GIFT OF Daughter of IT. Stuart Siar REGULATIONS UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY As 'AI'PKO'VED BY THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY. 1, 1876. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1876. GIFT OF ENGINEERING LIBRARY NAVY DEPARTMENT, January 1, 1876. The following regulations will be obeyed by all persons connected with the Naval Academy. GEO. M. ROBESON, Secretary of the Navy. 938309 CONTENTS. PART I. ACADEMIC ORGANIZATION. Page. I Government II. Commandant of Cadets 9 III. Senior Aid 10 IV. Academic Board 10 V. Heads of Departments 12 VI. Instructors 13 VII Senior Medical Officer 15 VIII. Treasurer 15 IX. Store-keeper 16 X. Commissary ]6 XL Secretary 17 XII. Academic year 17 XIII. Admission 18 XIV. -Classification ]9 XV. Course of instruction 19 XVL Examinations 24 XVIL Marks 26 XVIII. Merit-rolls 27 XIX. -Practice cruise 28 XX. Register 29 PART II. INTERIOR DISCIPLINE. XXI Cadet organization 31 XXII Conduct 32 XXIII. Uniform of Cadets 35 XXIV. Daily routine 36 XXV. Official intercourse : 39 XXVI. Religious services 40 XXVII. Hospital 41 XXVIIL-Library 42 XXIX. Gymnasium 43 XXX. Store 44 XXXI. -Grounds 44 XXXIL-Cadets' quarters < 45 6 \ Page. XXX1IL Mess-hall 47 XXXIV. Officer in Charge 48 XXXV. Officer of the Day 50 XXXVI. Superintendents of Floors and Buildings 53 XXXVII. Superintendents of Rooms 54 XXXVIIL Watchmen and Master-at-arms 54 XXXIX. Formations 56 XL. Section-leaders , 56 XLI. Section-rooms 57 XLII. Reports and excuses , 58 XLI II.- -Leave of absence 59 XLIV. Liberty 59 XLV. Privileges 60 XLVI. Fire organization 61 XLVIL Barber's shop 61 XLVIIL Bathing rooms 61 XLIX. Boats 62 L. Supplementary Regulations 62 PART I, ACADEMIC ORGANIZATION. L GOVERNMENT. 1. The United States Naval Academy shall be under the direct care and supervision of the Secretary of the Navy. 2. A line-officer of the Navy, of a rank not below that of Cap- tain, shall be assigned by the Secretary of the Navy as Superintend- ent of the Naval Academy. 3. He shall be charged with the general superintendence and government of the Academy, and all Officers, Professors, Instructors and Cadets shall be under his command. He shall have charge of the grounds, buildings, vessels, and other public property, in use or belonging to the Academy. He shall have the power to appoint or remove all persons employed at the Academy, except those for whose employment or discharge special provision may be made by the laws, or regulations for the government of the Navy, or of the Academy. 4. At the end of each Academic month, he shall send a report of the marks and standing in each branch, and the number of demerits of each Cadet, to his parent or guardian ; and a report of the rela- tive standing of the Cadets in the various branches, and the number of demerits, to the Secretary of the Navy. 5. At the end of the first term, he shall transmit to the Secretary of the Navy the reports of the relative standing and demerits for the term, and the report of deficiencies, with the recommendations of the Academic Board, and he shall give a warning to Cadets whose averages in any uncompleted branch falls below 2.50, stating that their progress is unsatisfactory. 6. At the end of each Academic year, he shall cause the merit- roll of each class, for the year, to be made out, and the merit-roll of the graduating class for the course. He shall transmit to the Secretary of the Navy a copy of the graduating merit-roll, the reports of the relative standing of the Cadets in the three lower 8 classes ; and a report of deficiencies, similar to that sent at the end of the first term. 7. At the end of each term, he shall send a report of the marks and standing in each completed branch, and the number of demerits of each Cadet, to his parent or guardian, with a statement as to the final disposition of his case, if found deficient in any branch. 8. Officers of the Navy, on the application of the Superintendent, will be assigned to duty at the Academy by the Secretary of the Navy, as far as may be necessary to complete its organization. 9. All persons employed at the Academy shall be subject to these regulations. 10. No person connected with the Academy shall, unless author- ized by the Secretary of the Navy, give any certificate, sign any paper, or take any action whatever, in relation to a decision of the Secretary of the Navy, or of the Academic Board, concerning any person who is, or who may have been, connected with the Academy, and no person connected with the Academy shall make any state- ment relative to the qualifications, standing, or character of any Cadet, or of any person who may have been a Cadet, or concern- ing the examination of any candidate for admission, unless author- ized by the Secretary of the Navy, or by the Superintendent. 11. No person connected with the Academy shall cause publica- tions, or correspond with official persons, in regard to transac- tions at the Academy, in a manner not authorized by the regulations for the government of the Navy. 12. No person connected with the Academy shall take or receive any present, or gratuity, directly or indirectly, from Cadets, or can- didates for admission, or from their relatives or friends, without the approval of the Superintendent, nor shall any such person re- ceive any compensation for tuition of Cadets, or candidates, or per- sons wishing to become candidates. 13. It shall be the duty of all officers, naval and civil, at the Academy, who have knowledge of any violation of a regulation, or of any neglect, or improper conduct of which a Cadet has been guilty, to report the fact to the Commandant of Cadets. Cases of negligence or impropriety on the part of any other person connected with the Academy may be reported by the person observing them to the proper officer. 14. Leave of absence may be granted by the Superintendent to any officers, naval and civil, attached to the Academy, from the close of one Academic year to the beginning of the next, provided that their services are not required, and at other times for shorter periods, at his discretion. 15. All officers, naval and civil, shall report their return from leave of absence to the officers from and through whom the leave was obtained. 16. No officer of the Navy shall exercise authority at the Acad- emy, unless subordinate to the Superintendent. II. COMMANDANT OF CADETS. 17. The Commandant of Cadets shall be a line officer of the Navy, of a rank not below that of Commander, and he shall be next in command and authority to the Superintendent. 18. He shall have charge and supervision, under the orders of the Superintendent, of the police and police force of the Academy, including watchmen and marines, and of the fire department ; and he shall perform such other duties as the Superintendent may direct, for the preservation of discipline, and for the general security. 19. He shall have general direction, subject to the control of the Superintendent, of all drills and tactical instruction in the departments of seamanship and gunnery. 20. He shall frequently, with the aid of his assistants, inspect the buildings used by the Cadets, and when any slight repairs are needed he shall send notice to the Senior Aid, to have the damage made good ; but whenever alterations or expensive repairs shall be necessary he shall report the fact to the Superintendent. He shall call the attention of the Superintendent to whatever he may see amiss, or to any change that would conduce to the comfort or en- joyment of the cadets. 21. He shall, as second in command, report to the Superintend- ent any violation of the regulations that shall come to his knowl- edge on the part of any one attached to the Academy, or temporarily within its precincts, and he shall promptly and authoritatively check any such irregularity, using (if need be) the police force under his command for this purpose. 22. He shall submit the daily conduct report to the Superintend- ent, and shall cause it to be entered on the record as approved. No person except himself or his assistants shall have access to the rec- ord, nor shall its contents be communicated to any one, except for 10 authorized public purposes, without a written order from the Super- intendent. 23. At the eud of each Academic month, term, and year, he shall report the number of demerits of each Cadet to the Superintendent, and he shall send a copy of the annual report of demerits to the offi- cer charged with the prepararatiou of the merit-roll. 24. Whenever a Cadet is absent from a recitation without proper authority, the Commandant of Cadets shall notify the Head of the Department in which the recitation took place. 25. In the absence of the Commandant of Cadets his senior as- sistant shall perform the duties of his office. III. SENIOR AID. 26. The Senior Aid shall be a line officer of the Navy. He shall have charge, under the direction of the Superintendent, of the pub- lic lands and the buildings thereon ; of the materials for the erection of buildings, and for repairs and improvements; and of all other prop- erty for which no other person is responsible. He shall, also, under the direction of the Superintendent, make purchases for the Acad- emy, and shall have prepared the accounts, returns, and rolls rela- tive to the public property under his charge, and to disbursements made by the Superintendent ; and he shall, unless otherwise di- rected by the Superintendent, have control of the workmen em- ployed in the erection or repairs of the public buildings, and in the improvement of the grounds. 27. Applications for repairs of quarters shall be made, in writing, to the Superintendent, through and under cover to his Senior Aid. IV. ACADEMIC BOARD. 28. The Academic Board shall be composed of the Superintend- ent, the Commandant of Cadets, and the Heads of Departments. 29. The Superintendent, or, in his absence, the Commandant of Cadets, shall preside at the meetings. In the absence of both, the senior officer present shall preside ; but all reports and returns of the Board shall be made to or through the Superintendent. 30. Meetings shall be held on the last Monday of each Aca- demic mouth, unless otherwise directed by the Superintendent, and at such other times as he may appoint ; and a majority of the mem- bers shall constitute a quorum. 11 31. It shall be the dnty of the Academic Board to prescribe, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Navy, the subjects aud arrangement of the course of instruction, and the text-books to be used ; to regulate the recurrence of examinations ; to determine the relative weight of marks for recitations and examinations in any department, on the recommendation of the Head of the Department ; to fix the relative weight of the marks in different branches of study ; to submit regulations, prepared in accordance with law, governing the examination for admission, which regulations shall be ready for publication by November 1 of each year ; to make semi- annual and annual reportsof the relative standing of Cadets, aud of the marks, aptitude, habits, and conduct of Cadets found deficient, with recommendations as to the disposal of the latter ; aud " Cadets found deficient shall not be continued at the Academy or in the service, unless upon the recommendation of the Academic Board." (Revised Statutes, $ 1519-1525.) 3ti. The rules of parliamentary proceedings shall govern at meet- ings of the Board ; and in voting by ballot, the Superintendent shall have three votes, the other members one each. 33. The adjournment of the Board shall be directed by the pre- siding officer. 34. The Superintendent shall designate a suitable person, already attached to the Academy, as Secretary of the Board. 35. The deliberations of the Board shall bo confidential, and no decision shall be disclosed by any person connected with the Board before the same shall be announced by proper authority. 36. A member, or members, of the Academic Board, assisted by such other officers as the Superintendent may direct, shall be de- tailed at the beginning of each year to prepare the tabular assign- ment of section-rooms, the Academic Calendar, the Annual Register, and the circulars issued to candidates for admission. 3*7. A committee of members of the Academic Board, designated by the Superintendent, at the regular meeting in December, shall conduct the examination of candidates for admission ; and the same or another committee shall prepare the programmes for semi-annual and annual examinations; andthesemi-annualaud annual deficiency reports, the latter containing the names of all Cadets whose aver- age in any branch for the term or year falls below 2.50, their final average in all branches, and the number of demerits : a statemeut of their aptitude and habits of study, aptitude for the service, and 12 general conduct ; and recommendations as to the disposal of each case. The reports, as modified or adopted by the Board, shall be forwarded by the Superintendent to the Secretary of the Navy. 38. A member of the Academic Board, assisted by such other officers as the Superintendent may direct, shall be charged with the preparation of the merit-rolls. V. HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS. 39. Heads of Departments shall have general charge and super- vision of the instruction of Cadets in their respective departments. 40. The Head of each Department shall distribute the work of his department among the instructors assigned to duty as his assistants, and shall give such personal instruction in recitations, or lectures, as he may think proper. He shall arrange the classes under instruction in his department in sections, for purposes of recitation, and shall send the section-arrangement to the Comman- dant of Cadets for publication, as often as a change is made. He shall visit frequently the section-rooms of his assistants, and make such regulations as to the method of instruction and routine of recitations as may be necessary. 41. He shall keep a record of the books, instruments, apparatus, and other articles supplied to his department, and shall be respon- sible for all such articles. 42. He shall make duplicate weekly reports to the Superintend- ent, by 11.30 a. m. on Saturday, containing the names and averages of Cadets, in each branch of his department, whose average for the week falls below 2.5. One copy of each report shall be sent to the Superintendent, the other to the Commandant of Cadets for publi- cation. 43. At the end of each Academic month he shall send to the Superintendent class-reports in each branch of study in his depart- ment, containing the names of Cadets arranged in the order of merit, with the class-numbers, weekly and monthly averages, examination-marks, and final averages. When semi-monthly exam- inations are held, a separate report of the marks of the first exam- ination shall be sent to the Superintendent. 44. Before the first day of the last month of each term he shall ssnd a report to the Superintendent of the examinations to be held at the end of the term in his department, the time required for each examination, the character of the examination, (whether written or 13 oral,) ami the formula for combining examination-marks with term- averages. 45. As soon as possible after the semi-annual and annual exam- inations he shall send to the Superintendent class-reports in each branch of study in his department, containing the names of Cadets in the order of merit for the term or year, with the class-numbers and the monthly, term, examination and. final averages. 4.6. At the end of each Academic year he shall send, to the officer charged with the preparation of the merit-rolls, class-reports, in each branch taught in his department for which a co-efficient is allowed, containing the names of Cadets in the order of merit, with their class-numbers, final averages, and multiples. 47. Immediately after the close of the annual examination he shall send to the Secretary of the Academy in a sealed envelope, marked "Examination-papers, Department of ," a copy of the examination-papers set at the semi-annual and annual examina- tions in his department, and a copy of specimen questions given at each oral examination. These papers shall be written without abbreviations, and on one side of the paper only. 48. He shall also, at the close of each Academic year, make requisition for such stationery, books, instruments, and apparatus as may be needed during the following year in his department, and shall inform the store-keeper as to the probable number of text- books and other articles that will be required by Cadets in the studies under his charge. He shall at the same time send to the Librarian a list of desirable books not in the library relating to the subjects of his department. 49. Heads of Departments in which monthly examinations are held shall meet on the first Monday of each Academic mouth, at the call of their senior officer, to prepare for publication a programme of examinations, and to designate examination-rooms for the month. 50. There shall be a Commander or Lieutenant Commander at the head of the department of Seamanship and of the department of Ordnance and Gunnery, who, with the other officers assigned to their departments, shall be the assistants to the Commandant of Cadets in carrying out the discipline of the Academy. VI. INSTRUCTORS. 51. Instructors shall carry on the work of instruction, exami- ation, and attendance in section-rooms, under the orders of the 14 Head of the Department to which they are attached. They shall be ready to assist the Head of the Department in the performance of any duty which may fall to him by regulation or special order. 52. Instructors shall note the marks of Cadets in their section- books, and make weekly reports to the Head of the Department. 53. They shall have charge of the different sections in rotation according to the detail made out by the Head of the Department. 54. They shall be in their section-rooms at the sound of the bugle, and shall be responsible for the orderly conduct of sec- tions in their charge ; and they shall exact of Cadets, and espe- cially of section-leaders, the strictest observance of the regulations in regard to bearing and general demeanor in section-rooms. Par- ticular attention shall be paid to the manner in which sections enter and leave the room, to the formalities of rising and taking seats, and to the attitude of Cadets, seated or standing. 55. All reports of delinquencies occurring in recitations, lectures, or examinations in any department, except in cases of absence, shall be made through the Head of the Department. 56. Instructors shall dismiss their sections punctually at the first note of the recall, (except as specified in Article 57,) with- out regard to the progress of the recitation. All necessary direc- tions as to the next lesson, or what not, shall be given at the beginning of the recitation. 57. In the case of sections reciting in the first hour of a period, the recitation may be prolonged fifteen minutes after the recall, if the section-room is vacant during the second hour, but in no other case, and in no case beyond this time. 58. Instructors ordered by the Superintendent or Commandant of Cadets, to any duty other than that connected with their depart- ment, or to routine duty as Officer in Charge, shall notify the Head of the Department without delay. 59. Officers detailed to assist the Commandant of Cadets in per- forming the duties of Officer in Charge, during the day or night, shall make application to him for leave of absence, before preferring their application to the Superintendent. Instructors will always first apply to the Head of the Department. 60. No Instructor shall have any communication with a Cadet on the subject of his marks unless the latter has received special permission from the Superintendent. 15 VII. SENIOR MEDICAL OFFICER. 61. The Senior Medical Officer is directly responsible to the Superintendent for the care of the sick, the suggestion of measures for the maintenance of a proper hygiene, and the preservation and expenditure of public property belonging to his department. 62. He shall report daily to the Superintendent the names of all persons attached to the Academy who may be unfitted for duty by illness, and shall furnish to the Commandant of Cadets a daily sick- list and excused-list of Cadets. 63. He shall report to the Superintendent the name of any person feigning illness or disability, that he may be recommended to the Secretary of the Navy for dismissal. 64. If, in the opinion of the Senior Medical Officer, a Cadet is disqualified for the service, by any physical or mental cause, he shall report the fact to the Superintendent, who shall forward the report to the Secretary of the Navy, that he may submit the case, if he think proper, to a Medical Board, to determine whether or not the Cadet shall be retained in the service. 65. The Senior Medical Officer shall have immediate charge of all the subordinates in his department, and of all the sick, whether in hospital or quarters ; and he shall, with the approval of the Superintendent, establish regulations for the hospital and dispen- sary, to which all invalids and Cadets shall conform. 66. All the Medical Officers of the Academy shall not be absent from the Academic limits at) the same time, without special author- ity from the Superintendent. VIII. TREASURER. 6'7. An officer of the Pay Corps of the Navy shall be assigned to duty as Treasurer of the Academy. 68. The bills of the Store-keeper, Commissary, laundress, and bar- ber, and the postage-account of each Cadet, certified by him, and approved by the Superintendent, shall be paid by the Treasurer, at the end of the month, and charged to the account of the Cadet. 69. The Superintendent may from time to time authorize the Treasurer to pay to the Cadets, or for them, such small sums of money as he may think proper. 70. Sixty dollars per annum of each Cadet's pay shall be re- served for the purchase of his outfit at graduation. 16 71. The Treasurer shall make to the Superintendent a monthly statement of the account of each Cadet, showing the amount paid and the balance due. 72. The accounts of the mechanics and laborers, signed by them respectively, and approved by the Superintendent, shall be made up and paid monthly by the Treasurer. 73. Bills for supplies furnished to the Academy, by order of the Superintendent and approved by him, shall be paid by the Treas- urer. IX.-STORE-KEEPER. 74. The Store-keeper of the Academy shall be detailed from the Pay Corps of the Navy, and he shall have the authority, with the approval of the Secretary of the Navy, to procure clothing and other necessaries for the Cadets, to be issued under such regulations as the Superintendent may prescribe. 75. The Store-keeper shall be furnished with a store-room within the Academic limits, in which he shall keep only such articles as may be authorized by the Superintendent. 76. He shall issue no article to Cadets without the written au- thority of the Superintendent or Commandant of Cadets. 77. He shall be at the store on Saturday by noon, and at such other times as may be necessary, or as the Superintendent may direct, or the Commandant of Cadets may require. 78. The account of each Cadet shall be submitted to the Super- intendent on the last day of the month, and approved before being sent to the Treasurer. 79. A board of three officers shall be appointed by the Superin- tendent, who shall examine all articles provided by the Store-keeper, for the use of the Cadets, and shall compare the clothing to be issued with approved patterns. The board, shall reject all such arti- cles as, in its judgment, are not of suitable quality or price, or do not conform to prescribed orders or regulations. 80. The board shall, from time to time, make to the Superintend- ent such suggestions in regard to the Store-keeper's department as it may think proper. X. COMMISSARY. d- --by tl m SnnArii^t.AmlAitf shall fur- nioh tho Cadets with only such articles of 44^- as the Superinteadeai may direct. X. THE COMMISSARIAT. 81. The duties pertaining to the Cadets' Mess-Hall shall be discharged by a Paymaster detailed as Commissary of the Naval Academy by the Navy Department ; and by the Officer who, as Assistant to the Commandant of Cadets, is charged by the Superintendent with the discipline and police of the Mess-Hall. 82. The Paymaster-Commissary of the Naval Academy shall under in- structions from the Superintendent, fix the dietary of the Mess-Hall ; he shall be charged with the purchase and care, until issued for use, of all articles of provision, table-ware, table-linen, kitchen-ware, and stores in general, needed for the complete ordering of the Cadets' table and laundry ; and he shall be responsible for the proper preparation and cooking of all articles of (able consumption. 83. He shall, with the approval of the Commandant of Cadets, employ the cooks, and servants in general, who are required for the Mess-Hall and Kitchen. 84. He shall keep a set of books which^ shall at all times be open to a Board of Audit, appointed by the Superintendent, to inspect and pass upon his monthly accounts, prior to their submission to the Superintendent for his approval. The books shall show the monthly cost of maintaining the table and laundry for the Cadets, and the amounts to be charged therefor by the Treasurer against their individual accounts. 17 82. He shall present his accounts every month to a board a^ers, appointed by the Superintendent, to be auditedjXfnd, after approval by the Superintendent, the accounts shallb^settled by the Treasurer. 83. He sHnJlreceive for his profits an amount^rolb exceeding six per cent, per anrmnT>on expenditures' for artipies of food; and as a guarantee that the articles procured h&pebeen purchased at the lowest cash-price, he shall produce a*rry bill, and certify that the articles have been received at ttrfT jo west market-rates ; that no deductions other than thosejpfiich appfear upon the bills have been made, and that he recess no other profit, directly or indirectly, than the six per cen^nereby authorized. 84. He shall js^ep a set of books, of creditol-ftad-ilebtor, in which he shall entej^all articles purchased and expended ; he shall keep on file aJJ^riginal bills receipted, and both bills and books^hall be snb,jef at all times to the inspection of the board of audrt^M^f Board of Visitors. XL SECRETARY. 85. The Secretary shall be appointed on the nomination of the Superintendent, with the approval of the Secretary of the Navy. 86. He shall conduct the correspondence of the Academy and keep the official records, as follows : Rolls of the Academy, which shall contain a list of the Cadets, with the name in full, date of admission, place of birth, age, place from which appointed, resi- dence, name, and occupation of parents or guardians ; monthly class-reports, conduct-rolls, merit-rolls, inventories of public prop- erty, and records of requisitions. 87. He shall make out the conduct and merit reports for the Navy Department, and file and preserve the public correspondence and other papers of the Academy. 88. He shall inform the Heads of Departments of all resigna- tions, dismissals, and re-instatements. XII. ACADEMIC YEAR. 89. The Academic year shall begin September 20, and end June 20, consisting of two terms ; the first term, from September 20 to the Saturday nearest to January 30; and the second term, from the close of the first term to June 20. 2 18 90. Each term shall contain four Academic months; those in the first terra being named October, November, December, and January ; and in the second, February, March, April, and May. The first Academic month of each term shall comprise the five weeks begin- ning with the first Monday of the term ; and the two months follow- ing shall each comprise four weeks. The fourth month of the first term shall end on the Saturday nearest to January 23 ; and the fourth month of the second term on the Saturday nearest to June 4. 91. Studies and exercises shall be suspended on January 1, Feb- ruary 22, July 4, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day, and after supper on Christmas eve. XIII. ADMISSION. 92. There shall be two examinations of candidates for admission as Cadet-Midshipmen, and one examination for admission as Cadet- Engineers, the dates of which shall be specified in the circulars pub- lished yearly for the information of candidates ; no candidates will be examined at other times than those specified. 93. The examination for admission as Cadet-Engineers shall be competitive. 94. No candidate for admission as Cadet-Midshipman shall be examined if his age exceed 18 years, or be less than 14 years. (Revised Statutes, . 1577.) 95. No candidate for admission as a Cadet-Engineer shall be ex- amined if his age exceed 20 years, or be less than 16 years. 96. All candidates will be required to certify on honor their exact age. 97'. Circulars containing directions for candidates shall be pre- pared yearly by a committee of the Academic Board designated by the Superintendent. 98. The physical examination shall be^conducted by a board of Medical Officers of the Navy convened for the purpose ; and the mental examination by a committee of members of the Academic Board designated by the Superintendent ; and no candidate shall be admitted unless, in the opinion of the two boards, he shows the requisite mental and physical qualifications. 99. Candidates rejected at the mental examination for admis- sion as Cadet-Midshipmen " shall not have the privilege of another examination for admission to the same class, unless recommended by the Board of Examiners." (Revised Statutes, 1515.) 19 100. Candidates who enter the Academy shall be allowed their actual and necessary traveling expenses from their residence to the Academy. But no allowance shall be made for board, or other ex- penses incurred, while in attendance at the examination, and any Cadet who voluntarily resigns his appointment within a year after the date of his admission will be required to refund the amount paid him for traveling expenses. 101. On becoming an inmate of the Academy, each Cadet shall take the prescribed oath, engaging himself to serve in the Navy of the United States for eight years, including the period of his pro- bation as a Cadet, unless sooner discharged. He shall deposit with the Treasurer the sum of fifty dollars, for which he shall be credited on the books of that office ; and this sum may be expended by the Superintendent in the purchase of text-books and other authorized articles for his use. In addition to this sum, he shall make a de- posit for clothing and furniture, the amount of which shall be speci- fied in the annual circular. Both deposits shall be made before the candidate is received into the Academy. XIV. CLASSIFICATION. 102. The Cadet-Midshipmen shall be arranged in four classes and the Cadet-Engineers in four classes, corresponding to the four years of instruction. 1O3* Cadets pursuing the first year's course shall form the fourth class ; the second year's course, the third class ; the third year's course, the second class ; and the fourth year's course, the first class. 1O4. The Cadet-Midshipmen and Cadet-Engineers may be ar- ranged together in sections, when pursuing the same studies ; but weekly reports of unsatisfactory recitations, and reports of class- standing for the mouth, term, and year shall be made out for Cadet-Midshipmen and Cadet-Engineers separately. COURSE OF INSTRUCTION. 1O-5. The branches of study taught at the Academy shall be grouped under the following departments : 1. Seamanship. 2. Ordnance and Gunnery. 3. Mathematics. 20 4. Steam-Engineering. 5. Astronomy and Navigation. 6. Physics and Chemistry. 7. English Studies, History, and Law. 8. Modern Languages. 9. Drawing. 1O6. The course of study shall embrace the following subjects : Department of Seamanship. Seamanship. The material and manufacture of all kinds of rope : knotting and splicing ; the masting, sparring, and rigging of ships ; stowage; the organization of a ship's company; the management and equipment of boats ; handling sails ; the management and evolutions of vessels ; the duties of officers ; the laws of storms, and the rules of the road. Ship-building. The construction of ships and docks, and the launch- ing and docking of vessels. Naval Architecture. The designing of ships, including the neces- sary calculations. Naval Tactics. The organization and manojuvring of fleets. Practical Exercises. In Seamanship, with sails and spars ; in Naval Tactics, with boats, and in signals. The instruction in boxing, swimming, gymnastics, and dancing shall be in charge of this department. Department of Ordnance and Gunnery. Ordnance and Gunnery. Metallurgy in its relation to gun-metals ; the manufacture of guns, gunpowder, and projectiles ; pyrotechny ; trajectories ; field-fortifications. Ordnance Instructions. The Ordnance Instructions issued by the Bureau of Ordnance. * Infantry Tactics. The school of the soldier, company, and bat- talion. Practical Exercises. Infantry-drill ; field-artillery and boat-how- itzer exercise ; exercise and target-practice with great guns ; mor- tar-practice and fencing. Department of Mathematics. Algebra. Fundamental operations ; reduction and conversion of fractional and surd quantities ; involution and evolution ; reduction. 21 and solution of equations of the first and second degrees ; the sum- mation of series; the nature, construction, and use of logarithms; the theory of equations. Geometry. Plane and solid geometry, the mensuration of sur- faces and volumes ; the application of algebra to geometry. Trigonometry. Analytical investigation of trigonometric formulas, and their application to all the cases pf plane and spherical trigo- nometry; the construction and use of trigonometric tables; the solution of trigonometric equations ; trigonometric series. Analytical Geometry. Equations of the right line, plane, and conic sections.; discussion of the general equation of the second degree involving two or three variables ; determination of loci ; principal problems relating to the cylinder, cone, sphere, and spheroid. Descriptive Geometry. The graphic illustration and solution of problems in solid geometry, and the application of the method, particularly to the projections of the sphere, and the construction of maps. Department of Steam-Engineering. Marine Engines. General theory of the steam-engine ; classifica- tion and details of marine steam-engines, and of instruments and apparatus used in connection with them ; the principles followed to insure strength in construction ; the computation of the power and its cost ; the duties of the engine-room watch, and of the en- gineer division. Fabrication of Machinery. The qualities and strength of materials, and the processes of manufacture. Designing of Machinery. The designing and construction of engines and other machinery, and the motions employed in valve-gearing. Mechanical Drawing. The nomenclature of design and construc- tion ; general and conventional practices of the art ; the execution of plans, elevations, and sections. Practical Exercises. The management of marine steam-apparatus ; the use of tools and machines; hand- work of the machine-shop, pattern-shop, smithery, boiler-shop, and foundery. Department of Astronomy and Navigation. Astronomy. Descriptive and practical astronomy, including the use of instruments, especially those used in determining terrestrial latitude and longitude. 22 Navigation. Theoretical and practical navigation, instruction in the duties of the navigator, the use of navigating- instrumenta and their construction, with the solution of problems and the use of tables. Surveying. Geodetical and nautical surveying ; practical work in surveying and constructing charts. Department of Physics and Chemistry. Chemistry. General chemistry 5 chemistry of explosives; quali- tative analysis. Physics. Acoustics, optics, heat, electricity, and magnetism. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. The differential calculus ; applications to problems of maxima and minima, and to the theory of curves. The integral calculus ; definite integrals ; differential equa- tions. Statics. Dynamics, including the motion of bodies ; rotation about an axis ; central forces ; the laws of planetary motion, and the motion of projectiles. Hydrostatics and hydrodynamics. Experimental lectures in Physics and Chemistry. Department of English Studies, History, and Law. Law. Constitution of the United States ; International Law. History. History of English Colonies in North America, and of the United States. Outline of European history. Naval history of the United States. Ehetoric, and exercises in English composition, consisting of themes and official reports. English. History, usage, and grammatical structure of the English language. Department of Modern Languages. The grammar of the French and Spanish languages, and exercises in reading, writing, and conversation. Department of Drawing. Line-drawing, topography, and free-hand drawing. 1O7. The course of instruction shall extend over four years, and the course of each year shall be as follows : FIRST YEAR. Cadet-Midshipmen. Algebra, Geometry, English History, French, Drawing. Prac- tical instruction in Seamanship, Naval Tactics, Great Guns, In- fantry Tactics, Field -Artillery, Boat-Howitzers, Fencing, Danc- ing, Swimming. Cadet- JEn gineera. Algebra, Geometry, English, French, Mechanical Drawing. Practical instruction in use of tool's, Marine Engines, Great Guns, Infantry Tactics, Field- Artillery, Fencing, Dancing, Swimming. SECOND YEAR. Trigonometry, Descriptive Geometry, Analytical Geometry, History, Rhetoric, Elementary Physics, Chemistry, French, Drawing (free-hand.) Practical instruction in Seamanship, Na- val Tactics, Great Guns, Infantry Tactics, Field - Artillery, Boat- Howitzers, Signals, Fencing, Gymnastics. Trigonometry. De scriptive Geometry, Analytical Geometry, History, Rhetoric, Elementary Physics, Chemistry, French, Me- chanical Drawing. Practical in- struction in the use of tools, Ma- rine Engines, Great Guns, In- fantry Tactics, Field-Artillery, Signals, Fencing, Gymnastics. THIRD YEAR. Seamanship, Ship-building, Naval Tactics, Infantry Tactics, Ordnance Instructions, Astron- omy, Applied Mathematics, Me- chanics, Electricity, French, Spanish, English Composition. Practical instruction in Seaman- ship, Naval Tactics, Great Guns, Infantry Tactics, Field-Artillery, Boat-Howitzers, Signals, Fenc- ing, Boxing. Ship-building, Fabrication and Designing of Machinery, Ma- rine Engines, Mechanical Draw- ing, Applied Mathematics, Me- chanics, Electricity, French, Spanish, English Composition. Practical instruction in the use of tools, Marine Engines, Great Guns, Infantry Tactics, Field- Artillery, Signals, Fencing, and Boxing. FOURTH YEAR. Seamanship, Naval Architec- ture, Ordnance and Armor, Navi- gation and Surveying, Marine Engines, Light, Heat, Spanish, Public Law. Practical instruc- tion in Seamanship, Naval Tac- tics, Great Guns, Infantry Tactics, Field- Artillery , Boat-Ho wi tzers, Mortar-practice, Marine Engines, Signals, Fencing, Boxing. Marine Engines, Fabrication and Designing of Machinery, Mechanical Drawing, Naval Ar- chitecture, Mechanics, Light, Heat, Physical Measurements, Astronomy, Spanish, Public Law. Practical instruction in the use of tools, Marine Engines, Great Guns, Infantry Tactics, Field- Artillery, Signals, Fencing, Box- ing. 108. The daily recitations shall take place according to the pro- gramme of studies prepared by the Academic Board. 109. Advanced courses in any branch of study taught at the Academy may be established by the Academic Board, with the approval of the Secretary of the Navy. Such advanced courses shall be elective, but shall be open only to Cadets whose standing shows marked ability or aptitude in the branch of study. XVI. EXAMINATIONS. 1 IO. The semi-annual examination shall be held in the last week of the first term, and the programme shall be published b y January 15. 111. Examinations on the work of the first term shall be held in all branches completed at that time. Examination may be held in other branches as directed by the Academic Board. 112. The annual examination shall begin on June 10, and end on June 20, and the programme shall be published by June 1. 113. Examinations shall be held in all branches not completed at the end of the first term, unless otherwise determined by the Academic Board. 114. There shall be a competitive company-drill at sometime during the annual examination, at which the judges shall be desig- nated by the Superintendent, and a prize-flag shall be awarded to the best-drilled company. This flag shall be kept at the Academy, 25 and the name of the captain of the winning company shall be in- scribed on the staff. 115. Dress-parade shall take place daily during the annual examination, weather permitting. 116. The Secretary of the Navy will, when expedient, annually invite not less than- seven persons, as a board of visitors at the Academy during the annual examination, to witness the examina- tion and report on the discipline and management of the Academy. 117. No semi-annual or annual examination shall continue for more than five hours at a time, and no semi-monthly or monthly examination for more than two and a half hours. 118. Semi-monthly and monthly examinations shall be written, and other examinations may be either written or oral f or both. All oral examinations shall be conducted in the presence of the Head of the Department. 119. At the semi-annual and annual examinations each paper shall be marked by two instructors. 120. Recitations and other Academic exercises shall be sus- pended during the time of the semi-annual and annual examina- tions, unless otherwise directed by the Academic Board. 121. During the examinations, lectures, and theme exercises of a class, all members of the class on duty as Officers of the Day, or Superintendents of Floor or Building, shall be relieved and shall attend the examination, lecture, or exercise. 122. Cadets who are absent from an examination from any cause shall make it up as soon as possible. 123. The same rule shall apply to themes, and to all other writ- ten exercises. 124. In cases of absence from a semi-monthly or monthly exam- ination, Cadets shall hold themselves in readiness for examination immediately after the expiration of their excuse without special notification. 125. In cases of absence from a semi-annual or annual examina- tion, Cadets shall be examined at such times as the Academic Board may determine. 126. Cadets shall be allowed to leave an examination-room before finishing their work only in case of necessity. If absent longer than ten minutes (except in case of illness) no account shall be taken of their work; but they shall be required to pass a new examination at the earliest convenient time. 26 127. Cadets who ave finished their work shall be allowed to leave the examination-room in detachments of not less than seven, and over each of these divisions the senior instructor in charge shall appoint a section-leader, who shall be responsible for his sec- tion while marching through the grounds. 128. No Cadet shall be allowed to graduate, or pass from a lower to a higher class, until he has passed a physical examination, con- ducted by the Senior Medical Officer of the Academy. 129. Cadets shall at all times during the Academic course be subject to examination in the elementary branches. XVII. MARKS. 130. The scale of marks for recitation and exercises shall range from 4 to 0. A mark of 4 shall indicate thoroughness ; 0, a total failure; and the intermediate numbers shall, as far as possible, repre- sent absolute values. 131. A mark of 2.5 shall represent the minimum of proficiency ; and Cadets whose final average for the term or year in any branch falls below that number shall be reported to the Academic Board as deficient in that branch. 132. Any Cadet absent without proper authority from a recita- tion, examination, or exercise, shall receive as his mark. 133. Any Cadet who, at an examination, recitation, or exercise, or in the preparation of a theme, shall copy from another, or shall receive any unauthorized assistance, written, printed, or oral, or shall attempt to obtain such assistance, or shall be found with any unauthorized printed or written matter in his possession relating to the subject of the recitation or exercise, shall receive as his mark for such exercise, and shall be punished as the Superintend- ent may direct, for such unfair and unworfhy conduct. 134. In all cases, except those mentioned in Arts. 132 and 133, where is given as a mark, the instructor giving the mark should inform the Cadet of the fact. 135. Marks given in recitation before the first Monday of the first term shall go on to the next week. 136. During the intermission, from the end of the last mouth of the second term to the beginning of the annual examination, no marks shall be given in recitations. 137. Unless otherwise directed by the Academic Board, aver- 27 ages shall be computed in the following manner: Whenever a Cadet shall receive more than one mark during the week in any branch, the arithmetical mean of such marks shall constitute his weekly average in that branch. The mean of the weekly averages in any month combined with the examination-mark, if monthly examinations are held, shall constitute the monthly average. The mean of the monthly averages for the term or year, combined with the semi-annual or annual examination-marks, shall constitute the final average for the term or year. 138. Weekly averages shall be recorded to the nearest tenth, all other averages to the nearest hundredth. 139. When the weekly mark of any Cadet consists of a mark for a single recitation, in a branch which has more than one recita- tion per week, the mark shall be considered as having one-half the weight of the average for any other week. 140. If two members of a class have the same average in any branch for the month, term, or year, they shall receive the same class-number and their names shall be placed alphabetically. 141. In marking examination-papers or other written exercises, in all departments, some account shall be taken of the form, lan- guage, and spelling, as well as of the subject-matter, and cases of gross carelessness shall be reported to the Academic Board. 142. In the case of Cadets who take an elective course in any branch, the final mark in that branch shall be determined by add- ing to the final mark received in the required course one-fifth of the amount by which the final mark in the elective course exceeds 2.50. XVIII. MERIT-ROLLS. 143. At every annual examination the Academic Board shall form a merit-roll of each class in the following manner : 144. The final average of each Cadet, in each branch for which a coefficient is assigned in the table of coefficients, shall be multi- plied by such coefficient, and the sum of the products, after making the deduction for conduct, shall be the final multiple for the year. 145. The names of those Cadets who have not been found defi- cient by the Academic Board shall be arranged according to the final multiple, the highest multiple being placed first on the list and the others in their order. After these names, shall follow the names of those Cadets who may have been found deficient, arranged 28 iu the same manner; but no class-number shall be assigned to any Cadet who has been found deficient. 146* The merit-roll of the graduating class shall contain in addition a list of the class arranged in order of merit according to the graduating multiple, made up by adding together the final multiples for the four years. 147". Merit-rolls sent to the Navy Department shall contain only the names of Cadets passed by the Academic Board. 148. In the case of a Cadet turned back to go over the course of any year, his final multiple for the course shall be made up from the sum of the final multiples of the years in which he passed. 149. In the case of a Cadet advanced to any class without going over the course of the previous year, the final multiple for that year shall be made up by regarding his examination -averages as yearly averages. 150. Cadets who attain 85 per cent, of the multiple in any year shall be distinguished by a star affixed to their names on the merit- rolls. XIX. PRACTICE CRUISE. 151. There shall be attached to the Academy suitable vessels equipped and kept in order for sea-service and gunnery-practice. 152. There shall be attached to the practice-ship such officers and men as may be required to keep the vessel in order, and for the practical instruction of the Cadets in seamanship, navigation, and gunnery. 153. The Cadets of the classes not yet graduated shall be embarked, immediately after the June examination, on board the practice-ships to perform such cruise as the Secretary of the Navy may direct. 154. The practice-ships in which the^Cadet-Midshipmen are thus embarked shall be commanded by the Commandant of Cadets under general instructions from the Superintendent. The Cadet- Midshipmen shall be required to perform such duties connected with practical seamanship, naval gunnery, practical navigation, and other professional subjects as the Commandant of Cadets may direct. Their mess arrangements and supplies shall be subject to the control of the Superintendent, and, when aboard, of the Command- ant of Cadets. 29 155. The vessel in which the Cadet-Engineers are embarked shall, during the summer, visit such founderies, mills, shops, and yards as may be designated by the Superintendent. 156. When the Cadets are to be embarked in practice-ships for a cruise, such officers and instructors, belonging to the Academy, shall be ordered to her as the Secretary of the Navy may deem advisable ; and, while so embarked, they shall perform such duties of instruction, and as watch and division officers at quarters, ac- cording to their grades, as the commander of the ship may direct. 157* Cadets, when embarked in a practice-ship,- shall be subject to all the regulations of the Academy which, the commander of the practice squadron or ship may judge applicable. XX. REGISTER. 158. A Register of the Naval Academy shall be published annu- ally as soon after October 1 as possible. 159. The Register shall contain the Academic Calendar ; a list of the officers attached to the Academy ; a list of Cadet-O fficers and petty officers ; alphabetical lists of classes corrected up to October 1, with the relative standing for the last year ; a list of resignations, dis- missals, and deaths ; a list of Officers and Cadets attached to the practice-ships ; the table of coefficients ; the merit-rolls for the last year; the regulations governing the admission of candidates, and the papers set at the last examination for admission ; the course of instruction and the programme of studies; and examination papers set during the previous year. U. S. NAVAL ACADEMY, September id, 1877. Order, JVo. 98. By authority of the Navy Department, paragraph 160 of the Regulations of the Naval Academy, has been amended by the following addition : "He (the Superintendent) may appoint one Cadet Passed Assistant Engineer with the rank of Cadet Lieulenant. One Cadet Assistant Engineer, with the relative rank of Cadet Master. One Cadet Assistant Engineer, with the relative rank of Cadet Ensign. Four Cadet Machinists, with the relative rank of First Captain of Gun. Four Cadet Machinists, with the relative rank of Second Captain of Gun." By the same authority, paragraph 161, of the Naval Academy Regulations has also been amended by adding to it the following words : " The Cadet Engineers of the First Class shall form an Engineer Division, under the command of the Cadet Passed Assistant Engineer, to be placed at the center of the battalion, when forming with it. This division shall be drilled in Engineering under the general direction of the Head of the Department of Steam Engineering, whenever the battalion shall be drilled in Artillery os. Infantry Tactics, under. the general direction of the Head of the Department of Gunnery." C. R. P. RODGERS, Rear- Admiral, Superintendent PAKT II. INTERIOR DISCIPLINE. CADET ORGANIZATION. 160. The Superintendent shall appoint (from the First Class, as far as practicable) the following Cadet-Officers, who shall hold their positions during good behavior and efficiency : One Cadet Lieutenant-Commander. Four Cadet Lieutenants. Five Cadet Masters. Four Cadet Ensigns, and Cadet petty officers comprising first and second Captains of guns' crews. 161. The Cadets shall be arranged in four divisions for great- gun exercise, the divisions containing an equal number of guns' crews. Each gun's crew shall be composed of sixteen men, distrib- uted as nearly as possible among the several classes. 162. Each division shall constitute a battery for light-artillery drill, and a company for infantry drill, and shall be commanded by a Cadet Lieutenant, as Captain, with a Cadet Master and Cadet Ensign as the other commissioned officers, and Cadet petty officers as non-commissioned officers. 163. The guns' crews shall be divided into watches, the odd- numbered crews making the starboard-watch, and the even-num- bered crews the port-watch. The watches shall be stationed as ship's company for exercises in seamanship. 164. For exercises in naval tactics, the boats' crews shall be arranged according to the quarter-bill. 165. The Cadet Lieutenant-Commander shall bear the same relation to the Cadet organization that an Executive Officer bears to a ship's company. He shall be present at all general formations, and shall receive divisional reports, which shall be made through him to the Officer- in-Charge. In the battalion organization he shall act as Lieutenant-Colonel. 166. One of the Cadet Masters shall be selected to act as Adju- 32 tant of the battalion. At all general formations he shall take his post opposite the right of the battalion, eight paces in rear of the file-closers, unless otherwise specially assigned. 167. The color company of the battalion shall be the one to which the prize-flag has been awarded at the competitive drill of the preceding year. CONDUCT. 168. The laws for the government of the Navy, and the Navy Eegulations, as far as applicable, shall be observed by all persons attached to the Academy. 169. Cadets guilty of any of the following offenses shall be dis- missed the service, or otherwise punished, as a Court-Martial, the Secretary of the Navy, or the Superintendent may direct : Intoxication ; using or bringing within the Academic limits, or having in possession, any wine or spirituous or fermented liquor ; going beyond the Academic limits without permission ; using pro- fane or obscene language ; lying or prevarication ; unbecoming be- havior in Chapel or on Sunday : playing cards, chess, backgammon, or any game of chance, or bringing within the Academic limits any cards, dice, or other implements used in such games ; insulting or offering violence to a watchman or other person on duty ; using reproachful or provoking language or gestures toward another Cadet, or traducing or defaming another ; causing publications, or submitting articles for publication, or corresponding with official persons in regard to transactions at the Naval Academy; the per- sistent use of tobacco, or the introduction of it within the Academic limits ; feigning illness or disability ; copying from another Cadet, or receiving or attempting to receive unauthorized assistance at an examination, recitation, or exercise, or ie the preparation of a theme, or having in possession at any exercise unauthorized printed or written matter relating to the subject of the exercise ; refusing to take another Cadet into confinement, to any designated place, when ordered to do so by a person having competent authority ; or failing to obey with promptness and precision. 170. The practice of molesting, annoying, ridiculing, maltreat- ing, or assuming unauthorized authority over the new Cadets of the Fourth Class, known under the term hazing, running, &c., shall subject the older Cadets to prompt dismissal from the Naval Acad- 33 emy, as prescribed by the act of Congress and the orders of the Sec- retary of the Navy. 171. Demerits shall not be given as punishment, but as a record of misconduct. IT 1 2. A record shall be kept of punishments, and a separate record of offenses and demerits. 173. Whenever a Cadet of the First Class shall have 150 de- merits in any Academic year ; of the Second Class, 200 ; of the Third Class, 250 ; or of the Fourth Class, 300 ; his case shall be re- ported to the Navy Department, with such recommendations as the Academic Board may think proper. If a Cadet shall receive no demerits during one Academic month there shall be removed from the total number recorded against him 15 in the First Class, 20 in the Second Class, 25 in the Third Class, and 30 in the Fourth Class ; if he receive six or less during one Academic month, his demerits for that month shall be removed ; but, in such cases, no demerits shall be removed if the aggregate exceed those mentioned above, nor shall the removal be considered in making deductions for con- duct from the final multiple. 174. The attention of Cadets is called to the misdemeanor-book, and to the number of demerits assigned therein for each offense. 175. No punishments, except the following, shall be inflicted, unless by order of the Secretary of the Navy : 1. Solitary confinement not exceeding seven days ; 2. Coventry ; 3. Public reprimand on parade, by written orders signed by the Superintendent ; 4. Confinement under guard ; 5. Confinement in quarters ; 6. Deprivation of leave ; 7. Deprivation of recreation ; 8. Extra watch or guard duty and drill ; 9. Imposition of extra duties ; 10. Suspension; 11. Reduction of Cadet rank. 176. Removal from the service can be ordered only by the Sec- retary of the Navy. 177. All offenses shall be reported to the Superintendent, and no punishment shall be inflicted on a Cadet except by his order. 178. Every report against a Cadet shall be examined at once, 3 34 or dismissed ; and, in any case, Cadets shall be allowed to make an explanation to the Superintendent. 179. No Cadet under suspension shall perform the duties of Cadet-Officers, Officer of the Day, Superintendent of Floor or Build- ing, or Section-leader, or exercise command of any sort. No Cadet under suspension shall go to entertainments, or visit the house or office of any officer unless sent for. In case of business, he shall make known his object in writing ; and he shall not apply for the usual indulgences granted Cadets. A Cadet while in Coventry will not be permitted to mess at the same table with Cadets in good standing, nor will he be allowed to visit the quarters of any officer or professor, or the room of any other Cadet, nor will any other Cadet enter the room of a Cadet in Coventry except upon duty. No Cadet in Coventry will be given any responsible duty. The suspension of Cadet-Officers and petty officers will, in addition to the above, include the restrictions of article 182. ISO. The usual studies shall not be discontinued by Cadets undergoing any of the above punishments, except the first ; but when under confinement they shall not attend recitation or drills. 181. Deprivation of recreation shall not be for a longer time than twenty days, nor confinement in guard-room longer than one week, without the express sanction of the Secretary of the Navy. 182. A Cadet under the punishment of deprivation of recreation shall not leave his room except during the time absolutely neces- sary to attend religious services, recitations, meals, and drills, and to answer calls of nature. 183. Any breach of confinement will be regarded as a grave mili- tary offense. 184. No Cadet shall visit any hotel, restaurant, or other place of public entertainment without special permission from the Super- intendent, or the Commandant of Cadets acting for him. 185. No Cadet shall contract debts without the sanction of the Superintendent. 186. No Cadet shall join any association within or without the Academy, nor shall any meeting be called for any purpose without permission. 187. All combinations are forbidden. 188. Answering for another Cadet at roll-call is an act of false- hood, and shall be punished accordingly. 35 189. No fire-arras or fire-works, or gunpowder in any form, shall be introduced or discharged by any Cadet within the Academic limits except when authorized. 190. No Cadet shall introduce any person into the mess-hall or quarters without permission, nor any improper character within the Academic limits. 191. No Cadet shall allow food to be prepared in his room, or give any entertainment therein. 192. No Cadet shall receive any book or take any periodical without permission from the Superintendent, and no permission shall be given for more than one periodical at a time, paid for in advance. 193. No Cadet shall exchange or sell any articles belonging to him, or give away or otherwise dispose of any text-books, note- books, or reference-books. 194. Any Cadet who shall marry, or who shall be found to be married, shall be dismissed the service. 195. Any Cadet who shall, when absent from the Academy, commit any disgraceful act, may be punished as if the act had been committed at the Academy. 196. Any Cadet in a responsible position, who becomes answer- able for infractions of the regulations, will be required to answer all questions of his superior officer relating to the offense, and he may relieve himself of his responsibility by reporting the offender. 197. Unless public notice of misbehavior at the moment be deemed inexpedient, officers observing any impropriety of conduct on the part of a Cadet shall call his attention to the fact at the time. UNIFORM OF CADETS. 198. Full dress: Jacket, waistcoat, trousers, cap with visor and cord, and white gloves. 199. Undress : Coat, waistcoat, trousers, and cap without visor. 200. Working dress : Canvas blouse and trousers, worn over undress. 20 1. Unless otherwise ordered the full dress shall be worn on Sunday ; on liberty, or when visiting officers' quarters by special invitation ; at dress-parade, at entertainments, and on special occa- sions : at other times the undress shall be worn. 202. The working-dress shall be worn at certain exercises, spe- cified in general orders. 36 203. The undress-coat shall be worn buttoned, except at morn- ing roll-call, when it shall be unbuttoned, and the full-dress jacket shall be buttoned whenever it is worn at drills and formations. 204. Overcoats, rain-coats, cap-covers, and overshoes shall be worn when specially ordered by the Commandant of Cadets. Cap- covers shall be worn over the cord. 205. White trousers and white caps shall be worn at such times as the Superintendent may direct. 206. All articles of clothing shall be marked with the owner's name, and shall conform to patterns at the Paymaster's store. 207. No part of one dress shall be worn with another except as provided for in the working-dress. 208. No cadet shall carry his hands in his pockets. 209. Cadet-Officers shall wear such badges of rank as the Super- intendent may prescribe. 210. Cadet-Midshipmen shall wear a gold anchor embroidered on each end of the collar of their jackets one inch and a quarter in length. Cadet-Engineers shall wear silver oak-leaves, instead ot an anchor. 211. Distinguished cadets of the First Class (those who attain 85 per cent, of the multiple in the preceding year) shall wear an embroidered gold star on the collar behind the corps-badge. 212. Cadets shall wear their hair closely cut; and no Cadet shall wear whiskers, beard, or moustaches. 213. Jack-knives with laniards attached, long enough to go around the neck, shall be worn by Cadet-Midshipmen at seamanship- drills. 214. Dressing-gowns shall only be worn in rooms, and there only after forenoon inspection. 215. All articles of citizens' clothing shall be turned in, marked with the owner's name, as soon as possible after admission or return from leave, and no Cadet shall, at any time, have any article of citi- zens' clothing in his possession. DAILY EOUTINE. 216. From September 20 to November 10, and from March 20 to the close of the Academic year : ON WEEK DAYS. Morning gun-fire and reveille 6 00 a. m. Morning roll-call and prayers 6. 45 a. m. 37 Breakfast 7.00 a.m. Sick-call 7.30 a.m. Morning call to studies 7.56 a.m. Call to first morning-recitation, (first period) .... 8. 26 a.m. Call to second morning-recitation, (first period) .. 9.26 a.m. Recall, (first period) 10. 26 a, m. Call to third, morning-recitation, (second period). 10.41 a.m. Call to fourth morning-recitation, (second period). 11.41 a.m. Recall, (second period) 12. 45 p. m. Dinner-formation 12. 55 p. m. Call to first afternoon-recitation, (third period)... 1.56 p.m. Call to second afternoon-recitation (third period ). 2. 56 p. m. Recall, (third period) 3.56 p.m. Call to drill 4.05 p.m. Preparatory recall 5. 10 p. m. Recall 5.15 p.m. Call to dress-parade on Tuesday and Thursday ... 5. 50 p. m. Evening roll-call and parade hefore supper, Sep- tember 20 to October 20, and April 20 to end of term , 6.30 p.m. October 20 to November 10, and March 20 to April 20 6. 00 p. m. Call to exercises in gymnasium fifteen minutes after supper. Call to evening studies 7. 30 or 8 p. m. (As directed by the Superintendent.) Gun-fire and tattoo 9.30 p.m. Warning-roll 9. 55 p. m. Taps 10.00 p.m. Saturday forenoon drill-call 10. 35 a. m. From November 10 to March 20, the following changes will be made m the routine : Morning gun-fire and reveille 6. 15 a. m. Morning roll-call and prayers 7.00 a.m. Breakfast 7.15 a.m. Sick-call 7.45 a.m. Evening roll-call and parade before supper 5. 30 p.m. ON SUNDAY, THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. 217. Morning gun-fire and reveille 6. 30 or 6. 45 a.m. Morning roll-call and prayers 7. 15 or 7. 30 a. m. 38 Breakfast - 7. 30 or 7. 45 a. m. Sick-call 8. 00 or 8. 15 a. m. Church-call, first Sunday in the month 10. 26 a. m. Church-call, other Sundays 10. 40 a. m. Dinner-formation 12. 55 p.m. Call to afternoon meditation 2.56 p.m. Recall - 3.56 p.m. Evening roll-call and parade before supper 5. 30 or 6. 00 p. m. Retreat-call 7. 30 or 8. 00 p. m. Gun-fire and tattoo 9.30 p.m. Warning-roll 9. 55 p.m. Taps . 10.00 p.m. 218. Cadets shall rise promptly at morning gun-fire, dress with- out delay, make up their beds, and arrange their rooms in such manner as may be prescribed by the Commandant of Cadets. 219. The daily report of delinquencies involving demerits shall be read at morning roll-call. 220. The detail of Cadets to serve on the next day as Officer of the Day, and Superintendent of Floors and Buildings, shall be read ab dinner-formation. 221. The day shall be divided for purposes of study and recita- tion into three periods, one of which shall be in the afternoon. 222. Study-hours shall last from the morning call to studies till the end of the second period ; from the call to afternoon-recita- tions till the end of the third period, and from the evening call to studies till gun-fire. Study-hours on Saturday shall end at 10.26 a. m. 223. The bugle shall sound the call for studies and recitations. 224. A drill shall take place on every day except Sunday, when the weather permits, immediately after the fast recitation. 225. There shall be a dress-parade, on Tuesday and Thursday, during such periods of the year as the Superintendent may direct. 226. An inspection-parade shall take place, at church-formation on Sunday morning, after which the Cadets shall march to the chapel. On the first Sunday in every month, immediately after inspection, the Articles for the better government of the Navy shall be read, all the Naval officers attached to the Academy being pres- ent. 227. If the drum or gong sound to quarters at night, or at any 39 times other than those specified, it shall, be a signal for the Cadets to assemble as for drill, and await orders. 228. Cadets shall repair promptly to their rooms at warning- roll, and they shall turn in at taps. 229. The daily routine of studies, recitations, and exercises shall not be interrupted by extra parades or exercises on account of the presence of visitors, except by order of the Secretary of the Navy. XXV.-OFFICIAL INTERCOURSE. 230. All communications to the Navy Department from persons connected with the Academy shall be made through the Superin- tendent, whose duty it shall be to forward them, with such com- ments as he may think proper. 231. Cadets wishing to address the Superintendent officially shall first obtain permission of the Commandant of Cadets. 232. Cadets wishing personal interviews with the Superintend- ent can have them on any day, Sunday excepted, when not engaged in their studies or recitations, between the hours of noon and 1 p. m. All business they may have with him shall be transacted at his office, and not at his quarters. 233. Written communications from Cadets to the Superintend- ent shall be forwarded through the Commandant of Cadets. 234. Cadets having cause of complaint against any person con- nected with the Academy may make it known to the Superintend- ent through the Commandant of Cadets. 235. Cadets having business with the Commandant of Cadets shall apply to the Officer-iu-Charge for permission to visit his office, stating the nature of their business. 236. During recreation-hours Cadets may visit the library and officers' quarters, and, when their duties require, the Treasurer's and Secretary's offices, dispensary, and store ; and they shall not visit these places at any other times except by permission of the Com- mandant of Cadets. 237. Cadets shall not go to the house or office of any officer to make a complaint or request in greater numbers than three at a time, and then only after obtaining permission from the Superin- tendent through the Commandant of Cadets. 23N. No Cadet shall visit the guard-house, or the office of the Commandant of Cadets, or of the Officer-in-Charge except on duty. 40 239. No Cadet shall address an officer on the subject of marks without permission from the Superintendent. iMO. No Cadet shall address an officer or Cadet who has reported a delinquency on the subject of such report, without permission from the Superintendent, and officers and Cadets shall not converse with offenders on the subject of such reports without permission. 241. All orders coming through an Officer of the Day, Superin- tendent of Floor or Building, or Cadet-Officer or petty officer, shall be considered as official and obeyed accordingly. 242. A message conveyed to an officer or Cadet by a messenger of the Superintendent or Commandant of Cadets, requiring his attendance, or the sending of any book or paper, or answer to a communication, shall be considered as emanating properly. 243. In passing or meeting, all officers, Naval, Civil, and Cadets, shall observe the customary Naval salute, the junior being the first to extend it. XXVI.-RELIGIOUS SERVICE. 244. Prayers shall be said by the Chaplain daily, except on Sun- day, immediately after morning roll-call. 245. Divine service shall be held on Sunday morning in the chapel, at which the attendance of Cadets is required. 246. Cadets shall occupy the seats assigned them, and shall comply with the forms of divine service. 247. Cadets belonging to the choir shall report to the Officer-in- Charge on Sunday at 10 a. m. for inspection. 248. Cadets may attend afternoon or evening service in the chapel. They shall not be required to march there, or to sit in their regular seats, but they shall register their names at the office of the Officer-iu-Charge, going and returning. If the service is during meditation-hour, or any part thereof, they strajl go directly to and from the chapel, returning to their quarters immediately after the close of the service. 249. Cadets attending evening service in the chapel shall re- turn directly to their quarters. They may be allowed to escort ladies from the chapel, but not beyond the Academic limits, nor shall they enter any house on returning, nor delay at the door. 250. Permission to attend service permanently in the city of Annapolis shall be granted only on the written request of the parent or guardian. Church-parties shall fall out of ranks after 41 inspection, and form and march to and from church in charge of their respective leaders, who shall report their return to the Officer- in-Charge. Leaders of church-parties shall be responsible for the conduct of parties in their charge, and shall report misdemeanors. 251. Cadets belonging to church-parties attending service in the city, who wish to attend afternoon service in the city, shall register their names, and report to the Officer-in-Charge, going and returning. 252. Cadets shall observe the Lord's Day with proper decorum. XXVIL HOSPITAL. 