P S 3505 A77593 S8 1908 MAIN UC-NRLF 7 Photomount Pamphlet Binder U. C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES K ^ M ^ &* _$<<* V* 1 f^> *$ MCMftY MOB8K STEFH * * * I * **r **r ** ** . FSB* -^ ON MY FIFTY-THIRD BIRTHDAY ERE S a brief word or two of myself : I m not ready just yet for the shelf ; Tliough I ve reached fifty-three, I m as fresh as can be, And still hungry for labor and pelf. I still can enjoy a good book ; No quarrel have I with the cook ; In my love of a jest I can rival the best ; For appearance well, how do I look ? You will note that I m togged for the road In dress I care not for the mode; When astride of my "bike," Or abroad for a " hike," Of cares I cut loose the whole load. I ve much more to say, but, oh see ! Cap "I s" are exhausted ah m,e ! To go on i can t ; I ve depleted- the font , An revoir, then. C. W. C. May 10, 1908. 864349 THE ROSE GARDEN N my charmed hill rose garden my fragrant favorites stand, Tea, Hybrid, Noisette and Bourbon, roses on every band. All, all, are my dearest darlings, and if I but name a few, Be sure tbat to most of tbe otbers an equal bonor is due ; But my skill in words is notbing, and none must beed if 111 tbis rvbymed rbapsody on roses some favorite s name tbey miss. Here tbe Bride and sligbt Nipbetos in tbeir robes of purest snow, \Vbile beside tbem clad in crimson flames old General Jacqueminot. Von Houtte, tbe sweet Dutcb beauty, and tbe cbarm- mg Reine Marie, \Vitb La France and tbe Ducbess of Brabant, form a cnarmmg coterie. Guarding tbis gentle circle, like a sentry bebind a tbrone. Looms the stately giant or roses, the grenadier Paul Neyron. IT the sages have taught us truly that Death loves a shining mark, He should launch his Lethean shaftlets at the Comtesse Riza du Pare. Should jousts he held in the garden there might meet in combat s shock Black Prince and the Desert Sovran FEmpereur du Maroc. One for whom all rose lovers a deep devotion feel Is the glorious gold-rohed soldier, the Southron, Mare- chal Niel. The Lilliputian couplet have partisans hy the score, The dainty Cecile Bruner and still daintier Perle d Or. Besides these are many others of greater or less degree. Some with the rare rose fragrance, some with the scent of tea, Countesses, princesses, ladies, duchesses, generals, kings, All climes and countries ransacked for these heauties the poet sings. Old Omar s Persian garden held hut a tithe of these. As he sat neath the shade of a rose-tree with a hook of verse on his knees. But the Persian embalmed those beauties in Lis. amber Rubaiyat, And their fame forever is deathless, they can never be forgot. These roses, alas. Lave no Omar, tney shall perish and pass away. Evanish and pass, and be truly but "roses of yesterday." COSMIC GLIMPSES IGHT gold sunbeams, filtered through lo cust leaves ; A cypress hedge, tall, set with dew-hedia- monded cohwehs ; On the garden wall ivy, ivy old green and new green intermingled ; By the gate nasturtium masses, gorgeously scarlet and yellow ; Chatter or sparrows heneath the eaves, insistent, re sourceful ; A humming - hird, ruhy - throated, hanging poised in mid- air ; Bahhling of infants, laughter of light-hearted children ; In the distance melodious half -inarticulate voices of church hells. Clashing of waves of the air, starting as faintest zephyrs. Growing in mood and power, impatient of opposition, Till meeting in giant wrestle, with hellows of strenuous onset. They engage and strive in their might, earth-desolating and awful. Tke mountains, hoary or poll, cloud-hung, beloved or tke poets. Splendid and vast to our gaze, but in verity merest eartk-pimples , Fever-rash or a world full or kumors, quakmgs, erup tions, V omitmg lava and askes, desolating leagues or fertility. Tke multitudinous sea, many-sided and skif ty. Breeder or storms, mother or myriad progenies. Placid, smiling and peaceful, or in sudden fierce mur derous mood Crushing stauncn skips as egg-skells, tossing as surf- spume despairing kuman flotsam. In tke etkeric void constellations of suns witk tkeir at tendant planets, Teeming witk life or lifeless, moving in age-long orbits; Mad dask of comets, skowers of star-dust and meteors full of dire portent. Wkat is it all ? Wkat signifies it ? Life, life ! Organic, inorganic, voicefui, inarticulate ; Birtk, growtk, deatk (arrangement, rearrangement, dis arrangement of atoms) ; Change upon change, cataclysmic and