C 5 775 FIVE-YEAR CATALOGUE OF 258 FUNDAMENTAL STARS DEDUCED FROM OBSERVATIONS EXTENDING FROM 1887 TO 1891, MADE AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF WILLIAM HENRY MAHONEY CHRISTIE, M.A., F.R.S., ASTRONOMER ROYAL, REDUCED TO THE EPOCH 1890-0. (Forming Appendix to the Greenwich Observations for the Year 1891.) L N D N : PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY DARLING & SON, ITD., 1,2,3, & 5, GREAT ST. THOMAS APOSIT.E, E.G. 1893. INTRODUCTION TO THE GBEENWICH FIVE-YEAR CATALOGUE OF 258 FUNDAMENTAL STARS, . DEDUCED B^ROM OBSERVATIONS EXTENDING FROM 1887 TO 1891, AND REDUCED TO THE EPOCH 1890-0. This Catalogue has been formed to supply revised places of Fundamental Stars, available for determination of instrumental and clock errors, and for use in the Nautical Almanac, in the interval between two' successive Greenwich General Catalogues, which it is proposed to form at intervals of ten years, so that a sufficient number of observations of each star may be accumulated. In the case of the Fundamental Stars, however, there are usually a sufficient number of observations in the course of five years to give trustworthy positions, and it has, therefore, been thought advisable, in view of possible uncertainty of proper motion when applied for more than ten years, to publish the present provisional Catalogue of Fundamental Stars based on the five years' observations 1887-1891, strengthened, where necessary, by combining with them the places of the Ten- Year Catalogue (188OO). The stars whose places are given in this Catalogue are 1. Those contained in the Greenwich Clock Star Lists. 2. Circumpolar stars whose Ephemerides are published in the " Connaissance des Temps," or in the " Ephemerides des Etoiles de Culmination Lunaire et de Longitude, par M. M. Loewy." 3. Stars in the Nautical Almanac, but not in the Greenwich Clock Star Lists. The following is the process of formation of the star places in this Catalogue. 2990 SO 114268008/93 Wt , D & S. GREENWICH FIVE-YEAR CATALOGUE POH 1890. a 2 4 GREENWICH FIVE-YEAR CATALOGUE OF FUNDAMENTAL STARS FOR 1890. I. FORMATION OF RIGHT ASCENSIONS. The determinations of Right Ascension of each star, which are to be combined in order to form the Right Ascensions in this Catalogue, are those given in the Annual Catalogues printed in the successive volumes of Greenwich Observations from 1887 to 1891. The Right Ascensions of each Annual Catalogue depend essentially upon the Right Ascensions assumed for the stars whose transits are employed in each year to ascertain the errors of the Transit-Clock ; it is necessary, therefore, in the first instance to ascertain the amount of correction required for the assumed Right Ascensions of the Clock Stars. Now it appears from the discussions of the Observations for the Position of the Ecliptic in the Greenwich Observations 1887-1891, that the Right Ascensions of the Clock Stars used in those years require the following corrections : 8. 1887 ... 0-059. 1888 ... +0-072. 1889 ... + 0*024. ... + 0-092. ... +0-088. The mean of these is + 9 -043 ; but it was considered advisable to wait for further information before making such a large correction to the Right Ascensions, and no correction for Epoch has therefore been applied to the Right Ascensions taken from the Greenwich Observations 1887 to 1891. The present Catalogue is thus referred to the Epoch of the Standard Right Ascensions of the Ten- Year Catalogue (1880'0) ; and also of the Nine- Year Catalogue (1872'0) ; for it is shown on page 9 of the Introduction to the former, that the mean difference between the two sets of Standard Right Ascensions is only 9 '0001, which is practically insensible. It should be remarked that the Mean R.A.'s of Clock Stars used during 1887 and 1888 were taken from the Standard R.A.'s of the Nine- Year Catalogue ; during 1889, 1890, and 1891, from those of the Ten- Year Catalogue. The results for the separate years as given in the Annual Catalogues were reduced to 1890*0 by using the elements given in the Ten- Year Catalogue, where Struve's Constant of Precession, and Prof. Auwers' Proper Motions are used. In the case of Sirius and Procyon, corrections for orbital motion deduced from Prof. Auwers' Papers (Publ. Astr. Gesellschaft, No. VII., and Astr. Nachr., Nos. 1H73 and 3085) have been applied to the separate years in forming the Mean R.A. 1890'0. \ INTRODUCTION. 5 A separate determination of the Right Ascensions of Clock Stars was made in which only those observations were included where the group of Clock Stars extended over 12 hours at least, in a similar manner precisely to that described in the Introductions to the Nine- Year and Ten- Year Catalogues, though the number of such groups is, of course, not so large. The excess of R. A. from the 12-hour groups above that of the Five- Year Catalogue was tabulated for each star and the mean formed for each hour of R.A. by combining the individual excesses with weights = , where m+w m and n are the munbers of observations in the Twelve-Hour Groups, and in the Catalogue respectively. Similarly the corrections to the R.A.'s of the Five- Year Catalogue, as depending on the N.P.D. of the star, were formed for each 10 of N.P.D. Both sets of corrections are given in the following tables, the Resultant Corrections applicable to the R.A.'s of the Five- Year Catalogue being the algebraic sums of the two. The mean of all the corrections is less than s -0005, and though it enters into both sets, no sensible error is thus introduced by adding the two sets together. MEAN CORRECTIONS TO EIGHT ASCENSIONS OF FIVE - YEAR CATALOGUE, DERIVED FROM A COMPARISON WITH R.A.'s OF 204 CLOCK STARS FROM iz-HOUR GROUPS. Limits of Correction. i Limits of Correction. m Limits of Correction. 4 Limits of Correc- a B.A. a B.A. 8 B.A. 9 N.P.D. i h li O-I 8 8 4 8 h h 89 8 8 23 h h 16-17 + 'OO5 '007 30 50 60 8 'OO2 67 1-2 -oo7-f-*oo5 56 9-10 -009'0o8 20 I7-I8 -005'O05 44 60 70 + 'O02 176 2-3 "OO2 ~(~*OOs 45 IO-I I 009 'OO7 26 18-19 OOlHt'OO4 63 70 80 ooo 192 3-4 *oo c -t- '006 33 I I-I2 + '01 2 '009 16 19-20 + 'OO2 + 'C04 68 80 90 003 221 *OO I ~f~ *OO C 47 12-13 + - oo 5 -008 20 20-21 + 'oi4 - oo6 37 90-100 ooi 146 5-6 + *oio'oo6 32 13-14 004 '005 46 2 1-22 -oio - oo6 36 IOO-I 10 'OOI 80 6-7 + *oio'oo6 35 14-15 *oo 5 ~^~ *ooo 37 22-23 000+ -005 53 1 10-124 + 006 35 7-8 -oii-oo6 39 I5-l6 -|- *OO2 ~f~ *OC'6 32 23-24 + -002 -006 3i The probable errors appended with the sign have been computed by taking the probable error of a single determination of R.A. as O s '034. It appears that the errors of the assumed places of the Clock Stars, originally derived from Pond's Catalogue, have been greatly diminished and are now very small. II.- FORMATION OF MEAN NORTH POLAR DISTANCES. The determinations of N.P.D. of each star, which are to be combined in order to form the N.P.D. in this Catalogue, are those given in the Annual Catalogues printed in the successive volumes of Greenwich Observations, 1887 to 1891, to which the sam 6 GREENWICH FIVE-YEAR CATALOGUE OF FUNDAMENTAL STARS FOR 1890. statements apply generally as have been made for K.A., omitting all that relates to Correction for Equinox. The adopted colatitude is 38 31' 21"'90 throughout. The corrections required for orbital motion, in the case of Sirius and Procyon, have been deduced from Prof. Auwers' papers referred to before. III. EXPLANATION OF THE SEPARATE COLUMNS OF THE PRINTED CATALOGUE. The " No." is the ordinal number of this Catalogue, the stars being arranged in order of R.A. 1890-0. The " Star's Name " is taken from one of the following authorities, the order of preference being the order of mention of the authority below : 1. Flamsteed's Constellation No. and Constellation, with Bayer's Letter, taken from Baily's Edition of Flamsteed, or the British Association Catalogue. 2. The No. in Bessel's Fundamcnta Astronomice deduced from Bradley's Observations, referred to as " Bradley." 3. The Hour and No. in Piazzi's Catalogue, Edition 1814. 4. The No. in Groombridge's Catalogue. For Circumpolar Stars the result of observations below the pole is shown separately. The " Magnitude " is taken from the Harvard Photometry for stars contained in that work, and for other stars (marked *) from the Bonn Durchmusterung. The magnitude in the Uranometria Nova Oxoniensis is given in the Notes for all cases in which it differs by more than 0'2 magnitude from that in the Harvard Photometry. The magnitudes of the components of double stars, taken from Struve's Mensurcn Micrometricce or other authority, are given in the Notes. In the case of Variable Stars, the limits of magnitude and the period given' in the Notes are taken from Mr. Chandler's Catalogue in the Astronomical Journal, Nos. 179, 180. The next six columns consist of three pairs, the first of each pair referring to the observations in 1887-1891, immediately under discussion, and the second to the Ten- Year Catalogue. The first pair gives the "Mean Date " expressed in years and decimals of a year reckoned from 1800. INTRODUCTION. 