YC 6449 UC-NRLF $B 74 B4M AEMV \r\^\ Tr- tir\ * ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING :m:e3Sj^c3-e book:. ^ GALE & POLDEN, BROMPTON WORKS, Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/armytelegraphssiOOgalerich ')l 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Ojjice of Oriyin arid Service Instructions. Word.s. At... To... By.. Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Received. ^ THIS MESSAGE IS ON a OF SERVICE. f<;iR ) Charge. At Froyu By PLfiASE WKITK DtSTINCTLr, CURTAIL ADDRESSKS, AND SEE INSTnUCTIONiS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here the time at which messatre was written m. /"DAY OF \ V MONTH/ /SENDER>S\ \ NUMBER / / IN REPLY \ ^ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. I 1. — Messages should be ■written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the "name from." As a rule, a surname and place "to," and a surname "from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms ate for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Oricjin and Service Instructions. Words. M... To... By.. Sent. m. FOB STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Offiu or Receiued. i THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c oF SERVICE. Charge. At From Bii PLEASE WaiTE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDRESSES, AND SEK INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If ncressary insert hero the time at which messajre wns written tn. /DAYOF\ \ MONTH/ /'SENDER'S\ \ NUMBER / ( IH REPLY \ \ Til MIIMRFR/ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prcjlv Code m. Ojiice of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. M ... To .. By . Sent. mi. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Receioed. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c oF SERVICE. (SIC ) Charge. At From Bv PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLr, CORTAIL ADDKBSSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here th e time at which messag-o was -written . m. /DAY 0F\ V MONTH/ /SENDER'SX V NUMBER ) ( IN REPLY \ \ T/> NIIMRCD/ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED, CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. fSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor" means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4,. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as.far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms Stte for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Offi,ce or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF , SERVICE. (SIC ) Charge. At Prom By PLEASK WRITE DISTIN'CTLr, CURTAIL ADDHESSES, AND SEK INS rlUJCTrOKS ON P.AOK. PROM TO If neceasary insert hero tlie time ivfc which messasre was written m. /DAY 0F\ VMnNTH/ /SENDER'3\ V NUMBER / / IN REPLY \ . - 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in fioman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or otlier person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms we for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. To... By... Sent. „ VI. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Receioed. i THIS MESSAGE IS ON a'c OF CJiarge. At SERVICE. (SIC ) From Btc OF SERVICE. (SIC.) Charge. At By From Sy PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDKESSE8, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here the time at which messacre was written m. /DAYOF\ 1 /'SENDER'S\ / IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor" means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 6. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms »re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. o£ Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. Ai... To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKINC OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF SERVICE. (SIC.) Charge. At From By PLEASE WStTB DISTINCTLY, CtJBTAIL ADDKBSSES, AND SBK INSTIIUOTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here the time at which messfitre wag written m. ( DAY 0F\ /SENDER»S\ / IN REPLY \ PROM . 2. "^^^ ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space I. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in tlie preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should bo sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms »re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. At... To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Received. j THIS MESSAGE IS ON a'c OF SERVICE. (SIC.) Charge. At From By TO ... PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDKBSSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. If necessary insert here the time at which messatre was written m. ('DAY OF \ \ mriMTU / /SENDER'S\ \ NIIMRFR / / IN REPLY \ ^. T/1 MIIMRCD/ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. 3. ftlPMATIIRe nr AnnoECcnD ad atued DCDcnu mil V AllTUnRlTFn TA CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franiiing messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signatiu-e to be written in space 1. 4,. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms »re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code w. Office of Oriqiii and Service Instructions. Words. At .,. To... By... Sent. vt. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Receioed. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a'c QF SERVICE. (SIC.) Charge. At From By TO PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDRESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. Tf necessary insert hcve the time at which Tnesaaco was written tn. /'DAYOF\ 1 V MnMTU I /SENDER'SX I NIIMRFR / / IN REPLY \ \ Til MIIMRCRy - PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. 3. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. All Messages must be signed by the Addresaor, or other person duly authorized to^send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — AH Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1 . 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms »te for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Word^. At ... To... By... Sent. VI. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON ft'c OF SERVICE. (4IR > Charge. At p Bv PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CUKTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here the time at which messnpre was written m. /DAY OF \ V MONTH/ /SENDER'SX \ NUMBER/ / IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED, CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or otlier person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forma »re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Listructions. Words. Charge. Sent. At. To. By. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." 1. THIS MESSAGE IS ON nc OF SERVICE. (SIC.) Dated Stamp of Office or Received. At From,, By PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDttESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO Tf necessary insert here th B time at which messacre was written m. /DAYOF\ V MnUTM / /SENDER'S\ L NIIMRFR J ( IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Mess PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED, CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADORESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADORESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — AH Messages must be either " frapked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of tlie forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Messaga . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. At ... To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF SERVICE. (SIC ) Charge. At From By PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDKKSSBB, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here the time at which messasre was written m. /DAY OF \ V MONTH/ /SENDER'S\ V NUMBER / .... / IN REPLY \ \ Tn NIIMREDx _ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIXED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be WTitten very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Romau capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages iu name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — ^AU Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franliiug messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and thei-efore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forma are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. ^i ... To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Offi^ or Heceived. j THIS MESSAGE IS ON V MONTH/ /SENDER'SA V NUMBER/. ' IN REPLY \ .TO NUMBER/ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. AH Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4,_ — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name fi-om." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a suiname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forma are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of MeBsage . Prefix Code m. Offi.ce of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. Charge. Sent. At. To. By. FOR STAMPS OR SICNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." I THIS MESSAGE IS ON a'c OF SERVICE. (SIC.) Bated Stamp of Offi.ce or Received. At From By PLEASE WHITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO Tf necessary insert here the time at which messagre was written m. /DAYOFA 1 /SENDER'S\ / IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SICNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or otlier person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addiessor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No, of Meaaago . Prefix Code m. Oj^ce of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. At... To... By... Sent. VI. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a/c OF Charge. At SERVICE. (SIC.) From By PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CrTBTAIL ADDttESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here the time .at which messajre was written m. I DAY 0F\ \ HnUTU / /SENDER'SA I MIIURCD / / IN REPLY \ ^ Tit MIIMRCDX PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED, CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. ]. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — ■" Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be chai-ged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the "name from." As a rule, a surname and place "to," and a surname "from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. NoTB. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forma a«e for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. Ko. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Sent. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a'c OF SERVICE. (SIC.) Dated Stamp of Offict or Received. At From By TO PLEASE WUITB DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDRESSES. AND SEE INSTRUCTLONS ON BACK. If necessary insert here the time at which messasre was written va. /DAY OF \ /SENDER'S\ / IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B.—" Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When svirnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Words. At... To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office Office of Origin and Service Instructions. or Ecceiced. i THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF SERVICE. Charge. At From Bii PLEASE WRITK DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTllUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here th e time at which messaee was written m. /DAY 0F\ V MONTH/ /SENDER'SX v. NUMBER / / IN REPLY \ \ T^ MIIMnFR/ . - PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. 3. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the "name from." As a rule, a surname and place "to," and a surname "from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forma are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. To... By.. Sent. in. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or deceived. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF CCDVIPB Charge. At ■p (SIC ) B,, PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CDRTALL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTltUOTIONS ON BACK. TO It necessary insert hero th e time at which messnsre was written m. /DAY OF \ V MONTH/ /SENDER'SX \ NUMBER / / IN REPLY \ V T/1 NIIMRFD/ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED, CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. -^Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser" means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Word.s. At ... To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Eeceived. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON » c OF SERVICE. (SIC.) Charge. At From By , PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDRESSES, AND SEE INSTIiUCTIONS ON BACK. TO It necessary insert here th e time fit which messf\£re was written m. /DAY OF \ /SENDER'S\ / IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be ■written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Koman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — •" Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4,. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5.— The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms ftte for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code to. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. Charge. Sent. At, To. By. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." 1. THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF SERVICE. (SIC.) Bated Stamp of Office or Receioed. At From_, By PLEASE WRITK DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDBBSSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert hero th e time at which mesaag-e was written m. (DAY OF \ V MONTH/ /'SENDER'S\ V NUMBER J ( IN REPLY \ « FROM ^ 2. '^^^ ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. ; CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF AODRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B.— " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4,. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be %vritten after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. j^OTB. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms »re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. Ai... To... By.. Sent. ...„ m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Beceived. i THIS MESSAGE IS ON S\ ^ MIIMRFR / / IN REPLY N ^ ta miimrcd/ FROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED, CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addiossor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space I. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms ftre for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Oriijin and Service Instructions. Word,s. To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SICNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Received. i THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF SERVICE. (SIC.) Charge. At From Sv PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CHETAIL ADDHESSBS, AND SEK INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. TO If necerisary insert liere the time at which messao-e was written m. /DAY OF \ /SENDER*S\ / IN REPLY \ t SICNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messiiges should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Eoman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms ftre for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Messaga . Prefix Code m. Ojjice of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. CJiarge. Sent. At, To. By. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." 1. THIS MESSAGE IS ON a'c OF SERVICE, (SIC.) Dated Stamp of Office or Received, At From . By PLEASR WRITE DISTINUTLY, OUaXAIL ADDSESSES, AND SEE INSTliUCTIONS ON BACK. TO Tf necessary insert liere the time at which mesgao-e was written m. (DAY 0F\ ^ MONTH/ /'SENDER'S\ / IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, ^Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Koman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1 . 4,. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the "name from." As a rule, a surname and place "to," and a surname "from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms aire for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. At ... To... By.. Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a'c OF SERVICE Charge. At Fro7n , (QIP ) By PLEASE WRITS DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL APDKESSES, AND SEE INSl'liDCTIONS ON" BACK. TO If necessary insert here the time at which message was written m. /DAY 0F\ ^ MONTH/ /SEHDER'S\ V. NUMBER / / IN REPLY \ ^ Tn NiiMRPn/ ' FROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. 3. SIGNATURE OF ADORESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADORESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be ■written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms axe for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No, of Message . Prefix Code in. Office of Oriijin and Service Instructions. WorJ^. At... To... By.. Sent. w. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c oF SERVICE. Charge. At From B\i PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLr, CURTAU/ ADDKESSKS, AND SEE INSTRDCTIONS ON BACK. TO If Tieee8.«^ary insert here th e time at which me-ssatre wns written m. ( DAY OF \ V MONTH/ /'SENDER'S\ \ NUMBER / / IN REPLY \ , PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Koman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the autliorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. Al... To... By... Sent. VI. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Received. i THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF SERVICE. (SIC ) Charge. At From Bii PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL APDKBSSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necesi5ary insprt horn the time at which message was written m. /DAY OF \ /SENDER'S\ V NUMBER/ /. / IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. ], — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addiessor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 6. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. NoTB. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms »re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructiojis. Words. At... To... By.. Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKINC OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Beceiced. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c Qp SERVICE. (SIC.) Charge. At From By PLKASB Wa£TK DISTINCTLY, CtTETAIL ADDBESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here th e timo at which messnee was written m. /DAY OF \ \ MnUTU / /SENDER>5\ I UIIMRFP / ( IN REPLY \ PROM 2. THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franiiing messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far aa possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms stre for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prcflx Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. Charge. Sent. At. To. By. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKIKG OFFICER." I THIS MESSAGE IS ON S\ V NUMBER / .. . / IN REPLY \ FROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space I. 4 — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Oriijin and Service Instructions. Word^. Ai... To... By.. Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "franking OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Eeceived. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF SERVICE. (SIC ) • ■ . Charge. At From Bit PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTALL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert hero the time at whicli messajre was written m. /DAY OF \ \ MnMTU/ /SENDER'S\ V NIIMRPR / / IN REPLY \ I TJl MIIMRPD/ " \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. 3. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written veiy clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — "Addressor" means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code ; m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Word,s. Charge. Sent. At. To. By. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." ^ THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF SERVICE. (SIC.) Bated Stamp of Office or Received. At From Bi/ PLKASB WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert licre tlie time at which messapre w.as written m. /^DAY 0F\ /SENDER>S\ / IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED, CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or otlier person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4 — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the "name from." As a rule, a surname and place "to," and a surname "from," should bo sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms »re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No, of Message . Prefix Ojfice of Oriijin Code m. and Service Instructions. Words. Ai ... To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of 0£ice or Eeceioed. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF Charge. At From Sn (SIC ) PLEASE WRITE DISTINOTLY, CORTAIL AUDKESSES, AND SEE INdTliUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here th e time at which me.as,aL'0 w.ia written m. /DAY 0F\ ^ MONTH/ /SENDER>3\ V NUMBER/ / IN REPLY \ \T(\ MIIMRFR/ \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Koman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the "name from." As a rule, a surname and place "to," and a surname "from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by .Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms »re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Word^. At ... To... By... Sent. „ m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Received. i THIS MESSAGE IS ON a'c OF Charge. At SERVICE. (SIC ) From By PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL AXIDRBSSBS, AND SEE INSTKUCTIOKS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here the time at which messase was written m. /DAY OF \ \ MONTH/ /SENDER'S\ V NUMBER ) / IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. 3. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Eoman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. k„. „, Mes..g. Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. Sent. At m. To FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or deceived. i THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF Charge. At By SERVICE. From B)i PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDKESSBS, AND SEE INSTrtlTCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here th e time at which messfiire was written m. /DAY 0F\ V MONTH/ /SENDER'SX V NUMBER / .. . / IN REPLY \ ' ■ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED, CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 3. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Boman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or otlier person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need hot be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 6. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms a-re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No, of Messagft . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. Ai... To... By... Sent. in. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFJCER." Bated Stamp of Office or Rcceioed. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF SERVICE. (SIC ) Charge. At From JBi/ PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here the time at which messace was written m. /DAY OF \ V MnNTH/ /SENDER'SX \ IIIIMRER / / IN REPLY \ • PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. 3. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franiiiug messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the "name from." As a rule, a surname and place "to," and a surname "from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms »re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. At... To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Receiued. j THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c qf SERVICE. (SIC.) Charge. At -From % PLEASE WRITE DtSTINCTLr, CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert hero the tune at which messna-e was written m. /DAY 0F\ /SENDER'S\ / IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, aud cipher letter groups should be written in Koman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forma are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. ko. of u.^.,, Prefix Code m. OjRce of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. Sent. At VI. To FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Received. i THIS MESSAGE IS ON a'c OF SERVICE. (SIC.) Charge. At By From B,j PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL AJJDHESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here the time at which tnesaao-e wns written . . m. /DAY 0F\ /SENDER'S\ / IN REPLY ^ 1 PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY, TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Koman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. Al... To... By.. Sent. VI. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Received. i THIS MESSAGE IS ON a/c OF SERVICE. (SIC.) Charge. At From S;/ PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTIIUOTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert hero the time at which messatre was written m. /^DAYOF\ \ MnUTU / /SENDER*S\ k. NIIMRFR } ( IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FOP.WARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor" means the person who originates the message. 3. — AH Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4 — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms ftte for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of MessaM . Prefix Code m. Ojjice of Orifjin and Service Instructions. Words. At ... To... By. Sent. w. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "franking OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Receiced. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a'e OF SERVICE. (SIC ) ■ • Charge. At From By PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ABDKBSSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO Tf necessary insert here the time at which messaqre was written m. /DAY OF \ \ MONTH/ /SENDER'SA \ NUMRFR / / IN REPLY \ k TA MIIMRPDy ' FROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. 3. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. ], Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, aud cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or otlier person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender,- and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4,. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. ' 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. ko. o, Me.a., ; Prefix Code m. '■ Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. Sent. At VI. Tn FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Receiced. j THIS MESSAGE IS ON a'c OF SERVICE. Charge. At By From By PLEASE WRITE DlSTINCTLr, ODHTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO It necessary insert here th e time at which messag-o was written m. (MM 0F\ V MONTH/ /SENDER'S\ V NUMBER / / IN REPLY \ FROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRtTTrTfONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a sumanle and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No, of Message . Prefix Code in. Office of Origin ayid Service Instructions. Words. To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Beceived. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON n'c OF SERVICE. (SIC ) Charge. At From Bn PLEASE WRITK DISTINUTLr, CURTAIL ADDUESSES, AND SEE INSTllUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert hero th e time at which messasro was written m. /"DAY OF \ V MONTH/ /'SENDER'S\ V NUMBER / / IN REPLY \ ^ Til MIIMffFD/ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON PULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser" means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forma are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. ^t ... To... By.. Sent. TO. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c QF Charge. At SERVICE. (SIC.) From By PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTROCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here the time at which messape was written in. /DAY 0F\ \ unUTU ) /SENDER'S\ V UIIMRITD f ( IN REPLY \ .'- PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor" means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franlting messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4 — Addresses sliould be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. At... To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Eeceived. j THIS MESSAGE IS ON a'c oF SERVICE. (SIC ) Charge. At From By PLEASE WRITK DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDUESSKS, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO Tf necessary insert here the time at which messajye was written in. /^DAY 0F\ /SENDER'S\ / IN REPLY \ \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED, CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forma are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix O^ce of Origin Code m. and Service Instructions. Words. Ai ... To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Received. i THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF SERVICE. (SIC.) Charge. At From By PLEASE WRITE DISTI.N'CTLy, CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INftl'llUCTIONS ON BACK. TO ..........••• If necessary insprt here the time afc which messfiffe was written in. /DAY OF \ /SENDER'S\ ( IN REPLY \ .\ .'. / PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED, CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — AH Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signatvire to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forma »re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. At... To... By. Sent. VI. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Received. i THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF SERVICE. Charge. At Bii PLEASE WRITK DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL AJJDKBSSES, AND SEE INSTIIUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert "here the time at which message was written m. \ MONTH/ /SENDER'SX V NUMBER / .. .. ( IN REPLY S \ T/) MIIMRPR/ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. 3. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms »re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. OJJice of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. At... To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Jicceived. i THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF SERVICE. (SIC ) Charge. At From Bn PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE LNSTIIUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert hern the time at which messasro wns written ra. (DAY OF \ /SENDER'3\ \ NIIMRPf? } ( IN REPLY \ \.Ti\ MUMPED/ * PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED, CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — "Addressor" means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signatiu-e to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to wliom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms ore for use with the Telegrapli in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGN ALLING. No.o,M Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructiotis. Words. Sent. At „ 7)1. To FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKINC OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Beceived. \ THIS MESSAGE IS ON a'c OF Charge. At By SERVICE. (SIC.) sv PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CrETAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTIiUOTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert horn th e time at which Txiessasre was written m. /"DAY OF \ \ MnMTU / /SENDER'3\ I IJIIURCR / / IN REPLY \ \Ti\ MiiMnrDx • PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED, CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Boman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled • in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to wliom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forma axe for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No.otM Prefix _, Office Code m. of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. Sent. Al m. To FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Receiiied. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF Charge. At By SERVICE. (SIC.) From % PLEASK WRITE DISTINCTLT, CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If neoe8i?ary insert hero the time at which message w.-is -wTitten m. /DAY OF \ /SENOER»S\ / IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED, CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. 3. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Komaa capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — -" Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms we for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No, of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Oriyin and Service Instructions. Words. At... To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Off,ce or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a <: OF QPRVirF Charge. At ET (SIC ) B:j PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, C0UTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO ; If necessary insert here ih e time at which messasrc was written m. ; /DAY OF \ ' V MONTH/ /SEHDER'S\ V NUMBER / ( IN REPLY \ \ TjI MIIMRPRx • \ PROM 2. THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, aud to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franiiing messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be chai'ged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — 'Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the "name from." As a rule, a surname and place "to," aud a surname "from," should be BuflBcient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whoip the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forma »re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. ko. of Mes,a,, Preiix Code m. TFor&. Setit. Ai m. To FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OrFiCER." Dated Stamp of Office Office of Origin and Service Instructions. or Receiced. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF Charge. At By SERVICE. (SIC ) From By PLEASE WRITE DISTI.VCTLV, CUKTAIL AUDKESSES, AND SEE INST RUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert horo th e time at which messncro was written m. /DAY 0F\ \ MONTH/ /SENDER'S\ v. NUMBER / { IN REPLY \ - ' • PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms 9xe for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLINO-. No. of Message . Prefix Code , m. Words. Ai... To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Offi.ce or deceived. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF Charge. At From Bi/ (SIC ) PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLIT, CURTAIL ADDSESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert liorc the time at which messrisre was written m. /DAYOF\ ^ MONTH/ /'SENDER'S\ v. NUMBER J / IN REPLY \ 1 t PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — AH Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need net be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forma are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No, of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Oriqin and Service Instructions. Words. At... To... By.. Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "franking officer." Bated Stamp of Office or Receioed. i THIS MESSAGE IS ON a/c OF Charge. At SERVICE. (SIC.) From By PLEASK WRITE DlSTI.N'Cl'LV, CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTllUOTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert hero the time at which messafre was written m. /DAY OF \ \ MnMTU / /SENDER*S\ V MiiMRrn / / IN REPLY \ _ ^ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CGRREOTED, CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in fioman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the "name from." As a rule, a surname and place "to," and a surname "from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms we for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin aral Service Instructions. Words. To,.. By.. Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a'c OF SERVICE. (SIC ) Charge. At Frnm B,j PLEASE WRITE DlSTINCTLy, CUBTALL ADDHBSSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO-. If necessary insert here the time at which messiisre was written m. /DAY OF \ V MONTH/ /SENDER'S\ V NUMBER / ( IN REPLY \ \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED, CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Koman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or otlier person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1 . 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 6. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. Tlie instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forma we for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. To Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Received. \ THIS MESSAGE IS ON a'c oF SERVICE. (SIC.) Charge. At By From By PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert horo th G time at which messntre wns written m. /DAY 0F\ V MONTU / /SENDER'3\ V NIIMRFP / / IN REPLY \ V TA MtlMRPDy - PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. 3. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Boman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or otlier person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franicing messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should 'be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Office of Origin Code m. and Service Instructions. Words. ^i ... To... By.. Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Received. ■ 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a'c OF SERVICE. (SIC ) Charge. At ■ From Bh PLEASE WRITK DISTINCTLT, CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here th e time at which messsice w.as written m. /DAY OF \ V MONTH/ /SENDER<3\ V HUMRFR / / IN REPLY '\ VTA MIIMRPD/ ' • PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses sliould be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from,"' or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms »xe for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No, of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instnictions. Words. ■dt... To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Staynp of Office or Received. i THIS MESSAGE IS ON a'c OF • SERVICE. (SIC ) Charge. At From B,j PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLr, CURTAIL ADDHESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO Tf neces3ary ini5ort here the time at which Tneasas'G was written m. ; /^DAYOF\ ,: V MONTH/ /SENOER'S'V V NUMBER / . / IN REPLY \ \T0 NUMBER/. PROM : 2. "^^^ ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED, CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important -words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — Tlie Authorized Government Cede should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms we for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. Al... To... By.. Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "franking OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON «c OF Charge. At , SERVICE. (SIC ) Frnm ,.„,. BS\ V MIIMRFR / ( IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED, CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be ■written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — AU Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser" means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the "name from." As a rule, a surname and place "to," and a surname "from," should be Bufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code sliould be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin arid Service Instructions. Word.s. At ... To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "franking officer." Dated Stamp of Office or Ideceived. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON & c OF SERVICE. (SIC ) Charge. At From By PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLr, CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert hero the time at which messafre wns written m. /DAYOF\ l/SENOER'S\ VMnUTII/ V MIIURCD / / IN REPLY S V Tft MIIMRPD/ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS 1, — ^Messages should be ■writtea very clearlj. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B, — " Addresser" means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In fi-aukiiig messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages' are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms ace for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No, of Message . Prefix Code m. OJfiee of Origin and Service Instructions. Word.s. At... To... By.. Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a/c OF SERVICE. (9IR ) Charge. At From By PLEASE WKITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDHESSES, AND SEE IMSTllUCTIONS ON BACK. TO Tf necessary insert here the time at which messajre was written in. /DAY OF \ Vmanth/ /SENDER'S'V v. NUMRFR / ( IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED, CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clear'j. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser" means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1 . 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forma ttte for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Oriyhi and Service Instructions. Words. At... To... Sent. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." ...i>i. Charge. i THIS MESSAGE IS ON a/c OF SERVICE. By... (SIC.) Dated Stamp of Office or Received. At From.. By PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADD«ESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here th e time at which messnsre was written in. /^DAYOF\ V MONTH/ /SEHDER'S\ \ NUMBER y / IN REPLY \ FROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addicssor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — AH Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signatui-e to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, wlien practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages: When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No, of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Inatrv^tions. Word.s. Charge. At... To... By.. Sent in. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF SERVICE. (SIC ) At From Bii PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO Tf necessary insert here th e time at which massacre was written m. /DAY OF \ V MONTH/ /SEHDER'S\ V NUMBER/ / IN REPLY \ \ TA MIIMRPR/ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS l, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in sp:ice 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms a*e for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. ^o. oe Messa., Prefix Code m. Words. Sent. At m. To FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Received. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a/c oF 1 Charge. At From By By (SIC.) PLEASE WRITE DISTIN'CTLY, CURTAIL AD0KESSES, AND SEE INSTHUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If neceasary insert here the timo at which messnee was written m. ( DAY 0F\ ^ MONTH/ /SENDER>S\ V NUMBER / / IN REPLY \ \TA NIIMRFR/ ■ PROM 2. THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or otlier person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addiessor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must bo clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to bo written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIG-NALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Word.s. Charge. Sent. At. To. By FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." i THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF SERVICE, (SIC.) Bated Stamp of Office or Received. At From_, Bw PLEASE WRITE DISTI.VCTLY, CURTAIL ADDRESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO Tf necessary insert here the time at which measas-e was written m. /DAY OF \ V MONTH/ /SENDER'S\ V NUMBER ) / IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. 3. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor" means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1 . 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Gable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms a-re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. To... By... Sent. ni. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON ft c OF SERVICE Charge. At From (SIC ) By PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO IE necessary insert here th e time at which messns-o vras written m. /DAY OF \ V MONTH/ /'SENOER'S\ V NUMBER J ( IN REPLY \ VTA MIIMRPD/ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY VeLECRAMS. 3. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clear'j. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or otlier person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In fi-anking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Messaga . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions, Words. To... By.. Sent. TO. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or deceived. ^ THIS MESSAGE IS ON a/c OF SERVICE Charge. At i^W" > B>i PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLr, CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here th c time at which messnfre was written ra. ADAYOF\ 1 V MONTH/ /SENDER'S\ V NUMBER J / IN REPLY \ , PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF AODRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clearlj. Important -words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or otlier person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addiossor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the "name from." As a rule, a surname and place "to," and a surname "from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to bo observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. Ho. o, Menage Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. Sent. At m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Eeceioed. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a'c OF SERVICE. (SIC.) Charge. At By From By PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND BEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert hero th e time at which me-sstio-c was written m. /^DAYOF\ vmonth/ /SENDER'5\ V NUMBER/ ( IN REPLY \ " PROM 2_ THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF AODRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIIED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF AODRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Koman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addres.sor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or oiSce of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the "name from." As a rule, a surname and place "to," and a surname "from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms ftre for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix . . Code m. Words. At .... To Sent. in. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office Ojjice of Oritjin and Service Instructions. or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF SERVICE. (SIC ) Charge. At By From By PLE.^SE WIUTE DISTIXCTIA', CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INS I'HUCTIONS ON BACK. TO FROM If necessary insert here the fritne afc which messno-e was written m. /DAYOF\ V MONTM/ /SENDER'd\ \ MUMRFR / ( IN REPLY \ I Til MIIMRFD/ . 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED, CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Koman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) i8 not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — AH Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4 — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No, of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. At... To... By.. Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Receioed. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a/o QF SERVICE. (SIC ) Chanje. At Si/ PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLiT, CURTAIL ADDKESSBri, AMD SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary inserfc hero th e time at which messnL'-e w.-is written m. /DAY OF \ \ MnNTH/ /SENDER'S\ \ NtlMRFR } ( IN REPLY S . - PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED, CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. 3. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written In Boman capitals. Figures should be very clearly ^vritten. 2. All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or otlier person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messageg must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franliing messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the "name from." As a rule, a surname and place "to," and a surname "from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prejix Office of Origin Code j/i. arid Service Instructions. Word.s. At ... To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Eeceiced. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF SERVICE. (SIC ) Charr/e. At By PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTllUCTIONS ON BACK. TO Tf necessary insprt hero the time at which message was written m. /DAY OF \ \ MONTH/ /'SENDER'SX V NUMBER / / IH REPLY \ V T/) MIIMRPDx -- ' PROM ; 2. 1'"^ ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written In Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or otlier person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or oflSce of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers, 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. ^o. ot u.s..,. Prefix Code m. Words. Sent. At mi. Tr. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office Office of Origin arid Service Instructions. or Receiced. i THIS MESSAGE IS ON » c OF SERVICE. (SIC ) Charge. At By From BS\ V NUMBER 7 / IN REPLY \ V. T<1 MIIMRFR/ ' PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or otlier person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franliing messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4 — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. IJoTE. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instnictions. Words. At... To... By.. Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Received. i THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF QFRVIPF Charge. At (SIC ) By PLEASE WRITE DlSTINCTLi', CURTALL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTCONS ON BACK. TO If nec-essarv insert here the time at which messnL'C was written .. m. CDAYOF\ \ MONTH/ /SENDER'S\ V NIIMRER / / IN REPLY \ \ Tl) MIIMRPRy I PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. 3. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franliing messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4, — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructio7is. Words. ■A-i ... To... By... Sent. VI. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Eeceiued. i THIS MESSAGE IS ON a'c qf SFRVIRE Charge. At (SIC.) -By PLEASE WRITE DISTIN'CTLV, CDRTAIIi ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTIitTCTIONS ON BACK. TO Tf necessary insert here the time at whicli messatre was written m. /DAY OF \ ^ MONTH/ /'SENDER'S\ V NUMBER/ / IN REPLY \ \ Xn NIIMRPR/ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In frankiug messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. / 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the "name from." As a rule, a surname and place "to," and a surname "from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. At... To... By... Sent. ni. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a'c OF SERVICE. (SIC ) Charge. At -Prom B\j PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDKBS8ES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here the time at which messBfre was written m. V MONTH/ /SENDER>S\ V NUMBER/ / IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to bo written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be Buflficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forma are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Messagft . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. At... To... By.. Sent. VI. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Received. i THIS MESSAGE IS ON a/c OF Charge. At Frnni Bij (SIC.) TO PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLr, CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. If necessary insert here the time at which messasre was written ra. A DAY OF \ V MONTH/ /'SENDER'S'V \ NUMBER / / IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. Messat^es sliould be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups shovild be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or otlier person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franiiing messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms ftre for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Ojfiee of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a/c OF Charge. At From By (SIC ) PLEASE WRITK DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here th e time at which messao-e was 'vn'itten m. ^DAY 0F\ V MONTH/ /'SENDER'S\ V NUMBER y / IN REPLY \ \ TJl MIIMRFR/ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. ■J. Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Koman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signatiire to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms »re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Words. Charge. Sent, At. To. By. FOR STAMPS OR SIGKATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF SERVICE. (SIC.) Bated Stamp of Office or Received. At From. By PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDHBSSES, AiJD SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert hern the time at which messaere was written tn. (DAY OF \ /SENDER>S\ \ MItMRPR / ( IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. 3. Qlf^UATIIDC AC AnnDCQQnD AD ATUCD DCOCnU mil V AIITUnDITCn TA CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addiessor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identiiication of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franliiug messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the "name from." As a rule, a surname and place "to," and a surname "from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms a-re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Messags . Prefix Code m. OMce of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. To... By... Sent. TO. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER.*' Bated Stamp of Office or Eeceived. i THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c QF Charge. At SERVICE. (SIC ) From B,j PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY. CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO ' If necessary insert here the time at which messasre was written ra. : /DAYOF\ • VMnNTU/ /SENDER'SA \ NIIMRER ) ( IN REPLY \ 1 ) f '' ' , PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED, CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — ^Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Koman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addrossor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms »re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. At ... To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF Charge. At SERVICE. (SIC.) - From By PLEASK WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert hero th e tinie at whicli messasre was written m. /DAY 0F\ V MnNTM/ /SENDER>S\ \ MIIMRFR } ( IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED, CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signatiu-e to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. Tlie " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the "name from." As a rule, a surname and place "to," and a surname "from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — Tlie Autliorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms a-re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code Office of Origin and Service Instruetiotis. Words. Charge. Sent. At. To. By. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c qf SERVICE. (SIC.) Bated Stamp of 0£ict or Heceived. At From.. Sy PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLr, CURTAIL ADDKESSBS, AND SEE INtSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert hern the time at which me.ssiise was written .. m. (u^y 0F\ ^ MONTH/ /SENDER'S\ V NUMBER y / IN REPLY \ PROM 2. THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. 3. SIGNATURE OF ADORESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. ;i. Messawes should be writteti very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. AH Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the "name from." As a rule, a surname and place "to," and a surname "from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms a-re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers, 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Messaga . Prefix Code m. OMce of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. ^i... To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF Charge. At SERVICE. (SIC ) From By PLKASE WBITK DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDKKSSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO Tf necesaary insert here the time afc which measaere was written m. /DAY 0F\ V MONTH/ /SENDER'S\ \ NUMRER / / IN REPLY \ VTA MIIMREDy PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED, CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messafes should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Koman capitals. Figures siiould be very clearly written. 2. — AU Messages must bo signed by the Addressor, or otlior person duly authorized to, send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses sliould be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms ».re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. ^o. or M.sag. Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. Sent. At TO. To FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "frankinc officer." Dated Stamp of Office or Beceived. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF SERVICE. (SIC.) Charge. At T^ By By PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLr, CURTAIL ADDRESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here the time at which mesgace w.is written m. ("DAY OF \ \ MONTH/ /SENDER'SX \ NUMBER/ / IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRE8S0R, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. fSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. J, Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3.— All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signatvure to be written in space 1. 4._Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages.' When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forma are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No.otM«s.ag, Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. Sent. At m. To FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a/c OF Charge. At . By SERVICE. (SIC.) Prnm By PLEASE WRITE DlSTINCTLr, CURTAIL ADDKKSSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert hero the time afc which messajre was -written xa. /DAY OF \ /SENDER»S\ ( IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED, CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS 1. — Messages should be -wTitten very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account tliey are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in tlie preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms ere for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers, 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. 0£ice of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. At ,„ To... By... Sent. „.... ni. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c oF Charge. At From By (SIC ) PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CUUTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE LNSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here th e time fit which messafre waa written m. /DAY OF \ V MONTH/ /SENDER'S\ \ NUMBER/ / IN REPLY \ 'X PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. 3. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Eoman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — AH Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4 — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in tlie preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — ■" Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forma »re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Offi,ce of Origin and Service Instructions. Word^. To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF SERVICE. (SIC ) Charge. At From Bv PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here th e time at which messan-e was written m. /DAY OF \ \ MONTH/ /SENDER'S\ V NUMBER y / IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. \^ Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. AH Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In frankiug messages, it must bo clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4,. Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and tlierefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to wliom the message is directed. 5. The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words, Charge. Sent, At. To. By. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c qf SERVICE. (SIC.) Bated Stamp of Office or Received. At From By .... PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDRESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here th e time afc which messacre was "written m. /DAY OF \ \ MnUTU / /SENDER'S\ V MIIMRFD / ( IN REPLY \ \ TA MIIMRCD/ , - PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED, CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be ■written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addicssor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B.— " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1 . 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — Tlie Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working In connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms ate for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Messags . Prefix Code Office of Origin and Service his truct ions. Word^s. Charge. Sent. At. To. By FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." I THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF SERVICE. (SIC.) Dated Stamp of 'Office or Received. At From By PLEASE WRITE DISTISCTLr, CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here the time at which messasre was written m. /DAYOF\ 1 /SENDER>S\ / IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very cleaHj. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above ndes are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms ave for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Messaga . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. At ... To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of OffiM or Received. ^ THIS MESSAGE IS ON a'c OF SERVICE. Charge. At Frtvm Bv PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDKESSE8, AND BEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here th e time at which mesaage was written . ra. /DAY 0F\ ^ MONTH/ /'SENDER'S\ \ NUMBER/ / IN REPLY \ VTA NIIMRFR/ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account tlioy are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1 . 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the "name from." As a rule, a surname and place "to," and a surname "from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. J^OTB. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms a-re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No, of Messag9 . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. Ai... To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a'c OF CEDVII^E Charge. At p mxti. ) By PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADD BESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO. If necessary insert here th time at which messatre was written m. /'DAYOF\ V MONTH/ /SENDER'S\ V. NUMBER / / IN REPLY \ V T/l IIIIMRFD/ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegrai)h. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms a-re for use with the Telegrapli in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Word^. To... By.. Sent „ ni. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON &c OF Charge. At "Frrvm. (SIC ) By PLEASE WRITK DISTINCTLy, CURTAIL AJJDKESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here the time at which messapre was written m. I DAY 0F\ V MONTH/ /SENDER'SX V NUMBER/ / IN REPLY \ - PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, aud cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, aud to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4,. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in tlie preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and thei'efore need not be written after the "name from." As a rule, a surname and place "to," and a surname "from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms are for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Messaga . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. Ai... To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of OffiM or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c qf SERVICE. (SIC ) Charge. At From liild be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms 8*e for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Uessage . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Sent. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." 1. THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF SERVICE. (SIC.) Dated Stamp of Office or Received. At J^Vow,. By PLEASE WEITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDRESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here the time at which message was written m. ( DAY 0F\ /SENDER'SA / IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important ■words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addrussor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account tliey are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1 . 4, — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms »re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No.o,Me..ag. Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Word^. Ai... To... By... Sent. .,.„...,„ m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Received. i THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF Charge. At SERVICE. (SIC ) From By TO If neoeflsary insert hero th e time at which messaere was written m. (DAY OF \ /SENDER>S\ / IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. 3. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR, OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be ■written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. AH Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franiiiug messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4 — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a sui-name " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. AVhen surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. I^OTE. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms axe for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of MesBagtt . Prefix Code m. Office of Origin and Service Instructioyis. Words. To... By.. Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a'c OF SERVICE. Charge. At Prnm Bti PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDUESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here the time at which messasre was written . m. /^DAYOF\ V MONTH/ /'SENDER>S\ V NUMBER / / IN REPLY \ PROM 2. THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addres-sor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1 . [ 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not bo written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far a,s possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forma »re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TBLBaRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Ojfice of Origin and Service Instructions. Words. To... By... Sent. m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "frankinc officer." Bated Stamp of Office or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c qf Charrje. At From B,i (SIC ) PLEASE WEETK DISTINCTLr, CURTAIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INdl RUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert hero the time at which messacre was written in. (DAY 0F\ V MONTH/ /SEHDER'S\ V NUMBER J / IN REPLY \ V T/1 MIIMRFPy ■ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Koman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addressor, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addressor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary, for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addressor" means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station fi-om," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the "name from." As a rule, a surname and place "to," and a surname "from," should be BuflBcient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms ate for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Oritjin and Service Instructions. Words. Ai ... To... By.. Sent. „ m. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of Office or Received. i THIS MESSAGE IS ON a'c OF SERVICE. (SIC ) Charge. At Vrnrn By TO PLRASE WPaTlJ DISTINCTLY, CURTAIL ADDKES8ES, AND SEE INSTKUCTIONS ON BACK Tf necessary insert here tb e time at which message was written m. /DAY 0F\ V MONTH/ /SENDEn'S\ \ NUMBER / / IN REPLY \ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED, CENSOR OF .ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTION'S. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or otlier person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addiessor. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegrapli. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms »re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Message . Prefix Code m. Words. ^t .... To Sent. VI. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Dated Stamp of OJJlce Office of Orijin and Service Instructions. or Received. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF SERVICE. (SIC ) • • Cliarge. At By Frnvi Bii PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY, CUHTAIL ADDKESSBS, AND SEE INSTllUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert horo the time at which messno-o was written m. (DAYOFX ! V MnNTU/ /SENDER'S\ I NIIMRFR / ( IN REPLY \ j :.. PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be ■written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or otlier person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms awe for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No, of Message . Prefix Code m. Office of Ovigin and Service Instructions. Words. At ... To... By... Sent VI. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Office or Receioed. 1 THIS MESSAGE IS ON a c OF Charge. At SERVICE. (SIC ) Fmm By PLEASE WRITK DtSTINCTLr, CtJETAlL ADDKKSSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If necessary insert here the time at which message was written m. /DAYOF\ i XMnNTII/ /SENDER'S\ V. NIIM8FR ) ( IN REPLY \ . PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. 3. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1, — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — All Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account tliey are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses should be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms »*e for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. 119 A. ARMY TELEGRAPHS AND SIGNALLING. No. of Measajre . Prefix Office of Origin Code m. and Service Instructions. Words. Ai... To... By . Sent. ni. FOR STAMPS OR SIGNATURE OF "FRANKING OFFICER." Bated Stamp of Offi.ce or Received. i THIS MESSAGE IS ON » c OF Charge. At SERVICE. (SIC ) Prom Bv PLEASE WRITE DISTIXCTLY, CUBl'AIL ADDKESSES, AND SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK. TO If nepessary insert here th e time at which messsin-e was -nTitten m. /DAY OF \ V MnNTH/ /SENDER>S\ V NUMBER ) / IN REPLY \ Vto number/ PROM 2, THE ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE FORWARDED AS NOW CORRECTED. CENSOR OF ARMY TELEGRAMS. 3. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSOR. OR OTHER PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO SEND THIS MESSAGE IN NAME OF ADDRESSOR. rSEE OVER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. — Messages should be written very clearly. Important words, proper names, code words, and cipher letter groups should be written in Roman capitals. Figures should be very clearly written. 2. — All Messages must be signed by the Addresser, or other person duly authorized to send Messages in name of Addresser. This signature (in space 3) is not signalled with the message, but is necessary for identification of Sender, and to support the authenticity of message. N.B. — " Addresser " means the person who originates the message. 3. — AH Messages must be either " franked," or paid for by Cash or Warrants. In franking messages, it must be clearly stated on what services the messages are sent, or to what account they are to be charged. Franking signature to be written in space 1. 4. — Addresses sliould be curtailed as much as possible. The " station from," or office of origin, is signalled in the preamble, and appears in the Addressee's copy, and therefore need not be written after the " name from." As a rule, a surname and place " to," and a surname " from," should be sufficient for any Government message. N.B. — " Addressee " means the person to whom the message is directed. 5. — The Authorized Government Code should be used, when practicable, in all long messages, and especially in Cable Messages. When surnames cannot be used in addresses, the authorized abbreviated addresses should be employed, if duly registered. Note. — All the above rules are to be observed by Signallers as far as possible when working in connection with the Telegraph. The instructions in compressed black type on the face of the forms »re for use with the Telegraph in the Field, and are not generally applicable to Signallers. ^-s^ ^5^^^^^ OF THT. fuitlVEESITY ov 'Mlf^"^ THIS BOOK IS DUE CN THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW 30m-l,'15 UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY