\ V i vrt CATALOGUE OF BOOKS ON ANGLING; WITH SOME BRIEF NOTICES SEVERAL OF THEIR AUTHORS. LONDON: PIUJJTED BT T. BENSLEY, BOLT COURT, PLEET STREET, 1811. A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS ON A N G JL I N G- IN the second edition of the Treatises of Hawking and Hunting, ascribed to Juliana Barnes, " Here begynnyth the Treatyse of Fysshynge with an Angle." Fol. Lond. Wynk. de Worde. 1496, 4. Wynk. de Worde. 4. Lond. W. Copland. . , 4. Lond. loh. Waley. 4. Lond. Wyllyam Powell. 4. Lond. Wyllyam Powell. 1550. 4. Lond. Abr. Veale and W. Cop- land. fol. Lond. 1810, reprinted in fac- simile from the edit, of 1496. [Juliana Berners, Barnes, or Bernes, the religious sports- woman, to whom the above tract is ascribed, is said to have been of a noble family, sister to Richard Lord Berners of Essex, and prioress of Sopwell, near St. Albans. She flourished, according to Bale and Pitts, about the year 14(50^ and is cele- brated by Leland, Holinsbed, and other writers, for her un- common learning and accomplishments. Beside being the. first printed treatise on the subject in the English language, this work affords us rude representations of the different kinds of tackle in use: and contains directions and remarks, which have been copied even in some of the most recent Treatises on Angling. Of thequarto edition, printed by Copland, Herbert mentions two other copies: one, printed " in Lothbury, over against " St. Margarets Church;" the other, " in Seint Martyns parish in the Vinetre, upon the three Crane Wh?rfe."] " Hawking, Hunting, Fouling, and Fishing, with the true Measures of Blowing, &c. now newly collected by W. G. faukener." 4. Lond. 1596. [W. G. is William Gryndall.] " Hawking, Hunting, and Fishing, with the true Mea- A measures 2067024 sures of Blowing. Newly corrected and amanded. 1596." 4. Lund. Edw. Aide. 1596. " A Booke of Fishing with Hooke and Line, and of all other Instruments thereunto belonging^, made by L. M," 4. Lond. 1590. 4. Lond. 1596. . . . . . 4. Lond. 1600. . ; 4. Lond. 1606. [This Treatise contains a few improvements on the directions of Juliana Barnes. It has wood-cuts of the pike and proche hooks, &:c. with some remarks on the preservation of fish in pools. L. M. is Leonard Mascall.] " A New Booke of good Husbandry, very pleasaunt, and of great profile both for Gentlemen and Yomen : con- teining the Order and Maner of making of Fish-pondes, with the breeding, presenting and multiplying^ of the Carpe, Tench, Pike, and Troute, and diuerse kindes of other Fresh-Fish. Written in Latine by Janus Du- brauius, and translated into English at the speciall re- quest of George Churchey, fellow of Lions Inne, the 9. Februarie 1599." 4. Lond. 1599. u Certain Experiments concerning Fish and Fruit prac- tised by John Taverner, Gentleman, and by him pub- lished for the benefit of others." 4. London, (printed for Win. Ponsonby) 1600. [On the family of John Taverner, sec Masters's Hist, of C. C. C. Cambridge.] " The Secrets of Angling ; teaching the choicest Tooles, Baytes, and Seasons for the taking of any Fish, in Pond or River: practised and familiarly opened in three Bookes. By I. D. Esquire." 8. Lond. 1613. 8. Lond. 1652. [In the centre of the title of the first edition of this work is a wood-cut, representing two men. One, with a sphere at the and of his line, and on a label " Hold hooke and line Then all is mine." The other with a fish', (< Well fayre the pleasure That brings such treasure." Some large extracts from the second edition, which is much enlarged, enlarged, were published in the last volume of the " Centura Literaria." The original author of the work is mentioned in the third edition of Walton's Angler, under the name of Jo. Davors. But the following entry in the books at Stationers' Hall, pro- bably affords the, most accurate information. l6\2, Feb. 28. "Mr. Rog. lackson entred for his copie under thands of Mr. Mason and Mr. Warden Hooper a Booke called the Secrete of Angling, teaching the choysest tooles, bates, & seasons for the taking of any fish in pond or river, pracktised and opened in three Bookcs, by JOHN DENNYS, Esquier. vjrf." Lib. C. pa. 236 b. The second edition, is said in the title, to be " augmented with many approved experiments, by W. Lauson.""] ce The Pleasures of Princes, or Good Mens Recreations : containing a Discourse of the general Art of Fishing with the Angle, or otherwise: and of all the hidden Secrets belonging thereunto. Together with the Choyce, Ordering, Breeding, andDyetting of the fight- ing Cocke, being a worke never in that nature handled by any former Author." 4.. Lond. 1614. 4. Lond. 1635. [This work forms a part of the "second Booke of the English Husbandman, by G. M. (Gervase Markham.)] tc A Briefe Treatise of Fishing: with the Art of Ang- ling." 4. Lond. 1614. [This forms a part of the " Jewell for Gentrie, by T. S, j" and is, in fact, but a reprint of the work ascribed to Juliana Barnes.] In k ' Cheap and Good Husbandry," by Gervase Markham, 4. Lond. 1616, we have a short chapter " On Fish and Fish Ponds." Among the additions by Gervase Markham to " Mai- son Rustique, or the Countrey Farme, compyled in the French tongue by Charles Stevens, and lohn Liebault, and translated into English by Richard Surflet." fol. Lond. 1616. Book IV. chap, xi xvii. relate to "The Poole, Fish-pond, and Ditch for Fish." " Countrey Contentments: or the Husbandmans Recre- ations by G. M. 5th edit. 4. Lond. 1633. 6th. edit. 4. Lond. 1639. A 2 [From [Fiom p. 5p to 102, in the fifth and sixth editions, we " The whole Art of Angling; as it was written in a small treatise in rime, and now for the better understanding of the Reader put into Prose, and adorned and enlarged." The edition of the " Country Contentments, ' of lo"15, does not contain the Treatise on Angling. The rimes from which the Art of Angling, in this book, was taken, were probably those in the < f Secrets of Angling, by I. D." 1613.] The " Country Gentleman's Companion," 2 vo). 12. Lond. 1753, sa ^ * n l ^ e l '^ e to b" e " by a Country Gentleman, from his own experience," and " printed for the Author, is nothing more than a reprint of Mark- ham's work, without dedication, preface, or acknowledg- ment of the author's name. The Treatise on Angling, with the same verbatim title, occurs Vol. II. p. 61 106. " The Art of Angling. Wherein are discovered many rare Secrets very necessary to be known by all that de- light in that Recreation, written by Thomas Barker, an antient Practitioner in the said Art." i2m. Lond. 1651. 4. Lond. 1653, without the au- thor's name : subjoined to the " Countrymans Recrea- tion," 4. Lond, 1654. 2d edit, [so called], iz. Lond. 1657: with Commendatory Verses prefixed. This is the first edition that has the title of " Barker's Delight." 2d. edit, [likewise so called,] 12. Lond. 1659. ^ has, in fact, only a new title- page. [In an Epistle to the Reader, prefixed to the first edition, and in the dedication of the two last to Edward Lord Montague, Barker speaks of himself as having practised angling for more than half a century. He also says he was born and educated " at Bracemeale, in the liberty of Salop; being a freeman and burgesse of the same city:" adding, " if any noble or gentle angler, of what degree soever he be, have a mind to discourse of any of these wayes and experiments, I live in Henry the 7 lb ". Gifts, the next doore to the Gatehouse in Westm. my name is Barker, where I shall be ready, as long as please God, to satisfie them, and maintain my art, during life, which is not like to be long."] u The Compleat Angler, or the Contemplative Mans Recreation. Recreation. Being a Discourse of Fish and Fishing, not unworthy the perusal of most Anglers. " Simon Peter said, I go a fishing: and they said, we also will go with thee." John 21. 3. 12. Lond. 1 ^53' [By Isaac Walton.] , 2d edit. 1 2. Lond. 1655. 3d edit. 12. Lond. 1664. 4th edit. 12". Lond. 1668. 5th edit, forming the first part of the " Universal Angler," by Walton, Cotton, and Venables. 12. Lond. 1676. [The above are all the editions of " the Complete Angler/' that were published during the author's life. The second edition, which wa<* published but two years after the first, appsars to have been almost rewritten, with the introduction of a third interlocutor in Auceps, and great ad- ditions in every part. The third edition is the first which has the " Postscript, touching the Laws of Angling," and an Index. To the fifth, a second part was appended, on fishing for Trout and Grayling, by Charles Cotton, Esq. of Berisford.] 6th edit. 8. Lond. 1750, edited by Moses Browne. , 7th edit. 8. Lond. 1759, by- Moses Browne. [Moses Browne, who rose by his own merit from thehumble occupation of a pen-cutter to the station of a respectable divine of the church of England, was born in 1704. Early in life he distinguished himself by his poetical talents; and when only twenty years of age published a tragedy and a farce, called " Polidus," and " All bedevilled." These were played to- gether at a private theatre in St. Alban's street. He became afterwards a frequent contributor to the Gentleman's Maga- zine, and, as far as concerned the poetical part, was, for a long time, one of its chief supports. Sir John Hawkins, in his Life of Dr. Johnson, says, he was a candidate for the fifty pounds prize, alluded to in the Doc- tor's first letter to Cave, as well as for the other prizes which Cave proposed for Poems on particular subjects ; in all, or most of which compositions, he had the good fortune to suc- ceed. * Hit * When Care published a Translation of Da Halde's China, be inscribed the different plates to his friends, and one among A 3 thorn Hi? " Piscatory Eclogues," which were first publUhed without his name, appeared in 17^9: a second edition came out among his " Poems on various subjects," in octavo, 1 739 : and the third, in an extended form, by itself, ac- companied with notes, in 1773. For a long time, however, even after his abilities were known, he remained in poverty: being able to make little provision beyond the day that was passing'over him. The fol- lowing letter which he wrote to Dr. Birch, in 17^5, who had before assisted his studies, will probably have some interest with the reader. " SIR, " I am almost ashamed to presume on that very slender knowledge you may have of me by a few accidental interviews formerly at Mr. Caves, to ask any favour of you, but not hav- ing the least acquaintance with any gentleman of the Iloyal Society besides, I trouble you with a tew enquiries I want to make, which will be a great kindness and obligation if you will please to inform me of, by a letter directed as beneath. My sight decaying pretty much, and rendring it somewhat difficult for me to provide as formerly for my family (I having a wife and seven children) I am wishing to know how I might apply for some little place that does not require all ones time, to help me out with some little additional support. " I apprehend there must be something of messengers, door keepers, or whatever kind of officers they may be, be- longing to the Society. If you will be so good as to inform me what their list is, what salary, and who must be applied to for a gift of this kind, it will be esteemed a very singular fa- vour. I have no thoughts nor aim of becoming troublesome to you, farther than for your kind intelligence, and shall use no liberties with your name, unless you are pleased from your own good will to allow me any other encouragements or services which I have no pretensions nor boldness to