UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES No. 725—1909 The Chamberlain Bibliographies iN 1905 Mr. J. C. Chamberlain prepared a Catalogue of "First Editions of the Works of Nathaniel Haw- thorne," which was issued under the imprint of the Grolier Club. This work was not only a biblio- graphy but contained much collateral information of great interest both to the collector and to the general reader. Mr. Chamberlain's quest for first editions did not end with his possession of the works. He wished to know the entire history of each book, the conditions under which it was written, its birth place and early environment, all material facts concerning its production, the author's hopes and fears, often recorded in interesting contem- porary letters, and its reception by the reading world. Many of the facts, so collected, sometimes through visits to the author's home and kinsmen, were novel and highly interesting and formed a valuable supplement to the usual bibliographical data. Following the Hawthorne Bibliography it was his intention to publish similar descriptive catalogues of all the American authors whose works he had collected, but his sudden death prevented the execution of this plan. Subsequently, Mrs. Chamberlain decided to continue the work and to issue the series under the general title of " THE CHAMBERLAIN BIBLIOGRAPHIES" as a memorial to her husband. In this work she was fortunate in securing the invaluable services of Mr. Luther S. Livingston, whose experience and eminent qualifications in this line are too widely known to require comment here. The first of the series (or the second, if we consider the Haw- thorne Catalogue the first) has been privately printed and announced by Dodd, Mead & Co., as follows: A COLLECTOR'S BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LONGFELLOW A Bibliography of the First Editions in Book Form of the Writings of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Compiled largely from the collection formed by the late Jacob Chester Chamberlain, with assistance from his notes and memoranda, by Luther S. Livingston. With a photogravure portrait and numerous reproductions of title pages. Privately printed at the De Vinne Press, 1908, on old Stratford paper, bound in boards, 8vo, uncut. Price, J3.00 net. Fifty copies have been printed on Van Gelder hand-made paper, mainly for presentation. Of these, fifteen copies only remain for sale. Price, 110.00 net. This is the first of a series of Bibliographies of first editions of American Authors, being prepared by Mr. Livingston and printed at Mrs. Chamberlain's expense as a memorial to her husband. The volume is more than a mere bibliography. It is, in fact, the story of Longfellow's books. Copious extracts have been made from letters (for the most part unpublished) and free access has been given to Longfellow's own books, still preserved at the Craigie House at Cambridge. Several important first editions are here for the first time described bibliographically. Without detracting from the merits of other bibliographies it is beUeved that this is not only the latest, but the best of all, and is perhaps the final work on Longfellow — the last word upon the subject, as it is not probable that any really important additions can hereafter be made. The Anderson Auction Company is not financially interested in the sale of this work, but will be glad to receive and execute any orders which may be sent by its friends upon the terms above mentioned. The edition is limited and many copies have already been disposed of, and orders should be sent at once. The Lowell Bibliography will soon be issued and announcement of the others will be made later. The Anderson Auction Company No. 12 East 46th Street, New York ORDER BLANK THE ANDERSON AUCTION COMPANY, No. 12 East 46th Street, New York. Please send to me cop on Old Stratford Paper at ^3.00 net, cop on Van Gelder Paper at $10.00 net, of the Chamberlain Bibliography of Longfellow, compiled by Luther S. Livingston and printed at the De Vinne Press. Name Address Date FIRST EDITIOXS OF TEN AMERICAN AUTHORS COLLECTED BY 3(. Cljester Cijamkrlain or NEW TORK PART o:n^e BRYANT LONGFELLOW EMERSON LOWELL HAWTHORNE POE HOLMES THOREAU IRVING WHITTIER FEBRtJARY 16 A:N^D 17, 1909 Tuesday Afternoon, Lots 1-220 Tuesday Evening, " 221-436 Wednesday Afternoon, " 437-663 Wednesday Evening, " 664-882 sales begin at 3.30 and 8 o'clock Cfje Snliersion auction Company 12 East 46th Street New York Telephone 120-38th Street Conditions of Sale 1. All bids to be per Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. Goods bought to be removed at the close of each sale. If not so removed they will be at the sole risk of the purchaser and this Company will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. 5. Terms Cash. If accounts are not paid at the con- clusion of each Sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, this Company reserves the right to recatalogue the goods for immediate sale without notice to the defaulting buyer, and all costs of such resale will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale at its own option. 6. All goods are sold as catalogued, and are assumed to be in good seconcl-liaiid condition. If material defects are found, not mentioned in the catalogue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such defects iimst be given promptly and the goods returned within ten days from the date of the sale. No exceptions will be made to this rule. 7. Bids. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers. We use all bids competitively and buy at the lowest price permitted by other bids. PREFACE. npHE Chamberlain Library is by far the most important collection of First Editions of American Authors ever offered for sale. Not only did Mr. Chamberlain profit by the experience of previous collectors, but he brought to his work a most unusual personal equipment. An enthusiastic lover of his books, their quest was to him a delightful recreation and relief from the exacting duties of his professional life. To enthusiasm he added system and untiring industry, while his wonderful memory and ability to analyze, correlate, and properly estimate facts overlooked by others, give peculiar interest and value to his work. Mr. Chamberlain was born in India of American parentage on July 3, i860, being the son of Jacob Chamberlain, M.D., D.D., and in 1872 was brought to this country to complete his education. He graduated with honors from Rutgers College, in 1882. In 1883 he took a post-graduate course in chemistry; soon after he entered Thomas A. Edison's labora- tory and took active part in the pioneer electric lighting work of those days. From this time to his sudden death in 1905 he followed his profession with marked success, and was identified with many important enterprises. He was one of the early members of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and of the Electric Club. He was also a member of the Colonial, Engineers, Grolier, and other clubs. The entire Collection here offered (including the Second Part hereinafter referred to) was gathered in the short period of about five years, and the work of collecting was never dele- gated to others. Each book was bought, examined, collated, and catalogued by Mr. Chamberlain, personally, and when a better copy of the same work could be obtained the old one was ruthlessly laid aside. This Catalogue, as far as its neces- sary limitations would permit, will show how carefully and well this work was done. In this connection it may be well to point out that while the chief interest and value belong to the first issue of each X^ book, the later issues of the same edition, and later editions which show important variations, all possess high bibliograph- ical interest and should be found in all collections which aim to be complete. Many books have bibliographical notes by Mr. Chamberlain laid in, the results of his careful investiga- tion, which materially enhance their value. Attention is called to the reviarkably fine condition of these books. No collector has ever before so loved his books as to provide a special and expensive cover for nearly every book in the best style of the binder's art. Mr. Chamberlain always preferred to retain his books in their original covers as issued. To him it seemed sacrilegious and destructive of old associa- tions to rebind an old and treasured book; and so he gave to each an attractive outer garment of its own, which not only preserved it from deterioration, but satisfied the aesthetic sense. In the case of some minor items the cost of the cover exceeded the value of the book and the total cost was neces- sarily great. Many other books, the more rare and valuable ones, have been furnished with beautiful levant cases, worthy of their costly contents. All of the books and many of the pamphlets contain the Chamberlain bookplate, and many have the bookplates of other eminent collectors and previous owners. " Hallmarks of distinction," and "a sort of guarantee of authenticity," they are called by Mr. Joline in his delightful " Diversions of a Book Lover." It will be noted that this Catalogue is called " Part One," and that it is limited to the first editions of " Ten American Aui'HORS. " But Mr. Chamberlain was not indifferent to the choice works of other authors and became the owner of many such. Part Two of the catalogue will include these books, many of which are of the highest interest and dear to the heart of all American Collectors. It maybe well to say that all responsibility for this preface and the personal note which it discloses belong to the writer alone. It was his privilege to know Mr. Chamberlain, to browse among his books and to profit by the larger knowl- edge of his friend: and this fact will explain and palliate all that is discursive and personal. EMORY S. TURNER. ASSOCIATION BOOKS. Among the rarities of the collection a few particularly- attractive association items deserve special notice, owing to the peculiar fitness of the added material to the book which accompanies it. The Longfellow, Holmes and Lowell divi- sions are particularly noticeable in this respect. A very- early holograph manuscript of Bryant, manuscript copies by his father and aunt of his first attempts at poetry, and a presentation copy of Emerson's Representative Men add in- terest to the works of these authors. Irving's manuscript diaries in Spain for 1828 and 1829 and his pocket note-book for the Knickerbocker History are most unusual items. The six or eight school books of Nathaniel Hawthorne, in each of which he has scribbled his name many times, after the manner of a schoolboy, contain some of the earliest examples of his writing known. They add great interest to the rarities of the Hawthorne collection. There are two Holmes items, both with the author's inscrip- tion, of which Mr. Chamberlain possessed the only known copies. New England's Master-Key, and Lecture-i86j^ which was probably delivered at Providence. There is a Longfellow item — The Neiv Englatid Tragedy, in prose — which most Longfellow collectors are unaware was ever put in type, and the same is true of the leaflets Ke'ramos and From My Ar?n Chair. The associations connected with t\\& Noel (the copy which accompanied the gift) cannot be sur- passed. An uncut copy of Outre-Mer, of unheard measure- ments, in parts, in the original wrappers, has a long letter of Longfellow accompanying it, written at the time of its publi- cation. The series of letters written by Longfellow to his intimate friend, George W. Greene, upwards of five hundred letters covering a whole lifetime, form an item of literary interest such as has never before appeared in the auction room in America. Lowell's copy of A Years Life, with his presentation inscrip- tion to Alfred Tennyson in the early days of struggle of both the youthful poets, is equalled in interest by the Commemora- tion Ode, with a four-page letter relating to it and giving an entirely new stanza for the re-issue. His letter to Whittier announcing The Pioneer and asking for a contribution is a delightful item, particularly as Whittier has written a verse or two on the leaf of address. In the division relating to Edgar Allan Poe, interest cen- ters in an uncut copy of Al Aaraaf, with his sister Rosalie's presentation inscription, and a copy of the Raven, which Abraham Lincoln gave to a friend, from which, unfortunately, the inscription has been cut. Thoreau is well represented by beautiful copies of the first issues of his works, and it is almost impossible to select among the Whittiers those worthy of mention, AIoll Pitcher, in immaculate blue wrappers, uncut; the almost unknown leaflet, Address at the Ope?iing of Pennsylvafiia Hall^ Mogg Megone^ and Narrative of Jajnes Williavis are among others of equal rarity. The association between all of the books and the owner of the collection will be apparent at a glance, as laid within the volumes are to be found Mr. Chamberlain's memorandum slips, whereon he has written the result of his comparison of different issues, his logical conclusions as to the value of differences, and other interesting and important data for the collector. vi THE PRINCIPAL DIVISIONS. Bryant (William Cullen) Emerson (Ralph Waldo) Hawthorne (Nathaniel) Holmes (Oliver Wendell) Irving (Washington) Longfellow (Henry Wadsworth Lowell (James Russell) . Poe (Edgar Allan) . Thoreau (Henry David) Whittier (John Greenleaf) . Nos. I to 75 . Nos. 76 to 123 . Nos. 124 to 244 . Nos. 245 to 357 . Nos. 358 to 436 .th . Nos. 437 to 571 . . Nos. 572 to 702 • Nos. 703 to 738 ■ Nos. 739 to 761 . . Nos. 762 to 882 REPRODUCTIONS. Bryant: Stockbridge Oration . Hawthorne: Celestial Railroad " Fanshawe ..... " Schoolbook on Book-keeping Holmes: Lecture, 1863 .... " New England's Master Key, 1863 Irving: Diary in Spain, 1828-1829 . " Note Book for the Knickerbocker History Longfellow: From My Armchair . " Keramos ..... *' New England Tragedy, i860 '* New England Tragedies, 1868 . " Noel Lowell: A Year's Life — the copy given to Tennyson " Commemoration Ode — Presentation copy Poe: Al Aaraaf, Rosalie Poe's copy Thoreau : A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers ..... Whittier: Address at the Opening of Pennsylvania Hall '* Moll Pitcher .... " Song of the Vermonters vii Page viii 28 21 17 48 48 60 53 94 92 85 92 85 105 116 126 ^33 140 136 137 IMPORTANT NOTICE All books in the collection are FIRST EDITIONS unless otherwise described. Nearly all books are cased in handsome CLOTH COVEI^S with leather labels, designed by Mr. Chamberlain and made by Bradstreet. A distinctive color marks the works of each author, and the workmanship is the best of its kind. These covers not only protect each book from deterioration but add greatly to the appearance and value of the collection. 2/ ///^^*'^, AN ,-^-/ ORATION DELIVERED STOCKBJIIDGE. JULY 4th, 1820. 1B^ WllililA?! C. ^ll^AXT, ^sa. STOCKBRIDGE, PRINTED BY CHARXES WEBSTER. 1820. [See No. 4.] Catalogue of Cfje Collection of 3. C. Cljamberlaiit mov\\5 of MilUam Cullcn Bryant. 1. THE I EMBARGO; I or, | Sketches of the Times. | A Satire. | The second edition, corrected and enlarged. | To- gether with the I Spanish Revolution, | and | other Poems. | i2mo, original marbled wrappers (the back of different colored paper and stamp on verso of front wrapper). Boston: Printed for the Author by E. G, House, 1809 * Charity Bryant's copy, with her autograph in pencil on the title. 2. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT of a Poem "The Late Eclipse. By Cullen Bryant " (added in another hand ''''aged 12 years"). ^2 lines, written on a folio sheet, dated Cummington, 1806. ['■'' JV07'. 24th'" in another hand.) With typewritten copy. * A VERY RARE EARLY MANUSCRIPT, and without doubt in Bryant's own hand, as the writing is unformed and childish as that of a lad of twelve years. Accompanied by a written statement of Henry L. Sheldon stating that the MS. was found in a trunk of letters belonging to Bryant's aunt Charity. The inference seems to be plain that Bryant wrote it and sent it to this aunt, of whom he was always very fond. A reference to the " Life of Bryant," by Parke Godwin, Vol. I, pp. 23-24, states that it was written in June, 1806. 3. MANUSCRIPT of "A Paraphrase on the 104th Psalm by Cullen Bryant, aged 11 Years." 2 pp. folio, 56 lines, marked " Copyd by Charity Bryant^ Ctiuiinifigton, August .27, 1806.''' * A copy by his Aunt of a very early poem. In Godwin's " Life," p. 76, Vol. I, he alludes to this as not havitig been recovered. The copy made by his Aunt, therefore, possesses an added interest. XTbe Collection ot 5. C. Cbamberlain 4. AN I ORATION | delivered | at | Stockbridge | July 4th, 1820. I By William C. Bryant, Esq. | Stockbridge, | Printed by Charles Webster, | 1820. | 8vo, 11 pp., hand- somely bound in full brown crushed levant morocco, inside gilt borders, by Bradstreet. * Issued as a stitched leaflet without wrappers. Very rare early ITEM, with the autograph "Z>. Noble, Aug. 16, 1S20," on the title. Only two or three copies are known. [See Reproduction.] 5. POEMS I by I William Cullen Bryant. | Cambridge:] Printed by Milliard & Metcalf, | 1821. [including " Thana- topsis," "Green River," "To a Waterfowl," and others]. i2mo, original boards, uncut. Cambridge: Hilliard & Metcalf, 1821 * A fine copy of this very rare book. The author's first volume of collected poems. 6. Another copy in the original printed wrappers. Excessively rare in paper covers. Fine copy. * Mr. Foley says: "The only copy ever seen in wrappers." 7. SPECIMENS OF THE AMERICAN POETS. With Critical Notes and a Preface. i2mo, original boards, uncut. London: Printed for T, &. J. Allman, 1822 * Includes " Thanatopsis," "Green River," "The Ages," and other selected poems by Bryant. 8. THE NEW YORK REVIEW AND ATHE- NAEUM MAGAZINE. (Vols. I. and II., edited by W. C. Bryant and R. C. Sands, with original poems by Bryant, Fitz-Greene Halleck and others, including "Marco Bozzaris. ") 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. New York: E. Bliss and E.White, 1825-26 * A MS. correction [followed in the separate issue] in Halleck's hand on p. 74, Vol. I, " Marco Bozzaris." 9. THE ATLANTIC SOUVENIR. 1826. Illustra- ted. i2mo, original boards, gilt edges (worn, covers loose). Philadelphia: Carey&Lea, 1826 * Contains, "Oh, Fairest of the Rural Maids," "June" and " Nature," by Bryant (all unsigned). 10. THE JUVENILE MISCELLANY (New Series, Vols. 1-3). Plates aiid woodcuts. 3 vols. i8mo, original half roan. Boston: Putnam & Hunt, 1828-29 * With poem in Vol. i, "To the Fringed Gentian," by Bryant. Rare. Morf^s of Milliam Cullen JBv^ant 11. THE TALISMAN for 1828. P/afes. i6mo, origi- nal half calf, TOTALLY UNCUT (one plate missing). New York: Elam Bliss, 1827 * Conducted by Bryant, G. C. Verplanck and R. C. Sands. Bryant contributed a large portion of the contents both in prose and verse. This and the two following lots comprise all that were ever issued. 12. THE TALISMAN for 1829. Plates, including view of Weehataken. i6mo, original silk covers, gilt edges. New York: Elam Bliss, 1828 13- THE TALISMAN for 1830. Plates by Maverick, Diirand and others. i6mo, original stamped roan, gilt edges. New York: Elam Bliss, 1829 14. THE AMERICAN LANDSCAPE, No. i. Con- taining the following Views: Weehawken, Catskill Moun- tains, Fort Putnam, Delaware Water-Gap, Falls of the Saw- kill, and Winnipiseogee Lake, engraved from the Original and Accurate Drawings executed expressly for this Work [by A. B. Durand], with Historical and Topographical Illustra- tions. [By William Cullen Bryant.] 4to, sewn (no wrap- pers). New York: Elam Bliss, 1830 *All issued. Extremely rare, lacking in the Arnold, Foote, Pyser, and other collections, a proof copy, all the plates being in open letters. 15. THE LITERARY SOUVENIR fori83i. Edited by Alaric A. Watts. Plates. i8mo, original silk binding, gilt edges. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Browne, & Green, 1831. * With "Song" by Bryant, and " The Indian Girl's Lament," by Whittier, a poem hitherto unnoticed by the poets, biographers and bibliographers, and not in any of his collected writings. 16. TALES OF THE GLAUBER SPA. By Several American Authors. 2 vols, i2mo, original cloth and labels (slightly used and back damaged by a nail). New York: J, & J. Harper, 1832 * Edited by Bryant, who contributed the Introduction, "The Skeleton's Cave" and " Medfield." 17. TALES OF THE GLAUBER SPA. (Volume i only.) i2mo, original paper covers, uncut, with leaf of Prospectus (back worn). New York: J. & J. Harper, 1832 * Very rare, in paper. " Mrs. A. M. Sherman " written on title, and on the Prospectus in a hand which strongly resembles Bryant's. 8 TLbc Collection ot 3. C. Cbamberlain i8. POEMS (including many now first published). lamo^ original half cloth and boards, with label intact, uncut. New York: E, Bliss, 1832 * Fine copy. Scarce. Not in the Arnold Collection. 19. POEMS. Edited by Washington Irving. i2mo, original half cloth and boards, uncut, with label (covers worn). London: J.Andrews, 1832 * The First London Edition, in which the editor very consider- ately spares his English readers the record of a " British Soldier's " trembling ! In the song of " Marion's Men " it is an unclassified foeman who trembles when " Marion's name is told." With autograph of "Elizabeth Stedman, 1841." 20. NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER. No. 3,878, Vol. 27 (with poem "A Noon Scene," by Bryant), Washing- ton, D. C, Mch. II, 1826; also. The Yankee, The Farm- er's Almanack for 1834 (containing a reprint of the above), Boston, 1834. Folio and i2mo, uncut. * The poem above referred to was awarded the prize of $30 offered by the editor of the New York Mirror and Ladies' Literary Gazette, and is here printed in advance of its appearance in that publication. 21. THE GIFT: a Poetical Remembrancer, selected from the Works of Native and Foreign Authors. Frontispiece. (Poems by Bryant, Longfellow, Whittier, etc.) i8mo, half roan (broken). Concord, N. H. : Currier & Hall & Asa McFarland, 1835 22. POEMS (newly revised, with additions). Engraved title. i2mo, original cloth. New York: Harper & Bros., 1836 * One of the copies designated "Third Edition," with copyright, 1836. Presentation copy: "Caroline F. Appleton, Boston, Jan. i, 1836," in Bryant's hand on the fly-leaf. 23. The same. One of the copies designated " Fourth Edition," but copyright dated 1835. i2mo, original silk, gilt edges (somewhat rubbed). New York: Harper & Bros., 1836 24. THE BIOGRAPHICAL ANNUAL: containing Memoirs of Eminent Persons, Recently Deceased. Edited by R. W. Griswold. Portraits and vignette titles. i2mo, orig- inal cloth gilt. New York: Liven & Tennell, 1841 * With Memoir of Theodore Sedgwick, by Bryant. 4 Morfts ot Milliam GuUen JSr^^ant 25. THE FOUNTAIN AND OTHER POEMS. i6mo, original clotli, with label. 12 pages of advertisements. New York and London: Wiley and Putnam, 1842 26. Another Copy. i6mo, original boards, with label and with the advertisements. New York and London, 1842 PRESENTATION COPY. 27. THE FOUNTAIN AND OTHER POEMS. i6mo, original black cloth gilt. New York and London, 1842 * A fine copy, with autograph presentation inscription from Bryant to S. F. B. Morse. The Arnold copy, with his book-label. 28. [BRYANT (WM. CULLEN).] An Address to the People of the United States in behalf of the American Copy- right Club, adopted at New York, October i8th, 1843. 8vo, sewed, pp. 20. With a list of the members and associate mem- bers, including Poe, Longfellow, Lowell, Holmes, Emerson, etc. New York: Published by the Club, 1843 * With the initials W. A. J[ones?], a member of the club, on the the title. When Dickens visited America in 1842, he lost no oppor- tunity of pressing the importance of copyright, and he entrusted to Bryant an address to the people of the United States, on the passage of an international copyright law. Bryant's present address, while urging that justice be done foreign authors, places great stress on the fact that American literature had reached a stage of development requiring protection from foreign pillage. 29. THE FOUNTAIN AND OTHER POEMS (in- cluding "The White- Footed Deer," and Memoir of the Author). i8mo, original illuminated wrappers, uncut. London: H. G. Clarke & Co., 1844 * First English Edition. R. C. Waterston's copy, with his sig nature and autograph inscription — " Passed a most delightful and ever to be remembered week with Mr. and Mrs. Bryant at Heidel- berg, July, 1857." 30. POEMS. IViV/i illustrations by E. Leuize, engraved by American artists. Thick 8vo, original cloth gilt, gilt edges. Philadelphia: Carey & Hart, 1847 * The first collected Library Edition of Bryant's Poems. A trifle spotted. 31. A FUNERAL ORATION, occasioned by the Death of Thomas Cole, delivered before the National Academy of Design, New York, May, 4, 1848. 8vo, original printed wrappers. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1848 5 Ube Collection ot 5» C. Cbamberlain 32. LETTERS OF A TRAVELLER; or, Notes of Things Seen in Europe and America. i2mo, original cloth, top and bottom edges uncut. New York: G. P. Putnam, 1850 * Fine, bright copy. With book-label of W. H. Arnold. 33. MEMORIAL OF JAS. FENIMORE COOPER (with a Discourse ,on the Life and Genius of Cooper, by Bryant, pp. 39-74). Portrait. i2mo, original cloth. New York: G, P. Putnam, 1852 34. POEMS. Collected and Arranged by the Author (with corrections and poems not included in previous edi- tions). 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth, top edge uncut. Fine copy. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1855 35. CELEBRATION OF THE TWO-HUN- DREDTH ANNIVERSARY of the Incorporation of Bridgewater, Mass., at West Bridgewater, June 3, 1856 (with Hymn, pp. 18-19, by Bryant), Steel portrait atid view. 8vo, orig. wrappers. Boston: Printed by John Wilson & Son, 1856 36. CELEBRATION OF THE TWO-HUN- DREDTH ANNIVERSARY of the Settlement of Hadley, Mass., June 8th, 1859 (with Address by Bryant, pp. 70-71). 8vo, original wrappers. Northampton: Bridgman & Childs, 1859 "■ Presentation copy to Benjamin Silliman from D. Fluntington. 37. LETTERS OF A TRAVELLER. Second Series. i2mo, original cloth. New York: D. Appleton Co., 1859 WITH AUTOGRAPH TETTER INSERTED. 38. A DISCOURSE ON THE LIFE, CHARACTER AND GENIUS OF WASHINGTON IRVING, deliv- ered before the New York Historical Society, 3d of April, i860. Photo portraits, vieivs^ etc., inserted. Post 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. New York: G. P. Putnam, i860 * Inserted is a long and interesting autograph letter (3 pp. 4to) from Bryant to R. C. Waterston, referring to the above and men- tioning his home life at Roslyn, L. I. 39. A FOREST HYMN. Illustrated. Small 4to, orig- inal half roan and boards, gilt edges. New York: W. A. Townsend & Co. [i860] * First issue, with " C. A. Alvord, Printer, New York," on verso of title. 40. Second issue of the same, with "Printed by Alvord" on verso of title. New York: W. A. Townsend & Co. [i860] 6 'mox\i5 of Milliam Cullen Bri^ant 41. THIRTY POEMS. lamo, original cloth, uncut. Fine copy. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1864 PRESENTATION COPY FROM BRYANT. 42. HYMNS. (Privately printed.) i2mo, original salmon co/ored cloih, gilt, lettered on side. [New York, 1864] * Place and date of publication so written in the author's autograph. Also presentation inscription from him to Rev. Samuel Cox, dated Nov. 1864. The extremely rare first issue, with the second line in the fourth stanza on page 9, reading," Dwells on Thy Works in deep delight." Only a very small number of copies were issued for distribution among the author's friends. 43. HYMNS. i2mo, original black cXoXh., gilt. [New York, 1869] *The privately printed re-issue of the 1S64 edition, of which but 25 copies were issued for presentation purposes. Apparently identical with the first issue, though with several minor alterations. In this issue the second line of the last stanza, on page 9, reads, " Delighted on thy works delays." 44. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT of Two Hymns, 6 verses, of four lines each, unsigned, but in Bryant's hand. Written on the same sheet. * The " motifs" of these Hymns are " The Earth is full of Thy Riches'' and " Praise for the Loving Kindness of our God." The title is pencilled in Bryant's hand, over each Hymn. Contributed to Hymn Book edited by Henry D. Sewall, 1S20 (?). 45. THE BRYANT FESTIVAL AT "THE CEN- TURY." Illustrated Edition. 4to, original half roan and boards, gilt top, uncut (joints slightly rubbed). New York: Published for the Century Association, 1865 * Large Paper. One of only 150 copies so printed. Contains 21 portraits, including Bryant, Holmes, Longfellow, Whittier, Lowell, etc., and 2 views. With address by Bryant and Emerson, and poems by Holmes, Lowell, Whittier, etc. Scarce in this issue. 46. SOME NOTICES OF THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF FITZ-GREENE HALLECK, read before the New York Historical Society, 3d of February, 1869. 8vo, sewn, pp. 43. [New York], 1869 47. LETTERS FROM THE EAST. i2mo, original cloth. New York: G. P. Putnam & Son, 1869 7 TLbc Collection of 5. C. Cbamberlatn 48. A DISCOURSE on the Life, Character and Writings of Gulian Crommelin Verplanck, delivered before the New York Historical Society, May 17th, 1870. 8vo, original wrap- pers, uncut. J^i/ie copy. New York: Printed for the Society, 1870 49- THE BRYANT HOMESTEAD BOOK. By an Idle Scholar. Photo portrait etched caricature by Thos. JVast, and other illustrations. Small 4to, original cloth gilt, gilt edges. New York: G. P. Putnam, 1870 50. THE ILIAD OF HOMER. Translated into Eng- lish Blank Verse. 2 vols, royal 8vo, original cloth, gilt tops. Boston: Fields, Osgood & Co., 1870 * Presentation copy to General Banks from Mrs. John C. Fremont, with autograph inscription on both titles. WITH AUTOGRAPH VERSE ON END PAPERS OF EACH VOLUME. 51. THE ODYSSEY OF HOMER. Translated into English Blank Verse. 2 vols, royal 8vo, tliree-quarter black crushed levant gilt, gilt tops. Boston: Jas. R. Osgood & Co., 1871 * With an autograph stanza on the blank end papers ot each vol- ume, written and signed by Bryant. " Tell me, oh Muse, of that sagacious man Who, having overthrown the sacred town Of Ilium, wandered far and visited The capitals of many nations. Since thou has come Ulysses, as a guest, To this high pile and to these brazen rooms, So long a sufferer, thou must not depart Upon thy homeward way, a wanderer still. Dec. 31, 1S72." 52. THE SONG OF THE SOWER. Illustrated with Jf.2 engravings on ivood. Small 4to, original cloth, gilt edges. New York: I). Appleton & Co., 187 i 5^. THE SETTLEMENT OF THE ALABAMA QUESTION. The Banquet given at New York to Her Brit- tanic Majesty's High Commissioners by Cyrus W. Field. Introduction by Justin McCarthy (with Speech by Bryant, pp. 62-66). Photo portraits. Small 8vo, original limp boards. London: Tinsley Bros., 187 i 54. ORATIONS AND ADDRESSES, izmo, original cloth. New York: G. P. Putnam, 1873 Morfts of MiUiam Cullcn :Bri^ant 55. THANATOPSIS. (A Poem.) Facsimile of Author's Copy. 4to, original wrappers, uncut. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1874 56. THE BRYANT CELEBRATION by the Chicago Literary Club, Nov. 3, 1874 (with Poem by Bryant, written at the age of 15, and addressed to an elder brother). 8vo, original printed wrappers. Chicago: Jansen, McClurg &Co., 1875 57. POEMS. Collected and Arranged by the Author {containing several pieces not included in any previous col- lection). Steel portrait and lOO illustrations, after Birket Foster ^nd others. 8vo, cloth gilt extra, gilt edges. Fine copy. New York: D. Appleton & Co. [1876] 58. THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION of American Independence at the Academy of Music, New York, July 4th, 1876 (with poem by Bryant, p. v). 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. New York: Anson D. F. Randolph & Co., 1876 59- A POPULAR HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, from the First Discovery of the Western Hemisphere by the Northmen, to the End of the First Century of the Union of the States, preceded by a Sketch of the Pre-Historic period and the Age of the Mound Builders. By William Cullen Bryant and Sydney Howard Gay. Illus- trated. 4 vols, thick royal 8vo, original cloth, uncut. New York: Scribner, Armstrong and Co., 1876 60. AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED by W. C. Bryant. 2 pp. 4to, Cummington (Mass.), Mch. 21, 1820. With leaf of superscription and franked with another signa- ture. * To his aunt, Miss Charity Bryant, announcing the death of his father, with details of his last illness. 61. AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED by Bryant. 2 pp. 4to, New York, Sept. 25, 1843. Franked with another signature. * To his aunt, Miss Charity Bryant. Written on the inner pages of a letter from his mother to the same. Personal letter, giving family news, etc. 9 Ube Collection of 3. C. Cbamberlain 62. AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED by Bryant. 3 pp. 4to, with leaf of superscription, N. Y , May i8, 1847, * To his aunt, Miss Charity Bryant, on learning the news of his mother's death. A very beautiful and intimate letter of personal loss. 6z. AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED. 3 pp. 4to, Boston, Jan. 30, 181 2, written by Peter Bryant, the father of Wm. Cullen Bryant, to his aunt. Miss Charity Bryant (with typewritten copy). * His father copies in this letter Bryant's " Ode to Spring," trans- lated from Anacreon, written while Bryant was at Williams College and preparing for Yale: " Cullen is now prosecuting his studies 7uith a view to enter Yale . . . and to amuse you I send you a translation of his A?jacreon's ' Ode to Spring^ from the Greek." Bryant was disappointed in his course at Yale, as it proved too expensive for his father to send him. 64. MANUSCRIPT OF "A PARAPHRASE. By Cullen Bryant, aged 10 years." Job, Chap. I., 88 lines, on 2^ folio pages marked " Cullen Brya/ifs Paraphrase on the first Chapter of Job."" . . . Copied by C. Bryant^ Plainfield^ January //, iSoy. * Copied by his aunt, Charity Bryant. Bryant mentions this in his Autobiography (see Godwin's " Life," p. 22), and says: "My Grandfather gave ?>ie as an exercise the first Chapter of the Book of Job to turn into verse . . . For this task I was rewarded with the small Spanish coin then called a ninepenny piece." 65. MANUSCRIPT. " Lines Written on a Birthday, May 22^ 184J," signed " C. ^. ," 26 lines on one page, 4to; '''•Here and There. Or Time and Eternity, Copied by Miss C. Bryant," 40 lines on a folio sheet; Original Verse, " Sunday Evening, January, 1804,"" signed " C. B.,'^ 8 lines. Together 3 pieces. * Written and copied by Miss Charity Bryant, the aunt of the poet. 66. MANUSCRIPT OF " THE SEASONS," written December 26, 1806, by Cullen Bryant, 24 lines; with "A Thunderstorm," written Jan'y 6, 1807, by Cullen Bryant, 52 lines, together filling two sides of a folio sheet. * An early copy by his aunt. Charity Bryant. 67. MANUSCRIPT "THE SPRING'S WALK.'" 6 verses of 8 lines each on a folio sheet, dated Cummington., August, 1810. A copy by his aunt (?). * Written the spring before Bryant entered Williams College. 10 Morks of MilUam CuUen Bryant EARLY BRYANT POEM. 68. AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED, 3 pp. 4to, Cummington, July 23, 1812, of Peter Bryant, his father, to Miss Charity Bryant, his aunt (with typewritten copy). *Two pages of this letter are filled with an " Ode for the 4th of July, 1812" — an early poem written by Bryant on " Madison's Mad War" as his father writes, and copied by him into this letter. An exceedingly interesting item, showing that Bryant's youthful genius was much encouraged by his family, as his father says: " /f it not poetical — is it not spirited — is it not Patriotic ? — // has been . . . echoed in the newspapers from New York to Boston, and . . . does honor to the Boys Genius and Talents, etc." This Ode was written at the request of the Washington Benevolent Society of Boston, made through his father. Bryant was 17 years old at the time. 69. AUTOGRAPH LETTERS SIGNED. 20 letters from Peter Bryant, the father of the Poet, to his sister, Miss Charity Bryant, from Aug. 4, 1806 (when Bryant was 12 years old), to Aug. 28, 1819, and one letter from Bryant's mother to the same, Mch. i, 1821, announcing his father's death. Together 21 letters, 2, 3, and 4 pp. each, 8vo and 4to. * Many of these letters contain references to Bryant's work and life, among which are: March 6, 1809: Refers to the 2nd Edition of the Embargo and the Spanish Revolution, giving the number printed. Aug. 22, 1S14: Refers to Bryant's "Ode for the 4th of July." Feb. 13, 1819: Refers to "Odes in 1S18, and 1817." 70. IN MEMORY OF WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT. Born 1794, Died 1878, Portrait and extra por- trait laidin. 8vo, original printed wrappers. [New York, 1878] * With sketches by E. C. Stedman, R. H. Stoddard, and others. 71. TRIBUTE TO WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT. By Robert C. Waterston, at the meeting of the Massachu- setts Historical Society, June 13, 1878 (with poems by Bryant, extracts from his last speech, etc.). 8vo, original printed wrappers. Boston: John Wilson & Son, 1878 72. THE POETICAL WORKS of William Cullen Bryant. Edited by Parke Godwin. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth gilt, gilt top, uncut. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1883 * First issue of this ably edited edition. 11 Zbc Collection of ?. C. Cbambcrlain 73- A BIOGRAPHY OF WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT, with Extracts from his Private Correspondence. By Parke Godwin. Two portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth gilt, gilt tops, uncut. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1883 * The Arnold copy, with book-label. 74. BRYANT AND HIS FRIENDS; some Reminis- cences of the Knickerbocker Writers. By James Grant Wilson. Illustrated. Royal 4to, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. New York: Fords, Howard and Hulbert, 1886 * Large Paper copy, autographed by the Author. 75. WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT. By John Bige- low. Portrait. (American Men of Letters.) i2mo, original cloth. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1890 Morh6 of IRalpb Mal^o iEnier6on» 76. UNIVERSITY IN CAMBRIDGE. Order of Per- formances for Exhibition, Tuesday, April 24, 1824. Leaflet, pp. 4. Cambridge: Hilliard and Metcalf, 1821 * "No. 9. A Poem, ' Indian Superstition,' by R. W. Emerson." 77. A SERMON delivered at the Ordination of Hersey Bradford Goodwin as Colleague Pastor with Ezra Ripley, D. D., of the Congregational Church and Society in Concord, Mass., Febr. 17, 1830 ("Right Hand of Fellowship," by Emerson, pp 29-31). 8vo, sewn (stamp on title and some- what water-stained). Concord: Published at the Gazette Office, 1830 78. A SERMON delivered at the Ordination of Rev. Chandler Robbins, over the Second Congregational Church in Boston, Dec. 4th, 1833. By Rev. Henry Ware, Jr. (Hymn on p. 32 by Emerson). 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Boston: Jas. W. Burditt, 1833 ^_. 79. A HISTORICAL DISCOURSE delivered before ^ttf, the Citizens of Concord, 12th September, 1835, on the Second " Centennial Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town. Large 8vo, half roan, uncut. ^ Concord: G. F. Bemis, Printer, 1835 c^ , -— * The McKee copy, with bookplate. 12 Morks of IRalpb MalOo lEmerson 80. NATURE. i2mo, original black cloth. Boston: Jas. Munroe & Co., 1836 81. AN ORATION delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Cambridge, August 31, 1837. 8vo, original wrap- pers. Boston: Jas. Munroe & Co., 1837 82. AN ORATION delivered before the Literary Socie- /j.j5-/rOA^ ^ ^ ties of Dartmouth College, July 24, 1838. 8vo, original ' '''■" wrappers (small relief stamp on front cover). Boston: Chas. C. Little & Jas. Brown, 1838 * Presentation copy from the publishers, with inscription on title. 83. AN ADDRESS delivered before the Senior Class in A^rrcJ^ ^ '•> / o o Divinity College, Cambridge, Sunday Evening, 15 July, 1838. — 8vo, original wrappers. Boston: Jas. Munroe & Co., 1838 84. ESSAYS AND POEMS. By Jones Very. i2mo, original cloth and label. Boston: Chas. C. Little and Jas. Brown, 1839 * Edited anonymously by R. W. Emerson. Presentation copy from the author, with autograph inscription. Fine copy. 85. ESSAYS. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Jas. Munroe & Co., 1841 * First issue of the First Edition without the lettering on back, " First Series." 86. THE METHOD OF NATURE. An Oration /\i^ua^,ji -^ delivered before the Society of the Adelphi, in Waterville ^."^ College, in Maine, August 11, 1841. 8vo, original wrappers. Fine copy. Boston: Samuel G. Simpkins, 1841 ''_^ 87. THE DIAL: A Magazine for Literature, Philosophy and Religion, i to 16 in the original Parts [July, 1840- April, 1844]. 8vo, original wrappers. Boston: Jordan & Co. ; [and] E. P. Peabody, i84o-'44 * Edited anonymously by Emerson, Margaret Fuller and Geo. Ripley. 88. AN ADDRESS delivered in the Court-House in Concord, Massachusetts, on ist August, 1844, on the Anni- versary of the Emancipation of the Negroes in the British West Indies. 8vo, original wrappers. Boston: Jas. Munroe & Co., 1844 13 Ube Collection of 5. C. Cbambcrlain 89. THE EMANCIPATION OF THE NEGROES in the British West Indies. An Address delivered at Con- cord, Massachusetts, on ist August, 1844. i2mo, original wrappers. London: John Chapman, 1844 * First English Edition. 90. THE YOUNG AMERICAN. A Lecture read before the Mercantile Library Association in Boston, at the Odeon, Wednesday, Feb'y 7, 1844. 8vo, half blue crushed levant. London: John Chapman, 1844 * The McKee- Arnold copy. With bookplates and label. 91. ESSAYS. Second Series. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Jas. Munroe & Co., 1844 92. OUR PASTORS' OFFERING. A Compilation from the Writings of the Pastors of the Second Church. For the Ladies' Fair. [Poems, "The Last Farewell," "Woodnotes," and "My Thoughts," by Emerson.] i2mo, original boards (back missing). Boston: Printed by George Coolidge, 1845 93. POEMS. I by I R. W. Emerson. | Boston: | James Munroe and Company. | 1847. i2mo, original boards (re- backed and reprinted label), with 4 pp. of advertisements, dated Jan. i, 1847. Rare. Boston, 1847 94. POEMS. i2mo, original cloth (somewhat faded), top edge uncut. London: Chapman Bros., 1847 * First English Edition. First issue with " Notice " on verso of half title and advertisements dated Nov. i6th, 1846 [in later copies Feb. 20, 1847]. 95. THE MASSACHUSETTS QUARTERLY REVIEW. No. I, December, 1847. [Editor's Address by Emerson, pp. 1-7.] Svo, original wrappers, uncut. Boston: Coolidge & Wiley [1847] 96. NATURE: ADDRESSES AND LECTURES. i2mo, original cloth, uncut, with 8 pp. of advertisements dated Sept., 1849. Fine copy. Boston and Cambridge, 1849 PRESENTATION COrV FROM EMERSON. 97- REPRESENTATIVE MEN: SEVEN LEC- TURES. i2mo, original black cloth, some leaves uncut. Boston: Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1850 * Autograph presentation copy krom the author to H. G. O. Blake (editor of various works of Thoreau), the inscription dated Dec, 1849. Fine copy. 14 Worlds ot IRalpb Mal&o Bmerson 98. REPRESENTATIVE MEN: SEVEN LEC- TURES. i2mo, original cloth (name on title). London: John Chapman, 1850 * First English Edition, with many variations from the American Edition. Fine copy. 99- THE BOSTON BOOK: being Specimens of Metro- politan Literature. (Fourth Series, with contributions by- Emerson, Hawthorne, Lowell, Longfellow, Whittier, etc.) Vigtiette title. 12 mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1850 100. MEMOIRS OF MARGARET FULLER OSSOLI. [By J. F. Clarke, R. W. Emerson and W. H. Channing.] 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1852 * Volume I, pp. 199-351, by Emerson. WITH AUTOGRAPH LETTER FROM EMERSON INSERTED. loi. ENGLISH TRAITS. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1856 * Fine copy, with an autograph letter from the author inserted (address cut from bottom of last page). "/ zvas to send you the Bhagvat when it came into my hands: I remember you were under a covenant not to read any copy btit mine. With hope of better speed in the New Year" etc. 102. ENGLISH TRAITS. i6mo, original boards (back missing). London: G. Routledge, 1856 103. MISCELLANIES ; embracing Nature, Addresses and Lectures. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1856 104. THE CONDUCT OF LIFE. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, i860 * First issue, with a perfect impression of the last "C" in the date in the imprint, verso of half-title blank and 17 pp. of adver- tisements in which " The Conduct of Life " is announced as " nearly ready." 105. THE JOHN BROWN INVASION. An Authen- tic History of the Harper's Ferry Tragedy, with full details of the Capture, Trial and Execution of the Invaders and of all the Incidents connected therewith. Portrait. 8vo, orig- inal wrappers. Boston: James Campbell, i860 * With Speech by Emerson, pp. 103-105. 15 Ubc Collection of ?♦ C. Cbambcrlaln io6. MAY-DAY and Other Pieces. i2mo, cloth. Fine COPY. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1867 107. CEREMONIES at the Dedication of the Soldiers' Monument in Concord, Mass. (with an Address by Emerson). Photo, frontispiece. r2mo, original glazed wrappers. Concord: Printed by Benj. Tolman, 1867 108. ADDRESS delivered on the Centennial Anniversary of the Birth of Alexander Von Humboldt under the Aus- pices of the Boston Society of Natural History. By Louis Agassiz. (Speech by Emerson, pp. 71-7.) 8vo, original wrappers. Boston: Boston Society of Natural History, 1869 * Poem by Holmes and Letter by Whittier. 109. SOCIETY AND SOLITUDE. Twelve Chapters. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Fields, Osgood & Co., 1870 no. TRIBUTE TO WALTER SCOTT on the One Hundredth Anniversary of his Birthday, by the Massachu- setts Historical Society, Aug. 15, 187 1. 8vo, original wrap- pers. Boston: Privately printed from the Proceedings of the Society, 1872. * With speech by Emerson and Letter by Holmes. 111. LETTERS AND SOCIAL AIMS. i2mo, orig- inal cloth. Boston: Jas. R. Osgood, 1876 WITH A LETTER FROM EMERSON INSERTED. 112. SELECTED POEMS. New and Revised Edition (including many not in previous collections). i6mo, original claret cloth (mentioned by Emerson in the letter inserted). Fine copy. Boston: Jas. R. Osgood, 1876 * The Foote copy, with bookplate. An autograph note from Emerson (i p., i2mo) relating to the above, inserted: ' ' Will Air. Osgood please send me six copies of Emerson's ' Se- lected Poems,' 4 in the grey binding and 2 in the claret, and send them to my address. — R. W. Emerson." 113. FORTUNE OF THE REPUBLIC. Lecture delivered at the Old South Church, March 30, 1878. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Houghton, Osgood & Co., 1878 114. Another copy. In the original wrappers. Fine copy. IG * y ■[■'^4lt'£. - t>^tt ^tz> a^^rt.^.^ feft<;: ■ ••••• *>»*<> ♦i-^^— T W ' Ai. '. m ^^ ^ mm ^ f «.. J [Ske Xo. 124.] morf^s of IRalpb Mal^o Bmerson 115. SKETCHES AND REMINISCENCES OF THE RADICAL CLUB. Edited by Mrs. J. T. Sargent. Illustrations. i2mo, sewn, entirely uncut. Boston: Jas. R. Osgood & Co., 1880 * Includes Essay, Poems, Letters, etc., by Emerson, Holmes, John Fiske, Whittier, Stedman and others. Rare in this state. ri6 SKETCHES AND REMINISCENCES OF THE RADICAL CLUB. Edited by xMrs. J. T. Sargent. Illustrations. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Jas. R. Osgood & Co., 1880 * Includes Essays, Poems, Letters, etc., by Emerson, Holmes, John Fiske, Whittier, Stedman and others. 117. THE PREACHER. Reprinted from "The Uni- tarian Review." 8vo, original wrappers. Boston: Geo. H, Ellis, Printer, 1880 118. OLD SOUTH LEAFLETS. Boston Sicut Pa- tribus, Sit Deus Nobis. A Poem read at Faneuil Hall on the Centennial Anniversary of the Destruction of the Tea, Dec. 16, 1873, 4 PP- i2mo. [Boston, 1883] 119. THE COMPLETE WORKS OF RALPH WALDO EMERSON. Edited by J. E. Cabot (the Au- thor's Literary Executor). With 2 etched portraits on India paper by S. A. Schoff and J. A. Wilcox., and vignette titles. 12 vols, thick large 8vo, original boards, totally uncut. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1883-93 *A splendid set of the handsome Large Paper issue of the Riverside Edition, beautifully printed on thick ribbed paper, and limited to 500 numbered sets, this copy being No. 2S0. The text of this edition presents the writings of Emerson as finally prepared by the author and his literary executor. Volumes 10 and II consist of Lectures hitherto unprinted, and of "Occasional Ad- dresses " and other pieces which have appeared separately or in periodicals, including an exhaustive index to the entire work. Sets in such exceptionally choice state are seldom offered for sale. 120. HISTORY AND BIBLIOGRAPHY OF "THE DIAL." By George W. Cooke (in Journal of Speculative Philosophy for July, 1885). 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1885 * Of great value to the Emerson student and collector, supplying as it does the names of the authors of almost every article contributed to " The Dial," with a fund of other varied and interesting data re- lating to that publication. Scarce. 17 Ube Collection ot 5. C» Cbambcrlafn 121. EMERSON IN CONCORD. A Memoir written for the "Social Circle" in Concord, Mass. By R. W. Emerson. Portrait. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1889 * Contains first publication of many extracts from Emerson's Diaries, Correspondence, etc. The Foote copy, with bookplate. 122. NATURAL HISTORY OF INTELLECT, and other Papers. With a General Index to Emerson's Collected Works. Vignette on title. Royal Svo^ original boards, uncut. Large Paper copy. Vol. 12 of "Works." Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1S93 * No. 114 of 500 copies printed. 123. TWO UNPUBLISHED ESSAYS. The Char- acter of Socrates. The Present State of Ethical Philosophy. With an Introduction by Edward Everett Hale. i2mo, cloth, uncut. Boston and New York: Lamson, Wolffe & Co., 1896 MorU0 of matbanicl Ibawtbornc. Autographed Books from the Library of Nathaniel Hawthorne. 124. THE AMERICAN BOOK-KEEPER; compris- ing a complete System of Book-Keeping, in the True Italian Form, or by Double Entry, both by Theory and Practice, etc. By B. Sheys. 