'y CHROMOSOMES AND PHYLOGENY IN CREPIS BY LILLIAN HOLLINGSHEAD AND ERNEST B. BABCOCK inn University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences Volume 6, No. 1, pp. 1-53, 24 figures in text Issued January 4, 1930 University of California Press Berkeley, California Cambridge University Press London, England CHROMOSOMES AND PHYLOGENY IN CREPIS BY LILLIAN HOLLINGSHEAD and EENEST B. BABCOCK INTRODUCTION In connection with genetic and taxonomic studies of Crepis, an examination of as many species as could be brought into cultivation has been in progress for about ten years. The earlier work on the chromosomes was done by Dr. Margaret Mann Lesley, who studied particularly numbers and sizes (Mann, 1922, 1925; Babcock and Lesley, 1926). The work of M. Navashin (1925, 1926) and Taylor (1925, 1926), who described satellites and constrictions for the first time in this genus, showed that a closer morphological study of the chromosomes from suitably fixed material would be of value for com- parative studies of related species. It is the purpose of this paper to present our knowledge of number and morphology of the chromosomes in seventy species and to con- sider this evidence in relation to a system of classification based on phylogenetic relationship. But the present paper is not intended to serve as a taxonomic treatise. Therefore no keys or descriptions of species will appear and there will be no attempt to set forth the detailed evidence for the phylogenetic groupings proposed, as such descriptions and data will appear in a taxonomic treatment now in preparation. The specific names used have been carefully verified as to identity, priority, and authorship, and are in nearly every case the same as those which will be used in later publications. In the present paper it is proposed merely to present the evidence derived from cytological investigation and to discuss the phylogenetic groupings of those species of Crepis which have been investigated. These group- ings, however, have been worked out by combining the data on chro- mosome number and morphology with the evidence from external morphology of the plants, at the same time giving consideration to geographic distribution and to the genetic evidence derived from experiments on interspecific hybridization. The point of view held by the writers with regard to the funda- mental relations between phylogeny and taxonomy is in general 2 University of California Publications in. Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 6 agreement with that of Hall and Clements (1923). The concept of species denned by these authors and accepted by us as a satisfactory approximation to the truth is stated as follows: The evolutionary view of the species is that it is a definite phylogenetic stock, sprung from and related to similar stocks, and itself undergoing modification into a number of variads. As they have recently come from the same stock, these variads are more nearly related to each other than they are to those of any other species, and they represent a definite phylogenetic unit, the species, at the same time that they mark its further differentiation. But the view of these authors, that gross morphological difference between plants, as contrasted with such cytological features as number and morphology of the chromosomes, is the only definite measure of progress in evolution, is too limited, as has already been pointed out by one of us (Babcock, 1924). The importance of the chromosomes, especially their appearance in somatic cells at mitotic metaphase. as an index of taxonomic relationship, has become increasingly evident as the number of species of Crepis examined has increased. Acknowledgments It is impossible at this time to mention the many institutions and individuals who have assisted by providing seeds or roots of the species herein discussed. These will appear in connection with sources to be acknowledged later. We are especially indebted, however, to Dr. M. Navashin for seeds of several species, which he brought from Russia, and for active interest and frequent help throughout the investigation. We also gratefully acknowledge the constant cooper- ation of Mr. C. W. Haney in connection with growing the plants, assisting in collection of root tips, and many other details. CYTOLOGICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Somatic metaphases of root tips have been used exclusively for chromosome counts and morphological studies. In most cases the material was obtained from plants in the rosette stage after they had been transplanted to five- or six-inch pots. Occasionally the roots of very young seedlings were used but they were on the whole less satisfactory. Some of the counts on the American species were pro- cured from tap roots dug from the wild and transplanted to pots in the greenhouse, where they produced new roots, giving material well suited for chromosome studies. In other American species the counts 1930] HoUingshead-Babcock : Chromosomes and Phytogeny in Crepis 3 were obtained from young seedlings. Introduction of most American species into garden culture has been found very difficult but is grad- ually being accomplished. Roots were fixed in Taylor's (1925a) chrom-acetic-osmic-maltose solution, in weak and strong Flemming, and in chrom-acetic-formalin. Most of the investigations and all of the drawings have been made from material fixed in one of the two chrom-acetic-formalin solutions given below. 1. A. 65 cc. water 2. A. 65 cc. water 10 cc. glacial acetic acid 10 cc. glacial acetic acid 1 gr. chromic acid 1 gr. chromic acid B. 40 cc. formalin (commercial) B. 10 cc. formalin (commercial) 35 cc. water 65 cc. water Mix one part A with one part B just Mix one part A with one part B just before fixing. before fixing. No constant difference in quality of fixation between material fixed in these two solutions has been established. The chromosomes fixed with these fixatives are usually slightly shorter and broader than those fixed in the osmic fixatives, so they may be somewhat contracted. Morphological details are quite clear in well fixed material, however, and in material so fixed the homogeneity of the cytoplasm, against which the chromosomes stand out very clearly, facilitates greatly the examination of the sections for suitable figures. The material was imbedded in paraffin and sections were cut 6 to 12//. thick depending on the size and number of the chromosomes. Heidenhain's iron haematoxylin was used for staining. A Bausch and Lomb (90 x) apochromatic oil immersion-objective and Zeiss compensating oculars have been used in this study. All the drawings have been made with the help of a camera lucida at a magnification of approximately 3750 and reduced to 2500 in repro- duction. Where the chromosomes of a species were being investigated for the first time, counts from two or more plants were made whenever possible. The number of plants investigated is indicated in the table of chromosome numbers. In those instances where the chromosome number of a species newly investigated is based on one plant this plant is the only one which has been grown in our cultures. In the case of Crepis incana, the plant whose chromosomes were studied did not bloom ; and as this was the only plant available and there were no herbarium specimens accompanying the seeds, the identification was based on achene and leaf characters alone. 4 University of California Publications in Agricultural Scien-ces [Vol. 6 Where the species had 12 or fewer chromosomes an attempt was made to find a metaphase plate, a drawing of which would depict the complex so that each individual chromosome might be recognized if it could be distinguished from the others under the microscope. Lack of sufficient material or particular difficulties have in some cases forced us to be satisfied with figures of plates which do not reach this ideal. In most cases, however, the chromosomes can be distinguished in the figures and the pairs recognized without difficulty. Where the number exceeds 12, the problem of distinguishing the various chromosomes becomes more difficult and in most cases it has been impossible to distinguish all the chromosome pairs in one plate, although various types are readily picked out. In those species with more than twenty chromosomes the plates for drawing were chosen with the primary aim of depicting clearly the number, and, second- arily, of showing as many as possible of the chromosomes which could be distinguished by their particular morphology. GENERAL MORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES Marked differences in the frequency of occurrence of good meta- phase plates were noted between species. The particular species in question, as well as the condition of the roots, affected the number of mitotic figures. Some species characteristically showed plates in which the chromosomes were well spaced in a single plane while in others the usual arrangement of chromosomes was such that a morpho- logical study was impossible. The species with higher numbers and larger chromosomes presented greater difficulties in this respect. Most species, in material well fixed in chrom-acetic-formalin and well stained, show black chromosomes, their outlines clear and distinct against the gray cytoplasm. When differentiated so as to clear the cytoplasm, some species show chromosome outlines which are less sharp, especially under high magnification. The extreme phase of this condition was found in certain species (C. bulbosa and C. japonica) which have been included under Crepis but which at one time or another have been assigned to other genera. The same is true of Ixeris graminea, which for a time was thought to belong in Crepis. Their chromosomes are small, and it may be that this is the reason why the outlines under differentiation become less clear so as to make it difficult to determine the shapes with exactness. The black and white figures used in this paper are not suitable for showing such differences. 1930] HoUingshead-Babcoclc : Chromosomes and Phytogeny in Crepis 5 Size difference continues to be one of the most useful features by which chromosomes may be distinguished. The relative lengths of the components of a particular chromosome complex are rather con- stant and although the lengths of the same chromosome may differ noticeably from cell to cell this variation is relatively small. Differ- ences in the thickness of chromosomes of different species are obvious but no consistent difference between the widths of the various chromo- somes of any one complex has been observed. Satellites or "trabanten," chromatin balls attached to the chromo- somes proper by thin threads, first described by S. Navashin (1912), are now generally recognized as of wide-spread occurrence. The list of plants and animals in which satellites have been observed, given by Kuhn (1928), will serve to illustrate in what diverse groups these peculiar structures occur. Most, if not all, species of Crepis contain at least one pair of chromosomes marked by the presence of satellites. They vary in size from a large ball (C. sctosa, fig. 4c) to a tiny sphere (C. palaestina, fig. 18d). As in most other genera they are usually attached to the proximal ends (those which lie toward the center of the plate) of chromosomes which have short arms or heads (cf. below), but in some cases (C biennis, fig. 12a) they may be attached to chro- mosomes with arms more nearly equal in length. In only one species (C. pulchra fig. 19) was there found a pair of chromosomes with distal satellites. In several species (C lyrata, C. mollis, C. hieros- olymitana, fig. 13) structures resembling large satellites at times, but at others appearing to be segments cut off by distal constrictions, have been seen. Such variations may be due to imperfect fixation as suggested by Taylor (1924). In this connection it should be noted that Geitler (1929) figured the chromosome complexes of C. capillaris, C. dioscoridis, C. rubra, and C. blattarioides, depicting morphological features similar to those shown in our figures. Considerable variation in the appearance of the satellited chromosome of C. blattarioides was described, including the form and size of the satellite and even its presence or absence. Some if not all of this variation can perhaps be attributed to poor fixation. The behavior of the satellites during the mitotic anaphase of C. capillaris has been described and figured by Taylor (1926) and the writers' observations add nothing new to this knowledge. Whether or not the satellites are to be found on the nucleolus at prophase as stated by M. Navashin (1925) has not been particularly studied but prophases have been seen which could be interpreted as exhibiting this phenomenon. 6 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 6 The clearness with which the satellites are visible depends on their size, the quality of the fixation, and the degree of differentiation. The thread which attaches the satellite to the chromosome proper may be contracted under poor fixation until a small satellite appears as a little protuberance (C. incamata, fig. 18c) or a large satellite as a segment. Excessive or even ordinary differentiation may render invisible a satellite thread or a small satellite. They are not always to be seen even in well fixed material but it is believed that in such cases they are hidden by the chromosomes proper and that they are constant morphological features of the living chromosome. The satellite may vary slightly in apparent size and shape from cell to cell within a species but on the whole it is as constant as any morpho- logical feature. On occasion a satellite thread may be drawn out to an unusual length (C. amplexifoJia, fig. 5c) or the spherical shape may be obliterated (C. parviflora, fig. 11a). These, however, are exceptional cases and may be due to poor fixation. One certain case (C. foetida 2048, fig. Id) and several possible cases of a constant difference in size between satellites on homologous chromosomes within a species have been found. M. Navashin (1926) reported such a case in C. dioscoridis and similar cases in other genera are known (cf. Kuhn, 1928). Detailed studies of more material would be necessary to decide the questionable cases. Aside from size and the occurrence of satellites, a number of investigators have found that the most useful distinguishing feature of chromosomes is the occurrence of a fiber attachment constriction dividing the chromosome into two arms. The importance of the ' ' two- armed" nature of the chromosomes has been reemphasized by Heitz (1928), who has found it in many widely separated families and indeed in different divisions of the plant kingdom, and he holds it to be a universal characteristic of chromosomes. S. Navashin (1916&) has stated that absolutely every chromosome possesses an "achromatic transverse fissure" which divides the chromosome into two arms (cited from M. Navashin, 1926). Taylor (1925, 1926), who has dis- cussed fully the kinds of constrictions, has failed to find a case among any of the medium or large chromosome types studied which had a truly terminal fiber attachment and he is inclined to the opinion that an actual constriction zone or related structural differentiation is always present and can be demonstrated by suitable means. All investigators agree that one arm may be so short as to constitute a small head. 1930] Hollingshead-Babcock : Chromosomes and Phylogeny in Crepis 7 In Crepis, fiber attachment constrictions have been found on prac- tically every chromosome which could be identified (except in C. japonica and C. bulbosa). Where the chromosome is bent so as to obscure the constriction, the relative lengths of the arms give a fair indication of its position, for the chromosome usually bends at the constricted region. The constrictions are particularly apt to be observed on chromosomes where they are to be found very near the ends, as on the satellited chromosomes of C. alpina var. syriaca Bornm. 1 (fig. 2c). THE CHROMOSOMES OF SEVENTY SPECIES Mann (1925) summarized the chromosome numbers of the twenty- seven species of Crepis reported by various investigators up to that time and Tischler (1927) has a complete bibliography of papers deal- ing with Crepis chromosomes which includes additional counts given by M. Navashin (1925), Babcock and Lesley (1926), and some un- published chromosome counts by M. Navashin. The chromosome number of C. reuteriana has been given by Babcock and Hollingshead (1929). In no case have counts obtained by the writers differed from those reported by Mann, Navashin, or Babcock and Lesley. With a few minor exceptions, no details of somatic chromosome morphology other than size differences were described in earlier works on the genus. De Smet (1913-14) figured satellites on C. virens (= C. capillaris) but did not describe them. Rosenberg (1918) recog- nized flexures in C. tectorum chromosomes as constant in position at somatic anaphase and later (1920) says, speaking of the chromosomes of C. capillaris (wrongly called C. reuteriana, cf. Babcock, 1924?>), "ein sog. Trabantenbildung kommt vor die aber meiner ausicht naeh von ganz anderer Natur ist als die ' Quersegmentierung. ' " It is likely that the so-called "trabanten" which he saw were merely heads separated from the chromosomes proper by constrictions. De Litar- diere (1923) located the point of fiber attachment on one chromosome of C. virens (= C. capillaris) and noted that the chromosome was usually bent at that point. Mann (1925) saw the large satellite of C. setosa and stated later (Babcock and Lesley, 1926) that satellites were "not always present" in her material. Such results can, in most cases, be attributed to the use of unsuitable fixatives. 1 This "variety" should be recognized as a distinct species, but the change in nomenclature will not be made at this time. s University of California Publicatioiis in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 6 M. Navashin (1925, 1926) and Taylor (19256, 1926) established the constant occurrence of satellites and fiber-attachment constrictions as features of use in distinguishing the various chromosomes in a number of species of the genus. Navashin (1925) figured ten species in which he had determined the morphological features of each chromosome. These species were C. pulcherrima (= C. pulchra), C. grandiflora (= C. conyzaefolia), C. dioscoridis, C. tectorum, C. rubra, C. mar- schaUi, C. virens (t= C. capillaris), C. rhoeadifolia (=C. foetid a), C. alpina, and C. parviflora. To these he has added C. aspera in another paper (1927). Taylor (19256) gave figures showing the morphological features of the various chromosomes of C. setosa and C. capillaris, and later (1926) he figured C. capillaris in somatic metaphases and anaphases. The investigations reported here have corroborated those of Navashin and Taylor in practically every detail, and drawings of the species they figured are included only for the sake of uniformity and completeness. The present investigations add twenty-seven species to the list of those whose chromosome numbers are known (including four species of other genera closely related to Crepis). Table 1 gives the somatic TABLE 1 The Somatic Chromosome Numbers of Sixty-Seven Species of Crepis (Three other species are listed, with numbers in italics, which are not accepted in Crepis by the authors.) OLD WORLD SPECIES Species C. aculeata (DC.) Boiss C. alpina L *('. alpina var. syriaca Bornm. C. amplexifolia (Godr.) Willk C. aspera L. *C. asturica Lacaita C. aurea (L.) Cass C. biennis L. C. blattarioides (L.) Vill C. bulbosa (L.) Tausch *C. bungei Ledeb *C. burejensis F. Schmidt C. bureniana Boiss Somatic chromosome number 8 10 10, 11, 12, 13 8 8 10 10 39, 41 8 18 8 16 Number of plants examined 9 1 20 5 2 3 2 5 1 3 16t 3 Accession 1602 1499 1923 1019 1135, 1073 2088 2170 1874, and others 2033 1303 1827 2174 2747 1655 •Chromosome number reported for the first time. t One plant was triploid with 12 chromosomes. 1930] Hollingshead-Babcoclc : Chromosomes and Phylogeny in Crepis TABLE 1 — (Continued) Species C. bursifolia L C. capillaris (L.) Wallr C. chondrilloides Jacq *C. chrysantha Froel. C. ciliala C. Koch C. conyzaefolia (Gouan) D. T C. dioscoridis L C.foetida L *C. gymnopus Koidz *C. hackeli Lange *C. hierosolyrnilana Boiss C. hookeriana Ball *('. incana Sibth. et Sm C. incarnala Tausch C.japonica (L.) Benth C. lacera Tenore *C. leontodontoides All *C. lybica Pamp C. lyrata Froel C. marschalli C. A. Mey. C. mollis (Jacq.) Asch C. monlana Urv C. multicaulis Ledeb C. myriocephala Coss. et DR. *C. nana Richards C. neglecta L C. nicaeensis Balb C. palaeslina (Boiss.) Bornm. C. paludosa (L.) Moench C. pannonica (Jacq.) C. Koch C. parviflora Desf *C. pontana (L.) D. T C. pi-aemorsa (L.) Tausch C. pulchra (L.) C. reuteriana Boiss C. rubra L C. senecioides Delile C. setosa Hall, f C. sibirica L C. taraxacifolia Thuill Somatic chromosome number Number of plants examined Accession 8 3** 1220 6 20 X, 982 and others 8 2 2180, 1907 8 3 2179 40, 42? 2 2181 8 2 2183 8 3 1742, 972, 1455 | 3 1751, 2188 10 1 2048 1 3 2307 8 2 2746 16 3 1873 12 3 2619 8 I 1458 16 1 1667 8 1 1304 16 2 1045, 2132 8 4 1914 10 1 1807 8 1 1698 12 4 1644 8 3 1532 12 2 2201 12 2 1175 10 2 1480 8 1 1557 14 2 2698 8 1 1753 8 6 2700 8 1 1552 12 1 1825 8 1 1695 8 2 1630 10 2 2204 8 3 2133 8 J 4 1213, 1483 1 1 1894 8 4 2134, 2218 10 ] 2 1506 I 1 1176 8 5 1044 8 1 1036 I 1 1510 10 2 1862 8 1 5 1806, 10G4, 1704 1 1895 * Chromosome number reported for the first time. ** One plant was a trisomic with 9 chromosomes. 10 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 6 TABLE 1— (Continued) Species Somatic chromosome number Number of plants examined Accession C. tectorum L *C. tenuifolia Willd. • ! 15 10 8 10 16 10 9 1 8 1 4 2 2 1 1498 1702 1826 C. tinaitana Salz C. vesicaria L *Rodigia commutata Spr. 1681 1576 1666, 2219 *Ireris oraminea Nakai *Pterotheca sancta (L.) K. Koch 2568 2582 or 2583 AMERICAN SPECIES 44? 1 1778 (typical) 33 6 1922 (typical) 33 1 2096 (typical) *<'. acuminata Nutt. <. 55? 1 or morej 1830 (form) 33 1 or more 1848 (form) 33 4 1919 (form ?) 33 4 1934 (hybrid form) *('. andersoni Gray ( 22 22 3 2 2086 (typical) 2136 (form) *C. elegans Hook 14 5 2654 ( 88? 1 or more 1840 (typical) *C. barbigcra Leib J 88? 1 or more 1842 (typical) 44 1 or more 1838 (hybrid form) { 88? 6 1959 (hybrid form) *C. glauca (Nutt.) T. and G 99 1 or more 2079 (typical) *C. gracilis (Eat.) Rydb 22 55? 2 6 2572 (typical) 1695 (form) *C. monticola Coville 55? 1 or more 2771 (typical) C. nana (see Old World Species) 22 2 2772 (typical) *C. occidentalis Nutt 22? 1 2220 (form) 44 5 1921 (form) 22 1829 (form) 22 2075 (form) 22 2078 (form) 22 2066 (form) 22 2065 (form) *('. nincinala (James) T. and G. .A 22 2068 (form) 22 2069 (form) 22 1 or more 2076 (form) 22 2077 (form) 22 2083 (form) 22 2071 (form) *C. scopulorum Cov 44? 2 2773 (form) * Chromosome number reported for the first time. t Indicates that the roots were fixed under the accession number only and no record was kept of the number of plants fixed together. 1930] Hollingshead-Babcock : Chromosomes and Phylogeny in Crepis 11 chromosome numbers of the species, the chromosomes of which are described below, the numbers of individual plants, and the accession numbers of the various plants examined. An accession number is given to each lot of seeds or roots when it is received and the progeny of any accession is likewise designated by that number. An asterisk denotes that the chromosome number is reported for the first time. Three of the species designated by asterisks (C. lybica, C. runcinata, and C. glauca) were first counted by Dr. Margaret Mann Lesley and one (C. leontodontoides) was first examined by Miss Priscilla Avery (unpublished observations) . With the discovery of the somatic number 14 in C. nana, the known series of somatic chromosome numbers in the Old World species of Crepis becomes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 40±. That of the American species is 14, 22, 33, 44, 55 ?, and 88 ?. In the following descriptions the species are taken in groups corresponding to the phylogenetic groups to be considered later. There are four major groups or subgenera— Paleya, Barkhausia, Catonia, and Eucrepis. The arrangement of species within each of these divisions is shown in the chart on page 30. Paleya Crepis asturica (2?i = 10; fig. la), the one representative of the subgenus Paleya which has been examined cytologically, has a com- plex which illustrates several of the chromosome types common in the genus. The two longer pairs, nearly equal in length, can be dis- tinguished from one another by a small difference in the relative lengths of the arms which are separated by the fiber attachment con- strictions. The satellited pair, shorter, has the fiber attachment con- strictions closely subterminal, forming small heads to which the small satellites are attached. The two remaining pairs, nearly equal in length to the satellited pair, have fiber attachment constrictions median or nearly median and they commonly appear as small Vs. Barkhausia The chromosomes of C. alpina, C. alpina var. syriaca, C. rubra, C. foetida, and Rodigia commutata, all with a somatic number of ten, resemble those of C. asturica but with the exception of C. rubra they are generally smaller. Those of C. foetida (fig. lb, c, d) re- semble those of C. asturica most closely and are almost as large. 12 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 6 C. foetida 2188 (=C. rhoeadifolia, Navashin, 1925) does not differ noticeably from typical C. foetida in chromosome morphology, nor does C. foetida 2307 (=C. gland idosa Guss.), but C. foetida 2048 (fc=C. interrupta S. et S.) is distinguished by larger satellites and the plant examined showed a marked difference in the size of the two satellites (fig. Id). That a careful study involving investigation and measurement of many chromosomes might establish further differ- Ct asturica c. foetida 1751 C. foetida 2188 b * c &<£ ik C. foetida 2048 Rodlgla commutata d e Figure 1. ences between these foetida strains cannot be denied. Rodigia com- mutata (fig. If) has a chromosome complex very similar to that of C. foetida. In C. alpina (fig. 2a) one of the two short pairs of chromosomes has small heads. Plants of C. alpina var. syriaca (fig. 2b, c, d, e) which were examined varied in chromosome number from 10 to 13. Table 2 gives the number of plants counted and their origins. With one exception only the first root of a seedling was examined and in many cases it was not possible to determine the shapes of all the chromosomes. However, it was established that at least some of the plants with 10 chromosomes had a chromosome garniture which differed noticeably from that of alpina in the shape of one of the small pairs. As far as could be determined the variation in number involved a small chromosome with a head to which was attached a rather large satellite, the 10-, 11-, 12- and 13-chromosome plants 1930] Hollingshead-Babcock : Chromosomes and Phytogeny in Crepis 13 TABLE 2 The Somatic Chromosome Numbers Found in C. alpina VAR. SYRIACA Origin of seed Culture number Number of plants with chromosome numbers of 10 11 12 13 Univ. Calif. Herbarium sheets 313831 and 313832* 27. 1923 28. 1923a 28. 1923b 1 Univ. Calif. Herbarium sheet 313832 6 1 1 3 27.1923-2 open pollinated 5 3 •Several p'ants collected in Galilee, Palestine, environs of the Menahamiah Company, April 20, 1324, by M. Chijik. J.I ■>? Sfc& C. alpina C. alpina var. syrlaca (3) C. alpina C. alpina var. syriaca (1) var. syriaca (2) C. alpina var. syriaca (4) Figure 2. having none, 1, 2, or 3 of these chromosomes respectively. This sit- uation recalls that of the supernumerary chromosomes in maize (Randolph 1928a and b) and merits further study. The chromosomes of C. rubra (fig. 3«, b) are larger than those of C. asturica and they differ in other respects, the most noticeable of which is the occurrence of a pair of short chromosomes with large, often constricted, satellites. No other satellites were seen in C. rubra 1506 but in rubra 1176 one chromosome pair bore very small satellites. M. Navashin (1925) shows the small satellites in his figure of rubra but in strains examined later he failed to find it (unpublished obser- vations). 14 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 6 3°$ C. rubra 1506 c. rubra 1176 a b Figure 3. Crepis aspera, C. bursif cilia, C. setosa, and C. senecioides (fig. 4). with 8 chromosomes each, are quite different in details of their chro- mosome morphology. C. setosa is characterized by the presence of a pair of large satellites and C. senecioides is outstanding among the 8-chromosome species by the small size of its chromosomes. C. aspera C. bursifolia a b C. setosa C. senecioides c d Figure 4. Crepis bureniana, C. aculeata, and C. amplexifolia (fig. 5) with 8 chromosomes, are quite distinct in chromosome morphology. C. bureniana and C. aculeata have chromosomes of the same size order; those of C. amplexifolia. are smaller. The exact position of the fiber attachment constriction on one chromosome of bureniana has not been determined, owing probably to inferior fixation, but it is very near the end. 1930] Hollingshead-Babcock : Chromosomes and Phylogeny in Crepis 15 V r., bureniana C. aculeata C. amplexifolla a b c Figure 5. The chromosome garnitures of C. myriocephala (2n = 8) and C. lybiea (2w = 8, fig. 6a, 6) appear to be indistinguishable from each other and differ only in their slightly larger size from those of C. vesicaria, C. taraxacifolia, and C. marschalli (fig. 6c, d, f) which are extremely similar to one another. C. myriocephala c. lyblca C. vesicaria a b c C. taraxacifolia C. hackell c. marschalli d e f Figure 6. Crepis hackeli (2n = 16, fig. 6e) is probably a tetraploid species. Good plates showed 4 similar satellited chromosomes resembling closely those seen in vesicaria, etc., and 4 chromosomes resembling the 16 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 6 largest of those in the same group of species. The increased number did not permit an exact comparison of the remaining chromosomes which are rather similar in morphology. They do, however, resemble in shape and size the intermediate chromosomes of the vesicaria group. # H C. slbirlca C. pontana a b Figure 7. Catonia Crepis sibirica and C. pontana (2m = 10) have chromosome com- plexes which differ in details but are similar in size and much larger than those of any other 10-chromosome species examined (fig. 7). In the plate of C. sibirica figured, one of the satellite threads has con- tracted so that the satellite appears as a small protuberance on the proximal end of the chromosome. This is not a constant condition. Crepis blattarioides (2w — 8, fig. 8a) has, on the whole, chromo- somes slightly smaller than those of other species of this phylogenetic line. One pair bears rather large satellites. C. burejensis, C. chry- santha, and C . conyzaefolia (fig. 8b, c, d) have similar garnitures of 8 large chromosomes, the first differing noticeably from the other two in the shape and size of the satellited chromosome. In the plate from which the figure of C. chrysantha was drawn, one of the satel- lites, two of which were found in other plates, was apparently hidden by another chromosome. Crepis paludosa (2w = 12) is easily distinguished from the other species of this subgenus which have been examined cytologically by the number and shape of its chromosomes ('fig. Se). In C. aurea (2n = 10, fig. 9a) the chromosome complex resembles that of C. asturica, differing markedly from it in only one chromosome pair. The chromosomes of C. bungei 1827 (2w = 8, fig. 9c) are larger than those of C. hookeriana (2« = 8, fig. 9/;). C. bungei 2174 (2n=16, fig. 9<7) has chromosome types resembling those of C. 1930] Hottingshead-Baococlc : Chromosomes and Phylogeny in Crepis 17 bungei 1827 but they appear to be slightly smaller. Although several of the chromosome types in the 16-chromosome race may be repre- sented more than twice, only two satellited chromosomes were seen and M. Navashin, from whom the material was obtained, has not seen C. blattarioldes c. burejenaia C. chrysantha C. conyzaefolia C. paludosa e Figure 8. more in similar material (unpublished observations). Plants of these two accessions are now in flower. Although 1827, with 8 chromo- somes, is more nearly typical of the species in shape of leaves and habit of branching, yet the flower-heads and finer details of the 18 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 6 inflorescence are very similar in the two. Apparently 2174, with 16 chromosomes, is a form of this species resulting from some sort of chromosomal variation, the precise nature of which can be deter- mined only by further study. C. aurea a C. bungei 1827 C. bungei 2174 If C. tingitana e Figure 9. C. tingitana (2n= 10, fig. 9e) has chromosomes resembling those of C asturica but differing markedly from them in one chromosome pair. Eucrepis The chromosomes of C. leontodontoides (2n = 10, fig. 10a) and C. multicaulis (2n = 10, fig. 10b ) are noticeably different in size, those of C. multicaulis approaching those of C. asturica, those of C. 1930] Hollingshead-Babcock : Chromosomes and Phytogeny in Crepis 19 leontodontoide s being much smaller. Both complexes differ in other details from that of C. asturica and from each other. C. tectorum (2n = 8), C. neglecta (2n = 8), C. parviflora (2n = 8), C. capillaris (2w = 6), and C. nicaeensis (2w = 8) do not particularly C. leontodontoide 9 C. multlcaulls a Figure 10. b C. parviflora C. tectorim C. neglecta a b c T M C. capillaris C. nicaeensis d e Figure 11. resemble each other in chromosome morphology (fig. 11). Those of neglecta are the smallest, those of tectorum the largest of this series. In C. biennis the chromosome number has been variously reported as » = 16 (Marchal, 1920). n = 20 (Rosenberg. 1918), n = 21, 2n = 42 (Rosenberg, 1920), and 2n = 40 (Mann, 1925). Investiga- tions of several plants (table 1) have shown that there is an actual variation in number from plant to plant and this is confirmed by 20 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 6 unpublished observations of M. Navashin (cf. Collins, Hollingshead, and Avery, 1929). Counts of 39 and 41 have been obtained and the plant from which the plate in figure 12o was drawn had 39 chromo- somes. Satellites have been seen on chromosomes of at least two different types but those on only one type were visible in this figure. C. biennis C. ciliata a b Figure 12. A similar situation with respect to variation in number was found in C. ciliata (fig. 12b) the two plants examined having 40 and 42? chromosomes respectively. The latter count is not well established but there were more than 40 chromosomes. Again satel- lites were seen but the large number of chromosomes precluded a C. mollis C. lyrata a b Mi C. raontana C. hierosolymitana c d Figure 13. 1930] Hollingshead-Babcock : Chromosomes and Phylogeny in Crepis 21 decision as to their exact number. The chromosomes of C. biennis and C. ciliata are of the same size order. The group of four species with 2n = 12 (fig. 13), C. mollis, C. Iijrata, C. montana, C. hierosolymitana, gave material on which it was somewhat difficult to make out exact details of chromosome morphology. The chromosome outlines were not quite so clear as in most species and the increased number added to the difficulty. True satellites were found in montana and distal constricted ends which often resembled satellites were found on V-shaped chromosomes of lyrata, mollis, and hierosolymitana. Whether there are other small true satellites has not been definitely decided. C. nana C. elegan3 a b Figure 14. The material of C. nana and C. elegans (2« — 14, fig. 14«, b) was limited to a few root tips from germinated seeds and the figures available were anything but satisfactory for a study of chromosome morphology though the number was quite clear. The complexes are similar, containing long and medium V's and probably a satellited pair of chromosomes with submedian constrictions. In each of the figures reproduced only one satellite appears, but in C. nana other plates were seen containing two satellites. Extensive study of material from six plants of C. tenuifolia, grown from seed collected from the wild, revealed always a somatic number of fifteen chromosomes. Two of these plants have flowered with the help of artificial light and one produced a number of achenes. Two plants which grew from these achenes were examined and each had 15 chromosomes. Reduction divisions of the plants which flowered were very irregular showing sometimes 15 univalent chromosomes and sometimes both bivalents and univalents. An examination of the somatic chromosomes (fig. 15a) shows no good evidence of hybrid origin since many of the ohromosom.es have seemingly morphological mates. In the plate drawn, the upturned chromosome lying beneath 22 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 6 C. tenuifolia Pterotheca sancta a b Figure 15. another in the central region is probably similar to the short one in the middle lower portion of the figure. This was the only plate observed in which there appeared to be 4 satellited chromosomes although 3 were seen very commonly. Whatever the origin of this species the evidence points to some form of parthenogenesis or apog- amy as the usual means of reproduction. This would reconcile the irregularity in reduction divisions and low proportion of good pollen 2 *^2 C. dloscoridia C. pannonlca a u C. lacera C. chondrllloides c d Figure 16. 1930] Hollingshead-Babcoek : Chromosomes and Phytogeny in Crepis 23 with the apparently constant odd number of chromosomes and the fairly high proportion of achenes obtained. Pterotheca sancta (2n = 10, fig. 15b) has chromosomes of the C. foetida type. We are indebted to Dr. M. Navashin for kindly giving us the opportunity of reproducing the figure from his slide. In this, the only plant examined, apparently one of the short chromo- some pairs was heteromorphic, the spindle-fiber attachment of one chromosome being median, and of its mate being submedian. C. dioscoridis, C. pannonica, C. lacera, and C. chond rill aides (fig. 16) have eight chromosomes in garnitures which resemble each other and those of C. burcjensis, C. chrysantha, and C. cony zae folia of the C. incana Figure 17. subgenus Catonia (above). The chromosomes of dioscoridis seem to be slightly smaller and those of pannonica slightly larger than those of the other species in this group. C. incana (2« = 16, fig. 17) is probably a tetraploid species since it has 4 similar chromosomes in each set. The chromosomes resemble those of the group just described. The complexes of C. reuteriana, C. praemorsa, C. incarnata and C. palaestina (fig. 18). and of C. pulchra and C. gymnopus (fig. 19), with 8 large chromosomes, are similar, those of C. incarnata and C. praemorsa being probably indistinguishable. Each of these species is characterized by the presence of one pair of long V-shaped chromo- somes. Each has a pair of very small satellites. 'On the shortest chromosome pair of C. pulchra in well fixed, darkly stained material there could be found very small distal satellites. These have not been seen in other species. This pair of chromosomes differed in shape C. reuteriana C . praemorsa C. incarnata c< pa i ae3tlna c d Figure 18. C. pulchra (1) c# pulchra (2 ) C. pulchra (3) C . gymnopus c d Figure 19. 1930] Bollingsliead-Babcock : Chromosomes and Phylogeny in Crepis 25 in the strains of pulchra examined. In one strain (1213, fig. 19c) a plant occurred in which the attachment constriction of one of the members of the pair was nearly median, in the other member it was distinctly nearer the proximal end. In another plant of the same strain (fig. 19b) in both members of the pair the constriction was median. In plants of two other strains (1483 and 1894) each mem- ber of the pair had the constriction nearer one end of the chromosome (fig. 19a). fflk C. occidentalis 2772 C. occldentalia 1921 a C. montlcola c Figure 20. The chromosomes of the American species (except C. nana and C. elegans) (figs. 20 to 22) are intermediate in size and the various species show similar types of chromosomes. Satellites have been seen in nearly every species but only in some of the 22-chromosome forms was it possible to determine their number, 4 satellited chromosomes having been established in several cases. 26 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 6 The C. occidentals, monticola, scopulorum and the C. gracilis, acu- minata, barbigera groups (figs. 20 and 21) show polyploid series with a base number of 11 (table 1). In some cases, indicated by ( ?) after the chromosome number, the large number of chromosomes or paucity of material has prevented an exact determination but the number C. acuminata 1778 a C. gracilis 2572 c C. acuminata 1830 C. barbigera 1842 Figure 21. given was the most likely one. In C. Occident alls, C. gracilis, and C. acuminata, variation in number between different forms has been found. The occurrence of the odd numbers 33 and 55 point to natural crossing and there is abundant morphological evidence that natural crossing, even between species, is no uncommon occurrence. The occurrence of the numbers 33 and 44 in typical C. acuminata suggests 1930] Hollingshead-Babcock : Chromosomes and Phytogeny in Crepi.s 27 the possibility that the somatic number 22 exists in this species, too, as it does in occidentalis and gracilis. The C. andersoni, glauca, runcinata group (fig. 22) of which several plants representing different accessions (table 1) have been C. andersoni 2086 C. andersoni 2136 m C. runcinata 2065 e Figure 22. examined, has given uniformly complexes of 22 chromosomes contain- ing similar types. Whether it would be possible by a prolonged study to reveal differences in chromosome morphology between these species cannot be said. 28 University of California Publications in Agricultural « ■ ^yncuituial Sciences [Vol.6 in certain .^gT L STCf £ """ '^ -*""' PMogy has much in eommon ^Iwhirt .i^ 7°"°'? " k0 " mor - ' "" *" Maj °" Barkhamia the upper ri„ht Z t ^ ° Ml " ,ies the center. E«crep is the lo^T^^T^ T* ** """ ^ "«< subgenus are indicated by ft * bet " ,!en the S P Mi " s »> each leading ,„ or towarTfte ~J„! "7*F?* "' groups and bv iines -e number of .^ S " ^ * ^ ? *- chromosome morphology it will be necZrv tn , , """'""" presented in foregoing pages. ' C0 " s "" the ^"'^ Paleya confab;; Cl n r ly flv t e he m ° St "? M " ° f ^ *» ■%«« I. d-stribntion b ::;.:,i' r;;:?;: ^,;?^^ 18 » f -«««' western Europe, Abyssinia * ^ ™ddy °™ areas (south- unlike other Creni* th» , i Himalaya) . In these species, i^tepis, tiie involucre is not cIpavK- /I,-* outer and inner series of h™ . * , " differentiated into series of bracts, at least as regards length, although 1930] Eollingsliead-Babcoclc : Chromosomes and Phytogeny in Crepis 29 in one species the outer bracts differ in color from the inner ones. The leaves are large and nearly entire and the heads are few and large. The achenes are large, elongate, and in three or four of these species they are more like Barkhausia achenes while in the other they are more like those of Catonia. C. asturica is one of those with Bark- hausia-like achenes and the marked similarity between its chromo- somes and those of foetida and its close relatives has been noted. It •seems reasonable to assume that Paleya was formerly a widespread group containing more numerous species than at present and that among these species there existed primitive forms of all three of the other subgenera. As most of these primitive forms are now extinct, evidence is lacking for direct connection between Paleya and some Catonia species and between Paleya and all Eucrepis species. Barkhausia Of the other three subgenera, Barkhausia exhibits its relationship to Paleya most obviously both in external morphology and in chromo- somes, but it must be remembered that as yet the chromosomes of only one species of Paleya have been seen. Barkhausia contains about one-fourth of the species under discussion ; these occur in portions of Europe, Asia, and Africa bordering on the Mediterranean. A few of these species are of wide distribution within the area defined, but most of them are of rather restricted range. The species of Bark- hausia are all characterized by having definitely beaked achenes in which the beak is usually equal to or longer than the body of the fruit. This specialization for seed dispersal indicates considerable advancement beyond Catonia and Eucrepis, but, as was noted above, the line of development is well advanced in most of the present species of Paleya. There is also present in Barkhausia a strong tendency to have the marginal achenes different from the inner ones either in shape or in color and texture of the pericarp or in both respects, and in some species, like alpina, aspera, and aculeata, these differences in outer and inner achenes are very striking. Although a few species of Eucrepis have strikingly modified marginal achenes and it is not uncommon in both Eucrepis and Catonia to find the marginal achenes slightly different in shape from the inner ones, yet in neither of these subgenera is found as great specialization of the marginal achenes as occurs in Barkhausia. Nearly all species of Barkhausia are annuals which may also be taken as evidence of more recent development than in Catonia and most Eucrepis. There is much variation among these C A T N I A BARKHAUSIA senacioides 8 aetosa 8 capillaris parvif lora nicaeensis biennis 40± / ciliata 40± palaestina 8 pulchra 8 tenuifolia 15 praemorsa 8 incarnata 8 gymnopus 8 occidentalis 22,44 monticola 55? scopulorum 44? gracilis 22,55? acuminata 33,44,55? barbigera 88? glauca 22 andersoni 22 runcinata 22 Figure 24. EUCREPIS 1930] Eollingshead-Babcocl : Chromosomes and Phylogeny in Crepis 31 species and within some of them, in leaf characters, number and size of heads, and size of achenes. Anisoderis, a subgroup of Barkhausia, contains the species most resembling Paleya. This subgroup originally contained C. aljrina, rubra, and foetida, and to these may be added two species now known as C. alpina var. syriaca and Rodigia commutata. The close resem- blance between the chromosomes of these species and those of G. astu- rica has been noted. All the other species of Barkhausia have 8 (or 16) chromosomes. Their arrangement in the chart, figure 24, is based primarily on external morphology, particularly on achene char- acters, and the achenes of some of them have been illustrated in an earlier paper (Babcock and Lesley, 1926). Although aspera and aculeata are rather closely related, their very different achenes show their relationship to different species. Thus aspera most nearly re- sembles dioscoridis (of Eucrepis) in its marginal achenes, while its inner ones are more like those of bursifolia, setosa, and senecioides, but these five species are all widely separated from one another in other characters. It may be that the aspera line and the aculeata line arose from a common stock of distinct origin from the alpina line, the supposed progenitor being some (extinct?) species of Paleya having 8 chromosomes. For present purposes, however, it is more convenient to indicate these two lines as arising from the alpina line. The four species, bureniana, aculeata, ample xifolia, and myrio- cephala differ from the remaining five species, grouped near the top, in having the marginal achenes distinctly different from the inner ones. C. bureniana most nearly resembles foetida in external mor- phology, while the divergence is progressive until in myriocephala one finds a highly specialized species with very numerous, small heads and many small fruits. The other eight chromosome species of this line are all closely related to myriocephala but are not so highly special- ized through reduction in size of heads, flowers, and fruits. C. lybica, indeed, has the largest heads and fruits of the six species, although its chromosomes are the most like those of myriocephala. This may be explained, however, as the result of genie mutations unaccompanied by marked changes in chromosome morphology. In C. hackcli the evidence from external morphology is in fair agreement with the cytological evidence that this is a tetraploid or amphidiploid species. Fig. 24. Phylogenetic chart of sixty-seven species of Crepis. The subgenus Paleya, center, is the most primitive. In the other three subgenera, Barkhausia, upper right; Catonia, upper left; and Eucrepis, lower half, the degree of relation- ship is roughly indicated by connections or absence of connections with Paleya. 32 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 6 Ixeris graminca probably should not be included in Crepis. Although its achenes are more like those of Barkhausia than they are like those of the typical Ixeris of Cassini, yet in other details of external morphology it is certainly closer to Ixeris and Lactuca than to Crepis. The evidence regarding the chromosomes provides assist- ance at this point. Although the number happens to be 16, the chromosomes are very much smaller than in any species of Barkhausia and in size and appearance they closely resemble those of C. bulbosa and C. japonica which are mentioned under Catonia and Eucrepis respectively. Catonia Catonia has less obvious connection with Paleya than has Bark- hausia, yet the evidence from external morphology as well as from chromosomes strongly indicates such an origin. The existence of one species of Paleya (C. oligocephaJa Sch. Bip.) with Catonia-like char- acters is especially significant. Unfortunately the chromosomes of this species have not been seen. Catonia includes slightly less than one-fourth of the species thus far investigated cytologically and these are all perennials of the Old World. They are distributed in re- stricted areas scattered throughout Europe, Asia, and northern Africa ; the subgenus is of much wider distribution than Barkhausia. All of these species have achenes resembling those of C. oligocephaJa more or less, but some of them are sufficiently different in their achenes and in other characters to necessitate the assumption of more than one prototype. Two principal lines are indicated in the chart, therefore, also two minor groups in each of which only one species has been examined cytologically. Crepis sibiriea exhibits closest resemblance to C. oligocephala in external morphology and the other species of this line are progres- sively distinct from the supposed prototype. The second group, aurea, hookeriana, and bungei, are so distinct from C. oligocephala as to necessitate the assumption that they arose from some other species. C. tingitana, on the other hand, resembles aurea in certain respects although very distinct in others; it does not seem improbable that the two arose from a common prototype. C. paluclosa resembles sibiriea and its allies in habit and leaves but the much smaller heads, and especially the very distinct achenes, make it necessary to assume a separate origin for paludosa. Crepis bulbosa has long been recognized as one of the most out- standing species of the genus. In fact it has been referred to five 1930] Hollingshead-Babcock : Chromosomes and Phytogeny in Crepis 33 other genera, including Aetheorhiza of Cassini, who treated it as a monotypic genus. It is the only species of Crepis thus far examined having 18 chromosomes, and, as in Ixeris graminea, the chromosomes are very small. These facts would appear to warrant the reinstate- ment of Cassini 's genus. Eucrepis These species not only show the least morphological resemblance to those of Paleya but they also comprise the most heterogeneous of the four subgenera. There is general resemblance within the sub- genus, however, in the more numerous and smaller heads, the marked reduction of the outer involucral bracts, and the mostly smaller, beak- less achenes. Of the thirty-eight species thus far studied cytologically, about one-third are annuals or biennials and two-thirds, perennials. This subgenus is the most widespread in geographic distribution, being represented in North America as well as throughout the Old World north of the equator. As is indicated in the chart, there are eight groups of obviously related species and some half-dozen species which are distinct from each other and from the several groups. Crepis leontodontoid.es and C. multicaulis are sufficiently similar to the Catonia species, tingitana and aurea, to suggest a common origin. The geographic distribution of three of these species is not inconsistent with such a view. C. multicaulis, however, is widely separated from the other three geographically. At the same time it is among the most outstanding species in the genus because of extreme reduction in size of inflorescence although it is perennial like the other three. It seems probable, therefore, that multicaulis sprang from the same ancestral stock as the other three but is a more recent species and that there were several connecting forms which have disappeared. The two annuals, parviflora and capillaris, are obviously close in external morphology and occupy different adjacent geographic areas. On the basis of specialization through reduction in size of flowers and fruits parviflora seems to be more recent and this view would be con- sistent with the chromosomal evidence if fragmentation of one of the capillaris chromosomes and marked changes in the others could be assumed. Fairly close to these are two other annuals, neglecta and tectorum, yet both are so different in their chromosomes as to require the hypothesis of a separate origin from each other and from the capillaris group. Both tectorum and neglecta exhibit a marked tendency to the production of a beak on the achene, but this is true also in certain forms of leontoclontoid.es. It would appear that these 34 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 6 are really intermediate between Eucrepis and Barkhausia and that in course of time they may develop definitely beaked achenes. Another group includes nicaeensis, which is found to be either annual or biennial, and biennis, which is usually biennial but some- times blooms the first year. The close resemblance of the two species has been emphasized by Bischoff (1851), yet one has 8 chromosomes of medium size and the other about 40 rather smaller ones. It was deemed necessary to assume a common ancestral form with 10 chromo- somes because of the evidence from interspecific hybrids (Collins and Mann, 1923; Collins, Hollingshead, and Avery, 1929) that C. biennis is an octoploid species. Crepis ciiiata may also have derived its large number of chromosomes through polyploidy, but morphologically it is too distinct from biennis and nicaeensis to warrant the assumption of a very recent connection. Crepis tenuifolia is a very outstanding species of Eucrepis not only because of its peculiarities of external morphology but also on account of its odd number of chromosomes discussed above. The fact that it appears to produce seed apomictically suggests the possi- bility that it originated as a hybrid between two species with 14 and 16 chromosomes respectively, although, as has been pointed out,- the shapes of the various chromosomes offer no good evidence for this method of origin. The four species with 12 chromosomes are very distinct from one another, but have quite similar heads, flowers, and fruits, and they are all perennials. C. mollis, with its nearly entire leaves and few, rather large heads, appears to be the least specialized ; the other three are about equally advanced and are correspondingly less widely dis- tributed. C. nana and elegans form a unique group in external morphology, in geographic distribution, and in the number of their chromosomes. C. nana is the most widely distributed species in the genus. It occurs sporadically from Turkestan to northeastern Siberia and in North America from western Alaska to northwestern Canada, in Labrador, the Rocky Mountains, and the Sierra Nevada. C. elegans occurs in Alaska and the Rocky Mountains. There is good morphological evi- dence that elegans has been derived from nana and the extensive boreal and alpine distribution of nana indicates that it is either a much older species or a more successful species, perhaps both. There are no close relatives among the other species which have been examined cyto- logically. 1930] Hollingshead-Babcoclc : Chromosomes and Phylogeny in Crepis 35 Of the six species, reuteriana, praemorsa, incarnata, gymnopus, pulchra, and palaestina, the first four are perennials and the other two annuals. C. praemorsa and C. incarnata are very closely related although fairly distinct from each other morphologically, and still more distinct from their near relative, gymnopus. Similarly pulchra and palaestina are obviously related although still more distinct from each other. C. praemorsa, incarnata, and gymnopus bear less resem- blance to reuteriana, however, than do palaestina and pulchra; they probably diverged from the reuteriana line considerably earlier than did palaestina and pulchra. Of the last two, pulchra is more highly specialized through reduction in size of flowers and its high self- fertility. Crepis pannonica, laccra, and chondrilloides are obviously closely related perennial species and they probably stand in the above order in their phylogenetic relations to one another. This is indicated by differences in degree of dissection of the leaves. In pannonica the leaves are nearly entire ; in lacera they are deeply dissected ; while in chondrilloides they are extremely finely dissected. The geographic distribution is in agreement with this relation, since pannonica occurs from Hungary to Turkestan, lacera occurs only in central and south- ern Italy, and chondrilloides is restricted to a small region in Istria. Crepis incana represents a group of perennial species which is closely related to the foregoing although very distinct. It was prob- ably derived from the same ancestral stock. Crepis dioscoridis bears the evidence of its relationship to C. aspera (of Barkhausia) in its peculiar marginal achenes and annual habit. If it arose from the same stock as aspera it must have diverged at a rather remote time. It is possible, of course, that this similarity in the marginal achenes is merely a case of parallel variation but if such is the case the ancestry of dioscoridis is still more obscure. Although it bears some resemblance to the pannonica group, especially in appearance of the involucre and in the morphology of its chromo- somes yet in most respects it is very distinct from those species. Pterotheca sancta seems to belong in Crepis, not only on the basis of its somatic chromosomes, but also on morphological grounds, the details of which cannot be discussed here. The origin of this species, however, is quite as uncertain as that of dioscoridis or tenuifolia. Its possible derivation from the Barkhausia stock is suggested by the resemblance of its chromosomes, but morphologically it seems quite as probable that it had a common progenitor with the reuteriana group. 36 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 6 The American species which have been examined cytologically, excepting elegans and nana, comprise a unique group with a different basic chromosome number (n = ll) from any other Crepis. None of them occurs east of the Mississippi River and the center of distribu- tion is in southwestern Canada and northwestern United States. This suggests the probability of an Asiatic origin, but thus far no oriental species has been found with n = ll chromosomes. Neither have any oriental species been found which closely resemble any of these American species. A few Asiatic species are known, however, which resemble certain American species in some ways and it may be shown eventually that they arose from a common prototype. Although the problem of the phylogenetic relation of these American species to other Eucrepis is unsolved, certain assumptions may be warranted on the basis of chromosome numbers, external morphology, and ecology. All nine species are perennials. Three of them, runcinata, glauca, and andersoni, occur in moist meadows and alkali bogs and have fleshy rootstocks. The other six occur mostly in dry, rocky or gravelly places and have very long, slender, woody rootstocks. The first three are equally diverse from the other six in leaves, heads, and achenes. Thus there are two very different sub- groups of American species and the situations with regard to chromo- some numbers are equally diverse. Although fourteen different forms of runcinata, glauca, and andersoni have been examined, they all have 2w=22 chromosomes. But among the other six species, both tetra- ploidy and octoploidy occur as well as unbalanced polyploidy (33 and 55) accompanied by seed-bearing, which suggests reproduction by some form of apomixis. The existence of two such diverse groups in the same general region and with a common basic chromosome number suggests a common origin but divergence must have occurred at a comparatively remote period. Yet as compared with the Old World species of Eucrepis, these nine are probably of relatively recent origin. This would necessarily be the case if they were derived from Asiatic ancestors and it is strongly indicated by the higher chromosome numbers of this group. The probable method of origin of these remarkable groups of species is that first suggested by Winge (1917) and later confirmed experimentally by Clausen and Good- speed (1925). This method consists of interspecific hybridization followed by delayed mitosis in the fertilized egg cell or in some initial cell of a shoot, during which the chromosomes all divide without pass- ing to the poles. Thus a complete diploid set of chromosomes from 1930] Hollingshead-BabeocJc: Chromosomes and Phytogeny in Crepis 37 both parents is provided after which mitosis proceeds regularly. Some such amphidiploid hybrids are known to be vigorous and fully fertile. It is only necessary to assume natural crossing between two species with n = l and » = 4 chromosomes, followed by amphi- diploidy, to explain the origin of species with 22 chromosomes. Because of the diversity between the two groups of American species, however, it seems necessary to assume that at least three different species were involved in the original crosses. Some of the other numbers which occur in the Eucrepis series may also have originated through amphidiploidy. Crepis japonica (Youngia lyrata Cass.) is the type species of Cassini's genus. As in the case of Ixeris graminea and Aetheorhiza bulbosa, the chromosomes are much smaller than Crepis chromosomes. This evidence, together with that from external morphology and geo- graphic distribution, will probably be considered sufficient to warrant the reinstatement of Cassini's Youngia as that genus was originally defined. Summarizing briefly with respect to subgeneric relationship, Paleya is a small group of species which appear to be more primitive than all other Crepis at least in certain characters. There are two distinct subgroups of Paleya, viz., species with Barkhausia-like achenes and one species with Catonia-like achenes. Barkhausia con- tains species which show strong resemblance to certain Paleya -species, although certainly more highly specialized. At the same time, within Barkhausia are found the highest degree of specialized structure in the beaked achenes and the largest amount of adaptation through development of the annual habit. The combination of these two lines of specialization, however, while advantageous in particular environ- ments, has not resulted in wide distribution of the subgenus as a whole. This restriction of adaptation accompanying marked special- ization must be considered along with the evidence that many species of Barkhausia appear to be of recent development. In Catonia is found a group of perennial species some of which exhibit evidence of relationship with an existing species of Paleya while for others it is necessary to assume other prototypes. The species of Catonia are less highly specialized than those of Barkhausia and Eucrepis, and most of the species are of comparatively restricted distribution. Eucrepis, the largest, most widely distributed, and most heterogeneous division, exhibits connections with both Barkhausia and Catonia in certain of its species but there is no evidence, among the species dis- 38 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 6 cussed in this paper, of close connection with Paleya. It seems most probable that the prototypes of Eucrepis and the present or earlier species of Paleya arose from a common stock subsequent to its differ- entiation from closely related genera such as Hieracium and Lactuca. CHROMOSOMES AND PHYLOGENY The cytologist or geneticist cannot fail to have noticed in the literature of recent years an increasingly close relationship between the study of the chromosomes and of external morphology with a view to classification. The impression is rather strong that in most cases it is the cytologist or the geneticist who has realized how useful or in some cases how fundamental his findings are to the elucidation of phylogenetic problems, and so has been led by a combined study of chromosomes and external morphology to formulate classification systems and phylogenetic hypotheses or to criticize those based on external morphology alone. It is to be hoped that taxonomists will come to the same realization and that in the future it will be con- sidered as desirable to know the nature of the chromosomes of any plant as it is to be familiar with the details of its external morphology, particularly in cases where critical decisions are necessary. Among the most outstanding cases where a knowledge of chromo- some numbers has been useful in classification is that of the genus Rosa. Hurst (1925) utilized the cytological findings of Tackholm (1920, 1922) and Blackburn and Harrison (1921) in the classification of this genus, which in spite of the life-long labors of several botanists was still in an admittedly unsatisfactory state. These investigations had shown that there was in the genus a multiple series of chromo- some numbers with a base number of seven. With this in mind a workable system was formulated, the most outstanding feature of which was that the whole Caninae section was characterized at reduc- tion division by a condition often seen in hybrids, viz., the presence of univalent as well as bivalent chromosomes. Quite different but equally interesting results were obtained by Heilbom (1924) in Carex. When the chromosome numbers were arranged according to the taxonomic relationship within the genus groups of adjacent numbers were found, nearly related species having numbers of about the same magnitude. In the genus Triticum a remarkable agreement in classifications based on morphology, resist- ance to disease, serological reactions, and chromosome numbers is 1930] Hollingshead-Babcoclc: Chromosomes and Phytogeny in Crepis 39 evident (Sax, 1921, 1923). Clausen (1927) found that Viola species of the same systematic subgroup belonged as a rule to the same series of chromosome numbers and in the Melanium section of the genus he made a new subdivision on the basis of chromosome numbers. He believes his investigations afford further proof of the great importance of cytology as an aid to taxonomic research. It is the intention of the writers to do no more than point out a few of the many instances in which a knowledge of chromosome num- bers has either aided in the making of a classification system or has added weight to one already made. It is true that in some instances a study of chromosome numbers has not helped greatly in classifica- tion, for species widely different morphologically may have the same chromosome number, as in Crepis. When such is the case this study has shown that a knowledge of the morphology of the chromosomes may be very illuminating. The chromosome number 8 occurs in thirty-two out of the seventy species discussed and in three of the four subgenera. The possibility is good that it occurs also in Paleya. But a comparative study of chromosome morphology has shown that these species with the same chromosome number are usually char- acterized by very different chromosomes. A study of chromosome number and morphology in relation to classification was carried out by Sveshnikova (1927) in thirty species of Vicia. Three main groups — Ervum with 14 chromosomes in all species, Cracca with 12, 14, 24, and 28, and Euvicia with 12 and 14 — were represented in the study. The chromosomes were divided into four groups according to the relative lengths of the arms and the presence of satellites and each species was described on this basis. When the species were arranged in groups according to the numbers of chromosomes of different classes, the classification was in general agreement with that usually applied by systematists. Indeed this investigator was able to make a key based on chromosome number and morphology which corresponded very nearly with one worked out by Ascherson on external morphology. Wexelsen (1928), however, found no such parallelism in the differentiation of chromosome complexes and external morphology in his studies on chromosome numbers and morphology in eighteen species of Trifolium. Species which were far removed taxonomically and very different in morphology had very similar chromosome com- plexes, and very nearly related species had very different complexes. This he believes presents a very clear demonstration of parallel vari- 40 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. C ation, for example the presence of one pair of satellited chromosomes in many species would be due to independent parallel mutations and not to the fact that they have been derived from a common source. In most instances in Crepis similarity of chromosomes is most certainly associated with a common phylogenetic origin, although it may be necessary in one outstanding case at least to assume parallel variation to account for the similarity of the chromosomes of species far removed phylogenetically. We refer to the resemblance of the chromosomes of the conyzae folia, chrysantha, burejensis group of Catonia to those of the pannonica, lacera, chondrilloides group of Eucrepis. It is interesting to note what kinds of changes with respect to chromosome number and morphology the phylogenetic chart in figure 24 involves. The first difficulty we are faced with is the fact that only one species of the subgenus Paleya, which is believed to contain or to have contained the progenitors of the species of the other subgenera, has been examined cytologically. It seems probable that, since each of the other subgenera shows variation between species in the number of chromosomes, the same would be found to occur here. For the two lines (one in Barkhausia, one in Catonia), however, where the con- nection with Paleya is clearest ten is apparently the most primitive number. In each line one or more reductions to eight have occurred. This is true also of the second main line of Catonia. The 8-chromosome species of Eucrepis could be assumed to have arisen from 8-chromosome Paleya species not examined cytologically or now extinct. If so it is necessary to assume that within Paleya a reduction from 10 to 8 or an increase from 8 to 10 chromosomes has occurred during the evolution of the species of this subgenus. Within Eucrepis the relations depicted in the chart (fig. 24) involve a reduc- tion to 8 from the supposed 10-chromosome progenitor of nicaeensis and possibly a reduction to 6 from an 8-chromosome progenitor of capillaris. The two known methods by which a reduction in number of chro- mosomes may take place are (1) the elimination of a pair of chromo- somes following irregularities in meiosis and (2) the fusion of non- homologous chromosomes. Examples are known where plants pos- sess one pair of chromosomes less than the normal diploid set as in Triticum (Kihara, 1924, 1925), Avcna (Iluskins, 1927), and Primula kewensis ■ (Newton and Pellew, 1929), but the species in question are admittedly of polyploid origin and the plants are partly or wholly 1930] Hollingshead-Babcock : Chromosomes and Phylogeny in Crepis 41 sterile. In other genera where monosomic plants are known (for example, in Datura and Nicoliana), which would be expected to give progeny lacking one chromosome pair, such progeny have not been reported. Moreover, M. Navashin's extensive study (1926, 3929) which included several thousand plants 'of three species of Crepis, failed to find a plant with even one chromosome missing. In view of these facts the explanation of reduction in chromosome number by elimination of a pair is, to say the least, questionable. Similarly, evidence is lacking in this genus that a decrease in number could have resulted from end to end fusion of non-homologous chromosomes. M. Navashin found no instance of it in his investiga- tions and neither does a study of the chromosomes of the various species in which a reduction is supposed to have occurred show any evidence of such a process. To take an extreme case, the 8 chromo- somes of senecioides, presumably derived from a 10-chromosome stock, are on the whole smaller than those of the supposed stock from which they have sprung and certainly no one of them is long enough to represent simply an end to end fusion of two chromosomes of the parental stock. It has been suggested in the animal kingdom by Wilson (1925) and Painter (1925) and in the plant kingdom by Delaunay (1926) and favorably taken up by Jaretsky (1928) that the occurrence of small chromosomes in a complex may represent an intermediate step in the process of gradual diminution in the size of a chromosome which terminates with its disappearance. Rather small chromosomes are not rare in Crepis although none have been found as small as those which first prompted this hypothesis. It is also theoretically possible, although not very probable in species having such low chromosome numbers, that such a reduction in number might result from hybridization between two 10-chromo- some species. This necessitates the assumption that such hybrids occasionally produce functional gametes having only 4 instead of the normal 5 chromosomes. Self-fertilization in such a hybrid might rarely produce new stable forms having 8 chromosomes. Thus far the experimental evidence from interspecific hybrids is against such a hypothesis (Navashin, 1927; Hollingshead, 1930). The phylogenetic chart involves as well the assumption of numer- ous instances of increase in chromosome number. In some of these cases, such as haekelei, bungei 2174, and incana, all with 16 chromo- somes, each species is morphologically closely related to certain 8- 42 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 6 chromosome species. Such cases are readily explained by chromosome doubling. Perhaps in the case of hackeli (from external morphologi- cal evidence), and of bungei 2174 (from the fact that no more than two satellited chromosomes were seen) the doubling followed hybrid- ization between two 8-chromosome species. It has been pointed out earlier that a 'similar explanation may account for the chromosome numbers of biennis, ciliata, and the American species with a base number of 11, and the same explanation might conceivably be applied to the origin of the species with 12 and 14 chromosomes. Such an explanation would involve the assumption that species with 6 chromo- somes featured in the ancestry of each of the last two groups. This seems rather unlikely since the one species known which has 6 chromo- somes is, judging by its external morphology, of comparatively recent origin. It seems more probable that they have arisen from species with lower chromosome numbers by some method other than one involving a doubling of all the chromosomes. How to account for an increase in number of one or more pairs of chromosomes is another problem. In many instances the evidence from chromosome morphology, as pointed out by Navashin (1925), is not in accord with an explanation which supposes the simple dupli- cation of a pair of chromosomes already present as a result of irregu- lar meiotic behavior, as suggested by Rosenberg (1918, 1920), for many species in which an increase is supposed to have occurred show no two pairs morphologically alike. Moreover, although M. Navashin (1926) found trisomies rather frequently in two Crepis species he has never found tetrasomics in their progeny (unpublished data). It must be borne in mind, too, that experimental evidence has shown that the tetrasomics investigated up to the present, as in Datura (Blakeslee and Belling, 1924), Avena (Huskins, 1927), and Triticum (Huskins, 1928) are usually much less viable than normal diploid plants and even when equally viable as in Nicotiana (Clausen and Goodspeed, 1924) they do not breed true. In this connection, however, the occurrence of the numbers 10, 11, 12, and 13, with the variation probably involving only a single chromosome type, in apparently typical and quite viable plants of C. alpina var. syriaca is of great interest. One may assume that it will be possible to isolate constant 10-. 12-, and possibly even 14-chromosome races from this species. Whether the supernumerary chromosome is a relic of some hybrid ancestry, or whether it represents the phenomenon designated by M. Navashin as "novation," or whether it represents part of a normally 12-ehromosome 1930] Hollingshead-Babcoclc : Chromosomes and Phytogeny in Crepis 43 complex are as yet matters of speculation only. Instances are known in the genus where a chromosome from one species has been added to the normal complex of another as a result of hybridization (Hollingshead, 1930) but the plants are weak and sterile. Similarly M. Navashin's plants which contained apparently new chromosomes of unknown origin were inviable and it has been pointed out above that plants lacking one pair of chromosomes (except in polyploid species) have not been found. Of the three suggested hypotheses to account for this situation in syriaca, the first (hybrid origin) appears to be the least improbable. In some few instances the hypothesis of transverse segmentation can be advanced to account for increased chromosome number in this genus, as suggested by Mann (1925). This hypothesis is believed to account for an increased number of chromosomes in certain other genera, for example in Secale (Gotoh, 1924, and Belling, 1925) and in other cases (cf. Kuhn, 1928). M. Navashin (1926) found a C. tectorum plant in which one chromosome had fragmented and each part behaved as a new chromosome in mitosis. This process has been suggested (above) as having played a part in the evolution of C. parviflora from capillaris. Such a hypothesis, however, while ex- plaining adequately chromosome lengths, fails to take into account differences in the shapes of the various chromosomes and must even in this instance have been accompanied or followed by changes in position of spindle-fiber attachment constrictions, which will be dis- cussed later. In addition to changes involving increase and decrease in number of chromosomes, the chart necessitates the assumption that changes in chromosome size have occurred during the evolution of the various species. In Muscari, Delaunay (1926) came to the conclusion that diminution in chromosome length by a slow process called by him "historiation" had occurred in the evolution of the chromosomes of the species he studied. Jaretsky (1928) favors the same process as a mode of chromosome evolution from his studies on Polygonaceae. Heitz (1928) recognizes changes in length of chromosomes as of fundamental importance in the evolution of chromosomes. Sveshni- kova (1927) concluded that in Vicia, among the processes which had occurred during the evolution of the species she studied, there had been a reduction of chromatin connected with variation in external morphological features. 44 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 6 This study would seem to show that both increase and decrease in chromosome size have been relatively frequent occurrences in the evolution of the various species of the genus Crepis. Morphologically similar species usually have similar chromosomes and it is only within such closely related groups that it is safe to assume which chromo- somes are descended from a common ancestor. In the vesica ria, lybica, etc., group, which have very similar chromosome complexes, it is possible to pick out lybica by the uniformly slightly larger size of its chromosomes. In this connection it is worth noting that Wexel- sen found two varieties of Tri folium repens to have chromosomes of different size, one having uniformly larger chromosomes than the other. Though it is true that, generally speaking, the various Crepis species have "large" or "small" chromosomes, it does not follow that increase or decrease in length has similarly affected all chromo- somes in a complex. This is obvious from a glance at such a complex as that of setosa which contains a very short pair along with compara- tively long pairs of chromosomes. The evidence from bursifolia- aspera hybrids (Babcock and Clausen, 1929) indicates that the sat- ellited chromosomes of these species are homologous. Most of the chromosomes in the two species are of the same size order but in this particular chromosome pair the species differ very markedly, aspera having long, and bursifolia unusually short, satellited chromosomes. As has been noted earlier, cross-division of chromosomes is not unknown in the genus and as M. Navashin (1926) has pointed out, such a process might be followed by elimination of part of the frag- mented chromosome. Such an occurrence could be supposed to account for the difference in size between apparently homologous chromosomes of different species were it not that no evidence is, avail- able to show that such a loss can take place and the individual still survive. Further, it has been shown that several authors favor a gradual change in chromosome size as the way in which chromosomes in related species come to differ from each other. Navashin (1926) pointed out that differences in satellite size between races of a single species may illustrate this kind of change and stated that the origin of new distinct species could probably be explained by the continual addition of such small changes. The fact that chromosomes of all sizes intermediate between largest and smallest are to be found in this genus would seem to offer good evidence for this theory. Lastly, any evolutionary hypothesis must take into account changes in chromosome shape which are largely determined by the 1930] Hollingshead-Babcocl- : Chromosomes and Phylogeny in Crepis 4.3 presence or absence of satellites and the position of the spindle-fiber attachment. In this connection cases in which homologous chromo- somes are different (heteromorphic pairs) are instructive. They would seem to offer evidence that rare changes in chromosome shape may occur without markedly affecting the external morphology. Size differences in satellites on homologous chromosomes have been reported by a number of investigators (cf. Kuhn, 1928). In Crepis, M. Navashin found races of C. dioscoridis with two large satellites, with two small satellites, and with one large and one small satellite. In Rumex scut at us, Jaretsky found some plants in which one of the chromosomes of a pair have satellites and others in which there were no satellites at all. Such a condition could be expected to lead to a race with both members of the pair bearing satellites. The sig- nificance of such findings for evolution of chromosomes of a different type is obvious. Heteromorphism, which involves a difference in position of spindle- fiber attachment, is well known in the animal kingdom. In plants, in addition to the instances of sex chromosomes which may differ both in size and shape, a few cases of heteromorphic autosomes have been found. In different samples of both Vicia angustifolia and V. sativa, Sveshnikova (1927) found the same chromosomes showing slightly different ratios in arm length. Two cases of heteromorphic pairs are reported in this paper, viz., Pterotheca sancta and Crepis pulchra. The case of C. pulchra is particularly interesting for here plants with two chromosomes of each kind and one with one of each were found. The first two of these races could, conceivably, if isolated, develop in the course of time into different species each characterized by its particular chromosomes. Heitz (1928) holds that the primitive chromosome form is the equi-armed one and that asymmetrical shortening (or lengthening) gives rise to chromosomes with unequal arms. Equi-armed chromo- somes occur in each subgenus and in many species of Crepis. Usually they are the smaller chromosomes of the complex, although they may be the largest as in the pulchra, palaestina, etc., group. There is no consistent evidence in Crepis to support Heitz 's theory that such chromosomes are more primitive, for although they do occur perhaps more frequently in some of the supposedly older species (C asturica, C. foetida) with low numbers, yet they also occur in the highly specialized C. senecioidcs. 46 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 6 Heitz's theory would also imply that a change in the form of a chromosome results only from a change in length of one of the arms. Sveshnikova does not state whether the chromosomes which showed different ratios of arm length in her material were the same length or not. In the cases observed by the writers, however, the hetero- morphic pairs were nearly or quite the same length and it seems more probable that the change in form has resulted from a shifting of the attachment constriction rather than from a lengthening of one arm and a shortening of the other. Summarizing, the following changes in chromosome numbers must be assumed to have occurred during the evolution of these sixty-seven species of Crepis, if the phylogenetic grouping proposed here be accepted. (1) Reduction in number from 10 to 8 and from 8 to 6, changes which it is difficult to explain in the light of our present knowledge. It is possible, however, that such changes might have come about through a process of gradual diminution of a particular pair of chromosomes or that interspecific hybridization or fusion of non- homologous chromosomes might have given rise to a new species with the reduced number, although there is no experimental evidence for such hypotheses. (2) Increase in number from 8 to 16, a change which may have occurred in either of two ways, viz., doubling of the 2n group resulting in true tetraploidy ; and doubling in a hybrid between two 8-chromosome species, resulting in amphidiploidy. (3) Increase from 10 to 40 or thereabouts (biennis, cilia ta?) which accord- ing to experimental evidence must have resulted from once repeated doubling of the 2» group producing octoploidy. (4) Increase from 22 to 33, 44, 55, and 88. The even numbers probably arose through chromosome doubling as described above and the odd ones may have arisen through hybridization between even numbered forms or by the fusion of somatic gametes with normal ones. (5) Increase from lower numbers to 12, 14, 15, and 22 chromosomes, which in some cases may have resulted from transverse segmentation. The higher even num- bers could be explained by the assumption of amphidiploidy and the odd one could conceivably have arisen as a result of hybridization, though again experimental evidence for such an origin is lacking. In addition to changes in number many changes in chromosome size apparently have occurred and to the present writers it seems probable that most of these changes have taken place gradually during the phylogenetic differentiation of the species. Lastly there have been many changes in chromosome shape, and the occurrence of races 1930] Hollingshead-Babcoclc : Chromosomes and Phytogeny in Crepis 47 within a species which differ in the shape of one chromosome pair and of plants with heteromorphic chromosome pairs indicates that this is not a very uncommon occurrence in phylogeny. On the whole it seems probable that a number of different mechan- ical processes affecting chromosome organization have played a part in the evolution of chromosomes in this genus. Processes such as fragmentation, union, inversion, deletion, translocation, and dupli- cation have occurred in Drosophila. Painter and Muller (1929) and Muller and Painter (1929) have recently described changes in chro- mosome shape resulting from such processes actually induced by irradiation with X-rays. These studies are extremely significant in connection with problems of chromosomes and phylogeny, for such processes can account for changes in size and shape and increase and decrease in number of chromosomes. In particular they offer a pos- sible explanation for the 6, 8, 12 portion of the Crepis chromosome series whose manner of origin from a supposed 10-chromosome ances- tor presents the most difficult problem in the study of the evolution of chromosomes within the genus. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The number and morphology of the somatic chromosomes of seventy species (including three which have been considered Crepis but will probably be assigned to other genera) were investigated in connection with a taxonomic study of the genus. The study of chromosome morphology has increased materially the value of the cytological findings in connection with classification. Size differences, the occurrence of satellites, and shape as deter- mined by spindle-fiber attachment were used to distinguish the various chromosomes. The species discussed include twenty-seven whose chromosome numbers have not previously been counted and a number which have not been figured previously. A drawing showing a somatic metaphase which depicts as far as possible details of morphology is included for each species. The known series of chromosome numbers of Old World species is 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 40±. That of the American species is 14, 22, 33, 44, 55?, and 88?. Without doubt these latter numbers are members of a polyploid series, as are some of the num- bers in the Old World group. Others probably originated through interspecific hybridization. There is considerable evidence pointing 48 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 6 to 10 as the basic number. An alternative hypothesis is the assump- tion that 8 is the more primitive number in Crepis. No evidence exists at present to support this assumption. In regard to size of chromosomes, there is a range of sizes, the extremes of which may be roughly expressed by the ratio 1:2. It should be noted, however, that the species having the smallest chromo- somes (senecioides, nana, elegans, and leontodontoides) comprise only a small fraction of the entire number of Crepis species thus far studied. In comparison with these the chromosomes of the remain- ing species may be designated as medium, medium-large, and large, but within each of these categories there is considerable variation so that the entire list of species could be arranged in a nearly continuous series on the basis of chromosome size. Species representing the extremes in size differences occur in Eucrepis, while Barkhausia con- tains one species having chromosomes of the smallest size, and Catonia has several species with very large chromosomes. The variation in chromosome sizes, therefore, is not peculiar to any one subgenus ; on the contrary it is distributed throughout the genus. With regard to shape .of the chromosomes, while there are many minor differences between individual species, there is a general simi- larity in all the species. Occurrence of satellites and position of constrictions are the most useful differences in shape. The occurrence of at least one pair' of satellited chromosomes is practically constant throughout all the species. About one-third of the species have at least one pair of chromosomes with approximately median constric- tions. In all other chromosomes the constrictions are located at some point nearer the proximal end of the chromosome. A chart was drawn up to show the four major subdivisions of the genus and the chromosome numbers of the species discussed. This chart depicts the phylogenetic groups which were worked out by com- bining data on chromosome number and morphology with evidence from external morphology, consideration having been given to geo- graphic distribution and evidence from interspecific hybridization. The chromosomes of the species in the various phylogenetic groups were discussed and their resemblances and differences noted. In Paleya, considered the most primitive subgenus and supposed to contain or to have contained the progenitors of the other subgenera, only one species has been examined and it has 10 chromosomes. Prob- ably further study would discover other chromosome numbers in this section. The subgenus Barkhausia contains species witli 8. 10. and Hi 1930] Hollingshead-Babcock : Chromosovies and Phylogeny in Crepis 49 chromosomes, and these same numbers and one 12-chromosome species are found in Catonia. Eucrepis, the largest subgenus, contains the greatest number of species and those whose connection with Paleya is least obvious. The numbers 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 40 are found in the Old World species of the subgenus. With the exception of two closely related species, one of which also occurs in the Old World, the American species form a polyploid series with a base number of 11. These facts, together with the heterogeneity of Eucrepis, lead to the inference that this subgenus consists of a number of related phylo- genetic lines and that the earlier connecting forms and the more primitive ancestors have all disappeared. Several of these diverse subgroups under Eucrepis are represented among the species thus far studied by individual species while others contain from two to six species which are obviously closely related both from their external morphology and their very similar chromosomes. Two instances of heteromorphic chromosome pairs involving dif- ferences in point of spindle-fiber attachment were found (C. pulchra and Pterothcca sancta) and in the former species, in addition to the plant showing this condition, other plants with a pair of each of the different chromosomes were found. A difference in size of satellites on homologous chromosomes was noted in C. foetida. In one case (C. alpina var. syriaca) variation in chromosome number from 10 to 13 was found and the variation appeared to involve one particular chromosome type. The phylogenetic system proposed involves the assumption of several different kinds of chromosome changes. They include increase and decrease in chromosome number and increase and decrease in size and change in shape. Ways in which these changes may have come about are discussed and the most likely ones are pointed out. In general, in each section of the genus, morphologically similar species have similar chromosomes and the writers are more firmly convinced by this investigation of the value of such a study of chromosomes in relation to taxonomy. Certainly there is a fairly close parallelism in Crepis between number and morphology of the chromosomes and phylogenetic relationship. 50 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 6 LITERATURE CITED Babcock, E. B. 1924a. Genetics and plant taxonomy. 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