ask of you. I am a subject of pity in my circumstances that 1 have so few, very few friends, but I entirely trust to that good Providence to sup- port me, some way or other, thro' my remaining days, whose them " To Moses Browne." With this blunt and familiar desig- nation Mr. Browne was justly offended. To appease him Cave directed the engraver to introduce with a caret, under the line, '' Mr. : and thought, that in so doing, he had made ample amends to Mr. Browne for the indignity done him. regards regards I have so kindly, beyond all my deserti, experienced hitherto. I am, with great respect, Sir, your most sincere and affectionate Serv'. MOSES BROWNS." Next the Barley Mow, Mile-end Green, Feb. ijth, 1745. In 1750 he edited Walton and Cotton's Angler, with a pre- face, notes, and some valuable additions; this was re published in 1759 and 1772; in the former year drawing him into a controversy with Sir John Hawkins, who happened to be then publishing an improved edition of the same work. From his poems, as well as from the scattered observations in the " Angler," he appears to have been always of a re- ligious turn; and in 1752 he published, in verse, a series of devout Contemplations, entitled "Sunday Thoughts." Doctor Johnson, we are told, who often expressed his dislike of re- ligious poetry, and who, for the purpose of religious medita- tion, thought one day as proper as another, read them with cold approbation, and added that he had a great mind to write Monday Thoughts. They, however, went through a second edition in 1764, and a third in 1781. In a letter to Dr. Birch, dated Dec. 8th, 1/52, he mentions the advice of many of his friends, that he should endeavour to obtain orders. " A gentleman of Northampton, he says, wrote me word a few days since, that he had a promise of a living for me, if I would get ordained directly, and be down by the 30th of next month." Early in the following year his testi- monials were signed by Dr. Birch, Mr. Nicholas Fayting, and Dr. John Groom of Childerdale in Essex ; and soon after his ordination he was presented to the vicarage ofOlney in Buck- inghamshire, on the cession of Mr. Wolsey Johnson. Jn 1/54, he published a sermon, preached at Olney, on Christmas-day, entitled " The Nativity and Humiliation of Jesus Christ, practically considered." In 1/55 he published a small quarto poem, entitled "Percy Lodge, a seat of the Duke and Dutchess of Somerset, written by command of their late Graces, in the year \74y." In what year he was presented to the vicarage of Sutton, in Lincolnshire, we are not informed by any of the writers who mention him : but in 1763 he was elected to the chaplainship of Morden College in Kent. In 1/65, he published a Sermon, f prfached to the Society for the Reformation of Manners;" A 4 and, 8 and, a few years after, a Visitation Sermon, delivered at Stony Stratford. Beside these pieces, Mr. Browne is said to have published one or two political tracts; and in 1772, a translation of a work by John Liborius Zimmerman, entitled " The Excel- lency of the Knowledge of Jesus Christ." 12. Lond. He died at Morden College, Sept- 13, 1787, in his 84th year.] " The Compleat Angler, 8th edit. 8. Lond. 1760. edited by John Hawkins, Esq. afterwards Sir John Hawkins. [A manuscript note of Mr. White, of Crickhowell, in a copy of the " Complete Angler," edit. 1784, says Sir John Hawkins was born March 19, 171Q.] He was elected Chairman of the Session for Middlesex, Sept. 19, 1755, in which capacity he published a Charge to the Grand Jury, Jan. 8, 1770, and Deceived ihe honour of Knight- hood, Oct. 23, 1772. He died at his house in the Great Sancluary, Westminster, May 21st, 1789, in his 7lst year, and lies buried in West- minster Abbey. The public are infinitely indebted to him for the many valuable anecdotes recorded in his History ot Music: though his biography of Johnson, it must be confessed, was undertaken in an evil hour. Compare, for further particulars of him and his works, Gent. Mag. Vol. XLVI. p. 522. XLVII. 20, 78, 125, '229, 273. LV. 875. LXIX. 473, and Kippis's Biogr. Brit. art. Addison, p. 55.] Qth edit. 8. Lond. 1766, edited by John Hawkins, Esq. A new title only. icth edit. 8. Lond. 1772, edited by Moses Browne. , nth edit. 8. Lond. 17/5, by Sir John Hawkins. i2th edit. 8. Lond. 1784, by Sir John Hawkins. i3th edit. 8. Lond. 1792, edited by John Sidney Hawkins, Esq. )4th edit. 8. Lond. 1797, also by Mr. Sidney Hawkins, but without the larger plates. I5th edit. 8. Lond. 1808. [Printed in three sizes.] "The <* The Complete Angler, 1 6th edit, a fac simile reprint of the edit, of 1653. 12. Lond. 1810. In the second and third editions of the " Compleat Gentleman," by Henry Peacham, there is a Chapter (t Concerning Fishing." 4. Lond. 1634, 1661. [It does not occur in the previous edition of 1622.] " The E*perienc'd Angler; or Angling Improved: being a General Discourse of Angling." 8. Lond. 1662. [By Col. Robert Venables, whose name appears at least in the three last of the subsequent editions.] 2d edit. 12. Lond. 3d edit. 12. Lond. 1668. 4th edit. 12. Lond. 1676. 5th edit. 12. Lond. 1683. [The fourth edition forms the third part of the Universal Angler. Among the Manuscripts in the Harleian Collection, are several pedigrees of the family of Venables: particularly in the MS. 1393, f. 39, where the great ancestor of Venables is stated to have been Galiard Venables, who came over with the Conqueror, and afterwards received the Earldom of Kinderton, in Cheshire, from Hugh Lupus. Another MS. 2059, recites a deed from one of the family residing at Northwich, as earlj as 1260. The Harleian Manuscript, 1.Q93, f. 52, contains a paper, partly in the hand-writing of Colonel Venables, containing an account of the time he served the Parliament Army in Cheshire, and of the pay due to him between 16'43 and 1646. From thjs it appears that in 1644 he was made Governor of Chester. When Cromwell, by the persuasions of Card. Mazarine, fitted out a fleet fur the Conquest of Hispaniola in 1655, the command of the army, (consisting of 200O old Cavaliers, and as many of Oliver's standing army, besides volunteers and ne- cessitated persons) was given to Col. Venables and Admiral Penn; who were ordered to take on board more forces at Bar- badoes and the Leeward Islands. On the 13th of April, Col. Venables landed at Hispaniola, but was defeated, and retreated to the fleet. On the 3d of May, however, they made a descent on Jamaica, and took possession of the town of St. Jago by capitulation. Toward the close of the summer Venables and Penn returned home, and arrived jn England in September, where they were both imprisoned for IO fortheirscandalous conduct in this expedition : which would have been an irreparable dishonour to the English nation, had not the island of Jamaica, which chance, more than council, be- stowed upon them, made amends for the loss at Hispaniola. See The British Empire in America, Vol. II. p. 3C5. 8. 1741 . From other sources we learn that in 1045 Lieut. Col. Venables was Governor of Tarvia. In 1(549 ne was Com- mander in Chief of the Forces in Ulster, and had the towns of Lisnegarvy, Antrym, and Belfast, delivered to him. Some of his actions in Ireland are recited in " A History or Brief Chronicle of the Chief Matters of the Irish Warres." 4. Lond. 1650. Jn " Certaine Passages of Every Dayes Intelligence, from Sep. 21 to 28, 1655, (published by authority?) it is said, " Gen. Pen and Gen. Venables would willingly be petitioning his Highnes the Lord Protector for their enlargement out of the Tower again; but it is a little too soon yetj it were not amiss that they stayed till we hear again from the West Indies."] lt Angling improved to spiritual Uses," forms part of an octavo volume, under the title of " Occasional Re- flections upon several Subjects," by the Hon. Robert Boyle. 8. Lond. 1665. In "The Epitome of the Art of Husbandry," by T. B. Gent. 12. Lond. 1669. p. 182 to ic y .6 are "Brief Ex- perimental Directions for the right Use of the Angle." 8. Lond. 1670. p. 182 to 196. 8. Lond. 1685. p. 145 to 159. [The author's name was Blagrave.] f'The Angler's Delight: containing the whole Art of neat and clean Angling; wherein is taught the readiest way to take all sorts of Fish, from the Pike to the Minnow, together with their proper baits, haunts, and time of fishing for them, whether in mere, pond, or river. *' As also the method, of fish>ng in Hackney River, and the names of all the best stands there; with the man- ner of making all sorts of good tackle fit for any water \\hatsoever. The like never before in print. By Wil- liam Gilbert, Gent. 12. Lond. 1676. 12. Lond. no date. This II [This second edition was reprinted in fac-simile, about 17SO, by a bookseller, in Holborn.] "The Compleat Troller; or the Art of Trolling," by Robert Nobbes. 8. Lond. 1682. 2d edit, same date, reprinted in fac-simile, about 1770. 3d edit, prefixed to the Angler's Pocket Book. 8". Norw. no date. 4th edit, appended to another edition of the Angler's Pocket- Book. 8. Lond. 1805. ' The Accomplish! Lady's Delight in Preserving, Physick, Beautifying and Cookery." 12. Lond. 1684. p. 106 to 126. " New and excellent Experiments and Secrets in the Art of Angling, being directions for the whole Art." [Taken entirely from Walton and Barker.] " Gentleman's Recreations : treating of the Art of Horse- manship, Hunting, Fowling, Fishing, and Agriculture." fol. Lond. 1686. fol. Lond. 1710, " The Gentleman's Recreation : in four parts, viz. Hunting, Hawking, Fowling, Fishing," 8. Lono 1 . 1674. [By Nicholas Cox.] . . . o 2d edit. 8. Lond. 1677. 3d edit. 8. Lond. 1686. 4th edit. 8\ Lond. 1697. 5th edit. 8, Lond. 1706. 6th edit. 8. Lond. 1721. , 2d edit. 12. Lond. 3d edit. 12. Lond. ** The Fisherman: or Art of Angling made easy; by Guiniad Charfey, Esq. 8. Lond. 2d edit. 8. Lond. " The North-Country Angler ; or the Art of Angling a? practised in the Northern Counties of England." 8. Lond. 1786. ....-. 2d edit. 3d edit. 8. Leeds. 1 800. fe A Concise Treatise on the Art of Angling : by Thomas Best, Gent." 8. Lond. 1787. ad edit. 8. Lond. 3d edit. 8. Lond. 1794. 4th edit. 8. Lond. 1 798. , 5th edit. 8. Lond. 1802. 6th edit. 8. Lond. 1804. 7th edit. 8. Lond. 1807. ., 8th edit. Lond. 1808. . . , . 9th edit. 8. Lond. 1810. * l An Essay on the Right of Angling in the River Thames, Thames, and in all the other public Navigable Rivers/' 8. Reading. " A Letter to a Proprietor of a Fishery in the River Thames. In which an attempt is made to shew in whom the Right of Fishing in public streams now re- sides." 2d edit. 8. Reading. [1787.] " The Natural History of Fishes and Serpents," by R. Brookes. To which is added an Appendix, containing the whole Art of Float and Fly-Fishing." 8. Lond. 1790. " The Young Angler's Pocket-Companion, by Ralph Cole, Gent." 12. Lond. 1795. ** The Modern Angler, being a practical Treatise on the Art of Fishing, &c. in a Series of Letters to a friend, by Robert Salter, Esq." 12. Lond. " Angling in all its Branches, reduced to a Complete Science : in three parts, by Samuel Taylor, Gent. 8. Lond. i Boo. u Practical Observations on Angling in the River Trent. 8. Newark. 1801. " Every Man his own Fisherman: by Thomas Smith. 24. Lond. "The Driffield Angler, in two parts; by Alexander Mackintosh of Great Driffield, Yorkshire." 8. Gains- borough. " The Angler's Pocket-Book, to which is prefixed Nobbe's celebrated Treatise on the Art of Trolling." 8. Norw. 2d edit, with Nobbes's Treatise affixed. 8. Lond. , 3d edit, with the same affixed. 8. Lond. 1805.