LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. RECEIVED BY EXCHANGE r///cc BIOLOGY UaSS LIBRARY PRESENTED THE BRITISH MUSEUM. :. ovZ,oo CATALOGUE OF BltlTISH HYMENOPTERA OF THK FAMILY CHALCIDID^. BT CLAUDE MORLEY, F.Z.S., F.E.S. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON: PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. SOLD BY LONGMANS & Co., 39 PATERNOSTER ROW, E.C.; B. QUARITCH, 11 GRAFTON STREET, NEW BO1TD STREET, W.; DULAU & Co., LTD., 37 SOHO SQUARE, W. ; AND AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), CROMWELL ROAD, S.W. 1910. PREFACE. THIS Catalogue has been compiled with much care by Mr. Claude Morley, who has for some years past made the Parasitic Hymeuoptera his special study. As there is no published Catalogue of British Chalcididae, and as Mr. Morley has recently arranged the Museum Collection in accordance with his own views, the Trustees have thought well to have his manuscript printed. It is hoped that the publication of the Catalogue will stimulate the study of this somewhat neglected family. SIDNEY F. HAEMEE. British Museum (Natural History), March 2nd, 1910. 201123 AUTHOK'S PREFACE. THE Chalcididae is the least known group of our indigenous insects, with the possible single exception of the Thripsidae. Little or nothing has been published upon it since Francis Walker's time, and his multitudinous species are badly in need of revision. No catalogue has hitherto appeared, and this is not surprising when, in addition to our ignorance, the difficulty of publication is understood. As there is some misappre- hension on this point, I may say that the Entomological Society has entirely abandoned the idea of bringing out further parts of its excellent " General Catalogue of the Insects of the British Isles" with which the present is uniform. None deplore this more than myself. Mr. C. O. Waterhouse has kindly edited the present list, and I need say no more than that the manuscript has been altered only in the insertion of numerals before the family and generic names, the use of diphthongs, and the substitution of small initial letters in the case of many proper names. For these three points I am not responsible. We now have Catalogues, though of very variable efficiency, of the whole of the British Hymenoptera. CLAUDE MOELEY. Monks Soliara House, Suffolk. March 1910. CATALOGUE OF BRITISH CHALCIDID^E. HYMENUPTERA. FAM. OHALCIDID^. 1. Pentamera. 1. 1. CHALCIS. Fab. M. I. i. (1787) 272. - Chalets flakes, Fab. E. S. ii. 197 ; Piez. 167 ; Jur. Nouv. Me"th. 315, $ (?) ; Panz. F. G-. vii. 78 ; Krit. Kevis. ii. 98 ; Spin. Ins. Lig. ii. 163 ; Fonsc. Ann. Soc. Fr. 1832, p. 276 ; Nees, Mon. ii. 27 et 412 ; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1834, p. 28 ; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 19 ; Voll. Pinac. pi. xxx, fig. 4; Andre\ Ann. Soc. Fr. 1881, Bull. p. Ixxvii ; Kirby, Jour. Linn. Soc., Zool. 1883, p. 68, J . C.femorata, Panz. F. G. vii. 84 ; Jur. Nouv. Metb. 315, $ ; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1835, p. 28, ^; Tasch. Hym. Deut. Ill, ; Nees, Mon. ii. 28 et 413, c?, excl. synon. C. fumata, Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 18, $ $ . Brachymcria minuta, Westw. Phil. Mag. 1832, p. 127 ; Introd. ii. Synop. 66, tf $ . 2. SMICRA. Smiera, Spin. Ann. Mus. 1811, p. 147. . Chalcis biguttata, Spin. Ins. Lig. ii. 231 ; Nees, Mon. ii. 24 ; Smiera biguttata, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1835, p. 25 (?). Chalcis melanuris (sic), Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1818, p. 79; Nees, Mon. ii. 24, . C. melanaris, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 140. Smiera melanaris Walk. Ent. Mag. 1835, p. 24, $ ; Thorns. Hyin. Scand. iv. 15 ; Voll] Pinac. pi. xxx, f. 2, ; Nee*, Mon. ii. 44; Zett. I. L. i. 419. Decatoma biguttata, Curt. B. E. fol. cccxlv, $ ; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 26 ; Westw. Introd. ii. Synop. 66; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 30, cf $ ; cf. Brinh. Berl. Ent. Zeit. 1857, p. 75 et Ward, E. M. M. 1874, p. 39. Va<-. D. Cooperi, Curt. B. E. pi. cccxlv, $>; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 26, J $; Eurytoma Cooperii, Gruerin, Ic. Reg. Anim. vii.Ins. 416. Var. Decatoma immaculata, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 127, < Var. D. obscura, Curt. B. E. fol. cccxlv ; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 26, 9 . (?) Var. D. variegata, Curt, B. E. fol. cccxlv, $ ; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 28, tf $ ; Eurytoma signata, Nees, Mon. ii. 43 ; Ratz. Ichn. d. Forst. i. 172 ; ii. 176; iii. 219, rf $ . . Eurytoma cynipsea, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1835, p. 229, 9 i Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 40; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. GPS. 1878, pp. 303, 306 et 328, cf 9 . Decatoma aspihts, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 25, 9- ca^oma fiavicollis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1835, p. 156, 9 (nee Ashm.). Eurytoma xantkomelas, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1835, p. 226, 9. D. xanthomelas, Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 29,'cf'$. . Decatoma flavicornis, Walk. Ent, Mag. 1837, p. 25, cf $'' ' DECATOMA. EUKYTOMA. O mellea. Decatoma mellea, Curt. B. E. fol. cccxlv, rf ; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 27, . (?) Cynips binotata, Fonsc. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1832, p. 289, ; C. rufa, Fonsc. lib. cit. p. 290 ; Chrysolampus binoiatua et C. rufus, Nees, Mon. ii. 427. mesomelas. Decatoma mesomelas, Walk. Ent. Mug. 1837, p. 24, $ . minuta. Decatoma minuta, Curt. B. E. fol. cccxlv ; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 28, c?. nicseaB. Decatoma Nicace, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1844, p. 22, 9 . plana. Decatoma plana, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 27, $ . tenuicomis. Decatoma tenuicornis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 28, $ . unicolor. Decatoma unicolor, Curt. B. E. fol. cccxlv ; Walk. Ent. Ma<;. 1833, p. 28, rf. 2. EURYTOMA. Illig. Eossi, F. E. (1807) 128. sethiops. Eurytoma athiops, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1835, p. 240, 9; Thorns. Hym. Sc-and. iv. 42, J $ . E. Sittace, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1844, p. 19, 9. annnlipes. Eurytoma annulipes, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 25, J. (?) E. atra, Nees, Mon. ii. 42, <$ $ . (?) E. punctulata, Forst. Mou. Fterom. 31, rf . appendigaster. Ptcromalus appendig aster, Swed. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1795, p. 217 ; Eurytoma appendigaster, Dalm. . c. 1820, pi. vii, ff. 13, 14, 3; Boli. /. c. 1835, p. 231 ; Zett. I. L. i. 418 ; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 48 ; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1878, pp. 302, 320, rf $ . Chalets abrotani, Panz. F. G. vii. 76 ; Eurytoma abrotani, Illig. Mag. Ins. 1807, p. 192 ; Spin. Ann. Mus. 1811, p. 151 ; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 23 ; Nees, Mon. ii. 40 et 415; Steph. Ill us. M. Suppl. 6, pi. xiv, f. 3 ; Eatz. Ichn. d. Forst. i. 174 ; iii. 220, <$ 9. aterrima. Cynips aterrima, Schr. En. 320; Vill. Linn. Ent. iii. 75; Gniel. S. N. i. 2652. Eurytoma aterrima, Latr. Gen. Crust, et Ins. iv. 27. Chrysis plumata, Eossi, F. E. ii. 79. Eurytoma plumata, Illig. Mag. Ins. 1807, p. 192; Spin. Ann. Mus. 1811, p. 151 ; Nees, Mon. ii. 39 et 414, 3 9 . E. verticillata, Illig. Mag. Ins. 1807, p. 192 ; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 23 ; Goureau, Ann. Soc. Fr. 1845, p. 93, ^ 9 (nee Spin.). atra. Isosoma atrum, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 14, 9; cf. List Chal. B. M. ii. 99 (nee Nees). CCStiuS. -Eurytoma Cestius, W T alk. List Chal. B. M. 100 et 152, 9. COllaris. Eurytoma collaris, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 24, 9 . curta. Eurytoma curta, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 24 ; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1878, pp. 302, 305 et 313, rf $. (?) E. tibialis, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1835, p. 232 ; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 34, cf 9 . Eurytoma exempta, Walk. Notes, 1871, 23, cf is. Eurytoma fumipennis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 24, J 9 is. Eurytoma gracttis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 25, <$ $ . E. minor, Boh. Sv/Ak. Handl. 1835, p. 235, rf. 6 EURYTOMA. ISOSOMA. . Eurytoma insignis, Walk. Notes, 1871, 13, tf $. intermissa. Eurytoma intermissa, Walk. Notes, 1871, 23, $ . longipennis. Eurytoma longipennis, Walk. Eat. Mag. 1833, p. 23, <^; Giard, Bull. Sc. Dep. du Nord, 1885, p. 285 ; cf. Ritsema, Tijds. Eut. 1871, p. 149 et Entom. 1871, p. 264. Mayri. Eurytoma diastrophi, Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1878; p. 301 (nee Walsh). E. Mayri, Ashm. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 1887, p. 194, <$ $ . melanoneura. Eurytoma melanoneura, Walk. Notes, 1871, 14, $. micipsa. Euytoma Micipsa, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1844, p. 21, <$ . nodularis. Eurytoma nodularis, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1835, p. 230; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 41 ; Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1878, p. 300, rf$. E. Argele, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist, 1844, p. 19, rf9- E. rubicola, Gir. Ann. Soc. Fr. 1866, p. 490 ; Saunders, Proc. Eut. Soc. 1875, p. xvii ; Verh. Zool. Jahr. 1892, p. 737, rf $ . VOSSB. Eurytoma rosce, Nees, Mon. ii. 415 ; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1878, p. 302, c? $ - E. squamea, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1835, p. 154, $ ; cf. E. M. M. xi. (1874) p. 110. E. pubicornis, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1835, p. 247, $ ; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 43, <$ 9 . E. brunniventris, Ratz. Ichn. d. Forst. iii. 221, $. (?) E.^apicalis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 24, cf 9 - mfipes. Eurytoma rufipes, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 25 ; Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1835, p. 235 ; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 37 ; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1878, p. 300, rf $ . salicis. Eurytoma minuta, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 25, J (?). E. salicis, Walk. /. c. 1835, p. 155, $ (nee Thorns.). E. gibba, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1835, p. 244, $ ; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 39 ; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1878, p. 303, $ . E. Mucianus, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. 100 et 152, 3 . SCllltena. Eurytoma Scultena, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1844, p. 20, $. (?) E. scabra, Forst. Mon. Pterom. 31, c? $. Eurytoma tumida, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1844, p. 18, J 9 3. TETRAMESA. Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. (1848) 154 ; cf. Notes, 1871, 23. jarbas. Tetramesa larbas, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. 154, $; T. Larbas, I. c. 104. 4. ISOSOMA. Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 14 ; cf. Notes, 1871, 7. SBqualis. -Isosoma csqualis, Walk. Notes, 1871, 16, $ . angustata. Isosoma angustatum, Walk- Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 20, $. angustipennis. Isosoma angustipenne, Walk. Eut. Mag. 1833, p. 16, c?. attenuata. Isosoma attenuatum, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 22, $. Eurytoma guttula, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1835, p. 250 ; Zett. I. L. i. 419, c? $ . Isosoma guttula, Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 57. TSOSOMA. 7 . Isosoma breve, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 18, cf . (?) /. brtvis, Thorns. Hym. Scancl. iv. 55, cf 9 . . Isosoma brevicolle, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 24, cf . breviCOrnis. Isosoma brevicorne, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 16, J - brevipennis. Isosoma brevipenne, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 24, $ . breviventris. Isosoma breviventre, Walk. Eut. Mug. 1833, p. 20, c? 9 Claripennis. Isosoma claripennis. Walk. Notes, 1871, 15, c?. Clavicomis. -Isosoma clavicornis, Walk. Notes, 1871, 14, $. COrimta. Isosoma cornutum, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 19, <$ . CraSSicomis. Isosoma crassicorne, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 15, 9 . depressa. Isosoma depressum, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 21, $. dissimilis. Isosoma dissimUe, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 20, cf . flavicollis. Isosoma flavicolle, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1835, p. 153; Entom. 1841, pi. G, f. 3, 9. /. flavicollis, Walk. ff&. cfc. 1872, p. 17, fig. ; (?) Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 58, $. flllvicollis. Isosoma fulvicolle, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 21, $. hyaliliipennis. Isosoma hyalinipenne, Walk. Eut. Mag. 1833, p. 17, 9 1 cf. Monoreaff, Eatom. 1871, p. 240 et Hier. Erg. Schles. Ges. 1890, pp. 190 et 193. Eurytoma afra, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1835, p. 242, 9. jimcea. Isosoma juncea, Walk. Notes, 1871, 24, tf . laothoe. Isosoma Laothoe, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. p. 103, $ . linearis. Isosoma lineare, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 22, $ ; cf. Gir. Verb, z.-b. Ges. 1863, p. 1294. Eurytoma longula, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1835, p. 248, <$ $ . Isosoma longula, Westw. Introd. ii. Synop. 66 ; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 56, tf 9 . longlcornis. Isosoma longicorne, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 17, c?. melanomera. Isosoma melanomera, Walk. Notes, 1871, 14, <^. minor. Isosoma minor, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 18, c?. /. elongatum, Walk. 1. c. p. 18, c?. Eurytoma pusilla, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1835, p. 252, c?. Isosoma pusilla, Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 58, (5* $ (nc Walk.). (?) Eurytoma minuta, Zett. I. L. i. 419, $ (nee Walk.). nepe. Isosoma Nepe, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1844, p. 21, c?. petiolata Isosoma petiolata, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 19, tf . pusilla. Isosoma pusillum, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 20, tf (nee Thorns.). robusta. Isosoma robusta, Walk. Notes, 1871, 16, $. . Isosoma tenuicorne, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 19, <$ . . Isosoma tenuipes, Walk. Notes, 1871, 15, c?. tibialis. Isosoma tibialis, Walk. Notes, 1871, 16, $ . VacillanS. Isosoma vadllans, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 23, c? . verticillata. Ichneumon verticillatum, Fab. E. S. Suppl. 232 ; Diplolepis verticillata, Fab. Piez. 153; Spin. Tns. Lig. ii. 228. Eurytoma verticillata, Spin. Ann. Mus. 1811, p. 151 ; Nees, Mon. ii. 41 et 416; Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1835, p. 251 ; Ratz. Ichn. d. Forst. i. 174, rf (nee Illig.). Isosoma verticillata, Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 54, c? $ 7. longulum, Walk. Ent, Mag. 1833, p. 14, cP9- / fttmipenne, Walk. 1. c. p. 15, 9 . /. simile, Walk. /. c. p. 16, rf. 3 SYSTOLE. MONODONTOMEBUS. 5. SYSTOLE. Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 22. albipennis. Systole albipennis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 22; Westw. Introd. ii. Synop. 66 ; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 52, $'. Eiirytoma nitida, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 25, $ . E. brevicornis, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1835, p. 245, $ . platyptera. Systole platyptera, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1835, p. 153 ; Entom. 1841, pi. G, f. 4, $ . Eurytoma platyptera, Walk. lib. cit. 1872, p. 17, fig.; Notes, 1871 1, fig. ii 5. TORYMINJS. 1. MONODONTOMERUS. Westw. Phil. Mag. 1833, p. 443. aereus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1835, p. 158, $ ; Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 70; Wachtl, Wien. *Ent, Zeit. 1886, p. 306, C? $ . Torymus anephelus, Eatz. Ichn. d. Forst. i. 177 ; iii. 222. (?) Yar. Diplolepis cuprea, Spin. Ins. Lig. iv. 212 ; Ixix. pi. iii, f. 11, $ ; Torymus dentipes, Bob. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 335, 9 ; cf. Eut. Ann. 1861, p. 41 ; T. cupreus, Nees, Mon. ii. 67; T. obsoletus, Eatz. IcLn. d. Forst. i. 176 (nee Fab.); T. minor, Eatz. I. c. 178; Monodontomerus interruptus, Forst, Verb. pr. Eheinl. 1860, p. 133, rf$. nitidus. Cynips punctata, Fourc. E. P. ii. 381 ; Oliv. Enc. Meth. v. 784 ; ., . Fonsc. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1832, p. 286 (?). Monodontomerus anthophora, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1852, p. 43, <$. M. nitidus, Newport, Trans. Linn. Soc. 1852, p. 69, 9, pi. viii. ff. 7-12; 1. c. 1853, p. 95; Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 69; Thome. Hym. Scand. iv. 68, c?9- M. obsoletus, Newport, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1849, p. 279 (nee Fab.). M. vadllans, Forst. Verb. pr. Eheinl. 1860, p. 107, 9 . ODSCUruS. Cinips . nobilis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1835, p. 159, $ ; Entom. 1841, pi. J, fig. 5, . 3. OLIGOSTHENUS. Forst. Hym. Stud. ii. (1856) 145. Stigma. Ichneumon stigma, Fab. E. S. ii. 188; Coq. Ic. i. 19, pi. iy, f. 6. Diplolepis stigma, Fab. Piez. 152. Cinips stigma, Fonsc. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1832, p. 289. Callimone stigma, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 139, $. Monodontomerus stigma, Walk. /. c. 1835, p. 158. Glyphomerus stigma, Forst. Hym. Stud. ii. 44; Walk. Entom. 1872, p. 43 ; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 81 ; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 69, tf 9 . Torymus ater, Nees, ii. 69 et 419 ; Eatz. Ichn. d. Forst. i. 177; ii. 179 ; iii. 222, J$. Monodontomerus viridiaeneus, Prov- ancher, Canad. Nat. 1881, p. 290,$. 4. MEGASTIGMUS. Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 178. atedius. Megastigmus Atedius, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1851, p. 214, $. bipunctatus. Torymus bipunctatus, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, pp. 73 et 178, $; Boh. I. c. 1833, p. 331,^ . Megastigmus bipunctatus, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 139; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 1875, d9- COllaris. Torymus collaris, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 332, <$O. Megastigmus collaris, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 137; Wachtl, Wien. Ent. Zeit. 1884, p. 38. M. transversus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 117, $ ; Eeinh. Berl. Ent. Zeit. 1857, p. 76. M. vexillum, Eatz. Ichn. d. Forst. ii. 182. M. aculeatus, Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 63 ; Cam. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1879, p. 118. Torymus punctum, Forst. Mon. Pterom. 31, $. dorsalis. Ichneumon dorsalis, Fab. E. S. Suppl. 231 ; Coq. Ic. 21, pi. v, fig. 3. Diplolepis dorsalis, Fab. Piez. 151 ; Spin. Ins. Lig. ii. 213 ; Ann. Mus. 1811, p. 148. Torymus dorsalis, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 334 ; Nees, Mon. ii. 66, c? $ . Megastigmus dorsalis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 117, rf $; Steph. Illus. M. Sujrpl. 7, pi. xlv, fig. 2, $ ; Eatz. Ichn. d. Forst. ii. 182 ; Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 132; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 63, $ $. M. Bohemanii, Eatz. Ichn. d. Forst. ii. 182; iii. 225, $. M. xanthopygus, Forst. Verh. pr. Eheinl. 1850, p. 110, rf $ . 10 MEGASTIGMUS. TORTMTTS. . Torymus pictus, Forst. Mon. Pteroin. 31, $. Megastigmus stro- bilobius, Eatz. Ichn. cl. Forst. ii. 182, 9. M. pictus, Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 138, 9; Cam. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1879, p. 118; Wachtl, Wien. Ent. Zeit. 1884, p. 214. Speriliatotrophus. Megastigmus spermatrophus, Wacbtl, Wien. But. Zeit. 1893, p. 26, J 9 ; of. Journ. Bd. Agric. Jan. 1906 et Mac- Dougall, Traus. Scott. Arbor. Soc. 1907, p. 52, pi. i. et ii., c? $ . Stigmatizans. Ichneumon stigtnatizans, Fab. E. S. Suppl. 230. Miso- campus Stigmatizans, Dufour, Ann. Soc. Fr. 1847, p. 442, c? $ Megastigmus stigmaticans, Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 131, c? 9; Cam. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1879, p. 118. M. giganteus, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1852, p. 39, 9 . Cleptes stigma, Fab. Piez. 155. Torymus stigma, Nees, Mon. ii. 65 et 418. Monodontomerus stigma, Westw. Introd. ii. Synop. 67. 5. TORYMUS. Dalin. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 135 ; Callimone, Walk. E. M. 1833, p. 118. abdominalis. Callimone abdominalis, Walk. Ent; Mag. 1833, p. 126, $. Callimone Aerope, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1844, p. 182, tf; lib. cit. 1848, p. 219, 9 . . Callimone Amyrius, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1846, p. 110, $. . Diplolepis cynipedis, Spin. Ins. Lig ii. 213 ; Torymus cyni- pedis, Dalrn. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 135; Boh. 1. c. 1833, p. 342 ; T. cingulatus, Nees, Mon. ii. 62 (?). T. abdominalis, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 343, $ ; Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 91 ; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 93 ; Voll. Pinac. pi. x, f. 2, tf 9 (nee Walk.). Callimone angelica, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 25, $ . Torymus ceneus, Nees, Mon. ii. 64, $ . T. medius, Forst. Mon. Pterotn. 31, $ . T. cyniphidum, Ratz. Ichn. d. Forst. i. 178; ii. 179; Hi. 223, tf$. antennatus. Callimone antennatus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 135, cJ. . Callimone apicalis, Walk. Eiit. Mag. 1833, p. 133, 3 . is. Callimone arundinis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 124; Curt. B. E. fol. ccccclii, $ . Torymus druparum, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 361 ; Mayr, Verb, z -b. Ges. 1S74, p. 103, $ . (?) T. arun- dinis, Thorns. Hyra. Scand. iv. 83, $. ater. Callimone ater, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 138, J. auratus. Cynips auratus, Fourc. E. P. ii. 380; Fonsc. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1832, p. 284. Callimone confinis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 125,$ ; C. autumnalis, Walk. I. c. p. 125, $ ; C. mutabilis, Walk. I. c. p. 127, c? $; C. leptocerus, Walk. I.e. p. 129, $ $ ; C. minutus, Walk. I. c. p. 137, c? $ . Callimome muscarum, Gour. Ann. Soc. Fr. 1859, Bull. p. ccxliv. C. auratus, Andre, Feuille j. Nat. 1876, p. 146. Torymus virMissimus, Zett, I. L. i. 420, tf 9 (nee Boh.). T. mus- carum, Nees, Mon. ii. 58 et 417. T. nanns, Forst. Mon. Pterom. 33 ; Bate. Ichn. d. Forst, ii. 180, 9 . T. a.ppropinquans, Ratz. /. c. TORYMUS. 11 i. 179 ; ii. 179, d ? T. auratus, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. U5, c?$- * azureUS. Torymus azureus, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 369, $; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 100; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 84, rf $; Cam. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1879, p. 119. Var. T. caudatus, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 365; Nees, Mon. ii. 417, $; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 84 ; cf. Cam. E. M. M. 1880, p. 41 et Entom. 1901, p. 272. basalis- Callimone basalts, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 125, ? . bedeguaris. Ichneumon bedeguaris, Linn. S. N. 567 ; F. S. 408 ; Fab. S. E. 342; Grnel. S. N. 2713. Diplolepis bedeguaris, Fab. Piez. 150; Spin. Ins. Lig. ii. 211 ; Ann. Mus. 1811, p. 148. Cynips bedeguaris, Fonsc. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1832, p. 183. Callimone bedeguaris, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 121, c? $ Torymus bedeguaris, Nees, Mon. ii. 56 et 416 ; Zett. I. L. i. 420 ; Eatz. Ichn. d. Forst. ii. 179 ; iii. 223 ; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 101; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 87 ; Voll. Pinac. pi. x, fig. 5 ; Ashm. Trans. Amer. Eut. Soc. 1887, p. 188, c? $ (nee Boh.). T. Forxteri, Eatz. Ichn. d. Forst. i. 178. bicolor. Callimone bicolor, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 130,?. brevicaudus. Callimone brevicauda, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 126, ?. Campanulas. Torymus campanula, Cam. E. M. M. 1880, p. 40, $ ? . ChlorinUS. Callimone chlorinus, Walk. Eut, Mag. 1833, p. 129, ? (nee Forst.). Chloromerus. Callimone chloromerus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 128, c? $. C. (nqualis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 129, $ . Torymus abbreviate, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 357, $ ; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 105, ^ $ T. euchlorus, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 359 ; Thorns. Hyrn. Scand. iv. 91, $ $ . T. chlorinus, Forst. Mon. Pterom. 32, $ (w^ Walk.). CUrtUS. Callimone curtus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 131, $. .-Callimone Dauci, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 124, ?. Callimome Dauci, Curt. B. E. fol. ccccclii, $ ; Farm. Ins. 416, pi. N, ff. 20 et 21, $ $ . Torymus viridisshmts, Boh. Sv. Ak. Haudl. 1833, p. 358 ; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 115 : Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 90, 3 ? (nee Zett.). .Callimone flavipes, Parfitt, Zool. 1856, p. 5074 et 5150, cf $ (nee Walk.). C. Devoniensis, Parf. lib. cit. 1856, p. 5255 ; cf. Muller, E. M. M. 1870, p. 60. L. Ichneumon cyniphidis, Linn. S. N. 567 ; F. S. 409 ; /. cyni- pedis, Fab. S. E. 343; E. S. 187 ; Vill. Linn. Eut. iii. 207 ; Calli- mome cynipedis, Westw. Introd. ii. Synop. 67 (?). Ichneumon erucarum, Schr. En. 375. Torymus erucarum, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 87 ; Voll. Pinac. pi. x, fig. 1 ; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 86, c? $ . T. fulgidus, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 345, $ . T. rubripes, Eatz. Ichn. d. Forst. i. 179, $ . Callimone cynipedis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 119, $>. exilis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 138, $. TORYMUS. flavipes. Diplolepis brevicauda, Spin. Ann. Mus. 1811, p. 148; Torymus diffiGilis, Nees, Mon. ii. 61 et 418, tf $ (?) Catlimone flavipes, Walk. Eat. Mag. 1833, p. 124, rf . Torymus flavipes, Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 126 ; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 92, c? $. T. contractus, Ratz. Ichn. d. Forst. ii. 180, $. (?) Z 7 . wrtic, Ferris, Ann. Soc. Fr. 1840, p. 404 ; Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 123, <$ $ . formoSUS, Callimone formosus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 122, $. C. scufellaris, Walk. /. c. p. 123, $ . Torymus amwnus, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 348, 9; Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 117; Thorns. Hym. Scaud. iv. 89, c? 9 T. auronitens, Forst. Mon. Pterom. 32, 9 . frontinilS. C allimome frontinus, Walk. Am;. Nat. Hist. 1851, p. 214, $. fulgeilS. Ichneumon fulgens, Fab. E. S. Suppl. 230 ; Coq. Ic. i. 20, pi. v, f. 1. Cleptes fulgens, Fab. Piez. 151. Torymus fulgens, Nees, Mon. ii. 61 ; Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 88 ; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 81,c?9. Callimone Rosaces, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist, 1844, p. 181, 9.. . Callimone fuscicornis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 138, rf $. . Callimone fuscipennis, Walk. Ent. Mag, 1833, p. 137, tf . fuscipes k Torymus fuse ipes, Bob. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 374, $ ; Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 108 ; Thorns. Hyui. Scand. iv. 88 ; cf. Cam. Entom. 1901, p. 274. geranii. Callimone Geranii, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 121 ; Curt. B. E. fol. ccccclii, $ . Torymus cingulatus, Nees, Mon. ii. 64, $ ; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 93. T. glechoma, Forst. Mon. Pterom. 35 ; Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 90, <$ 9 ; cf. Muller, Ent. Tidsk. 1882, p. 179, $ . gracilis. Callimone gracilis, Walk. Eut. Mag. 1833, p. 137, $ . Torymus galii, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 344 ; Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 121 ; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 97, $ $ . . Callimone Hedera, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 123, $ . (?) Tory- mus compressus, Forst. Mon. Pterom. 32, $ $ . . Torymus hibernans, Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. Ill, c? $ ; cf. Cain. Proc. Glasgow Soc. 1876, p. 104 et E. M. M. 1877, p. 200. inconspectus. Callimone inconspectus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 133,05". JTiniperi. Ichneumon juniperi, Linn. S. N. 567 ; F. S. 408 ; Grnel. S. N. i. 2713. Callimome juniperi, Spin. Ann. Mus. 1811, p. 148. Torymus juniperi, Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 109, $ $ . T. amethystinus, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 270 ; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 86, 9 . latus. Callimone lotus t Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 128, <$ 9. leuCOpterilS. Callimone leucopterus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 130, 9- macropterus. Callimone macropterus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 124, 9. Torymus macropterus, Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 114 ; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 95, c? 9 7. purpurascens, Nees, Mon. ii. 57 (nee Fonsc.). TORYMUS. 13 micropterus. Callimone micropterus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 130, 9 ; cf. Moncreaff, Entom. 1871, p. 240. * microstigmus. Callimone microstigma, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 127, 9- moestus. Callimone mastus. Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 133, rf. nephthys. Callimone Nephthys, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1848, p. 219, $ . . Ichneumon nigricornis, Fab. E. S. ii. 185. Diplolepia nigricornis, Fab. Piez. 150; Spin. Ann. Mus. 1811, p. 148. Tory- mus nigricornis, Boh. ST. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 355 ; Nees, Mon. ii. 59 et 417, 9; Katz. Ichn. d. Forst. iii. 223 ; Thorns. Hyrn. Scand. iv. 94, c? 9- T. regius, Neee, Mon. ii. 55; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 95 ; Voll. Pinac. pi. x, fig. 4, $ 9 . Callimone inconstant, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1835, p. 159,$; cf. List Chal. B. M. 19. C. lateralis, Walk. /. c. p. 160, 9 . . Callimone nigritarsus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 135, $ 9 . nitens. Callimone nitens, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 126, $. pretioSUS. Callimone pretiosus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 121, $ . pruni. Torymus pruni, Cam. Trans. Eat. Soc. 1883, p. J96, <$ $. regaliS. Callimone regalis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 119, $. roboris. Callimone roboris, W 7 alk, Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 120, <$ $ . Torymus nobilis, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 339 ; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1872, p. 92 ; Thorns. Hyrn. Scand. iv. 92 ; Voll. Pinac. pi. x, fig. 3 ; Wachtl, Wien. Ent. Zeit. 1882, p. 298, d $. T. conjuncttu, Nees, Mon. 65 et 418, 9. T. subterraneus, Eatz. Ichn. d. Forst. ii. 179; iii. 223, 9 Callimome subterraneus, Curt. B. E. pi. ct-ccclii, 9 SOdalis. Torymus sodalis, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 120, 9 ; cf. Cain. E. M. M. 1880, p. 40. SOlinuS. Callimome Solimis, Walk. List Chal. B.M. ii. 103 et 153, <$ . stramineitarsilS. Callimone stramineitarsus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 135, S. streiruUS. Callimome stremius, Walk. Notes, 1871, 34, 9 tarsalis. Callimone tarsalis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 134, 9. Torymus guercinus, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 373 ; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 101 ; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 84, 9 . T. macrocentrus, Eatz. Ichn. d. Forst. iii. 224, 9 . termtnalis. Callimone terminalis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 132, <$ 9 . tipularum. Tory mus tipulariarum, Zett. I. L. i. 420; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 95, ^ 9 T. iipularum, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. Ill, c? 9 ; cf. Cam. E. M. M. 1880, p. 40. T. pumilus, Eatz. Ichn. d. Forst. i. 180; ii. 181. Vallisnierii. Torymus Vallisnierii, Cam. Entom. 1901, p. 273, 9. VarianS. Callimone variant Walk. Ent, Mag. 1833, p. 122 ; Steph. Illus. 1C. Suppl. 7, pi. xlv, fig. 4, 9. (?) Torymus elegans, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 354 ; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 102, <$ 9 . (?) T. auronitens, Forst. Mon. Pterom. 32, 9- Ventralis. Cynips ventralis, Fonsc. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1832, p. 286. Calli- mone quadricolor, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 120, 9. Torymus {iffinit, Forst. Mon. Pterom. 31, 9- 'T. ventralis, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 93, excl. 9. TORYMUS. LIOTERPHUS. Versicolor. Cullimone versicolor, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 136, J; cf. Zool. 1846, p. 1356. ViridiaBneuS. Callimone viridiccneus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 131, 9. Viridis. Torymus viridis, Forst. Mon. Pteroro. 32, $; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p, 123, 3 9 ; cf. Cameron, E. M. M. 1880, p. 40. 6. HOLASPIS. Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 83. militaris. Torymus militaris, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 338 (nee Mayr). H. militaris, Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 70, <$ $. pOStlCUS. Cattimone posticus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 137, 9 . Tory- mus par ellinus, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 372, 9; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 128, 9 Holaspis militaris var. parellinus, Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 71. 7. SYNTOMASPIS. Forst. Hym. Stud. ii. (1856) 43. drupaniDI, Torymus druparum, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 361, J 9 T. pubescens, Forst. Mon. Pterom. 32, $ . Syntomaspis pubescent, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 77, <$ 9 . 8. druparum, Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 76, 9 ; c/. Horvath, Kovart. Lapok. 1886, p. 127. littoralis. Callimome affinis, Fonsc. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1832, p. 283; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 133, tf 9 (?). & littoralis, Walk. I. c. 1833, p. 134, 9 . Torymus saphirinus, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 371, <59- T . sapphyrinus, Nees, Mon. 418. 7 1 . admirabilis, Forst. Mon. Pterom. 32, 9 ; Eatz. Ichn. d. Forst. ii. 181 ; iii. 225. T. caudatus, Eatz. /. c. ii. 181, 9 > ' 225. Syntomaspis caudata, Mayr, Verh. s.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 76, J 9 . & saphirina, Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 75, <$ 9 . H0tata. CaUimone notatus, Walk. Ent, Mag. 1833, p. 134, ^9. Tory- mus fasfuosus, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 347, 9 . 71 chrysis, Nees, Mon. ii. 67. T. robustus, Eatz. Ichn. d. Forst. iii. 225. Syntomaspis chrysis, Forst. Hym. Stud. ii. 44. S. fastuosa, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 78 ; Voll. Pinac. pi. x, fig. 8 ; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 73, rf $ . 8. LIOTEKPHUS. Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. (1875) 60 et 99. JlitidTilTlS.- Callimone nitidulus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. l;J8, $. Torymus palltdicomis, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 363, 9 ; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 104, c? 9 Lioterpfitts pallidicornit, Thorns, Hym, Scand, iv. 99, 9 . CALLIMOME. STENOCEROIDES. 15 9. CALLIMOME. Spin. Ann. Mus. 1811, p. 148; Callimomus, Thorns. Hyin. Scand. iv. (1875) 60 et 76. Torymus ckrysocepkalus, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 340, 9; Mayr, "Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 89, excl. rf. Callimone rudis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 25, 9 Callimomus chrysocephalus, Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 79. Torymus Bedeguaris, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 350, tf 9 (nee Linn.). T. igniceps, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1874, p. 103, <$ 9 ; cf. Cam. Entom. 1901, p. 274. Callimomus igniceps, Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 78, $ 9 . Callimome purpurascens, Spin. Ann. Mus. 1811, p. 148. Cynips purpurascens, Fonsc. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1832, p. 285. Torymus purpurascens, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 353 ; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ge. 1874, p. 124, rf 9 . T. congruens, Forst. Mon. Pterom. 32, $ . T. rttfipes, Forst. I.e. tf. Callimone Icetus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833. p. 136, c?. Callimomus purpurascens, Tboms. Hym. Scand iv. 78, rf9. 6. ORMYRINjE. 1. ORMYRUS. Westw. Phil. Mag. 1832, p. 127. Ormynis nigrocyaneus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 140, J; cf. Notes, 1871, iv. 68. Siphonura variolosa, Nees, Mon. ii. 82 et 421, c? $; Eatz. Ichn. d. Forst. ii. 150, 9. Ormyrus variolosus, Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 102, tf 9- . Ormyrus punctiger, Westw. Phil. Mag. 1832, p. 127 ; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 140, rf 9 ; Entom. 1841, pi. O, fig. 1, 9 ; cf. Fitch, lib. cit. 1872, p. 243. Periplyphus gastris, Boh. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 379; Ormyrus gastris, Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 101, cf 9. (?) Siphonura brevicauda, Nees, Mon. ii. 83 et 421, J 9 ; Ratz. Ichn. d. Forst. i. 207 ; ii. 150; iii. 197. SCriceilS. Siphonura sericea, Nees, Mon. ii. 83, cf 9 5 Forst. Mon. Pterom. 33, f. 4. [In coll. Mori.] 7. EOPELMINJS. 1. STENOCEROIDES. Dalla Torre, Wien. Ent. Zeit. 1897, p. 88 ; Stcnocera, Curt. B. E. pi. cccccxcvi (nee Brulle). Walkeri Stenocera Walkeri, Curt. 1. c. ; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 357, <5; Westw. Introd. ii. Synop. 72 ; Schaff. F. G. 1844, p. 184, pi. vii. et viii. 1 6 CALOSOTA, EUPELMU8. 2. CALOSOTA. Curt. B. E. fol. cccccxcvi (1836); Calosoter, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 358. SBStivalis. Calosota cestivalis, Curt. B. E. fol. 596, J ?,. Calosoter 359, tf 9; Entom. 1841, pi. O, fig. 2, 9 ; Smith, Trails. Ent. Soc. 1852, p. 83; Thorns. Hyra. Scand. iv. 109, rf ?. '/ 3, EUPELMINUS. Dalla Torre, Wien. Ent. Zeit. 1897, p. 85 ; Urocryptus, Westw. Introd. ii. Synop. 72 (nee Temui.). excavatllS. Eupelmus excavatus, Dalru. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 382, 9 5 Nees, Mon. ii. 79, 9; Walk. Ent, Mag. 1837, p. 362, tf. Uro- cryptus excavatus, Thoms. Hym. Scand. iv. 108, c? 9 4. EUPELMUS. Dalrn. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 377. . Eupelmus Acron, Walk. List Chal. B.M. ii. 129 et 219, 9. Degeeri. Ichneumon vesicularis, Eetz. Spp. Itis. 70; Vill. Linn. Ent. iii. 216; Diplolepis vesicularis, Spin. Ins. Lig. ii. 161(?). Eupelmus Degeeri, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 379 ; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 361 ; Entom. 1841, pi. F, fig. 2, 9 ; Thoms. Hym. Scand. iv. 107, tf 9. E. Geeri, Nees, Mon. ii. 76; Forst. Mon. Pterom. 33; Eat*. Ichn. d. Forst. ii. 151 ; iii. 198, 9 ; Forst. Verh. pr. Eheinl. 1860, p. 120, cf. . Eupelmus Harcalo, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1862, p. 41, tf. . Eupelmus memnonius, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 377 ; Nees, Mon. ii. 74 ; Westw. Introd. ii. Synop. 72 ; Thoms. Hym. Scand. iv. 105, 9 . . Eupelmus puparum, Newport, Trans. Ent. Soc. ii. (1840) p. 240, 3 9 . urOZOnilS. Eupelmus urozonus, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 378 ; Nees, Mon. ii. 74; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 361, 9; Eeinh. Berl. Ent. Zeit. 1858, p. 10 ; Thoms. Hym. Scand. iv. 107, rf 9 ; cf. E. M. M. xi. (1874), p. 110. E. azureus, Eatz. Ichn. d. Forst. i. 158; ii. 152 ; iii. 199, 9 Pteromalus Audouinii et P. Cordairii, Eatz. I. c. i. 205 ; ii. 191, c? c?- P- Dufourii, Eatz. /. c. ii. 192; iii. 234, rf. Eupel- mus Cordairii, Gir. Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1863, p. 1270, c?. CERCOBELUS. M1CROTERYS. 1 7 8. ENCYRTINJE. 1. CERCOBELUS. (Hal.) Walk. List Chal. B. M. i. (1846) 54 (ined.). . Encijrtus Jugceuf, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1838, p. 48, ; Entora. 1841, pi. N, fig. 1. Cercobelus Jitgceus, Forst. Hym. Stud. ii. 36; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 171, $. 2. RHOPUS. Forst. Hym. Stud. ii. (1856) 34. R'ncyrtus Piso, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1838, p. 423, <$; Rhopus Piso, Forst. Hym. Stud, ii. 37. (?) Kncyrtus testaceus, Ratz. Icbn. d. Foret, ii. 146; iii. 190; R. testaceus, Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1875, p. 691, cJ$. 3. HABROLEPIS. Forst. Hym. Stud. ii. (1856) 34. i. Kncyrtus Dalmanni, Westw. Phil. Mag. 1837, p. 440. E. nubilipennis, Walk. Ent, Mag. 1838, p. 113, ; Six, Tijds. Ent. 1867, p. 221. Habrolepis nubilipennis, Forst. Hym. Stud. ii. 38. H. Dalmanni, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1875, p. 751 ; Wacbtl, Wien. Ent. Zeit. 1882, p! 298, rf$. Zetterstedti. Encyrfus Zetterstedtii, West. Phil. Mag. 1837, p. 440; Walk. -Erik Mag. 1838, p. 113, $; 838, p. 114; En torn. 1841, pi. H, fig. 2, . Cerapterocerous corniger, Forst. Hym. Stud, ii. 35; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1875, p. 749; Voll. Pinac. pi. xxxv, fig. 6, $. Eusemion cornigerum, Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 151 $. 5. MICROTERYS. Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. (1875) 155. is. Encyrtus apicalis, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 153; Nees, Mon. ii. 2:20; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1838, p. 110, $. Mierotery* apicalis, Thorns, Hym. Soand. iv. 169, <$ 5 ( nec Mayr). C 18 MICROTEK YS. ANUSIA. . Encyrtus barbarus, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Hancll. 1820, p. 158; Nee, Mou. ii. 211; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1887, p. 447; Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 187;"), p. 707, $. Microterys barbarus, Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 167,^2- punctipes. Encyrtus punctipes, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Hand!. 1820, p. 154; Nees, Mon. ii. 201 ; Walk. Ent, Mag. 183S p. 108, tf; Stepb. Illus. M. Suppl. 9, pi. xlvi, f. 4, $; Voll. Pinac. pi. xxxv, f. 7. Microterys punctipes, Thoms. H'ym. Scancl. iv. 168, <$ Q . SUbCUpratuS. Encyrtus subcupratus, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 340 ; Nees, Mon. ii. 215, ; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 400, rf $. Microteri/s subcupratus, Thoms. Hym. Soand. iv. 101, $. Sylvius. Encyrtus sylvius, Dalin. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 154; Nees, Mon. ii. 205 ; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1838, p. 103; Ratz. Ichn. d. Forst. i. 212, 9; Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1875, p. 70tt, rf $; cf. Mori. lob. Brit. iii. E. zcphyrinus, Dalm. /. c. 1820, p. 167 ; Nees, / o. 249 ; Ratz. /. c. ii. 214, J . M. sylvius, Thoms. Hym. Scand. iv. 157, <5 ? teSSellatllS. Encyrtus frsseUatm, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 342 ; JNees, Mon. ii. 209; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1838, p. 55; Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1875, p. 708, $. Microterys tensellattis, Tboms. Hym. Scand. iv. 100, $ . tiliaris. Encyrtus tilians, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 171 ; Nees, Mon. ii. 235; Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1875, p. 711, $. E. conifera, Walk. Ent, Mag. 1837, p. 461, d $ ; cf. Curt. E. E. ibl. 395. Microterys tiliaris, Thoms. Hym. Sound, iv. 163. 6. METALLON. Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. (1848) 219. Metalloii Acacallis, Walk. /. c. ii. 129 et 220, $. 7. CERAPTEROCERUS. Westw. Load. Mag. 1833, p. 495. Cerapterocerus mirabilis, Westw. /. c. ; Reinb. Berl. Ent. Zeit. 1858, p. 12; Walk. Entocn. 1872, p. 131, fig.; Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 187, p- 748 ; Voll. Pinac. pi. xxxv. if. 4, 5, rf $ . Encyrtus mirabilis, Walk. Ent, Mag. 1838, p. 114; Entom. 1841, pi. H, fig. 4, $ . E. mirabilicornis, Forst. Mon. Pterom. 45, $ ; C. mira- bilicornis, Thoms. Hym. Scand. iv. 151, $. Teleffraphus mirabili- cornis, Ratz. Ichn. d. Forst. ii. 152; 2'. maculipennis, Ratz. I.e. 153 ?. 8. ANUSIA. Forst, Hym. Stud. ii. (1856) 32. fulveBCena.Ectromafulvwcens, Westw. Phil. Mag. 1833, p. 344; Walk. Entom. 1841, pi. E, fig. 3, $. Ewyrttis fulvesceits, Walk. Ent. ECTROMA. CHEILOXEURUS. 19 Mag. 1833, p. 11"), 9- Anusia nasicornis et Austriaca, Forst. Verh. pr. Kheinl. 18(50, p. 133, 9 9 . A.fuliwceng, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1875, p. 769, 9 . 9. ECTROMA. Westw. Phil. Mag. 1833, p. 344. Eupclmus rufus, Daltn. Sv. Ak. Hancll. 1820, p. 383; E. rufescens, Nees, Mon. ii. 80, 9 . Ectroma rufescens, Nees, /. c. 420, (^ . E. rufa, Thoins. Hym. Scand. iv. 126, $ ; E. rufum, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1875, p. 767, 9 . Encyrtus Lindus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 451 3 9 ; Aylyptus Lindas, Forst. Hym. Stud. ii. 36. 10. COMYS. Forst. Hym. Stud. ii. (1856) 145; Eucomys, 1. c. 32 (ined.). Encyrtus obscurus, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 164; Nees, Mon. ii. 223 et 434; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1838, p. 105, rf; Tkoins. Hym. Scand. iv. 120, c? 9 &' scut el I aria, Fonsc. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1832, p. 304; Nees. Mon. ii. 433 (nee Dalm.). Comys obscura, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1875, p. 741, ^ 9 . SCUtellata. Pteromalus scutellatus, Svved. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1795, p. 218. Encyrtus scutellaris, Dalm. lib. cit. 1820, pp. 150 et 370; Nees, Mon. ii. 221 ; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1838, p. 104, 9; Zett. I. L. i. 432; Eatz. Ichn. d. Forst. i. 212; Thorns Hym. Scand. iv. 119, tf $ , Comys scutellata, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1875, p. 741, tf $ J of. E. M. M. 1903, pp. 28 et, 100. Swederi. Eucy-ilus Sweden, Dalin. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 152; Nees, Mon. ii. 2.M, 9; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1838, p. 104, tf 9 ; Eatz. Ichn. d, Forst. iii. 190. 9 ; Thouis. Hym. Scand, iv. 121, $ 9. E. lunatus, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 156 et E. hirlicornis, lib. cit. p. 162. E. vitis, Curt. U. E. pi. cccxcv, <$ 9- Comys Swederi, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1875, p. 741 ; Voll. Pmac. pi. xxxv, figg. 1 et 2, J $. 11. CHEILONEURUS. Westw. Phil. Mag. 1833, p. 344. S. Encyrtus elegans, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, pp. 151 et 384, 9. E. urgentifer, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 444, 9. E. Paralia, Walk. I.e. p. 446, 9; cf. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1844, p. 185. Cheiloneurus elegans, Westw. Phil. Mag. 1833, p. 344 ; Nees, Mon. ii. 422. Cleonymus elegans, Nees, /. c. 88. Ckiloneuru.-i elegans, Forst Hym. Stud. ii. 50; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 150, 9; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1875, p. 746, rf $. 20 CEHCHYSIUS. TKICHOMASTHUS. 12. CERCHYSIUS. Westw. Phil. Mag. 1832, p. 127. SllbplanuS. Encyrtus subplanus, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 362; Nees, Mon. ii. 245 ; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 453, "cf; Majr, "Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1875, pp. 703 et 716, c?9- E. urocerus, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 368; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 439; En torn. 1841, pi. H, fig. 3, 9. E. melanopus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837. p. 453, <$. Cerchysius urocerus, Westw. Pbil. Mag. *1 832, p. 128; Forst. Hym. Stud. ii. 36; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 141, $ $. Yar. C. stigmati- calis, Westw. Phil. Mag". 1832, p. 128. VUlSQ. Cerchysius Vulso, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. six. 1846, p. 114, 9. 13. LITOMASTIX. Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. (1875) 171. Chalconotus. Encyrtus chalconotus, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p 169 ; Nees, Mon. ii. 232 et 434, $. E. Jt/#ra,,Walk. Ent. Mag. 1838, p. 35, 9. (0 E. serricornis, Dalm. S?. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 360; Nees, Mon. ii. 244; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 456, <$. Litomastix chalconotus, Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 173, $ $. Copidosoma chalco- notus, Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1875, p. 734, <$ 9 . flicomis. Encyrtus fllicornis, Dalrn. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 351 ; Nees, Mon. ii. 241, $ (nee Eatz.). E. Didius, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 452, 9 . Litomastix filicornis, Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 180, <$ $ . flagellaris. Encyrtus flagellaris, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 350 ; Nees, Mou. 240, ? . E. Anceus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 452, $ . E. tegularis, Eatz. John. d. Forst. iii. 190, $. Copidosoma Anceus, Forst. Hym. Stud. ii. 38. C. flagellaris, Forst. I. c. ; Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1875, p. 734, $; Wacbtl, Wien. Zeit. 1882, p. 297, c?. Litomastix flagellaris, Th. H. S. iv. 179, rf 9. truncatellus. Encyrtus truncatellus, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 168; Nees, Mon. ii. 232, 9; Walk. .Ent. Mag. 1838, p. 38; Eatz. Ichn. d. Forst. i. 213; iii. 190, <$ '$. E. Athcas, Walk. Ent, Mag. 1838, p. 37, 9 Litomastix truncatellus, Thorns. Hym. Scanci. iv. 174, c^ 9- Copidosoma trunca.tellum, M?iyr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1875, p. 734, 9; cf. Fitch, Proc. Ent. Soc. 1881. p. xxi. 14. TRICHOMASTHUS. Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. (1875) 142. . Encyrtus cyaneus, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, pp. ICO et 371, 9; Nees, Mon. ii. 228; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 441, 9; cf. Curt. B. E. fol. 395. E. cyanelhis, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 168, c?. Trichomasthus cyaneus, Thorns. Hjm. Scand. iv. 143, rf$. DINOCABSIS. AGENIASPIS. 21 15. DINOCARSIS. Forst. Hym. Stud. ii. (1856) 33. . Encyrtus hemipterus, Dalrn. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, pp. 166 et 371; Nees, Mon. ii. L ) V2; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 450, c? ? Dinocarsis hemiptera. Forst. Hyra. Stud. ii. 37 ; Mayr, Verb. z.-b. Ges. 1875, p. 760, cf $ . Euscapus hemipterus, Thorns. Hyni. Scaiid. iv. 127, cf $ 16. CHOREIA. Westw. Loud. Mag. 1833, p. 122 ; Choreius, Westw. Phil. Mag. 1837, p. 444. Encyrtus ineptus, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 567 ; Nees, Mou. ii. 255, $; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1848, p. 431, J $; cf. Hal. I.e. 1833, p. 350. Choreia nigroanea, Westw. Loud. Mag. 1833, p. 122 ; Choreius ineptus, Westw. Phil. Mag. 1837, p. 442, cf $. Choreia inepta, Forst. Hym. Stud. ii. 35; Thorns. Hym. Scaud. iv. 147, $; Mayr, Verh. z.-b.* Ges. 1875, p. 761, cf $. 17. ERICYDNUS. Hal. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 268 ; Walk. lib. cit. 1837, p. 363 ; cf. Curt. E. E. fol. 395 (1832). is. Encyrtus aneiventris, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 447, $. Ericydnus ceneiventris, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Qes. 1875, p. 764, $. Pezobius poli/chromus, Forst. Verh. pr. Eheinl. 1860, p. 130, $. . Eneyrtus longicornis, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 165, c?; Nees, Mon. ii. 251; Eatz. Ichn. d. Forst. i. 192, $. E. strigoms, Nees, Mon. ii. 227, $ . E. Baleus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1838, p. 428, $ . Ericydnus strigosus, Walk. I.e. 1837, p. 364, <$ $ ; Entom. 1841, pi. H, fig. 1, $. E. Mmnestus, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1850, p. 133, $ . E. longicornis, Thorns. Hyrn. Scand. iv. 124, $ $ . paludatlLS. Encyrtus longicornis, var. ventralis, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820. p. 166. Ericydnus paludatus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 363, (5 1 9 ; Westw. Introd. ii. Synop. 72 ; Six, Tijds. Entom. 1876, p. 134, , pi. vi, f. 1. E. ventralis, Thorns. Hym. Scand. vi. 125; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1875, p. 764, rf $. 18. AGENIASPIS. Dahlb. 6'fv. 1857, p. 292. fllSCicollis. Encyrtus fuscicollis, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 359; Nees, Mon. ii. 236 et 434 ; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1838, p. 420, rf $ . Pteromalus cyanocephalus, Bouche, Naturg. 167 ; cf. Goureau, Ann. Soc. Fr. 1847, p. 244. Ageniaspis fuscicollis, Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 182, $. 22 APHYCUS. EJfCYKTUS. 19. APHYCUS. Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1875, p. 695. hederaceus. Encyrtus hederaceus, Westw. Phil. Mag. 1837, p. 441 ; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1838, p. 107, 9 - E. fulvifrons, Walk. /. c. 109, 9 . Aphycus hederaceus, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1875, p. 695, 9- pappUS. Encyrtus Pappus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1838, p. 107, J 9 . 20. BLASTOTHRIX. Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1875, p. 697. Bohemani Encyrtus Bohemanni, Westw. Phil. Mag. 1837, p. 441 ; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1838, p. Ill, 9. Blastothrix Bohemani, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1875, p. 699, d $ Sericea. Encyrtus sericeus, Dalin. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 357; Nees, Mon. ii. 247, 9; Walk. Ent. Mag. 1838, p. 106, <$ 9; Ratz. Ichii. d. Forst. iii. 189, 9 . E. sericans, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 363 ; Nees, Mon. ii. 247, rf ; Ratz. Ichn. d. Forst, iii. 193, rf 9 . Microterys sericeus, Thonis. Hym. Scaml. iv. 156, <^ 2. Blastothrix sericea, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1875, p. 698, <$ 9; Wachtl, Wien. Ent. Zeit. 1882, p. 296. 21. LIOTHORAX. Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1875, p. 728. glaphyra. Encyrtus Glaphyra, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 454, $. Idothorax Glaphyra, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1875, p. 729, <$ 9 22. ENCYRTUS. Latr. Gen. Crust, et Ins. iv. (1809) 31. [Spp. Walk, incert. sed. ; non exhib. Thorns., Mayr.~\ acratOS. En-yrtus Acratos, Walk. List Ohal. B. M. ii. 135 et 221, ? 9. . Encyrtus Aithyia, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 458, J. . Encyrtus albipes,Wes\w. Phil. Mag. 1837, p. 440, rf. (?) E. citripes, Eatz. Ichn. d. Forst. iii. 192. <$ 9 5 Copidosoma citripes, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1875, pp. 733, 735, 738, tf 9. . Encyrtus csnescens, Zett. I. L. i. 433, 9 (?) E. Alcmon, Walk. List Chal. B. M. 135 et 223, 9 . Encyrtus Alycoeus, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. 135 et 220, 9. amathus. Encyrtus Amathus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1838, p. 421, <$ 9. . Encyrtus Ancharus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1838, p. 36, 9 . Encyrtus Anebus, Walk, Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 457, d . anthores. Encyrtus Anthores, Walk. List Chul. B. M. ii. 135 et 224, 9 . antistius. Encyrtus Antistius, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1851, p. 215, d. 23 Encyrtus Aralius, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 457, rf. arceanus. Encyrtus Arceanus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1838, p. 52, <. aretas.-^^r/ws ^Was, Walk. Ent, Mag. 1838, p. 425, $. (?) #. ZeJesfc, Walk. I.e., J. &ria,ntes.-E>tcyr/tts Ariantes, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1838, p. 444, $. babas. Encyrtus Babas, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1838, p. 44, 9. barca. Encyrtus Barca, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1838, p. 116, tf. batillus.- Encyrtus Batillus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 4-42, tf. belibus. Encyrtus Belihus, Walk. Ent. Mng. 1838, p. 49, 9. C&mirnS. Encyrtus Camirus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1838, p. 424, < . Carls. Encyrtus Caris, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1838, p. 422, rf. CerviuS.- Encyrtus Cervius, Walk. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1846, p. 177, flaw seen s, Westw. Phil. Mag. 1837, p. 442. tibialis. Myina tibiaUs, Nees, Mon. ii. 191, 9; Eeinh. Berl. Ent. Zeit. 1858, p. 12. c? 9- Aphelinus Chaonia, Walk. Mon. CLal. i. 4. M. varipes, Forst. Mon. Pterom. 45, 9 3. COCCOPHAGUS. Westw. Phil. Mag. 1833, p. 344. insidiator. Entedon insidiator, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1825, p. 371. Coccophugus obscurns, Westw. Phil. Mag. 1833, p 344 ; C. insidiator. Westw. I. c. Eidophus impeditus, Nees, Mon. ii. 178, ^ 9 Aphelinus obscurns, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 6, ; A. insidiator, Thorns. Hjrn. Scand. iv. 186, $ 9. SCTltellaris. Entedon scntellaris, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1825, p. 365. Coccophagus scntellaris et pnlchellus, Westw. Phil. Mag. 1833, p. 344; C. scuteilaris, Reinh. Berl. Ent. Zeit. 1858, p. 13; Walk. Notes, 1872, 72. Aphelinus scuteilaris. Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 6, 9; A. Lycimnia, Walk. I. c. 11, 9; A. Idteus, Walk. /. c. 12, rf. 4. THYSANUS. Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1840, p. 234. ater. Thysanvs atcr, Walk,; Entom. 1841, pi. K, fig. 3. Plasfo- charif, atra, Forst. Verh. pr. Reinh. 1878, p. 68, <$ 9; cf. Howard, Rev. Aph. N. Auier. 27, fig. 8, 9 . 10. PIRENIN^. 1. EURYOPHRYS. Forst. Hym. Stud. ii. (1856) 144; Calypso, Hal. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1843, p. 295 (nee Risso). Calypso serratula, Hal. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1843, p. 295. SfE. SEMIOTELLrS. 2t 2, PIRENE. Hal. Ent. Mag. 1833, pp. 268 et 336. Chalybea.- Pirene chalybea, Hal. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 338; Trans. Ent. Soc. 1843, p. 296; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 190, $ $ . (?) Coryno- cere brevicornis, Nees, Mon. ii. 124, $. eximia. Pirene eximia, Hal. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 338 ; Trans. Ent. Soc. 1843, p. 296; Thoms. Hyin. Scand. iv. 190, $. (?) Coryuocere deplana, Nees. Mon. ii. 123, $. ruM. Pirene rubi, Hal. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1843, p. 296, tf $ . SCylax. Pirene Scylax, Walk. List dial. B. M. ii. 10t> et 162, <$. Variicomis. Pirene varicornis, Hal. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 337; Trans. Ent. Soc. 1843, p. 296 ; Thoius. Hym. Scand. iv. 189, 3. c?. hortensis. Miscogaster hortenns, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p, 460; Mon. Chal. i. 282, $ 9 . labaris. Lamprotatus Labaris, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. Ill et 170, $ . linearis. Miscogaster linearis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 464; Mon. Chal. i. 291, <$. lucidus. Miscogaster lucida, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 460; Mon. Chal. i. 282, cT $ 5. - Miscogaster mactilata. W r alk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 459 ; Mon. Chal.'i. 279, rf?. LAMPROTATUS. 31 . Miscogaster mawlrpcs, Walk. Ent. Mng. 1833, p. 460; Mon. Clial. i. 281, 9. Lampretetut Mallius, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. Ill et 166, rf. wnSL.-Lamprotatus Meihymim, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. Ill et 171, rf$ nitidipes. 3/ftt#asfcr nitidipes, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 402; Mon. Clml. i. 286, rf. mtifa&.Miscogaster nitida, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 402 ; Mou. Cbal. i.287, rf$. obsCUl'ipennis. Miscogastcr obscuripcnnis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 410; Mon. Chal. i. 281, 3 $. Obscurus. Miscogastcr obscura, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 459 ; Mon. Chal. i. 280, d . Oebares. Lamprotahts Oebares, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. Ill et 1<>7, 9- OVatuS. Miscogaster ovata, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 462 ; Mon. Chal. i. 287, 9 . philochortoides. Miacogaster philochortoides, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 463 ; Mon. Chal. i. 290, cJ. phylander. Lamprotatvs Phylander, Walk. List Chnl. B. M. ii. 1 1 1 et lf>8. pycilOS. La.mprotafats 1'ycnos, Walk. Li>t Chal. B. M. ii 111 et 172, 8 [Britt. spp. ined.]. 9. DICYCLUS. Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 455. SeneUS. Dicyclus (?nens, Walk. Erit. Mag. 1833, p. 456 ; Mon. Chal. i. 277, $. brevicornis. D-icyclus brevicornis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 456, 9- Cilictipes. Miscogaster cinctipes, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 462 ; Mon. ChaJ. i. 287, 9. . Dicyclus Circuits, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 456 ; Mon. Chal. i. 277, 9 ; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 253, tf 9. . Miscogaster Delone, Walk. Mon. Clial. i. 1 ( J9, 9- fllSCicornis. Dicyclm fusdcornis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 45:') : Mon. Chal. i. 277, 3 9 IligrOSBneuS. Mi^ogaster nigroama, Walk. Ent. M/ig. 1833, p. 462; Mon. Chal. i. 288, 9 . tristis. Dicyclus tristis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 456, 9 . 2. HORMOCERIDES. 1. HORMOCERUS. Orniocerus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1835, p. 168. alet8S. Ormocerus Aides, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. 107 et 163, 9 . . Ormocenu Bambycc, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 208, 9- 34 HORMOCERUS. GASTHANCISTRTJS. borges. Ormocerus Barges, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 208, rf. latllS. Ormocerus lotus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1835, p. 168, <$. mandrocles. Ormocerus Mandrocles, Walk. Mon. Cbal. i. 206, . pisuthrus. Ormocerus Pisuthrus, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 207, 9. sabbas. 0mo?nw fikWos, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. ]06 et 162, $. Simplex. Or mocerus simplex, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1835, p. 169, tf. trasilllus. Ormocerus Trasullus, Walk. Mon. Cbal i. 237, 9. VCrnalis. Ormocerus vernalis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1835, p. 169, 9; Thorns. Hym. Scand. iv. 242, <$ 9 . viblllenUS. Ormocerus Vibulenus, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 205, $ . 2. MACROMESUS. W T alk. List Chal. B. M. ii. (1848) 161. amphiretus. Macromesus Amplriretus, Walk. lib. tit. 106 et 162, 9. 3. MEROMALUS. Walk. Ent. Mag. 1835, p. 178. is. Meron talus flavicornis, Walk. I.e. cJ. Ormocerus Drymo, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 205, rf. 4. GASTRANCISTRUS. Westw. Phil. Mag. 1833, p. 444. Gastrancistrus Accia, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. 105 et 156, 9. acontes. Gastrancistrus Acontes, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1839, p. 32, <$ &CntU8. Gastrancitnis acutus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1835, p. 177, d* 9 Tridymus acutus, Thorns. Hyin. Scand. iv. 2UO, 9- alectus. Gastrancistrus Alectus, Walk. List Chal. B. M. it. 105 et 158, rf. amaboeus. Gastrancistrus Amabmis, Walk. lib. cit. 105 et 155, 9. amnlsOS. Gastrancistrus Amnisos, Walk. lib. cit. 105 et 159, $ . anglllus. Gastrancislrus avgulus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1835, p. 177, 9- annillipes. Gastrancinlrits annulipes, Walk. lib. cit. p. 176, 9- atropurpureiis. Gastrancistrus atropurpureus, Walk. lib. cit. p. 173, c?. COUlpreSSUS. Gastrancislrus compressus, Walk. lib. cit. p. 172, <$ . &&&&&$. Gastrancistrus Fidenas, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. 105 et 157, rf. fumipennis. Gastrancistrus fumipennis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1835, p. 174, c?9- fllSCicomis. Gastrancistrus fuscicornis, Walk. lib. cit. p. 171, c?. geganius. Gastrancistrus Geganius, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. 105 et 157, J- hamilhlS. Gastrancistrus Hamilfus, Walk. lib. cit. 105 et 156, 9. . Gastrancistrus Hierocles, Walk. lib. cit. 105 et 158, PICO:PTERUS. EUTELCS. 41 4. EPICOPTERUS. Westw. Loud. Mag. 1833, p. 418. is. Epicopterus ckoreiformis, Westw. Loud. Mag. 1833, p. 419 ; Introd. ii, Syuop. 71. 5. COLAS. Curt. B. E. pi. clxvi. (1827) ; Metopachia, Westw. Phil. Mag. 1833, p. 444. dispar, Colas dispar, Curt. lib. cit: <$ Q; Westw. Zool. Journ. 1828, p. 25, pi. ii. fig. 3, 9; Herrich-Schaffer, F. Germ. 1844, p. 184, pi. 11 et 12. Metopackia dispart Westw. Introd. ii, Synop. 71. 2. PTEROMALIDES. 1. DIMACHUS. Thorns. Hym. Sca,nd. v. (1878) 50 et 52. discolor. Pteromalus discolor, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1830, p. 473, $. Dimachus discolor, Thorns. Hym. Scand. v. 52, J $. 2, HOMOPORUS. Thorns. Hym. Scand. v. (1878) 64 ; nee Thorns. Opusc. Ent. xir. (1890) 1488. s, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1836, p. 190, 9; cf. Moncreaff, Entom. 1871, p. 239. Merisus fulvivcntris, Thorns. Hym. Scand. v. 04, $ 9 . 3. PLATYMESOPUS. Westw. Phil. Mag. 1833, p. 444. tibialis. Plaiymei>opus tibialis, Westw. I. c. <$; Nees, Mon. ii. 408; Walk. Eut. Mag. 1835, p. 352, rf $ . P. Westwoodii, Bate. d. Forst. i. 200, 9 . Pteromalus sodalis, Forst. Mon. Plerom. 13, J 9 . P. Platymesopus, Keinh. Stett, Ent. Zeit. 1856, p. 108. Eutelus titrialis, Thorns. Hym. Scand. v. 71, $ 9. 4, EUTELUS, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1835, p. 356. SeqUUS. Eutelus (squus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1835, p. 364, 9. altUS. Eutelus altus, Walk. lib. cit. p. 367, (J 9 . aiH03HUS. Amhlymerus amcemts, Walk. lib. cit. p. 307, 9 Eutelus dilectus, Walk. lib. cit. p. 356, <$. E. immaculatus, Walk, lib* cit. p. 357, c?; Entom. 1841, pi. B, fig. 4. E. collaris, Thorns. Hym. Scand. v, 74, <$ 9 . EUTELtlS. PLATTTERMA. apicalis. Pteromalus apicalis, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1836, p. 196, 9 . Platy- mesopus apicalis, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1882. p. 328, J. bicolor. Eutelus bicolor, Walk. Ent, Mag. 1835, p. 3(51, $. Catenatus. Eutelus catenatus, Walk. lib. cit. p. 362, $. ChlorospilllS, Eutelus chlorospilus, Walk. lib. cit. p.' 368, J 9 . diffinis. Eutelus diffinis, Walk. lib. cit. p. 358, <$; Thorns. Hvm. Scand v.73, cf$. elevatUS. #^s elevatus, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1835, p. 366, $> . eximJUS. Eutelus eximius, Walk. #A. c#. p. 360, $ . flavipes. Eutelus flavipes, Walk. #6. c*Y. p. 364, $. fuscipennis. Eutelus fusoipewnis, Walk. ft*. 7. p. 3(38, 9 gracilis. Eutelus gracilis, Walk. &A. . Cleptes muscarum t Fab. Piez. 150. Pteromalus muscarum, Walk. Ent. Mag. 1830, p. 184, 9; Eatz. Ichn. d. Forst. i. 199; ii. 191; Spangberg, Ent. Tids. 1884, pp. 204 et 231. Diplolepis larvarum, Spin. Ins. Lig. ii. 162 ; Pteromalus larvarum, !Nees, Mon. ii. 93, 9 . P. Thessalus, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 268, rf. P. psittacinus, font. Mon. Pteroiu. 17, $ ; P. seladonms, Forst. I. c. 24, <$ . Etroxys muscaru/n, Thorns, Hjm. Scand. v. 91, . ci p. 386, tf $ . Orelia. Cirrospilus Orelia, Walk. ^'6. cit. p. 450, c? $ . phorbas. Cirrospilus Phorbas, Walk. lib. cit. p. 384, $. pictllS. Ettlaphus pictus, Nees, Mon. ii. 165, $ $ . Cirrospilus pictm, Thorns. Hyin. Scand. v. 200, rf $ . C. Thasus, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 1838, p. 309, <$ $ ; Reinh. Berl. Ent. Zeit. 1858, p. 16. Eulophus arcuatus, Forst. Mon. Pteroin. i. 41, . Entedon arcuatus, Ratz. Ichn. d. Forst ii. 163 ; iii. 208. procles. Cirrospilus Procles, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 1S38, p. 453, cf Salatis. Cirrospilus Salatis, Walk. lib. cit. p. 311, $ . singa. Cirroapilus Sivga, Walk. lib. cit. p. 383, $ . vittatUS. Cirrospilus vittatus, Walk. lib. cit. p. 308, $ ; Keinh. Berl. Ent. Zeit. 1858,. p. 15 ; Thorns. Hyin. Scand. v. 201, cf $ Eulophus lineatus, Forst. Mon. Pteroin. i. 41, $ . Entedon lineatus, Ratz. Ichn. d. Forst. iii. 209, $ . Walkeri. Cirrospilus Walker i, Steph. Illus. M. Suppl. 10, pi. xlvi. fig. 3. 4. ASECODES. Forst. Hyin. Stud. ii. (1856) 79; Diglyphus, Walk. List dial. B. M. ii. (1848) 145(ined.). . Diglyphus Aculeo, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. 145 et 236, $ . chabrias. Cirrospilus Chabrias, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 1838, p. 451, 9; cf. lib. cit. 1844, p. 409.' deldon. Cirrospilus Deldon, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 294, tf . minoetlS. Cirrospilus Minosus, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 1838, p. 385, d" $ . C. Abron, Walk. lib. cit. p. 385, rf . Eulophus Amelon, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 179, <$. myTOH. Cirrospilvs Myron, Walk. lib. cit. i. 294, $ . poppoea. Diglyphus Pqppaa, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. 145 et 235, $ . Smilis. Cirrospilus smilis, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 317, $ . 5. MELITTOBIA. Westw. Proc. Ent. Soc. 1847, p. xviii et 1849, p. Ixv. CirrospUus Acasta, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 328, $ (d in errore). Melittobia Acasta, Smith, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1854, pp. 248-253; Forst. Hym. Stud. ii. 75. M. Audouini, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1847, Proc. p. xviii ; lib. cit. 1849, p. Ixv ; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1849, p. 37 ; Gard. Ch. 1849, p. 295 ; Gir. Ann. Soc. Fr. 1869, p. 155, <$ 9 . Anthoplwrabia retusa, Newp. Gard. Ch. 1848, p. 183 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. 1849, p. 513 ; Trans. Linn. Soo. 1852, p. 63, <5 $ . A. fawiata, Newp. lib. cit. p. 81. c? $- 58 ELACH1STUS. HEMLPTARSENUS. 6. ELACHISTUS. Ashrnead, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xiii. 1886, p. 133; Elachertus, Spin. Atin. Mus. 1811, p. 151 ; Elachesttis, Forst. Mon. Pt'erom. (1841) p. 39. argissa. Eulophus Argissa, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 172, $ . (?) Elachestus inunctus, Nees, Mon. ii. 145. Charondas. Eulophus Charondas, Walk. lib. cit. 174, d 1 $ ; cf. List Chal. B. M. i. 68. dimidiatus. Eulophus dimidiatus, Nees, Mon. 160, J . E. Arteeus, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 172, $ ; cf. ii. 41. Elachestus Idomene, Walk. List Chal. B. M. i. 98, $ . E. carinatus, Eatz. Ichn. d. Forst. ii. 172 ; iii. 217, $. Eulophus Erse, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 177, <$. . Eulophus Eucrate, Walk. lib. cit. 176, rf $ . eurybatCS. Eulophus Eurybates, Walk. lib. cit. 178, <$ . fLoTisams.E'ulopk'us Florianus, Walk. lib. cit. 176, rf ? . neleilS. Eulophus Neleus, Walk. lib. cit. 177, tf OrSUS. Eulophus Orsits, Walk. fo'6. czY. 174, 9 . saon. Eulophus Saon, Walk. lib. cit. 175, c? . SUada. Eulophus Suada, Walk. 6. aY. 178, rf - ticida. Eulophus Ticida, Walk. Zi6. czY. 179, $. 3. EULOPHIN^E. 1, DICLADOCERUS. Westw. Phil. Mag. 1832, p. 128. WestwOOdi. Didadocerus Westwoodii, Westw. /. c. ; Introd. ii, Synop. 74, i. pi. i, fig. 4, <$ ; Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist, 1844, p. 409. Eulophus Westwoodi, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 157, J $ ; Hal. Tr. Ent. Soc. 1844, p. 301. 2. HEMIPTARSENUS. Westw. Loud. Mag. 1833, p. 122. anementus. Hemiptarsenus fulvicollis, Westw. lib. cit. p. 123, excl. $ . H. albicoxa, Thorns. Hym. Scand. v. 210, c? 9 Eulophus Anementus, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 191, $. (?) E. tarandus, Forst. Mon. Pterorn. i. 44, c? . Elachestus pulcherrimus, Forst. lib. cit. 40, $ . fulvicollis. Hemiptarsenus fulvicollis, Westw. Loud. Mag. 1833, p. 123, excl. c? ; Walk. Entom. 1873, p. 419 et Notes, 7, figg. ; Thorns. Hym. Scand. v. 208, $. Eulophus fulvicollis, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 190, $ Entom. 1841, pi. L, fig. 1, ^ ; Blanchard, Hist, Nat, Ins. iii. 279 ; Six, Tijds. Entom. 1876, p. 136, pi. vi, fig. 6, tf- HEMIPTABSENUS. EULOPHUS. 59 * Unguicellus. Elachestus fusciventris, Nees, Mon. ii. 145, J 9 (?). E. pellucens, Forst. Mon. Pterom. i. 39, $ . Entedon unguicellus, Zett. I. L. i. 429, 9 Hcmiptarsenus unguicellus, Thorns. Hym. Scand. v. 210, c?9- Eulophus Gonippus, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 132, 6*9- E. antilopc, Forst. Mon. Pterom. i. 43, $ . 3. OLYNX. Forst. Hym. Stud. ii. (1856) 73. gallarum. Ichneumon gaUarum, Linn. F. S. 1761, 409 ; S. N. 1767, 939; Fab. S. E. 342 ; S. I. 438. Diplolepis gallarum, Fab. Piez. 150 ; Spin. Ins. Lig. ii. 227. Eulophus gallarum, Nees, Mon. ii. 170. E. Euedoreschus, Walk. Mou. Chal. i. 188, $ $ . Olynx gallarum, Forst. Hym. Stud. ii. 74. Olinx gallarum, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. 1877, p. 158 ; Thorns. Hym. Scand. v. 215, $ $ . 4. SYMPIESIS. Forst. Hym. Stud. ii. (1856) 74. . Eulophus sericeicornis, Nees, Mon. ii. 168, J 9 E. Eneu- (/amus, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 160, tf 9 ; Eeinh. Berl. Ent. Zeit. 1858, p. 15. Entedon lacticornis, Katz. Ichii. d. Forst. ii. 162, pi. iii, fig. 24 ; iii. 207, (5*$. Sympiesis Kericeicornis, Gir. Ann. Soc. Fr. 1869, p. 145, (5 $ ; Thorns. Hym. Scand. v. 217. 5. CKATOTRECHUS. Thorns. Hym. Scand. v. (1878) 219. larvarum. Ichneumon larvarum, Linn. S. N. 1758, 567 ; F. S. 1761, 409 ; Fab. S. I. 439; M. I. 270. Cleptes larvarum, Fab. Piez. 156. Entedon larvarum, Dalm. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, pi. viii, fig. 42; Zett. I. L. i. 427. Eulophus larvarum, Nees, Mon. ii. 157, <5 9- Crato- trechus larvarum, Thorns. Hym. Scand. v. 220. 6. EULOPHUS. Geoff. Hist, d'Ins. ii. (1762) 312. acalle. Eulophus Acalle, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. 144 et 234, . e#. 144, (5". CarbO. Eulophus Carbo, Walk. ftft. cz7. 138, rf. CatreilS. EulophuK Catreus, Walk. J#. e#. 148, <$ . Cinctipes. Enlophus cinctipes. Steph. Illus. M. Stippl. 9, pi. xlvi, fig. 1, rf. Cleopater. Eulophus Cleopafer, W r alk. Mon. Chal. i. 184, $. COecilillS. Eulophus Ccerilius, Walk. /iA. czY. 166, 9. COSCOnitlS. Eulophus Coscoi/ius, Walk. ^'6. ciY. 145, d*. CromuS. Eulophus Cromus. Walk. ^'A. cz7. 165, $ . Croton. Eulophus Croton, Walk. /?A. Y. 1 82, $ . dercymiS. ^^^?. c^. 159, $. ' dropion. Eulophus Dropion, Walk. lib. cit. 150, (j 1 . drupes. Eulopkus Drupes. W T alk. ^'b. cit. 127, $- drusilla. Eulophus Drusilla, Walk. Kft. . fit. 130. $ . SCyllis. Eulophus Scyllis, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. 144 et 234, $ . . Eulophus Sithon, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 181. cf . Eulophus Soemius, Walk. lib. cit. 170. $. thespius. Eulophus Thespius, Walk. lib. cit. 127. $ . tidillS. Eulophus Tidius. Walk. lib. cit. 146, $. Eulophus Trachalus, Walk. lib. cit. 152. rf . . Eulophus Ti/rrhenus, Walk. lib. cit. 147, c^ . veturius. Eulophus Vetnrlm, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. 144 et 234, cf . Villius. -Eulop} lU s Villius, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 154, $. Waterh.OUSei. Hemiptarsenus Waterhousii, Westw. Loud. Mag. 1833, p. 123. 3 ; cf. List Chal. i. 71. zeugma. Eulophus Zeugma, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 183, $. 62 TETBA.CA.MPE. OMPHALE. 4. ENTEDONTIN^E. 1. TETRACAMPIDES. 1. TETRACAMPE. Forst. Mon. Pterom. 33 (1841) ; Epiclerus, Hal. Trans. Ent. SOP. 1843, p. 296. galemcse. Pteromalm galleruca, Fonsc. Ann. Sci. Nat. 1832, p. 302. Eulophus galenwa, Nees, Mon. ii. 430. Entedon Temcnus, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 122, $ $. Tetracampe Temenus, Forst. Hym. Stud. ii. 79, <5 ; T.fiavipes, 1. c. 79. T. galerucce, Thorns. Hym. Sca:ul. v. 177, c?9. panyas. Entedon Panyas, Walk. Mon. Clial. i. 120, $ . Epiclerus Parujas, Hal. Trans. Ent. Soe. 1843, p. 296. Tetracampe impressa, Forst. Hym. Stud. ii. 79 ; Thorns. Hym. Scand. v. 182, tf 9 . 2. PLATYNOCHEILUS. Westw. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 436. . Ptero-maluscuprifrons,'Nees,M.on. ii. 96, c?9- Plalyno- cheilus cuprifrons, Forst. Hym. Stud. ii. 50. Platynochilus cuprifrons, Thoni3. Hym. Scand. v. 185, $ . Stenucera Derceto, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 275, $ . Erichsoni. PlatynocheUus Erichsonii, Westw. Ent. Mag. 1837, p. 437, c? (fig.) ; Eeinh. Berl. Ent. Zeit. 1857, p. 80; Thorns. Hym. Scand. v. 177. Stenocera Erichsonii, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 276, 9 . Pteroncoma linearis, Forst, Mon. Pterom. i. 34, fig. 27, 9 2. ENTEDONT1DES. 1. OMPHALE. Hal. Ent, Mag. 1833, p. 339 ; Smaragdites, Westw. Loud. Mag. 1833, p. 419. SUBtiwa.Entedon Aeiius, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 78, cf $. Omphale Aetius, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1844, p. 400. Salicis. Omphale salicis, Hal. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 339, $ 9 ; Thoins. Hym. Scand. v. 268, 9. Entedon Salicis, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 76, cJ 9 ; E. admirabilis, Eeinh. Berl. Ent. Zeit. 1858, p. 22. Smarag- dites admirabilis, Westw. Loud. Mag. 1833, p. 419. E^llophus subulatus, Nees, Mon. ii. 167, c?. E. terebratoi*, Forst. Mon. Pterom. i. 42, 9 . (?) Entedon Te/ephe, Walk. Mon. Ciial. i. 75, tf 9 . CLOSTEROCERUS. ENTODON. 63 2. CLOSTEROCERUS. Westw. Loud. Mag. 1833, p. 419. eutropilis. Entedon Eutropius, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 69, J 9- forniOSUS. Closterocerus formosus, Westw. 1. c. p. 420; Thorns. Hyin. Scand. v. 270, <$ 9. Entedon Jormosus, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 26, 9. trifasciatus. Closterocerus trifasciatus, Westw. Loud. Mag. 1833, p. 420 ; Thorns. Hyin. Scand. v. 270, tf 9 Entedon trifasciatus, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 26, c?9- Eulophus bifasciatus, Nees, Mon. Ichn. Aff. ii. 156, cf. 3. DEROSTENUS. Westw. Loud. Mag. 1833, p. 495. alcetas. Derostenus Alcetas, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist, 1843, p. 31, rf ; cf. List Chal. B. M. ii. 137. I Entedon Amyclas, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 42 ; Entom. 1841, pi. L, fig. 4; Notes, 1872, p. Ill, c? ; cf. Dale, E. M. M. 1890, p. 162. j. Derostenus gemmeus, Westw. Loud. Mag. 1833, p. 496. En- tedon gemmeus, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 30, tf 9 ; Eeinh. Berl. Ent. Zeit. 1858, p. 22. Elachestus cupreus, Forst. Mon. Pterora. i. 39, fig. 11, 9 . 4. ENTEDON. Dalra. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1820, p. 136; Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 20. . Entedon Abdera, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 98, rf. abrota. Entedon Abrota, Walk. lib. cit. 62, <$ 9 . acamas. Entedon Acamas, Walk. lib. cit. 83, <$ 9 acantha. Entedon Acantha, Walk. Jib. cit. 107, 9 . acerbas. Entedon Acerbas, Walk. lib. cit. 40, ?tf. acestor. Entedon Acestor, Walk. lib. cit. 21. 9 acoris. Entedon Acoris, Walk. lib. cit. 59, c?. S&reUB.Entedon Adreus, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. 140 et 231. tf. aeSOpllS. Entedon Aesopus, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 74, c?. afranius. Entedon Afranius, Walk. lib. cit. 65, 9 . Entedon Agamedes, Walk. lib. cit. 29, 9 . Entedon Alaxphams, Walk. lib. cit. 109, 9 . Entedon Alcceus, Walk. lib. cit. 94, tf 9- alphenilS. Entedon Alphenus, Walk. lib. cit. 64. 9 altadas. Entedon Altadas, Wnlk. lib. cit. 70, rf 9 . amadoCUS. Entedon Amadccus, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. 140 et 229, 9 . . Entedon Amamts, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 39 ; c? 9 ; c f> Hal. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1843, p. 298. 64 ENTEDOTf. amasis. Entedon Amasis, Walk. Mon. Ohal. i. 37, d*. amyite. Entedon Amyite,TN&\k. lib. tit. 65, $ $ . Entedon Amyntas, Walk. lib. cit. Ill, <$ (et $?). . Entedon Amyrtaus, Walk. lib. cit. 57, c? $ . antaradllS. Entedon Antaradus, Walk. List Chal.' B. M. ii. 140 et 227, d" anthylla. Entedon Anthylla, Walk. Mon. Cbal. i. 86, rf $ . arisba. Entedon Arisba, Walk. /&. e#. 121, $. &SO. Entedon Aso, Walk. fo'ft. c*z!. 66, d 1 assis. Entedon Assis, Walk. lib. cit. 43, c? . atyS. Entedon Atys, Walk. /z'A. cit. 34, $ . axia. Entedon Axia, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. 140 et 226, <$ . beon. Entedon Beon, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 107, tf. bibuhlS. Entedon Bibulus, Walk. lib. cit. 62, 9 . busiris. Enfedon Busiris, Walk. lib. cit. 99, rf 9 . butllS. Entedon Butus, Walk. lib. cit. 32, rf CSBITU.S. Entedon Ccenus, Walk. lib. cit. 113, $. (Ad gen. PLEUROTROPIS, Forst. ?) caesius. Entedon Cessius, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 30, c?. Calitor. Entedon Calitor, Walk. lib. cit. 60, <$ . Came. Entedon Carne, Walk. lib. cit. 123, $ . charaxUS. Entedon Charascus, Walk. lib. cit. 68, d". Charino. Entedon Charino, Walk. lib. cit. 86, 9 . Chilo. Entedon Chilo, Walk. ^6. c#. 63, cJ 9 . Chthonia. Entedon Chthonia, Walk. /6. cit. 122, 9. Cilia. Entedon Cilia, Walk. #6. e#. 37, 9 . clinillS. Entedon Clinius, Walk. lib. cit. 90, 9 (?) E. Clinus, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist, 1844, p. 408, tf . Clita. Entedon Clita, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 117, rf. Clymene. Entedon Clymene, Walk. W6. Y. 91, 9 . COedicitlS. Entedon Ccedicius, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist, 1846, p. 183, c?. COiluS. Entedon Coilus, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 79, tf 9 . COrytuS. Entedon Corytus, Walk. W6. ci^. 116, tf 9 COthurnatnS. Elachestus cothurnatus, Nees, ii. 141, < 9 Entedon Argon, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 102, 9 . . Evtedon Cydon, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 58, 9- Entedon Daunus, Walk. lib. cit. 43, <5 dlmas. Entedon Dimas, Walk. lib. cit. 24, <$ . diotimilS. Entedon, Diotimus, Walk. lib. cit. 101, 9- ." Entedon Enephes, Walk. lib. cit. 67, c? 9 . Entedon Epaphus, Walk. /ft. cit. 89, 9 epeilS. Entedon Epeus, Walk. Wft. czY. 118, tf. ergeteles. Entedon Ergeteles, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. 230 ; cf. I.e. 140. . Entedon Erffias, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 100, 9- . Entedon Erginvus, Walk. lib. cit. 124, <$ . . Entedon Erigone. Walk. lib. cit. 44, <$ . . Entedon Eropus. Walk. lib. cit. 75, c? ENTEDOtf. 65 . Entedon Erxias, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. 140 et 227, tf. . Entedon Eubius, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 109, J 9 . (Ad gen. PLEUROTKOHS, Forst. ?) rion. Entodon Euphorion, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 105, 9 . fufius. Entedon Fufius, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist, 1846, p. 182, $. gemma. Entedon gemma, (Curtis, Guide, 115) Walk. Mon. Chal. i, 53, c?. glabrio. Entedon Glabrio, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1846, p. 184, tf. hercyna. Entedon Hercyna, Walk. Mon. Chal. 104, 9. liersilia. Entedon Hersilia, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 1839. p. 235, ^. icetas. Entedon Icetas, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. 141 et 231, tf. idyia. Entedon Idyia, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 39, $. inarilS. Entedon Inarus, Walk. lib. cit. 52, 9 isander. Entedon Isander, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. 140 et 225, rf. ithonilS. Entedon Ithonus, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 82, 9. laelius. Entedon Laelim, Walk. lib. cit. 86, 9 . lanassa. Entedon Lanassa, Walk, lib, cit. 22, rf 9 . laomedon. Entedon Laomedon, Walk, lib, cit. 50, c? 9 larina. Entedon Larina, Walk. lib. cit. 46, <5 Latreillei. Eulophus Latreillii, Curt. B. E. fol. cxxxiii, $. Entedon Latreillii, Walk. Mon. Chal. 31, tf ; Westw. Introd. ii, Synop. 74 ; Gour. Ann. Soc. Fr. 1851, p. 145, pi. vi, figg. 8-10. leucippus. Entedon Leucippus, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 61, 9- linus. Entedon Linus, Walk, lib, cit. 119, 9. lyaeilS. Entedon Lyaeus, Walk. lib. cit. 84, tf 9 lycambes. Entedon Lycambes, Walk. lib. cit. 73, $ , IjCQTis.Entedon Lycoris, Walk. lib. cit. 72, <$ 9 . lysis. Entedon Lysis, Walk. lib. cit. 114, 9 . marica. Entedon Marica, Walk. lib. cit. 88, 9 . matho. Entedon Matho, Walk. lib. cit. 51, 9 . Hielaenis. Entedon Melaenis, Walk. lib. cit. 47, c?. mentO. Entedon Mento, Walk. lib. cit. 28, rf. mera. Entedon Mera, Walk. lib. cit. 97, cf merlon. Entedon Merion, Walk. lib. cit. 100, 9 . HietageneS. Entedon Metagenes, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. 140 et 230, c?. metallicUS. Eulophus metallicus, Nees, Mon. ii. 176, tf 9. Entedon Epigonus, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 112, tf 9 . metella. Entedon Metella, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 35, J. . Entedon Metkion, Walk. lib. cit. 105, 9. E. canaliculatm, Katz. Ichn. d. F. ii. 161, $ 9 - Eulophus canaliculatm, Forst. Mon. Pterom. i. 42, pi. xiii, <$ 9 . Entedon Metius, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 90, 9 . . Entedon Nania, Walk. lib. cit. 48, 9 ; List Chal. B. M. ii. 140 et227, J- . Entedon Nautes, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 33, $ . uautias. Entedon Nautias, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist, 1846, p. 183, tf. 66 ENTEDON. . Entedon Nadus, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 92, 9 . nephereilS. Entedon Xephereus, Walk. lib. cit. 36, 9 . nephthe. Entedon Nepkfhe, Walk. lib. cit. 108, $ . llitetis. Entedon Nitetis, Walk. lib. cit. 52, $ . nOVellTlS. Entedon Xovellus, Walk. lib. cit. 55, '<$ $ . nUTSCia. Entedon Nurscia, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. 140 et 225, tf. OChllS. Entedon Ochus, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 21, $ . OCyalllS. Entedon Ocyalus, Walk. lib. cit. 56, tf . . Entedon Parmys, Walk. lib. cit. 71, c? 9 . Entedon Parsodcs, Walk. fo'6. 9- Entedon Prodice, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 41, ' d" ; of. List Chal. ii. 136. zanara. Entedon Zanctra, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 95, <$ . EUDERTH. TKTFASTICHU . 5. TETRASTICHIN&. 1. EUDERUS. Hal. Trans. Eut. Soc. 1843, p. 298. ' is. En-t'-don Amphi*, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 1C6, 9 . Eudcrus A/nphis, Hal. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1843, p. 298; Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1844, p. 409. fitedoti Mithras, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 93, 9 ; cf. List Chal. 13. M. ii. 141. 2. CERANISUS. Walk. Entom. 1840., p. 6, pi. N, fig. 2 ; Notes, 1872, 105. Cirrospilus Pacuvius, Wlk. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1838, p. 383, <$ 9 ; Entom. 1841, pi. N, fig. 2; Notes, 114, fig. 3. TETEASTICHUS. Hal. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1843, p. 297 ; Goniocerus, Ratz. Ichn. d. Forst. ii. (1818) 175. abantidas. Cirrospilus Abantidas, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 1839, p. 179, rf. abydenilS. Tetrastichus Abydenus, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. 151 et 236, <$. achsemenes. Cirrospilus Achamenes, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 1839, p. 419, d\9- actis. Pteroptrix Actis, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 20, 9 Cirrospilus pronomus, Walk. lib. cit. i. 312, $ . adalia. Cirrospilus Adalia, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 1839, p. 351, $. gega. Cirrospilus JEga, Walk. lib. cit. iii. 1839, p. 181, 9. 28116118. Tetrastichus ceneus, Walk. lib. cit. v. 1848. agathocles. Cirrospilus Agathocles, Walk. lib. cit. ii. 1839, p. 353, rf 9. agrus. Cirrospilus Agrus, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 30P>, 9 . alcithoe. Cirrospilus Akithoe.WaXk. Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 1839, p. 418, 9. . Cirrospilus Amenon, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 315, 9- . Cirrospilus Amynus, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 313, 9- anodaphllS. Cirrospilus Anodaphus, Walk. lib. cit. 321, 9- anteius. Eulophus ater, Nees, Mon. ii. 186, , $ . n.erio.Eulophus Ericce, Duf. Ann. Soc. Fr. 1837, p. 53 (?). Cirrospilus Nerio, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 295, 9 Entedon seminarius, Ratz. Ichn. d. Forst, iii. 213, 9 . IlOVatUS. Cirrospilus Novatus, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 312, 9- . Cirrospilus Numeria, Walk. lib. cit. 321, 9- Cirrospilus Nymphis, Walk. lib. cit. 299, <$ . . Cirrospilus Orithyia, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 1839, p. 352, erodes. --Cirrospilus Orodes, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 303, J 9. . Cirrospilus Oropus, Walk. lib. cit. 305, $ . . Cirrospilus Orsedice, Walk. lib. cit. 308, 9- orsillllS. Cirrospilus Orsillus, Walk. lib. cit. 318, 9. OXathreS. Cirrospilus Oxathres, Walk. lib. cit. 299, tf. pamyles. Cirrospilus Pamj/lcs. Walk. lib. cit. 313, 9 paralus, Cirrospilus Paralus, Walk. lib. cit. 296, 9- 70 TETHASTICHUS. pauciris. Cirrospilus Paw-iris, Walk. lib. clt. 327, $. phalis. Cirrospilus Phalis, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 1839, p. 418, . phineus. Cirrospilus Phineus, Walk. Mon. dial. i. 303. <$. Tetra- stichus Phineus, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1844, p. 409. plangOH. Cirrospilus Plangon, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 298, $ . prosymna. Cirrospilus Prosi/mna, Walk. lib. cit. 304, $ 9 . (?) Eulophm crinicornis, Pen-. Ann. Soe. Fr. 1840, p. 89. quercens. Cirrospilus Quercens, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 307, $. rabirius. Cirrospilus Rabiriu*, WaJk. lib. cit. 305, tf . racilla. Cirrospilus Racilla, Walk. lib. cit. 312, $. rhacius. Cirrospilus Rhacius, Walk. Ann. Nat, Hist. iii. 1839, p. 181, $. rhSBSUS. Cirrospilus Rhasus, Wwlk. lib. cit. p. 417, $. rhipheilS. Cirrospilus Rhipheus, Walk. #fi. c/V. p. 416, $ . rhode. Cirrospilus Rhode, Walk. #6. V. iv. 1840, p. 29, (j\ rhceo. drrospUus Rhoeo, Walk. #A. cit. iii. 1839, p. 417, $. rhosaces. Cirrospilus Rhosaces, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 293, rf ; Blanchard, Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 2Si; SandaCC. Cirrospilus Sandace, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 311, rf. Simo.^ Cirrospilus Simo, Walk. /^. r?Y. 298, <$ . Sinope. Cirrospilus Sinope, Walk. lib. cit. 295, $. Cirrospilus Sotades.WnWs.. Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 1839, p. 417, 9. SUCYO. Cirrospihis Sucro, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 308, $. STieviuS. Cirrospilus Suevius, Walk. &'&. cit. 323, $. tacllOS. Cirrospilus Tachos, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 1839, p. 352, rf $. . Cirrospilus Tencrus, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 308, $. osp^ws TmW, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 1840, p. 236, 9. totis. Cirrospilus Totis, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 320, <$ . ttabea. Cirrospilus Trabea, Walk. lib. cit. 323, tf 9. triaxinBTetrastichus Triarius, Walk. List Chal. B. M. ii. 151 et 236, cJ. tlllis. Cirrospilus Tulis, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 1839, p. 354, $ 9. . Cirrospilus Tymber, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 298, c?. . Cirrospilus Tyrtaus, Walk. KA. Y. 306, 9. . Cirrospilus Upis, Walk. lib. cit. i. 297, c?. VaCCUS. Cirrospilus Vaccus, Walk. ?/6. cit. 299, c?; vaciina. Cirrospilus Vocuna, Walk. lib. cit. 305, $ . vicellillS. Cirrospilus Vicellius, Walk. lib. cit. 307, 9 Vincius. Cirrospilus Vincius, Walk. lib. cit. 317, 9- VOrailUS. Cirrospilus Voranus, Walk. lib. cit. 298, <$ . . Cirrospilus Xeuxes, Walk. lib. cit. 301, c?. . Cirrospilus Xixuthrus, Walk. lib. cit. 306, 9- zenocia. Cirrospilus Zenocia, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 1839, p. 418, 9' ZOiluS. Cirrospilus Zoilus, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 325, 9- ZOpyruS. Cirrospilus Zopijrus, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 1840, p. 29, <$ . ZOSimilS. Cirrospilus Zosimus, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 2 ( J7, $ 9 '> Blanchard, Hibt. Nat. Ins. iii. 281. APROSTOCETUS. OLICOSITA. 3. Trimera. 1. TRICHOGRAMMATIN^E. 1. APROSTOCETUS. Westw. Phil. Mag. 1833, p. 444 ; Lonchentedon, Eatz. Ichn. d. Forst. iii. (1852) 215. anyta. Cirrospilus Anyta, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 1839, p. 417, $. Aprostocetus Anyta, Walk. /. c. 1844, p. 409. CatillS. Cirrospilus Catius, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 323, 9- Aprostocetus Catius, W^alk. Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 1844, p. 409. CaudatllS. Aprostocetus caudatus, Westw. Phil. Mag. 1833, p. 444, figg. 10, 11 ; Nees, Mon. ii. 188, 9 . Cirrospilus caudatus et Leucone, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 324 et 325, $ $ . Eulophus tristis, Nees, Mon. ii. 188, 9 . E. longicaudatiis, Forst. Mon. Pteroni. 42, $ . Tetrastichus caudatus, Forst. Hyin. Stud. ii. 86 ; Thorns. Hyin. Scand. v. 293, 9 . 2. TRICHOGRAMMA. Westw. Phil. Mag. 1883, p. 444 ; CalleptUes, Hal. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 340. 3. Trichogramma evanescens, Westw. Phil. Mag. 1833, p. 444; Nees, Mon. ii. 410; Westw. Tr. Linn. Soc. 1879, pi. 73 ; cf. Entom. 1871, p. 358. Pteroptrix evanescens, Walk. Mon. Chal. i. 13, tf . CalleptUes latipennis, Hal. Ent. Mag. 1833, p. 341, tf. ). Trichogramma vitripennis, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. 1851, p. 212. [CENTHOBIA, Forst.] 3. CILETOSTRICHA. Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. 1851, p. 210 ; Ophioneurus, Eatz. Ich. d. Forst. iii. (1852) 196. dimidiata. Chcetostricha dimidiata, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. 1851, p. 211. 4. OLIGOSITA. Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. 1851, p. 211. COllina. OUgosita collina, Walk. Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. 1851, p. 212, . SUMMARY.* Chalcididse PENTAMERA : gen. Chalcidinae ... 4 sp. 1 gen. Aphelinae ... 4 sp. 24 TETRAMERA : gen. Elasmmae 1 sp. f) Eucharinas 1 1 Pireninae 3 q Elachistinaa . 6 45 Perilampinas ... 2 fi Spalansriinss 7 17 Eulopliinge . . 6 89 Eurytominse 5 69 ChrysolampinsB 22 160 Enteciontinae 6 154 Toryminae 9 87 CleonyiuinaB 9 32 Tetrastichine 3 134 Ormyrinae 1 2 Caratorninaa ... 1 2 TRIMERA : Eupelminse ... 4 9 Pteromalinse ... 26 434 Trichogrammatinae . 4 7 Encyrtinae 24 134 Total : 148 1424 * Corrected to 15th March, 1910. Claude Morley. I N B E X. Ageninspis . . Agonioneurus . Amblymerus Aneure . . Xomina $t page .' 25 . . 43 55 tnonyma Utter is obliqui* Comys . . . . . imp) aye 19 37 37 39 59 36 36 4 63 46 58 33 45 57 41 *9 37 19 58 58 58 55 3 22 63 62 41 21 44 3 essa stint. ~\ Eurytoiua Eusemiou Eutelus . . Q-a strand str us . Glyphe . . Goniocerus . Habroeytus . . Hnbrolepis . . Halizoa . page . . 5 . . 17 . . 41 . . 34 . . 35 . . 67 . . 44 . . 17 . . 45 Coruna . .*.'.. Coryna ...'.> Cratmuus . . . . Cratotrechus . . . Cryptoprymna . . . Cyrtogaster . . . Decatoma . . . . Derostenus . . . . Dichelysis . . . . Dicladocerus . . . Dicyclus . . . f Diglochis . . . .' Diglyphus . . . . Dimachus . Dinocarsis . . Diomorus . . . . Dipara . . . . Ectroma . . . . Elachertus , Elachestus .... Elachistus . Elasnius ... Anusia . . . 18 Apheiinus . . Aphycus . . . 25 22 Aprostocetus . Arthrolytus Asaphes . . Asecodes . . Blastothrix . . Bothriothorax . Calleptiles . . Calliinome . . Callimomus . Callimone . . Calosota . . . Calypso . . . 71 . . 46 . . 28 . . 57 . . 22 . . 25 . . 71 . . 15 . . 15 . . 10 . . 16 26 Halticella . . Haltichella . . Halticoptera . Hemiptarsenus Hetroxys . . Hockeria Holaspis . . Homoporus Horniocerus Isocyrtus . . Isosoma Laesthia . . Lamprotatus . Lioterphus . . Liothorax . . Litomastix . . Lonchentedon . Macroglenes Macromesus Macron eura Megapelte . Megastigmus . Megorismus Melittobia . . Meraporus . . Merismus . . Meromalus . . Merostenus . . Mesopolobus . Metallon Metastenus . . . 3 . . 3 - . 33 . . 58 . . 44 . . 3 . . 14 . . 41 . . 33 . . 45 . . 6 . . 29 . . 29 . . 14 . . 22 . . 20 . . 71 . . 27 . . 34 . . 38 . . 55 . . . . 32 . - 57 . . 45 . . 35 . . 34 . . 39 . . 40 . . 18 . 28 Caratomus . . Caudonia Cea ... Centrobia . . Ceranisus . . Cerapterocerus Cerchysius . . Cercobelus . . CerocephaJa Chsetostricha . Chalcis Cheiropachys . Cheiloneurus Choreia Chrysolampus . Cirrospilus . . Cleonymus . Closterocerus . Coccophagus . Coelopisthia . Colas . . . 39 . . 38 . . 37 . . 71 . . 67 . . 18 . . 20 . . 17 . . 28 . . 71 . . 1 . . 40 . . 19 . . 21 . . 35 . .56 . . 3U . . 63 . . 26 . . 46 . 41 Elatud Encyrtus . Entedon . . Epiclerus Epicopterus .... Ericydnus . . . . Etroxys Euconiys . . 19 67 59 55 16 16 56 46 26 Euderus Eulophus . . . . Eunotus . ... Eupelminus . . . Eupelmus .... Euplectrus .... Eupsttocera .... Euryophrvs. 74 INDEX. Metopachia . . . Micradelus . pnge . 39 Platyterma . Polycelis 45 Sfenccera . . Stenoceroides page . 15 15 Micromelus . Microterys . . 39 . 17 Polycystus . . . . 33 45 Stenomalus . Stenomesius . 44 56 Miscogaster . . . Monodontomerus . . 29 . 8 . 25 Prosodes . . . Pi'osopon Psilocera . 36 . 38 46 Sympiesis Syntomaspis . 59 . 14 36 Olynx .... . 59 Psilonotus 43 Systasis 28 Oligosita . . . Oligosthenus . . Omphale . . . Ophioneurus Ormocerus . . . Ormyrus .... . 71 . 9 . 62 . 71 . 33 . 15 Pteronmlus . . . Pteroptri x . . . Raphitelus . . . Rhaphidotelus . . Rhoptrocerus . Rhopus . . 46 . '25 . 40 . 40 . 43 . 17 Systole . . Tetnvcampe . Tetracnemus . Tetramesa . Tetrastich us. . Thsocolax . . 8 . 62 . 25 . 6 . 67 29 Pachychirus . Pachycrepis . . . Pachylcirthrus . , . 40 . 37 33 Seladerma . . Semiotellus . . . Seniotus . 32 . 27 27 Thysanus . . Tityros . . . 26 . 32 10 Pachyneuron . . Panstenon . 37 37 Smaragdites . . Smicra . 62 2 Toxeuma . . . 32 45 Pegopus 38 Snviera 2 TrichoTainma 71 Perilampus . . . Pirene . . . Platynocheilus . . Platymesopus- . . . 3 . 27 . 62 . 41 Spalangia . . . Spaniopus . Sphegigaster . . Spilochalcis . . . . 29 . 32 . 35 . 2 Trichomasthus . Trigonoderus . Urocryplus . . Urolepis . . . 20 . 38 . 16 . 45 BT TArr.OK AND KRANCIS, BED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. B.M. (N.H.). No. 21. LIST OF THE CURRENT NATUKAL HISTOEY PUBLICATIONS OF THE TRUSTEES OP THE BRITISH MUSEUM. The following publications can be purchased through the Agency of Messrs. LONGMANS & Co., 39, Paternoster Row, London, E.G.; Mr. QuARiTCH, 11, Grafton Street, New Bond Street, W. ; and Messrs. DULAU & Co., Ltd., 37, Soho Square, W.; or at the NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, Cromwell Road, London, S. W. The History of the Collections contained in the Natural History Departments of the British Museum : Vol. I. Libraries ; Botany ; Geology ; Minerals. Pp. xvii., 442. 1S04, 8vo. 15s. Vol. II. Separate historical accounts of the several collections included in the Department of Zoology. Pp.782. 1906, 8vo. 30s. Catalogue of the Books, Manuscripts, Maps, and Drawings in the British Museum (Natural History). Compiled by B. B. Woodward, Assistant in charge of the General Library, with some clerical assistance : Vol. I. A D. Pp. viii., 500. 1903, 4to. 20s. Vol. II. E K. Pp. 501-1038. 1904, 4to. 20s. Catalogue of the Specimens and Drawings of Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes of Nepal and Tibet. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq., to the British Museum. 2nd edition. By John Edward Gray. Pp. xii., 90. [With an account of the Collection by Mr. Hodgson.] 1863, 12mo. 2s. M. Catalogue of the Mammalia and Birds of New Guinea in the Collection of the British Museum. [With list of Species of New Guinea Birds, and those of the neighbouring Localities.] By John Edward Gray, Ph.D., F.R.S., and George Robert Gray, F.L.S., &c. Pp. 63. Woodcuts. 1859, 8vo. Is. 6d. (1535929.) Wt. 3888153. 1500. 1/10. D & S. (S.) A LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OP THE Report on the Zoological Collections made in the Iiido- Pacific Ocean during the voyage of H.M.S. "Alert," 1881-2. Pp. xxv., 684. 54 Plates. 1884, 8vo. II. 10s. Summary of t.he Voyage By Dr. R. W. Coppinger. Mammalia ... ... ... ... ... ,, O. Thomas. Aves R. B. Sharpe. Reptilia, Batrachia, Pisces A. Giinther. Mollusca ., E. A. Smith. Echinodermata , F. J. Bell. Crustacea ... ... ... ... ... , E. J. Miers. Coleoptera , C. 0. Waterhouse. Lepidoptera ... ... ... ... , A. G. Butler. Alcyonaria and Spongiida S.O.Ridley. Report on the Collections of Natural History made in the Antarctic Regions during the Voyage of the " Southern Cross." Pp. ix., 344. 53 Plates. 1902, Royal 8vo. 2L Mammalia By Capt. G. E. H. Barrett-Hamilton. Notes on Antarctic Seals Extracts from the " Diary ) of the late Nicolai Hanson. ) Tunicata Mollusca Echinoderma Insecta Arachnida Crustacea Polychaeta . , G-ephyrea Nematoda . . Cestoda Polyzoa Porif era Anthozoa E. A. Wilson, M.B. Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe. G-. A. Boulenger, F.R.S. Prof. W. A. Herdman, F.R.S. E. A. Smith. Prof. F. J. Bell. G. H. Carpenter and Hon. N. C. Rothschild. Dr. E. L. Trouessart. T. V. Hodgson. Dr. A. Willey. A. E. Shipley. Dr. von Lii^stow. R. Kirkpatrick. Dr. L. Roule and S. J. Hickson, F.R.S. Actiniae J. A. Clubb. Hydrozoa ... ... ... E.T.Browne. Cryptogamia .. ... A. Gepp, V. H. Blackman, and Miss E. S. Barton. Rock Specimens Dr. G. T. Prior. National Antarctic Expedition, 1901-1904. [Discovery Report.~\ Natural History : Vol.1. Geology (Field-Geology: Petrography). Pp. xii., 160 : 10 plates, 72 text-figures, 2 maps. [With Index.] 1907, 4to. 11 10s. Field-Geology By H. T. Ferrar, M.A., F.G.S. Rock-Specimens G. T. Prior, M.A., D.Sc., F.G.S. Vol. II. Zoology (Vertebrata : Mollusca : Crustacea). Pp. xiv., 355 : 33 plates (17 coloured), 146 text-figures, 1 map. 1907, 4to. 3?. Mammalia (pp. 69 : 5 pis. [3 col.], ) 36 figs.). I By E. A. Wilson, M.B. Aves (pp. 121 : 13 pis. col., 46 figs.) . } Anatomy of Penguins (pp. 28 : 1 pi., W. P. Pycraft. 8 figs.). BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 3 National Antarctic Expedition, 1901-11)04 continued. Vol. \\~-continued. Fishes (pp. 5 ; 2 pis.) By G. A. Boulenger, F.R.S. Cephalodiscus (pp. 67 : 7 pis. [1 col.], W. G. Ridewood, D.Sc. 17 figs.). Mollusca. I. Cephalopoda (pp. 2 : W. E. Hoyle, D.Sc. 1 fig.). II. Gastropoda ((pp. 12,1: I E A Smith I S O IIL-Amphineura ) 2 pis.), f " T..^.. C8n /; B ' u< IV.Nudibranchiata (pp. 28 : Sir Chas. Eliot, 1 pi., 30 figs.). K.C.M.G., LL.D. V. Lamellibranchiata(pp.7: ) Ipl.). \ E. A. Smith, I.S.O. Brachiopoda (pp. 2 : 4 figs.) ) Crustacea I. Decapoda (pp. 7) ... ) II. Cumacea (pp. 6 : 1 pi., \ ., W. T. Caiman, D.Sc. 4 figs.). 1 Vol. III. Zoology and Botany (Invertebrata : Marine Algae, Musci). Pp. vi., 273 : 51 plates, 8 text-figures, and 1 chart. 1907, 4to. 21. 10s. On Collecting in Antarctic Seas (pp. 10) By T. V. Hodgson, F.L.S. Mollusca. VI. Fteropoda (pp. 15 : Sir Charles Eliot, 2 pis.). K.C.M.G., LL.D. Crustacea. III. Amphipoda (pp. 39 : A. 0. Walker, F.L.S. 13 pis.). IV. Leptostraca (pp. 2 : Dr. J. Thiele. 2 figs.). ,. V. Ostracoda (pp. 9 : 3 pis.) Prof. G. S. Brady, F.R.S. VI. Cirripedia (pp. 4 : 1 pi.) Prof. A. Gruvel. Pycnogonida (pp. 72 : 10 pis.) T. V. Hodgson, F.L.S. Acari (pp. 6: Ipl.) ,, Dr. E. L. Trouessart. Chsetognatha (pp. 6 : 1 chart) Dr. G.H. Fowler, F.L.S. Nematoda (pp. 4 : 1 pi.) Dr. 0. von Linstow. Cestoda (pp. 6 : 1 pi.) ., A. E. Shipley, F.R.S. Coelentera. I. Alcyonaria (pp. 15 : ,. Prof. S. J. Hickson, 2 pis.). F.R.S. II. Hydroid Zoophytes Prof S. J. Hickson, (pp. 34 : 4 pis.). F.R.S., and F. H. Gravely. III. Tentacles of a Siphono- Dr. J. Rennie. phore(pp. 3 : 5 figs.). Porifera. I. Hexactinellida (pp. 25 : ., R. Kirkpatrick. 7 pis.). Marine Alga?. I. Phaaophyceoe and A. Gepp and Mrs. E. S. Floridea? (pp. 15 : Gepp. 4 pis.). II. Corallinacere (pp. 2 : M. Foslie. 1 fig.). Musci (pp. 6 : 2 pis.) J. Cardot. Vol. IV. Zoology (various Invertebrata). Pp. iv., 281 : 65 plates, 1 text-figure. 1908, 4to. II. 15s. Mullusca, VII. Solenogastres (pp. 13 : By Dr. H. F. Nierstrasz. 2 pis.). Insecta. Aptera (pp. 5 : 1 pi.) ... G. H. Carpenter, B.Sc., Crustacea. VII. Schizopoda (pp. 42 : W. M. Tattersall, M.Sc. 8 pis.). VIIF. Copepoda (pp. 44 : R. Norris Wolfenden, 7 pis.). M.D. 153511 A 2 4 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OP THE National Antarctic Expedition, 1901-1904= continued. Vol. IV continued. Echinoderma (pp. 16 : 5 pis.) By F. Jeffrey Bell, M.A. Echinoderm LarvEe (pp. 9 : 1 pi.) ... E. W. McBride, M.A., F.R.S., and J. C. Simpson, B.Sc. Myzostomidae (pp. 26 : 1 pi. and 1 figure) Dr. Rudolf Ritter von Stummer-Traunfels. Sipunculoidea (pp. 6) ... ... ... W. F. Lanchester, M.A. Coelentera. IV. Actiniae (pp. 12 : 3pls.) J. A. Clubb, M.Sc. Porifera. II. Tetraxonida (pp. 56 : R. Kirkpatrick. 39 pis.). HI. Calcarea(pp.52: 12 pis.) C. F. Jeakin, B.A. A Monograph of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) : Physical Features and Geology by C. W. Andrews, B.A., B.Sc., F.G.S., with descriptions of the Fauna and Flora by numerous contributors. Pp. xv.,337: 22 plates (7 coloured), a map, and 27 illustrations in text. [With Index.] 1900, 8vo. 20s. First Report on Economic Zoology. By Fred. V. Theobald, M.A., &c. [With an Introduction, containing a Classifica- tion of Animals from the point of view of Economic Zoology, by Prof. E. Ray Lankester, LL.D., F.R.S.] Pp. xxxiv., 192. 18 Woodcuts. 1903, Roy. 8vo. 6s. Second Report on Economic Zoology. By Fred. V. Theobald, M.A., &c. Pp. x., 197. 29 Illustrations. 1904, Roy. 8vo. 6s. MAMMALS. Catalogue of the Bones of Mammalia in the Collection of the British Museum. By Edward Gerrard. Pp. iv., 296. 1862, Svo. 5s. Catalogue of Monkeys, Lemurs, and Fruit-eating Bats in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., &c. Pp. viii., 137. 21 Woodcuts. 1870, 8vo. 4.9. Catalogue of Carnivorous, Pachydermatous, and Edentate Mammalia in the British Museum. By John Edward Gray, F.R.S., &c. Pp. vii., 398. 47 Woodcuts. 1869, Svo. 6s. 6d. Catalogue of Seals and Whales in the British Museum. By John Edward Gray, F.R.S., &c. 2nd Edition. Pp. vii., 402. 101 Woodcuts. 1866, Svo. 8s. Supplement. By John Edward Gray, F.R.S., &c., Pp. vi., 103. 11 Woodcuts. 1871, Svo. 2s. 6d. List of the Specimens of Cetacea in the Zoological Depart- ment of the British Museum. By William Henry Flower, LL.D., F.R.S., &c. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] Pp. iv., 36. 1S85, 8vo. Is. 6d. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 5 Catalogue, of Ruminant Mammalia (Pecora, Linnaeus) in the British Museum. By John Edward Gray, F.R.S., &c. Pp. viii., 102. 4 Plates. 1872, 8vo. 3s. 6d. Catalogue of the Marsupialia and Monotremata in the Collection of the British Museum. By Oldfield Thomas. Pp. xiii., 401. 4 Coloured and 24 plain Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes,] 1888, 8vo. 11. 85. BIRDS. Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum : Vol. VII. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. CichlomorphcB : Part IV., containing the concluding portion of the family Timeliidae (Babbling Thrushes), By R. Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xvi., 698. Woodcuts and 15 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1883, 8vo. 1L 6s. Vol. VIII. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Cichlomorphce : Part V., containing the families Paridae and Laniidse (Titmice and Shrikes) ; and Certhiomorphce (Creepers and Nuthatches). By Hans Gadow, M.A., Ph.D. Pp. xiii., 386. Woodcuts and 9 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1883, 8vo. Us. Vol. X. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Fringilliformes : Part I., containing the families Dicaeidte, Hirundinidae, Ampelidae, Mniotiltidae, and Motacillidae. By E. Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xiii., 682. Woodcuts and 12 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1885, Svo. 11 2s. Vol. XI. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum, Fringilliformes : Part II., containing the families Ccerebidae, Tanagridae, and Icteridae. By Philip Lutley Sclater, M.A., F.R.S. Pp. xvii., 431. Woodcuts and 18 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1886, Svo. 11. Vol. XII. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Fringilliformes : Part III., containing the family Fringillidae. By R, Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xv., 871. Woodcuts and 16 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1888, Svo. 11. 8s. Vol. XIII. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Sfarniformes, containing the families Artamidse, 6 LIST OP PUBLICATIONS OF THE Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum continued. Sturnidae, Ploceidae, and Alaudidae. Also the families Atrichiidae and Menuridae. By R. Bowdler Sharpe, Pp. xvi., 701. Woodcuts and 15 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1890, 8vo. II. 8s. Vol. XIV. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Oligomyodce, or the families Tyrannidee, Oxyrham- phidae, Pipridae, Cotingida3,Phytotomidaa,Philepittidae, Pittidse, Xenicidae, and Eurylaemidae. By Philip Lutley Sclater, M.A., F.R.S. Pp. xix., 494. Woodcuts and 26 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1888, 8vo. 11. 4s. Vol. XV. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Tracheophonce, or the families Dendrocolaptidae, Formicariidae, Conopophagidae, and Pteroptochidae. By Philip Lutley Sclater, M.A., F.R.S. Pp. xvii., 371. Woodcuts and 20 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1890, 8vo. 11. Vol. XVI. Catalogue of the Picariae in the Collection of the British Museum. Upupce and TrocMli, by Osbert Sal Yin. Coracice, of the families Cypselidae, Capri - mulgidce, Podargidae, and Steatornithidae, by Ernst Hartert. Pp. xvi., 703. Woodcuts and 14 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1892, 8v<>, 1L 16s. Vol. XVII. Catalogue of the Picariae in the Collection of the British Museum. Coracice (contin.) and Haley ones, with the families Leptosomatidae, Coraciidae, Meropidae, Alcedinidae, Momotidae, Totidse and Coliidas, by R. Bowdler Sharpe. Bucerotes and Trogones, by W. R. OgiMe Grant. Pp. xi., 522. Woodcuts and 17 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1892, 8vo. 11. 10s. Vol. XVIII. Catalogue of the Picariae in the Collection of the British Museum. Scansores, containing the family Picidae. By Edward Hargitt. Pp. xv., 597. Woodcuts and 15 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1890, 8vo. 11. 6s. Vol. XIX. Catalogue of the Picariae in the Collection of the British Museum. Scansores and Coccyges : con- taining the families Rhamphastidae, Galbulidae, and Bucconidae, by P. L. Sclater ; and the families Indi- catoridae, Capitonidae, Cuculidae, and Musophagidae, by G. E. Shelley. Pp. xii., 484 : 13 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1891, 8vo. 11. 5s. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 7 Catalogue; of the Birds in the British Museum continued. Vol. XX. Catalogue of the Psittaci, or Parrots, in the Collection of the British Museum. By T. Salvador!. Pp. xvii., 658. Woodcuts and 18 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1891, 8vo. 11. 10s. Vol. XXI. Catalogue of the Columbae, or Pigeons, in the Collection of the British Museum. By T. Salvadorf . Pp. xvii., 676. 15 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1893, 8vo. 11. 10s. Vol. XXII. Catalogue of the Game Birds (Pterocleies, Gallince, Opisthocomi, Hemipodii] in the Collection of the British Museum. By W. R. Ogilvie Grant. Pp. xvi., 585. 8 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1893, 8vo. 11. 6s. Vol. XXIII. Catalogue of the Fulicarise (Rallidae and Heliornithidae) and Alectorides (Aramidae, Eurypy- gidse, Mesitidae, Rhinochetidae, Gruidae, Psophiidae. and Otididae) in the Collection of the British Museum. By R. Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xiii., 353. 9 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1894, 8vo. 20s. Vol. XXIV. Catalogue of the Limicolse in the Collection of the British Museum. By R. Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xii., 794. Woodcuts and 7 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1896, 8vo. II. 5s. Vol. XXV. Catalogue of the Gaviae and Tubinares in the Collection of the British Museum. Gavise (Terns, Gnlls, and Skuas), by Howard Saunders. Tubinares (Petrels and Albatrosses), by Osbert Salvin. Pp. xv., 475. Woodcuts and 8 coloured Plates. [With Syste- matic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1896, 8vo. 11. Is. Vol. XXVI. Catalogue of the Platalese, Herodiones, Steganopodes, Pygopodes, Alcae, and Impennes in the Collection of the British Museum. Plataleae (Ibises and Spoonbills) and Herodiones (Herons and Storks), by R. Bowdler Sharpe. Steganopodes (Cormorants, Gannets, Frigate-birds, Tropic -birds, and Pelicans), Pygopodes (Divers ana Grebes), Alcae (Auks), and Im- pennes (Penguins), by W. R. Ogilvie -Grant. Pp. xvii., 687. Woodcuts and *14 coloured Plates. [With Sys- tematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1898, 8vo. 11. 5s. Vol. XXVII. Catalogue of the Chenomorphae (Pala- medeae, Phoenicopteri. Anseres), Crypturi, and Ratitae in the Collection of the British Museum. By T. Salvador!. Pp. xv., 636. 19 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1895, 8vo. 11. 12s. 8 . LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE A Hand-list of the Genera and Species of Birds. [Nornen- clator Avium turn Fossilium turn Viventium.] By R. Bowdler Sharpe, LL.D. : Vol. II. Pp. xv., 312. [With Systematic Index, and an Alphabetical Index to Vols. I. and II.] 1900, 8vo. 10s. Vol. III. Pp. xii., 367. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1901, 8vo. 10s. Vol. IV. Pp. xii., 391. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1903, 8vo. 10s. Vol. V. Pp. xx., 678. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1909, 8vo. 1. List of the Specimens of Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. By George Robert Gray : Part III., Sections III. and IV. CapitonidaB and Picidte. Pp. 137. [With Index.] 1868, 12mo. Is. 6d. Part IV. Columbo3. Pp. 73. [With Index.] 1856, 12mo. Is. 9d. Part V. Gallinse. Pp. iv., 120. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1867, 12mo. Is. Qd. Catalogue of the Birds of the Tropical Islands of the Pacific Ocean in the Collection of the British Museum. By George Robert Gray, F.L.S., &c. Pp. 72. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1859, 8vo. Is. Gd. Catalogue of the Collection of Birds' Eggs in the British Museum (Natural History) : Vol. I. Ratitae. Carinatae ( Lariformes). By Eugene W. Gates. Pp. xxiii., 252. 18 Coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1901, 8vo. 30s. Vol. II. Carinatae (Charadriiformes Strigiformes). By Eugene W. Gates. Pp. xx., 400. 15 Coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1902, Svo. 30s. Vol. III. Carinatae (Psittaciformes Passerifonnes). By Eugene W. Gates and Capt. Savile G. Reid. Pp. xxiii., 349. 10 Coloured Plates. [With Syste- matic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1903, 8vo. 25s. Vol. IV. Carinatae (Passeriformes continued). By Eugene W. Gates, assisted by Capt. Savile G. Reid. Pp.'xviii., 352. 14 Coloured Plates. [With Syste- matic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1905, 8vo. 30s. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). REPTILES. Catalogue of the Tortoises, Crocodiles, and Amphisbaenians in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., &c. Pp. viii., 80. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1844, 12mo. Is. Catalogue of Shield Reptiles in the Collection of the British Museum. By John Edward Gray, F.R.S., &c.: Appendix. Pp. 28. 1872, 4to. 2s. 6d. Part II. Emydosaurians, Rhynchocephalia, and Amphis- bsenians. Pp. vi., 41. 25 Woodcuts. 1872, 4to. 3s. 6d. Hand-List of the Specimens of Shield Reptiles in the British Museum. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. Pp. iv., 124. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1873, 8vo. 4s. Catalogue of the Chelonians, Rhynchocephalians, and Crocodiles in the British Museum (Natural History). New Edition. By George Albert Boulenger. Pp. x., 311. 73 Woodcuts and 6 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1889, 8vo. 15s. Catalogue of the Lizards in the British Museum (Natural His- tory). Second Edition. By George Albert Boulenger : Vol. I. Geckonidae, Eublepharidae, Uroplatidae, Pygo- podidae, Agamidae. Pp. xii., 436. 32 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1885, 8vo. 20s. Vol. II. Iguanidae, Xenosauridae, ZonuridsB, Anguidae, Anniellidae, Helodermatidae, Varanidae, Xantusiidae, Teiidae, Amphisbaenidae. Pp. xiii,, 497. 24 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.! 1885, 8vo. 20s. Vol. III. Lacertidae, Gerrhosauridae, Scincidae, Anelytro- pidae, Dibamidae, Chamasleontidoa. Pp. xii., 575. 40 Plates. [With a Systematic Index and an Alphabetical Index to the three volumes.] 1887, 8vo. II. 6s. Catalogue of the Snakes in the British Museum (Natural History). By George Albert Boulenger, F.R.S., &c, : Vol. I., containing the families Typhlopidae, Glauconiidae, Boidae, llysiidae, Uropeltidae, Xenopeltidse, and Colu- bridae aglyphae (part). Pp. xiii., 448 : 26 Woodcuts and 28 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1893, 8vo. 11. Is. 10 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE Catalogue of the Snakes in the British Museum continued. Vol. II., containing the conclusion of the Colubridse aglyphse. Pp. xi., 382 : 25 Woodcuts and 20 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1894, 8vo. 17s. 6d. Vol. III., containing the Colubridse (Opisthoglyphse and Proteroglyphse), Amblycephalidse, and Viperidse. Pp. xiv., 727 : 37 Woodcuts and 25 Plates. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index to the 3 volumes.] 1896, 8vo. II. 6s. Catalogue of Colubrine Snakes in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. Albert Giinther. Pp. xvi., 281. [With Geographic, Systematic, and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1858, 12mo. 4s. BATRACHIANS. Catalogue of the Batrachia Salientia in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. Albert Giinther. Pp. xvi., 160. 12 Plates. [With Systematic, Geographic, and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1858, 8vo. 6s. FISHES. Catalogue of the Fishes in the British Museum. Second edition. Vol.1. Catalogue of the Perciform Fishes in the British Museum. Vol. I. Containing the Centrarchida3, Percidae, and SerranidaB (part). By George Albert Boulenger, F.R.S. Pp. xix., 394. Woodcuts and 15 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1895, 8vo. 15s. Catalogue of Fish collected and described by Laurence Theodore Gronow, now in the British Museum. Pp. vii., 196. [With a Systematic Index.] 1854, 12mo. 3s. 6d. Catalogue of Lophobranchiate Fish in the Collection of the British Museum. By J. J. Kaup, Ph.D., &c. Pp. iv., 80. 4 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1856, 12mo. 2s. Catalogue of the Fresh-water Fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. I. By G. A. Boulenger, F.R.S. Pp. xi., 373 : 270 text-figures. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1909, imp. 8vo. 1 12s. 6& MOLLUSCA. Guide to the Systematic Distribution of Mollusca in the British Museum. Part I. By John Edward Gray, Ph.D., F.E.S., &c. Pp. xii., 230. 121 Woodcuts. 1857, 8vo. 5s. Catalogue of the Collection of Mazatlan Shells in the British Museum, collected by Frederick Reigen. Described by Philip P. Carpenter. Pp. xvi., 552. 1857, 12mo. 8s. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 11 Catalogue of Pulmonata, or Air Breathing Mollusca, in the Collection of the British Museum. Part I. By Dr. Louis Pfeiffer. Pp. iv., 192. Woodcuts. 1855, 12mo. 2s. Qd. Catalogue of the Auriculidae, Proserpinidae, and Truncatellidaa in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. Louis Pfeiffer. Pp. iv., 150. Woodcuts. 1857, 12mo. Is. 9d. List of the Mollusca in the Collection of the British Museum. By John Edward Gray, Ph.D., F.R.S., &c. : Part II. Glividae. Pp. 41. 1865, 12mo. Is. Catalogue of the Conchifera, or Bivalve Shells, in the Collection of the British Museum. By M. Deshayes : Part I. Veneridae, Cyprinidae, Glauconomidse, and Petricoladse. Pp. iv., 216. 1853, 12mo. 3s. Part II. Petricoladae (concluded) ; Corbiculadse. Pp. 217-292. [With an Alphabetical Index to the two parts.] 1854, 12mo. 6d. BRACHIOPODA. Catalogue of Brachiopoda Ancylopoda or Lamp Shells in the Collection of the British Museum. \_Issued as " Catalogue of the Mollusca, Part IV."] Pp. iv., 128. 25 Woodcuts. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1853, 12mo. 3s. POLYZOA. Catalogue of Marine Polyzoa in the Collection of the British Museum. Part III. Cyclostornata. By George Busk, F.R.S. Pp. viii., 39. 38 Plates. [With a Systematic Index.] 1875, 8vo. 5s. CRUSTACEA. Catalogue of the Specimens of Amphipodous Crustacea in the Collection of the British Museum. By C. Spence Bate, F.R.S., &c. Pp. iv., 399. 58 Plates. [With an Alpha- betical Index.] 1862, 8vo. 11. 5s. ARACHNIDA. Descriptive Catalogue of the Spiders of Burma, based upon the Collection made by Eugene W. Gates and preserved in the British Museum/ By T. Thorell. Pp. xxxvi., 406. [With Systematic List and Alphabetical Index.]. 1895, 8vo. 10s. Qd. 12 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE INSECTS. Coleopterous Insects. Nomenclature of Coleopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum : Part VII. Longicornia, I. By Adam White. Pp. iv., 174. 4 Plates. 1853, 12mo. 2s. Qd. Part VIII. Longicornia, II. By Adam White. Pp. 237. 6 Plates. 1855, 12mo. 3s. 6d. Illustrations of Typical Specimens of Coleoptera in the Collection of the British Museum. Part I. Lycidse. By Charles Owen Waterhouse. Pp. x., 83. 18 Coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1879, 8vo. 16s. Catalogue of the Coleopterous Insects of Madeira in the Collection of the British Museum. By T. Vernon Wollaston, M.A., F.L.S. Pp. xvi., 234 : 1 Plate. [With a Topographical Catalogue and an Alphabetical Index.] 1857, 8vo, 3s. Catalogue of the Coleopterous Insects of the Canaries in the Collection of the British Museum. By T. Vernon Wollaston, M.A., F.L.S. Pp. xiii., 648. [With Topo- graphical and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1864, 8vo. 10s. Qd. Catalogue of Halticidae in the Collection of the British Museum. By the Rev. Hamlet Clark, M.A., F.L.S. Physapodes and (Edipodes. Part I. Pp. xii., 301. Frontispiece and 9 Plates. 1860, 8vo. 7s. Catalogue of Hispidse in the Collection of the British Museum. By Joseph S. Baly, M.E.S., &c. Parti. Pp. x., 172. 9 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1858, 8vo. 6s. Hymenopterous Insects. Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. By Frederick Smith. 12mo. : Part I. Andrenidae and Apidae. Pp. 197. 6 Plates 1853, 2s. 6& Part II. Apidse. Pp. 199-465. 6 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1854. 6s. Part III. Mutillidae and Pompilidse. Pp. 206. 6 Plates. 1855. 6s BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 13 Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects in the British Museum continued. Part IV. Sphegidse, Larridse, and Crabronidae. Pp. 207- 497. 6 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1856. 6s. Part V. Vespidse. Pp. 147. 6 Plates. [With an Alpha- betical Index.] 1857. 6s. Part VI. Formicidse. Pp. 216. 14 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1858. 6s, Part VII. Dorylidse and Thynnidse. Pp. 76. 3 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1859. 2s. List of Hymenoptera, with descriptions and figures of the Typical Specimens in the British Museum. Vol. I., Tenthredinidae and Siricidaa. By W. F. Kirby. Pp. xxviii., 450. 16 Coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1882, 8vo. 11. 18s. Dipterous Insects. A Monograph of the Culicidae, or Mosquitoes. Mainly com- piled from the Collections received at the British Museum from various parts of the world in connection with the Investigation into the cause of Malaria conducted by the Colonial Office and the Royal Society. By Fred. V. Theobald, M.A., &c. : Vol. III. Pp. xvii., 359 : 17 plates, 1 diagram, and 193 illustrations in text. 1903, 8vo. 11. Is. Vol. IV. Pp. xix., 639 : 16 plates and 297 text-figures. [With Index.] 1907, 8vo. 11. 12s. Qd. A Monograph of the Tsetse-Flies (Genus Glossina, Westwood), based on the Collection in the British Museum. By Ernest Edward Austen. With a chapter on Mouth-parts by II. J. Hansen, Phil. Doc. Pp. ix., 319 : 9 plates (7 coloured), 16 woodcuts, 1 map. 1903, Roy. 8vo. 15s. Illustrations of African Blood-sucking Flies other than Mosquitoes and Tsetse-Flies. By Ernest Edward Austen, with coloured figures by Grace Edwards. Pp. xv., 221 : 13 coloured plates, 3 text-figures. 1909, roy. 8vo. 1 7s. &d. Lepidopterous Insects. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum. By Sir George F. Hampson, Bart. : Vol. I. Catalogue of the Syntomidae in the Collection of the British Museum. Pp. xxi., 559 : 285 woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1898, 8vo. 15s. Atlas of 17 Coloured Plates, 8vo. 15s, 14 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE Catalogue of Lepidoptera Phalaense continued. Vol. II. Catalogue of the Arctiadse (Nolinaa, Litho- sianae) in the Collection of the British Museum. Pp. xx.,. 589: 411 woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1900, 8vo. 18s. Atlas of 18 Coloured Plates (xviii.-xxxv.), 8vo. 15s. Vol. III. Catalogue of the Arctiadse (Arctianae) and Agaristidae in the Collection of the British Museum. Pp. xix., 690 : 294 woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1901, 8vo. 15s. Atlas of 19 Coloured Plates (xxxvi-liv.), 8vo. 16s. Vol. IV. Catalogue of the Noctuidae [Agrotinse]. Pp. xx., 689 : 125 woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1903, 8vo. 15s. Atlas of 23 Coloured Plates (Iv.-lxxvii), 8vo. 16s. Vol. V. Catalogue of the Noctuidae [Hadeiiina?]. Pp. xvi., 634 : 172 woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1905, 8vo. 15s. Atlas of 18 Coloured Plates (Ixxviii.-xcv.), 8vo. 15s. Vol. VI. Catalogue of the Noctuidae [Cucullianae]. Pp. xiv., 532 : 172 woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1906, 8vo. 15s. Atlas of 12 Coloured Plates (xcvi.-cvii.), 8vo. 10s. Vol. VII. Catalogue of the Noctuidae [Acronyctinae]. Pp. xv., 709 : 184 woodguts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1908, 8vo. 17s. Atlas of 15 Coloured Plates (cviii.-cxxii.), Svo. 13s. Vol. VIII. Catalogue of the Noctuidae [Acronyctinae, II.]. Pp. xiv., 583 : 162 woodcuts. [With table of the Phylogeny of the Acronyctinae, and Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1909, Svo. 15s. Atlas of 14 Coloured Plates (cxxiii.-cxxxvi.), Svo. 12s. Illustrations of Typical Specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the Collection of the British Museum : Part V. By Arthur Gardiner Butler. Pp. xii., 74. 78-100 Coloured Plates. [With a Systematic Index.] 1881, 4to. 21. 10s. Part VI. By Arthur Gardiner Butler. Pp. xv., 89. 101-120 Coloured Plates. [With a Systematic Index.] 1886, 4to. 21. 4s. Part VII. By Arthur Gardiner Butler. Pp. iv., 124. 121-138 Coloured Plates. [With a Systematic List,] 1889, 4to. 21. Part VIII. The Lepidoptera Heterocera of the Nilgiri District. By George Francis Hampson. Pp. iv., 144. 139-156 Coloured Plates. [With a Systematic List.] 1891, 4to. 21. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 15 Illustrations of Typical Specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the Collection of the British Museum continued. Part IX. The Macrolepidoptera Heterocera of Ceylon. By George Francis Hampson. Pp. v., 182. 157-176 Coloured Plates. [With a General Systematic List of Species collected in, or recorded from, Ceylon.] 1893, 4to. 21. 2s. Catalogue of the Collection of Palsearctic Butterflies formed by the late John Henry Leech, and presented to the Trustees of the British Museum by his Mother, Mrs. Eliza Leech. By Richard South, F.E.S. Pp. vi., 228. 2 Coloured Plates. With a Portrait and Biographical Memoir of Mr. Leech. 1902, 4to. 11. Catalogue of Diurnal Lepidoptera described by Fabricius in the Collection of the British Museum. By Arthur Gardiner Butler, F.L.S., &c. Pp. iv., 303. 3 Plates. 1869, 8vo. 7s. 6d. List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker. 12mo. : Part XXIII. Geometrites. Pp. 756-1020. 1861. 3s. 6d. Part XXV. Pp. 1281-1477. 1862. 3s. Part XXVI. Pp. 1478-1796. [With an Alphabetical Index to Parts XX.-XXVI.] 1862. 4s. 6d. Part XXVII. Crambifces and Tortricites. Pp. 1-286. 1863. 4s. Part XXVIII. Tortricites and Tineites. Pp. 287-561. 1863. 4s. Part XXIX. Tineites. Pp. 562-835. 1864. 4s. Part XXX. = Pp. 836-1096. [With an Alpha- betical Index to Parts XXVII.-XXX.] 1864. 4s. Part XXXI. Supplement. Pp. 1-321. 1864. 5s. Part XXXIII. Part 3. Pp. 707-1120. 1865. 6s. Part XXXIV. Part 4. Pp. 1121-1533. 1865. 5s. Qd. Neuropterous Insects. Catalogue of the Specimens of Neuropterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. H. Hagen. Part I. Termitina. Pp. 34, 1858, 12mo. 6d. 16 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OP THE Orthopterous Insects. Catalogue of Orthopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Part I. Phasmidae. By John Obadiah Westwood, F.L.S., &c. Pp. 195. 48 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1859, 4to. 3?. Catalogue of the Specimens of Blattariae in the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker, F.L.S., &c. Pp. 239. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1868, 8vo. 5s. 6d. Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria in the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker, F.L.S., &c. : Part II. Locustidae (continued). Pp. 225-423. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1869, 8vo. 4s. Gd. Part III. Locustidae (continued). Acrididae. Pp. 425- 604. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1870, 8vo. 4s. Part IV. Acrididse (continued). Pp. 605-809. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1870, 8vo. 6s. Part V. Tettigidae. Supplement to the Catalogue of Blattariae. Supplement to the Catalogue of Dermaptera Saltatoria (with remarks on the Geographical Distri- bution of Dermaptera). Pp. 811-850; 43; 116. [With Alphabetical Indexes.] 1870, 8vo. 6s. Synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera. By W. F. Kirby : Vol. I. Orthoptera Euplexoptera, Cursoria, et Gres- soria. (Forficulidae, Hemimeridae, Blattidae, Mantldae, Phasmidae.) Pp. x., 501. [With Index.] 1904, 8vo. 10s. Vol.11. Orthoptera Saltatoria. 'Part I. (Achetidse et Phasgonuridse.) Pp. viii., 562. [With Index.] 1906, 8vo. 15s. Hemipterous Insects. Catalogue of the Specimens of Heteropterous Hemiptera in the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker, F.L.S., &c. 8vo. : Part VI. Pp. 210. [With Alphabetical Index.] 1873. 5s. Part VII. Pp.213. [With Alphabetical Index.] 1873. 6s. Part VIII. Pp.220. [With Alphabetical Index.] 1873. [6s. Gd. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 17 Homopterous Insects. A Synonymic Catalogue of Homoptera. Part I. Cicadidae. By W. L. Distant. Pp. 207. [Index.] 1906, 8vo. 5s. VERMES. Catalogue of the Species of Entozoa, or Intestinal Worms, contained in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. Baird. Pp. iv., 132. 2 Plates. [With an Index of the Animals in which the Entozoa mentioned in the Catalogue are found, and an Index of Genera and Species.] 1853, 12mo. 2s. ANTHOZOA. Catalogue of Sea-pens or Pennatulariidae in the Collection of the British Museum. By J. E. Gray, F.R.S., &c. Pp. iv., 40. 2 Woodcuts. 1870, 8vo. Is. 6d. Catalogue of Lithophytes or Stony Corals in the Collection of the British Museum. By * J. E. Gray, F.R.S., &c. Pp. iv., 51. 14 Woodcuts. 1870, 8vo. 3s. Catalogue of the Madreporarian Corals in the British Museum (Natural History) : Vol. I. The Genus Madrepora. By George Brook. Pp. xi., 212. 35 Collotype Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes, and Explanation of the Plates.] 1893, 4to. 11. 4s. Vol. II. The Genus Turbinaria ; the Genus Astrasopora. By Henry M. Bernard, M.A. Cantab., F.L.S., F.Z.S. Pp. iv., 106. 30 Collotype and 3 Lithographic Plates. [With Index of Generic and Specific Names, and Explanation of the Plates.] 1896, 4to. 18s. Vol. III. The Genus Montipora ; the Genus Anacro- pora. By Henry M. Bernard, M.A., &c. Pp. vii., 192. 30 Collotype and 4 Lithographic Plates. [With Syste- matic Index, Index of Generic and Specific Names, and Explanation of the Plates.] 1897, 4to. 11. 4s. Vol. IV. The Family Poritidse. I. The Genus Goniopora. By Henry M. Bernard, M.A. Pp. viii., 206. 12 Collotype and 4 Lithographic Plates. [With Index of Generic and Specific Names, and Explanation of the Plates.] 1903, 4to. 11. Vol. V. The Family Poritidse. II. The Genus Porites. Part I. Porites of the Indo-Pacific Region. By Henry M. Bernard, M.A. Pp. vi., 303. 35 Plates. [With Index of Generic and Specific Names and Explanation of the Plates.] 1905, 4to. 1 15s. 14075 B 18 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE Catalogue of the Madreporarian Corals in the British . Museum continued. Vol. VI. The Family Poritidse. II. The Genus Porites. Part II. Porites of the Atlantic and West Indies, with the European Fossil Forms. The Genus Goniopora, a supplement to Vol. IV. By Henry M. Bernard, M.A. Pp. vi., 173. 16 Collotype and 1 Lithographic Plates. [With Index of Generic and Specific Names, and Explanation of the Plates.] 1906, 4to. 1. BRITISH ANIMALS. atalogue of British Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. By George Robert Gray, F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c. Pp. xii., 248. [With a List of Species.] 1863, 8vo. 3s. Gd. Catalogue of British Hymenoptera in ,the Collection of the British Museum. Second edition. Part I. Andrenidse and Apidse. By Frederick Smith, M.E.S. New issue. Pp. xi., 236. 11 Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Index. 1891, 8vo. 6s. Catalogue of British Fossorial Hymenoptera, Formicidaa, and Vespidse in the Collection of the British Museum. By Frederick Smith, V.P.E.S. Pp. 236. 6 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1858, 12mo. 6s. Illustrations of British Blood-sucking Flies, with notes by Ernest Edward Austen, Assistant, Department of Zoology, British Museum (N.H.). Pp. 74. 34 Coloured Plates. 1906, roy. 8vo. 1 5s. A Catalogue of the British Non-parasitical Worms in the Collection of the British Museum. By George Johnston, M.D., Edin., F.R.C.L., Ed., LL.D., Marischal Coll., Aber- deen, &c. Pp. 365. Woodcuts and 24 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1865, 8vo. 7s. Catalogue of the British Echinoderms in the British Museum (Natural History). By F. Jeffrey Bell, M.A. Pp. xvii., 202. Woodcuts and 16 Plates (2 Coloured). [With Table of Contents, Tables of Distribution, Alphabetical Index, Description of the Plates, &c.] 1892, 8vo. 12s. 6d. List of the Specimens of British Animals in the Collection of the British Museum ; with Synonyma and References to figures. 12mo. : Part V. Lepidoptera. By J. F. Stephens. 2nd Edition. Revised by H. T. Stainton and E. Shepherd. Pp. iv., 224. 1856. Is. 9d. Part VI. Hymenoptera. By F. Smith. Pp.134. 3851. 2s. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 19 List of he Specimens of British Animals in the Collection of the British Museum continued. Part VII. Mollusca, Acephala and Brachiopoda. By Dr. J. E. Gray. Pp. iv., 167. 1851. 3s. 6d. Part VIII. Fish. By Adam White. Pp. xxiii., 164. (With Index and List of Donors.) 1851. 3s. 6d. Part IX. Eggs of British Birds. By George Robert Gray. Pp. 143. 1852. 2s. 6d. Part XI. Anoplura, or Parasitic Insects. By H. Denny. Pp. iv., 51. 1852. Is. Part XII. Lepidoptera (continued). By James F. Stephens. Pp. iv., 54. 1852. 9d. Part XIII. Nomenclature of Hymenoptera. By Frederick Smith. Pp. iv., 74. 1853. Is. 4d. Part XIV. Nomenclature of Neuroptera. By Adam White. Pp. iv., 16. 1853. 6d. Part XV. Nomenclature of Diptera, I. By Adam White. Pp. iv., 42. 1853. Is. Part XVI. Lepidoptera (completed). By H. T. Stainton. Pp. 199. [With an Index.] 1854. 3s. PLANTS. Illustrations of Australian Plants collected in 1770 during Captain Cook's Voyage round the World in H.M.S. " Endeavour." By the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart., K.B., P.R.S., and Dr. Daniel Solander, F.R.S. [Being a series of lithographic reproductions of copper- plates engraved after paintings by F. P. Nodder, James Miller, J. F. Miller, and John Cleveley.] With Introduc- tion and Determinations by James Britten, F.L.S., Senior Assistant, Department of Botany, British Museum : Part I. 101 Plates, with 31 pages of descriptive text. 1900, fol. 1 5s. Part II. 142 Plates (pis. 101-243), with 41 pages of descriptive text (pp. 35-75). 1901, fol. 1 15s. Part III. 77 Plates (pis. 244-318, 45A, and 122), with 26 pages of descriptive text, including Index to the whole work (pp. 77-102), and 3 maps. 1905, fol. 1 5s. Catalogue of the African Plants collected by Dr. Friedrich Welwitsch in 1853-61 : Vol. I. Dicotyledons. By William Philip Hiern, M.A.. F.L.S., &c. : Part I. [Ranunculaceae to Rhizophoracese.] Pp. xxvi., 336. [With Portrait of Dr. Welwitsch. Introduction, Bibliography, and Ind ex of Genera 1 1896. 8vo. 7s. Qd. 20 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE Catalogue of the African Plants collected by Dr. Friedrich Welwitsch in 1853-61 continued. Vol. I. continued. Part II. Combretacese to Rubiacese. Pp. 337-510. [With Index of Genera.] 1898, 8vo. 4s. Part III. Dipsaceae to Scrophulariacese. Pp. 511- 784. [With Index of Genera.] 1898, 8vo. 5s. Part IV. Lentibulariacese to Ceratophyllese. Pp. 785- 1035. [With Index.] 1900, 8vo. 5s. Vol. II. Monocotyledons, Gymnosperms, and Crypto- gams : Part I. Monocotyledons and Gymnosperms. By Alfred Barton Rendle, M.A., D.Sc., F.L.S., Assis- tant, Department of Botany. Pp. 260. [With Index of Genera.] 1899, 8vo. 6s. Part II. Cryptogamia. Pp. 261-566. [With Table of Errata, and General Index to the whole work.] 1901, 8vo. 6s. Vascular Cryptogams ... By William Carruthers, F.R.S. Mosses Antony Gepp, M.A., F.L.S. Hepatics F. Stephani. Marine Algas Ethel S. Barton. Freshwater Algas , W. West, F.L.S., and G-. S. West, B.A. Diatomaceae Thomas Comber, F.L.S. Lichenes E. A. Wainio. Fungi -.. Annie Lorrain Smith. Mycetozoa ., Arthur Lister, F.R.S. Synopsis of the British Basidiomycetes : a Descriptive Catalogue of the Drawings and Specimens in the Depart- ment of Botany, British Museum. By Worthington George Smith, F.L.S. Pp. 531. 5 Plates and 145 Figures in Text. [With Index.] 1908, 8vo. 10s. A Monograph of Lichens found in Britain : being a Descrip- tive Catalogue of the Species in the Herbarium of the British Museum. By the Rev. James M. Crombie, M.A., F.L.S., F.G.S., &c. Part I. Pp. viii., 519 : 74 Woodcuts. [With Glossary, Synopsis, Tabular Conspectus, and Index.] 1894, 8vo. 16s. List of British Diatomaceae in the Collection of the British Museum. By the Rev. W. Smith, F.L.S., &c. Pp. iv., 55. 1859, 12mo. Is. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 21 FOSSILS. Catalogue of the Fossil Mammalia in the British Museum (Natural History). By Richard Lydekker, B.A., F.G.S.: Part I. Containing the Orders Primates, Chiroptera, Insectivora, Carnivora, and Rodentia. Pp. xxx., 268. 33 Woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1885, 8vo. 5s. Part II. Containing the Order Ungulata, Suborder Artiodactyla. Pp. xxii., 324. 39 Woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1885, 8vo. 6s. Part III. Containing the Order Ungulata, Suborders Perissodactyla, Toxodontia, Condylarthra, and Ambly- poda. Pp. xvi., 186. 30 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1886, 8vo. 4s. Part IV. Containing the Order Ungulata, Suborder Proboscidea. Pp. xxiv., 235. 33 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1886, 8vo. 5s. Part V. Containing the Group Tillodontia, the Orders Sirenia, Cetacea, Edentata, Marsupialia, Monotremata, and Supplement. Pp. xxxv., 345. 55 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1887 , 8vo. 6s. Catalogue of the Fossil Birds in the British Museum (Natural History). By Richard Lydekker, B.A. Pp. xxvii., 368. 75 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1891, 8vo. 10s. Qd. Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and Amphibia in the British Museum (Natural History). By Richard Lydekker, B.A., F.G.S. : Part I. Containing the Orders Ornithosauria, Crocodilia, Dinosauria, Squamata, Rhynchocephalia, and Pro- terosauria. Pp. xxviii., 309. 69 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1888, 8vo. 7s. 6d. Part II. Containing the Orders Ichthyopterygia and Sauropterygia. Pp. xxi., 307. 85 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1889, 8vo. 7s. 6d. Part III. Containing the Order Chelonia. Pp. xviii., 239. 53 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1889, 8vo. 7s. Gd, 22 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and Amphibia in the British Museum continued. Part IV. Containing the Orders Anomodontia, Ecaudata, Caudata, and Labyrinthodontia ; and Supplement. Pp. xxiii., 295. 66 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species to the entire work.] 1890, 8vo. 7s. 6d Catalogue of the Fossil Fishes in the British Museum (Natural History). By Arthur Smith Woodward, LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., Ac. : Part I. Containing the Elasmobranchii. Pp. xlvii., 474. 13 Woodcuts and 17 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, and Systematic Index of Genera and Species.] 1889, 8vo. 21s. Part II. Containing the Elasmobranchii (Acanthodii), Holocephali, Ichthyodorulites, Ostracodermi, Dipnoi, and Teleostomi (Crossopterygii and Chondrostean Actinopterygii). Pp. xliv., 567. 58 Woodcuts and 16 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, and Systematic Index of Genera and Species.] 1891, 8vo. 21s. Part III. Containing the Actinopterygian Teleostomi of the Orders Chondrostei (concluded), Protospondyli, Aetheospondyli, and Isospondyli (in part). Pp. xlii., 544. 45 Woodcuts and 18 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, and Systematic Index of Genera and Species.] 1895, 8vo. 21s. Part IV. Containing the Actinopterygian Teleostomi of the Suborders Isospondyli (in part), Ostariophysi, Apodes, Percesoces, Hemibranchii, Acanthopterygii, and Anacanthini. Pp. xxxix., 636. 22 Woodcuts and 19 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, and Systematic Index of Genera and Species.] 1901, 8vo. 21s. A descriptive Catalogue of the Tertiary Vertebrata of the Fayum, Egypt. Based on the Collection of the Egyptian Government in the Geological Museum, Cairo, and on the Collection in the British Museum (Natural History), London. By C. W. Andrews, D.Sc. Pp. xxxvii., 324 : 98 Text Figures and 26 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1906, 4to. II. 15s. Systematic List of the Edwards Collection of British Oligocene and Eocene Mollusca in the British Museum (Natural History), with references to the type-specimens from similar horizons contained in other collections belonging to the Geological Department of the Museum. By Richard Bullen Newton, F.G.S. Pp. xxviii., 365. [With table of Families and Genera, Bibliography, Correlation-table, Appendix, and Alphabetical Index.] 1891, 8vo. 6s. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 23 Oatalogue-of Tertiary Mollusca in the Department of Geology, British Museum (Natural History). Part I. The Austra- lasian Tertiary Mollusca. By George F. Harris, F.G.S., &c. Pp. xxvi., 407. 8 Plates. [With Table of Families, Genera, and Sub-Genera, and Index.] 1897, 8vo. 10s. Catalogue of the Fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum (Natural History) : Parti. Containing part of the Suborder Nautiloidea, con- sisting of the families Orthoceratidae, Endoceratidae, Actinoceratidae, Gomphoceratidaa, Ascoceratidae, Poterioceratidae, Cyrtoceratidae, and Supplement. By Arthur H. Foord, F.G.S. Pp. xxxi., 344. 51 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1888, 8vo. 10s. 6d. Part II. Containing the remainder of the Suborder Nautiloidea, consisting of the families Lituitidae, Trochoceratidae, Nautilidae, and Supplement. By Arthur H. Foord, F.G.S. Pp. xxviii., 407. 86 Wood- cuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1891, 8vo. 15s. Part III. Containing the Bactritidae, and part of the Suborder Ammonoidea. By Arthur H. Foord, Ph.D. F.G.S., and George Charles Crick, A.R.S.M., F.G.S. Pp. xxxiii., 303. 146 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index of Genera and Species, and Alphabetical Index.] 1897, 8vo. 12s. 6d. List of theTypes and Figured Specimens of Fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum (Natural History). By G. C. Crick, F.G.S. Pp. 103. [With Index.] 1898, 8vo. 2s. 6d. A Catalogue of British Fossil Crustacea, with their Synonyms and the Range in Time of each Genus and Order. By Henry Woodward, F.R.S. Pp. xii., 155. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1877, 8vo. 5s. Catalogue of the Fossil Bryozoa in the Department of Geology, British Museum (Natural History): The Jurassic Bryozoa. By J. W. Gregory, D.Sc., F.G.S., F.Z.S. Pp. [viii.,] 239 : 22 Woodcuts and 11 Plates. [With last of Species and Distribution, Bibliography, Index, and Explanation of Plates.] 1896, 8vo. 10s. The Cretaceous Bryozoa. Vol. L By J. W. Gregory, D.Sc., F.G.S., F.Z.S. Pp. xiv., 457 : 64 Woodcuts arid 17 Plates. [With Index and Explanation of Plates.] 1899, 8vo. 16s. &t LIST OP PUBLICATIONS OF Catalogue of the Blastoidea in the Geological Department of the British Museum (Natural History), with an account of the morphology and systematic position of the group, and ' a revision of the genera and species. By Robert Etheridge, jun., of the Department of Geology, British Museum (Natural History), and P. Herbert Carpenter, D.Sc., F.R.S., F.L.S. (of Eton College). Pp. xv., 322. 20 Plates. [With Preface by Dr. H. Woodward, Table of Contents, General Index, Explanations of the Plates, &c.] 1886 4to. 25s. The Genera and Species of Blastoidea, with a List of the Specimens in the British Museum (Natural History). By F. A. Bather, M.A., F.G.S., of the Geological Department. Pp. x., 70. 1 Woodcut. 1899, 8vo. 3s. Catalogue of the Palaeozoic Plants in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology, British Museum (Natural History). By Robert Kidston, F.G.S. Pp. viii., 288. [With a list of works quoted, and an Index.] 1886, 8vo. 5s. Catalogue of the Mesozoic Plants in the Department of Geology, British Museum (Natural History). By A. C. Seward, M.A., F.R.S., F.G.S., University Lecturer in Botany and Fellow of Emanuel College, Cambridge : Part I. The Wealden Flora. Part I. Thallophyta Pteridophyta. Pp. xxxviii., 179. 17 Woodcuts and 11 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, Explanations of the Plates, &c.] 1894, 8vo. 10s. Part II. The Wealden Flora. Part II. Gymnospermse. Pp. viii., 259. 9 Woodcuts and 20 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, Explanations of the Plates, &c.] 1895, 8vo. 15s. Part III. The Jurassic Flora. Part I. The Yorkshire Coast. Pp. xii., 341. 53 Woodcuts and 21 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, Explanations of the Plates, &c.] 1900, 8vo. 20s. Part IV. The Jurassic Flora. II. Liassic and Oolitic Floras of England (excluding the Inferior Oolite Plants of the Yorkshire Coast). Pp. xv., 192. 20 Woodcuts and 13 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, Explanations of the Plates, &c.] 1904, 8vo. 10s. Catalogue of the Fossil Plants of the Glossopteris Flora in the Department of Geology, British Museum (Natural History). Being a Monograph of the Permo-carboniferous Flora of India and the Southern Hemisphere. By E. A. Newell Arber, M.A., F.L.S., F.G.S. Pp. Ixxiv., 255 : 51 Text- Figures and 8 Plates. [With Bibliography and Alphabetical Index.] 1905, 8vo. 12s. 6d. BRITlSfi MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 25 GUIDE-BOOKS, ETC A General Guide to the British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London, S.W. Twelfth Edition. With 59 woodcuts, 2 plans, 2 views of the building, and an illustrated cover. Pp. 127. 1909, 8vo. 3d. Guide to the Specimens illustrating the Races of Mankind Guide to the Galleries of Mammals (other than Ungulates) in the Department of Zoology of the British Museum (Natural History). Eighth Edition. Pp. 101. 52 Woodcuts and 4 plans. [Index.] 1906, 8vo. 6d. Guide to the Great Game Animals (Ungulata) in the Depart- ment of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). Pp. 93. 53 Text and other figures. With list of Horns, Antlers and Tusks, and Index. 1907, 8vo. Is. Guide to the Elephants (Recent and Fossil) exhibited in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology in the British Museum (Natural History). [By Dr. C. W. Andrews, F.R.S.] Illustrated by 31 text-figures. Pp. 46. 1908, 8vo. $d. Guide to the Specimens of the Horse Family (Equidae) exhibited in the Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). [By R. Lydekker, F.R.S.] Pp. 42. 26 Figures. 1907, 8vo. Is. Guide to the Domesticated Animals (other than Horses) exhibited in the Central and North Halls of the British Museum (Natural History). [By R. Lydekker, F.R.S.] Illustrated by 24 Figures. Pp. 55. [With table of Contents, List of Illustrations, and Index.] 1908, 8vo. 6d. Guide to the Whales, Porpoises, and Dolphins (order Cetacea) exhibited in the Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). [By R. Lydekker, F.R.S.] Illustrated by 33 Figures. Pp.47. [With Index.] 1909, 8vo. 4d. Guide to the Gallery of Birds in the Department of Zoology of the British Museum (Natural History). [By W. R. Ogilvie Grant.] Pp. iv., 228. 24 Plates, and 7 Illustra- tions in text. [With Index.] 1905, 4to. 2s. 6d. Guide to the Gallery of Birds in the Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). Part I. General Series. [By W. R. Ogilvie Grant.] Pp. 149. [With Index.] 1905, 4to. Qd. Guide to the Nesting Series of British Birds. Being Part II. of the Guide to the Gallery of Birds in the Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). [By W. R. Ogilvie Grant.] Pp. 62. 4 Plates. [Index.] 190,% 4to. d. 6 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF T&E) Guide to the Gallery of Reptilia and Amphibia in the Department of Zoology of the British Museum (Natural History). [By R. Lydekker, F.R.S.] Illustrated by 76 text and other Figures. Pp. iv., 75. [With Table of Contents.] J906, 8vo. Gd. Guide to the Gallery of Fishes in the Department of Zoology of the British Museum (Natural History). [By Dr. W. G. Ridewood.] Illustrated by 96 Figures. Pp. v., 209. [With Preface by Sir E. Ray Lankester, Table of Classification, and Index.] 1908, 8vo. Is. Guide to the exhibited Series of Insects in the Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). By C. 0. Waterhouee. Second Edition. Pp. 65 : 62 text- and full- page Illustrations. [With Table of Contents and Index.] 1909, 8vo. Is. Guide to the Shell and Starfish Galleries (Mollusca, Polyzoa, Brachiopoda, Tunicata, Echinodertna, and Worms). Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). Fifth Edition. Pp. iv., 133. 125 Woodcuts, Plan and Indexes. 1908, 8vo. 6d. Guide to the Coral Gallery (Protozoa, Porifera or Sponges, Hydrozoa, and Anthozoa) in the Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). Second Edition. Pp. [iv., 8] 73. 90 Illustrations, Plan and Index. 1907, 8vo. Is. A Guide to the Fossil Mammals and Birds in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology in the British Museum (Natural History). Ninth Edition. [By A. S. Woodward, LL.D., F.R.S.] Pp. xvi., 100. 6 Plates, 88 Woodcuts. [With List of Illustrations, Table of Stratified Rocks, and Index.] 1909, 8vo. 6d. A Guide to the Fossil Reptiles, Amphibians, and Fishes in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology in the British Museum (Natural History). Eighth Edition. [By A. S. Woodward, LL.D., F.R.S.] Pp. xviii., 110. 8 Plates and 116 Text-Figures. [With List of Illustrations, Geo- logical Time-Scale and Index.] 1905, 8vo. Gd. A Guide to the Fossil Invertebrate Animals in the Depart- ment of Geology and Palaeontology in the British Museum (Natural History). [By F. A. Bather, D.Sc.] Pp. ix., 182. 7 Plates and 96 Text-Figures. [With List of Illustrations, Geological Time- scale, and Index.] 1907, 8vo. Is. List of British Seed-plants and Ferns exhibited in the Department of Botany, British Museum (Natural History). With table of Sequence of Orders, and Index of Genera. Pp.44. 1907, 8vo. 4d. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 27 Guide t> Sowerby's Models of British Fungi in the De- partment of Botany, British Museum (Natural History). Second Edition, revised. By Worthington G. Smith, F.L.S. Pp. 85. 91 Woodcuts. With Table of Diagnostic Characters, Glossary, and Index. 1908, 8vo. 4=d. Guide to the British Mycetozoa exhibited in the Department of Botany, British Museum (Natural History). [By Arthur Lister, F.R.S.] Third Edition, revised. Pp. 49. 46 Woodcuts. Index. 1909, 8vo. 3d. A Guide to the Mineral Gallery of the British Museum (Natural History). Tenth Edition. [By L. Fletcher, M.A., F.R.S.] Pp. 32. Plan. 1908, 8vo. Id. The Student's Index to the Collection of Minerals, British Museum (Natural History). Twenty-third Edition. [By L. Fletcher, M.A., F.R.S.] Pp. 36. With a Plan of the Mineral Gallery. 1908, 8vo. 2d. An Introduction to the Study of Minerals, with a Guide to the Mineral Gallery of the British Museum (Natural History). By L. Fletcher, M.A., F.R.S. Twelfth Edition. Pp. 123. 41 Woodcuts. With Plan of the Mineral Gallery and Index. 1908, 8vo. Qd. An Introduction to the Study of Rocks and Guide to the Museum Collection. Fourth Edition. By L. Fletcher, M. A., F.R.S. Pp. 155. [With Plan of the Mineral Gallery, Table of Contents, and Index.] 1909, 8vo. Is. An Introduction to the Study of Meteorites, with a List of the Meteorites represented in the Collection. By L. Fletcher, M.A., F.R.S., &c. Tenth Edition. Pp. 120. [With a Plan of the Mineral Gallery, and an Index to the Meteorites represented in the Collection.] 1908, 8vo. Qd. SPECIAL GUIDES. No. 1. Guide to an Exhibition of Old Natural History Books, illustrating the origin and progress of the Study of Natural History up to the time of Linnaeus. [By B. B. Woodward.] Pp. 27. 1905, 8vo. 3d. No. 2. Books and Portrait? illustrating the History of Plant Classification exhibited in the Department of Botany. [By A. B. Rendle, M.A., D.Sc.] Pp. 19. 4 Plates. 1906,8vo.4d No. 3. Memorials of Linnaeus : a collection of Portraits, Manuscripts, Specimens, and Books exhibited to com- memorate the Bicentenary of his Birth. [By A. B. Rendle, M.A., D.Sc.] Pp. 16. 2 Plates. 1907, 8vo. 3d No. 4. Memorials of Charles Darwin : a Collection of Manuscripts, Portraits, Medals, Books, and Natural History Specimens to commemorate the Centenary of his Birth and the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Publication of " The Origin of Species." (By W. G. Ridewood, D,Sc.l Pp. v. ? 50. 2 Plates. 1909, 8vo. 6d 28 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS &C. (NATURAL HISTORY). Handbook of Instructions for Collectors, issued by the British Museum (Natural History). With Illustrations. Third Edition. Pp. 144. Index. 1906, 8vo. Is. 6d. Instructions for Collectors : No. 1. Mammals. Third Edition. Pp. 12. Text illust. 1905, 8vo. 3d. No. 2. Birds. Fourth Edition. Pp. 10. 5 figures in text. 1908, 8vo. 3d. No. 3. Reptiles, Batrachinians, and Fishes. [Third Edition.] Pp. 12. 1903, 8vo. 4d. No. 4. Insects. Fourth Edition. Pp. 11. Text illust. 1907, 8vo. 3d. No. 5. Diptera (Two-winged Flies). -Third Edition. Pp. 16. Text illust. 1908, 8vo. 3d. No. 6. Mosquitoes (Culicidse). [Third Edition.] Pp. 8. 1 Plate, 1 figure in text. 1904, 8vo. 3d. No. 7. Blood-sucking Flies, Ticks, &c. By E. E. Austen. Third Edition. Pp. 24 : 13 figures in text. 1907, 8vo. 3d. No. 8. Spiders, Centipedes, &c. Second Edition. Pp. 4. 1906, 8vo. 3d. No. 9. Soft-bodied and other Invertebrate Animals ; Shells of Molluscs. Third Edition. Pp. 18. 1909, 8vo. 3d. No. 10. Plants. Fourth Edition. Pp. 8 : 2 figures in text. 1909, 8vo. 3d. No. 11. Fossils and Minerals. Third Edition. Pp. 8. 1906, 8vo. 3d. British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London, S.W. September, 1909. LONDON: FEINTED FOB HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY DARLING & SON, LTD., 34-40, BACON STREET, E. 1909. THIS BOOK IS ST^ WILL INCREASE TO 5o cLr ' E PE NALTY DAY AND TO $i OO ON Tl ! N E F URT H OVERDUE. N THE SEVENTH DAY 201123