8vo, original sheep. New York: Collins and Co., 1818 * Of extraordinary interest, being Nathaniel Haw- thorne's COPY, WITH HIS FULL AUTOGRAPH WRITTEN IN lO DIF- FERENT PLACES, in varied forms. The autographs are as follows: " Nath. Hathorne," " Nathl. Hathorne, Oct. 25th, iSig'" (in pencil), "Nathl. Hathorne's Book, Salem, Oct. 25th, 1819 "(a fine, bold signattire, with pen ornamentation beneatJi), "Nath. Haw- thorne, 1827," "Nath. Hawthorne, Feb. 28th, 1827, "Nathaniel," "Nath. Hawthorne," "Nathl. Hathorne, Salem, Nov. 1819 " {a fine, bold signature, with pen ornamentation beneath), " Nath. Hawthorne," "Nathaniel Hathorne, Salem, 1820" (with pen ornamentation beneath), " Nath. Hawthorne " {in pencil), and " Hawthorne." In addition to the foregoing, he has scratched in his initials " N. H.," possibly with the point of a nail. Also, on title, " N. Hathorne," an impression from his woodcut die-stamp 18 Morks ot IRatbaniel UDawtborne (i|4'x ^ in.;. Also with " Sheys' Book-Keeping to Gushing and Appleton Dr $1.50," Sheys' Book-Keeping Dr. to cash $1.50," in his autograph, and several names, probably those of members of his class. In 1819 Hawthorne was sent from Raymond, Me. (where his mother and sister were living), to continue his studies in Salem with his uncle, Robert Manning, who defrayed the expenses of his education. He was then 15 years of age. Apart from the extraordinary number of signatures that the above contains, it is possibly the most inter- esting MEMENTO OF THE AUTHOR OF " ThE ScARLET LeTTER " that has ever been offered at auction, THE FINEST AND BOLD- EST SIGNATURES IN THE VOLUME HAVING BEEN AVRITTEN WHEN HE WAS ONLY 15 YEARS OF AGE. WhEN IT IS TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT THAT THE EARLIEST FRAGMENT OF HIS WRITING NOW EXTANT IS A LETTER WRITTEN FROM SALEM, DeC. Q, 1813, IT IS APPARENT WHAT ESPECIAL INTEREST THIS VOLUME POSSESSES. Hawthorne altered the form of spelling his name from Hathorne to " Hawthorne," but it is not definitely known at what date he did so. His sisters also adopted the alteration. Early in 1820 Hawthorne was employed part of the day by his uncle, William Manning, as bookkeeper, who was the proprietor of a line of stages that connected with all parts of New England. It is apparent that this kind of work was distasteful to him, and that he intended literature as his vocation, for in a letter about this time to his sister Elizabeth he says in part ..." No man can be a poet and a bookkeeper at the same time." This is undoubt- edly the BOOK HE used FOR HIS STUDIES TO QUALIFY HIMSELF FOR THE POSITION OF BOOKKEEPER TO HIS UNCLE. [See Reproduction.] 125. COLLECTANEA GRAECA MINORA: ad usum Tironum accommodata ; cum Notis Philologicis quas partim collegit, partim scripsit Andreas Dalzel. Editio Quarta Americana. Frontispiece (which is slightly imperfect). 8vo, original sheep. Cantabrigiae, Nov.-Ang., Hilliard et Metcalf, 1819 * Nathaniel Hawthorne's copy, and of special associa- tion INTEREST, BEING ONE OF THE BOOKS HE USED WHILE AT COLLEGE, WITH HIS AUTOGRAPH IN THREE PLACES: " NaTH. Hawthorne, Salem, 1S27," " Nathl. Hathorne, Salem, Feby. I, 1821," and " Nath. Hathorne, Salem, March 13TH, 1826"; also his STAMP, " N. Hathorne" (a woodcut die stamp, i|4f X ^ in., with his favorite red ink), in two places, and the words " Mon Droit" also in his autograph. One of the autographs — " Nathl. Hathorne, Salem, Feby. i, 1821," — is most interesting as it was written only a short time be- fore he left Salem to continue his studies at Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me., at that time a small college graduating only about 30 students. It was while on his journey on the east-bound Boston 19 Ube GoUection of 3. C Cbamberlain mail stage (and in all probability with this volume in his trunk) that he made the acquaintance of Franklin Pierce (afterwards President of the United States), Jonathan Cilley (later a Congressman, and famous in the political duel with Graves), and Alfred Mason, who was Hawthorne's roommate for two years. Laid in are four small strips of parchment, which possibly are the identical strips that Hawthorne used as bookmarks. 126. REMARKS DURING A JOURNEY THROUGH NORTH AMERICA in the years 1819, 1820 and 182 [, in a series of Letters, with an Appendix containing an Account of several of the Indian Tribes, etc., by Adam Hodgson, 8vo, original boards, uncut. New York, 1823. * Nathaniel Hawthorne's copy, with his autograph, " Nath. Hawthorne," on the title. A book of the highest association interest, having been in the library of Richard Manning, the uncle of Hawthorne, and with his bock- plate. (See note to No. 128.) 127. MEMOIR of the Lifeof Josiah Quincy, Jun., of Mas- sachusetts, by his son Josiah Quincy. 8vo, original boards,, uncut (back worn). Boston : Cummings, Hilliard & Co., 1825 * Nathaniel Hawthorne's copy, with his autograph: "Nath. Hawthorne, from Miss E. S. Quincy." 128. PRACTICAL CONVEYANCING, a selection of Forms of general Utility, with Notes Interspersed. By Benjamin Lynde Oliver, Jun. 8vo, original boards, uncut. Boston: Cummings & Hilliard, 1816 * Nathaniel PIawthorne's copy, with his autograph, "Nath. Hawthorne, Salem, 1832," on fly-leaf, having, in addition to the autograph of Hawthorne, the autograph of Richard Manning, the uncle of Nathaniel, and with his book-label, " Richard Manning, Raymond, Me." It was in 1818 that Mrs. Hawthorne moved with her small family from Salem to Raymond, where her brother Robert had built her a house near his own (which was locally known as " Raymond's P""olly," on ac- count of its seeming grandeur among the humble dwellings of the other inhabitants), and which was also near the dwelling of his brother Richard. It v,-as in this neighborhood that Hawthorne spent the happiest portion of his boyhood. Near here was the famous flat rock at the outlet of the Thomas Pond (now called Thompson's Pond), where many happy hours were spent fishing for perch, and where it is said he read aloud to his companions his early poems, which in all probability included the two founded on local tragedies, the "Freezing of Mr. and Mrs. Tarbox " and the " Drowning of Mrs. Knight and Her Babe." 20 FANSHAWi:, A TALE, " Wilt thou go ort with me 1" — SoDTHEy. -•*®@^«»f BOSTON: MARSH k CAPEN, 362 WASHINGTON STREET. PRESS OF PUTNAM AND HUNT. 1828. [Skk No. ];j2.J MorF?5 of IRatbanicl IfDawtborue 129. THE ANNUAL REGISTER for the Year 1770. Svo, old calf (lacks title and some pages of preface). [London, 1770] * Nathaniel Hawthorne's copy, with his autograph in two PLACES, " Nath. Hawthorne" and " Nath. Hawthorne, 1832 " (written while he was in Salem), containing, in addition to the two autographs of Hawthorne, the autograph and book-label of his uncle, Richard Manning, of Raymond, Me. (see note to "Practical Conveyancing," No. 12S). 130. THE TOWN OFFICER, or the Power and Duty of Selectmen, Town Clerks, Constables, etc. : as contained in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, etc. By Samuel Freeman. i2mo, original sheep. Boston: J. T. Buckingham, 1815 * Nathaniel Hawthorne's copy, with his autograph in three places: "Nathaniel Hathorne's," "Nathaniel Hathorne," and "Nath. Hathorne." Also with the auto- graph OF Richard Manning (Hawthorne's uncle). (See note to " Practical Conveyancing," No. 128.) 131. THE AMERICAN CITIZEN'S SURE GUIDE : being a collection of the most important State Papers, such as The Declaration of Independence, The Con- stitution of the United States, etc. i2mo, original sheep. Portsmouth, N. H. [Chas. Pierce], and Kennebunk, Me. [S. Sewall], 1804. * Nathaniel Hawthorne's copy, with his autograph, " Nath. Hawthorne," on the title. From the library of Richard Manning, Raymond, Me. (uncle of Nathaniel), AND with his bookplate. (See note to "Practical Conveyancing," No. 12S.) 132. FANSHAWE. 1 A Tale | "Wilt thou go on with me?" — Southe}'. | Boston: | Marsh & Capen, 362 Washington Street. | Press of Putnam and Hunt. | 1828. i2mo, original HALF CLOTH AND BOARDS, UNCUT (a fcw pagcs Spotted as usual). Enclosed in a richly tooled crushed blue levant morocco solander case, by Bradstreets. * Extremely rare. Hawthorne's first book, written while a stu- dent at Bowdoin College, published anonymously at his own expense and never acknowledged by him. But few copies were sold, and subsequently Hawthorne destroyed those unsold and all other copies that he could recover. [See Reproduction.] 21 Ube Collection of 5. C, Cbamberlain 133. THE TOKEN for the Years 1828, and 1830 to 1838. With plates by Durand, Cheney and others. 10 vols. i2mo, original boards and stamped roan (the volume for 1828 in a case). (The volumes for 1830 and 1831 lack one plate each.) Boston, 1828-38 * All of these volumes contain contributions by Hawthorne, some of which have never been collected. Others, as indicated, have been attributed to Hawthorne by Sanborn, Conway, Lathrop and others. Holmes, Longfellow, etc., were also contributors. 134. THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge. Vols. 1-2 complete. Illustrated. In the original wrappers, uncut (one part lacks front wrapper). Boston: Bewick Company, 1834-36 * Very rare in the original numbers, as issued. March- August, 1836, were edited anonymously by Hawthorne and his sister, who wrote or revised practically the entire contents. Some of the contributions have not been collected. The names of the contribu- tions are as follows: "An Ontario Steam-Boat," "The Duston Family," " Nature of Sleep," " Bells," " Preservation of the Dead," "The Boston Tea Party," "April Fools," "Alexander Hamilton," and " Tower of Babel." 135- THE CARRIER BOY'S NEW YEAR AD- DRESS to the Patrons of the Essex Register, Salem, Janu- ary I, 1834. Broadside Poem, 14 stanzas of 8 lines each, printed within ornamental borders. Large folio. * Very rare. [Salem, 1834] 136. THE CARRIER'S NEW YEAR ADDRESS to the Patrons of the Salem Mercury, Jan. i, 1835. Broad- side Poem, 15 stanzas of 8 lines each, printed within orna- mental borders. 4to. [Salem, 1835] * Fine copy. Extremely rare. 137. THE CARRIER'S NEW YEAR ADDRESS to the Patrons of the Salem Gazette, Jan. i, 1835. Broad- side Poem of 1 20 lines, printed within ornamental borders. 4to. * Fine copy. Extremely rare. [Salem, 1835] 138. TWICE-TOLD TALES. i2mo, original cloth (somewhat foxed). With all the advertisements. Boston: American Stationer's Company, 1837 * Rare. Hawthorne's first acknowledged book. 139. Another copy. Half crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt top (edges scraped). With all the advertise- ments. Boston: American Stationer's Company, 1837 22 Merits of Batbanicl HDavvtborne 140. PETER PARLEY'S | UNIVERSAL HIS- TORY, I on the Basis of | Geography, | [F/gne^ie.] \ For the Use of Families. | Illustrated by maps and engravings. \ Vol. I. I Boston: | American Stationer's Company. | John B. Russell, I 1837. I 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. * An exceptionally fine, clean copy in the original cloth, AS ISSUED. Very rare in this state. The work was written and compiled by Hawthorne and his sister Elizabeth, to whom he gave the one hundred dollars said to have been the amount received for the work. [See Bridge's Life of Hawthorne, p. 77.] 141. The same. 2 vols, in i (frontispiece missing, one signature loose, one page with damaged margin inserted and numeral erased from title of Vol. II). 142. The same. Vol. I. only. Original cloth. Boston, 1837. With two imperfect odd volumes of a later issue (sold with all faults). 143. UNIVERSAL HISTORY ON THE BASIS OF GEOGRAPHY. By Peter Parley. For the Use of Fam- ilies. Engraved frontispiece and title and maps. Square i6mo, original cloth (cover a little loose). London: Printed (at the Chiswick Press) for Thos. Tegg & Son, 1838. * The First English Edition. 144. TIME'S PORTRAITURE. Being the Carrier's Address to the Patrons of the Salem Gazette, for the First of January, 1838. [Salem, 1838] * Excessively rare. Only 3 copies known. Broadside, 22 X 16 inches, surrounded by an ornamental border, and with A VIGNETTE (Eagle with wings spread) as head-piece. "The first clue to the authorship of this Address is given in a foot-note under the word ' Hathornes,' which reads: ' Not Haw- thorne — as one of the present representatives of the family has seen fit to transmogrify a good old name. However, Time seldom has occasion to mention the gentleman's name, so that it is no great matter how he spells or pronounces it.' " This tale was never col- lected and printed by Hawthorne, but it was reprinted as ' The Carrier's Address ' for the first of January, 1853, with a bracketed note to the above lines intimating authorship (see No. 185). In ' The Carrier's Address ' for 1881 we find a further reference to the author of the broadside: ' They unfolded one entitled " A Por- traiture of Father Time." One of the boys, as it was read aloud, said he had heard his grandfather say that Nathaniel Hawthorne had assisted a past generation of carriers in writing that ..." " — Grolier Club Bibliography of Hawthorne, by J. C. Chamberlain. The only copy ever offered at public auction. 23 Ube Collection of 3. C. Cbamberlafn AUTOGRAPH LETTER FROM HAWTHORNE INSERTED. 145. THE GENTLE BOY. A Twice-Told Tale. IVi'k an original illustration. Ol:)l(>ng 4to, original printed wrappers (upper portion of front wrapper cut away, but neatly repaired, also back repaired). Boston: Weeks, Jordan & Co., 1839 * Very rare. Laid in is a letter from Hawthorne to Charles Lanman (author of " Essays for Summer Hours," his first book, and of which Hawthorne makes mention). The letter reads as follows: Boston, March 2d, 1842. J\/y Dear Sir: — / have read yotir ^' Szintmer Hours" with great pleasure. The pieces entitled " The Poefs Pilgrimage" and "An Evening- in the City," struck me particularly, but I find that I like each article as I read it. It gratified me to knotv that I am indebted for this beautiful little book to the interest which you so kindly express in my ozvn ivritings. Please accept my best thanks^ attd believe me. Very truly yours, N^ath. Hawthorne. Charles Lanman, Esq., N'orwich. 146. THE AMERICAN FAMILY MAGAZINE of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge. Vol. 6, No. 9. View. Imp. 8vo, original printed wrappers, totally uncut. Boston: Otis, Broaders and Co., 1839 * Contains " The Sister Years " from the Carrier's Address of the Salem Gazette. 147. THE PICTURESQUE POCKET COMPAN- ION, and Visitor's Guide through Mount Auburn. Illus- trated with upwards of 60 engravings on wood. i6mo, original half roan and boards. Boston: Otis, Broaders and Co., 1839 * Contains the original appearance, in book form, of " The Lily's Quest," by Hawthorne, the first publication of which was in the Southern Rose, a Charleston magazine, Jan. 19th, 1839. Contains, also, " The Old Man's Funeral," by Bryant. 148. PETER PARLEY'S UNIVERSAL HISTORY ON THE BASIS OF GEOGRAPHY. For the Use of Families. Illustrated by tnaps and engravings. 2 vols, square i2mo, original cloth. New York: S. Colman, 1839 * The First New York Edition. Scarce. 149. THE SISTER YEARS; being the Carrier's Ad- dress of the Salem Gazette, for the P^irst of January, 1839. (" By the author of Twice-Told Tales," in a contemporary hand on title.) 8vo, as issued (duplicate stamp of Harvard 24 Merles ot IRatbaniel ir^avvtborne College Library on title), and a small part of the margin of p. 7 missing, not injuring the text). Salem, 1839 * Extremely rare, only 6 copies being known. Enclosed in a crushed blue levant morocco case, richly tooled, by Bradstreets. An addressed envelope to William D. Ticknor, of Boston, in the autograph of Hawthorne, and bearing his initials laid in. 150. GRANDFATHER'S CHAIR: a History for Youth. i8mo, original cloth, with the paper label on side (slightly imperfect, lacks an end paper). Boston : E. P, Peabody, 1841 * Rare. Enclosed in full blue crushed levant morocco solander case, richly tooled, by Bradstreets. 151. FAMOUS OLD PEOPLE: being the Second Epoch of " Grandfather's Chair." iSmo, original cloth, with the paper label on side (the label has no lettering now appar- ent), Boston: E. P. Peabody, 1841 * Rare. Enclosed in full blue crushed levant morocco solander case, richly tooled, by Bradstreets. 152. LIBERTY TREE; with the Last Words of Grand- father's Chair. i8mo, original cloth, with the paper label on side. Boston: E. P. Peabody, 1841 * Fine copy. Rare. Enclosed in a full blue crushed levant morocco solander case, richly tooled, by Bradstreets. 153. THE BOSTON BOOK: being Specimens of Metro- politan Literature (with Sketches and Poems by Hawthorne, Longfellow, Holmes, etc.). Vignette title. i2mo, original cloth (slightly spotted). Boston: Geo. W. Light, 1841 * Contains " Howe's Masquerade," by Hawthorne, originally pub- lished in the " United States Magazine and Democratic Review." 154. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL SOCIETY'S GIFT. i8mo, published as a Tract, without covers, pp. 16, enclosed in a blue half morocco case. [Boston: No printer, 1842] * Extremely rare. " An authorized issue of the biography of Samuel Johnson, after several changes, corrections and omissions of text; this sketch having formed one of the 'Biographical Stories.' In the introductory note, dated Boston, 1842, addressed to ' Dear Young Friends ' and signed ' The Sunday School Society,' is found: ' This story was wriitett by Nathaniel Haivthorne, and he has given us the liberty of printing it for you. He has written some very interesting books both for young attd old. Many have read his 'Twice-Told Tales' and the smaller volumes, such as ' Grandfather's Chair,' 'Liberty Tree' and 'Biographical Stories ' have been read 25 XTbe Collection of 5. C. Cbambcrlain 7Liith delight by ihotisaftds.' " — Grolier Club Bibliography of Haw- thorne, by J. C. Chamberlain. Only three copies known, the other two copies being IN THE Boston Public Library and in the Library at Har- vard College. This is the first copy offered at auction. 155. GRANDFATHER'S CHAIR: a History for Youth. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Frontispiece {crudely colored') u?id plate at p. 2p. i8mo, original cloth, with 5 pp. of advertisements. Boston: Tappan and Dennet, 1842 * The cut of Grandfather's Chair appears here for the first time, not having been published with the first edition. The additions are found on pp. 21, 36, 59, 71, and the omission of a single line on p. 72. 156. FAMOUS OLD PEOPLE, being the Second Epoch of "Grandfather's Chair." Second edition. Frontis- piece {colored) and plate. iSmo, original cloth. Boston: Tappan and Dennet, 1842 "* With minor changes from the first edition. 157. LIBERTY TREE, with the Last Words of " Grand- father's Chair." Frontispiece and woodcut. Nevir Edition. i8mo, original cloth gilt (some pages spotted). Boston: Tappan and Dennet, 1842 * The first issue of this edition having the chair in gold on front cover, which was omitted in the second issue. 158. BIOGRAPHICAL STORIES FOR CHIL- DREN. i8mo, original cloth. Boston: Tajjpan and Dennet, 1842 * Plrst issue of the first edition published in stamped cloth. 159. TWICE-TOLD TALES. 2 vols. i2itio, original black cloth, uncut. Boston: James Munroe and Company, 1842 *Fine copy of the first complete edition. Presentation copy " Editor of United States Gazette, with Publisher's Respects." 160. THE UNITED STATES MAGAZINE AND DEMOCRATIC REVIEW. (Vols. XI. and XII. for 1842- 43, containing original contributions by Hawthorne, Whittier and others, including " The Celestial Railroad.") Plates. In one vol. 8vo (few pp. spotted). New York, 1842-43 26 Morfts of IHatbaniel llDawtborne i6i. THE CELESTIAL RAILROAD. 241110, origi- nal printed wrappers, pp. 32 (some pencilled lines on mar- gins). Boston: Wilder & Co., 1843 * Fine copy. Extremely rare. In full crushed blue levant MOROCCO SOLANDER CASE, RICHLY TOOLED, BY BrADSTREETS. [See Reproduction.] 162. A VISIT TO THE CELESTIAL CITY. With 4 lithographed facsimiles {2 of 7vhich are of interest as show- ing American locojnotives). i6mo, original cloth (some pages spotted). Philadelphia: American Sunday-School Union [1844] *An unauthorized reprint from the Celestial Railroad, which omits the anecdote about Beelzebub's purchase of a miser's soul for sixpence. Very rare. With the advertisements at the end. In 1S53 an edition of the work in German was issued in Philadelphia. 163. JOURNAL OF AN AFRICAN CRUISER. By An Officer of the U. S. Navy [Horatio Bridge]. i2mo, ORIGINAL WRAPPERS, with the advertisements. New York and London: Wiley and Putnam, 1845 * Fine copy. Rare in this unusual state. With portrait of Hawthorne laid in. The notes of the voyage were made by Horatio Bridge, and were entirely rewritten by Hawthorne. For full partic- ulars see Bridge's Life of Hawthorne, pp. 87, etc. The copyright on verso of title is set in 4 lines; some copies contain only 3 lines. 164. JOURNAL OF AN AFRICAN CRUISER. By An Officer of the U. S. Navy [Horatio Bridge]. i2mo, original green cloth, uncut (poor copy). London: Wiley and Putnam, 1845 * The sheets are from the American edition. 165. PAPERS OF AN OLD DARTMOUTH PRIS- ONER. The original appearance in serial form, extracted and bound. 8vo, cloth. [New York, 1846] 166. MOSSES FROM AN OLD MANSE. 2 vols, in I. i2mo, original cloth, top edges uncut. New York: Wiley and Putnam, 1846 * The first issue, with the names of both printer and stereotyper on verso of title, underneath copyright notice. The printer of this issue was named Craighead, of later issues Osborn. It was also issued in paper covers. " The Old Manse" is here first published. 27 Ube Collection ot 3. C Cbamberlain 167. MOSSES FROM AN OLD MANSE. 2 vols. I 2mo, original cloth, uncut. London : Wiley and Putnam, 1846 * Martin F. Tupper's copy, with his autograph in each volume (in pencil). The sheets of the first American edition, with a new English title. 168. THE CARRIER'S ADDRESS TO THE PATRONS OF THE SALEM GAZETTE. Jan. i, 1847. 8vo, pp. 8 (back strengthened with paper). [Salem]: Printed by the Apprentices [1847] * Offered as a Hawthorne item, but without absolute PROOF OF ITS AUTHENTICITY. It IS issued in pamphlet form in the same shape as other Carrier's Addresses which were undoubtedly the work of Hawthorne, and it is certain that the style bears a marked resemblance to that of Hawthorne in such of his writings as " Sun- day at Home," " Night Sketches," etc. Hawthorne's Carrier's Address for the same paper, Jan. i, 1853, although unknown to Foley when he issued his " American Authors" in i8g5, has since been absolutely identified by Hawthorne's refer- ence to himself in the text and accompanying note. Should the present item be so identified it will but add another to the small number of excessively rare Hawthorne items so much sought after by collectors. It is a subject of regret that Mr. Chamberlain left but little data in regard to this, though inserted in the pamphlet is a letter from George E. Woodberry, referring to it, in which he shares Mr. Chamberlain's conviction as to its authenticity as a Hawthorne item. 169. ESTHETIC PAPERS. Edited by Elizabeth P. Peabody. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut (name cut from front cover). Boston: The Editor, 13 West Street, 1849 * Rare. Contains " Main Street," by Hawthorne. 170. THE SCARLET LETTER. A Romance. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 * First issue of the first edition, with the word " reduplicate " on p. 21, afterwards changed to "repudiate." An interesting fact about " The Scarlet Letter " is that the original MS. (with the e.xcep- tion of the title) was destroyed by Hawthorne. In a letter from Mrs. Annie Fields to Robert S. Rantoul, June 13th, 1904, she says in part: "... Hawthorne himself told me that he put the manuscript of ' The Scarlet Letter ' up the chimney, never thinking that it would be of atiy value." 171. THE SCARLET LETTER. A Romance. lamo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 * .Second edition, entirely reset and containing corrections at p. 46, " convulsive " for " convulsives," and at p. 4S " or the shade " for "or in the shade," etc. 28 THE f CELESTIAL RAIL -ROAD. BY NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE. I BOSTON. PUBLISHED BT WILDER Ic CO- No. 46 Washinjton Street 1843. ^^^ -eQ^ I) [See No. 161.] Morhs ot IRatbanicl IfDawtborne 172. THE HOUSE OF THE SEVEN GABLES. A Romance, 12010, original cloth, with 4 pp. of advertise- ments. Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 185 1 * Presentation copy from the publishers to Gov. Rice of Mass. An interesting typewritten copy of a letter of Hawthorne, dated Aug. 15, 1851, referring to the work, laid in. 173- TRUE STORIES FROM HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. Illustrations. i2mo, original red cloth gilt, gilt edges. Bright copy. Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851 * First issue of the first edition. With no comma after " way " on p. iii, line 15 of preface, and other points. See Chamberlain's Bibliography of Hawthorne. 174. TRUE STORIES FROM HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. Illustrations. [2mo, original red cloth gilt, gilt edges. Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851 * Second issue of the first edition. 175- TRUE STORIES FROM HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. Illustrations. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851 * A late edition, entirely reset, by Thurston, Torrey and Emerson. With 343 pages. 176. THE MEMORIAL. Written by the Friends of the late Mrs. Osgood and edited by Mary E. Hewitt. Full- page engravings by Cheney and others. 8vo, original designed full morocco gilt, gilt edges. New York: G. P. Putnam, 1851 * Contains " The Snow-Image," by Hawthorne. The above work was reissued some years later under the title of " Laurel Leaves." 177. THE HOUSE OF THE SEVEN GABLES. i2mo, original cloth. Boston : Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1S51 178. LIBERTY TREE, with the Last Words of "Grand- father's Chair." iSmo, original cloth, the paper label on FRONT COVER INTACT. Boston : Gcorge W. Briggs, 1851 * The original edition (of 1841), with a title of 1851 inserted in place of the original title. 179- TWICE-TOLD TALES. A New Edition. Por- trait of the author. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 185 1 * With preface now first published and with the first engraved portrait of Hawthorne (by Phillibrow). 29 XTbe Collection of 5. C. Cbamberlatn i8o. THE BLITHEDALE ROMANCE. i2mo, orig- inal cloth. With advertisements, 4 pp. Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1852 181. THE LIFE OF FRANKLIN PIERCE. Por- trait i2mo, original cloth. With 4 pp. of advertisements. Bright copy. Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1852 * In later editions of this work the chapter " The Mexican War — His Journal of the March from Vera Cruz" is omitted. 182. The same. In the original printed vi^rappers (which advertise other works of Hawthorne), pp. 144, Rare IN WRAPPERS. 183. A WONDER -BOOK FOR GIRLS AND BOYS. Illustrations. 1 2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1852 184. PETER PARLEY'S UNIVERSAL HIS- TORY on the Basis of Geography. Seventh Edition Illustrations and maps. 2 vols, in i. Thick i2mo, original cloth, gilt. New York: William Robinson, n. d. \circa 1853] 185. TIME'S PORTRAITURE. Being the Carrier's Address to the Patrons of the Salem Gazette and Essex County Mercury. For the First of January, 1853. Large 8vo (10^ X 6 inches), 8 pp. [1853] * Extremely rare. " This address first appeared anonymously as a broadside in 183S, but in the period of Hawthorne's great fame, soon after the publication of ' The Scarlet Letter,' ' House of the Seven Gables,' ' Wonder-Book,' ' Snow-Image,' ' Blithedale Ro- mance,' and ' Life of Franklin Pierce,' it was reissued in this form, with a bracketed note on page 4, signed ' Printer's Devil,' which practically disclosed the authorship, and reads, ' An author has a right to say what he will about himself, but we guess he'll find that Time will have a good deal to say about him — and more fifty years hence than now.' In ' The Christmas Locket,' Boston, 1870, an unsigned article appeared on ' Father Time,' written by J. E. Babson, disclosing the authorship of this Address, but ' Time's Portraiture,' which is herewith presented to the readers of ' The Christmas Locket,' was not reprinted by its author, and is not found in any edition of his writings. It was afterwards collected in a posthumous volume of the author's works, entitled ' Dqlliver's Romance,' and other Pieces, Boston, 1876." — Grolier Club Bibliography of Hawthorne, by J. C. Chamberlain. No COPY IN THE Arnold, Foote or Pyser collections of First Editions of the Works of American Authors. (About a quarter of an inch cut away from the bottom margin of the last page, text not injured in any way, and joint repaired very skilfully.) 30 morI?3 of IRatbaniel If^avvtborue t86. the snow -image and other Twice-Told Tales. i2mo, original cloth (covers somewhat soiled). Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1852 187. TANGLEWOOD TALES FOR GIRLS AND BOYS ; being a Second Wonder-Book, Illustrations. i2mo, original cloth, with the 8 pp. of advertisements dated August, 1853. Boston; Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1853 * The first issue, "Stereotyped at the Boston vStereotype Foun- dry," and with the omission of price in the list of Hawthorne's works, later issues having the price, S8 cents. 188. MOSSES FROM AN OLD MANSE, New Edition, carefully revised by the Author (with Sketches now first collected), 2 vols. lamo, original cloth, with 8 pp, of advertisements. Bright copy. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1854 * Contains three new sketches that were not published in the edition of 1846. 189. THE PHILOSOPHY of the Plays of Shakespeare Unfolded. By Delia Bacon. Preface by Nathaniel Haw- thorne. Thick 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Fine copy. London: Groombridge and Sons, 1857 * First English Edition. Scarce. The famous book which started the theory that Sir Francis Bacon wrote the plays of Shakespeare. 190. THE WEAL-REAF: a Record of the Essex In- stitute Fair, held at Salem, Sept. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, with the two Supplementary numbers, and with the Weal-Reaf Extra. 9 Nos. 8vo, Salem, i860 * Contains letter and original contribution by Hawthorne. The letter was reissued as " Browne's Folly." 191. THE MARBLE FAUN; or, The Romance of Monte Beni, 2 vols, i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, i860 * First issue set up from the proof sheets of the English edition. The original MS. was given to Mr. Henry Bright, and published in London under the title of " Transformation; or. The Romance of Monte Beni." 192. THE MARBLE FAUN; or. The Romance of Monte Beni, 2 vols, i2mo, original cloth, Boston: Ticknor and Fields, i860 * Second issue of the first edition, with the "Conclusion" (4 pp.), now first published, 31 Ube Collection of 5. C. Cbamberlain PRESENTATION COPY FROM HAWTHORNE. 193. OUR OLD HOME. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1863 * Presentation copy, with inscription "From the Author." First issue containing the advertisement page. (Later issues contain 22 pages of advertisements.) 194. OUR OLD HOME. A Series of English Sketches. i2mo, original cloth. Fine copy. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1865 195. OUR OLD HOME. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth, uncut (labels removed from covers). London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1865 * First English Edition. 196. PANSIE ; a Fragment. The Last Literary Effort of Nathaniel Hawthorne. i6mo, original wrappers, pp. 48 (front cover slightly rubbed). London: John Camden Hotten [1864] * Rare. " Pansie " is the first chapter of "The Dolliver Ro- mance," published in 1876. This copy contains the advertisements, 16 pp. With introduction of 16 pp. written by Oliver Wendell Holmes (not signed). 197. THE SNOW-IMAGE ; a Childish Miracle. Col- ored illustrations. i2mo, original red cloth (cover soiled and lacks one fly-leaf). New York: J. G. Gregory, 1864 * Originally published in the " Memorial of Mrs. Osgood." This is the first separate edition of this story. 198. TWICE-TOLD TALES. Portrait of the author. 2 vols. i6mo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1865 199. PASSAGES FROM THE AMERICAN NOTE- BOOKS OF NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth. Bright copy. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1868 * Later editions (published the same year) bear the imprint of " Fields, Osgood & Co." 200. PASSAGES FROM THE ENGLISH NOTE- BOOKS OF NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Fields, Osgood & Co., 1870 * Later editions (published the same year) bear the imprint of "James 1\. Osgood & Co." The preface was written by S.(ophia) H.(awthorne). 82 ■QXIlorl^s of IRatbaiiiel (bawtborne 201. THE CHRISTMAS LOCKET; a Holiday Num- ber of Old and New (Lockets). 8vo, wrappers, pp. 96, and advertisements, Boston: Roberts Bros., 1870 * Scarce. Containing " Father Time," by Hawthorne, first issued as "Time's Portraiture" in broadside form as the Salem Gazette Carrier's Address. [See No. 144.] 202. PASSAGES FROM THE FRENCH AND ITALIAN NOTE-BOOKS OF NATHANIEL HAW- THORNE. 2 vols, post 8vo, original cloth. Fine copy. London: Strahan & Co., 1871 * The genuine First Edition, dated one year before the American edition-. It originally appeared serially in the English periodical " Good Words." 203. PASSAGES FROM THE FRENCH AND ITALIAN NOTE-BOOKS OF NATHANIEL HAW- THORNE. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth. Fine copy. Boston: J, R. Osgood and Co., 1S72 * First American Edition. (See No. 202.) 204. MEMOIR OF NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE, with Stories (now first published in this countr}'), by H. A, Page. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. London: H. S. King and Co., 1872 205. SEPTIMIUS FELTON; or, The Elixir of Life. 1 2 mo, original cloth. Fine copy. Boston: J. R, Osgood and Co., 1872 206. SEPTIMIUS FELTON; or, The Elixir of Life. i2mo, in the original sheets, unbound, uncut and un- opened. Boston: J. R. Osgood and Co., 1872 207. SEPTIMIUS: A Romance. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. London: H. S. King and Co., 1872 * With dated preface and some changes from the American edition. It was originally issued in America in " The .Atlantic Monthly," and in England in " St. Paul's Magazine." 208. THE DOLLIVER ROMANCE and other Pieces. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: J. R. Osgood and. Co., 1876 209. FANSHAWE and other Pieces. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: J. R. Osgood and Co., 1876 * Contains some pieces now first collected, including "Mrs. Hutchinson," " Sir William Phips," etc., and with errors mentioned on the errata slip of the rare first edition of Fanshawe corrected. 33 Ube Collection ot 5, C. Cbambetlain 210. THE ROMANTIC DRAMA; in Four Acts, en- titled The Scarlet Letter, Dramaiised from Nathaniel Haw- thorne's Masterly Romance by Gabriel Harrison. Engraved portrait of the author and character scene. 8vo, wrappers, pp. 50. Brooklyn: Printed by Harry M. Gardner, Jr., 1876 * Fine copy. Scarce. 211. A STUDY OF HAWTHORNE. By George Parsons Lathrop. i6mo, original cloth. Boston: J. R. Osgood and Co., 1876 212. HAWTHORNE. By James T. Fields. Portrait and views. 32mo, original cloth. Boston: J. R. Osgood and Co., 1876 213. THE CARRIER'S ADDRESS, to the Patrons of the Salem Gazette, Jan. 1, 1876. Leaflet, pp. 4, 8vo, as issued. Salem: Printed by the Apprentices, 1876 214. LEGENDS OF THE PROVINCE HOUSE. Frontispiece. 32mo, original cloth. Boston: J. R. Osgood and Co., 1877 * First separate edition of these tales. 215. LEGENDS OF NEW ENGLAND. Frontispiece. 32mo, original cloth, Boston: J. R. Osgood &: Co., 1877 216. TALES OF THE WHITE HILLS. Frontis- piece. 32mo, original cloth. Boston : J. R, Osgood &Co,, 1877 * First separate edition of these tales. 217. A VIRTUOSO'S COLLECTION, and other Tales, Frontispiece. 3 2mo, original cloth, Boston: J, R. Osgood & Co., 1877 218. THE SCARLET LETTER. Illustrated. 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston: James R. Osgood & Co., 1878 219. HAWTHORNE. (Biography.) By Henry James, Jr. (English Men of Letters, edited by John Morley.) i2mo, original cloth, and paper label, uncut. London: Macmillan & Co., 1879 220. A VISIT TO THE CELESTIAL CITY. Frontispiece. i6mo, original cloth. Philadelphia: American Sunday School Union \ca. 1880] 34 Morks of IRatbaniel IfDawtborne seco:n^d sEssio:^r. 221. NOTES believed to have been written by Nathaniel Hawthorne in his boyhood. A series of Newspaper Cuttings extracted from "The Portland Transcript," 1880. Loose, in book form, title in MS. 222. THE CARRIER'S ADDRESS OF THE SALEM GAZETTE. Jan. i, 1881. Leaflet, pp. 8, i2mo, as issued. Salem: Printed by the Apprentices, r88i * Page 4 contains the statement supposed to be made by one of the Carriers in reference to the "Portraiture of Father Time," that " he had heard his grandfather say that Nathaniel Hawthorne had as- sisted a past generation of Carriers in writing that." [See No. 144.] 223. AN ANALYTICAL INDEX to the Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, with a Sketch of his Life. i2mo, cloth. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1882 224. THE COMPLETE WORKS OF NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE, with Introductory Notes by George Parsons Lathrop. Illustrations^ ivith etchings by Blum, Church, Dielman, and others. 12 vols, royal 8vo, original boards, uncut, with the labels, and mainly unopened. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1883 * Choice set. Large Paper copy, only 250 copies printed, this being No. 132. The first complete edition of the writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne, containing many valuable bibliographical notes and descriptive introductions. 225. DOCTOR GRIMSHAWE'S SECRET: A Ro- mance, Edited, with Preface and Notes, by Julian Hawthorne, Facsimile. 8vo, original cloth, uncut, and mainly unopened. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1883 * One of only 250 copies so issued. 226. DOCTOR GRIMSHAWE'S SECRET: A Ro- mance. Edited, with Preface and Notes, by Julian Haw- thorne. Etched frontispiece and facsimile. Thick royal 8vo, original boards and label, uncut and unopened. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1883 * Large Paper copy, only 350 copies printed, this being No. 215. 35 Ube Collection of 5* C Cbamberlain 227. DOCTOR GRIMSHAWE'S SECRET: A Ro- mance. Edited, with Preface and Notes, by Julian Haw- thorne. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1883 228. SKETCHES AND STUDIES. Portrait of Haw- thorne. i6mo, original cloth. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. [1883] * The Arnold copy, with book-label. Contains " The Ancestral Footstep," "Alice Doane's Appeal," etc. 229. TALES, SKETCHES and other Papers. With a Biographical Sketch. Portrait and vignette. 1 2mo, cloth (re- bound) (from Works). Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1883 230. NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE AND HIS WIFE; A Biography. By Julian Hawthorne. 8 etched portraits., Proofs on India Paper. 2 vols. Thick royal 8vo, original boards and labels, uncut. Cambridge: University Press, 1884 * Large Paper copy. Only 350 copies printed, this being No. 30. 231. THE CARRIER'S DREAM and the Broomstick Train. The Carrier Boys of the Salem Gazette and Essex County Mercury to their Patrons. Jan. i, 1891. 8vo, wrap- pers, pp. 12. Salem, 1891 * With the poem, "The Broomstick Train," by Holmes, which originally appeared in " The Atlantic Monthly " for Aug., 1S90. 232. WIDE AWAKE, Nov., 1 891 (containing an article "The Boyhood of Hawthorne") and a parcel of other mate- rial, some bibliographical. 233. THE ANNUAL ADDRESS OF THE CAR- RIER BOYS of the Salem Gazette and Essex County Mer- cury, Jan. I, 1892, Leaflet, as issued, pp. 8. * Contains a reprint of Hawthorne's " The Sister Years." 234. THE SCARLET LETTER. A Dramatic Com- position by George Parsons Lathrop, for Music by Walter Damrosch. Portrait. 8vo, wrappers, uncut, pp. 52. New York and T^ondon: The Transatlantic Publishing Company, 1896. * With autograph letter from the author with reference to tickets for the performance inserted. 36 Morfts of IRatbaniel Ibawtborne 235. MEMORIES OF HAWTHORNE. By Rose Hawthorne Lathrop. Portrait of Hawthorne. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co, , 1897 ^2>(i. [HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL).] The Corn- hill Booklet for Apl., 1901 (containing three Prose Sketches by Hawthorne from the American Magazine of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge, Boston, 1838), i2mo, paper, un- cut. Boston: Alfred Bartlett, 1901 237. NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE. By George E. Woodberry. Portrait of Hawthorne [on India paper). 8vo, original buckram and label, uncut and unopened. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1903 * Limited to 600 copies on Large Paper, this being No. 57. 238. THE BOWDOIN QUILL. Hawthorne Centen- nial Number, June, 1904. i2mo, original wrappers, uncut, pp. 23. [Portland, Me.:] Lefavor-Tower Co., 1904 239. THE PROCEEDINGS in Commemoration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of Nathaniel Haw- thorne, held at Salem, Mass., June 24, 1904. Portraits and view. 8vo, original half cloth and boards, uncut, with paper label. Salem, Mass. : The Essex Institute, 1904 * No. 33 of 250 copies printed. 240. FIRST EDITIONS OF THE WORKS OF NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE, together with some Manuscripts, Letters and Portrait, (By J, Chester Chamber- lain,) i2mo, original wrappers, uncut, pp, 69. New York: Grolier Club, 1904 *The valuable Bibliography of Hawthorne, written by Mr.Chamber- lain, containing the result of his careful research and investigation of Hawthorne's works, including all the rarities of the present collection, many of which have never before appeared in the auction room. 241. The same. Large Paper copy, with por- traits AND MUCH additional MATTER NOT IN THE REGULAR edition. Only 40 copies on Van Gelder paper, this BEING No. 4. Svo, original boards, uncut, in case. * The first Large Paper copy to be offered at auction. 242. CARRIER'S ADDRESS, to the Patrons of the Salem Gazette and Essex Co, Mercury. Rip Van Winkle in Salem. Leaflet, pp. 8, as issued. [Salem, no date] 37 1964' i r^' 'Cbe (Collection ot 3-. C. Cbamberlain 243- A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NATHANIEL HAW- THORNE, compiled by Nina E. Browne. Portrait. 8vo, original cloth, uncut, and with the paper label. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1905 * Only 550 copies printed, this copy being No. 114. 244. SILHOUETTE PORTRAITS of the Class of 1825 of Bowdoin College, including Hawthorne and others. On one sheet. 4to. 1902 Morh6 of ©liver McnbcU Ibolmcs, 245. THE HARVARD REGISTER. Complete set OF THE 12 NOS. MCH., 1827-FEBY., 1828, INCLUSIVE, ALL IN THE ORIGINAL PRINTED AVRAPPERS, UNCUT, AS ISSUED (the backs of 3 Nos. are slightly mouse-eaten and the upper corner of one cover is torn, otherwise the set is in exceptionally fine and rare state). 8vo. Cambridge: Hilliard& Brown, 1827-28 * These numbers contain Holmes' earliest printed effusions, written at college when a youth of sixteen. The work is of great rarity, having been conspicuously absent in the Arnold, Foote, and other noted collections. 246. HARVARD UNIVERSITY, Cambridge. Order of Performances for Exhibition, Tuesday, April 28, 1829. 8vo, leaflet, pp. 4 (corners defective, not affecting text). Cambridge: E. W. Metcalf and Co., 1829 * "No. 7, a Poem; 'Forgotten Ages,' Oliver Wendell Holmes, Cambridge." 247. ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE ATHENiEUM GALLERY OF PAINTINGS. (Containing 9 poems by O. W. Holmes.) Small 8vo, original wrappers, uncut (name torn from front cover, taking away the upper margin). Boston: Frederic S. Hill, 1830; {also) Poetical Illustra- tions OF the Athen^um Gallery (by W. G. Crosby), small 8vo, original wrappers, Boston, True & Greene, 1827, * An exceedingly rare item, and the first of a long list of pamphlets to which the poet contributed. The Arnold Collection lacked this item, nor was Mr. Foote, in his indefatigable search throughout the country, able to find an example. Laid in cloth case with flaps. A letter referring to it and MS. notes by Mr. Cham- berlain laid in. Mor[;5 ot ©liver 'Qmen&ell Ibolmes 248. THE COLLEGIAN. (Nos. IV, V and VI-May, June and July, 1830, on/y.) 8vo, original printed wrappers, uncut. Cambridge: Hilliard & Brown, 1830 * Contains several original poems by Holmes and others, and a prose sketch, " An After-Dinner Vision," by J. L. Motley, his first printed composition. A duplicate (re-issue) of part IV is included in the double number " IV and V." (4 Nos. in 3.) Rare. 249. THE AMATEUR: A Semi-Monthly Journal of Literature and Art. Nos. 1-9. 410, in the original wrap- pers, uncut. Boston: Frederick S. Hill, 1830 * There were 22 parts of this journal issued, containing (at least) 17 poems by Holmes, of which only eight were included in the col- lected edition of his works. The above numbers contain 12, and pos- sibly 13, of the poems. Rare. 250. YOUTH'S KEEPSAKE: a Christmas and New Year's Gift for Young People. Illustrated. 24mo, original boards, leather back, gilt edges (lacks one plate). Boston: Carter and Hendee, 1831 * Contains "Crossing the Ford" and "The Fairy World," by Holmes, two of his earliest literary productions. Neither of the poems has been collected. 251. THE HARBINGER: A May-Gift. 8vo, original cloth, with part of the paper label (some pp. spotted). Boston: Carter, Hendee and Co., 1833 * By O. W. Holmes, Epes Sargent and Park Benjamin. Seventeen of the poems in this volume were written by Holmes. A copy much TALLER THAN THE AVERAGE. LARGE PAPER (?). 252. POEMS. I By I Oliver Wendell Holmes. | rule | Boston: | Otis, Broaders, and Company, | MDCCCXXXVI. 8vo, original cloth, with paper label, uncut. Boston, 1836 * The author's first book. An unusually tall copy. This volume of poems is said to have " militated seriously against this respectable and abstemious physician," Holmes having a short time before its publication joined the Massachusetts Medical Society. Two different shades of cloth were used for the binding, the above being a very dark brown, and the other a brown of a lighter shade with different pattern. 253. LIBRARY OF PRACTICAL MEDICINE, pub- lished by Order of the Massachusetts Medical Society. Volume VII. 8vo, original cloth. Boston : Perkins and Marvin, 1836 *The Boylston Prize Dissertation for 1S36. containing, in addition to the Holmes contribution, others by R. W. Haxall and L. V. Bell. In 39 XTbc Collection ot 5. C. Cbamberlaln writing to C. W. Upham, some time after the awards, Holmes says.. "The Boyhton prize was almost unanimotisly aioarded to my dissertation . . .and it is someivhat pleasant to have to cut a Jifty -dollar prize under the guns of tzvo old blazers, -vho have each of them S7i>atnped their competitors in the preceding trials^ 254. THE BOSTON BOOK, edited by B. B. Thatcher. Vignette on tilk. lamo, original cloth. Boston: Light and Stearns, 1837 * With poems by Holmes, Whittierand others. A PRESENTATION COPY FROM HOLMES. 255. BOYLSTON PRIZE DISSERTATIONS for the Years 1S36 and 1837. Folding map of Neiv England in colors. 8vo, original cloth (slight stain on title). Boston: Charles C. Little and James Brown, 1838 * An autograph presentation copy from the author — " Dr. HURD, WITH the respects OF HIS MUCH OBLIGED SERVANT, O. W. Holmes." 256. THE AMERICAN FAMILY MAGAZINE, March, 1839. Royal 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Boston: Otis, Broaders and Co., 1839 *With the article: "A Week of Frailty," pp. 356-357, by Holmes. 257. HOMCEOPATHY and its Kindred Delusions: Two Lectures delivered before the Boston Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. i2mo, original boards, with paper label. Boston: William D. Ticknor, 1842 * Fine copy. Scarce in boards. Holmes hated Homoeopathy with a fierce hatred, and often spoke of it as a " Pseudo- Science." A PRESENTATION COPY FROM PIOLMES. 258. THE CONTAGIOUSNESS OF PUERPERAL FEVER. Read before the Boston Society for Medical Im- provement. 8vo, original printed wrappers, pp. 28. [Boston, 1843] * Very rare. Presentation copy from the Author, with INSCRIPTION IN his AUTOGRAPH: — " Ur. PIGELOW, WITH THE Author's respects." This is the first published edition of the famous Essay which produced such a storm of hostile criticism from the leading Professors of Obstetrics in the country, and which estab- lishes his claim to having made an original and valuable contribution to medical science. Only a few copies were printed for the Author's friends. 40 Morks of ©liver Mcn^ell iDolmes 259. THE POSITION AND PROSPECTS OF THE MEDICAL STUDENT. An Address delivered before the Boylston Medical Society of Harvard University, Jan. i2th, 1844. 8vo, original virrappers, pp. 28. Boston: John Putnam, 1844 PRESENTATION COPY. 260. The same. With Presentation Inscription in THE Author's Autograph: "■ Br. Ho/nans^ Tremoiit House.'" 261. THE BERKSHIRE JUBILEE, celebrated at Pittsfield, Mass., August 22 and 23, 1844. Illustrated. 8vo, original wrappers. Albany: Weare C. Little, 1845 * Scarce, in wrappers. Contains the Poem "Come back to your mother, ye children, for shame," by Holmes. 262. POEMS. i2mo, original boards, paper label, un- cut. London: O, Rich and Sons, 1846 *FiXE COPY. Contains eight Poems here first collected. 263. URANIA : A Rhymed Lesson. 8vo, original blue wrappers, pp. 32, Fine Copy. Boston: William D. Ticknor and Co., 1846 264. AN INTRODUCTORY LECTURE delivered at the Massachusetts Medical College, Nov. 3, 1847. 8vo, orig- inal wrappers, pp. 38. Boston: William D, Ticknor and Co., 1847 265. POEMS. New and Enlarged Edition. Vignettes. i2mo, original cloth, with 4 pp. of advertisements. Boston: William D. Ticknor and Co., 1849 * First ISSUE, pp. 272. Contains 9 Poems (including " Urania") now first collected. 266. POEMS. New and Enlarged Edition. Vignettes. i2mo, original boards, with paper label and 4 pp. of adver- tisements. Boston: Ticknor, P.eed and Fields, 1849 * Fine copy. Scarce, in boards. Second issue, pp. 2S6. Contains Prefatory Note (entirely different from the first issue of this edition) and five additional poems. 267. Another Copy, in original cloth, without the advertisements. 41 Ubc Collection of 5. C Cbamberlain 268. ASTRiEA ; The Balance of Illusions. A Poem de- livered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Yale College, August 14, 1850. i2mo, original glazed boards, with 4 pp. of advertisements. Fine Copy, Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 269. Another Copy, in original cloth. No advertise- ments were published in the cloth edition. Fine Copy. 270. PRACTICAL VIEWS ON MEDICAL EDU- CATION, submitted to the Members of the American Medical Association by the Medical Faculty of Harvard Uni- versity. 8vo, original wrappers (stamp on title), pp. 7. Boston; David Clapp, 1850 271. RESPONSE OF OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES, M.D., to the following Toast, proposed at the Entertainment given to the American Medical Association, by the Physicians of the City of New York, at Metropolitan Hall, on the 5th of May, 1853. Original Broadside Poem, 12 Stanzas of 8 lines each. Within ornamental border. Folio. New York: Baker, Godwin and Co. [1853] * Extremely rare. Not in Foley, or in the Arnold, Pyser, Foote, or any well-known collection. The Toast was: — " The Union of Science and Literature, — a happy marriage, the fruits of which are nowhere seen to better advantage than in our American //o/z/ies.'^ 272. LEAFLET, containing one of the Poems collected in "Songs in Many Keys," 1862, p. 124. Three stanzas, printed on the first leaf of a i2mo sheet, followed by 3 blank pages. Dated May ist, 1855. [n, p.] *Very rare. From the Library of Dr. S. S. Purple. The Leaflet is without title, but in "Songs in Many Keys" it appears under the heading of " A Sentiment." WITH LETTER FROM HOLMES INSERTED. 273. ORATION delivered before the New England Society in the City of New York. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 46. n, p., n. d. [New York, 1855] * Laid in is a very long and most interesting Autograph Letter erom Holmes (4 pp. 8vo, Boston, 1855), written in defence of some of his utterances in this oration. He says in part: "/ seni my Address to the Committee of the New England Society to-day, for publication. As soon as it is printed it will give 42 Morks of ©liver MeuDell llDolmes me great pleasure to send you a copy. I was not aware that T had spoken in 'defence of slavery' in that or anything else I ever pub- lished. In this address I started from the following assumptions that we are all agreed in giving every inch of ground to Freedom that we fairly can, and in reducing our own involuntary participation in slavery to the minimum consistent with our existeitce as a united peo- ple . . . I attacked a certain temper which I think is very prevalent in New England, and which is unfair to our Southern neighbors whom we have accepted as equals in the Confederacy . . . Well, sir, not three days elapsed before a leading paper edited by (a) New Ettg- land man in New York afforded all of us as good an illustration as could be desired of the spirit referred to. The Tribune, in one of its leading articles, instilled me personally in the most brutal manner — heaping all kinds of contefnpt on me, and suggesting that I should have been ducked by a Committee. Aly Address was conceived in the spirit of kindness, viy views tnay be very 'wrong, but I believe the^n true," etc. PRESENTATION COPY. 274. PUERPERAL FEVER, as a Private Pestilence. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 60. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1855 * The Arnold copy. A reprint of Holmes' famous Essay " Con- tagiousness of Puerperal Fever." This issue contains many pages here first printed. " Mrs. Hovey, from the Author," is lightly pencilled on the front wrapper in Holmes' hand. (Mrs. Hovey was probably the wife of C. M. Hovey, the noted Massachusetts horticulturist.) 275. THE SEVENTY-FOURTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTH-DAY OF DANIEL WEBSTER, celebrated at the Revere House, Boston, January 18, 1856. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 96. Boston: Office of the Daily Courier, 1856 * With the Poem "When Life hath run its largest round," by Holmes. 276. SPEECHES of Drs. Thompson, James Jackson, John Homans, O. W. Holmes, S. Durkee and H. W. Wil- liams, in Response to Sentiments offered at the Annual Din- ner of the Mass. Medical Society, Boston, May, 1856. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut, pp. 12. Boston: Traveller Printing House, 1856 277. VALEDICTORY ADDRESS to the Medical Graduates of Harvard University, March loth, 1858. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 15. Boston: David Clapp, 1858 43 Ube Collection of 5. C. Cbamberlafn 278. THE AUTOCRAT OF THE BREAKFAST- TABLE. With half title, engraved title and rubricated title and S illustrations. i2mo, original green cloth. Boston: Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1858 * Fine copy of the first issue. 279. THE AUTOCRAT OF THE BREAKFAST- TABLE. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1858 * Second issue, without engraved title or illustrations. 280. THE AUTOCRAT OF THE BREAKFAST- TABLE. 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston: Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1859 * The rare special issue on Large Paper, with the illus- trations. There were two issues on large paper, with and without the illustrations. 281. MEMORIAL OF THE COMMEMORATION by the Church of the Disciples of the Fiftieth Birth-Day of their Pastor, James Freeman Clarke, April 4, i860. Portrait. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Prentiss and Deland, i860 * With original poem by Holmes, pp. ig-21. WITH LETTER FROM HOLMES INSERTED. 282. THE PROFESSOR AT THE BREAKFAST- TABLE; with the Story of Iris. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, i860 * Fine copy. Laid in a letter from Holmes to F. S. Cozzens, author of " The Sparrowgrass Papers " in which Holmes refers To the Serial Publication of " The Professor," ^'Boston, Sept. 2j, iSjg. My dear Cozzens : I have just pulled 7tiy t7vo boats from East Boston, iOTving one after the other, and am sitting doiun to clean up my eleventh number for the Nov. Atlantic . . . The paper was a pet of mine, that is I thought {I) had worked out my conception more completely than per- haps in any character I have sketched. I thought, too, that J had woinanised tnyself pretty well, " etc. 283. THE PROFESSOR AT THE BREAKFAST- TABLE; with the Story of Iris. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. London: Sampson Low & Co., i860 *First English Edition. Autograph "Jane Brooks, Nov., 1862," on title. 44 Morfts of ©liver Men^ell 1[3olmes 284. CURRENTS AND COUNTER-CURRENTS IN MEDICAL SCIENCE. An Address delivered before the Massachusetts Medical Sociel5^ 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 48 (name on front wrapper). Boston: Tick n or & Fields, i860 285. The same. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, i860 286. ELSIE VENNER: a Romance of Destiny. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1861 * " Elsie Venner " was dramatized, and the play produced in 1S65 at the Boston Theatre. 287. THE ADDRESS OF MR. EVERETT AND THE POEM OF DR. O. W. HOLMES, at the Dinner given to H.I.H. Monseigneur the Prince Napoleon, Sept. 25th, 1861. 8vo, original glazed boards, uncut. Cambridge: Privately Printed, 1861 *FiNE COPY. Scarce. 288. BORDER LINES OF KNOWLEDGE in some Provinces of Medical Science ; an Introductory Lecture. i2mo, original cloth. Fine copy. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1862 289. SONGS IN MANY KEYS. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1862 290. SONGS OF THE WAR. Part I. i2mo, original illustrated wrappers, pp. 96, Albany: J. Munsell, 1862 * Fine copy. Scarce. With the Songs " Thus saith the Lord, I offer thee three things," " The Flower of Liberty," and " Voice of the Loyal North," by Holmes; also " Our Country's Call," by Bryant, and "The Cumberland," by Longfellow. 291. WAR-SONGS FOR FREEMEN, dedicated to the Army of the United States. i2mo, original wrappers, pp. 36. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1S62 * Contains at p. 32 "The Trumpet Song," by Holmes; its only appearance. HOLMES' OWN AUTOGRAPH COPY. 292. NEW ENGLAND'S MASTER-KEY. 4to, half crimson morocco, uncut, original wrappers bound in (loose in binding). [Boston, 1863] * Extremely rare. Author's copy, with the following AUTOGRAPH INSCRIPTION WRITTEN ON FIRST PAGE, " OnE OF SIX COPIES PRINTED, O. W. HoLMES." ThE ONLY KNOWN COPY. [See Reproduction.] 45 ZTbe Collection of 5, C. Cbamberlafn 293. THE LOYAL NATIONAL LEAGUE. Opin- ions of Prominent Men concerning the Great Questions of the Times, expressed in their Letters to the Loyal National League, New York, on the Anniversary of Sumter. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 72. New York: C. S. Westcott & Co., 1863 * Scarce. Not in the Arnold collection. Contains a letter from Holmes, and also one by Whittier. SIGNED PRIVATE COPY, WITH HOLMES' ANNOTATION AND TWO LETTERS. 294. ORATION I delivered before | The City Authorities of Boston, I on the fourth of July, 1863, | by | Oliver Wen- dell Holmes, | rule | Private Copy. | rule | Boston: | J. E. Farwell and Company, Printers, | 37 Congress Street. | 1863. | 4to, morocco, pp. 71. Boston: J. E. Farwell & Co., 1863 * Extremely rare. "The reader has before him the first DRAFT of the author's Address, turned into large, legible type, for the sole purpose of rendering easier its public delivery. It represents, therefore, a rough manuscript, without those ad- ditions, omissions, and emendations by which the text is commonly more or less changed between the earliest copy and the latest revised proof. By the liberality of the City Authorities, twelve copies, of which THIS IS ONE, were PRINTED, AND PLACED AT THE AUTHOr's DIS- POSAL. No Others were struck off with the exception of those which the printers were allowed to preserve as typographical specimens." Preface SIGNED in ink by Holmes: — " O. W. Holmes." Laid in are two letters from Holmes to Mr. Livermore, with reference to the above and others of his works. The letters are extremely interest- ing, telling how the copies are " very handsomely bound by the City Authorities," and with mention of " Mr. Sumner, Chief Justice Chase, and other dignitaries who were present to hear the success of Mr. Burlingame." Contains an autograph correction by Holmes on Page 59, and several words erased with pencil by him on Page 62. PRESENTATION COPY FROM HOLMES OF THE PRIVATE ISSUE. 295. The same. One of the rare private copies OF WHICH ONLY TWELVE WERE PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR'S USE. After the first draft was taken off (see preceding lot) the type was kept standing, some corrections and altera- tions were made and the oration was again printed in 4to, of which this is one of the copies. * With "Pru^ate Copy "on the title, all preliminary 4G MorI?3 of ©liver MenDell UDoImes LEAVES AND TEXT OF Ji PAGES COMPLETE. The above has Holmes' inscription on the title: " Frederick W. Lincoln laith the respects of Oliver Wetidell Holmes " and laid in are copies of three letters from Holmes to L. H. Chubbuck, referring to this and others of his works. 296. ORATION delivered before the City Authorities of Boston on the Fourth of July, 1863. 4to, full morocco, gilt edges. Boston: J. E. Farwell & Co., 1863 * Printed from the same type as the "private copy," BUT WITH corrections AS DELIVERED. This issue has 75 pages, inclusive of title. The title was reset, omitting " Private Copy," and the work repaged, with the addition of a half-title " Printed by Order of the Common Council." Rare. 297. ORATION delivered before the City Authorities of Boston on the Fourth of Jul)^, 1863. 8vo, original buff wrap- pers, pp. 60. Boston: Ticknor& Fields, 1863 * The first 8vo issue marked in pencil " Private copy," having MS. corrections showing the differences between this and the rare 4to edition, of which only 12 copies were printed. 298. The same. Printed by Farwell & Co., in 1863, and without the corrections. Name on front wrapper, an- other name erased. AUTHOR'S AUTOGRAPHED COPY. 299. LECTURE, 1863 (Private Copy). Royal 4to, half crimson morocco, uncut, original wrappers bound in (loose in binding). [Boston, 1863] * Extremely rare. Author's copy, with inscription in PENCIL BY the AUTHOR ON FRONT PAGE: — " OnE OF SIX COPIES PRINTED." The only known COPY. A letter of Holmes recently sold in New York referred to this item as follows: "/ /lad a lecture which 1 shall deliver in Providence printed in great primer — the largest type they had. I paid just forty cents a page — had six copies printed only ..." [See Reproduction.] 300. COMPLIMENTARY BANQUET given by the Council of Boston to Rear-Admiral Lessoffsky and the Offi- cers of the Russian Fleet at the Revere House, June 7, 1864. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 58. Boston: J. E. Farwell & Co., 1864 *Contains " Song of Welcome" by Holmes, not included in any edition of his Poems. 47 XTbe Gollcction of 5. C. Cbamberlain 301. SOUNDINGS FROM THE ATLANTIC. Vi- gnette on title. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1864 302. ORIGINAL PROGRAMME of the Memorial Services in Honor of Abraham Lincoln, the late President of the United States, at Music Hall, Thursday, June i, 1865. 8vo, pp. 4, within black borders. [Boston, 1865] * Contains the Hymn, " O Thou of soul and sense and breath," by- Holmes. 303. HARVARD COLLEGE. Commemoration Day^ July 21, 1865, with Poem "Union and Liberty," 5 Stanzas of 4 Lines each, by Holmes, set to music. Leaflet, pp. 4 (library stamp on front cover and has been folded). [Cambridge, 1865] 304. HUMOROUS POEMS. With illustrations by Sot Eytinge., Jr. 24010, original cloth (used copy). Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1865 305. TRIBUTE of the Massachusetts Historical Society to the Memory of Edward Everett (with Poem by Holmes, and Letter by Whittier). Portrait. Royal 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 90. Boston: Mass. Hist. Scty, 1865 306. THE GUARDIAN ANGEL. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1867 307. TEACHING FROM THE CHAIR AND AT THE BEDSIDE. An Litroductory Lecture delivered be- fore the Medical Class of Harvard University, Nov. 6th, 1867. 8vo, orig. wrappers, pp. 44. Boston : David Clapp & Son, 1867 * The Arnold Copy. 308. RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT OF THE CHINESE EMBASSY by the City of Boston. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 77. Boston: Alfred Mudge & Son, 1868 * Contains Poem, " Brothers, whom we may not reach," by Holmes; also, an Address by Emerson. PRESENTATION COPY FROM IIOT.MES WITH LETTER. 309. IN MEMORY OF FITZ-GREENE HAL- LECK. Poem, 5 Stanzas of 8 Lines each, written for the Dedication Services of the Monument erected to Halleck at Guilford, Conn., 1869. [n. p., 1869] *Leaflet, of 4 PAGES (2 blank). Privately printed by Holmes, POSSIBLY FOR DISTRIBUTION AMONG THE MEMBERS OF THE COM- 48 ^ *^^ £>;^1<^ ^^CuL^^^...^^ 'li.^ . I l^EW ENGLAND'S MASTER-KEY. The dust of the political battle-field, harder to breathe than the smoke of conflict, has blown away and left the air pure and still as a summer's morning. The country is startled to find itself so far in advance of all other civilizations, past and present. The eighth of November, 1864, marks the attainment of matm*ity, of majority, by the representative nation of humanity. Then it was that the nncrowned Queen of the West, the champion of seli- government, on trial for three generations, at length on that day subjected to the last dread ordeal, — walking over the red-liot ])lough-shares, — came forth unharmed, and Avithout the smell of fire upon her garments. The tri- umph of party is forgotten in the triumph of Liberty, of Mankind. The newly-elected administration is but 1 fSEE No. 292.] (y^^^ ^y A^ Gc/^^ /iu.,..u!Z<_ LECTURE. — 1863. [Private Copy.] The separation of the young from its parent is a very gradual process in the higher animals. After its coloniza- tion into atmospheric life it still maintains intimate rela- tions with the somxe of its being, and her blood, in an- other form, long continues to circulate through its system. There is one class of animals whose connection with the mother after birth is peculiarly close. They are born im- mature, and are caiTied about in natural sacks or pouches placed near the fountains from which they draw their support, and to which they are grafted almost as if they were part and parcel of the maternal system. The Aus- tralian kangaroo and the American opossum are well- known instances of this aiTangement. ^ Nations are only more complex organizations, Avhicli at certain stage of maturity have separated from their I parent slock as colonies. For a long period they continue [See No. 299.] Wioths ot ©liver IMenOell UDoImes MiTTEE. Autograph presentation copy from the author to James Grant Wilson — "James Grant Wilson, Esq., with the respects of O. W. Holmes." Specially interesting, as Gen. Wil- son read Holmes's Poem at the Services. Laid in is a letter [2 pp., i2mo] from Holmes to Wilson. "/ enclose you one of (he copies of the lines I have written for the dedication of Halleck' s monument. . . Von 7cdll, of course, keep them strictly to yourself until the day of celebration, etc. The Leaflet is also autographed at the end in full — Oliver Wendell Holmes." WITH LETTER FROM HOLMES LAID IN. 310. A DESCRIPTION OF THE DEDICATION OF THE MONUMENT erected at Guilford, Connecticut, in Honor of Fitz-Greene Halleck. Frontispiece {inew of tJie Monument). 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 39. Privately printed for the Committee by D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1869 * Fine copy. Rare. Contains the Poem — " In Memory of Fitz- Greene Halleck," 5 Stanzas of S Lines each, by Holmes. Laid in is a letter from Holmes to General James Grant Wilson, who, at the Ceremony, read the Poem by Holmes: " . . . It is unsafe to promise absolutely , where so much depends, on the foriu7ie of the moment; but you may be assured, that if I am favored zuith that half hour's inspiration, which is necessary, it will give me pleasure to send its result, as my tribute, to the meinory of the distinguished poet,'' etc. 311. A DESCRIPTION of the Dedication of the Monu- ment erected at Guildford, Conn., in honor of Fitz-Greene Halleck (with Poem by Holmes, Letter by Whittier, etc.). Frontispiece. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 39. '^FiNE COPY. New York: Privately Printed, 1869 312. ADDRESS delivered on the Centennial Anniversary of the Birth of Alexander von Humboldt, by Louis Agassiz. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 108. Boston: Boston Society of Natural History, 1869 *Contains the Poem, "Bonaparte, Aug. 15th, 1769 — Humboldt, Sept. 14th, 1769," by Holmes. 313. LECTURES delivered in a Course before the Lowell Institute in Boston by Members of the Massachusetts His- torical Society. 8vo, original cloth. Boston: Mass. Historical Society, 1869 ■^Contains " The Medical Profession in Massachusetts," by Holmes, pp. 257-301. 49 XTbe Collection ot 5. C, Cbamberlain 314. THE NEW ENGLAND TOUR of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 52. Boston: Bee Printing Co., 1869 * With the poems, " The Prince's Welcome," and " Our Fathers' Land," by Holmes. Two copies of the exercises in honor of Lord Renfrew, October 18, i860, containing "Our Father's Land," by Holmes, laid in. RARE AUTOGRAPHED LEAFLET. 315. CLASS POEM, '29. Leaflet, containing Hymn, 5 Stanzas of 4 lines each, dated Jan. 6th, 1869, commencing: " Thou Gracious Power, whose mercy lends The Light of home, the smile of friends," etc. *Very rare, but few copies having been printed. Ini- tialed AND numbered BY HOLMES, THIS BEING " NO. 12." From the Harvard Library. 316. HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN STEREO- SCOPE. Illustrated. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 16. * Scarce. n. p. [Philadelphia, 1869] 317. MECHANISM IN THOUGHT AND MORALS: an Address. i2mo, original clotli. Boston: James R. Osgood & Co., 187 1 318. The same (cover soiled). Autograph presen- tation COPY FRO.M THE AUTHOR, WITH INSCRIPTION: * " W. Victor Paulet, with the compliments of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Boston, May 28th, 1874." With a great many pencilled notes throughout, which may or may not be by Holmes, such as " Genius repays what it borrows; how many forgotten authors live again in Macaulay." " If we borrow from the ancients it is erudition, if from the moderns, plagiarism." Some are in the form of proof corrections, such as " Dr." Newman changed to "Cardinal " Newman. 319. THE CLAIMS OF DENTISTRY: an Address delivered at the Commencement Exercises of the Dental Department in Harvard University, Feb. 14th, 1872. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 35. Boston: Rand, Avery and Co., 1872 320. THE POET AT THE BREAKFAST-TABLE. Frontispiece. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co., 1872 50 Morks of ©liver Ment)ell UDolmes 321. CENTENNIAL OF THE BOSTON PIER, or the Long Wharf Corporation, 1S73. 8vo, original wrappers, PP- 38- Cambridge: John Wilson and Son, 1873 * Contains poem, " Dear Friends, we are Strangers," and an ad- dress by Holmes. 322. PROCEEDINGS of a Special Meeting of the Massa- chusetts Historical Society, December 16, 1873. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut, pp. 70. Boston : John Wilson and Son, 1874 * Contains the poem, " A Ballad of the Boston Tea Party," com- posed for the occasion by Holmes. 323. MEMORIAL SERVICES in Honor of Charles Sumner (with Hymn — "Once more, ye sacred towers," by Holmes, 3 stanzas of 8 lines each). Leaflet, pp. 4, as issued. Boston: Rockwell and Churchill, 1874 324. BUNKER HILL MEMORIAL, with Poem, "Grandmother's Story of Bunker-Hill Battle," by Holmes. Illustrated. 8vo, original wrappers. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co., 1875 325. DEDICATION of the Statue of John A. Andrew at Hingham, 1875 (with original Hymn, 6 stanzas of 4 lines each, by Holmes). 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 55. Boston, 1875 WITH LETTER FROM HOLMES. 326. FAIR PLAY. (A Collection of Riddles for a Fair at Waltham, Mass.) i2mo, original wrappers, pp. 20. Waltham: Phinney and Barry, 1875 * The Arnold COPY, with book-label. Fine copy. Rare. Laid in is the printed " Key to Fair Play," also a letter from Holmes to Osgood the publisher with reference to the Fair, etc. 327. SONGS OF MANY SEASONS, 1862-1874. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co., 1875 328. THE BOSTON MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL, May 24th, 1877. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 39- Boston: H. O. Houghton and Co., 1877 * Contains "An Address delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Boston Microscopical Society," by Holmes. 329. TRIBUTE of the Massachusetts Historical Society to the Memory of Edmund Quincy and John Lothrop Motley. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut, pp. 30. Boston: Mass. Historical Society, 1877 * Contains the Address (pp. 16-23) t>y Holmes. 51 Ube Collection of 3. C. Cbambcrlain 330. AN ADDRESS delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Boston Microscopical Society. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 12. Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1877 HOLMES' COPY OF HIS " FAMILY RECORD," WITH LETTER. 331. A FAMILY RECORD. WOODSTOCK, CON- NECTICUT, July 4th, 1877. 4to, original wrappers, pp. 11, in half morocco case. [Cambridge, Mass., 1877] * Extremely rare. Only a very small number were PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR's USE. WiTH AUTOGRAPH IN FULL: "Oliver Wendell Holmes" under the title. The Poem was delivered at the celebration at Roseland Park, within half a mile of where Holmes's father was born, and a short distance from where several generations of his ancestors lie buried. The Poem was intended to be a record of the Holmes' Family. Laid in is a very interesting letter from Holmes (2 pp. 8vo), July 5th, 1877, REFERRING TO THE PoEM ; also copies of Other letters containing information on the subject. 332. POETICAL WORKS. Household Edition. i2mo, cloth. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co., 1877 333. VISIONS: A Study of False Sight (Pseudopia), by E. H. Clarke. With an Introduction and Memorial Sketch by Holmes. Portrait. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1878 334- THE BOSTON MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL, Dec. 12, 1878. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 35. Boston: Houghton, Osgood and Co., 1878 * Contains the "Dedicatory Address at the opening of the New Building of the Boston Medical Library Association." LARGE PAPER COPY, WITH LETTER FROM HOLMES. 335. JOHN LOTHROP MOTLEY: A Memoir. Por- trait. Small 4to, original cloth, gilt top. Boston: Houghton, Osgood and Co., 1879 *The Arnold Copy, with book-label. Large Paper Copy, of which only a small number were printed. Laid in is a 3-pp. letter from Holmes to Robert C. Winthrop, referring to the above work, and other matters, dated Oct. 13th (1878), in which he says in part "... Dr. Ellis has told you how we have arranged it about the Memoir {of Motley'). It is altogether too long as I have writttn it for the ' Proceedings,' and I shall draw up one of reasonable length 53 Morfts of ©liver MenDell IfDOImes for the Society, omitting such portions as seem supcrjluous for our pages, and especially such as viight lead to differences of opinion within our own body. I shall then be at liberty to print a longer Memorial — something like a Biography — ojt my ozun respottsibility. Always faithfully yours, 0. W. Holmes." 12>(>. JOHN LOTHROP MOTLEY : A Memoir. Por- trait. Small 4to, original cloth gilt, gilt top. Fine copy. Boston: Houghton, Osgood and Co., 1879 * Memorial edition, unabridged, containing Poems by Bryant and Story. 337. JOHN LOTHROP MOTLEY : A Memoir. Por- trait. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Houghton, Osgood and Co., 1879 338. JOHN LOTHROP MOTLEY : A Memoir. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 72. Boston : John Wilson and Son, 1879 * Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 339. THE SCHOOL-BOY. With illustrations. 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston: Houghton, Osgood and Co., 1879 340. THE IRON GATE, and other Poems. Portrait. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1880 341. TRIBUTES to Longfellow and Emerson, by the Massachusetts Historical Society (Tributes by Holmes and others). Portraits. Royal 4to, original sheets, uncut and unopened. Boston: A. Williams & Co., 1882 * Large Paper, one of 29 copies printed on Whatman paper. 342. PROCEEDINGS AT THE DINNER given by the Medical Profession of the City of New York, April 12, 1883, to Oliver Wendell Holmes. Edited by W. M. Car- penter. Portraits. 8vo, original cloth. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1882 * With Poem " Have I deserved your kindness? nay, my friends," by Holmes. 343- PAGES FROM AN OLD VOLUME OF LIFE: A Collection of Essays, 1857-1881. i2mo, original cloth, Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1883 53 XTbe Collection of 5. C, Cbambcrlafn 344- ADDRESSES AND EXERCISES at the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Foundation of the Medical School of Harvard University, October 17, 1883. Illustrated. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut, pp. 55. Cambridge: John Wilson and Son, 1884 * Contains the Address (pp. 3-35) by Holmes. WITH FINE EMERSON LETTER. 345. RALPH WALDO EMERSON (Life, etc.). Por- trait. i2mo, new cloth, entirely uncut. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1885 * Only a small number were issued uncut. Laid in is an Auto- graph Letter Signed of two pages, i2mo, dated Beverly Farms, Jan. 21, 1882. To Mr. Stewart. ^^ I have ttever had my extra copies of my Emerson remarks or I should have sent yoti one . . . I never object to the reprinting of my poems, but the Publishers of the Atlantic insist on their Copyright, etc. " This is followed byavery interesting reference to Lowell: '^ I trust our Government will not repeat the treatment of Motley in the case of Low ell. ^^ 346. RALPH WALDO EMERSON (Life, etc.). Portrait. i2mo, cloth (American Men of Letters). Boston: Houghton, Mififlin and Co., 1885 347. A MORTAL ANTIPATHY. i2mo, original cloth, UNCUT. Boston: Houghton, Mififlin and Co., 1885 * Only a small number issued uncut. 348. COMMEMORATIVE SERVICES, King's Chapel, Boston, upon the Completion of Two Hundred Years, Dec. 15, 1886. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 14. [Boston, 1886] * With the Hymn " O'ershadowed by the walls that climb," by Holmes. 349. THE COMMEMORATION BY KING'S CHAPEL, BOSTON, of the Completion of Two Hundred Years since its Foundation, on Wednesday, Dec. 15, 1886; also Three Historical Sermons. Illustrated. 8vo, original cloth. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1887 *The Arnold copy, with book-label. Contains the hymn " O'ershadowed by the walls that climb," and the poem " Is it a weanling's weakness for the past," both by Holmes. 54 Morl?5 of ©liver Men^ell ITDolmes 350. OUR HUNDRED DAYS IN EUROPE. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1887 351. The same. Large Paper Copy, with portrait, and paper label, uncut. Only 100 copies were printed, this being No. 15. 352. BEFORE THE CURFEW, and other Poems, chiefly Occasional. i2mo, original cloth and paper label, uncut. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1888 * Only a small number were issued uncut. 353. OVER THE TEACUPS. Vignette on title. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1891 354. HORATIAN ECHOES. Translations of the Odes of Horace, by J. O. Sargent. With an Introduction by Holmes. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1893 355- THE POET AMONG THE HILLS. Oliver Wendell Holmes in Berkshire. Illustrated. i2mo, original cloth. Pittsfield : George Blatchford, 1895 * Contains some Poems here first published. 356. LIFE AND LETTERS OF OLIVER WEN- DELL HOLMES. By John T. Morse, Jr. Portraits. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1896 * The Arnold copy, with book-labels. WITH HOLMES LETTER. 357. The same. Large Paper copy. No. 163 of 275 copies, with portraits and facsiiniles on India paper. 2 vols. 8vo, original half holland and boards, uncut, mainly un- opened. Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1896 * Laid in is a short letter of Holmes. 55 XCbe Collection ot 5. C. Cbamberlain XilIlorh5 of Maebinotou llrvino* 358. IRVING (WASHINGTON). A Voyage to the Eastern Part of Terra Firma; or, the Spanish Main in South America, during the years 1801, 1802, 1803 and 1804. By F. Depons. Translated by An American Gentleman. Map (partly split at one fold). 3 vols. 8vo, original tree calf, yellow edges. New York: Printed by and for I. Riley, 1806 * The rare first issue of the First Edition, with several errors in the text, which were corrected in later issues. Fine copy, with the rare map. The work was translated by Irving, in collaboration with his brother Peter and George Games, and was his first literary production. A Boston critic having remarked that the translator was master of but little French and still less English, Irving humorously responded that since there were two of them, he would plead guilty to an im- perfect knowledge of French, while Games would confess to a simi- lar deficiency in English. 359. The same. Second Issue. With the map. 3 vols. 8vo, original sheep (one joint cracked, others rubbed). New York: I. Riley, 1806 360. SALMAGUNDI; or, The Whim-Whams and Opin- ions of Launcelot Langstaffe, Esq., and Others. 2 vols. (20 Nos., Jan., 1807-Jan., 1808) i2mo, full calf (both titles dated). 1808 * Some of the numbers are designated "Second," "Third," " Fifth Edition," etc., though Mr. Ghamberlain considered it as "undoubtedly the First Edition." 361. SALMAGUNDI. Portrait. 2 vols. i2mo, origi- nal sheep. New York: D. Longworth, 1808 * Both volumes dated iSoS, but some of the numbers included are of later issues than the first. Fine copy. 362. The same. Nos. VIII, X, XII, XIII, XV, XVII and XIX. Portrait. lamo, original wrappers, uncut, as issued. New York: D. Longworth, 1S07 * Nos. XII-XIX are first issues. Nos. VIII and X Second Edi- tion. (7 pieces.) 363. The same. With an Introductory Essay and Ex- planatory Notes by John Lambert. 2 vols, in i, i6mo, orig- inal cloth (loose in covers). London: J. M. Richardson, 181 1 * First English Edition. 56 Morfts of Masbinotou Unnno 364. A HISTORY OF NEW YORK from the begin- ning of the World to the end of the Dutch Dynasty. By Diedrich Knickerbocker. Frontispiece. 2 vols. T2mo, origi- nal sheep (name on title of Vol. 2, front cover loose and a few pp. slightly stained). New York: Inskeep & Bradford, 1809 * The Rare First Edition, with a fine impression of the folding view of New Amsterdam as it appeared in the year 1640. This was practically the author's first book, being the first original work brought out by him without the assistance of other hands. Like many others of the world's great literary performances, its inception was in a measure accidental. The success of Dr. Mitchell's little volume, " The Picture of New York," with its pretentious introduc- tory sketch of the City's history, prompted the youthful Irving to attempt something in the same line. The result was the immortal Knickerbocker, and it is doubtless true that the author derived more real gratification from the success of this work than from that of any of his later publications. In after years, on his return to New York, he expressed the greatest satisfaction on noting the universal celebrity of this creature of his fancy, so thoroughly had the name Knicker- bocker become identified with the city of his birth. 365. IRVING'S MANUSCRIPT NOTE - BOOK FOR "The Knickerbocker History of New York." 44 pp., crown 8vo, bound in the original limp green morocco. Labelled by Irving: ^"^ Notes for Knickerbocker " in ink on one cover, and on the other is pasted a label of white paper on which Irving has written, '■'■Azotes for Knickerbocker, 1S07-S." On the inside cover there is written: ''''Memorandum book of Washington Irving of Sunny side.''' * With the exception of a few blank leaves the book is filled with notes in ink and pencil in Irving's fine hand, the whole consti- tuting AN item of the highest LITERARY VALUE AS THE " Knickerbocker History " is considered never to have been EQUALLED BY ANY OF IrVING'S LATER WORK. It is well known that Irving and Dr. Peter Irving, his brother, planned to write this together, but the latter went to Europe for his health and the work was left entirely to Washington Irving. Their first idea was a mereyVw cC esprit in burlesque of Dr. Samuel Mitchell's "Picture of New York," and with that end in view they took vast quantities of notes, which began with an account of the aborigines. But on Dr. Irving's departure for Europe, Washington Irving dis- carded all that had reference to a later period than the Dutch Dyn- asty, and framed the work according to his own conception. It was prepared for publication at Ravenswood, and Irving had it printed 57 Ube Collection of 3. C, Cbamberlafn purposely in Philadelphia to prevent any idea of the real character of the work becoming known. Many of the passages in this Note Book are reproduced in FULL IN THE FiRST EDITION OF 1809 (see preceding lot), particularly those on pages lo and ii, and also an anecdote about the Mohawk Indians on an unnumbered page. Many memorandums occur, such as " Seek for etymology of Manhattan." " Consult Dutch History about 1610," etc. On page 6 et seq., are Irving's notes for the "Account of Diedrich Knickerbocker, as: ''^ His roo??t was full of papers which he would never suffer to be disturbed, etc.," enlarged in the 1809 edition, p. VIII, as follows: ''His room was always covered with scraps of paper and mouldy old books, laying about at sixes and sevens which he wo2ild ttever let anybody touch," etc. " Philosophic Speculations" (Chaps. I, II, Vol. I) are to be found on an unnumbered page. There are, of course, many allusions to Kieft, Stuyvesant, etc. [See Reproduction.] 366. A HISTORY OF NEW YORK, from the begin- ning of the World to the end of the Dutch Dynasty. Frontis- piece. 2 vols. i2mo, original sheep (first fly-leaf to Vol. i lacking). New York : Inskeep & Bradford, 1812 * Second Edition, with Alterations. The portrait of Knicker- bocker in Volume 2 is missing, though it contains a fine impression of the folding plate ot New Amsterdam in Volume i. 367. THE POETICAL WORKS OF THOMAS CAMPBELL. To which is prefixed a Revised and Im- proved Biographical Sketch of the Author. By a Gentle- man of New York [Washington Irving]. 32mo, original sheep (back slightly chipped). Philadelpliia: Edward Earle, 1815 368. BRIEF REMARKS on the " Wife " of Washing- ton Irving. [By Egbert Benson.] 8vo, unbound. Rare. New York: Grattan & Banks, 1819 369. THE SKETCH BOOK of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. Parts I and III to VII. 8vo, in the original printed wrap- pers, uncut (one cover of Part I defective and backs of three parts a little loose). New York: C. S. Van Winkle, Printer, I 8 I 9-' I 9-' J 9-' I 9-'20-'20, * Genuine first issues of all parts included. Of extreme rarity in wrappers, with all the points of identification. (6 pieces.) 58 Morhs ot WinsbuxQlon ITrving 370. MANUSCRIPT NOTES. 15 pp. 8vo, of MS. Notes in Irving's hand, apparently of miscellaneous character, un- signed, including 2 pp. of notes from " The Sketch Book," " Stratford-on-Avon," 3 pp. of descriptions of London Streets, and 4 pp. (that may be from " Tales of a Travel- ler "), etc. 371. A HISTORY OF NEW YORK, from the Begin- ning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty. Frontis- pieces^ after Washington Allston. 2 vols. t2mo, original boards, uncut (rebacked with cloth and a little stained here and there, though with the original labels). Philadelphia: M. Thomas, 1819 * The Third American Edition. 372. SALMAGUNDI; or, The Whim Whams and Opinions of Launcelot Langstaffe, Esq., and Others. 2 vols. i6mo, paper. New York: Thomas Longworth & Co., 1820 * Third Edition, with four stipple plates by Alexander Anderson now first published. 373- THE SKETCH BOOK of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. Vignette title. 8vo, original calf. London: John Miller, 1820 * First English Edition. 374. The same. The American Issue. (Nos. IV and VI only.) 8vo, original wrappers, uncut (front cover of IV lacking, which also has the wrong pagination). New York: C. S. Van Winkle, 1819-20 * First issue of No. VI. (2 pieces.) 375. The same. (Nos. VI and VII only.) 8vo, original wrappers, uncut (name on one title and several pp. damaged by a nail). New York: C. S. Van Winkle, 1820 * Both Nos. first issues. 376. The same. Odd Nos. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut (front covers of 2 Nos. lacking). New York, i82o-'22 * No. I, 1822; No. 2, 1820; No. 2, 1S22. All of later issues than the first. (3 pieces.) 377 A HUMOROUS HISTORY OF NEW YORK from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty. A New Edition. Frontispiece portrait of Knicker- bocker. 8vo, calf (somewhat rubbed). London: W. Wright, 1820 59 Zbc Collection of 5. C. Cbamberlain 378. BRACEBRIDGE HALL; or, The Humourists. A Medley. By Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. 2 vols. 8vo, orig- inal boards and labels, uncut (covers loose). New York: C. S. Van Winkle, 1822 379. The same. 2 vols. 8vo, original half cloth and boards, with labels uncut. London, 1822 * First English Edition. 380. The Second Edition, with new Preface. Four newly added Sketches and other variations. 2 vols. i2mo, original sheep (a little spotted and one cover missing). New York, 1822 381. TALES OF A TRAVELLER. By Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. Four Parts complete in one volume. 8vo, original tree calf, gilt (one cover loose and name on title). Philadelphia: H. C. Carey & L Lea, 1824 382. The same. Parts I, II and III only. 8vo, orig- inal wrappers, uncut. Philadelphia, 1824 * With the Publisher's Prospectus and List of Publications in Part III. 383. The same. First English Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, half roan, totally uncut. London: Murray, 1824 384. The same. 2 vols. i2mo, original boards and labels, uncut (binding somewhat loose and stained). New York: C. S. Van Winkle, 1825 * The Second Edition, sometimes erroneously described as the first, 385. LETTERS OF JONATHAN OLDSTYLE, GENT. By the author of the Sketch Book. With a Bio- graphical Notice. 8vo, original printed wrappers, uncut (back somewhat frayed). New York: Wm. H. Clayton, 1824 * The " Piiographical Notice" was written by Sam'l Woodworth, author of the " Old Oaken Bucket." Rare in wrappers. 386. The same. First English Edition. 8vo, orig- inal wrappers, uncut. London: Effingham Wilson, 1824 387. A HISTORY OF NEW YORK from the begin- ning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty. By Diedrich Knickerbocker. Frontispieces^ after W. Allston. 2 vols. i2mo, original sheep. New York : C. S. Van Winkle, 1824 * Fourth American Edition. m V rv r K'^.-f r ■ ( \3 jN hi ? \ K.: ^ |\ \ Morfts of Masbincjton Hrviuo 388. HISTORY OF THE LIFE AND VOYAGES OF CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. Map. 4 vols. 8vo, original boards and labels, uncut. London : John Murray, 1828 * First English Edition. 389. The same. 3 vols. 8vo, original half cloth and boards, with labels, uncut (some pp. spotted). New York: G. & C. Carvill, 1828 390. A CHRONICLE OF THE CONQUEST OF GRANADA. By Fray Antonio Agapida. 2 vols. i2mo, original half cloth and boards, with labels, uncut (foxed). Philadelphia: Carey, Lea & Carey, 1829 391. The same. Large Paper copy of the First Edition.. 2 vols. 8vo, original half cloth and boards, with labels, uncut. Philadelphia, 1829 392. The same (later issue). 2 vols. i2mo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia: Carey & Lea, 1831 393. IRVING'S MANUSCRIPT DIARY. SPAIN, 1828 AND 1829. i2mo, half roan, leather insets for pencil, 148 pp.; lettered in ink on cover by Irving: "'April 7, 1828., to March /, i82g.'" Mainly written in ink, with a few pages in pencil. Nearly every page covered with Irving's fine handwriting. * The Diary begins, after a few notes on the inside cover and first leaf, with: " Monday, April "j, 1828, arrived last evening at Gibraltar," and continues, with the loss of scarcely a day, to Saturday, 2S (Feb., 1S29). Mainly written at Seville, where Irving staid from Nov. 3, 1S28, through April, 1829. He did not return to New York until 1832. The Diary is naturally full of allusions to some of Irving's more important works, "Conquest of Granada," " Columbus," etc., which were written in those years. After giving on Apl. 11-12 a long description of his trip from Gibraltar to Cadiz, and becoming settled in Seville, the following are found to be interesting dates in this Diary: " Apl. 22: Sat to Wilkie. . . for my portrait. Apl. 26: Wrote chap, of Hist, of Granada. May 8: All day writing Hist, of Columb. May 17: Write Col. Aspinwall. . .enclosing deed of assessment of Columb." All during August he tells of correcting the MS. of Columbus, and. 61 Zbc Collection ot 3. C, Cbamberlain Aug. II, ^/ Jif^r., describes a trip to Palos, whence Columbus sailed, visits the Convent of La Rabida, the church where Columbus watched and prayed all night after his return, and sketches the chapel (filling one page of the note book). "Sept. I: Sent off... part of MS. of 'Conquest of Granada' (ar- ranging for the copyright at 2,000 guineas). Write to Mr. Carey of Philadelphia and sent him a copy of Knickerbocker to print a a new edition from." Sept. 3 to Oct. 3 is filled with data about his work; he notes writ- ing the Introduction to the History of Granada, Columbus, Balboa, his business arrangements with Murray, etc. Oct. 12, Notes Murray's offer to pay ^1,000 a year to conduct a monthly magazine, also his offer of 100 guineas an article for con- tributions for the Quarterly Review. On Nov. 6 he visits the Library left by Columbus. "Nov. 18: At Cathedral Library, receive letter from P. I[rving] in- forming me of literary piracy of my work of Columbus." [This excited Irving to write his own abridgment of the " Columbus " and send it off], as the next 3 days his entries are: " All day writing abridg. of Columb. Dec. iS: Send off . . . MSS. of abridgt. Dec. 20: Receive letter from Col. Aspinwall, dated Dec. 2, telling me part of the MS. of Conq. of Granada is missing [Chaps. 34 and 55]. Dec. 21: Unsettled all day; thinking of sailing for England to sup- ply the loss of the MS. of Conq. of Granada. Dec. 22: Search all my papers. . . By the merest chance find a memo- randum. . .stating contents of the missing chapters." [It turned out that the two missing chapters had been sent by Irving him- self in duplicate to Ebenezer Irving.] On Dec 27 he alludes to Murray's purchase of the Chronicle of Granada, and he says on "Dec. 31 : Thus ends the year. It has been one of much literary appli- cation, and, generally speaking, one of the most tranquil in spirit of my whole life. The literary success of The Hist, of Columb. has been greater than I anticipated and gives me hopes that T have executed something which may have greater duration than I anticipate for my works of mere imagination. Jan. I : Make notes of Stories of Don Ilermanos. Jan. 3. Wrote part of Story of ' Enchanted Soldier of the Alhambra ' . . . Receive. . .a diploma as corresponding member of the Royal Academy of History. Jan. 10: Write a little at. . .the Alhambra. Jan. 13: At the Library making notes from Oviedo for Vasco Nunez (Balboa). Jan. 26: Utterly incapable of writing. . .feel out of heart in conse- quence. Feb, I: Write at Chron. of Eng. and Spain. Feb. 18: Dinner in memory of Gen. Washington." 62 Morks of Masbinaton ITnnng There is another sketch of the Church of St. Augustine, some notes and little scraps jotted down on inside covers, such as " Vote never can tell what a man is worth until you know his wife" ; ' ' Friend- ship is short-winded, but enmity can climb a high hill"; " Great names are the Jewels of history bequeathed from age to age, which mankind will not willingly give up or suffer to be impaired," etc. [See Reproduction.] 394. VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES OF THE COMPANIONS OF COLUMBUS. 8vo, original half cloth and boards, with label, uncut. Philadelphia: Carey & Lea, 1831 395. THE ALHAMBRA; A Series of Tales and Sketches of the Moors and Spaniards. By the Author of the Sketch Book. 2 vols. i2mo, original half cloth and boards, with labels, uncut (one label rubbed). Philadelphia: Carey & Lea, 1832 396. The same. First English Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, original boards, uncut, with labels (covers of one volume loose). London: Henry Colburn, 1832 397. THE COMPLETE WORKS OF WASHING- TON IRVING. In one volume. With a Memoir of the Author. Engraved porb-ait by Blanchard. Thick royal 8vo, full stamped morocco gilt, gilt edges. Paris: Baudry's European Library, 1834 * First Collected Edition. 398. THE CRAYON MISCELLANY. By the Author of the Sketch Book. 3 vols. i2mo, original cloth and labels, top edges uncut (one vol. loose in covers). Philadelphia: Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1835 * No. I, A Tour on the Prairies; No. 2, Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey; No. 3, Legends of the Conquest of Spain. 399. A TOUR ON THE PRAIRIES. By the Author of the Sketch Book. Post 8vo, original boards and labels, uncut. London: John Murray, 1835. * First English Edition. Ube Collection of 3. C. Cbamberlafn 400. ASTORIA, or Anecdotes of an Enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains. Fohii?ig tnap. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea & Blanchard, i836> 401. The same. First English Edition. 3 vols, i2mo, original boards and labels, uncut (one back rubbed). London: Richard Bentley, 1836 402. THE NEW YORK BOOK OF POETRY. Vignette title by Dick. 8vo, original cloth gilt, gilt edges. New York: George Dearborn, 1837 * Contains poems: "The Falls of the Passaic," by Irving; "A Visit from St. Nicholas," by Clement C. Moore, and other pieces by C. F. Hoffman, Theo. S. Fay, Geo. P. Morris and others. Scarce. 403. THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS; or, Scenes, Inci- dents and Adventures in the Far West. Maps. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth and labels. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1837 404. AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED. 3 PP- 4to, New York, Mch, 29, 1839. To Col. Thos. Aspinwall, with leaf of superscription. * Fine, long letter. After discussing personal matters, when, as- he says: " / am obliged in these hard times to p lav the Financier, hav- ing been meddling with stones and mortar, and bills coming in upon me ..." he goes on to mention " The Rocky Mountains," issued in 2 vols., Phil. 1837: " By this packet you will receive further proof sheets of ' The Rocky Mountains ' . . . I hope you will be able to get a tolerable price for the 7uork: but with ruhaiever you get I shall feel satisfied, knowing that you always make the best bargain in your power ..." 405. ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN BONNE- VILLE; or, Scenes beyond the Rocky Mountains of the Far West. 3 vols. i2mo, original boards and labels, uncut. London: Richard Bentley, 1837 * First English Edition, and the first issue of the work with title as above. 406. THE WORKS OF WASHINGTON IRVING. Willi a portrait of tlie author. 2 vols, large Svo, original sheep (slightly rubbed and back of one vol. damaged). Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard, 1840 64 Merits of Masbinoton IFrvtno 407. BIOGRAPHY AND POETICAL REMAINS of the late Margaret Miller Davidson, lamo, original cloth, gilt. Bright copy. Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard, 1841 408. OLIVER GOLDSMITH: A Biography. Vignette portrait on title and full-page woodcuts. Square 8vo, full mo- rocco gilt, gilt edges. New York: Geo. P. Putnam, 1849 * First Illustrated Edition. 409. The same. Original cloth, gilt. New York: Geo. P. Putnam, 1849 410. The same. A New Edition, revised and en- larged. First issue thus. i2mo, original cloth. Bright £opy. New York: Geo. P. Putnam, 1849 411. ASTORIA; or, Anecdotes of an Enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains. Author's Revised Edition. Map. i2mo, cloth. New York: Geo. P. Putnam, 1849 412. LIVES OF MAHOMET and His Successors. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth, uncut (covers somewhat loose). * First English Edition. London: John Murray, 1850 413- A HISTORY OF NEW YORK. By Diedrich Knickerbocker. Illustrations by Darley. Square 8vo, cloth (poor copy). New York, 1850 414. THE ALHAMBRA. Author's Revised [and en- larged] Edition. With illustrations by F. O. C. Darley. Sq. 8vo, original cloth gilt, gilt edges. NewYork: Geo. P. Putnam, 185 i 415. AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED. (Initials.) 4 pp. 8vo, Endicott's Mills, Oct. 11, 1853. To Helen [Mrs. Pierre M. Irving]. * "/ have been every day on horseback riding about . . . the ro- mantic banks of the Patapsco . . . JSIy itiiention is . . to be in N'eia York on the 26th to attend a meeting of the executors of the As tor es- tate and the Trustees of the Library " etc. Followed by a tribute to Mr. Jas. G. King, just dead, also a member of the Board. Irving was one of the organizers of the Astor Library. 416. LIFE OF WASHINGTON. Portraits and maps. 5 vols. 8vo, orig. cloth. NewYork: G. P. Putnam & Co., i855-'59 417. WOLFERT'S ROOST and Other Papers now First Collected. Frontispiece and engraved title by Darley. i 2mo, original cloth. New York: G. P. Putnam & Co., 1855 65 Ubc Collection of 5. C. Cbamberlain 418. CHRONICLES OF WOLFERT'S ROOST and Other Papers. lamo, original clotli, uncut. Edinburgh and London: T. Constable & Co., 1855 * First English Edition. 419. THE LIFE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON. Illustrated Edition. 5 vols, royal 8vo, handsomely bound in half dark blue crushed levant, gilt tooled on back and sides, gilt tops, other edges uncut with the original green printed wrappers preserved, by Stikeman. New York: Geo. P. Putnam & Co., i856-'59 * A BEAUTIFUL SET of this handsome library edition, bound from selected parts and with brilliant impressions of the 102 portraits un- usually free from fox stains. Very seldom met with in such excep- tionally fine state. 420. IRVING VIGNETTES. Vignette Illustrations of the Writings of Washington Irving. Numerous fine en- graved plates, after Z)arley, Gilbert, Allston and others. Square 8vo, original cloth, gilt, uncut. New York: G. P. Putnam, 1858 * Fine copy of the first issue. 421. BRACEBRIDGE HALL. With 14 full-page steel plates by Schmolze. Square 8vo, original cloth gilt, gilt edges. New York: G. P. Putnam, 1858 422. IRVINGIANA : A Memorial of Washington Irving. (Including tributes by Longfellow and Bancroft, poem by J. R. Lowell, an unpublished letter by Irving, etc.) Portrait of Irving by Darley and facsimile of a portion of the original MS. of the '"Sketch Book."" Small 4to, original cloth, gilt. Fine copy. New York, i860 423. The same. Small 4to, in the original paper WRAPPERS. Rare in paper. 424. The same. Large Paper copy, one of no printed at the Riverside Press. With j portraits of Irving and facsimile, all on India paper. 4to, half morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. Scarce. 425. SALMAGUNDI ; or. The Whim-Whams and Opin- ions of Launcelot Langstaff, Esq. Engraved frontispiece and title. i2mo, original cloth. New York: G. P. Putnam, i860 * From the original edition, with a Preface and Notes by E. A. Duyckinck. MorT?s of Masbinoton IFrvfng 426. WASHINGTON IRVING (Memorial). Mr. Bry- ant's Address on his Life and Genius. Addresses by Everett, Bancroft, Longfellow and others. Mr. Allibone's Sketch of his Life and Works, etc. Photographic portraits. Square 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt edges. New York: G. P. Putnam, i860 427. THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF WASHING- TON IRVING. By his Nephew, Pierre M. Irving. En- graved portraits. 4 vols. Svo, original cloth, totally uncut. New York: G. P. Putnam, i862-'64 * Large Paper copy of the First Edition, of which only no copies were printed. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED LARGE PAPER COPY. 428. The same. Large Paper copy of the First Edi- tion, limited to no copies appropriately extra-illustrated by the insertion of upivards of jo fine steel plates., portraits., views., etc. An unusually choice copy. 429. SPANISH PAPERS and other Miscellanies, hitherto Unpublished or Uncollected. Arranged and Edited by Pierre M. Irving. Portrait. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth. New York: G. P. Putnam; Kurd & Houghton, 1866 430. A HISTORY OF NEW YORK from the Begin- ning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty. By Diedrich Knickerbocker. A new edition, containing unpub- lished corrections of the Author, with illustrations by Geo. H. Boughton, Will. If. Drake and Hoivard Pyle and etchings by Henry C. Eno and F. Raubicheck. 2 vols. Svo, original orange boards, gilt, totally uncut and unopened. New York: Printed for the Grolier Club, 1886 * This excellent publication of the Grolier Club of New York is the first edition that was printed from the Author's last revision of the text, completed at Sunnyside in 1848, the original manuscript from which it was taken being in the possession of one of the Members of the Club. The book is printed on Dutch paper from types copied from those used by the Elzevirs at Leyden in 1659 and is one of the most desirable and sought after of the Club's publications, at the same time being one of the handsomest editions ever made of this famous work. The illustrations — the frontispieces — are in three states. They in- clude views of " The Battery in 1670," "Fort New Amsterdam in 1651 " and "New Amsterdam in 1656, a facsimile of the earliest known print of New York City," etc. Only 177 copies were issued in all and the book is now rarely offered for sale. 67 Ubc Collection ot 3, C. Cbamberlain 431. WASHINGTON IRVING. A Sketch. By George William Curtis. Portraits and vien'S. 8vo, full red morocco, gilt tooled on back and sides, gilt top, uncut, as issued. New York: The Grolier Club, 1891 * Grolier Club Publication, limited to 344 copies on handmade- paper. Choice copy, with author's autograph inscription to Mr. Charles B. Foote. 432. KNICKERBOCKER'S HISTORY OF NEW YORK. With illustrations, illuminated page borders, etc., by Edw. W. Kemble. 2 vols. 8vo, half crimped russia gilt, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Geo. P. Putnam's Sons, 1894 * No. 23 of the Van Twiiler Edition with proofs of the numerous^ fine full-page illustrations on Japan paper. Edition strictly limited to 100 copies. 433. TALES OF A TRAVELLER. Beautifully illus- trated with numerous full-page illustrations, decorative page-bor- ders, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, half crimped russia gilt, gilt tops, uncut. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1895 *Buckthorne edition, with proofs of the plates on Japanese paper. No. 86 of only 100 copies so issued. 434. BRACEBRIDGE HALL; or. The Humorists. Numerous beautiful full-page illustrations, decorative page-borders, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, half crimped russia gilt, gilt tops, uncut. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1896 * Surrey Edition, with proofs of the plates on Japan paper. No. 19 of only 50 copies so issued. 435. THE ADVENTURES of Captain Bonneville, U. S. A., in the Rocky Mountains and the Far West. Di- gested from his Journal and illustrated from various other sources. Finely illustrated with numerous full-page plates, decora- tive page-borders, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, decorative white cloth, gilt extra, gilt tops, uncut. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898 * Choice copy of the Pawnee Edition. 436. KNICKERBOCKER TRUST COMPANY, New York. Annual Statement, July ist, 1903. ITith en- graved portrait of Knickerbocker on front cover. 8vo. New York, 1903 68 THIRD SESSIO:Nr. Morh5 of 1beni\^ Mabawortb Xonofcllow. 437. THE UNITED STATES LITERARY GA- ZETTE, and The United States Review and Literary Ga- zette, April I [i824]-Marcli 15 [1825], in 4to, and with 2 issues in duplicate in Svo; April i [i825]-Sept. 1 [1825, lacks Sept. 15] ; Oct. i [i825]-March 15 [1826, lacks March I, 1826]; April I [i826]-Sept. [1826, lacks May i, 1826]; United States Review and Literary Gazette, Oct. -Dec, 1826; Feb. , March, May and June, 1827. In the original wrappers, uncut, as issued (a few lack the wrappers). Boston: Cummings, Hilliard & Co., etc., 1824-27 * Very rare in the original wrappers. Many of Longfellow's early Poems appeared in this periodical, some of which have never been reprinted. The work was edited by William Cullen Bryant from October, 1S26, under the second title. 438. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS, selected chiefly from the United States Literary Gazette. Vignette on title. 12 mo, original half cloth and boards, entirely uncut, with label (top of title repaired). Boston: Cummings, Hilliard & Co., 1826 * Rare in this state. Of the 14 poems by Longfellow only 5 were retained and published in "Voices of the Night" and later edi- tions of his works. There are also Poems by Bryant and others. 439- THE ATLANTIC SOUVENIR ; A Christmas and New Year's offering, 1827. Illustrations {including a View of New York, engraved by Maverick). 32mo, original full green morocco gilt extra, gilt edges. Philadelphia: H. C. Carey and I. Lea, 1827 * Fine copy. Contains " The Song of the Birds " and " Burial of the Minnisink," by Longfellow, now first published; also, contribu- tions by Irving, Bancroft, and others. 440. THE ATLANTIC SOUVENIR for 1828. Illus- trations [including views of the Delaware Water Gap, Catskill Falls, etc.). 32mo, original boards, gilt edges (some pp. soiled). Philadelphia: Carey, Lea and Carey, 1828 * The original appearance of " The Spring of Poetry," by Long- fellow, afterwards issued in Cheever's Common-place Book of Poetry. Lacking in the Arnold collection. 69 XTbe Collection ot ?♦ C. Cbamberlafn 441. NOVELAS ESPANOLA. El Serrano de las Alpujarras; y el Cuadro Misterioso. i2mo, original half black cloth and marbled boards. Brunswick: Imprenta de Griffin, 1830 *A VERY CHOICE COPY OF THE FIRST ISSUE OF THE FiRST EDI- TION. Edited, with a Preface, by Longfellow (revised and reset in the later issues); also, with Dedication on verso of title that only appears in the first issue. Laid in are interesting cuttings with re- ference to this work. 442. The same. Fine copy of the second issue of THE First Edition, with revised Preface; the sheets of the first issue, with a new page printed and inserted, having been pasted on stub of original leaf. Contains the Dedication on verso of title. i2mo, new half cloth and boards, with label. Brunswick: Imprenta de Griffin, 1830 WITH EARLY UNPUBLISHED LONGFELLOW LETTER. 44.3. ELEMENTS OF FRENCH GRAMMAR. By M. Lhomond. Translated from the French, with Notes and such Illustrations as were thought necessary for the American Pupil, For the use of schools, by an Instructer (f/V), izmo, original cloth and printed label, entirely uncut (some pp. slightly stained). Portland: Samuel Colman, 1830 * The Arnold copy, with label, containing the half-title and the FOUR ERRATA SLIPS. When this copy was offered in the Arnold sale it only contained two errata slips. Very rare. Laid in is a long unpublished autograph letter signed, 3 pp. 4to. " Bowc/oin College, Apl. 14, i8jo" with leaf of Address: To Jas. Berdan [a few words torn away at the seal]. Important early literary letter full of youthful enthusiasm. He declares his intention of getting married "aj soon as circumstances shall permit me to commence negotiations luith the other party. . . . lam not engaged yet." . . . [However, in September, 1831, he married Mary Potter, of Portland.] " Have yoti and Pierre got through ivith your Law Book? I fancy we shall appear as brother bookmakers at about the same time; for I shall soon send you on a Grammar a7id Exercises — together xvith a volume of French Plays, which are forthco7ning from the prolific press of our village Printer. . . . I am going to write a Spanish Grammar , according to my o'cn ideas." This volume of "French Plays" was his "Proverbes Dramatiques," issued in 1830. The rest of this long letter is filled with personal allu- sions. His loneliness — ' 'buried in the dust and cobioebs of this cottntry college moth and rust begin to consume me." He says his exercise con- sists in " capering about 071 a zuhite horse with one eye." . . . "This exercise I take all alo/te, for I lead the life of a/i anchorite, ..." 70 XClorfts of llDenry Ma^svvortb Xonotellow 444. FRENCH EXERCISES; selected chiefly from Wanostrocht, and adapted to The Elements of French Gram- mar, by M. Lhomond. By An Instructer (sic). i2mo, orig- inal cloth and printed label, entirely uncut. Portland: Samuel Colman, 1830 * The Arnold copy, with label. Contains the two errata slips. Fine copy. Very rare. WITH IMPORTANT UNPUBLISHED LONGFELLOW LETTER. 445- ELEMENTS OF FRENCH GRAMMAR. By M. Lhomond. Translated from the French; for the use of Schools, by An Instructer (sic) ; a/so, French Exercises, selected chiefly from Wanostrocht, and adapted to the Ele- ments of French Grammar by M, Lhomond, by An Instructer (su). 2 vols, in I. i2mo, original cloth (spotted) and with part of the original label, totally uncut (library stamp erased from title). Portland: Samual Colman, 1830 * Fine copy. Very rare. Some pages of the " Exercises" are UNOPENED. The Grammar contains 5 errata slips (the Arnold copy only contained 2). The Exercises contains both errata slips. Laid in is a long unpublished letter, dated June 27, Bowdoin College, Maine, 4 pp. 4to (2 pp. more being cross- written). After giving an account of his daily routine, he says: "Last Term {Spring of 1830) I ivas publishing books for the use of my pupils . . . This term I am writing a course of lectures on modern literature — or rather on French, Spanish and Italian litera- ture ... / sent you my Grammar and Exercises and a volume of French Comedies about three iveeks since . . ." Then follows a highly interesting reference to his Earliest Poetry: ^ "/ am proud to have your favorable opinioft of those little poetic attempts ivhich date so many years back. I had long ceased to attach any kind of value to them and indeed to think of them . . . Since my return I have vjritten a piece and a half, but have not published a line. You need not be alarmed on that score. I am all prudence novj since I can form a more accurate judgment of the merit of poetry. If I ever publish a volume it ivill be many years first . . ." 71 Ube Collection of 3. C. Cbamberlafn 446. MANUEL DE PROVERBES DRAMAT- IQUES. i2mo, original cloth with label, totally uncut. Portland: Samuel Colman, 1830 * "Tome I," first issue, with pp. 156, and without table of con- tents and errata, issued with the more complete volume later in the same year. Contains preface (in French) of seven pages (Foote cata- logue says five) by Longfellow. Laid in is a note of Mr. Chamber- lain giving particulars as to what pages were reset in the later issue. PRESENTATION COPY. 447. MANUEL DE PROVERBES DRAMAT- IQUES. i2mo, original cloth with original label, totally UNCUT, many pages UNOPENED. Portland: Samuel Colman, 1830 * A REMARKABLY FINE COPY OF THIS RARE BOOK. PrESFNTATION COPY, WITH INSCRIPTION IN THE AUTHOR'S AUTOGRAPH, AS FOL- LOWS: " With the respects of the Author." With preface of seven pages (in French) by Longfellow. This is the complete work which contains pp. 2S8, table of contents, and errata. Page 288 is mis- printed 18S-. 448. LE MINISTRE DE WAKEFIELD. i2mo, original half cloth, and with the paper label intact, Boston: Gray et Bowen, 1831 * A FINE COPY OF ONE OF THE RAREST OF LONGFELLOW'S BOOKS. The Arnold copy. 449. NOVELAS ESPANOLAS. El Serrano de las Alpujarras ; y el Cuadro Misterioso. i 2mo, original half cloth and boards (name on title). Brunswick: Imprenta de Griffin, 1831 * Second edition, with revised preface similar to that of the second issue of the first edition, and without the dedication on vsrso of title. The title is reset, showing different spacing. 450. ELEMENTS OF FRENCH GRAMMAR. By M. Lhomond. Translated from the French, with Additional Notes by H. VV. Longfellow. Second Edition, 1831; also^ French Exercises, selected chiefly from Wanostrocht, and adapted to the Elements of French Grammar by M. Lhomond, by An Inslructer {sic^. Second Edition. 2 vols, in i. i2mo, original half cloth and boards, with paper label (single label " French Grammar "). Boston: Gray and Bowen, 1831 * The Arnold copy, with book-label. The first book bearing Long- fellow's name on the title-page. With the leaf of advertisement. This second edition was revised and enlarged. 73 morfts of IfDcnr^ Ma6swortb XouGfellow 451. DE PORQUET'S ITALIAN PHRASES; or, II Fraseggiatore Toscano. Third Edition, by Carlo Alfieri. Revised and improved by the American editor. lamo, ■cloth, paper label on side. Boston, 1832 * Unidentified as a Longfellow item, but placed by Mr. Chamber- lain in his Longfellow collection. 452. NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW for April, 1831, and January and April, 1832. 3 nos. 8vo, wrappers. Boston, 1831-32 * The numbers for 1S32 have acknowledged articles by Longfellow; in that for 1831, an article on the French Language maybe by him. 453. MANUEL DE PROVERBES DRAMAT- IQUES. Seconde Edition. i2mo, original half cloth and boards, with the original label (name on title). Boston: Gray et Bowen, 1832 * Second edition, with additions and the leaf of errata. Two of the pieces were omitted in the third edition. WITH UNPUBLISHED LETTER FROM LONGFELLOW, RELATING TO IT. 454. SAGGI DE'NOVELLIERI ITALIANI d'Ogni Secolo. 1 2mo, original cloth and label intact, top edge uncut. Boston: Gray et Bowen, 1832 * With preface in Italian (2 pp.) by Longfellow, and leaf of errata. The Arnold copy with book-label, also book-label of Isaiah Dole. Fine, and unusually tall copy. Laid in is a long, unpublished letter from Longfellow, three pages, 4to, dated Bow- doin, July 6, 1832, written partly in French, in which he says speak- ing of the above : " ' Saggi de Novellini Italiani ' ivill appear immedi- ately, and the second edition of ^ Proverhes Dramatiqites' is actually off the press. I will send you copies of both as soon as published, as well as my ' Italian Grammar . . ." The book was probably published early in July, as the Bowdoin College Library contains a copy with inscription dated July, 1832. 455. SYLLABUS DE LA GRAMMAIRE ITALI- ENNE. Par H. W. Longfellow. i2mo, original red cloth and paper label. Totally uncut. Boston: Gray et Bowen, 1832 * The very rare first issue of the First Edition, with the error on the advertisement leaf, and with no errata slip at the end. Later issues have the advertisement entirely reset with other cor- rections, including a slip of errata. 73 Ube Collection of 5, C. Cbamberlafn 456. SYLLABUS DE LA GRAMMAIRE ITALI- ENNE. First issue of the First Edition, with the " points " of the above, and having a line under " Bowdoin- College " on the title-page. This copy has the edges cut as issued. i2mo, original black cloth. Boston: Gray et Bowen, 1832 457. The same. i2mo, original cloth and paper label, totally UNCUT. BostOH : Gray et Bowen, 1832 * Second issue of the first edition, with the errata slip at the end. The original advertisement page has been removed by some former owner, but a copy of the corrected page has been inserted in its place. 458. THE TOKEN: a Christmas and New Year's Pres- ent. Edited by S. G. Goodrich. Illustrations. i2mo, orig- inal embossed roan, gilt edges. Boston: Gray and Bowen, 1832 * Contains " The Indian Summer," a story by L[ongfeIIovv]. 459- COPLAS DE DON JORGE MANRIQUE. Translated from the Spanish; with an Introductory Essay on the Moral and Devotional Poetry of Spain, By Henry W. Longfellow. i2mo, original cloth and with part of the orig- inal label. Boston: Allen and Ticknor, 1833 * Fine copy. Rare. The first separate i'uhlication of the Poet, containing 2 sonnets: "Nature and Art," and " The Two Harvests," from the Spanish of Francisco de Medrano that have never been reprinted. Longfellow also wrote the preface (4 pp). Of the sale of the book, Longfellow wrote to Green: " I am to have half the profits — if there may be any — in books from the publishers^ store! " OUTRE-MER IN WRAPPERS, WITH AN UNPUBLISHED LETTER RELATING TO IT. 460. OUTRE-MER: A Pilgrimage | Beyond the Sea. | No. I, I (Quotation, 6 lines) | Boston: | Hilliard, Gray & Co. I M DCCC XXXIII. No. II. I (Quotation, 6 lines) | Bos- ton: I Lilly, Wait, and Company. | M DCCC XXXIV. 8vo, No. I in the original marbled printed wrappers, uncut. No. II in the original blue printed wrappers, uncut. The date " 1833" has been added in ink on the title of Part I, underneath the Roman numerals. Boston, 1833-34 * Possibly the finest copy in existence, both volumes being almost as fresh as on the day of issue. extremely 74 Morl?5 of IFDcnri^ Ma^swortb Xonotellow RARE IN ANY CONDITION. SiZE OF NuMBER I, Q^ X 5J^ inches; No. II, 9 15/16 X 6 inches. In comparison with the ordinary measurements of this work, it may be assumed that Part II (and perhaps both parts) may be Large Paper copies. Each volume is laid loosely in a half crimson morocco case, lettered on the side, and both enclosed in a full crimson levant morocco solander case, richly tooled, by Bradstreets. Laid in is a long four-page letter from Longfellow to . Geo. W. Greene, hitherto unpublished, in which he says, relating to this book : " Bo'wdoin College, July 16, iSjj. Last week I sent you by mail the Jirst number of ' Outre- Afer.' I do not yet know how the book will succeed zuith the public as it is just published and I have not heard from my booksellers. No. 2 will be put forth some time in autumn. I have also another little book in the press, a translation of the Coplas de Don Jorge Manrique — the original to be printed with the translation... Is it (s\c) printing in Boston. Well — and ivhat do you suppose the profits of this writing and printing to be? — -A mere nothing: I do maintain that the ptiblish ers of our country are as niggardly a set as ever strapped fingers at a poor devil author. If the luhole edition of Outre- Mer, No. i, sells, I shall make fifty dollars. Of the other book {Coplas de Don Jorge Manriqtie) I am to have half the profits — if there are any — in books from the publishers' store. Prodigiously encouraging!" PRESENTATION COPY. 461. OUTRE-MER: A Pilgrimage beyond the Sea. 2 vols, in I. 8vo, old half calf. Boston: Hilliard, Gray and Co., 1833, and Boston: Lilly, Wait and Co., 1833-1834. * A COPY of the highest association interest, being a presentation copy from Longfellow to his friend George Washington Greene, with inscription in his autograph: "George W. Greene, with author's best regards, Brunswick, May 31, 1834." Enclosed in a full crimson levant morocco solander case, richly tooled by Bradstreets. This copy measures %% inches x 5 3/16 inches. 462. OUTRE-MER: A Pilgrimage beyond the Sea. No. II. 8vo, original blue boards, and with the paper label (some pages stained), Boston: Lilly, Wait and Co., 1834 * Rare in boards. Measures 2)}4 inches x ^% inches. 463. OUTRE-MER : A Pilgrimage beyond the Sea, 2 vols. i2mo, original green embossed cloth, with 32 pp. ad- vertisements in Vol. I. New York: Harper and Bros., 1835 * First complete edition. The new material in this edition con- sists of two chapters in Vol. i and the whole of Vol. 2. 75 Xlbe Collection of 3. C» Cbamberlafn 464. THE BOSTON BOOK. Being Specimens of Metropolitan Literature. [Edited by H. T. Tuckerman.] (With Poems by Longfellow, Holmes, Whittier, etc.) Vignette title. i2mo, original cloth (somewhat spotted). Boston: Light & Horton, 1836 465. THE PORTLAND SKETCH BOOK. Edited by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens. Vignette of '"'' Diamond Cove, Port- land Harbour" on title. i2mo, original embossed cloth. Portland: Colman and Chisholm, 1836 * Contains the poem " The Village of Auteuil," by Longfellow; also sketches by N. P. Willis and others. 466. BOWDOIN PORTFOLIO, MDCCCXXXIX, conducted by the Undergraduates of the Bowdoin College. 8 numbers. 8vo, original wrappers (various colors), uncut. Brunswick: Press of Joseph Griffin [1839] * All issued. Fine copy. Very rare in this state. With name D. R. Goodwin on several wrappers. Contains " Leaves from ' Hyperion,' an Unpublished Romance, by Prof. Henry W. Longfellow," which was published in book form a few weeks later. Three of the numbers contain articles on American Poetry with ref- erences to and selections from Bryant, Longfellow, Whittier, Holmes and others. WITH IMPORTANT UNPUBLISHED LETTER SHOWING WHAT LONGFELLOW HIMSELF THOUGHT OF "HYPERION." 467. HYPERION: A ROMANCE, by the Author of " Outre-Mer. " 2 vols. 8vo, original boards and paper labels, uncut (recased and slight tear, neatly repaired, on half title of Vol. I). New York: Samuel Colman, 1839 * A VERY FINE COPY, ALMOST AS FRESH AS ON THE DAY OF ISSUE: the first of Longfellow's works written in his Cambridge home — in the Washington chamber of Craigie House. Laid in is an important autograph letter signed, show- ing WHAT Longfellow himself thought of "Hyperion," to George W. Greene, dated Cambridge, Oct. i, 1839, 2 pp. 4to [unpub- lished] : "/ have been rending asunder some of the Boston cob^vebs of prejudice . . . by publishifig a strange kind of a book 7vhich I have the audacity to call a Romance. . . . The Boston papers are very savage, and abuse vie shockingly: for all of 7vhich I aju very glad; inastnuch as it proves to me that (he book is good. . . . It has had a 76 Morks ot UDeurg Mat>swortb Xonotellow _/?«if run and a large edition sold in a few weeks. I have now in Press a volume of poems, tinder title ^ Voices of the Night,' contain- ing all I have written since my residence here — some of my earlier pieces and sotne translations. . . . Hyperion is as mtich a Romance as Childe Harold or the Roman de la Rose. . . . I shall sefid yon a copy of the book as soon as I can find an opportunity." On the same letter-sheet is a note from Jared Sparks to Greene about a life of Gen. Greene. The latter had evidently sent this to Longfellow to read and comment on, as the first part of Longfel- low's letter is filled with such allusions. 468. VOICES OF THE NIGHT. i2mo, original boards and paper label, uncut. Cambridge: John Owen, 1839 * Longfellow's first volume of poems. The first edition was printed from type, the later editions were "to be stereotyped." Rare in the original boards, uncut. Contains " The Psalm of Life," "The Reaper and the Flowers," and six other poems, some of which had appeared in the Knickerbocker Magazine ; also, seven earlier poems, "An April Day," "Hymn of the Moravian Nuns at Bethlehem," etc., all of which were composed before the author was nineteen. Autograph of H. M. Ticknor on fly-leaf. 469. The same. Third Edition. Royal 8vo, original glazed boards, totally uncut, with new cloth back. Cambridge: John Owen, 1840 * Large Paper copy. Very rare. This (the third) edition was entirely reset, and contains many corrections. In a letter written on Dec. 20, 1840, by the author to his father he says: '■'■ My third edi- tio7i (of the Voices) is published, and is quite superb. . . . The fourth is now printing — the third, a large-paper edition, beitig only tivo hundred and fifty copies," etc. 470. The same. Eighth Edition, original boards, 1843; Tenth Edition, original illuminated wrappers, 1844; Twelfth Edition, original boards and label, 1848. 3 vols. i2mo, all uncut. Cambridge, 1843-4-8 471. MANUEL DE PROVERBES DRAMA- TIQUE3. Troisieme Edition. [Edited, with a Preface,, by Longfellow.] i2mo, original cloth and label. Fine copy. Boston: Munroe et Compagnie, 1840 * The Arnold copy, with book-label. 77 XTbe Collection ot 5» C. Cbamberlain WITH LONGFELLOW'S AUTOGRAPH CORRECTIONS. 472. POEMS ON SLAVERY [with Autograph changes]. i2mo, original glazed yellow wrappers (back soiled and one missing), pp. 31, followed by four leaves of advertisement, front and top edges cut, bottom edges uncut. Cambridge: John Owen, 1842 * First Edition. The copy corrected by Longfellow, and used by the printers as the "copy" for the New York Edition of Longfellow's Poems published by Harper's in 1846, and referred to (by Longfellow, Feb. 4, 1846), as "a cheap edition in one vol dbl col's" These "Poems on Slavery" had been omitted from the Phila. 1845 Edition, for which Longfellow was severely criticized. His autograph corrections in this copy [for Harper's use], which was stereotyped and printed by A/etcalf &> Co., Cambridge, are as follows: The addition of four words and a date in the note on p. [6], accu- rately followed by the printers in the new issue, p. 52 ; The cancellation by Longfellow of the quotation from Massinger on p. [7] ; and A pencilled library endorsement on p. [4] that this copy was the '■' gift of E. Mctcalf &= Co. of Cambridge." 473. POEMS ON SLAVERY, ismo, original glazed wrappers, uncut, with advertisements (7 pp.), Cambridge, John Owen, 1842; Second Edition of the same in the original glazed wrappers uncut, with the 7 pages of advertisements, printed on slightly thicker paper than the First Edition, Cambridge, John Owen, 1842; and the the rare pamphlet containing seven of the " Poems" reprinted by the New England Anti-Slavery Association, 8 pp., no cover, but title at top of Page T as follows: "Tract No. i. Poems on Slavery. By H. W. Longfellow " [1843?]. (s pieces.) * Three very rare items: Enclosed in a full crimson morocco solander case, richly tooled, by Bradstreet. Mr. Chamberlain noted 21 variations in punctuation in the editions, with a textual difference in the third verse of " The Quadroon Girl," where "Reached" is misprinted " Reach," and his notes to this effect are laid in. 474. BALLADS AND OTHER POEMS. i2mo, original glazed boards, rebacked with cloth, uncut. Cambridge: Published by John Owen, 1842 78 Morfts of ITDenr^ Ma&svvortb Xonofellow 475- BALLADS AND OTHER POEMS. Third Edition. Royal 8vo, original glazed boards, with paper LABEL UNCUT, AND MAINLY UNOPENED. Cambridge: Published by John Owen, 1842 * Fine copy on Large Paper. Contains " The Skeleton in Armor," " The Wreck of the Hesperus," " The Village Blacksmith," and others. Large paper copies in fine condition (like the above) are VERY RARE. 476. THE SPANISH STUDENT. A Play in Three Acts. i2mo, original boards, with paper label, uncut. Cambridge: John Owen, 1843 *FiNE COPY. Rare in boards, uncut. Enclosed in solander case, of crimson crushed levant morocco, richly tooled, by Bradstreets. 477. The same. i2mo, original glazed boards and paper label, uncut. Cambridge: John Owen, 1843 * The Arnold copy, with book-label. Fine copy. '■" Abby Fiske, from her friend, C. B. Tilden, Nov. 28, 1S4J," on half title. 478. The same. Sixth Edition. i2mo. Original illuminated wrappers, uncut, pp. 183. *FiNE COPY. Cambridge: John Owen, 1844 479. THE WAIF. A Collection of Poems. i2mo, origi- nal illuminated wrappers, uncut. Cambridge : John Owen, 1845 * Rare. With the exception of a few pages being spotted, a very FINE COPY, with the wrappers intact. Edited by Longfellow, who contributed the Poem, " The Day is Done." 480. POEMS. With illustrations by D. Huntington. Thick 8vo, full morocco, richly tooled on back and sides, gilt edges. Philadelphia: Carey & Hart, 1845 * Contains a fine portrait of the author. Nineteen poems appear for the first time in this volume. They were afterwards included in the "Belfry of Bruges and other Poems." The "Poems of Slavery" are not included in this volume. 481. THE POETS AND POETRY OF EUROPE. With Introductions and Biographical Notices. By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Portrait of Schiller and engraved title {tvhich contains numerous views, etc.). Thick royal 8vo, original cloth, gilt. Philadelphia: Carey & Hart, 1845 * This collection of poems, consisting of selections from a large number of European poets, contains biographical introductions by Longfellow, who made many of the translations. This is the first issue printed by Metcalf & Co. of Cambridge, where the author lived at the time of publication. The second edition (also dated 1845) was printed by T. K. Collins of Philadelphia. 79 Zhc Collection ot 5. C Cbamberlafn 482. THE BELFRY OF BRUGES and other Poems. lamo, original illuminated wrappers, uncut. Cambridge: Published by John Owen, 1846 * Choice COPY. Rare. The wrappers are dated 1S45. 483. THE POEMS OF HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW. Complete in one volume. 8vo, half calf, gilt, UNCUT. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1846 * Fine copy. The Foote copy, with bookplate, engraved by E. D. French. Contains the Poems on Slavery omitted from a later issue of this edition. 484. OUTRE-MER: A Pilgrimage beyond the Sea. i2mo, original cloth, with pp. 3-4 of the advertisements. Boston: William D. Ticknor and Co., 1846 * Revised and altered edition. 485. THE ESTRAY: A Collection of Poems, izmo, original boards, rebacked with cloth, some pages uncut, with the 4 pages of advertisements, dated Jan. i, 1847. Boston: William D. Ticknor & Co., 1847 * Edited by Longfellow, who wrote the Proem. Contains poems by Whittier, Lowell, Emerson, Bryant and others. There was also an issue in illuminated wrappers. [See next lot.] 486. The same; with the four pages of advertise- ments. In the original illuminated wrappers, uncut (wrap- pers a little worn and library stamp on title). Boston: William D. Ticknor & Co., 1847 487. EVANGELINE: A Tale of Acadie. i2mo, origi- nal glazed boards, rebacked with cloth, uncut, and with nearly all of the original paper label, with advertisements, 4 pp., dated October i, 1847. Boston: William D. Ticknor & Co., 1847 * Genuine First Issue, with all the " points." Laid in is a MS. note by Mr. Chamberlain, with reference to copies of the first edition that he liad examined, with interesting comments. Written on title is: " of Boston . . . Bu7tis(on. 7'o H. G Kinnerd, Boston, 2nd Novefnber, 1S47." Enclosed in crimson crushed levant morocco solander case, by Bradstreets. 488. The same. Second, Third and Sixth Editions. 3 vols. i2mo, original boards, uncut (one rebacked and one back missing). Boston: Ticknor, 1848 80 Morfts of IfDenri^ Ma&swortb XouQteUow 489. THE MODERN PULPIT: A Sermon preached at the Ordination of Samuel Longfellow, at Fall River, Mass. , February i6th, 1848. By John Weiss. With the Right Hand of Fellowship and Address to the Society. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 36 (piece torn from front wrapper). Fall River: Printed by Henry Pratt, 1848 * Fine copy. Scarce. Contains an original hymn written for the occasion by Longfellow, "Christ to the young man said; 'Yet one thing more.'" From Longfellow's Journal, Vol. 2, p. 109: " S{amuel) retur^ied from Portland. Read to him the chant I ■wrote for his ordination . . . a midnight thought. He likes it, and will hear it sung." PRESENTATION COPY FROM LONGFELLOW. 490. KAVANAGH: A Tale. i2mo, original brown cloth, uncut. Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1849 * A COPY OF SPECIAL INTEREST, BEING A PRESENTATION COPY TO Theodore S. Fay (author of " Norman Leslie"), with inscrip- tion IN Longfellow's autograph: " Theodore S. Fay, Esq., WITH THE regards OF THE AUTHOR, May, 1849." The first issue of the first edition without the publisher's list in front. The above and the three following copies of the same work are all different issues of the first edition. 491. The same, with variations on pp. 25, 96 and 132. i2mo, original brown cloth, top edges uncut. Boston, 1849 492. The same, with variations on pp. 180 and 188, the last line of p. 173 ending "To Cecilia," and the pub- lisher's list dated May i, 1849. i2mo, original brown cloth, uncut. Boston, 1849 493. The same, with variations on pp. 173 and 188, and with the 4 pp. of advertisements dated May i, 1849. i2mo, original brown cloth, uncut. Boston, 1849 494- THE POEMS OF HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW. Complete in one volume. Vignette on title. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. New York: Harper & Bros., 1849 * Fine copy. Contains, in addition to the poems in the edition of 1846, " Evangeline," now first issued with other poems. 81 Zbc Collection ot 5. C Cbamberlatn 495. POEMS. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth, top edges uncut and some pp. unopened, the 4 pp. of advertisements, dated March i, 1850. Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 * New edition of the collected poems, containing "The Seaside and the Fireside." Several typographical errors in this edition were corrected in later issues. 496. THE BOSTON BOOK: being Specimens of Metro- politan Literature (with poems by Longfellow, Whittier, Holmes, and a Sketch by Emerson), Vignette title. i2mo, original cloth (one signature loose). Boston: Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1850 PRESENTATION COPY TO MISS SEDGWICK. 497. THE SEASIDE AND THE FIRESIDE. i2mo, original boards, paper label, and 4 pp. of advts., uncut. Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 * First Issue. Rare in boards, uncut. Presentation copy FROM the author TO CATHERINE Maria Sedgwick (author of " Hope Leslie " and other popular American stories), with inscrip- tion IN Longfellow's autograph: " Miss Catherine M. Sedgwick, with the author's regards and best wishes. December 25, 1849." 498. THE SEASIDE AND THE FIRESIDE. i2mo, original brown cloth, uncut. With advertisements, 4 pp., dated Oct. i, 1849. Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 * This, the first issue, contains words at pp. 25, 76, etc., that were altered in later issues. PRESENTATION COPY. 499. THE GOLDEN LEGEND. Vignette on title. i2mo, original cloth (worn), and 4 pp. advertisements, dated Oct., 1851. Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851 * Presentation copy, with inscription: " From the Author " IN Longfellow's autograph. 500. THE GOLDEN LEGEND. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 185 1 501. THE SONG OF HIAWATHA. i2mo, original brown cloth, top edges, uncut, others rough. Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1855 * Contains the advertisements, 12 pp., dated Nov., 1855. Pp. 314-316 contain a vocabulary. 83 MorI?5 of 1[3cnr^ MaDswortb Xonotellow PRESENTATION COPY TO G. W. GREENE. 502. THE SONG OF HIAWATHA. Portrait of the author engraved by Henry W. Smith. 8vo, original blue cloth gilt, gilt edges. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1856 * Large Paper copy and of special association interest, BEING AN autograph PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR TO G. W. Greene (grandson of Major-General Greene, of the Revo- lutionary Army, and author of the standard life of Major-Gen. Greene, which is dedicated to Longfellow), with inscription in HIS AUTOGRAPH AS FOLLOWS: " G. W. GREENE FROM HeNRY W. Longfellow, October 10, 1863." This edition is scarce, not in the Arnold, Foote and other important collections. 503. POEMS. Complete in two volumes (including '• Ttie Golden Legend " and " Hiawatha "). Portrait. 2 vols. 32mo, original cloth gilt, gilt edges. "Blue and Gold" Series. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1857 504. PROSE WORKS (including "Driftwood"). Por- trait. 2 vols. 32mo, original cloth, gilt edges. "Blue and Gold " Series. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1857 505. THE COURTSHIP OF MILES STANDISH, and other Poems. i2mo, original brown cloth. With the advertisements of 11 pp., fore edges of some leaves uncut. Fine COPY. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1858 * Laid in is a copy of a letter from Longfellow referring to it. 506. GIFTS OF GENIUS. A Miscellany of Prose and Verse by American Authors. i2mo, original cloth, gilt edges (poor copy). New York: C. A. Davenport [1859] * Contains the original appearance of " My Secret" by Longfel- low; also, original poems by Aldrich, Holmes, Lowell, and others. The preface was written (and signed) by Bryant. AN UNKNOWN ISSUE OF THE NEW ENGLAND TRAGEDY IN PROSE, WITH UNPUBLISHED LETTER. 507. THE I NEW ENGLAND TRAGEDY. | BOS- TON: I TICKNOR AND FIELDS. | M DCCC LX. [i860]. I2mO, SHEETS, FOLDED AND UNTRIMMED. EncloSCd in a case made to represent a volume beautifully bound in full crimson crushed levant, elaborately gilt tooled on the sides with broad gold borders and center-piece, ornamental back, broad inside dentelle borders, leather joints, corn- 83 TLbc Collection of ?. G. Cbamberlain colored watered-silk double and end papers, solid gold edges, by Bradstreets. This exquisite case in turn preserved in a handsome solander case of the same color of morocco gilt; the whole an original idea of Mr. Chamberlain, who had this and Poe's " Al Aaraaf " similarly cased in order to preserve them properly as well as to accentuate their ex- treme rarity. *NOT PUBLISHED. ThIS AND THE COPY IN THE LONGFELLOW Library are the only copies known of " The New England Tragedy " in prose — the first form of the two Tragedies kept unpublished until 1868, and then sent out under the altered title "John Endicott " instead of " Wen lock Christison." It is here printed as first written, in prose, and was entirely rewritten and cast into verse before publication in 1868. It finally formed the first portion of Part III of the " Christus." Collation: Title, p. (i); p. (ii), blank; " Dramatis persons, p. (iii); p. (iv), blank; text, p. (i)-i30. Size of leaf, untrimmed, 7^ by 4^ inches. Heading throughout " Wenlock Christison." Laid in is a four-page letter from Longfellow to Greene, dated " Cam- bridge, Feb. 7, 1S68," in which he says: " / have been working very hard this last week, and have almost re-written the ' New Eng- land Tragedy' in verse. Only tivo or tlu-ee scenes remain. It is greatly improved, though it is not yet what J mean it shall be . . ." [Unpublished.] The following extracts from his Journal relate to it: "Aug. 27, 1857: Finished this morning first rough draft of Wenlock Christison." " Aug. 27, 1858: I am now going to try a scene in Wenlock Christison. I write, accordingly, scene second of act first." " Mch. 14, 1859: Fields came out and I read him two acts of Wen- lock Christison, with which I do not think he was much struck." The drama was probably put in type in June, i860, and a very few copies printed to be left apparently almost un- noticed FOR nearly eight YEARS. [See Reproduction.] 508. THE SHIP OF STATE. BROADSIDE POEM of 22 lines, issued by the Loyal National League at the Sumter Mass Meeting, April 11, 1863, at Union Square [New York]. Royal 8vo. New York: Office of the Rebellion Record [1863] * Very rare. The last 22 lines of " The Building of the Ship " collected in " The Seaside and the Fireside," 1850. 84 THE NEW ENGLAND TRAGEDY. BOSTON: TICK NOR AND FIELDS M DCCC LX. [See No. 507.] 1 ^ I -^ O E L L' Academic en respect, Nonobstant I'incorrection, A la faveur du sujet, Ture-lure, N'y fera point de rature ; Noel ! ture-lure-lure. Gui-Barozai. CAMBRIDGE 1864 [See No. 510.] Morks of IFDcnrp Ma&3Wortb Xongfellow 509. TALES OF A WAYSIDE INN. Engraved title. i2mo, original cloth, some edges uncut. With the advertise- ments of 22 pp. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1863 THE COPY SENT BY LONGFELLOW TO AGASSIZ WITH THE "BOTTLES OF WINE." 510. NOEL. i2mo, 8 pp., full crimson straight-grained morocco, inside gilt borders, by the Club Bindery. Cambridge: [Privately Printed], 1864 * Presentation Copy. Only a small number privately PRINTED AND VERY RARE [only 5 copies kiiown]. On Christmas, 1864, Longfellow wrote this little poem in French to Agassiz and sent it to him with a few bottles of wine, which were impersonated in the poem as pilgrims from beyond the sea, bringing a Christmas greeting to the master of the house. This is the identical copy so SENT, as it bears ON THE TITLE [in pencil] ''F7'om Longfellow by L' Agassiz " in the hand of the latter. It would be difficult to find a volume of greater Association interest. Inserted is an eight-page letter from Longfellow to Greene, dated Dec. 27, 1864 [initialled], mainly concerning his translation of Dante, in which he says: " I send you a ' iVoel' -which I wrote the other day to go with so?>ie bottles of wine to Agassiz. As they tell their own story, I xuill not tell it for them here. I hope it will amuse you as much in reading as it did tne in writing." A short letter from Agassiz, his signature and a small portrait inserted, as well. [See Reproduction.] 511. HOUSEHOLD POEMS. With illustrations by John Gilbert, Birket Foster and John Absolon. 24mo, original wrappers. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1865 * The poems "The Bridge of Cloud," "Palingenesis" and " Christmas Bells" appear in this volume for the first time in book form. They were afterwards included in " Flower de Luce." 512. A SHORT MANUSCRIPT ENTIRELY IN THE HAND OF LONGFELLOW, ENTITLED '' From a Romance soon to be issued by Ticknor 6^ Fields^'' dated Nov. 3, 1866, unsigned. * A delightful little extravaganza of which Longfellow himself is the subject. Apparently unpublished and written by Longfellow for the purpose of cheering Geo. W. Greene in one of his times of despondency. He describes an evening spent alone, at Craigie Hall, in the following way: " The Cavalier e di San Lazzaro sat alone in the banquet hall of Castle Craigie . . . The repast was one that Brillat- Savarin or Lucullus might have eiivied . . . The first dish was of scollops, sent 85 Ube Collection of 3^, C. Cbamberlafn fro7n the Island of Rhodes [Greene lived in Rhode Island] by the Knight of the Green Mantle, who religiously kept the shells to show that he had been in the land of Outre-mer . . . he drank a goblet of delicious wine of Trinacria and silently proceeded with his solitary repast . . . a humble sausage, a glass of claret from whose parent stock Montaigne, Sire D'Eyqtiem or Huon de Bordeaux may have eaten grapes. . . . Then rising like a giant refreshed the Cavalier withdrew to his donjon keep . . ., etc.^' 513. THE COMPLETE WORKS OF HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW. Revised Edition. Portrait on India paper. 7 vols, small 8vo, original half cloth and paper labels, uncut. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1866 * Large Paper Copy. No. 6 of 100 copies printed. Mainly- unopened. This edition contains the paper on "Ancient French Romances" here first published in a collected edition of his works. PRESENTATION COPY FROM LONGFELLOW. WITH LETTER. 514. THE DIVINE COMEDY OF DANTE ALI- GHIERI: Inferno; Paradiso; Purgatorio. 3 vols, thick royal 8vo, original cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1867 * Fine set. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Presen- tation COPY FROM THE TRANSLATOR, WITH INTERESTING INSCRIP- TION IN HIS AUTOGRAPH: " To George Washington Greene, with the memories of forty years the tra7islator. " May I, JS67." Laid in is a four-page letter from Longfellow to Greene, dated Camb., Mch. 25, 1S64, in which he says: " Have you remembered or noticed that the days and dates of 1864 correspond with those of the Dantesque ijoo . . . Five hundred and sixty-four years ago to-day Dante descended to the c\tX.2L dolente; aiid to-day with the first two cantos of the Inferno in my hand I descended among the Printer's Devils, the Alalebranche of the University Press . . . Did you notice the beautiful a^id endless aspiration so artistically and silently sug- gested by Dante in closing each part of his Poem with the word ' Stiller" SIS- THE DIVINE COMEDY OF DANTE ALI- GHIERI. Translated by H. W. Longfellow. 3 vols, royal 8vo, original cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Pine copy. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1867 516. FLOWER-DE-LUCE. With illustrations. Square i6mo, orig. cloth, gilt edges. Boston : Ticknor and Fields, 1867 86 Morfts of Ibenry Ma^swortb XouofcUow PRESENTATION COPY OF THE FIRST ISSUE OF THE POETIC VERSION, WITH LETTER. 517. THE NEW ENGLAND TRAGEDIES: I, Wenlock Christison; II, Giles Corey of the Salem Farms. i2mo, original half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. [Cam- bridge: Privately Printed at the University Press], 1868. * The extremely rare privately printed first issue of the POETIC VERSION, OF WHICH ONLY lO COPIES WERE PRINTED (this being No. 2), OF the highest association interest, being a PRESENTATION COPY FROM LONGFELLOW TO HIS FRIEND, GeORGE \V. Greene, with the inscription: " George W. Greene, witk affectionate regards of the Author, May 6, 186S." Laid IN IS A four-page letter of Longfellow to Greene, dated Cambridge, Apl. 5, 1S6S, in which he says: " ' The Nezv Engla7td Tragedies' are nearly printed, though there have been the usual interruptions and delays without which Bigelow would not be Bigelow and the wheels of life jvould run too smoothly.'* The book was originally written in prose [see lot No. 507], but was never published. Mr. Chamberlain's copy and that in the Longfellow Library are believed to be the only copies in existence of the i860 prose version. In the ordinary first issue (Boston, i8j8) Part I is "John Endicott," not " Wenlock Christison," as above. Longfellow's name does not appear as the author of this volume which contains material not reprinted in the regu- lar issue. Lacking in the Arnold, Foote and other collections. The first copy to be offered at auction. Enclosed in a handsome crimson morocco solander case, by Bradstreets. [See Reproduction.] 518. THE NEW ENGLAND TRAGEDIES: John Endicott, Giles Corey of the Salem Farms. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1868 *A copy of special interest with " Corrections in manuscript (that) show differences between this published edition and the earlier pri- vately printed editions. Made from a copy which had on flyleaf in Longfellow's autograph: ' George Stewart, Jr., with kind regards of the author,' QX.C. — Luther S. Livingston." The privately printed issue is very rare, only 10 copies having been printed. The text corrections in the above, making it correspond with the privately printed issue, are in the hand of Mr. Livingston. 519. The same. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1868 87 Ubc Collection of 3, C. Cbamberlafn 520. THE NEW ENGLAND TRAGEDIES. The same. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. London: George Routledge and Sons, 1868 * First English Edition. Evidently set up from the privately printed issue, with many names and other features that appear only in that issue. LETTERS OF LONGFELLOW TO CHAS. SUMNER. 521. AUTOGRAPH LETTERS SIGNED [Six] [Initialled] letters from Longfellow to Chas. Sumner, Dec. 25, 1851, to Nov. 8, 1870. * June 21;, 1854: " We have just had a pleasant visit from Laur- ence, the English Artist {it'ho) staid ten days . . . and made a portrait of me for Routledge in London destined to adorn a new illustrated edition of Poejns." May 28, 1856: " Your speech is the greatest voice on the greatest subject that has been uttered.^' Jan. 30, 1859: Describes the scene in his study and the children playing around there: " Prescoit died on Friday last . . . what a loss this is to us . . . I sent you proceedings etc. of the Burns Festival . . . Emerson's speech is charming." Feb. 13, 1859: ^' L had two great pleasures yesterday, First, your letter . . . Secondly a dinner given by Lowell to Darley . , . The Atlantic flourishes. Holmes is in full blast with his ' Breakfast Tabic' . . . Dana has gone to Havana," etc. 522. THE BUILDING OF THE SHIP. With illus- trations. i2mo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston: Fields, Osgood & Co., 1870 PRESENTATION COPY FROM LONGFELLOW. 523. THE DIVINE TRAGEDY. Vignette 071 title. 8vo, orig. cloth gilt, gilt edges. Bost. : James R. Osgood & Co., 187 1 * Large Paper Copy of special association interest, being A presentation copy from the author to one of his friends, with inscription in his AUTOGRAPH: " MrS. C. P. GREENE, WITH KIND regards AND GOOD WISHES OF THE AUTHOR, CHRIST- MAS, 187I." Wrril UNPUBLISHED LETTER RELATING TO IT INSERTED. 524. The same. Vignette on title. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co., 1871 * First issue. Laid in is a four-page letter [unpublished] from Longfellow to G. W. Greene: " Camb., Dec. i^, 1871, I send you to-day by t>iail a copy of ' The Divine Tragedy. ' I am sorry it is of the small size; but the larger ones have not been sent to me. You shall have one of them 70 hen you come.'' [See previous lot.] Morfts of Ibenri^ Ma&3vvortb XouGtellow WITH MS. VERSE AND LETTER OF LONGFELLOW. 525. EXCELSIOR. JVif/i 12 illustrations by Fred. T. Vance. i2mo, original pictorial wrappers, pp. 12. New York: The Excelsior Life Insurance Company, 1872 * First separate edition. Laid in is the first stanza of THE POEM written IN THE AUTHOr's AUTOGRAPH, AND SIGNED. " The shades of night were fallings fast " As through an Alpine village passed " A Youth who bore 'mid snow and ice " A Banner with that strange device Excelsior." " Henry W. Longfellow, Jan. 1855." Rare. Originally issued by the N. Y. Excelsior Life Insurance Company as an advertisement, and with a full-page advertisement of the Company as the last leaf (which has been extracted from this copy). Many of the copies of this issue of the Poem were destroyed by fire. Printed without the sanction of the publisher, who threat- ened a suit for infringement, but the case was never brought to Court. Laid in is also a very interesting letter (4 pp. i2mo) FROM Longfellow, giving particulars regarding his famous Poem: " Cambridge, Dec. sy, 18^4. I recollect perfectly when the poem of ' Excelsior ' was written, though I have forgot/en zvhen aftd where it was first published. It was zvritten at midnight, September sy, 1841, and if you will take the trouble to look i7ito the nos. of the ' Knickerbocker^ for the last mtmbers of that year I think you ivill find the piece in one of them.^' 526. THREE BOOKS OF SONG, i2mo, original cloth. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co., 1872 * Laid IN is an unpublished letter from Longfellow to George W. Greene, dated Cambridge, Apl. 14, 1872: " This week I have the proof sheets of Judas Maccabetts . . . The new volume tvill be called ' Three Books of Song ' ; the first being the Wayside Inn; the second Judas Maccabeus ; and the third, Translations. This is in order to give a new title which the Publishers think very important, as it pre7jents confusion." It was published on May 25, and on May 27, he sent a copy to Greene. PRESENTATION COPY. 527. CHRISTUS : A Mystery. 3 vols. i2mo, original cloth, Boston: James R. Osgood and Co., 1872 * Presentation copy from Longfellow to his friend George Washington Greene, each volume bearing the fol- lowing in the autograph of the poet : " G. W. G. from H. W. L., Nov. 25, 1872." The first issue with error on page 71 of Vol. 2, " Set Sail" for " Sail Set." 89 Zbc Collection ot ?. C. Cbamberlafn 528. AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED (Initialled). 4 pp. 8vo. Cambridge, Jan. 5, 1872, addressed '"'' My dear Professor "" [C. E. Norton?]: "All day I have been in Detimark,ihat is to say I have had a Dane ivith 7ne %vho brought me a letter from Andersen." Mentions Scudder, Howells, etc. PRESENTATION COPY WITH UNPUBLISHED LETTER. 529. AFTERMATH. Frontispiece. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co., 1873 * First issue of the First Edition, with "Little cared "on page 54, afterwards changed to " Or." Presentation copy from Longfellow, with " From the author, 1873,'' in his auto- graph. Laid in is a four-page letter [unpublished] from Longfellow to G. W. Greene: " Nahant, Aug. 17, iSjj. Aftermath — the nem volume of poems — will appear on the sixth of September. The Danish Ballad — The Mother s Ghost — which struck you so much goes in as one of the Tales." 530. The same. Second issue, with "Or" at page 54. The Bierstadt copy, 7vith bookplate engraved by E, D. French. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co., 1873 MS. POEM AND LETTER. 531. AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED (Initialled). 2 pp. i2mo. To G. W. Greene, dated Cambridge, Nov. 26, 1874. On the last two pages of which is written a sonnet in Longfellow's hand, '■' Ponte Vecchio. * "We have just finished our Thanksgiving Dinner . . . tremen- dous, excessive, oppressive. . . . I already hear the impatient Night- mare stamping i?t her stall. . . . This morning I turned into Italian the sonnet I mentioned. . . . You will see the original in the January Atlantic." WITH LONGFELLOW LETTER INSERTED. 532. THE HANGING OF THE CRANE. With illustrations. 8vo, original cloth gilt, gilt edges. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co., 1875 * First issue, published in Oct., 1874; the i2mo edition, also dated 1875, not being published until the following January. The above contains 41 illustrations; the i2mo only contains 15. The poem first appeared in the New York Ledger, published by Robert Bonner. Evidently the poet did not take the advice of Mr. Fields, because in Longfellow's Journal for Dec. 4th, 1S74, he says: "Fields 90 Morfts of Ibenr^ Mabswortb Xon(jfellow comes out, and I read to him ' The Hanging of the Crane.'' He advises not to publish in any periodical, but to make a small illustrated volume of it.'" Laid in is an interesting autograph letter (3 pp. i2mo): ''Camb. Dec. 28, 1814. Dear Mr. Osgood — I did not receive your letter till this morning, which will account for the tardiness of my answer. I should hardly be willing to accept your proposition regarding payments on copies of ' The Crane ' ; but will take your note on three months for any copies pub- lished after date, which will perhaps accommodate you equally well. I like the plan of a cheaper edition, if you are zvilling to undertake it on the same terms as above. . . . Yours truly Henry W. Longfellow.'" The Hanging of the Crane was published in London first, to Longfellow's great annoyance. [See the " Letters," Feb. 25, 1874. Lot No. 552.] [In the letters to G. W. Greene — see lot 552] — Longfellow humor- ously says: "/ have submitted 'The Hanging of the Crane' to the microscopic eyes of T. B. Aldrich: The result is that the sound of stQ — as in scene, celestial, Ceylon and so forth — occurs thirty-two times I "] 533- THE HANGING OF THE CRANE. Second issue, with corrections in the text. "Isles" for "Tales," p. 37, etc. Illustrations. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co., 1875 PRESENTATION COPY TO JOHN NEAL. 534. THE MASQUE OF PANDORA, and other Poems. i2mo, original cloth, Boston: James R, Osgood and Co,, 1875 * Presentation copy from the author to his old friend John Neal (author of " Rachel Dyer," and part author of Paul Allen's History of the American Revolution, and who is mentioned several times in Longfellow's Journals). In the journal for Oct. 17th, 1869, Longfellow says: ''This evening I read John NeaVs Autobi- ography, — a curious '.book, interesting to me from personal recollec- tions." The inscription reads: 'fohn Neal with kind regards of the author. Nov. ij, j8jj." " Morituri Salutamus " (one of the poems in the above volume) was the Bowdoin College poem for the semi-centennial of the au- thor's class of 1825. An operatic version of " The Masque of Pan- dora " was produced on the Boston stage in 1881. 91 Ubc Collection of 5. C. Cbamberlafn WITH INSERTED LETTER. 535. THE MASQUE OF PANDORA, and other Poems. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: J. R. Osgood and Co., 1875 * Laid in is a four-page letter of Longfellow to Greene: "Camd. Oct. 2g, 1873. On page j2 of Pandora there is an unlucky false quantity, Cybe le for Cy'bele. This is all owing to 7ny Lord Byron with his ^ She looks a sea Cybele fresh from ocean.' which has familiarized our ears to a wrong accentuation, as Louis XIV is said to have changed the gender of the zuord carrosse." LETTER ENCLOSING ORIGINAL POEM. 536. AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED. (Initialled.) I p. i2mo, Cambridge, Oct. 2, 1876. To G. W. Greene. On the last two pages of which is a poem, entitled ' ' In the Churchyard at Tarrytown. ' ' * " Here are some lines that came into my mind this morning. I have no more idea ho%v they came nor why they came, than you have; but you will sympathise tuith them as giving accent and emphasis to the quiet lives of scholars. ^^ 537- HISTORY OF THE OLD SOUTH MEET- ING-HOUSE IN BOSTON. By Everett W. Burdett. Illustrated. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 106. Boston: B. B. Russell, 1877 * The Arnold copy. Contains a poem, " Ballad of the French Fleet," by Longfellow, pages 105-6. 538. POEMS OF THE "OLD SOUTH." Illustrated. Square i2mo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston: William F. Gill and Co., 1877 * Contains poems by Longfellow, Holmes, Whittier, and others. The work was published for the benefit of the Old South Preserva- tion Fund. 539. FINAL MEMORIALS of Henry Wadsworth Long- fellow. Edited by Samuel Longfellow. Etched portraits and illustrations. Thick royal 8vo, original boards, paper label, uncut. Boston: Ticknor and Co., 1877 * Large Pait.r coi'Y, limited to 300 copies. Contains a bibliog- raphy of the poet's writings. 93 THE NEW ENGLAND TRAGEDIES. I. Wenlock Christison. 11. Giles Corey of the Salem Farms. PRIVATELY PRINTED. 1868. [See No. 517.] KERAMOS. Turn, turn, my wheel ! Turn round and round Without a pause, without a sound ; So spins the flying world away ! This clay, well mixed with marl and sand. Follows the motion of my hand, For some must follow and some command. Though all are made of clay ! Thus sang the Potter at his task Beneath the blossoming hawthorn-tree. While o'erliis features, like a mask. The quilted sunshine and leaf-shade Moved, as the boughs above him swayed, And clothed him, till he seemed to be A figure woven in tapestry. So sumptuously was he arrayed In that magnificent attire Of sable tissue flaked with fire. Like a magician he appeared, A conjuror without book or beard, And while he plied his magic art, — For it was magical to me, — I stood in silence and apart. And wondered more and more to see That shapeless, lifeless mass of clay [See No. 540.] I Morfts ot Ibenrv^ Ma&5wortb Xonofellow 540. KERAMOS (The Potter's Wheel). 8vo, sewed, pp. 12. [Boston? 1877] * " One of only a few copies (probably 6) privately PRINTED. One sent to Harper Bros., appeared in Harper s Maga- zine, December, i8j7, and the remaining Jive were in Longfellozv's Secretary drawer, on Nov. 18, Jgo2, zuhen Mrs. Thorp (^Annie Long- fellow, his daughter), presented me with this copy." — Note of J. C. Chamberlain, copy of which accompanies the item. Accompanied by the extract from Harper's Magazine containing the poem, showing many changes, and an additional verse. These changes have been noted by Mr. Chamberlain on the magazine copy. There are some interesting allusions to this excessively rare pam- phlet in Longfellow's Journal, as: May 7, 1877, ' ' Trying to write a poem on ' The Potter's Wheel.' " May 31, 1877, " Finished wheel." Aug. 3, " The poem ' Keramos' has gone to the Harper's." Most Longfellow collectors are unaware of the existence of this separate privately printed issue of " Keramos." The Longfellow family still possess the other copies. [See Reproduction.] INSCRIBED COPY, WITH LETTER. r 541. KERAMOS, and other Poems. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Houghton, Osgood & Co, 1878 * Presentation copy from the author to his friend George Stewart, Jr., with autograph letter, presentation inscription, and the autograph of the recipient on the TITLE. The letter is as follows: " Camb., April 2S, 1878. Dear Mr. Steivart, I send 'Keramos' by post to-day; but do not zurite your name in it, having the fear of letter-postage before my eyes. Name and inscription you will find on the other half of this sheet. Owen is hale and hearty and sends you kind remembrances. Yours very truly, Henry W. Longfellotv." The inscription reads: " George Stewart, Jr., with kind regards of the author. Camb., April 28, 1878." Autograph: "Geo. Stewart, Jr., 1 878," on title. In a letter, written by Longfellow to Fields, August 3, 1878, he says, in part: " The poem ' Ke'ramos ' has gone to the Harpers, zvho will harp it in one hundred a7id fifty thousand households, or say half a million ears — if they will listen to stich mtisic as comes from a potter s zvheel." " The Herons of Elmwood " (one of the poems in this volume) is a tribute to James Russell Lowell. 93 Ube Collection of 5. C. Cbamberlain 542. KERAMOS, and other Poems. i2mo, original cloth. London: George Routledge and Sons, 1878 * First English Edition. With the exception of a few differ- ences in punctuation, identical with the first Boston edition. 543- THE EARLY POEMS OF HENRY WADS- WORTH LONGFELLOW. Now first collected. Edited and prefaced by Richard Heme Shepherd. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. London : Pickering and Co., 1878 * Beautifully printed by Pickering at the Chiswick Press. Contains several poems: "The Lunatic Girl," "Jeckoyva," and others, not reprinted elsewhere. RARE LEAFLET, WITH LETTER. 544. FROM MY ARM-CHAIR. Leaflet of 4 pp. square i2mo. [Cambridge, 1879] * Tied with a silk thread in full crimson straight-grained morocco covers [by the Club Bindery ?] with the envelope enclosing it bearing Mrs. Thorp's [Annie Longfellow] authentication, "A copy of the poem -written by my father . . . on his ysd birthday; taken from his sttidy drawer and given by me to Mr. J. C. Cha^nberlain on Nov. 18, igo2." Inserted is Longfellow's letter to Geo. W. Greene, 4 pp. 8vo, Camb., Mch. 16, 1879 [initialled], in which he says: ^' I sent you the poem, ' Fro7n tny Arm-Chair,^ which I had great pleasure in writing, and which has given pleasure to others in reading. ' The Burial of the Poet' is in the April Atlantic; ana Jugurtha,' I have sent to Cabot Lodge for the ' International.'' " AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED. 545. AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED, i p. 8vo, Cambridge, July 5, 1879. To Mr. Harry Edwards, with superscription on envelope attached and facsimile of the same letter, * Thanking Mr. Edwards for a " beautiful bronze [Excelsior] y;-t7w Mr. Rowe." A LETTER FROM LONGFELLOW LAID IN. 546. ULTIMA THULE. Portrait. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1880 * With autograph letter [i p. i2mo, Nahant, July 14, 1880] from Longfellow laid in: " Gentlemen, I return the Notes, with a feiv corrections. The name of the bridge at Prague, and the dates of the destruction of the Smithy and the Tree I do not retnember. They are of no great importance. Yours very truly, Henry W. Longfellow." *See the poem, " From my Arm-Chair," p. 17 of above, for refer- ence to " The Tree." 94 FROM MY ARM-CHAIR. TO THE CHILDREN OF CAMBRIDGE, Who presented to tne, on 7ny Seventy-second Birthday February 27, 1879, ^''"•^ Chair, made from the Wood of the Village Blacksmith^ s Chestnut Tree. AM I a king, that I should call my own This splendid ebon throne? Or by what reason, or what right divine, Can I proclaim it mine ? Only, perhaps, by right divine of song It may to me belong ; Only because the spreading chestnut-tree Of old was sung by me. [See No. 544.] i i 1 Mor[?5 of 1l3enr\> Ma^swortb Xongfellow PRESENTATION COPY FROM LONGFELLOW, WITH LETTER. 547. THE COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS OF HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW. With numerous illustrations. Roj'al Svo, original cloth gilt, gilt edges. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1880 * Autograph presentation copy from the author: " George W. Greene from Henry W. Longfellow, Cam- bridge, Jan. 23, 1881." This edition contains a stanza in the inter- lude to " The Student's Tale" in " Tales of a Wayside Inn" that was not in the first edition. Laid in is a 2-page autograph letter (initialled) from Longfellow to Osgood the publisher relating to an illustration for the poem, " The Old Clock on the Stairs ": ''Please keep back the form containing ' The Old Clock on ike Stairs.' There is a photograph of the house as it tvas when the poem -was written . . . Please wait as long as possible." No illustration appears, so it is evi- dent that Osgood could not wait for it. 548. " THE CITY AND THE SEA," with other Cam- bridge Contributions, in aid of the Hospital Fund, Square i2mo, original cloth. Cambridge: John Wilson, 1881 * Scarce. With the original poems by Longfellow, Howells, and others. The preface (pp. 6) was written by Longfellow and signed. The poem, "The City and the Sea," was first collected in "The Plarbor," in 1882. 549. LONGFELLOW LEAFLETS: Poems and Prose Passages from his Works. Illustrated. i2mo, original limp boards. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co. [1881] THE MANUSCRIPT OF LONGFELLOW'S LAST PUBLISHED POEM BEFORE HIS DEATH. 550. MANUSCRIPT POEM: " Hermes Trismegistus " in the autograph of Mrs. Thorp (Annie Longfellow, his daugh- ter), and SIGNED BY Longfellow, 6 pp. 4to, appearing in The Century, Feb,, 1882. * The last poem published before Longfellow's death, 10 verses of 8 lines each preceded by a note from Jamblicus of 10 lines. The Proof copy, with a few pencilled corrections. 551. IN THE HARBOR: Ultima Thule— Part H. Por- trait. i6mo, original cloth, uncut. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1882 * Contains the last poem written by Longfellow, " Bells of San Bias"; also, containing personal poems to President Garfield, J. T. Fields, etc. 95 Ube Collection ot 5. C. Gbamberlain AUTOGRAPH LETTERS OF HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW. 552. A UNIQUE COLLECTION OF 508 ORIGI- NAL LETTERS AND 37 POSTAL CARDS FROM LONGFELLOW TO GEORGE W. GREENE, near/y 400 of which have never been published. * This remarkable correspondence covers the whole of Longfellow's life from his 23rd year (1830) to the year of his death (1882), or a period of more than fifty years. They begin with his professorship in Bowdoin College, Maine, and continue through all his travels in Europe, his professorship at Harvard University and his subsequent home life. They reflect every aspect of his public and private life and furnish most interesting and important information concerning his literary work, his travels, his contact with Lowell, Emerson, Holmes, Dickens, Howells, Norton and a host of others, his methods of work, indeed the whole range of his wonderfully rich and gifted mind is exhibited, and the experiences of his career illuminated by these personal revelations of himself to his intimate friend. Mr. Greene was the grandson of Gen. Nathanael Greene of Revolutionary fame. He was a native of Rhode Island, a graduate of Brown University, at one time United States Consul at Rome, later a member of the Rhode Island Legislature and an author of distinction. Perhaps, after all, his greatest title to future remembrance will be these letters which indicate so clearly his intimate friend- ship with the Poet whose reputation is world-wide and whose fame will grow with tlie passing of the years. He came frequently from the library in the Windmill Tower of his East Greenwich, R. I. home, to visit Longfellow in Cambridge and Nahant (his summer home), welcomed from association, likeness of tastes and pursuits and agree- ment of opinion. In Greene's historical works and his Biography of his grandfather. Gen. Nathanael Greene, Longfellow took a deep interest and when despondency and infirmity came to Greene, did much to make those years more comfortable and bright. When Charles Sum- 95 Morfts of Ibenn? Ma^svvortb XouotcUow ner died in 1874 and left a legacy to Longfellow's daugh- ters, they shared it equally with the daughters of Greene, and allusions to material financial assistance rendered by Longtellow frequently appear in the course of this corre- spondence. Nearly 400 of these tetters have never b:een published. Mr. Samuel Longfellow had access to a part of the collec- tion in preparing his Life and Memoirs of his brother. He printed some of them, with extracts from others. No other use has ever been made of them save in compiling the Chamberlain Bibliography of Longfellow's Works, just issued. The early letters are signed in full or signed "Longfellozv," but the majority of them are simply initialled "H. W. L." The letters came from the Greene family and are in the finest possible condition. It is believed that so large and important a collection of American literary autograph letters has never before been ofifered for sale. Their value from a literary standpoint can hardly be overesti- mated. The scope of a catalogue description will allow only a bare outline of a very few of the more important letters, as follows: 1832. Oct. 7 ; Bowdoin, 3 pp. 4to. '^ All I have in view at present is a Collection of French Tales ta take the place of the ' Ministre de Wakefield ' and a selection of French poetry to complete the course ..." Dec. 23 : " In August I shall be in Boston . . . to deliver the Phi Beta Kappa poem in Cambridge ..." 1833. March 9: Bowdoin, with seal. Letter of the highest import- ance. Contains, as he says, a list ''^ of all I have published since my returft from Europe" (in periodicals, etc., as well) and in addition gives those poems " delivered in public but not published." Mentions a proposed work on France, Spain, Germany and Italy. Oct. 27: 3 pp. 4to, signed ''Longfellow" " / have on hand too many engagetnents to think of writing a poe>7i ..." 1834. Feb. 14: Bowdoin, 4 pp. 4to. Fine letter describing his unsuccessful trip to Northampton to secure a school. Tells of his expectation of getting money from his books at Boston: " One of my publishers 97 Ubc Collection of 5» C, Cbamberlain said he could not pay a farthing . . . and Allen --rv^ (u^.^/^^p(y-^^-^ vt^ o^^^dt^ nntn^ k.5. [See No. 574.] Morf^6 of 3ame9 IRusecll Xowcll. 572. HARVARDIANA (a monthly Periodical). Volume 4, complete in the original ten numbers. 8vo, wrappers, as issued (several numbers being entirely uncut). Cambridge: Published by John Owen, 1838 *One of the editors, and while yet a Student at Harvard, at the age of 19, Lowell contributed to this volume of the college Journal his earliest printed compositions, consisting of 13 poems and eleven prose sketches, all of which remain uncollected. An excep- tionally choice copy of this rare periodical with the general title and all the wrappers intact. On one cover appears the autograph of C. W. Scates, another of the co-editors. 573. CLASS POEM. 8vo. (Autograph of Augustus R. Pope on front cover.) [Cambridge] 1838 * The Author's first publication, of which not more than 50 copies were printed for private distribution among members of the class of 1838. Very rare. An exceptionally choice copy in the original brown wrappers, fresh and clean throughout. Laid in half crimson straight-grained morocco covers, and the whole enclosed in full crimson morocco, solander case, gilt, by Bradstreet. THE COPY GIVEN BY LOWELL TO TENNYSON. 574. A YEAR'S LIFE. i2mo, original boards and label, top and bottom edges uncut, as issued (one joint cracked and back somewhat rubbed). Boston: C. C. Little and J, Brown, 1841 Presentation copy with inscription in Lowell's auto- graph. " TO ALFRED TENNYSON, FROM THE AUTHOR, BOSTON, U. S." Tennyson and Keats were the two modern English poets, after Spenser, for whom Lowell expressed the greatest preference, and with the former he early enjoyed a personal friendship which con- tinued throughout his life. In 1841 Lowell, in a letter to E. A. Duyckinck, referring to a projected American reprint of Tennyson's poems, writes: " I think it tvould be a pity to reprint his poems at all — for he is poor, and thai would deprive him of what little profit he might make by their sale in this country . . . I do not wish you to state your authority for this — but you 7nay depend on it for my author- ity is the poet himself.'" This letter reveals the degree of intimacy which existed between the poets at that early day and the spirit, per- 105 xrbe Collection of 5, C, Cbamberlain haps, with which the young American, then in obscurity, forwarded for the reassuring commendation of his friend a copy of his " first book of poems." A RARE ITEM AND ONE OF THE MOST INTENSE ASSOCIATION IN- TEREST. Laid in half-morocco covers, the whole enclosed in full crimson morocco solander case, gilt tooled, by Bradstreets. [See Reproduction.] 575- THE BOSTON MISCELLANY OF LITER- ATURE AND FASHION. Edited by Nathan Hale, Jr. (Vols. land 2, Jan. -Dec, 1842.) Nutnerous engravings, col- ored costume plates^ etc., including the Washington portrait (one plate missing). 2 vols, in one, royal 8vo, half calf (some- what rubbed). Boston: Bradbury, Soden & Co. [1842] * Lowell contributed the literary notices, eight poems, " The Old English Dramatists" and " The First Client," which last has never been reprinted, nor have the literary notices. Poe, Longfellow, Hawthorne, Thoreau and others of note were also among the con- tributors. 576. THE TOKEN AND ATLANTIC SOUVE- NIR for 1842. 10 plates. i2mo, original stamped roan gilt, gilt edges. Boston: David H. Williams, 1842 * With " The Ballad of the Stranger," by Lowell, and " The Two Locks of Hair," by Longfellow. The poem by Lowell was omitted from all collected editions of his verse, nor is it mentioned in Scud- der's Bibliography. Fine bright copy with the Arnold book-label. 577- THE LIBERTY BELL. By Friends of Free- dom. Engraved frontispiece. [With three Sonnets by Lowell.] i6mo, original boards (rebacked with cloth), gilt edges. Boston: Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Fair, 1842 578. THE LIBERTY BELL. By Friends of Freedom. Portrait. [With " Elegy on the Death of Dr. Channing, " by Lowell.] i2mo, original boards (joints somewhat cracked), gilt edges. Boston: Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Fair, 1843 LOWELL'S LETTER TO WHITTIER ANNOUNCING "THE PIONEER." 579. [LOWELL (J. R.).] Portion of an Autograph Let- ter to J. G. Wl)ittier. i p. 4to, with leaf of superscription, (damaged by having the signature torn off, which also tore away the beginning of the letter on the opposite side), Octo- ber, 1842. Accompanied by a pencilled copy of Lowell's 106 TlClorlis of James IRussell Xowell letter to Rev. J. S. Dvvight on the same subject as verifying this date. * Highly interesting and important letter, in which Lowell an- nounces his determination to edit the " Pioneer," of which only three numbers appeared (January, February and March, 1843), and asking Whittier for contributions. This request met with instant response, and it would seem that Whittier immediately started to write a poem, as parts of two verses are scribbled by him on the leaf of superscrip- tion. Lowell says in part: " A Magazine under my Editorial charge, which is to be called the ^Pioneer,' (Sr^ is to be a free magazine. I mean that it shall take a high stand in Art &r also hold itself free to advaftce or comment on all the great movements of the age. It is to keep up with the age and not behifidit — nay, if possible it shall run before, as its name would indi- cate. If the undertaking succeeds, I shall pay the authors higher than any other magazine in the land, regarding things and not names cr= paying for an article's -worth inspirit rather than its current value in specie. "May I hope yoti will send me something for my first nu7nber? Any little poem that you may have by you will be acceptable to me. I cannot promise to pay you very much at first, for the expense of getting tip such a work t?iakes large holes in small capital. But I trust that the hope of aiding a good Endeavor tvill be enough to yoti,^' etc. Followed by an interesting explanation of the reason for Lowells writing his "Sonnets " in the May Democratic Review: " Oil read- ing Wordsivorth^s in favor of bloodshed, though some parts of them were almost unintelligible by the fact not being stated. I wish I were in your District 10 vote FOR YOU AS Member of Congress." 580. THE PIONEER. | A | Literary and Critical Maga- zine. I J. R. Lowell and R. Carter, | Editors and Proprie- tors. I Vol. I — No. I. 2 illustrations. 8vo, original wrappers, some pp. unopened. Boston: Leland and Whiting, 1843 * Fine copy. Very rare. With the sheet " To Periodical agents" between the two plates. Contains " Our Love is not a Fading Earthly Flower " and "The Plays of Thomas Middleton," by Lowell, and "The Tell Tale Heart," by Poe. 581. THE LIBERTY BELL. By Friends of Free- dom. Portrait. [With Poem, "A Chippeway Legend," by Lowell.] i2mo, original boards (rebacked with paper). Boston: Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Fair, 1844 * With stamp on verso of title: " Harvard College Library; 18 Feb., 1893. Longfellow gift." 107 Ube Collection of 5* C, Cbamberlain 582. POEMS. Thick 8vo, half green morocco gilt, gilt top, other edges uncut. Cambridge: John Owen, 1844 * The EXCESSIVELY RARE LARGE AND THICK PaPER isSUC of the First Edition. With small relief stamp of the Brown University Library on title. Not more than six copies are known, one of which is in the Hoe library. Richard Grant White also had a copy, but its whereabouts is unknown. 583. POEMS. i2mo, original boards, uncut (rebacked with cloth). Cambridge: John Owen, 1844 584. POEMS. i2mo, original cloth, uncut (back a little faded and lacks one end paper), London: C. E. Mudie, 1844 585. THE LIBERTY MINSTREL. (Song-Book, ■?C'i^/i words and music.) By G. W. Clark. i6mo, original cloth, gilt. New York: Leavitt & Alden, 1844 * Rare. With song " Rouse Up New England." By a Yankee (J. R. Lowell), not in any other collection; also, Lowell's "Are Ye Truly Free ?" Whittier's "Texas," Longfellow's "The Quadroon Maiden," etc. 586. CONVERSATIONS ON SOME OF THE OLD POETS. i2mo, original illuminated paper wrappers, uncut (portion of back missing). Cambridge, 1845 * Lowell's first volume in prose. Very rare in wrappers, PRESENTATION COPY FROM LOWELL. 587. The same. Very fine copy, in the original ILLUMINATED WRAPPERS, TOTALLY UNCUT, WITH PRESENTA- TION inscription IN THE author's HAND: "71? Charlcs J. Peterson, with the affectionate regards of J. R. L. Philadelphia^ Jan. 75, 184^.'' Laid in half crimson straight-grained mo- rocco covers, and the whole enclosed in full crimson morocco solander case, gilt, by Bradstreet, 588. The same. First English Edition. i2mo, orig- inal wrappers (rebacked with paper), uncut. London, 1845 589. The same. Second Edition, with alterations in the text. i2mo, original cloth. Cambridge, 1846 590. THE AMERICAN ANTI-SLAVERY ALMA- NAC for 1847. I 2 mo, sewn. New York: American Anti-Slavery Society [1846] * Rare. Contains a portion of the Biglow Papers, " Hosea and the Recruiting Sergeant" here published two years in advance of the first edition of the book. 108 JLA Morfts of 5amc5 IRussell Xowell 591. THE LIBERTY BELL. By Friends of Freedom. Portrait. i2mo, original illuminated boards, gilt edges (joints slightly cracked). Boston: Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Fair, 1846 * With " The Falconer," by Lowell, "The Poet of Miletus," by Longfellow, and " The Slave Mother," by Maria Lowell. 592. THE LIBERTY BELL. By Friends of Freedom [with " Extreme Unction," by Lowell, and " A Twilight Vision," by Maria Lowell]. i2mo, original cloth, gilt edges (back faded). Boston: National Anti-Slavery Bazaar, 1847 * Autograph presentation copy from Mrs. Chapman, one of the contributors. 593. THE YOUNG AMERICAN'S MAGAZINE of Self-Improvement. Edited by Geo. W. Light [with 3 orig- inal poems by Lowell]. Portrait of Benjamin Franklin^ by G. F. Storm. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Chas. H. Pierce, 1847 * Volume I, all published. Fine copy, with the printed slip an- nouncing the discontinuance of the work. 594. MELIBOEUS-HIPPONAX. THE BIGLOW PAPERS. Edited, with an Introduction, Glossary, and copious Index, by Homer Wilbur. i2mo, original (plain) paper covers. Cambridge, 1848 * First issue. Probably an advance copy sent out for review. 595. The same. i2mo5 original cloth. Cambridge, 1848 * First issue. Rev. Henry Ward Beecher's copy, with his auto- graph in pencil and an autograph slip (in ink) inserted. 596. The same. First issue. i2mo, original boards (back missing), uncut, and almost entirely unopened. Cambridge and New York, 1848 597. The same. i2mo, original cloth. Cambridge and New York, 1848 * Second issue with "Cambridge and New York " imprint. 598. POEMS. Second Series. 121110, original brown cloth, uncut (top margins of some pp. touched with damp). Cambridge: George Nichols, 1848 599. Another copy, in original boards and label (back slightly repaired). 109 Ubc Collection ot 5. C. Cbamberlain 600. THE VISION OF SIR LAUNFAL. i2mo, orig- inal canary-colored boards, top and bottom edges uncut. * Fine copy. Rare. Cambridge: Geo. Nichols, 1848 601. A FABLE FOR CRITICS. lamo, original boards and label (joints partially cracked), top edge uncut. New York, [i8]48 * Genuine first issue, with the half-title, advertisements on verso of same and lacking the line " A Vocal and Musical Medley." LOWELL'S CORRECTED COPY PRESENTED TO HIGGINSON. 602. The same. First issue, with author's auto- graph inscription: " T. IV. Higginson, incerti auctoris donum^ Nov. 1848^ The line, "^ Vocal and Musical Medley.,'''' is sup- plied BY Lowell on the title, and there are numerous TEXT CORRECTIONS THROUGHOUT IN LowELl's HAND, I2m0, original boards and label, top edge uncut (portion of back missing). New York [i8]48 * Laid in half crimson morocco covers, and the whole enclosed in full crimson morocco solander case, by Bradstreet. The book is just as it went through the mail, addressed ON the BACK COVER HiGGINSON BY LoWELL, AND MARKED "Paid" by him. Pp. 6, 16, 25, 35, 42, 43, 54, 62, 65, 68, 70 and 74 have corrections in ink by Lowell. There are names supplied in pencil by Higginson throughout where Lowell had left blanks. [Thoreau, etc.] 603. The same. i2mo, original boards (back miss- ing). New York, 1848 * Second edition, first issue. 604. Another copy. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1848 * Second edition, second issue. Half-title omitted, title cor- rected, printer's mark on verso of title, new preface, 6 pp., etc. 605. Another copy. i2mo, boards. New York, 1848 * Second edition, without new preface. 606. THE LIBERTY BELL. By Friends of Free- dom. Engraved title. [With Poems by J. R. and Maria Lowell.] i2mo, original cloth, gilt. Boston: National Anti-Slavery Bazaar, 1848 110 Morhs of Raines IRussell Xovvell 607. THE NORTH AMERICAN for April, 1848, pp. 357-400, containing an Essay on Browning's "Paracelsus," *'Sordello," "Bells and Pomegranates," by Lowell. Un- signed. In the original sheets, uncut, never having BEEN STITCHED. [From the Collection of Prof. C. E. Norton.] * " You will find an article of mine on Browning in the next North American, in which there will be some things to make you laugh." [Letters: Vol. I., p. 124.] 608. CELEBRATION OF THE INTRODUC- TION OF THE WATER OF COCHITUATE LAKE into the City of Boston, Oct. 25, 1848. [With an Ode by Lowell, as sung by the School Children.]: also, extra number of the "Illustrated Mail" (newspaper) for Oct. 25, 1848, containing a full account of the Celebration. 8vo, original wrappers, and folio. [2 pieces.] Boston, 1848 609. POEMS. 2 vols. i2mo, original boards and labels, top edges uncut (one back repaired and label slightly defec- tive). Boston: Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1849 * The First Collected Edition. 610. MEMORY AND HOPE. [A Collection of Poems, selected from various authors, including "The First Snow- Fail," by Lowell,] i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1851 611. THE LIBERTY BELL. By Friends of Free- dom. [With " Youssouf,'' by Lowell, and Translations, by Emerson.] Engraved title. i2mo, cloth gilt, gilt edges. Fine copy. Boston: Anti-Slavery Bazaar, 1851 612. PERSONAL MEMOIRS AND RECOLLEC- TIONS OF EDITORIAL LIFE. By Joseph T. Buck- ingham. [With Poems "The Present Crisis" and "On the Capture of Certain Fugitive Slaves near Washington," by Lowell.] Portrait. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1852 613. POETICAL WORKS. Edited, with an Intro- duction, by Andrew R. Scoble. Frontispiece and engraved title. i6mo, original cloth, gilt edges. London: Geo. Routledge & Co., 1853 111 Ubc Collection ot 5. C, Cbamberlafn 614. THALATTA: a Book for the Sea-Side. i2mo, original cloth, top edge uncut. Boston: Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1853 * With " Appledore," by Lowell, and contributions by Thoreau, Emerson, Longfellow and others. 6(5. ''OUR OWN." The corrected copy by Lowell of Putnam's issue, part of the original MS. and other interest- ing additions, arranged by Mr. Chamberlain for the binder, as follows : * I : The poem as it appeared, extracted from Putnam's Magazine for April, May and June, 1S53. [On S of the 17 sheets are MS. correc- tions by Lowell (pencil), with instructions what to use and where to be placed in the volumes of collected works, published in 1S90, under the title, " Fragments of an Unfinished Poem," in which it is very much cut down.] 2: Two PAGES of the manuscript (54 lines) beginning with " Upon that line in Byron of the steed that knows its rider, '^ to " A Sailor yet, who loved the fate to which his life was bound" [Part of which Lowell cut out of the Collected Edition], and " With Greece and Egypt, but they were great artists in their politics " to " The newspapers take in the Age, and Stocks do all the thinking." 3: An Autograph Letter Signed of Geo. W. Curtis, Oct. 12, 1853, stating that he enclosed a MS. page of Lowell [see above] and a signature of Longfellow. 4: Autograph signature of IL W. Longfellow [as above]. 5: Magazine Extract [Putnam's] containing a critical essay, " Lowell the Poet " and Lowell's " Fountain of Youth." [From the collections of C. E. Norton and C. L. Noble.] 616. THE POETICAL WORKS OF JOHN KEATS. With a Life. [By Lowell.] Portrait of the author. i6mo, original cloth and label. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1854 * The Arnold copy, with book-label. PRESENTATION COPY OF THE POEMS OF MARIA LOWELL, WITH INSCRIPTION IN THE AUTOGRAPH OF J. R. LOWELL. 617. POEIVIS OF MARIA LOWELL. Photo, por- trait. Square i2mo, original cloth gilt, gilt edges (somewhat rubbed and a few pages slightly spotted). Cambridge: Privately Printed, 1855 * Edited anonymously by Lowell and one of only 50 112 Morf^s of 5ames IRussell Xowell COPIES ISSUED FOR PRIVATE DISTRIBUTION AMONG FRIENDS, OF THE First Edition of the exquisite little volume of POEMS BY Mrs. Lowell. She it was who encouraged Lowell to publish " A Year's Life," and of them and her Lowell said: " IVere they a thousand times 7nore beautiful, they could not be so much so as she is to me." With Lowell's autograph inscription: [Pencil] " To R. S. Chilton, with regards of J. R. L. ist Jan. iS^y.'^ Laid in half mo- rocco covers, the whole enclosed in full crimson morocco solander case, by Bradstreet. 6i8. ANTI-SLAVERY FESTIVAL IN FANEUIL HALL. A Welcome to Parker Pillsbury on his safe return to America, Wednesday evening, May 28, 1856. Broadside, containing 4 Poems, one of which, " Friends of Freedom, ye who stand," 3 Stanzas of 8 Lines each is by Lowell. Folio, printed within ornamental borders (slight hole, not injuring text). Boston: Prentice and Sawyer [1856] * Rare, Lacking in the Arnold, Foote, Pyser and other well- known collections. The poem is not in Lowell's collected works. Pillsbury was the lecturing agent of the New Hampshire, Massa- chusetts and American Anti Slavery Societies from 1840 until the abolition of slavery, and was the editor of several anti-slavery papers. 619. THE POETICAL WORKS OF PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY, edited by Mrs. Shelley. With a Memoir [by Lowell, pp. XVII-XLI]. Portrait. 3 vols. i6mo, original cloth and labels. Boston: Little, Brown &Co., 1855 * Genuine first edition without Lowell's name as author of the memoir. The Arnold copy, with book-labels. 620. The same. Second issue. Portrait. 2 vols. i8mo, original cloth gilt, gilt edges. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1857 621. POETRY OF THE BELLS. Collected by Samuel Batchelder, Jr. [w^ith poem, " Godminster Chimes,"' by Lowell]. Vignette title and text zvithin borders. lamo, orig- inal cloth. Riverside Press : Printed in Aid of the Cambridge Chime, Houghton & Co., 1858. 622. REPORT of the Committee of the Association of the Alumni of Harvard College, 1857 [with letter by Lowell, pp. 20]. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 44. Cambridge: Metcalf and Co., 1858- 113 Ube Collection of 3. C. Cbamberlain 623. CELEBRATION OF THE HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTH OF ROBERT BURNS. By the Boston Burns' Club, Jan'y 25th, 1859, [With Poems by Lowell, VVhittier and Holmes; Speeches by Emerson and others.] i2mo, original cloth. Boston: H. W. Button & Son, 1859 624. BURNS FESTIVAL. Boston, Jan. 25, 1859. A number of Autograph Letters Signed in response to invita- tions to attend the Burns Festival, given by the Boston Burns Club, Gen. J. S. Tyler, Pres., on Jan. 25, 1859. They include : Gushing (Caleb), i p. 8vo, Bost., 8 Jany., 1S59. Emerson (R. W.), 3 pp. 8vo, Concord, Dec, 18, 1858; and 2 pp. 8vo, Concord, Dec. 27, 185S. Everett (Edward), 2 pp. 4to, " Summer St." [Boston], Jan. 22, 1859. Holmes (O. W.), i p. 8vo. Boston, Dec. 7, 1858. " It ivould give me great pleasure to enjoy the hospitalities of your Association on a day which makes half of us poets and all of us Scotchmen." Longfellow (H. W.), 2 pp. i2mo, Cambridge, Dec. 2, 1S58. Lowell (J. R.), I p. small 4to, Cambridge, Dec. 11. 1858. " I shall cotne with great pleasure and shall have my contribution . . . ready if there shall be room for it." [See No. 675 for Galley Proof of Lowell's Poem.] Willis (N. P.), 2 pp. 8vo, Idlewild, Jan. 13, '59. Winthrop (R. C), 3 pp. 8vo, Boston, Jan. 7, 1859. Unable to be present, and writes a long letter to be read instead, ending with a toast to "The Scots in N^ew England 200 years ago." (Nine pieces.) 625. GIFTS OF GENIUS: A Miscellany of Prose and Poetry. By American Authors [with "Sea Weed," by Lowell, and contribiitions by Bryant, Longfellow, Holmes and others]. i2mo, original cloth, gilt edges. New York: Printed for A. C. Davenport [1859] 626. THE BIGLOW PAPERS. Newly edited, with a Preface by the Author of " Tom Brown's School Days " [Thomas Hughes]. Square i2mo, original cloth. *Firstissue. Fine copy. London : Triibner & Co. , 1859 627. THE BIGLOW PAPERS. With additional Notes, an enlarged Glossary, etc. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. London : J. C. Hotten, 1861 * Second English Edition, with an etched frontispiece and two plates, ALL IN COLORS, by Geo. Cruikshank. Fine copy. 114 Morfts of 5ames IRussell Xowell LONGFELLOW'S COPY. 628. MASON AND SLIDELL: A Yankee Idyll. [By Homer Wilbur,] 8vo. [Harvard College Library Duplicate, with relief stamp on first page and note in pencil, " Gift of H. W. Longfelloiv of Cambridge^ Feb. 10, iS'dj."] Joalam, 6th Jan., 1862 ; — [also] The Original Magazine appearance of the Poem (pp. 259-270), extracted from the Atlantic Monthly for Feby., 1862. In one volume, royal 8vo, handsomely bound in full crimson crushed levant, gilt back and sides, in- side gold borders, by Bradstreet, 1862. *An interesting copy of one of the rarest of Lowell ITEMS. Only 3 or 4 are known. 629. IL PESCEBALLO. [Italian text by F. J. Child, the English version by Jas. R. Lowell.] i6mo, sewn, as issued, in 4 signatures. [Cambridge, 1862] * The genuine first issue of the First Edition. Very RARE. With several pp. of Mr. Chamberlain's notes laid in, giving differences of issue and an original playbill of the opera as it was first produced. In half crimson morocco covers, enclosed in full crim- son morocco solander case, by Bradstreet. 630. The same. Second issue (printed in two signa- tures) and bound in with " The Rebelliad " [Augustus Pierce, 1863; and Childe Harvard, Nathan Ames, Bost. 1851]. i6mo, half morocco. Rare. [Cambridge, 1862] RUSKIN'S COPY. 631. IL PESCEBALLO, OPERA IN UN ATTO. Musica del Maestro Rossibelli-Donimozarti. i2mo, original light gray-green printed wrappers, pp. 32. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1862 * Fine copy. Rare. Third issue. A note laid in, in the auto- graph of Mr. Chamberlain, states: ..." Said to have been among Ruskin's books recently sold in England.'' The pencil notes on the margins are thought to be in the autograph of Ruskin. In half straight-grained morocco covers. A letter of C. E. Norton is laid in referring to it. 632. FIRESIDE TRAVELS. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor& Fields, 1864 * First issue lacking the publisher's list. Later issues have the advertisements dated Sept., 1864, etc., at end. ''■James W. Otis, with Thos. Parson s best zvishes" on the title. 115 XTbe Collection of 5. C. Cbamberlain 633. THE PRESIDENT'S POLICY. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 22. [Philadelphia, 1864] *FiNE COPY. Extremely rare. In the original salmon pink wrappers, as fresh as when first issued, with the misspelled word, " cricises " on the first line, noted by Mr. Chamberlain. 634. THE BOATSWAIN'S WHISTLE. Published at the National Sailor's Fair. Edited by Lowell, Holmes, Whittier and others, and containing original Contributions. 4to, original pictorial wrappers. Boston: A. Mudge & Son, 1864 635. THE BIGLOW PAPERS. Second Series. Au- thorized Edition. i2mo, original wrappers. London: Triibner & Co., 1864 * Genuine first edition, antedating the appearance of the first American edition by ^ years. 636. THE BIGLOW PAPERS. Second Series, Au- thorized People's Edition, London: Triibner & Co., 1865; \(ilso\ The Biglovv Papers, with additional Notes and Enlarged Glossary, London: John Camden Hotten, 1865. 2 vols, in one. i2mo, half roan. 637. THE BIGLOW PAPERS. With additional Notes and Enlarged Glossary. i2mo, original printed wrappers. London: John Camden Hotten, 1865 * Later English issue. LOWELL'S COMMEMORATION ODE, GIVEN BY HIM TO RICHARD GRANT WHITE. 638. ODE RECITED AT THE COMMEMORA- TION OF THE LIVING AND DEAD SOLDIERS OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY, JULY 21, 1865. Por- trait of Lowell on India paper inserted. Royal 8vo, original boards, paper label on side, gilt top, enclosed in a full blue MOROCCO CASE, RICHLY TOOLED. Cambridge: Privately Printed, 1865 * Extremely rare. Only 50 copies were printed for the author's use, each numbered, this copy being No. 27. Presentation copy from Lowell, with inscription in his HAND: " To Richard Grant White, Esq,, with the Author's kind regards, jrd Sepfr iS6j." Laid in is a short note of Richard Grant White and his stamp is on verso of title, thus identifying it as THE first copy OF THIS RARE ITEM EVER SOLD AT AUCTION (in the 116 ODE RECITED AT THE COMMEMORATION THE LIVING AND DEAD SOLDIERS OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY, July 21, 1865. By JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL. V Er" TR 1 T^^SL.^.i'l CAMBRIDGE: PRIVATELY PRINTED 1865. [See No. 638.] Morfts ot 3ames IRiissell Xowell Library of Richard Grant White, sold in New York in 1870). Laid in are: (i): Autograph Letter signed of Lowell, 4 pp, 8vo, Elmwood March 28, 1867, on his letter-head, to Thos. W. Higginson, re- lating entirely to this work, in which he says, referring to the proposed reprint of the Ode in the Harvard Memorial Biographies: " On looking further I find to my intense disgust a verse without a mate in the last stanza, and I must put in a patch. . . Item VIII, please make this change: "Virtue treads paths that end not in the grave," [followed by thirteen lines, making the eighth stanza entirely different from the'printed version] ... " There I won't open the book again or I shall write you another 7vorse ' Ode ' instead of mending this. . . I 7visk it could be somewhere that the ^Ode' is reprinted 'by request '..." NONE OF these CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS WERE USED BY Mr. HiGGINSON in the reprint, NOR WAS THIS FINE LETTER OF Lowell's exactly reprinted in Norton's "Letters of Lowell." (2): A short autograph letter signed of Lowell, i p. 8vo, Elmwood, Tuesday, n. d., to the same: "Any change in what the ear has grown "wonted to is at first unpleasing, but you shall do as you like about your copy of the Ode, and of mine faro altro governo if when I reprint it. . . I am discontented 7vith that passage as now. . ." (3): A letter from T. W. Higginson to Mr. Chamberlain, re- lating to the " Ode." (4): A short note from Richard Grant White. One of the most interesting — it not the most interesting — COPY of this Ode ever offered for sale. The sixth stanza is a wonderful characterization of Lincoln, and it is said by Mr. Scud- der that it was not recited at Harvard, in fact, not even having been written at the time of delivery, but was added almost immediately afterwards. [See Reproduction.] 639. GOOD COMPANY FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. For frails of Lowell, Ifazvlhorne., Longfellow., and Others. i2mo, cloth gilt, gilt edges (small relief stamp on title). Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1866 * With poem, " Dara," by Lowell, from Graham's Magazine, 1850. 640. HARVARD MEIVIORIAL BIOGRAPHIES. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth gilt, gilt tops. Cambridge: Sever & Francis, 1866 * Volume I contains the "Ode Recited at the Harvard Commem- oration, July 21, 1865," with text differing from that of the rare privately printed version issued the year previous. 641. MELIBCEUS-HIPPONAX. THE BIGLOW PAPERS. Second Series. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1867 117 Ube Collection ot 5. C Cbamberlain 642. UNDER THE WILLOWS AND OTHER POEMS. i2mo, original cloth, Boston: Fields, Osgood & Co., 1869 643. POETICAL WORKS. Complete Edition. i6mo, original cloth. Boston: Fields, Osgood & Co., i86g 644. THE CATHEDRAL. Vigndte on title. i2mo, orig- inal cloth. Boston: Fields, Osgood & Co., 1870 WITH LETTER FROM LOWELL INSERTED. 645. AMONG MY BOOKS. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Fields, Osgood &Co., 1870 * With an interesting Autograph Letter (2 pp. i2mo) from Lowell to his publisher, in reference to the making up of this collection of Essays: ' ' / shall have them ready in a few tveeks from noiv. I have been adding and annotating more or less all sutntner. I propose to include the critical ones, and only the best of those. Two or three hundred pages, I suppose, will be as j)iuch as you wa7it — so that six essays at most zvillfill up. I hope, if this lovely weather lasts, to give you a poem for September, but in the heat, when I swale like a tallow candle, I am not up to such expansion." The poem referred to was, in all probability, "The Cathedral," which the author completed in the November of the same year, 646. TRIBUTES to the Memory of J. P. Kennedy [with Address, pp. 12-14, by Lowell], 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 16. [Boston]: Mass, Hist. Scty. [1870] 647. THE ATLANTIC ALMANACK for 1870 [with Poems by Lowell, Bryant, and others]. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, wrappers, uncut, pp. 72. Boston : Fields, Osgood & Co. [1870] 648. MY STUDY WINDOWS. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: J. R. Osgood &Co., 187 1 * First issue, with gilt device, of Fields, Osgood & Co. on back. 649. The same. Second issue. Boston, 1871 650. AMONG MY BOOKS. Second Series. i2mo, original green cloth. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1876 * The rare first issue, with copyright date " 1875." 651. The same. Second issue. Copyright "1876." 652. OLD SOUTH MEETING-HOUSE. Report of a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Cambridge in Memorial Hall, Harvard College, Jan'y 18th, 1877. [With an Address by Lowell, pp. 6-10.] 8vo, paper. Boston: Press of Geo. H. Ellis, 1877 118 Morfts of James IRussell Xowell 653. THREE MEMORIAL POEMS. Square i6mo, original cloth. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1877 *With a mis-spelled word in the Dedication, " ackowledgment." 654. THE ROSE. With illustrations. Square lamo, orig- inal cloth gilt, gilt edges. Boston : J. R. Osgood & Co., 1878 * First separate edition. 655. DEATH OF PRESIDENT GARFIELD. Meet- ing of Americans in London at E.xeter Hall, 24 September, 1 88 1. Photo portrait and text within 7nourning borders. Square 8vo, original white cloth, uncut. London : B. F. Stevens, 1881 * With preface and address by Lowell. An attempt has been made to distinguish between the issue oi the above and the lot follow- ing, though Mr. Chamberlain seems to have accepted as final an ex- pression from the publisher that the two issues were given out simul- taneously, the only difference being in that the above was on larger and finer paper, uncut, and published at a higher price. No copies were issued in paper in uncut state. Laid in is an autograph letter from Charles Eliot Norton referring to the above, in which he inclines to the belief that Mr. Stevens, the publisher, was the author of the preface, and not Mr. Lowell, as has been recently supposed. 656. Another copy, in original paper wrappers. London, 1881 LOWELL'S COPY OF "DEMOCRACY." 