sudden or age long and peaceful ; Seemingly riotous, wasteful, but planned, meted and measured To tLe millionth, ay, tne trilliontli part of a hairs- breadth. \Vbat signifying, whence from, whitherward tending ? floods, phases, emanations of the Unknown, the Un knowable, ^Vbetber Jove or Jehovah, Brahma or Allah, or name less the One-in-All, the All-in-One. Tending still onward and upward to great and still greater perfection, For as growth is the index of life, must a god e en not grow and he die not ? Not by us to be meted or bounded or named, and his poles as but guessed at : Protoplasm in tbe visible Here, Infinity in the vast and Invisible Yonder. o ECCE HOMO UT of the dusk of tlie past, his hostile en vironment conquered,~~ The cave hear and sahre-tooth tiger extinct in their caverns, Leaving content in the jungle his putative forhears. The not-to-he-hurried sloth and the all-too-loquacious simian, Man the autochthon emerges, persistent, resourceful. Consumed in those days was the man with insatiate hunger for knowledge, Not dilettante nor abstract, hut concrete and practical working : Smelting and fluxing of ores and shaping and tempering metals, Taming the ruminant heasts and mastering steeds in the desert, Taming as well with rude prow the white-maned fleet coursers of Neptune, Tickling the virginal soil till it laughed -with a houn- teous harvest. Crude though the plowshare and careless the methods of culture. Touched with a feeling of kin he acquired the gregar ious habit, Noting mayhap that in communes -was safety of purse and of person ; Perchance from tne crow or tne magpie he borrowed the hoarding of baubles, Corn-colored ores from the gulches and ramhow-hued shells from the sea-beach, So families grew into clans, clans to trihes, and trihes became nations. Curhing his once restless spirit, incessantly urging to travel, He abandoned his wigwams and lodges and built cities of brick and of marble, ^Vith docks and great markets for trading and temple spires piercing the heavens. Index of aspirant hopes, ever leading him upward and godward. Still, while the man has been shaping with travail of body and spirit Destiny like to a god s, full of infinite longings and strivings. Runs through it all, atavistic, the red lust for slaughter. Harking far back to the time when with flint-headed arrows and axes He tattled for life and for food with his neighbors four-footed and savage ; \Varfare at wholesale and large, oi nation arrayed against nation, Slaughter when not of his kind of his neighbors the wild smaller peoples. Thus as ever still onward and upward the pathway of progress will lead him. Though with manifold stumblings and baitings and half hearted breaks for the back-track, Man in the aeons before us will reach such clear bights and broad levels As -we in the haze of the present may dream of at best but obscurely. LIEGE LORD AND LOVER OF LILIES Mr. Carl Purdy, of Ukiali, Collector. Grov/er and Distributor of Pacific Coast Liliaceous Plants ONSIDER tke lilies, kow tKey grow"- 1 his was to mm as a command ; O er kill and valley, to and fro, He sought tke lilies tkrovigk tke land. Tints tkat would skarne tke Tynan looms, Perfumes of Araky tke Blest, Blent in most rare kewildering klcoms ; Dream-kells to lull to sweetest rest. Ckarmed ky suck loveliness and grace, Transfiguring tkeir wildwood kome, He lured tkem from tkeir native place. And taugkt tke lily kands to roam. Countries and climes tkat knew tkem not, In fartkest corners of tke eartk. May vie now witk tke favored spot Tkat gave tke lily legions kirtk. THE MISTLETOE RUID oaks in Britain s ancient forests. Draped and hung with the sacred mistletoe, Gathered at the full moon of the Yuletide By the high-priest with mystic ceremonies. Vast forests of pine on Norland fiords, Crowned and festooned with sacred mistletoe, (Vv^eapon wherewith the hlind god Hoeder Slew the hright sun-god. Balder the heautiful. Under star-shine portentov.s and natural, Mid palms and olive groves of the East, At Yuletide, in humhle Judean manger, A hahe horn, Harbinger of Peace, King of the Inner Life. By process of the ages, physical, mental, spiritual, Came hlendmg of pagan forms and Christian virtues. The palm and olive overcoming the oak and pine. The ^Vest and North howing to the East and South. At Yuletide we, the product of these hlendings, Deck our habitations with mistletoe and holly, Signifying thereby our pagan oneness -with Nature, But keeping within our hearts the peace and good-will of the Christ-child. BEFORE THE STORM A FRAGMENT The following lines -were written quite a number of years ago, and as several essays to complete them have been unsuccessful, the author has decided that as the picture drawn by the fragmentary line.-* seems not without merit, to print them in their present form. The whimsical thought is suggested that the inability of the author to complete the poem was caused by the immensity of the subject overcoming him. like Dooley s pcet. Hogan. -who could nevei get beyond the f:rst line of his great poem. "O Moon, O Shtar !" BOUT tke rumpled bay V/kere tke fluttering wlntecaps play Tke circling kills loom klue, A rampart of mdigc kue, Gainst a tangled disarray Of clouds in somkre gray. Tke tricksy wind-sprites swarm In tke van or tke coming storm. THE JOYS OF READING To tKe Ladies of the Grange Reading Circle HE Land that rocks the cradle rules the -world "- So says tKe proverb ; we resign tlie tlirone Ana scepter gladly to our daughters grown, Here in home ports, where long with sails close-furled Our varied craft nave lain : now let s be whirled Out on the tide of Romance, whence are Mown Strange tales and fateful from tke vast unknown, \Vhile round our prows the foam-wreaths are up- curled. To storied cities where great queens and kings \Vrought deeds that shine for aye on History s pages ; Meeting great warriors, poets, prophets, sages, \Vho shall expound for us the core of things. Up anchor then, O sisters ! let s sail free Unto strange coasts, mayhap e en Arcadie. drfh TO MRS. R. J. W. On Attaining Her Eighty-Seventh Birthday HE longed-for fabled fount De Leon sought Thou must nave found, that seven ana four score years, Vv ith all their burden of desires and fears. Joy-laden some, others with sorrow fraught, Have not availed to numb thy soul, nor taught Thy spirit yet to dim its youthful fire ; VvHiat greater boon could mortal dare desire, Passing all words, well-nigh transcending thought. Crabbed Old Age me k seems hath passed tnee by. Deeming tnee gifted with eternal youth ; Children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren vie In honoring one where Goodness, Honor, Truth, \Visdom and Lovingkindness, haply met, On a brave, cheerful soul their seal have set. MY DEAR WIFE S EYES HE color, say you, or my dear wire s eyes, Those sister stars that lit witli love-light shine. Kindling an answering radiance in mine : Have they the perfect hlue or summer skies, Or their more somhre gray "when summer dies. The violet dusk or scented pansies fine, The midnight shade that glows and glooms in thine, Or heryl hue Italian poets prize ? Nay, hut a hrown, rich, deep and true and tender, Is the one hue that fills my soul with rapture. The only shade my wife and offspring own ; The others I admire, hut homage render To the hrown eyes that erst my heart did capture, And hold my fond allegiance sole and lone. TO W. W. C. On the 24th Anniversary of hia Birth ELL gifted witli talents and LealtL, Obtained wLence or Low, who may say? Atavism may well Lave Lad sway ; "Poor but Lonest, not Lampered Ly wealtL ; \VitL a poise and good sense tLat are rare In tLe artist, wLere sense rarely rules ; \VitL a courtesy porn or no scLools ; \VitL modesty past all compare ; TLe world, like a ripe fruit, to-day Jiangs well witLm reacL or your Land ; ReacL and pluck Le not lacking in "sand,"- Taste and sample, Lut cast not away. Yours to jot down tLe melodies fine, UnLeard by tLe world s coarser ears. And tLe Larmonies wLicL tLe great spLeres Evoke in tLeir cycles divine ; To blend, and transcribe, and transmute. And translate, so tLat all men may sLare ; To make Music, fair maid, still more fair, And to Lelp tLis old ^^orld evolute. AUNT CINDA S GRAHAM STICKS A BALLADE OURMETS may prate of their dainties rare, Concocted by chefs or high degree, \Vho cater to those tliat like fine fare. Roast and salad and rich entree ; Such dishes for them but not for me ; From the thrall of the cooks and all their tricks I trust that I am forever free ; My fare is Aunt Cinda s graham sticks. Of gout and all the attendant ills That wait on the pampered and overfed, And the doctor with his powders and pills,~~ Of these I have not the slightest dread ; Never have I to go to bed \Vith towel on head and at feet not bricks, And heart within me as heavy as lead, \Vhile I dine on Aunt Cinda s graham sticks. These sticks are the fare for the simple life, \Vnether in country or in town ; You rise above all petty strife. Heedless even if fortune frown ; Just take your pencil and jot down : Grabam flour, water, some cream, tben mix. Roll, sbape, and take to a golden brown, Tbus are made Aunt Cinda s grabam sticks. ENVOY Many have laid lire s burdens down. Others remain in deplorable fix, \Vno migbt still be winning wealtb or renown, .Had tbeir rare been Aunt Cmda s grabam sticks. IRMA S NEW YEAR S WISHES 1907 \VISH you, dear friends or mine, None being poorest or least, Whether in West or East, Or under the palm or the pine. Success, like a new strong wine, Repletion, as at a feast. Of all that the world counts fine, Till life s loves and labors has ceased. May you meet with a tace serene And a dauntless, resolute mien, Reverse, should it come, or sorrow. And look for a better morrrow And a brighter, vaster scene In Hope s unspoiled demesne, ^Vhere the weakest one may borrow Something whereon to lean. TO THE WEE AND WINSOME ELIZABETH ( E. W.. aged three years) For postal cards AID of tke flaxen Lair, Maid of tke sweet Wet voice, r msome and winning ana fair, Tkou rt tke maiden of my ckoice. [OST remember, O maid fairest ever. That most perfect day in mid June, And the long stroll we took ky tke river, \Vnen you sang me a quaintly sweet tune ? Did your little keart tkrill witk rapture, As a maid s keart must tkrill late or soon, At tke tkougkt of your momentous capture Of a man s keart, a maid s greatest koon ? No ; you joyed in tke pure joy of living. Like tke flowers or tke kirds in tke trees, \Vitk no tkougkt of tke joy you were giving Any more tkan tke least one of tkese. TO E. W. With a box of candy to tke sweet, Sweetkeart ; \Ve pour out sweets for tkee ; But dotk never tlie questing tee Seek ker koney wkere tkou art ? MOULD all otker loves grow cold. Here s our little keart of gold. TO C. C. On her marriage ana departure from home (INGING afield afar at Love s kekest, Tke one lone nestling leaves tke motker-nest. THE JOY OF BEING AUNTIE Elizabeth, the larger, (E. G. J.) rings M an aunt, by God s grace I m an aunt. By tbe grace of anotber Grace, too ; Sure, I m raising a ballaballoo ! I would like to stop, but I can t ; Kind nearer, nave you been an aunt ? You would not rail and jeer if you knew Tbat joy wliicb to aunties is due. I m a loving, considerate aunt, My rigbt tnere is none to dispute ; That man is a dub and galoot MVbo \vould dare to poke fun at my cbant ; He shall not see my niece, so he sban t That maiden so cunning and cute i es, she takes after me ; sbe s a "beaut." I m always all rigbt as an aunt, "All-wool, and a" wbat s tbat you say ? Be careful ; for sucb slips you ll pay ! Some for joys of maternity pant ; T is better by far to be aunt. If t is true tbat eacb aunt bas ber day, I will joy in tbis joy wbile I may, Gainst tbe day wben all joys may be scant. THE CLAM A SYMPATHETIC FANTASY In the following lines the writer has endeavored to show that the proverbial taciturnity and lack of sociability of the clam may be due to inherited physical disabilities and an unfavorable environment, rather than to any inherent cussedness of disposition. The fact that the writer has been for long, like many another, a prisoner on the shore of the possibilities of life, may have led him to regard the bivalve -with sympathy. And then, although we have been accustomed to turn down this humble brother (in the chowder) , is he not, like ourselves, but one link in the great chain of creation. EING footless, the clam cannot dance ; Lacking pinions, he never may soar ; Like a prisoner ne s chained to the snore ; Yet eye not his clamship askance, For give Kim tne ghost of a chance, Equip mm with fin, sail or oar. And he d glide over Ocean s mud floor, Or roam o er her billowed expanse. Join the dolphin or whale in a dance, The mid-sea s vast caverns explore, Or joy in the tempest s mad roar. Defiance, not fear, in his glance ; Beach-comher would change to free-lance. If the kind Fates will open a door He ll move upward a step or two more, For his watchword, as ours, is "Advance ! " Photomount Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros., Inc. Makers Stockton, Calif. PAT. JAN. 21, 1908 U. C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES 864349 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY