1 I WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE REVEREND GEORGE WHITEFIELD, M.A. BY ROBERT PHILIP, AUTHOR OF THE EXPERIMENTAL GUIDES, ETC. ETC. ETC. lEUtU'on, " Thou art permitted to speak for thyself." ACTS. " That seraphic man !" REED. LONDON : GEORGE VIRTUE, IVY LANE. ;~^ IT 7] PREFAC E. THIS Work is chiefly from Whitefield's own pen. So far as it is mine, it is in his own spirit. It will, there- fore, help all that is good, and expose not a little of what is wrong, in all churches ; and thus, like his actual life, tell upon both. At least, if it fail to do this, my object will be defeated. Should its honest catholicity commend it, it may be followed by similar " Annals and Illus- trations of Evangelical Preaching," from the dawn of the Reformation to the close of the last century. In regard to the style of this "Work I have nothing to say ; except that it is my own way of telling the facts of personal history. R. P. CONTENTS CHAPTER I. PAGE WHITEFIELD'S EARLY LIFE, EDUCATION, AND ORDINATION . . 1 CHAPTER II. WHITEFIELD'S INTRODUCTION TO LONDON . . . .47 CHAPTER III. WHITEFIELD'S FIRST VOYAGE AND VISIT TO GEORGIA . . 55 CHAPTER IV. WHITEFIELD'S FIRST GREAT MEASURES IN LONDON, 1739 . 73 ^ CHAPTER V. WHITEFIELD'S FIRST VISITS TO THE COTTNTPY . . .97 CHAPTER VI. WHITEFIELD IN WALES . . . . . . .110 - . . CHAPTER VII. WHITEFIELD IN AMERICA . . . . . .136 CHAPTER VIII. WHITEFIELD'S BREACH WITH WESLEY ..... 195 CHAPTER IX. WHITEFIELD IN SCOTLAND, 1741 . . . . . 218 CHAPTER X. WHITEFIELD AND THE DISSENTERS ... . 2JW X CONTENTS. CHAPTER XI. PAGE WHITEFIELD'S DOMESTIC LIFE ...... 264 CHAPTER XII. VVH1TEFIELD AT CAMBUSLANG ...... 291 CHAPTER XIII. WH1TEFIELD ITINERATING ...... 306 CHAPTER XIV. WHITEF1ELD ITINERATING IN AMERICA, 1/44 . . . .319 CHAPTER XV, WH1TEFIELD IN BERMUDAS ...... 334 CHAPTER XVI. WHITEFIELD RANG 'Ml , 346 CHAPTER XVII. WHITEFIELD IN IRELAND ...... 3/1 CHAPTER XVIII. WHITEFIELD'S CHARACTERISTIC SAYINGS, 1734 TO 1745 . . 378 CHAPTER XIX. WHJTEFIELD REVISITING ...... 398 CHAPTER XX. WHITEFIELD IN LISBON, 1754 . . . . . .417 CHAPTER XXI. WHITEFIELD AND THE LONDON MORAVIANS .... 432 CHAPTER XXII. WHITEFIELD'S INFLUENCE IN AMERICA. FIRST PART . . . 441 CHAPTER XXIII. WHITEFIELD'S PUBLIC SPIRIT . , 446 CONTENTS. XI CHAPTER XXIV. PAGE WHITEFIEI.D'S INFLUENCE IN AMERICA. SECOND PART . . 467 CHAPTER XXV. WH1TEF1ELU AM) THE BISHOPS ..... 473 CHAPTER XXVI. VVIUTEFIELD'S LAST LABOURS AT HOME .... 484 CHAPTER XXVII. WHITEFJFJ.D AND EDMUND-HALL . . 491 CHAPTER XXV11I. WHITEFIELD'S LAST VOYAGE ...... 497 CHAPTER XXIX. WUITEFIELD AND THE NOBILITY . . 507 CHAPTER XX\. WHITEFIELD'S LAST IVINERACY ..... 520 CHAPTER XXXI. WHITEFIELD'S FUNERAL ...... 535 CHAPTER XXXII. WHITEFIELD'S CHARACTERISTICS ...... 552 CHAPTER XXXIII. WHITEFIELD PREACHING . . . 573 ILLUSTRATIVE FRAGMENTS . . . .589 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. CHAPTER I. WHITEFIELD'S EARLY LIFE, EDUCATION, AND ORDINATION. " I WAS born in Gloucestershire, in the month of December, 1714. My father and mother kept the Sell Inn." In this un- assuming manner Whitefield commences a brief memoir of himself. It will not, however, be uninteresting to add some particulars respecting his family. His great-grandfather, the Rev. Samuel Whitefield, born at Wantage, in Berkshire, was rector of North Ledyard, in Wiltshire, and afterwards of Rock- hampton. In the latter charge he was succeeded by his son, Samuel, who died without issue. Two of his daughters were married to clergymen. Andrew, Whitefield's grandfather, was a private gentleman, and lived retired upon his estate. He had fourteen children ; Thomas, the eldest, was the father of the Rev. George Whitefield. Mr. Thomas Whitefield was bred to the business of a wine merchant, in Bristol, but afterwards kept an inn in the city of Gloucester. While in Bristol he married Miss Elizabeth Edwards, a lady related to the families of Black- well and Dinmour, of that city. He had six sons, of whom George was the youngest, and one daughter. Concerning his father and mother, Whitefield writes : " The former died when I was two years old ; the latter is now alive, B 2 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. (she died in December, 1751, in the 71st year of her age,) and has often told me how she endured fourteen weeks' sickness, after she brought me into the world ; but was used to say, even when I was an infant, that she expected more comfort from me than from any other of her children. This, with the circum- stance of my being born in an inn, has been often of service to me, in exciting my endeavours to make good my mother's ex- pectations, and so follow the example of my dear Saviour, who was born in a manger belonging to an inn." This amiable solicitude to realize his mother's " expectations," is the more worthy of notice, because, whatever she was as a mother, she was not distinguished as a Christian. This seems wore than implied in the following lamentation, extracted from one of his letters : " Why is my honoured mother so solicitous about a few paltry things, that will quickly perish ? Why will she not come and see her youngest son, who will endeavour to be a Joseph to her, before she dies ? " Such was his suspense in regard to the spiritual state of his parent ; and yet he gratefully owns the salutary influence of her maternal hopes upon his mind, and, while afar off on the Atlantic, commemorates her tender- ness. "My mother was very careful of my education, and always kept me, in my tender years, (for which I never can suf- ficiently thank her,) from intermeddling in the least with the tavern business." (This paragraph was written on board the Elizabeth, during the voyage to Philadelphia.) Now these ac- knowledgments were penned during the heat of his zeal and the height of his popularity ; at a period when recent converts are prone to speak with harshness of their unconverted relatives, and to sink the child in the champion towards them. This is so common, and, to say nothing of its cruelty, so unwise, that I could not record this pleasing exception, without holding it up to general imitation. " The servant of the Lord must not strive ; but be gentle towards all, apt to teach, patient ; in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves ; if God, peradventure, will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth." Whitefield's humiliating recollections of his own early and inveterate opposition to " the truth," contributed, no doubt, to 3 moderate his natural impatience towards others. The following is his own narrative of that period. " My infant years must necessarily not be mentioned ; yet I can remember such early stirrings of corruption in my heart, as abundantly convince me that I was conceived and born in sin ; that in me dwelleth no good thing by nature ; and that, if God had not freely prevented me by his grace, I must have been for ever banished from his presence. I was so brutish as to hate instruction ; and used, purposely, to shun all opportunities of receiving it. I soon gave pregnant proofs of an impudent temper. Lying, filthy talking, and foolish jesting, I was much addicted to, even when very young. Sometimes I used to curse, if not swear. Stealing from my mother I thought no theft at all, and used to make no scruple of taking money out of her pockets before she was up. I have frequently betrayed my trust, and have more than once spent money I took in the house, in buying fruit, tarts, &c. to satisfy my sensual appetite. Numbers of sabbaths have I broken, and generally used to be- have myself very irreverently in God's sanctuary. Much money have I spent in plays, and in the common amusements of the age. Cards, and reading romances, were my heart's delight. Often have I joined with others in playing roguish tricks ; but was generally, if not always, happily detected : for this I have often since, and do now, bless and praise God." This enumeration of youthful vices and follies, is certainly minute, and, in one sense, gratuitous ; but, when the spirit and design of the confessions are duly weighed, no man will venture to laugh at them, except those who regard sin as a " light mat- ter." Every candid mind must be conscious of seeing itself in young Whitefield, " as in a glass ;" and every spiritual mind will not fail to deplore these early exhibitions of depravity, nor to mark this modern exemplification of an ancient truth, " Thou makest me to possess the iniquities of my youth." (Job xiii. 26.) Were these acknowledgments written in the spirit, or for the same purpose, as Rousseau's unblushing " Confessions," I should despise myself, as well as insult the public, were I inclined to transcribe them. Were they even calculated to suggest the bare idea of uncommon sins, I should not have hesitated to merge the particulars in some general charge of corruption : but, besides carrying their antidote along with them, in their penitential tone and spirit, they are but too common, however melancholy. Bishop Lavington, indeed, affects great horror and disgust at them, and compares them with the confessions of " the wild and fanatical Theresa" in his treatise " On the En- thusiasm of Methodists and Papists ;" a book, to which his own description of Whitefield's confessions is far more applicable ; " so ludicrous, filthy, and shameless, as quite defiles paper, and is shocking to decency and modesty." Such a " perfect Jakes" of ribaldry never issued from the episcopal bench ; and yet it found an editor in the vicar of Manaccan, in 1820 ! I shall have occasion, more than once, to refer to both the bishop and the vicar. In the mean time, I cannot but allow Whitefield to speak for himself, on the subject of his early life. " It would be endless to recount the sins and offences of my younger days. ( TJiey are more in number than the hairs of my head. 9 My heart would fail me at the remembrance of them, was I not assured that my Redeemer liveth to make interces- sion for me ! However the young man in the gospel might boast, that he had kept the commandments from his e youth up,' with shame and confusion of face I confess that I have broken them all from my youth. Whatever foreseen fitness for salvation others may talk of and glory in, I disclaim any such thing : if I trace myself from my cradle to my manhood, I can see nothing in me but a fitness to be damned. f I speak the truth in Christ : I lie not I ' If the Almighty had not prevented me by his grace, and wrought most powerfully on my soul quickening me by his free Spirit, when dead in trespasses and sins, I had now either been sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death, or condemned, as the due reward of my crimes, to be for ever lifting up my eyes in torments. But such was the free grace of God to me, that though corruption worked so strongly in my soul, and produced such early and bitter fruits, yet I can recollect, very early, movings of the blessed Spirit upon my heart. I had, early, some convictions of sin. Once, I remember, when some persons (as they frequently did) made it their business to tease me, I immediately retired to WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TJMES. 5 my room, and kneeling down, with many tears, prayed over the 118th Psalm." It appears from the narrative, that, on this occasion, the mind of young Whitefield fastened chiefly upon the words, " In the lid me of the Lord will I destroy them." This, of course, he ap- plied to his teasing enemies, who had " compassed him about like bees :" a coincidence likely to be noticed by an irritated boy, of quick perceptions. Even men are but too prone, when injured, to appropriate the Messiah's weapons to their own war- fare ; as if revenge could be sanctified by the use of sacred language. But what is pitiable in the boy, is contemptible in the man. This happened when Whitefield was only ten years old ; but the following hint will account for the facility with which he turned to a psalm suited to his purpose. " I was always fond of being a clergyman, and used frequently to imitate the minister's reading prayers, &c." Such being his favourite habit at the time, he was sure to be familiar with the impre- catory psalms, of which so many occur in the book of Common Prayer. We have seen that he was addicted to petty thefts. The manner in which he seems to have reconciled his conscience to them, is not peculiar to boys. " Part of the money I used to steal from my mother I gave to the poor, and some books I pri- vately took from others (for which I have since restored four- fold) I remember were books of devotion.'' 9 " When I was about twelve, I was placed at a school, called St. Mary De Crypt, in Gloucester : the last grammar school I ever went to. Having a good elocution and memory, I was remarked for making speeches before the corporation, at their annual visitation. During the time of my being at school, I was very fond of reading plays, and have kept from school for days together, to prepare myself for acting them. My master, seeing how mine and my schoolfellows' vein ran, composed something of this kind for us himself, and caused me to dress myself in girls' clothes, (which I had often done,) to act a part before the corporation." Thus he contracted that taste for theatrical amusements, which gave rise to the well-known in- sinuation, that he learned his peculiar style of oratory upon the r TTVrtre*__J 6 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. stage. This, however, is not the fact : his acting was confined to the boards of St. Mary De Crypt, and to his own chamber. But his fondness for this species of amusement was not left at school. When seventeen years of age, he was not weaned from this folly. Even while at college he says, "I was not fully satisfied of the sin of reading plays, until God, upon a fast day, was pleased to convince me. Taking a play, to read a passage out of it to a friend, God struck my heart with such power, that I was obliged to lay it down again." How deeply he deplored the cause and consequences of this habit, appears from the following remarks. "I cannot but observe here, with much concern of mind, how this way of training up youth has a natural tendency to debauch the mind, to raise ill passions, and to stuff the memory with things as contrary to the gospel of Christ, as darkness to light hell to heaven." This fatal " tendency " was but too fully exempli- fied when at school. " I got acquainted with such a set of de- bauched, abandoned, atheistical youths, that if God, by his free, unmerited, and special grace, had not delivered me out of their hands, I should have sat in the scorners' chair, and made a mock at sin. By keeping company with them, my thoughts of religion grew more and more like theirs. I went to public service only to make sport, and walk about. I took plea- sure in their lewd conversation. I began to reason as they did, and to ask, why God had given me passions, and not permitted me to gratify them ? In short, I soon made great proficiency in the school of the devil. I affected to look rakish, and was in a fair way of being as infamous as the worst of them." This, not oratory, was what young Whitefield learned from plays and acting. He fell into sins, of which he says, " their dismal ef- fects I have felt and groaned under ever since" Of course, this progress in vice was gradual. During his first two years at school, he bought, and read with much atten- tion, Kens Manual for Winchester Scholars: a book com- mended to him by the use made of it by his mother in her afflictions. He was also a diligent scholar, and for some time made considerable progress in the Latin classics. But the amusements which alienated his heart from virtue, gradually WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 7 impaired his taste for education. " Before I was fifteen, hav- ing, as I thought, made sufficient progress in the classics, and, at the hottom, longing to be set at liberty from the confine- ment of a school, I one day told my mother, that since her circumstances would not permit her to give me a University education, more learning, I thought, would spoil me for a tradesman, and therefore I judged it best not to learn Latin any longer. She at first refused to consent, but my corruptions soon got the better of her good nature. Hereupon for some time I went to learn to write only. But my mother's circum- stances being much on the decline ; and, being tractable that way, I began to assist her occasionally in the public-house, till at length I put on my blue apron and my snuffers washed mops cleaned rooms, and in one word, became professed and common drawer for nigh a year and a half." Thus he exchanged the confinement of a school for the im- prisonment of an inn; and, as might be expected in such a place, he was twice or thrice intoxicated. It does not appear, however, that he was addicted to drinking. "He who was with David when he was ' following the ewes big with young, was with me here. For, notwithstanding I was thus employed in a common inn, and had sometimes the care of the whole house upon my hands, yet / composed two or three sermons, and dedicated one of them, in particular, to my elder brother. One time, I remember, I was much pressed to self-examination, but found myself very unwilling to look into my heart. Fre- quently I read the Bible, while sitting up at night. Seeing the boys go by to school, has often cut me to the heart. Arid a dear youth would often come, entreating me, whilst serving at the bar, to go to Oxford. My general answer was, I wish T could." " After I had continued about a year in servile employment, my mother was obliged to leave the inn. My brother, who had been bred up for the business, married ; whereupon all was made over to him ; and I being accustomed to the house, it was agreed that I should continue there as an assistant. But God's thoughts were not as our thoughts. By his good providence it happened, that my sister-in-law and I could by no means agree ; and, at 8 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. length, the resentment grew to such a height, that my proud heart would scarce suffer me to speak to her for three weeks together. But, notwithstanding I was much to blame, yet I used to retire and weep before the Lord, as Hagar when flying from Sarah : little thinking that God, by this means, was forcing me out of the public business, and calling me from drawing wine for drunkards, to draw water from the wells of salvation for the refreshment of his spiritual Israel. After continuing for a long time under this burden of mind, I at length resolved (thinking my absence would make all things easy) to go away. Accord- ingly, by the advice of my brother and consent of my mother, I went to see my elder brother, then settled in Bristol." During a residence of two months in Bristol, Whitefield ex- perienced some awakenings of conscience. Once, in St. John's church, he was so affected by the sermon, that he resolved to prepare himself for the sacrament, and decided against returning to the inn. This latter resolution he communicated by letter to his mother ; and the former was so strong, that, during his stay in Bristol, reading Thomas a Kempis was his chief delight. " And I was always impatient till the bell rung to call me to tread the courts of the Lord's house. But in the midst of these illuminations, something surely whispered, this ivould not last. And, indeed, it so happened. For (oh that I could write it in tears of blood !) when I left Bristol and returned to Gloucester, I changed my devotion with my place. Alas, all my fervour went off. I had no inclination to go to church, or draw nigh to God. In short, my heart was far from him. However, I had so much religion left, as to persist in my resolution not to live in the inn ; and, therefore, my mother gave me leave, though she had but a little income, to have a bed on the ground, and live at her house, till Providence should point out a place for me. " Having now, as I thought, nothing to do, it was a proper season for Satan to tempt me. Much of my time I spent in reading plays, and in sauntering from place to place. I was careful to adorn my body, but took little pains to deck and beautify my soul. Evil communications with my old school- fellows, soon corrupted my good manners. By seeing their evil practices, the sense of the divine presence, I had vouchsafed 9 unto me, insensibly wore off my mind. But God would let no- thing pluck me out of his hands, though I was continually doing despite to the Spirit of grace. He even gave me some foresight of his providing for me. One morning as I was reading a play to my sister, said I, ' Sister, God intends something for me, which we know not of. As I have been diligent in business, I believe many would gladly have me for an apprentice, but every way seems to be barred up ; so that I think God will provide for me some way or other, that we cannot apprehend.' (C Having thus lived with my mother for some considerable time, a young student, who was once my schoolfellow, and then a servitor of Pembroke College, Oxford, came to pay my mother a visit. Amongst other conversation, he told her, how he had discharged all college expenses that quarter, and saved a penny. Upon that my mother immediately cried out, ' This will do for my son ! ' Then turning to me, she said, f Will you go to Ox- ford, George?' I replied, * With all my heart. 9 Whereupon, having the same friends that this young student had, my mother, without delay, waited on them. They promised their interest, to get me a servitor's place in the same college. She then applied to my old master, who much approved of my coming to school again. In about a week, I went and re-entered myself; and being grown much in stature, my master addressed me thus : ( I see, George, you are advanced in stature, but your better part must needs have gone backward. 9 This made me blush. He set me something to translate into Latin, and though I had made no application to my classics for so long a time, yet I had but one inconsiderable fault in my exercises. This, I believe, somewhat surprised my master. " Being re-settled at school, I spared no pains to go forward in my book. I learned much faster than I did before." But, whilst thus assiduously preparing himself for college, it does not appear that he began to study, with an express view to the ministry : if, however, this was his object at the time, and if he never, altogether, relinquished the design, which the composition of sermons betrayed, then the following events furnish a melan- choly insight, not only into the presumption of his own heart, but into the prevailing maxims of that age upon the subject of c 10 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. the Christian ministry. These must have been low and lax in the extreme,, if they allowed such a young man to anticipate office in the church. He was, indeed, diligent in studying the classics, but he was, at the same time, living in the indulgence of secret and open profligacy. ee I got acquainted with a set of debauched, abandoned, and atheistical youths I took pleasure in their lewd conversation I affected to look rakish, and was in a fair way of being as infamous as the worst of them." It is hardly possible to conceive that, while in this state, he should have contemplated the ministry as his object ; and yet there is reason to fear that the tone of public feeling, at the time, was such as to impose little check upon the morals of ministerial candidates. Even now holy character is not indispensable, either in college halls, or at national altars ; and then, as we shall see, it was still less so. Certain it is, that Whitefield's reformation was neither suggested nor enforced, in the first in- stance, by any thing moral or religious which the general prac- tice of the church insisted upon. Whatever the letter of her requirements calls for in candidates, the spirit of them was. in a great measure, evaporated in that age. I have, already, said that Whitefield is silent upon the subject of his express design in preparing himself for the University ; but, there being no evidence that he ever contemplated any other profession than the ministerial, and it being the only one for which he had evinced the shadow of a partiality, or was likely to succeed in, under his circumstances, we must con- clude, that he had it in view from the beginning. Such, in all probability, being the fact, it might be expected, that the bare idea of becoming a minister would, of itself, have imposed a restraint upon his passions ; but neither its own solemnity, nor the tone of ecclesiastical feeling at the time, had any moral influence upon him. " I went," he says, " to public service only to make sport and walk about." At this time he was nearly seventeen years of age : a period of life when he must have been capable of understanding what is expected from a clergyman. And yet, nothing which he saw or heard on this subject seems to have suggested the necessity of reformation. " God stopped me when running on in a full career of vice. For, just as I WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 11 was upon the brink of ruin, He gave me such a, distaste of their (his companions') principles and practices, that I discovered them to my master, who soon put a stop to their proceedings." I have been the more minute in recording this event, because without clear and correct ideas of the prevailing tone of public and ecclesiastical feeling, at the time, no fair estimate can be formed of the spirit in which methodism originated at Oxford. The breaking up of that vicious combination which existed in the school of St. Mary de Crypt produced an important change in the morals of Whitefield. "Being thus delivered out of the snare of the devil, I began to be more and more serious, and felt God at different times working powerfully and convincingly upon my soul." This improvement of character was so evident, that his friends did not fail to welcome it. It was, however, but external at first. " One day as I was coming down-stairs, and overheard my friends speaking well of me, God deeply convicted me of hypocrisy." This timely discovery fixed his attention upon the state of his heart, and gave to his reformation a more religious character. " Being now near the seventeenth year of my age, I was re- solved to prepare myself for the holy sacrament ; which I receiv- ed on Christmas day. I began now to be more watchful over my thoughts, words, and actions. I kept the following Lent, fasting Wednesday and Friday, thirty- six hours together. My evenings, when I had done waiting upon my mother, were gene- rally spent in acts of devotion, reading Drelincourt e upon Death/ and other practical books, and I constantly went to public worship twice a day. Being now upper boy, I made some reformation amongst my schoolfellows. I was very diligent in reading and learning the classics, and in studying my Greek Testament; but I was not yet convinced of the absolute unlawfulness of play- ing at cards, and of reading and seeing plays ; though I began to have some scruples about it. Near this time, I dreamed that I was to see God on mount Sinai ; but was afraid to meet him. This made a great impression upon me, and a gentle- woman to whom I told it, said, " George, this is a call from God" Whatever may be thought of the dream, or of the interpretation, such Mnts have more frequently determined the character and 12 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. pursuits of young men, than more rational means. There is, to a susceptible mind, a peculiar fascination in these mysterious oracles ; and, after all that has been said of their folly and fal- lacy, they continue to govern the choice of many, and are still followed as leading stars, whilst sober advice is regarded as a dull finger-post on the road of life. In the present instance the imaginary omens were not useless. " I grew more serious after my dream ; but yet hypocrisy crept into every action. As once I affected to look more rakish, I now strove to look more grave, than I really was. However, an uncommon con- cern and alteration was visible in my behaviour, and I often used to find fault with the lightness of others. One night as I was going on an errand for my mother, an unaccountable but very strong impression was made upon my heart, that I should preach quickly. When I came home, I innocently told my mother what had befallen me ; but she (like Joseph's parents, when he told them his dream) turned short upon me, crying out, ( What does the boy mean ? Prithee, hold thy tongue ! ' il For a twelvemonth I went on in a round of duties, receiv- ing the sacrament monthly, fasting frequently, attending con- stantly on public worship, and praying, often more than twice a day, in private. One of my brothers used to tell me, he fear- ed this would not hold long, and that I should forget all when I went to Oxford. This caution did me much service ; for it set me on praying for perseverance. Being now near eighteen years old, it was judged proper for me to go to the University. God had sweetly prepared my way. The friends before applied to, recommended me to the master of Pembroke College. An- other friend took up ten pounds upon bond (which I have since repaid) to defray the first expense of entering ; and the master, contrary to all expectation, admitted me servitor immediately." When Whitefield entered the University of Oxford, that seat of learning had not shaken off the moral lethargy which followed the ejectment of the 2000 nonconformists. The Bartholomew Bushel, under which those burning and shining lights were placed, proved an extinguisher to the zeal of the luminaries that struck into the orbit of uniformity. Those of them who retain- ed their light lost their heat. During the seventy years, which WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 13 had elapsed since the expulsion of the nonconformists, the Isis had heen changing into a Dead sea, upon the banks of which the tree of life shrivelled into a tree of mere human knowledge ; and, in the adjacent halls, the doctrines of the Reformation were superseded, in a great measure, by high church principles. Even irreligion and infidelity were so prevalent at both Univer- sities, that when the statue of the age was chiselled by that moral Phidias, BUTLER, they seem to have furnished the model. " It is come, I know not how, to be taken for granted by many persons, that Christianity is not so much as a subject of inquiry, but that it is now at length discovered to be fictitious ; and, ac- cordingly, they treat it as if, in the present age, this were an agreed point among all people of discernment ; and nothing re- mained but to set it up as a principal subject of mirth and ridi- cule, as it were by way of reprisals for its having so long inter- rupted the pleasures of the world." Bishop Butler s Analogy. So much was this the character of the after-dinner conversa- tions at Oxford, that the recent change from gross ribaldry to decorum, used to be appealed to with triumph, by Coleridge, and other modern advocates : a fact, which betrays the former state of things. Even the defences of Christianity, which issued from the University press during that age, betray the fatal secret, that they were as much wanted for the gownsmen, as for the public. Bishop Butler says of this state of things, " It is come, I know not how ;" but he might have known soon, if he had studied the " analogy" between it and the discipline of the colleges. What else could be expected from a nation or a uni- versity, after seeing the brightest ornaments of the church sacri- ficed to rites and ceremonies ; after seeing talents, learning, and piety reckoned " as the small dust in the balance," when weigh- ed against robes and forms ? After witnessing diocesan and state patronage withdrawn, and exchanged for penalties on such grounds, it was not likely that Christianity would be better treated by the nation, than its faithful ministers were by the government. From that time, down to the year 1734, when Whitefield entered at Pembroke College, the motto of the Uni- versity might have been, " We care less for character than for conformity." 14 " A dissolution of all bonds ensued ; The curbs invented for the mulish mouth Of headstrong youth were broken ; bolts and bars Grew rusty by disuse ; and massy gates Forgot their office, opening with a touch ; Till gowns at length are found mere masquerade ; The tasselled cap, and the spruce band, a jest, A mockery of the world ! " Cowper. Such Whitefield found the general character of the Oxford students to be. " I was quickly solicited to join in their excess of riot, by several who lay in the same room. Once in particu- lar, it being cold, my limbs were so benumbed by sitting alone in my study, because I would not go out amongst them, that I could scarce sleep all night. I had no sooner received the sa- crament publicly on a week day, at St. Mary's, but I was set up as a mark for all the polite students, that knew me, to shoot at ; for though there is a sacrament at the beginning of every term, at which all, especially the seniors, are by statute obliged to be present ; yet, so dreadfully has that once faithful city played the harlot, that very few masters, no graduates, (but the me- thodists,) attended upon it." I quote the latter part of this extract, not to deplore the fall- ing off in attendance, as Whitefield does : the sacrament was " More honoured in the breach, than the observance " of the statute, by such men ; but the breach illustrates both the state of discipline and of religion at the time. There were, however, some lilies among the rank thorns of Oxford. Of these solitary exceptions, the Wesleys and their associates were the most exemplary. This little band had then existed during five years, and were called, in derision, methodists. Their re- gular habits and rigid virtue, were proverbial throughout the University and the city. They were the friends of the poor, and the patrons of the serious. But, with all these excellences of character, the Wesleys united much enthusiasm, and an almost incredible degree of ignorance in regard to the gospel. Their avowed object, in all their voluntary privations and zeal- ous efforts, was, to save their souls, and to live wholly to the glory WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 15 of God : a noble enterprise, certainly ; but undertaken by them from erroneous motives, and upon wrong principles. For any relief which their consciences seem to have obtained from the death of the Son of God, and the free salvation proclaimed in virtue of it, the gospel might have been altogether untrue or unknown ; so grossly ignorant were the whole band at one time. And yet, at this period, Mr. John Wesley was a fellow of Lin- coln College, and teaching others. Nine years before, he had been ordained by Dr. Potter, who was afterwards archbishop of Canterbury. This fact reveals one of two things : either, that the young men were very inattentive to the theological lectures delivered from the divinity chair, or that the lectures themselves were very unscriptural. Perhaps the fault lay partly on both sides ; for it is highly probable, that such young men would underrate the cold, systematic lectures of a professor. I am led to form this opinion, because the celebrated mystic, William Law, was, at the time, their oracle. They imitated his ascetic habits, and imbibed his spirit of quietism. He had said to John Wesley, who was likely to circulate the notion, " You would have a phi- losophical religion, but there can be no such thing. Religion is the most simple thing : it is only, We love Him because he first loved us." Such indefinite maxims assimilated, but too readily, with the mystic temper of the persons they were ad- dressed to ; and silent contemplation, in solitude, being the very spirit of LAW'S system, Wesley and his associates were not likely to relish argumentative theology, however excellent. The following account of their devotional habits, will illustrate the true character of their religious sentiments, at the time of Whitefield's arrival from Gloucester. " They interrogate them- selves whether they have been simple and recollected ; whether they have prayed with fervour, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and on Saturday noon; if they have used a collect at nine, twelve, and three o'clock ; duly meditated on Sunday, from three to four, on Thomas a Kempis ; or mused on Wednesday and Friday, from twelve to one, on the Passion." Thus were they monks in almost every thing except the name. It was necessary to delineate thus minutely the original cha- 16 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. racter of methodism, that its natural influence upon the suscep- tible mind of Whitefield may be anticipated. Suffering and smarting, as he did, from vicious indulgence, and now seriously bent upon the ministry, he was not likely to associate with the profligate or the profane in the University. He did not. " God gave me grace to withstand, when they solicited me to join in their excess of riot. When they perceived they could not pre- vail, they let me alone, as a singular, odd fellow." He did not, however, join himself to the methodists at once. " The young men, so called, were then much talked of at Oxford. I heard of and loved them before I came to the University ; and so strenuously defended them, when I heard them reviled by the students, that they began to think that I also, in time, should be one of them. For above a twelvemonth, my soul longed to be acquainted with some of them, and I was strongly pressed to follow their good example, when I saw them go through a ridiculing crowd, to receive the holy eucharist at St. Mary's." How much he was prepared to enter into their peculiar spirit when he did join them, will appear also from the following hint. " Before I went to the University, I met with Mr. Laws ( Seri- ous Call to Devout Life,' but had not money to purchase it. Soon after my coming up to the University, seeing a small edition of it in a friend's hand, I soon procured it. God worked powerfully upon my soul by that excellent treatise." Thus, like two drops of water, they were quite prepared to unite whenever they came in contact. And this soon occurred. " It happened that a poor woman, in one of the workhouses, had attempted to cut her throat, but was happily prevented. Upon hearing of this, and knowing that the two Mr. Wesleys were ready to every good work, I sent a poor aged apple -woman of our college, to inform Mr. Charles Wesley of it ; charging her not to discover who sent her. She went ; but, contrary to my orders, told my name. He having heard of my coming to the castle, and to a parish church sacrament, and having met me frequently walking by myself, followed the woman when she was gone away, and sent an invitation to me by her, to come to breakfast with him the next morning. I thankfully embraced the opportunity. My 17 soul, at that time, was athirst for some spiritual friends to lift up my hands when hung down, and to strengthen my feeble knees. He soon discovered it, and, like a wise winner of souls, made all his discourses tend that way. And when he put into my hands Professor Frank's ' Treatise against the Fear of Man,' and ' The Country Parson's Advice to his Parishioners,' I took my leave. " In a short time he let me have another book, entitled, ' The Life of God in the Soul of Man ;' and though I had fasted, watched, and prayed, and received the sacrament so long, yet I never knew what true religion was, till God sent me that excel- lent treatise, by the hands of my never-to-be-forgotten friend. At my first reading it, I wondered what the author meant by saying, f That some falsely placed religion in going to church, doing hurt to no one, being constant in the duties of the closet, and now and then reaching out their hands to give alms to their poor neighbours.' Alas ! thought I, if this be not religion, what is ? God soon showed me ; for in reading a few lines further, ' that true religion was a union of the soul with God, and Christ formed within us, 9 a ray of divine light was instanta- neously darted in upon my soul, and from that moment, but not till then, did I know that I must be a new creature." This was an important era in Whitefield's experience ; and, if he had been left to the guidance of the book that suggested the necessity of regeneration, his feet might soon have stood upon the Rock of ages. He was now in the right track to Calvary ; and, with his anxiety to " be born again," would have held on, until he had discovered that, " to as many as received Him, Christ gave power to become the sons of God ; even to them that believe on his name." But, unhappily, Whitefield was not left to follow out his own convictions : Charles Wesley " ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish his own righteousness " interfered with the young convert, and inoculated him with the virus of legality and quietism. Before Whitefield had time to acquire from the gospel the relief which his heavy-laden conscience longed for, he was introduced to the methodists ; from kind motives on the part of his zealous friend, no doubt ; but unhappily for himself. JD 18 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. The intimacy well nigh proved fatal to his life, and to his reason. " From time to time, Mr. Wesley permitted me to come unto him, arid instructed me as I was able to bear it. By degrees he introduced me to the rest of his Christian brethren. I now began, like them, to live by rule, and to pick up every fragment of my time, that not a moment of it might be lost. Like them, having no weekly sacrament (although the Kubrick required it) at our own college, I received every Sunday at Christ- Church. I joined with them in keeping the stations, by fasting Wednes- days and Fridays, and left no means unused which I thought would lead me nearer to Jesus Christ. By degrees I began to leave off eating fruits and such like, and gave the money I usually spent in that way to the poor. Afterward I always chose the worst sort of food, though my place furnished me with variety. My apparel was mean. I thought it unbecoming a penitent to have his hair powdered. I wore woollen gloves, a patched gown, and dirty shoes ; and though I was then con- vinced that the kingdom of God did not consist in meats and drinks, yet I resolutely persisted in these voluntary acts of self- denial, because I found them great promoters of the spiritual life. It was now suggested to me, that Jesus Christ was amongst the wild beasts when he was tempted, and that I ought to follow his example ; and being willing, as I thought, to imi- tate Jesus Christ, after supper I went into Christ- Church walk, near our college, and continued in silent prayer nearly two hours ; sometimes lying flat on my face, sometimes kneeling upon my knees. The night being stormy, it gave me awful thoughts of the day of judgment. The next night I repeated the same exercise at the same place. Soon after this, the holy season of Lent came on, which our friends kept very strictly ; eating no flesh during the six weeks, except on Saturdays and Sundays. I abstained frequently on Saturdays also, and ate nothing on the other days (except Sunday) but sage-tea without sugar, and coarse bread. I constantly walked out in the cold mornings, till part of one of my hands was quite black. This, with my continued abstinence, and inward conflicts, at length so emaciated my body, that, at Passion-week, finding I could 19 scarce creep up-stairs, I was obliged to inform my kind tutor of my condition, who immediately sent for a physician to me." While it is impossible to read this catalogue of extravagances, without pitying the wretched sufferer and his superstitious friends, it is equally impossible to refrain from smiling and frowning, alternately, at the gross absurdities of quietism, and the foolish requirements of the Kubrick. Many of both are equal outrages upon common sense ; to say nothing of their being unscriptural. But these were not the only baneful effects of Whitefield's intimacy with the methodists. " The course of my studies I soon entirely changed: whereas, before, I was busied in studying the dry sciences, and books that went no farther than the surface, I now resolved to read only such as entered into the heart of religion. Meeting with Castanza's ' Spiritual Combat,' in which he says, that e he that is employed in mortifying his will, was as well employed as though he was converting the Indians,' Satan so imposed upon my understand- ing, that he persuaded me to shut myself up in my study, till I could do good with a single eye ; lest in endeavouring to save others, I should, at last, by pride and self-complacence, lose myself. When Castanza advised to talk but little, Satan said, I must not talk at all ; so that I, who used to be the most for- ward in exhorting my companions, have sat whole nights with- out speaking at all. Again, when Castanza advised to endea- vour after a silent recollection, and waiting upon God, Satan told me, I must leave all forms, and not use my voice in prayer at all." These habits soon affected his college exercises also. " Whenever I endeavoured to compose my theme, I had no power to write a word, nor so much as to tell my Christian friends of my inability to do it. All power of meditating, or even thinking, was taken from me. My memory quite failed me. And I could fancy myself to be like nothing so much as a man locked up in iron armour." Having twice neglected to produce the weekly theme, his tutor called him into the common room, after fining him, and kindly inquired whether any calamity had befallen him, or what was the reason of his neglect ? "I burst into tears, and assured him, that it was not out of contempt of authority, but 20 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. that I could not act otherwise. Then, at length, he said, he believed I could not ; and, when he left me, told a friend (as he very well might) that he took me to be really mad. This friend, hearing what had happened from my tutor, came to me, urging the command in Scripture, f to be subject to the higher powers.' I answered, Yes; but I had a new revelation. Lord, what is man ! " During the progress of this direful malady, the Wesleys were not wanting, either in attention or tenderness, to their unhappy friend ; and if, like Job's friends, they were miserable comfort- ers, still, their motives claim the highest respect. They would have brought him " water from the well of Bethlehem " at any expense ; but, like Hagar weeping over her fainting child in the wilderness, their own eyes were not then opened to see that well. It is only bare justice to make this acknowledgment. I have exposed and censured, freely, the ignorance, mysticism, and su- perstition of the Wesleys ; I have deplored, in strong terms, the intimacy which Whitefield formed with the Oxford methodists ; and traced to their maxims and habits, as the direct cause, a great part of his extravagances ; but, in all this, I have been actuated by no prejudice against his friends, nor do my remarks upon methodism embrace the system as it now exists : they are, hitherto, entirely confined to its character at Oxford. Then, its influence, according to Mr. John Wesley's own acknowledg- ment, was that " of leading him into the desert to be tempted and humbled, and shown what was in his heart." Even Dr. Coke says of him, it is certain that he was then very little ac- quainted with true experimental religion. This is very obvious from the advice which he gave to Whitefield, when his case was so pitiable, that Charles Wesley was afraid to prescribe. " He advised me to resume all my externals, though not to depend on them in the least." Now, however wise the latter clause of this rule may be, the former part is pitiable : " all " Whitefield's " externals " included many of the very habits which had un- hinged his mind, and ruined his health. He did, however, " resume " them, and the result was, " a fit of sickness which continued during seven weeks." His tutor seems to have been the only person about him who acted wisely. Charles Wesley 21 referred him to chapters in A Kern-pis : John, to the maxims of quietism. " My tutor lent me books, gave me money, visited me, and furnished me with a physician : in short, he behaved in all respects like a father." The reader must not suppose, however, that Whitefield him- self arraigns the imprudence of his young friends ; or that he contrasts, as I have ventured to do, their measures with those of his tutor : no, indeed ; he records both with equal gratitude, and uniformly pronounces benedictions upon the authors. Even when he became the opponent of John Wesley, on the subject of " free grace," and might have pointed his arguments by an appeal to the early errors of his rival, he does not so much as hint at them, but prefaces his letter by declaring, " Was nature to speak, I had rather die than write against you." I, however, have no such scruples on this head : but, while I shall avoid doing injustice to the Wesleys, I shall canvass as freely their influence upon Whitefield, as that of any other persons with whom he came in contact. The formation of his character must be shown, without regard to the light in which it may exhibit the forces that determined it. The seven weeks of sickness, already mentioned, Whitefield calls, " a glorious visitation." " The blessed Spirit was all this time purifying my soul. All my former gross, notorious, and even my heart sins also, were now set home upon me ; of which I wrote down some remembrances immediately, and confessed them before God morning and evening." This exercise, al- though more humiliating and mortifying than even his fasts and austerities, was infinitely more useful. While they led him only to Castanza and A Kempis this led him direct to the gospel, and to the throne of grace. Unable to sustain such views of the evil of sin, and having failed, in all his former efforts, to remove a sense of guilt by a series of observances, he was now shut up to the faith. " Though weak, I often spent two hours in my evening retirements, and prayed over my Greek Testament, and Bishop Hall's most excellent ( Contemplations.' ' : While thus engaged in searching the Scriptures, he discovered the true grounds of a sinner's hope and justification. The testimony of God concerning his Son became "power unto salvation." " I 22 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. found and felt in myself, that I was delivered from the burden that had so heavily oppressed me. The spirit of mourning was taken from me, and I knew what it was truly to rejoice in God my Saviour. For some time I could not avoid singing psalms wherever I was; but my joy became gradually more settled. Thus were the days of my mourning ended : after a long night of desertion and temptation, the star, which I had seen at a dis- tance before, began to appear again : the day-star arose in my heart." Such is the history of Whitefield's conversion. In this manner was he led into and out of the fearful pit and miry clay of legal fanaticism ; a worse gulf than Bunyan's Slough of Despond. His Diary, whilst there, I have seen. Part of it is in iny possession. But, in general, it is unintelligible, except that it records by signs, the divisions and subdivisions of the day into hours and minutes, and thus marks the time allot- ted to every lesson, prayer, meditation, meal, and sleep. Such a methodising of time is, perhaps, unparalleled. The only thing obvious in it is, the influence of the Wesleys upon his habits. I duly appreciate the benevolence, the zeal, and the sincerity of the Wesleys ; but in this instance, and at that time, these virtues were not evangelical ; and therefore neither their sin- cerity nor their amiableness must be allowed to screen them from the charge of legality. Mr. Wesley himself did not screen them when he understood them. " I have learned at the ends of the earth," he wrote from Georgia, " that my own works, my own sufferings, my own righteousness, so far from making an atonement for the least of my sins, need, the most specious of them, an atonement for themselves. I left my native country, in order to teach the Georgian Indians the nature of Chris- tianity. But what have I learnt myself meantime ? Why, what I least of all suspected, that I who went to America to convert others, was never myself converted to God. I am not mad, though I thus speak ; but I speak the words of truth and soberness, if haply some of those who still dream may awake, and see that as I am, so are they." Such explanations are 23 wanted, now that devotion apart from faith, and penitential feel- ing apart from the knowledge of " the truth," are often hailed as conversion to God. This is a sore evil under the sun ; and one not easily touched, without seeming to slight symptoms of piety. I must, however, attempt to unmask this plausible "form of godliness," whatever suspicions my freedom may awaken. Whitefield, in the simplicity of his heart, calls the events of this period "the dealings of. God" with him, and records them as the gradual steps by which he was led to believe in Christ for righteousness. And, so far as they were made in- strumental in discovering to him his own weakness, and in weaning him from sin and vanity, they were " the dealings of God ;" but, so far as his maxims and habits were superstitious and unscriptural, God must not be identified with them, nor even implicated in the least. All the hand He had in this part of the transaction was, that he made these austerities and superstitions their own punishment, and prevented them from ruining an ignorant young man. So far as their own natural influence went, it increased the spirit of bondage, and diverted the sinner from God's appointed remedy. We have seen from Whitefield's own acknowledgments, and Wesley's too, that the further such measures were pursued, the further the methodists were from solid relief. Now, it cannot be supposed for a mo- ment, that God's dealings with the soul divert it from the Saviour ; nor that any thing is the work of His Spirit on the heart, which leads to absurdities and extravagance. And if this be granted, then a great part of those things in the expe- rience of W^hitefield, which strike the mind so forcibly, lose all their importance, except as facts. As feelings, motives, or maxims in religion, they have no weight ; but were, while they continued, the actual rivals of faith and evangelical repent- ance. For any thing, therefore, which appears to the contrary, his conversion would not have been less genuine, if he had never gone through the exercise of mind produced by these causes. The horror, the depression, the despair, which pre- ceded his being born again, were neither elementary nor neces- sary parts of regeneration. Humanly speaking, a clear exhi- 24 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. bition of the plan of salvation, if presented to him when he entered Oxford, would have relieved his mind at once, and in- troduced him into the liberty of the sons of God. He was not, indeed, so fully prepared to prize the gospel then, as when he did believe it with the heart ; but, although less humble, less in earnest, at the time of his arrival, even then he was awakened to a sense of his guilt and danger. Now, the ques- tion is, would not the gospel itself, if it had been preached to him at this time, have effected a change of heart ? Would not the glad tidings of a finished salvation, addressed to him, as he was, have melted, humbled, and converted him, without the preliminary process he went through? The only thing valuable in that process is, the humbling effect of it ; but if the same kind and degree of humility would result from believ- ing the gospel, \hen, faith in Christ ought to be the first step pressed upon an awakened sinner. I have been induced to throw out these hints, because so many persons imagine that they have no warrant for believing in Christ, until they experience such convictions, and possess such feelings, as converts like Whitefield did. The conse- quence is, that they live on, looking for what they call " a day of power," which shall qualify them for the exercise of faith. This false and fatal maxim must not be allowed to shelter itself in the example of Whitefield; and that it may not intrench itself there, I have felt it my duty to expose the true character of his preliminary experience. It was useful ; but how ? Not by its own direct influence; that was injurious in every sense; but its usefulness in humbling, and in emptying him of self- dependence, arose from its being overruled for good by the Spirit of God. This being the fact, let no one quote White- field's experience in proof of the necessity of going through such a process of awakening as he underwent. The gospel itself is " power unto salvation to every one that believeth ;" and no- thing is religion, which precedes the belief of it, except such exercises as naturally lead to faith. Although I have grouped, into one view, the mental aberra- tions and bodily sufferings of Whitefield whilst at Oxford, there were, during the period it embraces, calm and lucid intervals, WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 25 in which he combined with his studies, efforts to do good in the city. Like his friends, he was the friend of the poor ; but not without giving offence to his superiors. " I incurred the displeasure of the master of the college, who frequently chid, and once threatened to expel me, if I ever visited the poor again. Being surprised by this treatment, and overawed by his authority, I spake unadvisedly with my lips, and said, if it displeased him, I would not. My conscience soon smote me for this sinful compliance. I immediately re- pented, and visited the poor the first opportunity, and told my companions, if ever I was called to a stake for Christ's sake, I would serve my tongue as Archbishop Cranmer served his hand, make that burn first." Nor were his efforts confined to private houses : he constantly visited the town gaol to read and pray with the prisoners. One instance of this is too re- markable to be passed over. " As I was walking along, I met with a poor woman whose husband was then in locardo, Oxford town gaol. Seeing her much discomposed, I inquired the cause. She told me, that not being able to bear the crying, of her children, and having no- thing to relieve them, she had been to drown herself; but was mercifully prevented ; and said, she was coming to my room to inform me of it. I gave her some immediate relief, and desired her to meet me at the prison with her husband in the after- noon. She came; and there God visited them both by his free grace. She was powerfully quickened ; and when I had done reading, he came to me like the trembling jailer, and grasping my hand, cried out, ' I am upon the brink of hell J ' From this time forward both of them grew in grace. God, by his providence, soon delivered him from his confinement. Though notorious offenders against God and one another before, yet now they became helps meet for each other in the great work of their salvation." In the same spirit he also exerted himself on behalf of his relations and friends at Gloucester. His discovery of the ne- cessity of regeneration, like Melancthon's discovery of the truth, led him to imagine, that no one could resist the evi- dence which convinced his own mind. " Upon this, like the 26 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. woman of Samaria when Christ revealed himself to her at the well, I had no rest in my soul, till I wrote letters to my rela- tions, telling them there was such a thing as the new birth. I imagined they would have gladly received it ; but alas ! my words seemed to them as idle tales. They thought I was going beside myself." I have not been able to obtain any of the letters on this sub- ject, which he addressed to his own family ; but the following extract from one to a friend, will be a sufficient specimen of their character. " Lest you should imagine that true religion consists in any thing besides an entire renewal of our nature into the image of God, I have sent you a book entitled, " The Life of God in the Soul of Man," written by a young, but an eminent Christian ; which will inform you what true religion is, and how you may attain it ; as, likewise, how wretchedly most people err in their sentiments about it, who suppose it to be nothing else (as he tells us, page 3) but a mere model of outward performances ; without ever considering, that all our corrupt passions must be subdued, and a complex habit of virtues such as meekness, low- liness, faith, hope, and the love of God and of man be implant- ed in their room, before we can have the least title to enter into the kingdom of God. Our divine Master having expressly told us, that unless we " renounce ourselves, and take up our cross daily, we cannot be his disciples." And again, "unless we have the spirit of Christ, we are none of his." This advice met, we are informed, " with a cold reception," and was an ungrateful subject to his friend at first; and yet, even while it was so, such were his own confused notions of religion, that he urges his friend to receive " the holy communion" frequently ; assuring him that " nothing so much bedwarfs us in religion, as staying away from the heavenly banquet." As if a man who had no relish for the doctrine of regeneration, could have any religion ! Having thus noticed the line of conduct which, notwith- standing all his crude notions, he pursued at Oxford, I pro- ceed now to record the means by which he was supported during his stay at the University. It will be recollected that his chief dependence was upon the emoluments of servitorship. WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 27 " Soon after my acceptance I went and resided, and found my having been used to a public-house was now of service to me. For, many of the servitors being sick, at my first coming up, by my diligent and steady attendance, I ingratiated myself into the gentlemen's favour so far, that many who had it in their power chose me to be their servitor. This much lessened my expense ; and, indeed, God was so gracious, that with the pro- fits of my place, and some little presents made me by my kind tutor, for almost the first three years I did not put all my rela- tions together to above 24 expense." When he joined himself to the methodists, the profits of his place were, as might be expected, diminished : a number " took away their pay from me ;" but other sources of supply were soon opened for him. Some of the methodists having left Oxford about this time, and being solicitous to keep up the society, wrote to Sir John Philips of London, commending Whitefield to his patronage, " as a proper person" to stay and encourage their friends in fight- ing the good fight of faith. " Accordingly he immediately offered me an annuity of twenty pounds. To show his disinterestedness, he has promised me that, whether I continue here or not ; and if I resolve to stay at Oxon, he'll give me thirty pounds a year. If that will not do, I may have more." In this manner was he provided for, when his original resources failed. The state of his health, however, compelled him to quit, for a time, his " sweet retirement" at Oxford. So long as he could, he resisted all the persuasions of his tutor and physician, and all the invitations of his mother to visit Gloucester. Their urgency at length prevailed, and he returned home. " My friends were surprised to see me look and behave so cheerfully, after the many reports they had heard concerning me." " However, I soon found myself to be as a sheep sent forth amongst wolves in sheep's clothing ; for they immediately en- deavoured to dissuade me from a constant use of the means of grace ; especially from weekly abstinence, and receiving the blessed sacrament. But God enabled me to resist them, sted- fast in the faith ; and, by keeping close to him in his holy ordi- nances, I was made to triumph over all." " Being unaccustomed for some time to live without spiritual 28 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. companions, and finding none that would heartily join me no, not one I watched unto prayer all the day long ; beseeching God to raise me some religious associates in his own way and time. f I will endeavour either to find or make a friend* had been my resolution now for some time, and therefore after im- portunate prayer one day, I resolved to go to the house of one Mrs. W , to whom I had formerly read plays, Spectators, Pope's Homer, and such-like trifling books ; hoping the altera- tion she now would find in my sentiments, might, under God, influence her soul. God was pleased to bless the visit with the desired effect : she received the word gladly : she wanted to be taught the way of God more perfectly, and soon became ' a fool for Christ's sake.' Not long after, God made me instru- mental to awaken several young persons, who soon formed them- selves into a little society, and had quickly the honour of being despised at Gloucester, as we had been before them at Oxford. Thus, all that will live godly in Christ Jesus, must suffer perse- cution." As his efforts and usefulness, during the period of this visit to Gloucester, may be viewed as the dawn of his future zeal and success, it will be proper, before enumerating more instances, to record, distinctly, the manner in which he prepared himself for doing good to others. " My mind being now more open and enlarged, I began to read the holy Scriptures upon my knees \ laying aside all other books, and praying over, if possible, every line and word. This proved meat indeed, and drink indeed, to my soul. I daily received fresh life, light, and power from above. I got more true knowledge from reading the book of God, in one month, than I could ever have acquired from all the writings of men. In one word, I found it profitable for reproof, for cor- rection, for instruction \ every way sufficient to make the man of God perfect, throughly furnished for every good work and word. About this time God was pleased to enlighten my soul, and bring me into the knowledge of his free grace and the necessity of being justified in His sight by faith only. This was more extraordinary, because my friends at Oxford had rather inclined to the mystic divinity. Burkitt's and Henry's WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 29 Expositions were of admirable use, to lead me into this and all other gospel truths. // is the good old doctrine of the church of England; it is what the holy martyrs, in Queen Mary's time, sealed with their blood." To these habits of reading, Whitefield added much secret prayer. " Oh, what sweet com- munion had I daily vouchsafed with God in prayer after my coming to Gloucester ! How often have I been carried out beyond myself, when meditating in the fields ! How assuredly I felt that Christ dwelt in me and I in Him, and how daily did I walk in the comforts of the Holy Ghost, and was edified and refreshed in the multitude of peace ! " Such were Whitefield's private habits while attempting to be useful in public. His zeal and success will now be understood. " I always observed that as my inward strength increased, so my outward sphere of action increased proportionably. In a short time, therefore, I began to read to some poor people twice or thrice a week. I likewise visited two other little societies be- sides my own. Occasionally as business and opportunity per- mitted, I generally visited one or two sick persons every day ; and though silver and gold I had little of my own, yet in imita- tion of my Lord's disciples, who entreated in behalf of the fainting multitude, I used to pray unto Him; and he, from time to time, inclined several that were rich in this world, to give me money ; so that I generally had a little stock for the poor always in my hand. One of the poor, whom I visited in this manner, was called effectually by God at the eleventh hour : she was a woman above threescore years old ; and I really be- lieve, died in the true faith of Jesus Christ." " At my first coming to Gloucester, being used to visit the prisoners at Oxford, I prayed most earnestly that God would open a door for me to visit the prisoners here also. Quickly after, I dreamed that one of the prisoners came to be instructed by me : it was much impressed upon my heart. In the morn- ing I went to the door of the county gaol ; I knocked, but nobody came to open it. I waited still upon God in prayer ; and in some months after, came a letter from a friend at Ox- ford, desiring me to go to one Pebworth, who had broken out of Oxford gaol, and was retaken at Gloucester. As soon as I 30 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. read this letter, it appeared to me that my prayer was now answered. Immediately I went to the prison : I met with the person, and finding him and some others willing to hear the word of God, (having gained leave of the keeper and two ordi- naries,) I constantly read to and prayed with them, every day I was in town. I also begged money for them, whereby I was enabled to release some of them, and cause provision to be dis- tributed weekly among them ; as also to put such books into their hands as I judged most proper. I cannot say that any one of the prisoners was effectually wrought upon ; however, much evil was prevented, many were convinced, and my own soul was much edified and strengthened in the love of God and man." " During my stay here, God enabled me to give a public tes- timony of my repentance, as to seeing and acting plays ; for, hearing the strollers had come to town, and knowing what an egregious offender I had been, I was stirred up to extract Mr. Law's excellent treatise, entitled ' The Absolute Unlawfulness of the Stage Entertainment.' The printer at my request put a little of it in the news, for six weeks successively ; and God was pleased to give it his blessing." In this manner White- field employed himself during nine months ; and one effect of pursuing such plans was, that " the partition-wall of bigotry and sect religion was soon broken down" in his heart. " I loved all, of whatever denomination, that loved the Lord Jesus in sincerity." This acknowledgment stands, in his diary, con- nected with an account of the benefit he derived from studying the works of the nonconformists. Baxter's " Call " and Allein's " Alarm," accorded so with his own ideas of fidelity and unction, that wherever he recognised their spirit he acknowledged " a brother beloved." Upon this portion of his history, the mind dwells with almost unmixed delight : the only drawback is, the undue importance attached by him to dreams ; and even those, considered as an index to his waking thoughts, are interesting; revealing, as they do, his deep solicitude on behalf of souls. His zeal was now according to knowledge ; his object, at once, definite and scriptural ; his measures direct and rational, and his mo- WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 31 tives truly evangelical. Drawing his own hope and consolation immediately from the oracles of God, he led others direct to the same source ; shutting up to the faith those he asso- ciated with. In this respect Whitefield presents a striking contrast to Wesley, at the commencement of his public exer- tions. The latter, although equally conscientious, was so crazed with the crude notions of the mystics, that when he left Oxford to visit Georgia, Law's " Christian Perfection" was almost his text-book, while instructing his fellow-passengers. Accordingly the success of the two, at the time, was as different as the means which they severally adopted. While Whitefield won souls by reading the Scriptures, Wesley, by inculcating the austerities of the ascetics, laboured in vain : he was long " esteemed an Ishmael ; for his hand was against every man, and every man's hand was against him." During the latter part of Whitefield's residence in Gloucester, although " despised " by many, his friends multiplied in spite of all the odium which his opinions and practice called forth. They became urgent for his immediate ordination, and solicit- ous to see him in a sphere worthy of his talents and zeal. But such were, now, his views of the ministry, that he put a decided negative upon all their applications ; intrenching his refusal in a resolution of the diocesans, " not to ordain any under twenty- three years of age." He was not yet twenty-one. This ap- parently insurmountable objection was, however, soon removed. He obtained, about this time, an introduction to Lady Selwyn, who had marked her approbation of him by a handsome present of money, and by an immediate application to the bishop on his behalf. The character she seems to have given of him had its due weight with Dr. Benson. "As I was coming from the cathedral prayers, thinking of no such thing, one of the vergers called after me, and said, the bishop desired to speak with me. I immediately turned back, considering within myself, what I had done to deserve his Lordship's displeasure. When I came to the top of the palace stairs, the bishop took me by the hand, told me he was glad to see me, and bid me wait a little, till he had put oif his habit, and he would return to me again. This gave me an opportunity of praying to God for his assistance, 32 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. and adoring him for his providence over me. At his coming again into the room, the bishop told me that he had heard of my character, liked my behaviour at church ; and, inquiring my age, said, c notwithstanding I have declared I would not ordain any one under three and twenty, yet I shall think it my duty to ordain you, whenever you come for holy orders. 9 He then made me a present of five guineas to buy me a book." Thus was the chief external hinderance removed at once ; and with it, his hesi- tation vanished. " From the time I first entered the University, especially from the time I knew what was true and undefiled Christianity, I entertained high thoughts of the importance of the ministerial office, and was not solicitous what place should be prepared for me, but how I should be prepared for a place. That saying of the apostle, ' Not a novice, lest being puffed up with pride, he fall into the condemnation of the devil;' and that first question of our excellent ordination office, ' Do you trust that you are inwardly moved by the Holy Ghost to take upon you this office and administration ? ' used even to make me tremble, whenever I thought of entering into the ministry. The shyness of Moses and some other prophets, when God sent them out in a public capacity, I thought was sufficient to teach me, not to run until I was called. He who knoweth the hearts of men, is witness that I never prayed more earnestly against any thing, than I did against entering into this service of the church, so soon. Oftentimes I have been in an agony in prayer, when under convictions of my insufficiency for so great a work ; with strong cries and tears, I have frequently said, ' Lord, I am a youth of uncircumcised lips : Lord, send me not into thy vineyard yet I ' And sometimes I had reason to think God was angry with me for resisting his will. However, I was resolved to pray thus as long as I could. If God did not grant my request in keeping me out of it, I knew his grace would be sufficient to support and strengthen me whenever he sent me into the ministry." " To my prayers I added my endeavours, and wrote letters to my friends at Oxford, beseeching them to pray to God to disappoint my country friends, who were for my taking orders as soon as possible. Their answer was, ' Pray we the Lord of WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 33 the harvest to send thee and many more labourers into his har- vest.' Another old and worthy minister of Christ, when I wrote to him about the meaning of the word novice, answered, it meant a novice in grace, and not in years ; and he was pleased to add if St. Paul were then at Gloucester, he believed St. Paul would ordain me. All this did not satisfy me : I still con- tinued instant in prayer against going into holy orders, and was not thoroughly convinced it was the divine will, till God by his providence brought me acquainted with the bishop of Glou- cester." " Before I came home, the news had reached my friends, who being fond of my having such a great man's favour, were very solicitous to know the event of my visit. Many things I hid from them ; but when they pressed me hard, I was obliged to tell them how the bishop, of his own accord, had offered to give me holy orders whenever I would. On which they, knowing how I had depended on the declaration his Lord- ship had made some time ago, said, and I then began to think myself, that, if I held out any longer, I should fight against God. At length I came to a resolution, by God's leave, to offer myself for holy orders the next Ember-days." Having thus surmounted his difficulties, he proceeded at once to prepare himself for ordination. He had, before, satis- fied himself of the truth of the Thirty -nine Articles, by com- paring them with the Scriptures ; but it does not appear that the Prayer Book, as a whole, was submitted to the same test : he seems to have taken its truth for granted. This is the more remarkable, because in every thing else he was conscientious. " I strictly examined myself by the qualifications required for a minister, in St. Paul's Epistle to Timothy, and also by every question that I knew would be put to me at the time of my ordination. This latter, I drew out in writing at large, and sealed my approbation of it every Sunday at the blessed sacra- ment. At length, Trinity Sunday being near at hand, and having my testimonials from the college, I went, a fortnight beforehand, to Gloucester, intending to compose some sermons, and to give myself more particularly to prayer. When I came to Gloucester, notwithstanding I strove and prayed for several days, and had matter enough in my heart, yet I was so restrain- 34 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. ed, that I could not compose any thing at all. I mentioned my case to a clergyman : he said, I was an enthusiast. I wrote to another, who was experienced in the divine life : he gave me some reasons, why God might deal with me in that manner ; and, withal, promised me his prayers. The remainder of the fortnight I spent in reading the several missions of the pro- phets and apostles, and wrestled with God to give me grace to follow their good examples. " About three days before the time appointed for ordination, the bishop came to town. The next evening I sent his Lord- ship an abstract of my private examination upon these two questions : f Do you trust that you are inwardly moved by the Holy Ghost, to take upon you this office and administration ? ' And, ' Are you called according to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ and the laws of this realm ? ' The next morning I waited upon the bishop. He received me with much love ; telling me, he was glad I was come, and that he was satisfied with the preparation I had made. Upon this I took my leave ; abashed with God's goodness to such a wretch, but, withal, exceedingly rejoiced, that, in every circumstance, he made my way into the ministry so very plain before my face ! This, I think, was on Friday. The day following I continued in abstinence and prayer. In the evening, I retired to a hill near the town, and prayed fervently, for about two hours, on behalf of myself and those that were to be ordained with me. On Sunday morning I rose early, and prayed over St. Paul's Epistle to Timothy, and more particularly over that precept, ( Let no one despise thy youth' When I went up to the altar, I could think of nothing but SamueVs standing a little child before the Lord, with a linen ephod. When the bishop laid his hands upon my head, my heart was melted down, and I offered up my whole spirit, soul, and body, to the service of God's sanctuary. I read the gospel, at the bishop's command, with power, and afterward sealed the good confession I had made before many witnesses, by partaking of the holy sacrament." His feelings and views upon this solemn occasion, are re- corded, still more forcibly, in two letters to a friend. The first is so excellent, that no apology is required for inserting it here entire. WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 35 " Gloucester, June 20th, 1736. " My dear friend, This is a day much to be remembered, O, my soul ! for, about noon, I was solemnly admitted by good Bishop Benson, before many witnesses, into holy orders ; and was, blessed be God ! kept composed both before and after imposition of hands. I endeavoured to behave with unaffected devotion ; but not suit- able enough to the greatness of the office I was to undertake. At the same time, I trust, I answered to every question from the bottom of my heart, and heartily prayed that God might say, Amen. I hope the good of souls will be my only principle of action. Let come what will life or death, depth or height I shall henceforward live like one who this day, in the presence of men and angels, took the holy sacrament, upon the profession of being inwardly moved by the Holy Ghost to take upon me that ministration in the church. This I began with reading prayers to the prisoners in the county gaol. Whether I myself shall ever have the honour of styling myself c a prisoner of the Lord,' I know not ; but indeed, my dear friend, I can call hea- ven and earth to witness, that when the bishop laid his hand upon me, I gave myself up to be a martyr for Him who hung upon the cross for me. Known unto Him are all future events and contingencies. I have thrown myself blindfold, and, I trust, without reserve, into his almighty hands ; only I would have you observe that till you hear of my dying for or in my work, you will not be apprized of all the preferment that is expected by G. W." TO THE SAME. " June 23. ee Dear friend, Never a poor creature set up with so small a stock. * * * * My intention was, to make at least a hundred sermons, with which to begin the ministry ; but this is so far from being the case, that I have not a single one by me, except that which I made for a small Christian society, and which I sent to a neighbouring clergyman, to convince him how unfit I was to take upon me the important work of preaching. He kept it for 36 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. a fortnight, and then sent it hack, with a guinea for the loan of it ; telling me, he had divided it into two, and had preached it morning and evening to his congregation. With this sermon I intend to begin, God willing, next Sunday. * * * * Help, help me, my dear friend, with your warmest addresses to the throne of grace, that I may not only find mercy, but grace to help in time of need. * * * * O, cease not ; for I must again repeat it, cease not to pray for G. W." The intense energy of these appeals to God and man, forms a striking contrast to his first views of the ministry, and leads the mind to expect a corresponding energy in his preaching. " Being restrained from writing, I could not preach in the afternoon, though much solicited thereto. But I read prayers to the poor prisoners ; being willing to let the first act of my ministerial office be an act of charity. The next morning, waiting upon God in prayer, to know what he would have me to do, these words, ( Speak out, Paul,' came with great power to my soul. Immediately my heart was enlarged ; and I preached on the Sunday following to a very crowded audience, with as much freedom as though I had been a preacher for some years." The following letter illustrates the truth of this statement, and excites curiosity about the sermon itself. " My dear friend, Glory ! glory ! glory ! be ascribed to an Almighty Triune God. Last Sunday, in the afternoon, I preached my first ser- mon in the church of St. Mary De Crypt, where I was baptized, and also first received the sacrament of the Lord's supper. Curiosity, as you may easily guess, drew a large congregation together on the occasion. The sight, at first, a little awed me; but I was comforted by a heartfelt sense of the divine presence, and soon found the unspeakable advantage of having been accus- tomed to public speaking when a boy at school ; and of exhort- ing and teaching the prisoners, and poor people at their private houses, whilst at the University. By these means I was kept from being daunted overmuch. As I proceeded, I perceived the WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 37 fire kindled, till at last, though so young, and amidst a crowd of those who knew me in my infant, childish days, I trust I was enabled to speak with some degree of gospel authority. Some few mocked, but most, for the present, seemed struck ; and I have since heard, that a complaint had been made to the bishop, that I drove fifteen mad by the first sermon. The worthy pre- late, as I am informed, wished that the madness might not be forgotten before next Sunday. Before then, I hope my sermon upon ' He that is in Christ is a new creature/ will be completed. Blessed be God, I now find freedom in writing. Glorious Jesus ! 1 Unloose my stammering tongue to tell Thy love immense, unsearchable ! ' Being thus engaged, I must hasten to subscribe myself G. W." The sermon was on " The Necessity and Benefits of Religious Society," from Eccles. iv. 9 12, " Two are better than one," &c. That Whitefield should have chosen to commence his public ministry with such a subject, can only be accounted for by a reference to his peculiar circumstances. The social re- ligion of the Oxford methodists, and of the society he had formed in Gloucester, was a new thing, the principles of which required to be explained and defended. He had to leave, that week, the little flock collected during his visit. They were to be as sheep without a shepherd ; and that they might not dis- perse on his departure, he wisely vindicated the object of such meetings, and removed some of the odium attached to them. In this point of view, the subject was well chosen, and quite consistent with his determination to know nothing among men, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. The sermon will be found in the fifth volume of his works ; but as it is not printed from his own manuscript, it would be unfair to quote from it any specimens of his style. And yet, even in its present form, it breathes, in no ordinary degree, that freshness and warmth which characterize all his writings. It is not rolled from that " secret place of thunder" which the foregoing letters disclose 38 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. in his bosom, and which afterward pealed like the cloud on Sinai ; but it contains earnests of his future energy. It is not generally known, and this is not the place to explain it, but it is the fact, that whilst Whitefield never lost sight of his ordination vows, his views of the form of episcopal ordina- tion underwent such a change, that he declared to Ralph Er- skine, of his own accord, " I knew of no other way then ; but I would not have it in that way again, for a thousand worlds." The letter containing this acknowledgment, will be found in the Scotch part of his history. Perhaps no mind, since the apostolic age, has been more deeply affected, or suitably exercised, by 'i L1FK AND TIMES. 1'27 had done for our souls. A divine and strong sympathy seemed to be between us, and I was resolved to promote his interest with all my might. Accordingly, we took an account of the several societies, and agreed on such measures as seemed most conducive to promote the common interest of our Lord. Blessed be God ! there seems a noble spirit gone out into Wales; and I believe that, ere long, there will be more visible fruits of it. What inclines me strongly to think so is, that the partition wall of bigotry and party spirit is broken down, and ministers and teachers of different communions join with one heart and one mind, to carry on the kingdom of Jesus Christ. The Lord make all the Christian world thus minded ; for until this is done, we must, I fear, despair of any great reformation in the church of God." Any thing that would lessen the impression of these conclud- ing remarks, would be ill-timed, and in bad taste ; but still, it would be improper, even if it were possible, to forget that this fall of " the partition wall of bigotry and party spirit " has, like the fall of popish Babylon, been too often celebrated before the time, by sanguine and catholic men. It is now nearly a century since Whitefield said that it was fallen. Good man ! he thought the whole wall had surely given way, whenever he found an un- expected breach in it, at which he could enter with the gospel, even if he was pelted with the broken fragments. So other good men thought and said, during the novelty of Bible and Missionary Societies. Then, not only was the partition wall declared to be fallen, but bigotry was registered in the bills of mortality, and said to be buried for ever. And yet, even now that there is a far nobler spirit of reformation gone forth in the church, than ever Whitefield saw, or than the first friends of our great societies anticipated, the wall is higher than ever, and has, of late, had a copping of broken glass and rusty spikes laid upon it. There is, indeed, a sense in which, like Babylon, it is some- what fallen ; but the great and final " fall thereof " is yet to come in the case of both. Neither will fall, however, like the walls of Jericho, at one crash, nor by one crisis ; although both will be overthrown by one process by bearing around them the ark of the covenant, with the sound of its own trumpets. 128 It is when such men as George Whitefield and Howel Harris meet and blend their hallowed fires, to set a " whole princi- pality in a blaze/' that the wall of bigotry is shaken, by the numbers which climb over from both sides, to hear the gospel. From the moment these champions of the cross joined issue in Cardiff, Wales began to be evangelized. In 1715, the number of dissenting chapels was only 35; in 1810, it amounted to 954; in 1832, to more than 1400. They are still multiplying; and, lately, the debt upon them, so far as they are independent, has been wiped off by a burst of " the voluntary principle." What then must have been the spiritual state of Wales, at the beginning of the last century ? In 1715, there were only 35 dissenting chapels, and about 850 churches, in all the principality ! Whitefield says of his first interview with Howel Harris, " 1 doubt not but Satan envied our happiness ; but I hope, by the help of God, we shall make his kingdom shake. God loves to do great things by weak instruments, that the power may be of God, and not of man." Before leaving Cardiff, Whitefield preached again in the town-hall, to a large assembly. " My dear brother Harris sat close by me. I did not observe any scoffers within ; but with- out, some were pleased to honour me so far, as to trail a dead fox, and hunt it about the hall. But blessed be God, my voice prevailed. This being done, I went with many of my hearers, amongst whom were two worthy dissenting ministers, to public worship; and in the second lesson were these remarkable words, ' The high priests, and the scribes, and the chief of the people sought to destroy him ; but they could not find what they might do to him ; for all the people were attentive to him.' " In the afternoon, I preached again without any disturbance or scoffing. In the evening, I talked for above an hour and a half with the religious society, and never did I see a congrega- tion more melted down. The love of Jesus touched them to the quick. Most of them were dissolved in tears. They came to me after, weeping, bidding me farewell, and wishing I could continue with them longer. Thanks be to God, for such an entrance into Wales ! I wrestled with God for them in prayer, WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMKS. 129 and blessed His holy name for sending me into Wales. I hope these are the first-fruits of a greater harvest, if ever it should please God to bring me back from Georgia. Father, thy will be done ! " " Friday, March 9. Left Cardiff about six in the morning, and reached Newport about ten, where many came from Ponty- pool and other parts to hear me. The minister being asked, and readily granting us the pulpit, I preached with great power to about a thousand people. I think Wales is excellently well prepared for the gospel of Christ. They have, I hear, many burning and shining lights both among the dissenting and church ministers ; amongst whom Mr. Griffith Jones shines in particular. No less than fifty charity schools have been erect- ed by his means, without any settled visible fund ; and fresh ones are setting up every day. People make nothing of coming twenty miles to hear a sermon. Even so, Lord Jesus. Amen ! " On the following day Whitefield returned from this short ex- cursion to Bristol again, " baptized with " Welch " fire," and renewed his labours amongst the Kingswood colliers, with ex- traordinary power and success. He could not, however, forget the Welch tears, which had entreated him to stay longer. Ac- cordingly, on the 4th of April he visited Husk and Pontypool, and was met by Howel Harris again. At Husk, " The pulpit being denied, I preached upon a table, under a large tree, to some hundreds, and God was with us of a truth. On my way to Pontypool, I was informed by a man that heard it, that Counsellor H. did me the honour to make a public motion to Judge P. to stop me and brother Howel Harris from going about teaching the people. Poor man, he put me in mind of Tertullus, in the Acts ; but my hour is not yet come. I have scarce begun my testimony. For my finishing it, my enemies must have power over me from above. Lord, prepare me for that hour." This report did not prevent the curate of Pontypool from welcoming Whitefield to his pulpit. He also read prayers for him. After the sermon, it, was found that so many had come to hear, who could not find room in the church, that another sermon was loudly called for. " I went," he says, " and preach- s 130 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. ed to all the people in the field. I always find I have most power when I speak in the open air ; a proof to me that God is pleased with this way of preaching. I betook myself to rest, full of such unutterable peace as no one can conceive but those who/6*?/ it ! " " April 5th. All the way from Pontypool to Abergavenny, I could think of nothing so much as Joshua going from city to city, and subduing the devoted nations. Here I expected much opposition, having been informed that many intended to disturb me. But God impressed an awe upon all ; so that although there were many opposers, no one dared to utter a word. I did not spare the scoffers. Afterwards we retired and sung a hymn ; and some ladies having the curiosity to hear us, I took that opportunity of dissuading them against balls and assem- blies. Afterwards I learnt that they were the mistresses of the assemblies in Abergavenny. I hope God intended them good." " April 6th. Reached Carleon, a town famous for having thirty British kings buried in it, and producing three martyrs. I chose particularly to come hither, because when Howel Harris was here last, some of the baser sort beat a drum, and huzzaed around him, to disturb him. Many thousands came to hear ; but God suffered them not to move a tongue, although from the very same place, and I prayed for Howel Harris by name as I do in every place where I have preached in Wales. I believe the scoffers felt me, to some purpose. I was carried out beyond myself. Oh that the love of Christ would melt them down ! " " In the afternoon we set out for Trelek, ten miles from Car- leon ; but the Welch miles being very long, we could not reach it till almost dark ; so that many of the people who had been waiting for me were returned home. The church being denied, I stood on a horse-block before the inn, and preached to those who were left behind ; but I could not speak with such freedom as usual ; for my body was weak, through the fatigue of the past day." At the close of this second short excursion into Wales, Whitefield exclaims, " Oh how swiftly this week has glided WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 131 away ! To me, it has been but as one day. How do I pity those who complain that time hangs on their hands ! Let them but love Christ, and spend their whole time in his service, and they will find but few melancholy hours." Dr. Gillies says that in these tours Howel Harris preached after Whitefield, in Welch. He does not mean, of course, in the churches ; and Whitefield does not mention any Welch ser- mons. Harris followed up, however, the labours of his new friend with great power. " I thank God for his goodness to brother Howel Harris. I thank you for informing me of it ; " says Whitefield in a letter written whilst he was on his way to America. In another, from Philadelphia, to Harris himself, he writes thus : " I congratulate you on your success at Mon- mouth. By divine permission, in about a twelvemonth, I hope to make a second use of your field pulpits. Our principles agree, as face answers to face in the water. Since I saw you, God has been pleased to enlighten me more in that comfortable doctrine of election. At my return, I hope to be more explicit than I have been. God forbid that we should shun to declare the whole counsel of God." " The people of Wales are much upon my heart. I long to hear how the gospel nourishes among you. How prospers your ( inward man ? ' Being always doing no doubt you grow in grace. May you increase with all the increase of God ! As fast as I can, our Welch friends shall hear from me. Salute them most affectionately in my name. Put them in mind of the freeness and eternity of God's electing love, and be instant with them to lay hold on the perfect righteousness of Christ by faith. Talk to them, O talk to them, even till midnight, of the riches of His all-sufficient grace. Tell them, O tell them, what he has done for their souls, and how earnestly he is now interceding for them in heaven. Show them, in the map of the word, the kingdoms of the upper world and the transcendent glories of them ; and assure them all shall be theirs, if they be- lieve on Jesus Christ with their whole heart. Press them to believe on Him immediately. Intersperse prayers with your exhortations, and thereby call down fire from heaven, even the fire of the Holy Ghost, 132 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. To soften, sweeten, and refine, And melt them into love ! Speak every time, my dear brother, as if it were your last ; weep out, if possible, every argument, and compel them to cry, 'Behold how he loveth us.' Remember me remember me in your prayers, as being ever, ever yours." Thus Whitefield fanned the "Welch fire" from time to time. In another letter, from Boston, he says, " And is dear brother Howel Harris yet alive in body and soul ? I rejoice in your success. May you mount with wings like eagles ! You shall not be taken nor hurt, till the appointed hour be come. I hope your conversation was blessed to dear Mr. Wesley. Oh that the Lord may batter down his free-will (scheme,) and compel him to own His sovereignty and everlasting love. God is working powerfully in America. He fills me with His presence. Grace, grace ! Dear brother H. yours eternally." In another, from Philadelphia, he says, " Your letter, written nearly a twelvemonth ago, came to my hand this afternoon. My soul is knit to you. We both speak and think the same things. The Lord be with your spirit. Jesus manifests forth his glory daily in these parts. His word is like a fire and a hammer. Last week I saw many quite struck down. America, ere long, will be famous for Christians. Little did I think that I should preach in all the chief places of America ; but that is now done ! Glory be to rich, free, and sovereign grace. The Lord vouchsafe to us a happy meeting. O Wales, thou art dear to my soul ! Expect another journal shortly. But wait till we come to glory, fully to see and hear what God has done for your affectionate brother." When Whitefield returned to England, he continued to urge on Howel Harris to " abound in the work of the Lord," by every event that encouraged himself. " I want to see you face to face. I wish you could come up to London immediately, and stay whilst I am in the country. Or rather go and preach at Bristol, Gloucester, and Wiltshire, for about a fortnight, and then come up to London. Our congregations are large and so- lemn. I never had greater freedom in preaching. I am glad WHITEFIKLI/S LIFE AND TIMES. 133 brother Rowland is with you. Go on in the strength of our dear Lord, and you shall see Satan like lightning fall from heaven. May the Lord hide your precious soul under the shadow of his Almighty wings ! You need not fear my believing any reports to your disadvantage. Cease not to pray for yours, eternally." In the same spirit, he wrote to him from Edinburgh, the mo- ment that the fire began to kindle in Scotland. " My very dear brother Harris, though my eyes be dim, and my body calls for rest, I would fain send you a line before I go (to rest). I hope God is beginning such a work here, as he is now carrying on in New England. Night and day, Jesus fills me with his love. I have preached twice, and talked and walked much to day. My dear man, good night ! " He did not conceal from his friend the results of his inter- views with the Associate Presbytery, nor his opinion of their spirit. " My heart is much united to you. I utterly disap- prove of some persons' separating principles. Satan now turns himself into an angel of light, and stirs up God's children to tempt me to come over to some particular party. The Asso- ciate Presbytery have been hard upon me : but I find no free- dom any longer than I continue just as I am, and evangelize to all. I know not that I differ from you in one thing. God is doing great things here ! It would make your heart leap for joy, to be now in Edinburgh. I question if there be not up- wards of 300 in this city seeking after Jesus. Every morning, I have a constant levee of wounded souls. I am quite amazed when I think what God hath done here in a fortnight. I am only afraid lest the people should idolize the instrument, and not look enough to the glorious Jesus, in whom alone I desire to glory. Congregations consist of many thousands. Never did I see so many Bibles, nor people look into them with such attention, when I am expounding. Plenty of tears flow from the hearers' eyes. The love of Christ quite strikes me dumb. O grace, grace ! Let that be my song. I must away (to preach)." As might be expected, Whitefield did not fail to appeal to Howel Harris from the vantage ground of Cambuslang. Along with a copy of his journal of that memorable awakening, 134 he wrote thus : " The account sent with this will show you how often I have been enabled to preach ; but with what efficacy and success pen cannot describe. The glorious Redeemer seems advancing from congregation to congregation, carrying all before him. The Messrs. Erskine's people have kept a fast for me ; and give out that all the work, now in Scotland, is only delusion, and by the agency of the devil. O my dear brother, to what lengths in bigotry and prejudice may good men run ! I bless God, I can see the differences between God's children, and yet love them from my heart. What you say about poor Wales, affected me. I am sorry to hear there have been such divisions. But dividing times generally precede set- tling times. I should be glad to help the brethren in Wales My brother, my heart is full ! " Whitefield's letters on these subjects were not confined to Howel Harris. Both from America and Scotland, he wrote to other Welch friends in the church and amongst the dissenters ; and thus spread the tidings of the revivals, and of their reaction. The following extract from a letter to a clergyman in Wales, is highly characteristic of Whitefield. " God is on my side I will not fear what men nor devils say of, or do unto, me. The dear Erskiiies have dressed me in very black colours. Mr. Gibbs's pamphlet will show you how black. Dear men, I pity them. Writing, I fear, will be in vain. Oh for a mind divested of all sects, names, and parties. I think it is my one simple aim, to promote the kingdom of Jesus, without partiality or hypocrisy, indefinitely amongst all. I care not if the name of George Whitefield be banished out of the world, so that Jesus be ex- alted in it. Glory to His great name, we have seen much of his power and greatness in Scotland. Last sabbath and Mon- day, great things greater than ever, were seen at Kilsyth ! I preach twice every day with great power, and walk in liberty and love. At the same time, I see and feel my vileness, and take the blessed Jesus to be my righteousness and my all." To another clergyman in Wales, he wrote from Philadelphia thus : " When I first saw you at Cardiff, my heart rejoiced to hear what God had done for your soul. You were then under some displeasure from your rector (if I mistake not) for speak- WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 135 ing the truth as it is in Jesus. Ere now I hope you have had the honour of being quite thrust out. Rejoice, my dear bro- ther, and be exceeding glad ; for thus was our Lord and Saviour served before you. Naked, therefore follow a naked Christ. Freely you have received, freely give. If you preach the gos- pel, you shall live of the gospel. Though you go out without scrip or shoe, yet shall you lack nothing. Rather than you shall want, ravens, those birds of prey, shall be commanded to feed you. If we go forth in the spirit of apostles, we shall meet with apostolical success. Stir up, then, the gift of God which is within you. Be instant in season and out of season. Debase man, and exalt Jesus. Self-righteousness overturn overturn ! The people of Wales (at least the common people) will receive you gladly." Whitefield not only stirred up labourers thus, in Wales ; he also watched over their safety, when their labours brought them into trouble. Accordingly, when some of the fellowship meet- ings were indicted as conventicles, he appealed at once to the candour and justice of the bishop of Bangor. " I assure your Lordship, it is a critical time for Wales. Hundreds, if not thousands, will go in a boy " certain free-grace dissenters," as Gillies calls them. This phrase does not enable us to identify them with any of the three denominations. Perhaps it refers to Whitefield's defi- nition of " free grace indeed," in his Letter to Wesley : " free, because not free to all; but free, because God may with- hold or give it to whom, and when, he pleases." But whoever the dissenters thus characterized were, their timely help soon enabled him to turn the tide, which had set in against him. It realized for him, what had much refreshed him, when all his work was to " begin again," Beza's hint in the life of Calvin ; " Calvin is turned out of Geneva ; but, behold, a new church arises ! " Dr. Gillies says, " A fresh awakening immediately began. Congregations grew exceedingly large : and, at the people's desire, he sent for Messrs. Cennick, Harris, Seagrave, Humphries, &c. to assist." In the country also, and especially in Essex, (first at Braintree,) the old scene of " multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision," brgan to be renewed. And it was with no ordinary pleasure he then visited the many towns in Essex and Suffolk, such as Dedham, Halstead, Ipswich, &c., from which the pilgrim fathers of New England came ; and the counterparts of which he had found in America, perpetuating there the names and recollections of the mother country. I know of few studies so fraught and fragrant with delight, now that we know New England, as tracing in Mather's " Mag- nalia," upon his old maps, the first American edition of Old England. I shall never forget how sacred I felt that line of English towns to be, when I visited them, as the antitypes of the Magnalian maps ; nor the interest taken by the old families of the district, whilst I pointed out to them the coincidences, and congratulated them on the connexion. I myself, indeed, would not pass over Runnymede, to visit the cradles of the pil- grim fathers ; but no American Christian ought to visit Runny- mede, until he has been at Dedham, if he love his country. Whitefield's momentary reverses in London did not, as may be supposed, at all lessen his fame in Scotland, nor prevent the Erskines from urging upon him his promise to visit that coun- try. There, the Wesleys were considered as sadly " left to themselves," (E. Erskine,) if not as somewhat demented, when 206 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. they quarrelled with Whitefield's Calvinism, and avowed them- selves Arminians. There was also more than enough in Scot- land then, of an Arminianism not redeemed, like that of the Wesleys, by holy zeal or sterling piety, to render an eloquent Calvinist a welcome visitor to the godly ministers of both the kirk and the secession. Had Whitefield, therefore, wanted other letters of commendation to them, than his own character and fame ; or needed any thing to confirm the confidence he had won by his own letters and journals ; his rejection at the Foun- dery would have secured him a welcome both at Dunfermline and in Edinburgh. This he found on his arrival : but, lest his old and still dear friend, Wesley, should suspect him of accepting any honour at his expense, he renewed his correspondence with him, when his honours in Scotland were at their height. The following letter from Aberdeen is delightful : " Reverend and dear brother, I have for a long time expected that you would have sent an an- swer to my last ; but I suppose you are afraid to correspond with me, because I revealed your secret about the lot. Though much might be said for my doing it, yet I am sorry now, that any such thing dropped from my pen, and I humbly ask pardon. I find I love you as much as ever ; and pray God, if it be his blessed will, that we may all be united together. " It hath been for some days upon my heart to write to you. May God remove all obstacles that now prevent our union ! Though I hold particular election yet I offer Jesus freely to every individual soul. You may carry sanctification to what- ever degrees you will ; only I cannot agree, that the in-being of sin is to be destroyed in this life. " O my dear brother, the Lord has been much with me in Scotland, In about three weeks I hope to be at Bristol. May all disputings cease, and each of us talk of nothing but Jesus, and Him crucified ! This is my resolution. The Lord be with your spirit. I am, without dissimulation, ever yours." Lett. 363. The only letter of Wesley's on this subject, that I know of, is not like the above. It concludes thus : " The general tenor both of my public and private exhortations, when I touch there- on at all, as even my enemies know, if they would testify, is, WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 207 ' Spare the young man, even Absalom, for my sake.'" Southey's Wesley. This is David's language, but not David's spirit. It is sarcasm, more than sympathy ; as the whole strain of the letter shows. Dr. Southey justly says, " Wesley felt more re- sentment than he here thought proper to express." Ibid. Whitefield had, however, been as dictatorial in some of his remonstrances, at the beginning of the controversy, as Wesley was sarcastic at the close. On one occasion he wrote thus : " Dear brother Wesley, what mean you by disputing in all your letters ? May God give you to know yourself, and then you will not plead for absolute perfection, nor call election a doc- trine of devils. My dear brother, take heed ! See that you are in Christ a new creature. Beware of a false peace. Remember you are but a bale in Christ if so much. Be humble. Talk little. Pray much. If you will dispute, stay till you are master of the subject; otherwise you will hurt the cause you would defend." Whatever truth there may be in this tirade, it is more than defeated by its unhallowed form. Such an appeal could only exasperate. Not, however, in this style generally, did Whitefield appeal to his brother and friend. It was more usual with him to write thus : " Why will you dispute ? I am willing to go with you to prison arid death ; but I am not willing to oppose you." " Do not oblige me to preach against you : I had rather die." " Dear, dear Sir, O be not offended! For Christ's sake be not rash. Give yourself to reading. Study the cove- nant of grace. Down with your carnal reasoning. Be a little child ; and then, instead of pawning your salvation, as you have done, in a late Hymn Book, if the doctrine of universal redemp- tion be not true, you will compose a hymn in praise of sovereign, distinguishing love. " I love and honour you for Christ's sake ; and when I come to judgment will thank you before men and angels for what you have, under God, done for my soul. There, I am persuaded, ] shall see dear Mr. Wesley convinced of election and everlast- ing love. And it often fills me with pleasure, to think how I shall behold you casting your crown at the feet of the Lamb and, as it were, filled with a holy blushing for opposing the divine sovereignty as you have done. But I hope the Lord will 208 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. show you this, before you go hence. Oh how do I long for that day ! " . (It is somewhat amusing to find this passage, the first one quoted by Dr. Southey, just after his declaration, that Whitefield's " written compositions are nearly worthless.") Having given these specimens of the spirit of both parties in this breach, it is only bare justice to Whitefield, to state strongly the trying circumstances he was in, when Wesley cut with him. Southey truly and tenderly says, " Many things combined to sour him at this time." Seward, on whose life and fortune he had calculated for the sake of Georgia, was just dead, and had left him nothing. He was deeply in debt for the orphan-house, and more deeply pledged. He was in danger of being arrested every day for 450, whilst he had not twenty pounds in the world, and hardly a friend to help him. He was all but hissed by the multitude, who formerly were almost ready to cry, " Hosanna," when they saw him in the streets. His heart was torn by the pressure of strife at home, and by the prospect of distress abroad. Is it any wonder that he should have been betrayed into hasty, and even some harsh, reflections upon Wesley ? Could he think well of the doctrine of "perfection" whilst its champion and adherents were so imperfect, as to leave him to sink or swim, as it might happen ? True ; he had given his old friend great pro- vocation, by turning the laugh against his lottery ; and all men resent an exposure of their weakness, more than an injury to their property : but still, Wesley could have afforded to wait, whilst Whitefield was in danger of imprisonment for debt, and well nigh overwhelmed with disappointments. This was just the time for a perfectionist to " heap coals of fire " upon the head of an enemy ; and to pawn something upon the truth of universal love, as well as his " salvation upon the truth of uni- versal redemption." Whitefield would have pawned the FOUN- DERY, had it been his, to save and soothe Wesley, had he come from America, embarrassed and bowed down with care. Who does not see and feel this ? It is painful, but it is very necessary, to place the matter in this light ; for if the faults of such men are hushed up, such faults will be repeated and perpetuated by men who have fewer redeeming qualities. Future quarrels are not to be prevented 209 by forgetting the past. It is by seeing how unseemly strife be- tween great brethren is, that little brethren learn to dread its l);\i^innings. He is throwing back the progress of brotherly love in the church, who would bury in oblivion, or veil in vague ge- neralities, the " sharp contention " between Whitefield and Wesley. Like Paul and Barnabas, they can afford to have it all told, without sustaining any material loss of fame or influ- ence. They are just the men whose faults should be transmitted to posterity, that posterity may not glory in men, nor think more highly of them than they ought to think ; and that similar men, of like passions, may not run into like extremes. He is not, therefore, the best friend of " peace on earth," whatever be his love for Whitefield or Wesley, who would throw a veil over the rashness of the former, or over the selfishness of the latter, on this occasion. Whitefield was rash. He listened to tale-bearers, who put the worst construction upon Wesley's hard words against Cal- vinism, and harsh treatment of the Kingswood Calvinists. He rashly promised not to preach against him, and as rashly threat- ened to oppose him every where. He wept with Charles, and scolded John. In a word, they were, as he says, only " kept from anathematizing each other," for a time ; so divided were they in judgment, although not exactly alienated in affection. This is, indeed, a humiliating exhibition : but how full of warning it is ! The oracle, " ye are brethren," which had so often fallen upon their ear and their heart, like music from heaven, fell unheeded on both for a time, although both were absorbed with equal zeal for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. But whilst the spirit of their breach was thus deplor- able, it is impossible to deplore the breach itself. It fell out to " the furtherance of the gospel." Wesley foresaw this, as well as prayed for it : " The case is quite plain. There are bigots both for and against predestination. God is sending a message to those on either side : but neither will receive it, unless from one who is of their own opinion. Therefore, for a time, you are suffered to be of one opinion, and I of another." Whitefield's heart responded to this, although his acuteness did not discern it so fully : " The great day will discover, why the Lord per- 210 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. mits dear Mr. Wesley and me to be of a different way of think- ing. At present, I shall make no inquiry into that matter, be- yond the account he has given of it. I heartily pray God to hasten the time, when we shall be closely united in principle and judgment, as well as in heart and affection : and then, should the Lord call to it, I care not if I go with him to prison or to death. For, like Paul and Silas, I hope we shall sing praises to God, and count it our highest honour to suffer for Christ's sake, and to lay down our lives for the brethren." Preface to " A Letter to Wesley." An earlier day than " the great day " discovered why White- field and Wesley were permitted both to differ and divide. It was a happy thing for the world and the church that they were not of one opinion : for had they been united in either extreme, truth would have made less progress. As joint Arminians, they would have spread Pelagianism ; and as joint Calvinists, they would have been hyper, though not antinomian. It was well, therefore, that they modified each other : for they were " two suns," which could not have fixed in " one meridian," without setting on fire the whole course of sound theology. In their respective spheres, however, they were equally blessed, notwithstanding the difference of their creeds on some points. This is not inexplicable, when it is remembered that they agreed thoroughly in exalting the Saviour, and in honouring the Eter- nal Spirit. And their mode of honouring the Spirit deserves particular attention. They sought and cherished His tmction for themselves, as well as enforced the necessity of His opera- tions upon others. And until preaching be, itself, a tf demon- stration of the Spirit and of power," as well as in humble de- pendence upon the Spirit, its effects will not be very great, nor remarkably good. It will win but few souls to Christ, and even their character will not, in general, rise high in the beauty of holiness, nor in the zeal of love. They may just keep their name and their place in the church of the living God ; but they will not be to Him, nor to his church, " for a name and an everlast- ing sign." \VIHTi:FlKU)'s LIFK AND TIMKS. -Ml There is much more connexion between the piety of a church, and the spirituality of its minister, than appears at first sight ; and between his preaching, and the conversion of sinners, than is usually kopt in view. A minister not spiritually-minded, Loth " quenches the Spirit " on the altar of renewed hearts, and prevents the sacred lire from reaching the altar of unregenerated hearts. He who is not " a sweet savour of Christ," makes him- self" a savour of death unto death," inevitably: of the second death to the undecided; and of spiritual deadness to the church. It was not in this sense, that Paul was a savour of both life and death, during his ministry. The lost made him, what he became to them ; by turning into death the very truth which quickened the saved : for it was the same fragrance of " the knowledge of Christ," which proved the savour of death unto death to the former, that proved the savour of life unto life to the latter. Paul did as much, and said as much, and prayed as much, and all in the same spirit too, for the impenitent, as for the considerate ; for despisers, as for penitents. Both saw and heard in his preaching, the same " demonstration of the Spirit and of power." He stood before each class, equally the ambas- sador of Christ, and beseeching both alike to be reconciled unto God. So did Baxter, Edwards, Whitefield, and the Wesleys. Whenever they were the savour of death unto death, they were made so by those who perished under their ministry. Such men might, therefore, without presumption or imprudence, ap- ply to themselves the apostolic maxim, " We are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish." Such ministers would not, indeed, say this without adding, " Who is sufficient for these things ?" nor without weep- ing whilst they said, " to the other we are a savour of death unto death;" but they could not blame themselves with the blood of souls. It was not their fault, that any were lost, who heard them ; for they extended the golden sceptre of mercy as freely, and frequently, and fervently, to the heedless and the hardened, as to the thoughtful or the timid. This is a very different case from that of a minister, who preaches the gospel without the demonstration of the Spirit, or power. He makes himself the savour of death unto death to 212 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. others, even when he teaches " the knowledge of Christ ;" be- cause he breathes not the fragrance of that knowledge. He, therefore, has no right to throw himself upon the apostolic maxim, when his ministry is unsuccessful. It is unsuccessful, because it is unsavoury. It brings no sinners to life, because it is lifeless : for it is the " savour " of the knowledge of Christ, that God " maketh manifest in every place," 2 Cor. ii. 14; and that savour cannot breathe from the lips or looks of a minister, unless his heart burn with love to Christ and immor- tal souls. It is high time that the church of Christ should consider, not only the duty of depending on the Spirit, but also the import and the importance of the " demonstration of the Spirit," in preaching. That is more than the demonstration of orthodoxy. It is more than the demonstration of either sound scholarship or hard study. It is even more than the demonstration of mere sincerity and fidelity. Sincerity may be cold, and fidelity harsh Even zeal may be party rivalship, or personal vanity ; whilst it seems holy fire searching only for incense to the glory of God and the Lamb. To preach in demonstration of the Spirit, is even more than bringing out " the mind of the Spirit," faith- fully and fully. The real meaning of His oracles may be honestly given, and yet their true spirit neither caught nor conveyed. " What the Spirit saith unto the churches," may be repeated to the churches without evasion or faltering ; but it will not be heard as His counsel or consolation, unless it is spoken with something of his own love and solemnity. He is the Spirit of power, and of grace, and of love, as well as the Spirit of truth and wisdom ; and therefore He is but half copied in preach- ing, when only his meaning is given. That meaning lies in His mind, not merely as truth, nor as law, nor as wisdom, but also as sympathy, solicitude, and love for the souls it is addressed unto. The words of the Spirit are spirit and life ; and there- fore the soul, as well as the substance, of their meaning is essen- tial to faithful preaching. They can hardly be said to be the words of the Holy Ghost, when they are uttered in a spiritless or lifeless mood. This will be more obvious by looking at " the truth, as it is WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMKS. 213 in Jesus." In Him it is grace as well as truth. All his heart, and soul, and strength, breathes and burns in his words. His mot ires are part of his meaning. He explains the great salva- tion, that he may endear and enforce its claims at the same time. He makes us feel, that he feels more for our souls than words can express. He compels us to see a beaming of earnest- ness in his eye, and to hear a beating of intense solicitude in his heart, and to recognise a fixedness of purpose in all his manner, unspeakably beyond all he says. The real pleading of the Saviour with sinners begins where his words end. His iveep- i)i,> soul, and pray God to reward you for this, and all other your works of faith and labours of love. You may depend on my not being prejudiced against you or your brethren by any evil report. They only endear you to me more and more; and were your enemies to represent you as black as hell, I should think you were the more glorious in the sight of Heaven. Your sweet criticisms and remarks on my journal and sermons were - exceedingly acceptable and very just. I assure you, dear Sir, I am fully convinced of the doctrine of election, free justification, and final perseverance. My observations on the quakers were only intended for those particular persons with whom I then conversed. The tenets of the quakers, in general, about justifi- cation, I take to be false and unscriptural. Your adversaries need take no advantage against you by any thing I have written, for I think it every minister's duty to declare against the cor- ruptions of that church to which they belong, and not to look upon those as true members of their communion, who deny its public constitutions. This is your case in Scotland and ours in England. I see no other way for us to act at present than to go on preaching the truth as it is in Jesus ; and then, if our brethren cast us out, God will direct us to that course which is most conducive to his glory and his people's good. I think I have but one objection against your proceedings your in- sisting only on presbyterian government, exclusive of all other ways of worshipping God. Your welfare is much upon my heart ; and, as I am enabled, I make mention of you in my prayers. Your weak unworthy brother, and fellow-labourer in Christ, GEORGE WHITEFIELD." In a letter of nearly the same date, addressed to Mr. Gilbert Tennent, Whitefield, alluding to the above communication, says, " Since my arrival here, I have received a sweet, endearing, and instructive letter from Mr. Ralph Erskine." About two months, however, prior to the receipt of this " en- dearing " letter, Whitefield had despatched three letters from Philadelphia ; one to the Associate Presbytery, a second to 236 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. Ebenezer Erskine, and a third to Ralph ; in all of which he solicits information about the constitution and covenants of the Scotch kirk, and especially about the Cameronians : a bishop having called the seceders by that name, and thus made him somewhat jealous of their spirit. In subsequent letters, also, he repeats his determination to be " quite neuter " on the sub- ject of church government and reform in Scotland. Thus, never were men more prepared to love and welcome each other, than Whitefield and the Erskines. He thought the Associate Presbytery " a little too hard upon " him, and Ralph too much on their side, in pressing him to "join them wholly ;" but, otherwise, he had great confidence in both brothers, and they in him. On his arrival in Edinburgh, he accordingly resisted all applications made to him to preach there before he went to Dunfermline, although they were made to him by persons of the first distinction in the city. In a letter to a friend, he says, " I determined to give the Erskines the fast offer of my poor mi- nistrations, as they gave me the first invitation to Scotland." Lett. 337, vol. I. Ralph says of him, " he came to me over the belly of vast opposition." Whitefield says, " I was received very lovingly at Dunfermline." So far the interview was mutually gratifying. Whitefield was surprised and delighted when he preached in the meeting-house, to an immense assembly, by the rustling of a host of Bibles all at once, as he gave out his text : " a scene," he says, " I never was witness to before!" and Ralph was equally pleased with the sermon and the preacher. He wrote next day to Ebenezer thus ; " The Lord is evidently with him ;" and to Adam Gibb, (whose spirit seems to have been suspicious of Whitefield from the first,) " I have many pleasant things to say of him :" " I see the Lord is with him." Indeed, Ralph did every thing, wise and kind, in order to bring on a happy meeting between Whitefield and the Presbytery. He prepared Ebenezer for this by informing him, that White- field had " owned" to him, on the subject of his ordination," that he would not have it again in that way for a thousand worlds ; but, then, he knew no other way." Fraser's Life of R. Erskine, p. 326. To Gibb he wrote, " He designs and desires to meet 237 with the brethren. I expect he will call for you." Whilst Ralph thus conciliated the brethren, he was equally candid in telling them what they had to expect: " As to his preaching, he de- clares he can refuse no call to preach, whoever gives it: were it a Jesuit or a Mahometan, he would embrace it for testifying against them." " I find" (to Gibb) "his light leads him to preach, even at the call of those against whom he can freely tes- tify. I hope you will inform Mair and Hutton." Frascr, 327. Such were the preliminary steps to an interview and negocia- tion, which Dr. Gillies (himself of the church party) has ab- ruptly introduced, and hastily dismissed, " as a conference to set Whitefield right about church government, and the solemn league and covenant." It certainly was about these points; but as certainly not for the sake of these points, apart from the spi- ritual purposes they were intended to answer. Besides, neither the church government, nor the solemn league and covenant, were the inventions or the peculiarities of the Secession. Whe- ther good, bad, or indifferent things, they were the platform of the kirk of Scotland. Willison of Dundee, sustained by a num- ber of the clergy, testified as loudly at the time against " de- nying the lawfulness or obligation of our national covenant engagements," as Erskine and his brethren. Strut hers 8 Hist. Scotland. And who does not see, that Dr. Gillies and his party, had they been negociating with Whitefield to join them, would just have begun as the Associate Presbytery did, by setting him " right, about the same points ? " Indeed, Willison of Dundee did press the same points upon Whitefield, by letter ; and re- ceived from him much the same answer he gave to the seceders : " I wish you would not trouble yourself or me, in writing about the corruptions of the church of England. You seem not satis- fied, methinks, unless I openly renounce the church of England, and declare myself a presbyterian. Your letter gave me some little concern. I thought it breathed a sectarian spirit, to which I hoped dear Mr. W. was quite averse. I have shown my free- dom in communicating with the church of Scotland, and in bap- tizing children in their own way. / can go no further" Lett. p. 429. Thus the Secession were not the only sticklers for presbyte- 238 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. rianism. They made it, however, what the clergy did not, the condition of employing Whitefield. His own account of the negociation with the Presbytery, although graphic, is rather too humoursome for the gravity of history, when the facts affect a body of christians. Whilst, therefore, I admire the candour of Fraser in giving Whitefield's half-playful letter first, I prefer to give the Presbytery's own narrative first ; because the transac- tion involves their character most, and because their subsequent attacks on Whitefield were far more inexcusable than their treat- ment of him at Dunfermline. The official minutes of this conference are, I am afraid, irre- coverably lost. That they did exist is, however, evident from a letter to Gibb, from Ralph Erskine, requesting a copy of them. " I expected before this time a copy of the conversation we had with Mr. Whitefield in this place. I have some occasions that require my having it. Therefore, please send me, if you can, a copy with this post." Fraser s Life. This letter makes it highly probable, that the following ori- ginal memorandum, written about the time by Ebenezer Erskine, is substantially correct, so far as it goes. It was copied verba- tim from the short-hand characters of Erskine, in a note-book recently discovered by Fraser. " Here follows an account of a conversation held with Mr. Whitefield at Dunfermline, Wednes- day, Aug. 5th, 1741. The ministers of the Presbytery present were Messrs. Ralph and Ebenezer Erskine, Mr. Moncrieff, Mr. Gibb, Messrs. Tlwmas and James Mair, Mr. Clarkson ; and two elders, namely, Mr. James Wardlaiv, and Mr. John Mowbray" " We, being advertised to be here this day, by a letter from Mr. Ralph Erskine, who had formed the tryst with Mr. White- field ; Mr. Ralph's letter bearing, that Mr. Whitefield desired the conference, &c. and that he had yielded so far to him, as to his episcopal ordination, that he would not take it again for a thousand worlds ; but at the time he knew no better. " Upon Tuesday night, when we arrived at the place, we waited upon Mr. W. at Mr. Erskine's house ; where and when we had some conversation about several things relating to the state of affairs in the church. " Wednesday forenoon, the ministers and elders above men- tioned.met with Mr. \Yhitefield, in consequence of a letter from Mr. Ralph Krskine, desiring tli^y would have a conference wilh him: and they having mot as above, a motion was made thai Mr. Ebenezer Krskine pray before they entered upon conversa- tion. As Mr. \Yhilelield showed an inclination to proceed to a conference about toleration for a time, it was proposed, that, seeing toleration of all sects by a church is an opinion of his, as supported by some scriptures, it was thought fit to consider, what is that form of government Christ has laid down in his word .' And. agreeably to this, Mr. Whitefield put the question, Whether preshyteriaii government be that which is agreeable to the pattern shown in the mount? And supposing that it is, if it excluded a toleration of such as independents, anabaptists, and episcopalians, among whom are good men ? " Mr. Kbenezer Erskine said to him, ' Sir, God has made you an instrument of gathering a great multitude of souls to the faith and profession of the gospel of Christ, throughout England and in foreign parts : and now it is fit that you should be con- sidering how that body is to be organized and preserved ; which cannot be done without following the example of Paul and Bar- nabas, who, when they had gathered churches by preaching the gospel, visited them again, and ordained over them elders in every city; which you cannot do alone, without some two or three met together in a judicative capacity, in the name of the Lord.' " Unto all which Mr. Whitefield replied, (how like him !) that he reckoned it his present duty to go on in preaching the gospel, without proceeding to any such work. " It was urged, that it might please the Lord to call him (by death ) ; and in that case, there being none other, the flock might be scattered, and fall into the hands of grievous wolves, without any to care for them. He said, that he being of the communion of the church of England, had none to join him in that work ; and that he had no freedom to separate from the church of England, until they did cast him out or excommunicate him." 1 Here, unhappily, Erskine's memorandum closes ; and, to his honour, it contains no reflections upon the spirit of Whitefield, although he said some sharp things, which must have been not 240 a little trying to the patience of stanch presbyterians. Neither Whitefield nor the Presbytery, however, were so calm as they appear in this still-life picture ; Dr. Jamieson himself being the judge. When he animadverted upon Rowland Hill's " Journal of a Tour in Scotland," he said, " That, after a good deal of rea- soning (there was some railing too) as to a particular form of church government being prescribed in Scripture, Mr. White- field, laying his hand on his heart, said, ' I do not find it here.' Mr. A. Moncrieff, who was of a warm temper, giving a rap on the Bible, which was lying on the table, said, ' But I find it here.' " The Doctor adds, " On this, if I mistake not, the con- versation terminated ; and it has still been asserted, that the proper ground of their giving up any connexion with Mr. White- field was his denial that any particular form of church govern- ment was of divine authority ; and declaring his resolution to maintain this in his public ministrations." So thought and wrote Dr. Jamieson, who was not there : not so, however, did Whitefield think or write. I keep out of the question still, his playful letter, as it is called, because Fraser says, that " it has been eagerly appealed to by writers, who wished to expose the Associate Presbytery to ridicule and contempt." Besides, it was a letter to Noble of New York, in answer to one about a new synod by the Tennents ; and thus had a purpose to answer in America, which warranted, what Fraser calls, " its indications " of Whitefield's " constitutional vein for humour." None of these objections, if they be such, lie against the following letters ; which were written " weeping," and to men who knew the facts of the Dunfermline conference. Now, on the eighth day after it, Whitefield wrote thus to one of the sons of Ebenezer Erskine, at Stirling : " The treatment I met with from the Associate Presbytery was not altogether such as I expected. It grieved me, as much as it did you. I could scarce refrain from bursting into a flood of tears. I wish all were like-minded with your honoured father and uncle : matters would not then be carried on with so high a hand. Such violent methods such a narrow way of acting can never be the way to promote and enlarge the kingdom of our blessed Jesus. " It surely must be wrong to forbid even our hearing those WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 241 who love our Lord Jesus in sincerity, and have also been owned of him. Christ would not have done so. " Supposing the scheme of government for which the Asso- ciate Presbytery contend to be Scriptural ; yet, forbearance and long-suffering is to be exercised towards such as may differ from them. I am verily persuaded there is no such form of govern- ment prescribed in the book of God, as excludes a toleration of all other forms whatsoever. Were the Associate Presbytery scheme to take effect, they must, out of conscience, if they acted consistently, restrain and grieve, if not persecute, many of God's children, who could not possibly come in to their measures ; and I doubt not but their present violent methods, together with the corruptions of the Assembly, will cause many to become independents, and set up particular churches of their own. This was the effect of Archbishop Laud's acting with so high a hand : and whether it be presbytery or episcopacy, if managed in the same manner, it will be productive of the same effects. Blessed be God, I have not so learned Christ ! " Lett. 347. Would any man in his senses have written thus to David Er- skine, had there been nothing more violent at Dunfermline than MoncriefPs rap on the table ; or had nothing been insisted upon but the divine authority of presbytery ? This letter both im- plies and asserts the avowal of intolerance, on the part of all but the Erskines : and even they wanted to shackle Whitefield with all the links of their own chain of exclusiveness. Ralph forgot himself so far, as to suspect and insinuate, in a letter, that Whitefield temporized for the sake of the orphans. This fact does not appear in the " previous jottings, which show the scope of that letter ;" (Fraser ;) but it appears in the dignified and in- dignant answer : " Indeed, dear Sir, you mistake if you think I temporize on account of the orphans. Be it far from me ! I abhor the very thought of it. I proceed now, just as I have done, ever since I came out in the ministry." Lett. 350. Even the "jottings" charge Whitefield (in " sorrow " indeed) with " coming harnessed with a resolution, to stand out against every thing that might be said against ;" and with not " lying open to light," but " declining conversation on that head." Now, whatever this mean, the answer is unequivocal : 242 " I thank you for your kind letter. I believe it proceeded from love ; but, as yet, I cannot think the solemn league and cove- nant any way binding upon me. You seem to think, I am not open to light. That I may give you satisfaction on that head, I am willing to confer with Mr. W at Perth, on Thurs- day, Sept. 3rd." Ibid. Whitefield takes no notice of the charge of " coming harnessed " to the conference. Perhaps Erskine softened it in the letter. If this was not the case, then White- field did not condescend to notice it. Something equivalent, however, was in the letter. Erskine says of it, to Gibb, " I have sent Mr. Whitefield this day a letter, wherein I used much plainness with him, on account of his declining conversation with us upon church government, and upon the influence I dreaded he is now under ; although all my plainness was in the most kindly way." Fraser, p. 335. Fraser refers this " influence and harnessing " to " prejudices infused into Whitefield's mind against the ministers of the Se- cession, and the cause in which they had embarked, at the very moment of his first landing in Scotland." In proof of this, he quotes the fact, that Whitefield was " met and entertained at Edinburgh, by Dr. Webster and some of his brethren ; from whom he learned the state of church prejudices and parties in Scotland." There can be no doubt of the truth of this. It is, however, equally true, that he found the Associate Presbytery to be as intolerant as their enemies had represented them : and if any thing worse was said against them, in his hearing, it did not prevent him from visiting them, nor from treating them as brethren in Christ. Even in his playful letter (which I now subjoin) there is as much kindliness as humour. TO MR. THOMAS NOBLE, AT NEW YORK. " Edinburgh, Aug. 8th, 1741. " My dear brother, I have written you several letters; and I rejoice to hear that the work of the Lord prospers in the hands of Messrs. Ten- nents, &c. ; am glad they intend to meet in a synod by them- selves. Their catholic spirit will do good. The Associate Presbytery here are so confined, that they will not so much as 243 hear me preach, unless I only will join with them. Mr. Ralph E , indeed, did hear me, and went up with me into the pulpit of the Canongate church. The people were ready to shout for joy ; hut, I believe, it gave offence to his associates. I met most of them, according to appointment, on Wednesday last a set of grave, venerahle men ! They soon agreed to form themselves into a presbytery, and were proceeding to choose a moderator. I asked them for what purpose ? They answered, to discourse, and set me right, about the matter of church go- vernment, and the solemn league and covenant. I replied, they might save themselves that trouble, for I had no scruples about it ; and that settling church government, and preaching about the solemn league and covenant, was not my plan. I then told them something of my experience, and how I was led out into my present way of acting. One in particular said, he was deeply affected ; and the dear Mr. E desired they would have patience with me, for that, having been born and bred in Eng- land, and never studied the point, I could not be supposed to be so perfectly acquainted with the nature of their covenants. One, much warmer than the rest, immediately replied, f that no in- dulgence was to be shown me ; that England had revolted most with respect to church government ; and that I, born and edu- cated there, could not but be acquainted with the matter now in debate.' I told him, I had never yet made the solemn league and covenant the object of my study, being too busy about mat- ters, as I judged, of greater importance. Several replied, that every pin of the tabernacle was precious. I said, that in every building there were outside and inside workmen ; that the latter, at present, was my province ; that if they thought themselves called to the former, they might proceed in their own way, and I should proceed in mine. I then asked them seriously, what they would have me to do ; the answer was, that I was not desired to subscribe immediately to the solemn league and co- venant ; but to preach only for them till I had further light. I asked, why only for them ? Mr. Ralph E said, ' they were the Lord's people.' I then asked, whether there were no other Lord's people but themselves ? and supposing all others were the devil's people, they certainly had more need to be 244 preached to, and therefore I was more and more determined to go out into the highways and hedges ; and that if the pope him- self would lend me his pulpit, I would gladly proclaim the right- eousness of Jesus Christ therein. Soon after this, the company broke up ; and one of these, otherwise venerable men, immedi- ately went into the meeting-house, and preached upon these words, ( Watchman, what of the night ? Watchman, what of the night ? The watchman said, The morning cometh, and also the night, if ye will inquire, inquire ye ; return, come.' I attended ; but the good man so spent himself in the former part of his ser- mon, in talking against prelacy, the common-prayer book, the surplice, the rose in the hat, and such like externals, that when he came to the latter part of his text, to invite poor sinners to Jesus Christ, his breath was so gone, that he could scarce be heard. What a pity that the last was not first, and the first last ! The consequence of all this was, an open breach. I re- tired, I wept, I prayed, and after preaching in the fields, sat down and dined with them, and then took a final leave. At table, a gentlewoman said, she had heard that I had told some people, that the Associate Presbytery were building a Babel. I said, ( Madam, it is quite true ; and I believe the Babel will soon fall down about their ears :' but enough of this. Lord, what is man, what the best of men, but men at the best ? I think I have now seen an end of all perfection. Our brethren in America, blessed be God, have not so learned Christ. Be pleased to inform them of this letter." Now, certainly, had it not been for the use made of this letter by the enemies of the Secession, who interpreted the prophecy, and wielded the wit of it wantonly, it requires no apology. It is as true as it is graphic ; not, perhaps, to the very letter of the scene, but to the spirit of it. It just embodies, in lively forms, the very ideas suggested by the preceding details. Even the prophecy in it was sufficiently fulfilled, to accredit the foresight of Whitefield. Enough of what was " Babel " in the synod, soon fell down " about their ears." The division of the Seces- sion, in 1747, into burghers and antiburghers, with the bitter controversy it originated, was more than enough to justify the 245 prediction. Even Fraser applies to that sharp contention fa- ther Paul's proverb, that " In verbal contentions, the smallness of the difference often nourishes the obstinacy of the parties." It was not, therefore, necessary to rebut Whitefield's prophecy, even if it was uttered with " oracular solemnity," by the fact, that the edifice of the Secession " has now lasted for almost a century," and was not " so obnoxious to the frowns of Heaven, as that good man imagined." Fraser's E. Erskine. Had that " good man " seen it as it now subsists, he would have been as ready as Fraser or Jamieson to say, " the Secession church has become a fair, strong, and extensive fabric, in no great danger of soon tumbling into ruins." Ibid. The bad use made of this far-famed letter, by Sir Harry Mon- crieff and others, in order to ridicule the Secession, and carica- ture its venerable founders, has tempted Fraser to find more fault with the letter than it is really chargeable with, or than he could justify. Hence he has quoted from a Review of Sir Harry's Life in " The Christian Repository," the unchristian assertion, that " no one, who knew any thing of Ralph Erskine, will for a moment believe that he would have said of the Se- ceders, ( we are the Lord's people.' ' It is believed by many who know and believe that Ralph Erskine, a year before this time, and many times in later years, said, " We are far from thinking all are Christ's friends that join with us, or that all are His enemies that do not. No, indeed ! This would be to cast off all that have Christ's image unless they have our image too." Fraser. There is so much candour characterizes Eraser's version of these transactions, that I am unwilling to criticize his narrative. It is, however, impossible to agree with him in his conclusion " that considerate and unbiassed judges will see cause, on the whole, to conclude that Mr. Whitefield and the Associate Pres- bytery parted in a manner, which has left no credit to either party." Neither the manner nor the spirit of Whitefield's part- ing reflects any discredit upon him. In Edinburgh the issue of this iiegociation was waited for with more than curiosity. The clergy welcomed Whitefield's return to their pulpits in the city as a triumph to the kirk : and 246 it was a triumph at the time. As such, however, he cared no- thing about it. He forgot, equally, the joy of the kirk, and the mortification of the chapel, in seeking the triumphs of the cross. Whilst churchmen were pluming themselves on their gain, and seceders trying to despise their loss, he was singing with Paul, " Now thanks be unto God, who always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest by us the savour of His know- ledge in every place." It was manifested in Edinburgh, arid became " the savour of life unto life " to very many in all ranks. For some weeks he preached twice or thrice every day in the churches, and renewed in the orphan-house park the scenes of Moorfields and Blackheath. He obtained also 500 for his orphans, in money or goods. The latter was a timely help to him. How much he felt this will be best told by himself. In a letter to Mr. Habersham, he says, " O my dear friend, how faithful is the Lord Jesus ! He has enabled me to pay my brother, and Mr. Noble's bill of 300. I have sent you 70 worth of different sorts of goods to be dis- posed of, and the money applied to the orphan-house. I have sent also six hundred yards of cloth, a present of my own, to make the boys and girls gowns and coats. You will find some damask table cloths, which I desire you will sell, they being too good, in my opinion, for our use." Whitefield could not appreciate the moral value of this last gift ; but all Scotchmen well understand the sacrifice made by Scotchwomen, in thus contributing damask nappery ! It was next to parting with their wedding ring. Had he known this, he would not have sold the table cloths ! Such presents in money or goods were new things in Edin- burgh then, and, of course, misrepresented by many. Some were alarmed, lest he should " impoverish the country ! " His answer to all insinuations of this kind was, " I value them not in the least. My largest donations are from the rich and sub- stantial. The mites which the lower sort of the people have given, will not prevent them from paying their debts, nor impo- verish their families." When, however, it was proposed to make a contribution in Edinburgh for himself, although privately, he changed his tone, and said, " I know nothing of and will not 247 admit of any such thing ! I make no purse. What I have I give away. ' Poor, yet making many rich, shall be my motto still." Letter. Whitefield's own accounts of the success of the gospel in Edinburgh at this time, alt hough Jlaming, are not exaggerated. Dr. Muir, who witnessed the effect, says, " Upon the whole, we hope there is such a flame kindled, as shall never be extin- guished. The ministers are learning to speak with new tongues." Edin. Memoir. The only drawback upon the fol- lowing accounts is, an appearance of vanity, when the nobility are mentioned ; and of flattery, when they are addressed. Dr. Southey says truly, that " Wesley would not have written in this strain :" but it is equally true, that Jeremy Taylor, and Dr. Donne, wrote both letters and dedications quite as fulsome, and more servile ; and which " might well provoke disgust and in- dignation, were not the real genius and piety of the writers be- yond all doubt." Southey s Wesley, p. 360, vol. 2. To Habersham, Whitefield writes from Edinburgh thus, " God is pleased to bless my ministrations here in an abundant manner. The little children in the hospitals are much wrought upon. Saints have been stirred up and edified, and many others, I believe, translated from darkness to light. The good that has been done is inexpressible. I am intimate with three no- blemen, and several ladies of quality, who have a great liking for the things of God. I am now writing in an earl's house, (Melville,) surrounded by fine furniture ; but, glory be to free grace, my soul is in love only with Jesus." To Cennick he wrote, " This day Jesus enabled me to preach seven times ; notwithstanding, I am as fresh as when I arose in the morning. Both in the church and park the Lord was with us. The girls in the hospital were exceedingly affected. One of the mistresses told me, that she is now awakened in the morning by the voice of prayer and praise ; and the master of the boys says, that they meet together every night to sing and pray. The presence of God at the old people's hospital was really very wonderful. The Holy Spirit seemed to come down like a rushing mighty wind. The mourning of the people was like the weeping in the valley of Hadadrimmon. Every day I 248 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. hear of some fresh good wrought by the power of God. I scarce know how to leave Scotland." Thus the rich and the poor, the young and the old, not only heard him gladly, but melted down alike under his preaching ; and that in Scotland, where the melting mood is not predo- minant. And then, Whitefield's doctrine was not new to them as a people, as it was to the English. Why, therefore, do we see nothing of this kind now, upon a large scale, in either Eng- land or Scotland ? The gospel is widely and faithfully preach- ed in both ; but not with remarkable success in either. This is not satisfactorily explained by saying, that a greater blessing attended Whitefield's ministry than follows ours. The fact is, that the outpouring of the Spirit on his audiences was pre- ceded by an unction of the Spirit on his own soul, which we hardly understand, and still less cultivate. What a heart he had in Edinburgh ! He does not, indeed, always describe its emotions in good taste ; but, alas for the man, and especially the minister, who can read the bursts and outpourings of George Whitefield's heart, without shame, or without feeling his own heart burn to share them ! " Night and day Jesus fills me with his love." " The love of Christ strikes me quite dumb." " I walk continually in the comforts of the Holy Ghost." " My heart is melted down with the love of Jesus." " I de- spair not of seeing Scotland like New England." " I want a thousand tongues to set off the great Redeemer's praise." " I am daily waiting for the coming of the Son of God." " I every morning feel my fellowship with Christ, and he gives me all joy and peace in believing." " The sight I have of God by faith ravishes my soul : how I shall be ravished when I see him face to face ! " " I would leap my seventy years, and fly into His presence." All this is as burning as abrupt. He lived, and moved, and had his being, in this warm and pure element ; and thus preached, not only in dependence on the Holy Spirit, but " in demonstration of the Spirit and in power." Thus the holy oil which anointed so many under him, had first been poured on his own head. I have endeavoured to illustrate this fact in another part of the volume. In the mean time, however, I can- not quit this hint, without solemnly reminding myself and WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. others, that we can be Whitefields in unction^ although not in energy or eloquence ; we can walk with God as he did, although unable to "go about" doing good upon his scale. The results of his first visit to Edinburgh are thus summed up by himself : " Glory be to God; he is doing great things here. I walk in the continual sunshine of his countenance. Never did I see so many Bibles, nor people look into them with such attention, when I am expounding. Plenty of tears flow from hearers' eyes. I preach twice daily, and expound at pri- vate houses at night ; and am employed in speaking to souls under distress great part of the day. Every morning I have a constant levee of wounded souls, many of whom are quite slain by the law. I have a lecture in the fields, attended not only by the common people, but persons of great rank. I have reason to think some of the latter sort are coming to Jesus. I am only afraid, lest people should idolize the instrument, and not look enough to Jesus, in whom alone I desire to glory." Scotland, and especially Edinburgh, owes much to this visit. Any check it gave to the Secession for a time, was more than counterbalanced by the impulse it gave to the establishment. The evangelical clergy had as much need of a commanding ally, as the Associate Presbytery ; and, in general, as well de- served the weight and fame of Whitefield's name. That name drew on their side some of the peerage, who would never have followed him into a chapel ; and thus strengthened the hands of " the wild men," (as the evangelical party were called,) when they were but weak. Edinburgh should never forget this. Next to Knox, Whitefield deserves a monument on the Calton Hill, as the second reformer of the metropolis. But for him, the moderate party would have held the ascendant in it. I do therefore hope that, at least, no Scottish champion of the gos- pel will imitate some in England, by trying to prove that White- field had little or no influence upon the revival of evangelical preaching in the establishment. If any do try there, I can only say, as I do here, their fathers knew better, and posterity will laugh at them. Venn's Life of Venn. As a counterpart to the sermon against Whitefield in the meeting-house, by one of the Associate Presbytery, the follow- 250 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. ing scene in the kirk at Aberdeen may instruct as well as amuse. Dr. Southey has told the story well ; but Whitefield tells it better. "Aberdeen, Oct. 9, 1741. At my first coming here, things looked a little gloomy ; for the magistrates had been so prejudiced against me by one Mr. Bisset, that when ap- plied to, they refused me the use of the kirk-yard to preach in. This Mr. Bisset is colleague with one Mr. O. at whose repeated invitation I came hither. Though colleagues of the same con- gregation, they are very different in their natural tempers. The one is, what they call in Scotland, of a sweet-blooded, the other of a choleric, disposition. Mr. B. is neither a seceder, nor quite a kirk-man ; having great fault to find with both. " Soon after my arrival, dear Mr. O. took me to pay my re- spects to him. He was prepared for it ; and immediately pull- ed out a paper, containing a number of insignificant questions, which I had neither time nor inclination to answer. The next morning, it being Mr. O.'s turn, I lectured and preached. The magistrates were present. The congregation was very large, and light and lifejted all around. " In the afternoon, Mr. B. officiated. I attended. He begun his prayers as usual ; but in the midst of them, naming me by name, he entreated the Lord to forgive the dishonour that had been put upon him, by my being suffered to preach in that pul- pit. And that all might know what reason he had to put up such a petition, about the middle of his sermon, he not only urged that I was a curate of the church of England, (had Whitefield been an archbishop or bishop, Bisset would have begun his prayers against him,) but also quoted a passage or two out of my first printed sermons, which he said were grossly Armmian. " Most of the congregation seemed surprised and chagrined, especially his good-natured colleague, Mr. O. ; who, immediately after sermon, and without consulting me in the least, stood up, and gave notice that Mr. Whitefield would preach in about half an hour. The interval being so short, the magistrates returned into the sessions-house, and the congregation patiently waited big with expectation of hearing my resentment. " At the time appointed I went up, and took no other notice WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 251 of the good man's ill-timed zeal, than to observe in some part of my discourse, that if the good old gentleman had seen some of my later writings, wherein I had corrected several of my former mistakes, he would not have expressed himself in such strong terms. " The people being thus diverted from controversy with man, were deeply impressed with what they heard from the word of God. All was hushed, and more than solemn ! On the mor- row, the magistrates sent for me, expressed themselves quite concerned at the treatment I had met with, and begged me to accept the freedom of the city. But of this enough." Dr. Southey justly says, " this triumph Whitefield obtained, as much by that perfect self-command which he always possessed in public, as by his surpassing oratory." Bisset's hostility did not end here, nor confine itself to White- field. Next year he assailed the Scotch clergymen, who had employed the English curate ; and charged them with caressing Whitefield, " as it would seem, to break the seceders." Bisset's Letter on Communion with a Priest of the Church of England. Thus it was not the Associate Synod alone who attributed the friendship of the kirk for Whitefield to selfish motives. One thing occurred in Edinburgh which pleased Whitefield very much. After preaching in the orphan-house park, a large company came to salute him. Amongst the rest a fine portly quaker took him by the hand, and said, " Friend George, I am as thou art. I am for bringing all to the life and power of the ever-living God ; and, therefore, if thou wilt not quarrel with me about my /tat, I will not quarrel with thee about thy gown." I know some ex-quakers who would say, that Whitefield would not have been so much pleased, if he had known the mystery ot the hat in quakerism. CHAPTER X. WHITEFIELD AND THE DISSENTERS. NEITHER the revivals in Scotland, nor the riots in England, won for Whitefield the sympathy of the London ministers. Bradhury lampooned him ; Barker sneered at him ; Dr. Watts was silent ; and Coward's trustees were insolent to Dr. Dod- dridge, because he gave him some countenance at Northampton. There was a deeper cause for all this than their dread of his enthusiasm. They were then in treaty with some of the bishops, in order to revive that scheme of COMPREHENSION, which Bates, Manton, and Baxter tried to negociate with Stillingfleet ; but which Clarendon, even whilst in banishment, had influence enough at home to defeat, although the bill in favour of it was drawn up by Lord Chief Baron Hale. Tillotson's Life. The Clarendon party were not dead nor idle, when the sub- ject of the comprehension was revived by Chandler and Dod- dridge with Archbishop Herring. Warburton, who knew them well, foretold the issue thus, even when the prospect was bright- est before curtain ; " I can tell you of certain science, that not the least alteration will be made in the ecclesiastical system." Letter to Doddridge. The progress of this affair will explain both the shyness and the sharpness of the London ministers towards Whitefield. They could not have iiegociated with him and the archbishop at the same time. Indeed, they had no wish to be identified with any of his measures. It belongs to history to tell this matter gravely : I prefer the graphic sketch of its origin and progress, given in the following letters. The first letter is from Barker to Doddridge. " As WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 253 for the comprehension, so much talked of in town and country, the utmost of the matter is this : Mr. Chandler, while his meeting-place was shut up, made a visit to his friends at Nor- wich ; and there happened to hear the hishop give a charge to his clergy, which he thought not very candid. One expression appeared to him invidious, viz. that the heads of the rehellion were presbyterians ; as appeared by those lords in the Tower sending for presbyterian confessors. Upon Mr. Chandler's re- turn to London, he wrote a letter to Dr. Gooch, complaining of his charge, and particularly of that expression. This letter was written very handsomely, and it brought a very civil, respectful answer. After Gooch came to town, Chandler, at his desire, made him a visit, in which they had much discourse ; and amongst other things, there was talk of a comprehension. This visit was followed, at Gooch's desire, with another, when the bishop of Salisbury was present, who soon discovered his shrewd- ness, but said, ' Our church, Mr. Chandler, consists of three parts, doctrine, discipline, and ceremonies : as to the last, they should be left indifferent, as they are agreed on all hands to be : as to the second, our discipline,' said he, ' is so bad, that no one knows how, or where, to mend it : and as to the first, what is your objection ? ' He answered, ( Your Articles, my Lord, must be expressed in Scripture words, and the Athanasian creed be discarded.' Both the bishops answered, they wished they were rid of that creed, and had no objection to restoring the Articles into Scripture words ; ' but what shall we do about reordination ? " To this Mr. Chandler made such a reply as he judged proper ; but, I think, granted more than he ought : he said none of us would renounce his presbyterian ordination ; but if their Lord- ships meant only to impose their hands on us, and by that rite recommend us to public service in their society or constitution, that, perhaps, might be submitted to : but when he told me this, I said, ' perhaps not no, by no means ; that being, in my opi- nion, a virtual renunciation of our ordination, which I appre- hend not only as good but better than theirs.' The two bishops, at the conclusion of the visit, requested Mr. Chandler to wait on the archbishop, which he did, and met Gooch there by accident. The archbishop received him well, and being told by Gooch 254 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. what Chandler and he had been talking on, viz. a comprehen- sion, said, A very good thing ; he wished it with all his heart ; and the rather, because this was a time which called upon all good men to unite against infidelity and immorality, which threatened universal ruin ; and added, he was encouraged to hope, from the piety, learning, and moderation of many dissent- ers, that this was a proper time to make the attempt. But, may it please your Grace, said Gooch, Mr. Chandler says the Articles must be altered into the words of Scripture. And why not ? replied the archbishop ; it is the impertinences of men, thrusting their words into articles instead of the words of God, that have occasioned most of the divisions in the Christian church, from the beginning of it to this day. The archbishop added, that the bench of bishops seemed to be of his mind ; that he should be glad to see Mr. Chandler again, but was then oblig- ed to go to court. And this is all. I have smiled at some who seem mightily frighted at this affair, are very angry with Mr. Chandler, and cry out, ' We won't be comprehended we won't be comprehended. 9 One would think, they imagined it was like being electrified, or inoculated for the small pox. But most of your fault-finders, I apprehend, are angry with Mr. Chandler, for an expression he used in the second visit. When urging the ex- pediency of expressing the Articles in Scripture words, he said, it was for others, not himself, he suggested this, his conscience not being disturbed by them as they now stood, for he freely owned himself a moderate Calvinist" Six months after this, Doddridge himself had an interview with Herring, and found, at first, that although the archbishop had " most candid sentiments of his dissenting brethren, he had no great zeal for attempting any thing in order to introduce them into the church ; wisely foreseeing the difficulties with which it might be attended." Doddridge s Letters. He was not likely to have zeal for it. He had not zeal even for the orthodox of his own church. Jortin concludes his formal and inflated sketch of him thus ; " he was willing to think the best of other people's principles." What this means, may, perhaps, be guessed from the primate's letters to Duncombe ; of which, the follow- ing is one specimen : " I abhor every tendency to the TRINITY UIIITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 255 controversy. The manner in which it is always conducted is the disgrace and ruin of Christianity." When Doddridge saw that the comprehension scheme, as proposed by Chandler, did not suit Herring, he suggested " a sort of medium between our present state, and that of a perfect coalition." " I mentioned," he says, " acknowledging our churches as iinschismaticdl ; by permitting their clergy to offi- ciate amongst us, if desired, and dissenting ministers to officiate in churches. It struck him as a new and important thought. He told me, more than once, that I had suggested what he should lay up in his mind for further consideration." Next year, however, Doddridge learned from Sir Thomas Birch, that, although " several of the bishops endeavoured to have White's Third Letter (see Towgood) suppressed, as un- friendly to comprehension, Sherlock insisted upon having all objections brought out at once." Good Doddridge, however, still cherished hopes for his own plan ; and, accordingly, culti- vated intimacy with the heads of the church so closely, that the very men who censured him for risking the comprehension, at first, by countenancing Whitefield, came at last to insinuate that he paid more court " to eminent members of the establishment," than was prudent. However this may be, he rejoiced with Lady Huntingdon, at the same time, that (t the mighty, the noble, the wise, and the rich," assembled at her house, " to hear White- field." How Doddridge acted and was censured, in reference to Whitefield, when the vision of a comprehension dawned upon some of the leading dissenters of 1743, will be best told by the secretary of Coward's trustees, Nathaniel Neal, Esq. of Million Bank. " It was with the utmost concern that I received the inform- ation of Mr. Whitefield's having preached last week in your pulpit, and that I attended the meeting of Coward's trustees this day, when that matter was canvassed, and that I now find myself obliged to apprize you of the very great uneasiness which your conduct herein has occasioned them. " The many characters you sustain with so much honour, and in which I reverence you so highly, make me ashamed, and the 256 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. character I sustain, of your friend, makes it extremely irksome for me, to express any sentiments as mine, which may seem to arraign your conduct ; but when I reflect in how disadvantageous a light your regard to the methodists has for some considerable time placed you in the opinion of many, whom I have reason to believe you esteem amongst your most judicious and hearty friends, and what an advantage it has given against you to your secret and avowed enemies, of either of which facts I believe you are not in any just degree sensible, I could run any hazard of your censure rather than that you should remain unapprized of these facts. " You cannot be ignorant, how obnoxious the imprudences committed, or alleged to be committed, by some of the method- ists, have rendered them to great numbers of people ; and though, indeed, supposing they have a spirit of religion amongst them to be found no where else, so that a man would, for his own sake, and at any temporal hazard, take his lot amongst them ; yet if, besides their reputation for a forward and indis- creet zeal, and an unsettled, injudicious way of thinking and behaving, they have nothing to distinguish them from other serious and devout Christians, surely every man would choose to have as little concern with them as possible. " But in the case of such a public character, and so extensive a province for the service of religion, as yours, it seems to me a point well worth considering, whether, supposing even the ill opinion the world entertains of them to be groundless, it is a right thing to risk such a prospect as Providence has opened before you, of eminent and distinguished usefulness, for the sake of any good you are likely to do amongst these people. (f For my own part, I have had the misfortune of observing, and I must not conceal it from you, that wherever I have heard it mentioned, that Dr. Doddridge countenanced the methodists, and it has been the subject of conversation much oftener than I could have wished, I have heard it constantly spoken of by his friends with concern, as threatening a great diminution of his usefulness, and by his adversaries with a sneer of triumph. " The trustees are particularly in pain for it, with regard to your academy ; as they know it is an objection made to it, by WHITRFIELD S LIFE AND TIMES. 257 some persons in all appearance seriously, and by others craftily ; and yet they are almost afraid of giving their thoughts even in the most private manner concerning it, lest it should be made an occasion of drawing them into a public opposition to the methodists, as they are likely to be in some measure by your letter to Mr. Mason, (excusing your prefixing a recommendation of a book of theirs, without the advice of the trustees,) which letter they have desired me to inform you has given them great offence. " What weight these considerations will or ought to have with you, I cannot determine ; as I have thrown them together in a good deal of haste, I am afraid lest I should have said any thing in such a manner as may justly give you offence : this, however, I am sure of, that you will not read any such line with more pain than that in which I wrote it. If I have used any assum- ing language, my heart did not dictate it ; if I have betrayed any earnestness or warmth unbecoming the deference due to your superior judgment, impute it to the passionate regard I bear to so great and so valuable a character : if, on the other hand, I have said any thing worthy your consideration, I am persuaded it will have its weight, notwithstanding any disadvan- tage from the mode of saying it, and the person who says it, especially when I assure you, that that alone which you may find in it becoming the sincerity and affection of a friend, and the respect and veneration due to a man of eminent learning and piety, has the approbation of, Reverend and dear Sir, Your most affectionate and faithful, humble servant, NATHANIEL NEAL." The answer to this first letter from the Coward trust, Dod- dridge himself did not trouble himself to preserve. A second came. " The candid reception you gave my last of the llth instant, I impute principally to your own condescending and friendly disposition, and next, to the credit you gave to that simplicity of intention with which it was written, and wherein alone I can in any way be sure that it was not defective. 2L 258 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. " I am not insensible, Sir, that the respect many of your people bore to Mr. Whitefield, and your own acquaintance with him, must have made it a matter of difficulty for you entirely to have avoided showing him some polite regards on his coming to Northampton ; and I greatly rejoice in being furnished with so particular an account of the circumstances attending his visit, that may enable me to say, you were so far, at that time, from seeking his preaching in your pulpit, that you took several steps, and indeed all that you thought you could prudently venture on, and such as might, if they had succeeded, have been sufficient to have prevented it ; which I doubt not will, and I am sure ought, to have some weight with those who censure this step on the ground of imprudence. I could only wish that I were able to make these circumstances known as far as that censure is likely to extend. I should be very sorry, Sir, if you had any just reason to apprehend, that what has been written to you on this subject by any of your friends was intended to have any weight on the footing of authority. They ought to be ashamed of wishing for any greater influence over you than what their arguments, backed by the affection which all who deserve the name of your friends so justly entertain, will give them. And it is in that confidence that you will not think me vain, or so weak as to wish any greater for myself, that I venture to write another word to you on this subject. " And there is one thing which your letter gives me an occasion to suggest for your present consideration, with regard to your apprehensions of the growth of infidelity, which I am abundantly satisfied are too well founded ; and that is, whether the enthu- siasm and extravagances of weak Christians have not furnished out some of the most specious pleas, as well as splendid triumphs, of infidelity ? The pamphlet of " Christianity not founded on Argument " alone, sufficiently convinces me that they have ; inasmuch as that pamphlet was calculated to serve the interests both of enthusiasm and deism ; actually made both enthusiasts and deists ; and raised a doubt, not yet, as I apprehend, fully cleared, whether the world was obliged to the one or other of these parties for that excellent performance. If enthusiasts, WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 259 therefore, by their principles, are laying a foundation of deism, however they may abhor it in their intentions, it surely behoves us to see to it, that we give them no assistance in that work ; and the rather, as deists are watching for every possible advan- tage of this kind. A remarkable instance of which was acci- dentally mentioned to me very lately. In a late conversation in a mixed company of deists, the countenance which a certain eminent divine had given to some reputed enthusiasts was men- tioned by one of the deists in support of this position, that the most learned and considerable among Christian divines, who were really honest men, were enthusiasts. You may certainly depend on the truth of this relation." The answer to this also is not preserved. A third came. " Million Bank, Dec. 10th, 1743. " I am sorry you appear so apprehensive in your last letter, lest I should interpret what you said in your first too unfavour- ably of the methodists and Mr. Whiteneld, as it confirms me in my fears of your attachment to them ; but, whatever my wishes were in that respect, you may be assured I could never venture to represent you as indifferent to them, when I read your com- mendation of his sermon for its excellence and oratory, and re- member the low, incoherent stuff I used to hear him utter at Kennington Common. " Whilst I continued oppressed and hurt with these reflec- tions, your excellent sermon for the County Hospital came in to my relief. The piety, the justness of the sentiments and argu- ments, the manly, graceful diction, and the benevolent spirit that runs through the whole of it, both amazed and charmed me. It must have extorted from any heart less acquainted with your disposition for public usefulness than I am, a devout eja- culation, that God would never permit such talents to come under a wrong direction, or suffer the disadvantages they must necessarily submit to, if engaged amongst men of weak heads and narrow, gloomy sentiments, who may and ought to be pitied and prayed for, and better informed, as opportunity allows, but whom no rules of piety or prudence will oblige us to make our friends and confidants. 260 " There are letters shown about town, from several ministers in the west, which make heavy complaints of the disorders occa- sioned by Whitefield and Wesley in those parts. One of them, speaking of Mr. Whitefield, calls him ( honesty crazy, confident Whitefield.' These letters likewise mention, that some minis- ters there, who were your pupils, have given them countenance ; and you can hardly conceive the disrespect this has occasioned several ministers and other persons in town to speak of you with. Whether you are aware of this I know not ; and I am sure, if I did not esteem it a mark of sincere friendship, I would not give you the uneasiness of hearing it." The answer to this letter Doddridge preserved, and I would perpetuate. TO NATHANIEL NEAL, ESQ. " I am truly sorry that the manner in which I spoke of Mr. Whitefield in my last should give you uneasiness. I hope I did not assert his sermon to have been free from its defects ; but I must be extremely prejudiced indeed, if it were such ' wild, in- coherent stuff,' as you heard on Kennington Common. Nor does it seem at all difficult to account for this ; for that preached here, which, I believe, was one of his more elaborate and, per- haps, favourite discourses, might deserve to be spoken of in a different manner. What I then said, proceeded from a princi- ple which I am sure you will not despise : I mean a certain frankness of heart, which would not allow me to seem to think more meanly of a man to whom I once professed some friendship, than I really did. I must, indeed, look upon it as an unhappy circumstance, that he came to Northampton just when he did, as I perceive, that, in concurrence with other circumstances, it has filled town and country with astonishment and indignation. Nor did I, indeed, imagine my character to have been of such great importance in the world, as that this little incident should have been taken so much notice of. I believe the true reason is, that for no other fault than my not being able to go so far as some of my brethren into the new ways of thinking and speak- ing, I have long had a multitude of enemies, who have been WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 261 watching for some occasion against me ; and I thank God, that they have hitherto, with all that malignity of heart which some of them have expressed, been able to find no greater ! " As for you, dear Sir, I must always number you among my most affectionate and faithful friends ; and though the human heart is not so formed that it is agreeable to hear ourselves spoken of with disrespect, yet I am well assured that the writing the information you gave me was among the instances of your greatest kindness. You know, Sir, that a fear to offend God, by doing as most ^//'-prudent people do, has generally been esteemed a weakness : and my conscience testifies that those actions of mine which have been most reproached, have pro- ceeded from that principle. It is impossible to represent to you the reason, at least the excuse, I have had, and esteemed a reason, unless I could give you an account of the several cir- cumstances in which I have successively been placed for these few past years. If I could, I believe you would be less inclined to blame me than you are ; though I am sensible your censures are very moderate, when compared with those of many others. " I had, indeed, great expectations from the methodists and Moravians. I am grieved, from my very heart, that so many things have occurred among them which have been quite unjus- tifiable : and I assure you faithfully, they are such as would have occasioned me to have dropped that intimacy of correspondence which I once had with them. And I suppose they have also produced the same sentiments in the archbishop of Canterbury, who, to my certain knowledge, received Count Zinzendorf with open arms, and wrote of his being chosen the Moravian bishop, as what was done ' plaudente toto ccelesti choro.' I shall al- ways be ready to weigh whatever can be said against Mr. Whitefield, as well as against any of the rest : and, though I must have actual demonstration before I can admit him to be a dishonest man, and though I shall never be able to think all he has written, and all I have heard from him, nonsense, yet I am not so zealously attached to him as to be disposed to celebrate him as one of the greatest men of the age, or to think that he is the pillar that bears up the whole interest of religion among us. And if this moderation of sentiment towards him will not 262 appease my angry brethren, as I am sensible it will not abate the enmity which some have, for many years, entertained to- wards me, I must acquiesce, and be patient till the day of the Lord, when the secrets of all hearts shall be made manifest ; in which, I do from my heart believe, that with respect to the part I have acted in this affair, I shall not be ashamed. tf I had before heard from some of my worthy friends in the west of the offence which had been taken at two of my pupils there, for the respect they showed to Mr. Whitefield ; and yet they are both persons of eminent piety. He whose name is chiefly in question, I mean Mr. Darracott, is one of the most devout and extraordinary men I ever sent out ; and a person who has, within these few years, been highly useful to numbers of his hearers. Some of these, who were the most abandoned characters in the place, are now become serious and useful chris- tians ; and he himself has honoured his profession, when to all around him he seemed on the borders of eternity, by a behaviour which, in such awful circumstances, the best of men might wish to be their own. Mr. Fawcett labours likewise at Taunton ; and his zeal, so far as I can judge, is inspired both with love and prudence. Yet I hear these men are reproached because they have treated Mr. Whitefield respectfully ; and that one of them, after having had a correspondence with him for many years, admitted him into his pulpit. I own I am very thoughtful when these things will end : in the mean time, I am as silent as I can be ! I commit the matter to God in prayer, and earnestly beg his direction, that he would lead me in a plain path. Sometimes I think the storm will soon blow over, and that things will re- turn again to their natural course. I am sure I see no danger that any of my pupils will prove methodists : I wish many of them may not run into the contrary extreme. It is really, Sir, with some confusion that I read your encomium upon my ser- mon : I am sensible it is some consolation to me, amidst the uneasiness which, as you conclude, other things must give me. I hope our design will go on, though it has not at present the success I could have wished. The dissenters do their part, but I am sorry to say the neighbouring clergy are exceedingly defi- cient in theirs." Doddridge. 263 Neal was not the only person of influence amongst the dis- senters who was alarmed at Doddridge's liberality. Dr. Jen- nings assailed him for prefacing a book of Mason's ; by which " his friends were given by name," he says, " to be baited by the methodists, as their opposers." At the same time, also, Mr. Blair wrote to him, begging his opinion of Whitefield " a man," he says, " more railed at by some, and idolized by others, than any person I ever knew in my life." His friend Barker also told him, that he had thought it " needful to warn his hearers to avoid the errors " of Whitefield and his followers. So little did good men appreciate or understand Whitefield at this time ! CHAPTER XI. WHITEFIELD'S DOMESTIC LIFE. IT is, indeed, almost a misnomer, to call Whitefield's conjugal life, domestic. His engagements, like Wesley's, were incom- patible with domestic happiness, as that is understood by do- mestic men. Accordingly, their kind and degree of home enjoyment he neither expected nor proposed to himself. All that he wanted was, a help meet, who could sympathize in his absorbing public enterprises, as well as in his personal joys and sorrows ; and a home, where he might recruit after labour and exhaustion. And such a wife and a home he deserved, as well as needed. He mistook sadly, however, when he sought for such a wife in the ranks of widowhood, then. There were no missionaries' widows " in these days." A young female, of eminent piety and zeal, might have fallen in with his habits and plans, and even found her chief happiness in sustaining his mighty and manifold undertakings, like Paul's Phoebe : but a widow, who had been "a housekeeper" (her own) "many years," and that in the retirement of Abergavenny, in Wales, could hardly be expected to unlearn the domestic system of the country, nor to become a heroine for the world. Both Whitefield and Wesley forgot this obvious truth, and married widows. How much Wesley smarted for this oversight, is as proverbial as it is painful. Mrs. Whitefield had none of Mrs. Wesley's faults. She had, however, no commanding virtues, running in grand parallel with any of the noble features of her husband's character ; and thus, because she was not prominently a help to him, she seems to have been reckoned a hinderance, by the WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 265 gossips and busybodies who watched Mrs. Wesley. These, in their fears for their own " dear minister's comfort," watched Mrs. Whitefield also, lest he should be made as unhappy as his old friend ! The tattle of such spies is beneath contempt. It has, how- ever, found some countenance from a quarter which no impar- tial judge can overlook or underrate. Cornelius Winter, in the letters which form the substance of his " Life," by Jay of Bath, has said expressly, that Whitefield " was not happy in his wife ;" that " she certainly did not behave as she ought ;" and that " her death set his mind much at rest." Now, what- ever this sweeping charge means, it came from a man of the highest character. Of Cornelius Winter, Matthew Wilks used to say, " I am never in this man's company without being re- minded of Paradisaical innocence." Rowland Hill also, al- though he did not give Winter credit for all the candour Jay has done, did not hesitate to say of him, that " he would make the worst devil of any man in the world ;" meaning, that he was the most unlike the devil. All this is so true, that Win- ter's account of Mrs. Whitefield has acquired currency, although it is neither confirmed nor illustrated by a single document or line from any other writer, so far as I can learn. It will, no doubt, surprise some, however, who have formed their opinion of her from this single source, to be informed that Winter's opportunity of knowing her, from personal observation, was very short. Whitefield was married to her before Winter was born. She died in 1768. Now Winter says, that Berridge in- troduced him to Whitefield by letter, in February, 1767. Jay's Life of Winter. And even then, he did not become " one of the family " until his " fidelity was proved." Thus he had not two years to judge ; and even this brief space occurred when Mrs. Whitefield was breaking down. Unless, therefore, he received his information from Whitefield himself, (and he does not say so,) Winter must be deemed, for once, rash, at least. This is a painful conclusion ; but it is inevitable, except on the supposition that the sweeping charge was made against her by her husband. But his first report of her is, that " Mrs. James," although " once gay, is now a despised follower of the 2 M 266 Lamb." Gillies. In like manner, throughout a long series of his letters, he uniformly styles her his "dear partner/' or " dear fellow-pilgrim," or " dear yoke-fellow," or " dear wife." He also tells with evident delight, how she assisted the sailors to make cartridges, when their vessel was preparing for battle, on the voyage to America. He also praises her as his " ten- der nurse," whilst he was ill at Toronto. He often joins her name with his own, in sending salutations to Lady Huntingdon, Mr. Hervey, and other dear friends. In July, 1768, he writes thus from Edinburgh, " tender love to all, particularly to my dear wife." In the same month (she died in August) he writes to another friend, " My wife is as well as can be expected. Both of us descending, in order to ascend, { Where sin, and pain, and sorrow cease, And all is calm, and joy, and peace.' " Is it likely that the man who wrote thus of his wife, from first to last, would have said of her afterwards to Winter, a com- parative stranger, what would have warranted Winter to throw so dark a cloud over her memory ? I have given Winter credit for a longer opportunity of ob serving her, than he himself pretends to have had. " Thrice," he says, " it pleased the Lord to lay him upon a bed of sick- ness," after he became one of the family. Then, " eight months " of his short opportunity were spent in Bristol, for the recovery of his health. This is not all the subtraction to be made from the time. " A second visit to Bristol held four months." Besides, when he returned to London, he had to " bury the dead at Tottenham Court chapel." Jay's Life. Now certainly, whatever may be thought of Winter's high cha- racter, it is impossible to attach much importance to his facili- ties for observation : they were both few and small ; and he ought to have said so, instead of leaving the fact to be thus found out by comparing scattered dates, and calculating long intervals of absence. A great deal, indeed, may be learnt in a short time, in any family, where all is not right between husband and wife ; and if Winter, whilst a bachelor, had all those delicate and noble per- WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 'J(V7 ceptions of conjugal love, which he exemplified when he became a husband, long observation was not necessary in order to en- able his fine eye to see exactly how matters stood between Mr. and Mrs. Whitefield. I have felt it to be my duty to scrutinize this only recorded stigma upon Mrs. Whitefield; not because I question the general truth of it, so far as Winter was a witness, but be- cause it passes for more than I think he ever intended. The Whitefields, so far as I can judge, neither lived nor loved like Mr. and Mrs. Winter. They were not unhappy in the sense Mr. and Mrs. Wesley were so ; but still their communion of spirit, or oneness of soul, was not what Cornelius Winter nor I could conscientiously call domestic happiness. I say this, because I cannot forget the strangeness, to say the least, of Whitefield's text, when he preached his wife's funeral sermon. It was, " For the creature was made subject to vanity ; not willingly, but by reason of Him who hath subjected the same in hope," Rom. viii. 20. Gillies. Now, even if he dwelt upon the context, there was still an implication, anything but complimentary to her memory. In like manner, his letter to Torial Joss on her death, is more pious than tender : " The late very unexpected breach is a fresh proof that the night soon cometh when no man can work. Pray, where may \Jind that great promise made to Abraham, after Sarah's death ? May it be fulfilled in you, whilst your Sarah is yet alive ! Sweet be- reavements, when God himself fills up the void. I find it so." Letters. There was no promise, great or small, given on that occasion. On the other hand, I find a letter a year after her death, in which he says to a friend, " I feel the loss of my ' right hand ' daily ; but right hands and right eyes must be parted with for Him, who doeth all things well." Letter 1406. This acknow- ledgment Winter had access to when he said that her death set Whitefield's " mind much at rest." He might also have read, as well as myself, the following references to the early and mid- dle parts of their domestic history. Whitefield wrote thus from on board the Wilmington, in 1744 : " All except myself seem ready for fire and smoke. My wife, after having dressed 268 herself to prepare for all events, set about making cartridges, whilst the husband wanted to go into the holes of the ship, hearing that was the chaplain's usual place." After recovering from an attack of colic, which seemed likely to terminate in mortal convulsions, at York, in the same year, he sang with gratitude, " My wife and friends stood weeping by, In tears resolved to see me die." In a subsequent letter, he bears testimony to her usefulness and zeal : " My dear wife is fully employed in copying my let- ters. We do not, however, forget our dear London and Eng- lish friends. We pray for them often, and cannot help wishing some may come over into this delightful wilderness (Pisca- taqua) ; it is a fruitful field." In 1747, he wrote from Charles- ton to Wales, " My dear yoke-fellow is in Georgia. Blessed be God, she is well, and prospers in soul and body. We hope to live and have our hearts warmed with our Welch friends ere we go hence and be no more." In the same year he wrote thus of her to a friend, " We lead a moving life, but I trust we move heavenward." " We are more than happy." " We go on like two happy pilgrims, leaning on our Beloved." In 1748, when he sailed from Bermudas to England, he wrote, " I intend to return to beloved America next year, which is one reason why I leave my dear yoke-fellow behind. Oh that I knew how it was with her ! But I see God will make those he loves to live by faith and not by sense." In 1749 he says, " We are both well, and surrounded with mercies 011 every side : only ungrateful, ill, and hell-deserving I, want a grateful and humble heart ! " At a later period, 1754, 1 find him writing from Lisbon thus : " You will not forget to visit my widow-wife / Blessed be God, her Maker is her Husband ; and ere long we shall sit down to- gether, at the marriage -supper of the Lamb." In 1756, he says, " I have no thoughts at present of her ever seeing the orphan-house again. We shall ere long see heaven. Some ante- pasts of it we are favoured with already." Letters. But enough, more than enough, is now presented, to prove that Winter's unqualified statements were unwarranted. I 269 must, however, add, that they are to me unaccountable, unless he meant only the period whilst he was a witness of the White- field family, and unless he made his own experience the standard by which he tried their conjugal love ; and this he has not said. I must, therefore, leave the case of Whitefield versus Winter to the verdict of time. Whitefield's marriage did not interrupt his work, nor damp his ardour. In a few days after, his success in Wales made him exclaim, " God has been pleased to work by my hands since I have been here. O stupendous love. O infinitely con- descending God ! " He was married on the llth of November, 1741, and before the end of the month he was electrifying Bris- tol, as in the days of old. " We have a growing church " here again. It had been checked for a time by the breach between Wesley and Cennick. "Yesterday, and several other times, the Lord hath filled many as with new wine. Sometimes I have scarce known whether I have been in the body or out of the body. It is a good thing to know how to manage a manifesta- tion aright ; nature so frequently and artfully blends with grace ! The more grace I receive, the more I desire to lie as a poor, very poor sinner at the feet of the wounded Lamb." In this spirit he came to Gloucester, " where, by a particular providence," one of the churches was again opened to him ; St. John's. The old incumbent, who had been his "grand op- poser " formerly, was dead ; and the new minister had not taken possession of the pulpit ; and, therefore, the churchwardens paid their townsman the compliment of a church to preach in, be- cause he was newly married. He preached twice on the sab- bath "with unspeakable power;" and then upon "a hill six miles off," and at night at Stroud. There was, he says, " a new awakening, and revival of the work of God." " We shall never know," he exclaims, " what good field preaching has done, till we come to judgment." At Stroud and Painswick he flew as on eagles' wings, he says, " with wondrous power, and every sermon was blessed." Whilst thus darting off every now and then from his home, he sent word to Gilbert Tennent, that Mrs. Whitefield, although neither " rich in fortune, nor beautiful in person, was a true 270 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. child of God/' who would not " for the world hinder him in God's work." " The Lord hath given me a daughter of Abra- ham," he says to another American friend. In February, 1742, Whitefield returned to London, where " life and power soon flew all around " him again ; " the Re- deemer getting himself victory daily in many hearts." The renewed progress of the gospel at this time in London, he calls emphatically, " the Redeemer's stately steps " Well he might; for during the Easter holidays, " Satan's booths" in Moor- fields poured out their thousands to hear him. This deter- mined him to dare all hazards on Whit-Monday, the great gala- day of vanity and vice there. Gillies' account of this enterprise, although not incorrect nor uninteresting, is very incomplete, considering the fame of the feat at the time. The following account is from the pen of Whitefield himself; and written whilst he was reporting, at home and abroad, his marriage. " For many years, from one end of Moorfields to the other, booths of all kinds have been erected for mountebanks, players, puppet-shows, and such like. With a heart bleeding with com- passion for so many thousands led captive by the devil at his will, on Whit-Monday, at six o'clock in the morning, attended by a large congregation of praying people, I ventured to lift up a standard amongst them in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. Perhaps there were about ten thousand in waiting, not for me, but for Satan's instruments to amuse them. Glad was I to find, that I had for once as it were got the start of the devil. I mounted my field pulpit ; almost all flocked immediately around it. I preached on these words, ( As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so shall the Son of man be lifted up,' &c. They gazed, they listened, they wept ; and I believe that many felt themselves stung with deep conviction for their past sins. All was hushed and solemn. Being thus encouraged, I ven- tured out again at noon ; but what a scene ! The fields, the whole fields seemed, in a bad sense of the word, all white, ready not for the Redeemer's, but Beelzebub's harvest. All his agents were in full motion, drummers, trumpeters, merry-an- drews, masters of puppet-shows, exhibiters of wild beasts, players, &c. &c. all busy in entertaining their respective audi- WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 271 tories. I suppose there could not be less than twenty or thirty thousand people. My pulpit was fixed on the opposite side, and immediately, to their great mortification, they found the number of their attendants sadly lessened. Judging that, like Saint Paul, I should now be called as it were to fight with beasts at Ephesus, 1 preached from these words : ( Great is Diana of the Ephesians* You may easily guess, that there was some noise among the craftsmen, and that I was honoured with having a few stones, dirt, rotten eggs, and pieces of dead cats thrown at me, whilst engaged in calling them from their favourite but lying vanities. My soul was indeed among lions ; but far the greatest part of my congregation, which was very large, seemed for a while to be turned into lambs. This en- couraged me to give notice that I would preach again at six o'clock in the evening. I came, I saw, but what thousands and thousands more than before, if possible, still more deeply engaged in their unhappy diversions ; but some thousands amongst them waiting as earnestly to hear the gospel. This Satan could not brook. One of his choicest servants was exhibiting, trumpeting on a large stage ; but as soon as the people saw me in my black robes and my pulpit, I think all to a man left him and ran to me. For a while I was enabled to lift up my voice like a trumpet, and many heard the joyful sound. God's people kept praying, and the enemy's agents made a kind of a roaring at some distance from our camp. At length they approached nearer, and the merry-andrew (attend- ed by others, who complained that they had taken many pounds less that day on account of my preaching) got up upon a man's shoulders, and advancing near the pulpit attempted to slash me with a long heavy whip several times, but always with the vio- lence of his motion tumbled down. Soon afterwards they got a recruiting serjeant with his drum, &c. to pass through the congregation. I gave the word of command, and ordered that way might be made for the king's officer. The ranks opened, while all marched quietly through, and then closed again. Finding those efforts to fail, a large body quite on the opposite side assembled together, and having got a large pole for their standard, advanced towards us with steady and formidable steps, 272 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. till they came very near the skirts of our hearing, praying, and almost undaunted congregation. I saw, gave warning, and prayed to the Captain of our salvation for present support and deliverance. He heard and answered; for just as they ap- proached us with looks full of resentment, I know not by what accident, they quarrelled among themselves, threw down their staff and went their way, leaving, however, many of their com- pany behind, who, before we had done, I trust were brought over to join the besieged party. I think I continued in praying, preaching, and singing (for the noise was too great at times to preach) about three hours. " We then retired to the Tabernacle, with my pockets full of notes from persons brought under concern, and read them amidst the praises and spiritual acclamations of thousands, who joined with the holy angels in rejoicing that so many sinners were snatched, in such an unexpected, unlikely place and manner, out of the very jaws of the devil. This was the beginning of the Tabernacle society. Three hundred and fifty awakened souls were received in one day, and I believe the number of notes ex- ceeded a thousand ; but I must have done, believing you want- to retire to join in mutual praise and thanksgiving to God and the Lamb. " Fresh matter of praise ; bless ye the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously. The battle that was begun on Monday, was not quite over till Wednesday evening, though the scene of action was a little shifted. Being strongly invited, and a pulpit being prepared for me by an honest quaker, a coal mer- chant, I ventured on Tuesday evening to preach at Mary le Bow Fields, a place almost as much frequented by boxers, gamesters, and such like, as Moorfields. A vast concourse was assembled together, and as soon as I got into the field pulpit, their coun- tenances bespoke the enmity of their hearts against the preacher. I opened with these words ( I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.' I preached in great jeopardy ; for the pulpit being high, and the supports not well fixed in the ground, it tottered every time I moved, and numbers of enemies strove to push my friends against the supporters, in order to throw me WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMKS. 273 down. But the Redeemer stayed my soul on himself, therefor* I was not much moved, unless with compassion for those to whom I was delivering my Master's message, which I had reason to think, hy the strong impressions that were made, was welcome to many. But Satan did not like thus to he attacked in his strong holds, and I narrowly escaped with my life : for as I was passing from the pulpit to the coach, I felt my wig and hat to he almost off. I turned ahout, and observed a sword just touch- ing my temples. A young rake, as I afterwards found, was de- termined to stab me, but a gentleman, seeing the sword thrust- ing near me, struck it up with his cane, and so the destined victim providentially escaped. Such an attempt excited abhor- rence ; the enraged multitude soon seized him, and had it not been for one of my friends, who received him into his house, he must have undergone a severe discipline. The next day, I re- newed my attack in Moorfields ; but, would you think it ? after they found that pelting, noise, and threateniiigs would not do, one of the merry -andrews got up into a tree very near the pulpit, and shamefully exposed himself before all the people. Such a beastly action quite abashed the serious part of my auditory ; whilst hundreds of another stamp, instead of rising to pull down the unhappy wretch, expressed their approbation by repeated laughs. I must own that, at first, it gave me a shock. I thought Satan had outdone himself. But, recovering my spirits, I appealed to all, since they had now such a spectacle before them, whether I had wronged human nature, in saying, after pious Bishop Hall, ' that man, when left to himself, was half a beast and half a devil;' or, as the great Mr. Law expressed himself, ' a motley mixture of beast and devil.' " Silence and attention being thus gained, I concluded with a warm exhortation, and closed our festival enterprises in read- ing fresh notes that were put up, praising and blessing God, amidst thousands at the Tabernacle, for what he had done for precious souls, and on account of the deliverances he had wrought out for me and his people. I could enlarge ; but being about to embark in the Mary and Ann for Scotland, I must hasten to a close : but I cannot help adding, that several little boys and girls who were fond of sitting round me on the pulpit, while I 2 N 274 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. preached, and handing to me people's notes, though they were often pelted with eggs, dirt, &c. thrown at me, never once gave way; but, on the contrary, every time I was struck, turned up their little weeping eyes, and seemed to wish they could receive the Mows for me. God make them in their growing years great and living martyrs for him, who out of the mouths of babes and sucklings perfects praise ! " Letters. In this way Whitefield signalized his marriage ; verifying to his wife the assurance he had given her, that he would not preach a sermon less, nor travel a mile fewer, than formerly. And she had no occasion to regret, that he did not take her with him in his short excursions around London ; for, however good a rider he was, he was a bad driver. The first time he took her out in a chaise, he drove into a ditch. " My wife," he says to a friend, " has been in trying circumstances, partly through the unskilfulness of a chaise-driver ; I mean myself. Being advised to take her out into the air, I drove her, as well as myself, through inadvertency, into a ditch. Finding that we were falling she put her hand across the chaise, and thereby preserved us both from being thrown out. The ditch might be about fourteen feet deep ; but, blessed be God, though all that saw us falling, cried out, They are killed, yet, through infinite mercy, we received no great hurt. The place was very narrow near the bottom, and yet the horse went down, as though let down by a pulley. A stander-by ran down and catched hold of its head, to prevent its going forwards. I got upon its back, and was drawn out by a long whip, whilst my wife, hanging be- tween the chaise and the bank, was pulled up on the other side by two or three kind assistants. Being both in a comfortable frame, I must own, to my shame, that I felt rather regret than thankfulness in escaping what I thought would be a kind of a translation to our wished-for haven. But, O amazing love ! we were so strengthened, that the chaise and horse being taken up, and our bruises being washed with vinegar in a neighbouring house, we went on our intended way, and came home rejoicing in God our Saviour. Not expecting my wife's confinement for some time, I intend making a short excursion, and then you may expect further news." WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. ^7/3 It must not be supposed that the chaise was his own. He was so poor, at this time, that he had to borrow furniture for his house. This may surprise some ; but it is only too true. " I thank you a thousand times for your great generosity," he writes to a friend, " in lending me some furniture ; having little of my own. I know who will repay you." T^ctt. ,546. Even this is not all the fact concerning his poverty. Almost immediately after the baptism of his son, he wrote to the same friend, " My dear wife and little one will come to Gloucester, for I find it beyond my circumstances to maintain them here. But why talk of wife and little one ? Let all be absorbed in the thoughts of the love, sufferings, free and full salvation of the infinitely great and glorious Emmanuel. In respect to other things, at present, this is the habitual language of my heart, ' Thy gifts, if called for, I resign ; Pleased to receive, pleased to restore. Gifts are thy work. It shall be mine, The Giver only to adore.' " It was well he was thus minded ; for he had soon to give up his Isaac. The journey to Gloucester proved fatal to the child: and yet, how slightly he refers to the poverty which rendered that journey necessary ! His narrative of the event is very touching, in all respects. " Who knows what a day may bring forth ? Last night I was called to sacrifice my Isaac ; I mean to bury my only child and son, about four months old. Many things occurred to make me believe he was not only to be continued to me, but to be a preacher of the everlasting gospel. Pleased with the thought, and ambitious of having a son of my own so divinely employed, Satan was permitted to give me some wrong im- pressions, whereby, as I now find, I misapplied several texts of Scripture. Upon these grounds I made no scruple of declaring ' that I should have a son, and that his name was to be John. 9 I mentioned the very time of his birth, and fondly hoped that he was to be great in the sight of the Lord. Every thing hap- pened according to the predictions ; and my wife having had 276 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. several narrow escapes while pregnant, especially by her falling from a high horse,, and my driving her into a deep ditch in a one-horse chaise a little before the time of her confinement, and from which we received little or no hurt, confirmed me in my expectation, that God would grant me my heart's desire. I would observe to you, that the child was even born in a room, which the master of the house had prepared as a prison for his wife for coming to hear me. With joy would she often look upon the bars, and staples, and chains which were fixed in order to keep her in. About a week after his birth, I publicly baptized him in the Tabernacle, and in the company of thousands solemnly gave him up to that God who gave him to me. A hymn, too fondly composed by an aged widow, as suitable to the occasion, was sung, and all went away big with hopes of the child's being hereafter to be employed in the work of God ; but how soon, are all their fond, and, as the event hath proved, their ill-grounded expectations blasted as well as mine ! House- keeping being expensive in London, I thought it best to send both parent and child to Abergavenny, where my wife had a lit- tle house of my own, the furniture of which, as I thought of soon embarking for Georgia, I had partly sold, and partly given away. In their journey thither, they stopped at Gloucester, at the Bell Inn, which my brother now keeps, and in which I was born. There my beloved was cut off with a stroke. Upon my coming here, without knowing what had happened, I inquired concerning the welfare of parent and child ; and by the answer found that the flower was cut down. I immediately called all to join in prayer, in which I blessed the Father of mercies for giving me a son, continuing it to me so long, and taking it from me so soon. All joined in desiring that I would decline preach- ing till the child was buried ; but I remembered a saying of good Mr. Henry, ' that weeping must not hinder sowing,' and therefore preached twice the next day, and also the day follow- ing ; on the evening of which, just as I was closing my sermon, the bell struck out for the funeral. At first, I must acknow- ledge, it gave nature a little shake, but looking up I recovered strength, and then concluded with saying, that this text on which I had been preaching, namely, ' All things worked toge- WHITIFIELDS LIFE AND TIMES. ther for good to them that love God/ made me as willing to go out to my son's funeral, as to hear of his birth. Our part- ing from him was solemn. We kneeled down, prayed, and shed many tears, but I hope tears of resignation : and then, as he died in the house wherein I was born, he was taken and laid in the church where I was baptized, first communicated, and first preached. All this you may easily guess threw me into very solemn and deep reflection, and I hope deep humiliation ; but I was comforted from that passage in the book of Kings, where is recorded the death of the Shunammite's child, which the pro phet said, ' the Lord had hid from him ;' and the woman's answer likewise to the prophet when he asked, ( Is it well with thee ? Is it well with thy husband ? Is it well with thy child ? ' And she answered, ( It is well.' This gave me no small satis- faction. I immediately preached upon the text the day follow- ing at Gloucester, and then hastened up to London, preached upon the same there ; and though disappointed of a living preacher by the death of my son, yet I hope what happened be- fore his birth, and since at his death, hath taught me such les- sons, as, if duly improved, may render his mistaken parent more cautious, more sober-minded, more experienced in Satan's de- vices, and consequently more useful in his future labours to the church of God. Thus, ' out of the eater comes forth sweet- ness.' Not doubting but our future life will be one continued explanation of this blessed riddle, I commend myself and you to the unerring guidance of God's word and Spirit." Happily for himself, Whitefield had the prosecution of the Hampton rioters to provide for at this time. This compelled him to bestir himself in visiting and corresponding, in order to obtain money to meet the expenses of the trial. He took a right view of that outrage when he said, " much depends on our get- ting the victory." Colonel Gardiner (now his friend) entered into this view of the case, and sustained him. So did many other influential men. A lady, also, in Wales, subscribed five pounds towards the expenses. The Welch Association were "very generous, according to their circumstances;" and the Tabernacle friends had "a glorious fast, at which they collected above sixty pounds " for the assistance of their suffering brethren 278 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. at Hampton. The following is his own account of " The Oc- casion, Process, and Issue of the Trial at Gloucester, March 3, 1743." " On Thursday evening I came hither from the Gloucester assizes, where I have been engaged in a trial between some of those who are called methodists, and some violent rioters. Perhaps this news may a little startle you, and put you upon inquiry (as it hath done some others) ' How we came to go to law with our adversaries, when it is our avowed principle tj suffer patiently for the truth's sake ? ' I will tell you, my dear friend : though perhaps there is nothing in the world more abused than the law, and there are very few that go to law out of a proper principle ; yet we hold that there is a proper use of it, and the law is good when used lawfully. Whether or no we have used it lawfully in the present case, I shall leave my friend to judge, after I have told him the motives that induced us to engage in it. The methodists, you know, are every where accounted enthusiasts, in the worst sense of the word ; but though they are accounted such, yet they would not be enthu- siasts in reality. Now we look upon it to be one species of en- thusiasm, to expect to attain an end without making use of proper means. We also think that believers should be very careful not to be fond of suffering persecution, when they may avoid it by making application to the high powers. We are likewise of opinion, that good christians will be good subjects, and consequently it is their duty, as much as in them lies, to put a stop to every thing in a rightful way, that may prove de- structive to the king or the government under which they live. Christian ministers, in particular, we think, ought to consider the weakness of people's grace, and, in pity to precious souls, do what they can to remove every thing out of the way that may discourage or prevent poor people's hearing the everlasting gospel. These considerations, my dear friend, for some time past, have led me to examine whether the methodists in general (and I myself in particular) have acted the part of good sub- jects, and judicious Christian ministers, in so long neglecting to make an application to the superior courts, and putting in exe- cution the wholesome laws of the land, in order to prevent those WHITEFIELD'S LIFK AND TIMES. many dreadful outrages which have been committed against us. I need not descend to particulars. Our Weekly History is full of thorn ; and before that came out, several of our brethren, both in England and Wales, have received much damage from time to time, and been frequently in great hazard of their lives. Wiltshire has been very remarkable for mobbing and abusing the methodists ; and, for about ten months last past, it has also prevailed very much in Gloucestershire, especially at Hampton, where our friend Mr. Adams has a dwelling-house, and has been much blessed to many people. This displeased the grand enemy of souls, who stirred up many of the baser sort, privately encouraged by some of a higher rank, to come from time to time, in great numbers, with a low-bell and horn, to beset the house, and beat and abuse the people. " About the beginning of July last, their opposition seemed to rise to the highest. For several days they assembled in great bodies, broke the windows, and mobbed the people to such a degree, that many expected to be murdered, and hid themselves in holes and corners, to avoid the rage of their ad- versaries. Once, when I was there, they continued from four in the afternoon till midnight, rioting, giving loud huzzas, cast- ing dirt upon the hearers, and making proclamations, ' That no anabaptists, presbyterians, &c. should preach there, upon pain of being first put into a tan-pit, and afterwards into a brook.' At another time they pulled one or two women down the stairs by the hair of their heads. And on the 10th of July they came, to the number of near a hundred, in their usual way, with a low-bell and horn, about five in the afternoon, forced into Mr. Adams's house, and demanded him down the stairs whereon he was preaching, took him out of his house, and threw him into a tan-pit full of noisome things and stagnated water. One of our friends named Williams asking them, ( If they were not ashamed to serve an innocent man so ? ' they put him into the same pit twice, and afterwards beat him, and dragged him along the kennel. Mr. Adams quietly returned home, and betook him- self to prayer, and exhorted the people to rejoice in suffering for the sake of the gospel. In about half an hour they came to the house again, dragged him down the stairs, and led him 280 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. away a mile and a half to a place called Bourn Brook, and then threw him in. A stander-by, fearing he might be drowned, jumped in and pulled him out ; whereupon another of the rioters immediately pushed him into the pool a second time, and cut his leg against a stone, so that he went lame for near a fortnight. Both the constable and justices were applied to, but refused to act, and seemed rather to countenance the mob- bing, hoping thereby methodism (as they called it) would be put a stop to, at least at Hampton. For a season they gained their end. There was no preaching for some time, the people fear- ing to assemble on account of the violence of the mob. " Upon my return to town, I advised with my friends what to do. We knew we wanted to exercise no revenge against the rioters, and yet we thought it wrong that the gospel should be stopped by such persons, when the government under which we lived countenanced no such thing ; and also that it was absurd to thank God for wholesome laws, if they were not to be made use of. We knew very well, that an apostle had told us, that magistrates were ordained for the punishment of evil-doers ; and that they bear not the sword in vain. We were also fear- ful that if any of our brethren should be murdered by future riotings, (as in all probability they might,) we should be acces- sary to their death, if we neglected to tie up the rioters' hands, which was all we desired to do. Besides, we could not look upon this as allowed persecution, since it was not countenanced by the laws of the land, and we might have redress from these rioters and inferior magistrates,by appealing to Caesar, whose real friends and loyal subjects we judged ourselves not to be, if we suffered his laws to be publicly trampled under foot by such notorious rioting ; and which, though begun against the metho- dists, might terminate in open rebellion against King George. For these and such like reasons, we thought it our duty to move for an information in the King's Bench against five of the ringleaders, and fixed upon the riot which they made on Sun- day, July 10th, when they put Mr. Adams and Williams into the tan-pit and brook. But before this was done, I wrote a let- ter to one whom they called Captain, desiring him to inform his associates, ' That if they would acknowledge their fault, pay for WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 281 curing a boy's arm, which was broken the night I was there, and mend the windows of Mr. Adams's house, we would readily pass all by ; but if they persisted in their resolutions to riot, we thought it our duty to prevent their doing, and others re- ceiving, further damage, by moving for an information against them in the King's Bench.' I also sent a copy of this letter to a minister of the town, and to a justice of the peace, with a let- ter to each from myself: but all in vain. The rioters sent me a most insolent answer, wrote me word, ' They were in high spirits, and were resolved there should be no more preaching in Hampton.' Finding them irreclaimable, we moved the next term for a rule of court in the King's Bench, to lodge an in- formation against five of the ringleaders, for the outrage com- mitted, violence offered, and damage done to Mr. Adams and Williams, on Sunday, July 10th. The rioters were apprized of it, appeared by their counsel, and prayed the rule might be en- larged till the next term. It was granted. In the mean while they continued mobbing, broke into Mr. Adams's house one Saturday night at eleven o'clock, when there was no preaching, made those that were in bed get up, and searched the oven, cel- lar, and every corner of the house, to see whether they could find any methodists. Some time after, they threw another young man into a mud pit three times successively, and abused the people in a dreadful manner. " The next term came on. We proved our accusations by twenty-six affidavits ; and the defendants making no reply, the rule was made absolute, and an information filed against them. To this they pleaded not guilty ; and, according to the method in the Crown Office, the cause was referred to the assize held at Gloucester, March 3d. Thither I went, and on Tuesday morning last the trial came on. It was given out by some, that the methodists were to lose the cause, whether right or wrong. And I believe the defendants depended much on a supposition that the gentlemen and jury would be prejudiced against us. We were easy, knowing that our Saviour had the hearts of all in his hands. Being aware of the great conse- quences of gaining or losing this trial, both in respect to us and the nation, we kept a day of fasting and prayer through all the 2o 282 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. societies both in England and Wales. Our Scotch friends also joined with us, and cheerfully committed our cause into His hands by whom kings reign and princes decree justice. We had about thirty witnesses to prove the riot and facts laid down in the information. Our counsel opened the cause (as I heard, being not present when the trial begun) with much solidity and sound reasoning : they showed, that rioters were not to be reformers ; and that his Majesty had no where put the reins of government into the hands of mobbers, or made them judge or jury. One of them in particular, with great gravity, reminded the gentlemen on the jury of the advice of Gamaliel, a doctor of the law, recorded Acts v. 38, 39, " Refrain from these men, and let them alone ; for if this counsel, or this work, be of men, it will come to nought ; but if it be of God, ye cannot over- throw it, lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.' Our witnesses were then called. I came into court when the second witness was examining. Mr. Adams and four more (three of which were not called methodists) so clearly proved both the riot and the facts laid to the charge of the defendants, that the judge was of opinion there needed no other evidence. The counsel for the defendants then rose and exerted a good deal of oratory, and I think said all that could well be said, to make the best of a bad matter. One urged, that we were enthu- siasts, and our principles and practices had such a tendency to infect and hurt the people, that it was right, in his opinion, for any private person to stand up and put a stop to us ; and who- ever did so, was a friend to his country. He strove to influ- ence the jury, by telling them, that if a verdict was given against the defendants, it would cost them two hundred pounds ; that the defendants' rioting was not premeditated ; but, that coming to hear Mr. Adams, and being oifended at his doctrine, a sudden quarrel arose, and thereby the unhappy men were led into the present fray, which he could have wished had not hap- pened ; but however it did not amount to a riot, but only an as- sault. Their other counsel then informed the jury, that they would undertake to prove that the methodists began the tumults first. He was pleased also to mention me by name, and ac- quainted the court, that Mr. Whitefield had been travelling 283 from common to common, making the people cry, and then picking their pockets, under pretence of collecting money for the colony of Georgia ; and knowing that Gloucestershire was a populous country, he at last came there. That he had now several curates, of which Mr. Adams was one, who in his preaching had found fault with the proceedings of the clergy, and said if the people went to hear them, they would be damned. He added, that there had lately been such a mobbing in Staffordshire, that a regiment of soldiers was sent down to suppress them ; insinuating that the methodists were the au- thors ; that we had now another cause of a like nature de- pending in Wiltshire ; and that we were not of that mild, pacific spirit as we would pretend to be. This, and much more to the same purpose, though foreign to the matter in hand, pleased many of the auditors, who expressed their satisfaction in hear- ing the methodists in general, and me in particular, thus lashed, by frequent laughing. The eyes of all were upon me. Our Saviour kept me quite easy. I thought of that verse of Horace, 1 Hie mums aheneus esto, Nil conscire sibi, nulla pallescere culpa.' Tertullus's accusing Paul came also to my mind, and I looked upon myself as highly honoured in having such things spoken against me falsely for Christ's great name's sake. To prove what the defendants' counsel had insinuated, they called up a young man, who was brother to one of the defendants, and one of the mob. He swore point blank, that Mr. Adams said, if people went to church they would be damned ; and if they would come to him, he would carry them to Jesus Christ. He swore also, that the pool into which Mr. Adams was thrown, was no deeper than half way up his legs. He said first, that there were about ten of them that came to the house of Mr. Adams ; and then he swore that there were about threescore. He said, there was a low-bell, and that one of the defendants did ask Mr. Adams to come down off the stairs, but that none of them went up to him ; upon which Mr. Adams willingly obeyed, went with them briskly along the street, and, as he would have represented it, put himself into the tan-pit and 284 pool, and so came out again. He said also some other things ; but throughout his whole evidence appeared so flagrantly false, that one of the counsellors said, it was enough to make his hair stand on end. The judge himself wished he had had so much religion as to fear an oath. So he went down in dis- grace. Their second evidence was an aged woman, mother to one of the defendants. She swore that her son did go up the stairs to Mr. Adams, and that Mr. Adams tore her son's coat, and would have broken his neck down-stairs. But she talked so fast, and her evidence was so palpably false, that she was sent away in as much disgrace as the other. Their third and last evidence was father to one who was in the mob, though not one of the defendants. The chief he had to say was, that when Mr. Adams was coming from the pool, one met him, and said, ( Brother, how do you do ? ' Upon which he answered, that he had received no damage, but had been in the pool, and came out again. So that all their evidences, however con- trary to one another, yet corroborated ours, and proved the riot out of their own mouths. The book was then given to a justice of the peace, who had formerly taken up Mr. Cennick for preaching near Stroud, and had lately given many signal proofs that he was no friend to the methodists. But he intending to speak only about their characters, and the counsel and judge looking upon that as quite impertinent to the matter in hand, he was not admitted as an evidence. Upon this, his Lordship, with great candour and impartiality, summed up the evidence, and told the^ jury, that he thought they should bring all the defendants in guilty ; for our evidences had sufficiently proved the whole of the information, and also that the riot was preme- ditated. He said, that, in his opinion, the chief of the de- fendants' evidence was incredible ; and that, supposing the me- thodists were heterodox, (as perhaps they might be,) it belonged to the ecclesiastical government to call them to an account; that they were subjects, and riotous men were not to be their reformers. He also reminded them of the dreadful ill conse- quences of rioting at any time, much more at such a critical time as this ; that rioting was the forerunner of, and might end in, rebellion ; that it was felony, without benefit of clergy, to 285 pull clown a meeting-house ; and, for all he knew, it was high treason to pull down even a brothel. That this information came from the King's Bench ; that his Majesty's justices there thought they had sufficient reason to grant it; that the matters contained in it had been evidently proved before them, and consequently they should bring all the defendants in guilty. Upon this the jury were desired to consider of their verdict. There seemed to be some little demur amongst them. His Lordship perceiving it, informed them, They had nothing to do with the damages, (that was to be referred to the King's Bench,) they were only to consider whether the defend- ants were guilty or not. " Whereupon, in a few minutes, they gave a verdict for the pro- secutors, and brought in all the defendants, ' guilty of the whole information lodged against them.' I then retired to my lodg- ings, kneeled down, and gave thanks with some friends to our all- conquering Emmanuel. Afterwards I went to the inn, prayed, and returned thanks with the witnesses, exhorted them to behave with meekness and humility to their adversaries, and after they had taken proper refreshment sent them home re- joicing. In the evening I preached on those words of the psalmist, ' By this I know that thou favourest me, since thou hast not suffered mine enemy to triumph over me.' God was pleased to enlarge my heart much. I was very happy with my friends afterwards, and the next morning set out for London, where we have had a blessed thanksgiving season, and from whence I take the first opportunity of sending you as many par- ticulars of the occasion, progress, and issue of our trial, as I can well recollect. What report his Lordship will be pleased to make of the case, and how the defendants will be dealt with, cannot be known till next term ; when I know I shall apprize you of it, as also of our behaviour towards them. In the mean while let me entreat you to give thanks to the blessed Jesus in our behalf, and to pray that his word may have free course, may run and be glorified, and a stop be put to all such rebellious proceedings." The Trial, in a Letter to a Friend. Whitefield had also at this time to put some writers as well as rioters upon their defence. An anonymous pamphlet, " On 286 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. the Conduct and Behaviour of the Methodists," had obtained no small sanction from the bishops. Indeed, the bishop of Lon- don was reported to be the author of it. The object of it was, to prove the methodists to be dangerous to both church and state, and to obtain an Act of Parliament against them, which would stop their field preaching and conventicles, or compel them (( to secure themselves by turning dissenters." The Toler- ation Act, it argued, did not permit their irregularities : and besides, they were enthusiasts! Parts of this pamphlet seem to have been printed and handed about secretly at first, as feelers of the pulse of the religious societies. Strict injunctions were given to every one who was intrusted with any of them, " not to lend them, nor let them go out of his hands." White- field, however, obtained a sight of them ; and finding that they contained not only charges against himself, but a deep design against religious liberty, he advertised in the newspapers, and demanded their speedy publication, that he might answer them before he went to America. He followed up this advertisement by a private letter to the bishop of London. " My Lord, sim- plicity becomes the followers of Jesus Christ, and therefore I think it my duty to trouble your Lordship with a few lines, con- cerning the anonymous papers which have been handed about in the societies. As I think it my duty to answer them, I should be glad to be informed whether the report be true, that your Lordship composed them, that I may the better know how to an- swer them. A sight also of one of the copies, if in your Lordship's keeping, would much oblige." His Lordship sent word by the bearer, that Whitefield should " hear from him ;" but he forgot his promise. Whitefield heard from the printer, not from the prelate. " Sir, my name is Owen. I am a printer in Amen Corner. I have had orders from several of the bishops to print for their use, such numbers of the ( Observations ' (with some few additions) as they have respectively bespoken. I will not fail to wait on you with one copy, as soon as the impression is finished." Owen kept his word. He did not venture, how- ever, to put his name on the title page of the pamphlet, " to let the world know where, or by whom, it was printed." " It came into the world," says Whitefield in a letter to the bishop, " like WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 287 a dropt child, that nobody cares to own. And, indeed, who can be blamed for disowning such a libel ? A more notorious libel has not been published." Lett. Whitefield was fully justified in branding the pamphlet thus. It charged the methodists with making " open inroads on the national constitution ;" with pretending to be " members of the national church ;" with being " open defiers of government," as well as breakers of " the canons and rubrics." His answer to this, Whitefield addressed, very properly, to " The bishop of London, and the other bishops concerned in the publica- tion" of such charges; taking for his motto the appropriate words, " False tvitnesses did rise up : they laid to my charge things I knew not." They did not sit down so easily as they rose up ! They told the religious societies, clandestinely, that methodism was unlawful ; and Whitefield told the world, openly, that this mode of attack was " like Nero setting fire to Rome, and then charging it on the Christians." " I cannot think," he says, " that such a way of proceeding will gain your Lordships any credit from the public or any thanks from the other bishops who have not interested themselves in this affair, and who, I believe, are more NOBLE than to countenance the publi- cation of any such performance." This bold retort upon anonymous slanderers, astounded both the slaves and the sycophants of "superiors." Prebendary Church, the vicar of Battersea, was horrified to find the heads of the church made accountable for a libel they had adopted, if not indorsed. This is the worthy to whom Bolingbroke said, " Let me tell you seriously, that the greatest miracle in the world is, the subsistence of Christianity, and its preservation as a religion, when the preaching of it is committed to the care of such unchristian wretches as you." This tremendous rebuke does not, I think, imply all that the word toretch means. It refers to principles, not to morals. I am led to this conclusion, because Whitefield treats Church respectfully, in answering his pamphlet, and because the following is the true account of the prebendary's interview with the peer. Church found Boling- broke reading Calvin's Institutes, one day, and was surprised. " You have caught me," said the viscount, " reading John Cal- 288 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. vin. He was, indeed, a man of great parts, profound sense, and vast learning. He handles the doctrines of grace in a very masterly manner." (Strange language from Bolingbroke ! But he had been hearing Whitefield at Lady Huntingdon's the week before.) " Doctrines of grace ! " exclaimed Church, " the doc- trines of grace have set all mankind by the ears." " I am sur- prised," said Bolingbroke, " to hear you say so, who profess to believe and preach Christianity. Those doctrines are certainly the doctrines of the Bible ; and if I believe the Bible I must believe them." Then came the well known rebuke I have quoted. This is the anecdote, as the Countess of Huntingdon was wont to tell it ; and she had it from the lips of Bolingbroke. Toplady. I would not have referred to the prebendary or his pamphlet, had he not become the scape-goat for the bishops he vindicated. There is quite as much of the gospel in his letter to White- field, as in their charges to their clergy. The only thing amusing in Church's letter is its conclusion. He charges Whitefield with glaring inconsistency, in blaming the clergy for non-residence. " You have been more culpable than any of them," he says, in reference to Whitefield's residence at Georgia. He then proceeds to count the times, and the length of each time, that Whitefield was at his post. This was pitiful ; know- ing as he did why the chaplain of the colony travelled. Well might Whitefield say, in answer to this charge, " I wish every non-resident could give as good an account of his non-residence, as I can give of mine. When I was absent from my parishioners, I was not loitering nor living at ease, but begging for them and theirs ; and when I returned, it was not to fleece my flock, and then go and spend it upon my lusts, or to lay up a fortune for myself and my relations." Letter to Church. Whitefield's letter to the bishops called forth another cham- pion of the clandestine papers ; a Pembroke College man, who called himself " a gentleman," although he took a motto from that vilest of all vulgar books, " The Scotch Presbyterian Elo- quence." He did not fail in imitating his original. He finds in Whitefield's letter, instead of " the arguing of the true saint, the wheedling of the woman ; the daring of the rebel; the pert- WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 289 ness of the coxcomb ; the evasions of the Jesuit; and the bitter maliciousness of the bigot. He classes him with Bonner and Gardiner, as " a fire-brand minister of wrath ;" and with Crom- well, whom he calls " the Whitefield of the last century." Why ? Because he " artfully compounded churchmen and dis- senters." " It will be an eternal monument of your disgrace," he says, " that dissenters lived peaceably, according to the na- tional constitution, and preached in licensed places, until you poisoned and corrupted them, by your evil communications." Would he had! But unfortunately for the dissenters then, Whitefield's influence had brougnt only two into the fields, as fellow -helpers with him in the gospel. He does not appear to have noticed this Pembroke gentle- man; but he renewed his attack upon the bishops, when he went to sea. On his voyage, he wrote a second letter to them. They had made the anonymous pamphlet their own, by printing and circulating it at their own expense ; and he held them ac- countable for its doctrines, as well as its politics. It had im- pugned justification by faith, and he stretched them on Luther's rack ; and on what must have been more annoying to their Lordships, the fact, that this doctrine was singled out by Ed- ward VI. and Elizabeth, to be principally taught to the people; " First, because it is the chiefest cause and means of our peace with God; second, that ministers might go with a right-foot (opfloTToSen/) to the gospel ; third, because it is the best way ' to discover and suppress Romish antichrist ;' and fourth, because f such bishops as do, by terms of error, schism, or heresy, hin- der this main light of God's word from the people, are the chiefest traitors in the land ; traitors to God, traitors to their king, traitors to their own souls and bodies, and traitors to the whole country." Homily. Gibson remembered this homily when he said, " Justification by faith alone is asserted in the strongest manner by our church :" but he forgot it when he added, " I hope our clergy explain it in such a manner, as to leave no doubt whether good works are a necessary condition oi being justified in the sight of God." Pastoral Letter. From this vantage ground, Whitefield assailed both Chil- lingworth and the author of " The Whole Duty of Man," as 2 P 290 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. traitors to this " articulus stantis aut caudentis ecclesia" The latter, he said, had shown only " Half the Duty of Man;" and the former had made " universal ohedience" a necessary con- dition of justification. In like manner, whilst he begged par- don of the public for saying that Tillotson knew no more of the gospel than Mahomet, (a comparison, by the way, which he had borrowed,) he repeated, that " the good archbishop, in turn- ing people's minds to moral duties, without turning them to the doctrine of justification by faith," erred from the faith. " Incidit in Scyllam, qui vult vitare Charibdin." He did not embarrass their Lordships less on the subject of re- generation. Their adopted champion had said, " If there be such a thing as a sudden, instantaneous change." " If there be," says Whitefield ; " does he not lay an axe to the very root of the baptismal office ? If the child be actually regenerated, when the minister sprinkles it, the change must be instantaneous and sudden. If there be any such thing ! Do your Lordships assent thereto ? An instantaneous change is the very essence of baptismal regeneration, that DIANA of the present clergy." He concludes this bold appeal thus, (f If the whole bench of bishops command us to speak no more of this doctrine, we take it to be an ungodly admonition. Whether it be right in the sight of God, to obey man rather than God, judge ye ! " Second Letter. These were the public affairs which diverted Whitefield from his private sorrows. The off-hand and unceremonious style in which they are told, can only offend those who venerate titles more than truth. It may be vastly unpolite to treat bishops in this straightforward way, when they pervert the gospel : it is, however, apostolical to pay neither deference nor respect to an angel, if he preach " another gospel " than Paul's. CHAPTER XII. WHITEFIELD AT CAMBUSLANG. WIIITEFIELD went in the power of the Spirit from the Pentecost at Moorfields, to the Pentecost at Cambuslang and Kilsyth, in Scotland. His return to the north was, however, wormwood and gall to some of the Associate Presbytery. Adam Gibb, especially, signalized himself on the first sabbath of Whitefield's labours in Edinburgh, by publishing a " WARNING against coun- tenancing his ministrations." This pamphlet is so strange, and now so rare, that I must preserve some specimens of it, as me- morials of the provocation as well as opposition given to White- field by the seceders of that day. Most cheerfully, however, do I preface them with Eraser's declaration, that " the violence then discovered by individual members of the Presbytery, has not only been sincerely deplored by their successors in office ; but that they themselves lived to repent of the rancour into which the heat of controversy had at first betrayed them." Even Gibb, it is said, wished, on his death-bed, that no copies of his pamphlet were on the face of the earth ; and said, if he could recall every copy he would burn them. My copy was presented by Dr. Erskine to Dr. Ryland, who wrote the following note upon it, " A Bitter Warning against Mr. Whitefield, by Mr. Gibbs, the Seceder. He became more moderate afterwards, and spoke respectfully of Mr. Hervey's writings, and Mr. Walker's of Truro." I am quite willing that these facts should be borne in mind, whilst the following astounding charges are read. " This man (' Mr. George Whitefield') I have no scruple to 292 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. look upon as one of the false Christs, of whom the church is forewarned. Matt. xxiv. 24. It is no unusual thing with him, in his journals, to apply unto himself things said of and by the Christ of God." " I look upon him, in his public ministrations, to be one of the most fatal rocks whereon many are now split- ting." " That he is no minister of Christ, appears from the manner wherein that office he bears is conveyed to him. He derives it from a diocesan bishop, who derives his office from the king, and the king professes not to be a church officer." " Mr. Whitefield, in swearing the oath of supremacy, has sworn that Christ is not supreme and sole Head of the church. He will not allege that he hath yet vomited that spiritual poison." " His uni- versal love proceeds on the erroneous and horrid principle, that God is the lover of all souls, and the God of all churches." " The horror of this is still more awful, because he hales in our Lord and his apostles to patronize this catholic spirit." u He breaks off a piece of the glass of truth, and turns his back on the re- mainder : thus, though he hold up that piece of the glass, I say, before his face, he cannot see the true Christ, because his back is toward Him. So then, the doctrine of grace Mr. Whitefield retains, cannot possibly discover the true Christ, because his back is toward him, in flouting aw;ay the doctrine that discovers Christ a King of a visible kingdom." " The doctrine of grace," he publishes, (< is carried oif from its true posture, connexion, and use, and applied to a diabolical purpose ; viz. to create a Christ in people's imaginations, as a competition with the true Christ." " The horror of this scene strikes me almost dumb. I must halt, and give way to some awful ideas that I cannot vent in language. ' Obstupui, steteruntque comae, et Vox faucibus hsesit ! ' " " The proper and designing author of his scheme, is not Mr. Whitefield, but Satan : and thus our contendings against Mr. W. must be proportioned, not to his design, but Satan's ; while hereof he is an effectual though blinded tool." " As for the gentleman himself, while he is under a very ruinous delusion, and thereby gathering upon him his own blood, and the blood 293 of multitudes, this his condition loudly requires the pity of all that know him. And I know of no way wherein this can be rightly exercised, without avoiding company with him, that he may he ashamed, 2 Thess. iii. 14. In this manner it is, that we are called to exercise love to his person, and desire of his reco- very : for as his unwarrantable and woeful ministrations must be idolatrous, so idolaters ( Whitefield's !) slay their own chil- dren." " The complex scheme of Mr. W.'s doctrine is diaboli- cal, as proceeding through diabolical influence, and applied to a diabolical use, against the Mediator's glory and the salvation of men." " What shall be the procedure of God in such a dis- mal case ? Can His justice sleep now ? No ! " " Forasmuch as Mr. Whitefield's followers do, as such, seek after a Christ, convictions, and conversions, that are really idols, it is therefore to be fearfully expected, that God will, in judgment, answer them accordingly, and send them an idol Christ, and idol conversions, according to their lust. God's great executioner, Satan, must be employed in the producing of such effects. He will ape the work of God's Spirit." " The doctrine of impressions, which Mr. W. is at pains to teach, is a very necessary part of Satan's doctrine." " Hence Satan, while kindling men's fancies, must carry them out under strong and blind impulses, frights, freaks, raptures, visions, boastings, blunders, &c." All this, as it stands here, seems mere rant and raving. In the pamphlet, however, it is blended with much acute reasoning upon the subject of the Kingship of Christ. Gibb's grave charge against Whitefield was, that he preached Christ only as a Sa- viour : not meaning, however, that he did not enforce holiness of life ; but that he taught a latitudinarian scheme of church polity, the tendency of which was, to " make men sceptics as to the discipline and government of the house of God." And there is some truth in this. Whitefield knew little and cared less about the visible form of the kingdom of Christ in the world. All his concern was, to see His spiritual kingdom set up in the hearts of individuals. But whilst it is well that this was his chief object, it was well too that others laid more stress than himself upon church government. Gibb laid too much; but Whitefield went to an equally unscriptural extreme. Accord- 294 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. ingly, Whitefield's societies, in general, subsided into other churches ; especially in America. It must not be supposed, that Gibb predicted the scenes of Cambuslang or Kilsyth. It was cheap prophesying on July 23rd, 1742, that a lying spirit, working by " the foreigner" (White- field,) would produce " strong impulses, frights, freaks, and visions." The effects, thus exaggerated, had begun at Cam- buslang in the winter of 1741, under the ministry of M'Cullock, the pastor of the parish. " His hearers, in considerable num- bers, were on different occasions so violently agitated, while he preached regeneration, as to fall down under visible paroxysms of bodily agony. But nothing can be more certain, than that the unusual events had been a subject of general observation and inquiry, for many months before Whitefield had ever been at Cambuslang. It is impossible to identify their commence- ment with his labours, by any fair examination of the facts as they occurred." Sir Henry Moncrieff Welwood's Life of Dr. Erskine. Whitefield did not lessen the effect, however, when he went ; and thus Gibb's tirade, being well timed to Whitefield's visit, seemed prophecy ; for the WARNING and the WORK came before the public at large together. It was this coincidence that gave so much point and currency amongst the seceders, to the prover- bial maxim, that " the wark at Caummlang was a wark o 9 the deevil." Seceders were not the only persons, however, that said that Whitefield cast out devils by the power of Beelzebub. Bishop Lavington concludes his examination of the enthusiasm of methodists thus : " If there be any thing in it exceeding the powers of nature ; any thing beyond the force of distemper, or of imagination and enthusiasm artfully worked up ; any thing beyond the reach of juggle and imposture ; (which I take not upon me to affirm or deny ;) in that case, I see no reason against concluding, that it is the work of some evil spirit ; a sort of ma- gical operation, or other diabolical illusion." Lavington, p. 398. Polwheles Ed. Again : " We know that in the latter days, demons should be the authors of many surprising things ; God permitting Satan to work upon the affections of false prophets and evil men." Ibid. 217. Thus prelate and presbyter were WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 295 equally vulgar and virulent upon this subject ; and, therefore, ought to be placed together at the bar of posterity. Thus caricatured and denounced, Whitefield came to Cam- buslang ; a parish four miles distant from Glasgow. He came by the special invitation of Mr. M'Cullock, the minister of the parish, to " assist at the sacramental occasion, with several wor- thy ministers of the church of Scotland." Gillies says, " he preached no less than three times upon the very day of his arrival, to a vast body of people, although he had preached that same morning at Glasgow. The last of these exercises he began at nine at night, continuing until eleven, when he said he had observed such a commotion among the people, as he had never seen in America. Mr. M'Cullock preached after him, till past one in the morning ; and even then they could hardly persuade the people to depart. All night in the fields might be heard the voice of praise and prayer." Whitefield said to a friend, before going to this sacramental service, " I am persuaded I shall have more power since dear Mr. Gibb hath printed such a bitter pamphlet." He did not miscalculate. " On Saturday," he says, " I preached to above twenty thousand people. In my prayer the power of God came down and was greatly felt. In my two sermons, there was yet more power. On sabbath, scarce ever was such a sight seen in Scotland. There were undoubtedly upwards of twenty thousand people. A brae, or hill, near the manse of Cambuslang, seemed formed by Providence for containing a large congregation. Two tents were set up, and the holy sacrament was administered in the fields. The communion table was in the field. Many mi- nisters attended to preach and assist, all enlivening and enlivened by one another. " When I began to serve a table, the power of God was felt by numbers ; but the people crowded so upon me, that I was obliged to desist, and go to preach at one of the tents, whilst the ministers served the rest of the tables. God was with them and with his people. On Monday morning I preached to near as many as before : but such a universal stir I never saw before ! The motion fled as swift as lightning, from one end of the audi- tory to another. You might have seen thousands bathed in 296 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. tears. Some at the same time wringing their hands, others almost swooning, and others crying out, and mourning over a pierced Saviour. " But I must not attempt to describe it. In the afternoon the concern again was very great. Much prayer had heen pre- viously put up to the Lord. All night, in different companies, you might have heard persons praying to and praising God. The children of God came from all quarters. It was like the passover in Josiah's time. We are to have another sacrament, in imitation of Hezekiah's passover, in ahout two or three months. The Messrs. Erskines and their adherents (would you have thought it ?) have appointed a public fast, to humble themselves, among other things, for my being received in Scot- land, and for the delusion, as they term it, at Cambuslang and other places ; and all this, because I would not consent to preach only for them, till I had light into, and could take, the solemn league and covenant. To what lengths may prejudice carry even good men ! " Letters. Before the next sacrament he was suddenly taken ill. The efforts and the excitement overcame him for a short time. " My friends thought I was going off : but how did Jesus fill my heart ! To-day I am, as they call it, much better. In the pulpit, the Lord out of weakness makes me wax strong, and causes me to triumph more and more." " I feel the power of His precious, live-giving, all-atoning blood more and more every day. I was happy when in London. I am ten times happier now. The Lord hath done great things for us, whereof we are glad." When the second sacrament came, the scenes of the first were renewed. " Mr. Whitefield's sermons," says Mr. M'Cullock, " were attended with much power ; particularly on sabbath night about ten. A very great but decent weeping and mourning was observable throughout the auditory. While serving some tables, he appeared to be so filled with the love of God, as to be in a kind of transport. This second occasion did, indeed, much excel the former, not only in the number of ministers and people, but, which is the main thing, in a much greater increase of the power and special presence of God. The lowest estimate of numbers, with which Mr. Whitefield agrees, and he has been used to great WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 297 multitudes, makes them upwards of thirty thousand. The number of communicants appears to have been about three thousand. Some worthy of credit, and that had opportunities to know, give it as their opinion, that such a blessed frame fell upon the people, that, had they possessed means to obtain tokens, (tickets of admission to the sacrament,) there would have been a thousand more." Robes Narrative. " Some who attended, declared they would not for a world have been absent from this solemnity. Others cried, ' Now let thy servants depart in peace, since our eyes have seen salvation here.' Others wishing, if it were the will of God, to die where they were attending God in his ordinances, without ever returning to the world." Ibid. It will be seen from these extracts that Whitefield did not ex- aggerate the power under which he spoke, although he states it in strong terms. Again, therefore, let him bear witness. " Such a commotion, surely, was never heard of, especially at eleven at night. For about an hour and a half, there was such weeping, so many falling into deep distress, as is inexpressible. The people seem to be slain by scores. They are carried off, and come into the house, like soldiers wounded and carried off a field of battle. Their cries and agonies are exceedingly affecting." This occurred at the first sacrament. Of the second he says, " People sat unwearied till two in the morning. You could scarce walk a yard, without treading on some, either rejoicing in God for mercies received, or crying out for more. Thousands and thousands have I seen, before it was possible to catch it by sympathy, melted down under the word and power of God." Letters. Sir Henry Moncrieff Welwood, in his Life of Dr. Erskine, says, " From this time (Whitefield's visit) the multitudes who assembled were more numerous than they ever had been, or perhaps than any congregation ever before assembled in Scot- land. The religious impressions made on the people were apparently much greater, and more general." These were engrossing scenes. They did not, however, divert Whitefield from any of the ordinary duties of life or godliness at the time. Some spy did, indeed, insinuate that he gave but little time to secret devotion at night, after preaching. In an- 2Q 298 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. swer to this charge, he said, " I think not my spirit in bondage, if through weakness of body, or frequency of preaching, I can- not go to God at my usual set times. It is not for me to tell how often I use secret prayer. If I did not use it, if in one sense I did not pray without ceasing, it would be difficult for me to keep up that frame of mind, which by the divine blessing I daily enjoy. God knows my heart : I would do every thing I could to satisfy all men, and give a reason of the hope that is in me with meekness and fear ; but I cannot satisfy all that are waiting for an occasion to find fault. Let my Master speak for me." Letters. He redeemed time to write the following letter to his mother, also, from Cambuslang : " Honoured mother, I rejoice to hear that you have been so long under my roof. Blessed be God, that I have a house for my honoured mother to come to ! You are heartily welcome to any thing my house affords, as long as you please. If need was, indeed, these hands should administer to your necessities. I had rather want myself, than you should : I shall be highly pleased when I come to Bristol, and find you sitting in your youngest son's house. Oh may I sit with you in the house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens ! Ere long your doom, honoured mother, will be fixed. You must shortly go hence and be no more. Your only daughter, I trust, is now in the paradise of God. Methinks I hear her say, ' Come up hither.' I am sure Jesus calls you by his word. May His Spirit enable you to say, ' Lo, I come.' Oh that my dear mother may be made an everlasting monument of free and sovereign grace ! How does my heart burn with love and duty to you ? Gladly would I wash your aged feet, and lean on your neck, and weep, and pray until I could pray no more." Besides this, and many other private letters, he wrote fre- quently to his coadjutors at the Tabernacle, and to his managers at Georgia. Indeed, at this time, his responsibilities for the orphan-house pressed heavily upon his spirits. C( I yet owe upwards of 250 in England, and have nothing towards it. How is the world mistaken about my circumstances ! Worth nothing myself, embarrassed for others, and yet looked upon to flow in riches ! Our extremity is God's opportunity." So it was ! WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 299 Before he left Scotland he could say, " Blessed be God, I owe nothing now in England on the orphan-house account. What is due is abroad. At Edinburgh I collected 128 ; at Glasgow 128; in all about 300. Since I have been in England,^ we have got near 1500. The Lord will raise up what we further need." Thus no relative duty was neglected, notwithstanding the multiplicity of his public engagements. He even found time at Cambuslang (just the spot for the task !) to write his letter, entitled " A Vindication and Confirmation of the Remarkable Work of God in New England; being remarks on a late pamphlet, entitled, The State of Religion in New England, since the Rev. G. Whitefield's arrival there ; in a Letter to a Minister of the Church of Scotland." This pamphlet, like Gibb's " Warning," was intended to depreciate both Whitefield and his work in Scotland. In answering it, however, he wisely left the work at Cambuslang to vindicate itself, and confined his explanations to New England; that the revivals there might in nowise depend upon those in Scotland for their justification. He also proved pretty fully, although without bringing home the fact to any one, that the pamphlet was altered in Scotland, to suit a purpose. And there are dates of Scotch publications in it, which could not have been known in Boston, when it was written. Hence he asks, " How could that gentleman (the au- thor) see at Boston on May 24th, that Edwards' Sermon was reprinted in Scotland ; which was not done till June following ? I myself was chiefly concerned in publishing it." Besides the great awakening at Cambuslang at this time, there was another similar at Kilsyth, which Whitefield visited also. As might be expected, both were misrepresented by formalists and bigots. The seceders, Whitefield says, " Taking it for granted that God had left the Scotch established church long ago, and that he would not work by the hands of a curate of the church of England, condemned the whole work as the work of the devil ; and kept a fast throughout all Scotland to humble themselves, because the devil was come down in great wrath ; and to pray that the Lord would rebuke the destroyer for that was my title." Oliphant's Memoirs. 300 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. The Associate Presbytery, in their hot zeal to depreciate the conversions, confounded them, like Lavington, with the extra- vagance of fanatics and impostors, Camizars, and the first quakers. They issued from Dunfermline an Act of Presbytery anent a public fast, of which Mr. Robe of Kilsyth says, " It is the most heaven-daring paper that hath been published by any set of men in Britain these three hundred years past." This is a bold charge. It was not, however, advanced in a bad spirit ; as the following appeals and explanations abundantly show, " My dear brethren, (of the Secession,) my heart's desire and prayer to God for you is, that he may open your eyes to see the many mistakes you labour under. Whatever bitter names you give us, and however you magnify yourselves against us, we take all patiently ; and there are thousands of witnesses that we return you blessing for cursing. We would lay our bodies as the ground, and as the street, for you to go over, if it could in the least contribute to remove your prejudices, and advance the kingdom of our dear Redeemer." This is humble and earnest pleading ; and so far as the word "we" includes Mr. Robe and the leaders of the revival, the pleading is honest. It must not, however, be considered as a specimen of the spirit of the clergy, in general, towards the seceders. This being understood, I proceed with the appeal. " You declare the work of God to be a delusion, and the work of the grand deceiver. Now, my dear brethren, for whom I tremble, have you been at due pains to know the nature and circumstances of this work?" (Their Act was issued whilst the work was going on.) " Have you taken the trouble to go to any of these places, where the Lord has appeared in his glory and majesty ? Have you so much as written to any of the ministers to receive information of it ? Is it not amazing rashness, with- out inquiry or trial, to pronounce that a work of the devil, which, for any thing you know, may be the work of the infinitely good and holy Spirit ? " " My dear brethren, can you find in your hearts, after all the prayers you have put up in public and private for the outpour- ing of the Spirit upon this poor church and land, to deny that it is He, when he is come ? Will ye be so fearless, can you be WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 301 so cruel to thousands of perishing sinners, who begin to fly to Jesus Christ as a cloud and as doves to their windows ; as in the most solemn manner, with lifted up eyes and hands, to pray that there may be a restraint upon the influences of the Holy Spirit, and that this outpouring of His grace may be withdrawn, and not spread over the length and breadth of the land?" Robe's Preface. It is impossible not to ask, and that with strong emotion too, after reading such remonstrances, how could such good men as the Erskines withstand these appeals ? Now it is not easy to explain this anomaly, without seeming to palliate its enor- mity. It admits, however, of some explanation. The Ers- kines, on raising the standard of Reformation in Scotland, planted it upon the mount of the solemn league and covenant ; arguing, that God would carry on his work only " in a way of solemn covenanting," as in the days of their " reforming fore- fathers." R. Erskine, on Witnessing for God. With this prin- ciple, Whitefield had no sympathy ; for, whether right or wrong, he did not understand it. He would not therefore submit to it. The reformers also laid it down as a maxim, " that little truths" (at such a time) were " like the little pinnings of a wall, as ne- cessary as the great stones ;" that it was " a false conversion," which " draws men off from any of the ways of God ;" that " aversion from, and opposition to, the testimony of the time" was opposing God. Ralph Erskine's Sermons, 2nd vol. folio. All this, as they understood it, Whitefield rejected ; and there- fore they rejected him, and defamed his principles, in order to defend their own. " I shall show you, in eight or ten particu- lars," said Ralph in a sermon, " what another God, and what another Christ, is appearing in the delusive spirit of this time, brought in by the instrumentality of the foreigner (Whitefield); of whom we had some grounds for very favourable thoughts and expectations, till we understood him more fully, and found him in several respects a stranger to our God, and setting up another God." Sermons, folio. The chief ground of this charge, however hollow, is plausible. The Associate Presbytery were asserting the legislative su- premacy of Christ, as King of Zion. The evils they were con- 302 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. tending against in the kirk, had grown out of a long disregard to this sacred principle. Now Whitefield sided with the minis- ters who, however good in other respects, did not " testify " against the violations of this principle ; but against the Seces- sion who avowed and advocated it. Hence, he was identified and denounced with the enemies of church reform. He had joined their ranks, and therefore he had to share in their re- buke, as well as to suffer for mortifying the Presbytery. It was thus the Erskines were tempted to oppose and impugn the re- vivals at Cambuslang and Kilsyth. These revivals checked the kind of reformation, which the Erskines were chiefly plead- ing for. They saw and felt this, and hence they said, " Satan seems content that Christ should preach, providing He do not reign nor rule ; knowing that his doctrine will not be long un- corrupted, if His government can be overturned." Sermons. " The power and policy of hell is at work, to bring any attempt at reformation under contempt." Ibid. Thus the seceders could not imagine that any thing could be another work of God, which was visibly and virtually hindering that work of God which they had so solemnly espoused, and which was so much needed at the time. It became, therefore, a solemn duty, as they supposed, to pour contempt and obloquy upon conver- sions, which were pouring doubt upon the necessity and value of church reform. " That must be a wrong conversion," says Ralph, " that hath no tendency to the public good, but a ten- dency to oppose a public reformation." Sermons. The depicting power also of Whitefield's oratory, so unlike Scotch reasonings, gave the Erskines another handle against him. Cornelius Winter says of him, " It was not without great pathos, you may be sure, he treated upon the sufferings of the Saviour. He was very ready at that kind of painting, which frequently answered the end of real scenery. As though Geth- semane were within sight, he would say, stretching out his hand, c Look yonder ! What is it I see ? It is my agonizing Lord ! ' And, as though it were no difficult matter to catch the sound of the Saviour praying, he would exclaim, f Hark, hark ! do you not hear ? ' You may suppose that as this oc- curred frequently, the efficacy of it was destroyed : but, no ; WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 303 though we often knew what was coming, it was as new to us as though we had never heard it before." Jay's Life of Winter. Such painting Ralph Erskine had witnessed, and the effect of it upon the people led him to say, " They see a beautiful and glo- rious person presented to their imagination, or to their bodily eye. What a devil, instead of Christ, is this ! " " Never, I think, did Satan appear as an angel of light, so evidently, as in the delusive spirit now spreading." Sermons. On the other hand, Robe and some of his brethren founded a theory upon the vivid images thus produced ; and argued that " imaginary ideas of Christ as man, belonged to saving faith ; or at least, were helpful to the faith of His being God-man." Fraser. Ralph Erskine replied to this theory, in a work, en- titled, " Faith no Fancy, or a Treatise of Mental Images." Well might Fraser say of this book, " it is not every where level to mere ordinary capacities." It is not, indeed ! It proves, however, that the author was a man of extraordinary capacity ; and could be as much at home amongst the depths of metaphysics as amongst the heights of poetry or devotion. It is said, that Reid found in this work the principles on which he afterwards built his System of the Philosophy of the Human Mind. If he did, happily he did not draw the spirit of his philosophy from it. The treatise certainly displays " an extraordinary degree of metaphysical acuteness :" but if it prove any thing against such mental images as Whitefield created, and Robe commended, it stultifies the author's " GOSPEL SONNETS ;" for they are " cham- bers of imagery." It is not necessary to illustrate this retort, to those who have read both the poetry and the philosophy of Ralph Erskine ; and the point of it could not be explained to those who have not read both. Suffice it to say, that his son- nets refute his system, and have survived it, although they are often as fantastical as they are devotional. It is amusing to read the charges and disclaimers of the parties in Scotland, upon the subject of religious liberty. The Asso- ciate Presbytery gravely charged the revivalists in the kirk " with pleading for a boundless toleration and liberty of con- science :" no great crime, as we now judge. Not so, however, did the revivalists of that day deem it. The imputation roused 304 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. then, however, the Scotch blood of even the kind-hearted and liberal Robe. " Where and when did we that ? " he exclaims. " I know none of my brethren ever did it : and I am so far con- scious of my innocence, that I insist upon your making your charge good. If you do not, as I am sure you cannot, it is no pleasure to me, that you give reason to the world to reckon you slanderers." How true it is, that nations are " slowly wise, and meanly just ;" and that even good men are seldom wiser than their times ! Whitefield's visits would have been a blessing to Scotland, had they led to nothing but a canvassing of the rights of con- science ; for he was far ahead of both parties on the subject of religious liberty. Another handle against the Cambuslang and Kilsyth revivals, was, the physical effects of the awakening. " We have convul- sions instead of convictions," said Erskine. He might and ought to have known, that this was not true of one in six of the converts. " They are greatly mistaken, who imagine, that all those who have been observably awakened, have come under faintings, tremblings, or other bodily distresses. These have been by far the fewest number." Robe. Notwithstanding this assurance from the principal witness, the Erskines went on to confound the exceptions with the rule, in these conversions. Even in 1765, the editor of Ralph's Sermons kept up this mis- representation, and said, in a note, " the subjects of the extra- ordinary work" were " strangely agitated by strong convulsions, fearful distortions, foamings, and faintings." This is caricature, not history. In 1742, the instances of " conversion carried on in a calm, silent, quiet manner, for six months, are the more numerous and unquestionable." Robe. Whitefield's visit oc- curred in this period. Besides, even Ralph Erskine himself could not always prevent, though he reproved, " clamorous noise," under his own ministry. FAITH NO FANCY. Appendix to Preface. But these effects have been sufficiently explained in the American department of this volume. It would be wrong, after having quoted so often from Ralph Erskine's Sermons, were I not to say even of the sermons which WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 305 are most disfigured with tirades against Whitefield and the re- vivals, that they are full of evangelical truth, and flaming with love to immortal souls, and as faithful to the conscience, as any that Whitefield preached at Cambuslang. Indeed, had they been preached on the brae-head, at the great sacrament there, Erskine would as surely have " slain his hundreds," as White- field did " his thousands." Whitefield, it seems, was wont to preach at Cambuslang under an ancient thorn-tree ; the shade and fragrance of which he found refreshing. That tree exists still, and is well known as " Whitefield's Thorn." There is a branch of it in my garden, which was sent through the Post-Office in a letter a foot and a half long ; but it is not likely to take root. Perhaps the unknown donor intended it for my cabinet; and there the dead twigs of it are deposited, along with some pieces of the pillar of Bunyan's first pulpit, and of the beam of his dwelling- house, waiting for a branch from Luther's Elm at Worms. 2 R CHAPTER XIII. WHITEFIELD ITINERATING. ON returning from Cambuslang to London, Whitefield found, says Gillies, " the Tabernacle enlarged, and a new awakening " begun. As might be expected, he was just in the right spirit for turning both facilities to the best account. Remembering the unction he enjoyed in Scotland, he wrote to a friend on arriving at London, " I feel it I feel it now, and long to preach again ! " When he did, he soon had occasion to inform one of his Cambuslang companions, " Our glorious Emmanuel blesses me in like manner, now he has brought me to England." This flourishing state of the Tabernacle society, now equally large and harmonious, enabled him to forget all his old griev- ances, and to renew his wonted spirit towards the Wesleys. They were then triumphing gloriously at Newcastle, and he " heartily rejoiced" in their success. He wrote to one of their friends thus : " I am dead to parties now, and freed from the pain which, on that account, once disturbed the peace of my soul. I redeem time from sleep rather than your letter should not be answered." His letters at this time are full of a holy impatience to get out of his " winter-quarters," pleasant as they were, arid to en- ter upon a " fresh campaign." His old friends in the country, and especially in Wales, were crying out for him, to do there what he had done in Scotland. He could not, however, gratify them at once. Persecution had begun to harass some of his coadjutors in Wales and Wiltshire ; and therefore he kept upon his vantage ground in London, to expose and defeat it. Ac- cordingly, he appealed thus to the bishop of Bangor, on behalf WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 307 of Cennick, who had been " shamefully used " in that diocese : " In Wales they have little fellowship meetings, where some well-meaning people meet together, simply to tell what God hath done for their souls. In some of these meetings, I believe, Mr. C. used to tell his experience, and to invite his companions to come and be happy in Jesus Christ. He is, therefore, indicted as holding a conventicle ; and this, I find, is the case of one if not two more. Now, my Lord, these persons, thus indicted, as far as I can judge, are loyal subjects to his Majesty, and true friends to, and attendants upon, the church of England service. You will see by the letters (I send with this) how unwilling they are to leave her. And yet, if all those acts against per- sons meeting to plot against church and state, were put in ex- ecution against them, what must they do? They must be obliged to declare themselves dissenters. I assure your Lord- ship it is a critical time for Wales. Hundreds, if not thousands, will go in a body from the church, if such proceedings are coun- tenanced. I lately wrote them a letter, dissuading them from separating from the church ; and I write thus freely to your Lordship, because I would not have such a fire kindled in or from your Lordship's diocese." To this letter the bishop re- turned a prompt and polite answer, promising to hear both sides. What he did eventually, I know not. However, six months afterwards, Whitefield found some difficulty, though he carried his point, in preventing a separation from the church in Wales ; as we shall soon see. The next case of persecution which he had to resist, came to him from Wiltshire. It was of a kind not altogether cured by another century of " the march of intellect." It was this : " The ministers of Bramble, Segery, Langley, and many others, have strictly forbidden the overseers and churchwardens to let any of the C s (Cennickites ?) have any thing out of the parish ; and they obey them, and tell the poor, if they cannot stop them from following any other way (than the church !) they will famish them. Several of the poor, having large fami- lies, have already been denied any help. Some, out of fear, de- nied they ever came, (to the conventicle,) and others have been wade to promise they will come no more ; whilst the most part 308 come at the loss of friends and all they have. When the offi- cers threatened some to take away their pay, they answered, " If you starve us we will go ; and rather than forbear, we will live on grass like kine." These facts, in this form, Whitefield submitted to the bishop of Old Sarum ; telling his Lordship plainly, that if C left the church, "hundreds would leave it with him." The effect, as usual, is not known. The only thing certain is, that both per- secution and petty annoyance went on in most quarters. Whitefield having done what he could by letters, left Lon- don to visit these disturbed districts, and attend the associa- tions of the Welch methodists. On his way he preached at Hampton Common, to about " twelve thousand." Gillies does not mention the occasion. It was this. " A man was hung in chains " there, that day. " A more miserable spectacle," says Whitefield, " I have not seen. I preached in the morning to a great auditory, about a mile off from the place of execution. I intended doing the same after the criminal was turned off; but the weather was very violent. Thousands and thousands came and staid to hear ; but through misinformation, kept on the top of the hill while I preached at the bottom." From this he went to Dursley, one of the seats of persecu- tion, to dare the consequences ; but although the mob had taken down an itinerant on the sabbath before, " no one was permitted to touch or molest " him. " The word came (upon them) with a most gloriously convincing power." He then went to his TUMP again at Hampton. " I cannot tell you," he says, " what a solemn occasion that was ! They do, indeed, hang on me to hear the word. It ran, and was glorified. Preaching in Gloucestershire now, is like preaching at the Tabernacle." After preaching at Bristol and Bath, he went to Waterford in South Wales, and there presided at the first Association of the Welch Calvinistic Methodists. All who know how much Wales owes to the meetings of this union, and how often and signally they have been Pentecostal scenes, well accounting for, if not excusing, the shouts of " Gogunnyant, bendyitti" will learn with pleasure that Whitefield "opened the Association." WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 309 Gillies. "I opened, with a close and solemn discourse on walking with God. Afterwards we betook ourselves to business ; settling the affairs of the societies, till about two in the morn- ing." Next day, they sat till midnight. " All acknowledged God was with them." Thus began that which eventually im- mortalized Bala (bach !) and sainted Charles. In the spirit of this meeting he went to Cardiff, and again made " the greatest scoffers quiet." But at Swansea, the effect was so great, that he wrote off to a friend after preaching, " Swansea is taken ! I never preached with a more convincing power. Free grace for ever ! " From this he went to Caer- marthen, and preached from " the top of the CROSS." The great sessions were then sitting. " The justices," he says, " de- sired I would stay till they rose, and they would come. Ac- cordingly, they did, and many thousands more, and several people of quality." He was still more pleased, however, with an audience " of several thousand souls at Jefferson," because they were " very like the Kingswood colliers ; and at Llassivran, because he had, " as it were, a Moorfields congregation," and chiefly, because "Jerusalem sinners bring most glory to Christ." Whilst thus in what he calls " a new and very unthought-of world," a clergyman in the neighbourhood of Larn preached against him by name on the sabbath day, much and violently. This defeated its own purpose. To his surprise, on crossing the ferry at Larn, one vessel fired a salute, and several hoisted their flags as tokens of respect and welcome. During this itineracy in Wales he travelled, he says, " four hundred miles in three weeks, spent three days in attending two associations, preached about forty times, visited about thirteen towns, and passed through seven counties." Lett. 514. At the close of this tour, his first question to himself was, " Where shall I go next ? " He was at a loss to determine. " A visit to York- shire would be very agreeable. Perhaps Exeter and Cornwall may be the next places. That is dry ground. I love to range in such places." He determined, however, to make, first, one more attack upon the prince of darkness in Moorfields. This he did ; and one of its effects was, that he was enabled to remit 25 to Georgia, in addition to 100 sent out by his brother's ship a lit- 310 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. tie before. " Grace,, grace/' he exclaims in his letter to Haber- sham, " I have paid all that is due in England, and have sent you 25 by the bearer. God willing, I will remit you more soon." After a few weeks, he left London again for Gloucestershire, to " strengthen the persecuted," or to share the brunt with Cen- nick, of whom he was very fond. He thus describes him at this time : " He is truly a great soul ! one of those weak things, which God has chosen to confound the strong. Such a hardy worker with his hands, and hearty preacher at the same time, I have scarce known. All call him a second Bunyan." Having countenanced and consoled Cennick, he went to Bristol. On his arrival he learnt that the king had fought and conquered in Germany. Whitefield did not know before, that GEORGE had joined the army. He, therefore, said, with his characteristic simplicity and loyalty, " I had observed for some time past, when praying for him, that, whether I would or not, out came this petition, Lord, cover thou his head in the day of battle. While praying, I wondered why I prayed so ; not knowing he was gone to fight. This gave me confidence." Lett. 124. He had need of it ; for his own day of battle was at hand. A letter came to him from his itinerant at Hampton, urging him to place himself in the breach. The appeal, as will be seen, was not likely to be lost on Whitefield. " On sabbath morning," says the writer, " about twenty of the society met. In the afternoon, the mob came to my house, demanding me to come down. I asked, by what authority they did so ? They swore they would have me. Then said I, you shall, so they took me to the lime-pit, (for skins,) and threw me in. But oh, what a power of God was on my soul ! I thought, with Stephen, the heavens opened to my sight, and the Lord Jesus was ready to receive me. I believe my undaunted courage shook some of them. I told them, I should meet them at the judgment-seat, and then their faces would gather paleness. They let me out, and I came home and prayed with the people who were there. After that, I ex- horted. And when I was concluding, the mob came again, and took me to a brook to throw me in there. They told me, they would let me go, if I would forbear preaching for a month. I would make no such promise. So forward I went. One of them WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 311 threw me in, and I went to the bottom, but came up again, with my hands clasped together. I did not desire to come out until they fetched me. Accordingly, in jumped one or two of them, and took me out. But then, one maliciously and cowardly pushed me in again, and much cut and bruised one of my legs against a stone. Some of the others were going to throw him in for doing so. I came home talking with them. Many seemed to repent of what they had done, and promised to molest me no more. The chief says, he will in nowise touch me again. Many advise us to prosecute them : but if they are quiet, I am con- tent, and can say from the heart, ( Father, forgive them.' I should be glad if you would be here next Sunday." Thomas Adams. Whitefield was soon on the spot ! " On Thursday I came here, and expected to be attacked; because I had heard that the mob had threatened that, if ever I came there again, they would have a piece of my black gown to make aprons with. No sooner had I entered the town, but I heard and saw the signals ; such as blowing of horns, and ringing of bells, for gathering the mob. My soul was kept quite easy. I preached on a large glass-plat. I finished just as the ringleader of the mob broke in upon us. One of them called me coward. I then went to the house and preached on the stair-case, to a large number of seri- ous souls : but the troublers in Israel soon came in to mock and mob us. But, feeling what I never felt before, as I have very little natural courage, strength and power from above, I leaped down-stairs ; and all ran away before me. However, they con- tinued making a noise about the house till midnight ; abusing the poor people as they went home, and, as we hear, they broke one young lady's arm in two places. " Hearing that two or three clergymen were in the town, one of whom was a justice of the peace, (query, of the war ?) I went to them : but, alas, they laid the cause of all the grievance at my door ; but, by the help of my God, I shall persist in preach- ing, and in encouraging those to do so, who are moved by the Holy Ghost. As I came out from the clergymen, two of the unhappy mobbers were particularly insolent, and huzzaed us out of town. Let us ( rejoice and be exceeding glad,' for now, I 312 humbly hope, I begin to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, since to suffer for Him is given unto me." Whitefield had to " appeal unto Caesar " for justice, in this case. The trial of the Hampton rioters came 011 very soon after the sudden death of his only son ; and as the preparation and bustle of the affair diverted him somewhat from brooding upon his loss, I have connected the report with his domestic life. About this time, a motion was made at one of the associations in Wales, whilst Whitefield was present, to separate from the established church. This grieved him much, although it was made only by ff a few contracted spirits," as he calls them. " By far the greater part most strenuously opposed it," and agreed to go on as usual, because they enjoyed such " great liberty under the mild and paternal government of his Majesty." Thus, with all his attachment to the church, Whitefield was too honest to ascribe any of his liberty to her government. His definition of liberty, at this association, is characteristic of him- self and his coadjutors ; " the privilege of ranging up and down, preaching repentance to those multitudes, who come neither to church nor meeting, but who are led from curiosity to follow us into the fields ;" a privilege, which very few exercise now, how- ever many would contend for it. The crushing of Sidmouth's bill was not followed by much field preaching. In the course of his itineracy this year, Whitefield visited Exeter twice, and created a stir which turned the bishop into a pamphleteer. Lavington had heard of the " enthusiasm of the methodists," and now he saw it. It drew ten thousand of his flock out to Southern Bay, and several of his clergy out of their stalls into the fields, to hear Whitefield. Some of the latter, however, " went off," when " the Lord made way for himself into the hearts of the people." Having introduced this leaven into the city, Whitefield left it to ferment for two months, and then returned, determined to be " all heart and all humility, at the same time." The result was, " the common people began to feel, and even some of the polite were much affected," although in the fields. This will account for Lavington's tirades against itinerant preaching. The bishop had the insolence to insinuate, though not the boldness to say, that the methodist preachers, WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. 313 Cf as well as St. Anthony, were attended with a sturdy set of fol- lowers, as their guards, armed with clubs under their clothes, menacing and threatening such as should dare to speak lightly of their apostle. I have often heard it affirmed." In the same mean spirit Lavington chose to forget, that itineracy had been practised by other churches than St. Anthony's. Knox provided for it in Scotland, in his " First Book of Discipline." Queen Elizabeth appointed twelve, to travel continually. By the way, who pockets the salary of the church-itineracy now ; for the work is neglected ? Whitefield knew both the legitimacy of his office and the need of it ; and therefore persisted in Exeter, until the bishop saw nearly " a third part of the city " attending on " the word preached " in the fields ; and until he himself could say, " I am here, as in Scotland and New England. Praise to free grace ! Here is work enough for months. The weather is favourable : range, therefore, I must and will ! " Lett. On the morning of the last day of his visit, he went to Ottery to preach in the market-place : but just as he named his text, the bells rang. He then went to the fields, and the people ran after him " in droves." On his way, one of the clergymen, with the same zeal as the bell-ringers, questioned his authority, and denounced the meeting as illegal and as a riot. " I answered him pertinently, as I thought, and showed my authority by preaching from these words, ( GO ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 5 }: Next day he went to Biddeford, and was much pleased to find there a clergyman, nearly eighty years of age, who had lately preached three times in one day, and rode forty miles : but says Whitefield, " he is not above one year old in the school of Christ." " Dear Hervey," he says, " laid the blessed foundation, whilst a curate here." Such was the " Edinburgh -like " effect of a sermon in the dissenting chapel, that he wrote off to the Tabernacle, " I cannot think of nestling in London. I am more and more convinced, that I should go from place to place." Accordingly, instead of nestling, he flew into Cornwall, and alighted once again in a churchy at St. Gennis. " Many, many prayers," it seems, " had been put up by the good rector and others, for an out- pouring of God's blessed Spirit." " They were answered. 2 s 314 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. Arrows of conviction fled so thick and fast, and such a universal weeping prevailed from one end of the congregation to the other, that good Mr. J could not help going from seat to seat to comfort the wounded souls." After preaching some time in Cornwall thus, he said, " But I must away to Biddeford, just to give Satan another stroke, and then return the way I came to the great metropolis." It was now winter ; " but the Lord," he says, " warms my heart." In this spirit he came to Birmingham. There he heard of the mobs which had been stirred up at Wednesbury, against the Wesleyans, by a sermon in the church ; of which Wesley says, " I never heard so wicked a sermon, delivered with such bitterness of voice and manner." Its effect, as is well known, was almost murder. Ill as Adams was treated at Hamp- ton, it was mercifully, compared with the fiend-like assault upon Wesley. Whitefield went to Wednesbury, and was well received. " I cannot tell you," he says, " what a sweet melting time there was. Many were in tears." Next day, however, whilst preach- ing at Mare Green, in the neighbourhood, " several clods were thrown," one of which fell on his head, and another struck his fingers, whilst he was praying. He then returned to Birming- ham, and preached to many thousands on a common, with great effect. When he went on the ground, a regiment of soldiers were exercising ; but the officers, when they saw him, dismissed them, and promised that there should be no dis- turbance. Whitefield closed this itineracy by a visit to his old friend Mr. Williams of Kidderminster. In his house, he recognised " a sweet savour," amongst the visitors, " of good Baxter's doctrine, works, and discipline, remaining until this day." That savour he did not find in Baxter's church ; its bells were rung whilst he was preaching ; and that by men who " had promised not to do so." On his return to London, Whitefield had to sustain the loss of his child, to prosecute the Hampton rioters, and to answer some pamphlets, as well as to prepare for revisiting America. In June, 1744, he engaged his passage from Portsmouth; but the captain of the vessel refused to let him on board, when the time 315 to sail came, lest he should " spoil the sailors." He had, there- fore, to go to Plymouth for a vessel. Whilst at Plymouth, he had a very narrow escape from heing murdered. On the night of his arrival, a bear and drum were paraded on the ground where he was expected to preach. He did not, therefore, preach that night. Next night he did ; and after returning to his inn, some ruffians, under the pretence of a " hue-and-cry " warrant, broke into his room, and insulted him. This led him to remove to private lodgings. Again he preached and visited the French prisoners, without any thing happening to awaken fear or suspicion. That night, however, his landlady informed him, that " a well-dressed gentleman desired to speak with him." " Imagining," he says, " that it was some Nicode- mite, I desired him to be brought up. He came, and sat down by my bedside ; told me he was a lieutenant of a man of war ; congratulated me on the success of my ministry, and expressed himself much concerned from being detained from hearing me. He then asked me if I knew him ? I answered, no. He re- plied, his name was Cadogan. I rejoined, I had seen one Mr. Cadogan, formerly an officer at Georgia, about a fortnight ago at Bristol. Upon this, he immediately rose up, uttering the most abusive language ; calling me dog, rogue, villain ; and beat me most unmercifully with his gold-headed cane. As you know I have not much natural courage, guess how surprised I was ! Being apprehensive that he intended to shoot or stab me, I underwent all the fears of a sudden, violent death. " It providentially happened, that my hostess and her daughter, hearing me cry ' murder,' rushed into the room, and seized him by the collar. However, he immediately disengaged himself from them, and repeated his blows upon me. The cry of ' mur- der' was repeated; which putting him in some terror, he made towards the chamber-door, from whence the good woman pushed him down-stairs. " At the bottom, a second cried out, ' Take courage, I am ready to help you.' Accordingly, whilst the other was escaping, he rushed up ; and, finding one of the women coming down, he took her by the heels, and threw her upon the stairs, by which her back was almost broken. By this time, the neighbourhood 316 was alarmed. Unwilling to add to it, I desired the doors to be shut, and retired to rest." This mysterious affair Whitefield did not prosecute for, al- though much urged to do so. " I am better employed," he says, " being greatly blessed in preaching the gospel. I was well paid for what I had suffered ; curiosity having led, perhaps, two thousand more than ordinary to see and hear a man that had like to have been murdered in his bed. Thus- all things work for the furtherance of the gospel. 4 Thus Satan thwarts, and men object, And yet the thing they thwart, effect.' " The only explanation of this outrage that I know of, only rendered it more mysterious. " I had," he says, " some parti- cular information about the late odd adventure. It seems, four gentlemen came to the house of one of my friends, kindly in- quiring for me ; and desiring to know where I lodged, that they might come and pay their respects. He directed them. Some time afterwards, I received a letter, informing me that the writer was a nephew to Mr. S , an eminent attorney at New York ; that he had the pleasure of supping with me at his uncle's house ; and desired my company to sup with him and a few more friends at a tavern. I sent him word, that it was not customary for me to sup out at taverns ; but should be glad of his company, out of respect to his uncle, to eat a morsel with him at my lodgings. He came. We supped; and I observed that he looked around him frequently, and seemed very absent. But having no sus- picion, I continued in conversation with him and my other friends, until we parted. " THIS, I now find, was to have been the assassin. On being interrogated by his companions, on his return to the tavern, about what he had done, he answered, that being so civilly used he had not the heart to touch me. Upon which, as I am in- formed, the person who assaulted me laid a wager of ten guineas that he would do my business for me. Some say, that they took his sword from him ; which I suppose they did, for I saw and felt only the weight of his cane." The deserved odium of this dastardly attack must be equally 317 divided between England and America. That the volunteer assassin was an American, there can be no more doubt, than that the bravo was an Englishman. Whitefield could not have mistaken the former. Indeed, it was " out of respect " to the uncle in New York, that he welcomed the nephew without hesitation. He availed himself adroitly of the notoriety thus given to him in Plymouth, to divide public attention with the bishop of the diocese, who was there at the time confirming. " Could you think it," he says, " I have been preaching a confirmation sermon ? Do you ask me where ? In a quakers field. As I saw thousands flocked to the church to have the bishop's hand im- posed upon them, I thought it not improper to let them have a word of exhortation suitable to the occasion." This confirmation sermon produced one good effect, equal at least to any that resulted from the confirmation itself. The late Rev. Henry Tanner, then a young man, and a ship-builder, had just come to Plymouth, in search of employment at the dock. Whitefield's powerful voice from the field arrested his attention, and that of his fellow-workmen. They deemed him mad, and determined to capsize him from his block. Nor was this all : they went, not only to throw him down from his stand, but with their pockets full of stones, " to injure the mad parson." Dr. Hawker's Life of Tanner. Tanner's resolution failed him, when he saw Whitefield with open arms and gushing tears, entreating " poor, lost sinners " to come to Christ. He went home much impressed, and resolved to hear the preacher again next evening. He did. The text was, " Beginning at Jerusalem." Whitefield " depicted the cruel murder of the Lord of life " there. Then, turning to the spot where Tanner stood, he said, " You are reflecting on the cruelty of these inhuman butchers, who imbrued their hands in innocent blood." At this moment his eye fell upon Tanner, and his lips said, " Thou art the man." The convicted sinner was forced to cry, " God be merciful to me." Whitefield saw the effect, and met the emotion with a burst of tenderness which cheered the penitent. Another sermon, on Jacob's vision of the Bethel ladder, led Tanner up to the Lamb slain in the 318 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. midst of the throne, and thus gave him both joy and peace in believing. The advances he made, from this time, in religious knowledge and experience, were great and rapid. They eventually en- couraged and enabled him to preach the everlasting gospel to others. This he did with such success, that even Dr. Hawker (that strange compound of spirituality and absurdity) acknow- ledges, that Tanner seldom preached " one sermon in vain." Tanner's frequent prayer was, that he might die in his Master's work. His petition was granted. He broke down in the pulpit, before he could finish his sermon ; and soon fell asleep in Jesus. Life by Hawker. This was not the only good effect of Whitefield's detention at Plymouth. Some of the very persons who opposed him at first, offered him " a piece of ground, surrounded with walls, for a society house." No wonder : for he came from the docks every evening, " with great companies, singing and praising God." Letters. As he was now about to leave for America, he com- municated the glad tidings of this new opening to Cennick ; and wrote to those who had most influence over him " Brother Cennick must come to these parts soon." One thing he wrote for his encouragement was, that the ferrymen, who were like Levi at the receipt of custom, would take nothing of the multi- tude who came to hear him preach. They said, " God forbid that we should sell the word of God." Thus preserved and blessed, he embarked for America with two New England friends CHAPTER XIV. WHITEFIELD ITINERATING IN AMERICA. 1744. " IN the beginning of August, 1744, Whitefield embarked, though in a poor state of health ; and after a tedious passage of eleven weeks, arrived at York." Gillies. He sailed from Ply- mouth, with nearly a hundred and fifty ships, under several con- voys. It was, however, " full six weeks " before they reached the Western islands. This was owing to the want of wind. When the wind did spring up, one of the vessels, which missed stays, drove right upon his ship ; striking her mainsail upon the bowsprit. Whitefield's vessel, being large, sustained little dam- age ; but the other received a blow, which disabled and well nigh sunk her. The cries and groans of her crew, he says, " were awful ! " He had been singing a hymn on deck when the concus- sion took place. This fact, with the news of the concussion, was communicated to the convoy. It drew out, he says, the remark, " This is your praying, and be damned ! with many sayings of the like nature." He adds, " this, I must own, shocked me more than the striking of the ship." It did not, however, stop nor intimidate him. " I called my friends together, and broke out into these words in prayer ; God of the sea, and God of the dry land, this is a night of rebuke and blasphemy. Show thyself, O God, and take us under thine own immediate protec- tion. Be thou our Convoy, and make a difference between those who fear thee, and those that fear thee not." Providence soon made a difference ! Next day, a " violent 320 WHITEFIELD'S LIFE AND TIMES. Euroclydon arose," which " battered and sent away our convoy, so that we saw him no more all the voyage." Letters. White- field, at first, thought this " no loss :" but when two strange sail appeared in the distance, and preparation was made for action, by mounting guns, slinging hammocks on the sides of the ship, and encircling the masts with chains, he (being " naturally a coward," as he says) found it " formidable " to have no convoy. The vessels were, however, only part of their own fleet. This was a pleasant discovery to more than the skulking chaplain in the holes of the ship. " The captain, on clearing the cabin, said, ' After all, this is the best fighting.' You may be sure I con- curred, praying that all our conflicts with spiritual enemies might, at last, terminate in a thorough cleansing, and an eternal purification of the defiled cabin of our hearts." Letters. No other accident occurred during the voyage. Its tedious- ness overcame his patience, however, when he saw the port. In order to land a few hours sooner than the vessel, he went on board a smack in the bay ; but darkness coming on, she missed her course, and was tossed about all night. Unfortunately, too, she had no provisions, and he was so hungry that he