253. Lists of Cadets unfitted for duty by illness shall be sent daily from the hospital to the Commandant of Cadets. 254. The sick-list shall contain the names of Cadets excused from all recitations, drills, and formations. 255. The excused-list shall contain the names of Cadets excused only from drills and the corresponding formations. 256. No Cadet shall be excused from duty on the plea of sick- ness unless his name is put on the list by the Medical Officer. 257. All the sick not in the hospital who are able to attend shall report to the Medical Officer at sick-call, and those already on the sick or excused list shall report daily until discharged by him. 258. Cadets whose names are removed from the sick-list at the morning sick-call shall attend their regular recitations on that day, but shall be excused from reciting during the first period, upon informing the Instructor of the fact. 259. Cadets requiring medical attendance at other times than the regular sick-call shall report the fact to the Officer-in-Charge, who shall send them to the Medical Officer on duty, for examina- tion. 260. No Cadet on the sick or excused list shall leave the Aca- demic limits unless upon recommendation of the Senior Medical Officer, approved by the Superintendent ; nor shall he leave his room, except for a call of nature, during any drill or formation from which he shall have been excused by the Surgeon's list. 261. No Cadet on the sick-list shall leave his room except to take exercise, and then only at such times as the Medical Officer may have prescribed. 42 262. No patient in the hospital shall exercise any authority over the apothecary, nurse, or attendant ; but all cases of neglect on the part of employe's shall be reported to the Medical Officer. 263. No Cadet shall visit a patient in the hospital without a written permission signed by the Senior Medical Officer and ap- proved by the Superintendent ; nor shall any other person visit a patient without permission of the Senior Medical Officer. 264. The sick in the hospital shall conform to the directions of the Medical Officer, and to all police regulations of the hospital. 265. No person shall be employed in the hospital without the approval of the Superintendent. XXVIII. LIBRARY. 266. The library shall be under the supervision of a committee composed of the Librarian, and four members of the Academic Board designated by the Superintendent. 26*7. The committee shall recommend the purchase of books for the library, and shall have charge of the arrangement of books and catalogues, and of the exchange and* disposal of duplicates and undesirable books, subject to the Superintendent. 268. The Librarian, or one of his assistants, shall be in attend- ance at the library for the purposes of receiving and delivering books at such times as the Superintendent may direct. 269. No persons except officers connected with the Academy and Cadets of the First and of the Second Class, shall draw books from the library without permission from the Superintendent. 270. No book or periodical shall be drawn from the library without the knowledge and presence of the Librarian or one of his assistants, and an entry thereof shall be made in all cases. 271. No person shall lend any book or"-periodical belonging to the library. 272. No person shall, without special permission from the Super- intendent, keep any book more than one month, or a number of any periodical more than one week, or have in his possession at the same time more than four volumes, (each number of a periodical being in this respect, regarded as a volume,) except the Heads of Depart- ments, who shall be allowed such books as are required in the work of their departments. 273. No Cadet shall keep any book longer than one week with- 43 out renewal, or have in his possession more than one volume at a time. 271. Any book returned within the prescribed time may be taken out anew by the same person, if not called for by another in the mean time. 275. Persons leaving the Academy for a longer time than seven days shall return all books belonging to^the library before departure. 276. All books belonging to the library shall be returned before the beginning of the annual examination, and no books shall be issued during that examination. 277. No number of a periodical shall be taken from the library until it has been at least fifteen days therein, or until the receipt of the next succeeding number. 278. Damage done to any book or periodical shall be charged against the person to whom it was issued, and no person shall draw books against whom such charge remains standing. 279. No unbound numbers of periodicals, or any rare or costly work, shall be issued to Cadets. 280. Any Cadet who shall willfully mutilate any book, number of a periodical, or paper, or who shall, without proper authority, re- move from the library any book, periodical, or paper, shall be dis- missed the service or otherwise severely punished. XXIX. GYMNASIUM. 281. Cadets may use the gymnasium, bowling-alley, and pistol- gallery, during recreation-hours ; no other person shall use them during these hours. 282. Cadets of the Fourth Class are forbidden to go to the gym- nasium except at the prescribed exercises in fencing and dancing, and at entertainments. 283. No exercise shall be allowed in the gymnasium during the half hour after each meal. 284. The Fourth Class shall form at 7.30 p. m. on Friday, and be marched to the gymnasium, to receive instruction in dancing until 9 p. m. 285. Cadets of the other classes wishing to take lessons in danc- ing shall put their names on the list in the office of the Officer-in- Charge, and proceed to the gymnasium at 6.30 p. m. 286. Cadets breaking foils shall note the fact without delay in the book kept at the gymnasium for that purpose. 44 XXX. STORE. 2 7. Cadets in need of such articles as the Store-keeper may be authorized to furnish, may send in requisitions once a month, at such times as the Commandant of Cadets may direct. Such requisi- tions shall be neatly entered in the requisition-books, and the col- umns on the inside of the covers shall be kept filled out with the articles received and on hand. 288. Requisition-books shall be sent to the office of the Com- mandant of Cadets by 9 a. m. of the day following that on which they are issued. Upon his approval, they will be sent to the Store- keeper, who shall furnish the articles required and approved, at such times as the Cadets may be sent to the store. No article shall be issued after the 25th day of the month. 289. After the requisitions are served they shall be entered, with the prices extended, in the pass-books of the Cadets, by the Store-keeper's clerk, and the pass-books shall be sent to the office of the Commandant of Cadets, from which they shall be issued to the Cadets for inspection. If found correct upon examination, they shall be certified and signed by the owner, and returned to the Commandant's Office. If incorrect, the Cadet shall make a report accordingly. 290. No disorderly conduct, or going behind the counter, shall be allowed at the store. XXXI.-GROUNDS. 291. The grounds and buildings of the Academy shall be under the special charge of the Senior Aid to the Superintendent. 292. The Academic limits include the grounds within the walls, the wharves, and the public ships moored alongside. 293. No person shall mark, deface, or injure in any way, the buildings, walls, trees, or other public property within the Academic limits, or post any placard or notice except by authority. Injury to public property shall be made good by the person causing it. 294. No person shall discharge any fire-arm or fire-works with- in the grounds without permission from the Superintendent, or throw stones or missiles of any kind in the vicinity of the public buildings, or make a disturbance of any kind within the Academic limits. 295. No smoking shall be allowed in the grounds during the 45 session, or in the public buildings, except the Officers' mess-hall and quarters. 296. Families of officers and all other persons residing within the Academic limits, are required to observe such regulations as may be established for the preservation of public property ; and officers shall enjoin this rule upon persons under their control or in their employ. 297. No children shall be allowed in or about the public build- ings, and no servants, unless employed there, or sent there by proper authority. 298. No general passes shall be given by officers. 299. No Cadets shall enter the shell-boat house unless they own a boat there or belong to a crew. 300. Cadets passing in or out of the grounds shall use the upper gate. XXXII. CADETS' QUARTERS. 301. The rooms of Cadets shall be ready for inspection at any time from half an hour after reveille until the call to evening stud- ies, arranged in the following manner : The floors carefully swept, and free from spots, with a rug in front of the bed. The walls free from cobwebs. Steam-heaters and gas-fixtures clean. Mantel-pieces dusted, and free from articles not connected with studies. Wardrobes neatly arranged, and doors closed and locked except at inspection, when they shall be opened by the owner, whose name shall be placed on the centre of the wardrobe, above the doors. Beds about one foot from the wall, with the occupant's name on the head-rail, and neatly made, with sides and lower end of cover- let tucked under lower mattress. Tables directly under the gas-pendant, with only such books as are in use at the time ; papers neatly arranged, and inkstand in the centre. Chairs, one for each occupant, placed beside the table when not in use. Washstands placed against the wall and kept clean, with washing- furniture in place, and nothing else on the washstand. Towels neatly folded and hung upon the racks. 40 One bucket on each side of the washstaud, with cover beside it. Foot-tubs kept empty and clean, oa the lower shelf of the wash- stand. Looking-glass over the washstand, or on the mantel-piece. Broom in corner near the washstand. Clothes and slippers kept in wardrobes. Dressing-gowns, when not in use, neatly folded and placed on the foot of the bed. Shoes neatly blacked, and arranged under the foot of the bed. Books neatly arranged on the mantel-piece, or on the top of the wardrobe if there is no mantel-piece, with the backs outward. 302. No unauthorized articles shall be allowed in the rooms. 303. No curtains shall be hung, or nails driven into walls or woodwork, nor shall the marked or defaced. 3O1. No map, picture, or piece of writing, except as directed, shall be affixed to the walls. 305. Chairs, coverlets, table-cloths, and rugs shall conform to the prescribed pattern . 306. Cadets are forbidden to sit at the windows, or on the beds, or to throw anything from the windows or into the corridor. 3O"7. Transom-windows shall be kept open, and the cleats shall not be interfered with. 308. Lights shall be burned only when necessary ; they shall always be turned low in the absence of both occupants of the room they shall be put out at taps, and no light shall be burned during the night except by authority. Only one light shall be kept burn- ing out of study-hours. 309. The table of "hours of recitation," of each Cadet, shall be posted on the inside of the door, in the middle of the panels, and at the same height. A copy of special regulations for quarters* shall be posted below the " hours of recitation." 310. Cadets shall rise and remain standing and uncovered when the Officer-in-Charge, Officer of the Day, or Superintendent of the Floor or Building enters the room. 311. On Sunday, Cadets shall be in their rooms, in full dress, ready to receive the Officer-in-Charge, at 9.30 a. m., and they shall remain in their quarters until the end of the inspection. 312. During study-hours no Cadet shall visit another, or absent hi a self from his room unnecessarily. 47 313* Cadets leaving their rooms during study-hours on a neces- sary occasion shall report their departure and return to the Super- intendent of the Floor or Building, and shall be absent as short a time as possible. If the absence is longer than 15 minutes, the Superintendent shall report the fact to the Officer-in-Charge. 314. Cadets shall use the main entrance in entering and leaving the new quarters, unless otherwise ordered. 315. In pleasant weather the route to the water-closets of the new quarters shall be by the central staircase to the rear door, op- posite the front entrance, and thence by the side- walk. In bad weather, the route shall be by the central staircase to the first floor, thence to northeast end of the building and northeast entrance. 316* During the washing of a room, the Officer-in-Charge may permit the occupant to visit another room until his own can be occupied. 317* Cadets shall have their clothes and wash-book ready for the laundress before 7 a. m. on Monday. 318. Shoes shall be put inside the room-door at night, to be taken and blacked by the servants. 319. No Cadet shall play upon any musical instrument on Sun- day, or in study-hours on any other day ; nor sit up after taps ; nor remove from the room assigned him, nor enter unoccupied rooms, unless specially ordered ; nor send out an attendant for any pur- pose. 320. Loud talking and boisterous conduct in the rooms or cor- ridors are forbidden. 321. No person shall enter the Cadets' room during study-hours, except on duty, without permission from the Superintendent. XXXIII. MESS-HALL. 322. The Officer-in-Charge at the new quarters shall preside at meals, and shall have charge of the police of the mess-hall, assisted by the Cadet-Officers and petty officers. 323. He shall inspect the mess-hall and servants daily, at 12.30 p; m. 324. At meals he shall enter the hall before the Cadets, and he shall make an inspection after they have left the hall. 325. A table shall be arranged at which he shall inspect the quality and preparation of the provisions. 48 326. A seat at meals shall be assigned to eacli Cadet, which he shall not change unless ordered by the Officer-in-Charge. 327. When the Cadets have entered the hall before a meal, the Officer-in-Charge shall gfve the order, " Seats !" Thirty minutes shall be allowed for breakfast and for supper, and forty minutes for dinner. At the end of this time, the Officer-in-Charge shall give the order, "Rise!" the crews shall be marched from the hall, and the doors shall be closed. 328. Captains of crews will see that chairs are not moved back, before and after meals, until the order is given. 329. No Cadet shall leave the mess-hall without permission, nor by any but the main door. 330. Cadets shall dress with care for meals. 331. Loud talking at the mess-table, or reading, or carrying books or newspapers into the mess-hall, is forbidden. 332. The inspecting officer and his aids shall report any sloven- liness, wastefulness, or breach of decorum. 333. No article of food or furniture shall be taken from the mess- hall. 334. No articles of food or furniture shall be introduced into the mess-hall except those provided by the Commissary. 335. No extra meals nhall be served in the mess-hall except by permission of the Superintendent ; and no meal shall be served in rooms except in case of illness, and then only by direction of the Medical Officer, and in strict accordance with the diet-list pre- scribed by him. 336. Cadets absent on leave for a week or more, on giving notice of their intended absence to the Commissary, shall receive credit on the mess-account for the time of absence. 337. Complaints in regard to the quantity or quality of provis- ions, the manner of cooking,, negligence of Commissary, or inat- tention of servants, may be made to the inspecting officer, who shall, if necessary, report them to the Superintendent. XXXIV. OFFICER-IN-CHARGE. 338. The Assistant Instructors in the Department of Seaman- ship, and of Ordnance and Gunnery, shall perform in succession the duty of Officer-in-Charge at their respective buildings, from 8 a. m. until 10 p. m. 49 . Tlie duty from 10 p. IB. until 8 a. m. shall be performed by officers detailed for that purpose. 31O. The lists of officers detailed for duty shall be kept posted in both offices. Officers shall keep themselves informed of their duty without notification. 341. The Officer-in-Charge shall have similar duties and respon- sibilities with the Executive Officer on board ship, under the Com- mandant of Cadets. 342. He shall wear a sword and white gloves when on duty, except in the office, and such other uniform as the Superintendent may prescribe. 343. He shall use courtesy in his official intercourse with Cadets, and shall avoid wounding their feelings ; and he shall advise and direct them, when it may seem necessary. 344. He shall enforce all regulations, and use every endeavor to detect offenses. 345. He shall be charged with the cleanliness of buildings and servants under his care. 346. He shall attend formations, as far as possible, and shall preserve order. 347. He shall inspect the battalion at morning .roll-call ; if possible, during the time occupied in reading the report. 348. He shall make an inspection of Cadets' rooms at 10 a. m. on week days, and at 9.30 a. m. on Sunday, and at other times at discretion. 349. Military etiquette shall govern the exchange of salutations between a Cadet and his superior officer at inspection of quarters. 350. The Officer-in-Charge shall regulate the temperature of the Cadets' rooms, and shall see that they are not kept unneces- sarily warm. 351. He shall inspect all parts of the quarters under his charge before turning in, guarding specially against fire. 352. No permission shall be granted to sit up after taps, or to burn lights, except in case of illness, or some extraordinary cir- cumstance. 353. The Officer-in-Charge shall not make nor permit to be made, on the daily conduct=report, scandalous or unusual reports against Cadets. Such reports must be special and direct to the Commandant of Cadets. 4 50 351. He shall see that Cadets are not reported for offenses of which they are not guilty, or guilty in a less degree than charged. 3 o 5. Resignations and dismissals shall be read at parade before being delivered. 356. No order shall be read at parade or posted unless signed by the Superintendent, or the Commandant of Cadets. 357. Instructors' reports, sick-lists, and details shall be kept on file. 358. The Officer-in-Charge shall examine and sign the journal before it is sent to the Superintendent. 359. He shall pass to his relief the names of Cadets under pun- ishment and the character of the punishment. 360. The Officer-in-Charge at the old quarters shall, from time to time, visit the grounds in that neighborhood. He shall attend hops and dancing-lessons, and shall preside at the gymnasium at other times, as may be ordered. 361. He shall have charge of the colors of the flag-staff. The flag-ship shall be the guide in hoisting and hauling down ; but the colors shall always be hauled down in bad weather, or shall not be hoisted. XXXV. OFFICER OF THE DAY. 362. At dinner-formation two Cadet-Midshipmen of the First Class shall be detailed for duty as Officers of the Day, at the old and the new quarters, beginning on the day following at 7.30 p. m., and continuing twenty-four hours. 363. The Officer of the Day shall wear a sword and white gloves during his tour of duty, except while at meals. 364. He shall receive with courtesy and treat with attention all strangers and citizens who may visit the Academy and apply to him for information. * 365. He shall at all times enforce the regulations, and shall assume the duties of the Officer-in-Charge in the absence of tlie latter. 366. He shall not attend drills or recitations during his tour of duty; but shall be present at roll-calls and mess-formations ; and he shall superintend at section-formations, seek absentees not accounted for, order them to go to the proper room, and report all delinquencies. He may study the lesson of the day, but reading or writing for other purposes is forbidden. 51 367. He shall keep notes of new orders, and inspect the mem- orandum-book to take notice of any orders which may have been issued since his last tour of duty j and he shall cause all the signals to be sounded. 368. He shall have control of the watchman, or non-commis- sioned officer, on duty at the new quarters, and shall see that he secures the fires and extinguishes the lights at 10 p. m. 369. He shall prepare the daily conduct report, copying it neatly and without erasures or interlineations from the rough reports ; the names shall be arranged alphabetically, with the number of the class annexed to each name, and the rank prefixed to the name of the reporting officer or Cadet-Officer. 370. Reports and excuses, arranged in the order of the names on the conduct-report, and requests that require immediate attention, shall be ready for examination by 8.45 a. m. 371. The Officer of the Day shall enter the names of all Cadets going on and returning from liberty in the liberty-book, and note exactly the time of going and return. 372. He shall enter in the journal the date, the state of the wea- ther, and direction of the wind throughout the day; the readings of the barometer and thermometer ; the afternoon drill and its char- acter ; and the following events whenever they may oceur : target practice, with a note of the projectiles used ; the visits of public functionaries of high rank or position, and the ceremonies attend- ing their reception ; the beginning, continuance, and end of semi- annual and annual examinations ; dismissals and resignations ; cases of suspension and restoration to duty ; confinement and release of Cadets, and other incidents of importance. 373. The record shall be signed by the Officer of the Day, and be carried by his successor to the office of the Superintendent for inspection by 9 a. m. on the next day. 374. The Officer of the Day shall be held responsible if the journal is defaced. 375. No passes shall be issued by the Officer of the Day; if a pass is required during the absence of the Officer-in-Charge, it shall be sent to him for signature. 376. The Officer of the Day shall not visit any of the Cadets' rooms except on duty. 377. He Shall prevent loitering about his desk or elsewhere dur- ing his tour. 37. He shall be responsible during his tour for Cadets commit- 52 ted to the guard-bouse. Such Cadets shall be regarded as in his custody, and at the close of his tour he shall visit the rooms in which they are confined and shall report their presence or absence to the Officer-in -Charge. 379. The Officer of the Day at the old quarters shall march to the " Santee" such Cadets as are directed to be confined there. 380. Routine of duty: Immediately after coming on duty, the Officer of the Day shall inspect the lower floor and arrange rough reports for the Officer-in-Charge. At 8 p. m., record barometer and thermometer During the evening, copy daily conduct report and give it to the Officer-in-Charge. At 10 p. m., receive the reports of Superintendents of Floors ; visit the upper floors at warning-roll, and whenever it may be necessary to preserve order. As soon after taps as possible, report concerning lights and re- ceive permission to turn in. Rise when called by the orderly, before reveille, and proceed to post. Visit floors to see that Superintendents are ready to make their inspections at the proper time. Return to post and see that the morning orders are ready for publi- cation, and deliver them to the Cadet Lieutenant-Commander. At morning roll-call attend the Officer-iii-Charge while making his inspection. Immediately after roll-call have the conduct-report posted. At 8 a. m., take barometer and thermometer and inspect buglers. On Saturday and Sunday, make out liberty and church list during the forenoon and take them to the Commandant of Cadets for ap- proval. At 9 a. m., take the journal to the Superintendent's office. At noon, take barometer and thermometer. At dinner formation, prepare the orders and deliver them to the Cadet Lieutenant-Commander to be published, and after formation submit them to the Officer-in-Charge before posting them. At 4 p. m., take barometer and thermometer. Prepare orders for publication at supper-formation. After supper, muster gymnasium parties and write rough journal, submitting it to the Officer-in-Charge for approval. At 7.30 p. m., conduct the relief over the lower floor and pass any orders that may have been received. 53 XXXVL SUPERINTENDENTS OF FLOORS OR BUILDINGS. 381. The Cadets occupying each floor, or building, shall be de- tailed to serve in turn as Superintendents. 382. Superintendents of Floors or Buildings shall wear white gloves while on duty. 383. The tour of duty shall begin at the call to evening studies, and last twenty-four hours. 384. The Superintendent of a Floor or Building shall see that all Cadets go to their rooms at warning roll. 385. At taps he shall inspect the rooms, to see that lights are out and occupauts turned in, and he shall remain on his floor until the Officer of the Day receives his report and gives liim permission to retire. 386. He shall report to the Officer-in-Charge for duty, twenty minutes before the beat to morning roll call. 387". He shall inspect his floor, or building, fifteen minutes be- fore the beat to morning roll call, and at the close of his inspection report the names of delinquents to the Officer-in-Charge, being the last of those who attend formation to leave his floor or build- ing. 388. Before 10 a. in. he shall inspect the rooms and see that they are in readiness for inspection by the Officer-in-Charge. 389. He shall hand in a written report, within half an hour after call to evening studies, of all offenses that may have come to his notice. 390. At the close of his tour he shall make an inspection of his corridor, or building, in company with his relief, and shall take note of any marks defacing the doors or walls. 391. He shall inspect the rooms in his charge immediately after the call to each period of study, or meditation hour, and report absences, at the close of his inspection, to the Officer-in-Charge. 392. He shall make frequent inspections of his floor or building, and shall be responsible for the preservation of order at all times. 393. Every occupied room over which he has charge shall be open to him for inspection at all hours of the day and night. He shall not knock upon the doors of rooms, but he shall conduct his inspections so as not to interrupt studies unnecessarily. 394. He shall take care that unoccupied rooms on his floor or building shall not be entered or used by Cadets, and that the doors are kept locked. 54 395. He shall preserve the public property in his charge. 396. He shall have charge of all formations on his floor, or iu front of his building, and shall preserve order. 397. He shall attend drills and all general formations during his tour of duty, but shall not attend recitations. 398. He shall not have any conversation with Cadets except such as his duties may require. 399. He shall prevent loitering around his desk or elsewhere, and visiting on other floors or iu other buildings. 400. He shall distribute the mail. 401. He may study the lessons of the day, but reading or writ- ing for other purposes is forbidden. XXXVII.-SUPERINTENDENTS OF ROOMS. 402. The Cadets occupying each room shall alternate weekly as Superintendent, unless otherwise directed by the Commandant of Cadets. 403. The Superintendent of a Room shall post his name in his room, above that of his room-mate, in such place and manner as the Commandant of Cadets may direct. 404. He shall be responsible for the general cleanliness of the room, and of such furniture as is used by both occupants in common, and for the observance of regulations in the room. 405. He shall be responsible for the preservation of all public property used in the room by both occupants, and shall see that the regulations about lights are obeyed. 406. He shall sweep out and prepare the room for early morning inspection. The sweepings from the rooms shall be put into the adjoining passage, from which they shall be removed at once by a servant. 4OT. When a room has but one occupant he shall have the duties and responsibilities of Superintendent. 4OS. When the Superintendent of a Room is on the sick-list, or acting as Superintendent of Floor or Building, or as Officer of the Day, his name shall be reversed, and his room-mate shall act in his place. XXXVIII. WATCHMEN AXD MASTER-AT-ARMS. 409. The watchmen shall keep a watch upon all public prop- erty, and report any violations of regulations that come under their notice; and they shall light and put out the lamps in the grounds. 410. At least one watchman or non-commissioned officer shall 55 remain in the recitation-hall, and in the lower corridor of the new quarters, during the absence of the Officer of the Day, at meals, or otherwise. 411. The watchman or non-commissioned officer on duty shall be under the orders of the Officer of the Day. 412. He shall visit all the floors every hour, and report any mis- conduct that may come to his notice to the Officer-in-Charge. 413. He shall ring the workiug-bfell, and notify the buglers and drummers when to sound the calls. 414. At 4 p. m. he shall lock the doors of section-rooms, and all outside doors and windows except those on the front and rear of the building. 415. He shall see that the laundry and kitchen fires are extin- guished when the laundresses and cooks leave the building. 416. He shall light up the corridors and clock-tower at the proper time, and he shall put out all lights that can be dispensed with at 10 p. in. 41 7. He shall have charge of the keys of the Commandant's office, clock-tower, .and laundry, and of all outside doors, fire-plugs, and bath-rooms. 418. He shall keep in order the fire-lanterns in the office of the Officer-in-Charge, and in the guard-house at the upper gate. 419. The Captain of the Watch shall inspect the watchmen on duty, from time to time during the day and night, and shall see that their duties are properly performed. 4 2O. He shall patrol the yard during the day, and occasionally at night. He shall be on duty at all entertainments in the gym- nasium, and remain in attendance until the lights are extinguished. 421. He shall keep a lookout in the rear of Officers' and Cadets' quarters. 422. During the summer he shall weigh the coal, making a report to the Senior Aid ; and he shall keep an account of all an- thracite coal expended during the year. 423. The Master-at-Arms shall accompany the Officer-iu-Charge at f reuoon inspections, and shall be responsible for the general cleanliness of all parts of the Cadets' quarters except their rooms. 424. He shall stay in the building whenever the Cadets may be absent from their quarters, and shall be responsible for property lost or stolen at such times. 425. He shall remain at his station from 6 a. m. till 10 p. m. on Saturday, and till 8 p. m. on other days, except at such times as 56 tbe Commandant of Cadets may give him permission to be absent for meals and other purposes. 426* The Officer-in-Charge may give him leave for not more Jhan one hour, for special reasons, in his discretion. 42*7. An assistant shall take the place of the Master- at- Arms during his absence. XXXIX. FORMATIONS. 428. Upon the call to any formation, Cadets shall assemble and fall in at the place designated, quietly and promptly. 429* All formations shall be of a strictly military character. 430. Formations for drills and meals shall take place, when the weather permits, on the pavement in front of the new quarters, the right of the battalion near the steps ; at other times in the lower hall. 431. Prayers shall always be said inside the building. 432. Section formations shall take place in the halls of the new quarters, or on the pavement in front of the old quarters, as may be directed. 433. All cases of absence from any formation or other duty fchall be reported. The reporting officer shall have no discretion in accepting excuses for absence. 434. At all formations, the order " Fall in !" shall be given three minutes after the call, and the order " Front !" one minute later. The Officer of the Day shall give the orders at section formations, and the Cadet Lieutenant-Commander at other formations. 435. During the reading of the conduct report, the divisions shall be brought to " parade rest." 436. At all formations, squad and divisional commanders shall note the dress of Cadets, and report all irregularities. XL. SECTION LEADERS. 437. The Cadet whose name stands first on the list of a section shall be the leader, unless otherwise ordered, and the next one shall be the second leader. 438. The section leader shall be responsible for, and report, all irregularities in dress or conduct. 439. At the given signal, the leader shall form his section, at the appointed place, in two ranks, in the order in which they stand on the list from right to left. 57 1 1O. At the command, he shall call the roll of his section, and shall report all absentees to the Officer of the Day. 441* The second leader, whose station at the formation shall be two paces in rear of the centre of the section, shall assist in pre- serving order in his section. 442. The leader shall march his section into the section room, preserving strict military discipline and silence, the second leader taking his station as guide. 443. After the section has entered the section room, the leader shall give the order " Seats !" and report absentees to the Instructor. When dismissed by the Instructor, at the close of a recitation, the leader shall give the order " Rise !" and " March out !" He shall then form his section as before, and march to the place designated for its dismissal, where he shall break ranks. 444. Sections shall always be marched in quick time ; a section of eight, or more, in column of fours, and one of less than eight, in column of twos. 445. The section leader, and second leader shall bring to all for- mations and recitations of their section, a list of the names in the order of the published section arrangement. 446. In the absence of the leader, the second leader shall take charge, and so on, the next on the list acting as second leader. XLI.-SECTION-ROOMS. 447. Cadets when reciting shall stand at attention or parade rest, modified as circumstances may require. 448. They shall rise without special order when the Superin- tendent or the Commandant of Cadets enters the room. 449. No Cadet shall go to his quarters during the recitation of his section unless ordered to his room by the Instructor, or by some other competent officer, or unless compelled by sickness, in which case he shall report immediately to the Officer-in-Charge. 450. No Cadet shall leave the section-room without the per- mission of the Instructor, nor shall he ask for permission except in a case of necessity. 451. Cadets permitted to leave the section-room shall return as soon as possible, and a longer absence than ten minutes shall be reported by the Instructor to the Commandant of Cadets. 452. Cadets shall not enter section-rooms, out of recitation- hours, except on duty, or after receiving special permission. 58 453. No Cadet except the section leader and second leader shall bring a text-book to the formation or section-room, unless specially ordered by the Instructor. Section leaders shall be responsible for the enforcement of this rule. XLIL REPORT AND EXCUSES. 454. Delinquencies shall be reported by the officers responsible for the conduct of the Cadets. 455. Delinquencies at recitation, or at any other time within the knowledge of Heads of Departments or their assistants, shall be reported promptly, in writing, to the Commandant of Cadets through the Officer-in-Charge. 456. Cadet-Officers and petty officers shall forward daily to the Lieutenants of their respective divisions an abstract of all offenses occurring in their respective commands during the day. Cadet- Lieutenants shall prepare their divisional abstracts and deliver them to the Cadet- Lieutenant-Commander by 8 p. m., and he shall immediately examine and deliver them to the Officer-in-Charge. 457. Reports of irregularity, inefficiency, carelessness in the per- formance of duty, neglect or disobedience, shall specify in what the irregularity consisted, as laid down in the misdemeanor-book. 458. Every morning, except Sundays and holidays, the conduct- reports of the preceding day shall be published, and they shall be posted during the day. 459. Excuses shall be deposited in the boxes provided for that purpose, by 8.30 a. m. of the day following that on which the re- port is published. 460. No excuse shall be received after that hour unless sickness, or some other unavoidable cause which must be stated in the excuse, shall have prevented, in which case it shall be sent in without delay. 461. Form of Excuse. Date, (of writing excuse.) Report : A. B. absent from parade. Excuse : I was on the sick-list, (or any other cause, as the case may be.) Respectfully submitted. A. B. (Signature.) U. S. N., Commandant of Cadets, U. S. Naval Academy. 50 462. Excuses shall bo carefully written, without interlineation or blot, on a half-sheet or sheet of note-paper, as may be necessary, and shall be confined to a brief and respectful statement of facts. They shall be folded once, leugthwiss, and indorsed as follows: Excuse of A. B. ( class.) Reported by (Name of reportiug-officer.) (Date of daily conduct-report in which offense appears.) 463. All reports of absence from recitations, drills, or any other duty, or of absence .from quarters at night, must be explained by a written statement, whether an excuse is offered or not. 464. Appeals for reconsideration of excuses will not be enter- tained after the expiration of two weeks from the date of the offense, except in cases where it was impossible to apply within that time. XLIIL LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 465. During the Academic year leave of absence shall not be granted by the Superintendent to any Cadet without the express sanction of the Secretary of the Navy, except in cases of urgent necessity. 466. The Superintendent may grant leave of absence to the Second Class after the June examination. 467. Applications from Cadets for leave of absence on account of ill health shall be accompanied by a certificate of the Senior Medical Officer present. 468. When a Cadet absent on leave is prevented by ill health from returning to the Academy, he must, on the first day of each month, transmit a certificate of the state of his health to the Super- intendent, which shall be signed by a medical officer of the Navy when practicable, but should there be none in the vicinity a resi- dent physician of the place must sign the same, whose standing must be attested by a magistrate or some person known to the authorities of the Academy. 469. Cadets obtaining leave of absence shall report to the Super- intendent their intended place of residence, and any changes, as they may occur. XLIV. LIBERTY. 470. Liberty to go beyond the Academic limits shall only be granted on Saturdays and on holidays, and shall end at evening 60 parade unless otherwise ordered ; and it shall not extend beyond the immediate vicinity of Annapolis. 471. The First Class of Cadet-Midshipmen and the First Class of Cadet -Engineers, and not more than one-fourth of the three lower, may go on liberty at the same time ; but only when deserv- ing the privilege by good conduct. 472. A list of Cadets allowed to go on liberty shall be prepared under the direction of the Commandant of Cadets, and read out at dinner-formation on Saturday. 473. Cadets whose names have been read out at dinner-forma- tion to go on liberty shall report themselves, on leaving the Aca- demic limits, to the Officer of the Day, who shall be furnished with a correct list; and on returning they shall report themselves both to the Officer of the Day and to the Officer-iii-Charge. 474. Cadets whose names have not been thus read out, but who have received the Superintendent's verbal permission to go on liberty, shall report to the Officer of the Day and the Officer-in- Charge, both going and returning. 475. Cadets receiving the Superintendent's written or verbal permission to go on liberty at any other time, shall report the fact, together with the limits of the time, both to the Officer-in-Charge and the Officer of the D:iy ; and at the expiration of the time they shall report themselves to both these officers, whether they availed themselves of the permission or not, and make a statement accord- ingly. 476. Cadets shall not be excused from recitations or exercises or from any other duty for the purpose of seeing their friends. XLV. PRIVILEGES. 477. The Superintendent shall allow such amusements, from time to time, as he may think proper. 478. Cadets may be allowed to form boat-clubs and base-ball clubs, under such regulations as the Superintendent may establish. 479. The boat-flag shall be presented to the winning crew at the June regatta, and the names of the crew shall be inscribed on the staff. 480. Cadets' hops shall begin at 7.30 p. m. and end at 10 p. m., unless otherwise specially ordered upon rare oceasions by theSuper- ntendent. At the latter hour the band shall cease playing, the lights shall be turned out, and the gymasium shall be cleared. 61 481. Cadets shall be allowed to escort ladies to and from hops, but they shall not go beyond the Academic limits for this purpose. They shall not enter any house on returning, and shall be in their rooms before taps. XLVI.-FIRE ORGANIZATION. 482. Cadets shall, at the fire-alarm, proceed to their stations as designated in the fire-bill. 483. The Marines shall ge.t under arms and be posted as cir- cumstances may require. 484. Exercise at fire-quarters shall take place at such time as the Commandant of Cadets may direct. 485. In exercising with the fire-apparatus, the Cadets shall be organized in guns' crews. XLVIL BARBER'S SHOP. 486. The barber's shop shall be open daily, (Sundays excepted,) from 8 a. m. till 1 p. m., and from 2 p. m. till 5 p. m., for hair- dressing, hair-cutting, shampooing, and shaving. 487. Cadets shall obtain permission of the Officer-in-Charge before visiting the barber's shop, and not more than four Cadets shall be allowed in the shop at the same time. 488. Regular days shall be assigned for each class, and members of one class shall not go to the shop on the days assigned to another class, without special permission from the Commandant of Cadets. XL VIII. BATHING ROOMS. 489. Cadets shall bathe at least once a week, and shall check each batli in the bath-book. 490. Cadets who take extra baths shall pay the barber six cents for each one when his towels and soap are used. 491. Loitering and disorderly conduct in the bath-rooms or basement are forbidden. 492. After bathing, the soap shall be put away and the water let off. 493. Servants in charge of the bath-rooms shall always be in readiness to attend bathers. G2 XLIX. BOATS. 494. The boats of the Academy and their fittings are under the immediate control of the Commandant of Cadets, and they shall not be used without his knowledge and consent. 495. An officer shall be detailed to take charge of the boats, and he shall have sails and oars put away or secured when the boats are returned, and report their return and condition to the Commandant of Cadets. 496. Each boat shall have her recall painted on the stern-board, and the Cadet in charge shall never go out of signal distance of the flag-ship without express permission. A lookout shall be kept for the recall from the flag-ship, and when it is seen, the boat shall be brought at once to the wharf. 497. The Quartermaster in charge of the recalls shall hold himself in readiness to signal, keeping a special lookout for acci- dents whenever the boats are out. 498. The steam-launch shall be kept in readiness whenever Cadets may be sailing, and shall not be used for other purposes during the time they are out ; in case of accident, it shall be sent out without delay. 499. The boats or their appurtenances shall not be loaned to any one not officially connected with the Academy, without the Super- intendent's authority. L. SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS. 500. All regulations necessary for the police and discipline of the Academy, not inconsistent with the foregoing, will be estab- lished by the Superintendent. ASSISTANT TO THE COMMANDANT OF CADETS. 501. The Lieutenant Commander or Lieutenant detailed as the Assistant to the Commandant of Cadets, shall be charged with the administration of the Mess-Hall, Kitchen, and Laundry, in matters of discipline, cleanliness, and the care of the property there in use. He shall also be responsible for the efficient working of the Laundry. 502. He shall inspect the quality and the preparation of the provisions, notify the Commissary of complaints in regard to the food, and, if necessary, bring them to the notice of the Commandant of Cadets. INDEX. A. Paragraph. Absence from examination 122,124,125 formation 433 recitation, Mark to be given for 132 Unauthorized 24 rooms daring study-hours 312, 313 theme-exercise 123 Leave of. (See Leave.) of Commandant of Cadets 25 Master-at-Arms 427 Medical Officers 66 Offi cer-in-Charge 365 Officer of the Day 410 Section-leader . 446 Reports of 463 Absent, Offenses committed while 195 Absentees 440 Academic Board, Adjournment of 33 Committees of 37 Duties of 31 how composed 28 may establish advanced courses 109 Meetings of, when held 30 Presiding officer of 29 Proceedings confidential 35 Quorum 30 Reports from 29 Rules of proceedings 32 Secretary of 34 to determine time for examining absentees 125 Calendar 36,89-91,159 limits 292 Bringing articles forbidden within 169 Fire-arms forbidden within 189,294 Going beyond, without permisssion 169 No disturbance within 294 No improper person to be brought within 190 terms and year 89, 90 64 Paragraph. Account, Mess, Absentees to receive credit on 336 Accounts of Cadets, Monthly statement of 71 Commissary 82, 84 laborers and mechanics 72 prepared by Senior Aid 26 Storekeeper's 78 Addressing officers about marks 239 reports 240 Commandant of Cadets 235 Superintendent 231,232 Adjutant 166 Admission 92-101 Deposit at 101 Examinations for, Committee to conduct 37 Regulations governing 31, 36, 94-98 Oath taken at 101 Traveling-expenses of candidates for 100 Advanced courses 109 final multiple of a Cadet 149 Age of candidates 94-96 Algebra.. 106 Alphabetically, Cadets with same average arranged 140 Analytical Geometry 106 Amusements 477 Anchor to be worn on collar 210 Annual examination, Absence from 125 Dress-parade during t 115 Length of 117 papers, how marked 119 Preliminary report of Programme for 37 Time 112 witnessed by Board of Visitors 116 Annual Register 36,158,159 Examination-papers for .*%, Answering for another at roll-call - 188 questions put by superior officer 196 Apparatus, Inventory of. 41 Appeals for reconsideration of excuses 464 Applications for repairs for leave from Cadets 467 Officers 59 Applied Mathematics Arrangement of daily conduct report 369 merit-rolls 145 rooms 301 rections... 40,104 05 Paragraph. Articles for the better government of the Navy to be read 226 supplied to Cadets from store 79 Artillery drills, Organization of 162 Assignment of section -rooms 36 Assistance, receiving unauthorized 133, 169 Associations, No Cadet to join 186 Astronomy 106 Attendants not to be sent out by Cadets 319 Audit of Commissary's accounts 82 Average, Cadets having same, how arranged 140 how computed - 137 Averages, Weekly, how recorded 138 B. Backgammon forbidden 169 Badges, Cadet-Officers' 209 Distinguished Cadets' 211 Barber's bills, how charged 68 shop 486-488 Barometer to be recorded 372,380 Baseball-clubs 478 Bathing 489,492 Bathing rooms, Conduct in 491 Keys of - 417 Servants in 493 Baths, Extra 490 Battalion-organization, Cadet Lieutenant-Commander at 165 Beards forbidden 212 Beds, Sitting on, forbidden 306 Bell, Working 413 Bills, Cadets' 68 Board, Academic. (See Academic Board.) for examination of clothing 79,80 of Visitors - 116 Boat clubs 478 flag 479 house, Shell 299 Boats not to be loaned ^ 499 Officer in charge of 495 Taking out 496 under control of Commandant of Cadets 494 Boisterous conduct forbidden 320 Books, Abstraction or mutilation of 280 for library, List of 48 kept by Commissary 84 Text, not to be brought into section- room 453 sold 193. 5 G6 Paragraph. Books, Text, Notice to Store-keeper ab >ut prescribed by Academic Board Bowling-alley 281 Boxing 3C6 Branches of study 1 C5 Breach of confinement 183 Bugle sounds call to studies 223 Buglers, Inspection of 380 Notice to 413 Buildings, Charge of 26,291 C. Cadet-Lieutenants to report delinquencies 45g Lieutenant-Commander, Duties cf 165,456 Officers, Appointment of 160 Badges of 209 to report delinquencies 322, 456 Cadet-organization 160-167 rank, Reduction of 175 Cadets' quarters 301-32L rooms, Arrangement of 301 Entering, during study -hours 321 Calendar, Academic. (See Academic Calendar.) Call to studies 223 Candidates, Circulars to 36,97 Examination of 92-99 Expenses of .. 100 Re-examination of Cap-covers, when worn 2C4 Captain of watch 419-422 Cards forbidden 169 Certificate of illness 468 Certificates giving 10 Chairs not to be moved back at meals till order 328 in rooms 305 Change of rooms 319 Chapel, Behavior in 169,246 Restrictions on attending evening service in 249 Service in 245-249 Chaplain to say prayers 244 Chemistry 106 Chess forbidden 169 Children forbidden to go into public buildings 297 Choir, Inspection of 247 Church-parties. (See Parties.) Circulars to candidates 36,97 Class-reports, Monthly 43,86,104 07 Paragraph. Class-reports, Term and year 45, 46, 86, 104 Classification of Cadets 102-104 in sections 104 Clock-tower 416,417 Clothes, Wash 317 Clothing, Citizens', turned in 215 to be marked ". 206 procured by Store-keeper 74 compared with patterns 79 Clubs, Boat and base-ball 478 Coal 422 Coat, Undress, when buttoned 203 Colors of flag-staff 361 Combinations forbidden 187 Commandant of Cadets, Absence of 25 Duties of 18-24 Official intercourse with 235 Rank of 17 To command practice-ships 154 Commissary 68,81-84 Committee in charge of library 266,267 to conduct examination for admission 37 Communications to Navy Department ju* 230 Unauthorized 11, 169 Written, to Superintendent 233 Company, Color 1(57 Drill, Organization for 162 Compensation for tuition, No person to receive 12 Competitive company-drill 114 examination for admission 93 Complaints against employes by Cadets, Low made 234 as to provisions 337 made to officers 237 Conduct 168-197 at meals 333 at store 290 record , No person to have access to 22 report, daily, Arrangement of .~ 369 copying and posting 369,380 to be published 435,458 submitted and entered 22 Confinement, Breach of 183 Cases of, entered in journal 372 in quarters 175 Length of 181 on board the Santee 379 Refusing to take another Cadet into 169 G8 Paragraph. Confinement, Restrictions under 180 under guard 175 Conversation, Superintendent of Floor not to hold 398 with officers about reports 240 Copying from another Cadet 133. 169 Correspondence, Unauthorized 11, 169 Corridors, Conduct in 320 Lighting of 416 Course of instruction 105-107 prescribed by Academic Board 31 Coventry 175,179 Coverlets to conform to pattern 305 Curtains forbidden 303 Custody of Cadets in guard-house 373 D. Daily conduct-report. (See Conduct-report.) routine 216 Dancing 106 for Fourth Class 284 other classes 285 Dancing-lessons attended by Officer-in-Charge 360 Debts forbidden 185 Defacing journal 374 public property 390 Defaming another Cadet 169 Deficiency, how determined 131 reports 5,6,31,37 Deficient Cadets, Names of, on merit-rolls 145 not to remain at Academy 31 Recommendation sas to 31 Report to parents of - Delinquencies at recitation 455 Daily report of 219 reported by Cadet-Officers "% 4i6 Superintendents of Floors 387 reporting 454 Dements, Limit of 173 number given for each offense 174 record of misconduct 171 Removal of 173 Reportsof 4,5,23 Departments 105 Deposit of Cadets on admission 101 Deprivation of leave 175 recreati m 175 Length of 181 69 Paragraph. Deprivation of recreation, Restrictions under 182 Descriptive geometry 106 Designing of machinery 106 Detail for Officer of Day 362 of daily duty 220 of officers for practice-cruise 156 of sections 53 Detailed for other than regular duty, Instructors 58 Detention of sections after time 57 Directions to sections, when given 56 Disability, Feigning 169 Dismissal of Cadets from examination-room 127 sections 56 Dismissals 169 Secretary to inform Heads of Departments of 88 to be entered in journal 372 to be read out at parade 355 Disobedience 169 Dispensary, Hours for visiting 236 Regulations of 65 Disqualifications of Cadets, Physical or mental 64 Distinguished Cadets, Badges of 150,211 Disturbances forbidden 294 Divine service 244-252 Divisions, artillery exercise 162 great-gun exercise 161 infantry drill .' 162 Doors to be locked 414 Drawing 106 Dress, Full :... 198,201 No part of one, to be worn with another 207 parade during annual examination 115 Uniform for 201 When held 225 Working... 200,202 Dressing-gowns 214 Drill, Competitive company 114 Extra 175 Knives worn at seamanship 213 not attended by Cadets under confinement 180 Officer of Day 366 Suspension of 91,120,229 When to take place 224 Drills, Charge of 19 to be entered in journal 372 Drummer notified to sound calls 413 70 Paragraph. Duties, Extra 175 Duty not to be performed by Cadets under suxpenhion 179 Dynamics 106 E. Elective courses 1 09 Marks in 142 Elementary branches, Cadets subject to examination in, at all times 129 Embarkation of Cadets for practice-cruise 153 Employ6s in hospital 265 Engineers, Cadet, Corps-badge of 210 Practice-cruise 155 English studies 106 Entering Cadets' rooms during study-hours 32 L unoccupied rooms, forbidden 319 Entertainments, Cadets under suspension not allowed at 179 Dress to be worn at 201 in rooms forbidden 191 Entrance, Main, to be used by Cadets 314 Examination for admission 92-99 Committee to conduct 37 Regulations prepared for 31,36 papers, language and spelling to be marked 141 two Instructors to mark 119 physical, for passing to higher grades 128 of candidates 98 questions, for Register 47 rooms, Dismissal of Cadets from 127 Leaving before completion of work 126 Examinations 110-129 Absence from 122,124,125 Annual. (See Annual Examinations.) in elementary branches held at any time 129 Length of 117 Monthly. (See Monthly Examinations.) on completed work T Ill uncompleted work Ill, 113 regulated by Academic Board Semi-annual. (See Semi-annual Examinations.) Semi-monthly. (See Semi-monthly Examinations.) to be entered in journal 372 written and oral, Directions about 118 Exchanging books or articles 193 Excuse, Cadets allowed to make 178 Excused Cadets to report at sick-call 257 from recitation, Cadets 258 to see friends, No Cadets 476 i L Paragraph. Excused lit 62,255 What Cadets are 254-256 Excuses, Acceptance of 433 and reports, when prepared 370 Form of 461,462 Reconsideration of 4(J4 Time and place of handing in 459,460 Exercise in gymnasium I 283 Organization for great-gun 161 Infantry and Artillery 162 Naval Tactics 164 Seamanship 163 Exercises, Academic, suspended at examinations 120 on holidays 91 other times 229 Expenses of candidates 100 Explanation of absence 463 Extra drills. (See Drills.) Extra meals. (See Meals.) F. Fabrication of machinery 106 Families of Officers to observe regulations 296 Feigning illness or disability 63, 169 Fencing 106 Final average, how computed 137 Fire alarm 482 department, Charge of 18 Inspection to guard against 351 lanterns 418 organization 18,485 plugs, Keys of 417 quarters, Exercise at 484, 485 Fire-arms and fire-works not to be discharged 189, 294 Fires, Laundry and kitchen, extinguished 415 First Class 103 term, examinations Ill Extent of 89,90 year's course 107 Flag, Boat 479 Prize-company 114, 167 Flag-ship, guide in hoisting colors 361 Lookout from 496 Flag-staff, Colors of. (See Colors.) Foils, Breaking 286 Food and furniture net to be brought into mess-hall 334 taken from mess-hall 333 72 Paragraph. Form of excuse. (See Excuse.) Formations 428, 436 general, Cadet Lieutenant-Commander at 165 Position of Adjutant at 166 Conduct at 436 for drills and meals 430 Keeping order at 396 Military character of 429 No text-books at 453 Officer-in-Charge at 346 of the Day at 366 Orders at 434 Orders read at 356 Section-leader at 439,440 Superintendent of Floor at 396 Fourth Class 103 French 106 Furniture and food in mess-hall. (See Food.) Furniture, Responsibility for, in rooms 404 G. Games of chance forbidden 16g Gas in rooms, Burning 308 after taps 352 Gate, upper, Cadets to use 300 General passes not to be given 293 Geometry 106 Gestures, Using reproachful 169 Government of Naval Academy 1-16 Graduating merit -roll 6,146 multiple 146 Graduation, Physical examination prior to , 123 Great-gun exercise. Organization. (See Exercise.) Practical instruction in 106 Grounds _ 291-300 Charge of 7 26,291 Guard, Confinement under. (See Confinement.) duty 175 houne not to be visited 238 Responsibility of Cadets in 378 Gunnery 106 Duties of Head of Department of 50 Gunpowder forbidden 189 Gymnasium 281-286 Dancing-exercise at. (See Dancing.) hours to be used 281, 283 Officer-in-Charge at... 360 73 Paragraph. Gymnasium parties ,. 380 Restrictions of Fourth Class at 284 Gymnastics 106 H. Haircut short 212 cutting 486 Hands not to be carried in pockets 208 Hazing 170 Heads of Departments, duties 39-50 present at oral examinations 118 to make detail of sections 53 History 106 Holiday 91 'Hops 480,481 Officer-in-Charge at 360 Hospital 253-265 Attendants at 262, 265 Patients in 262,264 Regulations of 65 Visiting 263 Hotels, Not to visit 184 Hours of recitation posted in rooms 309 study. (See Study-hours.) Hygiene, Maintenance of 61 I. Illness at other times than regular sick-call 259 Feigning 169 Inattention of servants. (See Servants.) Indulgences, Cadets under suspension not to apply for 179 Infantry drill 162 tactics 106 Injury to public property 29^ Inspection, Battalion 34 Choir 247 Floor 380,385,387,388 Mess-hall * 323,324 of provisions - 325 rooms 391-393 servants 323 Sunday 226,311 Instruction, by whom given 40,51 Course of 105-107 Instructors, Applications of, for leave of absence 59 as Officer-in-Charge 338 Dismissal of Cadets from examination-room by 127 74 Paragraph Instructors, Dismissal of Cadets from section-room by 56 Duties of 51-60 not to hold communication with Cadets about marks 60 to note daily marks 52 ordered to extra duty 58 responsible for order of sections 51 to inform Cadets when zero is given 134 to hear sections in rotation 53 to mark examination-papers 119 Instruments, Musical, when forbidden 319 Insulting watchmen 169 Intercourse, Official. (See Official Intercourse. ) Intermission, Marks not given during 136 Intoxication 169 Invalids in hospital 65 Issue of articles to Cadets 76 J. Jack-knives, when to be worn 213 Journal, Contents of 372 Defacing 374 signed by Offi cer-in-Charge 358 taken to Superintendent 380 K. Keys, Charge of 417 L. Lamps in yard 409 Languages, Modern 1C6 Launch, Steam 498 Laundress's bills 68 Law 106 Leave, Deprivation of 175 Leave of absence, Application for 59,467 Residence during t. 469 Return from 15 Sickness during 468 to Cadets not granted during session 465 Leave of absence to Officers 14 to Second Class 466 Leaving examination -rooms 126 mess-hall 329 section-rooms 45L Length of course 107 examinations 117 service required 101 75 Paragraph. Liberty at irregular times 475 book, names in 371 going on and returning from 473 Limitations of 470,471 list 380,472 Verbal permission to go on 474, 475 when granted 470 Librarian, Duties of ." 268.270 Library 266-280 List of books wanted in 48 Lieutenant-Commander, Cadet. Reports 456 Lieutenants, Cadet. Reports 456 Lights in rooms 308,352,380,385,405,416 Limits. (See Academic limits.) Liquors forbidden 169 Lookout for boats 496,497 H. Mail, by whom distributed 400 Main entrance. (See Entrance.) Marine engines 106 Marines 18 at fire-alarm.... 483 Mark, Elective course 142 of zero. (See Zero ) Marked, Clothing to be 206 Marks 130-142 Communication with Instructors about 60, 239 given before first Monday 135 not given during intermission 136 noted by Instructors 52 Scale of 130 Weekly, for one recitation 139 Master-at-Arms, Duties of 423-427 Meals, Dress at 330 Extra 335 Officer-in-Charge at 322 served in rooms 335 Time allowed for 327 Mechanical drawing 1C6 Mechanics, branch of study 106 Payment of 72 Medical Board 64 Officer 253-263 Senior. (See Senior Medical Officer.) Officers all not to be absent 66 stores, Charge of 61 76 Paragraph. Mental examination of candidates 98 Merit-rolls 143-150 Arrangement of 144,145 Class-reports used in preparing 46 Contents of, for Navy Department 147 Grading 146 when and by whom made out 6, 38, 143 Mess-account, Absentees who have credit on 336 arrangements on practice-cruise 154 hall 322-337 Inspection of 323,324 Leaving 329 Persons not to be brought into 190 table, Conductat 33L Messenger of Superintendent or Commandant of Cadets 242 Midshipman, Cadet, Badge of 210 Misbehavior, Attention of Cadets called to 197 Misconduct, Demerits a record of 171 Watchmen to report 412 Misdemeanor-book 174 to be used in reporting 457 Missiles not to be thrown 294 Modern languages 106 Molesting Cadets of Fourth Class 17 Money, Payment of, toCadets fi 9 Monthly averages, how computed 137 class-reports examinations, Absence from 124 Length of 117 Programme of to be written 118 Mortar-practice 106 Moustaches forbidden 212 Multiple, Final, of Cadets advanced 149 turned back v. 148 Graduating 146 Multiples, how determined 144 Musical instruments, when forbidden 319 Mutilation of books, Wilful 280 N. Nails not to be driven in rooms 303 Naval architecture 1^6 tactics 1 6 organization for drill , 161 Navigation 1 6 77 Paragraph. Navy Department, Communications to 230 regulations to be observed 168 Night-quarters 227 Notices not to be posted in grounds 293 Oak-leaves on collar, Cadet-engineers 210 Oath taken at admission 101 Obej', Failingto 163 Obscene language 169 Offenses reported by Superintendent of Floor 389 Offenses to be reported to Superintendent 177 Office of Commandant of Cadets not to be visited 238 Officer-in-Charge 238 Superintendent 232 Officer-in-Charge 338-361 Absence of 365 Officers to act as 338,339 old quarters, Duties of 360,361 pass all orders 359 Uniform of 342 Officer of the Day 362-380 relieved at examinations and lectures 121 Officers, application for leave 59 assigned to duty at Naval Academy 8 Cadet 160 Badges of 209 reporting delinquencies 456 detailed for practice-cruise 156 quarters, Hours for visiting 236 Official intercourse 230-243 with Commandant of Cadets 235 Superintendent 231, 232 Official records kept by Secretary 86 Oral examinations 118 Order, Preservation of 380,392 Orders at formations 380 meals 327 parade 356 when official.... 241 Ordnance and gunnery. (See Gunnery.) Instructions 106 Organization, Cadet 160-167 Outfit at graduation 70 of Cadets at admission ] 01 Overcoats and overshoes, when to be worn 204. 78 p. Paragraph. Papers, Examination. (See Examination.) Parents, Notices to 4,7 Parties, Church 250,251 Pass-books 289 Passes, by whom issued 375 No general 298 Patients in hospital 65,262,264 Patterns, Articles to conform to.., 206 Periods 216,221 Periodicals taken by Cadets 192 taken from library 277 Permission to go on liberty, Verbal 474,475 Physical examination. (See Examinations.) Physics 106 Pictures not allowed 304 Pistol-gallery 281 Playing on musical instruments 319 Pockets, Hands not in 208 Police 18,21 Postage -account of Cadets 68 Practical exercises - 106 Practice-cruise 151-157 Prayers 244,431 Preliminary reports of semi-annual and annual examinations Preparation of merit-rolls 38,46,143-150 Presents, No person to receive Prevarication 169 Prize-flag 167 Profane language 169 ProSciency, Minimum of 131 Programmes of monthly examinations 49 semi-annual and annual examinations 37 semi-annual and annual examinations, when published 110, 112 Property stolen in absence of Cadets t 424 Provisions, Inspection of 325 Provoking language 169 Public correspondence, Secretary to file 87 entertainments, No Cadet to attend 184 property, Injury to 280,293 Preservation of 395 Responsibility for 26. 41, 405 Publications, causing, All persons 11 Cadets 169 Punishmen, Demerits not a 171 for offenses committed on leave ... 195 79 Paragraph. Punibhinent, No, inflicted' withont Superintendent's order 177 Studies not to be discontinued by Cadets under 180 Punishment 175 Quarters, at night 227 Cadets , 301-321 cleanliness of, Master- at- Arms responsible for parts of 423 Confinement to 175 Going to, during recitation . 449 No person to be brought into 190 Repairs of Officers' 27 Questions, Examination, for Register 47 R. Rain-coats 204 Rank, Reduction of Cadet 175 Recitation, Periods of 221 Recitations, Daily, arranged by Academic Board : 108 Delinquencies at 455 not to be attended by Cadets under confinement 180 Officer of Day not to attend 366 Superintendent of Floor not to attend 397 Suspension of 120,229 Reconsideration of excuses 461 Record of conduct, No person to have access to 22 offenses and demerits 172 punishments Recreation, Deprivation of 175,181 Re-examination of candidates prohibited Refusing to take another Cadet into confinement 169 Regatta, June 479 Register. (See Annual Register.) Regulations, examination for admission 31, 92-101 Hospital 65 Navy, to be observed 168 Persons subject to 9 for quarters, posted in rooms] 309 Supplementary 500 Violationsof 13,21 Re-instatements, Secretary to inform Heads of Departments of "Relative-standing reports 4, 6, 31 weight of branches marks 31 Release of Cadets from confinement, put in journal 372 Relief, Officer of Day to conduct 380 Relieving Officer of Day and Superintendents of Floors for examination 121 80 Paragraph. Religious services 244, 252 Removal from service, only by Secretary of Navy I7fi of dements 173 Repairs of buildings 20, 26, 27 Reporting return from leave 15 Report, Daily conduct, posted 458 submitted and entered 22 misconduct, All Officers to 13,21 Reports. (See Table.) Academic Board - 29, 31 Reports, Addressing officers about 240 by whom made 454 Class, separate for Cadet-Midshipmen and Cadet-Engineers 104 of delinquencies 55,219 of demerits 23 Instructors', to be filed 357 Monthly class 43 must be specific 457 of absence must be explained 463 of persons unfitted for duty by illness 62 Preliminary, semi-annual, and annual examinations. 44 Scandalous or unusual 353 of semi-monthly examinations 43 of Term and year 45.46 to be investigated 178 to Navy De partment, made out by Secretary 87 of unsatisfactory recitations 42 separate, for Cadet-Midshipmen and Cadet- Engineers 104 Reprimand, Public 175 Reproachful language 169 Requests made of Officers 237 requiring immediate attention 370 Requisitions, Cadets' 287,288 of Heads of Departments, Yearly ^. 48 Reserved pay 7. 70 Residence of Cadets on leave ., 469 Resignations, Secretary to inform Heads of Departments of 88 Resignations to be entered in journal 372 read at parade 355 Responsibility, relieved from by reporting offender 196 Restaurant, No Cadets to visit 184 Restrictions of Fourth Class at gymnasium 282 on Cadets on sick or excused list 260 Reveille, Duties of Cadets at 218 Rhetoric 106 Ro'.l-call, Answering for another Cadet 188 81 Paragraph. Roll-call at formations 440 morning, Inspection at 380 Rolls of the Academy 86 Room, Entertainment and cooking forbidden in 191 responsibility in 404, 406 Rooms, Cadets' 301-321 Arrangement of 301 Dressing-gowns in 214 Inspection of. (See Inspection.) Meals in 33-5 Unauthorized articles in 302 when visited by Officer of the Day 376 Cadets to go to 384 Unoccupied 319,394 Routine, Changes in 217 Daily 216 duty of Officer of the Day 380 Rugs, conform to pattern 305 Salutations, Exchange of, in rooms 310, 349 Salutes 243 Scaleof marks 130 Seamanship 106 drill, Organization for 163 Head of Department of, to assist Commandant of Cadets 50 Seats at meals not to be changed 326 Second Class 103 leader 441 term, extent of 89,90 year's course 107 Secretary, Duties of 85-88* Visiting office of 236 of Academic Board 34= of the Navy, charge of Naval Academy 1 Removal of Cadets ordered only by. 176- Section-arrangementg 104 sent to Commandant of Cadets 40 Section, Detention of, after time 57 Section-formations, where held 432 Section-leaders 437-446 may bring text-books 453 Section-rooms 447-453 Assignment of 36 Discipline of 54,443,455 Heads of Departments shall visit 40 Leaving 449,45ft 6 8L> Paragraph. Sell any articles, Cadets not to 193 Semi-annual examinations, Absence from 125 Duration of 117 papers, how marked 119 Preliminary report of 44 Programme of 37 Time of 110 Semi-montLly examinations, Absence from 124 Duration of 117 Reports of 43 to be written 118 Senior Aid : 26,27 Medical Officer. Duties of 61-66 to conduct physical examinations 128 Serious offenses 169 Servants at mess-hall, Inspection of 323 Inattention of 337 not to be gent out by Cadets 319 enter public buildings 297 to obey regulations 296 Service, Religious 244-252 Shell-boat house 299 Ship-building 106 Shoes to be blacked, where put 318 Sick Cadets 257 Sick-call 259 Sick-list 253,254 Names removed from 258 sent to Commandant of Cadets 62 Sick-lists filed 357 Sickness at other times than sick-call 259 during leave 468 Signals, Exercise in 106 to be sounded 367 Sitting at windows .T? 306 up after taps 352 Smoking forbidden 169,295 Solitary confinement 175 Spanish 106 Specimen questions for Register 47 Standing, Relative 4-6.3L Star, Cadets designated by 150, 21 1 Statements, Making unauthorized 10 Statics 106 Stationery, Requisitions for 48 Steam-Engineering 1(J6 83 Paragraph. Steam-launch to be kept in readiness 498 Stones not to be thrown 294 Store 287-290 Articles authorized in 75 Hours for visiting. 236 Store-keeper 74-78 bills, how charged .* 68 notice of text-books needed 48 time when required to be at store 77 Studies suspended 91, 120,229 Study, Branches of 101 hours, Absence from room during 312, 313 Duration of 222 Visiting during 312 Periods of 221 Sunday, Inspection of rooms 311 parade 226 Observance of 169,252 Superintendent 2-7 Addressing the 231 All offenses reported to 177 All punishments ordered by ; 1 77 Superintendent of Floor or Building 381-401 Reports of 380 to be relieved for examinations 121 to report absence from rooms 313 rooms ^ 402-408 Supplementary regulations 500 Supplies, Bills for 73 Surveying 106 Suspension 175, 179 Cases of, entered in journal 372 of studies 91,120,229 Sweeping rooms 406 Swimming 106 T. Table-cloths, conform to pattern 305 Tactical instruction in charge of Commandant of Cadets 19 Tactics, Infantry and Naval... 106 Talking loud in rooms or corridors 320 Taps, Inspection at 385 Lights after 352 Target-practice 1C6 entered in journal 372 Temperature of rooms 350 Term class-reports 45 84 Paragraph. Text-books not to be brought to formation 453 not to be sold 193 Notice to store-keeper of 48 prescribed by Academic Board 31 Themes, Exercises in 1 06 to be made up 123 Unauthorized assistance in preparing 133, 169 Thermometer to be recorded 372, 380 Third Class 103 year's course 107 Throwing from windows 306 missiles 294 Time-form to be posted 309 Tobacco forbidden 169 Traducing another Cadet ] 69 Transoms 307 Treasurer 67-73 Treasurer's Office, Hours for visiting 236 Tuition, No compensation for 12 Turned back, Multiple of Cadets 148 U. Unauthorized articles not allowed in rooms 302 assistance 1 33, 169 Uniform of Cadets 198-215 Officer-in-Charge 342 Officerof Day 363 Superintendents of Floors 382 Unsatisfactory recitations, Reports of 42, 104 V. Verbal permission to go on liberty 474,475 Vessels for practice-cruise 151 Violations of regulations to be reported 13,21 Visit Officers' quarters, No Cadet under suspension to .T. 179 Visiting during study-hours 312,316 on other floors 399 Visitors, Board of 116 to be received by Officer of the Day 364 Visits of high officials entered in journal 372 w. Warning-roll 228,380 to deficient Cadets 5 Washing, Clothes for 317 of room .. 316 83 Paragraph. Watch, Captain of. (See Captain.) Extra 175 Watches, seamanship drill 163 Watchmen 18,409-422 Insulting or offering violence to 169 under orders of Officer of the Day 368, 4 1 1 Water-closets, Route to . 315 Weekly averages, how recorded 138 marks for single recitation, how computed 139 reports, Instructors' - 52, 104 Weight, Relative, of marks 31 Whiskers forbidden 212 White caps andtrowsers, when worn 205 Windows, Sitting at 300 Throwing from 306 Wine forbidden 169 Working-dress 200,202 Workmen, Control of 26 Written exercises, marking 141 to be made up 123 Y. Yearly class-reports 45, 46 Z. Zero given as a mark 130, 132-134 YC M-607 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY