y I — '- riiM— Mil THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ■ CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE CABINET Cr/Xf :>b GREEK, ROMAN, AND MEDIEVAL FOREIGN COINS & MEDALS OF THE LATE THOMAS THOMAS, ESQ. FIRST DAY'S SALE. CITIES OF SPAIN, IN COPPER. LOT 1 Spain ; see Mionnet, vol. i. page 1, No. 4. size 5. *^* These coins, although inscribed hispanorvm, are now considered to have been struck by a Spanish colony at Panormus in Sicily. Sestini {Medaglie Ispane, pp. 1 arid 2) acutely remarks, that Florez gives none of these coins, except those which he copied from Paruta, and infers from this fact, and the inscription panormos. sic. on some, that they were struck in Sicily, where they are found. Carteia, in Baetica ; Mt. page 9, No. 54 size 3. Gades ; Mionnet Supp. vol. i. p. 26, No. 149. b[al]bvs. [pojNT., veri/ I'are, and in good condition : size II. 3 CITIES OF SPAIN, IN SILVER. 2 Emporiae, Tarraconensis ; Mt. ^upp. vol. i, p. 82, No. 47 1 ; but no dolphin under the winged horse ; Jine condition, and Jine work: . size 4^. weight 7 Q^^ grs. 1 *J* It will be perceived, on minute examination of the head of the winged horse, that there is a small naked genius clinging to it, and nearly covering it. The ear of the horse might appear to be so adjusted as to form a wing to the genius. For a more detailed account of this unique representation in antiquity, see an interesting paper by the Duke De Luynes, in the Uevfie Numismatique for 1840, p. 85, noticed in the Ntimismatic Chronicle, vol. 3, p. (iS. On this coin, however, B 'y^ ^ *..•:• //A / / /// /// ( 4 ) wLicL IS of hut ir.ii/v, the eye and the nostril of tlie horse are visible helweon the limbs of the genius, proving that the genius is clinging to the head, rather than forming, or consfituling. the head of the animal. On Iho other hand, it must bo admitted, that on the generality of these coins the little genius does certainly ajipear to form, or constitute, the horse's head, esiiecially on all those of copper. The fact therefore seems to be, that the style of work of the bulk of these coins being that which is technically called harharouf., or approaching to that style, the oppor- tunity of seeing a coin of _/ine ui()»-fc is so rare, that the latter opinion seems to prevail among numismatists. ^-.— 3 Another; having a Dolphin under the winged horse, and also the little naked genius on the head of the animal ; in good /■ condition : . . siis'e 4^. Two uncertain coins of Spain : sizes 3^ and 2. CITIES OF GAUL, IN COPPER. Cabellio, in Gallia Narbonensis ; IHt. page 66, No. 24, rare : size 3. Massilia ; Mionnet, p. 74, No. 1.56 . size 3. Nemausus, Augustus and Agrippa ; Mt. p. 77, No. 189 ; three coins with slight differences, in very Jine condition: size 7. 8 J^-^-r.^. CITIES OF GAUL, IN SILVER. y/ 4 Massilia, in Gallia Narbonensis ; Mt. p. 67, No. 28;y?«e.' size 41, wt. oS^jj grs. Massilia ; Mt. p. 68, No. 47 ; Jine condition: size 3^. wt. 44 j^^^ grs. Another; of different style, y?«e; size 3^. wt. 33^^ grs. 3 CITIES OF ITALY, IN SILVER. ///^ 5 Populonia, in Etruria ; Mt. p. 101, No. 46 ; in fine condition, and very rare ; not in the I^rench collection: ,^ _ size 4. tvt. GQ^s §"''^- Cales, in Campania; 3It. p. Ill, No. 108; but with a Branch, instead of the point of a spear, and no letter; rai'e, and in vertj fair preservation: size 5^. wt. 106-^^ g7's. 2 ///^ 6 Cumae, in Campania ; Mt. p. 114, No. 141, very fair condition: size 5. /i^^iy^,, CumaR; Mt. Supp. p. 238, No. 268, and Combe Num. Vet. in/ J Mus. Brit. tab. 3, fig. 1 ; of extreme rarity and in fine condition : . . size 2. Neapolis; Mt. i^. I \7, "^o. 162 ; fi'ne: size 5. tct. 116 grs. 3 i ( 5 ) / 7 Neapolis ; with APTE. under the neck ; Mt. page 1 16, No. 154 ; ^ very }uve, and extfemely Jine: size A^. wt. \\\ grs. t— A^ - 8 Neapolis ; ohv. Female Head to the left, a vase with one handle ^^^^^ behind; rev. Bull with a human face, walking to the right, ^ underneath BI, above is a winged Victory, with a wreath ; extremely fine: size 5. ivelght W'i-^j^ grs. 1 -— -"' 9 Neapolis ; 3It. p. 115, No. 147 ; rare, and ivell preserved: ^J-r>yX size b. lot.WH^Q grs. Neapolis ; Mt. p. 1 16, No. 158, but ©E under the bull : size A\. Neapolis ; with Head to the left, and parazonium behind ; rev. A - /^ under the bull : . size 4^. 3 . 10 Nola, in Campania; 3It. p. 122, No. 239, but with the legend correct, NfiAAIfiN ; rare, and in perfect preservation : size h\. wt.Wi grs. 1 ^ / 11 Nuceria-Alfaterna, in Campania; Mt. p. 123, No. 242; see yi/C.yy Millingens Recueil, ^c. pi. 1, fig. 7; very rare, and well . '^ preserved: . size 5. tct. 110^^ grs. I / *^* The opinion of tbe learned Avellino, that this remarkable head with the ram's horn, represents tlie hero Epidius Nuncionus, does not appear tenable. It is probably that of the river Sarno personified. 12 Another; from the same die, equally well preserved, hut the legend not so entire: size 5. wt. \\\-^^ grs. Suessa, in Campania; Mt. p. 124, No. 252, but with an ear of wheat behind the head; rare, and in very fine condition: size 6. wt.WS-^^grs. 2 13 Teanum, in Campania; Mt. p. 125, No. 262, but the Oscan '^^r.^t^' legend is not as given in Mt. pi. 19, No. 13 ; it is clearly on ^ this coin TIANVR. in Oscan letters, retrograde ; see Dumersan Coll. Allier, pi. 1, fig. 8; of extreme rarity, and in very good condition: size b^. wt. \\\^q grs. 1 / *^* Tbe reverse of this coin appears to give an unquestionable example of a car drawn by three horses, or triga; a very rare representation on ancient monuments. 14 Another ; but dubious Campania, (uncertain town) ; ROMA., J/^ p. 128, No. 292 fc.^^^jf'Wfc. size 4^. Campania, (uncertain town); ROMANO, Mt. p. 127, No. 281 ; well preserved, and rare : size b. wt. lOZ-:^^ grs. / 7^ Hyrium, in x'Vpulia ; usual type, three different : size 5. 6 :Z' rJ ^f/ ( c ) 15 Campania, (uncertain town); obv. ROMANO, laurel'd Head of Apollo, to the left ; vcv. Horse galloping to the right, above ia a star of 16 points : . size 5. Campania, (uncertain town); ROMANO, Mionnet, p. 127, No. 278, but, a Bunch of Grapes behind the head : sise 4. Hyrium, in Apulia; Mt. p. 132, No. 320, vei'y rare type : size 3. Hyrium, in Apulia ; usual type : . size 5. 4 ya -—16 Hyrium, in Apulia ; 3It. p. 132, No. 516; rare, and well pre- ^ served: . • sized. wt.97-^\grs, * * The lightness of this coin is probably occasioned by its being an ancient forgery. Its specific gravity would prove this. Campania, (uncertain town) ; obv. laurel'd Head of Apollo, to the right ; rev. ROMA, Horse galloping to the left ; Jine: sise 5. u-t. lOl-^Q. grs. 2 1 7 Campania ; obv. Female Head to the right, with diadem, earrings, and necklace; under the neck is APTEMI, behind is a small -^ " Ceres, seen in front, with a torch in each hand ; rev. Head and neck of a Horse to the right, with bridle and peculiar head trappings, on a base, on which are the letters ROMANO.; behind, is an ear of wheat; false: size 6. wt. 155^ grs. *^* It is painful to see a false coin so well executed as this, and contrived with so much numismatic knowledge. It not only presents us with the type of a new Campanian town (Neapolis) in conjunction with the inscription ROMANO, as might be expected, but also is of a size, and carefully adjusted to a weight, which, though not hitherto known, might very fairly be presumed to exist. Compare the obverse with Mionnet, vol. i. p. 116, No. 155, and the reverse with p. 127, No. 282. Campania ; Uncertain gold coin, purporting to be of this neighbourhood; obv. Head of Bacchus to the right, with wreath of ivy, and berries in front of the head ; rev. a Cista, partly covered with a goatskin, against which is placed a thyrsus with taeniae ; in the exergue, a Samnite inscription ; false: size 5. wt. 131y*Q grs. 2 *^' This is the identical coin published by Dominicis, Repertorio Ktimis- matico, vol. 2, p. 117 ; and was formerly in the collection of the late Dr. Nott. The falsifier seems to have, in part, copied the type of a silver denarius of the Vibia family, see Morell. /yy 18 Campania, (uncertain town); obv. helmeted Head of Mars, to the y y^. right ; rev. Head and neck of a Horse, to the right, with bridle^ and head trappings; underneath, ROMA., and behind, a strigil or falx ; very good condition : size 3^. ivt. 50^ grs. /J4 . ( 7 ) /j 4 Another; Mionnet, p. 128, No. 291; very fine: size A\. weight 101 grains. Another; 3It. p. 128, 291 : . size 4^. Hyrium, in Apulia ; Mt. p. 131, No. 314 : size 51. 4 GOLD COINS OF TARENTUM. / 19 Tarentum; obv. TAPANTINfiN. Head of Venus to the right, "^ with tiara in front, ear-rings, and necklace, the hair flowing behind the neck; rew.TAPAS. Taras on a Dolphin, to the left, his right hand extended, and his left holding a trident ; under- neath 1*H.; extremely rare, fine condition, and very heauti- //)/// ful work : . size 21. tvt. 66^^ grs. 1 20 Tarentum ; ohv. helmeted Head of Minerva to the right, with ' j^ long hair, and a serpent on the helmet ; rev. Taras in a biga, to the right, holding a trident; above is a star, and under the horses, a dolphin ; fine ivorJc and condition, and very rare : ^ ^__ size 2-1. wt. 44 Jq grs. \ 7 , -^^^^^^^'^ Another, in very fair condition : size 2, rvt. AQ-^^ grs. 1 "^y^-^ 22 Tarentum ; ohv. Head of Apollo, with laurel wreath and long hair, /^^^^ ^^^~ to the right ; N. K. in a monogram before it ; rev. TAPANTI- NON. Eagle with wings extended, standing on a thunderbolt, to the right ; in the field, the head of a spear, and A P. in a monogram : underneath the thunderbolt ffi A.; extremely rare, ^ /^^ and very fine work and condition: size 2. ivt. 33 grs. 1 _ 23 Tarentum ; ohv. Head of Hercules to the right, covered with the ■c^^ r-^ lion's skin ; rev. TAPA2. Taras seated on a Dolphin, to the left, holding in his right hand a diota, and in his left a trident; very good ivork and condition, and very rare: size 1. wt. \Z^Q grs. 1 CITIES OF ITALY, IN SILVER (continued.) .jf 24 Tarentum, in Calabria ; obv. TARA2. retrograde, Taras on a A-^-^^ Dolphin, to the right, with his arras extended ; in archaic style ; rev. TAR A2. retrograde, winged Sea Horse to the left, yy and a scallop shell underneath, rare, and in very good con- dition: . size 6. wt. \'20-^(j. grs. 1 /t^^i 25 Another; fiiir condition : size 5. wt. 1'23y^q grs. , j^ Tarentum; iJfi. p. 138, No. 373: size 3. wt. 49 J^ grs. ^ /P- ^/li// ( 8 ) TarcMitum ; ohv. TA11A2. retrograde, Taras, in archaic style, on a Dolphin, to the left : a scallop shell nnderneath ; rev. a Wheel; compare with Dumersan, Cah. AUier, pi. 1, fig. 9 ; extremeli/ rare type, and very good condition : size 4. weight ISS^^ grains 3 26 Tarentum ; ohv. Female Head to the right, in archaic style, the hair bound with a diadem ; rev. TARA2. ; half a winged Sea .^ . Horse to the left, and scallop shell underneath ; compare Mionnet Supp. page 280, No. 558 ; very rare type, and good condition: . size 3. wt. 58^^-, gj's. *»* fhis reverse affords an example of the type being made to have a secondary meaning, as it is evidently indicative of the value of the coin. It will be observed that this coin is half the weight of lot 24 : and that it has only half the tiipe on the reverse — namely, half the winged sea horse. See a paper in the Numismatic Journal, vol. i. p. 1 16, Note 70. Tarentum ; obv. Female Head to the right ; rev. Scallop Shell ; see Combe Brit. Mus. tab. 3, fig. 11; very good condition: sise 1. wt. l'2^^Q g7's. Tarentum; il/if. p. 147, No. 458 ; exceedingly rare : size 2. 3 27 Tarentum ; ohv. Horseman to the right, with buckler ; two spears in his left hand, and a third in his right ; in the field, h ; under the horse, KAA ; rev. TAPAS.; Taras on a Dolphin, to the right, holding a helmet with both hands ; in the field, on each side of him, a star ; underneath, API ; most beautiful tiork, and surprising condition: size 5. wt. \2\^ grs. 1 28 Tarentum ; ohv. Horseman to the left, with spear and buckler, in ^ ^ a singular and elegant position on his horse ; underneath, \ ; /"-'' < '^ rev. TAPA2.; Taras on a Dolphin, to the left, looking at a hel- met, in his right hand ; indication of the waves of the sea underneath; extremely Jine work, and good condition: size 5. ivt. 1 1 Gy^Q grs. Tarentum ; obv. Horseman to the left, with buckler on his left arm; in the field, 21.; underneath, ^lAOKAHS.; rev. TAPA2., Taras on a Dolphin, to the left, holding a wreath ; under- neath, AY.; very Jine: . size b. ivt. l^l^^grs. 2 y / 29 Tarentum, usual types. Two, different ; Taras, with tripod in ,7 . his hand ; and Taras, with diota in his hand ; very good con- "^^ ' dition: . . size 5. 3 30 Tarentum, four different, usual types : . size 5. ^ ' Buxentum and Pyxus, in Lucania ; Mt. p. 151, No. 490 ; Jalse: ^^'^^-^-^^ size 8. wt. 200yV grs. 5 <£■ .r ( 9 ) / HERACLEA, IN GOLD. 51 Heraclea; ohv. Head of Apollo to the left, with laurel wreath, and long hair ; in front, ^A. (sic,) a Dolphin, and no other letters ; rev. Hercules standing, with a club uplifted in his right hand, and strangling the lion with his left ; in the field, a bow, and (query) a quiver ; beneath, V , and between the legs of Hercules, H ; in fair preservation, and extremely ,/^/ - - rare: . size 2. weight 21^'^ grains. 1 *^* See Mionnet, vol, i. p. 152, No. 492, nnd Supp. p. 295, No. 636 This coin, however, no doubt belongs to Tarentum, where Mionnet has himself also placed it. See Supp. p. 278, No. 542. See also Eckhel. Num. Vet. Anecdoti, tab. 3, fig. 11; and afterwards Millingen, Rec.de Med. Grecques in6d., pi. i. No. 12. Combe, Vet. Num. in Mus. Brit., p. 37, follows Eckhel, and gives the coin to Heraclea, probably because he had not seen Millingen's work. CITIES OF ITALY, IN SILVER, {continued). , .32 Heraclea, in Lucania ; ohv. helmeted Head of Minerva to the '**^' ' right, with Scylla on the helmet; in front, A.K.$. ; rev. mPAKAHIQN.; Hercules strangling the Lion; an owl be- tween his feet; a club in the field, and KAA.; a fine spread coin, and a most beautiful specimen of Greek art: ^ / " size 6^. ivt. 120y3j^j'.y. 1 ^^^^3 Another, but with EY. ... in front of the head of Minerva, and a little vase between the feet of Hercules ; rare; fine work, and in perfect preservation, hut the letters V HPAKA not / visihle: . size b^. wt. 122-^^ grs. 1 / ^ 34 Heraclea ; obv. Head of Minerva to the right, with a winged sea horse on the helmet; behind, 2, retrograde ; rev.HVAKAEI... Hercules strangling the Lion ; between his feet, 4> ; in the field, a bow and club ; beautiful work, and in very fine con- . / dition: . size b. wt. IlOy^^^r*. 1 '^ 35 Heraclea ; obv. V HPAKAHION. ; Head of Minerva to the right, the helmet of a form entirely different from the preceding, and ornamented with Scylla; be lind, K ; rev. \r HPAKAHION; Hercules standing full-faced, A'ith his club in his right hand, and his bow and the lion's skin in his left ; in the field, a lit- tle vase and A0A.; very beautiful work and condition: size 5. wt. 121 grs. 1 y^ O'/f /p7//J ^rA^ ( 10 ) 3G lleracloa ; ohv. Head of Hercules, bearded, covered with the lion's "^ skin, to the right, in old sfj/le; rev. HE retrograde. Lion run- ning to the right ; very rare, extremely fine work and con- dition : . sise 2. weight 1 6^^, grains. Heraclea ; obv. helmetcd Head of Minerva, to the right, the helmet ornamented with a winged sea-horse ; rev. HPA. EY. Hercules on one knee, with a club in his hand, strangling the lion ; very fine work: size 2. ivt. 17^^^ grs. Heraclea ; obv. Head of Minerva to the right, the helmet orna- mented with a centaur, or male marine monster; rev. the infant Hercules strangling the serpents ; in the field, a monogram ; in the exergue, an uncertain monogram. Compare 3Iionnet, pi. 64, fig. 2, and also 3Iillinge7i, Rec. de Med. ined. pi. 1, fig. 13, extremely rare, and well preserved : size 2, wt. 1 Gy^jj grs. 3 37 Heraclea ; obv. youthful Head of Hercules, to the right, covered /^ . with the lion's skin ; rev. HE. Lion running to the right : ^ size 2. wf. 1 9-^^ grs. Heraclea ; obv. helmeted Head of Minerva, to the right, the hel- met ornamented with a winged sea-horse ; rev. Hercules kneel- ing on one knee, strangling the lion ; the beauty of the workmanship on the reverse of this little coin cannot he sur- passed : . size 2. wt- 17^^ grs. Uncertain coin of this neighbourhood ; obv. Head of Minerva to the right, with wing on the helmet ; rev. Bull tossing, and going to the right, a winged genius floating above ; in the exergue, four ill defined Greek or Oscan letters : size 2. 3 38 Heraclea ; obv. helmeted Head of Minerva, to the right, but the / J^ helmet ornamented with the monster Scylla ; rev. Hercules strangling the lion; differs from all the preceding : size 2. Heraclea ; obv. Head of Minerva to the right, but the helmet ornamented with a wreath of olive ; rev. Hercules strangling the lion ; differs from all the preceding : . size 2. *^* TLese two coins are scarce, as to the type of the obverse. Heraclea ; obv. helmetcd Head of Minerva, to the right, the helmet ornamented with the monster Scylla ; rev. t HPAK- AHI[nN], Owl, to the right, standing on a branch of olive, a rose near the claws : size 3. wt. 48 grs. Heraclea ; five coins, obv. Head of Minerva ; rev. Hercules strang- ling the lion ; all differently grouped on the reverse, afid of different grades of merit: size 2. wt. 15^ to 19^ grs, 8 . 41 Metapontum; like Mt. p. 156, No. 530, but with a lizard in the field; rare: . size 5. wt. I22^j^ grs. Metapontum ; ohv. Head of Minerva to the right, with a wing on the helmet ; rev. no letters, Ear of bearded wheat, and a club in the field ; see Combe Brit. Mus. tab 3, fig. 17; rare, and tvell preserved : . size 3. wt. 43^;^ grs. / / • Metapontum ; META. type like No. 533, fine conditioti : size 4. weight 123^ grs. Metapontum ; obv. helmeted Head of Minerva, with long hair, to the right ; rev. META. Ear of bearded wheat ; in good condition: . size 2. weight 16^ grs. 4 ■c^^:^ 42 Metapontum; obv. veiled Head of Ceres, like No. 541, K be- hind ; rev. META. Ear of bearded wheat ; extremely beau- tiful worh and condition : size b. weight \\\^ grs. \ ^ _43 Metapontum ; obv. Head of Ceres, to the left, with ear-rings ■^^.tTtf-^^^ and necklace, beautifully ornamented with wheat, and the hair flowing; behind, AY.; rev. META. Ear of bearded wheat, and an uncertain symbol in the field ; extremely well pre- / ^ served, and most beautiful work : size 5. wt. 121-^ grs. \ ^ ^ — 44 Metapontum ; obv. Head of Ceres, to the right, with ear-rings and necklace, but without veil, or corn ; the hair beautifully ar- ranged; rev. META. Ear of bearded wheat ; most beautiful .^ // work, and fine condition : size Q. weight 121-^ grs. 1 ^ ^^ 45 Metapontum ; obv. Head of Ceres, to the right, the hair flowing, and ornamented with corn ; rev, META. Ear of bearded wheat ; a very beautiful and well preserved coin : sized, wt. 123^ grs. 1 ^ "^^ ' '■^ ' '^^ 46 Another, but different, and looking to the left ; good work, and well preserved : . size 5. Metapontum; Mionnet, page 160, No. 573; in very fine con- dition, and very fine work : sized, ivt. \2\^ grs. 2 47 Another ; like No. 573, but with an uncertain symbol behind ; e^' i^^e^^-/' well preserved : . sized. ^ Metapontum; like No. 552, ^ METAH. (very rare) Ear of bearded wheat, and AY. in the field ; well preserved, and , yy very fine work : ■, size 5, 2 /r ( 12 ) 48 Metapontum; Mt. ^. 160, l^o. 572; tvell preserved: size 6. (^' -^ "^^^ Metapontum ; oln\ 1 lead of Ceres to the right, with corn, ear- rings, and necklace; rev. MET A. Ear of bearded wheat; in the field, a star of sixteen points, and tC£\fine and well pre- served : . . size 5. Metapontum ; Mt. p. 158, nearly like No. 551 ; well preserved : size 5. INIetapontum ; two others, usual types : . size 5. 5 49 Posidonia, in Lucania ; M dH. usual incuse type; rare, and in ^^ fair condition : . size 7. zvt. WQ-:^ grs. Another . IIO M. incuse type; rare size, and in fair condition: size 5. weight 56^ g7's. 2 50 Posidonia; obv. nOMEI>. Neptune, bearded, standing to the ^ ^ right, brandishing his trident ; rev. nOMEI>. retrograde, ^ , Bull standing to the left; old style, fine work, and fine con- '* dition : . size 4. wt. 123^ grs. Another; ohv. liOiAEl.-, rev. WO iAEl> KiH. 7'etrograde : size 4^. Another, different : . size 4. Thurium, in Lucania; usual type; well preserved : size 5^. weight 120^ grs. Another; well preserved : . size 5. 5 yy/ 61 Sybaris ; usual incuse type, YM above the bull ; very well pre- ^ served, and rare : . sise 8. ivt. US grs. Sybaris; Mt. p. 169, No. 654, fair condition: size 2. 2 / // 52 Sybaris ; usual incuse type, V M. in exergue ; very good condi- ^ ^ tion, and rare: . size 7^. wt. 122^ grs. - '^ Another ; very rare size : . size 41. 2 53 Thurium, in Lucania; obv. Head of Minerva to the right; $ in ^ the field in front of the helmet, and a grifiin on the neck of /# ^ it ; rev. ©OYPIfiN. a Bull tossing, to the right, and a fish in the exergue ; compare Mt. pi. 64, fig. 9, hut this is of very fine ivorkmanship, and in fine condition : size 7. weight 246^ grs. 1 *^* Millingen says, with great truth, of the coins of Thurium, '' Beau- coup de ces monnaies sont d'un travail de la plus grande beaute, et peuvent rivaliser avec celles de Syracuse, ou toutes autres connues, et fetre rangees parmi les plus belles productions de i'art antique." — Considerations sur la Numismatique de Cancienne Italie, 8vo. 1841, p. 64. / // ■ 54 Another, without those accessories, and Al. behind the neck; well preserved, and very fi,ne : size 7. xvt. 241^0, g'^^s. 1 . ^^. <-.■ ( 13 ) 55 Another, with the Head of Minerva to the left ; well preserved^ / fine work, and rare : size 6^. wt. 238^ grs. 56 Another, with the Hair of Minerva covering the front of the hel- met ; fine work, well preserved, and rare: / /J^ size 61. iveight 246^ gr. 1 ^^ 57 Another ; A behind the helmet, and the hair of Minerva covering the front; rev. the Bull walking and butting; fine work, fixir condition, and rare : . sizel\. 1 ^y ' 58 Another ; with the Head of Minerva to the right, and EY^A. above the Bull tossing; a different style of work, (of a later period) in good preservation, and rare: size 7. weight 24l~ g'i's- 1 ^t^-^-:^-^ "iO Another ; with 21. behind the Helmet, above the Bull tossing NI, and in the exergue, a serpent in motion, to the right ; of the same later style of work, in very good preservation, and rare: size 6. weight 241^ grs. 1 (^Continued at page 19.) ^'t/ ^^. J*^' EARLY ROMAN AND ITALIAN iES GRAVE. The References are to the Works of Zelada, Mionnet, and MARCHi-TEssiEni. ^' 60 Roman Tripondius ; ohv. Head of Rome, iii.; rev. Prow of a vessel. III.; rare; Marchi-Tessieri, pi. 2, No. 2 size 16. 1 61 Roman Dupondius ; o5v. and rew. as the preceding, ii.; rare; M.-T. pi. 2, No. 3 . . size \A\. 1 / // ,1^^^ ^-r 62 Roman As ; ohv. Head, generally styled, of Janus, with i. in the exergue; rev. Prow of a Vessel, i. above; very rare and fine; M.-T. ^\. 2—6 . size 17. I t^t^^^ 63 Roman As ; Similar . hut size 16. 1 ^ ^ 64 Roman Semis ; ohv. laureated and bearded Head of Jupiter to the left, s. in exergue ; rev. Prow, s. ; rather fine though pierced, rare ; iHf.- J", pi. 3a — 2 size \A. 1 ^'^^-^ ^,^, 65 Roman Semis ; Similar ; well preserved. Uncia ; Head of Pallas ; rev. Prow ; M.-T. pi. 3a— -6. Uncia ; Astragalus on eaqh side. Uncia; Acorn on both sides; M.-T. pi. 4—6 — 7 . 4 <'^ / ,^^^^ 66 Roman Sextans ; ohv. Cockle and Club ; rev. Inside of the ^ ■ Cockle-shell and Club ; M.-T. pi. 5, No. 5. Triens ; ohv. Thunderbolt; rev. a Dolphin to the right; rare ; M.-T. pi. 6—3. :22Z//!' ( H ) Semi-Uacia; oftr. Acorn ; rer. the archaic s. ; M.-T.vA.6 — 7, y ^, rare . . 3 ; 67 Dupondius of the Rutuli, ivhence the wheel on the reverse from ROTA; oil'. Head of their favorite Deity, the Phrygian ^.;^ y Venus, to the right, ii. ; rev. Wheel, and ii. between its lower smokes; Jine and very rare ; M.-T.^\.Q — 1 size \^\. 1 . / 68 Semis of the Rutuli ; obv. Bull, emblematic of Italy, s. ; rev. a Wheel, s.; ilT.-T. pi. 8— 3 . size \Q. Quadrans of the Rutuli; ohv. Dog, to the right; rev. W^heel ; unpublished, very good condition, and patinated ; a variety of 3I.-T. ■p'^. S—5 . size 12. 2 / // 69 Quadrans of the Rutuli ; The commoner type of the dog to the left. Sextans ; obv. a Tortoise ; rev. a Wheel ; M.-T. pi. 8 — 6 ^ size 10. 2 ^//^ 70 Volscian As; laureate Head of Apollo, on both sides ; M.-T. -^ y pi. 9—1 . . size 18. \'^ ^ ,/■ ■ 71 Volscian As; Perfectly similar to the last . 1 c '^'-^>^^^ ROMAN CONSULAR, IN SILVER. /; 72 Double Denarius, very large ; Head of Janus; rei>. Jupiter in a quadriga, roma., incase letters ; fine. Sestertius. Qui- ^^|^pC«^^ narius, 2. Denarius, uncertain; Rome seated on armour, 8ec. * . . .5 / • 73 Double Denarii, 2 ; as above, large size. ^Emilia. Anto- nia; chortis. specvlatorvm, rare. Cassia. Claudia, 2v^ -^-^•^•' Carisia. Cornelia. Crepusia . 10 / // 74 Claudia. Cassia, three varieties, well preserved. Double Denarius, with Janiform Head, incuse. Domitia; Trophv/^' ^ ,/^^ on Prow of a Vessel, 8fc.; fine . 7 ^ /^ \ ///> - '- 73 Cornelia ; obv. Brutus ; rev. Lentulus Spint. Coponia, rare. Farsuleia ; the rarest type. Furia, 2. Fonte'ia, 2. Double Denarius, with Head of Janus ; uncertain ; rev. Dioscuri on ^;^„^ horseback. Hostilia, 2. Herennia. Julia, 5, all varied 17 ^ '^ / -^ 76 Julia. Junia, 3. Livineia. Mamilia. Marcia, 3. Memmia. ., ^^ INIanlia, 2. Mussidia . 13 ■'''''^ / ^ ■ 77 Mamilia. Marcia, 3. Nonia. Porcia. Petilia. Plutia. Ser- vilia, 3 ; Heads of Brutus and Ahala ; Victory in biga, A trophy, and captives. Scribonia. Satrienus. Tituria 14 ' ' /' / /f — 78 Julia, 2. Claudia. Nonia. Petilia. Plancia. Servilia, 2. Rustia. Siha. Vibia. And three others . 14 '-'^^' ( 15 ) , 79 Pedania ; laureated female Head, costa. leg.; rev. Trophy, BRVTVS. IMP. Servilia ; Head of Neptune, trident, &c., casca. longvs ; rev, y *- Victory, brvtvs. imp.; hoth are fine and rare 2 SO Servilia ; female Head, c. cassei. imp.; rev. Crab, Acrostolium, '''"""" ' Bandelet, and a Pomegranate Flower, m. servilivs. leg. Terentia; bearded Bust of the god Terminus, varro. pro. q.; rev. Eagle, Sceptre, and Dolphin ; in exergue, magn. pro. ^ ,^- cos.; hoth are fine and scarce . 2 ROMAN CONSULAR, IN GOLD. See Thesaurus MoRELLiANus, Amst. 1734; also, Sestini-Fontana, Riccio, BoncHEsi, Cavedoni, Zannoni, &c. .. 81 Cestia ; female Head, covered with the elephant's skin ; rev. Hel- met on a Curule Chair, l. cestivs. c, norba. s.c. p.r.; in / /? good condition . . 1 82 Cestia; female Head, c. norbanvs. l. cestivs. p.r. ; rev. Cy- y'' bele in Biga drawn by Lions, s.c. in the field ; very rare 1 '^'^ *^ 83 Claudia; Head of Flora, and a flower, c. clodivs. c.f.; rev. ^" Vestal seated, holding the simpulum, vestalis., fine and rare .^J^. r5 84 Claudia ; Head of the Sun, i. ; rev. a Crescent and five Stars, p. clodivs. M.F., fine . . 1 /^^ ■ • r^ -^ 85 Durmia; rev. Crab holding a Butterfly, m. dvrmivs. in. viR. The obverse has the head of Augustus % fine and rare 1 -^'^ ■ 86 Hirtia ; Julius Csesar's Head, veiled as the High Priest, c.caesar. z^''' COS. ter.; rev. Pontifical Implements, a. hirtivs. p.r.; fine . . 1 "/ r 87 Julia; Head of Venus, caes. dic. qvar. ; rev. cos. qvinc. in y^ laurel garland . . \ ^ ■ f ~ 88 Livineia ; rev. ^neas carrying Anchises, l. regvlvs. iiii. vir. ^•^ A. p. F. The obverse has the bare head of Octavius, and c. CAESAR. III. VIR. P. c; in good state of preservation, and very rare . . . 1 ^^ ' J y 89 Manlia ; fine Head of Rome, winged, l. manli. pro. q. ; rev. Sylla, in Quadriga, crowned by a Victory flying, l. svlla. IMP.; of very great rarity, and highly preserved l-<^/' *^* This is the identicaV coin described by Akerman, from Lord Morton's cabinet. rjz/f. I /J \<2/r ( 16 ) , ,' 90 Mussidia; diademed Head of Juno : R> l. mvssid. longi. in a ^' _ wreath of corn ; veil) scarce , 1 *,♦ This was probably from Dr. Nott's collectioD. ROMAN MEDALLIONS, IN SILVER. /y^^ 91 Marcus Antonius ; laureated Head; rev. Head of Octavia on yU ^^^ the mystic sacred cista, iii. viR. ^.v.c, fine 1 *»• See Cardwell's Lect. VII. on the CoinaEre of the Greeks and Romans. ^./ 92 Marcus Antonius, 2 ; ohv. and rev. as the preceding, but not so fine. ohv. Heads of Antony and Octavia ; rev. Bacchus on the cista ; usual legends ; well preserved . 2 y^^Z - ^^ Marcus Antonius; obv. and rev. as the last medallion in the preceding lot ; well preserved. Augustus; ?'ev. Capricorn, and cornucopia, avgvstvs.; veri/ fine . . .2 ^/^ ^"^ Augustus, 2 ; rev. Capricorn, &c., as in the last; 7 ev. Altar with festoons, and two stags, avgvstvs.; both fine. The latter medallion was very probably struck in Ephesiis 2 / / 95 Augustus, 2 ; rev. Altar, &c., as the last ; rev. six Ears of Corn ; both are fine . 2 / ■ 96 Augustus* rev. a Sphinx, AVGVSTVS.; very fine and scarce in this condition . . 1- <7 ^'^^f-it .i /J 97 Augustus; rev. Female standing, &c., pax.; ^ne 1 x^'-i ^^ - 98 Augustus; rev. Military Standard in a Temple, mart, vlto.; ' very rare and fine . . \^y/'y^y- / 99 Augustus ; rev. Triumphal Arch, with Emperor in quadriga on its summit, imp. ix., &c.; beneath the arch, s.p.r. signis. "// ^^ RECEPTis.; well preserved . 1 100 Caligula; Head to the right, with a Greek legend; rev. the Emperor on a chair of state, in an ornamented quadriga, drawn by elephants, with riders ; seven stars ; in fair preservation, / and scarce. ^^ Domitianus ; rev. three Standards, poor . 2 //(/,^ 101 Claudius; rev. the Ephesian Goddess in a Temple, diana. EPHE.; slightly tooled on the reverse, hut rare I C '^ *,* See Akennan's Coins of Epbesus, 1841. y-^ -- \ ( 17 ) ,^"4 . ROMAN MEDALLIONS AND CONTORNIATI, IN BRONZE. See the Works of Mionnet, Bonarotti, Mezzobarba, &c. r^ - 102 Augustus; Head, and Divvs. avgvstvs. pater.; rev. a winged Thunderbolt, s. c. A second brass medal struck thick as medallion . . size 12. Contorniate of Augustus ; rev. Stag Hunt ; both are in fair pre- /// servation . . sise 11|. 2 103 Tiberius ; rev. Figure seated, holding a caduceus, permis. p. DOLABELLAE, &c.; c.p. I. in the area; of the Cornelia gens., tooled , . size 11. Contorniate, with Portrait and orativs. (sic); rev. the Poet - y seated, accivs. (sic); very fine . size \\^ 2 *^* This scarce medallion is from the Poniatowsti collection, sold in 1840. 104 Tiberius; rev. a winged Caduceus, s.c. pontif. maxim., &c. This is a middle brass, struck on a larger piece of metal : size 10. Nero ; rew. Victory, victoria, avgvsti. s.c, as the foregoing; ^ . . ^ both are well preserved and rare . size 13. 2 105 Nero; rev. usual type of annona. avgvsti. ceres, s.c; a large brass, struck as a medallion . , size 14. Contorniate, with Head and Legend of Nero ; rev. Emperor on horseback, spearing a fallen enemy ; both tolerably pre- . served and scarce . . 2 r ^^ 106 Vitellius ; rew. usual type of l.vitell. censor, ii. s.c; a very / large brass, scraped, but rare . size 1 1 . Contorniate, with fine Bust of Trajan, divo. traiano. av- GVSTO.; rev. hydraulic Organ, and two Figures standing; ^we and scarce . . .2 .^^^ 107 Traianus ; A Contorniate ; Head, and traianvs. avg., &c.; letters in the field ; rev. a Stag Hunt : Hadrianus ; rev. Venus standing, veneri. victrici.; large brass, struck on a larger piece of metal ; both are tolera- bly preserved . . size 141. 2 -^ /^ ^^^ , ? 108 Hadrianus ; rev. a Pretorian Galley with eight rowers, governor, y^ &c. felicitati. avg. cos. iii. p.p.s.c; a well preserved large brass medal, struck thick, rare . 1 .^^/ ^ y.^ 4/^/ / ',/y/ ■ ( 18 ) 109 Hadrianus ; ohv. Head, well preserved ; rev. Female seated sacrificing, Concordia, parth., &c.; the reverse is rather //v^*-.^ badli/ preserved . . size 12^. 1 . ,_ 110 Hadrianus; ohv. Bust with the paludamentum ; rev. cos. iii. p. p., a Man near a tree, holding the crook or pedum, drags a ram towards an altar, near which is a fowl; part of a temple is visible to the i-ight . size 12. 1 *J* This fine and rare medallion, engraved in Akerman, p. 239, is pro- bably from the Henderson Collection, lot 941, 1830. 111 Antinous ; ohv. Head to the left ; rev. a Bull to the right, with '*' Greek legends ; struck at Smyrna ; ^ne size \\\. %* From Mr. Steuart's sale in 1841, lot 324. ^ Contorniate of Alexander the Great of Macedon as Hercules ; "^ ■v'^^ rev. Sun in quadriga, &c. ; struck very likely in the fifth cen- tury after Christ . . 2 FRENCH COINS, IN GOLD. 112 Philip Le Bel's Gros Royal ; wr_y rare anc?^ne; Le Blanc, ^ _ ^'^ page 180, plate and No. 1 . 1 -^^--^ y, /f ~ 113 Philip Le Bel's Masse ; very fine^ and extra rare; Le Blanc, page 180, plate and No. 3 . 1 ^>^^ / -'^ 1 14 John's Franc ^Ox\ fine, and scarcer than his Mouton; struck about 1360, on his return to France from England; Le .^^y^ ]/ Blanc, page 216, plate No. 6 . \ ^ ^ ^ ./J/ ■ 115 Philip of Valois's Escu d'Or ; fine; Le Blanc, page 206, "^ plate No. 5 . . . 1 -^ " ENGRAVED PLATES, IN SILVER. 2 2. ^^^ Os?i\. shaped, ohv. fine three-quarter face Portrait of John W. ^ . Dilichius, Architect, &c. of Frankfort-on-Mein, with land- "^' scape in the background ; rev. his arms, titles, 8sc.; a remark- ably fine specimen of German art in the sixteenth century size 23. 1 /^ • - 117 Portrait of a Dutch Lady; oval, A. 1644. -etat. 23., in exer- ^c- ^ gue s. FRANCK. SCULPSIT.; good work size 24. 1 y /P' 118 Mathias, Emperor of Germany; by S. Passe; rev. Arms; ^ oval . . size 16. J^, ^ . . Prince Frederick, Count Palatine, his Princess Elizabeth, y,22 ^' ( 19 ) daughter of our James II., and their infant Son ; full faced ; rev. Arms and inscription ; a rare plate : size 17. Prince Frederick, Count Palatine ; round plate ; obv. Scriptural subject ; rev. Marriage ; Dutch quotations from Scripture on both sides ; . size 16. 3 The two first plates are of good, the last of rough, style. *^* The preceding plates are principally from the Trattle Collection. SECOND DAY'S SALE. CITIES OF ITALY, IN SILVER. {Continued from page \Z.) LOT ^^,119 Thurium; Tetradrachm, usual type; of the older and finer style of work ; middling condition: size 7. Thurium ; Didrachra, usual type, with AI behind the Head of Minerva; rev. AIO. above the Bull tossing, and a winged y / Horse, to the right, in the exergue ; a very rare variety, and very well preserved : size b. weight 120-^ grs. 2 '^Qc 120 Thurium; Tetradrachm, and Didrachra, usual type, but on the rev. of the Didrachm is 20. above the Bull tossing, and a Dolphin, to the right, in the exergue ; rare: size 6, and size 5. 2 121 Thurium; Tetradrachm, and Didrachm, usual type, but the '^ Head of Minerva on the Tetradrachm is to the left, and under the Bull tossing are six pellets placed in a Xiae;fair condition^ and fine work. On the reverse of the Didrachm, the Bull tossing has a K. on the hinder part ; fine work: size 6, and size 5. 2 122 Thurium; Tetradrachm, and Didrachra, usual type. On the Tetradrachm, the Head of Minerva is to the right, and under the tossing bull is the letter ^ . and A P. in a monogram : size 6. On the Didrachra, the Head of Minerva is to the right, and the helmet ornamented with a wreath of olive ; above the shoulder of the Bull tossing is ^.-^ fine old work, and very / ^/ good preservation : size A^. tveight 122ys grs. 2 D -'/j- / / 7 y / ^ ( 20 ) / // l-i.'l Thulium; uhr. liolnietod Head of Minerva to the right, the .> , hchnet ornanientod with a wreath of olive; rev. OOYPIfiN. Bull running and butting to the right ; in the exergue, a fish ; in the field, above the head of the bull, Y..; fine old work and condition: size b. weight \2\^ g7's. Thurium ; obv. as above, but A. in the field in front of the helmet ; rey. ©OVPI. Bull to the left, walking and butting ; in the exergue, a fish; old work and well preserved: size ^. weight 18^ grs. 2 124 Thurium; obv. Head of Minerva to the right; the helmet '' ornamented with the monster Scylla ; rev. 0OYPION. Bull ^<^4^ running and butting to the right ; in the exergue, a fish ; ex- tremely/ beautiful tvork, and very fine condition : size 5. weight 119-^ gi's. 1 ^ ^ 125 Another; rather more recent style, the Bull in the tossing atti- tude ; very fine icork and preservation : size 5. tveight 123 grs. Another; but the helmet ornamented with a wreath of olive, j^-y -/ and on the rev. E. under the tossing bull ; very good work' and condition : size 5. weight 123^ grs. 2 *,* It is very rare to find a coin which like this unites the older type of the obverse, with the bull in the attitude of tossing on the reverse. It is usual, with this obverse, to find the bull walking, with the head merely inclined downwards, butting, seen in profile, and in an older style of work. This coin seems to indicate the period of transition from the older style to the more recent. y ^ 126 Another; same type as lot 125, and very ivell preserved: size 5. iveight 123^ ^r*. Another ; the helmet having a wreath of olive, with $ in front of it ; but the reverse having the Bull, to the loft, walking and butting, in old style, as usual ; under the bull, a very minute and beautiful representation of a dove ; well preserved, and fine old work: . size 5. Another; compare type of the last described : size 2. 3 y y. 127 Another; with Scylla on the helmet of Minerva, and E. in the field in front; rev. Bull to the right, in old style, running and butting ; very fine tvork, and rare condition: size 5. Another; with olive wreath on the helmet of Minerva; rev. Bull, in old style, to the right, standing and butting; well" preserved: . size 5. :^ ^-c^r:^ T^i^. J / ( 21 ) Another ; but the Bull to the left, standing and butting : size 2. 3 *^* The gradual change in the attitude of the bull (the well known symbol of a river on coins) from the (juiet position of the animal, with his head turned back, on the primitive coins of Sybaris, down to its violent atti- tude on the latest coins of Thurium, is very remarkable; and presents an interesting subject of incjuiry. 128 Velia, in Lucania ; ohv. Female Head with necklace, in old '^'^'^ style, to the right, the hair turned up behind and tied ; rev. YEAHTECSN (sic.) in the exergue; a Lion running to the right ; above is an owl flying ; compare Mionnet, Supp. page 325, No. 880; extremely rare type, and very well preserved: / _2- sized, weight 117^ grs. 1 129 Velia; obv. Head of Minerva to the left, the helmet orna- mented with a dolphin, on the neck of the helmet ; rev. VEAHTQN. in the exergue ; a lion walking to. the right ; a trident above, between the letters $ I ; rai^e type, perject pre- servation, and Jine ivork : size b. weight \\b^ grs. 1 130 Velia; 3Iionnet, page 177, No. 739, and Hunter, tab. 61, fig. 18; beautiful ivork, and very good preservation ; frac- ture in the die of the reverse: . size 5. Velia; Mt. p. 174, No. 713; a fracture in the die of the ob- verse, very fine ivork, and very fine condition: ^ ^ size 5. iveight 117 grs. 2 131 Velia; Hunter, tab. 62, fig. 3; very rare type, the die rather flawed on the reverse ; fine work, fair preservation: size 5. iveight 116^^r*. Velia; same type as lot 129, but not so fine ; very tv ell pre- served, and rare type: size 5. weight 116^^r*. / ^ Velia ; usual type ; well preserved: size 5. 3 132 Velia; Hunter, tab. 62, fig. 3; middling coyidition : size 5. Velia; Mt. page 174, No. 713, but positions reversed ;^ir condition : . . size 5. . /^ Mt. p. 176, nearly like No. 728 : size 5. 3 Mt. p. 177, No. 742; very fair condition: size 5. Hunter, tab. 6 1 , fig. 22 ; fair condition : size 5. . Mt. p. 174, nearly hke No. 713: size 5. 3 Mt. p. 175, No. 719; very tvell preserved: size 5. two, usual types: . size 5. 3 / ^-^ Velia ^^^:^ 133 Velia Velia Velia i^. 134 Velia Velia J'4//- ( 22 ) GOLD COINS OF THE BRUTTII. /y\^'- 135 Bruttii; like 3Iionnet, pi. 65, fig. 1, but on the obverse is ^ ^0^^ trident behind the Head instead of a thunderbolt, and a dol- phin under the neck instead of a bull's head ; on the reverse, a star instead of an ant ; extremely rare, in perfect preser- vation, and very fine workmanship : size Z\. weight 65^ grs. 1 yjyy .136 Bruttii ; 3It. page 179, No. 757 ; very rare, in 2Jerfect pre- y^ servation, and very fine ivork: size 2. weight 32-:^ grs. 1 " ■'''^^^ 137 Another; iHf^ p. 179, No. 756; same rarity and preservation as the preceding : size 2. weight 32^^ grs. 1 ■ ^ *'- CITIES OF ITALY, IN SILVER. (Continued) ^ yu^ 138 Bruttii ; obv. Busts of the Dioscuri, to the right, each wearing / X [^ ' the chlamys, their caps each ornamented with a laurel wreath, • - ^ "^^ and a star above ; a small cornucopia in the field behind ; rev. BPETTIfiN. in the exergue ; the Dioscuri on horseback, going to the right, each holding a palm branch in his left hand, and the right stretched forward, the chlamys flowing behind ; a star above the heads of each ; under the foremost horse is the stafi" of a thyrsus : rare to excess, and in the most perfect state ofi preservation: size 5. wt. 89 grs. 1 *,* A similar coin is published by Millingen, Ancient Coins of Greek Cities, pi, 1, fig. 24. >/^ . 139 Bruttii; Mt. p. 180, No. 762; 7'are, and as fine as it came -^ J from, the die: size 4 J. weight 71 grs. \ ' ^'^ /// 140 Bruttii ; like Mt. pi. 65, No. 4; but a vase instead of a bee on the obverse ; and a crab instead of a bird on the reverse ; a,/J^vi > ^ very beautiful coin, in the highest condition: size 4. weight 74^^ grs. 1 y y^ 141 Another; with a cup behind the head of Juno, on the obverse; ^ and an eagle with wings extended, standing on a thunderbolt, '"' \ in front of Neptune, on the reverse ; as fine as it came from 1 the die: . size 4. weight 74^ grs. 1 142 Another; like Mionnet, pi. 65, fig 4; and very nearly as it .^ ^x came from the die : size 4. weight 70 grs. 1 y /2. ■ 143 Bruttii : like Mt. pi. 05, fig. 2; of extreme rarity and beauty, and in very fine condition : size 3. weight 38 j% grs. 1 7/ J^ / yj' { . ( 23 ) /f ^ //// ^// j;2^V. 144 Bruttii ; like Mionnet, pi. 65, fig. 3; but with a rudder instead of a torch ; extremely rare, and in very beautiful preser- vation : size 3. weight 36-^ grs. 1 / 145 Caulonia, in Bruttiis ; Mt. pi. 59, No. 2; a very excellent specimen of this rare incuse coin : size Q. weight 122^^ grs. 1 ■^^-^■ 146 Crotona; ohv. 9P0. Tripod in relief, and a stork; rev. 9PO- TON, Tripod incuse ; a very fine specimen of this very rare variation in the usual type. Not in Mionnet. size 8. iveight 1 22^ grs. 1 147 Another; Mt. Supp. p. 338, No. 974; very good condition: size 8. weight 125^ grs. 1 // .^^^^^148 Crotona; Mt. Supp. p. 340, No. 988; but with a yoke, or uncertain object like a B in the field ; see Hunter, tab. 22, fig. 10; most beautiful work, very rare, and in excellent preservation: . size Q. wt. 120-—^ grs. 149 Another; Mt. p. 340, No. 988; the head side in still finer condition than that of the preceding coin, and of most beau- tifiil workmanship ; on the reverse, the head of Hercules is not visible, nor the latter part of the hiscription; but other- wise the coin is most beautiful and perfect, except a small hole, which fortunately has not done great injury: '^ ^ hize h\. weight 120^^ grs. 1 ^>i- 150 Crotona ; Mt. p. 191, No. 870; but the inscription is KPOTO., and on the head ornament are alternate winged half griffins and flowers ; this most rare and admirable coin is hi a per- fect state of preservation, both on the obverse and reverse: size 5» weight 122^^ grs. 1 151 Another; from the same die, but not so well preserved: size 5. 1 — ^ 152 Crotona; Mt.^p. 190, No. 864 ; rev. Hercules strangling the serpents ; beautiful work, and rare; in perfect preservation on both sides, and well struck : size 5. wt. WQ^ grs. 1 /' .^^sii^ 153 Another ; but of a different style of work, see Hunter, tab. 22, fig. 8; a very beautiful and highly preserved coin, and more rare than the preceding : size 5. wt. 120-^ grs. 1 '^ 154 Another; of the same style of work as lot 152, but not so exquisitely preserved, although a very fine coin: size 5. 1 155 Crotona ; obv. BOI. an Eagle with both its wings raised, stand- ing, to the right, on a branch of laurel ; rev. 9POTON. (sic.) ' ^^^^,j^ J. ^ /j^/'./ :y^fJ ( 24 ) a Tripod of the form of that in Mionnet, No. 850, p. 189, from which is pendant a knotted fillet, behind it is a branch of laurel ; in very good condition, and very rare : size 6. weight 118 grs. *,* This variation in the well known type appears to be hitherto unpub- lished. Crotona; Mt. p. 189, No. 850, and Hunter, tab. 22, fig. 6; well preserved: , size 5^. weight 122^ grs. 2 *»• Rlionnet omits to notice tlie curious and rare circumstance, that on these coins the eagle is standing on part of a Doric architrave. J?- . 156 Another; also very icell preserved: size 5. Crotona ; 3Iionnet, pi. 65, fig. 6 ; a most beautiful coin in very perfect condition: size 5. weight 116^ grs. 2 / /J 157 Another ; but the position of the letters KPO. and the branch of laurel are reversed ; as beautiful and well preserved as the preceding: . size 5. Crotona and Pandosia in alliance; Mt. page 197, No. 927; pi. 60, fig. l;yf(^5e: size 7^. weight 190-^ grs. 2 /^/■' 158 Locri; Mt. page 195, No. 914; ohv. Head of Jupiter bearded and laurel'd, to the right, under the neck ffiEVS.; rev. EIPHNH. AOKPflN., Female figure holding a caduceus in her extended right hand, seated on a square altar, on which is sculptured a bucranium ; good condition, and of extreme rarity: size b\. weight 11^-^ grs. 1 7 j^ 159 Locri; Mt. p. 195, No. 906; in the finest condition : size 5. weight 1 1 9^ grs. Locri ; ohv. AOKPfiN. helmeted Head of Minerva to the left; rev. Pegasus to the left: size 5. weight 135^ grs. 2 *^* The fabric of this coin is peculiar, and the workmanship coarse. 160 Locri; obv. AOKPON. helmeted Head of Minerva to the right; rev. Pegasus to the left ; in a state of perfect preser- vation : . size 5. weight 1S3^ grs. Another ; but no inscription on the obverse, and AO. under the pegasus ; in perfect preservation : size 5. weight 133^^ grs. 2 161 Rhegium ; 3It. page 200, No. 955, but the legend of No. 954 ; the figure is seated and bearded; excessively rare, and in very fine condition : size 6^. weight 265-^ grs. 1 *^' This coin is like fig. 27, tab. 3, Combe Num. Vet. in AIus. Brit., ex- cept that this coin has a laurel leaf in the exergue under the car. /^ y^^t- /r/'^./ 25 "J; '// »-2^ 162 Rhegium; Mionnet, pi. 65, fig. 7, exactly; exceedingly diffi- cult to meet with in such veryjlne conditioii : size 8. weight 262^ grs. 1 ^^ ^ 1G3 Another ; but the style of the lion's head is quite different, as well as the attitude of the figure on the reverse; the inscrip- / tion is IlEC INOS. ; tvell preserved and rare : size!. \ f^ •■ 164 Rhegium; ohv. [PH]riN05. Head of Apollo to the left, ^ '' ^ " with a broad wreath of laurel formed of three rows of leaves, and long hair; the legend runs in front of the head; rev. full faced Head of a Lion; in the most perfect state of pre- servation, and of the finest workmanship : /, size 6. weight UGl^ grs. 1 *,♦ This beautiful coin is probably unique. ,,.^^ - 165 Rhegium; PHriNON. Mionnet, p. 200, No. 952; extremely rare with this inscription ; heautful work, and in the most / yy perfect preservation : size 6. weight 268^ grs. 1 ' 166 Rhegium; PHriNOS. obv. Head of Apollo to the right, ^r'v*^ crowned with laurel? (serrated leaves), the hair turned up behind like that of a female ; behind the head are two laurel leaves, and in front of the neck is the artist's name, UIIIOK- PATH^, in very minute letters, disposed thus onm"' ^^^' full faced Head of a Lion; compare Magnan. Brutt. tab. 23, fig. 2 ; very rare, and in perfect preservation : /if - size 6. weight 267^ grs. 1 *^* It is very remarkable that Mionnet gives no description of a Tetra- drachm of Rhegium of this type, inscribed PHriN02. On this coin, and the four following, the wreath on the androgynous head of Apollo is formed of serrated leaves, not laurel] See the note to lot 262, page 39. .^l^!!^: 167 Another ; precisely similar, except that the artist's name, innOKPATHS, is disposed thus ^pJJJ; in very fair condi- tion, and extremely rare : sise 6. weight 265^ grs. 1 1^ 1 68 Another ; without artist's name, compare Magnan. Brutt. tab. 23, fig. 2; very rare, and in fine condition: size 5\. weight 266^ grs. \ i^ -2- i.^.^^ 169 Another; different character of face; very rare, and in fine condition: . size 6. weight 258 grs. \ "^ ^ 170 Another; in excellent preservation, and very rare : size 5^. weight 2QA^ grs. 1 *^* The rarity of these coins seems contradicted by their number ; but, as before said, there is no mention of this type and size in Mionnet, Ay 4/4 ?2/ f :\:y ( 26 ) witb PHriNOZ, aiul in the Hunter Collection there is not one. In Combe Vet. Num. in Miis. Hrit. there is only mention of one. It may be hero hinted to the young Collector, that his notions of raritv must not be drawn from the coins forming this princely collec- tion : it being its peculiar characteristic, that it will often be found to possess the most rare coins in the greatest variety and abundance, to the utter exclusion, with few exceptions, of common coins, except they have the merit (in itself so rare) of extraordinary beauty of workman- ship, or superlative preservation. It should, moreover, be kept in mind, that this Collection is the re- sult of nearly fifty years' unwearied devotion to the acquisition of the most rare coins, which, during that long period, have been offered for public sale in London. y/y — " 171 Rhegium ; compare Dumersan, pi. 1, fig. 15 ; but see Hunter^ tab. 44, fig. 16 ; very rare, fine old work, and in a perfect -^ state of preservation : size Z\. weight 65^^ grs. 1 X 172 Another; it requires a judicious cleaning: size 2^. Rhegium; Hunter, tab. 44, fig. 18; rare, and in very perfect /} state: . size ^^. weight 31-^ grs. Another; with slight difference ; in fair condition: size 2^ Rhegium; PHriNON, exactly like lot 165, but size 3; in very fair condition : . .4 ^^ J^ 173 Terina; Hunter, tab. 58, fig. 2; rare, and a most exquisite ' coin in every respect : size 5. tveight 123^ grs. 1 - x; ^,' - 174 Terina; obv. female Head, to the right, the hair arranged like -^ that of Venus, within a wreath ; behind, ^ ; rgy.TEPINAION, ^i winged Female seated on a vase, to the right, holding in one/^ hand a caduceus, and on the other a dove ; near the mouth of the vase, a flower is springing up from the earth. This magnificent and rare coin cannot be sufficiently admired, whether for the design, execution, or preservation : size b\. weight 120^ grs. 1 / servation : . . size 5. 2 ' ( Greek Cities, continued at page S3. J EARLY ITALIAN iES GRAVE, f Continued from page U). 179 Volscian Triens; Head of Pegasus, on both sides; Marchi- '^'' Tesseri, pi. 9 — 3 . . size 13 J. Tiburnian, or Volscian As ; obv. full-faced Head of a Lion, with the parazonium, or short sword, in its mouth ; the point y/ ^ to the left ; rev. Head of Pegasus to the left, rare ; M.- T. pi. 11—1 . . size 18. 2 180 Tiburnian Semi-Uncia ; obv. Scarabeus ; rev. a four-leaved ^^ Flower, mre ; il^f.-r. pi. 11— 7. ~^ Quadrans ; more likely to be of Rome than of Lucania or Campania ; obv. Head, to the right, of Proserpine, as that of Juno-Sospita on the coins of the Procilia gens.; rev. Bull galloping to the right, serpent, roma ; M.-T. pi. 12 — 3 bis. size 10, full. Uncia ; most likely Roman; obv. full-faced Head of Apollo, or y^ the Sun, with thirteen rays instead fifteen as usual; rev. Half Moon and two stars, roma ; M.-T. pi. 12 — 3 bis. size 6. 3 181 Uncia of Todi, according to Olivieri ; obv. a Diota; rev. ■^'^ Head of a Spear, vx, rare and fine; M.-T. class 2, pi. 1 — 6 . . size 9. Quadrans of Tuder ? obv. a Frog ; rev. Anchor, two, slightly varied; M.-T. pi. 2 — 4 bis. . sizes 7 and S. ^ '■■ Sextans, poor . . 4 182 Sextans of Iguvium ? Gubbio ; obv. Palm Branch ; rev. Cor- nucopia, Half Moon ?, with the two dots ; 2oz. in the centre / /?, of the area; varied from M.-T. pi. 3 — 7 size 10. E £7/. //y jy/// ( 'J8 ) Si'Xtans. Two varieties, attributed bij Passeri, Lansi, SfC, to Tnder, now Todi ; both of oval form, and vei-y rare; obv. a C'lnb ; rev. two Dots ; Marchi-Tessieri, pi. 2 and 2 a sizes 8 and 9. Etruscan Quadrans of Volterra ; obv. youthful bifront Head, with the pileus ; rev. a Club, three Dots, and Volterra, in re- trograde Etruscan characters, rare, and tolerably well pre- served ; M.-T.Y>\.l — 5 . size 11. 4 183 Etruscan Quadrans ; town unknown; obv. full-faced Head of , '^■^ the Aruspex, with the Etrurian pilous, or cap; rev. Hatchet,^ -^-r- Knife, three Dots, and Half Moon; Ji7ie and very rare; 31.- T. pi. 2—4 . size 11, 1 ./ cT A ROMAN CONSULAR, IN GOLD. {Continued from page lb). 1 84 Mussidia ; beautiful Head of Ceres, with long flowing hair ; rev. L. MVSSiDivs. longvs. in a wreath of corn; not m-^ "''^'^ Mionnet ; fine, and extra rare . 1 *** From the Trattle collection, lot 97. 185 Numonia; Head of Victory, rev. a Soldier armed, and at- / tacking an entrenchment defended by two other Soldiers; ^ C.iiVMomys. VAALA.; fne and very rare. Not in 3Iorell 1 // /f 186 Petronia; rev. a Lyre, tvrpilianvs. hi. vir. ; the obverse has the Portrait of Augustus,^ne and rare . 1 ^ ^ '" ' ^ 187 Servilia ; laureate female Head, c. cassi. imp.; rev. the Acrostolium, m. servillivs. Veg., fine and rare 1 ^'^^'^^ J?/f~ 188 Veturia ; youthful Head of Janus ; 9'ez7. a Man, kneeling, holds a Sow, which two Men, armed with spears, are touching with their daggers, in token of alliance ; see Tacitus and Titus "/.,^ Liviics ; in exergue, roma ; very well presented, and very rare; see Mionnet s engraving, ^dige 7 \ . 1 i' ■^' 189 Veturia. The same types, &c.; in fair condition 1 J ,/"■ 190 Veturia; a Quinarius, with the same types, &c.; in fine pre- ^ servation, and, at least, equally scarce . 1 ""' ROMAN MEDALLIONS, IN SILVER. ^ Continued from page \QJ. ^ // 191 Agrippina jun.; rev. laureate Head of Claudius; fne and /f^.^, extra rare . . 1 / ,y ^ 192 Agrippina jun. ; obv. Siud i-ev. as above, pierced . L -/ T' 193 Julia Titi; rev. Vesta seated, with hasta pura and palladium, ., , ^- \ RUT A.] fne and very rare . \^-''^'^'*. j///- ( 29 ) ^^y^ 194 Domitia; rev. laureate Head of Doniitiau ; the rarest of her medallions^ though undervalued by Mionnet ; well pre- served . . 1 ^ ,'/> ^ 195 Hadrianus; rev. Jupiter- iEtophorus, cos. iii., rare; and oj' fine, probably Asiatic, workmanship . 1 ^ t/~ ^ ^ 196 Hadrianus; rev. two Females standing, cos. iii., very rare, well preserved . . \ / J ^^ 197 Hadrianus ; rev. tive Ears of Corn, instead of six, as usual, COS. III., finely preserved . 1 ^-/^ 198 Hadrianus; rev. Cybele, cos. in., very scarce, fairly pre- served . . .1 / -^ ROMAN LARGE BRASS. «-£.-' 199 Poinpey, 2; obv. janiforra Head, with portraits of Pompey, p ^ Father and Son, magn.; rev. Prow, Pivs. imp. '' Julius Caesar, 2 ; one has the rev. of Octavius. Augustus, 2 ; rev. Wreath and Capricorn ; o6i'. ob. cives. ser- VATOS ; rev. ROM. et avg.; well preserved . 6 ^^ ^ 200 Julius Caesar and Augustus, 2. — ^ Augustus, 2 ; rev. ob. cives., he, as in last lot ; rev. asinivs., 8tc.; all tolerably preserved , ^ / • f' 201 Julius Caesar and Augustus, 1. =^^^- Augustus, 3; rev. divos. ivlivs.; rev. maecilivs., &c. (the obverse of this medal bears his Head resting on a globe, to the left, with a victory crowning \\\m, fine and rare; rev. cqnsensv. senat., &c.. Figure on a curule chair; all well ^ „ / preserved . . . 4 ' _ 202 Augustus, 4; rev. divos. ivlivs.; rev. c. a. (Caesarea Au- / gusta) in a garland, fine, and extra rare in this condition ; rev. ROM. ET. AVG.; rev. consensv. senat., &c., as above. Tiberius; rev. civitatibvs. asiae. restitvtis, usual type. ., well preserved; see CardwelV s Lectures . 5 *^* The Cffisarea medal is from the Trattle collection, lot 2787. 203 Augustus, 3 ; rev. Divvs. avgvstvs. pater., restoi-ed by ^-^-^ Titus, rare and fine; rev. imp. nerva, &c,, restoi*ed by Nerva, rare and well preserved; obv. Quadriga with Ele- phants, Emperor, and four riders; rev. ri. caesar, he; struck to the memory of this Emperor by Tiberius, yi'ne; see Capt. Stnyth's excellent Catalogue of his Roman Im- perial Large Brass Medals, No. viii. p. 7 ' . 3 ^ ( 30 ) / ... 204 Augustus, 2; rev. divvs. avgvstvs. pater., restored by y^ / Tiberius, rare; rev. imp. nerva., &c., restored by Nerva. ^^ Tiberius; rev. civitatibvs. asiae., &c.; all fairly pre- served . , .3 /- 205 Livia; obv. a Carpentura, drawn by a pair of mules, s.p.q.r. '^ IVLIAE. AVGVST.; rev. Ti. CAESAR., hc, Jine ; Smyth, 11, ^ > ' xiv, scarce . . 1 /y 206 Livia ; obv. Head of Julia (Livia took this name having mar- ried Augustus, gens Julia) placed on a globe, ivlia. av-/^ ^^-^-■ GVSTA., &c. ; rev. Head of Augustus deified, coL. rom., &c.; struck at Roraula, a town in Betica ; see Flores, and Smyth, 11, xiii.; a very rare and interesting medal . 1 ^ /4 207 Tiberius ; obv. Head to the left, countermarked ; rev. an Altar, ^-^ y commonly called the Altar of Lyons, rom. et. avg., tolera- ^ bly preserved., but very rare; see Artaud, Discours, etc. sur I'Autel de Lyon, and Charier, A^itiq. . 1 *^* A medal of this rare type produced £22. Is., in 1842, at the sale of J. Kuight, Esq.'s collection. jy /// 208 Tiberius ; obv. Head, looking to the right ; rev. Altar, &c., as J - above, equally rare, but not so well preserved 1 /{^ 209 Tiberius; legend civitatibvs. asiae. restitvtis., a resto- y yr:^ ration of Titus, very rare, and in fair condition 1 ^ 9 ^ 210 Drusus jun.; obv. a winged Caduceus between two Cornuco- piae, in each a youthful bead, the twin sons of Drusus ; rev. y \ as usual; beautifully preserved, and rare in this state ; the yellow brass appears like gold ; Smyth, 19, xxv. 1 //c^ 211 Drusus jun.; s.?, ihe \di%t, well preserved. Tiberius ; rev. a fine Building, with numerous figures, very 'Cy^ scarce. Drusus sen.; struck by Claudius, ^Me . 3 ^ ^ 212 Drusus sen.; struck during the reign of Claudius. Agrippina sen.; rei;. Carpentum, &c.; usual legends ; Smyth, <' ■' 26, xxxii.; both are fine and rare , 2 J—. 213 Drusus sen.; as above, ^ne. Agrippina sen., 2 ; rev. Carpentum, &c.; rev. ti. clavdivs., . &c.; both the latter are well preserved . 3 - / // . 214 Agrippina sen.; obv. her Portrait; i-ev. ti. clavdivs, &c., as in the last \ot,fne. Caligula, 2; rev. Civic Wreath, and s.p.q.r. p. p. ob. gives A nERVATos., fne ; rev. his three Sisters, Agrippina, Julia,-'^^ Drusilla ; a rather doubtful medal . 3 «^-.^ ( 31 ) ^.^. 215 Agrippina sen.; obv. and rev. as preceding. Caligula, 3 ; rev. adlocvt. coh. (the first Roman medal on which this legend appears) ; rev. his Sisters ; rev. Temple / of six columns in front, Emperor sacrificing, &c.; ohv. Piety '^ / seated, mvo. Avcfine . . 4 216 Agrippina sen.; obv. and rev. as before. 'rf^ * Caligula, 2 ; rev. his three Sisters ; rev. Temple and legend as above ; fine green patina ; a vety desirable medal 3 '■ /c^ 217 Caligula, 2; rev. Temple and legend as before; rev. s.p.q. R. &c., in a wreath. Claudius, 2 ; rev. Hope personified, imp. t. vesp. avg. rest., a very rare restoration ; rev. Triumphal Arch, surmounted with an equestrian statue of Drusus, nero. clavdivs., &c.; p ^ all fairly preserved . . 4 218 Caligula, 2 ; types and legends as the last. Claudius, 2 , rev. spes. a vgvsta ; rev. a Triumphal Arch, as above ; all fairly preserved . 4 ^ / 219 Caligula; rev. Civic Garland, and s.p.q. r., &c., very well preserved. Claudius ; rev. Garland, and ex. s.c. ob., &c. Nero, 2 ; rev. Rome seated ; rev. adlocvt. coh., five Figures, y a dubious m,edal . . 4 220 Claudius ; rev. spes. avgvsta. f scraped J. Nero, 4 ; rev. adlocvt. coh., five Figui'es, genuine and rare; the obverse is fine; rev. Temple of Janus, two varieties, well preserved . . .5 jy/ ///.r- ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN GOLD. -^^ /^221 Julius; with his Head, c. caesar. dict. perp. pont. max.; rev. bare Head of Octavius, c. caesar. cos. pont. avg., ^ fine and scarce . . 1 '"^'■^^ 222 Julius ; as the above, but from different dies . 1 ^^ ^ y 223 Julius; laureate Head; behind it, a vase, caesar. dic; rev. bare Head of Antony, and a lituus, M. anto. imp., very rare and fine . . 1 >^-^ *^^* From tbe Trattle collection, lot 221. 224 Julius; restored by Trajan; obv. Head, c. iVLivs. caes. IMP. COS. III.; rev. Venus leaning on a pillar, helmet, spear, and shield, imp. caes. traian. avg. ger. dac. p.p. rest., jy/- in good condition, and very rare *^* Most probably from the late Dr. Nott's collection. ^77/^// /O - ( 32 ) 'l-lb Julius; ohv. laureate Head, apex, and lituus, imvos. ivLivs.; ' rev. bare Head of Octavius, Divi. filivs., /i"«e and rare 1 i.':2() Sextus Pompey ; ohv. his Head within an oak garland, mag. pivs. IMP. ITER.; rev. Heads of Pompey the Great and Cnaeius, face to face, tripod and lituus, pbaef. class, &c., in ■' j a very high state of preservation, and very rare 1 ■^^''^* ",• A similar coin produced ^10. 19s., last March, at the sale of the Duke of Devonshire's collection. This and the two following lots are from the Trattlo collection. /?/// 227 Sextus Pompey ; obv. avlA rev. as the last, equally Jine and ,,*. rare . . .1 yy // 228 Sextus Pompey ; ohv. and rev. as before, and equally Jine and ^ ^ rare . . . 1 - ^y^ 229 Sextus Pompey; ohv, and rev. as before, ^?ie and rare I , Y /? 230 Sextus Pompey; ohv. and rev. as before, ^we and rare I ^S ■^ „ ._ 231 Sextus Pompey; ohv. and rev. as before, in a good state of ^ '' p^'cservativn., and equally rare . 1 ^-■^^'^ " ^'' 232 Marcus Brutus; ohv. his Head, brvt. imp. l. plaet. cest.; rev. Cap of Liberty between two daggers, eid. mar. A Jine j^:' - coin, hut of questionable authenticity . 1 ROMAN MEDALLIONS AND CONTORNIATI, IN BRONZE. ( Continued from page 18^. *^* From Prince Poniatowski's collection, 1840. Lot 2i29. y^ // 233 Antoninus Pius ; rev. a Victory erecting a trophy near a female /^ /'^ . figure and a boy, no legend; xvell preserved : size W. 1 - ^^ ^ ,/ 234 Marcus Aurelius ; rev. one of the Dioscuri standing by his horse, vim. cos. ii.; very ivell preserved ; inedited : ^ size 12. 1 - /,_ 235 Marcus Aurelius ; rev. a colossal Figure of Jupiter, standing between two togated Emperors, Antoninus and Aurelius, J^ TR. p. XXII., &c.; rare; the engrailment, and the medallion ' '^ in general, is toell preserved : . size \2^. 1 //r /y/ 236 Marcus Aurelius ; rev. iEneas, seated near the walls of Troy, ship building ; Minerva stands by, giving him instructions / previous to his leading the Trojan colony to Italy, after the'- -- - destruction of Troy — Virgil, book iii. v. 7; inedited, see also Winkelman s works : . size 11. 1 ^^ ^'- 237 Commodus ; o5i'. fine Head, to the right ; rey. Emperor stand- ing, with sword and lance: Africa with her Lion is seated .^ near him, and a Victory is erecting a trophy in the back- ground; con. VI.; fine and rare; of two metals: size \'2. I /// - / ( 33 ) ////y 238 Commodus; uhv. Head of Commodus, witli a radiated crown, and of his mistress, and subsequent murderess, Marcia, hel- meted, with the Amazonian pelta or halfmoon on her breast ; they are side by side, to the right ; rev. Commodus, veiled, as High Priest, sacrificing at an altar opposite Hercules-Farnese ; P.M. TR. p. XVII., &c.; well preserved, and rare ; in ttro .-, metals: . . size 13. 1 " 239 Commodus ; relating to Britain ; obv. a beautiful laureated and togated Bust of Commodus, looking to the right ; rev. a mili- tary Figure seated on a rock, with a standard in the right, and a spear in the left hand ; the latter rests on an ornamented oval shield (having the point of a lance in the centre) placed on a helmet; Britannia, p.m. tr. p. x. imp. vii. cos. iiii. p.p.; legend of the obverse, m.commodvs. antoninvs. avg. pivs. BRIT.; extra Jine, and unique : . size 12. \/ *^* A very correct engraving- of this matchless BraxANNiA adorns the title page of Captain Smyth's valuable Catalogue ; privately printed at Bedford, 1834. 7j7 THIRD DAY'S SALE. CITIES OF ITALY, IN COPPER. LOT 240 Tiider, in Umbria ; Mionnet, page 104, No. 66: size 4. Ancona, in Picenum ; 3It. p. 103, No. 67; rare, and in good condition : . . size 5. Teate, in Marrucini ; Mt. p. 106, No. 72; quincunx: size Qh. Cales, in Campania; Bit. p. 112, No. 112: size 5. Cales ; Mt. p. 112, No. 120; ivell preserved : size 4^. Capua, in Campania; Mt. p. 113, No. 125; with two stars on the obverse and reverse : . size 61. Capua; dlt. p. 113, No. 128; with one star on the obverse / ^/ and reverse : . . size 5. 7 *^* It will be perceived that the stars on these coins of Capua, indicate value ; the former being double the value of the latter. The stars are, therefore, to be considered as quite independent of the type of the coin, like the pellets on the parts of the As. 241 Capua; Mt. p. 112, No. 123, and Supji. p. 234, No. 240 ; but this coin has only the Head of Jupiter with a sceptre, - without the head of Juno ; fine condition : size 11^. 1 ^ / *^* Neither of the coins cited by Mionnet are in the French Collection, and this coin is probably unique and unpublished, J4 ■ ^>; ( 34 ) L'42 Neapolis ; t'\ght \mhV\shed ty^es ; some well preserved. / / Nuceria, in Campania; Mionnet, page 123, No. 243; but the ^-^■■■r- Oscan legend differs from Mionnet' s engraving ; rare : size 3. Nuceria; Mf. p. 123, No. 246; very fine condition: size 5. *,• This coiu would be, however, better classed to Nuceria, in Bruttiis. See Millingen, Coins of Greek Kings and Cities, p. 25. Suessa ; 3ft. p. 124, No. 256, Combe Brit. Mus. tab. 3, fig. 5; rare, and tvell preserved : . size 5. Suessa; Mt. p. 125, No. 258; very rare, and well preserved : size 4^. Teanura; Mt. p. 126, No. 266 ; rare, and well preserved : size 5. Teanum; 3It. p. 126, No. 269, Combe Brit. Mus. tab. 3, fig. 7 ; very rare : . size 4. Two uncertain coins of Campania; 3Iionnet, p. 126, No. 272; sizes 3 and 3^. 16 243 Uncertain Town of Campania; obv. ROMANO. Head of y ■■ Minerva with helmet, to the right ; rev. ROMANO. Head -' and neck of a Horse, to the left ; not in 3Iionnet : see Hun- ter, tab. 46, No. 11; extremely rare, and well preserved : size 4. Uncertain Town of Campania ; ROMA. Mionnet, Supp. page 258, No. 411, and Hunter, tab. 46, fig. 3; very rare: size A.\. Uncertain Town of Campania; ROMA. Mt. Supp. p. 258, No. 412, and Hunter, tab. 48, fig. 5; very fine work and preservation : . size 3. Uncertain Town of Campania; ROMA. Mt. Supp. p. 268, No. 413, and Hunter, tab. 46, fig. 8; very fine : size 2. Arpi, in Apulia; 3It. 130, No. 301 : size 5. Luceria ; Mt. p. 132, No. 322 ; ( Triens) rare, and well preserved : , size 6. Uncertain of this neighbourhood; ohv. Head of Hercules, (same style as on the preceding coin) covered with the lion's skin, to the right ; behind 9 # ^ ; rev. Bull galloping to the right ; above, # ^ ^ and an ear of wheat ; under the bull, a serpent ? ( Quadrans) : size A\. 1 /cf - 244 Venusia; Mionnet, .S'mjs*/). page 270, No. 490, (Uncia); ex- tremely rare: not in the French collection: size 4. ^' ^ ///^ ( 36 ) /-"'^ Venusia; il/itowns;, »S'?. page 270, No. 491, (Unc'm); ex- tremely rare, and not in the French collection: size 4. %* These coins may belong ratlier to Veretum, a city of the Salentines, in Japygia, on account of their resemblance to the coins of Uxentura, a town only fifteen miles distant from Veretum : as suggested by Millin- gen, page 15, Sylloge of Unedited Coins of Greek Cities, &;c. 4to., London, 1837 ; and also at page 241 of his Consideratinns su7- la Numismatique de I'Ancienne Italie, 8vo., Florence, 1841, a work which cannot be too highly appreciated, as a most valuable and sound critical inquiry into the classification of the coins of Italy. Metapontum, in Lucania ; Mt. p. 162, No. 601 ; /?«e, and well preserved: . . size 3. Paestum ; compare Mt. p. 165, No. 627 ; well preserved : Paestum size 2^. Mt. p. 165, No. 630, (Quadrans): sise 3. Paestum; 3It. p. 165, No. 631, (TriensJ: sise 5. Paestum; 3It. p. 166, No. 639, f Sextans J : size 3^. Paestum; 3It. Supp. p. 316, No. 806, f Semis J; very rare: size 2\. Uncertain of this neighbourhood ; obv. Head of Diana, to the right, and quiver behind ; rev. EY., fore half of a Boai-, to the right ; tvell preserved : . size 2. Uncertain of this neighbourhood ; ohv. Lion's Head, full face ; rev. fore half of a Boar, to the i-ight ; very rare: size 2. 10 Mt. p. 1 72, No. 690 ; very rare, and well pre- side 51. p. 183, No. 793 ; very good condition: sise 7. p. 183, No. 796 ; very good condition: size 7. p. 184, No. 8] 1 ; very good condition: size 7. p. 184, No. 813 : . size 3^ larger : . . size 5. p. 185, No. 823 : . size 2|. p. 185, No. 820 ; Torch under the Horses: size 3i Another ; with Bull's Head under the Horses : size 3^. 9 246 Crotona; Mt. p. 192, No. 879 ; Hunter, tab. 22, %. 14; rare, and well preserved : . size 4. Valentia; Mt. p. 193, No. 886, (As), and a Bee in the field : very fine condition : . size 7. Valentia ; 31t. p. 194, No. 891, (Semis): size 41 i 245 Thuriura ; 1 served : Bruttii ; Mt. Bruttii ; Mt. Bruttii ; Mt. Bruttii ; Mt. Another , la Bruttii ; Mt Bruttii ; Mt ^ y// Valcntia ; Mt. p. 194, No. 896, (Triens); a Vase in the field ; well preserved : . • size 4. Valentia; 3ft. p. 194, No. 899, ( Quadrans); very ic ell pre- served : . - sise Z. Locri, in Brettiis ; Mt. p. 196, No. 919 : sise 7. Locii, in Brettiis ; obv. Head of Minerva to the left, with helmet ; rev. AOKPfiN, Pegasus galloping to the left ; in the field, behind, is a star, and under the pegasus, a monogram ; well preserved and rare; not in 3Iionnet ; see Magnan. Bruit, tab. 71, fig. 7: . size 6. Petelia; 3Iionnet, page 198, No. 937; very rare : size 2. Rhegium ; 3It. p. 201, No. 962; a Diota behind the head : size 5. Rhegium ; 3It. p. 201, No. 970 : size 5. Rhegium; 3It. p. 201, No. 971 ; very fine : size 5. 11 247 Another; but Head of Apollo, to the right; very fine : y size 6. Rhegium ; Mt. p. 202, No. 978 : . size 6. Rhegium ; 3It. p. 203, No. 990 : . size 3. Rhegium ; 3It. Supp. p. 350, No. 1066 ; very rare; Hunter, tab. 44, fig. 20 : . size 4. _ Rhegium; 3It. Supp. p. 350, No. 1065; very rare; Hunter, tab. 44, fig. 19 : . size 3. Rhegium; 3It. p. 201, No. 966; with a monogram behind the head : . . size 5. Rhegium ; 31t. p. 201, No. 971 ; fine : size 5. Rhegium ; Mt. p. 202, No. 980 ; fine : size 5^. Rhegium ; Mt. p. 201, No. 967; a shell behind ; fine : size 3^. Rhegium ; Mt. p. 203, No. 909 ; Jupiter with eagle : size 3^. Terina; Mt. p. 206, No. 1011; ^ne and rare: size 4. Another ; smaller : . size 2^. Uncertain; ORRA. (Quincunx); Mt. Supp. p. 356, No. WQS; fine, and very rare : . size 4. Uncertain of this neighbourhood ; ohv. Bust of Hercules, to the right, with crisped hair, and a club behind the head, within a dotted circle; rev. Three uncertain characters under an Hippocampus, to the right; and three pellets above the animal; (Quadrans) well preserved : size 2^. 12 ( 37 ) ^/^ CITIES OF SICILY, IN SILVER. * ^* Among the various rare and beautiful coins of Sicily in tliis princely Col- lection, are many which possess peculiarities of type, of which the rarity cannot be jjositively determined, for want of time for reference. Hence, many peculiarities specified as rare, or very rare, may be found to be, in fact, nnique. i^r.^> 248 Abacaenum ; Hunter, tab. 1, fig. 4, Mlonnet, p. 357, No. 4 ; extremely rare, and well preserved : ^/ size 2. weight 12y^ grs. GOLD COIN OF AGRIGENTUM. Agrigentum ; Mionnet, Supp. page 360, No. 17, and Torre- muzsa, tab. 4, fig. 1 ; perfect condition (false) : size 3. weight 38^ grs. 2 *^* There is no doubt that this coin is false. The weight is wrong, and the style of the work and of the design afford further proof against it. It is one of the oldest fabrications extant; a gold coin, evidently from the same die, having been first published by Goltzius in 1576, and by Paruta in 1612. CITIES OF SICILY, IN SILVER. (Continued J -p^ 249 Agrigentum; compare Mt. p. 213, No. 40, and Mt. vol. 7, . pi. 67, fig. 1 ; obv. two Eagles, to the right, devouring a hai'e; in the field, a lion's head in profile, to the left; rev. AKPA- TANTINON. (boustrophedon) on a tablet suspended over a quadriga at full speed to the left, driven by a winged Victory; iu the exergue, the staff of a thyrsus ; see Torremuzza, tab. 4, fig. 12. This mag7ii/icent coin is in most perfect preser- vation, and of extraordinary rarity : size 8. weight 268^ grs. 1 250 Agrigentum; obv. [ AKR A] TANTINO [N], reiro^mc?^, two fr-^^' Eagles, to the right, devouring a hare ; rev. a Quadriga at-|^/ full speed, to the right, driven by a female ; above is a float- ing winged Victory, about to crown the female charioteer with a wreath ; in the exergue, a crab. This extremely rare and beautiful coin is in extremely good preservation ; it is not in Mionnet, Hunter, or Torremuzza, and is p)robahly un- published and unique : size 7^. weight 27 ly'^ grs. 1 Z^^^ 251 Agrigentum ; Mionnet, page 212, No. 27, pi. 62, fig. 1 ; but on the reverse is a dolphin under the crab ; rare, and in very good condition ; . size 1 . / // .//. ^ { :i8 ) •J.->-J Agrigciitum ; iMioutiet, y>. '2\l, "i^o. 18; fine : size 4^. ^/^^.^, AgrigiMitum ; 37/. Supp. p. 360, No. 20, and Hunter, tab. 2, fig. /;/««■.• size 2. weight IS^ grs. ^ .^^ '2X\ Agrigentuin ; two coins exactly similar to the last lot: 2-~ ■^'--^' 'J:)4 Agrigentiim; obv. AKRA. Eagle to the right, standing on something globular; rev. Crab, A. underneath; perfect con- ^^^^^ dilion: size 4^. weight 133^ g)'s. 1 ^ . 255 Agrigentiim ; Mt. p. 213, No. 43; but T. in the field, instead *^ of 15. (qxicry a date); as it came from the die, and a most y^ rare coin : size 4^. tveight 30^ grs. 1 230 Camarina ; Mt. pi. 222, No. 119; Torremuzza, tab. 18, fig. 1 ; ^ '* obv. innAPlS. retrograde; rev. KAMAPINAION.; this c^*- """^ most elegant and well preserved coin is of the greatest raritt/: size Gh- weight 133^ grs. 1 267 Camarina; 3//. ^S'^/yj/j. p. 373, No. 125; Torremuzza, tab. 17 , ^ fig. 3 ; but on lliis coin there is the unpublished ? peculiarity of X^'Vi^z the name, EEAKE2TIAA2. in very minute letters, on the -^ band above the two vases, forming the exergue of the coin ; very beautiful tvork, very good condition, and of extreme rarity: . size 7. weight 264^ grs. 1 •^* Mionnet describes tbe charioteer as Guerrier casqu^, but it is a female wearing a helmet, (Minerva,) as proved by the smaller coins. , y 238 .\nother; from the same die, both on obverse and reverse, but ^ 7iot quite in such good state as the preceding, and the female '^-^ ^'-'^ iharioteer rather blurred, but still a very fine coin : size 7 . iveight 264 grs. 1 239 Another; Mionnet, p. 223, No. 121, and Hunter, tab. 14, fig. 7; but the inscription not retrograde, and with the same female charioteer wearing a helmet, not an old male figure, as ^ ^ <-- engraved: see Torremuzza, tab. 17, fig. 2; very rare, and very fair preservation : size 7. iveight 267^ grs. 1 •,• The head of Hercules on tiiis coin is iu older style than on the pre- ceding, and bearded. / L'OO Camarina; Mt. p. 222, No. 112; Torremuzza, pi. 18, fig. 8; fine •' ' siie 2. weight 12 grs. Catana; Mt. p. 220, No. 134; Torremuzza, pi. 21, fig. 15; very fine: . size 2. weight l\^ grs. 2 y jZ' -'^' Camarina; same as in the preceding lot. Catana ; obv. Head of Silenus to the left ; rev. KA. Thunder-/ bolt and two bucklers ; (his minute coin is in a perfect state ///' ( 39 ) /^// of preservation, and presumed to be unique, and unpub- lished : . size ^. tveight 2f^ grs. 2 2G2 Catana ; Mionnet, Supp. p. 378, No. 149; Hunter, tab. 15, fig. 21; Torremuzza, auctarium I. tab. 3, fig. 1; obv. Kxs.- /^f~^ drogynous Head of Apollo, full faced, crowned with a wreath formed of serrated loaves, (not laurel?) and his hair falling down on each side like that of a female ; in the field to the left is a bow, and the word XOIPIiiN. in minute letters, i)ro- bably the name of the artist ; to the right is a lyre of peculiar form, partially hidden by the hair ; under the neck, in minute letters, AHOAAON.; rev. in the exergue KATANAIfiN.; a Quadriga at full speed to the right, driven by a female ; above is a floating winged female, about to crown the charioteer ; in the field is a fluted Ionic column ; in the exer- gue, a shrimp ; Jine ivork, of the utmost rarity, and in very excellent condition : size 7^. wt. 264— grs. 1 *^* Tbis coin, by its superior condition, corrects the reading of Combe XOIKEilN. His description of the bead of Apollo as caput muUebre has been already corrected by Torremuzza, (Auct. ad. sic. Numisra. p. 8.) and by Eckhel, who merely give the coin on Combe's authority. If on that in the Hunter Cabinet there really be no lyre in the field, to the right of the head of Apollo, this coin, in that curious particular, is probably unique, as well as the specimen in the Hunter Collection. The androgynous Apollo, above described, recurs often on the tetra- drachms of llhegium, (see note to lot 166, p. 25) on some of which, as on this coin, the leaves ornamenting the head of the god are also serrated like the arbutus. This has led Combe to describe the head as coroiid querceu ornaiis. See Hunter, page 87, No. 1. 263 Catana; Mionnet, p. 226, No. 150; Hunter, tab. 15, fig. 22; / Torremuzza, tab. 20, fig. 1 ; a very fine coin, in the highest state of preservation, and of extreme rarity: . size 7. weight 267-j^ grs. 1 *^* Combe reads the artist's name HPAKAEIaN ; Torremuzza, as well as Mionnet, read HP/VKAEIAAZ. The latter is probably the true reading. On this coin it certainly appears like HPAKAEIaN, but the letters are rather blurred from slight fractures in the die. On this coin the leaves on the head of Apollo are not serrated. 264 Catana; obv. KA[TANAIO^.] Head of Apollo to the right, '/^/ - with laurel wreath in front, the hair adjusted behind like that of a female ; behind the head is a fish ; rev. Biga to the right, with a male charioteer holding a wand ; above, a float- ing winged female figure is about to crown the horses ; in the exergue is a small shrimp ( squilla JlnviatiUs) ; compare // /^>// ( 40 ) Torremuzza, tab. 21, fijj. 2 ; exquisite old ivork, and very Jine condition : size 7. weight 266^^ grs. 1 J'//<^ 265 Another; ohv. KATANAI02. but nothing behind the head ; a very fair coin, but inferior tcork and coyidition to the pre- /y^-i^. ceding : . size 7. iveight 268^^ grs. \ ^y ^ 266 Catana ; ohv. KATANAIoN. Head of Apollo to the left, the ^ hair short and without any ornament, or laurel, but like that of a female ; rev. a Quadriga, to the left, at full speed, a floating winged female figure above is about to crown the / / - male charioteer ; extremely rare type-, very fine ivorh, ana very good condition : size 6. weight 264 grs. 1 /267 Catana ; obv. KATANAION. Head of Apollo to the right, the e^ ^^ hair short, but with a triple wreath of laurel in front ; rev. in the exergue, KATANAI12N. a Quadriga at full speed to the left, a floating winged female figure above is about to ^ crown the male charioteer ; extremely rare type, very Jine "^^-^-^ work, and very good condition : size 6^. wt. 263^ grs. 1 268 Catana ; Mionnet, p. 226, No. 155; but the head to the right: -Z -V -11 size 1^. Catana ; Mt. Supp. p. 378, No. 150; Hunter, tab. 16, fig. 1; rare, and in very ^ne preservation : size 4. wt. 65-:^ grs. *^* The fine preservation of this latter coin corrects Combe's accurate description. The artist had in fact omitted the second N in aMENaN02, and the final N in KATANAiiiN; but this coin shews that he rectified his mistakes as well as he could, by inserting the omitted letters. Enna; obv. AAMATHP. Head of Ceres, ornamented with wreath of corn, to the right ; rev. ENNAK2N. Bull's head, seen nearly full face ; above it, between the horns, is a grain of barley; and below it, a blade of bearded wheat; in the exergue, a torch : compare Torremuzza, tab. 28, fig. 7 ; Jine work, very good condition, and unpublished in silver; but not free from doubt as to its authe7iticity : size 5. weight 129^ grs. 3 ^'V GOLD COINS OF GELAS. // I 269 Gelas; -S^nS^lUOAlX Mioyinet, Supp. -p. 387, ^o. 196; Torr. tab. 31, fig. 1; Jne condition, and of extreme rarity: ''^ /^ •/< size 1^. tceight ^3^ grs. I / '' *,* The Other coin with 2i22inOAi2, published by Torremuzza, auct. 2, lab. 2, fig. 1 ; Rlionnet, Supp. p. 387, No. 197, occasions a suspicion as to the avithenticitv of this. /cry/^ ■ // ( 41 ) /jt:/// 270 Gelaa ; uhv. FEAA^. the forepart of a Bull with a human / face, to the left ; underneath is a grain of barley ; rev. Horse- man to the right, holding a lance : compare Mioymet, p. 236, No. 226, and Torremuzza, tab. 31, fig. 2; Jine preservation, and of extreme rarity, hut not of certain authenticity : ^■^ size 21. weight \Q^ grs. 1 CITIES OF SICILY, IN SILVER. (Continued.) ^^' 271 Gelas ; Torremuzza, auct.J, tab. 4, fig. 2; but the bull with the human face is to the right ; see Hunter, tab. 28, fig. 6 ; very fine condition : size 8^. weight 269^^ grs. 1 %* This coin shews in a very remarkable degree, on the edge, the pecu- liarity of the Sicilian style of minting. 272 Another; older style. FEAAS (retrograde); very fine: size 7. weight 262^ grs. 1 / ^^ y^i. 273 Another; very similar, CEAA2.; very sharp and fine, parti- cularly the reverse : size 7. weight 267^ grs. 1 / /Z 274 Another; Tbrr^mw^sa, tab. 31, fig. 12; ^wn^er, tab. 28, fig. 5; but with the long beard ; older style than either of the pre- ceding, obverse and reverse well preserved : size 6. weight 270^^ grs. Gelas; Mionnet, Supp. Tp. 389, 'No. 213; Torremuzza, tab. 31, . . fig. 4; Hunter, tab. 28, fig. 13; but the bearded head orna- mented with corn ; of excessive rarity, but middling condi- tion : . size 1^. 2 *^* It was, no doubt, the bad condition of the coin in the Hunter Cabinet, which occasioned Combe to describe the bearded male head as laurea- tum. See the reverse of the beautiful brass coin of this town, lot 588. ^ 275 Himera ; Mt. p. 241, No. 267 ; Torr. tab. 35, fig. 5; but with ■^ a grain of barley in the field on the obverse; of excessive rarity; obverse in very fair condition; reverse middling : size 7. weight 264 grs. 1 *^* Combe, in describing the obverse of a coin very similar to this, tab. 30, fig. 18, says aram igniferam, and IMionnet also says, p. 241, No. 267, autel allum6, but on this coin it appears like a stela. _:r 276 Himera ; ohv. V j Cock to the right ; rev. Four incuse trian- gles, and four in relief, forming a square ; Torr. auct. 1, tab. 4, fig. 2; compare Mt. pi. 39, fig. 10; very fine condition, and x / rare : . size 5. weight 88^ grs. Himera ; with two letters on both sides, Mionnet, Supp. page //J J. >/ f. ^-- ( 42 ) 392, No. 230; Torrcmvzza, auct. 2, tab. 3, fig. 3; rare, and in very fine condition : size 5. weight 89 J^ grs. 2 •^* The remote antiquity of these early coins of Himera may be safely inferred, from their being among the few Sicilian coins which are adjusted to the /Egiuetan Talent, like those of Zancle. These two are Drachma of that talent. In each of the two following lots is a later coin, with a crab on the reverse, which probably may indicate an alliance between Himera and Agrigentum. These later coins, being Didrachme of the Attic talent, shew that some early and important political change had taken place, and occasioned an alteration in the public standard of the money of Himera. The Tetradrachm, lot !^75, though an old coin, is also of the Attic standard. 277 Himera; with the letter V, Mionnet, p. 240, No, 259, and // ^ ' compare Torremuzza, auct. 2, tab. 3, fig. 3; in very faiv '^ ' preservation : size 4 J. weight 89-j^ grs. Himera; {rev. Crab) Mt. p. 240, No. 261; Torr. tab. 36, fig. 1 ; very good condition, and rarer than the jireceding : size 5. weight 130^ grs. 2 *^* The first coin being adjusted to the ^-Eginetan Talent, and the latter to the Attic. / y^ 278 Himera ; compare Mt. Supp. p. 392, No. 230 ; but the cock y on the obverse is turned to the right, and there are two pellets in the field ; in very fine preservation : size 4. weight 88 j^ gi's- Himera; (rev. Crab) Mt. p. 240, No. 261; Torr. tab. 36, fig. 1 ; very fine co)idition, and more rare than the pre- ceding : . size 4^, weight \S2^ grs. 2 •^* This coin is an Attic Didrachm, and the preceding an ^"Eginetan Drachm. 279 Himera ; compare Mt. p. 240, No. 264, and Torr. tab. 35, ^ fig. 9 and 10; compare also Mt. Supp. p. 393, No. 235, and >* ^'^ Hunter, tab. 30, fig. 20; obv. [IME]PAION. naked old Faun riding on a goat to the right, holding a rhyton to his mouth ; rev. NIKA. winged and draped Victory advancing to the left, with a palm branch in her extended right hand ; in the field, an uncertain object, appearing like a wavy line, query a vine? of most extreme rarity; not in the French collection; fair condition, though rubbed: size 3. *,* The rarity of this coin, and the want of condition when found, has probably been the cause of the erroneous descriptions above quoted. Himera ; Mt. p. 240, No. 265; Torr. tab. 35, fig. 1 1 : size 2. / I ( 43 ) /^ Uncertain ; ohv. Head of Diana to the right, (compare Mion- net, Supp. voL 6, pi. 3, fig. 2); rev. NI^YPIAAS ? IME- PAIOS ? naked Male Figure, the lower part draped, seated on a rock, seen almost in front, a long staff in his right hand : size 3^. 3 %* TLis uncertain coin seems to be unpublished. Its rubbed and middling condition is much to be regretted, as well as an unpleasant sandy appearance on botli sides. It has however interest, as a cast, till the coin be known from which it was taken. WITH THE NAME OF THERMiE. ^^^ -280 Thermae ; ohv. 0EPMITAN. Female Head to the right, with a - ^ raised tiara ornamented with three half griffins, and long flowing hair, (like Juno on the coins of Avgos); behind the head is a dolphin ; rev. Hercules, youthful and naked, hold- ing his club in his right hand, sitting on a rock, which is partly covered with the lion's skin; in the field behind him is his bow and quiver ; unpublished, and presumed to be unique; fine %vork, and very well preserved, exceptt that the hack part of the head of Juno has suffered somewhat from oxide: size 6. weight 129^ grs. 1 *,* The type is almost the same as on the small coins published by Hunter, tab. 59, fig. 8, and Torremuzza, tab. 90, fig. 4 ; Mionnet, p. 242, No. 279. 281 Leontini; ohv. AEONTINON. Lion's Head in profile, to the -»>^/^/% right, surrounded by four grains of barley; rev. Triga, in slow motion, driven by a draped and bearded male figure ; above is a floating winged female about to crown the horses ; y compare Torremuzza, tab. 39, fig. 10 ; fine old work, and -c '^ very rare in such beautiful condition: size 6^. wt. 271-^ grs. 1 *^.* It is very remarkable that Mionnet should have described only one coin of this type, (^as a biga) and that has a truncated inscription — see No. 330, p. 247. In the Hunter collection there are only two. 282 Another ; but the letters surround the four grains of barley, ^'^"^ in the midst of which is the lion's head, in profile, to the right, as usual ; perfect preservation on both sides, and a very fine n / coin as to workmanship : size 6^. weight 268 ^^^ 5'^*- 1 283 Another; but the letters are within the four grains of barley; rare, and in fine condition: G /fj/J // ( ^1-^ ) L't^s. 1 2Sb Another ; from the same die on the obverse, but not on the reverse ; not so well struck, or so well preserved as the pre- /(/^-^ ceding : . • size 7. 1 286 Leontini; obv. Head of Apollo, hair of female character, to / / the left, with laurel wreath ; I'ev. \ EONTINON. Lion's ^ / head, in profile, to the right, surrounded by three grains of^ barley, and a fish underneath, in place of the fourth grain ; fine and very rare type : . size 6^. 1 y ,- 287 Leontini; Mionnet, p. 246, No. 318; different character of head to the right, and finer work than usual ; fine condition, ,^:^^- and very rare: size 71. weight 264^ grs. 1 y 288 Another ; with a tripod behind the lion's head in place of the ' fourth grain of barley; see Torr. tab. 39, fig. 5; extremely ^ ^-^ rare, and in good condition : . size 6. 1 i y^ 289 Another; but without the tripod; very sharp and well pre- ^ J served, especially on the reverse : size 7. ivt. 270^^^ grs. 1 / /./ 290 Another; very well preserved : size 6. wt. 264^-^ grs. Leontini ; Torr. tab. 39, fig. 1 ; in very fine condition, but .^ false : . size 7. weight 255^^ grs. 2 '' *^* This coin is curious, as a very fine specimen of one of the oldest fabrications extant, having been published by Goltzius in 1576, and by Paruta in 1G12. It may be presumed that the prototype of this singular fancy, was a coin similar to that engraved in Mionnet, vol. vii. pi. 66, fig. 7. /^ 291 Leontini; Mt. p. 246, No. 315; Torr. tab. 40, fig. 13; beau- tifully preserved : size 2. tveight 13^ grs. ^ ^ Leontini ; AEONTINO. (sic.) retrograde ; Mt. p. 247, No. 331 ; Torr. tab. 40, fig. 2; extremely well preserved, and rare of ^Aw *i>e (Didrachm): size 5. weight 134^ grs. 2 ///^ 292 Another; (Didrachm) Wke the preceding, and well p7'esei'ved. Leontini ; Mt. p. 246, No. 316; Torr. tab. 40, fig. 10; on the '''^ altar K retrograde ; beautifully preserved, and rare . size 2. weight 12^ grs. ( 45 ) /f-^/^ Zancle ; compare with Mionnet, pi. 47, fig. 3, and Hunter, tab. 37, fig. 2 ; in very Jine condition, and very rare, but the absence of certain peculiarities in the type of the reverse, which are always observable on these coins, gives rise to sus- picion that this not genuine : size 5J. wt. 88^ grs. 3 293 Messana; Torremuzza, tab. 46, fig. 4; under the hare is the ;;^:?; head of Pan to the right ; very fine, and very rare : size 7. weight 265^ grs. 1 294 Another; Torr. tab. 46, fig. 15; under the hare is an eagle devouring a serpent, to the left; extremely rare and fine: sizeQi\. weight ^QQ^ grs. 1 '^'^ (Continued at page 54 J. GOLD COINS OF THE CARTHAGINIANS, ATTRIBUTED TO PANORMUS. ^^ ZX' * * 7^ The greater part, if not the whole, of these coins belong to Carthage, and would be more properly classed there. It is not so evident that the gold coins of the Carthaginians were struck in Sicily, as it is that a large proportion of those of silver are of Sitiliun mintage. 295 Panormus ; Mionnet, page 265, No. 463; Pellerin Recueil, pi. 88, fig. 4; extremely rare, and in good preservation : size 5|. weight \Qb^ grs. 1 ' ^ 296 Another ; in better preservation, but a little battered at the edge: . size b^. weight 164-^ grs. 1 f^ ■ *^* These coins appear to be Tridrachms of the Alexandrian talent, and to have been struck at Carth.ige. 297 Panormus; Mt. p. 265, No. 455; Pell. Rec. pi. 88, fig. 5; exquisite preservation, and fitie work : / size 4\. weight 145-j^ grs. I 298 Another ; as well preserved, but a very slight blow on the hind legs of the horse : size 4. weight 142-^ grs. 1 ^ ^■ 299 Another ; but the ears of corn rather more separated, and the horse stands on a dotted line or base, supported at one end by the minute head of a goat, and at the other by an eye ; in '' the field, near the feet of the horse, are three minute pellets ; fiyie tvork, and beautiful condition : y ^ size 4\. weight 145^ grs. 1 %* This peculiarity renders this coin very interesting, and piohably unique. / ^ ^/4// ( 46 ) / y liOO Another; but without those peculiarities ; the head larger, and ^ not surrounded by a circle of dots ; fine work, and con- ^ dition: . size A. iveight \\7 ^ grs. 1 •,* The weight of this coin is remarkable, being the Didrachm of the Tyrian or Phoenician talent, and probably struck at Carthage. (Continued at page 56 J. FRENCH MEDALS, IN BRONZE. 301 Lewis XII.; ohv. Bust, to the left, lvdovicvs. d.g. rex. FRANCORVM. ; vev. a Porcupine, his favourite device; comi- <:j?.- ^^ NVS. ET. EMINVS. ; veri/ thick, in good condition, and rare ; 18 lines ; see his escu d'or au pore epic in Lehlanc ; also, De Thou and Roscoes Life of Leo X. . 1 302 Lewis XII.; obv. as above; rev. a Soldier on horseback, vi^ith ^^ firebrand. Female, with dagger and hounds, pursuing another '^-^^•-^ Female ; one seated by a tree ; in the exergue, MD13, (sic); well preserved, rare, and thin . 1 %• This Monarch (1498) first put dates on French Coins and Medals. J? ^ 303 Lewis XII. ; a splendid gilt Medallion, with his portrait, and rev. that of Anne of Bretagne, on their marriage ; see ^-^ Luckius, pi. I. . . 1 / 304 Henry the Great, or IV.; rev. mea. me. sic. gallia. sospes. 1604; in lead, but of the period : <^xv^ Medal ; obv. Bust, &c. of Francis Duke of Valois, and Count of Angoulerae ; rev. Salamander, notrisco. alborno. STINGO. IL. REO. Mccccciixi.; fine and rare. A Medallion, without rev,, with Busts of the Regent Queen Anne, and the young Lewis XIV.; of very good work, and rare . . .3 // 305 Lewis XIV.; all noble Medallions, very well preserved, and of very fine French workmanship ; obv. Bust, with flowing ^#;^J^ hair ; rev. King on horseback, jvs., &c., by Breton, obv. as preceding ; rev. King giving audience, facilis. ad. prin- CIPVM., &c., by Molart, 1661 . 2 y7 306 Lewis XIV.; obv. fine Bust, as before; rev Neptune, novvm. DEC vs., &c., hy Molart. obv. as last; r^v. Victory in a^^^^z::/ biga of pegasi, victoriae., &c., 1668 . 2 ^^ 007 Lewis XIV.; obv. as before; rev. Flanders and Abundance personified, victor i., &c., 1667, Molart. Another; rev. the Sun, kec. plvribvs. impar., 1667, by Manger . . .2 ( 47 ) ^/ /^ --~i^ — 308 Lewis XIV.; ohv. fine laureate Bust, with short hair, hy Roettier; rev. Queen in quadriga, rev. regvm. collo- QViVM., 1660; rev. Genius setting fire to armour, 1660: the ^ three reverses are by Molart . 3 / (Continued at page 62. J FRENCH PIEDFORTS, MEDALS, AND COINS, IN SILVER. ^ e Bie, ip\. 51 — vii 1 •,• From the Bindley collection. (Continued at page 64^). ITALIAN MEDALS AND COINS, IN SILVER. ( Continued from page 28.^' ALL STRUCK AT THE TIME. / 316 Savoy; a fine Dollar ; oiv. Bust, philibertvs. Dvx. sabav- DIE. VIII., and arms of Savoy ; rev. Bust of the Duchess and A-^A^ arms, iolant.lvdovicha.dvcissa.sabavdie.; wr^/ rare 1 317 Savoy; ohv. Bust, and em. filibertvs. d.g. dvx. sab. p. PEDEM. 1566. v., and arms of Savoy; rev. Bust, arms of France, Margarita, de. frantia. d. sabavdiae.; a well ^ />/: c^ preserved and very rare Dollar . 1 318 Savoy; ohv. Bust, and car. em. d.g. dvx. sab. p. ped.; ^//f -^ rev. Centaur, &c., opportvne. 1588? on the taking of Sa- /^ > luzzo, in Piedmont ; the date is a little defaced ; a very rare and fairly preserved Dollar ; see Promts Monete reali di Savo'ia; also PemhroJce, pi. 304 — 1 : Another; ohv. nil. nisi, consilio., coat of arms, &c.; rev. opfortvnivs. 1601, Hercules conquering the Centaur ; the two sides have been separately struck and soldered together; rare: there exists another variety of this medal ; (both on the retaking of Saluzzo by France); see De Die, France Metallique, 92— Ivi . . 2 319 Mantua; Dollar; o&i'. the two Busts and titles of Mary and ^/ _^ . Charles II. Duke of Mantua, &c.; rei-. Virgin and Child, y^f^ MARIA. MATER. MANTVAE., &C. Ferrara; Testoons of Hercules II., and of Alfonsus III.; ohv. Busts ; rev. Snakes ; no legend, rev. de forti. dvlcedo., a Soldier, seated, holding a lion's head, from its mouth bees are issuing ; trunk of a tree and a serpent opposite ; all three are well preserved, and rare . 3 320 Tuscany ; Medals ; obv. Bust, &c. of Cosmo de Medici, Dux II.; ^ /// rev. the Port of Leghorn, 15G7 ; ohv. Bust, &c. of Cosmo, ^ y -^ Dux IV.; rev. Bust, hy Molo, of Mar. Magdalene, arch. A VST. M.D. ETR.; a splendid and rare medal, ohv. Bust, &c. of Ferdinand, Dux III.; rev. Bust of the Duchess Chris- tina of Lorraine; rvell preserved ; all 12 lines diameter 3 ''^. ^c>^/ 321 Tuscany; Medals; obv. a very line Bust of Christina, with Italian inscription ; rev. Ear of Corn, and seven Stars, obv. Bust, &c. of Francis di Medici ; rev. a Fortress, pvblicae. SECVRiTATi. obv. Ferdinand II. 1666, bust; rev. a Rose, GRATIA., &c. obv. Ferdinand, Dux III., bust; rev. Bust of ,'^/J / Cosmo, Dux IV. 1610; all rare and fine . 4 322 Tuscany ; Medals ; obv. Bust of Leopold di Medici, Prince, 1646 ? rev. Arms of the Family (the six balls), obv. Bust of John Charles Cai*dinal of Medici ; rev. a Ship, aeqvor. ARANDVM., &c.; both fine and scarce ; see Litta, Famiglie celebri d' Italia; Orsini, Argellati, Sfc. . 2 323 Savoy ; Medals ; obv. three-quarter Bust of Prince Eugene ; '*^- rev. the Prince seated, &c. between two splendid Pillars, VLTiMO. svpERATO., &c. 1736. obv. the Prince and the Duke of Marlborough, face to face ; rev. Cupid at a table, &C., MDCCXIV. o6v. SECVRITAS.ITALIAE. RESTITVTA., &C. ; rev. the River Po personified, topographic plan of the town and fortifications of Casale Monferrato, casalis. armis. FAEDERATORVM. RECEPTA. 1695. GALLORUM. ERIDANVS., /// &c. ; all fine and rare, especially the last medal 3 ^- 324 Parma ; obv. Bust, &c. of Alexander Farnese, as Duke and Governor of Belgium and Dombes ; rev. rostral Pillar, 1585. obv. Bust, GVIDVS. RANG0NV3. BELLO., &c.; Vev. Female riding on a bull, &c., extensio. alarvm. del; both fine and rare medals . . 2 ' ^''' 325 Mantua ; Medals ; obv. Bust, ferd.car. d.g. dvx., &c. 1686- rev. Sun, and part of the Zodiacal Belt, certissima., he; fine. An oval Medal of Ferdinand, sixth Duke; obv. Bust, &c.; rev. the Sun, non. mvtvat. a. lvce.; very fine and scarce. Another Medal of Cosmo di Medici, the second Duke of Tus- cany ; rev. the Port of Leghorn ; fine . 3 ' ^ ^.^^, -/^26 Genoa ; obv. Virgin with the Infant Saviour, ex. rege. eos. 1684. P.B.M.; rev. Cross, Cherubs, &c., dvx. et. gvberna- TOREs. REiP. genv.; 16 Unes diameter ; a well preserved ' dollar of the ancient Republic ; the largest and heaviest / Jcnown: . . weight 6 oz. 1 (Continued at page QQ). /'^^ ROMAN LARGE BRASS. ( Continued from page ^\). 327 Nero; ret?, annona., &c.; reu. port.ost., &c.; rev. roma.; rev. Temple of Janus, the latter very fine . 4 r//^ .■/-'. ( 50 ) ;VJ8 Nero; r/T. Nero and another horseman, to the right, decvr- - sio. ; rev. same U^gend and types, but to the left; ret'.'—'''''''' ROMA.; rev. Emperor on horseback, between two foot sol- diers, DECVRSIO. . . 4 / /^ 329 Nero ; reV. a Triumphal Arch, with figures ; two varieties ; rev. DECVRSIO., the Emperor (a very fine portrait)^ and / another horseman ; a most desirable medal . Q^/d-i'-c^ *^* From the Edgar and Heber collections. ^ /^ 330 Nero, 2 ; ret\ decvrsxo.; ret', roma. ; well preserved. f yf,.,n./i. Galba ; rev. libertas. pvblica. \ fine and rare 3 y^ ^ 331 Nero, 2 ; rev. annona. avgvsti. ceres. ; rev. decvrsio.; ''' both very well j^reserved. Galba; rer. Victory, with palm and palladium, s.c; ?i'e//jore- served, and probably unpublished. ,- ;v ^ Vitellius ; rev. pax. avgvsti ; very rare . 4 /-^ ^' P y. 332 Nero, 5; reu. roma.; rev. annona., &c.; rev. decvrsio.; two varieties ; rev. Temple of Janus. Galba ; obv. a fine Head ; rev. a Garland of broad oak leaves, .'-' - and within it, s.p.q. r. ob. civ. ser.; fine and rare 6 / /? 333 Nero, 3; rev. decvrsio., rev. annona.; rev. Temple of Janus. <-'^ . \ Galba ; ?'ev. as the last ; tcell preserved . 4 * . ^ /^ 334 Nero, 2; rev. coxg. i. dat. pop.; rev. roma. Galba, 2; rev. adlocvtio.; very rare ; rev. Victory ; no legend, (fine obverse, but poor reverse). ' Vitellius; rev. mars, victor.; rare . 5 J'// 335 Galba, 3 ; rev. honos. et. virtvs.; rev. Rome standing; rev. Garland, and s.p.q. R. ob. civ. ser. Vitellius; rev. Romulus, with trophy, s.c; rare; all fairly L^^^'^^ preserved . . . 4 ' /f J^ z:^ 336 Galba, 2 ; rev. concordia. avg.; rare; rev. Rome seated ; in Very good preservation. Vitellius; rev. hongs, et. virtvs.; very rare, atid tvelh' ■^< ' preserved . . .3 /^-^^ 337 Vitellius; rev. annona. avg., Emperor standing, and Ceres seated ; a most rare type ; fine . 1 ' *^* From the Abdy collection. '^ '^ 838 Galba; re?;. libertas. pvblica.; rev. roma.; rev. s.p.q. r. ob. civ. ser.; yJiiW^ jore^ervec? . ^^X^^ 3/Lrz / ( 51 ) ^'■^^ ROMAN MIDDLE BRASS. * ^ This Series is, in general, very select and fine. _-^ — 339^ Julius; obv. winged Bust of Victory, caesar. dig. ter.; ; rev. Minerva, witii Medusa's Head on the aegis, c.*CLOvi., &c.; very Jine ; ohv. Heads of Julius, and of Octavius ; rev, a Prow. Augustus, 4 ; rev. Civic Crown, with avgvstvs ; rev. a Gar- land, and S.C.; rev. Eagle ; rev. Altar; all in good pre- servation . ' .6 340 Augustus; rev. a bearded Head; of the Calpurnia gens.; ' rare ; rev. consensv. senat., &c.; very Jine ; rev. Al- tar, ROM. et. avg.: rev. oaken Garland, s.c; rev. Altar, PROVIDENT.; rev. Altar; two varieties; one restored by Titus, and one by Nerva ; both are rare ; all are very well preserved . . 7 *^* The two first have the silver eagle of the Farnesian Prince's collection. 341 Augustus, 5 ; rev. Emperor seated, consensv. senat. ; rev. MAECiLivs., &c.; there is a small Victory behind the head on the obverse ; rev. lvrivs., &c. ; rev. Female seated, s.c; ret'. ASINIVS., &c.; all well preserved. Livia, 3; rev. pietas., salvs., jvstitia.; these three are fine . . .8 342 Augustus, 3; 7'ev. Livia seated, diva, avgvsta.; rev. con- r.^ SENSv. senat., &c.; rev. tribvn. pot., &c.; s.c. in the area. Livia, 3 ; rev. salvs., pietas., jvstitia.; the last is restored by Titus ; all well preserved . 6 343 Augustus, 3 ; rev. Eagle ; rev. Victory, with bucklers ; both ^ restored by Titus ; rew. diva, avgvsta. Livia, 2 ; rev. Pietas ; restored by Titus. Another; ohv. Ship, with sails, &c., mvni. libera, ivli.; rev. a Boat, with rower, hercavonia.; countermarked, much scrajjed. Agrippa, 2 ; rev. Neptune ; one is restored by Titus, rare. Tiberius ; rev. a small Head of the Emperor, in the centre of a buckler, clementiae. ; all fairly, some ivell, preserved 8 .344 Agrippa, 2 ; types, &c., as above ; one restored by Domitian ; rare, Tiberius; rev. pontif. max. s.c. H / / ^4 2. / ^^ 2 /J^ j^/f/;y/ 4 '^ //^^ I Drusus jun.; all these are very well preserved. Antonia, with the Farnese Eagle ; fine . 5 345 Tiberius, 3. Drusus iun. 1. /^ Germanicus, 3 ; all three varied, and fine; the other four toell preserved . . 7 346 Tiberius ; obv. bare Head, to the left, Ti. caesar. avgvstvs.; rev. a female Head (Antonia, or Livia's?), a lyre, and (Punic ? ) inscription, all in a wreath ; well preservedy and rare. ^^^^-^ Germanicus, 2 ; varied, and very fine . 3 , / 347 Nero and Drusus ; ohv. the two Sons of Germanicus, and Agrippina sen., on horseback, NERO. ET. DRVsvs. CAESARES; , well preserved. _ '.'^-v-«- Caligula, Drusus, and Germanicus ; ohv. two Heads, face to face ; rev. one Head ; rare, hut poor. Caligula ; rev. Vesta seated. Claudius; rev. Minerva, with buckler and javelin, s.c; the last two medals very fine . . 4 ' p ^ 348 Caligula; ohv. and rev. as above, and equally fine. ^ \ Claudius, 4 ; rev. ceres, avgvsta. ; rev. same type, but re- - -''^* «j| stored by Titus, with the Farnesian Eagle ; rev. Pallas, s.c; rev. same type; a restoration by Titus; all heautifully pre- served . . .5 , /y - 349 Caligula ohv. and rev. as above, equally fine. Claudius ; rev. Liberty standing. Nero, 4. -^^<< Galba, 1 ; all in good preservation . 7 ^ 330 Caligula; o&i-. and rei". as before ; ivell preserved. Claudius; *ti'. Liberty standing ; _/?n^. Nero, 8 ; rev.MAC. avg.; two varieties ; rer. Victory; three varieties ; rev, the Temple of Janus ; rev. secvritas. AVGVSTi. ; rev. Rome Victrix, seated; all very well, ■' ■• preserved . , 10 -^ f Continued at page 104^. ROMAN MEDALLIONS & CONTORNIATI, IN BRONZE. C Continued firom page 33. J /• . '" 351 Commodus ; rev. the Emperor, near a tripod, sacrificing op- ^ ^ posite to Fortuna, with her attributes, fortvkae. redvci.^ C.V.P.P.; fine and lare: . size 12. 1 ( 53 ) J44>^''^ 352 Commodus ; relating to Britain ; rev. a Victory seated on arms, with a buckler, viCT. brit. ; legend, p.m. tr. p., &c.; scarce : . • size 11. Another; ohv. three Heads, commodvs. martia. brvtvs. ; rev. a Temple ; of a most barbarous, and probably false, fabrication: • ■ size 13. 2 ^ " 353 Commodus ; obv. janiform Bust, each face bears the likeness of the Emperor, especially the one looking to the right ; rev. Tellus, seated beneath a vine, &c.; as in Mionnet ; ! TELLVS. STABiL., &c.; fine and scarce: size 11^. \ y ' *i^* This medallion is engraved in Akerman. ^354 Commodus ; obv. Head of the Emperor, to the left, as Her- cules, with the lion's skin ; rev. Emperor, as Hercules guiding two oxen harnessed to a plough, herc. rom. conditori., / he; fairly preserved, and rare : . size \2. 1 ^ y^' 355 Commodus ; rev. Victory leaning on a column, holding a palm and a wreath, p.m. tr. p. ii. cos. ii. p.p.; poor, but inedited: size 12. 1 /y 356 Commodus ; obv. fine laureated Bust, with lion's skin, to the right ; rev. Emperor veiled, sacrificing to Hercules-Farnese, who is looking to the right; an altar between them, p.m. tr. p. XVII., &c.; rare, of two metals, and well preserved: y^^.c^- From the Trattle collection. Lot 3293. ( Continued at page 63.J size 12^. ROMAN CONSULAR, IN GOLD. ( Continued from page 28.^ 357 Vibia ; Bust of Minerva, armed ; rev. Nemesis standing, c. vi- Bivs. varvs. ; very rare, and in a good state of pre- servation . . .1 *^* From the Trattle cabinet. y- \_. -^ 358 Vibia; female Head; rev. Venus leaning against a pillar, ,^ I c. viBivs. VARVS.; well preserved, and rare . 1 ' 359 Uncertain ; helmeted Head of Mars ; behind, *X, for 60 ^^^"^ sestertii; rev. Eagle on a thunderbolt; beneath, roma. ; highly preserved. Another ; young Head of Janus ; rev. Jupiter, with his attri- ^ butes, in a quadriga, guided by a victory ; in electrum 2 360 Uncertain ; as in the preceding lot . 2 -^ ' 4y^ / ( 54 ) ^^-'^//SGI Uncertain; Head of Mars, and xxxx, _/b>- 40 AW/(?rcM ; rev. EagU>, &c.: . . size 2. Another ; youthful janiform Head ; rev. a Quadriga ; in elec- trum ; both rather fine and rare . 2 7 ,/ 362 Uncertain; Head of Mars, xx, for 20 sestertii ; rev. Eagle, he, fine and rare ; small size . 1 *,* Sold for ^5. 5s. at the Trattle sale : see Akerman, plate iii. FOURTH DAY'S SALE. /7 CITIES OF SICILY, IN SILVER. {Continued from page Ab.) LOT 363 Messana ; Torremuzza, tab. 47, fig. G ; on the ohv. a sprig of laurel in the exergue, and the Victory elegantly dancing on '-<<^- the reins and pole of the biga ; very rare, and well pre- served: size 6^. weight 265yq grs. 1 yy? 364 Another ; Torr. tab. 46, fig. 1 ; Mt. p. 255, No. 384 ; ME2- 2ANI0N, in exergue, blade of corn under the hare, and ^agle above ; well preserved, and rai'e : size 6^. 1 ' ^' y ^ 365 Another; Mionnet, p. 255, No. 383; but with the inscription I'etrograde, and the head of Pan to the left, under the hare ; very good condition, andj very rare : size 6^. 1 / z 366 Another; Mt. p. 254, No. 378; but the car is drawn by one horse; in very good condition : size 7. tvt. 2.64^ grs. 1 ^''^''" ^/2 ^^^ Morgantia; compare Mt. Supp. p. 406, No. 307; Hunter, ,^ tab. 38, fig. 12; and Torr. tab. 51, fig. 2; obv. MOPrAN- ^ \/A TINfiN, Minerva with triple crested helmet, seen full face ; ^ rev. MOPrANTIN[nN], winged and draped Female, seated to the left, holding a wreath iu her extended right hand ; underneath is a dolphin, to the right ; very fine work, and very good condition, but a little blurred by black oxide; of extreme rarity : size 2. weight 1 4^ ^>-*. *^* On this coin, the figure is decidedly not seated on the prow of a ves- sel ; neither is it apparent on what she is seated. Certain wavy lines under the figure, seem to indicate a rock, or the sea shore ; the sea itself being symbolized by the dolphin underneath. Combe's coin is probably the same, but not well preserved. k^^/: ( 55 ) /4 Motya; Torremuzzay tab. 52, fig. 1; Mionnei, Stipp. p. 407, No. 316; Jine condition, hut false: size 6. iveight 149 grs. 2 *^* This is anotber of the older fabrications. t^^ 368 Naxus ; compare Mt. p. 262, No. 438, and Hunter, tab. 39, fig. 15, but the legend of this coin is not retrograde ; vevT/ fine condition, and of extreme rarity, hut not free from sus- ■^ z picion : . size 4^. weight 89 grs. 1 369 Naxus ; Torr. Auct. 2, tab. 4, fig. 1 ; Comhe, Mus. Brit, tab. 4, fig. 8; a remarkably fine and undoubted coin, in the highest preservation, and of extreme rarity : size 7 J. weight 265^ grs. 1 ^^Vz.-370 Another; from the same die, obverse and reverse, and in the same extraordinary preservation: size 71. wt. 268^ grs. I --^^ *^* The erroneous notion, to be found in the works of some of the older authors, that no instance ever occurred of two genuine Greek coins from the same die, is corrected by modern experience and obdervation. This cabinet alone furnishes abundant proof to the contrary. 371 Naxus; Mt. vol. vii. pi. 66, fig. 3; ^wpjo. p. 408, No. 319: but the Silenus, or rather the old faun, is sitting near a plant of ivy instead of a cep de vigne, and holding a thyrsus instead of une palme ; compare Torr. tab. 53, fig. 1; a most beauti- ful coin, in the highest condition, and of the utmost rarity: A/ //^ size 7. weight 260-^^ grs. 1 372 Another : the head from the same die as the preceding coin, but not the reverse, although it is exactly of the same type ; in the same beautiful state as the preceding coin : size 7. weight 267^ grs. 1 /^/^ 373 Another ; in the same beaut ful condition, but not free from suspicion : size 7 J. weight 254^ grs. 1 -^ -^ I 374 Naxus; Torr. tab. 53, fig. 6; not in Mt. obv. NAHlfiN, iyC-^- Head of Apollo laureate, to the right, the hair like that of a I female ; behind, is a laurel leaf and berry ; rev. an old faun j sitting, looking to the left towards a diota in his right hand, j in his left is a thyrsus ; in the field, to the left, is an ivy plant, and to the right, a priapic terminus ; of most extreme rarity; fine old work, and in fine preservation : size S. weight 129-:^ grs. 1 375 Naxus ; not in Torr. or Mt.; obv. approaching to Torr. Auct. 2, tab. 4, fig. 1; rev. NAXION, somewhat similar also, /^ ''^' -^ ( 56 ) but the old faun in a different position ; fine old work, splen- did condition, and of the utmost rai'iti/: size 4. weight 65^ grs. 1 •,* This Drachm, in style and age, corresponds precisely to the Tetra- drachms forming lots 369 and 370. - ,-- 376 Another ; from the same die on both sides ; not quite so ivell preserved, hut a very fine coin: size 4. wt. 67 grs. I' y 377 Naxus; compare M^. aSmjojo. p. 409, No. 329; Torr. tab. 53, fig. 5; ohv. A22IN02.; rev. NAEIfiN.; of excessive rarity, and in e.vcellent condition, but with a thin coating of black oxide: • size 2^. weight 31-jL grs. 1 ^'z: ^<<- GOLD COINS OF THE CARTHAGINIANS, ATTRIBUTED TO PANORMUS. ( Continued from page A&.) //J, 378 Panormus; ohv. same head as on lot 297 ; rev. Horse stand- ^_. ing, to the right, before a palm iree; fine work, very well ^'^""-'^ preserved, and of extreme rarity: size 2^. tc eight 71^ grs. I *^* This coin, evidently the half size of the coins forming lots 297, 298, ' and 299, is presumed to be unpublished. ' //CZ ^^^ Panormus; obv. same style of head as lot 295; rev. Horse trotting to the right; presumed to be a very rare variation in the type of these coins : size 3. iveight 43^ grs. ^ ^^^ Panormus ; obv. Horse's head, to the right ; rev. Palm Tree, with dates ', fine : size ^. weight 13^ grs. 2 380 Panormus; Mt. p. 265, No. 456; Hunter, tab 14, fig. 20; / yt^ ■ fine preservation : size 1 J. weight 26^ grs. ^ ^ Panormus ; Mt. p. 265, No. 461 ; as it came from the die : size ^. weight 12^ grs. Panormus ? obv. Head of Minerva, to the right, with helmet; rev. UA. (in monog.) Owl to the right ; see Hunter, tab. 41, fig. 1; in good preservation, and very rare: size \. weight 8-j^ ^>'*. Panormus; two false; Torremuzza, tab. 55, fig. 1: weight 19^ grs. and 21 grs. 5 DODECADRACHM, OR LARGE MEDALLION, OF THE CARTHAGINIANS, IN SILVER. *^* This coin, which is a Dodecadrachm, should not be confused with the smaller medallions, or Decadrachms, of Carthage, of the usual size. ( 57 ) and weighing about 575 to 580 grains troy, with the pegasus, and four Punic letters, on the reverse : engraved in Mionnet, vol. vii. pi. &6, fig, 4; and Pellerin, Recueil, pi. 88, fig. 6. , _381 Carthage; ohv. a Female Head, ornamented with ears of corn, '^PZ-^^^ to the left, like Mionnet, vol. vii. pi. 66, fig. 4 ; rev. no Punic letters; a Horse galloping to the left, in very low relief; not in Mionnet; fine work, in perfect preservation ; of the very highest degree of rarity, if not unique, and presumed ^/J /^^ '■ to he unpublished : size \\. weight 701-^ grs, 1 •^* This beautiful and remarkable coin was most probably struck at Carthage. It is the heaviest hitherto known in the Greek series, being a Dodecadrachm of the Tyrian, or Phoenician talent. The Drachm of this very ancient talent therefore weighed 58 to 59 grains ; and the Tetradrachms (with dates) of Aradus (a Phoenician city and island), weighing 235 grains, among those of many other cities of Asia and Africa, furnish us perhaps with the latest examples of the same Drachm and talent. There is in the British Museum a most rare Hexadrachm of Bere- nice, wife of Ptolemy III., from the cabinet of Mr. Burgon, which, though a little rubbed, weighs 3263 grains. Its full weight would have been 330 to 333 grains, being a Hexadrachm of the Egyptian or Alexandrian talent, of which the Drachm weighed 54^ to 53^ grains. The existence of this Hexadrachm, proves, not only the probable existence of Dodecadrachms, but the two coins taken together, render it extremely probable that the old Tyrian or Phoenician talent, merged during the sway of the Ptolemies, into the talent of ^Egypt. SILVER COINS OF THE CARTHAGINIANS, ASCRIBED TO DIONYSIUS II. *^* It is well known that many of the following coins, ascribed to Diony- sius, and to Panormus, by the early writers, belong in fact to Carthage, and would be more properly classed there. It may be presumed, how ever, that those of very fine work, and of the Sicilian style of mintage, were struck at Panormus, and other cities of Sicily, which were occu- pied by the Carthaginians. A knowledge of the Punic inscriptions, can alone lead to the correct classification of tbese coins. It is deeply to be regretted that the learned Gesenius was not aided by a competent numismatist, in his researches into this subject ; as his valuable work, entitled Scriptures Lingiiccqtie Phxnicia Monumenta, S^c. hipda, 1837, 4to. appears to be the nearest approximation to an explanation of the Punic inscriptions on this most interesting class of coins. See Journal des Savans, 1838; an article by M, Etienne Quatremere on this learned work. ^^ 382 Panormus, ascribed to Dionysius II.; Torremuzza, Auct. 2, y^^ tab. 9, fig. 2; obv. Horse galloping to the right, a winged ////^ ■ '^^^'- ( 58 ) female is floating above, and about to crown the animal with a wreath ; rev. Palm Tree with dates ; most beautiful tvork, in perfect condition, and of the utmost degree of rarity: size 6J. iveight 260^^ grs. 1 y-r ^ 383 Another, of this class; Mt. Supp. page 455, No. 20; Torr. Auct. 2, tab. 9, fig. 1 ; fine work, perfect condition^ and ex- treme rarity: size &^. weight 265^ grs. 1 384 Another, like the last ; but the type of the obverse is exactly -^ " reversed, the half horse being to the right; coarser work, and not in such condition as the last, though a very fair coin, and of extreme rarity : size 7. tveight 257— grs. 1 SILVER COINS OF THE CARTHAGINIANS, ASCRIBED TO PANORMUS. *^* The use of the word Another, in describing these coins, implies not only the same type, but the same Punic letters, except when specified to the contrary. /// ^y^ ■ 385 Panormus; Mionnet, p. 267, No. 481; Combe, Brit. Mus. p. 73, No. 33; rather second rate workmanship, very fine preservation, and extremely rare : ^^ o> size 8. weight 266^ grs. 1 / ^''' 386 Another; very ivell preserved: size %\. 1 ^.^ 387 Another ; but the hair without the wreath of corn, and a broad band in front ; rev. the car to the left, and a caducous in front of the horses ; the same Punic letters in the exergue, under the car; inferior ivork, but very fine condition, and of . extreme rarity : size 7. weight 2Q0-^ grs. ] -^ * / • ' 388 Another ; Mt. p. 268, No. 484 ; very beautiful work, espe- cially on the reverse; perfect condition, and extreme rarity: size 6^. weight 253^ gis. 1 '^^ / y 389 Panormus ; obv. Female Head, with wreath of corn, to the left, surrounded by four dolphins ; rev. Horse galloping, to left, passing a palm tree bearing dates; not in Mionnet; very beautiful work, of excessive rarity, and in perfect prcser- y^ vation: . size 7. weight 262^ grs. 1 ^ fj 390 Panormus; obv. same head, to the right, hut without dolphins; in front is a candelabrum; rev. Horse trotting, to the right, passing a palm tree bearing dates; near his head is a floating winged female figure, about to crown him; in the field, in ^yy^ / ( 59 ) front, Is a caduceus, and two Punic letters near the horse's feet; presumed to be unpublished and unique; fine worh and condition : size 6|^. weight 267^ grs. 1 391 Another; but the head to the left, and no accessory symbol; r^ rev. Horse trotting to the left, passing a palm tree bearing dates; very rare, good ivork and condition: , size 6. weight 262^ grs. 1 * J2!^' 392 Another; the ends of four Punic letters are visible behind the head; very rare, good work and condition: size 6. weight 260^ grs. 1 /^ '-^ __ 393 Another; a dolphin behind the head, and the hair disposed '" " quite differently, but with the blade of corn; rev. the same, but the horse standing to the right, and in the field a cres- cent behind ; rather inferior work, fine condition, and very rare: . size 6^-. weight 265^ grs. 1 '^ ' (Continued at page 69.J ./ GOLD COINS OF SYRACUSE. 394 Syracuse; Mionnet, Supp. p. 426, No. 473; Toi'remuzza, tab. 68, fig. 4 ; Hunter, tab. 52, fig. 4 ; but instead of a lyre, there is a bow behind the Diana, and also behind the Apollo ; a most 7'are and elegant coin, in perfect preservation: size 4^. weight 105^ grs. \ ^ ^ *^* It appears from Mionnet that this coin does not exist in the French collection. There is only one in that of Hunter. 395 Another ; but having a tripod behind the Apollo, and also behind the Diana : size A\. weight XQ'd^ grs. 1 ^^ *^ This appears to be an unpublished variety of this extremely rare and most elegant coin. The perfect condition of this, is fully equal to that of the preceding, if it does not surpass it. li^^^^/fl?^^ Syracuse ; Mt. vol. vii. pi. 67, fig. 2; but behind the head is a grain of barley, and also under the Hercules is a grain of y^ yy — barley : . size 3. weight 89^^ grs. 1 •jt* This most happy effort of Greek art, is in remarkably high relief, and in most perfect preservation. Its rarity as a coin need not be pointed out. 397 Syracuse; Mt. p. 289, No. 690; but no 2 under; behind the head of Apollo, is an ear of wheat ; a perfect gem ; of most beautiful ivorkmanship, and as it came from the die: -7y/j size 3. weight 66^53 grs. 1 / I '^^^^ ( 60 ) 398 Another ; but nothing behind the head of Apollo ; not quite so desirable a coin as the preceding, but very fine, and in the y/. ^^^^ highest condition: size 3. weight 66 grs. 1 VZ/T ^^^ Syracuse; 3It. p. 290, No. 703: Hunter, tab. 52, fig. 5; a most elegant coin, in the highest condition, and extremely rare. The horse on the reverse is a most happy effort of Greek art: . size ^. weight AA-:^^ grs. \' *^l* INlionnet seems to have had a very imperfect notion of the rarity and value of this most scarce type. r^/-A^*^ //' r^^.^ 400 Syracuse; Mt. p. 291, No. 714; Torr. tab. 68, fig. 18; this most beautiful coin is as it came from the die; its rarity is greater than that of the preceding coin: size 2 J. weight A\^q grs. 1 *^* It does not exist in the French collection, according to Mionnet, and is not in the Hunter collection. ,401 Syracuse ; same type as lots 397 and 398, but without 2YPA- ^ J^^ ''^ KOSinN, and having the letters EY in a monogram in the > '' >" ^ exergue ; the workmanship, particularly of the head of Apollo, is of the very highest order, and the preservation of this gem of Greek art is perfect ; in this state it is of ex- treme rarity: . size 2^. weight 44 grs. 1 *^* The letters EY, in a monogram, are probahly the initial letters of the artist's name; and this coin may have been a rival production to those forming lots 397 and 398. The letters isi, and the monogram AP, which may be observed on other gold coins of Syracuse, of this col- lection, are also most probably the initials of artists. This usage seems not intended, or calculated, to transmit their names to posterity, but indicates a great spirit of rivalry and emulation among them, which resulted in the production of these most surprising and elegant speci- mens of ancient art. The silver coins of Syracuse are also very re- markable for the great variety of artists' names which they furnish. X/// 402 Syracuse ; [ KEY] 2 EAEY[0EPI]O2, Mt. p. 290, No. 707; Hunter, tab. 52, fig. 6; in the field of the reverse, is AP. in a monogram, and three pellets ; very rare, beautiful work, ,^' ^ and in very good preservation: size 2. wt. SSy^^ grs. 1 /-//J 403 Another; from the same die, obv. and rev.; not quite in such good preservation: size 2. weight 33-^^ grs. 1 (^Continued at page 73.) ~W / ( 61 ) Jf/-^/> SILVER DECADRACHMS OF SYRACUSE, COMMONLY CALLED SYRACUSAN MEDALLIONS. %* Any collection possessing three or four of these magnificent specimens of ancient Greek art, at its best period, is generally esteemed rich. To prevent, therefore, a false notion of the degree of rarity of these coins, which might arise from seeing so many together, we beg to refer the young collector to the remark which follows lot 170, at page 26. 1^^ 404 Syracuse ; (a Medallion,) SYPAKO^IfiN, Mionnet, p. 298, ' ' No. 771 ; the hair in a net, but without the K on the diadem; on the reverse, under the prize armour, is the word AOAA.; compare Torremuzza, tab. 72, fig. 1; a magtii/lcent specimen of this very rare type, and highly preserved: ^y „ ,. size 10. weight 664^^^ grs. 1 405 Another; SYPAKOSlfi. (sic.) with K. on the diadem, and ■■^-'^' KIMflN. on the dolphin under the neck, but not shewing the word A0AA.; Hunter, tab. 52, fig. 9; hut Combe appears not to have perceived the artist's name on the dolphin. The preservation is superior to that of the last, and the character of the head quite different: size 10. wt. 668^ grs. 1 *^'^ *^* A most splendid coin, and very probably a rival production to the preceding. 406 Another ; without K. on the diadem ; of a very beautiful cha- ''^■'' - racter, but quite different from the preceding : 2YPAK02ION. quite on the edge of the coin, but very legible; a very heau- tiful specimen of this rare type; the reverse clean, and sheW' /^ ing all the car and charioteer : size 10. wt. 663 J^ grs. 1 *^* The die broke in striking this coin, and has left a large flaw under the neck, but the effect of it is far from disagreeable. ^ 407 Syracuse ; 2YPAK02I0[N.] same type as 3It. vol. vii. pi. 67, fig. 3, and Torr, Auct. 2, tab. 6, fig. 2, except the scallop shell; a most heautful and elegant expression of face, the reverse clean, and shewing all the type; in admirable preservation, and veyy rare: /./— size \(i. iveight 662-^ grs. 408 Another; ^Y[PAK02mN.], under the head, EYAINE. ; Torr. Auct. 1, tab. 7, fig. 2; very Jine expression of face, different from the last. A spread coin, shelving the whole type on both sides; the reverse very beautiful and clean; the preservation on both sides extremely good: y-T^- size 11. weight 667— gi's. 1 /. /J^ 2/^^' ^//'.^/^ ( 62 ) /X/,-' 409 Another; 2YPAK02lfiN. with the scallop shell behind the neck; Miunnet, pi. G7, fig. 3; the obverse very fine, and /^ heautiJulJtj preserved; the reverse in good condition: size \\, weight QQ7^ grs. 1 „ / 410 Another; [2YPAKO]2lfiN. and under the head [EY]AINE.; a very beautiful coin, in fine condition on both sides, shewing ^ ^ the car, charioteer, and horses, in great perfection: size \Q^. weight 665^ grs. 1 411 Another; [2YPAK]02mN; and with EYAINE. under the head; the Jace on this coin has a most elegant feminine ex- pression, and is in very fine condition, hut the die a little -^^'^ '^ fiaioed on the reverse : size \0^. weight 668 grs. 1 412 Another ; 2YPAK02l[fiN.] from the same die on the obverse; in very excellent condition, and shewing the horses and car very well on the reverse, but only part of the charioteer : ^'/y-rr.. size \Q. weight 665^ g)'s. 5 413 Another: SYPAKOSlfiN, the word EYAINE. under the neck not visible; a fine spread coin, the face having a very beau- tiful expression, and well preserved on both sides, shewing ^ the whole of both the types: sise 10^. weight 666 grs. 1 - •^* The reverse of this coin is from the same die as that of lot 411, but not the obverse. 414 Another; [2YPA]K02inN. and under the head [EYAI]NE.; ' very well preserved on both sides, but a little encrusted tvith black oxide, which may be carefully removed: _^-^ size lOi. tveight 664:—^ grs. 1 *^* This coin is from the same die, on both sides, as the preceding. 415 Another; [^YPAKOJ^IfiN. with a scallop shell behind the . neck ; a very good specimen of this very rare coin, and well'*' ■' ' preserved, but the reverse somewhat blurred : sise 10. weight 667^ grs. 1 ^ 416 Another; [2YAK]02inN., but only shewing two dolphins ; clean and well preserved, and a most agreeable expression of the face; reverse very well preserved, but the head ofthe/j> --. ^^ fourth horse not visible : size9\. weight 661^ grs. 1 f Continued at page 74). FRENCH MEDALS, IN BRONZE, f Continued from p. 47. J ^r. 417 Lewis XIV.; obv. fine laureate Bust, with long flowing hair, '-'''' by Roettier; rev. a Genius standing, by Molart; obv. Bust, //>//' y ( 63 ) JJZ///^ with long hair, but no laurels ; rev. oaken Garland, with twenty- two mural crowns, &c., primordia.victoriarvm. 1688 2 <— - 418 Lewis XIV.; ohv. fine laureate Bust, &c., hy Roettier ; rev. /^ Paris personified, &c., 1687, hy Mauger ; obv. bare Head, , by Delahaye; rev. King receiving mural crowns, victoria. ' GERMANiCA. 1688, by Molart . 2 • •^^ - ^^ 419 Lewis XIV. ; obv. Bust as before, by Roettier ; rev. King creating Knights, TORQVAT. EQViTVM., &c., 1689, by Molart; obv. Bust, by Delahaye; rev. Queen and various females, ccc. PUELLiE., &c., relating to St. Cyr, 1687, by Bernard 2 ■■ ^ ^:^.z^' 420 Lewis XIV.; obv. the Monarch on horseback; engraved and struck at Rome, by the famous J. Hamerani ; rev. Religion and France personified, Qvis. contra, nos. ; a very fine and rare Tnedal . . 1 421 Lewis XIV.; rey. victoria, navalis. mdclxxii. ; rev. MERSA. ET. fvgata. mdcxc. ; rev. France welcoming James II. and his family in 1689, perfvgivm. regibvs.; all three fine and interesting medals . 3 '"^''^''4^2 Lewis XV.; rev. pax. cvm. germanis, by Duvivier. Lewis XVI.; rev. on the Peace of 1783; two varieties; one by Gatteaux, one by Duvivier ; very fine . 3 423 Lewis XV.; rev. the King attended by Victory, &c., in a ■^ ^ quadriga, decus., &c., on the battle of Fontenoy, in 1745. Lewis XVI.; a fine Medallion, by Duvivier; obv. Busts, face to face, of the King and Queen ; rev. a Dolphin, with regal rudder, ships, &c., asserendo., &c., 1781 . 2 ( Continued at page .J / /:< / ROMAN MEDALLIONS & CONTORNIATI, IN BRONZE. ( Continued from page 53. J 424 Comraodus ; obv. Bust, with paludamentum ; 7'ev. Emperor naked, crowned by a victory, p.m. tr. pot cos....; U7i- published ; the rev. is unfortunately damaged: size 12. I -"^y^ 425 Commodus ; obv. Head of the Emperor, as Hercules, with lion's skin ; rev. Bow, Club, and Quiver with arrows, hercvli. ROMANO. AVG. ; Well preserved, and extra rare, being mounted in a very heavy and orname)ited antique bronze circle, pierced obliquely at the top. It formed very likely y^ , part of a Roman military standard , 1 %• See an account and engraving of it ia No. 3 of the Numismatic Journal : Jan. 1837. ( 64 ) //J, 426 Commodus ; ?rr. Minerva victrix, stands near atrophy, miner, y VICT. P.M. TR., &c.; ^"^t?: . size\\\. 1 ' •^•"^' *^* Bought at Edgar's sale, 1815, for only ^ 13. 5s. /./^r~ 427 Septimius Severus ; ohv. Head, to the right ; rev. Severus, Caracalla, and Geta, standing on an estrade, addressing sol-^i^^^^^ diers, fidei. mxlit. p.m. tr. p.m. cos. ii. p.p.; well pre- served^ and rare: . size 12. 1 %• Also from Edgar's, lot 318, at ,^'18. 7s. 6d. ^- ^ 428 Juha Dorana ; rev. the Empress, as Ceres, near an altar, with ears of corn, her left arm resting on the hasta pura, ceres. ; „ '^ z' rare, hut poor: . size 11. 1 ^y/' 429 Caracalla ; rev. Circus, obelisk, cars, &c., p.m. tr. p. xvi., &c.; of two metals; the legend of the obv. ends with brit.; welly^y^^ preserved, and highly interesting : . size 10. 1 ^'^ Z' y „ / 430 Severus Alexander ; rev. Emperor in the curule chair, attended by Victory and a Soldier, p.m. tr. p. viiii. cos. hi. p.p.; well preserved, and probahly unique; see Akermans en- graving from it: . size 10 J. 1 fCon tinued a t page 95. J ' ^^'C^-^ FRENCH PIEDFORTS, MEDALS, & COINS, IN SILVER. ( Continued from page 48.^ //^ 431 Francis I.; ohv. cuirassed Bust, with short beard; rer. two /- Globes on stands, as the rev. of lot 315; fine \6^^ / y/ 432 Francis I. ; ohv. fine togated Bust, &c., with a long beard, as in lot 315; rev. a trophy of Arms and Armour, vici. ab. VNO. caesare. victos. marignan.; this rare medal differs from De Bies plate • . 1 ^ ■ / y,' 433 Henry II.: an extra rare Piedfort of a Testoon ; not in Le Blanc or Conhrouse s excellent works; ohv. a laureate naked Bust, to the right, henricvs. ii. d.g. francor. rex. 1552 • rev. crowned Shield, with arms of France ; exergue, a, (no H's in the field), chrs. vincit., &c.; well preserved, and ■-'.' presumed to he unique . 1 *,* On the edge is engraved, probably by some antiquarian of those days, 1577. souhz. hanry. troisiesme, ay. vallii. trois, livres. ^ ,/. . 434 Henry II.; obv. fine cuirassed and laureate Bust, to the right ; /^ rev. the Monarch, full length, with sword, caduceus and bow, ' HEN. II. et. pace., &c.; a fine medal . i ( 65 ) "--^Z //Z/' / 435 Henry II.; ohv. the reverse of the last medal ; rev. three Fe- males in a quadriga; in the exergue, ex. voto. pvb. 1552 ; legend, ob. res. in. ital., &c.; fine and rare; De Bie, 56— VIII. . . \ ^ ^- •j^* From the Bindley collection, 1819. 436 Diana of Poitiers ; obv. her Bust, to the left, dvx. valenti- ''•'^^* NORVM. CLARissiMA.; rev. two Queens, peacock, lily, &c. ; ORiTVR. ET. LACTE. VIRESCIT.; a fine and rare medal; , 15 lines diameter . . \ // -O 437 Charles IX.; Piedfort of his Catholic Testoon ; ohv. Bust and ^Vi*^ patrem. : , 13 lines diameter. 1 ( 67 ) /^//r -^r 449 Paduans; ohv. Head of Hercules; rev. Lichas presentinsr to Hercules the poisoned tunic from Dejanira. ohv. Caesar Oc- tavius (Farnese), fine bust; rev. Female sleeping, alma. / ROMA. . . 2 450 Catholic Medals for Rosaries ; one octangular, and two oval ; obv. Head of Our Saviour ; rev. Virgin. Another ; same types, but copper ; all of different sizes, and fine . . . 4 ^^ -^^ 451 Catholic Medalets, as above ; all oval shaped, and^we; St. Ig- natius. St. Luke. The Virgin and Angel Gabriel. St. Francis Xavier. St. Rosa of Lima. Loretto. B. Stanislaus, K. 7 ■^ i^^^^^' ^^ ROMAN LARGE BRASS. (Continued from page BO.) 452 Galba, 2; rev. libertas. pvblica.; rev. s.p.q.r., &c., in a wreath ; both have good obverses and tolerable reverses. Vitellius ; rev. in commemoration of the Defeat of Otho, pax. I AYGVSTi.; fairli/ preserved, and rare . 3 _*-«-^^ 453 Galba ; rev. libertas. pvblica. i Vitellius ; rev. Mars, or Romulus, walking ; no legend ; rare; ) both fairly preserved . 2 L^ ^ 454 Galba; rev. as the last. V-^^- "' Vitellius ; rev. a Victory, inscribing ob. gives, serv. on a j shield, placed against a palm-tree, victoria, avgvsti. ;^we I and rare . . .2 ^/^ ^ \*Z^^. 455 Vitellius; rev. as the last. y I Vespasian; rev. libertas. pvblica.; well preserved 2 -/ T^'^ \ ^ 456 Vitellius ; rev. as above. I '''^ y Vespasian, 4 ; rev. Rome victrix, standing ; rev. two Figures, j one seated, and the other standing and tied to a palm-tree, IVDAEA ; rev. Emperor standing, and Judaea captive, I seated, ivdaea. capta.; rare; rev. Victory writing on a i buckler, placed against a palm-tree, and at its foot, a captive / -p ^ I bewailing, victoria, avgvsti. . 5 ,1 >' 457 Vitellius ; rev. the Father of the Emperor, seated on a curule 1 V ' chair upon an estrade, with four figures addressing him, i l. viTEL. censor. II.; extra rare, and tvell preserved 1 '^' *• ) %* Most likely from Neave's collection, 1830. i'^z^ ^58 Vitellius; rew. pax. avgvsti.; rare, fairly preserved 1 y^ ^ 1 ^ i , Mr// ^ /i ,' / // ( 68 ) 459 ^'itellius; rev. Mars armed, with trophy, s.c; very rare, and . in verif good presei'vation. -^ y-i-^z^o*^ Vespasian, 3 ; rev. Victory inscribing on a shield against a palm-tree, at the foot of which a captive is seated, victoria. AVGVSTi.; two varieties ; r^v. Vespasian and Titus standing, CAES. AVG. F. DESIG. IMP. AVG. F. COS. DESIG. ITER. S.C. ; the last medal well preserved, and very scarce . 4 ^ .'/ 460 Vitellius; rev. Peace standing, pax. avgvsti.; rare. Vespasian, 2 ; rev. Emperor, a captive, and palm-tree, \\x>^K. y^/ y CAPTA. ; rev. mars, victor.. Mars passing Titus ; rev. ^^ ^ Emperor in a quadriga, s.c. . 4 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN GOLD. ( Continued from page 32. J 461 Marcus Antonius ; obv. bare Head, m. antonivs. imp. hi. viR. p.p.; rev. bare Head of Octavius, c. caesar. imp. hi. /^ ^r viR. K.p. c. PONT. AVG.; Jine and rare . 1 ~ ^ /^ 462 Marcus Antonius ; obv. Head, m. ant. imp. avg. hi. vir. R.p.c.M. BARBAT. Q.P.; rev. Head of Octavius; caesar. < r^f/^ /> Jf/4/^ ( 72 Aloph; of extreme rarity, if not unique, and probably un' published; very good co7idition, but a little rubbed on the obverse: . size 5. weight 123-^ grs. 1 •,* In order to connect this coin with those inscribed ITaNOPMOZ, compare the Punic letters on it with those ou the coins described by Mionnet, Supp. page 421, No. 433, and Hunter, tab. 41, fig. 2. Compare also the type with that of the preceding lot. GREEK CITIES OF SICILY, IN SILVER. f Continued Jrom page 56 J. y y7 496 Segesta ; SAFESTAK IB., compare Mionnet, Supp. p. 282, No. 639; Torremuzza, pi. 63, fig. 10; very rare, and fair ^'y^,^ condition : size 4^. weight 127^^ grs. Segesta ; compare Torr, tab. 63, fig. 1, but the dog is going io i\\e\Q^i; fair condition: size 5. weight 126^ grs. 2 y ^y 497 Segesta ; obv. no letters ; Female Head to the right, in old style, within a circle, with the hair turned up behind ; rev. no /. ^<- c letters ; Dog standing to the left ; in the field, above, is a grain of barley; rare, but rubbed: size 5. Segesta; obv. SEFESTA..., Female Head to the right, like that of Diana ; rev. EFESTAK IB. Dog to the right, passing three blades of corn; rare, but somewhat rubbed: size 5|. 2 ^ y 498 Selinus; Mionnet, vol. vii. p. 39, fig. 9; Hunter, tab. 48, fig. 22 ; as it camefi'om the die: size 5. wt. 135-^ grs. Selinus ; Mt. p. 285, No. 665, but no letters ; very good con- dition, and rare : size 5. tv eight 116-^ grs. 2 y- X 499 Selinus; like the first in the preceding lot; as it came from ^ the die : . size 5. weight 137-^^ grs. '• ' -^ Selinus ; Mt. p. 287, No. 678 ; Hunter, tab. 48, fig, 25; vei-y good condition, but rough die : sized, tvt. 133^^ grs. 2 /' ,^ 500 Selinus: Mt. p. 286, No. 673; but the figures are in a biga; fne condition : size 7^. tveight 264^ grs. 1 '^ ' '501 Another ; but the inscription on the obverse is 2EAINON- TI02., retrograde; ve7y rare, and in very good condition: size 7^. tveight 263 grs. l'^ ' X y0 502 Another; Mt. p. 287, No. 677; very ?vell preserved; later than the preceding, and very fine work : ^ size 7\. weight 268-j^ grs, 1 (Continued at page 99,J /j - I ^7 ( 73 ) //J GOLD COINS OF SYRACUSE. ( Continued from page m ) . ^ 503 Syracuse ; ohv. 2YPAK05li^N, in front of the same bearded and laurel'd Head of Jupiter Eleutherius, but to the right ; in the field, behind, is a club ; rev. Pegasus to the right, 20. underneath ; beautiful woric, very rare, and in good preser- p vation : . size 2. weight 32^^ grs. 1 •^* This coin may be considered as a rival production to the coins form- ing lots 402 and 403, by an artist whose name began with 2ii. 504 Syracuse ; (Apollo, rev. Lyre) Mionnei, p. 290, No. 705; in very good condition : size 2^. weight 28^^ grs. Syracuse; Mt. p. 289, No. 687; but without 2YPA.; very well preserved : size \^. weight 17^ grs. 2 505 Syracuse ; two coins, same types as in the preceding lot, but that with the Head of Hercules has ]§YPA. on both sides, and is in very fine condition : sizes 2^ and 1^. 2 y 506 Syracuse; {rev. a Bull) Mionnet, p. 291, No. 710; Hunter, tab. 52, fig. 7 ; extremely rare, very fine worJc, and in very fine preservation : size \^. weight 2]^ grs. 1 ^ 507 Syracuse; (rev. a Polypus) Mionnet, p. 292, No. 719 ; Tor- '^^ remuzza, tab. 69, fig. 12; very rare, and extremely well y yy preserved: . size \. weight 10-^ grs. 1 508 Syracuse; (rev. a Tripod) Mt. p. 289, No. 693; but behind '''^ the head is the Cortina ; most eldgant style of work, and in . the most perfect preservation: size S. wt. 53^ gi^s. I 509 Another ; but behind the head is a bucranium ; almost equally ^ beautiful and perfect : size 3. weight 54^ grs. \ / -^ 510 Another; but behind the head is a wreath of two blades of corn, and FT. within the tripod ; equally beautiful and per- / ! feet: . size 3. tveight 54^ grs. 1 ^'^ ''^ 511 Another; but behind the head is a dolphin ; equally beaut ful and perfect : . size 3. weight 56^^ grs. 1 J^ -^ 512 Another ; but behind the head is a lyre ; good condition : I ^-^ size 3. 1 Syracuse ; Mt. p. 289, No. 687 ; fine work, and beautiful con- j dition : . size 2. weight 1 7^ grs. 2 -^ ^ ^^ 513 Syracuse ; two coins, of similar types to those in the preceding 1 lot ; behind the head of Apollo is a dicta ; on the coin with I the head of Hercules, is 2YPA. on both sides ; fine work, [ and beautiful condition: size 1^. tveight 17 -^^ grs, 2 / f. '/t? ^//p ( 74 ) SYRACUSAN MEDALLIONS IN SILVER. ( Continued from page 62 J. ,, ^ 514 Syracuse ; (a Medallion) SYPAKO^Ki. (sic.) Mionnet, page '^Z 298, No. 771 ; with the hair in a net, K, on the diadem, and y/l. KIMQN. on the dolphin under the neck ; see Hunter, tab. 52, fig. 9 ; but Combe appears not to have perceived the artist's name on the dolphin ; a very clean and well preserved specimen of this most rare type. The two dolphins in front of the head, on the obverse, and on the reverse, the charioteer, are only partially visible : size 9J. weight 669^ grs. 1 *^* This coin, obverse and reverse, is from the same die as lot 405, but not so much spread. J^//^' 515 Another; SYPAKOSION. without K. on the diadem, but with KIMfiN. on the dolphin under the neck; the expression of "/ie-c- the face quite different from the preceding ; a very beautiful specimen of this rare coin, but the die of the reverse is blurred in the field: size 91. weight 665^ grs. 1 •p^ 516 Syracuse ; 2YPAK02lfiN, the same type as 3Iionnet, vol. vii. / pi. 67, fig. 3 ; but with a star behind the head, and a pel- ' let in front ; very well preserved on both sides, and shows the whole of the types; a very fine specimen: size 10. weight 666-j^ grs. 1 9^/ ^ 517 Another; [2YPAKO]2inN, from the same die, oiu. and rev., as the preceding, but not quite so fine a coin, or so much ^ spread: . size 9^, weight 667 ^^ grs. 1 ' ^ 518 Another; [2YP]AK02IfiN, with the scallop shell behind the ^ neck ; beautiful expression of face, and fair condition ; but ^^ the tivo dolphins in front of the head, and in part the chario^-^'^- teer and the armour are not visible; also the reverse rather blurred: . size 9. weight 667 grs. I ^^)^ 519 Another; [SYPAKO^KiN], with A in front of the neck, an ^^. EYAINE. visible under it ; the obverse in good condition, ■ ■' '^ '-j, except a slight blow on the cheek ; and the reverse extremely '^ good, particular'ly the horses: size 10. wt. 663-^ grs. 1 O 520 Another ; [SYPAK02K2N], from the same die on both sides, ^^ the obverse better than the preceding specimen, but the reverse ' not quite so good: size 10. tveight 667 grs. 1 ///J~^ 521 Another; but mjjMom^ the legend, 2YPAK02ION, and with a scallop shell behind the head ; a different expression of face -— ^ I ( 75 ) JJf^ from any of the preceding ; very well preserved on the ob- verse, and the reverse in fair condition: sine 9^. weight 668-^q- grs. 1 *»* As the legend constantly occurs on these coins, this specimen, of which the die appears never to have had a legend, oifers a very uncommon variation in the type. y 522 Another; 2YPAK0:SlfiN, with a scallop shell behind the /^y head ; a slight double striking on the chin, but a fine spread coin; the obverse in very good condition, the reverse unfor- ^ /// tunately blurred: size lOg. iveight 66S^ grs. 1 ?^V^'523 Another; [SYPAKO^IfiN], a pellet in front of the neck; in fair condition, obverse and 7'everse, but somewuat scratched and ill used: size 9^. weight 654^ grs. 1 v 524 Another; 2YPAKO[5ION], a spread coin, well preserved, and the expression of face very beautiful, but the obverse has a thin coating of black oxide, and the die partially blurred; it may be much improved by Judicious cleaning. The reverse very fair, showing the car, the charioteer, and the cuirass, greaves, and helmet, extremely well : size 10^. weight 660^ grs. 1 y^^ *,* This most important suite of beautiful and rare coins, has been thus minutely and accurately described for the sake of distant collectors, who may not be enabled to have the satisfaction of a personal in- spection. {The TetradrachmcB of Syracuse, in Silver, begin at page 83.) ^A^<^ o* ITALIAN ^S GRAVE. {Continued from page 2'^.) 525 Etruscan As, of Crotona; Musceum Coltellini,^c.; oJw. Wheel with six spokes, and V incuse ; rev, same wheel only ; rare ; Marchi-Tessieri, plate 3 — 1 : . size 18. 1 ^ / *^* The twelve dots outside the wheel indicate the 12 oz., or As. 526 Etrurian Uncia ; a four-spoked wheel, on both sides ; M.-T., pi. 3 — 6 : . . size 7. Another; unpublished? obv. Star with six rays, and dot; rev. a Bipennis, dot, and crescent, or Etruscan letter ? very rare ; struck, not cast: . size 6. Tetrobolus ; obv. Head of Apollo, to the left ; rev. Diota, with flower? and hat.; Hadria now Atri, in retrograde charac- ters; rare, but poor ; M.-T. pi. 2 — 3, of class Ax / y size 17. 3 ( 'G ) b'll As, of Iladria; ohv. an aged, full-faced, diadomcd Head ; the Etruscan /_ in the field; rev. Dog, or fox, lying down, hat. -^ in exergue; a variety, and extra rare ; ^larchi-Tessieri,^ ''^' c/aw 4, plate 3 — 1: . size \Q\. 1 y ^ 528 Triens, of uncertain attribution ; ohv. Crescent with a star, and the four dots as usually on the triens ; rev. an eight- spoked Wheel, ornamented ; pafmated, Jine, and very rare ; < tab. 3, Incert., No. 4 : . size 13. 1 // //~ ■^SQ Tripondius, of Latium ; ohv. Head of Rome, full faced and helmeted ; rev. Bull walking, to the right ; above, the Archaic Z. in exergue, roma.; very scarce, and fine, consider- ing its antiquity ; 3I.-T., Incert.y^\.\'. — 15: Jicl I size 19. 1 530 As, of Volterra ; ohv. youthful, beardless, double-headed Bust, covered with the Etruscan pileus ; rev. a Dolphin to the left, I, and Velitri, or Volterra, in early Etrurian letters, retro- grade ; well preserved, and unpublished, being a variety o/* " ' Incert., pi. 5 — 17, in Marchi-Tcssieri's excellent work : size 16. 1 531 Semis, of Lipari, near Sicily; ohv. Head of their favourite deity, Vulcan ; rer. Prow, AIHAPAION.: size W. /J^ Triens, of uncertain attribution ; ohv. female Head helmeted, to the right; rev. Owl, full faced; well preserved, and both rare . . . 2 : FRENCH PIEDFORTS, MEDALS, & COINS, IN SILVER. ( Continued from page 65. J 532 Charles IX.; o&i'. fine juvenile Bust ; rei'. a Victory, sva. cir- cviT. ORBE. FAMA. 1568 ; a well preserved medal: Q' ^^' 10 lines diameter. Another ; MedalHon ; ohv. a fine Bust, he. ; rew. France car- rying two pillars, major, erit. hercvle.; rare: 14 lines. 2 *^* This last is from the Bindley collection. 533 Henry III.; ohv. his Bust; rev. Bust of his Queen, Ludovica ^ ^ of horraine; a fine and rare medal: 13 lines. 1 534 Henry III. ; Piedfort of his Testoon, (Le Blanc, 270,) with date 1577 ; on edge, paci. qvieti. ac. faelicitati. pvb- i.iCA'E..; fine, and very rare. Piedfort ; as the last, but of his Demi Testoon ; equally fine and scarce . , 2 '/ ( 77 ) 2//^ 535 Henry III. ; on the institution of the Order of the Knights of i*^ I _ _ ooo nenry iii. ; oii iuh iiisuiuiion oi ine wraer oi me ivnignis or A'-*^^'^-' the Holy Ghost, in 1579; o5w. henry, iii. de. ce. nom., &c.; rev. the King creating a Chevalier of the Order, in ! XEVERE., &c. I On his alliance with Switzerland ; ohv. Bust ; rev. faedere. cvM. helvetiis., &c., mdlxxxii.; both rather fine 2 536 Henry HI.; Alliance with Switzerland, as the last. Another; ohv. Bust, &c., 1579 ; rev. the Monarch on horse- back, IMAGO. TALIS. ALEXADRi. (sic) ; fine, and very rare . . 2 537 Henry IV.; ohv. Bust, &c , of the great, wise, and bon. roi., and that of his wife Mary de Medicis, side by side ; rev. pro- PAGO. IMPERI. 1603 ; King and Queen standing, joining hands, &c.; see De Bie, Medailles de France, 95 — lxxviii.: 17 lines. 1 *^* This singular and fine Medallion (lot 1828 of Trattle's sale) is by Dupre, and is inserted in a chased silver rim-^B lines; thus, 25 lines altoge- ther: and inscribed, roi qvi ne sjait ni faindre ni cuaindre tov- lOVRS AVGVSTE, REDOVTE, AYME: PROTECTEVR DE LA TRANQVILITE PVBLIQVE, LE RESTAVRATEVR DE l'eSTAT, l'oRNEMENT DE L'tGI.ISE, l'aUBITRE DE LA CHRESTIENTE, LES DELICES DV MONDE; SUppOScd / :^^ V. 538 Henry IV.; Medal, as the last, but without any rim. Another; ohv. Bust, in the Elizabethan style of the Queen as Regent ; rev. Arms of the Medici family quartered with those [ of France, sexvs. et. gloria, regni. 1615 ; a silver gilt medal, scarce . . 2 539 Henry IV. and Mary of Medici ; ohv. their Busts, side by side, and titles ; the bust of the King nearly full faced ; in exergue, G, Dupre, f. 1605 ; rev. the King as Mars, the Queen as Minerva, joining hands ; between them, Cupid with a casque, his right foot on a dolphin ; behind which, are bucklers and a lance ; above, an eagle with the crown in its beak; propago. imperi.; rather similar to De Bie. There is a painting in the Louvre, hy Rubens, very similar to this reverse // //. ^ / ^ \/'^ ^* This most interesting and chased Medallion (in Bronze, not Silver), on the Marriage of the King and Queen, is seven inches in diameter, and in a silver rim. It passed from the collection of Mr. Bindley to that of Mr. Tyssen, and then to Rlr. Trattle. The work of this medal- lion is exquisitely good, and highly preserved ; it is probably unique. ~^P/ / / c .- // V7 ' '' ' 540 Henry IV. and Mary of Medici. A most highly finished oval / ./ chasing, in silver, hy Simon Passe; obv. Busts of the K'wg-y^^^^^i and Queen, with titles, and Simon Passeem, fecit.; rev. Arms of France, &c.; very rare: . 17^ lines. 1 641 Henry IV.; ohv. his Bust and titles ; rev. a Peasant ploughing, ^ -2^ and the Sun dispersing clouds, discvtit. vt. coelo., &c. ; ^ ohv. JNIary de Medici's Bust, as Regent ; rev, the Queen with a peacock, on a rainbow, emblematic of peace and happiness ; DAT. PACATVM., &c., 1613; hoth well preserved and rare medals ; De Bie, plate 105 — xxi. . 2 542 Henry IV.; ohv. Bust, &c., 1594 ; rev. thi-ee Swords, crowned, jvs. DEBIT. ET. DABiT. VTi.; 13 lines; ohv. Mary de Me- dicis, as Queen, with highly ornamented ruif, &c. ; 1614, Dupre ; the legend reads backwards ; rev. Gods and God- desses standing, and a biga with lions in the clouds, laeta. - DEVM. partv. ; on the Birth of her Son, afterwards Lewis XIII.; a rare medallion : both fine: 14^ lines diameter. 1 543 Henry IV.; obv. a very fine Bust, &c., 1604 ; rev. the King and Queen seated, joining hands over an altar, maiestas. maior. ab. igne.; 15 lines.; ohv. fine Bust; rev. a Female sacrificing, pace, terra, mariqve. parta. opti. prin. 1598; the last medal gilt ; hoth are rare . 2 - ~ ^ ^ ■ 544 Henry IV.; Four Piedforts ; Franc, called a Dollar in the pre- ' "^ sent day; Quart d'Escu, with probati. nvmismatis. ex- emplvm. on the edge ; Teston, with head ; Demi-Teston, with head ; all four dated 1607. The first and two last have on the edge, perennitati., &c.; these were not known hy Le Blanc, page 294, and are even still more rare than the J^ '' preceding ; all four are very ivell preserved . 4 y ^ 545 Henry IV.; Piedfort of the Testoon, as in the last lot; very nearly as fine . . 1 /^ 546 Lewis XIII.; on his Coronation in 1610; rev, view of the City of Rheims ; hand in clouds, with phial containing the sacred ointment, &c. ; silver gilt. Another ; nearly similar ; not gilt. Another ; obv. Busts of Lewis XIII. and of his mother, Maria de Medicis ; hy Dupre, 1611 ; rev. the same, as the Sun and /^ ^ Minerva, oriens. avgvsti., &c.; fine and rare ; De Bie, France Metallique, plate 105 — x. — ix. . 3 f Continued at page 108 J. VYf { 79 ) M/^ / //2 //Jl //J' FRENCH PIEDFORTS, MEDALS, & COINS, IN GOLD. ( Continued from page 66^/. 347 Henry II.; Escu d'Or; larger, hut lighter than the one in lot 443; same types and legends ; well preserved . 1 348 Henry II. ; Bust as before, but not laureate ; rev. four H's, placed crosswise, crowned, and quartered by crescents and fleur-de-lis, dvm. totvm., &c., 1550 ; fairly preserved, and scarce " . . .1 349 Henry II.; obv. fine Bust, to the right, pan. d. sylvarvm.; rev. semi-naked Bust, in alto-relievo, of the beautiful Diana, Duchess of Poitiers, diana.; beautifully chased; of very great rarity : diameter 4 lines, weight 80 grs. 1 *^* From the Tiattle collection. 550 John III., Duke of Brabant ; the Mutones Flandenses, or Double Mouton ; see Ducange ; obv. and rev. have nearly the same types and legends as the piece Aignel, or Mouton ; reads lOH. Dvx.; ^we anc? rare : . size \\. 1 ^ *^* See Alex. Hermand's attribution d'un mouton d'or, &c. ; also Duby, LII. 2. 351 Philip le Bon; Noble; (Duke of Burgundy, and Count of Flanders); see Duby and Snelling, plate 7 — 3; very fine and rare, as being the oldest foreign Noble struck in imitation ^ ^ .'^ of ours . . .1 552 Lewis XIII. ; Ten Louis Piece ; by Varin ,* obv. beautiful Bust, with drapery, lvdovicvs. xiii., &c., 1640; rev. eight L's, crowned, A in centre, christvs. regnat., &c.; plain edge; very fne and rare : 13 lines, weight 2 ozs. 1 553 Lewis XIII. ; Eight Louis Piece; types and legends as the pre- ceding ; equally fine and rare; fluted edge 1 f /^ 554 Lewis XIII.; Four Louis Piece ; types, &c., as before; equally fine and rare; fluted edge . 1 /ir ■ 555 Lewis XIII.; Double Louis d'Or; all as preceding 1 p^ /^ /y 556 Lewis XIII.; Louis d'Or; date 1641; types and legends as above ; equally fine and rare; plain edge . 1 / -^ 557 Lewis XIV.; Piedfort; obv. youthful Head; titles, and 1644; rev. L's, crowned, &c.; pondere. sanctvarii. on the edge ; ivell preserved, extra rare, and thick : y. 8 lines, weight nearly 2 ozs. 1 .^ //^r \fy// ( 80 ) ^ i58 Lewis XIV.; Picdfort; half of the last ; obverse, reverse, and ' edge similar to the preceding ; «;e)"^y??»eanc?»'a>-e.- 1 lines. 1 <^ < -'^ ' ,, 559 Lewis XIV.; Piedfort; quarter of the last but one; similar, with exception of the edge, exemplvm. probati. nvmisma- Tis.; very fine and rare: . 5 lines. 1 - ^'^y,'" 560 Lewis XIV.; Piedfort; o&w. Arms of France; rev. a, orna- mented Greek cross, fleur-de-lis, christvs, regnat., &c., 1644; on the edge, pondere. sanctvarii.; very fine and rare: . 4 lines, weight \ oz. 1 , ' ' f./. 561 Lewis XV.; Grand Ecu d'Or ; o6y. Head and titles ; re^?. Arms, SIT. nomen., &c., 1740; plain edge; in the highest state of preservation, and extra rare : 13 lines, weight \ oz. 12 dwts. 1 _ 562 Lewis XV. ; Grand Ecu d'Or ; exactly as the above, only a little lighter in weight ; equally fine . 1 ^ 563 Lewis XV. ; Double Louis d'Or ; a proof; extra fine and rare ; a wreath round the edge . 1 564 Lewis XVI.; Ecu d"Or de Calonne; ohv. fine Bust, to the left ; by Droz ; rev. two L's, interlaced, 1786, sit. nomen., &c. ; .. '" on edge, domine. salvvm. fac. regem.; extra fine, and of very great rarity ; see Conbrouse, Monnaies Nationales de France . . .1 y' /^ 565 Napoleon Buonaparte ; Medal on his Coronation, the 2d of December, 1804 ; obv. his Head ; rev. le Senat et le Peu-c- . ^ <- • pie ; of the large size, and extremely fine and rare ; see Millingens Medallic History, pi. xxxn. — 83 : weight 1 oz. 15 dwts. 1 o- ^.y— 566 Napoleon Buonaparte ; Medal ; Head of the Emperor, with the iron crowii, and of Maria Louisa, diademed, side by side ; ^^ * rev. Cupid driving away Mars, saevvm. procvl., &c., 1810; by Manfredini, of Milan ; on their Nuptials ; very fine and scarce in this metal ; 3Ied. Hist. pi. xlvi. — 258 : X weight 2 ozs. 2 dtvts. 1 // 7. /^ 567 Napoleon Buonaparte ; Medal; rey. Grand Sanhedrin : fine , and rare; Med. Hist, xxxvi. — 125 . 1 ^-^^ '//^ 568 Napoleon Buonaparte; Five Franc Piece; struck in gold; ■^ date 1807 ; m.m. Cock and a ; Med. Hist., LV 326, and ^ Conbrouse, Monn. Nation., pi. 1 ; fine and scarce I '''^ /yC?. 569 Twenty Franc Piece, 2; italie. delivree. a. marengo. AN. 9 ; the other, an. 10 ; by Lavy, of Turin. These are"^^^,^ the very first twenty franc pieces made ; both fine 2 //r ( 81 ) ^^^'' ^"^ 570 Napoleon Buonaparte, &c. ; Twenty Franc Piece ; by Tiolier ; PREMIER. CONSVL. AN. 12. Another of Joachim Napoleon ; 1813. 20 ltre. dve. sicilie. Another of Joseph Napoleon; 1813. 80 r. ybr Spain; all fine. t^ 'iZ. Two Ten Franc Pieces of Jerome Napoleon; 1813; one fine 5 571 Hortensia; Gold Medalet on the Queen's visit to the Mint. One of Pauline Borghese ; rev. the Three Graces ; in the highest state of preservation . 2 .' ' y~ 572 Eliza; rev. via. da. lvcca. a. pisa. One of Maria Louisa, on her visiting the Mint, 1813. One of Queen Caroline of Naples ; rev. Bull, with human face, as on the Greek coins ; all fine . 3 573 Pauline Borghese ; rev. the Graces, as above. Caroline ; rev. Bull, as before ; fine . 2 J //^ *^* There are two varieties of tliis type of the Bull with human head, &c,, (whence the mistake in a recent number of the Berlin Numismatic Review) ; one, an extremely rare and beautiful piece, was intended by the artist, Brenet, to show how well he could imitate fine Greek Medals : see Edmonds, 1834 ; lot 24. 574 Denon ; ohv. Bust, to the left ; rev. two colossal Egyptian Deities seated, elles. parleront., &c.; a remarhahly fine specimen of modern French ai't. One of Napoleon's Son, as King of Rome. Another, the Empress Josephine ; rey. the same, distributing J^ 7 gifts ; a Greek inscription ; all three very fine . 3 575 Denon ; as the last. Lewis Napoleon, King of Holland's Gold Ducat; 1809; very rarely to he met with so fine ; 3Ied. Hist., i,\ii. — 356 2 /^ 576 Eugene Beauharnais ; Medalet, with his portrait ; from the set of miniature medals (gems of most beautiful execution) of the family of this Prince, made for him as presents to his friends; very fine, and scarce in gold . 1 — '■- 577 Joachim Napoleon, (Murat) as King of Naples and Sicily; obv. Bust; rev. Minerva, sic. artibvs., &c.; a very fine and rare Neapolitan Prize Medal ; Med. Hist. pi. LX. — 369 ; 13 lines, weight 2 oz. 10 dwts. \ / "^ ;.i 578 Joachim Napoleon; Forty Franc Piece, for Naples, 1813. A Forty Franc Piece, regno, d'italia., 1814 ; struck at Milan for the Emperor ; both fine . 2 4^^^^ ^/ .■)79 Joseph Napoleon, as King of Spain, &c.; 1810; vew arms, &c. ; his Quadruple, or Piece of 320 Rs. ; fine 1 ' o80 Escu d'or ; ohx\ a Shield, with arms of France and Nether- lands, supported by two lions, around it, the Order of the Golden Fleece, diligite., &c.; rev. highly ornamented Cross, with the lion in the centre, diligite. jvsticia, &c.; very fine, and very rare; probably a blundered Noble I 581 Beam; Escu d'or of the Viscount Francis; obv. his titles, and two cows (his arms) in a shield, a sword ou each side ; rev. ornamented Cross, &c. ; rare, and well preserved, though not very legible ; as in Duhy, pi. cvii. — 10 — II 1 jy>' ROMAN MEDALLIONS, IN SILVER. ( Continued from page 29). y . f ' 582 Hadrianus ; rev. Octostyle Temple; on its frieze, ROM. s.p. AVG.; in the field, com. bit.; fine, and highly interesting 1 ' " "*' ^~ 583 Hadrianus ; rev. Temple, with only four columns ; legend as the last ; in front, Rome is crowning Hadrian ; probably un- < published; well jireserved . 1 1- 584 Caracalla ; obv. laureated youthful Bust, to the left, imp. c. m. ANTONiNvs. AVG.; vev. three Ensigns, cos. ii.; fine, and , ', ^^. unpublished . . I y 585 Trebonianus Gallus ; rev. moneta. avgg.; the Three God- ^ ^ desses, with scales and cornucopiae ; fairly preserved, and ^ very rare : . . size 9. 1 ^^ -'^-"^ . 586 Constans, 2; rev. gavdivm. popvli. romani., and a gar- / ^^''' land, within which, sic. v. sic. x.; in exergue, sis.; rare; size 9; rev, gavdivm. romanorvm.; two Captives at the foot of a labarum, inscribed, vox. x. mvlt. xx.; size 7 ; both fine, particularly the first . 2 (Continued at page 91.) ^1 ( 83 ) SIXTH DAY'S SALE. CITIES AND ISLANDS OF SICILY, IN COPPER. LOT 587 Agrigentum, 4. Mtna, 2. Calacte, Mlonnet, p. 221, No. 104, rare, 1. Catana, 6. Centuripae, 7, different types and varie- ties. Gelas, 6, different types and varieties, some rare, and y <,/ well preserved. . . 26 588 Gelas ; TEAmftN. (only the ends of the letters visible) Mt. p. 238, No. 249; ohv. Head of Ceres, nearly full faced, crowned with wheat, two ears of which are visible in front above the head ; rev. a bearded male Head, (of a river ?) to the left, with flowing hair, bound with a wreath of wheat, the ear of which projects in front ; the whole within a dotted ^ , circle : . . size 21. \ ' /^ * ^ This most elegant coin is a perfect gem, as to workmanship and preser- vation. It is of pure yellow brass, (orichalcum) and has a most agree- able tone, without any patina. 589 Himera ; (semis) /?n^, 1. Lilybseum, 1. Menaenum, 1. Mes- sana, I. Mamertini, 3, one Mt. page 405, No, 302; rare and fine. Panormus, (Carthage) 2. Syracuse, 1 ; e.«#reTOe/y rare type, formerly given to Atabyrium; see Hunter, tab. 8, fig. 2. Caene Insula, 1. Gaulos Insula, 1. 12 590 Syracuse; seventeen, different types and varieties; some tv ell preserved, and very rare. . 17 ^^^ 591 Syracuse; a lot nearly similar, consisting of fifteen types and varieties, well preserved, and some very rare. / -4 KINGS AND TYRANTS OF SYRACUSE, &c. IN COPPER. Hiero, ^, fine. Agathoeles, 1, very fine. Phintias, \, fine : five coins. . . 20 (Greek Cities in Copper, continued at page 97. J Greek Cities in Silver, continued from page 75.) TETRADRACHMS OF SYRACUSE, IN SILVER. 592 Syracuse ; Mionnet, p. 297, No. 762, pi. 67, fig. 4 ; and Tor- remuzza, Auct. 2, tab. 6, fig. 3 ; APE©02A. full face, with M y y^ -pp J/^ KDIQN. on the diadom in front, &c.; a beautiful spread coin, somewhat rubbed, but in very fine condition, of the viost ele- gant and adniirable workmanship, and one of the rarest coins in the Sicilian series : size 8^. tveight 263 grs. 1 "»• This appears to be the identical coin engraved by Torremuzza, as above quoted. 7, 593 Syracuse; 3/t. p. 297, No. 765; Torr. tab. 74, fig. 8; but •^ with an ear of wheat in the exergue instead of a dolphin : , ^ / / size 7^. weight 241-— grs. 1 •^* This most beautiful and interesting type is more rare than the prece- ding, but has the disadvantage of a partial coating of black oxide, and Las suflfered from having been in circulation, and from not having been well struck, yet its condition is very passable, especially considering that its scarcity is such as to preclude the bope of ever seeing a better. y^ ,- 594 Syracuse; 3It. p. 47, fig. 1 ; Hunter, tab. 52, fig. 1 1 ; 5YPA- 9O2ION, with the quadratum incusum ; in very perfect con- ,. ^ , ^~z^ dition, curiot(s old work, and of extreme rarity : size 7. weight 269^ grs. 1 *4* Mionnet does not seem to Lave been aware of the high degree of rarity to which this coin is entitled. ^^ / 595 Syracuse; Ton*. Auct. 2, tab. 7, fig. 3; same type as the old y ^ / Medallion of Syracuse engraved in Hunter, tab. 52. fig. 10; very rare, and in fine condition, except a little black oxide on the obverse: size 7^. u- eight 265 grs. 1 596 Syracuse ; obv. 2YPAK02lfiN. the type somewhat resembling Duraersan, pi. 1, fig. 21 ; rev. see Torremuzza, Auct. 2, ^ ^ ' tab. 6, fig. 6; a wheel and some broken harness are among the feet of the horses ; very beautiful work, good condition, and appears to he an jinpublished and very rare type : size 6^. tveight 266^ grs. 1 597 Syracuse; Torr. Auct. 2, tab. 7, fig. 2; old work, in very fine condition, and very rare type : x^vi ^, ^ size 71. weight 262^ grs. 1 '^'^ 598 Syracuse ; Torr. tab. 74, fig. 4; vei^ fine work, in extremely fine condition, and rare : sized, weight 197-^ grs. 1 - ^/ 599 Syracuse; Torr. ^mc^ 1, tab. 7, fig. 3; fi7ie work, very fine - ^ condition, and very rare type : size 6^. wt. 267 grs. l"-^'' ^//7 , 600 Syracuse; Hunter, tab. 52, fig. 15; very fine work, in very beautiful condition : size 6^. tveight 266^ grs. 1 ' y- ( 85 ) //JJ /./■ 2 /f~ 601 Syracuse; Torr. Auvt. 2, tab. 6, fig. 6; on the obverse is the head of an old faun under the neck ; beautiful work, Jine con- / dition, and most rare type : size 7. weight 264^ grs. 1 *j^* This appears to be the identical coin engraved by Torremuzza. The reverse is from the same die as lot 596, but the obverse is quite diffe- rent. This coin shews the broken vrheel among the feet of the horses, but not the broken harness, as seen in lot 596, because it is off the coin. On this coin, however, all the charioteer is visible. The type of this reverse cannot be all seen and appreciated without both coins. ^^ 602 Syracuse; 2YRA?02I0N. compare Mionnet, pi. 61, fig. 7; but the hair is turned up on this rare coin ; beautiful cotidition, and Jine old work : size 6^. tveight '^.QQ-^ grs. \ tl /I ^^ 603 Syracuse; Hunter, pi. 53, 'ng.b\,fine work, very good con- dition, and very rare type : size 7. tveight 264 grs. 1 604 Syracuse; nearly like Hunter, tab. 53, fig. \'^;Jine condition, -^ and fine old tvork: size 6. weight 265^ grs. 1 605 Syracuse ; Mionnet, pi. 67, fig. 5 ; Torremuzza, tab. 73, fig. 16 ; ^^^ NIK. in raonogram under the neck ; in most perfect preser- vation, and ofthesam.e beautiful style of work as the Medal- lions of Syracuse: size 7. weight '264^ grs. 1 ■-^ 606 Another ; the obverse from the same die as the preceding, but not the reverse ; equally beautiful, and well preserved : size 7. weight 265y^j grs. 1 / ^ 607 Syracuse ; obv. compare Hunter, pi. 53, fig. 3: rev. a Quad- riga to the left, and ear of wheat in exergue ; very fine work, V and condition; rar'e type, but the reverse a little injured by oxide and, double striking : size 6^. weight 267 ^^ grs. 1 -^ -^ 608 Syracuse ; like Hunter, pi. 53, fig. 14, except in the disposi- i tion of the letters; very clean and well preserved, and fine \ old work : . size 6^. weight 270^ grs. 1 "^ *^ I ♦^s jjjg vi-eight of this coin is remarkable. It is the heaviest of all the Tetradrachmsof Syracuse in this collection, and gives above 67 i grains to the Attic drachm. In the Hunter Collection onlv one Tetradrachm surpasses this in weight, >Jo. 41, at p. '2.9'2, weighs 271^ grains. It is to be noted, that the Siculo-Atlic drachm is often heavier than the real Athenian draclim, as indicated by the coins. ^ 609 Syracuse ; Hunter, tab. 53, fig. 3 ; EYAINETO. in a tablet over the horses ; extremely rare, very fine condition, and beautiful work : size 6^. weight 264 grs. 1 '"'' ' *^* This is no doubt the same artist whose name appears on some of the Svrvicusan Medallion.?. /44 ^^^ ( ^ii ) 610 Syracuse ; Torremuzza, tab. 73, fig-. 15; NI. under the neck ; ^^ ^^ in perfect condition, most beautiful work, and rare : size 6^. weight 265 gi's. 1 6 1 1 Another ; with a crack, on the edge of the coin; from the same die, obverse and reverse, in the same perfection, and of the ^ \. weight 262^ grs. 1 61-2 Syracuse; compare with 7o)t. tab. 72, iig. 7 ; but there is no . diadem in front, and EYjVIHNOY. is under the neck ; on the/^-^-*^''' reverse, under the horses, is a stork, and in the exergue, a dolphin following another fish ; extremely rare type and fine work; the obverse in fine condition, but the reverse someivhat rubbed: . size 7. tveight 259^ grs. 1 613 Syracuse; Hunter, tab. 52, fig. 16; but IIAPME. not visible ^^j£^^^^ under the neck ; beautiful tcork, very rare type, and infne condition : size 6^. weight 267^^ grs. 1 614 Syracuse; Torremuzza, tab. 77, fig. 8;^«e old work, good ' y condition, and rare type: size Q^. weight 263^^ grs. 1' 615 Syracuse; Torr. tab, 76, fig. 11; fne old work, well pre- ; served, and rare type: size 6. tveight 269^^ grs. \ X'^yi'-zf^ 616 Syracuse ; Torr. tab. 73, fig. 15; but with I, under the neck ; beautiful work, and in fine condition : size 6h. weight 264^ grs. 1 f Tetradrachms of Syracuse, continued at page 98.^ VARIOUS SIZES OF SYRACUSE, IN SILVER. y /Z- ^^"^ Syracuse ; (rev. Diana) see Mionnet, pi. 67, fig. 6; but there ^-^ is no monogram behind the head, and on the reverse is HA., ^' instead of 2fi.; in most perfect preservation, and extremely rare: . size 6^. tveight 155^ grs. 1 y yy 618 .'\nother; but with the griffin on the helmet, and A. on the edge of the helmet, behind the neck ; on the reverse, the Utters j^ instead of EA.; in most perfect condition: / ; size 6. tveight 1 58^ grs. 1 yyi^ 619 Syracuse; (rev. Thunderbolt); Torremuzza, tab. 71, fig. 3; and A. on the edge of the helmet ; in most perfect condition, "'^ and very rare : size 5^. weight 105^ grs. l.i^'.i-^- /^' 620 Another ; but without grifiin on the helmet, with AF. in mono- ^ <;rani behind the neck, and SC under the thunderbolt; in mo!>( />r)J'ecf preservation : size 5. tveight 105^^-^ grs. 1 ' " '^'" ( 87 ) //y' /// ^&«^ 621 Syracuse; Mionnet, Supp. p. 435, No. 522; Torremuzza, tab. 70, fig. 6; in the field is an uncertain monogram, which appears to be AZ.; the female holds in her right hand a scroll, or book partially unrolled, and in her left a laurel bi*anch, and the knotted taenia of Apollo ; this very interest- ,/ ing and remarkable coin is among the most rare of all the Syracusan types, and is in perfect preservation : size 3. weight 33 Jg- grs. 1 *^* See also concerning tbis curious coin Neumann Num. Vet. inediti, vol. I., p. 50. 622 Syracuse; (Pegasus type) Torr. tab. 71, fig. 12: very fine: size 5. weight \2% grs. /J^ Another ; Torr. tab. 71, fig. 16 ; fair condition : size 5. weight IS2^ grs. Another; Torr. tab. 71, fig. 15; without legend, and with the triquetra under the pegasus; I'ery rare, and in perfect con- dition : . size 4^. weight 100.^^ grs. 3 *^* This coin is very remarkable for its weight. The other two are evidently didrachms of the Attic Talent. 623 Another; (Attic Didrachm) Torr. tab. 71, fig. 10; in the fnest preservation : size 5. weight I33r^ grs. Another ; from the same die ; equally perfect : size 5. weight 133^0 grs. Syracuse ; Mionnet, pi. 61, fig. 8; five distinct varieties of this type, all in very fine condition, . 7 624 Syracuse ; eight various types ; Hunter, tab. 53, fig. 20 ; Torr. tab. 78, fig. 14; Hunter, tab. 53, fig. 18, and tab. 54, fig. 1; Torr. tab. 79, fig. 18; tab. 70, fig. 16; tab. 79, fig. 12; and tab. 70, fig. 17; but in this specimen, SYPAKOBON. is on the left, and the two dolphins on the right of the field ; and on the reverse, the horse is galloping to the right, with N. under it, and the ear of wheat turned to the right ; all either in perfect, very good, or very passable condition, some very rare, and interesting to the studious Collector: 8 / '^ KINGS OF SYRACUSE, IN SILVER. !C^^625 Gelo; 2YPAK02IOI. TEAfiNOS.; Mionnet, pi. 68, fig. I ; ^ " but no club behind the head ; fine work, rare, and in very fine condition : size S. tveight \0S^^ grs. 1 2/^ / ^ //'4^2/ ( 88 ) ••. , ♦ 626 Another; with E. under the horses; very good condition, and fine worJc : . size b. tveight 105-^^ grs. Ic'-'r-t-*- " — 627 Another; with BA. KI. in the field; very good condition, and Jine work : size A^. weight 103^ grs. 1 /■-''' A^ r /^y 628 Another : but with the biga going slowly, to the left, and the Victory standing upright ; not leaning forward as usual, with rapid motion, and going to the right ; in very Jine condition, Jine icork, and this type probably unique: size 5. tveight 110 grs. 1 / // 629 Gelo ; Jit. p. 329, No. 6; but with MI. BA. in the field ; ex- tremely rare, in very perject condition, and Jine work : size 3^. weight 49^ grs. 1 ^=^^^^^ OCTODRACHM? OR LARGE MEDALLION, OF HIERO I., IN SILVER. '~-' / 630 Hiero I.; Mionnet, p. 330, No. 18; type of Torremuzza, tab. 98, fig. 9; but behind the head is a trident, and under the horses of the quadriga, E.; although this Jine medallion is slightly rubbed, and has a little suffered from having been in circulation, yet the preservation on both sides is very good ^f^^\ and satisfactory : size ^^. tveight 433-^ grs. 1 *»* According to Mionnet there is not a specimen of this most rare coin in the French Collection, (Kings of Syracuse in Silver, continued at page 100.) KINGS AND TYRANTS OF SYRACUSE, IN GOLD. u-^ /'■yy^t'S y/^^ 631 Agathocles ; usual type ; Mionnet, p. 332, No. 43; but on the reverse, instead of a monogram ; fine work, and most , beautiful condition : size 3. weight 88 grs. 1 /y/^y/ 63-2 Another ; AFAQOKAEOS. BA2IAE02., with T. under ; /w6> work, and most perfect preservation : ,'^x^\ y size 3J. weight 87-j^ grs. 1 ^ ■ 633 Another; without any letter ; in very good preservation : size 3^. tveight 87^^ grs. 1 /'fyO' 634 Hicetas; Jf/. p. 333, No. 56: SYPAKO^IfiN.; rev. EUl. IKETA.; vei^ fine work, and in perfect preservation : size 3^. weight 65-j^ grs. 1 c } a ni-'^f J'^^/^f- ( 89 ) j/^/ .^ 635 Another; [SYPAKOjSlfiN., the head from the same die as the preceding, but not the reverse ; perfect condition : O size Z\. weight 65^ grs. 1 ^y 636 Hiero II.; Mt. pi. 68, fig. 5; but with a torch behind the head ; and on the reverse, R. under the horses, which are going to the left: very fine work, and perfect condition: size 3. weight 65 ^^ grs. I ^ ^o %* There is on this individual coin a difference in the style of work and arrangement of the hair, which seems to indicate a coinage somewhat earlier than that of the usual style, as shewn in the following specimens. //?/r- 637 Another ; with a bucranium behind the head, and the horses to the right, with AR in monogram, under IEPON02.; extremely beautiful work, and as it came from the die : size 3. tveight 65^ grs. 1 638 Another ; with a palm branch, and taenia pendant from it, be- hind the head ; very fine work and condition : size 3. tveight 65^ grs. 1 -2/^ 639 Another ; with a poppy head behind the head ; fine work and condition: . size 3. weight Qb-^ grs. \ 2 JZ 640 Another; with a rose behind the head, and A. under the ^:-:^- horses, going to the left ; very fine condition, but the die very slightly blurred on the obverse : size 31. weight 65^ grs. I ^ ^.^ /// ROMAN SMALL BRASS. —^ 641 Germanicus ; rew. caligvla. ; rare. Nero, 6; rev. genio. avgvsti. ; two varieties; rev. Roma victrixj seated on arras ; rev. Nero, as Apollo playing on the lyre ; two varieties ; these five are of large size ; rev. de- CVR., Nero on horseback, with two foot soldiers ; all these // ^ /f are fine . . 7 642 Tiberius, 4 ; rev. rom. et. avg. Spintriati, 3 ; these are sup- posed to have been struck in the reign of Tiberius ; rev. vii., VIII., XVI. ; all three same sizes. Nero, 4 ; varied ; two are of large size. Various, 10; all fairly preserved 21 643 Nero, 3 ; rev. Vase and a Garland on a table ; below, two pegasi, face to face ; beneath them, a discus, certa. qvinq., ^ /^' '/ :^i//^ 4P/ .'.fif o / ( yu ) ./^<^/^ &c.; three varieties; all very fine. Spiiitriati, 2. Domi- tian, 6 ; all varied, and very Jin e . 1 1 ^ y. 644 Nero, 2. Ncrva, 2. Trajan, 4. Hadrian, 4 ; rev. Head of Jupiter- Ammon, three varieties ; /?««; rev. Rome-Nicepho- rus seated. Domitian, 2 . . 14 / t^" 645 Anton. Pius, 4; rev. Eagle, peacock, and owl, cos. iii.; rare, and very fine ; and three others. Diocletian. Salonina. ^ Crispus, &c., 16; all varied . . 20 <^" •- 646 Aurelian ; rev. vabalathvs. Carus ; »-(?t;. carinvs. Nume- • rian ; rev. Hercules-Farnese standing, f small module J ; rare and fine. Carausius, 2; rev. moneta. avg.; rev. pax. AVGGG. s.p.c. This latter medal alludes to his recognition by Diocletian and Maximian . 5 e^ P //7 647 Carausius ; ohv. laureate Busts, to the left, side by side, of the Emperors Carausius, Diocletian, and Maximian-Hercules, CARAVSivs. ET. FRATRES. svi. ; rev. Peace standing, hold- ing an olive branch in her right, and the hasta pura in her ., left, hand, pax. avggg.; in the field, s.p., with c. or g. in' '''' " the exergue ; well preserved . . 1 •^* This is by far the most rare and interesting brass coin of our Anglo- Roman Emperor. It is most certainly Tcorth a very high price, espe- cially as no other specimen of this type is known in this country. It ! was formerly in the collection of INIr. Millingen. ; After several ineffectual attempts to crush the power of Carausius, Dio- cletian and Maximian found it advisable, necessary, and most prudent, to acknowledge him as their colleague in the empire. The event is \ commemorated by the device, appropriate emblems, and legend of this i coin. ^ -^ 648 Carausius, 4 ; rev. two Hands joined, concord, mil. ; in the ^ ■ exergue, c; rev. a Ram, leg. i.n.i.n. (sic.) ; in the exer-,*-*^!* gue, S.M.C.; unpublished; ?'e?;. moneta. avg.; no exergue ; rev. Emperor on horseback, [ad] ventvs. avg. ; unpub- lished : all are well preserved . 4 ^ ' 649 AUectus, 3; rev. hilabit. avg. s.p.c. ; rev. virtvs. avg. j Q.C.; »'et). viRTVS. AVG. q.l. Const. Maximus, 7 ; varied ;-^^r- allfine . .10 / ^ 650 AUectus, 3; rev. laetit. avg. s.p.c, a Female standing, &c.; rev. pietas.avg. S.A.M.L.; rev. pax. avg. s.m.m.l.; ^ all fine. Const. Maximus, 4. Helena, 1. Crispus, 2 10^ *^* The best information to be procured on the coins of the Romans relating to Britain is most certainly contained in Akerman's work, (^edition of 1844) bearing the preceding title, with plates, &c. ( yi ) %-,^^-^^ '^: '£,-i>tl '-^^-r y> Z^- 651 Delmatius, 1, Fausta, 4. Const. Maximus, 11, of which, throe, VRBS. ROMA., with different exergues; four, constantino- poLis.; others, p. LON.&c.(London mints). Constantius XL, 5. Crispus, 7 . .28 652 Crispus, 3. Constantinus II., 13. Athalaricus, 2 ; rev. in- viCTA. ROMA. ; two varieties of size . 18 G53 Constantius Chlorus, 2. Helena, 2. Licinius sen., 1. Const. Maximus, 7. Crispus, 3; p. lon., &c. Constantinus II., 4. Constans, 2 ; one is of large size; rev. Emperor, with the labarum, bearing the monogram of Christ, and a victory in a vessel. Co\\?>i&x\\A\x?, \l.y '2. \ generally fine . 23 654 Helena, 2. Theodora, 1. Const. Maximus, 12; three have p. L.N., and two, constantinopolis. Constantius I., 1. Crispus, 8; five have p. lon. Delmatius. Constantinus II., 7. Fausta. Constantius II., 3; all are well preserved 36 655 Salonina; a Quinarius ; pietas, avgg. ; of base metal, hut rare. Claudius Gothicus, 2. Aurelian. Probus. Helena. Licinius sen. Licinius jun. Const. Maximus, 20 ; two, pop. ROMAN.; two, constantinopolis.; five, VRBS. ROMA.; one, rev. Head of the Sun. Fausta, 2. Crispus, 7.; two have p. lon. Delmatius. Const, jun., 3. Constantius II., 3 ; and three others ; all are ivell preserved ; some are in very fine condition . . 47 656 Helena. Const. Maximus, 32 ; these are chiefly varied. Fausta, 2. Crispus, 8. Constant, jun., 6. Constans, 4. Constan- tius II. Vetranius; rev. hoc. signo. victor, eris.; fairly preserved, and very scarce; and twelve various, chiefly /jT- ■// / / -P fahe 68 ^^ ROMAN MEDALLIONS, IN SILVER. ( Continued from page 82.^ -657 Constans ; rev. gavdivm., &c., as in lot ; the only variety is SIC. X. SIC. XX. . . size 8. Constantius II.; rev. Emperor and Julian armed ; beneath, a Portico, felicitas. romanorvm. s.m.n.; hath are rare and fine . . . 2 -^ *- 658 Constantius II.; rev. Emperor, holding a labarum, bearing the monogram of Christ, virtvs. dd. nn. a vgg.; in exergue, tr.: rare and fine . . \ ^ N •' (y (559 Constantius II.; rev. victoria, avuvstorvm.; revi/Jinr. . Valentianus son.; rev. votis. v. mvltis. x.; ivell preserved^/^''^'^^ both are rare . • 2 yy'^ 660 Eugcnius; rev. vox. v. mvlt. x., in a garland; in exergue, M.D.P.S.; stiiick at Milan, according to the learned Verri; ^ very fine; inedited: . size 7. 1 ^"^^^ - <■ ' :p /f Q>^\ Magnentius; »'ev. Security resting against a pillar, secvritas. REii'VBLicAE.; in exergue, tr., (Treves): size \%full. 1" '''''-■ •^* This is the medallion quoted by Mionnet, from the celebr:ited D'Ennery Collection ; was bought in Paris by J. C. for the late possessor. It is very fine, and probably unique. / / 662 Valentianus sen., 2 ; rev. victoria, avgvstorvm., a Victory ..'» inscribing vox. v. mvlt. x. on a buckler; in exergue, r.t. ;^''^'^ rev. VOTIS. v. mvltis. x. in a wreath; s.m.l.a.p. in the exergue ; both fine . . 2 //^ 663 Gratianus; 7'e?;, virtvs. exercitvs. ; rare, and ens^raved in ^ Akerman, vignette, p. 324 ; fine . 1 % 664 Valens; rev. Soldier, with spear and buckler, virtvs. exer- / //^ • ciTVS. ; in exergue, tes.; very fine. -;, Gratianus ; rev. a Victory, with her left foot on a globe, holds ' a shield on a cippus, victoria, avgvstorvm.; in exergue, s. M. L. A. p., and a palm branch ; fine, and inedited; the shield I bears, vot. v. mvlt. x. Heraclius sen. and jun.; rev. a Globe, with cross, monogram, &c.; see Saulcy ( Byzantines ) ; in very good preservation 3 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN SILVER. ' // . 665 Pompey the Great ; rev. the Sicilian Brothers carrying their^^ ^ Parents; Neptune, and usual legend. '* '^'^\ Julius, 2 ; ret". Venus, L. AEMiLivs. BVCA.; rare. Another ; obv. Heads of Julius and Augustus, face to face, Divos. iVLivs. Divi. F.; rev. across the field, m. agrippa. cos. DESiG.; very rare; Akerman, vol. 1, plate iii.. No. 8; all fine . . .3 ^/^'/ 666 Pompey the Great, as before. j Julius, 2; rev. L. flaminivs., &c.; rev. Globe, caduceus, /-^^^ &c., L. BVCA.; all fine . . 3 J^/a^ ( 93 ) J4//^ y 667 Ponipey the Great, as before. .^^'. ^^y Julius, 3; rev. a Calf, Q. vocoNivs., &c.; rarei rev. Bull butting, L. LiviNEivs; rev. Venus, m. mettivs. ; the two ^/J^ latter are fine . . 4 668 Julius; rev. Venus, p. sepvllivs. ; rev. p. servilivs.; ^^'" '" rev. Globe, caduceus, &c., mvssidivs.; rev. Calf, q. voco- NIVS. VITVLVS. . . 4 ^ -^ 669 Julius, 2 ; o5y. Star behind the head ; 7'ey. Venus, sepvllivs.; t^iC^ '-^ ohv. veiled Head ; rev. as the preceding Pompey jun.; ohv. helmeted male Head, m. poblici., &c.; rev. Pompey on prow of a vessel, and Spain personified ; all three are fine . . 3 -^ *'' 670 Julius, 2; 7'ev. Head of M. Anthony, m. anton. imp.; rev. Venus, SEPVLLIVS. Sextus Pompey; obv. bare Head, neptvni.; rev. a Galley Q. NASIDIVS.;^W . . 3 — y 671 Sextus Pompey; ohv. bare Head, neptvni.; rev. incuse. '■^^' Lepidus ; rev. bare Head of Octavius ; better preserved than usual . . . 2 ^^' 672 Brutus ; obv. Head ; rev. a Cap of Liberty between two dag- gers, BID. MAR.; very fine and rare . 1 yj^//J *^* Akerman's vignette, vol, I., p. 98, was made from this identical piece, by him pronounced an undoubtedly authentic coin of (he enthusiastic republican. It is the finest the late proprietor was enabled to procure. / ^; .-^^ 7^-2.i - - 673 Brutus ; as the preceding . . '• y * * From Dr. Nott's collection, lot 709. ,. ,--_ i^/^-^ *^* From Dr. Nott's collection, lot 709. jt^^ — 674 Brutus; another, as last . . 1 -^ *^ I ^ 675 Brutus; another; not fine ; questionable . 1 — ^^ ~ fv-- ' 676 M. Antonius, 4 ; rew. Victory within a garland ; rew. Head of l^ ^ the Sun; rev. antonivs. avg. imp. hi. across the field; 1 rev. Female, with lantern and cornucopia, pietas. cos.; very \ fine . • A ^ ^ \ 677 M. Antonius, 3 ; rev. Head of Octavius ; rev. trophy, and l'"'*^"''-- imp. ter.; rev. Prow of a vessel, cn. domit., &c. ' Augustus, 3 ; rey. Crocodile, AEGYPTO. capta.; rev. a Pe- ! gasus, p. PETUONivs., &c.; rev. Eu)peror on an cstrade, and , two male figures offering laurel l)ranches ; all very well pre- -. , , . i served . . 6 ' ' 678 .M. Antonius, 3 ; oZ/i-. Anthony as High Priest, with the htuus; rev. Head of the Sun ; another ; rev. Victory in a wreath ; rev. Head of Octavius. Augustus, 2; rev. Crescent and star, tvupilianvs., &e.; rev. a Flower, l. aqvillivs., &c. . 5 J 679 Cleopatra ; rev. bare Head of Anthony ; behind, the Arrae- . , nian tiara; veri/ rare, cmd very ivell preserved . 1 - • ' ^ y' ^^0 Caius Antonius ; ohv. youthful Head, to the right, covered with ' -»' ' the Macedonian pileus, c. antonivs. m. f. pro. cos.; rev. ^ Hatchet, and two libation vases ; very fine, and extra rare ; ^ ^'-y^i Morell, I., fig. 5 . . 1 *^* From Dr. Nott's collection. y\ ^^ '/* 681 Lucius Antonius. The two usual Heads and legends; very fine and scarce . • 1 ^ y^ . 68'2 Lucius Antonius ; as the last ; fine . 1 ,<« 683 Augustus, 6; rev. s. p. q.r. parent, cons, svo.; rev. two / '^Z' laurel branches, caesar. avgvstvs.; rev. Victory on a globe, CAESAR. Divi. P.; rev. Sacrificial Instruments, &c. ; \ rev. Head of Anthony ; rev. Trophy on prow of a vessel ; all well preserved . . 6 :? ^ . 684 Augustus, 6 ; rev. a Bull butting ; in imitation of the medals ofThurium; imp.x.; ^rz?. Diana, imp. x. sicil.; rey. three Ensigns in a circular temple, mar. vlt. ; rev. Star, divvs. '^ iVLivs.; rev. Temple, with figures on its summit, imp. cae- sar.; rev. Triumphal Car, &c., in a round temple, s.p.q.r.; all fine and historical . . 6 ( Continued at page 125. J ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN GOLD. ( Continued from page 69.J / y , 685 Agrippa ; ohv. Head, with the mural and rostral crown, m. •/ AGRIPPA. COS. TER. cossvs. LENTVLvs. ; rev. laureate'"' '^ Head of Augustus, avgvstvs. cos. xi.; most valuable, if antique ? . . .1 7/''/ 686 TibcM-ius ; ?'ey. Head of Augustus, star, and Divos. avgvst. /^ wivi. F. ; rather scarce . , 1 " -^.-. ( 95 ) ^^^^^^ 687 Tiberius; rev. a Figure seated, pontif. maxim. 1 / // *^* This fine medal has the small silver eagle, the countermark of the late Farnese collection. 688 Tiberius ; two of tbe Half Aureus ; rev. Victory seated on a globe, holding a garland, tr. pot. xxxvi.; rev. same type, TR. POT. XVII.; this latter coin very fine . 2*'^'*^' 689 Drusus sen.; rev. Trophies, de. germanis. ; in good pre- servation . . . \ t^^ / 690 Drusus sen.; rev. as the preceding . 1 ^y^ 691 Drusus sen.; rev. as the preceding . \ 2. tf- 692 Drusus sen.; rev. Triumphal Arch, de. germ.; fine and rave . . . 1 -f^^^ 693 Drusus sen.; rev. Triumphal Arch, de. germanis.; o-are 1 ^'^ J^ 694 Drusus sen.; rev. as the last . . 1 J^ /^ 695 Antonia; rev. Female standing, constantiae. avgvsti.; rare ; see Visconii, Opere varie, vol. 2 . ^ 1 ' ^'^ • 696 Antonia ; rev. as the last . . ^ e/'- -^ 697 Germanicus ; rev. Head of Caligula ; a ivell preserved and rare medal . . 1 /^^ ^-' 698 Agrippina sen.; -j-ey. Head of Caligula ; rare . \///y 699 Caligula; rev. an Oaken Garland, within it, s.p.q. r.p.p. ob. C.S.; ivell preserved, and scarce . \X^^ J 700 Caligula ; rev. radiated Head of Augustus, di vvs. avg. pater. PATRICE.; scarce . . 1 yC^ ■ 701 Caligula; rev. Victory, holding a garland, and sitting on a globe, p.m. tr. pot. cos.; fine and rare half aureus 1 J/'^^ 702 Caligula; rev. same type, p.m. tr. pot. iiii.; a fine and scarce half aureus . . 1 ( Continued at page \QQ.) ROMAN MEDALLIONS & CONTORNIATI, IN BRONZE. ( Continued from page 64). 703 Faustina jun.; rev. a Temple, two females sacrificing at the altar, and five other figures looking on; one is a child; s.c. in the exergue \fine and rare ; see Akerman, plate b, vol. 1 : si^e 11. 1 ( y6 ) 704 Annius Venis ; obv. juvenile Heads of Annius and of Com- J,^. modus, adversa; commodvs. caes. vervs. caes.; ?ti;. the ; Four Seasons, with their attributes ; in the exergue, tem- PORVM. FELiciTAS. Akerman, pi. a. A very well preserved and cjctra rare medallion, though undervalued by the learned Mionnet . • • 1 705 Lucius Verus ; obv. fine Portrait, to the left; ?'ev. Victory presenting a wreath to the Emperor, standing, tr. p. vi. imp. / III. cos. III.; not in Mionnet; ivell preserved: size 12-i. 1 *f* From the Ponialowski sale in 1840, lot 230. J. //^ 706 Lucius Verus ; obv. Bust, to the right ; rev. Aurelius and Verus; between, a colossal figure of Jupiter, all standing, tr. p. viii. , IMP. nil. COS. III.; fine : . size 13. I *^* Probably from Henderson's sale, lot 944. f Contiriued at page 107. J //J ITALIAN MEDALS, IN COPPER. References: — Mus;EUM Mazzuchei.lianum, Yen. 1761, 2 vol. folio. Promis Monete de Reali di Savdia, Turin, 1841, 2 vol. 4to. Lenormant tr£sor de Numistnatique, Sjc. Paris, 1834-1844, folio. Litta : Famiglie celebri d' Italia. 707 Milan ; obv. Bust of the Duke P. M. Visconti, (1412—1447), PHILIPPVS. MARIA. ANGLVS. (for anglenus — anghiera), Dvx. MEDiOLANi., &c.; rev. Warriors on horseback, opvs. piSANi. piCTORis.; a rare medal . 1 *^* From Prince Poniatowski's collection, 1840, lot 32. / ^ 708 Sicily ; obv. Bust of the King Alfonsus I. (the Wise), divvs. ALPHONSVS.REX. MCCCCXLVIIII.TRIVMPHATOR. PACIFICVS.; rev. Eagles, hare, &c., liberalitas. avgvsta. opvs. pi- SANi. PICTORIS.; a fine medallion; one of Pisani's most early productions ; very rare . 1 / -^^709 Este, &c.; obv. Bust, illvstrissimvs. sigismvndvs. este- ^ Nvs.; rev. Cupid in repose, opvs. sperandei. Another of Victor Pavonius, with Bust ; rev. Portrait of Tadea Pavonia ; medallions • ■ 2 //^^V^^- ( 97 ) ///////' 710 Urbino, &c.; ohv. Bust, alter, adest. cesar. scipio. ro- MANVS., &c.; rev. Arms, stars, eagles, &c., invictvs. fe- DERICVS. C. VBINI., &C., OPVS. CLEMENTIS. VBINATIS., &C. ohv. Bust, &c. NICOLA vs. piciNiNVS., &c.; rev. a Griffin, with a collar around its neck, on which pervsia.; around, N. PICININVS. braccivs. This latter medallion is hy the famed Pisani . . 2 711 Bologna, &c.; ohv. Bust, virgilivs. malvitivs., &c. ; rev. a Soldier resting, mcccclxxviiii.; hy Sperandei. ohv. Bust of Ant. Magliabecchi ; rev. a Book open, omnibvs. omnia. 2 712 Como, &c.; ohv. a fine Bust, &c. of Paul Jovius, mdlii.; rev. NVNC. DENIQVE. viVES.; Very rare. ohv. Bust, ferd. loffredvs. march. TRivici.; rev. three Figures, divi. q. caro. caes. VERITAS.; rare . 2 713 Este, &c.; ohv. Bust, &c. of the famous classic Poet, Tassoni ; rev. a Building, arce. antiqva., &c.; rare. ohv. St. Paul ; in exergue, ex. testamento. v. berardi., &c.; rev. a Vase and holy Implements. Another, with same ohverse ; rev. Busts of two Cardinals; in exergue, gregorio. xv., &c. see MazzucheUi, ii. cvi. iii. 3 ( Continued at page \\2.) JZ cT^y^ ^f / ///J-//// SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. NORTHERN GREEK CITIES. ANTONOMOUS COINS, IN COPPER. ( Continued from page Q^). LOT 714 Panticapaeum, in the Chersonesus Taurica ; Mionnet, p. 348, No. 12; but a dolphin instead of an ear of corn ; fne con- dition : . . size 7. Olbiopolis, in European Sarmatia ; Mt. p. 349, No. 2, but with OASIO.IK,; fine condition : . size B. Another ; Mionnet, Supp. p. 21, No. 72, with Z. and a mono- gram : . size 4. ( 98 ) GREEK IMPERIAL COINS, IN COPPER. Marcianopolis, in Moesia inferior ; Caracalla, rev. Female, with cornucopia : . • si^se 7. Marcianopolis ; Severus Alexander and Msesa, face to face ; compare 3Il. Stipp. p. 107, No. 312; in good condition : size 6i. Nicopolis; Macrinus, rev. Ceres standing, with long sceptre, and ears of corn : . size 7. G ' 715 Marcianopolis; Philippus and Scrapis ; Mt. Supp. p. 115, No. 349;/ne; . size 7^. ^,', Nicopolis ; Severus, rev. Serapis ; Mt. Supp. p. 125, No. 403; Jine : . . size 4. Nicopolis; Gordianus, rev. Jupiter Serapis; well preserved : size 7^. 3 f Continued at page 114^. TETRADRACHMS OF SYRACUSE, IN SILVER. f Continued from page 86. J / /, 716 Syracuse; Hunter, tab. 52, fig. 14; but no name visible on the diadem ; rare type, fair condition : size 8. Syracuse ; like Hunter, tab. 53, fig. 14, except the disposition of the letters ; in very good condition : size 6J. 2 ,^^ 717 Syracuse; Hunter, tab. 52, fig. 13; obverse good, reverse rubbed ; very rare type : . size 8^. Syracuse ; like Hunter, tab. 53, fig. 14, except the disposition of the letters ; middling condition : . size 6. 2 '^ y/ 718 Syracuse; compare Torremuzza, Auct. 2, tab. 6, fig. 7; a type of extreme scarcity, but in middling condition : size 7 . Syracuse ; like Hunter, tab. 53, fig. 14, except the disposition of the letters ; in very good condition : size 6. 2 ^/ -, 719 Syracuse ; Hunter, tab. 52, fig. 17; in middling condition, but extremely rare type : . size 6^. Syracuse; compare Hunter, tab. 53, fig. 14, but more rare /^ ■' type, in very fair condition : . size 7. 2 720 Syracuse; compare Hunter, tab. 53, fig. 5; extremely rare type, middling condition : . size 6|. ' - ' -2.^«i^ / ( 99 ) Syracuse; Hunter, i?i\i.b'^,'a^.\ A', fair condition: size ^\. 2 721 Syracuse ; like Hunter, tab. 52, fig. 19, except the disposition of the letters ; extremeli/ rare type, and very fair condition: size 61. 2 ^ Syracuse; like Torremuzza, tab. 73, fig. 3; but no letters on the diadem, or under the horses ; very rare type, and in, pretty good condition : . size 6. 2 722 Syracuse; compare Hunter, tab. 53, fig. 10; rare type, very good condition : size 6. Syracuse; Torr. tab. 76, fig. 12; rare type, fair condition: size 7. 2 723 Syracuse; Hunter, tab. 53, fig. 11; in very good condition, especially the reverse, and rare : size 7^. Syracuse ; Torr. tab. 76, fig. 1 1 ; very middling condition : size 6. 2 /^ 724 Syracuse; Torr. tab. 73, Hg. \ 5 ; NX. under the neck; in very fair condition : . size 6. Syracuse ; Hunter, tab. 53, fig. 14, except the disposition of the letters ; in very fair condition : size 61, Syracuse ; Mionnet, pi. 61, fig. 8; nine specimens, in good and fair condition : . size 2. 11 GOLD COINS OF TAUROMENIUM. 725 Tauromenium ; Mionnet, p. 324, No. 1058 ; compare type of Torremuzza, tab. 87, fig. 1 ; Hunter, tab. 56, fig. 25 ; very rare, and as it came from the die : size 11. weight 16-^ grs. 1 ,^^'^^ 726 Another; with a star behind the head of Apollo ; equally well preserved, but the reverse not so well struck : ; size 1 J. weight 16^^ grs. 1 I CITIES OF SICILY, IN SILVER, f Continued.; I . ' \^/^,^^ 727 Tauromenium; Mionnet, p. 325, No. 1061; Torremuzza, y-- Auct. 1, tab. 8, fig. 2: ve)y rare, and as it came from the ! die ; fine ivorJc : size 4. iveight 50^ grs. 1 I 728 Another ; without the monogram near the tripod ; as it came i '^ ' from the die, rare, and fine work : I size 4. weight 49^ grs. 1 j (Greek Cities, in Silver, continued at page 102^. ./ ./. S/^//' / ( 101) ) KINGS or SYRACUSK, IN SILVER. ( Continurd from page %%). 729 Agathocles; [ArA0]OKAEIO2. 3Iionnet, \A. 68, fig. 3 ; in most perfect condition, and may he ranked among the mo.sf happy efforts of ancient Greek art : 5j^e 7^. tveight 263 grs. 1 730 Another : but with ArAQOKAEOS. in the exergue, and AN. in monogram in the field; most beautiful tcork, and perfect preservation: size 7. tveight 2QA grs. 1 *^* Tliis coin appears like a rival production to tbe preceding. 731 Another ; by the same artist, but with ArA©OKAEO:S. by the side of the Victory: in lower relief beautiful work, and con- dition : . size 6. weight 266^ grs. 1 732 Another ; with ArA©0KAEI02. beside the Victory ; by the same artist as lot 729; beautiful ivork, and fine condition: size 7-^. weight 255 ^L. grs. I 733 Another; like lot 731 ; very fine work, and fine condition : size 6 J. weight 263^ grs. 1 734 Another ; with ArA®0KAEI05. beside the Victory : very fine conditio^!, but the work of inferior style: size 7. weight 264 ^^ grs. 1 - PENTADRACHM? OR SMALL MEDALLION, OF IIIERONYMUS, IN SILVER. /C y 735 Hieronymus ; iH/isoranet, p. 337, No. 91 : Torrmuzza, Auct.Y, tab. 9, fig. 3; but above the thunderbolt, A$.; somewhat rubbed, and has been in circulation, but yet in good and satisfactory condition, especially tvhen it is considered that its extraordinary rarity, almost precludes the hope of finding another : . size 8^. tveight 292 grs. 1 *^* It is to be kept in mind, in appreciating tbe rarity of tbis medallion, and of the larger one of Hiero, lot 630, tbat during a period of nearly fifty years tbe late proprietor of tbese two coins could never better tbem, altbougb possessing very ample means, and urged by a strong passion in favour of tbe regal series of Greek coins. KINGS OF SYRACUSE, IN SILVER. {Continued) "^^ 742 Another; see Mionnet, pi. 68, fig. 8; the horses in gentle motion ; perfect preservation, but of darh colour from tarnish : size 6^. weight 208^ grs. 1 .y 743 Another ; a blade of wheat behind the head ; rev. the horses in violent motion, with KI. before thera, and an ear of wheat under their fore feet ; in the field, above the car, is a cres- cent ; very fine work, and in perfect condition, but the face double struck : size 71. iveight 208 grs. Philistis; Torremuzza, tab. 106, fig. 8; rev. Bk%lM%tk.%. [$I]AI2TI[A02], a Biga in gentle motion, K. before the horses ; beautiful work, and in very good preservation : size 4. weight 60^ grs. 2 *^* This size is of extraordinary rarity, and it is curious to remark, that it appears not to have been adjusted to the same standard as the largo coins. C:^^^ 744 Philistis ; the horses in gentle motion, same type as lot 738, but without A. under the fore feet, good ivork and condition : size 7. weight 216^ grs. 2 Another ; the horses in violent motion ; same type as lot 740, good work and condition : size 6^. yyy '^'r' ( 102 ) 745 Another ; same type as lot 742; fine work, fair condition : size 6^. Another; the head well preserved, hut the reverse blurred by oxide : . • size 7. 2 NORTHERN GREEK CITIES, IN SILVER. f Continued from page 99). 746 Olbiopolis, in European Sarmatia ; Mionnet, p. 349, No. 1 ; in ::^^^.~ perfect condition, and of the utmost rarity : size 6. weight 19332^. grs. 747 Callatia, in Moesia inferior ; fine, and very rare : size 4. weight 84-j^ grs. Istrus ; Mt. p. 356, No. 19, rubbed and plated : size 4. 2 748 Another; with A. & XAP. in monogram under the eagle; j fine: . size S^. iceight 8'2^ grs. ^^ ■ .] Another ; with 0. under the eagle extremely fine : y^ y. size A\. IV eight 101^ grs. 2 CITIES OF THRACE, IN SILVER. . 749 Abdera; compare J/i'onwe^ /S'mjojo. pi. 5, fig. 1, for the obverse, , j y/7 /^ but with a cray fish under the grifiin to the left, and without ,>''U^> letters ; rev. in place of the square divided into four parts ; ^' there is on this coin, a male head to the left, in the inner square, and EIII. SOAIIAAOS. in the outer square ; ex- tremely rare, very fine condition, and unpublished : size 7. weight 224^^ grs. 1 - -i^/ 750 Abdera; compare iJ/if. pi. 54, fig. 8 ; ok. ABAHPITEfiN. in two lines, Head of Apollo to the right ; rev. EIII • • • KE-^^J^^^^ 2102. Griffin to the left ; in very fine condition : size 6. weight 176^ grs. 1 // -P / 751 Abdera ; type of Mt. p. 366, No. 17, but EHI. AIO*ANTOY.; well preserved : size 6. tv eight 157 ~ grs. "^ Abdera , 3It. Supp. vol. 2, pi. 5, fig. 2 ; but the griflBn sitting, with one paw raised up; well preserved : size 21. weight 23^ grs. 2 y^j^ 752 Abdera ; type of Mt. p. 366, No. 16, but EHI. EYPHSmnOY. ; good condition : size 6. weight 149^ grs. Abdera ; type of Mt. p. 366, No. 18, but EHI . . EK . . fi . . MOT ^ '^ size 3. weight 38^^ grs. Another ; type of 3It. p. 366, No. 22, but the griffin is on a ( 103 ) club, and AYKO, underneath ; very rare variety, in good condition : size 2^. weight 26^ grs. 3 ^753 iEneia ; obv. helmeted Head of Mneas, with slight beard, to z''^'^' the left, within a dotted circle; rev. AINEA2. in a quad- rangular area, surrounding an interior square divided into four parts ; extremely rare, and in very good condition : size 3. weight 34^ grs. *#* See Millingen, Sylloge of Unedited Coins, p. 41, pi. 2, fig. 18, for the proof of this new attribution j and for the type see also Mionnet, Supp. pi. 9, fig. 7. ^neia; obv. the same helmeted Head, but in more archaic style, and turned to the right ; the crest of the helmet projects beyond the dotted circle surrounding the type ; the beard is longer, pointed, and slightly curved upwards ; the hair is long, ! covering the back of the neck, and done in the dotted style ; ; the eye entire, as on ancient coins of Athens : the bottom of ; the neck is dotted, as if wearing a necklace ; o-ev. an indented square, divided into four parts, in the style of Thrace and Macedon ; extremely rare, and in Jine preservation : / / I size 3. weight 39^ grs. 2 1 *^* This very curious coin is of the same denomination as the preceding, the former having evidently lost a little weight by friction. This coin ' being of an anterior period, the two together mutually illustrate each i other, and confirm the new attribution of Millingen. There exist, in j cabinets, sub-divisions of this archaic type, which should be all classed to this Town. Some persons erroneously consider them to be of Acan- thus, and confuse them with those really of that city, with the helmeted I head of Minerva, rev. indented square. But the head of the Goddess i may be distinguished from that of ^neas by her round ear-ring, even j when the slight beard on the head of ^neas is not perceptible. / j ^ ^ 754 ^nus ; with wreath before the goat, AINION, ; Mionnet, \ p. 369, No. 47 ; Pellerin, Rec. tab. 33, fig. 10 ; Jine work, \ and good condition, although somewhat tubbed; very rare : ^ 1 size Q. weight 2ZQ grs. 1 •' t^- \:^^/. 755 Another; with branch before the goat ; ^we worft; ^aeV con- 1 dition, although rubbed; very rare : I size 6. weight 226 grs. 1 • ^ . /^ 'j ^ 756 Another ; with star before the goat : very rare, and fair con- dition, although rubbed : size 6. weight 232-:^ grs. 1 -•'->" Jz^^^^ 757 Another; with amphora before the goat, and an astragalus i under the animal ; very rare; fair condition, although I rubbed : . size 6. iveight 232-jJg^ grs. 1 "^ ''y"' i •/ 1 A''^ ^ ( 104 ) 768 Anuther; with an eagle before the goat; see Combe, If n't. Mus. tab. 4, fig. 15; btd injured hy black oxide, although very little rubbed ; very rare: size 6. tveight 230^ grs. ^nus; Mionnet, p. 369, No. 49; AINION. ; see Dumersan, Coll. Allier, pi. 3, fig. 3; very rare type, and in very good condition : size 3^. weight 55^ grs. JEnus; AIN. 3Iionnet, p. 369, No. 43; compare 7)i •'■ -^ ^ *^* All these medals, as this series in general, are very select, varied, in good state of preservation, and have interesting reverses. 777 Trajan, 6. Hadrian, 6. '^^ ^^ -="■ Sabina, 2; ?'ey. pietas.; rey. concordia. avg.; all varied ; some are very tvell preserved . 14 778 Trajan, 6. Hadrian, 6; jvi-erse^, Africa., aegyptos., hispania., xiLvs., ^ and two others ; all are varied, and well preserved 12 ( Continued at page 123. J ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN GOLD. ( Continued from page 95. J 779 Claudius ; rev. a Triumphal Arch, with trophies, and an eques- - ' .. trian figure, de. britann.; a very rare, interesting, and fine coin; see Cardwells Lectures, viii. — ix. 1 -■ y^A 780 Claudius; rei-. as the last ; well preserved . ] * >a- 781 Claudius; rev. as the last ; eqimlly well preserved l--i~~= '.f f ( 107 ) ^^/// 782 Claudius ; rev. Nemesis walking, holding the caduceus, a ser- pent precedes her, paci. avgvstae.; Jine and rare 1 *^ 783 Claudius ; rev. as the last . . 1 „--^ J 784 Claudius; rev. the Praetorian Camp, imper. RECEPT.;^/je 1 y ,.<^ 785 Claudius; rev. a Female seated, constantiae. avgvsti.; fine . . . 1 ''.' 786 Claudius; o5v. Bust, and divvs. clavdivs. avgvstvs. ; rev. a magnificent Carpentum drawn by four horses; ex. s.c. in the exergue; well j)reserved, and very rare . 1 -^ - 787 Claudius; rev. a Wreath, within it, s.p. q.r.p.p. ob. c.s.; fine . . . I ^^ - -' 788 Claudius ; rev. youthful Head of Nero, nero. clavd., &c. 1 > ^ ' 789 Agrippina jun. ; rev. clavdivs.; very rare and fine 1 „ - //' 790 Agrippina jun.; rev. as the last ; equally fine . 1 ^ /> 791 Agrippina jun.; ohv. Heads of Agrippina and Nero, face to face ; rev. an oaken Garland, within it, ex. s.c; fine 1 .- ' yy' 792 Agrippina jun.; o6y. Heads of Agrippina and Nero ; rev. the Emperor and Empress in a quadriga of elephants; ex. s.c. across the field, &c.; very fine . 1 ^^-^ ' 793 Nero; obv. youthful Head; rew. a Buckler, on it, eqvester. ORDO., &c.; very fine, and historical . 1 , ' .^ 794 Nero ; as the last ; fine . . 1 • ' -? 795 Nero ; rev. a Garland, within it, pontif. max. tr. p. iiii. p.p. EX. s.c. . . . 1 ' ' - ' 796 Nero ; rev. a Female seated, Concordia, avgvsta. \ ^ '^' 797 Nero; rev. sal vs.; the Goddess of Health seated 1 ^ /^ 798 Nero ; rev. as the last . . \ / f 799 Nero ; rev. a togated Figure standing, holding a victory and a wreath; avgvstvs. germanicvs. . \ ■'^ -'' ( Continued at page 127 J. ROMAN MEDALLIONS & CONTORNIATI, IN BRONZE. f Continued fir om page 96. J -■' 800 Severus Alexander and Orbiana ; obv. Heads, face to face ; rev. Emperor and Empress joining hands, concordia. av~ GVSTORVM.; well preserved, and rare : size 7. 1 »-; '^'" 801 Severus Alexander and Mamaaa; obv. Heads, face to face; rev. Emperor in the toga, on a curule chair, attended by a vie- -^ p ? . ( 108 ) tory and two female figures; felicitas. temporvm.; well preserved, and rare : . size 7. 1 802 Severus Alexander and Mama?a ; rev. Emperor in a military habit, attended by a soldier, crowning him, sacrificing to^^'^r^. ^ Jupiter, standing; fides, militvm. ; ^ne, and prohahly n/iiqiie : . . size 9. 1 803 Severus Alexander and Maraaea ; rev. Emperor on horseback, preceded by Victory, and followed by a soldier carrying a trophy; prof. avg. pontif. max.tr. p.x. cos. hi. p.p.; ^ ^ well preserved, and unpublished : . size 7^. 1 *^* From the Willett Cabinet, lot 355. 804 Gordianus III.; obv. Head to the right; reu. Emperor, and a military figure, standing on an estrade, addressing four sol- diers ; ADLOCVTio. AVGVSTi.; Jine and rare, of two metals: size 11. 1 805 Gordianus III.; o&i'. Head, to the left ; rev. as the last; well preserved: . . size 11. 1 * 806 Gordianus III.; obv. togated Bust, with sceptre, surmounted by the eagle ; rev. Emperor and a Victory in a quadriga, pre- ceded by three soldiers; pontifex. max. tr. p. iiiii., &c.; . ", doubtful: . . size 11. 1 807 Gordianus III.; obv. fine armed Bust, to the right; rev. Em- peror in a quadriga, full-faced, crowned by a victory ; on each side of the horses a foot soldier ; pontifex. max. tr. p. iiii., &c.; well p7'eserved ; in two metals, brass and copper : size 11. 1 808 Gordianus III. ; obv. armed Bust, to the left ; tolerably pre- served ; rev. Sun in a quadriga; Emperor sacrificing near an altar with fire, crowned by a victory ; ensigns and captives in the field ; this side is much injured ; of two metals : C Continued at page 144. J size 12i. 1 FRENCH PIEDFORTS, MEDALS, & COINS, IN SILVER. f Continued from page 78. J 809 Lewis XIII.; a Medal, on his Coronation at Rheims ; as the second described in lot 346. Another ; obv. fine laureate and cuirassed Bust, titles, and 1613 ; rev. Mary de Medicis seated on a rainbow ; the same ( 109 ) '-// rev. as on a medal in a preceding lot, and of the period ; scarce : . . size 14. 2 810 Lewis XIII.; obv. juvenile Bust; rev. a Cross, fleur de lys^, with L. in centre; esprevve. par. le. commande. dv. roy. 1616. This is a pattern, thin and with a plain edge, of the Franc (or Dollar of the time) adopted bi/ Lewis XIII. in ^; ^ 1618; see the Franc in Le Blanc, page 296 ; Jine and ^ ■ ' rare : . . size II. 1 811 Lewis XIII.; three fine and rare Piedforts : viz.: of the Franc, Demi-Franc, and Quart de Franc ; on the edge, ivstissimi. REGi. PERENNiTATi. 1618 ; see in Le Blanc, page 296 3 ■<^^ ■ 812 Lewis XIII.; Piedfort of his Demi-Escu ; on the edge, pro- BATi. NVMisMATis. EXEMPLVM.; Le Blanc, p. 296. A Medal ; obv. a very fine Bust of the Monarch, 1629 ; rev. Lewis XIII., as Hercules, ascending the Pyrenees ; non. MARE. NON. MONTEs.; Z)e ^^V, plate 127 — cm.; byVarin; ^ / very rare : . . size 12. 2 ^ 813 Lewis XIII.; obv. Bust and titles of the King; rev. Bust, &c. of Cardinal Duke de Richelieu ; ^«e and rare: size 7. 1 -^ 814 Lewis XIII.; obv. fine Bust, &c., as on the Escu Blanc, by Varin, with the exception of the cuirass ; rev. the Goddess Moneta seated, with scales and cornucopia; arte. mea. bis. 1 VST vs.; in the exergue, moneta. lvd. ivst. 1641 ; on his amelioration of the French Coinage : . size 12. i " '''^ 815 Lewis XIII.; Piedfort of his Escu Blanc, or Piece de 60 Sols, 1643; EXEMPLVM. NVMISMATIS. PROS at VM. on the border; well preserved, and extra rare ; see Le Blanc, plate oppo- site page 296 . .1 " ' ^■''^' 8 1 6 Lewis XIII. ; two rare Piedforts : the 30 Sols (or Demi Escu Blanc), and the 15 Sols (or Quarts d'Escu); both with por- trait, &c., 1643; on the edge, exemplvm. probati. nvmis- MATis.; both are well preserved . 2 y / 817 Lewis XIII.; Piedfort of the 5 Sols, 1643 ; Bust, &c.; on the edge, LVDOVico. xiii. monetae, restitvtori.; well preserved. Lewis XIV.; a fine Piedfort, with his Bust, titles, &c., of the Louis d' Argent de 60 Sols, 1643; on the edge, exemplvm. PROBATI. NVMISMATIS.; this is a very rare piedfort 2 '■' '^ 818 Lewis XIV.; a rare Piedfort of his Louis d' Argent de 5 Sols; Bust, &c., 1644; with pondere. sanctvarii. on the edge 1 y'' A-^ ( Continued at page 146.^ ( 110 ) PAPAL MEDALS, IN SILVER. •,• For description consult Venuti and Bonanni's works. These medals are all well preserred, of the period, and chiefly by the Hamerani family. 819 Clement VIII.; j-er. the lavabo.: . size 6. Paul v.; 7-ei'. as the preceding : . size 7. Julius II.; ?er. the Port of Civita Vecchia : size 10. / Calixtus III.; rev. Fortifications, ne. mvltorvm., &c.: size 13. 4 820 Leo X.; rev. liberalitas. pontificia.: size 13. Adrian VI.; rev. qvem. creant. adorant.: size 13. Innocent X. ; rev. Cross and two Angels : size 9. 3 < 821 EugeniusIV. ; ?'ew. qvem. creant., &c.: size\^. Clement XII.; rev. mvltiplicasti., &c.: size 11. Clement XL; rev. robvr. ab. astris.: size 11. Innocent XL; rev. confortamini., &c.; with inscribed edge ; a rare occurrence on Papal medals: size 11. 4 822 Clement XII.; rev. a Fort, Sea, Town, and Shipping; pvb- LiCAE. iNCOLVMiTATis. PRAESiDio.; this medallion, of , ' superlative heauty and excellent preservation, is the work of Otto Hamerani : . size 18. 1 *»* From Dr, Goodhall's collection, lot 481. 823 Alexander VII. ; rei-. a magnificent Mausoleum : size 17. Clement XL; rev. the Port of Ostia? avrietis. in. gavdio.: '• ' ' size 15. 2 / 824 Clement IX.; rev. ipse, dominvs., &c. Clement X.; rev. the Basilica of St. Peters; fvndavit. eam. DEVS. Clement XL, 2 ; rev. avxilivm. christianorvm.; rev. Plan of the Church of the Twelve Apostles ; a very finely executed medal. Martin V. ; rev. Escutcheon of his (the Colonna) family 5 y 825 Clement IX.; rev. solem. nova., &c. Clement XL; rev. vx. ervantvr. a. via. mala. Gregory XIII. ; ohv. hy Parmegiano, the painter ; rev. ab. regibvs. iaponior., &c. Innocent XL; rev. four Crowns on the Altar, in token of the quadruple alliance ; inscribed edge ; very rare . 4 (Continued at page 128^. -y r . ^'f ( 111 ) -^yM// FRENCH MEDALS, IN BRONZE. ( Continued from page 63.^ 826 Lewis XVL ; King and Queen, face to face. ^ ;^^ Another ; on La Perouse's departure from Brest, in 1785 ; hoth ^ these are by Duvivier. Another ; hy Dupre ; with a most beautiful Bust ; on occasion of the first Gold found in the AUemontian Mines, in 1786; large size . . 3 827 Lewis XVI.; ohv. and rev. as the last of the preceding lot; equally fine. ohv. Duke of Berry ; rev. Henry IV. ; hy Caque . . . 2 ^' ^ 828 Lewis XVI.; ohv. fine Bust; rev. three River Gods; vtrivs- QVE. MARIS., 8fc.; a heautifully executed medallion, hy Duvivier . . . 1 • 829 Lewis XVL; as the last; nearly as fine . 1 .. 830 Lewis XVL; ohv. Bust of the King; 7'ev. Bust of his Queen; a very heautiful medallion, by Duvivier. Medal of Montesquieu ; by Dassier . 2 - Z 831 Lewis XVL; rev. a Genius, with anchor, flying; mare. per. L-Z'/O' NOVAM. ARTEM.j &c., 1786; by Duvivier. — '' Napoleon Bonaparte ; on his Marriage with Maria Louisa. j Another on the death of the late Duke of Orleans ; rev. jeune. ^ ( VAiLLANT. ET. GENEREUX., &c. ; by Borrel . 3 '"^ 832 Lewis XVL; ohv. a very fine Bust; rev. two River Deities, and a Genius, flying; ionction. sovsterreine. (sic), &c.; LA. PROVINCE. DE. picARDiE. 1785 ; a beautiful medallion, / by Dupre . . . I ^ , ^^ 833 French Revolution ; o&i». Head and Cap of Liberty ; liberte. FRANCAiSE.; rev. A. LA. CONVENTION., &c., 1792; in hell- metal, with a loop. A Medal, hy Gatteaux, of Charles X.; rev. le. roi. et. la. ^ PATRIE., &c. . . 2 834 D'Effiat ; ohv. a most exquisitely chased alto-relievo Bust of the Marquis d'Effiat, to the right ; in the style of Louis XIV. ; A. RVZE. M. DEFFIAT. ET. D"'-. LONIVMEAV. SVR\ DES. FI- NANCES.; rev. Hercules relieving Atlas by taking upon his shoulders the Globe; see Millin, Galerie Myihologique,' ' '^ vol.2, page 179; legend, qvidqvid. est. ivstvm. leve. EST.; in exergue, 1629 is cut in. The inner part of the left '^^/'' r-^^^A arm of Hercules is in perfect relievo, and thus quite detached from the field . • 1 •,• This fine bronze medallion, either by Dupr6 or Varin, is probably unique, according to one of our very best authorities, Edw. Hawkins, Esq., British Museum. It is encircled in a yellow brass rim, with a ring, and most highly preserved. From the Bindley Collection, 1819; and noticed in the Morning Herald, &;c. 11th March, 1844. . ITALIAN MEDALS, IN COPPER. ( Continued from page 97.^ 835 Tuscany ; ohv. Bust, &c., of Galileo-Galilei ; rev. the Muses, / y Urania and Clio. ohv. Bust of the Poet Marchetti, 1702;" ^ rev. an Edifice ; Hixc. priscae., &c. ohv. Bust ; Camilla. SFORTIA. DE. ARAGONiA. (Pisa.); rev. a Female seated on animals; sic. itvr., &c. ; hy Sperandei ; a very rare medal . j," ., ,-rr"^3 836 Modena; ohv. Bust; borsivs. Bvx. mvtine., &c. ; rev. a ' ' ^'' mountain ; mcccclx.; hy J. Litignolo ; rare. A Square Medal of the great J. J. Trivulzi, of Milan, Ma- reschal of France, &c., with his Bust on the obverse ; rev. 1499. EXPVGNATA. ALEXANDRIA., &c.; a very rare and valuable piece ; hoth are very fine ; see Mazzuchelli 2 837 Bologna, &c.; a Medal, hy Sperandei, of A. Sarzanella de ^/ Manfredis ; rev. a Female seated. A Square Medal of Trivulzi ; ohv. as above ; but rev. deo. FAVENTE. 1499. DicTvs. lo., &c.; likewise on the Siege of Alexandria in Piedmont (near the Plains of Marengo) ; very fine and rare, A Medal, with Bust, &c., hy Paul Poggio, of Philip II. of Spain ; rev. Peace burning armour, temple of Janus closed, &c.; pace., &c., as on Nero's Roman Medal, mdlix. ; rare and fine. A Medal of Voltaire, hy WcecJcter ; rare . 4 '' 838 Venice, &c.; o6e^. a female Bust ; elsbeta. feder. mennin., &c., MDXXXii.; rei". her Escutcheon. o5y. Bust; ant. piza- MANi.; ?'ei». three Figures. oSw. Arms; vinc.ivstinianvs. &c.; rey. a Church; mdcxxii., &c. o6v. Bust ; hier. ar- sagve., &c.; rev. post, ivlii. ii. cineres. mdxiii.; all fine . . .4 Lj-c ( 113 ) ^^^^' 839 Milan ; a very rare Testoon (but struck in brass), with Bust, /'■^ ■' &c., of the Duke Galeaz Maria Sforza, of Milan; rev. the Bust of his Duchess Bona (of France) ; fairly preserved. A Medal of the Florentine Sculptor, Baccio Bandinelli ; rev. CHANDOR. iLLESvs. (sic.) ; rare . 2 ~ 840 Tuscany ; obv. Bust, &c., of Cosmo II. de Medici ; rev. the Port of Leghorn, obv. Bust ; diva, wagdalena. man- TVANA. Mccccciiii.; rev. prvdentia., &c. ; very rare. A Medal, with Portraits of the satirical Poet Aretino's Wife, and of his Daughter. Another Medal . . . 4 ^ (^Continued at page 129.) EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. CITIES OF THRACE. ANTONOMOUS COINS, IN COPPER. ( Greek Cities, in Copper, continued from page 98.^ LOT 841 Byzantium; BYZA2. Mionnet, p. 376, No. 82; very good condition : . size 5^. Byzantium; rev. Bunch of Grapes ; Mt. p. 378, No. 97; very fine: . size 5. Byzantium; rev. Star and Crescent: Mt. p. 378, No. 95; good condition : . size 4. / // Maronea ; type of Mt. No. 196, p. 391 ; fine size 8. Maronea ; type of Mt. No. 201, p. 392 : size 2^. Mesembria ; Mt. p. 394, No. 215; fine : size 4. Another ; same type : . size 4. Perinthus ; obv. Bust of Jupiter to the right ; rev. IIEPIN- ©lON. Female (or Apollo in female dress) standing beside a column, on which is a lyre, with an olive branch in the right hand; in very good condition : size 6. 8 *^* This coin appears to be unpublished. / // ■ V 114 ) CITIES OF THRACE. GREEK IMPERIAL, IN BRASS AND COPPER. 842 Anchialus ; Severus ; rev. Serpent ; very good condition : size 7^. Anchialus: Maximiuus; rev. ^er^QUi ; very good condition : size 1\. Anchialus ; Tranquillina ; rev. Female, with patera and cornu- copia ; in middling condition : . size 5. Bizya ; Severus ; rev. naked Hero, with helmet, buckler, two spears, and a ladder ; very 7'are, and in good condition : size 8^. Byzantium ; Commodus and Crispina, face to face ; rev. Hel- met; Mionnet, p. 379, No. 108; very fine ^ and very rare: size 8. Deultum ; Tranquillina ; rev. Apollo standing, with patera and olive branch ;^ne: . size Q. 6 843 Hadrianopolis ; Gordian ; rev. the Gates of the City ; fine : / /(/ ■ size 7. Mesembria ; Philippus and Otacilia, face to face ; rev. Cybele seated; very good condition, and rare: size 7. Mesembria; Gordian and Tranquillina, face to face; rev. Cory- bantes ; fine, and very rare : . size 7. *^* This is the identical coin published bj Mr. Akerman, in the Gentle- man's Magazine for Jan. 183,^. Odessus ; Caracalla ; rev. Female, with patera and cornucopia ; very well preserved, and rare: size 6^. Odessus ; Gordian and Serapis, face to face ; rev. Hygeia feeding a serpent ; fine, and very rare : size 1 . Pautalia ; Mionnet, Supp. p. 369, No. 982; Marcus Aurelius; rev. Temple ; fine, and very rare : size 8^. Pautalia; Severus; rev. Jupiter sitting; weZ^jore*er«ee?.' size 8. 7 844 Perinthus ; Domitian ; rev. Female, with patera and cornu- /^ copia; in fair condition : . size Q^. ^j Perinthus ; Caracalla ; Mionnet, p. 407, No. 299; but with the head to the right ; rev. Table, with two vases and palm branches, AKTIA. IIYOIA.; extremely fine : size 10. ( 115 ) /'/J Perinthus ; Caracalla ; vev. draped Female, with the polos, standing near an altar, with a temple in each hand ; not in Mionnet ; extremely rare, and in very fair condition : size 11 J. Perinthus ; Caracalla ; rev. Figure sitting, holding a patera and long sceptre ; middling condition : size 6. 4 -.-z^-^ 845 Perinthus ; Caracalla ; Mt. p. 407, No. 296 ; rev. two Temples ; veiy large and fine brass medallion, in extremely good con- , , dition, and clean : . size 13^. 1 846 Perinthus ; Caracalla ; nearly like Mt. p. 405, No. 283, but without the altar and the tree ; 7iot in Mionnet; very rare, and in very good condition : . size 1 2^. Perinthus; Geta; rev. a round prize Vase: size 3^. Philippopolis ; Antoninus Pius ; rev. River recumbent, and a standing figure; 3It. Sitpp. p. 451, No. 1465; very rare, but middling condition : . size 8^. Philippopolis ; Antoninus Pius ; rev. Female, with patera and cornucopia; middling condition: size A, Philippopolis ; Marcus Aurelius ; rev. Ceres, with corn in the right hand, and torch in the left ; 3It, Supp. p. 452, No. 1469; middling condition : . size Q. Philippopolis ; Commodus ; rev. Lion to the right ; fair con- dition : . . size 4. Serdica ; Caracalla ; rev. Mercury with caduceus ; bad con- dition : . . size 8. 7 ISLANDS OF THRACE, IN COPPER. X/. 847 Imbros ; obv. Head of Minerva to the right ; rev. IMBPION. veiled and draped Female Figure standing, with right arm uplifted, and a cornucopia in the left hand ; extremely rare, and in very good condition : . size 6 J. Thasus ; obv. Head of Hercules, to the right ; rev. ©ASlfiN. Club and Bow, within which is an amphoi*a ; ra7'e, and in very good condition : . size 4. 2 '^'~ KINGS OF THRACE, IN COPPER. 848 Cavarus ; obv. Head of Apollo, to the right ; rev. BA^IAEfiS. [K]AYAPOY., Victory winged, and standing to the left, with a wreath in her right hand, is crowning the name of the king; /p Q ( 116 ) in the field, before the victory, is a monogram ; of extreme raritif, and infinr condition : . size 4. '»• It is only of lute years that the coins of this king have been discovered. There is no notice of them in Mionnet. See Cadalvene, Recueil de Mt'd. Greques, p. 40, and pi. 1, fi^. 16. llha?metalccs I. and his Queen ; rec. Augustus, 3It. p. 448, No. 142; /we.- . size6h 2 f Greek Coins, in Copper, continued at page 147. J CITIES OF THRACE, IN SILVER. ( Continued J) -om page 1 04.) /^ ,/ 849 iEnus ; (with caduceus before the goat) AINI. Mionnet, p. 369, No. 40; compare Dumersan, Coll. Allier, tab. 3, fig. 1 ; a remarkably fine old coin, in the highest condition : size Q^. weight 251^ grs. 1 850 Another; (with a throne, on which is placed a terminal figure, before the goat); see Dumersan, Coll. Allier. pi. 3, fig. 1; in perfect condition, but not free from suspicion: size 6i. weight 252^ grs. 1 Byzantium ; Mionnet, vol. 2, p. 497, No. 40)^; fine: size 3-|. tveight 70-j?g- grs. 2 %* These coins were formerly classed erroneously to Pythopolis in Bitbynia, on the authority of Cousinery. ^ 851 Byzantium; (rei'. Neptune seated); Mionnet, Supp. ^. 239, No. 202; very fine, and extremely rare : size 71. weight 207^^^^ grs. 1 *^* This coin, also formerly given to Pythopolis, is now admitted to belong unquestionably to Byzantium. COSA, (OF THRACE) IN GOLD. ^ -y 852 Cossea, or Cosa ; Mionnet, Supp. p. 276, No. 445; a very fine specimen of this curious coin ; as it came from the die: size 5. weight 128-^ grs. 1 *^* See Neumann, Num. Vet., pars II., p. 128. CITIES OF THRACE, IN SILVER. (Continued.) i^,/ ; 853 Maronea ; ohv. Horse galloping to the left ; rev. EIII. AIIEA- AEfi. surrounding a vine with five bunches of grapes, within a square ; fine work, rare, and in very fine condition : size 6. weight 162-5^ grs. 1 }• ( 117 ) ■'' 854 Another ; but MA. under the horse ; and on the reverse, Em. ffiHNQNOS. Vine with four bunches ; good condition, and rare: sise Q. zveight ] 64^ grs. Maronea ; obv. MAPO. Half Horse to the right ; rev. EIII- API^STOAEQ. surrounding a Bunch of Grapes, within a / dotted square; very fine : size H. weight 43^ grs. 2 855 Maronea; type of Mionnet, p. 390, No. 174; and two mono- grams ; g'ood condition : size 8^. weight 242yL- grs. Maronea ; obv. [AH]MHT. Half Horse to the left ; rev. MA. Bunch of Grapes, in a dotted square, with an ivy leaf in the corner; middling condition: . size 3. Another; but without letters ; ^-ooc? co?ic?«7»o?i •• //^ size 3. zveight 42 grs. 3 856 Potidea; same as Millingen, Cities and Kings, pi. 5, fig. 1, but the type reversed. On this coin, the equestrian Neptune is going to the left, with the star under the horse ; extremely rare, and in very good condition : size 61. weight 260^ grs. 1 ^ *^* In confirmation of the attribution of this coin to Potidea, see IMillingen, Sjlloge of Unedited Coins, pi. 2, fig. 22, witb the letters no, page 47. THRACIAN CHERSONESUS, AND ISLAND OF THASUS, IN SILVER. 857 Cherronesus, in the Thracian Chersonesus ; compare Pellerin, Rec. pi. 110, fig. 46, and Dumersan, Coll. Allier, tab. 4, fig. 4; 3Iionnet, Supp. p. 525, No. 14; but on the reverse, K, a pellet, and a star; very fine: .^ size 2^. weight 37^-^ grs. I *^* For the proof on which this attribution rests, see Dumersan, Collect. Allier, tab. 4, fig. 4 and 5. It appears very satisfactory, as these coins are constantly found in that neighbourhood, and have been a stumbling block to Numismatists for the last two centuries. Thasus ; rev. Hercules standing ; type of 3ft. p. 435, No. 30, but only M. in the field ; very good work, and fine con- dition: . size 8h. weight 260^ grs. 2 858 Cherronesus; like the preceding; but an amphora, a pellet, and a monogram, on the reverse ; as it came from the die : size 21. tveight 37-^ grs. Thasus ; like the preceding ; good work and condition : y size 8|. weight 260^ grs. 2 i-V/f ( 118 ) 859 Thasus ; two, like the preceding ; one fine work and condi- tion ; the other rude: . size 8. 2 860 Thasus ; hkc fig. 3, of the plate of Coins of Thasus, Mionnet, Supp. p. 545 ; in the field is the letter A. very clear, not A. ; verij fine work, and very good condition. This style of ivork\ on these coins, is of the utmost rarity: size 5i. weight \Z2^ grs. Another ; but of a style of work also uncommon, from its rudeness; very ivell jireserved : size 5. tct. 142^ grs. 2 861 Another; different style; Hunter, tab. 33, fig. 1; fair con- ditio}! : . . size 5^. Thasus ; (^7-ev, Hercules, with bow and arrow, on one knee, in a square); type of 3It. Sicpp. pi. 8, fig. 6, but a head in the field, instead of grapes; fine condition, and fine old work: size 3. weight 57^ grs. Thasus; Hunter, tab. 33, fig. 2; bearded old Faun kneeling on one knee ; ^;2e; size \^. weight 57^ grs. 3 (Greek Cities, in Silver, continued at page 121.J TETRADRACHMS OF LYSIMACHUS, KING OF THRACE, IN SILVER. 862 Lysimacbus ; ohv. Head of Hercules, covered with the skin of the lion's head, to the right ; rev. BASlAEfi^. AY^IMAXOY. Jupiter Aetophorus sitting, to the left; in the field, the fore half a lion, and a crescent; under the throne, the representa- tion called a pentagon ; in perfect condition, very good work, and of the utmost degree of rarity : size 7i. weight 263^ grs. 1 *,* The tetradrachms and drachms of this type are probably specimens of the first coinage of Lysimacbus, being evidently adopted in continuance of the silver coinage of Alexander the Great. These tetradrachms are of the utmost rarity. The drachms are more common. Both denomi- nations are always adjusted to the Attic Talent, like the coins of Alexander. 863 Another ; but with the same legend difierently disposed, the word AYSniAXOY. being now in the exergue ; in the field, - the fore half of a lion under a monogram within a wreath ; and under the throne another monogram ; different style of work from the last; of the utmost rarity, and in very good condition : . size 7 J. weight 260-^ grs. 1 iiy TETRADRACHMS OF LYSIMACHUS, IN SILVER. USUAL TYPE. *^* These coins of Lysimachus have been selected during so many years by their late possessor with much numismatic taste and feeling. They are all dif- ferent, and the variations in the type offer many most interesting subjects of inquiry. 864 Lysimachus; usual type; ohv. Portrait, with ram's horn ; 7'ev. Y^' Minerva sitting; Mionnet, Supp. pi. 8, fig. 7; but with the same monogram as on the preceding, within a wreath, in the field before the Minerva : size 8^. weight 265 grs. 1 *.;* This most beautiful coin is very remarkable for the extreme boldness of the relief, the very high character of the workmanship, and the fine state of preservation. It probably gives us one of the most faithful portraits extant of Alexander the Great in his youth. 865 Another; with monogram above the arm of Minerva, and a meander in front of her beyond the legend; the portrait of Alexander much okIei\ The form of the front of the throne (being straight) is very peculiar and unusual ; beaidiful work, and high condition : size 7^, tv eight 266-^ grs. I 866 Another ; with a torch in the field, in front of Minerva, and /^- *^^ a star on the throne, the front of which is covered with the V drapery of Minerva, tvhose figure is very beautiful, and highly preserved, as tvell as the obverse: size 8. weight 261^ grs. 1 *^* The drapery of the Minerva on the usual type of these coins never covers the front of the throne. ^ 867 Another; with a monogram under the hand of Minerva, another behind her beyond the legend, and another in the exergue; fine ivorJc, and perfect preservation on both sides: size 8. tveight 264^ grs. 1 868 Another; with a monogram under the hand, and crescent in the exergue; the point of the spear, at the feet of Minerva, very well defined; fi,ne work and condition on both sides : size 8. tveight 263yL- grs. I 869 Anotlier; with different style of portrait, and a peculiarity in ^^'^' • the horn; on the reverse, the front of the throne is straight; with a most singular and uncommon monogram under the hand, and a meander in front of Minerva beyond the legend; fine condition, and fine work on both sides: size 8^. tveight 265 ^^ grs. 1 2?/^ y7>^ -^/ / ( 120 ) I i ' ^y 870 Another: with a monogram under the hand of Minerva ; /?«e ' iro)'k; and beautiful condition on both sides : y'^" ^' ''^"\ size 8^-. loeight 264 grs. 1 1 871 Another; dififerent character of head, and style of work ; with j a hon's head, in profile, under the hand of Minerva, and a j monogram on the throne; the spear has no point; highly J. '/iA.i preserved, particularly the reverse: \ size 9. weight 262^ grs. 1 j Xy-': 872 Another; with a monogram under the hand of Minerva, and | AI2, on the throne; in very good preservation on both sides: , "^ size 8. weight 260 grs. 1 *^* This coin proves the reading of tbe raonogram, on the preceding, to | be Ail. I 873 Another ; fine character of head ; with an elephant and a lion's i head, in profile, under the hand of Minerva ; ©E (in mono- , , i gram) upon the throne ; Jine condition, and worJc: ^y size 81. weight 259^ grs. 1 y ,y? 874 Another ; with a caduceus under the hand of Minerva, and a bee in the field, behind her, beyond the legend ; Jine charac- ■>',_, ter of head, and tveJl preserved on both sides: size 9. weight 263-j^ grs. 1 *^* This coin was formerly in the Modena Cabinet, and bears the small golden stamp of the spread eagle. y ~ 875 Another ; fine character of head, with a monogram under the hand of Minerva, and a terminus in front, beyond the legend; in very good condition, and a Jine spread coin: size 9. weight 260^ grs. 1 ( Tetradrachms of Lysimachus, Continued at page 130^. DRACHMS OF LYSIMACHUS, IN SILVER. , 876 Lysimachus; same type as the preceding (a Drachm) ;^?ie and rare: . size 4. weight QQ^-^ grs. Lysimachus ; but type of Alexander the Great, (a Drachm) in the field of the reverse is a crescent under a half lion ; under the throne is the representation called a pentagon ; fine and rare: . size A. weight 67^0 grs. 2 *»• The weight of this coin is remarkable, as it is very rare to find an Attic Drachm so heavy. ///>// /y //^ C 121 ) KINGS OF P^ONIA, IN SILVER. 877 Audoleon; usual type, Mionnet, p. 450, No. 2, but with the full face incluiing to the left; of very uncommon style of tvork and fahvic, and as it came from the die; prohahly /' 7.// unique: . size Q. weight 199^ grs. 1 / 878 Another; but with the full face (as usual) inclining to the right ; under the horse AY. in monogram ; very rare, and in extremely fine condition : size 6. weight 193^ grs. 1 "^ •^•7 ®^^ Another; with same monogram under the horse; in very fine condition, and rare : size Q. weight 195^ grs. 1 ~^ ^ 880 Audoleon ; same type, and monogram under the horse ; very ^ • ^' fine, and of extreme rarity : size 3. weight 46^ grs. 1 ,J^ // *^* This type appears to be unpublished, it being usually only a half horse. 881 Patraus ; Mionnet, p. 451, No. 9; but with a helmet in the '!^'^ field ; good work, in most beautiful condition, and rare: size Q^. weight 196^ grs. I %* This coin is remarkably distinguished for the unusually ornamented dress and trappings of the horse and rider, as well as of the fallen enemy. I y 882 Another; but not having the legend retrograde, and without '^' the peculiarities of the preceding coin; in the field, a mono- ^ ^^ I gram ; fine condition : size 6. weight 1 93^ grs. 1 " " I j 883 Alexander; ohv. Female Head, with flowing hair and wreath of laurel, seen nearly full faced, inclining to the right, with ear- ^-^ ', ^ rings and necklace, and the hair ornamented with pearls in front; by the side of the head is an uncertain object; 7'ev. AAEEA[NA]POY., Horseman in armour, and with a lance, as on the preceding coin; under the horse is a double axe; good work, and fine condition; presumed to he unique and , ,-, unpublished: size Q. weight 183^ grs. 1' *^* The type and style of work, as well as the weight and the style of I minting, of this remarkable coin, lead to the opinion that it belongs to i a King of this dynasty, named Alexander ; but which must however be proved by future research. The object called uncertain in the above j description, is a sort of sceptre, ending with a ball, from which issue I sprigs of palm. See the note following lot 1021. ' CITIES OF MACEDON, IN SILVER. (Greek Cities, in Silver, continued from page 118. J 884 Macedonia, in genere; obv. Bust of Diana to the right, with . , I bow and quiver behind, occupying the centre of a Macedo- i ■ ■ ■ ( \-2-2 .) nian sliield ; rev. MAKEAONfiN. under a club, within a wreath of oak leaves, and acorns ; above the club, [LE]G.,and a hand holding- an olive branch towards the letters ; the type of this vcri/ remarkable coin is in perfect preservation, but the coin Jias been injured by a hole near the edge ; presumed to be unique and nnjniblished : sized, rvt. 244^ grs. 1 •^* Tlie sU'Ie of tbis busi of Diana is different from that on the coins inscribed MAKEA0Ni2N. nFSlTHS, ■^ 885 Macedonia, in genere ; rev. AESILLAS., 3Iionnet, p. 455, ^ No. 33; as it came from the die: size 9J. weight 2643^^ grs. 1 *^* This coin, although common, becomes very rare in this very perfect state of preservation. ^ - 886 Another; in very good condition: size 8. INIacedonia, in genere; 3It. p. 456, No. 47 ; MAKEAONON. , nPflTHX, with HP. in monogram, above the club, and N: " ' under ; in very good condition : . size 8^. 2 / / 887 Another; MAKEAONfiN. nPOTH:^.; in good condition: size 8^. Macedonia, in genere; obv. MAKE., and a club, within the Xj'^ centre of a Macedonian shield ; rev. conical shaped Helmet, with monogram on each side, and underneath is a star, and another monogram; rare and very fine : size 3. weight 37^5^ grs. 1 Macedonia, in genere; {obv. Buckler; rev. Prow of a Galley) Mionnet, p. 452, No. 3; as it came from the die : size 3. weight 31^ grs. Macedonia, in genere; obv. Female Head to the right, orna- mented with vine leaves and grapes ; rev. MAKEAONfiN., Prow of a Galley; in the field 11.; as it came from the die : size 3. weight 33^ grs. 4 / J 888 Macedonia, in genere; MAKEAONfiN. HPOTHS., in good condition : . size 9. Macedonia, ^?^ genere; three coins like the last in the pre- ceding lot, with slight difi"erences ; as they came from the die : ^ size 3. weights 33^^, 35^, and 36^ grs. 4 /,; 889 Macedonia, in genere; MAKEAONON. nPfiTHX; good condition : . size 9. iveight 262 grs. ^ Macedonia, in genere; like the three coins in the preceding lot, and as it came from the die. size 3. wt. 35^^ grs. ^/.■' / . ,/: / ( 123 ) Macedonia, in genere; obv. Buckler; rev. Prow of a galley; as it came from the die: size 3. weight 33^ grs. 3 ^^ 890 Acanthus; (Lion and Bull; rev. Quad, incus.) Mionnet, Supp. vol. 3, pi. 3, fig. 7; very old ivorh, extremely rare, and in n most perfect condition: size 8. weight 269-^ grs. 1 ^ 891 Another; but the head of the Bull is turned back ; in the most '-"■ ''" perfect condition: size 7|. weight 261-j^ grs. Another; but false : size 7^. weight 2A\ grs. 2 892 Acanthus ; obv. same type of the Lion and Bull, but the grouping managed differently, and an ivy leaf in the field; /^ ' rev. AKAN0ION. on a square border, slightly indented, sur- rounding another square, which is divided into four equal parts; very remarkable old style of work, of the utmost degree of rarity, if not unique, and in the finest condition : size 9. weight 253^%- grs. 1 *^* See Dumersan, Collect. AUier, pi. 4, fig. 13. Tbis is the identical coin there engraved. From the collection of the late Chevalier Allier de Hauteroche. 893 Acanthus ; with AAEBI2. in exergue ; Mt. Supp. pi. 4, fig. 5; •-^' ' '^" fine old work, in beautful condition, and of extreme rarity: size!, weight 219^ grs. 1 894 Another; but with AAEBIOS.; Mionnet, Supp. pi. 4, fig. 4 ; apparently of the same age; extremely rare, fine old worhy in the same most perfect condition, and the reverse particu- larly clean and sharp : size 6J. tveight 220^ grs. 1 ^^ -^ 893 Another ; but with n. in the exergue ; extremely rare, and very fine condition: . size Q\. 2\A-^ grs. 1 ^'/P' '''' ; ^ 896 Another ; but without anything in the exergue ; very rare, 1 and in extremely good condition : size 6i. weight 218 grs. I L (Greek Cities in Silver, continued at page 132^. '//.' /; //> 1 ROMAN MIDDLE BRASS. I ( Continued from, page 106.^ Ax./^^.. 897 Trajan, 4. Hadrian, 6. ^Elius ; rev. Hadrian; rare; all varied, some well preserved . 11 )\. 898 Trajan, 4. Hadrian, 6 ; rev. Sabina ; rare; rev. Head of T^>'^ Hadrian, two varieties ; rev. Pegasus; cos. ill.; and two \ others; all are varied, and well preserved . 10 ! K JJ2/// ^ . ( 1-^M ) 899 llacirian, 6 ; well presetved. Sabiiia, 2. These have an or- ^ ^ nameiited head-dress ; are very Jine and scarce ; all eight , r-/--/ are varied . . 8 900 Hadrian, 6. Sabina ; ornamented head-dress. i^lius ; rev. PANNONIA. Anton. Pius, 2 ; ■>-ei>. Elephant ; ^-ef. tiberis.; ^y all varied, and weU preserved . 10 ■ ^ 901 Hadrian, 5 ; ret*, aegyptos.; rey. Africa.; »*e?;. Britannia.; rer. DACIA.; ref. Pegasus; cos. in.; all rather ^ne, ex- cept the type of Britain, which is j)oor. , % y Sabina, 2; varied ^lius. Anton. Pius, 4 ; varied; well preserved . . 12 902 Hadrian, 6. Sabina, 2. jElius. Anton. Pius, 5 ; all varied ; some are very ivell preserved . 14 1 -^ ^- '-/ -'^', 903 Hadrian, 3. iElius. Anton. Pius, 3. Faustina sen., 2. Au- relius, 4. Faustina jun., 3 ; one has her Head on ohv. and rev. . . . 16 - -^ --''^^' 904 Hadrian; rev. felicitas. avg.; with the silver Eaglet, or Farnesian countermark ; rather fine. Anton. Pius, 3 ; rer. gexio. senatvs.; two varieties; rev. Minerva armed, &c.; tr. pot. cos. ti.; this reverse, in the Spinirian style, is very curious and rare ; see R.P. Knight's Worship of Priapus, 4"C. . . 4 905 Anton. Pius, 5 ; rev. Victory carrj-ing a buckler, on which BRITAN. is inscribed ; legend, imperator. ii.; a patinated and rare medal; rev. salvs. pvblica.; rev. tiberis.; rev. M vnificentia., &c.; Elephant ; rev. two sacred Shields; <" • ancilia., &c.; all highly interesting, and fine 5 906 Anton. Pius, 6 ; rev. Sow with pigs, &c.; all varied. Faustina sen., 2 ; o6i*. veiled Heads ; 7'ei;. jvno. ; rgy. aeter- NITAS.; fine. Aurelius, 4 ; one has the Emperor"s Head on ohv. and rev. ^' Faustina jun., 3 ; these are very ivell preserved . 15 907 Anton. Pius, 4 ; rev. Britain seated on rocks ; Britannia. COS. nil.; rare, and well preserved ; and three others. Faustina sen., 3 ; one has the veiled Head ; all three are rather fine. Aurelius; rev. Sacrificial Implements ; pietas. avg. 8 908 Galerius Antoninus ; ohv. his Bust and titles ; rev. Faustina, his mother ; the inscrijjtions are in the GreeTc language, no Latin medals being knoicn of this Prince ; tvell preserved, and extra rare . . I ' ' ( 125 ) Mr- y 909 Anton. Pius, 3 ; rev. Britain seated on rocks; buitannia. ^y^y^ ^' CO ; rare, and in a fair state of preserva,tion ; rev. AVRELivs.; rev. Mars armed, descending to Rhea; scarce in all metals. Faustina sen., 2. Aurelius . . 6 '#* This Britannia was Pinkerton's (No. 6 of plate 3, vol. i.) An auto- graph note of the late possessor states: " It was from this identical coin that the engraving in Pinkerton's work upon coins and medals was made ; it was once in the possession of the author, who so states : (see page 376'). I had it from Mr. Neave." ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN SILVER. ( Continued from page 94). 910 Augustus; rev. Triumphal Car in a round temple; in the ex- ergue, s.p.q.r.; rev. lov. ton.; rev. lovi. olin.; rev. Warrior with trophies, in a temple ; mar.vlt.; rev. Quadriga on a triumphal arch ; imp. caesar.; rev. Apollo striking the lyre; caesar. divi. f. ; all fine, and highly interesting 6 ~ -^-^ 911 Augustus; rev. Bull butting; imp. x.; rev. Quadriga, with a <^r^~ Standard topped with the Roman eagle, and a small quadriga; s.p.q.r.; rev. Terminus on a thunderbolt ; imp. caesar.; rev. Crocodile; aegypto. capta.; rev. Anthony; rev. Caius and Lucius standing by the sacred bucklers, &c. ; all are fine . . 6 ^ 912 Augustus ; rev. Anthony ; rev. Caius on horseback, and three ' y. -. Ensigns ; rev. Bull butting ; rev. Victory on a globe ; cae- sar. DIVI. F. ; rev. Female, with laurel-branch and cornu- copia; rez;. Civic Crown; OB. civis. servatos.; all well •preserved . . .6 913 Augustus; obv. fine female Head ; rev. Emperor with lance, ■ ^'^ *- walking; caesar. divi. f.; oi^?. Head of Victory ; rev. the Emperor, resting the right foot on a globe, with acrostolium and spear; caesar. divi. f.; ohv. Emperor in quadriga; caesar. divi. f. ; rev. Victory on prow of a vessel 3 '^' 914 Augustus, 10; all varied. Agrippa ; rei;. bare Head of Augustus ; very rare; both heads are well preserved, though the medal is unfortunately broken , , . U ' '''^'^ ^A' J //:/■ Vf- ( 12ti ) 915 Agrippa; rev. Augustus; bare heads; very ivell preserved, ^/^, , / and vei-y scarce . • 1 916 Tiberius, 2; rev. Quadriga with the Emperor; imp. vii.; rev. Emperor seated. ^^ ^^ Drusus sen.; 7'ei'. Arms piled together ; de. germanis.; very 1-are . • . o . / 917 Tiberius; rei?. the Emperor seated. Antonia; r^y. two Torches ; sacerdos., &c.; rather doubtful 2 /^ / 918 Antonia; ?'ei'. as the last; but perfectly genuine; very fine /' , and rare . . .1 - ■ ' 919 Germanicus ; rev. laureate Head of Caligula; very fine and / scarce . . • 1 I ' ' 920 Germanicus ; as the last ; equally fine . 1 , 921 Germanicus; rey. bare Head of Caligula ; well preserved, and i scarce . . . 1 H ^ yj. 922 Germanicus ; rev. laureate Head of Caligula ; ancient, but | plated. Agrippina sen.; rev. laureate Head of Caligula; well pre- served, and rare . . . 2 ^ |i ^ ^y 923 Agrippina sen. ; as the last . . l^'^^^^. -7 , 924 Agrippina sen.; similar . . 1 /'^^.-U*^ ^, 925 Caligula; rey. radiated Head of Augustus ; divvs. avgvstvs. / ^^,^ '/''J PATER. PATRIAE. ; Very fine, a7id comparatively scarce, a^y,' his coins in all the three metals are . \ ^^ 926 Caligula; rev. radiated Head of Augustus ; no legend; very fine, but rather doubtful; rev. a Civic Crown; s.p.q.r.,"^' ^^'' &c. . . . 2 " _ . 927 Claudius, 2 ; rev. Praetorian Camp ; rev. Civic Crown, with /^ /^ EX. S.C. OB. GIVES. SERVATOS. Nero; very youthful Head ; all three are xvell preserved 3 ^ ■ 928 Claudius ; rev. a Triumphal Arch, and the Emperor on horse- back, between two trophies, on its summit; de. britann.;^ '"<''" ^ / / a highly interesting type, in good condition . 1 ' ^^ 929 Claudius; 7'ey. de. britanni.; as the IsLst, but much finer 1 . 5 930 Claudius, 3 ; rei'. Garland; ex. s.c. OB. ci vis., &c.; rey. Em- peror and a soldier ; PRAETOR., &C.; rey. PACl. AVGVSTAE. -^ Nero ; rev. Rome seated ; in exergue, roma. 4 v_ '^ 931 Claudius; rev. constantiae. avgvsti. ; very fine. Nero, 3 ; rev. radiated Head of Augustus (struck in Egypt) ; , rev. vesta.; Figure in a temple ; fine, but doubtful ; rev. - ( 1-27 ) EQVESTER. ORDo., &c. ; all these medals are much finer than Nero's silver usually are . . 4 ( Continued at page 140^. / X ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN GOLD. ( Continued from page \Q1.) 932 Nero ; rev. the Emperor and Fortuna standing ; avgvstvs. AVGVSTA.; exceedingly fine . 1 / J ^r 938 Galba 939 Galba 940 Galba /■ y/'' 1,/ 933 Nero; rey. Jupiter seated ; ivpiter. cvstos.; j^we 1 /^' ^(L ■ 934 Nero; as the last ; well preserved . . 1 X J 935 Nero, 2 ; 7'ev. as the last ; rev. on his closing of the Temple of Janus . . . 2 - ' *^* See Cardwell's VIII. Lecture for an account of this interesting medal, ^- - 936 Galba; rev. a Female, with ears of corn, standing; imp. avg.; very fine . . .1 *^* From the Trattle collection, lot 960. 937 Galba; rev. an oaken Garland ; within it, s.p.q. r. ob. c.s. 1 -^ ^ rev. a Female standing ; diva. AVGVSTA.;^?2e 1 ''■'/^ rev. as the the last ; in good condition ' . 1 . ^ J rev. a Female sacrificing ; sal vs. gen. hvmani.; fine and rare . . .1 '^-^^ 941 Galba; rev. a military Figure ; roma. renasc; very fine 1 ^/ -''i' 942 Otho ; rev. a Female standing, with caduceus and a laurel- branch ; PAX. ORBis. terrarvm.; very fine, and very rare 1 ''^ ^943 Otho ; rev. as the last ; equally fine and rare . 1 ^' 944 Otho ; rev. a Female, with garland and cornucopia ; the latter rests on a buckler; secvritas. p.p.; well preserved, and rare . . . 1 945 Otho ; rev. a female Figure, holding the hasta and a wreath ; secvritas. P.R.; very fine and rare . 1 '>^y>^ - 946 Otho ; rev. as the last ; well preserved . 1 '^•r r' 947 Otho; rev. as the last ; in fair condition . 1 [^^^^'948 Otho; rev. victoria, othonis. This is the most rare type I of Otho ; in a good state of preservation . 1 "^ 949 Vitellius ; rev. a Female seated, with patera and cornucopia ; CONCORDIA, p. R.; a Very fine and scarce coin 1 '950 Vitellius; rev. Female sitting ; font, maxim.; 7?ne 1 7'^-? ^///f /// y/y /2 .r - /. 2 / / ( l-i8 ) I 951 Vitellius; rev. Liberty standing; libertas. restitvta.; . ^ ■ very rare . . • 1 i 952 Vitellius; rev. the Emperor's Father seated; l. vitellivs. COS. III. CENSOR.; ra7'e . • 1-^ 953 Vitellius; ret-, a Tripod, eagle, &c.; xv. viR. sacr. fac. 1, v.-/^^ 954 Vitellius; »-ey. his two Sons, face to face ; liberi. imp. ger- ^ -^ MAN.; very rare . • 1' ^^'*- 955 Vitellius ; rev. two youthful Heads, as before ; liberi. imp. GERM. AVG. ; very rare ;^. ^<^-e ''' J '' 956 Vespasian; ?'ey. a Cow standing ; cos. vii.; exceedingly Jine, and very scarce . . 1 957 Vespasian ; rev. a magnificent Carpentum, drawn by four horses; ex. s.c; very rare in such a high state of pre- servation . . .1 .^ 958 Vespasian; rev. a Triumphal Quadriga, with several figures ; ^7 . TRIVMP.AVG.; one of the most rare types of this Emperor 1 -^ O"*''" ( Continued at page 142 J. PAPAL MEDALS, IN SILVER. f Continued from page 110. J / 959 Clement XII.; rev. adorate. dominvm., &c.; a beautiful Church ; by O. Hamerani ; of very fine execution : ^' size 18. 1 960 Innocent XL; a Satirical Medallion ; {see Van Loon, \o\.iii., ^ ^ '/' page 312, No. 1); ohv. svpra. devm. post, perniciem.;-^'-/^' the Pope, with thunderbolt and keys, on the seven-headed hydra (which is devouring a child, a man, and a woman), as- sisted by a Jesuit and a Papal soldier, supporting the host, and carrying fetters and a sword ; rev. ex. martyriis. palmae., Religious intolerance personified by executions, &c.; very rare and fine: . . size 15. 1 /i" 961 Alexander VII. ; ?-ev. the Quirinal Palace ; alexan. vii., &c., j on a scroll. /^ y Innocent XII., 2; rev. a. deo., &c.; rev. an Angel, with trumpets ; ivbilei., &c. Clement XL; rey. the Holy Ghost ; infvnde. lvmen. 4 / // 962 Innocent XL; rev. fecit, pacem., &c. Innocent XIL; ohv. the Church of the Virgin ; rev. aedis. ^^;^ D. mariae., &c. Clement XL; rev. infvnde. lvmen., as in the last lot. y ( 129 ) // // Alexander VIII.; by Ortolani; rev. the Virgin, trophies, and captives; victricem., &c.; 7'are ; aliens . 4 963 Benedict XIII.; rev, a Clierub propping up with flowers the Pope dozing; fvlcite. me. floribvs.; rare . 1 • /4 964 Gregory XIII.; rev. Justice, Peace, and Abundance, personified. Innocent X.; rev. Buildings, and equestrian statue; aedifi- CAT., &c. Urban VIII.; rev. a Public Granary; poor. Benedict XIII.; rev. per. me., &c. / /.f Alexander VII.; rew. the Saviour ; ^we . 5 965 Clement XL; ohv. an exquisite Bust; by Hermenegildus Ha- merani ; rev. a Gi'anary ; addito. annonae., &c.;^"ne; / size 14. 1 / /^ 966 Innocent XL; rev. fiat. pax. Alexander VII.; r t_f ■ 974 Ferrara ; obv. Bust, &c., of Bart, della Rovere, Cardinal of Ferrara, and nephew of Sixtus IV.; rev. Escutcheon ; by Sperandei ; fine, and very rare . 1 0- ^-/ NINTH DAY'S SALE. /// TETRADRACHMS OF LYSIMACHUS, IN SILVER. USUAL TYPE. C Continued from page 120. J LOT 975 Lysimachus ; usual type ; see Mionnet, pi. 69, fig. 7, but with a torch in the field, under the hand of Minerva, and a star on the throne, which is straight in front ; fine work, bold relief, and high condition on both sides : . size 71. Another ; with monogram under the hand of Minerva, and a terminus in front, beyond the legend ; good condition : size 8^. 2 /^ H.^ ( 131 ) . ^-^ 976 Another ; remarkable character of head, with a 11., (on which is a caducous, ) under the hand of Minerva, and a monogram behind her, beyond the legend; good work, and fine con- dition : . . size 8^. Another; with a monogram under the hand of Minerva, and behind her, (beyond the legend,) the same monogram as on the preceding ; veri/ good work and condition : size 7^ 2 977 Another; with KA. in a monogram above a crescent before ^^, the Minerva; the point of the spear at her feet very distinct ; fine worJc, and very well preserved : size 8^. Another ; with a monogram under the hand, and a torch in front of Minerva, beyond the legend ; under the throne and feet of Minerva, is a meander ; fine work, and very well preserved: . size 8. 2 978 Another ; with a monogram in exergue, and a thyrsus behind the Minerva beyond the legend ; veyy good work, and con- dition : . . size 9. Another ; with monogram under the hand of Minerva, good ivork, and extremely fine condition : size B>\. 2 979 Another ; with KA. in monogram under the hand, and a ter- 'z.'/' minus in front of Minerva beyond the legend; fine work, good condition: . size 8^. Another ; with AY. under the hand of Minerva, and in the exergue, KAAXA. and a blade of wheat ; in very fair con- dition, and rare: , size 9 J. 2 %* Struck at Chalcedon, in Bithjnia. 980 Another ; with HP. in monogram under the hand of Minerva, ^'''' and a crescent in the exergue; very. fine work, and good 1 condition: . . size 7 J. Another ; with the same monogram under the hand of Minerva, and a star on the throne, which has the straight front ; fine work, and very good condition : size 1^. 2 DRACHMS OF LYSIMACHUS, IN SILVER. ( Continued from page \2Q). .z^ 981 Lysimachus ; (a Drachm) same type as lot 876, but with a bee under the hand of Minerva ; very rare of this size : size 4. s / / / 0' // ( 132 ) Lysimacluis; (a Drachm) type of Alexander the Great, whh t^. under the fore halt' of a lion in the field ; under the throne is the representation called a pentagon ; very rare, and in good condition : • ***^ '*' ^ CITIES OF MACEDON, IN SILVER. ( Continued from page \2Z). ^y 082 Acanthus; compare ^m^er, tab. 32, fig. 18; ohv. Half Lion ,-^,^ 'f' devouring, to the left ; in the exergue, the horns of an ox ; rev. Quadratum incusum, divided into four parts ; old work, and very good condition : size 2J. weight 42^ grs. Acanthus ; ohv. Half Bull kneeling, to the left, and the head turned back towards a hucranium with long horns in the field, (sometimes called ajloicer); rev. an indented Square, divided into four parts ; very old style, rare, and in very fine condition: . size 3. tceight 4:0 grs. Acanthus; Mionnet, pi. 46, fig. 1; but a branch above the half bull : . . size 3. 3 // 983 Araphipolis ; rev. Torch ; Mionnet, Supp. pi. 5, fig. 4; of extreme rarity, and in good condition: (y^-c^f^^] size 2. weight 25-j% grs. 1 Amphipolis ; (rer. AM$I. and Fish in a square); see Dumer- san, Coll. Allier. pi. 4, fig. 15; fine condition, and extremely rare: ■ size J. weight 6^ grs. Bottiaea; 3It. p. 470, No. 167; extremely rare, and in very good condition : size 2., weight 24^^ grs. 3 ' // ;? />' 984 Chalcis; type of Blionnet, Supp. pi. 5, fig. 8; but EIII- EYAfiPIAA. under the lyre; very rare, beautiful work, and A . v / as it came from the die : size Q^. tveight 219^ grs. 3 y y2. 985 Another ; with [EHI] HOAYEENOY. above the lyre ; very heautful work, in remarkably high relief and extremely m rare: . size 6. weight 219^ gTs. 1 > j^ // 986 Another; but with the head of Apollo to the left; very fine condition, beautiful ivork, and very rare: . size 6|-. weight 221 grs. 1 -— ' // /^^ 987 Another ; with the head of Apollo to the left, and a small tripod above the lyre, in the space usually occupied by the letter A in XAA.; beautiful old ivork, in extremely good ,„',v^'=''^ condition, and of great rarity : size 6. tvt. 221--^ grs. 1 i 1 J7J ^. J/. ( 133 ) *^* The following Lave tbe Head of Apollo to the right, which is the usual type. The two preceding coins with the head to the left are rare deviations. ^ 988 Another; but with the lyre within an indented square; ex- tremely rare, and in fine condition : / v ^ size 6^. tveight 2l9^^j grs. 1 ' x 989 Another ; with EHI. APlSTfiNOS. under the lyre ; veri/ rare, and fine: . size 6^. tveight 2\6^^ grs. 1 y" ^'^ 990 Another ; with EHI. OAYMni[XOS ?] in remarkably minute letters; ver^ rare, and well preserved : . / size 6. weight 218^ grs. 1 '■^ y <=- 991 AiTother; with the name obscured by a little black oxide ; z;er^ fine work, and condition: size 6. weight 221^ grs. 1 7^ ''^ ^. 992 Another; ■^x'Ca.YMl. K^^Kl^h^...; fine ivork, very rare, and well preserved : size b\. xveight 22^-^ grs. 1 ^ '^ ,, 993 Another; hut false: size G^. weight 254^^ grs. Chalcis ; same type; in fair condition : size 2. Another; with the lyre in a square; ^»e.' size 3. weight 36^ grs. Heraclea Sintica; (attributed to) with H.; Mt. Supp. p. 78, No. 480; pi. 6, fig. 2: . size l^. Neapolis; if/if. p. 479, No. 213; >je; size 2^. \ Mende; Mt. p. 478, No. 206; and Supp. pi. 7, fig. 3; ex- ' tremely rare, fair condition, hut injured by a loop: size 2i. 6 ■ 994 Neapolis ; Mionnet, Supp. pi. 7, fig. 3 ; good condition : j size 4^. weight 151 g7's. 1 Neapolis ; 3It. p. 479, No. 213; fine : size 2^. weight 28 j^g- grs. I Chalcis ; same type as above, but with A. behind the head of I Apollo ; fine : size 3. weight SQ-^o g^'s- 1 Heraclea Sintica; same type as above, but with A.; fine : I size 2. weight 14 grs. 4 ^ 995 Lete; (attributed to) compare Mt. Supp. p. 80, No. 492; j '^^' pi. 6, No. 4; but of very peculiar and much ruder work, 1 with three pellets on each side of the figures; extremely curi- ] ous and scarce, if not unique : size 4. wt. 152^ gt's. j Lete ; Mt. Supp. p. 80, No. 493 ; see pi. 6, fig. 5 ; in most \ perfect preservation, and very rare : I size 5^. weight 147^ grs. y. /.. J/2. 7///'// /4/^^ ( 134 ) 996 Another; but TETAION. (retrograde) faint and indistinct; Ml Supp. p. 81, No. 496; compare pi. 6, fig. 7; but see- Dumersan, Coll. Allier, pi. 4, fig. 18, tvhere this identical coin is engraved ; perfect condition, and extremely rare toith the letters : size 6. iveight 151 grs. 1 *^*' From the Collection of the Chevalier Allier de Hauteroche. 997 Another ; without letters ; see 3ft. Siipp. pi. 6, fig. 6, very rare, and in perfect condition; size 5 J. tveight 146^ grs. Orestae ; Mt. Supp. pi. 8, fig. 1 ; veiy rare, and in very fine condition : size 5. weight 144^ grs. 2 998 OrestcT; nPH2KI[nN]. retrograde, 1/if. pi. 45, fig. 7; with a pellet under the Centaur ; rubbed, but in fair condition: size 4^. 1 Orestse ; Mt. pi. 60, fig. 2; but ill preserved, and letters not visible : • size 4. 2 999 Orthagoria ; 3It. Supp. p. 87, No. 526 ; obv. Head of Diana to the right, with quiver behind ; rev. OPOArOPEQN., an ornamented Helmet, (pileus shape) seen in front, with two check-pieces, and a star on the apex ; under it, HP. in mono- gram ; extremely rare, and in most perfect preservation : size 6^. weight 154^ grs. 1 *,* Not in the French collection, according to Mionnet. 1000 Another; precisely the same; slightly rubbed, and with a small hole in the edge, but in very good preservation : size 6. weight 160-j§g- grs. 1001 Ossa, (Bisaltarum) ; 3Iionnet, Supp. p. 49; compare pi. 5, fig. 7, but this specimen has a helmet in the field, behind the warrior, and a pellet in each of the four subdivisions of the square ; in very fine condition, and of extreme rarity : size 3^. weight 53^^ grs. 1 1002 Another ; but rubbed, especially on the reverse, very mid- dling condition : . size 3. Uncertain of Macedon ; obv. Horse to the right, in a circle of dots ; 7'ev. Quadratum incusum, divided into four parts ; very good condition, and rare : size I-g. weight 15^ grs. Uncertain of Macedon ; obv. Horse to the right ; rev. Hel- met, within an indented square ; good condition : * size 2-|. weight 30^ grs. //Y 2 / ( 135 ) ^^'^'-^ Uncertain of Macedon ; Pellerin, Rec. pi. 115, fig. 20; ohv. Half Horse to the right ; 7'ev. Goat in a square, kneeling on one knee ; very rare, and in very fine condition : size 2. weight 32 grs. 4 f Greek Cities, in Silver, continued at page .) / y^ DIDRACHM OF PHILIPPI, IN GOLD. 1003 PhiUppi; Mionnef, Supp. p. 100, No. 621; $IAinnfiN., [■^"^ but with a caduceus in the field, to the right. The type and style of work precisely like the coin of Thasus, vol. 2, Mt. Supp. pi. 6, fig. 5; of the utmost degree of rarity, and in perfect preservation : size Z^. weight 132^^ grs. 1 *jit* Not in the French collection, according to Mionnet. KINGS OF MACEDON, IN SILVER. 1004 Archelaus? oiv. Horsemati, with the Macedonian causia, and two spears, going to the left ; rev. Head and Neck of a Goat to the right in a square, slightly indented; a cadu- ceus behind; old work, the reverse inclining to a barha- rous style; extremely rare, and well preserved : size 7. weight 202^^ grs. 1 *^* Compare with pi. 1, fig. 6, of the eight plates of the Coins of the Kings of Macedonia, collected by Mi'. Duane, engraved by Barto- lozzi, and published by Thane, without date, (about the year 1800). 1005 Archelaus; (rev. APXEAAO., and a Horse in a square); Mionnet, p. 507, No. 14; pi. 55, fig. 4; very rare, and in fine condition, except some slight bruises on the hair : size 6. weight 160-jig- grs. =;^ 1006 Archelaus ; {rev. Half Lion in a square); Mt. p. 507, No. 10; fair condition : size 3. weight 32^ grs. Amyntas; (rev. AMYNTA., and Horse in a square); Mt. p. 508, No. 17; rare, and in very good condition : size 4^. weight 146 ^^ grs. 2 DIDRACHMS OF PHILIP II., IN GOLD. _ 1007 Philip II.; usual type ; see Mionnet, pi, 70, fig. 1 ; obv. Head of Apollo, to the right, with short hair and laurel wreath ; . /> rev. a Biga at full speed, the charioteer holding a wand in / // ( 136 ) his uplifted right hand, and the reins in his left ; in the exergue, IAinnOY., Horseman with the chlamys, psenula, and causia, and right arm uplifted, trotting to the left ; between the fore legs of the horse is a bow, and under him, half a winged sea horse ; this type is by far more rare than the preceding, and al- though somewhat 7'ubbed, is in very good condition : / ?*, size ^. weight 219^ grs. 2 '' 1019 Another; but with M. between the forelegs of the horse, and a trident under him ; rubbed, but in fair condition : size 6i. Philip II.; obv. as usual. Head of Jupiter to the right; rev. as usual, naked Youth, with palm, to the right, but with a thunderbolt placed horizontally under the horse, and %. between the fore legs; in very fair condition: size 7. 2 1020 Another; with the same symbol and ffi. mider the horse, and between the fore legs, ME. in monogram ; in extremely good condition : size &^. weight 2\1^ grs. *^* On this coin the floating ends of the fillet are tied in a knot behind the head. Philip II ? obv. Male Head to the right, with short hair, and very narrow fillet ; rev. ^lAIIIIIOY., Horseman gallop- ing to the left; under the horse is a club; well preserved: size 3. weight 37 grs. 2 I *^* The style of work seems to shew this, and similar, coins, to be I posterior to the time of Philip II.; but many of the coins of the I Kings of Macedon require a new and comprehensive arrangement. ''^"^^021 Another; with a pellet under the horse; well preserved : 1 size 3. weight 39^ grs. / / / xrf/U Ai- ( 138 ) Another; with a thunderbolt under the liorsc ; y?ner worAr, older style, and thicker ; well preserved : size 21. weight 42^ grs. *,* This coin appears to be of tbe time of Philip II. Philip II.; type of lot 1014, but with the prow of a galley be- tween the fore legs of the horse; very fair conditioii : size 6^. weight 21^-^ grs. 3 %• This coin is remarkable for shewing, very distinctly, that tbe object which sometimes appears like tbe long hair of the naked youth, and assumes many other appearances, is clearly seen to be the fillet (of Victory) on bis head, with tbe ends floating behind. This fillet is frequently seen, on other coins, attached to a palm branch, which, on these coins, the youth holds in bis band. On this identical coin the youth holds a sort of sceptre, ending with a ball, from which issue tbe sprigs of palm. See a repetition of this very rare repre- sentation on the unique coin lot 883. (Kings of Macedon in Silver, continued at page 149.) TETRADRACHMS OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT. IN GOLD. 1022 Alexander III.; usual type; ohv. Head of Minerva to the ^ ■ ' right, with a serpent on her helmet, and wearing ear-rings and necklace, the hair perceptible through the visor of the helmet; rev. AAEHANAPOY., Victory standing to the left, draped, and with wings expanded, holding a wreath in her extended right hand, and a vexillum with a short han- dle in her left; in the field, a diota; extremely rare, and in very fne condition : sise 5^. zveight 265-^ grs. 1 J— 1023 Another; but with A. and a thunderbolt perpendicularly '^^ placed in the field ; extremely rare, a little ruhhed, hut in ^ very good condition: size 5. weight 264^^ grs. 1 *,* The Gold Tetradrachms of Alexander having evidently been in circulation, are most rarely to be found free from a slight rubbing, occasioned by tbe weight of the coin, and the extreme purity of the gold. DIDRACHMS OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT, IN GOLD. With a serpent on the helmet of 3Iinerva. ^T''^/y 1024 Alexander III.; usual type; see Mionnet, pi. 70, fig. 3; /^' ohv. helmeted Head of Minerva, to the right, with a ser- pent on the helmet; rev. AAEEANAPOY., winged and draped Victory standing, to the left, with a wreath in her ( 139 ) /^// extended right hand, and holding in her left, a vexillum with long handle ; in the field, a torch ; fine ivorh, especi- ally the reverse, mid as it came from the die: size A. weight } 32^ grs, 1 1025 Another; with a torch in the field, and a monogram on each side the Victory; fine work, and as it came from, the die: size 4. weight 132^ grs. 1 ** On this coin tlie handle of the vexillum is short. y^<^ 1 V 1026 Another; with a trident in the field; extremely fine condi- tion : size 4. weight 133 grs. 1 / — - 1027 Another; with the hair of Minerva in a different style, and a iA-^'"' thunderbolt under the neck ; on the reverse there is a ^ monogram in the field, and the Victory holds a vexillum, very well defined, with long staff or handle touching the ground, and differently formed in the upper part; the I legend unusually minute, and the work fine; in very excel- ^ lent condition : size 4. weight 132^ grs. 1 %* These peculiarities render this coin extremely rare and curious. 1028 Another; with two half horses joined in the middle, gallop- ing different ways ; in the field, a monogram ; ra^'e symbol, fine work, and fine condition : y/ -2. size 4. weight 132^ grs. 1 r^ J^29 Another ; with a ram's head in the field, surmounted with two horns, and two feathers ; an Egyptian symbol of Jupi- ter Ammon ? and a monogram ; very rare symbol, fine / j work and condition : size 4. weight 132^ grs. I 1030 Another; with monogram and double axe in the field; as it came from the die, hut the die slightly used : size 4. weight ISl-Yo grs. 1 1031 Another; with the letter A., a monogram, and a half horse, with curled wings, in the field ; as it came from the die : size 4. weight 132y^ grs. 1 1032 Another; with two monograms in the field; as it came from the die, but the die a little used : sisse 4. weight ISS-^ grs. I / '^ (Didrachms of Alexander the Great, hi Gold, continued at p, 155 J T //)2/r- y . / y.. X' ( 140 ) KOMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN SILVER. ( Continued from page 127. J 1033 Nero, 3 ; 9' 1 036 Nero ; rev. a Roman Eagle and two standards. Galba, 2 ; ?'e?'. Victory on a globe; victoria, fr.; rare; rev. virtvs.; most probably Jhlse. Otho; rei7. SECVRITAS. F.R.; very fine. Vitellius ; rev. font, maxim. Vespasianus ; rev. Heads of his two Sons ; liberi. imp. avg. - ^ VESPAS., and the monogram of ephe.; rare, ivell pre- served, and interesting, as relating to Ephesus 6 ■^ c^ 1 037 Nero ; rev. Jupiter seated. Otho, 2; rev. secvritas, p.r.; rev. victoria, othonis.; rare and fine . . 3 j'^j i-- ( 141 ) J/^4^/^ ^ ^^ 1038 Otho, 2; rei'. VICTORIA. OTHONis., as last; vev. secvri- TAS. P.R. Vitellius ; rev. Tripod and dolphin. Vespasianus ; rev, female Head; paci. orb. terr. avg. ; / //^ very scarce . . 4 /■^ ,^. 1039 Vitellius, 2; rev. Wreath, and s.p.q.r. ob. c.s.; rev. a se- dent Figure; l. vitellivs., &c. Vespasianus; rev. Female seated; Concordia, avg.; in ex- ergue, EPE.; very rare . . 3 /^^"^ \_^ 1040 Vitellius, 2 ; rey. ivptter. victor.; r^w. font, maxim. \y'"'^ Vespasianus, 3; rev. Female seated by a trophy ; ivdaea; rev. Emperor in a quadriga ; rev. a fine Carpentum, drawn by four horses ; ex. s.c. . b -^ ■^ \.(' 1041 Vespasianus; rev. Female seated near a trophy; ivdaea.; ; fine ; rev. oaken Garland, within it, avg., and ephe. in I monogram ; fine and scarce ; four others ; all varied 6 /^ -^ j 1042 Vespasianus ; rev. Heads of his two Sons ; caesar. avg. f. l^r--" COS., Sic; fine. j Domitilla; rev. pietas. avgvst.; antique and rare, but j plated . . . 2 ~ ^ I 1043 Titus, 3; rew. a Quadriga; tr. p. viiii., &c.; rev. Elephant; I rev. Anchor and dolphin. Julia Titi ; rev. venvs. avgvsta. : rare, and well pre- served . . . 4 " ^ 1044 Titus ; rev. Emperor standing, and a female seated, near a palm tree, in allusion to Judaea capta ; no legend ; rev. a Capricorn on a globe ; rev. a Trophy and two captives ; rev. AVG. and epe. in a wreath; rare ; all fine 4 / "^^ 1045 Titus, 6 ; rev. Emperor in a quadriga; rev. concordia. avgvsti.; and four others ; all varied. T)ovci\i\din\x's,, \Q ; different reverses ; all are well preserved IG 1046 Domitianus ; rev. Salic Priest, with the small rod and sacred shield; cos. xiiii. lvd. saec, &c.; rev. same legend, on a cippus in a wreath ; rev. Minerva with the owl, on prow of a vessel; rev. Minerva armed, standing; rev. Em- peror on horseback; rev. Female seated; puinceps. / — ivventvtis.; allhigJily preserved, and interesting G '^1047 Domitia; rev. Domitian's Son on a globe between stars; usual legend ; fi^ie and rare . 1 1048 Domitia; ret?, a Peacock ; usual legend ; e(/Ma%^ne; rare 1 -^ <^^ /<^ 7 2XrA^/. { 142 ) / 7 '/ '.f / / / / / // 1049 Domitia ; rev. Domitian's Son on a globe, &c.; well preserved ^ and rare; 7'. 1091 Trajanus Decius ; rew. Victory ; victoria. A VG. s.c; _/«m"/?/ // preserved, and rare: . size 10, Jull. 1 C<^'' 1092 Etruscilla; rev. Empress veiled, seated; pvdicitia. avg. '''^ S.C.; well preserved : . size 9^. 1 ^^ ""^ '^ c 1093 Trebonianus Gallus ; rev. a militaiy Figure ; virtvs. avgg. S.C.; rare. jSimilianus ; rev. Rome standing, armed, and holding a phoe- / nix; ROMAE. aetern.: . size 10. 2 '^ ' *^* This is only a large first trass, but is fine, rare, and has a perfect legend. It is from the Abdy collection, lot 802. 1094 Trebonianus Gallus ; rev. Hygeia feeding a serpent ; sal vs. AVGG. S.C.; only a large brass: . size 91. Postumus, 2 ; obv. radiated Head, to the right ; rev. a Galley with rowers; laetitia. avg.; another rev. a military Figure standing; il. p.p.; large brass 3 ^ 1 095 Florianus ; rev. 'the three Dese Monetae, with their attributes ; MONETA. avg.; well preserved : . size 8. 1 1096 Probus; obv. armed Bust, to the left; rev. moneta. avg.; the three Goddesses ; well preserved and rare: sized. 1 /-^ 1097 Probus; as the last, but scraped. '-y Numerianus ; obv. a fine Bust, with armour and spear, to the left; rev. moneta. avgg.; type as the preceding; fine, and scarce . . 2 '^^ ^^^ 1098 Diocletianus ; rev. Jupiter, with hasta pura and thunderbolt; eagle at his feet ; lovi. conservatori.: size 10^. Constantinus Magnus ; obv. Head, to the right ; rev. Emperor seated on a coat of mail, &c.; gloria, saecvli. virtvs. /.r 9^ J J J///>'^ / ( 146 ) CAESS. P. R. ; locU preserved, and rare; see Akerman's engraving from this identical medallion : size 12. 2 1090 Constantinus Maximus, 2 ; rev. Emperor on horseback, tram- pling a foe, and attacking another with his lance ; debella- TORI. GENTT. BARBARR. (sic.) ; reV. VIRTVS. AVG. N. Constantius II.; 9'ev. Emperor and a victory; victoria. Av- GVSTORViM.; pool'. Valens ; rev. restitvtor. reipvblicae.; fairly preserved. A large sized common Medal of Justinianus sen. 5 FRENCH PIEDFORTS, MEDALS, & COINS, IN SILVER. f Continued from page 109.J 1100 Louis XIV., 3; all Medals; ohv. juvenile Bust; rev. the youthful Monarch, and Anne of Austria, his mother, on a' throne; regis, et. regni. cvra., &c., m.d.c. xliii.; by Mauger ; Jine ; rev. on his being Crowned at Rheims ; MDCXLiv. REX. CELESTi. OLEo., &c.; rev. his Quccn, Maria Theresa of Austria ; mdclx. . 3 1101 Louis XIV., 5; all Medals; ohv. Bust, hy Breton; rev. ge- / '' nva.emendata. o&v. Bust, iyill/f««^"er (three varieties); rev. Marriage with Maria Adelaide Princess of Savoy ; the two busts; rev. a Bridge; font. ad. lvparam.; rev. two Heads ; on the Dauphin's marriage with Anne of Bavaria. Another, hy Duvivier ; rev. on the King's death; svprema. virtvtvm., &c.; all are Jine 5 / , 1 102 Louis XIV. ; a most Satirical Medal ; ohv. the King, and Algiers and Avignon, personified ; necessitati. ne. qvi- DEM. Dii. RESiSTVNT.; in the exergue, lvd. m. xiv. dit. legat. immvnita., &c.; rev. a Globe, bearing fleur-de-' lys, exploding ; se. ipsissimo ; in the exergue, imp, gal- lic. . . 1 *^* This rare, curious, and fairly preserved medal was very probably struck in London. /? 1103 Louis XV.; three Medals ; oiy. the King standing ; rev. on his consecration at Rheims. ohv. Bust ; rev. as the las^' medal, ohv. Bust ; rev. the Bust of Louis XIV. 3 '/ . 1104 Louis XV.; ohv. a fine laureate, naked Bust, to the i-ight ; rev. France personified, &c.; qvam. svblevatam., 8fc.; M.D.cc.Lxx. ; a most heautiful medallion, hy G. N. Roet- tier, the son; his name on hoth sides; rare: size 17. 1 'f ',/a/f- ( 147 ) ,^y4/j^ 1105 Louis XVI.; his Demi Ecu; engraved by Duvivier ; very fine and rare; date 1774. Medal of the same Monarch ; ohv. his Bust ; rev. the arrival of the Royal Family at Paris in 1789 ; i'y. ferai. de, soRMAis. MA. DEMEVRE. HABiTVELLE.; a fine medallion, /^^ hy Duvivier : . . size 14. 2 ( Continued at page 163.^ • TENTH DAY'S SALE. CITIES OF MACEDON. ANTONOMOUS COINS, IN COPPER. ( Continued from page 116). LOT 1106 M^diCeAoxi, in genere ; usual types, viz. Jupiter; rev. winged Thunderbolt. Hercules ; rev. Horse. The Hero Perseus ; rev. inscription. Alexander mag., to the left ; rev. KOI- NON. MAKEAONON., Horseman. Another, with head to the right ; rev. Horseman. Another; rey. Horseman ; good condition. Amphipolis ; Apollo; rev. AM$I., and torch, in square. Another ; smaller. Another ; with Head of Apollo, to the left. Jupiter; rev. Eagle. Another. Diana; rev. two Goats; very good condition. Chalcis ; Apollo; 7'ev. hyre; fine, and rare: size 3. // Pella ; Pan : rev. Minerva. Another ; rev. Ox. Minerva ; rev. Ox. . .16 1107 Philippi ; Hercules; rev. Tripod ; three, with differences. Thessalonica ; Janus ; rev. two Horsemen, going different ways. Jupiter ; rev. Prow of a Galley. Head veiled, and crowned with towers ; rey. inscription. Another; rew. one of the Cabiri. Another; but different, Trajlium; Mer- cury? rev. Rose. Another; smaller. Another; but p TPAI. on the reverse. . 1 1 '^ u ( 148 ) CITIES OF MACEDON. GREEK IMPERIAL, IN COPPER. 1108 Amphipolis ; Julia; rev. Diana Tauropolis ; very rare., and very fair condition. Domitian; rev. Mionnet, Sujjp.^o.' 225; rare, and good condition. M. Aurelius ; ■j-ew. seated Figure, turretcd i^ne. Faustina jun.; rev. Diana Tauropo- lis ; in good condition. Another. Commodus ; rev. seated Figure, turreted ; vciy good condition. Severus ; rev. Jupiter standing ; good condition. 7 ^ 1109 Pella; Gordian ; rev. seated Female, with the polos; good y condition. Stobi ; Trajanus ; rev. Figure in a tetrastyle Temple ; Jcdr condition. Thessalonica ; Julius ; rev. Augustus ; good condition. Ano- ther; different. Gordian; rev. Tripod; Juir condition. Gordian ; rev. Victory winged, and bearing in her left hand a palm branch, and one of the Cabiri in her extended right hand ; very fine. . 6 C Greek Copper, continued at page 17 O.J DIDRACHMS OF PHILIP IL IN GOLD. f Continued firom page 1S6J. / / 1110 Philip II.; type of Mionnet, pi. 70, fig. 1 ; with a leaf of ivy under the horses; rare symbol, very fine zvork, and condi-' tion: . size 4. weight 132^ grs. 1 /4^ ' 1111 Another; with minute Head of Hercules? with lion's skin, seen full face, and surrounded with rays, under the horses ; 7'are symbol, fine work and condition: size 4. weight 131-^ grs. 1 / / ■ 1112 Another; with laurel'd Head of Apollo, with long hair, seen full face, and All. (in monogram) under the horses ; rao^e symbol, fine work, and condition : size 4. weight 131^ grs. 1' / *^ 1113 Another; with thunderbolt under the horses ; ^oo(? ^cor^ anc? vei'y good condition : size 4. tveight 132^ grs. 1 / / 1114 Another; with a Bosotian buckler under the horses; and the charioteer holding a whip with double thong; rare. c 1/ ( 149 ) (^y symbol, good ivork, and good condition : size A. weight \Z1^ grs. 1 %* Any variation, similar to tbis, in the type, is of very rare occurrence on these coins. 1115 Another; with serpent, and AH. (in monogram) under the horses ; good work, and good condition : , ,, size 4. tveight 132^ grs. 1 ^ f Kings of Macedon, in Silver, continued from page 138^. TETRADKACHMS OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT, IN SILVER, -without the title BA^lAEfiS; and the throne of Jupiter without a bade. \ 7^, 1116 Alexander III.: as usual ; see type of i?/ii'onnef, pi. 70, fig. 4; obv. Head of Hercules to the right, covered with the skin of the lion's head, and the paws knotted under the chin ; rev. AAESANAPOY., Jupiter (^tophorns) sitting, to the left, with an eagle on his extended right hand, and holding a long sceptre in his left ; in the field, under the eagle, the prow of a galley; in most perfect 2i'>"eservation, and very high relief a very peculiar character of Hercules, and very uncommon style of ivork: size!, iveight 266^ grs. 1 *^* This style of work is peculiar to the Coast of Phoenicia and Syria. - 1117 Another;- but very different style, with IIY. in monogram under the eagle ; bold relief, and very perfect preserva- tion : , size 8. weight 256^ grs. Another; from the same die, obverse and reverse, and in an equally perfect state : size 8. tveight 261 ~ grs. 2 *«* Opportunities of obtaining two such remarkable coins, from the same die, very seldom occur. The difference in the weight is a fact to be noted. 1118 Another; with a monogram under the eagle, and K. under the throne 'jfne bold work, and very good condition : size 7. Another ; with a Phoenician inscription under the eagle ; rare, and in very good preservation : size 7. 2 ' 1119 Another; with a Phoenician inscription under the eagle ; not quite the same as the preceding ; good condition, and rather rude ivork, but rare: size 7. wt. 262^ grs. y,/p//. ?/4^ ( 150 ) !j Vnolhor; with a thunderbolt, and S. under the eagle, and j ME. in monogram, under the throne; good work, fine \ condition: sizcl\. weight 262^ grs. 2 ,'/[/' A I l:iO Another; with a lyre at the feet of Jupiter; good ivork, and "j vei'y good co7idition : size 8^. weight 261-j^ grs. \ *^* Struck at Colophon, in Ionia, j Another ; with A , and a lamp, or torch, under the eagle, and ■ AP. in monogram, under the throne; middling condition : size 61. 2 I 1121 Another; with KO. and a lyre under the eagle; and HP. in ^ A monogram, under the throne; very rare., and in very fair condition : size 8. weight 256^ grs. *^* Struck at Colophon, in Ionia, Another ; with the fore half of a ram, to the right, under the eagle, and AA. under the throne : vay rare symbol, good work and co7idition : size 6. weight 263^ g7's. 2 1122 Another; with a plough under the eagle, and the inscription ^ in a curved line ; good tvork, and very good condition : y; ,^// size 7. weight 265-j^ grs. Another ; with a scorpion under the eagle, and ME. in mono- gram under the throne ; very rare symbol, rubbed, but in fair condition ; . size 7. 2 1 1 23 Another ; with A. and a lamp under the eagle, and a dolphin under the throne ; in very good condition : size 7^. Another ; with a monogram in a circle under the eagle, and a double axe under the throne : rare symbol, good work, and very good condition : . size 8. 2 *n* Probably struck at Mylassa, in Caria. 1124 Another; with a helmet under the eagle, seen in front, with check pieces, and a remarkable crest ; under the throne, a^ monogram ; and in the exergue, another ; fijie work, and well 2)i"eserved : size 8^. weight \^S grs. *^* The weight shews that this is probably a coin cased with silver, (an ancient forgery) which the specific gravity instrument would imme- ditaely shew. Another ; with a cock to the left, in the field, under the eagle ; rare symbol, very tvell preserved : size 7. rveight 266-^ g)'s. 2 t ( 151 ) ^^ 1125 Another; with a monogram and a lyre under the eagle; very '" " ^' well preserved, hut the edgejiled, and tvaa formerly set in some silver vessel : . size 9. *^* Probably struck at Colophon, in Ionia. Another; with an owl to the left, a monogram under the eagle, and a well defined uncertain object, like a fig, under the throne ; rare sym,bols, very tvell preserved : /, , size 7^. weight 207 gi's. 2 *^* Probably a coin thickly plated or cased with silver. 1 126 Another ; with A. above an M. under the eagle, and 21- !^'' under the throne : well preserved : size 7^. *^* This coin slipped during the striking, and in consequence the Head of Hercules appears to have a face at the back, as well as in front. Another ; coated with oxide, and requires cleaning : ^ size 8. 2 ^ TETRADRACHMS OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT, IN SILVER, iviih the title of BA^IAEOS, and the Throne of Jupiter havinsc a hacJc. ^^ 1127 Another; BASIAEOS. AAEEANAPOY., with an uncertain symbol resembling a hook, and M. under the eagle ; under the throne, a monogram ; rare symbol, very fine work, and very fine condition : / //^ size 1\. weight 264^ grs. 1 *^* There is a peculiarity in the style of the hair, and of the paws of the lion ; and on the reverse, the throne and footstool are elaborate, and well defined. 1128 Another; with ffi. under the eagle, and ^ under the throne; very rare, and very fine condition : size 7. weight 265 grs. \ ^ ^ %* There is a very unusual peculiarity in the style of the adjustment of the lion's skin on the head of Hercules. The reverse is also very peculiar, and indicates the Phoenician or Syrian fabric. Probably struck at Aradus Insula. 1 129 Another; with MI. and a rudder ? under the eagle; under the throne, a monogram ; iv ell preserved : size ^\. Another; with IIPO., and helmet seen in profile, under the / >/U/ 4^ ( 152 ) j eagle; lll'A. (^in monogram) under the throne; very fine j condition : size 9. weight 255-^^ grs. 2 j *^' Fabric of 'J'Iir:\co or Nortliern Greece. j ■^ -^ 1130 Another; with a monogram within a wreath under the eagle ; . I and under the throne, a monogram in a circle ; very good //'^/-^j condition: size 8. tveight 264^ grs. j Another ; with a monogram within a wreath under the eagle, I and KA. under the throne; in very good conditio7i : j size 7^. 2 \ 1131 Another; B A'WiEQ,% AAEBA'NAI'OY., but the thro7w has \ no back; in the field, under the eagle, is a winged Victory holding a wreath , under the throne, ANT. in monogram ; } very rare symbol, and in very fine condition: /CV^ r-Z-l size 7|. weight 264 grs, 1 *^* TLis is the only coin of Alexander in the collection having the title BA2lAEi22. over the head of Jupiter, and at the same time, (vrith that title) shewing the Jupiter on a throne without a back, contrary to the usage observable on these coins. || f Tetradrachms of Alexander the Great, in Silver, continued at page 164.^ ^ / / ALEXANDER THE GREAT, SMALLER SIZES, IN SILVER. //J 1132 Alexander III.; (Didrachm) usual type of the Tetradrachms, with M. in the field, and monogram under the throne ; fair condition, but rubbed : size 4^^. zveight 129^^ grs. 1 *^* This coin (the Silver Didrachm of Alexander the Great) is one of the most rare in all the Greek series. 1133 Alexander III.; (a Drachm) usual type, with a monogram under the eagle ; very ivell preserved : size 4. iceight 66 grs. Another; with the same monogvMa; fine condition: size 3. iceight 66^ grs. Another; with half winged sea horse under the eagle, and NO. in monogram under the throne ; good condition : size 4. Another ; with monogram under the eagle, and double axe under the throne; very good condition : size 4. ( 153 ) .>V/// Alexander III.; (Hemidrachm) usual type; with an anchor and monogram under the eagle, and a monogram under the throne; well preserved, and very t'are: size 2i. tveight 31-j^ grs. 5 *^* TJie great rarity of these coins escapes notice. 1134 Alexander III.; (a Drachm) usual type; with a monogram under the eagle ; m fine condition : / size 4. tveight 66^ grs. Another ; with monogram in a circle under the eagle, and a double axe under the throne; very fine condition: size 4. tveight 65^ grs. Another; with ME. in monogram under the eagle, and an uncertain symbol, like a fig, under the throne : size 4. Alexander III. ; (Hemidrachm) usual type ; very rare, fair condition : . size 21. Another; middling condition, very rare: size 2. 5 IAinnOY. with an uncertain symbol, like an S, under the eagle, and /. A. within a crescent imder the throne; ivell jireserved : size 4. weight 65^ grs. 2 "'^ 1 139 Another ; (a Drachm) with a monogram under the throne : ^^ size 4. A/K4/> 4/ #-^ ( IM ) Philip III. (Amlajus); (Tetradrachra) BASlAEfiS. ^lAIH- IIOY., same type, with M. under the eagle, and a yoke, or uncertain symbol, like B, under the chair; rare, and in very good condition : size 7. weight 264^ g7's. 2 Z'' 1 140 Another; with $IAinnOY. and O. under the eagle, and 21. under the throne ; very rare, and in very good condition: size 7. weight 264^ grs. 1 1141 Antigonus (Rex Asia?); 3Iionnet, p. 577, No. 323; see Supp. pi. 11, fig. 2; a most perfect and beautiful specimen of this extremely rare coin : size 9. weight 262-jS^ grs. I \ ■y //:> 1 142 Another ; with the same monogram, and as nearly as possible j '^^ of the same perfection and beauty : , \ size 9. weight 261.^ grs. " '^'^ j y y/ 1 143 Another ; with a trident to the left, and AP. in monogram i under the galley; in the highest state of perfection, but ^--\ not free from suspicion : size 8^. weight 263^ grs. y/ . 1144 Demetrius I. (Poliorcetes); iJfit. p. 578, No. 835, (Neptune brandishing his trident); very rare; rubbed, but in very . ' ' good condition ; size 7^. weight 2Gl^ g7-s. / jl/l 145 Demetrius I. ; Mt. p. 578, No. 828 ; see type of pL 70, fig. 9, (Neptune sitting) ; AHMHTPIOY. BA^IAEnS. with two monograms under the acrostoliura, and another behind, beyond the legend ; a most rare coin, in most pei feet state, and very fine ivorh: size 7 J. weight 265 grs. 1146 Another; with the relative positions of BAi^IAEOS. and AHMHTPIOY. transposed ; under the acrostolium, a mono-, gram, and behind the trident, another; of the utmost rarity, and a very fine spread coin in extremely good condition : size 8. weight 262^ grs. *^* The coins of this type present us with an older portrait than that on the coins of the following type. ^^ 1147 Demetrius I.; Mionnet, p. 579, No. 841; type of pi. 70, fig. 10, (Neptune, with his right foot on a rock); beautiful ■ "'z^j style of worJc, a very fine spread coin, in most perfect condition, and rare: size 9. weight 2Q4:^ grs. 1 148 Another ; with a monogram on each side the Neptune, beyond the legend; as it came from the die, and the portrait in very fine style ; the Neptune is in an hferior style of art, by another artist, but in beautiful preservation: size 8^. weight 262^^ grs. //• // ^ J / /.^ ( 155 ) ^^'/' /./ 1 149 Another ; with a monogram on each side the Neptune, within the legend ; very Jine work, and in very perfect state, especially the portrait : size 8. weight 264-j^ grs. 11 50 Another ; with K. in front of Neptune, and a bunch of grapes ^ behind him, both beyond the legend ; slightly rubbed, but in very excellent condition : size 8. wt, 262^ grs. / 'y *^* The portrait is older on this coin, and, indeed, varies so much, as to make it look almost like another Demetrius. 1151 Another; with a monogram on each side the Neptune, within //^ lYieXegQ'adi^ very Jine wo7'J<;,ayid extremely good condition: , .^ size 8^. weight 262-^ grs. ^ (Kings of Macedon, in Silver, continued at page \Q4..) / f^ DIDRACHMS OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT, IN GOLD. With a Serpent on the Helmet of Minerva. ( Continued from page 139.^ 1152 Alexander III.; usual type; see Mionnet, pi. 70, fig. 3; with monogram, and head of a grifSn in the field ; the attitude of the Victory is unusual, having more move- ment ; ra7'e symbol, fine condition, but the ivork rather falling off : size 4:. weight 132^ grs. 1 1153 Another ; with a bucranium in the field ; slightly rubbed, but in very good condition : size 4. weight I3lr^ grs. 1 ^^ *^* The following are ivithout any symbol on the Helmet. /2^^ 1154 Another; with monogram, and a grififin, to the right, with paw lifted up, at the feet of the Victory, which has more movement than usual ; rare symbol, fine work, and very ^ Z' fine condition : size 4. weight 131 grs. 1 I ^^ 1 155 Another ; AAEHANAPO. (sic.) with the same symbols in the field ; not so well defined, good work, and well preserved: size 4. weight 132-^ grs. 1 *^* The following are with a Griffin on the Helmet. 1156 Another ; with an anchor in the field; rare symbol, very fine condition, and good work : size 4. wt. 133 grs. 1 1157 Another; with a Lion looking back, in the field to the left, and an ivy leaf in the field to the right ; rare symbols, very good work and condition : / ^ size 4, weight 131 Yi! grs. I X / >^ / ^ • ( 156 ) 1158 Another; with a rhyton in the field; very good work and /■,! / \ condition: size 4. weight 13\^ grs. 1 / y'\ 1159 Another; with three Punicletters, and some Punic numerals? 1 in the field to the left ; very good preservation, and very yo i rare, hut the die rather used: size 4 .wt. 133^^^ grs. 1/^^ '^ '*^-j ( Didrachms of Alexander the Great, in Gold, continued at | page \Qb.) j ROMAN LARGE BRASS. (Continued from page 68. J 1100 Vespasian, 4; je?'. Mars passing ; no legend; j'ey. ivdaea. CAPTA., Emperor, Captive, and Palm-tree; in good con dition; rev. same legend, &c., but two captives; rev. vic- toria. AVGVSTi., as before. Titus ; rev. Vespasian in a quadriga of elephants, divo. avg. VESP. s. p. Q. R. ; tooled, but the rarest of his large brass medals. See Catalogue of the Trattle collection, p. 78. 5 / /^'^ 1161 Vespasian, 3; rev. Rome victrix standing, roma. ;^«e; rev. fortvnae. REDvci.; rev. axnona. avgvst. Doraitilla ; rev. a rich Carpentum, the usual tj^pe, memoriae. DOMiTiLLAE.; very rare, aiid well preserved: 4 / /f 1 1 G2 Vespasian, 3 ; all varied. Titus, 3; rev. Emperor on horseback, striking down an enemy, s. c; rev. fortvnae. redvci.; rev. congiar. , /y^c &c. ; rare. . . 6 / //^ 11 Go Titus, 4; rev. Hope standing, s. c; rev. congiar. &c. ; rev. IVDAEA. CAPTA., Titus standing by a palm-tree, at its foot, a female seated; rev. Romulus walking, s. c; rather . > fine. ' ^^/, Domitian, 2 ; rev. Emperor standing, a river god at his feet, S.C.; rev. gk^m Atsi A. CAVT A.; fairly preserved. 6 p / 1164 Titus; obv. the Emperor on a curule chair, holding an olive . branch, and surrounded by arms, imp. t. caesar. vesp. • ''''' &c.; rev. the Flavian Amphitheatre; very rare. 1 1165 Titus, 4; rev. Quadriga of elephants, with Vespasian, divo. ^ '^ ' avg. vesp. s. p. q. r.; the obv. has s. c. in the field, and imp. t. CAESAR. &c.; fine and rare; rev. congiar. &c.; and two others. Domitian ; rev. Minerva to the right. "^^ Nerva ; rev. fort vna. avgvst. ; fne green cerugo. 6 ^y,- ( 157 ) //f/ /// 1166 Domitian, 5 ; rev. Rome victrix seated; rare; rey. Empe- is«^^^ ror crowned by Victory; rev. Emperor and an attendant, preceded by three youths with olive branches ; poor; and two others. Nerva ; rev. fortvna. r., a Female seated. Trajan, 2 ; rather fine. . 8 1167 Domitian, 3; rev. the Emperor seated upon a chair, between \i^<^^^ two vases, upon an estrade inscribed siggo. (sic.) svf. p.d., ^ a man is receiving gifts from the Emperor; between them, a youth is lifting up his hands, a temple in the back ground, PONT. MAX. TR. P. VIII. LVD. SAEC; extra rare. From the Bentham collection, 1838. rev. annona. avgvst.; rev. Victory crowning the Emperor. Nerva ; rew. concordia. exercitvvm. Trajan, 2 ; rev. a Circus with an obelisk in the centre ; well 7 preserved, and very rare; rev. felicitas. avgvsti. 6 1168 Domitian, 2 ; rev. germania. capta.; rev. Emperor and -v^^ ' another figure swearing alliance before the altar, between two soldiers, s. c; rai'e. Nerva; rev. venicvlatione. &c.; rare; (see CardwelVs Ninth Lecture). Trajan, 5; var^ied, and well preserved. 8 1169 Domitian, 4, all rather fine. -■'' Trajan, 4; rev. imperator. viii.; rare, and patinated ; and three others. Hadrian, 2; rev. Neptune, cos. iii.; rev. adventvs. avg. GALLIAE. . \Q ^ ^ 1170 Domitian, 3. Trajan, 4; rev. Abundance, resting her right foot on a small bust, s. p. Q. R. &c. ; rare ; rev. same legend. Temple of Jupiter, with figures, horses, &c.; rev. same legend, the Emperor on horseback trampling down an enemy; rev. Armenia, Mesopotamia, 8fc.; Emperor standing, two river gods, and an Armenian female seated at his feet. Hadrian, 3; rev. tranqvillitas. avg.; and two others,' (one is Colonial); all ivell preserved : 10 /'^ <>^ 1171 Trajan, 3; rew. the Emperor in a quadriga ; rew. Temple of Jupiter; rev. rex. parthis. datvs. Hadrian, 3; 7^ev. Neptune, cos. in.; rev. Alexandria.; 7'ew. adventvi. avg. AFRICAe. ; all fairly preserved. 6 J 4 y ,^t\ J a^ /ff/f^ /// / { . ( 158 ) 1172 Trajan, 3; rev. Octostyle Temple, s. p. Q. R. optimi., &c.; rev. ACQVA. TRAIANA.; rev. alim. ital. {see Card- tveUs Ninth Lecture). Hadrian, 3; reverses, restitvtoui. africae. hispaniae. phrygiae; all well preserved. . 6 ( Continued at page \1\). ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN SILVER. (Con tinned from page 142. J 1173 Nerva, 3. Trajanus, 4; rev. via. traiana.; rev. three Standards; , s. P. Q. R. OPT., &c. ; Jine; rev. dac. cap., &c. ; rev. Head 'V ><; c-^ of the Sun; all well preserved. . 7 /y 1174 Trajanus, 6; all varied. Hadrianus, 4; rey. restitvtori. galhae.; rev. restitv- TORi. AFRICAE., &c.; all well preserved. 10 ^ 1175 Trajanus, 6; rev. Trajan's Pillar, (see Overbeke, Roma / AnticaJ; and others, varied, fine and interesting. Hadrianus, 4; rev. italia.; rev. Neptune, cos. ill.; and two others; these are all fine. . 10 y^''~^ 1176 Trajanus; rei;. Trajan's column, as above; and five others, a// different, fine and interesting reverses. 6 "^ yy, 1177 Trajanus, 3. "~ / Hadrianus, 6; rev. Africa.; rev. Alexandria.; rev. AEGYPTOS.; rew. ASIA.; rev. germania.; rev. nil vs.; ' all six are fine, but especially the last. , 9 .y"// 1178 Plotina; rev. Vesta seated, holding the palladium; usual legend ; in very good condition, and rare. 1 ^ /, 1179 Plotina; rev. as the last; well preserved^ and equally rare, but probably plated. . 1 - /// ^f 1180 Marciana ; rev. Eagle, consecratio.; very fine and extra rare. . . 1 /?'/'. 1181 Matidia; rev. viv:t as. avgvst.; very fine, and extra rare \ -^ ■^ 1182 Hadrianus, 10; all different reverses. ~ ^-^ Sabina, 2; rev. Altar, and pietati. avg.; the obv. of one has the veiled head of the Empress ; all these medals are/ very finely preserved. . 12 / '/ 1183 Hadrianus, 10; all varied reverses. Sabina; rer. veneri. genetrici.; ?i?e?/jore*ervee?. 11 //// / ( 159 ) //^ 4 // 1184 Hadrianus, 4; rei». nilvs.; *t?;. hispania.; rev. aegyp- Tos ; rev. tell vs. stabil. Sabina, 2; rev. pvdicitia.; rev. concordia. avg.; all / /2 fine. . . 6 1185 j3ilius, 2; ohv. one has the Head to the right, and one ohv. the Head to the left ; rev. Female standing ; concor- dia ; rev. Female seated, concord, tr. pot., &c. Antoninus Pius, 4, reverses all different ; fine. 6 ^' / 1186 iElius ; rev, pietas., &c. Ant. Pius, 3; rev. italia.; rev. genio. senatvs.; rev. ITALIA. TR. pot., &c. ; and two others ; all very fairly preserved, and highly interesting. . 6 ( Continued at page 172. J /// ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN GOLD. ( Continued from page 143.^ 1187 Domitian ; rev. Germany seated on a shield, near a broken spear; germanicvs. cos.xvi.; rare and fine 1 1188 Domitian; rev. as the above, but with imp. viiii. cos. xi. c^^s. VOT. V.V.; fine a7id scarce . 1 1189 Domitian; rev. Wolf and the Roman twins ; cos. v. \ / i^ 1190 Domitian; rev. Germanicus in a quadriga; germanicvs. COS. xiiii.; a rare and fine coin, hut unfortunately pierced . . 1 1191 Domitian; rev. Hope walking ; princeps. ivventvt. Another; rev. a fine Bust of Pallas ; tr. pot. imp. ii. cos. viii. DES. IX. p.p.; rare . . 2 1192 Domitian ; rev. an Eagle on the thunderbolt; ivpiter. con- servator.; very fine. Another ; rev. Bust of Minerva, as last lot ; not quite so ,., ^ , fine . . . 2 " / ■ 1193 Domitian; rev. Minerva standing; germanicvs. cos. x v.; , fine and scarce . » \ ^ 1194 Domitia ; rev. a Peacock ; concordia. A vgvsta.; on her reconciliation with Domitian; extra fine, and very rare; //f /f- see Smyth's Catalogue, page 72 — 74 . 1 *^* From tbe Trattle collection, lot 1371. ■1195 Domitia; rev. a Peacock ; concordia. avgvsti.; ^we anrf rare . . .1 // ■y ^? .<^y^ o / y/4 ^/ c "^y ( 160 ) 1196 Domitia; rev. a Peacock; concordia. avgvst.; Jine and /, ' y> rare . . .1 1197 Domitia; rei'. a Peacock ; concordia. avgvst.; this legend reads from riffht to left, and the legend on its obv. differs ^> y' y'^ 1 from that of the three foregoing medals ; ^ne, and very \ rare . . . 1 j ^ •^* Lot 1572 of the Trattle collection. j 1198 Nerva; rev. Sacrificial instruments; cos. iii. pater, pa- j TRIAE.; rare. / / I Another; rev. two Hands holding an ensign; concordia. ' /^ \ EXERCITVVM. . . 2 | 1199 Nerva; rey. two hands joined ; concordia. exercitvvm. .) j Another; rev. Health seated; salvs. pvblica. 2 (i'^^^^ | /<' X. 1200 Nerva; rev. Liberty standing; libertas. pvblica.; very j Jine. Another ; rev. a military Ensign ; concordia. exercitvvm. 2 ^>V - 1201 Nerva; reu. a Female standing ; libertas. pvblica.; _^«e \ ^' ■-' p y^ 1202 Trajan; 7'ev. basilica, vlpia. (from Ulpius, his name); a well preserved, interesting, and rare medal 1 y -^ ^/ 1203 Trajan; 7'ew. forvm. traian.; t'er?/j^ne . l/> ^- *,* This, his grand Forum, was dedicated A.D. 113-114. 1204 Trajan; rev. the Emperor distributing "largesse" to two . ^ smaller figures ; cos. v., &c. ; in the exergue, alim. ital., '^ emblematical of the Emperor having supported nearly two millions of his people ; a Jine medal . 1 1205 Trajan ; rev. similar to the above ; well preserved 1 i '^ *^* From the Trattle collection, lot 1687. 1206 Trajan; rev. Captives at the foot of a trophy; parthia./' capta., &c.; scarce . . 1 1207 Trajan ; rev. the Emperor raising up a female; two children; ^ rest. ital. cos. v., &c.; rare . 1 ^' 1208 Trajan; rev. the Emperor in a quadriga; cos. v., &c.; ^ a Jine coin . .1 ] 209 Trajan ; rev. the Heads of Nerva and of Trajan's father ; Divi. NERVA. ET. TRAIANVS. PATER.; a ivell preserved/(^ ,^<- y^ and very rare medal . . 1 1210 Trajan; rev. Jupiter and the Emperor standing ; p.m. tr. p. ^ ^^.^ COS. yi., Sec; ^ne . . ] *^* From the Trattle collection, lot 1789. 7/^ (161 ) ^//// ^. 1211 Trajan; rev. Head of Ti-ajan, the father; divvs. pater, y ^ / TViKXK'Siv^.', fine and very rare . \ '' / ' 1212 Trajan; rev. Jupiter and the Emperor; p.m. tr. p., &c,, as ^'" before. Another ; rev. a Phoenix on a branch of laurel ; no legend ; this scarce coin is well preserved . 2 ^^^7^^\2\Z Trajan; rev. \ns CoUvara.; fine and rare . 1 ^. ^^ *^* This elaborate, gigantic work forms a most valuable Thesaurus of antiquarian lore ; to it Raphael confessed himself beholden for his art: see Overbeke, Roma Antica, &c. ^y^Z 1214 Trajan ; rev. the Emperor on horseback, accompanied by four foot-soldiers; profectio. avgvsti.; ivell preserved, and very rare . . 1 *^* From the Trattle collection, lot 1697. •f^-^ 1215 Trajan; rev. the Emperor addressing his soldiers on the vic- tories gained over the Parthians ; imperator. vii.; ex- ceedingly rare ; as are also, imp. viii. and viiii. 1 1216 Trajan; rev. the Emperor on an estrade, and five other figures, standing ; regna. adsignata.; on his assignment of dominions to the Kings of Parthia, Mesopotamia, and Armenia; well preserved, and rare . 1 ^- ^ \ f Continued at page 173, J y7^ FOREIGN PIEDFORTS, PATTERNS, MEDALS, AND COINS, CHIEFLY GERMAN, IN SILVER. ^,^ 1217 Saxony; Piedforts, Dollar's size; two, with plain edges; one has the Busts, 8fc., of the two Dukes, Frederick and John ; 1588. Another, with the Bust of Duke George, only, 1535; rev. Bust of John Frederick. Austria ; Piedfort of a Dollar of the Archduke Ferdinand ; ^ '^ all rare, and well preserved . 3 ^^ 1218 Austria; Piedfort of Rodolph II.; 1604; a fine portrait. Holland; the Piedfort of the Gros of William Duke and Count of Holland ; ohv. a Lion ; rev. two small Lions, and two shields, quartered ; fairly preserved, and very rare 2 *^* From the Trattle collection. ,^^ 1219 Austria; Piedfort of the Archduke Ferdinand; a three- ^ quarter length figure. .^/f //:...- ( i()2 ) Sweden; Testoon size; dora. et. fila. (sic.) lvstravit. MCDLXXXV.; a Mountain. Another; same size; pietate. et. ivstitia. 1680 3 1:220 riaiulers; a silver-gilt Chaise Picdfort of the hrave Count Louis le Male ; tw very fine condition ; extra rare 1 . ' /^ 1221 Flanders; a very fine silver Heaume Piece of Louis Count of Flanders; rev. benedictvs. qvi. venit., &c.; rare: ^ size 11. 1 '/ // 1222 Austria; Leopold, llodolph IL (1604). Charles VL (for Nurirabergh); all three are fine, and have the portraits 3 '^' 1223 Austria ; a fine Dollar of Maximilian and Mary ; obv. Arms ; rev. the Virgin Mary, St. Maximilian, and St. Andrew ; ' tota. pvlchra. es. Saxony; obv. a Bust of Christian II. ; 1611 ; rev. Heads of John George, and Augustus ; a very thick and rare Pied- fort. Poraerania ; obv. Bust of Duke Philip II.; rev. nvmmvs. memor. fvnebri.j &c.; 1573 — 1618, &c.; well pre- served . . .3 ^f. . 1224 Saxony ; obv. Bust, &c. of John Frederick ; rev. Arras, &c., 1539; very fine . . 1 ' / , 1225 Saxony ; Dollar of John George, 1629. Piedfort of John George's Testoon, 1613; rev. his Son. Another of John George IL; 1660; the latter is of the Half ^ Dollar size only . . 3 / // 1226 Switzerland; Piedfort of the Dollar of Berne; libertas. liberis. cvrae.; on the edge is concordia. res. parva. crescvnt., &c., 1728. Saxony; obv. Christian IL, 1606; rev. John George, and' Augustus ; two busts . . 2 / ./ 1227 Saxony; Bust of Christian IL, 1610; rev. Busts of his two Brothers. Another of the same, 1603; rev. Busts, fourteen escutcheons, &c. Denmark ; Bust of Christian IV., 1646 . 3 / /// 1228 Austria; Bust of Ferdinand. Sweden; John III.; his Piedfort; of two Dollars weight only. Stettin and Pomerania; Bust of Philip Julius, 1609; fine 3 (Continued at page 194. J O^^ ( ]63 ) J/{//>^^ FRENCH PIEDFORTS, MEDALS, & COINS, IN SILVER. ( Continued from page 147. J \ f-1229 Louis XVI.; ohv. Busts, side by side, of the King and Queen ; in the exergue, lvtetia. ; rev. on their visit to Paris, &c.; SOLEMNIA. DELPHINI. NATALITIA.; a fine and Very rare / //^ medallion, by Duvivier : . size \Q\. I / 1230 Louis XVI.; a set of the Three Medals on the execution of the King (two varieties), and of the Queen (one); very highly preserved, and very rare, especially in France; engraved by Kuchler, of Hanover, and struck at Bir- ^ ^ mingham . . , Z " y/ 1231 Louis XVIII.; obv. Egyptian Deities; s.m. i.ovis. xviii. ORDONNE. QVE. LES. EDITIONS. DE. LA. DESCRIPTION. DE. l'egypte. soient. mvltipliees.; rev. France and Egypt personified : . . size 18. 1 -^ ^ *^* This very fine and rare medallion is by the eminent engraver Barre, and was distributed with the unique " chef d'oeuvre," Histoire, &c. d'Egypte, (fol., with more than 1000 engravings) under the late French government's especial favour, by Marcel, Tissot, &c. &c. 1232 Charles X.; Medallion, hy Gatteaux and Barre, on his Co- ^ rouation ; one of the finest modern medallions : size\%. 1 / 1233 Charles X.; obv. Bust, with uniform as Colonel of the Na- tional Guard, &c.; by Tiolier ; rev. s.a.r., &c., visite. LA. MONNAIE. 1818; on the edge, domine. salvvm. FAc. regem.: size, Sfc. of the Five Franc Piece; fine. Three Jettons ; varied . . 4 ■'•'' /f , 1234 Lorraine; a rare Testoon of the Duke Anthony; obv. his Bust and titles ; rev. Arms ; moneta. cvsa. 1542. Six Quadrangular Jettons of Althorp, &c., 1617, 1623, &c.; ivell preserved . . 7 /^' [ ^ 1 235 Chifflet ; obv. Bust of the eminent writer, John James Chifflet 1 of Besangon ; eqves. avr.; rev. Coat of Arms, supported by rams ; avia. peragro. loca.; ^ne anc? rare 1 ''- — ! ^ 1236 Rohan ; obv. cuirassed Bust ; henr. roh. d. fr. par. arm. 1 ■ REG. MASC. SOB. NAV. ET. SCOT. PR.; rev. Trunk of aTree, I with shoots; et. adhvc. spes. dvrat. avorvm.; fine, , ! and extra rare . . \ ^^ 9 JJ/' '/4 ( 104 ) ELEVENTH DAY'S SALE. (^Kings of Macedon, in Silver, continued from page 155^. TETRADRACHMS OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT, IN SILVER, uithout the title of BA^IAEfiS., hit the Throne of Jupiter having a back. LOT 1237 Alexander III.; usual type (ohv. Head of Hercules; rev. y ' ^ Jupiter); in the field under the eagle is a naked male figure, having both arms uplifted above the head, and the end of a long knotted fillet or taenia (sacred to Apollo) held in both hands, and falling pendant behind the back ; under the throne is a monogram, and on each side, at the top of the back of the throne is a small figure, perhaps a winged Victory; most rare type, very Jine work, and extremely fine preservation : size 7^. weight 262-j5jj. grs. *J* This very beautiful and remarkable coin was struck at Sicyon ; on some most rare copper coins of which town, in the British Museum (from the cabinet of Mr. Burgon) the figure in the field of this Tetradrachm may be observed, y ?. 1 238 Another ; with a monogram and a rose under the eagle, and PO. under the throne; very rare, fine toork, and very fine condition : size 9. weight 261^ grs. 1 *^* This coin was struck at Rhodes. /; 1239 Another; with a monogram and a rose under the eagle, and ^ PO. under the throne : very rare, and in good condition : / size 9. tveight 250^^ grs. 1 *,* This coin was also struck at Rhodes. // 1 240 Another ; with monogram and a sphinx to the right, with paw uplifted, under the eagle ; the legs of the throne supported ^ by sphinxes ; very rare, and extremely good condition: size 9. weight 260^^ grs. *^* Struck at Chios Insula, on the coins of which the Sphinx always occurs. //^ 1241 Another; with MI. in monogram, and lion looking back at a ,- star, under the eagle ; behind the throne, two monograms ; y//^ // ( 1G5 ) ^/^ extremely rare, rubbed, but in very fair condition: size 9. iveight 260^^ grs. 1 * ^* Struck at Miletus, in Ionia. 1242 Another; with a Bull in the attitude of tossing, and a mono- gram under the eagle, and AN. in monogram under the throne ; extremely rare symbol, Jine work, and condition : size 9. weight 260^ grs. 1 *^* Probably struck at Antioch, in Caria. Another; different; with two monograms, Jair condition: size 6. — 1243 Another; with a double Amazonian axe under the eagle; rare symbol, good work, and very good condition : size 7^. tveight 263 grs. 1 / ' Another ; with an acorn and M. under the eagle, and a mono- gram under the elaborate throne ; rare symbol, very good work and condition : size 6^. weight 261^ grs. 1244 Another; with bunch of grapes and monogram under the ' " eagle ; I'are symbol, good ivork, and good condition : size 8. tveight 259 grs. Another ; with a helmet under the eagle, seen in front, with cheek pieces, and a remarkable crest ; under the throne is a monogram ; Jine conditioii : / "v size 1\. weight 264 grs. 2 1245 Another ; with archaic female figure, holding a flower in her right hand, and supporting her robe with the left ; under the throne NO.; ve^y rare symbol, very good condition: size 6^. weight 264^ grs. Another ; with a torch and monogram under the eagle, and a monogram under the throne; extremely well preserved : size 8. weight 263^ g^'s. 2 1246 Another ; with boar's head to the left under the eagle ; a most rare symbol, Jine work, and in very good condition, especially the reverse : size 8. weight 263-j^ grs. 1 //4 ■/r ^^v." DIDRACHMS OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT, IN GOLD, With the title of BASlAEflS., and a Serpent on the Helmet. ( Continued from page 156^. 1247 Alexander III.; usual type; see Mionnet, pi. 70, fig. 3, with M. behind the head of Minerva, her hair visible through ^ -v- //// ?^ //// • UK) ) the visor of the helmet ; on the reverse AY. in the field to the left, and more movement than usual in the Victory ;^ne wovTi.) and very fine condition: size 4. wt. }32-.^ grs. 1 1248 Another ; with the head of an old faun in the field to the left, and a monogram to the right ; very rare symbol, fine xvork a . r^ , /■' and condition : size 4. weight 131-j^ grs. / - ' 1249 Another; with MI. in the field to the left, and a monogram to the right ; good ivorTc, and fine condition : size 4. xLi eight 132-^ grs. 1 /-' 1250 Another; with AP. in monogram in the field, and more movement than usual in the Victory ; fine work, and very ^ I fine condition : size A. weight 132^ grs. ^^ y"^'^'^\ ^ • ' 1251 Another; with monogram in the field to the left, and MI. to \ the right ; the letters B A. (of BacrtAews) much larger than { the rest ; the vexillum looking much like a trident, and I with long %iz!S.; fine work, and very good condition : | size 4. weight 132^ grs. 1 -^' ' | *^* Mionnet, in his Corps d'Ouvrage, falls into the mistake of calling the j vexillum a trident. ^ 1252 Another; with a torch in the field to the left, and A. to the . i /:^4^ ^ /^^ r^ ( 169 ) /-<^ 1 268 Another ; with An. (in monogram) between the legs of the eagle, and AY. (in monogram) in front ; another monogram above ; a plough in the field beyond the wreath ; good work, and very tvell preserved : ^ size 9. weight 233y'L. grs. \' ^ *,* The weight of this coin is difficult to account for, except it be an ancient forgery. 12G9 Another; with $ between the legs of the eagle, and two monograms in the field ; a plough beyond the wreath ; in very good condition, and a very fair coin : y ./ size 9^. weight 247^ grs. 1 ^ DIDRACHMS OF PHILIP ARID^US, IN GOLD, With a Serpent on the Helmet of Minerva. 1270 Philip III. (Aridseus); usual type ; see Mionnet, pi. 70, fig. 3; /^ ^ ohv. helmeted Head of Minerva, to the right, with a neck- lace ; rev. ^lAIIIIIOY., Victory, winged and draped, walking to the left, with a wreath in her extended right hand, and holding the vexillum with the left ; in the field, E. near the feet ; rare, and very fine work, and extremely perfect condition : size 4. weight 133 grs. 1 1271 Another; with an uncertain symbol, like an S, and a mono- /^y gram in a circle ; rare, very good work, and condition: size 4. weight 132^5^ grs. \ / ^ 1272 Another ; with $IAinnOY. BASlAEfiS., and near the feet •.'^i-^^. Q^ ^Yie Victory, AY. on one side, and M. on the other; fne work, very rare, and in extremely perfect condition : size 4^. weight 132^ grs. 1 '^ ' ^-. SMALLER SIZES OF PHILIP ARID^US, IN GOLD. 1273 Philip III.; (Hemidrachm) obv. Head of Hercules, covered '' with the lion's skin, to the right ; rev. ^lAIIIIIOY., Bow and Club ; in the field a trident ; well preserved, and rare : size 2. weight 33-jL grs. Philip III.; (the Fourth part of a Drachm) obv. Head of Hercules, covered with the lion's skin, to the right; o^ev. $IAinnOY., a Thunderbolt ; ivell preserved, and rare : ^ ^ ] size 1 . weight 1 6^ grs. 2 A'/^. 1274 Philip III.; (Hemidrachm) like the first coin in the former // lot : . size 2. tveight 33 grs. A^^/^y /^.^ / ■ ( 170 ) Another ; with diflferent arrangement of the type, and a diota in the field ; rare, and very well preserved : size 2. weight 33 grs. 2 KINGS OF INIACEDON, IN COPPER. //-^ 1275 Amyntas II., 1. Philip II., 3. Alexander Magnus, 4. Cas- sander, 2. Antigonus Gonatas, 2. Philip V., 1; usual ^ '^'"^' types and sizes; all in very choice condition. Antigonus, Rex Asiae ? ohv. helmeted Head to the right ; rev. Prow of a Galley, BA. above, and AP. (in monogram) underneath ; in the field is a double axe ; middling : size 3. Antigonus, Rex Asiae? oZ»i'. Head of Neptune ? laureate? to the j right ; rev. Acrostolium ; the same letters and symbol as on i the preceding ; inedited 9 perfect condition : size 2. 15 /^^ 1276 Amyntas II., 1. Philip II., 3. Alexander Magnus, 3. Cas- _^v^ "j Sander, 2. Alexander IV. ? 1. Antigonus Gonatas, 2 : I all in choice condition; usual types. 12 | y /; . \^11 Amyntas II., 1. Philip II. 3. Alexander III., 3. Cassander, ' 1. Alexander IV., 1. Antigonus Gonatas, 2. Philip / v., 2. Perseus, 1 : usual types, fine. 14 ^ ( GreeTc Cities, in Copper, continued at page 182.^ CITIES OF THESSALY, IN SILVER. ^' J 1278 Thessaly, in genere ; NIK0KPAT0Y2. ; Mionnet, vol.2, p. 4, No. 27; type of pi. 71, fig. 1; in the highest state of ,, preservation, and rare : size 5^. weight 95^ grs. Thessaly, in genere; 3It. p. 4, No. 30; as it came from the die, and rare : size 4. tveight 63^2^ grs. 2 / /y 1279 Thessaly, in genere ; type of 3It. p. 2, No. 9, but difi'erent ■ y names : rare, and as it came from the die : size 6. IV eight 93^ grs. Thessaly, in genere; type of 3It. p. 4, No. 30, but with nOAY.; very fine and rare: size A. wt. 65^^ grs. 2 /// 1280 ^nianes; SENAPXOS; Mionnet, Supp. vol. 3, p. 277, No. 116 ; as it came from the die, and extremely rare: /\ c-^ size ^\. weight 113-^ grs. 1 -' 1281 Another; ret'. AAM0$IA[02].; extremely rare, and well preserved: size 6^. iveight \\5-^ grs. .Snianes ; 3It. p. 9, No. 67 ; rare and fine : Q^_^ size 3 J. weight 43^^ grs. 2 "^ ( 171 ) /JJvr ^ 1282 .Enianes; ...BIOTO...; type of Mt. Supp. vol.3, p. 277, No. 116 ; as it came from the die, and extremely rare: size Q. weight 117^ grs. 1 ■' ' 1283 Demetrias; Mt. p. 10, No. 78; obv. Diana; rev. Prow; in very fair condition, and of the utmost degree of rarity: size 2 J. weight 32^ grs. 1 ^ '^ • 1284 Gomphi, called also Philippopolis ; obv. Female Head, with •/-^ ^ -''' ear-rings and necklace, seen full face, the hair flov/ing on each side, and tied in a mass at the top of the head with a string of pearls; rev. IAinn[0]nOAITfiN., Jupiter seated on a rock to the left, holding a long sceptre in his right hand ; before him is a thundei*bolt in a perpendicular position ; unique, and in very good condition ; size 4|. weight 89^^ grs. 1 ^^^ ^^' *^* This is the identical coin published and explained by Millingen ; see pi. 3, fig. 10, Coins of Greek Cities and Kings, Lond. 1831 , 4to. (Greek Cities, in Silver, continued at page 177 J. ROMAN LARGE BRASS. ( Continued from page \£>Q). 1283 Trajan, 4; rev. imperator. vim.; usual type ; very rare ; ""^^ three others, varied. Hadrian, 6 ; rev. Rome seated ; cos. iii.; rev. Britannia.; poor; rev. Africa.; rev. cappadocia.; rev. hispa- NIA.; re?;. MAVRETANIA.; all well preserved 10 -^z "^ *ji* For these reverses consult Voyages d'Hadrien, par Greppo, 1842, 8vo. ^'yr^. 1286 Trajan, 2. Hadrian, 3. Sabina; rev. veneri. genetrici.; all are varied, and well preserved . 8 - ^^ 1287 Hadrian ; obv. Bust of the Emperor, to the right ; rev. Ceres standing; p.m. tr. p. cos. hi. s.c. . 1 ''' '^^ *,* A very finely preserved medal, covered with green patina ; highly desirable in this state, and of excellent work. .., ^ 1288 Hadrian; obv. naked Bust, to the right; rev. a Female standing, with balances, &c.; COS. III.; ^ne ^T(?en joafma,- y ^> in excellent preservation . .1 1289 Plotina; 7'ev. the usual type of fides, avgvst. ; very ivell preserved, and extra rare . . 1 ~ ' ' 1290 Plotina; rev. as the last; same type of Faith standing, with ears of wheat, &c.; well preserved, and equally rare I ^' z ( 172 ) ^f 1291 Plotina; )'cr. as before; tolcrahhi preserved ; equally rare 1 c^V^^^ 1292 INIarciana ; rev. a Carpentum, on which is placed a statue of this excellent Empress, &c.; ex. senatvs. consvlto.; c a little scraped, but extra rare . 1 %* For a more full account of this, see Captain Smyth's Catalogue, No. CXI.VI. 1293 Matidia; rev. a stately Female standing between two children, &c.; PIETAS. AVGVST.; highly preserved, with the fine '.'''( ^t-^- hlach cerugo, and extremely scarce ; see Capt. Smyth's Catalogue, No. cxlvii. . . 1 1294 jNIatidia; i^ev. as before, being the only type known in large brass ; not so fine as the last, hut equally rare 1 1295 Matidia ; rev. as above ; poor. Hadrian, 3; rev. a Female standing, with ears of corn; p.m. TR., &c.; rev. pietas. avgvsti.; rev. two Figures standing; felicitas.avg.; allthree finely preserved, and/'^ ^^^^^-\ well patinated . , 4 f Continued at page .) tJ I /r ^/ ^ / ^r // ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN SILVER. ( Continued from page 139.^ 1296 ^lius ; rev. pietas., &c. Ant. Pius, 7 ; rev. all varied, and well preserved 8 1297 jElius; rev. Female seated; concordia., &c. Faustina sen., 6 ; ohv. veiled Head ; rev. aeternitas ; the five others are all different . 7 1298 iElius; j-ei'. Female, with cornucopia and caduceus ; tr. pot. COS. II. Faustina sen., 3 ; rev. ivnoni. reginae.; Throne, sceptre, and peacock ; rare; and two others varied. Aurelius, 6 ; all varied, and preserved . 10 1299 iElius ; rev. Female seated ; concord, tr., &c.; very fine. Faustina sen.; obv. Head; dea. favstina. ; rev. aktia. in a wreath ; the legend is in Greek ; a very rare quinarius 2 1300 Aurelius, 3 ; all different, and fine. Faustina jun., 2 ; rei'. fecvnditas.; rew. ivnoni. reginae. Verus, 2; j-e/;. rex. armenis. dat., &c,; j^we; rei>. Arme- nia captive, seated near arms ; tr. p. v., 8fc. Lucilla; rev. concordia.; a fine medal . 8 ^' ^'-^'"Z^' ^- ^^/// ( 173 ) J74 // ^^-1301 Aurelius, 3. Faustina jun., 2. Verus, 2. Lucilla ; ret;. ivNO. REGINA. //J' y ,^ Commodus, 4 ; all varied . .12 ■■^■-^^'^ 1302 Verus, 2. Commodus, 3. Crispina ; rev. Altar, with fire ; Dis. GENITALIBVS.; her rarest Silver type ; fine 6 / / 1303 Commodus ; ohv. Emperor's Head, covered with the Nemean ^'^ ^ lion's skin, as Hercules : rev. Club, and hercvl. roman. AVGV. m a crown. Pertinax ; rev. Female standing, with hasta and garland ; LAETiTiA, TEMPOR. COS. II.; very rare . 2 -^ •'^ '5^<;?z^-^ 1304 Pertinax ; rev. as in the last lot, only that the garland is less . .^ visible on this medal . . 1 ' >^z-^ 1305 Pertinax ; rev. a togated Figure sacrificing ; vox. decen., &c.; rare, and ivell preserved . \ ^ f-^ ^^ 1306 Pertinax; rey. Female and a star ; provid. deor. cos. ii.; / very fine, and scarce . . \ '^ ^ ^ 1307 Pertinax; rev. Female seated ; opi. divin., &c.; well pre- j \/ served, and rare . . 1 / 'V [,^v^ 1308 Pertinax; rev. Equity standing; aeqvit. avg., &c.; very \ well preserved, and scarce . 1 1309 Pertinax ; rev. a Caduceus between six ears of corn ; saecvlo. I FRVGiFERO.; Well preserved, and rare ; rey. opi. divin., &c.; poor . . 2 " y 1310 Didius Julianus ; rev. Emperor in the toga, holding a globe ; -, / . / rector. ORBis.; ivell preserved, and extra rare 1 A-^ ^^^ 1311 Didius Julianus; rev. Fertility standing; p.m. tr. p. cos.; fine, and extra rare . . \ ^^ " ' ^ .^ ■yp'''" 1312 Didius Julianus ; rev. Female holding two standards; con- ^ cord. MiLiT.: Une and scarce . 1 CORD. MiLiT.;^ne and scarce 1313 Didius Julianus ; same legends and types ; well preserved \ ^ // ( Continued at page 191^. .^^ ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN GOLD. ( Continued from page 1 6 1 .y* ^■^ ^' 1314 Trajan; rev. Fortune seated; fort, red., &c. Another; rey. Bonus-Eventus sacrificing; s. p. Q.R., &c.; hoth well preserved . . 2 1315 Trajan; as in the preceding lot, with the exception that the inscription of the Bonus-Evcntus type roads, p. m.tk. p. I COS. VI. p.p. S.P.Q.R. . . 2 ^ ^ -?////• ( 174 ) I I - , \S\ii Traian; ?•«•. via. traiana., &c.; in a very fine state of pre- .^ __,, servation . . • A | *,* On the liigb-rortils of the ancients, consult Bergier '' Hist, des Grands 1 Chemins de I'Empire Remain," either the edition of 1728, or 1736, [ both are excellent. ! I ,t 1317 Trajan; o-ev. Hercules on a pedestal; p.m. tr. p. cos. nil. : /j^ p.p.; exceedingly fine . . 1 ^ /S 1318 Trajan; ?- j'' 1320 Plotina ; rev. the Empress, as Vesta, seated ; caes. avg. GERM., &c.; very rare, and. well jireserved . 1 y -y ^' 1321 Trajan sen.; ohv. the Head of Trajan, the father; divvs. '' pater. TRAiANVS.; vev. the Head of his son Trajan; ^y' very fine, and very rare . .1 ^ ^-2- 1322 Trajan sen.; similar to the last . 1 ^ <«-*^ 1323 Marciana; ohv. Head of this prudent Princess ; diva. AV- , P ^/ gvsta. marciana.; on her Deification ; rev. an Eagle, {^/^^^^^^^ij with its wings expanded ; consecratio.; extremely rare 1 /^; ^ 1324 Matidia; ohv. her Head, and matidia. avg. divae. mar- cianae. f.; rev. a Female between two children; pietas. AVG VST.; well preserved, and very rare; Akerman, A/'^^.^y/- ff ^ f plate V..-2 . .a 1325 Matidia; as the last; nearly as ivell preserved 1 -- " 1326 Matidia; ohv. Head; matidiae. avg.; rev. the Head of , ' ^ Plotina ; plotinae. avg.; a fine and very rare type 1 ' , /"/V 1327 Hadrian ; rev. two Figures sacrificing, on his august arrival in Italy; adventvi. avg. italiae.; fine, and very rare; see Greppo, Memoires sur les Voyages d'Hadrien, 1842 . . 1 ,^ ^ ^ if 1328 Hadrian; j-^r. Egypt seated ; aegyptos.; /??ze a/z(? rare yy^t.-/'^^ / /7 1329 Hadrian; ret*, similar to the last ; ^rae awe? ra^'e l,^'-^**^^^ ■J ,f) 1330 Hadi-ian ; rer. Africa seated, lion, &c.; Africa,; rare, and ^^ i highly pjreserved ; see Addison s Dialogues on Medals ^ / y iJ~ 1331 Hadrian; rer. as the last ; very well preserved l-^t^'^^J^" ( 175 ) yyj /^^^ 1332 Hadrian; rev. a reclining Female, holding awheel on her knee, &c.; ann. d. ccc. lxxiiii. nat. vp.b. p. cir. conc; ivell preserved . . 1 *^* Highly interesting, as it proves the epoch of the foundation of Rome. This is one of the rarest types of the aureus of this Emperor, and was struck in his third consulate. See Cardwell's Ninth Lecture : Bimart and Vaillant. From Col. Smith's sale of 1812, lot 76. ^^ y 1334 Hadrian 1335 Hadrian ^ Another 1336 Hadrian Z^^ 1337 Hadrian ^^ 1333 Hadrian ; rev. Minerva, an olive-tree, and a rabbit; p.m. tu. p. COS. III. Another :, rev. a Warrior; full faced ; p.m. tr. p. cos. hi. 1 / 1^ ' rev. Venus ; veneri. genetrici. rev. Hope; spes. v.Vi.\ fine . 2 2/^ rev. Hope; spes. p. r.; as fine as in the last lot 1 / // rev. FORTVNA. spes.; the two Goddesses ; raret r^:^ and well preserved Another; rev. two Figures ; parthic. divi., &c. 2 '^ ^-^^ 1338 Hadrian; rev, the Head of the Sun; oriens. divi. ner. nep., he; fine . . \ ^ ^^ 1339 Hadrian; ?-ey. similar ; equally fine . 1 / //7 1-4'^ 1340 Hadrian; rev. oriens., &c.; cos. ii.; Head of the Sun; / 1^ fine . . . 1 /^ 1341 Hadrian; i-ev. Neptune seated ; p.m. tr. p. cos. iii.;^we ^ ^t^ /y^ *#* From the Trattle collection, lot 1925. i'^^uCv^^'2. Hadrian; obv. Head, to the left; rev. hispania.; highly ^. preserved, and very rare . .1 *4f* From the Trattle collection, lot 1932. I 1343 Hadrian; ohv. Head, to the right; rev. hispania.; a well ,. \ preserved medal . . 1 / J?^>.^1344 Hadrian; rev. Justice seated ; ivstitia, AVG. Another; rev. Abundance seated; fort. red. divi. ner. ^ NEP., he; both fine . . 2 *-^ c> '•^^345 Hadrian; rev. Hercules seated on armour; p.m. tr. p. cos. Ill,; fine and rare . . 1 ^ '^ ' 1346 Hadrian; rev. Abundance seated ; fort, red., &c. Another; j-ew. secvritas. avg.; both fine 2 ^^ f Continued at page 192 J. .^Xr^ ( 176 ) FRENCH PIEDFORTS, MEDALS, & COINS, IN SILVER. ( Continued from page 163^. ," 1347 Birague; oir. Bust of the Cardinal, and Chancellor of France, ,' (epoch of the St. Bartholomew massacre, which he contri- buted to bring about); r[enatvs.] b[irago.3 card. FRANCiAE. cANCELARivs. 1580 ; a Very rare date; rev. a Table, he; ars. ivs. gvbernat.; a fine and extra rare medal; see De JBie, Families de France, 159, iv. — ll. 1 y^ 1348 De L'Hopital ; obv. Bust of, the great and good Chancellor; M. osp. FRAN. CANCEL.; vev. a Tower ; impavidvm. fe- /,■ > ^y RIENT. RVINAE. ; See De Bie ; a fine and extra rare medal . . .1 *,* Dr. Alibert's Life of Michel de I'Hopital. y^ 1349 Anjou; obv. a fine Bust, with cuirass, &c.; Francois, dvc. DANIOV. ET. DALANCON. (sic.) FILZ. DE. FRANCE.; reV. the Sun rising from the Sea, and dispelling the clouds ; ^ FOVET. ET. DiscvTiT ; Duby, Monnaies des Barons, ■^/-'■■^■^\ plate XXIX. — 1 ; very rare, and fine . 1 / ^2- 1350 Guise; o&v. a fine cuirassed Bust of Henry de Lorraine, Duke of Guise; rev. a Landscape, and a peasant ploughing;,/^ ".<^' DISCVTIT. VT. CAELO., &c.; as on a medal of Henry IV.; > fine, and very rare . . 1 ^^ .\. ^ 1351 Guise; similar, in all respects, to the last . Y'' -'-"^^ / -^ 1352 Guise; obv. same as in the two preceding lots; rev. a Bust ; r FRAtiClscvs. Dvx. GVisivs.; fine, and extra rare 1 / /n 1353 Luynes ; oil', a fine cuirassed Bust, to the right; ch. d al- bert. DVC. D. LVYNES. PAIR. ET. CONEST. D. FR.; in the exergue, 1621 ; rev. a Hand from the clouds, holding a sword, entwined with laurel and olive branches ; Qvo. me. ^ IVRA. vocANT., &c. 1621; a very rare medal of this il--' lustrious, existing family : . full size \ 5. 1 -7 . . 1354 Navarre; oiv. a fine cuirassed Bust ; antonivs. del g. rex. A navarrae. ; rev. Sun rising; fov^et. et. discvtit. ;^ * rev. REX. conservator. 1559; both fine . 2 / // 1355 Navarre ; obv, as in the above lot ; rev. adversis. nescia. ^ VINCI. 1560; relating to the oppression of the Protestant-'' >^ '^2l\\}a \ fine and rare . . 1 P ,/ 1356 Mazarin ; obv. Bust of the Cardinal Minister : rev. on the ,7", Siege of Casale Monforrato in Piedmont, in 1630, ( 177 ) ^^/;v,/ Richelieu; ohv. his Bust; rev, mens. sidera. VOLVIT. 1631; hoih these Jine medallions are by the great Varin; see about the latter', La Biog. Univer. ed. Michaud; also De JBie, Families de France, xxvi. . 2 1357 Mazarin; o&y. and ?w. as before. Richelieu ; obv. and rev. as before ; equally fine 2 / 1338 Mazarin ; obv. the Bust of the Cardinal ; rew. an Anchor ; FIRMANDO. FiRMiOR. HAERET. 1660; by Varin: ^ size 10. '^'^^'^^ ' Fleury ; a line Medallion of the virtuous Minister Cardinal de Fleury ; rev. virtvtes. regni. administrae. M.D.ccxxxi.; by Roettier: . size 17. Fenelon ; obv. his Bust and titles ; rev. the Bust of Jansen ; y /^ very rare, and fine . size 13. 3 (^ Continued at page •) TWELFTH DAY'S SALE. CITIES OF THESSALY, IN SILVER. ^Continued from page \1\.) LOT „i^l359 Lamia ; Mionnet, p. 12, No. 92, pi. 71, fig. 3 ; fine and rare: size 3. Laraia; Mt. p. 13, No. Q A; fine and very rare : size 2. Larissa ; usual types, two different ; well preserved : ' size 4J. 3 1^^1360 Larissa; Mionnet, Supp. pi. 12, fig. 2; a beautiful and clean \ coin, in the highest state of preservation : ' size 4^. weight 92^ grs. 1 ^ <^ 1361 Larissa; Mt. page 16, No. 115; obv. Personification of the Fountain Hyperia ? very clean, very beautiful worJc, and in a fine state of preservation : size 4^. weight 95-j^ grs. 1 *^* Coins like this, with a full face, although comparatively common, become of extreme rarity in such a very fine state, and of such fine work. \y f ,/// ( 178 ) / /^'^ 13G2 Larissa ; Mt. Supp. pi. 12, tig. \;^7ie, and very rare. size4\. weight 91^ grs. .>^]^^ Larissa; ohv. 01., Ilorsc trotting to the right ; re%^. AAPI2. (retrograde) Female Figure standing, with both arms raised, near a large vase with one handle, of the amphora shape ; in a shallow square ; extremely rare, and in fine condition : size 2. weight 14^ grs. 2 / // 1363 Larissa; usual type ; in good condition : size 4. Larissa ; obi: Horse to the left ; a tettix above ; o^ev. AARI., Sandal in a square ; extremely rare type, and good con- dition : . size 3^. *^ The tettix is blurred so as to look like a bird ; but compare Millin- gen, Cities and Kings, pi. 3, fig. 15. AL j CEta; Mionnet, p. 18, No. 138; good condition, and of ex- treme rarity : . size 3. 3 / .// 1364 Another; very fine, and of extreme rarity : size 3. weight 36^3^ grs. 1 — 1365 Pharsalus; llionnet, p. 22, No. 160; ^A. and [P2.] retro- -i 9^ grade underneath ; rather rubbed, but very rare : : size 4^. Pharsalus; Mt. p. 22, No. 155; $AR.; very fine and rare: size 3. IV eight 47^ grs. \ Another ; 3It. p. 22, No. 158; <^A. and V%. retrograde under- ! neath ; rare, and in good condition: size 3. Another; Mt. p. 22, No. 156, with ^AP^A. round the ^ horse's head ; very rare and very fine : ~- size 3. weight 46^ grs. 4 ^yrr 1366 Another; Mt. ^. 22, 'No. 155; fair condition : size 8. Pheree? obv. Half Horse to the right; o^ev. ^'^, grain of Wheat or Oats in the husk, or an unknown seed vessel, in ' an indented square ; the horse is of extremely fine old work, fine condition, and extremely rare: size 2|. weight 45^ grs. *#* The attribution of this coin to Pherae, in Bccotia, by Sestini, as quoted by Mionnet, Supp. vol. 3, p. 517, No. 85, does not appear admissible. It is more probably a Thessalian coin, and the diffi- culty ocassioned by the letters TA. must remain for future solution. Tricca; TPIKKAI.; Mionnet, p. 24, No. 172; rubbed: size 3. Uncertain of Thessaly? obv. Male? Head to the left, wear- ing a helmet, singularly ornamented or covered with laurel ? /^a - ( 179 ) y4 ^^ leaves overlapping each other like scales, and the cheek pieces turned up ; rev. Half Horse with bridle, to the left ; Jine work, in the style of Thessaly, and fine condition : size 2. weight 14^ grs. 4 CITIES OF ILLYRIA, IN SILVER. i^/v--^^- ^«^67 Dyrrachiura ; Mionnet, p-37, No. 81; very fine condition : / size 5. weight \10 grs. Another ; with a dolphin to the right, above the cow ; good condition : size 5. Dyrrachium ; obv. Head of Hercules to the right ; rev. AYP. Pegasus to the right ; rare, and well presei-ved : size 2^. 3 // CITIES OF EPIRUS, IN SILVER. v/V / 1368 Epirus, in genere ; type of Mionnet, p. 47, No. 1; Svpp. pi. 13, fig. 1 ; but EY. (in monogram) behind the head of Jupiter ; and on the rev. a Thunderbolt (partly visible, and appearing like a trident) outside the wreath of oak ; very rare, and in the most exquisite state of preservation : size 7^. weight \SQ^ grs. 1 ->- 1369 Another ; exactly the same type in every respect, and from the same die on the obverse, but not on the reverse ; in extremely fine condition: size 7^. tvf. l.^4~ grs. 1 - v '^ 1370 Another; with ME. (in monogram) behind the head of Jupiter; and on the rev. a Club, outside the wreath ; very rare, and well preserved, but the obverse not so fine as the preceding: size 8. weight 151^ grs. I '^ / 1371 Epirus ; type of Mt. No. 12, p. 48 ; but with AN. (in mono- gram) behind, and BO. before the head of Jupiter ; very \ fine condition : size 6. j Another ; but a monogram behind the head of Jupiter ; very j fine condition : size 5. Epirus ; type of Mt. No. 4, p. 47 ; but EY. (in monogram) j behind the heads of Jupiter and Juno ; rare, and very y //f \ fine: size 4. weight 51 grs. 3 " i-^"^1372 Ambracia; Mt. p. 50, No. 33; pi. 71, fig. 5; extremely ; 1 rare, a7id very well preserved : size 3^. 1 y -^ i A A 1 ^J2 yy J/^^ K 180 ) DRACHMS OF PYRRIIUS, KING OF EPIRUS, IN GOLD. 1373 Pyrrhus ; type of 3Iionnet, No. 12, p. 63; and type of pi. 71, ,/- fig. 7; but with a thunderbolt behind the head of Diana; ^^''^i'--r^ and in the field of the reverse, IT, a crescent, and a thun- derbolt ; exquisite tvorkmanship, in the highest possible condition, and of the greatest rarity: size 3^. weight 65^ grs. 1 /J-/2- 1374 Another ; with a Bunch of Grapes behind the head of Diana; and in the field of the reverse, a crescent and a thunder- bolt ; the same exquisite style of art, and perfection in the I preservation, as well as rarity : /, . ' size 3^. weight 66^^. grs. I %* On tbis coin, a small portion of the drapery of Diana appears at the i bottom of the neck, and shews that though the head is in profile, the ' body of the statue from which this bust was taken was seen nearly in front. ^/^ 1375 Another ; but without any drapery at the bottom of the neck, and with a bee behind the head of Diana ; in the field of the reverse, 11., a thunderbolt, a cross, and a crescent, with the ends closed, making it a circle; very perfect condition, very heautiful tvork, ivell struck, and completely rivalling \ the antique ; hut the symbols, and the style of the letters, ^ as well as other minute particulars, give rise to suspicioii : ^ ' size 3^. weight 66 grs. I *^* This coin is so beautifully executed that the obverse appears antique, and the reverse modern, //2^ 1376 Another; see ifeTif. p. 63, No. 14, exactly; very fine ivorJc, and / y very good condition, but false : -^ '^;^ size 4i. weight 107^ grs. KINGS OF EPIRUS, IN SILVER. Pyrrhus ; type of 3It. p. 63, No. 1 1 ; fne tvork, and con- dition, hut false : size 5. weight 84^^ gr$. 2 p^ 1377 Pyrrhus ; type of Mt. No. 16, p. 64; with a bunch of grapes behind the head of Ceres ; and on the rev. in the field, a cornucopia. A., and a thunderbolt; very rare, fine work /; and condition : size 5. weight 86^ grs. 1 / / ■ 1378 Another; with a cornucopia behind Ceres, and a thunderbolt, and E. in the field of the reverse .- rather rubbed, but in ^ good condition, and very rare: size 5. 1^ ^^' ^j Z f ( 181 ) ^./^. y;.,. 137 Pyrrhus; Mt. p. 64, No. 22; i-e?;. veiled Female on the hip- pocampus ; perfect condition, and of the utmost degree of rarity: . size G. weight 128^ grs. \ ^^ ^^ *i»* Under this coin was found a small circular paper, on which was beautifully written, at the particular request of the late Mr. Thomas, the following quotation from Eckhel : '•' Nihil in pyrrho mediocre ; virtutes summae ; moderatio, facilitas in amicos, in referenda, gratis, studium, animus in adverse etiam fortuna infractus, corporis robur incredibile." ^^-1380 Alexander II? type of Mionnet, No. 37, fig. 66, and type of pi. 71, fig. 9; but with a monogram, a helmet, and an eagle standing on a thunderbolt, in the field ; rare, and in very fine condition on both sides : . size 8. 1 ^ 1381 Another; with helmet, eagle on thunderbolt, and XA. or AX. (in monogram) in the field of the reverse ; in fair conditio7i, and very rare : size 7. ivt. 24l^ grs. Alexander II ? (a Drachm) same type ; with AI, (in mono- gram) and eagle on thunderbolt, in the field of the reverse ; extremely rare, and well preserved, particularly the ob- verse : size 3. iveight 56^ grs. 2 " / 1382 Alexander II? (a Tetradrachm) same type; with AI. (in monogram) and eagle on thunderbolt in the field; extremely rare, and very well preserved on both sides ; but having a coating of black oxide: . size 7. V i^ J COINS OF CORCYRA, IN SILVER. 1383 Corcyra Insula; nearly like Mionnet, No. 9, p. 69; KOP.; good condition : . size 3^. Corcyra ; Mt. p. 69, No. 10 ; rare, and in vei'y good preser- vation : . . size 4. Corcyra ; Mt. p. 69, No. 6 ; rubbed : size 4. Corcyra ; obv. Female Head to the left, with a monogram behind ; rev. Pegasus to the left ; rare, and tvell pre- served : . . size 2 J. Corcyra ; Mionnet, Supp. p. 427, No. 1 ; but the cow to the -^ . right ; fair condition : . size 41. Another : with the cow to the left, and KOP. and 0. on the reverse ; extremely well preserved : size 6. weight 169^ grs. G (Greek Cities, in Silver, continued at page 183.) ^-^ yz/y "-/. ( 182 ) CITIES OF THESSALY, ILLYRIA, AND EPIllUS. ANTONOMOUS COINS, IN COPPER. ( Continued from page 170^. 1384 Thcssaly, in genere ; obv. KA22ANAPOY., Head of Minerva i . //'' ' to the right; rev. 0E22AAf2N., Horse trotting to the^^^^^i right : . . size 4. ! Crannon; KPANNO., type of Mionnet, No. 77, p. 10; rare: . size 3 J. ApoUonia, in Illyria ; 3It. p. 33, No. 57 : size 6. Epirus, in genere; Mt. p. 49, No. 19; well preserved : size 5. Another : . . size 5. Uncertain ; given to Pisaurum; Mt. vol. 1, p. 104; see also Supp. vol. 3, p. 418, No. 400: . size 5. GREEK IMPERIAL, IN COPPER. Nicopolis, in Epirus ; Caracalla ; Mt. Supp. vol. 3, p. 392, No. 245; veri/ rare, and well preserved: size 6 J. Nicopolis ; Plautilla ; rev. Female seated, with patera and cornucopia; very fair condition, and extremely rare: size 9. *^* This is the identical coin published by Mr, Akerman, in the Gentle- man's Magazine for Jan. 1835 ; and presented, by Mr. Akerman, to Mr. Thomas. Nicopolis; Philippus sen.; compare Mionnet, Supp. vol.3, p. 403, No. 313; fair condition, and rare : size 6. 9 KINGS OF EPIRUS, IN COPPER. 1385 Alexander I.; ohv. Eagle standing to the right, between a / /2-' tripod and two leaves and berry of laurel; rev. AAEH. //y^ TOY. NE. ; Thunderbolt within a wreath of laurel ; rare, and very well preserved : . size Q\. Another ; AAEEA. TOY. NE. . size q\. Alexander I.; ohv. Head of Hercules to the right; rev. AAEHANAPOY.; Eagle on a thunderbolt to the right, looking to the left ; rare, and well preserved : sizeS^. ( 183 ) Zf / Pvrrhus; Mt. p. 62, No. 9; *®IAS., but with a blade of wheat behind the head ; rare, and well preserved : size 6. Pyrrhus ; Mt. p. 65, No. 33 ; well preserved : size 51. Anothei"; well preserved : . size 5^. 6 *^* These coins were probably not struck in Epirus. They appear all to be of the Sicilian style of mintage, and of that of Rhegium, or Crotona. GREEK IMPERIAL COINS OF CORCYRA, IN COPPER. ^y 1386 Corcyra; Severus; rev. a Galley in full sail; rare, and in a very unusual and most perfect state of preservation : size 7. Corcyra ; Julia Domna ; rev. Pegasus ; in the same most beautiful condition : . size 7. Corcyra; Caracalla; ohv. MA. AY. ANTONeiNOC. AY. BPIT. ; rev. Galley in full sail ; in most perfect condition : " '^ size 7. 3 1387 Corcyra; Severus; rev. a Galley in full sail; in perfect state : . size 7. Corcyra; Julia Domna; rev. Pegasus; fne condition: size 7. Corcyra ; Plautilla ; rev. Pegasus ; /ine condition, and very //// rare : . . size 7. 3 f Greek Cities, in Silver, continued from page 181.^ CITIES OF ACARNANIA, IN SILVER. ^ 1388 Acarnania, in genere ; type o{ Mionnet, Supp. vol.3, pi. 14, fig. 4, and of p. 79, No. 3; but with AP. (in monogram) in the field of the reverse ; very rare, and in very fine condition : . size 6^. weight 153 grs. 1 y /^ , i389 Acarnania ; Mt. Supp. p. 453, No. 3 ; Hunter, tab. 1, fig. 19 ; IIA. or An. (in monogram) on obverse; fine preservation, and more rare than the preceding : size 4. weight 75 grs. 1 -/ -^ ;^ 1390 Anactorium ; Pegasus type, five different ; well preserved : size 5. Argos-Amphilochium ; Pegasus typo, five different ; some rare, and well preserved : . size 5. 10 ^ \9^ /J/ J.. /.v,>- < '«" ' / 1391 Another; with Half Bull behind the head of Minerva; very rare : . . size 5. Another; with hclmeted Head of Minerva to the right, in very curious archaic style, and a sprig of ivy behind ; rev. Pegasus with curled wings ; in very good condition : size 4. Leucas ; obv. Head of Medusa, with tongue out; rev. A., Pegasus with curled wings to the left ; fine condition : size \^. Leucas ; ohv. archaic Female Head, to the right, with hair turned up behind, within a square ; rev. A., Half Pegasus, with curled wings, to the right: size 2. 4 7 /J .. 1392 Leucas; type of Mionnet, No. 27, p. 82; but with AEYKA- " ^ AlfiN. AY2IMAX02.; a small Female Head, in the field above the galley, and a monogram below; at the prow of the galley is the head of a lion; a very well jireserved and fine specime7i of this rare type: size 3. weight 128^^ grs. 1 _ //'-^. 1393 Leucas; Pegasus type ; very well preserved, and some of the symbols rare ; six different : . size 5. 6 1394 Solium, in Acarnania; obv. veiled and laureate Female Head / <.^ ' to the right ; rev. 20. in a monogram under a pegasus to the right, within a laurel wreath ; of extreme scarcity, in very good condition, but of dark colour from oxide : size 4. weight 40^ grs. %* Solium is a new town in numismatic geography. It is mentioned by TLucydides, book 2, as belonging to the Corinthians, which accounts very satisfactorily for the type of the pegasus. Stephanus, quoting Thucydides, calls the town Sollium; and both writers spell the name with O instead of Si. Other similar errors of the copyists occur in Thucydides, which are corrected by the coins. There is a similar coin of this town in the British Museum, from the cabinet of Mr. Burgon. Coins being the best commentators on coins, it appears probable that, that of Pyrrhus in copper, with OQIaz, furnishes us with a clue to the name of the deified personage represented on this coin of Solium, as well as on those of Ambracia. The veiled female Head, laureate, on the coins of Pyrrhus, Ambracia, and Solium, ap- pear to be identical. Thvrreum ; Pegasus type ; well preserved ; three different : size 5. ( 185 ) /J// /I' Uncertain ; Pegasus type, without letters or symbols under the Pegasus ; five different; well preserved,, some rare : size 5. 9 COINS OF iETOLIA, IN SILVER. 1395 ^toHa ; type of Mionnet, Supp. pi. 15, fig. 3, and p. 87, No. 2 ; but with a monogram, and ]§E. in the field ; extremely rare, and in very fine condition : size 7. weight 269^^^ grs. I '"^ ^J *#* Mionnet says: " Homme a droit," &c.; but it is rather a female habited in a short tunic or hunting dress, like Diana ; and probably represents ^lolia, the province personified. See Millingen, Recueil, &c. p. 39, where this type is fully explained. There is little doubt that the representation on this coin is copied from the statue and trophy which the jEtolians dedicated at Delphi ; see Pausanias, Phocica, cap. 18, et seq. The crow and tripod on the gold coin of ^tolia, engraved in Mionnet, Supp., plate 15, fig. 1, seems further to connect this type with Apollo, or Delphi. 1396 iEtolia ; Mionnet, p. 87, No. 5; middling condition, hut very rare : . size 7. iEtolia; type oi Mt. No. 6, p. 87; but EY. and AP. (in monogram) on the reverse ; fair condition : size 3. 2 1397 iEtolia ; like Mt. Supp. p. 477, No. 12; but with 4>I. behind the Diana? whose head is ornamented with a wreath of laurel and turned to the right ; on the reverse the figure is a female, not covered with an a3gis, but wearing a short tunic and covered with a mantle wrapped round the left arm ; the left hand resting on a parazonium. The head of the female is seen full face, and is ornamented with a wreath the leaves of which project on each side of the face. In the field is a trophy, and above it a large A.; a very beau- tifiil and clean coin in the highest state of preservation, and of the utmost degree of rarity : size 4|. weight 82^ grs. 1 -^^ /> COINS OF LOCRIS AND PHOCIS, IN SILVER. 1398 Locri-opuntii ; OnONTinN.; Mionnet, p. 92, No. 18; Supp. pi. 15, fig. 4; with helmet between the feet of the warrior, and a javelin ; a most rare and beautiful coin, extremely well preserved : size b^. weight 188^ grs. 1 1399 Another; with a serpent inside the buckler, and a buckler between the feet of the warrior; a very beautiful coin, //-^ •V z^ yj^// ( KS() ) particularly the reverse, and extremely rare : size 6. weight 189yq g7's. 1 1400 Another; with a serpent inside the buckler, and a helmet of difTerent form from that on lot 1399, between the feet of the warrior ; the Q, in 0110NTIf2N. has disappeared by a frac- ture of the die ; very rare, and in vejy good condition : size 5|. tveight 186^^ g7's. 1 1401 Another; with a winged griffin inside the buckler, and a trumpet between the feet of the warrior, with a javelin ; rubbed, but in fair condition ; extremely rare : size 6. iveight 180-^ grs. Locri-opuntii ; AOKPfiN. ; Mt. p. 91, No. 13; very fine: size 3. weight 38^ grs. 2 Locri-opuntii; AOKP.; 3It. p. 91, No. 8; very ivell pre- served : . size 2. tveight 12-j^ grs. Another ; OIION.; 3It. p. 91, No. 12; fair condition : size 2. Locri-opuntii; two; OIIONTmN.; Mt. p. 93, No. 24 ; one well preserved : . size 2. Phocis ; two different ; 3It. p. 94, No. 3, and No. 8 ; fair condition : . . size 3. Phocis ; three varieties; Mt. p. 94, No. 2; well preserved : size 1^. 11 1402 Locri-opuntii; Mt. p. 93, No. 2^; fine, and well preserved : / size^\. tveight A\^ grs. Locri-opuntii; Mt. p. 91, No. 12; well preserved : size 2, Phocis ; Mt. p. 94, No. 8 ; fair condition : size 3. Phocis ; $OKI., two, usual types ; Female Heads, in indented ^. squares, archaic style ; very well preserved : size 3. Phocis; $0.; 3It. p. 94, No. 2; three different: size IJ. 8 1403 Delphi ; compare Mt. Supp. p. 497, No. 27. For the type, see pi. 5, fig. 4, De JBosset, Med. de Cephalonie, S,-c., Lond. 1815, 4to.; obv. Negro's Head to the left ; rev. AA. Goat's Head, seen in front, in an indented square ; of most ex- treme rarity, and in perfect preservation : size 1. iveight 9^ grs. 1 *^* Having the letters A a. this coin is probably unique. Delphi ; Mt. Supji. p. 497, No. 30 ; De Bosset, pi. 5, fig. 1 ; AAA. ; of extreme rarity, and in very good condition : size 2. weight 18^^r.y. / / / ( 187 ) //^ Delphi ; Mt. Supp. p. 497, No. 29; De Bosset, pi. 5, fig. 2; inct^usted with oxide ; very rare : size 2. Another ; with the dolphins differently disposed ; fair condi- tion : . . size 2. 4 *•* Opportunities of obtaining the two former very rare types, of sucb a rare town as Delphi, very seldom occur. CITIES OF BCEOTIA, IN SILVER. 1404 Bosotia, in genere ; oiw. Boeotian Buckler; rev. BOI. between the spokes of a wheel ; extremely rare : size 4. weight 187^^ grs. Boeotia ; olv. Buckler ; rev. BOIO., Vase, and a bunch of Grapes, in the field above ; in fine condition : .. ^ size 5^. weight 190^ grs. Boeotia; obv. Buckler ; rev. B. in an indented square; rare; size |. weight 1 4-L. g^^s. , V Boeotia; usual type ; rubbed: . size 2^. 4 1405 Boeotia ; obv. Boeotian Buckler, with T. on one side, and A. (of archaic form) on the other, within the hollows on each side of the buckler ; rev. a Wheel, but without any letters ; a very thick and old coin, in very good condition : ' ' '^ size 4. weight 184 grs. *^* This coin cannot with safety be classed to Tanagra, as it is possible that the objects, like letters, within the hollows of the buckler, may be something placed there for the defence of the wearer. Boeotia ; obv. Buckler ; rev. four deep triangular indentations ; well preserved, old and thick coin: size 2^. weight 93yq S'^'^' *;f* This coin, also, appears to have an object like tho letter n, on each side, within the hollow ; possibly it is intended to prevent the pas- sage of a spear, or sword, through that part of the buckler. Another; smaller; well preserved : size 1 ^. weight 4 1 ^ grs. *^* This coin, also, appears to have an object like the letter T, within the hollow on each side of the buckler. Boeotia ; obv. Buckler ; rev. APKA., Vase, the handles en- twined with ivy leaves ; well preserved : size 5^. 4 1406 Boeotia ; obv. Buckler ; rev. BOII2., Vase with two handles ; and a bow in the field above it ; exquisite preservation : ^ize 1, elongated, weiglit 188Jg- grs^ B B / / --r- ( 188 ) Boeotia ; ubv. Buckler ; rev. four deep triangular indentations; well preserved : size 3. weight 93^ grs. 2 / -/ 1407 Another; well preserved : si::e 3. weight 9'2 grs. Boeotia ; ohv. Buckler ; rev. BOIfi., Vase with two handles, and a bunch of grapes in the field above ; in perfect con- dition : size 6^. tveight 1 90^ grs. 2 1408 Boeotia ; type of Hunter, tab. 13, fig. 11; rev. Victory stand- ing; Mionnet, No. 60, p. 103 ; but with monogram, and a trident in the field; as it came from the die, hut the die rather used; rare: size 4. weight 75^ grs. Boeotia; type of Himter, tab. 13, fig. 10; rev. Neptune standing ; type of 3It. Supp. No. 27, p. 503 ; in the field, - a monogram and uncertain symbol ; very rare, and in most perfect condition : size 4. tveight 78-^ grs. 2 *^* It is most difficult to procure a specimen of this type in a tolerable state of preservation. y f 1409 Coronea ; ohv. Buckler; rev. KO., Head of Medusa, full face, within a circular indentation ; well preserved, and of extreme rarity: size 1^. weight \3-S^ grs. Coronea, or Copae ; ohv. Buckler; rev. <^. in an indented c square ; well preserved and rare: size J. weight 1 3y9_ grs. 2 1410 Coronea; Mt. p. 113, No. 15; extremely rare, and in very good condition : size 6. tveight 260^ grs, 1 - *^* This coin is frequently confused with those of Neapolis in Macedonia. y y^ 1411 Dionysia ; ohv. Buckler; rev. AL, Vase with two handles " within a circular indentation ; tvell preserved, and pre- sumed to he unpuhlished of this weight : size 5^. weight 1 86^^ grs. 1 *,* It is to M. Dumersan that numismatists are indebted for this new classification ; see his Descrip. Med. Ant. Cab. Allier de Ilauteroche, p. 45, where he quotes Ortelius, Thesaurus Geographicus, 4to., 1611, and Diodor. Sic. lib. IV. This attribution appears by far preferable to the forced reading of AI. for AH-, or AE., in classing these coins to the town of Delium, according to the suggestion of Sestini. /• 1412 Another; AL; Mionnet, Supp. p. 512, No. 56, pi. 16, fig. 5 ; extremely rare, and well preserved : size 4. tveight 83-j^ grs. ,^ Another ; but smaller ; very rare : size 2J. weight 38^ grs. 2 *^* There is some little doubt as to the letters being AI. on this last coin, in consequence of the silver having become oxidized, and the { 189 ) 2/P//4 letters brittle ; but this type being found witli its regular sub-divi- sions,' seems to confirm, very satisfactorily, the attribution of these coins to a town in Boeotia beginning witli AI., and not to regard the letters as tbe initials of the name of a magistrate, as generally done. 1413 Orchomenus; EPXO.; Mt. Supp. p. 516, No. 78, and pi. 16, fig. 9; Hunter, tab. 13, fig. 12; in the Jinest con- dition, and of the utmost rarity : size h\. weight 189^ grs. 1 /'^ *#* Combe, page 68, in describing a similar coin in tbe Hunter collection, considered tbe letters as indicative of tbe name of a magistrate ; but modern discoveries leave no doubt of tbe correctness of this attri- bution. _^ 1414 Orchomenus; see Pellerin, Rec. pi. 103, fig. 3, and Mt. vol. 3, p. 36, No. 29; generally ascribed to Eresus, in Lesbos, or Eretria, in Euboea ; very rare, and in very good condition : size 3. weight 41yL grs. *^* This coin may be classed with certainty to Orchomenus, in Boeotia. Its rarity, in silver, has prevented very numerous observations as to the place where it is found, and has therefore tended to impede its correct classification ; but tbe constant finding- in Boeotia of coins in copper, with various modifications of the same type and legends, and often with EP. instead of the monogram, (like Hunter, tab. '■26, fig. 22), proves, not only bow the monogram is to be read, but, at the same time, leads to the certain classification of all these coins to Orcbomenus. In tbe Orchomenian inscriptions in the British Mu- seum, the name of this town is always written, EPXOMENIiZN. I Orchomenus; obv. Horse galloping to the right; rev. ER. I (retrograde) three grains of Wheat, placed side by side ; extremely rare, but in bad condition: size 1^. j Mycalessus ; Mt. p. 106, No. 78; MY.; vety rare, and //^ \ very well preserved : size 'i,. wt.\^~^grs, 3 i 1415 Another; very well preserved : size \^. weight \2 grs. \ Pharse ; Mt. p. 107, No. 81 ; very rare, and very well pre- served: . size 1-|. weight 13-!^ grs. , Platseae ; Mt. p. 107, No. 82 ; extremely rare, and tvell pre- i served, but somewhat rubbed : size 3. tvt. 39-=2_ errs. \ Tanagra ; TA., usual type ; well preserved: size 1. 4 '^•^ 1 1416 Tanagra; o&i?. Buckler ; rev. TA., Half Horse to the right, with bridle, in an indented square ; extremely rare, old I ivorh, and very well preserved : i sizeA^. weight 189^ grs. 1 -/ ^^ I ( 190 ) 1417 Another; with TAN.; the horse has a wreath of laurel '' round the bottom of the neck; very old tvork, and eX' tremely good condition : size b}^. tveight 185^ grs. 1 *^* Coins of this raro town become extremely rare with the additional letter N. 1418 Another; with TA., but the half horse in the indented square is to the left ; and the buckler is ornamented with bars on the edge ; of extreme rarity, and in very good condition : size 4^. weight 188-^ gi's. 1 %* It will be perceived that this, and most of the preceding coins of Breotia, are adjusted to the talent of u'Egina. This coin is a didrachm. GOLD COINS OF THEBES. 1419 Thebes ; obv. bearded Head of Bacchus, with a wreath of y ivy, to the right ; rev. ©E. the infant Hercules seated, and looking to the left, strangling the serpents, in an indented square ; extremely fine old ivorJc, in fine condi- tion, shewing the whole of both types, and so rare that only tivo or three are known to exist : size 2. wt. 47 grs. 1 %* The style of work on this most rare and interesting coin, is referable to a period considerably anterior to Philip of Macedon. The posi- tion of the Infant Hercules diflfers from that on the silver coins. The gold is of pale colour. This is the identical coin published by IMillingen, Greek Cities and Kings, 4to., London, 1831, page 58; see plate 4, fig. 11. It is a Hemidrachm of the iEginetan standard, which was in use in Bosotia in early times. It has lost, at least, a grain in weight, which would make it give a drachm of 95yo grs. ■y „ / . 1420 Thebes ; obv. bearded Head of Bacchus, with a wreath of ivy, to the right; rev. ©E., the infant Hercules turned to the right, strangling the serpents ; more recent work, but ap- pears anterior to Philip; in a very perfect state of pre- servation, shewing both types; very fine work, and so rare as to be the second known to exist : the gold is of pale colour : size \^. weight \b^ grs. I %* The position of the Infant Hercules resembles Hunter, tab. 45, fig. 1, but the whole type is seen on this coin. If we might venture to give the same denominations to the gold sub-divisions of the Drachm, which the corresponding sub-divisions of the silver coins bear, this would be an obolus of the ^ginetan standard, and gives a drachm of 91i% grains. ( 191 ) ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN SILVER. ( Continued from page 173. J 1421 Manila Scantilla ; rather doubtful . 1 1422 Didia Clara; an extremely rare, antique, and well preserved medal, but plated . . 1 ^^ ^ 1423 Pescennius Niger ; rev. a trophy ; invicto. imp. tro.; very well preserved, and extra rare . 1 ■'^ 1424 Pescennius Niger ; rev. Fortune standing ; fortvnae. RED v.; nearly as well preserved as the last 1 ' 1425 Pescennius Niger ; rev. Female, with cornucopia and scales ; SALVTi. AVG. ; fairly preserved, and of great rarity 1 ' *^» From the Willett collection, 1834, lot 238. 1426 Pescennius Niger ; rev. Female holding a serpent ; salvti. AVGVSTi.; rather poor . . 1 - 1427 Pescennius Niger; rev. Victory standing, and holding a wreath; victoria, avg. . . 1 / 1428 Pescennius Niger ; rev. Female, with ears of corn and patera, standing by an altar, with the fire kindled; anno, frvgi- fero.; an unpublished type; antique, but probably plated . . .1 1429 Pescennius Niger ; rev. Hope walking ; bonae. spei.; very doubtful . . . I ^^^ *^* False gold medals, though not Becker's, are well known with this precise style of head and reverse ; as also with vicioria. avg. 1430 Albinus, 3 ; rev. two Hands holding an ensign; fides., &c.; rev. Female standing; felicitas., &c. ; rev. Minerva; miner., he. Severus, 3; rev. a Victory in biga; victoriae. avgg.; rev. Emperor on horseback ; profect. avgg. fel.; rev. Britannia seated on shields; victoriae. brit.; all are fine . . .6 1431 Albinus, 3; j-ever^je*, fides, legion.; felicitas.; vict. avg. Severus, 4; rew. a Crescent, with seven stars; felicit. sae- cvL.; rare ; and three others. Julia Domna, 3 ; 7-ev. fecvnditas.; The Empress as Tellus seated by a vine, globe and her four children passing ; rare; two others, varied . .10 ^ "^" /^ y ^ / /-^ ■^^^- /y ^ p /' t\ ( 192 ) ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN GOLD. {^Continued from page 175). 1432 Hadrian ; rev. Jupiter seated; p.m. tr. p. cos. hi. Another; rev. Rome seated, holding the Heads of the SunX';- <^^, and Moon; roma. aeterna. ; rare; both are very fine 2 1433 Hadrian; rev. a Female seated; veneris, felicis. Another; rev. romvlo. conditori.; huth in good con- ^' .rc^^^^ dition . . .2 1434 Hadrian; revm the Emperor and three standards; cos. iii. p. p. . . . \ C^ fJ/^ 1446 Hadrian; rev. Head of Trajan; divo. traiano. patri. AVG.; as fine and as rare as the last . \^^ ^ 1447 Hadrian; ^-^i'. as the preceding ; nearly as fine 1 i' -? 1448 Hadrian ; rev. the Wolf and Roman twins ; cos. iii.; an ex- ceedingly fine coin . . \ ^ / /O 1449 Hadrian; rev. the Emperor on an eagle; consecratio.; highly preserved, and very rare . 1 y^ ^^^ *^* From the Trattle collection, lot 1935. ^ , 1450 Hadrian ; rev. similar to the above ; nearly as fine I ^ 'p' 1451 Hadrian; rev. a pile of Armour ; cos. iii.; rare \ / c/ 1452 Hadrian ; ohv. Emperor's Head, to the right ; rev. the Nile, to the right, seated, a sphinx, cornucopia, and the river- horse (or hippopotamus) ; no legend ; very fine, and rare 1 \. 4 / /7 1471 Treves; a Quadrangular Piece, with Bust of the Archbishop Philip Christophe . size 13. Spain; Philip IV.; Bust, 1632; rev. Arms of Brabant, sup- ported by lions ; a fairly preserved and rare piedfort : size 13. 2 c^. r -^^/' ( 195 > ''/-'y' 1472 Denmark; small Piedfort of Christian V.; Bust, and 1693; fine. y ^ Switzerland; Dollar for Berne, 1706 \ fine. Silesia ; a rare and fine Quadrangular Piece, with Busts of the Dukes John Christian, and George Rodolph, 1609 : size 13. 3 1473 Denmark; Piedfort; oiv. Bust of Christian V.; rev. Bust of Frederick IV.; on the edge, 1660, &c. Another, with Prince William on horseback ; small size ; fine 2 ^ 1474 Treves; a Quadrangular Piece of the Archbishop Lothaire, 1611; fine and rare. Utrecht; a Piedfort of the year 1774; very fine 2 1475 Austria ; Busts of Albert and Isabella, 1619 ; fine, Holland; Piedfort for 1754; extremely fine. Transylvania; Bust of the Prince Gabriel, 1629; rare; pierced^ hut fairly preserved : all three size 13|^. 3 ■^- 1476 Spain; Philip II.; Bust, and 1568 (for the Netherlands and Utrecht), rare, and ivell preserved. Utrecht (as Independent of Spain, &c.), IQb'd ; fine 2 • -^ ' End of the First Portion, of the Greek, Roman, and Foreign Medieval Coins and Medals. // The Second Portion, forming the Third and Last Part of the late Mr. Thomas's truly valuable Cabinet, will be sold on Monday, July 29, and Eleven following Days, ^7f^^'^ ^' r'y ~y [ r^i^ ^^ // /J' / yyi^j^y^^/J'>' Al - "^A /t-^ ^ r^ f \ ;y 2^ 4/f7J / /jfc^. ~- -/ ^-.y/ ^yy^' ^ y' /r/^z-y-yy^, y^ /I 'T^-^/C'r.t^.a'rT^^y i^/'^J^ ■W f ^^i^' y/ Z-^^^^^^^X^^ .7. / ^/^\ /,'. ,, ycf .v/ yy c Lr. ^ ^/^J^^ >: J//. ,j // ^. ^// 2/.^ J-' & - c ,s^ ^4 '> 2^^ ^'' 9^' J>Jy ^ // -2y^^- ?22 // ■■ >^ci.^. //. p<^^ // CATALOGUE OP THE SECOND PORTION GREEK, ROMAN, FOREIGN MEDIEVAL COINS AND MEDALS, FORMING THE THIRD AND LAST PART OF THE TRULY VALUABLE CABINET FORMED DURING THE LAST FIFTY YEARS BY THE LATE THOMAS THOMAS, ESQ. WHICH, 3i}g (BxXitx of tftc lExccutorg, in puvsuancf of ilje tofsJ) of t\)e BcccagfD, WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. S. LEIGH SOTHEBY & Co. AUCTIONEERS OF LITERARY PROPERTY, AND WORKS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE FINE ARTS, AT THEIR HOUSE, 3, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, On MONDAY, JULY 29th, and Twelve following Days, (Sundays excepted) at One o'Clock each Day. To be Viewed on the Thursday, Friday and Saturday previous, from Ten o'Clock in the Morning until Four in the Afternoon. J. DAVY & SONS, Printers, Queen Street, King Street, Long Acre. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The higliest Bidder to be tlie Buyer ; and if any Dispute arise between two or more Bidders ; the Lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again. I I . No person to advance less than Is. — above Five Pounds 2*. 6d. — and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, if required, in part of pay- ment of tlie Purchase-money; in default of which, the Lot or Lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Sale of any lot is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description. V. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expence, imme. diately after the conclusion of the Sale; in default of which, Messrs. S. Leigh Sotheby & Co. will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. If, at the expiration of Two Days after the conclusion of the Sale, the Lots are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expence, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which they were bought. Messrs. S. Leigh Sotheby & Co. will have the option of re-selling the Lots uncleared either by public or private sale, without any notice being given to the defaulter. YI. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required or deposited in part of payment shall be for- feited ; and if any loss is sustained in the re-selling- of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such re- sale shall he made good by the defaulter at this sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commissions faithfully executed by their obedient Servants, S. Leigh Sotheby & John Wilkinson, ff^ellington Street, Strand. - . » •fr' <„ 1 . o s K 5 E 5 S *^ ! CATALOGUE VALUABLE CABINET GREEK, ROMAN, AND FOREIGN MEDIEVAL COINS AND MEDALS OF THR LATE THOMAS THOMAS, ESQ. THIRTEENTH DAY'S SALE. (Greek Cities, in Copper, continued from page 183.^^ COINS OF ACARNANIA, LOCRIS, PHOCIS, BCEOTIA, AND ATTICA, IN COPPER. LOT 1477 Thyrreum ; type of Mionnet, Supp. page 474, No. 141, but with a torch in the field ; fair condition, extremely rare : size 4. Locri ; two ; Mt. Supp. p. 491, No. 42 : size 2-|. Phocis ; Mt. Supp. p. 495, No. 16; rare, and fair condi- tion : . . size 4. Tanagra ; obv. Head of Augustus to the right ; rev. TANAr- PAIwN., the Three Graces, hand in hand ; see 3It. p. 108, No. 92; vert/ well preserved, and extremely rare: sise 6. Tanagra ; ohv. no legend ; Bust of an Empress ? to the right, on a crescent, with an ear of wheat in front ; rev. TANAF- PAIwN., Figure standing. Mercury Criophorus ? seen in front, carrying a ram ; unpublished 9 size 3. •^* See Pausaniaa, Boeotic, cap. xxii. in exjilanation of tijis curious type. C C / c/ y -r' ( 198 ) Thebes ; type of Mt. p. 110, No. L06; but on the rev. EHI. APXI. nEMHTIANOY.? with a thyrsus and a club; of extreme raritij, and fair condition: size 4. Tliebes ; Mt. Supp. p. 530, No. 165 : size 2. Another ; type of Mt. Supp. p. 530, No. 169, but 2A... : size 2. Thespia? ; 3It. p. Ill, No. 114; five, well preserved, and with slight differences : sizes 2 and 3. Thespiae ; ohv. AY. AO. KAI. TEPM., Head of Domitian to the right; rev. ©EEIIIEwN., Apollo, in female dress, standing, with a lyre ; well preserved, and very rare : sise 4. Athens ; published types, three, size 5, and three, sizes 2 and 3; all well preserved. Eleusis ; usual types, two difi'e- rent. Megara and ^gina ; usual types : sizes 2 and 3. 25 CITIES OF ACHAIA, IN COPPER. 1478 Corinth; ohv. Pegasus; rev. Trident; well preserved: size 2. Corinth; Mionnet, p. 170, No. \&Q; fair condition: size 6. Corinth; Augustus; rev. Caius and Lucius; Mt. p. 173, No. 192; middling condition : . size 5. Corinth ; Augustus ; 3It. p. 172, No. 183 ; fine size 5. Corinth; Caligula; Mt. Supp. p. 63, l^o. 424; fne: size 5. /7 . Corinth; Nero; Mt. p. 175, No. 206; fair condition: / size 5. Patrae ; Head of Hercules ; rev. Minerva : size 5. Phlius ; ohv. Bull tossing; rev. ^.ijine and rare: size 2^. Sicyon ; rev. AH. in a wreath : . size 2^. 9 1479 Corinth ; Augustus ; rev. Caius and Lucius ; middling : size 5. Corinth; Caligula; rev. VegasMS; fine: size 5. Corinth; Nero; rei;. Pegasus ; middling: size 5. Corinth; Marcus Aurelius ; rev. Venus, with buckler; fair ' ' condition, and rao^e: size 5. Corinth; Geta; rev. Melicertes on the dolphin; tvell pre- served, and rare : . size 6. '^- ( 199 ) J //^ ^. y^^ Patrae ; Minerva ; rev. Neptune ; middling : size 5. Phlius ; Bull tossing ; rev. ^. between four pellets ; rare, and well preserved : . size 4. Sicyon ; rev. AH. in a wreath ; well preserved: size ^. 8 (Greek Cities, hi Copper, continued at page 219.) CITIES OF BCEOTIA, IN SILVER. ( Continued from page 190^^. 1480 Tanagra? Mionnet, Supp. p. 519, No. 92; pi. 16, No. 11; extremely rare, hut has a thin coat of oxide, which requires removal: . size Z\. weight 96^^ grs. 2^ Thebes ; obv. Buckler ; rev. 0E. (retrograde), Vase, in an y^ indented square ; very rare, and well preserved : size 5. weight 181^ grs. 2 1481 Thebes; o&v. Buckler; rew. [0]EBAIO [2]. in aline, above the infant Hercules, to the left, strangling the serpents ; in an indented square ; in somewhat the same attitude as ;r Hunter, tab. 45, fig. 1, but reversed ; Jine old work, in very good condition, and of extreme rarity ivith this inscription; presumed to be unpublished : size 5^. tvt. 188 grs. 1 1482 Thebes ; rev. ©E., Hercules strangling the serpents ; Mt. ^ p. 110, No. 105; Supp. pi. 17, fig. 4; but the bow in the ' field not visible; extremely rare, and well preserved : size 6. weight 190-^ grs. 1 — -/^ *^* This is the identical coin engraved in Millingen, Recueil, tab. 2, fig. 15. It exhibits the Hercules as more infantine, and is not so old a coin as the preceding or the following. hf 1483 Thebes; rev. Hercules strangling the serpents, within an in- ; dented square, kneeling, and looking to the left, with both 1 his arms extended and raised upwards ; /ine old work, ex- \ tremely ivell preserved, and very rare variety of this rare - yf^' ■■ ' type: size 5. weight 188-^ grs. 1 i' 1484 Thebes; rev. ®EB., Hercules standing, to the right, with I bow in his left hand, and club in the other, within an I indented square ; extremely rare type, and very well pre- I served: size 5^. weight 189 gi^s. 1 " ' 1485 Thebes ; rev. ®E.. bearded Head of Hercules, covered with ! the skin of the lion's head, to the left, in an indented '-/ ^-^-^ f/. :y ( 200 ) square ; Mt. Stipp. pi. 17, fig. 3; fine old work, extremely good condition, and most rare type : size 4|. weight 188^ grs. 1 • , 1486 Thebes; rev. ®EBAI02., Hercules on one knee, bending /j-^^^ back and stringing his bow; before him is his club; the whole in an indented square ; see Mionnet, Supp. pi. 17, fig. 6 ; compare Hunter, tab. 59, fig. 3 ; firie old work, and most rare type, in very good condition, although somewhat rubbed: . size 5^. weight 186^^ gi^s. 1 ^ J" 1487 Thebes; obv. Buckler with a club across the upper part; ^:^'c' rev. ©E., Head of Bacchus, bearded and crowned with ivy, within an indented square ; fine old work, very rare, and in extremely fine condition : size Q. wt. \S5^ grs. 1 /ly •■ 1488 Another; but without the club on the buckler; rare, and as ./> fine, and as ivell preserved as the last: sized, weight 187^ grs. l^.^,Xd ^ _y. 1489 Another; rare, and u-ell preserved : size 5^. Thebes ; obv. Buckler ; rev. 0E., and Vase with two handles, in an indented square ; very fine condition : size 5i. %v eight 184^^ grs. Thebes ; ohv. ©., Three Half Bucklers ; rev. the same ; rare, | and very well preserved : size 1. tveight 9^ grs. 3 ., ' 1490 Thebes; same type as lot 1486; 0EB(AIO)2., butnot shew-^'V^^«^ ing the legend quite so well ; most rare type, a^id in very good condition : size b^. tveight 185^ grs. Thebes ; ©E., type of Mt. Supp. pi. 16, fig, 2 ; a club in the ji field to the left ; good condition : size 4^. Thebes ; Mt. Supp. p. 527, No. 143 ; Jair condition, rare : size 1^. 3 / '^ 1491 Thebes, ®. (retrograde) type of lot 1487; ^m' conc?iVion, anrf , ^^^^ I'are : . size 5. Thebes ; ©E., type of Mionnet Supp. pi. 16, fig. 2, with an ivy leaf pendant from the left handle of the vase, in an indented square ; good conditio?! : size 5. Thebes ; obv. Buckler ; rev. ©EBH., Diota, with a club above it, in an indented square ; very good condition : size l^. weight 41^ grs. 3 / ^7 . 1492 Thebes; type of lot 1486; middliyig condition : size 5^. Thebes ; 0E., type of Mt. Supp. pi. 16, fig. 2, in an indented square : Jair condition : size 4^. 'V ^ ( 201 ) Thebes ; obv. Buckler ; rev. ©EB. retrograde, Diota in an indented square ; very good condition, and rare : size 1. weight 16^ grs. 3 1493 Thebes; rev. Head of the bearded Bacchus, to the right; ^^^ rare, and fair condition : . size 5. Thebes ; ©E., type of Mt. Supp. pi. 16, fig. 2, in an indented square ; very good condition : size 5. weight ISS^^ grs. Thebes ; 0., same type, in an indented square ; ra^^e, and very good condition : size 2. tveight 46 grs. 3 1494 Thebes; 3It. Supp. pi. 17, fig. 1; but the buckler orna- ^ mented with bars on the flat edge ; rare, and fine condi- ' tion : size 4^. weight 189 grs. Thebes ; Mt. Supp. pi. 17, fig. 2; fair condition: size 4. weight 188 g7's. Thebes : obv. Buckler ; rev. ©EB. Diota, with club above it, in an indented square ; fiair condition : size 2-1. Thespiae ; obv. Buckler ; rev. ©E2., Crescent ; very good condition: size 1^. tveight 13^ grs. 4 / 1495 Thespiae; Mt. Supp. p. 332, No. 183; ©E^m., two Cres- ^ ' cents ; veyy good condition, and rare : size 1^. tveight 13^?'*. COIN OF THESPI^, IN GOLD. Thespiae ; obv. uncertain Head, seen full face ; 7'ev. 0E., Crescent, very good condition ; but dubious : size f . weight 8-~ grs. *^* From the Henderson collection. CITIES OF BCEOTIA, IN SILVER, f Continued J. Thebes ; Mionnet, Supp. pi. 17, fig. 2, but the buckler orna- mented with bars on the flat edge ; fine condition : size 4. tveight 193 grs. Another; but the buckler without bars ; middling condition : size 2. Thebes ; ©E,, type of Mt. Supp. pi. 16, fig. 2, in an indented square, with a bunch of grapes in the field, to the left of the vase; good condition : size b. 5 yy/' /y-2. 3y .'U. M -• ( 202 ) I I , ^. 1496 Thespiae; ©ESniKON., Mt. Supp. pi. 17, fig. 7; slightly yi^j,^.^ ^^^ rubbed on the hair, but in very excellent condition: y size 6. weight 181^ ^r*. 1 •^' This is one of the most rare coins in tbe whole Greek series. I 1497 Uncertain of Boeotia ; obv. Buckler ; rev. a Diota in an I ' indented square. For the precise form of this Diota, see ' ' '" ' ! the cup, fig. 1, pi. 14, vol. 3, Mionnet, Supp.; or rather the reverse of fig. 10, pi. 4, Cadalvene Rec. de Med. : Grecques. Above the diota is a leaf of laurel, and on 1 each side of the foot is a letter, probably either AA? or | AA? but difficult to decide without the removal of a thin 1' coat of black oxide, in consequence of the die having j broken during the striking ; extremely tcell preserved, old j' style ofivorh, and a very curious unique coin : size 5. weight 180^^ grs. 1 | *5^* It is possible tbe letters might be AN.l see Antbedon, Mus. Ainsl. | p. 173; Sestini, Descrip. Num. Vet,, Lipsia, 1796. I GOLD DIDRACHMS OR STATERS OF ATHENS. ^ 1498 Athens; 3Iionnet, p. Ill, No. 1; see Hunter, tab. 8, fig. 6; / ^y^J^ i^-^ /(/ most perfect condition, and the degree of rarity too well \ Tcnown to require comment : I size 4. iveight 132^ grs. 1 j 1499 Another; exactly the same type in every respect, but from ^ ^ ■ ■cr^£^z^\ ^-^ ^■' ' difi'erent die ; precisely the same style of worJc, and the I same perfect condition : size 4. weight 132^ grs. 1 *J* These two coins may be safely regarded as of undoubted authenti- city. So much doubt and mistrust as to tbe existence of genuine gold coins of Athens has been caused by the statements of Eckhel and others, in print, as well as by the works of modern falsifiers, j that this remark may, perhaps, be useful to distant collectors. It is . now admitted that the learned Eckhel, when speaking of gold staters, in his Doct. Num. Vet. (Prolegomena Generalia, vol. 1, p. xli.), ^ was in error in doubting the existence either of the stater aureus of ] Athens, or of those of Phocaea and Cyzicus ; as well as in saying, at ' page 206, vol. 2, when speaking of the gold coins of Athens ; '' Htijus metalli mimum nullum habemus certum." It is rather singular that he did not adopt means to verify the fact, for be was well aware of the existence of the gold coin of Athens in the Hunter cabinet, when he wrote; and, also, that good authorities held opinions contrary to his own, as to the staters of Phocaea and Cvzicus. ( 203 ) /^J/^y CITIES OF ATTICA, IN SILVER. SILVER DECADRACHM (OR MEDALLION) OF ATHENS. ,/ 1500 Athens ; obv. Head of Minerva, to the right, with Helmet as g^ on the Tetradrachms ; rev. A©E. (retrograde) an Owl standing, seen in front, with wings extended, in an indented square ; in the upper angle of which was a sprig of olive, (two leaves and a berry) only a small portion of which is visible on the coin ; in perfect condition, the die slightly Jlawed, and of a rather rude archaic style of work : size 9|^. weight 664 grs. 1 *ju* This coin gives, therefore, an Attic drachm of 66-r*.g^ grains, and is the second hitherto discovered. The other (from the cabinet of Mr. Burgon) is in the British Museum. This coin is tlie identical specimen engraved in the Voyages dans la Grece, 2nde Livraison, by the late Chevalier Brbnsted, Paris, 1830, folio, p. 188 and p. 300. It is there noticed as an octodrachm, but the weight is decisive as to its being a decadrachm. Not only was this denomination of Athenian money unknown till of late years, but its name (SiKa- 5(>a;^j(*ov) has hitherto eluded the vigilance of the lexicographers. It will be found to occur, however, in the treatise, commonly called the I Second Book of the (Economics of Aristotle : ToS Je alrov itoiXoviA.ivov h T? Xapa AEKAAPAXMOT, x,. r. X. (CEc.$ xxxiv.) In explanation [ of this circumstance, it is needful to observe that the passage exhi- j bits a different reading in all the early editions of Aristotle, Even down to that printed at Oxford, in 1810, we read Jejcci ifay^jj-Zv. The genuine text (as far as the writer is aware) was first restored in the very careful edition of the Politics and CEconomics, published by I Goettling, in 1830; and that, too, strange to say, on the authority of I all the four MSS, which the learned editor collated for bis work. j Thus, while a very important coin has been added to Greek Numis- I matology, a lost word has also been restored to Greek nomenclature. ' N.B. The celebrity of this coin appears to have induced some forger to make a false die. An impression from which having been found in I I . a drawer of one of the cabinets, it has been thought proper to allow I it to accompany the true coin with the same feeling with which, it I may be presumed, its late proprietor kept it. ^' -/-,<,£' 1501 Athens; obv. Minerva; rev. A0E., Owl, in an indented ^ A square; compare Combe Brit. Mus. tab. 6, fig. 10; one ' ' I of the earliest or primitive tetradrachms, in very good condition: size b^. weight 2^1^ grs. I * ^* The eye of Minerva is large and round, like that of a horse. These t primitive tetradrachms of this renowned city, may be safely referred I to a period between 600 B. C. and 700 B. C. i ^ ( -204 ) Another; but more recent style; Hunter, tab. 8, fig. 7; Mionnet, pi. 54, fig. 1 ; a fine specimen of the common coin of this celebrated people, probabb/ anterior to the period of Pericles : size 6. weight 2^2^^ grs. Athens ; Drachm, Hemidrachm, two Oboli, and two Hemi- oboli ; all in fair condition : . 8 /^ 1502 Athens; eight coins ; a similar lot, but the primitive tetra- i^fc-^c, drachm somewhat different from the preceding, and of very curious sti/le and design, the eye of Minerva large and round like that of a horse : size 5. weight 264-^^ grs. 8 %* In this lot also, the tetradrachm, of more recent style, is a fine spe- cimen of the common coinage of Athens, prohably anterior to the period of Pericles, and weighs 265Jg grains. ] 503 Athens ; a primitive Tetradrachm, still different from either I y ' of the two preceding ; the eye better managed, but yet the letters A^E. are retrograde ; rubbed, but in fair preser- .f^^,A vafion, and rare : size 6. weight 251 grs. A Athens ; Another, more recent style : size 6. *^* This coin weighs only 233^^ grains, which shews it to be an ancient forgery. Such falsifications very seldom occur. It is well known ' that the silver coinage of Athens was celebrated in Antiquity for its | purity and integrity. Athens; a Drachm; tj^e of Hunter, tab. 10, fig. 12; A©E. y MIKI. ©EO*PA.; in the field, a quadriga at full speed to the right ; on the vase, M. ; fine condition, and rare : size 4^. weight 58~ grs. 3 *^,* This is the only drachm of Athens of this type in the collection. The rarity of this type and size escapes notice. It is worth remark- ing, that as this coin is of precisely the same age as the fol- lowing tetradrachm (having the same magistrates' names), and shews no signs of having lost much in weight, it is very singular that it should be so light. The weight of the following tetradrachm would give a drachm of 64^ grains. TETRADRACHMS OF ATHENS IN SILVER, With names of Magistrates. 1504 Athens ; usual type ; obv. Head of Minerva ; rev. Owl on an amphora; A0E. MIKI. ©EO$PA.; in the field, a quadriga,' to the right, at full speed, conducted by a winged figure ; on the diota, a letter obliterated ; under it ME.; vet^ fine : size 9. weight 259^^ grs. ( 205 ) ^yy Another; MIKIfiN. EYPYKAE. EYAN.; on the diota, H.; under it, ffiO.; in the field, Harmodius and Aristogeiton ? standing, one holding a patera ; fair condition : size 8. weight 257-^ grs. 2 1^505 Another; AHMH. lEPfi.; on the diota, AI.; in the field, / ^^y HF.; veri/Jine : size 9^. tveight 253^ grs. *fi^* The style of tbe letters on this coin, shew it to be among the com- paratively recent of this period. Another; MENTQP. MOSXIfiN.; on the diota, H.; under it, uncertain letter ; in the field, Harmodius and Aristogeiton advancing to the combat ; good condition : size 8. weight 266^ grs. 2 ■ y 1506 Another; AOIO0E. AI2XINH2. AIO*.; on the diota, H.; in the field, AI. on the left, and a half lion on the right ; extremely fine : size 8^. weight 259^ grs. Another; with a monogram on each side the owl, A. on the amphora, and no letter under it ; extremely fine : „ size 8\. tveight SSQ^^ grs. 2 --^'^ 1507 Another ; MENEA. EHirENO. NIKOr.; oa the diota, H.; under it, HP.; in the field, to the left, iEsculapius stand- ing ; extremely fine : size 9. weight 256^ grs. Another; TIMAPXO. NIKAFO. AY^IA.; on the amphora, ffi.; under it, ME.; in the field, to the left, an anchor and a star ; extremely fine : size 9. tveight 259^ grs. 2 -^ f ~' 1508 Another; TIMAPXOY. NIKAPO. MNA2IK.; on the am- ^-^' phora, uncertain letter; under it, 2$.; in the field, to the left, an anchor and star ; extremely fine : size 9^. weight 256-j^ grs. Another; AY2AN. rAA[Y]K02r $IAOKPA.; on the am- phora, 0.; under it, S $.; in the field, to the left, a tettix; extremely fine : size 8. weight 259^ grs. 2 ^^.~ 1509 Another ; with a monogram on each side the owl ; no letter ; on or under the amphora ; in the field, to the right, the I caps of the Dioscuri, each surmounted with a star ; ex- , tremelyfine: size 10. weight 256-— grs. ! Another; M02XI. EniPENH. SOSANAPO^.; on the am- phora, B.; under it, 2<^.; in the field, to the left, an eagle on a thunderbolt, to the right; extremely fine : --■ y/ size 9. weight 257^ grs. 2 D D ^ -z / f/ ( 20G ) ../ //^ 1510 Another; A4>P0AISI. ATOFE. EAIH.; on the amphora, E., under it, IVIE. ; in the field, to the right, a double cornu- copia with fillets ; extremely fine : size 8. iveight 258yQ grs. Another; 0EOAOTO2. SfiTAS. KAE0<^ANH2.; on the diota, uncertain letter; under it, uncertain letter; in the field, no symbol ; very good condition : size 8^. iveight 254^ grs. 2 ^ ,/, . 1511 Another; AMMO. AIO.; on the amphora, no letter; under it, no letter ; in the field, to the left, a small vase ; very' good condition : size 91. weight 254^^ grs. Another; HAIDAfi. EHirENH. 2fi2ANAP02.; on the amphora, E. ; under it, 2$A. ; in the field, to the left, an eagle standing on a thunderbolt to the right ; extremely fine : size 8^. iveight 259^ grs, 2 ^ ,, 1512 Another; with two monograms in the field, to the right, and "^ ' a trophy with buckler and pileus shaped helmet in the field, to the left ; on the amphora, no letter, or under it ; very good condition : size 9. tveight 254^ grs. Another; AI0NY2. AI0NY2I. ZEYEL; on the amphora, Z.; under it, AI. ; in the field, to the right, the rising Sun represented (as probably it was on some public monu- ment) by the heads and necks of the horses of the quadriga rising from the sea, seen in front, and above them the upper half of the figure of Helios ? conducting the quadriga, his head surrounded with rays ; fine : size 7^. iveight 253^^ grs. 2 ^ . . 1513 Another; EY1VIEA05. 0EOHENIAHE. (sic); on the am- '^: phora A.; under it, AL; in the field, to the right, Jupiter? standing with long sceptre ; extremely fine : size 9. weight 257^ gi's. Another ; AI0NY2I. AI0NY2I. APIS.; on the amphora, B. ; under it, 2Q. ; in the field, to the right, the rising Sun represented as on the last coin of the preceding lot ; ex- tremely fine : size 1\. iveight 257 ^^ grs. 2 /J-'. 1514 Another; MIKION. EYPYKAE. :SfiKPAT2. (sic.) ; on the. amphora, E.; under it, 2$.; in the field, to the right, Har- modius and Aritogeiton, one holding a patera, the other a spear ; fine : size 8. weight 243 ^^ grs. %* Were it not that the weight betrays the ancient fraud, two cracks ( 207 ) /pyf oil this coin shew it to be merely cased (or thickly plated) with silver. Another; AY^AN. TAAYKOS. AAMQN.; on the amphora, H. ; under it, SO. ; in the field, to the left, a tettix ; in extremely good condition : size 8. tvt. 260^ grs. 2 / 1515 Megara, in Attica ; Mionnet, ip. 140, ^o. 310; fine, and ex- tremely rare : size 3^. weight 63^ grs. * Another ; rather larger, hut not so well preserved : size 4. Megara; Mt. Supp. p. 586, No. 366; very well preserved, . y,^ and extremely rare : ♦ size 21. weight 48^^ grs. 3 *^* It is very possible that the last coin does not belong to Megara, in Attica. x^v^l516 ^gina, Insula ; AIFL, type of Mt. p. 147, No. 31, but larger; of extreme rarity, and in very good condition : size 6. weight IQQ^ grs. 1 *^* ^ginetan didrachm. Mionnet did not seem to be aware of the ex- treme rarity of these coins with the additional letter. Compare his notion of the value of No. 30, p. 147, with No. 33, p. 148. ^ ^^ .^- 1517 Another; Mt. p. 147, No. 31, but with Air.; fiyie preserva- tion, and very rare : size 4 J. weight 87-j^ grs. *^* iEginetan drachm. ^gina ; compare Mt. p. 147, No. 27 ; good condition : sise 4^. weight 190^ grs. *^* iEginetan didrachm of the second, or more recenc, period of the coinage of ^gina. /-^r^ ^gina; Mt. p. 147, No. 27; good condition : size 4^. 3 . '.'1518 Athens: three Tetradrachras, and fifteen Oboli and subdivi- sions. iEgina ; two Didrachras, and fifteen subdivisions 35 y ^ ■ ^- 1519 Athens; three Tetradrachms. ^gina; one Didrachm, and twenty-eight subdivisions of the iEginetan and Attic Money: . . 32 -^^ '^ CITIES OF ACHAIA, IN SILVER. ,-^^^1520 Achaia, in genere ; Mionnet, Supp. vol.4, p. 1, No. 1; a remarkahly fine specimen of this type, and very rare in this state of preservation : size 3. iveight 42^ grs. Corinth; Mt. Supp. p. 32, No. 176; very well preserved, and rare : . size 5. weight 130^ grs. ^// , /ff-y /.''''/ ' ( 208 ) Corinth ; Pegasus with curled wings, to the right ; rev. Head of Minerva, to the left, in an indented square ; well pre- served : . size 4. zveight 1S3^ grs. Another ; with Head of Minerva to the right : size 4. 4 1521 Corinth ; type of 3Ii. Supp. p. 33, No. 182, but half pegasus - to the right ; fair condition : . size l^. Another ; more recent style : . size \\. Another ; with Head of Minerva and half pegasus to the right; very well preserved : size Ih- Another ; Female Head in square, and Pegasus to the left ; very good condition : . size 2^, Corinth? (attributed to) Mionnet, Supp. p. 34, No. 187; f P fair condition, extremely rare : size 1^. Corinth ; three, Female Heads, different ; rev. Pegasus ; tvell jjreserved : . size 3. Corinth ; obv. 9 Pegasus fljang ; rev. Pegasus trotting ; very tvell preserved : . size 2. 9 / y-^ 1522 Corinth; Pegasus type ; fifteen Didrachms, with various sym- ^^ bols behind the head of Minerva ; some rare and curiousy y many fine, and all well preserved : size b. 15 ,." / f^ • 1523 Corinth; a similar lot : . size h. 14" 1524 Phlius ; 3Iionnet, Supp. "p. 158, No. 1042; extremely rare, " /t/~~- and tvell preserved : size 2^. weight 49 grs. ^'^•'^^ Phlius ; obv. Half Bull in the act of tossing, to the left ; rev. $. between four pellets ; very rare, and in fair condition: size 2. IV eight 12-^ gi s. 2 _,/ ^/ , 1525 Sicyon ; for the type compare Mionnet, Supp. tab. 4, fig. 1, 2, ^/^ and 3, but this coin is of older style ; extremely weU pre- served: size &^. weight 190^ gi-s. 1 7 ., 1526 Another: 5E. ; more recent style, and the chimera to the • ^^^ right ; very fine condition : size 6 J. wt. 189 grs. 1 /^ 1527 Sicyon ; obv. 2E., Dove alighting to the left ; rev. Dove fly- ing to the left, within a wreath ; very iv ell preserved : size 4\. weight 90Jg- grs. Sicyon ; 2E., Chimera to the left ; rev. Dove flying within a wreath ; very good condition, and extremely rare of this * size : size 4|. weight 83^ grs. Another ; 2E., but the Dove flying without a wreath, good condition : . size 3J. Another ; with SI.; same type ; good condition : size 3|. ( 209 ) /^f/^ ^■//A<^- Sicyon ; Head of Apollo ; rev. Dove. Four, with slight dif- ferences : . . size 2. Sicyon ; ohv. Lion walking to the left, old style ; rev. Dove flying to the left, in a wreath of laurel ; unique ? variety, well preserved : . size 1. 9 *^* This is the identical coin published by Millingen, Greek Cities and Kings, tab. 4, fig. 18. 1528 Sicyon ; 2E., like the first coin in the preceding lot ; well preserved : . size 4^. Sicyon ; 21., Chimera ; rev. Dove flying. Four, with slight differences ; in very good condition : size 3. Sicyon ; Head of Apollo ; rev. Dove. Three, with slight dif- ferences ; well preserved : . size 2. Sicyon; Dove alighting ; rev. Dove flying ; well preserved : size 2. 9 COINS OF ELIS, IN SILVER. 1529 Elis ; obv. Eagle flying to the right, with a serpent in his beak ''"^^■^■- and talons ; rev. FA., winged Thunderbolt, within a cir- cular indentation ; very curious archaic style of art, eX' tremely rare, and very fine condition : size 5. weight 182-j^ grs. Elis ; obv. a round Buckler, on which is depicted an eagle, to the right, devouring a serpent ; rev. FA. Thunderbolt in a circular indentation ; rare, and fine condition : sized, weight 183^ grs. 2 *^* The edges of this coin shew that the blanks were cast in a mould, many at once. The necks which connected each blank remain on the edge of the coin. This mode is contrary to the usual practice in the Greek silver coinage, and is peculiar to very few places. ,^ 1530 Elis; obv. similar to the last, but the eagle is devouring a lamb instead of a serpent; rev. FA., (the A. incuse) winged Thunderbolt ; very rare, and in very good condition : size 6. weight 180^ grs. 1 1531 Elis; see Mionnet, Supp, pi. 5, fig. 2; very rare, and in fine condition, except a little black oxide : size 6. weight 183^^ grs. 1 1532 Elis; bearded Head of Jupiter, laureate, to the left; rev. FAAEIfiN., Eaglc; to the right, standing on the capital of --^ '^ '/// i'A an Ionic column ; ver2] good condition, and very rare: size 6^. weight 184^^^ grs. I — '•'■'. 1533 Elis ; sec 3Iionnet, Supp. pi. 5, fig. 4; FAAEIfiN. on the diadem ; Jine preservation, and vety rare : (^-<^' '^ ^ 7-^ size b\. tveiglit ISS^^^r*. 1 ^ ' 1534 Elis; compare J/f. ^Smjojo. pi. 5, fig. 3; Head of Juno, to the right, with a crown and honey-suckle ornaments ; HPA. on the field of the coin, above the head ; rev. FA., Thun- derbolt within a wreath ; rare, and in fine condition : y^:^^*.^^ size 6. zveight 183^ grs. 1 /^ y^^ , 1535 Elis ; Head of Juno, to the right, with ear-rings, and a broad band or diadem, with honey-suckle ornaments ; rev. Eagle to the right, within a wreath, wings extended, and looking ,, ' "-] back ; i-are, and extremely fine : 1 size 6. weight 188^ grs. ,-, . 1536 Another; with F[ A.], and the ornaments on the band rather '~ ^' ' different; in the field of the ^'^i'., the letters HO.; rare, ,y, and very fine: size 6. weight 186-:^ grs. 1 f Greek Cities, in Silver, continued at page 220.) ROMAN MIDDLE BRASS. ( Continued from page \2b.) ^4 ' // . 1537 Antoninus Pius, 3; rev. Britain seated on xocks \ fairly pre' ^ served ; rev. Head of Aurelius ; rev. a Victory. Faustina sen.; rev. avgvsta.; patinated. Marc. Aurelius, 5; all varied, and rather fine . 9 1538 Antoninus Pius ; rev. Britain seated on rocks, as before; fairly preserved, and patinated. Faustina sen., 4 ; all vanned. ^ <"; Marc. Aurelius, 5; varied, finely patinated, and veiy well ' '' preserved . . 10 y ^/ , 1539 Marcus Aurelius, 3 ; rev. Emperor, Verus, and another figure, on an estrade ; a small figure beneath; lib. avgvstor. TR. p. XV. COS. III.; rare ; rev. consecratio., eagle, &c. '^ Faustina jun., 4; all well preserved. , 7 / f/" 1540 Marcus Aurelius, 5. Faustina jun., 3. x^^ Lucius Verus, 2 ; both ivithfine patina. ( 211 ) -^-^^-^ '^ '^ 1547 Albinus, 2; rev. iEsculapius standing ; ^«e; rey. saecvlo. FRVGIFERO. Commodus, 4, varied. Sept. Severus, 2 ; rev. Emperor on horseback, and three sol- diers on foot; PROF. AVGG.; rev. virtvs. avgvstor.; hoth very fine . . 8 /. // Lucilla, 2; rew. Venus seated; rev. ivNO.; all ivell pre- served) and varied . . 12 1541 Lucius Verus, 3. y ^'^<^" Lucilla, 3; rev. Venus standing; two varieties ; rev. ivso. ^ REGINA. Commodus, 6 ; one with his Head on both sides of the medal ; all are varied, and in good condition . 12 _ 1542 Lucius Verus, 3 ; rev. Emperor on horseback ; rev, Arme- z/igry^. jjjg^ seated; rev. Two Emperors joining hands; very fine. Lucilla, 3; varied, and well preserved. . Commodus, 2 ; one has on the ohv. the Lion's skin over the I Head, as Hercules, and rev. a Club, and hercvl. roman., y A'' \ &c., in a wreath ; hoth fi,ne . 8 I 1543 Commodus, 2; rev. liberalitas. avg.; fi^ie and rare ; '^^'^ rev. a Club; hercvl. roman., &c.; nearly as fine as the medal ofi the preceding lot. Crispina, 2; rev. hilaritas.; rev. venvs. i Pertinax ; rev. a Figure sacrificing at an altar ; very rare, y j I hut poor . . 5 1544 Commodus, 4; varied, and rather fine. I Crispina, 2; rev. ivno. lvcina.; rev. concordia. ; Pertinax; rev. providentiae., &c.; in a fair state of pre- 1 servation, considering its great rarity . 7 1545 Didius Julianus ; re?». the goddess Fortuna standing ; p.m. tr. j p. COS.; extra rare, and well preserved . 1 \-y"' 1546 Pescennius Niger; ohv. Head of the Emperor, with a Greek Y legend; rev. a Figure standing, leaning on a staff; (iEscu- j lapius?); legend, KP TON. (?) . 1 %* This medal is of very rude workmanship, hut in a fair state of pre- i servation, if we look to its very great rarity. All the hrass coins j of Pescennius have Greek legends ; and, although there are various types, they are all extra rare. See Vaillant, Numismata Imperato- , rum, &c., 1700, folio ; and D'Ennery's Catalogue, No. 3588. //^ //'• >'/^'J ''A ■ ■''/' Mry ( 21-2 ) J ' ■ 1548 Albinus ; rev. ^sculapius standing. Sept. Severus, 4; rev. cos. in. lvd. saec. fec, on a cippus, between Hercules and Bacchus standing; rave; rev. aVic- tory standing, between two captives seated ; vict. brit. P.M. TK.; fairly preserved ; and two others, varied. JuHa Domna ; rev. mater, devm.; fine. Caracalla, 2 ; Jine . . 8 y ^^ _ 1549 Sept. Severus; rev. Africa.; the Province standing, a lion at her feet , a most heautifuUy preserved and patinated medal, unique in this condition . 1 *^* Severus was born at Leptis, in Africa. 1550 Sept. Severus, 2; rev. vict. brit., &c.; Victory stan^ding, between two captives seated ; see Akerman, Coins of the Romans, p. 46 ; rev. a highly ornamented Bridge, with numerous figures, and a vessel on the water; p.m. tr. p. XVI. COS. III. p.p.s.c; both very fine, and very rare 2 / / V 1551 Sept. Severus, 3; rev. Victory in a biga ; rev. Cybele seated on a lion (emblematic of Carthage); rev. Rome victrix, seated. Julia Domna, 2 ; i-ev. hilaritas.; rev, lvna. lvcifera. Caracalla; all %v ell preserved . 6 /, ^^ , 1552 Julia Domna (from Domina? Pellerin), 2; rev. fecvndi- TAS. ; the Divinity Tellus seated, globe, and four children ; a very rare type; rev. same legend; Female seated, and two children ; extra rare ; both very fine; the last is ex- quisitely patinated . . 2 (Continued at page 231. J //^ ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN SILVER. ( Continued from p)age 191.^ / J^ 1553 Albinus, 4; reverses, cos. ii., fides, legion., aeqvitas., , ROMAE. AETERNAE. Severus, 2; rev. a Triumphal Arch; cos. ii.; rare, but poor; rev. victoriae. brit. . . 6 1554 Albinus, 3; re?;er*e*, aeq vitas., &c., fortvnae. redvci., PROVID. AVG. (' Severus, 4; rev. virt. avgg.; rev. fvndator. pacis.; and two others. J J" ■■ ( 213 ) M/^^ Julia Domna ; rev. the Heads of Severus and Caracalla; very rare, and well preserved . 8 ^ 1555 Severus, 6; rev. a Victory resting a buckler on a palm-tree, \A^ holds a palm-branch in her right hand : victoriae. brit.; two varieties ; rev. restitvtori. vrbis.; rev. mvni- FICENTIA. AVG.; an Elephant; poor, hut extra rare; rev. Eagle on a globe ; consecratio.; and one Colonial. Julia Domna ; rev. the Head of Caracalla ; preserved, and .^ ^f ,^ extra rare. Caracalla, 3 ; of large size, with radiated Heads, and diflferent reverses ; all fine . .10 1556 Severus, 7 ; all varied. '*^^* Julia Domna, 2 ; rev. Heads of Caracalla and Geta ; aeter- NIT. imperi.; well preserved, and extremely scarce; rev. Cybele seated between two lions ; mater, devm. I Caracalla, .5; all with different reverses, and in very good i condition; one is of the largest size, and, as usual on this ynodule, bears a radiated head . 14 1557 Julia Domna; rev. Head of Geta. ' Caracalla; rev. Head of Geta ; both these ai-e well preserved, j and very rare . . 2 ^^^ 1558 Caracalla, 4; rev. a radiated Head of the Sun; pacator. j ORBis.; fine and rare; rev. Emperor in a quadriga; ? COS. II.; 7'ev. Emperor, and three river-gods; virtvs. AVGG.; another with sacrificial Instruments. i Plautilla, 2 ; rev. Caracalla and the Empress joining hands ; I CONCORDIA. FELIX.; re?;, a Female Standing; Concordia. ^^ . 1 AVGG. . . .6 :' 1559 Caracalla, 3; rev. a Victory, with trophy; victoriae. brit.; ! rev. a Victory, with wreath and palm; victoriae, brit.; j rev. a Galley, quadrigas, and wild beasts ; laetitia. tem- i PORVM.; the latter is /ine, and extra rare . 2 -^ ^^ - j^^l560 Caracalla, 3; rev. a Victory, with a trophy; victoriae. \ ' brit.; re?;, the Emperor and a soldier ; profectio. a vg.; i the legend on this obv. ends in brit.; rev. a Female hold- I ing two standards ; p.m. tr. p. xviii., &c. j Plautilla, 2; varied. j Geta, 4; rev. victoriae. b.rit.; two varieties ; and two { others with different reverses . 10 c\^^^' 1561 Geta, 2 : rer. a Victory standing ; victoriae. bkix. y AJ \ ' EE i , ■J./y- ( *^M4 ) Macrinus, 2; rev. secvritas. temporvm.; rev. felici- TAS. TEMPORVM.; of large size, and rare. Diadumcnian ; rev. the Emperor and three standards ; princ ivvENTVTis.; very Jin e and rare in this condition 5 < f^ •/ 1562 Macrinus, 3; of the usual size; rev. secvritas. tempo- rvm.; rev. a Female standing; p.m. tr. p. ii.; rev. Ti- , DES. MILITVM. Diadumenian, 2 ; ret', spes. pvblica.; rei>. prinx. ivven- TVTis.; all are u-ell preserved, and scarce . 5 y/ /j" ■' 1563 Macrinus, 3. Diadumenian, 2. The reverses of these five medals are as those of the last lot ; all are very fairly preserved, and rare. . . 5 ^( / /? 1564 Macrinus, 3; rev. Jupiter; font, max.; rev. a Female seated; annona. avg.; rev. the Emperor seated; p.m. TR. p. II., &c. Elagabalus ; o^ev. a Quadriga, with the Emperor's favorite conical deity in it ; sanct. deo. soli, elagabal.; a well' /" preserved, extremely rare, and interesting coin 4 (Continued at page 233 J. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN GOLD. f Continued from page 1 94. J y ^ 1565 Sabina ; obv. Head, to the left ; rev. Concord, personified by the Empress, seated; concordia. avg.; a most beautiful coin . . .1 y /^ 1566 Sabina; oit;. Head, to the right ; rev. Sabina, in the charac- ter of Vesta, seated, and holding the palladium; vesta.; very fine . . 1 *^* From the Trattle collection, lot 2172. A. '•: ^i:. ^^^ yy /y '■ 1567 Sabina ; similar to the last ; equally fine . 1^^^ - 1568 Sabina; rev. Juno, in the dress of a Roman matron, stand- ^ ing; IVNOKI. reginae.; very fine . 1 ^^^ %* From tbe Trattle collection, lot 2171. -? s - ^^ 1569 Sabina; rev. similar ; well preserved . 1 1570 Sabina; ohv. veiled Head, to the right; rev. an eagle, with expanded wings, holding a sceptre in its talons, and bearing Sabina, whose head is encircled in a glory ; consecratio. ^^/'y. ( 215 ) fMr/" . The rarest type of this good Empress, and very well preserved ; engraved in Akerman, pi. vi. — 7 1 y A/. *^* From the Trattle collection, lot 2174. x^ ,, 1571 Julius; o5i'. a togated Head, to the right ; rew. a veiled Fi- gure sacrificing; pietas., &c.; a most splendid and very rare coin ; engraved in Akerman, pi. vi. — 8 1 yy /^ 1572 ^lius; ohv. a togated Head, to the right; rev. Concord y^Jr^' seated; concord, trie, pot., &c.; well preserved^ and ^ rare . . . \ / fJ ■ . ,^^ 1573 iElius ; ohv. bare Head, to the right; rev. as the last; very fine, and scarce . . 1 "Z ^' ■ *^* From the Trattle collection, lot 2179. 4^ 1574 iElius ; similar to the preceding; fine and rare 1 ',> Ji y 1575 ^lius ; ohv. a togated Head, to the left; rev. Concord, &c., as last; in fine condition . . 1 . / *^ 1576 ^lius ; ohv. bare Head, to the left; rev. Concord, &c., as ^ > before; in a very high state of preservation 1 /y ^- ^ 1577 iElius ; ohv. bare Head, to the left ; rev. a veiled Figure sa- crificing ; PIETAS. TRIE. POT. COS. II.; a Variety from Mionnet and Akerman ; fine and rare . 1 -^-^ '^^ 1578 Antoninus Pius ; rev. the Emperor and two figures; libe- ^^ ^ UA'Li'TAS. AVG. 111.; fine and very rare . 1 ^ -^ ' 1579 Ant. Pius; rev. a Female, with scales and cornucopia; cos. mi.; fine . . 1 1580 Ant. Pius ; rev. a Female with cornucopia ; lib. vi. cos. iiii.; fine . . .1 (Continued at page 235 J. .-^ ^^*f z'^.- FOREIGN PIEDFORTS, PATTERNS, MEDALS, & COINS, CHIFLY GERMAN, IN SILVER. ( Continued, from page \^h.) 1581 Austria; Ferdinand II., 2, Dollars ; t'areW; o6w. Busts, date 1634, &c. Leopold; o&y. Bust, 1626, Denmark ; Frederick HI. ; ohv- Bust, 1667 ; all rather fine . . .4 *^* See Monnaies de I'Emp. en or ct en argent qui composent le Cabinet de I'Empereur, Vienna, 1756—69,3 vol. folio. jjyi^/> I A>f^^' ( '2 It) ) / 1582 Austria; oAv. the Archduke Sigisniund standing ; sigismvn- ' Dvs. ARCHDVX. AVSTRiAE.; vev. the Same, armed, on horseback at full gallop, encircled by fifteen coats of arms, 1486; one of the most early (true) dates on coins or medals . • .1 •^* This fine and very scarce dollar is certainlj' of the period; see May- day, Vollstandiges Thaler Cabinet, Komgsherg,16b5 — 71, 4 vol. 4to., at No. 1373. 1683 Austria ; Doublg Dollar, with Busts, he. of Leopold and ''■^ ' Claudia (de' Medici), Archduke and Archduchess ; rev. the Tyrolese Eagle, &c.;^we awe? rare . 1 ♦^* Consult IMayday, No. 1386, and Renesse-Breidbach, mes loisirs, etc., No. 25,988. 1584 Austria; Double Dollar, with Bust, &c. of Archduke Ferdi- y /7 nand (epoch 1566?); rev. the Tyrolese Eagle, &c. Dou- ^/^^ ble Dollar, with Busts, &c., as in the precedent lot, of ' Leopold, and of Claudia ; not so fine as the above, hut i from different dies, and consequently rare. Joseph II ; j Dollar for Ratisbon ; obv. Bust ; rev. View of the Town, f 1780 . . .31 yj 1585 Austria; Double Dollar of Ferdinand III. ; obv. Emperor, ! full-faced, standing; rev. 1650; mon. nova, capit. mo- f yiAST. s. \.; fine and rare . 1 •^'^ 'i 1586 Austria; Double Dollar ; ok'. Bust of Ferdinand Archduke ; i ^/ rev. Coat of Arms. Dollar of the Emperor Francis, 1764, with a fine Bust. Dollar for Ratisbon, 1754 3 /. 1587 Austria; o^i^. Ferdinand III., Emperor's Bust, &c ; rev. AV- GVSTA. vindeliarvm. ; a Town, 1640; obv. Maria Theresa Empress, Bust and 1764 ; both are fine dollars. Thaler, with a Bust of the Emperor Francis, 1753; common . . .3 .// *,* For the first dollar see Gotz-Deutchland's Kaysermunzen, &c., i Dresden, 1827, 4to. ; a first rate work, praised by Lelewel. i 1588 Austria; Dollars, 4 ; Ferdinand II., 1621; Charles VI.; obv. \ Bust, 1729; Joseph II., 1782; Leopold IL; obv. Bust, ^^ 1792; all fine . . 4 //> ■ 1589 Austria; Dollars, 4 ; Ferdinand III., 2 ; o6i-. Bust, &c.; for Vienna, 1641 ; Another, date 1650 ; Charles VII., Bust, and 1742; for Nurinibergh. Maria Theresa; obv. a fine '"^ '//. ( 217 ) J//.2/ ^^ A/ Bust, and 1780; all fine. Half Dollar of Maria Theresa, with Bust, and 1763 ; very fine . 5 _^ 1590 Denmark; Frederick IIL, 2; o5w. Busts ; rew. dates 1660, 1663; both varied. Frederick V.; rev. Christian VI.; a Bust on each side ; a Danish inscription on the edge ; y /^ . fine . . .3 *^* Consult Danske Mynter, &c., A'opeji/i. 1791, 2 vol. folio ; and Mader, Haller, Kohler, and Voight's excellent works. 1691 Denmark; Dollar of Frederick V.; o&w. the King, full-face, j!^vfe- standing beneath a canopy ; rew. Arms, 1747; prvdentia. ET.'coNSTANTiA. Christian V.; obv. the King, in armour, standing, 1680 (Half Dollar size). Switzerland; for the Canton of Berne ; 1742, &c., on edge; fine : . . size 13. 3 1592 Saxony ; a Piedfort (gilt) ; obv. Bust of the Elector John ; MONE. NOVA. DVCVM. SAXO. ; 7'ev. Bust of the Elector George; ioan. elec. ex. geor. : size 11. obv. Bust of John George, 1614 ; rev. Bust of his Son Augustus Fre- derick, with coats of arms ; ivell preserved : size 13. Denmark; Christian IV. ; o&v. Bust, 1648: full size 13. 3 / /y *^* See Joachim and Bortholin's Numismatic Works. \^^^Z 1593 Saxony; obv. John George, 1630; rev. John, 1530. Ano- ther {size 17); obv. John George on horseback, 1657; rev, a long Latin inscription ; fine. Holland; a Double Dollar, for Utrecht, 1772; very fine 3 i^ 1594 Saxony; John George the First; a very fine Piedfort (or Quadruple Dollar); rev. Arms, and 1645; rare: size 13. 1 1595 Saxony ; Archduke John Philip ; obv. his Bust, titles, &c., 1624; rev. three Busts, of Frederick John, William, and of Frederick William, brothers ; a very fairly preserved dollar. Quarter Dollar ; obv. Bust of Duke John Au- gustus VIII.; rare and fine . 2 *ju* Both from the Trattle collection. (Continued at page 237. J // •■ ^ ITALIAN MEDALS, IN COPPER. ( Continued from page \30.J 1596 Bologna, &c.; Medal of Ant. Galeaz. Bentivoglio ; by Spe- randci; poor; ivLivs. contarenvs, MDXXX.; rev. pace. ^ // CONFVTA.; yine. Frederick Zucharus ; rev. a Church; (the date, thus, m.d.88); poor. Baron Stosch, the great Collector of Ancient Gems, &c. Csee Tassies worh) ; rev. MORiBVs. antiqvis.; by Pozzo, the Roman 4 . ^ , 1597 Tuscany; a Medallion on the Pazzi Conspiracy, in 1478; ohv. Julian de' Medici's murder ; rev. Escape of his Bro- ther Lorenzo ; (see Politian, Valori, Roscoe, Aljieri, ^c); vei^ rare ; in Mazzuchelli, i,xxyui. — ix. . 1 ■y 1598 Ferrara, &c.; Medal of the Poet Guarini. Another; ohv. Ant. Bossius; rey. nvmqvam. morior. Another; obv. GABR. FLAMMA. MEMINISSE. IVVABIT.; Bust, and a skuU. Another; obv. Temple of the Holy Virgin, at Bologna, / y 1619 . . .4^" ''"^ " yj^ - 1599 Various; obv. Cyrus Ferrus, painter and architect ; rev. the two arts personified ; by Soldani. obv. N. ScheflFer ; by Boldu. obv. John III. King of Poland, &c.; rev. pax. ^ " FVNDATA. CVM. MOSCHis. And a Medallion in lead 4 y - 1600 Various; o&y. Marc. Malpighi, of Bologna, oir. Benedictus Pisaurus, of Verona, ohv. Antonius, &c.; orator, cae- SAREVS. ohv. J. B. Fagiuoli. obv. Laura Corsi, March, ^^/^-y--/. Salviati . . .5 y ■■ 1601 Various; obv. a Bust, &c. of the great Magalotti ; by Mon- tandi; and three other Medals, 15th century 4 - ^'' / ^, 1602 Mirandola; a rare Medallion ; o&y. Bust of the famous Joan- nes Picus Mirandulensis ; rev. the three Graces ; pvlchri- TVDO-, &c.; cast and chased, as are most of the medals of y^ this period ; rare . . 1 ^ J? 1603 Verona, &c.; obv. Timothy of Verona; by 31. De Pastis. obv. on the 24th anniversary of the restoration of the Academy of Pisa, in 1754; by Ag. Franchi; very rare, obv. Gal. Marescotti ; by A. Marycotti ; rare. From Prince Poniatowskis collection, 1840. ohv. Hippolyta Gonzaga; rev. par. vbiqve. potestas. Two others; Alexander of Russia ; by Webb; and Prince of Wagstadt ; ^^ by Thumason ; struck in England ; fine . 6 ( Continued at page .) rjy/^ / ( 219 ) FOURTEENTH DAY'S SALE. (Greek Cities, in Copper, continued from page 199.^ CITIES OF ELIS, MESSENIA, LACONIA, ARGOLIS, AND ARCADIA, IN COPPER. LOT 1604 Elis ; obv. Jupiter ; rev. FA., Horse, and IIYP. under ; well preserved, and fine work : . size 4. Pallenses, in Cephalonia ; Mionnet, p. 204, No. 10: size 3. Messenia ; two, usual types : sizes 4 and 5. Lacedaemon ; three, different ; ohv. Jupiter ; rev. Club .• size 5. Lacedaemon ; Hadrian ; rev. the Dioscuri ; two : size 7. Argos ; Autonomus; Argos ; Pescennius Niger; dubious: size 6. Arcadia ; obv. Pan ; rev. AP. in monogram ; size 4. Tegea ; Mt. p. 255, No. 69 : . size 3. 13 COINS OF CRETE, AND OF THE ISLANDS OF THE ^GEAN, IN COPPER. 1605 Thalasa, in Crete ; Domitian ; Mionnet, Supp. vol. 4, p. 344, No. 306; very rare, and well preserved : size 8 J. Cydonia, in Crete ; Augustus, [2]ABA2XOS. (sic.) KAI- 2AF.; rev. KYAONIA. (NAT. retrograde) Wolf, to the right, suckling an infant ; very rare, and well preserved : size 5. Gortyna; Mt. p. 282, No. 195; well preserved : size 2. Carystus, in Eubcea ; see Combe Brit. Mus. tab. 8, fig. 19; well preserved : . size 3|-. Istisea and Chalcis ; usual types, (two) : size 2. Andrus ; ohv. Bacchus ; rev. Amphora ; fair condition : size 4. Andrus ; obv. Bacchus ; rev. Thyrsus ; fair condition : size 4. Carthaea, in Ceos ; rev. KAP0A., Grapes ; fair condition : size 4. 9 / yy^ ( 220 ) 1606 Another; and eiglit different usual types of Ceos ; KEIfiN., Dog Star ; lOYAI., Bee ; KAP0A., Dog Star ; lOY., - Grapes, &c. ; some rarr, and extremely well preserved : sizes \ to A. Cythnus ; ohv. Female Head ; rev. KY., Rose ; rare : size 1. Delos ; ohv. Apollo ; rev. AH., Lyre ; middling conditiony rare : . . size 1. los ; 3Iionnet, p. 316, No. 37 ; obv. OMHPOC .; rev. IHTON.; very rare, and very well preserved : size 4 J. los; Mt. Supp. p. 391, No. 199 ; ohv. OMHPOC; rev. IHT.; very well preserved, and very rare : size 31. Naxus ; see Comhe Brit. Mus. tab. 13, fig. 26; well pre- . ^ served : . . size 2. ^ / " Parus; Mt. Supp. p. 399, No. 250; much rubbed: size 1. 15 (Greek Cities, in Copper, continued at page .J ,y (Greek Cities, in Silver, continued from page 210.^ COINS OF ELIS, IN SILVER. (Continued.) 1607 Elis ; FA., a broader band on the Head of Juno, with a -- ^ • wreath of laurel? depicted on it; rev. Eagle, as on lot 1535, within a similar wreath, but the wings not extended ; extremely rare, and in very Jine condition : size 6. weight 188^^ grs. 1 1608 Another; with FA., but the band on the head of Juno is more narrow, and with honeysuckle ornaments; rev. Eagle ^ standing, within a wreath, to the right, and looking back ; rare, and in very Jine condition : size 6. weight 191y^j grs. 1 ^ ^ . 1609 Another; the Head of Juno from the same die, but not the reverse ; rare and in very Jine condition : X- size 6. weight 188^ grs. 1 y ^ ^ 1610 Another; the head from the same die, but not thfe reverse; rare, and in very Jine condition : ^-"<^ size 6. weight 189^ grs. 1611 Elis; ohv. Eagle devouring a hare, to the right ; rei>. Victory with wings extended, seated on an altar or cippus, to the ''■^■' yy /y^ ( i^p-^- ( 221 ) left ; had condition, but an extremely rare and elegant type: . size Q. weight 181^ grs. Elis ; HPA. on the diadem ; see Mionnet, pi. 5, fig. 3 ; ex- tremely good condition, and rare : size 5^. weight \ 86-^ grs. 2 1612 Elis ; bearded Head of Jupiter, laureate, to the left ; 7'ev. FA., Eagle standing, to the right, on an Ionic capital ; rare, and in good condition : size 51. weight 184^ ^r*. Elis ; see Mt. Supp. pi. 5, fig. 4 ; rare, and in very good / /^f , condition: size 5^, weight \85-^ grs. 2 1613 Elis; HPA. on the diadem; see Mt. Supp. pi. 3, fig. 3; ,., rare, and in fine condition: size 5. ivt. \8Q^ grs. Elis ; bearded and laureate Head of Jupiter, to the right ; ret'. FA., Eagle standing, to the right, on an Ionic capital ; well preserved : size Q. weight 41^ grs. Elis ; obv. Eagle standing to the left, wings extended, and head turned back ; rev. FA., winged Thunderbolt, in an ,,/ ^^'' indented square : size 2. weight 13-^ grs. 3 1614 Elis; compare type of Mionnet, Supp. pi. 5, fig. 3 ; ^ne condition, hut false : size 6. weight 243 grs. Elis ; bearded and laureate Head of Jupiter, to the right ; rev. FA., Eagle, to the right, standing upon an ill defined object ; Jine condition, but false : size G^. weight \8\^ grs, Elis ; compare Mt. Supp. pi. 5, fig. 1 ; fine condition, hut // false : . size 6^. weight 187 grs. 3 CITIES OF CEPHALLENIA AND ZACYNTHUS INSULi^ IN SILVER. 1615 Cranium, in Cephallenia ; KRANI.; Mt. p. 203, No. 4; rare, and in very good condition: '.iV'v^ . gi^^ 2. tveight 44-j^ grs. Cranium ; compare 3It. p. 203, No. 6 ; obv. Ram's Head to ^^ /y^ , the right ; rev. l;^. (sic.) the Foot of an Animal with a cloven hoof; very rare, and very good condition : size 2. weight 1 \~ grs. Zacynthus ; obv. ffiA., Vase with two handles ; rev. Tripod, in an indented square ; very old coin, and well preserved : size 3. weight 58j^ grs. F F f ~. ( 222 ) Zacynthus ? ohv. Head of Apollo, laureate and short hair, to the right ; rev. ^jj„^'j Tripod ; very rare, and in very good condition : size 2^. weight 35^^^^ ^j'*. 4 CITIES OF MESSENIA, LACONIA, ARGOLIS, AND ARCADIA, IN SILVER. 1616 Messenia ; obi', compare Mionnet, Svpp. pi. 6, obverse of the coin of Phencus, fig. 5, but on this coin the ear of wheat is beautifully defined in front of the hair ; rev. MES^ANIfiN. disposed around the figure of Jupiter Ithomates, which is in the same attitude as on the coin Mt. Supp. pi. 6, fig. 2 ; in perfect condition, and the style ofworh extremely beautiful: size 5^. weight 188^ grs. 1 *^* This coin, as to age and style of work, is probably unique. Its age may be referred to precisely tbe same period as the coins of Arcadia and Pheneus, engraved in Mionnet, Supp. pi. 6, fig. 4 and 5 ; being anterior to the highly interesting coin of Messenia, published by Millingen, Cities and Kings, pi. 4, Jig. 20 ; from the collection of W. R. Hamilton, Esq., with the epithet, l©iiM, in conjunction with a representation of the same Jupiter. It is only by means of the last mentioned important coin with the epithet, that the type of the coin above described can be, with certainty, referred to Jupiter Ithomates, and a correct notion formed of the style and attitude of the statue. See Pausanias Messenics, beginning of Chap. 33. 1617 Messenia; see Mt. Supp. pi. 73, fig. 4; in extremely fine i.^ J condition : . . size 3^. ' Lacedaemon, in Laconia ; type of Mt. pi. 73, fig. 5 ; extremely fine : . . size 3. Argos ; obv. Head of Juno, wearing an elevated crown with honeysuckle ornaments, to the left ; rev. AP[rEKIN.], Diomedes, to the right, carrying ofi" the palladium ; behind him, in the field, is a swan, with wings raised ; very fine work, not well struck, and a little rubbed, but on the whole in very fair condition, considering the extreme rarity of the coin : . . size 4. 3 *^* This coin, according to Mionnet, appears not to exist in tbe French collection. yp _ 1618 Another ; but the Head of Juno to the right, and 2.? behind the head ; rev. APFEIftN., naked figure of Diomedes, ( 223 ) .^ with the chlamys flowing behind him, &c. as in the pre- ceding coin, but nothing in the field ; most beautiful ivork, perfect condition, and of the utmost Tarity : sise A^. weight QZ^ grs. 1 1619 Argos ; type of Mt. Supp. pi. 7, fig. 6 ; obv. Head of Juno; /<^^. rev. APFEIfiN • E. (sic.) two Dolphins placed contrari- wise ; between them, a pomegranate on the stalk, with two leaves ; e.vtremely rare, and in very excellent condition : / /// size 6^. weight 1 86^ grs. 1 1620 Another; with a Wolf's Head between two Dolphins; ex- tremely rare, and in very good condition : size &^. weight 188^ grs. I - *^* This is the identical coin published by Millingen, Cities and Kings, tab. 4, fig. 19. 1621 Argos; obv. Half Wolf to the left ; rev. A., and two oblong deep indentations ; old work, very fine : size 2^. weight 47^ grs. Argos ; ohv. Half Wolf to the left ; rev. A., and a small Vase, with ^lAOKAHS. in an indented square ; extremely / // fine : size 3. weight 35yL. grs. Argos ; ©., Wolf to the left ; rev. [n]Y., Helmet to the left, ornamented with a wreath of laurel; rare, and well pre- served : . size 1^. weight 17-^ grs. Heraea, in Arcadia ; obv. veiled Head of Juno to the left ; rev, EP. in a square, archaic style ; ve7y rare, and in perfect condition : size 2|. weight 48^ grs. ',* These coins are of recent discovery. The style of work, and the forms of the letters, as well as the style of mintage, entitle them to rank among the most early coins of the Peloponnesus. Megalopolis, in Arcadia ; obv. Jupiter ; rev. MEF., Pan seated; well preserved : size Q. weight QQ grs. 5 1622 Argos ; obv. Wolf's Head to the left; rev. A. and two deep square indentations ; very fine : size 1. wt. 14 grs. Argos ; obv. ©., Wolf to the left ; rev. AE., Helmet to the left ; rare, and well preserved : size 2. wt. 1 6^ grs. / '^ Troezene ; obv. Female Head to the left, veiled ? rev. TPO., a double Trident ; in the field, a sprig of ivy; very rare, very fine work, and perfect condition : size 2^-. weight 17-^ grs. r^f// ( 224 ) Arcadia ; ohv. Pan ; rev. AR. in monogram ; very fine : size 2. weight IS^jj gTS. Mantinea ; ohv. an Acorn; rev. ^^.\ tvell preserved, and extremely rare, hut oxidized and broken: size \\. Megalopolis ; ohv. Jupiter ; rev. MEr., Pan sitting ; well preserved; five, with slight differences : size 3. the heaviest iveighs 39 grs. 10 / 1623 Pheneus, in Arcadia; ohv. Female Head, to the left, with -^ '^ ■ wreath of corn ; rev. ^ENIKON., Bull to the right, with a caducous marked on the shoulder, and 11. underneath ; extremely rare, very fine work, and excellent condition, hut a little obscured by black oxide : size 3. tveight 43y^ grs. Stymphalus, in Arcadia; STYM$AAION., Mionnet, pi. 73, fig. 7; very rare, beautiful work, and perfect condition : size 1|. weight \Q^ grs. 2 CITIES OF CRETE, IN SILVER. 1624 Aptera ; Mionnet, Supp. p. 304, No. 52 ; rev. nTOAIOI- ^ '^ , ' T02. (sic); in fair condition, and extremely rare : size 6. weight 173^ grs. Cnossus ; Mt. p. 267, No. 65, but without letters ; fair con- dition : . size .^h- weight 1 68 grs. Cnossus; Mt. p. 268, No. 73; fair condition: size 4^. weight 76^^ grs. 3 y ,. . 1625 Chersonesus; XEP20NA2[ION.j, J/if. p. 264, No. 46 ; in ^ the field, a candelabrum; type of 3It. Supp. pi. 8, fig. 1, but much finer ; extremely rare and fine : size Q. weight 172-^ grs. 1 Xy' ^ 1633 Gortyna; for type compare lot 1631, but this coin has had a retrograde legend, of which the letters NY. only remain • ''-■ owing to wearing of the die; nearly perfect condition, but the die worn on both sides: size 8. wt. 181^^)'*. Itanus; see Mt. Supp. pi. 10, fig. 3; fine condition, and rare : . size 3|. weight 83^^ grs. ^ Lyttus; see Hunter, tab. 34, ^g. 7 ; fine condition, and very ^ rare : . size 4. weight 79 grs. 3 1634 Lyttus; obv. Eagle flying to the left; rev. AYTTS0N., Boar's Head in a square ; in very good condition, and -^ y very rave : . size 4, weight 77 -^^ grs. // > C 226 ) Itanus; same type as 3It. Supp. pi. 10, fig. 3, but more recent, and the reverse from a round die, dotted ; the legend oflF the coin ; fair condition, and rare : size 4. weight I^^-q grs. Phaestus; compare Pellerin, JRec. pi. 101, fig. 63; Mt.p. 290, No. 249 ; Jctir condition : size 6. wt. 184^ grs. 3 1635 Phffistus ; ^AHTION.; see Hunter, tab. 42, fig. 20 ; Her- ->- 'J // cules reposing, seated ^vith his club ; and his bow and / quiver suspended on a] broken fluted stela or column near him ; rev. Bull, to the right, in the act of tossing, within a wreath of laurel ; a very remarkable and rare type, very good ivork, and in perfect condition : sized, zveight 1S3^ grs. 1 1636 Phaestus; J/«o«nej^, p. 290, No. 252; see Hunter, tab. 43, y *^ ■ fig. 1 ; a very fine coin, in perfect condition, good worJc,:^ and extremely rare : size 7^. iveight 179^ grs. 1 *^* Mionnet does not appreciate the rarity of this type. 1637 Phaestus ; TAAfiN., winged youthful Male Figure, seen in '7 ^ <^ front, holding a ball or round object in his uplifted right ; '^ ^ hand ; rev. ^AlSTIfiN., Bull, to the right, in the atti-'" tude of tossing ; compare Diimersan, Cab. Allier, pi. 7, fig. 5, or Hunter, tab. 43, fig. 3 ; very rare, and in perfect condition: . size 6^. weight 176—0 grs. ^ 1638 Phaestus; compare Pell. Rec. pi. 101, fig. 62 and 63; obv. ? /^ -. , Hercules standing, seen in front, looking to the right, his ; club in his right hand, and bow in the left ; in the field are four pellets, and to the left hangs the skin of the lion ; at his feet to the right is a grain of barley; rev. [$]AIM. TIKON. (retrograde), a Bull to the left standing, with its legs tied, and one of them lifted up ; its head approaches the ground as if drinking. The bull is standing on an uncertain object, indicated by an exergue line, from which proceed (at right angles) a series of short lines placed close to each other, and extending to the edge of the die ; rather rubbed, but in satisfactory condition, and of great rarity with this very remarkable inscinption ; the style of work is old, and extremely good : size 61. weight 179^ grs. *^* This coin is very curious, inasmuch as it appears not only to correct the reading of that in the French cabinet, Mt. p. 290, No. 248, and ^ ( 227 ) A^y^^ Peli. Rec, tab. 101, fig. 62 ; but (if we may trust the plate) seems to have beau struck from the identical dies, which produced Nos. 62 and 63 of Pell. tab. 101 ; the obverse being identical with that of fig^. 63, and the reverse of fig. 62. It might be supposed, that the uncertain representation on which the bull stands was the remains of an older type, and the coin restruck; but a careful examination of the coin seems to render such an admission very difficult. It re- mains, therefore, to be explained, especially by other coins of the same type. Phalasarna ; Pell. Rec. pL 101, fig. 66; Mt. p. 291, No. 263; extremely rare and in very good condition : size 5. weight SS^^ g7^s. 2 *^* Mionnet has not appreciated the great rarity of this coin. 1639 Phalasarna; Mt. p. 291, No. 264; of extreme rarity, and in most perject condition : sise 6^. weight \1 A^ grs. 1 *^* Mionnet has by no means appreciated the extreme rarity of this coin. 1640 Polyrhenium ; Pell. Rec. pi. 100, fig. 49; nOAYPHNION. ■^^^^^^ (with the P retrograde); Bull's Head, seen in front, with fillets pendant from the horns ; rev. nOA[Y]PHNI., the Head of a spear ; extremely i^are, and in very fine con- dition : size 4^. weight 69^ grs. *#* Mionnet has not appreciated the rarity of this coin. Praesus ; Mionnet, p. 295, No. 293; Pellerin, Rec. pi. 100, fig. 51; ohv. Jupiter sitting; rev. nPAL, Bull in the attitude of tossing ; Jair condition, and extremely rare : size 7. weight 168^ grs. 2 1641 Priansus; il!f^ page 296, No. 300; cormpsive Mt. Supp. t^\. 11, fig. 2; in very good condition, and oj" extreme rarity : size 6^. weight 172^ grs. 1 1642 Priansus; Mt. p. 296, No. 301; rare, and in extremely good condition : size 4. weight 7Q^ grs. Rhaucus ; see Hunter, tab. 44, fig. 11 ; rude work, Jair con- dition, but very rare : size 7. weight 166 grs. 2 1643 Rhaucus ; Mionnet, p. 297, No. 305; PAYKION. (boustro- phedon) ; extremely rare, rather rude tvork, hut in very fair condition : size 7. weight 183^ grs. 1 *^* This coin is struck upon a coin of Gortyna, like that published by Millingen, Sylloge, pi. 3, fig. 34. Mionnet does not appreciate its great rarity. Ar/, J^ J// ( •-'28 ) y 1644 Tylissus ; see Miunnct, Supp. pi. 11, fig. 4 ; in excellent /-'- condition, but the die of the reverse is worn. This is oney^'^^->^ of the rarest cities in Crete : size &^. weight 179^ grs. 1 ^^ // y///f / ISLANDS OF THE iEGEAN, IN SILVER. 1645 Eretria, in Euboea ; see Mionnet, vol. 7, pi. 50, fig. 8, and Hunter, tab. 28, fig. 20; the obverse a little injured by ''' scraping off the oxide, but the reverse perfect ; extremely rare of this size : size 5. weight 121r^ grs. 1 *^* This coin has been often published, but has never been attributed to its real site by any author, except Cadalvene — see his Recueil de Bledailles Grecques inedites, Paris, 4to. 1828, p. 216. 1646 Euboea; Mt. p. 301, No. 4; rare, and in very good condi- , / -—^ tion: . . size 3|^. ^ ^^' Chalcis, in Eubcea ; 3It. p. 305, No. 35 ; three, with slight difierences ; well preserved : . size 3^. Another ; Mt. Supp. p. 358, No. 48 ; well preserved, and rare: . . size 2. Istiaea, in Euboea; Mt. p. 309, No. 68; three, with slight difi'erences ; well preserved : . size 3. Istiaea ; see Dumersan, Cab. Allier, pi. 7, fig. 13; very rare type, in fair condition: size 3. Myconus; Mionnet, p. 320, No. 61; but dubious: size 3. Parus ; Mt. Supp. p. 398, No. 244 ; false : size 2 J. weight 30^ g^^s. 1 1 y,^.// 1647 Siphnus ; see ilTjowne?, vol. 7, pl.51, fig. 6; a most rare and ^. valuable coin, archaic style, and in perfect condition : size 6. weight 186^ g7-s. 1 C Greek Cities, in Silver, continued at page 238^. ASIA. AUTONOMOUS COINS OF THE CIMMERIAN BOSPHORUS, PONTUS, AND PAPHLAGONIA, IN COPPER. 1648 Phanagoria? Mionnet, vol. 2, p. 334, No. 8; Millingen, , . Ancient Coins of Cities and Kings, pi. 5, fig. 3; rare and fine : . . size 7. ( 229 ) //y/ Amisus, in Pontus ; Mionnet, p. 343, No. 77; rare and fine: size Q\. Amisus; Mt. Supp. p. 436, No. 103; type of Combe Brit. Mus. pi. 9, fig, 4 : . size 8. Amisus ; type of Mt. p. 342, No. 59 ; four, with slight dif- ferences ; well preserved : . size 5. Amisus; type of Mt. p. 342, No. 53; two, different; well preserved : . size 4^. Amisus ; type of Mt. Supp. p. 435, No, 100; rare and well preserved: . size 4. Amastris, in Paphlagonia ; Mt. p. 390, No. 19; obv. OMH- POC; rey, AMACTPIC; vety rare, and well preserved: size 5. Sinope, in Paphlagonia; Mt. 402, No. 90; well preserved : size 4^. Sinope; rev. Cornucopia between the caps of the Dioscuri ; rare : . size 4. Amisus f Greek Imperial J ; obv. C ABINIA. TPANKYAINA. CAIBACTH. (sic.) Bust of the Empress to the right ; rev. AMICOY. EAEY0EPAC. ETOYC. COB. (year 272); a Female Figure standing to the left, with two ears of corn in her right hand, held downwards, and a long sceptre in the left ; c?m6/om* •• . size 10. 14 *^* This coin, though dubious, is certainly cast upon an original, and is remarkable as affording the opportunity of recording a type and date ; presumed to be unpublished. KINGS OF PONTUS AND THE CIMMERIAN BOSPHORUS, IN GOLD. 1649 Mithradates VI. Eupator; BA^IAEfiS. MI0PAAATOY. EYHATOPOS. ; Mt. p. 360, type of No. 6; in the field, to' the left of the stag, is a crescent and star ; to the right, A. and the monogram No. 718, Mt. pi. ix.; under the inscrip- tion, the monogram No. 717, Mt. pi. ix.; the rarity of this beautiful coin needs no comment; the preservation is per- fect, and the portrait extremely fine : size 5. weight 130^ gr*. 1 *^* This coin, therefore, combines the monograms on both No. 6 and No. 7, page 360 of Mionnet. G G 7/ y ■^/f '/"//■ ( ^30 ) 1G50 Another ; but instead of the A. and monogram No. 718, there . :' is the date ©2. (209) and the letters XA. or AX. in monogram ; see Mt. Supp. p. 466, No. 8, and Dumersan, Cab. AUie)', pi. 8, fig. 7 ; in most excellent condition, but has been in circulation : size 5. weight 127 grs. 1 *^* This coin, having a date, is even more rare than the preceding, TETRADRACHMS OF MITHR ABATES VI. IN SILVER. •^* Of these rare coins, according to Mionnet, the French Cabinet only possesses ten. Their dates do not range later than on the following coins, namely, from the years 208 to 225, both inclusive. 1651 Mithradates VI. Eupator; BA^IAEQS. MI0PAAATOY. ^^^/^^ ,. EYHATOPO^.; type of Mionnet, pi. 74, fig. 7 ; see Combe, Brit. Mus. tab. 9, fig. 5; date BK2. (222) ; a monogram • . "^ on each side the stag, and under the inscription is Q; of extreme rarity, in most perfect condition, and a very beautiful and clean coin: size 91. tveight 259 grs. 1 / 1652 Another ; with a monogram on each side the stag, and A. under the inscription; date FKS. (223) ; of the same rarity, <:j^;.^ beauty, and perfect condition as the preceding : size 9i. iveight 257-j% grs. 1 1653 Another ; with one monogram to the left of the stag, and the ^^^ date EK2. (225) to the right ; under the inscription A. ; of the same rarity and beauty, and in perfect condition : size 8|. weight 260 grs. 1 '^ ^"^^ / y . 1654 Another; with the date AI2. (214), and a monogram behind the stag, and © under the inscription ; a fine well preserved coin, but slightly rubbed on the prominent parts of the hair : . size 9. weight 258-jpg- grs. 1 ^ 1655 Another ; with two monograms behind the stag, and the date AK% (224) in front of it, under the star and crescent; under the inscription T. ; well preserved, and a fine coin, although it has been in circulation, and is consequently somewhat rubbed : size ^^. weight 251^ grs. 1 ^ y 1656 Another; with A. and a monogram behind the stag, and the star and crescent before it, but no date; a fine well pre- served coin, but it appears to have been in circulation : size 9^^. weight 239^'^ grs. 1 '^ *,* How far the absence of a date on this fine coin, and its defective weight, may be supposed to invalidate its claim to authenticity, is left to individual opinion. c^d^ ( 231 ) Jj^y// / *^* The following have a Pegasus on the reverse. . 1657 Mithradates VI. Eupator; having a Pegasus on the reverse ■^^ " " instead of the stag; see Mionnet, Supp. p. 467, No. 13; date H^. (208) ; injured by black oxide on the obverse, but in fair condition : size 8^. weight 225^ grs. 1 ■^ ^ *^* This type, with the pegasus, is much more rare than the preceding. According- to Mionnet there are but three in the French collection. ] 658 Another ; Mt. Supp. p. 467, No. 1 1, with the date ES. (205), '^^^' and jj behind the pegasus; somewhat rubbed, but in good I condition : . size 9. weight 257^ grs. ; *^* The authenticity of this coin appears to be dubious. Another; but with the type of the Stag on the reverse, and I with date ®l% (219); see Mt. p. 361, No. 13; false : J /_, I size 8|-. weight 268^^ grs. 2 j (Kings of Pontus and of the Bosphorus, continued at page 240.^ y ^ ROMAN MIDDLE BRASS. ( Continued from page 212. J 1659 Julia Domna, 2 ; rew. the Empress seated ; mat. avgg. mat. SEN. M. PATR.; rev. HILARITAS. Caracalla, 3 ; rev. ^Esculapius and Telesphorus standing, full- faced ; rev. Jupiter seated ; rev. iEsculapius standing ; allfne . . .5 1660 Julia Domna, 4; rev. Four Females sacrificing; vesta.; rey. HILARITAS.; and two others, vanec?; well preserved. Caracalla, 2; rev. victoriae. brittannicae.; a Victory standing, and resting a buckler on a tree ; very well pre- served, and rare; rev. the Sun in a quadriga 6 ^-^'-^ %* Dr. Grotefend thinks the curious spelling on the first coin is imitated from the Greek EpETTavia. — Akermun. 1661 Caracalla, 5 ; ret?. Emperor on horseback ; two varieties ; rev. a Lion, with a thunderbolt in its mouth ; rev. Elephant ; 7'ev. Diana in a biga drawn by Bulls ; all very fine, and y interesting , , 5 1662 Caracalla, 3; rey. jovi. sospitatori.; rare, two others ; , y, well preserved. ■ ' { 232 ) Geta ; rev. a Female between six military standards; Con- cordia. milit.; very rare; Jine, especially on the reverse. Macrinus, 2; rev. salvs. pvblica.; rev. vota. pvblica. p. M., &c.; rather ivell preserved . 6 / /i./ 1663 Geta; rev. victoriae. brittannicae.; Victory, seated on '' shields, holding a palm-branch and a buckler ; very well preserved, and very rare . . 1 *^* This interesting medal is not in Mionnet. / ^ 1664 Geta, 3 ; all varied. Macrinus ; rev. Emperor, with Victory, in a quadriga ; pon- TiF. MAX., &c.; the rarest type of this Emperor ; well y preserved . . A ' / /<>. 1665 Geta, 2.; varied. Macrinus, 2 ; varied. Diadumenianus ; ret?, princ. ivventvtis.; all fairly pre- served . . . 5 / y ■ 1666 Macrinus, 2 ; varied. Diadumenianus ; rev. spes. pvblica. ; rare. Heliogabalus, 2 ; rei7. fides, exercitvs.; rey. ADVENTV&i / avgvsti.; all well preserved . 5 7^\/^ 1667 Diadumenianus; rev. princ. ivventvtis.; ^«e. Elagabalus ; rev. salvs. antonini. avg. Julia Paula; rev. concordia.; rare. Aquilia Severa ; rev. concordia.; a Female standing; very // rare. ' " Julia Msesa; ^-ev. pietas. avg.; all well preserved 5 ' yy/ 1668 Diadumenianus ; rev. princ. ivventvtis.; rather fine. Severus Alexander ; rev. the Thermae ; very rare, and very fine. . . 2 -'' ^ 7 /p 1669 Diadumenianus ; rev. princ. ivventvtis.; in fair pre- servation. Severus Alexander; rev. the Thermae ; jf?we, and very rare 2 / /y; 1670 Severus Alexander, 6 ; rev. restitvtor. mon.; rev. spes. ^\ PVBLICA.; rev. mars, vltor.; rev. fides, militvm.; rev. PROFECTIO. avgvsti.; (large size); rev. lovi. propvgnatori. Orbiana; rev. Concord seated; concordia. avgvstorvm.; rare. Julia Mamaja: )ei'. Vesta standing; ft/^/'we . ^ /^A^\^ 4 ( 233 ) J^/i^ 1671 Severus Alexander, 6 ; all varied. Orbiana; j'^w. concordia. avgvstorvm.; rare. Julia Mamsea ; rev. venvs. felix.; the Goddess of Beauty, seated, with a cupid and hasta. Maximinus, 2 ; all well preserved . 10 ^'^ '^ 1672 Severus Alexander, 5; rev. lib. avg. iii., &c.; various Fi- gures on an estrade ; rare; four others ; varied, andjine. Orbiana ; rev. Concordia, avgvstorvm.; in fair condition. Julia Mamsea, 2. Maximinus; a small Medallion; rev. salvs. avgvsti.; rare . . .9 //'^ 1673 Maximus, 2; rei?. pietas. avg.; rev. principi. ivventv- Tis. ; hothjine, and rare in this state. Balbinus ; rev. lovi. conservatori. Pupienus ; rev. victoria, avgg. ; both very rare, and fine . . 4 .^^ '/' 1674 Maximus, 2 ; reverses as above ; fi7ie and rare. Balbinus ; rev. concordia. avg. Pupienus; ■/■ei?. concordia. avgg.; very fairly preserved 4 ' - -^^ 1675 Pupienus, 2; rev. lOvi. conservatori.; fine; rev. con- cordia. avgg. Gordianus III., 3 ; rev. Figures on a galley ; traiectvs. avgg.; rare; ^-ev. Liberality standing ; rev. victoria, avg.; a Sacrifice, before a circular temple, having an in- scription in the Greek language on the front ; very rare, „ and well preserved . . 5 '^ 1676 Gordianus III., 5; rev. a Female seated, holding an olive- branch; P.M. TR. p. VI. COS. II. pp.; very fine, and rare ; rev. lOVi. STATORi.; finely preserved, and patinated ; rev. pontifex. max. tr. p. hi., &c.; Rome victrix, seated, and three Figures standing; rare, and patinated; rev. pax. AVGVSTI.; rev. SECVRiTAS. avg.; well preserved b //> ■ (Continued at page 247. J ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN SILVER. ( Continued from page 214). 1677 Macrinus, 2; '/-et?. salvs. pvblica.; rei?. fides, mihtvm.; a Female, with only two ensigns ; both very fine. / >> J/4^^ jy^ ( 234 ) Elagabalus, 2; rev. Three Standards; fides, militvm.; rather fine; rev. libertas. avg.; poor. Julia Paula ; rey. a Female seated; Concordia.; a Star in the field ; ivell preserved . . 5 ■^ 1673 Macrinus, 2 ; rev. aeqvitas. avg.; o'ev. providentia. DEORVxM. Aquilia Severa; rei'. a Female sacrificing ; concordia. Julia Maesa ; rev. ivxo. ' Orbiana ; rev. a Female standing ; p.m. tr. p., &c.; plated 5 1679 Alexander Severus, 4 ; reverses all varied; fine. '^Z Orbiana; rev. coi^co^TiXK. p^vgg.; fine and scarce. Julia Mamaea, 2; rev. vesta.; rev. venvs. genetrix. Maximinus, 3 ; 7'e^7. fides. militvm.; ?*ei'. salvs.avgvsti.; rev. P.M. TR. p. liil.; these three are very fine 10 ' 1680 Alexander Severus, 3 ; rev. Sacrificial Instruments ; one of his most rare coins, hut in poor condition ; two others, varied. Orbiana; re?;, concordia. avgg.; rare, and well preserved. Julia Mamaea \fine. Maximinus, 4 ; all different reverses; fine. ^ . Paulina ; rev. the Empress on the peacock (not an eagle) ; ^^^ j rare, and tcell preserved . . 10 ^ -;•//' 1681 Orbiana; vev. concordia. avgg. Maximinus, 4 ; all different; fine. Paulina; rev. Empress on a peacock ; very fine, and rare 6 g y/ 1682 Maximinus, 3 ; all varied ; fine. Paulina ; rev. the Peacock ; fine and rare. Maximus ; rev. the usual type of princ. ivventvtis. ; y unusually fine and rare . . 5 / P' 1683 Maximus; rev. as in the former lot; a little finer 1 y -rr 1684 Maximus; rev. Sacrificial Instruments; pietas. avg.; ex- '^ ceedingly fine and rare . . 1 ^ c/~ 1685 Gordianus, Afr. sen.; rev. secvritas. avgg.; fine, and very rare . . 1 ^' Z' . 1686 Gordianus, Afr. sen.; rev. a Victory, with palm-branch and garland, marching; victoria, avgg.; rare, tvell pre- . served, but tooled on the obverse . 1 (Continued at page 249 J. t c?-^ ( 235 ) J:^f/J ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN GOLD. ( Continued from page 215.^ ' 1687 Antoninus Pius ; rev. a Female resting on the hasta pura; TR. POT. xiiii. COS. iiii.; in exergue, pax.; fine 1 / i/^ ■ / 1688 Ant. Pius; rev. Rome seated; tr. pot. cos. iiii.; extra ^ fine . . . 1 — ■ /^ • 1689 Ant. Pius ; rev. Mars descending to Rhea asleep on the ground; tib. pot. cos. hi. , 1 ^.^ / . *^* This is one of the most rare, very interesting', and well preserved coins of Antoninus ; Akerman, pi. vi. — 10. From the Trattle col- lection, lot 2262. 1690 Ant. Pius; rev. fortvna. obseqvens. cos. iiii.; the God- dess Fortuna standing ; fine and rare . 1 / ^ 1691 Ant. Pius ; rev. the Emperor and his two Sons in a quadi-iga ; COS. III. tr. pot.; rare, and well preserved 1 / ^/ ' ^ 1692 Ant. Pius; o^ev. the Emperor holding a globe; cos. iiii.; fine . . . 1 / ^^ 1693 Ant. Pius; rev. a Female standing; tr. pot. xv. cos. iiii. PAX.; a very fine coin . . 1 /' /?" 1694 Ant. Pius ; ohv. a togated Bust; rev. Abundance standing ; COS. nil.; j^;ie . . 1 /•^z' . 1695 Ant. Pius ; rev. a Genius standing; genivs. popvli.ro- MANi.; well preserved, and rare . 1 /if/ ' i 1696 Ant. Pius; rev. Rome seated; tr. pot. cos. iiii. Another; rev. bare Head of Marcus Aurelius ; avrelivs. CAES. AVG. PH. F. COS. DES. ; a very rare type; both , ^ coins are in a very fair state of preservation 2 ^ • 1697 Ant. Pius ; rev. a togated Head, to the left; avrelivs. CAESAR. AVG. PH. F. COS.; very rare . 1 / // %* From the Trattle collection, lot 2275. ± 4- ■ 1698 Ant. Pius ; rev. bare Head, to the right ; inscription as be- fore ; very rare, and fine . 1 -^ ^'''^ -..1699 Ant. Pius ; rev. togated Bust, to the right; inscription as before ; rare and fine . . 1 / /^2 *^* From the Trattle collection, lot 2276. 1700 Ant. Pius ; rev. togated Bust, to the right : avrelivs. caes. ^ AVG. PH. F. 0,0%.; fine and rare . 1 ^ -'■-1701 Ant. Pius: rev. Heads of a male and female Child, each on a fine cornucopia (see SmyiKs judicious observations at ■-- --^ '•c/.-/-' ( 23C ) // No.ccxix.); TEMPORVM. FELiciTAS. cos.iiii.; rare, and highli/ preserved . . 1 1702 Antoninus Pius ; rev. Concord seated ; concord, trie. pot. COS.; a ^ne medal . . 1' y^A^ 1703 Ant. Pius ; I'ev. concord, tri. pot. cos. des. ii.; the God- dess seated ; very fine . . 1 tie .r.^* *,* From Prince Poniatowski's sale, 1840; lot 234. ^. iP 1704 Ant. Pius ; ohv. bare Head; rev. Rome seated; tr. pot. cos. nil.; fine. Another; rev. a Garland, within it, primi. decen. cos. iiii.; well preserved . . 2^'^^^ 1705 Ant. Pius; rev. a magnificent Rogus, or funeral pile; CON- SECRATio.; very fine; see Capitolinus, and Quatr. de Quincy . ! . . 1 ^- ^-. -5' ->" 1706 Ant. Pius; rer. Jupiter standing ; jovr. STATORi.;^we ««r/ rare . . . . 1 y ^ 1707 Ant. Pius; rev. the Emperor, togated, standing; cos. iiii.; very fine . . .1 ^^1 ^^ 1708 Ant. Pius; rev. Antoninus sacrificing; vota. svsceptv. DEC. III. COS. nil.; fine and rare . j .^-^ -'- y^y^ 1709 Ant. Pius ; ^-er. a togated figure standing ; liberalitas. vii. COS. IV.; fine and scarce . 1 ■'^^\ / .7 1710 Ant. Pius ; rev. Victory walking; tr. pot. xx. cos. iiii.; ; extra fine . . 1 ' V y 1711 Ant. Pius ; rev. as the last ; well preserved. Another; rev, Rome seated, with the palladium; no legend ; ^^ rare and fine . . 2 /// ■ 1712 Ant. Pius ; o&w. a togated Bust ; »'e v. Rome seated ; tr. pot. COS.IIII.; a highly preserved medal . 1 ^ / / - 1713 Ant. Pius; rev. Abundance standing; trie. pot. cos.; ^ a rare half aureus . . 1 , ; ./ 1714 Ant. Pius; ret', a Female, with scales and cornucopia; cos. nil.; a rare and well preserved half aureus 1 *»* From Dr. Nott's collection, lot 944. / <2^ 1715 Faustina sen.; obv. veiled Head, to the right ; diva, fa vs- TiNA. ; rei;. the Empress robed, standing ; aeternitas.; a very valuable, fine, and rare coin . 1 ^/y^ 1716 Faustina sen.; o&v. Head, to the left ; diva.avg.favstina.; rev. Empress in a quadriga ; a female guides the horses ; coNSECRATio.; ^7ie a«rf rare . 1 and very rare 1 ^^-/^ %* From Colonel Smyth's collection, 1812 ; lot 78. (Continued at page 250,J //^^ FOREIGN PIEDFORTS, PATTERNS, MEDALS, AND ; COINS, IN SILVER. ( Continued from page 217. J ^,^, 1719 Brunswick-Luneburgh ; Duke Julius ; a Presentation Coin ; obv. his Bust, 1588 ; a long German inscription, signs of the Zodiac, &c.; rev.Coat of Arms, &c.; Madai/,^o,ll06; rare: . . size 18|. 1 / 1720 Brunswick-Luneburgh; Duke Frederick Uh*ick ; Presenta- tion Coin ; obv. the Duke on horseback ; rev. Arms ; DEO. ET. patriae., &c., 1617; Maday, No. 3586 ; very Jine and rare : . size \Q>. 1 ^' 1721 Brunswick-Luneburgh; Presentation Coins, 2 ; obv. Henry Julius on horseback; rev. Arms, 1609; il/ac?aj/, No.3584. obv. Duke Frederick Ulrick on horseback ; rev. Arms, 1624; both Jine: . size 20. 2 ^"^^ pj- 1722 Brunswick-Luneburgh; Presentation Coins, 2 ; obv. a full- faced Bust, &c. of Duke Frederick, 1639. obv. Rodolph Augustus, 1685; rev. Female playing the lute: both size 19. 2 / /^ 1723 Brunswick-Luneburgh; Presentation Coins ; oSf. Augustus (5th, at Wolfenbuttel,) on horseback, 1662; in Maday, at No. 3626. obv. John Frederick's Bust ; rev. natvs., &c. (his biography) ; both Jine: . size 17^. 2 XZ *^* For tbe latter see Renesse Breidbach, Loisirs Numismatiques, Vol. III. page 91, No. 554. 1724 Brunswick-Luneburgh; Presentation Coins, 2; obv. RV- DOLPH. AVGVSTVS. DVX.; Bust ; reV. REMIGIO. ALTIS- siMi., 1679; views of Towns, and of the Sea; size 19. obv. the same Duke on horseback ; rev. Arms, 1683 ; both , Jine: . • size 17. 2 H H / ( 238 ) 1725 Hanover; Presentation Coin; ohv. various Coats of Arras; SOLA. BONA. QVAE. HONESTA., 1688; vev. the Mines, Hanoverian horse, &c.;^»e: . size \1 . 1 1726 Orange; Prince Maurice ; Dollar; o6t'. full-faced Bust, in armour; rev. Arms, 1622; soli. deo. honor, et. glo- ria.; vei^ rare and fine: . size ISg^. 1 /^ 1 727 Sweden ; Gustavus Adolphus ; Dollar ; obv. Bust in ar- mour; rev. SALVATOR. MVNDi. M.D.cxxxi. ; the Saviour; very rare. Charles XL; his Quarter Dollar, with Bust; date 1670 . . 2 / 'V 1728 Hayti (High-land), commonly St. Domingo ; a Pattern for a Dollar ; ohv. Bust, &c. of Henry King of Hayti, 1811; rev. a Phoenix, &c. . . 1 *^* This fine pattern, engraved by Tb. Wyon senior, is now extremely rare and valuable. y jP 1729 Russia ; a Dollar of the Emperor Demetrius John ; ohv. fine full-faced Bust in armour, with globe and sceptre ; deme- TRIVS. lOANIS. D. G. IMPERATOR. RVSSIAE. ANNO. AETA- Tis. SVAE. 24 ; rev. Arms, and a Russian legend : size 12. 1 *^* This extra rare dollar is described in the Trattle Catalogue (lot 12) as unique; originally from the collection of Sam. Tyssen, Esq. y^^ 1730 Colombia and Peru; a Dollar, with Bust of the founder of the republic, Bolivar, 1825 ; rev. the Sun on a mountain near Potosi. Tuscany; Dollar of the Duke Peter Leopold, 1769, with his Bust ; fine. Three Jettons ; varied . 3 FIFTEENTH DAY'S SALE. (Greek Cities, in Silver, continued from page 228.^ CITIES OF PONTUS, PAPHLAGONIA, AND BITHYNIA, IN SILVER. LOT /"!■ 1731 Amisus, in Pontus ; see Mionnet, Supp. vol. 4, p. 435, No. 98, but the Owl is standing on a buckler; rare, and fine : size 2. weight 26-j^ grs. ( 239 ) Crotnna, in Paphlagoiiia ; type of Mt. p. 396, No. 54 ; above the female head tf., behind "K, in front W ; Jine condition, and rare : size 4. weight 54^ grs. Sinope ; type of Mt. p. 400, No. 70, with KX above the eagle ; Jine condition : size 4 J. weight 91 ^^ grs. Cius, in Bithynia; see Mt. p. 491, No. 435, but KIA. under the neck of Apollo, and an ear of wheat before the prow ; Jine and rare : . size 2. weight 37^ grs. 4 1732 Cromna; as in the preceding lot; perfect condition, hut the obverse blurred ; very 7'are : size 4^. wt. 54^ grs. y Sinope ; type of Mionnet, p. 400, No. 70, but KAI. above the eagle ; good condition : size 4. wt. T4~ grs. Sinope ; obv. full face ; rev. SiNfi., Eagle flying, seen in front ; Jine and rare : size 2. iveight 22^ grs. Chalcedon, in Bithynia ; KAAX., Bull standing on an ear of corn, to the left ; rev. four indentations like the sails of a windmill ; good condition, and rare : size 2^. weight 34^ grs. 4 1733 Sinope ; type of Mionnet, p. 400, No. 70, with KPH©. above the eagle ; very rare : size 4 J. weight 92^ grs. Chalcedon ; type of Combe Brit. Mus. pi. 9, fig. 11; see Mt. p. 421, No. 68; extremely rare, and good condition: X^ size 3. iveight 59y'Q grs. Cius ; see 3It. p. 491, No. 435; 7'are, and Jine: size 2g. iveight 38^ grs. 3 1734 Chalcedon, in Bithynia; obv. Head of Alexander, with fillet and ram's horn, as on the tetradrachms of Lysimachus ; rev. KAAXAAONinN., Minerva seated, &c. as on the tetradrachms of Lysimachus ; under the hand of Minerva a monogram, and under the throne an ear of wheat ; some- what 7'ubbed on the reverse, but very well pi'ese^'ved, and / .j a most 7'are coin, unknown to 3Iionnet : size 8^. weight 25 7y-^ grs. 1 1735 Heraclea, in Bithynia ; compare type of Hunter, tab. 29, fig. 8 ; but this coin has HPAKAEIA. behind the female head, and a club under the head of Hercules ; compare Mionnet, p. 439, No. 154; ve7'y rare, and in extremely / ' good condition : size b^. iveight \7 7 grs. I 1736 Heraclea; HPAKAEfi[N.] see //ww^t-r, tab. 29, fig. 6; see Mionnet, p. 439, No. 153; but A. under the throne; of "^ y^ ( 240 ) extreme rarity, and in very good condition : size 5^. weight 144-^ grs. 1 ^//?. 1737 Heraclea; compare Hunter, tab. 29, fig. 9; ohv. bearded Head of Hercules covered with lion's skin, to the left rev. HPAKAEIA., Bull in the tossing attitude, to the left above K. retrograde, and an ivy leaf; very rare and fine size 3^. tveight 69^^ grs. Heraclea; type of lot 1735, but I. above the female head, ^ y, and A. in front of it, and no club under Hercules ; good ' '^' condition, and rare : size 3. weight 56^ grs. 2 1738 Heraclea; same type ; good condition, and rare, but size 31. weight 84^^^ S"''"^' Heraclea ; bearded Hercules ; see Hunter, tab. 30, fig. 2 ; Mt. Supp. p. 52, No. 258; very rare, hut middling condition; rubbed : . size 2^. weight 25^^ grs. Heraclea; rev. Club ; type compare Hunter, tab. 29, fig. 10; rare, and very good condition : size 1 J. weight 25^ grs. Heraclea; obv. Lion's Head in profile, to the left; rev. HPA. , Club, and two ivy leaves with stalks, interlaced ; fine work C'^-^^- but a cast : . . size 2. 4 "'^* This cast from the antique appears to present us with a type not in Mionnet. KINGS OF HERACLEA, IN SILVER. ^ / 1739 Timotheus and Dionysius ; TIMO0EOY. AI0NY210Y. ; see 3It. p. 444, No. 179; but a ram's head between the feet of Hercules, and his club placed against the base of the trophy ; sometvhat rubbed, but of extreme rarity, «"^^^~| in very good condition : size 5^. weight 142^?^ gi's. 1 (Greek Cities and Kings, in Silver, continued at page 255. J (Kings ofPontus and of the Bosphorus, continued from page 23 1.^* COINS OF ASANDER, IN GOLD. *^* Of these rare coins, according to Mionnet, the French Cabinet possesses only two, one of which is in very bad condition. // t^ 1740 Asander; type of iT/iionne;, /Sm/jjo. p. 473, No. 37; o&f. his ^ Portrait, to the right, with a fillet; rev. BA2IAEfi[2.]^ ~ - 1767 Another; date GNY. (455); see Mionnet, Swpp. p. 512, No. 144; in perfect condition : size 4. tveight 120^^ gi^s. \ ^ ^ ' *^* The identical coin described by INIionnet, from the Allier collection. 1768 Another; date HNY. (458); see Mionnet, Supp. p. 512, No. 146; in extremely good condition : ^ size 4. weight 120^^ grs. 1 - ■ * ^* This is the identical coin described by Mionnet, from the Allier collection; see Dumersan, pi. 9, fig. 14. See also note (a), p. 512 of Mionnet, as to this curious date, which it may be possible to account for without supposing any mistake of the engraver of the die. ,^ /> 1769 Another; date ©NY. (459); rev. M. Aurehus and Lucius Verus, face to face; see Mt. Supp. p. 512, No. 147; /r? rubbed, but in fair condition : '■ ''^'^ size 4^. weight 118—^ grs. 1 1770 Another ; date BY. (460); see Mt. Supp. p. 513, No. 150; ,j^_ ' in good condition : size 4^. weight 120^ grs. 1 ' %* This is the identical coin described by Mionnet, from the Allier cabinet ; see Dumersan, pi. 9, fig. 15. '^y^ 1771 Another; same date, with a club before the bust of Eupator ; see Mt. Supp. p. 513, No. 149; extremely good con-^' y^ 1; dition : . size 4^. weight 120 grs. 1 ^X>~ 1772 Another; date AHY. (461), with a club before the bust of Eupator; sqg Mt. Supp. p. 513, No. 153; in very good ^ condition: size 4^. weight \19^^ grs. I ^ . *^* From the Allier cabinet; see Dumersan, pi. 9, fig. 16. ^/ .2(2.^/' ^/3 ( 245 ) 1773 Another; rev. M. Aurelius, date AHY. (464); see 3Iionnet, pje^'^'^^ Supp. p. 513, No. 155; in very excellent condition, and remarkable portrait of Eupator : size 41. weight 1 1 8^ grs. 1 *»* The identical coin described by Mionnet, from the Allier cabinet ; see Dumersan, pi. 9, fig. 17. ( Coins of Kings of the Bosphorus, in Gold, continued at p. 25Q.J GOLD STATERS OF CYZICUS, USUALLY CALLED DISTATERS, OR DOUBLE STATERS. *#* It is now admitted that the learned Eckhel, (Doct. Num. Vet. vol. 2, page 451,) speaking of the silver staters of Cvzicus, and quoting Suidas, (in Ki/2^(Ki)vo( (TTaTtjpE;) was in error in adding, " pari fama fuerunt sta- teres Cyziceni aurei, sed verisimiliter imaginarii tantum; de quibus actum alibi." (proleg. gen. cap. ix. p. xli.) The young- Collector may therefore feel assured that these coins are specimens of the Kv^mnvoi of which Xenophon (book v.) promised his soldiers one to each man per month. That they are Staters, and not Distaters, may be proved as fol- lows : — Demosthenes {in phorm.) speaks of the same coin, and identifies it to us, by informing us that its current value was reckoned at twenty- eight Attic Drachmae, We learn from various other sources, that the stater aureus of Athens, as well as that of Philip, and of Alexander, &c. &c. (weighing 133 grains troy) passed current at twenty Attic Drachmae, and we know them to be of pure gold. The cyzicene stater is of pale gold, or electrum, and weighs about 248 grains troy. This pale gold or electrum is about 18 carats fine, i. e. consists of about one-fourth part of silver and three- fourths pure gold. If, therefore, from 248 grains we deduct the weight of the fourth part (of silver) we obtain 186 grains of pure gold in the Cyzicene stater, and we shall then find that if 133 grains of pure gold be worth 20 Attic Drachmae, 186 grains will be worth 28 Attic Drachmae, shewing that the ancients estimated the value of these coins very accurately. There seems to be no need of taking the value of the silver (62 grains) into account, as the expence of extracting it, or separating it from the gold, would probably (in ancient times) have absorbed its value. 1774 Cyzicus ; obv. draped and winged Female Figure in motion, /■? / , to the left, with her head turned back, and holding up a '^ pelamis, or tunny fish in her extended right hand; her hair hangs down in long straight dotted tresses, and is orna- mented in front of the head like that of Diana ; rev. quad, incus. ; in most archaic style, and in extremely fine con- dition : size 4\. weight 247^ grs. 1 *^,* The general rarity of all these coins is so well known, that it does not I I // ( 240 ) appear needful to discuss the particular raritj- of each. Many will be found to be unpublished, and several are presumed to be unique. To the latter important class, the above described coin, and several of the following, will be perceived to belong. Also, it may be here remarked, that so little is known of the Mythology connected with the city of Cyzicus, or of the local traditions anterior to the period to which these very interesting coins belong, that no attempt is here made to assign names to the representations which are found upon them. These are each worthy of separate dissertations, after due study and research. X:^ . 1775 Cyzicus; obv. elegantly draped Female Figure, with a wreath in her right hand, and a buckler on her left arm, seated on ,y a dolphin to the left; underneath is a tunny fish; rev. '.■^/^tt- quad, incus.; extremely good condition : / size 41. weight 247^ go^s. 1 y^y' //y , 1776 Cyzicus; ohv. most elegant kneeling figure of a winged Vic- tory? to the left, on the tunny fish, the upper half naked, and presenting a wreath; rev. quad, incus.; very good ^' condition: . size A^. weight 245^ grs. 1 yfj" 1777 Cyzicus ; obv. naked Male Figure riding on a dolphin, to the left, and holding up a tunny fish in his extended right hand; underneath is a tunny-fish ; rev. quad, incus.; good j^ condition: . size 4 J. weight 245 grs. 1 y^ 1778 Cyzicus; ohv. veiled Head of Proserpine? with wreath of wheat, to the left, on a tunny-fish ; rev. quad, incus.; in y^ very good condition : size 4J. tceight 247^ g7^s. 1 ^'^ ' //> t/^ • 1779 Cyzicus; ohv. helmeted Head of Minerva? to the left, on a tunny-fish ; rev. quad, incus ; in extremely good condition: ^ size 4\. iveight 247 grs. 1 "^ ^^'

^ * very fair condition : size 4 J. weight 246 grs. 1 y^ ^-2y 1782 Cyzicus ; ohv. Half Bull, with a human face and horned, run- ning to the right; behind is a tunny-fish; rev. quad. ry ■ incus.; very good condition: size A^. wt. 247 grs, 1^ "' ( Gold Staters of Cyzicus, continued at page 2Qb.) ////,J / o — ( ^^7 ) J/^j/ ROMAN MIDDLE BRASS. I ( Continued from page 233. y) : 1783 Gordianus III.; rev. the Emperor in a quadriga, crowned by W'^ ^' a victory; a soldier, on foot, precedes the horses ; ponti- FEx. MAX. TR. P. iiii.; extva rare, and fine ; rev. Rome victrix seated, and three figures standing; pontifex. max. I TR. p. III., 8tc.; rare; rev. Emperor seated on armour, crowned by Victory ; a soldier stands before him with ! shield and olive-branch ; two military standards at a dis- tance ; viRTVS. AVGVSTi. ; rather fine and rare 3 , 1784 Tranquillina ; rev, Gordian III. and the Empress standing, ! and joining hands ; concordia. avgvstorvm.; of very J qtiestionable authenticity . 1 ?! 1785 Tranquillina; rev. as the preceding; of very questionabIe\^ /J^_ \ ^ authenticity . . 1 ^ I 1786 Tranquillina; rev. as the preceding; of very questionable \ authenticity . • 1 ,^ ' 1787 PhiHppus sen., 3 ; rev. cos. in. on a cippus ; legend, saecv- lares. AVGG.; rey. victoria. A VGG.; beautifully pati- nated; rev. fides, exercitvvs.; four Standards; all I three fine. { Otacilia Severa, 2 (one is Colonial ; rare) ; both fine 5 I — ^ ■ 1788 Otacilia Severa, 2; rev. concordia. avgg.; rev. saecv- ^ LARES. AVGG. Philippus jun., 3. ! Trajanus Decius, 4 ; ret;, dacia.; rev. genivs. exerc, &c.; , and two others, varied. i Etruscilla ; rev. fecvnditas. avgg.; large size ; all ivell ^y ; preserved . . 10 1789 Etruscilla, 2. Herennius Etruscus ; rev. principi. ivventvtis.; rare, and fairly preserved. Trebonianus Gallus. Volusianus, 2. ^milianus; rey. voTis. decennalibvs.; extra rare ; fine, . ,y but scraped . • 7 1790 ^milianus; rev. a military Figure sacrificing, &c.; p.m. tr. p. p. p.; extra rare, and tvell preserved. Etruscilla . . 2 / ^^ / -r J/////^ K 248 ) 1791 Mariniana; rer. a Peacock. / - ' Gallienus, 2; »ti'. concordia. avgg.; large size; rev.'y-^/i-i^'. voTis. DECENNALiBvs.; hoth are fine. y^y Salonina ; rev. a Female seated, two children standing at her knees ; large size. Saloninus, 2 ; rev. principi. ivventvtis.; the Emperor standing, with a globe and spear ; a figure seated at his feet; rev. Emperor on an eagle; consecratio.; hoili rare; all very fairly preserved . 6 1792 Gallienus, 3; obv. conservatio. salvtis.; rare; rev. / ^ APOLLiNi. conserva. ohv. radiated Head, surmounted /^' by the modius ; genivs. p.r.; rev. s.c. in a garland. *^* The latter is a very rare first brass medal of Gallienus : see D'Ennery's Catalogue, No. 3195, at page 506. There are but two varieties of this type known. Aurelianus ; rev. the Emperor and Severina joining hands ; head of the Sun ; concordia. avg. Severina. Maximianus Hercules ; rev. two Females standing; provi- DENTiA. DEORVM. QviES. AVGG.; Very large size. Galerius Maximianus ; all well preserved . 7 ^ 1793 Domitius Domitianus ; rew. genio. popvli. romani.; a Ge- nius standing, naked, &c. ; struck at Alexandria in Egypt ; fine, and uf the greatest rarity . V' *^* See Mionnet's valuable work, DelaRarete, etc., des Medailles Ro maines, 1827, 2d vol. at pages 171-17!^. This medal was considered all but unique in D'Ennery's time ; see his Catalogue, page 568, No. 3872. y, .^ r 1794 Valerius Severus. Maximinus Daza. Maxentius. All three y ^ ' are well preserved. i^y^^s Constantinus Magnus, 2; rev. virtvs. avgg. et. caes. n.n.; /^ '^ ■ the Emperor on horseback, spearing an enemy ; rev. Hercules strangling the lion ; an interesting type, and fine. *^* The first of these is a fine medal, of large size ; is not published either by D'Ennery, Mionnet, or Akerman. Vetranius ; rew. concordia. militvm.; the Emperor stand- ing, holding a labarum in each hand, having the monogram of our Saviour on each, &c.; extra rare, and fine 6 j^jy/' ( 249 ) ,yj//^/ 1795 Magnentius, 3 ; rev. Emperor on horseback, spearing a kneel- ing foe; GLORIA. ROMANORVM. ; j^we; rev. monogram of Christ, in the field ; two varieties Julianus II. (qui vulgo Apostata); rev. Apis, two Stars; SECVRITAS. REiPVB. ; in exergue, aqvil. p. (Aquileia Percussa; see Liruti, Moneta di Friuli, Ven. 1749, p. 3); of very large size, and fine Theodahatus, King of the Goths in Justinian the First's time ; rev. VICTORIA. PRINCIPVM.; Mionnet, Vol. 11. p. 414 ; rare, and very fine ; see Liruti, pages 9, 10, and plate 1, No. 10 . . .5 ^.. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN SILVER. ( Continued from page 234. J 1796 Gordianus, Afr., sen.; rev. p.m. tr. p. cos. p.p.; very rare, and very fine . . 1 y^ ^^ 1797 Gordianus, Afr., sen.; rev. as above; very nearly as fine 1 .^ gj 1798 Gordianus, Afr., jun.; rev. providentia. avgg.; finely preserved, and rare . . 1 ^ *^* From the Heber collection, 1834; £5. 10s. 1799 Gordianus, Afr., jun.; rey. victoria, avgg. ; very well pre- served, and scarce . . \ -^ '^ 1800 Gordianus, Afr., jun.; rev, virtvs. avgg.; very well pre- served, and rare . . 1 a^y^ 1801 Balbinus, 2; rev. pietas. mvtva. avgg.; rev. fides, mv- tva. avgg. Pupienus, 2; rev. amor, mvtvvs. avgg.; 7'ev. caritas, mvtva. avgg.; these four rare and fine coins, of large _ size, have the heads radiated on the obverse . A ^ * 1802 Balbinus, 2; rev. providentia. deorvm. ( slightly gilt ) ; rev. victoria, avgg.; hothfine Pupienus (large size) ; rev. caritas., &c.; tvell preserved Gordianus III.j 2 ; rev. venvs. victrix.; »'are; rev. fie- tas. avgg.; very rare, and fine . 5 1803 Balbinus, 2 ; reverses as in the former lot. Pupienus (large size J ; rev. caritas., &c. Gordianus III., 3 ; all have radiated Heads, and different / ^ reverses. ^-.^ y^^/^ 1809 Faustina sen. ; rgy. no legend ; hexastyle Temple, still extant^v' 1 at Rome ; rare, and ivell preserved . 1 ■^ y ■ 1810 Faustina sen.; rev. a throne, sceptre, peacock, and cista ; IVNONI. reginae.; rare, and well preserved 1 1811 Faustina sen.; rev. a Peacock, looking to the left; conse-. •-' CRATio.;^ne . . 1 j ^/^ 1812 Mai-cus Aurelius ; rev. the Emperors Aurelius and Verus joining hands in testimony of concord ; concordia., &c. fine . 1 ^ ( 251 ) ^^S\^ /^ 1810 M. Aurelius ; re/v. a male and a female Figure joining hands before Concord; vota. pvblica.; the Marriage Medal of the Emperor and Faustina jun. (A.D. 145); very rare, y> y - and fine . . 1 1814 M. Aurelius ; rev. a Female, with ears of corn in her right hand ; tr. pot. il. cos. ii. Another; rei^. Bellona walking; tr.pot.x.cos.ii.; fto^A^we 2 -^. //^ 1815 M. Aurelius; rev. a Female, with corn, as above; tr. pot. HI. COS. II. Another ; rev. Arms and armour ; de. sarm. ; highly pre- served . . . 2 '^ 1816 M. Aurelius; rev. the Emperor on horseback; imp. vi. co^. Ml.; fine . . 1 y^ ^ t|^ 1817 M. Aurelius; rey. the Emperor and his son Commodus, with an officer attending them, are distributing gifts; lib. a\'- GVSTOR., &c.; in the exergue, cos. ui.;fine and rare 1 ^ -^ ^ 1818 M. Aurelius; rev. a Victory, with a shield, on which vic. GER. is inscribed; imp. vi. cos. hi.; very fine 1 X *^ 1819 M. Aurelius; rev. Apollo, robed as a female; tr. pot. xi f^*--' COS. II. Another; rev. a military Figure; tr. pot. vii. cos. ii.; hoth ivell preserved . . 2 ^^uf ^ 1820 M. Aurelius; rev. Hygeia, the goddess of health; salvti. AVGVSTOR. TR. P. XVII. COS. III. Another; rew. Sacrificial Instruments ; pietas. avg.; rare; both ivell preserved . . 2 -^^^ 1821 M. Aurelius; rev. the God of War; tr. pot, xiiii. cos. ii. Another ; rev. a Female, with globe and cornucopia ; prov. DEOR., &c, ; hoih in good condition . 2 -^ /^ 1822 M. Aurelius ; rev. a Female, with a patera in her right hand, and holding her robe with the left ; clem. tr. pot. vi. cos. II. Another ; rev. a Female, with cornucopia and palm-branch ; HiLARiTAS.; hoth well preserved . 2'^'^ 1823 M. Aurelius ; Half Aureus ; rev. Mars, with lance and tro- phy ; TR. p. xviii. COS. III.; very rare . 1 / »>^^ *^* From tbe Trattle collection, lot 2509. 1824 M. Aurelius; Half Aureus ; rev. Abundance ; tr. pot. xvi. COS. III.; equally rare . . 1 «^/^ • *,^* Neither of these two last lots are in Mionnet. ^ yy/ / // ( 252 ) 1825 Faustina jun.; ohv. Head of the beautiful, but licentious, Em- press, to the left; rev concordia.; a Dove (a peacock, according to the Trattle collection, whence this fine medal was obtained; lot 25\ 5) . . 1 1826 Faustina jun.; o-ev. the Empress, as Diana, with bow and ar- row; AVGVSTI. PII. FILIA.; ^He . \..l'^^^^v 1827 Faustina jun.; rev a Female standing, with the hastapura; VENERi. GENETRici. ; hi a Very good state of pre- servation . . . 1 - / /// 1828 Faustina jun.; rev. the Empress, as the Goddess of Beauty, holding the apple and a rudder ; venvs.; well preserved 1- aJ eJ 1829 Faustina jun.; rev. Cybele, seated on a stately throne, be- , tween two lions ; matri. magnae.; rare . 1 '^^^ .=^ ^—-'^ 1830 Faustina jun.; re?\ a Dove ; veneri. felici.; ^ne 1 ^^/^ 1 / 1831 Faustina iun.; rev. Juno seated, a child on her knees, another stands before her; ivno.; rare, and well preserved 1 — - .7'^' 1832 Faustina jun.; rev. Empress, as Venus, with the apple; an ^ / infant on her left arm; veneri. genetrici.; fine 1' *^* From the Trattle collection, lot 2513. ' ■ - ■ 1833 Faustina jun.; ?*ei'. venvs.; the Goddess standing, with hasta r pura and apple ; fine . • 1 *^* From Prince Poniatowski's collection, 1840 ; lot 235. ///f ■ 1834 Faustina iun.; rev. Goddess standing; laetitiae. pvbli- ^ I CK^.\ fine . . 1 -^ ( Continued at page 269.^ j /y^^ FRANCE. SILVER MEDALS, ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE HISTORY OF NAPOLEON BUONAPARTE. *^* Consult Fellman, (Paris, 1836, &c. folio) Hennin, Laskey, The Catalogue du Musee Jlonetaire, (edition of 1844) and Medallic History of Napo- leon, from 1796 to 1815 (by Millingen) London, 1819. The references are to the last work, " Medallic History," 6cc. / 1835 Battles of Montenotte ; plate i v. — 1. Millesimo ; pi. i 2. Castiglione; pi. i — 4 ; these two last are hy Lavy of Turin. _ Taking of Trieste ; pi. in. — 7. The Quay Desaix ; pi. viii.' "^ — 27. Bust of Virgil, on taking of Mantua ; pi. iv — 6 6 * J* The superlative beauty and excellent preservation of every Medal in this series are such, that it is deemed unnecessary to make use of the usual distinction of their condition ; suffice it to say, that no ( 253 ) ^f/:^/^ Collector can find himself disappointed in making purchases without a previous inspection of these Medals, which are all struck at the time of the events recorded on them, and as fine as possible. They were in general designed by the great Denon, (with the exception of those engraved in Italy, now much scarcer, as most of the dies have been destroyed since 1815) and engraved, under bis direction, by Andrieu, Jouflroy, Droz, Galle, Brunet, and other most eminent artists. 1836 Treaty of Campo-Formio (17th Oct. 1797; a miserable small village); pi. v. — 8; rev. the General Buonaparte on horse- back. This fine medallion is by the great JDuvivier 1 ' -^/y^ 1837 Conquests of Egypt; pi. vii — 20; of Lower Egypt; pi. vr. — 18; of Upper Egypt; pi. vi. — 19 (imitated from the antique; see MusceumWorsleyanum, ■^IdXexw.^; o6y. hel- meted Head of Buonaparte ; rev. an Ibis ; hy Denon ; ^ pi. XVI 67 . . 4 ^^ \.^:>-i 1838 The God Bonus-Eventus, standing ; pi. xxv. — 21. Passage of Mount St. Bernard; pi. vii. — 23. Foundation of the National Column, in 1800; pi. ix. — 30. Desaix; pi. viii. —26 . . .4 /^^ 1839 Battle of Marengo; pi. viii — 25. Surrender of Mantua; pi. I. — 5. Busts of the three Consuls ; pi. ix. — 28 3 //Z- 1840 Restoration of Public Worship; pi. xxix. — 61; a beautifully executed medal . . \ y^ f-^ 1841 Peace of Luneville ; pi. xi — 42 ; a Medallion. Infernal Ma- chine ; pi. XIV. — 35 . . 2 ^ ■/' 1842 Turenne; pi. xi — 34. Peace of Luneville ; pi. xii. — 41 2 ^/^ 1843 Peace of Amiens ; a fiyiely executed medallion, by Dumar est; pi. XVI. — 51 . . \ ■ /r^ 1844 Ecole de Medecine; pi. xxv. — 71. Occupation of Hanover; /^ " pi. xxx. — 69, Fortune Conservatrice ; pi. xvi. — 72. Pub- lic Instruction organized ; pi. xxvii. — 60 . 4 y/^ ^^^ 1845 Retour d'Astree ; pi. xi. — 52; one of Droz s best works ; in a most choice state of preservation, and extra rare, as being struck at the time, and a private die to this day. 1 ^ ^ 1846 Venus de Medicis ; pi. xxx. — 70. Musseum; the two varie- ties, Laocoon and Apollo ; pi. xxx. — n,ll*. The God- desses Moneta and Clio ; pi. xxix. — 92. iEsculapius and / y Telesphorus; pi. xxix — 102 . 5 / «--'-^-1847 Le Senat and le Peuple (the four sizes); pi. xxxii. — 83, &c. Iron Crown of the Longobard Kings (now at Monza, near ^ / K K / e//J -7 // ^..-'^ ( 254 ) Milan ; see Dr Ferrario, Costume Antico-Moderne, S^c); pi. XXXIII. — 96. Mount Blanc; pi. xxiir. — 79. Liguria united to France ; xxix. — 101. Pius VII.; two varieties ; rev. Cathedral of Notre-Dame, of Paris ; pi. xxxi. — 87 ; and rev. as at plate xxxi. — 93 . 9 1848 Festival at the Hotel de Ville, of Paris ; pi. xxxii 88. De- saix's Tomb ; pi. xviii. — 98, 99 , the two varieties. iEs- culapius and Venus, standing ( La Vaccine ) ; pi. xxix. ;> ' y —93 . . . 4^'^'' ^^ 1849 The Goddesses Moneta and Clio personified, See; pi. xxix. — 92. Institution of the Star of the Legion of Honour ; pi. XXXI. — 78. Civil Code (Statue of the famous Minerva of Veletri); pi. xxv. — 82. Heads of Buonaparte and Josephine ; pi. xxxii. — 89. Decorations distributed by the Emperor at Boulogne sur-mer ; pi. xxxi. — 30. Building of 2,000 Rafts against England; pi. xxx. — 81. Colours ^ given to the Army ; pi. xxxiii. — 90 . y^- * ^^^ ^/ 1850 Colours taken at Inspruck ; pi. xxxiv. — 108. Surrender of Ulm ; pi. xxxiv. — 105. Departure from Boulogne sur- mer ; pi. XXXI V. — 103. Taking of Vienna and Presburgh ; pi. XXXIV. — 106. Allocution to the Army (rare); /C^y^ pi. XXXIV. — 104 . . 5 ( Continued at page 272. J ITALIAN MEDALS, IN COPPER. ( Continued from page 218.^ -? r 1851 Various; ohv. Leo. Baptista Albertus (opus Pastii). ohv. jiEmilia pia. Feltria ; rev. castis. cineribvs. obv. Da- niel de Hanna ; rev. omne. vanvm. . 3 ^ y^ 1852 Various ; oJy. Vincentius de Ambra (1712). oiv. Altobellus Averoldus Brixien, &c. An oval Medal ; ohv. Hieron Conestagius ; m.d.xc. mart. SALOP.; a fine Bust in armour; rev. Sword and a pen " en sautoir" ; rare . . 3 y ^^ 1853 Milan j ohv. a fine Bust, titles, &c. of Alex. Sforza ; rev. a youthful Head of Constantius Sforza de Aragona ; MCCCCLXXV. ; very rare . . L ^ ■ 1854 Ferrara, &c.; oJy. Bust, &c. of Francis Gonzaga ; rey. Pyra- mid and armour ; op vs. sperandei.; fine and scarce. y2'Zy^^ ( 255 ) ^ A gilt Medal (with damasked field) ; Frederick King of Prus- sia, hy D ussier ; rev. rex. NATVRA.;y?we . 2 Ij-Z" 1855 Rimini, &c.; obv. Bust of Sigism. Pand. de Malatesta ; rev. his Castle ; very fine and rare. obv. Alexander Tar- tagnus, &c. . . 2 1856 Rimini, &c.; obv. Bust of Sigism. Pand. de Malatesta; as '/^^ - the last. obv. Phil. Masserano, a Venetian poet ; by JBoldu, the painter and engraver, obv. Constantius Sforza de Aragona ; 7'ev. the Fortress of Pisa, &c. ; mcccclxxv. ; ^ ^^ a fine and rare medallion . 3 '^ 1857 Various; oJy. P.Valerianus ; rew. Mercury; instavrator.; see Mazzuchelli, Lxiv. obv. camelivs. svi. ipsvis., &c.; MDViii.; rev. a Sacrifice; Jfa^^. xxxxi. obv. Bona- vitus, &c. ; rev. an octostyle Temple ; all three well pre- . served . . . 3 ' ' *^* Camelio was an infamous forger of ancient coins; almost equal in skill to Cavino, called tlie Paduan. 1858 Various ; obv. Bust in armour, and flavivs. princeps. vr- siNVS. scvLPTVS. MANV. svA. 1651; rev. (soldered to the obv.^ the Judgment of Paris ; a very rare and beau- tiful medal; Mazz. Vol. II. pi. cxxiv. obv. Jacobus / /^J Lauredanus, &c. . . 2 1859 Various; obv. Peter Victorious; two varieties; rev. conce- DAT., &c.; rev. Minerva; si. mihi., &c. obv. Hier.de / //^ Sancto Geminiano ; rev. Pegasus, &c. ; all fine and scarce 3 ( Continued at page 21 A). / ^ f~A^ /^ SIXTEENTH DAY'S SALE. (Greek Cities and Kings, in Silver, continued from page 240.^ KINGS OF BITHYNIA, IN SILVER. LOT 1860 Prusias II.; type of Mionnet, p. 505, No. 10, with ME. in a monogram, under the eagle, on a thunderbolt, in the field ; in fine condition, and of great rarity : ^ / size 1 0. weight 266-j^ g? s. 1 *^* The authenticity of this and the following coin is left to individual opinion. ( 256 ) /J 1861 Pnisias II.; same type, (a Drachm) with a monogram, under ^ the eagle on a thunderbolt, in the field : O^^ size A\. weight 60^^ grs. 1 ^ r y 1862 Nicomedes II.; date EEP. (166); type of Mt. p. 509, No. 51, with a monogram above the date ; very rare, and in ex- tremely good condition: sise \0. weight ^A7^ grs. 1 *»* This coin has lost weight. ^P / 1863 Nicomedes III.; date Z9P. (197); same type, with a mono- gram above the date ; rare, and very fine : size 9. weight 257^ grs. 1 . /^ 1864 Another ; with date Z%. (207); with a monogram above the date ; rare, and iti perfect condition : size 9. weight 258^ grs, 1 ^^ 1865 Another; with the same date, but different monogram, and rather different character of face ; rare, and in j^erfect condition : size 10. weight 259-j^ grs. 1 ^r^ / . 1866 Another; with date AI2. (214), and a monogram above it; rare, and in extremely good condition : size II. weight 247^ grs. 1 f Greek Cities and Kings, in Silver, continued at page 277. J il-^!c^•i^ A COINS OF THE KINGS OF THE BOSPHORUS, IN GOLD. f Continued Ji^om page 245 J. // /^ ■ 1867 Sauromates IV.; rev. Commodus, date 6OY. (year 475); see 3It. Supp. p. 516, No. 171; in very good condition: size 4h. weight 121^ grs. \^^ -^^ *^* This is the identical coin described by Rlionnet, from the Allier cabinet; see Dumersan, pi. 9, fig, 18 /^ ^/ 1868 Another; date ZOY. (477); see Mionnet, Supp. p. 517, No. 173 ; in very good condition : size 4^. weight 116^ grs. 1 *^* This is the identical coin described by Mionnet, from the Allier cabinet. Sy^ 1869 Another; date FnY. (483); rev. Commodus, with the end of a barbed spear before the bust ; not in Mionnet : size 4\. weight 118 grs. 1 ^^yy^ 1 870 Another ; date BUY. (485) ; see 3It. Supp. p. 5 1 7, No. 1 75 ; in very good condition : size 4^. tveight 117^ grs. 1 *^* This is the identical coin described by JNlionnet, from the Allier cabinet ; see Dumersan, pi. 9, fig. 20. ( 257 ) 1871 Another; date EHY. (year 486); see illf^ Supp. ^.518,'No. ^ 177; in fine condition : size 4^. weight 118^^ grs. 1 / ^ *^* This is the identical coin from the Allier collection, published by Dumersan; see pi. 9, fig. 21. .:^ 1872 Another; same date, but with a pellet before the bust of Commodus ; veri/ good condition: EL. size 4^. weight 116r^ g7's. 1 ^' *^* This coin, and such of the following as are of electrum, are indi- cated by the letters EL. ^rv'^ 1873 Another; date ZIIY. (487); see Mionnet, Supp. p. 518, No. 180, with BACIAGOC. (sic.) CAYPOMATOY.; very good conditioti : EL. size 4^. weight 119 grs. 1 ' 1874 Another; BqY. (492); with a trident before the bust of Severus laureate ; not in Mionnet ; fine condition : size 4^. weight 1 20 grs. 1 ^/ -^ ,^ 1875 Another ; AqY. (494) ; see Mionnet, Supp. p. 519, No. 188; good condition : size 4^. weight 111 ^ grs. 1 ^- / *^* This is the identical coin described by Mionnet, from the col- lection of the late Chevalier Allier de Hauteroche. ,,^^ 1876 Another; GqY. (495); see Mt. Supp. p. 519, No. 189; perfect condition : size 4^. weight 118^ grs. 1 t ^ '^ *^* This is the identical coin described by Mionnet, from the Allier cabinet ; see Dumersan, pi. 10, fig. 1. 1877 Another; GqY. (495); with the Heads of Severus and Caracalla, face to face, and a pellet between them ; see Mionnet, Supp. p. 520, No. 191 ; extremely fine con- ^ dition: . size 4^. weight 120^ grs. 1 ^ \ *^* This is the identical coin described by Mionnet, from the Allier I cabinet ; compare Dumersan, pi. 10, fig. 2. : 1878 Another; GqY. (495); see Mt. Supp. p. 520, No. 190; ; extremely fitie condition : size 4^. wt. 121-L^r*. 1 ^ " I *^* This is the identical coin described by Mionnet, from the Allier ' cabinet; see Dumersan, pi. 10, fig. 2. i 1879 Another; EqY. (496); see Mt. Supp. p. 520, No. 192; j perfect condition : size 4^. zveight 119^ grs. 1 '"" '^ I 1880 Another; A*. (501); see Mt. Supp. p. 520, No. 19Q ; fair ' condition: EL. size 4^. weight 116^ grs. 1 ^ ^ -> I 1881 Another; t*. (506); j-gy. Severus laureate, and an eagle ? before ; see Mt. Supp. p. 520, No. 1 97 ; fair condition : 1 EL. size 4^. weight 114^ grs. \ ^^ -r f//^' ( 258 ) .^' , ? 1882 Rhescuporus IV.; BACIAGwC. PHCKOVnOPIAOC. H. (year 513); see Mionnet, Supp. p. 527, No. 230 ; extremely fine condition : EL. size 4^. iceight 108^ grs. 2 *^* This is the identical coin described by Mionnet, from the Allier cabinet; see Dumersan, pi. 10, fig. 4 ; bat a certain sandy appear- ance, and the defective weight of this coin, lead to the opinion that it is a cast, notwithstanding the various examinations to which it must have been subjected. ^ ,^^ 1886 Another; 81$. (515); see Mt. Supp. p. 527, No. 232 ; z, j Elagabalus laureate, with the paludamentum ; extremely fine /^' ^' condition: EL. size 4^. weight 118^ grs. 1 ^] ^^ 1887 Another; date 61$. (year 515); see 3It. Supp. p. 527, No. 233 ; extremely good condition : /p EL. size 4\. weight 116-^ grs. l^-^^'"^ *^* This is the identical coin described by Mionnet, from the Allier i cabinet; see Dumersan, pi. 10, fig. 5. ^/ . 1888 Another; El$. (516); see Mt. Supp. p. 528, No. 236; in j extremely good condition : ./^\ EL. size 4^. weight 117 r^ grs. 1 j *^* This is the identical coin described by Mionnet, from the Allier cabinet ; see Dumersan, pi. 10, fig. 6. . (517); trident before the bust of Rhescu- '\/ poris ; not in Mionnet; very good condition, except a ! hole: EL. size A^. weight 116^ grs. 1 %* This is an interesting date, but it is difficult to be quite sure of the ' features of the Emperor. 1892 Another; ©1$. (519); trident before the bust of Rhescu- poris ; rev. Bust of Sev. Alexander ? laureate, with the paludamentum ; not in Mionnet ; very fine condition : EL. size 4^. weight 120^ grs. 1 *^* This is another very interesting- date. 1893 Another: GK^. (525); see Mt. Supp. p. 528, No. 240; _. before the bust of Rhescuporis ©6.; in very good con- 'I dition : very pale EL. size A^. weight \\9^ grs. 1 I '*^* On this coin there is the peculiarity of the il in BAClAgilc instead of 1 w as usual. ^' - 1894 CotysIIL; BAClAewC. KOTYOC; rev. GK^. (525) ; Head ) of Sev. Alexander laureate, with a pellet before ; see Mt. Supp. p. 530, No. 247 ; extremely good condition : very pale EL. size 4^. weight 116^ grs. 1 I *^* This coin and the preceding bear very interesting dates. Jl ^^ - 1:895 Another ; EK$. (526) ; see Mionnet, Supp. p. 531, No. 249 ; i extremely good condition : very pale EL. size 4. weight 1 1 1^ grs. 1 1 *^* This is the identical coin described by Mionnet, from the Allier I cabinet ; see Dumersan, pi. 10, fig. 8. CI ^ ,^^1896 Another; CK*. (526); see Mt. Supp. p. 531, No. 250 ; in I ^^'".V good condition : \ very pale EL. size 4^. weight 117^ grs. 1 1897 Another; ZK$. (527); see Mt. Supp. p. 531, No. 251; but a trident before the bust of Cotys ; in very good condition : ^ very pale EL. (^or silver J. size 4^. wt. 112^0 grs. *^* From the Ainslie collection ; see Sestini lettere, vol. i. p. 43, No. [ 38. Probably many of the preceding are from that celebrated col- 1 lection, but they cannot be identified j Cotys IV.; BAClAewC. KOTYOC; rev. ©K$. (529); Bust ! laureate of Sev. Alexander? see Mt. Supp. p. 532, ' No. 253 ; very good condition : /^/V , very pale EL. (or silver.) size 4\. wt. 117 r^-^ grs. 2 y. (526); see Mt. Supp, p. 533, No. 256; unfortu- ^ nately in very had condition, but the name and date quite certain ; rubbed : veiy pale EL. for silver J. size 4, wt. 102-^ grs. *^* This is the identical coin published by Mionnet, from the Allier col- lection ; see Dumersau, plate 10, fig. 7. It has been published as of silver, but it is very difficult to decide whether it be silver or pale electrum. The date on this coin and on the four preceding; are very interesting. Another ; rev. Bust of Sev. Alexander, laureate, with two pellets before; ZK<[>. (527); see Mionnet, Supp. p. 533, No. 257 ; but there is on this coin a wreath before the bust of Sauromates ; in perfect condictiun : very pale EL. (or silver), size 4^. wt. 115^^ grs. 2 ^y/^ . 1899 Ininthimeyus; BACl[AewC]. ININ0IMHYOY. ; rer. eA. (535); see Mt. Supp. p. 536, No. 264; in very fair con-- dition : Silver ( or potin? ) size 4^. wt. 92^ grs. *^* See Mionnet's note (a) as to the representation on the reverse of this rare coin. It is of about the time of the Emperor Gordian. This is the identical coin from the Allier cabinet, described by Mionnet ; see Dumersan, pi. 10, fig. 9. Rhescuporis VII. ? obv. BAClAEwC. PHCKOYnOPIAOY. rev. AH.; fine condition: size 8. *," From the AUier collection : see Dumersan, page 6.5. Another ; with different portrait ; rev. an Eagle to the left, with wings extended, looking back, with a wreath in its beak; in the field PMA. (query 144); in very fair con- dition : . • size 6. 5 %* From the Allier cabinet ; see Dumersan, p. 6b. 190G Sauromates III.; see Mt. Supp. p. 505, No. 112; in fine condition : . . size 7. Rhaemetalces ; see Mt. Stipp. p. 510, No. 138 ; m veiy good condition : • • size 6. Eupator; see 3It. Supp. p. 514, No. 158 ; with KA. (24); in very good condition: . size 6. *,* From the Allier cabinet ; see Dumersan, p. 65. Thothorses; BACIAGojC ©OQwPCOY.; rev. Diocletian? En. (586) ; see Mt. Supp. p. 544, No. 290, and Dumer- san, pi. 10, fig. 10; very good condition: size 4^. *^* From the Allier cabinet. The identical coin engraved. Rhescuporis VIII? see Mt. Supp. p. 548, No. 309, and Dumersan, pi. 1 0, fig. 1 1 ; but on the coin (which is tvell preserved) are the letters OYCHCKOY., query to be readPHCKOY[nOPIA]OY. j-er. Bust of Constantine ? under which is IX. (610), and AY.; in perfect condition: size 4. 5 »^* This is the identical coin described and engraved, from the Allier collection. ^// (Greek Cities, in Silver, continued from page ^oQ.) CITIES OF MYSIA AND TROAS, IN SILVER. 1907 Assus, in Mysia ; A22ION. ; ohv. Head of Minerva to the q^ right, her helmet ornamented with a laurel wreath in front ; —^^ ' //^ /s // ( 263 ) Yev. as in Mionnet, p. 522, No. 50 ; see Combe Brit, Mus. tab. 13, fig. 22, but head of Minerva reversed; very well preserved^ and so rare that, according to Mionnet, the French Cabinet does not possess a specimen : size 2|. weight 40^ grs. 1 *^* This is an unpublished variety. C Greek Cities, in Silver, continued at page 277.) COINS OF CYZICUS IN GOLD. 1908 Cyzicus, in Mysia ; obv. Dog or Wolf? to the left, standing on a tunny-fish; rev. quadratum incusura ; very rare, and in very good condition: size 1. weight 40-^ grs. 1 1909 Cyzicus; obv. Half Lion devouring, to the left, behind is a fish ; rev. quad, incus.; very 7'are, and in good condition: size 1. iveight 40^ g7's. 1 '^ *»* These are Cyzicene Hectfe. See the note at the end of the Phoccean Hectce, page , explanatory of this new denomination of Greek coins, STATERS OF CYZICUS, IN GOLD. ( Continued from page 246 J. 1910 Cyzicus; very slightly difi'ering from lot 1782; fair con- dition : size 4^. tveight 247—^ grs. 1 y^//^ 1911 Cyzicus; obv. youthful Head of Pan? to the left, (as on coins of Arcadia) with fillet and a horn in front, on the ' tunny-fish; rev. quad, incus.; in very good condition : j size 4^. weight 247 grs. 1 //^ \,y 1912 Cyzicus; obv. bearded bald and laureate head of Silenus ? to i the right, (compare Mt. p. 527, No. 75; pi. 43, fig. 1) on a tunny -fish; in fine condition : \ size 4\. weight 246^^ grs. 1 A^ ,/' ! *^* The authenticity of this specimen is left to individual opinion. A/^^^ 1913 Cyzicus ; obv. Griffin, walking to the left, with curled wings, j (on a tunny-fish ? off" the coin ?) rev. quad, incus. ; Jine j condition : size 4^. weight 247^ grs. 1 -^ ,' y 1914 Cyzicus; obv. Lion to the right, standing on a tunny-fish, i and holding in his paw and in his mouth an object which j appears like the harpe of Perseus ? rev. quad, incus. ; , in Jine condition: size 4^. wt. 245^^ grs. 1 -^ j *^* Such a representation appears so unusual, that it is iKisiiblc it may -^/ ( 266 ) be tlie limb of an animal, oi other prey, in the mouth of the lion , blurred by fractures in the die, and accidentally taking the form of the Ilarpe. This can only be proved by another coin. 1915 Cyzicus; ohv. Lion to the left, standing on a tunny- fish ; rev. quad, incus.; hi fine condition : size 4^. weight 245^ grs. 1 ROMAN LARGE BRASS. f Continued from page 172 J. 1916 Hadrian, 6 ; rev. Praetorian Galley ; felicitati. avg.; the three varieties ; rev. Neptune ; the two varieties ; rev Emperor and three figures; liberalitas., &c.; rare. Sabina; ohv. her Portrait, with the hair beautifully tressed and ornamented ; rev. Sabina, in the character of Ceres seated, with palladium and hasta pura ; s.c; very rare. uElius ; rev. Fortune and Hope standing ; all very fairly preserved . . 8 1917 Hadrian, 6 ; various reverses ; all well preserved. Sabina; »Ty. Female sacrificing ; coxcordia. avg. ; ra?v. *^* This very fairly preserved medal has on the obverse the ornamented head-dress, and the silver eagle of the famous Modenese collection. The countermark, in this instance, is perfectly genuine; but there exists a false one. ^Elius ; rev. Hope walking . .8 ? y 1918 Hadrian, 6 ; j-gy. three figures ; liberal ; two varie- ties; both from Hehers collectio7i; four others, varied. Julius. Antonin. Pius, 3 ; all fairly preserved . 10 X y2 1919 Hadrian, 6 ; rey. Diana standing, with bow and arrow ; s.c; rev. RESTITVTORI. ORBIS. TERRARVM.; rev. ADVENT VS. AVG.; rev. dacia.; rev. exped. avg. cos. xu.; rev. RESTITVTORI. ACHAIAE. ^lius, 2 ; rev. Hope ; rev. Fortune and Hope standing ; ^< all well preserved . . 8 ■p /f-^ 1920 Hadrian, 4 ; rev. concordia. exercitvvm.; rev. fort. RED. COS. III.; fine; two others; ivell preserved. Anton. Pius, 2 ; rev. the Goddess Ops seated; opi. avg. ; see Smyth, No. ccxvi.; a rare and interesting coin; rev. Emperor in a quadriga ; cos. iiii.; both rather fine 6 / y x^.. Yr / -2^ ( 267 ) ^^^'''" 1921 Hadrian, 5. Sabina. Antoninus Pius, 4. AH well pre- served. . . 10 1922 Sabina; oSy. a fine Profile, to the right, of this good Empress, hair beautifully tressed round her neck to a rich diadem, &c. ; rev. Sabina seated, holding the palladium and hasta pura ; s. c. on the exergura ; a very fine medal; extra rare . . I 1923 Sabina; ohv. as the last; rev. the Empress, as Ceres, veiled and robed, seated on a curious cista, and holding ears of corn and a torch ; s.c. in the exergum ; vety fine, and very rare ; see Smyth, No. CLXXXviii. . 1 1924 Antoninus Pius ; rey. Britannia.; a warlike Female, seated on rocks, holding a military standard in her right hand, and resting her left arm on a shield ; finely preserved, and rare in this state; see Akerman, 1834, 1st vol. pi. 7 — 3 1 *^* This medal puts forth pre-eminent claims to our eulogy. It mighti likewise, suit collectors of medallions, as, according to Akerman (1844) : " Among the numerous fine and interesting brass medallions of Antoninus, not one bears allusion to Britain." 1925 Ant. Pius; rev. britan.; s.c. across the field of the coin ; iMPERATOR. n. (iterum), and an elegant winged Victory standing on a globe, &c. ; very fine, and rare 1 <' -' i ^ *^ See Smyth, ocvii. Akerman, vol. I. page 266, states that this rare type, never found in England, brought £16. 16s. at the sale of Mr. Edgar's cabinet, in 1815. ^i^>) 1926 Ant. Pius, 4; rev. tiberis.; two varieties; rev. genio. SENATVS.; rev. italia.; all highly interesting, and I well preserved . . 4 1927 Ant. Pius, 5 ; rev. temporvm. felicitas.; rev. annona. 1 '' AVG.; rev. divo. pio.; rev<, roma. aeterna.; rev. I felicitas. AVG. 1 Faustina sen., 3; rev. aeternitas., rev. veneri. avgvsti. I &c. M. Aurelius, 2 ; rev. Emperor in a quadriga ; rev. Minerva ; j s.c; all well preserved . .10 4'^ 1928 Ant. Pius, 4; rev. Emperor sacrificing ; rev. Emperor in a j *'^^"' quadriga; rev. felicitas. AVG.; rev. pietati. avg., &c. Faustina sen., 3; rev. aeternitas.; rev. pietas. avg.; ^ y^ , rev. avgvsta. I J//^ ^^^?//J • ( 268 ) M. Aurelius ; rev. Sacrificial Implements; imetas. avg. Faustina jun., 2; rev. Diana standing-; rev. rVDiciTiA.; all well preserved . . 10 (Continued at page 283.) ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN SILVER. ( Continued from page 2bO.J 1929 Valerianus. / ' Mariniana ; rev. the Empress on a peacock. t/^^^i^e-^ Saloninus, 3 ; rev. an Eagle carrying the young Emperor to ' Olympus ; coxsecratio.; rare. rev. a Soldier and a \ trophy; princ. ivventvtis. rev. an Altar with fire; ' CONSECRATIO. | Postumus, 3 ; obv. a very fine Bust of the Emperor, with the I attributes of Hercules; rev. Jupiter-stator standing. Ano- ther, rev. PACATOR. ORBis.; radiated Head of the Sun, " represente sous les traits de Postume le fils." — Mionnet, I II — 63. Another ; rev. a Female holding two standards ; FIDES. MiLiTVM.; Mstorically speaking, very interesting ; not in Mionnet, and certainly rare. Lselianus ; rev. victoria, avg. ; rare. Victorinus ; rev. virtvs. avg.; an extra rare type 10 *^* These ten medals are all fine, but of poor silver. ^ 1930 Marius ; rev. a Victory walking. Macrianus ; rev. sol. invicto.; rare. Claudius Gothicus, 2. Aurelianus ; rev. victoria, avg. Severina; rev, concordiae. militvm. Tacitus, 2. ' Probus, 6; rev. soli, invicto. (the three varieties of the r Sun in a quadriga) ; rev. adventvs. avg.; rev. pro- -. I viDENT. avg.; rev. clementia. temp. All fine, hut^yA:^*m of very hase metal . 14 y^ ■ / /^ 1931 Cams, 2. Numerianus ; rev. vndiqve. victores. Carinus, 2; rev. victoria, avgg.; rev. Military Figure standing; virtvs. avgg.; a quinarius, of base silver. Diocletianus ; rev. usual type of victoriae. sarmatiae.; of good silver. /fT^, /ff. y'lr-^ ( 2G9 ) Maximianus ; rev. virtvs. mimtvm.; in the exergue anth.; the Praetorian Camp; in good ftilver, all Jin e, hut espe- cially the last . 7 1932 Diocletianus ; rev. four Figures sacrificing; virtvs. mili- TVM. Maximianus, 2 ; rev. as in the last lot, only that one has the letter d. in the exergue ; all very well preserved, and rare . . 3 1933 Diocletianus; rev. virtvs. militvm. ; type as the last; a club in the exergue. Maximianus, 3; rev. victoria, sarmat.; type as the last ; rev. VIRTVS. militvm.; Praetorian Camp, with four tur- rets, and the gates open ; 7'ei7. virtvs. MILITVM.; Praeto- rian Camp, with three turrets; in the exergue, t. s.a. Constantius Chlorus, 2 ; rev. usual type of four soldiers sacrificing ; on both virtvs. militvm.; one has a club in the exergue ; all very well preserved 6 1934 Maximianus ; rev. Praetorian Camp, with three turrets, vir- tvs. militvm.; very fine. Constantius Chlorus ; 3'^ ( 274 ) ^/ ITALIAN MEDALS, IN COPPER. ( Continued from page 255. y* / // 19S6 Tuscany; ohv. Cosmo II. de Medici; rev. the actual Ducal /" / Palace; pvlchriora. latent. o6y. Vinc.Victorius, &c.r ^'^^ rev. AEQVA. POTESTAS. ohv. Phedericus (sic.) de Negris, his bust; rev. elector, amore., &c.; a Tree; very fine, and rare . . 3 ■^ 1 987 Various ; two of the Poet Aretino ; one of which is the rare one (^mentioned hy Mazzuchelli, in his life of the Poet,) of Princes paying him homage, &c. Another, by Trezzo, of Hippolita Gonzaga; rev. virtvtis., 'y' &c. . . . 3^' ' p 1988 Various; obv. helmeted Bust; fer. era. pisc. mar. cae. Dvx. MAX.; rev. a female Bust; victoria, colvmnia. davala.; rare. obv. Fra. Taberna, &c. ; rev. incon- STANTiA. obv. Hieronymus Hoitzchuer ; rev. a Coat of ^X^/^', Arms, &c.; mdxxix.; very fine, and rare . 3 / , ■• 1989 Padua, &c.; obv. J. P. Zuphonus, of Padua; rev. Eagle on a ^ vase; oJi'. M. Ant. Passerus, Pat.; rew. philosophia. o6t'. Bust, &c. Magliabecchi ; by Januario ; rev. scire., &c. obv. a finely executed Bust of Geo. Herman ; rev. ^^ Arms, &c.; mdxxix.; rare . 4 '-^- - ^ ^ 1990 Padua, &c.; obv. The cunning Heads of the Paduan Forgers, / Bassianus and Cavinus (16th century); reiJ. genio. bexe- VOLENTIAE. Dvcis.; a Figure sacrificing, o&t;. Grimaldus, J. B.; rev. Prometheus chained, vulture, &c.; cor., &c. obv. Magliabecchi, as in the preceding lot. obv. Margar. Q ^ Simai. de Valle ; rev. Bust of her Husband . 4 *^* Consult MazzuccLelli's 1st vol. pi. lxxxiv., for some medals, by Bassiano and Cavino, called the Paduans, and justly infamous for having imitated the antique Roman medallions and medals, especially in the style of the large brass, though often of a somewhat larger module. The following " Faussaires" have imitated Greek, Roman, and Mediaeval coins and medals, in all metals ; iacluding obsidional pieces, bracteats, &c.: Leo Aretino, Trezzo, the Two Bonzagna, Greco, Dervieux, Cellini, Gambello, Carteron, Cogornier, Laroche, Galli, Becker, Caprera, Saintot; besides various living ones, well KNOWN in England, France, Holland, and Italy. (Continued at jiage 291. J Jy^j/ ( 275 ) SEVENTEENTH DAY'S SALE. ( Greek Cities, in Copper, continued from page 220. J AUTONOMOUS COINS OF BITHYNIA, MYSIA, TROAS, AND .^OLIS, IN COPPER. LOT 199] Aparaea, in Bithj'iiia, (called also Myrlea); Mionnet, p. 411, ff^*-i-e,t^' No. 19; date HAS. (year 236); very rare, and very fine condition: . size 6. Myrlea ; ohv. Head of Minerva to the right ; rev. MYP- AEANQN., and a monogram within a wreath of corn ; query unpublished ; very fine : size 3. Niceae ; Mt. p. 449, No. 207; fiair condition : size 5. Niceae ; Mt. p. 449, No. 208; fixir condition : size 5. Nicomedia; Mt. p. 465, No. 298 ; middling : sise 6. Prusias, (uncertain) ; rev. Centaur with lyre : size 5. Cyzicus, in Mysia ; Mt. p. 530, No. 96; but a Stork instead j of a serpent; very good condition : size 4. y //^ ' Cyzicus; J/i. p. 531, N. 109; two, different ; i«e?^/>re*ervet/.- / size 4. , Cyzicus; Mt. p. 533, No. 124: middling: size 6. I Cyzicus ; 3It. p. 534, No. 134; two, different ; well preserved: size 8. j Cyzicus; compare Tf/if. p. 536, No. 155; ^;ze ; size 4. \ Germe; il!/jf. p. 553, No. 255 ; well preserved : size Z. I Lampsachus ; ohv. Double Head ; rev. half winged Horse ; j fair condition : . size Q. 15 I .1992 Parium ; Bull butting to the right, with wreath above; rev. ^^^"^^^ IIAPL, Altar, with fire, and Vase in front of it; rare, and ^ ^ very fine : . . size A\. Pergamus, in Mysia; Mionnet, p. 592, No. 523; rare, and I well preserved : . size 3. I Pergamus ; five common typos, and one Philetsrus : i sizes 2 to 6. 1 Alex. Troas ; twQ usual types : sizes 4 and 5. ( 7(j ^//? Dai'danus ; ohv. ROMA., bust to the right; rev. DAli- DANICI., Female Figure; two, slightly different; inedited? and fine : . size 3. Sigeum ; Mt. Supp. pi. 581, No. 510 ; ^ne: size 4. Sigeum ; ohv. Pallas, with helmet, in profile to the right ; rev. 2irE., Owl ; very fair condition, inedited? size 2. Cyme ; obv. Female Head ; rev. Horse ; veri/ good condition : size 4 J. Cyme; obv. Diana; rev. Vase, &c.; ^ne .- size 3. Myrina ; obv. Minerva; o^ev. Va,se;^ne: size 3. Mytilene, in Lesbos ; obv. Female Head ; rev. MYTI., Lyre ; Jine : . . size 2. 1 8 ?' AUTONOMOUS COINS OF IONL\, AND THE ISLANDS j OF CHIOS AND SAMOS, IN COPPER. [ 1993 Ephesus; o&i'. Diana ; r^v. Torch, and two Stags ; rerj/^ooc? y^^-~\ condition : . size 5. a Erythrae ; obv. Bacchus ; o^ev. AIONY2I02. IATP0KAEI0Y2. very fine : . size 3\. Erythrae; obv. Hercules; rev. nOSEIAfiNIOX HPAK- AEIOY. TOY? EniKOY[POY?] ; rare, and fair con- dition : . . size 4. *^* It is of very rare occurrence on Greek coins to find the names of the father and grandfather. Smyrna ; three usual types ; in bad state. Smyrna ; 3Iionnet, p. 212, No. WIZ; fair : size 8. Smyrna; see Hunter, tab. 50, fig. 17; fine : size 4. Smyrna; see Hunter, tab. 50, fig. 11; fine: size 4. Smyrna ; see Hunter, tab. 50, fig. 6 ; fine: size 5. Smyrna ; obv. Serapis ; rev. Prow ; fine ; size 3. Smyrna ; see Hunter, tab. 50, fig. 25 ; good condition : size 3. Smyrna; CinYAHNH.; see Hunter, tab. 50, fig. 30 ; fine: size 4. Smyrna ; four usual types ; fine : sizes 2 to 4. Teios ; see Combe Brit. Mus. pi. x. fig. 1 ; fair: size 3. Chios ; OBOAOC : . size 8. Chios ; Mionnet, Supp. p. 401, No. 102 ; middling : size 9. Chios ; obv. XlfiN., Sphinx ; rev. ACCAPION., Amphora ; fine : . » size 5. ^^/J ■ ( 277 ) ^^/j_ Chios ; ohv. Sphinx, and eax* of corn ; rev. XI02. IKE^IOS., Amphora and bunch of grapes ; very fine: size A^. Chios; ACC APIA. TPIA.; /we; ' . size^. Samos ; ohv. Prow; rev. Juno; two diiFerent, (HPA.); very rare : . . size 4. Samos ; obv. Bust of Juno, full faced, with polos ; rev. 2A- MION., Prow; rare: . size 2. Samos ; obv. Head of Juno, full faced ; rev. Skin of the Lion's Head seen in front ; rare : size 1-|. Samos ; obv. Head of Juno to the right ; rev. ©EfiKAH., Skin of the Lion's Head, seen in front; rare: size 3. Samos ; two others, APS., and 2TPATI2.; rare: size 2^. Samos ; obv. C AMK2N., Male Figure standing with sceptre ; 7'ev. HPHC, Peacock to the left ; very rare : size 3^. Samos ; nine other varieties ; some curious, and well pre- served: . sizes I to 2. 41 (Greek Cities^ in Copper, continued at page 293.) ( Greek Cities, in Silver, continued from page 265. J CITIES OF MYSIA AND TROAS, IN SILVER. /^^'l994 Cyzicus, in Mysia; type of Mionnet, pi. 75, fig. 1, with S^TEIPA. above the head ; and Hunter, tab. 24, fig. 5, but with a bee in the field of the reverse ; of extreme rarity, in fine condition, hut rather black from slight ^9 // oxide: . size 6. weight 231-^ grs. 1 ^^- 1995 Another; with a vase in the field, behind the lion's head; extremely rare and in fine condition : size 6. weight 223-j^ grs. 1 ^ ^ ^ . 1996 Another; with a wreath in the field, behind the lion's head; extremely rare, and in very good condition : j size 6. weight 228^^ grs. 1 <^ / 1997 Another ; with uncertain symbol in the field ; extremely rare, \ and in very good condition : y 1 size 6. weight 223^^ grs. 1 ^'-^ ^ \ GOLD DIDRACHM (OR STATER) OF LAMPSACHUS. '=i!^ 1998 Lampsachus, in Mysia ; ilfiowne^, p. 560, No. 290; see iy«»- ter, tab. 31, fig. 23; ohv. Female Head to the left, with 1 N N -'» " , ( '278 ) necklace, and ornamentoil with a wroath of ivy, tlio hair streaming beliind ; rev. the Fore-half of a Horse to the right, with curled wings, in the asiatic stylo of art; heau- tiful ivork, perfect conditioii, and extreme rarity: size 3. weight 130^ grs. 1 *,* Didraclim on the Attic standard. CITIES OF MYSIA AND TROAS, IN SILVER. (Continued.) 1999 Lampsachus; usual type; oil*. Double Head ; rev. AAM^., ., / y// - Head of Minerva to the right, with helmet, but on this '^'^'^ coin the double head is resting on a dolphin to the right ; in fine condition ; an unpublished variety : size 2. weight 18^ grs. Parium, in Mysia ; ohv. Head of Medusa, as usual ; rev. IIAPI., a cow on an ear of corn, to the left, and looking back ; perfect condition : sise 3. weight 36^ grs. Another ; without the ear of corn ; perfect condition : size 21. weight 36-^ grs. Another ; with an ivy leaf under the cow; rubbed : size 2. Pergamus, in Mysia ; obv. Head of Hercules with lion's skin, to the right; rev. [IIEP]rAM., Palladium, or terminal figure of Pallas armed, seen in front ; very rare, and fine: size 2. weight 18^ ^r*. *#* The additional letter M proves the coin not to be of Perga in Pam- philia, Pergamus ; a Cistophorus, with BA. and the usual mono- gram ; as it came from the die : size 6^. weight \^Z-^ grs. Abydus, in Troas ; usual type ; obv. Medusa ; rev. Anchor ; ivio, rubbed : . sizes 2^ and 3^. 8 TETRADRACHMS OF THE KINGS OF PERGAMUS, IN SILVER. ^ 2000 Philetaerus (Attains I?) ; type of Miomiet, pi. 75, fig. 5, ;>^; ' except that this coin has A. on the throne; uncommon portrait, with narrow fillet ; fine work, extremely rare, and perfect condition : size 8. weight 262^ grs. 1 /// ( 279 ) r^.^^^2001 Another; but the portrait more as usual, with narrow fillet ; a very fine coin, and rare : size 8. wt. 263^^ grs. 1 ' ' 2002 Another ; with narrow fillet and the eye remarkably small ; rare, and ve7't/ fine condition; sise 8. wt. 261-^ g7-s. 1 -^ /^ 2003 Philetserus (Attains ?); laureate ; A. and ivy leaf in the field; buckler and bow behind Minerva ; a very fine coin : size 8. weight 263^ grs. 1 ^ ^ '^ 2004 Philetserus (Attains?) with the laurel wreath entwined with '/.-4i^ the fillet or diadem; quite a different portrait to any of the preceding ; buckler and bow behind Minerva, and A. with bunch of grapes in front ; very fine condition, and rare portrait : . size 8. tveight 259-j^ grs. 1 '^ ^ ''^ 2005 Philetserus (Eumenes); the laurel wreath entwined with the diadem, and with his monogram ; in front is a bee, and behind the Minerva, a bow and a buckler ; very well pre- / served, and very rare : size 8^. weight 262^ grs. 1 ^ -y^ 2006 Philetserus ; precisely like lot 2001, except that this coin has the laurel wreath entwined with the diadem; in very good condition : size 8. weight 263^ grs. 1 *^* This coin shows, more distinctly than usual, that the twisted appear- ance of the laurel-wreath on the heads of some of these kings, is, in fact, the diadem entwined round the laurel-wreath. ^^ 2007 Philetserus (Attalus?) portrait and reverse exactly like lot 2003; very well preserved, but the die somewhat used, and not so fine a coin: size 9. weight 261^ grs. 1 ^- 2008 Philetserus (Attalus ?); the portrait somewhat like Eumenes ; \'*'^^ in the field behind Minerva is a bow, and under her hand I is a very unusual monogram, which does not seem to con- tain either the word Attalus or Eumenes, as P. is distinctly ' observable ; not in Mionnet; in very good condition, looks \ like a cast, but is perfectly genuine : y y~ \ size 8\. tveight 258^^ grs. 1 I I CITIES OF MYSIA AND TROAS, IN SILVER. ' f Continued.) t 2009 Pergamus ; type of Mionnet, p. 586, No. 46G, but with : [n]EPrAMH., (inedited with the aditional letter H,) and shewing the type of the reverse clearly ; very toell pre- _ y , served, and extremely rare : size \\. wt. 20^^ grs. \ ,/ ^ 1 size 91. weight 252-j^ grs. 1 -^ / /,f 2012 Scepsis; see Mt. pi. 57, fig, 2; extremely rare, and in per- ,^ Ject condition : size 3. iveight 58^ grs. 1 -^^V p 2 2013 Sigeum; type of the Copper coin ilff if. aSmjo/?. p. 581, No. 510; somewhat rubbed, but in extremely good condition; unpublished, and presumed to be unique : C~^ ^ size 3. weight 39^^ grs. 1 ' / J^ 2014 Tenedos Insula ; type of Mt. p. 672, No. 270, with a mono- gram, a bunch of grapes, and an owl in the field ; very rare, and as it came from the die: /^£<^ size 91. weight 258^ grs. 1 CITIES OF iEOLIS, IN SILVER. i/'e/^ 2015 Cyme; KYMAIfiN., iy^e 0^ Mionnet, Supp. vol.6, pi. 2, ^ fig. 2, with KAAA1A2. in the exergue; very rare, and in^' perfect condition : size 8^. weight 258^ grs. 1 '^//Z' ( 281 ) -^;^ f^ y^ 2016 Another; with $IAOAOHOX; very rare., and nearly in the condition in which it was struck : size 8|. weight 234 grs. 1 -^ '^ *#* This coin does not appear to be an ancient forgery, or plated coin ; and the weight is, therefore, difficult to account for. ^^^^2017 Another; with MHTPO^ANHS. ; verr/ rare, and in perfect condition : size 9. weight 248 grs. 1 2018 Another; with same magistrate; vei^y rare, and in very fine condition : size 8^. weight 248^ grs. 1 -'- 2031 Cyzicus? rev. S ^yy 2032 Phocaea; /^/ Erythrae ; 2033 Phocaea; Phocaea ; //^ 2034 Phocaea; ( 283 ) //^' ^^/ ^:2r Phoc£ea ; ohv. Female Head, with the hair pendant in a net behind ; under the neck a phoca ; rev, quad, incus.; ^ne. 2 2035 Cyzicus ; obv. Half Boar to the right ; rev. Lion's Head in profile, to the right, in quad.; rare, and fine. Uncertain ; ohv. youthful Head to the right, with ram's horn ; rev. Eagle in quad. ; fine. . ^ ay ^ 2036 Cyzicus ; same type as in the last lot ; fine. Uncertain ; ohv. Head of Minerva? with helmet, to the right; rev. Head of Juno? with tiara, to the right, in quad.; Tare. . . ^ a'^ ^ , 2037 Uncertain ; ohv. youthful Head of a Faun to the right ; rev. Medusa's Head in quad.; good condition, and rare. Phocsea ; ohv. Female Head (Venus ?) to the left ; rev. quad. incus. ; fair condition. . 2 ^ ^ (Coins of Electrum, continued at page 301.^ ROMAN LARGE BRASS. C Continued f'om page 268.^ I, /^ 2038 Antoninus Pius ; rev. Britannia seated on a rock, holding a '*' standard in her right hand ; her left, which rests on a shield, i supports a long spear ; nia.; very y^are, and fairly preserved . . 1 .^ "^ \ ' 2039 Antoninus Pius ; rev. Britannia seated, with her left foot on a rock, a javelin in her right hand, her left reposing on an 1 ornamented buckler, with a long spike in the centre ; im- PERA ; across the field, britan. ; tolerahly pre- served ; a very rare type . 1 ^ ^^ i^^*^<._2040 Antoninus Pius; rev. Remus, Romulus, and the Wolf; j -^ rev. Eagle on a globe ; consecratio. ; very fine ; rev. Emperor standing, with a ray round his head; cos. ilil.; rare; ret'. Liberty standing ; rev. liberalitas. nil.; j rare . . .5 -^ ^ 1 2041 Antoninus Pius, 4 ; all different reverses. : ^^' Faustina sen., 3 ; rev. a Female sacrificing; pietas. avg.; I rev. the Empress standing, holding a globe (stars on her : veil) ; aeternitas.; rare; ret;, a Female standing. I M. Aurelius, 3 ; rev. Sacrificial Instruments ; pietas. avg., j> ^ &c.; all well preserved . 10 2042 Antoninus Pius, 3 ; rev. Peace with a torch, setting fire to arms, &c.; cos. nil. pax. avg.; rev. a Funeral Pile; consecratio. ; rev. templvm. div. avg. rest. cos. iiii. ^ c yyff /^^/f. / Faustina sen. ; ohv. veiled Head ; rev. the Empress sacrificing ; PIETAS. AVG. (from Hehers collectio7i) ; rare ; all four are very interesting, and well preserved . 4 — ~ 2043 Faustina sen., 2 ; rev. a Female standing, with two torches ; ^ AVGVSTA. ohv. veiled Head; rev. aeternitas.; the^ .^^^t Empress standing, with rudder and globe. M. Aurelius, 4 ; rev. a Temple, supported by four cariatides, on plinths, a statue in the middle, various animals on the front; felic. avg. imp. v.... cos. hi.; very rare; pati- nated; rev. restitvtori. italiae.; and two others; all tvell preserved . . 6 ^ c^ 2044 Marcus Aurelius, 2 ; i-ew. Aurelius and Verus joining hands; ,^ CONCORD. AVGVSTOR.; rev. two Captives and a tro'phy yfyjc^^^ GERiMANICO., &C. ^ /^ Faustina jun.; rev. a Female at an altar sacrificing; three Standards in the field; matri. castrorvm.; rare; all three well preserved . . 3 _ 2045 Marcus Aurelius, 4 ; rev. a naked Figure sacrificing ; rev. DE. s ARM axis.; rev. lib. avgvstor.; rev. spei. per- petvae.; rare. Faustina jun., 3 ; rev. Empress standing, and leaning against j a pillar, holds a phoenix on a globe in her right \iSxA\ y^. -\ aeternitas.; rew. pvdicitia.; rey. laetitia. Verus ; rev. the two Emperors joining hands ; concord. AVGVSTOR.; all well preserved 8 -? / 2046 M. Aurelius, 4; rev. a military Figure, with a trophy, sacri- ficing at an altar (two varieties) ; tr. pot. vi. cos. ii.; rev. a Victory holding a bandelet, flying; viCT. avg., &c.; rev. RESTITVTORI. italiae., &c. Faustina jun., 2 ; rev. Cybele, seated between lions , matri. ^ MAGNAE. ;^ne green cerugo : rev. Empress and six chil- ^ dren; tempor. felic. ; all well preserved . 6 ^ ^ 2047 M. Aurelius, 5 ; all tvith different reverses. Faustina jun., 3 ; rew. Diana Lucifera walking ; sideribvs. ', RECEPTA.; rev. matri. MAGNAE.: ref. CONSECRATIO.f ^^j/^fc** ^ all well preserved . . 8 y^ ^ //^ 2048 M. Aurelius, 5 ; rev, all varied; one has a quadriga, with the Emperor and riders, drawn by elephants ; conse- y^ ^ CRATio. ; rare, and in a tolerable state of preser- " vation. 2/f^/O^ ( 285 ) ^/'f.A^J [•'i^^^ i^ Faustina jun., 4; rev. the Funeral Pile; consecratio. ; re}). Venus; rev. saecvli. felicit. ; rev. avgvsti- PII. FIL. Verus ; rev. the two Emperors ; concord, avgvstor.; some rather fine . .10 2049 Verus, 4. Lucilla; rev. ivno. regina. Coramodus, 3 ; rev. the Emperor, Isis, and Victory, standing near an altar; p.m. tr. p. xvii., &c. ; very rare, and well preserved: rev. princ. ivvent.; rev. Emperor and Empress, standing, joining hands, a star between them 8 2050 Verus, 4 ; rev. Emperor on horseback, and four soldiers on foot ; PROFECTIO., &C. Lucilla; rev. ivNO. regina.; rather fine. Commodus, 3; all varied reverses ; well preserved 8 (Continued at page 303^. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN SILVER. ( Continued from page 269.^ 2051 Carausius ; rev. the Emperor standing (his left hand resting on the hasta pura) and shaking hands with Britannia, who holds the trident in her left hand; expectate. veni.; an unique and very singular legend; in the exergue, r.s. r. (Richborough?); very well preserved, and extra rare 1 •^* This coin, of far better silver than Carausius' generally are, is the identical one engraved in Akerman, Vol. II. p. 154; and mentioned likewise at page 122 of his recent publication, " Coins of the Ro- mans relating to Britain." A very interesting silver medal of this type, in the British Museum, reads, ixpectate, veni. See also Echkel, Doct. Num. Vet., Vol. VIII. page 45. 2052 Carausius ; rev. a Female, seated on a low stool, milking a cow; VBERVTA. Av. (sic.) ; in the exergue, r.s.r.; tole- rably well preserved . . 1 *^* This legend is unpublished. 2053 Carausius ; rev. a Galley, with four rowers ; felicit A. a v. ; in the exergue, r.s.r.; very well preserved, and rare 1 .2054 Carausius ; rev. a Lion, with a thunderbolt in its mouth, walk- ing to the right; virtvs. avg.; in the exergue, r.s.r.; very fine . • 1 *^* This medal has never been published. ■ ^ .^ J y ///,r- //. ,r/7.// r/'^- j^^yj - ^■^^- ( 28(i ) t./~ t'^ :2055 Carausius ; rev. a Lion, walking to the right, and with a thun- / derbolt in its mouth; virtvs. avgg.; in the exergue, R.S.R.; well preserved . . 1 *^* UniHiblished. / 2056 Carausius; 7'ev. two Hands joined; concordia. mtlitvm.; in the exergue, r. s.r.; of very good silver; well pre- - served, and scarce . . 1 (7 . 2057 Carausius ; rev. the Emperor's Son (?) standing, and resting on the spear, with olive-twig in his right hand; principi. I WENT.; of very good silver ; Jine, and one of his most rare types . . .1 ^^ * J* This medal may be called extra rare. It is not in Mionnet, but in Akermiin, No. 32 and 139. i-> /7 '^ 2058 Carausius; rev. Altar with fire, and mvltis. xx. imp.; ^ legend, votvm. pvblicvm.; in exergue, r. s.r.; of good ^, silver, well preserved, and extra rare . 1 *^* This variety has never been published. y' t^^ 2059 Carausius ; rey. Wolf suckling the two Founders of Rome ; ''"^ ROMANO. RENOV.; \xx the exei'gue, U.S. R.; Very fne, rare, x and of good silver, pierced . 1 *^* It is probable that the letters of the exergue stand for rvtvpiae. (Richborough) signata. as coins of Carausius are frequently found in the neighbourhood of Richborough; Akerman, page 121, -2 cf 2060 Carausius ; rev. type and legend as the last ; not very well preserved, hut still very valuable, owing to its rarity and interesting reverse . . 1 J^ . 2061 Carausius; rev. a Female standing, holding a pair of scales and a cornucopia ; fidem. militvm. n.n.; of good silver ; rare, and well preserved, though a little tooled 1 *,* On completing the description of the series, so highly interesting and rich, of our British-Roman Emperors' Silver Medals, we beg to refer collectors to the admirable note 1, at page 26, of the present Catalogue, quite applicable to these extra rare coins. We do not believe that "any" collection possesses eleven medals (in silver) of Carausius. (Continued at page 305. J ^^^c>^•| .^X. Ycr/).A y. ( 287 ) ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN GOLD. ( Continued from page 271). t^^^y-^ 2062 Commodus ; rev. Jupiter victor, seated; p.m. tr. p. vim., &c. ; very Jine^ and rare . , 1 /^/J^ *^* From the Trattle collection, lot 2639. 2063 Commodus ; rev. Abundance personified ; lib. avg. viii., &c. ; fine and rare . . I yv^ /^ *^* From the Trattle collection, lot 2638. y^ 2064 Commodus; rev. a Warrior standing ; tr. p. viii., Sec. ; ^we ^ and rare . . \ // eJ ■^ 2065 Commodus ; rev. Genius sacrificing ; gen. avg. felic. cos. / VI.; very fine, and rare . . 1 l/^/^/^ *jj^* From the Trattle collection, lot 2653. 2066 Commodus ; rev. Mars, his riglit foot rests on a coat of mail ; P.M. TR. p. xvii.j &c.; fairly preserved, and rare \ ^ - . 2067 Commodus; rev. ^ome seated; rom. pel. p.m. tr. p. xvi. COS. VI.; inedited? in a very high state of preservation^ thoroughly precluding the hope of ever possessing a. better . . .1 '^^^^^ *»* This was, very probably, lot 2648 of the Trattle collection; the Cata- logue, however, reads roma. fel., whilst this fine, and perchance unique, medal reads rom. as above. z^^i^ 2068 Commodus; rev. a Victory; p. m. tr. p. xvii., &c. ; ivell preserved, and rare . . 1 y^ ^^^ i| • ^ 2069 Crispina; rev. dis. conivgalibvs.; an Altar, with fire; Mionnet, Vol. L, plate facing page2ⅈ in very fine state of preservation, and by far the most rare aureus of this Empress . . 1 ^^/f^ *,* From the Trattle Collection, lot 2659. 2070 Crispina ; rev. the Empress standing, and holding her veil ; vvji\c\T\h.; fine and rare . 1 ^/ 2071 Crispina; rev. venvs. felix.; the Goddess, seated, holds a victory ; a dove is beneath her chair ; fine, and very rare 1 X^ 2072 Crispina; rev. as the preceding; in a very good state of preservation . . 1 ^^ ''^ '-^^-2073 Pertinax; rew. Justice standing ; aeqvit. avg., &c.; highly preserved, and most rare . . I ^-^''^'^ ^^ 2074 Pertinax; rev. Ceres standing ; 'LAE.-i:i£iA., he; equally fine as the last, and very scarce • 1 ■^^ A' cJ-^'/^^^^t /// cT. ^/2X>^^^ ( 288 ) // ,— 2075 Pertinax ; obv. a naked Bust; rev. a Female, robed, holding up her right hand towards a star ; provid. deor. cos. ii. ; a very rare, fine, and well spread coin . 1 y/^ 2078 Pertinax ; ohv. a togated Bust of the Emperor ; rev. a Female Figure, robed, holds up both her arms towards a star ; . PROVID. DEOR. COS. II.; Very rare, and very fine 1 /-■''^ /^ 2079 Pertinax ; ohv. a fine naked Bust ; rev. as the preceding ; equally rare, and even a little finer . 1 y,^ /- 2080 Didius Julianus ; obv. a bare Head of the Emperor, to the right; rev. Female, with rudder and cornucopia; p.m. TR. p. COS. ; his most rare type; it has mifortunately been -' ^ bored, but is still in a fine state of preservation 1 2081 Didius Julianus ; obv. a togated Bust, to the right; rev. as ^ the preceding; not free from suspicion of beiiig a Beclcers 1 z^'^^ 2088 Medallion ; similar to lot 1985, but without any inscription on j the edge . . 1 / ^ '' 2089 French School for the Fine Arts at Rome; Medallic History, , pi. xLix 280 . . 1 y 1 -^ 2090 Battles; of Lutzen ; pi. Li — 281. Wurtchen ; 282. The ^^^ Mount Cenis ; 283. Return from Elba ; pi. lii.— 286. I Eagle, to the left ; pi. lii.— 285 . 5 / //f -2?^^-^^ 2091 General Bertrand's Medal in commemoration of the Return I from Elba; 287. Six Medalets : viz. — Maria Louisa; rev. a Coining Press. Eliza's visit to the Mint ; and ano- ; ther of the same, but with plain reverse ; see Laskeys Catalogue for some account of this now common medalet. Caroline ; rev. a Bull ; type of the ancient coins of Neapo- lis. Pauline Borghese; rev. the Three Graces. Hor- y ^ tensia. Queen of Holland, on her visit to the Mint 7 ' -,^^^^^^^^ 2092 Peace of Luneville ; pi. xi. — 42. Retour d'Astr6e ; pi. xi. 52; rare . . 2 y /^ 2093 Jupiter Stator ; pi. xliv. — 241. Institution of the Decoration i of the Legion of Honour ; pi. xxxi. — 78. Destruction of the Inquisition ; pi. xLii. — 235; rare. The Mount Sim- plon ; very fine and rare; 228. Battle of Wagram • pi. XL v.— 247 . . h -2 ^ ^^ ^'^ 2094 Entry at Moscow ; pi. li. — 276. Building of 2000 Rafts for England; pi. xxx. — 81. Rome and Paris personified; pi. XLV. — 244. Fortune adverse. Departure of the Em- peror in 1814 ; both by Brenet, and scarce 5 ^ -^^ ^ -^-^ 2095 Arrival from Elba ; pi. lii: — 286. Peace of Luneville ; pi. XII. — 41. Sojourn at Elba, 1814, 1815 ; by Brenet; rare. French Eagles on the Raab ; pi. XLV. — 242. Na- poleon confides his Son to France; rare . 5 -^ ■^/ 2096 Eliza and Felix, of Lucca, face to face ; for the Napoleon Ly- cseuni of the Fine Arts at Lucca; by Santarelli ; well executed, and scarce. Francis Emperor of Austria, 2 • by Manfredini of Milan, and Vassallo of Genoa ; both were struck at Milan, 1815 . 3 ( 290 ) I I 2097 Francis 1., visit to the Mint, 1814. Similar of Frederick Wil- i liam of Prussia. Alexander I. of Russia, on his sojourn l^'/i^.^/pi at Paris in 1814. Lewis XVIII., 3 ; rev. Landing at y^A Calais in 1814 ; rev. Entry in Paris, 1814. rev. French ^ i Constitution, 1814 . . 6 j ( Continued at page ). I SWEDISH MEDALS, &c., IN SILVER, BY HEDLINGER. j I *j,* '■ Les coins deces inedailles etant pour la plupait ou casses ou conserves en j differentes cours etrangers, et meme fort 61oignes (comma la Russie, &c.) 1 il est fort difficile dese procurer ces medailles," (quelques uns il est tout a fait impossible de rencontrer). — Mecbel, p. xxvi. JMost of these rare medals will, no doubt, prove a desirable acquisition i to the Numismatist, as they are " all" in a high state of preservation. i References, ''Meckel, CEuvres d'Hedlisgeh, 1776, folio; Bren- ner, Thesaurus Nummorum," &c. 2098 Frederick King of Sweden ; pi. iii. — 2 ; rev. the Palace of -^ ; the Knights of Sweden ; a very rare medallion 1 "^ ,^ 2099 Frederick and Ulrica ^ pi. iv. — 2 ; rev. Portraits of the Vasa ^ Family; a chef-d'oiuvre . . Ix'^^'S^s^?*-' 2100 Frederick and Ulrica; the busts on this obverse differ from / i those of the liveceding medal; moreover, the exergue bears j Hedlinger s name, which he sometimes modestly omitted ; cJ^ ^-^^t^] rev. as the last lot ; pi. iv. — 2 . 1 ^ ^ ' ' /^ - 2101 Count Tessin, Architect ; pi. ix. — 2; rev. a Plummet 1 ^.-^ j't*'; Xf — 2102 Count Tessin, Architect ; as the last ; nearly as fine 1 <^-tvte^ yvr_ ,2103 Ulrica Eleonora ; on her Coronation; pi. xiii. — 2; rev. y a Lioness and four cubs, emblematical of the Queen and ^^,^^i»j?^, the four Orders of the State . 11 /Z - — 2104 Ulrica Eleonora ; the bust of the ohv. differs from the pre- yj . ceding; ->-ey. as before ; pi. xiii. — 2; nearly as fine 1 '' '' yc^ - ' 2105 Ulrica Eleonora ; another variety of the two preceding lots; ^y" \ thus completing the three varieties known . 1-^^ /^ - 2106 Count de Horn, Senator, Chancellor, and Marshal ; pi. X. — 1 1 ^^^U^^. ^ /^ 2107 Hedlinger (himself) and his Wife ; pi. ii. — 1 ; rev. two Coats y^ 7 of Arms on two shields, one concave, one convex, allusive to his nuptials ; of the greatest rarity, as this die broke in the artist's life-time ; very feiv indeed of these medals --^-'^ exist with this reverse • • I ( 291 ) ^^^/ . 2108 Frederick and Ulrica; pi. iv. — 3 ; rev. Emblems of the Or- ^^^ ders of the Kingdom; concordia. felix. . 1 / (Continued at page 309.^ ITALIAN MEDALS, IN COPPER. ( Continued from page 274.^ {^^- 2109 Padua, &c. ; a Medal of the two Paduans ; as in lot 1990. Another ; obv. Hieron. Panicus ; rev. Arms ; et. nos., &c. ohv. Fontana ; rev. Obelisk, ohv. Dan. Hanna ; rev. Abundance standing . .4 '^^ 2110 Padua, &c.; oftw. two Busts ; hieronym. panicvs., &c.; 9'ev. Figure sacrificing ; genio., &c.; by Cavino, obv. Cosvao II. de Medici; rev. hetrvria. pacata. obv. Hyero ; Zane ; rev. a Saint in prayer ; by Andr. Spinelli ; 1840 j (sic.) obv. Paulus Hanna ; rev. cvncta., &c. 4 ''^^ y ;(' 2111 Padua, &c.; oSv. Gorus Gualterutius ; rev. a Female arresting a horse ; patavivm. obv. Cosraus. Scaptius ; rev. the ! Goddess Hygeia feeding a serpent rising from an altar ; *I imitated from the Roman coins; p.m. tr. p., &c., sal vs. obv. Hier. Cornelius ; rev. the same, on an estrade, distri- ! buting gifts; imitation as last ; m.dxxxx. obv. J. P. Zu- I ponius ; rev. Eagle on a vase, &c. obv. Gher. aGroisbeeck, a Bishop of Lodi ; rev. dilige., &c., mdlxxvii.; rare; . all rather fine . . b y/ <^ ^l" 2112 Modena; obv. a fine Bust, &c. of Muratori ; one of the ' greatest historians and antiquarians that Italy has produced in modern times; rev. History arresting Time, &c.; by \ Mercandetti ; a fine and rat^e medal . 1 A" 2113 Milan, &c.; ohv. a fine Bust of Maria Louisa; by L. Mail' fredini; rev. IRIS.AVGVSTA.; rare; beautifully executed^ and ivith the fine dark Milanese patina. Another, of the great Sculptor Canova. Another, of the celebrated Painter Appiani. These two beautiful medals were engraved in i 1 8S0, at Milan, by Putinati . Z / ^ - A^ 2114 Papal, &c.; o6y. Bust ; nicolavs. v.; rev. the Pope in a j ship, symbolical of the Church ; by Gualotti. obv. Julian de Medici, Bishop of Pisa ; rev. fama. manet., &c.; rare. , obv, Jos. Ferrerius, Vice-Legate at Avignon, in 1609 ; A -^ / .//f./// p///// ( 292 ) £i. rev. a View of the Town of Avignon, on the Rhone ; / , > ROMA. DABIT., &c.; a vevi/ scarce medal . 3 /■/ ?^ 2115 Papal, &c.; oir. Clemens VII.; ret-. Joseph and his brothers ; ^ a vei'y thick medal, attributed, upon very plausible autho- rity, to the great Cellini; certainly struck of the time, as the heads on the modern reverse die differ very greatly from these ; well preserved, but has, unfortunately a small hole at the top. obv. Renatus Demaria, 8fc.; rev. Angels holding a coat of arms ; in. te. domine., he, mdxxiiii. obv. Bust, and alidoxivs. car. papien., &c.; rew. Jupiter in a biga of eagles ; his. avibvs., &c. . 3 X^ 2116 Papal; a Medal, as in the preceding lot, of Clemens VII. Another; obv. Paul III.; rev. Eagle, and a youth water- ing plants from a vase. obv. Gregory XIII.; rev. on the Reformation of the (Gregorian) Calendar; by the Painter Parmigiano . . 3 , y^ 2117 Papal; o5i'. Paul II.; Medallion on the Concile ; »'^'. nume- rous Figures, &c. obv. Clemens XII. ; a Medallion ; by O.Hamerani: rey. Fortress, &c.; pvblicae. incolvmi- ^ TATis., &c. ; a7i extremely fine medallion . 2- O jp - 2118 Papal, &c.; obv. Alex. VIII.; rev. his Tomb. obv. Clem. XII.; rev., a magnificent Church; adorate., &c.; by O. Hamerani. obv. Card. Granvellanus ; rev. plain ; see Mazzuchelli, 1st vol. pi. Lxxxvi. . 3 y" / 2119 Papal, &c.; obv. Clemens XII.; rev. reparatio. felicita- Tis., &c. obv. the Bishop Altobellus Averoldus ; rev. ma- TVRA. celeritas. obv. Alex. VIII. ; rev. a Tomb, as before, obv. Card. Sigism. Gonzaga ; rev. a Bull, with . fire beneath it, &c.; imbvit., &c. . 4 — ^^^ y ^ 2120 Papal, &c. ; obv. Leo X.; his Bust; rev. a Yoke; svave.; a fine m^edallion in tivo metals, obv. Clemens XIV. (Gan- ganelli) ; rev. Saviour, with cross ; by Cropansi. obv. Card. Mazarin ; rev. on the Siege of Casale Monferrato in Piedmont ; by Varin; the latter is poor . 4 f Continued at page )• ^-' .! 4. P^' .r/ ( 293 ) EIGHTEENTH DAY'S SALE. (Greek Cities, m Copper, continued from page 217.) GREEK IMPERIAL COINS OF BITHYNIA, MYSIA, AND TROAS, IN COPPER. LOT 2121 Apamea, in Bithynia; Gallienus; rev. Figure, with rudder ,, t^,r^ and cornucopia ; compare Mionnet, vol. 2, p. 415, No. 38; fair condition: . size 7. Bithynia; Hadrian (Medallion); rev. KOINON. BeiQY- NIAC, an octostyle temple, with a wolf nourishing Romu- lus and Remus in the pediment ; very fine, and clean : size 9|^. Cius; Hadrian; rev. AAPIANON. KIANQN., Minerva standing, with spear and buckler ^fair condition : size 5. Cius ; Orbiana ; rev. KIANftN., Hero seated on a rock to the right, adjusting his sandals ; fine, and very rare : size 6. *^* This is the identical coin published and illustrated by Mr. Akerman in the Gentleman's Magazine for Jan. 1835. Hadrianopolis ; Gordian ; rev. tetrastyle Temple ; fair : size 7. 5 > 2122 Bithynium; Antinous (Medallion); see Mt. Supp. p. 20, No. 100; ohv. H. HATPIC. ANTINOON. ©EON., Bust of Antinous to the left ; rev. BEIQYNIEfiN. AAPIANfiN., Antinous standing to the right, looking back, habited in a j tunic? and chlamys? a pedum in his left hand, and his I right (holding a small ill-defined object?) stretched towards I a tall reed, with flag-leaves pendant on both sides, near [ which in the distance, beyond the figure of Antinous, stands \ a bull; above is a star; of the highest degree of rarity ; in very fine preservation, very clean, and of fine yelloio I brass : . . size 11. 1 I *„,* This fine and rare medallion bears traces on the edge of having been ; set in a silver rim or mounting by the ancients. It was struck in the , native city of Antinous, which was situated on the banks of the 1 river Sangaris. The elegantly executed type of the reverse has P V J J^' ( 294 ) every appearance of Laving been copied from a painting. In the symbolical language of antiquity, it may be said to represent Anti- twus as a Shepherd, by the side of the river Sangaris at night, and probably commemorates some particular event of his life not men- tioned in history ; see Pausanias, Arcadia, cap. ix, toicards the end. 2123 Hadrianopolis, in Bithynia ; Antinous, (Medallion) ; see iff)?. vol. 2, p. 434, No. 132 ; of extreme rarity, but in rather middling condition; looks sandy, hut is genuine : size 11. 1 2124 Nic»a; Messalina; MES2AAINA. 2EBASTH. NEA.HPA.; • " see Mt. p. 450, No. 213; in very fair condition, and of clean yellow brass : . size 8^. *^* This coin has the edge smooth, and an unpleasant sandy look on both sides, but is genuine, and of the utmost rarity. Nicaea ; Domitian ; 7'ev. the Farnesian Hercules ; see Mion- net, Supp. vol. 5, p. 85, No. 431, and Dumersan, pi. 11, fig. 4; fine, and an extremely rare and interesting reverse : size 6. *ii* From the Allier collection ; this being the identical coin engraved and published as inedited. Nicaea, in Bithynia ; Commodus ; rev. K0M0A6IA., three naked Figures (Athletse?) standing round a vase, (anoint- ing themselves?); compare Mt. vol.2, p. 457, No. 252; extremely rare, and in very fair condition : size 8. Nicaea ; Tranquillina ; rev. Figure in a hexastyle Temple ;^ fi7ie : . size 6. 4 ^ z^" ' 2125 Nicomedia; Macrinus ; rei'. the StafiF and Serpent of ^scula- pius ; very fair condition : . size 4. Tium ; ANTINOni. HPfil., Head of Antinous to the left ; rev. [TI]ANO[I,]; see Mt. Supp. p. 259, No. 1507; head very good, reverse very middling, but of extreme rarity: . . size 9. *^* In proof of the genuineness of the rare coin forming lot 2123, and the Messalina in lot 2124, observe the peculiar sandy appearance on a small portion of this most undoubted coin. It is a peculiarity in the metal, (yellow brass) used about this period in the coinage of Bithynia and Mysia. Cyzicus ; Faustina jun.; rev. Diana in hunting dress, with bow ; rare, and very fine : . size 7. Cyzicus ; Diadumenian ; rev. Bull ; very good condition : size 5. 4 //V- ( 295 ) 2126 Tium; Antinous ; as in the preceding lot; much ruhhed, and ■r^if'^'^- in very had state on both sides : size 9. Cyzicus; Faustina jun.? KOPH. COTEIPA. [KYZIKH- NON.] ; rev. Galley; rare, and very fair state : size 9. Lampsachus ; Severus; rew.AAN^AKHN[ON.] (sic.)priapric terminal Figure holding thyrsus and vase near an altar, on which is fii*e burning ; very good condition, and extremely rare : . size 6. Pergamus ; Trajan; tetrastyle Temple on obv. and rev.; see Mt. Supp. p. 434, No. 962; very rare, and very good condition : . . size 7. *^* This coin is of the same metal as that pointed out in the note to the coin of Tium in lot 2125. It has not been cleaned; but if cleaned would look sandy like the Messalina in lot 2124. Pergamus ; Commodus ; rev. iEsculapius ; very good con' dition : . . size 3. Pergamus ; Commodus ; rev. iEsculapius in a hexastyle temple ; very rare, but bad condition on both sides : size 91. 6 2127 Pergamus; Ant. Pius, (Medallion); rev. the Apollo of Mile- tus and iEsculapius standing; very fine, and rare : size 10. *^* This coin is also of the same metal before mentioned. Pergamus ; Caracalla, (large Medallion) ; rev. the Emperor on horseback, followed by a male figure ; on the right is a statue of -SIsculapius on a high base ; in very good con- dition, and extremely rare : . size 1 3 J. 2 2128 Alexandria-Troas ; Caracalla; see Dumersan, pi. 13, fig. 3; good condition: . size 6. Alexandria-Troas ; Geta ; rev. Apollo naked, to the left, with one foot on a base, holding a branch of laurel ; good con' dition, and rare: . size 51. ' Alexandria-Troas ; Caracalla ; rev. Wolf, with Romulus and . Remus ; Jciir condition : . size 6. Alexandria-Troas ; Caracalla ; rev. Eagle, with bull's head in ' its talons ; Jair condition: . size 6. \ Alexandria-Troas ; Alex. Severus ; rev. Tripod ; very mid- 1 dling condition : • size 3. J Alexandria-Troas; Maximus; rev. Horse; very good con- \ dition : . . size 6. ///- ( 296 ) Alexandria-Troas ; Gallus ; rev. Figure on a griffin ; good condition, and rare : . size 6. Alexandria-Troas ; Valerian ; o'ev. Horse ; ^ne : size 4. Dardanus ; Julia Domna ; rev. AAPAANII2N., helmcted Bust of Minerva to the right; very fine, and extremely rare : • . size 4^. Ilium ; M. Aurelius ; rev. CKAMANAPOC. lAlGON., the Scamander personified as a bearded old man, half draped and recumbent, with a vase under his arm ; very fine, and extremely rare : . size b^. 10 *jj* This very interesting coin appears not to exist in the French col- lection. (Greek Cities, hi Copper, continued at page 3\2.J STATER OF CLAZOMENE, IN GOLD. /^ 2129 Clazomene; olv. winged Half Boar to the right ; rep. quad. ^ -V^^ / incusum ; unpublished? and extremely fine: ' size 41. weight 217 grs. 1 *»* There is no indication of the tunny fish on this coin; and its weight differs from that of the Cyzicene staters. It is, therefore, to be dis- tinguished from the analogous type, (really of Cyzicus) engraved by Mionnet, Supp- Vol. 5, pi. 2, fig. 2, and may be pretty safely ascribed to Clazomene, especially by the help of the weight of the following coin. ( Greek Cities, in Silver, continued from page 281.^ d CITIES OF IONIA, IN SILVER. / .. /■^ 2130 Clazomene.; ohv. winged Half Boar to the right; rev. quad. r, < incus. ; extremely rare, and in very good condition : m size 4. weight 107 grs. \* The weight of this silver coin being half the weight of the gold stater, (which it precisely resembles in type and age) favours ex- tremely the classification of the gold coin to Clazomene. The weight of coins is often a most useful help to the correct classifi- cation of the uncertain, though hitherto neglected. Clazomene; same type ; very fine : size 2. tvt. 14^ gt^s. 2 -^' ■^''^ ■ 2131 Clazomene; o5w. full faced Head of Apollo, laureate; rev. /? KAAlO[MENinN.] HPAKAEIA[H2.?] Swan to the < ^'-x left, with head turned back and wings expanded ; presumed y W /4 ^ ( 297 ) to be unique, and unpublished of this type; in perfect condition, and fine work, but the obverse a little injured by oxide : . size 6 J. weight SSOy^^y grs. 1 COIN OF EPHESUS, IN GOLD. 2132 Ephesus ; precise type of Mionnet. Supp. vol. 6, pi. 3, fig. 2, with the small stag and bee on each side the base of the statue on the reverse, but without any letters ; unpublished, and in perfect condition, probably unique; y/?/ size 3. weight 84^ grs. 1 *^* This coin is of pure gold, and of a comparatively low period. Its weight offers some difficulty as to its denomination. It must how- ever be assimilated to the weight of the silver coin forming lot 2134, and also to the weight of the fine gold coin of Clazomene, in the French cabinet, (Mt. p. 63, No. 8) which weighs 87-^'- Eno-lish grains. The gold coins of Ephesus and Smyrna, in the same mag- nificent collection, do not help the difficulty, being both attic di- drachms. CITIES OF IONIA, IN SILVER. (Continued.) 2133 Ephesus; obv. E., Bee; rev. quad incus.; extremely rare, ' ^"^ and in very good condition : size 4. wt. 117^0 grs. Another ; fine, and very rare: size 3^. wt. 49^ grs. Ephesus ; obv. E., Bee ; rev. E$,, two stags' heads and necks facing; see Hunter, tab. 26, fig. 5; extremely rare, and in very good condition : size 1. wt. 14~ grs. 3 af •l^ 2134 Ephesus; obv. Head of Diana to the right, with the usual ■■'^-:t^ ornament in front, and the hair flowing ; rev. E$E., Quiver and Bow, with a bee in the field, and EXEANA(H.); see Mionnet, Supp. vol. 6, p. 115, No. 230; in perfect con- dition : . size 4^. weight 86^^ grs. I ,/ • • *#* The first coin discovered of this new type is in the collection of Mr. Huxtable. That above described is presumed to be the second known, and is the identical specimen published by Mionnet, who has singularly erred in his notion of its rarity. A long passage in Poly- aenus Strat. (lib. vi. cap. 49 Anaxagoras) gives a peculiar interest to this remarkable coin ; since there can exist no reasonable doubt that the EXEaNaH. whose name occurs on it, is the individual mentioned by Polyaenus. The coin, by its style of work and peculiar type, can be readily referred to the precise period of time, (during the reign of Lysimachus, and shortly after the death of Alexander) to which the narrative of Polyaenus applies ; and the name is too re- markable, and of too rare occurrence, to permit the supposition that yj^/^ c^ y.- :^^2//^^ ( 298 ) two persons named Ecbeanax, should Lave been contemporaneously mixed up with Epbesian afiFairs; see (in connexion with ihe type of this coin) a paper " On the City of Ephesus when called Arsinoe,'' in the Numismatic Chronicle, Vol. 2, page 171 ; and the editor's note at page 176, as well as the plate illustrative of the paper. y /_ . 2135 Ephesus; type of Mt. Supp. vol. 6, pi. 3, fig. 4; but with KAAAI2TPAT02. ; in very fine condition : c^-^-^ size 5. iveight 102^ grs, 1 *^* This elegant coin presents us with a most happy effort of Asiatic Greek art in the delineation of female beauty, a little anterior to the descent of Alexander the Great into Asia. There is such an ap- pearance of individuality in the features, as almost to lead to the opinion that this Head of Diana hands down to us the real portrait of an Epbesian Lady, instead of an ideal representation of the God- dess ; but such an idea, however pleasing, seems inadmissible. ,\ y^ 2136 Another; with MINN02.; also a very beautiful coin, in ' perfect condition, and extremely fine ivork : f.\^^c^ size 5. tveight 1^)0^^ grs. 1 2137 Another; with EPMfiNAH.; in perfect condition, and very fine ivorTcmansMp : size 5. weight \Q\^ grs. 1 --• '^^oi ^/ , > 2138 Another; with nY0ArOPA[2.] ; very sharp on both sides, / and very good work : size 5. iveight lOlyjj grs. ^Erythr^; type of Mionnet, pi. 76, fig. 4; AI0NYSI02.; / fine: . size Z. weight bA-^ grs. 2 iJ" c^"- 2139 Ephesus; type of that in the preceding lot; bust of Diana, and NAYKPATH2.; very fine on both sides, and ve^'y good work: size 5. weight li 00^ grs. J - Erythrae ; type of that in the preceding lot, but with AIO- "' nEI0H2.;/ne; sizeZ. tveight 54^ grs. 2 ^^'^ 2140 Ephesus ; type of Mt. Supp. pi. 3, fig. 5; ffiHNOAOTO^.; fi7ie : size 6. weight 232^ grs. Ephesus ; type of that in the preceding lot ; Bust of Diana, and SKOIIAAHS.; in veiy good condition: size 5. iveight 97y'jj grs. 2 ^^^ 2141 Ephesus; type of 3It. Supp. pi. 3, fig. 5; $EPAI02., very good condition : size Q^. weight 2'21^ grs. Ephesus ; with Bust of Diana, as in the lot preceding ; / AIONY2I02. ; fair condition : size 5. iveight 100^ grs. 2 ' /y ■ 2142 Ephesus ; type of Mt. Supp. pi. 3, fig. 5, with HPEAOXOS.; .^ ^ I^ in fair condition : size 6. iveight 228^ grs. j<;//^4 ;'//// z.. ( 299 ) -^ Ephesus ; with Bust of Diana, as in the lot preceding, and EKATAIOlS.; good work, and fine condition : size 5. weight 101^ grs. 2 2143 Ephesus ; a cistophorus date NF. (year b2i); fine: size 6g. weight \^5-^ grs. Ephesus; see Mt. p. 86, No. 188; NIKOAOXO^.; good condition: . size 4. Ephesus ; with Bust of Diana, as in the preceding lot, and VVYM% (false): size 5. weight 123^ grs. \ ''^ ^ GOLD COIN OF ERYTHR^? __ ,-^2144 Uncertain; ohv. Head of Hercules, with lion's skin, to the 'l"'*'''^'' left, in archaic style; rev. quad incus, divided into four parts, two of the squares deep, and two shallow ; very rare, unpublished, and in fine condition : ; size 11. weight S8^ grs. 1 -^ y *^* This coin is of gold, and anterior to the class of electrum coins. By the type it is presumed to belong to Erythrae. It is a Hecta. CITIES OF IONIA, IN SILVER. (Continued J ^L^ 2145 Erythrae; (the Tetradrachm) $ANN0©EMI2. ; see ilff^■onne#, I Supp. p. 214, No. 905; of extreme rarity, and in per- \ feet condition : size &^. weight 22Q grs. 1 '^ '^ ~^ 2146 Erythrae; (Drachm) same type ; AIOIIEIQHX; very fine: size 3. weight 54y^^ grs. Erythrae ; see Mionnet, Supp. vol. 7, pi. 6, fig. 1, and vol. 3, p. 568, No. 151 ; very rare, and in perfect condition: size 4. weight 109^ grs. 2 "^^ J/ *^* This coin was formerly classed by Mionnet to Celenderis, but he recognizes it in the Supp. (p. 213, No. 898) to be of Erythrae, in Ionia, to which place it really belongs. 2147 Erythrae ; (Drachm) like the first in the preceding lot ; AIIEAAA2.; very fine: size 3. weight 55^ grs. Erythrae ; type of Mt. pi. 51, fig. 5, but the letters are i-etro- grade, and the flower, or star, has only eight rays ; rather / y^__ rubbed : size 3^. weight 68^ grs. 2 *^* This variation in the type is new and very curious. 2148 Another ; type as usual; rare, but rather rubbed: size 3^. weight 7 Ir^ grs. Z/''/^' / >^ Pir - // J^^/ cT// / ( 300 ) Erythra3 ; (two Drachmaj) type as before ; API2TEA2. and AHEAAAS.; both fine : size 3. weights ^^-^^ grs. and 55 grs. 3 2149 Erythrse ; (Drachm) type as before, with MOAION. in very ^ small letters, and a monogram ; rare, and fine : ^- i^^ size 3. weight ^'^-^ grs. x Another; with IIEAOIIIAH^. in very small letters, and a monogram; rare and fine : size S. wt. S\-~ grs. Another; with A^KAHniAAHS. AHMAA[OY.?] wry rare, and in perfect condition : size 3. weight 55^ ^>'*. Magnesia (ad Mseandrum) ; ohv. Horseman with lance, to the ; right; rev. MAFN., Bull tossing, to the left, behind is a ear of wheat, and underneath [A]nOAAO.,..; extremely \ rare, and in perfect condiction : ; sise 2. weight 25^ grs. 4 2150 Magnesia (ad Maeandrum); type o£ Mt. Supp. pi. 4, fig. 3; ^ __'\ see Hunter, tab. 35, fig. 9; MArNHTON. EPASinnOS.^^-^^] API2TE0Y. ; a remarhahly beautiful and perfect speci- men of this most rare coin : size 9. wt. 248 gi^s. 1 *#* The edge of this fine coin has been filed or smoothed, but it has sus- tained no real injury. (Greek Cities, in Silver, continued at page 315. ^ //'■- t:0yy^ GOLD COINS OF MILETUS? 2151 Uncertain; (large elongated Stater of pale Gold); oii'. Head .--y^, of a Lion, with the mouth open and tongue out, to the left; ^•''^ rev. a rude square indentation ; unpublished? in perfect condition, and of the greatest rarity: size 5. tveight 247 ^^ grs. 1 *^* This appears to be the oldest coin in the collection, and would, in- deed, probably be the oldest coin of any collection. It may be referred to the most remote period to which Herodotus intended to allude, when he ascribed to the Lydians the invention of coinage, and shews every indication of its early date. The peculiarity in the form and style of the Lion's Head, is the motive for ascribing it to Miletus, in preference to Cjzicus, or other places. ' 2152 Uncertain; the same Lion's Head to the left, on a round z:^^'^'- buckler ; rev. an indentation nearly square, divided into ( 301 ) jy/// four uneven parts; of extreme rarity: size \\. weight 42^ grs. 1 *j^* This coin is of gold, and should not be confused with the class of electrum coins. It is in perfect condition, and presumed to be in- edited. It is the Hecta of the above stater; see the note on this new denomination of gold coins at the end of lot 2260, page 316. 2153 Uncertain; ohv. full-faced Head of a Lion (apparently the same lion) seen in front, of a very peculiar and rude style of antiquity; rev. quad, incus ; unpublished? and in per- fect preservation : size \^. weight 41^ grs. ^ y^ . *^* This coin is struck upon a small mass of gold of most irregular form , as it seems to have been thrown from the crucible. Its weight shews it to be a Milesian Hecta like the preceding. Miletus ? compare 3Iionnet, pi. 36, fig. 3 ; but attached to the head of the lion just above the eye is a star; rev. an ob- long indentation divided into two unequal parts ; in very good condition ; pale gold: size 2, elongated, weight 72^ grs. 2 *^* This coin has a small countermark on the edge. Such marks, appa- rently from a small punch, frequently occur on coins of this type. 2154 Another; with six curious ancient countermarks on the edge of the coin, one of which is a triquetra ? and another a small head (of Apollo?); well preserved, and of pale gold: j size 2, elongated, weight 72^ grs. // ^ \ *^* It is rare to find one of these coins countermarked with so many ' symbols as this. Uncertain ; ohv. four irregular projecting masses, as if im- ) pressed from an incuse indented square ; rev. an indented I square, divided into four uneven parts ; rare^ and very curious : . size ^. weight 4^ grs. 2 ! COINS OF ELECTRUM. f Continued from page 283. J I ♦^* It has not been considered necessary, either here, or at page 282, to specify ; the separate weight and size of these well known coins. For the satis- faction of the young Numismatist, it may, however, be remarked, that they all closely approximate to 40 grains Troy, and vary in size from No. 1 to j No. 1^ of the scale of Mionnet, on the first page of this Catalogue. As I specimens of beautiful art, they are frequently so fine, as to yield to nothing in the whole Greek series. ^ ^vv.^- 2155 Cyzicus? see Mionnet, vol. 7, pi. 55, fig. Q; fine and rare. ^, y^ ■y Smyrna ? see Mt. pi. 55, fig. 7 ; fine and rare. 2 'r 2156 Uncertain; see M#. pi. 53, fig. 8; very rare, and fair con- 1 dition. . . \ ' ''^ y Q g , yZ^/n/ ^^I//^v f-^tr ( 302 ) 2157 Uncertain; oil', bearded old Head to the right, with ivy^> ./ wreath ; rev. two calves' head, face to face, with a flower between them, in quad.; very rare, and fair condition. 1 2158 Uncertain ; ohv. Male Head with laurel wreath, to the right; rev. two Ram's Heads, butting, a flower above, and another below between them ; the whole in quad. ; very fine and " // 1 rare. . . 1 '<^zy^' 2159 Phocsea; see Mt. Supji. vol. 9, pi. 10, fig. 7-, fine. Pergamus ? ohv. Apollo, with laurel wreath and long hair, to the right, a serpent behind ; rev. Female Head with broad , band, to the right, in quad.; very fine ivork. 2 '"' ' 2160 Another; extremely fine. Uncertain ; see Mt. pi. 45, fig. 3; very fine. 2 -' y^ - 2161 Pergamus; like the first in the preceding lot ; very fine. Uncertain ; ohv. laureate Male Head with long hair, to the right ; rev. Female Head with long hair, inclined diago- ^ - nally, in quad.; fine and rare. . 2 ' 2162 Another; with the Female Head wearing a necklace ; yfwe. Uncertain ; see Mt. vol. 7, pi. 59, fig. 7; good condition. 2 ^ ^ y -' 2163 Uncertain; see Mt, pi. 59, fig. 11; very good condition. ^ ^ i Uncertain ; see 3It. pi. 55, fig. 'd\ fine and rare. 2 - ' 2 yo 2164 Cyzicus ; see 3It. Supp. vol. 9, pi. 10, fig. 15 ; very fine. ' Uncertain ; ohv. Head to the right, with ivy wreath ; rev. ' Head with fillet, and horn in front, in quad.; very good >' • y condition. . . 2 '^ ' j; /y/^ 2165 Uncertain; see iff;, pi. 59, fig. 1 1 ; /ne. ' Phocsea ; ohv. Head of a young Faun crowned with ivy, to the left, and a Phoca under the neck ; rev. quad, incus. ; very fine. . . 2 ■-^ — ^2166 Uncertain ; ohv. Female Head to the right, with narrow fillet and spike in front ; rev. youthful Male Head with ivy ^ wreath, in quad.; o'are and fine. ^^^^^^^^ Uncertain ; ohv. youthful Male Head with fillet, and square j ornament in front ; rev. Female Head to the right, with broad band and flower in front ; o'are and fine. 2 "^ *^ ' 2167 Another ; very fine and rare. Uncertain ; see 3Iionnet, pi. 55, fig. 9; very fine and rare. 2 -■ '' ^ ^ ■ 2168 Smyrna? see Mt. pi. 55, fig. 7 ; fine and rare. Uncertain ; ohv. Female Head with mural tiara, to the right; rev. youthful Head, with small petasus, in quad.; very ^^^ ^ rare^ and fine. . 2 ( 303 ) J^ ^^ 2169 Cyzicus; see Mt. pi. 55, %. 8; very fine. Phocaea ; ohv. Female Head to the left, with long hair, and a phoca under the neck; rev. quad, incus.; rare. 2 ,' patera and hasta ; a peacock at her feet ; rather fine 1 %* All the medals of this Empress are extra rare, nor are there any Greek or colonial ones known ; see Smyth, No. CCCXVIII. where the above type is excellently described. ' • ^^ — 2189 Manlia Scantilla; a very good obv.; rev. as in the preceding .,^^j^^j^_ u lot; extra rare, and patinated > 1 ' ,m^^ '/ ( 305 ) .MZ//^ numeness. rr. ___ 2190 Didia Clara; ohv. a profile of this most beautiful Princess; rev. HILAR. TEMPOR.; the usual and only type known; a very fairly preserved and extra rare medal 1 -^ ' ( Continued at page B23.J ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN SILVER. f Continued from page 286.^ -^^ 2191 Maxentius ; rey. a Warrior and a Female joining hands ; be- tween them are Remus, Romulus, and the wolf; marti. PROPAG. IMP. AVG. M.; in the exergue, v.. q,,; fine, and extra rare . . I *^* A medal of this exact type and legend produced j£l8. I5s. at the sale of Lord Morton's cabinet. 2192 Licinius sen.; rev. Jupiter holding a victory, an eagle, &c.; ^^ ^ lOVI. CONSERVATORI. Constantinus Maximus ; rev. the Praetorian Camp, with three turrets; virtvs. militvm.; in the exergue, r.t.; a very fine Solidus . . 2 ^ '.y y^<- 2193 Constantinus Maximus ; rev. type and legend as in the last lot ; y 'j a fine Solidus . . \ /" /^ - J 2194 Constantinus Maximus, 2 ; rev. Praetorian Camp, with four 3^ ^ turrets, and the gates open ; legend as above ; in the exer- gue, p. t.r.; 7'ev. viCTORiAE.LAETAE., &c.; of base silver, Constans I.; re?;, a Victoi*y, with trophy and palm ; victoria. i DD. NN. AVGG.; in the exergue, tes. (Thessalonica) ; fne. / /■/ Constantius II. Julianus II. . 5 7\ . 2195 Constantius II., 2. j Julianus II., 5; all varied; one has oSv. f.l. c. IVLVS. p.p. AVG.; young Head ; rev. otis. iltis. (struck at Lyons); [ evidently a blundered legend, and very curious; well j preserved; see another, likewise of barbarous fabric, in I Mionnet, 2d vol. page 294. , - ( Jovianus. Valens, 4. Gratianus, 3 . 15 yj^;^:;^2196 Valentinianus sen., 2. Theodosius sen., 3. ' Magnus Maximus, 4 ; all varied; one is the one-third of the I silver Solidus ; rev. the Praetorian Camp, a stai*, &c. ; spes. j ROMANORVM. ; the most rare type, in silver, of this Em- . , I peror ; ivell preserved; but very doubtful as to its ge^ ' / ^/^fyp .'*-' ---^-^'^ ( 306 ) Arcadius. Honorius. Jovinus; this is false . 12 *^* The \ of the Solidus is erroneously called a Quinarius, " Dope Co- stiuitino IMagno — non piu denari e quinari d' oro e d' argento, es- sendo invece Soldi e Terzi di Soldo, con sensibili variazioni nel peso, massinie pell' oro." Cornaglia, in •' Museo Numismatico Lavy," Turin, 1810. _ ,» — 2197 Zeno ; the one-third of the Solidus; rev. Eagle and Star ; ^ rare. Basiliscus ; the one-third of the Solidus ; rev. a military Figure ^ -^ standing, with lance and a cornucopia ; r. v. ; well pre- served, and extra rare, if genuine ?? . 2 / „^. _ 2198 Anastasius, 2; rev. a Star in a wreath; rev. a Victory y walking; both are one-thirds of ike Solidus. Justinus I.; rev. c.N. in a laurel crown. Justinianus ; rev. vox. mvlthi. (sic.) Athalaricus. Baduila. , Trisamundus ; ohv. d.n.r.g. trsamvnds.; rev. d.n. in a ^--'cc^- myrtle gai'land ; an extra rare and well preserved one- third of the Solidus . . 7 y j,f?_ 2199 Hildericus ; rev. the Virgin of Carthage standing, with ears of wheat, &c. ; felix. kartg. (sic); consult Baron Marchanfs (XVIth Letter, and No. 9 of the plate,) Me- langes de Numismatique, Metz. 1835, for this ivell pre- , served and rare one-third of the Solidus. Phocas ; false. Constantinus Pogonatus. Heraclius and Ti- berius. Constans II. . .5 *^* For this and following lot consult Saulcy's first-rate work, Essai, &c. Byzantines, plates V. IX. X. Metz. 1836. /' .^ — 2200 Leo III. and Constantinus V. ; ohv. and rev. rather poor. Alexius Comnenus II.; well preserved. Various, 3 ; one is an imitation of Michael VIII's rare gold coin ; one a Quinarius (probably Indian ?), similar to the Byzantine types ; one, false, reads marivs., &c. 5 ^:J'^^ ROMAN IMPERIAL QUINARII, IN SILVER. / // ■ 2201 Nero; rev. Victory on a globe. Galba; rey. victoria, galeae. A vo.; rare. Vespasianus; rev. victoria, avgvst. Titus ; rev. victoria, avgvsti. / ^^y'-yj/^ ( 307 ) j-^^^ \y Domitianus, 2 ; rev. Victory walking ; very fine; rev. a Vic- tory seated. Trajanus; rev. a Victory ; s.p.q.r., 8fc.; all fine and rare 7 2202 Domitianus ; rev. Victory walking. Trajanus; rev. same type; p.m. tr. p., &c. Hadrianus, 2 ; rev. Victory. Commodus, 2 ; rev. Victory. Septimius Severus ; rev. Victory ; all very well preserved, and scarce , , 7 2203 Sept. Severus ; rev. a Victory, &c. Julia Domna ; rev. ivno. Caracalla ; rev. nobilitas.; rare. Alex. Severus ; rev. annona. avg. Julia Mamaea ; rev. poor. Heliogabalus ; rev. libertas. avg. Gordianus III.; rev. aeternitati. avg.; all tolerably preserved, and rare . , 7 2204 Alexander Severus ; rev. spes. pvblica. Gordianus III. ; rev. a Female seated. Valerianus sen.; rev. oriens. avgg. Saloninus ; rev. principi. ivventvtis.; very rare. Constantinus Maximus ; rev. the Praetorian Camp, with four towers; virtvs. militvm.; a very fine and rare one- third of the silver Solidus . 5 / ^ z^- ./ y/ '<; ^ ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN GOLD. ( Continued from page 288.^/ 2205 Septimius Severus; rev. laureate Head of Caracalla, and bare Head of Geta, face to face; aeternit. imperi.; very fine, and very rare . . 1 *^* From the Trattle collection, lot 2770. 2206 Septimius Severus ; ohv. Busts, side by side, of Severus and of Caracalla; impp. invicti. pii. avgg,; rev. a Victory marching; victoria, parthica. maxima.; very fine^ and extremely rare . . I *^* From the Trattle collection, lot 2768. '^^207 Septimius Severus ; rev. as the preceding ; fine, and equally rare . . .1 / '//^ ///- •^. Hr y y?'/^. ( 308 ) <" 5208 Septimius Severus ; rev. as the preceding ; equally fine and ^ ^^ ^ ^, rare . . .1 *" 2209 Septimius Severus ; rev. the Emperor, and his two sons, Ca- racalla and Geta, on horseback ; virtvs. avgvstorvm.; .^y^>! COS. III.; inedited, very fine, and most probably unique 1 ^^A" 2212 Septimius Severus ; rew. Victory in abiga ; victoriae.avgg.; finely preserved, and rare . . 1- ' ' '^ 2213 Septimius Severus; as the last . 1 c -^ ^<>-^ ^f J'. - 2214 Septimius Severus; rev. a Victory walking; vict. avg. tr. p. II. COS. II.; fine and rare . 1 c ' -? ' 2215 Septimius Severus ; rev. Victory, holding a bandelet before ^ a shield resting on a pedestal ; victoriae. avgg. fel. 1' "^^'^^ (' c?' 2216 Septimius Severus; rev. a Victory walking, with a garland , and a trophy; p.m. tr. p. iiii. cos. ii. p.p.; very fine,'^ '•'-^''^^ and rare . . \ "^ / ' /(/ /^ '" 2217 Septimius Severus; rev. victoriae. brit.[annicae] ; a , ^ Victory holding a wreath and a palm-branch ; a very rare, ■: j fine, and interesting type, relating to riritam ; not de- . scribed by 3Iionnet . .11 *^* A silver coin of this exact type is described by Akerman, " Coins of tbe Romans," &c. 1844, page 47, pi. 3-23, as forming part of tbe rich collection of our British Museum. ? /^ / <:/■ 2218 Septimius Severus ; rev. Rome Nicephorus standing; virt. AVG. TR. p. COS.; ivell preserved, and rare . 1 ^ -> • - 2219 Septimius Severus; rev. a Female, with a tessera and cornu- ^ - copia ; liberal, avg. cos. ii.; fine and rare 1 ' ^ i > *#* From the Trattle collection, lot 2747-. -^^ —2220 Septimius Severus ; rev. a Victory, holding a captive by the hand and carrying a trophy; p.m. tr. p. xviii., &c.; highly - I preserved, and rare . . 1 *^* From the Trattle collection, lot 2754. 2221 Septimius Severus ; rev. Jupiter, with his attributes, standing ; ^Z.:^-' y F.M.TR. p. xin., SiC; fine . 1 2222 Septimius Severus ; rev. Jupiter Nicephorus seated, and hold- ing a small victory; an eagle at his feet; lovi. prae. ^^^- ^r5 onBis,; fine, and very rare . 1 ^~ U?^. -Y / / ( 309 ) '^/^ '^ - ^7^. 2223 Septimius Severus ; rey. Rome seated ; restitvtou. vrbis.; / / in beautiful 'preservation . . \ // ^ X ... 2224 Septimius Severus ; rev. the Emperor on horseback, preceded by a soldier ; adventvi., &c.; very Jine . 1 ^^ .. . . 2225 Septimius Severus ; rev. Bacchus, Hercules, and a panther ; Dis. AVSPiciB., &c. ; very fine, and rare . 1 .^ ^ • , 2226 Septimius Severus ; rev. the Emperor and his i^o sons, seated on an estrade, and three other figures, standing ; libera- LITAS. AVGG. VI.; Tare, and finely preserved 1 y/- ^ ' *^* From the Trattle collection, lot 2760, though dilferently described. 2227 Septimius Severus ; rev. two Captives bound, seated at the foot of a trophy ; part. Arab. part, adiab. cos. ii. p.p.; y very fine , . 1 '^ 2228 Septimius Severus; ohv. Bust; divo. severo. pio.; rev. an Eagle on a thunderbolt ; consecratio.; struck, after his y/ ';? / death, at York, a.d. 211 . . j /v' -^ -^ *j^* A fine, rare, and interesting medal, from the Trattle collection. The beauty and preservation of nearly every coin in this gold series are such, that no one, however choice he may be in his collection, will ' find himself disappointed in making purchases without a previous inspection of the pieces. (Continued at page 325.) :^ SWEDISH MEDALS, &c., IN SILVER, BY HEDLINGER. ( Continued from page 29 1^*. ^^ 2229 Charles VI., Emperor of Germany ; pi. vii— 1 ; date 1725 1 *^* From the Trattle collection, lot 249. ^230 Count de Cronhielm, President and Chancellor ; pi. viii. — 1; date 1731 . . \ ^ -^ 2231 Marshal Lewenhaupt ; pi. ix.— 1 ; date 1734 . 1 / ^ 2232 Frederick, Landgrave of Hesse, on his being crowned King of Sweden in 1720, having married Ulrica Eleonora, then Queen of Sweden ; pi. xiii. — 3 . 1 2233 Ulrica Eleonora ; pi. xiv. — 1; rev. the Celestial Globe; on her temporary Regency during the absence of the King, Frederick, her husband, in 1731 ; semper, eadem. 1 - '^-^ 2234 Ulrica Eleonora ; pi. xiv. — 2; on her Death, in 1741 ; extra rare . • .1 '^ *^* From the Trattle collection, lot 262. R R - X//~ /^y ^ ^ ( 310 ) «^ '2235 Frederick King of Sweden ; on his return from Ilesse, in Nov. 1731 (whence the zodiacal sign of the Sagittarius on the reverse) . . I *j,* From tlie Trattle collection, lot 263. yj - 2236 Baron de Stiercrona ; on his Death, in 1723; pi. xv. — 1 1 *j^* From iLe 'I'rattle collection, lot. 269, ^ ^^. 2237 Kedcr (Nicholaus) ; a very eminent Numisraatologist, Anti- quarian, Linguist, &c. ; pi. xvi. — 3 ; rev. LA. dolcezza. DEL. ciEL. SOL. m'invaghisce.; very rore . 1 / J - - 2238 Baron de Harleman, Architect; pi. xvii. — 1; rare. Karlsten, the great Medalist, Hedlinger's predecessor at the Mint of Stockholm and friend ; pi. xviil. — 2 2 /^ ' 2239 Frederick of Sweden ; pi. xix. — 2 and 3; rev. on the Peace of Nystadt, in 1721; Peace and Plenty personified ; two varieties . . .2 /^. 2240 Ulrica; pi. xrx.— 4. y^ Lewis XV. of France; pi. xxxviii. — 8; on the Birth of the Dauphin, Sept. 4, 1729 ; patrem. virtvtibvs. re- FERAT. . . .2' *^* One of Hedlinger's most early works, executed in Paris ; but these dies are not in tbe INIusee Monetaire at tbe Hotel des Monnaies now. See tbeir Catalogue; ed. 1833; 8vo. (Continued at page 328. J .A MISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN GOLD COINS & MEDALS: NETHERLANDS, GERMANY, SPAIN, ITALY, &c. ,y//^> ~ 2241 Holland ; a Proof Dollar for the East India Company of the United Provinces ; ohv. a Warrior on horseback, to the right, &c.; mon. faed. belg.pro. holl. in. vsvM. societ. iND. ORIENT.; rev. Coat of Arms ; concordia. res. par- vae. crescvnt. 1728 ; in beautiful conditioti, and rare : size 13. 1 *^* From tbe Trattle collection, lot 1467. -^^ -^ ~ - 2242 Holland ; a Proof of the Silver Dollar, struck in Gold ; ohv. Coat of Arms ; mo. no. argent, comit. holl. 1681 ; rev. a Female armed, standing, &c.; hac. nitimvr. hanc. TVEMVR.; very rare, and fine : . size Xl^. I *o,* From tbe Trattle collection, lot 1465. >' /^y r- 4^y. ( 311 ) ^ 2243 Holland ; a Proof of the Silver Half Crown Piece, struck in Gold ; ohv. and rev. as the preceding ; very rare, and well preserved: . . size 9. 1 2244 Holland ; Overyssel ; a Gold Noble (in imitation of the English) of Philip H. of Spain ; obv. the King in a ship, ! a flag with the lion, &c.; phs. d.g. hispaniar. rex. a. q. TRANS. ISL.; rev. Sun in the centre, with lions and crowns; CONCORDIA. RES. PARVAE.CRESCVNT.;^Meanc? rare, being struck at Overyssel ; see Duby ; also in Snelling, pi. vii. i — 8; and in Tarif for 1621, Antiv., b. 2, No. 9 1 2245 Holland; a Gold Crown Piece ; o&i'. albertvs. et. eusa- BEL., &c.; the Archduke and Duchess of Austria, Go- vernors of the Spanish Low Countries, seated on a throne j of state; 1616 ; rev. Coats of Arras, and the order of the : Golden Fleece; avstriae. dvces. bvrgvndiae. bra- ! BAtiT.; fairly preserved, and scarce: size 12. 1 2246 Brabant; Philip II. King of Spain, as Duke of Brabant; Gold Crown ; obv. his Bust in armour, &c.; rev. Arms, and DOMiNVS. MiHi. ADiVTOR.; very fine : sizeY^. 1 *^* See Ordonnance and Placcarts for 1C21-22. Antwerp, fig. I 2247 Brabant ; a Gold Double Ducat of the same Monarch, as ; King of England (ang.) and Duke of Brabant ; struck at ; Antwerp . . .1 I *jj;* This fine piece is much heavier than usual, and, consequently is very rare. ^ ^:.^^. 2248 Brabant; a Gold Double Ducat Piece of the same King; j likewise with ang. for England, and as Count of Flanders ; j scarce and fine, but lighter than the preceding lot ; struck i also in Antwerp . . 1 *^* From General Ainslie's collection, 1840, lot 412. : . 2249 Holland ; Medallion on Prince Maurice's, Stadtholder of Hol- I land, Victory at Newport, in 1600 ; see Picot, Tablettes ' Chronologiques ; obv. a Warrior on horseback ; a battle I in the distance, sea and shipping ; 1600. captis. cxxx. mi- ! LIT.SIGNIS.ORD.AVSP. PRINCEPS. RIAVR. VICTOR. REDIIT.; , rev. Siege of the fortified Town of Newport ; compvlso. I ADDIDIT. PRAESID. ANDREAE. CAESO. FVGATOQVE. A. ' NEOP. ALB. AVST. ; very fine, and rare; Van Loon, / /'^ p. 535, I.: . iveight 2oz. Gdwts. size 15. 1 I *_^* J,ot loll of the Traltlc collection. ! 4^- / /■'//^ //J { 312 ) 2250 Spain ; oval Medallion ; obv, a Bust, to the left, of Philip II.; EN. TOVT. FiDELLES. AV. ROY.; rev. two Hands and a wal- let ; IVSQVES. A. PORTER. LA. BESACE.; rare, and very finely chased, with a ring to wear it as a decoration; ^q ^ a pearl hangs hy a loop at the bottom of the medallion ; Van Loon, Hist. Bletallique, i. — 84-3 : size 9. 1 %* From the Trattle collection, lot 2319. 2251 Flanders; Gold Seal; a fine gold impression of the curious Seal of Baldwin, as Count of Germany, of Flanders, and of Hainaut obv. baldo vinos, despotes.; a full-faced figure of Baldwin I., Emperor at Constantinople, time of the Crusaders ? (see MarcJiant, Melanges de Numisma- tique, lettre XXIX.); rev. a Warrior, with drawn sword ^ and buckler, on horseback, to the right ; bald, del gra. IMP. ROM. ELAND. EX. HAiN.coM.; rare. Consult Vredrii, Sigill Com. Fland., fol. 1639 . 1 %* From Dr. Goodall's collection, lot 519. (Continued at page 33 1.^) NINETEENTH DAY'S SALE. ( Greek Cities, in Copper, continued from page 296.^/ GREEK IMPERIAL CITIES OF IONIA, IN COPPER. LOT 2252 Ephesus; Augustus and Livia ; rei;. EE. TPY$fiN. MH- NO$ANTOS., Stag standing to the right ; very good con- dition, and unpublished ? size 5. Ephesus ; Caracalla; rev. Female with patera and cornucopia; fine : . . size 10. Ephesus; Gordian ; rev. E$EEK2N. TYXH. AAEEAN- APEQN., recumbent Figure, with rudder and cornucopia ; very fair condition : . size 8. Another ; much better : . size 8. Ephesus ; Valerian ; rev. Diana with bow and dog ; middling condition : size 6. /^^ ( 313 ) /^/ if Ephesus ; Valerian ; rev. E^EEIfiN. APTEMIC, Diana with dog and bow, seen in front, near a tree ; rare, mid very good condition : . size 8. Ephesus ; GaUieniis ; rev. Fortune ; very fair : size 5. Ephesus ; Salonina, (XPYCOFONH.) ; rev. Diana; analogous type to the preceding ; very good condition : size 7. Erythrae ; Augustus ; rev. EPY. EKATfiNMOS. AlSXPIfi- N02. occupying the field ; very rare, and good condition: size 4. Erythrae; Maraaea; MAMGA. (sic); compare Mt. p. 135, No. 553, but type of Fortune ; rare, undone : size 6^. Magnesia ; Otacilia Severa ; rev. Minerva standing ; Jine: size 8. 11 2253 Smyrna; Augustus and Livia ; see Mt. p. 218, No. 1215; ve7'y good condition : . size 4J. Smyrna ; Caligula ; Mt. p. 221, No. 1231 -.fair: size 31. Smyrna; Claudius and Agrippina? middling: size 4. Smyrna ; Titus and Domitian ; rev. the river Hermus ; Mt. p. 224, No. 1253 ; »-are, and very good condition: size 5. Smyrna ; Sabina ; rev. Prow of a Galley; Jine and rare: size 5. Smyrna; Commodus ; Mt. p. 236, No. 1330; very middling : / y size 8. Smyrna; Domna; rev. Hercules-, veiy good : size 6. Another ; rather difi'erent ; Jine : size 5. Smyrna ; Caracalla ; rev. Jupiter seated ; very Jine: size 8. Smyrna ; Geta ; rev. two Nemesis; very Jine : size 61. Smyrna; Geta; rey. Fortune in tetrastyle temple ; very Jine: size 7. Smyrna; TranquiWrna; rev. Hercules; very good: size 6. 12 2254 Smyrna; Augustus and Livia; Mt. p. 218, No. 1216; very fair condition : . size 4. Smyrna ; Severus (Medallion); 7'ev. two Nemesis ; very Jine: size 10. ,/V/ Smyrna ; Domna ; rev. Hercules ; Jine : size 5. Another ; somewhat different ; very Jine : sise 6. Smyrna ; Caracalla; rev. Jupiter seated ; very Jine: size 8. Smyrna ; Sev. Alexander (Medallion ; rev. CMYPNAION. nPOTON. ACIAC. r. NG, within a wreath in the centre of the field, &c.; fine: . size 10. '//// / ^^^ ( 314 ) Smyrna; Tranquillina; o'ec. the town personified as an Ama- zon, with a temple in her hand, &c.; /i7ie : size 8h- 7 ■y /j~ _ 2255 Smyrna; Severus (Medallion); rev. Cybele seated; ex- yy / tremelyjine, and of clean yelloiehrass; rare: size \0^. Smyrna; a duplicate of the preceding, but in gold; false: size \0\. tveight 414^ grs. 2 *#* This example may serve as a fair specimen of the degree of skill ex- ercised at the present daj' by the forgers of ancient coins, resident at Smyrna and at the island of Syra (Svros). This curious and bold falsification has been produced by means of a die, cast from the pre- ceding identical brass medallion of Severus, as m;iy be demonstrated satisfactorily by the remarkable accidental scratch across the knees of Cybele on the original coin. GREEK IMPERIAL COINS OF THE ISLAND OF SAMOS, IN COPPER. 2256 Samos ; Domitian ; rev. CAMION., Juno, seen in front, with / ^^ y^ /Z polos, and both arms extended, standing within a tetrastyle temple; very fine : . size 8. Samos ; Domitia ; rev. Prow ; very good conditio?! : size 4. Samos; Caracalla; rev. Fortune standing; good condition: size 7. Samos; Julia Maesa; rev. the same; good condition: size 7. Samos; Sev. Alexander; rev. Female Figure standing, with wreath and sceptre; middling: size 6. Samos ; Gordian; rev. Warrior with buckler, and his foot on the prow of a galley; fine: . size 9. Samos; Tranquillina; rev. Figure attacking a boar; a cast: size 8. Samos; Philippus jun.? rev. Female Figure like Diana tuni- cata, standing, w'ith wreath and branch of palm; very fine: size 5. Samos; Valerian; rev. CAMIfiN., the Samian Juno, with veil and polos, seen in front, both arms extended, the hands holding wreaths and supported by props, like the Ephesian Diana; very curious, and in fine condition: size 7^. Samos; Gallienus; rev. naked Hero with javelin, attacking a boar; in peifiect cotidition: size 7. 10. , y^ / 2257 Samos ; Hadrian ; rev. River recumbent ; middling cotidition : size 5. J"/ 7/^ ( 315 ) J/y-/ fA-^/»z^ Sanios ; Commodus ; rev. Female Figure standing, with scep- tre and wreath ; fair condition : size 6. Samos ; Tranquillina ; rev. Fortune ; dubious : size 7. Samos ; Tranquillina ; rev. River recumbent ; middling con- dition : . . size 5. Samos ; Otacilia Severa ; rev. Figure with buckler, and foot on the prow of a galley ; dubious : size 8. Samos ; Philippus ; rev. Figure with sceptre, standing in front of a galley; fine : . size 91. Samos ; Trajanus Decius ; rev. Neptune and Jupiter ; very fair condition : . size 1 0. Samos ; Trajanus Decius ; rev. Figure with buckler, and foot on the prow of a galley; middling condition: size 8. Samos ; Valerian ; rev. Juno in tetrastyle temple : very good condition : . size 7. Samos ; Gallienus ; rev. Samian Juno, like the Ephesian Diana; middling condition: size 8. 10 (Greek Cities, in Copper, continued at page S32. J C Greek Cities, in Silver, continued from page 300.^' CITIES OF IONIA, IN SILVER. (Continued.; 2258 Miletus ; type of Mionnet, Supp. pi. 5, fig. 2 ; but with '^ AAIANAPIO. ; ^ne condition, and of extreme rarity of this large size: size 6. weight 161^ grs. Miletus ; same type ; four Drachmae, with AAMNA2., ©E- OnPOnO., KAAAAI2XP0., and POAIO^.; extremely good condition : size 3. weights 34^, 54^, 55^, and ^^^ grs. Miletus ; same type ; rare, hut middling : size 2. jveight 22^ grs. Miletus; obv. Lion's Head; rev. Star in quad.; ^eV con- dition : . . size 1. 7 GOLD COINS OF PHOCiEA. 2259 Phocsea ; obv. Female Head, in very archaic style, to the left, with round ear-ring, and with a small cord and a necklace round the neck ; the hair (expressed by dots) hangs down straight behind, and is bound in front with a narrow band or diadem ; the eyes whole, and behind the head a phoca ; rev. indentations nearly forming a square ; this most curi- A / J//L^^ ¥/ji/ ( 310 ) ous and interesting coin is in the highest condition ; inedited? size \^. weight 39-^ grs. 1 *^* This coin and the followinp; beino^ of gold, are to he distinguished from the class of electrum coins which they appear to have preceded. 2260 Phocaea; obr. Head of a Seal, (Phoca vitulinis) to the left,y with a very minute seal under it ; rev, quad, incus. ; in the highest condition ; inedited 9 pale gold : size 1^. weight 40^ grs. *j^* A most interesting Athenian inscription, preserved in the British Museum, is the authority for considering the two preceding coins as Phoc«an Hect^f, ; a denomination of Greek money which is pre- sumed to be now for the first time identified, and applied to the class of coins, to which, on consideration, it will be found to belong. It is, as its name implies, the niith part [of the Stater,] which weighs about 248 grains, and consequently a Hecta (when of equal antiquity with its Stater) will weigh about 41| grains. The inscription alluded to has been published by Boeckh, (Corpus Inscriplionum GreEcarum, vol. ], pars II., Inscriplitmes Attica, page TjG^, as follows — § 19. CiBxaixa) a-Tatn^i ii. Bsnai Oajzaijej On which Boeckh remarks, " Phocaici stateres aurei fuerunt: "Exrat alibi non reperiuntur nisi in hoc ipso tilulo. § -2. Quae quum sextam stateris partem con- stituisse videantur, argentea; fuerint." §. 22. "Exth Oainaij xai, &c. It is highly probable that Boeckh would not have regarded the Hecta as a silver coin had he been aware of the existence of (comparatively) such abundant specimens of gold coins, exactly of the required weight to prove themselves to be Hectas, and belonging precisely to the towns of which we have gold Staters, as Cyzicus, Phocaea, flliletus, &c. It may be further remarked, that the period to which the Staters and Hectse in question belong, is antecedent to the age of the inscription, which may be referred to 400 years b. c. Phocaea ; obv. Head of a Griffin to the left, with mouth open, and resting on four minute pellets under the neck; behind is a very minute seal ; rev. quad, incus. ; this curious and minute coin is in the highest preservation ; inedited? size J. weight 6^ grs. 2 *^* This coin is the sixth part of the Hecta. CITIES OF IONIA, IN SILVER. (Continued.) ^ ^ 2261 Priene; type of Mionnet, p. 187, No. 891, but larger, and * with nPIH. EIIAM..; in extremely good condition, and oj^ the highest rarity : size 4. weight 76 grs. 1 2262 Smyrna ; type of Mt. Supp. pi. 5, fig. 4, with KMYPNAIfiN. '/" - HPAKAEIAH2. in two lines; see Mt. p. 190, No. 914, but a lion instead of a leopard ; of the utmost rarity, and as it came from the die : size 8^. wt. 255^ grs. V *#* The estimation of the rarity of the silver tetradrachms of Smyrna in RHonuet is quite erroneous. The oldest resident collectors at Smyrna have never seen a specimen. The cabinets of Europe were supplied by a small hoard discovered in Pellerin's time, since ■which period none have been found, Few coins are more rare than the Tetradrachms of Smyrna. ( 317 ) ^^^■^'^ .' 2263 Another; with KMYPNAIfiN. in two lines,and HPAKAEI- AH^., also in two lines, and a monogram; extremely well preserved^ and as rare as the last, hut not suchjine work- manship, although a very desirable coin : y^ ^ size 8^. weight 252^ grs. 1 ^ '' 2264 Smyrna; same obverse, but »*ew. ffiMYPNAIQN. in two lines, and a curious monogram within the wreath of oak ; this type is the most rare of these scarce coins; in very excel' lent preservation, though slightly rubbed, and a very desirable coin : size 9^. weight 250^^ gj^s. 1 ^'^ 2265 Teios? Mt. Supp. p. 373, No. 1871; type of Dumersan, '^ti,-^.'/^ pl^ j5^ fjg^ 23. qJ^^ Diota, with a bunch of grapes pendant from the bottom of each handle, and an ivy leaf with the point upwards above the mouth of the Diota; rev. quad. incus. ; fine and rare : size 4^. weight 185^ grs. 1 / ' ' , 2266 Teios ; obv. THI., Griffin with curled wing sitting to the '" '^''"*' right, mouth open, and left paw lifted up ; underneath, a grain of corn ; rev. indented square, divided into four , parts; rare and fine : size 6. weight 17 6^^ grs. 1 ^ ^ --^ ^ ^ 2267 Another ; with THI. under the lifted paw, and two scrolls on the bottom of the neck; very rare, and very good con- dition : size 5. weight 187 ^8^ grs. 1 -V'^'' 2268 Another ; with scroll on the neck, and a mask of a bearded old faun under the lifted paw, sitting on an ornamented line ; reiu the squares filled with large grains or dots of irregular form ; very rare, and in fine condition : y size 5. weight 178^^ grs. I -^'^'^ y^ ^ 2269 Another ; with bunch of grapes and vine leaf under the lifted paw ; very rare, and in very fine condition : size 4^. weight 1 83-j^ grs. 1 ,^~^'' Z' 2270 Another ; without any symbols or letters ; rare, and well preserved: size 5. weight \7 7 -^^ grs. 1 / — 2271 Teios ; Mt. Supp. pi. 6, fig. 2; p. 376, No 1890; very rare, and as it came from the die : size 3^. weight 56y2^ grs. \^'^y^^^ Samos; or rather Clazomene ; ohv. winged Boar ; rey. Skin of the Lion's Head in quad.; good condition: size 2. weight 45 grs. Chios; Mionnet, pi. 46, fig. 3 ; ^"ng ; //7 size 2^. weight 583%^ grs. / s s ( 318 ) Chios; type of Mt. p. 267, No. 22; AAKTMAX02.; rare, and fair covdition : size 4^. tveight 57^^ grs. 4 ^ . ...-" *^* This is a coin of a different denomination from the two preceding, the rarity of which by far surpasses the rarity of this coin. 2275 Samos ; see Hunter, tab. 47, fig. 1 ; obv. Skin of the Lion's Head ; rev. %A. HrH2lAN[AS.] and a monogram, within a circle ; Half Bull to the right, with a festooned orna • ment round his neck, and a straight branch of laurel behind ; vert/ fine old tvorJc and condition, and of extreme rarity of this size and weight: size 6. weight 235^5^ grs. I *^* This coin affords a very early example of a monogram. 2276 Samos ; see 3Iionnet, pi. 53, fig. 2, but with the festooned ornament round the bull's neck; rare, and fine old worTc and condition : size 6. tveight 201^ grs. Samos ; ohv. Half Bull to the right ; rev. Lion's Head in profile to the right, in an indented square, surrounded with dots ; old work, fine condition, and very rare : size 4. weight 102^ grs. 2 2277 Samos ; see 3It. p. 53, fig. 2, but A. under the bull's head ; rare and fine: size b^. tveight 199^ grs. Chios ; type of Mt. pi. 46, fig. 3 ; fair condition : size 3. weight 120 gi^s. Another ; smaller : size 1^. weight 39 J^ grs. Chios; type of Mt. p. 267, No. 22: AEPKYA02.; very good condition : size 4^. weight 51.^ grs. 4 2278 Samos ; type of Mt. Supp, pi. 6, fig. 5, but with %k, only; C/ well preserved, and very rare : size 5. tveight 200 j^ grs. '^ i> //^/2/ ( 319 ) / Samos ; see Hunter, tab. 47, fig. 4 ; type of Mionnet, pi. 76, fig. 6, but with BATT02. ; Jine and rare : size 4. weight ^4— grs. Samos, or Clazomene ; obv. winged Boar to the left ; rev. Skin of the Lion's Head in quad.; ijeri/ well preserved : size 2^. weight 49^ grs. 3 -^ 2279 Samos ; see Mt. pi. 53, fig. 2, but with M. under the bull's head ; Jine old work, and rare: ^ '' size 5. weight 199-j^ grs. Chios ; like the last coin in lot 2277, fine : size 4^. iveight 55^ grs. Samos, or Clazomene ; like the last in the preceding lot ; extremely fine: size 2^. weight 50^-^^ grs. Chios ; type of Mt. Supp. pi. 6, fig. 3 ; $H2IN0[5.] ; very fair condition : size 2\. weight 53^^ grs. Samos ; ohv. winged Boar to the right ; rev. !SA , Lion's Head in profile, to the right, in an indented square ; two, rather different : size \^. tvt. \2^ and \Q^ grs. 6 CITIES OF CARIA, IN SILVER. 2280 Cnidus; obv. Head of Venus; rev. KNI. [AY?]TOKPA- ■■^ TH2. ; Head and paw of a Lion, to the vighi; fine: ^ y^^ .^ 1 size 3. iveight 48^ grs. Another; difi'erent head ; [A?]TEAEA2.; well preserved : J size 3. weight 49^^ grs. W! Another; different head ; EAE5lPA2. ; well preserved : I size 3. weight 49-j^ grs. j Halicarnassus ; obv. Head of Medusa, full face ; rev. Head I of Minerva with helmet, to the right ; behind, an uncertain I symbol and monogram ; very rare, and in good condition : size 11. 4 1 , 2281 Idyma? (or Didyma?) in Caria; obv. Head of Apollo? seen ' • ""' full face; rev. [I?]AYMION., a fig leaf in an indented square ; in very good condition, and of extreme rarity: I size 3. weight 57^ grs. 1 1 *#• This remarkiible coin exhibits a known Rhodian type, and future I research, will, no doubt, prove the city to have been dependant on Rhodes, and situated on the opposite south coast of Caria ; see ! Slephanus Byzantinus, {iit voce), and the Geography of Ccllarius. 'O'^ 2282 Myndus; see Mt. p. 359, No. 327; extremely rare, and j very nearly as it came from the die : . yi \ size 4.. neight 56^^ grs. ///;/// ( 320 ) v^ Myndus; obv. Head of Bacchus to the right, with long hair and ivy wreath ; rev. MYNAIfiN. 0EOAOTO2., Bunch of Grapes ; inedited type ? in perfect condition : size 2. tceight 15^ grs. 2 // .,* 2283 Taha ; see 3It. Supp. p. 543, No. 509; probably the second known, and in perfect condition: size 4^, weight 54^ grs. •^* This is tbe identical coin described by Mionnet, from the cabinet of the Rev. V. J. Arundel, formerly Chaplain at Smyrna, Nysa; see Mionnet, Supp. p. 516, No. 391 ; iv ell preserved, and probably the only one knoivn of this size : size 4. weight 43^ grs. 2 *,* This, in like manner, is the identical coin described by Mionnet, from tbe cabinet of tbe Rev. V. J. Arundel. KINGS OF CARIA, IN SILVER. y .' 2284 MaussoUus ; ty^pe of Mionnet, Supp. ^\. 7, fig. 5; of extreme rarity of this large size, and in very perfect condition : size 6J. tceight 226^ gi's. 1 /' 2285 MaussoUus; MAY%X^AAO., same type; fair conditiofi : size 2^. iveight 54yL- grs. Pixodarus ; same type ; rare, and very fine: iv^^-ei size A\. tveight 106^ grs. 2 2286 Pixodarus; (in Gold) IUHQA. (sic); same type as the ^ y silver ; false : size 4|-. iveight 201^ grs. Pixodarus ; (in Golp) obv. Head of Apollo laureate, in profile to the right ; rev. III. (retrograde), a small double Axe in the centre of a concave indentation ; good work, {> , but false: . size 1. weight \b^ grs. 2 *^* These, and other coins in this collection from false dies, are thus mi- nutely described and weighed, for tbe sake of young collectors. ISLANDS OF CARIA, IN SILVER. /y 2287 Calymna; type of Mionnet, Supp. pi. 8, fig. 1 ; very fine work, very rare, and in very good preservation : size 4^. tceight 96^ go's. Another ; same type, but smaller ; tnore rare than the larger Q , coin, extremely fine, and as it came from the die: size 3. tceight 47 ^^ grs. 2 •#* There are, of late, many of these coins, of each size, from false dies. These may be depended upon, as well as the following. ^////Z? /^ A ( 321 ) ^^^//^/ / . y i2288 Calymna ; type as above ; very fine work, very rare., and as ''''"' /^ it came from the die : size 4^, weight 100^ grs. 1 -^ ''^ 2289 Cos ; KOS.; type of Mt. Supp. pi. 8, fig. 2; extremely rare^ and a very fine coin, although slightly rubbed: / size 6. weight 256^ grs. 1 / ^-^ ^ *^* The crab is well defined on the reverse of this coin. y' y ' 2290 Another ; not quite in such fine condition, hut a very good / coin, and equally rare : size 5^. weight 255^ gi-s, 1 " ' y 2291 Cos; see Mt. pi. .57, fig. 7; very well preserved, and ex- tremely rare : size 4|. weight 100 grs. fa. .^c c Rhodes; usual type; AFHSIAAMO^.; very well preserved: '^' size 4 J. weight 101-^ grs. Rhodes ; rev. Rose in a square, MArNHTOS. ; very fair condition: . size 2. weight 18-^ grs. 3 ^- ^'' ^ - 2292 Cos; type of Mt. pi. 57, fig. 7, with THAE^OX; in fair condition: . size 4^. Rhodes ; usual type ; POAION. AKE5I2. ; very well pre served : . size 4^. tveight 1 03^ grs, Rhodes ; obv. radiate Head in profile ; rev. Rose in quad., MNHMON.; very good condition : / c/^ size 3J. tveight 46 grs. 3 2293 Cos ; obv. Head of Hercules with lion's skin, to the right ; rev. veiled Female Head to the left ; extremely rare type, in fair condition, though rubbed: I size 4. iveight 100^ grs. Rhodes; usual type; MNA^IMAXO^.; /we.- size 5. weight 102^ grs. 2 ^'^ 2294 Rhodes ; type of Mionnet, Supp. tab. 8, fig. 6; POAION., AMEINIA2., and prow of a galley in the field ; finer work than usual, and in most perfect condition : size 6. weight 206^^ grs. 1 -'-^ "^-^ ' <}' 2295 Another ; precisely the same types, but from different dies on both sides ; finer work than usual, and in most perfect condition ; size 6^. weight 207 ^3^ grs. 1 2296 Rhodes ; same types, but the rev. in a square, POAION. '<:. '^^ and E. in the field ;j^ne condition, hut the work rather rude, though in bold style: size 6^. tveight 234^^ grs, 1 *,* Coins of Rhodes of this weight are of extreme rarity. / y. .^.- ( 322 ) '> 2:397 Rhodes ; usual type ; ANAEANAP02., and a buckler in the field; verij perfect condition: size 5. 7vt. 104^^ grs. Rhodes ; same type ; TIMO0EO2.; very good condition : size 4. weight 103 grs. Rhodes ; rev. PO., Rose full blown, seen in front ; very fine and rare : size 4^. weight 62^ grs. Rhodes; type of 3It. pi. 52, fig. 1, with MAH2.; pet feet co7idition ; size 3^. weight 37-^ grs. 4 2:298 Another ; with AEEIKPATH^., and a human right hand in '^ ''^ the field ; very fine and rare: size 3^. ivt. 47^ grs. Rhodes ; rev. POAION. in a square, in the field E. and a bunch of grapes ; very iv ell preserved : size 4. weight \QQ^ grs. Rhodes; rev. circular die ; POAION. EY. ; very good con- dition: size 4^. weight 100^ grs. Cos ; type of 3It. pi. 52, fig. 6 ; TIMOH. EKATA., star in the field, and A. on the edge of the square ; perfect con- dition : . size 2^. iveight 25^ grs. Another; HAIOAfi. EYAPAT.: " size 2^. 5 2299 Rhodes; usual type; MNASIMAXOX; /we; -^fi^ size 4. tveight 102-:^ grs. Rhodes ; rev. open Rose, seen inside, AIONY2I02. ; well j)reserved : size 5. weight 60-j^ grs. Rhodes ; type of Mionnet, pi. 52, fig. 1 ; fine : size 3. weight 47-^ grs. Another; difi"erent; /we.- . size 3^. Rhodes ; usual type ; ^ne : size 2. weight 24-j^ grs. Cos ; type of 3It. pi. 52, fig. 6 ; fine: size 3. iveight 29^ g7's. 6 2300 Rhodes ; usual type; fine conditioii : ^ -^ ■ size b. tveight 102^ grs. Rhodes ; type of lit. pi. 52, fig. 1 ; KAiVAIHEINO. ; /ine: size 3J. weight 37 ^^ grs. Rhodes; usual type; very good condition: size 2. Cos ; two different ; type of Mt. pi. 52, fig. Q.;fine: size 21. Rhodes; rev. two Rose-buds; tvell preserved: size 1. ( Greeic Cities, in Silver, continued at jyage 335.) ^y.o^}^- ( 323 ) ROMAN LARGE BRASS. ( Continued from page 305.^ 2301 Albinus, 3 ; o&y. Bust of the^^V Emperor ; ?'ey. felicitas. f^,^^'' COS. II.; rei\ fort, redvci., &c.; both well preserved ; rev. SAEc [vLO. frvgif.] ero. cos. II. Septimius Severus ; ohv. Bust of this stern but great Emperor ; rev. Severus standing between his two Sons on an estrade, with various soldiers ; p.m. tr. p. xviii., &c. 4 2302 Albinus, 2 ; rew. concordia.; rgi;. miner, pacif.; rare. > Sept. Severus, 2 ; rev. Jupiter Nicephorus ; p.m. tr. p. iiii., ^^ "'^ &c.; r^y. ADVENTVi. avg. FELlcissiMO. (a.d. 196); *ee Smyth, cccxxxil.; rare. Julia Domna, 2; rev. ivno.; rev. mat. avgg. mat. sen. m. patr.; rare; all well preserved . 6 2303 Albinus, 2 ; varied. 1^^^ Sept. Severus, 3; rev. a Soldier standing; rev. a Female seated, the forepart of a ship, and a small figure; p.m. tr. p., &c.; rev. moneta. avg.; the three Goddesses Mo- netae standing ; both rare. Julia Domna, 2. Caracalla. All fairly, some well preserved . 8 2304 Septimius Severus ; rev. two Victories placing a shield on a "/C-^ palm-tree, at the foot of which two captives are sitting ; victoriae. brittannicae. (^sic); finely preserved, with fine green cerugo, and very rare ; see Smyth, cccxxxvii., and Akerman,'^\.S — 24, 1844 . 1- *J^ Lot 3161 of the Trattle collection. //^ 2305 Septimius Severus ; types and legends as above ; fairly pre- served . . .1 ^ / 2306 Septimius Severus ; as the last; not patinated . I y /} , 2307 Septimius Severus ; rev. the Emperor and his two Sons sacri- ' ' ficing at an altar; p.m. tr. p. xviii. cos. ill. p.p.; rare, and well patinated ; a fine very large brass : size 10, full. 1 y^ -^ 2308 Septimius Severus ; rei^. a Funeral Pile ; consecratio.; one of his most rare medals; see Smyth, cccxxxviii.; rev. AFRICA. . 2 / / j/fy/./^ ( 324 ) •J:J09 Septimius Severus, 2; rer. a Victory, with wreath and palin- braiich ; viCT. pauthuo., &c.; rev. same type; vict. ■ '^''** AVG., &c.; both in tnost perfect condition. JuUa Dorana ; rev. mat. avgg. mat. sen. M. patr.; rare, well preserved, and patinated. Caracalla ; rev. mars, victor. . 4 / ,.' 2310 Septimius Severus ; rev. di. patrii.; very rare; rev. Dis. AVSpiciBVS., &c.; rare; see Smyth, cccxxviii.; ^o . 2351 Charles Landgrave, of Hesse ; 1654-1730; pi. xxxvii. — 1; rev. the Pyramid erected to his memory by his son, Frcde- / - rick, King of Sweden . , 1 = -'"^^l ( 329 ) *^/ ^ ■ y 2352 Frederick of Sweden ; ohxu Bust, with Hedlinger's name in the exergue ; rev. hortor. amare. focos.; Anvil, ham- mer, iron, &c.; in the exergue, commerc. ferrar. d.29. DEC. 1747. In allusion to the prosperity of the valuable iron and copper mines, and of the steel manufactories, of Sweden: . . size 16. 1 /^ *#* This fine medallion appears to be unpublished, as it is dated 1747. Hedlinger may have finished the rev. after he had left the direction of the mint in 1745. 2353 Frederick of Sweden ; obv. Bust, with the artist's name, from the identical die of the precedent lot ; rev. (hy Fcehrmann, \y^ /• his favorite pupil and successor at the Stockholm Mint, \~~~—^ in 1745^); a Flag Ship, with twenty guns, two sails, &c.; SECVRITAS. ORAE. MARITIMAE. ; on the exergue, CAROLO. PRiNC. sv. praef. CLASSis. 1749: in edited : size 16 1 ^.> yj %* From the Trattle collection, lot 266. 2354 Jubilee Medal ; pi. xi. — 1 ; in memory of the Confession of Augsbourg ; rev. the Saviour and Apostles in a ship at sea; H abet. svas. MORAS. ET. HORAS.; well preserved 1 ^^ 2355 Frederick King of Prussia ; a (bronze) Medallion ; ohv. his Bust; rev. Eagle, Sec; pi. xxxii. — 1; vtraqve. fvl- G^^s.; Jine, and very rare . 1 t^ %* From the Trattle collection. 2356 Piedfort of a Dollar ; ohv. Busts, side by side, of Frederick and Ulrica ; pi. xx. — 4 ; rev. God is our hope (in Ger- man characters and language), 1731; on the edge, mani- • Bvs. NE. LAEDAR. AVARis.; Very fine, and extra rare 1 ^-^ /^ 2357 Piedfort of the Half Dollar ; ohv. Bust ; fridericvs. d. g. REX. SVECIAE.; rev. Arras crowned; gvd. mitt. hopp. 1723; on the boi'der, ne. laedar. avaris. manibvs.; fine and scarce : . size \0. 1 *^* From the Trattle collection. 2358 Piedfort of the Quarter Dollar ; obv. and rev. as the pre- ceding ; but instead of the inscription on the rim there is a cordon ; very fine, and rare . 1 ^'^ *^* From the Trattle collection. 2359 Adolphus Frederick; on his Coronation, in 1751. Ludovica Ulrica ; crowned at the same time as her husband ; both finely preserved and rare medals : size 15. 2 / / jy/'/^ ( 330 ) '2SG0 Marshal Fersen ; ohv. Bust, to the right ; axelv. fersen. COM. ET. MAREsc. COMIT. A. MD.ccLvi.; vev. Herculos in repose; ex. dificili; in the exergue, oudinis. regni. svEc. cvDi. ivssEu.;^?js; . size 17. 1 *jj* These three beautiful medals which form the two last lots, are tlie work of FiEhrmann. His medals nearly equal in execution those of his illustrious master, Hedlinger. ITALIAN MEDALS, &c. IN COPPER. f Continued Jrom page 292. J '-' 2361 Papal ; obv. Pius VII.; rev. on his restoration of the famous ^' Flavian Amphitheatre at Rome ; a splendid Medallion, ^ tvith a view of the Amphitheatre ; on the neiv portion is inscribed, viYS.vii. ATt'. petrvs. briconnet.miles. franciae. gene- RALis.; rev. two Children holding a cornucopia ; fine and scarce, obv. Busts, &c. of Maxim, and Maria, King and Queen of Bohemia ; rev. a Man reposing on a truncated cippus, Cupid leaning on a death's head, ruins, and an altar with fire kindled; very likely unique; the reverse is very /" -^ finely chased . . 2 2369 Cosmo III. de Medici ; a fine Model, in flesh-coloured wax, '/. - on green Egyptian basalt, for a Medal of Cosmo III.; by Soldani; most beautifully executed, well preserved, and probably unique: size 19, without the edging, Sj'c; set in a gilt morocco box of the period . 1 *»* From Dr. Mead's collection. 2370 Miscellaneous ; an oval chasing ; female Head ; rev. plain ; 17th century. Various Weights, &c. . 12 2371 Ancient Weights ; Nismes, Toulouse, &c.; 13th and 16th centuries . . .4 2372 Ancient Weights ; Cahors, Toulouse, &c.; as above 5 -^ -^ 2373 Ancient Weights ; Bordeaux, &c.; as before . 8 J^ ^/^' 2374 Casts from Greek, Roman, and other Coins, 56 ; Cufic Coins in silver ( rather poor ) , 14 . 70 2375 Casts from Greek and Roman Medallions ; sulphur 43 y^^ /.-y' ^ Z /:; MISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN GOLD COINS 85 MEDALS: NETHERLANDS, GERMANY, SPAIN, ITALY, &c. ( Continued from page 312). 2376 Castile ; Fifty Ducat Piece of Ferdinand and Elizabeth, King -"'' and Queen ; obv. two crowned Busts, face to face; above, XXX XX., titles, &c.; in the exergue, rex.; rev. an Eagle, holding with its talons the crowned arms of Leon and Castile; svB. vmbra. alarvm. protege. Nos.; a great /7//^ . rarity in so fine a state ofi preservation : ^ weight 5 0^. Wdtvts. size 18. 1 *^* This is one of the most curious and very largest coins ever struck (either in gold or silver). Some equally large, in both metals, are X>^/. '• ■ ( 332 ) occasionally mel with of (ho fumed ancient republics of Venice and of Genoa; see Tariff", publ. Antwerp, \&2l, pi. V. 1. From the Trattle collection, lot 2308. y^ rr/S^SS?? Germany; Piedfort; o6i'. carolvs.vi.d.g.rom. imp. hisp. -^ ET.IND.REX ; Bust; VeV. Arms; ARCniD.AVST.DVXv^-'-^'^''/i BVRG. RRABANT., &c. 1726; the edge is milled obliquely ; very Jine and rare : tveighi I oz. 10 diets, size 9. 1 / /^ 2378 Germany; Maximilian I.; Broad Piece ; ohv. the Emperor seated on a throne ; rev. a spread Eagle in the shield, a crown above ; tenem. mensvram. et. respice. finem. ^ Mcccci,x\x\u.-^ ^ne, a7id extra ra7'e : size 12. 1 2379 Italy. Bologna; Gold Florin of the Bentivoglio Family; ^ obv. a fine Head, with cap, to the right; iohannes. ben- TivoLVS. II. bononien. ; 7'ev. Imperial Eagle, and coat of arms; maximiliani. mvnvs.; very Jine, and of very . great rarity; Zanetti, Monete ^Italia . 1 2380 Italy ; Frederick II. Emperor of Germany, as King of Naples ■^ '^ and Sicily ; Augustale d'Oro, or Aureus ; in imitation of the ancient Roman coins ; obv. Bust, to the right ; cae- sar. avg. IMP. ROM.; rev. the Eagle, and fridericvs.; very fine, and rare; see Vergara, p. 13, figs. 6, 7, and y jj Ughelli, Italia Sacra, Vol. III., col. 1016 . 1 *^* There exists a proclamation of the Emperor for the two varieties (aureus and the half aureus) of these coins, dated in December, 1231. //^y/ // // (Continued at page 352. J TWENTIETH DAY'S SALE. f Greek Cities, in Copper, continued from page 3\5.) AUTONOMOUS COINS OF CARIA, CILICIA, LYDIA, PHRYGIA, AND PHCENICIA, IN COPPER. LOT /.. 2381 Tripolis, in Caria ; Mionnet, vol.3, p. 391, No. 506 ; obv. AHMOC. TPinOAeiTON.; rev. MAIANAPOC, the^ River recumbent; ivell preserved, and very rare : X^if^h^ size 7. J y/ ( 333 ) Halicarnassus ; ohv. Head of Neptune? to the right ; rev. AAIKAP. ECTL, Trident ; fiyie condition : size 4. Cos, Insula ; obv. Head of Hercules with lion's skin, full face; rev. KfilON. [A]rAA02., Club and Bow in a quiver; middling condition: . size A. Cos; olv. same Head to the left ; rev. KOION...ATmN. Crab and Club; well preserved: size 31. Rhodes; usual type; bad condition : size 1. Sardis, in Lydia ; obv. Female Head ; 7'ev. Club in wreath ; well preserved: . size 31. Hieropolis ad Pyramus, in Cilicia; Mionnet, p. 583, No. 217 ; lEPOnOAITON. TON. HPOC. TOI. HYPAM.: well pre- served, and rare: . size 5. iEzanis, in Phrygia ; obv. Head of Jupiter Serapis to the right; rev. AIZANGlTfiN., Lion to the right; Jine: size 3. Laodicea ; Mionnet, Supp. vol. 7, p. 581, No. 425, but Lyre on an altar; good condition, and very rare : size 3. Sala ; obv. C AAHNON., Bust of Minerva to the right ; rev. eui. AAGB. lepeoC ? Cybele seated to the left ; Jine, and very rare : . size A. Antioch, (Syria); usual types ; three, well preserved : size 4. Laodicea, (Syria); obv. Minerva, reo. Owl; size Q. Tyre, PhcBuicia, obv. Hercules; rev. Club: size Q. Sidon ; rev. SlAflNO^. ©EA^., date ZK% (year 227): size 4. IG GREEK IMPERIAL CITIES OF CARIA, PISIDIA, CILICIA, LYDIA, AND PHRYGIA, IN COPPER. 2382 Halicarnassus, in Caria ; Antoninus Pius ; Mionnet, Supp. / vol.6, p. 496, No. 303; obv. AY. KAL AAP. ANTO- N6IN0C., Head of the Emperor to the right ; rev. AAI- KAPNACCeON. HPnAOTOC, bearded Bust of Hcrodo- ,^ / /^ . tus to the right ; fine condition, and of extreme rarity: size 6. Antioch, in Pisidia; obv. Severus ; rev. winged? Female standing, with a phrygian bonnet, seen in front and looking to the right, in her right hand a sceptre, and her left (lean- ing on a column) holds a small winged Victory; at her u u / ■■ ■ ( 334 ) feet to tlie right a cock, and lier left foot on the prow of a galley; ivell presei^ed, and very rare type : size ^\. Tarsus, in Cilicia ; Balbinus (medallion): ohv. AY. [K.A] e. T. C? KGA. BAA[BeiNOC. Ce]B., and H. H. in the field, between which is the Bust of Balbinus laui*eate, and with the paludamentum ; rev. [T] APCOY. MHTPOnOA. A. ...K.,., Bust of Balbinus facing those of Pupienus ? and Gordian? all laureate, and with the paludamentum ; tinpuh- lished? ivell preserved, and probably unique: size 10. 3 *^* A portion of the edge of this very rare and curious coin having been anciently broken oiF, it has been very artfully and ingeniously restored, by means of a similarly shaped segment of another ancient coin, and the skilful use of the engraving tool. The mending is now betrayed by the difference in the colour of the metal, but it shews the importance attached to the coin some two centuries ago. - ' 2383 Aureliopolis, in Lydia ; Commodus (medallion); r^y. AIIOA- AflNIAHC. CTP. ANe©[HKe.] AYPHAIOnOAei., Apollo standing, with bow and arrow, in a car drawn by two griffins ; in very good condition, and rare: size 9 J. Sardis ; Marciana; Mt. Supp. vol. 7, p. 421, No. 479; obv. MAPKIA. CGBACTH., Bust of the Empress to the right ; rev. CAPAIANON. nGAOY. (or HEAO*?) Figure on horseback, with a whip in the uplifted right hand, at full gallop ; 171 perfect condition, and of the greatest rarity: size 5. Thyatira ; Caracalla (large Medallion) ; rev. two Figures with hands joined over an altar, and supporting a prize vase; tooled, and suspected : size 13. 3 / 2384 Amorium, in Phrygia; Augustus; rev. AA6HANAP0C. AMOPIANcoN., Eagle and Caduceus ; very rare, and well preserved : . size 4^. Cotiaeum ; Diadumenian ; i^ev. KOTIAGfiN, in a wreath ; fne and rare : . size 4. Hierapolis, in Phrygia; Commodus (Medallion) ; rev. [I6PA]- nOAGlTON. KAI. CAPAIANfiN. OMONOIA., the Two Cities personified ; very good condition, and rare: size 11. Pryranessus ; Maximus ; rev. Jupiter ; rare, and very well preserved : . size 9. (Greek Cities, in Copper, continued at page 355.) ;,! ; /^ A ( 335 ) ^Z^-" ( Greek Cities, in Silver, continued from page S22.J CITIES OF LYCIA, PAMPHYLIA, PISIDIA AND CILICIA, IN SILVER. 2385 Cragus, in Lycia ; obv. Apollo; rev. KP., Lyre in quad.; in the field, an eagle standing on a pileus shaped helmet ; Jine and rare : size 3. weight 26-^^ grs. Massicytes ; MA., same type; rev. with an owl standing in I the field ; rare, and very fine : size 3. ivt. 28 grs. / /' i Massicytes; ohv. Head of Diana; rev. AYKIfiN. MA^I,, Lyre; rare, and very fine: size 3. weight ^.Q— grs. L ^ 2386 Perga, in Pamphylia ; APTEMIAO:§. IIEPrAIAS., type of Mionnet, Supp. pi. 4, fig. 5; extremely rare, and in very 1 good condition : size 4. zveight 63~ grs. 1 '^ '' i 2387 Side ; type of 3It. p. 472, No. 146; AI. in the field ; very fine condition: sis:e 9. weight 2G0-f-^ grs. Side; same type, (Drachm) KAEY. ; fine condition : size 4. weight 59^ grs. 2 / //^ 2388 Side; same type, (Tetradrachm) AK.; in fine condition: size 8-^. weight 239^ grs. %* One of the wings of the Victory is executed in a very singular style. Selge, (or Aspendus ?) ; type of 3It. pi. 57, fig. 3; obv. A. between the wrestlers ; rev. [E]STFEA1IYS. ; rare, and y y/ very fine: size 5^. weight 168-^ grs. 2 '^^,^2389 Another; in most perfect condition : size Q. weight 167^^ grs. 1 ■ ^ -2 ^ ' ^390 Celenderis, in Cilicia ; type of Mionnet, Supp. pi. 6, fig. 2 ; KEAEN. ; of great rarity, very fine work, and in most perfect condition : size 5^. tveight IG5^^ grs. 1 ^ -o^ 2391 Celenderis ; like Hunter, tab. 16, fig. 13, except that this coin has KEA. in exergue instead of a dolphin ; the Goat on the rev. looking back (with an astragalus in the field above) is of extremely fine old ivork, very rare, and in fine condition : size 4^. weight 166-^ grs. Nagidus, in Cilicia ; obv. Female Head (Venus?) to the left; rev. NAPIAI. Male Head to the left ; in very curious style, impublished? and in perfect condition : «/ t-^lT size \\. tveight \2^ grs, 2 .^ '^ y ( 336 ) 2392 Selcucia, (ad Calycadnum) in Cilicia; oSi>. A YT. KAI. M. A. ^ .^ <^ Ce. CeOYHPOC. IIGPT., Bust of Sevcrus laureate and - V bearded, to the right ; rev. CeAeYKGfiN. TflN. HPOC. ' Tfi. KAAYKAANfi., a Victory to the left, draped and with wings pointing upwards, holding a wreath in the extended right hand, and a palm branch in the left ; in the field, the letters C6.; presumed to he unique and unpublished; ah though somewhat rubbed, it is in very good condition : size 7^. weight 186-^ g7's. 1 *^* No silver coins are known of this town, except a solitary medallion of Hadrian, quoted by Rlionnet, p. 600, No. 294, which (if larger than this coin) is probablj'^ false. ^; ; 2393 Soli; in Cihcia ; see 3Iionnef, pi. 56, fig. 9; 20AI0. (sic.) extremely rare, and in fine condition : size 5. zveight 149-^ grs. . — - Uncertain ; obv. no letters ; Jupiter seated to the left ; rev. no letters ; Lion walking to the left ; above is an anchor ; rare and in fair condition : size 5. wt. 2A\-^ grs. 2 ^, ^ 2394 Soli; type of jff?m^e7', tab. 51, fig. 27; 20AI0N.; ver^ »'«jt, and in good condition: size B. weight 153^ grs. UNCERTAIN OF CILICIA, IN GOLD. Uncertain ; obv. Head of Hercules with lion's skin, to the right ; rev. Lion devouring a stag, to the right, in a square; no letters ; veiy good condition, and extremely rare: size 1, weight 12—^ gi's. 2 ^ ^ 2395 Uncertain ; type of 3It. Supp. pi. 8, fig. 1, with Phoenician ^ inscription above the lion devouring the stag on the reverse; in excellent condition, and of extreme rarity: size 2|. IV eight 64^ grs. 1 UNCERTAIN OF CILICIA, IN SILVER. (Continued.) 2396 Uncertain ; ohv. no letters ; Female Bust, seen nearly full ' ' face, with triple crested helmet, and necklace and ear-rings; ^ in the field on the left, is a crested helmet seen in profile ; ■ rev. no letters ; Jupiter seated on a throne without a back, holding a long sceptre ; under the throne %; in the field in front is a bunch of grapes ; rare, and in very fine con- dition : size Q. weight 168^0 gi's, I ( 337 ) .-/ // ^ -/" 2397 Uncertain ; type of Mt. Supp. pi. 8, fig. 3; Phoenician letters on both sides ; under the throne 9 ; rare, and extremely I Jine : size h^. weight IQA-^ grs. \ '^ / 2398 Another; not shewing the lower part of the Jupiter quite so well, but in most 'perfect condition: size 5. weight 168-^ grs. 1 ,^ f^ 2399 Uncertain; compare Mt. Supp. pi. 9, fig. 5; the Phoenician inscriptions very clear and perfect, and the coin highly preserved, and very rare : size 6^. weight 164^ grs. 1 ^-^ *** This coin is probably of the same town as the preceding, but belongs to a period somewhat later. 2400 Uncertain ; type of Mionnet, Supp. pi. 9, fig. 3, but with / A5. or AM. on the front of the helmet ; very rare, and r^- c /■ /^tr^^ - in very fine condition : size 5^. weight 157^ grs. 1 2401 Uncertain ; compare Mt. Supp. pi. 8, fig. 4, but the dotted objects appear like birds ; very rare, and fine condition, especially the reverse: size 5|. weight 175^0 grs. 1 "^ 2402 Uncertain ; compare Mt. Supp. pi. 9, fig. 3; fne, and very rare: size 5. weight 157-^0 g'>"s. Uncertain ; obv. helmeted Head to the right ; i^ev. a Lycian inscription around a male head to the right, wearing a petasus surmounted by a wing, the whole in a circular indentation ; the reverse very fine and clear, and a very /f- rare type: size b\. weight 129^^ grs. 2 2403 Uncertain ; analogous types to the preceding ; obv. Minerva to the right ; rev. IIT., the Head of Mercury is bearded, and to the left, the petasus surmounted with two wings ; very rare, in very good condition : size 5. weight 119^ grs. Uncertain ; type of 3It. Supp. pi. 9, fig. 3, with a small square countermark, containing a bull and three letters ; rare, and in good preservation: ^ size 5. weight 160^^ ^r*. 2 '^^ EVAGORAS, KING OF CYPRUS, IN LEAD. 2404 Evagoras ; see Mionnet, pi. 77, fig. 1, but on this coin there /^ is no AI. above the eagle, which it will be perceived holds in one claw a thunderbolt, and in the other a small Eagle 7/> ''7.-; V t//4/^ ( 338 ) or other bird; extremely rare, and well preserved : size ^\. tveight 415^^ grs. 1 *^* It appears highly improhable that this leaden coin can be other than a modern fancy, contrived soon after the period of the revival of learning in Italy. KINGS OF CYPRUS, IN GOLD. 2405 Nicocles ; obv. BA. Bust of a Female divinity ? (Venus ?) to r? '7/' ■ ■ the left, the hair bound with a double band, the upper one ^-^ ■" ' surmounted with leaves; the hair falling down behind, and very unusually disposed; the ear-ring of circular shape, and the necklace of remarkable form ; rev. NI., Female Bust, of a town (Paphos?) personified, to the left, with ear-ring and necklace, and head crowned with crenated walls and towers ; the hair falling down behind, and in front upon the shoulders ; of the utmost rarity, beautiful work, and perfect condition : size Q^. weight 127^^ grs. 1 *^* Compare Borrell, Notice sur quelques Medailles Grecques des Rois de Chypre, 4to. Paris, 1836, pi. 1, fig. G ; same type, but another king. No gold coins of Nicocles are mentioned in the work, 2406 Uncertain King or Queen ? obv. Female Head to the left, ^ / with tiara, somewhat like Juno ; and the hair flowing before v and behind the shoulder ; rev. Head of Minerva with helmet, to the left ; extremely rare, and very well pre- served : size 1. iceight \^^ grs. *^* See Borrell, pi. 1, fig. 13, and Mionnet, vol. 6, p. 559, No. 42. Uncertain: obv. Female Head, or Apollo? to the left, with short hair and wreath of laurel ; behind is a thunderbolt, or an uncertain symbol ; rev. Female Bust, with ear-ring and necklace, to the right ; behind is a torch, or an uncer- tain symbol ; well preserved, and rare: size 1. weight \0-^ grs. 2 %* See Mionnet, p. 560, No. 48, and Borrell, pi. 1, fig. 14. yy^^2407 Pnytagoras ; obv. BA. rev. IIN., same type as lot 2405 ; .' a cast : size S^. weight 118^ grs. ^' ' *^* See Borrell, pi. 1, fig. 8. KING OF CYPRUS, IN SILVER. Pythagoras ; obv. BA., Female Head, Diana ? to the right, with short hair, ear-rings and necklace ; rev. [IIY] Female /X^/j ( 339 ) Head, Venus ? to the left, with long hair, "ear-rirrgs and necklace; fine condition, and of ejctreme rarity: size 21. weight 33y*o grs. 2 *^* See Borrell, page 48, note, and pi. 1, fig. 6. UNCERTAIN COIN OF LYDIA, IN GOLD. , 408 Uncertain ; ohv. Forepart of a Lion and Bull facing ; rev. II * ' '^" two unequal and deep quadrilateral indentations ; type of ■^' ^^ Mt. pi. 36, fig. 2; very rare, and in perfect condition : size f elongated J 3|. iveight l^A—^ grs. I *j^* It is not yet certain whether this coin be regal or civic. Some ascribe it to Croesus. One fact to be noted is, that during the last thirty years, observations many times repeated on the spot, prove Sardis to be the locality where it is uniformly found, both in gold and silver. GREEK CITIES OF LYDIA AND PHRYGIA, IN SILVER. 2409 Uncertain ; in Silver ; same type as the preceding in Gold ; '^^^ see Mionnet, pi. 36, fig. 2 ; in perfect condition : size (elongated) 3. weight 82^^^ grs. Tralles, in Lydia; ohv. TP. (in monogram), a Bunch of Grapes placed on the leaves of an uncertain plant, like the acanthus, or artichoke ; in the field, a small naked figure ; rev. Lion's Skin hanging on a Club, within a ^Z y wreath of oak? extremely rare, and well preserved: size 51. weight 84^^ grs. 2 2410 Another; with TP. (in monogram). A., above which is an y^/,^^ eagle on a thunderbolt, and on the opposite side of the / field, TP., above which is a small female figure with cornu- copia ; rev. like the last ; perfect condition, and extremely <- / ^ ^ rare of this size : size 6 j. weight 95^ grs. 1 2411 Tralles, in Lydia ; (a cistophorus) TPAA. AXON., and a lyre •-^ rr^-^' jjj ^}jg ggj(j . ^gj-y rare, and fine : size %\. Laodicea, in Phrygia ; (a cistophorus) AAO. AIOAflPOY. B., and a caduceus in the field ; very rare, and fine : size 7. weight 189^^ grs. 2 ^^"-^412 Cibyra, in Phrygia; type of Mt. Supp. vol. 7, pi. 12, fig. 3 and 4 ; in the field, OK. M. A., and a small head radiate ; very fine, and extremely rare : size 7. tveight 190^ g7's. 1 ,/^ 'J // ^'////^/f J^^ ^'^ ( 340 ) .t^/\ y /j^ 5413 Another; see Mt. Supp. pi. 12, fig. 3, and Comhe Brit. Mus. pi. 11, fig. 17, with a bee in the field, and O. A. KEA. and AI.; very perfect condition^ and extremely ' rare: size Q. weight 191^ g7's. 1 i 2414 Another; with the same letters, but the AI. is above the legs y '. / of the horse ; very fine condition, and extremely rare : ^/'^■^/■^•■^ sizel\. weight 191^^ grs. Another ; same type, (but small) with a bee and AL? in the field : . size 3^. weight 36^**^ grs. 2 \ GREEK IMPERIAL COINS OF C^SAREA, IN CAPPADOCIA, IN SILVER. j . ^ - 2415 Caesarea, in Cappadocia ; Tiberius ; rev. 0EOY. 2EBA2TOY. YIOC, Mount Argaeus, with a statue on the summit ; good r -e^f condition, and rare : size 3^. weight 54y^ grs. Csesarea ; Claudius ; rev. Nero ; Mionnet, vol. 4, p. 409, No. 11 ; very rare, and fair condition: size 5. weight 110^3^.^?'^. Caesarea; Vespasian ; rev. NIKH. CEBACTH., winged Vic- tory, with palm and wreath, to the right ;^«^, and rare : \ size 5. weight 100^ grs. 3 -,} --r-\ y / 2416 Caesarea; Domitian; rev. Minerva; Mionnet. Supp. vol. 1, \ p. 664, No. 29; well preserved : size 4. weight lOl^ grs. Caesarea ; Trajan ; obv. AYTOKP. KAIC. NGP. TPAIANOC. CGB. rePM., Bust of the Emperor laureate, to the right; rev. AHMAPX. GH. GYHAT. B., draped Bust of an oriental potentate to the right, bearded and wearing a tiara, in his right hand an uncertain object, and in his left a thunderbolt ; extremely fine, and rare ; not in Mionnet: size 6. iveight 157^ grs. 2 // . 2417 Caesarea; Trajan; rev. Figure in a distyle Temple, an eagle _^ y in the pediment ; in very good condition : ' ' size 6. weight 160 grs. * * This coin is not in Mionnet. The legends are nearly like the pre- ceding, and the two following. Caesarea ; Trajan ; rev. Female Bust to the left, holding a sceptre ; rather rubbed, but very rare : size 6. weight 102^ grs. ( 34, , -^///^ Caesarea ; Trajan ; o'ev. six ears of Corn adjusted like a double wheatsheaf; in fair condition ; not in Mionnet : size 6. weight ISS^^^j gi^s. 3 ^ ^418 Csesarea ; Trajan ; rev. three Military Ensigns ; well pre- ■■^^'' ' served, and not in 3Iionnet : size &\. wt. \^^^ grs. Caesarea ; Trajan ; rev. Mionnet, Supp. vol. 7, p. 667, X^^ No. 48 ; rubbed, but very rare : size 5. Csesarea ; Trajan ; rev. Club ; fine : size 5. weight 104-j=g grs. 3 2419 Caesarea; Trajan; rev. same as the first coin in lot 2017, but finer ; not in Mionnet; rare : size 6. weight 154 ^^ g7's. *,* The style of legend on the obverse and reverse of this coin and the preceding, is nearly like that of Trajan in lot 2016. Caesarea ; Hadrian ; rew. Club ; Mt. Supp. p. 670, No. 66 ; Jair condition : size 5. weight 74-j^ grs. Caesarea; M. Aurelius ; o'ev. the Mount Argaeus, with a statue on the summit ; very fine : size 5. weight 106^ grs. 3 2420 Caesarea ; Ant. Pius ; rev. YUA. B. HA. HATP., type like the last ; very fine: size 5. weight 1053^- grs. Caesarea ; M. Aurelius ; rev. the Mount Argaeus, with a star on the summit ; fine : size 5. weight 98^ grs. Caesarea; Commodus laureate, to the right, AYT. M. AYP. KOMO. ANTwNINO.; rev. YHATOC. A. HAT. HATPI., same type as the last; rare, and in perfect condition : size 5. weight 71 grs. 3 2421 Caesarea; Commodus; rev. Victory on a globe, with wreath X and palm ; rare, and perfect condition : size 5. weight 68^ grs. Caesarea ; Commodus ; rev. the Mount Argaeus, but the star detached, and above it ; perfect condition, and rare : size . weight 67^ grs. *^* This coin, and several of the preceding, are not in Mionnet, and consequently of very uncommon occurrence. y y^ i Caesarea ; Gordian ; rev. MHTPOn. K[AI2]APIA. B. NG. ; 6T. r., the Mount Argajus, and a small turreted head in a ^ -? square countermark ; /ine, and rare : j size 6^. weight ISOr^ grs. 3 1 X X JZZ2^/^ ( 342 ) 2422 Caesarea; Severus ; rev. Mount Arga?us, with a star on the "^^ summit ;^ne; size 4. xveight Zl -^ grs. /^'^^ - ■^-/' Caesarea; Domna ; ohv. lOYAIA. AOMNA. AYFOY., her Bust to the right ; rev. MHTPO. KAICAP. NGOK. ET. IE. (year 16), the IMount Arga;us, with a statue on the top ; fair condition ; not in Mionnet: size 6 J. weight 151 grs. Caesarea; Gordian ; 3It. Supp. vol. 7, p. 706, No. 285; good condition : size 6. iv eight \Z\^ grs. 3 KINGS OF CAPPADOCIA, IN SILVER. 2423 Ariarathes V? (Eusebes); (no date); very good condition : Another; date AA. (year 31); very well preserved : size 4. weight 63-jig- grs. Another; date PA. (year 33); well preserved : size 4. weight 63^ grs. Ariarathes (Eusebes) ; different porti'ait ; date B. (year 2) ; very IV ell preserved : size 4, weight 64-^ grs. Ariarathes (Eusebes); different portrait ; date A. (year 4); ^7ie, and very well preserved: size 4. tvt. Q^^ grs. Ariarathes (Eusebes); different portrait; date E. (year 6); good condition : size 4. weight 63 grs. Ariarathes VII? (Epiphanes); obv. Portrait with diadem, to the right ; rev. Minerva standing, with palm (instead of spear) in her left hand, and with her right ci'owning the name with a wreath, (instead of holding the little Victory,) and B. (year 2); in very good condition, and unpublished? size 4. weight 60^ g7^s. *^* This very remarkable variation in the type has not been hitherto noticed, and probably renders the coin unique. Ariarathes (Epiphanes); different portrait, usual type, with IP. (year 13); very good condition: size 4. 7veight 62^ grs. Ariarathes VIII. (Philometor) ; with A. (year 4); usual type; vety good condition : size 4. weight 61 ^^ grs. Ariobarzanes I. (Philoromaeus); date IP. (year 13); very fine: . size 4. weight 70 grs. Another; date lA. (year 14); good condition: size 4. weight 58^^^ grs. Z?^/f^ ( 343 ) J'J^^//^/ Ariarathes X. (Eusebes Philadelphus) ; yaw- condition: size 4. weight 60 grs. 12 2424 Archelaus ; date KB. (year 22); BA^IAEQS. APXEAAOY. ^Z^ $IA0nATPIA02. TOY. KTI2T0Y., around a Club ; very fine tvork and condition, and very rare : size A^. weight 59-^ grs. 1 -' ^ 2425 Another; date K. (year 20); see Mt. Supp. vol. 7, pi. 14, fig. 2 ; very well preserved, arid very rare : size 4i. weight 54^^ grs. " ^ ^ KINGS OF SYRIA, IN SILVER. TETRADRACHMS. 2426 Seleucus I. ; ohv. Head of Jupiter ; rev. Minerva in a car drawn by four elephants ; in the field, an anchor and mono- gram ; very rare, and fine : size!, wt. ^Q^-^ g7's. -^ ' 2427 Seleucus I. ; same type, but rev. the Car drawn by two ele- phants ; in the field, an anchor, M. and a bee ; very good condition: size!, weight 266^ grs. ^ A^ *^* These coins with two elephants are of extreme raritj. ^■^^""^-2428 Seleucus I.; obv. Head of Hercules; rev. Jupiter sitting, with a Victory on his extended right hand ; in the field a monogram, and KP. under the throne ; fine and rare : ^ /y size 7. weight 264^ grs. iift^frj^'^'^^ Another; but the Jupiter has an eagle on his extended right hand ; in the field, a monogram, and under the throne AT. in monogram ; fine, and rare : size 7. wt. 265 grs.. _/ 2^ 2430 Another ; with a monogram under the hand of Jupiter ; in the field is an anchor, and horse drinking ; and under the throne is a monogram ; rare, and in very good condition: size 7. weight 259 grs. 1 GOLD DIDRACHM OF ANTIOCHUS. j'/y ^^: 2431 Antiochus I.; type of Alexander the Great; see Mionnet, / Supp. vol. 8, p. 7, No. 39 ; ohv. helmeted Head of Minerva /v^ to the right, with serpent on the helmet ; rev. ANTIO- XOY. BA2IAEQ2., winged and draped Victory standing to the left, holding a wreath (not a patera) in her extended right hand, and in the left a sceptre with a ball at the top, or more probably the staff of the vexillum ; at the feet of ,/^j; ^^// ^^4^-/^ ( 344 ) the Victory on the left HEP. in monogram, and on the right FA.; rather second-rate and hasty style of work, hut presumed to he unique : size 4. weight 130 grs. 1 *^* This is the identical coin published by Mionnet, as above cited, but it is there somewhat incorrectly described, and the monogram incor- rectly engraved, taking in the z of BASIAEilz. SILVER TETRADRACHMS. f Continued.; t/ ^ 2432 Antiochus I.; usual type; obv. his Portrait; rev. Apollo seated ; in the field, a monogram in a circle on each side, beyond the legend ; very fine style of work, and remark- ably fine portrait of Antiochus Soter : size Q\. weight 261-j^ grs. / //^ 2433 Another; but the two monograms are without circles ; vey^ fine condition, and fine portrait (older) size 8. iveight 265^ grs. 1 ? 2434 Another; but without any symbol or monogram; in perfect condition, and very fine portrait (still older) size 8. weight 263^ grs. 1 y ,yj 2435 Another ; with two monograms, one in a circle and one with- out ; very fine condition, and fine portrait : size 8. weight 263 grs. 1 ( Tetradrachms of the Kings of Syria, in Silver, continued at page 357 J. J fJ ROMAN LARGE BRASS. ( Continued from page 325. J 2436 Caracalla, 2; reverses varied ; well preserved. Geta ; rev. a Female seated, with sceptre and cornucopia ; a small figure beneath the seat, and a still smaller one at — her feet; tr. p. hi., &c.; rare. Macrinus; re?;. Jupiter standing ; pontif. max., &c.; all in good condition . . 4 *^* The first three medals read brit. on their obverse. Z^/—- 2437 Caracalla; rei^. Victory erecting a trophy, near which stands . ^p^f a turreted (captive ?) figure (not veiled, as in general,) ( 345 ) JJ///-^ r/y- with a captive at her feet; victoriae. brittannicae. (sic.) . . .1 *^* This fine and rare medal is from the Edgar collection, sold 1815, lot 375. 2438 Caracalla; rev. type as the last; vict. brit. p.m. tr. p., '^"'"' he; fairly preserved, and rare . 1 / ■ ^ .-^439 Caracalla; rev. type as the last; vict. brit. tr. p., &c.; fairly preserved, and rare . \ .^ ^ 2440 Geta ; rev. a winged Victory, seated upon armour, and writing ^ '"''' on a buckler; vict. brit. tr. p., &c.;_/?'ne awe? rare; see Smyth, cccLxiv. . . 1 *^* From the Willett collection, lot 382. 2441 Geta; the legend on the oJw. ends with brit.; »•«;. Caracalla 0*'- r-^ii<^^ and Geta, seated in curule chairs, on an estrade, Abundance stands near them, and a smaller figure is ascending the steps; liberalitas. AVGG. VI. ET. V. (sic); very rare. Diadumenian ; rev. the Emperor holding a long sceptre and a military standard ; two standards in the field ; princ. ivvENTVTis.; the most rare type with this legend; both y ';> well preserved, and very valuable . 2 ^^ 2442 Geta; the legend of the obv. ending with brit.; rev. Geta, bearded, sacrificing at an altar ; vota. pvblica. Macrinus ; rev. Jupiter, and a small togated figure ; lovi. CONSERVATORI. Diadumenian; as in the preceding lot, but with a short ,?" — sceptre ; all three in good condition, and very rare 3 C Continued at.page 364). \ ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN GOLD. f Continued from page 327. J ^^.,2443 Caracalla; rev. the Sun in a quadriga; p.m. tr. p. xvilii., &c. ; highly preserved, and rare . 1 2444 Caracalla ; rev. Jupiter seated, with patera and hasta ; p. m. TR. F. XX., he; ftie and rare . 1 '^^2^2445 Caracalla; rev. a Warrior helmeted, but naked, resting on his lance ; his right foot on a helmet ; fontif. tr. p. viii. &c. ; ^tie and scarce . . 1 -^ y ^ ^z/c^yj'/^ 4-'/ ■'^^^■^'^ ( 346 ) ~* ■'^ 244G Caracalla ; rev, the Emperor, naked, resting on a spear, with a globe in the right hand; rector, orbis.; very well^l;^f^X/r preserved, and rare . . 1 /^ '2447 Caracalla; rev. Sacrificial Implements; severi. avg. pii. ■ . FiL.; Jine and rare . . \/^/^?-^- // 2448 Caracalla ; relating to Britain ; rev. a Victory, seated on bucklers, a palm in her left, and a shield in her right, hand ; viCTORiAE. BRIT.; a very fine, very rare, and highly in- /j? ^^^ teresting medal; similar to Severuss Denarius in Aker- man, 1844, pi. iii. — 21 . . 1 ^ *^» From the Trattle collection, lot 2844. // /> - 2449 Caracalla ; rev. the Emperor standing, and crowned by a Vic- tory ; a captive is at his feet ; vict. part., &c.; very 7'are, yp^^^jt^t' and very fine . .1 2450 Geta; rev. three Horsemen; princ. ivvent. cos. One of ^-' ! G eta's most rai^e medals ; well preserved . 1 ,^ . 2451 Geta; rev. Bust of Geta (different from the one on the ob- verse), with a radiated crown, and in armour ; a lion's skin round his neck, and lifting up the right hand; severi. INVICTI. AVG. PII. FIL.; Well preserved, and nearly as^ ^:^t^^^^'- rare as the last lot . .1 y^f //^- — 2452 Geta ; rev. a Priest sacrificing in Geta's presence ; in the middle, a figure is playing on the double flute, a victim is couched at the foot of the altar ; vota. pvblica.; a very / ^ rare and extremely iv ell jiveserved medal . 1 ' /y z^" 2453 Macrinus ; ohv. laureate Bust, to the right, with the usual ^ legend; rev. liberalitas. avg.; Macrinus and Diadu- I menian seated on an estrade ; a figure stands behind them ; I also Abundance, personified, with tessera and coi'nucopia ; 1 a figure, below, is holding up its robe to receive "largesse"; /^^ ,, St. Andrew on the Cross ; fine . 6 2507 Bohemia. The Broad of King Frederick ; obv. the Monarch standing, with sceptre and globe, between two Coats of v ^y ■ w;/^ ( 354 ) Arms ; rev. Heraldic Devices in five quarters ; dvx., &c., 1620; well preserved, and rare: weight 1 OS. A diets, size 12. 1 2508 Baden, 2. Florins ; one has the Busts, &c. of Lewis and Au- '^ gusta ; another has the full-face Busts of the thx-ee brothers, Dukes George, Lewis, and Christian; 1659; both very fine, and rare . . 2 y /// 2509 Saxony; ohv. Bust, &c. of John George; 1630; rev. Bust, &c.; 1530; TVRRis. FORTissiMA., &c. This fine Cente- nary Jubilee Broad Piece weighs full 14 d/vts., and is size 11 . . .1 "y^ 2510 Switzerland. Broad Piece for the Canton of Berne ; obv. the Patron Saint standing; sanctvs. vincentivs.; 1501; rev. twenty Coats of Arms in a circle, and seven more in an inner circle, with a bear (the Bernese device) sur- mounted by the imperial (Austrian protective) eagle, with two heads ; /ine, and very rare : weight 17 dwts. 12grs. size 13. 1 « _ 2511 Switzerland. Double Ducat for Berne ; o&y. as the pi'eceding piece, but dated 1492 — (the earliest dates known on coins and jettons are m.ccc.lxxiii., and 1405 on coins, Aix-la- Chapelle; 1468 on a jetton of Charles le Temeraire, Duke of Burgundy; and a seal in lead at Amiens, with 1499; see Alex. Hermand's Hist. Monet., S^c, at page 319); — rey. Arms of Berne ; moneta. no. bernensis.; very fine, and rare : . weight 1 1 dwts. size 9. 1 /^ /^ 2512 Cufic Medallion, of very fine gold; extremely ivell preserved : iveight \ oz. 10 dwts. size I3h. 1 *^* See Count Castiglione, Monete Cufiche, Milan. 2513 Hindoo; obv. the King Rama Shandra, and his Queen Sita, >> ^ seated on a throne, with five attendants of their court ; one, the King's favorite minister and general, Hanuman, is represented as an ape (a religious Indian incarnation), and is in the act of addressing their Majesties ; rev. (convex side) five Figures standing, holding fans, or whisks, of cows' tails, and other symbols ; fine, and very rare : weight Wdwts. size 8. 1 *^* There are some larger and some smaller golden pieces of this descrip- tion; all are highly valued — in Europe, when in such a fine state of preservation as the above — in India by the Brahmins, natives of the Of ( 355 ) Soutb, &c., in whatsoever condition they be, as they are looked upon as the most ancient and efficacious talismans, and are worshipped to this day, being considered to bring- good luck, health, and wealth, to the fortunate possessor of one of these sacred pieces. It is not at all unlikely that this specimen is one of those found in 1799, at the taking of Seringapatam (amongst the immense treasures in the palace of Tippoo-Saib), where, as relics, they still enjoy the highest veneration. TWENTY-FIRST DAY'S SALE. '^/r/ (^ Greek Cities, in Copper, continued from page 334.^' GREEK IMPERIAL COINS OF CAPPADOCIA, COMMAGENE, AND SYRIA, IN COPPER. LOT 2314 Caesarea, in Cappadocia ; Gordian ; MHTP. KAI. B. NG. ET. Z. (year 7); rev. six ears of Corn on a Table, or altar ; well preserved : . size 6. Doliche, in Commagene ; M. Aurelius and Lucius Verus, face to face ; rev. AOAIXAIwN. in a wreath ; fair con- dition : . size 6. Samosata; Philippus ; rev. the town personified ; well pre- served: . size 10. Another ; somewhat different ; fne : size 7. / / Another ; different ; fine : . size 8. Zeugma ; Philippus ; rev. Temple on the summit of an arti- ficial elevation ; ftie : . size 8. Antiochus (Rex Commagene); Mionnet, vol. 5, p. 129, No. 1 ; fine, and rare when so well preserved : size 8. Beroea; Trajan; Mt. p. 137, No. 28; fine: size 7. Hieropolis ; Caracalla ; rev. Figure seated on a Lion ; well preserved: . size 8. 9 2515 Antiochia, in Syria ; Augustus; rev. S. C.;fne: size 8. Another; rev. APXIEPATIKON. ANTI0XEI2. ZK. (year 27): . . size .5. Antiochia; Trajan; rev. S. C.; fine: size 8. Antiochia; Otho ; olv. im[p. m. o]tho. caes. avg., Head of Otho laureate, to the right ; rev. S. C. in a '^ y^. C 35G ) wreath of laurel ; Mt. p. 193, No. 356; in fair condition, and of extreme rarity: size 8. 4 •^* This appears to be an undoubted specimen of this very rare and disputed coin. \ ' 2516 Antiochia, in Syria; Otiio ; ohv. imp. m. otho. cae. avg., Bust of the Emperor to the right, laureate ; rev. S. C. in wreath ; fine, and of extreme rarity : size 6. 1 *^* A most unquestionable second brass coin of this very rare Emperor; struck at Antiocb. 2517 Another; equally true, and in ve^^y good condition : size 6. 1 cj 2518 Another; equally true, and in fair coiidition : size Q. \ 2519 Antioch ; Philip; rev. Head of the town personified ; ^rtg ; ' ^ size 8. Antioch ; Philip ; rev. the town personified in a tetrastyle Temple ; fair condition : . size 9. Laodicea ; Ant. Pius ; rev. Head of the town personified ; well preserved : . size 8. Berytus, in Phoenicia; Caracalla; rev. Neptune in a tetra- style Temple ; fne and rare : . size 6. Byblus ; Diadumenian ; rev. the town personified in a distyle Temple ; very rare, and very fine : size 7. Byblus ; Macrinus ; rev. lePAC. BYBAOY., two Temples abutting on each other, one with an oblong peribolus ; extremely rare, and curious; in fine condition : size 8. Tripolis ; Ti'ajan ; rev. Busts of the Dioscuri, and the date HKY. (year 428); well preserved : size 6. Tripolis ; Macrinus ; rev. three Figures in a tetrastyle Temple ; middling condition : size 9. Tripolis ; Diadumenian ; rev. the Dioscuri, and the date 0K [.] (year 529) ; rare and fine: size Q. Tyrus ; Caracalla; rev. Female on a Bull ; ^?ie ; size Q, 10 , 2520 Tyrus ; Diadumenian ; rev. Figure between a trophy, and a Victory on a column; rare, and well preserved : size 6. Ptolemais, in Galilee ; Cornelia Salonina; rev. COL. PTOL., a colossal foot occupying the field, above which is a thun- derbolt, and a caduceus ; compare 3It. vol. 5, p. 481, No. 43 ; extremely rare, and in good condition : size 7. Eleutheropolis, in Judaea ; Macrinus ; rev. Figure standing ; extremely rare, but middling condition : size 6. z^^;' ( 357 ) Nicopolis, in Judaea ; Valerian ; rev. a Galley with rowers ; perfect condition, and extremely rare : size 6. Uncertain, of Judaea; obv. AYTOKP. TITOS. KAI^AP., Bust of Titus laureate, to the right ; rev. I0YAAIA2. EAAQKYIAS., a winged Victory standing near a palm tree, with her foot on a helmet, writing on a buckler which is supported on her knee; very rare, and in good condition: size 5. Carrhae, in Mesopotamia ; obv. Gordian radiate ; rev. Cres- cent and Star ; Jine ; . size 8. Edessa, in Mesopotamia ; Sev. Alexander and Mamaea, face to face; rev. [MHT. KOA. eAeCC]HNwN., the town personified, seated; very rare, and well preserved : size 8. Nisibi, in Mesopotamia ; Philippus radiate, in armour, and with a buckler, to the left ; rev. Figure in a tetrastyle Temple ; Jine and rare: size 7. Rhesaena ; Trajanus Decius radiate ; rev. Figure with cornu- copia, &c. ; fair condition : size 7. Singara, in Mesopotamia ; Gordian and Tranquillina, face to face ; rev. the town personified, seated ; rare and fine : size 9. Abgarus (King of Edessa) ; rev. Severus ; ivell preserved : size 5. 11 (Greek Cities, in Copper, continued at page 373.^ //*//> TETRADRACHMS OF THE KINGS OF SYRIA, IN SILVER. ( Continued from page ^A'^.J ^2^ 2521 Antiochus I.; usual type; rev. Apollo sitting, with two / // monograms ; very fair condition : size 8. weight 2G4-j^ grs. Another ; with different monogram ; in fair condition : size 8. weight 261-^ grs. 2 2522 Antiochus II ? with singular portrait, and the Apollo holding three arrows, above and below which is a monogram, and behind the feet of Apollo a horse drinking (partly seen) ; ' "-^ very fair condition, and very rare type : size 7. 7veight 259 grs. z z //// ^ /" ( 3r>8 ) :' ^ 'llrl^ Antiochiis II.? with two lunnouriinip, and llic seated Apollo ^ lioldiiig two arrows ; rare, and fine : size 7. weight 264y^ gvs. Antiochus I.; with two monograms ; very fair conditioyi : size 8. ivei<;;ht26]j\grs. 2 ■^ .^ 2524 Antiochus II.; type of Mionnet, Supp. vol. 8, pi. 11, fig. 4; 7'ev. Hercules seated, with his club; in the field, a griffin's' head, and AP. in monogram ; ^«ejt)or^ra«V, in very good condition, and of extremely rare occurrence : size 8|-. weight 263^ grs. 1 2525 Antiochus II.; with wing on the diadem; rev. under the Cortyna a horse drinking, and two monograms ; extremely rare, and in very good condition : , ^ '^' size 8. tveight 256 grs. 1 — ^/ 2526 Seleucus II.; rev. Apollo standing, leaning on the tripod; a ' / monogram in front, and another behind, beyond the legend; ' ''' '^^ extremely rare, and in beautiful conditio7i : size 7^. weight 263^ grs. 1 / ,^,^ 2527 Another ; with two monograms in front of Apollo ; perfect condition, but the tvork inferior to the preceding : size 7^. tveight 266-:^ go's. l'-" ^^'' ^ / 2528 Another ; rev. a monogram on each side of the Apollo, be- i yond the legend ; fine ivorTi, good portrait, and very good ' '^ i condition : size 8. weight 263y^j grs. 2529 Antiochus Hierax ? obv. his Portrait with a star in front, above the diadem : compare 3It. Supp. vol. 8, pi. 12, - fig. 2, but this rare coin has a dotted circle round the type, both on the obv. and r^i'.; under the hand of Apollo is a i monogram, and in the exergue another; in the field to the-f-^-^V^'i' left is a branch of palm ; very rare, fine ivorh, and con- dition : size 9. tveight 264^ grs. 1 *^* This curious coin cannot belong either to Antiochus I., II., III., or IV., and is of the style and fabric of the second or third Antiochus. It is described by Mionnet as of Antiochus IV., to whom it is pre- sumed that it cannot be siifely attributed. ^y','" 2530 Antiochus III.; see 3It. Supp. vol. 8, pi. 12, fig. 1 ; ohv. his Portrait during boyhood ; ^«e', and of extreme rarity so ' _ ■^ young : size 7. weight 263^^ grs. 1 -/ ^'' 2531 Another; rather older, with AP. (in a monogram) behind the head ; o^ev. a monogram, beyond the legend, on each — r-r / ( 350 ) /^:^'// side the Apollo seated ; and iii the exergue three letters, of which the first is A, the second A, or A, the third E, or H; rare, and well preserved : size 8. weight 257-^ grs. 1 *^ This coin is very remarkable for liaving around the head, on the obverse, the usual, circle of elongated beads, and the reverse sur- rounded by a dotted circle. / 2532 Antiochus III.; (at more advanced age) usual type; rev. -y /// two monograms in exergue ; rare style of portrait, and as it came from the die : size 9. weight 264 grs. 2533 Another ; with a monogram, beyond the legend, on each side the Apollo ; Ji?ie work, and very well preserved : size 8. tveight 260 grs. 1 ^■^ -^ 2534 Another ; with an owl in exergue ; Jine portrait, and ex- ^^-'< tremely good condition: size 9. weight 2b^ grs. Another ; with two monograms in exergue ; Jine ivork, hut rather rubbed : size 7^. weight 264^ grs. 2 — 2535 Another; rev. a monogram, beyond the legend, on each side of the Apollo ; ve^'y good youthful portrait ; but the rev. middling : size 6J. weight 255^ g')'s. Seleucus IV.; usual type; rev. wreath and palm in the field, to the left, and a monogram in exergue ; Jine condition : / /y"^ size 8^. tveight 263^ grs. 2 ^ ' ^^ 2536 Antiochus III.; usual type; rev. a monogram in the field, to the left ; well preserved: size ^\. weight 262 grs. Seleucus IV. ; usual type, but with dots round the head ; rev. a monogram in exergue ; well preserved : _ size 8. weight 264^ grs. 2 ^ - *^ 2537 Antiochus III.; usual type; rev. wine amphora in the field, to the left ; very good condition : size 8. weight 2Q\-^ grs. Seleucus IV.; usual type ; rev. wreath and palm in the field, to the left, and a monogram in exergue ; ivell preserved : ^ / size ^\. iveight 263-jig- grs. 2 ' ^^^^538 Antiochus IV.; usual type; rev. Jupiter sitting; Mionnet, Sup)p. vol. 8, tab. 12 ; ©EOY. EHI^ANOYS., and with the title NIKH$OPOY.; a monogram in the field to the left; a very Jine coin, in perfect condition, and rare: size y. weight 257 grs, 1 / //yj/// ^ '^ ( '6^\) ) ,-r r.'ossg Another; (with NIKH<^OPOY.) equally fine and perfect, and rare : size 8^. weight 260 grs. 1 , ' J> 2540 Another ; (with NIKHOPOY.) in excellent condition, and y- rare : size 8|. weight 255-^ grs. 1 '"//'- ^ 2bA\ Another; without NIKH4>0P0Y., and with a monogram in exergue ; a beautiful coin, in perfect condition : size 8|. weight 258 grs. 1 ^' t •" 2542 Another; equally beautiful and perfect, especially the reverse : size 9. weight 258^^ grs. 1 r ,' 2543 Another ; in higher relief, and two stars in the ends of the diadem ; fine condition and very rare : size 9. tveight 256^ grs. 1 '^//f 2544 Another ; with two stars in the ends of the diadem ; not in such high relief, but a very fine coin : size 9. weight 257 grs. 1 2545 Another ; but the stars not visible ; a very fine coin, in ex- cellent condition : size 8|. weight 256 grs. 1 2546 Antiochus V.; usual type; EYOATOPOS., with a mono- '' "^ gram in the field, to the left ; a most rare and beautiful coin, very highly preverved : size 9. weight 255^ grs. 1 y^ 2547 Another ; with E. in the field ; but suspected : size 8. weight 239^ grs. 1 2548 Demetrius I. and Laodice ; Mt. Supp. vol. 8, p. 35, No. 182; ■i//^ /^ ■ obv. their Heads both together, in profile ; rev. BASlAEfiS. AHMHTPIOY. SflTHPOS., usual type; in the field, a ^ ^^^ palm branch and monogram ; in very good condition, though somewhat rubbed, and unique : size 7. weight 252^ grs. 1 *^* Tliis most interesting coin was formerly in the cabinet of John Barker, Esq., British Consul at Aleppo, and is the only one known which gives us a portrait of Laodice. It is the identical coin first engraved by the Chevalier Allier de Hauteroche (^Essai siir une Te&sire antique, iSfc, 4to., Paris, 1820), and afterwards published by Millingen, Cities and Kings, pi. 5, fig. 21. '-^^^ 2549 Demetrius I. (Soter); with a wreath round the head; rev. as usual, seated Female with cornucopia ; in very fine con- dition : size 7^. weight 258 grs. 1 ^ ,/ 2550 Another ; with a monogram in the field in front of the seated female, who, on this coin, is represented as usual, but has 9 r. ■'A A ( 361 ) the peculiarity of being only half draped, the upper part of the figure being naked ; in fine condition, unpublished, and probably unique : size 8^. weight 258 ^t*. 1 *^* See a paper in the Numismatic Journal, vol. 1, pages 112 and 113, where a doubt is expressed (contrary to the opinion of Visconti) whether the seated female figure on the reverse of these coins be intended for the goddess Ceres. It is presumed that the reverse of the coin just described tends to prove that the doubt was well founded, since it can scarcely be thought probable that Ceres was ever represented as above described. 2551 Demetrius I.; with a vk^reath round the portrait; rev. as usual, with the title 20THP02., and two monograms in the field, in front of the seated female figure ; in the exergue is the date 0NP. (year 159 of the sera of the Seleucidae); vert/ fine condition, and rare : size 8^. weight 256 grs. 1 , 2552 Another; with SI^THPOS., and date AHP. (year 161); veri/ ^ y^ fine: . . size 8. "^ 2553 Another; with the same date; as finely 'preserved as the last, but the monograms not visible : ,J^ -^ size 8. tveight 257 grs. /' 2554 Another; with date BHP. (year 162); very fine condition : size Q. weight 258^ grs. 1 "^ ' ' ; , 2555 Another ; with the same date ; very fine : size 7^. weight 254r^ grs. / /^ X . 2556 Demetrius I. (Soter) ; obv. his Bust ; rev. Eagle and palm A"'"'t- as usual ; in the field ^lAl^., an acrostolium, and two I monograms; date ©HP. (year 169); very fine and rare : ~ ~ I size &\. weight 2\A-^ grs. 1 I *^* It is curious to observe that this coin is struck at Sidon, and is a tetradrachm adjusted to the Ptolemaic or Egyptian Talent. The coins ' of the preceding Syrian Kings are all adjusted to the Attic Talent. I i 2557 Demetrius I. (Soter) ; rev, seated Female Figure ; ^ne joor- l|' ^ trait, but date not visible : size 8. wt. 258-^ grs. \/' Alexander I. (Bala) ; rev. Eagle and palm ; struck at Sidon, I date EHP. (year 165); in fair condition : _'^ <,''- size!, weight 211^ grs. 2 *^* Tetradrachm adjusted to the Ptolemaic Talent. ^ 2568 Demetrius I.; usual type, with date HP. (year 160), and title ^/. . . SOTHPOS.; very fair condition : size 8, y^.^ Alexander I. (Bala); rev. Jupiter seated, ©EOnATOPOS. EYEPrETOY,, and date ASP. (year 164); /ne and rare: size 9J. weight 232^ g)'s. 2 '■^ ' 2559 Alexander I. (Bala); obv. his Bust ; i'ei\ Eagle with palm, standing on the prow of a galley ; in the field, a club, and ^ ^ ^"^-^' the monogram of Tyre, with another monogram, and the date EHP. (year 165); a most beautiful, rare, and jjerfect coin: size 8. weight 219 gi's. 1 *^* This tetradracbm is struck at Tyre and adjusted to the Ptolemaic , Talent. Being so well preserved, it gives nearly the full weight of i the ^Egyptian drachma, namely 55 grains Troy. j ' ^j 2560 Another; with date PHP. (year 163); also extremely Jine ^-/^^ PI { and perfect : size!, tveight 219^ grs. 1 2' _2y' 2561 Another; with date EEP. (year 166); rev. Eagle, and in , ^ the field, a trident and a monogram ; very rare, and, ex- - [ tremely fine and perfect : size!, weight 2\7^ grs. 1 f *^* Struck at Berytus, and also adjusted to the Ptolemaic Talent. ' 2562 Alexander I. (Bala); rev. ©EOHATOPO^. EYEPPETOY., Jupiter sitting, as usual, but holding a thimderbolt in his hand instead of the little winged Victory; in exergue, date EEP. (year 165) and 2IAO. ; extremely tvell jyreserved, and probably unique with this peculiarity : size 8. weight 255^^ grs. 1 *^* Although struck at Sidon, this coin offers the singular peculiarity of being adjusted to the Attic Talent, instead of the Ptolemaic, and no doubt as to its authenticity. ^^^f. 2563 Another; rev. Jupiter sitting, usual type, with date EEP. / (year 166) and <^. in the exergue; in the field, AO. in'' monogram ; fne condition : size 8|^. weight 2b7~^ grs. 1 7 /yr 2564 Another; with PEP. (year 163), a monogram in the exergue, ^ and a cornucopia in the field ; rv ell preserved : /«.-<- size 8. weight 252^ grs. 1 X yf 2565 Another ; obv. his Bust ; rev. Eagle on the prow of a galley, holding a palm branch ; in the field, the club and monogram of Tyre, the date EEP. (year 166), and another mono- / ^ gr&ra ; fine condition : size 8. weight 216-^0 grs. 1' *^* Struck at Tyre and adjusted to the Ptolemaic Talent. -^"^■^ 2566 Demetrius XL; rev. ©EOY. $IAAAEA$OY. (sic.) NIKA- , ..-.y^ T0P02., Apollo seated ; in the field a palm branch ; in ( 363 ) J/2/^ the exergue the date M3P. (year 167), and a monogram ; extremely rare and heautifid : size'd^. %vt.'i.^\ grs. 1 2.567 Another ; with a wreath round the portrait ; in the field, the same symbol and monogram, with XAP. in monogram between the legs of Apollo, but the date is off the edge ; a very fine coin, especially the portrait, and extremely rare : size Q. tveight 25\r^ grs. 2508 Demetrius II.; rev. Eagle with palm branch; in the field, 2IAO. and the acrostolium, with the date 0SP. (year 169) and a monogram ; fine condition : size 7. weight 218 grs. 1 2569 Demetrius II.; with long beard ; rev. ©EOY. NIKAT0P02., Jupiter seated; in exergue KlIP. (year 187); in the field three monograms ; a very fine and very rare coin : size S-g-. iveight 252^^ ^j'^. 1 *^* These coins with the beard were struck after the return of Demetrius to the throne from his long captivity of nine years in Parthia. This coin is remarkable, as it bears the date of the year during which he was murdered at Tyre. — See Gough, Coins of the Seleucida, page 105 et seq. 2570 Another ; with date AIIP. (year 184) and " under the throne; very rare, high relief, and fine condition, except a hole which does no injury to the type: size 7-i. weight 25Z-^ grs. I 2571 Another; same date; in excellent condition, and very rare: size 71. weight 254^ grs. 1 ( Tetradrachms of the Kings of Syria, in Silver, continued at page 37 4. J c^^/r •^ COINS OF THE KINGS OF .EGYPT, IN GOLD. PENTADRACHMS OF PTOLEMY SOTER. In displaying before the young Numismatist such a splendid suite of these most rare coins of Ptolemy Soter and his successors, we feel constrained to refer to the remark made at page 26 of the former portion of this Catalogue, the truth of which will have been abundantly perceived during the exa- mination of the many rich suites of this princely cabinet. It was the quantity and high condition of these precious coins, as well as of those which follow at page 381, which induced the writer to put into order some memoranda of old date, and to prepare the short paper on the Egyptian or Ptolemaic Talent which was read to the Numismatic ^%/// y ^/^^/^ ( 364 ) i r Society, 25th April, iS-it, and will be printed in the fortlicoming number of i the Numismatic Chronicle. I /^ //' 2572 Ptolemy I. (Soter); ohi\ his Portrait with diadem, &c. as ^-^^j usual; rev. BA2IAEI22. nTOAEMAIOY., an Eagle to ' 'j the left, standing on a thunderbolt ; in the field, to the left, '> ST. and IIA. or All. in a monogram ; type of Mionnet, (Corps d^ouvrage) vol. 7, pi. 78, fig. 4; or Supp. vol. 9, | pi. 2, fig. 1 ; as it came from the die, and of the greatest /: beauty and rarity: size 6. weight 275Jg- grs. 1 r 2573 Another ; with a monogram like %., above a buckler, in the a field to the left, and I. between the legs of the eagle ; as it ^ ' came from the die, and of the same beauty and rarity : size 6. weight 275^^ grs. 1 /^^ 2574 Another; in every respect the same : ^ size 6. weight 275-^ grs. 1 c^-< / 2575 Another ; with the same monogram, but no buckler and no ^ / -^ letter between the legs of the eagle; in the same perfection, and of the same beauty and rarity : size 6. weight 275^ grs. /^; , ,. 2576 Another ; with the same monogram and buckler, and $. be- tween the legs of the eagle; in the same perfection, and ~^' extremely fine and rare: size 6. weight 27 5r^ grs. 1 y/ o // 2577 Another ; with the same monogram and buckler, and I. between the legs of the eagle ; in the same perfection, and extremely fine and rare : size Q. weight 275^ gt^s. 1 f Gold Coins of the Kings of ^gypt, continued at page 381.^ ROMAN LARGE BRASS. f Continued from page S45.J ,J//y 2578 Macrinus ; rev. a Female holding two ensigns ; pontif.max., &c. ^, Diadumenian ; rev. spes. pvblica.; both rare, and well pre- -''^' served . . .2 ^ P 2579 Macrinus ; rev. Female, with caduceus and cornucopia ; pon- TIF. MAX., &c. Diadumenian ; rev. Emperor, with sceptre and three stand- ,/ ards ; princ. ivvENTVTis.; both very fairly preserved, '/" and rare . . 2 ( 365 ) J^f^/y 2580 Macrinus ; rev. a Female, with two military standards ; rather poor. Diadumenian, 2 ; rey. as above ; loell patinated : rew. spes. PVBLiCA.; both well preserved, and scarce . 3 y/ //'^ ? \a 2581 Elagabalus, 2; rew. libertas. avgvsti.; rev. Sun, with a 1 ^-''''^ ' whip, marching. Julia Paula; rev. Concordia.; very rare . 3 y^ ' ■ 2602 Valerianus ; rev. a standing Figure — Valour personified; viRTVS. AVGG.; « Splendid and most rare Half Aureus; ..^'^ perfectly satisfactory . . 1 // / ( 367 ) -v^V-^ ^ t^, 2603 Valerianus; vev. the Sun standing; ouiens. avgg. ; a fine Half Aureus ; perfectly genuine . 1 •' ' ''' 2604 Gallienus ; obv. a laureate Head of the Emperor, to the left ; rev. FIDES. MiLiTVM., in a garland ; a fine and excessively 1 rare — if not unique — Double Aureus, or Medallion 1 :.>>> ..,^'^ grs. 1 •■'*^'^'^2669 Antiochus VIII.; ohv. Portrait as usual ; rev. BASIAEfiS. ANTIOXOY. E11IAN0Y2., Minerva standing, with a ^ little Victory in her extended right hand, and her left rest- /^ ^ • 1 ( 37() ) iiig on a buckler at her foot, and sui)porliiig a spear behind her, the whole in a wreath ; in the field, under the little Victory, \5 ; in excellent condition, and probably unique; not in 3Iionnet : size 8. weight 255 grs. 1 *-»* This coin, with the portrait and title of Antiochus VIII., exhibits for the first time the usual type of Antiochus VII. Euergetes (see lot 2656) , and appears to be an unpublished variation in the type of Antiochus Vlll. ' ^/ 2670 Antiochus VIII.; usual type; Mt. Supp. vol. 6, pi. 13, fig. 4; ,^;, 7'ev. Jupiter standing, with a crescent above his head, a, y- '^M star in his extended right hand, and a long sceptre in his left ; a monogram in the field ; extremely Jine : site 8J. weight '2,51^ grs. 1 2671 Another; with date EqP. (year 196), and in the field, SlAfi., ' '~^ IEPA2., and a monogram ; rare, and in Jine condition : y-y - size 8. weight 248^^ grs. *^* Struck at Sidon. - '-z . 2672 Another; with a monogram in the field, and the usual type, but the figure of Jupiter is naked ; extremely rare varia- tion in the type, and well preserved : size 8^. iveight 255-j^ grs. 1 *^* It may be presumed that this statue of Jupiter was one of those of which the drapery was moveable, and formed of bronze or gold. -/ /'f 2673 Another; but of the usual type of the draped Jupiter, with ^f and N. in the field ; a very beautiful and highly preserved ^.- ^ coin : . size 7^. weight 257^ grs. 1 ^yj' '•1^1 A Antiochus VIII.; usual type, with two monograms in the field; very fine: size 7^. weight 253^ grs. 1 jTy-^., ' 2675 Antiochus IX.; usual type; obv. Portrait with slight beard; rev. $IA0nAT0P05., Minerva standing; see Mt. Supp." vol. 8, pi. 14, fig. 1 ; in the field, 2lAfi. lEP. A^Y. and a monogram; rare^ and in most jjerfect condition : size 9. weight 253^^ grs. 1 -/ '^-^ 2676 Another ; with a monogram and A. in the field, and A. behind the Minerva; rare, and very fine : ^ size 8. iceight 257^ grs. 1 /^7 . 2677 Another; with the same monogram and letter A,, but O. / behind the Minerva ; rare, and very fine: a size 8J. weight 253^^ grs. 1 /////^ ■ /:'. -i?£-*^^- ^<2^^-i' ( 377 ) '^^^ .X2678 Antiochus IX.; obv. his Portrait without beard ; rev. Jupiter seated; see Mt. Supp. vol. 8, p. 68, No. 348; of extreme rarity, and in moat perfect condition : /■'' size 8. weight 245 grs. 1 *4ff* This rare coin appears not to have lost a grain in weight : its liglit- ness seems to shew a diminution in the standard weight of the coinage, as evinced by some of the following. 2679 Antiochus IX.; obv. his Portrait without beard; rev. Eagle on a thunderbolt ; in the field an uncertain object or mono- gram? and the date L.E^. (year 206); not in Mionnet ; probably unique and unedited, and in very fine condition: size 7. weight 214^ grs. 1 *^* This coin was evidently struck by some town on the coast, under the influence of the Ptolemies, and offers the very remarkably pecu- liarity of the L. (^AvKa^avrog.) prefixed to the date, which is perhaps unique on a coin of a Syrian king. V/J 2680 Seleucus VI.; rev. EHI^ANOYS. NIKAT0P02., Minerva standing ; in the field of the coin is a plant, and in front of the Minerva are the letters AAEAI$. ; extremely rare, and in very fine condition : size 8. wt. 238^ grs. 1 2681 Another; with the letters NE. in monogram, and I^I.; ex- tremely rare, and in very good condition : size 8. weight 239 grs. 1 .^'-f/ ;2682 Antiochus XL ; usual type ; rev. Eni*ANOYS., Jupiter sit- ' ting; in the field the letters P. E. A.; extremely rare, and ^ in most perfect condition : size 8. wt. 250^ grs. 1 -^ '^'-' . 2683 Another; also with the letters P. E. A.; extremely rare, and in nearly the same beaut ful state of preservation : size 8. weight 250^ grs. I '^ ' 2684 Another; the same in every respect, and very fine: size 8. weight 247 grs. \ - ^ f/ 2685 Philippus ; usual type ; rev. Eni*AN0Y2. *IAAAEA*OY., ' Jupiter sitting ; under the throne a monogram ; in very fine condition: size 7^. weight 241-^ grs. 1 / '^ ■ j 2686 Demetrius III. ; type of Mionnet, Supp. vol. 8, pi. 14, fig. 2; j'"'^' rev. BA^IAEfiS. AHMHTPIOY. ©EOY. ^lAOHATO- n VOX 20THP02., a veiled Female Figure (Ceres?) stand- ing, with both arms extended, seen in front, with ears of \ corn on each side the head, and an uncertain object (poppy . r'' ■ I heads ?) in the left hand ; in the licKl, to the left, N. 12. A. f/^ ( 378 ) under the figure the date 012. (year 219); of the utmost degree of rarity, and in very fair condition: size 7. tveight 240^^ grs. 1 ■ . 2687 Tigranes; type of Mt. Supp, pi. 14, fig. 3; rev. under the female figure seated is a monogram, and in the field another; a very rare, and perfect coin, shewing the whole type on both sides: size 8. weight 241^ grs, 1 ^;' //" 2688 Another ; with a %. or monogram under the female figure ; a very rare and fine spread coin : size 9. weight '2,AQ-^ grs. 1 <<^ -^ 2689 Another ; with %U. in monogram under the seated figure ; very rare and fine : size 7^. tveight 246^ gi's. 1 2690 Tigranes ; obv. as usual, except that his hair is visible on the forehead, and the tiara has the star and only one eagle upon it ; o^ev. entirely new type ; Female Figure crowned with towers? to the left, seated on a rock, with her right arm extended, and the left holding a cornucopia ; the lower part of the body draped and a river seen full face, with arms extended at her feet; in the field ©E. 0%.? a monogram and the letter A., and in the exergue the date BM5. (year 242): size?, weight 244 grs. 1 KINGS OF SYRIA, IN SILVER. SMALLER SIZES. 2691 Seleucus I.; obv. Head and neck of a Horse to the right, /^ with bridle ; rev. BASIAE02. ISEAEYKOY., Bow in a bow case, with arrows ; above IIE ? in a monogram, and below 5h. : good conditio?! ; not in Mionnet, and probably unique : . size 2. weight 1 9-j^ grs. Antiochus II.? obv. his Portrait with diadem, to the right ; rev. BA2IAEOS. ANTIOXOY., Apollo seated, to the left, as usual, with a bow in his hand ; in the field ©E. in mono- gram ; rare, and in very fair condition : size 4. iveight Q2~ grs. Si'leucus IV.? (Drachm) rev. Apollo as usual, with 2A. and an eagle or owl in the field ; middling condition, but extremely rare : . size 4. Demetrius Soter ; (Drachm) rev. Cornucopia, and date AEF. {\Gs.\- \&\); fair conditioti : size 4. 4 /£2//^- // ( 379 ) /^/^ 2692 Another; (Drachm) with date ©NP. (year 159); well pre- Jn^ served : . size 4. '-^ Demetrius Soter ; (Drachm) Mionnet, Supp. vol. 8, p. 32, I No. 166; rev. Apollo seated, with helmet in the field; I very uncommon type ; well preserved : size 4. Alexander Bala ; (Heraidrachm) Mt. vol. 5, p. 49, No. 431 ; extremely rare : . size 2. 3 2693 Alexander Bala ; (Drachm) type of llionnet, vol. 5, p. 49, I'l^-^^ No. 422 ; well preserved : size A. weight bA^ grs. \ Demetrius II.; (Drachm) type of Mt. p. 60, No. b\A', fine, and rare : . size 4. weight 62^^ grs. Antiochus VI.; (Drachm) type of 3It. p. 68, No. 589; date OP. (year 170); fine and rare : \ size 4. weight 60^ grs. 3 2694 Antiochus VI.; (Drachm) type of Mt. p. 69, No. 595 ; TPY. i and the helmet, as on coins of Tryphon ; very rare, and i. .-: well preserved : size A. weight dO^ grs. I •} Antiochus VI.; (Hemidrachm) Mt. p. 69, No. 598; rev. I' ^ Panther, and full titles ; extremely fine and rare : size 3. weight 31 grs. 2 - 2695 Tryphon; (Drachm) type of 3It. p. 72, No. 624; fine, and j extremely rare : size 4. weight 62^^ grs. 1 2696 Antiochus VII. ; (Didrachm) rev. Eagle; struck at Tyre, ' ^ with date EOP. (year 176) ; extremely rare of this size; not in 3Iionnet : size 5. weight 108^ grs. Antiochus VII.; (Drachm) rev. Victory; type of 3Iionnet, I vol. 5, p. 74, No. 645; ivell preserved : size 4. Alexander II. Zebina ; (Drachm) rev. Double Cornucopia ; rare, and ivell preserved : . size 4. 3 2697 Antiochus VII.; (Drachm) o^ev. Victory, as in the preceding lot , fine : . size 4. Antiochus VIII.? (Didrachm); rev. Eagle; struck at Sidon? not in Mionnet; very rare size, and in fine condition : size 6. weight 106 grs. Antiochus VIII.; (Drachm) rev. Tripod; ty^e of Mionnet, vol. 5, p. 91, No. 796; fair condition : size 4. / Antiochus ; uncertain ; ohv. Portrait to the right, with broad ' ' y ■ diadem, query radiate? behind the hcad^; rev. BA2I- AEfiS. ANTIOXOY., seated Female Figure, draped and with a small Victory in her extended right hand ; in the / / // ( 380 ) field an uncertain symbol, and under the throne an uncer- tain monogram ; ill preserved, but the type very visible : size 7. weight 254^^ grs. 3 *^^* This singular coin is of base metal, or potin, and somewhat double struck, having- the edge bevelled like the copper coinage of ^,gypt. It is unlike the rest of the coins of the Seleucidaj in style of work- manship, and style of mintage, and the portrait appears not to resemble any known AntiochuSj yet it probably belongs to this series. COINS OF THE KINGS OF ^GYPT, IN SILVER. 2698 Uncertain Ptolemy; obv. draped Busts, to the right, of Jupi- '■ y ' ' ter? and Juno? the former bearded and laureate, and the latter vrith ear of wheat among the hair, each head sur- mounted with an ^^gyptian symbol ; rev. IITOAEMAIOY. BA^IAEfiS., Eagle to the left, standing on a tliunderbolt and looking back ; behind the eagle, across the field, is a small double cornucopia with pendant taeniae, and AI. between the legs of the eagle ; in most perfect condition, and of the hightest degree of rarity ; unpublished? size Q^. weight 2\Q)^ grs. 1 *^* This coin appears not to be in Mionnet, and is unknown to the French collectors. Its authenticity is unquestionable. / 2699 Ptolemy I.; (Tctradrachm) usual type, with 2fiTHP02. and ,f^ a cornucopia in the field, with pendant taeniae; a fine well preserved coin : size 7. iceight 219^ grs. Ptolemy I.; (Didrachm) usual type, with uncertain letter between the legs of the eagle ; of great rarity, and in fair condition : . size 5. 2 TETRADRACHMS OF PTOLEMY SOTER, IN SILVER. ^ . 2700 Ptolemy L ; usual type, with ^fiTHFOS.; AP. in monogram in front of the eagle, and the point of a spear in the field /^j^ behind; well preserved : size 6^. wt. 217^ grs. ' Another ; with L. KB. (year 22) in front of the eagle, and IIA. behind ; fine and rare ■: size 7^ weight 216^ grs. 2 / -y 2701 x\nother ; with club, and the monogram of Tyre, in front of^j>, - - ^' the eagle, and KB. in monogram behind ; well preserved, and rare : size 8. iveight 218^^ grs. //// /9 ( 381 ) ^?J/^--^/ Another ; with SfiTHPOS. ; 21. and a monogram in front of the eagle, and AB. (year 32) behind ; rubhed : size G^. 2 4^^^:. 2702 Another; with SOTHPOS.; in front of the eagle is the I monogram of Tyre, with the club, and behind J; rare, and well preserved : size 6|. weight 219JL. gyg. Another ; with P. and K. in front of the eagle ; rubbed : size 7. 2 2703 Another; with SfiTHPO^.; in front of the eagle, 21. and a i monogram, and behind A. (year 30); rwWe^;.- size 7. I Another; with 20THP02.; in front of the eagle, the club and monogram of Tyre, and behind, the date AB. (year 32) I and a monogram ; well preserved : i size!, weight 218-^ grs. 2 ^^ j ( Tetradrachms of Ptolemy Soter, in Silver, continued at p. 410.y (Kings of jEgypt, in Gold, continued from page 364.^ PENTADRACHMS OF PTOLEMY SOTER. ^ 21j)4: Ptolemy I. (Soter) ; type of 3Iionnet, ( Corps d'ouvragej Y^'^-'^-y- vol. 7, pi. 78, fig. 4; or Supp. vol. 9, pi. 2, fig. 1; obv. j his Portrait; rev. BA2IAE02. HTOAEMAIOY., Eagle I standing on a thunderbolt, to the left ; in the field IIA. or ! An. in a monogram ; of extreme rarity, and very nearly y I as it came from the die : size 6. weight 274^ grs. 1 ^ ■ ,j 2705 Another ; with %l. in the field to the left ; in the same beau- * "^ tful condition, and of the same rarity, but the die slightly I blurred on the obverse : size 6. iveight 274^ gs. ■ - '. I DIDRACHM OF PTOLEMY, IN GOLD. 2706 Uncertain Ptolemy ; (Didrachm) type of Alexander the Great; obv. helraeted Head of Minerva to the right, with a ser- pent on the helmet ; rev. [AA]EBANAP[OY.?] HTOAE- MAI[OY.?] winged figure of Victory, as usual, with right hand extended, and the left holding a vexillum ; no mono- gram or symbol in the field visible; in fair condition, and y>~ • presumed to be unique : size A. wt. \Z\^ grs. \ *#* This very remarkable coin was received from Smyrna by the late Mr. Joseph William Boddington, of Stoke Newington, from whoso cabi- net it passed into that of Mr. Thomas. It will be observed that this coin (unlike all the rest of Ptolemy's coins) is on the Attic slandard, c c c iv^2^' -^^-^ ( 38-2 ) HEINIIDRACHMS OF PTOLEMY SOTER, IN GOLD. 2707 Ptolemy L; type of Mt. Supp. vol. 9, pi. 2, fig. 2; obv. his ' ' Portrait ; rev. nTOAEi\I[AIOY.] BA2IAEQ2., Eagle with wings extended standing on a thunderbolt, to the left; in the field IIY. or YII. in a monogram ; a perfect specimen of this beautiful little rare coin : size 11. weight 27^?^ grs. 1 *^* This coin gives the full weight of 55 grains to the Ptolemaic drachm, as might be expected. / /' 2708 Another; the same in every respect; very nearly as beauti- fil, and well preserved : size \^. weight '2.7^ grs. 1 / / 2709 Another ; with A. in the field ; very beautifully preserved, and rare : . size 1^. tveight 27-^ grs. 1 OCTODRACHMS OF ARSINOE, IN GOLD. /'//'/// 2710 Arsinoe, wife of Ptolemy Philadelphus ; see Mionnet, Supp. vol. 9, pi. 2, fig. 5; obv. her Portrait, to the right, veiled and with the sceptre, the end of which appears above her head; behind 0.; rev. AP2INOH2. $IAAAEA$OY., Double Cornucopia with taeniae ; very rare, fine work, and as it came from the die : size 7. weight 428^ grs. 1 y^ /c^ 2711 Another; with A. behind her portrait, and the sceptre more clearly made out ; rare, very fine work, and in very beau- tiful condition : size 8. weight 428^^^ grs. 1 /p /? 2712 Another; with A., and the monogram of Tyre, with 0. under it, on the reverse ; very beautiful work, and as it came from the die ; extremely rare with this important mono- gram : size 7J. weight 428Jg- grs. 1 (Coins of the Kings and Queens of j^gypt, in Gold, continued at page 397.; ROMAN LARGE BRASS. ( Continued from page 365. J ^ -2^ 2713 Alexander Severus, 2 ; rev. a Victory, with olive-branch, and ,,>^- the hasta pura (rare J to the left; p.m. tr. f. vi., &c.; very fine; rev. profectio. Avgvsti. ( 383 ) .W// '/// //:', Orbiana ; rev. Emperor and Empress joining hands ; Con- cordia. AVGVSTORVM.; Very fine, and rave; Smythy ccccv. Julia Mamsea, 2; rev. vesta,; fine; and another. Maximinus . . .6 2714 Orbiana; obv. a lovely Head of the Empress ; rev. a stately female Figure seated; concordia. avgvstorvm.; very fine, and rare ; see Smyth, ccccvi. . 1 2715 Orbiana; rev. the Goddess Concord, seated, and holding a double cornucopia; fsee Addison's Dialogues on Medals, MDCCLi.;^ very rare. Maximinus, 2 ; rev. Emperor, resting on a spear, between three military standards; p.m. tr. p. iiii., &c.; rare; rev. PAX. AVGVSTi. . .3 / 2716 Maximinus; rei;. pax. avgvsti.; ivell preserved. Paulina ; rev. the Empress on a peacock (not an eagle) ; CONSECRATIO. ; fine, ivith green cerugo, and very rare 2 2717 Paulina; similar to the last ; nearly as fine . \ A /y ■ 2718 Maximus ; obv. the handsome youthful Head of Maximus ; '^^' rev. PIETAS. AVG. Another; rew. principi. ivventvtis.; bothrare, and fine ; ..y Smyth, ccccxvii — viii. . . 2 / 2719 Maximus; similar to the last ; nearly as fine . 2 /p" 2720 Maximus; similar . . 2 y^ ^ 2721 Maximus; rey. principi. ivventvtis.; rare . 1 <>^ ' d.-^,<_- 2722 Maximus; rev. PRiNCipr. ivvektvtis.; scarce 1 -^^ ^ -''2723 Gordianus Africanus sen.; rev. Security, seated, holding a sceptre; secvritas. avgg.; a very rare and well pre- ^ -? y I served medal ; Smyth, ccccy^yA. . 1 I 2724 Gordianus Afr. sen.; rev. a Victory marching, with garland ji.,^^-- • and palm-branch ; v\CTOVi.\K.K\GG.\ fine, and extra rare j, .y. ]. with such beautiful green cerugo . 1 y ^.^ 2725 Gordianus Afr. jun.; rev. Rome victrix, seated; romae. ^ \ AETERNAE.;^ne a/i« rctre • *■ \ *^* From Dr. Nott's collection, lot 1084. ^\r../:^ 2726 Gordianus Afr. jun.; rw. as the preceding; we?/ ^re^eJTcc? 1 ■ <^ / .1 2727 Gordianus Afr. son.; rev. providentia. avgg.; rare, and .^ / "^-^ ■ tolerably well preserved ; Smyth, ccccwiv. . 1 - ' f Continued at page 400.^ I — — — — I y/.Tj'/ ( 384 ) ./. .^ /■- /./^ y / / // ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN GOLD. ( Continued from j)age 368^'. 27^8 Victorinus ; ohv. laureate Bust of the Emperor, to the right ; IMP. VICTORINVS. p.F. AVG.; rev. a Bust of Victorinus, as Mars; comes, avg. • . 1 *jj* This excessively rare (if not unique) and well preserved aureus was published for the first time by Akerman, vol. 2, pi. ix., No. 9. It is, though of pale gold, perfectly genuine. / .. " 2729 Marius ; ohv. a radiated and togated Bust of this Emperor, to the right; imp. c. marivs. p.f. avg.; rev. a Soldier reposing; viRTVS. avgg.; well preserved, hut false, though not Becker s . .1 ;' 2730 Tetricus sen.; rev. a Victory, with a wreath and a trophy; victoria. AVG.; rare and fine . 1 2731 Tetricus sen.; rev. the Farnesian Hercules resting on his club ; viRTVTi. AVGVSTi.; extra rare . 1 *»* From the Trattle collection, lot 3008. 2732 Tetricus sen.; rei'. Peace ; pax. aeterna.; fine, hut most strongly suspected to be the Beckerian fabrication 1 2733 Tetricus sen. ; rev. the Emperor standing; p.m. tr. p., &c.; Becker s . . .1 , ^.- 2734 Tetricus sen.; ohv. the Heads of Tetricus, father and son ; rev. aeternitas. avgg. This fine coin is likewise false 1 .^yyi 2735 Tetricus jun.; ohv. Bust of the youthful Emperor; c. pes. y tetricvs.caes. ; »'ei'. Hope walking ; spes.avgg.; extra rare, and fine . . 1 *^* This is the identical medal engraved in Akerman, vol. 2, pi. x.. No. 1. There exists a Beckerian fabrication, but this medal is quite genuine. y^y//-^ 2736 Claudius Gothicus ; rev. the Emperor on horseback, armed with a spear, and destroying foes ; his head is radiated ; virtvs. CLAVDii.; of the greatest rarity, and Very fine 1 *^* Engraved for the first time in Akerman, vol. 2, pi. x.. No. 2. yy xy 2737 Claudius Gothicus ; rev. a Victory standing ; at her feet are y two captives, one kneels and is raising up his hands, the other is seated ; victoria, avg. . 1 *^* A magnificent and extra rare coin, such as to preclude the hope of ever possessing its equal. y' y-'X 2738 Claudius Gothicus ; rev. pax. exerc. ; Peace ; fine 1 %* This type is, in all probability, unpublished. '.<2^:^ O-..^^ C.*^^'^ , ( 385 ) ^/2/Z. f^,^ 2739 .2741 B.,.^^2472 §743 -; ^ . 2744 2745 2746 A^ 2750 2751 2752 Aurelianus ; ohv. a laureate Bust of the Emperor, with coat of mail, to the right; imp. c.l. dom. avrelianvs. p.f. AVG.; rev. Aurelian on horseback, with a lance; adven- TVS. AVG. . .1 %* This, by far the rarest medallion of this Emperor, is extremely fine Aurelianus ; ohv. and rev. as the preceding ; nearly equally fine, quite as desirable . 1 *^* Probably lot 3009 of the Trattle collection. Aurelianus; rev. a Victory walking; victoria, avg.; the letter p and a star across the field ; very rare, and fine, though unfortunately pierced . 1 Aurelianus ; rev. the God of War, with a prisoner at his feet ; viRTVS. AVG.; rare and fine, though pierced 1 Aurelianus; rev. Mars carrying a trophy; p.m. tr. p. vii., &c.; of a larger size; rare, and well preserved 1 Tacitus ; rev. Rome seated, holding a globe ; romae. aeter- NAE.; very fine, and rare . . 1 Probus ; rev. a Female seated; secvritas. saecvli. sis.; fine . . .1 Probus; rev. a Victory in a quadriga; victoria e. avg.; rare and fine, though pierced . 1 %* In Akerman, vol. 2, pl> x., No. 5, from this medal. Probus ; 7'ev. Mars bearing a trophy ; a captive at his feet ; mars. VICTOR.; well preserved . 1 Probus; rev. the Sun standing; conservat. avg.; ^?i^5 but pierced . . 1 Carus ; rew. Hope walking ; spes. pvblica.; a very beauti- ful and rare coin . . 1 *^* Engraved in Akerman, vol. 2, pi. x., No, 6, From the Trattle col- lection, lot 3084. Carus; 7'ev. Fortuna, with her attributes; fortvna. avg.; very fine, and scarce . . 1 Numerianus ; o^ev. the Goddess of Beauty, standing, holds a small figure of Victory and the fatal apple, in allusion to the judgment of Paris; veneri. victrici.; a very fine and scarce Aureus . • 1 Numerianus ; rev. Hygeia, seated, feeding her serpent rising from the altar ; salvs. avgg.; very fine, and very rare : engraved in Akerman, Vol. II., x. — 7 . I ** Lot 1589 of the lute Mr. Wilcs's collection. /// .. . // //>//^ /// y^-/"/'- ( 386 ) ^/ ' 2753 Carinus ; rev. Venus victrix, standing, with her attributes ; VENERi. viCTRici.;y??je «7ifZ scarce . 1 - '"'^ //^ I ^'^ 2754 Carinus ; similar to the last lot, with the exception of the le- gend on the obverse being, imp. cm. avr.carinvs. avg.: engraved in Akerman, Vol. II., x. — 8 . 1 ^''^■^^' //} t' 2755 Carinus; 7"ey. the Farnesian Hercules ; virt vs. a vgg.; extra rare, and excessively fine . . 1^' ''-*-* y. 2756 Julianus Tyrannus ; ohv. a laureate Bust of this Usurper, to the right ; imp.c.ivlianvs.p.f.avg.; rev. Liberty stand- yh ing; libertas. pvblica. ; a star in the field ; well pre- "^ served, and perfectly satisfactory . 1 tf //y 2757 Diocletianus ; rev. Jupiter; lovi. conservat. avgg.; ^ne .> and rare . . \' "'^ -y-/ 2758 Diocletianus; rev. Jove hurling a thundei'bolt at a Titan ; '^ 10 VI. FVLGERATORi. P.R.; fine and rare . 1 "■'■" *^* See Akerman's engraving from it, vol. 2, pi. 10, No. 10. ^ /J~^ 2759 Diocletianus; rev. Rome Nicephorus, seated; romae.aeter- NAE.; very fine, and scarce . \ .-^-^ ^ 2760 Diocletianus; rev. a Victory marching; victoria, avg. s.M. A.; rare, and very fine . . 1 i\u^ ^ 2761 Diocletianus; rev. the Emperor in the toga, holds a globe ; CONSVL. nil. p.p. PROCOS.; ^?ie, and very rare 1 cv^. ^ /// 2762 Diocletianus ; rev. Jupiter seated ; an eagle at his feet; lovi. coNSERVATORi. P.R.; a perfect gem . I .^ -^ /Z 2763 Diocletianus; rev. a female Figure, with an infant in her arms, and a child at her feet ; pietas. avgg. et. caes. N. N. ; in the exergue, t. r. ; fine, and very rare 1 y ^ 2764 Maximianus Hercules ; rev. concord, milit. felic. roma- NOR. ; Hercules and a veiled Female joining hands; be- tween them is the letter e.; in the exergue, p. R.; very fine, and extra rare . . 1 *^* Engraved by Akerman, in vol. 2, pi. xi., No. 1, as usual from this very coin, as the late ]Mr. Thomas kindly permitted him to have drawings made of all the finest and rarest medals in his unequalled Cabinet. '^ ' 2765 Maximianus Hercules ; rev. the Emperor holding a globe : CONSUL, viii. P.P. PR. COS., and sis. in the exergue ; very fine, and unpublished . . 1 *#* The medals of Maximian with the Consulates are all of the greatest rarity. This reverse is unknown in any other cabinet. / ^ y^ ( 387 ) /-/^///// 2766 Maximianus Hercules ; obv. the usual Portrait, &c.; rev. fly'' Hercules destroying the hydra ; hercvli.debellat., and p. T. in the exergue ; ^we, and extra rare, being unpub- lished . . . 1 ^ 1 1 / 2767 Maximianus Hercules ; rev. 'Jupiter, with a thunderbolt and / the hasta pura ; iovi.conservat. avgg.; fine and rare 1 * ^ 2768 Maximianus Hercules. A Quinarius ; rev. same type and legend as the last medal; in a fine state of preservation, excessively rare, if not unique, as very probable 1 '^ %* In Akerman, vol. 2, pi. xi., No. 2. (Continued at page 401. J 1!, MEDALS OF RUSSIA, IN SILVER. jl^2^ 2769 Peter Alexowitch ; obv. a very fine full-face Bust, in armour and furs, of the Czar ; rev. St. George (one of the greatest patrons of the Russians from time immemorial), on horse- back ; CLAVSTRIS. CRIMEAE. RESERATIS., &C., M.D.C.IIIC. / / (sic). Engraved by Wermuth: . size\l. 1 2770 OrlofF; obv. Bust of the Prince Orloff ; rev. Curtius on horse- back, leaping into the fiery gulf; I77I. This fine medal- lion, by Waechter, is size 21, weight 6 oz. 1 ^^ ^*,„ From Young's sale : vii portion: 1841. Lot 615. MEDALS OF PRUSSIA, IN SILVER. 2771 Frederick II.; obv. a crowned naked Bust of Frederick II., King of Prussia, titles, &c.; rev. Prussia personified, sacri- ficing at an altar ; on his Death, in 1786: engraved by Loos; as also the following medalet. obv. a Bust of the celebrated ^ronaut Blanchard ; rev. on his Ascent at War- '' saw, in 1788; rare. Augustus II. ; obv. Bust and titles of the King of Poland, 1721. (Wif. f.); rev. a Victory; canit. arma. virvm- QVE.; very fine: • size\Q. 3 2772 Blucher; obv. Bust, to the left, of Prince Blucher; dem. FVRSTEN. BLVCHER. VON.WAHLSTATT. DTE. BVRGER.BER- LiNS. IM. lAHR. 1816.; by Konig ; rev. the Archangel Michael trampling on, and spearing, Lucifer; 1813. 1814. 1815.; a very finely executed and rare medallion ; in a ? /'- ' ^ case : . weight 7 oz. 1 2 dwts. size 19. I *»* From the Trattle collection, lot 502, and presumed to bo ono of tlio very best preserved and well struck known. ^> 2773 Hevelius, the famous Astronomer ; ohv. full-face Bust ; rev, ^ ^ Johannes Hevelius, Dantiscan, &c. ; a finely executed '■■'' -''' medal; 1611-1687; rare: . 14 lines. 1 SAXONY MEDALS, IN SILVER. ' ,, 2774 Saxony. John Frederick 11. ; obv. a fine full-face "alto- relievo" Bust; DEI. G. lOH. FRi. SEC. Dvx. SAX., &c.; rev. Arras of the Duke; allein. evangelivm., &c.; very .■^ fine, and extra rare : . size 13 1 /y 2775 Saxony; ohv. three-quarter-face Bust of the Grand Duke Bernard ; herois. hvivs., &c.; rev. View of the fortified , -^ Towns of Bi'isach and Weimar ; 1638; rare: 14 lines. 1 '^'*' POLAND, BRANDEBURGH, &c., IN SILVER. / /f" 2776 Augustus II., King of Poland; obv. Bust in armour; rev. Pallas standing; vtriqve. intenta.; by Wermuth ; ,i> very fine : . . \^ lines. \ "^ ^ / //^ 2777 Augustus II. ; obv. Bust; by Grosshurt: rev. the Polish Champ de Mars; otia. martii. 1730; fine: 19i lines. 1 J\ ^ 2778 Augustus II.; by Grosshurt ; rev. Hercules killing the hy- | dra; adversis. risistendvm., &c.;^«e; 17 lines. I -"j ^ J^. 2779 Augustus II.; by GrossTcurt; obv. Bust; rev. praemia., &c.; the King's Prize Medal for the School of Architec- ture, 1707. obv. a splendid Bust of Frederick William of • Brandeburgh, &c. ; rev. his Wife, three-quarter face; . DOROTHEA., &c.: . 15 lines. 2 ^ '^ 2780 Brandeburgh ; obv. Warrior on horseback ; christianii. D.G.MARCH. BRAND., &c.; rev. various Coats of Arms, : he; finely gilt, and scarce : . size IZ^. 1 ^- 1 /// 2781 Brandeburgh; o&v. Warrior on horseback ; georgivs. Fre- deric. MARCHi. BRAND., &c.; rev. various Figures and j Coats of Arms ; i vstitia. lex. evang. rex.concordia.; y^ ' fine: . . size 13^. 1 2782 Brandeburgh ; obv. fine Bust, supported by two warriors ; in exergue, kevr. worst, van. brandenbvrg. 1666., and a Dutch inscription ; rev. three Figures forming a trophy; laat. needen. bit. tren., &c.; chased, holloiv, very fine, and rare: . . 20 lines. 1 / /io/7- ./' ///■' / / ( 389 ) ^'^'/ 2783 Bavaria. William Archduke; ohv. the Count lo. William, Archduke, Elector, 8tc. of Bavaria, on horseback, 1711 ; rev. Hercules and Atlas supporting the globe ; fine and rare: Van Loon, i. — 122 . 1 /f/ 2784 Ofiv. Exterior view of Silver Mines ; w^as.menschen. hand. DURCH. GOTT. TiiVN. KAN., Sic; in exergue, st. anna.; rev. Interior view of the Mines ; above, a hand holding a coin issuing from a cloud ; a Medallion, with inscribed edge: weight 7 ozs. 10 dwts. size \Q lines, full. 1 2785 France; oSw. Bust in armour, to the left ; henr. fox. valet- tae.dvx.candallae.par.fr.; rev. his Arms; hollow; 13 lines, Holland. Prince Maurice of Orange, &c. ; obv. Bust, to the right ; rev. Oak-tx'ee, and a trunk ; tandem, fit. svrcv- Lvs. ARBOR. 1602; both these medals are fine, and extra //} rare, especially the first . 10 lines. 2 2786 Bavaria, &c. ; obv. View of the Town of Nuremburgh, in Franconia, now part of Bavaria; above it, two hands hold- ing a caduceus ; germ an vm. rediviva., &c.; rev. Hand from the clouds holding three hearts, crown, &c.; four palm-trees in the field; corda. monarcharvm., &c.: 13 lines, obv. Louis XIV., seated under a canopy, bearing the fleur-de-lis, holding a fishing rod, to which is appended a label with pax. to three burgomasters, &c, ; ne. cre- dite. belgi. ; in exergue, aliqvis. latet. error.; rev. Cippus,with the seven spears (United Provinces) Bible, and hand holding a sword, &c.; felix.qvem., &c.; in exergue, secvrivs. bellvm. PACE. DVBiA. mdcxciii.; very rare, ^^ and fine . . size 15. 2 ( 390 ) TWENTY-THIRD DAY'S SALE. ( Greek Copper, continued from page 374.) NUMI ALEXANDRINI. IN COPPER, POTIN, OR BASE SILVER. LOT a/ 2787 Sundry Coins of the later Roman Emperors, of potin and base ^ metal, struck at Alexandria, in ^Egypt ; some curious and '^ ^^"^ rare : . sizes 4 to 7. 54 2788 A similar lot: . sizes 4 to 7. 54 ^ ^^^^ 2789 A similar lot : . . sizes 4 to 7. 54 _^— 2790 A similar lot; better preserved : sizes 4 to 7. 26 ^-.^^^ 2791 Sundry Coins of the earlier Roman Emperors, in potin and ,, _ y -2 base silver, struck at Alexandria in ^gypt, including Clau- ^'^^^ dius ; rev. Messalina standing. Nero and Poppaea ; rare. Vespasian; rev. OMONOIA. Nero; rev. Eagle, AY- TOKPA. Nerva; rev. Eagle. Hadrian; rev. Sabina; Stc. some rare and curious : sizes 6 to 7. 15 / /^ ■ 2792 A similar lot in potin and base silver, including Claudius ; rev. Messalina. Nero and Poppaea. Trajan. Julia Mamsea. Otacilia Severa, &c.; some rare and curious: sizes 6 to 7, 14 f Continued at page 415 J. Z/^ THE FOLLOWING ARE IN COPPER. 2793 Marcus Aurelius ; rev. Head of Jupiter A mmon; extremely ^\ fine; not in Mionnet, and extremely rave : sizeW. *^* This fine coin has been slightly tooled, or cleaned with the engra- ving tool ; and was perhaps not struck at Alexandria. Antinous ; rev. Himself as Mercury on horseback ; very j middling condition : . size 6. 2 ' 2794 Titus and Vespasian ; see Mionnet, vol.6, p. 84, No. 349; well jjreserved, of extreme rarity, and large size : size 9^. Hadrian; rev. 'vfioY\^\xXQ% \ ivell preserved: size ^\. . Antinous ; ANTINOOI. HPwOC; rev. Figure on horseback; J^- very rare, and in very good condition : size 8. 3 //^ ( 391 ) ///^ ^ 2793 Agrippina jun.; see Mt. vol.6, p. 62, No. 151; extremely 'J "^it^rt^e^ rare, and in very good condition : size 6^. , Hadrian ; rev. L. 6NN6A. K. A., Female figure standing ; \ fine : . . size 9^. Hadrian ; rev. L. AcdACK., recumbent Female Figure \fine: size 8. Hadrian ; rev. the Emperor seated on the prow of a galley ; fi7ie : . . size 6^. ; Another ; rev. Serpent ; fine : . size 6^. ' Hadrian ; obv. no letters ; Bust of the Emperor laureate, to the right; rev. L. I A. (year 11); an Ibis; very fine: size 2. *^* This is, perhaps, one of the smallest coins of this class ever seen, and must be of the utmost rarity, if not unique. Sabiua ; rev. Victory, with wreath and palm ; fine : size 8^. Ant. Pius ; rev. Bull and Female Bust; rubbed: sized. M. Aurelius ; 7'ev. Bust of Isis ? Jair condition : si.te 6^. / a^' Commodus ; rev. Galley under sail, and the Pharos of Alex- andria ; fair condition : . size 6. 10 f Greek Copper, continued at page 409.) \^ MEDALLIONS OF THE ROMAN EMPERORS, IN SILVER, STRUCK AT ANTIOCH AD ORONTEM. 2796 Augustus ; Mionnet, vol. 5, p. 137, No. 83, and Mt. Supp. vol. 8, pi. 15, fig. 2; 7'ev. the town personified as a seated female, holding a palm branch, and the river Orontes at her feet, ET0Y:S., ^ K. (year 26) NIKH2. ; fine : size 6^2- weight 228-^\ grs. 1 ^ 2797 Another; not quite so well preserved : size 6|-. weight 226^ grs. Nero; rev. Eagle, &c., date 0P. (year 109); Mt. vol.5, p. 168, No. 179; /aiV conc?i7«o/i; size Q\. 2 /^ 2798 Galba; ohv. AYTOKPATcoP. CGPOYIOC? FAABAC. CG- BACTOC, Head of Galba to the right, without laurel ; rev. Eagle with wings extended, standing with a branch of laurel in his talons, and a wreath of laurel in his beak ; in front a palm branch, and underneath ETOY[C. ...?] compare Mt. vol. 5, p. 170, No. 196 ; /we, and extremely ^ rare : • size 7|. 1 ^.r ^ / / /> ( 392 ) O'- i>799 Otho; ohv. [AYTOK] P. MAPKOC. O0wN. KAICAP. [CEBACTOC] Head of Otho laureate, to the right; ^^'"'^ rev. same as above described ; Mt. vol. 5, p. 170, No. 197 ; and Mt. Supp. vol. 8, pi. 15, fig. 5 ; extremely rare, and in fine condition: . size 7. 1 2800 Another; pi'ecisely like 3It. Supp. pi. 15, fig. 5, shewing all the type and legend on both sides ; ETOYC. A.; extremely rare, and very well preserved : size 7. 1 ' '-^ y 2801 Another; extremely rare, and very ivell preserved : size 7. 1 --^"'^ / ^^- 2802 Vespasian ; 3Iionnet, p. 171, No. 204; rev. Eagle on an altar, &c. GTOYC. NGOY. IGPOY., A. (year 4); extremely fine and very rare : . size 6^. 1 / ^ 2803 Vespasian; rev. Titus; ilfif. p. 171, No. 205; extremely fine y. and rare : . . size &^. 1 ^-■ / /^ 2804 Another; equally fine and rare : . size &\. Vespasian ; Mt. p. 170, No. 198; good condition : size 6J. 2 A; 2805 Domitian; Mionnet, p. 173, No. 215; rev. eTOYC. NGOY. iePOY.ei<;ATOY.; rare, and very fine: size 7. 1 -^^ ^ ^f 2806Nerva; Mt.^ .17 A,^o.'2\%, very rare and fine: size 7 \. 1 ^J^' _Z // 2807 Nerva ; Mt. p. 174, No. 218; extremely rare, and very well preserved: . size 7^. Yr-/.'.- 2808 Vespasian; Mt. '^.\7^,l^o.\98; fair condition : size ^\. Trajan; rev. Eagle; Mt. p. 176, No. 240; rare, and in extremely good condition : . size 6i. Another; rev. Hercules; in fair condition : size 6^. 3 (3Iedallions of the Roman Emperors, in Silver, struck at Antioch, co7itinued at page 408.^^ ^y^-. ( Greek Cities, i^i Silver, continued from page S42.J CITIES OF SYRIA, IN SILVER. J^. /// 2809 Laodicea ; Nero ; (silver Medallion) see Mionnet, vol. 5, p. 248, No. 719, and 3It. Supp. vol.8, pi. 16, fig. 3 ; obv. laureate Head of Nero; rev. veiled Bust of the town personified, and crowned with towers ; of the utmost rarity, and in fine condition : size 6. tveight 216 g)-s. 1 ^//^ 2810 Seleucia; (Tetradrachm) SEAEYKEfiN.THS- IEPA2. KAI. AYTONOMOY.; see Mionnet, vol.5, p 274, No. 864; or like Mt. Supp. vol. 8, pi. 16, fig. 5; but with date PI. (year //j/^ ^/ ( 393 ) ^^''//^ 13); very rare., and in perfect condition ; and most dif- jicult to find so fine a specimen : size 8^. weight 228-5^ grs. 1 2811 Another; with date AI. (year 11); equally rare, and in nearly the same perfect condition : I size 8. weight 230^^^ grs. 1 1 1 2812 Tyrus; (Tetradrachm) TYPOY. IEPA2. KAI. A2YA0Y. . - r ( 398 ) / /■ 2847 Another; with K. exactly the same ; an equally Jine and per- r- feet coin in every respect: size 8. weight 426y\ 1 ' ''''' 7 1 >^ 2848 Another ; with A. behind the head ; very slightly ruhbed on the highest parts ; but a very fine and desirable coin: size 7. weight 428-j2q grs. 1 TETRADRACHM OF ARSINOE, IN GOLD. y^ //> ■ 2849 Arsinoe ; exactly like lot 2846, but only half the size ; of extreme rarity, and as it came from the die: size 5^. weight 215^ grs. 1 ^ *^* A most perfect specimen of this very rare size; see Mionnet, Supp. vol.ix. pi. 2, fig. 6. OCTODRACHMS OF PTOLEMY I. AND BERENICE, WITH PTOLEMY IL AND ARSINOE, IN GOLD. *^* These interesting coins are classed by Mionnet as having been struck by Ptolemy III., in honour of his father and grandfather, and their queens. 2850 Ptolemy I. and Berenice, with Ptolemy IL and Arsinoe ; type ^ of Mionnet, Supp. vol. 9, pi. 2, fig. 7 ; obv. ©EON, Por- >^/ traits of Soter and Berenice, behind is the head of a spear; Q^ev. AAEA4>nN, portraits of Philadelphus and Arsinoe, behind is AP, in a monogram; rare, and as it came from the die size 7J. weight 428-j^ grs. 1 /^'' //^'' 2851 Another; with the same symbol and monogram; equally ^ perfect and rare : size 1^. tveight 424-j^ grs. 1 ^ <<^ y, 2852 Another ; with a buckler behind the head of Philadelphus ; although slightly rubbed, this is a very fine and desirable coin, presenting us with an older portrait of Soter than ^ usual: size 7^. weight 428^ grs. 1 ''~ TETRADRACHMS OF PTOLEMY L AND BERENICE, WITH PTOLEMY IL AND ARSINOE, IN GOLD. y y- 2853 Ptolemy I. and Berenice, with Philadelphus and Arsinoe ;^;j^ -j / precisely the same type as the last ; see 3It. Supp. vol. 9, pi. 3, fig. 1, except the K. on the obverse, in front of Bere- nice ; extremely rare and well preserved : / size 5. weight 214^ grs. 1 i •^ '^ ^'' 2854 Another ; precisely the same ; not quite so highly preserved ,.9 } as the last, although a rare and very desirable coin: c-^^ size 5. weight 213^ g7's. 1 -v^i^/ ( 399 ) ■"'''' OCTODRACHiMS OF THE KINGS AND QUEENS OF EGYPT, IN GOLD. 2855 Berenice, wife of Ptolemy III. (Euergetes) ; see Mt. Supp /^^fVi^^ vol. 9, p. 11, No. 62; ohv. veiled Head of Berenice t the right, bound with the diadem, but without a sceptre ; rev. BEPENIKH2. BA2IAI22H2. a cornucopia with taeniae, and a bee in the field ; as it came from the die, and of perfect heauty, except a small hole, which for- tunately has done no injury ; extremely rare, and unique as regards the symbol : size 7. weight 428^ grs. *^* This coin is the identical specimen described by Mionnet, as above quoted. 2856 Another ; without any symbol or letter in the field, with the /- -Z^ cornucopia disposed difl"erently, and the letters in a diffe- * *^ i*ent style, like the coin in the French Cabinet ; see Mt. Supp. vol. 9, pi. 3, fig. 4 ; a coin of the utmost degree of rarity and beauty, and as it came from the die : size 7. tveight 429^ grs. I *#* This coin is the heaviest (but one) in the series. \^ 2857 Ptolemy IV. (Philopator) ; see Mt. Supp. vol. 9, pi. 3, fig- / ^ 5; obv. his Bust, with diadem and chlamys? to they^' " right; rev. HTOAEMAIOY. IA0nAT0P02., an Eagle standing on a thunderbolt to the right, with a mo- nogram in the field, as in the engraving above quoted ; of the highest degree of rarity, and as it came from the die: . size!, weight 429^ grs. ^ 2858 Ptolemy V. (Epiphanes) ; with an ear of corn on the dia dem ; type of Mt. Supp. pi. 4, fig. 5, but with A. in the field, and NI. between the legs of the eagle on the thun- derbolt to the left ; somewhat rubbed, but a coin of the /^ ^^ utmost degree of rarity : size 7. weight 427^^ grs. ^ 2859 Ptolemy VIII. (attributed to); see Mionnet, vol.6, p. 27, .'r^^ j»jo_ 212, and Supp. vol. 9, pi. 5, fig. 3; obv. his Bust, to the right, with diadem radiate, and chlamys ; behind the head appears a sceptre, having the form of a trident ; rev. IITOAEMAIOY. BA2IAE0S., a Cornucopia with taeniae, and the mouth surrounded with a radiate; semi-circle ; in the field underneath, AL; of the utmost degree (f rarity, and 171 the highest condition : size?, iveight 429^\y grs. I ^^ /r *^* This is the hoaviesl coin in this fim- suite. y// .r 2 / ( 400 ) ^ Z'/£^ 2860 Another ; precisely the same, except a slight difference in the form of the trident sceptre ; of the same rarity, and in the same heautiful condition : size!, tveight 429^ grs. 1 r^, cy r^^5r-v ROMAN LARGE BRASS. ( Continued from page 383.^^ ^ ^ 2861 Gordianus Africanus sen.; rev. usual type of victoria. AVGG.; a scarce medal . 1 ^/tf/. 2862 Gordianus Africanus jun.; rev. the usual type of romae. ^ AETERNAE. ; rare, and Very ^ne 1 y^^ ^ ^ 2863 Balbinus, 2; rev. a standing Figure of Victory; victoria. i AVGG.; rev. Liberality standing; liberalitas. avgvs- a!_\ TORVM. Pupienus, 2; rev. concordia. avgg.; ?'ey. pax. pvblica.; all fairly preserved . .4 / -y 2864 Balbinus; rev. Liberality standing; liberalitas. avgvs- TORVM.; very fine. /i;^^\ Pupienus; rey. concordia. avgg.; /?rte; both are covered ' with green patina . 2 ^ ^ 2865 Balbinus, 2 ; rev. Emperor standing, with olive branch and sceptre; p. m. tr. p. cos. ii. p.p.; green cerngo ; rev. \. providentia. DEORVM. ; both fine. Pupienus, 2 ; 7'ev. pax.pvblica.; fine; rev. voTis. decen- NALIBVS.; rare, and very fairly preserved 4 ^ ■ 2866 Balbinus; ?-ei'. providentia. deorvm. Pupienus; rev. victoria, avgg.; both these are well pre- served. Gordianus IIL; oJy. naked Head, with CA es. ; »-ei'. the Sacri- ficial, or "in re divina" implements; pietas. avgg.; a ^S^\ _ ^ ver'y finely preserved, patinated, and rare medal 3 ' ^ 2867 Gordianus IIL, 3; obv. imp. caes., &c.; rev. Emperor in quadriga; p.m. tr.p., &c.; rare; and two others. : Philippus senior, 2. /^I^'^ Otacilia Severa ; all well preserved . 6 2868 Gordianus III., 2; rev. lovi. conservatori.; rev. lovi. statori. Philippus senior, 2; rev. a Female standing, with a cornu- x '^^ . i^^ copia and a long caduceus ; p. m. tr. p. ii., &c.; rev. ' X saecvlvm. NOVVM.; all fine , 4 2869 Gordianus IIL, 2; rev. a Female Figure, holding an olive c-"" ( 401 ) y^/j// branch, seated, and nearly naked ; p. M. tr. p. liu., &c. ; of very large size; rev. felicit. tempor.; Jine green patina. Philippus sen., 3 ; rev. fides, militvm.; two varieties; rev. FIDES. EXERCiTvs.; four standards in the field. Otacilia Severa ; rev. concordia. avgg.; all very tvell preserved . . 6 (Continued at page 418). ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN GOLD. ( Continued from page 387.^ , ^^^^ 2870 Maximianus Hercules ; rev. a Garland, within it x.x. maxi- y MiANi. AVG. S.M.A.Q.; very Jine, and rare 1 -v ^ " 287 1 Maximianus Hercules ; rev. Hercules holding a fallen stag by its antlers ; virtvs. avgg. p.r.; fairly preserved 1 .^^ 2872 Maximianus Hercules ; rev. the Emperor on horseback in a galley; virtvs. illyrici. tr.; very well preserved, and ^ ^ /f extra rare . . V *^* From the Trattle collection, lot 3093. ■ z^?-- 2873 Maximianus Hercules ; rev. the Praetorian Camp, with three turrets ; the back of the edifice (having four turrets) is likewise visible; virtvs. militvm. p.r.; ^ng, and un- ' ; published . .1 ^1 -^^ 2874 Maximianus Hercules ; rev. a Garland, supported by an eagle with expanded wings, within it VOT. xx. avgg.; rare, and [ in the finest state of preservation I ^"^ J ^ 2875 Constantius Chlorus ; ohv. a laureate Head, to the right ; ; coNSTANTivs. N.C.; rev. a Female, with helmet, and I armed, looking to the right; comes, avgg., and p.t. in the exergue ; very Jine ; an unpublished type 1 ''y Vy V 2876 Constantius Chlorus : ri9i>. Hercules standing, holds the club i in his right, and the Hesperides apples in his left, hand ; ' the skin of the Nemsean lion hangs from his left shoulder ; [ hercvli. CONS. CAES. (and a star) ; in the exergue, s.m. I A.z. (a larger star in the field); of very great rarity, and , ^'' ,/~ I extremely fine . . 1 ! *^* Engraved in Akerman, vol. ii. plate xi. — 3. ,,."^^ 2877 Constantius Chlorus; rev. the Emperor and Maximian on horseback; comitatvs. avgg., and p. t. iu the exergue ; y /^ j rare, and tvell preserved . I ^ /f^/^- { 4()'2 ) I //) . 2878 Galei'ius Maxiiniaiuis ; ohv. a laureate Head of the Emperor, looking to the right; maximianvs. p.f. avg.; vev. Jupiter seated; lovi. conservatori. avgg. et. caess. n.n., and ^ ' T. R. as exergue . j ^^ *" 2880 Severus II. Medallion; ohv. a radiated Bust, to the right; FL. VAL. SEVERVS. NOB. CAES.; rev. the SuH standing, and ^_^ • holding a globe in his left hand ; soli, invicto. con- SERVAT. AVGG. ET. CAESS. N.N. ; tmpuhUshed ; in a fair state of preservation: . size 6. 1 J^ i^^ 2881 Maximinus Daza; rev. Jupiter standing; lovi. conserva- ^ tori., and in exergue, s.m.n.; fine, and inedited 1 ° '^ "^^ ^ ^ ^2882 Maximinus Daza ; rey. the Emperor holding a globe; consvl. P.p. proconsvl.; in the exergue, s.m. a.z., between a star . and a crescent; very rare, and ivell preserved 1 - -^ '^-^ j^ - -, 2883 Maximinus Daza ; rev. the Emperor, with the hasta and a globe ; behind him are two standards ; principi. ivven- TVTis. ; a letter in the field ; and in the exergue, s.m. s.d.; /^^^-* very rare, and rather fine . 1 .^"eJ^ 2884 Maximinus Daza; rev. the Sun standing; oriens. avgg.; in the exergue, SIS. ; unpublished, and very fine 1 J> 2885 Licinius ; rev. Jupiter-Nicephorus, with the eagle, on a mag- nificent seat placed on an estrade, on which is inscribed SIC. X. SIC. XX.; a crescent, with a star above, to the right; legend, lovi. coxs. licini. avg.; in the exergue, ant.; ^z' inedited, and very fine . 1 * 2886 Licinius ; rev. a Victory, with a buckler (on which is victo- ria. AVG.), resting on an altar; votis. v. mv^ltis. x. ; in exergue, s. m. n. t. d.; probably inedited; tolerably ^^"^"^ preserved . . 1 / ( 403 ) /'^7j/ ^ 2887 Licinius ; rev. Jove resting on the hasta, holding a victory ; an eagle, with a garland, is at his feet ; rovi. conserva- ' TORI. AVGG. ; in exergue, s.m.n.a.; a well preserved and ,) // . rather scarce medal . 1 2888 Constantinus Maximus ; Medallion ; ohv. a fine half-length ^1^ ^ ;,y_;, Figure of the Emperor diademed, with richly ornamented i Imperial robes, holding the globe and sceptre, and looking to the right ; d. n. constantinvs. max. avg.; rev. a fuU- , length togated figure of Constantino; senatvs.; in the exergue, s. m. t. s.; very fine, and most likely unique : ^-^ > // size 10. 1 *jt* Engraved by Akerman ; see his vignette to the 2nd volume. 2889 Constantinus Maximus ; Medallion ; ohv. diademed Head of the Emperor, to the right, without any legend ; rev. Con- stantino marching, with a trophy and spear, between two 1 captives seated; gloria, constantini. avg.; in theX/ s- ^ exergue, s. m. n. ; fine and rare : size 7 full. 1 n 7^ 2890 Constantinus Maximus; Medallion; rev. the Emperor on horseback ; eq vis. rom an vs. (sic.) ; in the exergue, s. m. n.; , . very rare, and well preserved: size 61. 1 '^ *^* From the Trattle collection, lot 3128. 2891 Constantinus Maximus ; ohv. a diademed Head of the Empe- '^ ror, without a legend ; rev. a Victory seated on arms ; a genius supporting a buckler (on which is inscribed vox. XXX.); VICTORIA. cosTANTiNi. AVG.; and in the yy^ exergue, s.m.'s.'p.; fine and rare 1 "" * ^ This exergue has never as yet been published with the above type. 2892 Constantinus Maximus ; rev. a Victory marching, and carrying /*' a trophy and a palm ; victoria, constantini. avg.; in the field, VOT. xxx. ; in exergue, s.m.a.n. *^* From the Trattle collection, lot 3129. Another; rev. a Victory seated, &c.; constantiniana. r ^ //^^ DAFNE. . . 2 *#* Both these medals are very fine ; the latter is very scarce. 2893 Constantinus Maximus ; rev. Mars armed, carrying a trophy, with two captives at his feet; virtvs. exercitvs. gai,l.; in the exergue, sis,; fine, and cvtremely rare 1 y ■^ *jt* Very valuable in France. "A-y ( 404 ) ' ' "^Z 2894 Constanthius Maxiraus; ^-^y. Germany personified, seated by ]/" a fine trophy ; gavdivm. romanorvm.; a Jine and very scarce medal; pierced . 1 %* Interesting and very valuable in Germany. y^ 2895 Constantinus Maximus ; rev. Mars marching; virtvs. EXERCITVS. GALL.; in the exergue, p.t.r. ; very ^ne; rare and interesting in France. Another ; rev. a Victory with two captives ; victoria. CONSTANTINI. AVG.;y?ne . 2 ^ / 7* 2896 Constantinus Maximus ; rev. the Emperor seated on the cu- rule chair; p.m.trib.cos.iiii.p.p.procos.; in the exergue,^ ^vj? p. T. R. ; Jlne . . 1 // 2^ /y 2897 Constantinus Maximus ; rev. the Emperor raising a Female kneeling at his feet ; a Victory holds a laurel-branch over his head; and a soldier; pietas. avgvsti. nostri.; in ^^^ the exergue, s.m. n.c. ; very rare . 1 ._ y2898 Constantinus Maxiraus ; rev. Constantino seated, with two / ^ figures standing, on an estrade, and three figures kneeling at its basis; felicitas. reipvblicae.; in the exergue, p. T. R. ; fine, and very rare. ,^ Another ; rev. three Standards ; s.p.q.r. optimo. principi.; ^^ ^^^ in the exergue, P.T.R. ; well preserved . 2 . 2899 Constantinus Maximus ; ohv. Bust of Constantino in armour; // '' " rev. two Victories, holding a buckler (insciibed vot. x.) on a cippus; victoriae.laetae.princ.perp.; in the g^_^ exergue, p.r. Another; rev. a Victory standing, with a shield, inscribed victoria. A VG.; legend, voTis. v. mvltis. x.; in the ex- ergue, P.T.R.; hoth very fine, and rare, especially the first medal . . .2 ^/ . 2900 Constantinus Maximus ; rev. the Emperor, with a spear in the , . left hand, between two standards ; principi. ivventvtis.; ^'^^ in the exergue, tr.; very fine . 1 •,* From the Trattle collection, lot 3137. -^ 2901 Constantinus Maximus ; rev. the Emperor on horseback ; GLORIA. EXERCITVS. GALL.; in the exergue, P.T.R. ; icell preserved, very rare, and especially interesting to i France . . .1 a^ y/ 2902 Constantinus Maximus ; rev. Constantine, with a spear and globe; PRINCIPI. IVVENTVTIS.; in the exergue, p.t.r.; , fine . . .1 r ( 405 ) ^M^f- . 2903 Constaninus Maxiraus ; rev. a Victory, seated on armour, &c., ^"'^ inscribing vox. xx. on a shield, which is supported by a Genius; victoria. constantini.avg.; in the exergue, / / s.M. T.; ivell preserved, and rare . 1 .^ — 2904 Constantinus Maximus. A Quinarius ; rev. Constantino, with spear and globe ; two captives are seated at his feet ; VBiQVE. viCTOREs. (sic.) ; in the exergue, p. r. ; extra rare, and fine . . \ r^ ^ *^* From tlie Tiattle collection, lot 3201. *^ 2905 Crispus. Medallion ; ohv. fine Bust of this Emperor, with helmet, lance, and shield; fl. ivl. crispvs. nob. caes.; ^ y rev. plain ; finely preserved . . 1 * ^* This unpublished small medallion has a loop to wear it as an ancient decoration ; it is, likewise, unfortunately pierced, though slightlr, size 5I-. 2906 Crispus ; ohv. Portrait of the Emperor, without any legend ; rev. a small laurel Crown ; and beneath it, crispvs. nob. CAES. S.M.; rare, and well preserved, hut very doubtful I 2907 Crispus ; ohv. Head ; no legend ; rev. a Victory, with palm- branch and a wreath ; crispvs. caesar. n.; fine, and un- puhlished . . .1 *^* From the Trattle collection, lot 3142. 2908 Crispus ; ohv. laureate Bust of the Emperor, looking to the right; rev. the Sun, robed, standing; soli, invicto.; in the exergue, s.m.n.A. ; fine, unpublished, and consequently highly interesting to the studious collector . 1 *.* From the Trattle collection, lot 3140. 2909 Crispus ; ohv. a laureate Bust, to the right, with shield and spear; rev. Crispus standing between two captives ; prin- ciPi. ivvENTVTis.; in exergue, A.Q.; extra fine, and all but unique ; Akerman, Vol. II. pi. xi. — 9 . I %* From the Trattle collection, lot 3141. ^^ 2910 Crispus; rev. Germany, captive, seated near a magnificent trophy; gavdivm. romanorvm.; in the exergue, ala- MANNIA.; very fine, of great rarity, and highly prized in Germany . • 1 ■*«=^-^'291I Constantinus jun. Medallion; rev. a beautifully ornamented quadruple Garland; within it, votis. x. caes. n.n.m.n.t.; F F F ^ / // yj «-i^ //,/^^ ,.f 2/ //^/y/^/> /tV6^/4/^ ( 406 ) a si7iall, but well preserved, medallion of very great rarity . . .1 *^* Engraved in Akerman, vol. ii. pi. F. No. 4. (Continued at page 419.^ BOHEMIA, DENMARK, &c. MEDALS, IN SILVER. 2912 Walstein Family. Medallion: by Januario : o5?;. the Baron "^ "^ de Walstein presenting to the King of Bohemia his twenty- (^^/^^ four Sons, all on horseback in the background, for the crusade, 1254; in exergue, heroica. faecvnditas.; rev. Latin inscription analogous to the event ; xxiv. filii. a. TATRE., &c.; a Latin legend on the edge commemorates the striking of this fine medallion, in 1716, by the then Count de Walstein : . size \^. 1 *^* From tLe Trattle collection, lot 1236. /2, 2913 On the Death of Frederick V., King of Denmark, in 1766 ; obv. Bust in a ring, formed by a snake ; fridericvs. v., &c. ; rev. Piety personified, and other figures ; vetat. ^^/ MORI.; by Adzer ; fine : . size \b. 1 ^. %* See Beskrivelse over Panske Mynter og Medailler : Kiobenhauri, 1791, tab. 20, No. 2—3. / y/ 2914 Italy. Piedmont; obv. Retreat of the French from Cuneo. ; ETIAM. SVA. FATA. VOCANT. CONI. OBSID., &C.; reV. Alps ; NON. PENETRANT. RADII., &c.; Well preserved, and very rare : . . size 14. Switzerland. A Medal in commemoration of the Foundation of the Republic in 1296 ; obv. Tell and his two compa- nions taking the oath ; 7'ev. Arms of the Thirteen Cantons ; gilt: . . size 13. 2 /// 2915 Spain. Naval Victory off Cadiz ; obv. Shipping; vis. vi. FORTiTER. REPVLSA.; in the exergue, prope.gades. xxx. MAY. MDCCLXXXi.; rev. three Coats of Arms, trident, two pennants, with inscriptions on them ; antiqva. virtvte. DVVMVlRl.; by Holtzhey ; fine. Another. A modern Ecclesiastical German Medal: size 15. Another of Brunswick, 1708 . . 3 / /; . 2916 Spain. Darien Expedition ; obv. a full-length armed Figure / of an Highlander, with fortifications, and a battle in the .- ^ j e (S"--^ /^^ ( 407 ) distance ; qvid. non. pro. patria.; in the exergue, tov- BOVGANTI. VBI. 1600. HISPAN. FVDIT. EVX. ALEXANDER. CAMPBELL. MDCC. 8. FEBR.; rev. his Coat of Arms ; qva. PANDIT VR. ORBis. VIS. VNITA. FORTIOR.; silver gilt: size 15. 1 *^* This unpublisbed and most rare medal, is from the Miles collection ; the only other one known is in the cabinet of Edward Hawkins, Esq. British Museum. SWEDEN. MEDALS, IN SILVER. 2917 Gustavus Adolphus ; obv. three-quarter-face Portrait; with- out any legend ; rev. Arms, and titles : size 14. //^ Charles XL; obv. Bust; by 3Ieybusch ; rev. the Crown of Sweden on a rock, defended by the Saviour, who is hurling thunderbolts against soldiers attacking it ; on the edge, OPPVGNABIT. DOMiNvs., &c., 1676, 1677; silver gilt : size 15. 2 2918 Gustavus Adolphus. A fine Medallion on his Death ; rev. the King in a triga ; seldom seen either on ancient or mo- dern coins or medals : . size 19. 1 *^* Consult Brenner, Thesiiurus, &c. 1731, 4to. 2919 Gustavus Adolphus ; obv. Bust, &c., 1632; rev. the King armed, standing on enemies, &c.; miles, ego., &c.; very Jine : . .15 lines. Charles XL; obv. helmeted Bust, &c. ; by 3Ieybusch ; rev. as in lot 2917 ; Jine . . 2 2920 Gustavus Adolphus ; on his Death ; small size ; rev. Hand holding a sword, &c. : . 13 lines. Charles XL and Ulrica Elenora ; Busts : by Meybusch ; rev. fidei. AC. PACis. ALVMNVS. ANNO. 1680, 8cc.; three Fi- gures standing ; both fine . 14 lines. 2 '^ 2921 Christina Regina ; laureate Head; j'^t'. Arm from the clouds holding a crown; avitam. et. avctam.; ^ne: \ 1 1 lines. Charles XIL, 2 ; obv. Bust ; Q-ev. Bust of Frederick King of Prussia ; rev. Bust of Augustus II. King of Poland ; 9 lines each ; both have legends on the edge; all three , \;>^- are very ^ne . . 3 /PM j/7 J/^ ( 408 ) TWENTY-FOURTH DAY'S SALE. MEDALLIONS OF THE ROMAN EMPERORS, IN SILVER, STRUCK AT ANTIOCH AD ORONTEM, ( Continued from page 392^. LOT y. 2922 Vespasian; Mionnet, vol. 5, p. 170, No. 198; middling: size 6^. Trajan ; ohv. his Bust on an eagle ; rev. Antioch personi- fied ; rare, and in good condition : size 7. Another; rev. Bust of Hercules; iffif. p. 174, No. 223; well preserved : . size 7. 3 y^ 2923 Nero; Mionnet, p. 168, No. 183; ETOY:^. BIP. (year 1 12); extremely Jine: . size 7. Severus ; Mt. p. 178, No. 248; good condition: sizel. Geta ; rev. Eagle ; good condition : size 7. 3 %* Aboutthis time the silver becomes debased, and continues onwards, apparently getting gradually worse. y^ 2924 JEWus ; ohv. AIAIOC. KAICAP., his bearded Bust, without laurel, to the right; rev. AHM. GEOYC YHAT. E. Female Figure, with patera and cornucopia, standing to the left, with an altar before her; not in 3Iionnet ; very well preserved, and of great rarity : size 6. 1 ^ /J 2923 Severus ; rev. the Town personified, as usual ; not in Mion- net; fine, and extremely rare : size 7. 1 //f 2926 Nero; like the coin in lot 2923; extremely fine: sizel. Caracalla ; rev. Eagle ; well preserved : size 6 J. Fhilippus ; rev. Eagle, ANTIOXIA.; middling: size 7. Trajan. Decius ; rev. Eagle ; fne : size 6^. 4 2927 Caracalla; (two, diff"ei*ent) rev. Eagle; ivell jjreserved : ^ sizel. ^ Gordian ; rev. Eagle, S. C; middling condition: size 1. Trajan. Decius; rev. Eagle, S. C; well preserved: size 7. Herennius Etruscus ; rev. Eagle, S. C; rare, and very well preserved : . size 6^. 5 '^7- ( 409 ) 2928 Caracalla. Macrinus. Philippus ; and Gallus, rave ; all rev. Eagle, and well preserved : . size 6h. 4 ^ 2929 Caracalla ; two different. Phillippus ; two different. Tra- ^^^^ janus Decius ; two different. Herennius Etruscus ; Jine. All rev. Eagle, and well preserved : size 6^. 7 J^ ' I I ( GreeTc Copper, continued from page Z^\.) THE COINS PUBLISHED BY HARWOOD. N.B. During the preliminary examinations of the cabinets of the late Mr. Thomas previous to commencing this Catalogue, the writer recognized several coins among those of copper, which appeared to be the identical specimens engraved in the well known work of the late Mr. Harwood, entitled " Populonim et Urbium, selecta numismata Greeca, ex aere," 4to. London, 1812, with seven copper plates of the coins. This led to a further and closer examination, which ended in the discovery of the whole of the coins engraved in the seven plates, except eight, which it is probable never came into the possession of Mr. Thomas. As several of these coins published by Mr. Harwood are extremely curious and remarkable, and as others have, for many years, been a stumbling block to numismatists, the writer has ventured to avail him- self of the present most favorable opportunity, to offer a few remarks on some of the coins previous to the possible or probable dispersion of them. 2930 The two Coins forming the vignettes at pages 15 and 16; and the eighteen coins forming plate I, No. 1 to 18, except one coin. No. 16, which was not found. 19 *^* On coin No. 3 it may be remarked, that the letters (as engraved) are not at all clear, and it requires cleaning and study to be classed with certainty; see Eckhel, Num. Vet. Anecdoti, tab. xiii. No. 13. Coin No. 5 is of Cleone, the K not having been perceived. The coin No. 6 is of Cius, in Bilhynia, or uncertain. The coin No. 10 is of Elis, and reads faAa. The coin No. 11 is of Alos, in Thessaly, The coin No. 15 is of Elis, and reads fa. a p. 2931 The Coins forming plate 2, No. 1 to 21, except No. 15. 20 *^* Coins No. 2 and 3 are of Pergamus, in Mysia. Coin No. 9 is of Cnidus, in Caria. No. 11 is of Carystus in Euboea. Coin No. 18 is of Pergamus, in Mysia. 2932 The Coins forming plate 3, No. 1 to 18, except No. 3. 17 *^* The coin No. 2 is of Thessaly, and the figure of Minerva mistaken for the prow of a vessel. No. 9 is a coin of the Locri Opuntii. Coin y* J — ( 410 ) No. 11 is not of the Island Euboea, but probably of Euboea in Sicily, and is a coin for study. Coin No. 1'2 is of Cephaloedium, in Sicily. 2933 The Coins forming plate 4, No. 1 to 20, except No. 1, which was probably a coin of Calacte in Sicily, and No. 13. 18 *«* Coin No. 5 is of Larissa, in Thessaly. Coin No. 11 is of Alessenia, in tbe Peloponesus. No. 18 is a coin of Corcyra. 2934 The whole of the Coins forming plate 5, No. 1 to 18. 18 *^* The coin No. 1 is a coin of Pella, in Macedon. The very curious coin of Petra, Marmaricd , No. 2, is to be compared with Mt. Supp. vol. ix. p. 180, No. 1. The coin No. 3 is of the Island Pholegan- drus. No. 9 is a coin of Parium, in Mysia. No. 17 is a coin of Athens. 2935 The Coins forming plate 6, except No. 6. . 18 /^^ ,/ *jn* The coin No. 3 is a Sicilian coin, and tbe monogram by no means clear — probably it is a coin of Syracuse. The coin No. 6 is of Cor- resia, in Ceos Insula : the T being a K, and tbe an O. Coin No. 7 is of Pella, in Macedonia: the TiEI being riEA. The coin No. "i, Supplement, is a coin of Athens. The coin No 7, Supp. is of Sicyon in Achaia. Coin No. 8, Supp. is of Hispania, similar to that in Mionnet, page 1, No. 4. 2936 The Coins forming plate 7, except No. 2 and No. 10. 22 *^* The very rare and interesting coin No. 1 appears quite satisfactory. Coin No, 8 is of Colophon in Ionia. Coin No. 9 is unsatisfactory as engraved, and requires study. Coin No. 15, ill preserved and uncertain. No. 16 is uncertain, being one of those coins inscribed KETPinoPioz. No. 18 is a coin of Paros Insula. No. 19 a coin of Andrus, tbe letters being aNAPI. No. 24 is an uncertain coin for study. TETRADRACHMS OF PTOLEMY SOTER, IN SILVER. ( Continued from page 381 y). 2937 Ptolemy I.; with an Owl before the eagle, and behind L. A. .r/^^i^^ (year 4) and 2A. ; ivell preserved : size 1 . weight 209^ grs. Another; with S^THPOS.; 21. WH. before the eagle; and E. (year 6) ^ behind; rubbed: size 6. 2 2938 Another ; without 20THP02. and without any letter or sym- bol in the field ; Jine : size 7. weigJit 216^^ grs. y^^^r^; Another ; with SfiTHPOS., and 21. KH. before the eagle ; behind is T. (year 3) and HA. in monogram ; veil/ icell preserved: size 7 . weight 217 -^^ grs. 2 ( 411 ) / 2939 Another ; without any symbol or monogram ; fine: •^'•'"'^ size!, weight 219^ grs. 1 ^^'^ Another ; with a sceptre across the field ; before the eagle is L. A. (year 4), and behind ITA. ; Jine, and very rare : size 6^. weight 219^ grs. 2 TETRADRACHM OF PHILADELPHUS, IN SILVER. f'^^^' 2940 Ptolemy II.; usual type ; in the field is L. NF. (year 53), and a star before the eagle, and behind 2A,; very well pre- , y, served^ and very rare: size 6. weight 2\Q-^ grs, 1 *^* This is the only certain coin of Philadelphus in the collection, as proved by the date. The second coin in lot 2700, with the date 22, as well as the first coin in lot 2938, and the two coins in the preced- ing lot, might all seem to belong to Philadelphus, but the question is full of doubt. DECADRACHMS, OR LARGE MEDALLIONS OF ARSINOE, IN SILVER. 2941 Arsinoe, wife of Philadelphus ; ohv. her Portrait veiled, and >t^ with the sceptre, which appears above her head; behind are the letters BB.; rev. AP^INOHS. $IAAAEA*OY., Double Cornucopia ; a most rare and beautiful coin, and in very Jine preservation : size 1 0. weight 540 grs. 1 *^* A Decadrachm adjusted, as might be expected, to the Ptolemaic Talent. '_■> 2942 Another ; with A. behind the head ; as rare as the last, and very nearly as beautiful : sise 10. wt. 531^ grs. \ ^ ^ TETRADRACHMS, AND SMALLER SIZES, IN SILVER. ^ .^2943 Berenice, wife of Ptolemy III.; (Didrachm) see Mionnet, vol. 6, p. 19, No. 159; of the highest rarity, and in fine condition : size 4^. weight 103^ grs. 1 2944 Ptolemy V.; (Tetradrachm) without the ear of wheat on the diadem ; rev. Eagle standing on a Thunderbolt, and in the field KAII.? in monogram ; in perfect condition, and extremely rare : size Gl. iveight 220/o grs. 1 2945 Another ; with the ear of wheat on the diadem, and in the field of the rev. ME. in monogram ; extremely rare, and fine: . size 7. weight 2\9-J^ grs. 1 2946 Another ; with NI. between the legs of the eagle ; extremely rare, and fine: size &\. weight 21^-^ grs. 1 //^/f /y ^ '^ /^A' /' /^-'^/^ ^" ■'/■ ■ ( 412 ) 2947 Ptolemy XII. ; (Didraclim) see Mionnei, Supp. vol. 8, pi. 5, fig. 4; but on the reverse this cohi has a caduceus in the field ; in perfect condition, and of the greatest rarity: size 4. weight 106^ grs. 1 2948 Another ; with an uncertain symbol in the field of the reverse ; as perfect, and as rare as the preceding : size 4^. weight \Q5^ grs. 1 (GreeJc Cities, in Silver, continued from page Q9 A.) CITIES OF AFRICA, IN SILVER. 2949 Barce ; olv. AKESIO^., full face of Jupiter Ammon ; rev. BAPKAI , Silphium ; extremely rare, and in most perfect condition: size 8. weight 199-^ grs. 1 yy 2950 Barce ; obv. same Head seen in profile, to the right ; rev. BAPKAIO.,. (retrograde), Silphium; very rare, and in perfect condition : size 7^. iveight 197 ^^^ grs. I /^ /r~ COINS OF CYRENE, IN GOLD. 2951 Cyrene; ohv. Victory in a quadriga ; rey. Jupiter standing; see 3Iionnet, vol. 6, p. 558, No. 37; ^ne condition, and extremely rare : size 4. weight 132^ grs. 1 *^* Didrachm of the Attic Talent. PA/ 2952 Cyrene ; obv. KYPA., Horseman ; rev. KYAI02., Silphium , see 3It. p. 557, No. 29; fne, and rare: size 2|^. iveight 67 grs.^ I *^* Drachm of the Attic Talent. iJ 7" 2953 Cyrene; see Mt. p. 557, No. 26; extremely fine : size 2. weight 44^ grs. 1 *** Two-thirds of the Attic Drachm. tJ 2954 Cyrene ; see Mt. p. 557, No. 24;^ne and rare: size 2. weight 33^ grs. *^* Attic Ilemidrachm. Cyrene; obv. API2TI0... (retrograde), Head with ram's horn, to the right; rev. Female Head to the left; very -- well preserved : size ^. tveight 13^^ grs. 2 %* The fifth iiartof the Attic Drachm. ( 413 ) ^^ / CITIES OF AFRICA, IN SILVER. (Continued.) //^^,^r/{ 2955 Cyrene; ohv. KYPA., Head of Ammon to the right; re^. Silphium ; same type as Mionnet, vol. 7, pi. 62, fig. 7 ; very rare, extremely Jine old work^ in perfect condition : // . I size 7. weight 267-jL gi's. 1 -^^ *^* Tetradrachm of the Attic Talent. / 2956 Cyrene; obv. T0MHAE02., Head of Ammon, to the left; rev, KYPANA., Silphium ; rm-e, and in very fine con- dition: sise Q^. weight 202^ grs. 1 j^//^ 2957 Cyrene ; ohv. KYAI02., same head, with laurel wreath in front; rev. like the last ; middling condition, hut rare : size Q. weight 196^0 grs. Cyrene ; ohv. same head to the right, in a square ; rev. KY. ^ _y- (retrograde) Sylphiura ; fair condition : size 2-|. 2 . ^y 2958 Cyrene ; ohv. see Mionnet, vol. 7, pi. 79, fig 1 ; Head of Ammon to the right; rev. KYPANA., Silphium; fine condition, and rare : size Q. weight \97^ gi's. 1 - -^ ^. 2959 Another ; fine, and rare : size 6. weight 204^ gi's. 1 / /P' 2960 Another ; with the Head of Ammon to the left, and no letters •'^^■r '^ on reverse ; very well preserved : / ^ size 6. weight 204^ grs. ^ ^ 2961 Cyrene ; (Didrachm) ohv. youthful Head of Ammon? to the left ; rev. KYPA., Silphium, with star and a monogram in the field ; fine : size 5. weight 1 18^^ grs. Cyrene ; (Drachm) ohv. KYPA., bearded Head of Ammon, in old style, within a circle of dots in an indented square ; / / rev. ^\\^\nnra', 2vell preserved : size 3. tvt. 5l-~ grs. 2 ^ y , 2962 Cyrene ; like the first in the preceding lot, except tripod and ^ " '^ monogram in the field; yai'r conc?«7«ora: size 5. weight \\2~ grs. Cyrene ; like the second coin in the preceding lot, but half the weight ; well preserved, and rare: size 2. weight 24^^ grs. 2 i -y 2963 Libyi, Cyrenaica^ ; ohv. Head of Hercules, covered with the lion's skin, to the left; rev. Lion walking to the right, with a punic letter above, and AIBYfiN. in the exergue ; perfect condition, and of the utmost rarity : , / ,-y' size 5. weight 1 13,^ grs. 1 *»* This coin appears to he a Didrachm, adjusted to tlio T^rian or Phocniciun Talent. COG y7- ' / ZV- /Te^ ^ ^-^r r / ( 414 ) KINGS OF NUMIDIA AND MAURITANIA, IN SILVER. / /' 2964 Juba I. ; ohv. bearded Bust, with diadem and sceptre, to the right ; rev. Numidian inscription on each side an octostyle Temple ; an unusually fine and perfect specimen : size 4. iveight 60^ grs. 1 -. ,/ 2965 Another; remarkably ivell preserved: size 4. iveight 59^ grs. Juba II.; compare 3Iionnet, vol. 6, p. 599, No. 11 ; extremely rare, and in p^erfect condition : size 3. tveight 30^ grs. 2 2966 Juba I.; like the first coin in the preceding lot : size 4. Juba II.; see 3It. p. 599, No. 11 ; extremely perfect condi- tion, and vei'y rare: size 4. weight 42 yq grs. 2 2967 Juba II.; see 3It. p. 600, No. 23; p)erfect condition, and of ^- extreme rarity : size 4. weight 4^^^ grs. 1^''^'" 2968 Juba 11. ; see 3Iionnet, Siipp. vol. 9, p. 215, No. 5, and ^ Combe JBrit. Mus. tab. 13, fig. 7; perfect condition, and ^ ^ of extreme rarity : size Q. iveight 27^ grs. 1 " z / 2969 Juba II. and Cleopatra; Mionnet, vol. 6, p. 603, No. 44; perfect condition, and of extreme rarity : q-'. size 4. weight 45^ grs. 2970 Uncertain King of Numidia; see 3It. Supp. p. 222, No. 43; and compare pi. 9, fig. 5 ; but there is no rider on the elephant on this coin ; very rare, and in perfect condition : size 5. weight 100 grs. Another ; but only half the size ; very rare, and as it came from the die: size 4. weight 48-j^ grs. 2 *^* The regular Greek Series closes here. UNCERTAIN GREEK CITIES, IN SILVER. / 8971 Uncertain of Cilicia? ohv. Hippocampus surrounded by dol- ''^ " '' phins ; rev. Cerberus? within a square formed by four ' ^^ ' lines ; good condition : size 4^. weight 82^ grs. Cyzicus? obv. Griffin to the left, with curled wings and paw elevated; rev. Head of a Lion with mouth open, to the right, in an indented square ; in fine conditio7i : size 2^. weight 55-j^ g7's. Cilicia ? obv. veiled Female Head, seen in front ; rev. Bust of Hercules to the left; fine: size 1. wt. 10^ grs. /J?9//9'y / ( 415 ) /0///^ 1 y^irt Cnidus ? ohv. Forepart of a Lion with paw, to the left ; rev. quad, incus. ; fine : size . weight 46 ^^ grs. Cyzicus ? obv. Chimera to the right ; rev. Head of Medusa in a square, incuse ; j^ne .* size 2^. weight 64-f^ grs. iEgse, iEoUs ? compare Mionnet, pi. 75, fig. 9 ; fine : size 3. weight 42^5^ grs. Tricca? Thessaly; see Eckhel, Num. Vet. Anecdoti, tab. 6, fig. 17 ; well preserved : size 1^. weight \9^grs. Carystus, Euboea ? ohv. Head of Hercules ; rev. K. in an indented square: size 1. tveight l.^grs. Another: . size 1. weight 12^^^ grs. Uncertain ; obv. Mask of Silenus ? or old faun ; rev. Quad. incus.; well preserved : size 3. wt. 86^^ grs. Uncertain ; four, small, of inferior interest : . 14 UNCERTAIN GREEK CITIES, IN COPPER. y X2972 Heraclea, in Bithynia ; ohv. TON. KTIETAN., Bust of Her- cules, with club on his shoulder; rev OY. TON. -- ^'-^ ' HPAKAHAC. MA ; the type appears to have been partially effaced and battered by the ancients, but appears to have represented a seated female, seen full face, and at her feet, on each side, is a river in a recumbent position ; in good condition, extremely rare : size \0. Larissa, uncertain ; ohv. Head of Apollo, laureate, to the left ; rev. AAPi;§AK}N., Diana tunicata, with bow and quiver ; fine : . . size 5 1 . Uncertain ; eight small coins of minor interest : i, sizes \ to 4. Three coins of lead, from Athens: . size 3. 13 2973 Uncertain ; ten silver coins (Tetradrachms and Drachms), . ,^ covered with brown oxide, in the state in which they were ' '^^ /' discovered, requiring careful cleaning ; and a quantity of Casts, false Coins, in Copper and Silver, &c. &c. ALEXANDRIAN COINS, OF BASE SILVER. (^Continued from page 390). / ^2974 Tiberius; rev. Augustus, L. Z. (year 7); verrj fine : '^•r.A. size!. / A^ Claudius ; rev. the Busts of Antouia and Octavia, each on a cornucopia, and between them the Bust of Britannicus ; '""^ " ( 410 ) see Mionnet, vol. 6, page 56, No. 96 ; fine, and very rare: size 4i. 2 /;,' 2975 Tiberius; j-ey. Augustus, L. I H. (year 18); ^?ie; size 7. y^ r^/^, '' ' Claudius ; rev. Antonia ; fine : . size 6. Hadrian ; rev. Serapis, L. 6NN6A. K. A.; fine: size 6. 3 UNCERTAIN LMPERIAL COINS, IN SILVER. /y/ 2976 Claudius; 7-ev. Nero; see Mionnet, Supp. vol.9, p. 248, y^ No. 151; extremely rare, and well preserved : size 7. 1 2977 Another; middling condition: . size 7. / /-^ Nero; rev. Poppsea; see Mt. vol.6, p. 682, No. 471; in very fair condition, and of extreme rarity : size 4. 2 / < v UNCERTAIN IMPERIAL COINS, IN COPPER. 2978 Antoninus Pius ; rev. M. Aurelius ; see Mt. Supp. p. 250, /if No. 159; in extremely good condition, and rare: y^y^^ size 9. *»* Most probably struck at Edessa or Singara, in ]Mesopotamia, or ;it Samosata, in Commagene. Caracalla; re?;. Geta; see J/if. p. 707, No. 629; well pre- served : . • size 8. Poppsea ; rev. Eagle ; very dubious : . size 6. Claudius ; rev. Drusus and Antonia, face to face ; see Mt. p. 677, No. 439; very rare, and in very fair condition: size 6^. *^* This coin and the following are no doubt struck at Pergamus or Smyrna. Claudius ? rev. Drusus ; very rare, and in fair condition : size 5^. Gallus ; rev. Bust, radiate, with a crescent before it ; fair condition : . . size 7. 6 *^* Probably struck at Emisa or Carrhas in Mesopotamia. I y y^ 2979 Trajan; (Silver Denarius) rev. Head of Jupiter Ammon ; ^ j rare, and in very fine condition : . size 3 Marcus Aui-elius ; rev. Head of Jupiter Ammon ; rare, and well preserved : . size 6^. Severus Alexander; rev. Mamaea ; fine, and very rare: size 7. Y^ia / *-^^-' //; ( 417 ) Severus Alexander ; rev. Head of Jupiter Ammon ; fine and rare : . . size 6^. 4 ZODIACAL RUPEES, IN SILVER. STRUCK BY THE MOGUL EMPERORS OF HINDUSTAN. - 2980 Four ; Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Virgo ; the last is in a perfect state of preservation . 4 / -^r 2981 Four; Aries, Cancer, Leo, and Capricornus ; the last in a perfect state of preservation . 4 y.^ 2982 Four ; Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Pisces ; the two last in a perfect state of pr^eservation . 4 -y^ ORIENTAL COINS, IN GOLD. 2983 lehangir Shah (circa a.d. 1618); in very fine condition: size 5. An ancient Hun of the South of India ; fine : size 2. 2 ,^2984 Uncertain Gold Coin of Southern India; obv. very fine ; rev. double struck : . size 5^. An ancient Hun of the South of India ; fine : size 2. . ''' y Two uncertain Oriental Coins, in copper ; fine : size 5. 4 - ' ZODIACAL MOHURS, IN GOLD. STRUCK BY THE MOGUL EMPERORS OF HINDUSTAN. "-f^- 2983 Two ; Aries, and Taurus ; /ine . 2 f^ ^ 2986 Two; Aries, and Taurus ; /rae . . 2^?<^ ,^ ^ 2987 Two ; Aries, and Gemini ; the latter fine . 2 --^ ^ 2988 Two; Gemini, and Cancer ; y??ie . . 2 ^-^ -^ 2989 Two ; Gemini, and Cancer ; fine, but very differently repre- sented from the preceding . 2 -^ J^ - 2990 Two ; Leo, and Virgo . . 2 -^ -^ y^- 2991 Two; Sagittarius, and Libra ; /we . 2 J // V^2992 Two; Sagittarius, and Scorpio ; />«? . . 2-^/^ 2993 Two; Capricornus; and a winged Quadruped, with boar's ? head ; a dragon ? fine . • 2 — ^ 2994 Two ; Capricornus, and Aquarius ; the latter represented by ^ a water bottle ? fine • • 2 ' ^ . 2995 Two; Capricornus, and Pisces; both with appended loops; fine • • . ^ J'^./// ( 418 ) ROMAN LARGE BRASS, ( Continued from page 401^. 2996 Philippus jun., 4; rev. the two Emperors seated; rev. a '- cippus, inscribed cos. ii.; rev. principi. ivvent.; the ^^^. two varieties, with caes. on their ohv. ''' '^ Trajanus Decius, 2 ; varied. Etruscilla ; rev, fecvnditas. avg. Herennius Etruscus, 2 ; rev. Emperor with spear and sceptre ; PRINCIPI. ivvENTVTis.; rev. sacrificial instruments; PIETAS. AVGVSTORVM.; Very rare; all are ivell />?'e- served . . 9 ^ /J 2997 Philippus jun., 3 ; varied. Hostilianus; rev. a Female seated; principi. ivventvtis. Trebouianus Gallus, 2. Volusianus, 2 ; all fairly preserved 8 ^ / 2998 Trebonianus Gallus ; rev. the Goddess Juno in a temple ; ' "^ ivNoxi. martiali., ^we. Volusianus, 2 ; rey. ivnoni. martiali.; same type as of the preceding Emperor. Another ; ohv. naked Head, and c. vibio. volvsiano. caes.; rev. principi. IVVENTVTIS.; an extremely fine and xvell/ patinated medal. ^milianus ; rev. votis. decennalibvs. s. c, in a wreath; very rare, and well jireserved . 4 y^ 2999 iEmilianus; rev. a Soldier standing; virtvs. avg.; very ^ rare, if genuine ; it appears cast and tooled. ^ -^ Valerianus, 2 ; rey. fides, militvm.; ret?. Victoria. avgg. / Galienus, 1. Postumus ; rey. victoria, avg.; all fairly preserved 5 3000 iEmilianus; rev. votis. decennalibvs.; very rare, hut '^ scraped. Saloninus, 2 ; rev. the Emperor, with spear and globe (not an ensign); principi. ivvent.; rare, and ivell preserved; % . rev. consecratio. ; very dubious as to its antiquity ; if genuine, it is extremely rare . 3 *^* Tbe second medal in this lot is from the Henderson collection. yy . 3001 Postumus, 2 ; ohv. laureate and draped Bust of the Emperor, to the right ; imp. c. postvm vs. p. f. avg.; rev. a naked ' ' 7/^ry^? ( 419 ) ^A/A^ laureate Bust of the Emperor, to the right; hercvli. DEVSONIENSI. ; well preserved . 1 *^* From the Henderson collection. The coins, in all metals, of Pos- tumus, or Posthumus, having for reverse tbe bead, accompanied by the attributes of Hercules, are extremely rare. In tbe magnificent Dupre Collection in Paris, there is one with the unique legend of HERCVLI. ARGivo., " pubUc par Golzius, elle existe en eiFet tres authentique, trouv6e dans un depot, a Treves :" — a city justly famous to this day for its splendid and perfect relics of Roman antiquity ; the " Augusta Trevirorum" of the ancients. 3002 Postumus ; ohv. a radiated Bust of the Emperor, to the right ; IMP. CM. CASS. LAT. POSTVMVS. p.p. AVG.; rew. a Female standing, with a military ensign in each hand; fides. MILITVM.; a well preserved and rare medallion: size 9. 1 *i* From tbe Henderson collection. ^ ^ ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN GOLD. ( Continued from page 406.^ ^^-3003 Constantinus Maximus ; rev. a Victory, seated on armour, with a shield, on which is inscribed vox. xxx., supported by a Genius; victoria, a vgvstorvm.; in the exergue, s.M.A.'s.^.' fne, and inedited . 1 ^ ^-y 3004 Constantinus jun.; o&w.' Bust of the Emperor, with the word IVNIOR in the legend ; rev. Constantine, with the labarum, hasta pura, and two standards; principi. ivventvtis.; in the exergue, l.r.; exti'a fine, and of the greatest rarity . . . \ --^ / 3005 Constans ; rev. Security leaning on a pillar ; secvritas. REiPVBLiCAE. ; in the exergue, tr. (Treves); fine and rare . . . I -^ 3006 Constantius II. Unique Medallion ; ohv. a full-face Bust of Constantius, with coat of mail, and a helmet, richly orna- mented, surmounted by feathers ; a Victory, holding a garland and a spear ; d.n. constantivs. max. avg.; rev. a Female seated on a throne, her hair bound with a fillet, holds in her right hand a globe, surmounted by a Victory, about to place a garland on her head ; in her left hand, a species of thyrsus; her left foot rests on the prow of /y y . a vessel; gloria, romanorvm.; in the exergue, s.m.n.; / J4/y^ "'^^/^ ( 420 ) vevy Jine, and of very great value ; Akerman, Vol.11, plate G. No. '2: . size 12^. 1 y~f /^ 8007 Constantius II. Unique Medallion ; o&r. laureate Bust, with , the paludamentum, to the left; fl. IVL. coNSTANTivs/'-y, J NOB. c; rev. the Emperor, in a military costume, standing, to the left ; in the right hand the labarum, in his left, a ja- velin, reversed; behind him are two standards; principi. ivvENTVTis.; in the exergue, cons.; Jine, and of great value; Akerman, Vol.11, plate g. No. 1 : size 11. 1 // ■ 3008 Constantius II. Unique Medallion ; ohv. Bust, to the right ; coNSTANTivs. p.F. AVG. ; rev. Emperor, in a military ha- bit, standing to the left ; in his right hand a labarum, with the monogram of our Saviour ; in his left, a reversed spear, and a captive at his feet; virtvs. constanti. avg., and >^ s.M.A.Q. preceded by a star, in the exergue ; very fine and -^ valuable : . . size 7^. 1 « » Engraved in Akerman, plate F, No. 5, and at page 272. 3009 Constantius II.; rev. Rome and Byzantium, seated, holding J- ^ a buckler, on which, vox. xx. mvlt. xxx.; legend, glo- RiAE. REiPVBLiCAE.; in the exergue, cons.; pierced. Another ; ohv. a full-face Bust ; rev. as the last, but vot.xxx. MVLT. xxxx.; in the exergue, r.s.m.e.; both these Aureiy-''^' are tvell preserved . . 2 ' 3010 Constantius II.; rev. as the last; in the exergue, s.i.r.m. Another; obv. a fine full-face Bust; o'ev. as before; in the /Q \ exergue, s.i.r.m.; both in very Jine condition 2--''^-' / /f 3011 Constantius II.; rev. the Emperor, holding a standard and /" the hasta pura : another standard is in the field ; principia. I (sic.) IVVENTVTIS.; in the exergue, s.m.a.q.; extra rare, A ! and very fine . . 1 : / -2 3012 Constantius II. Quinarius ; ?'ey. the Emperor, with lance and globe; principi. ivventvtis,; in the exergue, N.; very finely preserved, and therefore highly valuable 1 ' *^* From the Heber collection. ■ y/(? 3013 Magnentius ; rev. Victory, and a female holding a trophy ; j victoria, avg. LIB. romanor. ; in the exergue, t.r.;j^i very fine . . . 1 ^| /// ■ 3014 Julianus Apostata ; obv. a bare youthful head, to the right ; \ D.N.c.L. ivlianvs. n.c; rev, Rome helmeted, and Con- ' '\ J'/J'- ( 421 ) y/f / stantinople with a turreted crown, seated, and supporting a shield, with a star in its centre; fel. temp, repa- RATIO. ; in the exergue, a.s.m.s.; ivell preserved, though pierced . . .1 *^* This Aureus is unpublished. 3015 Julianus Apostata ; obv. a bearded Portrait of the Emperor; ^/•"^ r-ew. the usual type of VIRTVS. EXERCITVS. ROMANORVM.; in the exergue, sirm.; rare, and ivell preserved \ "^ / 3016 Julianus Apostata ; rev. similar type and legends 1 / // * ^* This Aureus, though pierced, is, nevertheless, perhaps preferable to the last. 3017 Jovianus ; rev. the Emperor, holding a globe and the labarum, (^4^^' on which is the monogram of Christ ; a captive at his feet ; SECVRiTAS. reipvblice. (sic.) ; extra rare, and very fine, though pierced . . 1 * ^ • 3018 Valentinianus sen.; rev. the Emperor, holding a victory and '^''f' ' the labarum (as on Jovian's medal); restitvtor. Reipvb- LiCAE. ; in the exergue, s.m.t.c.s. Valens ; rev. as the preceding ; s. in the field ; in the exergue, ^ s.M.R.T. ; both very fine medals . 2''' 3019 Valentinianus sen., 2; rev. a similar type and legend, only that the labarum has a cross instead of the monogram ; in the exergue, ante.; rev. Valentinian and Valens, seated, holding a globe ; a Victory stands behind them ; victoria. AVGG.; in the exergue, trob.; both these medals are very ,^ fine . . . 2 "^ 8020 Valentinianus sen.; obv. a Bust (with both hands visible) of the Emperor ; rev. Valentinian and Valens, seated ; two captives at their feet, between the letters s.n.i. ; legend, ^ ^ vota. PVBLICA.; fine, and very rare . 1 "^' 3021 Valentinianus II.; o6w. helmeted and armed Bust, to the left ; / y Valentinian sen. and his son, seated, holding a globe be- tween them (in allusion to the latter's association in the Em- pire, 1117); victores. avgvsti.; in the exergue, trob.; above, a Victory is in the act of crowning Valentinian, the / ^^ father ; rare^ and very well preserved . 1 3022 Valentinianus II.; rev. the two Emperors, seated; a Victory, ^jc-^^ with expanded wings, is behind ; victoria, avgg.; in the / Jr exergue, t.r. o.b. H II H 7 v<- «■'»■>-» ^ .>/^- ( 42-J ) / :? ///? Honorius ; rev. the Emperor, with attributes, is trampling on a captive; victoria, avg. s.M. comob.; both very fine 2 3023 Valentinianus II.; rev. the two Emperors, seated, &c., as in the last lot ; pierced. ^'' Magnus Maximus ; rev. two Emperors, seated, &c. ; the same type, legend, and exergue as Valentinian's ; rare; both fairly preserved . . 2 2 3024 Eugenius ; rev. two Emperors, seated, holding the globe be- tween them ; Victory in the background ; victoria. AVGG.; in the field, L.D.; in the exergue, com. ; vety rare, and very fine; Akerman, xii. — 5 . 1 y / 3025 Arcadius ; rev. the Emperor trampling on a captive, and hold- ing a victory and the labarum; victoria, avggg.; in the field, M.D.; in the exergue, comob. Honorius. A Quinarius ; both very well presei^'ed 2 3026 Arcadius. A Quinarius. Honorius, 2. The Aureus ; rev. Emperor trampling on a captive, &c. Another ; ohv. a full-face Portrait ; rev. Rome victrix, seated ; concordia. avggg.; all three fine 3 ^ // 3027 Honorius ; ohv. helmeted Head, to the right ; rev. the Em- peror, in a military dress, standing, crowned by a hand is- suing from above ; his right foot on a lion ; a stafi", sur- mounted by the monogram of our Saviour, in his right, and two javelins in his left, hand ; victoria, avggg.; in the field, r. v.; in the exergue, cob.; rare and fine 1 y .'" 3028 Constantinus III. ; rev. the Emperor, holding a labarum and a small victory, tramples on a captive; victoria, aaavgggg. (sic); in the field, l. d. ; in the exergue, ~ comob ; fine and rare ; Akerman, pi. xii. — 7 1 y/' 3029 Constantius III.; rev. a similar type to the last ; victoria. A avggg.; in the field, a.r.; in the exergue, comob.; rare, and well preserved . . 1 ^y^ 3030 Johannes; rei'. the usual type of victoria, avggg.; in the field, R. v.; in the exergue, comob.; very rare, and fine I '^^ '^ ■^ y 3031 Majorianus ; rev. usual type of victoria, avggg.; in the . ^ field, A.R.; very ivell preserved . 1 " "^ '^ y^ 3032 Libius Severus ; rer. Emperor, with labarum, &c.; victoria. avggg.; very rare in this particularly fine state of ^ preservation . . 1 .^^ 3033 Anastasius ; a Quinarius ; rev. victori.v., &c. Mauritius Tiberius ; rev. Victory with a long cross, sur- <-^ ( 423 ) ^^^^ mounted by the monogram of Our Saviour, and a globe with a cross in the left hand; victoria., &c. ; the Half Sou d'Or. Phocas, 2 ; type as on the last medal ; Sou d'Or, and the Half Sou d'Or . . 4 *^* For tbese much neglectefl, though interesting, coins, consult Saulcy's most excellent work on the Byzantine coins: Mionnet's estimation of them is, in general, below their value. 3034 Phocas, 3 ; two Sols d'Or; one Tiers du Sou d'Or; all three have the usual type of Victory standing. ^ •' ■ ^ 3034 Heraclius4^^his Sou d'Or, struck in the first years of his reign, with HeracTrd^-Constantine, his son ; rev. victoria, avg., &c.; very fine ; seelSmtlct/, plate vii. 4 ,- - 3035 Heraclius I. and H. the Sol d'Or ; type and legend as before, but with a long beard, and struck in the latter years of their joint reign ; very fine; Saulcy, plate vii, 1 3036 Heraclius, Heraclius jun., and Heracleonas ; their rare Sol d'Or ; rev. as before, but their monograms as in Saulcy, plate viii. . . 1 3037 Constans n.; his (small) thick Gold Piece; struck in the .» ■ , '. last years of his reign ; rev. the usual type of the cross, and victoria, avgg., &c. Artemius-Anastasius ; Sou d'Or ; rev. a cross; victoria., &c.; as in Saulcy, plate xiii.; very fine, and very scarce 2 ^ 3038 Constans H.; Sol d'Or ; o-ev. as usual ; fi7ie. Justinianus Rhinotmetus ; Sou d"Or ; an unpublished type, having pax. on the globe in the left hand ; very fine 2 / / 3039 Leo HI., Constantinus V., and Leo IV.; a very rare and fine Sol d'Or ; being the only gold coin struck to the memory of Leo III. by his son and nephew ; see Mionnct and Saulcy's plate xiv. Irene ; her Sol d'Or ; the only gold coin existing of this Empress; extra 7'are, and well preserved, though pierced ; c^ ' Saulcy, plate xv. . .2 3040 Basilius sen., and Constantinus VIII.; the Sol d'Or; fine; ^/y.'.'.ryf '"-■'— Saulcy, plate xix. Nicephorus-Phocas ; the Sol d'Or ; obv. Virgin, and the Emperor holding a double cross ; rev. a Bust of Our ^ .. Saviour, &c. •; very fine and desirahle ; Saulcy, y^\. y.\\, 2'^ / ^ //r ^^c}/. y ( 424 ) ," / 3041 Leo VI.; ohv. a full face bust; rev. the bust of the Virgin, / with the arms raised ; maria., Sue; well presei^ved \\'..-^-' *^* This coin is probably unique, as the legend on the obverse differs ^^ ' very materially from Mionnet and Saulcy. ////I 3042 Constantinus XII.; usual legends; types are the varieties, as ^ . in Saulcy, plates xxiii.-iv. ^A^r.^, Theodora, 1. This medal is of the common size, of good work, well preserved though pierced, and of very great rarity . . 2 ^f AT 3043 Theodora; ohv. and rev. as the last, but from different dies ; ^,^ very rare, and very well 'preserved 1 '-'" y>^ 3044 Romanus III.; ohv. the Virgin, and the Emperor standing; -^'^■^ the former is in the act of crowning the latter ; rev. Christ seated ; very fine, and extra rare . 1 ^'-^' v^ *^* No coins were known of this Emperor until Saulcy's most elaborate work appeared ; see plate xxiii. j7 y/^ 3045 Constantinus XIII.; ofiv. a Bust of the Emperor, with sceptre and globe, surmounted by a cross ; rev, the Saviour seated, ( . &c. ; a fne concave medallion. Coustantine XII.; as in lot 3042; very fine 2 ^ ^ 3046 Romanus IV. and Eudoxia ; the only type known in gold ; / well preserved, and rare ; Saulcy, ^\&iQ XJiv. Manuel Comnenus ; a concave medallion ; very fne; Saulcy, '--' plate xxviii. . . 2 ^^ AJ ■ 8047 Germanicus ; rev. Caligula; a icell preserved and scarce ^^ Aureus . . 1 *»* This was omitted after lot 697. TWENTY-FIFTH DAY'S SALE. -^ MISCELLANEOUS SILVER COINS. LOT y^ /f 3048 Coventry Buildings, by Kempson, 1797; in the highest pos- sible state of preservation, and very interesting to the Eiiglish antiquaria?i . . 20 304ft— C-eventry^Bnildingv-ty^-KemfseftT-f^ri/yiswff . . 20 ( 425 ) 3850 Cufic Coins; cliiejly varied, but very poor, 28. Philippe- "'^ Auguste, DOUBLE, PARisis, 1. Eudes, 2. Charles II., I. Sicardus (Duke of Benevento), a false silver solidus, Byzantine type, 1. Robert King of Sicily, 1. A gold (but poor) Zodiacal Mohur of the Mogul Emperor Jehan- -, ^ gir {see Marsden). rev. The Scales . 35 3051 Byzantine ; uncertain, 2. Cufic, large size, 1. Venice, 1. ^*^^''^ Charles II. of France, 1. Various, 6. A fine chasing, in bronze, of the young Frederic Duke of Mantua and his Mother the Regent . . . 12 -^-^^ EARLY SEALS, PRINCIPALLY ENGLISH. *^* The following are exceedingly curious and interesting ; and well worthy the attention of the Antiquarian. 3052 An oval pointed copper Seal of Thomas Dove, Bishop of Peterborough, representing- a fabulous subject ; below a coat of arms, sigillvm. thomae. dove, episcopi. pe- y y/ TRiBVRG. 1601 ; fine : . size 21 by 3^ in. 1 y' 3053 A circular copper Seal of Anthony D'Veranno. The Sove- reign Prince seated, richly attired; in his right hand a sceptre ; in his left a globe ; at his feet two shields, each supported by a lion ; and on either side a coat of arms : s'.NOBILIS. ANTONII. d'vERANNO. d'pARMA. SACRI. IM- PERII. coMiTis. PALATINI \ finely preserved : //J" size 3^ iti. diam. 1 3054 A circular brass Seal of the Isle of St. Colmoci : — The Virgin ^''^.-'^ and Child within a compartment ; in her right hand a lily; beneath a Prelate with crozier : si.commime.de. INSVLA. SANCTi. COLMOCI ; well preserved : J^ size 2J in. diam. 1 3055 An oval pointed copper Seal of John Abbot of Abingdon : — The Virgin and Child, under a magnificent gothic canopy ; on either side one of the Apostles ; beneath are three shields: sigillv. joiiis. abbatis. abbendoine. s. d. n. POPE, commissary'; well preserved : size 2^ by 2^ m. 1 Xi< f 3056 An oval pointed brass Seal of the Abbey and Convent of St. Radegund ; the Abbess under a splendid carved canopy: SIGILLV. abbatis. et. conventvs, sce. radkgvndjs : size 1| by 2| m, I ,-^.^ y^^^ /f-4 /f. C 426 ) / y ' 3057 An oval pointed brass Seal of Kynlas : — The Virgin, under a portico: s. regalitotis. de. kynlas; in fine preserva- /'^ ^ tion : . . size l^ bi/ 2^ in. 1 /^7 3058 A circular copper Seal of Alexander Prior of Pluscasdin : — The Virgin and two of the Apostles, each in a gothic recess ; beneath a shield, supported by the crozier : s. bo- ^ TVNDVM. ALEXANDRI. PRIORIS. DI. PLVSCASDIN ; in gOod condition : . size 2^ in, diam. 1 y/y^;' 3059 A circular brass Seal of the Chapter of Dunheld ; the Bishop seated ; in his left hand a crozier ; on either side an Angel : yf^^^ S'. CAPITVLI. DVNHELD. AD. CAVSAS. CET. ANEGOCIA : size 2 in. diam. 1 y^ 3060 A brass oval pointed Seal of the Monastery of Nevrbottle : — The Virgin and Child, under a portico ; beneath a Bishop ; ^V^. on the sinister side his arms ; and on the dexter the arms of Scotland: s. commvne. monasterii. de. newbottel ; size 1| hy 21 in. 1 / - 3061 An oval pointed copper Seal of the School of St. Anthony, near Leicester: s. commvne. preceptorie. sancti. an-^-*'^ THONii. PROPE. LEICHT ; Very fine : size 1-| hy 2^ in. 1 /^^ 3062 An oval pointed copper Seal of the Abbot of the Paschalis : siGiLV. paschalis. abbis. monastry. bte. marii. de. GRAClis. ; a cast . size 1^ by 2| in. 1 . " 3063 An oval pointed copper Seal of William Hill, Archdeacon of Salop : SIGILLVM. WILLMS. HILL. ARCHIDIACONI. SALOP; in fine jyreservation : . . size 1^ by 2\ in. 1 _ ,/ . 3064 An oval pointed copper Seal (originally gilt) of Robert, Parson of Dover ; St. Martin on Horseback, under a gothic por- tico ; beneath a coat of arms : . size \\ by 2 in. 1 ^ ^ 3065 A circular silver Seal of Peter Leneve, Norroy King at Arms, ^ , with coat of arms richly engraved : size 2^ in. diam. 1 '■ 3066 An oval silver Seal of the Hosiers' Company, London : size ^ y If ^^ 21 in. ; and a small oval brass Seal of James Stewart, C'^.-.c^l Sandwich ; arms of Sandwich : size % by ^ in. 1 i 3067 An oval pointed silver Seal of Thomas Wolsey, Archdeacon ''^ ^ of Northampton : sigillvm. thomae. wolsey. s. t. s. : ^^' size 2 hy 2| in. 1 *^* This extraordinary seal is in a verv fine state of preservation. y^ 3068 An oval pointed brass Seal, richly engraved: s.' capitli. ^ ECCE. SCE. DEI. GENETRICIS. MARIE. CATANENSIS : ^ ^^ size 2 hy 3^ in. 1 o> ^^- 1 I ( 427 ) \r -.tf,-*--^' r*-;^^. 3069 A circular silver Seal of Edward III., Port of London : s'. DIV. EDWARD. REg'. ANGl'. TN. PORTV. LONDONIARv' ; / //? very interesting and finely preserved : size '2 in. diam. 1 3070 A circular silver Seal of the Mayor of Lincoln ; representing the Virgin under an antique Portico ; on either side a lion passant ; sigill. majoritatis. lincolnie ; in excellent preservation : . size If in. diam. 1 ^ ^' /^-c'^y^^ 8071 A circular copper Seal, with wood handle, of Bishop Hony- man ; the Bishop under a portico with crozier, beneath a coat of arms : sigillvm. r. p. andre^. honymianni. ORCADVM. EPISCOPI. ANN. DOM. 1664 : *^2re3 m. rfiflm. 1 '^ ' 3072 An oval pointed brass Seal of the Religious House of St. Tho- mas the Martyr of Canterbury : size H by 2^ 1 Z' -^ 3073 A silver Thumb Ring of the time, representing the Murder of Thomas a Becket : nicholai. d'. chaddisden. vos. OMNES. sancti. miseremi. AMEN. size 1 in. diam. 1 '^ ^^ *^* This very curious and interesting ring is in a fine state of preservation. 3074 The gi-eat silver circular Seal of Carolina ; ohv. a full-length robed figure of George IIL in the act of raising a female from her knees, symbolical of that colony : sigillum. PLAG^. AUSTRALIS. PROVINCI^. NOSTRA. CAROLINJE ; rev. the royal arms, with the king's name and titles : y., weight 49 oz. 10 divt. size 4| in. diam. 1 ^^ DIES. ,3075 Charles II.; felicitas. Britannia. ; the two Dies (with collar) ; obv. and rev. of this magnificent medallion, the Roettier's master-piece. Formerly 3Ir, Young's. 2 ^ " %* See Medallic History of England ; XXVIII. No. 4. 3076 Charles II a Die with his Bust, and another with that of his Consort Queen Catherine ; no rev. Anne ; the two Dies ; obv. and rev. of entirely. English. /^ and four imperfect of the same Queen. . 7 3077 Anne ; obv. a fine Bust of the Queen ; rev. Minerva stand- ing; Nov^. PALLADIVM. TRoiyE. ; (there are two dies y similar of the reverse.) . 3 '^ 3078 Anne ; four Dies ; three of which have her Bust ; the fourth has Britannia (victorious, as usual,) ruling the waves. 4 J/ .3079 George I. ; two Dies, by CroJcer, on the King's arrival ; rev. RECTOR. MARiVM. ; the monarch seated in a oar, with y// r>-X/ \ y- f'// ( 428 ) tritons, &c. Both the obv. and rev. of this meduUion are finely cut . . 2 ^/ 3080 George III. ; two Dies (obv. and rew.) on the Defence of y^^ Gibraltar against France and Spain; obv. by. a. zealous."^ /^r^^ EXERTION, of. PATIENCE. &c.; vev. fortifications, ships, &C. ; BATTERING. SHIPS. DESTROYED. SEPT. 13tH. 1782. . . . 2 y.l 3081 Pope the Poet; the Dies, by the celebrated Dassier, for • ^- y his medal; obv. Bust; Alexander, pope.; rev. poeta.' '^ '^''^^ ANGLUS. M.DCC.XLI. NUMISMATIC BOOKS. y y^, 3082 Duane, Coins of the Seleucidae, Kings of Syria, 4to jo^. Lond. 1803. The 24 plates are correctly and beautifully en-^^^^'^-*^ graved by the celebrated Bartolozzi y 3083 MioNNET, Description de Medailles Antiques Grec- -^/^ ^/^ ques et Romaines. A complete copy, 16 vol. 8vo. W^A^ '^* ' '' plates, S^c. y<> ^ 3084 Mionnet, Description de Medailles Antiques, Greques et Ro- maines, 7 vol. 8vo. The Supplement (9 vol.^ is easily obtainable, y^ 3085 Mionnet, Rarete, etc. des Medailles Romaines, the edition of ."^ •^'^-^ /^" 3086 Mionnet, similar /^^ ^-^ / . 3087 Mionnet, similar J ^^-> 3088 Simon, Medals, Coins, Great Seals, &c. The best edition / / ^"■- - {Virtue's), plates, Ato. . Lond. 17 SQ^^ / y 3089 Medallic History of Napoleon (by Millingen), with 60 plates, ^^ y- ^ 4to. . . Xonrf. 1819" '^*^ J? 2 3090 Mechel, CEuvre du Chev. Hedlinger, &c. 40 plates, fol. .; Basle, 1776 >^^'^^ ■p yy 3091 Snelling on the Coins of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, ^, ^ 70 plates, M. . . 1763"^"^^-^ 3092 Sestini, Descrizione, he. pi 4to. 1821; Eckhel, the " Ad- / denda," pi. 4to. 1826 ; Green's Lecture on Coins, pi. 1829 ; Proceedings of Numism. Society for 1837-1838, pi. ; Prof. Wilson and Prinsep's Observations on Lieut. Burne's Bactrianno, Coins, hc.pl. 18mo. 1834 y^ 3093 Trattle's Catalogue, in sheets, a scarce iJiicTc paper copy, but without the jyortrait x: ' ''/• ( 429 ) y^j p ■ 3094 Drawings from the N.& Grave, Greek Coins, Seals, / /' Cameos, Bronzes, &c. heautifully executed »^« Prom Qr. Nott's library. ■: ' 3095 Drawings from Consular Coins, heautifully executed -^ *,* Also from Dr, Nott's library. ■^: , .^ 3096 A fine and well-made set of (Troy) Weights, from the | oz. ^^ to and 64 oz. hy Young of London *^* From Dr. Goodball's sale, lot 538. CABINETS. ;, 3097 A very fine Mahogany Cabinet, with 22 drawers, lined in green '*^'^ ""^ velvet, adapted for Greek, Iloman, or Modern Medals, I treble spring locks, double keys, coat of arms, &c. i 15 inches high by 15, and 11 in. deep. \ y ' ' \^ 3098 A large Mahogany Cabinet (formerly Lord Mortons), \ adapted for large, middle, and small size coins, 94 drawers, numbered, &c. on a stand. 32 inches by 26, depth 14 inches. 1 I 3099 A large Mahogany Cabinet ; in all respects perfectly similar to the preceding ; also from Lord Mortons sale. 1 /y' '' ^-^','... 3100 A Mahogany Cabinet, suited for large brass or modern medals, ^ with 19 drawers. Y^in.hy 12anf7 0|m. deep. 1 ;^x^^ 3101 A Mahogany Cabinet ; the three sizes, with 18 drawers. ; 13;^ m. by 11, and 11 in. deep. \ '• '^ . 3102 A Mahogany Cabinet, with 32 drawers, of two sizes. 12| in. hy 14, and 9|t«. deep. I ^^ /y ,^^ 3103 A Mahogany Cabinet, whh 18 drawers, for large brass medals. 10 m. hy 13^, and 10 m. deep. 1 -v 3104 A beautiful little Mahogany Cabinet (formerly belonging to King Louis XV. of France), with seven drawers, lined in blue velvet, and divided into 12 square compartments by gilt brasses. . 8 in. hy 9|-, and 8 in. deep. 1 ^ ''^^''' ' 3105 A Mahogany Cabinet, for Roman Denarii, 17 drawers, with 25 holes each, by Roberts. 8 in. hy 7, and 7 in. depth. I 3106 A beautiful Cabinet, with Braraah lock, &c. adapted for Ro- •.^y'^ -<^/j man gold, 18 rosewood drawers, lined with crimson velvet. 12 in. hy 1 1-|, and 91 in. deep. I ^^ ' 1 I I j/>/'/f 2/>/f ( 430 ) , yy ;)107 Two small Mahogany square Boxes, with four trays each^ ^y lined in velvet, well adapted for numismatic tourists, patent^^^;^^^ lock, &c. 2.2 in. 1)1/ 6^, and 6g in. deep. 2 / /r~ 3108 Two perfectly similar to the above. . 2 ^'Ji>:i^^ *#* I'be last two lots belonged to the late Rev. Dr. Nott's collection, lot 1371. i- yy 3109 Two small Cabinets (12 drawers each), adapted for middle cz^ brass coins, both similar, one is imperfect. „,^^^cx'/'ji 7 in. ly 8^, and 9| in. deep. 2 ^/- 3110 A beautiful little Cabinet, by Roberts, with 17 drawers, lined and numbered, adapted for Greek or Roman Silver Me-^:^^^^.^ dais and Medallions. 9 in. by 8^, a7id 8| in. deep. 1 /;/^ 3111 A Curious Cabinet, inlaid with a view of Stonehenge, &c. / y with 15 trays. 13 in. by 13, awrf 13 in. deep. 1 '^ "^^ y ■ ■ 3112 Another, quite similar to the above. . 1 , y^^ *^* Both the foregoing; Cabinets are adapted for modern medals. ^^''^ "^-^ 3113 A Mahogany Cabinet, 24 small trays, of 15 holes each, black velvet, gilt edgings, patent lock, &:c< Very desirable as - ' available for any class of aniient coins. 12 in. by 15^, and 12 in. deep. 1 t.y /^ 3114 A mahogany Cabinet, with 24 large trays, lined in green cloth, on a stand. 17 in. by 24, and 13 in. deep. 1 a ^ <7 3115 A Mahogany Cabinet (tlie AQ trays are wanting), 13 in. by .. 221, (ind 14 in. deep ; and a large quantity of trays of f^^><-ey€* various sizes, all of good description, about 60. -' K ^ THE END. ^jy^/ I'MVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-Series 4939 ifiiiii ^ ^158 00674 7637 AA 001 265 953