LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Class iSiO l^O'S i CASE ^ ®l)e CuDor 5Fac0tmtle %txts %\)t Mature of tlje dFour ((Elements Date of Composition and Printings c. \^\ 0-20 Reproduced in Facsimile^ 1908 Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER %\^t i^ature of tjje jfour Clements Issued for Subscribers by T. C. & E. C. JACK, 1 6 HENRIETTA STREET LONDON, W.C. : AND EDINBURGH MCMVIII 6£«£ftlL %\)t Jiatute of t\)t jFour (Bltmtnts The only known copy of the original of this facsimile came to the British Museum from the Garrick Collection. It is now numbered " 643 b. 45, impf Eight leaves are missing in the middle (Sig. ^), and the conclusion is also lost. These lacunae are indicated by inserted slips in the present edition. The date of composition and printing may range between 1 5 10 and 1520, but nothing is known nor can inferences be drawn with any degree of certainty. The author is unknown. Mr. Herbert of the Manuscripts Department^ British Museum^ after comparing this reproduction with the original^ says^ " The whole collotype is extremely exact in its corre- spondence with the book, except for a very slightly greater thickness and blurriness throughout. ^'' This tendency to over- heaviness in printing, to a certain extent inseparable from collotype work, I hope to reduce to a minimum by using a slightly harder paper for future issues. JOHN S. FARMER. 175456 C^tneM) ittterittue anijamerpaf tfje nature df tl)cMiu dcmentf Declaci^nge manp p;o f ccpoj^ntr of Pft0of5p5pnaturatt/aBO«Dpuec0 (Irauhgc lant)p0/antj of t^ucte ftcauhjc effcctf (e caufi6/tol)tc()e mtetlubet^f ^lio!e matter fieWaylJi lo^l coittepne tl)e (pace of art l^out 4nD a lialf e/ but pf !^cli>(lpenia)> leucout tnticljeof ^cfab tttatec 80 t(je ineffcngctB gte/artti tome ofnatutrs parte ano fome of ejrpecpens gte (e ^et tft^ matter tupi De penD coiiUetti^entlp / ahD tiidriitisi^U notbepaSd tl)}c quartets of an Ijour of Iriigtft. Cl^ere f olotD tl^e ttampd^ol tl^ plercrs* ir^bcmeirengere/il^aturenaturaeie/i^arii^)^ ^ tuDpou0 uefire/S^enf wall apiiiet^f /C^e tauer ner / i^perpeiice / )>ngnd^aUrtce/3tifo ?f f* Iptt pc mapb;iiatgettt4l>K8Pf?»S^^ betti erefolotobfuersntal tilts ititerlai^e contepnpD. Cd)ftJ|erito^ci^nofti|ifti^dementft6iati^ta fe p tlje pcrtf) t^he: toater tlK ap;te attii fp?e/» of tbcr^ quatptcfe attD p^opertefe/ano of tl)e getieracpon d co^rupcpS of tl;aiaOMfi£lrfJ? a.f- ... - .- ,j^. -♦ I UNIVERSITY j I f mDf be rouDe ft p it l^nqv^f in f mJ>DDf of t^ef ?? f^ inamet/ft p it is inattuftttct a hom.%x^*^Mvic 4[M ccrtcpn.^cluftotts ^upngc t^at t^t fee Ipctft rounu^ bppoh tl)C yi'Ctft. C^f ccrtcime porntf f f ofmograpt))> / ae fjoto (e to^rc ^ fee coucrpt^ p vcitt^/ft of Opucrs Orauge i regpott6jlanDp0aiil>it)l)ifl)ctDeptljcplp0/anoof ' ti^enetofounpe lan^psanoftnanec of ^people. > C^ftbegenetacponanD caufeof ftoneienictaU a«Dofplanti0ano!Krbp0. C^f file gcnecacpwt ano taufe of toell rp;pngf il rpuet0/anD of t!)c caufeof ibotefumpe ttjatcomc cutrof tiije off pectb / anti off caufe of tlje bat^ps of loatet; in t^e pertfytoi^tf^e be ppeiuallp l)ote* I Cfl>ftliecaufeofrtieebbeartl)fIoHeoftl)efee I C^fibecattfeofrapnefnotDeanobaple I C^f tlie caufe of tbe tovnope anD tbotit^er ^ C^f tbccaufeoftbelpgfttttpngcof blafpngfter^ rp0dnD flampsflepngeln t^ap^e — Cd|cmclfenQ:er» vJL tol)ic^c 0otft tllunipnc ? toojliji inui>?on ^2cferue t^te nuDpere ano rduCc ti^em to inct^ Co tljarpte tl)i6 10 tup pct^^ct'on 5f 0? bp roue pac »»cn0 anD fuppo^tact^ort 3 trtpil mccduDc late maDe atiD p;eparp9 :6eifb?c T>our p^cfetif c Ijcrc (^alt be lieclacpti C^^tc^ of d f ctD conctufpone \b rdntrtuv^ 3inD po^ntf of plii^lofopiip natur^ll :6ut tl)DugIi tiie matter be not fo ^ei( t)(;darr$ :3ll0 a peat clet^ coube to no;t Co Cubftancp all fd: tl)e auctout b^eof reqturrtl^ i^oti alt Cbougbbe be rngno;taQt ant) can IvtpU rt(H( rco r^Qarbe l)ta onlp intent anp ^obD toiilt C^btcbetnljitetnrnPebafboft tptneo pohber^i tihdt nomb^e of bo^f tn biir tonge tnaternail Wtiovteanr) trpfellj^a be tnaUe ant (mp?^tjp6 i^nh fctD of tbem of matter fubftancrall fo) tboUgb manp ntaheboKf )^et bhnett) ift fi^alt 3in ouceifgli^tb*^ tongcfpno^att)? fearfef ^f eonrtrnge tijat td regarbrb bp elcrfef C^be gtxfer tbt roiiiartio tuttb manp ottittmn gin tbcir mooer tonge te;ot tearlif eiccelleht djan pf dcr^f m tbio regime t{}oiDe raite pa^ £| I Cditf?ber^ttgt!)atourtc!tgei0rt6bfuflf?crcnt I rCocjcpounanpbarDfentcncceuipBeut , (^l)tv mrs^t pf tljei? toolDc m out cnglrftc ton^c L lD?pte toojfey^of grauptc fdtiit^tn^ amohgc V €f o^D^u^r^tocngnaunt toyttf bcinti^te iatiiw: 310 toeU of noble men ae of tneane eftate tDl)ic!)e not^ynge but cnglpfljc can tnucrrtanbe ^(jan pf cbnttfrt gc latcn bohve tocre trdnflatc 3!nt6englp(^e/tDcUd?;tfctanDiapp:obatc 311 fubtell ffif us in engli^Ifte mrglitbclcmro 36 tDell as'ot^cc people i« tljetr otone tongf UpD C^ut noltj f tt 16 tW m out cnglplfte tonge fi|anp one tljere id tbat canbut teoe * tDjytc dro? b^s pleaf ure to^^ll dft p^efume amonge ^etb bolip6 to comp^e anD balaff tb intftt ^ omc of loue 0? otljct matter not tbo?tl) a nirte l^ome to optej^ fauoitr tDpU^ttet anb glofe Some \D}vtt eutr dud tetmf nottn^g to purpcfe , C€l)u6eucn? man aftetljtdfatttefpe inpU to^^e I)t6 confeptebeit tteuet fo tube 53e tt tettuous bpti^ouBtD^ebdme o? fol^ isbetf o^e to m v putpore tijue ^ condabe iDb? (^olb not than tbeauctour of tbidint^Habc ttttecbis otbnefantcfvanb confeptealfp 3i6 tDella6 bluets otfjernotoa baredbo Cfo^tDpfebomeanbfoi? 10 d0iti0 tal^rn^ J iiMlHMiWiMMki aiia::* r^ f 0^f onctaUi^ hvtmtMatiatl^tt callrt^fdf^ ^ec 4niong^ tnoflic follte tl^dt man t6 l^olDpti motte tow7t0^icbe to terj^e ftuijprt!) onli? 25imct$atfo;ac6mi^niudt^bpf0y V S>tuDpet^ai«J taljoir^iftanoiput^brgoDtiriattiE il^itceptlft^toa)crFcbrmj^wunti^mlJttt^Datii.v C^blic:tl)atu?m«l^etgeuerl)onourpli *; Bii^oug^lieMwejoeittuucrfofaircli^ r^^ Cl)^ po;tc bei^itge neucr fo txrpfe w rep;iou?Ui • CI; w 10 tl)0 opprnvon mofte cStnpnlp Cl)o?otoG out tl^^ itto?H!e/attD ?et no ccafori M^ C^crf 0^ (n nt^ m^tn tolian tW aU rucire Date is l^aue babeli^D tD^at t^ei' ca no io^tc of at.C^tatDis Cf OKuet^ man f n reafon time oug^tto oo Co labour fQ? Ws otonc ncccffari^ Ivu^ng? , 3ntitljanfo;^tl[)etuelt^ofl)ien^V5tjboupalfo ' . 2Dut t»{ia t PiHii^lta mpniR baue tljcy to!)icl& in ung 3nD latiourFtigialUlKicIpfff po no not^ertlj^jj :6ut b?(gerK^c0 to tljcir ofenc podcllvon iBotitjyng cegatDige tbcic ncpgl^bourg oittruccig C?^taUtbct:^c!|e6tntbctoo;tlOe tl>ati0 ifi y fptibi pf tlie gtounde hv goUiOi^ fcnnimgc 3nD bi^tfte labour of po;e mcnni>6 bano^e SlInDt^gl) tbou rpcbc ma banc tbccof I? kcprns* y ct I0itot#fif ^l?c^^ of tb^ gettpnge iDo; ougl^rrOttotin, reaConro be p?c!>rptif mo;i;-^ . Mi I C3L jsttdtlo)^ctimanmap fonebeenr^d^vn I Cljat lalTWtt) ant» ftuDpcrt) f o?rrcbcB onl^ I :@'i( IjotD {^^U I)t6 (ofcrens ttjan be t)lfc^/arQCD ' dfo?aWricrhfaffermcti^att!jarinaiip;fffrd^ jDlnd^ ftuDpetl) f o?!ji0 plrnc tDcltli p?FnfrpaU? j jaDfgcD(5aU!)cfcrucbuHytrllrrtDaC!De I i£rccptbetbrr$mrntDcItl^ fpmtobat rcgarDe ! C4>iftc?fcrtbattl^atmattofcupy£i>!0 ^p; a ramf n iDeltb tob^^l^e (0 met labo^i^nge Co rclcuc po^ people tDtti) tanpo^all 9P0D]f9 ^np tf^at it 10 a c5tnpn gopn act to b^^nge ^^eople from ijntmp to tofe gooo If urnge JLf betDffefo?a rtinvntodtb occupfc$ i0!?e Cf)at b?f ngy tb tl^em to ftnplDlege f pngnoiat b^ fL^ut man to Knotoe gop ti^ a t^pffpcuUc ^jcftptbf afneaneljc^fm tetfeinute ttrtjicbe 10 toinbtue gobPf creafur^B tba t be 30furj[^tl^€mtbatbeoftbegtDffftnature \ 3lnb tban to l^notD t^m that be mo;tepurc 3np fo bp I ftp U anp IrtpH flfo nPfnge Co kttotD gobPf frcaturr0 * mc ruclc«0itjer^igc C?^"!) tbt0 tDf fe mnn at tbe la(i fl)aU ccme to d*e l^notolege of goD anD bt0 \ivc magefte 3np fo to Icme to do bt0 Petrtc anp alfo Co Pcfcrte of bis gootjttrspartettcr to be tutl^cf oic in t()i0 too;K palar^^p (QaU re fee r^ jf ur(t of j^e demmtte t^ (T^tuatfon ^nD af ti^ir effectt0 ti)e taut e ant) generac^on - C^nti t^dltgli Come mf ttjpnl^c t^ts matter te^pl ^no not mete f 0^ an auDi^ence t)nlernpd i^e ti)pnKefo;tmannottii^nQemo?e ntct^tf d}an tl)t0 to HnotDtl^ug^ it be ntt t)Ci»D ji^o; a matter tuo;e toiue can not be argupt) if 0^ ti^oug^ tbe dementis goODpe ereatuna be pet rljep be molt grote anb lotD^n in Degre Ci^ourb^re men p^tefume to be callpb clerkf J^l^putpngeof ^e creaeurtecdettpali ^0 t^pngpo tnupfpbieanb gobbf bpc tDarHp0 SfinbUnotonottbefebpfpble tbpngpainferpall ^0 tijep tDolbr fettotD Ijpe tl)pn^ (tbnotu notljigc iS)f tbe pertl) i|cre1»bcron tbep baptp be (at alt ^otl;er tbenaturefo?meno;t quantpte Cb)l)crfo?eitfewptbnotbpngeconticnpcttt 3lmantaftubpdnbbt0tpmetabcfi:oti;e Jr tirft f o;t tbe tmotoUge of bpe tljyiigf er c ef lent 3lnb of Ipgbtuiatcerabenetb notl^ngeto bnoln 210 of ^ere.ttif*detnenti0 bere beloU! tubofc effectt0 bapip appcre bere at ere ^ml) tbtgf to hnoto f ur(l / tnetx mod mete (Itibp Cfebicbematterbefo^cpourp^cfencefiic^tlp 3n tlji0 interlubcliercfljiall be bcdarpD luitbout great doQucttcei rpme ruDdp 2&etaurc tt^e romppler t0 but filnalUcritpb i ■ ■'- -- . ..^....^.....aJiittmiMmitAimimtk C^ut becaufe Comtf oll^ebefptrU DifPi^rrD (€o is(Ontefhut nto;e t^ mn^tl anD fpojt iDtrl) tn^t^ ^onfei^tts to grue men cof o^ 3(nD QccafiKin to caufe ^em to refo^t Cqlieretl^t0mattct/tDi^ito^f tl)eptal(e bcDe <&omc kmrnc^t to t!)cm tljcrof rtiar^ ^tcDe C^ut tl)ep ^at {^atl notoe tt^is tnattetp Declare ;©penlt»ftctet)ntatI|i0 attb^cncc 3Bc1jQtoe3I p?epyoufceto^cretliei>are Ct)e plcrcrs begi^n to appn:e (n pjcfencc 3 r<^ ttisli tt <0 tvme f o? me to go ^eno ^ 3nl>fo3!tDrfllw/tl)crfo?cnol»fto?tly Cil»if mttat nattttan^ttttata ?^ttm$^ C^atura^afwata #^Vlge §pc tt^pg!)ty moCt cjccelUnt of att UL Cljcfofltaiai of goopticfif tciteu iconyng iwfcwiie 18 etctn? of poiDcr mbft potirmraH tci|c pf f ccvon ano f urCf cauf J of citcry tijynge 3 lucanc tUt ottl v l}yc nauturc naturi^ngc 1 -*»- ra „ ^ttittc inBmvrxffittcaivtt nature itdiurate V CtDljcrf o;ie3l am fljcbecci^natttcate natiire d|etmneDii»aj^iTi)m?»ftetfo?tl)cp?efcruac?oti . £)f cuerv tftrngc in Ijiis fef ntie to en^wce ^nD caufc of Qeneracvon anD co;t^upcpotl iC^f t!)attl)vnge that isbjougfttto pittfwc^oii 21 not!}er tijrngc ftyll f b^t^njc f o?tl)a garne C!)U0 toonoerrO^ ii too?kc an?) tieucr in barne C^lje great too?ii)t be Ijotoe f o bci«>t)!^n tDoDcrflp 3!n tat^orecjyotisiDlierofottSlcaU Clje et|t)fnaU region tDiti^tbel)eui?na![)l?e Conte^nj^ngc tl)e pfancttps fterris « fperts all C^elotcer region cati^D rbe demenrall Contcpnrnge tl^ef e.tuf elementis be f oo Cbe fy?e tl^eaw tl|e tuaterano r>ertI>alfo €25ut )>et riie etemencte anD etl}er boDj^ee f^l a3ene tb / ta^t thm effectpsanD opcracrons iD f wbobK0 in t[)e region crberrall 2dp tber^nnfluens anu confteHacvons C!)evcau(e!|ereco2?upcvott6anD g^erac^otts 251?netb(l^oibcben0tber iafrefettoi^errefe •: CCbcfeelementiB of tbcmfelfeftr fimglcbe ^nto Dyurra fopwv^ can not be De iQljf 1 HwMiHMllMiili ■^ Hi r c^e cUinenr J reduce to l)i& f urO; e^are ^0 t^t nott)?ng;c can t)r t^itctlp aon^lKldte 4jf o; ti)oug^ c^ f o^^tiie anD facron of atxv t^Y^W Ci}at t9 a co^o^U boDp be l^tftropcd l^ct cttet;? ntateer rcmapnvti) m liie btvn%t l»l)ero{ tt toae f urft tna DcanD f o?ui j>D iFo;co;^upcpon of aboDpcdmri^Ft) fobutt^rcroliKn^nb^tpmeani^rpace iDf eucr^ clemctir to l)<6 oiune place 4[ifo;iDl^tl)attDflltatoani'bobr co;poia!t 3in0Dalu^t 4c canst to btftro^ Co b;et(e tt o^ ^nt>t it into pouter fmaU Co tDa(]^etob;otx)nto b;entto^tob?^ yet ttiear?e anb fy?e tfjctof natuuallp Co tfjeic otone ;ppcr places toyll afrenbc Cl^e bw tscc to ttje toatcc t^t mtlj to p pertlj tcnbe Cf o?pf Ijctcojino^flureof anptJji'ngecertapnc \ 25vfweo;belDdtccbecon(lnn?b j yttytttfy'i^liailt^Bowv^m^siVWtctmynt I ^0 tbs clenientlB can neuec bt btflror^cn fo? e5encpaH)> tbcc IS nebiBt tbi5 trbc 36miKl)cfp^eap?ctuaterr>ect!)fls ^^ £uer before this tyuK; nctber tn o:c no; las fLH^cfoaetboiunanuoto3fpcUctotl)c ^ r-r i , r-T~ — ■. - I^ctncm6;etl^at djottdttitontpounli anbrreate iC»f tiicfc eleincntte as bC^er ereaeuriB be yet t^ey (jauc not allli^bc no Wc eft^tc !fo:plamt0aniil)crbr0$rot»eani»brtnfcnfatc :62tttebcll!6l|aueincrno?panDtl;ettffyuc Split t!M)u l)all ali t()oreanD fouie tnretlectpue C^o bp rcaf ott of tb^ne tmberftanovnge C()ouba(tDomT>ni»on of orbcrbefttsaH 3tnD naturally tfiou ft olbyft Dcftrc cfinrnge Co bnotbe (Iraunge effettf anb raurpd naturait foiht tbat ftubycti) f 0? tlje (rfe bc&raH 30 boluptuouB pleafure anobobeiv tcft 3S account l|f III rieuer betttrttian a bed C©uman)>te« C^ cjcccWent p?rticc anb great lojBe nature II am tbrne obinc (bribe anb f o?tnrb tnaruuicnt 31 bcfccbe tbp cctace tabe m? to tbr rure ainb tccfjc nic f uclie fcpeno t^ou tftibrft tpptr^it fi ij^ature C^an frtb tbou art fo bnmbic anb bencuolcnt Cbattljrngc tbat is mete fo;^tbrcapaf?Jte • ■ 9nb goob fot ttif bnotolcge % ftail ^ittaructe t!^ fCfticftof<|tltftoutnu(lfonfybKranbfec \ Cbcfc clctntntio bibtche bo vtbt c tbcr pcnetiate 3nD bp conf>nuaU a! tcracron tbci> be mtl)cm feifc bayl^ co??uptrb arcb generate h AkMliiiiMMMitaarfltfNife Cl|eipertl^a08pontto? centert0fvtttate 3iul|e ini>DDf of t^lDo^lde/tuit^ ? toaterjopnei lDitl?tljeap;c(tfi^cqunDe*ftolcinupronvo CCI)c yertft of it f^lfe <0 pono^wiuB anD J^u? ' Ct^lHednD ^;)^ of tite olDtte nature jip^^ i&omc parte iKt^ l>;p contrnuaUjJ 3nti parte t^erofcouer^D oucr tDitb toatcr jbome toltfi tie fait fee fottte toiti) f re(^e rpuer tobiclK ^ert^ Wt! ttie totter to ijplicr toitb all 4&0 3ioyn?>Ui ma^ea rounoe f vgure fpcrpcall €%o ti)e trater ir^it\^t 10 collte d tiiorft to f otlDe 3n anu ^paon tijc ^ erti^ f pllvnge %\]k boloneo 3ttOj>ucr0 ftartia Uyngc >Ditl| ^ pettft routiDe yet t^e l^pll|»6 atto mountepno of ^ i^ertl) cjccelfe Cafeenotliynge of Wt a toap tlje reunDnes 3|ncom]iarpfonbprau(l^tbe)>befofmaU . JM mo?e tban tl;e p^tibfef l>o tfjat bf on a gall C<^b^si>?etobicbeiabote ano tnopftairo Snb tbe f p;ic tobf cl)c ig euer bote ano b2? :^ bout tbe pertb anb Hiatet? 31 opntlp tbcp go %nXi compailit tbem euerj> tob^re o?bycii!arlp ^s tbe tobpte a boutc tbe volUe of an egg Dotb \vt 25ut tbe ar>?e in tbe lotoer parte niofte reniapnptb >nvtb Cbt derrpo anD planettp auD cucrr fpcrc J . -^ %hovitH)c elemctttt0 DafU? monftHf toppttt^ig btofte poles mdui?tlrtJ^uetfi'r ^iidichoi^to WirtatciDetctbtohge to tair CC^^ f^J anti ttie a^c of tl)ftr natures Ijc l?5<^ ^l)ccf o^etfje? moUc bp hatutall pjou^tjcnc r C^ Iparer b^cattfe it is potiottouo in tnerg^t jSpou^tI)notiiatupaUpmit b^tjf^oletttc £)f tl)e ftcrciB ano plancttf b^ t»!)oft influence (€ht fee 10 compell?>D to ebbe a ttl> f Ibtoe i?8flf 3nD freeze tuateco to fp^f^nge f otit^ni(ial!|» C^tto tijotiglj ^ tije teatetbe gtoteatib ijeap j?ct n(>#n Je fo ferofeae t^t^ttb3tDj^0 Cl]crf o?e b^ Ij^te it t0 tiapojtrb bp Irs^tl?^ Sinn in ththf^timhf^ ribuoreanti myftf d5utaBfonea0^erth^ttgrofelri^ ; 6eDcr^D to gibbet / ft pefcenOFtb a garnc Mnf) caufptf) t^ppoi! f ^ectl) l)ai>le ftiolw (« raync C'^!)c i?mfj bcfiittfe of btspbnberof J^t^ '^ 130 vDrtb e^juaUt^ t^ mousngf gteat i©f Weirtrettirtesanb fp^tratbat be ^no tcmpt^i to tl^ p!ace tbat 10 moft quiet ^0 tn tt)e mj^on V0 of Mltbe fperro te fet jfommft abiert front all man^mouimge tt ijere mtw^W^ Ije reftrtlj twoujtli wot f/pngc 1 1 C^atl^ tDcU nolD l^ob 31 !|dtte tiie (l^ef!!*/t tt toW 3nD qualpre /tti^erfo^c tl^ts f vgiirc bct)ol5e jf 02 a tno;ie mait^'f eft DemonOTcaiif^on 3inD Uf tdVLiz t^ou (^of D)?(l not put to oblv ar oil j^fOoctrrnc/ t^t0 man callpD ftuD^ou^D^ftrc lS7tt()tt|e(^aU !)duc contpnuatl l^abi^caci^on Cdeit pU to rrtioitt md;!e Ccpc^nB to at>quire C f oip mo?e p r^ou t^erj^^rd; to tittotu an^ tt)f ng^ (Cliennt^ou umrfi: ttit nto;e a iftan to be :f 0^ t^t tnatf tbat Mitcti) no matter conrng^ 3(1 tbat tupteno bettet t^n a bc(t is ^e tDl)^.bat tf)e cpc0 maDe but onlv to fee C{|e 1^99)^0 to bere tde bobp of a creature ^ ^0 euet^ t^t^nge t0 ntaQ^ to Do bts nature ^^olv&z tovfe reafonttiU ano bnDer(lont(vngf furft f oz to lerne Ztto t^an to ImotDe t{ iautie tl^ ^pe gob etettie C ^ ({!o;ii»ou6lo;tHr ano pitmce mofte plefatit <15rcatlpam3tt0tol)olbi?rtbntotl)c j jg>o to Illumine mp mpnW t(]tat U)4$ ^ngn^jani^ i . - ' • ' -■ ■. .- ■ • ■■ ./j ■Mimi J 1 ia)ffttfo}eyp}omvtti^pomnfivt>^iftc (tne ^V Dpli^encc to Do to bepc in inmio^f r : Cfe^tu^oug Dcfirc ' ifc I i^^ Dppon t^i9 man to g^uedttenoaiimc tDUli tbp doctrpne l^ete (gelppD J ((|aU 4l^bpn ^0 3nD Dapl^put l)i^in in xemtmb;amu (\oft ^is courage anD ulv^t 3 (^U alfo tnl^dume ^otl^t tK6 fH^cFte fi)aH bemoft of all Co OttDipaol) to fert^f 0? cditr^e ttatutalt .Cil^tucc..,,. ILtoclU^ fo? a fcafoa 31 fepU Departs Xcupngc pou to grDer;i)erc boti) ttbajm^ icbat i Ijaue (bctt»iD man p^pnt ludl m l()f ttt Ijcrt ^tX) matbc toell tijio f pguce f t^re S)ail rcttiapne lul^rbp ti>ou tnaift peteepue manp rbpngee tno;e Cqncernpngc p mattier j fpdfee of bcfojc (plapn 3ti D luljmt tJ^at 3 ftall ref o?t bete a gapnc J0f Ijpcpopmr of f^npngej ftallftrto^ wo;c ' C^tuDpouffbcfsre. CBobbuman^e call to-pourtnetnoip : d|cc5i)pngepcpntf tliatnaturetatbDcdarpu 3! nD tbeu^b be baueH^iocb bpuero poitr ^manf iS>f n^ clcinemttf fo toonbe^flp fo^tuefr I 'IT fflilK Kt ittah^ ot^ (attfi^0 t^re are toolDe bt kmpii :2l0 to bnotnetlje gcnetaf t^oti of ti>!>ngf all lijcrc m t^c tcrtl) / t|dl» t^p be e be^ 3n tbempoi^f of ^ fp^mameni; ^cng?ftgfo fma!! ainDtU^l»erj^tx>t^t|e itiakettd be roulretmtl; ad CS^tuopoit^befire- C^c tfjpnk^tbmj^fi^ifeaef fome of tljofe poftf^ H couDe gpue afuflffcpent wiciepon if 0? f ui^ of all t^ou mitfhtebps graunt ttfi^ Cl)att(replrtb is [obepeanbbotom^atlinon £);t el0 tQere to tome gr o{e ti^pn g Qit aabptb tpoti jD ;el0 tbat it l^atigptb tbou mud ne0f eonfent ^pn in t^t tnvtjibf of tl^ f pamament; < Clg^uman^e^ Cbl^at tl;ang0 f o^tb loit^ t^pne argument C*tubf>o(i^beOre* C€>Smarlieti^Uuff DapoiittatopntenSnpglit ' (Cbefone anb ttf one antr (ferric eeleftpatt 3n tl^e elHurd tW? » ^tx^t(ySft fpg?^ ^ 9 \iiftztinti^thttti^fDott>hnt{M a diapnemtl^emQ;dtDenejc.t6faU tpi h.txUiiMntcBfiitybztomc:SiU(t Co e(l poftf agatntDt^ctetboaCatDtdt^cntfutll C^t^ianyfti^t ertfjcftulDc be of cnWcs Dcpjics j^; (^itlDe ttanDc tponanp^ otijer g^bfe tl^i^gc 31t l^ulDc bp an iinpeDrmcnt Dqtoties. : v^ Colbc fonc monc anD^ftcrns tn tftep^ mou^iige -^ rciioji C^ulDcnqt fo in tl)c. c;ft agai^nc fp;^nge Cbccf oic m tcaf on it ftniptb mode eonMcnpent - djc i^ertlj tp ftangc tn ? mpoijf of tl)c f j>;mam^t SCI)i>nc argumcrii:' in f popnt Dot!) mc.t5f aift)^ l)at tf)ou l)att inaDc but ;pct it ^upt^t nottrg^e Ctiatt^cpertftbprcaCbnftulDctje rournji^ Jf 0? tl)6ugb ^fF?niament mrt l;t8 ftcrtiB bjipgl^t: Compap aboMtcibcpcrtl) ccljc nap atiDnpg^t pet tbc pertlj?jnap be plapne ga tittentnrc £iiiaD;ant triangle o? fome otljec f pgu^ ^tuUpoufcDcfp;e,. C^^bat it cannot be plaiineji ftaUtaeU ^jueH^e- 75^ cajife tbe (fert^s tbat a rpfe in tlje a;?ent ^pete mo?e fonet to tbenitbat tl)ere be %l)m to t^e otl)er DtDeilpngc m tt)e occtbent i ^f n^fanco^tmonetDfjtd^ tdljancttDotljefu 30 neuer one tpme of tl^ DiEip tn placps all V 4bf€t^tiivpB9tntta\lviSH\i(Xiavt 3liicbe l)ole iDo^lOe ae one tnnc bcvn^t Tipmt^n t»e tbat Dtolll^ere ree it m f mv^^Si^ (^I0m t^e t2i^ pavtiBCu it intlie tnoitni^nge 3lit|i tl)er in tlb^ eft bei^olDc it in t^ euen^^na 3tnD t»liv tf^at (bolDe fo be no caufe can be founo 2S9itonel? b? i^Con tbatti^ ^crt^e tsrotonbe tv! :. Cl^umanrte- Cl|3treafonp;ouerl^ rberertbattl^ekfl; 4SM^a^0 to be ^otonoe IR cannot gai^ne fap ^9 fo? to accompt frome tbe eft to tbe txieft :6ut vetnottdtt^tUmBi^nge all tdat it map %^t}^f$fi0^ti't^tttfkbftomt btliertoapc C^tudi^ons Oefp^e* ^a no bolpte ftte robmbe euerp tDliere ^btcb 3 cotildt pzoue ti^ou O^ouDcft not far nai^ vt 3 hdh tfter to anp tipme anti Icfer >^ Jilino^e a man caltrb erpecvens ^f bputromftrnmenti^o ta nmtt b)ttbout Cotwbep^oueallftcfc poymfBi ^tb?l)i5fcj?&i Can telli^ato man j^mrle tlje ertle r? a bptote --^ '«*- — -_. ~^^, •^ i/itttattrotl|eFarafi8ec0duK50tt6t,6totc ^yysinatmmtveto^l)eSitbimitrmmn Bofxi toolDc to goD 3 JjaD ^ man nob hew :ff 0? n^t tonttmbtat^n of mp mpnDc CS>ttti^on0 Defw. • aiH)b?)?ngel)t>mbeD« rf 3! canI)rmfrnDc C^umanrte. i:ijen tn^gl^t H fa^ye toerc ro tner^gfjtKrnDc _^ , €fetuDpousDefp?e. 3 ivali alTap br goD tljat nir terc botmbt ifo?cttnnpngi0tl|etbrngei^lBolDeJbcfought CS^cnfualfapctrte* \sim l^pct quoD byfeman tn^en ^ f^efmot ms tJjptfe on tbe bnttot^f fe>ttb a bcce p^t 3it)anotugoD eui^nfalegoUeu^tt 3 1 le mm tljc Imauc tftaclmcnc l^afttfjquDonc%babeli>ng ^"* l[S>tuDj>o«0Dcfp;e. Cf^peraDuenturetDbattban ; ^babolD ijotonctbv bcbe lpl.c a mtfM (t tafe^ ' llJa^iHii aW i rr ii i a- l iV^ ii J^lii ■■" ' ■■ ; ^i » ' n A-iim ■ - ■ . i i i nr >i^HiK— ii*MMCa»*l»« n 1^ «4b)!;i);i0»etl)4Kli.Mn^9ml^ r T irpitoMVfe i'trti^^'a Vffilmitm VutatXitSt V 3[ce»9efll>trt attt of papne ^t^ plefauh^ fdttnt) of artnoiin Cf^efmenFiiijc toltl^lWeoDot?? , . frtjti^rpttetottiptetofmt^ffffot^ 3nDco(our0 j eomfoale - ^Acfdrnget^atwfo piefauHte ^Vt^t totoc^nge of fof tiefiarljc ^f ^oteujcdilJe irowd^t in ^mco . IS^Mptttt ttmebi^m ^ ^^ ^: l^tt* djanHcaitnotfeetljgeotttrarp ^ 25ut i>c ace fo^ mc full tieceflari? fytix. Rf^betoarepcttoljati^Do f 0? pf T>ou fciafafeeinF coifepatn^fo Xo?De nature topil not be contente* •^'^'fmmwfmmmmKfmmmmmmmi'^mmm' ■^ .»ifT IP ot^cr bcttu no? hb tut^t t^ninat C^iB care Itoell fop . F i&stt, ^ar?attduntHnau^3It|^eiief^^ : 3^ri»c nature fo?tj>De^j>rfitai^tl^an? j ^ t»^atfa?ftt!^ouiftettofi)ekec«K^ ' l^tt- 30foatl;atatoot5teHnaF " r ^en. .jSot>i?g6l)3lattirpg^tfttre if 6;?^e hncrttFCtft tticl! tw ctieituti^ t»itl^ottt itic can l|»ue ow Ij^p , 111. ,^n3mvvovimmttiiitt ;; ■* 3twnofl)trc5lginrrtr(t4cnt:e^ •^v i^outcotnpanf toeypli • ' ; ; ;y 25utortcii>roba«^t6tmiirti>ifae^ ,.^ 3ttDapaftj>meofrerttacydlt *'^-' toitft tl)t0 inan f 0? a tetjyic ' ^ gytu. fceil%poiir pfetfuc^31%llbij^atte S)en, iH?oto9olinauego3b.rt^>eiiitft^l^ait crie!jm?tifenl>etliefb?ti«atlSc ^em i&ofe6:?mj>trotttl)3tnerueltgJetl|> ,. : ^,. Cljat eucr PC toolbe^fet^errtiipattg ©ottipelicoffarteaiKttaub^ i ' Jo)f fTCDo ftanblfter %rfge ; ^ut ctter Sttb? am to btnmfnq^ , r^y s;:.^. ^. ^%^ IhHMMII 3t rte laft tjntorotit graue Cl^c (buloe euc? ftutjp p?pncj>pall ^0? to comf d?t j^ouripf e natucall lol^ meets anDl);tttil(e0tiUvcate ainb otft^r paHj^mcB i pleaf urcsa mongi l^diutpYige lauglnj^nge h^ prefauht fonge d^df0 mete fo^r our eO^ate ©tt^ CSc^ufe?efq>fD3?>ou;ptnvfc C^at J !)auc mufi^D d ftuUpeD f uclj tuyft fl^e t^vnbttli mT> toT^ttes tuecr l^rnatuceiicfpretft fomc rcfreffljytig^ Jlnb alto 3! iiaue ben f o tonge f a((png( Cljat 3 am fbmtol^at Ijongr^ ^tti. CtoelttbantDpUi^egolDitbme Cb a tauetnettiVriei^eQaUre II yfmtpt to^ilttbt f;0megb 35ut fci^pe me rompattj^ &!Hl ibiti* CC6panrqSa/{>ef IK^alfpoimtDeurrc 3tnD alfo Do rou i|dotianb tttto ferupcc Sfimtitierto 31 plfg^t m? troutbe .,\, -> - ., \- '■■J '^ OF THE UNIVERSITY OF F" ""•r "^ ' 3lP?dtgoDfi)eDettrlt8tepou . &tn. C^tnKcbvfe oh it mptongeioo, V^W v^ rothf^ttie tD^t fo rtufr J D% ;6ut>e1oottelj|dt3l ttliene toeU , 9tt* Ci^enbf(oeeleittl|t9 matter paffe 95ut ferDeft eut hoto tfibu toetti>C:liJil^ % gbbt) taueme to mahe f bias (itei tobewis fli^t 31 pttv t^c tell . ^ett. C#artfatn)et)02eeu)it^ere'bf Vf toe caftanp t^pnge on^pc (Q^etauerhectiirllanfhieee ' l^o* C3P;iet^ti)ei^rallfo)^pmitotee •^tt« C^wKtopfl/ j^btutauetnecijpte tDb> Doftet!)olinj[)tanpere tCauer Ctol)o 1$ t^ calletfi to ^adj^ ncf. 2 ^^^tolbyne^ett Tirelre foftelp Sltellti^ellamhbtliw . . ^en« CCl^anJibel^ettfpa^bftirr^age Come lipj^er fcnaue to;t t^phe audotttige t^^makpa»?otiiliftfotbto _ _ %&/ lEfbimmattaatasematT^S'I^we 23elbare fi^e ^oto let meliauerottt^ * jlibl^erelamtol^tteratQoU , ibctu S0at^ tt)tt$ liiere is a gcttt?!nmti 3 fa? fCIJat notl^cr ctrno? t)?anke t^i0 Da? ,.?f tOou baiw anp gooD tofnc (j;^;. ;; l>e ftall Ijaue fparneftc topnc » gafcopn f;ofecoloureto^?tclarctranip?on C??e cap?ycfeanD nmluefyne ■' ^ -<•>■■'■ ^attatpfct aivtamtmmntf ^ -^^ , ^'o^fffcD^pnfeeaD^augljto^teo '-'^ Vt tupU mafee pou o;r vc tljme go 25p goggf boDp ftarfec maUDc i&ctf .' "3! ^ot tftou art not toitl?ont goot> toj^ncf •/i'.-- tJdutftetc 16 agentrltnat)atl)lrft toDpnj Canft tijou get l|vm an? gooD tncte ^^ Ca* ^JftitmetctnapftcrtsjolDepc^auc * -*" l^u« 3^tenocfogot)me(aue ^0 tl)at (t bc^olfome to ete ^:"" 3 tjJoiDcluel^aDa gooDftetuyDciipori ' 'Sf^kvu 3i6 f 0? capons n can gcttt none Ctje livng?6 talker tofectp cclje one 3ltuottDeUti^erc;i0nonctogrt' "^ A*rw:..f' :i^6 .•',>"■ >'^ Ca* Cl^dugfi all capons be gone to^t t^ati pet 3 cangcri^ouaaetwoi^eii Cl)att6reDyDpgf)t* ©u* yf^€bcfatrtl»FllDDteeH .«>, (Ca» jFato?lene3cannottell 23uta0 fo; tf)t0 31 lnot toell ^l^e lay at d)e aetocB all npg^t ©u* CljouattamaDgeftbet^tfili^g^t v*i, ^«v t^etp^itieafdototljatneuetfai^lyfl; ' :6ut can get mv madder a npfi^e of qita^ fmalbr?t)e6ftDalottit0o?1naigta?lf te mjevbtivzmoftfQtfU^m* ^a. ; a.ral^tofDrfgeai^o«fo?t»^treafon fe>en» Jf 0? pbr^f^H puttptl) tl)t0 eeafott^erttt/jj . 55pcaufc t^ofe bp?Dfe« fle to * fea ^, 3ttDbecontpituallmou|tige Ca» Cl)enfenoto3alp^tecmetctftani? i?n» , lIp^ptfteteUmelDljat (Ca* pf pe iDpll neDp0 bnofti at l^o^tf longe Jt iB tuyn a toomane tounge ^0? t!mt is eucr derpnge ' |p% :' fer?3!p?avtbcletfttcbefantefe0be ;^| , 3nD coiiK beDer nete ft barilla tfnc 3Lni) Do aftet mp bpODpiige^ ; r I Coo pnniepD0a oimec ett})n of tte fltodi 9f8Utnattei;ti))lI^sbotl)foti-atttt)R|ae ^ Vfgtto«ttitetl)M*tate .^,.„ iift. c^alftj'c^rior^ctpfenjijnifflne , J6W;at)V^Mi;fe^^8'ali\'ffirtfte(tft fefc €lbteH9lif6lfiWoft'ptltepum* .i? ^MMiiaidMriitMHAMiiiiMiJ^aiiJHiMiiMj. mmf ■^V.i«p«||HIM9IIMP^^"*«^*"^ ■ ■■ ••'. l^« at»fp»a;ofl . • « ~ • it-' ^x:^ ^>o^ii»»^- C#tt« 3ntitoeI6aUfdIoli^tl^edti6tt Mtl)o\xt anvtmvti^ iju. Cpf re topH let be goo bp anD bp ^n« 3lp?aj>pottbcrtfo?'3!amteDp Bo man better io0t?mge - iCjccar ^en.fil^u* 3lntratiE]cpie0.|tS)tu. Ciftoto tofim txpnpms ae 3 map fap pe arc rpgbt tddcom to t\)t6 contrep toitljoutatipfapnpnff. ^jcgife *p;3l tl^anhepoutberof Ijertelp ;aint» 3 amae glaD af pour companp 3ldanpmanlpupnge, S)tu. S>p? 3! brtDerUotttietliatpeljatte be 3n manp a ttranngecountree 3nb I)aue f?aD grete fplpcptc '' S^traunge faufestofeHeanDfpriDe' jiSjC. l&pgbtfarrfp? 3 banc rpDOen ft gone '? 3Int) feen ftraunge tfjpnges manp one - JnaffrpK/europeano pnoe 25otbe eft (e lueft J t^aut ben &rP 0Ml) alfo anD'feen tF;c (o\s)tl) fterf NiHtei«feiMiMiia«kMWl«*»« ~. .^ 3lnDbcttmfanD?Fnawtt0 '^^ fettl^ peple of j>uer0 conopc^oiwf » ^arudouBrottiDerftouDe* : ^?^ l>f a man Ijmt f ud^e cottage ^? Dcuoc^on in pplgrymage lI^ru^leHi bnto ;^. f o; to acconipt t^e nejcte tea? -' l^olumanp tn)?leiait3 j^oupw^ '^"' jfcombmatl^cDcrtogoo >.. ^v? as f 0? all fuc^ queftj^ons i ^ £>f totnncs to hnoh t\)t (vtmcvm -^ ©o!t> fetf tl)e^ tea funoet '^' 3nii otfjcr poynrca of cofmog?f>Fi> vc C^al! ncuec lerne tftcn mo?e furcl^ Cbenbptliat fugure^onDcr ifo? bbo t^at f j>gure D5>o f wfl; tiaivfe 3[t femetb tocU be toaeittrfr 3no petf rtc itt t!)C0 [tvcm jfo?botlie tbefcanDlanbealfo X ve treb) anD tuft as tlje^ l^olD^lKi 3lhnoli)b|>ejt:perper!g» ft^tu. . lubo tbpnl^t t>ou b^oufiljt bw tbfe fr»«re ^^» Ci^otnot •*•;*- M»L C^trtieslQ^tietidtote feVmfclfenotjpfigeagone lt^i^\oiiS ^reperfonallp 3|iip laf te ftis fpgute.P«t5pfclr Jo? ftumanpteB in(ltu^ci>4:n ft. CBototlc^ tygftt hobl? Done Sm. *p;tl)<6redlmci?efenou ts^lUttiCSlaDC; cftct(o»3lp?cT».vo^1^qi^tDltl^pouc^Jal)c £*. C*Wfti? T^0imglanDc li^cngejbcrc ^- itiDtbiaWftonaocfJoiftntttil^FninccC: itomp^pTpti aboutccucmtD^tc lirttfji ttje occian fec/rotpnDC/ C3nD neit from tj)cm tDcfWparWy - i^ecebpliwn felf^afonepdtp Ip. 3rclanDe tljaft l)0|f oroc grounDc Cfectc tbanlstbenarotue fcc^. (Co^^ilwe attl) 25olP|?ittc tlif ncjct toei?.. ^ T^n flaunticr^ in tljis ptc iB«re li^etftfraimcf^ ne)rti)t»m wpnyngc mnD f papft f oufttoarue f ro tl|C0 ftaDpngc ^D po?tyngaU m t^jis quart ^Mt^'^'^mm^mimm ■ ^nD jj^apUs Ijerc be ponDe 3inD t()t9 iptell &se t^at l^ere t0 j 3|6 catl^o tl)c (BixKz of 5lJenps 3iiTD !)cre tienps Dotl) llanDe fL^6 to; almavtie lyet? tl^te toai> l^ere ti^etd Denmarfiie anD no^toap ^nt) no^tljbaroe ont\)is C^De Cljere l^etl) HfelonDe tcljcce m^ Do fp^c 23 u t be ^onoe tbat fo coIDe it is 00 man map tljttt ab^oe €.^¥s &tz 10 calico tbe great iDccf an S)o greattctstl^at ncuer man Couoe tell it Cttb tl^t tt)0?lDe began Cvll notoe toitbtn t\)ie.xv.ntc iDeCtlDaroe be founoenetolanoe? Cbat t»e neuee liarDe tell of bef o^ tl^t^ Jbv tD;ti>tpnge not otbcr meanpa pet manp nofoe liaue ben tl;ere C^no tl)at contrep tsfo large of rome £9ucl)e lenger tlian all cridenDome iDitliout fable o^gple 'So; Opuera mariners Ijaue it trpeD 3tno fapleo ftrepgljt by tlje cofte fpDC 3boue*t).tlSloufdnDmple C^ut hW comoD^teis be btt^tt ^0 mancantellno^tticil^magtti :6utretnotIongcago ^omcmen of (bis coutret» tocnt ^V tljc binges noble confent 3t fo? to fercbetottatcntent 3nD couDe not be bjou gbt tberto C23ut tbe? tbat toere tbep benteteff i^aue caufe to curfe tbeit marimecB drals of p;rom^0 anl> Dtlftmblers iCbat f alflp tbem be trapeD iDbtcbe toolbi tal^e no patne to fatle f a^tbec Cban tbeir otune Ipft anu pleafure I tobcrfo?etbatt)|>ageanD n^uersotbei; l^ucbe ka^t^ffeo b^tte Dtftroreo C^ tobat a tbl^nge bat) be tban yf tbat tbep tbat be twqlvOitmm ^V^\)t baue ben tbe iixrXt of all (CbattbereftulbebauetafeepoirelTi^ort ' rs^nt) raabe f urft buylbpnge (t babytacion 3lmemo?^perpetttaU 3Kni> alfo tobatan bono?able tbi^nge 25o tbe to tbe tealnte ann to tbe i^pnge Co baue babble Dompn?>ott ejctenDrnge; Cbete into Co f arte a grounbe iDbubrtiienobUftpnge of late memo;? CaufrD furft f 0? to bt f ounoe \ C3lnDtol)atagreattiierito?poKrctJcDc , | 3 1 twcte to ^aue tlje people mftructeo Colpuettio?et)crtuouflif | 3tnDtolemetobnoU)cofiiientIjemanei? 1 StiDalfotobttotDegoDtbcp^maker i ; iri^tc^easr^tipueailbeftt^ I dTo? tljcj) notljct fenotwe gou nt? tbe tjcuell . iFlo?neaer ftatDe tell of 5euynno;IjeU to?ripnQfe no? ctt)et fcrtpture 23utic>ct in tljc ftcoe of goD alinvaftt ^ljel?onour tljc fonc^f o? \}\q great lj?ggt :fQ; tl)at ijotft tban great pleafure C23urlDvngeno? ^loufe tl)ci[>ljauc ngat 53ut tnoOc6/cotf /anD cau?>s fmaU (ail ^0 meruei^le iljougl) it be fo i'o^tbep tjfenomanecof p?oit Itlotljer in tole no? otlier toepoii diat ftulDe bclpe tljetn tljftto CCopper rtjcp l;ane tDl)tff/c le foufir»e 3n l^puers places aboue tbe gtouoDc yett^eyovgnottbetfoje df 0? as 3! fa^D ri)er» baue non y?pn toftcrbp tl)eT> ft uio t n I be yert^ mj'nc: jQPo fec(l;e f o; anp lDo;e C^Breat IjabounDatiafe of t»0Dt)f tlietbe » 5u[)oa£pdttctjy?anUppncapletrc 8bt come tftcrbp :i3o tl) p^cl)c anu tarrc anD fopc attars ^0 tliep ma&e tn tl^e edt lanoeo J&l? b?rnnrngc tljcrof onlp fL 5F?fec tl|cr bauc f great plente Cljat in Ijaurns tafce anD flarne t^ej^be \Q\i\s aau^^s tDit{)outenfaple ^otoe f tencbemett (t ot^cr baue f ouDe t!ie (Cbat yeeelp of f yfi^e tl^ere tljep lam (traDc 3Ibouean*C.faple C23ut m tlie fouft parte of tljat contrey d)epeoplet!)«tegonalii>t) altDap d)e lanDc is of Co great bete 3f no tn tbe tto?tb parte all tbc clotbe0 Cbattliei^trere/tsbutbeftf ffeynneg Cbe)^ baue no notber f ete SButbotDetbepeoplefurU began 3 n tbat contrep o? tobena tbep tdxa f o: clerkee it i0 a queftpon iDtbcrtbvngcs uio 3 baueCnfto?e Cbatjl couDeteltberof butnotonomo^, (Evllattotberfeafon fyi\x. €rcbaatpour pleafureftetefome otber vi ir*^^^ «« f toel pour camrnigc (t^jlge _J ■^ fccannotfalbcam^s fCp, c<^W topli mnc a gajmc to tnv matter £)f CofmogiTfp toljcre ;5 teaa crc 23c^olDe taHc l^coe to tlfis C too efttoarDc beponue f gtcat cc qpaw » ©ere entctetlj tfte fee call j»d tiieDiterran Bf .if ^^.ittFle of lcngtl)e (^ty: ^ouDans rontrcy Iretrjbcrc by ^^e great ^urbe on p no;t^ f|>De DotI; Ip 3 man of metue^loue Urengttic IC^JjiB fapl»e no?tlj m t0 c^tlpD europa ^nti ^16 f outl) gte callpD e flfrtra fl)t8 eedcte ts callpD pnoe ut tftts nebeJanDf f ountjc ta tcf ? 25en callpD amenta bv r aufc enlv 3lmencu6 D vD f urft tl^em f pnuc ^jj €] Xoo 3!l)rfm lyet!) in tfjie con trr p * i lainD tl|i0 be ponDe 10 tlje reD fee (Cl^atmopfeemalietbof mencroti Ct)t0 quartet 10 llnt^ta mtno;t 3nD tbt0Qtiarter3RnDta mato; Cbe lanDe of p?eftcr 3 oW C^ut no?t^toarDe tl)i0 toap ae vt f e £0anp ot^er (Iratlnge reckons tl^er be 3nD people tt)at toe not bnotoe :6ut ea)0dcl)e on tl^ fee f ptie n CallyD tl^e Cane of catotue C^nD t^ts ie calleD tl^e great eell fee tDl)tc^e gotl) an a longe t^ts ivtf (CotDatoee t()e netoe lanDi0 agaftte 23ut tol^cftcr that fee go ti^pt^ D?^;ertlf )|);tfanj>.tDrloeme0bi>ttDene r^cmt^olp j^ matt fttto tDetl} f o^ certeime 35ttt tftcfe uetoc lanDr br afl cDfmogcafT^c jfromct^eraneofcatoud lanDecanotlfC XptdlpaftcatijoufanDeniplc -. sSutftomtfiofenetDlandf mf maniaple ^fttotDeiecfi to engl^te agate (pla^ttc tobct^ toe began ere M)vlt ^Ho alt tl)t6 part? of tl^e pert^ hl^id)t 3 i^auefjcre Difcrj^uvD openlp C!)e nojt!) parte tee Xfoit call l3ut tl;^t f outi) pte on tbe t)tber fpDe )>0 a0 targe as rl)i0 f ullanD ae teptie lD!;idl)e tee Imotec notl^pngc at all CiFto^teljcfljcrptnoftcfitebcfanOeoKw ifio: tebctlKrtljc people tbat tJ|cre be 2^c beCirall o? ccnnrnge i!^02 telle tliertHcv hnctocgoUo^no jBoibotecthct^bclfucncjteliatt^ei^Do fi)ItbU5teclvuotecnot^ngc . yL6 f not tf)t0 a t^ttsc toootittfuU l^otDtliat C^t fubito OuDroufeDefirer^icat* ^tn. Cl^^^ri^;^ no mo?c of ti|i6 matter :6el)oiDe tnlicte l^tunanvte c5mctli ()ctc ^en« C)ioto(eprottmat(lerl)utnanpte 31 P?c^ ^ou ftattc y e not be mcce IdnDbaD gooDrecreaci^on ©tt fLre»;3It5anfeetbetl^etofeuec^Dell ^ f 0? txje tjaue f ar^D mcrudouflp tecll 3lno ball gooD e0mmti>cacron Ca* CtJJbat bott) matflet tobcre be vt notu ^en« ICbJi^at 31 ft tctoe tbe tobat bafte baa t&cu fCbat tbott fpcbr^ft f o bre Ca. C^ob?eq8a3 tcotot>cbcmaD bj^farnt I £l)abepoyntmentopcnlp f Co come agaync all to flipper I CbereaspetoeretoUai^atDvncr i SnDi^etr^eporntcDttotplarnc ^ iDbat mete tbat re toi>ll banc D2c(l: I .4lrto;i tobat Delycatf re louc bed I ^t tbrnfte r ou farre oucr fapnc ' l^uf C^6fo;mrneotDnepte3lfarcnot 3D?elfc tMbnt mete tbou foiieft fpnr: not tof;at Co ciier tb ou Docft bcft tl;*;n(ic C«; Ci&oto itfc^ntittdtnTlvhtttt £)f all mctf in tf)e tDo;Ide tl;at be 23p ^B If'Qiit 31 loue beft D?rnl(c i&en« C3trnnptl^bptf)Ffacerotot)o 25utmpmatfterlDpUI)duem€te alfo tD^tfoeucrttcoft (Ca. C^r^ 90D fp? r^n vt tnuft tetl to^at j^u* 3lt t^v DtfcreiTFon ^fo?f e nat iDbctlicr It be foticn 0? tod Ca* C^Uifi^ittlianrare tiotletmealone Vc(^dUCcri|atallttipnge(^aUbe tone 2rnD o;DtTmcti tvetl anD frne ^u. C&o 31 require tl)t Ijertel? :^nD in mi^^fit fpec^^alli^ %tt t)6 baue a cuppc of netne h^ut Cm €v^ fl^allbauetD^neas netueas canbc i^it toae b?uet) but r^efter nrgl?t tou« (C^ut tbat 10 nod)vnge f o;t inp Dcl)^ Ca* C^ut tban 3 l^ue f 0? rour apetrte 31 cup of iDvne of olbe claret Cliere 10 no better bv tl)i0 Ipglit l^u^ CteeU:ftrcifttbetreji ©tt; €n 1 pmtctt^t get O^cI^zm 3nt) m t^i6 inattec Do tlji? Dplyscitcc 3nD 3 (ball tDcU relnatDe tl^e ften» JopcauCetljoulofepftfojaretoarDc £)ne tbyttgc f o? tljc 3 Ijauc ppaccD rCliat ^ctc 3 C^all tl)c 5 pfifc (C6ou 0)altc l)aue a Hnaiirs (^rn f 0? to put tijp boDp t^ttitx (€a. Cil^otD gramcrcp mv gentpll biotfjct 3tnt) t!)ctf o;te tbou (l^alt l^aue nott^ep jf 0? tJopDpngc of (Irpf c ^ctt C0otDefarctDcUgcntpU3ol)ft Ca* Cl^an f atctt?cll f ole f 0? 3 atn gone ^en» C^ 'i^l^^ to^nc once a gapne t?arfec fo^at pet tl)erc to a nottier tljpnge (3 rep iDolDe Do tDcU at our matftecs t^adi^pnge Du» ?lc 31 IS a tPo?lDc to fe fter to^vfic feaunfpnge in a rounoe ;© lo^oe golr Ijoto (fte 1»j>II ttvp ^lietopll bounce ttC^cluplltofjpp 2^e dene aboue tl?e g;iounDe ©u, «!;tt>clUet3lIfucbemattcr6p«rre3! fey 3lnD get tbe bens; anD goo t^p ioap aiboute tbt0 orbrr matter Ca. CCban 3 goo ftrerg()t lo fate ft tocU &cn. CButlobepcttbourememb^ecuerpireU CliatllfpafeeoffuUere ^ Ca» Crc0 3 toareant ?>ou Do not fere C^)i*eat(Cauerner. 1^»* €<15oDD(5 lo;De fcifl; not trfjo te btrenotn Mm (luD)>o9 Defi?c bljat netws toub Fou ^tu C:ycfl)a!lfenotecfr?02 3go ^ni. Ctobat art tbou licre I fe tocll 3 ^lKnwtinanvstbetoo?feco«ipant> S>ttt. €^bplelDDcconDvcvon6tf)oti Doefld^^Il ^0t!)o«artt»onttoDo (occapi? 11)15* C^iit 3 fep tei)o IS tljis l;erc m pjercnce J CM2n(pat^ofbefo;te lij^tt. CiEjcpcr^ns tobr ta tljis be ^1^^ re ar cfQtit tDdcomc 1)n(o me '3lnD(]^dUbeeuermo?e 0jrpe» CS)i»?3ltl)anberoutl)erofliertc!i? 35ut ilaaure voufti>ftfuU^ 3 l)aue (mall courage l^ to tatp 3ld longe ae tbts man ie bete ^cn* CtobPfto?fott.tol^tcylrftatme ^^. Cf 0? tboo Ijaft cuet f o leuDe a ^pcrtc ^cicttcetomrpj^feanDrett^ou active Cljat noui^t cana no? nought H)vlt Icre ^en. C^acjJjuautbnauellmabcgoDauotje 3J tl)r»fefe "ip felfe as conpngc ae tljou 3nD tftatttjall^ P?oue(fto?tlp 31 Oall put tl)c a queftpon nolu come ncrc Xet me fc lioto teell tl^ou ran ft anf tuere i|oli) rpcdcft tl^s tDo^be torn £oupcr jntretDeattografvc iEjC, CCom cofipcr Q3li a a trrTe qiicftpcljcrDli^ ^cn. Cpe^itclfagaync ret /torn cougljoUfpcl ?U fte l)at!i fo? gotten ^c me v f e (Irlt it on iS^cte f o;t Cuc^e a boi^es qucHi^ott !^u. C^^itCuall apetrte 31 p?ep t^e Xctpa(rea(lCuci)ettpf(eeant) tianfte :jFo;^ a ttjpl^ it t^all not longe be 3inD Departc 31 tdc require df o; 31 tDolDe tal£(e a too^De o? ttDo iuttl) t^ts man ^ere o? be!)et)0 go f 0? to (atpff p mp Defy;te ften. Cto&?goggi0fouleiDpH|>efo(]^o?rt|» 237ehepoimtmenttDttf) ronDer companp iDljere ve QulDe come to Tapper 3 truft petoi^lnotb^e&e^mrs fa l^u. CH care,notgreatlppf 3 Do Vt id but a taucme matter ^cn* C^ban topll3l go fl^etti tbem tobat n fev Igu. CS>parenottftboutD0tgotl^irtoep Jfoj3|topHbetetarp S>cn. C€b^abetofo?atobplclltelpouplapne 25ut 31 ;pmpfepou toba 3! come a gayne 31 (^allmaheponDerknaupa ttoaiw (Co repent ano be ro;p r n ffx. C0tibit 3 am full glatJ tWhcis^ont $)tu %C^d dm 31 f o; gooo bpU ^e Do none (Conomanlpupnge :6u;t!)t0i6tl)cmantDttt) tDl^omepcQall 31 truO be t)eU content U)tt^ all 3((.nD slaB of 1)10 cami^nge CJfo;ljel)atl)ejt:potDnpD connpnglj? iDpucte poynteg of Cofmogrpfv [Infetoe tDO?oe0 ano (^o?te claufe ftu* C^o3i bnocraanmijeljatljgoDeWencc 3nD tl)at Ueliatl) bp plavne cjcgtence )lctni?D man^ a ftcaunge cauf e ;&t«. Cl?efr?anD3!fa!>fo?mpete l^c t0 tl)e conpngeft man m tl^at arte Cljat eucc 3 course f pnue 5f 0? affe: tDljat queO?>on pe toi^ll Do i^otoe tlje ^ertb is rounoe o; otljer mo i©etD3?Ufati?rfpe^our mi^noc IBt. C^l)? tobat ooute baue vt t\}cm f ounue Cljvnfee ye tbe yettb ftuloe not be counDe £); elleg bot»e f uppof e vt fttt* C^netocvit(srounDe3! muSconfent f 0? tJiie man p?ouy D it euyoent ColDatDetbeeeftanD occi^Denc 31 1 muft neDio counDe be iSp. C3iao iri^tD^ft f J^om t^e foutli to no jt& LtitJfcM.«ii^iMfc>—l >l M rfl l i ■ .■ . .. ■ ■ « Iti^ll ftp* Cvci tt^dt 1 can toelt p^oue jro? tWe re fenotJie as toell as 3f ye fe tlje no?tf) ftatrc (n tijc ftyc iS^arUc iocll vt C^all tjnctfje tt fpyc (Eljattucr it Dotf? rcmoue ^ C33uttljt03!a(rurcrouifpougo ^o;tl^l»arDe an t)unD;^tl) mple o? ttea ycftalltl)jr»nfeettrpfctft 3inD i^otti tbat ft f nete ap^oc^eD C^e poynt ouer ri|e top of pour ^ett ' r Cret pf pc Qo tljc otijer toep S^out^tDacDe.)c«o?,jt:«.Dape03Io?ne? . rclliaUtlftentljrnfeeanon 3tt DifcenDclJ dnD come m o?e npe Cljcfeccleptpnge t!ie pect^ anD ftpc 30 ve lofee ftrepgl^t tD^tl; pour epc tt)Mc^et0callpDpouro;ipron €.25ut PC map go f outljioarDe fo f atrc Cl^at at tl^e latl tt^at fame aarce tDpU feme f o farce notone rpgft t Clcrebnnernetlipour ojpfon Cl)aefpg^ttl^erofcanpoul^auenoti C!je perti) topll &op pour fpgljt CC^tSflupr^ o{neceirpt$ . V Mwilk f( OF THE \ UNIVERSITY OF ^ iijpiMijiii im«nfBnnB«9)Hip|M|^^|pppM C^ts concluir^on Dot!| tt trpe l^u. C ji^obc t^at IS tl^c ^penO: conclur^oti d)ateuer31 IjccDefo^bprearon t ^omanma^llitDexirc ^ 55ttt fir if tl^at anian faplt facte tlpon tbe fee to^u tl^ tt^t Hmc jDo tt^ereae on t\)t grounoe IBp. 4E?e Doutles (avlt no^tbtoattR cyfe'tt feji :3ittb faille fout^toacDett fallett^ftpl 3lni; tbat p?ourtf| tbc fee rounbe ^ttt* C^oDotbetcmmpneopppnpott J3ut Imotoc pott anp otber conclufi>ori Co p;toue it rounoe faue tbat alone 1£p* C^e t^at 3 bnotoe r^gbt ^ell 3i6 tWs matfee luell tu^an ? fee is clere . (Cl)at no llo?meno? tnatue ^ero Ootl; perc Cl)i5mar?nec0 can tell Cdjan if a f r?e be niabe on nv^\}t ^pon tbeft o?e tbat gpuetlj great Irglje 3lnt> a ft pp tn tbe fee f acre Cbet> in tbe toppe tbe f^t f e ft all 3no tl^tv on bacbe notbi^nge at all yet tbei» on bacbes be nert €M(o on tbe fee tubece men be faplyngc :f arre f come lanDe ^ep fe not^pnge fW-' III - . Jiipnvi 35utt]&et»atctatttJtl)eCkre yet tDljan tljev D?dtoc tl}c lanDemo^te ncrc rci^an ftc I)|>U toppes begyn to ar er^ ^t?>ll t^e nere mo^ Ijre atiD Ij^c 3is tijoug!) tijer tocrc & j>ll groiurngc fade ^utoftljefecti^Uatlafte tol)attt!)ei>c6tiic tf)e fto?ctD Cftcr fe tl)c ft jU toppc f otc anD all iDfticftc t!ii>ngc f couDe not be fall 25uttl)cfeelar counDe alfo l^ti. ^e tbT^nbetl) pour argumet fonftat ftaro ex» Cd)an re ft all Ijaue it mo?e plapnJp ' 3ifvcj|aue great Defr?e (Declared jf 02 ftftcloobpmpnemftrumcntis 3 can ft eto tfte plaptte ejcgimcntf i^tt. iLCberto3!rourcqup?e i£p. CttJttbaUntpberteitftallbeDone a3ut f 0? tlit f urft f onriufpon Cbat3fpa]^eoftbcfp;te 25etl)fstl)cfcet>tftatt6forounl>e ^ 3inr) tbts tbe f y?c tpon tlje grounDe ' 3lntitbi0tl)eftvptbattelKt^e yelmotDe tocU tljat amannes fr^glje Cm neuer be bu t m a Ipne rr gl)t l^u. C3«l^roufartbati0elfre ^ <» i^v^ C^artetDClltbanniapnotfrnamaere Signature ^, eight leaves in fours, is missing from the original copy. '•1C'»'%. ^W t9 not \De;tli it? .aratoes C3I louc not tbi6 !|otcf on lof opftcrs iRo;r tl|i5 great coni^ngcjctromers Cliat tell 1)0 to fat it f 9 to tbe fterws 3 ^ate all maner ronnpng 3 tooloe w knet» it 3 am 5grto?ance 31 lozDc^am of (^wtcrpufanc Chan tl^eferngebf )>nalattDo?f;auncc Tt t!je grcttyft lo?D Ij^uimg • 4C 1 liaue feruadtf at mv ret)>ntt» *^ C!)atlongctome3iaffurepou l^ecctetttitnimglanbe Cl?ar tDitb we Trngnotancc bt»cll (t^ll Sni> termc of Irf e t6tvm^ toj»U 3Bbo»iet)> ^ctt, <15oggr navlr^ 3 liauc pa^eb (3 of t!)£ 3| yng. l»»ir man tiil)^terlT>tlipfo to blolo (tro feem fojUtoaoataft^etoufrat^ png» i^aft tfjfou anv of tfjem flat^n tf?aii Sen* rtHl^aucflai^ntbemj^ucrrman ^auetftem that ran atoar f'tg. lulwtsanroftliemrbapj^Dftgonc ^ ifeen* rebrgoffgrboDi'f^erpcljonc 3U t^t euer tuet£ tl^ere ) ^^ III I p»iiii "iTiTr~n r Sen. Ji^obot^ljawputfowet'y^'^^.^w^ f ^""^ $o?onc^o?tfontljn;clpa6^tojnclja5atii t 3Entifttev5»)t3!f«tof5»6er« ««fr tf-cafutl)!^nput» L?n. rrcb«trrt3fctuptranotU«tBo:5 ^ If fni'^tofljJcIfgortbvtlicljatDarB aiftfane as^nictbpnulicte ^ * Cbo«{bolcc(lbaucfiuptof^i5beD flkba ht iftolW ticucrtjatie ttcubliD f ino?C *,tn. |r (S;!!!!) c tban 5 »)at) br n but m ai) ■" ^oitbctetoasanotbcnnantljatljatt femvtofb(8b£tibefo?e ^ ..„„„., r„ff. C'CbJtboubaOciuytf ipbeatal fcnysW fecn. rrc«)«t1iI;aucbvtl)t8l?gW 55ut5fevtanpoutcUtt«rvsl)t tobere bctam m?' ntailtce yng. ObatljctljatpoataU^umanrte wa"* JflfaotncutttirccptDebe ^ytbctcinfouietojnce fecn. ir from 5^0 bot? ft>ett» i^avsoDfo^bcDyeftolDcDofo jFo? t)e is but an innocent lo ^nmancrofafolc jf 0? a0f one as i fpefec to ij^^m aga^n^ 'IQallto^ncWsmrnue dene H^tiD nia^e bvnt f olottre tn^ ibole rn5* C®t3brbbrtntrfelctb8bcrcbT>mfpe6tf d>en. CiF^otorKcbptnaiftcrI)utJDrpebc r our taple totvtlj out be brn^c if ere not in an llanoe bp bv anD bj? 3 Warrant pou rpfe bp bolbli? ^ere is non but is pour f ri>nbf j^ti. O rrrpou metcj^maifter bere yng. b)bJ> tobat 16 catife tbou brbcft tl^e I^erc i^tt* Cfo?3b3!a6almo(lcfo?fcrc gurn rienc'out of mp m j'nDe ^en* Ci^a V it le tbe aittp tbat i>c ^auc IjaU 3n tb<6 f olrfi^e lofopbv batb maD : ^ou ainbnonotbertbrnge3lDy6 (ntad ^g* 4L(€'f)at is as trctre as tbe gofpell Cberfo2C 3 bauc great ntcruell (Cbateucr tbouiDvitfclotDC,tljefdunrcll ;©fyonbePttoofenaur5 0dl L, -»jm I f»i Cl)at tDlien anf ^nan 10 3n otber mens cotnpanp l^e mud neDf^ f oloixi t^e app^ j^f fuel} tijpngf as t})ty Dclpte ^ ^omt^meamongepetDp f itg» 25ut f ucft fenaues toolo altpap fjaue f Co put all tft V tni^ni) ft feltcite 3ln fti8 f olpft tonyng to ftuop . MUX) if tl)Ott Do tDpU malvc ^ mao ^InDaltDar to bepenfrf ft faO Cliott (ftalt neuer be mct^ ^cn» flBcrpquoDa/no^MiahegoDauotD J5ut 1! p?ap f ttm)>ftec IjarH o« ft)o?D nolo 3^nD aunftDetc ttjis t^r Kg tol)etl)£t tijougljt vm it betder cftcre at tbc taueme tobetc toe toete ere j0Dz ellf to datter tnttb tbefe Knaue$ l)ere £>f i^tn f olpfli cunnpngc l^iu ^a? 1 can not for tlje contran> 23ut p 31 JwiJ m^ tnp?r>er companp 3Lt rtie tauerae tbatt mtbi0p!ace ^en. ti^anpfr>ebaueanT'loi^o?b?arti met bo go to tbe tauetnc agapn ^fiD mal(e fome metr folate fng« rf^it0pUi3orot^SDot||l^toprel^ ~^ - -''Ilfyiil '"tt • Wi J ^"^^ f^% 3l am inDyfferent to allcotiipattj? toijet^er it be t)ere o;tt^ere ^en. ^^en 3i ^aUtellvoutel|dtfDelt)FUf a ^ayfter pngno?an0 pou (fc l^c alf o ft»^au tac? boti^ ftpl! tjctc ^nD3iti)?llgofctlji>tl)crac5panj|> Cljatpc C^aUlicrctbefpngagfiDetl? 3tg ttep tocrc angcllf dere C^nD pet a ftail b^jmg ^rt>P?a notbec £>fluftpbluDbrtoinafeeDpfpo?t (fort ^bat l^all botlj Daunce ^ fp?png 3[tnb to^e dene aboue ^ ground bJitl) f rjp'fcas (t teitb gambabJDf round ou a banket : * £)f uietps tbat be mod tjelp rafe \ ^nD mod plefaunt t>?pnftf ,t teipncs tfter f Cbat 10 poffpble to get ( ate j < iDbirb ^all be tn a cbamber fei^^c tSeplete teitb fote » fragrat ep?e |&;cpan?b poi>nt bcupf e tDitb batnafke toater mabefo todl C^tall^ bot»re t^erof Qallfmell CiatiD after tijat if vt tnrH touc^ie ?► 3Lfei??c toenclje nabviJ in a coucl^e ^ >DfaroftcljcDorDobne If o^tofatiCfvc vourU^antaiud 31 (^aU dporn( rou a truU of truR; 0otaftvvttint})isto\sim C31nu tjftau Tt !)auc taben rot! t Delate 3ni> f^tts CanftrcD tlic appctpte ? fl)fl>ourliJ^m6fvuc yemapfei^ tljan j am a feniaunt Sot von f ncceCatp atiD plefaunt . • . 3trot»cnonfucl)calvue ^u* C^otDc bp t!}e l»cp t\)at goD upD toalfec 3^ c6fo3tl)c mpnc Ijcrte to ^cre t\}t talU C^rtnad^clDaencner fcpn jng* lECftan go tljy ^cp bp ant) b? 2lnDb;^gt(ntlji6ct)mpanp 3nD ^e ann 3 te? ll !}cre tari? Cyll tbou come agavnc §»♦ C^nD 3 p;e^ tbc bcr ttir alfo Hti* C^t pour requea fo (liali 3 Do )Lo I am gone ttotwc fare lucU 3 C^all b^pnge tbent in to tl)t0 1)aU 3Ptit) come mp felfe fo;imaft of all fXnO of tj^efe ceuelliB be cbef e merO^ali ^ Cvngno^taunce. dC^otaefetftvlj^ctonatweri^PPti 3 c:aT^n9tl)efclulli?bluDDf come m %m n^v^t fantcCi^s a tocp m. 3aitDfo 3ltD^Ub^Dcupnbpngc 38ftl)C)> otfjeruaunct 0? flange ^auc a mongc tftem bv tins tia? ttyngii ojauwcc. CCIjan tl)ou tabyft goot^ t torre toc^s %m f ft alt tljou btft pleafe 36Utljt0boUtompattf ^ ^ ^, dfo: t^cfolpftc arguT^nge^ tbou IjaftpalJ toirt t^t Hnauc c]t:pecicns p ^atlj maue 3iUtbefefolbct!)Ccaftbcrp ^ Cfo^aUtbepftatbcnotoetntl^feliaU Cbcpbe tbe mod etc mp fetuaantf all - SEttDloucp^pttcfpallp Sifpo?tts ap uauttf rnge frngptigc Cope ttpf ul8 !augl]pngc gcttpnge jf 0? connpnge tl)cp fe t nc t bp ftiu 3 f^ ^^^^ ^"f ft^ cotupanp cucr inoje 3l0fenrucll appetptets gone fo?c tD|il plcafc toell tljis aut) pena vna. Ct^ctbat3fuppofet!)c?tepll »ttt pcafe!|arbe 3 fitv t\)t be ftvK mmm 3 toenetftei>bcnotfat Item C^i^f n t\)c Daunfers tDtrlj out t^e Wl frttg rtjif toKeanotfjcy toit^manftocto;ellp6t^ej» ttMe^ fapit{o?neoe» '- i^care rp?8 peafe nol» peafie rp;8 all i\ ©utnanrtc » rngno^arw* iul)r tuljo 10 tfja t fo ^ j^ Dotb call ll^i?eDaunfet0. ^l^lcnr c 3 far be you among #0? toe be DvfpofvD to frng a fong Cl^uttian^c « yngttojanfif* Come in tben fcolDely a m ong tl|i0 w(tni foil^itc ^e C^aU (^ue gooD autiren0« ■UtA.hui A I L r '"91 Cyme topas toitljgooWr fpo?coucfp?)?tf to <^ 030CB (CpmetopassC ,^^.i*V^'*-'^'*"\) • li'^y^ *" rc •I- ^Ifc^HSOEH — i^H- EEibi' Cpictopaa _....jj^**"'^ "■"• | |J I |_ I .I I J II I I l^ « » iWil^ l . -.jU— — 6?Ei:!feEE! -r.-J t* M a: -9~ rcc{uc(t(cfc?t toptpetongetoDiJutcic f:'':': ;_lfc|5_ n « — =5-a H-l «■ ^ J r XoiO) plcf ure i Dclptc f olotof g ff rual appetpte fiW* 3 ran r ou t!;dn1t f ie Hone beD JtigpptepcljaDnotauipnCrclI ]f 0^ to angnient pouc Colas ^etL 36 f o; utpndrcil (t tnaHct^ no f o?ce ft (^atlfe me Daunce a coutd iDttl^out a mpndrcU be it better o; ttio;0 jfolotoailj topUleoeatcacc i^tt* ^olx) [)aue a mongepou bp tt^ts Ips^t img. Cl^at te toeil fapD be goD atmps^t ^ake rome tvis $ gpt t^ein ptate CCt^an l)e fpngptl^ tl^te fong (t oaunptb ^itl) all ' 3inbeuenno?ematieti^ countenaunce acco;Dpng Co tt^e mater t al!i? orijer annf tuec Ipbc topie C^aunce tue/Daunce toe.p^uuce toe pounce t»e «wrH»/« ^^ merclp let ^6 Daunce ep/ To mcceip %i ojiciiH -^^^ ^ cauijaunceugpngcrip * 3 iC' .SiU/J^i ^nojllcanfotettbp^bpdiise • !^ &d "^"^ "^ ^^" P.2anHe it ^perip W> r* 9 aino 3 can count cnaun(e comelp dii?t;^.4o; 3rtD 1 canfecoHeit cutteftp I^MH ifut 3tnD:ican!cpeitluftlp ^olJr^ r ^"^ 3 cii" torn it trpmlp fi. ^Morf 28nD 38 can f rpfbc it f relftip 3[tnbiicanlobeitlo;Dlp yng. > can tbc tl]ani>c fcniuall ^pcfpte Cbat 16 p bctl oaunceiiJitt) o ut a pi^pe fCI)at 31 fatD tl)(6 feuctt rete l^u* d)ts Daunce toolo Do mi^d) better pet Vftoel)aDal>?to?tabetet 23ut alas tt)cr is nonebere ifeert^ (€\)c\x let tjs go to ? tauetne agaime d)ere (i^all tuebe Cure of oneo^ttodFn €>f mi^nttrcUf f can tcell pla? yng. d)en go 3 P?ar ?e bp db? I^no puruei> f ome ni!>nftteH reDf 3ino be » 31 t»i>ll f oloto ft o?tlp aisfaftaocuertDeinap ©u. (Cbertoitb^aintpgbttodlcontent ^cn. rc(jenlrvU3!gomcortynent 3lnD prepare cuerp tbpng rcbat 16 nictelp to be bone :lnD f 0? facKe of my nOrellf ? mean ftafJ i^ototopUtDebegpnto fpng •^. , '. C5Ft otD toe br U bcre begrn to fpng :f o: baunce can toe nomo?e foi mvnftrellf bete be all lack^^ng (Co ? tauerne toe topU tl;erf o;e - -■^=«--^- ■■"li riitilBliiillimitirh'^^'"'*** 1.. r '^^^'K 1 $u« iRotD y f f fjat fenf uall appeti^tc ca fpnll 3inp gooU mpnllrelir after ^ys mr^ito ^otDt not to (I)ali iiauc gooD rpo;t jng« 3nD f o fl^all ire Oaue foi a f uerte 23ut tol)at (^all tec Do noto tcU tnc tCljc meanc tulji^Ic fo: our c6fo2t l^u* (E^cn let 1)6 Totne luflr balet f^ng y ng* iPia V fr>; bi> ^ l|cui»n h^ng I'o? inc tl)r nUrtl) it fccuptl) f o? no tft vw 2U furljc pcuy ft) p^^U^ftpU fong ^u. ^tQ utan p;iv^rong mav not be Dtrppfi df 0? tber toitl) goD ts luell plcfpD i^onoto^i^t) p?at>frl> * fcrupn :i,n tlje fljurcbe oft tyntcs among yng. !i6 got) tuell pleafyD trotoft tbou'tljerb? ' ifFlaynapfo?tl)erci0norcaronti5bv fo?t0ttnotaegooDtofapplapnl? fmcafpat)pt 30 gvf nic a fpa te tja tjc tja tic l?a^e :5ut y(t\)oii torlt Iiauc a fong p 10 gooti 31 J)^"^ one of robvn liotJC Cfic befl rliaf euer Uvis niaUs l^u^ Cljcrt a f efcffi vp let t0 berc it png» 25ut tbcrct0abo2Dotit!joumuSbcrctt j©;eUy0itttFllnotbc Dtt. CCliatt bcg^n anD c ate tftJ(T6^ CDotencDctJsncDotencdf* '^^*'v rnff. C^cb?n bobc mbarnpfDalc (loDc ^ *^ 2(LntiUiit^ymtpiamap?Ut^rilyll J Cl]acamoia-laT3v^rtL'ct£farntanD;c1»« 1 ^icprft t^ou toatiyll tl)ou gcffre^ cote ^% . £.\»if>tirer tl)c toatcr teas Hcpc 3 can not tell i^oij l)oto |)?otic ^c tcl^e a gofe nefe in l}t9 IjanDc 3lnt) oucr die toatcc l)c toent Ciaeftattt)ptoatl)ptlclltop | Sf.nb cut Ijptn DO tone a Ijolfn clobe ^ l^c arohe f to?en bettoenc tljcbo?nr6 (?i:i)at fp?efp?angeout of tbc ppggf tapte O^ft bov is tl)V botoc 3 b?oto £)ibatl?anp ma uone^ to^pgulbp towage !5c pUil^Ur i) nmfevllrs out of a topUolcc 3nb put tlicm in to bis facljeH ^ Ctr r'lHrn toao an arcl)cr gooD | 3£nU tucU cosiDc banDcU afpiibe ©ctokcbi0benb botoe tnlnsbano -^m fct bvm uotrne br tbe fp?e (Ti^c tol^c toUb bP»n.l] tocg anb em 3pcfcnf bcfea notbctof bafecn j(2)f all ti)c by;ibc6 tn tnerv cnglonH ^0 merely ppprs tl;C mcpjbotcU IMfti C^dl ]^uman?»te m\x>3 fee p!a|>nl^ Cfjat rtou f?a(l tjfrD inucljcfolp C!)e tnl^rlc 3; baue ben abfent ir^^J^ltruftibaueHone notftrnge Cljat {^o!D be contrary to>ourpleafpnge il^o? ncuer teas inipne intent C f 0? 3 banc foloircD tbejCounfeU clere %B n ine baD of ftttUroufe Defire Hnx^ f o;t necedrte a monge ^omtrmc fenfuall appet)>r counfell f oz'lritfjout l)rm yt l< notoe rrgljt toell fl^p Ipfe can not entiure longe Cifiatute* C^boug?) tt be f 0? tbe full neceiTatf f 0? f!)3^ caf o:t fo!ntj>me to fatj^ff p C!)^ fenfuall appctrtc ' j?etitisnntconuenventfoUb^ Co put tbcrin tbv fclrc ?te :3[lnDa!ltlit»bcler)e!T>*e Cf 0; if tboif \xsv\t lerne no fdens i other bv&uDirnoKrpcritnfl; • "llftalltbensuerauaunfe 23ntintlKtD02^ue*tho"fl}a!toure tljan J^T^rpT^feO of euerv tevfcman Xpifee t^ts paDe bed pgnojaunce OF The conclusion of this interlude is lost. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. 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