7 The .second pair (columns 6 and 7) gives the "Number of Observations," being the aggregate of all the observations in the different years, above and below the Pole respectively, in column 6, and the aggregate of all observations in column 7. The third pair (columns 8 and 9) gives the seconds of Mean R.A. formed in the manner already described. In forming the adopted Mean R.A. 1890'0 the following rules have been observed : (1.) In all cases where the total number of observations in the years 1887-1891 is ten or more, the mean of these observations is the adopted Mean R.A., equal weight being assigned to observations above and below the Pole. (2.) When there are five to nine observations in the period 1887-1891, the adopted Mean R.A. is formed by combining these with the result brought up from the Ten-Year Catalogue, giving weight to each observation in the latter. (3.) When there are less than five observations in the period 1887-1891, weight ^ is given to each observation in the Ten- Year Catalogue in combining the two means. Assuming that there are on the average twice as many observations of a star in the Ten- Year Catalogue as in the Five- Year Catalogue, this is equivalent to giving the Ten- Year Catalogue weight ^ on the average when there are from five to nine observa- tions in the Five- Year Catalogue, and to taking the simple mean between the Five- Year and Ten- Year (on the average) when there are less than five observations in the former. If we assume that the probable error of one observation of R.A. is 8 -034, and that the Ten- Year Catalogue deduced place for 1890'0 is affected by a probable error of proper motion, or other systematic error represented by a, and express the condition that the result of seven observations in the Five- Year Catalogue should have double the weight of 14 observations in the Ten -Year Catalogue ; then x = 8 -016 ; or the method of combination adopted is equivalent to assuming that the results of the Ten- Year Catalogue reduced to 1890'0 are affected by a probable error of proper motion or other systematic error amounting to S '016. * The " Annual Precession 1890'0 " for stars beyond 5 from the Pole has been formed by applying to the Precession in the Ten- Year Catalogue the proportional part of the " Secular Variation 188OO " to reduce it to 189OO. The " Secular Variation 189OO " is the same as that given in the Ten- Year Catalogue, except for stars within 5 of the Pole. For these latter stars both the Annual 8 GREENWICH FIVE-YEAR CATALOGUE OF FUNDAMENTAL STARS FOR 1890. Precession and the Secular Variation have been computed by the help of Folie's " Douze Tables pour le calcul des reductions stellaires," in which Struve's Constant of Precession is used. The Precession is given by the formula + i s- 3369 [log. = 0-12611] sin R.A. cot. N.P.D. and the Secular Variation by the formula A + B cot. N.P.D. + C cot. 2 N.P.D. where A = o s -ooi9o + o'-oo65o sin 2 R.A. B = o s- ooo57 sin R.A. + o"-o2987 cos. R.A. C = + o"-oi3oo sin 2 R.A. The second term of the precession is readily computed from these tables, and the quantities A, B, C, are therein tabulated for every minute of R.A. These formulae correspond essentially with those used in previous Catalogues, but the method of computation is simpler. The " Annual Proper Motion 1890'0 " has been taken from Prof. Auwers' " Neue Reduction der Bradleyschen Beobachtungen," or his " Catalog der Fundamental Sterne," for stars contained in either of those works. The authority for other Proper Motions is given in the Notes. To the columns relating to N.P.D. the same remarks generally apply as in the case of R.A., except that in combining observations above and below Pole the weights mentioned below were used in forming the means. For stars whose N.P.D does not exceed 15 the observations above and below Pole are considered equally good ; from N.P.D. 15 to N.P.D. 36, those below Pole have the weight f for each observation ; from N.P.D. 36 to N.P.D. 41 those below Pole have the weight : beyond 41 N.P.D. the observations below Pole are not used, and in the case of those stars observed below Pole only the mean result is enclosed within brackets. i The Annual Precession and Secular Variation for stars not within 5 of the Pole have been formed as explained above ; for the stars within 5 of the Pole they have INTRODUCTION. 9 been computed by the help of Folie's Tables referred to above. The Precession is given by the formula 2o" - o53O cos R.A. which is taken directly from the Tables, and the Secular Variation by the formula A 1 + B 1 cot. N.P.D. where A 1 = + o"-oo86 cos R.A. + o'^So sin R.A. B 1 = + o"-i95o sin 8 R.A. The quantities A 1 and B 1 are given directly in the Tables for every minute of R.A. IV. COMPARISON OF THE PLACES OF CLOCK-STARS IN R.A. AND N.P.D. FROM OBSERVATIONS MADE IN THE YEARS 1887-1891 WITH THOSE OF THE TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE. The following tables give the mean excess of R.A. and N.P.D. from the Five-Year Catalogue over those deduced from the Ten- Year Catalogue, for each hour of R.A., and for every 10 of N.P.D. , weights being assigned to the individual excesses according to the formula , where ? and n are the numbers of observations m + rv in the two Catalogues respectively. EXCESS OF R.A.'S OF CLOCK STARS FROM FIVE-YEAR CATALOGUE ABOVE THOSE OF THE TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE REDUCED TO 1890-0 FOR EVERY HOUR OF R.A. AND EVERY 10 OF N.P.D. Limits of Correction. M be Limits of Correction. be Limits of Correction. 3U Limits of Correc- s .s E.A. 'S B.A. R.A. ' N.P.D. tion. f b b s s h h a b h o o _ 0-1 -f- *oo s -f- '003 '47 8-9 -OI4+-005 55 l6-I7 'OO8 '004 74 50 60 +005 156 1-2 *ooo-f- *oo3 133 9-10 '006+: '004 68 I7-I8 009 '003 j 95 60 70 + 'OOI 461 2-3 + '005 '003 1 1 1 10- 1 I + '007 -004 87 18-19 -{-003^*003 | IjO 70 80 ooo 525 3-4 '007 ~^~ '003 95 I I-I2 '005 '004 74 19-20 + -oo6'oo3 157 8090 | -|- - ooi 60 1 4-5 *ooo -f- '004 88 12-13 + '004+ '004 75 20-21 + '004+ '003 109 90-100 -005 339 5-6 + '004 + -004 87 '3-H + 001 +-003 117 21-22 *oi o-f- "004 90 IOO I IO 'OO2 227 6 r j 'O02 + -003 99 14-15 + 008 -004 89 22-23 *oi 6-1- '003 125 1 10-124 '006 8 9 7-8 -f-'ooi '003 107 I5-l6 ooo '004 87 23-24 + '002 'OO4 79 SO 11426. GREENWICH FIVE- YEAR CATALOGUE FOR 1890. 10 GREENWICH FIVE-YEAR CATALOGUE OF FUNDAMENTAL STARS FOR 1890. EXCESS OF N.P.D.'s OF 211 CLOCK STARS FROM FIVE-YEAR CATALOGUE ABOVE THOSE OF THE TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE REDUCED TO 1890-0 FOR EVERY HOUR OF R.A. AND EVERY 10 OF N.P.D. Limits limits Limits Limits of Correction. I of Correction. A of Correction. bo of Correction. U B.A. ffl E.A. JD E.A. 9 N.P.D. 2 h h I // 0-09 113 h h 8- 9 it +0-13 47 h h 16 17 + o"i3 87 , o 50 60 + O*I3 137 12 O'OO 90 9 10 0-04 74 17 18 0'22 130 60 70 0-18 407 2-3 -0-14 9 1 10 II 0-09 78 18 19 + 0'!2 148 70 80 o'og 499 3-4 0-18 76 I I 12 +0-03 93 19 20 O'O7 147 80 90 0-04 53 1 4-5 -0-15 64 12 13 0*05 66 2O 21 OTO 93 90 100 0'02 327 5-6 0-29 65 1314 + O'I I 96 2122 -0-13 84 100 110 + 0'OI 205 6-7 -0-15 79 14-15 +0-05 129 22 23 0'20 103 1 10 124 + 0-13 79 7-8 + 0-05 81 15-16 O'OO 94 23-24 0*07 57 V.- COMPARISON OF THE PLACES OF CIRCUMPOLAH STARS AS OBSERVED ABOVE AND BELOW THE POLE FROM OBSERVATIONS MADE IN THE YEARS 1887-1891. The following tables show the mean, excess of R.A. and of N.P.D. above Pole for all stars in the Five-Year Catalogue, of which observations were made both above and below the Pole. The star is designated by its No. taken from the Five- Year Catalogue. The figures on the same line as the No. refer to the observations above the Pole, those on the next line to the observations below. The excess of R.A. is multiplied by sin N.P.D. in all cases, to reduce it to equatorial interval. The weights assigned to each star are computed as follows : For R.A. if m and n be the number of observations above and below the Pole respectively, the weight assigned is . The maximum weight for any star is thus 20, which corresponds to m + n + -5- mn J an infinite number of observations above and below the Pole, and the expression is equivalent to that for N.P.D. for stars at about 30 from the Pole. For N.P.D. the weights used are determined by use of the " Probable Errors of Greenwich Observa- tions in Zenith Distance," given by Mr. Stone in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society for 1869 June 11, page 324. Putting n for the number of observa- tions of a star above Pole, e for the probable error of one observation ; HI and c\ the similar quantities for the observations below Pole ; e the probable systematic error affecting all observations of the same star, and depending on outstanding division error, Uncertainty in the constant of refraction, &c. ; the formula employed to determine the INTRODUCTION. 11 weight to be given to that star is would make e =*0"'16, the weight becomes for use in this investigation. 2?i "l 2 I,' 1 -, 5 o , or assuming ft -*& e, which ,*>' 4- )^ J -I- A nn <>-' o ~ lw /t|C i /CGI T^ /t/t-iC n 2 nHj - + ne* + % -^ which has been adopted TABLE OF THE EXCESS OF MEAN K.A. AND MEAN N.P.D. ABOVE POLE, ARRANGED IN ORDER OF RIGHT ASCENSION. s ir'< So, Moan 11. A. 1 890-0. Beta Data. 1800 + No. of Ota ExeC93 Of 11. A. above Pole x sin N.P.D. Wuight. Mean N.P.D. i S^o'o. Mean D-ite, 1800 -t- No. of Obs. Excess of N.P D. above Pole. Weight. h in B , o / i 7 o. 34. 16-000 15-940 89-3I 89-98 2 3 + 0-033 4 34- 3-58-28 59-07 89-81 89-98 3 3 - 0-79 5 12 o. 53.48-194 48-153 89-83 90-13 34 38 + 0-003 16 4. 2O. O'2I 0-42 89-66 90-25 35 34 0'2I 29 16 i. 18. 30-679 30-680 89-25 89-48 230 224 O'OOO '9 i. 16. 41-30 41-76 8?53 296 33= 0-46 38 22 i. 46. 28-909 28-952 91-36 9''45 3 i 0-019 3 26. 52. 19-50 18-46 91-51 90-77 4 3 + 1-04 6 37 3. 16. 28-097 2 rvnfiS 40.31. 51-36 91-00 2 ' l * 28-202 88-35 I <-) \J\JO 51-51 88-35 I 46 4. 2. 13-562 13-233 90-24 90-35 34 47 + O-027 16 4.44. 8-37 8-86 90-59 90-35 13 47 - 0-49 25 56 5- 8.33-578 91-38 3 0-188 c 44- 6.53-93 91-08 2 + 0-06 2 33-847 88-12 3 J 53'87 88-12 3 76 6. 48. 46-624 46-016 89-84 89-10 25 46 + 0-031 15 2.46.54-40 54-88 89-38 89-49 88 177 0-48 36 90 7.46.51-175 51-670 90-30 90-48 49 104 0-009 17 i. 2.25-81 26-31 90-13 90-56 36 79 0-50 32 98 8. 51.40-489 88-19 3 _ , o*n i o 4'- 3i- 37'22 88-19 3 1-77 ] 40-504 87-64 I \J \J 1 W 38'99 87-64 i 77 IO2 9- 21. 21-791 21-678 89-92 90-88 '.I + 0-016 '3 8. 1 1. 17-96 17-78 89-97 90-90 23 22 + 0-18 25 117 10. 56. 56-212 89-61 89-80 I 0*0 10 4 27. 39. 19-64 20-16 89-40 89-80 . 8 2 - 0-52 5 122 I 1. 24. 52-078 52-2O8 .88-37 ! i 89-80 3 - 0-045 3 20. 3. 43-30 , 42-63 89-32 89-80 8 9 + 0-67 '4 126 I I. 48. 2-568 2 - 6l I 91-30 , 2 0-025 4 35.4I.37-28 37-28 90-31 91-30 5 2 O'OO 4 ,3, 12. 14. 22-I57 20-8I5 90*07 48 89-96 i 54 ; '1.41.24-97 90-09 25-45 89-89 4' 44 - 0-48 3' 151 14. I. 24-658 24-776 88-01 0-050 v 90-69 3 2 5 . 5-53-86 87-78 89-27 '4 9 + 0-03 15 '59 I 5. 23. 41-61 89-40 '7 0-53 11 42-14 88-93 4 J -J '164 15. 12. 50-2O3 90-24 '3 i Q-O32 1 6 2.20.41-43 90-17 43 O'l I 28 49'427 90-47 30 4'"54 90-45 22 170 15.47. 59-665 59-942 89-22 88-78 J - 0-057 6 1 1. 52. 2-60 2'33 89-46 89-01 12 7 + 0-27 '5 '75 28. 14. 12-29 88-36 3 + 0-51 4 11-78 90-88 2 GREENWICH FIVE-YEAR CATALOGUE OF FUNDAMENTAL STARS FOR 1890. TABLE OF THE EXCESS OF MEAN R.A. AND MEAN N.P.D., &C. continued. Star's No. Mean E A. I Sijo'o. MOOD Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Excess of H.A. above Pole x sin N.P.D. Weight. MeanN.RD. ^f" "^ f+ No. of Obs. Excess of K.P.D. above Pole. Weight. j | o / " " h in s 182 16. 57. 14-900 15-639 87-94 gi-O} 3 o-ioo 2 4 7.46.57-53 57-06 89-32 89-40 '9 6 . + 0-47 1 6 I8 7 17. 27. 56-806 56-708 88-53 87-96 8 , + 0-060 3 37-37- i-39 1-38 88-47 87-96 8 i + o-o i 2 195 18. 7- 47'59 8 47-32I 88-98 90-03 59 3 + 0-015 16 3.23. 17-92 18-41 89-32 89-26 '7 1 61 - '49 34 209 I9-33- 35-3i8 337>5 89-39 89-79 65 18 + 0-029 15 i. 1.59-02 59-51 89-29 89-27 '45 82 - '49 35 220 20.33.44-984 45-276 90-04 90-1 1 59 '9 0-044 15 8. 56. 24-06 24-18 89-97 90-0^ 65 24 0'12 28 230 21. 15.57-172 57-I3I 89-21 88-71 10 8 + 0-019 9 27. 52.49-00 49-96 89-17 88-83 16 8 0-96 13 232 21. 21. 28-509 28-OI2 89-93 90-18 43 7 + 0-030 1 1 3.25. 9-19 9'94 89-92 28 90-16 6 - o-75 '7 2 34 21. 27. 14-281 I4-455 88-92 89-82 2 3 - 0-059 4 19. 55. 19-51 19-47 88-77 90-09 6 6 + 0-04 1 1 243 22. 21. 58-914 58-833 90-21 90-21 56 2 7 + o'ooS 16 4.26.45-09 ' 8.9-94 45-61 89-78 36 i? - 0-52 25 253 23.27.49-643 49-3I5 90-23 89-94 56 35 + 0-019 16 3- i7-57'4 2 57-50 89-92 45 89-75 '< 35 0-08 30 255 23- 34- 49'74 50-078 90-86 87-34 2 I 0-076 2 12. 58. 52-63 5 2 '95 89-42 88-90 9 *$ 0-32 19 The weighted means for each 6 h - of R.A. are shown in the following table, the corresponding numbers for the Ten- Year Catalogue, as found from the table on page 46 of its Introduction, being added for comparison. Limits of RA. Mean Excess of R.A. above Pole X sin N.P.D. Mean Excess of N.P.D. above Pole. Five-Year. Ten-Year. Five-Year. Ten-Year. h h 0-6 6-12 12-18 ,8-24 s -007 + -004 + -OOJ + -005 s -029 -003 -026 -009 0-32 O' 2 I o- 1 1 - '39 o- 10 0-05 - 0-08 o- 18 Mean ... + "OO2 - -017 o- 26 O' IO INTRODUCTION. These stars may also be arranged in order of N.P.D. as follows : Star's Xo. Approximate K.A. Excess of R.A. above Pole x sin N.P.D. Weight. Approximate N.I'.D. Excess of N.P.D. above Pole. Weight. It m B o / n 209 19-34 + 0-O29 15 I. 2 - 0'49 35 9 7-47 O'OOg 17 I. 2 0-50 32 16 i. 19 O'OOO '9 I. 17 0-46 38 IJ1 12. 14 , + 0-039 17 I.4I - 0-48 3' 164 15- 13 + 0-032 16 2. 21 O'll 28 76 6.49 + 0-031 '5 2-47 0-48 36 253 23. 28 + 0-019 16 3- 18 0'08 3 ! 95 18. 8 + 0-015 16 3-23 0-49 34 232 21.21 + 0-030 1 1 3-25 - 075 '7 12 0.54 -f 0-003 16 4. 20 O'2I 29 243 22. 22 + 0-006 16 4-27 - 0-52 25 46 4- 2 + 0-027 16 4-44 '49 25 182 16.57 O'lOO 4 7-47 + '47 16 102 9.21 + 0-016 '3 8. ii + 0-18 25 22O 20.34 . 0-044 IS- 8.56 O'I2 28 170 15.48 - 0-057 6 n. 52 4- 0-27 15 255 23-35 0-076 2 12. 59 - 0-32 '9 I CO HCI T r y A (V C 2 1 1 J 7 * y* I 5. 24 u ij 234 21.27 - 0-059 4 '9-55 + 0-04 n 122 11.25 - 0-045 3 20. 4 + 0-67 H 151 14. i 0-050 5 25. 6 + 0-03 15 22 i. 46 0-019 3 26. 52 + 1-04 6 117 10. 57 O'O I O 4 27-39 - 0-52 5 230 21. l6 + 0-019 9 27-53 0-96 3 I7C 1 6. 22 28. 14 + O* C I 1 / J J 7 o-34 + 0-033 4 34- 4 - 079 5 126 11.48 0-025 4 35-42 O'OO 4 187 17. 28 + 0-060 3 37- 37 + O'O I 2 37 3- 16 0-068 2 40.32 - 0-15 I 98 8.52 O'OIO 3 41-32' - 177 I 56 5- 9 0-188 5 44- 7 + 0-06 2 Taking the weighted means of the six groups we get the following numbers, corresponding quantities from the Ten-Year Catalogue being added for comparison on two methods. In columns marked (1.) the result is deduced by selecting actually the same stars as those of the Five- Year Catalogue from the table on pages 46-54 of the SO 11426. GREENWICH FIVE-YEAE CATALOGUE FOR 1890. c 14 GREENWICH FIVE-YEAR CATALOGUE OF FUNDAMENTAL STARS FOR 1890. Introduction to the Ten- Year Catalogue ; in the columns marked (2.) the result for the particular N.P.D. is inferred from the collected results on page 55 of that Introduc- tion, except in the case of the first group. Excess of R.A. above Pole X sin N.P.D. Excess of N.P.D. above Pole. Group. Approximate N.P.D. Ten-Year. Ten-Year. Five- Year. (1.) (2.) CD (2.) o i 8 S , I 1.29 + -017 + -oio (+ -oio) 0-42 0-48 (-0-48) 2 3-27 + '019 + -017 + -015 0-64 0-42 - 0'37 3 6. 29 -005 -068 -016 0-14 -0-37 0'02 4 16. 3 - -57 + -005 + '005 + 0-03 + 0-09 + o'i3 5 27. 9 -008 -008 -007 - 0-15 0-36 O'z6 6 38.56 - '043 + -005 - -025 - 0-38 -0-51 -0-57 The evidence, so tar as it goes, seems to show that the Systematic Errors of the Five- Year Catalogue are nearly the same as those of the Ten- Year Catalogue, especially in N.P.D. W. H. M. CHRISTIE. Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 1893 August 10. GREENWICH FIVE-YEAR CATALOGUE OF 258 FUNDAMENTAL STARS FOR 1890-0 FROM OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 to 1891. GKEENVICH FIVE-YEAR CATALOGUE FOB 1890. NOTE. STAR'S NAME. The " Star's Name " adopted in this Catalogue is taken from one of the following authorities, the order of preference beiiag the order of mention of the authority below : 1. Flamsteed's constellation No. and constellation, with Bayer's letter, taken from Baily's edition of Flamsteed, or from the British Association Catalogue. When the description in Baily's Flamsteed (B. F.) differs from that in the British Association Catalogue (B. A. C.) the difference is mentioned in the Notes. 2. The No. in Bessel's Fundamenta Astronomies deduced from Bradley's observations, referred to as " Bradley." 3. The Hour and No. in Piazzi's Catalogue, edition 1814. 4. The No. in Groornbridge's Catalogue. MAGNITUDE. The magnitude is taken from the Harvard Photometry for stars contained in that work, and for other stars (marked *) from the Bonn Durchmusterung. For the few remaining stars (marked |) the authority for the magnitude is given in the Notes. The magnitude in the Uranometria Nova Oxoniensis is given in the Notes for all cases in which it differs by more than 0'2 magnitude from that in the Harvard Photometry. The magnitudes of the components of double stars, taken from Struve's Mensurce Micrometricce or other authority, are given in the Notes. In the case of variable stars the limits of magnitude and the period given in the Notes are taken from Mr. Chandler's Catalogue in the Astronomical Journal, Nos. 179, 180. PROPER MOTIONS. The proper motions are taken from Professor Auwers' "Neue Reduction der Bradleyschen Beobachtungen " or his " Catalog der Fundamental Sterne " for stars contained in either of those works. The authority for other proper motions is given in the Notes. SO 11426 d 2 {iv} FIVE-YEAR CATALOGUE OF FUNDAMENTAL STABS, 1890-0, No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Observations. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1890-0 deduced from Adopted Mean R.A. 1890-0. Annual Precession. 1890-0. Secular Variation. 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 1890-0. 1887 to 1891. *! io-Year Catalogue. 1887 to 1891. i o- Year Cata- logue. 1887 to 1891. io-Year Catalogue. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 H 15 16 i? 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 31 32 21 Andromeda? o 2-1 3-0 3-6 5-8 6-2 4-6 Var. 2'I 4-6 5-0 3'9 4'5 4'5 2-2 4-2 2'2 3-8 3-7 4'7 4'4 3'9 3-6 2-8 3-0 2-0 4'5 5'5 4'4 4'9 +*> 3-0 5'5 89-06 89-60 89-88 89-44 89-69 89-70 89-31 89-98 89-29 89-39 89-57 89-05 89-83 90-13 89-40 89-66 89-11 89-25 89-48 90-75 89-65 89-56 89-68 89-08 91-36 9I-45 89-13 90-43 89-52 89-57 90-88 89-64 88-73 89-48 89-88 89 '34 82-06 . 82-68 82-21 83-32 83-17 82-77 82-63 82-38 82-46 83-26 82-86 84-72 82-57 82-63 84-31 82-26 80-90 81-85 82-43 81-70 79-91 80-86 81-80 80-77 81-28 81-51 82-29 82-07 82-24 81-87 81-64 82-86 36 16 ii 13 23 25 2 3 16 26 i? 15 34 38 20 39 27 230 224 II 30 44 23 5 3 I 21 i 4 39 19 6 20 15 16 12 9 69 38 22 3 28 51 33 42 48 30 28 H 58 91 40 1013 24 78 71 45 6 10 69 32 80 28 34 40 33 36 3 39 s 42-077 34-245 49-340 45-793 25-458 44-533 16-000 15-940 4-055 58-459 23-123 38-795 48-194 48-I53 13-999 34-36I 58-966 30-679 30-680 3I-453 35-77I 42-347 35-021 1-781 28-909 28-952 33-745 8-763 58-312 10-102 29-778 18-565 6-045 50-607 35-989 25-I09 s 42-082 34-235 49-361 45-792 25-453 44-534 15-956 4-035 58-458 23-101 38-752 47-688 14-005 34 - 353 58-986 29-878 3I-444 35-76I 42-350 35-032 1-830 29-015 33-745 8-796 58-302 10-127 29-753 18-573 6-030 50-607 35-978 25-103 h in s 0. 2. 42-077 o. 7. 34-245 o. 13- 49-340 o. 19- 45-793 o. 24. 25-458 o. 32. 44-533 o. 34- I5-959 o. 38. 4-055 o. 42. 58-459 o. 47. 23-123 o. 5. 38-795 o. 53- 48-I73 o. 57- I3-999 I. 3- 34-36i i. 7. 58-966 i. 18. 30-680 i. 1 8. 31-453 I- 25. 35-77I i. 35- 42-347 I. 39. 35-021 i. 46. 1-795 i. 46. 28-973 i. 48. 33-745 i. 57. 8-789 2. 0. 58-312 2. 7. IO-I02 2. II. 29-763 s + 3-0810 + 3-0839 + 3-059I + 3-0752 + 3-0611 + 3-I768 + 3-3670 + 2-9982 + 3-I030 + 3-0642 + 3-3007 + 7-J772 + 3-II48 + 3-3292 + 3-1204 + 23-I993 + 3-0034 + 3-2012 + 3-II93 + 3-I576 + 2-9578 + 4-2546 + 3-2977 + 3-6572 + 3-3574 + 3-1757 + 2-9843 + 3-J8I4 + 3-1453 + 3-0704 + 3-II35 + 3-303I 8 + 0-0183 + O'OIOI 0-0023 + 0-0037 -+- 0-0009 + 0-0209 + 0-0555 0-0054 + 0-0079 + 0-0036 + 0-0305 + 1-4116 + 0-0087 + 0-0286 + 0-0091 + I7-7732 + 0-0019 + 0-0142 + 0-0091 -f O'OIII + 0-0023 + 0-0994 + 0-0183 + 0-0393 + 0-0203 + 0-0116 -f 0-0050 + 0-0116 + 0-0103 + 0-0081 + 0-0094 + 0-0150 s 4- 0-0095 0-0007 0-0032 0-0028 0-0003 0-0184 + 0-0035 + 0-0147 + 0-0035 O-OO22 + 0-005 -f 0-0686 O-OO7O + 0-0144 + 0-0075 + 0-1137 0-0068 0-OOO2 0-0034 + 0-0029 -f 0-0003 + 0-0036 + 0-0050 + O-OO2I -f 0-0127 0-0032 -f 0-0036 + o-oon 0-0051 -f 0-0004 0-0114 O-OOO2 88 Pegasi y 8 Ceti i 12 Ceti 30 AndromedcG c S.P.... 16 Ceti /3 20 Ceti 8.P 86 Piscium ! S.P. ... 45 Ceti W Ceti... .... S.P 65 Ceti ? 67 Ceti 73 Ceti I 2 78 Csti v 2. 30. 6-045 2. 33. 50-607 2. 37- 35-989 2. 45. 25-106 82 Ceti (5 86 Ceti y" 43 Arietis o 2. The magnitude Riven in the Uranometria Nova Oxoniensis is 2-5. 6. The magnitude given in the Urnnomftria Nora Oxonirnsii is 4-3. 7 " i? e llmits of raagnitude are 2-2 and 2-8 ; the period irregular. 8. The magnitude given in the Urawimrtria Nora Ofonieniit is 2-4. 9. The magnitude given in the Uranemetria Noi-a Oxoniensis is 4-3. 11. Authority for proper motion in R.A. : Mem. R.A.S., Vol. XIX. 13. The magnitude given in the Uranometria Nova Oxoniensis is 4-2. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1891. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Observations. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1890-0 deduced from Adopted Mean N.P.D. 1890-0. Annual Precession. 1890-0. Secular Variation. 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 1890-0. Star's Name. No. 1887 to 1891. 10- Year Catalogue 1887 to 1891. io- Year Cata- logue. 1887 to 1891. io- Year Catalogue 89-41 . 90-58 89-74 90-02 89-95 90-03 89-81 89-98 89-81 90-11 89-40 89-50 89-66 90-25 89-42 88-96 88-91 89-47 89-53 9i'33 90-87 89-57 89-72 89-02 9i-5i 90-77 89-31 90-43 89-58 89-29 91-02 89-62 89-72 89-80 90-00 89-97 81-65 82-72 83-20 84-19 83-91 81-45 82-44 83-22 82-35 83-63 82-72 85-I9 82-89 82-21 84-23 81-98 81-08 81-03 84-08 83-42 80-69 8i-33 82-57 80-66 82-46 83-60 82-54 83-03 82-44 82-67 82-57 83-08 34 19 14 10 23 15 3 3 H H 18 9 35 34 10 22 13 296 330 4 H 42 25 7 4 3 26 4 25 18 12 19 15 13 13 12 42 32 20 30 26 25 31 25 39 29 28 27 47 52 3 1433 it 34 42 28 8 40 66 32 72 23 15 25 17 19 H 28 0-61 40-96 1-82 10-83 55-24 7-84 58-28 59-07 26-38 49-86 30-43 50-61 0-21 0-42 8-97 46-19 24-16 41-30 41-76 4"74 17-38 9-58 46-11 43-69 19-50 18-46 47-8o 54-07 29-03 II -20 46-30 0-33 I3-53 46-52 4I-35 I7-93 0-86 41-35 2 -2O 10-66 55-07 8-54 58-30 26-17 49-75 30-39 50-78 0-42 8-54 45-89 23-78 41-63 4-4I I7-52 9-42 46-52 43-97 19-81 48-11 54-16 29-30 10-65 46-04 0-17 14-08 47-32 41-84 18-08 / 61. 31. 0-61 75- 25. 40-96 99. 26. 1-82 88. 40. 10-83 94- 33- 55-24 61. 17. 7-84 34- 3- 58-43 108. 35. 26-38 83. o. 49-86 91. 44. 30-43 52. 5- 50-69 4. 20. 0-31 82. 42. 8-97 54. 57. 46-19 83. o. 24-16 i. 16. 41-54 98. 45- 4'54 75- 13. 17-38 85- 4- 9-58 81. 23. 46-11 100. 52. 43-75 26. 52. I9-54 69. 43. 47-80 48. ii. 54-14 67. 3. 29-03 81. 40. 11-20 96. 55. 46-30 82. 2. 0-33 84. 53- I3-53 90. 8. 46-52 87. 13- 4I-35 75. 22. 17-93 20-052 20-043 20-016 19-979 I9-939 19-849 19-830 19-778 19-702 19-626 19-566 19-504 I9-43I 19-287 ' 19-178 18-889 18-889 18-671 18-330 18-190 I7-945 17-929 I7-845 I? 490 17-324 17-045 16-842 16-309 15-903 15-702 15-496 I5-053 + 0-013 + O'O22 + 0-035 + 0-046 + 0-OJ5 + 0-073 + 0-080 + 0-080 + 0-092 + 0-099 + 0-113 + 0-252 -4- O- I2O -4- 0-140 + o- 140 + I-I46 + 0-154 + 0-177 + O'lgi -4- O'2OD + O-200 + 0-283 + 0-226 + 0-257 + 0-253 + 0-25O + 0-243 + 0-276 + 0-285 + 0-285 + 0-294 + 0-324 + 0-156 + 0-013 + 0-032 + o-oii + 0-009 + 0-251 + 0-038 0-034 + 0-037 + 0-009 0-049 -4- o-oio 0-039 + 0-084 + 0-051 -4- O'OO2 -4- 0-196 + 0-003 O-OO5 0-058 + 0-028 + O-O22 -4- 0-102 + 0-05I + 0-134 + O'OOI -4- O'lOg -4- o-ooi + 0-028 + 0-007 + 0-156 + 0-039 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 i? 18 '9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2? 28 29 30 31 32 88 Pegasi , y 8 Ceti i 44 Piscium 12 Ceti 18 Cassiopeia? * a ., S.P 16 Ceti ft 63 Piscium o 20 Ceti 37 Andromeda; .p 2 UrsiC Minoris ' S.P. ... 86 Piscium ' i Ursa! Minoris a S.P. ... 4? Ceti... ....0 55 Ceti S.P 6 Arietis /3 65 Ceti f 67 Ceti 73 Ceti . f 78 Ceti v 82 Ceti c> 86 Ceti y 2 15. The magnitude given is taken from Strnve's Menmirrf Mierometricie. 21. The magnitude given in the l T ranumetr'iti .V,;ca O.ronii'nsis is 3-5. 24. The magnitude is taken from Struve's Mcnsurrp Mirrumrtrieai. 27. The magnitude given in the Urwwnetria Xuru (h-n/tii-mis is 5-8. 31. The magnitude given is taken from Struve's Menmtrec M'wrnmetrieie. {vij FIVE-YEAR CATALOGUE OP FUNDAMENTAL, STARS, 1800-0, Xo. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Observations. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1890-0 deduced from Adopted Mean R.A. 1 890-0. Annual Precession. 1890-0.. Secular Variation. 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 1890-0. 1887 to 1891. 10- Year Catalogue. 1887 to 1891. 10- Year Cata- logue. 1887 to 1891. 10- Year , Catalogue. 33 . 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 4-6 2'7 4"5 5'2 1-9 3-8 4'3 3'7 6-7* 3'7 3-o 4'5 6-7 5-8 4'i 3'9 3'7 I'O 4'4 4'3 2'7 3'3 O'2 I'O Var. 2-7 1-8 2-7 2-2 Var. 2- I 4'3 88-81 90-05 90-39 91-00 88-35 89-69 88-89 90-23 89-62 89-54 88-56 89-82 89-67 90-24 90-35 89-38 89-34 89-54 89-64 89-29 90-04 89-50 89-81 89-83 91-38 88-12 89-47 89-90 90-07 91*01 89-04 88-79 89-24 90-23 81-43 82-23 82-28 83-74 81-97 83-28 82-77 82-50 83-33 81-84 81-88 82-53 81-94 85-04 83-65 82-00 82-11 83-20 81-99 82-48 82-40 81-86 81-61 81-69 82-35 82-36 82-09 80-64 82-47 81-94 82-28 80-57 82-87 12 II 13 9 2 I H 16 8 9 9 16 21 2? 34 47 15 17 27 16 40 17 10 22 7 3 3 21 19 5 4 u i 9 9 34 34 41 34 19 35 41 35 25 25 32 24 23 6 22 12 2O 27 68 29 16 16 20 30 65 63 33 25 25 15 24 65 12 27 ^ 55-273 20-265 52-512 28-097 28-202 8 55-268 31-698 20-287 52-535 28-156 h in 3 2. 52. 55-273 2. 56. 3I-7I8 3- 5- 20-265 3- H. 52-524 3. 16. 28-150 3- 1 8. 53-550 3- 24. 47-942 3. 27. 44-818 3. 34. 12-067 3- 37. 58-675 3. 40. 56-704 3- 52. 53-773 3. 58. 11-483 4- 2. 13-363 4. 2. 45-395 4. 6. 29-709 4. 13. 31-927 4. 22. 11-565 4. 29. 36-469 4. 35. 38-520 4. 40. 0-096 4- 49- 49 - 767 5. o. 48-237 5- 8. 33-718 5- 9- I5-057 5. 19. 20-273 5. 26. 23-128 5. 27. 52-688 5. 30. 37-88o 5- 35- 39-979 5. 42. 32-342 5. 49. 12-969 5. 51. 27-586 5- 57- 25-973 s + 3-4221 + 3-1320 + 3'4"4 + 3-453I + 3-2276 + 3-3046 + 2-8901 + 3-5733 + 2-8778 + 3-5560 + 2-7929 + 3-5330 + 17-1263 + 3-48II + 2-9255 + 3-4009 + 3-4900 + 3-4333 + 3-5954 + 2-9966 + 3-8999 + 2-5366 + 4-4168 + 2-8815 + 3-7874 + 3-0637 + 2-6449 + 3-043I + 2-1713 + 2-8445 + 4-4055 s + 0-0184 + 0-0098 + 0-0171 + 0-0175 + 0-0483 + 0-0115 + 0-0130 + 0-0055 + 0-0189 + 0-0054 + 0-0177 + 0-0047 + 0-0153 + 1-7996 + 0-0138 + 0-0058 + 0-0115 + O-OI2O + 0-0105 + O-OI2I + 0-0055 + 0-0144 + 0-0033 + O-OI72 + 0-0039 + O-OO82 + 0-0038 + O-OO29 + 0-0035 + O-OO28 + O-OO27 + O-OO27 + 0-0041 + O-OO2I s 0-0025 0-0029 + 0-0095 + 0-0008 + 0-0015 0-0052 O-OOO2 0-0675 O-OOO2 0-0081 0-0004 + 0-0029 + 0-0053 + 0'OO22 + 0-0061 0-0006 + 0-0073 + 0-0070 + 0-0035 o-ooio O-OOO2 + 0-0006 + 0-0004 + 0-0079 O-OOI2 + 0-0013 0-0014 o-oon 0-0018 + 0-0050 0-0017 + 0-0008 0-0065 o-ooio 92 Ctjti a 57 Arietis 6 1 Arietis r 1 S.P 5 Tauri f 53 55 47-942 44-809 12-074 58-665 56-704 53-773 11-483 13-562 13-233 45-395 29-709 31-927 "565 36-469 38-520 0-096 49-767 48-242 33-847 I5-057 20-273 23-109 52-662 37-88o 32-348 12-969 25-980 47-928 44-826 12-057 58-691 56-695 53-802 11-485 13-184 45-4I5 29-683 3I-952 11-534 38-530 0-086 49-75I 48-230 33-72I I5-054 20-265 23-140 52-696 37-855 39-986 32-33I 12-967 27-586 25-964 1 8 Eridani ii Tauri 23 Eridani 34 Eridani y 1 37 Tauri A 1 Groombridge 750 S.P. 43 Tauri w 1 38 Eridani , o 1 54 Tauri y 74 Tauri t 87 Tauri a 94 Tauri T 57 Eridani u 3 AurigEe i 2 Leporis e 13 Auri^as .... a S.P 112 Tauri /3 58 Orionis a 33. A close double observed as one mass. The magnitude given in the Uranawetria Nora Ofoniennix is 4-2. The magnitudes of the components given in Struve's Afmntree Jfitrometrica are 6-0 and 5-7. 44. The designation in B. F. and the B. A. C. is y Eridani. 45. The magnitude given in the Uranometria A'ova Onmiemis is 4-8. 49. The magnitude given in the Urannmrtria A'nra Ofonicnsii is 3-6. 57. The magnitude given is taken from Struve's Jfenmtrip Jficnimi-trJere. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1891. {Til} Mean Date. 1880+ No. of Observations. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1890-0 deduced from Adopted Mean N.P.D. 1890-0. Annual Precession. 1890-0. Secular Variation. 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 1890-0. Star's Name. No. 1887 to 1891. lO-Year Catalogue. 1887 to 1891. I o- Year Cata- logue. 1887 to 1891. i o- Year Catalogue. 89-66 89-80 89-55 90-79 91-00 88-35 89-89 88-90 90-79 89-43 90-24 87-90 89-23 89-I3 90-59 9'35 89-55 89-24 89-27 89-32 89-42 90-12 89-87 88-46 89-56 91-08 88-12 89-26 89-79 89-38 91-22 88-11 9I-I5 87-87 89-22 88-01 88-96 82-09 82-67 82-26 82-33 8i-73 83-14 83-32 83-35 83-83 81-18 81-29 82-64 81-95 84-73 82-17 83-02 82-87 80-66 81-93 81-32 81-84 81-24 80-76 80-97 82-48 80-74 83-37 79-92 82-75 82-87 82-34 82-61 80-70 83-38 9 10 19 12 I II 21 7 6 8 14 14 12 13 47 10 8 12 12 35 9 10 7 4 2 3 ii J 9 ii 3 7 i 7 26 I 5 31 21 2 4 26 20 22 21 2O 15 15 33 13 24 12 21 13 23 13 53 28 ii 16 25 18 36 46 24 25 i? 15 16 43 9 27 O* 22 32-28 23-58 59-53 51-36 5I-5I 31-88 27-02 5f35 36-95 10-81 8-23 18-92 9-39 8-37 8-86 56-66 29-53 18-96 50-71 45-00 17-89 24-82 31-35 10-04 53'93 53-87 44-98 9-93 52-42 6-08 22-19 4-70 33-48 50-79 5i-44 53-94 0-60 32-15 23-19 60-41 51-92 31-75 27-16 52-33 36-65 II-IO 8-46 I9-5I 9-23 8-74 56-33 30-48 19-04 5f76 45-07 17-41 25-I3 3I-5I 10-28 53-28 45-68 10-51 52-40 6-47 21-74 0-67 33-92 5IT3 52-66 53-59 / // 69. 6. 0-40 86. 20. 32-28 70. 41. 23-58 69- 14- 59 53 40. 31. 51-80 81. 21. 31-88 77. 26. 27-02 99- 49- 5f76 65. I. 36-83 100. 8. 10-91 66. 14. 8-23 103. 49. 18-92 68. 13. 9-39 4- 44- 8-75 70. 40. 56-66 97. 7. 29-79 74. 38. 18-96 71. 3- 50-71 73. 42. 45-00 67. 15. 17-68 93. 27. 24-82 57. o. 31-41 112. 31. IO-22 44- 6. 53-40 98. 19. 44-98 61. 29. 9-93 90. 22. 52-42 107. 54. 6-39 91. 16. 22-03 124. 8. i -12 99. 42. 33-64 82. 36. 50-79 45- 3- 52-46 66. 43. 53-74 14-611 I4-394 13-846 13-231 I3-I2J 12-965 12-566 12-362 11-915 11-646 11-435 10-560 10-163 - 9-857 9-818 9-53I 8-984 8-300 7-706 7-215 6-859 6-045 5-122 4-464 4-405 3-539 2-930 2-802 2-564 2-125 1-527 0-944 0-747 0-224 + 0-347 + 0-323 + 0-365 + 0-383 + 0-473 + 0-364 + 0-380 + 0-337 + 0-423 + 0-346 + 0-430* + 0-350 + 0-448 + 2-179 + 0-446 + 0-379 + 0-447 + 0-466 + 0-465 + 0-492 + 0-413 + 0-544 + 0-360 + 0-629 + 0-412 + 0-545 + 0-443 + 0-383 + 0-441 + 0-316 + 0-411 + o-;73 + 0-642 + 0-532 -+- 0-006 + 0-073 0-005 + 0-030 + 0-033 + 0-068 O'OII o-oii + o-oii 0-743 4- 0-040 + o- 106 + 0-058 0-015 + 0-033 0-085 + 0-030 + 0-028 + 0-184 + 0-009 + O-O02 + 0-003 + 0-068 + 0-424 O-O05 + 0-180 -f- 0-035 o-oio 0-006 + 0-030 0-004 0-024 4- o-oii + 0-093 48 Arietis e 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5' 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 65 92 Ceti a 61 Arietis r 1 33 Persei a SP . I Tauri o 5 Tauri f 1 8 Eridani E 1 1 Taari 23 Eridani S 37 Tauri A' Groombridge 750 ... S.P. 43 Tauri w 1 38 EricHni ... o 1 ^ -l Tauri . . . . . . y 74 Tauri E 87 Tauri '< 57 Eridani ^ 13 Aurig03 a S.P.... 112 Tauri ji Columbu a 34 Aurigic j3 i Geminorum 59. The magnitude given in H. P. is 2-4; in the Uranometria, Xoca Oxonic/isis 2-0. The limits of magnitude are 2- 2 and 2 7. Auwers found a i6 d - period. Schonfeld a slight variation but no period, Chandler and Sawyer no fluctuation of light. 62. Authority for Proper Motion : Cape Catalogue 1880. 64. The magnitude given in H.P. iso-g. The limits of magnitude are I and 1-4; Argelander found period 196''-, Schonfeld thinks periodicity questionable. {viii} FIVE-YEAR CATALOGUE OF FUNDAMENTAL STARS, 1890-0, No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date, 1800+ No. of Observations. Seconds of Mean R.A. 18900 deduced from Adopted Mean R.A. 1890-0. Annual Precession 1890-0. Secular Variation. 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 1890-0. 1887 to 1891. 10- Year Catalogue. 1887 to 1891. 10- Year Cata- logue. 1887 to 1891. 10- Year Catalogue. 67 68 69 70 7i 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 02 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 67 Orionis v 4*4 Var. 3-0 3'2 2 -O 4'0 2'O 3'4 1'4 5'3 4-2 I'D Var. 4'i 1-9 5'4 3'J 3'I 1-6 o-5 1*1 3'4 7-1 5-0 2-9 3'8 5'9 5'5 4-8 3'6 3'2 4'3 89-19 89-99 88-92 89-38 89-63 89-33 89-09 89-21 89-64 89-84 89-10 90-6^ 91-32 89-32 88-70 90 i i 88-53 89-49 89-28 89-32 89-02 89-15 89-48 88-51 90-30 90-48 89-66 89-25 89-24 88-83 89-44 89-11 88-82 88-19 87-64 88-80 82-80 81-08 82-22 81-98 82-11 82-08 82-11 81-12 8i-75 82-30 81-56 81-97 82-43 81-62 78-61 81-83 82-57 82-04 80-82 81-64 81 58 81-68 81-26 83-42 82-21 82-12 82-77 82-48 8i-77 83-05 82-73 79-64 82-24 II 5 3 28 12 16 22 28 8 25 46 2 4 16 7 r 10 ii 9 8 32 3i 26 8 49 104 20 7 21 9 15 12 II 3 i 14 31 24 5 36 20 40 69 40 34 192 H 20 29 10 4 31 30 35 22 74 88 84 13 6 36 20 31 22 15 28 15 6 18 i 17-427 14-231 5-354 18-298 5 1 290 25-882 21-396 6-890 18-075 46-624 46-016 4-737 18-081 35-037 46-844 55-I30 3-249 33-168 11-074 34-504 34-85I 32-668 35-073 40-011 5I-I75 51-670 45'697 5i-5t9 32-938 3-859 20-833 55-189 56-970 40-489 40-504 28-257 s 17-433 14-237 5-425 18-300 51-287 25-859 21-403 6-906 18-124 46-054 4-690 18-126 35-041 46-865 55-108 3-254 33-182 11-094 34-488 34-868 32-645 35-056 40-085 50-076 45-679 51-516 32-940 3-891 20-815 55-211 57-028 40-439 28-279 h m s 6. i. 17-427 6. 8. 14-235 6. 16. 5-390 6. 16.- 18-298 6. 17. 51-290 6. 22. 25-882 6. 31. 21-396 6. 39. 6-890 6. 40. 18-101 6. 48. 46-230 6. 49- 4-700 6. 54. 18-113 6. 57. 35-037 6. 58. 46-850 7- 3. 55-"5 7- 7. 3-249 7. 13. 33-168 7. 21. 11-084 7. 27. 34-497 7. 27. 34-851 7. 33. 32-668 7. 38. 35-073 7. 44. 40-031 7. 46. 51-511 7. 56. 45-697 8. 2. 51-518 8. 10. 32-938 8. 17. 3-872 8. 26. 20-833 8. 36. 55-I89 8. 40. 56-970 8. 51. 40-469 8. 52. 28-257 + 3-4253 + 3-6270 + 2-3021 + 3-6268 + 2-6420 + 3-5642 + 3-4646 + 3-3770 + 2-6810 + 29-9647 + 2-7971 + 2-3574 + 3-5626 + 2-7146 + 2-4396 + 3'44/S + 3-5898 + 3-2601 + 3-85I5 + 3-85I5 + 3-I909 + 3-7265 + 2-5236 + 68-8244 + 3-6957 + 2-5611 + 3-2614 + 3-4462 + 3-4806 + 3-4880 + 3-I946 + 4-1780 + 3-2849 + 0-0017 + 0-0007 + 0-0019 0-0004 + 0-0016 0-0009 0-0015 o-ooiS + o-ooio 2-4159 + 0-0004 + 0-0013 0-0051 + 0-0005 + o-oon 0-0049 0-0073 0-0041 0-0134 0-0134 0-0041 0-0128 + 0-0009 32-4007 0-0148 + 0-0009 0-0071 - 0-0114 0-0131 0-0143 0-0071 0-0446 0-0098 $ 0-0003 0-0050 o-oooi + 0-0037 O'OOI5 0-OO22 + 0-0023 0-0087 0-0372 0-0403 0-0105 O'OOII o-ooii 0-0018 0-0015 + 0-0003 0-0025 0-0042 0-0151 0-0151 7 Geminorum ij I Canis Majoris 2 Canis Majoris /3 24 Geminorum y 31 Geminorum Cephei 51 (Hev.) ... S P 14 Canis Majoris ... . 9 21 Canis Majoris E 43 Geminorum 23 Canis Majoris .. y 25 Canis Majoris d 55 Geminoruin o 3 Canis Mmoris /3 66 Geminorum a 1 66 Geminorum cr 10 Canis Minoris ... . a 78 Geminorum (3 0-0474 0-0481 o-ooii 0-0025 0-0075 0-0044 0-0053 0-0039 0-0087 0-0135 0-0441 + o-ooio Groombridge 1119 S.P. 15 Argus p 17 Cancri ft 33 Cancri T; S.P. ... 65 Cancri a 68. The limits of magnitude are 3-2 and 3-7 4-2 : the period 229 d -i. 72. The magnitude given in the I'ranomrtria yarn Ofpnientis is 4-3. 75. The magnitude given in the Unatomefria AVra Oxonientii is + 2 -o in the notation of that work, which corresponds to I -o, i.e., 2 magnitudes brighter than a standard first magnitude star. The corrections applied to the R. A. and N. P. D. of a Canis Majoris for the effect of orbital motion to reduce the observations of 1887-1891 to the epoch 1890 are + o'-oo? and o'-cog respectively, and from 1880, the epoch of the Ten- Year Catalogue, to 1890 are + o s 'i66 and o"-83 respectively. These corrections are derived from Auwers' Elements (Attronomischs A'aclirickti-n, Vol. 129). 79. The limits of magnitude are 3-7 and 4-5 : the period io d - 3!". 4i m -$. PROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROTAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1891. {ixj Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Observations. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1890-0 deduced from Adopted Mean N.P.D. iScjo-o. Annual Precession. 1890-0. Secular Variation. 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 1 890 o. Star's Name. No. 1887 to 1891. jo-Year Catalogue. 1887 to 1891. 10-Year Cata- logue. 1887 to 1891. io- Year Catalogue. 89-4 89-14 89-11 89-8; 89-80 89-83 88-68 89-48 89-39 89-38 89-49 90-65 91-05 88-71 88-30 90- 1 r 90- 10 89-28 89-08 88-60 89-12 89-05 89-45 88-47 90-13 90-56 89-68 89-56 89-48 88-63 89-13 90-01 89-64 88-19 87-64 88-84 82-82 81-22 82-22 82-15 82-76 82-50 82-64 80-46 81-91 82-25 81-70 82-17 81-68 82-43 78-61 81-47 8i-53 83-33 80-66 80-97 81-29 80-88 80-52 82-56 83-78 82-16 83-56 81-64 82-02 82-36 82-93 79-64 81-36 8 4 3 rfi 6 14 25 22 7 88 '77 2 2 14 6 i 3 10 14 12 2 4 22 18 3 36 79 4 7 15 15 13 i? 2 3 i IO 21 I? 5 24 ii 3i 54 21 43 595 IO i? 39 13 4 24 45 25 27 67 ?i 78 13 13 24 15 18 13 ii 40 16 6 28 // 9-44 43-69 53-93 50-43 7-32 7-98 26-98 u-43 59-22 54-40 54-88 5-58 21-96 8-48 16-54 10-45 18-40 57-21 23-01 19-13 15-36 36-22 31-91 3-8i 25-81 26-31 51-90 16-06 33-93 54-70 8-77 11-65 41-16 37-22 38-99 1-36 ti 8-67 43-86 54-26 50-61 7-02 8-29 27-37 11-74 58-42 54-96 4-93 22-55 8-62 16-76 8-71 18-33 57-01 22-90 18-50 I5-33 36-35 3f56 3-38 26-30 52-39 15-72 33-84 55-13 8-68 11-29 41-16 37-07 1-09 / '1 75- 13- 9-14 67. 27. 43-81 120. o. 54-10 67. 25. 50-43 107. 54. 7-22 69. 43. 7-98 73. 30. 26-98 76. 59. 11-43 106. 33. 58-73 2. 46. 54-72 101. 54. 5-12 1 1 8. 49. 22-44 69. if,. 8-48 105. 28. 16-61 116. 13. 9-29 73- 39- 18-34 67. 48. 57-21 81. 29. 23-01 57- 52. I9T3 57- 52- I5-36 84. 29. 36-22 61. 42. 31-91 114- 35- 3-5i I. 2. 26-15 61. 53. 51-90 H3. 59- I5-94 80. 28. 33-93 71. 18. 54-70 69. i:. 8-77 68. 8. 11-65 83. io. 41-16 41- 31. 37-15 77- 43. 1-36 a + 0-113 + 0-721 + 1-406 + 1-426 + i-56i + 1-960 + 2-736 + 3-405 + 3-509 + 4-237 + 4-262 + 4-708 + 4-985 + 5-087 + 5-52I + 5-784 + 6-326 + 6-956 + 7-478 + 7-478 + 7-960 + 8-363 + 8-844 + 9-013 + 9-78i + 10-243 + 10-815 + 11-290 + 11-952 + 12-682 + 12-954 + 13-656 + 13-707 // + 0-500 + 0-528 + 0-334 + 0-527 + 0-384 + 0-517 + 0-500 + 0-484 + 0-384 + 4-270 + 0-397 + 0-332 + 0-502 + 0-381 + 0-340 + 0-479 + 0-495 + 0-444 + 0-519 + 0-519 + 0-424 + 0-491 + 0-327 + 8-961 + 0-467 + 0-317 + 0-397 + 0-411 + 0-^03 + 0-390 + 0-351 + 0-442 + 0-345 + 0-013 + 0-003 O-OI2 + o-toi 0-003 + O-O06 + 0-035 + 0-195 + I-I99 + 0-05I + 0-003 O-OI7 o-ooi + 0-003 0-007 + 0-033 0-003 + 0-030 + 0-079 + 0-079 + 1-027 + 0-051 0-024 + 0-039 0-061 + 0-041 + O-022 + 0-047 + 0-033 + 0-023 + 0-247 + 0-022 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 i Canis Majoris ? 2 Canis Majoris ft 18 Geminorum v 9 Canis Minoris a Cephei 5 1 (Hev ) SP . 14 Canis Majoris 9 21 Canis Majoris e 23 Canis Majoris y 25 Canis Majoris c 5 5 Geminorum d 3 Canis Minoris /3 io Canis Minoris a 78 Geminornm /3 Groombridge 1119... if S -P- 17 Cancri (3 20 Cancri d* ii Hydra? S.P. ... 85, 86. The magnitudes given in B. D. are 8-6 and 1-7. 87. The corrections applied to the R. A. and N. P. D. of a Cams Minoris for the effect of orbital motion to reduce the observations of 1887 1891 to the epoch 1890 are + o s -oog and + o'-o? respectively, and from 1880 the epoch of the Ten- Year Catalogue to 1890 are + 05-099 and + o"-o6 respectively. The corrections are derived from Auwers' Elements (AttT6%omiteM A'achrichteit, Vol. 129). 89. This star is designated Navis in B. F. 92. This star is designated i Navis in B. F., and 15 Arfrfls in the Xuntlcal Almanac. SO 11426. GREENWICH FIVE-YEAB CATALOGUE. {*} FIVE-YEAR CATALOGUE OF FUNDAMENTAL STARS, 1890-0, No. Star's Xaine. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Observations. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1890-0 deduced from Adopted Mean R.A. 1890-0. Annual Precession. 1890-0. Secular Variation. 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 1890-0. 1887 to 1891. io-Year Catalogue. 1887 to 1891. I o- Year Cata- logue. 1887 to 1891. 10- Year Catalogue. IOO 101 102 103 104 105 1 06 107 108 109 no in 112 "3 114 "5 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 12? 128 129 130 131 5"o 6-6 4-6 2'0 S' 3'8 3'i +1 ;-o J'4 "> i 4' 1 4-0 7-7* 5'3 5' 2-0 4'7 2-8 3'9 5-0 4"i 4'5 2'2 3'7 2-6 4'4 4'3 3'i 4' 1 6-3 88-79 88-97 89-92 93-88 83-69 > 89-33 89-29 89-14 89-31 89'44 89-45 89-74 90-29 89-31 89-27 89-42 89-57 89-12 89-61 89-80 89-32 89-28 89-00 89-14 ri 8 ' 37 89 80 89-01 89-33 90-02 90-31 91-30 89-50 89-15 89-35 89-41 90-07 89-96 81-68 82-29 84-19 82-66 81-57 82-16 81-66 82-44 82-72 81-16 82-35 80-71 83-02 82-20 82-21 81-77 83-22 82-49 82-98 81-73 81-86 82-47 82-25 82-39 82-36 83-04 82-31 82-46 82-61 82-73 83-00 79-75 16 i? 19 15 '4 . II II 15 12 8 38 28 6 3 9 II 9 12 3 f) 13 16 9 12 I 3 7 22 7 5 ID 8 4 9 48 54 20 27 10 29 18 28 31 -4 28 66 55 8 22 33 22 29 25 51 26 43 26 33 32 33 72 26 34 27 2 5 29 31 3 47-349 50-473 21-791 2I-678 IO-878 0-953 16-745 36-40S 30-420 23-994 30-8=4 54-45I 54^83 46-I52 I-I35 56-66I 28-504 52-756 56-2I2 56-233 20-540 I5-482 50-4I5 16-793 52-078 52-208 I8-928 26-905 57-868 2-568 2-611 H' T 45 36-322 27-999 16-631 22-157 20-815 s 47-317 50-505 21-626 10-883 0-978 16-762 36-427 30-390 24-006 30-800 54x445 54-694 46-184 I-IIO 56-631 28-483 52-744 56-113 20-570 15-486 50-428 16-797 52-090 18-959 26-907 57-9II 2 ' 590 I4-I2I 36-3I8 28-009 16-635 2I-SI2 h m s 9. I.47-349 9. 12.50-473 9.21 21-741 9. 22. 10-878 9.26. 0-953 9.35.I6-745 9. 39.36-408 9. 46. 30-420 9. 54.24-000 10. 2. 30-804 10. 13. 54-451 to. 13. 54-686 10. 20. 46- 177 10. 27. I -124 10. 36. 56-661 10.43.28-495 10. 54. 52-756 10.56.56-143 10.59.20-540 n. 8. 15-482 11. 13. 50-421 II. 22 16-793 II. 24. 52-I07 11.31. 18-945 II.43.25-905 11.44.57-890 11.48. 2-586 11.55. 14-145 II.59-36 - 320 12. 4. 28-007 12. 14. 16-633 12. 14. 21-446 s + 3-2567 + 3-3649 + 9-0019 + 2-9504 + 3-2461 + 3-2172 + 3'4!92 + 3-4395 + 3-I775 + 3-2179 + 3-294; + 3-2945 + 2-9088 + 3-1643 + 3-1069 + 3-I589 + 3 ' looo + 3-7655 + 3-I2I2 + 3-1882 + 3-0349 4- 3-0857 + 3-63I3 + 3-0718 + 3-0987 + 3-0762 + 3-I695 + 3-0760 + 3-0729 + 3-0830 + 3-0726 + 0-2341 s 0-0094 0-0134 0-7840 0-0014 O-QIOO 0-0092 0-0179 0-0197 0-0081 o-oioi 0-0148 0-0148 + 0-0040 0-0080 0-0046 0-008 i 0-0038 0-0819 0-0056 0-0132 -4- 0-0064 0-0021 - 0-1115 s 0-0028 0-0090 0-0173 0-0019 0-0076 0-0104 0-0043 0-0185 0-0040 0-0182 + 0-0208 -f- 0-0208 0-0098 0-0012 0-0090 0-0015 0-0018 0-0180 0-0255 + 0-0102 0-0106 o-ooio 0-0085 0-0018 0-0356 4- 0-0481 + 0-0098 0-0028 0-0159 0-0059 0-0056 0-0831 83 Cancri Piazzi IX 37 S.P. ... 30 Hydfc a 5 Leonis 41 Leonis ....'. y l 34 Sextantis S.P. ... 12 Crateris $ 84 Leonis r S.P. . 94 Leonis /3 0-0073 0-0003 0-0432 O-OO22 0-0031 + 0-0142 -4- 0-0027 + 0-8601 S.P. ... 8 Virg inis TT 9 Virginis o 2 Corvi E 15 Virginis 1) Bradley 1672 S.P.... no, in. The magnitudes given in Struve's Mrnsiirtp Afirrnmetrlcaf are 2 o and 3-5. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1891. (xi) Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Observations. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1890-0 deduced from Adopted Mean N.P.D. 1890-0. Annual Precession. 1890-0. Secular Variation. 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 1890-0. Star's Name. -No. 1887 to 1891. 10- Year Catalogue. 1887 to 1891. 10- Year Cata- logue. 1887 to 1891. 10- Year Catalogue. 89-55 89-32 89-97 go-go 89-75 88-84 89-17 89-03 88-92 88-95 8g'3'"> 89 4 87 go- 26 90-27 89-29 89-35 88-93 88-98 89-40 89-80 89-87 89-28 89-57 89-76 89-32 89-80 89-13 89-21 90-31 90-31 91-30 89-62 88-44 89-65 89-37 90-09 89-89 83-04 82-16 84-78 82-23 82-86 82-72 81-51 82-29 82-46 80-88 83-01 81-63 83-02 Si -99 83-21 83-83 82-83 82-15 83-79 81-74 82-94 82-33 82-00 81-71 82-24 83-64 82-19 82-92 83-11 82-88 83-53 79-75 17 12 23 22 II 8 H 8 29 4 29 15 5 8 9 10 14 7 8 2 H 21 9 20 8 9 12 24 10 5 2 30 18 6 10 4i 44 37 3i 13 30 15 28 27 39 21 Bi 5o ii 21 29 29 41 36 101 23 .64 21 44 60 47 52 32 35 22 22 2O 33 2 it 22-68 43-62 17-96 17-78 55-73 48-80 27-50 10-67 31-13 42-67 43-56 8-61 10 -80 30-62 39-45 32-27 23-25 31-68 10-64 20-16 10-16 25-38 0-14 17-14 43-30 42-63 59-40 47-29 55-69 37-28 37-28 2O'6l 22-41 29-49 19-63 .M-97 25-45 i 22-65 43'29 17-96 56-01 48-27 27-63 10-71 31-25 42-49 44-09 8-80 10-24 30-29 39-4I 32-49 22-58 3I-57 19-40 10-32 25-44 0-44 17-15 42-95 59-52 47-40 55-63 37-10 20-30 21-97 29-08 I9-54 24-76 / // 78. 53. 22-68 71. 49. 43-62 8. ii. 17-87 98. 10. 55-73 78. 12. 48-62 79. 36. 27-50 65. 43. 10-69 63. 28. 3I-I3 81. 25. 42-07 77- 29. 43-56 69. 36. 8-61 69. 36. 10-59 106. 1 6. 30-49 80. 7. 39-43 85. 50. 32-27 78. 52. 23-25 85. 47. 31-61 27. 39. 19-67 82. 4. 10-16 68. 52. 25-38 104. n. 0-25 86. 32. 17-14 20. 3. 43-12 90. 12. 59-40 74. 48. 47-29 87. 36. 55- 6 9 35- 4i- 37-18 82. 46. 20-61 80. 39. 22-41 112. 0. 29-30 90. 3. 19-63 I. 41. 25-22 + 14-290 + I4-952 + I5-439 + 15-484 + 15-695 + 16-187 + 16-407 + 16-747 + 17-117 + I7-476 + I7-943 + 17-941 + 18-203 + 18-426 + 18-751 + 18-946 + 19-250 + 19-299 + I9-355 + '9-545 + 19-648 + 19-783 + 19-818 + 19-897 + 20-002 + 2O-OIO + 20-027 + 2O-O49 + 20-OJ3 + 20-049 + 20-014 + 20-015 // + 0-328 + 0-322 + 0-831 + 0-268 + 0-289 + 0-271 + 0-281 + 0-270 + 0-235 + 0-224 + 0-208 + 0-208 + 0-171 + 0-175 + 0-154 + 0-144 + 0-119 + 0-143 + 0-II2 + 0-097 + O'OSO + 0-066 + 0-074 + 0-048 + 0-025 + 0-022 + O-OI? + O-OO2 0-O07 0-016 0-036 O'OII // 0-009 + 0-139 + O'O2O O'O52 + 0-060 + 0-018 + 0-ODS + 0-045 + o-oit o-oiS + 0-136 + 0-136 + o-o5i o-oii 0-033 + 0-020 + O-OI2 + 0-071 + 0-022 + 0-115 0-209 + o-oo5 + 0-0:7 0-047 + 0-098 + 0-262 0-008 + 0-017 0-049 O-O2I + 0-O22 o'O/G 76 Cancri K IOO IOI 1 02 103 104 105 1 06 107 108 109 no III 112 H3 114 H5 116 "7 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 83 Cancri S.P. ... 14 Loonis o 17 Loonis t ^.j. Leonis // 29 Leonis TT 32 Leonis a 42 Hydra? ft 47 Leonis ~. p 34 Sextantis 53 Leonis I 58 Leonis d 50 Ursce Majoris a S.P.... 68 Leonis 6 84 Leonis r i Draconis X ., S.P. . .. Qj. Leonid .. .../3 64 Ursa) Majoris y S.P. ... 8 Virginis TT 9 Virginis o 2 Corvi E Bradley 1672 S.P. ... 122. The magnitude given in the Uranometria Nora Oxonicnsis is 3-8. 126. The magnitude given in the Uranometria Xova, Ozon'u-nsis ia 2-3. SO 1142R {xii} FIVE-YEAR CATALOGUE OP FUNDAMENTAL STARS, 1890-0, No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Observations. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1890-0 deduced from Adopted Mean R.A. 1890-0. Annual Precession. 1890-0. Secular Variation. 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 1890-0. 1887 to 1891. lO-Year Catalogue 1887 to 1891. 10- Year Cata- logue. 1887 to 1891. lO-Year Catalogue. 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 H3 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 ijl 132 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 7 Corvi S 2 3'i 2-8 2-8 S'l 6-7* 5' 3'7 3-2 3'o 4'4 1-2 3'5 5*3 4'5 2-O 2'9 4'4 6-8 3-6 4'3 O'O 5'4 3'6 3-0 3'o 5;8 2-1 3'6 4'5 4'9 2-7 7-1 89-28 88-91 88-23 89-30 89-35 88-48 89-55 89-18 89-31 88-32 89-25 89-88 89-54 89-29 89-64 90-08 89-34 90-14 89-48 88-01 90-69 88-35 89-53 88-68 88-81 89-59 89-27 89-22 89-21 90'43 89-30 89-71 89-51 90-24 90-47 82-03 82-79 8i-37 81-22 82-57 81-72 81-81 82-52 78-93 81-96 82-63 81-51 82-60 82-87 81-52 . 82-09 81-11 82-32 80-68 83-27 83-12 82-30 82-41 82-94 82-20 81-31 81-59 81-56 80-07 81-84 83-42 82-16 86-81 18 8 5 i i? ii 7 16 4 17 21 39 40 21 18 3 16 10 6 5 3 7 5o 6 7 21 5 7 3 3 12 6 8 53 30 20 18 16 9 19 27 33 36 22 69 49 162 77 32 26 39 5 24 13 34 19 141 26 29 55 25 14 54 7 20 25 25 3 10-322 36-519 5-oi3 5-157 18-985 15-324 20-408 3-728 52-895 42-056 15-216 23-845 5-233 50-250 2-057 12-347 26-804 2-851 28-225 24-658 24-776 I -606 38-629 20-338 5-329 io-955 47-56I 47-939 1-582 48-I33 43-937 57-008 5-I83 50-203 49-427 s 10-332 36-514 5-047 5-221 18-983 15-314 20-420 3-709 52-907 42-038 15-246 23-820 5-238 50-255 2-071 12-368 26-797 2-845 28-244 24-648 1-631 38-618 20-354 5-338 10-954 47-550 47-916 1-812 48-141 43-884 57-034 5-214 49-534 h in a 12. 24. 10-322 12. 28. 36-517 12.36. 5-028 12.36. 5-203 12. 36. 18-985 12.42. 15-324 12.46. 20-415 12.50. 3-728 12. 50. 52-904 12. 56.42-056 13. 4.15-216 13.19.23-845 13.29. 5-233 I3.35.50-250 13.42. 2-057 13.43. 12-361 13.49. 26-804 13.56. 2-85I 14. 0.28-23I 14. 1.24-673 14. 7. 1-617 14. 10. 38-629 14.21.20-347 14-27. 5-334 14.40. 10-955 I4-44.47-556 14.50.47-931 14.51. 1-789 14.57.48-137 I4-59.43-937 15. 5.57-021 15. ii. 5-196 15. 12.49-923 5 + 3-II26 + 3-I424 + 3-0756 + 3-0756 + 3-0320 + 3-0546 + 2-9289 + 3-0523 + 2-8348 + 3-0055 + 3-I046 + 3-I574 + 3-0727 + 3-I502 + 2-8853 + 2-3824 + 2-8615 + 3-0490 + 3-1712 + 1-6303 + 3-I935 + 2-8132 + 2-7953 + 2-5944 + 2-6239 + 3-3i8i + 3-2481 0-2237 + 2-2636 + 2-5835 + 3-4I34 + 3-2289 21-2694 s + 0-0119 + 0-0164 + 0-0043 + 0-0043 0-0016 + 0-OO2I 0-0097 + 0-0026 0-0152 0-0007 + 0-0078 -f 0-0115 -4- 0-0064 4- 0-0107 0-0007 0^0104 0-0006 + 0-0065 -+- 0-0115 + 0-0048 + 0-0123 4- 0-0004 -f 0-0009 ' 0-0016 O'OOOO + 0-0155 + 0-0130 + o- 1018 o-oooo -4- O'OOII 4- 0-0171 -4- 0-0118 + 7-3060 \ 0-0142 0-0033 0-0385 0-0385 + 0-0033 0-0030 0-0027 0-0336 O'O22O 0-OI92 0-0043 0-0044 0-0205 0-0085 0-0346 O-OII5 0-0049 O-OOO5 0-0032 O-OO92 0-O004 0-0799 o'-oo57 0-0085 0-0043 0-0093 0-0019 0-0077 0-0048 0-0145 0-0037 0-0079 9 Corvi /3 29 Virginia y 1 31 Comae 43 Virginis S 12 Canum Venaticum..a 51 Virginis 9 67 Virginis a 79 Virginis 82 Virginis in 85 Ursao Majoris r\ 8 Bootis i] 93 Virginis r ii Draconis a S.P 16 Bootis a 22 Bootis .f 25 Bootis p 36 Bootis e* 9 Libra; a 15 Libra r 7 Ursa3 Minoris /3 S.P. ... 42 Bootis /3 43 Bootis ^ 24 Libra? t 1 27 Librse . /3 (Jroombridge 2283 ... S.P. ... J 34> '35- The magnitude of each star in Struve's Mensural Uticrometriccc is 3-0. 139. The magnitude given in the Uranometria Noea Oxonieniit is 3-5. 140. The magnitude given is taken from Struve's Maiuurce Micrometricts. XpSE LIB?', f* or THK * ff y\ rUNIVERSITYj FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1891. {ti} Mean Dato 1800+ No. of Observations. Seconds of Mean y.P.D. 1890-0 deduced from Adopted Mean N.P.D. 1 890 o. Annual Precession. 1890-0. Secular Variation. 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 1890-0. Star's Name. No. 1887 to 1891. 10- Year Catalogue. 1887 to 1891. io-Year Cata- logue. 1887 to 1891. io-Year Catilogue. go' 06 88-69 89-12 89-33 89-54 89-09 89-06 89-68 88-64 88-23 89-32 90-05 89-85 90-18 88-90 89-44 89-32 89-67 89-5; 87-78 89-27 89-43 89-12 88-23 90-14 89-22 88-73 88-67 89-40 88-93 90-19 89-21 90-44 87-93 90-17 90-45 82-30 81-23 S3-20 81-79 81-35 82-29 81-40 82-07 79-07 82-40 83-43 80-56 82-52 33-77 82-45 82-08 81-92 83-82 80-69 82-89 83-64 81-66 82-09 81-7.' 82-:: 82-79 82-02 81-70 80-36 82-22 82-95 82-86 86-23 19 8 7 4 14 9 8 21 6 9 23 19 30 15 17 2 33 18 7 14 9 26 63 21 9 19 15 1 1 17 4 4 14 14 43 22 27 ID 32 14 13 18 22 19 40 52 25 86 36 29 21 4 2 59 33 I? 77 34 184 28 27 7i 47 12 98 9 21 27 5 11-14 18-20 43-60 48-91 29-21 35-42 38-27 16-83 14-91 58-24 5-92 13-42 59-87 52-00 41-49 15-61 2-71 22-29 59-60 53-86 53-83 4f32 40-83 41-82 43-82 42-30 3-88 5r32 41-61 42-14 31-81 23-48 30-26 36-29 41-43 4I-54 II 'OJ 18-81 43-I5 48-52 29-35 35 '39 38-25 17-01 15-04 58-50 6-22 I3-42 59-63 51-74 41'47 I5-30. 2-28 22-39 59-19 53-82 41-14 40-80 41-94 43-67 42-40 3-79 55-21 41-66 30-50 23-65 29-97 36-10 41-65 a / 105. 54. 11-14 112. 47. 18-40 90. JO. 43-36 90. jO. 48-66 79. 9. 29-41 85- 49- 35-4I 61. 51. 38-26 86. o. 16-83 5i- 5- I4-99 78. 26. 58-39 94- 57- 5-92 100. 35. 13-42 90. i. 59-87 98. 8. 52-00 71. 59. 41-49 40. 8. 15-33 71. 3. 2-71 87. 55. 22-29 98. 21. 59-45 25- 5- 53-85 99- 45- 41-32 70. 14. 40-83 70. 16. 41-82 59. 8. 43-75 62. 27. 42-30 105. 35- 3'88 ioo. 57. 55-32 15. 23. 41-68 49. 10. 31-08 62. 37. 23-48 109. 22. 30-26 98. 58. 36-20 2. 20. 41-47 + 19-942 + 19-897 + 19-805 + 19-805 + 19-802 + 19-713 + 19-645 + I9-577 + 19-561 + 19-442 + 19-271 + 18-863 + 18-557 + 18-326 +18-098 + 18-054 + 17-810 + I7-53S + I7-346 + 17-305 + 17-051 + 16-882 + 16-360 + 16-064 + I5-352 + 15-089 + I4-738 + 14-724 + 14-314 + 14-197 + 13-807 + 13-47* + 13-365 0-055 0-065 0-078 0-078 0-077 0-089 0-093 0-104 0-099 0-115 0-133 0-163 0-177 0-193 0-188 0-159 0-199 O-222 0-239 0-127 0-2J2 0-228 0*242 0-233 0-252 0-324 0-327 + 0-01? 0-237 O'272 0-366 0-354 + 2-318 + 0-146 + 0-052 0-015 0-015 + 0-088 + 0-006 + 0-018 + 0-047 0-066 0-029 + 0-037 + 0-018 0-056 0-046 0-040 + 0-014 + 0-344 + 0-033 o-oi: 0-016 0-141 + 1-977 0-029 0-125 o-ooi + 0-072 0-006 + 0-005 + 0-036 + 0-008 + 0-042 + 0-017 7 Corvi ..P 132 133 134 135 136 '37 138 139 140 HI 142 H3 H4 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 9 Corvi /3 30 Virginia p 12 C'aimm Venaticum a 47 Virerinis .., ...e .4 Bootis T 85 Ursa; Majoris i/ 8 Bootis ij SP 22 Bootis i /' 7 Ursae Minoris /3 S.P. ... 42 Bootis ft 24 Libras t 1 27 Libra? ft Groombridge 2283 ... S.P. ... 143. The magnitude given in the Uranometria jVora Oxonicntii is I'o. 153. The magnitude given in the UranowKtria Nova Oxonientit is 0-3. 156. The magnitude given is taken from Struve's Menrurce Micrvmeirica;. {xiv} FIVE-YEAR CATALOGUE OP FUNDAMENTAL STABS, 1890-0, No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Observations. Seconds of Mean K.A. 1890-0 deduced from Adopted Mean K.A. 1890-0. Annual Precession. 1890-0. Secular Variation. 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 1890-0. 1887 to 1891. 10- Year Catalogue. 1887 to 1891. lO-Year Cata- logue. 1887 to 1891. lO-Year Catalogue. 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 1 80 181 182 183 184 185 1 86 187 1 88 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 6-3* 6-2 2-4 2-7 3'7 4'5 4-0 2'O 2-8 3-8 2-8 I-I 4-0 2-8 3-1 3-4 4-0 4-5 2-6 Var. 3'4 4'4 3-0 2-2 2-9 3'5 5-6 2-4 3'9 4'i 4'3 3'4 90-19 89-04 Sg-73 89-66 89-31 89-22 88-78 89-13 89'95 89-08 89- 10 90-31 89-69 89-36 89-43 89-35 88-54 89-31 87-94 91-03 89-22 89-42 89-16 89-60 88-53 87-96 89-37 89-64 89-61 88-93 90-69 89-17 90-51 88-98 90-03 89-47 83-04 82-71 82-19 82-75 82-94 82-82 ' 82-00 83-37 82-10 82-41 82-31 81-84 83-38 81-97 80-87 82-26 82-33 83-46 82-54 82-48 8o-73 82-60 82-73 82-96 82-88 82-88 82-07 81-99 82-30 82-09 82-35 83-55 5 10 4i 16 15 4 4 15 12 19 18 I II 9 12 17 II 8 3 2 16 20 8 18 8 I 32 *9 15 9 12 36' 7 59 30 34 H i? 59 34 3i 16 31 25 25 39 3 28 I? 3 48 47 32 13 25 36 22 32 26 77 59 61 19 48 85 23 198 49 8 53-603 3-134 J'797 50-965 I9-929 59-665 59-942 22-32I 2-346 34-789 4-007 29-920 39-722 21-868 6-053 8-325 27-654 4-797 14-900 15-639 4-097 37-864 15-142 3-364 56-806 56-708 49-662 2-268 9-165 58-889 3-039 8-047 11-051 47-598 47-321 37-022 ti 53-6i8 3-137 1-799 50-929 19-906 59-633 22-288 2-412 34-798 4-020 30-080 39-707 2 I ' 890 6-046 8-349 27-641 4-829 15-207 4-I25 37-859 15-213 3-36i 56-787 49-661 2-270 9-156 58-93I 3-090 8-042 11-052 47-332 37-028 h in s 15. 1 6. 53-610 15- 22. 3-134 ID- 30. 1-797 15. 38. 50-965 15. 45. 19-929 15- 47- 59-747 15. 51. 22-321 15. 59. 2-346 16. 8. 34-789 16. 17. 4-007 iC. 22. 30-070 16. 22. 39-722 16. 25. 21-875 16. 31. 6-053 16. 37. 8-325 16. 52. 27-654 16. 56. 4-813 16. 57. 15-200 17. 4. 4-097 17. 9. 37-864 17. 15. 15-172 I?. 21, 3-364 17. 27. 56-792 17. 29. 49-662 17. 38. 2-268 17. 42. 9-165 17. 50. 58-904 17. 54. 3-039 18. 2. 8-047 18. 7. 11-051 18. 7. 47-505 18. 15. 37-022 s + 3-3388 + 3-3748 + 2-5300 + 2-9429 + 2-9789 2-2627 + 2-7474 + 3-4816 + 3-1429 + 2-6481 + 0-8050 + 3-6715 + 3-0249 + 3-2984 + 2-2971 + 2-8573 + 2-2975 6-3448 + 3-4344 + 2-7347 + 3-6809 + 2-9749 + 1-3545 + 2-7753 + 2-9651 + 2-3702 + 2-4190 + 1-3923 + 1-8476 + 3-5878 -19-4056 + 3-1406 s 4 0-0142 s 0-0025 O'OOIO + 0-0085 + 0-0079 + 0-0068 + 0-003 + 0-0194 0-0026 0-0049 0-0049 + 0-006 O-OO22 0-0027 0-0007 0-0356 O'O2I2 0-OO47 + O-OOgO -f- 0-0003 0-0019 0-0024 0-0017 O-OO2O -f- 0-0066 0-0041 0-0244 + 0-0003 0-0018 0-0056 0-0014 + 0-0:51 0-0400 32 Librje Z* -+- 0-0148 + 0-0024 + 0-0062 + 0-0066 + 0-2027 + 0-0043 + 0-0142 + 0-0081 + 0-0039 + 0-0187 + 0-0150 -f 0-0063 + 0-0087 + 0-0033 + 0-0044 + 0-0032 + 0-3092 + 0-0073 + 0-0035 + 0-0080 -+ 0-0038 + 0-0051 + 0-0029 + 0-0030 + 0-0025 + 0-0024 -+- 0-0031 -f o'ooin + 0-0009 0-2230 -+ 0-0009 S.P. ... 41 Se rpcntis y 8 Scorpii /3' SP 13 Ophiuchi 27 OpMuchi K S.P. ... 35 Ophiuc i rj SP S.P. ... 172. The magnitude given is taken from Struve's Memurce Micrometrine. 174. The magnitude given in the Uranomctria Nova Ozoniemis is 3 6, 179. The magnitude given in the Uranometria Nova Oxoniemis is 2-6. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1891. {xvj Mean Date. 1 8oo-|- No. Observ 1887 to 1891. of 11 inn-. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1890-0 deduced from Adopted Mean N.P.D. 1890-0. Annual Precession. 1890-0. Secular Variation. 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 1890-0. Star's Name. No. 1887 to 1891. to- Year Catalogue. io- Year Cata- logue. 1887 to 1891. io- Year Catalogue. 90-08 89-41 89-50 90-35 89-56 89-46 89-01 89-09 90-23 88-77 88-49 88-36 90-88 90-19 89-59 89-45 89-27 89-21 88-56 89-32 89-40 89-65 89-50 89-30 89-36 88-47 87-96 89'39 89-86 89-13 89-21 90-72 88-80 90-82 89-32 89-26 89-41 83-74 82-74 82-16 81-96 83-52 82-86 81-68 83-42 84-00 81-68 81-62 81-79 83-58 82-82 8i-33 83-62 80-91 82-17 82-84 80-90 81-59 82-80 82-31 82-27 83-55 82-47 82-78 8f95 83-14 82-29 81-89 84-53 5 9 38 35 2^ 12 / 15 16 24 12 3 9 10 23 16 24 ii 19 6 35 29 13 35 8 i 65 42 21 5 13 27 ii 171 61 30 21 22 71 29 25 28 '4 2'0 37 41 45 32 23 56 44 38 21 24 38 24 26 25 79 45 49 20 - 46 37 19 589 38 // 28-24 57-05 53-05 40-63 26-79 2-60 2-33 44-24 13-64 38-49 17-58 12-29 11-78 15-09 29-18 37-55 52-10 12-98 40-44 57-53 5/-o5 I7-34 1-86 21-05 48-63 i-39 1-38 34-10 10-37 52-58 55'6i 52-68 5-00 I3-59 17-92 18-41 36-98 // 27-32 57-38 53-79 40-54 26-71 2-60 44-79 13-88 38-26 17-37 12-31 14-14 29-63 37-66 51-36 13-23 40-58 57-99 17-40 2'IO 20-62 48-89 1-17 34-40 10-89 52-63 55-84 52-49 5-30 I3-53 18-46 36-77 o / 104. 44. 27-78 106. 19. 57-18 62. 54- 53-05 83. 13. 40-63 85. n. 26-79 ii. 52. 2-50 73. 58. 44-24 109. 30. 13-64 93. 24. 38-49 70. 35. 17-58 28. 14. 12-25 116. n. 14-64 87. 46. 29-18 100. 20. 37-55 58. 11. 52-10 80. 27. 12-98 58. 54. 40-44 7. 46. 57-42 105. 35- I7-34 75. 29. 1-86 114. 53. 21-05 85. 45. 48-63 37. 37. 1-30 77. 21. 34-10 85. 23. 10-37 62. 12.- 52'58 c>3. 55- 55-73 38. 29. 52-68 80. 27. 5-00 "i. 5- I3-59 3- 23. 18-05 92. 55- 36-98 + 13-098 + 12-753 + 12-206 + II-585 + ii-9 13 10 65 18 II 20 4' 19 10 30 19 9 12 25 59 19 9 5 20 18 20 12 3 27 '3 10 8 37 190 73 26 60 54 26 40 47 58 34 21 174 19 46 85 35 23 57 38 31 28 33 4 32 26 24 26 19 34 '4 59 15 39 s 10-867 12-821 14-994 1-107 37-761 21-231 47-708 39-157 57-101 7-675 42-919 0-788 35-318 33-705 25-239 1-764 24-937 54-544 53-587 37-713 57-066 49-797 35-164 57-428 44-984 45-276 31-687 40-895 43-249 43-210 52-295 45-803 57-970 15-265 19-480 57-172 57-131 a 10-893 12-808 15-020 1-092 37-756 21-219 47-692 39-I58 57-080 7-657 42-901 0-761 34' 38 25-274 1-767 24-941 54-530 53-6i6 37-707 57-060 49-837 35-129 57-431 44-973 31-699 40-845 43-258 43-197 52-289 45-772 57-918 15-260 19-478 57-149 h m a IS. 21. 10-867 1 8. 33. 12-821 18. 36. 14-994 18. 46. 1-107 18. 54. 37-761 19. o. 21-231 19. 8. 47-701 19. 12. 39-I57 19. 19. 57-101 19. 24. 7-675 19. 28. 42-919 19. 30. 0-788 19. 33- 34-968 19. 34. 25-239 19. 41. 1-764 19. 45. 24-937 J 9- 49- 54-544 19. 55- 53-587 20. 5. 37-7I3 20. ir. 57-066 20. 14. 49-816 20. 22. 35-164 20. 27. 57-428 20. 33. 45-054 20. 34. 31-692 20. 37. 40-866 20. 41. 43-249 20. 46. 43-210 20. 49. 52-295 20. 59. 45-803 21. I. 57-934 21. 8. 15-265 21. IO. 19-480 21. Ij. 57-154 s + 3-7070 + 2-0135 + 3-2853 + 2-2142 + 2-7264 + 2-75.78 + 3-6801 + 2-8164 + 3-0089 + 2-5054 + 2-9173 + 3-6518 64-9749 + 3-4365 + 2-8517 + 2-8919 + 2-9450 + 3-6947 + 3-0954 + 3-3289 + 3-3731 + 3-4293 -1- 2-8663 3-5841 + 2-7824 + 2-0437 + 3-2501 + 3-2377 + 2-5560 + 3-3739 + 2-3348 + 2-5515 + 2-9969 + 1-4143 s 0-0013 -+- 0-0016 o-ooio + 0-0015 + 0-0005 + 0-0003 0-0078 0-0003 0-0017 + 0-0009 0-0013 0-0103 -28-4^62 0-0074 o-coio 0-0014 O-O02O 0-0147 0-0042 0-0085 0-0096 0-0114 0-0113 0-3949 O'OOOI -+- 0-OO22 0-0084 0-OO83 + 0-OO26 O-OI28 + O-O044 + 0-0039 0-0028 0-OO72 M 3 Lyr* a + 0-0173 O-OCO4 0-O007 O-OO49 0-O026 + O-OOO4 0-OOI4 + 0-0153 O'OIOS + 0-0129 + 0-0016 0-0523 + 0-0026 0-0005 + 0-0351 + 0-0007 + 0-0004 O'OOOI 4- O'OO22 + 0-0008 0-0028 0-0006 + 0-0183 + 0-0031 0-0003 O-OOO2 + 0-OOO8 0-0016 -f 0-0040 + 0-3444 0-0015 + O-OO2I + O-O2II 10 Lyra /3 l 1 3 Aquilje e 17 Aquilffi 25 Aquila; w 30 Aqiiilje 8 6 Vulpeculsj a 32 Sagittarii k 2 Ursae Minoris X S.P. ... 