657. ADDRESS I (ON DEMOCRACY). Delivered be- fore the Birmingham and Midland Listitute j at Birmingham, | on Monday, October 6th, 1884, | by | James Russell Low^ell, D.C.L., LL.D., &c., &c. Square 8vo, stitched as issued, with printed front cover, pp. 24 (small ink-stain on last 3 pp.). In a FULL CRIMSON CRUSHED LEVANT MOROCCO SOLANDER CASE, BY Bradstreet. [London: Harrison and Sons, 1884] * Proof copy struck off for the author's private use while delivering the address, and for the members of THE Press. Printed on one side of the paper only, in which state only a very few copies were issued. James Russell Lowell's own copy, with additions in his HAND ON pages 7, 9 and i6, and his autograph signature laid in. A letter enclosed says: " The original and the Arnold copies are the only survivors of the London Proof Copies " but another copy is in a New York collection, making in all only three copies known in America. This address was delivered by Lowell on the occasion of his assum- ing the Presidency of the Birmingham and Midland Institute, during 119 Xlbe Collection of 3, C. Cbamberlatn his term as American Minister to England. Lowell presented the original to Mr. Wilson King [at whose house in Birmingham he wasen- tertained at the time], with the following amusing autograph inscrip- tion: " To IVilson King I give the blunderbuss, emptied of its charge, with very sincere regard. J. Russell Lowell, 6th October, 1884." Laid in are three autograph letters from Mr. Wilson King to Mr. Chamberlain, relating to the item, two letters from Mr. Davis, and other letters and notes of Mr. Chamberlain giving changes in the Wilson King copy. 658. ADDRESS I (ON DEMOCRACY). The rare LIMITED ISSUE PUBLISHED BY THE BIRMINGHAM AND MIDLAND Institute for its members only, with a copy of the Annual Circular of the Institute, and prospectus card (facsimile of the title laid in). Fine, unopened copy. 8vo, sewn, pp. 15. Birmingham: Cond Bros., Paternoster Row, Moor St. [1884]. 659. THE PALL MALL BUDGET, Oct. lo, 1884 [with Lowell's "Democracy," at p. 13]. Folio, original wrappers. London, 1884 660. BROWNING SOCIETY. Monthly Abstract of Proceedings, Friday, Apl. 24th, 1884 [with an Address by Lowell]. 8vo, sewn. n. p., 1884 * Issued to members of the Society only. 661. TRANSACTIONS OF THE WORDSWORTH SOCIETY. No. VI. [With an Address by Lowell, as President, pp. 12-24.] Frontispiece. 8vo, original paper covers, cloth back. [Edinburgh, 1884] * The Arnold copy, with book-label. At the end is a Catalogue of Wordsworth's Library, which was particularly rich in privately printed works and items but little known. 662. CELEBRATION OF THE TWO HUN- DREDTH AND FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY of the Incorporation of Concord, Sept. 12, 1885, 1635-1885. [With an Address by Lowell, pp. 65-69.] 8vo, original wrap- pers. Concord, Mass.: Published by the Town [1885] * Presentation copy from U. S. Senator Geo. F. Hoar [Orator of the day] to Chief Justice Waite, with MS. corrections by the donor. 663. UNDER THE OLD ELM and other Poems. With Notes and a Biographical Sketch. Portrait on verso of front wrapper. (Riverside Literature Series.) i6mo, original printed wrappers. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1885. 120 Morks ot 5ames IRussell Xowell FOURTH SESSI0:N^. 664. PROCEEDINGS at the Dedication of the New Librar}^ Building, Chelsea, Mass. [with the Address by Lowell, pp. 16-30]. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 32. Cambridge: John Wilson &: Son, 1886 665. FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DANTE SOCIETY [with the Address, pp. 17-38, by Lowell]. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 74. Cambridge: John Wilson & Son, 1886 666. PROCEEDINGS of the Massachusetts Historical Society [with Address by Lowell]. 8vo, original wrappers (pp. 1-55 missing). [Boston, 1887] 667. REPORT of the Proceedings at the Dinner given by the Society of Authors to American Men and Women of Let- ters, 1888 [with a lengthy Speech by Lowell]. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 47. London: Society of Authors, 1888 668. A RECORD OF THE COMMEMORATION, Nov. 5th to 8th, 1886, of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of Harvard College [with orations, poems, etc., by Lowell, Holmes and others]. JFrontispiece-facsiinile. Royal 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Cambridge: John Wilson & Son, 1887 669. DEMOCRACY AND OTHER ADDRESSES. i2mo, original cloth and label, entirely uncut. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1887 * One of only a few copies so issued. 670. POLITICAL ESSAYS. Small 8vo, original cloth, paper label, uncut. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin &Co., 1888 * Only 75 copies so issued. 671. THE ENGLISH POETS: and Lessing, and Rous- seau: Essays. With "An Apology for a Preface." (The Camelot Series, edited by Ernest Rhys.) i6mo, original cloth. London: Walter Scott, 1888 121 Ubc Collection ot 3. C. (Xbamberlafn 672. PROCEEDINGS at the Meeting for the Formation of the International Copyright Association, Parker House, Dec. 27, 1SS7 [with an Address b}^ Lowell as Chair- man, pp. 11-12]. 8vo, sewn. Boston: Press of Rockwell and Churchill, 1888 673. REPORT OF THE PROCEEDINGS AT THE DINNER GIVEN BY THE [LONDON] SOCI- ETY OF AUTHORS to American Men and Women of Letters, Wednesday, July 25, 1888 [with an address by Lowell, pp. 18-25]. 8vo, original wrappers. London : Societ}' of Authors, 1888 674. HEARTSEASE AND RUE. Portrait of the author. i2mo, original cloth and label, uncut and unopened. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1888 * One of 250 copies issued uncut and with tiie label. 675. TWO GALLEY PROOF SHEETS OF ''Hearts- ease a7id Jiiic^" 18SS, corrected by Lowell; and, in addition, the Original Manuscript of the additional Three Verses of '''•Love's Clock," added by Lowell on the return of the Proof [which he has pasted on it]. * These galley proofs contain the long poems of " The Burns Centennial" *' To C. F. Bradford'' '''In the Half- Way House" and a part of " To Holmes on his J^th Birthday" as well as a num- ber of shorter ones, with hundreds of corrections, alterations and additions in Lowell's hand, whole lines being rewritten in some cases, and with the important addition above alluded to of the three verses to' ''Love's deck.'' Accompanied by a few lines of authentication signed C. E. Norton. 676. THE INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS. An Address delivered before the Reform Club of New York, Apl, 13, 18SS. i2mo, original wrappers, uncut. [Reform Club Series No. i.] New York: The Reform Club, 1888 677. The same. Large Paper. No. 123 of only 300 copies so issued. Royal 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. 678. THE COMPLETE ANGLER ; or, The Con- templative Man's Recreation, of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. With an Introduction by J. R. Lowell. Full-fage plates, proofs on Japan paper and nutnerous illustrations in the text. 2 vols. Svo, cloth, gilt, entirely uncut, Boston: Little, Brown &: Co., 1889 * Laroe Paper. No. 397 of 500 copies so issued. 122 Morfis ot James IRussell Xowell 679. AREOPAGITICA. A Speech of Mr. John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing to the Parliament of England. With an Introduction by James Russell Lowell. Etched portrait of the author. i6mo, original boards and label and uncut. New York: The Grolier Club, 1890 * Grolier Club Publication. One of 325 copies issued. 680. PUBLICATIONS of the Modern Language Asso- ciation of America, Vol. 5, No. i [with the lengthy Address by Lowell]. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut, pp. 32. Baltimore, 1890 681. LATEST LITERARY ESSAYS and Addresses. Portrait of the author on India paper. 8vo, original half cloth and boards, with label, uncut and unopened. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1891 * Large Paper. No. 286 of 300 copies printed. 682. The same. i2mo, original cloth gilt, uncut. Boston, 1892 * Issued simultaneously with the Large Paper edition, though dated one year later, 683. THE OLD ENGLISH DRAMATISTS. Por- trait. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1892 684. The same. Large Paper. No. ho of 300 copies so printed. Portrait on India paper. 8vo, original half cloth and boards, with label, uncut and unopened, Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1892 685. THE WRITINGS OF JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL, including the Old English Dramatists and Latest Literary Essays and Addresses. Full page portraits, proof impressions on India paper. Together 12 vols. Royal 8vo, original half white cloth and boards, with labels, uncut and almost entirely unopened. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1890-92 * Fine and handsome set, limited to 300 copies for America, this copy being No. 104. 686. AMERICAN IDEAS FOR ENGLISH READ- ERS. With Introduction by Henry Stone. Portrait. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: J. B. Cupples & Co. [1892] 123 Zbc Collection ot 5. C. Cbamberlain 687. THE VISION OF SIR LAUNFAL. mVi designs by E. H. Garrett. Small 8vo, original vellum gilt, gilt top, uncut. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1891 * No. 27 of only 100 copies printed throughout on Japan VELLUM PAPER. 688. AN EPISODE in the Life of J. R. Lowell. By A. D. Hallowell. [Harper's Weekly, Ap. 23, 1892.] [NewYork, 1892] 689. CONVERSATIONS ON SOME OF THE OLD POETS. With an Introduction by Robert Ellis Thompson. Third Edition. Enlarged [by the addition of two Essays, "Thomas Middleton " and "The English Song Writers," now first collected]. i2mo, original cloth. Philadelphia: David McKay, 1893 * The Arnold copy, with book-label. 690. THE POET AND THE MAN. Recollections and Appreciations of James Russell Lowell. By Francis J. Underwood. Portrait. i2mo, original cloth gilt, gilt top, uncut. Boston: Lee & Shepard, 1893 691. LETTERS OF JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL. Edited by Charles Eliot Norton. Portraits. 2 vols, thick 8vo, original buckram, gilt tops, uncut and unopened. New York: Harper & Bros., 1894 692. THE HARVARD CRIMSON SUPPLEMENT, containing Unpublished Fragments furnished by Charles Eliot Norton, from the College Lectures of James Russell Lowell. Six Nos. Small folio (as issued). Cambridge, 1894 * All issued. Rare. 693. THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY, August, 1894 [the sections containing Lowell's Letters to Poe]. Svo. 694. THE POEMS OF JOHN DONNE, from the Text of the Edition of 1633. Revised by James Russell Lowell, with Preface, Introduction and Notes by Charles Eliot Norton. Portraits. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth gilt, uncut and unopened. New York: The Grolier Club, 1895 * Grolier Club Publication. One of only 383 copies printed. 695. LAST POEMS. Portrait of the author. 12 mo, original cloth gilt, gilt top, uncut. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1895 124 \ 'Cllloi'1^5 Of James IRussell Xowell 696. LECTURES ON THE ENGLISH POETS. 8vo, original half crimped morocco, uncut and unopened. Cleveland: The Rowfant Club, 1897 * Rowfant Club Publication. No. 166 of 224 copies issued. The Arnold copy. 697. IL PESCEBALLO: Opera in one Act, Italian words by Francis James Child; English Version by James Russell Lowell. Facsimile of the original title. i2mo, origi- nal cloth, gilt top, uncut. Chicago: The Caxton Club, 1899 * Caxton Club Publication. One of 207 copies on handmade paper. 698. IMPRESSIONS OF SPAIN. Compiled by Joseph B. Gilder. With an Introduction by A, A. Adee. Portrait. i2mo, original half vellum and boards, gilt top, uncut. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1899 699. JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL AND HIS FRIENDS. By Edward Everett Hale. With portraits, facsimiles and other illustrations. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1899 700. JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL: a Biography. By Horace Elisha Scudder. Numerous full-page portraits.^ vieivs and facsimiles. 2 vols. Svo, original half cloth and boards, with labels, totally uncut. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1901 * Large Paper. No. 46 of only 350 copies issued for Europe and America. Includes several letters here first published, together with copious notes and a valuable chronologically arranged bibliography of Mr. Lowell's writings. 701. THE ANTI-SLAVERY PAPERS OF JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL. 2 vols, large 8vo, original boards and labels, uncut and unopened. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1902 * Riverside Press Publication. No. 3 of 525 copies. 702. DEMOCRACY. An Essay delivered in the Town Hall, Birmingham. By Hon. James Russell Lowell, Ameri- can Minister in London. i2mo, original half cloth and boards, uncut. The Riverside Press, 1902 * Riverside Press Publication. No. 148 of 500 copies. 125 mov]\Q of jEbgar Elian poe. 703. MISCELLANEOUS SELECTIONS AND ORIGINAL PIECES IN PROSE AND VERSE. By Elizabeth Chase. lamo, half roan gilt, uncut, n, p. Pub- lished for the Editor b}^ E. J. Coale, Richard J, Metchett, Printer, 1821, * Contains " Monody on the Death of General Joseph Sterett, by a very Young Gentleman of Baltimore," signed " Edgar, "and twenty other poems by the same hand. "A Dream," "To Sorrow," "Twilight," "A Lily," " To Despondency," etc. A note to one of the pieces states that they were composed by a youth of eighteen. These poems have been attributed to Edgar Allan Poe, and the age, given as "eighteen," is possibly a fiction to disguise the extreme youth of the poet. Toe at this period was writing verse, though still ai school ; for it is related that about this time Mr. Allan showed a manuscript volume of poems written by him to the young ladies of Richmond. Though as yet no evidence has been brought forward to prove conclusively that these poems were the productions of Poe, still, upon a close examination of them, and particularly after a com- parison of them with the " Fugitive Pieces " (written in 1821) and published with "Tamerlane" in 1827, it is difficult to believe other- wise than that they were by the same hand. The decided preference in the choice of doleful and melancholy themes, the frequent employ- ment of imagery drawn from the beauties of nature — the heavens, flowers, etc., and the occasional reiteration of liquid sounds and alliterative combinations in the versification here exhibited, it seems, all tend to strengthen this belief. Rare. PRESENTATION COPY FROM ROSE M. POE, SISTER OF E. A. POE. 704. AL AARAAF, TAMERLANE AND MINOR POEMS. 8vo, original boards, totally uncut. Baltimore: Hatch & Dunning, 1829 * One of the finest copies known, and with autograph inscription, '^Presented to E. . . . by her friend Rose M, Poe." Enclosed in a case made to represent a volume beautifully bound in full dark green crushed levant, elaborately gilt with broad gold borders and center-piece, ornamental back, broad inside borders in gilt dentelle, leather joints, cream-colored watered-silk doubles and end papers, solid gold edges, by Bradstreet. This case in turn preserved in a dark green solander case of polished mo- 126 TAMERL.ANE, AMD lAinoi^ pozifis. BV XXDOAR A. POE. BALTIMORE: HATCH & DUNNING. J 829. [See No. 704.] rocco gilt by the same binder. Apparently an original idea of Mr. Chamberlain. The case, in point of beauty and delicate execu- tion, seems a fitting resting place for what he unquestionably consid- ered the piece de resistance of his collection. This copy was bought at the sale of the library of Mr. Frederick W. French, of Boston, in igoi, and the excessive rarity of the item is too well known to require any particular notice here, but few copies being in existence. The inscription, however, by one so near to the author, adds a personal interest to this copy which we believe is possessed by but one other. [See Reproduction.] PRESENTATION COPY FROM POE. 705. POEMS I by I Edgar A. Poe. | (rule) | Toutlemonde a raison. — Rochefoucault. | Second Edition. [ (rule) | New York: | Published by Elam Bliss. | (rule) | 1831. i6mo, original cloth, top edge and some leaves uncut as issued (text somewhat time-stained). New York: Published by Elam Bliss, 1831 * Presentation copy, with inscription in the author's AUTOGRAPH— " MR. THEO: S. FAY, WITH THE AUTHOR'S COMPLIMENTS." Also, with presentation inscription (in pencil on title), "David Graham, Jr., from his friend Theo. S.Fay." The present volume purported to be a second edition of the Balti- more issue [1829] of " Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane, etc." though it differs widely from that edition in many points, materially by the omission of six short poems and the addition of the first versions of " To Helen," " The Sleeper," " Lenore," "The Valley of Unrest," "The City in the Sea," and " Israfel," and, with considerable alterations and new lines in the poems, " AI Aaraaf" and " Tamerlane." The book was prepared for the press only a short time before the author's expulsion from the military academy at West Point, and it is said that the publisher undertook its issue only on the strength of a subscription gotten up among the poet's fellow-cadets there, the volume being " respectfully dedicated " to them. Some copies have the words, " The End," on the last page, though this copy is without it, signifying, no doubt, one of the earliest issues. Enclosed in a dark green morocco solander case. Very rare. Not more than half a dozen copies known. From the library of Gouverneur Kemble, the friend of Washington Irving. 706. POEMS. Second Edition. i6mo, original cloth, top edge uncut. New York: Published by Elam Bliss, 1831 * Some pp. spotted here and there and two first fly-leaves torn. Enclosed in a red morocco solander case, by Bradstreet. Very RARE. 127 Ube Collection of 5. C. Gbamberlain 707. THE NARRATIVE OF ARTHUR GORDON PYM of Nantucket. i2mo, original clotla and label, uncut, witli 16 pp. of advertisements, dated May, 1838. New York: Harper & Bros., 183S 708. THE CONCHOLOGIST'S FIRST BOOK; or, A System of Testaceous Malacology, arranged expressly for the Use of Schools. By Edgar A. Poe. 12 full-page plates. i2mo, original half roan and printed boards. Philadelphia: Published for the Author, 1839 * In this copy the plates are colored. Rare in this state. 709. The same. With the plates uncolored. 710. THE CONCHOLOGIST^S FIRST BOOK. A System of Testaceous Malacology, arranged expressly for the Use of Schools. 12 plates, uncolored. lamo, original half roan and boards. Philadelphia: Published for the Author, 1840 * With new preface and corrections in the text. First issue thus. 711. TALES OF THE GROTESQUE AND ARA- BESQUE. By Edgar A, Poe. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth and labels (margins somewhat water-stained). Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard, 1840 * Second issue of the very rare first edition, of which but 750 copies were printed. With 4 pp. of personal and editorial opinions. 712. TALES OF THE GROTESQUE AND ARA- BESQUE. Vol. II, i2mo, original cloth (spotted and name on title). Philadelphia: Lea and Blanchard, 1840 * With the paper label and with the advertisements, pp. iv. Rare. 713. THE GIFT: A Christmas and New Year's Present for 1840. Illustrated. 12 mo, original full morocco, gilt edges. Philadelphia: Carey and Hart, 1840 * Contains " William Wilson," by Poe, and contributions by W. G. Simms and others. 714. GRAHAM'S LADY'S AND GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. Engravings^ colored costume plates, etc. [Vols. 21 and 22 in one vol.] 8vo, half roan (rubbed and no title to Vol. 22). Philadelphia: G. R. Graham, 1842-43 * With original contributions by Poe, Bryant, Longfellow, Lowell and others. 128 Merits of ]£&gar Hllan poe 715. THE GIFT: A Christmas and New Year's Present for 1842. Illustrated. i2mo, original full morocco, gilt edges. Philadelphia: Carey and Hart, 1842 * Contains " Eleonora," by Poe, also contributions by W. G. Simms and others. 716. THE GIFT. 1843. Illustrated. i2mo, original full morocco gilt, gilt edges. Philadelphia: Carey and Hart, 1843 * Contains " The Pit and the Pendulum," by Poe, also contribu- tions by W. G. Simms and others. 717. THE NEW MIRROR OF LITERATURE, Amusement and Instruction. Edited by George P. Morris and N. P. Willis [with original contributions by E. A, Poe and others]. Numerous steel plates. Vols, i and 2 in one vol. thick royal 8vo, half roan. New York, 1843 718. THE OPAL: A Pure Gift for the Holy Days. Edited by N. P. Willis. Plates by Chapman [with sketch, "Morning on the Wissahiccon," by Poe]. i2mo, original stamped roan gilt, gilt edges (some plates a little spotted). New York: John C. Riker, 1844 719. GODEY'S MAGAZINE AND LADY'S BOOK. July, 1844-June, 1846. Illustrated {including some colored COSTUME plates). 2 vols. 8vo, fuU morocco, gilt edges. Philadelphia: Louis A. Godey, 1844-46 * Contains " Big Abel and the Little Manhattan," " The Literati of N. Y. City," and other contributions by Poe. 720. THE AMERICAN REVIEW, February, 1845. 8vo, original wrappers. New York: Wiley and Putnam, 1845 * Contains the " Raven," by Poe, its original appearance. 721. THE AMERICAN REVIEW, April, 1845. 8vo, original wrappers. New York: Wiley and Putnam, 1845 * Contains "Some Words with a Mummy," "The Valley of Unrest," and "The City in the Sea," by Poe. 722. THE AMERICAN REVIEW, July, 1845. 8vo, original wrappers. New York: Wiley and Putnam, 1845 * Contains " Eulalie, " by Poe. 723. THE AMERICAN REVIEW, August, 1845. 8vo, original wrappers. New York: Wiley and Putnam, 1845 * Contains " The American Drama," by Poe. 129 TLbc Collection ot 5. C. Cbamberlain 724. THE AMERICAN REVIEW, December, 1845. 8vo, original wrappers (lacks back wrapper). New York: Wiley and Putnam, 1845 * Contains " Facts of M. Valdemar's Case," by Poe. 725. THE BROADWAY JOURNAL, Vol. i, and Nos. 1-2 of Vol. 2. Imp. 8vo, half roan (broken), no title, bound from the parts. New York, 1845 * Contains " Tlie Raven," with differences from its appear- ance in the "American Review," Feb., 1S45; also, "Berenice," "The Conqueror Worm," "Shadow — a Parable," and other contri- butions by Poe; also, "The Pilgrimage to Kevlaar," by Maria Lowell, etc. 726. THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY MIRROR. Edited by G. P. Morris and N. P. Willis. Vols. 1-2, in 1 vol. Folio, half calf (broken, lacks No. 3, and no title to Vol. i). New York: Morris, Willis, and Fuller, 1845 * Contains " The Raven," by Poe, with some changes in the text from the original issue in the "American Review." PRESENTATION COPY FROM ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 727. THE RAVEN and Other Poems. By Edgar A. Poe. i2mo, sewn (few pp. somewhat stained). New York: Wiley & Putnam, 1845 * With the half-title and 12 pp. of advertisements. " TAzs copy was presented to Mrs. John Van Dyke by Abraham Lincoln at Wash- ington in 1846. It was originally in yellozv {paper) covers, and on the outside, at the top, was written, 'Mrs. Van Dyke, with the regards of A. Lincoln.' The cover was afterwards torn off, presumably by some one who wanted the signature." — From an accompanying auto- graph note, signed ''John C. Van Dyke, New Brunswick." Mr. Chamberlain was evidently satisfied of the truth of the above statement, as he refers to it among his papers as corroborative, and it must be presumed that before finally accepting the book as a genuine presentation copy, from so eminent a man as Lincoln, he had exhausted every possible source of information regarding its authen- ticity, as was his rule, in all such matters. 728. TALES. By Edgar A. Poe. i2mo, original cloth, top edge uncut (back somewhat warped by water-stain). With 4 pp. of advertisements. New York: Wiley & Putnam, 1845 130 Mor]f?5 of B^aar Hllan ^oc 729. POE (EDGAR A.). TALES; [also] THE RAVEN and Other Poems. 2 vols, in one, i2mo, original cloth, gilt, as issued. New York: Wiley & Putnam, 1845 * Inclosed in a full green crushed levant morocco solander case, richly tooled, by Bradstreet. 730. MESMERISM "IN ARTICULO MORTIS." An Astounding and Horrifying Narrative, showing the Ex- traordinary Power of Mesmerism in Arresting the Progress of Death. i2mo, sewn, as issued. London: Short & Co., 1846 * The first English edition of " The Case of M. Valdemar." Scarce. 731. EUREKA; A Prose Poem. By Edgar A. Poe. i2mo, original black cloth. New York: Geo. P. Putnam, 1848 * Fine copy. The first edition, which, it is said, consisted of not more than 500 copies. 732. THE WORKS OF THE LATE EDGAR ALLAN POE, with Notices of his Life and Genius, by N. P. Willis, J. R. Lowell, and R. W. Griswold. Mezzotint portrait by Sartain. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth (some pp. spotted). New York: J. S. Redfield, 1850 733. WORKS OF POE. Vol. II, Poems and Miscel- lanies. Vol. Ill, The Literati. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth (used copy, stamp on title of Vol. III). New York: Redfield, 1850 734. THE LITERATI: Some Honest Opinions about Autorial Merits and Demerits, with Occasional Words of Per- sonality, By Edgar A. Poe. With a Sketch of the Author, by R. W. Griswold. i2mo, original black cloth. New York: J. S. Redfield, 1850 735- THE WORKS OF THE LATE EDGAR ALLAN POE. Vol. IV, containing Arthur Gordon Pym, Tales of Humor, and Miscellanies. i2mo, original cloth. New York: Redfield, 1856 736. TAMERLANE AND OTHER POEMS. By Edgar Allan Poe. First Published at Boston in 1827 and now first republished from a unique copy of the Original Edition, with a Preface by Richard Heme Shepherd. i6mo, parchment boards, uncut. London: Geo. Redway, i< * No. 86 of only 100 copies reissued. 131 Ubc Collection ot 5, C. Cbamberlain 737. EDGAR ALLAN POE. By George E. Wooa- berry. Portrait. i2mo, original cloth, American Men of Letters Series. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1885 738. SOME LETTERS OF EDGAR ALLAN POE TO E. H. N. PATTERSON, of Oquawka, Illinois, with Comments by Eugene Field. Facsimiles. 410, original cloth, uncut. Chicago: The Caxton Club, 1898 *FlNE COPY. Only 186 copies were printed. This volume gives the history of a proposed periodical which Poe contemplated estab- lishing in the West. Morke of Ibcnr^ Davlb ZTborcaiu 739. A WEEK ON THE CONCORD AND MERRI- MACK RIVERS. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. Boston and Cambridge: James Munroe and Co., 1849 * The rarest of Thoreau's Books, with the "three lines dropped by the printer " on page 396 supplied in pencil by Mr. Chamberlain. 1,000 copies were issued, 220 of which were sold, 75 were given away, and the remainder (705 copies) were bought by James T. Fields after the author's death, and reissued with a title- page dated 1S62. Enclosed in a beautiful solander case of green morocco, richly tooled, by Bradstreet. [See Reproduction.] 740. WALDEN; or, Life in the Woods. Vignette on title. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1854 * Fine copy. Scarce. With 8 pp. of advertisements dated April, 1854. 741. ECHOES OF HARPER'S FERRY. [Edited by] James Redpath [with " A Plea for Capt. John Brown, by Thoreau"; "Speeches, by Emerson; Poem by Whittier, etc.] i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Thayer & Eldridge, i860 742. A WEEK ON THE CONCORD AND MERRI- MACK RIVERS. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1862 * This is one of the remainders of the first edition with the sub- stituted title-page. One of the few copies issued without the letter- ing " Second Edition " on title. Scarce. 132 J A WEEK CONCORD AND MEHRIMACK RIVERS. BY HENRY D. THOREAU. BOSTON AND CAMBRIDGE: JAMES MUNROE AND COMPANY. NEW YORK : GEORGE P. PUTNAM. PIIILADELPHIA : LINDSAY AND BLACKISTON. LONDON : JOHN CHAPMAN. 1849. [See No. 739.] Morks ot Ibenr^ DaviD Xlboreau 743. EXCURSIONS. [Edited, with Biographical Sketch, by R. W. Emerson.] ^^Portraits. Fine copy. i2mo, orig- inal cloth. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1863 744. THE MAINE WOODS. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1864 * Fine copyjof the first issue, with prices of works announced on page opposite title. 745. The same. Second Edition. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1864 746. CAPE COD. [Edited by Sophia Thoreau and VV. E. Channing.] i2mo, original cloth. Fine copy. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1865 747. LETTERS TO VARIOUS PERSONS [and Poems. With Prefatory Note by R. VV. Emerson.] izmo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1865 748. A YANKEE IN CANADA, with Anti-Slavery and Reform Papers. [Edited by Sophia Thoreau and W. E. Channing.] i2mo, original cloth. Fine copy. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1866 749. A WEEK ON THE CONCORD AND MERRI- MACK RIVERS. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1868 * New and Revised Edition (First issue). Fine copy. 750. EARLY SPRING IN MASSACHUSETTS. From the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau. [Edited, with In- troductory Chapter, by H. G. O. Blake.] i2mo, original cloth. Fine copy. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1881 751. HENRY D. THOREAU. By F. B. Sanborn. Portrait. [American Men of Letters Series.] i2mo, origi- nal cloth. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1882 752. SUMMER: From the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau. Edited by H. G. O. Blake. Map. i2mo, original cloth. Fine COPY. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1884 753- WINTER: From the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau. Edited by H. G. O. Blake. i2mo, original cloth. Fine copy. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1888 133 Ube Collection ot 5. C. Cbambcrlatn 754. AUTUMN: From The Journal of Henry D. Tho- reau. Edited by H. G. O. Blake. i2mo, original cloth. Fine copy. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1892 755- FAMILIAR LETTERS OF HENRY DAVID THOREAU. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by F. B. Sanborn, Portrait. lamo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. Fine COPY. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin &Co., 1894 756. POEMS OF NATURE. Selected and edited by H. S. Salt and F. B. Sanborn. Vignette title. i6mo, origi- nal buckram, uncut. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.; London: John Lane, 1895 757- SOME UNPUBLISHED LETTERS OF HENRY D. AND SOPHIA E. THOREAU. A Chap- ter in the History of a Still-born Book. Edited, with a Prefatory Note, by Samuel Arthur Jones. Portraits ajid views. 8vo, original boards, uncut. Jamaica, N. Y. : The Marion Press, 1899 * No. 55 of only 150 copies printed. 758. THE PERSONALITY OF THOREAU. By F. B. Sanborn. 8vo, original boards and label, uncut. Boston: Chas. E. Goodspeed, 1901 * No. 6 of only 15 copies issued on Japan vellum paper and auto- graphed by the publisher. 759. THE SERVICE. By Henry David Thoreau. Edited by F. B. Sanborn. 8vo, original boards and label, uncut. Boston: Chas. E. Goodspeed, 1902 * No. 10 of 500 copies issued on P'rench handmade paper. 760. The same. No. 19 of only 22 copies issued on Japan vellum and autographed by the publisher. Boston, 1902 761. A BIT OF UNPUBLISHED CORRESPOND- ENCE between Henry D. Thoreau and Isaac T. Becker. By E. Harlow Russell. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut and unopened. Worcester, Mass : Press of Charles Hamilton, 1902 * Rare. Only 50 copies issued. 134 Mork6 of 3obn (Brccnlcaf Mbittiei% 762. INCIDENTAL POEMS, accompanied with Let- ters, and a few Select Pieces, mostly Original for their Illus- tration, together with a Preface and Sketch of the Author's Life. By Robert Dinsmoor, the "Rustic Bard.'' i2mo, original half cloth and boards, totally uncut, and with the paper label (repaired). Haverhill: A. W. Thayer, 1828 * The Arnold copy, with book-label. This volume contains Whittier's first poem printed in book form — " J. G. Whittier to the ' Rustic Bard,' " a poem in eleven stanzas, in the Scotch dialect. The work was printed at the office of the " Haverhill Gazette " dur- ing the winter of 1827-S. 763. SPECIMENS OF AMERICAN POETRY. With Critical and Biographical Notices. By Samuel Kettell. 3 vols. i2mo, original half cloth and boards, totally uncut, and with the labels. Boston: S. G. Goodrich and Co., 1829 * Contains the poem " The Sicilian Vespers," by Whittier. Ket- tell assisted Samuel G. Goodrich in the "Peter Parley" series of juvenile books. The above work contains critical and historical accounts of the poets of America from the time of Cotton Mather and Roger Wolcott, including many minor authors who are not noticed elsewhere. 764. THE YANKEE ; and Boston Literary Gazette, September to December, 1829. Edited by John Neal. 4 Nos. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Boston: Wells and Lilly, 1829 ""Contains "The Vestal," by Whittier, not in his collected works; also, " The Minstrel Girl," and other pieces. 765. THE YANKEE : or. Farmer's Almanack for 1831 ; The same for 1832. 2 vols. i2mo, original pictorial wrap- pers, uncut and unopened. Boston: Willard, Felt and Co. [1830-1] * With the poems "The Spirit of the North," "Bolivar" and " The Cities of the Plains," by Whittier, which have never been reprinted. 135 Ube Collection of 5» C Cbamberlain 766. THE AMERICAN COMMON-PLACE BOOK OF POETRY. With Occasional Notes, by George B. Cheever. Frontispiece. 12 mo, original boards, totally UNCUT. Boston: Carter, Hendee and Babcock, 1831 * Contains poems by Whittier: "To the Dying Year," "The Indian's Tale," "A Legend," etc.; also, with Poems by Longfellow, Holmes, and others. Dr. Cheever was pastor of the Allen Street Church in New York, WHITTIER'S FIRST BOOK; NOT REPRINTED. 767. LEGENDS I OF NEW ENGLAND. | (Quotation, 1 1 lines.) I (rule) | By John G. Whittier. | (rule) | Hartford. | Published by Hanmer and Phelps. | Sold by Packard & But- ler, Hartford; Carter, Hendee & Babcock, Boston; | G. & C. & H. Carvill, and E. Bliss, New York; A. E. Carey, and | A. Hart, Philadelphia; and by the Booksellers generally. | 1831. i2mo, original half cloth and boards, paper label, top edge uncut (upper corner of label rubbed off, otherwise a clean, sound copy). Hartford: Published by Hanmer & Phelps, 1831 * Rare. None of the poems save "Metacom," included in this collection, were ever reprinted. Enclosed in a dark green morocco solander case. 768. MOLL PITCHER, I A Poem. | [Quotation, 5 lines,] I double rule. | Boston: | Carter and Hendee, | 1832. 8vo, original blue printed wrappers, fore and lower edges uncut. Boston: Carter and Hendee, 1832 * The finest copy of this rare pamphlet known to exist. It has both the wrappers intact and the covers and text throughout are as crisp and fresh as when published. This copy has never before appeared in the Auction Room, and all experienced collectors will appreciate the greatly increased value of this very rare item on account of its immaculate condition. Enclosed in a full crushed levant green morocco solander case, richly tooled, by Bradstreet. In 1884 Whittier wrote: "/ doubt whether any copy of Moll Pitcher is extant. It luas a 7nere pamphlet and only a few copies printed." [See Reproduction.] 769. MOLL PITCHER; a Poem. 8vo, original wrap- pers, pp. 28. Boston: Carter and Hendee, 1832 [reprint] 136 MOLL PITCHER, A POEM. " If the seeker bo of an haute and stomachful carriage, and maketh merrie of the wisdom of thine art, thou mayest gain an empery over his orgulous and misbeUeving spirit, by some full strange, and terrible misterie, or cunning device, whereat he may be amort with doleful misgivings." C. Agripp. JVo. The Printer, and sev- eral other Poems. i2mo, original printed boards, uncut. Boston: Farnham & Badger, 1817 ■•• The first book by " The Boston Bard." The McKee copy, with bookplate engraved by French. Privately printed. 129. COFFIN (ROBERT S.). The " Boston Bard " to the citizens of Boston. 8vo, half morocco, uncut, pp. 15. Boston : John Putnam, for the author, 1826 * The McKee copy, with bookplate engraved by E. D. French, During the War of 1812, the poet was captured by the British. 130. COLMAN (BENJAMIN). A Poem on Elijah's Translation, occasioned by the Death of the Reverend and Learned Mr. Samuel Willard, Late Pastor to a Church of Christ in Boston. By Mr. Colman. i2mo, full black crushed levant gilt, inside borders, gilt top, by Bradstreets. Boston: Printed for Benjamin Eliot, 1707 * Rare. McKee copy, with bookplate by French. Two signa- tures of original owner, Leudia [Lydia ?J Chapin, May 16, 1708. 131. COLMAN (BENJAMIN). A Sermon at the Lec- ture in Boston after the Funerals of those Excellent and Learned Divines and Eminent Fellows of Harvard College, the Rev. Mr, William Brattle, Pastor of the Church of Christ in Cambridge, who deceased Feb. 15, 17 16, and the Rev. Mr. Ebenezer Pemberton, Pastor of a Church of Christ in Boston, who deceased the 13 of the Said Month. i6mo, original calf over oaken boards. Printed by B. Green for Samuel Ger- rish and Daniel Henchman, 1717. 132. COLMAN (BENJAMIN). The Blessing of Zelu- LAN AND Issachar: A Sermon. i2mo, paper, uncut, Boston: Printed by B, Green, 1719 * Fine copy. Rare uncut. With the half title. Morhs of 3ainc6 Jfcnimorc Cooper, 133. PRECAUTION. A Novel, In Two Volumes, (Vol, 2 only.) i2mo, half calf (somewhat rubbed). New York: Published by A, T. Goodrich & Co., 1820 134. THE PIONEERS; or. Sources of the Susquehanna. A Descriptive Tale. 2 vols. i2mo, old half calf. New York: Published by Charles Wiley, 1823 16 Xlllorl^s ot James jfenimore Gooper 135. LIONEL LINCOLN; or, The Leaguer of Boston, 2 vols. i2mo, original boards and labels, uncut. New York: Published by Charles Wiley, 1825-24 136. THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS; A Narrative of 1757. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth (one label rubbed, the other missing). Philadelphia: H. C. Carey and I. Lea, 1826 * Small piece cut from 3 pp. at end. Scarce. 137. NOTIONS OF THE AMERICANS PICKED UP BY A TRAVELLING BACHELOR. 2 vols. i2rao, original half cloth and boards, with labels uncut. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea & Carey, 1828 138. WEPT OF WISH-TON-WISH: A Tale. 2 vols. i2mo, original boards and label, uncut. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea & Carey, 1829 139. THE BRAVO. A Tale. 2 vols. i2mo, original boards and labels, uncut. Philadelphia: Carey & Lea, 1831 * Fine copy. With 34 pp. of advertisements in Vol. I. 140. THE HEIDENMAUER; or. The Benedictines. A Legend of the Rhine. 2 vols. i2mo, original boards and labels, uncut. Philadelphia: Carey &: Lea, 1832 * Fine copy. 141. THE HEADSMAN; OR THE ABBAYE DES VIGNERONS. A Tale. 2 vols. i2mo, original boards and labels, uncut (joints cracking), pp. 130-131 torn. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1833 * With advertisement at end of each volume. 142. A LETTER TO HIS COUNTRYMEN. ByJ. Fen- imore-Cooper (sic). 8vo, original half cloth and boards. New York: John Wiley, 1834 143. THE MONIKINS. 2 vols. i2mo, original half cloth and boards, with labels, uncut. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1835 * Fine copy, With advertisements at end of both volumes. 144. SKETCHES OF SWITZERLAND. By An Amer- ican. (First Series.) 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth and labels. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1836 * Fine copy. 17 Zhc Collection of 5. C Cbamberlafn 145. GLEANINGS IN EUROPE. England. By An American. 2 vols. lamo, original cloth and labels. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea «!v: Blanchard, 1837 146. THE AMERICAN DEMOCRAT, or, Hints on the Social and Civic Relations of the United States of America. i6mo, original cloth and label. Cooperstown : H. «S«: E. Phinney, 1838 * On American Slavery, The American Press, Slavery in the Dis- trict of Columbia, etc. Rare. Lacking in many notable collections. 147. HOMEWARD BOUND ; or, The Chase. A Tale of the Sea. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth and labels (backs a little soiled). Philadelphia: Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1838 148. HOME AS FOUND. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth and labels. Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard, 1838 * Fine copy. 149. MERCEDES OF CASTILE; OR THE VOYAGE TO CATHAY. 2 vols. T2mo, original cloth and label. Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard, 1840 150. THE PATHFINDER; OR THE INLAND SEA. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth (labels in MS.). Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard, 1840 * No copyright entry in Volume I. 151. AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED, i page, 4to, Otsego Hall, Cooperstown, Jan. 2, 1841. To Mr. Roberts, Editor of the Boston Notion. With leaf of superscription. The original signature cut off and replaced by another. * Important Bibliographical letter, in which Cooper states that he published two sketches, "Heart" and "Imagination," under the title, " Tales for Fifteen," by "Jane Morgan,"' not included in his works and not generally known to be his. " Some fiftee^i or twenty years since my publisher became em- bar asscd and I wrote tivo short tales to aid him. He printed thefn under the title of ^ Tales for Fifteen, by ^ Jane Morgan.^ One of these stories, rather a feeble one I fear, was called ' Heart,' the other 'Imagination.' This tale was written one rainy day, half asleep and half awake, but I retain rather a favorable impression of it. If you can find a copy of the book, you might think ' Imagination ' worth reprinting." Also mentions Longfellow, and indulges in some severe strictures on John Murray, the English publisher, of whom he says, " Mr. Murray is a great man only aviong very little men." The letter has the address and post-mark. 18 Morfts ot James dfeuimore Cooper 152. THE DEERSLAYER; OR THE FIRST WAR- PATH. A Tale. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth and labels. Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard, 1841 153. THE TWO ADMIRALS. A Tale. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth and labels. Philadelphia : Lea & Blanchard, 1842 154. WING AND WING, OR LE FEU-FOLLET. 2 vols. Svo, original wrappers, lower edges uncut. Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard, 1842 155. BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE, OR ANSWERS TO MESSRS. BURGES, DUER AND MACKENZIE. i2mo, wrappers, pp. 117. Cooperstown : H. & E. Phinney, 1843 156. AFLOAT AND ASHORE; OR THE ADVEN- TURES OF MILES WALLINGFORD. 2 vols. i2mo, ori- ginal paper covers (name erased from front covers and back wrapper of Vol. 2 missing). Philadelphia: Published for the Author, 1844 157. PROCEEDINGS of the Naval Court-Martial in the Case of Alexander Slidell Mackenzie, a Commander in the Navy of the United States, etc., including the charges and specifications of charges preferred against him by the Secre- tary of the Navy. To which is annexed an Elaborate Review. Svo, original cloth. New York: H, G, Langley, 1844 158. SATANSTOE; OR THE LITTLEPAGE MANU- SCRIPTS; a Tale of the Colonies. 2 vols. i2mo, original wrappers (lacks a leaf and 2 wrappers). New York: Burgess, Stringer and Co., 1845 159. THE REDSKINS; OR INDIAN AND INGIN: being the Conclusion of the Littlepage Manuscripts, etc. 2 vols. i2mo, original paper covers. New York: Burgess, Stringer &: Co., 1846 160. THE CRATER; OR VULCAN'S PEAK. A Tale of the Pacific, etc. 2 vols, izmo, original paper covers. New York: Burgess, Stringer & Co., 1847 * Fine copy. 161. THE OAK OPENINGS; OR THE BEE HUNTER. 2 vols. i2mo, original printed wrappers (first few pages slightly stained). New York: Burgess, Stringer & Co., 1848 19 Zbc Collection of 3* C, Gbamberlatn 162. THE SEA LIONS; OR THE LOST SEALERS. 2 vols. i2mo, original i:)rinted wrappers (backs very slightly defective). New York: Stringer & Townsend, 1849 163. The same. Original wrappers [name on same]. 164. OLD IRONSIDES. (Its original appearance ex- tracted from Putnam's Monthly for May, 1853.) 8vo, sewn. [New York, 1853] * Note of Mr. Chamberlain says, " See Holmes Broadside, fSjj." 165. PAGES AND PICTURES, from the Writings of James Fenimore Cooper. With Notes by Susan F. Cooper. Numerous beautiful illustrations on steel and wood by F. O. C. Darley and others. Thick royal 8vo, full morocco, gilt edges. New York: W, A. Townsend and Co., i86r * Choice copy of the Original Issue, 166. [COXE (ARTHUR CLEVELAND).] St. Jona- than, the Lay of a Scald, 2 Nos. i2mo, wrappers, uncut. Fine copy. New York: Thomas J, Crowen, and Wiley and Putnam, 1838, 167. [COZZENS (FREDERICK S.).] Prismatics, by Richard Haywarde. Illustrated. lamo, original cloth. New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1853 * Fine copy of the author's first book. Scarce. Illustrated with designs after Darley, Kensett, and others. 168. COZZENS (FREDERICK S,). Thk Sparrowgrass Papers; or Living in the Country. 2 illustrations. i2mo, original cloth. New York: Derby and Jackson, 1856 169. COZZENS (FREDERICK S.). The Sayings of Dr. Bushwhacker, and other Learned Men. i2mo, origi- nal cloth. New York: A. Simpson and Co., 1867 170. CRANCH (CHRISTOPHER P.). Poems. i2mo, original boards. Philadelphia: Carey and Hart, 1844 * The McKee copy, with bookplate engraved by E. D. French. Dedicated to Emerson. 171. CRANCH (CHRISTOPHER P.). The Bird and THE Bell, witli other Poems. i2mo, original cloth, Boston: James R. Osgood and Co,, 1875 172. CRANCH (CHRISTOPHER P.). Ariel and Cali- ban, with other Poems, izmo, original cloth. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1887 20 Mork6 of (3C0VQC M. Curtis, 173. NILE NOTES OF A HOWADJI. Engraved title and -vignette. 12 mo, original wrappers, uncut, pp. 320, New York: Harper and Bros., 185 1 * The author's first isook. Scarce in wrappers. With the advertisements, pp. 16. 174. The same. i2mo, original cloth. New York: Harper and Bros., 1851 * Presentation copy from the author, with inscription: " Frederic Rakeman, from his Aff, G. IV. C, May 8th, i8ji." Fine copy. 175. The same. i2mo, original cloth. Fine copy, with early book-label of Jas. C. Bullen. New York: Harper and Bros., 1851 176. LOTUS-EATING: A SUMMER BOOK. Ilius- trated. i2mo, original cloth. New York: Harper and Bros., 1852 177. THE HOWADJI IN SYRIA. i2mo, original cloth (name on title). New York: Harper and Bros., 1852 ■" Autograph presentation copy from the author, with inscription: ''For W. Rakeman, from his Aff. Geo. Win. Curtis, May jrd, 18^ 2." 178. THE POTIPHAR PAPERS. (Reprinted from "Put- nam's Monthly.") Illustrated. i2mo, original cloth. New York: G. P. Putnam and Co., 1853 * With autograph note: " With all good luishes, George Wil- liam Curtis, 2g October, iSSj," laid in. 179. PRUE AND I. I 2mo,. original cloth, uncut. New York: Dix, Edwards and Co., 1856 180. TRUMPS. A Novel. Illustrated by Augustus Hop- pin. Small 8vo, handsomely bound in full crimped morocco, gilt tooled on back and sides, inside gold borders, gilt top, uncut, \vith the original covers preserved, by Stikeman. New York: Harper & Bros., 1861 * One of a few copies on Large Paper, issued uncut for presentation to the author's friends. 181. The same. i2mo, original cloth. New York: Harper and Bros., 1861 21 JLbc Collection ot 3. C Cbamberlain 182. AN ORATION ON THE ANNALS OF RHODE ISLAND and Providence Plantations, by Francis Vinton, and A Rhyme of Rhode Island and the Times, by Geo. W. Curtis. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 80 (no back wrapper). New York: Printed for the Association, 1863 183. AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED, 3 pp.8vo,Staten Island, 1869, interesting letter, with mention of his work, etc.; Letter signed, 2 pp. i2mo, 1890. (2 pieces.) 184. BURGOYNE'S SURRENDER; An Oration deliv- ered on the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Event, Oct. 17, 1877, at Schuylerville, N. Y, 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 27. New York: Baker and Godwin, 1877 185. THE PUBLIC DUTY OF EDUCATED MEN. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut, pp. 22 (stamp on wrapper). Albany: J. Munsell, 1878 186. THE LIFE, CHARACTER, AND WRITINGS OF WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT. i2mo, original cloth. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons [1879] * The Arnold copy, with book-label. First issue. 187. ROBERT BURNS. An Address. 4to, original wrappers, uncut, pp. 28. New York: Printed for Private Circulation, 18S0 188. ADDRESS delivered before the Alumni of Brown University, June 20, 1882; also Poem by T. W. Bancroft. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 32. Providence: Sidney S. Rider, 1882 189. AN ADDRESS AT THE UNVEILING OF THE STATUE OF WASHINGTON, upon the Spot where he took the Oath as First President of the United States. Frontispiece. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut, pp. 35. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1883 190. THE PROGRESS OF REFORM, an Address. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 27. New York: National Civil-Service Reform League, 1883 191. HIMSELLUF. To G. W. C. i2mo, original wrap- pers, pp. 21. Boston: Charles H. Whiting, 1884 * " jMisier Guriis hat a hardy, L'nd it vas anti- Blaine." 00, Morfts of Georoe M. Curtis 192. WENDELL PHILLIPS. Eulogy, delivered before the Municipal Authorities of Boston, Mass., April i8th, 1884, 8vo, original wrappers, pp. ^6. New York: Harper and Bros., i< 193. JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL. An Address, ///us- trated. 24mo, original cloth. New York: Harper and Bros., 1893 * The Foote copy, with bookplate engraved by French. 194. FROM THE EASY CHAIR. ALL THREE SERIES. Portraits and vignettes. 3 vols. 3 2 mo, original cloth, gilt. New York: Harper and Bros., 1892-4 195. GEORGE WILLIAM CURTIS. A Eulogy,by Will- iam Winter. Portrait. 24mo, original cloth, uncut. New York: Macmillan and Co., 1893 196. GEORGE WILLIAM CURTIS. A Commemora- tive Address, by Parke Godwin. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut, pp. 65. New York: Harper and Bros., 1893 197. DALY (AUGUSTIN). The Comedy of a Mid- summer Night's Dream, written by William Shakespeare. Portrait of Ada Rehan and scenes from the play. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. [New York] Privately printed for Mr. Daly, t 23 Ubc Collection ot 5. C. Cbambcrlafn SECOND sessio:n\ 198. [DANA (RICHARD HENRY).] The Idle Man. (Parts 1-3 and 5 o///y.) 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. (Part I lacks title and all before pp. 11, pp. 5-10 being sup- plied from a shorter copy — backs rubbed). New York: Wiley & Halsted, 1821-22 * Five poems by W. C. Bryant appeared for the first time in this publication. 199. DANA (RICHARD HENRY). The Idle Man. (No. Ill ofi/y.) Svo, original paper covers, uncut (front cover spotted). New York: Wiley & Halsted, 182 1 200. DANA (RICHARD HENRY). Poems. i6mo, original half cloth and boards, with label. Boston: Bowles & Dearborn, 1827 * The McKee copy, with bookplate. 201. DANA (RICHARD HENRY). A Poem ("Thoughts on the Soul") delivered before the Porter Rhetorical Society, Andover, Sept. 22, 1829. Svo, original wrappers. Boston: Perkins & Marvin, 1829 202. DANA (RICHARD HENRY). Poems and Prose Writings. i2mo, original cloth and label. Boston: Russell, Odiorne & Co., 1833 203. DANA (R. H. JR.). Two Years Before the Mast. A Personal Narrative of Life at Sea. i6mo, original cloth (cover and some pp. slightly stained). New York: Harper & Bros., 1840 204. DARLEY (F. O. C). The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle (2 copies of the former). Illustrations by Darky. 3 vols. 4to, original wrappers. [New York]: American Art-Union, 1848-9 205. DERBY (G. H.). The Squibop, Papers. Illustrated by the author. i2mo, original cloth. New York: Carleton, 1S65 ■■■John G. Saxe's copy, with autograph and date, 1S66. 206. DODGE (MARY ABIGAIL— GAIL HAMIL- TON). Country Living and Country Thinking. i2mo, original cloth. R. C. Waterston's copy. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1862 24 Morkd of 3o5cpb IRo^man 'E)va\\c. 207. [DRAKE (JOSEPH RODMAN) AND HALLECK (FITZ-GREENE).] Poems by Croaker, Croaker & Co. and Croaker, Jun., as published in the Evening Post. i6mo, half roan (title very slighth'^ defective and some pp. a little spotted). New York, 1819 * Very rare. Several of the pieces included were playful satires on prominent characters of the day. The immortal stanzas on the " American Flag" are here first published in book form. 208. FITZ-GREENE HALLECK'S COPY. The Cul- prit Fay and other Poems. Engraved title. 8vo, original cloth, uncut (portrait lacking). New York: George Dearborn, 1835 * Bright copy of the genuine first issue, with copious MS. corrections and annotations in the autograph of Fitz-Greene Halleck. From the collection of Gen'l Jas. Grant Wilson, the poet's literary executor, with verification in his autograph. 209. The same. Second Edition. Portrait and en- graved title. 8vo, original cloth and leather label (relief stamp on title and a little spotted). NewYork: George Dearborn, 1836 210. The same. Another edition. Frontispiece. i2mo, original cloth. New York: Rudd & Carleton, 1859 * Bookplate of Henry B. Anthony. 211. THE AMERICAN FLAG. 8vo. n. p., n. d. *Rare Broadside. 212. DUER (W. A.). An Eulogy on John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. 8vo, unbound, pp. 20. Albany: Office of the National Standard, 1826 213. DWIGHT (TIMOTHY). The Conquest OF Canaan. A Poem in Eleven Books. i2mo, original sheep (relief stamp and name on title, otherwise very fine copy). Hartford: Printed by Elisha Babcock, 1785 214. DWIGHT (TIMOTHY). A Discourse on the Genuineness and Authenticity of the New Testament. De- livered at New Haven, Sept. 10, 1793. 8vo, original wrap- pers, uncut. New York: Printed by George Bunce & Co., 1794 * With A. L. S. of the author inserted, Jan. 10, 179S, to Pierpont Edwards, about his financial affairs. 25 XTbe Collection of 3, C, Cbamberlafn 215. DWIGHT (TIMOTHY). Greenfield Hill: a Poem in Seven Parts. 8vo, original sheep (name of R. Nares on title). New York : Printed by Childs & Swaine, 1794 * On the Burning of Fairfield, Destruction of the Pequod Indians, etc. Fine copy. 216. EDWARDS (JONATHAN). The Excellency of Christ; A Sermon. 8vo, unbound, unopened and uncut, pp. 36. Boston: E. Lincoln, 1805 " Rare state. mov\\e of IRalpb Malbo lEmersom 217. A HISTORICAL DISCOURSE delivered before the Citizens of Concord, 12th September, 1835, on the Second Centennial Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town. Svo, sewn. Concord: G. F, Bemis, Printer, 1835 * The Arnold copy. 218. THE DIAL: A Magazine for Literature, Philosophy and Religion. (Nos. 11 and III of Vol. II for Oct. and Jan'y, 1841-42.) Svo, original wrappers. Boston: Jordan & Co. [&] E. P. Peabody, 1841-42 219. POEMS. i2mo, original boards, top edge uncut (rebacked with cloth and with reprinted label). With the ad- vertisements, 4 pp. Boston: James Munroe & Co., 1847 220. POEMS. i2mo, original cloth. London: Chapman Bros., 1847 * First English edition, with note on verso of sub-title. Mr. L. S. Livingston has noted in pencil throughout the variations from the Boston edition. 221. THE BOSTON BOOK. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 * With Poems by Emerson, Holmes, Whittier and others. Ed- ited by Geo. .S. Hilliard. 222. REPRESENTATIVE MEN; Seven Lectures. i2mo, original cloth (stamp on title). Boston: Phillips, Sampson & Co , 1850 223. MAY-DAY and other Pieces. i2mo, original cloth. Fine COPY, Boston: Ticknor &: Fields, 1867 26 Morhs of lEbwarb iBvcrctt, 224. A DEFENCE OF CHRISTIANITY against the Work of George B. English entitled The Grounds of Chris- tianity Examined by comparing the New Testament with the Old. i2mo, original boards, uncut. Boston: Cummings & Hilliard, 1814 * With autograph note signed by the author inserted, Camb. 1S50, relating to proof. 225. AN ORATION pronounced at Cambridge before the Society of Phi Beta Kappa, August 26, 1824. Svo, unbound, pp. 67. Boston: Oliver Everett, 1824 * Unusual imprint. 226. AN ORATION delivered at Cambridge on the Fif- tieth Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the United States. Svo, original wrappers, uncut. Boston: Cummings, Hilliard & Co., 1826 227. ORATIONS AND SPEECHES on various Occa- sions. Svo, original cloth. Boston: American Stationers' Co., 1836 * Presentation copy with author's autograph inscription. Fine copy. 228. ADDRESSES at the Inauguration of Hon. Edward Everett as President of the University at Cambridge, Apl. 30,1846. Svo, original wrapper. Boston: Little & Brown, 1846 * Presentation copy from Edward Everett, with inscription on front cover. 229. BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL. Oration by Ed- ward Everett, with a Brief Account of the Celebration of the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the Battle, June 17, 1850. Svo, original wrappers. Boston: Redding & Co., 1S50 * Presentation copy, with author's autograph. 230. REMARKS at the Plymouth Festival, ist Aug., 1S53, in Commemoration of the Embarkation of the Pilgrims, Svo, original wrappers. Boston: Crosby, Nichols & Co., 1S53 * Presentation copy, with author's inscription. 231. INAUGURATION of Washington University at St. Louis, Mo,, April 23, 1857 [with an address by Everett], Svo, original limp cloth. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1857 * Presentation copy to his brother-in-law from Everett, with auto- graph inscription. 27 Ube Collection ot 5. C, Cbamberlafn 232. ORATION delivered before the city authorities of Boston, 4th July, i860. Svo, original cloth. Boston: City Printers, i860 * Presentation copy from the author to Governor Banks, with autograph inscription. 233. THE LIFE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON. For- trait. i2mo, original cloth. New York: Sheldon & Co., i860 * Fine copy. Laid in is a letter from Everett, Boston, 1S53, send- ing autograph to C. L. Noble. 234. AN ORATION delivered at the Nev^ York Academy of Music, July 4, 1861. i2mo, original wrappers. New York: Jas. G. Gregory, 1861 235. MEMORIAL OF EDWARD EVERETT. Por- trait. Royal 4to, beautifully full bound in crimson crushed levant morocco, richly gold tooled, gilt top, uncut. Boston: Printed for the Society (The N. E. Historic Genealogical Society), 1865. *No. 9 OF 75 COPIES PRINTED ON DRAWING PAPER, EXTRA-ILLUS- TRATED BY THE INSERTION OF NEARLY 40 PORTRAITS, VIEWS AND AUTOGRAPHS, INCLUDING SEVERAL PORTRAITS OF EVERETT TAKEN AT DIFFERENT TIMES, a letter from Everett written in 1S44 from London, in which he mentions Mr. (Jared) Sparks, Gov. Lincoln, etc., and the historical material relating to New England in the possession of the French Government; portraits of Webster, Wash- ington, Hamilton and Adams, various signatures, a sentiment in the autograph of Everett, etc. A beautiful volume in the CHOICEST STATE. 236. TRIBUTE to the Memory of Edward Everett by the New England Historic-Genealogical Society at Boston, Jan'y 17, 1865. Portrait and vieivs. 8vo, half roan, gilt top. Boston, 1865 237. FESSENDEN (THOS. G.). Terridle Tractora- tion!! a Poetical Petition against Galvanising Trumpery in Four Cantos. By Christopher Caustic. i2mo, original mottled sheep, gilt. New York: Printed for Samuel Stansbury, 1804 * First edition, with the plates by Maverick, Ale.x. Anderson, etc. Autograph of Wm. P. Morford on title. 238. FESSENDEN (THOS. G.). Democracy Un- veiled; or, Tyranny Stripped of the Garb of Patriotism. By Christopher Caustic. Secoxd Edition, i2mo, original boards, uncut. Boston: David Carlisle, 1805 28 dfirst lEDitions of Hmerican Hutbor? 239. FESSENDEN (THOS. G.) Original Poems (Elegy on the Death of General Washington, etc.). T2mo, original sheep (rubbed). Philadelphia: Printed at the Lorenzo Press of E. Bronson, 1806. * Privately printed. 240. FIELD (EUGENE). Eugene Field's First Book, The Tribune Primer, With Additional Sketches now first collected from the Denver Tribune. Small 4to, original half roan, uncut and unopened. Jamaica, N. Y. : Privately printed at the Marion Press, 1900. * No. 28 of only 90 copies, printed on hand-made paper. 241. FIELD (ROSWELL). The Bondage of Bal- LiNGER. Portrait. 8vo, boards and label, uncut. Chicago: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1903 * No. 206 of only 212 copies issued, on hand-made paper. Morks of 3amc6 Z. 3fielb6, 242. ANNIVERSARY POEM delivered before the Mer- cantile Library Association of Boston, September 13, 1838. Small 8vo, sewn. Boston: Wm. D. Ticknor, 1838 * The author's first publication in separate form. 243. THE TOKEN and Atlantic Souvenir for 1840 and 1841. Edited by S. G. Goodrich [with poems by James T. Fields and others]. Plates. 2 vols. i2mo, original stamped leather, gilt, gilt edges. Boston: W. D, Ticknor, 1840-41 * Contains long and interesting article on " Ireland and the Irish." 244. POEMS. Square i2mo, original cloth, top and bot- tom edges uncut. Boston: Wm. D. Ticknor & Co., 1849 * Fine copy, with author's inscription: " Edward A. Crowninshield, with the best regards of Jas. T. Fields. Boston, May, 1849." 245. The same. * Presentation copy : " Mrs. Ticlvnor, with the regards of Jas. T. Fields." 246. POEMS. Vignette on title. i6mo, original cloth, gilt edges. Cambridge: Metcalf & Co. [1854] * Privately printed. Very fine copy. 29 Ube Collection ot 5. C. Cbamberlain 247. A FEW VERSES FOR A FEW FRIENDS. i2mo, original cloth, red edges. [Cambridge: The Riverside Press {ca. i860)] * One of only a few copies privately printed for distribution among friends. With inscription : " With the Author's regards." Appar- ently the copy given H. M. Ticknor, as Mr. Chamberlain has noted it as procured from him through Foley, and the initials " H. M. T." are on a fly-leaf. 248. UNDERBRUSH. i6mo, original cloth. Boston: Jas. R. Osgood & Co., 1877 249. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES AND PERSONAL SKETCHES, with unpublished Fragments and Tributes from Men and W^omen of Letters. Small 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1882 Morns of 3obn fhj]\c. 250. TOBACCO AND ALCOHOL. i2mo, original cloth. * Fiske's first book. NewYork: Leypoldt and Holt, 1869 251. MYTHS AND MYTH-MAKERS: Old Tales and Superstitions interpreted by Comparative Mythology, izmo, original cloth. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co., 1873 252. AMERICAN POLITICAL IDEAS. lamo, original cloth. NewYork: Harper and Bros. [1885] 253. THE IDEA OF GOD, as Affected by Modern Knowledge. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1886 254. THE CRITICAL PERIOD OF AMERICAN HIS- TORY, 1783-1789. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1888 * Presentation copy from the author, with inscription : " To Gen. James Grant Wilson, with best wishes of the Author, Jan. 13, 1SS9." 255. THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA, with some Ac- count of Ancient America and the Spanish Conquest. J'or- trait on India paper and fnaps. 4 vols, royal 8vo, original half hoUand and boards, uncut, and with the paper labels. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1892 * The very scarce Large Paper edition, limited to 250 copies, this being no. i38. 30 Morfts of 5obn fi5\\c 256. CIVIL GOVERNMENT IN THE UNITED STATES considered with some References to its Origin. 1 2mo, original cloth. Boston: Houghton, Mififlin and Co.,1893 257. EDWARD LIVINGSTONE YOUMANS, Interpre- ter of Science for the People. A Sketch of his Life, with Selections from his Published Writings, and Extracts from his Correspondence, etc. Portrait. i2mo, original cloth. New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1894 258. THE CRITICAL PERIOD OF AMERICAN HIS- TORY, 1 7 83- 1 7 89. lUustrations — some on ludia paper. Royal 8vo, original half holland and boards, uncut, and with the paper label. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1898 * The scarce Large Paper edition, of which only 250 COPIES were printed, each numbered, this being No. 138. 259. OLD VIRGINIA AND HER NEIGHBOURS. lUustrations — some on. India paper. 2 vols, royal 8vo, original half holland and boards, uncut, and with the paper labels. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1900 * The scarce Large Paper edition, only 250 copies printed EACH numbered, THIS BEING No. I3S. Morks of pbilip Jfrcneaiu 260. POEMS written between the Years 1768 and 1794. A new edition, including a considerable number of Pieces never before published. 8vo, old half sheep, leather label. Monmouth [N. J.]: Printed at the Press of the Author, 1795 * Rare. With interesting newspaper clippings inserted. 261. POEMS Written and Published during the American Revolutionary War and nov;^ Republished from the Original Manuscripts; interspersed with . . . other Pieces not hereto- fore in Print. Frontispieces engraved by John Eckstein; view of Paul Jones' Victory over the Serapis and portrait of an Indian chief. In 2 vols. i2mo, original sheep, leather labels. Philadelphia: Lydia R. Bailey, 1809 * A new edition, containing a revision of the text of the two for- mer collected editions and some pieces now first published. In a 31 Zbc Collection of 3^, C, Gbamberlafn letter to Thos. Jefferson about this time the author says in regard to these volumes: " T/iis is the first edition that I have in reality at- tended to, the other two having been published . , . while I was wandering over gloomy seas," etc. The Brinley-McKee copy with the latter's bookplate in each vol- ume. Fine coi'Y. 262. A COLLECTION OF POEMS on American Affairs, and a Variety of Other Subjects chiefly Moral and Political, written between the year 1797 and the Present Time. 2 vols. i6mo, original sheep, leather labels. New York: D. Longworth, 1815 * Volume II contains a number of Pieces, now first collected, re- lating to events in the War of 1S12. 263. POEMS relating to the American Revolution. With an Introductory Memoir and Notes by Evert A. Duyckinck. Proof portrait of Frcneau on India paper. Imp. 8vo, original cloth and paper label, uncut. New York: W. J.Widdleton, 1865 * Large Paper copy. Only 100 copies printed, this being No. 15. 264. SOME ACCOUNT OF THE CAPTURE of the Ship "Aurora." Portraits and facsimile. 8vo, half cloth and boards, uncut. New York: Mansfield and Wessels [1899] 265. A BIBLIOGRAPHY of the Separate and Collected Works of Philip Freneau. Together with an Account of his Newspapers. By V. H. Paltsits. Facsimiles. i2mo, paper covers. xMew York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1903 266. GRISWOLD (R. W.). READiNGsin American Poetry. i2mo, original cloth (loose in covers). New York: Jno. C. Riper, 1843 267. GRISWOLD (R. W.). Passages from the Corre- spondence and Other Papers of Rufus W. Griswold. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, Mass.: W. M. Griswold, 1898 268. HALE (E, E.). Harvard University Valedictory, 1839, Poem by E. E. Hale; Ode by N. H. Morison. 4to, within ornamental border (margin torn). [Cambridge, 1839] 33 movhe of jTits^^rcene 1balIccF^» [See also No. 207 Drake.] 269. FANNY. 8vo, original printed wrappers, uncut, pp. 49- New York: C. Wiley and Co., 1819 * Fine copy in exceptional state, of Halleck's first book. 270. FANNY. Second Edition (revised and with addi- tions). 8vo, original wrappers, uncut, pp. 67. New York: Wiley and Halstead, 182 1 * Fine copy. Rare state. Also with the above " Fanny, con- tinued," 8vo, unbound, pp. 29, New York, William Grattan, 1820. The author of "Fanny, continued " is unknown. It has been at- tributed to Isaac Starr Clason, author of " Horace in New York." 271. MARCO BOZZARIS. From the New York Review and Athenaeum Magazine. Small 8vo, sewn, pp. 3. [New York, 1825] * The first separate appearance of this famous poem. Very RARE. Accompanied by a Greek translation, i2mo leaflet, 7 pp. [1869]. 272. ALNWICK CASTLE, with other Poems. 8vo, origi- nal wrappers, uncut, pp. 64. New York: G. & G. Carvill, 1827 * Rare in wrappers, uncut. Presentation copy from the Author, with inscription: " Gold Sellic Silliman, Esq.^ FROM the author, Mr. Hallec(k) "; also with autograph of G. S. Silliman. 273. The same. Small 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges (corner of front cover stained). New York: George Dearborn, 1836 * With other Poems, some now first published. 274. The same. Large Paper copy, uncut. Portrait laid in. Svo, original cloth, leather label. New York: Geo. Dearborn, 1836 275. FANNY, with Other Poems. Engraved title, contain- ing view of ' ' Weehawken " looking torvards Neiv York City. 1 2mo, original cloth. New York: Harper & Bros., 1839 276. SELECTIONS from the British Poets. 2 vols. i8mo, original cloth. New York: Harper & Bros., 1840 * Fine copy. 33 Zbc Collection of 5. C. Cbambcrlain 277. ALNWICK CASTLE, with other Poems [with fur- ther additions]. Engraved title. i2mo, original cloth, gilt. New York: Harper t\: Bros., 1845 278. YOUNG AMERICA: A Poem. Frontispiece. i2mo, original boards. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1865 279. FITZ-GREENE HALLECK. By Evert A. Duy- ckinck. From " Putnam's Magazine," February, 1868. 4to, original printed wrappers, uncut and unopened, pp. 24. New York: Privately Printed for W[illiam] L[oring] An- drews, 1868. *Very scarce. Only 50 copies printed. With two portraits of Halleck laid in. 280. THE POETICAL WRITINGS OF FITZ-GREENE HALLECK, with Extracts from those of Joseph Rodman Drake. Edited by James Grant Wilson. Portrait and illus- trations. Thick royal 8vo, original cloth, uncut and mainly unopened. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1869 * Large Paper copy. Only 150 copies printed. 281. THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF FITZ-GREENE HALLECK. By James Grant Wilson. Portrait and vignette title. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1869 282. The same. Thick royal 8vo, original cloth, uncut and unopened. New York: D. Appleton «S: Co., 1869 * Large Paper copy, No. 7 of loo copies printed. Laid in is a four-page letter from Halleck, referring to his Poems ; also, the original Programme of the Inauguration of the Halleck Statue, 1S77. 283. A MEMORIAL OF FITZ-GREENE HALLECK. [Edited by James Grant Wilson.] Illustrated. 8vo, original cloth. New York: Amerman and Wilson, 1877 * Autograph presentation copy from the editor, with inscription. Contains a List of Halleck's Works, also a List of Portraits of Halleck. 34 mov\\5 of Jfrancis Bret Ibarte. 284. FOURTEENTH ANNIVERSARY of the Society of California Pioneers. Oration by Rev. H. W. Bellows. Poem by Frank Bret Harte, Esq. Vignette title. 8vo, orig- inal wrappers. San Francisco: Printed at the Alta Califor- nia Book and Job Office, 1864. * Fine copy. Rare. With Bibliography [extracted from a maga- zine] laid in. 285. OUTCROPPINGS: being Selections of California Verse. [Edited by F. B. Harte.] Square i2mo, original cloth. San Francisco: A. Roman & Co.; New York: W. J. Widdleton, 1866. * Fine copy. Bookplate of H. B. Anthony. 286. The same. i2mo, original cloth (small stamp on title and covers faded). San Francisco and New York: A. Roman and Co., 1866 * The New York edition with the San Francisco and New York imprint. 287. THE LOST GALLEON, and other Tales. Vignette. i2mo, original cloth (lacks one fly-leaf). San Francisco: Towne & Bacon, Printers, 1867 * Scarce. 288. CONDENSED NOVELS, and other Papers. With comic illustrations by Frank Bellew. i2mo, original cloth. * Fine copy. New York: G. W, Carleton & Co., 1867 289. THE HEATHEN CHINEE. [Plain Language from Truthful James.] Illustrated by Joseph Hull. i2mo. Chicago: The Western News Co. [1870] * A series of 9 lithographic character sketches on cards, including the text of the poem as it appeared in " The Overland Monthly" loose, in the original printed envelope. Fine copy. Scarce. 290. THE HEATHEN CHINEE. With illustrations by S Eytifige, Jr. 12 mo, original printed wrappers. Boston: Jas. R. Osgood & Co., 1871 * The first edition of the poem printed from type in book form. Fine copy. 291. The same. i2mo, half roan, original wrapper bound in. Boston: J. R. Osgood and Co., 1871 35 Ube Collection of 3. C Cbamberlafn 292. CONDENSED NOVELS. Illustrations by S. Eythige, Jr. 1 2mo, original cloth. Boston: Jas. R. Osgood & Co., 187 1 * Second appearance of the " Novels," omitting " Civic Sketches" and " Legends and Tales," 293. EAST AND WEST POEMS. i2mo, original cloth. * First issue. Boston: Jas. R. Osgood & Co., 1871 294. The same. Second issue, taller than the first and with different monogram on back. Fine copy. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Jas. R. Osgood & Co., 1871 295. POEMS, i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Fields, Osgood & Co., 1871 * First issue. Fine copy. 296. MRS. SKAGGS'S HUSBANDS and other Sketches. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Jas. R. Osgood & Co., 1873 297. ECHOES OF THE FOOT-HILLS. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Jas. R. Osgood & Co., 1875 298. SALLY DOWS and Other Stories. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1893 299. A PROTEGEE OF JACK HAMLIN'S and Other Stories. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1894 300. THE LUCK OF ROARING CAMP, and Other Sketches. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1895 * Portland edition. 301. MR. JACK HAMLIN'S MEDIATION and Other Stories. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1899 302. UNDER THE REDWOODS. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1901 36 Morf^5 of IRatbanicl Ibawtbornc. 303. FANSHAWE. A Tale. i2mo, original boards, CLOTH BACK, UNCUT (a fcw pagcs foxed, lower margin of one fly-leaf at the back torn away, and the name Peter Newhead, Harrisburg, January 27, 1830, on a fly-leaf). Boston: Marsh & Capen, 1828 * The above slight defects are mentioned merely to be accurate. This extremely rare first work of Hawthorne is otherwise in excellent condition. Few copies are in existence, as Hawthorne himself de- stroyed all that remained unsold and all that he could recover. 304. THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE of Useful and En- tertaining Knowledge. Embellished with numerous engravings. (Vol. II for 1835 only.) Royal 8vo, half bound (broken and a few pp. loose). Boston [1835] * The six concluding numbers of Vol. II were edited by Haw- thorne, who, with his sister, wrote, or revised, the whole of its con- tents. These contributions have never been reprinted. [See pp. 312 and 520.] 305. PETER PARLEY'S UNIVERSAL HISTORY. Vignette., maps and plates. 2 vols, square i2mo, cloth (not uni- form). Boston: John B. Russell, 1837 * First issue. Pictorial title lacking in Vol. I and last leaf of contents supplied. Pp. 261-262 missing in Vol. II and pictorial title and some other pages inserted. Peter Parley's History was compiled by Hawthorne and his sister Elizabeth (see Bridge's Life of Hawthorne, p. 77). 306. The same. 2 vols, square i6mo, cloth (binding worn and not uniform, front, of Vol. I lacking, that of Vol. II with pictorial title and several pp. supplied from a later and shorter copy, some pp. missing, soiled, etc.). Boston: American Stationers' Co., 1837 307. The same. 2 vols, square i6mo, cloth (binding loose, worn and not uniform, .one front, lacking, margins of several pp. of Vol. I badly defective, others soiled, frayed, etc.). Boston: American Stationers' Co., 1837 308. THE BOSTON BOOK: being Specimens of Metro- politan Literature. (Edited by G. S. Hilliard.) Engraved title. 1 2mo, original cloth (slight stamp on title). Boston, 1841 * Contains " Howe's Masquerade," by Hawthorne, originally pub- lished in the " United States Magazine and Democratic Review." 37 Zbc Collection of 3, C, Cbamberlatn 309. FAMOUS OLD PEOPLE: being the Second Epoch of Grandfather's Chair. i8mo, original cloth, paper label on side (lettering rubbed off), otherwise fine copy. Boston: E. P. Peabody. 1841 * The very rare first issue, with the figure " 3 " dropped be- low the proper level on page 36. 310. THE BOSTON MISCELLANY OF LITER- ATURE AND FASHION. Edited by Nathan Hale, Jr. Fashion plates^ some colored (other plates missing). 2 vols. royal 8vo, half roan. Boston: Bradbury, Soden & Co., 1842 * Contains original contributions by Lowell [who also wrote the literary notices], Hawthorne, Longfellow, etc. " The First Client" and others of Lowell's sonnets were never republished. 311. A VISIT TO THE CELESTIAL CITY. 4lithogra- phic plates {two of wJiich sJiow views of early American locomo- tives'). i6mo, original boards, roan back (lower corner of title torn away, deleting imprint) and a facsimile title in- serted, with the advertisements at the end. Philadelphia: American Sunday School Union [1844] *An unauthorized reprint from the Celestial Railroad, which omits the anecdote on page 40 of Beelzebub's purchase of a miser's soul for sixpence. Very rare. 312. THE LIFE OF FRANKLIN PIERCE. Portrait of Pierce. i2mo, original cloth. With the advertisements, 4 pp. Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1852 313. THE BLITHEDALE ROMANCE. i2mo, original cloth (worn). With advertisements, 4 pp. Boston, 1852 314. TIME'S PORTRAITURE. Being the Carrier's Ad- dress to the Patrons of the Salem Gazette and Essex County Mercury. For the First of January, 1853. Large 8vo, pp. 8, sheets (small strip cut from bottom margin of page 7/8, UNCUT AND unopened). ^853 * Extremely rare. The Grolier Club Bibliography of Haw- thorne by J. C. Chamberlain states in connection with this pamphlet: " This address first appeared anonymously as a broadside in 1S38, but in the period of Hawthorne's great fame, soon after the publica- tion of ' The Scarlet Letter,' etc., it was re-issued in this form with a bracketed note on page 4, signed Printer's Devil, which practically disclosed the authorship. In 'The Christmas Locket,' 1870, an unsigned article appeared on ' Father Time,' written by J, E. Babson, disclosing the authorship 38 Merits of IRatbaniel Ibawtborne of this address, but ' Time's Portraiture ' — was not reprinted by its author and is not found in any edition of his writings." The copy offered in Part I. of the Chamberlain Library was the SECOND COPY TO BE OFFERED FOR SALE BY AUCTION, AS NONE OF THE FORMER GREAT COLLECTORS OF AMERICAN FIRST EDITIONS HAD BEEN ABLE TO SECURE IT. 315. THE WEAL-REAF: A Record of the Essex Insti- tute Fair, lield at Salem, Sept. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, with the two Supplementary numbers, and with the Weal-Reaf Extra. 10 nos. (including title in duplicate), 8vo, Salem, i860 * Contains letter and original contribution by Hawthorne. The letter was re-issued as " Browne's Folly." 316. OUR OLD HOME: A Series of English Sketches. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1863 317. PASSAGES FROM THE AMERICAN NOTE- BOOKS OF NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth. Fine copy. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1868 318. THE ANNUAL ADDRESS OF THE CARRIER BOYS of the Salem Gazette and Essex County Mercury, Jan. I, 1892. Leaflet, as issued, pp. 8. * Contains a reprint of Hawthorne's " The Sister Years." 319. THE BOWDOIN QUILL. Hawthorne Centennial, June, 1904. i2mo, pictorial wrappers, uncut, pp. 23. (2 copies.) [Portland, Me.]: Lefavor-Tower Co., 1904 320. FIRST EDITIONS OF THE WORKS OF NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE, together with some Manu- scripts, Letters and Portraits. [By J. Chester Chamberlain.] Svo, original boards, uncut, in case. New York: Grolier Club, 1904 * Large Paper copy, with portraits and much additional MATTER NOT IN THE REGULAR EDITION. No. 38 of only 40 COpieS on Van Gelder paper. Privately printed by permission of the Grolier Club. No. 4, sold with Part I of the Chamberlain Library in 1909, was THE FIRST LARGE PaPER COPY TO BE OFFERED AT AUCTION. 321. HAWTHORNE (JULIAN). Bressant. A Novel. i2mo, original cloth. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1873 322. HAY (JOHN). Castilian Days. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Jas. R. Osgood & Co., 1871 39 XTbe Collection of ?♦ C. Cbamberlafn 323. HAY (JOHN). Little Breeches. A Pike County View of Special Providences. Illustrated by J. F. Engel. 8vo, original glazed wrappers. New York: J. S. Redfield, 1871 * First Separate Edition. Fine copy. 324. HAY (JOHN). Jim Bludso of the Prairie Belle, and Little Breeches. Illustrations. i2mo, original wrap- pers, Boston: Jas. R. Osgood & Co., 187 1 * Fine copy. 325. HAY (JOHN). Speech at the Unveiling of the Bust of Sir Walter Scott in Westminster Abbey, May 21, 1897. Portrait. Square i6mo, boards, uncut. London: John Lane, 1897 326. HAYNE (PAUL H.). Poems. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. With the Advertisements, pp. 8. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1855 * Presentation copy from the author: "Miss Julia Met- CALF, with the RESPECTS OF THE AUTHOR." Hayne's fifst publi- cation. 327. HAYNE (PAUL H.). Avolio. A Legend of the Island of Cos, with Poems, Lyrical, Miscellaneous and Dra- matic. i2mo, original cioth, and with the Advertisements, pp. 16. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, i860 * Autograph presentation copy, with inscription: " Henry Timrod, from his affectionate Friend, Paul H. Hayne " — on the title in Hayne's hand. An interesting conjunction of the names of two Southern poets. 328. HAYNE (PAUL H.). Legends and Lyrics. i2mo, original cloth. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co., 1874 * With a 2-page note in the autograph of the author laid in. A copy of an article by R. H. Stoddard, comparing Poe, Timrod and Hayne, and interesting as being in Hayne's hand. 329. HAYNE (PAUL H.). Autograph Song: "Song. For the Yorktown Centennial." 2 pp. Folio. MS. un- signed. [1883?] 330. [HILL (F. S.).] The Harvest Festival, with other Poems. 24mo, original boards, uncut. Boston: True and Greene, 1826 331. HOLLAND (JOSIAH G.). Letters to the Joneses. By Timothy Titcomb. i2mo, original cloth. New York: Cliarles Scribner, 1863 40 first lEMttons of Hmerican Hutbors 332. HOLLAND (JOSIAH G.). Kathrina. i2mo, orig- inal cloth. New York: Charles Scribner & Co., 1867 333. HOLLAND (JOSIAH G.). The Marble Prophecy and other Poems. Frontispiece. 12 mo, original cloth. New York: Scribner, Armstrong and Co., 1872 334. HOLLAND (JOSIAH G.). The Mistress of the Manse. lamo, original cloth. New York: Scribner, Armstrong and Co., 1874 Morks of ©liver Mcnbell Ibolmcs, 335. THE HARBINGER: A May-Gift. Post 8vo, orig- inal cloth, with the paper label (slightly rubbed). Boston, 1833 * By O. W. Holmes, Epes Sargent, and Park Benjamin. Seven- teen of the Poems in this volume were written by Holmes. Laid in are short letters from Holmes and Benjamin, both relating to auto- graphs. 336. POEMS. Post 8vo, original cloth, with paper label. Boston, 1836 * There were two different kinds of cloth used for this edition, one being (as above) a dull brown with floral decoration, and the other a much darker shade of brown. This is the author's first volume of verse to contain his name, and here collected are poems that ap- peared in " The Harbinger," " The Collegian," and other sources. This volume of Poems "militated seriously against this respect- able and abstemious physician," Holmes having a short time before its publication joined the Mass. Medical Society. 2,Z7' HOMCEOPATHY and its Kindred Delusions; Two Lectures. i2mo, original boards and label (some pages spotted). Boston: William D, Ticknor, 1842 338. URANIA: A Rhymed Lesson. 8vo, original wrap- pers, pages 32 (small piece torn from front cover). Boston: Wm. D. Ticknor and Co., 1846 339. ASTRiEA: The Balance of Illusions; a Poem before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Yale College, August 14th, 1850. i2mo, original boards (slight stain on front cover). Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 41 Ube Collection ot 5. C. Cbamberlain 340. RESPONSE OF OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES, M.D., to the following Toast, proposed at the Entertainment given to the American Medical Association, by the Physicians of the City of New York, at Metropolitan Hall, on the 5th of May, 1853. Original broadside poem of 12 stanzas of 8 LINES EACH. Printed within ornamental border. Folio. New York: Baker, Godwin and Co. [1853] * Extremely rare. Not in Foley, or in the Arnold, Pyser, FooTE, or any well-known collections. The Toast was : " The Union of Science and Literature, — a happy marriage, the fruits of which are nowhere seen to better advantage than in our American Hohnes." 341. THE PROFESSOR AT THE BREAKFAST- TABLE, with the Story of Iris. i2mo, original cloth (used copy). Boston: Ticknor and Fields, i860 342. ELSIE VENNER: A Romance of Destiny. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth (used copy). Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1861 343. THE ADDRESS OF MR. EVERETT, and the Poem by Dr. O. W. Holmes, at the Dinner given to H. I. H. Monseigneur the Prince Napoleon, Sept. 25th, 1861. 8vo, original printed boards, uncut. Cambridge: Privately printed, 1861 * Fine copy. 344. CURRENTS AND COUNTER-CURRENTS in Medical Science; with other Addresses and Essays. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1861 345. WAR-SONGS FOR FREEMEN, dedicated to the Army of the United States. i2mo, original wrappers, pp. 30. Boston, 1862 * Contains at page 32 " The Trumpet's Song," not collected in any edition of Holmes' works. 346. BORDER LINES OF KNOWLEDGE in some Provinces of Medical Science, i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1862 347. The same. r2mo, original cloth [name erased from title]. 348. SONGS IN MANY KEYS. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1862 * A presentation inscription is dated December, 1S61. 43 merits of ©liver Men^elI Ibolmes 349. ORATION delivered before the City Authorities of Boston on the Fourth of July, 1863. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 60. Boston, 1863 * " Mr. Wilmot Johnson, with regards of W. B. Rice," on front wrapper. The first 8vo issue having MS. corrections showing the differences between this and the rare 4to edition of which only 12 copies were printed. 350. SOUNDINGS FROM THE ATLANTIC. i2mo, original cloth. Fine copy (name on title). Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1864 351. THE GUARDIAN ANGEL. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1867 352. THE POET AT THE BREAKFAST-TABLE. Frontispiece. lamo, original cloth. Boston: J. R. Osgood and Co., 1872 353. CENTENNIAL of the Boston Pier, or the Long Wharf Commission, 1874 (with the Address and Poem by Holmes). Svo, original wrappers, pp. 38. Cambridge: John Wilson & Son, 1873 354. SONGS OF MANY SEASONS, 1862-74. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1875 355. BUNKER HILL MEMORIAL, with poem "Grand- mother's Story of Bunker Hill." Illustrated. 4to, original wrappers. [Boston: J. R. Osgood, 1875] 356. THE IRON GATE, and other Poems. Portrait. i2mo, original cloth. Boston : Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1880 357. RALPH WALDO EMERSON. Portrait of, Emer- son. i2mo, original cloth. (American Men of Letters.) Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1885 358. OUR HUNDRED DAYS IN EUROPE. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1887 359. BEFORE THE CURFEW, and other Poems, chiefly Occasional. i2mo, original cloth and label, uncut. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1888 * One of only 250 copies issued in this form. 43 Ubc Collection of 5. C, Cbamberlafn 360. HOPKINS (SAMUEL). A Sermon preached at the South Church in Boston, 8vo, unbound, uncut, pp. 35. Boston, N. E. : Kneeland and Adams, 1768 * Rare state. 361. HOWE (JULIA WARD). Passionflowers, izmo, original cloth, uncut, and with the advertisements, pp. 8. Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1854 * Fine copy of the author's first book. Milliam Bean Ibowelle, 362. POEMS OF TWO FRIENDS. i2mo,original cloth, gilt. Columbus: Follett, Foster and Co., i860 * Fine copy of Howells' first book. Very rare. The McKee copy, with bookplate engraved by E. D. French. The " Two Friends" were W. D. Howells and John J. Piatt. Laid in is a letter relating to the publishers of the book and its scarcity. 363. LIVES AND SPEECHES of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin. Portraits and vietuj. i2mo, original cloth. New York: W. A. Townsend and Co., i860 * Scarce. The Life of Lincoln was written by Howells, and the Life of Hamlin by J. L. Hayes; contains also Speeches of Lincoln, etc. One of the first biographies of Lincoln. 364. ITALIAN JOURNEYS. lamo, original cloth. New York: Hurd and Houghton, 1867 365. NO LOVE LOST. A Romance of Travel. Illus- trations. Square i2mo, original cloth, gilt edges. * Fine copy. New York : G. P. Putnam & Son, 1869 366. SUBURBAN SKETCHES. i2mo, original cloth, some pp. uncut. New York: Hurd and Houghton, 187 1 367. POEMS [including 4 now first published]. i2mo, original vellum, gilt top, uncut. Boston : Ticknor & Co., 1886 368. MODERN ITALIAN POETS. Essays and Ver- sions. Portraits. i2mo, half parchment, gilt top, uncut. New York: Harper & Bros., 1887 369. HUTTON (LAURENCE). From the Books of Laurence Hutton. Portrait. 24mo, original sheets, uncut. New York: Harper and Bros., 1892 44 mov\\e of lima6biiu3ton Hrvin^. 370. [WASHINGTON IRVING, J. K. PAULDING and WILLIAM IRVING.] Salmagundi; or, The Whim- Whams and Opinions of Launcelot Langstaff, Esq., and Others. Portrait. 2 vols. i6mo, original half roan. New York: D. Longworth, 1808 * Title and " contents " of Volume I. missing. All Nos. included are of later issues than the first. 371. The same. Second English Edition, ramo, original boards and label, uncut (covers loose). London: T. Davidson, 1824 372. A HISTORY OF NEW YORK from the beginning of the World to the end of the Dutch Dynasty. By Diedrich Knickerbocker. 2 vols. i2mo, old sheep (folding plate lack- ing, binding not uniform and stained in places). New York: Inskeep & Bradford, 1809 373. THE SKETCH BOOK OF GEOFFREY CRAYON, GENT. (Nos. VI. and VII. only.) 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. New York: C. S. Van Winkle, 1820 * Both Nos. first issues. 374. BRACEBRIDGE HALL, OR THE HUMOR- ISTS. A Medley. By Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. 2 vols. 8vo (new) half cloth (not uniform). New York: C. S. Van Winkle, 1822 375. The same. 2 vols, in one, 8vo, sheep (half titles missing, top margin of p. 141 torn away and tear repaired). New York: C. S. Van Winkle, 1822 376. The same. First English Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, full calf, gilt. London: John Murray, 1822 377. TALES OF A TRAVELLER. 8vo, original wrap- pers, uncut (stained, and front cover of No. 2 lacking). Philadelphia: H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1824 * Nos. I to 3 only. 378. The same. (Parts I and II only.) In one vol. 8vo, half bound (name cut from top of title, poor copy). Philadelphia: H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1824 45 Uhc Collection of 5» C, CF^amberlaln 379. TALES OF A TRAVELLER. The same. Part I only. 8vo, original printed wrappers, uncut (covers and some pp. spotted). Pliiladelphia: H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1824 380. The same. First English Edition. 2 vols. Svo, original boards and labels, uncut (backs worn). London: John Murray, 1824 381. LETTERS OF JONATHAN OLDSTYLE, Gent. With a Biographical Notice. 8vo, new wrappers, totally UNCUT (some pp. spotted). New York: William H. Clayton, 1824 382. The same. 8vo, half cloth and boards (re- bound). New York: William H. Clayton, 1824 * With original front wrappers bound in. 383. A HISTORY OF THE LIFE AND VOYAGES OF CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. Maps. 4 vols. 8vo, half bound (broken, needs rebinding), London, 1828 ■^ First English Edition. 384. ASTORIA, OR ANECDOTES OF AN ENTER- PRISE BEYOND THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. 2 vols. Svo, original cloth (poor copy, broken and map missing). Philadelphia, 1836 385. OLIVER GOLDSMITH: a Biography. New Edi- tion, Revised [and with new Preface]. i2mo, original cloth (spotted). New York: G. P. Putnam, 1849 386. WOLFERT'S ROOST, and other Papers, now first collected. Frontispiece and engraved title by Darley. i2mo, original cloth. New York : G. P. Putnam and Co., 1855 387. THE LIFE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON. By Washington Irving. Illustrated Edition. With numerous full-page steel portraits and ^neivs, maps, etc. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut, in the original parts, as issued (several covers and one or two portraits missing, several pp. spotted and margins of one part mouse-eaten). New York: Geo. P. Putnam, 1856-59 388. The same. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut, in the original parts, as issued. New York: Putnam, 1856-59 * Parts to form Vols. I to IV only. Parts 35-36 and some plates missing. 46 Morfts ot Masbtnotoix Hrvino 389. IRVING VIGNETTES. Vignette Illustrations of the Writings of Washington Irving. Portrait and numerous finely engraved plates after Darley^ Allston, Gilbert and others. Square 8vo, full morocco gilt, gilt edges. * First issue. New York: G. P. Putnam, 1858 390. IRVINGIANA: A Memorial of Washington Irving. Portrait and facsimile. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 64. New York: C. B. Richardson, i860 391. IRVING (WILLIAM— Brother of Washington). A. L. S. I page, 4to. Washington, 1818. A most interest- ing letter, with mention of Decatur, Porter, Rogers (of the War of 1812), Calhoun, etc. 392. JUDAH (SAMUEL B, H.). Gotham and the GoTHAMiTES: a Medley. 24mo, original printed boards, UNCUT and unopened. New York: Published for the Author, 1823 * Fine copy. Rare in boards, uncut. It contains many libellous references to prominent New Yorkers of the period, and on this account the book was suppressed, and the author imprisoned. 393. KENNEDY (J. P.). Rob of the Bowl: a Legend of St. Inigoe's. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth and paper labels. Philadelphia: Lea and Blanchard, 1838 * Fine copy. 47 Ube Collection of 3^. C. Cbamberlatn THIRD SESSION. Morhci of 1benr^ M. Xonofellow. [See also No. 605, Sumner.] 394. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS, selected chiefly from the United States Literary Gazette. Vignette on title. 12 mo, original half cloth and boards, entirely uncut, with label (lacks 4 pp., 113-116). Boston: Cummings, Hilliard and Co., 1826 * Rare in this state. The volume contains 14 poems by Long- fellow, only 5 of which were retained and published in later editions of his poems. With MS. notes in the autograph of Mr. Chamber- lain indicating which poems appeared in " Voices " (of the Night). Contains also 23 poems by Bryant. 395. THE ATLANTIC SOUVENIR for 1827. Plates, including vieiv of JVeiu York, e?ig raved by Maverick. 3 2 mo, original boards in original case (boards). Philadelphia: H. C. Carey & Lea, 1827 * Fine copy. Very rare. Contains " Song of the Birds " and " Burial of the Minnisink " by Longfellow, here first published; also contributions by Irving, Bancroft, and others. 396. [LONGFELLOW (H. W.).] French Exercises; selected chiefly from Wanostrocht and adapted to the Ele- ments of French Grammar by M. Lhomond. By An In- structer (^/V). i2mo, original cloth, uncut. Portland: Samuel Colman, 1830 * Fine copy. Rare. Presentation copy from Griffen, the printer of the volume. 397. ELEMENTS OF FRENCH GRAMMAR. By M. Lhomond. Translated from the French for the use of Schools by An Instructer {sic), 1830; also French Exercises, selected chiefly from Wanostrocht, and adapted to the Elements of French Grammar by M. Lhomond, by An Instructer {sic), 1830. 2 vols, in I. 1 2mo, original cloth (spotted) and paper label (somewhat rubbed). Portland: Samuel Colman, 1830 * This copy contains only 4 errata slips. Thumbed in places and several pages need slight repairs. 48 Morhs of Ibenri^ M. Xonotellow 398. MANUEL DE PROVERBES DRAMATIQUES. I2mO, ORIGINAL CLOTH WITH ORIGINAL LABEL, TOTALLY UNCUT, MANY PAGES UNOPENED. Portland: Samuel Colman, 1830 ^ A remarkably fine copy of this rare book. " With the respects of the Author" written on fly-leaf (apparently not in Longfellow's hand) and probably a copy sent by the publisher at Longfellow's re- quest. The preface of seven pages (in French) is by Longfellow. This is the complete work which contains pp. 2SS, table of contents and errata. Page 28S is misprinted iSS. 399. The same. lamo, original cloth, paper label, top edges trimmed, others entirely uncut, fine copy (last page 188 instead of 288). 400. SAGGI DE NOVELLIERI ITALIANI D'OGNI SECOLO. i2mo, original cloth, paper label, some leaves uncut (p. 123 torn into the text). Boston: Gray & Bowen, 1832 * With preface in Italian of two pages by Longfellow, and leaf of errata. 401. COPLAS DE DON JORGE MANRIQUE, trans- lated from the Spanish, with an Introductory Essay on the Moral and Devotional Poetry of Spain. i2mo, original cloth and label. Boston: Allen and Ticknor, 1833 * Rare. This volume, the first separate publication of the poet, contains, in addition to the Coplas de Manrique and the Essay, nine sonnets, two of which, " Nature and Art" and " The Two Har- vests," have never been reprinted. 402. OUTRE-MER: A Pilgrimage Beyond the Sea | No. I. Boston: Milliard, Gray & Co. | M DCCC XXXIII. No. II. Boston: Lilly, Wait, and Company] M DCCC XXXIV. 8vo, No. I in the original marbled printed WRAPPERS, UNCUT. No. II in the original blue printed WRAPPERS, UNCUT. BoStOn, 1 833-34 * Extremely rare in any condition. Size of Number I, 9H X sH inches; No. II, gj/s [some leaves 10] x 6}4 inches. In comparison with the ordinary measurements of this work, it may be assumed that Part II (and perhaps both parts) may be Large Paper copies. Each volume is laid loosely in a half crimson straight grained morocco cover, with flaps. Part I. The marbled cover and two fly-leaves have upper right hand corner eaten away by mice. Title and dedicatory epistle also have the upper margins slightly damaged in the same way. Auto- graph of V. Seaman, 1S33, on title. Mr. Chamberlain had secured 49 Zbc Collection ot 5. C Cbamberlafn a perfect upper half of the marbled cover of Part I, evidently intend- ing to have it repaired. This is laid in. Part II, except for slight fox-stains is perfect, and as may be seen from the measurements, both this and Part I are of extraordinary size, in fact, slightly larger than the copy sold in the first part of the Chamberlain library last February. 403. OUTRE-MER: A Pilgrimage Beyond the Sea. 2 vols, in I. 8vo, half russia. Boston: Hilliard, Gray & Co., 1833, and Boston: Lilly, Wait & Co., 1833-1834. * Bowdoin College stamp on title and their check number in ink on verso. Laid in is a letter from the Librarian of Bowdoin relating to the exchange of the book, dated April 13, 1904. An exceedingly interesting copy, from the Library of the College where Longfel- low graduated and where he was first a professor, going from thence to Harvard. Tall copy, measuring 9 x S/s inches. 404. OUTRE-MER: A Pilgrimage beyond the Sea. 2 vols, in I. i2mo, original half sheep (binding worn). New York: Harper & Bros., 1835 * First complete edition. The new material consists of two chap- ters in Vol. I and the whole of Vol. 2. 405. VOICES OF THE NIGHT. Third Edition. Royal 8vo, full morocco gilt, gilt edges (rubbed). Cambridge: John Owen, 1840 * Large Paper copy. Rare. This (the third) edition was entirely reset, and contains many corrections. Only 250 copies were printed. 406. POEMS ON SLAVERY, Second Edition, 1842; New England Tragedies, 1868, First English Edition; Ballads and Other Poems, illuminated wrappers, 1845. 3 vols. i2mo, cloth and wrappers. Cambridge and London 407. THE WAIF: A Collection of Poems. i2mo, re- bound in cloth and with new label. Cambridge: Published by John Owen, 1845 * Edited by Longfellow, who contributed the poem, "The Day is Done." 408. THE POETS AND POETRY OF EUROPE, with Introductions and Biographical Notices. Portrait and e?igraved title (inserted from another copy). 8vo, original full morocco, gilt edges. Philadelphia: Carey and Hart, 1845 50 Morfts of Ibenn^ im. Xonofellow 409. THE BELFRY OF BRUGES and other Poems. i2mo, original illuminated wrappers (front wrapper missing), uncut and unopened; Second Edition, original wrappers, un- cut, 2 vols. Cambridge: Published by John Owen, 1846 * Very scarce uncut. 410. SERMON preached at the Ordination of Samuel Longfellow, at Fall River, Mass., 1848 (with original hymn, 5 stanzas of 4 lines each by Longfellow). 8vo, original wrappers (piece torn from front cover), pp. 36. Fall River: Henry Pratt, 1848 411. EVANGELINE: A Tale of Acadie. Sixth edition, i2mo, original boards and label, uncut. Boston: William D. Ticknor, 1848 412. KAVANAGH: A Tale. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1849 * First issue, First Edition, with the last line at page 173, end- ing " At the sight of him," and with the publisher's advertisements, dated May ist, 1S49, 413. Three variations of the First Edition issued the same year. 3 vols. i2mo, original cloth. 414. THE SEASIDE AND THE FIRESIDE. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 * Presentation copy from O. B. Frothingham. 415. The same. Original boards and label (slightly defective), uncut. With the advertisements, 4 pp., dated Dec, 1849. Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 416. THE GOLDEN LEGEND. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851 417. TALES OF A WAYSIDE INN. Pictorial half title i2mo, original cloth. Boston : Ticknor & Fields, 1863 418. DANTE. The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 3 vols, royal 8vo, original cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1867 419. THE DIVINE TRAGEDY. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1871 420. The same. Large Paper. Post 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. 51 Ubc Collection of 5. C. Cbamberlafn 421. SIX AUTOGRAPH LETTERS SIGNED "Henry W. Longfellow" to Mrs. George W. Greene, the wife of his intimate friend (whose Longfellow correspondence appeared in Part I of this catalogue), mainly relating to Greene's ill- nesses, and offering suggestions and counsel, as well as more material assistance. 2 and 4 pp. each, i2mo. Cambridge, 1871 to 1875. (6) " // the Professor wants to know what I have been doing to-day tell him I have been to the College Chapel, have read the ' Maho- met ' of Voltaire, and have written a few verses {letter dated Feb. 18, 1872, probably verses of ' New England Tragedy ') and moreover and better than all have thought a great deal about hi?n." Tho letters are dated Oct. and Nov. 30, 1871, Feb. 18, 1872, Jan. 19, 22, and Feb. 16, I875. WITH MS. VERSE. 422. EXCELSIOR. With 12 illustrations by Fred. T. Vance. i2mo, original pictorial wrappers, pp. 12. New York: The Excelsior Life Insurance Company, 1872 * First separate edition. Laid in is the first stanza of THE POEM written IN THE AUTHOR'S AUTOGRAPH, AND SIGNED. " The shades of night were falling fast " As through an Alpine village passed " A Youth who bore 'mid snow and ice " A Banner with that strange device Excelsior." " Henry \V. Longfellow." Endorsed " First Stanza of Excelsior written by the Poet Mch. joth '7/," in another hand. Rare. Originally issued by the N. Y. Excelsior Life Insurance Company as an advertisement, and with a full-page advertisement of the Company as the last leaf (which has been extracted from this copy). Many of the copies of this issue of the Poem were destroyed by fire. Printed without the sanction of the publisher, who threat- ened a suit for infringement, but the case was never brought to Court. The II. 15. Anthony copy. 423. THREE BOOKS OF SONG. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1872 424. CHRISTUS. A MYSTERY. 3 vols. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1872 "MovWs ot llDenn^ M. Xonotellow 425. LONGFELLOW LEAFLETS. Publisher's Notice (Jan., 1882) of Longfellow's Leaflets to be issued in Febru- ary (Feb. 18, 1882), FROM THE Longfellow Library pre- sented BY Mrs. Thorpe [Longfellow's daughter]; Leaflet of the Longfellow Memorial Association to the Children of Amer- ica, /^r/ra;// andfacsi7nile of the poem on '■'-The Arrow. " (2 pieces.) 426. THE LONGFELLOW COLLECTORS' HAND BOOK. A Bibliography of First Editions. [By Beverley Chew.] i2mo, half vellum and boards, uncut. New York: W. E. Benjamin, 1885 * No. 181 of 250 copies. 426*. [LONGFELLOW (H. W.).] A Bibliography of the First Editions in book form of the Writings of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Compiled largely from the Collec- tion formed by the late J. C. Chamberlain by Luther S. Livingston. Portrait of Longfellow {unpublished') and numerous reproductions of Title Pages. 8vo, original boards, cloth back and corners, uncut. New York: Privately printed, 1908 * The latest, best and probably the last Bibliography of Long- fellow, as it is improbable that any really important additions can hereafter be made. Limited Edition. Morke of James IRuescll XowclL 427. A YEAR'S LIFE. i2mo, original boards, label (back and label defaced), stamp on title and p. 179. Boston: C. C. Little & J. Brown, 1841 * Lowell was encouraged to publish this first book of peems by Maria Lowell, his first wife. 428. [LOWELL (J. R.).] The Token and Atlantic Sou- venir. ["The Ballad of the Stranger " by Lowell.] Plates. i2mo, original stamped roan, gilt edges (used copy). Boston: D. H. Williams, 1842 429. THE BOSTON MISCELLANY of Literature and Fashion. Edited by Nathan Hale, Jr. Numerous engravings., colored costume plates., etc. (Vols, i and 2 in one vol.) 8vo, half calf (no title to Vol. 2). Boston: Bradbury, Soden & Co., Jan. -Dec, 1842 * Lowell was a constant contributor to this periodical, having 53 Ube (ToUectfon ot 5. C. Cbamberlain written for it the literary notices, as well as a number of poems, sonnets, prose sketches, etc. The " First Client " and others of the sonnets were never republished. Hawthorne was also among the contributors. 430. THE BOSTON MISCELLANY, Aug., 1842 (with covers); Jan., 1843 (without covers and plates missing). 2 parts, 8vo. Boston: Bradbury, Soden & Co., 1842-3 431. THE PIONEER. J. R. Lowell and R. Carter, edi- tors. Nos. 1-2 (3 covers missing, and the illustrations). Boston: Leland and Whiting, 1843 432. POEMS. 1844. In sheets removed from binding. Cambridge: John Owen, 1844 * The excessively rare Large and Thick Paper issue of THE First Edition, of which previously but six copies were KNOWN. Mr. Chamberlain had the sheets beautifully cleaned, a library stamp removed from title, replace mark and figures removed from pp. 55, III and 122. [See Reproduction.] » 433. The same. Thick 8vo, half morocco (rubbed). Cambridge: John Owen, 1844 * A bound copy of the excessively rare Large and Thick Paper issue of the First Edition. With stamp on title and front edges. Not more than six copies are known, one of which is in the Hoe library. 434. CONVERSATIONS on Some of the Old Poets. i2mo, half morocco, original illuminated wrappers preserved (library stamp on title). Cambridge: John Owen, 1845 435. [LOWELL (J. R.).] The Young American's Maga- zine of Self-Improvement. Edited by George W. Light. (With two original poems by J. R. Lowell.) i2mo, paper, uncut. Boston, 1847-48 * In the original numbers, as issued, i-6 (lacking No. 5). Por- trait of Franklin missing. Rare in this state. 436. MELIBGEUS-HIPPONAX. The Biglow Papers. Edited by Homer Wilbur. i2mo, original cloth, top and bottom edges uncut. Cambridge: Geo. Nichols; New York: G. P. Putnam, 1848 437. POEMS. Second Series. i2mo, original cloth (era- sure on title). Cambridge: Geo. Nichols; Boston: B. B. Mussey & Co., 1848. * The Bierstadt copy, with bookplate engraved by French. 54 POEMS JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL CAMBRIDGE: PUBLISHED BY JOHN OWEN. M DCCC SLIV. [No. 432] Morfts of James IRusscll Xowell 438. A FABLE FOR CRITICS, Second Edition; a later issue of the same. 2 vols. lamo, original boards and cloth. New York: G. P. Putnam, 1848 439. "OUR OWN." The corrected copy of Putnam's issue, PART OF THE ORIGINAL MS. and other interesting addi- tions, arranged by Mr. Chamberlain for the binder, as follows: * i: The poem as it appeared, extracted from Putnam's Magazine for April, May and June, 1853. [On 8 of the 17 sheets are MS. corrections copied by Mr. Chamberlain from C. E. Norton's copy, with Lowell's corrections (pencil), with instructions what to use and where to be placed in the volumes of collected works, published in 1890, under the title, " Fragments of an Unfinished Poem," in which it is very much cut down.] 2: Two PAGES of Lowell's manuscript (54 lines) beginning with "■Upon that line in Byron of the steed that knotvs its rider," to "^ Sailor yet, who loved the fate to which his life was bound" [part of which Lowell cut out of the Collected Edition], and " With Greece and Egypt, but they were great artists in their politics" to ''The Jtewspapers take in the Age, and Stocks do all the thinkinii forced to go before you return. Half past one o'clock " (in Longfellow's autograph). ' ' (St" Moi aussi i / ^ of -t-" Mortis of :©a\)arb ^aplor, 606. XIMENA; or, The Battle of the Sierra Morena, and other Poems. By James Bayard Taylor. i2mOj original boards and paper label. Philadelphia: Herman Hooker, 1844 * The author's first published volume. Very rare. The paper label is somewhat defective, otherwise the volume is in an ex- cellent state of preservation. 607. RHYMES OF TRAVEL. Ballads and Poems. Por- trait. i2mo, original cloth, gilt. New York: George P. Putnam, 1849 * Presentation copy, with inscription in author's autograph: ^'Mrs. Thos. McElrath, with the compliments of Bayard Taylor, Dec. 2j, 1848." 608. The same. * Fine copy. Scarce. Autograph presentation copy from the author, with inscription: "Annie C. Lynch, with the re- gards of her friend. Bayard Taylor, N'ew York, Dec, 22, 1848." 76 [No. 609J 609. MANUSCRIPT OF A SONNET, SIGNED. " Now parlour paths awhile, my more than friend — My Brother in the lonely World of Thought, Thou, by the solemn lips of Poesy taught, Thy steps through many a fairy realm shall wend. Where brighter fountains dash their diamond beads On beds of amaranth, and thy mounting star Tops the imperial hills that rise afar: I, with the desert and its tameless steeds Shall mated be — shall start the eagle's flight On stormy crags, and when the star-lamps shine. Sleep in the cradle of the chanting pine; — Yet the same goal is ever in our sight. And we shall meet at last, though parted long, Still climbing, side by side, the sacred peak of Song. Bayard Taylor. June 25, 1S49." [See Reproduction.] 610. ELDORADO; or, Adventures in the Path of Em- pire: comprising a Voyage to California; Life in San Fran- cisco and Monterey; Pictures of the Gold Region, and Ex- periences of Mexican Travel. Interesting full-page views, colored and in tint, by the author. 2 vols. lamo, original cloth, gilt, 46 pp. of advertisements. New York: Geo. P. Putnam, 1850 * A fine and highly interesting copy, with presentation inscription in the author's autograph to E. P. Whipple, signed and dated New York, May, 1S50. 611. THE AMERICAN LEGEND. A Poem before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard University, July 18, 1850. Published by request. izmo, original wrappers, uncut. Cambridge: Published by John Bartlett, 1850 * Fine copy. Scarce. 612. A BOOK OF ROMANCES, Lyrics and Songs. i2mo, original cloth, top edge uncut. * Fine copy. Boston: Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1852 613. A JOURNEY TO CENTRAL AFRICA. Map and illustrations by the author. i2mo, original red cloth (title spotted). New York: G. P. Putnam & Co., 1854 * Presentation copy, with inscription in author's autograph, to Thos. McElrath, a well-known New York newspaper man in the days of Horace Greeley, dated New York, Aug. 29, 1854. 614. The same. i2mo, original cloth (lacks map). New York: G. P. Putnam, 1854 77 Ubc Collection ot 5. C. Cbamberlatn 615. A VISIT TO INDIA, CHINA AND JAPAN, in the Year 1853. Euirraved frontispiece and title. 12010, original cloth. New York: G. P. Putnam & Co., 1855 * Fine copy. 616. POEMS OF THE ORIENT. i2mo, original cloth, uncut, with 8 pp. of advertisements, dated Oct., 1854. * Fine copy. Boston : Ticknor & Fields, 1855 617. POEMS OF HOME AND TRAVEL. lamo, orig- inal cloth, uncut, with 12 pp. of advertisements, dated Nov., 1855. *Finecopy. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1855 618. THE LAND OF THE SARACEN. Frontispiece, pictorial title and map. i2mo, original cloth. New York: G. P. Putnam & Co., 1855 619. NORTHERN TRAVEL: Summer and Winter Pic- tures of Sweden, Denmark and Lapland. i2mo, original cloth. New York: G. P. Putnam, 1858 *Alfred B. Street's copy, with his autograph, and dated Albany, 1859. 620. TRAVELS IN GREECE AND RUSSIA, with an Excursion to Crete. Frontispiece and engraved title. i2mo, original cloth (back faded). New York: G. P. Putnam, 1859 621. AT HOME AND ABROAD. A Sketch-Book. Sec- ond Series. Illustrated. i2mo, original cloth. New York: G. P. Putnam, 1862 622. THE POET'S JOURNAL. i2mo, original cloth, some pp. uncut. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1863 * Relief stamp of Brown University on title. Bookplate of Henry B. Anthony. 623. HANNAH THURSTON: A Story of American Life. i2mo, original cloth. New York: G. P. Putnam, 1863 * Fine copy. 624. PERE ANTOINE'S DATE PALM. By Thomas Bailey Aldrich. Small 4to, original printed wrappers. Cambridge: Welch, Bigelow&Co., 1866 * Excessively rare. One of only 20 copies privately printed. Presentation copy from the author to Bayard Taylor, with autograph in- scription on front cover, and attached inside is a slip in Aldrich's hand: " This edition {twenty copies only) of P^re Antoine's Date Palm was printed from type by Mess. Welch, Bigelow 6r' Co., as a speci- men of typography and an expression of their good-ivill towards me. March 30, iSgy. T. B. Aldrich." [See Frontispiece.] 78 Morfts ot Ba^arD Xlaplor 625. THE PICTURE OF ST. JOHN. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1866 626. COLORADO: A Summer Trip. i2mo, original cloth. New York: Geo. P. Putnam, 1867 627. BY-WAYS OF EUROPE. i2mo, original cloth. * Fine copy. New York : G. P. Putnam & Son, 1869 628. BEAUTY AND THE BEAST: and Tales of Home. i2mo, original cloth. New York: G. P. Putnam & Sons, 1872 629. THE MASQUE OF THE GODS. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Jas. R. Osgood & Co., 1872 630. LARS: A PASTORAL OF NORWAY. i2mo, orig- inal cloth (title spotted). Boston : Jas. R. Osgood & Co., 1873 631. THE PROPHET: A TRAGEDY. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Jas. R. Osgood & Co., 1874 632. HOME PASTORALS, BALLADS AND LYRICS. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Jas. R. Osgood & Co., 1875 633. THE ECHO CLUB, and Other Literary Diversions. i6mo, original cloth. Boston: Jas. R. Osgood & Co., 1876 634. THAXTER (CELIA). The Cruise of the Mys- tery and other Poems. i2mo, original wrappers, uncut, pp. 121. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1886 * Autograph presentation copy. " Otto Groundman, with KIND REGARDS OF CeLIA ThAXTER, DeC, 1 886." MorF^6 of Ibenr^ 2). ^borcaiu 635. WALDEN; or. Life in the Woods. Vignette on title. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1854 636. EXCURSIONS. Portrait. T2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1863 637. THE MAINE WOODS. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1864 * Autograph of S. B. Howell on title. 638. CAPE COD. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1865 * With the advertisements, pp. 22. 79 Ube Collection ot 5. C. Cbamberlain 639. LETTERS TO VARIOUS PERSONS. i2mo,ong- inal cloth. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1865 * Fine copy. 640. TIMROD (HENRY). Timrod Souvenir. Portrait on Japan paper. 8vo, three-quarter crushed levant morocco, gilt top, original covers bound in. Aiken, S. C. : Palmetto Press, 1901 * Memorial Poem by Henry Austen; At Timrod's Grave, by Carl McKinley, and The Promise, by W. A. Courtenay. Limited to 450 copies on Whatman paper. 641. TRUMBULL (JOHN). M'Fingal: A Modern Epic Poem, in Four Cantos. i2mo, sewn, uncut (last leaf some- what frayed). Hartford : Printed by Hudson & Goodwin, 1 782 642. The same. i2mo, sewn. 643. TRUMBULL (JOHN). Autobiography, Reminis- cences and Letters, 1756-1841. Portrait., map and plates. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. New York and London: Wiley and Putnam, 1841 644. TUCKERMAN (HENRY T.). Artist-Life; or Sketches of American Painters. i2mo, original cloth. New York: Appleton & Co., 1847 645. WALDO (S. PUTNAM). Memoirs of Andrew Jack- son, Portrait. i2mo, original sheep, Hartford: J. & W. Russell, 1819, * With the very rare portrait of Jackson, by Reed and Scoles. Morns of Cbaiics DuMe^ Marncr. 646. BACKLOG STUDIES. Illustrated. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co., 1873 * Laid in is a very interesting 3-page letter from Warner to Os- good with reference to the publication of the above, mentioning the illustrator, etc, 647. IN THE LEVANT. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: James R. Osgood & Co., 1877 648. BEING A BOY. Illustrated by '' Champ:' i2mo, original cloth. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co., 1878 80 Morl?5 of Cbaiies DuMe^ Marner 649. CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH (1579-1631): A Study of his Life and Writings. i2mo, original cloth. New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1881 650. THE WORK OF WASHINGTON IRVING. Portraits. 24mo, original cloth. New York: Harper and Bros., 1893 651. [WETMORE (PROSPER M.).] Lexington, with other Fugitive Poems. 8vo, half morocco. New York: G. C. & H. Carvill, 1830 * Autograph presentation copy from the Author : " To Mr. R. C. McCormick, from P. W. Wetmore, 7 Octr. 1S30." 652. WETMORE (PROSPER M.). The Atlantic Souvenir, for 183 1. Illustrated. i2mo, full morocco, gilt edges. Philadelphia: Carey and Lea, 1831 * Contains " Remember Me" and "' Sonnet to Felicia Hemans " by Wetmore ; also contributions by Willis and others. 653. WHIPPLE (EDWIN P.). Essays and Reviews. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth. New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1848 * Essays on Old English Dramatists, Poets and Poetry of America, etc., etc. Laid in is a short letter from Whipple, Boston, 1853, ii^ regard to Autographs. 654. WHIPPLE (EDWIN P.). Lectures on subjects connected with Literature and Life. i2mo, original cloth, Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 * Laid in is a 3-page letter from H. T. Tuckerman to E. P. Whipple with reference to the gift of a copy of the above, and men- tioning N. P. Willis. 655. WHITE (RICHARD GRANT). National Hymns, how they are written and how they are not written. 8vo, original cloth. New York: Rudd and Carleton, 1861 * With a 3-page letter from Richard Grant White inserted relating to the behavior of his son at school. '^ I never knew him to do an unkind, a mean or a dishonorable action, so I do not fear but reason will soon teach hi?n the importance of conforming to rule and dis- cipline." 656. [WHITE (RICHARD GRANT).] The Book-Hun- TER, etc. By John Hill Burton. With Additional Notes by Richard Grant White. i2mo, original cloth. New York: Sheldon and Co., 1863 81 Ube Collection ot J. C. Cbamberlafn 657. WHITE (RICHARD GRANT). Memoirs of the Life of Shakespeare, with an Essay toward the Expression of his Genius. i2mo^ original cloth. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1S65 658. WHITE (RICHARD GRANT). The New Gospel OF Peace, according to St. Benjamin. 12010, new boards, with one of the original wrappers bound in. New York: Sinclair Tousey [1868] * Four parts (all issued). Fernando Wood (Mayor of New York) appears as " Phernandivvud.'" 659. WHITE (RICHARD GRANT). The Chronicles OF Gotham. Two parts, i2mo, original wrappers. New York: G. W. Carleton and Co., 187 1-2 mov\{e ot Malt Mbitman. 660. FRANKLIN EVANS. Folio, sewed, pp. 33. (The New World.) Extra Series, Vol. 2, No. 10, Nov., 1842. Extracted from the bound volume. * The Very Rare Original Issue of Walt Whitman's First Book. Very few copies have been offered at auction, the last ap- parently being the one sold in these rooms in October, 1906, for $43. This is the exact form in which it first was issued, as a supplement to the periodical. Laid in is a leaf of the " New World" of Decem- ber 3, advertising " Franklin Evans." [Also see Dickens' American Notes, No. 772.] 661. THE AMERICAN REVIEW, May and June, 1845. Portrait of J. Q. Adams. Two pieces, 8vo, original num- bers. New York: Wiley and Putnam, 1845 * Contains "The Boy-Lover" and "Death of Wind-Foot " by Whitman. 662. LEAVES OF GRASS. Portrait (with tinted bor- der). i2mo, original cloth (somewhat worn, and soiled in places). Boston: Thayer and Eldridge [1860-1] * Genuine First Issue of the Boston Edition. Many of the Poems (154) comprising this issue appear here for the first time in book form. Autograi'H Presentation Copy from the Author, with INSCRIPTION: " R. J. rilNTON, WITH ESTEEM OF WaLT Whitman." Pasted in is an envelope with " Whispers of Heavenly Death " written on in Whitman's hand. 83 ^*<^ For the Eternal Ocean \ mnd, These ripples, passing surges, streams of Death and Life. TWO RIVULETS Induing Dem^eatic Vistas, Otm^ssmui. ^ SOITQO, and I^ASSAGE TO INDIA. AUTHOR'S EDITION. CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY. 1876. [No. 668] Morl^s of Malt Mbitman 663. LEAVES OF GRASS. The same. i2mo, orig- inal plain wrappers (soiled and worn), uncut (lacks portrait, another having been inserted (and title). [Boston: Thayer and Eldridge, 1860-1] * Rare, in wrappers. Autograph Presentation Copy from THE Author, with inscription;— "Merrill G. Wheelock. with BEST regards OF Walt WHITMAN," On the outside wrapper. 664. DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 8vo, original printed wrappers, uncut, pp. 84. Washington [Smith and McDougal], 187 i * Presentation Copy from the Author and with MS. cor- rection IN his autograph:—" Mrs. Botta [Anne Lynch], from the Author," and with " When the hundredth year," on page 60, altered in Whitman's autograph to "Long ere the secotzd cen- tennial. " 665. PASSAGE TO INDIA. Svo, original printed wrap- pers, uncut (back worn), pp. 120. Washington [Smith and McDougal], 1871 * Autograph Presentation Copy from the Author, with inscription:— "Richard J. Hinton, from his friend,' Walt Whitman." 666. LEAVES OF GRASS. i2mo, original cloth (worn). Washington: [Smith and McDougal], 1872 * This edition includes the "Passage to India." Autograph presentation from the author: " ^. /. //mton from Walt Whittnan, with his love, Washington, April, 1S72." 667. AS A STRONG BIRD ON PINIONS FREE. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. With the Advertisements, pp. 8. Washington: [S. W. Green, printer], 1872 * Fine copy. Autograph presentation copy from the author: -'Dr. R.M. Bucke, from Walt Whitman." With book- plate of Dr. Bucke, who was Whitman's biographer. 668. TWO RIVULETS, Including Democratic Vistas, Cen- tennial Songs, and Passage to India. Post Svo, contemporary half calf gilt, only 100 copies issued. Text followed by Whitman's "Leaf of Advertisement." Author s Edition. Camden, New Jersey, 1876 *A Copy of remarkable interest, being Walt Whitman's OWN copy (for which he helped set the type in the Camden print- ing office) prepared by him for another edition, with many cor- rections, erasures and additions in his hand and with a cabinet Ube GoUection of 5. C Cbamberlafn photograph inserted which he has signed and on which he has written the date of his birth, May 31, 1819. No revised edition of Two Rivulets has been issued, though many of the separate poems have appeared in later editions. So NUMEROUS ARE HIS ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS that it is im- possible to mention more than a few, and as some of them ap- parciitly have never been printed, their importance will readily be recognized. The original title-page commences with a two- line verse, but WTiitman has added another couplet: (Thou, Reader, rambling hither. My living hand I hereby clasp in thine.) In addition he has scored through the words "Centennial Songs" and written above "Memoranda of the JVar" (See Reproduction). In the preface he has scored on both margins the passage begin- ning "Then I meant Leaves of Grass, as published, to be the Poem of Identity, etc.", evidently for the purpose of emphasizing the statement. A passage in the Preface (page 13) wherein he writes of recognizing the still higher fact "The Eternal Soul of Man" is emphasized in the same manner. Other passages throughout the volume are similarly marked, with some word added or struck out, indicating his latest beliefs or aspirations; very few are changed — the alterations being more in the nature of confirmation or emphasis. One of the best-known of Whitman's poems is the famous Cen- tennial Song: "After all, not to create only," and it is apparent that the author had been intently considering this. The first verse is lightly pencilled through, whether or not for the purpose of omission it is difficult to tell, and at the top of the page he has written the following additional verse [part of which appears in later editions] : "Labor's religious temples these ! Ah, little recks the laborer How near his work is holding him to God, The Laborer of Time, Space, All." In the third verse Whitman has struck out all the lines after the words "She comes" and in the same way later has scored through the lines "And I can hear ivhat may-be you do not," etc., ending with "journey'd considerable," apparently indicating Whitman's extreme dissatisfaction with this poem. Other lines are scored over to be omitted from later editions, some of which have been retained. On the reverse of the title of "As a Strong Bird on Pinions Free" Whitman has written several lines evidently intended as notes for an introduction. Many words are rewritten, making in- coherent commencement, though the sense is plain enough: "All my poems merging and finishing in the meditations of Passage to 84 MorR5 of Malt imbltmau hidia as the embouchure and finish and final explanation of all that have gone before, and the final" (not concluded). "Memoranda During the War" he has left practically un- touched, but one alteration having been made. That is in the account of the assassination of Lincoln, referring to the play ("Our American Cousin") he writes of it as a "singularly ivritten com- position," "written" he has changed to "witless." On "Ashes of Soldiers" he has pencilled "JVritten March 1870," and on President Lincoln's Burial Hymn, "JFhen Lilacs last in the Dooryard bloomed," he has pencilled "JVritten May 1866." The commencement of "A Carol of Harvest for l86y" evidently did not satisfy him, for it has been struck out and then marked "stet" (for the printer to leave as written). Another verse is written in ink at the top of the page, and another version of the same verse pencilled on a slip of paper that he has pasted in, with one or two notes on the leaf opposite referring to the same. First, apparently, the title had been thought over, and as alternative titles he has written "A Harvest Carol," and "A Western Harvest Song the year following Peace." A line "As at thy Portals Death" has also been written as a sug- gestion, but altered to "No more the Wars and Deaths I lately {or erenvhile) chanted." The verse as written in ink, and presumably as his final thought is as follows: "A song no more of the War! A song of the teeming harvest following close A song of the serried regiments changed by magic A song of the good green grass." These additions and alterations are fundamental data in the study of Whitman's writings; no criticism can be of permanent value without their being taken into consideration. Future essay- ists of the "Good Gray Poet" should study this volume with all Whitman's alterations and corrections in forming an estimate of his position in the literature of America. Whitman presented this copy to Sidney Morse, the sculptor, and later it passed into the possession of E. T. Billings, the Boston artist. [See Reproduction.] 669. NOVEMBER BOUGHS. Portrait. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia: David McKay, 1888 * Autograph presentation copy from the author: " Walt Whitman to Julian Scott of Plainjield, N. J.. Jttly 24, iSgi." 85 Ube Collection ot 5, C. Cbamberlafn mov\\B ot 3obn (5. Mbltticr. 670. INCIDENTAL POEMS, accompanied with Letters and a few Select Pieces, mostly Original, for their Illustra- tion. Together with a Preface and Sketch of the Author's Life. By Robert Dinsmoor, the *' Rustic Bard." i2mo, original half cloth and boards, with paper label, totally uncut (corner of margin of p. 3 torn). Haverhill: A. W. Thayer, Printer, 1828 * Rare. Contains the first poem by Whittier printed in a bool<: "J. G. Whittier to the ' Rustic Bard,'" which has never been re- printed. Fine copy. 671. THE YANKEE, edited by John Neal. March 5, 19, Nov. 19 (1828), and Jan. 8, 15, 22, 29, Feb. 5, 19, May 7, and June II (1829) (some nos. stained). Portland and Boston, 1828-9 * Many of the early poems of Whittier appeared in the pages of this publication. 672. MOLL PITCHER, a Poem. 8vo, handsomely bound in full green crushed levant, gilt tooled on back and sides, inside gold borders, gilt top, by Bradstreets. Boston, 1832 * Very rare. With a copy of the author's letter (18S4) in regard to the work inserted: " I doubt whether any copy of Moll Pitcher is extant. It 7vas a mere pamphlet and only a feto copies printed." 6y2,- The same. Reprint. In cloth covers, with leather label. Boston: Carter and Hendee, 1832 (reprint) 674. THE LITERARY REMAINS OF JOHN G. C. BRAINARD, with a Sketch of his Life. i2mo, original cloth, and with the paper label (slightly rubbed). Hartford: P. B. Goodsell [1832] *With the book-label of Timothy Allen, Springfield, Mass., and with his autograph. After Brainard's death Whittier became editor of the paper that Brainard had conducted at Hartford. The Sketch of the Life of Brainard was written by Whittier. 675. MOGG MEGONE, a Poem. 32mo, original cloth, name in gilt on side, some leaves uncut, names in faint ink on title, and recased. Boston: Light and Stearns, 1836 ■■'Fine copy. Very rare. '' Alogg Megone" has never been published in any collected edition of the author's works. It was first issued serially in " The New England Magazine " for 1835, and was the first bound volume exclusively of verse issued by Whittier. He 8) Wiovhs of 5obn 6. Mbtttier tried persistently, but unsuccessfully, to suppress it. In a letter written to Lucy Hooper in 1S37 the autlior says in part: ". . . I send thee a copy of ' Mogg Megone.' . . . It is not, I fear, calculated to do good. Bui a small edition, hozvever, -was printed, and it is some satisfaction to believe that it cannot do much evil." 676. NARRATIVE OF JAMES WILLIAMS. An American Slave, who was for several Years a Driver on a Cotton Plantation in Alabama. Portrait of Williams engraved by Patrick Reason [a negro]. 24mo, original figured cloth. New York: American Anti-Slavery Society, 1838 * Rare First Issue of the First Edition, published anony- mously and written when Whittier was visiting his friend, J. W. Hill, of New York. The "gentleman" referred to on p. 98 is in all probability Mr. Hill. In " Proceedings of the American Anti-Slavery Society " (New York, 1864) there is a catalogue of the Anti-Slavery Publications in America from 1750 to 1863, in which this book is stated to have been ' drawn up by Whittier,' and in a letter written by Whittier he ac- knowledges his connection with the book. — Arnold Catalogue. dyj. The same. In specially made slip cover, with leather label. The rare second issue, having printer's name on the reverse of title, etc. Bound in original boards, cloth back, with printed label. New York; American Anti-Slavery Society, 1838 * The Arnold copy. Enclosed in a full green morocco solander case, richly tooled, by Bradstreet. Mr. Chamberlain stated that ALL COPIES IN BOARDS ARE REISSUES. 678. The same. A fine copy of the third issue in THE original PRINTED WRAPPERS. The title On the front wrapper reads "Authentic Narrative," etc. The work was entirely re-set and stereotyped at the foundry of Geo. A. and J. Curtis. The portrait was also re-engraved and litho- graphed by Moore of Boston. 1 2mo, wrappers. New York and Boston: Amer. Anti-Slavery Society and Isaac Knapp, 1838. * Very rare in this state. This issue embodies all the cor- rections in the second New York edition. ''Mrs. Susan Daggett, please circulate,'" written on front wrapper. 679. HISTORY OF PENNSYLVANIA HALL, which was destroyed by a Mob on the 17th of May, 1838. 2 vieivs of the Hall {one a mezzotint of the Hall in Flames). 8vo, origi- nal cloth (lacks frontispiece). Philadelphia, 1838 * Presentation copy, with inscription from the managers of Penn- sylvania Hall: — " Presented by the Managers and Stockholders of the 87 Ube Collection of 5. C» Cbambcrlain Pennsylvania Hall Association to Walter Foriuard." See pp. 52 and 96 for Letters from Walter Forward. Contains the Poetical Address by Whittier. The Offices of the " Pennsylvania Freeman " (of which Whittier was editor) were in the basement of Pennsyl- vania Hall. 680. AN ADDRESS to the Members of the Religious Society of Friends on the propriety of abstaining from the use of the produce of Slave Labor. lamo, wrappers (some- what stained). Philadelphia: Printed by Merrihew and Gunn, No. 7 Carter's Alley, 1838. * Found in Mr. Chamberlain's W^hittier collection, but the evi- dence not complete to prove it a Whittier item. 681. POEMS. i2mo, original figured cloth, lettered on side. Philadelphia, 1838 * With the exception of a few very slight fox-marks, A fine copy. Rare. 682. THE NORTH STAR; The Poetry of Freedom, by her Friends. i2mo, original lettered boards (new cloth back). Philadelphia, 1840 * Scarce. Edited anonymously by Whittier, who contributed the Poems " The Exiles, a Tale of New England," " The World's Con- vention," and possibly " Granada." James T. Fields, Whittier's sister Elizabeth, and John Pierpont were also contributors. The poem " Egypt" by Miss I>loyd, to whom Whittier was said to have been betrothed, was extensively altered by him. 683. LAYS OF MY HOME, and other Poems. i2mo, original boards, uncut, with the paper label (one joint weak). With the advertisements, pp. 6, at the end. Boston, 1843 * Rare, in boards, uncut. It is interesting to note that this volume of verse was the first book for which the author received any remuneration, all his previous collections having been of limited circulation, or issued in aid of " the cause." 684. THE STRANGER IN LOWELL. i2mo, half green crushed levant morocco extra, gilt top, with the half title. * Fine COPY. Scarce. Boston, 1845 685. THE SUPERNATURALISM OF NEW ENG- LAND. i2mo, original wrappers (slight water-stain on several pp. New York and London, 1847 * Rare in wrappers. Morhs of 5obu G. Mbittier 686. LEAVES FROM MARGARET SMITH'S JOUR- NAL in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1678-9. lamo, original cloth (back faded). Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1849 687. POEMS. Portrait^ engraved title and plates on steel after designs by H. Billings. 8vo, original red cloth gilt, gilt edges. Boston, 1849 * Includes some Poems now first published and collected. \. OLD PORTRAITS AND MODERN SKETCHES. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. With the advertisements, pp. 4, Boston, 1850 689. SONGS OF LABOR, and other Poems. lamo, original cloth, Boston, 1850 * No advertisements were issued with the cloth copies. 690. THE CHAPEL OF THE HERMITS, and other Poems. i2mo, original cloth. With the advertisements, pp. 12. Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1853 691. LITERARY RECREATIONS AND MISCEL- LANIES. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1854 * Fine copy, with the advertisements, pp. 8. 692. THE PANORAMA, and other Poems. i2mo, orig- inal cloth. Boston, 1856 * The proposed course of Lectures that were to be delivered in Tremont Temple, Boston, during the Winter of 1855-6, prompted Whittier to write the "Panorama," which was read by Thomas Starr King at the opening Lecture. 693. THE TENT ON THE BEACH, and other Poems. i2mo, original cloth, Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1867 * First issue. Fine copy. 694. AMONG THE HILLS, and other Poems. Illus- trated. i2mo, original cloth. * First Issue. Boston: Fields, Osgood and Co., 1869 695. MIRIAM and other Poems. Illustrated. i2mo, original cloth (stamp on title). Boston: Fields, Osgood and Co., 187 1 * Genuine first issue, with the Imprint. 696. THE JOURNAL OF JOHN WOOLMAN, with an Introduction by Whittier. i2mo, original cloth. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co., 187 1 Ubc Collection oi 3. C Cbamberlain 697. THE PENNSYLVANIA PILGRIM, and other Poems. Illustrated. lamo, original clotii. Boston, 1872 * The Poem tells the story of the German Pastorius who, in 1663, brought a colony of Germans to Pennsylvania, joined the Society of Friends, and was the author of the first protest made by any re- ligious body against slavery. 698. HAZEL-BLOSSOMS. Frontispiece and vignette on title. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1875 * The joint production of Whittier and his sister Elizabeth. 699. PROCEEDINGS AT THE DEDICATION OF THE HAVERHILL PUBLIC LIBRARY. November 11, 1875; and Report of the Trustees to the City of Haverhill, January i, 1876. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 43. Haverhill: G. C. Morse and Son, 1876 * Printed here is Whittier's letter to Hon. Alpheus Currier, Mayor of Haverhill. With autograph note (directions to a printer, but not relating to this pamphlet) from Whittier laid in. 700. FITZ-GREENE HALLECK: Poem of 14 Stanzas of 4 lines each, written for the Inauguration of the Halleck Statue in Central Park, New York City, May ist, 1877, pp. 4; also The Invitation to attend the Ceremony, pp. 4. i2mo. [1877] * Extremely rare. Autograph signature: "John G. Whit- tier," on cover. First appearance in print of this poem. Only a small number were privately printed for the author, being probably intended for the Committee (headed by W. C. Bryant), and special guests. In specially made lettered cloth case. 701. The same. * Extremely RARE. Autograph signature, ^^ John C. Whittier " on cover. 702. INDIAN CIVILIZATION: A Lecture by Stanley Pumphrey of England. With an Introduction by John G. Wliittier. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 52 (no map). Philadelphia, 1877 703. THE VISION OF ECHARD and other Poems. i2rno, original cloth. Boston, 187S 704. THE KING'S MISSIVE, and other Poems. Por- trait. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1881 705. THE BAY OF SEVEN ISLANDS, and other Poems. Portrait. i2mo, original cloth [advertisements, pp. 16]. Boston, 1883 90 "Mov^s of Sobn (B. Mbittier 706. PROCEEDINGS AT THE PRESENTATION OF A PORTRAIT OF JOHN GREENLEAF WHITTIER to Friends' School, Providence, R. I., Tenth Month, 24th, 1884. Portraits and vieiv. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 92. * Contains Letter from Whittier, the Sonnet "New England's Poet Rich in Love and Years," also Letters by Lowell, Holmes, and others. 707. SAINT GREGORY'S GUEST AND RECENT POEMS. Third Edition. i2mo, original wrappers, uncut, Boston: The Riverside Press, Cambridge, 1887 Mor{i6 of matbanicl parker Millie. 708. THE MEMORIAL. A Christmas and New Year's Offering. Edited by F. S. Hill. Illustrated. i6mo, original cloth, gilt edges (worn). Boston: True and Green [1826] * Scarce. Contains " Hagar in the Wilderness," and " To. . . .," by "Roy" [N. P. Willis] ; also Poems by other contemporary writers. 709. SKETCHES (Poems). 8vo, original half cloth, and boards, with paper label. Boston: S. C. Goodrich, 1827 * In lilac boards. 710. FUGITIVE POETRY. 8vo, original blue boards, uncut, with printed label (large) on side. Boston: Pierce and Williams, 1829 * Fine Copy. With errata on reverse of p. 91. 711. THE ATLANTIC SOUVENIR for 1829. Illus- trated. i2mo, original boards (covers loose), in original case of boards. Philadelphia, 1829 * Contains " April," by Willis, with contributions by Paulding and others. 712. THE TOKEN. Edited by N. P. Willis. Plates, in- cluding tJie capture of Maj. Andre ^ portrait of Washington, etc. i6mo, original silk binding, gilt edges (somewhat worn). Boston: S. G. Goodrich, 1829 713. THE AMERICAN MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Vol. I, No. I. 8vo, original printed wrappers, uncut. With the advertisements, pp, 8. Boston: Peirce and Williams, 1829 * Edited by Willis. Presentation copy from him, with INSCRIPTION IN his AUTOGRAPH: " To Mrs. Louisa P. Smith, with the compliments of the Editor.'" [A Review by Willis of her poems appears on pp. 68-69.] 91 trbe Collection ot 5, C. Cbamberlatn 714. POEM delivered before the Society of United Brothers at Brown University, on the day preceding Commencement, Sept. 6, 1831, with other Poems. 8vo, original cloth, paper label. New York: J. and J. Harper, 183 1 * With portrait of tiie author, and two Letters Signed laid in. These letters were prepared by Willis to assist him in answering let- ters from strangers. 715. PENCILLINGS BY THE WAY. 3 vols. i2mo, origmal boards and labels, uncut. London: John Macrone, 1835 * First English and Best Edition. 716. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT SIGNED of Willis's Preface to the London Edition of Theodore S. Fay's First Work. 2 pp. 4to. London, Oct., 1835 * The complete MS. of Willis' Prefatory Note to Fay's first book, reprinted in London the year of issue. 717. MELANIE, and other Poems. Portrait. i2mo, orig- inal (green) cloth. New York: Saunders and Otley, 1837 718. AL'ABRI; or, The Tent Pitch'd, i2mo, original cloth. New York : Samuel Colman, 1839 * Presentation copy from the author, with inscription: " Mrs. Edivard Curtis, 'with the sincerest regards of the Author." 719. TORTESA THE USURER: A Play. i2mo, orig- inal wrappers, pp. 149, with the advertisements (name on title and water-stained). New York: Samuel Colman, 1839 * Rare, especially in wrappers. 720. THE SACRED POEMS OF N. P. WILLIS. (The only complete edition ever published). Royal 8vo, original wrappers, uncut, pp. 16. NewYork: Morris, Willis & Co., 1843 * Fine copy of the New Mirror Extra. 721. LECTURE ON FASHION, delivered before the New York Lyceum, June, 1844. Royal 8vo, original pictorial wrappers, uncut and unopened, pp. 16. New York: Morris and Willis [1844] * Fine copy. Rare. 722. RURAL LETTERS, and other Records of Thought at Leisure. i2mo, original cloth. New York: Baker and Scribner, 1849 ^2^. SUMMER CRUISE IN THE MEDITERRANEAN, on Board an American Frigate, i2mo, original cloth. Detroit: Kerr, Doughty, and Lapham, 1853 * An unusual imprint. 92 Morl?s of 3, 0. mbtttier 724. FAMOUS PERSONS AND PLACES. i2mo, origi- nal cloth. Auburn: Alden, Beardsley and Co., 1854 725. OUT-DOORS AT IDLEWILD. i2mo, original cloth. New York: Charles Scribner, 1855 726. PAUL FANE. A Novel. i2mo, original cloth. New York: C. Scribner, 1857 * Presentation copy from the author with inscription: " To Mrs, J. A. Bro7vnell, with the best compliments of her friend. The Author, Washington, Feb. 24, 1862." 727. ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT, 20 pp. 4to: "The Icy Veil, or The Keys to Three Hearts Thought Cold." Signed. * A FINE Willis Manuscript. 728. WINTER (WILLIAM). The Queen's Domain, and other Poems. i2mo, original cloth, Boston: E. O. Libby and Co., 1859 * The McKee copy, with bookplate. 729. AMERICAN AUTHORS. Catalogue of First Editions of American Authors, by Leon and Bros. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. New York: Leon and Bros., 1885 730. AMERICAN BOOK CLUBS. Their Beginning and History and a Bibliography of their Publications. By A. Growall. i2mo, half russia, uncut. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1897 * No. 100 of only 300 copies on hand-made paper. 731. AMERICAN BOOK PRICES CURRENT. Vol- ume II for 1896. 8vo, cloth. NewYork: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1896 * Limited to 600 copies. 732. Volume HI for 1897, 72>?> 734 735 736 737 738 739 Volume IV for 1898. Volume V for 1899. Volume VI for 1900. Volume VII for 1901. Volume VIII for 1902. Volume IX for 1903. Volume X for 1904. 93 Ubc Collection ot 3. C. Cbamberlain 740. AMERICAN IMPRINTS. A List of Early American Imprints belonging to the Library of the Massachusetts His- torical Society. With Introduction and Notes by Samuel A. Green. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge: John Wilson & Son, 1895 * One of 200 copies printed. 741. AMERICAN POETRY. Index to American Poetry and Plays in the Collection of C. Fiske Harris. i2mo, in the original sheets, uncut. Providence: Printed for Private Circulation, 1874 * Scarce. Only a small number printed. 742. ANTHONY MEMORIAL. A Catalogue of the Harris Collection of American Poetry, with Biographical and Bibliographical Notes, by John C. Stockbridge. Portrait. Royal 8vo, full morocco gilt, gilt edges. Providence: [Providence Press Co.], 1886 * Fine copy. Only 100 copies printed. 743. ARNOLD (WILLIAM HARRIS). First Report of a Book Collector, comprising: A Brief Answer to the Fre- quent Question "Why First Editions?", and Five Ego- tistical Chapters of Anecdotes and Advice, followed by an Account of Book- Worms. Portraits and fac smiles. i2mo, boards, uncut. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1898 * One of 220 copies on American hand-made paper. 744. ARNOLD (WILLIAM HARRIS). A Record OF First Editions of Bryant, Longfellow, Emerson, Haw- thorne, Holmes, Lowell, Thoreau, Whittier, with an Essay on Book-Madness, by Leon H. Vincent. Royal 8vo, origi- nal cloth, uncut. Jamaica, N. Y. : Marion Press, 1901 745. CATALOGUE of the Library of Mr. Thomas W. Field. Priced in ink. i2mo, half bound, uncut. * Mainly relating to the American Indians. New York, 1875 746. CATALOGUE of the Books and Manuscripts of William Menzies of New York. 8vo, half crushed morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, by F. Bedford. ■• With the printed prices inserted. New York, 1875 747. CATALOGUES of Duplicates of Brown University (American Poetry); Arnold, Pierce, priced; Montgomery, Bierstadt, Roos, Mackay (in one vol.), all priced; Carson Por- traits (in two parts). (7 pieces.) 94 Blbliotjrapb^ 748. CATALOGUES. Prince Library (Public Library, Boston), half morocco, 1870; R. L. Stuart, No. 96 of a limited autographed issue, cloth, 1884. 2 vols. 8vo. 749. CATALOGUES (AUCTION). Brinley, Parts 2, 3, 4, 5. priced in ink; Bav\ow, priced; French, /r;V THIS World T o That which is to come. •^1 *^» *.^^ •'^^ *.^-» '"^^ ^-^^ *^^ '-"^^ *-^^ *-<5^ *-«^ '-^^ '-^^ v^^ '-^^ \-^^ K^-^ x^^^ y^^ t.^« Cf)C ^econD Ipart. Deiiver'd u idcr the Simijtude of a /) i? E ^ J/: Wherein is fet forth. The Manner of the Setting out of ChriJ^iao's Wife and Children; their dangerous Jour- ney, and fafe Arrival at the dcfired Country. ir^ r-MJ iSj/ John BuNYANo XCS' ^ J^ iCCr ^ **** "*• '^** '^^^ '^'^ *A* *>*» AA* «^ A~l^ A/%* /VUV MM> MV /VW y^A« WT» <»»» /»r» »•" ,vvv A^ ,,4.^^ ,1,^ f.^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^_^ ^_^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ Cfje ^etjemeentf) etiition. Adorrid with CUTS. I have iifed Similitudes^ Hof. 12. 10. B S 7 2^y K E. printed by John Draper, for Thomas FiEix, in Corakil. m,dcc,xliy. [No. 770] [No. 770] Hmerican periobicals, dc. 773. DURER (ALBERT). Underweysung der Messung mit dem Zirckel. Small folio, black morocco (a few leaves slightly water-stained). Nuremberg, 1525 The Rare First Edition. With numerous woodcuts by Albert Diirer, including the Alphabets. On lower (blank) portion of title is stamped " Duplum Bibl. Due. Goth," and this volume evidently once formed part of that famous collection. 774. ELZEVIR. Titi Livii Historiarum libri. Engraved title and vignettes. 3 vols. 32mo, rough calf. Lvgd. Batavorvm [Leyden], 1634 * With the fine old bookplate of Sr. John Chester (style Jacobean) in each volume. 775. FRANCE. Deans (Wm.) and Martin (Fred.). A History of France from the Earliest Times. Illustrated. 8 vols, royal 8vo, cloth. London: A. Fullarton and Co. \ca. 1855] 776. KIPLING (RUD YARD). The Islanders. A Poem. 8vo, v^rrappers, uncut, pp. 8. New York, 1902 * One of only 50 copies printed for copyright purposes. (Letter to this effect from F. N. Doubleday laid in.) yyy. THE WORKS OF RUDYARD KIPLING. The Description of a Set of the First Editions of his Books, in the Library of a New York Collector. (Compiled by Luther S. Livingston.) Etched portrait of Kipling^ autographed by T. Johnson., and facsimiles. Royal 8vo, original boards, uncut. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1901 * Printed throughout on Japan paper, only 12 copies ISSUED. 778. LILLY (JOHN). Sixe Court Comedies. Often Presented & Acted before Queene Elizabeth by the Children of her Majesties Chappell, and the Children of Paules. Writ- ten by the onely Rare Poet of that Time, The Witie, Comicall, Facetiously-Quick and Unparalelld: lohn Lilly, Master of Arts. i2mo, half roan (slightly rubbed). London: William Stansby for Edward Blount, 1632 * The First Collected Edition. The several pieces bound separately in 6 volumes as follows : " Endimion " (or, " The Man in the Moon," played before the Queen at Greenwich); " Campaspe," played before the Queen by the Children of Paules; " Sapho and 99 Ube Collection ot 5. C Cbamberlain Phao," played before the Queen by the Children of Paules; "Galla- thea," played before the Queen by the Children of Paules; " Mydas," played before the Queen by the Children of Paules; " Mother Bom- bie," played before the Queen by the Children of Paules. The lyrics, particularly " Cupid and my Campaspe," played for Kisses, scattered here and there, are an attractive feature of this edition, and are here first collected. Shakespeare seems to have been indebted to Lilly's " Endimion " for some of the conceits in his " Midsflmmer Night's Dream." Rare. 779. LOMAZZO (GEO. PAOLO). Trattati dell' Arte della Pittura, Scoltura et Architettura. 4to, vellum. Fine COPY. Milan, 1585 780. LUCRETIUS. Les Oiuvres de Lucrece; traduites en Frangois avec des remarques sur tout I'ouvrage par M. le Baron de Coutures. Frontispieces. 2 vols. 12010, full mor- occo, gilt. Fine copy. Paris, 1792 * Robert Jephson's copy, with his arms in gold on the binding. Jephson was a noted English dramatist and poet, the friend of Hamilton (to whom the letters of Junius were attributed), co-author with Horace Walpole, and the writer of many plays successfully performed by the Kembles and Mrs. Siddons. 781. MARCUS AURELIUS ANTONINUS. The Medi- tations of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. 2 vols. i2mo, calf. Glasgow: R. & A. Foulis, 1764 * Clarence Cook's copy. A specimen of the press of the famous Scotch printer, the " Baskerville of Scotland." 782. MICHAEL ANGELO. Rime di Michelagnolo Buon- arroti. Raccolti da Michelagnolo suo Nipote. Small 4to, limp vellum. With contemporary marginal notes and correc- tions. (Writing on reverse of title and preface, and a few wormholes.) Florence: Giunti, 1625 * The Very Rare First Edition of the Poems of Michael Angelo, in vellum binding. S. W. Singer's copy, with an Italian sonnet in his autograph on the fly-leaf and his monogram. S. W. Singer was the well-known editor of the works of Elizabethan authors, and the intimate friend of Heber, Douce, Fitzgerald and others of the best collectors and authors of the early part of the Nineteenth Century. When Douce died he left his for- tune to Singer, rendering him independent in his literary work. John Addington Symonds made the English translation of these Sonnets. [See Reproduction.] 100 RIME IvdCHELAGNQ^ RyONARROTI. Raccolre'da'MichelagnoIo • fuoNipQte.i IN FIRENZE APPRESSO I GIVNTI CON L'ICSNZU DE* Sf^PERlORL U. DC. X^lll . «r f' ,:yt^-,^Sty^ij: . % [No. 782] JiJ 'j-=iK- RIME D- I MlCHELAGMOLp r;v^6narroti. Raccoire daMichelagnolo • fuoNipQte.4 ^ IN FIRENZE APPRHSSO I GIVNTI CON L'lCSNZU D^E* Sl^PERWR-L U. DC. XXill ♦ r- ,'yi^:-^'^>^^ *.'. r ";l [No. 782] Bmerican perioMcals, dc. 783. MILTON (JOHN). Angli Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio, etc. Vignette on title. i2mo, original vellum. Londini, 165 1 * With ex libris of John Mente (perhaps the famous French phy- sician who wrote a Latin work about this date claiming the invention of printing for Mentel of Strasburg, his ancestor). 784. MORE (SIR THOMAS). The History of the Life and Death of Sir Thomas More, Lord High Chancellor of England in King Henry the Eight's time. Collected by J. H. Gent. i6mo, half calf. London: for George Eversden, 1662 * With contemporary autograph inscription on title and at end. ''Roger Payne, Anno Dam. 17J1." (Not the famous bookbinder, who was only 12 years old in 175 1.) 785. NEW BRUNSWICK IMPRINT. The Psalms of David, with Hymns and Spiritual Songs, of the Reformed Church in the Netherlands. 24mo, old calf. Rare. New Brunswick: Abraham Blauvelt, 1798 * " Bound with ' The Heidelbergh Catechism ' Translated for the use of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church in New York." New Brunswick: A. Blauvelt, 1797. Pp. 1-102 [complete?]. 786. POPE (WALTER). The Wish, written by Dr. Wal- ter Pope, Fellow of the Royal Society. Reprinted from the First Edition, with a short Life of the Author, by Mr. Beveriy Chew. Royal 8vo, half roan, uncut. Limited issue. Jamaica: L. I, Marion Press, 1897 787. STEVENSON (R. L.). Catalogue of a Collection of the Books of Robert Louis Stevenson, in the Library of George M. Williamson, Grand View on Hudson. Portrait and facsimiles. Royal 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Jamaica, New York: The Marion Press, 1901 * Only 125 copies printed on plate paper, this being No. 26, the first of this issue, the preceding 25 copies being on Japan paper. 788. ^WALTON'S LIVES, Boston, 1832 (2 vols.); Thoms' Human Longevity, I,ondon, 1873; Obituary of R. Smyth of the Poultry Compter: a Catalogue of all such per- sons as he knew, 1627-74, edited by Sir H. Ellis, London, 1849; Big Abel and Little Manhattan [C. Mathews] and Selections from Chaucer and Spenser (3 vols., Wiley & Putnam, pub's). 7 vols. 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