v i: / Fine. 16 29-725 0-167 S77 76-0 104-2 W'B I5TH 80-1 0-829 62 Q 24 Sby E :(7 !,!_ Iii |. as-in^ cloinlg. 17 2'.i'7ll 0-149 86-3 79-0 ico-o M :; lls-l 80-6 0-8W N 40 SB by a l'aili^' clillil^. KS 29-778 0-127 86-0 79-2 !H-7 -2 UK; 80-1 0-907 72 Effi S K N Fine vvilli passing C|MH,JV. 111 29-785 0-133 85-1 79-0 90-8 81-1 U5-6 80-3 O'OIO 71; 291 s i-: to Do. 20 K-M0 0-144 84-7 7sr, 906 M :: 139-5 80-3 0-S97 76 tm SE :KI Kini' ith passing rli'uds : li;. \\ . 21 29-829 0-138 ws 7!X> fle-i SI :( 14 1 80-6 0932 76 2CO S K 17 Fine. 22 29817 0-144 85-3 Itrk BS-j sn-i! 139-6 7!i-l 0931 7(i BOO MO hi 10 37 l-'inr i\ iili pHsinj; rli u.l- tt 29-84 71 209 SE by E n Do. 26 88-871 0-137 SI'l 773 92-2 72 78-1 95-2 78-6 145-4 763 0-854 68 236 S E 18 Fine. 2 29757 0-128 8i;-l 79-3 93-4 81-2 148-8 80-3 0-910 72 277 S E 13 Do. 3 29-751 0-135 86-9 78-6 96-1 81-1 117-1 80-1 0-867 6S 249 SE by S 17 Do. 4 29-760 0-113 86-4 77'7 95-7 79-1 138-4 77-1 0-833 66 253 S E 17 Do. 5 29-7M 0-153 86-4 78-0 103-0 1 77'6 147-3 76-1 0-846 67 261 SEbyS 17 Do. 6 29-700 0-156 88-3 78-6 100-5 82-2 149-2 81-1 (isis 61 321 SS E 13 Do. 7 29-699 0-128 89-3 78-2 K4 82-4 148-2 81-5 0-816 59 : IS S S E 10 To. 8 29-742 o-io.-j 87-3 79-6 94-7 83-4 149-4 82-9 0-908 ! 70 321 SE by S 17 Do. 9 29-765 0-130 86-5 79-5 93-4 8-S 140-3 82-1 0915 72 298 SE by S 23 To. 10 29-761 0-121 85-9 78-7 93-6 81-5 146-2 80-5 0-885 72 280 S E 13 Do. 11 29-796 0-117 86-5 79-2 93-7 81-6 132-8 81-1 0-901 71 270 S K 27 Fine with light clouds. 12 29-808 0-130 8i>-3 77-9 93-8 78-8 1172 77-1 0-843 67 195 S E 17 Fine. 13 29-798 o-iio 86-0 77-1 94-7 78-6 145-6 76-6 0-825 66 181 S E 27 Fine with passing clouds. 11 29-803 0-l-(i 86-1 77'7 91-8 79-4 147-6 78-1 0-837 67 213 ; S E 23 Do. 15 29-774 0-1 H 85-1 78-7 93-5 78-4 149-4 76* 0-895 74 201 S E 27 Do. 16 29-749 0-130 85-6 78-4 94-6 79-5 147-1 77-S 0876 72 206 S E 30 Fine with light clouds. 17 29-681 0-145 86-5 77-7 91-2 80-8 140-3 79-1 0-832 66 184 SE by S 57 Cloudy. 18 20-602 o-ioo 88-4 78-3 103-9 81-3 130-2 80-0 0-834 62 145 SE by S 7o Bo. 19 29-626 0-110 S2-4 73-0 90-8 77-5 111-3 75-7 0-686 61 243 N N W loo 0-13 Overcast : a cyclone approaching. 20 29-482 0- 1 76 77-0 72-1 78-9 78-0 80-6 74-8 0723 77 392 W by N 100 3-25 Overcast with rain. 21 29-457 -0-035 77-7 72-1 83-4 71-3 114-2 67-8 0-714 75 563 South 93 1-04 A cyclone passing to X. of Madias. 22 29-628 0-090 82-1 75-:s 87-2 76-5 122-8 75-3 0-787 71 371 S S E 77 Cloudv "with strong wind. 23 29-683 0-121 83'0 75- 1 94-4 76-2 130-4 75-o 0-779 69 243 , S by E 83 Cloudy. 24 29-692 0-118 85-5 74-6 98-4 7(1-1 121-6 73-6 0'711 58 192 S by W 67 Do. 25 29-658 0-141 85-3 76-4 98-8 80-2 1135 79-4 0-790 64 201 S by W 63 Do. 26 29-639 0- 1 52 88-3 73-9 98-3 81-8 145-6 81-0 0-643 48 263 SWbyS 73 To. 27 29-632 0-114 84-5 73-0 96-5 78-4 135-6 77-6 0-658 56 200 SW by S 80 Do. 28 29-650 0-146 88-6 74-9 100-2 81-6 145-2 81-0 0-681 51 272 KW by W 73 I'o. 29 29-652 0-157 87-5 75-4 99-6 81-7 147-5 80-6 0-718 55 208 S S W 73 To. 30 29-642 0-127 86-1 75-0 97-4 82-2 1200 81-4 0-720 58 244 SWby W 100 Overcast. 31 29-666 0109 87-o 7 t'5 97-2 80-0 1306 78-8 0-687 54 230 W S W 97 o-oi Eo. Mean 29-694 0-125 85-6 76-7 95-3 79-7 136-2 78-3 0-801 65 257 S by E 49 4-43 Note. The Cyclone reached the Nellore coast on the morning of the 21st. The greatest force of the wind at Madras was 43 miles pel hour (S. S. W.) : the- lowest reading of the barometer (reduced) was 29'152 between 4-30 A.M. and 5-30 A.M. on the 2Ut. Eain fell during 29 hours, continuously- from 6 A.M. oil the 20th to 9 A.M. on the 21st, but the rate never exceeded 0'41 inches per hour. 240 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1879 June. BAKOMKTKE SELF UK<;ISTKKIM; UKIHTKK TO 32 Corrected TlIKKJIOMKTKKS Mi'. .11 - 1). ..In. '.Ml Wind g Moan Ran'."' fenipe Dry rature \V,M I) Max. ry Min. San Grass Min. Viiponr IJmn- Tonsion iditv Daily Mean Velo- Direc- city tion X 13 5 'x 5 <;'iic'i-al \\Vather M:l\. Pay [nohei 1 nehes D o lllC'lli'S IV, its IGlea Points Oenti Im-hcs 1 29706 0-135 S'.fJ 74-1 101 1 79-2 115-1 77-7 0-1)13 *7 262 SW by W M 1'a^iiii; clouds. i 29-712 0-140 S.V9 75-4 102-8 si 1 152-5 80-7 0-74'J 59 171 SW by S ti:i 0-26 Pjis-ini; i-l'iinls : ruin. A J8-7S6 I0!t 81-9 7n. t 88-768 Ul 85-5 747 98-9 793 1504 77'7 0'7I5 5s 255 S by W n l'u-.-i,l- .].,,!> : 1-. S. W. 6 K-809 0-12!) 83-5 76-a 99-6 78-0 1504 77-7 0-810 70 .'.-).-, S l,y W / <> O-67 Cloudy : th. and !_'. V. W. 7 .'!-7!MI U-12S s*-j 76-9 95-0 71't 145-8 73'! 0-827 70 217 SW 73 ii-iiit l'.i^-in_' cloud-;. IS 29738 o-l ( 81- 2 772 !I7 J 794 1361 77-9 0-840 72 186 S by W 57 IHH Do. 9 29701 o-l IS 86-6 7H-3 1015 78-4 145-3 77'(i .l"C,S 67 190 Sooth M I'aK-iiii.' , -Ion, Is: In. W. ID anon 0-117 84-2 765 !>7-3 79-3 141-4 7S-7 0-810 i>!i 151 S S W 90 Cloudy : !_'. \V. 11 2'.)-(5SN 0-1 2S SI -li 761 97'H 80-0 13.C2 79-7 0-787 6!i ISC, S S W 70 Cloudy : lu. S. W. 1 "' muse O'OiK) 85-9 755 loo-o so- 7 143-3 80-0 0744 M 207 South 4'J l/iirln ii'; I'loud.x. 18 _'9-67l- O-OS3 8(5-2 760 101-6 80-5 149-8 79-2 0-761 61 187 S by W W Kin' vvitli liu'lil clouds. 14 _'9-r,s:i O'1O7 887 76-9 98-1 SI -3 145-5 80-7 07(>7 56 192 South 50 Liiflit iiiissin:; i-l.nnU. 15 29-677 0'O!3 87-9 774 100-9 81-4 146-0 80-8 0-799 60 208 S by W M I'a-si,,^ clouds. 16 29-68:> 0145 83-0 75-5 91-1 774 117-9 76-3 0783 69 140 \V \,\ N 93 (l-(Hi Cl.,,idy. 17 _".Mw5 0120 s.v t 76-0 96-0 80-4 U4-2 79-2 (1772 63 isr, S S K 93 : I-;. S. \V. 18 BB-678 O-1O4 S2-1 74-8 ss-i 763 1094 7 t'ti 0-765 M Hill W S W 92 in is Cloudy. 19 29-660 0104 sin 7--.-S !!.-,- 1 78-8 139-t 76-6 0-770 64 171 South 70 im| Ho. 20 29-042 0-096 Sii-2 77- loo-i sl-i I5t' 77-3 0-832 67 192 S by K 53 l':.--|.|.4 cloud- : lif. N". W. 21 29-662 O'O'JS S3-.-, 77-1 93-s 762 132 4 74-0 D-Mf 73 178 Snitli M 1 5 Cloudy : niin. 22 39-6M ii-ll 1 81-9 75-8 80-4 77'2 1 10 li 7 Hi 0-811 75 195 SVVbyS n O'OI Overcoat. 23 99408 0-121 7S-9 75-1 81-3 77-0 93-7 75-3 0-821 S2 114 SWbyS 97 0-17 OV.TCMSI : rain. 24 29-732 0'09li St-2 712 96-3 76-9 14:1-8 753 0-712 60 198 S W 77 o-:i'i L.'loudv : rain. 25 29-749 0-119 82-1 746 95-9 7U7 133-6 751 0757 (i!t 210 S S W so 0-20 Cl ly : lir. \. .4- 8.1 rain. 26 29'72* 0-13S svo 75-7 92-0 77-7 133-6 75-8 0-778 67 184 S by W M 0-05 Clii.'ll.v ,,v,-i'c:,.| : 1.;. X. & S. 27 _>s K-IIS* 82-4 75-1 ss-.x 77 * 1 16 9 75-6 0-774 69 131 SbyW M n 112 O\ crca-i 28 29-7-W O-063 84-5 73-6 914 78-9 I2!HI 77-1 0-683 58 205 S S W <:t Cl .inly. 29 nt 0-107 83-2 74-7 96-1 79-6 119-6 78-0 0-746 65 173 8 by W N OUT II.. 30 29-742 0-121 82-1 84-5 73-9 86-6 77'S lio-i 77-8 0-727 66 188 S S.W 97 Do. Mean 29-712 0-114 75-8 95-9 78-7 135 9 77-2 0-775 65 195 S S W 73 2-10 241 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1879 July. o> s K a 1-5 BAROMKTEK REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind DC * 5 8 General Weather Mean Kange Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Miix. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Indies Indies o o o O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 29739 0-112 Hl-2 75-1 97-0 77-5 110-8 75-5 0-750 64 209 S S W 90 Chiefly overcast. 2 29-761 0-127 84-7 74-6 94-1 77-8 130-3 76-9 0-712 61 210 South 97 To. 3 29762 0-124 85-8 74-1 95-0 79-1 120-8 77-7 0-686 56 236 SWbyS 93 Cloudy. 4 29-748 0-129 86-2 75-3 94-7 78-8 121-8 0-731 58 191 SWbyS 92 0-03 Do. 5 29-749 0-136 83-2 75-2 98-6 79-1 132-1 777. 0-768 07 173 SWbyS 83 0-12 Cloudy : rain. 6 29-707 0-136 82-1 74-4 96-2 76-7 129-8 75-0 0-749 68 187 8 by W 87 0-06 Cloudy. 7 29-689 0-150 84-3 77-2 103-1 77-7 146-8 75-8 0-839 72 221 S S W 68 0-03 Eo. 8 29-680 0-131 84-2 75-9 98-7 77-7 148-2 75-9 0-784 66 205 S S W 67 Do. 9 29-699 0-112 87-3 76-4 100-5 79-5 135-5 78-2 0-763 58 224 Sby W 60 o-oi Passing clouds. 10 29-705 0-112 84-9 75-0 100-6 77-6 140-3 75'5 0-736 61 203 Sby W 47 0-02 Fine with passing clouds. 11 29-686 0-119 85-1 75-8 99-1 77-5 137-7 76-1 0-768 63 216 South 50 Passing clouds : Ig. S. E. 12 29-727 0-107 86-2 77-2 101-6 77-8 139-5 76-7 0-813 65 258 SbyE 63 Passing clouds. 13 29-772 0-106 85-8 76-5 98-9 80-2 134-9 79-1 0-788 64 06 Sby E 53 Do. 14 29-783 0-101 82-6 75'5 96-1 76-6 143-8 75-9 0-789 71 171 S by W 70 0-72 Cloudy : rain. 15 29-731 0-099 83-7 76-0 93-5 76-3 146-8 75-0 0-795 69 140 S S E 47 ... Fine with passing clouds. 16 29-713 0-118 84-2 76-4 96-3 78-1 145-1 76-4 0-806 68 133 SbyE 63 Cloudy : Ig. 17 29-731 0-122 78-9 74-8 86-7 74-9 122-4 73-8 0-809 82 146 Wby S 97 1-64 Cloudy : rain. 18 29-733 0-116 80-2 75-7 85-8 78-5 110-9 72-8 0-829 80 106 W S W 97 0-54 Chiefly overcast : rain. 19 29-748 0-C98 81-8 76-4 91-8 75-4 134-4 73-6 0-838 77 111 NN W 70 0-07 Cloudy. 20 29-706 0-108 82-8 77-2 92-3 77-6 139-9 76-6 0-860 77 117 EbyS 60 Passing clouds. 21 29-703 0-105 83-5 76-4 90-0 78-6 137-9 77-0 0-815 71 123 SEbyE 57 Do. 22 29-730 0-092 83-2 76-8 89-3 78-3 139-9 76-2 0-836 73 119 E S E 40 o-oi Fine with light clouds. 23 29-741 0-117 84-1 76-8 90-3 77-4 142-9 75-7 0-824 71 113 EbyN 33 Fine with passing clouds. 24 29-724 0-116 84-2 77-2 91-4 79-1 144-0 77-6 0-840 72 86 East 50 Do. 25 29-712 0-131 84-4 76-9 92-1 78-5 132-7 77-6 0-825 70 138 S E 37 To. 26 29-671 0-133 82-7 76-4 90-1 78-3 110-4 76-8 0-826 73 144 SS E 77 Cloudy. 27 29-664 0-101 84-2 76-9 95-3 78-3 126-3 76-9 0-827 72 188 S by E 70 Do. 28 29-686 0-092 83-1 76-2 92-7 79-2 125-9 78-7 0-811 71 163 S W 87 0-37 Cloudy : rain. 29 29-668 0-145 82-4 74-6 90-8 76-2 117-6 75-6 0-753 67 193 SWbyN 98 0-29 Overcast : rain. 30 29-627 0-141 82-8 75-3 92-4 77-3 120-9 75-6 0-777 69 158 SWbyW 83 0-39 Cloudy : win. 31 29-655 0-124 84-6 75-7 93-2 76-8 123-4 756 0-769 64 68 179 SWbyW 80 Cloudy. Mean 29-715 0-118 83-8 75-9 94-5 77-8 132-1 76-3 0-791 170 SbyW 70 4-30 61 242 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1879 August. 1 1 p BAROMETER KKDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING TlIKKMOMETERS Deduced Wiiid X a o 5 '3 H General Weather Mean Bange Dry Son Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hntn- idity Daily \Ylo". city Mean Direc- tion Day 1 Inches 29-679 Inches 0-130 Inches 0-687 Cents 56 Miles 203 Points w s w Cents A Inches Cloudy. 86-4 74-0 93-6 79-5 136-8 78-3 2 29-675 0-128 84-0 75-6 96-8 78-1 143-7 76-6 0-773 66 195 KVVbyW 73 o-io Do. 3 29-687 0-114 83-8 736 92-6 79-8 120-5 78-4 0-692 60 238 SWbyW 100 0-06 Overcast. 4 29-682 0-141 85-9 75-0 97-2 77-2 145-2 76-4 0-722 58 214 SWbyW 70 o-oi Cloudy. 5 29-687 0-130 85-6 75-1 91-4 79-5 140-5 78-7 0-731 59 214 SW liyS 70 Do. 6 29-712 0-101 85-4 74-3 93-2 78-4 125-9 76-0 0-700 58 200 S W 77 o-oi Do. 7 29751 0-109 85-0 74-7 93-2 78-6 149-1 77-5 0-722 59 215 Sonth 47 Fiiio with ]>aHin*; cloudg. 8 29-769 0-116 85-0 74-3 100-1 80-0 152-7 78-6 0-705 59 159 Sby W 80 0-02 Cloudy. 9 29-792 0-107 84-1 74-8 92-6 79-6 128-7 78-1 0-740 62 163 Sby W 97 Do. 10 29-754 0-137 88-0 72-8 99-7 80-1 150-5 78-6 0-603 46 230 SWbyW 67 Do. 11 29-750 0-121 89-9 74-6 100-1 83-4 140-8 80-7 0-650 46 236 SWbyW 50 Do. 12 29-748 0-144 88-1 74-9 101-1 79-3 145-9 77-6 0-688 52 221 S S W 57 Passing clouds. 13 29-800 0-121 83-6 74-5 92-1 81-6 110-5 80-8 0-738 64 181 SSW 85 Cloudy ilay : tine night. 14 29-805 0-144 84-3 75-3 92-1 78-9 110-5 78-2 0-757 64 174 S W n 1-20 Cloudy : th. W : rain. 15 29-774 0-158 78-9 74-4 89-1 75-0 142-6 70-4 0-793 80 140 Sby W 95 0-48 Overcast : th. : rain. 1C 29-769 0-129 79-8 74-5 84-6 74-2 114-4 72-5 0-784 76 160 Sby W 85 0-25 Cloudy : lg. : rain. 17 29-806 0-116 79-7 74-4 85-9 76-3 112-6 74-9 0-781 76 89 S W 100 Overcast. 18 29-826 0-137 75-8 73-0 77-6 73-1 83-7 71-6 0-776 86 134 SWbyW 100 1-L'O Ovon-ast : rain. 19 29-795 0-137 78-5 74-4 83-6 75-3 1126 74-0 0-798 82 87 SSW 97 0-07 Chiefly (ivi-rciisl. 20 29-756 0-147 81-9 74-4 88-5 75-3 122-3 73-7 0-751 tt 132 SWbyS 90 ... Cloudy. 21 29-729 0-128 83-6 74-9 93-2 76-4 148-2 74-7 0-749 64 187 S S W 60 Passing clouds. 22 29-769 0-153 78-8 74'5 82-3 75-1 115-9 73-5 0-798 80 116 S W J7 0-07 Chiefly overcast. 23 29-774 0-128 81-8 75-0 91-2 75-4 134-0 73-8 0-778 71 148 SSW 70 0-06 Passing clouds. 24 29-756 0-137 83-2 74-9 03-4 74-7 134-8 73-7 0-755 65 131 8 Why 8 60 Do. 25 29-727 0-140 82-7 75-7 93-1 78-1 128-2 76-4 0-796 71 130 SbyW 60 Cloudy day : fine night. 28 29-734 0-135 83-0 75-6 93-9 77-1 130-2 75-5 0-787 69 123 Sby W 83 0-08 Cloudy. 27 29-762 0-097 80-2 75-3 88-3 74-4 148-7 73-4 0-812 78 149 South 70 0-33 Passing clouds : rain. 28 29-771 o-ioo 80-5 74-9 88-7 71-5 115-9 70-7 0-791 76 170 S W 87 0-92 Cloudy : rain. 29 29-740 0-159 78-7 73-4 90-8 73-2 114-6 72-5 0-753 76 145 s w 83 1-54 Overcast : thunderstorm. 30 29-678 0-114 79-3 74-3 89-2 72-0 118-9 71-2 0-782 78 150 8 W 98 0-19 Overcast with rain. 31 29-648 0-126 81-3 74-3 90-5 77-0 110-6 75-7 0-755 71 150 S\VI,y\V 90 0-02 Cloudy. Mean 29-745 0-129 82-8 74-6 91-7 77-0 128-7 75-6 0-746 67 168 SWbyS 80 li-c,] 243 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1879 September. September 1879 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32" Corrected Mean Temperature SELF KEQISTEBING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 1 o c 1 General Weather Mean Kange Dry Suu Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. 1 Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inche 1 29-686 0-129 82-9 74-4 92-9 77-1 130-9 75-0 0-738 05 152 S W 80 0-06 Cloudy. 2 29711 0-159 83-2 75-1 95-0 76-6 145-6 73-8 0-764 67 165 8 S W 57 ... Do. 3 29719 0-156 85-0 75-2 95-6 77-3 145-4 75-4 0-743 01 167 S S W 50 ... Passing clouds. 4 29712 0-144 83-8 75-3 94-6 78-4 145-3 76-9 0-764 65 155 S E 50 ... Do. 5 29-755 0-092 84-6 76-5 94-1 79-3 142-9 77-9 0-805 68 142 SEbyS 63 Do. 6 29-773 0-140 82-8 76-3 93-1 M-a 152-6 77-7 0-820 73 127 SEbyS 87 o-oi Cloudy. 7 29-789 0-141 81-3 76-3 94-1 75-0 125-9 73-7 0-840 78 137 SS W 77 0-23 Cloudj* : rain. 8 29-807 0-106 81-9 76-2 92-1 76-5 130-6 74-9 0-828 76 112 S S E 50 Passing clouds. 9 29793 0-111 82-2 75-1 91-9 77-2 134-2 75-3 0-777 71 138 S W 90 0-04 Cloudy. 10 29790 0-127 82-7 73-5 95-0 77-6 139-4 75-5 0-703 M 136 S W 87 0-03 Do. 11 29-803 0-115 83-5 73-7 95-2 75-2 142-9 74-5 0-701 60 205 S W 63 ... Passing clouds. 12 29-826 0-123 84-4 74-7 08-| 76-8 150-3 74-9 0-730 62 208 S W 47 Do. 13 29-823 0-141 84-7 74-9 97-9 70-4 146-1 75-4 0-735 61 230 SWbyW 57 Do. 14 29-808 0-121 84-4 73-0 947 77-2 123-4 75-9 0-659 50 160 ws w 57 Do. 15 29-784 0-132 85-4 74-0 95-9 78-3 144-2 77-3 0-687 147 W by X 60 Do. 16 29728 0-145 87-1 73-2 98-1 78-2 145-6 76-8 0-631 49 161 West 57 Light passing clouds. 17 29-723 0-165 85-4 73-8 99-7 78-3 148-9 77-5 0-679 56 196 SS W 50 Passing clouds. 18 29-718 0-142 85-6 73-7 96-6 78-8 117-3 75-6 0-672 M 181 SWbyW 77 0-12 Passing clouds : rain. 19 29-693 0-151 85-6 72-8 98-1 77-!) 147-7 73-9 0-636 52 208 S W 73 Cloudy. 20 29-680 0-133 85-4 72-6 95-1 79-6 160-4 77-5 0-630 51 196 W by S 70 o-oi Do. 21 29-664 0-135 H5-5 74-9 93-7 78-9 120-9 75-7 0-724 59 158 W S W 93 Do. 22 29-703 0-096 84-7 74-1 95-5 7G-9 129-3 76-1 0-701 59 238 WbyS 100 Overcast. 23 29-751 0-095 85-3 72-2 97-2 78-9 1 :r,- 1 7H-1 0-615 51 190 Why N 97 Chiefly overcast. 24 29-756 0-117 87-8 73-9 98-9 81-2 141-6 80-4 0-050 49 181 W by S 60 Passing clouds. 25 29-761 0-107 84-8 75-2 100-8 79-3 186-8 77-8 0-746 62 186 NWbyN 40 0-04 Do. 26 29-795 0-146 86-0 73-8 97-7 77-9 152-6 75-7 0-671 54 172 South 37 Fine with passing clouds. 27 29-832 0-137 83-8 73-4 95-4 76-1 151-4 73-8 0-683 59 139 SE byS 7 Fine. 28 29-858 0-135 83-4 75-0 95-5 75-8 137-0 72-7 0-756 65 93 S E 17 Do. 29 29-872 0-145 84-8 76-1 97-5 76-4 132-5 73-3 0-784 65 99 S E 43 'assiug clouds. 30 29-863 0-155 86-1 76-3 96-4 994 151-4 74-5 0-77(1 61 97 S E 40 Do. Mi'iin 29-767 0-131 84-5 74-5 <),V9 77-6 141-8 75-8 0-722 61 163 SWby S 61 0-54 - 244 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1879 October. October 1879 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 09 n o 5 _c General Weather Mean Range Dry Snn Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. -Mi... Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Menu Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o o o O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-815 0-209 83-1 75-2 97-1 77-2 152-6 76-6 0-769 67 114 SS E 72 0-07 Passing clouds. 2 29-773 0-144 80-9 76-3 92-2 727 143-9 72-8 0-846 80 152 S by W 63 2-95 Thunderstorm : day cloudy. 3 29-804 0-170 81-9 77-1 91-1 78-2 149-0 77-0 0-867 80 133 S S E 67 0-04 Cloudy. 4 29-838 0-151 77-8 73-5 84-3 72-4 125-6 71-7 0-769 81 69 S S W 100 2-04 Overcast : thunderstorm. 5 29-832 0-113 77-2 74-2 80-8 75-0 110-6 73-8 0-807 86 4(i SE by S 93 0-25 Overcast : rain. 6 29-833 0-147 81-3 76-3 88-3 75-6 126-9 74-1 0-840 78 115 S S E 37 Fine with passing clouds. 7 29-828 0-172 82-3 77-1 90-8 76-9 152-7 75-7 0-862 78 133 S E by S 30 Do. 8 29-808 0-161 78-8 74-8 87-7 71-5 146-0 72-0 0-810 82 66 South 63 366 Severe thunderstorm. 9 29-774 0-153 82-7 75-7 94-1 75-3 145-6 74-8 0-795 71 132 South 47 ... Passing clouds. 10 29-736 0-138 81-7 74-1 96-5 74-6 147-9 73-6 0-742 69 153 8 by W 57 0-05 Passing clouds : th. and it;. 11 29-791 0-073 80-7 74-6 88-8 74-9 145-9 71-8 0-776 74 138 W S W 93 046 Cloudy : rain. 12 29-800 0-134 81-5 75-0 91-8 74-0 136-7 71-8 0-782 73 100 Wby N 40 ... Fine with passing clouds. 13 29-809 0-131 80-7 73-0 92-2 72-3 150-9 68-8 0-709 67 64 Nby W 30 ... Do. 14 29-845 0-105 81-0 72-4 92-8 74-9 151-6 71-8 0-683 64 97 NNE 23 ... Fine with light clouds. IS 29-865 0-118 80-4 72-1 92-7 71-9 150-4 68-0 0-679 65 83 NNE 13 ... Fine. 16 29-875 0-130 80-7 72-7 90-7 72-0 147-2 68-7 0-697 67 110 E NE 10 ... Do. 17 29-900 0-120 82-2 74-5 89-8 74-7 146-1 71-8 0-752 68 115 E N E 33 Fine with passing clouds. 18 29-945 0-107 81-1 75-4 90-5 75-7 144-1 73-7 0-805 76 106 E by N 67 1-05 Cloudy : th. Ig. and niin. 19 29-957 o-ioo 80-2 75-9 88-8 76-1 132-8 73-5 0-838 82 123 E NE 60 o-oi Cloudy. 20 29-917 0-139 79-8 75-7 88-3 74-6 146-6 73-7 0-835 82 137 NN E 80 0-35 Cloudy : rain. 21 29-932 0-118 76-7 73-6 82-0 74-1 114-3 73-0 0-789 86 127 NN W 90 0-84 Do. : do. 22 29-913 0-126 77-5 74-4 84-3 72-3 128-3 71-7 0-811 86 167 N N E 97 1-05 Overcast : Ig. : rain. 23 29-875 0-107 75-3 73-3 82-6 73-9 121-6 72-4 0-794 90 180 North 87 1-81 Overcast : rain. 24 29-857 0-108 78-5 74-8 85-6 74-1 1193 72-7 0-814 83 158 NN W 90 0-17 Cloudy : rain. 25 29-836 0-117 79-9 74-8 87-3 74-4 130-8 72-9 0-795 78 141 NbyW 67 Cloudy. 26 29-798 0-159 80-5 76-3 88-1 754 120-6 72-8 0-851 81 104 NbyW 67 Do. 27 29-804 0124 79-5 74-3 88-8 73-6 148-4 715 0-779 77 96 N N W 60 Passing clouds. 28 29-827 0-132 78-1 72-0 86-8 74-0 138-3 71-2 0-705 74 103 North 83 Cloudy. 29 29-815 0-131 77-5 73-6 84-5 75-1 114-1 72-9 0-777 82 201 N by W 97 1-82 Overcast with rain. 30 29-776 0-130 73-6 71-9 76-6 70-! 114-1 70-1 0-760 92 260 NW by N 100 1-60 Do. 31 29-797 0-119 77-6 74-7 85-3 73-7 137-0 72-0 72-5 0-822 86 102 NN W 83 o-oi Cloudy. Mean 29-838 0132 797* 74-5 88-4 7*2 1377 0-786 78 123 Variable. 64 18-23 Note. 8th. 2'86 inches of rain fell between 2 A.M. and 3 A.M. 245 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1879 November. November 1879 BAROMETKR SEDUCED TO 32" Corrected Mean Tetnpei-aturt SKLF REGISTERING THKHMOMETKKS Deduced Wind 00 73 9 '3 is General Weather Mean Kange Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Jnclio 1 29-812 o-iu 79-2 74-9 86-7 74-5 138-9 Ia 0-807 81 77 w s w 70 0-02 Cloudy. 2 29-841 0-134 80-5 75-9 90:6 75-2 1441 72-9 0-832 80 83 SEby 8 43 o-oi Fine with passing clouds. 3 29-844 0-147 77-2 74-0 85-4 72-3 112-6 7o-a 0-798 85 60 West 70 0-06 Cloudy day : fine night. 4 29-823 0-126 80-1 75-8 93-4 74-8 147-6 71-7 0-886 81 116 S by W 40 0-16 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. : rain. 5 29-885 0-116 77-7 i 70-4 82 -8 7G'5 108-9 74-2 0-648 68 105 K by W 83 Cloudy day : fine night. 6 29-900 0-107 74-1 70-2 80-2 72-0 112-6 68-4 0-687 81 173 \WbyN 83 1-20 Cloudy : th. Ig. and rain. 7 29-871 0-107 75-9 73-5 80-6 72-2 110-0 71-0 0-795 88 187 N K W 100 1-44 Overcast : th. Ig. and rain. 8 29-910 o-ioi 787 73-9 84-5 74-4 108-9 72-2 0-774 79 225 North 70 o-oi Cloudy. 9 29-949 0-098 77-2 72-1 84-5 78-3 106-0 69-9 0-721 77 188 Xortli 85 Do. 10 29-943 0-119 77-5 71-2 84-4 72-4 128-8 69-2 0-678 72 222 North 37 Fine with passing clouds. 11 29-922 0- 1 19 7(i-S 70-0 83-4 71-5 137-9 68-3 0-643 70 224 Nby W 63 Passing clouds. 12 29-938 0-097 77-6 70-9 84-1 72-4 140-9 69-7 0-668 70 210 N by W 23 ... Fine. 13 29-931 o-ui 75-8 72-6 83-7 72-2 109-6 70-0 0-759 85 251 Nby W 90 1-48 Cloudy : Ig. S. : rain. 14 29-949 0-073 75-0 72-2 79-6 72-3 107-6 70-7 0-754 87 268 N E 100 2-31 Overcast : rain. 15 29-886 0-110 78'S 74-3 82-4 76-2 111-0 73-7 0-789 80 320 NbyE 100 0-02 Overcast. 16 29-888 0-114 75-8 71-3 80-0 73-2 112-7 70-6 0708 79 217 NNW 93 Do. 17 29-875 0-130 75-2 69-7 76-5 73-2 99-2 71-4 0-654 75. 237 NWbyN 100 0-02 Do. 18 29-721 0-162 69-6 605 70-6 68-4 82-4 67-4 0-611 85 464 WN W 100 3-57 Cloudy with rain. 19 29-797 0-085 77-2 n-l 85-1 69-6 133-8 67-7 0-688 73 281 SW by S 93 0-12 Do. 20 29-840 o-ioo 79-9 73-4 86-4 76-2 140'9 74-6 0-737 72 135 S by E 37 Fine with passing clouds. 21 29-902 0-121 79-5 74-8 .ss-ii 74-4 146-0 70-6 0-801 79 80 S S E 20 Do. 22 29-925 0-113 79-6 75-1 86-6 74-2 120-4 71-3 0-812 80 124 NEbyE 20 Do. 23 29-953 0-112 80-1 74-5 87-4 74-3 131-0 71-0 0-780 76 126 NEbyN 47 ... Passing clouds. 24 29-948 O'lll 7!)-,-> 73-5 86-5 73-9 130-4 69-9 0-746 74 135 N N E 30 Fine with passing clouds. 25 29-925 0-141 77-8 73-2 87-5 72-8 139-2 68-7 0-757 80 129 NNE 33 Do. 26 29-906 0-123 74-6 67-9 84-6 68-4 145-3 61-2 0-594 69 121 North 10 Fine. 27 29-933 0-090 74-3 68-3 83-4 65-1 142-9 59-9 0-021 72 172 Nby W 17 Do. 28 29-977 0-117 75-3 70-7 81-8 69-6 132-9 64-7 0-691 79 224 Nby W 33 Fine with passing clfud*. 29 29-987 0-107 72-a 67-9 77-6 66-6 122-4 364 (ir.-j.-j 79 213 NN W 80 0-49 Cloudy : rain. 30 29-985 0-107 75-3 68-9 80-7 72-3 1267 124-7 69-4 0-622 71 193 N by E 70 Cloudy. Mean 29-899 0-114 76-9 72- 837 72-5 69-8 0-721 78 186 North 61 10-91 Note. 18th. A storm passed some distance northward of Madras. 246 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1879 December. BAROMETER SKI.K RKGISTKKIXG RKPCCKD TO 32 Corrected \* THERMOMKTKK.S Win*] 00 I. .Mean Temperature Dry Sun Grass Deduood Una <;<'uera] Weather X 1 B Mean Range Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour II inn- Tension idity Daily Mean Velo- Direc- 13 S 8 _= '5 a city lion 5 i Day Inches Inches Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Indies 1 H-989 0-102 74-2 68-3 82-7 68-7 127-4 659 0-614 72 170 Nby E 60 Passing clouds. 2 M-M6 0-109 74-2 68-4 827 68-6 124-9 65-8 0-618 19 211 North 50 Do. 8 2!'!49 0-120 75-7 69-6 82-6 68-7 142-9 65-3 0643 73 232 North 47 Do. 4 29-9 n 0-109 75-1 71-8 80-5 70-3 125-4 68-8 0-737 85 192 North 100 0-S6 ( )vercast, with rain. 5 29-957 0-097 76-8 72 1 83-6 73-7 1176 70-6 0726 78 232 X X K 80 002 Cloudy. 8 29-957 0-110 76-9 68-4 82-5 72-9 1360 68-6 0-582 62 263 i N by E 43 Passing clouds. 7 29-912 0-118 75-0 67-8 83-1 68-3 137-1 64-6 0-585 67 240 X by E 50 Do. 8 29-930 0-105 743 67-7 80-6 69-0 1276 66-1 0-591 70 281 North 43 Lifjln pushing clouds. 9 29-885 0-091 72-9 65-8 79-2 68-9 120-6 66-6 0-541 67 230 N N W 60 Chietlv cloudy. 10 29-917 0-131 72-0 637 81-1 66-8 1240 62-9 0-481 61 162 X X W 40 Lii,'ln passing clouds. 11 29-935 0-124 74-0 68-6 83-1 66-3 130-6 62-1 0-628 74 101 X X \V 37 Fine with passing clouds. 12 W9U 0-134 751 70-7 83-9 68-8 121-4 65-9 0-693 7!) 158 Nby E 30 Do. 13 2'.-s7! 0-123 76-6 70-6 84-2 696 126-1 65-0 0-669 73 205 NNE 63 Passing clouds. 14 29-915 0-085 75-8 68-7 84-4 70-2 136-6 65-3 0-608 69 296 ! N N E 60 Do. 15 29-916 0-089 75-4 70-0 81-4 70-2 115-6 C,l-> 0-662 75 298 NbyE 83 Cloudy. 16 29-933 0-094 75-0 69-9 80-5 72-2 1126 69-5 0-665 77 262 Nby E 87 0-08 Do. 17 29-952 0-075 73-8 70-4 81-5 71-8 114-1 69-5 0-699 83 207 North 80 0-41 Cloudy : rain. 18 29-925 0-U7 77-6 72-8 82-8 75-9 121-8 6s-l 0-744 79 192 N by E M Cloudy. 19 29-934 0-086 77-6 73-: 79-1 73-0 130-2 70-3 0-763 81 201 N X K 50 Passing clouds. 20 29-933 0112 77-4 714 84-6 70-5 126-6 66-5 0-689 73 254 XEbyN 1- Do. 21 29-952 0-101 76-6 69-9 82-6 70-7 111-4 671 0-643 71 316 X N E 83 o-oi Cloudy. 22 29-923 0-095 76-4 71-0 79-9 75-6 116-6 72-5 0-687 75 352 NbyE 100 Overcast. 23 29-927 0-OS5 72-6 68-9 75'5 70-4 90-6 68-7 0659 82 250 Nby E 100 2-91 Overcast : rain. 24 29-894 0-102 74-5 69-9 81-5 69-5 131-1 65-8 0-671 80 240 North 0-04 Fine with passing clouds. 25 29-918 0-121 72-8 66-7 80-7 66-0 64-3 0-575 72 158 N by E 20 Fine. 26 29-949 0-120 72-6 66-4 81-5 68-4 58-5 0-567 69 in X N E 13 Do. 27 29-927 0-130 71-1 653 81-7 63-4 57-7 0-547 72 153 NNE 10 Do. 28 29-924 0118 73-8 68-1 82-2 66-6 142-0 (11-4 0-612 73 205 Nby E 12 Da. 29 29906 0-130 74-5 W4 83-1 70-6 66-6 0-652 71! 218 Nby E 20 Kiuc with passim; clouds. 30 29-907 0-125 72-1 67-0 84-1 659 137-2 61-3 0-595 76 156 X X K 27 Do. 31 29-912 0-101 723 662 81-1 64-6 58-9 0-564 71 188 North 63 Cloudy. Mean 29-929 0-108 747 690 81-9 69-6 124-9 H.V7 0-636 74, 220 NbyE 53 4-:i3 247 QO" C 3 H . 5^ 5 "3 Greatest Fall fl S 13 : 3 * 5 8 * D 25 M B d o n n t -o -? x co x> * t- O i* Q^ 00 J o -o o--HOm,E>i'3j3^ J. 00 J to 5 | a * -s a - 2 - s 2 a 1 rH r- 1 g COWrHWOMWMC-lW^W < 'x 1 283&S8gSSSg8 rH Grass Thermometer Lowest >., Qi-i rH W rHiHfMrHNS'l s IIsimiHIIS ssu.i;) no uinuiuii]\[ U5 J~ N ,0 M OU3M3&lc5US U ung 10 O O 1 * a! 3 C r^ c rt V Bj 5 R) pq * S -H I- -t 10 X >0 C-. C. I- J- 6 ssesffsgccsss OCROC00050W^rH050 s s !- O X * 1> X Ci CC O ft> O O to fe sssisesggsss Madras Extreme Monthl Dry Bulb Thermometer Lowest | s - s -a - ^ - 8fe * Dry Bulb Thermometer to a 1 d I- ^ rt ^ CC -N -M re o o !>. CD l ^D ra i- (D -fi X *P i 1 5-1 eqcom~Hco-*o;>aOr4rH-4i OCOOOCO^^OOOON^a * g, f , . S e ^ S 5 S ^ 8 p ^D CD t> t* ! !> t 1 ^ tfc t 1 * t>. J.-^ CO B i w p 8 S .-( fH ^ t^ x x x x x x x c- i> t-i. Barometer 9 ^3 Ol CC 7-1 * * * * M ' ' ' ' t i * 1 "5; H 3 >-i i-i o o oo 'ao x 08 o o o 3 ^ 6666a5C5Ci_CjCiS266 1 .j ^ ; ^ ^ : : : : : : ; * - ^ .' Illlllllllll I | -3 - , ^i||lg 248 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1880 January r- 1 C OB 1-J BAROMETER BEDl'CEI> TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SULK RKGISTKRIXG THERMOMETERS Deduced \Viml o 5 e '5 General Weather Mean Range Dry San Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension llum- uiit y Daity Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o o o o Inches Centg Miles 1'oiuts Cents Inches- 1 29-882 0-119 72-0 651 78-0 67-3 106-4 65-3 0-528 67 206 X by \V '.'7 Overcast. 2 29-827 0-134 71-6 637 81-0 68-2 141-8 66-1 0-485 eg 162 X by W 57 l';iing clouds. 3 29-801 0131 70-3 63-9 85-3 59-0 136-3 54-0 0-509 68 1 X by K 13 Fine. 4 29-829 0113 72-0 663 87-0 63-4 141-1 58-1 0-570 72 90 XWbyX 23 Do. 5 29-884 0-098 72-6 67-1 84-8 63-4 139-4 58-0 0591 73 80 S\V by S 13 Do. 6 29-908 0-130 74-3 69-1 837 66-2 140-2 61-7 0-619 75 95 E by S 21! Fine with passing clouds. 7 29-900 0-135 73-8 69-1 85-3 66-7 141-0 62-1 0-649 78 99 XKbyE 27 Do. 8 29-901 0-134 75-1 68-1 85-8 66-8 143-8 61-5 0-594 68 113 N E 20 Fine. 9 29-909 0-139 72-8 66'7 86-4 65-2 145-3 59-5 0-575 72 76 EN E 7 Do. 10 29-919 0131 71-0 65-5 85-9 60-8 143-8 54-1 0556 73 68 East 3 iM Do. 11 29-911 0-152 72-4 68-1 87-0 62-4 128-0 56-8 0-558 70 93 SE 7 Do. ta 29-914 0-133 71-6 66-4 84-1 635 144-2 58-0 0-580 75 84 SE byS 7 Do. 13 29949 0-124 70-9 64-2 82-3 62fO 141-8 55-8 0:512 67 86 SE 1! ... Do. 14 29-983 0-122 72-1 64-5 83-5 61-8 138-7 57-0 0:507 65 88 E SE 10 ... Do. 15, 29-990 0-135 72-2 64'], 85'3 61-6. 148-9 57-3 0-402 62 90 East 10 ... Do. 16 29-959 0-134 72-4 64-9 84-9 61-7 139-4 57-2 0-516 65 102 ENE 10 Do. 17 29-983 0-114 73-7 65-8 85-5 62-4 141-4 57-6 0-531 63 113 E N E 10 Do. 18 29-999 0-115 74-4 66-9 85-3 64-1 146-4 .-'.IT, 0-561 66 130 NE 30 Fine with passing clouds. 19 30-004 0-113 73-8 67-3 85-1 665 148-6 6^-4 0-583 70 160 NE by N 33 Do. 20 30-017 0-125 75-5 68-3 81-9 6^-4 140-7 60/1 0597 67 177 NE by N 30 u-i'.i Fine day : cloudy night : rain. 21 30-014 0124 74-8 71-3 82-0 7V2 138-7 71-1 0-721 84 195 X X E 83 042 Chiefly cloudy : rain. 22 30-0 >8 0-128 77-4 71-4 85-0 70-5 1430 68-4 0-690 73 140 ENE 47 Passing clouds. 23 29-994 0-127 74-S 69-5 84-9 66-7 1434 63-2 0652 76 89 E by X 113 Fine with passing clouds. 24 30-017 0-114 73-9 68-5 85-3 66-0 149-4 62-2 0-626 74 138 XE byE 41! Do. 25 30-O60 0-139 753 68-6 83-8 64-3 144-2 59-9 0-609 69 i!><; XEhy X :!3 Do. 26 30-053 0-122 ; 77-2 ORB 83-6 732 145-1 70-5 0-404, 44 sou NEbyX 07 Fine with light clouds. 27 30-021 0-131 72-8 63-3 88-5 63-1 141-0 58-5 0-456, 56 165 NE by N 63 Cloudy. 28 30'022 0-119 76:4 667 84-3 70-1 150-8 7Q-2 0-527 58 152 N N E <;:< Passing clouds. 29 30:045 0-106 752 09-4 85-8 663 149-6 6$-3 0-642; 73 204 XE by N 80 0-l:i Cloudy with rain. ; 30 30-051 0-088 77-6 7^8 84-3 731 144-4 71-7 0-741 79 280 X K H7 1-09. Do. :si 30-049 fcUj 76-5 71-0 BM 7V3 139-4 70-9 0-710 0-677 77 222 138 XE by N !)7 0-S2 Do. Mean 29-062 0- 1 25 73:8 071 84-4 65-6 141-5 6V6 G9 X K l>y K 36. %0G 249 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1880 February. February 1880 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SKIP REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Dedn Vapour Tension *d Hum- idity Wind Clouds 1 General Weather Mean Ban ere Dry Son Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Daily Velo"- i-ity .Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches a Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 30-005 0-130 77-0 70-5 83-9 7V2 137-6 08-6 0660 71 182 NE byK 43 Passing clouds. 2 30-025 0-118 76-4 67-7 83-6 69-0 137-4 664 0-562 61 172 E N E 33 Fine with passing clouds. 3 30-006 0-148 76-1 06-6 85-4 69-8 140-4 66-7 0-527 59 132 NE by E 13 Fine. 4 29-968 0-128 74-3 67-4 84-1 65-7 140-4 617 0-580 68 112 E N E 10 Do. 5 29-935 0-149 73-9 67-1 84-0 65-0 142-0 62-1 0-574 69 108 East 13 Do. 29-942 0-117 724 65'2 83-0 637 138-6 59-9 0-526 M 94 K by N 3 Clear. 7 29-959 0-113 70-8 64-4 82-6 61-2 144-2 57-3 0520 : 68 83 K X K 20 Fine. 8 29-984 0-117 73-o 00-1 83-1 63-1 148-0 59-1 0-562 69 109 K by N K Do. 9 29-972 0-109 75-0 67-0 8*3 67-2 151-4 63-3 0-556 64 99 E by N 40 Fine with passing clouds. 10 29-949 0-114 73- 1 S6 8819 65-0 148-4 60-6 0-535 M 92 K by S 50 Passing clouds. 11 29-923 0114 74-8 66'7 83-1 66-5 139-8 64'0 0-548 64 107 SEby K 23 Fine. 12 29-881 0-133 75-0 68-2 84-8 65-8 141-4 61-6 0-600 69 114 S E 30 Fine with passing clouds. 13 29-911 0-095 77-2 71-1 86-0 67'0 14O'(i 63-3 0-681 73 112 SE by E 23 Fine. 14 29-888 0-146 78-5 73-1 87'3 71-7 139-9 68-5 0-743 76 146 E by S 30 Passing clouds. 15 29-867 0-113 78-6 72-4 86-1 71-6 143-9 68-1 0-714 73 128 E S E 43 Do. 16 29-844 0-163 79-1 72-9 85-4 74-4 149-2 73-0 0-726 73 172 S E 40 Fine with passing cloud*. 17 29-831 0-158 79-6 7*0 86-9 73-3 147-3 70-7 0-766 76 172 SEby S 50 Passing clouds. 18 29-845 0-135 75-7 72-3 86-0 70-0 148- 1 70-3 0748 84 126 K by S 62 2-48 Cloudy day, fine night : rain. 19 29-891 0-124 78-1 72-2 8(i-2 73-2 117-1 70-5 0712 74 148 NEby E 27 Fine with passing clouds. 20 29-953 0-123 761 70-6 86-1 67-0 142-3 684 0-676 75 96 NEbyE 20 Do. 21 29-968 0-158 761 71-2 85-1 67-3 143-4 017 0-099 77 83 E by S 27 Do. 22 29-988 0-151 7K-0 71-2 84-9 72-0 142-1 087 0071 70 142 SE by E 22 Fine. 28 80-006 0-137 78-3 71-0 ,S.Vr> 72-0 1 11-9 IKHI 0-080 71 145 E by 8 43 Fine with passing clouds. 21 30020 0-154 78-9 72-1 85-2 73-2 1 IIT> 70'2 0-698 71 185 K by S 28 Fine with light clouds. 25 29-994 0-128 77-3 7(1-1 81-6 99-2 1 12 -9 6S-S 0-652 69 132 SE by E 27 Fine with passing clouds. 26 29-950 0-162 76-5 70-7 85-6 68-3 148-9 64'8 0-673 74 105 SE JO Do. 27 89-962 0-112 7ii-s 7(V2 85-9 69-6 142-6 057 0-651 71 103 K S E 20 Fine. 28 29-9H.-> 0-105 76-6 7H2 86-1 67-3 146-1 88-S 0-653 71 !.1 K by S 23 Fine with passing cloud*. 29 80-012 0-117 78-9 71-8 87-3 69-2 1482 6.1 2 0-686 70 122 Eby N (8 Do. Mean 29-947 0-130 76-3 69-7 h.Vli 6H-0 143-S li,V 1 0-64! 70 123 K by S 29 MB 250 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1880 March. , 1 J3 BABOMETEB REDUCED TO 32 Corre Me Tempe Dry cted an ratnre Wet SELF KKUIMKKIM. THERMOMETERS Di-ilui Vapour Tension ed Wind it 8 o 5 i General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Max. Min. Max. Min. Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mfiiu Direc- tion Day Inchee Inches Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 30-006 0-140 78-2 71-2 87-2 69-3 150-1 65-2 0-671 TO 113 E by N 33 Fine with passing cloud*. 2 29-997 0-119 78-9 70-5 86-6 69-8 144-0 66-2 0-634 64 115 Kust 30 Do. a 29-999 0-119 77-6 69-0 86-1 68-9 147-2 65-3 0-595 63 149 ENE 23 I), p. 4 30-003 0-141 77-8 68-0 85-6 71-9 145-2 69-7 0555 58 132 K X K n Do. 5 30036 0-113 77-9 70-2 87-1 68-4 148-1 69-7 0-636 66 122 K X K 30 Do. 6 30-045 0-130 77-2 70-6 88-0 68-1 143-7 64-0 0-662 71 188 X K 30 Do. 7 30-001 0-153 77-6 71-5 87-9 68-1 143-2 844 0692 74 111 NK byE n Fine. 8 29-950 0-161 76-1 69-4 87-3 68-0 143-7 63-8 0-630 70 97 Kast 87 Fine with passing cloud*. 9 29-964 0-114 75-5 68'6 85-9 M-fi 144-2 62-2 0-607 69 90 Eby S 38 Fine with light clouds. 10 29-975 0-152 76-0 69-0 86-2 66-0 141-4 60-8 0-616 69 98 K by S n Fine with passing clouds. 11 29-970 0-148 77-9 70-5 86-8 67-6 143-0 64-0 0-647 68 118 K by S 30 Do. 12 29-913 0-149 78-0 70-7 88-5 69-1 149-2 65-0 0-655 M 117 E S K 40 Fine- with light clouds. 13 29-876 0-131 76-8 69-9 86-9 68-5 148-2 64-2 0-640 M ll'ti SE by K 33 Kino with passing clouds. 14 29-868 0151 77-6 69-8 87-2 68-4 142-4 64-6 0-624 66 120 SE 27 Do. 15 29-861 0-166 79-4 71-3 87-9 69-4 142-2 65-7 0-660 66 165 SE byS 27 Do. 16 29-840 0-204 80-6 73-4 89-3 72-7 144-9 69-5 0-727 69 163 S K 30 Do. 17 29-846 0-138 80-1 72-7 89-6 72-6 142-7 69-2 0-705 68 172 S S E 30 ... Do. 18 29-850 0-148 81-5 74-5 89-8 76-1 142-9 66-1 0-761 71 200 SSE 27 Do. 19 29-810 0-170 82-0 74-3 90-2 74-4 143-4 710 0-746 68 216 SEbyS 27 Do. 20 29-774 0-154 82-7 75-5 90-3 77-5 146-4 76-0 0-787 70 227 SE by S n Fine. 21 29762 0-148 83-3 75-8 91-4 77-0 144-2 74-9 0-787 69 229 SEbyS 13 Fine with passing clondi. 22 29-828 0-127 83-3 76-7 89-6 78-3 142-6 76-0 0-831 73 230 SEbyS 23 Do. 23 29-869 0-137 82-0 75-9 89-3 76-1 1437 73-4 0-814 75 193 SE 30 Do. 24 29-898 0-140 81-2 74-7 88-7 743 143-9 70-2 0773 73 158 SEbyS IB Do. 25 29-928 0-150 81-9 74-3 91-3 723 1459 68-0 0-747 69 134 S K 23 Do. 20 29-907 0-191 83-0 75-7 91-5 75-7 146-4 72-5 0-792 70 124 SEbyE 20 Fine. 27 29-847 0-168 82-1 74-4 91-1 74-5 145-0 71-1 0-748 68 145 SEbyS 17 Do. 28 29-839 0-140 82-2 74-7 91-S 75-1 143-5 71-3 0-760 60 194 SSE 27 Fine with passing cloud). 29 29-875 0-133 82-6 74-4 90-8 75:! 1424 73-0 0-742 66 209 SSE 23 Do. 30 29-825 0-159 82-2 75-2 92-3 74-5 143-4 70-5 0-781 71 22r, SSE 20 Firm. 31 29-813 0-097 84-0 75-7 99-9 76-8 150-6 75-1 0-778 67 217 Sby E 23 Do. Mean 29-902 0-145 79-9 72-5 891 7T9 144-8 68-5 0-703 69 156 SEbyE 27 Nil. 251 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1880 April. BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected SELF BEGISTKRING THERMOMETERS I i Mean I Deduced Wind | a 00 TB Ot < Mean Range Terapr Dry ratm-c Wet Dry Sun Grass Vapour Hum- Tension idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion to m o 5 H General Weather i Max. Min. ) Max. Min. Day Inches Inches O o o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 20-792 0-135 83-7 773 92-5 '78-4 141-8 70-5 0-851 73 258 S S E 13 Fine. 2 29-812 0-131 84-1 77-6 91-4 80-2 142-8 78-4 0-860 74 206 8 S K 27 Fine with light clouds. 3 29-797 0-148 84-7 77'7 92-5 79-2 145-5 77-2 0-856 72 161 SEbyE 30 Fine with passing clonds. 4 29-776 0-125 86-2 77-2 92-3 78-3 146-3 75-2 0-813 65 159 SK by S 27 Chiefly fine. 5 29-785 0-110 84-0 77-0 91-2 77-5 143-9 74-8 0-834 72 170 SEbyE 23 Fine. 6 29-789 0-143 84-0 7(i-9 !>2'H 77-6 150-2 75- 1 830 72 171 S K 80 Fine with passing clouds. 7 29-794 0-091 84-1 70-0 -4 92-5 76-6 149-9 W-4 0-810 69 155 SEby K 27 Do. 9 29-798 0-133 84-8 76-7 93-7 77-<> 149-7 75-1 0-811 68 142 SKby E 30 Do. 10 29-794 0-135 85-0 78-1 92-7 79-6 147-5 78-3 0-870 72 227 SEbyS 40 Do. 11 29-785 0-141 85-1 77-6 931 80-8 144-8 79-8 0-847 70 267 SS E 37 ... Do. 12 29-759 0-169 85-9 78-8 93-7 80-6 145-9 79-4 0-891 72 217 Sby E 27 Do. 13 29780 0-133 84-4 78-9 91-5 80-7 146-8 79-4 0-915 77 232 SK by S 30 Do. 14 29-820 0-145 84-8 78-1 92-8 79-7 143-3 79-5 0-873 74 178 SEbyS 33 Do. 15 29-827 0-143 84-3 76-9 92-1 77-4 143-8 74-6 0-826 70 195 SEbyS 27 Do. 16 29-S7 1 0-144 83-6 76-8 91-7 7<>-4 143-9 74-0 0-831 72 195 SEbyS 30 Fine with light clouds. 17 29-886 0-126 84-1 77--' 91-3 78-2 143-1 75-2 0-841 72 213 S S E 27 Fine with passing clonds. 18 29-865 0-131 84-5 fiws 93-2 77-4 147-4 75-0 0-806 68 186 SEbyS 37 Light passing clonds. 19 88-797 0-171 84-7 77-1 94-5 77-1 149-3 72-5 0-830 70 225 S S E 47 Fine with pausing clouds. 20 29-796 0-177 84-2 75-7 97-7 77-5 149-4 75-2 0-775 66 194 S by W 53 Passing clouds. 21 29-784 0-147 83-8 75-6 101-8 79-0 150-3 76-8 0-776 68 132 South 47 Do. 22 29-766 0-152 85-9 76-0 101-5 75-8 150-6 72-8 0-765 61 154 South 23 Fine with passing clonds. 23 29-767 0-145 87-3 78-5 9.V5 80-7 144-8 76-2 0-858 65 229 S S E 43 Do. 24 29-750 0-137 85-8 79-2 93-8 80-3 141-6 79-9 0-910 74 208 S S E 47 Do. 25 29-754 0-146 86-6 77-0 97-3 81-0 145-4 80-1 0-800 62 174 S S E 27 Fine with light clouds. 26 29-785 0-126 85-5 78-1 93-4 79-4 142-6 79-0 0-863 70 164 S E 30 Fine with passing clouds. 27 29-852 0-121 85-1 76-3 92-9 78-7 143-4 771 0-789 66 147 S E 33 Do. 2S 29-899 0-145 84-9 76-5 94-4 77-3 145-6 75-3 0-800 66 144 ES E 30 Ho. 29 2!)-853 0-151 84-5 76-6 93-9 76-3 1457 73-9 0-810 68 129 SEbyE 27 Do. 30 Mean 29-750 0-148 85-8 77-9 95-2 77-4 146-3 75-6 0-850 68 185 SS E 33 Fine with light clouds. 29-802 0-139 84-8 77-2 93-8 78-5 145-8 76-4 0-834 70 186 SEbyS 32 Nil. 252 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1880 May. 8 00 It, a BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF BE< TllKKMl Dry tlSTKKI METER." Sun M Grass Deduced Wind Clouds H General Weather Mean Bange Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day 1 Inches 29-688 Inches 0-134 Inches 0-897 Cents 69 Miles 254 Cents S by E Points 40 Inches Fine with pausing cloud*. 87-4 79-4 98-8 81-0 148-8 79-8 2 29-720 0-140 88-4 76-9 105-5 80-2 154-4 77-8 0-771 57 211 S by E M7 Do. 3 29-749 0-124 87-6 77-7 96-3 81-3 144-8 80-2 0-817 62 252 South 47 Fine d;i\ : cloudy night. 4 29-725 0-170 87-8 78-9 101-5 82-5 151-6 81-8 0-869 66 297 South 33 Fine with parsing clouds. 5 29-733 0-113 87-2 77-8 94-8 83-2 139-1 82-6 0-S27 64 312 S by E 18 Hazy. 6 29756 0-127 86-1 77-3 93-9 80-8 145-8 79-7 0-819 65 279 S by E 40 Fine wit h light cloii'ls. 7 29-789 0-124 87-5 78-6 97-1 K2-5 145-8 81-8 0-8*8 66 352 S by F. 3d Fine with passing cloud*. 8 29-780 0-118 86-5 79-2 92-7 81-5 142-6 80-8 0-901 72 MB S S E 47 Fine day : cloudy night. 9 29-810 0-107 86-0 76-6 96-0 78-4 151-9 77-8 0-790 63 209 S by E 53 Light passing clouds. 10 29-775 0-144 86-2 78-2 94-5 80-5 148-8 79-3 0-858 68 242 SF by S 30 Fine with passing cloud*. 11 29-736 0-140 86-9 78-9 94-2 80-5 142-8 79-8 0-881 69 256 S by E 20 Fine. 12 29-731 0-076 S6-.6 77-2 100-6 78-0 148-8 76-4 0-808 63 191 S by E 40 llu/.y. 13 29-716 0-145 87-2 79-1 94-8 80-2 1 i-J-li 77-8 O-SST 69 195 SE 37 Fine with passing cloud.- 14 29-707 0-081 88-0 76-6 100-5 79-5 150-6 77-8 U'763 57 IW s s F 30 lla*y. 15 29-715 0-095 86-4 78-2 96-7 80-5 143-8 7- 0-85,-i 67 135 S E (id Do. 16 29-746 0103 85-7 78-9 94-9 79-6 143-8 77*fl 0-896 74 131 S E 53 Light pacing clouds. 17 29-738 0-139 87-2 79-4 96-0 79-2 148-7 76-1 0-900 (ill 152 !SK by E 43 Dp. 18 29-724 0-129 86-8 77-6 98-0 78-3 14SI-0 76-0 0-824 M HiS S by E 17 Do. 19 29-680 0-135 88-9 79-3 108-1 82-2 159-2 81-0 0-873 64 225 South 40 Do. 20 29-681 0-118 88-9 76-6 104-1 80-5 150-5 79-0 0-761 55 185 S S W 37 Fine with light cloud- 21 29-705 0-088 88-3 75*8 102-8 81-9 153-9 81-3 0-724 53 S88 SW by S 60 Cloudy. 22 29-703 0-098 88-4 76-1 103-0 78-6 161-1 77-8 0-flM 56 229 S by W 57 l'a--ing clouds. 23 29-722 0-122 88-1 75-9 97-8 80-8 145-9 79-1 0731 56 250 S by \V 47 J>0. 24 29-710 0-090 86-8 77-7 95-9 81-6 142-5 79 1 0-828 65 218 S by E (i.-i \\-.\r.\-. 25 29-715 0129 88-5 78-8 98-7 82-4 147-7 HO-3 0-855 63 233 South 33 Fine with light clouds. 26 29-667 0-106 88-4 7s-o 98-8 82-2 1 l.V.S SO'3 0-819 237 S by E 47 Fine with light clouds : th. 27 29-672 0-112 87-6 77-1 100-3 81-8 1481 80-4 M-79H (id 197 S by W 43 Fine with |i:issiii'_' clouds : Ig. N". W. 28 29-646 0-095 88-1 78-3 102-6 82-6 1 M-0 81-8 owe 64 M South 37 Fine with !>:issiu'_ r clouds. 29 29-605 0-119 SK-7 77-0 102-1 80-7 1 !!< 7! m 0-770 57 237 South 23 Fine 30 29-670 0-142 S9- 1 77-4 107-9 82-8 l.M 7 82-2 0-783 58 267 S by \V 60 I'as-iinjr clouds. 31 29-552 0-126 89-6 77-0 105-1 83-6 146-7 82-8 0-759 55 261 S by W 50 Ho. Mean 29-709 0-119 S7-0 77-8 DM Ro-9 147-0 m 0-822 . 227 S by E 43 Nil. 253 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1880 June. *H ID a a 1-5 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING . THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 'O 5 e 1 General Weather Mean Range Dry 8 an Grass Dry Wet Mai. Hin. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o Q o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inche 1 29-554 0-121 88-9 77-4 93-6 84-5 147-5 79-4 0-786 57 211 SS W 63 Passing elouda. 2 29-555 0-107 88-3 75-5 94-3 88-3 148-0 82-1 0-711 53 275 s s w 47 ... Do. 3 29-581 0-104 88-6 75-1 95-9 83-5 146-3 82-8 0-690 51 257 SW by S 70 CJondy. 4 29-640 0-119 93-6 747 94-3 84-1 150-7 83-0 0-606 38 319 we w 40 Fine with passing clouds, 5 29-673 0-124 88-fl 74-5 94-2 83-4 153-9 83-1 0-661 48 347 s w 50 Passing clouds. 6 29-727 0-129 89-6 76-1 96-6 85-2 149-0 84-8 0-719 51 261 SWby S 40 Fine with passing clouds. 7 29-743 0-152 89-5 76-0 93-1 82-0 127-5 80-8 0-716 51 174 W S W 57 Cloudy. 8 29-705 0-121 87-6 75-2 91-8 81-5 134-8 81-4 0-709 54 150 SS W 87 Do. 9 29-674 0-148 88-9 77-8 95-3 84-3 157-8 83-7 0-782 57 251 Sby W 40 0-07 Fine with passing clouds. 10 29-667 0-105 86-8 74-4 91-1 83-3 144-4 81-4 0-685 53 216 S S W 70 Cloudy. 11 29-692 0-071 86-7 72-6 90-5 83-3 118-5 81-0 0-614 48 181 SS W 100 Overcast. 12 29-698 0-093 83-9 74-2 89-0 79-5 131-5 78-8 0716 61 157 SWby 6 100 0-45 Overcast : rain. 13 29-668 0-134 83-9 75-6 86-9 74-3 144-7 73-8 0-775 68 200 SS W 63 0-O4 Passing elouda. 14 29-655 0-131 86-8 75-4 93-8 80-0 154-0 79-1 0-736 58 237 S8W 70 Cloudy. 15 29-670 0-111 86-1 75-7 94-0 82-2 157-4 817 0-749 59 215 S S W 73 0-02 Do. 16 29-675 0-134 87'4 76-5 105-2 80-2 151-4 79-1 0-766 9 173 SbyW 63 Passing clouds. 17 29-703 0-128 88-6 74-9 101-8 82-2 150-7 81-3 0-683 51 237 South 53 Do. 18 29-726 0-106 87-5 75-6 100-6 81-9 148-1 81-0 0-726 56 210 8 by W 47 Do. 19 29-723 0-128 87-6 74-4 102-0 79-4 145-9 78-7 0-674 52 215 SWbyS 50 Do. 20 29-733 0-138 87-8 75-9 104-8 79-3 143-9 77-9 0-742 57 219 sew 67 Cloudy. 21 29-725 0-104 86-5 74-9 101-6 79-3 149-5 78-8 0-710 57 165 SS W 53 Light passing clouds. 22 29-709 0-119 86-0 75-6 101-9 78-7 159-5 76-4 0-746 60 141 ws w 63 0-02 Cloudy. 23 29-748 0-089 79-1 74-9 84-0 78-2 105-0 73-8 0-810 82 107 WbyS 100 032 Overcast : tain 24 29714 0129 84-8 75-0 95-0 .76-5 145-2 74-7 0-736 61 116 WS W 73 0-05 Cloudy. 25 29707 0-103 86-6 72-3 98-2 80-0 143-9 78-8 0-602 47 171 WbyS 70 0-02 Do. 26 29-721 0112 85-7 74-0 97-8 78-3 145-5 77-1 0-710 55 127 WS W 87 0-02 Do. 27 29-715 0-335 S8-5 72-6 101-0 80-3 151-3 79-0 0-588 44 159 WbyS 97 0-03 Overcast. 28 29-717 0-144 87-0 78-8 98"? 80-3 141-7 76-3 0-636 50 170 WS W 100 Cloudy. 29 29-686 0-142 87-4 731 99-0 80-3 142-8 78-1 0-628 48 169 W by W 67 0-07 Passing clouds. 30 29-690 0-125 86-0 73-5 98-0 78-3 150-7 77-0 0-659 53 212 West 80 Cloudy. Hean 29-686 0-120 87-4 74-9 96-1 80-9 144-7 79-5 0-702 55 201 SW 68 1-11 254 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1880 July. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING REDUCED TO 32 Corrected \T . THERMOMETERS TV 1 1, . 1 1T* J HMO Temperature Dry Sun Grass ij educed Wind General Weather jl "a 1-3 Mean Range Dry Wet Max. Min- Max. Min. Vapour 'ension Hum- idity Dailv Vote. city Mean Direc- tion Clouds q 'S M Day Inches Inches O O O O Inches 3ents Miles Points Cents nuhes 1 29743 0-129 85-4 730 99-1 80-9 150-7 79-6 0-646 53 212 Wby S 80 0-03 Cloudy. 2 29-729 0-142 85-5. 73-6 02-2 78-6 150-8 76-1 0-669 55 210 S W 60 Do. 3 29-758 0-148 86-1 74-4 01-4 79-4 149-7 77-8- 0-694 55 190 W by S 57 0-53 Passing clouds : rain. 4 29-784 0-098 79-8 74-4 88-1 73-6 128-0 72-8 0-779 76 125 S S W 97 0-41 Cloudy : rain. 5 29-791 0-117 81-1 74-0 88-4 734 122-7 74-2 0-746 71 165 SWbyW 90 Cloudy. 6 29-781 0-112 81-1 73-3 94-9 77-2 148-7 7-Vti 0-716 67 18G W by W 67 0-05 Do. 7 29-748 0-159 83-4 72-8 973 75-6 145-0 73-1 0-666 59 161 \V by W 73 0-03 Cloudy : Ig. S. 8 29-722 0-148 85-6 72-4 97-0 78-6 142-7 77-1 0-618 51 201 W S W 90 Cloudy : ]g. W. 9 29726 . 0-143 85-8 72-9 97-0 80-2 139.-3 77-6 0-636 51 213 WS W 77 o-oi Cloudy: Ig. S. 10 29717 0-141 87-8 72-2 97-8 78-0 153-7 76-8 0-588 44 241 Why S 63 Cloudy. 11 29-740 0-120 87-7 74-1 101-3 81-2 152-5 78-8 0-661 50 238 SWbyW 50 Passsing clouds. 12 29-733 0-L71 87-2 73-6- 101-0 79-8 152-4 78-7 0-647 49 232 Wby W 73 0-07 Do. 13 29-645 0-180 87-8 73-5 101-4 80-4 152-8 78-7 0-634 47 231 WbyS 63 0-06 Do. 14 29-605 0-102 87-0 72-4 97-2 79-2 143-5 77-6 0-601 47 250 West 90 0-04 Cloudy. 15 29-643 0-112 88-7. 70-7 100-5 .81-0 149-3 79-9 0-511 38 284 West 97 Stay. 16 29-687 0-118 87-7 73-2 .101-2 80-8 146-6 79-0 0-623 47 247 SWbyW 63 Do. 17 29-699 0-155 86-1 74-7 101-7 80-7 149-4 79-6 0-707 57 198 S S W 50 Passing clouds. 18 29-709 0-123 88-8 77-4 101-9 793 152-6 77-6 0-787 57 199 S S \V 43 Do. 19 29-735 0-138 84-0 75-6 98-6 77-2 15.1-6 75-5 0-773 66 200 SWbyW 63 t-M Thunderstorm at 5! P.M. 20 29-787 0-121 82-6 74-6 .90-5 76-2 141-6 73-6 0-750 67 164 S W 77 0-07 Cloudy. 21 29-766 0-133 84-6 73-8 94-5 78-4 149-4 76-5 0-680 59 205 Wby N 87 o-oi Do. 22 29-739 0-103 82-0 72-3 89-4 77-6 119-9 77-6 0-664 61 190 West 100 o-oi Overcast. 23 29714 0-117 81-2 73-4 89-0 74-3 119-6 72-5 0-719 67 149 NWbyW 83 0-15 Chiefly cloudy : rain. 24 29-719 0-142 85-4 74-0 97-1 76-9 152-4 . 74-8 0-687 56 198 SWbyW 67 Cloudy. 25 29-762 0-127 87-0 75-3 101-1 79-4 153-4 76-4 0-720 57 237 SWbyW 63 o-oi Passing clouds. 26 29-799 0-073 84-2 77-1 99-8 79-1 153-2 77-4 0-836 72 225 S W 67 0-08 Do. 27 29-770 0-096 81-4 76-2 91-2 74-8 138-4 73:4 0-835 77 175 W S W 97 0-91 Cloudy : rain. . 28 29-782 0-141 83-9 75-5 93-3 77-3 1406 75-6 0-771 66 169 W S W 60 Passing clouds. 29 29-759 0-117 82-7 73-0 96-7 75-9 145-9 72-9 0-682 60 174 Variable 70 0-08 Cloudy. 30 29-745 0-089 85-1 73-3 95-3 78-6 141-6 77-2 0-662 55 206 S W 60 Do. 31 29-713 0-136 86-1 73-7 97-8 79-3 145-8 77-2 0-665 S3 176 SWby S 60 Passing clouds. Mean 29-734 0-127 84-9 73-9 96-9 78-2 144-6 76-5 0-690 58 202 SWbyW 72 4-49 255 Madras Meteorological Observations. ^1880 August. i 1 1 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind i " 3 General Wpather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass 1 Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city iMean Dioecr jtion Day Inches Inches o Indies Cents Miles Points. Gents ruches 1 "29-708 0-126 87-1 73-8 99-3 .80-5 154-5 80-1 0-6o6 50 244 W by S <53 ... Clondy. .2.. 29-695 0-138 87-7 73-1 100-7 80-3 152-9 79-1 0-620 46 244 W S W 67 ... Passing plouds. 3 29-652 0-144 86-9 74-2 101-8 80-4 151-5 79-7 0-676 52 259 W S W 63 0-14 Passing clouds : rain. 4 29-645 0-175 85-4 75-2 101-8 79-1 153-3 77-8 0-738 60 252 . s w ' TO; . 0-02 Cloudy. 5 29-617 0-179 90-1 75-0 102-0 81-8 156-7 80-2 0-666 46 277 , SWby W 60 , Passing clouds. ; , . 6 29-661 0-129 84-7 74-4 97-2 82-8 142-7 82-6 0-714 60 236 SWbyW 73 .0-01 Cloudy : th. 7 29-712 0-144 83-7 73-9 ..95-8 78-9 150-9 77-7 0-706 60 178 SWbyS -"-72; i 1-67 Clondy with rain. 8 29-733 0-127 .83-9 75-1 95-6 75-2 152-3 73-8 0-754 64 150 South 73 ; 0-27 Do. 9 29-752 0-119 84-3 75-1 92-7 77-9 149-6 76-5 0-748 62 139 SE by S 63 ; Light clouds. 10 29:753 0-098 84-8 76-0 96-0 76-8 149-5 75-8 0-780 65 181 South 53 Light passing clouds. 11 29-744 0-126 85-4 75-3 97-3 77-5 147-6 75-9 0-743 60 165 Variable ..- 30 ' ... Fine with passing clouds. 12 29-772 0-147 83-8 76-3 94-4 77-7 151-7 77-0 0-807 69 153 South : :83 ; Cloudy : Ig. S. 13 29-764 0-130 82-6 76-0 93-3 74-6 145-1 73-1 0-810 72 120 WS W -.77 : 0-08 Clondy. 14 29-793 0-120 81-4. '76-3 .89-9 77-0 145-6 75-9 0-839 77 63 S S E 67 .0-19 Do. 15 29-791 0-125 78-9 74-2 88-9 76-4 140-3 74-9 0-784 79 136 South 90 1-65 Cloudy : thunderstorm at 8 P.M. 16 29-816 0-104 80-3 75-1 .85-9 73-7 124-7 73-1 0-802 77 61 S-W' 100 0-02 Overcast. 17 29-785 o-ioo 81-6 72-6 90-1 76-8 138-1 75-4 0-681 63 131 West 100 0-15 Do. 18 29-760 0-118 8L-8 73-2 95-6 73-7 142-8 7M 0-703 65 118 N W 93 .0-09 Clondy. 19 29-753 0-170 84-4 72-9 .96-5 77-0 147-0 74-0 0-655 56 171 S W. ; QO Light passing clouds, 20 29-788 0-113 84-1 73-6 .86-2 78-2 149-1 76-7 0-688 59 165 South 57 Do. 21 29-794 0-101 84-4 72-6 97-8 , 78-5 148-9 76-7 0-643 55 135 Why S 80 ... Cloudy. 22 29-783 0-118 83-6 74-6 .99-6 77-5 151-5 75-3 0-737 64 156 S by W ~ 38 ; ... Passing clouds 23 29-762 0-137 85-0 76-5 .97-4 78-9 152-8 77-1 0-799 65 152 South 47! ... Light passing clouds. 24 29-767 0-133 85-6 76-4 96-4 78-5 153-2 77-5 0-787 64 191 South 33 Fine with passing clouds. 25 29-776 0-136 84-8 77-2 92-9 79-8 144-3 79-1 0-833 70 177 South 47 Cloudy day : fine night. 26 29-797 0-136 80-8 74-6 .92-3 76-1 133-9 75-9 0-774 74 107 WS W .87 Cloudy : th. 27 29-790 0-134 81-3 75-5 85-6 76-2 112-3 74-0 0-806 74 75 W S W 100 0-12 Overcast : rain. 28 29-759 0-144 81-8 74-8 91-8 76-2 143-8 73-6 0-769 69 124 W N W 93 0-07 Cloudy. 29 29-743 0-135 78-3 74-3 86-2 71-9 120-8 71-2 0-796 82 123 NWbyW 93 0-21 Cloudy : rain. 30 29-724 0-144 80-5 75-2 89-9 75-2 150-9 74-0 0-804 76 52 NWbyN 57 0-21 Cloudy day : fine night : rain. 31 29-725 0-151 82-9 77-0 94-7 76-7 153-9 75-1 0-849 75 131 South 50 Passing clouds. Mean 29-747 0-132 83-6 74-8 94-7 77-5 145-6 76-2 0-747 65 157 S\V by S 69; ; 4-90 256 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1880 September. September 1880 BAROMETER REiircF.D TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELV REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 1 o 5 General Weather Mean Bange Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo"- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29738 0-144 80-7 76-8 94-6 76-7 151-0 76-0 0-826 78 122 SWbyS 77 0-13 Cloudy : th. Ig. and rain. 2 29-736 0-158 77-6 74-6 83-5 70-6 120-0 69-9 0-819 86 92 West 100 2-94 Overcast : thunderstorm at 5 A.M. 3 29-740 0-118 83-3 75-6 fll* 76-7 140-9 77-2 0-783 69 181 SWbyW 70 Cloudy. 4 29-778 0-104 83-9 77-6 94-7 78-4 149-9 77-1 0-864 74 131 S S W 53 Passing clouds. 5 29-791 0-096 79-5 75-7 92-0 77-6 148-4 76-0 0-838 82 128 s w 80 0-69 Cloudy : thnuderstorm'abont Bi P.M. 6 29-805 0-102 79-9 75-1 87-1 74-3 124-2 78-7 0-808 78 117 ws w 97 0-18 Cloudy. 7 29-81'J 0-083 82-4 78-9 93-3 74-8 145-1 72-9 0-723 65 115 8 W 80 Do. 8 29-845 0-090 78-4 73-4 84 75-1 110-9 72-6 0757 78 122 W N W 97 0-12 Overcast. 9 29-867 0-070 74-4 72-7 75-4 74-5 84-0 73-6 0-782 92 80 Wby N 100 3-62 Overcast : heavy thunderstorm. 10 29-806 0-115 76-0 73-1 76-3 73-0 80-3 71-2 0-790 92 40 N W 100 0-57 Overcast : th. Ig. and rain. 11 29-J07 0-189 80-4 76-0 91-3 73-2 146-1 707 0-839 81 97 W N W 80 0-21 Cloudy : rain: th. S. 12 29-691 0-130 80-1 74-8 93-4 75-5 140-4 74-0 0-792 77 174 SWbyW 63 o-io Cloudy : rain. 13 29-757 0-106 82-0 76-6 91-2 75-4 139-0 74-0 0-800 74 153 SWbyW 80 0-06 Cloudy. 14 29-763 0-152 84-1 75-3 91-9 77-9 1407 75-6 0-760 64 161 W S W 90 Do. 15 2-746 0-168 84-2 76-0 93-5 77-4 147-4 74-0 0-788 67 224 WS W 63 Passing clouds. 16 29-735 0-147 82-3 75-2 92-4 76-8 117-3 74-4 0780 71 214 S W 50 Do. 17 29-777 0-141 84-0 77-0 93-9 76-7 148-3 747 0-834 72 201 S W 47 Fine with passing clouds. 18 29-760 0-159 86-5 76-2 97-0 76-7 146-0 747 0-779 62 188 8W 53 Passing clouds. 19 29-740 0-162 84-2 767 95* 78-6 151-3 77-6 0-819 70 172 SWbyW 70 Cloudy. 20 29-747 0-119 84-5 73-6 95-0 78-4 168-6 76-9 0-679 58 157 WN W 77 Do. 21 29-764 0-118 84-8 76-fl 100-0 78-5 149-5 757 0-819 68 119 SWbyW 67 001 Passing clouds. 22 29-794 0-111 84-6 73-3 96-6 76-0 148-0 73-9 0-669 56 154 W SW 53 Fine with passing clouds. 23 29-781 0-146 86-5 74-7 99-4 77-6 151-7 74-0 0-702 56 190 S W 33 Fine with light clouds. 24 29-776 0-146 87-2 78-9 99-0 80-1 160-3 78-6 0-659 51 191 SWbyW 47 Passing clouds. 25 29-771 0-145 84-2 74-9 98-0 77-6 158-3 76-2 0-741 63 175 8 W 57 Do. 26 29-783 0-122 84-4 76-4 97-4 78-2 152-5 757 0-760 64 1S4 South 57 Do. 27 29-809 0-148 83-4 74-9 97-8 77-2 163-3 75-3 0-752 66 152 88 W 70 o-oi Do. 28 29-819 0-156 86-2 75-3 97-4 78-5 154-6 76-0 0-746 61 127 South 60 001 Do. 29 29-812 0-167 82-9 76-1 93-6 74-0 159-0 71-9 0-810 72 148 South 63 0-07 I),, 30 29-805 0140 27 77-0 90-0 77-9 132-3 757 0-851 76 78 8 by E 60 o-io Passing clouds : Ig. W. Mean 29-775 0-130 82-4 75-2 92-6 76-5 140-1 74-6 0-779 71 148 SWbyW 68 8-82 257 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1880 October. 1 _5 c. BABOMETEK REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMKTERS Deduced Wind Clouds "S DJ General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour 11 u Mi- Tension idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches Indies Cents Miles Points Cents Inche 1 29-842 0-090 78-6 74-9 85-5 75-3 134-5 74-1 0-817 83 85 S W 87 0-49 Cloudy : th. and Ig. : rain. > 29-888 0-136 81-6 76-3 88-3 76-3 149-3 74-3 0-836 77 86 S by E 40 Pine with passing clouds. 8 29-893 0-168 81-2 75-8 88-0 76-3 145-5 74-2 0-820 77 88 S SE 63 0-08 Passing clouds. 4 29-904 0-150 82-1 76-5 88-4 77-1 1462 73-8 0-839 77 102 SE by 8 40 0-12 Cloudy day : tine night. 5 29-910 0-144 80-7 75'5 89-7 74-4 145-7 71-0 0-814 77 75 S S E 27 Fine with light clouds. 6 29-882 0-154 80-7 74-7 90-4 74-4 148-5 71-1 d-780 74 Js7 S S K 20 Fine 7 29-885 0-133 81-9 75-3 90-5 74-3 148-0 70-5 0-780 73 74 SE by S 23 Fine with passing clouds. 8 29-890 0-141 82-0 75-3 92-4 7 1-4 155-7 70-6 6-780 70 90 K l,y S 20 Do. 9 29-878 0-112 81-9 75-2 90-8 74-2 144-3 70-4 0-785 72 85 E by X II Fine. 10 38-829 0-131 81-6 75-2 92-6 75-7 145-3 72-8 0-789 73 97 N K 7d Hazy. 11 29-840 0-107 81-0 7(5-7 93-6 76-7 150-8 74-3 0-802 82 95 N N E 80 0-26 Cloudy : th. Ig. and rain. 12 29-810 0-153 81-2 76-5 91-9 70-3 154.-3 73-7 0-851 80 80 NN E 100 Hazy. 13 29-703 0-155 83-9 77-5 95-2 77-(i 143-8 75-6 0-858 74 101 North 57 Passing clouds. 14 29-742 0-121! 82-2 75-0 97-4 76-0 153-3 74-0 0-798 73 99 N N W 80 0-31 Cloudy : rain. 15 29-752 0-133 82-7 74-9 91-8 74-5 148-0 72-1 0-762 08 64 S by W 70 Cloudy. 10 29-781 0-104 83-1 70-3 90-8 70-7 149-0 74-2 0-816 71 52 E S E 70 Do. 17 29-794 0-118 80-1 75-5 89-8 76-8 145-6 76-2 0-823 80 42 E S E 100 0-16 Overcast with rein. 18 29-812 0-120 79-8 75-4 84-1 75-9 130-4 74-7 0-822 80 25 NE by N 97 0-24 Do. 19 29-7H7 0-138 76-4 73-9 82-3 75-1 108-0 74-7 0-804 88 103 NN W 100 2-15 Overcast and wet. XI 29-770 0-130 80-4 75-6 86-1 73-6 142-9 72-0 0-822 79 70 SWby S 60 o-oi Passing clouds. 21 29-812 0-109 77-9 74-9 86-2 73-0 138-0 72-8 0-826 86 48 Wby S 68 1-30 Cloudy with rain. 22 29-868 0-103 79-2 75-8 86-6 7,-.-:f 145-0 71-5 0-847 M 77 NEbyE 87 0-23 Cloudy : th. and Ig 23 29-883 0-123 77-3 74-7 84-6 72-9 154-2 71-8 0-826 89 112 Nby E 100 1-23 Overcast with rain : th. and Ig. 24 29-890 0-131 77-0 74-4 84-1 74-5 97-4 74-0 0-818 88 100 North 100 0-11 Overcast : til. 2o 29-924 0-162 77'5 74-9 82-8 73-9 122-8 73-5 0-832 89 101 North 77 0-18 Cloudy : rain. 26 29911 0;182 80-1 70-1 87-8 74-0 144-4 73-0 0-848 82 121 NN E 50 0-03 r'inc with passing clouds. 27 29-906 0-Oi'S 8C'J 7'3 86-7 76-3 140-1 74-2 0-858 84 36 EN E 47 0-03 Fine with passing clouds : th. :ind Ig. 2S 29-929 0-141 80-6 751 89-3 73-8 1454 71-0 0-798 76 45 E by S 20 Kim- with passing clouds. 20 29-928 0-135 81-3 75-8 89-5 75-4 136-9 71-2 0-819 77 78 E byN 27 Do. :> 29-918 0-126 81-7 76-4 90-4 75-6 151-2 71-2 0-839 77 110 NE byN 23 Do. 31 29-908 0-095 77-9 740 83-7 75-2 110-8 70-0 0-788 82 161 N by E 97 1-08 Overcast with rain. Mean 29-857 0-129 80-5 75-5 88-8 76-2 141-1 72-a 0-821 7i) 84 E N E H ,s-(il i 65 258 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1880 November. November 1880 BAROMETER REDDCKD TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Oloudi '5 H General Weather Mean Range Dry San Grass Dry Wet Max. Mia. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion. Day Inches Inches o O O O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 29-880 0-128 77-1 73-9 83-4 73-4 136-4 72-3 0-795 85 152 North 07 1-46 Overcast. 2 29-887 0-172 76-4 731 76-9 73-7 88-2 72-0 0772 85 149 North 100 0-51 Do. I 29-879 0-119 74-3 72-2 76-2 71-9 90-6 71-0 0-763 90 140 N by K 100 1-18 Do. 4 29837 0113 75-0 714 78-3 71-0 116-6 70-0 0-722 84 MB NWbyN 100 0-M Do. 5 29-863 0-113 79-0 73-6 86-6 73-2 140-9 71-0 0-757 77 75 VW by X 60 Passing clouds. ti 29-862 0-143 80-4 75-2 89-8 74-6 149-1 72-0 0-805 77 100 \V S \V 13 Chiefly line. 7 49-931 0-106 75-6 73-4 85-4 72-1 138-4 72-u 0-795 89 75 SWl.yS 87 1-82 Overrast : thunderstorm. 8 29-98-1 0-097 7*-5 75-2 88-1 75-0 149-6 71-9 0-831 85 !rj K by X 87 0-17 Cloudy wilh rain : I;.-. 9 29-972 0-108 79-8 76'5 86-7 76 -1 145-4 747 0-869 86 121 K N K S7 0-311 1"O. : do. 10 li!l!75 0-137 78-5 754 86-4 74-6 149-0 73-0 0-840 86 go VK by K 93 0-22 Cloudy with rain : th. and Ig. 11 29-976 0-125 76-5 74-3 82-9 74-3 141-4 72-0 0-820 90 91 N N E 93 0-51 I'o. : do. 12 29-978 0-102 79-0 75-8 86-8 74-9 147-2 73-3 0-850 86 129 N E 87 0-74 Cloudy. 13 29-998 0-117 78-0 73-7 84-5 74-4 1352 72-0 0-774 81 175 NEbyE 00 0-29 To. 14 29-997 0-117 78-9 72-2 85-1 73-4 145-0 69-0 0-701 71 242 NEbyN 27 Fine with passing clouds. 15 29-957 0-129 75-7 72-9 83-6 72-2 146-6 72-0 0-773 87 170 N by E 70 0-11 Cloudy : rain. 16 29964 0-121 79-3 74-7 87-0 72-5 145-1 72-1 0-799 80 108 NEbyN 60 0-07 Passing clouda. 17 29-968 0-114 77-8 74-5 86-3 74-6 145-7 72-1 0-810 84 65 NNE 83 0-23 Cloudy : rain: th. 18 W74 0-125 78-6 72-9 86-6 72-7 143-1 7ai 0-733 70 145 NEbyN 50 Passing clouds. 19 29-938 0-125 77-7 73-0 85-7 69-5 147-3 66-4 0-750 80 158 N X K 40 Fine with passing clouds. 20 29-859 0134 77-5 74-5 82-0 74-4 139-3 70-6 0-815 86 236 Nby E 90 1-1 1 Overcast with rain : th. 21 29-825 0-060 78-6 74-4 82-3 749 115-9 73-3 0-796 82 288 E by X 100 0-23 Overcast. 22 29-934 0-070 78-3 75-2 85-0 76-7 149-3 74-6 0-834 86 188 SEbyE 93 0-26 Cloudy with rain. 23 29-948 0-113 79-1 75-3 86-6 74-2 153-9 73-0 0-827 82 115 E by S 73 1'L'S Cloudy. 24 29-929 0-121 773 74-3 84-9 74-7 142-3 739 0-809 86 80 NEbyE 73 0-14 Cloudy day: fine night. 25 29-915 O'lll 79-7 75-1 86-5 72-5 141-6 60-fi 0-811 80 139 NEbyE 60 Passing clouds. 26 29923 0-096 77-2 745 86-1 7l-'i 144-6 71-6 0-819 89 148 E NE 80 0-27 Cloudy with rain. 27 29953 0-080 74-6 72-0 75-2 73-4 112-5 71-9 0-752 88 166 N E 100 BOO Overcast with rain. 28 29-040 0-093 73-1 72-0 75-6 72-4 87-3 71-1 0-772 95 113 NEbyE 100 5-66 Overcast. 29 29-919 0-106 75-6 73-4 82-7 725 138-1 72-1 0-795 90 117 N E 97 0-50 Do. 30 29-911 0114 74-8 73-2 77-0 72-0 85-3 71-6 0-798 93 75 E S E 100 :i-.-> 1 Do. Mean 29-929 0-114 77-4 739 83-7 73-5 133-8 71-8 0-793 85 141 NEbyN 81 22-97 259 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1880 December. December 1880 BAROMETER REDUCER TO 32 Corrected Menu Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind X 'O | 3 ^fl 3 A General Weather Mean H;ui'/o Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet i Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Dailv Velo"- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches - b o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-944 0-186 75-1 73-1 78-4 72-4 99-6 70-6 0-789 90 123 Eby S 100 0-95 Overcast with rain. 2 29-985 0-085 74-3 72-7 76-4 73-0 81-6 72-4 0-784 93 64 E by N 83 1-31 Rainy day : fine night. 3 :so-oii 0-122 77-2 73-0 84-4 70-6 144-4 66-2 0-757 81 99 NE by E 34 Pine with passing cloads. 4 29-987 O'lll 77-4 73-4 85-4 70-9 141-4 66-7 0-770 82 71 N E 47 0-02 1'agsing cloads. 5 29-975 0-120 78-5 73-9 86-0 71-8 146-4 68-2 0-776 80 lit N K 53 Do. (> 30-028 0-096 74-7 71-8 83-1 73-7 144-2 70-5 0-742 86 159 NEby N 90 0-13 Cloudy with rain. 7 29-975 0-128 78*6 71-1 83-8 71-9 139-0 64-7 0-703 79 105 N K (57 Passing clouds. 8 29-99:5 0-126 7k 7 69-6 82-2 69-4 141-0 155-4 0-657 77 117 NEbyN 50 Do. 9 30-007 0-126 73-6 69-6 82-7 67-0 1 1 1-2 63-5 0-671 81 95 NN E 37 Fine with passing clouds. 10 30-016 0-128 73-6 68-5 82-9 66-8 141-4 61-2 0-630 78 90 N by E 17 Fine. 11 30-017 0-117 72-5 67*5 83-6 65-6 140-6 60-4 0-608 76 64 N N E 27 Fine with passing clouds. 12 30-045 0-124 72-2 69-6 83-6 63-6 141-1 59-0 0-691 88 73 N N E 27 Do. 13 30-081 0-129 73-3 69-2 84-3 64-2 139-2 58-0 0-660 81 80 NN E 17 Fine. 11 30-079 0-121 75-1 70'0 85-1 67-0 141-4 61-7 0-667 77 93 N E 27 Fine with passing clouds. 15 30-050 0-127 75"6 7(i-l 85-1 69-0 149-7 64-7 0-664 75 158 NEbyN 43 0-06 Passing clouds. 10 30-030 0-101 74-3 69-1 84-3 66-0 148-2 <>2-o 0-643 75 96 N N E 33 Fine with passing clouds. 17 80-022 0-162 73-0 68-0 84-3 65-0 143-4 61-3 0-619 76 71 N N E 40 ... Passing clouds. IS 90-041 0-OM 73-9 6S-4 85-2 65-9 150-2 61-4 0-622 74 51 E N E 33 Fine with passing clouds. 19 30-028 0-13(5 75-7 69-2 85-1 66-0 1 1:5-4 60-5 0-628 71 121 N E 40 ... Do. 20 29-988 0-138 76-3 70-6 86-1 67-6 150-7 61-5 0-673 74 177 N E 53 Passing clouds. 21 29-996 0-124 72-H (59-15 76-7 67-9 96-3 66-5 0-682 85 193 NE by N 100 1-55 Rainy morning : overcast. 22 30-007 0-099 75-6 69-0 81-fl 71-8 140-6 67-5 0-622 71 200 NE by N 43 o-oi Fine with passing clouds. 23 30-006 0-124 7 13 69-5 80-7 67-9 139-8 64-8 0-659 78 177 N by E 70 Cloudy. 24 30-004 0-104 76-6 73-6 84-3 73-3 141-4 70-8 0-790 86 247 NE by N 87 1-71 Unsettled : heavy rain. 25 30-042 0-121 77-8 73-0 84-2 72-2 145-0 71-7 0-749 79 305 N E 57 0-03 Passing clouds. 26 30-052 0-114 77-1 71-1 82-9 73-3 144-8 69-4 0-682 73 222 NEbyN 50 Do. 27 80-07] 0-123 76-0 69-4 83-9 69-2 145-7 65-5 0-632 71 169 NEbyN 30 Fine with passing clouds. 28 30-070 0-130 74-7 69-8 82-3 67-3 145-4 86-8 0-664 77 149 NEbyN 50 Passing clouds. 29 30-016 0-137 74-0 69-0 82-7 68-9 146-4 65-7 0-643 76 102 N N E 33 Fine with passing clouds. 30 30-024 0-134 72-8 67-4 83-3 66-6 146-6 63-5 0-600 74 81 X N E 27 Do. 31 30-046 0-122 72-9 67-5 83-8 64-4 141-4 60-6 0-602 74 79 N E 43 Do. Mean 30-021 0-119 74-9 70-2 83-2 68-7 138-9 64-9 0-680 79 127 NEbyN 49 577 260 03 S 00 O s C 1 >^ 00 1 = o- : : : ~ 2 - - => |H I I I5 ? S 6 8 3 S B c O 6 a H C-l ' 6 CC M >C rH s 43 H 8 U3 00 -< O5 Q W .-i r* 1> p *> * : ^ * * i x. S CD a/ K *^ O ~ c _o 1 lllll*lll*ll H C c 1 ? zr . ^^ S ^^ w f-H ^H s P- ^^'^X^'J^-'^W / ~f. f f f. f 5<5 ^ * I ""' CC IN H 8 5 jt o 00 * s N rH M is IE cxi "rircMNri?! M oo ^ S .S I s s 2 - S - S 3 " 1C H 6 00 oo s s S eS o f i r - * g a s a a a > s a s en 4-1 ) UO sj-^in-^ioioiowiwosxo: N cS | OmxiooxiONoso^o n IU1UU " SSSggSSK t tS t- c S g 3 S i g S K S K S g g S cu lOXXXltOl^COCO rfXC'. l- 0- ur '3 o ^35i?5:5:j:235:g;S '4 o 1 (N 09 91 H 01 *< "55 " G*J 55 . X rt * & I o 02 .S 3 X-^CO^DNiO^i--,^-^ 'So 1! i ^ ggiSSSSSSSSS s u J= 2 "1 S M y -b o "5 >, * ^^"co^i^i"* 1 '-^j'-^x o to h o J 0) B B 4_t X-HO:I~^^X.C-: t. CJ c . s: s 'S *t-r-iccc7J^>a-*~- c s S&5S5^S6S5 T t/> a __ fe fe S 5 '5 S 5 o 1 S g g * tt t^aDGOooobooooxt^-t^ Irt 9 CO N ^ c g \r. o > a a o i^ w o a ** c: j- O^^C SM^- K rt ^H be (3 a; W SV ' c : J^. .-. '.-I _. ^, CT f^- T^ ^ Sjg'^SSaQoSSqjflD C && OOOOOOOObOOO o S N rt S i 23 11 1 Slllliilllli a X H N 7*1 CC r^ v) 5 i ? j ^ 7, - r, - ,7 ; c 7, I I i | | | ? ^ '^. 6. "f "f L: i cc M .1 t>. X c 9) 8-1^822 :;;::....::: X 5-f 09 CCiCCC!ONSCCC053Cl^i 11^. H .S 88888x8888*$ : ^ i i : ; | ; fe . : ^ ; ; ; ? : s s fliiiififll! 1 c n i J ^, .= 1 1 1 1 1 = S fc fc* J? > 6. J > 6 X * a ' ~i."A 261 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1 88 1 January. 00 00 g oj BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature Dry Wet SELF KEGISTKRING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds '3 a General Weather Jlean Range Dry Max. Min. Sun Grass Mn\. Min. Vapour Tension i Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 30-031 0-121 73-1 68-1 84-6 663 1433 62-0 0-617 76 98 N E 27 Fine with passing clouds. 2 30-003 0-102 73-6 68-9 84-8 65-6 143-6 60-8 0-647 78 75 X K 23 Do. 3 30-039 0-084 74-6 69-7 84-8 66-8 144-8 61-8 0-661 77 72 E N E 33 Do. 4 30-046 0-098 76-1 (>< 1 84-4 66-5 144-9 60-9 0-619 69 133 NKbyE 37 Do. 5 30-047 ; 0-126 75-1 . 70-5 85-1 68-3 143-7 64-7 o-we 79 121 NE by N ID Passing clouds. 6 30-012 O'lll 76-2 70-3 84-8 68-0 147-8 63-5 0-663 73 96 NE by N 47 Do. 7 29-998 0-119 77-1 71-0 86-4 68-4 148-7 63-9 0-678 73 124 NE 53 Do. 8 29-997 0-139 77-9 70-7 86-4 71-6 147-3 67-1 0-656 69 177 N E 47 Fine with passing clouds. 9 29-976 0- 1 37 76-9 68-2 84-7 7.T8 141-7 70-0 0-574 61 237 NE byE 50 Passing clouds. 10 30-005 0-106 74-4 68-3 83-6 68-8 140-3 64-9 0-612 72 137 N E 97 Cloudy. 11 29-988 0-121 75-3 71-1 80-3 72-9 119-1 70-8 0-707 80 180 X E 100 0-06 Overcast. 12 29-956 0-107 76-6 71-5 82-6 72-3 141-8 72-0 0-706 77 231 N E 80 . 0-42 Cloudy : rain. 13 29-972 0-122 76-7 70-3 83-6 70-1 142-3 66-0 0-656 71 259 NE byN 37 Fine with passing clouds. 14 30-034 0-080 77-3 70-5 84-8 73-7 144-9 68-8 0-656 70 279 N E 57 0-04 Passing clouds. 15 30-086 0-097 77-9 70-6 83-9 73-7 143-3 68-8 0-652 69 306 NEbyN 47 Do. 16 30-042 0-129 77-1 69-7 83-9 73-1 145-9 67-8 0-628 68 299 NE byN 40 Fine with passing clouds. 17 30-008 0-127 76-7 69^0 83-0 71-0 143-5 68-2 0-607 66 257 N E 83 Cloudy. 18 29-997 0-082 77-7 70-5 84-4 74-8 146-1 72-0 0-653 70 266 NEbyN (HI Do. 19 29-996 0-106 77-4 69-9 85-2 74-1 146-2 70-6 0-632 67 250 N E 60 Passing clouds. 20 30-032 0-119 78-0 69-0 85-4 73-2 144-1 6*8 0-MB 6L 250 N E 4!! Do. 21 30-050 0-116 75"5 67-3 85-2 68-2 147-1 64-3 0-560 64 184 N E 50 Do. 22 30-047 0-110 74-7 65-5 83-9 66-9 146-5 61-8 0-507 a 2-14 XKbyS 53 Do. 23 30-040 0-126 73-4 65-0 83-5 61-2 1445 58-0 0-506 61 LB NEbyN 30 Fine with passing clouds. 24 30-059 0-112 74-4 66-2 83-8 642 Mfr] 6M 0-536 62 ISO NE byN 47 Passing clouds. 25 30-066 0-115 74-2 65-0 83-7 62-9 147-1 .-,7-3 (1-4110 59 212 NEbyN 33 Fine with passing clouds. 26 30-048 0-147 70-2 63-2 83-9 61-9 1 17-1 557 0-488 66 162 X N K 33 Do. 27 30-039 0-134 71-1 64-0 82-5 ] 1 17-s 55-2 0-503 M Ltt N N E 37 Do. 28 30-013 0-119 74-2 64-2 85-1 62-2 143-5 5T 0-468 55 144 NEby N, 10 Fine. 29 30-000 0-141 72-9 64-4 83-4 62-6 1493 56-0 0-492 60 155 XEbyN 30 Fine with passing clouds. 30 30-021 0113 72-9 63'9 85-1 61-5 1 17-2 553 0-475 58 148 NEbyN 13 Fine. 31 30-052 0-114 71-8 64'3 84-9 60-4 144-5 57-2 0-503 60 121 N E 40 Fine with passing clouds. Mean 30-023 0-115 75-2 68-1 81-2 68-0 144-4 68-6 0-594 06 185 X E 48 0-52 66 262 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1881 February. 1 February 1881 BAROMETER KKIHTCEU TO 32" Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REUISTKKIXG THERMOJCKTERS Deduced Vapour Iluin- Terision idity \\ Daily Velo- city in.l Mean Direc- tion i _o 5 tt lieiii-ral Weather Mean Kaoge Dry Snn Max. Crass Min. Dry Wet Mai. Min. Day Inches Inoho8 Inches Cents Miles Points Cents [nrltes 1 30-019 0122 7H-7 66-0 84-7 til'ti 144-8 55-9 0-537 64 141 N E 15 Fine. 2 30-011 0-113 75-9 69-7 85-6 65-9 1461 60-6 0-641 72 I2K X Eby E 30 Fine wilh passing clouds. 3 30-026 0-108 77-3 71O 86-0 69-4 1413 65-1 0-675 7U' 163 X E 30 Do. 4 30-073 0-117 7b"0 69-1 86-0 67-4 1454 62-3 0-619 69 142 X K 23 Do. 5 30-108 0-113 743 68-2 85-4 5'2 147-2 59-2 0-610 72 127 X E 22 Do. 6 30-125 0-125 74-5 67-5 86-4 64-3 1437 58-0 0-581 68 103 X K 2:t Do 7 30125 0-134 76-4 67-4 84-8 64-8 146-8 59-4 0-552 60 130 X K bj-K 33 Do. 8 30-054 0-157 75-0 64-4 84-4 62-6 144-5 55-9 0-464 54 198 XE byE 43 Do. 9 29-993 0-145 74-6 65-6 86-2 67-4 144-3 59-6 0-511 60 124 XEbyE 23 Do. 10 29-971 0-121 74-2 66-0 84-6 61-6 146-1 55-1 0-531 62 138 E X E 7 Fin*. 11 29-972 0-111 73-1 65-8 85-4 62-7 145-8 56-6 0-539 66 77 E N E 7 Do. 12 29-984 0-126 74-3 67-4 86-7 64-9 145-3 59-1 0-579 68 3 EX K 10 Do. 13 29-967 0-130 74-2 67-1 88-0 63-9 146-1 58-2 0-570 68 60 EbyN 3 Do. 14 29-980 0-129 76-2 69-0 86-0 64-4 146-2 58-6 0-613 68 116 Eby N 23 Fine with patisiug clouds. 15 30-003 0-128 76-5 70-3 86-1 67-8 147-3 62-3 0-659 72 142 EbyX 47 Do. 16 30-033 0-126 78-3 71-0 87-2 70-8 147-7 66-6 0-662 69 123 NEbyE 53 I*assiu<; cloitdg. 17 30-015 0-116 77 3 70-4 88-0 70-1 147-0 63-7 0652 69 69 K X K 47 Da 18 30-031 0-108 76-2 68-7 88-5 68-6 153-5 63-7 0-602 67 55 East to Fine with passing clouds. 19 30-043 0131 75-1 68-1 86-9 65-0 1471 58-3 0-594 68 54 East 2:< Fine. 20 30-042 0-130 742 68-1 86-3 65-4 147-5 58-7 0-607 72 60 SEbyE n Do. 21 30-024 0-143 75-0 68-6 87-5 65-7 144-8 58-8 0-614 71 70 Eby 8 17 Do. 22 30-006 0120 74-4 ; 67-8 88-4 64-8 146-7 57-9 0-593 70 46 East 7 Do. 23 29-983 0-143 74-9 68-1 86-6 63-0 145-0 55-8 0-597 69 77 Eby S 1 Do. 24 29-970 0-137 75-0 ; 69-1 84-9 66-1 147-8 59-5 0-634 72 ti S K 23 Fine with pa.-sinK clouds. 25 30-001 0-102 75-7 69-0 85-3 64-7 142-7 59-0 0-620 70 75 SEbyE 20 Fine. 26 30-004 0-123 75-8 69-4 86-2 67-6 117-8 61-5 0-631 71 61 SE by E 13 Do. 27 29-998 0-139 75-5 68-8 87-3 66-1 145-5 59-9 0-615 70 69 E S E 20 Fine with passing cloudi. 28 29-947 0-152 76-3 70-0 86-7 67-6 1435 62-0 0650 72 50 E S E 10 Fine. Mean 30-018 0-127 76-4 68-3 86-3 65-7 1461 59-7 0-698 68 98 E by N 22 Nil. 263 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1881 March. 30 a BAROM RKDlVKn Mean KTER TO 32" Range Corrected Mean Vmperature 1 l)i- 1 Max. LF REG 'IIERMO y Min. ISTERINU METERS Deduced Vapour ; Hum- Wind OQ O a o 5 S( General Weather San Max. Grass Min. Dry Wet )ailv Velo- Mean Direc- tion Tension idity city Day Inclii'S Inches o O O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches I 29-984 0-J40 76-4 69-4 89-9 64-5 147-3 60-4 (HB8 69 72 E S E 13 i'ine. 2 29-922 0-115 76-9 68-6 90-7 65-9 146-3 60-6 0-589 64 63 SE by E 7 Do. 3 29-913 0-132 75-3 69-2 87-7 64-6 144-2 61-4 0-634 72 67 E by S 01 Do. 4 29-876 0-130 7i>7 70-6 89-3 66-7 147-0 60-7 0-668 73 148 SE by S Clear. 5 29-852 0141 78-0 72-1 87-2 69-4 1430 63-6 0710 74 203 S by E 10 ?ine. li 29-894 0-128 79-5 73-4 88-6 724 144-7 69-9 0-742 i 74 207 | S S E 30 ?ine with passing clouds. 7 29-940 0-110 7H-9 71-6 86-5 72-6 143-7 69-9 0678 69 120 |SE by E 30 Do. 8 29-912 0-121 76-1 69-3 85-9 66-9 141-5 62-4 0-626 70 139 SE by S 13 Fine. 9 29-906 0-126 78-7 72-4 87-4 69-6 1433 65-4 0712 73 169 S S E 47 Hazy. 10 29-916 0-124 795. 73-9 879 72-7 146-1 69-4 0-763 76 163 S S E 57 Do. 11 29-947 0-116 78-8 73-0 89-2 72-3 143-7 67-6 0-735 75 130 SE by S 50 Do. 12 29-920 0-132 78-5 72-6 87-6 70-8 146-8 67-2 0723 74 113 | S E 60 Do. 13 29-923 0-121 79-0 72-8 91-1 69-6 147-8 65-6 0-723 73 127 SE by S 37 Fine with light clouds. 14 29-906 0133 79-5 736 91-3 70-2 146-7 66-4 0-750 74 132 S S E 37 ... Do. 15 29-920 0-111 78-8 72-9 92-9 70-9 145-2 68-2 0-731 74 148 S S E 20 ... Fine. 16 29-924 0136 79-1 73-6 91-0 70-9 145-9 65-9 0-756 76 154 S S E 10 ... Do. 17 29-915 0-151 81-0 74-4 89-2 71-3 147-3 67-7 0-764 72 211 S S E 23 ... Fine with passing clouds. 18 29-936 0-116 82-3 76-4 89-0 77-1 147-6 68-9 0-831 75 201 SEby S 37 Do. 19 29-962 0-118 82-9 76-0 89-4 77-6 150-5 75-2 0-805 71 205 S E 30 Do. 20 29-987 0-121 82-9 ; 75-8 91-0 77-0 146-6 73-5 0797 71 138 i E S E 33 Do. 21 29-978 0-119 82-9 76-3 90-8 78-6 147-2 76-4 0-819 73 145 E S E 40 Do. 22 29-962 0-110 82-0 | 75-1 9J-6 7 4-3 145-2 7L-1 0-779 71 153 S E 30 Do. 23 29-972 0-127 81-7 74-3 89-2 74-1 i 147-3 71-7 0746 69 162 SE by S 43 Tlo. 24 29-940 : 0-132 81-5 73-8 89-6 74-3 144-4 70-6 0731 68 166 S E 33 Do. 25 29-923 , 0-145 82-2 73-5 90-2 73-9 143-6 71-1 0-710 64 189 S E 33 Do. 26 29-930 0128 81-1 71-9 88-7 73-1 1461 70-1 0659 62 20 4 S E by S 27 Do. 27 29-976 0-144 82-0 74-1 91-2 75-5 148-9 73-1 0-737 : 67 152 SE by E 27 Do. 28 29-975 0-131 83-5 i 76'7 91-7 77-1 144-8 74-7 0-828 j 72 133 E by S 60 Cloudy. 29 29-967 0-150 83-3 76-3 91-0 79-2 148-6 77-C. 0813 71 184 BSE 43 Passing clouds. 30 29-990 0-111 83-5 76-4 91-8 77-3 147-4 75-1 0-815 71 165 S E by E 33 Fill' 1 \\illl p:!---*!!!^ clouds. 31 29-954 0-151 83-4 76-2 91-5 76-6 145-0 73-9 0-808 70 159 SE by E 30 D... Meai 29-934 0-128 80-2 73-4 89-6 72-5 145-9 68-9 6-786 71 152 8 E 31 Nil. Madras Meteorological Observations. i8#i April. BABOMETKB SELF RKOISTERING RKIirCKI. TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THEBMOMKTKRS Deduced Wind Dry Son Grass 1 c. < Mean Bange O a 1 General Weather Dry Wet Max. Mil.. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum idity Daily Velo- city. Mean Direc- tion Day 1 Inches 29-910 Inches 0131 Inches 0-789 Cents 69 Miles 141 Points S K Cents M [nche Fine with |>ii*HHif; clondv 83-1 75-7 91 3 76-1 1453 74-1 2 29-876 0-138 82-7 76-5 91-6 73-8 146-8 70-8 0-830 74 146 S K by s 13 Fine. 3 29-837 0-142 82-7 763 92-2 74-5 145-3 71-4 0-821 73 192 S S K 1 / Do. 4 29-832 0-128 83-1 77-0 96-9 74-6 145-3 71-8 0-847 75 211 SS E 2(i l>n. 5 29-888 0127 83-6 765 90-9 76-8 144-5 73-8 0-818 72 193 SK by S 27 Fine with li^ht cUuuls. 6 29-927 0-128 82-9 75-8 92-2 74-6 145-5 71-0 0-797 71 180 S E 27 Fine. I 29-916 0-140 83-7 76-1 923 75-5 144-3 72-8 0-800 69 111 SK l,y K 17 Do. 8 29-853 0-117 82-5 754 90-3 75-0 142-8 71-8 0-786 71 184 SK by S t l>... i 29-810 0-170 83-2 75-7 94-0 74-7 143-9 719 0-789 6!) 232 S S E 10 Do. 10 29-769 0-160 85-8 77-9 94-0 80-1 144-5 78-2 0-850 68 281 S by E 30 Hazy. 11 29-763 0-098 84-7 77-8 93-6 78-0 143-2 70-8 0-860 72 221 S by K 67 ]jif;ht hazy clouds. 12 29-820 0-126 84-1 78-2 91-6 78-4 146-2 77-1 0-886 75 202 S K by S 47 Hazy. 13 29-902 0-124 84-6 77-8 93-0 76-9 146-5 72-8 0-862 73 148 S E 30 Fine with light clouds. 14 29-853 0-164 83-9 77-0 91-6 75-9 145-7 72-8 0-835 72 166 S E 27 ... Do. 15 29-817 0-129 84-0 766 92-6 76-0 144-9 73-8 0-817 70 192 S S E 20 Fine. 16 29-858 0-128 84-3 77-6 92-5 77-1 145-9 74-2 0-857 73 207 SE by S 17 Paesinjr cloud?. 17 29-858 0-125 84-8 77-0 92-:! 79-0 143-7 76-7 0-824 69 189 SE by S 43 Kine \viil. passing clouds. 18 29-863 0-106 84-6 77-3 92-1 78-4 144-7 76-7 0-840 71 182 S E I'd Pine. 19 29-847 0-104 83-9 77-5 92-0 77-1 1443 72-7 0-858 74 183 S K IS Do. 20 29-893 0-124 84-2 77-5 92-5 76-3 1447 73-5 0-854 73 m SK by S 13 Do. 21 29-884 0-161 84-5 76-8 95-4 7S-9 148-5 72-7 0-819 69 198 SEbyS 10 Do. 22 29-830 0151 85-9 78-9 92-7 79-8 1452 77-7 0-895 72 247 S S K 10 Ji,, 23 29-812 0-128 85-7 79-0 95-0 79-9 1453 77-7 0-902 1 73 257 S S K 13 Do. 24 29-820 0-136 85-2 79-4 !-2'l 79-2 145-4 75-7 0-927 76 2i5 SEbyS 1* Do. 25 29-828 0146 84-8 78-0 93-2 77-6 1457 74-7 0-868 i 73 208 SK by S 20 ,'iiie ill. li^hl eli-niU. 26 29-856 0-157 85-3 78-0 !4'0 77-5 145-5 74-7 0-862 71 174 S K by S Ml Do. 27 29-801 0-147 85-6 78-8 93-8 77-6 149-1 75-2 0-894 73 :o:i S S K 37 ''ine \viih luiKsini-' cli. ml* 28 29-730 0151 87-0 78-3 100-1 78-9 149-0 76-5 0-852 66 2:17 S by K' 40 Hn/y. 29 29-736 0-125 87-5 77-9 99-4 79-4 148-9 767 0-828 65 216 S S E 57 Do 80 29766 0-141 85-7 79-9 94-8 80-5 1 KIT, 794 0-943 0-847 77 222 S S K H Do. Mean 29-838 0-135 84-5 77-4 !:i:i 77-2 145-5 74-3 72 HIM SK by S 27 mi. 265 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1881 May. 1 I BAROMKTEI: REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTEKI.XO THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind DC j O '3 a General Weather Mean Kange Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Miu. Max. Miu. Vapour Hum- Teusion idit.y Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches | o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 29768 0-099 85-7 80-2 93-8 79-5 148-2 76-4 0-9*8 78 208 SE by S 33 Fine with passing clouds. 2 29-720 0-137 85-1 78-5 93-5 76-5 1473 73-4 0-887 74 167 S E 40 Fine with light clouds. 3 29-690 0134 86-4 76-6 99-0 ! 76-0 147-5 73-0 0-785 62 143 KK l,y E 20 Fine. 4 29'698 0-127 86-1 79-9 95-5 78-1 144-4 75-2 0-938 75 172 SEbyE 47 Passing clouds. 5 29-713 0-098 87-9 80-3 101-8 82- 1 151-6 81-1 0-933 71 218 S S E 37 Fine with passing clouds. 6 29-814 0-091 87-1 81-2 93-8 83-2 1469 81-8 0-984 70 240 S E 50 Passing clouds. 7 29-829 0-128 80-5 77-8 94-6 80'fS 148-2 78-9 0-836 | GO 204 SEbyS 30 Fine with passing cloud:-. 8 29-796 d-1 11 85'G 78-0 97-4 78-1 147-4 75'5 0-858 70 183 SS E 23 Fine. 9 29-794 0-168 85-6 79-3 93-6 78-8 145-3 76-2 0-917 75 218 SE by S 40 Fine with light clouds. 10 29-808 0-130 86-4 80-4 93-9 82-5 144-1 81-2 0-958 70 276 S S E 40 Do. 11 29-827 0-144 8G-2 80-1 92-8 82-5 1 Mi -S 81-2 0-947 76 264 SEbyS 50 Passing clouds. 12 29-807 0-127 85'7 78'3 91-J 79-1 142-6 7S-2 0-869 70 179 South 47 Do. 18 29-800 0-126 86-8 78-5 96-6 80-8 146-9 78-2 0-864 68 190 SEbyS 43 Do. 14 29-816 0-121 86-9 80-5 93-7 82-4 144-0 81-2 0-957 74 257 SE by S 40 Fine with passing cloudy. 15 29-794 0-117 87-6 80-6 95-2 10-7 1 1.2-4 79-5 0-951 73 191 SEbyS 40 Do. 10 29-764 0-127 88-0 79-4 97'3 S2 1487 BOti 0-889 07 224 S S E 40 Do. 17 29-725 0-096 87-8 76-7 100-6 79-9 U77 77-6 0-770 59 201 South 37 Do. 18 89-646 0-182 90-2 77-8 105-0 i 82-4 150-9 81-2 0-786 55 229 South 88 Fine with light clouds. 19 29-034 0-089 90-0 80-5 108-5 S3-1 151-3 81-8 0-912 65 286 South 30 Do. 20 29-658 0-114 91-7 79-5 109-2 83-6 153-7 82-1 0-S44 57 245 South 37 Do. 21 29-660 0-liK.l 91-1 80-1 1129 84-9 159-2 83-6 0-879 60 265 South 34 Do. 22 29-642 0-145 S9-9 79-1 109-6 88-7 154-0 82-4 0-849 60 234 ss w 53 Passing clouds: Ig. S. W. 23 29-581 0- 1 54 91-9 80-7 111-0 84-8 158-0 84-2 0-898 61 220 S by E 63 Passing clouds : Ig. 24 29-595 0-099 90-7 78-4 108-9 86'] 158-7 85-1 0-807 55 237 Slilltll 88 Hazy. 25 29-686 0-178 84-9 75-1 96-7 71 !> 1 I(r7 72-0 0-740 61 221 S by E 80 0-26 Cloudy : rain. X 29-674 0-118 88-5 76-6 102-8 84-4 1453 s:!-u 0-750 56 275 S S W 57 Passing clouds. 27 29-69(5 0-102 88-7 76-0 103-6 S2-I 110-7 80-3 0-727 54 206 S S W 37 Fine with light clouds. 28 29-720 0-114 89-1 77-8 102-0 i 80-9 1 19-2 78-4 0-801 58 212 S S E U) Fine. 29. 29-718 (i-oi 10 90-2 78-6 Ip2f 83-5 149-5 81-8 0-823 58 188 S l,y W 20 Fine : Ig. zenith : th. 30 29-071 0-113 90-2 77-9 102-C. 84-4 148-3 83-0 0-791 55 234 South 17 Do. 81 29-593 (C148 94-7 79-1 10S-9 86'] 157 I 83-8 0-814 48 255 S W 80 ... Fine with passing clouds : Ig. X. W. M can 29-721 0-122 88-2 78-8 100-4 81-5 148-9 79-7 0-862 65 220 S by E 39 026 266 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1881 June. 1 9 a 3 >-s BAROMETER ERDUCEI) TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SKLF REGISTEHI.VG THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds iii'iK-nil Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet i Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Hum- Tension idity Daily Velo- city Mi-ail Direc- tion Day 1 Inches 29-585 Inches 0-158 Inches 0-827 Cents 57 Miles 200 Points SWbyS Cents 100 Inche Overcast. 90-6 78-8 102-8 87-5 145-2 86-7 2 29-626 0-076 86-3 76-1 92-3 78-6 110-9 75-1 0-764 61 249 West !I5 0-11 (.'lonely : niin. 3 29-626 0-147 87-8 76-1 96-5 79-2 1314 77-6 0-744 57 186 NWbyW 88 0-02 Cloudy. 4 29-616 0-136 90-2 77-9 99-8 80-5 142-7 77-5 0-791 56 211 W by S 80 0-02 Do. 5 29-616 0-109 90-3 79-8 100-4 80-4 1451 74-7 0-876 62 190 Why S BO 0-03 Do. 6 29-603 0-159 90-1 79-2 103-9 85-3 151-7 83-1 0-851 60 181 SWbyS 70 Do. 7 29-635 o-ioo 89-2 78-0 101-7 85-0 140-7 83-7 0-809 59 169 S by W 87 Passing clouds. 8 29-649 0-113 87-2 77-1 99-8 80-6 148-9 79-7 0-796 62 227 8 S W 07 01] Cloudy : rain. 9 29-684 0-122 83-1 76-1 95-0 75-1 145-0 74-0 0-807 71 179 S W n 1-18 I... : do. 10 29-694 0-117 84-2 70-4 94-3 79-7 1317 75-7 0-806 68 168 S W 95 Cloudy. 11 29-712 0-140 84-4 75-1 97-5 77-9 142-7 75-7 0-747 63 168 S W 93 0-50 Cloudy with thunderstorm. 12 29-681 0-141 83-9 76-4 95-8 77-1 141-7 74-7 0-810 69 223 SWbyS 07 0-02 Cloudy. 13 29-722 0-114 86-4 75-9 96-5 80-9 130-7 79-0 0-754 60 151 S W 93 0-04 Do. 14 29-743 0-134 87-6 75-6 97-2 81-7 133-0 79-7 0-725 56 169 S S W 90 Do. 15 29-683 0-156 87-2 75-5 101-5 82-0 147-0 80-7 0-726 57 202 SWbyS 80 0-07 Do. 16 29-709 0-125 87-1 75-9 102-1 81-2 150-6 78-7 0-744 58 258 SS W 47 Fin<> with passing clouds. 17 29-746 0-107 86-6 76-5 101-2 81-1 149-2 78-7 0-778 62 197 South 43 Passing clouds. 18 29-757 0-095 87-0 77-0 99-0 80-1 1462 77'5 0-794 62 198 S S E 47 Do. 19 29-749 0-076 86-9 78-4 98-8 81-5 152-6 80-3 0-858 67 204 Sby E 33 0-04 Do. 20 29764 0-089 85-1 77-1 100-4 77T, 148-4 75-7 0-824 68 212 South 50 0-02 1'assing clouds : th. and Ig. 21 29756 0-120 S7-1 78-4 100-8 78-8 147-6 77'7 0-855 66 149 South 40 0-01 Fine wiili passing clouds. 22 29-705 0-077 86-8 77-2 101-6 80-5 148-4 80-0 0-806 63 111 S S E 27 0-09 Fine with passing clouds : th. 23 29-690 0-116 86-5 77-2 96-5 80-0 1242 77-7 0-809 64 81 South 83 Cloudy. 24 29-733 0-098 86-4 76-4 100-1 SI -3 137-9 80-1 0-776 61 151 S by W 97 Ovrivasi. 25 29-706 0-111 87-3 75-9 98-5 80-4 136-2 78-5 0-741 57 196 S by W !K) Cloudy. 2(5 29-707 0-087 83-4 77-0 90-7 78-6 115-6 76-5 0-842 73 KM N W 90 o-oi Do. 27 29-693 0-144 86-9 76-1 101-8 80-6 148-6 78-7 0-756 59 186 S S E 63 I'ussiim 1 clouds. 28 29-710 0-108 87-5 79-2 97-9 82-7 147-5 81-7 0-887 68 186 S SB 47 Do. 29 29734 0-104 85-2 77-7 96-4 78-6 149-4 77-5 0-850 70 175 8 by W 43 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. W. 30 29698 0-154 87-7 79-2 99-2 79-9 146-9 78-2 0-884 67 193 S\\' by S n o-oo Fin.' with passing clouds. Mean 29-691 0-118 86-9 77-1 987 80-5 141-3 78-5 0-801 63 184 SWbyS 70 2-.n 267 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1881 July. 1 >, -z BAROMETER KKHUCRO TO 32 J Corrected Mean Temperature SET.P REGISTKBI.VG THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 5 5 5 "5 rH General \Veather Mean Kangu Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nclies 1 80-686 0-130 86-3 75-4 99-1 78-5 142-2 75-8 0-734 58 217 West 87 Cloudy. 2 29-666 0-121 88-8 73-8 97-7 81-7 134-5 80-4 0-633 47 250 West 87 Do. 3 29-602 0-121 90-6 75-3 99-0 83-7 140-5 82-4 0-672 46 272 SWbyW 80 Do. 4 88-724 0-139 92"2 75-9 103-5 84-0 156-9 82-8 0-676 44 268 SWbyW 72 Do. 5 29-749 0-154 91-7 74-7 102-7 83-2 152-7 81-9 0-632 44 271 S W 67 Do. 6 29-727 0-141 89-7 76-7 101-0 83-5 147-5 82-4 0-744 53 287 SWbyW 67 o-oi Da. 7 29-763 0-140 88-0 77-0 103-7 83-1 156-0 81-2 0-780 59 238 S WbyS 60 Passing clouds -. Ig. 8 29-746 0-165 87-1 75-2 103-2 79-9 156-6 77-9 0-714 55 186 WbyS 73 0-04 Cloudy. 9 29-701 0-146 88-1 75-8 102-9 81-5 151-4 78-6 0-727 55 214 SWbyS 73 0-21 Cloudy : rain. 10 29-724 0-134 85-5 76-2 101-5 79-9 149-0 78-8 0-779 63 232 S S W 77 ... Chiefly overcast 11 29-720 0-139 89-4 76-0 102-8 81-3 154-5 79-3 0-717 51 274 S W 60 ... Passing clouds. 12 29-705 0-140 86-6 76-0 103-2 81-9 151-7 80-1 0-756 60 238 SW by S 67 0-15 Clondy with rain. 13 29-759 0-085 86-2 76-4 101-3 80-6 150-5 78-9 0-779 62 245 SWbyS 67 0-20 Do. 14 29-756 0-170 84-8 75-4 103-2 77-9 154-3 76-2 0-754 63 199 S S W 50 0-05 Morning fine : day cloudy. 15 29-703 0-161 89-6 74-9 104-3 81-0 148-8 78-9 0-669 48 245 SWbyS 00 ... Passing clouds. 16 29-665 0-135 88-8 74-5 99-4 82-2 145-4 81-4 0-662 49 279 W S W 57 Do. 17 29-691 0-130 84-9 74-4 101-1 81-5 152-6 80-1 0-711 59 234 S W 57 0-08 Do. 18 29-749 0-125 85-2 76'5 98-2 77-3 149-4 76-7 0-790 66 186 | South 57 Do. 19 29-773 0-131 87-4 76-7 98-2 80-7 145-7 78-8 0-775 60 173 1 S S E 33 Fine with passing clouds. 20 29-780 0-134 84-8 76-1 100-5 81-5 149-1 81-5 0-784 66 161 8 S W 57 0-08 Fine day : cloudy night : th. and Ig. 21 29-705 0-152 83-1 75-0 99-6 77-9 149-6 76-8 0-761 67 204 SWbyS 03 1-01 Fine day : thunderstorm. 22 29-738 0-137 84-6 76-9 96-0 73-6 141-9 72-8 0-822 70 203 S S W 60 o-oi Passing clouds. 23 29-715 0-140 86-2 75-2 98-3 80-2 137-1 78-2 0-727 58 177 SW by S GO Hazy. 24 29-732 0-138 85-3 74-3 99-6 81-0 147-7 79-6 0-701 58 244 S S W 43 ... Fine with passing clouds. 25 29-754 0-111 85-2 74-9 98-7 78-5 147-4 77-0 0-728 60 186 South 33 ... Fine day : cloudy night. 26 29-746 0-109 86-0 76-1 !7'2 SO-5 143-0 79-5 u-76s 61 180 S by E 30 Fine with light clouds. 27 29-755 0-131 86-6 76-1 101-8 81-5 146-8 80-1 0-760 60 192 South 47 Do. 28 29-782 0-098 86-3 77'7 100-4 81-8 147-1 80-9 0-834 67 200 ! S by E 57 ... Hazy. 29 29-826 0-084 84-7 77-4 93-1 81-5 136-8 80-6 0-843 74 166 S by E 80 Do. 30 31 29-799 29-764 0-137 0-149 St-7 83-0 77'7 75-4 97-4 92-2 80-6 73-5 152-5 131-5 79-6 722 0-856 0-779 0-744 72 69 200 158 Sby W SW by S 70 90 0-48 0-28 Cloudy } f thunderstorm. Do. ) Mean 29-736 0-133 86-8 75-8 100-0 80-5 147-5 79-1 59 219 SWbyS 63 2-60 268 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1881 August. 1 GO 5 BAROMETER BEDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF RE TllMJM Dry [IISTEKI IMM IK Sun Max. NO * Grass Deduced Wind t | o '5 C'eneral Wcath cr Meau Ban go Dry Wot Max. Mi... Min. Vapour llin.i- Tension iditv Daily Menu Velo- Direc- city tion Day Inches Inches o O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Indies 1 29-704 0-109 84-2 74-0 92-0 791 116-9 77-9 0-703 60 140 SWbyW 100 OvercH-t 2 29643 0-129 84-1 74-3 93-4 80-1 131-4 77-9 0-717 60 Mfl S W 97 Do. 3 29-689 0-114 84-2 74-1 96-3 78-6 151-0 76-9 0-708 60 184 S S \V '.iti o-oi Cloudy. 4 29-740 0-161 82-8 74-8 90-9 78-8 134-8 76-9 0-755 B9 170 S by \V M Cloudy : Itr. S. 5 29-737 0-149 82-9 75-1 95-6 78-9 1404 77-9 0707 68 174 s IV 80 Cloudy. 6 29-757 0119 82-1 75-1 !I4'1 78-2 1354 76-4 0778 71 185 S W M o-ti7 Overcast wit!, heavy thunderstorm. 7 29-788 0-111 78-4 74-9 91 f 73-8 137-1 733 0-819 H4 201! S by \V 80 Biff Cloudy with heavy thunderstorm. 8 29-772 0-147 80-6 75-6 946 75-5 145-6 74-5 0-819 78 1!H S\V l,y S 77 Cloudy. 9 29-747 0-131 81-9 76-0 93-3 76-7 141-7 75-6 0-819 75 m SWbj-W 100 Overcasi . 10 29-731 0-116 81-8 75-3 90-1 77-6 120-5 75-9 0-791 73 190 -^\VI,yS 100 023 Overcast : rain. 11 29-751 0-108 833 76-3 .93-7 76-3 147-8 75-2 0813 71 214 SW l.y W 87 0-37 Cloudy: rain. 12 29-782 0-127 81-9 76-8 929 76-0 142-7 734 0-855 79 126 South 80 0-05 Passim.' clouds : ill. and Ijr. 13 29-755 0-152 85-2 76-4 95-0 79-0 141 -S 77-8 0-792 65 143 S by K 7:! Cloudy. 14 29531 0-135 85-4 77-2 96-6 78-2 145-0 75-9 0-824 07 143 S l,y \V .-,:; Passing clouiU. 15 29-753 0-110 851 77-5 .95-9 79-0 150-2 77-9 0-843 70 178 S by E 17 Passing cloud* : th. and If.'. 16 29-725 0-122 83-7. 76-2 95-1 78-7 139-9 77-0 0-804 ae 170 S by W / / Clnudy. 17 29672 0-134 85-3 76-8 96-2 78-0 145-0 76-4 0-799 65 200 S l,y \V 5H Passiiii.' cloud.-. 18 29-659 0-124 86-1 75-4 96-5 79-0 144-9 77-0 0-737 5.iiiL' clr>uds. 24 29707 0-131 836 77-s 95-3 70!P 151-1 754 0-876 70 i-;.") S S W 17 Passinir cloiiils. 25 29-725 0-090 S1-!) 77-8 93-5 757 147-1 74-8 0-899 83 103 S l.y \V tB o:!7 r:i->inir clomls : tine ni^ht : th. A- ruin. 26 29-722 0-121 833 77-4 92-0 77-3 141-1 75-0 0-881 75 117 South U Pine. 27 29-770 0-114 82-8 77-2 '.I.Vli 76-0 149-5 73-0 0-860 77 K(2 S l,y \V .-.(i Fine with light ol.itli- A !L'. K..\ \\'. 28 29-780 0-119 83-9 77-6 lli-l 77-1 149-5 75-5 0-863 74 IN- SS W 47 Fii.r with liu'ht clouds : lu. 29 29-775 0-151 83-0 76-7 !I,V2 7.V.-, 1472 73-8 o-836 74 149 SB W to Cliirlly line. 30 29-816 0-120 80-2 76-9 87ft 75-9 1187 74-8 0-888 81 70 SW liy \V 77 tl-;-!! Cloudy ilny : rain : line nijflit. 31 29-801 0-148 83-5 7S-1 03J6 700 150-9 74-9 0-890 77 102 S S W 4O 0-13 Passin}-: clouds. Mean 29-738 0-127 831 76-2 SWO 77-:. 140-0 75-9 0>SI1 1-1 160 S S W (ill :, us 269 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1881 September. September 1881 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Correc-ted Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING TlIKKMOMKTKKS Deduced Wind T3 3 O 5 s 1 General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o Inches Cents. Miles Points Cents nches 1 29-820 0-133 81-9 76-8 95-7 78-5 149-2 0-855 79 169 S W 97 1-00 Overcast with rain -. th. and Ig. 2 29-836 0-109 80-3 75-7 90-3 72-8 136-1 70-9 0-828 80 159 S S W 83 o-io Cloudy with rain. 3 29-829 0-114 84-0 70-8 94-8 77-8 146-3 76-7 0-826 71 162 S by W 40 Passing clouds. 4 29-780 0-135 84-5 76-5 93-6 77-6 145-Ji 75-8 0-806 68 123 SWbyW 57 Do. 5 29-768 0-122 82-0 77-1 95-0 77-3 143-6 75-8 0-858 77 116 S S W 92 0-12 Cloudy : rain. 6 29-793 0-119 79-6 75'8 90-5 73-9 137-2 72-1 0-842 84 120 SWbyS 90 0-19 Overcast : rain. 7 29-763 0-126 84-6 76'2 93-3 77-6 141-8 76-0 0-791 66 119 W S W 80 o-oi Cloudy. 8 29-757 0-147 81-7 76-2 90-4 76-6 113-9 74-1 0-831 77 108 NWbyW 100 0-03 Overcast. 9 29-718 0-111 78-3 74-4 837 72-8 103-6 72-2 0-799 82 97 W N W 100 0-46 Overcast : rain. 10 29-682 0-103 82-3 75-4 88-2 75-7 140-8 74-8 0-788 71 113 West 95 o-il Cloudy : rain. 11 29-712 0-121 84-1 76-8 92-1 76-2 150-1 74-6 0-824 71 145 SWbyW 90 C loudy . 12 29-725 0-160 82-7 75-7 94-7 76-7 142-9 74-0 0-795 71 184 SWbyS 73 0-59 Cloudy : rain. 13 29-719 0-120 81-5 75-6 91-1 74-1 1446 73-9 0-808 75 146 South 60 0-04 Passing clouds. 14 29-778 0-109 82-1 75"6 93-6 76-6 152-1 74-8 0-799 73 138 S W 60 Do. 15 29-821 0-087 82-7 76-0 94-5 76-1 157-4 74-0 0-808 72 121 W by N 47 Fine with passing clouds. 16 29-825 0-113 83-4 77-5 92-4 77-0 148-7 74-1 0-865 75 104 SW by S 43 Do. 17 29-829 0-165 83-0 76-2 94-1 74-6 150-2 73-1 0-813 72 142 South 43 Passing clouds. 18 29-807 0-136 81-0 75-4 91-4 70-6 140-5 71-9 0-806 76 171 SWbyW 37 3-95 Do. 1!) 29-780 0-147 79-8 74-7 90-2 73-6 139-0 72-4 0-793 78 153 W S W 90 0-72 Cloudy : heavy thunderstorm. 20 29-783 0-138 81-5 74-5 90-3 75-4 137-6 73-1 0-761 71 176 SWbyW 83 Cloudy. 21 29-790 0-122 81-1 74-6 88-0 75-4 110-5 73-1 0-770 73 105 SWbyW 87 o-io Do. 22 29-813 0-133 82-4 75-2 92-0 76-0 150-7 74-1 0-778 71 115 S W 87 0-02 Cloudy: Ig. 23 29-802 0-125 79-9 75-9 94-4 76'6 151-6 73-9 0-842 82 93 S S W 70 0-56 Cloudy : rain. 24 29-761 0-128 83-4 78-3 94-6 77-4 151-6 75-9 0-902 79 118 Sby W 37 Fine with passing clouds. 25 29-775 0-154 83-8 74-5 94-8 76-5 143-9 74-1 0-730 63 95 S W 30 Do. 26 29-772 0-119 84-3 76-2 97-8 77-2 145-7 74-2 0-796 68 119 Sby W 10 Fine. 27 29-795 0-129 84-3 77-8 97-9 79-8 151-5 78-4 0-866 74 133 S S W 33 Fine with passing clouds. 28 29-800 0-150 80-5 75'8 88-6 77-2 139-6 75-9 0-829 80 97 Sby W 67 Cloudy. 29 29-796 0-158 82-9 76-4 92-6 77-8 156-0 75-9 0-823 74 101 S E 40 Fine with passing clouds. 30 29-802 0-139 82-8 76-5 89-7 77-3 149-3 75-1 0-829 75 104 SEby S 47 0-11 Do. Mean 29-781 0-129 82-2 1 76-0 | 92-3 76-1 142-4 74-3 0-815 74 128 S W 66 8-11 270 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1881 October. BAROMETER SELF KKGISTKIUNO RIDUCED TO 32 Corrected THERMOMETERS Mean Deduced Wiud i-H 2 Temperature Dry Snn Grass Genenil Weather U m 1 o Mean Bange Dry Wet Max. Kin. Max. Min. Vapour Hinn- Tension iditv Daily Velo- Menu Direc- H >B _c " city tion K Day Inches Inches O O O - O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29803 0-150 an Ml 95-9 76-5 148-8 74-3 0-818 74 149 S S.W 30 Fine. 2 29-768 0-136 S17 75-9 92-8 74-0 148-8 731 0-818 M 111 < \Vl.y \V g 0-64 Cloudy : rain. 3 29758 0-162 82-8 77-0 93-6 77-2 141-6 75-S 0-851 7> lOti ws w IK) o-oi Passing clouds. 4 29-737 0-148 83-7 Mi 90-0 78-6 120-7 767 72 13fi SW by W 80 0-64 Cloudy : I huudoratorm. 5 29-712 0-163 82-5 76-5 90-4 74-2 139-0 73-1 0-833 75 100 |SWbyS 83 i 0-57 Cloudy : nun. 6 29-715 0-096 83-2 75-8 93-5 78-4 151-4 76-3 0-792 69 144 SWbyW 80 Cloudy. 7 29-746 0-121 83-9 76-9 95-9 77-5 149-3 75-1 0-831 72 1US SWbyW 53 Passing clouds. 8 29-767 0-146 81-1 77-2 959 77-4 154-4 7t-3 0-841 72 109 ss w 28 Fine with passing clouds. 9 29-784 0-104 . 83-7 75-8i 95-9 76-6 149-4 73-0 0-767 68 88 SK by K M l.iirlit clouds. 10 29-802 0-091 83-6 76-7 96-0 77-0 154-0 72-2; 0-826 72 72 SKby S S7 ... , Fine with ]iassins; cloiidn. 11 29-778 0-135 84-4 743 96-7 75-2 152-0 70-2 0-714 M M S S 10 10 Fine. 12 29-753 0-119 i 82-9 75-5 95-4 74-8 I.-.2-2 69-2: 0-784 69 ij:i SKby S 10 Do. 13 29-798 0-085 | 88-5 75-7 95-6 76-1 151-4 71-1 0-785 M & Sby E 10 Do. 14 29-848 0-087 82-3 76-0 93-6 75-8 156-0 71-8; iO'814 74 69 8 S E 17 ... Do. 15 29-872 0-113 82-7 747 94-2 75-2 152-0 71-2 0-753 (57 63 Eby S 17 ... Do. 16 29-858 0-140 82-1 74-6 92-6 75-1 153-3 71-0 0-757 69 77 K N E 11 ... Fine with passing clouds. 17 29-864 0-151 81-8 74-1 91-1 73-9 155-1 69-5; 0-740 68 ; 76 ES E 17 \ . Fine. 18 29-900 0-130 82-3 7:i'l 91-4 78-1 150-1 68-1 0-692 61 ; 86 East :i:i : Fine with passing clonds 19 29-920 0-118 81-8 73-8 : 92-5 72-8 1547 68-0 0-707 64 87 K by X 13 ... Fine. 20 29-939 0-123 81-2 72-5 938 72-4 151-1 (>7'1 0-683 63 123 XKbyK H Do. 21 29-915 0-119 79-7 172-3 111-7 72-0 152-9 1)7-4 0-694 68 121 X E 30 Fine with passing clouds 22 29-895 0-112 8:1-4 72-4 91-6 70-2 149-5 64-1. 0-676 62 157 X K 2d Fine. 23 29-916 0-114 82-0 70-6 '.12-7 71-8 149-1 67-4 0-596 55 ; 159 X E 40 i Fine wiih passing clouds. 24 29-905 0-110 82-7 71-3 923 69-8 151-9 63-4: 0-614 55 ; 231 NEbyN 40 ! Do. 25 29-946 0-113 83-1 78f 92-9 74-7 155-3 68-5 0-706 62 ; 285 X'E by N i~ . II... 26 29-944 0-111 83-3 78-0 !U-9 76-4 1.-.2-I 74-i; 0-674 :,!i 224 NEbyN ::.', ... i Da 27 29-901 o-iio 81-0 71-0 91-4 70-3 140-8 04-2 ' 0-626 .-,! 164 N E '17 ! Fine. 28 29-878 0-124 80-1 .70-8 90.7 68-8 147-1 63-8 0-630 60 i 165 N K 27 -Fine with passing clouds. 29 29-906 0-097 80-5 70-2 91D 70-4 158-9 (HI o-ooi ~j~ ' 174 N X K ~>7 Passing clouds. 30 29-864 0-116 82-0 Til MI 72- 156-5 67-3 '0-737 68 174 X X E t7 ; D... 31 29-841 0-117 79-6 75-4 88-9 76-6 149-3 73-1 ; 0-825 81 94 X N E 70 0-05 Cloudy: til. Mean 29-840 0-121 82-3 7t-:t MO .74-5 150-3 ,70-3 0-743 67 12.-, ES'E ' m; 3^1: 271 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1 88 1 November. November 1881 BABOHETEB REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced \yind SJ *3 a _o 5 _z 11 N Qeneral Weather Menu Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet May. Min. Max. Mjn. 1 Vapour ' Huni- Xension idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Indies Inches o O O O Indies Cents Miles Points Cents Inche 1 29-867 0-108 78-6 757 84-6 7o'8 114-6 73-5 0-850 87 66 N by E 90 0-42 Overcast wjth rain. 2 29-891 0-108 78-9 75-3 87-7 747 146-2 73-3 0-830 84 107 N E 90 0-25 Do. 3 29-875 0-107 76-5 74-6 83-9 74-0 139-7 72-3 0-8,31 91 76 NEbyE 100 1-00 Do. 4 89-875 0-093 76-8 74-4 83-7 74-5 120-4 73-6 0-820 88 57 NEbyN 100 0-24 Do. 5 89-928 0-132 79-3 75-2 86-3 73-6 143-5 72-7 0-821 S2 70 East 73 0-74 Cloudy : rain. 6 29-874 0-131 80-1 75-5 88-3 76-2 li:i-l 74-9 0-823 80 158 NEbyE 90 0-49 Overcast: rain. 7 29-84!) 0-128 79-3 74-6 86-8 71-6 140-0 70-7 0-793 80 191 N E 7' 0-63 Cloudy : rain. 8 29-860 0-113 75'8 72'S 83-0 71-2 145-8 71-3 0-768 86 107 NEbyN 97 l-2|t : Do. : do. 9 29-867 0-109 78- 1 71-7 87-1 73-5 147-0 71-3 0-693 72 158 N by E 63 ... Passing clouds. 10 29-837 0-109 78-8 73-5 87-1 71-7 148-2 68-9 , 0-756 77 153 NNE 57 Do. 11 29789 0-088 78-3 73- 1 85-0 74-0 138'9 72-1 0-758 78 238 North 87 Overcast. 12 29-583 0-259 68-9 66-9 77-0 65-6 78-0 66-3 0-634 90 530 N N W 100 8-19 A moderate cyclone. 13 29-797 0-026 72-2 68-2 78-2 69'5 136-4 69-7 ;0-638 81 285 S E 57 ... Stormy before sunrise : fine after. 14 29-854 0-108 77-3 73-8 83-3 7J-1 142-2 68-9. ; 0-788 84 81 ESE 63 0-12 Passing clouds : rain. 15 29-879 0-110 77-9 74-4 86-2 74-0 143-4 73-5 :0-805 84 71 EN E 67 ; 0-06 Cloudy. 16 29-860 0-123 79-6 75"5 89-4 74-0 152-7 71-0 .0-829 82 52 y N E 23 Fine with passing c|ods. 17 29-846 0-138 80-1 75-7 90-8 73-7 152-4 70-6 0-830 80 46 N N E 40 Do. 18 29-820 0-145 80-4 75-9 89-0 74-9 155-6 72-0 , 0-835 80 . 58 SEbyE 43 ... Do. 19 29-827 0-120 79-6 74-8 88-7 75'5 148-1 72-7 0-799 79 92 South 53 y J-ol Passing ds. : a sharp thunderstorm. 20 29-876 0-118 : 78-7 74-4 86-2 72-0 145-1 70-5 0-795 81 47 Sby E 47 ; .... Passing clouds. 21 29-902 0-131 79-5 75-2 87-2 74-7 146-0 72-6 0-818 81 , 129 NE 47 0-26; Passing clouds : rain. 22 29-919 0-105 77-G 72-0 86-7 72-8 142:6 70-2 , 0-711 75 , 197 N -N E 53 ... Fine with passing c)onds. 23 29-934 0-123 76-7 69-5 83-5 72-6 1382 72-0 0-626 69 | 182 North ;17 Do. 24 29-948 0-117 75-3 70-4 SIM 70-2 141-9 67-0 iO'679 77 163 North 13 Fine. 25 29-937 0-118 76-0 70-6 84-4 67-8 141-7 65-0 0-677 75 i 184 Nby E 30 Fine with passing cloud*. 26 29-938 0117 77-1 70-8 85-2 70-5 145-1 68-0 ; 0-670 72 191 Nby 37 ... Do. 27 29961 0-119 78-0 71-9 85-5 71-1 145-7 68-0 0-702 74 157 N-NiE 33 , Do. 28 29-966 0-129 77-6 71-6 85-0 68-7 146-4 64-8 iO-695 74 220 N by E 50 ... ; Passing clouds. 29 29-962 0-124 76-3 71-9 80-7 72-3 108-8 71-2 0-724 80 213 N N E 83 ; 0-25 Cloudy : rain. 30 29-970 0-109 78-3. 71-4- 86:0 75-5 W3-7 73-s 0-677 70 , 253 NEbyN; 80 ) : Cloudy. 1 Mean 29-876 0-119 77-6 73-1 - 85:3 72-0 189-4 70-7 ,0-756 80 151 N K 62 ; iu-40( Note. 12th & 13th. This cyclone was accompanied by a very high sea which did great damage to the Madras Harbour, but the wind at no time reached a very great velocity. The centre passed to the south of Madras. The lowest reading of the barometer was 29'51 at 4 P.M. on the 12th, and the stronget wind was between 11 P.M. on the 12th and 2 A.M. on the 13th, when it averaged 32 miles per hour. The rain was continuous from 1-30 A.M. to 8 P.M. on the 12th. 272 Madras Meteorological Observations. 188 1 Decem her. December 1881 BAROMETER SEDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind CO 1 o 5 "?. K General Weather Mean Range Dry Snn Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion 3ay Inches Inches o o O o o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nchei- 1 29-949 0-091 75-5 69-5 83-4 70-8 134-7 67-1 0-642 72 190 NEbyN 70 Cloudy. 2 29-916 0-102 75-7 69-2 84-6 67-8 113-9 63-2 0-628 71 191 NNE 63 Do. 3 29-903 0123 74-6 69-3 80-3 69-7 132-2 67-7 0-647 75 239 Nby E 97 Do. 4 29-929 0-093 756 69-4 83-1 71-3 131-4 ... 0-637 72 238 NbyE 97 Do. 5 29-970 0-113 77-4 69-8 85-6 71-8 141-9 70-2 0-628 67 282 NNE 57 Passing clouds. 6 29-986 0-104 76-4 70-7 83-5 71-3 144-4 69-7 0-676 74 242 North 67 Do. 7 29-964 0-120 75'5 70-0 84-8 70-0 145-3 68-1 0-661 75 246 Nby E 30 Fine with passing clouds. 8 29-937 0-135 75-2 68-8 83-4 68-1 144-2 63-7 0-620 71 262 North 73 Cloudy. 9 29-861 0-105 766 73-3 83-0 75-0 119-2 73-7 0-777 85 214 NNE 100 0-84 Cloudy : rain. 10 29-882 0-118 76-2 73-9 79-2 74-0 120-4 73-4 0-807 90 179 NbyE 100 0-60 Overcast : rain. 11 29-904 0-098 77-4 74-5 84-9 72-8 140-7 72-0 0-817 86 197 NNE 80 0-26 Cloudy : rain. 12 29-939 0-132 78-3 73-9 84-6 73-9 139-2 72-7 0-779 80 254 N E 77 031 Do. : do. 13 29-950 0-112 78-4 73-8 83-8 75-3 131-4 73-7 0-774 80 237 NNE 90 0-05 Cloudy. 14 29-937 0-106 78-6 73-6 85-2 75-8 141-9 73-9 0-763 78 258 NNE 53 ... Passing clouds. 15 29-974 0-107 77-8 72-0 85-1 74-6 144-4 71-9 0-708 74 204 NE byN 47 Fine with passing clouds. 16 30-027 0-127 75-9 70-0 83-4 69-0 140-3 65-2 0-655 73 189 NNE 43 Do. 17 30-032 0-147 74-1 68-6 83-7 68-7 140-3 65-9 0-627 74 190 Nby E 43 Passing clouds. 18 30-003 0-137 75-4 68-8 83-8 66-8 141-5 63-0 0-617 71 192 NNE 57 Do. 19 30-004 0-081 74-5 69-8 83-7 69-3 143-3 67-5 0-666 78 198 N NE 07 Do. 20 29-999 0-128 74-1 71-4 78-7 70-9 98-1 69-5 0-734 87 182 Nby W 100 o-io Overcast with rain. 21 29-980 0-112 76-7 73-7 83-0 75-6 125-1 74-0 0-793 86 184 NEbyN 97 1-41 Do. 22 29-986 0-120 76-5 70-3 82-4 72-3 139-5 70-8 0-659 72 205 NNE 43 0-03 Passing clouds. 23 30-006 0-107 74-3 69-6 82-9 67-0 1401 63-8 0-661 78 131 NNE 40 Do. 24 29-970 0-141 74-2 67-4 82-8 65-9 137-6 62-6 0-581 69 167 NNE 60 Do. 25 29-964 0-103 74-1 67-6 83-5 69-8 142-3 66-0 0-590 70 100 NNE 53 Do. 26 29-969 0-118 74-1 G9-1 82-6 66-8 140-5 63-9 0-646 76 195 NbyE 60 Do. 27 29-968 0-109 76-0 71-4 85-1 69-8 143-1 66-4 0-709 79 199 NbyE 70 Cloudy. 28 29-887 0-149 75-1 72-2 80-2 72-3 104-7 70-8 0-752 86 247 North 100 0-02 Overcast. 29 29-871 0-110 747 73-1 78-9 73-5 100-3 71-6 0-795 93 323 NbyE 100 1-48 Overcast with rain. 30 29-918 0-121 70-8 69-9 75-2 67-2 109-4 67-2 0-721 95 315 N by W 100 1-80 Do. 31 29-947 0-127 75-2 72-2 80-2 72-6 112-9 727 0-751 86 284 NN E 100 0-96 Do. Me 29-953 0-116 75'6 70-9 82-7 7TO 1317 687 0-694 . 78 217 NNE 72 7-83 273 do 2 r^ tn ^_> "3 en -r-t-*-t*xx E oSw**flO*eowow Q g p a S Greatest Fall !? *l C O5 -* t- l M o g 1-1 : : : M _, _ n c s jS| CO f O c ?; : : : rH co 01 5-1 ^3 o -^ -M i i OS OO 00 C IM O X rt 10 IO * 05 O J= 7f : : ;(N-HOWO5co.-toc go '6^rtji6i)^-i AniDiint *W COCOOXr-I^OCO -r o : : ;c*icocDO'-'Cs ;: rx a 6 ' 6 w w o x o t* r i r ~^ 1 i g Lowest 03 -rMe7f3O5CJXOO-i<(N fHrHrHi tr- lrHO4' * QH , S iO X . XCltOCltNX'-HSD'N'MiO'-i ^ i it^HOlrHC^r- ir-ti it )f?4 O l- *~ t> Grass Thermometer Lowest !>O-iOlO3i-H|>-*'30^ Q * " w WW 7t 71 71 ssuig uo uiniuinij^ CO t-^ OS CO IT- IQ i-( CS CO CC l^ I'- (M t* ff-lrH^XOONOO-^XO o CCC1X-*O1XO1U3-*OOGO ^ OCOt^-l-^t>l^l>l>.l>t>.O o WSiOOOM-^MDSOW-^iM O LO CD t 1> l>. l>. t* 1-* CO CC CO uiniuixi!j( nug ^--.OiiOOJCOiaO^^-tl-- o -^ i >b b x ^-< / 6 oj 6 ci ^H -t-f-t't-fi-^-t-trficroc': re *t Records Sun Thermometer 4a E $ HI oj OiOSl>-i-(Ci-*Orac;xt> ^ Mi-.^HtNMr-l 55 -C K I-i Madras Mean Monthly and Annual Meteorological Relative Humidity By Blauf ord's Tables O! XX^CqOW05N'fl^OX O CO *> t* CO CO O t- i>- X 4> O g TOiOOf-Hffl^OOSi-f-'tOSttW C3 W O C5 6i W CD W J> 00 O iO P kra to ficiraioiaioioio*^ Madras Extreme Monthly Meteorological Humidity 1 Lowest ^ xoONasowiocciocicow pW (MCQ I-H (N'N^-t'*f-ti3SCCO-# x aiasco-tcDo-^ '-t^toc: ^ O O 1 X X X 1^- X X i- I-* ^ o IO 1^ 6 5 (2 r}*3ftt*S!i>4D. i i> o o t^ J3 M * Lowest ^* rocoOTioocqoOGOom-fi Q W PH ei rH -< i-(C^^HN a 2 a f-Hco-f-FXi-iXfMOcoi-iai T 1 COCOTftOSXt-HiNXTpCOOlO o oodoccr-iOQOocrsdsiD-f^ OlOOi.-I>.^t->.^iOCDO5O XXCOl>-Xt>.OCCCO-f Jh* X rH Dry Bulb Thermometer Lowest rt* '-'OF-<(MifDO:^-it>XXm-f QCQi-i N fH(Mr-lW !DO1>COXX3SCOX(M~- a i O l~>- O 01 Q i^ 3 >O I-H >C CO O s s e is s s s & g s ?4 c X ; t l^ -tCDOXO5rHU5XOX5DCi S si S ? ."*" ** w o 9B *" >o !C O *> t^ t t> l- l> S CO O 1 | W g* t^x>cX'-i^)ioo^r-(i^ira p T^ ,-1 04 01 i-( N iH iH X a 01CCtOCO-*l--OCDCOi-ICOI- cp o 4+cb6iM6x674coo(fi xxxoiOaiociOioixx ^oo- lasoacotMoa <; *4-i4!M*oeqcaXi-twcccD iO x o QDOOMQ'? ; lTOTHCii'--OO>O XXOSOi IOOOO5O1CSX o OiOO^XCO!riCCi(N^Jl--.lf5 t* 1-* X X X X X X X X l^ l> Barometer i-& || iO 1>- X >O (M X CO 1^. CS i i O5 CO ^5 MnMC04VHI)O4meir-4rH -t C4 I-H O Barometer (D be i m O-H3ir-i^COCit>-COQt--.tO - CC*MOCCt CSCOXXCO M<->TC^*>CCpOClNXQCi.-' W Ol^-XiCOt-tXX^^-t^H^- -^ OlXt>-CO-QOOiOCOCOU3X 2 dsc;cs6ids6csCR6d:aics ^ Ol W *l W 01 -?l W W 3-1 ^4 C^ C*J ^ W5OOt>-i'^'OiOt>.COXl^ I Annual '. O j 1C n CCOij'XXO'fS^OOC'IO 2 6666s6sdscftd5ds666 ^ CCCCCQOJW(M(Mi>4(NCCeCC : J S' N *L . - ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4- 1 1 1 1 II II mi^i*ilili ^^g-* b SS 1 Mean Range Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Dailv Velo- city Mean Direc- tion X O 1 o 'a (3 Day Inches Inches Inches Cents Miles Points Cents 1 IH'llCS 1 29-961 0-147 75-5 735 77-8 74-1 104-8 729 0-800 92 193 X X K 100 0'08 Overcast. 2 29-964 0-108 78-0 75-4 84-6 75-1 145-5 73-7 0-847 89 180 X E 73 O'l!) Passing clouds : rain. 3 29985 0-103 77-9 744 83-8 75-0 112-3 732 0805 84 138 E X E 47 Kim' with passing clouds. 4 29-986 0126 770 73-5 84-3 72-2 1421 697 0-780 84 107 East :!3 Do. 5 29976 0128 77'7 74 1 84-2 724 1371 698 0-796 84 78 SEby E M ])... 6 29961! 0-129 78-3 W| 85-8 72-3 1443 69-5 0751 78 77 SEbyE 23 Do. 7 30-041 0112 78-3 739 85-9 72-0 144-9 689 0-780 81 88 Eby S 33 I'il-sini; rlnuils. 8 30-055 0122 766 72-4 84-7 71-7 1369 63-8 0741 82 86 NE 57 Do. 8 30-050 0-112 75-1 704 84-7 703 1421 66-1 0-682 79 120 X E 40 Fine with passing clouds. 10 30030 0-138 740 66-7 84-0 658 143-7 60-7 0-558 68 Be X K 17 Kin,-. 11 30-040 0-129 71-7 64-8 84-4 638 143-8 59-0 0-522 68 82 XE by N 23 Fine will passing clouds. 12 30040 0-113 72-8 65-7 82-2 61-6 1445 59-8 0539 67 81 N NE 50 Do. 13 30-039 0-108 74-1 68-6 84-4 64-6 1446 59-9 0-627 74 118 XbyE 47 Passing clouds. 14 30-062 0-116 76-0 70-1 84-8 69-8 140-8 67-3 0-658 74 173 N X E 40 Do. 15 30067 0-135 75-0 699 81-1 68-5 1431 64-9 0-665 77 122 N N E 50 ' Da 10 30-063 0-139 74-8 69-0 85-5 66-7 141-6 61-9 0-632 73 142 X X E 30 Fine with passing clouds. 17 30031 0136 715 69-5 85-9 67-3 145-5 62-8 0-656 77 121 NNE 30 Do. 18 30-078 0-107 76-6 68-7 852 68-3 1405 64-0 0-596 66 194 N X E 23 Do. 19 80-143 0-101 76-4 68-0 85-1 70-2 142-3 63-9 0-573 62 279 NNE 30 Do. 20 30-107 0123 75-4 66-1 84-6 67-1 142-6 61-7 0-518 60 237 N NE 17 Do. 21 30-049 o-uo 73-6 67-6 8H 64-3 143-8 59-3 0597 72 140 X X E 20 Do. 22 30-025 0-108 75-6 67-1 85-2 66-0 141-3 61-7 0551 02 163 NNE 20 Do. 23 30010 0-132 76-8 87-9 85-1 69-0 143-5 65-9 0-578 61 171 NNE 27 Do. 24 30-003 0-122 73-8 00-5 86-4 65-0 141-5 59-6 0-554 68 124 X X E 30 Do. 25 211-989 0115 72T) 07-3 84-8 63-4 141-1 57-1 0-600 76 81 NEbyN 30 Do. 26 29973 0-136 n-4 66-6 81-7 62-9 141-3 56-9 0-590 77 50 N E 47 I.i\'lit (Hissing cloud*. 27 29-976 0-125 71-3 665 82-8 60-8 142-8 54-8 0-588 76 55 E X E 20 Fim> wiili |>;issing clouds. 28 30-017 0-107 719 661 84-6 60-9 141-2 54-9 0-565 72 67 EXE 10 Kim'. 29 30-009 0-121 71-9 65-9 85-3 62-7 141-5 572 0558 71 67 Eby N 13 ])... 30 29989 0-165 71-5 66-0 836 59-0 1463 52-2 0-565 73 48 K X E 20 Do. 31 30-013 0-120 747 69-6 84-1 65-9 143-3 609 0-657 76 96 East 43 Fine with light clouds. Mean 30023 0122 7t-H 692 84-4 67-5 1413 63-2 0-643 74 122 N E 30 0-27 275 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1882 February. ?1 X X b a _3 n BAROMETER RKIIUL'KI) TO :i2 Corrected Mean Temperature Dry Wet SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind aj O a o 5 a 'S M General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Max. Miu. Max. Min. Vapour Huni- Tensiou ' idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O o O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inclie I 30-020 0-119 74-0 68-8 85-6 65-0 144-8 59-4 0636 w 89 E by X 37 Light passing clouds. o 20-980 0-122 71-8 66 1 . 849 62-6 142-8 55-2 0-566 73 59 EXE 10 Fine. 3 29-962 0-113 70-8 65-2 .82-9 600 139-0 52-5 0-548 7M 68 E by N 10 Do. 4 30-002 0-111 738 67-9 85-0 63-6 145-7 68-8 0-606 72 58 ' E by X Hi Fine with passing clouds. 5 30-030 0-119 75- J 63-5 86-2 63-3 145-7 61-1 0-603 69 112 NE by E 40 Do. 6 30-040 0-122 7(5-4 69-6 8J-9 64-8 1 15 ,S 60-7 0-633 70 128 i N E 23 Do. 7 30-012 0-119 75-3 69-7 87-5 65-6 141-8 61-4 0-653 75 105 XEbyE 30 Do. 8 30-005 0-116 76-9 70-1 .86-3 65-9 147-4 61-8 0-647 70 127 NEbyK 40 Do. 9 29-990 0-117 75-9 70-0 865 67-6 1U-2 63-9 0-655 73 91 XEbyE 23 Do. 10 29-954 0-125 74-9 69-4 .85-4 66-2 141-5 61-9 0-646 74 58 Eby N 17 Fine. ]| 29-883 0-151 74-6 68-6 . 84-9 64-9 141-0 (>0-1 0620 72 91 S E Do. 12 29-881 0-114 75-2 69-2 85-9 65-4 139-9 61-3 0-635 72 125 S E 3 Do. ia 29 912 0-120 75-5 70-1 84-0 67-1 141-3 63-6 0-665 75 138 SE by S 20 Fine with passing clouds. it 29-902 0-148 759 70-2 .85-0 67- 1 140-2 63-3 0-663 74 125 SEby S 23 Do. 13 29-895 0-170 77-2 71-7 87-0 67-9 1421 61-9 0-704 75 148 S S E 20 Fine. lt> 29-889 0-147 78-7 72-7 87-7 71-4 141-7 68-1 0-724 74 137 SEby S 20 Fine with passing clouds. 17 29-918 0-105 76-8 71-3 87-0 71-0 145-1 67-9 0-694 75 118 SEby S 40 ... Light passing clouds. 18 29921 0-104 76-8 71-7 .88-5 68-7 145-4 64-9 0-710 77 126 SBbyS 33 Fine with parsing clouds. 19 29-922 0-127 78-0 733 90-4 69-1 1457 65-9 0-758 79 100 S S E 37 Po. 20 29-923 0-122 79-1 73-5 89-0 72-4 143-:! 70-0 0-752 76 138 SEbyS 20 Do. 21 29-914 0-151 78-5 72-5 89-3 63-8 145-8 66-2 0-719 74 ICO SE by E 27 Do. 2'2 29-913 | 0-138 77-5 70-4 87-6 69-3 1434 65-9 0-650 69 84 East 23 ... Do. 23 29-956 0-126 79-0 72-0 87-9 69-6 141-5 66-9 0-692 70 12 1 E by X 20 To. 21 29-97.3 0-139 79-1 72-3 89-3 70-5 1401 67-9 0-703 71 133 E X K 40 Do. 23 29-997 0-114 78-7 72-1 89-2 70-0 14.V3 67-0 0-701 72 141 X K 20 Do. 26 30-002 0-121 78-5 71-6 897 69-2 144-7 65-9 0-683 70 150 XE by X 27 r... 27 891887 0-159 78-1 72-0 .88-4 69-0 149-9 66-3 0-705 74 98 K X K 33 Do. 28 29-957 o- 1 M 78-8 72-3 .88-2 70-4 142-5 143-8 66-3 0-707 72 li- no K by S E by S 23 Do. Moan 29-955 0-130 76-5 70-5 87-0 67-5 63-5 0-667 73 25 Xil. 276 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1882 March. BAROMETEK SKI.K REGI.STKRIXG 3 00 i M KEDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THEKMOMKTKKS Deduced Wind *c B c O :; pa General Weather Mean Range Dry San Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Hum- Tension idity Daily Mean Velo- Direc- city tion Day Inches Inches O O * 9 O Inches Cents Miles Points ('flits lie-lies 1 30001 0134 78-9 71-5 88-0 69-4 141-5 65-6 0-673 68 HI; E S E 20 Fine. 2 29951 0-147 76-6 69-0 87-8 67-4 143-9 62-9 0-608 67 M K S K 3 Do. 3 29-897 0162 746 68-0 .86-8 63-4 141-6 59-7 0-598 70 89 SEby K B Do. 4 29-905 0-128 75-2 68-9 86-4 64-6 140-6 60-7 0-626 71 100 SEby S a Fine with pa?s-in-4 70'5 149-6 677 0-702 69 145 E by N 40 Fine with passing clouds. 7 29-968 0-131 78-6 72-3 1(0-2 70-7 150-1 67'9 0-710 72 101 NE by E 17 Do. 8 29-943 0-125 78-8 71-5 91-3 68-7 146-9 65-0 0-675 69 110 E S E 7 Fine. 9 29-965 0125 78-1 71-5 88-2 67-7 1454 639 0-685 72 137 S E 27 Fine with r>a*sinj; clouds. 10 29-955 0141 76-9 68-5 88-3 68-2 142-6 63-9 0-585 63 96 SE by E 20 ... Fine. 11 30'OOi 0-112 76-8 68-1 87-6 649 142-6 61-2 0-571 61 125 8 E 20 ... Do. 12 30-027 0-115 ,78-3 71-2 89-4 65-6 146-3 62-9 0-670 69 111 SEbyE u Do. 13 30-023 0-139 78-9 72-0 .9.1-0 69-1 1444 66-4 0-693 70 74 ESE 30 Fine with I'assinsr clouds. 14 29-978 0155 79-2 70-8 92-6 68-3 145-2 64-7 0-643 64 92 E S E / Fine. 15 29-968 0-125 78-6 72-8 .9.2-8 69-7 145-2 667 0730 74 100 SEby E 17 Do. 16 29-985 0-161 79-7 73-4 8.9-9 70-0 1399 (56-5 0-739 73 119 SE 30 Fine with passing clouds. 17 29-958 0-149 79-2 72-4 .89-1 72-0 143-8 69-5 0-706 71 101 SEbyE 40 Do. 18 29-934 0-165 79-6 72-7 .91-0 68-3 144-3 64-1 0-712 70 125 Sby E 40 ... Do. 19 29-907 0-163 80-7 747 89-8 711 141-1 685 0-780 74 155 S S E To. 20 29-902 0-121 81-5 75-3 89-4 74-0 140-4 71 1 0-795 74 165 S S E 60 Passing clouds. 21 29-891 0-124 81-7 75-6 .89-9 74-6 140-6 710 0-805 75 179 S S E 47 Do. 22 29-856 0-155 81-7 75-0 .9.0-6 72-5 144-9 71-8 0-779 73 166 S S E 37 Fine with passing clouds. 23 29-839 0-159 82-1 75-7 93-6 73-9 144-8 70-8 0-803 73 192 S S E 13 Fine. 24 29-775 0-141 82-9 76-2 .951 76-1 144-0 74-7 0-814 72 228 S by E 10 Do. 25 29-777 0-131 839 76-3 93-5 77-2 140-9 75"8 0-806 70 242 S S E 10 Do. 2G 29-810 0-150 84-9 776 96-3 78-3 147-3 76'8 0-849 71 2(iS Sby E 7 Do. 27 29-820 0-165 85-6 79-1 939 803 142-5 79-4 0-907 74 266 S by E 13 Co. 28 29832 .0123 84-9 78-2 92-4 80-7 1436 80-0 0-876 73 278 SbyE 37 Fine ith pftMmg cloud*. 29 29-840 0-129 84-7 78-4 91-8 79-7 1422 78-8 0-888 74 249 S S E 23 Fine with lif;ht clouds. 30 29-861 0122 83-8 773 91-0 79-5 143-4 78-7 0-850 73 205 SF.oy S :t:t ... Do n 29-872 0153 81-7 74-9 89-9 741 140-3 70-8 0-775 72 148 8 E 27 ... Fine with juis-iiiL' cloud*. Mean 29-918 0-138 80-2 73-3 90-5 715 1439 68-7 0732 71 151 SE 25 KU. 277 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1882 April. i 00 P. < BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds _g '3 = General Weather. Mean liilllfJC' Dry San Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Jlin. Vapour ; Hum- Tension idity Dailv Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o O Indies Cents Miles i'oints Cents Inclie I 29-857 0-127 82-3 75-7 91-4 74-2 144 1 70-8 0-801 74 148 SEbyS 23 Fine with passing clouds. 2 29-879 0-150 82-7 75'7 911 73-0 143-5 687 0-795 71 166 SSE 37 l:o. 3 29-864 0-173 83-4 7H-8 92-6 76-5 150-6 14 0-834 73 166 S by E 30 Fine with light clouds. 4 29-783 0-181 85-0 77-0 91-0 77-2 145-5 73-8 0-821 68 191 South 13 To. 5 29-795 0-131 84-8 77-0 94-0 79-0 144-3 76-8 0-824 69 229 S by E 23 Do. 6 29-867 0-131 82-7 7U-.I 91-1 75-2 143-9 71-6 0-813 73 178 SSE 23 Fine. 7 29-879 0-135 82-3 74-1 91-5 73-3 143-7 70-2 0-715 67 142 SEbyS 17 Do. 8 29-859 0-142 83-4 76-0 92-5 74-2 144-1 71-6 0-799 69 173 SSE 17 Do. 9 29-855 0-133 84-1 76-7 91-9 77-1 143-2 74-6 0-820 70 182 SSE 23 Fine with light clouds. 10 29-857 0-127 84-4 77-3 92-2 76-9 145-8 74-1 0-843 72 213 SSE 23 Do. 11 29-819 0-141 84-3 77-3 92-4 77-5 147-1 74-6 0-844 72 193 SSE 30 Fine with passing clouds. 12 29-818 0-123 86*9 77-6 93-0 78-9 148-9 76-4 0-844 70 181 SEbyS 53 Passing clouds. 13 29-821 0-119 86-0 78-1 94-2 80-1 145-2 77-6 0-855 68 134 E S E 60 0-04 Cloudy. 14 29-830 0-114 86-0 78-4 92-6 81-6 140-9 80-0 0-871 70 92 S E 80 Do. 15 29-801 0-162 83-9 76-3 H3'7 79-1 146-5 77-7 0-806 69 111 S by W 40 Fine with passing clouds. 16 29-768 0-131 83-4 76-3 91-2 73-5 142-2 69-7 0-813 71 162 SSE 27 Do. 17 29-773 0-162 84-2 77-2 93-7 7(1-0 143-6 73-1 0-840 72 179 Sby E 27 Fine with light clouds. 18 29-766 0-130 85-4 77-5 92-8 80-2 146-2 78-9 0-838 68 216 SSE 37 ... Fine with passing clouds 19 29-787 0-135 85-0 77-1 92-5 77-8 145-9 74-2 0-825 68 206 S S E 50 Hn/y. 20 29-791 0-142 84-1 76-9 91-1 78-0 137-8 75-6 0-829 71 158 ;SEbyS 67 Do. 21 29-745 0-151 84-3 76-8 92-1 76-6 139-6 73-9 0-822 70 171 SSE 50 Light passing clouds. 22 29-712 0-169 S4-2 77-0 92-8 76-4 145-0 73-7 0-832 71 152 ; S E 27 Fine with passing clouds. 23 29-701 0-136 85-1 77-4 93-5 77-9 148-7 75*7 0-838 69 139 S E 37 Do. 24 29-733 0-136 86-7 79-3 94-9 81-1 1454 78-5 0-902 70 120 SEbyE 63 Cloudy: th. N. W. 25 29-737 0-148 87-8 76-7 97-6 81-3 147'(i 80-9 0-772 59 125 Sby W 62 Cloudy. 26 29-815 0-101 86'7 77-6 94-8 82-6 144-4 81-7 0-825 65 186 SSE 60 Do. 27 29-842 0-193 84-9 77-H 93-4 79-3 142-0 77-0 0-858 72 152 SSE 17 Fine. 28 29-836 0-144 83-6 76-5 92-2 76-4 141-6 73-3 0-818 71 153 SSE 13 Do. 29 29-826 0-145 84-6 76-4 93-0 76-7 142-6 73-7 0-800 67 171 SSE 13 Do. 30 29-834 0-111 84-5 76-5 93-7 76-0 141-6 144-4 73-0 0-8C6 68 162 SSE 13 Do. Mean 29-808 0-138 84-5 76-9 92-9 77-5 74-8 0-824 70 165 SSE 35 0'04 70 278 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1882 May. % X s, BABOMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REOISTEKIXC THKKMOMKTKKS Deduced \Viu.I 5 -_> C.eiiend Weather Menu Range Dry Sun Grass Dry \Vet Max. Mip Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hnm- idity Daily Velo- city Menu Direc- tion Day 1 Inches 29-810 Inches 0-139 Cents 67 Miles 218 Points S S E Cents 3 \ uclie:. Fine. S5-2 77-0 941 77-3 1429 74-8 0-818 2 29-75-2 0-147 86-4 77-4 97-0 80-8 148-2 79-4 0-819 65 298 S by K Do. 3 29724 0-159 86-9 78-0 97-6 80-6 147-3 7!C1 0-839 l>5 301 Soutll 33 Fine with passing -louds. 4 29-744 0143 89-2 78-6 98-3 82-6 147-5 81-7 0-836 61 L'I; i South 2(1 Do. 5 29-755 0-130 89-2 776 104-9 82-9 150-9 82-1 0-792 58 BM S by W 20 Fine. 6 29754 0-114 88-8 77-6 105-4 83-0 152-3 81-8 o-7!7 5S ttl S by W 13 Do. 7 29-785 O'lll 86-4 773 966 HO-0 146-5 78-4 0-815 !!> S by K n Fine with |i;issill'_ r clouds. 8 29-823 0-140 87'4 79-2 95-0 82-0 1471 80-8 0888 M 317 S l.y K 17 Fine. 9 29-840 0-110 85-5 78-0 94-9 81 '2 1436 79-8 0-859 70 SM S S K 40 Fine wilh passim; elowls : lir. 8. W. 10 29-799 0-171 85-2 78-6 94-1 77-5 144-2 75-0 0-890 73 210 S by K 37 Fine with passing clouds. 11 29-825 0-131 86-8 74-8 96-4 81-4 145-4 79-8 0701 55 211 S by K tt Do. 12 29-816 0-136 86-0 777 94-6 78-9 143-4 76-6 0-810 67 172 S by E 27 Fine with lilflit clouds. 13 29-739 0-149 87-4 78-8 100-9 81-8 148-7 80-8 0-870 67 2 K> South N PiisMli;,' clouds. 14 29-738 0-207 85-3 77-2 99-0 793 147-5 77-3 0-826 68 IS3 South 57 Do. 15 29-766 0-143 87-3 77-8 96-6 81-8 148-7 80-8 0-823 63 157 Sby E 40 Light. p;is.sini; clouds. 16 29-797 0-141 86-3 76-1 94-4 82-4 135-7 81-3 0-764 61 177 Smith 77 Cloudy. 17 29-754 0-169 85-1 76-1 93-9 79-2 1453 77-4 0-780 64 138 S by K 47 Passing clouds. 18 29710 0-147 83-3 7ti-J 91-4 79-3 138-7 77-H 0-817 71 125 S S E 77 Cloudy. 19 29-700 0-116 83-9 77-9 923 78-9 1U-0 77-0 0-876 75 107 S E 83 0-05 Do. 20 29-677 0-117 85-5 78-0 96-2 78-1 1 13-7 76-8 0-859 70 120 Eby N 77 Do. 21 29-629 0-148 89-1 78-5 104-8 80-9 1527 79-8 0-833 61 194 s S \V 50 Passing clouds. 22 29622 0119 89-0 77:! 104-6 81-4 152-2 80-5 0-780 57 257 S \V 17 l,iuht pussii];; clouds. 23 29-622 0-111 90-3 80-0 107-9 83-2 156-1 82-8 0-887 H li.'iS S by W 37 Fine with passing clouds. 24 29-660 0-119 89-9 t 7K-0 105-0 82-9 149-7 81-8 0-799 56 242 S by W 50 Do. 25 29-682 0-106 89-8 7H-9 104-8 82-1 150-5 8V4 0-841 61 248 S by W 40 rus^in^ clouds. 26 29-683 0-096 88-4 70-1 100-2 82-9 149-3 82-1 0-870 65 249 South 30 Fine wit h |iassinc; clouds. 27 29-734 0-1 33 85-0 77-5 989 82'S 148-3 82-0 0-844 70 162 SK by S 43 Do. 28 29-759 0-109 86-2 79-0 93-1 82-1 m-o 79-8 0-895 71 237 S S K 37 Do. 29 29-727 0-135 86-1 794 B8fi 81-7 144-S 80-8 0-915 74 2:,l> S by K 11 Do. 30 29-703 0-125 86-5 78-6 92-3 80-9 1397 79-8 0-888 69 2li3 South 17 Fine. 31 Mean 29-705 0-171 87-4 76-9 98-9 79-4 144-3 77-8 0-784 BO 203 S by W 23 Fine with passing clouds. 29737 0-135 86-9 77 7-8 8O-9 146-4 79- 0-833 65 21. '> SbyE :> 006 279 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1882 June. 1 D 5 -^ BAKOX KKIHTKl Mrun ETKR To 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SI--.I.K KEGISTEHIXC: THKhMOMETKKS Deduced Wind 90 3 o 5 '3 E5 General Weather llange Dry Sun i Grass Dry : Wet Kax, Jlin. &Uz. Miii. Vapour Hum- Tension idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches IndlCS o Inches Cent Miles Points Ceuts Indies ] 29722 0-163 90-5 75-3 107-3 82-5 151-8 BVfl 0-G73 47 216 VVby S 57 0-02 Cloudy : daststorm at 4 P.M. : th. 2 29-735 0-143 89-6 76-5 105-1 SI 7 151-7 79-1 0-737 53 222 S W 63 o-oi Cloudy : lg. 3 29-729 0-147 86-3 75-1 103-8 78-1 147-6 75-0 0-721 58 172 WSW 77 0-42 Clouily ; th. and lg. N. and K. : rain. -1 29'6S8 0-152 89-9 74-1 M;l-6 76-9 151-4 75-5 0-631 44 245 W S W 37 Hot wiud and passing clouds. 5 29r,37 0-177 90-5 74-1 102-6 81-2 153-3 79- 1 0-622 44 319 W S W 63 Cloudy. fi 29-569 0-198 91-3 74-8 102-0 84-3 151-0 S2-7 0-611 44 321 iSVVbyW 63 ... Passing clouds. 7 29-565 0-165 90-7 75-0 100-0 W2 150-9 sz-a 0-657 46 35S SWby W 80 Cloudy. 8 29-625 0-109 87-4 75-4 98-4 83-4 147-1 81-0 0-719 55 223 S W 77 0-05 Do. 9 29-630 0-136 S9-0 74-6 97-3 835 130-3 S2T, 0-663 48 306 SW by W 80 Do. 10 W-687 0-125 89-8 74-4 101-9 81-7 151-6 80-4 0-644 45 361 S W 70 Do. 11 80-688 O-106 90-2 74-6 100-3 B*8 150-6 82-5 0-649 46 376 WSW 80 Do. 12 29-622 0-134 897 73-8 99-8 83-0 146-6 81-7 0-620 44 108 W S W 77 ... Do. 18 29-65:! 0-125 89-5 73-1 98-3 83-4 146-6 82-3 0-595 43 365 ! W S W 80 Do. 14 29-639 0-190 92-0 73-9 102-9 83-0 153-1 80-7 0-595 40 392 WSW 73 Do. 15 29-6 IS 0-138 89-6 74-7 102-7 85-3 154-9 84-4 0-660 47 361 Wby S 57 0-02 Passing clouds. 16 29-664 0-157 92-0 73-6 103-1 83-3 149-1 82'ti 0-5S3 39 318 West 57 Po. 17 29-671 0-137 87-6 73-S 104-1 83-5 153-0 82-0 0-649 49 273 S W 67 Cloudy. 18 29-716 0-099 87-6 74-5 99-5 83-9 1539 83-1 0-679 52 217 Sby W 63 Passing clouds. 19 29-743 0-099 87-7 75-0 101-8 81-2 147-1 7!-S 0-698 ! 51 195 South 43 Fine with passing clouds. 20 211-756 0-105 87'6 77-0 98-9 : 82-3 144-7 82-1 G'786 , 60 229 South 57 Passing clouds : !g. W 21 29-747 0-117 86-8 77-0 101-6 81-0 150-3 78-4 0-797 62 243 S by W 50 o-oi Passing clouds. 22 29-767 0-099 84-7 7-1-6 102-5 80-9 149-4 79-6 0-722 61 239 S by W 53 1-48 Light clouds : thunderstorm. 23 29-751 0-122 82-9 76-3 101-0 73-0 1 1 1.-7 72-6 0-819 73 202 S by W 57 Passing clouds. 24 29-734 0-107 86-9 74-3 98-3 79-5 1-16-1 76-2 0-680 53 176 S by W 63 Light passing clouds. 25 29-734 0-128 89-0 76-1 90-9 80-6 1443 78-6 0-727 53 170 S by W 6'J Do. 26 29-757 0-123 88-0 76-9 97-6 81-9 145-0 80-2 o-776 59 186 S S K 47 Passing clouds. 27 29-774 0-154 85-2 76-3 95-1 80-5 1255 7S-6 "-7S7 lil 115 W S \V 87 Cloud}'. 28 29-770 0-110 86-5 75-2 93-3 81-1 1351 79-8 0-723 57 159 S W 60 Do. 29 29-776 o-ni S2-7 74-6 92-1 76-1 143-0 75-2 0-749 67 142 S W 93 Po. 30 29-722 0-109 83-1 75'8 93-6 715 142-7 70-0 0-798 70 170 S W 87 1-99 Tli-storm with heavy rain : cloudy day. Mean 29-694 0-133 88-1 75-0 100-3 81-2 147-1 79-7 0-693 53 256 S W 00 4-00 280 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1882 July. J-, 3 >-5 BAROMETER BEDCCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SEI.K REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind O c H (Iriu'i-al \Vcathfi Mean Kange Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. A'apour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O O O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-713 0-120 82-0 74-1 85-5 76-9 100-1 75-6 0-737 67 217 W by S 100 0-09 Overcast. 2 29-688 0-127 80-6 74-4 86-8 76-3 116-2 74-6 0-769 73 132 W by N 100 Do. 3 29-681 0-126 82-0 74-8 90-1 77-8 110-8 77-9 0-766 70 212 W S W W 0-12 Overcast : ruin. 4 29-710 0-090 84-2 72-7 94-0 76-7 138-6 74-6 0-650 56 296 \V by S ! Cloudy. 5 29-703 0-129 83-4 72-9 91-0 80-5 125-0 79-6 0-669 59 263 S \Vhy-\\ 97 (.)( '1 Oven-ast. 6 29-745 0-061 76-9 731 78-9 75-2 89-1 72-6 0-765 83 190 SS W 100 0-61 O \rivast : rain. 7 29-771 0-122 77-5 72-8 82-5 74-0 105-8 71-8 0-745 79 235 S by W 100 0-15 Do. : do. 8 29-77!) 0-152 81-9 74-8 94-2 71-7 143-0 72-8 0-768 71 158 S W 80 0-58 Cloudy : th. lo-. and rain. 9 29-753 0-172 82-9 76-4 95-1 76-5 143-1 75-3 0823 73 188 SWbyW 80 0'U7 Cloudy. 10 29-765 0-110 83-3 74-3 939 77-3 1362 75-8 0-728 63 158 Why S 80 0-09 Do. 11 29-755 0-105 82-9 74-7 86-2 78-2 120-9 76-9 0-750 66 146 S W 95 ... Do. 12 29-728 0-128 85-5 72-8 91-5 77-9 129-3 75-4 0-637 52 233 SWby W 93 Do. 13 29-675 0-170 84-2 73-4 96-2 79-4 140-7 78-4 0-679 58 207 W S W 83 o-os Do. 14 29-687 0-144 84-9 73-7 97-0 77-2 141-1 75-5 0-682 57 204 SWbyW 80 Cloudy : Iff. W. 15 29-724 0-130 85-3 74-0 94-7 79-9 131-6 78-9 0-689 57 272 W S W 87 0-13 Cloudy : rain. 16 29-715 0-143 86-0 74-0 94-8 77-8 137-0 76-4 0679 55 253 WS W 87 Cloudy. 17 29-687 0-137 86-9 73-4 94-1 78-6 136-2 76-5 0-642 50 214 SWbyW 77 Do. 18 29-683 0-140 88-2 73-8 99-9 80-1 147-9 78-6 0-641 48 250 SW by A\ 67 I'assiiiir clouds. 19 29-704 0-119 84-7 73-3 97-3 80-3 139-0 78-8 0-667 57 2G4 W S W 77 0'06 Cloudy. 20 29-704 0-140 87-1 74-3 97-2 79-9 1464 77-3 0-677 52 278 S \V 80 Do. 21 29-691 0-144 88-5 74-2 99-2 80-5 149-4 78-7 0-654 48 217 W S W 67 Passing clouds. 22 29-665 0-121 84-5 75-3 100-0 79-8 150-9 78-1 0754 64 266 SWbyS 67 0-19 Cloudy with rain. 23 29691 0-134 82-7 75-0 100-6 77-0 151-8 75-5 0-766 68 231 SWby S 73 0-51 Do. 24 29-727 0-128 82-7 76-2 97-6 75-8 150-0 717 0817 73 210 SS W 57 Passing clouds. 25 29-747 0-129 82-0 74-9 98-0 77-9 150-2 76-5 0771 71 242 SW by S 57 o-oo ' Do. 26 29-740 0-157 83-6 75-3 98-2 77-0 145-4 75-5 0-767 66 us S S W 53 Do. 27 29-726 0-164 87-1 73-3 98-0 77-8 139-9 76-0 0-636 49 !!)(! W by S r.7 Do. 28 29-678 0-177 87-2 73-6 99-7 79-8 150-8 78-7 0-647 50 261 W S W 67 Do. 29 29-633 0-138 85-6 751 100-4 80-5 152-1 79-5 0731 59 267 S W 70 Ho. 30 29-636 0-129 84-2 75-5 97-8 80-8 148-1 80-5 0766 65 238 S \V 67 0-42 Cloudy with rain. 31 29-660 0-108 81-1 72-8 946 77-2 1426 75-7 0-696 66 219 SWbyW 88 0-19 Do. Mean 29-709 0-132 83-9 74-2 94-4 78-0 135-8 7 0715 62 226 SWby W 80 327 281 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1882 August. M 1 be BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds d S General Weather Mean Range Dry San Grass Dry Wet Max. Miu. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O .. > Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inche 1 29-659 0-161 82-5 74-7 96-7 77-8 150-1 77-7 0-756 68 218 S W 73 0-08 Cloudy. 2 29-695 0-139 83-1 743 98-1 76-6 151-8 74-7 0-731 64 231 SWbyS C>0 0-03 Passing clouds. 3 29-698 0-127 84-2 75'0 98-6 78-3 152-2 75'7 0-745 63 279 SW by S 53 Do. 4 29-714 0-127 88-0 75-3 99-2 81-2 150-8 80-2 0-707 54 229 S W 67 o-oi Do. 5 29-707 0-165 87'4 73-9 98-9 80-8 147-6 79-9 0-656 50 298 VVS W 77 0-03 Cloudy. 6 29-719 0-148 87-4 73-8 98-4 79-9 144-3 78-7 0-652 50 244 W S W 77 Do. 7 29-729 0-134 86-6 73-6 98-3 81-8 155-3 80-7 0-655 52 260 W S W 97 0-19 Overcast : rain. 8 29-769 0-131 79-1 73-5 94-1 73-0 142-0 72-8 0-752 76 161 SWbyS 77 0-22 Cloudy : rain. 9 29-707 0-161 81-8 75-1 95-9 74-8 152-0 73-4 0-782 73 177 S W 67 0-05 Passing clouds. 10 29-703 0-121 80-2 75'5 92-6 75-7 151-1 74-5 0-820 80 195 South 77 0-54 Cloudy : rain. 11 29-706 0-117 82-1 75'7 92-7 75-3 143-4 74-0 0-803 74 219 South 47 Fine with passing clouds. 12 29-728 0-124 85-9 74-1 98-9 79-1 152-8 77-8 0-685 55 244 W S W 67 Oil Fine morning : cloudy day : rain. 13 29-762 0-119 85-6 74-9 94-2 78-4 143-8 76-9 0-722 59 193 WbyS 87 Chiefly overcast. 14 29-774 0-123 85-2 74-5 95-8 78-9 144-8 78-0 0-713 59 207 N N W 73 Cloudy. 15 29-745 0-130 84-4 74-7 95-4 77-9 133-6 75-7 0-732 62 145 WbyS 80 0-02 Do. 16 29-770 0-114 84-7 74-4 95-3 79-4 148-6 780 0-716 59 165 Sby E 97 Do. 17 29-773 0-120 81-9 74-3 97-5 75-4 150-9 73-3 0-747 68 168 S by E 63 0-05 Passing clouds. 18 29-756 0-118 83-3 75-7 95-9 75-8 143-0 74-0 0-788 69 177 S S W 53 Fine with passing clouds. 19 29-758 0-111 82-4 75-5 97-0 74-8 141-0 73-7 0-790 71 171 S W 70 0-31 Passing clouds : rain. 20 29-764 0-155 79-6 74-9 91-4 70-7 142-3 69-8 0-804 80 127 S S W 87 0-51 Day overcast with rain : tine night. 21 29-767 0-158 83-2 76-8 93-6 76-3 145-0 74-8 0-836 73 163 South 37 Fine with passing clouds. 22 29-747 0-153 83-3 76-3 93-7 76-7 151-0 75-0 0-813 71 179 S S W 47 Passing clouds. 23 29-729 0-171 84-6 76-6 95-4 79-5 151-4 77-8 0-809 66 177 S by E 50 o-oi Fine with passing clouds. 24 29-735 0-107 82-4 75-5 90-4 75-6 144-1 74-6 0-790 71 197 South 50 Passing clouds. 25 29-744 0-138 84-2 76-7 93-6 77-1 152-1 75-8 0-819 70 185 SEbyE 57 Do. 26 29-768 0-131 79-8 74-8 86-6 73-4 112-5 72-0 0-796 78 115 W S W 100 0-45 Thunderstorm : overcast. 27 29-784 0-118 81-3 75"5 93-9 75-9 149-0 74-4 0-806 75 109 SWbyS 93 0-99 Cloudy : thunderstorm. 28 29-777 0-146 SO'8 75'6 92-0 73-9 143-3 73-0 0-816 78 135 S S W 53 0-02 Passing clouds. 29 29-788 0-133 81-6 76-2 89-9 74-9 145-7 73-6 0-834 78 107 South 53 Do. 30 29-776 0-126 81-1 75-8 89-2 77-6 152-2 76-3 0-821 77 86 S by E 53 Do. 31 29-736 0-101 NO'S 74-7 4-3 76-0 146-0 74-8 0-779 73 147 S S W 67 Cloudy : Ig. Mean 29741 0-133 83-2 75-1 94-8 76-9 1462 75-5 0764 68 184 W by S 68 3-62 282 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1882 September. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING September 1882 RKtH'CEI) TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THKKMOMKTF.RS Dedi (1 Wind O S _o O i General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches I ncheg e - O O O O I nches Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 29739 0-089 82-2 75-2 91-2 76-2 145-3 74-4 0781 71 149 N W 73 Cloudy : tli. and Ig. 2 29748 0-115 81-4 75'5 86-5 76-6 115-3 749 0-810 75 105 WbyS 93 0-08 Overcast: Ig. 8 29-764 0-127 78-5 73-6 87-3 74-0 1336 72-6 0763 78 214 SW by W 97 0-61 Overcast: rain. 4 29-741 0-153 80-6 74-1 90-6 75-7 144-6 73-9 0-756 72 180 W by S 80 0-03 Cloudy. 5 29-687 0137 83-9 74-3 92-2 76-8 150-5 74-6 0-720 62 180 W S \V 70 Cloudy : Ig. 6 29'664 0-133 84-3 74-7 94-8 78-0 141-4 76-4 0-732 62 18 SWbyW 83 o-oi Cloudy : th. and It,'. 7 29-680. 0-113 83-7 75-3 94-9 77-4 145-8 75-6 0765 65 199 W S W 87 Cloudy. 8 29-712 0-137 84-4 75-0 92-6 78-3 127-4 76-6 0-742 62 220 S W 87 Do. 9 29-700 0-140 86-8 75-3 97-4 79-0 146-9 77-8 0723 57 259 SWbyW 53 Passing clouds. 10 29-700 0-154 85-9 74-9 974 77-4 147-9 75-7 0-718 58 262 S W 60 Do. 11 29-721 0-142 87-6 75-3 98-5 80-3 151-4 72-2 0-712 54 250 S W 50 Do. 12 29-766 0-133 87'0 76-1 99-5 78-8 147-4 77-6 0-754 59 245 S W 50 0-02 Fine day : cloudy night. 13 29-810 0-134 84-6 74-5 97-0 77-8 155-1 75-6 0-719 60 148 Sby W 60 Passing clouds. 14 29-792 0-127 83-9 75-4 903 80-6 1224 79-6 0-767 65 129 WbyS 93 Cloudy. 13 29-773 0-129 84-0 75-0 96-5 79-4 149-4 77-4 0-748 64 134 S S W 80 0-28 Cloudy : rain. 16 29-765 0-139 83-3 75-6 98-4 75-7 150-4 74-8 0-784 69 165 South 73 0-03 Cloudy. 17 29-756 0-126 84-9 76-2 95-6 78-3 153-4 76-2 0-787 66 145 SSE 30 Fine with passing clouds. 18 29-764 0-131 83-7 77-2 96-4 77-9 153-5 77-0 0-847 73 140 South 50 Passing clouds. 19 29-790 0-123 83-1 75-7 96-0 76-4 145-6 75-6 0-789 70 156 South 80 Cloudy. 20 29-803 0-158 83-7 75-6 97-1 75-1 152-6 73-3 0-778 68 141 South 50 Passing clouds : th. and Ig. 21 29-815 0-103 84-2 76-8 94-6 76-4 148-0 73-8 0-823 71 113 S E 40 Fine with passing clouds. 22 29-830 0-120 83-9 76-5 94-0 75-9 153-6 73-8 0-814 69 120 SSE 67 Cloudy : Ig. 23 29-838 0-164 81-5 74-7 92-6 77-0 148-1 76-1 0-769 72 162 South 63 Passing clouds. 24 29-821 0-142 84-0 75-6 99-4 76-9 154-0 75-9 0-773 66 163 Sby E 43 ... Do. 25 29-796 0133 84-7 77-5 97-1 79-4 149-4 77-8 0-8 IS 72 148 S by W 60 ... Do. 26 29-752 0-154 82-7 75'8 97-3 78-2 160-5 76-9 0-799 71 144 SWbyB 53 0-24 Passing clouds : rain. 27 29-757 0121 81-5 75-1 89-7 76-7 120-4 75-6 0-786 73 128 West 100 ... Ovcrca-i . 28 29-766 0-087 82-6 76-1 933 77-2 134-2 75-4 0-814 73 106 NVVbyW 87 0-03 Cloudy. 29 29747 0-153 82-4 75-5 !l.V7 78-2 145-6 76-6 0-791 72 113 West 83 0-09 Do. 30 29-701 0141 84-8 77-6 97-0 78-7 152-4 76-2 0-851 72 180 Sby W 70 0-45 Cloudy: th. and Ig. : rain. Mean 29757 0132 &3-7 75-5 94-7 77-6 144-9 75-7 0-775 67 167 SW by 8 69 1-87 283 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1882 October. October 1882 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind CO o 3 a 1 General Weather Mean Kaugo Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-705 0-127 80-4 76-0 .97-6 77-9 148-3 76-7 0-839 80 163 S S W 77 0-27 Cloudy : th. Ig., and rain. 2 29727 0-121 79-6 74-1 90-8 74-8 137-7 73-7 0-770 76 124 West 100 0-09 Overcast : th. and Ig. 3 29758 0-106 83-8 74-2 946 76-9 1556 75-7 0-718 62 245 W SW 93 Cloudy. 4 29-774 .0-137 83-5 75-0 9G-5 77-3 152-5 75-7 0-755 65 166 Sby W 67 Cloudy day : tine night 5 29-787 0-144 84-3 76-5 96-6 76-4 150-8 747 0-809 69 115 S by W 43 Passing clouds. 6 29-787 0-121 82-7 75-1 93-9 76-8 150-9 75-1 0-770 69 102 West 67 0-03 Cloudy : Ig. N. and W. 7 29-822 0-113 83-3 76-4 92-8 78-2 154-7 76-1 0-817 71 99 Nby W 43 ... Pine with passing clouds. 8 29-855 0-113 82-1 75-8 88-7 76-6 121-1 75-7 0-808 74 62 Nby E 97 Cloudy. 9. 29-826 0-111 83-3 75'8 .90-7 76-9 118-1 75-3 0-792 69 82 N N E 93 ... Do. 10 29-773 0-128 80-8 75-8 . 86-4 77-8 112-9 75-7 0-825 78 106 NN W 93 0-03 Cloudy : th. and Ig. N. and S. 11 29-744 0-111 77-0 74-2 82-6 73-8 120-8 72-8 0-809 87 166 NN W 100 0-06 Overcast. 12 29-756 0-120 74:8 73-1 ..77-6 74-3 96-1 72-7 0-793 91 142 N N W 100 1-49 Overcast : rain, ia 29-790 0-134 78-7 74-8 ..83-6 73-6 113-3 72-7 0-810 83 78 North 93 ... Cloudy : Ig. S. u 29-740 0-136 80-5 75-1 92-7 75-0 143-2 73-8 0-799 77 132 S by E 77 1-26 Cloudy : thunderstorm. 15 29-740 0-143 81-0 76-5 88-2 73-6 129-7 72-7 0-853 81 126 SW by AV 97 0-78 Overcast : rain. 16 29-755 0-121 80-6 76-2 92-9 74-9 142-7 74-2 0-845 80 152 Sby W 57 ... Passing clouds. 17 29-799 0-112 82-5 77-0 93-5 75-5 149-5 73-7 0-855 77 101 SS E 47 ... Do. 18 29-832 0-117 82-0 77-0 91-1 76-1 154-0 74-3 0-862 79 70 NEbyE 43 ... Do. 19 29-822 0-159 78-5 76-0 86-1 76-7 136-4 75-2 0-865 89 36 East 83 0-19 Cloudy : rain. 20 29-845 0-124 80-6 76-3 88-7 75'5 147-3 72-0 0-850 81 80 Eby N 57 ... Passing clouds. 21 29-849 0-131 79-6 75'7 87-3 73-3 144-7 72-9 0-838 82 102 Eby 8 60 0-59 Cloudy : rain. 22 29-836 0-146 77-4 73-1 86-5 70-0 136-1 69-7 0-758 81 144 N N E 63 2-31 Do. : do. 23 29831 0-111 79-2 74-4 85-2 74-6 131-1 72-9 0-788 80 161 NE by N 67 Cloudy. 21 29-862 0-120 78-3 71-9 86-5 71-5 145-6 63-7 0-698 72 135 NN E 37 Fine with passing clouds. 25 29-857 0-130 77-3 71-8 87-0 70-6 147-5 67-9 0-707 75 131 NbyE 37 Do. 26 29-860 0-135 77-5 71-5 86-9 71-1 149-4 68-9 0-093 74 183 N by E 53 ... Passing clouds. 27 29-814 0118 78-4 70-9 86-8 70-1 148-7 67-9 0-657 68 167 North 70 ... Cloudy. 28 29-801 0-126 75-3 69-o 82-6 72-1 125-9 70-9 0-644 74 162 Nby W 100 0-07 Overcast. 29 29-794 0-106 73-3 70-8 75-2 70-1 88-2 68-7 0-722 88 231 Nby W 100 0-25 Overcast : rain. 30 29-757 0-109 77-6 73-4 83-7 72-2 121-7 70-7 0-768 82 321 NWbyN 100 0-05 Overcast. 31 29-754 0-122 80-6 75'5 90-0 75-3 143-7 74-5 0-816 78 116 W S W 83 0-20 Cloudy : rain Mean 29-795 0-124 79-8 74-5 88-5 74-5 136-1 73-0 0-785 77 129 NWbyN 74 7-67 284 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1882 November. November 1882 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SKI i REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind T- 5 fl '5 P= General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o o o O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents uches 1 29781 0-114 80-6 75-7 91-8 74-3 143-0 72-6 0-823 78 132 S by W 30 Fine with passing clouds. 2 29-825 0-116 81-0 75-5 90-4 75-2 146-0 73-4 0-810 77 142 S S E 40 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. 3 29-839 0-140 82-4 76-6 91-7 76-2 147-9 73-5 0-839 76 133 8 by E 47 Fine- with passing clouds. 4 29-850 0-090 79-1 74-5 90-3 77-8 .146-7 76-2 0-794 80 129 SEbyS 60 0'02 Passing clouds : Ig. 5 29-825 0-145 77-7 73-9 85-4 73-4 147-9 72-0 0-787 83 99 S S W 60 2-66 Thunderstorm : light clouds. 6 29-853 0-134 80-1 75-3 87-7 73-2 148-6 71-9 0-814 79 103 S by E 50 Passing clouds. 7 29-874 0-130 81-2 764 87-2 75'7 141-5 73-4 0-846 79 111 E NE 50 0-09 Fine will, passing clouds. 8 29-872 0-114 81-4 75-6 88-1 75-1 151-9 73-2 0-809 76 101 NEbyE 30 o-oi Do. 9 29-865 0-123 80-2 75-6 88-6 74-8 146-5 72-6 0-825 80 120 NE by N 40 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. W. 10 29-892 0-116 79-7 75-8 88-8 75-7 157-7 73-6 0-841 82 119 NE by N 33 Fine with passing clouds. 11 29-927 0-111 79-1 74-5 88-1 746 151-0 72-9 0-794 80 125 NEbyE 50 0-13 Passing clouds. 12 29-926 0125 79-2 73-4 85-9 74-9 150-4 72-7 0-745 75 140 X by E 73 Cloudy. 13 29-897 0112 79-0 72-7 87'5 69-9 147-3 67-1 0-720 72 194 N by E 37 Fine with passing clouds. 14 29-912 0-121 80-0 72-4 86-9 735 144-0 71-1 0-695 68 272 NbyE 53 Passing clouds : Ig. N. W. 15 29-949 0-083 74-7 73-2 76-7 73-1 79-9 72-6 0-799 93 143 NEbyE 100 2-75 Overcast. 16 29-987 0'055 73-9 72-4 77-0 72-1 80-2 70-6 0-777 93 117 N E 100 2-32 Do. 17 29-967 0-089 78-2 74-2 S5-0 72-2 140-5 70-7 0-793 82 220 N E 75 1-23 Cloudy. 18 29-961 0-114 77-5 72-9 84-4 73-1 141-8 71-6 0-749 79 210 NE by N <>:! 0-50 Passing cloud.". 19 29-967 0-087 77-6 72-4 84-5 72-0 140-4 69-2 0-727 77 209 NNE 57 Do. 20 29-966 0-104 76-2 72-4 S3-7 72-7 140-4 71-0 0-746 84 246 X by E 80 0-37 Cloudy. 21 29-912 0-117 76-2 73-1 81-2 72-6 115-0 71-6 0-775 86 242 N by E 97 1-62 Overcasi . 22 29-823 0-132 75-8 71-3 79-5 72-4 1153 71-2 0-708 80 333 North 83 0-18 Cloudy. 23 29-745 0-144 68-6 67-4 76-1 653 78-2 65-1 0-656 94 260 North 100 5-60 Overcast : continuous rain. 24 29626 0-153 77-9 75'5 84-3 73-9 123-4 73-3 0-851 89 343 East 97 0-54 Overcast with light sl:o\vcr>. 25 29-750 0-086 78-5 73-7 83-2 71-9 139-1 69-2 0-766 7s 192 SS E 57 1-04 Passing cloud-. 26 29-793 0-107 78-1 74-9 82-3 74-2 132-0 73-0 0-823 86 176 8 by E 73 1-81 Passing cloud:- : th. 27 29-863 121 80-3 75-8 85-5 76-9 140-8 74-6 0-832 80 153 SEbyE 57 0-03 Pa.-Miig clouds. 28 29-920 0-085 78-7 75-3 85-4 75-4 136-4 74-1 0-fs,'i2 85 108 E by N 80 0-62 Cloudy. 29 29-726 O-IHO 73-8 72-8 75-3 70-S 80-5 70-4 0-793 95 202 N W W 100 7-38 Overcast : very heavy rain. 30 29741 o-iot 773 73-0 85-1 72-0 735 140-8 71-6 0-755 81 297 S W 70 0-32 Cloudy : th. Ig. & rain. Mean 29-861 0-115 78-1 73-9 84-9 1332 719 0-784 82 181 E by N (i.-, 29-25 285 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1882 December. December 1882 BAROMKTER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 00 c 5 a i General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension H tim- idity Daily Telo- city Mean Direc- tion 1 n i Day Inches Indies Inches Cents Miles Points Cents I nclies 1 29798 0-094 78-6 72-6 S5-3 74-9 137-8 73-0 0-7-22 74 195 WN W 40 Fine with passing clouds. 2 29-860 0-123 77-9 72-0 B*-e 71-2 136-5 68-2 0-707 74 142 NN W 23 Do. 3 29-905 0-105 75-7 69'5 82-4 71-0 136-8 67-4 0-639 72 164 North Clear. 4 29-944 0-094 74-6 68-7 82-2 69-1 138-8 63-8 0-623 72 148 North 7 Fine. 5 29-939 0-140 739 66-1 81-1 68-9 135-3 66-2 0-538 65 147 North 27 Fine with passing clouds. 6 29-901 0-096 71-7 64-8 78-4 67-7 111-1 63-8 0-522 67 213 NWbyN 80 Cloudy. . 7 29-923 0-110 76-9 72-8 85-8 69-9 141-9 69-2 0-752 82 158 Nby E 47 Fine with passing clouds. 8 29-960 0-114 76-4 731 82-5 73-2 135-0 721 0-772 85 191 NEbyN 60 0-02 Passing clouds. 9 29-965 0-119 73-2 68-6 83-1 70-1 1418 67-3 0-639 79 153 NEbyN 43 Fine with passing clouds. 10 29-932 0-119 71-2 IS6-8 82-8 64-0 148-9 58-8 0-599 78 99 NEbyN 30 Do. 11 29-934 0-111 71-5 66-6 83-2 63-1 1413 57-6 0-589 76 80 N N K 10 Fine. 12 29-953 0-102 71-4 67-1 82-6 63-4 137-8 57-9 0-608 79 73 NEby E 17 Do. 13 29-953 0-119 71-8 67-5 82-5 64-1 138-6 58-6 0-618 80 86 E NE 10 Do. 14 29-918 0-128 72-2 67'6 83-9 64-3 139-8 59-1 0-616 78 82 N E 10 Do. 15 29-938 0-111 73-7 67-6 83-7 643 139-4 59-2 0-593 72 132 NEbyN 27 Fine with passing clouds. 16 29993 0-113 7.1-3 (ill'S 83-4 67-8 139-7 64-3 0-656 75 161 N X E 47 Passing clouds. 17 30-012 0-121 75-7 69-2 84-4 69-0 140-4 (!5-S 0-628 71 204 NN E 50 Do. 18 30-041 0-111 76"5 (19-3 84-3 67'8 141-2 64-0 0-621 69 .200 NEbyN 50 Do. 19 30-054 0-116 76-6 68-9 85-0 70-2 138-6 66-0 0-605 67 270 NE 37 Fine with passing clouds. 20 30-034 0-130 76-7 70-3 84-4 694 151-5 66-8 0-656 71 231 NNE 57 Passing clouds. 21 30-022 0-099 7G-t 72-4 82-7 72-7 137-0 '71-8 0-743 82 212 N N E 60 0-02 Do. 22 30-026 0-118 77-9 72-4 85-4 73-9 145-3 72-3 0723 75 216 NE by N 47 Do. 23 30-019 0-123 77-0 7(i-2 84-2 70-1 144-8 67-8 0-648 70 238 N T E by N 43 Fine with passing t-lomU. 24 30-010 0-111 765 70-2 84-2 71-3 146-0 68-8 0-655 72 249 NEbyN 60 Passing'clomls. 25 29-984 0-125 76-7 71-6 82-6 72-9 137-1 72-8 0-708 78 315 N N E 70 Cloudy. 26 29-996 0-089 76-0 711 79-9 71-0 103-8 70-2 0-697 77 290 NNE 97 Do. 27 29-972 0-078 7(i-s 69-9 80-5 75-9 100-8 74-8 0-639 69 304 N K 100 12 Overcast with liglit rain. 28 29-988 0-084 75-9 70-4 83-3 73-3 141-0 72-8 0-671 75 320 NNE 83 Clondy. 29 30-001 0-099 743 68-7 80-8 70-9 137-4 69-8 0-628 74 227 NNE 63 Passing clouds. 30 30-023 0-097 74-3 68-3 83-0 67-1 142-1 65-8 0-613 72 207 NNE 40 Fine with passing clouds. 31 30-028 0-112 75-0 68-6 82-9 67-3 139-8 64-4 0-014 71 194 KNE 30 Co. Mc'iin 29-969 o-no 75-1 V4 83-1 69-3 137-3 665 0-647 74 190 NNE 44 0-16 72 286 00 00 ^ri 5 3t>i~-^toraiMJ:rcfiK5 - y r -t cq oo 00 3 S5 Greatest Fall : : ~-Z X( eo iM N H M i: 1 | - ; ; - S S3 S - s -Q i i ; ;OO3;oStoccoop- g 6 ooHooeo Amount i i to 8 is Lowest g g2::5S; ei g 9 '2 10 2 I Mean Direction 0D CO ^ "" * ^ ** ,. >> -**" J^ *^ r*t 'f 5" ^. ^ TO >; . . ,Q **-* W 03 * S5 /. | 3? S .t SS ' 2 g ? | i? g E 1 s Q 1 7 1 ! C^l " r-( 71 ' PH W (M C^ - | gSSIsHsI^IS If rs H <^ IA '9 i4 S vi 05 o M GO 9o S OD X Z Lowest Q CC ?1 r- 1 C^ N 1 t * Results ssBjf) no iot~xto^io>oi^oc>3 T* 1 .? ^ n ^ >7 1- 1- X) X OC M OS -H > 3 S a 8 8 S g 12 5 o NC-IOX-fCJ^S-Nt^tOt- mniuixBjv ung tCXS-t-tpHXSIOpHNM i i o o o u 13 o '9 _o o Sun Thermometer 1 * o i^- i- x ?7 >o c: i>- :p co O O o qiS-r^^Sw^Scosore Meteorological .1 By Blandford's Tables X O ^ co c; -^ -^ r- ri -H r: o c^ r* o o ~- o o >o ^ i?i o o 13 i^ ^ ^< ^ O O i!5 O >i5 O O IO IO IO U j3 M Lowest ^ ^74 i i ?-i *"" n A Tension of Vapour js 666666666666 6 X o u "3 Lowest O CO CO 2*1 "^O 9-1 O H C5 CO p^ CO CO ^1 N rH O$ W i( CTJ 3 C C -o c CT3 4~ C O S c ed u (fl ffl 1 ^0 -S -1 tO .0 -f 05 X ~ X .0 X i o IT -r ^ ~ '" ^' "> T1 ?1 ~ "- 1 illlEII^IIIl X c o S Dry Bulb Thermometer Lowest (5 w ' CO^<1N*"(N(M*-H Dry Bulb Thermometer 1 =-, iOO-tOJ-H-t0 OB o ci6d5>biid5eDti---^rHm o c; o ft cc i** r-H ^t o -* o b cb i EEHSiiHS i-* u 1 "ib fi eg *fCi-^IC^^CO^ M a 2 -ifO'OOSXCC-tXt^lOair-l f-H H 91 Id "x I i 1 ^* CO 31 JO C5 ?J i7 tC ^ 00 QD o tb '- *- i- b 3; 3; i"- ^* o 3OC1C. : 5c;3;cs35ao a I >aiMio<^a>et>^i X rt S S i 3 $ $ S S S? g K Barometer 1- g x -r ri : c -< -c -f i> . i : S : v 's ; '-* sJ t->* ; ! ; a> o ^3 J *S If 'S I If J.I J k lJ 1 1 8 = ijs S.. < = -5's'g-| ( o in*ULiun = J3 ^ ^yS^pts,-" 287 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1883 January. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING 1 h 9 5 >T( REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind DO 3 5 . i General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry | Wet .,. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 80=089 0-112 73-6 68-2 83-3 67-2 141-5 63-6 0-619 74 147 XE by X 50 ... Passing clouds. 2 30-070 0-110 74-6 68-1 81-8 67-0 141-7 62-2 0-601 70 145 NE by X 40 Pine with passing clouds. 3 30-101 0-108 75-1 68-2 83-6 65-8 141-9 60-6 0-598 68 171 NE by N 40 Do. 4 30-134 0-128 74-6 68-1 84-2 66-8 145-3 63-1. 0-601 70 192 NE by N 32 Do. 5 30-100 0-129 74-6 67-o 83'5 65-9 143-3 61-1 0-580 68 191 N N E 40 Do. 6 30-051 0-127 75-4 68-0 834 67-6 143-6 63-9 0-585 66 212 NEbyN 43 Do. i 7 30-038 0-133 73-9 68-0 83-5 67-2 141-9 63-8 0-605 72 180 NE by N 37 D "' | ' f ' 8 30-060 0-123 ' 74-7 69-0 85-3 64-2 140-7 58-7 0-634 73 161 XE by X 40 Fine with passing clouds. 9 30-036 0-106 76-4 70'5 82-3 71-6 131-0 67-9 0-666 73 192 XE byE 58 0-08 Passing clouds. 10 30-032 0131 75-5 69-3 85-3 67-4 142-0 63-0 0-634 72 193 X E 65 Do. 11 30-047 0-114 74-3 69-1 85-2 68-4 146-2 64-6 0-644 75 177 NE by N 65 * Do. 12 30-020 0-120 76'3 69'2 .84-9 69-2 140-9 68-2 0-620 69 227 X E 42 001 .Pine with passing clouds. 13 30-010 0-105 76-0 69-0 84-0 67-9 145-3 63-6 0-616 69 236 X E 58 Light passing clouds. 14 30-003 0-114 76-4 68-3 .83-9 70-3 139-0 67-5 0-585 64 228 NE 47 Do. 15 30-016 0-129 74-4 66-9 83-8 65-2 140-6 60-0 0-561 66 164 NE by E 48 Passirig clouds. 16 89-986 0-121 71-9 65-9 83'2 64-8 136-1 60-7 0-558 71 113 NE by N 55 ... Do. 17 29-962 0-110 74-0 67-5 84-8 64-5 141-8 60-2 0-588 70 179 NEbyN 42 Fine witli passing clouds. 18 29-969 0-127 75-4 68-0 84-2 683 142-5 65-6 0-587 66 203 X E 50 Passing clouds. 1 19 29-973 0-106 77-8 68-6 85'5 73-1 144-4 71-0 0-577 61 287 XE by E 43 Fine with passing clouds. 20 29-980 0-098 76-8 68-1 84-9 73-1 145-0 71-8 0-572 62 311 X E 45 Do. 21 29-948 0-125 76-0 69-7 84-5 67-3 144-3 64-0 0-643 72 168 X E 57 Passing clouds. 22 29-954 0-142 77-1 72-2 85-9 69-8 139-4 67-8 0-725 77 166 XEbyN 60 Do. 23 29-917 0-151 75'8 72-0 85-3 70-4 142-1 68-8 0-735 84 91 E N E 65 0-15 Cloudy with rain. 24 29-901 0-140 76-1 70- 7 81-0 69-4 140-4 66-7 0-680 75 99 E S E 43 Fine with passing clouds. 25 29-932 0-125 74-6 69-2 83-2 67-4 143-2 63-8 0-612 74 82 SE byE 42 Do. 26 29-955 0-122 75-2 70-2 85-9 65-3 1423 60-9 0-673 77 91 E S E 42 Do. 27 29-901 0-174 75-9 71-2 86-7 67-4 149-9 64-0 0-702 78 102 SE by E 38 Do. 28 29-893 0-107 77-1 72-1 .87-3 69-4 146-3 65-5 0-722 77 125 E by S 50 Do. 29 29-915 0-147 78-9 72-5 87-5 70-6 146-7 67-7 0-714 72 156 ENE 30 Do. 30 29-882 0-145 77-5 71-8 86-6 69-1 142-9 65-4 0-704 75 120 Eby N 33 Do. 31 29-860 0-120 77-8 717 84-2 70-2 140-9 67-0 0-697 71 131 Eby S 37 Do. Mean 29-990 0-124 75-6 69-3 84-7 68-1 142-4 64-6 0-634 71 169 NE by E 46 0-2 1 288 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1883 February. BAROMETER SELF RKGISTERIXO KEDUCEO TO 32 Corrected THEBMOMETKKS February 1883 Mean Kanf^e Mean Temperature Dry Sun (irasg Deduced Wind 5 X Gem-mi Went her Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Mean Velo- Direo- city tiou Day Inches Inches . o o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-858 0-089 75-5 70-2 853 67-9 140-8 635 0-669 7(> 80 K by 8 I.', Fine with |mnsinir cloud.-. 2 29-886 0-081 77-9 71-9 86-3 70-6 141-4 675 0-705 M 200 NE by E 47 Do. 3 29-911 0-124 78-0 722 84-4 75-0 133-9 725 0713 7t 298 N E 73 Cloudy. 4 29-915 0-139 78-6 72-7 87-6 74-9 151-8 71-5 0725 74 |M X K 70 0-07 Do. 5 29-962 0-121 78-3 72-2 86-2 78-5 145-1 69-5 0710 74 221 XE bvK Kim- with |mssintr clouds. C 29-979 0-123 76-9 70-1 86-9 <>7'3 144-8 62-3 0-646 70 143 ENE 47 Do. 7 30-007 0-122 76-2 68-1 84-8 6G-0 u:t'.i 626 0580 M 115 KII.-I Do. 8 29-988 0-133 75-4 68-1 85-3 65-2 143-3 606 0-590 67 at Eby S 28 DC,. 9 29-964 0-139 743 67-6 85-2 64-4 142-9 60-5 0-587 l>9 86 E SE 20 Do. 10 30-024 0-129 74-0 669 86-3 64'3 144-8 59-9 0-567 68 120 EbyN 30 Do. 11 30006 0134 73-7 66-1 863 63-5 148-2 58-5 0-541 Go 106 NE by E Do. 12 29-971 0-150 745 68-7 86-9 62-8 144-6 57-6 0-626 73 104 ENE 12 ... Fine. 13 29-976 0138 755 70-2 86-9 66-4 141-9 61-4 0-669 7(i 81 E S E 28 Fine with pushing clouds. 14 30-000 0-138 74-2 69-0 8t-8 63-7 1427 57-7 0-640 76 86 S E 17 Do. 15 29976 0133 75-6 71-4 88-7 66-0 146-2 594 0-714 81 91 S S E Clear. 1C 29949 0-137 77-6 71-5 903 66-9 146-8 624 0-691 74 127 S S Do. 17 29-981 0-122 77-4 73-2 85-9 67-1 143-8 617 0-760 82 no SK byS 22 Fine with passim; cloiuU. 18 29-994 0133 77-3 71-5 86-7 65-9 144'4 60-4 0-696 74 119 Eby S 23 Do. 19 30-038 0-134 n* 71-5 86-4 67-1 147-2 62-9 0-697 75 103 EbyN u Bo, 20 30-027 0-145 76-4 715 86-7 8'2 144-4 637 0-707 77 77 East 25 Do. 21 30-001 0-153 75-3 71-9 87-2 66-4 145-0 62-4 0-737 84 73 E by S 28 Do. 22 29-956 0-142 75-8 71-1 88-9 66'7 145-8 60-4 0-700 7S 7:i SEby E Clear. 23 29-940 0-122 75-7 72-9 89-6 04-7 147-1 590 0-77 1 87 94 SE by E 7 Fine. 21 29-938 0-118 76-4 72-7 89-5 677 It95 62-7 0-755 84 89 S E 8 Do. 25 29-910 0-1. -,7 77-6 72-0 87-8 06-8 145 1 61-0 0711 75 102 S E Clear. 26 29-902 0-121 77-9 737 89-2 Go!) 145-9 60-4 0-776 82 175 S S K o ... Fine. 27 29-907 0-1 30 78-4 744 88-7 89-8 1456 M-7 0-799 82 185 S by K u Do. 28 29-913 0-131 78-3 74-9 86-0 60-9 144-8 (w-6 0-820 84 IT.". S S K 45 Fine with piissinjf cloud*. Mean 29-959 0130 76-4 71-0 87-0 t;-:i 1 I 111 <>2-6 0089 76 12!* E by S 2(i 0-07 289 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1883 March. CO 00 00 1 M BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32" Corrected Mean Temperature SKLF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds 1 General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-886 0-135 79-0 75-4 ...88-5 72-0 146-5 64-1 0-834 84 201 SS E 27 ... Fine with passing clouds. 2 29-869 0-141 80-3 76-2 87-5 73-3 144-0 69-9 0-850 82 220 S by E 33 ... Do. 3 29-899 0-128 81-2 75'5 89-2 74-8 144-4 71-8 0-808 76 215 S S E 7 Fine. 4 29-911 0-155 80-5 75-3 88-9 73-4 147-0 69-2 0-808 78 197 S S E 30 Fine with passing clouds. 5 29-902 0-146 81-2 77-0 88-1 74-1 144-0 70-8 0-872 83 176 S S E 55 Passing clouds. 6 29-917 0-135 81-3 77-1 89-4 76-0 148-1 71-9 0-875 83 176 S S E 43 Fine with passing clouds. 7 29-950 0-134 80-1 74-3 88-4 72-8 147-8 67-3 0-771 75 137 SEbyE 35 Do. 8 29-945 0-119 78-9 74-0 88-2 70-5 1504 6M 0-775 78 114 E 8 E 40 Do. 9 29-903 0-118 79-7 73-4 89-0 71-0 146-3 67-8 0-738 73 112 E S E 35 Do. 10 29-884 0-141 78-5 73-5 86-6 70-1 1441 65"7 0-760 78 147 SB 50 Passing clouds. 11 29-897 0-129 80-4 75-1 87'9 74-2 145-4 687 0-800 77 176 SEbyS 27 Fine with passing clouds. 12 29-925 0-139 80-5 75-3 89-4 73-4 148-0 70-2 0-808 78 170 S E 38 Do. 13 29-944 0-125 81-6 75-3 91-3 76-7 144-1 69-7 0-794 74 130 E by S 45 Passing clouds. 14 29-965 0-111 81-9 75-9 90-4 76-6 143-8 75-4 0-816 75 106 Eby N 77 Cloudy. 15 29-897 0-125 81-7 76-1 89-7 76-0 145-0 73-4 0-826 77 108 E by S 45 Passing clouds. 16 29-920 0-123 81-3 75-7 90-8 74-1 152-4 71-2 0-814 77 112 E S E 68 Cloudy. 17 29-940 0-114 80-8 75-4 89-9 74-0 146-1 70-8 0-809 76 126 SEbyE 30 Fine with passing clouds. 18 29-920 0-173 80-9 75-6 89-5 73-6 145-6 70-6 0-815 77 172 SEbyS 40 Do. 19 29-862 0-172 82-2 77-3 95-1 75-3 150-6 73-6 0-872 79 158 S S E 17 Fine. 20 29-843 0-155 82-4 77-0 91-8 76-6 147-2 73-9 0-856 77 104 SEbyS 23 Do. 21 29-867 0-116 81-0 74-9 93-6 71-9 150-6 67-1 0-785 74 107 SEbyS 7 Do. 22 29-898 0-136 80-2 74-6 91-1 70-7 147-5 66-6 0-783 76 124 S S E 10 Do. 23 29-895 0-125 80-0 73-9 89-6 71-4 144-7 67-6 U756 74 109 SEbyS 13 Do. 24 29-919 0-142 80-0 74-0 88-5 71-2 117- 1 67-6 0-7GO 74 134 SEbyS 15 Do. 25 29-935 0-122 79-4 74-5 90-1 70-6 147-0 66-8 0-790 78 124 SEbyS 22 Do. 26 29-872 0-149 80-1 73-4 90-2 69-4 146-6 64-9 0-734 71 163 S S E 13 Do. 27 29-875 0-134 81-5 77-0 92-4 72-1 148-1 69-0 0-868 81 193 S by E 14 Do. 28 29-876 0-105 82-0 76-8 88-9 75-9 144-6 72-2 0-853 78 209 S S E 25 Fine with passing clouds. 29 29-852 0-128 81-4 75-6 89-2 77-2 144-2 68-1 0-808 76 175 SS E 25 Do. 30 29-866 0-119 80-6 75-1 88-5 71-4 145-2 68-0 0-798 76 194 S S E 25 Do. 31 29-884 0-114 82-2 763 89-2 75-7 143-0 70-6 0-828 75 169 S SE 22 Do. Mean 29-901 0-133 80-7 75-4 89-7 73-4 146-4 69-4 0-809 77 153 SEbyS 31 Nil. 290 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1883 April. 1 BAROMETER REHl-CED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SEI.K REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 00 O a o O *S H General Weather Mean Range Dry Snn Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Hum- Tension iility Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day 1 Inches 29-849 Inches 0-162 I Mr-lies 0-822 Cents 77 Miles 176 Cents S by E Cents 15 Inches Fine. 81-1 75-8 92-9 73-5 146-2 70-0 2 29-790 0-154 82-9 76-8 98-3 78-9 151-1 72-8 0-841 75 211 S by E Clear. 3 29-744 0-177 83-7 76-0 98-6 75-7 150-2 74-0 0-795 69 199 S by E 12 Fine. 4 29-793 0-137 83-1 77-8 92-3 76-5 144-9 73-2 O-883 78 185 SSE 20 Do. 5 29-757 0-159 84-0 77-7 96-2 77-3 147-9 75-6 0-866 74 192 S S E 18 Do. 6 29731 0-161 84-3 792 101-2 76-4 1517 73-0 0930 79 192 S by E 17 Do. 7 29-807 0-078 83-8 78-2 91-6 77-6 143-4 75-3 0-891 7S 194 PEbyS 40 Fine with passing clonds. 8 29-871 0-119 82-8 78-0 907 75-9 139-9 72-7 0-895 80 144 SE by S 35 Do. 9 29-884 0-140 81-9 765 90-3 75-9 149-0 73-6 0-841 77 131 SEbyS 45 Do. 10 29-847 0-137 81 -S 752 91-8 7i-3 143-9 68-2 0-791 7:5 139 SSE 18 Fine. 11 29-844 0-128 81-3 753 89-9 72-9 143-6 71-3 0-798 74 148 SSE 2 Do. 12 29-808 0-135 81-2 76-8 90-3 72-3 144-1 69-2 0-863 n 15(5 SEbyS 35 Fine with passing clonds. 13 29-810 0-142 84-0 79-0 95'J 75-2 148-4 71-8 0-925 79 173 SbyE 25 ... Do. 14 29-825 0-125 84-6 79-3 91-8 79-6 144-5 77-2 0-931 78 218 SSE 10 Fine. 15 29-816 0-128 83-8 77-8 93-7 77-3 147-3 74-8 0-873 75 171 SSE 10 Do. 16 29-820 0-144 83-2 77-9 91-7 75-4 144-9 71-2 0-885 78 143 SEbyS 22 ... Fine with passing clouds. 17 29-843 0117 84-0 78-9 92-4 77-5 144-8 75-3 0-920 79 139 SE 23 ... Do. 18 29-852 0-137 83-3 78-8 92-6 77-3 148-2 75-3 0-898 79 140 SEby E 37 Do. 19 29-838 0-135 84-6 78-8 92-2 77-9 145-3 76-1 0-908 76 165 SE 45 Passing clouds. 20 29-856 0-129 84-8 79-0 92-Z 79-7 150-3 78-3 0-914 76 194 S E 50 Do. 21 29-858 0-127 83-8 78-5 91-2 77-3 147-8 76-0 0-905 78 182 SEbyE 40 Fine with passing clouds. 22 29-842 0-137 84-0 78-6 91-8 77-0 146-1 74-5 0-906 77 183 SE 35 Do. 23 29-830 0-136 84-4 78-6 91-6 78-3 145-5 74-0 0-901 76 207 RE 30 Do. 24 29-854 0-127 84-1 78-9 93-6 76-6 1577 7** 0-919 79 169 S E 40 Do. 25 29-829 0-155 84-3 78-8 917 78-2 145-4 76-6 0-912 77 193 S E 40 Do. 26 29-778 0-146 84-5 78-S 91-5 78-6 144-4 76-8 0-886 75 200 SSE 38 to. 27 29-753 0-154 85-5 78-8 97-0 79-0 151-2 77-8 0-871 72 237 S S E 57 Passing clouds : Ig. 28 29-765 0-095 84-6 76-2 98-6 77-5 1527 76-8 0-793 67 138 South 63 Cloudy. 29 29-710 0-133 86-2 79-5 96-8 80-4 150-1 78-8 0-919 73 223 SEbyS 68 Do. 30 29-698 0-166 86-4 7!)-4 92-5 82-7 151-1 82-0 0-911 72 293 SSE 55 Passing clouds. Mean 29-810 0-137 83-7 77-9 93-4 769 147-4 74-5 0-880 76 181 SEbyS . Nil. 291 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1883 May. CO ! BAROMETER REDCCEU TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind a _o O d H General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O o O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents [nches 1 29-683 0-123 85-9 79-5 94-1 81-5 147-4 79-9 0-922 74 202 SS E 47 Passing clouds. o ' 29-710 0-119 85-4 78-9 93-4 80-5 145-9 78-6 0-900 74 247 SE by S 48 ... Do. 3 29719 ' O-13S 86-6 79-0 95-2 81-3 147-8 80-2 0-890 70 218 SEbyS 35 ... Fine with passing clouds. 4 29-702 0-180 87-4 79-6 957 81-5 147-1 79-9 0-906 71 226 SEby S 47 ... Passing clouds. 5 29-736 0-107 85-8 80-4 94-9 81-3 148-0 79-7 0-965 78 207 S E 43 ... Fine with passing clouds. 6 29-727 0-144 86-9 80-5 94-3 80-3 148-3 78-9 0-955 74 196 SEbyS 35 ... Do. 7 29-767 0-091 86-4 80-4 93-0 81-6 149-1 SO'l 0-95S 76 200 S E 30 ... Do. 8 29-786 0-091 86-6 79-9 96-3 S 151-1 77-0 0-932 74 116 BbyS 50 ... Passing clouds. 9 29-816 0-122 SJ-1) 77-8 91-3 80-4 144-9 78-5 0-858 72 203 SE by E 55 ... Do. 10 29-762 0-134 84-1 78-9 89-4 78-6 145-1 77-5 0-919 79 319 SbyE 37 ... Fine with passing clouds. 11 29-719 0-137 86-8 79-2 99-3 81-3 14S-0 79-7 0-897 70 346 SbyE 25 . Do. 12 29-715 o-iii 87-8 81-2 102-5 81-3 150-9 80-1 0-978 74 324 South 30 ... Do. 13 29-694 0-125 86-6 80-3 101-2 82-1 150-3 81-3 0-949 75 273 S S E 35 ... Fine with passing clouds : Jg. 14 29-696 0-144 88-0 79-8 102-5 81-4 150-8 80-1 0-906 69 268 SbyE 15 ... Fine. 15 29-749 0-129 87-2 80-9 102-4 81-8 147'1 80-7 0-970 75 306 S by E 18 ... Do. 16 29-733 0-157 89-3 817 100-9 82-2 150-3 80-6 0-979 72 278 SbyE 27 ... Fine with passing clonds. 17 29-671 0-156 89-3 83-4 103-8 83-4 151-3 82-6 1-065 77 314 SbyE 30 ... Do. 18 29-664 0-133 87-3 81-5 93-3 83-2 140-9 82-4 0-999 77 290 S SE 40 Do. 19 29-668 0-135 87-5 79-5 96-0 82-2 145-9 81-4 0-901 70 233 'S S E 30 Do. 20 29-679 0-141 88-6 79-1 98-1 82-1 146-7 81-2 0-867 64 207 SbyE 18 ... Do. 21 29-644 0-130 90-1 80-9 105-7 82-2 150-5 80-8 0-932 66 218 S byE 22 ... Do. 22 29-667 0-124 89-8 78-7 105-7 83-9 147-4 82-1 0-832 60 224 South 30 ... Do. 23 29-667 0-114 90-1 80-0 100-1 83-6 148-8 82-2 0-889 63 248 Sby E 25 ... Do. 24 29-659 0-114 91-4 78-5 107-7 82-8 149-7 80-6 0-801 54 217 S S W 30 Do. 25 29-646 o-ioo 90-4 77-7 106-5 83-9 150-6 82-6 C-779 55 220 S S W 53 ... Passing clouds. 26 29-655 0-123 89-8 77-8 104-5 83-3 150-8 82-6 0-793 56 232 SWbyS 55 ... Do. 27 29-663 0-083 87-9 77-1 104-8 82-2 148-9 79-9 (>7S5 59 276 Sby W 35 ... Passing clouds : Ig. W. 28 29-691 0-099 88-0 79-4 102-9 81-9 147-9 807 0-889 67 205 South 30 ... Fine with passing clouds : Ig 29 29-728 0-112 86-3 80-3 937 81-8 142-1 80-6 0-954 76 239 S S E 35 Fine with passing clouds. 30 29-781 0-107 85-3 79-8 92-2 80-4 142-9 78-6 0-944 78 230 SEbyS 55 ... Passing clonds. 31 29-794 0-133 84-5 78-6 917 80-4 148-0 78-8 0-899 76 177 S S E 55 Do. Mean 29-709 0-125 87-5 797' 98-7 817 147-9 80-3 0-910 70 241 S S E 36 Nil. 292 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1883 June. o H a 1-5 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds '5 K General Weather Mean Bange Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents [nche 1 29-798 0-U7 87-1 78-6 98-5 80-1 153-9 78-3 0-864 67 158 Sby E 37 ... Fine with passing clouds. 2 29772 0-149 87-6 78-6 99-5 79-8 1541 78-7 0-858 66 182 SbyE 38 ... Do. 3 29-730 0-158 87-9 79-8 101-3 82-6 147-0 81-4 0-909 69 249 S by W 40 0'07 Fine with passing c-louds : th. and Ig. 4 29-722 0-108 83-0 78-9 97-8 75-5 149-9 73-5 0-935 83 173 S by E 65 0-88 Passing clouds : rain. 5 29-683 0-148 87-4 79-0 98-0 78-3 146-9 75-8 0-878 67 205 SW byS 63 Passing clouds. 6 29-655 0-172 90-2 79-4 100-1 79-1 146-1 75-8 0-859 01 276 W S W 58 Do. 7 29621 0-142 91-0 78-0 101-0 84-3 1462 83-0 0-784 54 252 SW 72 ... Cloudy. 8 29-627 0-145 89-0 77-3 102-8 82-6 149-7 75-8 0-780 57 280 SWbyW 67 o-oi Do. 9 29-645 0142 91-7 77-6 101-4 82-9 144-5 81-8 0-753 51 323 WS W 55 ... Passing clouds. 10 29:635 0-146 89-9 78-5 102-0 83-5 152-0 82-5 0-822 58 283 S W 52 0-09 Do. 11 29-653 0-147 87-6 78-1 1028 81-9 146-5 79-5 0-835 64 267 SW 50 ... Passing clouds : Ig. 12 29'663 0-148 90-8 76-6 103-2 83-5 146-5 81-7 0725 51 298 S W 48 ... Passing clouds. 13 29652 0-160 90-8 76-4 101-6 83-5 144-6 81-7 0-716 49 312 SWbyW 62 ... Do. 14 29-648 0-162 88-0 78-6 102-5 84-0 145-4 80-7 0-852 64 301 S W 57 ... Do. 15 29654 0-159 87-5 78-7 102-3 83-5 145-6 80-5 0-864 66 286 S W 63 Do. 16 29-663 0-125 4 87-2 78-8 103-4 81-6 147-5 79-9 0-872 67 244 S by W 52 0-02 Do. 17 29-653 0-121 86-7 80-5 105-1 80-9 150-7 78-0 0-958 75 259 Sby W 45 Do. 18 29-672 0-102 86-4 80-2 98-9 80-0 142-7 78-6 0-948 75 201 S8E 75 Cloudy. 19 29-675 0-128 86-4 79-9 100-4 79-1 144-6 78-3 0-934 74 208 Sby W 68 Do. 20 29-723 0090 83-4 78-0 94-5 76-7 145-0 75-6 0-887 77 195 South 55 Passing clouds. 21 29-753 0-090 81-4 77-9 .87-5 77-0 123-0 75-6 0-910 85 131 SS E 95 0-14 Cloudy : rain. 22 29-733 0-127 84-0 78-2 96-1 78-0 139-5 77-1 0-888 76 188 S S W 60 Passing clouds : Ig. 23 29-716 0-123 82-4 77-9 952 77-7 145-2 77-4 0-896 81 223 SW 73 0-41 Cloudy : rain. 24 29-718 0-118 82-0 78-0 .88-7 76-2 113-0 75-2 0-906 83 213 S S W 100 0-16 Overcast : rain. 25 29-764 0-082 84'1 76-9 92-6 78-8 137-7 77-2 0-829 71 166 SbyW 92 0-06 Cloudy: th. and Ig. 26 29-752 0118 84-1 77-6 SO-8 78-0 124-9 76-1 0-860 74 147 SS W 90 o-oi Cloudy. 27 29-711 0-141 85-0 76-4 96-4 79-7 140-2 78-5 0-793 66 176 S S W 88 0-27 Cloudy : rain. 28 29-710 0-114 84-8 76-5 95-7 79-2 136-5 78-6 0-802 67 180 8 W 100 0-19 Overcast : rain. 29 29-748 0-106 84-0 77-1 fll-7 77-7 1334 76-9 0-838 72 179 S W 97 ... Cloudy. 30 29-741 0-121 85-7 77-7 34-5 81-0 125-2 79-7 0-843 68 202 S W 88 ... Do. Mean 29-696 0-130 86-6 78-2 98-2 80-2 142-3 78-4 0-853 68 225 S S W 67 2-31 293 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1883 July. CO i T-H 1-5 BAROMETER BEDDCKI) TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SKI.K REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds i General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension II Mill idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion. Day Inches Inches o O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 29728 o-ias S4-4 76-7 97-6 80-4 141-3 78-7 0-816 i 70 214 S\Vl,y W 70 1-77 Cloudy thunderstorm after 9 P.M. 2 29745 0-109 78-5 75'5 94-6 74-0 1438 73-5 0-844 87 121 8 W 80 0-17 Cloudy : tli., Ig. and rain. 3 29-791 0-117 83-6 78-3 94-7 76-7 137-8 75'5 0-900 78 149 SSW 50 Passing clouds. 4 29-804 0-106 81-1 77-8 96-2 79-2 146-8 77-7 0-869 74 164 S S W 42 Fine with passing clouds : tli. & Ig. 5 29-745 0-123 85'1 769 967 78-4 1435 75*5 o-si.-. 68 161 iSVV by S 70 o-oi Cloudy : tli.: Ig. S. W. 6 29-744 0-096 82-6 75-7 92-3 77-0 121-8 71-5 0796 71 194 S W 100 0-28 Overcast : th. & Ig. S. W. : rain. 7 29-711 0-135 81-0 75-5 91-9 74-0 135-8 72-2 0-810 77 164 S W 100 1-22 Over. : sharp thunderstorm after 6 P.M 8 29-694 0-120 831 75-6 91-4 75-4 141-0 74-5 0-786 69 190 SW by W 95 Overcast. 9 29-709 0-157 84-5 775 93-2 777 140-8 75-8 0-850 72 242 SWby W 95 Cloudy. 10 29-708 (C143 83-2 75'3 94-5 76-4 1426 73-7 0-772 67 232 SW by S 98 ... Do. 11 29-688 0-162 82-5 756 94-1 79-0 145-8 77-7 0-793 71 181 S W 90 0-19 Cloudy with rain. 12 29-669 o-iio 79-4 74-8 91-6 77-0 123-9 74-5 0-802 80 176 W S W 95 0-45 Do. 13 29-644 0-136 81-2 76-1 88-6 75-0 116-8 73-5 0-833 78 93 SWbyW 100 0-03 Overcast. 14 29634 0-116 83-3 75-0 91-0 78-8 131-6 75'3 0-758 67 206 S W 100 0-04 Eo. 15 29-725 0-125 83-8 76-2 93-5 79-0 145-6 77-7 0-803 69 198 S by W 60 ... Passing clouds. 16 29-800 0-138 83-7 759 96-5 79-0 144-8 75-5 0-791 68 186 SWbyS 70 o-o i Cloudy. 17 29-784 0-143 84-9 77-2 97-6 79-0 144-8 77-4 0-831 70 185 SS W 50 0-47 Passing clouds: rain. 18 29-764 0-151 80-7 76-0 87'0 74-0 113-0 71-9 0-835 80 126 S S W 90 0-17 Cloudy : rain. 19 29-742 0-141 81-5 76-0 93-2 77'7 140-6 74-5 0-825 77 183 SSW 70 0-84 Passing clouds: th. & Ig. after HI P.M. 20 29-758 0-094 80-4 76-7 85-8 74-2 108-6 73-4 0-870 85 130 SW by 8 97 025 Cloudy: rain. 21 29-752 0-150 3-3 77-3 91-9 76-4 142-4 74-0 0-857 75 159 S by W 70 0-04 Clondy. 22 29-718 0-120 83-9 75-7 90-1 78-2 123-4 7ti(i 0-778 68 186 SWby AN 65 Do. 23 29-712 0-127 84-0 76-5 93-1 78-2 142-1 77-1 0-813 70 192 SWbyVN 98 0-06 Do. 24 29-721 | 0-100 S3 8 76-2 89-7 78-2 1370 76-7 0-803 69 176 SW by W 78 Do. 25 29-716 0-162 86-8 76-2 97-4 79-2 1 Ili'SI 77'5 0-762 60 223 W by S 60 0-02 Passing clouds. 26 29-708 0-142 8frS 750 95-9 78-8 137-2 77-5 0-718 58 226 W by S 75 Cloudy. 27 29-087 0-134 84-7 76-4 96-0 79-6 143-0 7s-5 0709 ( 67 197 W S W 65 0-29 Passing clouds : Ig. : ruin. 28 29-700 0-104 81-8 76-8 95-8 7(i'4 145-1 74-9 o-sr><> 7i 151 SW by S 50 0-07 Passing clouds. | 29 29-721 0-114 832 76-4 93-6 77-2 IHi-O 75-5 0-819 72 156 S by W 37 Do. 30 29-724 0-130 BS'l 77-7 95-8 79-0 145-6 77-6 0-851 70 106 South 50 Do. 31 29-709 0- 1 30 84-5 78-3 963 78-2 144-8 77'7 0-886 75 207 S by W 55 Do. Mean 29-724 0-128 83-2 76-3 93-5 77-5 137-6 75-7 0-817 72 i 179 SWby S 75 638 294 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1883 August. BAROMETER SKLK REGISTERING REDUCED TO 32 Corrected THERMOMETERS Mean Deduced Wind I Temperature Dry Sun Grass General Weather A Mean Range Daily Mean 3 H 5 Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Velo- Dii-i'c- city tion 13 a _o 5 ^c "?. m Day Inches Inches O o O D o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inrlii' 1 29-697 0-llfi 84-5 78-8 905 tea 149-8 77-5 0-909 77 1S! South 62 0-56 Cloudy : Ig. : i-.iin. 2 29726 0-147 83-3 77-3 949 766 141-3 75-3 0-857 ft 147 S by K 58 O'Ol Passing clouds. 3 29-741 0132 83-4 77-1 96-7 76-8 147-8 74-5 0-847 74 197 South 52 Do. 4 29-714 0-137 84-3 78-2 97-1 76-6 150-8 74-8 0-883 75 167 SbyE 48 Fine with passing clouds. 5 29-699 0-123 82-6 77-0 97-4 77-6 138-2 75"5 0-854 77 210 S S W 52 Fine with passing clouds : th. A Ig. 6 '29-718 0-088 83-3 78-1 948 75-3 149-0 73-7 0-893 7!) 211 S by W tiO 0-17 I'assing clouds : rain. 7 29-774 0-114 847 79-2 93-8 78-8 143-8 77-3 0'925 77 176 S by E 30 Fine with parsing clouds. 8 29-769 0-134 81-5 78-7 92-3 78-8 1456 77-7 0-904 76 151 SEby S 20 Fine. 9 29-746 0-131 829 78-6 89-9 78-2 145-7 76-8 0-922 82 168 SEbyS 38 Fine with passing clouds. 10 29-746 0-106 84-6 79-0 92-8 78-2 151-0 76-5 0917 77 186 S SE 22 Do. 11 29-770 0-121 84-6 78-5 92-4 79-2 146-6 78-5 0-894 76 177 Sby E 22 Do. 12 29-785 0-118 8f5 79-1 91-3 78-6 145-7 77-0 0-922 77 160 SbyE 30 Do. 13 29-814 0-137 83-9 78-2 96-1 77-6 149-3 76-3 0-889 77 144 SbyE 33 Do. 14 29-785 0-138 84-3 78-6 93-1 78-4 148-6 76-3 0-902 75 160 SEbyS 32 ... Do. 1G 29-738 0-164 85-8 79-5 93-3 79-0 144-8 77-3 0-924 75 238 SbyE 48 Parsing clouds. 16 29-737 0-134 84-4 78-3 97-0 79-6 146-6 78-4 0-887 75 183 S by W 65 Do. 17 29-701 0-132 84-3 76-9 98-4 77-8 152-6 77-6 0-827 70 189 S W 53 0-09 Do. 18 29-693 0-147 84-0 76-8 97-1 77-4 150-9 76-4 0-826 71 194 S Why S 70 Cloudy. 19 29-690 0-098 80-3 76-4 965 77-2 149-5 76-6 0-858 82 189 S W 70 1 23 Cloudy: thunderstorm at 2 P.M. 20 29-7 1H 0-095 82-9 76-6 89-6 78-2 121-5 75-6 0-833 74 183 W S W 97 Cloudy. 21 29-742 0-115 79-5 75-2 91-4 77-9 141-3 76-7 0-820 81 188 W S W 100 0-28 I Ivi'ivasl : rain. 22 29-721 0-lnl 80-4 75-3 92-9 74-5 142-3 73-1 0-810 78 209 W S W 98 0-117 Cloudy. 23 29-672 0-1 4S 83-5 76-6 921 76-8 140-8 75-6 0-822 72 205 WbyS 67 0-18 Cloudy : rain. 24 29-645 0-119 8t'l 74-8 93-0 76-4 143-5 74-8 0-738 64 242 Wby N 90 Cloudy. 25 29-639 0-139 84-1 75-3 92-5 78-8 140-9 77-6 0-760 64 228 W by S 93 Do, 26 29-632 0-133 85-8 766 945 77-2 148-9 75-8 0-793 64 248 S S W 65 Posing clouds. 27 veto 0-148 86-2 78-3 965 77-4 151-1 74-2 0-877 72 251 S by W n Do. 28 29-618 0-140 87'4 77-8 98-9 79-2 15V9 75-6 0-825 64 273 S S W 65 Do. 29 29-673 0-131 85-1 76-2 957 79-4 141-1 77-9 0-784 64 205 SWbyS 75 030 Cloudy : Ig. S. : rain. 30 29-721 0-133 84-0 76-3 943 76-9 148-6 74-0 0-804 68 191 SW by S 80 0-08 Cloudy : Ig. S. 31 29745 0-098 84-8 763 94-2 76-2 148-0 73-6 0-793 66 201 SWbyS (17 o-oi Cloudy. Menu 29-718 0-128 83-9 77 \ 94-4 77-7 145-7 76-1 0-854 73 196 S S W 59 2-98 295 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1883 September. l-H i | ST CO BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature PEI.P REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 3 3 _0 5 M General Weather Mean Range Di Max. y San. Max. Grass Dry Wet Min. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Indies Inches < o ? Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 20750 0-135 85-6 75-7 97-0 77-0 145-6 757 0-757 61 207 SW by S 50 O'Ol Passing clouds. i 29778 0-107 83-9 75-4 92-7 79-4 127-0 777 0-767 65 202 S W 97 ... Clondy. 3 29-801 0-119 85-6 75"5 93-9 79-3 143-1 77-7 0-748 61 201 SWbyS 88 Do. 4 29-795 0-158 86-0 75'7 98-4 76-6 148-5 75-0 0-752 60 217 SWby S 35 ... Fine with passing clouds. 5 2971S 0-176 86-9 74-7 96-1 78-2 1522 73-9 0-696 55 236 SWby S 52 Passing clouds. (i 29-708 0-118 83-8 76-3 93-5 81-4 145-0 80-7 0-807 69 268 SWby W 80 0-03 Cloudy. 7 L'9'730 0-127 83-6 74-9 93-7 77-2 146-4 76-7 0-750 64 234 SWbyS 93 Do. 8 29-7511 0-135 87-0 77-0 09-2 79-5 153-7 76-7 0-794 62 223 S W 62 0-03 Passing clouds. 9 20-779 0-146 87-1 76-G 98-7 79-6 150-2 77-9 0-775 60 259 S \V 55 Do. 10 29-792 0-155 86-2 77'7 96-1 79-2 140-5 70-7 0-834 b/ 204 SWbyW 95 ... Cloudy. 11 29-808 0-152 84-9 76-5 98-3 78-3 14C-0 77-0 0-801 66 193 S S W 88 ... ' Do. 12 29-814 0-139 84-8 76-9 97-6 79-6 143-6 78-5 0-820 68 193 Sby W 75 ... Do. 18 29-815 0-154 81-1 77-0 99-5 77-6 154-5 74-5 0-833 72 170 SS W 67 ... Do. 14 29-816 0-144 83-8 76-3 92-9 78-6 150-0 77-7 0-807 69 134 South 62 Passing clouds. 15 29-810 0-133 85-3 77-2 96-9 77-9 155-5 76-4 0-826 68 173 S by E 28 Fine witli passing clouds. 16 29-804 0-122 85-1 77-8 98-4 77-4 153-5 76-3 0-856 71 173 Sby W 35 Do. 17 20-810 0-152 82-0 76-7 88-3 77-6 118-0 76-1 0-848 78 12G S by E 75 Cloudy. 18 29-816 0-138 82-7 77-2 90-7 76-7 127-0 74-5 0-861 77 128 Sby E 82 Do. 19 39-759 0-133 85'1 77'o 102-3 76-5 156-5 74-2 0-843 70 181 South 50 Passing clouds. 20 29-756 0-125 85-0 75-6 97-8 77'7 152-8 76-4 0-760 63 197 S by E 60 Do. 21 29-780 0-122 86-0 76-6 97-G 79-0 151-3 76-5 0-790 63 198 Sby E 60 Do. 22 29-817 0-108 85-5 7(17 98-0 78-8 152-6 76-1 0-801 65 173 Sby E 57 Do. 23 29-818 0-138 85-2 7<;-L> 97-7 76-2 160-7 73-5 0-783 64 161 SEbyS 55 Do. 24 20-80.'! 0-142 84-3 77-5 95-6 76-2 153-4 74-0 0-853 73 148 SEbyS 50 Do. 25 29-796 0-132 84-2 769 95-9 78-3 149-8 75-7 0-827 71 160 SEbyS 50 Do. 26 29-803 0-128 81--9 78-3 94-0 79-2 149-8 78-3 0-881 74 158 S E 40 Fine with passing clouds. 27 20-780 0-155 84-1 779 91-0 79-6 145-4 78-5 0-873 75 219 SEbyS 35 Do. 28 29-798 0-157 83-1 76-1 93-0 75-0 144-9 72-7 0-807 71 198 South 47 0-04 Passing clouds. 29 29-848 0-116 84-2 77-2 96-9 76-6 155-2 75-7 0-840 72 188 S by W 43 0-13 Passing clouds with rain. 30 29-858 0-140 81-7 84-7 77-8 95-1 72-2 147-0 71-7 0-901 83 173 S by W 45 0-32 1)0. Moan 29-791 0-137 76-6 95-9 77-9 147-3 76-1 0-810 68 190 S by W 60 0-5li 296 Madras Meteorological Observations. 188-} October. OS b c BABOMETKK BBUl'CBD TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTEKIXG TllKK.M'iMH n:> Deduced Wind X. C O (ieneral Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vaponr Hutn- Tension idity Daily Veto. city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches Inches Cents Miles Points. Cents Incite 1 29-819 0-144 848 78-3 956 78-2 148-1 75-6 0-881 74 129 S K 47 Fine with ]ia.sMiif; clouds. 2 29-821 0-079 776 773 89-7 78-6 147-1 77-0 jra* '.17 72 S \V 100 4-88 Overcast : thumlorstoini. 3 29-864 I 0-113 76-7 753 81-0 74-4 98-6 73-4 0-859 SKI w S W H 0-20 Cloudy : rain. 4 29-887 0143 783 76-3 85-3 75-1 121-7 71-6 0-881 91 66 XWby X 87 0-34 I.o. : do. 5 29-830 0-144 80-2 77-0 88-1 75-9 131-7 70-6 0-886 86 60 X E w Cloudy. 6 29-804 0-135 813 78-1 eo-s 75-9 130-7 74-0 0-920 86 83 South fi7 o-oi Do. 7 29-819 0110 79-5 75-4 90-9 ^74-4 144-0 72-8 0-827 82 12!! SWl.yS / w oos J'o. 8 29-840 0-096 79-4 74 920 731 137-0 70-6 0-806 80 99 Wot 90 1.0. 9 29-864 0-122 80-9 76-1 90-2 75-4 1398 736 0-837 79 70 Sby W 67 pa 10 29-847 0-118 80-4 77-1 88-2 74-6 1207 72-6 0-888 86 60 SEby E IP Do. 11 29-863 0126 79-2 76-2 87-2 74-6 135-8 73-2 0-864 87 92 X E 70 0-48 Cloudy: rain. 12 29-867 0-134 78-3 75-7 83-2 74-4 115-8 73-6 0-855 89 65 NE by X 100 0-36 Overcast : ruin. 13 29-860 0-154 78-5 750 85-7 76-6 1362 73-9 0-822 84 153 NNE n 1 M Overcast : tit. and Ig. : rain. 14 29-886 0-126 767 750 80-2 72-9 102-8 72-6 0-847 93 120 N E 100 1-51 Overcast with rain. 15 29-940 0-080 759 74-4 81-7 74-2 110-9 73-5 0-832 93 96 North 100 1'06 Overcast. 16 29-874 0-150 75-2 73-6 81-6 744 1138 73-3 0-804 93 188 Xorth 100 3-40 Overcast : tli. and If;. 17 29-871 0-082 77-8 737 81-0 71-6 127-8 71-5 0-778 82 154 S E hi 0-57 Cloudy : rain. 18 29936 0-132 79-0 76-2 86-3 76-0 140-0 73-7 0-868 88 102 Sby E OS 0-16 Passing clouds : rain. 19 29-934 0-143 80-1 76-5 86-0 752 139 8 7:i-3 0-866 83 106 S E 52 o-io Do. : do. 20 29954 0-145 80-4 76-0 87-2 75-0 1412 73-5 0-839 80 77 SE 52 0-12 Do. : do. 21 29-934 0-154 790 75-5 86-9 74-6 140-0 73-1 0-837 85 73 SEby E 55 0-:i7 Do. : do. 22 29-921 0-150 79-7 75-7 87-6 74-7 1426 735 0-836 89 85 East 53 Passiuj; clouds. 23 29-937 0-121 80-4 74-7 88-1 734 141-0 70-5 0-785 70 76 E by N 40 f'ine with pas.-ini,' cloinls. 24 29899 0-126 79-8 75-5 88-6 74-4 14(i-4 71-5 0-827 81 109 NEbyN * Do. 25 29892 0-106 80-4 76-4 89-1 73-8 145'S 717 0-857 127 XEl.y X 45 0'02 Do. 26 29-802 01] 7 79-8 76-0 879 724 1364 70-5 0-848 84 161 XKl.y X 78 0-16 Cloudy : rain. 27 29-948 0-109 73-8 72-5 75-5 73-0 (113 72-1 0-783 ill 1* XX E 100 2-89 Overcast : rain 28 29926 0-092 75-0 73-5 80-1 72-6 188-4 71-7 0-807 93 191 North 100 2-12 I'o. : do. 29 29-860 0-119 74-8 736 772 72-9 90-8 71-4 0814 94 154 North 100 1-54 I'o. : do. 30 29-778 0-132 75-7 74-0 791 73-6 1196 71-7 0-818 93 202 N by W 98 Overcast. n 29795 0-126 78-7 78-9 84-J 73-0 1376 71-5 0-858 88 102 SWhy W M dloudy. Mean 29-876 0-124 78-6 755 85-8 74-5 1291 727 0-844 87 KHI XEbyX 76 22-18 Jfote- The weather on the 2nd was remarkable. There was continuous thunder for several 1. ours in the morning: heavy rain at noon exactly 3 i feeing recorded by 1 P.M. and continuing leis heavily but steadily till 10 P.M. 297 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1883 November. BAROMETEK SELF REGISTERING REDUCED TO 32 Corrected THERMOMETERS Deduced \VJm1 05 00 00 i 1 Mean Temperature Dry Sun Grass IT Hill General Weather tt Novembi Mean Range Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion 3 c o '5 ts Day Inches Inches O O " Indies Cents Miles Points Cents Inche 1 29-816 0-117 79-2 76-3 84-6 74-0 135-1 72-8 0-868 87 81 S S E 95 1-87 Cloudy with rain. 2 29-810 0-104 79-1 75-4 84-3 74-8 138-0 72-9 0-831 83 195 SEbyS 80 2-46 Do. 3 29-873 o-iie 78-2 75-4 84-5 72-5 127-6 71-8 0-844 87 139 S E 82 2-12 Do. 4 29-913 0-104 76-4 74-7 81-8 73-6 135-2 72-6 0-838 93 99 N NE 100 1-15 Overcast with rain. 5 29-912 0-133 79-3 75-9 85-7 75-4 136-4 74-6 0-850 85 130 NE by IS 65 0-27 Cloudy with rain. 6 29-939 0-112 79-3 76-4 86-4 75-2 137-3 72-6 0-871 86 111 N E 70 0-12 Do. 7 29-939 0-109 79-7 76'2 87-2 75-4 138-8 72-8 0-858 85 150 NE by E 83 0-14 Do. 8 29-902 0-114 77-8 74-9 83-9 735 135-8 72-0 0-827 86 132 NNE 75 0-41 Do. 9 29-903 0-119 77-7 73-0 84-5 75-0 139-7 736 0-750 80 131 N E 67 0-02 Passing clouds. 10 29-898 0-097 76-5 72-8 84-9 71-7 138-0 69-4 0-758 84 117 NE by N 38 Fine with passing clouds. 11 29-883 0-112 74-4 69-6 83-2 67-4 138-4 64-6 0-661 78 107 NN E 35 Do. 12 29-900 0-134 74-6 69-2 84-0 67-C 149-4 62-8 0-642 74 134 NN E 30 Do. 13 29-917 0-149 73-8 68-0 83-4 64-6 139-0 61-4 0-609 73 103 NbyE 13 Fine. 14 29-918 0-147 74-1 68-9 85-4 65-6 140-0 61-4 0-639 76 93 Nby E 17 Do. 15 29-898 0-135 75-3 68-9 86-1 66-4 140-8 62-1 0-622 71 113 NNE 35 Fine with passing clouds. 16 29-909 0-101 75-2 69-5 852 68-2 140-6 64-5 0-647 74 137 Nby E 40 Do. 17 29-928 0-096 77-3 72-4 84-2 70-6 147-5 67'G 0-732 77 250 N by E 65 Cloudy. 18 29-975 0-093 75-6 74-1 79-2 72-9 135-5 71-6 0-824 93 162 North 85 0-30 Cloudy : rain. 19 29-957 0-119 76-9 74-4 86-1 73-2 140-4 70-6 0-819 88 184 E N E 80 4-75 Overcast : rain. 20 29-963 0-131 78-2 72-9 84-1 73-1 138-3 72-4 0-739 77 251 NE by N 50 1-31 Cloudy : rain. 21 29-956 0-112 77-1 70-9 82-5 72-2 138-3 71-4 0-674 73 212 NNE 42 Fine with passing clouds. 22 29-929 0-085 77-0 69-7 84-0 69-2 137-2 65-0 0-630 68 202 NNE 42 Do. 23 29-918 0-098 75-6 69-5 83-0 69-4 137-8 68-2 0-641 73 189 N by E 43 Passing clouds. 24 29-921 0-112 74-6 69-1 80-4 69-2 130-0 66-4 0-639 74 155 North 70 Do. 25 29-922 0-118 73-5 69-4 82-2 66-2 138-6 61-8 0-665 81 134 North 40 Do. 26 29-927 0-109 75-1 69-2 81-6 68-4 142-0 66-3 0-636 72 176 North 50 Do. 27 29-868 0-120 73-9 68-9 79-5 70-4 138-2 69-4 0-641 76 223 North 90 Cloudy. 28 29-846 0-101 72-8 67-6 75-4 69-2 103-3 68-0 0-607 76 261 NNW 98 Do. 29 29-851 0-111 74-3 69-3 79-4 71-5 129-8 70-6 0-651 76 271 Nby W 90 Do. 30 29-879 0-113 75-3 70-2 80-7 71-2 142-8 69-6 0-671 77 256 Nby W 57 'assing clouds. Mean 29-906 0-114 76-3 71-8 83-2 70-9 137-0 68-7 0-723 79 163 NEbyN 61 14-92 298 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1883 December. December 188H BAROMETER BEDfCEl) TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature >FI.K RKGISTKRING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 5 O d 03 General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. V ii pour Hnm- Tension idity Daily Velo- city. Mi'sin Diriv- tiou Day Inches Inches O O O O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents m-ln's 1 29-876 0-098 73-0 67-8 n| 69-4 no-o 66-5 0-606 73 _: X by W 100 Overcast. 2 29-868 0-113 73-6 69-6 75-2 70-1 99-4 66-5 0-671 81 271 X by W 100 Do. 3 29-863 0141 72-8 653 m-f 71-2 80-0 665 0-525 65 pa X by W 100 Do. 4 29-886 0135 75-1 69-6 87-5 69-6 139-1 67-5 0-651 75 103 X X W 32 Pine \\illi passing clonds. 5 29-927 0-116 78-0 652 84-3 655 138-3 59-5 0-518 (54 95 Xorth 10 Fine. 6 29-976 0-125 71-4 66-2 81-6 63-4 136-7 56-5 0-575 75 157 ' X l.y K 5 Do. 7 30-000 0-108 73-0 67-7 83-6 63-4 140-2 .-,7-s 0-608 75' i:i N by E 5 no. 8 30-018 0-112 75-7 69-6 82-1 67-4 i23'0 0643 73 196 X N E 50 Passing clouds. 9 30-014 0-101 737 68-9 79-4 70-4 118-9 68-9 0-645 78 17!) X by E 73 Clondy. 10 30-011 0-127 74-4 70-1 80-8 70-0 129-1 Uit'3 0-680 80 :M4 North 90 '1-90 Cloudy : rain. 11 29-983 0-144 75-1 71-6 79-9 70-8 117-9 70-5 0-729 84 297 N X K 95 o-oi Cloudy. 12 29-943 0-126 72-5 71-3 74-3 70-2 77-6 69-2 0-752 95 334 X by E 100 321 Overcast with rain. 13 29995 0-152 74-4 73-2 78-5 73-0 119-2 72-0 0-803 94 229 East 100 2-51 Do. 14 30-018 0-105 76-1 74-3 83-2 73-4 136-1 72-0 0-825 92 173 N E 95 2-13 Da 15 29-997 0-125 73-7 72 7 80-4 72-3 119-6 711 0-792 95 113 NNE 95 1-09 Do. 16 30-019 0-096 75-6 72-4 81-4 72-9 140-9 72-6 0-754 85 109 Xby E ... Cloudy. 17 30041 0-139 75-3 72-6 82-4 70-6 139-5 68-8 0-766 88 130 NNE 50 Passing clouds. 18 30-052 0-091 76-1 71-0 83-2 69-6 135-9 66-6 0-692 77 169 N E 45 Do. 19 30-058 0-125 75'5 69-2 817 71-2 1356 69-6 0-631 71 260 N E 68 Do. 20 30-088 0-111 739 67-6 81-3 70-4 137-0 65-6 0-593 71 269 XEbyN 65 Do. 21 30-096 0-109 73-2 67-1 78-3 69-6 1319 65-6 0-583 72 312 NNE 95 Cloudy. 22 30-090 0-123 72-4 67-0 80-6 65-5 1367 63-4 0-590 74 206 NNE 50 Passing clouds. 23 30-044 0-092 72-9 669 80-6 65-4 138-9 628 0-581 -2 219 Nby E 52 Do. 24 30-067 0-069 74-7 69-1 81-0 69-6 135-7 68-6 0-637 74 275 XN E 65 ... Do. 25 30-084 0-094 73-4 69-5 79-6 69-0 127-4 68-6 0-670 81 264 X NE 90 0-05 Cloudy. 26 30-078 0-117 73-0 67-7 80-9 67-8 140-9 65-6 0-609 75 177 N byE 75 Do. 27 30-083 0-112 71-1 65-7 79-6 63-7 1406 60-7 0-562 73 132 XN E 65 1'iissin;; clouds. 28 30-084 0-106 69-4 64-8 79-6 61-4 1855 58-0 0-553 77 127 Xby E 55 Do. 29 30-073 0-105 69-7 659 78-8 624 1354 68-6 0-588 81 154 NbyE 70 ... Cloudy. 30 30-062 0-119 73-0 68-6 78-4 66-4 129-0 62-6 0-641 79 211 Nby E 70 ... Do. 31 30-012 0-136 73-0 68-8 79-1 68-0 68-5 136-3 66-4 0630 78 293 North 60 Passing clouds. Mea 30-014 0-115 73-6 68-9 80-2 128-0 65-8 0-648 78 202 N X E 67 10-90 299 L. j K JM O '-J EM O N "" i I rHCO t-Hr-t t O COrH ' MC5'--O-HWt'- 7-1 s "S H ' T t^ 30 ! CO W X *O rH pC rH O * ; "00 I"* d CO X !> (M _ Q ^ : : . : a in N ^ """ E C5 - M ~ a 3 o 1 00 -^t-* i 30 X JO X a a ' fe _* - : - 00 CO;j'~HCP.He5-*tOQ-*ll- r-- 'S *r ' r3 ^ i^ocOi-"c;^Ntxc5 2 t. x te K H fc > ^ ^ ^ ^ b jg s I a X C003 CO !S ^ s. 1 Is d Q CO * J2 1 i 3) 1 1 B i s 3 i S 1 I 1 1 CO e4 O C ed o o > r- CO s o i/i SSBt 9 uo CD^D "i* 10 CO }* I'* i i t ( t" f- X rH S rH uinu g71C5-JMtHOSCDt^.-ITf(Oi rt o o ^ o O 1) 2 w ?3S?oS^SS2?SS '.3 ^ 3 H o i^ -o o go ^i ao t^ -* id py C u JD "o 11 0) *W H CD | i~ 15 ^1 u l 3* 1 a I Illls 1 Sill Hi 00 '5o o | W c o J rt ' M rH ^ > 3 OOOOOOOOOOOO o o r== BHW a 1_ o ^r >^ "c3 53 .3 d S5 o cs ci N w >p ^ l ^ ? 9 "? X "S 3 pq 09 O Q rH i * (N W C-l rH 5^ C 1 * ? J C 3 H a COI>I>1>C>I>1>I>1-COO fc* s ^S O ^HCCI^rHpHl^OWCOkO C < | 1 mo^ffl^Ncc^co.^xo op x f T3 3 6 i- t i t~ S ti ^ ^ fc t.2 C i ^ 2 ?> CONOC-, -f M 1 O^CCOO C rt L. s to ^ ^ to 9 t~ M K, CO c o O V B ^ rtrt -ffl05. 2 u 1 -4* Q '-O ?D l> 1-^- X X t>- i> I> l> t CO g S E-i ^oooa*^ H J 1>OI>-*1^.o a =a,^=oco ; o j> X X X X X X X !> t> !* 3 2 (U S fegSggfegSgSfi" 1 >! ^ ^ CO (N (N CO CC (M (M m M CO M CO to LI ^ tc '? B j H 99 00 00 N 'A M M 9ft N i>N ^ M *ei g 666666066666 rt i* 0,3 c 666666666666 6 ^; 'U tfl s i i llj I IlllllggsIIs IT >> rt ^(O'~'rHt'H< C5 Ci rH CD CO O O O OJ CO o ,= SinSSSfiNSggg 1 ^ i ; i 1 1 U j : i i ' M : | fe g j M P rs i " o K! ^ -S o o ( j3 ^ 3 w " ^" *^ OC ^j > cj k~5 &H ?3 ** S3 r-j HS ^ O3 O 55 Q 1 a Iliifjilllll 300 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1884 January. I (-, b 8 >- BAROMETER REDUCED Til :!2 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMKTKKS Deduced Wind X _5 5 M General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Hum- Tension | idity Daily Mean Velo- Direc- city tion Day Inches Inches Inches Cents Miles Points Points Inches 1 29-967 0-098 73-8 69-7 80-5 68-6 138-6 64-8 0-672 81 244 North 60 Passing clouds. 2 29-990 0-110 74-2 70-6 81-6 69-8 140-9 67-8 0-701 84 189 N by E 50 Do. 3 30-017 0-114 745 69-4 81-1 67-6 135-8 64-0 0-651 76 249 NN E 47 ... Do. 4 30-016 0-121 72-6 70-2 76-2 70-6 94-1 69-8 0-707 88 212 North !I5 1-27 Overcast : rain. 5 30-053 o-ioo 76-8 73-7 83-9 71-4 134-8 70-8 0-791 86 221 NEbyN 55 Passing; clouds. 6 30-086 0-116 76-4 72-7 83-6 72-4 137-5 70-3 0-764 84 212 NEbyN 53 Do. 7 30-111 0-120 74-0 69-9 81-2 68-2 133-3 65-8 0-677 81 198 X N E 57 Do. 8 30-098 0-145 727 67-3 80-8 66-4 139-5 62-8 0-597 74 173 NEbyN 45 ... Do. 9 30-101 0-107 72-6 67-5 81-2 63-9 139-5 60-8 0-606 76 140 N N E 43 Fine with passing clouds. 10 30-107 0-129 733 65-4 82-3 637 141-1 59-1 0-521 63 196 NEI.yN 55 Pus-sin;; clouds. 11 30-077 0-147 74-1 65-8 82-7 67-0 1417 60-8 0-526 G2 181 N E 60 ... Da 12 30-076 0-129 72-8 65-4 81-3 65-2 135-8 60-4 0-528 65 169 NNE 45 ... Do. 13 30-073 0-103 713 66-0 82-0 63-4 142-3 58-8 0-570 75 106 NNE 50 ... Do. 14 30-053 0-130 71-4 65-7 82-0 61-4 140-1 57-5 0-558 72 116 N E 55 ... Do. 15 30-018 0-108 72-5 67-1 83-1 63-2 141-5 .596 0-592 74 134 NE byE 52 ... To. 16 29-989 0-127 74-0 69-6 83-4 66-4 147-5 61-8 0-665 79 110 ENE 70 ... Cloudy. 17 29-975 0-129 76-5 72-8 83-2 71-4 139-6 69-8 0-759 84 92 ESE 57 ... Passing clouds 18 29-990 0-099 76-7 73-5 83-4 71-4 137-9 69-0 0-784 86 97 East 72 ... Cloudy. 19 30-043 0-113 762 73-0 84-1 72-5 139-6 70-8 0-770 85 214 NEbyN 87 o-oi Do. 20 30-064 0-124 74-6 72-1 80-6 68-4 138-4 68-0 0-756 88 187 NNE 47 0-86 Light tliinitk'isti mi lul'iic :i A.M. 21 30-040 0-144 744 71-1 81-3 69-6 133-4 67-2 0-719 85 156 N N E 53 Passing clouds. 22 30-033 0-130 72-6 68-3 82-5 65-0 136-2 60-8 0-636 80 80 NE by N 37 Fine with passing cloud*. 23 30-036 0139 74-0 67-6 82-4 65-6 141-7 61-8 0-592 70 114 N E 38 Do. 24 30-080 0-121 72-3 67-8 83-0 65-9 139-4 61-6 0-621 78 110 NEbyN 42 ... Do. 25 30-078 0-139 72-0 67-3 82-3 64-7 138-5 60-8 0-607 78 131 NNE 38 ... Do. 26 30-071 0-120 73-2 67-2 82-8 64-9 141-4 61-8 0-586 72 111 NEbyN 42 ... Do. 27 30-044 0-146 73-4 68-6 82-3 65-4 141-4 63-1 0-636 78 125 N N E 40 ... Do. 28 30-035 0-118 73-1 67-9 82-9 65-4 138-7 61-7 0-614 74 132 XE by N 42 Do. 29 30-015 0-136 72-8 66-0 83-4 62-6 139-8 59-0 0-550 68 118 N E 33 ... Do. 30 30-013 0-153 71-4 C5-4 83-3 62-6 138-8 686 0-547 71 116 NNE 20 Finiv 31 30-007 0-111 70-6 66-2 82-2 60-7 1382 55-6 0-586 78 73 NE by E 22 ... Do. Mean 30-044 0-123 73-6 68-7 82-1 66-6 1376 634 0-641 77 152 NE by N 50 2-14 301 Madras Meteorological Observations, 1884 February. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING February 1884 REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds c i General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry I Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O o o o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inchc 1 30-000 0-126 70-5 66-1 82-6 61-8 137-2 5G-5 0-583 78 68 E by N 17 Fine. 2 30-003 0-131 72-6 67-9 82-4 62-4 141-0 57-7 0-621 77 97 NE byE 25 Fine with passing clouds. 3 30-019 0-143 74-3 68-5 84-2 65-4 140-2 617 0621 72 129 Eby N 35 Do. 4 30-013 0'115 71-7 66-8 83-6 62-6 140-8 60-1 0-594 76 101 NEbyE 45 Do. 5 29-985 0-147 70-5 65-5 82-5 62-2 140-1 56'7 0-563 76 57 N E 35 Do. 6 29-962 0-150 69-7 64-5 83-8 59-8 141-0 53-7 0-538 75 75 East 25 Fine. 7 29-967 0-139 69-7 65-2 84-7 59-4 140-7 53-7 0-563 77 59 Eby S 15 Do. 8 29-979 0-142 71-2 66-9 82-7 61-6 139-8 56-5 0-604 79 73 SEbyE Clear. 9 29-983 0-150 73-1 69-4 82-5 64-4 139-0 59-7 0-670 83 104 S E 20 Fine. 10 30-015 0-147 75-2 71-1 86-0 67-0 141-6 61-7 0-708 81 111 SEbyS 12 Do. 11 30-050 0-156 75-0 71-4 84-1 67-6 141-0 63-7 0-722 84 101 S E 18 Eo. 12 29-990 0-180 75'3 69-2 84-9 67-2 141-8 62-7 0-633 72 93 S E 18 Do. 13 29-949 0-170 74-5 70-3 83-2 66-3 140-0 60-7 0-686 80 156 SEbyS 20 Do. 14 29-938 0-140 75-2 71-3 84-0 67-6 145-4 59-7 0-715 81 168 S S E 20 Do. 15 29-910 0-156 76-9 73-0 86-6 69-4 142-4 65-8 0-760 83 164 S S E 12 Eo. 16 29-898 0-170 79-3 74-3 90-4 73-0 145-3 66'6 0-782 78 177 S SE 30 Fine with passing clouds. 17 29-944 0-128 78-2 74-0 85-4 71-4 143-3 67-8 0-784 82 133 S E 40 Do. 18 30-071 0-131 76-8 72-2 85-8 70-2 144-2 65-6 0-729 79 89 E S E 43 Eo. 19 30-097 0-145 76-1 70-0 85-6 66-5 143-2 61-5 0-653 73 119 E N E 30 Do. 20 30-057 0-172 746 68-3 85-4 66-5 142-0 62-6 0-609 71 63 NE by E 32 Eo. 21 30-007 0-117 73-7 68-9 83-7 64-5 140-2 60-0 0-644 78 72 E by S 18 Fine. 22 30-042 0-122 75-7 71-0 85-6 66-4 144-7 61-5 0-697 78 84 SE by E 45 Fine with passing clouds. 23 30-065 0-135 77-1 72-0 85-8 68-6 143-6 64-8 0-717 77 96 EbyS 40 Do. 24 30-040 0-158 77-2 71-4 86-0 68-0 146-0 64-2 0-693 74 124 E by S 35 Do. 25 30-019 0-132 76-7 71-0 85-7 67-0 145-8 63-6 0-683 75 126 Eby S 32 Do. 26 30-022 0-163 75-1 70-6 85-2 66-2 142-5 61-6 0-690 79 74 E by S 15 Fine. 27 29-993 0-166 75-6 71-4 86-1 67-6 143-0 62-6 0-714 81 84 E B E 25 Do. 28 29-932 0-169 76-5 71-7 87-3 68-2 143-2 63-2 0-714 78 120 S S E 23 Do. 29 29-938 0-172 77-2 72-1 88-6 68-5 1438 636 0-720 77 115 SS E 25 Do. Uean 29996 0-147 74-7 69-9 85-0 661 142-2 61-4 0-669 77 105 ES E 26 m. 78 302 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1884 March. BABOMETER SELF REGISTERING KFIDVCED TO 32 Corrected \1ann THERMOMETERS Wir>f1 - Mean Temperature Dry Sun Grass Deduced W 1IH1 General Weather rH 1 i Mean Bauge Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion "O 3 5 '3 Day Inches Inches o o o O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 29-922 0-111 76-2 70-7 . 85-9 67-9 141-7 63-2 0-679 75 109 SEby S 15 Fine. 2 29-934 0-111 75-0 70-6 . 85-2 66-0 142-1 60-9 0-691 79 108 8E by S 15 Do. 3 29-955 0-145 74-9 69-5 .35-4 66-2 141-9 60-8 0-650 75 96 SEbyS 20 I'o. 4 29-949 0-136 76-1 71-6 87-6 66-2 144-5 61-4 0-716 79 104 S S E 7 Do. 5 29-905 0-176 76-7 71-9 87-2 67-5 143-8 61-6 0-719 78 101 SEbyE 15 Do. 6 29-897 0-148 76-8 72-6 86-6 66-7 145-3 60-6 0-746 82 118 S E 20 Do. 7 29-882 0143 76-6 72-7 87-2 66-9 144-1 61-5 0-752 82 134 SE by S 18 Do. 8 29-890 0-130 76-7 72-4 85-2 68-0 141-4 62-6 0-739 80 112 SEbyS 10 Do. 9 29-941 0-127 78-4 73-2 .88-2 68-6 144-3 63-4 0-743 77 111 SEbyS 10 Do. 10 29-980 0-101 78-1 72-6 88-6 67-7 144-0 62-7 0-728 76 85 Eby S 27 Fine with passing clouds. .11 30-003 0-116 77-8 72-8 88-2 69-4 148-2 65-4 0-741 78 109 E N E 33 Do. 12 29-983 0-137 78-5 73-7 89-9 67-8 145-1 64-4 0-769 79 83 EN E 10 Fine. 13 29-963 0-135 78-2 73-1 92-4 68-6 146-7 6J.-0 .0-747 78 55 EbyN 10 Do. 14 29-950 0-168 77-3 72-7 89-2 68-0 145-5 63-2 0-745 80 88 SEbyE 20 Do. 15 29-883 0-164 77-7 72-9 88-7 68-5 143-8 63-7 0-747 79 124 S S E 5 Do. 16 29-848 0-156 80-3 75-3 89-6 70-3 142-5 65-6 0-811 78 178 Sby E 5 ... Do. 17 29-833 0-145 82-7 77-0 95-6 76-0 147-5 74-3 0-852 76 235 SbyE 5 Do. 18 29-861 0-148 81-8 77-0 93-8 76-8 146-2 75-1 0-864 80 236 SbyE 17 Do. 19 29-890 0-128 82-9 77-0 91-3 77-5 143-5 75-7 0-849 75 221 S S E 13 Do. 20 29-853 0-162 81-8 77-6 89-6 76-2 144-1 72-6 0-891 82 188 SEbyS 25 Do. 21 29-864 0-138 81-0 75-7 92-4 74-9 147-5 71-5 0-818 77 183 SSE 7 Do. 22 29-869 0-150 79-5 75-8 88-3 72-7 140-9 68-3 0-844 84 169 SbyE 15 Do. 23 29-868 0151 79-9 75-5 88-0 72-7 142-5 68-1 0-825 80 190 SSE 15 Do. 24 29-839 0-140 79-6 74-5 92-6 72-3 145-3 68-6 0-787 78 197 Sby E 10 Do. 25 29-838 0-156 80-8 73-9 92-5 72-3 146-0 68-8 0-744 71 175 SbyE 5 Do. 26 29-847 0-074 79-7 76-0 88-8 71-6 141-1 67-6 0-849 84 187 SSE 20 Do. 27 29-901 0-115 80-6 75-7 90-9 74-0 143-9 70-6 0-823 78 183 SSE 25 Pine with passing clonds. 28 29-899 0-128 80-5 74-8 91-3 72-2 143-4 68-9 0-786 75 156 SSE 17 Fine. 29 29-875 0-126 80-0 74-4 90-5 71-0 145-3 68-2 0-777 76 149 SSE 17 ... Do. 30 29-902 0-133 79-7 75-2 87-9 72-1 139-4 67-8 0-815 80 148 SEbyS 15 Do. 31 29-890 0-128 796 74-5 88-4 70-8 141-7 66-2 0-787 78 129 SSE 20 ... Do. Mean 29-900 0-136 78-9 74-0 89-3 70-6 144-0 66-4 0-782 78 144 SEbyS 15 Nil. 303 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1884 April. I BAROMETKR REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind .a 3 _o O a i General Weather Moan llange Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o o C| o Inches Cents Miles Points . Cents [nches 1 20-881 0-143 80-7 75-4 .90-5 72-5 146-4 68-3 0-810 77 119 SS E 20 ... Fine. 2 29-875 0-137 79-4 74-3 ..88-4 71-1 141-5 66-4 0-780 78 137 SE by S 18 ... Do. 3 29-863 0-110 79-8 74-3 . 88-2 70-5 141-3 6(V 7 0-775 76 168 S S E 22 ... Do. 4 29-913 0-124 79-7 75-3 ..88-8 70-9 147-6 65-9 0-819 80 108 SEbyS 35 ... Fine with passing clouds. 5 29-929 0-117 81-1 76-7 90-1 71-9 14i-7 68-3 0-860 81 111 S E 25 ... Do. 6 29-902 0-148 82-0 77-9 90-7 739 144-5 70-7 0-902 83 158 SE by S 30 Do. 7 29-857 0-145 83-7 78-2 90-6 77-2 142-7 75-5 0-892 77 196 S by E 60 Passing cloud-. 8 29-818 0-138 84-9 77-8 97-4 79-4 145-6 74-7 0-858 72 227 S by E 15 Fine. 29-834 0-133 84-8 78-8 .94-3 79-7 143-1 78-5 0-905 76 271 Sby E 12 ... Do. 10 29-889 0-107 83-5 78-9 91-1 78-7 141-1 77-5 0-917 81 236 Sby E 15 Do. 11 29-926 0-099 82-6 77-3 .90-4 77-1 142-3 75-0 0-867 78 204 S by E 20 ... Do. 12 29-927 0-129 82-3 77-1 .90-5 75-7 141-1 72-7 0-862 78 188 S S E 20 Do. 13 29-923 0-1-29 81-7 77-0 .90-1 73-9 143-1 71-1 0-866 31 152 S S E lo ... Do. 14 29-877 0-145 83-4 75-9 91-7 73-9 149-4 69-7 0-795 69 142 S S E 5 ... Do. 15 29-844 0-113 83-6 76-4 99-8 73-0 150-9 70-0 0-814 70 190 South 5 ... Do. 16 29-820 0-134 85-9 77-1 98-9 76-5 149-2 70-5 0-814 65 233 S by E 5 ... Do. 17 29-839 0-136 85-2 78-5 .94-4 79-0 144-6 70-7 0-884 73 260 SbyE 7 ... Do. 18 29-870 0-136 84-4 78-5 91-6 78-7 144-9 77-3 0-896 76 250 S S E 25 ... Fine with passing clonds, 19 29-856 0-165 83-7 77-8 91-4 76-9 141-7 75-7 0-874 75 255 SSE 20 ... Do. 20 29-819 0-143 85-4 79-4 98-0 79-9 149-5 78-9 0-924 76 254 S S E 40 ... Do. 21 29-831 0-103 77-9 74-7 87-2 69-9 106-3 69-5 0-818 85 159 South 78 1-66 Thunderstorm at 6 A.M. : clondy day. 22 29-860 0-152 83-3 77-5 90-2 77-7 140-1 69-9 0-867 76 198 SSE 35 ... Fine with passing clonds. 23 29-832 0-164 82-6 77-5 89-2 75-9 141-4 73-9 0-877 78 178 SEbyS 45 ... Passing clouds. 24 29-839 0-141 82-4 77-2 89-4 75-4 144-7 73-6 0-865 79 135 SSE 50 Do. 25 29-872 0-113 82-0 76-8 91-2 74-5 139-4 73-5 0-853 79 124 SEbyS 35 ... Fine with passing clouds. 26 29-921 0-110 82-9 77-1 91-4 76-3 142-2 74-9 0-854 76 109 E S E 30 ... Do. 27 29-905 0-131 81-7 76-3 91-8 74-7 143-7 72-7 0-835 77 110 SEbyE 45 ... Do. 28 29-858 0-131 82-7 76-7 93-8 74-9 147-1 72-5 0-839 75 131 SEbyS 20 Fine. 29 29-812 0-123 83-3 77-3 90-9 76-5 145-1 74-0 0-857 75 184 SEbyS 30 ... Fine with passing clouds. 30 29-795 O'lll 83-8 77-7 .fin 773 145-3 74-7 0-868 75 191 SS E 30 Do. Mean 29-866 0 Mean Range 3 c *j| Dry Wet Max. Min. \ '; Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- iditv Daily Yelo- Mean Direc- 1-5 riry tion ' 5 S3 Day o o o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nclios Inches Inches -o O 1 1 29-698 0-140 877 76-0 99-0 7.8-5 136-0 77-3 0-741 5.7 178 W by S 97 Cloudy. 1 l . 1 2 29710 0-123 86-1 75-5 100-4 82;8 146-4 79-8 0-742 60 -'' S\V by S 70 0-0(3 Do. 3 29-747 0-131 85-3 77-6 98-3 78;7 143-1 74-8 0'84i i . 21 29-744 0-136 85-1 76-a 100-4 . J 79-3 147-7 77-3 0-802 66 1S5 South Co Do. 22 29-742 0-113 85-5 76-0 100-0 8i-0 147-4 77'7 0-771 63 201 P by W 60 Passing clouds. i 1 23 29-724 0-128 855 7.6-1 M-8 80-5 138-1 79-7 0-775 68 Ui7 S S W To Cloudy. . i . i 24 29-695 0-120 83-8 76;8 94-8 78-4 124-8 7.V7 0-828 72 182 S W 90 0-21 Cloud v : rain. > I 25 29-737 0-113 82-7 77-1 933 77-1 1335 74-8 0-867 77 KM SWby S 85 0-1 (3 Do. : do. 26 29-765 0-123 82-9 707 93-3 I 75-0 134-4 74-8 0-836 1* 162 S S W 65 Passing clouds, i 27 29-776 0-142 82-7 75-6 1000 7!ir, 145-6 77-!) 0-791 71 200 I S W 88 0-48 Passing clouds: th. &]g. N. W. : rain. 28 29-736 0182 81-0 iij 95-9 75-5 110-1 74-7 0-764 - 72 186 ! S W 7o 0-12 Cloudy : rain. 29 29722 0-120 81-1 7,,, 111' 1 76-4 140-4 75-2 0-834 78 155 S S W M 0-OT Cloudy. 30 29-739 0-121 85-7 77-0 95-6 77-2 1329 753 0-811 65 157 SWby S 77 Do. i . 31 29-730 0-156 85-2 74-8 947 81-4 1413 78-7 0-723 59 216 SWbyW 97 0-04 1 Do. . ' I i 1 Mean 29722 0-131 84-8 76-4 1 96-6 79-1 139-0 77-2 0-797 ' '' 67 190 SWbyS : 70 3-55 307 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1884 August. & -.:'.'.. , o ~. : ; & v ii I bo BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF "KEGISTEBI ' THERMOMETERS Deduced TO" ' Wind Clouds d '3 H General Weather i I Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Mas. ' Min. Vapour tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city- Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches i 1 29-698 0-158 85-1 76-4 98-7 78-0 152-0 73-9 0-793 65 217 W S W 7.5 031 Cloudy. 2 29-729 0-116 81-4 76-0 96-2 76-1 140-3 74-7 0-826 7.7 211 SW by W 77. 0-11 Do. 3 29-751 0-148 82-7 75-6 9i'6 76-5 142-3 75-9 0-791 71 208 S W 65 ... Do. 4 29-727 0-119 84-5 76-2 96-9 797 146-2 78-5 0-793 67 187 S W 73 ... Do. 5 29-689 0-164 86-1 75-9 100-1 79-9 145-0 767 0758 61 209 S W. 72 ... Do. 6 29-687 0-130 84-8 76-3 96-5 79-3 144-7 787 0-793 66 209 South 50 ... Passing clouds. 7 29-717 0-119 85-2 77-a 97-0 77-4 143-3 76-0 0-831 68 199 South 50 Do. ,- ( . I] ; 8 29-697 0-110 84-4 76-6 93-9 77-6 149-8 76-2 0-812 69 193 .SWbyS 45 ... Do. 9 29-701 0-095 82-6 75'8 97-3 77-0 152-4 75-7 0-801 72 223 SWbyS 67 ... Do. 10 29-730 0-147 84-0 76-1 94-6 76-9 151-5 75-7 0795_ 68 178 S S W 6.2 ... Do. 11 29-788 0-097 82-9 7.57 96-1 73-9 143-0 71-9 0-792 69 226 S W 50 ... Pine with passing clouds : Ig. S. W. 12 29-783 0-117 83-6 767 97-1 76-5 151-6 74-2 0-826 72 202 SS W 40 ... Fine with passing clouds. 13 29-758 0-139 84-0 76-9 98-8 77-9 150-4 76-7 0-830 72 220 S S W 20 0-43 Fine till ^1 P.M. : Ig. K. ^ : rain. 14 29-743 0-119 82-1 76-6 92-2 73-1 140-3 72-7 0-843 7.7 224 SWbyS 80 0-29 Cloudy : th. Ig. and rain. : 15 29-748 0-116 84-3 75-4 93-8 77;9 140-5 74-7 0-761 64 187 S W 80 0-03 Cloudy. . 1 ' ' ' '-:'' V 16 29-750 0-128 84-0 75'5 97-8 74-7 1427 73-7 0-770 66 208 SWbyS 47 ... Fine with passing clouds. ' -. i . . f. 1 y i 5S. 17 29-743 0-131 85-5 75/2 97-3 78-5 143-1 77-9 0-737 60 223 SWbyS 43 ... Do. 18 29-737 0-144 84-9 76-4 97-7 7.8-2 150-1 76-7 0-796 66 182 S S W 50 Passing clouds. ' i ; ' J ; . 19 29-741 0-135 85-9 75-1 95-9 79-2 142-3 77'7 0-727 58 214 S by W 55 Do. 20 29-757 0-175 85-1 7.6-1 95-9 75-7 147-1 74-2 0-780 64 166 S W 50 0-14 Passing clouds : rain. 1 } -'. i :' '1 .1 >. V 21 29-750 0-116 85-2 77-2 100-6 77-0 151-0 75-4 0-827 68 204 S S W 42 Passing clouds : Ig. N. & W. '. i - . i i 22 29-766 0-116 84-2 75-9 97-5 77-8 1520 74-7 0-784 67 169 W by S 70 0-04 Cloudy. 23 29-780 0-150 84-8 757 97-3 77-1 151-5 75-0 0-767 64 177 S by E 52 0-09 Passing clouds. "i i -) 11 \. 24 29-756 0-140 84-4 75-5 96-2 77-9 1469 76-2 0-764 64 186 S W 65 0-04 Do. ; 1 > - . t i . J ' t 25 29-716 0-120 83-3 76-1 92-2 7.7;6 132-3 73-7 0-805 70 128 SWbyS 85 0-06 Cloudy. 26 29-665 0-113 85-3 74-9 96-1 77-6 142-6 76-0 0726 o9 185 SW by S 95 Do. 27 29-671 0-150 85-9 74-7 95-9 ; 78-9 141-4 78-2 0-710 58 276 SWbyW 80 ... Do. 28 29-721 0-118 87-5 757 98-6 7.9-6 153-7 78-7 0-731 56 284 S W 60 Passing clonds. . 29 29-792 0-149 85-4 76-0 98-3 78" 1 152-6 76-3 0-772 63 247 SWbyS 63 ... Do. 30 29-835 0-132 87-1 77-0 977 80-6 145-3 77-9 0-793 62 178 S by W 65 ... Cloudy 31 29-833 0-158 81-5 77-0 91-7 76-1 146-7 79-3 0-868 81 128 SWbyS 77 0-05 Do. Mean 29-741 0-131 84-4 76-0 96-5 77-5 143-1 75-9 67 202 SWbyS 61 1-59 0-784 1 - - 308 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1884 September. September 1884 BAROMETER KEDUCKD TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 1 6 _c H General Weather Meaii Bange Dry Snn Grass Dry Wet Max. Mii,. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches 6 > O O O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-822 0-135 81-1 76-5 94-1 76-0 143-8 75-7 0-852 81 139 SWbyS 87 O'll Cloudy: rain. 2 29-811 0-152 87-0 77-2 99-2 78-1 153-6 769 0-803 62 190 SWbyS 60 Passing clouds. 3 29-782 0-144 88-4 75-1 99-5 80-3 1515 77-2 0-693 51 206 SWby W 55 Do. 4 29-767 0-141 87-2 75-1 98-3 82-1 1462 79-5 0-709 55 Ml \v s w 75 O'l>7 Cloudy. 5 29-764 0-130 80-9 75-4 100-1 76-3 151-5 74-3 0-807 76 227 SW by S 67 0-62 Cloudy : niiu. 6 29-781 0-145 82-9 76-4 90-3 74-2 132-4 72-8 0-823 73 191 SW by S 75 Cloudy. 7 29-767 0-134 82-3 76-8 93-4 75-9 142-8 73-9 0-849 /7 237 S S W 52 Passing clouds. 8 29-781 0-129 833 76-6 964 76-4 147-7 74-7 0-826 72 211 SW by S 60 Do. 9 29-778 0-116 83-5 763 93-6 76-6 144-1 743 0-811 70 149 S SB 60 Do. 10 29-796 0-118 84-1 75-9 95-6 75-7 150-4 74-5 0-785 68 168 Sby E 30 Fine with passing clouds. 11 29-824 0-149 84-7 76-8 96-4 77-9 154-4 73-9 0-816 68 167 SEby S 40 Do. 12 29-836 0-130 85-6 77-3 98-7 79-7 152-0 77-5 0-826 67 167 South 47 059 Cloudy : rain. 13 29-848 0-156 80-4 76-5 85-4 76-2 117-0 75-6 0-861 83 149 South 75 Cloudy. 14 29-820 0-160 83-4 77-8 90-6 78-9 121-9 77-3 0-879 77 162 South 95 Do. 15 29-817 0-164 79-0 75-1 90-2 693 129-8 68-7 0-820 82 108 S W 90 1-01 Thunderstorm at 3 A.M. : Cloudy. 16 29-839 0-168 81-8 76-5 90-6 74-2 141-0 73-4 0-842 78 184 WS W 80 2-18 Overcast : rain. 17 29-822 0-148 80-9 76-3 86-5 73-5 119-1 72-7 0-810 80 118 WS W M 0-o7 Cloudy. 18 29-762 0-183 80-1 76-6 89-5 73-2 127-8 72-7 0-870 85 118 W S W 97 0-25 Cloudy : rain. 19 29-704 0-162 81-4 75-7 90-3 76-1 130-4 74-6 0-813 76 163 W N W 8!l 0-11 Do. : do. 20 29-683 0-120 81-5 74-5 90-1 75-7 140-8 75-0 0-761 71 148 W by N 90 Cloudy. 21 29-676 0-160 82-4 76-8 97-1 76-2 149-8 73-8 0-848 77 227 SW by W 65 0-09 Do. 22 29-738 0-166 82-8 76-5 95-2 77-7 148-4 75-8 0-829 74 242 P\V by S 65 Do. 23 29-813 0-147 82-1 75-8 95-0 77-3 149-2 75-6 0-808 74 182 S S W 72 Do. 24 29-832 0-142 83-7 76-8 94-5 77-2 146-9 75'6 0-829 72 204 Sby W 32 Fine with passing clouds. 25 29-816 0-171 84-2 76-7 92-4 78-0 147-0 77-0 0-819 70 230 South 43 Do. 26 29-812 0-150 83-9 77-4 94-3 79-4 143-0 78-8 0-853 73 214 Sby W 45 o-oi Do. 27 29-796 0-164 84-2 78-4 963 77-8 149-6 75-8 0-895 75 164 S W 62 0-17 Cloudy : rain. 28 29-803 0-147 79-7 76-0 89-7 73-7 138-0 73-0 0-849 84 157 S W 95 0-1!) Do. : do. 29 29-822 0-153 80-0 75-8 87-6 732 120-8 72-6 0-836 81 176 W S W 90 o-on Cloudy. 30 29-817 0-140 80-4 76-4 89-2 74-2 131-2 72-1 0-857 82 131 South 92 Do. Mean 29791 0-147 82-8 76-4 933 76-4 140-7 74-8 0-824 74 179 SW by S 69 5-56 309 Madras Meteorological Observations, i 884 October. BAKOMKTKH SKI.K REGISTERING REDUCED TO 32 Corrected THERUOMKTERS Wirwl 41 9 56 Mean Temperature Dry San Grass Deduced llld General Weather October Mean Range Dry Wet Max. Miu. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion 13 1 O 5 d 03 a Day Inches Inches o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-808 0-154 83-0 74-8 92-8 76-6 137-2 75-2 0-753 66 181 S W 70 Cloudy. 2 29-784 0-128 82-6 75-2 90-6 76-3 147-3 75-1 0-775 70 173 w s w 70 Do. 3 29-818 0-126 84-0 74-9 95-1 77-4 148-5 75-5 0-744 63 140 South 35 Pine with passing clouds. 4 29-898 0-117 80-9 77'7 93-0 78-0 154-2 75-8 0-908 86 125 South 47 0-19 Fine with passing clouds : rain. 5 29-896 0-141 81-9 77-0 88-8 77-3 146-0 76-6 0-863 79 111 S S W 30 Fine with passing clouds : th. N. 6 29-894 0-143 80-0 76-0 87-5 75-6 143-1 74-2 0-845 82 100 S S W 62 Passing^clouds : th. & Ig. N. & N. W. 7 29-897 0-131 81-1 76-1 88-7 76-3 144-5 74-2 0-834 78 115 K SE 35 o-oi Fine with passing clouds. 8 29-928 0-120 82-0 75-9 90-0 73-8 145-9 717 0-814 75 122 E by N 35 Do. 9 29-950 0-114 80-9 74-7 90-2 72-1 146-0 68-8 0-777 73 116 NE 15 Fine. 10 29-940 0-106 83-7 75-3 91-9 78-9 146-6 71-8 0-766 65 149 N E 20 Do. 11 29903 0-097 81-6 75-0 90-8 73-3 148-1 70-8 0-781 74 137 NE by N 32 0-09' Fine with passing clouds. 12 29-891 0-101 82-5 76-2 91-0 75-7 149-8 74-2 0-820 73 196 NE by N 42 Do. 13 29917 0-128 83-1 76-0 91-9 75'2 148-3 71-8 0-803 70 192 NEbyN 48 Do. 14 29-900 0-139 82-2 75-5 91-9 75-0 147-0 73-5 0-794 73 175 NEbyN 75 0-18 Cloudy : rain. 15 29-872 0-143 78-5 75'2 83-1 74-1 113-2 73-1 0-831 85 175 Nby E 95 0-68 Overcast : rain. 16 29-836 0-145 77-3 75-3 84-4 73-2 131-6 72-5 0-852 91 219 N E 100 3-76 Heavy th.-storm at 6 A.M. : Overcast. 17 29-854 0-102 79-6 76-5 85-0 76-3 135-9 74-5 0-873 87 228 East 85 0-33 Cloudy : rain. 18 29-876 0-099 79-5 76-7 87-0 78-6 142-0 75-9 0-883 88 203 BSE 75 1-36 Do. : do. 19 29-928 0-127 76-5 74-9 82-1 73-9 124-5 72-3 0-845 93 113 N N W 100 1-80 Overcast : rain. 20 29-895 0-118 77-1 75-1 80-9 75*5 118-4 74-0 0-854 91 125 Nby E 90 2'29 Cloudy : rain. 21 29-880 0-154 78-2 75-4 86-1 74-3 137-3 73-3 0-846 88 131 North 80 0-16 Do. : do. 22 29-867 0-124 80-9 76"5 87-9 74-8 141-7 73-1 0-854 81 120 N by E 50 Passing clouds : Ig. N. 23 29-888 0-099 76-8 75-2 77-C 76-1 85-3 75-2 0-854 93 107 W by S 100 0-38 Overcast : rain. 24 29-855 0-120 79-7 70-2 87-6 74-9 131-7 73-3 0-858 85 94 \V by S 92 1-61 Cloudy : thunderstorm after 11 P.M. 25 29-847 0-147 81-0 75-9 88-0 77-9 141-9 71-3 0-827 78 93 SW by W 88 0-15 Cloudy : rain . th. and Ig. S. 20 29-885 0-096 76-3 73-8 83-2 70-5 125-7 69-7 0-802 88 83 West 87 125 Thunderstorm 5 to 6 A.M. : p. els. 27 29-912 0-116 79-9 74-9 87-4 74-4 141-7 72-5 0-799 78 110 N by E 27 Fine with passing clouds. 28 29-932 0-130 78-6 74-1 86-8 72-4 140-4 70-3 0-783 80 108 N N E 43 Do. 29 29-917 0-138 79-8 75-5 86-5 74-6 140-3 72-3 0-827 81 214 Nby E 72 0-31 Cloudy : rain. 30 29-917 0-117 76-1 73-4 81-4 74-1 119-7 71-5 0-788 87 137 N by E 95 0-48 Do. : do. 31 29-895 0-145 78-6 73-7 83-8 74-0 134-7 71-7 0-767 78 169 N by E 62 Cloudy. Mean 29-886 0-125 80-1 75-4 87-5 75-2 137-2 73-1 0-820 80 144 North 63 15-03 78 310 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1884 November. BAROMETER SKI.K REGISTERING November 1884 REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind m S O O Cents d cs H General Weather Mean Bange Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches tf o O Inches Cents Miles Points Indies 1 29-876 O'lll 79-6 74-0 87-3 73-2 141-7 70-9 0-765 70 154 X \ K 55 1'assiu^ clouds. 2 29-874 0123 78-3 74-0 86-0 73-5 141-9 71-6 0-783 81 148 NNE 60 Do. 3 29-868 0-118 76-0 74-3 81-4 74-1 1017 719 0-827 91 133 N by E 100 2-31 Overcast with rain. 4 29-838 o-ioo 75-3 737 83-1 730 119-7 72-2 0-811 93 157 X by E 100 3-13 OveivaM. 5 29-883 o-ioo 74-9 73-1 76-4 721 101-7 71-4 0-792 92 201 NNE 100 2-30 Do. 6 29-892 0-145 74'6 73-4 76-9 73-1 !H-5 71-6 0-808 95 216 NNE 100 1 Hi' Do. 7 29-886 0-135 74-9 73-3 78-8 72-9 143-0 71-6 0-800 93 169 N by W 97 5-72 Do. 8 29-905 0-057 74-6 73-1 78-9 72-2 110-3 71-4 0-796 93 134 NEbyN !)7 316 Do. 9 29-902 0-092 74-4 73-4 76-9 72-8 80-5 72-6 0-811 95 125 E N E 100 :i72 Do. 10 29-936 0-112 766 74-9 81-4 73-8 112-4 72-6 0-844 93 143 ENE 90 0-11 Cloudy : rain. 11 29-914 0-143 76-9 74-8 83-6 739 147-7 72-9 0-835 91 122 Nby E 90 0-02 Cloudy. 12 29-908 0-130 77-6 74-9 84-2 74-3 139-0 73-6 0-830 88 176 X X K 65 0-32 Cloudy : rain. 13 29-938 0-129 75-8 73-1 79-1 72-3 100-5 70-9 0-780 88 204 NEbyN 97 1-90 Overcast : rain. 14 29-938 0-124 74-9 71-1 81-2 74-1 139-5 71-8 071:2 83 151 North 70 ... Cloudy. 15 29-931 0-145 72-2 67-2 80-4 65-5 140-7 62-6 0-601 76 124 Nby W 25 Fine with passing clouds. 16 29-938 0-124 71-2 657 81-3 64- 1 140-7 61-9 0-560 73 111 NbyW 42 Do. 17 29-971 0-124 71-0 65-3 81-5 623 139-8 59-0 0-549 72 94 North H Do. 18 29940 0-142 73-0 67-4 82-3 65-0 141-6 61-9 0-598 74 102 : North 50 I'n-sinir clouds. 19 29-872 0137 74-2 66-7 82-4 67-2 140-5 64-0 0-556 66 158 N by W 46 Do. 20 29830 0-128 76-0 67-0 81-7 69-5 1327 06-9 0-512 60 250 N N W 75 0-14 Cloudj- : rain. 21 29-839 0-078 75'5 722 795 72-6 100-5 68-0 0-747 85 172 Sby W 95 2-06 A cyclone. 22 29-952 0-124 77-7 74-8 86-6 71-7 1426 69-0 0-824 86 132 EbyN 60 0-30 Passing clouds: rain. 23 29-949 o-ni 77-8 74-7 84-1 75-0 1409 73-7 0-820 86 300 NNE 90 u-<><; 1 Ivercagt : rain. 24 29-962 0-088 75-4 733 80-6 72-8 102-3 69-5 0-793 90 242 Nby E 97 0-04 Cloudy. 25 29-990 0-104 75-2 73-8 78-2 736 110-5 717 0-816 93 186 XE byX 100 294 Overcast, with rain. 26 29-997 0-117 76-1 72-7 81-4 72-8 1361 70-7 0-759 84 218 X N E 60 (I ML' l':isini clouds. 27 29-994 0-122 75-1 71-5 81-3 68-5 132-0 65-8 0-725 84 243 NbyE 48 Do. 28 30-029 0-104 75-1 71-8 80-6 72-2 128-5 71-1 0-737 85 183 Nby E 'J5 0-02 Cloudy. 29 30-044 0-121 75-1 712 83-0 68-9 138-5 659 0-712 81 168 NEbyN 35 Fine with passing clouds. 30 30-024 0-106 74-0 69-6 81-0 67-9 138-3 63-7 0-662 79 165 NNE 33 Do. Mean 29-927 0-116 75-3 71-9 81-4 71-2 126-0 69-1 0-740 84 179 NNE 73 33-49 Note. 21et. The southern portion of a somewhat ssvere cyclone swept over Madras between 3 A.M. and noon. At midnight the barometer reading (reduced) was 2977, wind N. W. 19 miles per hour. At 4-45 A.M. the wind was dne west 28 miles an hour and tho barometer 29'61 inches. At 7 A.M. tho wind was 6. W. and tho barometer had reached its lowest point, 29'57 inches. Between 7 and 8 A.M. the wind velocity was 49 miles per hour and the direction oscillated wildly between S.W. by W. and S. by W. During one of the gusts the thermometer shed was blown down. This cyclone is chiefly remembered by the circumstance that it burst the Bed Hills' tank from which Madras obtains its water snpply. Tho wind was at its height when tho direction was along the greatest length of the tank and the waves thus produced washed away part of the embankment. 311 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1884 December, BAItOMETKK SELF REGISTERING December 1884 RKlirCED TO 33 Corrected Mean Temperature THERMOMETEES Deduced Wind "a B o 5 a 1 Geueral Weather Mean Itangc Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Mill. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum. idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O o O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents [nches 1 30-04-0 0-117 73-5 71-1 81-9 659 140-6 61-9 0731 88 169 Nby E 42 ... Fine with passing clouds. 2 30-067 0-118 74-2 70-8 79-2 71-0 101-9 68-9 0-709 84 241 N by E 97 0-04 Cloudy. 3 30-063 0-132 75-1 69-5 82-5 67-6 129-2 65-9 0-648 75 233 NN E 32 ... Fine with passing clouds. 4 30-027 0-145 75'6 70-0 81-7 6S-7 140-5 64-9 0-660 75 166 Nby E 28 ... Do. 5 30-023 0-120 73-6 69-8 81-7 66-8 135-7 62-9 0-679 82 230 Nby E 40 0-04 Do. 6 30-023 0-083 74-3 72-3 81-3 71-8 I.-W-7 71-2 0-769 90 274 NN E 80 0-30 Cloudy : rain. 7 30-037 0-082 75-9 71-8 81-8 68-5 129-2 67-2 0-726 82 293 Nby E 72 ... Cloudy. 8 30-009 0-058 76-3 74-3 81-2 74-0 146-9 72-9 0-823 91 291 Nby E 65 0-17 Cloudy : rain. 9 2!l-!.yj O'llO 77-2 72-9 82-1 74-8 140-1 73-3 0-752 81 315 N NE 42 ... Fine with passing clouds. 10 29953 0-143 76-1 71-0 Sl-6 72-2 1391 69-8 0-692 77 235 NE by N 63 ... Cloudy. 11 30-006 o-ioo 75-4 71-3 82-3 70-8 143-7 67'9 0-713 81 232 N N E 42 ... Fine with passing clouds. 12 30-051 0-098 73-6 70-6 82-7 67-4 143-8 65-5 0-710 86 177 N NE 48 ... Do. 13 30-005 0-151 /5"5 71-4 83-6 70-1 140-9 68-9 0-715 81 226 Nby E 62 ... Cloudy. 14 29-962 i 0-1)1 75-0 72-8 83-4 G9-9 144-5 68-9 0-779 89 277 Nby W 75 o-oi Do. 15 29-969 0-104 74-2 73-2 80-2 73-1 138-2 72-1 0-806 95 275 N by E 95 2-19 Overcast with rain. 1C 30-001 0-129 75-8 72-6 82-4 73-1 134-0 68-8 0-759 85 347 NEbyN 90 1-03 Overcast. 17 29-983 0-169 73-3 71-5 76-7 71-2 87-0 69-8 0-749 91 322 NE by E 100 5-13 Do. 18 29-991 0-153 72-3 69-8 73-6 73-2 86-7 67-8 0-696 88 408 NEbyE 100 4-35 Do. 19 29-995 0-128 74-8 72-4 83-1 69-2 131-9 68-8 0-768 89 202 E N E 100 0-15 Do. 20 30-005 0-114 76'7 74-4 83-5 72-2 128-2 70-3 0-823 90 161 NEbyE 75 0-03 Cloudy. 21 29-968 0-116 75-0 72-2 82-5 70-2 132-7 68-8 0-756 87 108 E by N 60 0-12 Passing clouds : rain. M 29-94S 0-101 74-2 72-9 80-0 72-9 129-6 69-9 0-793 94 98 E by N 80 0-85 Cloudy with rain : fine night. 23 29-951 ; 0-120 75-5 72-7 83-6 69-1 142 1 68-8 0-768 87 92 Eby N 45 Fine with passing clouds. 34 29-992 0-118 76-4 735 83-7 71-0 138-7 687 0-790 87 137 NEbyE 55 Passing clouds. 25 30-013 0-119 76-4 7-4 83-3 71-6 138-7 67'8 0-742 82 197 N E 52 ... Do. 26 29-994 0-123 76-1 72-4 83-6 70-9 136-7 afr-a 0-747 ; 84 110 X E 45 ... Fine with passing clouds. 27 29-997 0-099 75'3 71-8 83-4 69-3 137-7 6G-8 0-731 84 137 NE byN 40 ... Do. 28 29-994 0-093 75-0 71-5 83'8 69-7 147-0 67-0 0-726 84 146 NE by N 42 ... Do. 29 30-052 0-088 74-4 70-8 83-8 67-9 139-7 64-6 0-707 83 135 NE by N 35 ... Do. 30 30-070 0-093 74-1 70-9 83-0 67-8 140-0 63-9 0715 85 119 NEbyN 30 Do. 31 30-032 0-124 74-4 71-6 84-1 677 142-9 65-0 0-739 86 68 E N E 40 ... Do. t , ! Mean 30-006 0-115 75-0 71-8 82-0 70-3 133-6 67-6 0-739 85 207 NE byN GO 1441 Note. The heavy rain on the 17th and 18tH was dus to a cyclone which formed to the east of Trincomalee, crossed the coast near Negapatam on the morning of the 18th, and marched rapidly across the south of the Peninsula. 312 1 S * * S (C O"J*w3ccw5*iocs-tt i *t-o lOt^xc^QuannooccQi^r o 'S I -*J i CD 03 * : x 05 L'; 05 y> i- i- W r-t r-< ^ .-* ^ c5cc S K *1 COMOX!C1 * W ^ O >.7 C-i -t ^ 1~ 1^ r~ C i-< 'rtOO OMCOOO (1 1 Amount 1 S : : 8SS3SS8f;il 2 MoowAutwaM 1 '}' j5 rH CC -l B 09 l^ B ^S ^ Lowest S - ' -t X c: ': >>: >s c i^ G w " a-i c-l r- T-I ^ r; >q B IE Mean Direction JS to ao oo oo <3 -2 bM^K^^^.^xS^'^ i S " ta I " f te fc 1 S (S e w li -a;:oo&&fe^ fl ' 9 9H 4 *! J SSSSSSSSSSRS jg f _ tl -.^-l.-tC'lr-i~H'M rt O i^ 4 00 00 c Oass Thermometer Lowest i- i e :c -t x z s it c: i- ! C " , rt r- Madras Mean Monthly and Annual Meteorological Results >-i'.i; i no ninuiiujn ^i^i-^^ti-IOCMCj5X~*&wjE*^E.c**c*94p o uswoi.'j ^- . /r r-^- o s - -^ i- i- i... i e s -^ inninixBjf ung CCWOOCCO-H1^.xi^-- t* l-. l- ! CC C t 00 X X o IO t^ IOO!NC:Ol-.CCl-t(MJO o' j>qDXOCco9r-fc- a 666666666666 P7 X 1 6 = se o-'i^-tow^-cx a, in it 10 "T -^ o-i c? "t ct -r .; pq 41 V j Lowest ~ l ~ N ~ x 3 S S 2 S '- rt "3 H 43 O ft c CqN.b.Oi-HCOXCCClXX'Oi JP i ibiocs^cowcoecwNCjx CD CC B * * ** ** ** ** *" OCOCC^r'MiftCOX ^-?l X a 9 X i>-c:oocQfH'}" c: i - t-t c J" r. i.-s c ooo;M*>*- Jr**-*^****** * 1 c 5 H .3 pa t c Lowest ' 1 1^. (^ -^ X X 'C -* I - -C t- r-. QCC J> X X I- J> t> t- l> I 1 * l-( - : *' fcw -i c' r. -c i- i i- co ifi -< 10 co IH 1 .-lOCOXX7-fO O i !_ -t-t X W SS53S|gSSS55 -H^rC!X>t(M^CD rHCC 1 s !OI--CSl > l'*COX-J ( X' 'COO ia S t/) rt L- --f O it ^ i^ l~ o D it i- a6Bo5oSoSo$S5 BQ^>.9D&g&JC*44g&MW3 l^|>.tXXXXX XXi^t- Barometer ?r C 1 P3 g Barometer $ a S e CC i" 5 ) - O CD 1C S iM-fCOCOCClMCCCC-tfN^H i 1 6 rt S - - -c - it .7 ?t - ~ rc 7i S M cc w s-i ct 7-1 07 ct r: o-i rr i?i s 666bco666ibc c 666666666666 HH - |S T3 0) ~ OS 3* Oi O 5 ^ W N ^ Ci X ^J $ 2 6di6iC:6i6:ci6id;d5c6 CC'MC-IWWffJMfM'NC'JC^CO 5 M I S E a' i- 5CXct-*-*a. ?IO:O ^r ^*-(OC5Ciooxa>05 ^ e 666 c; c; roc; osososoo J CCCCOCJW(N*JO^(MtMeOCt t-> : : : : 8 : ^ S mil" iiliil f 3 5- 5 "5 f 1 ^ ,' -sb.S-!!P;t^ <0)O/, ft 313 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1885 January. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING REDUCED TO 32 Corrected THERMOMETERS Mean Deduced Wind January 1885 Mean Range Temperature Dry Sun Grass Clouds a 3 General Weather Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o V Inches Cents Miles Points Cents 'nches 1 30-021! 0-126 75-1 708 837 68-4 144-9 66-0 0-697 80 82 East 40 ... Fine with passing clouds. 2 30-096 o-ioi 75-3 70-7 84-9 68-8 142-3 66-6 0-691 79 108 E N E 47 ... Do. 3 30-116 0-111 76-8 71-3 84-1 | 69-7 142-4 67-6 0-694 75 168 NEby E 40 ... Do. 4 30-094 0-127 76-0 70-7 84-1 6!V1 142-9 67-2 0-682 76 153 NEby E 40 ... Do. 5 30-092 0131 75-0 69-7 82-9 68-3 140-4 65-1 0-657 76 173 NE 35 ... Do. 6 30-099 0-131 76-6 69-4 83-7 71-7 142-9 68-4 0-023 68 233 NEbyN 28 ... Do. 7 30-069 0-144 76-2 j 70-1 83-8 72-4 139-1 69-7 0-656 73 219 N E 25 ... Do. 1 8 30-038 0-162 73-9 68-4 82-7 67-5 143-1 63-9 0-622 74 124 NE 35 ... Do. 9 30-036 0-130 73-6 69-2 83-4 64-4 135-7 60-4 0-656 79 116 NEbyN 35 ... Do. 10 30-015 0-129 75-4 70-2 83-9 68-0 142-1 64-6 0-670 76 152 NEby E 25 ... Do. 11 30-009 0-103 74-4 69-2 83-3 67-6 137-1 64-6 0-645 76 131 ENE 35 * Do. 12 30-022 0-088 74-1 69-5 83-3 66-4 141-7 62-9 0-661 79 139 NE by E 30 ... Do. 13 30-014 0-142 74-4 68'7 83-9 66-9 141-4 63-4 0-627 73 140 N E 30 ... Do. 14 30-010 0-137 75-3 G9-7 83-6 67-2 138-5 63-4 0-653 75 135 ENE 30 ... Do. 15 30-005 0-145 74-6 67-8 83-9 68-0 140-5 61-4 0-590 69 135 NEby E 27 ... Do. 16 30-042 0-127 74-6 68-8 84-4 68-0 140-0 63-6 0-628 73 118 N E 27 ... Do. 17 30065 0-12't 74-2 69-8 83-9 67-9 141-6 65-8 0-671 79 134 N E 40 ... Do. 18 30-080 0-093 75-4 70-5 83-3 67-8 142-6 63-8 0-682 78 152 NEby >! 40 ... Do. 19 30-090 0-122 74-3 69-8 84-2 66-9 142-4 63-2 0-669 79 144 NE by N 25 ... Do. 20 30-103 0123 73-8 69-4 84-6 66-1 141-6 62-3 0-659 80 120 NE by N 30 ... Do. 21 30-101 0-108 72-8 68-3 83-6 64-2 140-0 60-2 0633 78 76 ENE 25 ... Do. 22 30-129 0-114 75-1 69-3 84-3 64-7 142-5 60-0 0-641 73 126 ENE 25 ... Do. 23 30-130 0-137 76-9 70-7 84-5 68-4 139-7 65-9 0-669 72 172 NE by E 35 Do. 24 30-097 0-121 76-5 70-3 84-1 69-3 143-4 66-4 0659 73 164 NEby E 30 ... Do. 25 30-094 0-09G 73-6 69-0 83-6 64-8 139-5 60-2 0-649 79 144 N E 27 ... Do. 26 30-091 0-124 72-2 66-6 83-5 62-0 144-0 57'5 0-579 73 115 N E 25 ... Do. 27 30-054 0-140 74-1 68-6 84-2 63-5 141-8 59-8 0-627 74 129 NE by E 20 ... Fine. 28 30-046 0-106 76-1 72-4 85-7 69-0 146-2 66-2 0-747 83 137 ENE 47 o-oi Fine with passing clouds. 2!) 30-029 0-119 77-8 73-2 85-9 70-7 141-8 67-2 0-757 80 145 E by N 45 ... Do. 30 30-031 0-071 75-0 71-1 84-7 67-9 139-7 64-1 0-710 82 93 East 40 ... Do. 31 30-031 0-108 73-2 68-2 84-3 65-3 139-7 61-2 0-624 76 72 East 45 ... Do. Mean 30-063 0-121 74-9 69-7 84-0 67-4 141-3 64-1 0-659 76 137 NE by E 33 o-oi 79 314 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1885 February, February 1885 BAKOMETER BEDfCED TO 32 Corrected ' Mean Temperature SELF REUISTERIXG THEBMOMETKBS Deduced 1 Dailv Velo- oity iud Clouds General \Vpather Mi-;in Eange Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Miu. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 30019 0=098 72-9 (i-2 84-8 64-2 Kill-S 59-7 0-555 s7 K'lSt 38 h'ine with passing clouds. 2 30-005 0104 72-5 67-4 82-0 634 1443 59-6 0-604 76 85 K S K 22 Do. 3 30-011 0-115 74-6 68-8 84-8 65-8 140-6 62-2 0-628 73 !>< S E 30 Do 4 29-994 0-124 73-8 68-4 82-8 63-5 143-4 61-1 0-623 74 75 SEby E 2:1 Do. 5 29-952 0147 74-2 686 823 6S-2 137-6 61-1 raw 74 94 S E 27 Do. 6 22-978 0-137 74-7 889 83-8 65-2 139-0 60-7 o-t i:ii n 98 S K 2(1 Kino. 7 29D31 0-163 74-8 694 . 84-1 Uli'l 141-8 61-1 0-647 71 1 108 S E 18 Fine with p;i8Mii<.' cloud*. 8 29-918 0-119 74-0 7:4 .84-8 64-7 138-0 (iO'l 0-588 70 M S K :!,-> ... Do. 9 29-891 0-120 74-9 69-0 83-1 6*4 140-3 60-5 0-031 7 / ill SE by E 30 Do. . 10 29-912 0-063 74-9 68-8 .83-1 67-4 140-4 64-3 HIM 72 101 S E 25 Do. 11 29-940 0-065 75-2 iK7 .84-4 67-4 142-4 63-9 0-II.-.1. 75 103 S ]: by E 32 Do. : 12 29-960 0-107 76-3 69-7 .85-1 6*7 1440 62-5 0639 71 106 SEby E M Do. 13 29909 0-131 77-0 TO'* .85-7 66-5 144-6 62-4 0-656 71 122 K S E 30 Do. 14 29-953 0-148 75-7 70-0 .85-4 68-0 141-8 64-1 0-658 74 M E S E 22 Do. 15 29-934 0119 76-3 70-4 85-6 65-1 140-7 62-1 0-665 73 130 SE by E 10 Fine. 16 29-885 0-158 77-3 72-0 .857 70-0 145-2 66-8 07 lo 75 142 SE by S 20 ... Do. 17 29-852 0-171 77-3 72-2 85-8 69-6 143-3 66-3 0-723 N 176 SE by S 27 Fine with p;i.-Mtig clouds. ; 18 29-859 0135 79-5 747 .87-4 733 1439 71-7 079(1 79 IH S S E 25 Do. 1 19 29-897 0-065 79-5 7f5 86-9 2*8 1409 69-5 0-788 78 108 S S E 25 Do. 20 29-965 0-121 78-9 737 .87-3 72-2 1419 69-5 0-763 77 1 111 ESE :io Do. 21 29-969 0-134 79-0 7:i'2 88-3 71-' 146-3 68-5 0741 IS 100 K by S 30 Do. 22 29953 0-118 78-4 73-4 85-9 71-3 143-7 09-1 0-757 78 106 K S K 40 Do. 23 29-931 0-146 77-7 72-1 85-9 70-2 1431 67-5 0-711 75 104 E S E 2S Do. 24 29-913 0-116 76-7 72-0 85-6 68-6 1427 65-0 072:! 7S 1112 SEby E :!2 II... 25 tnu 0-111 76-8 71-8 87-0 68-2 1 13-7 65-2 0-714 77 110 SKlix K 30 Dot 26 2!HI>.-, 0-085 77-4 72-7 87-9 69-0 1 I.VH 86$ 0712 7!) 115 E S B :!2 Do, 27 29-982 0-158 78-6 72:8 . 88-6 70-1 115:! B7 0-729 75 IIS E by S 27 Do. 28 29-9.89 0150 78-4 70-3 e?-i 68-7 145:3 6 Hi 0-630 81 123 E by S 30 Da Moan 29-943 0-122 76-3 7o-7 x.v:! (i7'! 142-5 r, i i or,77 74 115 SE by E 28 tut. Madras Meteorological Observations. 1885 March. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING REDUCED TO 32 Corrected THERMOMETERS Mean Deduced Wind kO X X 1 K M Mean Hanffe I'emperature Dr Max. y Sun Grass Clouds K General Weather Dry Wet Min. Max. Min. Vapour Hum- i'ensiou idity Dfeily Vfelo. city Mean Direc- tion Day 1 Inches 29-952 Inches 0-131 Inches 0-636 Cents 71 Miles 120 Points E by S Cents 35 nches Fine with passing c-loudx. 76-2 aa-a 87-0 66-4 145-6 63-5 2 29-981 0-141 78-8 72-0 87-4 W-g 147-1 GO-1 0-695 72 125 Ehy S 30 Do. 3 29-976 0-133 77-9 71-7 87-9 69-0 147-8 64-3 o-09,-. 74 114 East 30 Do. 4 29-943 0-126 78-6 72-8 87-7 69-6 141-8 87-8 0-730 75 118 Eby S 42 Do. 5 29-969 0-118 79-7 74-4 87-9 73-1 145-3 71-2 0-779 78 i:>:i E ? K 35 Do. 6 29-971 0-110 78-9 72-7 88-2 72-2 144-0 69-4 0721 73 111 E S E 25 Do. 7 29-975 0-138 77-4 72-0 87-1 69-2 143-2 65-3 0-713 75 105 ESE 30 Do. 8 29-973 0-113 77-2 71-7 857 69-4 139-6 65-3 0-704 75 122 S K 5 Fine. 9 29-92 t 0-156 76-0 71 3 85-8 07-0 142-0 64-2 0-697 76 113 SE by S 20 Do. 10 29-939 0-118 78-6 72-5 89-2 69-5 I 12(1 66-3 0-717 74 125 S K 5 Do. 11 29-965 0-130 78-3 72-2 87'1 0!>"2 141-8 65-4 0-710 74 142 S K 20 Do. 12 30-002 0-110 78-8 72-5 88-1 70-0 143-4 67-3 0-716 73 124 SE by E 15 Do. 13 30-002 0-112 79-2 73-0 ,88'7 70-1 143-4 66-3 0-730 74 104 ESE 20 Do. 14 29-900 0-160 79-2 73-7 87-7 70-7 142-0 65-8 0-758 75 115 S E 5 Do. 15 29-938 0-163 78-7 73-1 S6'6 71-2 136-0 67-3 0-741 70 138 SEby S 12 Do. 16 29-931 0-136 79-5 72-5 87-4 703 142-8 67-1 0-706 70 186 SS E 7 Do. 17 29-973 0-120 80-0 74-1 8S-0 70-8 143-1 68-0 0-764 74 203 SEby S 15 Do. 18 30-014 0-128 81-4 74-8 89-8 75-3 140-5 72-8 0-775 73 114 SE l,y K 20 Do. 19 29-998 0-148 80-5 73-6 88-7 72-1 143-1 7o-4 0-737 71 133 SEbyE 25 Do. 20 29-977 0171 80-6 73-8 88-5 72-7 142-0 64-2 0-744 71 135 SE by E 18 Do. 21 29-921 0-163 80-7 74-1 88-3 73-2 143-1 71-1 0'755 72 171 S E 20 Do. 22 29-910 0-157 79-7 72-0 91-5 72-0 L54-7 860 0-1W3 67 182 S by E fi.-, o-oi Cloudy : thunderstorm. 23 29-883 0-159 80-9 75-8 88-fl 73-7 141-2 71-9 U-821 78 139 Sby E 47 0-58 Thunderstorm with hail after 4 r.M. 24 29-870 0-148 80-8 76-8 89-5 711 143-5 732 0-869 83 136 S S E 30 Fine with passintr clouds. 25 29-867 0-151 82-1 77-1 91-7 7(V1 100-7 74-0 0-865 79 ; 148 S S E 18 Fine; 26 29-890 0-160 sri 76'8 87-9 74-4 143-1 72-1 o-si>5 82 1 52 S S E 20 I'u. 27 29-886 0-151 80-1 75-8 88-8 72 1 1 13- 1 70-0 0-834 81 156 8 S E 15 Do. 28 29-870 0-168 79-8 745 88-1 71-6 142-1 lill-8 0-784 77 145 S S E 15 Do. 29 29-893 0-114 79-4 74-3 88-6 71-5 142-6 09-0 0-781 78 111 SE by S 20 . Do. 30 29-893 0-134 79-4 73-6 88-8 li9-6 145-7 07-0 0-752 75 104 SIC by E 20 , Do. 31 Mean 29-870 0-158 80-8 74-9 89-7 72-3 146-1 69-2 0-787 74 123 SE liy 1 15 Do. 29-939 0-139 79-4 73-5 88-3 71-3 144-8 68'1 0-751 75 135 S E 23 0-59 316 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1885 April. BAROMETER SKI.K KKGISTKKING REDUCED TO 32 Corrected THEKMOMETKRS Mean - 1 Deduced Wind 1 ' < Mean Kange Temperature Dry Snn Grass X -3 B 5 a H General \\Vather. Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Hum- Tension idity I Daily Mean Velo- Direc- city tion Day Inches Inches O o O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches I 29-896 0-134 79-1 74-1 88-6 73-4 147-3 70-4 0-777 78 92 SEbyE 17 Fine. 2 29-919 0-114 80-8 75-0 90-4 71-4 144-7 69-2 0-792 75 116 SEby E 18 Do. 3 29-921 0-102 82-3 76-1 90-2 75'0 145-5 714 0-818 74 141 S E 15 Do. 4 29-879 0-138 82-9 76-6 95-6 74-9 149-1 73-4 0-832 74 181 S S E 20 Do. 5 29-872 0-150 83-6 76-8 93-8 76-2 1490 74-4 0-831 72 196 S S E 15 Do. 6 29-803 0-158 83-8 77-6 91-2 76-9 149-9 75-5 0-864 75 214 S S K 20 Do. 7 29-785 0-123 83-7 78-6 92-1 77-4 147-9 75-6 0-911 79 233 s s K 17 Do. 8 29-865 0-103 83-5 78-0 90-5 76-4 1436 74-4 0-886 77 22Ii SS E M Do. 9 29-887 0-143 82-3 76-4 90-0 76-4 115-4 74-6 0-831 75 179 SB 20 Do. 10 29-853 0-158 81-7 75-5 91-1 73-8 145-9 71-7 0-801 74 161 S S E 10 Do. 11 29-855 0-153 81-5 76-4 90-0 73-5 144-5 72-2 0-842 78 162 S by E 20 Do. 12 29-817 0-122 81-9 76-6 91-4 74-3 144-1 72-4 0-845 78 186 SSE 15 Do. 13 29-806 0-126 82-1 76-0 91-7 74-5 145-0 73-4 0-817 75 191 S S E 10 ... Do. 14 29-848 0-168 82-9 76-5 91-4 75-2 144-9 734 0-827 73 177 S 8 E 10 Do. 15 29-805 0-133 81-6 75-4 90-8 74-1 112-4 726 0-798 74 171 SSE 10 Do. 16 29-826 0-084 80-8 74-9 89-3 72-5 142-5 70-5 0-787 74 174 SSE 10 Do. 17 29-886 0-127 81-4 743 89-2 72-0 144-3 70-6 0-751 71 151 SEbyS 10 Do. 18 29-879 0-134 81-1 73-9 89-4 70-6 144-6 68-2 0-741 71 171 SEbyS 10 Do. 19 29-825 0-159 84-0 77-1 94-8 74-2 1487 71-2 0-838 72 192 SSE 5 Do. 20 29-829 0-120 84-0 77-1 91-4 77-2 1461 74-5 0-838 72 21 1 S S K 12 To. 21 29-831 0-117 83-8 78-7 91-6 78-4 147-3 77-2 0-914 7!) 2H7 SEbyS 10 Do. 22 29-822 0-157 84-9 77-9 93-1 78-6 146-1 77-2 0-863 72 225 SEbyS 5 Do. 23 29-821 0-130 83-8 78-4 91-2 78-1 115-9 7IJ-4 0900 77 192 SSE 18 Do. 24 29-889 0-110 83-1 75-5 92-5 74-2 145-1 71-2 0-782 69 157 SSE 5 Do. 25 29-888 0-12S 81-1 76-7 92-8 74-4 144-7 72-2 0-820 68 Kio SEbyS 10 Do. 26 29-821 0-170 83-6 76-2 95-6 74-6 146-1 68-2 0-805 69 179 SS K 10 Do. 27 29-807 0-134 83-3 77-2 93-0 76-4 142-1 74-4 0-850 75 210 SSE 17 Do. 28 29-828 0-127 84-1 77-7 92-4 76-9 1441 744 0-864 74 222 SS K 18 Do. 29 29-803 0-175 86-4 79-5 95-7 80-3 148-9 78-6 0914 72 276 SbyE 15 Do. 30 29-805 0-143 83-5 77-7 95-1 80-2 1473 73-7 0-845 69 243 SSK 40 Km.' with passing clouds. Mean 29-849 0-135 82-9 76-6 91-9 76-4 145-8 73-1 0-833 74 188 SSE 15 Nil. 317 Madras Meteorological Observations. i88y May. 8 00 1 1 t- ' s BARO: KKIH'C'K Mean JETER > TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF RKCISTKKING THERMOMETERS Dcdiuml Win,! CO c 5 O . js General Weather Range Dry Sun Grass Dry \Vct Max. Miii. Max. Min: Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches 9 o Inches CentH Miles Points Cents I nches 1 29-820 0-132 84-7 79-1 91-0 78-3 143>3 772 0-919 77 249 S S K 30 Fine with passing clouds. 2 29-83t 0-128 83-0 78-0 95-7 7'2 138-5 77-9 0-91 2 79 228 SE by S 20 Fine. 3 29-797 0-138 86-4 7s-s 97-5 80-9 147-7 79-4 0-883' 69 262 S S E 25 Do. 4 29-819 0-149 85-3 79-4 02-5 81-4 144-3 79-0 0-925 70 273 S S E 22 Eo. 5 29'8(i5 0-151 84-3 i 78-7 1)2- 1 79-4 140-9 78-4 0-907 77 236 SE by S 30 Fine with passing clouds. 6 29-840 0121 84-0 78-1 92-1 77-0 i n-7 75-9 0-883 75 192 SE by S 10 Fine. 7 29-856 0-117 84-1 77'7 9V1 70-o 142-4 736 0-86* 73 181 S S E 20 Do. 8 29-873 0-101 85-1 77'8 91-2 79-6 142-8 78-4 0-854 71 190 SB by S 20 Do. 9 29-897 0-124 84-1 77-2 92-3 78-0 141-3 75-4 0-811 72 157 SEby E 15 Do. 10 29-850 0-120 84-8 78-1 92-4 79-0 1 12-5 77-0 - 0-873 74 203 SE by S ; 30 Fine with passing clouds. 11 29-800 0-190 85--1 78-0 : 92-8 7'.)-:! 140-1 77-2 0-865 72 2L'l S S E 40 Fine with passing clouds : l 75-2 0-823 71 182 South 45 Passing clouds. 8 29-662 O'loG 86-9 77-0 97-4 82-3 148-5 78-7 0-795 62 220 S by W 7t ( 'luuily. 9 29-666 0-114 87-4 76-3 99-1 84-3 139-2 83-7 0-758 58 218 S S W 83 Do. 10 29-699 0-096 86-8 77-7 96-7 83-9 130-6 82-7 0-828 65 206 S S W 80 Do. 11 29-680 0-163 89-6 78-3 101-0 82-8 146-8 82-4 0-817 58 220 SWbyW 69 0-04 Cloudy : th. and Ig. 12 29-685 0-118 86-1 76-7 95-4 79-5 127-2 77-1 0-793 63 228 SWbyW 93 O'O I Cloudy. 13 29-703 0-095 84-4 77-7 92-6 78-5 121-6 75-9 0-860 73 212 SWbyW 91 o-oi Cloudy : ]g. S. 14 29-712 0-119 82-5 762 934 75-8 132-6 73-0 0-820 74 253 WS W 98 o-69 Cloudy : rain : th. and lj. 15 29-688 0-106 82-7 75-9 91-4 75-9 134-2 71-7 0-804 72 163 S W 93 0-09 Cloudy. 16 29-710 0-099 83-8 75-6 94-9 78-4 131-0 76-9 0-776 : 07 1 157 SWl.yW 75 0-13 Cloudy: ih. Ig. and rain. 17 29-741 0-135 81-8 76-3 90-6 78-1 126-2 75-7 0-834 77 143 S W 92 126 Cloudy : niin. 18 29-729 0-089 82-3 75-7 94-a 752 140-0 74-4 0-801 73 217 W S W 60 0-45 Passing clouds : rain. 19 29-724 0-116 84-3 753 90-9 77-8 130-8 7(V! 0-757 4 205 S S W 85 Cloudy. 20 29-712 0-159 84-7 75-7 90-4 77-6 120-2 T.Vti 0-768 G4 202 SW by S 80 Do. 21 29-749 0-114 86-3 74-9 95-5 79-1 137-2 773 0-712 57 297 W S W 75 Do. 22 29732 0-160 88-7 76-0 97-4 80-3 140-8 70-9 0-727 54 251 i W by S 65 Do. 23 29-706 0-138 88-8 76-7 100-0 80-4 144-4 779 0-757 5G 280 W by S 47 Passing clouds. 24 29677 0-181 88-3 76-4 101-8 SO'l 1442 78-9 0-750 56 21.-, SWbyW 60 0-12 Passing clouds : rain. 25 29-656 0-148 88-7 75-7 100-5 80-4 150-9 74-9 0-714 53 227 SWbyW 60 Passing clouds. 26 29-669 0-161 90-9 73-8 101-5 82-1 148-0 81-0 0-605 42 261 West 55 o-oi Do. 27 29-685 0-154 86-0 74-2 101-0 80-9 150-9 78-9 0-688 54 237 S W 55 Do. 28 29713 0-123 87-0 75-7 101-2 82-0 151-0 80-9 0-738 57 234 SWbyS 45 Do. 29 29-718 0-114 86-0 77-2 98-4 811 1457 80-1 0-815 65 240 S S W 38 Fine with passing clouds : Ig. 8 30 29-684 0-098 85-8 75-8 98-6 80-8 151-4 80-3 0-758 61 250 S W 70 Cloudy : Ig. Mean 29-711 0-130 85-5 76-5 95-6 79-5 138-2 77-7 0-792 65 200 SWby S 67 :V2<; 319 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1885 July. BAROMETER M SELF RKGISTERIXG HEDVCEU TO 32^ Corrected THERMOMETERS Wind can Temperature Dry Sun Grass ueuticeu \\ mci General Weather ,^ "3 Moan Range Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion TO O 3 a 1 Day Indies Indies o O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 29-689 0-122 86-6 77-2 98-0 78-7 145-4 77'7 0-808 63 237 SW by S 30 ... Fine with passing clouds. 2 29-722 0-122 86-1 7(1-9 100-1 80-6 141-7 76-7 0-801 65 255 S W 35 ... Do. 3 29-732 0-094 88-6 76-1 100-4 80-6 149-3 75'7 0-733 j 54 242 W S W 45 o-oi Do. 4 29-718 0-141 87-9 76-1 99-9 82-9 150-7 75-7 0-756 57 226 W N W 73 0-17 Cloudy with rain. 5 29-749 0-127 85'7 76-1 97-9 81-0 143-3 78-5 0-770 63 198 SWbyW 62 0-09 Cloudy : Ig. 6 29-752 0-134 87-5 761 98-9 79-9 147-3 77-8 0-748 57 200 S W 50 ... Passing clouds : th. and Ig. E. S. E. 7 29-733 0-106 86-7 75-8 99-1 80-0 148-9 78-2 0-745 58 216 SS W 45 ... Passing clouds. 8 29-716 0-155 85-8 76-2 99-3 80-2 148-1 78-7 0-776 63 231 SWbyS 55 ... Passing clouds : Ig. W. 9 29-769 0-086 83-9 76-7 93-2 76-7 140-3 74-7 0823 72 211 S S W 60 ... Passing clouds. 10 29-800 0-153 84-7 77-3 96-7 79-3 144-1 75-7 0-838 70 194 SWbyS 40 ... Fine with passing clouds. 11 29-781 0-108 84-2 76-8 94-2 80-0 146-4 79-3 0-823 70 160 S by W 40 ... Do. 12 29-780 0-081 85-3 77-4 97-6 80-0 143-6 79-7 0-834 68 272 Sby W 33 ... Do. 18 29-818 0-116 83-6 76-4 90-7 79-0 123-1 77-0 0-814 71 152 SWbyS 92 o-oi Cloudy : th. and Ig. S. 14 29-802 0-124 81-4 74-9 86-0 78-8 113-3 76-7 0-779 73 148 WS W 95 0-12 Cloudy : rain : Ig. S. W. 15 29-766 o-ioo 81-7 72-3 89-8 76-0 127-6 74-7 0-669 61 244 Why S 100 o-oi Overcast. 16 29726 0-129 85-8 73-7 95-9 76-2 148-7 74-6 0-670 55 219 SWbyW 55 ... Passing clouds. 17 29-668 0-137 87-8 74-6 99-1 791 151-4 77-6 0-680 51 222 W S W 57 o-oi Do. 18 28-688 0-095 87-2 77'7 98-4 79-8 148-9 78" 5 0-823 64 229 SWbyW 50 Do. 19 29-667 0-108 88-1 77-6 '.is:: 80-5 142-9 79-9 0-806 61 217 S W 65 ... Cloudy. 20 29-721 0-113 8.->- 1 79-0 95-1 81-3 137-6 78-8 0-905 74 217 SW by S 63 ... Do. 21 29-761 0-124 86-1 78-3 100-9 80-2 147-4 79-6 0-864 68 216 S S W 35 ... Passing clouds. 22 29-7-1 i I 1- 1 1!) 85-8 76-8 08-8 82-0 125-9 81-6 0-801 65 206 WS W 87 Cloudy. 23 29-673 0-123 87-4 75-6 88'8 81-0 127-9 79-6 0-72S 56 2^5 W S W 73 ... Do. 24 29-725 0-110 87-1 75-0 94-3 81-0 1419 79-S 0-706 55 2:59 W S W 82 Do. 25 29-770 0-118 87-9 76-7 99-6 82-0 153-4 81-6 0-769 58 240 WS W 60 o-oi Passing clouds. 26 29-734 0-171 87-8 75-6 101-9 79-6 149-1 78-6 0-722 56 237 SW by W 53 0-09 Do. 27 29-683 0-160 86-2 75-1 99-8 78-4 153-3 77-8 0-723 58 209 SW by W 57 0-04 Do. 28 29-694 0-080 86-4 74-7 95-3 79-0 129-7 77-6 0-736 56 216 SWby AV 68 ... Cloudy. 29 29-782 0-111 85-9 74-7 94-9 80-0 131-6 78-4 0-720 58 183 SW by S 70 0-03 Do. 30 29-742 0-126 85'5 76-2 96-2 79-7 143-1 78-6 0-803 63 172 S by W 58 Passing cloudg. 31 29-725 0-138 84-2 77-4 96-4 77-4 147-9 76-6 0-850 72 168 S by W 32 ... Fine with passing clouds. Mean 29-736 0-121 85-9 76-2 96-7 79-7 141-7 77-9 0-775 62 213 S W 59 0-59 320 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1885 August. August 1885 BAROMETER SEDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature I SELF REGISTERING THEKMOMETERS Deduced Wind f H m s a 5 ^B M General Weather Mean Bange Dry San Grass Dry Wet M*x. Min. Mar. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Vclo". city Mean Ilirets- tion Day Inches Inches O O j O . I itches Centg Miles 1'oints Cents lllfllL'* 1 29709 0-162 MM 78-4\ 96-2: 78-1 132-3 77-7 0-892 75 206 S S W 30 Kinr with passing clouds. 2 29718 0-118 86-4 78-5 . 96-0 80* 140-6 77-7 : 0-869 69 21-1 S by W 35 0-07 Dk. 3 29729 0-164 847 78-7 r t5'0 M'-'.l 142-3 79-7 : 0-901 It iss South n Cloudy. 4 29-727 0109 84-2 78-5 ;9s--7 79'8 1423 79-7 0-899 77 Kit South 5S 0-51 Passinjr clouds : ruin. 5 29-762 0-133 .84-4 79-0 94-3 77-1 146-7: 75-8 o-iim 78 211 South 47 O'O I Passing clouds. a 29-75-1 0-130 85-1 77-7 98-1 1 7S-5 150-3 77-7 . 0-851 7o 196 South as Vine with passing cluiids. 7 29-769 O'llfr /86-4. 79-1 96-9 M 145-5 78-6 QtBtt 77 200 South K> 0-01 Do. 8 29-764. 0-128- 84-7 78-1 96-9 77!8 154-1 76-7 0-874 71 189 S l.y W Do. 9 29-698 0-114 86-1 77-5 fl9'2 794 152-5 77-7 0-829 (17 217 S by W 35 Ob. 10 29697 0-117 ' 81-9 717, 94-2! 717 129-9 73-5 07.-.5 71 177 S W !I5 07. 1 Cloudy : tli. IL'. and rain. 11 29-658 0-116 80-2 74-9i 88-1; 74-C 117-1 73-7 : 0-798. 77 137 SWI.yS !7 o-o:i Overcast. 12 29-636 0117 81-7 . 75-3 90-5. 7fr9 128-6 75-8 0-792 73 200 S \VbyW 100 0- 1 N Overcast : ruin. 13 29-658 0-102 .79-8 75-4 90-0 76rf 138-9 75-7 0-822 81 ISO SWbyW W o-l Cloudy : rain. 14 29675 0-126 81-7 76-6 93-1 75-5 146-5 74-1 o-ais N 198 S W M 001 Cloudy : th. and Iff. IS 29-673 0150 83-2 77-7 90-1 77'!l 149-6, 76-5 1 0-877 77 i 233 S S W 80 Cloudv : ]g. 16 29-663 0134 :86-7 76-8 98-3 78-0 153-5 77-0 : 0-789 M 209 SW by S 58 Pasi-iiiff clouds. 17 29-682 0-125 84-2 7C-7 95-0 7-6 143-3 78-6 : 0-819 70 8BI S S W 77 Cloudy. 18 29-743 0-132 86-2 . 77-3 98-7 7-5 150-3 78-2 0:817 65 IT,!' sw l.y S M 1'assiiiLT clouds. 19 29-814 0-140 84-4 77-0 98-7 79-2 US 8 79-2 : 0-829 70 175 S \Vl.yS 55 o-os l'a>sinj; clouds : ih. and ly. 20 29-845 0-142 83-2 77-0- 98-1; 77-9 147-9 77-2 ; 0-845 73 179 S S W tf 9M l'as>iir_;- cluiida : rain : th. and ]<;. 21 29-836 0-162 ,82-3 78-0 95-0 75-2 139-1 75-2 0-902 81 ir.3 ssw 53 O'iit Do. : do. : do. 22 29-793 0-135 84-5 7-2 96-7 79-6 140-5 78-6 0-881. 74 1!I7 : S S W 50 I'nisinjj- clouds. 23 29-770 0-136 85-5 77-0 98-3 MB 149-6 78-2 : 0-841. (i8 195 S S W !_' Do. 24 29-762 0-164 86-4 70-0 96-1 78-8 146-1 78-6 ; 0-758 60 210 S W / Cloudy. 25 29-753 0-163i ,H,V 1 76-7 99-1; 8H2 144-1 80-8 0-8(16 (Ki IS(I S \V 47 0-4 1 Pai-sin;.' clouds : rain: 26 29-809 0-137 82-3 75-3 '.141 78-0 138-8 77-' U-7M 71 190 S by \V 81 0-15 Do. : do. : do. 27 29-793 0-175 83-7 7s-l Bfrfl 76-0 142-1 74-4 0-88S 77 . 155 S liy \V 47 we I'assinir clouds : rain. 28 29-783 0-103 84-3 78-3! 95-3 77-2 1*8-4 74-2' O-SS'.I 75 1 13 S S W 50 ras>iiii_'j-louds : Iff. S. W. _".i 29-795 0-129 84-3 76-3 Mr8 75-2 146-5 75-2 0-800 (iS 180 S S W n Passinj; cliiiid". > 29-807 0-14O. r.85'0 7(i-'.i 06-5, 79-0 144-1 78-2: I'M 7 n 182 S S W 57 o-oi Do. 31 29-820. 0-162 KS-0 777 03-3; 77-1 149-2 77-0 0-880 76 129 S l,y W 40 r'inc with 1'assing- clouda 78TO run 29-745 0-135 84-1 77-' 190-7; 141-5 77-0 : O-845 93 190 ssw M 3-45 321 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1885 September. September 1885 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind ts a o O _c General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day 1 nches Inches O O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents [nches 1 29787 0-140 83-9 76-6 95-9 74-8 150-7 73-4 0-818 71 143 s s w 27 ... Fine with passing clouds. 2 29779 0-146 85-8 76-5 96-8 79-3 149-9 78-4 0-788 64 161 SWby S 23 Fine. 3 29-752 0-164 86-1 76-7 99-8 76-9 154-1 76-1 0-793 65 215 South 37 Fine with passing clouds. 4 29-762 0-113 85-4 77-2 99-7 76-9 153-3 76-4 0-824 67 198 S S W 40 o-oi Do. 5 29-795 0-112 86-4 77-6 97-3 78-7 146-7 77-4 0-829 66 191 South 33 Do. 6 29-793 0-137 85-5 78-2 98-5 80-1 155-9 79-1 0-868 71 173 SS W 37 0-07 Do. 7 29-786 0-135 85-0 78-6 98-1 76-0 153-8 75-2 0-892 75 208 Sby W 23 Fine. 8 29-790 0-158 84-3 78-6 97-0 78-3 160-5 77-2 0-902 77 184 Sby B 72 Cloudy. 9 29-757 0-149 85-1 777 96-3 79-6 156-5 77-9 0-851 70 163 S W 77 Do. 10 29-747 0-123 84-6 78-8 98-8 79-2 144-7 77"5 0-908 76 135 S by W 88 ... Do. 11 29-800 0-093 82-4 76-9 87-0 80-0 135-9 78-4 0-852 77 139 S E 83 ... Cloudy : th. and Ig. B. 12 29-808 0-163 81-2 777 95-1 77-9 150-9 75-6 0-863 74 167 South 30 Fine with passing clouds : th. & Ig. S. 13 29-803 0-137 85-5 78-7 99-1 76-9 157-0 75-4 0-890 73 179 N W 35 ... Fine with passing clouds. H 29-828 0-127 79-6 76-8 88-3 74-8 153-1 73-4 0-886 88 108 SWbyW 80 0-50 Cloudy : rain. 15 29-862 0-159 81-3 77-0 88-1 76-5 141-5 75-6 0-871 82 123 S S W 60 ... Passing clouds. 16 29-840 0-172 80-0 76-6 88-5 71-0 139-0 69-9 0-871 85 130 S W 70 0-51 Cloudy: thunderstorm 1-30 A.M. 17 29-818 0-148 79-5 75-8 88-5 70-1 123-9 69-9 0-843 84 120 SWbyW 77 1-31 Thunderstorm 5 A.M. 18 29-814 0-126 83-1 77-6 93-5 77-2 144-5 75-9 0-874 77 171 S S W 40 1-16 Thunderstorm 11 P.M. 19 29-761 0-148 82-4 77-1 90-7 74-2 143-8 73-9 0-861 78 131 NN W 57 0-51 Cloudy : rain : th. & Ig. S. 20 29-715 0-133 83-0 76-8 91-8 76-6 142-3 75-3 0-836 74 125 S S W 40 Passing clouds. 21 29-746 0-116 83-7 76-3 91-4 77-1 148-4 75-1 0-808 69 128 Wby S 45 0-49 Passing clouds : rain. 22 29-760 0-131 81-0 77-4 92-3 76-2 139-4 73-9 0-852 73 147 S W 78 Cloudy. 23 29-804 0-160 82-8 76-3 93-1 78-0 139-0 76-2 0-820 73 176 S W 60 0-04 Do. 24 29-825 0-128 82-7 76-9 92-7 78-0 141-0 75-9 0-848 76 120 South 45 Passing clouds. 25 29-835 0-130 81-5 78-0 88-9 73-8 144-0 71-4 0-913 85 145 S E 40 Fine with passing clouds. 26 29-859 0-125 83-0 77-9 88-7 77-0 147-6 74-9 0-889 79 109 S E 30 Do. 27 29-846 0-120 82-7 78-1 90-6 76-5 149-8 74-1 0-901 81 117 SEbyS 30 Do. 28 29-848 0-133 83-3 77-6 88-9 78-1 146-2 74-9 0-871 77 105 E SB 35 Do. 29 29-899 0-162 81-8 77-8 88-6 76-2 144-2 74-7 0-900 83 92 SEbyS 35 0-68 Sharp thunderstorm 4-30 to 6 A.M. 30 29-886 0-165 82-6 78-1 89-6 77-2 145-3 75-2 0-902 81 106 SEbyE 35 Fine with p. els. : th.' & Ig. S. W. Mean 29-803 0-138 83-4 77-4 93-1 76-8 146-8 75-3 0-861 76 147 South 49 5-28 81 322 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1885 October. October 1885 BABOMETEB BEDCCED TO 32" Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 3 _c 5 c =: General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean lliivi- tion Day Inches Inches D o O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-855 0-170 79-8 77-3 85-3 77-4 119-2 76-1 0-906 89 76 SS E 87 0-17 Cloudy : rain. 2 29-868 0-124 82-9 78-2 87-6 78-4 147-8 76-0 0-903 81 144 SE by S 40 Passing clouds. 3 29-868 0-146 82-9 78-2 89-2 77-0 143-4 75-2 0-903 80 182 S S E 43 o-io 1'. els. : th. and Ig. W. A X. : rain. 4 29-909 0-154 81-6 78-2 87-4 76-6 142-6 74-8 0-920 85 181 South 50 o-io Passing clouds : Ig. W. : rain. 5 29-906 0-153 81-0 76-9 86-1 78-3 119-0 76-5 0-871 83 130 S byE 77 Cloudy : Ig. N. 6 29-896 0-147 79-3 76-6 83-3 77-2 100-2 75-0 0-881 89 62 S by E 7o o-oi Passing clouds. 7 29-951 0-142 79-6 76-7 86-1 74-2 145-0 73-2 0-881 87 103 SWby W 61 2-03 Cloudy with rain. 8 39-911 0-156 79-6 76-6 88-6 74-2 1443 723 0-877 87 86 S SE 23 Chiefly fine : Ig. W. 9 29-878 0-161 81-4 76-4 88-9 75-1 144-3 73-0 0-843 78 76 East 25 Chiefly 6ne. 10 29-870 0-143 82-6 76-3 91-3 73-5 148-0 70-4 0-822 74 107 EbyN 35 ... Fine with passing clouds : Ig. S. W. 11 29-861 0-144 79-8 76-2 83-2 77-2 115-0 74-6 0-857 85 62 XE by X 85 0-17 Cloudy : rain. 12 29835 0-159 77-6 74-9 82-2 75-4 115-7 74-4 0-830 88 SB X by W 97 0-30 Do. : do. 13 29-803 0-144 80-1 76-3 90-8 74-6 124-6 72-9 0-857 83 67 W X W 83 ... Cloudy. 14 29-841 0-135 81-3 76-6 92-5 73-3 144-8 71-2 0-854 80 109 S S W 40 Fine with passing clouds. 15 29-876 0-141 83-6 77-5 .92-1 77-1 147-6 74-2 0-860 74 125 S S E 30 Chiefly fine. 16 29-868 0-147 83-3 77-4 91-8 78-1 144-7 75-4 0-861 75 144 S S W 28 Fine : Ig. W. and N. 17 29-870 0-118 82-8 78-1 94-8 76-5 147-7 74-4 0-900 81 106 S3 W 75 Cloudy : Ig. 18 39-852 0-127 81-7 77-1 90-3 76-9 126-1 75-4 0-870 81 92 E S E 75 Cloudy. 19 29-825 0-144 82-0 76-7 90-2 76-6 147-3 74-7 0-848 77 78 E by X 55 0-04 Passing clouds. 20 29-852 o-ioo 80-9 76-2 91-2 76-4 1477 74-6 0-841 80 75 NE by X M 0-07 Do. 21 29-876 0-141 79-0 75-5 86-7 74-3 143-3 72-6 0-830 82 112 SWby S 70 0-12 Passing clouds : rain. 22 29-878 0-133 80-3 75-5 85-6 76-8 145-9 75-2 0-820 78 198 South 85 Cloudy. 23 29-885 0-161 81-9 76-8 91-8 76-5 147-1 74-6 0-855 79 211 Sby W 40 Fine with passing cloud*. 24 29-876 0-152 82-7 76-5 91-9 769 148-5 74-8 0-830 74 196 Sby E 22 ... Fine. 25 29-900 0-123 82-8 77-1 90-1 77-9 146-1 74-6 0-855 77 159 Sby E 25 Do. 26 39-899 0-139 82-8 76-1 92-8 75-4 149-3 72-4 0-811 72 141 S SE 28 Do. 27 29-900 0-162 82-1 77-1 88-8 77-9 141-4 75'4 0-865 79 86 BE byE C7 o-oi Cloudy. 28 29-893 0-121 82-0 75-9 90-3 76-3 148-3 74-4 0-813 75 149 NNB 50 0-09 Do. 20 Z9-906 0-123 76-3 73-6 78-6 74-9 87-a 74'4 0-794 88 151 N N E 100 4-20 Overcast: thunderstorm. 30 29-886 0-111 76-4 74-1 80-3 76-0 91-2 74-7 0-813 90 109 X byE 100 o-io Overcast : rain. 31 29-890 0-111 75-9 73-7 78-6 73-7 89-8 723 0-803 91 96 Nb/W 100 0-39 Do. : do. Mean 29-877 0-140 80-9 76-5 88-0 76-1 134-0 74-2 0-851 81 119 SEby E 89 7-90 323 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1885- -November. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING November 1885 REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THERMOMETERS Dednced Wind Clonds c '3 a General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. A'apour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day 1 Inches 29-805 Inches 0-168 Inches 0-753 Cents 86 Miles 192 Points North Cents 100 Inches 0-28 Overcast with rain. 75-2 72-3 79-6 73-2 104-9 72-6 2 29-685 0-093 W? 67-8 72-3 67-3 86-3 67-3 0-656 90 383 West 100 4-26 Do. 3 29-795 0-118 80-3 73-9 88-0 71-7 142-4 70-4 0-751 72 178 S S W 42 Passing clouds. 4 29-851 0-125 81-7 77-5 87-1 77-:i 141-3 75'6 0-888 83 148 SEbyS 30 Fine with passing clouds. 5 29-912 0-109 81-5 76-9 88-4 75-7 141-0 73-8 0-861 81 117 EbyS 30 0-14 Fine with passing clouds : rain. 6 29-961 0-109 80-9 76-7 87-0 75-7 142-0 73-8 0-863 82 113 S EbyE 40 0-19 Do. : do. 7 29-945 0-149 81-2 76-9 88-4 75-6 139-6 73-2 0-868 82 78 Kby S 30 Fine with passing clouds. 8 29-917 0-131 81-7 77-1 89-4 75-6 146-9 73-6 0-870 81 86 ENE 33 Do. 9 29-916 0-132 80-6 76-9 90-0 75-7 144-1 73-6 0-876 85 103 E N E 40 Do. 10 29-918 0-118 82-5 76-8 89-0 76-6 147-9 74-4 0-846 77 118 E by N 32 Do. 11 29-968 0-101 82-1 75-9 89-4 75-1 147-1 71-8 0-812 74 165 NE by E 20 Do. 12 29-997 o-ioo 79-5 73-0 88-4 73-5 142-9 70-4 0-726 72 164 NE by N 38 Do. 13 29-976 0:109 80-6 75-7 87-3 75-8 ui-n 72-6 0-823 78 258 Nby E 60 0-24 Cloudy with showers. 14 29-949 0-133 78-1 74-3 84-5 74-9 137-5 73-4 0-799 83 286 NbyE 85 0-42 Cloudy : light rain. 15 29-913 0-120 76-5 74-3 80-0 74-7 88-4 73-1 0-820 90 370 N N E 100 1-89 Overcast and rainy. 16 29-857 0-1. 'it 75-9 74-5 76-4 75-5 81-1 72-4 0-835 93 294 NE by N 100 6-00 Overcast : continuous rain. 17 29-702 0-146 76-2 75-0 80-8 73-8 98-1 72-6 0-853 94 273 Nfi 100 373 Overcast with rain. 18 29-760 0-106 73-0 72-2 75-1 71-5 77-<; 71-4 0-781 96 303 Nby W 100 4-16 Overcast. 19 29-801 0-154 75-3 70-7 79-1 72-0 100-5 71-4 0-691 78 250 N' N W 100 0-29 Do. 20 29-865 0-130 77'7 71-3 84-0 74-9 140-9 73-4 0-682 71 159 NN W 88 Cloudy. 21 29-906 0-116 76-6 71-5 84-2 71-7 131-9 69-4 0-705 77 as X X W 70 Do. 22 29-930 0-113 76'1 72-1 83-6 69-7 143-2 67-4 0-735 82 101 NN W 60 Passing clouds. 23 29-951 0-129 74-8 69-0 84-5 68-3 134-9 64-4 0-632 72 107 Nby W 37 Fine with light clouds. 24 30-000 o-ioo 74-5 68-8 84-8 67-2 144-7 62-7 0-628 73 91 Nby E 15 ... Pine. 23 30-028 0-125 74-9 68-7 83-4 66-6 142-3 62-3 0-620 72 139 N by E 33 Fine with passing clouds. 26 30-059 0-122 74-4 69-5 83-6 69-7 142-4 67-2 0-657 77 126 NbyE 60 Passing clouds. 27 30-016 0-135 75-7 70-5 83-4 68-7 143-2 66-0 0-878 76 136 North 55 Do. 28 30-052 0-120 77-6 72-3 84-3 70-6 146-8 68-7 0-723 76 207 North 30 Fine with passing clouds. 29 30-054 0-128 76-5 71-6 81-8 70-4 144-4 68-4 0-710 78 155 Nby 15 Fine. 30 30-038 0-142 77-2 71-6 83-8 70-1 141-1 68-2 0-701 75 194 North 27 Fine with passing clouds. Mean 29-923 0-124 77-6 73-2 841 72-6 130-2 70-5 0-768 80 180 NEbyN 56 21-60 324 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1885 December. December 1885 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SKLF REGISTERING THERMOMKTKKS Deduced Wind TD a o 5 H General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry ' Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour j Ham- Tension idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day 1 nches 30-012 Inches 0-109 [nches 0-798 3ents 85 liles 213 Points North Cents 50 nches 015 Passing clouds : rain. 77-2 74-0 84-0 72-7 41-1 64-4 2 30-008 0-107 77-4 72-3 81-0 74-5 128-1 63-4 0-726 77 222 Nby E 45 0-02 'assing clouds. 3 30-015 0-138 75-8 71-0 82-5 70-3 144-3 67-4 0-696 78 202 North 30 Fine with passing clouds. 4 30-002 0-161 72-8 67-4 81-6 68-9 135-9 65-4 0-600 74 177 N T by W 25 Do. 5 29-986 0-126 73-2 68-2 81-8 64-8 138-7 60-3 0-624 76 190 N by W 25 Do. 6 29-946 0-087 739 71-6 77-4 70-6 101-5 69-4 0-746 90 ^21t NN W 100 1-30 Cloudy and rainy. 7 29-930 0-096 78-1 75-6 86-5 74-4 141-7 73-4 0-852 89 148 \E by E 75 0-80 Cloudy. 8 29-938 0-082 77-5 74-8 84-2 73-8 149-3 72-4 0-825 88 137 E N E 67 0-20 Do. 9 29-927 0-118 78-9 74-9 85-8 74-3 139-3 73-1 0-813 82 114 \ T E by N 40 0-06 Fine with passing clouds. 10 29-917 0-112 78-5 73-9 85-5 73-8 138-5 72-1 0-776 80 137 NE 35 Do. 11 29-896 0-089 77-9 71-9 85-1 72-3 136-2 69-0 0-703 74 150 NEbyN 23 Fine. 12 29-901 0-102 77-1 72-6 86-0 70-5 144-3 67-6 0-742 80 123 NEby N 35 Fine with passing clouds. 13 29-900 0-134 76-7 74-0 85-8 70-9 138-5 67-4 0-805 87 96 NEbyN 72 0-31 Cloudy with rain. 14 29-907 0-091 75-6 73-9 80-4 73-0 96-8 72-4 0-812 93 72 N E 97 0-22 Do. 15 29-927 0-101 78-2 74-7 85-9 73-4 140-5 71-4 0-814 84 176 N E 53 Passing clouds. 16 29-896 0-122 78-0 74-6 82-7 76-6 111-4 74-7 0-812 84 202 NEbyE 97 0-36 Cloudy with rain. 17 29-834 0-114 76-8 74-7 82-4 75-5 133-8 73-5 0-833 91 190 Eby N 100 0-78 Overcast : rain. 18 29-846 0-107 78-6 75-1 84-7 74-4 134-1 70-5 0-825 84 100 E by S 90 0-88 Cloudy : rain. 19 29-898 0-099 78-5 75-9 85-4 75-6 140-7 73-9 0-861 89 106 ENE 77 0-04 Cloudy. 20 29-924 0-112 75-3 72-6 79-5 72-0 136-3 70-5 0-766 87 205 NbyW 88 Do. 21 29-919 0-149 76-5 72-3 81-5 73-5 134-8 72-5 0-738 82 226 Nby W 67 Do. 22 29-946 0-114 77-9 73-2 83-7 74-6 130-8 73-7 0-756 79 224 NbyW 42 Passing clouds. 23 29-954 0-075 78-3 73-8 84-5 73-8 141-8 71-8 0-775 80 183 N by E 45 o-oi Do. 24 29-988 0-102 77-7 738 84-1 73-0 139-5 69-6 0-782 83 183 North 43 Do. 25 30-041 0-101 76-7 71-9 84-9 71-4 141-6 70-7 0-717 78 178 NbyE 35 Fine with passing clouds. 26 30-059 0-126 75-9 71-5 84-7 69-7 143-3 65-8 0-714 79 139 Nby E 40 Do. 27 30-071 0134 75-2 70-1 81-6 69-4 136-8 65-5 0-670 77 174 North 30 Do. 28 30-059 0-118 74-2 68-6 80-5 68-6 138-8 66-8 0-626 74 170 North 50 Passing clouds. 29 30-043 0-111 72-5 68-1 82-6 669 140-9 63-5 0-629 78 119 N N E 50 Do. 30 30-060 0-128 70-9 66-1 82-6 64-1 138-6 59-8 0-578 77 103 NN E 38 Fine with passing clouds. 31 30-057 0-117 71-1 65-9 82-3 64-4 141-4 60-0 0-568 75 100 N N E 38 Do. Hea 29-962 0-112 76-2 72-2 83-3 717 135-5 68-8 0-741 82 161 N NE 55 5-13 325 QO 00 c tf) i-t ~5 in ogica Meteo 3 C C cd c o c 03 C/l RJ a 1 o '- 6 rH a a a 09 I c 0666666660 66 ^ II Annual oo 00 Records ogica O 0) OJ c 4) E V 4-> X W rt H Dry B B K fii-ass Thermom Fal o o o (M O CC Low s 1 sesaas I O IT 0) O XC5 -* Low Lowes ^-idii^tb t^ O J> CO a O^7 - r i-HC'300 i-io:ccos < 09 94 t-l IH t^- 71 OO OS OS 00 QD Oi fll OOCiCSOiOiOSOl CCOOWWMWC^iM - 1 1| 1 ifiii 82 326 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1886 -January. January 188(1 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32' Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTKKIXG THERMOMETIHS Deduced Wind n. O O M Grii'-ral Weather Mean Hange Dry Sun Grass Dry ! Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Ml'llTl Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o O o o O Inches Cents Miles Points. Cents I nrhes 1 30-065 0-121 71-5 67-0 82-0 63-8 136-2 59-4 0-603 78 115 XEby X 67 Passing clouds. 2 30-058 0-111 74-0 68-7 84-1 66-0 1 12-0 007 0-632 75 156 N by E n Fim 1 v.hli pusing cloadi. 3 30-041 0-096 76-0 69-8 82-9 71-9 142-2 66-6 0-646 72 280 XEby X BO Cloudy. 4 30-081 0-069 76-9 71-0 84-1 71-6 1 1L" I 71-4 0-680 7:i 271 NE by N 75 Do. 5 30-097 0-103 74-1 70-0 78-6 71-2 112-0 70-7 0-680 81 244 X by E 85 Do. 6 30-062 0-117 76-0 71-7 80-6 71-0 1252 70-6 0-720 80 238 N X I) 70 0-52 Cloudy : rain. 7 30-073 0-137 74-6 66-8 82-6 68-1 136-8 64-2 0-554 65 217 NE by X 40 Fine witli pai-singr clouds. 8 30-090 0-107 74-6 (17-4 82-2 69-2 137-2 65-4 0-576 07 202 X N K 40 Do. 9 30-103 ' 0-105 72-9 67-2 82-8 65-4 142:0 62-4 0-590 73 173 X N E 35 Do. 10 30-068 0-129 732 67-0 82-4 65-4 137-2 61-8 0-580 71 145 X X K M Do. 11 30-028 0-129 73-0 67-7 83-3 65-6 145-2 61-4 0-610 75 151 NbyE 25 Do. 12 30-023 0-129 72-7 68-2 82-6 64-4 139-2 60-6 0-631 78 90 NEbyX BO Passing clouds. 13 30-016 0-110 75-0 68-6 85-0 69-6 141-2 64-3 0-613 72 121 NEbyN 30 Do. 14 29-999 0-140 73-1 68-2 82-9 64-7 139-1 60-5 0-625 76 115 NEbyN 30 Do. 15 29-973 0-123 73-9 69-8 85-5 66-4 138-1 63-1 0-675 81 102 NEbyN 40 Do. 16 29-996 0-111 73-3 69-0 83-4 67-5 139-0 62-6 0-652 79 128 NEbyN 52 Do. 17 30-009 0-113 74-6 69-3 83-9 66-3 141-2 62-3 0-647 75 122 NE by X 35 Do. 18 30-018 0-152 73-6 68-8 84-5 64-9 141-6 60-5 0-639 78 101 NEbyN 35 Do. 19 29-966 0-131 74-1 69-6 85-2 67-8 143-3 64-4 0-664 79 124 NEbyN 45 Do. 20 29-929 0-128 75-1 69-9 84-1 67-4 138-8 63-9 0-663 77 104 NEbyl 28 Do. 21 29-922 0-120 742 69-3 84-4 66-5 141-3 60-3 0-652 76 99 XE by E 35 Do. 22 29-904 0-109 73-1 68-3 82-9 64-4 141-2 60-3 0-029 76 82 EbyN 40 Do. 23 29-907 0-168 73-5 68-9 84-4 65-3 143-6 60-3 0-647 78 70 E N E 30 Do. 24 29-915 0-129 74-6 70-2 84-4 66-7 139-2 62-7 0-680 79 56 E by X 35 Do. 25 29-898 0-132 76-2 70-6 84-2 71-8 140-1 63-8 0-674 "."> 57 K S K M Do. 26 29-904 0-125 74-9 70-5 84-9 67-8 140-9 60-3 0-688 79 63 Eby S 37 Do. 27 29-907 0-147 74-8 69-8 85-8 67-3 138-2 62-8 0-663 77 M EbyS H Fim 1 . 28 29-934 0125 75-2 70-6 84-0 67-3 135-2 63-5 0-688 79 69 E S E * Passing clouds. 29 29-953 0-121 76-4 70-7 86-8 67-3 139-9 62-8 0-676 74 84 E by S 20 Fine. 30 29933 0-157 77-0 71-5 84-6 68-3 140-4 C5-7 o-wa 75 90 E by S Passing clouds. 31 29-920 0-136 76-8 70-8 85-7 68-1 139-7 64-3 0674 73 97 K S E 35 Da Mean 29-993 0-124 7*1 693 83-7 67-4 138-7 63-3 0-647 70 130 XEby * 41 0-52 327 Madras Meteorological Observations, 1886 February. 30 30 t p 3 V 2* Day BAROJ KKIUVKL .M run Indies IETER TO 32 Com lie Temp* Dry cted an rature Wet SELF RE( THERMO Dry .ISTKRIMi METERS Deduced Vapour , Hum- Tciision idity Wind JO 3 _O 5 '5 X General Weather Range Sun Max, Grass Min. Max. Min. Daily Velo- city Meau Direc- tion Inches o " O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-891 0-137 75-7 69-1 83-4 67-6 138-8 64-4 0-624 71 81 Eby S 32 Passing clouds. > 29-SS4 0-126 75"8 li-J-7 83-7 66-3 139-9 63-4 0-645 73 83 East 13 Fine. 3 29-011 0-160 74-8 70-3 85-4 67-2 140-0 63-2 0-682 79 100 XEbyE 35 Pawing clouds. 4 29-921 0-133 76-5 71-2 87-4 67-1 140'9 63-4 0-694 76 158 XE by X 35 Do. 5 29-948 0-146 76-5 71-1 86-a 6S-0 142-4 64-2 0-690 75 214 X K 32 Do. G 29-973 0-118 76-5 70-2 85-2 68-3 148-9 64-4 0-65.) 72 205 X E 38 To. 1 30-023 0-134 77-4 70-6 85-2 69-9 139-2 66-7 0659 70 219 X E 22 Fine. 8 30-053 0-133 77-1 70-2 85-0 69-1 141-1 67-0 0-647 69 152 XE by E 38 Passing clouds. 30-069 0-148 76-9 OQ-4 86-0 67-9 143-4 67-0 0-619 67 10!) EN E 35 Do. 10 30-002 0-113 JM 69-5 87-0 68-5 142-1 66-0 0-632 70 105 XEbyE 35 Do. .. 11 29-994 0124 75-1 604 .85-4 66-1 143-4 63-4 0-6-44 74 74 X E 35 Do. 12 30-030 0-091 77-4 70-2 86-6 67-5 143-6 64-3 0-643 69 129 XE by E 42 Do 13 30-016 0-124 75-9 68-8 .86-6 66-1 141-2 63-3 0-610 69 91 XE by E 25 Do. 14 29-982 0-156 75'5 69-5 85-9 66-3 143-8 62-4 0-642 73 83 NEbyE 23 Fine. 15 29-926 0-157 76-1 69-9 86-3 69-7 141-3 68-5 0-649 73 66 Eby X 22 Do. 1C 29-971 0-120 75-2 68-9 86-4 67-0 144-3 62-8 0-624 71 88 EbyX 30 Passing clouds. 17 29-983 0-146 75-4 68-3 86-0 64-9 145-9 60-3 0-598 68 87 E NE 27 Do. 18 29-979 0-142 74-6 68-2 85-2 64-6 141-2 58-1 0-603 71 72 EbyX 2S Do. 10 30-020 0-105 75-5 69-4 85-8 65-9 140-9 62-5 0-638 72 80 East 17 Fine. 20 30-050 (I- Kit 79-3 73-2 86-0 69-8 141-5 67-8 0-736 74 139 NE by E 45 Passing clouds. 21 30-047 0-121 79-5 73-3 88-3 73-3 142-8 70-3 0-739 74 131 XE by E 38 To. 22 30-035 0-123 7H-2 72-6 .88-5 68-6 143-1 65-3 0-727 76 104 XE by E 15 Fine. 23 29-997 0-110 77-0 70-9 89-6 67-4 143-8 63-2 0-69*5 73 53 East 15 Do. 24 30-009 0-137 76-8 69-8 87-1 66-4 1134 62-3 0-636 69 ES E 12 Do. 25 29-97 t 0-149 75-9 70-1 87-2 65-0 141-1 60-1 0-660 74 71 S E 10 Do. 26 29-938 0-171 763 70-8 .88-2 67-1 148-5 63-1 0-681 75 85 SB by 8 43 Passing clouds. 27 29-909 0-149 78-4 73'8 91-5 69-4 145-1 65-3 0-774 80 137 S S K 12 Fine. 28 29-889 0-131 78-6 73-8 88-9 69-7 143-5 66-0 0-771 78 144 S S E j Clear. Mean 29-979 0-134 76-6 70-4 86-6 67-7 142-3 64-2 0-665 73 111 Eby X 27 tM, 328 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1886 March. ,-H 4 a BAROMKTKK REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF RKGISTEHIXO TllKKMOMKTKKS Deiluc Vapour Tension ed Hum- idity Wind Clonds 1 ( ici. crai UYut her Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Mm. Max. Min. Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tiou Day Inches Inches O O o o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-908 0-107 78'(i 73-8 86-4 72-0 139-3 69-7 0-771 79 147 SE by S 7 Clear. 2 29-933 0-119 79-0 73-2 90-5 71-4 145-5 67-9 0-741 75 106 SE by S Do. 3 29-957 0-141 78-9 73-7 86-6 71-4 140-8 68-0 0-763 77 laa s s i; ta Fine. 4 29-958 0-161 78-2 73-1 86-6 70-5 142-1 68-1 0-748 78 115 SSE 5 (Mr;,,. 5 29933 0-129 78-6 73-2 87-0 69-8 142-!l 67-0 0-740 76 118 SKby S 12 Fine. 6 29-920 0-170 78-6 73-3 86-4 70-0 143-5 67-6 0-750 77 140 S S K 13 Do. 7 29909 0-141 79-4 73-5 87-6 71-6 141-8 68-1 0-747 74 170 SE by S 30 Posing clouds. 8 29-936 0-127 81-9 75-0 87-4 77-7 139-1 75-2 0-776 71 216 SE by S 27 0-05 Fine. 9 29-942 0159 81-2 76-1 87-6 77-8 142-5 76-5 0-833 78 in S by E 55 0-16 Passing clouds : th. A Ig. s. : rain. 10 30-023 0-150 77-3 73-9 85-4 72-8 128-3 717 0-792 84 92 SbyE 92 o-oi Orcrcust. 11 30-016 0-114 80-2 74-3 89-3 73-2 142-1 70-9 0-770 74 117 East 35 Passing clouds;. 12 30-010 0-133 80-3 74-2 90-0 72-8 148-7 70-1 0765 74 148 E by N 38 Do. 13 29-995 0-137 80-4 75-2 89-3 72-1 147-5 69-1 0-805 77 140 NE by E 40 Do. 14 29-991 0-124 80-2 74-3 89-4 70-6 148-1 69-1 0-770 74 109 ENE 40 Do. 15 29-921 0-129 79-9 74-4 90-3 71-4 144-1 66-9 0-778 76 88 E l,y S 20 Fine. 16 29-901 0-148 77-2 72-1 89-3 69-8 143-7 66-4 0721 77 " 7 EbyS 25 Passing clouds. 17 29-912 0-133 77-0 69-5 88-1 66-9 141-3 63-9 0-622 67 73 ESE 15 Fine 18 29-927 0-138 78-8 71-4 88-4 67-0 1421 63-7 0-670 68 92 E S E 10 Do. 19 29-934 0-139 80-0 73-3 88-3 70-8 143-4 73-8 0-731 72 94 SE by E 20 Do. 20 29-869 0-187 80-2 75-0 89-3 71-7 142-4 69-1 0-799 78 108 SE 25 Passing clouds. 21 29-861 0-124 80-6 74-3 87-9 72-1 143-1 68-7 0-765 73 150 S E 20 Fine. 22 29-854 0-135 81-3 75-5 88-8 74-0 144-5 72-6 0-805 70 154 SE 35 Passing clouds. ; 23 29-830 0-1-16 81-2 75-8 90-2 74-8 144-3 71-7 0-820 77 145 SE by S 22 Fine. 24 29-813 0-152 82-0 76-8 90-8 74-0 144-8 71-4 0-853 79 182 S S E 10 Do. 25 29-774 0-150 843 78-6 95-7 78-3 148-2 76-7 0-902 77 168 S S E 18 Do. : 26 29-783 0122 84-9 78-5 92-9 78-8 145-1 77-2 0-889 75 203 SSE 47 Piis-ing clouds. 27 29-808 0-127 82-9 78-3 87-5 78-4 143-7 77-6 0-908 81 207 SSE 50 0-14 Passiug clouds: niin. 28 29-853 0-123 82-4 77-6 90-1 76-8 1 2-li 76-7 0-883 80 199 SSE 38 Passing clouds. 29 29-908 0-126 81-8 76-4 89-2 76-0 1431 73-3 0-838 77 188 SEbyS 40 Do. 30 29-910 0-168 82-1 76-5 91-8 74-8 147-5 72-0 0-839 77 158 SSE 35 Do. 31 29-859 0-142 82-3 76-6 89-3 74-8 142-5 72-0 0-840 75 176 SE by S 30 Do. Mean 29-908 0-139 80-4 74-8 88-9 73-0 143-2 70-7 0-788 76 HI S E 28 0-36 329 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1886 April. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING CD 1 1 "C p. REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds _g 'a General Weather Mean Range Dry Son Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inche 1 29-860 0-153 83-2 78-2 92-1 76-2 149-5 74-9 0-899 79 207 SSE 25 Fine. 2 29-846 0-144 83-8 77-9 95-5 77-9 147-6 76'5 0-877 75 219 SS E 10 Bo. 3 29-840 0-123 83-3 78-9 92-5 77-1 142-7 75-1 0-930 83 207 S S E 20 Do. 4 29-829 0-132 83-9 78-6 91-9 78-3 144-8 76-5 0-908 78 215 SEbyS 5 Do. 5 29-847 0-122 82-7 77-7 90-2 77-0 144-6 74-4 0-884 80 175 SEbyS 15 Eo. Q 29-848 0-150 81-7 76-3 90-8 74-5 143-8 71-7 0-835 77 153 S S E 12 Do. 7 29-858 0-122 81-2 75-4 88-8 74-6 141-8 72-7 0-803 75 134 SEbyS 13 Do. 8 29-821 0-149 817 75-0 89-2 73-8 142-2 70-8 0-779 73 151 S S E 10 Clear. 9 29-842 0-150 81-6 76-0 89-2 74-1 140-9 71-7 0-824 77 155 SS E 15 ... Fine. 10 29-792 0-144 82-3 76-8 89-4 74-1 142-7 69-4 0-849 77 180 SSE 12 Do. 11 29-779 0-105 83-3 78-1 92-6 76-9 146-8 74-3 0-892 78 196 S SE 43 ... Passing clouds. 12 29-785 0-111 83-5 78-3 91-3 76-0 145-4 73-9 0-899 79 193 SSE 15 Fine. 13 29-794 0-175 83-5 76-2 91-3 76-7 144-6 74-3 0-806 70 192 S by E 33 Passing clouds. 14 29-774 0-138 82-7 77-0 91-5 73-9 146-5 71-4 0-852 76 212 SSE 30 Do. 15 29-795 0-155 83-3 77-3 93-2 75-1 148-0 72-5 0-857 75 189 SSE 37 Do. 16 29-819 0-144 84-7 78-5 95-2 77-0 150-3 74-6 0-892 76 209 SSE 28 Do. 17 29-824 0-149 85-8 79-8 95-9 80-4 149-5 79-1 0-937 76 237 Sby E 2 Fine. 18 29-844 0-127 85-6 81-2 93-1 80-2 142-5 79-0 1-006 82 175 SEbyS 8 Do. 19 29-864 0-107 85-4 79-3 93-6 79-0 144-9 76-6 0-920 76 136 SEbyS 30 Passing clouds. 20 29-855 0-124 83-9 78-0 93-2 76-9 143-1 75-2 0-880 76 170 SSE 10 Clear. 21 29-868 0-092 83-6 77-6 91-4 76-5 142-5 75-0 0-867 76 198 SSE 5 Do. 22 29-892 0-149 83-0 76-7 .90-8 75-8 141-1 72-8 0-835 74 158 SEbyS 32 ... Passing clouds. 23 29-927 0-121 83-2 76-9 91-6 74-8 140-9 72-4 0-841 74 127 S E 33 Do. 24 29-887 0-134 83-9 77-5 92-1 75-6 144-7 72-6 0-858 74 171 SSE 25 Do. 25 29-852 0-117 84-5 78-5 92-5 77-0 142-7 74-6 0-895 76 199 SEbyS 27 Do. 26 29-851 0-120 84-5 78-3 91-7 78-0 144-5 75-7 0-886 75 174 SSE 30 Do. 27 29-857 0-106 84-8 78-9 92-8 78-5 145-7 76-0 0-909 76 183 SSE 30 Do. 28 29-821 0-140 84-9 79-2 92-2 78-2 144-8 75-9 0-922 77 167 SEbyS 28 Do. 29 29-815 0-152 85-4 79-2 93-4 77-8 145-5 75-6 0-915 76 170 SEbyS 35 Do. 30 29-823 0-161 85-2 78-0 94-0 78-4 152-5 75-8 0-863 71 143 Eby S 40 Do. Mean 29-837 0-134 83-7 77-8 92-1 76-7 144-9 74-4 0-878 76 180 SSE 22 Nil. 83 330 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1886 May. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING REDUCED TO 32 Corrected \h--iTi THERMOMETERS \T- J .ueau Temperature Dry Sun Grass Deduced >\ inu General Weather PH % Mean Range Dry Wet Max. Min Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- Mean Direc- OQ a _o _c *03 & city tion Day Inches Inches Inches Cents Miles Points Points nches 1 29-816 0-136 85-4 78-5 95-3 78-1 146-4 75-8 0-883 72 116 East 40 Passing clouds. 2 29791 o-ioo 84-9 79-3 94-6 79-1 153-3 76-5 0-927 77 113 East 50 0-04 Do. 3 29-784 0-099 87-0 78-4 94-5 79-4 146-9 76-5 0-857 67 93 Eby S 30 Do. 4 29-781 0-122 87-6 77-7 98-9 79-4 149-6 75-1 0-817 63 156 NEbyE 40 Do. 5 29-764 0-134 87-0 78-9 99-1 80-3 151-0 74-7 0-879 69 113 SE 40 Do. 6 29-753 0-125 88-2. 82-4 99-3 82-3 147-5 75-3 1-030 78 138 SS E 45 Do. 7 29-712 0-164 89-9 81-2 103-5 83-7 150-6 82-3 0-948 68 210 South 35 Do. 8 29-722 0-126 89-7 77-0 102-8 82-5 152-3 81-5 0-757 55 178 W S W 70 Cloudy. 9 29-676 0-129 90-3 79-5 106-5 83-2 153-6 81-8 0-862 61 226 Sby W 40 Passing clouds : Ig. S. W. 10 29-682 0153 90-1 79-2 .105-2 84-9 152-3 84-1 0-851 60 243 S by W 40 Passing clouds. 11 29-695 0-121 89-0 79-5 106-2 81-6 153-4 80-5 0-880 65 238 South 20 Fine. 12 29-673 0-160 89-4 80-3 .103-2 83-5 151-8 80-5 0-912 66 245 South 12 Do. 13 29-704 0-162 83-1 81-9 93-9 84-4 145-7 80-9 1-006 76 337 S S E 30 Passing clouds. 14 29-726 0-098 79-3 74-8 93-2 69-7 144-1 68-9 0-803 80 163 S S E 75 1-69 Cloudy : thunderstorm 2-30 to 4 A.M. 15 29-743 0-152 84-5 78-2 94-3 78-1 141-3 75-1 0-881 74 164 SSE 30 Passing clouds. 16 29-791 0-116 85-8 80-1 90-9 81-6 143-8 80-6 0-951 78 180 SEbyS 30 Do. 17 29-798 0-153 85-0. 79-5 91-9 79-7 142-9 79-1 0-935 77 156 SEbyS 33 Do. 18 29-784 0-144 86-2 79-9 94-1 79-6 146-1 77-9 0-937 74 115 SEbyE 45 Do. 19 29-779 0-109 85-8 79-2 92-0 80-2 142-7 77-7 0-910 74 140 S E 35 Do. 20 29-786 0-128 85-5 78-2 94-1 78-6 147-3 77-1 0-868 71 129 S E 40 ... Do. 21 29-795 0-137 85-6 78-6 93-6 80-2 143-9 77-9 0-885 72 102 SEbyE 40 Do. 22 29-750 0-067 87-1 79-1 96-0 80-3 145-8 77-7 0-887 69 149 E N E 42 Do. 23 29-639 0-111 80-7 77-9 83-2 78-4 97-9 77-5 0919 88 360 NEbyN 97 1-79 Stormy : tb. : rain. 24 29-660 0-087 79-3 77-0 85-4 77-3 131-1 75-7 0-898 90 248 SEby E 85 1-14 Overcast with showers : Ig. 25 29-657 0-109 80-8 77-7 86-3 77-3 138-0 76-0 0-910 86 189 S by E 80 O-lo Cloudy : rain : Ig. 26 29-714 0-108 83-2 78-5 88-4 77-6 139-5 76-7 0-913 82 181 South 60 0-23 Passing clouds : rain : Ig. 27 29-694 0-124 84-7 78-5 93-9 773 140-2 75-8 0-892 76 147 Sby W 40 o-oi Passing clouds. 28 29-667 0-128 87-7 79-7 100-3 79-7 144-7 77-8 0-907 69 175 S S W 15 Fine : Ig. 29 29-677 0-151 89-0 80-4 99-1 83-4 155-7 82-6 0-923 68 173 S S W 43 Passing clouds. 30 29-701 0-123 81-] 78-4 84-2 78-3 109-9 76-5 0937 89 130 SbyE 95 0-12 Cloudy : thunderstorm. 31 29-725 0-139 79-4 76-1 83-6 76-8 99-9 75-7 0-857 8G 88 SWbyW 95 0-61 Overcast : thunderstorm. Mean 29-730 0-126 85-7 78-9 95-1 79-9 142-2 77-8 0-897 74 174 SEbyS 47 5-78 Note. 23rd. A moderate cyclone moving north-westerly ; strongest between 3 and 4 P.M. when the wind was X E by E and its hourly velocity 24 miles. 331 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1886 June. H B 9 3 n BAKOMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind DO 13 3 5 a 'a a General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city. Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches . O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 29-722 0-151 80-2 76-3 94-1 78-5 141-8 77-7 0-855 82 107 S W 77 1-39 Cloudy : two thunderstorms. 2 29-737 0-126 80-7 77-2 907 70-3 139-4 70-3 0-888 85 143 SW by S 68 0-04 Cloudy : th. 3 29-743 0-084 80-7 76-8 91-8 76-6 135-0 74-8 0-870 83 150 SWbyS 92 0-20 Overcast : thunderstorm 4-30 P.M. 4 29-739 0-141 80-8 76-9 88-0 76-9 121-0 76-6 0-873 83 179 SWby S 100 075 Overcast : thunderstorm 7-30 A.M. 5 69-704 0-119 81-6 76-7 93-2 75-8 136-7 74-8 0-854 79 168 SWbyS 48 0-38 Fine day : thunderstorm 7-30 P.M. 6 29-705 0-137 81-4 77-3 93-1 76-2 139'4 74-3 0-883 83 174 SWby S 52 0-67 Passing clouds : th. : Ig. & rain. 7 29-726 0-118 81-1 76-3 93-7 76-2 136-8 74-8 0-843 79 179 saw 58 o-oi Passing clouds : th. 8 29-692 0-135 85-3 79-2 93-4 78-2 141-0 76-4 0-917 76 205 SWby S 52 0-39 Passing cl. : th. storm at 11-30 P.M. 9 29-712 0-078 81-8 77-8 93-3 71-2 135-7 70-6 0-900 83 193 S W 43 0-21 Fine day : rain till 2 A.M. 10 29-758 0-104 83-2 79-2 92-0 77-9 135-0 76-4 0-945 83 175 S by W 35 ... Passing clouds. 11 29-751 0-128 84-5 79-4 93-8 78-2 140-9 76-8 0-936 79 208 South 10 ... 'Pine. 12 29-699 0-172 86-0 79-5 98-9 79-7 141-5 77-8 0-920 74 181 SSW 25 ... Do. 13 29-610 0-125 87-1 79-3 98-7 81-3 141-9 80-0 0-897 69 177 SWbyW 25 ... Fine : Ig. 14 29-601 0-083 85-6 78-3 97-3 80-4 138-1 79-0 0-871 71 200 W S W 70 1-46 Cloudy : thunderstorm at 10 P.M. 15 29-599 o-ioo 82-7 76-7 93-7 76-1 142-7 74-8 0-839 75 180 W S W 62 0-03 Passing clouds : th. 16 29-601 0-151 86-0 76-6 95-0 79-2 142-8 78-0 0-790 64 272 SWbyW 47 ... Passing clouds. 17 29-605 0-130 86-4 76-4 94-6 79-8 134-3 77-2 0-776 62 267 SWby W 60 ... Do. 18 29-605 0-135 86-2 78-2 96-2 80-2 146-0 76-0 0-858 68 212 S W 48 Do. 19 29-671 0-103 85-2 78-0 96-7 80-5 143-4 79-2 0-863 72 206 SWbyW 57 0-06 Passing clouds : Ig. 20 29-705 0-090 82-7 77-8 86-4 78-5 100-6 78-2 0-888 79 91 SW 98 Cloudy. 21 29-724 0-096 84-1 78'9 96-1 78-8 141-6 77-6 0-918 79 142 Var. 60 0-57 Passing clouds : rain. 22 29-745 0-149 83-3 78-1 95-5 75-4 141-2 73-6 0-893 79 107 Sby E 63 0-60 Passing clouds. 23 29-751 0-114 84-7 77-8 96-1 78-7 139-6 77-2 0-863 73 132 SSW 22 ... Do. 24 29-761 0-117 85-6 78-7 97-3 80-4 142-8 78-4 0-889 73 144 South 8 ... Fine. 25 29-757 0-146 86-2 79-7 98-5 81-4 148-5 78-2 0-927 76 178 Sby W 15 Fine : th. 26 29-724 0-143 83-9 78-1 93-0 80-2 128-5 78-2 0-883 75 119 SWbyW 55 Passing clouds : th. 27 29-704 0-161 86-3 79-7 98-6 81-4 150-5 79-2 0-926 74 142 Sby W 30 Do. : do. 28 29-734 0-116 82-7 78-4 95-1 77-0 139-8 75-0 0-915 83 132 SSW 85 0-15 Cloudy : Ig. 29 29-698 0-147 83-1 78-8 94-1 77-3 148-0 75-9 0-928 82 137 SSW 70 0-27 Cloudy : th. 30 29-682 0-167 80-9 76-6 89-6 75-4 122-8 73-2 0-859 82 110 SWbyS 92 0-49 Do. : do. Mean 30-699 0-126 837 78-0 94-3 77-9 137-9 76-3 0-882 77 167 SWby S 54 7-67 332 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1886 July. H i r-i >> I BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 5 'S General Weather Mean Range Do- San Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion. Day Inches Inches o o o o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-692 0-117 80-0 77-4 88-4 75-4 123-6 73-9 0-90C 89 133 SWby S 90 0-27 Cloudy : rain : Ig. 2 29-698 0-107 82-2 76-0 93-2 78-7 139-5 77-6 0-815 75 139 SS W 60 0-18 Fine day : rain : Ig. 3 29-731 0-140 80-7 77-1 88-6 74-7 131-3 74-1 0-883 85 88 S S W 70 0-93 Rainy morning : fine day : th. & Ig. 4 29-756 0-112 80-0 75-5 90-9 71-8 135-6 70-1 0-824 80 144 NN W 65 0-01 Cloudy day : fine night : Ig. 8. W. 5 29-778 0-091 82-3 77-7 91-1 75-6 139-7 74-1 0-889 81 88 N E 40 0-03 Passing clouds. 6 29-800 0-106 83-4 78-1 90-3 79-2 137-1 77-1 0-892 78 98 S S E 35 Cloudy morn. : fine day : th. & Ig. W. 7 29-798 0-095 83-7 78-5 92-7 78-2 1379 76-8 0-906 79 140 South 32 Passing clouds. 8 29-738 0-109 83-4 77-4 94-6 78-7 140-9 77-1 D-890 75 129 SS W 30 Passing clonds : th. and Iff. W. 9 29-694 0-141 83-9 78-2 921 78-2 139-7 77-1 0-889 77 165 SWbyS 70 Passing clonds. 10 29-689 0-123 84-0 75-8 88-7 79-0 117-5 75-1 0-782 68 145 S W 90 ... Clondy. 11 29-684 0-134 83-4 75-6 92-6 78-9 146-7 76-5 0-781 68 211 S W 85 Do. 12 29-664 0-117 85-3 769 93-5 78-3 139-2 77-1 0-812 66 214 S W 65 Passing clouds : Ig. 13 29-701 0-118 82-3 75-7 90-6 78-4 121-2 78-1 0-801 73 127 West 77 0-17 Light rail) : th. and Ig. 14 29-737 0-146 80-9 76-2 88-1 75-2 122-1 73-3 0-841 80 73 W S W 98 0-15 Overcast. 15 29-715 0-131 82-6 76-2 92-3 77-2 131-1 75-4 0-818 73 178 SWbyW 68 0-92 Cloudy : rain : th. and Ig. 16 29-677 0-109 83-2 76-4 94-4 76-2 138-5 74-6 0-820 72 156 \V by S 65 ... Passing clouds : th. and Ig. 17 29-672 0-141 83-4 76-5 93-2 78-1 134-8 74-5 0-820 72 121 WbyN 77 Cloudy. 18 29-648 0-129 84-5 76-6 96-0 77-6 144-0 75-3 0-810 68 160 HW 63 0-03 Passing clouds. 19 29-660 0-138 85-7 76-3 95-7 78-1 143-8 77-3 0-781 63 155 WbyS 58 Do. 20 29-699 0-121 863 77-2 93-5 79-3 133-2 77-3 0-812 65 178 SWbyW 72 Cloudy. 21 29-678 0-145 85-9 76-2 91-1 80-8 126-8 79-3 0-774 63 184 WS W 65 Passing clouds 22 29-675 0-146 84-2 76-2 91-6 79-7 139-6 77-1 0-797 68 191 SWbyW 80 o-oi Cloudy. 23 29-698 0-123 84-1 77-5 93-4 77-8 146-4 77-5 0-855 74 188 SWbyS 80 Do. 24 29-739 0-125 82-2 76-7 96-7 78-8 1492 77-5 0-846 77 160 S S W 63 0-97 Cloudy : thunderstorm 7-30 to s r.M. 25 29-761 0-145 84-3 79-0 92-7 77-5 139-7 76-3 0-921 78 116 S W 70 ... Cloudy. 26 29-728 0-145 84-2 77-9 90-1 79-3 116-7 77-8 0-872 74 73 WbyS 87 0-87 Cloudy day : rainy night : th. & Ig. X. 27 29-716 0-141 81-3 77-7 92-6 73-5 143-7 73-3 0-902 85 85 S W 73 0-47 Cloudy : thunderstorm. 28 29-735 0-071 78-8 76-1 91-6 73-8 144-2 72-5 0-865 89 126 S W 70 0-60 Showery : thunderstorm 4 t<> (i r.M. 29 29-750 0-077 82-1 78-0 92-1 76-6 141-2 76-3 0-905 83 134 Nby W 70 Passing clouds. 30 29-788 0-070 82-9 78-5 95-9 76-7 146-2 763 0-916 81 95 South 45 Do. 31 29-762 0-149 84-4 79-2 91-3 78-8 142-6 76-9 0-929 79 68 EbyS 35 Do. Mean 29-718 0-121 83-1 77-0 92-2 77-4 136-6 75-9 0-849 75 137 S W 60 5-61 333 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1886 August. CO 00 00 ta a to p o. 1!) 29-746 0-121 83-5 77-8 93-4 76-0 140-2 74-4 0-877 77 115 S S W 30 Do. 20 29-839 0-135 81-4 77-4 90-9 772 137-4 74-4 0-887 83 117 SbyE 43 Jo. 21 29-851 0-130 82-8 77-s 90-5 76-5 146-3 73-7 0-887 79 56 Sby E 45 Do. 22 29-838 0-147 80-6 70-'.) 87-1 77-!) 127-4 766 0-876 84 48 E8E 70 Do. 23 29-879 0-109 82-0 77-3 89-6 75-4 140-3 73-2 0-875 80 72 East 32 Do. 24 29-924 0-129 80-9 77-6 88-5 75-4 141-1 74-0 0-904 86 52 ES E 50 029 Passing clouds : rain. 25 29-831 o-i oo 81-5 77-7 90-1 75-1 149-3 72-6 0-900 83 65 NEbyN 38 o-oi Passing clouds. 26 29-774 0163 81-4 76-9 89-5 75-4 132-1 72-0 0-865 81 53 X N E 40 Do. 27 29-847 0-094 80-8 77-3 88'7 74-9 150-1 72-4 0-891 85 48 ES E 57 0-09 Do. 8 29-908 0-120 80-3 76-4 86-4 73-0 129-1 72-4 0-860 S2 89 NEbyN 53 0-77 Thunderstorm 2-30 to 4 A.M. 29 29-912 0-120 78-4 76-8 83-5 75'5 123-7 73-9 0-901 93 44 North 90 0-83 Cloudy : Ig. : rain. 30 29-861 0-151 81-0 77'7 89-5 75-4 147-6 74-4 0-907 86 93 N N E 57 0-18 Passing clouds : rain. 31 29-862 0-151 80-2 77-0 87'8 73-8 141-4 73-0 0-886 80 76 NE by N 75 1-95 Heavy thunderstorm before 1 A.M. Mean 29-813 0-131 80-8 76-7 88-5 75-5 134-5 73-7 0-866 82 82 X by W 68 0-09 336 Madras 'Meteorological Observations. 1886 November. November ISKfi BABOMETEB REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETKKS Deduced Wind 5 5 z (ieneral Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Hum- Tension idity 1 Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o ' o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 29882 0-108 81-4 77'5 88-9 74-8 143-0 65-1 0-892 83 123 N K W 0-16 I'assinif clouds. I 29-884 0-147 78-6 75-8 87-8 73-6 1 Mi"! 73-4 0-855 88 105 NKI.yN 7:i 1-38 Cloudy : rain. n 29-883 0121 79-6 75-0 89-2 72-6 145-6 7T 0-808 80 204 X K 88 1 12 Cloudy : tii. mid lir. : rain. 4 29-912 0-109 71-4 72-9 83'7 M* 136-4 71-6 0-791 93 142 X l.y K UR> 2(>7 ( i\i'i-c;ist : tli. and ]<_'. : rain. fi 29-842 0-119 79-0 75-8 86-6 74-2 135-0 73-5 0-850 86 225 X l.y E 70 0-84 Cloudy: th. and 1;.'. : mil,. 6 29-816 0-112 78-1 73-7 83-7 73-3 138-3 71-2 0-778 80 199 North 47 Passing clouds. 7 29-804 0-215 73-0 70-3 75-2 69-8 81-0 66-8 0-707 87 182 NWbyN 100 0-50 1 h errast : tli. and lii-. : rain. 8 29-665 0-116 76-1 73-0 80-6 7:!-7 117-2 71-S 0-772 86 285 X \VhyX 100 0-53 Do. : do. : .In. B 29-508 0-036 73-5 71-0 74-2 714 81-0 69-6 0-725 88 579 SWbyW 100 2-90 Cyclone. 10 29-825 0-087 78-8 74-7 85-8 72-5 140-7 71-6 0-806 82 204 S by E 43 0-40 Passing clouds : rain. 11 29-916 0-099 78-2 73-4 85-4 73-0 141-2 70-2 0-760 79 86 S S K 40 o-oi Passing clouds. 12 29-958 0-148 79-8 75-1 86-5 73-1 144-2 71-6 0-809 79 81 ESE 80 Do. 13 29-973 0-126 79-6 75-6 88-2 72-9 147-8 70-0 0-833 82 58 K K 25 Fine. 14 29-988 0-119 79-8 75-2 88-9 74-1 143-0 71-0 0-814 80 81 X N E 17 Do. 15 29970 0-134 77-7 74-8 86-3 74-5 147-0 71-9 0-824 86 72 N E 05 0-23 Passing clouds : rain. IB 29-942 0-144 77-7 72-5 85-7 73-3 145-6 69-8 0-733 78 115 N N E 55 Passinif clouds 17 29-931 0-125 75-2 68-1 84-5 68-3 144-7 64-6 0-593 68 54 K by W 55 Do 18 29-907 0-110 74-2 67'6 84-6 66-4 1359 626 0-589 70 34 NNW 42 Do. 19 29-895 0-129 76-6 70-1 86-7 65-6 140-0 61-0 0-650 71 121 North S Fine-. 20 29-942 0-120 77-7 72-2 86-0 69-3 144-8 65-8 0715 75 148 N N E 35 Pnssinjf clouds. 21 29-959 0-130 77-3 72-3 86-5 70-1 141-8 65-6 0-727 77 112 NN E 25 Do. 22 29-952 0-120 76-5 70-9 853 69-7 1412 65-8 0-681 75 112 N by E 25 Fine. 23 29-918 0-152 77-5 70-8 88-2 69-1 140-6 65-8 0-665 71 77 North 15 Do. 24 29-922 0-144 78-1 734 87-9 71-8 144-8 68-6 0-761 80 83 E S K 20 Do. 23 29-931 0-131 79-8 75-0 86-8 71-8 143-2 68-6 0-805 79 140 East 50 1102 Passing clouds. 26 29-958 0-136 80-7 74-5 88-3 74-0 145-1 71-6 0-772 74 164 XE l.y K 35 Do. 27 29-939 0-110 79-7 7:f9 87-8 74-1 145-5 71-6 0-760 75 124 N K 35 Do. 28 29-940 0-125 78-5 73-9 875 71-6 146-5 68-3 0-777 80 154 XEI.y X AS I),,. 29 29-925 0-131 80-2 74-4 87'5 73-8 139-8 71-4 0-775 75 232 X N E 45 Do. 30 29-938 0-101 77-0 73-8 82-6 75-8 133-0 73-6 0-792 86 264 N X E HO 0-82 Cloudy : rain. Mean 29-894 0-123 77-8 73-2 85-6 72-0 137-3 69-2 0-760 80 152 NE by N 51 11-08 Note. 9th. This cyclone was one of considerable severity. The centre struck the coast about 50 miles N. of ?>Indras and the storm crossed the Penin- sula and the Arabian Sea. The lowest barometric pressure at Madras was 29-251 (reduced) at 1 P.M., and the maximum wind velocity was 45 miles per hour. jFor an account of the storm, see Indian Meteorological Memoir*, Vol. IV., Part IV. 337 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1886 December. BAROMKTER SELF REGISTERING December 1886 REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds '3 gj General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches < % O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents inches I 29-927 0-108 75-5 71-5 83-9 73-5 142-0 72-0 0-719 82 214 N by E 60 Passing clouds. 2 29-940 0-096 74-0 69-1 82-6 67'5 142-0 65-1 0-647 76 185 North 55 0-04 Do. 3 29-957 0-116 73-7 72-0 79-5 70-8 122-7 69-6 0-763 92 142 North 90 2-23 Cloudy and rainy. 4 29-960 0-125 78-1 74-4 84-5 71-6 137-0 71-3 0-803 83 239 N by E 55 o-io Passing clouds : rain. 5 29-961 o-ioo 77-7 7*9 82-3 76-3 136-8 74-1 0-746 79 323 N N E 65 0-02 Passing clouds. 6 29-944 0-136 74-9 69-9 82-5 70-3 140-2 68-4 0-666 77 233 Xorth 70 To. 7 29-932 0-144 71-7 66-1 78-5 08-5 137-6 67-2 0-568 73 198 N by W 87 Clondy. 8 29-839 0-168 73-4 66-5 78-6 67-3 136-4 64'3 0-560 68 303 N by W 75 Do. 9 29-668 0-138 BS'4 67-4 75-li 61-3 80-7 59-3 0-659 95 422 N N W 100 0-70 Overcast with rain. 10 29-905 0-103 73-8 70-5 78-8 67-7 126-4 67-3 0-704 85 155 S outli 75 Clondy. 11 29-948 0-106 75'5 72-3 84-2 69-9 140-6 67-3 0-751 85 63 S E 32 Passing clouds. 12 29-944 o-iig 75-4 71-7 84-9 68-5 141-3 65-3 0-728 83 55 Eby N 25 Fine. 13 29-958 0-116 77-2 74-3 86-0 71-3 140-0 68-8 0-810 86 110 N E 45 o-oi Passing clouds. 14 29-985 0-135 77-4 74-4 87-5 72-6 141-0 70-1 0-812 86 50 E S E 40 Do. 15 29-980 0-146 77-8 74-2 86-0 71-9 138-1 69-5 0-799 84 57 E S E 28 Do. 16 29-997 0-111 77-9 74-3 87-1 72-3 141-9 69-4 0-801 84 119 NEbyE 40 Do. 17 30-029 0-110 77'7 73-0 86-2 71-5 142-3 68-4 0-750 79 131 N E 35 Do. 18 30-039 0-126 76-1 72-3 84-4 70-5 139-3 67-1 0-743 83 198 NE by N 45 0-07 Do. 19 30-073 0119 76-0 69-1 82-5 73-6 138-1 G9-9 0-620 69 269 NE by N 35 Do. 20 30-033 0-122 76-0 68-4 81-6 69-7 141-9 65-7 0-594 66 136 N N E 40 Do. 21 30-021 0-142 74-8 69-1 82-9 69-4 139-5 68-0 0-636 74 118 NE by N 55 Do. 22 30-030 0-140 73-0 70-2 83-2 67-1 139-9 62-6 0-702 87 108 NN E 40 Do. 23 30-021 0-135 75-1 69-8 84-6 69-6 142-1 65-4 0-659 75 91 NE by N 50 Do. 24 30-017 0-118 74-3 69-3 83-4 66-8 140-1 62-6 0-651 76 128 N N E 45 Do. 25 30-045 0-103 76-6 70-8 84-4 69-1 142-1 65-4 0-677 74 155 N E 40 o-oi Do. 26 30-075 0-119 77-9 70'9 81-0 73-6 142-3 70-2 0-664 70 238 N E 30 Do. 27 30-062 0-131 75-8 70-6 84-0 67-5 141-1 64-4 0-680 76 206 NE by N 42 Do. 28 30-008 0-127 74-0 70-4 82-7 70-2 139-0 69-4 0-697 83 183 NNE 60 0-07 Do. 29 29-983 0-121 73-5 70-7 82-0 68-6 123-5 65-4 0-715 86 135 NN K 42 Do. 30 29-993 0-114 74-8 71-6 84-2 68-4 143-6 65-0 0-733 85 146 NE 45 Do. 31 30-005 0-105 75-6 709 84-0 69-1 141-1 65-9 0-695 78 165 NEbyE 58 Do. Mean 29-977 0-123 75-3 70-9 83-1 69-9 136-8 67-2 0-702 80 170 N E 52 3-25 Note. 9th. A small cyclonic storm paesed northward of Madras. The greatest force of the wind was between 9 and 10 A.M., but was then only 26 miles an hour from N. by W. The lowest (reduced) reading of the barometer was 29'584 inches at 4 P.M. 85 338 5 6 i |- -. i js sa * 8 ^ * * e I w ;r5S;S**88* rH 3 3 e g n * i '^ c: * i - M re x O x T if3 : "^ : i'- -r r; -^ x S ^ w K ^ ^ : fe .0 " sa i h3 S o 3 Z5 " 1C 3D 00 ^ X J. * X g ro i^- x i^- rt x ?i sa -* T i -. r. Q M -< i-i "-. M ^ CO 1 1 a Oc 5 be eq g o r. ij. o TI ^ ^ *i X< T'l ?5 ? 1 V| CO ?I ?l W M 2 1 1 ^ CO t't J S 3 3 S it '- 5 3 5! a ,x 2 ml -4-S PTT^TTT^T^ c a "* g ^H^t^H^^^^^-i ,M C S C '"" ^* 00 -t = c en SSBJ O uo co CO -f O * t* ;C >O U5 O CC Ci ! ? J uinu I!U!K l ^ c h U 05 n J S x 7i re ~t i c^i'6x o "* ! 6 1 -o O - = 1 I'.a sa s afes a s s s 8 o 7 a ?1 ^ J tO l- O >l "^ C5 N X "~ nj t& o D c o M to o ic ?i 10 6 cs co ^ -f i^- co r iO O *r5 -j iO %O >-O -^ S3 3 -+J ^ ~s C WO _52 o Lrf - ^ = - = =H is t>- l* I?* t" l"* t* t t* t* XXX w "S fr 'S 1 ^sasssii&-5 o U -t-> V 1 g.i- a 1 SlIsllllillK 1 'So o S w I s ^ 5 s> c 666666666666 o o <^ r<~ a HH I* o - ,0 CS r-l >-l 1- ~. * 71 -r X a >O C! C! "3 J5 d X CO !D ^H p~t O O ^ "f 1 X 3f^ CO g 4-) D 1 Q rt rH rf 71 71 H 3 a - 3 coS2SS521KgS * S 4> CD | O O Ct r-< i-f * (M If5 O 71 t t* c < 1 i CO^XXCSOOXCO^NO, t t >~, f ^ i g rt i, g f; g i> g g g S He t* 'H x t^ x -* 71 -r x i.o 10 c~. c; c rS t-, i n s-. =>-*< txoxosoT. ? c o Q O S p rt rt ^ 71 71 t -s i S 5 o o J eo ^ot>aa-4 11 u B 0) CO ^ O 1>-CC I-- l>-I-.t-*i>.^) tO -+-> c i S t E H ^ p J ^ 05 -H - CO 71 .0 -, t. u PQ 00 B (5 fl n f-H ri ro -H ,_ *3 SQ S oo w QD o> c a a a k w w CD a X W X tO J'* CS >O ~. I I- -f 1 X *1 KO 05 D ^ otD^t^^^^woxxre ^ yi a S M S 3g b "O o O ^H c-l O X Ci O i ^H 10 co r7 -r V) EH 'S 2 1 SISgSS7i2Sre?5S M 03 "SJ B 2 666666666666 2 2 D OOOOOOOOOOOO ^S TO S 1 g! 3 W | I 1 I S I 1 5 | U p I X s a 00 | S 8 3 S 2 2 g S - - "2 2 g S s ?, S S S S ?, S S 8 ?-, 71 D a S o t J y CiCic, cjdci~6c;666i 1 t_l!A! .S a o 6 6 cs CD C5 Oi Ci r~. ct 6 6 J^ 19 9 M N M ^ . il if H X H ; i : n S N J ,: b . : : ^ : =; 3 : : : : : : ' * : S ^ . b i : i : * fc J J 3 C f = ; eJ"Iill gi^ a. I ; S 1 f J S s - Annual. 339 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1887 January. So 3D t "-3 BAROMKTER REDl'CKH TCI 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 5 _o o 1 0-736 79 138 S S E 5 Do. 5 80-887 0-161 79-9 714 94-0 68-5 118-6 65-0 0-656 M 107 South Do. 30-861 0-118 78-8 70-5 94-7 65-9 147-9 (12-4 0-G36 65 177 South 5 Do. 7 29-892 0-146 78'8 73-7 89-0 69-1 140-8 65-4 0-765 79 199 Sby E Do. 8 29-892 0126 78-6 73-9 86-8 70-:! 140-3 68-0 0'775 79 198 S S E 15 Do. 9 29-924 0-144 78-3 73-4 87-2 68-5 142-9 (i5-4 0-758 78 165 SEby S 15 Do. 10 29-880 0-151 77-8 73-1 866 68-8 140-3 65-7 0-752 79 175 S S E 5 Do. 11 29-872 0-129 77!) 73-1 86-3 69-5 140-1 65-6 0-752 79 196 S S E 20 ' Do. 12 29-895 0-118 Hr-a 72-7 87-o 69-4 141-5 66-5 0-744 80 165 S S E 15 To. 13 29-919 0-129 78-6 73-4 ..87-0 69-5 140-3 66-4 0-754 77 159 S S E 13 Do. 14 29-904 0-160 78-0 72-9 87-9 68-4 142-3 844 0-733 76 168 S S E 10 Do. 15 29-859 0-145 80-2 75-5 88-5 71-6 143-9 68-6 0-820 79 180 SEby S 15 Do. 16 29-852 (I 140 so-a 76'S 88-3 71-6 1 .11-1 68-9 821 79 172 SE by S 15 Do. 17 29-879 0-18S 80-0 74-6 88-5 72-6 141-4 693 0-785 77 164 S E 22 Do. 18 29-870 d-125 77-6 727 Mi'.', 68-7 I is-.-, 6&a 0-739 78 127 S E 35 Passing clouds. 19 29-S90 0-109 78-8 74-1 88-5 68-3 1 111! G5-1 0-780 79 142 SEbyS 20 Fine. 20 29-860 0-153 78-9 7:!-5 89-7 69-7 159-9 66-5 0-764 76 115 SEbyE 45 Passing clouds. 21 29-863 0-167 79-6 75-1 ss- 1. 71-5 141-1 67-9 0-812 80 134 EN E 70 o-oi Do. 22 29-873 0-106 81-8 77-5 88-5 7.V7 L89-3 733 0-887 82 166 ENE 62 0-29 Passing clouds : th. : rain. 23 29-901 0-134 81-1 76-i 88-4 76-0 I4U-3 67-9 0-838 78 123 E S E 35 Passing clouds. 24 29-895 0-131 80-0 76-o 88-4 73 5 139-1 71-3 0-846 82 149 S E 30 Do. 25 29-867 O'l70 81-5 77"! 93-3 73-8 143-2 JSM 0-872 82 173 Sby E 10 Fine. 26 29-822 0-156 81-5 77-2 98-4 76-9 144-3 75-1 0877 82 244 Sby E 43 Passing cloud*. 27 29-ttW 0-176 82-2 76-6 MIT, 74-7 189-6 MrS 0-S42 77 233 S by E 35 Do. 28 29-758 0140 84-3 79-7 92- 1 78-9 144-5 78-3 0954 81 t8 S by E 15 Pine. 29 29-775 0-104 83-6 79-5 91 1 79-5 1 12-1 7S-2 0-954 83 266 S S E 30 Passing clouds. 30 29-790 0-110 S2-2 77'S . 90-2 77'5 142-5 76-9 0-894 81 220 S S E 40 Passing clouds : th. 31 29-801 0-119 83-4 77 5 111 1-9 76-5 142-2 74-5 0-865 75 126 SE by S 10 Fine. Mean 29-864 0-137 79-9 74-8 ] 71-6 1 43-0 6S-X 0-796 78 179 SEbyS 21 si 86 342 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1887 April. I 5* BAROMETER RKurcKii TCI :(2 Corrert<'sing clouds. 17 29-842 0-141 83-9 79-6 91-1 78-6 146-6 68-2 0-954 82 144 S S E 35 ... Do, 18 29-793 0-131 88-7 79-5 92-0 75-2 1449 68-7 0-952 83 161 S S E 10 Fine. 19 29-785 0-123 84-3 80-7 91-9 76-2 147-0 74-7 1-000 85 186 S S E 15 Do. 20 29-760 0-137 83-5 7!7 91-1 76-0 145-5 73-7 0-964 84 183 S S E 10 Do. 21 29-747 0-154 84-7 80-9 wi 77-0 147-0 74-8 1-004 84 191 S S E 5 Da 22 29710 0-151 85-1 80-3 92-3 76-6 150-6 73-7 0-971 7!l 199 S by E 20 Do. 23 29-74ti 0-110 85-2 81-5 J2-2 791 140-8 779 1-027 85 239 S by E 15 Da 24 M-857 0-112 83-7 793 90-5 77-2 140-3 76-7 0-943 81 173 SEbyE 37 Do. 25 29-885 0-148 83-6 79-2 94-0 76-4 1 I'.l-l 74-3 0-940 81 120 S E 30 Pilssnii; cloud.*. 26 29-843 0-166 84-5 79-7 91-4 76-9 1175 74-4 0-951 80 111 S E 18 Fine. 27 29-772 0-147 84-9 79-8 93-1 71-IJ 146-7 71-9 0950 78 149 ES E 22 Do. 28 29-758 0-107 85-3 80-0 94-1 78-0 148-1 76-7 0-95 1 78 115 Eby S 48 Passing clouds. 29 29-757 0-136 84-8 79-6 93-0 HI -5 149-2 80-7 0-944 78 221 SEbyS 53 Da 30 29-793 0-114 84-6 7!H 91-1 78 1 1453 76-8 0921 77 260 Sby E 27 Do. Mean 2-832 0-132 83-7 78-9 91-5 76-(i 1459 74-1 0-923 80 169 S E 27 HO, 343 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1887 May. 1 ci' BAROMETER i; run -EII TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 33 -3 3 _O 5 .3 A General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Mnx. Min. Max. Jlin. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 29-771 0-140 85-5 80-7 92'9 78"5 144-9 76-5 0-985 80 258 South 28 Passing clouds. o 29-707 0-155 87-9 80-8 03-8 80-3 151-0 79-0 0-957 73 265 South 15 Fine. 3 29-707 0-155 87-7 77-9 99-3 80-0 149-2 78-1 0-825 63 200 S by E 20 Do. 4 5 29-781 29-824 0-120 0-121 89-0 83-6 79'6 76-6 102-8 98-8 83-0 76-0 150-5 150-3 SI -9 71-9 0-885 0-822 65 72 216 248 SWbyS Sby W 45 70 0-05 Passing clouds. 1 > : It. thunderstorm. Do. ) 29-800 0-170 84-7 77-9 93-7 77-1 145-9 76-0 0-866 73 211 SB by S 40 Passing clouds. 7 29-779 0-140 84-6 79-3 95-2 80-0 149-3 79-4 0-931 78 211 S S E 30 ... Do. S 29-798 0-157 86-6 80-3 91-S 80-0 148-9 79-1 0-950 76 217 S by E 15 ... Fine. 9 29748 0-189 88-3 79-3 97-2 80-8 151-6 79-2 0-890 67 203 S by E 15 Do. 10 29-756 0-120 88-2 78-1 95'6 82-0 138-5 80-7 0-826 62 187 SE 75 o-oi Passing clouds. 11 29-094 0-151 89-8 80-2 100-4 83-0 151-9 77-9 0-903 05 206 s W 50 Do. 12 29-681. 0123 88-9 80-3 100-6 82-0 148-7 81-7 0-919 68 257 South 40 Do. 13 29-698 0-1 12 90-7 78-8 95-9 84-3 126-8 837 0-825 57 220 Why S 80 Cloudy 14 89-721 0-116 89-1 79-6 97-9 84-2 145-7 83-7 0-884 65 228 S by W 90 ... Uo. 15 29-726 0-107 88-6 79-7 101-0 84-0 149-9 82-9 0-894 66 253 S by W 70 ... Passing clouds. 16 29-701 0-135 89-8 81-5 98-7 82-4 153-2 80-6 0-965 69 203 South 15 ... Fine : Ig. W. 17 29-076 0-128 90-2 78-8 106-7 83-2 151-9 82-5 0-832 58 261 SWbyS 20 Fine. 18 29-676 0-113 88-6 80-1 96-9 85-0 155-6 84-3 0-913 68 276 S S W 87 ... Cloudy. 19 29-676 0-114 91-9 79-0 105-0 84-4 150-0 83-6 0-817 55 246 SS W 55 Passing clouds. 20 29-070 0-149 923 79-0 100-0 87-4 148-4 85-4 0-812 53 195 S S W 85 Cloudy. 21 29-636 0-102 90-5 77-9 100-8 84-2 151-7 82-8 0-786 55 238 South 35 Passing clouds. 22 29-067 0-085 88-0 76-8 97-8 82-8 150!) 81-0 0-771 59 >:V) South 55 ... Do. 23 29-666 0-142 91-9 77-0 105-2 83-4 146-7 82-6 0-727 48 230 SWbyW 50 Do. 24 29-672 0-137 89-2 78-0 99-1 86-2 153-7 84-4 0-809 59 244 SWbyS 85 ... Cloudy. 25 29-616 0-142 92-2 8V7 98-9 86-4 149-7 85-6 0-9 f2 62 217 SWbyS 70 ... Passing clouds. 26 29-624 0-1 10 89-8 81-6 105-8 84-5 148-4 83-5 0-969 69 275 Sby W 60 Do. 27 29-657 0-104 89-3 80-0 99-5 82-2 147-2 81-3 0-899 65 260 South 25 Fine : Ig. W. 28 29-709 0-106 87'5 78-0 98-0 82-8 148-9 80-8 0-832 64 253 Sby W 5 Fine. 29 29-733 0-110 87-1 80-2 98-9 81-4 148-9 80-4 0-940 73 270 South 5 Do. 30 29-759 0-113 85-8 80-9 97-2 81-5 144-7 80-8 0-992 80 265 S by E 15 ... Do. 31 29-764 0-141 84-6 80-6 92-6 80-6 139-1 80-0 0-991 83 270 S by E 38 ... Passing clouds. Meai 29-713 0-129 88-4 79-4 99-3 82-4 148-1 81-0 0-883 60 236 Sby W 45 0-06 344 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1887 June. 1 c g ^ BABOHETKB REDfCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF KF.CMSTEKINC TmCKMOMKTKIls Deduced \Vinii-fc- tion Day Inches Inches Inches Cents tfilei Points Cents Indies 1 29704 0-147 86-3 80-8 95-8 79-4 148-5 78-5 0978 78 210 S l,y W 20 Kino : t!i. A It;. 2 29-T01 0-102 86-6 79-9 97-0 79-0 1 HI- 1 77-6 0-932 73 190 S\V l.y S 25 De. : do. 3 29-732 0-121 85-9 80-9 97-6 79-3 145-0 78-3 0-989 80 250 S by W 10 Fine. 4 -7 0-130 86-9 80-9 96-2 80-4 143-7 79-6 5 SW by S 55 040 Do. 24 29-766 0-104 80-8 77-9 .87-0 76-4 105:i 71-8 0-918 88 llfi S\V by W 80 0-02 CliMiily. 25 29-738 0-097 81-1 77-2 04-jj 76-5 150-S 75-6 0-884 84 131 S by E M ii-iii, Psissin^- c'lords : 1 h. and lu 26 29-722 0-096 84-2 79-6 94-0 77-7 142-2 75-9 0-951 81 IV SKby S M Do. : .1... 27 29-697 0-116 85-6 80-6 93-0 80-0 141-4 7v.s 0-978 80 182 S S E H Passing clouds ; lir. 28 29-703 0-113 85-0 79-4 95-8 75!l 145-6 74-6 0-929 77 181 SW by S a "_' clouds : tli. and l^r. 29 29-722 0-136 80-2 77-5 . 90-8 75-5 145-2 75-0 0-909 89 155 S \V by S 80 005 Cliniily : If.'. 30 29-689 0-126 83-6 79-3 ..95-5 4 140-0 7(ir, 0-94* 82 159 SW by S 7t' Cliuuiy. lli-ari 29-707 0-129 85-8 78-2 96-7 79-4 143-7 78-2 0-868 71 4u S W O'fili 345 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1887 July. BAROMETEK SELF RKGISTERING 1^ 00 00 r-l j>> -3 1-3 SEDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THERMOMKTKKS Deduced Wind Clouds ^0 M General Weather Mean l!;li>!_'e Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Indies Inches . O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents [nches 1 29-682 0-085 82-8 77-5 98-7 78-9 148-1 77'7 0-87 1 78 170 W S W 65 176 Cloudy : thunderstorm at 1-45 P.M. 2 29607 0-107 83-1 76'6 88-9 77-8 113-4 75-8 0-829 73 177 SW by W 87 Cloudy : th. and Ig. 3 29707 0-109 83-4 75!) wa 76-9 130-0 75-9 0795 69 238 W S W 93 Cloudy. 4 29-715 0-127 86-4 76'3 92-4 80-6 122-4 74-7 0-772 61 229 W S W 70 Do. 5 29-690 0154 84-8 77-2 93-3 81-8 130-4 76-4 0-833 70 204 West 76 0-60 Cloudy : th. and Ig. : rain. 6 29-709 0-103 82-2 7 17 86-6 74-9 110-7 71-7 07GO 69 171 W by S 93 Cloudy. 7 29-766 0-104 83-9 7C>'5 93-6 79-0 134-5 77-7 0814 70 181 W S W 70 0-08 Cloudy : Ig. 8 29-807 0-148 84-4 76-6 97-4 77-6 147-4 75-9 0-812 68 192 W by S 80 0-23 Cloudy : th. and Ig. : rnin. 9 29-818 0-084 81-2 754 90-0 759 122-0 74-9 0-803 75 179 W by S 92 Cloudy. 10 29-774 0-122 83-4 73-5 90-1 76-4 124-0 75-0 0-693 60 211 Wby S 78 Do. 11 29-738 0-139 85-2 73-6 9:i7 78-0 143-4 76-7 0-674 56 255 W S W 67 Passing clouds. 12 29-729 0-126 85-8 74-5 94-1 78-0 141-6 77'3 0-703 57 267 W SW 74 Cloudy. 13 29-712 0-109 86-0 75-8 92-6 79-8 126-6 77-5 0'755 61 245 W S W 80 Do. 14 29751 0-110 87-3 70- 1 96-0 80-3 144-5 78-7 0-751 57 268 W S W 77 Do. 15 29 769 0-167 87-5 75-G 98-1 78-9 146-8 76-9 0-726 56 217 WS W 63 Pasting clouds. 1G 29-749 0-155 86-9 77-1 95-5 80-8 151-2 77-8 0-800 62 200 S W 60 Do. 17 29-772 0131 86-2 77-2 97-8 79-8 151-0 78-6 0-813 65 181 E 8 E 45 Do. 18 29-745 0-118 85-4 7G-5 93-3 79-8 132-6 79-0 0-793 65 169 Wby N 82 Cloudy. 19 29-705 0-119 84-0 75-9 88-9 80-0 106-0 75-0 0-787 68 170 Wby S 100 0-03 Overcast. 20 29-096 0-103 79-6 76-0 85-6 75-0 113-9 67-8 0-851 85 87 W by S 85 0-05 Cloudy. 21 29-723 0-131 85-7 78-4 966 77-4 1350 76-8 0875 71 234 SWbyW 70 Passing clonds. 22 29-730 0-143 85-0 77-6 96-3 77-0 141-5 753 0-848 70 222 SWbyS 53 ... Do. 23 29-701 0-129 88-0 78-4 100-1 79-8 150-0 -78-0 0-844 64 189 S W 47 0-03 Do. 24 29-673 0-130 88-8 7W 97-9 82-1 146-4 80-8 0823 61 253 W S W 85 Cloudy. 25 29-654 0-115 87-6 78-6 97-9 82-6 148-5 81-4 0-858 66 204 W S W 73 Do. 26 29-708 0-120 86-8 79-8 101-5 80-0 150-8 78-0 0-924 72 220 S W 48 Passing clouds. 27 29-741 0-117 86'7 79-0 92-1 81-8 151-5 80-8 0-888 69 209 S S W 47 Passing clouds : Ig. 28 29-751 0-138 85-8 7!M 100-8 79-6 151-7 77-8 0-918 74 216 SS W 58 0-02 Passing clouds. 29 29-753 O'lW 84-3 78-2 96-4 78-5 150-6 77-0 0-881 75 189 South 55 0-09 Passing clouds : th. and Ig. 30 29755 0-172 85-1 78-5 95-4 76-2 150-6 75-8 0-887 74 221 SWbyS 60 0-08 Passing clouds. 31 29-761 0-142 84-2 78-2 93-2 77-6 147-6 75-1 0-885 75 172 South 32 0-02 Do. Menu 29-731 0-12G 85-1 76-9 84-4 78-8 137-6 76-8 0-815 68 205 SWby W 70 2-99 87 346 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1887 August. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING REDUCED TO 32 Corrected M . > THERMOMETERS \Vilf1 r* 1 BflftD 'emperature Dry Sun Grass Deduced W Itlll General Weather S I p <4 Mean Range Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Hum- Tension iclity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion t3 O O '3 - Day Inches Inches Inches Cents Miles I'ciints Cents 1 nches 1 29-763 0-124 85-2 78-8 95-1 79-8 147-3 77-9 0-899 74 197 South 50 Pao. 4 29-751 0-116 85-3 77-5 97-6 79-9 151-1 74-0 0-840 69 210 S by W 70 Cloudy. 5 29-758 0-105 83-0 77-2 932 80-0 150-1 79-4 0-857 77 159 South 57 Passing clouds. 6 29-802 0-090 78-9 76-5 91-9 76-2 1521 74-5 0-881 89 135 S by E 55 1-6!) Passing cloud*: thunderstorm. 7 29-815 0-117 81-8 77-7 91-0 78-0 141-1 7.V7 0-895 83 147 S S W 48 l'a-6 Heavy thunderstorm at 5 A 7-15 P.M. 28 29-864 0-121 80-9 77'7 89-8 73-2 145-6 72-8 0-907 87 97 8 S W 38 Passing clouds : th. & Ig. 29 29-886 0-120 80-2 75-8 91-4 73-2 143-7 71-8 0-833 80 92 S W 57 o-oi Passing clouds. 30 29859 0-149 82-4 79-3 94-0 74-4 145-9 736 0-960 87 103 8 S W 60 Do. Mean 29-771 0-128 81-8 76-7 91-3 76-5 142-5 75-1 0-853 79 137 S W 56 7-70 348 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1887 October. October 1887 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SKLF REUISTKRIM; THKSMOMETERS Deduced Wind Clouds B 1 General Weather Mean Hauge Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inche 1 29-886 0-112 81-3 77-5 93-4 77-1 148-2 73-9 0-894 85 116 S s \V 85 Cloudy. 2 29-868 0135 83-4 79-1 937 79-3 146-2 7G-7 0937 82 92 Sby W 47 Passing clouds. 3 29-820 0-152 83-1 78-6 905 77-6 154-4 75-4 0-918 81 78 SS E 48 Do. 4 29-804 0-147 83-6 77-8 92-8 74-8 1535 74-1 0-877 77 102 K X K 30 Cloudy day : fine night. 5 29-781 0-149 84-5 77-9 917 78-4 150-8 75-5 0-867 74 So XE by N 50 ... Passing clouds. 6 K-T69 0133 84-6 777 925 78-8 154-2 76-7 0-857 72 76 Eby N 70 o-oi Cloudy. 7 29-814 0-153 78-4 75-9 81-4 76-9 121-4 75-7 0-862 89 78 \Vest 90 034 Cloudy : rain. 8 29-785 0-128 75-5 74-7 77-7 75-8 91-2 74-9 0-848 96 164 NN W 100 3-15 Overcast and stormy: thunderstorm. 9 29-701 0-040 77-2 75*5 84-1 72-8 126-7 72-7 0-862 92 330 SW by S 92 111 Cyclone : thunderstorm. 10 29-780 0-137 79-3 77-0 86-1 72-3 1306 71-8 0-898 91 160 South 73 0-67 Cloudy : thunderstorm. 11 29-801 0-126 80-8 77-7 87'5 75-9 146-5 74-1 0-909 87 135 SbyE 45 ... Passing clouds. 12 29-790 0-120 82-1 78-2 88-2 77-3 1446 75-9 0-913 83 170 Sby E 30 ... Do. ia 29-849 0-119 82-1 77-9 88-2 77-3 145-8 76-2 0-900 83 197 S by E 20 Fine. 14 29-903 0-141 82-2 78-2 89-9 78-3 151-5 75-9 0-912 83 121 South 30 Passing clouds. 15 20-942 0-122 81-8 78-5 893 763 141-6 74-7 0-932 85 75 S S E 35 Do. 16 29-939 0-149 81-6 77-9 89-0 77-0 139-3 74-9 0-907 84 47 E S E 35 ... Uo. 17 29-924 0-126 79-6 76-0 89-8 76-7 154-5 73-3 0-851 84 80 S S W n (1-1!) Passing clouds : rain. 18 29-886 0-097 79-6 75-3 87-1 75-0 140-8 73-7 0-821 81 143 X by W 70 19 29-883 0-166 79-5 74-9 89-5 72-8 144-9 69-9 0-805 80 131 X by E 75 ... Cloudy day : fine night. 20 29-895 0-108 79-7 76-4 88-0 74-0 146-6 71-1 0-868 86 106 \K by X 68 on Passing clouds : thunderstorm. 21 29-929 0-137 75-4 74-4 77-5 74-8 89'G 73-7 0-839 95 66 North 93 II Hi Cloudy : distant th. it Ig. : rain. 22 29-905 0-113 78-0 76-0 83-0 73-6 142-9 72-9 0-872 91 61 N by W 72 063 Cloudy : thunderstorm. 23 29-891 0-111 80-4 76-8 87-9 74-5 145-1 72-2 0-875 85 104 XE by N 60 0-18 Passing clouds : Ig. : rain. 24 29-88(1 0125 78-8 76-1 89-0 754 1493 74-1 0-865 88 109 Xorth 73 0-24 Cloudy : thunderstorm. 25 29-902 0-142 78-0 75-7 84-4 73-2 140-7 72-9 0-859 90 122 Nby E 85 1-12 Overcast : thunderstorm. 26 29-869 0-124 79-8 761 877 73-9 1451 72-3 0-852 84 129 N E 60 0-31 Frequent showers: th. \ lu. 27 29-858 0-136 78-3 75-7 88-4 75-0 146-0 72-9 0-855 88 143 E N E 82 1-08 Passing clouds : rain. 28 29-874 0130 74-0 72-9 75-1 73-8 77-5 73-5 0-796 95 114 N E 100 5 75 Steady rain from (J-'M A.M. : th. -storm. 29 29-812 0-127 745 73-4 76-0 73-2 82-3 72-9 0-810 95 268 X N E 10U 2-97 liitiny and overcast. 30 89761 0-116 73-4 7i" I 743 72-1 969 72-7 0-772 94 269 X X W 100 217 Rainy till 9 A.M.: oven 31 29-707 0-159 74-1 72-4 75-4 72-1 933 71-1 0-775 92 318 XWbyN 100 0-20 Overcast : rain. Mean 29-846 0-128 79-5 763 86-1 75-4 133-6 73-8 0-865 86 135 E by N 87 Jl ut; Hole. A small but well defined cyclone passed over Madras on the morning of the 9th. The wind changed from X. W. at which it had remained till 4 A.M. through N. to 8. S. E. by 6 A.M. and to S. by E. at 7 A.M. The lowest reading of the barometer was 29'46 inches. Continuous rain fell from 7 P.M. on ihe 8th to 5 A.M. on the 9th, the total fall amounting to nearly 5 inches. The wind velocity did not exceed 21 miles per hour. 349 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1887 November. BAROMETER SEW REGISTERING November 1887 REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind i _0 5 General Weather. Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O o O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inche I 29-766 0-124 75-4 74-0 78-1 72-5 111-2 72-4 0-822 93 174 N W 100 0-13 Showers till 6 A.M. : overcast. 2 29-812 0-122 77-8 75-3 87-0 73-1 147-6 71-6 0-845 89 88 NW by N 90 0-29 Cldy : rain with th. & Ig. from 9 P.M. 3 29-852 0-131 78-2 75-5 84-8 73-9 141-9 72-6 0-847 88 70 N E 55 0-02 Passing clonds : Ig. 4 29-908 0-140 77-4 75-7 84-6 74-1 144-5 72-8 0-868 92 65 S S E 50 1-95 Heavy rain 7 to 9 A.M. : p. els. : Ig. 5 29-907 0-128 79-1 76-4 87-3 74-7 148-6 72-4 0-874 88 85 Eby S 68 0-34 Passing clouds : thunderstorm 8 P.M. 6 29-897 0-122 79-6 76-5 86^ 73-9 139-2 72-0 0-873 87 94 E by N 70 0-26 Cloudy with light showers. 7 29-890 0-117 79-2 76-1 86-4 74-3 144-9 72-6 0-860 87 91 E NE 70 1-24 Rainy before noon. 8 29-924 0-080 76-1 74-7 85-9 74-7 140-2 73-0 0-842 93 140 N E 85 1-15 Cloudy and rainy. 9 29-907 0-105 77-1 75-7 82-2 74-5 99-2 73-4 0-871 92 162 NE by N 90 1-78 Do. 10 29-880 0-125 78-6 76-6 86-9 74-1 147-2 72-6 0-890 91 139 EXE 85 0-68 Cloudy with showers. 11 29-907 0-114 80-3 77-4 82-2 75-1 145-2 73-6 0-903 87 134 EXE 55 0-15 Cloudy with light showers. 12 29-976 0-096 79-5 75-0 86-7 76-9 141-7 73-2 0-809 80 175 NE by E 45 Passing clouds : fine night. 13 29-973 0-122 78-8 74-8 86-2 73-4 140-5 70-3 0-810 82 116 NNE 25 Fine. 14 29-930 0-145 78-0 73-5 85-8 72-9 145-3 72-2 0-767 80 129 NNE 22 ... Do. 15 29'943 0-119 76-9 73-0 85-1 71-9 141-4 69-0 0-760 82 118 N by E 43 Passing clouds. 16 29-928 0-142 76-1 70-4 84-2 70-4 142-8 67-6 0-668 74 110 North 17 Fine. 17 29-901 0-142 77-0 70-8 84-9 72-2 136-5 71-9 0-671 72 109 North 20 Do. 18 29-901 0-095 76-7 73-1 84-0 70-0 139-3 66-4 0-768 84 140 N by W 55 Passing clouds : th. and Ig. 19 29-920 0-080 78-7 75-8 86-3 73-3 143-9 71-7 0-853 87 98 N N E 60 0-07 Passing clouds. 20 30-009 0-118 79-3 75-7 87-6 73-4 143-3 72-4 0-842 85 145 NEbyN 55 0-53 Rain before 5 A.M. 21 29-964 0-134 78-5 75-3 86-4 73-4 140-4 72-1 0-835 85 169 NbyE 45 o-oi Passing clouds. 22 29-976 0-120 80-0 74-4 86-5 74-9 143-6 72-6 0-777 76 220 NNE 50 0-03 Do. 23 29-972 0-109 75-3 74-0 77-8 73-4 84-4 71-6 0-824 94 129 NNE 92 1-27 Kainy 6-30 to 10 A.M. : th. und Ig. 24 29-963 0-094 75-9 74-1 81-4 72-5 94-3 72-4 0-820 92 143 N E 95 1-19 Cloudy and rainy. 25 29-967 0-117 76-4 74-8 85-4 72-0 144-3 71-8 0-842 93 126 EXE 93 1-69 Do. 20 30-006 0-122 77-2 74-3 84-9 74-1 135-1 72-7 0-811 86 179 V E by E 88 0-49 Rainy till 3 A.M. : cloudy. 27 29-994 0-123 79-4. 73-7 86-1 76-5 142-5 74-2 0-756 75 248 NE 45 Passing clouds. 28 29-968 0-105 74-3 68-6 82-7 69-2 142-3 65-6 0-624 73 149 NNE 35 Do. 29 29-978 0-097 73-9 68-6 83-2 66-0 140-7 62-8 0-629 75 139 N by E 35 Do. 30 29-981 0-106 76-4 71-2 84-7 69-9 137-3 67-7 0-695 76 113 N X E 35 Do. Mean 29-930 0-116 77-6 74-2 84-7 73-0 136-3 71-2 0-802 85 133 NE by N 59 13-57 88 350 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1887 December. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING REDUCED TO 32 Corrected M . .. ., THERMOMETERS 1 Mean Temperature Dry ' San Grass Deduced Wind General Weather Decembei Mean Range T3 a o 5 a IB M Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-967 0-122 76-3 72-5 83-3 70-2 144-1 67-1 0-749 83 161 Nby B 37 Passing clouds. 2 29-943 0-110 77-3 71-2 83-6 71-5 139-9 69-7 0-683 77 232 NNE 45 0-15 Passing clouds : rain. 3 29-929 0-129 74-6 68-8 82-4 68-6 140-7 64-2 0-628 73 199 North 35 Passing clouds. 4 29 -923 0-102 73-5 70-0 79-4 69-7 141-5 66-7 0-688 83 207 Nby W 80 0-13 Cloudy : light showers. 5 29-918 0-096 74-2 72-4 77-5 71-6 117-9 71-3 0-772 91 251 NN W 90 1-29 Rainy till daylight. 6 29-929 0-111 75-2 73-8 83-9 73-1 140-9 72-1 0-816 93 221 NNE 83 .2-65 Heavy rain. 7 29-964 0-129 76-7 74-5 82-3 72-2 122-6 71-3 0-826 90 1 1 1 E N E 87 0-26 Showery till 3 A.M. : cloudy. 8 29-980 0-101 73-8 73-1 78-3 71-7 120-7 71-1 0-807 97 87 E N E 98 3-80 Heavy rain till S-30 A.M. 9 29-952 0-104 77-3 74-8 85-1 73-0 139-6 70-7 0-830 89 203 N E 77 078 Cloudy : rain morning and night. 10 29-965 0-105 75-9 72-9 79-9 73-9 98-5 73-7 0-770 86 181 NEbyN 92 0-29 Overcast with showers. 11 29-950 0-119 75-8 71-4 83-4 70-1 140-7 67-7 0-711 79 168 NNE 53 Passing clouds. 12 29-965 0-120 77-5 72-4 83-4 73-4 137-9 72-9 0-729 77 216 NNE 45 Do. 13 30-000 0-112 75-1 71-2 82-4 70-4 129-6 67-7 0-712 82 149 NNE 52 0-02 Eo. 14 30-005 0-135 74-1 69-0 82-8 67-2 138-5 63-7 0-642 76 179 NNE 14 Fine. 15 29-969 O'loO 74-7 69-0 82-3 67-0 132-6 62-7 0-634 73 180 NNE 30 Passing clouds. 16 29-980 0-093 75-1 70-1 82-2 68-3 140-6 65-6 0-671 77 186 Nby E 52 Do. 17 30-001 0-106 75-7 69-8 82-8 72-4 141-0 68-6 0-651 73 271 X N E 53 Do. 18 29-982 0-128 72-8 68-5 82-4 67-9 141-4 65-6 0-641 80 175 NNE 72 ... Do. 19 29-956 0-139 73-1 68-9 79-8 69-9 121-7 63-4 0-652 80 185 NNE 55 Do. 20 29-891 0-136 72-3 68-3 79-8 69-3 136-3 68-4 0-640 81 234 North 83 Cloudy. 21 29-905 0-095 73-3 69-6 76-4 70-7 94-5 69-8 0-675 82 171 N by E 100 o-oi Overcast. 22 29-938 0-116 75-1 73-2 79-8 72-1 118-5 70-2 0-793 91 191 N X K 100 0*7 Overcast with rain. 23 29-955 0-108 76-4 71-8 83-3 73-7 143-5 70-6 0-720 79 237 NEbyN 75 Cloudy. 24 29-925 0-087 74-4 71-0 83-2 68-7 139-3 64-4 0-714 84 183 NNE 75 Do. 25 29-909 0-133 72-5 71-7 73-8 70-8 80-5 70-5 0-767 96 228 Nby E 100 1-06 Overcast and rainy. 26 29-935 0-093 76-5 74-6 83-5 72-9 140-2 72-6 0-832 91 289 EN E 82 0-08 Cloudy. 27 29-973 0-103 77-5 75-4 84-1 74-1 137-8 72-6 0-854 91 275 E N E 80 0-81 Cloudy : rain. 28 29-965 0112 77-5 74-5 84-6 74-9 143-9 72-2 0-815 86 257 K X !. 85 0-05 Cloudy. 29 29-984 0-106 77-7 74-0 84-4 74-o 136-3 70-8 0-791 83 174 E N E 60 Passing clouds. 30 30-034 0-108 77-5 741 83-8 75-1 141-7 73-0 0-798 84 183 NEbyE 63 Do. 31 30-032 0-148 75-9 72-2 84-0 71-3 138-5 68-6 0-741 83 124 X K 42 Do. Mean 29-959 0-115 75-3 71-8 81-9 71-3 131-7 69-0 0-734 84 198 N X K 67 11-95 351 ! 5 """<* H 10 d 3 Greatest Fall >^ p ::"-* -* CS X a 6 * 6 * o 6 t*H 7i ~ i to co 4> 1 8 ^ o ;co :otpcntot~iS- t^^W &3 t* ^*> &* ^ ^ .^" ^> ^ -J2 ^ t*> P" -2 ^ ^ t*> J3 l^ 00 00 CO }?; 00 1 s 3 3 s % s s $ g & M M i-HWCOi-Hi-l-H rH C-1W 1 "3 rHi-Hi (C^71t-HCcooia>t~ C0^100-fi (XtOlOO^rHCS g s s e s s s s s s uinuiixBjj nng tponposr-it^tp-tustoeot. (0 b orological Records Sun rhermometer 00 1 to 3 | S S S S S S S - S 5 - 221^^2 2 33H1S Relative Humidity By Blanford's Tables o & ^^OJtOtOOl-rt^l,t-rH sill'las^lsSs Humidity 1 Lowest | s*.rs 5 s8s*s.r' Tension of Vapour 1 ISIlilsllllg CO 00 b fl CO ^j OTClCOCSCO'-HlOX l>- O o 666666666666 r- 1 .a "3 pq o | -.rH^rHOOOOCOC-lmtO rH OJ 4J O 1 WO^COWrH 3S5J;32i-;S3213rt3 ftoffi-HortojcsorHom d 0505tDtO^^MO>(3-*o to o t>l--Z>t^.t>t^OCO o jpio-^tO!MC^ooi>.tooeorH S o | 3 >> P CO W 91 rH (M 1 (M M 3 T|iQOOmt~-f<^IM-lt-05 C5 SB CO "S W rt Siic^ggitoJSSSS WS^^^t-COOCOOr^tOrH 1 a C5000t-^CO-H5tO 00 i 0# CB w O 9 OC1C5C1XX Barometer o bo C 1 1 1 i ti S f i 1 S 1 i s Barometer 8) II V) GO T-H b rt bbbbbbbbbbob d bbbbbbbbbbob T3 11 ^ ?1 5l (M W W M 71 (M M M 1M C-l GO C5 Lowest |sissss-s2ss-a 1 HsllSiiliII 1 Annual I ?S5SSS5SSSSg5?5 OQ Tc W Qi-HiH i ( 91 (M t f N 00 ; \ \ \ '.'.'. I ', S-i ^ a ooodscscscsciciooo IliiiifJIIIl >*' : '' v '" *' ea - -*j s a3 ~ "^ P *3 *4 =Qitjflc 352 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1888 January. >> 1 >-> BAROMETER REDUCED TO 33 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Win, I Clouds s & General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun liruss Dry Wet Max. Miii. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O O O a O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nches 1 30-033 0-088 75-4 71-9 84-8 69-0 140-0 64-2 0-730 84 86 \E by N 40 Passing clouds. 2 30-025 0-139 76-5 71-9 84-0 69-2 140-9 65-2 0-721 79 111 NE by E 47 Do. 3 30-012 0-111 77-9 73-0 84-1 73-0 140-9 68-7 0-747 78 162 NE by E 45 Do. 4 30-049 0-111 76-6 73-5 85-1 70-7 141-0 67-3 0-785 86 143 E N E 63 0-03 Do. 5 30-063 o-ioo 76-8 74-0 81-4 74-2 125-1 71-7 0-803 87 129 NE 55 0-02 Cloudy. 6 30-093 o-ioo 75-5 73-5 81-6 73-1 124-4 70-7 0-800 91 112 NEbyN 67 0-66 Rain before 11 A.M. : Hue uijjht. 7 30-082 0-116 76-7 72-5 83-3 69-9 131-1 66-9 0-744 81 162 NN E 50 o-oi Passing clouds. 8 30-059 0-120 76-1 72-3 84-1 69-6 138-9 66-9 0-743 83 148 NE byN 55 Do. 9 30-037 0-106 76-7 69-1 83-4 72-2 138-4 67-7 0-610 67 222 N E 32 ... Do. 10 30-041 0-102 74-1 67-5 83-1 70-0 142-7 63-9 0-587 70 140 NEbyN 28 ... Do. 11 30-042 0-103 72-5 67-2 82-9 65-6 142-0 61-9 0-597 75 105 NEbyN 15 Fine. 12 30014 0-074 72-3 67-1 82-8 64-7 138-4 59-9 0-595 75 95 NEby N 20 ... Do. 13 29-978 0-103 71-3 66-7 82-5 63-5 140-2 59-9 0-595 78 78 N E 37 Passing clouds. 14 29-979 0-091 72-7 67-1 82-9 63-4 135-4 58-9 0-590 74 108 NEby E 15 Fine. 15 29-985 0-109 73-1 68-0 84-5 63-8 144-9 59-1 0-G18 76 100 N E 38 Passing clouds. 16 29-989 0-122 72-6 68-4 83-2 66-4 143-2 62-4 0-639 80 98 NEbyN 37 ... Do. 17 30-003 0-103 72-9 67-2 84-6 64-3 140-8 59-4 0-591 73 86 NE by N 35 ... Do. . 18 30-028 0-099 72-4 66-6 84-1 62-3 141-4 57-4 0-575 73 101 NEbyN 20 Fine. 19 30-040 0-085 72-9 68-5 83-6 64-4 141-0 59-2 0-639 79 105 NE by N 30 ... Passing clouds. 20 30-020 0-105 73-8 70-3 84-2 65-2 147-2 60-4 0-696 83 97 N E 20 Fine. 21 30-037 0-098 74-2 67-4 84-7 66-3 138-4 60-8 0-581 69 137 NE 33 Passing clouds. 22 30-006 0-122 74-5 686 84-8 66-7 138-6 62-6 0-624 73 92 ENE 27 Fine. 23 30-039 0-127 74-6 69-5 84-5 66-0 146-2 60-4 0-657 77 102 EN E 15 Do. 24 30-042 0-095 73-7 68-1 83-2 65-2 141-0 60-7 0-614 74 57 East 20 Do. 25 30-023 0-122 73-1 68-4 84-2 65-2 141-8 60-5 0-634 77 63 East 25 Passing clouds. 26 29-987 0-101 73-1 69-3 82-7 66-1 141-0 60-4 0-667 82 97 S E 33 Do. 27 29-928 0-138 75-4 71-8 87-3 66-1 145-0 60-4 0-733 84 133 S S E 27 Do. 28 29-930 0-085 78-3 74-4 88-7 73-6 140-4 69-4 0-799 82 124 South 20 Fine. 29 29-995 0-052 77-9 73-4 87-8 72-0 142-0 66-2 0-764 80 92 East 40 Passing clouds. 30 30-058 0-090 76-9 72-2 86-5 69-3 146-4 65-4 0-728 78 87 Eby N 38 Do. 31 30-075 0-112 76-5 70-4 86-6 68-3 145-0 64-5 0-663 73 120 Eby N 30 Do. Mean 30-022 0-104 74-7 70-0 84-2 67-7 140-1 63-3 0-673 79 113 NKl.yE 34 0-72 353 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1888 February. BAROMKTEB SKLK REGISTERING REDUCED TO 32 CorrecU'd THERMOMETERS i . j i i . * i \ir i r- Jlcun Temperature Dry Sun Grass Deduced vv mil General Wetlier Febrnar} Mean Range Dry Wet .Max. .Mil.. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Clouds M Day Inches Inches V O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 30-057 0-117 75-8 71-3 86-6 68-4 142-3 63-7 0-708 79 115 E N E 35 Passing clouds. 2 30-099 0-088 76-0 70-1 85-2 (17-2 145-5 63-0 0-650 71 95 EbyN 20 Fine. 3 30-112 0-136 75-0 69-6 85-1 68-3 141-5 63-8 0-652 75 76 East 25 Do. 4 30-079 0-130 74-7 (!9'4 85-2 66-3 140-3 61-7 0-649 74 66 East 15 Do. 5 30-003 0-116 73-5 08-3 84-6 65-3 142-3 60-4 0-624 76 71 SE by E 20 Do. 30-082 0-120 73-3 07-9 86-1 64-2 140-9 58-9 0-613 74 73 SE by 6 18 Do. 7 30-063 0-118 73-8 : 68-9 88-4 64-8 139-7 59-5 0-642 76 105 S SE 15 Do. 8 30-000 0-116 74-7 ' 86-4 63-5 141-3 58-5 0-604 70 109 SE by S 15 Do. 9 29-964 0-106 74-7 70-3 83-5 66-0 188-J 60-7 0-683 79 150 SS E 15 Do. 10 29933 0-128 75-9 71-3 85-0 07-o ut!-:t 62-4 0-707 80 150 S S K 20 Do. 11 29-934 0-153 76-1 ; 71-8 84-5 67-8 lli-l 64-7 0-718 79 130 S S E 25 Do. 12 29-938 0-120 77-0 71-4 84-7 j 68-3 137-3 64-5 0-695 74 137 S S E 17 Do. 13 29-940 0-108 76-4 ' 71-2 84-5 69-1 141-0 64-7 0-695 : 77 141 SEbyS 18 Do. 1 14 29-918 0-119 76-3 71-9 85-2 : 67'4 138-9 63-5 0-724 79 124 SEby S 17 Do. 15 29-888 0-126 767 72-4 85-2 69-8 139-4 65-6 0-739 81 140 S S E 20 Do. 16 29-897 0-124 77"-' 73-1 85-4 69-2 138-6 64-6 0-761 82 145 S S E 15 Do. 17 29-887 0-106 77-9 7::-;) 87-9 70-7 141-1 66-8 0-784 82 162 SS E 10 Do. 18 29-937 0-119 7'J'S ; 75-4 86-5 73-1 139-1 68-1 0-822 80 156 SEbyS 10 Do. 19 29-955 0-118 79-ii 70-0 86-8 73-8 138-9 71-u 0-851 85 140 SEbyS 35 Passing clouds. 20 29-978 0-089 7S'G 73-s 86-3 72-1 141-0 68-2 0-771 79 105 E S E 30 Do. 21 30-012 0-075 7vr, 7.'C3 87-4 71-0 143-8 G(i\S 0-751 7S 119 E by S 25 Fine. 22 29-999 0-113 79-0 73-4 86-3 72-4 146-6 69-0 0-749 76 113 East 25 Do. 23 29-981 0-115 7(i-(i 71-1 86-8 09-0 146'S 65-1 0-689 75 84 E by S 20 Do. 24 29-986 0-098 76-4 71-5 87-2 <>7-G 1 17--' 64-0 0-707 77 98 K by S 35 Passing clouds. 25 30-028 0-093 77-7 71 -S 86-6 69-4 141-2 64-8 0-702 74 78 East 25 Fine. 26 30-042 0-105 78-8 72".l 88-2 09-6 HI'!) 05-0 d-730 74 88 E N K 15 Do. 27 29-979 0-107 78-6 72-3 88-2 00-4 l-lii-l 05 -0 0-710 73 97 N E by E 40 I'lis.sing clouds. 28 29-956 0-108 78-3 71--1 87-2 70-4 H<;-G G.V1 0-677 70 83 E by N 32 Do. 29 29-962 0-094 77-0 71-5 87'2 676 1466 6:t\S 0-699 75 70 East 20 Fine. Mean 29-989 0-113 76-7 71-li 86-0 68T) 141-8 04-3 0-7o7 77 111 SEby K 22 .YiY. 89 354 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1888 March. BAROMETER SKI.F RKUISTKRING RKIWEII TO 32 Correi-ti"l THERMOMETEBS \V in.l 1 -\lc;lll Temperature Dry Sun Grass ueuuceti U Hill Cents nches 1 29-980 o-ioo 77-4 725 88-0 69-0 141-6 86-a 0733 7-S n E l,y S 20 ... Fin,.. 2 29-952 0-109 78-1 729 89-1 69-2 141-5 65-9 0-740 77 B6 SE by K 7 Do. 3 29950 0-130 78-4 74-1 87-1 70-8 140-9 60-5 0-78G 81 117 SKbyS 15 Do. 4 29-972 0-099 78-3 725 87-6 70-1 141-0 66-4 0-721 75 711 S K to Da 5 29-900 0122 70-2 70-9 8(5-5 68-4 149-1 04-6 0-687 75 78 SE by K to ... Do 6 29-905 0-101 76'5 70-4 86-4 68-5 142-7 647 0-663 73 80 E S K 12 Do, 7 29-905 0131 77-8 71-6 86-7 69-2 1 UKi 65'5 0-693 73 75 SE by E L"S Da. 8 29-935 0-115 78-2 71-9 87-6 68-5 147-0 65-3 0697 72 117 s ]: :(5 l'as>inu< rloinls. 9 29-907 0-133 78-7 72-8 87-7 70-5 1411 65-5 0728 71 107 E S E 27 Do. 10 29-892 0-121 80-9 76-3 88-0 73-7 143-1 71-7 0-8415 80 131 S K 30 Do. 11 29-901 0-129 81-2 70-2 89-3 745 149-1 71-5 0-837 78 143 S S E K ... Fine. 12 29-920 0-079 80-0 751 88-3 73-0 141-9 70-4 0-806 78 L69 SE by S 5 Do. 13 29-997 0-103 79-1 73-3 88-2 72-2 1417 67 5 0-743 75 146 SE by S 25 ... Da 11 29 '.KM; 0141 78-5 725 873 69-9 140-4 671 0-71!l 74 104 S K 10 Do. 15 29905 0-145 79-3 73-4 88-5 09-3 141-3 66-3 0-744 74 157 S S E 18 Do. M 29-873 0-119 80-8 76-0 923 733 144-8 70-8 0-834 80 103 S S E 15 1)0. 17 29-913 0-102 81-0 75-9 89-7 73-2 147-8 69-8 0-827 78 177 S S E 10 Do. 18 29-949 0-124 80-8 75-5 89-2 73-7 14 tl 70-2 0-813 .78 133 SEby S 17 Do. 10 29-943 0-088 78-9 7:1-11 88-5 711 142-2 67-7 0-759 78 91 SEbyE 10 Do. 20 29-901 o-i lo 80-0 74-3 89-3 725 139-5 67'8 0-773 70 79 E S E 48 ]'u~WM 0-131 82-3 77-5 89-3 753 142-8 72-tS 0-880 79 Hill SS E I'll ])... 30 W-863 0-135 83-4 778 90-3 75 1 141-0 71 0-879 77 lill S S E Clear. 31 29818 0-108 84-2 7s-.' 907 775 1 I-5-2 7ls 0-885 75 211 S S E 5 Do. Mean 2!)".ll!l 0-117 79-9 740 8-9 722 1431 OS-7 0-7S8 77 135 SE by S 17 Kit, 355 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1888 April. 90 1 BiKDMKTER KRDL'CED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SBI.F REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Dedu Vapour Tension ced Hum- idity Wind "a 3 '3 General Weather Menu Range I i Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Daily Velo- city Meat) Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents [nche 1 29-856 0-126 83-1 79-4 91-3 78-8 139-5 77-0 0-954 84 194 SEbyS 32 ... Passing clouds. 2 29-871 0-132 81-9 70'9 88-8 75-6 141-2 72-8 0-859 79 151 SSE 30 ... Do. i 3 29-839 0127 81-0 76-2 89-9 72-2 141-9 68-8 0-840 80 154 S3 E 10 ... Fine. 4 29-803 0-142 81-8 75-9 93-3 72-9 146-3 09-0 0-816 76 178 SSE 15 Do. 5 29-797 0-116 83-0 78-0 89-7 75'2 148-1 72-9 0-893 79 205 SSE 15 Do. 6 29-809 ' 0-134 82-4 77-8 89-2 75-6 144-5 72-8 0-892 81 187 SSE 25 ... Do. 7 29-809 0-135 83-2 78-0 90-8 76-4 143-5 73-6 0-890 78 178 SEbyS 30 Passing clouds. 1 8 29-779 0-127 83-3 78-8 91-5 75-G 140-3 72-8 0-925 81 183 SSE 50 ... Do. 9 29-754 0-155 84-0 79-9 90-3 78-8 149-2 76-8 0-967 82 101 SSE 40 ... Do. 10 29-746 0-120 84-8 79-5 91-7 78-0 141-1 76-0 0-938 78 185 SSE 45 ... Do. 11 29-774 0-125 85-0 79-6 93-3 78-9 144-1 76'4 0-939 78 202 SSE 55 ... Do. 12 29-791 0-117 84-0 79-2 89-1 78-8 138-9 75-8 0-935 80 167 SSE 55 ... Do. 13 29-857 0-058 83-1 78-8 89-7 78-0 141-8 76-4 0-928 83 99 SEbyS 70 ... Passiug clouds : Ig. 14 29-872 0-118 81-0 78-1 88-8 77-8 140-8 74-8 0-916 85 79 E by S 65 0-13 Cloudy with showers. 15 29-852 0-132 84-8 80-0 92-1 78'5 149-3 75-6 0-961 80 162 ; S E 35 ... Passing clouds. 10 29-834 0-114 86-2 80-5 91-9 80-5 147-4 78-8 0-965 77 257 SSE 15 ... Fine. 17 29-852 0-120 85-9 81-1 92-5 80-7 146-1 76-8 0-998 80 245 SSE 40 Passing clouds. 18 29-817 0-133 86-0 81-9 93-6 80-1 142-1 78-8 1-036 84 203 | S S E 15 i Fine. 19 29-819 0-106 85-3 80-7 91-3 80-5 141-8 76-8 0-987 81 203 SSE 25 ... Do. 20 29-800 0-144 80-1 79-8 91-3 80-5 149-6 77-8 0-933 75 152 SEbyE 55 ... Passing clouds. 21 29-913 0-120 84-2 78'5 93-3 78-4 1442 75-8 0-899 76 164 SE 25 ... Fine. 22 29-933 o-ioo 8 1-3 79-1 95-1 77-7 151-4 74-8 0-925 79 144 SE by E 30 Passing clouds. 23 29-857 0-151 85-0 80-5 95-5 79-2 152-1 75-8 0-982 81 202 SSE 25 ... Fine, 24 29-810 0-151 80-3 81-8 98-1 80-2 149-7 77-9 1-026 82 209 SbyE 20 Do. 25 29-777 0-147 86-0 81-6 96-3 79-9 147-6 78-8 1-020 82 257 S by K 20 Do. 20 29-771 ' 0-138 87-6 81-5 98-1 81-3 148-4 79-6 0-995 76 277 SbyE 5 Do. 27 29-793 0-134 86-9 81-2 97-0 82-3 144-6 79-8 0-988 78 254 SSE 10 Do. 28 29-752 0-115 87-0 80-7 95-3 80-8 148-6 78-8 0-964 74 232 SbyE ... Do. 29 29-719 0-14 i 86'7 81-7 91-8 83-3 148-7 81-4 1-017 80 267 SbyE 25 Do. 30 29-704 0-136 87-0 82-5 94-6 81-9 148-6 79-8 1-044 80 272 SbyE Do. Mean 29-815 0-130 84-6 79-6 92-5 78-0 145-4 76-1 0-949 80 195 SSE 29 0-13 356 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1888 May. 00 f 1 a BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF RKGISTKRIN'G TlIEBMOMETERS Deduced Wind U General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily \Ylo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O o o o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-768 0-129 87-6 83-1 94-5 82-1 117-7 80-2 1-073 82 260 SSE 7 Fine. 2 29769 0-124 88-2 83-2 97-5 82-2 148-7 81-2 1-070 80 243 S by E Do. 3 29753 0-129 89-1 82-3 98-9 81-3 151-5 80-1 1-013 74 177 K S E 15 Do. 4 29-772 0-135 86-5 82-3 96-3 80-6 1487 78-2 1-048 84 192 S S K Id Do. 5 29-759 0-132 86-0 M'5 94-3 80-9 1457 79-5 1-016 82 245 SE by S Do. 6 29-763 0-144 86-6 80-4 94-9 81-3 143-9 80-2 0-952 75 228 SEby S 20 Fine : Ig. 7 29-771 0-124 85-9 79-4 93-8 78-6 146-3 77-2 0-917 74 194 SE by S 30 Passing clouds. 8 29-793 0-102 857 80-0 92-1 79-0 144-7 77-2 0-948 77 154 S E 45 Do. 9 29-777 0-117 85-3 78 : 9 93-0 79-9 143-2 77-8 0-902 74 137 SE by E 10 Do. 10 29-787 0-106 86-1 79-6 95-6 78-8 148-1 77-5 0-924 74 166 Eby N 50 Do. 11 29-762 0-125 78-9 76-7 81-8 75-6 99-7 73-3 0-890 90 278 K \ K 100 1-57 Rainy arrd stormy : tli. and Ig. 12 29771 0-085 81-1 77-0 85-3 76-6 127-7 75-2 0-874 83 262 SEby S M 1-60 Rainy : thunderstorm evening. 13 29-783 0-096 82-5 78-5 87-1 78-8 123-0 76*5 0-922 84 271 SSE 78 Cloudy : tli. and Ig. 14 29-801 0-099 83-8 78-8 93-0 781 1H-7 76-5 0-919 79 270 South 25 Fine : Ig. 15 29-804 0-154 84-5 79-5 94-1 79-0 115-8 77-4 0-942 79 273 S by W 32 Passing clouds : Ig. 16 29-768 0-131 85-8 79-5 98-1 80-7 148-6 80-6 0-924 75 259 SWbyS 30 Do. : do. 17 29-719 0-112 87-0 79-9 99-6 79-8 145-6 78-2 0-927 72 254 SWbyS 28 Passing clouds. 18 29-717 0-108 86-9 78-9 101-6 80-4 14B-6 79-4 0-881 69 239 S W 40 Passing clouds : tli. and Ig. 19 29-697 0-121 88-3 78-0 102-1 78-8 147-5 77-3 0-821 61 213 SW by S K Fine. 20 29-709 0-131 87'3 78-4 99t> 70-!) 146-4 78-3 0-852 65 204 South 25 Do. 21 29-661 0-108 87-9 80-4 103-2 78-9 1506 77-5 0-938 71 193 Sby W 5 Do. 22 29-679 0-103 85-9 810 98-2 80-6 147-5 79-4 0-992 80 241 Sby E 18 Do. 23 29-742 0-112 84-2 81-2 89-7 80-1 l:is-.s 79-2 1-026 87 206 SSE 17 Do. 24 29-748 0-117 84-3 79-6 91-2 78-6 144-8 77-4 0-949 80 192 SEby S 35 Passing clouds. 25 29-720 0-124 84-4 79-5 92-3 77-8 145'U 76-5 0943 79 159 SSE 30 Do. 26 29-700 0-137 84-6 78-0 91-3 78"8 139-1 75-8 0-871 74 190 SEby S 20 Fio*. 27 29-718 0-083 84-2 80-4 90-6 81-0 144-6 78-1 0-988 84 179 SEbyS 60 I'a-sing clouds. 28 29-747 0-093 83-2 77-7 89- SO-2 1 I.V2 80-2 0-877 77 192 South 70 Passing clouds : Ijf. 29 29712 0-108 84-5 78-3 92-1 7S7 1 II :: 76-7 0-886 75 258 S by E 87 Passing clouds. 30 29-666 0-133 86-6 80-5 100-1 80-8 152-1 79-8 0-960 76 264 Sby W 18 Pine, 31 29-625 0-101 88-6 81-7 101-0 82-2 1526 80-5 0-990 73 253 221 S by W 17 Do. Mean 29741 0-117 85-5 7!CS 94-ti 79-7 1 43-4 78-2 tt-943 77 Sby E 33 317 357 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1888 June. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING REDUCED TO 32 Corrected THERMOMETERS Win/1 M c:i ii Temperature Pry Sun Grass Deduced inu. General VVeather B 3 -s Mean Range Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Vek>- city Mean Direc- tion 1 5 a M Day Inches Indies o O O o O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nchcs 1 29-631 0-107 88-3 81-1 103-1 82-5 1. -,:',-_' 81-8 0-965 72 266 S by VV 12 Fine : Ig. W. 2 29-686 0-041 87-3 79-9 04-1 8B-6 Ml-C 81 -S 0-922 71 240 South 43 Cloudy: th. and Ig. 3 29-694 0-151 84-8 77-3 95-0 78-5 1 l-J-9 77 7 0-837 70 213 VV S VV 85 Cloudy : Ig. 4 29-717 o-l -,:> S7-9 79-r, 97-5 8::-.-, 144-5 83-1 0-895 68 233 S by VV 15 Fine : Ig. W. 5 29-712 0-128 87-9 79-7 101-3 82-4 1 I-7-0 81-4 0-90-1 68 237 S by VV 22 Fine. 6 29-705 0-131 87-0 78-4 102-2 83-0 1-16-4 8*1 0-857 67 230 " SVV by S 40 o-o i Passing clouds : th. and Ig. 7 29719 0-129 87-1 7iM 9S-3 82-1 145-9 80-,-) 0-766 m 261 S S W 23 Pine. 8 29-728 0-129 87- i 77-3 99-li 81-1 145-6 79-3 0-806 63 230 Shy VV 40 Passing clouds. 9 29-71 1 0-153 86-1 77-7 98-8 80-3 149-3 79-:, 0-8W 07 188 S S VV 55 . Passing clouds -. Ig. S. 10 29-671 0-136 86-7 76-6 98-2 SE-S 144-6 80-1 0-781 02 235 SWbyW 50 0-74. Light thunderstorm at 9-30 P.M. 11 29-654 0-116 85-0 WMJ &4 76-1 146-9 75-4 0-803 66 214 S W 80 o-oi Cloudy : th. and Ig. 12 29-710 0-125 88-3 78-0 98-7 81-4 149-0 79-3 0-821 61 201 SWbyW 45 Passing clouds. 13 29-749 0-140 89-8 78-0 101-2 82-0 153-8 80-3 0-801 57 243 Why S 37 Do. 14 89-786 0-147 89-8 77-9 103-8 82-9 151-0 82-1 0-796 56 267 WN W 48 0-08 Passing clouds : th. and Ig. 15 89-696 0-138 84-9 77-0 101-7 80-1 1 19-1 77-3 0-822 68 235 VV by S 52 0-89 Passing clouds: thunderstorm 5 P.M. 16 29-690 0-1 13 85-9 77-3 9.-,.', 80-1 137-2 78-3 0-822 66 193 S Why W 85 Cloudy. 17 29-738 0-124 87-4 75-7 95-6 82-3 1 16-5 80-1 0-732 57 246 VV S VV 77 Do. 18 29-718 0-162 84-8 76-3 9.V9 80-1 I.1 1 -8 78-3 0-793 66 172 W by S 63 o-oi Passing clouds. 19 29-683 o-l Hi 85-5 78-0 96-7 78-d I32-1 701 0-859 70 193 VV by S 75 Cloudy. 20 29-646 0-109 87-2 79-3 100-4 79-9 146-2 78-3 0-895 69 178 S by W 60 Passing clouds : Ig. 21 2MKfe 0-060 87-2 79-1 99-:i 82-1 147-4 80-1 0-886 69 226 S by VV 35 Passing elomN. 22 29-675 0-067 86-1 79-8 99-5 79-8 148-4 78-1 0-933 75 214 SVV by P 35 Do. m 2971 1 0-060 87-0 79'5 99-0 80-4 147-4 77-:t 0-908 71 208 South 20 Fine. 24 29-710 0-113 86-8 80-7 102-1 78-7 1 46-0 77-1 0907 70 195 SWbyS to Passing clouds. 25 29-716 O -1(13 85-9 80-3 90-3 81-9 118-1 81-1 0-980 78 193 South 92 Cloudy. 26 28-606 114 85-9 80-0 101-2 81-7 149-2 SO-2 0-946 76 228 ^iW by S 10 0-09 Passing clouds. 27 29739 0-134 85-2 78-0 100-5 77-2 I. -,1-1 711 0862 72 248 S W 20 Fine. 28 29-735 0-148 88-7 799 100-3 80-5 149-8 78'2 0-903 67 234 S 8 W 48 l';i>--ing clouds : Ig. 29 29-743 0-127 88-7 77-0 90-8 82-7 134-1 79-1 0-771 56 231 SWbyW 97 Overcast. 30 28-769 0109 87-8 77-9 97-2 H-8 144-? 80-9 0-828 62 226 SWbyW 93 o-io Cloudy. Mean 29-705 0-120 86-9 78-3 99-0 81-0 145-7 79-3 0-85C 67 223 S W 4 90 358 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1888 July. J~. "= f BAROMETER BEDl'CED TO 32 Corrected Meau Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind X 5 5 1 General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Miu. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inche 1 29794 o-ioo 86-5 77-6 92-3 82-0 121-1 79-7 0827 66 214 W S W 90 Cloudy. 2 29-809 0-101 86-9 75-6 91-8 83-2 116-7 82-0 0735 57 818 w a w 100 Overcast. 3 29-793 0-151 87-9 78-3 95-6 81-6 148-9 81-2 0-841 64 233 SW 75 ... Cloudy. 4 29-741 0-179 88-1 78-1 102-2 82-2 151-0 80-6 0-828 62 218 W S W S7 0-14 Passing clouds : rain. 5 29-737 0-131 84-9 78-0 993 79-6 143-7 79-0 0-866 72 202 SVVbyW 50 0-02 Pa>siug clouds. 6 29-735 0-141 87-0 78-5 100-3 79-4 151-3 79-4 0-861 67 235 SWbyS 53 Do. 7 29-729 0-166 85-0 79-7 98-4 81-7 151-1 80-2 0-944 78 -'07 s s w 7o 1-01 Cloudy : thunderstorm 6 P.M. 8 29723 0-154 82'7 77-6 943 77-6 139-1 76-0 0-880 79 150 SW by \\ 86 022 Cloudy : th. Ig. : rain. 9 29-725. 0-149 82-7 76-4 95-4 77-8 140-9 77-1 0-826 74 176 \V S W 75 o-io Passing clouds : Ig. : rain. 10 29-680 0-163 81-0 75-6 92-5 74-4 141-1 73-8 0-814 77 147 WbyN 98 0-17 Overcast : Ig. : rain. 11 29-662 0-145 82-0 75-6 96-1 74-5 141-1 73-4 0800 73 115 S W 90 0-05 Overcast. 12 29-680 0-098 81-0 76-7 92-8 76-1 128-0 74-4 0-862 82 75 S W 100 0-06 Overcast : Ig. S. 13 29-702 0-111 82-7 75-4 90-2 77-7 143-4 76-4 0-783 70 215 S VV 98 ... Overcast. 14 29-697 0-089 85-0 75-7 94-5 78-4 137-5 77-2 0-765 63 223 WS W 87 Cloudy. 15 29-736 0-107 83-9 75-6 95-0 77-4 147-5 74-6 0775 67 167 SWbyS 70 Do. 16 29-756 0-102 83-8 77-2 96-4 79-1 142-7 770 0-846 73 195 SWbyS 90 Overcast. 17 29-761 0-078 84-8 77-0 96-8 79-8 142-2 79-0 0-824 69 184 S W 80 0-38 Cloudy: thunderstorm 11 P.M. 18 29-753 0-117 81-4 77-5 93-6 72-5 138-4 72-0 0-892 83 152 S l.y W !>7 0-07 Overcast. 19 29-762 0-133 84-2 78-2 97-3 77-7 149-8 75-4 0-885 75 169 Sby W 78 0-02 Passing cloudx. 20 29-809 0-136 86-3 76-7 96-4 78-7 146-1 77-1 0-791 (i3 197 SWbyS 65 ... Do. 21 29-793 0-135 85-2 77-5 97-0 79-1 144-0 77-0 0-839 M 186 SWbyS 60 0-08 Passing clouds : th. and Ig. 22 29-776 0-124 82-6 76-9 95-4 78-1 141-2 77-0 0-849 76 158 S 8 W 75 1-19 Cloudy : thunderstorm 8-30 P.M. 23 29-756 0-131 82-4 78-1 95-3 77-6 144-0 75-8 0-906 83 153 8 S W 67 0-46 Cloudy : light thunderstorm 6 P.M. 24 29-731 0-134 81-8 77-3 951 77-8 141-4 77-0 0-877 81 192 S W 78 0-04 Cloudy : th. and Ig. 25 29746 o-o!i2 80-6 76-9 95-2 75-9 140-4 76-0 0-876 84 194 S S W 67 0-58 Cloudy : thunderstorm. 26 29-774 0-095 82-6 77-4 91-3 75-5 129-6 74-0 0-871 78 165 S S W 80 Cloudy. 27 29-729 0-140 83-5 76-7 96-0 78-4 145-0 77-0 0-829 73 177 South 48 Fine with passing clouds. 28 29-724 0-089 84-2 77-4 97-1 79-7 150-0 78-0 0-848 73 177 S by W 60 Passing clouds. 29 29-720 0-099 84-9 77-8 97-1 78-6 145-1 77-2 0-859 72 197 Sby W 36 ... Do. 30 29-745 o-ioo 84-2 78-5 94-9 77-5 140-8 76-4 0-899 75 178 Sby E 42 0-03 Passing clouds : Ig. 31 29-743 0-098 83-5 78-6 95-1 76-0 141-0 74-2 0-913 7!l 181 3W by S 58 o-oi Do. : do. Mean 29743 0122 84-0 77-2 95-5 78-2 141-4 76-9 0-846 73 182 < WbyS 74 4 r,:( 359 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1888 August. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING REDUCED TO 32 Corrected \f nft n THERMOMETERS Wind 1 jlean Temperature Dry Sun Grass Deduced 111 (I General Weather 4g a y < Mean Kange Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion 3 _0 5 '3 a Day Inches Inches Q O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-762 0-132 80-7 76-9 93-3 71-4 137-1 69-8 0-875 84 210 SWbyW 60 2-45 Thunderstorm 9 to 10 P.M. 2 29739 0-130 80-6 76-6 92-4 74-8 137-9 73-3 0-863 83 186 S W 77 0-45 Passing els. : th.-storrn 11 P.M. to 3 A.M. 3 29723 0-126 83-1 76-9 917 74-3 139-7 72-7 0-842 74 156 SWbyS 58 0-51 P. els. : th. and Ig. : rain. a 29739 0-107 83-4 77-3 92-4 77-3 139-5 74-7 0-856 74 147 S W 82 0-03 Cloudy : th. and Ig. 5 29744 0-125 828 75-9 90-3 77-4 1236 75"5 0-809 73 151 ws w 100 Overcast. 6 29708 0-152 84-1 75-4 94-5 78-3 138-9 77-5 0-764 64 193 SWby W 68 Passing clouds 7 29-679 0-148 85-9 76-5 95-8 79-4 141-9 78-6 0-787 63 168 SWbyW 65 Do. 8 29-711 0-085 85-2 76-6 91-0 79-3 128-3 78'5 0-801 66 137 SWby W 82 Cloudy. 9 29-702 0-108 84-6 77-1 97-2 79-5 146-5 78-7 0-831 70 203 SW by S 25 Fine. 10 29712 0-127 85-1 77-9 98-4 80-4 146-7 79-6 0-859 71 185 S S W 43 0-17 Passing clouds : Ig. : rain. 11 29-701 0-099 85-6 77-2 93-4 79-3 138-5 78-7 0-821 66 168 S W 42 Passing clouds. 12 29-733 0-H4 83-8 76-4 96-6 79-5 143-4 78-7 0-811 69 189 SWby S 38 0-05 Do. 13 29-753 O'lOO 83-4 77-0 97-9 79-4 143-7 78-5 0-842 73 190 SWbyS 42 0-94 P. clouds. } . ( Inunderstorm from 11 14 29-798 0-114 81-8 78-5 90-4 75-4 139-9 73-6 0-932 86 135 SW by S 43 0-60 Do. j P-M. to 2 A.M. 15 29-796 0-122 80-8 76-7 86-9 75-0 136-9 73-5 0-865 83 155 S S W 50 Passing cloudn. 16 29-804 0-119 81-2 75-9 87-1 74-4 115-5 72-4 0-825 77 114 \V S W 52 0-02 Overcast. 17 29-809 0-120 83-2 76-1 91-9 78-4 142-2 77'4 0-820 75 167 SW 78 1-04 Cloudy : th. -storm from 9 to 11 P.M. 18 29781 0-130 81-4 75-7 90-2 71-6 136-7 70-3 0-813 73 163 SWbyW 75 0-05 Cloudy. 19 29-780 0-097 80-3 76-2 90-4 76-8 131-7 75-7 0-850 82 135 SW by W 100 0-48 Overcast : thunderstorm 7-30 P.M. 20 29-791 0-106 81-4 76-7 89-4 73-8 140-4 73-2 0-856 80 142 S S W 95 Overcast. 21 29-807 0-115 80-9 76-0 91-9 76-5 141-7 75-1 0-832 78 152 S S W 72 Passing clouds : th. and Ig. 22 29-827 0-109 82-3 75-1 93-1 70-0 147-4 74-3 0-775 71 164 S S.W 70 Do. : do. 23 29-826 0-125 82-(j 77-2 92-5 76-6 1454 74-9 0-802 77 202 S S W 58 Passing clouds. 24 29-834 0-110 81-8 77-0 90-3 76-6 127-7 76-1 0-864 80 181 S by W 62 Do. 25 29-857 0-132 81-9 70-6 91-8 76-6 145-6 76-1 0-846 78 180 SS W 63 0-48 Passing clouds : th. -storm 10 P.M. 26 29-834 0-144 80-6 77-2 90-2 73-3 141-9 72-5 0-889 85 167 S S W 75 0-67 Kain : th. & Ig. 27 29-790 0-115 88'3 76-8 93-2 7(>-3 144-8 75-1 0-836 73 142 S W 67 0-13 Passing clouds : Ig. : rain. 28 29-770 0-147 83-6 77-8 94-1 72-9 141-2 72-1 0-876 70 170 S W 43 0-02 Light clouds. 29 29-704 0-141 85-0 77-2 9o'l 75-6 141-1 74-9 0-830 69 194 S \V 30 Pine. 30 29-760 o-ioo 85-1 77-6 94-5 78-2 137-9 76-9 0-8 i7 70 178 s w 12 Passing clouds. 31 29-744 0-114 85-6 76-1 95-9 78-2 142-7 76-9 0-774 63 193 SW byS 20 Fine. Mean 29-767 0-121 82-9 76-7 92-8 76-5 138-9 753 0-837 74 168 S \V 61 8-09 360 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1888 September. September 1888 BAUUMKTER SEDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind /. 3 5 1 lienenil Weather Mean Range Dry San Grass Dry Wet Max. Mi... Max. Mi... Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Vein. city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o O o ' O O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents .irhi'.s 1 m 0-088 80-9 76-6 95-7 75-8 148-7 W-J 0-854 81 140 SE by K N 015 Puling clouds : ruin. 2 29-752 0-119 82-8 76-4 94-3 75-6 146-6 73-4 0-824 73 118 South 42 0-06 Passing clouds : Ig. 3 29-785 0-104 83-1 76-9 95-4 76-5 146-3 71-2 0-MB 75 124 South :;s o-oi I)... : do. 4 29-781 0-125 81-5 76-5 94-5 69-4 141-4 68-6 0-847 74 149 South 50 U-S2 Thunderstorm at 2 P.M. 5 29-746 0-158 84-6 76-9 95-1 76-5 14-1-5 7l-o 0-822 70 118 W S W 78 I'usr-ing clouds : Ig. 6 29-757 0-127 82-8 77-6 92-1 77-9 1483 74"2 0-878 78 122 s W aa 0-07 Passing clouds. 7 29-760 0-136 82-6 777 94-3 7:. 1 147-0 77- 0-885 79 149 X W 70 0-o7 Passing clouds : Ig. 8 29-762 0-126 82-7 78-6 91-0 75-8 148-3 71-8 0-924 83 101 S by W 45 Passing clouds. 9 29-765 0-145 83'6 79-3 95-3 78-6 150-7 77-8 0-945 83 128 Sonth 35 0-03 1'assllig clouds : th. 10 29-784 0-120 83-6 78-7 95-2 78-0 154-3 76-1 0-916 79 124 S S E 15 0'02 Fine : Ig. 11 29-780 0-153 83-9 79-2 95-1 78-4 142-3 76-8 0-936 80 111 South 25 035 Fine with a heavy shower: th. & Ig. 12 29-778 0-096 81-9 77-1 93-3 74-8 143-6 73-8 0-867 80 126 8 by W SO Passing clouds : Ig. 13 29743 0-132 84-6 79-3 94-3 77-8 149-9 76-2 0-931 78 122 SEbyS :!.-. Do. : do. 14 29-714 0-119 83-4 76-4 96-8 75-7 147-5 74-4 0-816 71 173 SS W 55 Do. : do. 15 29-694 0-165 86-4 78-5 97-3 79-6 146-6 78-5 0-869 69 194 W S W 50 Do. : do. 16 29-688 0-138 86-1 77-3 94-4 79-8 137-4 79-2 0-819 Ii5 206 WS W 97 Overcast. 17 2!>-7:tl 0-122 84-9 75-4 94-1 78-2 143-0 76-7 0-753 62 250 SWbyW 60 Passing clouds. 18 J9778 0-125 88-7 76-6 94-9 76-6 144-6 74-2 0-821 72 221 S S W 88 Do. 19 29-839 o-iOH 84-3 76-6 96-1 77-3 148-2 76-0 0-813 70 1 .V, South 21 1 Fine. 20 29-887 0-134 84-O 78-5 92-6 77-8 146-0 76-0 0-902 77 146 SE by 8 M Do 21 29-930 0-104 79-3 76-6 88-0 75-5 134-0 71- 0-881 89 7i i SW by S tiO 0-06 1'assing clouds : th.andlg. 22 29-941 0-118 81-9 77-5 90-1 75-7 149't 70-1 0-885 81 121 S S K :(5 Passing clouds. 23 29-910 0-128 82-8 77-6 92-1 75-4 149-8 73-2 0-878 79 130 S SE :!.'. Passing clouds : Ig. 24 29-900 0-113 84-1 78-6 !'3'7 773 153-5 75-0 0-906 77 136 SSE 80 Do. : do. 25 J9-903 0-128 88-7 78-7 93-3 76-7 152-2 74-2 0-915 79 144 SSE 35 Do. : do. 26 29-883 0-103 85-2 79-3 94-5 78-6 150-5 76-0 0-922 w 111 South 40 Fine with passing clouds : th.&lg. 27 WMO 013 1 83-9 77-0 97-7 77- CM. 2!) 29-813 0-128 832 79-2 !5-l 7C / 151-4 75-2 0-945 83 121 SSW 10 Fim 1 "ith passing clouds : ill. A Ig. 30 29-823 0-106 82-H 78-0 97-5 76-8 1517 75-0 0-895 81 131 I S S W 51) 01 1 Passing clouds : th. and Ig. : rain. Mean *9-80l 0-124 83-4 77-7 94-4 76-9 147-2 7.V1 0-873 76 141 S by W 4fi 2-32 361 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1888 October. October 1888 BAROHF.TKR HEni-c-Eh TO :;;; Corrected Ueao Temperature SKI.K REGISTERING TllKltMOMETEKS Deduced Wind o 1 General \Vcather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry \Vet Mai. Min. Mai. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Indies I Mi-lies O O Inches Cents Mile* Points. Cents Inche 1 29-815 0-1 28 85-0 79-3 94-0 77-5 149-3 75-7 0-988 77 115 S by W 33 Pasting clouds- Ig. 2 29-806 (1-137 84-2 79-5 9t;-r. 78-0 151-5 75-7 0-946 81 97 S R W 35 PC. : ilo. 3 29-810 0-138 82-9 7S-1 97-2 W8 151-2 75-3 0-913 81 120 S \V 67 0-12 Showers : th. and ]g. 4. 29-820 0-121 80'9 77'5 95-S 7t-7 144-9 72"7 0-899 86 131 S S \V 5S 0-63 Cloudy : thunderstorm 4-15 P.M. 5 89-828 0-086 79-7 7S-4 92-1 76-6 127-5 75*5 0-954 96 105 sw 97 0-29 Overcast with rain : th. and Ig. 6 29-849 0-092 81-6 78-7 91-7 75-9 138-5 74-7 0-943 86 92 \ X \V 93 0-11 Overcast with rain. 7 29-880 0-106 82-1 7S-7 90-6 76-9 144-4 71-7 0-936 86 71 S K Ot 0-07 Passing clouds. 8 29-903 li-ldd 81 -B 77'7 88-7 78-0 14f>-l 76-3 0-900 84 50 8 S W 08 108 Forenoon wet: afternoon fine : th. a 29-931 0-106 Mrs 77'~> sirs 74-S 1 46-11 717 0-901 86 61 South 20 Fine. 10 29-959 0-114 S2-9 77-0 s'.i-ei 7."> 7 141-3 73-0 0-849 76 103 K l.y N 30 Passing clouds. 11 29-976 0-122 s:(-2 70-3 91-2 76-0 146-1 73-7 0-814 72 132 X K 40 Do. 12 29-929 0-123 81-8 7-1-7 90-2 74-2 1H-7 71-6 0-766 71 100 Kast 12 Fine. 11 29-891 0-121 si-s 74-7 89-S 74-0 113-0 71-0 0-766 71 109 E by N 25 Do. 14 29-916 o-ios SI 9 76-3 90-3 7:i-.-! 1 15-3 70-7 0-833 76 114 KbyX 46 Passing clouds. 16 29-950 0-086 76-i> 74-7 79-1 7(1-9 88-0 74-7 0\S 14 93 55 X X E 100 1-52 Cloudy and rainv : th. and Ig. 16 29-948 0-110 773 76-0 Sl-li 7l'S 917 7-2-2 0-882 91 37 X N E 97 2-06 Cldy. <$ rainy : thunderstorm 4-30 A.M 17 29-891 0-129 80-S 76-9 89-6 73-0 146-0 70-4 0-878 85 104 X X K 60 0-01 Passing clouds. IS 29-888 0-122 so-6 78-fl 89-1 1 71-7 146-9 71-9 Q-888 83 82 XK l.yX 50 Do. 19 29-925 0-106 si-a 77-3 91-0 71-1 149-1 71-9 0-880 SO 135 NK by X 43 Do. 20 29-915 0-097 82-6 76'8 89-8 75-9 141-9 72-6 0-845 76 142 X E 23 Fine. 21 29-912 0-lo7 si-i 75-0 S9'7 72- 1 142-4 (iS-7 0-788 74 142 XE by X 16 Do. *>*> 29-916 0-113 so-7 73-6 SS'7 70-9 141-3 70-2 0-735 71 146 XEby X 20 Do. 23 29-921 0-119 79-9 74-0 88-4 71-9 138-9 B8-8 0-761 74 122 iXEbyN 60 Passing do ads. 24 29-933 O'l 06 79-2 77-1 84-4 74-8 116-1 73-5 0-904 91 133 XEl.yX 87 1-39 Thunderstorm '2 A.M. : cloudy. 25 29-988 0-103 78-9 76-9 Sl-S 76- 1 140-3 717 0-899 91 104 NE by K 83 0-58 Cloudy with showers : th. and Ig. 2(i 29-950 0-122 79-3 7(V2 S3-6 74-9 11(12 72-7 0-863 87 96 East 80 1"55 Cloudy and rainv. 27 29-867 0-139 79'6 77-3 S8-4 75-8 140-1 71 -2 0-908 91 153 XK by E 66 11 15 Cloudy with showers. 88 29-845 0-110 81-5 i 77'2 88-4 75-3 116-4 74-1 (I-S77 83 147 E by X 60 0-18 Passing clouds and shown. 29 29-843 0- 1 03 79-(i 76-5 88-7 74-1 146-1 72-9 0-S69 S7 159 XE by X 68 0-31 Do. 30 29-790 0-140 71-1 73'5 7r,-(i 72-9 82-9 72-7 0-820 98 224 X X W 100 4-72 Steady rain. 31 29-369 0-200 74-5 73-6 7S-9 73-1 75-9 72-7 0-818 97 661 XWby X 100 9-20 Cyclone : th. and I;.'. SI-MI 89-878 0-119 80'6 76-6 88-6 , 75-0 134-4 72-9 0-S6 I 83 130 NEby X 58 24-27 Note The cyclone recoi-ded on the 31st prevailed more or less throughout the 30th and 3Ist October and the 1st November. The rain commenced at 'I r.M. on the 29th and was heavily continuous for the next forty-eight hours, during which time over 14 inches were collected. It almost entirely ceased about an hour before the middle of the storm. The cyclone proper, as indicated by falling barometer and rising wind, may be said to have begun about 2 P.M. on the 30th. It reached its maximum force between 8 and 9 P.M. on the 31st, nearly an hour before the time of lowest pressure, which was almost exactly at 10 P.M., when the wind moderated for about three hours, afterwards rising considerably between I and 4 A.M. on the 1st November, and onlv 91 362 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1888 November. November 1888 BAUOMKTKI: BEDUt KM TO 32" .Mean Kan^e Corrected Mean Temperature Dry Wet SKI.K RE TllKRMI Dry . .Max. Min. .IS.TKKI MET Kite Sun Max. 167 N by K 37 Passinij clouds. 18 29-919 0-090 74-4 68-7 83-0 67-8 13 70-8 82-9 68- 1 114-0 (i2-9 0-604 78 181 X X K 5O D,.. 23 29-866 ii 129 78'5 73-8 85-0 73-ii J 4,3-3 717 0-772 79 228 N l.y !: 80 Cloudy. 24 29-979 0-131 74-1 i 73-7 7ti'ti 72 s Mi-:, 60'ti 0-821 '.'^ 143 North KX) I'M Kainy and overcast : th. and 1^'. j 25 29-999 U-HXi 7(i"8 75-6 71 5 0-873 ': 94 127 X K loo Hit; Do. do. M 30-021 0-06T. 77-2 7.V5 8t- 75-8 127.". 71-0 0-862 92 155 K by X 90 I-.-.2 llaiitv and overrnsi . 27 30-015 O'OBl 75-9 74-5 s.VO 73-o 1 is-u 72 1 0-888 93 92 N K s:, O'()7 Cloudy. 28 211 HIM 0-095 77-9 7f7 87-4 73-0 145-5 71 9 0-818 85 103 XK 00 O'O6 Do, | 29 29-996 0-106 79-0 75-5 87'3 728 141-7 70-7 0-837 85 115 ] X K 35 Passile.' clolllls. 30-003 101 78-9 7(i-0 8ii-s 73-8 143 I 70-8 osj.,!t 87 H7 X K 5(1 O'36 'a"il|._' clomls : rain. ,. 29-923 o-loo 78-5 74-9 Mill 73-1 139 1 71-1 0-821 84 131 K X K m !I53 iH-.-oiiiiri^ ordinary l.y noon l\ 8t.roii!e\ en miles greater. One of the ^usts bli-w over a train on the Smith India Uailway. The I'entre of the cyclone piissed between i he Observatory and tin- MariiiH Ortice. S.:c(7m-/.,,/,' Uemoirt. I'art 111. 3(53 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1888 December. 1 l-i I O IJKIU'I Kll TH 32- Mean Kanp? Corr; Me Tempt IJry soteil an ratui-i- Wet SK Di Max. I.K EK(iISTKKIX<; 'ilKKMD.MKTKRS Deduced V:i|iDiir Huin- Tension iility Wind Clouds '3 General Wi-aUier y Mill. Sun Grass -Max. Min. Daily Velo"- eity Mean Diri'C- tioii Day Indies inches * > Inchea Cents Miles Points Cents [nche l 39-979 0122 70'5 7-VI 86-4 74-o 1 12-i( 71-9 0-827 82 178 XEbyX 45 ... Passing clouds. t J'.i'.U 1 0-131 Ml 2 75' 73-7 S3-1 732 113-9 72-1 0-785 84 238 X- E 92 0-08 Overcast. 6 21MI77 j 0-09.~> 75'7 71-1 82-0 73-5 133-3 69-9 0-702 79 155 XE by X 72 Cloudy. 7 29 '.175 8-085 75 3 70- S 83-7 68-5 144-7 65-1 0-694 81 104 X X E 00 Passing cloudi. a 29'984 083 75 7 71-2 84-2 70-2 1W9 09-8 0-709 80 159 X K E 47 ... Do. !) 20476 0'12! 71-4 lis-s 81-7 68-9 i:c:-o 71-8 0-030 74 207 X by E 50 ... Do. 10 29-957 0-083 733 077 81-4 (io-1 144-9 W-9 0-G05 74 170 X by E 50 Do. It 29983 0-12!) 72-4 00-5 79-4 87-8 186-fl i ;.-,:, 0-573 73 207 North 75 Cloudy. 12 29-053 0-105 70-8 (55-6 798' 00-1 142-3 f>30 0-502 75 239 X X W 73 Passing doiids. 18 29-867 0-113 71-0 li.j-l 77-1 67-1 131-3 04-9 0-545 72 411 N by W 78 Oil Cloudy : r;iin. U 29-900 0-088 71 -2 70-1 83-4 C6-0 I2S-7 H5-3 0-734 86 251 XE by X 100 2-81 Stormy and rainy. 15 29-905 1 0-108 77-1 71-7 S.V1 71-1 139-0 tili'l 0-828 80 88 East 73 o-io Cloudy ; rain. 10 30-006 0-092 77'S 75-2 85-0 72-S 141-2 89'9 0-841 88 97 E by S 37 Passing clouds. 17 30-043 0-086 78-1 741 85'fi 72-2 189-3 08-8 0-803 83 93 XEby E 42 Do. is 30-070 O'lOl) 77 !) 74-3 85-1 73-0 188U 1)9-7 0-80] 84 172 NEbyX 42 0-02 Do. 111 30-003 o-l II 76-1 71-3 84-7 70-0 139-9 Gii-9 0-704 78 139 X E 60 Do. 20 30'O57 (i oil] 74-1 08-9 S3-0 (i(i-0 140-7 80-7 0-038 75 110 XEbyX 25 Vitas. 21 30-030 : 0-113 71] 70-5 S3-4 tili-2 144-4 ti2-9 O'TOO S3 128 NE by X 88 Passing clouds. >> 30-023 n-093 72-:', 09-7 S2-5 07-0 1 1 1-7 81-7 0-1)93 SS S3 X X E 42 Do. 23 30-023 : 0-112 74-5 71-:: S2 1 IKI-J 186-0 04-9 0-725 83 127 XE by X 57 ... Do. 24 30001 O-i is:, 717 70-1 82-7 88-4 188-8 G3-0 0-087 79 105 x N i-; 30 Fine. 25 30*045 0-099 73-:> 68-5 83-8 86-8 HI-9 62-2 0-020 74 170 X X E 2.) Do. 6 30-044 o in 72-7 (i7'!l 81-5 (>5-3 137".> (io-r, 0-630 77 119 N N E 50 Passing clouds. 27 30-008 0-113 72 1 lio"l SO-9 88-8 124-5 112-7 0-588 70 125 \ by E 47 Do. I'S 29-V97 0109 72 1 07'0 81-3 84-9 no-i IJO-2 0-017 78 121 Xortli 48 Do. 20 29-970 II 1 IS 72-0 >S- 1 S2!> 05-9 142-0 lil'9 0-01-8 .83 105 N by E 40 Do. 30 E9D68 o-l 11 7l"(i lili'O 81-2 Ht-1 135-9 (iO-3 0-560 71 138 X by E 80 f'iu* 8] 2! 1-117! 1 o-( i! 13 7W (i!-0 70 5 81-5 tl7-o 137-1 C2-S 0-656 SI 140 X by E 27 Do. M-iin J1I-9S9 0-105 71-8 82-8 B9-1 ] 3(5-3 Wi-o 0695 80 J07 X X E 68 7-09 13lli. Tin' disturbance at this timo was due to a moderate cyc-Iimc which crossed the coast far to the south of Madras. 364 a >. 5 co X a '5 Creates! Full e' a : :2B' < "*2:S < * C " -' 00 00 oo .s H I X : : "'' w x 5 2 - 5 S 8 i-t 1 : : S; ^ 8 2 9 8 8 S :.5 c o OmO iibii -r 1 s I ^c Lowest ^ ff a ^ 35 i E a 1 ll 1 slssl-|-i|is H r. I - .0 -. 7, ,- - -C ^ M f J^S8SS-5S-S * g i-Hi-ii-ii-iNi-i$3i-i* 2 1 USSSffSSSSSS- S 5 = 3 * ;; 5 2 -5 S S = 2 00 00 00 c (irass Thermouioier 18 I 1' 5 ^ " " = - - ~ * % - S CO 4-t en z% i i * s i s 1 1 s g = i H it C X CC - S. -^ <-. - O C 1- 1- I- - -^ ^ "^ f uinmiiuj^ img o ||2222SiIii 9 ily Meteorological Records Sim Thermometer O 5 a is --a s s 8 2 - s s oj CJ t~\ ||" By UlanforcVs Tables - iiliiiHIiii id Annual Meteorol< w u IFuniidity Lowest ^ (M 7J 71 71 C7 4- 1 ^ 7J Tension of Vapour X 6 j: iocobooococo on -r *" 7 -^ ft -* -^ ~ i'- o c te Lowest 5' x x 5 -r x r -/ -? ji x o o i S r - " 2 2 2 2 , ? (3 a M o ~ <' ^c x co ?3 i~ i>- c ~. o cc 10 s - e- U g i: g a g 41 C I CJ .i.u.mioiii.toi Lowest K 1 XXL7C7 X 71 OO Q rH M cSQ4oajsc: o -* -^ 5; o t?l " X 71 '7 71 ~ C^ 1 "^ ' 6 8 ff S 8 a 5 g g i; 5 (P CO : --= - - - M - - - r: - - =. ' ' - N '' " ?1 a > ^ i x j >o jj j x i i -f 9 X w CB t I'- i?l CO 1 71 ~- 71 -* !>. 71 " - 1 i>. i~ C-. !S >o c: p c: -t -c V s 9 SSSSSSSS !ri r: >* x Barometer i K I-, | ^H r>i .7 7J O tt 7i f -Z = ooiccicboob:: Biiroineter it j ^ 2 i: i '- 5 ?! ~, ?, ; i 'i 6 rt J= OOOOOOOOOOOO KeiliU'pil to 32 ' Tl A 3: 10 ri 13 n 1- i-l 19 K r. - 1IX -tS-ttt 1-riX I Lowest o is O! c-. c: c. c: es c; o: '- ~. ~. r. c: r. r. r: c. r: c: r. r. ^ C< 71 7^ 71 71 W 71 71 71 7 71 frl c .::::::::::: :::::::::::: 09 j ;:'.;::;:;:;: Q -* M FI 71 0-1 71 f : : : : : : : : : : : i o b b b c. r. C-. r: r: o b 6 fiS*t>^: : ai 1 ' ; =2'oSs s 2 i ^ t * t c ^ H. 2 > o b 3 * : : J " jj -S -6 365 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1889 January. 1 90 >i 3 >-5 BAROMETER KE1HTKI) TO 32 ( 'nrructed Mean Temperature Dry Wet SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind cc _C 5 a 'S 03 General Weather Mean Itangc I Max. ry Min. Sun Grass Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day .Inches Inches Indies Cents Miles Points Cents Inche 1 30-004 0-101 71-9 (!0-5 88-7 63-1 137-0 57'S 0-660 75 174 X N E 27 Fine. 2 30-002 0-119 74-0 69'0 84-6 66-3 142-0 61-6 0-848 70 167 XE byN 15 Do. 3 80-048 0-138 73 -0 <18-7-.-> 1433 ti2r, <>7i:t 80 96 E SE 15 D... 1 * 30-053 0-096 78-5 71-6 88-1 |J7'0 142-3 03-0 0683 70 111 E by X 10 Do. 15 30033 0078 77-6 71 -4 86-7 iis-1 119-2 <;:*-7 0-688 72 111 K X E 15 Da 16 30-057 0-084 7<>-7 71-4 87-4 r.7'2 145-3 (J2-1I 0-699 7li 88 XKl.yE 2o l':l-^>iMl{ clc.lldS. 17 30-000 0112 7(i'5 70-4 8(5-0 66-6 143-2 l>2'7 O'fi(>3 73 83 K l.y X 15 Fine. 18 29461 0-147 75'8 715 86-2 (*>(; 140-5 J2- 0-715 80 113 SKby E o Clear. 19 29-918 0-087 78-0 732 90-4 118-3 143-9 tH-7 0-754 7!) 122 S S E 10 Fine. 20 20488 0-070 79-2 713 88-6 7d'! i it; i 7tl I.7M 78 107 SEbyE 5 Do. 21 29-9C.7 o-l o7 79-0 733 89-1 71'li 1 14-3 (17-9 0-744 75 HO K X E 16 Do. 'i'i 28-988 0-106 78-2 71-6 88-0 aft-fi 1 W.-i 88-1 0-688 72 107 East 10 Do. 23 29497 0-085 7S-0 7<>2 S7-6 88-t 142-1 t>3-2 D-aac 80 108 5 Do. 24 29491 0-115 77-5 7<>-3 87-6 O.V3 113-2 017 O-IHO 88 93 K l.y X Clciir. 25 89480 0-119 79-7 73!) 8:C3 71 -3 lnJ-3 Us-!) 0-760 7.'. 146 K l.y X 15 Fine. 2(i 29488 0-116 80-5 7.V9 ss-ii 7rs U32 88-7 0-8JJ4 80 95 E S E 10 Do. 37 30-007 0-056 78-1 73-5 88-1 71 1 112-3 t;r.-7 n-7o. 19 29-963 CC18S 81-1 75-4 91-2 72-0 145-9 68-8 0-805 75 132 SEby S 25 Fine. 20 29-920 0-122 80-1 75-4 90-6 73-5 14S-5 70-9 0-818 79 145 S S E 70 ... Cloudy. 21 29-840 0-161 81-7 75-9 92-3 72-9 145-5 69-6 0-817 76 175 SS E 5 Fine. 22 29-848 0-126 81-9 76-8 89-3 74-0 141-5 70-9 0-855 79 165 SE Cleur. 23 29-885 O'lKi 82-:' 75-2 90-9 73-2 142-8 7(1-9 0-781 71 148 SE by E 15 Fine. 24 29-895 0-111 83-1 77-(i 91-0 77-1 1 12-11 752 0-874 77 176 SE by E 20 Do. 25 29-954 0-094 82'3 77-0 92-1 76-1 147-7 73-1 0-858 78 114 E S E 22 Do. 26 29-976 0-137 82-5 76*5 90-3 74-5 145-7 71-9 0-833 75 100 SE by E 5 Do. 27 29-876 0-190 82-2 77-1 89-7 73-1 141-2 73-0 0-864 79 121 S SE 15 ... Do. '23 29-846 0-165 83-6 79-4 96-7 77-1 147-7 74-3 0-949 82 211 SS E 25 Do. 29 29-860 0-093 84-5 80-3 91-9 79-6 141-3 78-8 0-978 82 205 SE by S 20 Do. 30 29-858 0-150 84-4 78-4 94-1 78-0 147-9 76-1 0-892 75 104 E by S 30 Passing cloudg. 31 29-850 11-142 83-3 782 89-5 75'5 145-5 72-9 0-898 79 187 S S E 13 Fine. Mean 29-959 0-110 80-9 75-3 90-1 72-5 144-6 (-,'. 1 0-806 76 121 SEby E 20 Kil. 368 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1889 April. BAKOMKTKK SELF BKGI.STKIUNC. REDUCED TO 32" Corrected THERMOMETERS Mean Temperature Deduced Wind Dry Sun Grass c-. (iei.cral Weather I ' B, < Mean Range Dry .Mi,.. V. 1 = K Wet Max. Min. Mai. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O O . O . Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29893 0103 8*7 773 90-1 75-1 142-4 71!' 0-865 77 163 S E 25 Fine. 2 29-898 0-08(5 S2-1I 77-4 91-5 74-U 145-4 71-3 0-867 77 U8 SKliy K 17 Do. 3 29-876 0-086 83-2 78-6 93-0 75 -6 148-3 73'5 0-918 80 117 SF. i,y i: 19 Do. 4 29-871 0-102 81-8 779 91-5 74-2 1424 71-0 0-904 83 130 SE l.y S 12 Do. 5 29-886 0-056 80-3 76-6 90-1 70-3 140-4 86-1 p-887 84 112 SKl.y S Clear. C 29-900 0-116 82-3 77-1 91-2 73-3 142-0 71-1 0-88S 78 134 SKl.v S :; l-'ine. 7 29-859 0-157 82-8 77-7 91-3 74-1 143-0 70-9 0-883 79 146 SKbyS dear. 8 29-817 0134 S4-1 79-5 924 77-H 146-1 75-9 0-947 81 184 S S E 25 Fine. 9 29-815 0-126 S.-.-S 80-9 93-3 78-7 1 is r, 7<1!> 0-989 80 1S5 SKl.y S 15 Co. 10 29-867 0-111 N5'4 ' 80'7 00-4 79-S 139-0 77-9 0-986 81 139 SKl.y S 18 0-itl Passing clouds : tli. : r:iin. 11 29-872 0-115 85-8 81-0 92-0 81-0 1 i::-ii 7!l-3 0-994 80 117 S K 15 I'a.-siiijf clouds. 12 29-851 0-131 84-9 80-3 92-8 78-5 141-6 76-9 0-975 81 111 S K 81 ... Do. 13 29-818 0-117 84-8 79-6 921 79-3 147-7 779 0-942 n 154 S S K 18 Fine. 14 29-819 0-099 84-5 78-6 91-7 78-1 143-2 76-9 0-899 76 162 SE by S 15 Do. 15 29-846 0-081 85-1 79-1 92-1 77-1 143-6 7o'0 0-914 76 1G9 SKl.y S 17 Do. 16 29-829 0-107 84-6 70-0 92-6 78-1 143-6 76-0 0-917 77 189 S S E 17 ... Do. 17 29-829 0-088 84-2 79-8 92-3 77-1 143-8 74-8 0-959 81 177 S S K 25 Do. 18 29-865 0-087 84-3 78-9 92-1 77-0 143-6 74-8 0-91(i 77 153 S S E IE I),.. 19 29-885 0-081 84-2 80-5 923 78-4 148-6 77-> 0-992 84 149 S SE 77 Cloudy. 20 29-847 0-131 85-3 79-0 93-1 7s-' 1 i:;-| 75-6 0-907 75 202 S S K M Fine. 21 29-788 o-ioo 84-3 80-4 951 78-2 146-5 70-1 0-986 : 83 176 S S E 34 P;iiii;; clouds. 22 29-793 0-116 S.V 1 81-0 942 717 1491 70-8 0-99(1 81 213 SS K 40 Do. 23 29-821 0-099 87-4 82-0 03-i 79-9 146-6 77-8 1-021 78 181 SEl.y.S 52 l'a->in;r rlmiils : Ig. 24 29-867 0-045 82-6 79-5 87-7 79-3 140-4 77-s 0-968 87 107 K S K 85 0-96 ('luiidy : th-storm between 9 S I 0-127 87-5 77'7 102-8 81-7 151-7 80-1 0-820 64 229 SW by S 60 o-oi 1'assini; clouds. 88 29-707 0124 86-2 78-7 99-6 82-2 146-5 80-9 0-880 70 241 S\V by S 45 ii 11 Ptwsing olondl : showers : th. and Ip. 2!) 29-762 0-069 83-8 78-6 945 77"." 1 17 r. 74-9 0-811 78 |M S \V 75 0-08 Cloudy : lit. 30 29-740 113 80-0 78-1 96-5 77-7 1427 76-4 0-850 68 210 SWbyS 40 1'a-cin^ c-lonils : th. and Iff. Mean 29701 0-110 867 77'7 984 81-0 1428 79-6 0-830 66 toe S \V 72 1-O9 371 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1889 fuly. I j> 5 n BABOMKTKR REDCCKD TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SKLF REGISTERING THKUMOMKTKRS Deduced Wind Daily Mean Velo- i Direc- city tion. K 1 5 i General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension H tim- idity Day Inches Inches o O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inche 1 29716 0-118 85-1 77-4 99-9 77-7 146-6 76-7 0-837 69 212 SW by V 42 ... Passing clouds : Ig. 2 29-698 0-122 87-3 78-4 99-3 80-2 1424 79-0 0-852 65 217 S W 70 ... Cloudy : Ig. 3 29724 0-066 88-1 78-5 97-5 82-7 1404 81-9 0-847 64 214 W S W 68 0-14 Cloudy : light shower and Ig. 4 29721 0-097 87-4 79-9 97'5 78-5 141-8 76-8 0-921 71 185 SW byS 57 Passing clouds : Ig. 5 29-742 0-082 84-7 76-7 90-3 81-3 112-4 7D-9 0-812 68 152 SWbyS 100 ... Overcast : Ig. 6 29-750 0-097 83-1 76-2 91-3 77'0 126-8 74-4 0-811 71 134 SWbyW 100 o-oi OveroMk 7 29-714 0-12(1 82-6 78-3 94-4 76-3 153-4 74-4 0-912 82 198 S S W 78 0-09 Cloudy : Ig. 8 29-727 0-061 82-7 77-5 90-9 79-2 1424 78-7 0-875 78 153 SS W 90 0-08 Cloudy. 9 29-7(52 0-101 81-7 77-2 928 76-0 128-6 74-8 0-874 81 182 SWbyS 95 0-05 Cloudy : Ig. JO 29-722 0-075 84-8 78-4 94-1 76-5 1309 70-2 0-889 74 196 S W 92 Cloudy. 11 29-706 0-058 82-9 77-6 91-8 77-2 119-1 75-9 0-877 78 125 West 100 * Overcaat : Ig. 12 29-696 0-095 85-3 78-5 97-3 79-6 149-6 78-2 0-884 73 145 WbyS 98 0-42 Overcast : rain. 18 29-653 0-070 80-3 77-4 85-6 71-3 113-9 72-6 0-902 87 156 SWbyW 100 0-22 Overcast. 14 29-634 0-07G 80-5 77-1 90-3 78-0 123-1 75-fl 0-886 85 119 WS W 100 0-77 Overcast : thunderstorm about 7 P.M. 15 29-594 0-113 81-7 77-1 91-0 75-3 131-0 73-6 0-870 81 132 West 100 0-60 Overcast : rain and Ig. 1C 29-589 0-128 83-7 76-1 91-8 75-8 139-6 73-4 0-800 69 204 WbyS 92 ... Cloudy. 17 29-560 0-169 87-4 76-3 074 79-8 147-9 78-9 0-758 58 245 West 88 Ho. 18 29-583 0-130 89-0 76-4 97-2 80-1 151-6 79-1 0-741 54 264 W S W 53 Passing clouds. 19 29-617 0-116 89-2 75-4 97-7 81-9 150-4 81-0 0-695 50 264 W by S 65 ... Do. 20 29-700 0-072 87-2 75-7 94-2 82-8 140-2 81-6 0-735 57 243 W S W 90 Cloudy. 21 29-719 0-126 87-2 78-1 99-3 80-9 147-8 7!-2 0-840 65 185 SWbyS 30 ... Passing clouds. 22 29-732 0132 85-8 79-0 98-2 81-1 141-0 79-2 0-900 73 154 SS E 42 0-02 Passing clouds : Ig. 23 29-721 0-156 84-7 79-4 99-5 79-9 151-0 79-0 0-934 78 210 Sby W 35 Passing clouds. 24 29-741 0-069 82-4 77-1 89-2 766 125-8 75-2 0-861 78 225 SWbyW 75 0-16 Oveivast: rain. 25 29-758 0-052 83-0 77-6 93-8 78-9 142-4 78-0 0-875 78 152 S W 95 Cloudy. 26 29-72(1 0-086 81 -2 75'6 98-2 76-2 152-0 75-6 0-812 77 172 WSW 65 o-oi Passing clouds. 27 29-686 0-093 82-7 75-7 98-5 78-2 149-8 77-2 0-795 71 16t S S W 82 1-32 ' Cloudy : moderate thunderstorm \ 4-45 to ,"i. H~i P.M. 28 29-686 0086 82-5 78-9 91-4 79-2 141-5 78-6 0-941 85 151 S S K 55 0-26 Passing clouds. 20 29-712 0-099 80-8 77-8 90-2 74-1 143-2 73-0 0-914 87 115 SWbyW 80 1-30 ' Cloudy : thunderstorm till 3-30 A.M. and after 9 P.M. ISO 29-702 0-096 82-4 78-5 92-8 76-8 140-3 75-8 0-923 83 141 Sby W 70 0-12 'asuing clouds : rain. 31 29-710 0-088 84-8 79-S 93-4 80-0 143-0 79-0 0-951 79 185 S S E 28 'ini- wit h passing clouds. Mean 29-694 Cl'098 84-3 77'5 94-4 78-5 139-2 77-2 0-856 73 180 S W 75 5'57 372 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1889 August. BAROMETER SELF KKGISTKKING 1 REDUCED TO 32 Corrected THERMOMETERS \v ; ii 1 Temperature Dry Sun Grass \l Illll General Weather S < Mean Range Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Pension Hum- idity Daily Mean \Ylo- Direc- rity tion X 3 5 M Day Inches Inches O o o o O Inches Cents Mill's Points Cents nches 1 29-702 0-114 82-7 78-7 94-4 76-5 144-3 755 0-928 82 169 S W 67 (J-OS Cloudy : Ip. 2 29-701 0-102 82-5 78-3 90-5 75-5 142-2 74-3 O'DOil 81 157 W by S 75 0-21 Cloudy : thunderstorm. 3 29-696 0-155 84-2 78-1 93-6 76-9 1451 75-5 0-881 75 2tl| W by S 7o Cloudy. 4 29-657 0-112 85-2 78-5 96-3 78-8 1437 76-9 0-886 72 169 SS W 53 Posing clouds. 5 29-613 0-125 85-3 76-4 95-2 78-7 1445 77-3 0790 64 181 SWbyS 70 Cloudy. 6 29-588 0-130 85-3 76-2 95-0 78-7 140-5 77-5 0-782 G4 108 S W '.HI Overcast. 7 29-654 0-082 855 775 931 78-9 1441 77-9 0-837 OS 223 S W s7 M Do. 8 29-735 0-146 85-3 78-4 98-0 78-0 1537 75-9 0-880 72 186 W by 8 9:1 040 Overcast: thunderstorm at 10-15 I'.M. 9 29-730 0-120 83-6 776 90-1 78-3 ll'2-t 76-5 0-867 75 128 W X W 97 Overcast. 10 29-729 0-120 83-0 77-9 910 707 118-9 763 0-889 78 114 SWl.yW M 001 Do. 11 29-741 0-104 85-0 78-0 93-0 78-7 1259 777 0-866 72 168 S S W 68 Passing clouds. 12 29-779 0-095 82-5 77'S 90-8 78-7 117-1 77-9 0-878 79 88 XWbyW 100 Overcast : Ig. 13 29-739 0-138 82-0 77-6 90-0 76-9 126-9 75-5 0-888 81 103 \\Vb\W 97 OHL' Overcast. 14 29-700 o-ioo 83-3 77-0 93-8 7!)2 1369 76-9 0-844 74 150 West 9S 0-08 Do. 15 29-735 0-118 85-7 77-0 93-7 78-7 1 H-l 77'5 0-811 65 207 W S W 85 ... Cloudy. 16 29-749 0-116 85-8 77-7 95-3 79-7 144-9 78-6 0-841 68 205 W s \V 75 Do. 17 29-737 0110 86-6 78-7 97-0 80-6 148-1 795 0-875 69 203 S W 80 Do. 18 29-737 0-105 85-5 78-3 98-1 79-7 1511 78-1 D-878 72 233 SS W 58 1-92 ( Passing clouds : two thunderstorms ( ahont 5-15 and 9 P.M. It 29-791 0-084 80-8 78-7 93-6 72-9 1 13-2 73* 0-J54 91 180 S W 85 001 Cloudy: l. 20 29-816 0-116 817 77-3 S9-7 70-5 131-7 751 0-878 81 176 .y E 40 Fine with passing cloud*. 3 29-967 0-070 75-6 72-2 86-8 68-0 i \r>-2 64-9 0-745 H 142 NNE IB Do. 4 29963 0-115 75-9 71-4 86-6 68-1 UL'-I; 65-7 0710 79 146 N N E 25 Do. 5 29-926 0-132 75-7 71-2 83-8 68-0 1346 64-9 0-705 79 147 N by E 25 I 1 ,,. 6 29939 0-124 76-9 72-7 85-9 67'5 1453 63-9 0-7-19 82 133 North 57 Passing clouds. 7 30-008 0-086 75'5 71-1 84-6 69-9 145-6 687 0-704 79 182 North 00 Do. 8 29-975 0-095 76-6 -2-2 87-0 69-3 148-6 66-9 0732 SO Kil N N E 50 ]),>. 9 29-920 0-134 75-3 71-1 86-5 66-5 143-6 633 0-707 80 130 X X E 30 Fine with passing clomln. 10 29-918 0-077 75-8 69-8 84-6 67-0 1436 63-7 0-649 73 180 NNE 25 Do. 11 29-955 0-039 74-2 68-7 85-6 643 145-4 60-9 0-629 74 173 NNE 25 Bo. 12 30-003 0-095 73-3 67-7 83-6 68-0 146-9 64-8 0-605 74 203 North 58 Cloudy : fine night. 13 29-990 0-105 74-5 68-2 S3-7 66-0 139-5 63-9 0-608 71 200 North 30 Fine with passing clonds. 14 29-990 0-106 74-4 68-3 84-7 66-9 142-8 63-9 0-612 72 184 NbyE 55 Cloudy. 15 30-002 0-105 71-9 68-5 84-9 67-1 143-4 64-8 0-612 71 238 North 52 Do. 16 29-970 0-122 75-3 69-3 83-2 71-8 149-0 69-6 0-637 72 269 Nby W 80 Do. 17 29-912 0-114 73-0 70-8 75-8 69-9 81-9 68-4 0-725 89 240 North 100 1-14 Overcast and rainy. 18 29-860 0-051 74-3 72-5 79-2 733 91-6 71-8 0-776 91 168 NKbyE 100 5-07 Orartut. 19 29-993 0-112 73-3 72-7 80-2 72-8 131-7 71-8 0-798 07 140 E by N 92 3-35 Do. 20 29-950 0-101 74-0 70-9 81-0 68-9 137-5 65-8 0-716 80 140 N N E 35 Passing flouiif^. 21 29-942 0-109 73-8 70-0 81-2 67-1 132-6 617 0-684 82 174 X by K 20 Fine. 2-' 29943 0-108 -.',:, (59-0 82-2 68-0 138-8 64-8 0-650 7!) 211 North 40 Passing cloud*. 23 29-892 0-116 73':( OverrnM 25 29-851 0-157 78-4 72-0 86-2 70-8 138-2 67-9 0700 72 107 NWby N 80 Cloudy. 2( 29-838 0-150 74-6 73-4 81-4 74-0 1S4-6 72-3 0-808 94 154 W by 8 100 1-28 Overcast : showers. 27 29965 0-095 74-8 73-3 80-6 70-3 141-0 69-8 0-801 93 139 S S K !IG i ' 96 Overcast and rainy. 28 29-978 0-120 77-4 7-VO 85-2 71-2 143-3 69-7 0-837 89 120 K by N 45 Passing clouds. 29 29-967 0139 779 7.V3 85-2 72-9 141-7 71-5 0-8*3 89 122 N E 40 002 Do. 30 29-971 0-116 77-6 74-5 817 73-7 142-3 70-8 0-813 80 146 E X E .-,:, 014 Do. 31 29-956 0-106 74-8 70-6 84-2 696 139-3 66-4 0694 79 121 XEbyN 25 ... Fine with passing clouds Men 29-946 0106 75-2 71-0 83-7 692 136-9 66-7 0-707 81 167 NNE 54 11-H5 377 ON 00 00 c 'ft "3 C/5 OM L, , 00 ? .> M 1O O O5 O OC >~ C ^O r} -4" O S tS l^-aDXICtD^^IC-ICO^O 1 ^ 2 H Greatest Fall 1 ^ "-3 : : ~? w < i> x co uo i.^ x Q _a H (S ^ H 3 S 2 2 s ad p 6 'c4?r"i-t O O r-i i^. (M OS !*' n,, re 238&;2SS5 "T^ H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 ^ t/3 -o Sun 'hermometer o ,J3 >* O ll CC P _^ ?i x ^ c o \r co o *i c: r-i H c X 1^ t- X l^ ^ l^ 1- X X t^ X s Madras Extreme Monthly Meteorological Recc CC 04 Cp ~- I;. 1- -^ l> tp C . cc o co o o ira c c i^-j'-xc;c:xxxc-xi--i-. ^ _= 666666666666 00 6 g ^ * ;5 ifai* t ^;^'~~ iC;t> * co !'~' *- ( rt 3 C C -a c ra -41 C o c rt s ta BS "C rt Wet Bulb a ^ 'pOp.tOO.U !JOS^ K Lowest a- pOpJOOO.t ^ON^ X -H CO Tf l^ '0 CD W C 30 10 O O X CO rH ^ 1^ 1- t- !> X t* t-- I> l> f- l> l^ Bulb Thermometer 60 ^1 ?0 ^ C: X -^ *. -H p tp >Q iO 1 Dry Bnlb Thermometer Lowest ;>i x s: t*. -t iffl t- .o CD cc --t o -* Oi^H.O^OiOOOrHt-ON CC 8*feHIdI*s 5 SSSfcSSSfcfcgSg, n S K jg 1 O Ol X O rH 1O rH X rH rH rH M g CC rH (M CO 1M X rH^-HK^-f^rH|> COrHC^WOJ rH f rH rH l>| s 5 = ^ss^ 1 ^^^^-^^ 1 ^ 1 ^^ ~ oi oo x CD ;D ra 10 o 10 ^ o i^ 1 Annual ... OSClClOiOiCiOlOiOlOSCSOS ^ M c^ 01 vi . of vi oq act , e>i cq c9 fq 4* X a | - ? -ga,-*ggJ3 | S555!||feS|K p 0000:6:05650561650:0 t*"l 1 Q :J::: : : E : ^^ 1 1 1 i J. g ; J. 1 1 1 | tj; ^^ ='5 = Oi'^J'' ^ f> 6" I : : : : -2 t; ^ ^ 1 1 J ; 2I|SS IIIllllllllI 95 378 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1890 January. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING b 9 C d BEnrt-ED TO 32* Corr Mt Tempt Dry scted an rature THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind _o = N (ieueml Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches o o * O Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29919 0139 72-4 67-9 83-3 63 1 137-6 56-8 0-624 78 104 XE byX 7 Fine. 2 29-967 0-070 72-1 67-7 82-9 61-8 137-8 58-3 0-620 78 76 XEbyX 17 Do. 3 29-973 0-077 717 68-1 83-3 626 137-8 59-2 0-641 s:t 85 X X E I Do. 4 29-950 0-124 72-8 68-6 82-9 63-8 139-4 60-8 0-644 80 98 N E by X 2 Do. 5 29945 0-109 73-6 68-2 83-9 65-6 1474 63-0 0-619 74 92 X E 27 Fine inoi-ninir : cloudy afternoon. 6 29-976 0-097 77-1 70-1 84-6 65-9 138-5 63-2 0-643 69 170 N E 30 Do. : do. 7 29-998 0-088 72-9 70-3 75'5 71-8 89-8 71-6 0-708 88 1 1 1 X by E 11)0 0-14 Ovemi.-t with lifjht showers. 8 29-967 o-ioo 74-5 71-1 82-7 70-8 142-1 71-0 0-717 84 195 X X E 70 0-21 Cloudy : showers. 9 29-988 0-093 72-9 68-7 82-1 63-0 136-2 60-i! 0-647 80 i4s X X E 10 Fine. 10 29-956 0-112 72-8 69-4 83-7 65-0 141-7 62-2 0-674 83 124 X X E 28 Fine with passing clouds. 11 29-935 0-098 73-2 68-4 82-9 64-3 139-7 61-0 0-632 77 153 NN E 13 Fine. 12 29-939 0-076 74-7 69-6 82-8 66-4 139-8 63-6 0-657 77 177 NE by N 25 Fine with passing clouds. 13 29-!MiO 0-105 76-1 69-4 83-3 66-9 139-8 8*0 0-630 70 200 X E 40 Passing clouds. 14 29-946 0-075 77-2 693 83-7 72-8 140-8 70-2 0-612 65 252 XEbyN 2S Do. 15 29-952 0-086 76-3 69-2 843 06-6 138-2 62-6 0-620 88 196 X E 42 Do. 16 29974 0-091 73-8 894 85-2 115-9 140-6 8*4 0-668 80 131 XEbyX 1.1 Do. 17 29-981 0-075 73-5 69-8 84-7 65-9 139-9 62-2 0-679 82 121 X E 48 Do. 18 29-992 0-098 73-9 70-1 84-5 351 140-6 62-0 0-687 82 141 NE by N 12 Do. 19 29-952 0-069 78-8 70-1 84-2 66-1 140-0 63-0 0-695 85 110 NEbyN 18 Fine. 20 29-902 o-ioo 71 -8 69-1 84-2 62-9 137-5 68>4 0-677 87 100 XEby E 10 Do. 21 29-916 0-074 73-5 69-7 87-4 64-1 140-6 no-s 0-677 82 71 E X E 8 Do. 22 ran 0-122 73-6 70-5 M <; 64-1 139-6 61-0 0-707 86 80 E by X 32 Passing clouds. 23 29-908 0-113 72-5 69-4 85-9 86-3 1 13-S 890 0-679 Efi 88 E S E 55 Do. 24 l!9'.S69 0-170 73-7 71-0 8S-9 64-1 1 III :, 61-0 0-724 87 123 -E by S 20 Fine. 25 29-835 0-143 75-3 72-3 87-4 68-0 111-6 C6-0 0-754 86 118 SE by S 88 Pas-in^' clouds. 26 29-888 0-077 75-2 72-{ 8.1 li 69-0 145-8 Itli-l 0-748 M 1O6 X E by E 50 Do. 27 29893 0-105 76-9 71-1 85-3 68-3 1164 86-8 0-685 74 160 XE by N 80 Do. 28 0-986 0-084 75'8 i;;i i 85-6 1)5-9 140-3 63-0 0-634 71 II 12 X E 32 Do. 29 29-975 0-083 75-5 69-4 85-1 67-1 142-8 64-2 0-639 72 223 XEbyX 23 Fine. 30 30-003 0-076 75'7 69 1 851 67-7 139-0 66-2 0-636 71 '227 X X E 22 Do. 31 30022 0-088 75-8 70-0 852 68-1 Ofi-1 140-4 66-0 0-657 74 79 187 XE by X 10 Do. Mean 19-947 0-096 74-2 r.'.io SMI 1390 63-2 0666 141 X E 80 0*86 379 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1890 February. fr c Ej BAHOMRTER RKIII-;KD TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SEF.F REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wiud 1 5 03 General Weather Bange Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension U tim- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches Indies Cents Miles Points Cents Indies 1 30-060 0057 74-8 68-5 86-1 65-1 138-8 62-1 0614 71 135 XE by X 10 Fine. 2 30-090 0079 74-1 68-1 85-0 63-7 137-7 60-1 0-608 72 129 NE by X 8 ... Do. 3 30-090 0-113 73-3 67-2 85-2 62-9 140-0 59-9 0-587 72 131 NX E 2 Do. 4 30-017 0-116 73-3 i 69-3 85-2 61-7 140-4 58-1 0-664 81 91 X E ... Clear. 5 30-010 0-075 75-1 70-4 85-4 651 141-0 62-3 0-682 78 103 XE by E 15 ... Fine. C 30-042 0-083 75-3 71-6 86-7 67'5 142-3 64-3 0726 84 82 ENE 12 ... Do. 7 30-009 0-132 74-7 712 86-2 665 140-5 62-9 0-718 84 68 ENE 5 Do. 8 30-026 0-106 74-3 70-9 86-8 645 139-8 61-3 0-712 84 66 EbyX Clear. 9 30-040 0-072 74-6 71-0 87-2 84-7 1427 (51-7 0-712 84 96 NEbyE 25 ... Fine. 10 30-035 0-093 75-8 717 S7-1 66-3 145-2 63-1 0-723 82 108 XE by X 30 ... Passing clouds. 11 30-008 o-ioo 76-4 72-2 86-4 67-9 144-5 64-9 0-735 81 164 NEby N 37 ... Do. 12 29-998 0-079 78-9 72-6 87-3 69-1 140-5 669 0-718 73 148 X E 35 .. Do. 13 29-905 0-128 76-9 70-2 87-0 67-1 141-5 64-1 0-650 70 167 XEby X 18 Fine. 14 29-948 0-154 75'6 70-8 86-8 03-7 142-5 60-9 0-690 78 125 XE 13 Do. 15 29-849 0-141 74-3 69-2 88-1 64-0 143-7 61-1 0-647 70 87 XE by E 10 Do. 16 29-819 0-094 74-1 69-9 89-0 64-0 142-1 (50-9 0-(.7C. 81 75 East ... Clear. 17 29-831 0-089 75-1 72-3 86-7 62-8 1 12-5 58-9 0-757 88 103 S E ... Do. 18 29-893 0-090 77-1 72-9 88-1 67-9 1417 64-9 0-754 81 109 SEbyS 15 ... Fine. 19 29-915 o-ui 70-1 72-9 86-1 65-4 139-7 62-7 0-767 85 92 SEbyE 15 .. Do. 20 ae-es? 0-084 77-0 73-3 88-0 67-3 141-6 (54-4 0-771 83 84 Eby S ... Clear. 21 29-987 0-186 76-8 72-2 92-6 67-0 146-7 63-9 0-730 79 93 EXE Do. 22 29'! Mil O'OSO 77-8 73-6 91-0 05-0 145-3 62-1 0-773 81 83 ENE 5 Fine. 23 29-917 0-10(5 78-7 74-7 88-8 (5S-9 144-7 66-5 0-807 82 81 E by X 32 Passing dotuls. 24 29-94(5 0-117 78-7 74-8 89-0 69-2 145-3 66-5 0-811 82 105 E by X 5 Fine. 25 89-985 0-124 77-6 73-0 87-1 (57-2 141-7 63-9 0-752 80 9S East Clear. 26 29-925 11(5 77-8 73-6 88-2 68-4 1130 65-9 0-773 82 93 Eby S Do. 27 29-960 0-183 76-9 73-3 86-2 66-2 141-5 62-9 0-773 84 93 K by S 30 Passing rlouds. 28 9-986 0-164 78'6 73-9 88-4 69-3 1441 67-1 0-775 79 121 SE by E 8 Fiiif. Moan 90-968 0-103 76-1 71, 87-3 6(5-0 142-2 (.3-0 0-718 M 105 E X K 12 vk. 380 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1890 March. 1 1 1 BABOXKTER REDUCED TO 32 V Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 5 5 1 General Wratlier Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry -Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Hum- Tension idity Daily Mean Velo- Direc- city i tion Day Inches Inches Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nclies 1 29-920 0-106 78-2 73-4 866 69-0 149-2 66-2 0-760 79 90 ES E M L'assing c-louils. 2 29-953 0-060 78-5 73-6 88-0 69-0 145-7 66-8 0-764 78 136 E S E 40 Do. 3 29-974 o-ioo 81-1 74-7 88-0 75-2 146-8 73-0 0-774 73 157 E by S 48 Do. 4 29-989 0-096 81-3 75-7 88-S 75-5 145-5 73-8 0-815 77 101 E by S 62 Do. 5 29-972 0-108 80-0 74-4 89-1 72-8 160-6 70-2 0-778 76 127 SKby E K Do. 6 29-939 0-118 80-9 751 87-9 74-4 143-5 73-6 0-794 75 147 SKI.y E 62 1),.. 7 29-916 0-097 80-3 74-4 88-5 73-0 1448 712 0-772 74 117 K S K 48 Do. 8 29-908 0-101 80-1 74-2 87-7 72-2 141-9 71-0 0-707 74 164 SEbyE 35 Do. 9 29-900 0-128 80-5 75-5 88-3 74-0 147-2 72-0 0-817 78 181 SE by S 12 Fine. 10 29-871 0-120 81-0 75-8 89-1 75-0 1437 73-4 0-825 78 158 SEbyS 43 l';i!--inf,' 11 29-828 0-119 81-3 74-9 89-1 73-2 143-8 71-0 0-780 73 160 SE by S 25 Do. 12 29-837 0-082 81-6 75-6 88-9 731 150-1 7VO 0-806 75 169 SE by S 10 Fine. 13 29-832 0-105 80-2 74-9 88-1 72-6 141-7 70-0 0-794 77 159 SEbyS 5 Do. 14 29-798 0-186 80-4 75-9 95-3 74-0 149-0 72-2 0-835 80 226 S by E 10 Do. 15 29-785 0-125 83-3 77-4 91-6 78-0 143-7 77-0 0-861 75 258 Sby E 10 Do. 16 29-804 0-122 84-2 772 91-8 79-8 146-8 79 1 0-840 72 Me SSE 42 ... ]'a>-iln.' eli. mis. 17 29-809 0-126 82-6 77-2 90-2 79-8 143-8 79-1 0-862 77 272 SSE .->.-, Do. 18 29-801 0-113 82-1 76-0 89-7 76-2 1439 74-3 0-817 75 225 SEbyS 30 Do. 19 29-858 0-069 81-9 75-5 89-5 74-0 145-6 71-9 0-798 73 126 SKby K 32 H... 20 29-859 0-084 80-4 74-6 90-2 71-2 148-8 69-3 0-780 75 108 SKI.y K 1C Fine. 21 29-823 0-099 80-4 75-6 90-2 71-5 114-8 69-3 0-822 79 112 SE by E (I Clear. 22 29-805 0-132 81-2 75-8 91-4 72-0 145'7 69-3 0-819 77 1L'7 S K 10 Fine. 23 29-791 0-144 82-3 78-2 92-4 73-2 14.VO 71-7 0-911 83 158 SK by S 12 Do. 24 29-809 0-152 82-3 77-2 92-2 74-2 149-8 72-3 0-867 79 105 SS K IS Do. 25 29-795 0-133 82-9 77-4 92-7 74-0 1H-S 717 0-866 77 17:2 SSE Clear. 26 29-805 0-140 83-1 78-7 95-6 76-1 M6-7 751 0-922 81 195 SSE 10 Fine. 27 29-824 0-107 83-1 78-8 ill-7 75-0 143-7 72-3 0-928 82 100 SSE 10 Do. 28 29835 0-126 83-1 78-4 93-2 76-S 1 1 Ki 73-3 0-910 80 182 SSE 1C Ho. 29 29-855 0122 83-7 77-6 93-2 78-0 145-0 771 0-866 75 150 SSE 30 l':iin<* clouds. 30 29-853 0-122 82-8 78-7 93-4 76-2 1 7- 7H 0-927 83 157 S S E 87 Do. 31 29-851 0-152 82-6 76-7 95-2 76-0 1 l.-.n 74-1 0-840 75 160 S by K 47 ... Do. Mean 29-858 0-116 81-5 70-1 90-6 ,, 1 I.Vs 72-5 0-830 77 167 SK by fe K Xil. 381 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1890 April. 00 t ( *H S, < BAROMETER BKDUCKU TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature BKI.K KBGISTKKING THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind 00 a 3 O 5 ^n '5 H General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Dailv Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Indies a Inches Cents Miles Points Cents [uches 1 29815 0-177 81-7 77-7 94-0 77-3 1338 76-1 0-897 83 106 South 70 Cloudy. 2 29-812 0-091 83-0 78-1 940 760 140-6 73-3 0-897 79 179 S S E 40 Passing elonde. 3 19-837 0-089 88-4 77-9 91-7 76-5 140-3 75-1 0-896 81 179 S S B 35 To. 4 29-854 0-107 82-6 77-9 90-4 76-2 139-6 74-1 C-894 SO 152 S by E 17 Fine. 5 29-861 0-179 82-7 77-4 90-9 75-7 UO-8 73-5 0-870 78 158 SEby F 8 Do. 6 29-892 0-109 88-4 77-3 92-5 75-2 142-8 73-1 0-856 75 136 S E 2 Do. 7 29921 0-090 83-2 77-9 93-2 75-2 143-8 73-1 0-886 78 118 ES E 10 Do. 8 29-927 0140 63-8 78-1 945 76-8 147-6 74-3 0-886 77 102 E SE 15 To. 9 29-897 0-128 83-0 77-5 92-3 75-2 139-8 73-1 0-871 77 128 SEby S 15 Do. 10 29-875 0-133 S36 7s-4 921 74-2 141-0 72-0 0-903 77 153 Sby E 8 Bo. 11 29-816 0-162 83-7 78-0 923 76-3 140-8 74-5 0-883 76 190 SEby S 5 To. 12 29-821 0115 83-4 77-3 91-2 77-1 141-3 75-1 0-856 75 157 SEbyS 20 Do. 13 29-858 0-139 37 78-6 91-6 75-1 141-8 73-8 0-911 79 127 SE 30 Passing clouds. 14 29-800 0154 83-8 787 92-2 76-5 145-7 75-1 0-914 79 166 SEbyS 30 Do. 15 29799 0-129 84-7 792 93-5 79-2 142-8 77-3 0-925 77 165 SEbyS 18 Fine. 16 29-772 0175 85-1 78-8 978 79-0 149-4 77-1 0-901 75 136 S S E 27 Passing clouds. 17 29-736 0194 84-0 79-1 92-6 77-4 142-8 75-2 0-929 79 160 S E 23 Fine. 18 29-772 0-145 84-4 77-2 96-0 77-2 145-4 76-2 0-838 71 97 E by N 37 Passing clouds : th. and Ig. 19 29-S30 0-064 83-8 78-3 939 77-6 141-8 76-0 0-896 77 125 SEby E 30 Passing clouds : Ig. 20 29-841 0-133 85-4 78-0 93-2 78-4 141-3 77-0 0-860 70 150 S E 20 Fine. 21 29-791 0-120 84-3 78-2 92-5 78-4 141-8 76-7 0-884 75 170 SEbyS 15 Fine : Ig. 22 29762 0-103 85-3 77-7 94-3 7B-6 1456 77-8 0-849 70 185 S S E 21 To. : do. 23 29-771 0-106 84-4 791 930 79-4 1426 77-0 0924 78 227 SEby S 18 Fine. 24 29-751 0-175 84-9 79-8 99-6 SI -4 153-2 80-0 0-950 79 259 Sby E 17 Fine : Iff. 25 29729 0-132 85-5 79-5 98-3 81-2 149-8 80'0 0-927 76 231 SbyE 25 Passing clouds : Ig. 26 29766 136 85-5 77-7 97-4 78-8 148-4 78-0 0846 67 145 South 43 0-17 Passing clouds : tb.-stoim ht 9-SO P.M. 27 29-785 0-139 84-0 79-1 95-0 77-4 110-8 74-2 0-929 79 91 S S E 65 Cloudy. 28 29-780 0-099 850 78-7 94-5 79-7 142-1 78-0 0897 75 124 SE byE 25 Fine. 29 29-788 0-155 81-8 78-9 95-0 78-5 115-6 762 0-909 76 142 SEbyS 15 Do. 30 29-809 0133 84-3 78-6 94-5 77-3 139-7 75-1 0-902 77 104 SKl.y S 45 Passing clouds. Mean 29-816 0-132 84-0 78-3 93-8 77-5 143-1 75-6 0-893 77 154 SEbyS 25 0-17 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1890 May. H 8? M BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Heaa Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMETERS Deiluced Wind 5 c 'a H General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Hue. Min. Vapour Tension Hnni- idity Daiiv Velo". city Mean Direc- tion Day 1 Indies 29763 Inches 0-145 Inches 0-888 Cents 75 Miles 151 Points SE by S Cents 35 Inches Passing clouds. 84-4 78-3 947 76-3 1122 749 2 29-687 0135 85-2 80-0 97-5 80-4 141-6 80-1 0-955 79 221 Sby E 23 Fine. 3 29644 0-088 86-7 78-1 104-9 80-4 147-8 79-7 0-847 67 176 Sontli 20 Do. 4 29-689 0-065 87-1 81-5 104-1 82-3 147-8 82-4 1-002 78 188 South 20 Do. 5 29716 0-084 87-0 80-3 9i-5 82-4 141-0 62-5 0-946 72 179 South 10 Do. 6 29-644 0-141 88-0 82-2 99-1 81-2 145-8 81-3 1-023 76 153 SE by S 10 Do. / 29-581 0-123 88-9 79-!> 108-3 82-3 1548 81-9 0-900 65 195 Sby E 15 l-'inc : li;. 8 29-609 0-078 89-0 80-4 108-0 84-1 152-0 83-5 0-923 70 254 S S W :io 1'iKsiiig clouds: Ig. 9 29-666 0-086 89-5 80-3 109-0 83-0 151-8 823 0-911 65 184 S by W 25 Passing clouds. 10 29-704 0-078 88-6 79-6 107-3 82-4 156-7 81-5 0-890 66 183 South 25 Do. 11 29-722 o-ioo 88-1 81-1 107-1 83-0 152-2 82-3 0-963 73 1!)7 Sby VV 18 Pine. 12 29-720 0-122 87-2 81-7 105-2 82-2 1534 81-3 1-010 78 222 Sby E 17 To. 13 29-751 0-090 86-6 81-2 1026 82-0 H8-2 80-3 0-993 78 196 Sby E 2 Do. 14 29-779 0-120 85-4 80-7 96-9 80-4 144-1 79-9 0-985 81 236 S by E 10 Pine : Ig. 15 29-767 0-117 84-7 80-8 91-7 80-6 141-5 80-5 0-999 83 278 S S E 25 Posing clouds : th. and Ig. 16 29-735 0-074 81-9 78-1 93-9 79-5 1425 79-0 0-871 72 183 S S E 32 Passing clonds. 17 29-725 0-102 85-4 80-3 92-3 80-5 1390 79-8 0-967 79 224 S S E 27 ... Da 18 29-730 0-101 85-5 81-5 92-9 80-5 1403 80-2 1-023 81 226 S S E 25 Do. 19 29730 0-068 86-2 79-9 95-0 81-3 142-8 81-2 0937 74 212 South 32 Do. 20 29-714 0-121 85-5 81-5 99-1 80-9 1476 80-7 1-023 82 233 S S E 28 l > :i--iing cl Is : \a. 21 29719 0-10G 86-6 7-: 99-5 81-5 146-8 80-8 0-904 70 183 S S E 13 l-'iur : l'_r. 22 29-717 0-127 S5-7 79-1 97-6 81-0 145-6 80-8 0-906 74 1'ts SEby S 23 Do. : do. 23 29-729 0-141 86-8 80-1 992 81-5 1470 81-2 0938 73 Hi.', SS E 40 bussing clouds. 24 29-706 0139 86-6 81-4 104-9 81-7 152-8 81-6 1-003 77 204 South 22 Fine 25 29-680 0-124 89-5 79-9 106-5 83-7 154-8 83-6 0-893 65 235 S by \V 20 Do. 26 29-692 0-116 88-5 81-0 1058 84-5 152-0 83-8 0958 71 2 Hi S S W 10 I),-. 27 29-684 0-130 90-3 80-5 106-2 85-3 150-8 84-6 0-908 63 224 S by W 10 Do. 28 29-656 0-119 91-7 82-0 103-1 85-5 1476 85-4 0-963 65 271 S\V by S 18 Fine : thunderstorm. 29 29-671 0-121 91-4 759 105-0 81-5 142-3 81-2 0-6S6 46 232 S\V by W 40 Passing clouds. 30 29730 0-140 87-7 78-1 103-2 85-3 149-7 si-s 0-834 64 281 SWby S 40 Do. 31 29-661 0-187 91-7 78-9 106-1 84-7 150-8 84-6 0-816 54 309 \\ S W 41 Pawning clouds: thunderstorm. Mean 29-701 0-113 87-4 80-1 101-3 82-0 147-6 81-5 0931 72 215 South 23 Nil. 383 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1890 June. BAROMETER SELF REGISTERING , *5 >-> BAROMETER KIDUCEIl TO 32 Corrected Mean 'emperature SKI,? REGISTERING THKKMUMFTKKS Deduced Wind o p a u Cents 41 S3 General Weather Hcau Rango Inches Dry San Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Mm. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches o o O O O Inches Cents Miles Points iichcs 1 29672 0-079 83-5 75-6 92-2 78-C 1279 77-8 0-781 68 194 W by S 97 ... Overcast. 2 29-75< 0-022 83-3 75-1 940 75-8 136-7 73-0 0-762 66 188 S W N Cloudy. 3 29-817 0113 85-2 76-8 961 77-4 140-1 75-6 0-809 66 177 SWbyS 10 ;'iue. 4 29797 0-122 84-0 77-4 96-2 78-7 1431 77-2 0-852 73 131 S by K (S3 0-03 passing clouds. & 29786 0-132 84-5 76-9 95-8 79-6 140-6 78-6 0-824 70 132 South n ... Do. 6 29752 0-126 84-6 77-9 93-8 79-9 1214 79-1 0-866 72 138 SW by S 68 0-18 Cloudy : Ig. r 29757 0-094 81-4 78-1 91-6 73-6 130-5 72-1 0-919 86 142 Sby W 98 Overcast. 8 29784 0-075 82-8 76-7 90-0 78-2 118-5 78-2 0-838 75 125 SS W !IO Cloudy. 9 29-759 0-133 84-4 76-1 94-2 78-0 128-8 76-2 0-790 67 152 S W 58 Passing clouds. 10 29746 0-122 85-5 76-7 94-4 80-4 139-5 79-8 0-802 65 182 S W 60 Passing clouds : Ig. 11 29-761 0-111 84-9 75-8 93-2 79-8 138-9 79-0 0-770 64 207 a w 70 Do. do. 12 29-730 0-178 86-0 76-6 98-9 78-0 147-2 76-4 0-790 63 179 S W 37 l';i--iiif;' cli'iiil-. 13 29-707 0-153 86-4 78-7 89-2 78-8 145-5 78-2 0-878 70 184 S W 45 Do. 14 29-729 0-153 81-2 76-8 92-7 76-4 140-5 75-3 0-863 81 247 SWbyS 83 ... Cloudy : Ig. 15 29-743 0-112 84-1 769 94-3 75-0 H2-9 74-1 0-829 71 156 WS W 67 0-29 Cloudy : rainy - Ig. 16 29-728 0-114 80-7 77-1 946 73-1 139-7 72-9 0-884 85 159 Wby S 75 0-80 Cloudy: thunderMoim ."!."> P.M. 17 29672 0122 82-8 77-7 3-1 73-7 142-7 72-9 0-883 79 190 SW by S 45 0-08 Passing clouds : Ig. 18 29675 0-070 84-1 77-4 931 77-8 136-5 76-2 0-850 73 146 SWbyW 82 0-12 Cloudy : rain. 19 29-694 0-C61 82-4 74-6 91-1 76-3 1257 71-1 0-753 68 145 WS W 90 0-08 Cloudy : Ig. 20 29-687 0-139 81-6 76-4 87-7 76-5 1187 74-5 0-841 78 162 S\V )>y S 97 0-42 Overcast : rain : IK- 21 29674 0118 81-9 75'6 913 74-3 139-4 72-9 0-801 74 17(i S W 88 o-oi Cloudy. 22 29-688 0-126 81-4 75-9 93-0 771 143-0 74-4 0-822 77 160 SW by S 75 1-83 Cloudy: thondentoim firm (i-15 P.M 23 29717 0-113 81-2 77-7 87-4 743 117-5 73-4 0-004 85 128 S S W 95 0'06 Overcast. 24 59-756 0-082 82-4 76-8 88-9 763 128-7 74-9 0-848" 77 114 SS W 80 Cloudy. 25 26 2975 29-748 0-125 0-133 834 82-3 76-9 76-2 94-1 94-6 757 75-8 1439 142-7 74-4 73-4 0-837 0-834 73 75 159 163 S 8 W S S W 50 60 2-04 Passing clouds : Iff. (Passing clouds: heavy tliuuder | storm after 10-30 P.W. 27 29-796 0-051 78-4 75-9 87-1 72-9 127-7 72-1 0-862 89 108 S W 95 0-47 Cloudy : rain : Ig. 28 29-808 0087 81-4 76-3 902 73-2 137-9 72-4 0-839 78 1 HI SW by 57 Passing clondf. 29 29-781 0089 83-0 77-1 93-1 75-9 137-9 74-9 0-852 75 138 S W 53 Do. 30 29-774 0-110 79-8 75-9 89-6 75-3 1237 71-2 0-844 83 82 W 8 W 98 089 Overcast : rain. 31 29783 0094 78-3 74-4 8M 724 764 128-7 71-7 0-799 82 167 WS W 100 0-03 Overcast. Meat 29743 0-108 82-8 76-6 92-7 1S4-7 75-1 0-833 74 157 S W 72 738 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1890 August. 385 BAKOMBTER SKLF RKGISTKKING BKDUCKII TO 32 Corrected \i-n THEBMOMF.TKRS \Vii/l o CJ ale un Temperature Dry Sun Grass A/CuUCed l\ 1 111) General Weather 00 !JC 4 Mean Kange Dry Wet Max. Min. tfftX. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion c 5 a '5 a Day Inches Inches o O O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents Inches 1 29-770 0-129 80-3 7:i'~> 88-a 75-7 139-7 73-6 0-736 71 10:; Why N 97 Overcast. 2 29746 0-078 82-7 n-4 88-7 76-2 126-8 72-6 0-783 70 125 WbyS 98 Do. 3 29-741 0-065 81-0 76-1 91-1 78-2 145-0 77-1 0835 78 103 SW by W 90 0-07 Do. 4 29-749 0-114 81-5 78-0 90-2 75-6 138'C 74-3 0-824 77 99 W by N 93 0-21 Cloudy with showers : Ig. 5 29-705 0110 82-0 75'5 91-2 75'S 130-5 75-1 0-797 73 141 \V by S 87 Cloudy. 6 29-699 0-094 80-7 75'7 89-3 78-8 I2:v:t 753 0-822 78 159 Wby S 95 0-04 Do. 7 29-715 0-097 83-0 75-(i 91-2 76-7 143-8 75-9 0-788 69 135 S \VbyW 65 Passing clouds. 8 29-736 0-160 85-1 76-6 91-7 80-2 141-9 79-1 0-602 60 131 W S W 75 Cloudy. 9 29-724 0-158 84-0 771 M-a 80-2 143-0 79-4 0-838 70 160 s s w 80 Do. 10 29-745 0-101 82-2 77-3 94-2 77-0 133-0 75-(i 0-872 79 149 S \V 90 0-04, r . 11 29-765 0-101 84-1 76-7 94-7 78-1 142-3 77-0 0-820 70 184 SWbyS 70 Passing clouds. 12 29-772 0-125 82-5 77-4 92-0 78-0 126-1 76-6 0-874 79 92 SS W 63 Do. 13 29-741 0-170 84-1 77'7 93-8 78-1 142-0 76-5 0-866 71 156 South 52 Do. 14 29-738 0-098 81-1 75-5 87-7 74-3 112-1 73-5 0-S09 77 130 W by S 93 0-27 Overcast : rain : Ig. 15 29-780 0-092 81-3 75-7 88-8 77-1 135-0 75-2 0-815 77 118 W by S 97 Overcast. 16 29-788 0-106 75-9 72-3 79-2 70-2 91-4 71-9 0-746 ' 84 71 West 97 o-io Do. 17 29-776 0-086 79-6 76-1 89-1 74-0 1 16-11 70-7 0-854 84 115 saw 90 0-08 Cloudy. 18 29-772 0-105 81-0 75-5 87-2 75-8 123-0 74-4 0-810 77 118 W by S 90 Do. 19 29-800 0-044 80-6 75-6 87-2 77-9 115-5 7(1- 1 0-819 78 119 West 98 o-oi Overcast. 20 29-833 0066 77-7 76-o n-o 74-7 115-1 73-9 0-876 92 84 K by N 80 1-09 Cloudy : heavy rain. 21 29-818 0-140 82-0 77-8 91-1 78-8 147-1 78-1 897 82 103 S by W 63 Passing clouds. 22 29-841 0-085 78-1 76-2 86-1 76-9 1142 70-0 0-878 91 107 S W 85 0-09 Cloudy. 23 29-824 0-133 81-0 78-0 92-2 75-1 149-1 74-0 frWB 87 95 S S W 57 Passing clouds : Ig. 24 29-826 0-145 81-3 76-5 95-0 74-0 152-2 73-7 0-849 80 134 SWby S 52 Do. : dd. 25 29-781 0-131 80-5 77-2 '.14- 1 77-d 150-2 75-9 0-891 85 109 S S W 58 0-18 Passing clouds. 26 29-817 0-129 81-8 78-1 91-5 7.V!> 136-9 75-2 0-913 85 105 S S E 55 Passing clouds : Ig. 27 29-772 0-158 8V1 76-5 90-4 76-0 1H-1 7 5 "3 6-sea a 123 SW by S 55 0-03 Passing clouds. 28 29-790 0-115 82-7 77-0 2 s w 07 Uti] PoBMnjr clouds : rain : Ig. 4 29-761 0-143 82-3 78-5 94-6 75-0 140-7 74-1 0-925 83 145 South 68 o-oi Passing clouds : Ig. i> 29-736 ' 0-113 82-1 79-0 93-0 72-9 146-8 71-8 0-951 86 98 S W 05 0-02 Cloudy. 6 29-697 0131 82-0 78-4 92-9 76-7 76-3 0925 84 G2 ^\V by S 67 0-02 Do. 7 29-695 0-095 81-5 76-6 86-2 78-0 129-6 774 0-851 79 11 W by S 90 Do. 8 29-687 0-110 78-8 76-7 84-2 76-0 75-3 0-892 !(0 49 West 98 0-19 < Jvorcast : rain : Ig. 9 29672 0-105 81-5 78-3 91-0 76-3 30-4 75-9 0-927 86 99 SWbyS 67 O'Si> Pas-ing clouds : niin. 10 29-684 0-078 79-4 77-1 91-5 75-9 147-1 743 0-901 90 90 S W 70 0-4IH CI.Midy : Ig. 11 29-696 0-086 82-0 77-7 91-1 75-0 141-6 73-3 0-893 M 127 S\V by S 91 Cloudy. 12 29-715 0-084 80-8 76-9 89-0 74-9 143-1 73-1 0-873 83 140 S W 90 o-io Cloudy : tli. and ]g. 13 29-733 0-082 83-2 77-6 92-4 77-3 146-4 75-0 0-878 77 140 S\V by S <>0 Passing clouds : Ig. 14 29-7">2 0-123 80-5 76-0 86-6 757 126-0 731 0-838 80 122 SWbyW 100 0-16 Overcast : thunderstorm. 15 29-722 0117 82-2 76-8 90-5 78-7 143-5 76-5 0-850 77 161 S W 80 Cloudy. 16 29-716 0-117 83-1 76-6 90-3 77-3 147-1 75-6 0-829 73 140 SWbyW M Passing clouds. 17 29-749 0-081 82-2 75-7 88-7 79-3 123-9 78-1 0-802 73 119 West 90 Cloudy. 18 29-757 0-092 82-6 76-7 90-0 78-5 126-5 76-8 0-840 75 136 SWbyW 85 Do. 19 29-759 0-113 83-9 76-6 91-8 77-8 138-2 75-9 0-818 71 205 3W by S ")7 Passing clouds. 20 29-775 014t 84-0 76-4 93-8 77-1 144-7 753 0-809 i>9 214 S W 43 Do. 21 29-756 0-177 84-9 75-2 95-4 78-1 145-5 76-8 0-745 (11 170 \V 1 iv S 72 Cloudy. 22 29-745 0-123 84-3 74-1 92-7 80-5 1 Ili-N 0-706 (50 202 SWbyW 88 Do. 23 29763 0144 82-0 75-7 91-4 Tii't in;:! 0-805 73 122 WlivN M o-oi Bo. 24 29-757 0-166 85-8 77-8 97-7 80-3 1 i-.i-s 79-0 0-848 68 154 S S W I)S 1'as-inf: clouds. 25 29-756 0-152 84-5 75-6 95-9 79-3 147-6 77-5 0-766 64 173 S by W M Do. 26 29-778 0-132 83-7 75-7 96-6 78-4 153-8 76-8 0-782 68 174 S by W M Do. 27 29-816 0123 84-5 77-1 93-0 78-0 153-0 76-0 0-832 70 ML' S by K M Do. 28 29-827 0-128 82-0 78-1 94-8 7.V I 150-0 73-7 0-910 83 141 S W 70 0'O2 Do. 29 29-820 0-107 836 79-2 92-3 78-1 l.-.oii 75D 0939 81 108 S K 45 ... II... 30 29816 0124 7!f 76-9 92-1 757 147-0 71 1! 0-890 88 106 Smith 41 0-17 I':. ing rlonds: Ig. Mean 29754 0-120 8'24 77-0 WO 77-0 142-8 75-5 0-858 78 130 S W 2"u9 387 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1890 October. October 1890 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32 Corrected Mean Temperature SELF REGISTERING THERMOMKTKKS Deduced Wind X 1 _o 5 '3 General Weather Mean Range Dry Sun Max. Grass Min. Dry Wet Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches Inc'hrs Cents Miles Points Cents tnches 1 29-832 0-084 82-8 78-9 91-2 75-2 145'8 73'8 D-Q88 M 90 S S E 30 Passing clouds : Ig. 2 29-857 0-109 81-3 7S-1 92-0 7 ")'"> 153-7 JSf9 0-920 86 106 South ."." 0-03 Passing cloud*. 3 29-818 0-132 82-7 796 93-3 76-8 M8-6 74-8 0-971 87 98 SSE 40 Passing clouds : Ig. 4 29-774 0-103 83-2 79-4 93-0 76-5 150-7 74-9 0-954 84 83 S by E 25 Do. : do. 29-769 0-103 82-4 79-0 92-8 76-0 149-4 74-8 0-945 85 95 S by E 55 0-06 Cloudy : th. Btorin about 2-30 P.M. 6 29-813 0-143 78-4 77-2 SSI- 1 76-0 137-6 74-3 0-910 94 55 W by S 80 0-35 Cloudy : rain : Ig. 7 29-831 0-079 76-8 76-2 S7-1 M-8 144-4 73-5 0-898 98 07 West 93 0-11 Cloudy with Ig. 8 29-780 0-102 79-4 75-7 91-8 71-7 1 HM' 69-1 0-841 84 69 X by W 80 Cloudy. 9 29-755 0-078 80-3 76-2 87-4 75-6 121-a 74-1 0-850 82 71 X by W 85 Do. 10 29-728 0-137 79-1 76-1 82-0 77-3 98-0 75-8 0-861 87 75 X by W 100 Overcast. 11 29-708 0-079 81-0 76-3 89-0 75-2 126-1 73-1 0-844 79 61 W X W 95 Do. 12 29-737 0-115 850 77-2 96-2 77-6 14-1-7 75-9 0-830 69 217 SWby\\ 40 Cloudy morning : fine day : Ig. 13 29-771 0-098 85-1 77-7 94-5 77-5 145-8 76-4 0-851 70 218 SWbyS 65 Passing clouds. 14 29-780 0-086 83-2 77-4 92-6 77-4 141-6 76-6 0-863 76 158 's w 77 ... Cloudy : Ig. 15 29-824 0-059 79-6 7.V1 95-6 75-0 148-1 73-2 0-812 80 93 W by S 50 o-io Passing clouds : dnststorm at 2 P.M. 16 29-881 0-082 82-0 75-3 94-li 71-0 146-5 68-7 0-788 72 97 X X E 30 Passing clouds : fine night. 17 29-951 0137 82-8 77-3 92-3 73-0 146-2 70-6 0864 77 122 XX E 30 0-09 Fine. 18 29-885 0-162 81-4 76-4 90-9 73-3 145-9 71-3 0-843 78 102 E XE 20 Do. 19 29-892 0-086 81-0 76-4 91-6 71-5 144-3 68-3 0-849 80 68 XE by E 8 Do. 20 29-915 0-098 82-6 75-0 95-2 71-4 147-9 68-8 0-767 69 84 E N E 10 Do. | 21 29-923 0-119 81-9 74-3 94-6 71-5 148-0 38'4 0-747 09 122 E X E 5 Do. 22 29-907 0-091 81-6 7M 90-9 71-3 136-7 09-0 0-755 70 158 X by E 60 Passing clouds. 23 29-910 0-058 81-2 757 112-1 7-VO 152-7 73-2 0-816 77 104 X X E 55 Do. 24 29-890 0-078 84-1 70-9 93-9 73-5 1162 70-8 0-829 71 191 X by E 40 Do. 25 29-910 0-067 83-3 78-9 91-6 77-3 145-5 75-7 0-929 81 191 XE by X 60 0-02 Do. 26 29-911 0-063 787 75-8 S5-7 76-7 120-9 7.V2 0-853 *7 97 N b.v K 98 0-03 Overcast : distant th. and Ig. 27 29-900 0-080 78-9 76'0 911 74-9 144-9 71-0 0-859 N7 121 X E 82 2-25 Cloudy :ind riiiny : th. storm 7 P M. 28 29-900 0-1 15 81-5 78-0 88-6 73-2 143-2 7.!-2 e-9ia St 132 NE by E 73 0-31 Cloudy : Iff. 29 29-874 o-ii!) 78-6 76-3 88-3 73-2 143-3 723 0-877 90 50 X by W 70 Passing clon-7 77-4 88'7 74-4 1 t |.-'.l 733 ii-lijiP '.10 <>5 X K 67 0-03 Passing cloncU : th. and Ig. 31 29-834 0-104 77-0 75-4 85-9 74-2 132-1 73-7 . 0-859 92 67 X by E 75 079 Cloudy : rain : I;;. Mean 29-842 0-101 81-2 76-8 91-1 |*6 141-5 72-9 0-863 81 107 X by W 57 4-17 388 Madras Meteorological Observations. 1890 November. I a o 1 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32^ Corrected Mean Temperature SF.I.F KF.GISTF.RIXG THERMOMETERS Deduced Wind tr. e General Weather. Mean Range Dry Sun Grass Dry Wet Max. Min. Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo- city Mean Direc- tion Day Inches Inches O o Inches Cents Miles Points Cents nchi's 1 29-828 0-131 80-4 771 87-5 74-3 113-5 73-0 0-888 86 71 Xortli n 0-06 Passing clouds : Ig. 2 29-822 0-095 80-7 77-4 86-6 74-9 139-3 73-6 0-897 86 75 BUI 75 o-io Cloudy : Ig. 3 29-850 0-127 80-8 77-4 87-9 75-1 144-3 74-1 0-895 85 68 E by X c,.-, (l-lili Cloudy and showery : Ig. 4 29-901 0-088 77-0 74-9 80-2 74-9 98-5 73-9 0-839 91 98 X N E 100 0-36 Overcast and showrry. 5 29-869 0-124 75-7 74-8 80-3 72-9 124-0 72-7 0-852 96 148 X by \V 97 1-32 Overcast: rain. 6 29-843 0-089 77-8 75-8 83-4 74-9 131-9 73-8 0866 91 51 XWbyX 88 0-07 Cloudy : Ig. i 29-885 0-090 78-5 76-9 84-4 75-9 136-6 74-9 0-905 93 53 S SE (io 1-01 Cloudy dy : line night : rain : !_-. 8 29-962 0-113 80-8 76-5 87-2 74-2 141-5 72-6 0-856 82 66 K S E 25 Fine with passing clouds: Ig. 9 29-982 0-116 81-2 78-4 88-1 74-3 142-7 72-9 0-936 88 100 N E i:i 0-04 Passing clouds. 10 29-944 0-129 80-0 77-0 87-6 74-8 140-8 72-b 0-889 87 98 XE by X 45 ... Do. 11 29-932 0-105 80-8 77-1 88-4 73-8 144-1 71-3 0-882 84 67 X K by E 25 ... Fine with passing clouds : Ig. 12 29-935 0-104 80-1 76-2 88-6 75-4 146-2 74-6 0-S52 82 120 NE 70 Passing clouds : Ig. 13 29-956 0-068 81-6 76-3 88-2 74-9 145-1 72-6 0-836 78 132 EXE 37 Fine with passing clouds. 14 29-985 0-072 79-1 74-2 87-2 70-9 MO-0 68-1 0781 78 137 XEbyN 25 Do. 15 29-972 0-089 78-1 73-1 87-3 69-2 145-7 65-6 0-749 78 112 X X E 37 Passing clouds. 16 29-996 0-077 77-1 733 87-3 69-9 1117 66-9 0-770 83 111 X N E 33 Passing clouds : Ig. 17 29-998 0-063 76-3 71-9 86-7 71-6 143-8 68-8 0'71't 79 140 X by K 45 001 Passing clouds. 18 30-013 0-076 75-9 71-3 87-2 68-5 1461 65-8 0-707 79 137 X by E 50 Do. 19 30-020 0-093 77-2 72-4 860 (is -1 142-2 65-2 0-733 78 130 X by E 22 1),,. 20 30-020 0-130 74-9 70-9 86-8 67'6 144-5 C4'3 0-704 81 87 X by E 43 Do. 21 30-022 0-105 76-4 73-0 85-9 67-2 IHi-l BAKO KKDUCK Mean HKTKK TO 32" iiange Corrected Mean Temperature SKLK KKUISTKHING THERMOMETKRS Deduced Wind Clouds '5 as (inaig! Weatlior Ury Sun Max. Grass Min. Dry Wet Max. Min. Vapour Tension Hum- idity Daily Velo"- city Mean Direc- tion Daj 1 Inches 29-869 Indies 0-119 Inches 0739 iCents 82 Miles 232 Points N by W Cents 40 Indies Passing clouds. 76-3 72-3 83-3 72-6 138-5 71-3 2 29-882 0-074 75-2 727 81-8 68-1 126-1 64-9 0-772 88 154 N by W 47 Do. 3 29-938 0-099 77-4 75-3 #5-9 72-1 146-5 70-7 0-851 91 112 N.N E 30 Do. 4 29-953 o-no 79-9 77-1 86-7 74-3 141-5 7l"9 0-894 88 72 E N E 57 o-oi Passing ckmdg : \g. 5 29-947 0-093 74-s: 74-7 82-5 74-2 1230 72-7 0-860 100 28 N'N-E 95 0-36 Overcast with hhowws -. l. 6 29-928 0-144 78-0 75-6 85-5 72-1 139-8 71-7 0-854 9 139 N NE 87 D-02 Cloudy : Ig. 7 29-962 0-096 78-2 74'.6 S6-3 733 140-8 71-7 0-808 84 151 N E 57 Passing clouds. 8 J!I-1),SS 0-066 77-7 74-5 87-6 70-3 144-0 68-1 0-812 86 125 N E 60 Do. 9 -9-97S 0-085 77-4 73-2 86-4 69-3 1434 66-9 0-703 81 119 NEbyN 2 Vine. 10 29-960 0-108 76-1 73-6 86-4 : 72-3 140-9 70-5 0-79G 88 106 Nif E 47 Passing cluuds. 11 29-934 0-1Q3 77-6 W-3, 87-3 68-9 143-5 66-9 0-805 85 81 N K by V. 20 Fine. 12 29-957 0-096 77-6 73-6 87-3 69-3 1429 669 0-776 82 68 E N E 15 Do. 13 29-953 0-109 76-5 73-3 86-9 68-1 139-1 65-5 0-778 86 54 Eby N 22 Do. 14 29-956 0-091 76-6 74-5 87-1 68-3 141-3 65-7 ,0-829 91 45 E by S 15 Do. 15 29-984 0-126 76-9 73-2 .8.6-,5 . 67-3, 141-3 6jl-7 0-769 83 55 Bast 17 Do. 16 29-999 0-120 76-9 : 73-3 7'3 66-9 139-2 64-2 0-778 84 85 K \ i-: 12 1)0. 17 30-003 0-097 77-0 74-2 j 87-1 70-0 141-9 ; 68-6 0-809 87 136 E E 50 O-06 Passing clouds. 18 30-014 0-079 79-1 78-3 ; 87-2 70-8 141-9 65-8 0-748 75 183 K K S2 Do. 19 30-029 0-097 79-4 1 70-8 87-7; 69-8 143-4 ; 66-6 0-640 64 195 JNE by E 35 Do. 20 30-028 0-084 80-2 72-8 88-0 75-3 140-3 71-6 0-708 68 221 XK by E 28 Do. 21 30-024 0-092 77-4 72-0 87-5 67-8 138-1 64-2 0-718 75 133 NE 25 Fine. 22 30-011 0-115 76-9: 72-2 87-3' 68-6 142-3 64-6 0-728 78 109 NEbyN 25 Do. 23 .30-031 0-101 76-8 72-5 87-3 67'6 : 141-3 64-0 ,0'744 81 183 NE 85 Fine with passing cloud* 24 30-083 0-092 80-9 75-2 87-9 71-1 144-9 68-8 0-798 75 146 E N E 40 Passing k>nds. 25 30-071 0-076 76-8 72-3 86-9 70-4 141-0 68-8 0-734 79 152 NE by K 65 -04 Cloudy. 2G 30-006 0-129 76-3 71-8 85-9 66-2 i 142-3 ' Q2'8 0-72J. . .79 . 145 NE by N 30 .Fii.f. J7 30-035 0-063 753' 70-5 87-3 Q5-0 141-1 : Q2-6 0-688 78 88 NEbyN 15 Do. 28 30-062 0-081 7.6-1 71-0, .86-5 66-8 142-7 03-6 0-698 77 100 NEbyN 25 Do. 29 30-052 0-091 75-1 70:8 .87:5 64-6 142-1 60-6 0-697 80 97 NE by N 20 Do. 30 30-025 0-123 7.6-3 70-5, S7-0 63'8 i 139-4 60-6 0-688 78 82 NEbyN 12 Do. 81 30-016 0-114 74-4 ' 70- 4 .87^; 62-9 141-1 59-8 0-69* 81 105 118 NE by:N 11 Do. Mean 29-990 0-099 77-1 73-1, $6-6 09-3 140-5 66-7 0-768 82 N E 36 0-49 390 |S I 2 c X Greatest Fall S* OC ; tO : *O '> O O t> >O O C "5 05 1 N : : *< : JJ jo N > IN > a W Amount Jg t> t~ CO -H 3> l~ 35 3 : ; ^ : o co ?} 10 ^H co -J i o Lowest S -HkQ~-l> .O t- *j s-i * * 6 * OO c = Meau Direction oo oo to '*> ^ | J *: *" *:| * J * J ._ ' " 00 OB 00 02 * w I D ja 5 gsasasrssas*- 1 Tf ,. J5e , tci~;'_;' ffl 2Mm a m N = Meteorological Results SSUIf) HO uinmi u lit IQ O > iJO ^v C*4 ^J 1 " i t 1 o i 1 5C ^* Ci mnmixTi w nug . lilililimi 1 a Q Sun Thermometel I 5 ^ IO "O^O'JNJjSlNMCO ^i f- O 71 1- ri ^1 X t IN O Kelative Humidity By Blanford's Tables -oi-t-coco^xx- W S U V 15 _o &JO Q "o o "5 !*?.?a!o^SSS^i Humidity Lowest "^-iioao-i-iej HOW i o 00 o tpt~oooooicoaoobcp*cpt- C-l 00 I ^ C "0 10 10 A Lowest Q cfl 3 C C S o c 3 M M CU i 1 .a a Wet Bui 1 -ocp<0.H to us t- t~gS8gg2K Dry Bulb Thermometer Lowest >> Q Nt-H MCOM rHMPS Dry Bulb Thermometer bo !-ieocococoiocoooiococo t- i rH 2 NrHrHrtrtrtrtrtr H rtr H cpt.NNco-^oooNa a 3 *HOeoiooi-iij>xotoeqco TO E to cc i- it l > g g g S g 1 b 3 2* "Ji i CD *O Oi *^ ^* "^" *3< W C^ O ^1 T 1 T) 71 I 1 ! ;) H J ,;-^ 1 ejeo'cptpwept-epo-epw 9 rH B :D,tpo, ? 9t.9p 1 Ol F i U3 O *i* "^ OO >O ^f C4 04 ^H en i | flOCJO)CSo = Cr. 050 XX t- !> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 I"* l" Barometer 1 g 666666666666 Barometer .&& 21 | |g2S22S^SSS o 6 rt s B 666666666666 (Reduced I to 82 _^ ?i ri 7J ?i 5J 51 ?i 5i ?i ri ?i 5i s 6 it Lowest I aai--i-*a- peo < cq'rtsjw J _> * ^ * Annual i ; 3 *n?XDccSxcoixS Oi~ lOOJQOOOXQOOaOO' 1 >, j M : ; . | ,: 1 1 flllllilllll Mlii^lilll 391 c p ? S * * s US * 05 f - i s M fl a < I ft b X i^ b " 2 a * 3 i - co v 1 j t-H ib 1O 1 9 CO CO t> <- ii 6 -t J2 to o W us o> 2 ^ 2 I o b 2 S ? a 1 ce 00 O5 N b tp fe I g ! 10 CO CO f-4 3 * 5 CO f g ^ 35 CO CO _^ to - S] SB " h 5 o 29-840 s a 2 b 00 i to b rS b lO to CO l> -* op >'o X l> g O CO co w x o o !a 10 <-i CO C & o ON 00 ,1 0) 05 N co i i b M CO X I 1= pH X b CO ^H X O] ! S * S & -JL US tO -n 2 at 3 co S CD I" 1 GO 00 O tc 3 n "5 0-1 i 1 b X I 2 b CO 5 V s "? CO u> rt =5 ^ * S ^ " S V b/o ff "3 ! 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Obs 13 A All") i"fl Ctf ervatory. I4M33 i l_ ological c bservations. ] MAR . j^JO^Wt s s^ __J ^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY