a Pear California egional acility --../ x UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES GIFT OF Citrus Experiment Rj-.flt.1on U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY BULLETIN No. 118. L. O. HOWARD. Entomologist and Chief cf Bureau. THE BEAN THRIPS. II. M. RUSSELL, Entomological Assistant. ISSUED OCTOBER 16, 1912. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING 1912. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY BULLETIN No. 118. L. O. HOWARD. Entomologist and Chief cf Bureau. THE BEAN THRIPS. H. M. RUSSELL, Entomological Assistant. ISSUED OCTOHEK 16, 1912. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1912. BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY. L. O. HOWARD, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. C. L. MARLATT, Entomologist and Acting Chief in Absence of Chief. R. S. CLIFTON, Executive Assistant. W. F. TASTET, Chief Clerk. F. H. CHITTENDEN, in charge of truck crop and stored, product insect investigations. A. D. HOPKINS, in charge of forest insect investigations. W. D. HUNTER, in charge of southern fleld crop insect investigations. F. M. WEBSTER, in charge of cereal and forage insect investigations. A. L. QUAINTANCE, in charge of deciduous fruit insect investigations. E. F. PHILLIPS, in charge of bee culture. D. M. ROGERS, in charge of preventing spread of moths, fleld ^vork. ROLLA P. CURRIE, in charge of editorial work. MABEL COLCORD, in charge of library. TRUCK CROP AND STORED PRODUCT INSECT INVESTIGATIONS. F. II. CHITTENDEN, in charge. H. M. RUSSELL, C. H. POPENOE, WM. B. PARKER, H. O. MARSH, M. H. HIGH, FRED A. JOHNSTON, JOHN E. GRAF, entomological assistants. I. J. CONDIT, collaborator in California. W. N. ORD, collaborator in Oregon. THOMAS H. JONES, collaborator in Porto Rico. MARION T. VAN HORN, PAULINE M. JOHNSTON, ANITA M. BALLINGER, prcparators. 2 ADDITIONAL COPIES of this publication -A- may be procured from the SUPERINTEND- ENT OF DOCUMENTS, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., at 10 cents per copy a* CO LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL U. S. DEPARTMENT or AGRICULTURE, CQ BUREAU or ENTOMOLOGY, Washington, D. C., April 24, 1912. SIR : I have the honor to transmit herewith for publication a manu- N script entitled "The Bean Thrips," by H. M. Russell, an entomo- i logical assistant of this bureau. v This bulletin deals with an insect pest of the family Thripidae, * hvemorrhoidalis Bouche) and of Heliothrips rubrodnctus Giard are almost identical with those of the present species. THE ADULT FEMALE. The adult female (fig. 2) is about one-twenty-fourth of an inch in length (0.9815 mm. to 1.1174 mm.; average, 1.0405 mm.) and about one-fourth as wide as long (0.2265 mm. to 0.2869 mm.; average Via. 2. The bean thrips (Ueliothnps fasciatm) : a, Adult female ; 6, ventral side of abdominal segment of same; c, antenna of same, a, Greatly enlarged; 6, c, more enlarged. ^(Original.) width, 0.2529 mm.) and is fusiform in shape. The head and body are black and, under the microscope, are seen to be covered with distinct reticulations and short white hairs. The antennae are 8- segmented and two and one-half times as long as the head, and are held out in front of the body. They are black, more or less banded with white, and bear white hairs. The wings are held folded to- gether down the middle of the dorsum; they are black, crossed by a white band at the base and a white band at three-fourths the dis- tance from the base. The wings are fringed with long white hairs. The legs are black, banded with white. 1 1 For a detailed description of tho genus and the- species for use of systematists, S-P Hinds's "Monograph of the Thysanoptera " (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 26, 1902), pp. 174-175. 51097 Bull. 11812 2 10 THE BEAN THKIPS. THE ADULT MALE. The male resembles to a great extent the female, as the color and the markings are the same, but it is noticeably smaller in size and apparently more active. When viewed under the microscope the sexual organs are seen to be distinctly different, and in light- colored or cleared specimens the testes may be seen as two orange-red bodies in the abdomen, and on the middle of each of segments 2 to 6 on the ventral side are yellowish oval spots. The total length of the male is 0.7097 mm. to 0.8002 mm. ; the average, 0.7474 mm. The greatest width across the mesothorax is 0.1963 mm. to 0.2114 mm. ; the average, 0.1978 mm. RECENTLY EMERGED ADULTS. Both sexes, when just emerged, have the head and thorax a light yellowish orange, with the eyes and ocelli bright red. The antennrc are white and ringed with brown, while the wings are dusky, crossed by bands of a darker color. The legs are white, with ends of each segment more or less black. Gradually the color darkens, and in a day they all have the fully matured colors, as described above. FIG. 3. The bean thrips : The egg (fig. 3) is bean shaped, 0.21 to enlarged ' 0.255 mm. in length and 0.105 to 0.12 mm. in width, and is very delicate and thin shelled. It is translucent white, with a smooth shining surface. The eggs are laid in the tissue of the leaf or in the veins, or even in the stems, and in case of beans may be laid in the pods themselves. As the embryo within develops, the egg becomes swollen, and the little pocket in which it is inserted becomes raised above the leaf surface. The eggs may be seen in the leaf tissue if examined with a hand lens before the light. Each little egg pocket stands out, because of its lighter color, and within the crude outline of the egg may be seen. The younger stages of this insect differ distinctly from those of Heliothrips hcemorrhoidalis * in the dashes of crimson so generally present on the sides. THE FIRST-STAGE LARVA. 2 (Fig. 4.) Length, 0.42 mm. ; width" of mesothorax, 0.135 mm. General shape fusiform, similar to Heliothrips hcemorrhoidalis; head, antennae, and legs large in propor- 1 For description of Hcliotlirips hcemorrhoidalis, see " The Greenhouse Thrips," Bui. 64, Part VI, Bur. Ent., U. S. Dept. Agr., pp. 46-48, 1909. Description made while larva was very young and before feeding commenced. DESCRIPTION. 11 tiou to rest of the body. Color traiisJuceut white. Head large, quadrate; eyes reddish ; ocelli absent. Antennae 0.195 mm. in length, apparently 7-segmented ; basal segment cylindrical, short; second nearly twice as long as first, barrel- shaped; third and fourth spindle-shaped, ringed with a few fine hairs; fifth, sixth, and seventh slender, nearly equal in length. Legs translucent white. Abdomen tapering posteriorly ; first eight segments nearly equal in length, last two segments longer than others ; each abdominal segment with longitudinal rows of setae, the tenth with four setae about 0.045 mm. in length. At this stage there seems to be nothing to distinguish this species from H. hoemorrhoidalis. THE SECOND-STAGE LARVA. (Fig. 5.) Length. 1.05 mm. ; width of mesothorax, 0.27 mm. Shape fusiform, about same as larva ; of mesothorax and meta thorax long, robust, cylindrical; sides of mesothorax and metathorax and first five abdominal seg- ments nearly parallel ; pro- thorax narrowed toward head ; last five abdominal segments tapering to the last segment, which is cylindrical and trun- cated at end. Color of head and pro thorax light yellow, mesothorax and metathorax and first six segments of abdo- men translucent white, stained on sides with crimson blotches and with yellow on dorsum to some extent; next three seg- ments of abdomen the color of head, last segment of abdomen white; alimentary tract plainly indicated by the brownish color given it by inclosed food. Surface of body covered with minute granulations. Head quadrate, rounded in front and notched behind the eyes, 0.12 mm. long, O.OS25 mm. wide ; eyes small, reddish ; ocelli absent. Antennae 7-segmented, first four segments the color of head, the others translucent- white; first segment short, cylindrical; second longer, barrel-shaped; third and fourth spindle-shaped 'and annulated; fifth, sixth, and seventh slender and cylindrical. Legs long, yellowish. Abdomen 0.60 mm. in length, fusiform, ovipositor not formed; seg- ments with rows of fine setu^ increasing in length toward posterior end; ninth and tenth segments with longer setae. FIG. 4. The bean thrips : First-stage larva. Greatly enlarged. (Original.) 12 THE BEAN THKIPS. THE YOUNG NYMPH OR PREPUPA. (Fig. 6.) Length, 1.02 ram.; width of mesothorax, 0.255 mm. Shape fusiform, similar to adult. Head, length, 0.09 mm. ; width at eyes, 0.157 mm. Head translucent white, vertex slightly yellowish, ocelli absent. Head rounded in front, slightly notched behind the eyes; eyes red, made up of a few facets, surface faintly reticulated ; two pairs of setse behind the eyes and two pairs between the eyes. Antennae translucent white, extending forward, 0.195 mm. in length; segments indistinct but apparently 7-segmented. Prothorax about one-half again as wide as long, sides rounded, posterior edge broadest, semitranslucent white to yellow, posterior angles tinted with crimson. PIG. 5. The bean thrips : Second- stage larva. Greatly enlarged. (Original.) FIG. 6. The bean thrips: Prepupa. Greatly enlarged. (Original.) setae around margin. Mesothorax with rounded angles, translucent white to faint yellow, sides and posterior angles tinted with crimson, wing-cases trans- ^ parent white, distinct from each other, those of forewings extending to middle of second abdominal segment and those of hind wings extending to middle of third abdominal segment. Legs strong, translucent white. Abdomen fusiform as in adult, translucent white to faint yellowish, edges with tint of crimson, which enlarges to fair-sized blotches on sides of seventh and eighth segments; number of longitudinal rows of setse increasing in length toward posterior end. Length of abdomen, 0.62 mm. DESCRIPTION. THE PULL-GROWN NYMPH OR PUPA. 13 (Fig. 7.) Length, 0.99-1.09 mm. ; width at mesothoracic angles, 0.24-0.255 mm Shape similar to that of adult. Color orange; posterior border of prothorax mesothoracic angles, sides, and abdominal segments 2, 3, 6, and 7 more or less crimson. Head, length, 0.11 mm. ; width, 0.18 mm. ; orange, apparently faintly reticulated ; eyes dark red, larger than in prepupal stage, facets small. Three ocelli present in close triangle between eyes, in color yellow. Antenna* laid backward on head and reaching to beyond middle of prothorax ; segments in- distinct, translucent white; segments 1 and 2 projecting in front of the head and 2 with four setae or hairs, two extending forward, about 0.0135 mm. in length. Tho- rax light orange or yellow. Prothorax about twice as wide as long. Wing-cases 0.54 mm. long, extending to seventh abdominal segment, translucent white. Length from head to end of wing- pads, 0.825 mm. Legs trans- lucent white. Abdomen fusiform, similar to adult, surface plainly reticulated in older specimens, seta? well developed, the longest ones at posterior end. Length of abdomen, mm. ; width, 0.31 length of posterior O.OS5 mm. The younger stages of this insect differ distinctly from those of 11. hcemorrhoidaUs* in the dashes of crimson so generally present on the sides. The pupa of the male is shorter and more slen- 0.612 mm. ; seta?, PIG. 7. The Greatly enlarged. der than that of the fe- male. This pupa differs from H. hcemorrhoidalis in its smaller size, in its yellow color, with the sides of the abdomen more or less stained with crimson, and in having the hairs of the body longer and the second segment of the antennae with two long setae. The foregoing descriptions are for the parts of California in Los Angeles County and more northern points, for Mr. Wildermuth 1 For description of Heliothrips fuemorrhoidrilis, see " The Greenhouse Thrips," Bui. 04. Part VI, Bur. Ent., U. S. Dept. Agr., pp. 46-48. 1909. 14 THE BEAN THRIPS. found that the different stages in the Imperial Valley lacked the red markings except in the cooler weather of the late fall. ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION. This insect was first described by Mr. Theodore Pergande from specimens taken in Yuba County, Cal. A few years later he identi- fied a thrips from Lewiston, Idaho, as this same species. Mr. Dudley Moulton reported that this species had been collected in Colusa County by Mr. E. K. Carnes, in Santa Rosa County by Mr. O. E. Bremner, and in the Santa Cruz Mountains, Santa Clara County, by himself. Mr. D. L. Crawford recorded fasciatus from Santa Paula, Ventura County, Cal., and from Claremont arid Chino, Cal. Mr. William B. Parker, of this bureau, collected it at Davis and Hamilton City, Cal. Mr. P. R. Jones, engaged in pear thrips in- vestigations, reports that this insect occurs very commonly around Lindsay and San Jose, Cal. Mr. S. W. Foster, while engaged in the same investigation, collected this insect from Martinez, Cal., and later found it " frequently throughout Contra Costa County." Mr. V. L. Wildermuth, engaged in cereal and forage insect in- vestigations, has collected this insect in California at Indio, River- side County, and at Bard, El Centre, and Holtville, Imperial County, and in Arizona at Yuma, Yuma County, Buckeye and Tempe, Mari- copa County, and Sacaton, Pinal County. During the present investigation the writer has collected this insect quite extensively from many places in southern California. In 1910 it was found to be very abundant on wild lettuce in several yards and alleys in the city of Los Angeles itself. At various times it has been collected from Bell, Compton, Gardena, Glendale, Holly- wood, Laurel Canyon, Puente, San Gabriel, Sierra Madre, Tropico, and Whittier, in Los Angeles County. In Laurel Canyon the author found it feeding on wild food plants in uncleared land about 6 miles from cultivated fields. It was also collected near the entrance of the canyon, scattered over the mountain sides on various wild plants. At Sierra Madre it was taken at an elevation of 750 feet. It was also collected at Garden Grove, Huntington Beach, Smelt- zer, and Sunset Beach, in Orange County, Cal. While on a trip in October, 1910, the author found this insect to be generally distributed throughout the town of Oxnard, and in Mental vo and the entire outlying sugar-beet district of Ventura County. In February, 1911, the author made a trip to San Diego to investi- gate the conditions in reference to truck crops there, and in Mission Valley a long, narrow, and fertile valley lying to the north of San Diego, and devoted to truck crops this insect was found feeding to some extent on pea vines. The writer left California for Washing- ton, D. C., in September, 1911, and while delayed at Sparks, Nev., he examined several clumps of wild lettuce growing along the rail- ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION. jg road track and collected both larval and adult forms of th, I,,,,,, thnps upon this plant. tl ^ A i; *' ^iT^'f thiS bUreaU ' reC6ntly re P rted to the wri *er that he had collected the species on October 10, 1910, at Clarksville. *T'r7 thlS mS6Ct is S0 widel y distributed in all parts of California seems to point strongly to that State as its original home. This is also strongly supported by the fact that Moulton collected it from wild vetch in the Santa Cruz Mountains and that the writer collected it in wild, uncultivated tracts in the mountains and canyons north of Los Angeles, 5 and 6 miles from cultivated crops. This point of view is further strengthened, because the au- thor has found this insect feeding on more than 20 native wild plants. FIG. 8. Map showing present known distribution of the bean thrips (Ilelio1hrii>x }iiK,-iiHux\. (Original.) Mr. J. D. Hood, formerly of the office of the State entomologist of Illinois, recently informed the writer that he possessed specimens of this thrips that were collected by Prof. Lawrence Bruner at Lincoln, Nebr., February 14, 1899, and that he had collected this same species at Urbana, 111., in March, 1907. In both cases the thrips were taken on California oranges and had evidently been cur- ried across the country while hibernating in the navel end of the fruit. This is an excellent illustration of how this insect may be distributed through the agency of man. Although this insect is quite minute and has been little studied, at the present time it is known to occur through the entire State of California, in several places in Arizona, in Nevada, and in Idaho near the Washington State line. It has also been found in one locality in Tennessee. Figure 8 has been prepared to show the present definite localities where this insect has been observed. 16 THE BEAN THRIPS. Without doubt this insect occurs over the entire Pacific coast of the United States and down into Mexico for some distance and pos- sibly even into Central America. As it becomes better known it will probably be found to occur in several of the other Western States and some of the Eastern States as well. HISTORY. In 1895 Mr. Theodore Pergande (I) 1 described this species from one specimen received from Yuba County, Cal., where it was taken on an orange leaf infested with (Aspidiotus} Chrysomphalus aurantii Mask. At that time he expressed the opinion that the occurrence on this plant was accidental. In view of our present knowledge, however, of the feeding habits of this insect, this specimen was probably feeding on the foliage of the orange itself. In 1902 Hinds (3) redescribed the female from one specimen in the collection of the Bureau of Entomology. At that time he wrote that nothing was known of the life history. Miss Daniels (4), writing in 1904, noted the occurrence of this thrips in California. At the same time she erected a new genus and species, Caliothrips woodworthi (4), for the male of Heliothrips fasciatus. This error was first pointed out by Dudley Moulton (6) in 1907, and the present writer agrees with him, as the male of fasciatus fits the description exactly except in the number of. an- tenna 1 segments. Undoubtedly Miss Daniels made a mistake in the number of segments in the antenna, since fasciatus is 8-segmented only. Crawford (7), in 1909, under "Notes on California Thysanop- tera," records taking numerous specimens in southern California. These were captured on pine, Lotus glaber, and apple. Under the name Euthrips fasciatus, Bremner (8), in 1910, reported this insect as injuring beans and peas and as occurring on alfalfa and on peach and pear trees. He recommended spraying with nico- tine solutions, and wrote that of these sulphate of nicotine in the proportion of 1 ounce to 5 gallons of water had given perfect success. In 1911 Coit and Packard (9) wrote that the bean thrips caused considerable defoliation to cotton and alfalfa in Imperial Valley, Cal. Moulton (10) also gave a list of its food plants. The present writer, in 1911 (12) and also in 1912 (13), published two papers dealing with the life history and habits of Thripoctenus russelli Crawf., a parasite reared in large numbers from this thrips. RECENT RECORDS. This species, as identified by Mr. Pergande, was sent to the Bureau of Entomology January 25, 1898, by Mr. M. J. Wessels, of Lewiston, 1 Numbers in parentheses refer to the Bibliography, pp. 44-45. HABITS OF THE ADULT. J^ Idaho, who collected it in a diseased spot of a crab apple. On Augi^t 27, 1908, Mr. I. J. Condit sent in specimens of this thrips from Davis, Cal., where they were injuring sugar beets. He wrote: I examined the beets and found them literally covered with thrips both tlu- surface and underside of the leaves being badly infested. There were very few leaves which were not attacked, most of them having the appearance of the specimens sent. A field of tomatoes near by was also becoming infested The lower leaves especially were yellow and some falling off. Mr. S. W. Foster informed the writer that on August 26, 1900, Mr. Frank T. Swett, of Martinez, Cal., sent to the laboratory of the Bureau of Entomology at Walnut Creek, Cal.. a quantity of pear leaves badly injured by this species. On August 31 Mr. Foster visited the orchard and found the injury quite noticeable. He wrote that " the foliage gave the appearance from a distance of having been scalded." Mr. V. L. Wildermuth, of this bureau, sent speci- mens taken on alfalfa at Indio, Cal., on July 2, 1910. Mr. A. McLachlan, of Davis, Cal., sent in specimens of this thrips on October 13, 1910, with the report that they were injuring the buds and tips of cotton. Mr. W. B. Parker, of this bureau, under date of August 25, 1911, sent this insect from Davis, Cal., with the statement that it was causing serious damage to the foilage of the sugar beet. He also collected it on sugar beets at Hamilton City, Cal., on September 18, 1911, where it was causing some injury. He wrote, however, that owing to the lateness of the season when the beets were attacked probably only slight damage resulted. HABITS OF THE ADULT. For a short time after emerging from the pupa this insect remains quiet and appears to be waiting for its limbs to harden. During this time the colors, which were light at emergence, gradually darken. After hardening the thrips moves off and begins feeding. METHOD OF MATING. The males and females of this species seem to emerge from the pupa at about the same time. During this investigation it was ob- served that, under laboratory conditions at least, the sexes mated generally in from two to three days after emergence and in some cases in even less time. This operation has been observed both in the field and in the laboratory and was identical under both condi- tions. This is probably best described by the original field notes made at the time of observation. 51097 Bull. 11812 3 18 THE BEAN THKIPS. The male, 1 when inclined to copulate, picks out a female, and if she is moving over the leaf runs after her and jumps or alights on her back. In some cases he then spreads the wings and moves them up and down, at the same time moving the tip of the abdomen in the same manner. In other cases the male, after leaping onto the back of the female, remains motionless for some time in that position. It then exserts the copulatory organs from the tip of the abdomen and shifts around toward the side of the female, at the same time bend- ing the abdomen under to the ventral side of that of the female. The copulating organs are then moved back and forth until they en- counter those of the female. In some cases observed, when the male did not succeed in connection, it would withdraw to its former posi- tion on the female and after remaining quiet for a short time would move over and attempt the act on the opposite side. As soon as con- nection is made the male remains motionless for a short time, during which period the female, in many cases, craAvls slowly around on the leaf. After a few minutes the male relinquishes his hold with the copulating organs and moves squarely back onto the dorsum of the female. Soon after the male crawls off and away from the female. This entire operation was observed in three cases to occupy 3, 5, and 10 minutes. Several cases were observed where two males attempted copulation with the same female, but, after a vain attempt, one general!} 7 left her. METHOD AND TIME OF OVIPOSITION. Exactly how much time elapses between copulation and oviposition was not observed, but probably not more than a day, so that the female will begin oviposition within three days from the time she emerges from the pupa. In one case adults emerged on July 19, 1911, and eggs were laid four days later. Oviposition usually takes place during the night, but has been observed at 2, 3, and 4.30 in the afternoon. A female engaged in oviposition was observed to crawl over the leaf of the food plant for a short distance and then to stop and scrape a hole in the leaf with her mouth cone. This was accomplished by a slight forward and backward motion like that of a chisel. In a short time the female ceased this action and moving forward until she could place the tip of the abdomen where the tissue had been ruptured, arched the abdomen in the middle, arid brought the tip to the opening in 1 Pietro Buffa (Atti Soc. Toscano Soc. Nat. Mem., vol. 23, p. 48, 1907) figures JEolothrips fasciatus, female and male in copulation, in a position identical with that observed by the writer in Heliothrips fasciatus on many different occasions. A. F. Shull (A Biological Survey of the Sand Dune Region of Saginaw Bay, Mich., pp. 190-192), describing copulation in the suborder Terebrantia, expresses doubt as to the position of the male on the back of the female during copulation. As his observa- tions on Euthrips tritici were made under unfavorable conditions his conclusions were probably erroneous. HABITS OF THE ADULT. 19 the leaf surface. She then proceeded to work the ovipositor back and forth in the rupture until she had made an incision of sufficient depth. After this she became motionless for a varying lenih of time, while the egg was being deposited, whereupon the ovipositor was removed, and the female moved away. A number of cases have been observed where the female after inserting the ovipositor, could not withdraw it, and, thus held, she soon died. NUMBER 01* EGGS AND PERIOD OF OVIPOSITION. Owing to the artificial means used in studying the habits of this insect it was impossible to determine exactly how many eggs a female is capable of laying. However, the writer confined T fe- males in a vial for observation. They laid an average of 35.5 egg each, while the highest average for any day was 5.5 eggs each. Another female, during the period from August 16 to August 23, 1911, laid 16 eggs, the greatest number laid in any one day being 5. At Compton, Cal., during 1911, females kept in confinement were observed to oviposit for 30 days in succession, while others were observed to oviposit 51 and 83 days after they emerged from the pupae. If this insect normally continues oviposition regularly over a period of 83 days the total number of eggs laid must be very large. Mr. V. L. Wildermuth, while in the Imperial Valley, made some interesting notes on the number of eggs this species may deposit. On August 2, 1910, he confined 2 females on leaves of alfalfa in a vial, and on August 5 these leaves contained 50 eggs, or an average of 25 eggs each in 3 days. His other observations are given in Table I. TABLE I. Number of eggs deposited by the bean thrifts (Hcliothriiis Jasciatus), Imperial Valley, Cal., 1910. Ejtper- iment No. Date female was put in vial. Date and number of eggs. Total period of oviposi- tion. Total number of eggs. 1910. Eggs. 1910. Eggs. 1910. Eggs. Dead. 1 2 3 4 5 1910. Aug. 29 Aug. 31 do do 1911. Sept. 28 i Sept. 1 Sept. 4 Sept. 7 Sept. 1 Sept. 30 36 42 53 20 12 Sept. 2 6 Sept. 6 37 1 **-, 3 6 1 46 79 42 53 30 134 Oct. 3 Oct. 6\ Nov. 1 25 47 27 Oct. 11 'Nov.'ii" 24 .... Record made at Tempe, Ariz. Iii these experiments the longest period of oviposition was 46 days, and the largest number of eggs laid by a single female, 134. It will be observed from these figures that the females observed by Mr. Wildermuth deposited more eggs and at a more rapid daily rate 20 THE BEAN THRIPS. than those observed by the writer. This may have been due to the higher temperature of the Imperial Valley and vicinity, where his observations were made. Mr. Wildermuth noted adults in copula- tion the day that they emerged, and oviposition on the following date. He also observed this species to oviposit during the entire day, whereas the writer never observed it to oviposit except in the after- noon or night. PROPORTION OF THE SEXES. The bean thrips was under the observation of the writer for a period of more than two years, during which time it had been ob- served in the field at all times of the year. In all observations made during the investigation of this insect the males and females were collected together and copulation was observed from early in Febru- ary until reproduction ceased late in the fall. Apparently the females outnumber the males, but this may be due to the fact that the females are not quite so active as the males, and are not dis- turbed on the plants when examined. On June 9, 1911, out of 17 specimens reared in the laboratory 9 were females and 8 males. July 17, 1911, the writer examined another series of live adults that were reared in the laboratory. Out of 10G, 80 were females and 2G males. A third series of reared adults was examined October 16, 1911, and out of 4A adults 32 were females and 12 males. Apparently the per- centage of females is too high and does not indicate the exact rela- tion between the sexes. KINDS OF REPRODUCTION. In all observations made on this topic reproduction has been bisexual, and in view of the fact that males were observed at all times and copulation also occurred at all times in the year when this insect was active, this would seem to be the usual method. How- ever, although the few experiments made to determine whether parthenogenesis occurred gave negative results, in view of the pre- ponderance of females during certain parts of the season it is quite probable that asexual reproduction may occur. It would seem that this method would occur under certain conditions, especially in view of the fact that the greenhouse thrips (Heliothrips hamorrhoi- dalis) 1 reproduces, so far as we know., asexually only, the male hav- ing never been discovered. FEEDING HABITS. Both the adult and larva of this thrips injure the host by feeding on the foliage. As in the case of the greenhouse thrips, the lower 1 " The Greenhouse Thrips," Bui. 64, Bur. Ent., U. S. Dept. Agr. HABITS OF THE ADULT. 21 and earlier leaves are first attacked in the spring by the adults. These feed on the underside of the leaves, scraping out the leaf content in small spots that become white and conspicuous. Often the adults move along and leave a chain of white spots to mark their progress. The adults also feed to some extent on the surface. As they feed the females deposit their eggs in the leaf tissues, and as soon as incubation is completed the larva? hatch and join the adults on the leaves. Under these conditions the leaves become more or less dried and lifeless, and the adults move to the higher and more tender leaves of the plant. In this way the entire plant may become infested. On February 5, 1911, the writer found the adults of this insect extremely abundant in the pea field of some Chinese truckers at Hollywood, Cal. Here nearly every plant had 7 or 8 adults feed- ing on the underside of the foliage, and in many cases 5 and 6 were present on each leaf. On August 18 of the same year in the same locality plants of spiny wild lettuce (Lactuca scariola) were observed that had 50 adults feeding on a single leaf. The adults seem to feed on a large variety of plants and have been found feeding on all of the plants given under " List of food plants." It may be well to state at this point that the presence of adults on a plant has not been considered sufficient evidence to class that plant as a food plant, but whenever larvae of this insect were taken on a plant, this was considered sufficient to rank the plant as a host. In the spring when the adults leave hibernation they collect on the wild food plants present and feed on them until their injury, due to an increase in numbers and feeding, weakens the plants and shortens the food supply; then they fly to fresh plants of the same hosts or to cultivated crops and fruit trees nearby. Of all the food plants observed, the spiny wild lettuce (Lactuca scariola} seems to be the most favored. This plant has been found to be infested more heavily than any of the other food plants concerned, not excepting those of economic importance. FLIGHT. The present writer in his investigations of the greenhouse thrips > never observed that insect to take flight naturally, or even when dis- turbed. The adults of Heliothrips fasciatus, on the contrary, take flight very readily, and if jarred or disturbed will usually fly or jump. This species in taking flight raises the tip of the abdomen quickly, and separates the wings. It then rises straight up into the air and flies rapidly away in short undulating curves. Indeed, to the un- trained eye it appears, in flight, exactly like a small speck of soot being blown around by a slight breeze. This power of flight aids greatly in the dispersion of this insect during the spring and summer. Loc. cit. 22 THE BEAN THRIPS. This species possesses the power to leap actively and, considering its size, to a considerable distance. It is no uncommon occurrence for the specimens which are being examined upon a plant to leap off and be lost. Like the greenhouse thrips, it will crawl over the leaves rapidly when disturbed. At other times it will remain motionless for a considerable period, lying closely to the surface of the leaf along one of the veins. NORMAL LENGTH OF LIFE. The length of life of this insect as an adult has been determined under the artificial conditions of confinement in vials containing fresh leaves of the food plant. As often as these lost their freshness other leaves were put in and the adults were changed with a camel 's- hair brush. Even under these conditions the length of life observed for some individuals was surprisingly long, when we consider the minute size of the insect. During these experiments it was observed that these insects were very sensitive to humidity or a lack of it and all were soon killed whenever the vials used in confining them became too dry. Table II shows the results of these experiments in which some thrips lived for 84 days. TABLE II. Length of life of adult ~bcan thrips ar observed during the past two years by the writer would indicate. These have been divided into economic and wild food plants, and under each will be given notes on injury and appearance of injured plants. BEANS. The injurious occurrence of this insect on the foliage of beans f the leaf. This becomes white and covered with the black spots of excrement. The infestation then spreads to the surface and to other parts of the plant. As the feeding goes on the leaves lose all color, become wdiite, or dry up and turn brown and drop off. As the infes- tation increases, the stems and pods themselves are also attacked and ruined. A badly infested field appears as if scorched by fire.- The lima bean and pink bean suffer in the same way. The blackeye cow- peas this past season were almost immune from the attack of this insect, even in fields in which the pink beans and spiny lettuce were very badly infested. 28 THE BEAN THEIPS. OTHER VEGETABLES. During the spring and early summer this insect is not noticeable on either the sugar or table beets. Late in the summer, however, as the wild plants die down, these plants often become badly infested, but as the beets have nearly completed their growth little real in- jury results. The outside leaves seem to be first infested, showing series of minute white spots more or less in chains, where the chloro- phyll has been removed, but in badly infested leaves the underside becomes white and dried and covered with small black spots, causing the leaves to wilt. Mr. Parker wrote from Hamilton City, Cal., under date of September 18, 1911, that the injury was apparent in almost every field. Cabbages and other crucifers are commonly infested by this thrips and at times may be seriously injured. On March 27, 1911, cabbages in the laboratory yard were slightly infested. Where they had fed long the underside of the leaf was full of the silvery-white feeding marks of this insect and the tiny black specks of excrement. Cauli- flower suffers to the same extent as the less valuable cabbage. This insect has also been found feeding quite extensively on let- tuce, potato, and tomato. At Hollywood, Cal., in February, 1911, it was very abundant on the foliage of pea vines, but the infestation did not appear to increase, probably because the vines were quite old. PEAR. Mr. S. W. Foster found pear foliage badly injured on August 31, 1909, at Martinez, Cal. He wrote: The foliage gave the appearance from a distance of having been scalded. Close examination showed that the leaves were often injured in large areas on either or both surfaces. The larvae, feeding only on these outer surfaces, soon cause the blackened areas. As the tree has made most of its growth for the season and the fruit crop has been harvested, it is hardly probable that this species will prove of serious consequence to the growers unless it should get so numerous as to appear in numbers early in the season. The following field observations on the work of the bean thrips on alfalfa and cotton were made by Mr. Wildermuth in the Imperial Valley, Cal.: August 2, 1910. This thrips does nearly all if not all of its feeding on the upper surface of the leaf. The excrement is arranged in definite rows, often semicircular in form, around these eaten spots and makes a very characteristic mark [see fig. 9]. The eaten spots later turn yellow and then the alfalfa presents a sickly appearance. August 4 I visited several alfalfa fields and all were very much injured by this thrips. Scarcely a leaf could be found that POOD PLANTS. 29 was green arid fresh as it should be TliP FIG. 9. Alfalfa showing Injury by the bean thrips. (Original.) of attack. September 30 the fields were still being b.-ully damaged. After a field is newly irrigated just after cutting for a week or 10 days the dnuuivo is not noticeable, but after three weeks nearly all leaves show the effects and tin- alfalfa presents a very sickly appearance. A lack of sufficient water causes the damage to be more noticeable, as under such a condition the growth of the alfalfa is not so rapid and the thrips' damage is more conspicuous. 30 THE BEAN THEIPS. On September 18. 1911, he wrote: This thrips is very abundant in alfalfa fields at this time of year, the larva? being present on the older alfalfa and the adults present on the younger shoots and leaves. Many leaves, after being badly scarred by the thrips, wilt and fall off, so that the damage is soon very great. It seems rather strange that this thrips should become so vary abundant in the fall of the year and Euthripa tritici, the other important alfalfa thrips, should decrease in numbers and that in the spring of the year just the opposite should be the case. COTTON. September 22, 1910, Mr. Wildermuth wrote : This thrips was found damaging cotton about 11 miles southeast of El Centre, Cal. The cotton was only damaged in one corner of the field, and it happens that fresh alfalfa is being stacked close to this corner. September 28 a field of cotton east of Imperial had a strip through the center of the field damaged by this thrips. September 30 numerous fields on the east side of the valley were being damaged by this pest. The leaves were dead and rusty looking and the plants in bad condition. The damage was not as great as if the work had begun earlier in the season, but was at that time very great. October 11 several cotton fields at Holtville, on the east side of the valley, were examined. A great many fields showed considerable injury. The leaves were eaten and turned a sickly yellowish or brown, many often being curled. A field on the Young ranch was as badly damaged as any seen, and this field lay alongside an alfalfa field. Three other fields on the same ranch showed very little damage. The former field was of a late planting. This thrips has caused much more damage to cotton than was anticipated, and if it should begin its work early in the season it might prove extremely destructive. Be- cause of this, as well as other still better reasons, cotton should be planted as early as possible in the spring. In November. 1911, Mr. Wildermuth wrote: Mr. Packard and cotton growers throughout the valley report but little injury to cotton by this thrips this year. I found only two specimens of larvae myself, and a few adults. It would seem as if the damage to cotton coines when cotton follows alfalfa. This year, there being but little alfalfa laud put *o cotton and more cotton following cotton, the damage was not so noticeable. WILD PLANTS. Of all food plants of this insect the wild spiny lettuce (Lactuca scariola} seems to be preferred, at least in the vicinity of Los Angeles. From early spring, when this plant comes up, until it dies down in the fall, it is usually badly infested by thrips. Many cases have been observed where other food plants, such as beans, etc., in the same field were only slightly infested, while the spiny lettuce near by was so badly attacked that many plants were dead. Furthermore, this weed is one of the commonest in the country, occurring abundantly in un- cultivated or even in badly cultivated fields. In addition it grows up in dense clumps in all fence rows and roadsides, and the rights of way of the different railroads are densely packed by this plant. SEASONAL HISTORY AT COMPTON, CAL. 31 When this weed first comes up in the early spring there is scarcely any vegetation, so that it offers an agreeable host to the bean thrips, especially as the foliage is very tender and juicy at that time. The thrips attack the first young leaves, and the larvae, upon hatching from eggs deposited at that time, join the feeding adults. As soon as these become abundant, the leaves lose all or nearly all of the green leaf-content and turn white, after which they dry up and hang dead from the stalk. The infestation continues to spread to the younger leaves until the entire plant is killed. The sow thistle (Sonchus oleraceus) has the same general distri- bution and is also a favorite food plant. Wild heliotrope (Heliotropium curassavicum) is another favorite food plant late in the year. This plant does not start in the spring until quite late, and when it does appear above the ground generally escapes destruction by cultivation. Thus it occurs commonly in the beet and bean fields and in orchards, and in the fall is one of the chief food plants. The bean thrips has also been found feeding and reproducing in numbers on Euryptera lucida and on one of the cucurbitacea?, prob- ably an Echinocystis, in a canyon north of Los Angeles. In the same locality it was later taken feeding and reproducing on Gnaphalinm calif ornicum, Mirdbilis californica, Eunamis brevipcs, Chenopodimn murale, Helianthus annuus, Atriplex sp., wild turnip, Erigeron cana- densis, and wild pea (Lotus americanus} . It was also taken in the valleys feeding and reproducing on the Chinese cigarette flower (Nic- otiana glauca] , Bidens pilosa, Verbascum virgatum,, Polygonum avi- culare, and Crepsis (?) sp. The adults were also taken in the fall feeding on the foliage of a porch vine, Tacsonia mellissimus, and on the cultivated nasturtium (Tropceolum major}. Mr. A. C. Morgan found it on the underside of the leaves of the tulip poplar at Clarks- ville. Tenn. This thrips has also been recorded as feeding on Lotu* glalcr, apple, peach, orange, wild vetch, burr clover, and radish. After perusal of the above list of food plants it is easy to see how this insect can obtain a foothold in a cultivated crop in the late summer, especially as many of the wild plants die from maturity or lack of moisture, thus forcing the insect to migrate. SEASONAL HISTOBY AT COMPTON, CAL. The life cycle of the bean thrips was observed at Compton for vary- ing parts of the year, and because of the cooler and more even tem- perature prevailing there is quite extended and more nearly equa for the entire period of reproductive activity. THE EGG. The length of time required for the egg to hatch in the months of March, April, and May was not exactly determined. However, fr 32 THE BEAN THEIPS. leaves of wild lettuce were collected on April 7 and they had a number of eggs in them very recently laid. The last of these hatched on April 24, making the length of incubation about 17 days, or possi- bly as many as 21 days. The average mean temperature for these 21 days was 59.1 F. In July several adults of this thrips were confined over night on leaves of growing plants that were uninfested, and were removed on the following morning. In this way a number of eggs were ob- tained that hatched under absolutely normal conditions, ns the plants were kept in an open-air insectary. Table IV has been prepared to show the records of incubation for these eggs. TABLE IV. Length of egg stage of the bean thrips in July at Compton, CaL, 191 J. Dates eggs hatched and number each day. Date of ovipo- sition. First egg hatched. Last egg hatched. Shortest incuba- tion. Longest incuba- tion. Total eggs hatched. Julv Julv Julv July' July July July July 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. July 10 5 54 16 3 2 6 July 23 Days. Julv 28 13 Days. 18 M July 11 26 18 9 7 July 24 July 27 13 17 60 July 14 8 15 July 28 July 29 13 14 23 169 In this experiment 169 eggs hatched and the minimum length of incubation was 13 days and the maximum 18 days, but nearly 50 per cent hatched in just 14 days. During this total period the aver- age mean temperature was 69.6 F. Again, on August 20 adults were confined over night on a living plant of wild lettuce, and 4 larvse hatched on September 4, and 7 on September 5, making the periods of incubation 15 and 16 days. During this time the average mean temperature was 66.3 F. During the months of October and November the incubation is probably lengthened a few days and will take about 21 days, as the average moan temperature for these months was, respectively, 58.67 and 55.3 F. THE LARVA. The length of time occupied by this insect in the larval stage dur- ing the months of March, April, and May was observed during the year 1911 by confining larvae that had just emerged in vials con- stantly supplied with fresh food. Table V gives the results of these observations. While in the first part of this period the length re- quired was from 17 to 19 days, later it was shortened to 9 and 11 days. The average mean temperature for the first period, March 19 to April 7, was 61.5 F. and for May 14 to May 27 it was 61.1 F. SEASONAL HISTORY AT COMPTON, CAL. 33 TABLE V. Length of larval stage of the bean ///n'/w. Compton, Co?., March and May, 1911. Date larvae hatched. Number of larvae hatched. Larvae pupating. Length stage. Average mean temppra- ture. Date. Number. Minimum. Maximum. Mar. 19 8 7 15 14 (Apr. 5 {Apr. ti Upr. V May 24 /May 26 \Mav 27 May 27 . 17 10 1 " Day,. 19 1 " 11 jr. 61.5 62.1 62.1 May 14 May 16 May 18 i Kest killed by heat. During June and the first part of July this method of rearing larvae to secure the length of instars was repeated, with the results shown in Table VI. TABLE VI. Length of larval stage of the bean thrii>* in June and the firxt part of July, 1911, Compton, Cal. Exp. No Eggs hatched. Larvae pupated. Total pupated. Duration of stage. A verage mean Date. Number. Date. Number. Minimum. tempera- Maximum, ture. 1 2 June 15 5 - 50 50 50 /June 28 \July 1 {July 10 July 11 July 12 (July 11 \July 12 July 13 1 j 4 3 2 11 11 3 Days. 13 11 11 12 Days. 'F. :| - June29 June 29 1 Here the minimum for the larval stage was 11 days and the maxi- mum 14 days. In July larvae were reared from eggs laid in normal growing plants, situated in an outdoor insectary under normal conditions. These experiments are all given in Table VII. TABLE VII. Length of larval stage of the bean thrip* in July, 1911, at Compton, Cal. Eggs hatched. Date and number of larvae Total larvae Length of larval stage. Average mean No. Date. Number. pupating. pupat- ing. Minimum. Maximum. ture. Day,. Days. F. 1 [July 23 July 24 5 54 ) July 31. 85 larvae feeding; Aug. I 2, all but 10 left plant to pu- 85 10 12 e.8 2 ljuly 25 July 24 July 25 July 26 16 26 18 9 | pate; Aug. 5, 10 prepupae. (Aug. 2, all larvae left plant to pupate in cracks. These lar- \ vae were feeding from 7 to 9 ( days and then left the plant. 68.8 f 3 /July 28 July 29 8 15 Aug! 9, number of larvae pu- pated. 11 } 66 ' 4 34 THE BEAN THKIPS. In these experiments the larvae were observed to feed for a period of 9 to 10 days and then to leave the plant to pupate, and 10 to 12 days were required between hatching from the egg and changing to 'prepupa?. During the year 1910 a number of larvae that hatched on July 28 were observed to change to prepupjc on August 7, the total length of the larval stage being 10 days, with an average mean temperature of 72.1 F. The length of this stage later in the summer and in early fall for this locality unfortunately was not observed, but was probably somewhat shorter for August and September and considerably longer in October and November. THE PREPUPA AND PUPA. As the prepupa and pupa are two distinct stages, although closely related, the length of each was separately determined. These two stages during the spring of 1911 required from 3 to 6 days for the prepupa and from 9 to 14 days for the pupa, or a total of from 14 to 19 days. The results are shown in Table VIII, with the average mean temperature for each experiment. TABLE VIII. Length of prepupal and pupal stages of the bean thrips at Comp- ton, C'dl., during March to May, 1911. Larvse changed to pre- pupa\ Prepupae changed to to pupae. Adults emerged. Length of stage. Average Exp Date. Num- ber. Date. Num- ber. Date. Num- ber. Pre- pupal. Pupal. Total. ture. Days. Days. Days. P. 1 Mar. 31 5 Apr. 3 5 Apr. 17 5 3 14 17 59.2 2 \pr 10 1 \pr 15 \pr 24 5 9 14 59 5 Apr. 19 1 Apr. 25 j May 4 1 6 9 15 57.9 4 Apr. 24 2 Apr. 29 1 May 10 1 5 11 16 56.9 Total 9 8 8 In the month of July these stages required from 1 to 4 days for the prepupa, and from 4 to 7 days for the pupa, or a total of from 5 to 11 days. The number that required less than 7 days, however, was very small. During this month the average mean temperature was G9 F. Table IX shows the results of these experiments and the average temperature for each. SEASONAL HISTORY AT COMPTON, CAL. 35 TABLE IX. Length of prepupal and pupal singes of the bean thrips at Comp- ton, Cal., during July, J<)11. Erp. Changed to prepupa. Changed to pupa. Adults emerged. Length of stage. Average No. Date. Num- ber. Date. Num- ber. Date. Num- ber. Pre- pupal. Pupal. Total. tempera- ture. Days. Days. Day,. r. July 1 7 July 5 7 /July 11 \July 12 2 5 f 4 6-7 10-11 71.7 July 10 3 July 13 3 July 18 3 ' 3 1 8 2 July 11 7 /July 14 \July 15 6 1 Wy IS 7 3 4 7 70.1 July 13 3 /July 14 \July 15 1 2 |july 19 1 ,- 2 4-5 5-7 3 4 /July 15 \July 10 July 19 1 2 2 July 17 July 18 July 23 July 24 1 1 2 July 24 July 24 July 29 July 29 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 6 6 5 9 8 9 8 71.8 63.5 July 20 During the month of August, 1010, at Los Angeles, CaL, larvae changed to prepupaj August 2 and the adults emerged on August 9, requiring 7 days for the prepupal and pupal stages. For this period the average mean temperature at Compton, 10 miles out, was 72.4 F. Another lot changed to prepupa on August 7 and the adults emerged on August 15, giving a total of 8 days for the prepupal and pupal stages. The average mean temperature at Compton for the period was 71.4 F. For the latter part of August and for September the length of these stages is nearly that required in July. However, in October this time is lengthened to some extent, Larvae that changed to prepupac on November 3, 1910, required until November 1C before the adults emerged, or a total of 13 days. The average mean temperature for the period was 59.9 F. Records made of the length of the prepupal and pupal stages for November and December 1910, as given in Table X, show that at that time of year the period required was greatly prolonged, the prepupal stage requiring from 7 to 9 days and the pupal stage from 20 to 24 days, making a total period of from 27 to 33 days. During this period the mean average temperature was 53.58 F. TABIE X Length of prepupal and pupal ztagea of the VK-HH /ftri/w for \nrcmber, 1910, at Compton, Cal. Exp. No 1 2 3 Changed to prepupa. Changed to pupa. Adults emerged. Length of stage. Date. Number. Date. Number. Date. Number. Pre- pupal. Pupal. Total. *~* 27-29 30-33 Nov 14 1 2 7 Nov. 21 Nov. 23 (Nov. 25 JNOV. 26 t or 27. 1 2 4 2 Dec. 12 (Dec. 13 \Dec. 15 Dec. 15 Dec. 17 1 1 1 3 *, \ 7 | 8-9 ** 20-22 22-24 Nov. 16 Nov.17 Total 10 9 7 36 THE BEAN THKIPS. TOTAL LIFE CYCLE. For localities with climatic conditions similar to those of Compton, the life cycle of this thrips will occupy during the early spring about 51 to 56 days, taking 20 days for the egg incubation, 17 to 19 days for the larval development, and 14 to 17 days for the prepupal and pupal stages. During the months of June to October the life cycle of this thrips will occupy from 28 to 43 days, taking 13 to 18 days for the egg stage, 10 to 14 days for the larval stage, and 5 to 11 days for the prepupal and pupal stages. During the rest of the breeding activity the life cycle must be even longer than in the spring, as in November, 1910, the prepupal and pupal stages alone occupied from 28 to 33 days, so that for the de- velopment of this insect during October, November, and the first of December at least G8 to 73 days must be required. EMERGENCE FROM HIBERNATION. In 1912 the adults began to emerge from hibernation at Holly- wood, Cal., in January, and began oviposition at once. When this locality was visited on February 7, the adults were found to be feed- ing on the foliage of peas and beans in some numbers. They were also seen in copulation in many cases. A careful examination dis- closed 4 young larva? feeding on bean foliage, so that the adult must have laid the eggs at least by January 10. This fielcl was situated on the foothills of w T hat is termed a frostless belt, and it may be that tins insect in mild winters might breed there during the entire period. On February 17 adults were found feeding on pea foliage in Mis- sion Valley, San Diego County, but no young w T ere seen. February 23 the species was found as an adult feeding on pea vines in the truck farms around Los Angeles, and on March 13 adults w r ere found feed- ing in small numbers at Compton, Cal. From then on the adults were common feeding on different plants, but not until April 17 were the larva 1 found feeding in the open at Compton, although they were being reared in the open insectary at that place from material col- lected at Hollywood. It would probably be better to say that this insect begins active reproduction at a varying time, those in the most protected places starting as early as January 10, and the others over the next 60 days. However, during the early spring the multiplication and spread seem to be very slow. ENTRANCE INTO HIBERNATION. As the month of October appears, the adults become sluggish, do less feeding and lay fewer eggs, and apparently many enter hiberna- SEASONAL HISTORY IN THE IMPERIAL VALLEY. 37 tion. The larvae become much less numerous and require an extended period to complete their growth. In 1910 the last larvae in numbers were observed in the field on November 20, while one was observed on December 1, and three on December 13, and during the first part of December these had all changed to pupae or died. The last adult appeared on December 27. In 1911 the larvae were not very abundant after the first week in October, and the last ones were observed in Los Angeles County on November 21. NUMBER OF GENERATIONS. In the section of the State in which this insect was under observa- tion, the first spring generation may commence as early as January 10 and probably egg-laying by overwintering adults continues for a considerable time. As the period of oviposition is quite extended the different broods tend to overlap ; still in midsummer there are certain periods when the majority of thrips present may be adults or larvae. Up to April 1 there is probably one small full generation occupying about 56 days. During April and May a second generation will develop; then during the four months of June, July, August, and September there is one full generation for each month. For the rest of the period of the breeding activity we have probably a partial brood that extends over 68 to 73 days. Thus during the year this insect has a small generation in both the early spring and late fall and five full generations during the rest of the time, or seven generations a year. SEASONAL HISTORY IN THE IMPERIAL VALLEY. The observations on the life cycle of this insect for Imperial Valley were conducted by Mr. V. L. Wildermuth at El Centre, Cal., in 1910. EGG PERIOD. Mr. Wildermuth confined adults in vials with fresh sprigs of alfalfa and kept the foliage fresh by wrapping the stems in moist cotton until the larvae hatched from the eggs. While many eggs were secured by this method, large numbers died before hatching, as the foliage became too dry. but, as shown in Table XI, the egg stage varied from four days in a single case to five days in a lot of 20 eggs laid the last day of August. The length of the egg stage at that locality was only one-third as great as that observed by the writer in Los Angeles County, but this is clue in a large measure to the high temperature of the Imperial Valley. 243602 38 THE BEAN THRIPS. TABLE XI. Length of incubation of the eggs of the lean thrips, El Centra, Co?., 1910. Dateofoviposition. Number laid. Eggs hatched. Length of stage. Average mean tempera- ture. Date. Number. 2 ( 2 ) .( 2 ) Aug. 1 Aug. is Sept. 6 2 1 20 D^ 5 "&.! 88.7 Aug. 11 Records missing. Many. 3 At Brawley. LARVAL, PERIOD. The active feeding larva molts once before its final molt to the prepupal stage. This occurs in from one and one-half to two days after it hatches from the egg. The larva becomes full grown and changes to the prepupa in from four and one-half to five days. As might be expected from the great difference in the incubation period of the egg, the larval period in the Imperial Valley, as observed by Mr. Wildermuth, is much shorter than at Compton. These data are given in Table XII. TABLE XII. Length of larval stage of the bean thrips at El Centro, Cat., during 1910. Eggs hatched. Molted. Changed to prepupa. Length. Average mean Date. Number. Date. Number. Date. Number. ature. Days. F. Aug. 15 Aug. 18 Aug. 26 Aug. 16 Aug. 19 Aug. 28 Aug. 19 Aug. 22 Aug. 31 1 85.8 (1) 9i.o Sept.l Sept. 22 Sept. 3 Sept. 24 Sept. 5 Sept. 27 4 5 89.7 81.8 Total 7 5 5 1 Records missing. PREPUPAL AND PUPAL PERIODS. Unfortunately Mr. Wildermuth's records give a very small amount of data on the length of the prepupal and pupal periods., but in the six examples observed (see Table XIII) the stages varied from 2 to 3 days. While the writer was studying the greenhouse thrips the prepupal stage was often observed to last only a few hours, and this same condition probably occurs with the present species in the high temperature of the Imperial Valley. HIBERNATION. 39 TABLE XIII. Length of prepupal and pupal stages, El Centra, CaL, 1910. Exp. No. Date changed to prepupa. Date adult emerged. Length of period. Average mean t'-:ri; . r- ature. 1 Aug 19 Days. 2*-3 'F. 2 Aug. 22 AUK 24 2J-3 B 3 Sept. 6 Sept 8 2-24 '849 4 Sept. 4 pear, destructiveness in California 7 Tobacco extract, blackleaf, and whale-oil soap, against Heliothrips rubrodnctus and bean thrips 44 Tomato, food plant of bean thrips 28 Triphleps insidiosus, enemy of bean thrips 42 Tropxolum major, food plant of bean thrips 31 Tulip poplar, bean thrips found thereon 31 Turnip, wild, food plant of bean thrips ' 31 Verbascum virgatum, food plant of bean thrips 31 Vetch, wild, food plant of bean thrips 31 Whale-oil soap. (See Soap, whale-oil.) o UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT UOS ANGELES j ^"^ ' T: " V - UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY SB 945 Ruaaell B1R9 The bean $> fc. H A 001099319 Univen Sout Lib w