60 Aquilae . 3 65 Aquilsc 9 9 Capricorn! /3 ii Capricorn! p Bradley 2701 S.P. ... 9 Delphini a 50 Cygni a 2 Aquarii * 32 Vulpeculse 23 Capricorn! 61 Cygni (ist Star) 64 Cygni 5 Cephei a S.P. .. 200. The limits of magnitude are 3 '4 and 4-5 ; the period about I2 d -22 h - 206. The letter a was added in the B.A.C. 207. The magnitude given in the Uranvaietria J\'ura Onrfniemii is 5-1. 213. The magnitude given in the Vranomii rhi .Vow Ori>nieit*ix is 3-7. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1891. {xvii} Mean Date. 1800+ K . Seconds of Mean 0"on, i ^ed^om Adopted Mean N.P.D. 1890-0. Annual Precession. 1890-0. Secular Variation. 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 1890-0. Star's Name. No. 1887 to 1891. lO-Year Catalogue 1887 to 1891. 'oS"' I887to Sue". "*>' I o- Year Catalogue 89-63 89-22 89-72 9'35 89-60 89-62 89-71 89-24 89-32 89-03 89-37 90-88 89-29 89-27 91-04 89-91 89-41 89-43 89-45 89-55 89-48 88-76 89-57 90-05 89-97 90-05 88-43 89-21 90-31 89-57 89-10 88-60 90-50 89-71 89-29 89-17 88-83 82-44 81-30 84-40 80-89 81-81 82-79 83-00 83-01 83'3r 82-13 83-38 81-62 82-34 82-37 81-52 82-25 83-81 80-67 83-18 82-28 83-05 82-50 83-09 83-76 81-68 81-85 83-68 83-53 83-35 82-59 83-65 82-05 83-11 81-81 9 76 27 ii 24 48 9 27 34 28 24 10 145 82 ii IO 3 13 8 33 13 9 6 23 65 24 5 3 13 ij 17 12 4 27 9 16 8 35 217 80 33 =8 73 22 25 36 40 22 2O 489 22 24 59 28 12 52 19 33 23 23 7 25 27 26 26 27 22 15 51 18 77 // 54-96 6-44 26-00 53-13 51-02 58-76 44'75 9-36 14-87 27-20 ID-OS 32-87 59-02 59-51 41-92 16-31 19-12 3-32 55'iS 50-35 8-04 4"i '43 37-11 I3-43 24-06 24-18 32-55 45-03 53-49 44'44 37-82 10-98 29-18 26-58 23-80 49-00 49-96 a 54-77 6-40 25-85 52-71 50-49 59-10 44'59 9'57 14-64 27-23 I5-33 33-34 59-37 42-10 16-42 19-04 3-08 54-81 50-20 7-41 42-45 36-79 13-66 24-76 33-04 45-65 53-30 45-o8 38-05 10-97 29-23 26-84 24-15 49-92 O / II 115. 28. 54-86 51. 19. 6-44 99. 9. 26-00 56. 45- 53T3 75- 4- 51-02 76. 17. 58-76 115. 26. 44-69 78. 36. 9-36 87. 6. 14-87 65. 33. 27-20 82. 51. 15-05 115. 7- 32-87 i. i. 59-19 106. 32. 41-92 79. 39. 16-31 81. 25. 19-12 83. 52. 3-32 118. o. 55-08 91. 8. 50-35 102. 53. 8-04 105. 7. 41-91 108. 10. 36-95 79- 4- I3-43 8. 56. 24-09 74. 28. 32-82 45- 6. 45-54 99- 53- 53-49 99- 23. 44'44 62. 21. 37-82 107. 40. 10-98 51. 47. 29-21 60. 13. 26-58 85. 12. 23-93 27. 52. 49-25 1-851 2-897 // 0-538 0-289 0-472 0-315 0-385 0-386 0-511 0-388 0-410 0-338 0-391 0-489 + 8-702 -i. 0-456 0-373 0-375 0-378 0-468 0-381 0-403 0-405 0-402 0-329 + 0-415 0-312 0-225 0-356 0-348 0-270 0-343 0-233 0-248 0-289 0-129 // + 0-198 0-295 0-005 0-017 + 0-080 + 0-089 + 0-029 0-025 0-091 + 0-IO2 + 0-133 + O'OIO + 0-005 + 0-039 0-008 0-384 + 0-473 0-024 0-014 0-017 0-022 + O-OO? -f O-O22 o-ooo + O-OO2 0-003 + 0-027 + 0-03I + O-002 + 0-054 3-230 + 0-066 + 0-078 O-O25 22 Sagittarii A. 197 198 199 200 2OI 2O2 203 204 205 2O6 207 208 209 2IO 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 2 2O 221 222 223 224 225 226 22? 228 229 230 3 Lyr.1} a. 3-I58 4-000 4-735 5-221 5-930 6-251 - 6-855 7-198 7-570 7-675 7-963 8-031 -8-556 8-903 9-253 9-715 10-450 10-918 11-129 11-687 12 '066 12-468 I2-520 12-734 13-006 I3-335 I3-540 14-165 14-297 14-682 14-804 15-132 i Aquilse 10 Lyrae /3 1 13 Aquilse c 17 Aquilfe 42 Sagittarii ty 25 Aquilie w 30 Aquilas S 6 VulpecuJse a 38 Aquilte p 52 Sagittarii h* Ursa; Minoris X S.P. ... 54 Sagittarii e l 50 Aquilai y 62 Sagittarii c 65 Aquilie ... ..9 6 Capricorni a 2 9 Capricorni /3 Bradley 2701 S.P. ... ro Cvcrni ... ,...ct 6 Aquarii ft 23 Capricorni . . d 61 Cygni (ist Star) 8 Kquuk'i ct 5 Cephei a ., S.P 219. The magnitude given in the Uranometria Xora Oxonietuii is 3-6. 228. The magnitude given in the Trnnometria Aiiro Oxnnirtuii is 3- 1. SO 1142G. GREENWICH FIVE-YEAR CATALOGUE. {xviii} FIVE-YEAR CATALOGUE OF FUNDAMENTAL STARS, 1890-0, No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Observations. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1890-0 deduced from Adopted Mean R.A. 1 890 o. Annual Precession. 1890-0. Secular Variation. 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 1 890 o. 1887 to 1891. 10- Year Catalogue 1887 to 1891. 10- Year Cata- logue. 1887 to 1891. lo-Year Catalogue. 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 32 Ca^ricorni t 4'4 7'4 3'I 3-0 4-8 2-4 3-0 5-0 3'2 4-0 4'3 4' 1 5'4 4-8 4-2 3-6 3'7 3-8 i'3 2-6 3-8 5'0 5'6 4'3 3'4 4-6 4-2 4-6 89-39 89-93 90-18 90-46 88-92 89-82 89-20 89-14 89-46 89-52 89-44 89-42 89-55 89-46 1 90-21 90-21 88-93 89-58 89-46 89-68 89-42 89-92 90-08 89-65 89-5I 90-23- 89-94 89-80 90-86 87-34 89-54 89-59 89-30 82-06 86-83 83-23 81-96 83-43 82-64 81-87 82-54 82-85 81-07 82-09 f 8i's2 85-85 81-62 82-55 81-12 82-17 81-51 83-08 82-13 82-84 82-19 85-18 82-76 82-66 81-46 82-02 82-71 18 43 7 13 2 3 17 19 13 16 32 H 20 18 56 27 6 19 23 19 15 7 23 23 17 56 35 29 2 I 8 28 19 22 3 41 39 38 39 H 46 36 25 35 27 5 22 32 27 54 42 26 46 s 38 44 6 40 37 20 47 28 t 7-265 28-509 28-012 46-056 14-281 I4-455 53-73I 46-944 58-117 3-365 7-996 53-372 1-706 58-429 58-914 58-833 49-498 42-170 58-506 41-612 52-507 34-288 16-850 27-730 I7-574 49-643 49'3i5 17-479 49-740 50-078 11-777 39-707 6-269 s .7-275 26-920 46-041 14-263 . 53-742 46-971 58-142 3-396 8-018" 53-391 1-717 58-456 58-352 49-546 42-195 58-532 41-624 52-519 34-261 16-862 27-740 17-582 48-884 17-496 50-119 11-761 39-707 6-233 h in s 21. 16: 7-265 21. 21. 28-439 21. 25. 46-056 21. 27. 14-304 21- 31. 53-73J 21. 38. 46-944 21. 40. 58' 117 21. 48. 3-365 22. 0. 7-996 22. I. 53-372 22. II. 1-706 22. 15. 58-429 22. 21. 58-888 22. 24. 49-522 22. 29. 42-170 22. 35. 58-506 22. 44. 41-612 22. 46. 52-507 22. 51- 34'2?5 22. 59. 16-850 23. II. 27-730 23. 21. I7-574 23. 27. 49-517 23. 34- I7-479 23- 34- 50-083 23. 43. 11-771 23- 53. 39-707 23. 58. 6-269 + 3-3455 11-1979 + 3-1609 + 0-7918 + 3-1906 + 2-9450 + 3-3001 + 2-7267 + 3-0825 + 2-7679 + 3-1621 + 3-0924 4-0597 + 3T797 + 3-0786 + 2-9857 + 2-8802 + 3-I327 + 3-3014 + 2-9812 + 3-0594 + 3-0699 0-1737 4 + 3-0593 + 2-4370 + 3-1262 + 3-0685 + 3-0761 0-0130 3-i894 0-0071 0-0346 0-0082 0-0005 0-0127 + 0-0053 0-0041 + 0-0060 0-0076 0-0042 1-2729 0-0088 0-0031 -f- 0-0023 + 0-0090 o,-oo63 0-0210 + 0-0057 + 0-0005 o-oooo 0-5678 + 0-0030 + 0-0753 0-0161 + 0-0047 0-0080 0-0003 0-0006 + 0-0012 + 0-0058 + o-ocoS -f- 0-0166 0-0005 0-0008 -+- 0-0209 + 0-0057 + 0-0068 + 0-0530 o-oon + 0-0042 + 0-0044 + 0-0096 0-0016 + 0-0232 -|- 0-0028 + 0-0487 + 0-0041 + 0-0856 + 0-0234 0-0199 + 0-009 + 0-0087 o-opoi Groombridge 3548 ... S.P. 22 Aquarii /3 8 Cephei fS 1 S.P 8 Pegasi e 49 Capricorn! 3 1 6 Pegasi 34 Aquarii a 43 Aquarii 9 48 Aquarii y Bradley 2993 S.P.... 57 Aquarii a 62 Aquarii ij 42 Pegasi 48 Pegasi it 73 Aquarii X 24 Piscis Australia ...a 54 Pegasi a 6 Piscium y 8 Piscium K Bradley 3147 S.P. ... 7C Ceohei . ,...y S.P 28 Piscium lit 2 Oeti 234. The magnitude given is taken from Struve's Mensurce Miertmwtrica. 246. The magnitude given in the Uranometria Nora Oxonian sis is 3 '3. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1891. {xix} Mean Date. No. of 1800+ Observations. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1890-0 deduced from Adopted Mean N.P.D. 1890-0. Annual Precession. 1890-0. Secular Variation. 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 1890-0. Star's Name. No. 1887 to 1891. 10- Year j 1887 to Catalogue. 1891. 10- Year Cata- logue. 1887 to 1891. 10- Year Catalogue. 89-56 89-92 go- 16 89-90 88-77 90-09 89-83 89-99 88-95 89-45 89-37 89-41 89-86 90-12 89-94 89-78 88-94 89-43 89-67 89-94 89-54 89-97 89-51 89-37 89-28 89-92 89-75 89-40 89-42 88-90 89-70 90-16 89-33 Sl'74 86-48 S3 -52 82-07 84-02 gj-88 80-68 83-31 83-85 81-26 82-08 81-80 85-59 81-95 82-12- 82-21 82-51 82-40 82-68 83-18 83-08 82-53 85-24 83-42 82-41 83-19 81-88 82-76 15 28 6 9 6 6 15 21 9 H 24 13 22 16 36 17 10 2O 25 13 H 7 H 14 1C 45 35 14 9 15 8 24 8 19 7 36 74 38 37 10 52 34 33 33 13 9 17 15 15 41 42 29 30 44 37 18 27 68 H 38 20 10-07 9-19 9-94 17-74 19-51 I9-47 49-94 45-i8 34-82 31-92 I4-45 30-56 51-44 29-10 45-09 45-61 26-36 3'57 34-12 44-61 53-96 I9-44 11-47 7-73 47-66 57-42 57-5 12-04 52-63 52-95 19-88 44-42 55-32 10- II 9'47 '7'5' 20- 10 50-38 45-21 34-26 32-26 14-29 31-76 51-29 29-25 45-5I 27-12 3-56 34-52 45-30 53-62 19-07 11-83 7-62 48-00 38-07 11-90 53-69 20-31 ' 44-83 ,54-43 / // 107. 18. 10-07 3- 25. 9-32 96. 3. 17-62 19- 55- '9-49 98. 20. 49-94 80 37. 45-18 1 06. 37. 34-68 64. 35. 31-92 90. 51. 14-45 .65. H. 30-56 98. 19- 51-44 91. 56. 29-10 4. 26. 45-26 101. 14. 26-36 90. 41. 3-57 79. 44. 34-12 65. 58. 44-61 98. 9- 53-96 I2O. 12. 19-25 75- 23- n-47 87. 19. 7-73 89. 20. 47-66 3- 17- 57-46 84. 58. 12-04 12. 58. 52-80 118. 44. 20-02 83- 44. 44-42 107. 56. 54-98 // 15-141 15-446 15-681 15-760 16-010 16-366 16-475 16-8:1 17-373 17-448 *-i7'82g 18-023 18-248 18-349 18-517 18-721 18-981 19-042 19-167 I9-354 19-606 19-768 I9-857 19-927 I9-933 20-000 20-046 20-053 0-314 + 1-048 0-281 0-065 ^ 0-274 0-242 0-268 0-2IO 0-218 o- 192 0-204 0-191 + 0-253 0-180 0-165 0-149 0-128 0-136 0-135 0-106 0-086 0-068 + O-OI2 0-042 0-031 0-026 0-005 + 0-004 // 0-013 + o-ooi 4- O-OI2 4- 0-022 o-on + 0-297 + 0-O02 0-002 0-020 + O-OI9 O-OI? 0-044 + 0-037 + 0-053 + 0-018 + 0-042 0-040 + 0-159 + 0-030 0-017 + O-IO2 0-003 + 0-443 0-135 + 0-097 + 0-108 0-005 32 Capricorni * 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 24? 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 Groombridge 3548 ... S.P. 8 Cephei ff S.P 8 Pegasi 1 6 Pegasi 34 Aquarii a 43 Aquarii 9 48 Aquarii y Bradlev ^ycn S.P.... 42 Pegasi 24 Piscis Australia a 6 Piscium y 8 Piscium K Bradley 3147 S.P.... S.P Sjulptoris 2 Ceti /^LUB^X 250. The magnitude given in the Uranomefria Nova Oxonicnsit is 2-3. a TJN"r\7"PT=> R ' l 256. Authority for Proper Motion : Cape Catalogue, 1880. V ^*^4UfOH*^S I UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY