B 3 3DD 7fl2 \ BIOLOGY LIBRARY 1L HORN MEASUREMENTS AND WEIGHTS OF THE GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. HORN MEASUREMENTS AND WEIGHTS OF THE GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD BEING A RECORD FOR THE USE OF SPORTSMEN -AND NATURALISTS. BY ROWLAND WARD, F.Z.S., Author of "The Sportsman's Handbook," &=c. OVIBOS MOSCHATUS. AT "THE JUNGLE," 166, PICCADILLY. AND OF ALL BOOKSELLERS. 1892. BIOLOGY LIBRARY G UOLOGY L13RABY THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED TO THE SPORTSMEN OF THE WORLD, WITHOUT WHOSE DETERMINED PLUCK AND LOVE OF TRAVEL IT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN PRODUCED, NOR COULD I HAVE SPENT A LIFE-TIME IN THE ART WHICH I HAVE TRIED TO ADVANCE. ROWLAND WARD. 916535 PREFACE. TV/fY object in producing this book is to start a record J-J A of Horn Measurements of the Great Game of the World. I only regret that I did not commence it at an earlier date, as it would then have been more complete. But in my earlier life I had but little help, and often worked thirty hours at a stretch ; my work necessitated attention to specimens that demanded immediate treat- ment, and my love for reproducing life-like studies prevented me from keeping records. The measurements presented here have been taken re- cently by one hand and, for that reason, I value them the more. The dimensions from acknowledged authorities I am not responsible for. This book is not designed to be in any way a scientific work, but it is prepared for gentlemen sportsmen and scientific men who are interested to see comparable measurements at a glance. I think these have not been produced in like form before. Of course, the record can be added to, and I shall feel indebted to sportsmen who will contribute measurements, for I am not viii PREFACE. producing this work in a completed form it must grow. It is to be borne in mind that many trophies which have passed through my hands are now scattered all over the world, and the dimensions of them, for the time, are not recorded here. Some that I give now are fine measure- ments, some are only ordinary statistics, many are of new species altogether ; these last being mainly a result of the quite recent opening up of Africa. The advice noted as to the way to measure must be dealt with strictly, for many persons measuring by different methods produce untrustworthy record. We have tried to be fair in pro- ducing the statistics, taking them rather under than over the mark ; and the tape has not been pressed into corrugations, but carried outside, over all inequalities. Many gentlemen's trophies I should like to have mea- sured, but those specimens have either changed hands or are now in some remote part of the world, and the book cannot be delayed longer ; but distance has not prevented me from obtaining many important statistics. R. W. ABBREVIATIONS AND SIGNS. $ Male. $ Female. Unrecorded. LENGTH is expressed in inches, where not otherwise noted. MEASUREMENTS are on the outside of horn from tip to base. Circum- ference is at the base ; with Deer above first tine. MEMO. Horns that possess a core have a tendency to shrink. WEIGHTS taken on the field should be accepted as approximate. P.Z.S., Proceedings of the Zoological Society. ERRATA. Page 12 for "pyaargus" read 58 ,, "Naivashce" ,, 80 ,, "saltianis" ,, ,, 126 ,, "bars" ,, ,, 126 ,, " soemmerringii " ,, ., 1150 ,, "asomaculatus" . "pygargus." "Naivasha." ' ' saltianus. " "ears." ' ' soemmerringii. " "nasomaculatus. ' : HORN MEASUREMENTS AND WEIGHTS OF THE GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD HIPPOPOTAMUS TUSKS (Hippopotamus amphibius). Habitat Africa. Length round outside curve. Circum- ference. Across inside. Habitat. Owner. 3iS 9i Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart 3<* 30 29 27i 27i 9*1* 9 J f 14 St. Lucia Bay Do. South Africa Hon. Charles Ellis, 1870. Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. The late J. S. Jameson. W. D. James. 27 26 25i 25 24i 23i 191 8 7 7^ 71 7 7 iai I2| ia| 12* East Africa South Africa East Africa E. Gedge. G. Portal. The Late J. S. Jameson. G. Portal. Do. Do. Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. Weight, 15 Ibs. the pair. A 2 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. WILD BOAR TUSKS. Habitat Europe, Asia Minor, and North Africa. Length outside curve. Circumference. Habitat. Owner. 10 ... India Sir Samuel Baker, F.R.S., "Wild Beasts and their Ways." 9l Central Pro- v inces. J. Moray Brown. 8i 2j India Rowland Ward's Collection. ^ *J Do. Do. 8J 2J Do. F. C. Quicke. 8 2i Do. P. A. Bainbridge. 8 i Do. F. C. Quicke. 71 zi Do. P. A. Bainbridge. 7i 4 Do. F. C. Quicke. MUNT/AC. Habitat British India, Burmah, Malay Peninsula, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, &c. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. *6J 2f 3i ... B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 6| 3 3i A. O. Hume, Private Collection. *5i 2f 3i B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 5i 2| 3 Hume Collection, British Museum. Si 5 2 li 3* 2 S. India Do. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. (Shot by Col. Douglas Hamilton.) Do. 4i 2J 3i Do. Do. 4i Ij If Hume Collection, British Museum. 31 t" 3f Do. *3 if 2^ B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. fa* if 3 Ningpo ... R. Swinhoe, British Museum. t'i ... 4^ Do A. Mitchie, British Museum. Muntjacus virginalis. f Cervulus sclateri. J Cervulus crinifrons. GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. SAMBUR (Cervus aristotelis). Weight 600 Ibs. (about) ; 135- hands at shoulder. Sir Samuel Baker, "Wild Beasts and their Ways." Habitat India, Burmah, and China. Length round outside. Circumfe- rence above brow tine. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 46J 6f 24J 303 3X3 ... A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 45i 6| 171 32i 3X3 India Dr. Falconer, British Museum. 45 45 71 71 221 443 331 3X3 3X3 Mayoghur,Cent. Provinces. Sir John Morris, K. C.S.I. Major-Gen. Arthur Ellis, C.S.I. 44 73 < 44 1 3wners' measu 453 rement 3X3 5 Rangeer, Cent. Provinces. Col. W. J. Morris. J. D. Invararity. 43f 51 (single horn) ... 3 Hume Collection, British Museum. 43J 6* (single horn) ... 3 Do. 431 61 20| 29i 3 X 3 Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 42^ 4i3 61 61 15 33* 2 7 | 351 4x4 3x3 Ghauts of Sim- rol. Col. J. Evans, British Museum. Major-Gen. Arthur Ellis, C.S.I. 4if 7 28i 34S 3x3 Hon. Walter Rothschild. 4i| 71 3if 36S 4x3 Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 4H 71 (single horn) ... 5 British Museum. SAM BUR. SAMBUR (Cervus aristotelis) continued. Length round outside. Circumfe- rence above brow tine. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. ,{ 8i al lojrc "} parted 3><3 North Gujerat 5 S. C. Lex. (The Field, Oct. 23, | 1869.) 4oJ 51 33 37i 3><3 Hume Collection, British Museum. 401 40 6i 7 2SJ "i 32- 241 3X3 3X3 Neilgherries ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. (Shot by Col. Doug. Hamilton.) Rowland Ward's Collection. 40 391 5S 6f 32J (single horn) 36 3X3 3 Ghauts of Sim- rol. Col. J. Evans, British Museum. British Museum. 39i 71 201 26f 3x4 Hume Collection, British Museum. 39i 39 38J 38| 6 7 6i 6f 1 6i 24 (single horn) 24 201 2X2 4x 4. H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh. Capt. Henry Streatfield. British Museum. Major-Gen. Arthur Ellis, C.S.I. 29^ 3X3 ... 38f 6 221 3oJ 3X3 F. J. Horniman. 38J 38i 38J 38 371 6| Si 61 6| 6 23i 55 30J 29! 23 28| 3X3 "\ x T Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. Major- Gen. Arthur Ellis, C.S.I. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection, (Shot by Col. Doug. Hamilton.) Sir John Morris, K. C.S.I. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 35 4if 34 3X3 3X3 3X4 Neilgherries... Moharli Forest, Chanda District, Cent. Provinces. 37f 51 14 2ii 3X3 Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 37^ 6f 2I| 251 4X3 Cent. Provinces Major C. S. Cumberland. 37i 51 20f 281 3X3 H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh. 371 37i 6f SI 28J 191 31 3o| 3X3 3X3 Neilgherries... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. (Shot by Col. Doug. Hamilton.) Major Cumberland. 37 7ix 5 f 16 ... 3X3 Surg. -Major Briggs. 37 6| 27i 28f 3X3 H. C, V. Hunter. 36i 5? I9i 24i 3X3 . Cent. Provinces Major C. S. Cumberland. 351 6* i 9 f 2 4 J 3X3 H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh. GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. SAMBUR (Cervus aristotelis) continued. Length round outside. Circumfe- rence above brow tine. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 351 7Cl 5 6 221 II? 281 3><3 1 x 1 Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. Capt. Goulburn, R. A. OJ2 351 5? * * 4 2I| 255 3><3 J. Carr Saunders. 351 5* 23i 281 3><3 Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 35J 35i 71 5i 2O 3of 26 32i 3 X 3 4X3 Bhotan Nepal Sir Victor Brooke's Collection, 1869. B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 35J 6J 23^ 251 3X3 India British Museum. 35 51 22 26| 3 X 3 Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 35 51 i7S 25i 3 X 3 Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 341 51 33 33* 2x2 British Museum. 34i 3* 6J 45 20f 30 241 32J 3X3 3X3 Neilgherries ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. (Shot by Col. Doug. Hamilton.) J. Carr Saunders. 34 45 (single horn) ... 3 Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 33t 51 27J 3oJ 3X3 H. C. V. Hunter. 331 5J iSl ... 3X3 Java Capt. Townley Parker. 331 nt 51 E?- 16 2<;i i8| 3X3 3x6 Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. JJ2 33 Jo 51 ^J2 25 ... 3X3 ... Rowland Ward's Collection. 32S 32* 5i 71 20j 35! 24i 3X3 7x6 British Museum. Hume Collection, British Museum. 0^2 32* / -4 4? OJ2 251 ... 3X3 ... H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. 32f 6i 30 3i| 3X3 Cent. Provinces Major C. S. Cumberland. 32i Si 20J i8| 3X3 Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 32^ 5* 25i 29J 2X2 India Do. 32 Si 25 251 3X3 British Museum. 32 5i 20| ... 3X3 H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. 32 Si 20 25 3X4 Neilgherries ... St. George Littledale, 1875. SAM BUR. SAMBUR (Cervus aristotelis) continued. Length round outside. Circumfe- rence above brow tine. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 3'i 51 2I| 25 3 X 3 Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 34 51 I7J 24 3 X 3 Martyn Kennard. 34 51 (one horn broken) i x3 Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 3'i 5i 20| 27! 3><3 Deccan Col. J. Sykes, British Museum. 3if 6f 3'i 32i 3 X 3 Do. Do. 3if 6J i5i 19 3x4 Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 3i* 4i 22| ... 3x3 India H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. 3i 51 (single horn) ... 3 Do H.R.H. le Due d 1 Orleans. 3i 5i 10 171 4x3 Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 3of 5 nf I9f 3x3 Do Do. 3oi 41 21* 251 3x3 H. C. V. Hunter. 29i 51 'Si 201 3x3 Do. 29* 4i 21* 221 3x3 India British Museum. 28^ 51 23 26J 3x3 H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. 28 5 i8f 22 3x3 India ... British Museum. 271 5 26 27i 3x3 Neilgherries ... St. George Littledale, 1875. 26 51 I2| 16 3x3 A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 26 5i 23i 23! 3x2 Neilghenies ... St. George Littledale, 1875. 23f 41 171 i8| 4x3 H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. 22 21 5 (single horn) nj ... 7 3x3 Nagpore Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. (Shot by Lord David Kennedy. ) R. Lydekker, British Museum. 181 4i 71 8f 3x3 India B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. I6| 2f "J 12 I X I Nepal Do. IO GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN INDIAN SAMBUR (Rusa hippelaphus). Habitat Central and Southern India. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 36| 51 271 ... 2x3 Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 3*1 51 18 i8| 4X3 Do Do. 2 9 | 4i 201 ... 3><3 India British Museum. 281 5 i8f ... 3><4 Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. EQUINE DEER (Cervus equinus). Habitat Borneo, Sumatra, and Singapore. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 3o| 6| i7i I9f 7x7 ... Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 3oJ 4f 20| 211 6(3X3) British Museum. 29f 6 i6| 20| 3X3 Hume Collection, British Museum. 271 Si i9i 18 3X3 Do. 25i 4 Hi i8| 4X3 Do. 23J 7 iSf ... 3X3 Borneo H. B. Low, British Museum. 2Oj 4l i8| ... 3X3 Do. Do. 201 51 iSi ... 3X3 Do. Do. 2O 4i 13 ... 3X3 Do. Do. I9f 4i i6| i6| 4X3 Hume Collection, British Museum. i8| 4i 15 ... 3X3 Borneo H. B. Low, British Museum. 17! Si 16! ... 4X5 Do. Do. i7i 4l 13! ... 3X3 Do. Do. i6J 4i 51 2x3 Do. W. B. Fryer, British Museum. "Si 4i i3i 3X3 Do. H. B. Low, British Museum. ii| 3i 9i ... 3X2 Do. Do. SWINHOE'S DEER. n SWINHOE'S DEER (Cervus swinhoii). [Mr. SWINHOE on "Chinese Mammals," P.Z.S. 1870,^646.] ["Cervus (Rusa) Swinhoii," SCLATER. P.Z.S. 1862, p. 152; SWINHOE, P.Z.S. 1862, p. 364.] IN the central ranges of Formosa, near Mount Morrison, this brown deer is very common ; and on a visit I paid to the wild tribes of these parts in February 1866, I found them hunting the deer with dogs. A place is cleared in the forest, where a party of men hide armed with matchlocks ; the dogs yelp after the deer and drive them into the open, where the hidden sportsmen get easy shots at them. The son of the chief with whom I was staying had just returned from a successful battue with the robust antlers and flesh of a large buck. I induced him to return for the head, which he had thrown away on the field. I was thus enabled to secure a fine skull for the British Museum. The young of this species, about half-grown, is reddish brown, with the tail bushy and black, but reddish at its root ; sides of the body paler, and the belly blackish brown ; legs pale towards the hoofs, the latter black ; under surface of tail, abdomen, and inner sides of hind legs down to middle of shank yellowish white, the breast and belly being blackish brown ; under surface of head and neck mottled whitey brown ; crown of the head, with many of the hairs, tipped with black ; from the occiput a dark line runs down to the base of the tail ; ears blackish brown, tipped and margined with ochreous white, and whitish on their insides. The adult, in summer, has its coarse hair deep brown, faintly mottled, rufous on the rump ; between the fore legs and the thighs ochreous white ; tail bushy and dark. In winter it becomes a deeper brown. 12 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. The Society's Gardens have had two or three examples of this animal alive ; and Dr. Sclater is doing it justice in his paper for the " Transactions." Fig. 5 represents the antlers of a mature individual which I procured in South Formosa. I have net heard of any species of Rusa occurring on the main of China; but in Hainan the C. hippelaphus appears to abound. From North China we have the Cervus xanthopygus (A. M. Edwards), the Elaphurus davidianus (A. M. Edwards), and the Capreolus py^argus (Pall). Length. Circum ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. '9! ... 9 I2l 3 X 3 Island of Formosa Zoological Society, British Museum. i6| 3l 16 ... 3 X 3 Do. British Museum. I3l 4l 13* 4x4 Do. Zoological Society, British Museum. 53 2j 61 2X 3 Do. British Museum. THE PHILIPPINE DEER (Cervus philippinus\ [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, Bart, P.Z.S. 1877, p. 51.] ADULT MALE. Hair of moderate length and rather harsh. General colour, rich ruddy brown, darkest on the back and lightest on the neck. Forehead and cheeks rufous fawn-colour ; dark (almost black) streaks commence over each eye, and, blending together, form a band running down the centre 6f the face, which is separated from the dark moustache-like mark bordering the muzzle by a narrow track of pale fawn-colour. Breast and belly uniform brown. Tarsal gland plainly marked by a rufous spot. Ears of moderate size, covered externally by short close-set hair. Horns remarkably rough and massive ; a powerful, long brow-antler, and one short tine directed inwards. Height at shoulder, about 27 inches. THE PHILIPPINE DEER. 13 The skull of this species is an exact miniature of that of Cervus aristotelis. FEMALE. In external colouration differs in no way from the male. YOUNG. Of a uniform brown, without spots. HABITAT. Island of Luzon, Philippines. The Philippine deer is a very stout-built, short-limbed, powerful animal, in carriage and general appearance closely resembling the common Sambur (Cervus aristotelis). Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. i3i 4i Hi II| 3X3 Basilan Everett, British Museum. i3i 4f I2| 121 3><3 Philippine Islands Do. MARIANE DEER (Cervus marianus). THE late Sir Victor Brooke believed that Cervus philippinus and C. marianus were identical. Habitat Philippine Islands. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Points. Habitat. Owner. I9l 5i n 4x4 Philippine Islands... Capt. Belcher, British Museum. i8i Si 9f 3 X 5 Do. Do. iSf Si Ml 4><3 Do, Do. 18 4i i3l 4x4 Do. Do. iSi 5J n| 3X3 Do. Do. Mi 41 SJ 3X3 Do. Do. GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. HOG DEER (Cervus porcinus). Habitat India. Length. Circum- ference above brow tine. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 191 3J 9 India A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 19! 3i 16* Burmah ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. I9i 3f i8| India H. C. V. Hunter. i 7 | 3 9i Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. I7i 3l 9i India J. Carr-Saunders. 17 2| I2| Do H. C. V. Hunter. i6| 3 iof Do British Museum. i6| 2| 9 Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. i6| 31 9l India British Museum. 16* 2^ 8 Do H. C. V. Hunter. I6| 2? 8f Do Gen. Hardwicke, British Museum. I5i 3* 8 Do British Museum. HOG DEER. HOG DEER (Cervus porcinus) continued. Length. Circum- ference above brow tine. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. I4i 3i I0| Nepal ... ... B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. Hi 2^ (single horn) India ... ... ! Gen. Hardwicke, British Museum. 14 3 8| Do H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. '3i 3* lOf Do Gen. Hardwicke, British Museum. 13 3* I2f Do Hon. Walter Rothschild. I2f 3 iof Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. I 21 3 I2i India Gen. Hardwicke, British Museum. * 3i 91 Do British Museum. Hi 2| ii Do Gen. Hardwicke, British Museum. 92 3 (single horn) Do Do. KUHL'S STAG (Cervus kuhli). [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, P.Z.S. 1878, p. 902.] [1839-44- Cervus kuhlii, Mull. "Verb. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Bez. Zoo.," p. 223, pis. 44, 45, 'figs. 12-14. Habitat Bavian Islands. Type Mus. Leyden. THIS species was originally described by Muller from specimens collected by Diard in the Bavian Islands, to which locality the species, as far as is at present known, is confined. The auditory bullae in Cervus kuhli are largely inflated. By this character the skull may be distinguished from that of any of the Rusine deer, with the exception of C. porcinus. The skull of C. kuhli differs from that of C. porcinus in having the facial portion anterior to the orbits much more compressed, and the orbits much more prominent. C. kuhli has proportionally much longer limbs than C. porcinus ; and all the hairs of the back and sides are annulated i6 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. in the former and not in the latter species. The young of C. kuhli are unspotted, which is not the case with those of C. porcinus. Both species are devoid of upper canines. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 9f 2i io| io| 3-3 Java British Museum. MOLUCCAN DEER (Cervus moluccensis). [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, P.Z.S. 1878, p. 904.] DIMENSIONS. Eng. inches. Total length of skull in a straight line ... ... n From ant. rim of orbit to free extremity of prsemaxillae 5*7 Length of upper molar series ... ... ... ... r8 premolar series ... ... ... 1*4 Greatest length of nasals ... ... ... ... 3*5 Length of praemaxillse ... ... ... ... ... 2*9 Across the lower rims of orbits at the widest place... 4*5 Length of humerus ... ... ... ... ... 7*9 radius ... ... ... ... ... ... 7*2 ,, metacarpal cannon ... ... ... ... 6'i femur 97 tibia ... ... ... ... ... ... io'5 ,, metatarsal cannon ... ... ... ... 7 Habitat Molucca Islands. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Points. Habitat. Owner. 36J 4f i8| 3><3 ... Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 8| 4 5i Batchian A. R. "Wallace, British Museum. 6i *l "Ji British Museum. SWAMP DEER. SWAMP DEER (Cervus duvaucelli). Habitat India. Weight About 40 stone. Length round outside. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 41 39i 5 5 (one bro 35i horn ken) 37i 6x6 5 x6 Central Provinces India ... Major C. S. Cumberland. (Shot in 1891.] Do. 371 51 23! 281 7x6 Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 36 351 35i 5 4l 51 29! 27 221 331 29f 6x 5 Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. H. C. V. Hunter. 7 x6 ... 34! SI 38| ... 5><5 Central Provinces Major C. S. Cumberland. 33i 4i 261 291 5 X 5 Do. Do. 331 51 381 ... 5*5 Do. Do. 32 51 22| 26| 5x6 A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 32f 5 27 ... 6x7 Capt. Henry Streatfield. 32f 5 33* 35 6x6 Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 32j 5i I9f 2 4 J 7x7 H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh. 3ii 4l 261 30 5x6 Major Cumberland. 3ii 41 27i 30 7x8 Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. i8 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD SWAMP DEER (Cervus Length round outside. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 3if Si 30* 32f 6x6 Central Provinces Major C. S. Cumberland. 3if 4i 26f 3oj 5x5 Do. Do. 31* 4l 221 261 6x6 Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 3i 51 16 22| 6x5 Do Do. 3of 5J 26 27i 7x7 A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 29! 5 19* 22J 8x8 Hume Collection, British Museum. 29} 5 27 29i 7x8 Do. 2Qi 6i 20i 28J Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. ^77 8 29J W 4 4f ^v^4 I9i *** 231 6x5 ... Earl of Derby, British Museum. 29 Si 24i 271 6x6 . Capt. Henry Streatfield 29 4i 25* 26J 9x8 Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 28 5 24 251 8x7 Hume Collection, British Museum. 271 5i 23J 26^ 6x5 British Museum. 27* 4f 18 23* 5x6 Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 27 4f 27* ... 6x5 Hon. Walter Rothschild. 26 e 28 6x c Do. 25 j 3f 23i 23i 6x6 ... H. C. V. Hunter. 24 4 20 ... 6x6 Do. 2 3 f 4 2Of 22J 6x5 Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 22J 5f 18 I 9 f 7x6 Do Do. 20 4i 17 ... 6x6 M. B. Snell. I3J 2* io| II* 4x4 Hume Collection, British Museum. SCHOMBURGK'S DEER. SCHOMBURGK'S DEER (Cervus schomburgki). [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, Bart., P.Z.S. 1876, p. 306.] ADULT MALE. Antlers with very long powerful brow-antlers, which are frequently forked ; beam very short, and more or less laterally compressed ; upper part of the antlers strictly dichotomous, each of the main branches about equally developed, and in itself dichotomous, and furnished with long cylindrical tines. External surface of the antlers smooth and polished. Hair in winter rather long and coarse. General colour uniform brown, darkest on the nose and upper surface of the tail, and lightest on the cheeks and lower parts of the sides and haunches. Lower lip, belly, and under surface of tail whitish. Upper lip, occiput, and limbs with a decided tinge of rufous. The hair on the front of the metacarpal cannon bones is lengthened into an everted mane about 2 inches in length. IMMATURE MALE. Antlers with the posterior of the two main branches less developed than the anterior branch. Habitat Northern parts of Siam. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 3o 5 iSl 33 IOX IO Siam British Museum. 29! Si 23! 26| 9x8 Do Do. 2 9 f 4l 28f 3'f IOX II Do Do. 281 Si II 29f 11x9 Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 271 Si 14 24* 9x8 Siam British Museum. 2 7 | 4i i8| 24i 7x8 Do Do. B 2 20 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. BURMESE STAG or THEMIN (Cervus eldi). Habitat Burmah and Hainan. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Length of brow tine. Habitat. Owner. 391 38 5 6J 3if 25i 361 (sm 3of 20 all poii i6x 19 its)'" Siam India Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. British Museum. 37 51 201 3oi 5 X 5 ... Do Do. 37 *6i 6i "?* 28| 3i| ^?i| 4 x 3 ioi Rowland Ward's Collection. A. O. Hume, Private Collection 351 ? 4 f 51 ei 3of 27* 34i 72 4x5 6x6 ... India British Museum. Hume Collection, British Museum 14f 64 24 *?ot 5x6 A. O Hume, Private Collection 34i c 24 ^?2i 6x6 Hon. Walter Rothschild. 24 5i 27* 2Qz IO x IO J. Carr-Saunders. 331 Si 25? 28f 6x6 ... India ... British Museum. 33i Si ... 40 ... 15 Col. Pole Carew. BURMESE STAG OR THEMIN. 21 BURMESE STAG or THEMIN (Cervus eldto-co*ti*ut. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Length of brow tine. Habitat. Owner. TU el 2C 2Qi c, x 4. Hume Collection, British Museum. JJ2 J2 *j ^z? 8 j * t T3 1 el 26J 30 7 x ^ Do. JJ2 J8 r" O W 4 O J 33* Si 33i 37i 5x5 ... British Burmah Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bait. ?? ^i 28? ^?2t ^ X "? Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. jj 12* T8 t;i *wg 20* O^8 20* o J 4. x 3 Gen. Sir Henry Collett, K. C. B. j^S Til j A 1 ^ W 4 ?d ^^^2 ?;? T ** J 6x ? Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. J l 8 Hi T-2 4 1 Of 8 2O Ojo 27 * ** 3 9X Q Do. J 1 2 3i* ^2 5 25 */ 2 9 i y 6x7 ... Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 3<* 4l 23* 251 5 X 5 ... India British Museum. ^oi d. 3 22? 2?? 6x c Do. J^2 3<^ T-4 4f **g I9l ^je 23J u ^ j 5><3 Nepal Do. 29 6| 20 24f 6x5 Hume Collection, British Museum. 27 4 27? 5x6 Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. / 4 2^1 T~8 4* ^ / 8 22 27? j 4x4. British Museum. J 8 25 T"2 4^ i8| O4r 24 r *T 6x 7 ... ... Do. i8i 3i I2| 13* 5 x6 Formosa R. Swinhoe, British Museum. i7i 3J I3l I4f 3X5 Do. Do. iSi 2| 9i io| 3X2 Do. Do. i3i 3i ... I2| 5 x6 ... Siam British Museum. I3J 2i 7f 84 3X2 ... Formosa R. Swinhoe, British Museum. 22 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. PERE DAVID'S DEER (Cervus davidianus). [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, P.Z.S. 1878, p. 906.] ANTLERS dichotomous, about twice the length of the head, pedestals short. The anterior branch of the antlers (b) more strongly developed than the posterior branch (c) and in adult specimens bifurcating and carrying many strong tines. Facial portion of the skull much elongated. Ears small and narrow ; eye small ; tail long ; neck maned ; stature large ; young unspotted. Distribution North-eastern Palsearctic region. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 321 6| 13! I Si 8x8 Near Pekin ... Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 28J 51 26| ... 3><3 Hon. Walter Rothschild. 27 53 20| ... 6x5 British Museum. JAVA DEER (Cervus rusa). Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 35* 41 22f 3 X 3 Java Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. (Shot by Col. Douglas Hamilton.) 34 41 i6 17* 3*3 Do. AXIS. AXIS (Axis maculata). Native Name Chital or Chitra. Habitat India. Length outside curve. Circum- ference above first point. Tip to Tip. Points. Habitat. Owner. 37i 4i 24! 4><4 India A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 371 4 24i 3><3 Do Do. 37i 4i l6| 4--<5 Do Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 36f 4i I9i 4x4 Do W. C. Oswell. 36 4i 25 3><4 Do. C. H. Seeley. 36 4i 25i 3*4 Do British Museum. 35i 41 1 8* 4x4 Do. Sir Edmund Loder, Bart. 35i 4* 22i 3 X 3 Do. Major-Gen. Ellis, C.S.I. 341 41 i7i ... Do. H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. 351 4i 23 3*4 Do. British Museum. 34f 31 Hi 3x3 Do Do. 34* 6* i5i 5x4 Do. Capt. G. Campbell. 34i 41 20j 3x3 Do Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 34 4f i6i Do Col. Pole-Carew. 33i 3l 22 4x4 Do. British Museum. 33f 33i 3i 4l (one horn broken) i3i 3x3 3x3 Do Do Do. J. Carr-Saunders. 33i 4l 23! 4x5 Central Provinces ... Major C. S. Cumberland. GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. AXIS (Axis maculata) continued. Length outside curve. Circum- ference above first point. Tip to Tip. Points. Habitat. Owner. 33i 4* 201 4X4 India British Museum. 33* 4* 22* 4X5 Do. Do. 33* 33* 35 13 I4f 2x3 3X4 Yeddacurra, South India. India Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. (Shot by Col. Doug. Hamilton. ) Sir James Anderson, Bart. 331 4i 21* 3X4 Do British Museum. 325 4i 21* 3X3 Do Hon. Walter Rothschild. 32! 35 14 3X3 Do. Sir James Anderson, Bart. 32* 4* 23! 5X4 Karkoor, South India Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 3*1 35 15* 3X3 Central Provinces ... Major C. S. Cumberland. 3i* 3f I9J 5X5 India British Museum. 3i5 4* 22 6x6 Do. Do. 3i* 3i 105 3x3 Do. H. C. V. Hunter. 3i 4 I0j 3x3 Do Do. 3of 4i 2lf 4x4 Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 3of 31 6| 3x3 Do. H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh. 295 4i 201 3x3 Do. British Museum. 295 3i 4i 4x4 Nepal ... B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 295 3i I6J 3x3 India Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 29! 4* i7l 5x4 Do. British Museum. 29 31 1 8i 3x3 Nepal ... B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 28| 3f 15* 3x3 India Martyn Kennard. 28| 3i 135 3x3 Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. 28 3i I2| 3 X 3 Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 27 3 8i 3 X 3 Do. Capt. Lewis Jones, R.E. 24! 31 i9f 3x3 Do. British Museum. 231 25 "* 3x3 Do. Do. 22J 3i 9i 6x6 Nepal ... B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. JAPANESE DEER. JAPANESE DEER (Cervus sika). SEVERAL herds of these Deer have been acclimatized in Great Britain, notably by the late Sir Victor Brooke, Bart., at Colebrooke, Ireland, and Viscount Powercourt, county Wicklow, as well as Sir Robert Harvey, Bart, at Langley, Slough. Habitat Japan. Length. Circum- ference. ^p" Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 3*i si 27J 27t 4x4 ... ... ... Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 2Cf 4 i 20i Do. J 8 22| T"8 3i *' v '4 16* I9i 8x9 North Japan St. George Littledale. 2lf 31 16* 20i 10x6 Islands of Yezzo... Do. I8J 3i - ... 12 9 Bred in Ireland ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection, i6| 3* ... 13 4x3 Japan ... British Museum. i6| 3* ... I2i 4x4 Bred in Ireland ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. i3l 2| ... Hi 3x3 Japan ... British Museum. I2j 2| 6* 6f 3x3 Do Do. MANTCHURIAN DEER (Cervus mantchuricus). [SWINHOE, P.Z.S. 1865, p. I.] FINE buck from Newchwang, still in summer coat, examined 3Oth September, 1864. General colour reddish brown ; under neck and fore thighs covered with rather long dusky brown hair; hair of neck, chiefly on its back part and down part of the back list, long and shaggy ; list black between the shoulders, fading towards 26 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. the tail, inner portion of hind thighs, and inside hair of ears ; a large spot on the outer portion of ear near its root ; rim round the eye and chin ; throat white ; body ornamented with large spots of white ; tail, including apical hair, nearly one foot long ; the hair that overhangs the roots of the tail on either side black ; basal half of tail white ; apical half black with white tips ; under the tail and between the hams white ; knees and front of tibice brown ; head, from crown to tip of nose, about 20 inches long; ear about 9 inches ; forehead and before the eyes reddish ; rest of face brownish fawn colour ; horns, with frontal tine about 5 inches long, bent a little downwards at the tips ; about 8 inches of the stem between lowest tine and the next above, which are broken and represented only by a knob ; top stem between that and the top knob about 4 inches. Habitat China. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Points. Habitat. Owner. 151 3 2O 4x4 South Ussari, Mantchuria ... British Museum. FORMOSA DEER (Cervus taevanus). Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 19! 3f 13 i6f 4x4 Islands of Formosa ... British Museum. RED DEER. 27 WILD RED DEER. STOKE PARK DEER HEAD. RED DEER (Cervus elaphus). Habitat Europe, Western Asia, and North Africa. ti-s ii| & c Widest 5 3*3 6 H Tip to Tip. spread Points. Weight. Habitat. Owner. " a i; inside. 68 65 44 St. Ib. 5 4 Carpathians(') Lord Powerscourt, P.Z.S. (outside) (of horns) 1862, p. 142. 48i 6 30 (outside) 5 x6 ... Ichater Dagh (Crimea). H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh, 1874. 48J 7i (single horn) ... 12 ... Asia Minor Lord A. Hay, British Museum. 47f 5* 38 6x 5 ... Caucasus ... St. George Littledale. 47J 7i 34 4ii 8x9 Germany... Sir Victor Brooke's Collec- tion. 47 7i 36 371 6x7 ... Caucasus ... St. George Littledale. 46f si 18 33 8x8 ... Do. Do. British (7, ooo ft.) Museum. 28 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. RED DEER (Cervus elaphus) continued. w Circumference between bez and trez tines. Tip to Tip. Widest spread inside. Points. Weight. Habitat. Owner. st. Ibs. 451 71 25^ 351 8x8 ... Caucasus... St. George Littledale. 451 6* 26f 385 5x5 ... Hungary ... Major - Gen. Arthur Ellis, C.S.I., 1886. 45i 71 ... ... 9x6 Asia Minor Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 44f 6i 331 35i 7x5 Caucasus... St. George Littledale. 44f 6f 39 40 7x7 ... Hungary... Major - Gen. Arthur Ellis, C.S.I., 1886. 44i 7 3'i 34 6x6 ... Caucasus... St. George Littledale. 44? 6| (single horn) ... 9 ... Asia Minor C. G. Danford, British Museum. 43* 6f 2I| 35 7x7 ... Caucasus... St. George Littledale. 43* 6 ... 38* 8x6 ... Asia Minor E. N. Buxton. 43 6* 20j 25! 8x2 Caucasus... St. George Littledale. (malformed) 42* 6i 34l 371 6x 7 Do. ... Do. 42f 6f 37i 4i 7X7 Do. ... Do. 1887. 41 1 6i iSi 29! 6x 5 Do. ... Do. 4ii Si ... 25i 6x6 ... Germany... British Museum. 4it 51 i5* 28J 6x5 ... Caucasus... H.R.H. Due d'Orleans. 40| 6| single horn) 8 ... Crimea ... British Museum. 401 6 1 8* 281 6x8 ... Hungary... Major - Gen. Arthur Ellis, C.S.I., 1886. 4oJ 5 20f 271 7x6 ... H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. 39f Si 14* 26| 7x7 26 II Ireland (age Sir Victor Brooke's Collec- 8 years). tion, 1886. 391 6 30 33* 6x5 ... Caucasus . . . St. George Littledale. 381 51 ... ... 5x6 ... ... Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 38* 4? 221 3i 8x8 23 II Ireland (age Sir Victor Brooke's Collec- 10 years). tion, 1881. 371 Si I4f 26J 6x7 ... ... H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. 38* 5 261 3o| 7x7 25 o Ireland (age Sir Victor Brooke's Collec- 9 years). tion, 1884. 371 6 32J 35i 7x8 ... Ireland (age Sir Victor Brooke's Collec- 12 years). tion, 1878. Cervus barbarus. RED DEER. 29 RED DEER (Cervus elaplms) continued. W circumference between bez and trez tines. Tip to Tip. Widest spread inside. Points. Weight. Habitat. Owner. st. Ibs. 37i 5 24 29 7x7 Caucasus... H.R.H. Due d' Orleans. 37* 5 I4f 24f 6x 5 ... ... H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. 3 6J 6f ... 33! 9x9 ... Wairarapa, J. Handyside. (The Field, N.Z. Feb. 6, 1891.) 3i si 192 24i 9X7 ... J. Carr Saunders. *36i 4f 22 28f 4x4 ... ... British Museum. "361 4i i7i 251 4X4 ... ... Do. 36 Si 37 ... 15 ... South Spain Lord Lilford. 36 6i 24 3 6x6 ... Vaynol Park, Assheton Smith. North Wales. 35* Si 261 3 2 f 13x11 ... Ireland (dug Sir Victor Brooke's Collec- 35 6 I4i 24 (perished) 6x6 up). Vaynol Park, tion. Assheton Smith. North Wales. 35 ... 34 10 16 i North Moral- T. W. Gill. (The Field, Dec. 6, 1890.) 35 4l 30 9 ... Ireland ... Hon. A. Charter's, 1889. 34f 51 201 271 7x8 Caucasus... H.R.H. Due d ; Orleans. 34f Si (single horn] ... 7 Germany... British Museum. 34i Si (shed horns) ... 11x9 ... Ireland (still Sir Victor Brooke's Collec- alive). tion. 345 5 I7f 261 7x7 ..." ... J. Carr- Saunders. 34f 5 25J 29f 8x9 29 o Ireland (age Sir Victor Brooke's Collec- 8 years). tion, 1875. 34i 4i 1 6i 24f 5x5 ... Scotland ... F. Devas. 34 4f ... 31* 6x5 26 8 Ireland ... Ralph Sneyd. 34 Si 34 ... 5x5 Caucasus... H.R.H. Due d' Orleans, 34 ... ... 30! ii 17 2 North Morar T. W. Gill. (The Field, Dec. 6, 1890. 34 42 ... 23 6x6 ... H.R.H. Comtesse de Paris. 33f 5 ... 26 5x5 Muckross, Hon. Mrs. Bourke. Ireland. 33f 4i i4i 2lf 7x6 H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh. 33* 4i i7f ,4i 4 X 4 ... Scotland ... Lord d'Arcy Osborn. * Cervus barbarus. 30 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. RED DEER (Cervus elaphus) continued. t-s.-S m Circumference between bez and trez tines. Tip to Tip. Widest spread inside. Points. Weight. Habitat. Owner. 33 4i 26 3'f 6x6 st. Ibs. Rosshire ... E. . Lort Phillips. 33 33 3*1 6i 4i 4* 16 30 231 28 7x7 6x6 5 X 4 29 II Muckross, Ireland. Vaynol Park, North Wales. Scotland ... Hon. A. Bourke. Assheton Smith. Sir Charles Tennant, Bart. 32* 4l (single horn] ... 4 British Museum. 32f 4* 20f 29! 5 X 5 ... ... H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. 32* 32f 6 41 24$ 32 3'i 6x6 5*5 Morar Capt. Gill. (The Field, Feb. 6, 1891.) H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. 32 5 ... 221 5*4 19 o Scotland ... Sir W. G. Pearce, Bart. 3if 31 ...- 26^ 4x4 ... Do. ... Capt. F. Cookson. 3ii 4i ... 25* 6x5 ... A. Brassey. 3ii 5 ... 261 12 17 o Scotland ... J. F. Laycock. 3i* 4f ... 28 4X3 ... Norway ... E. N. Denny. 3i* 4 ... 261 6x4 ... Scotland ... Sir W. G. Pearce, Bart. 3i* 4* ... 24i 5X5 ... Norway ... H. Seton Karr, M.P. 3'J 4* 16 24i 7X5 ..; Scotland ... Capt. F. Cookson. 3H 4l 24i 32 5X3 Rosshire ... E. Lort Phillips. 3i 5 ... 22 12 18 i Scotland ... J. F. Laycock. 3i 4k ... 261 6x4 Do. ... Sir W. G. Pearce, Bart. 3i 4J ... 20j 6x6 ... Do. W. N. Diggle. 3i 4 28J ii 15 o Do. ... J. F. Laycock. 3i 4 ... 24i 4x4 ... Do. ... Sir Chas. Tennant, Bart. 3o 4l 251 28J 5x6 Do. ... W. R. Cookson, 3oi 4l iSi 2li 6x6 Do. ... Capt. F. Cookson. 3oi 4* ... 20 6x6 14 7 Do. ... J. F. Laycock. 3o 4i 25 251 6x4 ... Col. G. A. Percy. RED DEER. RED DEER (Cervus elaphus) continued. - Circumference between bez and trez tines. Tip to Tip. Widest spread inside. Points. Weight. Habitat. Owner. 30* 4i 23i 26| 5X5 st. Ibs. Scotland ... Capt. F. Cookson. 3of 4* 14* 24i 5X5 ... Do. ... Miss Laycock. 3oJ 4i ... 24 6x4 ... E. N. Buxton, 1880. 3oi 4* (single horn) ... 9 ... Germany... British Museum. 30 5 ... 29 12 20 Norway ... E. M. Denny. 30 4* 25i 28J 4X5 ... ... Col. G. A. Percy. 29* 4i 2lf 231 6x6 ... Scotland ... J. F. Laycock. 2 9 i 31 261 28| 6x6 ... ... Col. G. A. Percy. 291 4i ... 24 4x4 I 4 I Scotland ... J. F. Laycock. 29! 4i 23! 27 5x5 ... Col. G. A. Percy. 291 31 21* 5x6 ... Germany... British Museum. 291 51 241 271 3x4 ... Scotland ... Sir William Ederi, Bart. 2 9 J 4l I9i 25i 5x5 ... ... Col. G. A. Percy. 29 4i ... 24 4x4 ... Scotland ... W. N. Diggle. 29 4i ... 29 6x5 ... Do. ... J. F. Laycock. 29 3f 24* 6x4 ... Do. ... J. E. Wilmot. 28f 3i ... 23 4x3 ... Do. ... F. Devas. 281 Si ... 2 9 6x6 ... Norway ... E. Lee Townshend. 28J 4i ... 24i 6x6 ... Scotland ... Sir Charles Tennant, Bart. 281 M ... 22 6x5 18 7 Do. ... Sir W. G. Pearce, Bart. 28 4l I8| 24f 4x5 ... ... H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. 281 44 ioi 22| 5 X 5 ... Scotland ... W. R. Cookson. 28J 4* 291 331 6x6 ... ... Col. G. A. Percy. 28 5 23 5x3 17 7 Scotland ... J. F. Laycock. 271 4* i7l 231 5x5 ... Do. ... Lord D'Arcy Osborn. 271 4 20f 27i 4x4 ... E. N. Buxton. GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. RED DEER (Cervus elaphus) continued. Sn3 HI Circumference between bez and trez tines. Tip to Tip. Widest spread inside. Points. Weight. Habitat. Owner. **7l 4 25 251 4X3 st. Ibs. British Museum. 27 4 23 3X4 15 9 Scotland ... F. Devas. 27 261 5i 3f iSi H 7X7 5 x6 Glenquoich Scotland ... Lord Burton. (735* Field, Feb. 6, 1891.) R. H. Helpman. 251 4l 8f i6f 4x4 ... Do. ... B. M. Jenkins. 25* 4* 25 6x6 15 2 Do. ... J. F. Laycock. 25i 31 I5i i8| 7x6 ... Do. ... Capt. F. Cookson. 25i 31 20 231 4x4 Braemore... E. N. Buxton, 1869. 25 3f ... i6| 6x5 Scotland ... W. H. Purvis. 24f 4i 21 5x4 Norway ... J. H. Thomas. 24f 4 17 191 4x3 F. H.J. Underwood. 24i 3f 191 2I| 3x3 ... Scotland ... R. H. Helpman. 24 4i 23 6x6 12 13 Do. ... J. F, Laycock. 20! 3i 3f '3* extra horn from fo 2x3 j rehead I ... H. R, H. Duke of Edinburgh. * Ceryus barbarus. WAPITI. 33 WAPITI (Cervus canadensis). Weight About 700 Ibs. Height at Shoulder About 16 hands. Habitat North America. Length. B II Tip to Tip. Wiriest inside. Puints. Habitat. Owner. Pi 1 8 48^ 7x9 North America Frank Cooper (American Ex- hibition Catalogue). 62 7i 33i 5 of : 7 x 7 Do. Ernest Farquhar. 64 7 45 6x7 Do. Do. 6o| 7* 52 6x6 Do. W. A. Baillie-Grohman (Ameri- can Exhibition Catalogue). 34 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. WAPITI (Cervus canaiensis) continued. Length. Circumference between bez and trez tines. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 59f 13 North America Sir Samuel Baker (" Wild Beasts and their Ways "). 59* 8J 37i 47 8x 7 Nebraska Lieut. -Gen. Hankey. 59* 7* 45 6x6 North America H. Seton-Karr (American Ex- hibition Catalogue). 581 7 3*i 38* 6x6 Do. Ernest Farquhar. 58* 9 ... 46* iox 7 Do. Hon. T. A. Brassey. 58* 8* (owner's 43* 6x6 Do. J. D. Cobbold. measurement 58J 8j 39i 42| 7x6 Do. Ernest Farquhar. 571 7 47 48f 6x6 Do. Hon. Charles Ellis. 57i 6| 3of 371 7 x6 Do. Ernest Farquhar. *57 7i 49 61 8x8 Do. Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 57 7i 35i 41* 6x6 Yellowstone British Museum. Park. 551 71 43i 48J 7><7 North America Hon. Charles Ellis. 55* 7* ... 4 8f 6x7 Do. Otho Shaw (American Exhibition Catalogue). 55* 63 33 39 6x6 Do. British Museum. 55* 6J 44 45* 6x6 Do. A. H. Pollen (1891). 551 7* 46J ... 6x7 Do. St. George Littledale. 554 7i 4if ... 6x6 Do. Hon. Charles Ellis. 55 8| 4iJ 6x6 Do. Major Maitland Kirwin (Ameri- can Exhibition Catalogue). 55 7 ... 47* 6x5 Do. E. N. Buxton (American Exhibi- tion Catalogue). 55 8 ... 45* 7x6 Do. Major Maitland Xirwin (Ameri- 55 8 4i 7x7 Do. can Exhibition Catalogue). Rowland Ward's Collection. 55 8* 41* 6x6 Do. A. Pendarves Vivian (American Exhibition Catalogue). 55 6i ... ... 6x6 Do. Crawford E. Logan. 54f 6| 29* 38 6x6 Do. The late J. S. Jameson. 54* 8f ... ... 6x6 Do. J. D. Cobbold. 54* ... ... H Do. P. C. Walker. * Weight 42! Ibs. With small frontal. WAPITI. 35 WAPITI (Cervus canadensis) continued. Length. Circumference between bez and trez tines. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 541 7* 41* 6x6 North America British Museum (American Exhibition Catalogue). 54* 7 ... 42* 8x7 Do. S. C. Alexander. 54t 6* 381 441 7x6 Buffalo Fork... E. N. Buxton. 54 i 8 ... 43* IOX IO North America W, A. Tullock (American Exhibition Catalogue). 54i 7 495 ... 7x9 Do. Hon. Walter Rothschild. 54 75 ... ... 6x6 Do. J. L. Carroll. 54 7* ... ... 6x7 Do. H. Hadden. 54 n ... 48 7x8 Do. Earl of Rosslyn (American Exhibition Catalogue). 54 7i ... 48 7x8 Do. Moreton Frewen (American Exhibition Catalogue). -54 ... ... ... Do. Capt. F. Cookson. 54 ... ... 14 Do. W. S. Power. 54 7 ... 4oJ ... Do. British Museum (American Exhibition Catalogue). 53* 71 24l 3 6 i 8x8 Do. St. George Littledale. 53i 71 47 49i 8x7 Do. Ford G. Barclay. (palmated) 53 \2\ ... ... ... Do. Sir Samuel Baker ("Wild Beasts and their Ways"). 52! 81 ... 41 6x6 Do. Frank Cooper (American Ex- hibition Catalogue). 52f 7* 341 42f 7x7 Do. St. George Littledale. 52! 7* (owner's ... 12 Do. W. H. Hammersley. measurement) 52* 71 ... 37J 6x6 Do. Sir H. Rae Reid, Bart. (Ameri- can Exhibition Catalogue). 52* 6* ... 34f 7 x6 Do. Ford G. Barclay. 52f 51 49f ... 6x5 Do. Col. Ralph Vivian. 52 8* ... ... 6x6 Do. Hon. F. Thellusson. 52 6* ... ... 14 Do. Do. 52 6 371 40 6x6 Do. Capt. F. Cookson. 5i? 6f 29 385 6x6 Do. A. H. Pollen. S>l 6f 39 4i* 6x6 Del Nord Creek E. N. Buxton (1884). C 2 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. WAPITI (Cervus canadensis) continued. Length. Circumference between bez and trez tines. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 5'i 6| ... ... 6x 7 North America J. L. Carroll. 51 51 7 36 36f 9x8 12 Do. Do. J. G. Millais (American Exhibi- tion Catalogue). W. S. Power. 5of 71 42 4 8J 7 x 7 Do. Col. Ralph Vivian. 5oi 8 39 42 6x6 Do. S. Lewis. 5 7i 35 41 6x6 Do. H. S. Somerset. 50* 6 ... 12 Do. E. F. Heneage. 5o ... 28 ... 13 Do. W. S. Power. 5oJ 5o 6J ii ... 43 6x6 13 Do. Do. Gerald Buxton (American Ex- hibition Catalogue). T. W. H. Clarke. 5o ioi ... 54 6x6 Do. Capt. L. Payne. 5o 49i 7J 6f 33i 47* 45 6x6 6x6 Do. Do. J. M. Hanbury (American Ex- hibition Catalogue). H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. 49f 7 32 35 7x8 Do. J. Carr-Saunders. 491 6| 24 3<> 6x6 Do. Capt. F. Cookson. 491 6| 34i 3*i 6x6 Do. Hugh G. Barclay. 49* 7t 45i 45i 7x7 Do. H.R.H. Due d' Orleans. 49* 6J 25 30* 6x6 Do. A. H. Pollen. 49t 71 3*3 ... iox 15 Do. Moreton Frewen. 49J 6i ... 45i ' i3 Do. W. A. Fordham. 49 35* 46i 12 Do. W. S. Power. 48 7 3of 371 6x 7 California C. Pentland, British Museum. 4 8 8| 31* 34* 6x 7 North America Hon. Charles Ellis. 48* 6 29 33i 6x 7 Do. The late J. S. Jameson. 48 ni ... ... 17 Do. T. W. H. Clarke. 48 I0| ... ... 13 Do. Do. 177. 37 WAPITI (Cervus canadensis) continued. Length. Circumference between bez and trez tines. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 48 8* ... 12 North America Ford G, Barclay. 48 71 ... 8x6 Do. Do. 48 7 ... 41 H Do. Hon. F. Thellusson. 48 6* 44* 12 Montana W. A. Fordham. 471 74 3 1 32i 9x9 North America Col. G. A. Percy. 47* 47i 6i 8J 49f 39 5i 7 x6 8x 12 Do. Do. Ford G. Barclay (American Ex- hibition Catalogue). Moreton Frewen. 474 46| 7i 7 40 43 4i 43 7x7 9 x 10 Do. North America Sir Victor Brooke's Collection, 1869. Hon. Charles Ellis. 4 6i 6* 41* 43 6x7 Do. A. H. Pollen. 4 6i 6 39 39i 6x6 Montana R. H. Sawyer. 451 451 7 7 33* 43i 331 7x7 11x9 Do. Do. Thomas Bate (American Exhibi- tion Catalogue). Hon. Charles Ellis. 45* 7* ... 26 8x6 Wyoming Ford G. Barclay. 44* 6* 271 3if 7x7 Do. F. J. Horniman. 44* 6 ... 7x7 Do. Crawford E. Logan. 44 7 ... 32* 6x7 Do. Lord Stradbrooke. 43* 6| ... 36i 5><7 North America British Museum. 43 6f ... 5oi 12 Montana W. A. Fordham. 43 6* ... 39i 12 Wyoming Hon. F. Thellusson. 41* 5i 36* 36J 6x6 Do. Col. G. A. Percy. 40| 5f 38* ... 6x6 J. C. L. Knight-Bruce. 35f 4* ut 22| 6x5 North America British Museum. 35* 71 4i 16* 24* 251 5><5 Do. Do. Frank Cooper. O * '-'g GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. PERSIAN DEER (Cervus maral). Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 48| 6J 38i 4o 6x5 Altai British Museum. 4 oj 5* 23! 3if 5X5 Hume Collection, British Museum. 35* 5i i9i 26 5*5 Do. KASHMIR STAG, or BARASINGH (Cervus cashmerianus). This stag is closely allied to the Red Deer. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 47 6| 2I| 36f 5><5 ... Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 451 6 25! 36 8x8 Kashmir Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 451 8 35 41 6x6 Hume Collection, British Museum. 431 51 i5l 32 5><5 The Hon. Charles Ellis. 4.1% 6* 25f ^6i Do. M-js 43i V 2 6i *O8 1 8J O2 34i 5x5 Hume Collection, British Museum. 43 51 6J 27! 5x5 Nepal Dr. Falconer, British Museum. 43 51 26J 371 6x5 Martyn Kennard. 42 51 29! 33i 6x5 British Museum. 41 1 6f 27i 35 6x6 Martyn Kennard. 4if 51 23i 33 5x5 R. Lydekker, British Museum. 4'i 5i 34 49 6x5 C. H. Seeley. 4 of 51 i5l 3'i 5x5 Rowland Ward's Collection. 39f 51 20 26J 5x5 British Museum. 39 5* I7J 29* 6x5 Kashmir Sir Victcr Brooke's Collection, 1869. SHOU, OR SIKKIM STAG. 39 KASHMIR STAG, or BARASINGH (Cervus cashmerianus) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 38f 6i 26 3of 6x6 ... Hume Collection, British Museum. 375 51 191 28f 8x7 The Hon. Charles Ellis. 36i 51 21* 251 7^5 British Museum. 36i 4f 1 71 221 6x6 Do. 35* 5* 231 3i 5x5 Dr. Falconer, British Museum. 33 4l 9f ... 9 Capt. Goulburn. SHOU, or SIKKIM STAG (Cervus affinis). THIS is one of the largest deer in Southern Asia, standing some- times 15 hands, and closely approaches the American Wapiti in the measurements of the horns. Habitat Eastern Tibet. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 551 6* i7i 4Qf 7 x6 ... ... A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 55 541 8ix 9 J 6| (owner's measurement) 2I| 371 6x 7 5><5 India Lord Northbrooke. Dr. Campbell, British Museum. 531 6f 26J 44 5 X 5 Nepal ... B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 53i 61 3 451 4><5 Hume Collection, British Museum. 53 52 9 8 (owner's measurement) (shed horns) 40 5X5 Darjeeling Col. Tanner. Rowland Ward's Collection. 481 6 I9i 3i 5 X 7 ... Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 48 6J 29i 44 6x6 Hume Collection, British Museum. 475 51 3o| 4i 5x5 North India British Museum. 43f 51 20| 35 6x5 A. O. Hume, Private Collection. *2| 55 23! 3U 5 X 5 Nepal ... British Museum. 4 5 39i 4i 5 X 5 North India B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 4 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. FALLOW DEER (Cervus dama). Habitat Europe. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Spread inside. Points. Width of Palm. Habitat. Chvner. 2I| 28f 271 27i 4f 4i 3i 4. 20i 2"? 26 22J II x 10 10 x 8 10 x 9 10 x 8 5 6 5i Colebrooke Woods (Ireland). Do. Do. Sir Victor Brooke's Collec- tion. Do. Do. 26! ^1 12 I7i 7 x 10 British Museum 26| 25* 25! 24* 4 4i j| 24i 26 16 26 loj 8x12 8x 8 II X II 5 5i 5* Ireland ... England Ireland ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collec- tion. Rowland Ward's Collection. Sir Victor Brooke's Collec- tion. I0j 2f i6J I7i 7 x C Do IRISH ELK. IRISH ELK (Cervus giganteus). (Extinct. ) Spread Tip to Tip. Length round in- side of horn. Circum- ference above burr. Width of Palm. Points. Owner. ft. in. 10 2 ft. in. 5 i 9i i9i 19 British Museum. 9 8 ... ... ... Rowland Ward's Collection. 9 5 ... ... 27 i3 XI 5 Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bait. 9 2 8 iif 13 6 (of both horns) 6 if Si iSi i7i (owner's measurement) 10x13 Mrs. Graham Lloyd. Hon. Charles Ellis. 8 10 7 6 12 10 (of both horns) 5 3* 8f I3i (owner's measurement) IOX II Mrs. Graham Lloyd. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. REINDEER, or CARIBOU (Rangifer tarandus). Weight of a full-grown Reindeer after gralloching From 250 Ibs. to 350 Ibs. Habitat Europe, Asia, and America. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 60 51 3 41 i 15 X 22 ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 571 51 I3l ... I 3 x 7 Arctic Regions ... British Museum. 57i 5 35i ... 8x 10 Do. 54f S'l 4i 4i 20j 403 4f II x 13 17x14 North America ... Capt. Sir J. Franklin, BiitLsh Museum. Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 5o 49 43 4J 24 24! 29 (outside) 32f 13 x 16 7x9 ... H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. Hon. Walter Rothschild. 48 6| "3 25 15 x 17 ... Sir Edmund G. Lodev, Bart. vv REINDEER. 43 REINDEER, or CARIBOU (Rangifer tarandus) -continued. Length. Circum- Tip to ference. Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 471 5* 32i 12 x 19 North America ... A. Murray, British Museum. 47 5* ... 34i E. D. Gosling. 46| 46 45i 5t 4l 6 fei IO 34 I5><15 British Museum. Hon. A. Broderick. British Museum. 20 X 27 ... 45i 51 34t 23 x 16 Do. 43f 51 40 4if i6x ii Newfoundland . . . St. George Littlcdale, 1876. 42i 42 71 (Brov Ion 6* 33i f antler g, 6in. 38J 17^ in. wide) 1 84 (Owner's measure- ment) 33 Alaska R. Gordon Smith. Earl of Lonsdale. 4i i 4i ... 28f 8x6 ... Col. G. A. Percy. 41$ 4l ... 24* 12x9 W. D. James. 4i ... ... ... Alaska ... Earl of Lonsdale. 4 of 4* 2QJ 28i 17x14 ... J. Carr Saunders. 40 39i 6| 4 20f 16 (In velvet) 13x14 i3 XI 3 Hudson Bay North America ... British Museum. Do. 39 51 ... 23i 14x17 Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 381 45 i5l I9f 10x4 J. Carr Saunders. 381 4 25i ... 7><5 Norway ... C. Ingram, British Museum. 381 51 2I| 3oi 16 x 16 Sir James Anderson. 38 5i 2I| ... i5 XI 3 Norway ... W. H. Ingram, British Museum. 371 4i aiif 14x17 ... British Museum. 371 4 2I| ... 12 X 10 ... Do, 371 37* 37i 51 5* 51 i8i 25i 29 24 l8x 12 F. J. Horniman. Otho Shaw (American Exhibi- tion Catalogue). Lieut. Wm. Tait. 27 ... 361 361 31 55 I3l 24f ... 7x9 14x15 North America ... Capt. Sir J. Franklin, British Museum. British Museum. 44 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. REINDEER, or CARIBOU (Rangifer tarandus) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 36 6| 17 ... 19x13 Nova Scotia J. Florence, British Museum. 36 34! 4l 51 23 30 l8x 16 Arctic Regions ... Otho Shaw (American Exhibi- tion Catalogue). British Museum. 34i 4 I2| ... 17 x II Do. 34i 5 2IJ ... 18x15 North America ... A. Murray, British Museum. 34* 4f I2| '9* 10 X 13 Do. Capt. F. Cookson. 32f 3i 3U 3 XI 4 Northern Europe . British Museum. 32 3* i8j ... 7x8 North America ... Do. 3'i 4l 23i II x 10 F. J. Horniman. 301 2Qi 4i 3i 19 20| 23i 7x9 7 x IO Newfoundland . . . St. George Littledale, 1876. E. N. Buxton, 1867. ^.^j 28J 28J *Jo 31 4f **wg 27 i3i 2I| 6 X IO 12 x II North America ... Do. Capt. Sir J. Franklin, British Museum. Capt. F. Cookson. 24i 3 I2i ... 4x4 Hudson Bay British Museum. 23i 3f I4f ... II x II Do. 2IJ i9i 2| 3i I2f 22J ... II x 14 5x5 North America ... Capt. Sir J. Franklin, Biitibh Museum. British Museum. ELK, OR MOOSE. 45 ELK, or MOOSE (Alces machlis). Weight About 900 Ibs. Habitat Northern Europe and North America. Length to long- est tine. Circumference above burr. Tip to Tip. Greatest width. Breadth of Palm. Points. Habitat. Owner. 39i 6J ... 5'i 15! 12 x 13 ... ... British Museum. 39i 391 8* 71 33* 39i 49i I3i i IOX 12 N. America Do. Otho Shaw (American Ex- hibition Catalogue). J. Carr-Saunders. 39i 71 36i 5if 9i 7 x 8 Do. J. C. L. Knight Bruce. 39 i 38 57 I2| 15 x 12 Do. Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 38 7 ... 521 io| IOX II ... British Museum. 3Si 38 6* 6* 34 49i 59J 9f 9f 9 x 9 II X II N. America Sir Victor Brooke's Collec- tion. H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. 37i 8 ... 54 l 14x13 N. America F. Ashby. 37i 37i 7* 35 49^ 5of 20 III 13 x 10 Do. Rowland Ward's Collec- tion. Hon. Charles Ellis. 37k 6i ... 431 Si 11x9 ... British Museum. 36f 6 ... 471 ioi 8x 8 ... Do. 36 6| ... 46! ii 12 x 10 ... Do. 4 6 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. ELK, or MOOSE (Alces machlis) continued. Length to long- est tine. Circumference above burr. Tip to Tip. Greatest width. Breadth of Palm. Points. Habitat. Owner. 34* 6f ... 54 9l II x 12 British Museum. 34i 6f 42 Si* 9* 10 x 9 G. Marchetti. 34i 6f ... 47* 9l i3x ii ... British Museum. 32 3'f 63 6* ... 431 38f 9* 73 7 x 8 6x 5 Russia Sir Edward Caley, Britisl Museum. British Museum. 3'i ... ... 54 12* ... N. America Earl of Lonsdale. 31 6| ... 421 8i 10 x 9 ... F. J. Horniman. 30* 3oJ 29! (owner's measurement) 7i 6 40 2 9 1 44 44i 4o 81 10 8i 17 8x 9 8x 8 Norway ... Thomas Bate. Sir Victor Brooke's Collec- tion. British Museum. 29* 6J ... 45 9f 10 x 9 ... F. J. Hornirnan. 291 7 ... 40 5* 6x 5 ... British Museum. 29 7i ... 43* ioi 24 Norway . . . P. C. Walker. 28| 71 35 493 12* II X II ... Hon. Charles Ellis. 281 28 271 6f (owner's measurement) 7J (owner's measurement) 51 3*1 34* 30 40* 42* 403 9l 71 II X II 16 8x 7. Norway ... Do. ... N. America Thomas Bate. Do. Capt. F. Cookson. 271 ... ... 49* 10* ... Do. Earl of Lonsdale. 27! 263 6 6f 24! 37f 7 "1 6x 6 Do. J. C. L. Knight Bruce. British Museum. 26f w 8 (single horn) 6J ... 45* 3i 5* 5 ... Do. 26J 6i ... 39t 63 5* 4 S. Russia... Do. 25 6 ... 44* 22 Norway ... Major Sulivan. 23* Si 351 53 5>< 3 Tydal ... E. N. Buxton, 1886. 23 ... ... 28^ 8 ... Norway . . . H. C. Hambro. I9f Si ... 371 7 6x 7 ... E. N. Buxton. 16 ... 29 5 ... Norway ... H. C. Hambro. LONG-TAILED DEER. 47 ROE DEER (Capreolus caprea). Habitat Europe and Western Asia. Le igth. Circum- ference. TiP 10 lip. Habitat. Owner. 9i 3l 51 Kirdels Wood, Ireland Sir Victor Brooke's Collection, 1880. 9i 5 5 Dorsetshire J. E. Harting. 9J 3i 3i Kirdels Wood, Ireland Sir Victor Brooke's Collection, 1880. 9i 3 71 Ai Easter Elchies Do. 1875. Rowland \Vard's Collection 8* 3 (malformed) 51 Nairnshire Earl Cawdor, British Museum. 8* 3 4i France British Museum. SJ 3i 4 Westphalia Do. 8 4 3i Inverness Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 65 4i 3 2j (velvet) 6 4* Dorset Astrabad J. Eraser. Col. Beresford Lovett, Brit. Museum. SIBERIAN ROE DEER (Capreolus pygargus). Habitat Siberia. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. I3i 3 6 Asia ... British Museum. I3i 4 85 South Manchuria H. E. M. James, British Museum. nf 4 S China British Museum. 85 3f 7f Siberia Do. LONG-TAILED DEER (Cariacus leucurus). Length. Circum. ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 25i 4l I2g 175 11x9 British Museum. 23i 4i 2| 13 8x9 ... Do. 20j 3f IO Hi 11x7 ... Do. i6i 3i 9t I3l 4><3 Do. 4 8 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. VIRGINIAN or WHITE-TAILED DEER (Cariacus virginianus). VIRGINIAN OR WHITE-TAILED DEER. 49 VIRGINIAN or WHITE-TAILED DEER (Cariacus virginianus). Weight About 180 Ibs. Habitat North America from the Atlantic to the Pacific, extending into British Columbia in the North and Mexico in the South. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 271 51 (single horn) 16 North America British Museum. 27i 4l 14* 19 6x6 Do. Do. 2 5 f 4i 9 19 ii Do. H. S. Wellcome. 25! 24i 4l 5 iof (single horn) 19 I3><5 Wisconsin Do. 21 31 7* 144 4x4 North America Do. 2of 3i 4l Hi 4x5 Do. Do. 20j 4i 9f i5f 5x6 Do. Do. i9i 4i 71 171 Do. F. J. Horniman. 19* 4 19? 12 Do. H. S. Wellcome. 1 8| 3i 8 i4i 6x5 Do. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. I7l (about) i6i 41 4i 3f I2f 27x25 5X4 Do. Do. Moreton Frewen. British Museum. 151 32 4 III 5 x6 Do. Do. i3i 5 31 6f 5 x6 Do. Capt Townley Parker. GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. MEXICAN DEER (Cariacus mexicanus; Cervus paludosus; Blastoceros paludosus). [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, P.Z.S. 1878, p. 920.] DIMENSIONS OF CARIACUS MEXICANUS. English inches. Height at shoulder 27*5 Length of ears ... ,... ... ... 4'3 Do. tail exclusive of hair ... ... ... 5*5 Total length of skull in a straight line ... ... 9*0 Length from ant. rim of orbit to free extremity of prse maxillae . . , ... ... 4*5 Length of molar and premolar series (upper) ... 2*7 Do. antlers ,., ... ... ... ... 7*5 Greatest span ., 8*2 Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. *2 3 f 5* 'SI 1 6i 4^5 South America British Museum. 231 6 ... 19! 12 Do. G. R. Stuart. |22f 6i 20 20^ 5*5 Brazil Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. *2IJ 74 9f 16 4><3 South America British Museum. *i8| Si 20f ... 4x5 Do. Do. i7i 41 ... ii 10 Do. Hon. Walter Rothschild. 131 3f 65 iif 3x3 Mexico British Museum. *i3* 4f 15 ... 4x4 South America Do. 8* 24 4i 6| 3x4 Mexico Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. * Blastoceros paludosus. t Cervus paludosu*. BLACK-TAILED DEER. BLACK-TAILED DEER (Cervus columbianus). Weight About 200 Ibs. Habitat California, Oregon, Washington, and along the Pacific Coast. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 28f 4* 131 i7i 5x5 ... F. G. Barclay. 27 Si i?i 2lf 6x5 North America Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 26i 4i iSi 22| 6x6 Wyoming Capt. F. Cookson. 26 Si ... 26 IOx IO Wm. Marr. 26 ... ... 18 7 W. S. Power. 25* Si ... 2l 8 P. C. Walker. 251 4i 19 20 5x5 C. H. Pollen. 25i ... ... 18 10 ... W. S. Power. 25 4* ... 23 10 C. P. S. Porter. 24* Si ... 25 10 T. W. H. Clarke. 24i 5 ... 19 10 W. G. Rathbone. 24i 5 18 12 Capt. F. Cookson. 24i 51 ... 23i 10 H. S. Wellcome. 24i 4i 2I| 23* 5X5 J. Carr-Saunders. 24 5* ... ... 8x5 F. G. Barclay. 23J ... ... i5i II W. S. Power. 22| 3i 15 I 9 f 5X4 J. Carr-Saunders. 22 4 c i6| 191 5X5 QX7 Col. J. A. Percey. F. G. Barclay. J 31 6i ... 7X7 ... British Museum. S 4i 31 14 .6i 3X3 3X3 Mouterey, Cali- fornia. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. British Museum. D 2 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. PAMPAS DEER (Cariacus campestris). Habitat South America. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Points. Habitat. Owner. I4f 2f i3i 3 X 3 La Plata British Museum. 12* 2| 8J 3><3 Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. II| 2f I4i 3X3 Do. i 3S I3i 3X3 Charles Darwin, British Museum. iof 2* i3i 3 X 3 North Patagonia British Museum. PERUVIAN ROE DEER (Cariacus (furcifer) antisiensis). [Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S., P.Z.S. 1869, p. 498.] THE horns divide from the base into two branches ; the front one is erect, conical, and acute, with a short conical branch on the outer side, and in the middle one or two more or less elongate, basal anterior or interior snags. The hinder part of the base and sheath compressed, diverging horizontally into a strong, angular, tapering branch, which is nearly as long as the erect one, with several irregularly placed, more or less elongate, acute processes ; the upper part, near the roots, with one or two cylindrical diverging branches on its upper and lower sides. Like the small branches on the erect part of the horn, they are not exactly similar on the two horns. The metatarsus is without any glandular tuft on the outside. On the inner side of the hock is a large rounded tuft of such hairs. The fur consists of thick, elastic, tubular quills. The skull has a well- marked, deep, triangular pit in the front of the orbit. The female is without horns. This animal may be called Xenelaphus huamel. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 9 71 4l Tinta, South Peru H. Whitely, British Museum. 9i 2* 8J Ceuchepate, Peru (n,ooo ft.) Do. MULE DEER. 53 MULE DEER (Cariacus macrotis). THIS variety has much larger ears than the White-tailed or Black- tailed Deer, and owing to its having the tip of the tail black, is often called Black-tail. Habitat Includes Oregon, Nebraska, Dakota, West of Missouri, Colorado, and Kansas. Length. Circum- ference. T iP to lip. Widest inside. Points. Habitat. Owner. 30 281 27i 51 (own er's me 41 asurements) 24i 26i 17 White River, Colo- rado, N. America. Do. Do. H. A. James. Major Maitland Kirwin. (Ameri- can Exhibition Catalogue.) Do. 26| 26f 4i I9f 20j 26 5><5 Do. Do. W. A. Baillie Grohman. (Ameri- can Exhibition Catalogue.) Ernest Farquhar. 261 5i ... i7i 12 Do. Hon. F. Thellusson. 261 51 ... 19 II Do. Do. 25 5i 271 271 16 x 13 Do. Moreton Frewen. 24i Si ... 21 21 Do. Ford G. Barclay. 24* 24 5 51 ... 3Si (outside points) 201 33 10 Do. Do. Hon. F. Thellusson. William Fox. 24 4i ii| i8| I2x II Do. E. N. Buxton. 23i ... ... 3i 5><5 Do. Noble Jenkins. 23 6 ... i 13 Do. Ford G. Barclay. 22f 41 I4i i7l 5 X 4 Yellowstone River British Museum. 22f 4 iof 1 8i 6x6 Do. Do. 221 3f i6f i8i 5 X 5 North America... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 22j 4 I2| i6f 4x4 Yellowstone River British Museum. Ml 21 4i 6f i7i 19* 28 5x4 26 Kansas North America... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection, 1872. J. Turner-Turner. I9i 3f "I isi 5 X 5 Yellowstone River British Museum. 54 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. PRONG-HORNED ANTELOPE (Antilocapra americana). Weight About 80 Ibs. clean. Habitat North America. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Habitat. Owner. iSl 6* Si ... Wyoming St. George Littledale, 1879. iSi 6J 7i North America... Col. Ralph Vivian. 15 51 51 Wyoming St. George Littledale, 1879. I4i 5 5! ... New Mexico ... Capt. F. Cookson, 1887. I4l 6 Si ... Wyoming St. George Littledale, 1879. i4i 6| 4i ... North America... Col. Ralph Vivian. I 4 i 6J ... 14 Do. Rev. J. H. Douglas. 14* 6 ... 9i Do. Ford G. Barclay. I4i 6 2f 8J Do. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 141 Si 2| .... New Mexico ... Capt. F. Cookson, 1887. U Si 9i North Ameiica... J. Carr-Saunders. I3i 51 51 ... Do. Gerald Buxton, 1884. i3i 5? 51 ... New Mexico ... Capt. F. Cookson, 1887. i3i 5i ... I0f North America... William Fox. 13 6* 9i Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. 13 51 Do. P. C. Walker. 13 5i Si Do. Crawford E. Logan. I2i 6* 9f ... Wyoming St. George Littledale, 1879. "I 5J 6 ... North America... The late J. S. Jameson. BUBALINE ANTELOPE. 55 PRONG-HORNED ANTELOPE (Antilocapra americana) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Habitat. Owner. I2f 6| 5 ... North America... Hon. Walter Rothschild. I2i 6f 51 I0| Do. J. L. Carroll. I2i Si ... Qi Do. William Fox. I2| 51 4i Do. E. N. Buxton, 1884. 12 Si 15 Do. M. Tilden. Ilf "i 51 Si 4 ... Do. Do. Gerald Buxton. (American Ex- hibition Catalogue.) F. J. Horniman. I0f 55 6| ... Mexico ... British Museum. I0| Si 7 8 North America... J. L. Carroll. 9i 6* 10 Do. H. G. C. Bishop. 6f 4 10 ... Yellowstone River British Museum. 6i ... gf ... Do. Do. 51 Si ... ... North America... Otho Shaw. (American Exhibition Catalogue.) BUBALINE ANTELOPE (Bubalis bubalinus). Habitat North Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. I4| 8f 9l North Africa British Museum. Hi 6f 9l Soudan Col. Ralph Vivian. *3i 7 5i North Africa ... Zoological Society, British Museum. GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. HARTEBEESTE (Bubalis caama). Habitat South Africa : Griqualand West, Eastern border of the Kalahari desert and eastwards to the river Serule on the road from Bamangwato to Tati ; also from the Botletlie river to the Zambesi. Further northwards B. caama is replaced by B. lichtensteinii. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 24f I0l 9f South Africa H. Atkinson. 24 10 9i Do. R. C. Dobson. 23! 10 8f Do. Sir A. Smith, British Museum. 23J Ilj 9i Do. Hon. Walter Rothschild. 23i "i iof Do. F. C. Selous. 23i I0| 8J Do. The late J. S. Jameson 23 IIJ 6 Do. F. C. Selous. 221 I0f ioj Do. Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 22| lOf 6J Do. H. Atkinson. 22| iof 9f Do. A. Beit. 22 lof 8J Do. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 22 II 8 Do. Major Severas. 2li III 7 Do. W. C. OswelL 2lf 10 8i Do. A. Beit. HARTEBEESTE. 57 HARTEBEESTE (Bubalis caama) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 2I| II 5* South Africa C. Ansell. aii iof 7i Do. A. Beit. 2lJ ioi 6J Do. F. C. Selous. 20* IO 8 Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. 20 III Si Do. R. C. Dobson. 20 II 4i Africa Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. $I 9 f yi 9 South Africa The late J. S. Jameson. 19* 8* 8 Do. F. C. Selous. 1 9! 7* 8J Africa J. A. Nicoll. i8f H 71 South Africa H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. i8| 83 9i Do. J. Carr-Saunders. i7i Sf 5J Do. H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh. i6J 8| f Do. British Museum. iof 71 3 Africa Earl of Derby, British Museum. GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. JACKSON'S HARTEBEESTE (Bubalis jacksoni). Habitat Central Africa : Country between Lake Victoria Nyanza and Lake NaivashflL' THIS is a new species of Hartebeeste recently shot by Mr. F. J. Jackson in British East African Territory, who in his letter to me, dated October 1890, says : " I do not think it is likely to extend further south, but of course it may extend to the Cape for what we know ; if it is A. caama it may do so, but I am inclined to doubt its being the same as the S. African animal. I seem to have an idea that the one at the British Museum is very much darker, and the horns different, but this is only from memory, and I cannot be sure. Up north all along the top of the Elgeyo Escarpment (continuation of Mau) into Turquel, to the north and north-east of Mount Elgon, it is common, and takes the place of A. cokei. Round Baringo it is fairly plentiful, but some marches south of Njemis the A. cokei takes its place." Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 20| Ilf 9f East Africa F. J. Jackson. 231 12 9 E. Gedge. TORA ANTELOPE, 59 TORA ANTELOPE (Bubalis tora). Habitat North Africa. Numerous in Soudan and Abyssinia. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. I 9 | 9 i6J Abyssinia British Museum. I9i 9 i3f Do Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. i8i 8f I5J Soudan Col. Ralph Vivian. i8i 10 i5i Do Do. 9f 71 18 Bogos Land, Abys- sinia, Do. British Museum. Do. iSl 7f i7f Do. Do. I3i 6f 14 Upper Nubia Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. I2f 7 6| Abyssinia British Museum. II 6* 151 Bogos Land, Abys- sinia. Do. 6o GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. SWAYNE'S HARTEBEESTE (Bubalis swaynei). Habitat N. E. Africa: Somali Land. CLOSELY allied to B. cokei and B. tora, but can readily be dis- tinguished from either by its dark markings on the face. Length. Circumference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. i8| Sf 18 Somali... Capt. H. G. C. Swayne. i7i 8* 19* Do T. W. H. Clarke. i6i 91 I2f Do Hon. Walter Rothschild. i6f 9 I7f Do W. D. James. 5i 71 iof Do E. Lort-Phillips. COKE'S HARTEBEESTE. 61 COKE'S HARTEBEESTE (Bubalis cokei). Habitat East Africa (Masai Land and adjoining Territory), Length. T:_~ t Round bend. Straight. Circum- ference. lip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 19 ... 9l 16 East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. i8f ... 8 i6J Do. F. J. Jackson. i8i ... 9* i3* Do. H. C. V. Hunter. 18 ... 9i i6| Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 171 ... 8| i7i Do. F. J. Jackson. 1 71 ... 9i ii Do. J. Carr-Saunders. I7i ... 9i 13* Do. H. C. V. Hunter. i6| ... 9i I3l Do. Do. i6| ... 8 I2f Do. British Museum. 62 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. COKE'S HARTEBEESTE (Bubalis cokei) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. Round bend. Straight. I6J ... 9 i7i East Africa Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 16* ... 8f i3i Kilima'njaro Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. 16 12 12 East Africa E. Gedge. 5l ... 7* I2| Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 'Si 8f ioi Taita J. Wray, British Museum. i5t ... 71 n| East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. ... 9 5f ii Do. W. Astor Chanler. Hi ... 9i 12* Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 4 ... 10 "I Do. Hon. Walter Rothschild. I3i ... 9* 12* Do. Roland Ward's Collection. * ... ... I7J Do. Sir John Willoughby, Bart., " East Africa and its Big Game." WEST AFRICAN HARTEBEESTE (Bubalis major), Habitat West Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest outside. Habitat. Owner. 20f IOJ 7 ... Africa ... British Museum. W LIGHTEN STEIN'S HARTEBEESTE. ^ x LICHTENSTEIN'S HARTEBEESTE (Bubalis lichtensteinii\ Zambesi name " Godonko." Habitat South and East Africa. Length. Circum- ference. rip to Tip. Widest outside. Habitat. Owner. 20 I2| 8 ... Zanzibar Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. i9i III 8i Africa ... Hon. Walter Rothschild. '9i iof 6 ... Zanzibar Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B, 19 III 4i ... East Africa British Museum. i8f lit 3i ... South Africa F. C. Selous. i8J IOJ 5 ... Do. F. C. Selous, British Museum. i8i 12 8 12 East Africa Gen. Mathews. i8J "J 5i ... Do. F. J. Jackson. i8J iof 4t ... Do. Do. i6| I Si "I io| 6| c ... River Saba (Ma- shuna Land). F. C. Selous, British Museum. W. P. Rylands. 1 J2 $'5 14! i V^^ 85 71 D8 4i 3i ... River Saba (Ma- shuna Land). East Africa F. C. Selous, British Museum. F. J. Jackson. I4i 8 5i ... Do. Do. ?i4l 71 2| ... Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. S'4i 8J 51 ... Transvaal British Museum. I*i 7 31 ... Africa ... F. L. James. 6 4 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. SENEGAL HARTEBEESTE (Bubalis senegalensis). Habitat East and West Central Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. I9l 6f 3l East Africa H. C. V. Hunter. 19 6| 10 Gambia... Earl of Derby, British Museum. 19 7J 8 East Africa Rowland Ward's Collection. i8f 9* ii Gambia... Earl of Derby, British Museum. i8| 8f 51 East Africa J. Carr-Saunders. i8i 6f 55 Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 18 8 51 Do. F. J. Jackson. 17? 8i 8 Do. Do. SENEGAL HARTEBEESTE. SENEGAL HARTEBEESTE (Bubalis senegalensis) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 17* 71 5 East Africa H. C. V. Hunter. 17 8 7 Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. i6| 7 Si Do. F. J. Jackson. i6f 51 51 Do. Do. i6f 71- 6 Do. H. C. V. Hunter. i6f 6J Si Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. i6J 71 i East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. I6J 7i 4i Do. Do. i5l 5 4i Do. F. J. Jackson. "Si 71 51 Do. Hon. Walter Rothschild. 'Si 7i 51 Do. F. J. Jackson. I5i 8i 7 Do. E. Gedge. I4f 7i 6J Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. I4i 71 6 Do. Do. I3l 8i Si Do. Do. BUBALIS KOBA. Habitat East and West Central Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 2I| 9J "1 River Gambia ... Dr. P. Kendall, British Museum. $20i 6f 6| Bahr-el-gazal Consul Petherick, British Museum. ?i6| ioj 5 6 5f 71 River Juba, South Somali. Bahr-el-gazal Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B., British Museum. Consul Petherick, British Museum. 66 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. TSESSEBE ANTELOPE or BASTARD HARTEBEESTE (Bubalis lunatus). Habitat South Africa. Open country in territory adjacent to Limpopo River. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 151 71 HI ... ... ... Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. i5i SJ I2i F. C. Selous. i5i 81 101 South Africa W. C. Oswell. iSi 8 I2 4 Do. Sir A. Smith, British Museum. i5l 7 12 ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. Hi n Hi F. C. Selous. Hi 71 II Mashuna Land ... F. C. Selous, British Museum. 141 71 131 Central Africa ... British Museum. i4i 7J ioi Hon. Walter Rothschild. Hi 6| ni W. C. Oswell. Hi 6J 95 F. C. Selous. H 7 9i Durban Museum. H 6| I2| South Africa A. Beit. I3i 7 i3i Do. British Museum. $ 13* 6| Hi Mashuna Land ... F. C. Selous, British Museum. i3l 6i I2| South Africa H. and C. Beddington. TSESSEBE ANTELOPE OR BASTARD HARTEBEESTE. 6f TSESSEBE ANTELOPE or BASTARD HARTEBEESTE (BubaliS lunatllS) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 131 6J 10* South Africa Hon. Walter Rothschild. 13* 6f I3i Do. The late J. S. Jameson. I3i 71 IOJ Do. A. Beit. i3i 6 9i J. A. Nicoll. I3t 6J i3i South Africa Sir A. Smith, British Museum. I3i 71 I2| Do. H. and C. Beddington. 13 7J i3i Do. The late J. S. Jameson. I2i 7i I2f Do. W. P. Rylands. 12} 51 12 Do. A. Beit. I2| 7J 12 Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. 12 6 J Do. H. and C. Beddington. 68 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. BLESSBOK (Bubalis albifrons). Habitat South Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. i8t 51 121 South Africa Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. i6J 6i 8 Do. Do. iSJ 6J 6J Do. Maj.-Gen. Arthur Ellis, C.S.I. iSJ 6i 71 Do. Hon. Walter Rothschild. i4i 6J gf H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh. 14 6f 7i Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. H 5J 7i Rowland Ward's Collection. I3i 6* 71 South Africa British Museum. I3f 5f 6i W. C. Oswell. I3i 5 51 F. C. Selous. 131 5 9f H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh. I2f 51 4l Maj.-Gen. Arthur Ellis, C.S.I. I2| 4i 7 South Africa British Museum. I2f 6 9i F. J. Horniman. BONTEBOK. BONTEBOK (Bubalis pygargus). Habitat South Africa. The horns closely resemble Blessbok. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. l6f 6| 9J ... ... British Museum. 16 6 6f ... Rowland Ward's Collection. i5l 6 3f Do. isi 6* 8* Cape Colony Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 151 6i 8* British Museum. i5 51 4i Do. i5 6f 71 Cape Colony Capt. Freville-Cookson. 15 6J 6| South Africa British Museum. Hi 6i 8i Do. Hon. Walter Rothschild. Hi 6| 7i Do. British Museum. Hi 4i 71 Do. Do. 14 6f 8J J. Carr-Saunders. 14 6* 7i Cape Colony Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. i3f 5 6i South Africa A. W. Davis. I2| 51 51 Do. British Museum. I2J 4f 6| Do. Do. GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. HUNTER'S ANTELOPE (Bubalis hunteri). Habitat North banks of the Tana River, East Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. Round bend. Straight. 26i 22 sj I2J East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 24 ... sj iSJ Do. H. C. V. Hunter. 241 2IJ 8| 9f Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. HUNTER'S ANTELOPE. HUNTER'S ANTELOPE (Bubalis Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. Round bend. Straight. 241 ... 71 i3l East Africa H. C. V. Hunter. 24i 20i 8| iif Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 24 201 8 ... Do. H. C. V. Hunter. 22J ... 7i 71 Tana River Do. British Museum. 22 ... ... 16 East Africa Do. 21 ... 5i ioj Tana River Do. British Museum. 201 1 8i 5 "I East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 20J ... si lOf Do. H. C. V. Hunter. 20J ... 51 8J Do. Hon. Walter Rothschild. I9f 171 51 iif Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 19 i7 51 ioi Do. H. C. V. Hunter. GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. BRINDLED GNU (Connochoetes taurina). Habitat South Central Africa. The specimens shot in East Africa may be the sub-species figured on page 75. Length. Breadth of Palm. Tip to Tip. Widest Inside. Habitat. Owner. 26J 8 Ml 16* ... Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 23 21 "i (circumference) Q I 9 1 145 31 South Africa . . . J. A. Nicoll. H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. *J 221 ys *^f 16} 25i East Africa F. J. Jackson. 22 f i8f 26i Do. H. C. V. Hunter. 22\ 6 i8i 26 South Africa ... F. C. Selous. 221 i7i 251 East Africa F. J. Jackson. 22 51 i5l 23J The late J. S. Jameson. 2I| 2lf 13 (circumference) 51 23f i7l 281 East Africa South Africa . . . F. J. Jackson. G. H. Banks. 20| ... i5i 24 East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 20j 20j I2j [circumference) i a* I2| 25 2I| Mashunaland ... Rowland Ward's Collection. F. C. Selous. 20 191 12 [circumference) 17 I2| 27 (outside) 20| East Africa Do. R. P. Carrol. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. I 9 f ... 18 23i Do. Do. BRINDLED GNU. 73 BRINDLED GNU (Connochoetes taurina) continued. Length. Breadth of Palm. Tip to Tip. Widest Inside. Habitat. Owner. 19? 5 17 23? South Africa ... R. C. Dobson. 191 51 121 211 Hon. Walter Rothschild. I9l 5 15 221 W. C. Oswell. I9l ... 2O ... East Africa H. C. V. Hunter. I9l circumference) 131 22 2I| Do. Do. F. J. Jackson. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 191 ... i5i 22 Do. H. C. V. Hunter. I9l "1 circumference) 5 171 23f 221 South Africa ... H.Atkinson. Do. ... ! H. and C. Beddington. 191 51 i5i 221 Do. ... F. C. Selous. 19 51 I2| 21* J. Carr Saunders. 19 5* "1 131 Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 1 8i 41 123 193 The late J. S. Jameson. 18 ... 16 ... South Africa ... British Museum. 171 ... 1 201 East Africa F. J. Jackson. 17 4l 171 2lf Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 16 7 15 16 24 (outside) 28 (outside) 22 East Africa ... W. Astor Chanler. Sir J. Willoughby, Bart, "East Africa and its Big Game." South Africa ... A. W. Davis. I5i 31 lOf i8| Do. ...A. Beit. 151 ... 3f ioi Do. ... , British Museum. i5 ... 131 iSi East Africa ... Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. i5 83 I2| 171 South Africa . . . H. and C. Beddington. Mi 4 14? 183 Do. A. Beit. Mi ... m i7l East Africa ... Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. I3l 8| 91 i6i Zanzibar Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. if ... HI ... South Africa ... British Museum. 74 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. WHITE-TAILED GNU (Connochoetes gnu). Habitat South Africa. Length. Breadth of Palm. Tip to Tip. Widest Inside. Habitat. Owner. 22% 8* icl F. C. Selous. 22 q I7i Hon. Walter Rothschild. 2I| I Of i8| ... South Africa ... British Museum. 2I 8 I4.S F. C. Selous. 20| 15* 23* Bethnal Green Museum. I6f IOJ I2| 171 South Africa ... British Museum. 'Si 31 13* 1 91 Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. *i 4 f 71 (circumference) 8 i6f Ugarano Capt. Speke, British Museum. * Gorgon fasciatus. JACKSON'S WILDEBEESTE. 75 JACKSON'S WILDEBEESTE (Connochoetes taurinus albojubatus). Habitat East Africa, Uganda. Closely allied to the Brindled Wildebeeste, excepting that it has a white mane under the throat instead of black. Length. Breadth. Tip to Tip. Widest Inside. Habitat. Owner. 2Oj 5i i6| 22| East Africa F. J. Jackson. i9i 5S i6J 2IJ Do. Do. 7 6 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. DUIKER ANTELOPE (Cephalophus grimini). Habitat South and East Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 5ff 2| 2 South Africa F. C. Selous. 5 2j 2 Do. Do. 4 2 2i Do. Do. 4l 2i 3 Do. A. Beit. 4i 2 Algoa Bay F. C. Selous, British Museum. 4i 4i 2* I If 2| South Africa G. H. Banks. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 4i 2* If J. Carr-Saunders. 4J I| 2| Natal J. Wahlberg, British Museum. 4i 2 2 Transvaal F. C. Selous, British Museum. 4 Ii I* South Africa H. and C. Beddington. 4 If I* Do. Do. 3i 2j 2 Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 3i If If East Africa F. J. Jackson. 31 2 2i South Africa H. and C. Beddington. 3i ... If The late J. S. Jameson. 31 If 2j East Africa F. J. Jackson. 3i If South Africa The late J. S. Jameson. *3 If if Abyssinia Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 2| I? Ij Do. British Museum. * Cephalophus Madoqua. BUSH BUCK. 77 NATAL BUSHBUCK (Cephalophus natalensis). [Dr. J. E. GRAY, P.Z.S., p. 589.] HAIR rigid, adpressed, of neck and cheeks short, of forehead long, bright red-bay ; beneath pale yellowish ; forehead red. There are four specimens in the British Museum, two males and two females. Habitat Port NataL Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 3i ... 2* Natal Dr. A. Kraus, British Museum. 2l 3 2j Zanzibar ... Dr. Kirk, British Museum. WHITE-BACKED BUSHBUCK (Cephalophus sylvicultor). Habitat Fantee. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 4f ... 21 Fantee British Museum. 6f ... 4* Do. Do. 6| 31 4f Do Do. BANDED BUSHBUCK (Cephalophus doria?). Habitat Liberia. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. I| ... I Liberia ... Dr. J. Buttikofer, British Museum. 7 8 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. FOUR-HORNED ANTELOPE or CHOUSINGHA (Tetraceros quadricornis). Horns in male only. Habitat India. Length. Circumference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. Rear Horn. Fore Horn. Rear Horn. Fore Horn. Rear Horn. Fore Horn. 41 2* 2j 2f If 2| India Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 4 2* If I| .3 I* Indore Col. John Evans, Bri- tish Museum. 31 If If 2 ii 2j India ... Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 3i 2 If If ii ^ Do. H.R.H. Duke of Edin- burgh. 3* 4 2J Ij 2j I* Nepal ... British Museum. 2f i If ii II ... India Do. 2 i 3 ... 3 U Do. Do. KIRK'S ANTELOPE. 79 KIRK'S ANTELOPE (Neotragus kirki). Habitat East Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 3 ... Ii East Africa F. J. Jackson. 2| If Do. British Museum. 2f ... Ii Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 2f Ii If Kilima'njaro H. C. V. Hunter, British Museum. 2f ... If East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 2i ... If Do. F. J. Jackson. 2i I| ... North-east Africa Col. Ralph Vivian. 2i If East Africa Hon. Walter Rothschild. 2| If Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. 2f If Island of Manda... Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. 2| ... I* Somali Land Do. British Museum. 2| ... Ii East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 2| If If Do. Sir John Kirk, British Museum. 2* ... If Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 2 ... ... Do. Sir John Willoughby, Bart., "East Africa and its Big Game." 8o GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. SALT'S ANTELOPE (Neotragus Saltiariis). Weight Weight about 6 Ibs. Habitat Somali Land, North-east Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 2? I I Somali Land T. W. H. Clarke. 2f ... If Do. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 2* I 'I Do. Capt. H. G. C. Swayne. 2f 'I If Abyssinia... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 2| If North-east Africa British Museum. 2| 4 Somali Land ... C. Liddell. ZANZIBAR ANTELOPE (Nanotragus moschatus). Habitat East Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 3i 3i Ii If 2 I* Coral Islands, Zanzibar. Zanzibar ... Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. Capt. Speke, British Museum. 3i Ii Ii Do Dr. Kirk, British Museum. 2f Ii 1^ Do Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. ORIBI ANTELOPE. 81 ORIBI ANTELOPE (Nanotragus scoparia). Habitat South Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 4i If 3i South Africa F. C. Selous. 4i 2 2* Cape of Good Hope British Museum. 4f If 2 South Africa F. C. Selous. 4i If If Do. Do. 41 ... *i Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. WEST AFRICAN ORIBI (Nanotragus nigricaudatus). Habitat River Gambia. (For description see page 82.) Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 3 If 2f River Gambia ... Charles B. Mosse, British Museum. 82 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. NANOTRAGUS NIGRICAUDATUS. [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, P.Z.S. 1872, p. 875.] GRIZZLY fawn ; forehead rufous ; tail black, of moderate length ; temporal gland .distinct, black ; knee-brushes large ; false hoofs present but small ; ears moderate ; horns slender, moderate in length, and slightly bent forward. Height at shoulder, 20 in. ; length of ears, 4^ in. ; length of horns, 3 in. A narrow mark about one inch in length on each side of the naked muzzle ; a line passing round the eye and suborbital pit, but not meeting in front of the gland, lower lip, chin, spot on throat, belly, inside of limbs nearly as far down as the carpal and tarsal joints, and rump white. Nose and ears externally dusky brown ; forehead and occiput rufous ; temporal gland large, round, and covered with very short bluish-black hair, that covering the region between the subor- bital pit and the eye being of similar character and colour ; neck, back, flanks, and sides of a peculiar grizzly fawn colour. This pecu- liarity is obtained by the base of each hair being almost white, the tip rufous, the intervening part of a deep bluish grey. ABYSSINIAN ORIBI (Nanotragus montaims). Habitat-^ Abyssinia. [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, P.Z.S. 1872, p. 875.] SANDY fawn ; tail of the same colour as the back, and very short, almost rudimentary ; temporal gland and knee-brushes distinct ; false hoofs small ; ears moderate ; horns short and subconical. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 41 if 2* Dembelas, Abys- British Museum. sinia, STEIN BUCK. STEINBUCK (Nanotragus tragulus). Habitat South and East Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 51 2 If East Africa E. Gedge. 5 41 If If Do. South Africa Sir John Willoughby, Bart, "East Africa and its Big Game." H. and C. Beddington. 4i If 2f Do. F. C. Selous. 41 If 2| East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart 41 If 2* South Africa F. C. Selous. 4* 2 2f Do. The late J. S. Jameson. 4i I| 2* Soudan ... Col. Ralph Vivian. 4i 41 If If 2f If Kaokoland, West Africa. South Africa Capt F. Cookson, 1890. F. C. Selous. F 2 8 4 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. STEINBUCK (Nanotragus tragulus) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 4 If 2| Soudan ... Col. Ralph Vivian. 4 If ?1 East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. *3 J f 2f South Africa British Museum. 3i If 2j East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 3f 'I a J. Carr Saunders. 31 \\ 2 * East Africa F. J. Jackson. *3i '* 2i Transvaal British Museum. *3f ... 2f Near Kilimanjaro, East Africa. H. C. V. Hunter, British Museum. Nanotragus campestris. KLIPSPRINGER (Nanotragus oreotragus). Somali name " Alakud." Habitat Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 41 2 3i South Africa F. C. Selous. 4i 2J 2i Do. Do. 4i 2 3i East Africa E. Gedge. 4* 2i 2| South Africa F. C. Selous. 4 2 If Do. H. and C. Beddington. REHBOK. KLIPSPRINGER (Nanotragus oreotragus) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat Owner. *4 2 3 South Africa British Museum. 4 If 2 Do. The late J. S. Jameson. 31 *3i 2 2 If Somali, North- East Africa. Abyssinia T. W. H. Clarke; British Museum. 3* If If Somali E. Lort-Phillips. 3* l| 2* South Africa A. Beit. *3J If 2| Do. British Museum. 3 .If 31 Do. Hon. Walter Rothschild. * Oreotragus saltator. REHBOK (Pelea capreola); Habitat South Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. f 2i 2f South Africa Dr. Burchell, British Museum. 71 2| 3^ Do. R. G. Breakes, British Museum. 71 21 31 Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. 7* 2| 3 Do. H. Atkinson. 6f 2 34 Do. A. Beit. 6J 2| 2f Do. British Museum. & 2| if Do. Hon. Walter Rothschild. 86 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. WATERBUCK (Cobus ellipsiprymnus). Bechuana name " Tumoha." Lower Zambesi name " Myakobswe." Habitat South and East Africa. Length. Circumference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 33i 9* 2li Hon. Walter Rothschild. 33 91 "i Mashuna Land F. C. Selous, British Museum. 32f 9l 2I| South Africa ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 3if 8 2I| Do. British Museum. 3ii 91 I9l Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. M si (owner's mea- surements) Mashuna Land Algoa Bay F. C. Selous. C. Wemys, British Museum. 3 oJ 8* 31 F. C. Selous. WATERBUCK. WATERBUCK (Cobus ellipsiprymnus) -continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 30 9 aa| ... W. Ogilby (P.Z.S. 1883, pt I, p. 47). 30 8? 1 6J South Africa ... British Museum. 29! 9* Mi Hon. Charles Ellis. 291 9i 2I| F. C. Selous. 2 9 i 8 24 Hon. Charles Ellis. 29 9i (malformed) 9 Si 21 South Africa ... A. W. Davis. Rowland Ward's Collection. 28| 8 iSl South Africa ... G. H. Banks. 28| 8 i6f Do. Do. 28f 9* H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. 28| 8 19* Hon. Charles Ellis. 28 28 'owner's mea- surements) 18 East Africa ... Sir John Willoughby, Bart Hon. Walter Rothschild. 2 7 | 9i I4f The late J. S. Jameson. 271 8 95 Maj.-Gen. Arthur Ellis, C.S.I. 27 8! 25 Hon. Charles Ellis. 27* 8f 14 South Africa ... Durban Museum. 271 9i i6f Maj.-Gen. Arthur Ellis, C.S.I. 27 9 24 East Africa ... E. Gedge. 26f 9i 21 Limpopo W. C. Oswell. 261 8f i5l South Africa ... A. M. Sagar Musgrave. 26 7i i3l Do. Bethnal Green Museum. 26f 9f "i Do. The late J. S. Jameson. 26| 8J i8i Do. J. Carr-Saunders. 26 91 I2f Limpopo W. C. OswelL 255 8| I>i Soudan Col. Ralph Vivian. 251 8* II Capt. Speke, British Museum. 88 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. WATERBUCK (Cobus ellipsiprymnus) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 251 91 16 ... The late J. S. Jameson. 251 8J 22 South Africa ... W. P. Rylands. 25i 8| 131 East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 25J 8 I3l Do. H. C. V. Hunter. 25 9i 15* Soudan Col. Ralph Vivian. 25 8i i3i South Africa ... J. A. Nicoll. 25 71 i6i East Africa ... Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 241 8i i6i South Africa ... W. P. Rylands. 245 8J 13 East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 241 71 9i Do. Do. 2 4 1 7 9f W. D. James. 24* 8 171 East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 24i 71 i6| South Africa ... British Museum. 231 8| I2| East Africa H. C. V. Hunter. 232 8 151 Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 23 9 9 Do. E. Gedge. 22| 8i 13* Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 2I| 71 i Do. Do. 2I| 71 i3l Cape Delgado Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. 2I| 7 Hi W. D. James. 21 71 13 East Africa W. Astor Chandler. 20 n 124 Cape Delgado Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. SINGSING ANTELOPE. 89 SINGSING ANTELOPE (Cobus defassus). Habitat Africa. [Dr. SCLATER on Capt. Speke's trophies, P.Z.S. 1864, p. 102.] THE general aspect of the head resembles Kobus ellipsiprymnus, but the face is blacker, and the top of the head between the horns dark rufous. " It does not possess the lunate mark on the rump of the Waterbuck, and does not stand so high, but is rather more stoutly built." (Note by Capt. Speke on above.) [Dr. JAMES MURIE, P.Z.S. 1867, p. 5.] 45l Height at shoulder Length of body, rump, to front of shoulder ... 52 Length of head from be- tween the horns to tip of muzzle ... ... Length of tail ... ... 16 Length of ears ... Baron Hernier. British Museum. Capt. Speke's specimen. 45i 13 ii 20 Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 271 Si 13* Africa British Museum. 2 7 i 7i 1 8i Abyssinia Do. 26 71 5i Uganda Capt. Speke, British Museum. 26| 25i Si 8f 2I| i3t River Atbara, Abyssinia. Africa British Museum. Hon. Walter Rothschild. 24 23* 71 7i ... Do Do Capt. Speke (P.Z.S. 1867, p. 5). Baron Hernier (P.Z.S. 1867, p. 5). 23? 71 ijf Do British Museum. 225 8| lOf Do Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. LECHWE ANTELOPE (Cobus Habitat South Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 27i lof 191 Chobe River F. C. Selous, British Museum. 27 26i 8| 21 Do. South Africa Do. ^ 1879, "A Hunter's Wanderings. " A. Beit. 26J 25 241 8 71 15 (about) i3i Do. Lukanga South Africa F. C. Selous. Do. 1878, "A Hunter's Wanderings. " The late J. S. Jameson. 24 8J Hi Do. F. C. Selous. 24 8 iSi Zambesi W. C. Oswell. 23! 7 Hi South Africa F. C. Selous. 23 9 9 East Africa E. Gedge. 22| 71 6| South Africa A. Beit 22| 71 iij Do. The late J. S. Jameson. 22f 6f iif Chobe River F. C. Selous, British Museum. 22 7i lOf South Africa J. Carr-Saunders. 21* 7 IO Africa J. A. Nicoll. 2I| 6J i3l Do Capt. F. Vardon, British Museum. WHITE-EARED WATERBUCK. WHITE-EARED WATERBUCK (Cobus leucotis). Habitat East Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 195 6| 71 Bahr el Gazal ... British Museum. 19* 51 91 Do. Consul J. Petherick, British Museum. 19 6 8J Do. Do. .7* 6 7i Africa Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. COBUS KOB. Habitat Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 18 7* "i East Africa E. Gedge. i7l 71 "i Uganda Do. 171 6| 71 Do. , ... F. J. Jackson. i7i ft 5 Do. Do. 1890. ill 7 5 Masai Land Do. British Museum. 17 6| 9 East Africa E. Gedge. 9i 5 3 Gambia ... Earl of Derby, British Museum. 8 4i 41 Do Do. MRS. GRAY'S WATERBUCK (Cobus maiae), Habitat East Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. - a* , Arwan, Bahr el Gazal. Consul J. Petherick, British Museum. GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. POOKOO ANTELOPE (Cobus vardoni). Native name " Pokii." Ha bitat South Africa. Lengtht Circunr- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. iQI 6f 8 South Africa J. Carr-Saunders. i6i 6f 7i Do. British Museum. 16 6| 6f Chobe River F. C. Selous. "Si 6 10 South Africa J. Carr-Saunders. *4i 6| 6| Do. F. C. Selous. i.4i 6f SJ Chobe River Do. British Museum. I3S Si ;i South Africa Rowland Ward's Collection. REEDBUCK. 93 REEDBUCK (Cervicapra arundineum). (Cervicapra bohor). Sena and Tete name " N'sengo." Habitat Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 'Si 6i i4i ... ... British Museum. 151 iSl 1 t 6* 6f (one point broken) lii *** *** The late J, S. Jameson. F. C. Selous. Do. "A Hunter's Wan- * j 15 6J 9f South Africa derings. " Sir John Willoughby, Bart. I4l 71 91 Hon. Walter Rothschild. I4i 6f 71 Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. *4i 6J 7 F. C. Selous. i4i 51 8J Do. 14* " 51 I4l W. C. Oswell. 14 i3l 51 nj River Tati, South Africa. South Africa F. C. Selous, "A Hunter's Wan- derings. " A. Beit *i3f 51 8J British Museum. 131 5i 91 The late J. S. Jameson. 13! 6 9i Hon. Walter Rothschild. i3* I3i 5i I2j 6J ... Dr. Knight-Bruce, Bishop of Bloom - fontein. The late J. S. Jameson. i3J 6J lOf Do. Cervicapra bohor. 94 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. REEDBUCK continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 131 51 9i ... G. H. Banks. 13 71 "I F. C. Selous. 13 6| i Col. G. W. Thompson. I2| 6f I2| F. C. Selous. I2J 51 II South Africa A. Beit. I2f 6* 8| A. M. Sagar-Musgrave. *I2J I2J 51 5 51 n| South Africa Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B., British Museum. A. Beit. *I2 5i I Do. British Museum. H 51 I0 J. Carr-Saunders. II| 5i 8i South Africa A. C. Fountaine. II 6 14 Do. Lieut. C. F. Gisborne. II 6 9i Do. J. A. Nicoll. *IOf 4J 5i East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. *io* 5s 1 8| South Africa British Museum. *9i Si 4i Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. *9 51 8J Do. Dr. Burchell, British Museum. *9i 45 41 East Africa H. C. V. Hunter. *9 5i 3J Zanzibar ... Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. *8f 5 31 East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. *8| M 3i Do. H. C. V. Hunter. 8J Si 4 South Africa The late J. S. Jameson. *8 51 5 East Africa R. P. Carroll. *8J 4l 2i Masai Land H. C. V. Hunter, British Museum. *7f 41 2| East Africa F. J. Jackson. *5i 31 3i Do. Do. * Cervicapra bohor. BLACKBUCK OR INDIAN ANTELOPE. 95 BLACKBUCK or INDIAN ANTELOPE (Antilope cervicapra). Habitat India. Average weight 85 Ibs. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. Straight. Round Curve. 28J 40J 5 1 71 India A. O. Hume (Private Col- lection). 27 ... ... (owner's mea- Punjaub Capt H. V. Brooke, late surement) 92nd Highlanders. 27 34 5 19* Do. Sir Victor Brooke's Collec- tion. 26| 33 5 175 Do. A. O. Hume (Private Col- lection). 25* 35J 4l 20f Do. Do. 251 ... ... 15 Do. Col. Martin. 251 35i 51 14* Do. Hume Collection, British Museum. 25i 34f 5* 2I| Gadaruara Dis- Sir John H. Morris, trict, Cen. Prov. K. C.S.I. 25 35i 45 19 India Hume Collection, British Museum. 24i ... 5 i8| Do. Marquis of Ailsa. 24 33 Si i4l Do. Rowland Ward's Collec- tion. 24 ... 20 Do. Lord Herbrand Russell. 24 37 5 i8i Aligur St. George Littledale, 1877. 23! 331 51 21 India H.R.H. Duke of Edin- burgh. 9 6 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. BLACKBUCK or INDIAN ANTELOPE (Antilope cervicapra) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. Straight. Round Curve. 23f 34 Si 20? India H.R.H. Duke of Edin- burgh. 23 29* Si i6f Do. Lieut. F. E. Shafto-Adair. 2 3t ... Do. Sir S. Baker, Bart. , "Wild Beasts and their Ways." 23i 331 5 i8i Do. Hume Collection, British Museum. 23i 34i 45 I9f Do. Do. 23i 29i 4f iSi Do. Do. 23 3oJ Si i3l North India Sir Victor Brooke's Collec- tion, 1869. 22f 32$ 5 ISI India Martyn Kennard. 22| 3oj 5! i Do. Mrs. Stirling, British Mu- seum. *22f 32f Si ... Do. Hon. Walter Rothschild. 22J ... Si i8i Do. Lieut. F. E. S. Adair. 22f 331 5 23* Do. Martyn Kennard. 221 ... 4f 13 Do. Capt. Henry Streatfield. 22J 3i 5 i8f Do. Lord Ashburton. 22 30 5 I4f Do. W. E. Rowley. 22 29 41 i6i Do. Martyn Kennard. 22 29 41 i8i Do. Sir Robt. Harvey, Bart. 2I 3*1 41 i4i Do. F. J. Horniman. 2I| 3'i 4i i8f Do. Major Cumberland. 21* 28| M 171 Do. Martyn Kennard. 2I 271 4f i8i Do. Do. 2li 28| 4i 16 Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 2IJ 30 41 ii Do. H.R.H. Duke of Edin- burgh. 2IJ 33i 4i i6| Do. Martyn Kennard. ... 28 4i 16 Do. Capt. G. Campbell. Albino. BLACKBUCK OR INDIAN ANTELOPE. 97 BLACKBUCK or INDIAN ANTELOPE (Antilope cervicapra) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. Straight. Round Curve. 21* 28| 5 i8J India Lord Ashburton. 2IJ s'i 4* 71 Do. The Hon. Charles Ellis. 21 251 4i 'Si Do. H. C. V. Hunter. 21 ... Si 18 Do. C. H. Seeley. 21 32 Si I2| Do. Hume Collection, British Museum. 20| 28J Si 14 Do. Maj. -Gen. Arthur Ellis, C.S.I., 1859. 201 3of 4i 14 Do. Do. 201 28 5i 21* Jullunder ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collec- tion, 1869. 201 28 4i 14 India H. C. V. Hunter. 201 28f 5 I 9 f Do. Martyn Kennard. 27 (owner's mea- Do. Capt. Townley Parker. surement) 20$ 28| 51 i8i Do. H.R.H. Duke of Edin- burgh. 20| 27 41 8| Do. British Museum. 20i 26| Si 13* Central India Do. 20i 29i 5 i6| India H. C. V. Hunter. 20 271 Si i6f Do. H. R. H. Le Due d'Orleans. 20 27 5 121 Do. Maj. -Gen. Arthur Ellis, C.S.I., 1859. 195 261 51 "1 Do. H. C. V. Hunter. I9i 261 5 i8| Do. Martyn Kennard. I9l 24 4i i5l Do. H.R.H. Duke of Edin- burgh. I9i 29! 54 16* Nepal British Museum. i9i ... 4l i9i India Noel Fenwick. i9i owner's mea- 5* H. Haran ... J. H. Mann. surements) I9i 25i 41 i4i India F. J. Horniman. I8i 27i 4l i6i Do. Sir Victor Brooke's Collec- tion. i*i 25! 41 i5i Do. J. Carr-Saunders. GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. BLACKBUCK or INDIAN ANTELOPE (Antilope cervicapra) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. Straight. Round Curve. i8| 25 4i I2| Madras Sir Walter Elliot, Bart., British Museum. i8| 25 51 Hi India H. R. H. Le Due d'Orleans. i8* 28 si I2J Do. H.R.H. Duke of Edin- burgh. 1 8i 26| 5i I0| Do. Hume Collection, British Museum. i8* 26 5 13* Do. East India Club. i8| 252 Si iSi Aligur St. George Littledale, 1877. 18 (killed by a 41 (owner's mea- Serooni nuggai J. H. Mann. Cheetah) surement) i7l 24i 5 7i Meerut R. Lydekker, British Mu- seum. i7i 27 41 loj India Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. '71 24* 4i isi Aligur St. George Littledale, 1877. I7J 23i 4i 121 Burmah British Museum. 171 221 5 9i India Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 17 2I| Si 17 Aligur St. George Littledale, 1877. 16 ... 5 (owner's mea- H. Haran ... J. H. Mann. surement) ^:x ~- II cC ITi o 3: & IMP ALA ANTELOPE. 99 IMPALA ANTELOPE (.EJpyceros melampus). Bechuana name " Pallah." Habitat South, East, and West Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest outside. Habitat. Owner. Straight. Round Bend. Mi ... 6 16 17 East Africa... Rowland Ward's Collection. 21* 25 51 171 ... Do. F. J. Jackson. 21 25i 51 18 ... Do. Do. 21 27i 51 Hi ... South Africa W. Burchell, British Museum. 2Qi 5? 15 18 East Africa ... W. Astor Chanler. 201 SI "1 ... Do. H. C. V. Hunter. 20i 25i 5 I2| Do. F. J. Jackson. 20| 3i 6 I4i Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 20 20 20 ... 51 Hi 16 18 18 Chobe River East Africa . . . Africa F. C. Selous, 1879, "A Hun- ter's Wanderings. " Sir J. Willoughby, ' ' East Africa and its Big Game." R. P. Carrol. 192 245 51 l ... Do. Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. i9i 24 5 I2i ... South Africa F. C. Selous. I9i 23i 51 ioi ... Do. The late J. S. Jameson. i9i 24i 6 151 ... East Africa ... Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. I9l 231 51 I3l ... Do. H. C. V. Hunter. I9* 1 24f 6 9i ... Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 19* 251 6 7 ... Do. H. C. V. Hunter. 19* 23f 6 IOJ '... South Africa A. Beit. G 2 ioo GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. IMPALA ANTELOPE (^Ipyceros melampus) continued. Length. - Circum- ference. Tip to Tip Widest outside. Habitat. Owner. Straight. Round Bend. I9l 19 19 24i 24* 24$ 5i 6 51 I2| "I 8J ' South Africa British Museum. J. Carr-Saunders. H. C. V. Hunter. ... East Africa... 19 ... 5 121 16 South Africa Gen. Mathews. 19 23* 5 14* ... East Africa... Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 19 ... 6 21 20 South Africa Rowland Ward's Collection. 18} 24 5* 14 Limpopo River W. C. Oswell. i8| i8f 23* 2 3 6 6J 121 "I ... Kaoko Land, West Africa. East Africa... Capt. F. Cookson. H. C. V. Hunter. i8| 241 51 IOJ Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. i8f 23 51 i3l ... Do. Do. ... 231 51 91 ... Do. Hon. Walter Rothschild. i8| 23i 51 Hi ... South Africa The late J. S. Jameson. i8| 221 51 I3i ... East Africa ... H. C. V. Hunter. i8| 25* Si IOJ ... South Africa F. C. Selous. 18 221 51 lOf ... East Africa... Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 18 21} 51 I2f ... South Africa A. Beit. 171 221 51 6J East Africa... Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. i7l 22| 5* *3i ... South Africa British Museum. 171 i7i i7i 2lf 21} 201 6 5i Si 10* I2f i Do. F. C. Selous. E. Lort-Phillips. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. ... East Africa... I7i 23i 51 71 Hi Africa Hon. A. O. Murray. i7 ... 51 8f H South Africa A. W. Davis. i6| I9f 51 IQl Do. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. i6| I9i 4l 71 Do. G. H. Banks. i6i 19! Si "I ... Do. F. C. Selous. i5l 2l| 5i 6 ... Do. W. Burchell, British Museum. SAIGA. 101 SAIGA (Saiga tartarica). Habitat Eastern Europe and Western Asia. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. i4i 5i 3* ... Hon. Walter Rothschild. i3f 5 ... Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. I3i 41 3i Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. i3l 5 5i Sarepta, South British Museum. Russia. I3i 51 41 Hon. Walter Rothschild. 125 51 (single Russia ... British Museum. horn) 12! 41 51 Sarepta, South Do. Russia. i 41 (single Russia ... Do. horn) I2f 41 4i Do. III 4l 41 Rowland Ward's Collection. III 4l 5 British Museum. II 4 4i Siberia ... Do. 102 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. THIBET ANTELOPE (CHIRU) (Pantholops hodgsoni). Habitat Western Thibet and Turkestan. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 272 52 13* India A. O. Hume, Private Colleclion. 271 51 II| Do Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 27* 5J '5i Do A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 26f 52 3f Do Hon. Charles Ellis. 25* 5* I2| Do Capt. G. Campbell. 251 51 12* Do Hume Collection, British Museum. 25i 51 I2| Do Do. 242 5i 132 Do Do. 24i 5i 10 Do Do. 24f 51 "I Do Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 24! 51 14* Do. ... ... ; Hume Collection, British Museum. 241 51 ii| Do Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 24g 51 5i Do Hume Collection, British Museum. THIBET ANTELOPE (CHIRU). 103 THIBET ANTELOPE (CHIRU) (Pantholops hodgsoni) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 24i 51 16} India British Museum. 24i Si ii Do Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 24i Si i3f Do British Museum. 24 si I2i Do Hume Collection, British Museum. 24 si HI Do B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 23f 5i 14* Do. ... ... i British Museum. 231 Si "1 Do H. C. V. Hunter. 23i 5 I4l Do Reginald Beech. 231 Si I0| Do H. C. V. Hunter. 231 Si 91 Do Do. 23* 51 I4i Do Hon. Walter Rothschild. 23i Si Hi Do Rowland Ward's Collection. 2 3 i Si I0| Do J. Carr-Saunders. 23i Si 9i Do. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 221 5t i3i Ladak (15,000 ft.) R. Lydekker, British Museum. 22f Si "I H. C. V. Hunter. 22| Si Si Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 221 5 12 India F. Morrice. 22 si 1C* Do H. C. V. Hunter. 22f Si "1 Do Hon. Charles Ellis. 22 Si "I Do H. C. V. Hunter. 2lf sf I2i Do Hume Collection, British Museum. 20f 5 "1 Do H. C. V. Hunter. 20i 5 9* Do Capt M. Murphy. 20f Si ioi Do. ... ... Hume Collection, British Museum. 1 I 9 f 51 III Do H. C. V. Hunter. 19 Si 9f Do Do. io 4 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. GRANT'S GAZELLE (Gazella granti). [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, Bart., P.Z.S. 1878, p. 723.] GENERAL colour, very rich fawn tinged with purple, the neck and back in certain lights mottled like watered silk ; this pattern is gained by indefinitely bounded bands of darker hair. Central facial band darker than the neck and body and strongly tinged with rufous on the forehead ; a large black patch above the nostrils ; large facial streaks very definite, white ; dark facial streak black, extending from the base of the horn to the eye, which it almost encircles, and from the eye to above the corners of the mouth ; posterior to the eye is a small white patch ; external surface of the ear-conchs streaked with dark brown ; dark lateral and pygal bands distinctly marked, the former grizzled, the latter very broad and jet-black; lower two thirds of the tail black, the upper third white ; the tip of the tail is tufted ; for the remainder of its length, it is fur- nished with coarse hairs which project at right angles to its axis; chin, lower surface of the head, breast, belly, inside of limbs, and GRANT'S GAZELLE. 105 rump white; the white of the rump extending forwards in an angle into the darker colour of the body ; knee-brushes of moderate length, grizzled ; horns of great length in both sexes, much com- pressed from side to side, marked by strong annulations which completely surround the horn for the proximal half of its length, but become obsolete on the posterior surface of its distal or upper half. The horns diverge at first gradually, then more boldly, their tips converging and giving to the set of the horns a remarkably perfect lyrate form. Comparison with allied Species. Gazella granti belongs, as pointed out in my former description, to the group of long-limbed large Gazelles which are distinguished by the white of the rump projecting in an angle into the fawn- colour of the back and sides (vide P.Z.S. 1873, p. 537, B.). The allied species are G. soemmerringi, mohr, and dama. From all these it differs in the very much greater size, and in the form of the horns. It is also peculiar in the presence of the dark lateral band, which is wanting in the three above-named species, and in the remarkably definite black pygal band, which is only shown in very young specimens of G. soemmerringi, is absent entirely in G. dama, and only indefinitely shown in G. mohr. In the watered- silk mottling of the neck and back Gazella granti differs from all other known Gazelles. Habitat East Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 30 28i 6f 10 IS* East Africa Do. Sir John Willoughby, Bart, "East Africa and its Big Game." F. J. Jackson. 271 6f i8| Do. H. C. V. Hunter. 271 6| 2I| Do; F. J. Jackson. 27i 6 i8| Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. io6 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. GRANT'S GAZELLE (Gazella grant!) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 27 ... 16 East Africa ... Sir John Willoughby, Bart. 26| 6f I2j Do. H. C. V. Hunter. 261 7* '3i Do. F. J. Jackson. 26| 6 i7f Do. H. C. V. Hunter. 261 6 i6| Do. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 26 6| iSi Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 25* 61 J 5f Do. Do. 25^ 6| ii Do. F. J. Jackson. 25^ 7 Hi ... Rowland Ward's Collection. 25 6J 14 East Africa ... T. W. H. Greenfield. 24i 6f Hi Do. ... H. C. V. Hunter. 24 6 14 Do. Sir John Willoughby, Bart. 24 6i 9i Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. 23 7 I2| Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 23f 6i I3J Do. H. C. V. Hunter. 23f 6| ii* Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 23^ 7i nf Do. Do. 23 7i 9 Do. E. Gedge. 23 6| I0 Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 22^ 6j* 12^ Do. Hon. Walter Rothschild. 22f 6 i6i Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 221 6| III Do. Do. 221 6| 9l Do. F. J. Jackson. 221 6i 95 Do. H. C. V. Hunter. 221 6| 51 Mount Land F. J. Jackson, British Museum. 22 7 9 East Africa E. Gedge. 22 6i I4i Do. W. Astor Chanler. GRANT'S GAZELLE. 107 GRANT'S GAZELLE (Gazella grant!) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. ! 6* 15 East Africa ... R. P. Carrol. 21 51 7 Do. '... F. J. Jackson. 20f 6| 95 Do. J. Carr-Saunders. 20i 51 8i Do. British Museum. 191 51 6f Do. F. J. Jackson. i8f 6} 8* River Juba, Somali Land. Do. Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. Do. 171 6i 51 Do. Do. ?i7i si 9 East Africa H. C. V. Hunter. 17 4 6 II* 6| South Somali Land East Africa Sir John Willoughby, Bart., "East Africa and its Big Game." Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B., British Museum. E. Gedge. $121 3i 31 71 51 South Somali Land River Juba, Somali Land. Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B., British Museum. Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. io8 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD, SCEMMERRING'S GAZELLE (Gazella soemmerringi). (Somali name " Awal.") [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, Bart, P.Z.S., 1873, p. 549.] HAIR smooth and short. Facial band blackish, slightly rufous between the horns ; light facial streak white, well marked ; dark facial streak blackish, very definite, running through the eye and leaving its upper end as a black spot isolated above it. A spot below the eye, chin, throat, and a spot in front of the neck white ; lateral bands wanting ; breast, belly, tail, and rump white, the white of the latter encroaching into the sandy fawn-colour of the rest of the body and the haunches. Knee-brushes well developed. Ears long, bordered externally with black. Horns in the male lyrate, massive, and strongly annulated, well developed but less massive in the female. Height about 30 in. Habitat Abyssinian coast of the Red Sea, Danakil and Somali countries, Berber, and East Senaar (Henglin). Length, Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 19* 5* 51 Somali Land ... T. W. H. Clarke. 19* 5* 6J Do. Do. 19 51 3 Do. Gen. Trewell. 19 5 4 Do. Col. A. Paget. $i8i 5i 6 Do. T. W. H. Clarke. 1 8* 51 4* Do. W. D. James. 18 Si 7 Do. Marquis of Ailsa. 18 5 3i Do. T. W. H. Clarke. S(EMMERRING'S GAZELLE. 109 SCEMMERRING'S GAZELLE (Gazella soemmerringi) continued. w v Length. ' Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 1 71 51 3i Somali Land ... W. D. James. i7l 51 51 Do. A. H. Straker. 17 5 4? Do. Capt. Bartelot. 1 71 54 2* Do. C. Liddell. 171 5 41 Do. C. Liddell. 17 Si 31 Do. Hon. Walter Rothschild. I6| 51 6J Abyssinia British Museum. 16* 51 7 Somali Land ... Capt. H. G. C. Swayne. 16* Si 31 Do. T. W. H. Clarke. i6| 5 if Do. E. Lort- Phillips. 16 31 31 Do. E. P. Hare. 16 5 41 Do. E. Lort-Phillips. $16 3i 6 Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. 15* iSf 5i 5J 4 (owner's measurement) 7i Do. Do. J. D. Inverarity. J. Carr-Saunders. 15* 51 5 Soudan Col. Ralph Vivian. iSf 5i 31 Somali Land ... Lord Delamere. 5'Sf 31 51 Do. W. D. James. Hi 5^ 4i B. Cotton. i4i 5J 5i Capt. W. H. Besant. I4J 5 6i Do. Hi 5 4 Soudan Col. Ralph Vivian. Hi 5J 51 Somali Land ... Lord Delamere. $i4i 2| IOJ Do. C. H. Viliiers. I4i H 51 31 ii 6J Bogos Country, Abyssinia. Somali British Museum, Lord Delamere, 14 5 5i Soudan Col. A. Paget. no GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. SCEMMERRING'S GAZELLE (Gazella soemmerringi) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. I3l 5i 6 ... W. D. James. 13? 5i 51 Capt. W. H. Besant. I3l i3i Si 51 4 s . North-East Africa. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. Hon. Walter Rothschild. '31 5J 6J Capt. W. H. Besant. J 3 5* 5 Do. l2f 3 8i Soudan Col. Ralph Vivian. $I2j 31 7J Do. Do. I2| 5i 4f Rowland Ward's Collection. $12 31 5J Abyssinia Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 12 4J 3 Capt. J. J. Palmer. "J 4i 4 J. Carr-Saunders. $ 8i 3i 51 Hon. Walter Rothschild. MOHR. in MOHR (Gazella mohr). [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, Bart., P.Z.S. 1873, p. 548.] HAIR close-set and smooth ; central facial band grizzled rufous above, fading away below into the dirty white of the lower parts of the face and cheeks ; dark facial streak thin, but definite, black ; spot on the throat, breast, belly, anterior of hind legs and posterior of fore legs, rump, and tail (with the exception of the black tip) white ; the white of the rump projects forwards into the deep rufous fawn-colour of the neck, back, sides, and haunches ; this colour, which is darkest on the neck, runs down the front of the fore and outside of the hind extre- mities ; lateral bands wanting ; pygal band blackish rufous, very thin and short ; ears moderate ; horns in both sexes ; in the male very massive and rather short, strongly annulated, the points pro- jecting suddenly and boldly forwards; knee-brushes long; height about 34 in. The Mohr or Mhore, is 4 ft. 2 in. long from the nose to the origin of the tail, 2 ft. 6 in. high at the shoulder, and 2 ft. 8 in. at the croup ; the length of the head from the nose to the root of the horn is 7 in. ; that of the horn 9^ in. on the curve, and 7^- in. in a straight line ; and that of the tail 7 in. without the terminal tuft. Habitat Senegal. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. $12 3i Si Abyssinia Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 7 4i 2j Do. Dr. Ruppell, British Museum. 112 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. SOMALI LOWLAND GAZELLE (Gazella spekei). (Somali name " Dhero.") Habitat Somali, North- East Africa. This gazelle has also been named Gazella nasu. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. Hj 4f 2f Somali Land ... T. W. H. Clarke. II* 4i 4i Do. Do. ni 4 Si Do. C. Liddell. ji 31 4i Do. Capt. H. G. C. Swayne. I0| 31 2$ Do. T. W. H. Clarke. lof 4i 4 Do. Do. lOf 3i 31 Do. E. Lort-Phillips. SOMALI LOWLAND GAZELLE. 113 SOMALI LOWLAND GAZELLE (Gazella spekei ) continued. Length. jk Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. lOf 4* 41 Somali Land ... Col. A. Paget. ioi 3 4J Do. A. H. Straker. TOf 3f 3i Do. E. Lort Phillips. IOJ 4 3i Do. T. W. H. Clarke. ioi 31 4i Do. Hon. Walter Rothschild. ID* si 3i Do. W. D. James. 10 4 4i Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. 10 5 9i. 4 2| (owner's measurement) 3i Do. Do. J. D. Inverarity. T. W. H. Clarke. $ 9 2| (owner's measurement) Do. J. D. Inverarity. SOMALI PLATEAU GAZELLE (Gazella pelzelni). THIS is common round Berbera, but is replaced by Gazella spekei when the Somali plateau is reached. It has often been mistaken for Gazella spekei, but can readily be distinguished from that species by its straighter horns and the absence of the loose skin on the nose. Habitat North-East Africa, Somali. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. I2J 4J Si Somali Land Lord Delamere. II* 3^ Si Do. T. W. H. Clarke. $ 7f if 2f Do. Do. si ij 31 Do. C. H. Villiers. GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. ARABIAN GAZELLE (Gazella arabica). [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, B?rt., P.Z.S. 1873, p. 544.] HAIR very short and smooth ; central facial band rich bay above, darker below, forming a nose-spot ; light facial streak very strongly marked, running from the base of the horn over the eye, stopping just below the nose-spot ; dark facial streak distinct, blackish ; breast and belly white ; dark lateral and pygal bands grizzly brown ; light lateral band grizzly fawn ; upper parts of the sides and back rich grizzled bay in adult specimens, the younger animals being greyer ; knee-brushes well developed, blackish ; tail black ; horns massive, the annulations wide apart, diverging gradually from two-thirds their length, the upper third diverging more decidedly, and leaning a little forwards ; ears moderate ; size about equal to that of Gazella dorcas. Habitat South Arabia. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 8J 4 2 Mosha, South W. T. Blandford, British Museum. Arabia. 41 3J 31 ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. DORCAS GAZELLE (Gazella Dorcas). [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, Bart., P.Z.S. 1873, p. 538.] HAIR rather long and coarse ; central facial band rufous above, inclining to fawn-colour towards the nostrils ; a dark nose-spot sometimes present, not depending on age or sex; light facial streak distinct, encircling the eye ; dark facial streak definite, brownish rufous ; upper and under lip, breast, and belly white ; dark lateral and pygal bands very definite, rufous brown ; light lateral band distin- guishable from the rich fawn-colour of the upper parts of the back by DORCAS GAZELLE. its more silvery hue ; knee-brushes well developed, in colour variable ; tail black, long, and tapering ; horns long and annulated, rather slender>-~with their points bent inwards and forwards; ears about 5^ in. ; height at shoulder barely 24 in. Habitat Syria, North Arabia, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, and Senegal. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. i3i 3i (touch) Algeria ... Rowland Ward's Collection. "3i 4i 2| Do Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. i3i 3i 2 Do Do. I2i 31 4i Do Rowland Ward's Collection. I2| 3! 2f Do Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. I2| 1% British Museum. I2| OS 4 2i Algeria ... Rowland Ward's Collection. i 3f 4i ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. III 31 31 E. N. Buxton. II 31 3i British Museum. I0| 4 2| Shores of Red Sea Do. I0| 31 2| Nubia ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 91 4 4J E. Lort-Phillips. 91 3J 31 British Museum. 83 4 4J E. Lort-Phillips. 8i 31 3i ... British Museum. 8* 31 2| Capt. J. J. Palmer. 8 3i 4i Shores of Red Sea British Museum. 56f 2J 2j Capt. J. J. Palmer. II 2 n6 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. ISABELLA GAZELLE (Gazella Isabella). [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, Bart, P.Z.S. 1873, p. 539.] HAIR very short and soft ; central facial band sandy-rufous ; nose- spot absent ; light facial streak present but indefinite, running into the dark facial streak, which is in some specimens but faintly marked ; dark lateral band almost obsolete ; light lateral band of a delicate pale fawn-colour, distinctly visible against the isabelline sandy fawn-colour of the back and haunches ; tail variable, but generally rufous for a large part of its length, the tip blackish ; horns short, massive, and strongly ringed, the tips bent suddenly forwards and inwards ; ears very long ; height less than that of the last species (barely 24 in. at shoulder). Habitat Kordofan, Senaar. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. ioi ioj 31 31 2? 4 Anseba River, Abyssinia. Komayli, Abyssinia Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. W. T. Blandford, British Museum. 9l 3l 2f Bogos Land Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. $ 7 2 3 Do. $ 7 ll 2 Kordofan British Museum. $ 65 2| 2| Do Do. GAZELLA DAMA. [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, Bart., P.Z.S. 1873, p. 547.] HAIR short and smooth ; facial and lateral markings wanting ; neck, and upper part of the neck, sandy-red ; face, spot on the throat, and the rest of the body and limbs white ; knee-brushes well developed ; ears moderate ; horns lyrate, strongly annulated, well developed in both sexes. Habitat Desert of Korti (Rupp.), Southern Nubia, and Kordofan (Heugl.). GAZELLA DAM A. 117 GAZELLA DAM A continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. ! 6 4f 3f Wednoon, Moga- dor. Senegal ... W. Willshire, British Museum. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. GAZELLA RUPIFRONS. [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, Bart., P.Z.S. 1873, p. 540.] CENTRAL facial streak uniform sandy-yellow ; light facial streak indefinite ; dark facial hardly distinguishable from the colour of the cheeks, which are sandy-yellow ; dark lateral band distinctly marked, brown ; light lateral band plainly shown between the dark streak and the yellowish fawn-colour of the back and haunches ; pygal-band indistinct ; no knee-brushes ; height, a little over 2 feet. Habitat Senegal. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 6J 2 2 Bogos Country, Abyssinia. British Museum. ADDRA GAZELLE (Gazella ruficollis). IT is about 5 ft. 4 in. long, and 3 ft. at shoulders ; the head is 8 in. long, and tail about 9 in. Habitat North Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 12* 4 5f Senaar British Museum. Hi 51 1 Kordofan Do. n8 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. PERSIAN and YARKUND GAZELLE (Gazella subgutturosa). [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, Bart., P.Z.S. 1873, p. 545.] HAIR in winter rough and coarse ; in summer, much softer and smoother. During both seasons the dirty-white of the face and cheeks is only relieved by the dark facial streak, which is short and narrow, but defined by a sprinkling of rufous hairs ; the lateral and pygal bands are very faintly indicated, the dark bands being more rufous, the light band rather paler than the grey fawn-colour of the upper parts of the body ; breast and belly white ; tail and ears moderate in length, the former blackish-rufous ; horns absent in the female ; in the male long, annulated, and lyrate, the points projecting inwards ; height, about 26 in. Habitat High plateau of Persia, Northern Beloochistan, Afghanistan. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. I3f I3l 4 4f 6 5i Saissan, West Siberia. Dr. O. Finsch, British Museum. Hume Collection, British Museum. 13 4 5 Do. I2| 4i 4f Do. I2f 4i Si Do. Ilf 5 SJ Do. I0| 4i 65 Hon. Walter Rothschild. iof 4 3i Hume Collection, British Museum. 6* 35 2 Do. 51 31 f Do. GUTTUROSA ANTELOPE. 119 GUTTUROSA ANTELOPE (Gazella gutturosa). [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, Bart., P.Z.S. 1873, p. 546.] HAIR in winter long and coarse ; anterior part of the face slightly darker than the pale grizzled fawn-colour of the sides of the face, neck, back, sides, and haunches ; facial and lateral markings wanting ; belly and anal disc, which surrounds the very short tail (the root of which is white, the tip fawn-colour), dirty white. In summer all the parts which are grizzled fawn in winter are of an " intense isabel yellow " (vid. Radde) ; ears very short ; horns short, weakly annulated, the curves as in the last species (G. Sub- gutturosa), but much less boldly shown ; height about 30 in. Skull : anteorbital fossa very shallow ; nasals converge to a point and are rather elongated. Habitat Mongolia. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. i3i 41 6i Mongolia Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. I2| 4l 31 Altai St. George Littledale. I2J 4l 4l Do. "1 4i 3 Chinese Mongolia Reginald Beech. ioi 41 2f Russia British Museum. 9f 4i 41 Pekin R. Swinhoe, British Museum. 71 3i i Do Do. 120 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. THIBETAN RAVINE DEER (Gazella picticaudata). Female without Horns. Habitat Western Thibet and Mongolia. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 13* 31 Si ... Hume Collection, British Museum. 13* 4 31 Thibet H. C. V. Hunter. 13 31 3* Do. 123 35 4i A. O. Hume, Private Collection. I2i 31 41 B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. I2| 3? 2i Hume Collection, British Museum. I2| 3 2* ... Do. iaj 3l 41 Thibet H. C. V. Hunter. I2j 3f 3J Do Do. THIBETAN RAVINE DEER. 121 THIBETAN RAVINE DEER (Gazella picticaudata) continued. ^N Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 12 31 6f A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 12 31 21 Thibet H. C. V. Hunter. "I 3f 4i Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. HI 31 51 Thibet ... B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. l 3i 4* Hon. Walter Rothschild. i 34 4i Rowland Ward's Collection. ui 3* 41 Thibet B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. II 31 31 Ladak R. Lydekker, British Museum. 91 3i 31 Thibet ... H. C. V. Hunter. 8 31 3J Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 122 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. SPRINGBUCK (Gazella euchore). [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, Bart, P.Z.S. 1873, p. 550.] HAIR rather long but smooth ; the central facial band has the upper part distinctly marked, but ends in a point between the eyes, rufous ; the light facial streaks meet below the eyes, white ; dark facial streak thin from above, downwards, but very definite, deep rufous ; cheeks, line in front of the neck, breast, belly, inside of limbs, dorsal mane, starting from the anterior lumbar region, and tail (with the exception of the long black terminal hairs) white ; dark lateral and pygal bands deep rufous, the former very broad and well defined ; light lateral band very faintly shown, being of a less rufous tint than the fawn-colour of the shoulders, upper parts of the back, and haunches; ears long; horns in both sexes, but very small in the female ; in the male they are truly lyrate, strongly annulated, and massive, of moderate length ; knee-brushes absent ; height at shoulder about 30 in. Skull : nasal bones rather elongated and pointed ; dentition, i. g, c. ^, p. f , m. f ; the first premolar in the upper jaw is almost rudi- mentary, its opposing tooth in the lower jaw is wanting ; in the milk- dentition, however, the first of the three lower molars is represented by an exceedingly small cylindrical tooth. Habitat South and West Africa. This species does not appear to occur in the Zulu country. Length on curve. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Habitat. Owner. 'Si 15* I^i 6J 6* 5i 33 5? 10? 9. (outside) West Africa National Liberal Club. Capt. F. Cookson. W. C. Oswell. 15 51 2 7i J. A. Nicoll. SPRINGBUCK. SPRINGBUCK (Gazella euchore) continued. 123 Length on curve. N>r*^ Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Habitat. Owner. i4i i4l 7 6J 2| 5 8 (outside) 71 South Africa Do. A. W. Davis. C. Ansell. 14 6* 21 ... Do. The late J. S. Jameson. 14 51 41 7 British Museum. 14 Si 5i 8 J. A. Nicoll. '3i 6 51 73 South Africa F. C. Selous. '3f n 51 el 3i 7i 6 British Museum. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. J8 I3l .72 51 / 8 H 5i ... J. Carr-Saunders. 13* 55 41 6| South Africa F. C. Selous. i3i 131 51 5} 51 c 73 British Museum. Sk Edmund G. Locler, Bart. *J4 13 13 I2| J4 6| 51 51 J 4i 5 5i 9i (outside) 7i South Africa Do. C. Ansell. A. Beit. W. C. Oswell. * A- g I2| 3 8 5i J2 31 6i ... Rowland Ward's Collection. I2| 5* 31 6 South Africa F. C. Selous. I2J III 5i ' cf 51 6* 7i British Museum. Hon. Walter Rothschild. 8 "I J4: 51 2 4 ... South Africa British Museum. "1 51 4 61 ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. St 3 6? ... South Africa The late J. S. Jameson. ?iof 31 5? 6J Do. F. C. Selous. ioj 10 31 4l 2 4| ... West Africa Capt. F. Cookson. British Museum. $ 8f 2* "8 4 4i Natal Do. $ 8 3i aj 31 South Africa A. Beit. 124 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. INDIAN GAZELLE or RAVINE DEER (Gazella bennetti). Habitat India (Southern Beloochistan) and Southern Persia. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 144 is! (owner's me 4 asurements) 7 Raj ah Waller ... Capt. H. V. Brooke, late Q2nd High- landers. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. I2| 41 7* H. C. V. Hunter. I2J 4* 64 Do. I2f 4 5* Simrol, Bengal ... Col. John Evans, British Museum. f 4 54 British Museum. f 4 4i Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. Hi 41 54 Lieut. F. E. Shafto-Adair. Ilj 41 6i British Museum. nj 41 5i Hume Collection, British Museum. ii 4i 6 Do. INDIAN GAZELLE OR RAVINE DEER. 125 INDIAN GAZELLE or RAVINE DEER (Gazella bennetti)- continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. II 4J Si ... Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. II 3i 6 C. H. Seely. id 41 6 Hume Collection, British Museum. ioi 4 5* Maharajah Dhuleep Singh. ioi 31 7i Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. I0f 31 4f F. J. Horniman. I0| 31 5J Hume Collection, British Museum. IO 4i 5* Damoor, near Delhi J. Hugh Mann. IO 4 4i Marquis of Ailsa. 95 4 5 Simrol, Bengal ... Col. John Evans, British Museum. 9f 31 Si Sind R. Lydekker, British Museum. 91 35 4 J. Carr-Saunders. 9J 4i Si Hon. Walter Rothschild. 91 4 4 Hume Collection, British Museum. 9 3i 35 ... Do. S 71 If 2| ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. $ 45 ii Deccan ... Col. Sykes, British Museum. 126 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. ATLAS GAZELLE (Gazella cuvieri). [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, Bart, P.Z.S. 1873, p. 542.] HAIR long and rather coarse; central facial band grizzled rufous brown above, darker below, sometimes forming a distinct nose-spot ; light facial streak present, but indefinite ; dark facial streak blackish brown, running into and blending with the grizzled rufous brown of the upper parts of the body ; knee-brushes long, blackish ; tail black ; horns strongly annulated, massive and long, diverging gradually from about two-thirds their length, the upper third leaning more decidedly outwards and a little forward ; iTars very long. Adult male : height, 27^ in. ; length of horns, 12 in. ; length of ears, 7^ in. The above description must be taken as applying to an average specimen, very great variety being exhibited by this large and well- marked species ; in fact, out of a large series, including living speci- mens, I have never seen two for which the same description would suffice. The species, however, is easily known from all the other small gazelles by its larger size, rough coat, dark colour, and unusually long ears. As I have said above, I think the larger gazelle seen by Tristram in Algeria was probably of this species. A skull in my possession is very nearly as large as that of Gazella sQemmerringii. Habitat Morocco and Algeria. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. .41 31 Algeria Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. $ 133 3l2f 3i 4f 7J 3f Ben-a-Chouf, North Africa. Do. E. N. Buxton, 1890. Do. I2| 3i 5i Algeria Rowland Ward's Collection. BLACK-TAILED GAZELLE (Gazella tilomira). [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, Bart, P.Z.S. 1873, P- 54 2 > Antilope melanura (HENGL., ANT, und BUFF), p. 6 ; 1869, Antilope tilonura (HENGL., REIS, WEISS, NIL.), p. 315.] CENTRAL facial band rufous fawn ; light facial streak indistinct, encircling the eye; dark facial streak very indistinct, almost indis- BLACK-TAILED GAZELLE. 127 tinguishable ; neck, back, uppersides, flanks, haunches, shoulders, root of the tail, anterior of fore legs, knee-brushes, and outer sides of the hind legs sandy fawn-colour ; dark lateral band distinct, blackish, very narrow ffbm above downwards ; light lateral very indefinite ; breast and belly white ; horns lyrate and strongly annulated. Height, 29 in. ; length of ears, 5^ in. ; length of tail, 8 in. ; length of horns, u in. Habitat Bushy plains of the Anseba, Bogosland (Hengl.), South Senaar (Casanova). Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. lOf 3i 4J ... E. Lort-Phillips. lOf 4 2j Bogos Country, British Museum. Abyssinia. ioi 4i 3l Do. Do. 10} 4 25 North Africa Col. Ralph Vivian. 95 4f il Bogos Country, Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. Abyssinia. 9l ... ii Anseba River, Do. Abyssinia. 9f 3f 3i North Africa Col. Ralph Vivian. 9i 4i if Do. Do. 8} 31 2j Lieut. E. Lacy. 71 33 If Bogos Country, j British Museum. Abyssinia. . 25J if If Abyssinia Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. CORINNE (Gazella corinna). Habitat West Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. $ 6} 2| 2| West Africa British Museum. 128 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD, Shot in Somali Land by T. W. H. Clarke, 1891. CLARKE'S GAZELLE (Ammo dor cas clarkei). [OLDFIELD THOMAS, P.Z.S. 1891, p. 206.] THIS most remarkable animal combines the horns of a Reed-buck (Cervicapra), with the essential characters of a Gazelle, showing a When I received Mr. Clarke's specimens and examined this particular Gazelle, it was at once apparent to me that it was a new variety a fact that I had the pleasure to convey to Mr. Clarke. R. W. CLARKE'S GAZELLE. 129 special relationship to that most aberrant Gazelle the Gerenook (Lithocranius walleri), and appears certainly to be worthy of generic distinction. On- the first arrival of the specimens, before the skulls were cleaned, and before Mr. Sclater had received from Mr. Swayne the face-skins mentioned below, the animal was naturally supposed to be a Reed-buck from the character of its horns, little likely as it appeared that a Reed-buck would occur in the dry sandy plateau of Somali Land. Now, however, that better material is available, I am able to draw up a fairly complete account of the more essential characters of this most beautiful Gazelle, of the discovery of which Mr. Clarke, both as a sportsman and naturalist, has so much reason to be proud. Muzzle, character of face-marking, and presence of anteorbital glands as in Gazella ; general form (as described by Mr. Clarke, see below) and skull more as in Lithocranius ; horns in curve and general appearance as in Cervicapra. Coloration of face, using Sir Victor Brooke's phraseology, as follows : Central facial band deep rich chestnut-rufous, becoming duller towards the bases of the horns ; light facial streaks pure white, very prominent and sharply defined, extending the whole length of the head from the bases of the ears to the corners of the nostrils, some- what duller and more indistinct at their extremities, but broadening in the middle to encircle the eyes ; dark facial streak present, but not strongly marked ; cheeks and sides of neck pale fawn ; throat white ; crown between and behind horns brown or grizzled fawn, the latter condition occurring in the older of Mr. Swayne's two head-skins ; a marked whorl of hairs situated between the ears ; back of ears short- haired, dark fawn basally, gradually darkening to black terminally; insides white-haired, but with black tips. Horns evenly curved upwards and forwards, the basal halves running backwards and the terminal halves nearly vertically upwards, the main curvature being therefore exactly in the opposite direction to that found in Gazella and Lithocranius. The horns themselves slender, their smooth unridged portion very long, the first indistinct ridge occurring about five inches from the tip. Ridges widely separate, strongly defined anteriorly, but becoming abruptly obsolete about half- way round, the sides and back showing scarcely a trace of them ; i 130 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. their number amounting to 10 in the oldest specimen available a number probably but seldom much exceeded. Skull diverging from that of Gazella and approaching that of Lithocranius by being unusually low, long in the occipital region with a comparatively straight cranio-facial angle with very small bullse with the postero-internal wall of the suborbital fossae imperfect, and with a remarkably small and slender lower jaw. On the other hand, it differs from the same skull by being peculiar to a less extent in all these points by the greater development of the premaxillae posteriorly, where they have a broad articulation with the nasals, by the larger nasals and smaller interparietal, and by the larger and more powerful teeth, which are absolutely larger in the smaller animal. In its skull characters, therefore, Ammodorcas stands just inter- mediate between Gazella and Lithocranius ; in its muzzle and in the characters of its markings it agrees fairly with both, but in general form with the latter only, that animal, like it, being peculiar for its extraordinarily long neck, and finally, in the curvature of its horns it differs absolutely from both, as also from any of the other Gazelline genera, while it agrees with a group so different from it in all essential respects that the resemblance must evidently be an accidental one and not indicative of any relationship. Presumably the whole of the horn of this species is homologous with the terminal three or four inches of the Gerenook's horns, that is to say, with the upwardly curved part the greater part of the horn having become obsolete while the upwardly curved tips have attained to a remark- able proportionate development. The following are the dimensions of the skull of specimen : Length, occiput to gnathion, 210 millim., tip of nasals to occiput 176, greatest breadth 95 ; height, crown to angle of lower jaw, 94 ; nasals, length 67, breadth 26 ; interparietal, length 24, breadth 39 ; height of orbital opening 35, gnathion to front of anterior premolar 63 ; length of molar series 53 ; lower jaw, condyle to front of symphysis 153 ; height from coronoid process to angle 70 ; height of ramus at centre of m. 15*4, at posterior end of symphysis 9. In a letter addressed by Mr. Clarke to Mr. Rowland Ward, the following notes on the appearance and habits of this species are CLARKE'S GAZELLE. 131 given : "The Somali name for these antelopes is ' Debo Tag.' I shot them in the new country I went into, and did not see them in any other part. They have a very thin long tail, and when they run, throw it up and over towards the neck. The neck is very long and thrown back towards the tail, so that the two look as if they would touch each other." Shortly after the arrival of Mr. Clarke's specimens, Mr. Sclater received from Mr. Swayne two scalps of this species which he had bought in Berbera, and these scalps Mr. Sclater has most kindly handed over to me for the purposes of the present paper. For- tunately, the muzzle of one of them has been preserved, so that I have been able to make out its strictly Gazelline character, and the description of the colours above given has also been taken from these specimens. It is much to be hoped that more specimens of this beautiful Gazelle will soon be obtained, and that we may thereby gain a full knowledge of its range, habits, and natural affinities. P.S. (May I4th). Mr. Clarke has favoured me with the following notes on this new Gazelle : " I saw this Gazelle for the first time on December I7th, 1890, about three hours from Bairwell, or about one day from Buroa Well, Habergerhagi's country, and afterwards on the road all the way into the Marchan district, 8 N. 47 E. I killed a male, and found one of the horns broken off close to the skull, which had apparently been done a year or so ago. " They are very graceful animals, with a long neck and well-propor- tioned head and horns ; the body is rather slender, but considerably larger than in Gazella spekii, about the size of a female G. walleri. The legs are long and slender; the hoofs are not so triangular as those of G. spekii, and small for the size of the animal." Mr. Clarke informs me that the female of Ammodorcas is without horns, a character which allies it still more closely with Lithocranius, and removes it from the typical Gazelles. The exact locality at which he obtained the specimens is about a day and a half from the Buroa Wells, Central Somali, about 100 miles south of Berbera. I 2 132 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. CLARKE'S GAZELLE (Ammodorcas Habitat Somali Land. continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. II| 41 3i Somali Land Col. A. Paget. Ilf 4i 31 Do. T. W. H. Clarke. IIJ 5 5 Do. ... Col. A. Paget. III 4i 4l Do. T. W. H. Clarke. loj 4 4i Do. Capt. Townley Parker. ioj 41 31 Do. Hon. Walter Rothschild. xoj 4i 4i Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. 9i 4i 5J Do. T. W. H. Clarke, British Museum. 9i 4i 41 Do. Capt. H. G. C. Swayne. 9* 41 31 Do. T. W. H. Clarke. 8 3i 2 Do. Marquis of Ailsa. 6J 3* 2j Do. E. Lort-Phillips. THOMSON'S GAZELLE. THOMSON'S GAZELLE (Gazella thomsoni). THIS Gazelle was discovered in East Africa by Mr. Joseph Thom- son, the celebrated explorer, and is rather rare. Habitat East Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 15* 41 3f Uganda, East Africa F. J. Jackson. i5l 4i 8* Do. E. Gedge. IS* 4l 4f Do. F. J. Jackson, British Museum. i4i 5 3i Do. E. Gedge. Hi 4i 31 East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 14* 41 51 Masai Land H. C. V. Hunter, British Museum. I4i 4 3f East Africa H. C. V. Hunter. 13* 41 41 Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. i3l 41 41 Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart i3l 4* 51 Do. Hon. Walter Rothschild. 13 4i 4 Do. W. Astor Chanler. 13 4* 3i Do. H. C. V. Hunter. 13 4i 2 Do. W. Astor Chanler. I2f 41 4i Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. I2| 41 3 Do. T. W. H. Greenfield. I2f 41 3* Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. WALLER'S GAZELLE (Lithocranius walleri). THIS Gazelle was described by the late Sir Victor Brooke from a specimen collected by the Revd. Mr. Waller in British East Africa. Somali name " Gerenook." Habitat Somali Land and East Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 151 51 4 Somali Land Capt. H. G. C. Swayne. i5l 51 4i Do. ' ... C. Liddell. Ml 5i 4l Do. Lord Delamere. Mi 5i 3 Do. Capt. H. G. C. Swayne. 14* 5 4 Do. Lord Delamere. Mi 51 4i Do. Do. H H 14 5i 5* 3f (owner's measurement) 3 4 East Africa Somali Land J. D. Inverarity. Sir John Willoughby, Bart, 1887, " East Africa and its Big Game." Lord Delamere. i3l 41 5J East Africa H. C. V. Hunter. i3l 41 21 Somali Land F. L. James, 1884. i3f 41 4i Do. E. Lort-Phillips. 13! 51 21 North Somali Land J. Menges, British Museum. I3l 51 31 Somali Land Hon. Walter Rothschild. i3f 5* 41 Do. Lord Delamere. WALLER'S GAZELLE. 135 WALLER'S GAZELLE (Lithocranius waller!) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 131 51 3i Somali Land ... A. H. Straker. i3i 5J 41 Do. T. W. H. Clarke. I3f 4i 4f Do. C. H. Villiers. 13* 51 6 C. Liddell. i3l Si 3^ Somali Land Hon. Walter Rothschild. 13* Si 3^ Do. T. W. H. Clarke. '3i 51 51 Do. A. H. Straker. i3i 13 41 51 2| 4 Juba Valley, So- mali Land. Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. E. Lort-Phillips. 13 Si 4i Somali Land Marquis of Ailsa. J 3 5* 3* Do. J. Carr-Saunders. 13 13 Si 4i 5 (owner's measurement) 4i Do. Do. J. D. Inverarity. J. Carr-Saunders. I2| 4i 4i Do. Lord Delamere. 1*1 Si 3i Do. Col. A. Paget. 121 51 3? Do. Lord Delamere. I2i Si 2| Do. T. W. H. Clarke. 12} Si 4* Do. Do. 12* i I2| 4l 4i 51 2j (owner's measurement) 4i 4i Kilima'njaro, East Africa. Zanzibar J. D. Inverarity. F. J. Jackson. Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. I2| Si Si Somali Land T. W. H. Clarke. I2| I2J 41 4l 31 5 Juba Valley, So- mali Land. Do. Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. Do. 12 5* Si Somali Land Gen. Trewell. II| Si 5f Do. C. H. Villiers. i 4f 4i East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. i 3 6 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. WALLER'S GAZELLE (Lithocranius waller!) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. "1 41 4i South Somali Land Dr. Kirk, British Museum. "1 41 2j East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. "I Hi 4l 51 3 4l Juba Valley, So- mali Land. Somali Land Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. Hi 4l 4i East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. I0| 5 -31 Somali Land F. L. James, 1884. I0| IOJ 4l 4i 3 4i South Somali Land East Africa Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B., British Museum. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. ioi 4i 4i Do. Do. 91 4i 3l South Somali Land Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B., British Museum. The Horns of the specimens from Somali Land are very much longer than those which I have received from British East Africa, as will be seen by reference to the above measurements. SABLE ANTELOPE, 137 SABLE ANTELOPE (Hippotragus niger) HEIGHT at shoulder 4 ft. 6 in., tail 25 in., ears 10 in., extreme length nearly 9 ft. Sena name " Para- Para." Bechuana name " Tahetse." Makalolo name " Qualata e Enchu." Habitat South and East Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 46 44-i ... ... South Africa F. and H. Barber, "Land and Water," January 2nd, 1892. F. V. Kirby, "Land and Water," T~T"2 44 Chobe River January 2nd, 1892. F. C. Selous, "A Hunter's Wander- 43i 91 15 South Africa ings. " The late J. S. Jameson. 43i 9i 8J Do. Do. 43 91 6i Mashuna Land ... F. C. Selous, British Museum. 43 ioj 13 Major Gould Adams. 43" I0 i6J Chobe River F. C. Selous, "A Hunter's Wander- ings. " F. C. Selous. 42| 91 I0| J. Carr-Saunders. 42| 91 ' i7l ... F. C. Selous. 42f 9i 9i South Africa Bethnal Green Museum. 138 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. SABLE ANTELOPE (Hippotragus niger) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 42f 9i Ill J. A. Jameson. 42i 9l I0 F. C. Selous. 4*1 9 i9i Do. 42 9i I2f J. Carr-Saunders. 4*1 9i 14 J. A. Jameson. 4if 91 12 South Africa A. Beit. 4i? ... 9 A. C. Fountaine. 4ij 9l ii F. C. Selous. 4U 10 I2f South Africa Hon. Walter Rothschild. 4i IOJ 7f A. Haggard. 4i 10 71 South Africa The late J. S. Jameson. 4i 4i 9 i3i i4f ... Dr. Knight Bruce, Bishop of Blooni- fontein. J. A. Jameson. 4o| 8| I2i South Africa The late J. S. Jameson. 40f 9f 123 F. C. Selous. 4f 9* 161 Do. 4oJ 4 91 9i "I Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. 39i y 4 9i 9i South Africa The late J. S. Jameson. $ 39J 6i 6| ... F. C. Selous. 39 10 ii ... Rowland Ward's Collection. 39 70 9l Ql 9t Dr. Knight Bruce, Bishop of Mashuna Land. H. S. Runcheman. O-/ 39 -72 9 io| ... ... ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 38i 91 I3i South Africa The late J. S. Jameson. 3Si 38 91 9i ii I2i River Umferli, South Africa. F. C. Selous, British Museum. B. J. Angle. SABLE ANTELOPE. SABLE ANTELOPE (Hippotragus niger) continued. 139 Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 37i 8f I2| ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 37 36 9\ 9 71 South Africa Capt. W. C. Harris, P.Z.S. 1838, p. 2. W. P. Rylands. 36| 9i i A. M. Sagar Musgrave. 36i 9 iif Caffraria British Museum. 36 I0l 9 Lord Elphinstone. 351 9 si South Africa W. P. Rylands. 351 9i 8f Do. Durban Museum. 2 34i 6| 8i Do. The late J. S. Jameson. $34 6f 8f ... F. C. Selous. $34 6| 8* South Africa W. P. Rylands. 2 331 6| i3f Do. A. Beit. 331 8J i 4 J Zanzibar Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. 2 32i 6i ioi South Africa W. P. Rylands. $34 7 I2f Algoa Bay British Museum. 2 30f 6 I2| ... F. C. Selous. 2 3oi 6| 12 Mashuna Land ... Do. British Museum. 2 29^ 65 '51. Do. 2 29*. 6| 8f South Africa H. and C. Beddington. 2 27i 6J 6i Caffraria British Museum. 227 6J I0| ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 2 26! 6J i3i ... A. Haggard. 2 25i 6| ioi South Africa F. J. Horniman. 2 24! 24i 6i 8| if 9^ Do. Do. R. Gordon-Gumming, British Mu- seum. H. and C. Beddington. 231 7i "i Do. Do. 2 23^ 6| 7i A. M. Sagar Musgrave. 140 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. ROAN ANTELOPE (Hippotragus leucophoeus). Habitat South Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 33 ... ... South Africa A. C. Fountaine. 3if 9 Si Do. Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 34 9* "I Do. F. C. Selous. 3o| 9* I0f Do. Do. $3<* 7 71 Do. Do. 30* 10 9i Do. Do. 291 10 H Do. The late J. S. Jameson. 29S 91 II* Do. Hon. Walter Rothschild. 29! 8| 125 Limpopo W. C. Oswell. 291 9i 10 South Africa Hon. Walter Rothschild. 291 91 f Do. F. C. Selous. 29i 9i 71 Do. H. and C. Beddington. 29 29 282 o 7i Mashona Land ... Impaqui River ... South Africa F. C. Selous, 1880, "A Hunter's Wanderings. " F. C. Selous, 1876, "A Hunter's Wanderings. " F. C. Selous. 285 I I2| Do. J. A. Jameson. ROAN ANTELOPE. 141 ROAN ANTELOPE (Hippotragus leucophoeus) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 28| 9i 91 Mashona Land ... F. C. Selous, British Museum. 281 9f 8 River Manyane ... Do. 28 9i 13* South Africa F. C. Selous. 271 8f Si' Do. Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart 27f 9i 9 Do. J. Carr-Saunders. 271 IOJ 3 Do. A. C. Fountaine. 27i 9 nj Do. G. H. Banks. 271 . 9f . 8i- Do. A. Beit. 27J 9i 9i Do. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 263 81 ioi River Gambia ... Dr. P. Rendell, British Museum. 26J ioi lOf South Africa The late J. S. Jameson. 261 9i 71 Do. F. C. Selous. 26 9 8 South Africa British Museum. 26 83 8J Do. Do. $251 6| 7 Do. F. C. Selous. 251 91 71 Do. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 24* 9l 5i Limpopo W. C. OswelL 24i 8| 8i South Africa A. Beit. $2 3 J 7 8J Limpopo W. C. OswelL 23 *9i 9i South Africa Rowland Ward's Collection. 23 6| 9 Do. British Museum. $22| 51 9 Limpopo W. C. OswelL 221 6| 131 Cape of Good Hope Earl of Derby, British Museum. 22i 71 8 W. D. James. 2l 7 91 Abyssinia E. Lort-Phillips. 1 71 6| 9i Do. British Museum. J 4 9i 7i South Africa A. W. Davis. 142 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. HIPPOTRAGUS KOBA. Habitat Gambia. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 26 8| 7i Gambia Earl of Derby, British Museum. 20f 6i 7i Do. Do. BAKER'S ANTELOPE, or MAARIFFE (Hippotragus bakeri). THIS Antelope much resembles the South African Roan Antelope, and was discovered in 1860 by Sir Samuel Baker, Bart. Habitat Africa Soudan. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 28 28f 27 8* 9 (mal- formed) II| Soudan ... Do Col. Ralph Vivian. . Do. Sir Saml. Baker, Bart. (P.Z.S. 1861). 25i 9i 5 ... Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. GEMSBUCK MS GEMSBUCK (Oryx gazella). Habitat South Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 47i 6f 17* South Africa The late J. S. Jameson. 441 6f 215 Bakalahari W. C. Oswell. 43J 71 17 Do. Do. 431 6| 1 8i South Africa F. C. Selous, British Museum. 43i 6f 20 Do. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 43J 6i ... Do. F. C. Selous. 43 7 i8| Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. 144 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. GEMSBUCK (Oryx gazella) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 42j 6J 19 Botletlie River ... F. C. Selous. 42* 7 Major Gould Adams. T" 2 42 / Mrs. Murray. H- 6 4if 71 18* ... F. C. Selous. 4i 7i 22 T. Gibb. 41 6| i8J M. E. Stephens. $ 4 of 6f i7i West Africa Capt. F. Cookson. 4 of 6| i6J South Africa R. C. Dobson. 4<>f 6f i6| Transvaal H. Atkinson. 401 6f 2I| South Africa F. C. Selous. 401 7 17 Do. Hon. W r alter Rothschild. 4oJ 6| i SJ Do. The late J. S. Jameson. 40 7 2lf Do. F. C. Selous. 40 6 i8J Do. Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 391 6f 20 Do. St. George Littledale. 39f 7i 14 Do. The late J. S. Jameson. 39i 6| 171 Do. Do. 3S 6f 'Si Do. A. Beit. 3i 6| i8f Do. Do. 38J 6| i8J Do. Do. 38* 71 2I| West Africa Capt. F. Cookson. 3SJ 6f 1 8i South Africa F. C. Selous. 38 ... i8| Do. A. C. Fountaine. 38 6 i7l Do. National Liberal Club. 38 7f iSi Do. A. W. Davis. 37i 6| i 9 f Do. The late J. S. Jameson. 37f 6J 1 8i . Do. C. Ansell. GEMSBUCK. 145 GEMSBUCK (Oryx gazella) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 37J $ 36f 6 6f i6f North Bechuana- land. Do. F. C. Selous, British Museum. Do. 36i 71 16 South Africa Hon. Charles Ellis. 351 71 i5i Algoa Bay J. Wemyss, British Museum. 351 71 16} South Africa H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh. 35* 7 H Do. J. A. Nicoll. 35 71 '3i West Africa Capt. F. Cookson. 34! 71 H Transvaal H. Atkinson. 341 8f I2| South Africa J. Carr-Saunders. 34 6 1 71 Do. Hon. Charles Ellis. 331 7J 16* Do. F. C. Selous, British Museum. 32* 7i i7f Do. Bethnal Green Museum. It is interesting to note that the finest Gemsbuck specified above was shot by the late J. S. Jameson when he was pursuing his last hunting journey, accompanied by F. C. Selous, before he started on that expedition which cost him his life. 146 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. BEISA ANTELOPE (Oryx beisa). Somali name " Berid." Habitat North- East Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 2 39 5* 8 Somali Land E. P. Hare. 36 6* ... Do. Capt. Brinkley. 35 6 9 Do. Col. A. Paget. 35* 6J 8| Do. Capt. Townley Parker. 34* ... 9* Do. Ernest Horn. $ 34f 51 8f Do. Capt. Townley Parker. 34* 341 8| (owner's mea- surement) "I Do. Do. T. W. H. Clarke. Do. 331 6f 91 Do. A. H. Straker. 33* ' 5* 71 Do. Col. A. Paget. 331 4i 71 Do. W. D. James. 33* 51 2f Do. A. H. Straker. 33i 5* 9 Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. $ 33 5i 9* Do. Capt. Bartelot. BEISA ANTELOPE 147 BEISA ANTELOPE (Oryx Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 2 32f 5 8 Somali Land C. H. Villiers. 32f 6* 6| Do. Lord Delamere. 32 6| 9i Do. Capt. Bartelot. 32 Si 91 Do. Lord Delamere. 32 5rV 8J Do. Col. A. Paget. 32 Si 9^ Do. E. Lort-Phillips. 3i| 6f 8 Do. E. P. Hare. 3'i 6 8 Do, Lord Delamere. 3'* 5 71 Do. Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. 3of 3of Si 6 I0| 7i River Juba, Somali Land. Somali Land Dr. Kirk, British Museum. E. Lort-Phillips. 3o| 6* 8 Do. T. W. H. Clarke. 3oi 6i 7i Marquis of Ailsa. 3oj 6 71 Somali Land Capt. H. G. C. Swayne. 3<* si 7 Do. H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh. 3of 6i 9 Do. Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. 3oj 5 8i Do. C. Liddell. 30 30 4 SI 9 5^ River Juba, Somali Land. Do. Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. C. Liddell. 29i 51 9i Somali Land Hon. Walter Rothschild. 28| 6 71 Do. Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 281 Si 10 Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. 271 271 5J 4l (one horn malformed) 6f Do. Do. Lord Delamere. Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. 27i 6| 81 Do. H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. 26i 25! 6| 4i 8f (owner's measurement) 8f Do. Abyssinia J. D. Inverarity. British Museum. K 2 148 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. BEATRIX ANTELOPE (Oryx beatrix). [DR. J. E. GRAY, P.Z.S. 1857, p. 157.] THE horns slender, straight, or only very slightly curved near the tip ; White, a spot on the middle of the face, a smaller spot between the base of the horns, a large patch on each cheek, extending above up to the eyes, and united together beneath under the throat ; the knees and front of the fore and hind legs, and a large spot on the chest, dark blackish brown ; the legs to the posterior grey-brown ; end of the tail black. This specimen is not half the size of the Gemsbok from the Cape, and is immediately known from it by the distribution of its colours. In form and size it resembles the true Oryx (O. leucoryx), but it differs in the straightness of the horn, the size and form of the cheek- spots, and especially in the dark colour of the legs, and the well- marked white ring around the fetlock joint, just above the hoof. The hair is whorled on the middle of the haunches like the rest of the genus, and the hairs of the back in front of the withers are directed forwards. Habitat Head of Persian Gulf. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 2 15 3f 4J Head of Persian B. T. Finch, British Museum. Gulf. LEUCORYX (Oryx leucoryx). Habitat North Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 391 41 I4i ... ... ... British Museum. 371 51 7i Do. 351 5* "i J. Carr-Saunders. 335 5 8 Hon. Walter Rothschild. EAST AFRICAN ORYX. 149 EAST AFRICAN ORYX (Oryx callotis). Habitat Africa, Masai Land and adjoining territory. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 51 ,oi East Africa F. J. Jackson. 3oJ ... 6 Do. T. W. H. Greenfield. 30 29* 5f 10 71 Do. Do. Sir John Willoughby, Bart, "East Africa and its Big Game. " Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 28| 6i IOJ Do. Do. 28| 51 6i Do. H. C. V. Hunter. 2 7 | 6| ioi Do. F. J. Jackson. 27i 61 Si Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 27 7* 7 Do. H. C. V. Hunter. 26f 7 13 Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 26f 6J 8f Do. Do. 26J 51 9f Do. F. J. Jackson. 26 6 9 Do. E. Gedge. 23 5 8 Do. W. Astor Chanler. 22J 6| 8i Do. Sir Robert. Haivey, J'art. 2I| 7 10 Do. Do. *2I 6? 10 Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. * The type specimen from which this Antelope was described I have presented to the British Museum. Until the date of my noticing its points of difference, this variety had been referred to as Oryx beisa. R. W. GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. ADD AX (Addax * asomaeulatus). THIS Antelope has rarely been shot by Europeans. It closely approaches the South African Gemsbok in size. Habitat North Africa. Length. Circum- ference at base. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. Along curve. Straight line. 351 28 6f i3l North Africa ... Hon. Walter Rothschild 35i 28 6 '3i Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. 331 28| Si 22 Do. Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 32* 26J 6* 13* Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. 3if 261 6f i7f Do. Do. 3i 26| 6 I3i Do. Do. 29! 24 6 14! Do. Do. 28f 241 5J I2f Do. British Museum. 28 ... 5 i6| Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. 26 22J 6 i7i Do. Do. NILGHAI. NILGHAI (Boselaphus tragocamelus). [From "The Mammals of India," by T. C. Jerdon.] MALE of an iron-grey colour ; lips, chin, lower surface of the tail, stripes inside the ears, rings on the fetlocks and abdomen white ; head and limbs tinged with sepia-brown ; mane, throat-tuft, and tip of tail, black. The female is a good deal smaller than the male and tawny or light brown. Length of male about 6J to 7 feet ; height at shoulder 4 feet 4 inches to 4^ feet ; horns 8 to 9 inches, rarely 10 ; ear 7 inches, very broad ; tail 18 to 21 inches. Habitat India. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 9i 6f 41 India British Museum. 8| 6f 3i Do A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 81 51 4f Do Do. 8| 7i 71 N. India Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. Si 6J 5 India Hume Collection, British Museum. 7f 5 51 Do Rowland Ward's Collection. 71 6J 5i Do Hume Collection, British Museum. 7i 51 7f Cent. Provinces ... G. A. Carmichael, British Museum. 71 51 51 India Hume Collection, British Museum. 7i 51 4 Do A. Wilson. 71 6f 41 Do Hon. Walter Rothschild. 6f Si 4l Do Marquis of Ailsa, 6f 5i 51 Do H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. 6| 51 51 Do J. Carr-Saunders. 6J 4f 6f Do British Museum. 6 6| 51 Do Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 152 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. BUSHBUCK (Tragelaphus sylvaticus). Bechuana name " M'Pabala." Lower Zambesi and Shire name " M'Bawala." Habitat South and East Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. iSJ 51 9i South Africa ... Rowland Ward's Collection. 15 51 44 Do. F. C. Selous. 141 51 2f Do. G. H. Bank?. I4l ... 4J Rowland Ward's Collection. 14 51 51 Matabele Land, H. and C. Beddington. South Africa. I3i 5? 51 H.R.H. Duk of Edinburgh. i3l 51 64 Hon. Walter Rothschild. i3l Si 51 Sir Edmund G. Loder, BarL 3 51 51 Matabele Land, H. and C. Beddington. South Africa. 131 5* 54 East Africa ... H. C. V. Hunter. i3f 51 4 Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 13* 51 7 South Africa ... F. C. Selous. 13* 5i 54 Matabele Land, H. and C. Beddington. South Africa. i3f 51 5 South Africa ... F. C. Selous. i3i 5i 6 Do. Do. 13 6* 5* East Africa F. J. Jackson. 13 54 54 Matabele Land, H. and C. Beddington. South Africa. I2| 5 6f W. C. Oswell. BUSH BUCK. BUSHBUCK (Tragelaphus sylvaticus) continued. 153 Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. -I ... 6^ ... Rowland Ward's Collection. I2f 5 5i W. D. James. I2i Si 4i South Africa ... J. A. Nicoll. 12 4t 41 Do. F. C. Selous. "I 5 6f East Africa ... Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. "i nj (owner's mea- surement) 4 si Do. Sir John Willoughby, Bart. H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh. "1 41 4* South Africa ... A. Beit. ni 4f 4* East Africa ... F. J. Jackson. ii 51 5 Col. Ralph Vivian. 10? 5 3i J. Carr-Saunders. 154 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. HARNESSED ANTELOPE (Tragelaphus scriptus). Habitat South and East Africa. Length along the bend. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. "71 6* 5i Zanzibar ... Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. i6fi 6f 6i Mandar Island, near Zanzibar. South Africa Do. Maj.-Gen. Arthur Ellis, C.S.I. 151 5i 7J Do. Hon. Charles Ellis. *i3i 51 51 Do. British Museum. 14 Si 4* Do. Hon. Charles Ellis. I3i 5i 4i Do. Sir John Willoughby, Bart. I3f 4i 3* Mombasa Sir John Kirk, British Museum. I3i 5i 3 Lower Zambesi ... F. C. Selous, British Museum. I2| 5 41 South Africa A. E. Capell. I2f 5i 41 Orange River ... British Museum. I2| 41 41 ... Do. *I2f 5J 4i Chobe River F. C. Selous, British Museum. Il| 5 6f ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. Il| 5* 4^ Uganda Capt. Speke, British Museum. II 41 5 Limpopo River ... R. Gordon Gumming, British Museum. Ioi tf 21 Gambia ... Earl Derby, British Museum. * The above are Banded Bushbuck. SITUTUNGA ANTELOPE, 155 SITUTUNGA ANTELOPE (Tragelaphus spekei). [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, Bart., P.Z.S. 1871, p. 485.] HAIR of sides coarse and long, without stripes ; hoofs long ; general colour rusty brown ; neck maned ; horns smooth, slender, strongly keeled ; hair of sides and body of uniform length. Native name " Nakong." Habitat Central and Southern Central Africa. Length. Circum. ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. Round Straight curve. lines. 3*1 27 7* i6| ... ... ... F. C. Selous. 3i| 2 5 f 8J 17* Do. 3i* 24t 7 i6J Chobe River, British Museum. Mashuna Land. 21 F. C. Selous, "A Hunter's Wan- *J derings. " 29t 24i i i6f F. C. Selous. 28 23! 71 I9l W. C. Oswell. 27 2I| 6i 12 The late J. S. Jameson. 26 ... 71 8| Hon. Charles Ellis. 26 22f 7 i7i Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 26 20 6f 16 W. C. Oswell. 156 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. SITUTUNGA ANTELOPE (Tragelaphus spekei)-**//* Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. Round curve. Straight lines. ... 22 7 10 ... ... Rowland Ward's Collection. 25! 221 7i i9l F. C. Selous, British Museum. 25i ... 8 12 J. A. Nicoll. 23i 22 71 10 Chobe River, Mashuna Land. F. C. Selous, "A Hunter's Wan- derings." Major Gould Adams. 23i ... 7i n Hon. Charles Ellis. 20 ... 61 91 Zambesi British Museum. (Tragelaphus gratus). Habitat West Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. Straight line. Round curve. 19 ... ... ... Gaboon ... British Museum. 18 231 71 Uf Do Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. INYALA. 157 INYALA (Tragelaplms angasi). [G. F. ANGAS, P.Z.S. 1848, p. 89.] THIS brilliant Antelope, the Inyala of the Amazulu, appears to be a link between the Koodos and Boshbok, uniting in itself the markings and characteristic features of both these animals. The adult male is about 7 ft. 6 in. in total length, and 3 ft. 4 in. high at the shoulder. Though elegant in form, and much of the grace of the solitary Koodos, the robust and shaggy aspect of the male bears considerable resemblance to that of the Goat. Legs clean ; hoofs pointed and black, with two oval cream-coloured spots in front of each fetlock, immediately above the hoof; horns i ft. 10 in. long, twisted and sublyrate, very similar to those of the Boshbok, but rather more spiral ; have polished extremities of a pale straw colour; rest of horns brownish-black, deeply ridged from the fore- head to about half the length of the horn ; prevailing colour greyish- black, tinged with purplish-brown and ochre; on the neck, flanks, and cheeks, marked with several white stripes like the Koodos ; forehead brilliant sienna-brown, almost approaching to orange ; mane black down the back and white from the withers to the insertion of the tail ; ears 8 in. long, oval, rufous, tipped with black and fringed inside with white hairs ; a pale ochreous circle round the eyes, which are connected by two white spots forming an arrow- shaped mark on a black ground ; nose black ; a white spot on each side of the upper lip ; chin and gullet white ; and three white marks under each eye ; neck covered with long shaggy hair, extending also under the belly and fringing the haunches to the knees ; two white spots on the flanks, and a patch of long white hair on the anterior portion of the thigh ; a white tuft under the belly and another on the dewlap ; on the outer side of the fore-legs is a black patch above the knee surrounded by three white spots ; legs below the knee bright rufous colour; tail i ft. 8 in. long, black above, with tip and inside white. Female smaller and without horns. The young resembles the female, but is rather paler in colour, and has more white spots on the flanks and sides. Inhabits the lower undulating hills, scattered with Mimosa bushes, that border upon the northern shores of St. Lucia Bay, in the Zulu country, lat. 28 south. Found in small troops of eight or ten together, feeding amongst the thickets. 158 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. INYALA (Tragelaphus angasi) continued. Habitat South- East Africa and Zulu Country. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. Round curve. Straight. 28 8J 10} South Africa British Museum. 271 22| 71 9i Do. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 27 8| IOJ Do. Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 26| 22 71 121 Do. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 26J 22 6| * Do. F. C. Selous. 23 22 ... 7 51 Zulu Country R. S. Fellowes, British Museum. Angas, P.Z.S. 1848, p. 89. TRAGELAPHUS EURYCEROS. [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, Bart, P.Z.S. 1871, p. 485.] HAIR of sides smooth and short, striped with white bands, descending from a white dorsal streak ; hoofs short ; general colour deep chest- nut ; stripes strongly marked, numerous ; horns smooth, massive ; neck, back, and belly maneless ; tail bovine ; fore limbs with dark markings anteriorly. Habitat West Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to lip. Habitat. Owner. On curve. Straight. 3if 26 9i I2f ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 3of 24 io| I2f West Africa Do. 30 291 24i 251 9i 9f "I ioi Ashkanholoo Mountains. British Museum. P. Du Chaillu, British Museum. 271 23f io| io| Fantee ... Do. ... i9i 8 6| Gaboon... Do. GREATER KOODOO. GREATER KOODOO (Strepsiceros kudu). Somali name " Godir." Schuana name " Tolo." Lower Zambesi name " Goma." Habitat North, East, and South Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. Straight line. Round curve. 451 6of IIJ 33 South Africa ... F. C. Selous. 45i 551 H| 37* Do. W. C. Oswell. 441 57i II| 34f Africa Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 44i 59 IOJ 26 South Africa ... The late J. S. Jameson. 44i 561 "I 33i Do. Hon. Walter Rothschild. i6o GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. GREATER KOODOO (Strepsiceros kudu) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. Straight line. Round curve. 435 61} I0| 29 South Africa ... Rowland Ward's Collection. 431 55* 10 445 Do. W. C. Oswell. 43i 54^ i 33f Do. Hon. Walter Rothschild. 43 57* "I 34f Do. H. and C. Beddington. 43 56J I0j 29 Do. C. Ansell. 43 56 lOf 43 Do. F. C. Selous. 43 55 II| 25 Do. Hon. Walter Rothschild. 42f 54J "I 331 Do. A. Beit. 42| 561 io| 38f Do. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 42J 42J 58* 53 II Hi 31 J (owner's measurement) 30 Africa South Africa ... Edmund Smith. A. W. Davies. 421 5o ui 32 Africa Major Gould Adams. 42 54 II 45 Do. E. R. Thompson. 41? 52i I0| 39i Do. Hon. Charles Ellis. 44 57 91 34 South Africa ... James Greenlees. 4i| 551 IOJ 24! Do. F. C. Selous. 4i 4i 64 571 91 24! Mashuna Land South Africa ... F. C. Selous, "A Hunter's Wan- derings. " G. H. Banks. 4i 56 10} 28J Do. C. Ansell. 4i 531 IO 25 Do. J. A. Jameson. 405 53i IO 33i Do. The late J. S. Jameson. 4 of 62 lOf 23i Do. F. C. Selous. 4of 495 Ili 351 Do. H. and C. Beddington. 4oJ 5i 10} 28| Do. A. Beit. 4o 50 III 29 Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. 401 52| 10 36i Do. Maj-Gen. Arthur Ellis, C.S.I. GREATER KOODOO. 161 GREATER KOODOO (Strepsiceros kudu) continued. Length. Circum- ference Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. Straight line. Round curve. 40j 50* ioi 39i South Africa ... H. Atkinson. 40 52f IOJ 37 Delagoa Bay ... Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. 40 52f 91 27i South Africa ... Bethnal Green Museum. 40 52f 9f 28f Do. F. J. Horniman. 395 495 I0| 40^ Do. ... ! R. M. Sagar Musgrave. 39f 39f 54i 5i* ii* ioj 231 28| Do. Do. The late J. S. Jameson. W. P. Rylands. 39f 5o* loj 35 Do. Hon. Charles Ellis. 39J 5*1 III 3iJ Do. W. P. Rylands. 39* 5 2f I0| i8J Do. Do. 39i 53i 10 3U Africa ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 39i 48* ioi 39* South Africa ... R. C. Dobson. 39 531 II 27i Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. 39 52 9* 33 Do. E. R. Thompson. 39 5 of I0| 271 Do. Maj.-Gen. Arthur Ellis, C.S.I. 38f 5'i IOJ 28| Do. A. Beit. 38* Soi 8i 291 Africa F. L. James, 1880. 3i 5'i 10 201 South Africa ... J. Carr-Saunders. 38 541 10 i8J Do. F. C. Selous. 38 49 85 291 Somali Land ... C. Liddell. 38 485 91 36f South Africa ... G. H. Banks. 38 ... ii 33* Do. Lieut. C. F. Gisborne. 38 48 1C* 36 Do. J. A. Nicoll. 37* 531 9f 251 Do. Maj.-Gen. Arthur Ellis, C.S.I. 37* 52J 9k 23* Somali Land ... T. W. H. Clarke. 37i 47i ioi 35* South Africa ... H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh. 162 GREAT G4ME OF THE WORLD. GREATER KOODOO (Strepsiceros kudu) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. Straight line. Round curve. 37 53* 9f 23 Somali Land ... E Lort-Phillips. 37 49* ii 20 Do. A. Haggard. 37 49* 9i 221 South Africa ... F. C. Selous. 36f 50* 9* 34 Somali E. Lort-Phillips. 36* 47* I0| 27f South Africa ... British Museum. 36 56* ii 33* PO. M. S. Runcheman. 36 4f io| 3i* Do. British Museum. 36 4 6J 9l 25 Africa R. Farrow. 351 471 9i 24f Somali A. H. Straker. 35* 35* 47 47J 91 10 331 3oJ Africa ... (killed by a lion) South Africa ... F. L. James. British Museum. 35 4 8J 9f 27 Somali Lieut Merewether. 35 47* 8f 381 Soudan Col. Ralph Vivian. 35 45 91 32* West Africa ... Capt F. Cookson. 34S 4 6| ioj 21* Sputh Africa ... British Museum. 34* 46* 9* ... Abyssinia Do. 34* 44 9f 2I| South Africa ... G. H. Banks. v 44 44 10 9 31 Kaoko Land, West Africa. North Africa ... Capt. F. Cookson. Capt. Brinkley. 43* io 29 West Africa ... Capt. F. Cookson. 341 451 IOJ 2Sf South Africa ... British Museum. 33f 46* 9* 24* Somali Land ... Capt. H. G. C. Swayne. 33* 42J 9? 28* West Africa ... Capt. F. Cookson. ... 42 ... North Africa ... Capt. Brinkley. 3ii 4*1 8f 281 Abyssinia British Museum. 28J 371 81 31 Do. Do. LESSER KOODOO. 163 LESSER KOODOO (Strepsiceros imberbis). Somali name " Anderio." Habitat Africa: Somali Land to Masai Land. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. Straight line. Round Curve. 251 30f 6| i Somali Land A. H. Straker. 25* 34 6| "1 Do. Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. 2 4 J 3'i 6f i 4 J Do. Capt. H. G. C. Swayne. 24i ... 6J I4J Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. 241 3of 6f "I Do. W. D. James. 24 3of 6 9 Do. E. P. Hare. 24 3<* 6J 12 Do. T. W. H. Clarke. 24 23i 29 (owner's measurement) 6 "1 East Africa... Bombay Natural History So- ciety. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. ... 29 12 Somali Land Ernest Horn. L 2 164 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. LESSER KOODOO (Strepsiceros imberbis) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. Straight Line. Round Curve. 23 ... 6| IGf Somali Land Col. Arthur Paget. 23 221 28J 291 51 Hi Do. Do. Sir John Kirk, British Mu- seum. Lord Delamere. 22j 28! 61 151 Do. Do. 22| 291 6| 131 Do. E. Lort-Phillips. 22\ 281 5i '3i Do. J. Carr-Saunders. 221 22 265 28 6f 9| South Somali Land. Somali Land Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. C. H. Villiers. 2I| 28! 61 9 East Africa... H. C. V. Hunter. 211 28| 6| I0| Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 2I| 2 7 | 271 6f I2f 7 South Somali Land. Somali Land Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. Hon. Walter Rothschild. 21 21 (owner's measurement) 61 7 Do. Do. J. D. Inverarity. Rowland Ward's Collection. 20f 26 6| i Do. E. Lort-Phillips. 20^ 25 51 "I East Africa... H. C. V. Hunter. 201 26 6 Ilf Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 2O 24 6 14 Do. W. Astor Chanler. 19 241 Sf 51 4f River Juba, Somali. East Africa... Sir John Kirk, British Mu- seum. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. ... 24i 51 I2| Do. H. C. V. Hunter. 17*' 221 Si 5i 12 5i Somali Land Do. Sir John Kirk, British Mu- seum. Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. 17 m Si ii Near Lanjora East Africa... Sir J. Willoughby, Bt., "East Africa and its Big Game." F. J. Jackson. ELAND, 165 ELAND (Oreas cannaU !Do. (Do. derbianush Bechuana Name " Impofu." Habitat South, East, and Central Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. (Jwner. *34i I2| 22f .. ... .;. Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart 34 *34 i3i I2f (owner's mea- surements) ..; F. Coburn. J. Carr-Saunders. *32 I2| 29 Gambia... Earl of Derby, British Museum, *?32 9i I2f Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. * 3 2 J 3 24* Hon. Walter Rothschild. *3'i III 28| Senegambia Earl of Derby, British Museum. 3'i K2| 22| Hon. Walter Rothschild. * Oreas derbianus. 1 66 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. ELAND (Oreas canna and Oreas derbiaims) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. S3if IOJ 251 East Africa F. J. Jackson. ?3'i Si 20| South Africa F. C. Selous. 34 I2| I2| Mashonaland Do. British Museum. *3'l 12 i8| Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. S3' 13 12 South Africa F. C. Selous. *3<>$ I0| 26| F. W. Reade, British Museum. 2305 71 i5l South Africa F. C. Selous. 33of I2f i6i Do. Do. 2 9 f II* I9J Mashonaland Do. British Museum. 22 9 f 7 2IJ South Africa Do. 29! 71 91 Algoa Bay British Museum. $2 9 f 6f 171 W. C. Oswell. 29i 12} i45 South Africa F. C. Selous. 329 29 IOJ 21 Mashonaland South Africa Do. " A Hunter's Wander- ings." Major Gould Adams. 281 10} i9i ... Do. $28J 75 i3l South Africa F. C. Selous. 275 12} 20^ Do. Do. $2 7 | 6f I2J Do. H. Atkinson. 2 7 i 10} i8f Do. Do. 27J $27 27 i(4 20^ 10 i8| Do. Dr. Knight Bruce (Bishop of Bloom- fontein). Sir John Willoughby, Bart, " East Africa and its Big Game." R. C. Dobson. 27 8J I2f South Africa The late J. S. Jameson. 27 ni i8| Rowland Ward's Collection. 27 ... ... Mashonaland F. C. Selous, "A Hunter's Wander- ings." * Oreas derbianus. ELAND. 167 ELAND (Oreas canna and Oras derbianlis) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 262 I0j 7i South Africa The late J. S. Jameson. 26f 10 19* H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. 26f 71 18 South Africa The late J. S. Jameson. 26J I2j I2f Do. F. C. Selous. 26| *t iSl Mashonaland Do. British Museum. $26J 71 19! Earl of Derby, British Museum. $26 8* IOJ West Africa Capt. F. Cookson. 251 "1 I2| Mashonaland F. C. Selous, British Museum. 325f "1 I4i Do. Do. Do. 2 5 f ioi 12 East Africa H. C. V. Hunter. 251 i *3l South Africa J. A. Jameson. $2 5 f SJ I4l Mashonaland F. C. Selous, British Museum. 251 13 8i South Africa J. A. Jameson. 25 12 7 Do. A. Beit. $25* 71 ioi Do. Do. 25i 9 i6| East Africa H. C. V. Hunter. $2 5 | 6J 9i Do; Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. $25 7 Hi South Africa A. W. Davis. 241 ioj 13 Do. The Hon. Charles Ellis. 24i ii 15 J. A. Nicoll. 241 6f ioi East Africa H. C. V. Hunter. 241 6| i'Si Do. F. J. Jackson. 241 I2| 13 Mashonaland F. C. Selous, British Museum. *2 4 J 9 6i Senegambia F. W. Reade, British Museum. $24i 6J 2 Sir Victor Brooke's CoUection. 24 71 12 East Africa Gen. Matthews. * Oreas derbianus. i68 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. ELAND (Oreas canna and Oreas derbianus) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 24 12* East Africa H. C. V. Hunter. 524 $231 9J 12 I2| Do. Do. Sir John Willoughby, Bart., "East Africa and its Big Game. " Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 23! loj '3i W. C. Oswell. 23S 7* u| East Africa H. C. V. Hunter. ?2 3 6J 9i Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 231 '0* ii Do. Prince Boris Czetwertynski. 23i 71 17* Do. Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. 23i io| ii South Africa H. and C. Beddington. 231 9i I2f Do. Bethnal Green Museum. $2 3 i 6f 6| East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 32 3 J ioi "i Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 23 10 IO East Africa Prince Stargynski. 22f 95 9i Do. F. J. Jackson. 22| 6| 12 South Africa British Museum. 22 91 lOf The Hon. Walter Rothschild. $22 51 I2| Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 22 61 10 East Africa F. J. Jackson. 20f "I ioi South Africa The late J. S. Jameson. '9f I I2i Earl of Derby, British Museum. * Oreas derbianus. CHAMOIS. 169 CHAMOIS (Rupicaprajtragus). Habitat Mountains of Europe, from the Pyrenees to Caucasus. Length. SSSf Ti P toT *- Habitat. Owner. IOJ 3* Si ... ... ... E. N. Buxton. I0| 4* 3i Caucasus Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 91 3i 4i H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh. *9f *9l 3* 3i Si 35 Transylvania H. I. and R. H. Crown Prince Rudolph of Austria, British Museum. C. G. Danford, British Museum. 9* 3i 4i Caucasus St. George Littledale, 1891. 9f 31 4l PizDiavel E. N. Buxton, 1876. 9f 31 4 Capt Townley Parker. 91 3 31 The Hon. Walter Rothschild. *9l 9f 3i 3i 3^ 2| Tyrol H. I. and R. H. Crown Prince Rudolph of Austria, British Museum. J. Carr-Saunders. 9i 2j 4 Alps Gen. Hard wick e, British Museum. 9* 31 31 H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh. 9i 2f 4i Do. 9 3i 3i W. H. Briggs. ?9 2f 4i Maj.-Gen. Arthur Ellis, C.S.I. 8| 31 4i Do. 8| 3i 4 Rowland Ward's Collection. 8| 3f 3 Caucasus St George Littledale. 8fx 5 i 8f 3fx2l 3 4i* 3 J (4 horns) 33 Capt Townley Parker. Gerald Buxton, 1883. 81 3i 3f Caucasus St. George Littledale. Rupicapra vulgaris. 170 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. CHAMOIS (Rupicapra tragus) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 8| 25 21 . .. ... .;: The Hon. Walter Rothschild. 8| 3f 3i ... ... ..; E. W. Reegan. 8j 3 2| Caucasus ..; St. George Littledale, 1891. 8J 2* 31 Do. Do. 1887. *8 2f 4 Alps J. Gould, British Museum. $ 8| 2* 4f Pyrenees Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 8f 3 31 ..; ..: ..: British Museum. 8f 31 3* Caucasus St. George Littledale, 1887. 8* 31 2| Do. Do. 1891. 8* 2f 4 H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh. 8J 31 3i Alps Gen. Hardwicke, British Museum. $ 8J 2| 41 Maj.-Gen. Arthur Ellis, C.S.I. 8J 2j 31 E. N. Buxton. 2** 3 2 Caucasus St George Littledale, 1887. 8* 31 31 Do. Do. 1886. $8 2* 3 Maj.-Gen. Arthur Ellis, C.S.I 8 31 2| Caucasus St George Littledale, 1887. $8 2| 31 Do. Do. 1886. 71 3* if Do. Do. 1891. 71 31 3i Do. Do. 1887. 7i 2| 3f E. N. Buxton, 1883. 71 25 3 Alps Dr. J. E. Gray, British Museum. ? 71 2f 31 Caucasus St. George Littledale, 1887. ? 71 21 2| Do. Do. 1887. *7i 2| 21 Do. British Museum. 7 31 3^ Do. St George Littledale, 1887. * Rupicapra vulgaris. CHAMOIS. 171 CHAMOIS (Rupicapra tragus) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. ?7i 2f 5 Caucasus St. George Littledale, 1891. $ 71 21 3i Do. Do. 1887. 7i 31 31 Pyrenees British Museum. 7i 2f if Especieres E. N. Buxton, 1882. 7 2| 2 Alps Gen. Hardwicke, British Museum. S 7 2| 31 Pyrenees Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 6| 31 21 Alps , Dr. J. E. Gray, British Museum. 26 6| 2f 3i 2| 2J Caucasus Alps St. George Littledale, British Mu- seum. Dr. J. E. Gray, British Museum. ?6J 2f 31 Pyrenees Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. ?6 2| 31 Caucasus St. George Littledale, 1886. 6 2| 2| Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. GOORAL or HIMALAYAN CHAMOIS (Nemorhcedus goral). Habitat Himalayas, from Bhotan and Sikim to Kashmir. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 71 3f 3i India Hume Collection, British Museum 7 31 2f Do CapL J. A. Orr-Ewing. 7 3* 25 Do J. M. Nicolls. 6| 3i I Do Capt. G. Campbelh 6| 3* 1 Do Hume Collection, British Museum. 6| 3* 2| Do J. Carr-Saunders. 6i 31 31 Do Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 172 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. GOORAL or HIMALAYAN CHAMOIS (Nemorhcedus goral) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. *6J 4 34 North Mongolia Messrs. Dorries, British Museum. 6 2f I Hume Collection, British Museum. 6 ... ... B. H. Hodgson, P.Z.S. 1834. 51 51 3i 2i 2f 2 Kussowlie, North India, Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. Do. Si 31 2* H. F. Campbell. 5i 3* 2f Nepal ... British Museum. 5J 31 3 Do Do; *4i 31 II Pekin F. W. Styer, British Museum. *4f 3 2 North China ... British Museum. 4i 3i 2j Kussowlie, North India. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. Long-tailed Gooral. JAPANESE GOORAL (Nemorhcedus crispus), Habitat Japan. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 5i 3i 3i J-' British Museum. SUM AT RAN SERQW. 173 SUMATRAN SEROW (Nemorhoedus sumatrensis). Native name " Cambing-Utan." Habitat Sumatra. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 9 5 2 Sumatra ... Hume Collection, British Museum. 8f 5i 4l Do. 8f 41 4i Do. 8J 51 4i Do. 8J 4i 31 Do. 8 5 31 Po. 71 5 2| Do. 71 41 31 Do. 7i 4J 4J Do. 7 4i H Do. 6i 41 31 Po. 6J 4| 2| Do. . 31 5f 3! 4i si 4 Moutmein, Tenas- serion. Lieut. R. C. Beavan, British Museum. Hume Collection, British Museum. 5 4i 31 Do. 41 3i 31 British Museum. 174 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. HIMALAYAN SEROW or FOREST GOAT (Nemorhoedus bubalinus). Habitat Himalayas, from Kashmir to Sikim. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 10* 51 3* ... ... Hon. Charles Ellis. 9? 51 4* Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 9f 5* 6 Pir Punjal R. Lydekker, British Museum. 9 51 4i Kashmir St. George Littledale, 1877. 9 4i 3i Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 9i 4 3f Hume Collection, British Museum. 9i Si 5 Do. 8i 5i 51 Do. 8 4f 4i Near Darjeeling R. Lydekker, British Museum. 8 4 41 Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 11 4i 4 Do Do. 71 5 4i Hume Collection, British Museum. *6 3i 2| Ichang ... P. Montgomery, British Museum. * Nemorhcedus cinereus. ROCKY-MOUNTAIN GOAT. 175 I: ROCKY-MOUNTAIN GOAT (Haploceros montanus). Habitat North America. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. toi ioj 6| 5 (owner's measurement) 6i North America ... Do. Arthur Pearse. E. N. Buxton. IO 51 5 Do. J. C. L. Knight-Bruce. 9* 5* 6| Do. St. George Littledale. 9* 4i ... Do. J. D. Cobbold. 91 Si 6i Do. J. C. L. Knight-Bruce. 91 Si ... Do. Earl of Lonsdale. 9i ... 6 Montana Thomas Bate, British Museum. 8f 5 Si North America ... St. George Littledale. Si Si 51 Do. J. C. L. Knight-Bruce. 8 5 31 Rocky Mountains J. K. Lord, British Museum. 8 4i 6f North America ... F. J. Horniman. 176 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. TAKIN (Budorcas taxicolor). Habitat Northern India. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 22f io| Hi Assam ... British Museum. 2C> l S India Hume Collection, British Museum. 2Of l I2J Do A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 2Of 9l i3f Do Hume Collection, British Museum. 201 io| I2| Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. i9i ii 15 India Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 18 ioi 8 Do British Museum. I6| 8f I0| Do Do. '5* 9f 5i Mishmi Mountains B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. Hi 8| 81 Upper Assam Lieut. -Col. Graham. HIMALAYAN IBEX. 177 HIMALAYAN IBEX (Capra sibirica). Habitat Himalayas from Kashmir to Nepal, and northwards to Turkestan. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 5'J S'l (owner's measurement ioi 16 Kashmir India Martyn Kennard. Blyth, P.Z.S. 1840, p. 80. 51 CQ 91 Q 28J Do Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. Capt. John Brickley. j^ 49f :7 lOf 251 India ... Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 49i io| 42 Kashmir Martyn Kennard, 1887. 4SJ 91 30* India A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 471 9i 20f Do Do. 47i 47 ioi u| 20 Do Rowland Ward's Collection. Carl Hagenback. T"/ 47 4 ioi 2 9 f Kashmir Martyn Kennard. 47 IO ... India Manners Smith. 4 6f IOJ 2 4 i Dangloongma . . . Martyn Kennard, 1888. 46! II 241 India Hon. Charles Ellis. 46J ioi 20 Kashmir Martyn Kennard. 46 lOf 25 India Col. G. Jackson, 1867. 46 9f 25 Do Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 178 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. HIMALAYAN IBEX (Capra sibirica) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 451 9 91 Kashmir Martyn Kennard. 451 ioi 'Si Do Do. 45i 9i ... India Capt Townley Parker. 451 9i 22J Kashmir Martyn Kennard. 45 ii 36 India Col. G. Jackson, 1867. 441 lOf 30 Do A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 44i iif 26 Do Capt. Orr-Ewing. 431 "i 16 Do J. Carr-Saunders. 431 IOJ 25i Kashmir Martyn Kennard. 43i lOj 2 4 f India Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 43i 9f 19 Do Hume Collection, British Museum. 431 43i (owner's measurement) ioi 27i Do Kashmir Capt. A. A. Kinloch (his book). Martyn Kennard. 43 12* 35i India T. W. H. Greenfield. 43 ... Do Lewis Flower. 42| "1 251 Do A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 42 I0j ... Do H. C. V. Hunter. 42! lOf 20f Do Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 4*1 9i 251 Do Do. 42* 9 20 Do J. D. Cobbold. 42J 91 20i Kashmir Martyn Kennard. 42 6* 27 India Capt. Townley Parker. 41 1 io| 20J Kashmir Martyn Kennard. 4if lOf 221 Do Do. 4H IO 2I| Do Do. 4'i I0| 23i India C. Spedding. 44 91 1 71 Kashmir Martyn Kennard. 4if IOJ 20f Do Do. HIMALAYAN IBEX. HIMALAYAN IBEX (Capra sibirica)-*>/* 179 Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 4i| 9i 33i Kashmir Martyn Kennard. 4ii I0| ia| Do Do. 4i 4i (owner's measurement) 10 26| India Kashmir Capt. A. A. Kinloch. Martyn Kennard. 40$ I Of 331 India Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 4oJ Hj 2I| Do Hon. Charles Ellis. 4Q* IO 22J Kashmir Martyn Kennard. 40* 9i 22| India Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 4J 8* 25! Kashmir Martyn Kennard. 40 IOJ 1 7f Do Do. 40 IO 27 India W. F. Templer. 40 9l i8f Do Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 40 8f 23 Do Hume Collection, British Museum. 391 391 iof 10* 24f i8| Jay Nai Valley, Kashmir. Kashmir British Museum. Martyn Kennard. 391 9i I3J Reginald Beech. 391 9 2IJ Mongolia SL George Littledale. 39* 91 i7i Himalayas Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 39 9* 22J Ladak Capt. Strachey, British Museum. 391 8| 26 Kashmir Martyn Kennard. 39i 91 i5i Do Do. 39i 91 2 4 J Astor ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection, 1875. 39 9i i4i India Hume Collection, British Museum. 39 9 251 Kashmir Martyn Kennard. 381 8i ... India F. Morrice. 38f 91 3oi Do. .:. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 3f EOi 3oi Himalayas Capt. Townley Parker. 38 10 25i India Capt. M. Murphy. M 2 i8o GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. HIMALAYAN IBEX (Capra sibirica) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to liy. Habitat. Owner. 38 9f ' iSi Yarkund Dr. Bellew, British Museum. 3SJ 9 24* India Rowland Ward's Collection. 38| 9i i8| Kashmir R. Lydekker, British Museum. 3Si io| 22^ India Hon. Walter Rothschild. 37$ io| 22f Do British Museum. 37? IOJ 15* Kashmir Martyn Kennard. 371 I Of 24i India H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. 371 "J 27! Do Bethnal Green Museum. 371 10 I2J Do Reginald Beech. 371 91 i8i Kashmir Martyn Kennard. 37* IO 17? India Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 371 9* 23 Do Hume Collection, British Museum. 37i io| i8| Kashmir Martyn Kennard. 37i 8| I3J Do St. George Littledale. 36i 9i 3of India British Museum. 36i ix| 24 Kashmir Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 36f 9* 26 India Hume Collection, British Museum. 36| 9i 22| Kashmir St. George Littledale, 1877. 361 9i i3l India H. C. V. Hunter. 36J 9i 27* Do J. Carr-Saunders. 36J 9i 20J Do Hume Collection, British Museum. 36f 91 1 71 Kashmir Martyn Kennard. 36f 94 23 Do. .... St. George Littledale. 36f 91 i3i India H. de Burgh. 36f 8| 21* Do F. J. Jackson. 36J 81 13* Do H. de Burgh. 36J 9J 24! Kashmir Martyn Kennard. 36 I0 i8J India Hume Collection, British Museum. HIMALAYAN IBEX. 181 HIMALAYAN IBEX (Capra sibirica) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 35i 8f I7i Kashmir R. Lydekker, British Museum. 35i ioi 23 India Capt. M. Murphy. 351 9? 20 Do British Museum. 35i 9 8 Kashmir Martyn KennarcL 35i 35 9 ii Saar Mountains, Altai. India St. George Littledale, British Museum. Major Lloyd Dickson. 35 "J i7l Himalayas British Museum. 34i ioj ... India Rowland Ward's Collection. 34i 91 iif Kashmir St. George Littledale, 1877. 34i 8f lOf India British Museum. 331 8f 13! Kashmir St. George Littledale. 331 9f 281 Do St. George Littledale, 1877. 331 9i Hi India Hume Collection, British Museum. 33 9 20j Kashmir St. George Littledale. 33 ... ... India Major Lloyd Dickson. 32% IOJ 131 Do Hume Collection, British Museum. 32J 9i 26J Do Capt. G. Campbell. 32J 3<# 91 8J IOJ 3c4 Thian Shan, Central Asia. India British Museum. Hume Collection, British Museum. 301 71 I3l Siberia ... British Museum. 3o| 91 i7f India F. J. Jackson. 29 28! i 9i (mal- formed) I4J Kashmir India Martyn Kennard. F. J. Jrcksor. 28i 8* 10 Siberia ... British Museum. 25i 71 iSi India Do. 231 8J 10} Do Gwynne Griffiths. i8f 8 95 Do Hume Collection, British Museum. I2J 4i 8J Do British Museum. 182 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. CAUCASIAN IBEX (Capra caucasica). Habitat Caucasus. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 40J I2| IS* Caucasus St George Littledale. 361 i *7i Do. Do. 341 "1 22| Do. Do. 1891. 33* I0f 26| Do. Do. Do. 33 12* 22| Do. Do. 1887. 325 II 261 Do. Do. Do. 3i5 io| 20 Do. Do. Do. 3il Hi 2li Do. Do. Do. 3of "I i6| Do. Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 3oi "I 20j Do. St. George Littledale, 1891. 29* 12 22| Do. Do. 1887. 2 9 J "J 20J Do. Do. Do. *22| I0j 221 Do. Do. 1886. 191 I0f 16* Do. P. A. Holt, British Museum. 15 8f I2| Do. Do. 9 4* 4* Do. British Museum. * Cross between Capra caucasica and Capra pallasi. ALPINE IBEX (Capra ibex). Habitat Switzerland Alps, Savoy and the Tyrol. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 3'l 9i i8| The Alps, Savoy... Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart 26| Si 22J The Alps British Museum. 2X| 8| 14? Do. Do. PYRE NE AN IBEX. PYKENEAN IBEX (Capra pyrenaica). Habitat Pyrenees, High ranges of Central Spain, Andalusia and Portugal. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 28 91 231 Spain ... British Museum. *27f 9 25 Do Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 27! I0f 192 Pyrenees British Museum. *2 5 f 8| z6| Spain ... Hon. Walter Rothschild. 24i 10 14 Val d' Arras E. N. Buxton, 1885: 241 9* i8| Do. Do. Do. *22 71 14 Spain ... Pablo Larios. *I2 6f 18* Do Do. fioj 7 6 Do Professor Owen, British Museum. $9i 51 71 Val d' Arras E. N. Buxton, 1883. 29* 51 6J Do. Do. Do. * Capra Hispanica. t ^Egoceros pyrenaica. ARABIAN IBEX (Capra sinaitica). [Rev. H. B. TRISTRAM on the Mammals of Palestine, P.Z.S., 1866, p. 85.] THE Syrian Ibex, or Bedeb of the Arabs. Only found in Palestine in the neighbourhood of the Dead Sea, especially about Engedi. Very abundant on the east side in the mountains of Moab, and still more so throughout the Sinaitic peninsula. It formerly extended to the Lebanon, where its teeth have been found in cave-breccia by ourselves and by M. Lartet. (See Bull, Sve. Geol. de France, 22, p. 543.) Quite as wild, nimble and wary as the Ibex of the Alps. It drops its kid in March or April, and has but one at a birth. Several young ones were brought to us and reared for some time by hand. The horns of the female are much smaller than those of the male. The flesh is excellent, far superior to that of the Gazelle. The horns are subquadrangular, sharply emarginated at the inner anterior angle, and with from twenty to twenty-four (in fully adult specimens) bold ridges on the front face only. Habitat Upper Egypt, Sinaitic Peninsula and Palestine. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 38| 7i I2J Upper Egypt, Sinaitic Peninsula & Palestine. Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 184 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. WILD GOAT (Capra segagrus). Habitat South- Eastern Europe. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 53 52| 75 (owner's mea- surement) 8f Sumbak Hills, Sind. Col. F. Marston. A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 48J 8 135 Caucasus British Museum. 45i 9* I4i South Asia Minor Capt. Townley Parker. 44* 85 2I| Caucasus British Museum. 44* 8f II Hume Collection, British Museum. 43* 8* 22| J. Carr-Saunders. 431 8| I4l A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 43 4*i 9 I5 7 ; Taurus Moun- tains. Sir Eda^und G. Loder, Bart. Hume Collection, British Museum. 405 8* 75 India ... British Museum. 391 91 ii Erzeroum Do. 395 75 27 A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 38* 71 19 Hume Collection, British Museum. 38* 75 10 Do. 351 95 i3i Mount Ararat British Museum. 335 9* 18 Beluchistan ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. (Shot by Maj. Hogg). Hume Collection, British Museum. 331 71 io| Do. 331 9i 14* British Museum. 3of 65 14 Hume Collection, British Museum. 26J 25? 9i 8| 91 Cilecian Taurus, Asia Minor. Baluchistan C. G. Danford, British Museum. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. (Shot by Maj. Hogg). Hume Collection, British Museum. 25i 71 9 Solomon Mtns., Asia Minor. British Museum. E. N. Buxton. I8| 75 9i Do. 1890. NORTH AFRICAN IBEX. WILD GOAT (Capra ssgagrus) continued. 185 '- Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 16 71 7 Persia R. J. Kennedy. 16 7 6f Cilecian Taurus, Asia Minor. C. G. Danford, British Museum. I2| 51 7i Europe British Museum. "1 45 3f Cilecian Taurus, Asia Minor. C. G. Danford, British Museum. $ 105 41 3i Caucasus Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. Sf 41 4l MaiJiun Dagh E. N. Buxton, 1890. 8J 31 4l Do. Do. Do. 7i 3J 35 Do. Do. Do. NORTH AFRICAN IBEX (Capra nubiana). Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 46J 8 ... North Africa British Museum. 42J 94 iSi Capt. Bartelot. 4i| 7i i7f North Africa Capt. W. H. Besant. 351 6 I0| Do. British Museum. 35J 7J 12 W. P. Gore Graham. 33 7 20 ... Do. Hf 6J 6| North Africa British Museum. DOMESTIC GOAT (Capra hircus). Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 54 ioj 4Q| Great Britain Sir Edmund' G. Loder, Bart. 26i 8t 7 Asia Minor C. G. Danford, British Museum. H Si 8 ... British Museum. $ 10 3i 4l Asia Minor C. G. Danford, British Museum. 71 4t m British Museum. i86 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. NILGHIRI IBEX or WILD GOAT (Capra hylocrius). Habitat India, Nilghiri Hills. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 1 63 8| 51 India A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 1 6^ 8| (owner's measurement) 7i Do Do. ... St. George Littledale. Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. iSf 8f 6| Do Martyn Kennard. "Si 8i 6 Nilghiri Hills St. George Littledale, 1875. 15* 8f 4f India... Martyn Kennard. 15* 8| 4f Nilghiri Hills St. George Littledale, 1871. I4i 8| 6i Do British Museum. I4i 8f Si India Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. I4l 8 41 Do. T. W. H. Greenfield. I4i 8f Si Do Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 14* 8i 6i Do Do. 14 8| 5J Nilghiri Hills British Museum. 14 8 5* India Martyn Kennard. I3f 8 6J Do Do. 131 9 4i Do Do. * 8| (one horn only) 51 Nilghiri Hills India... St. George Littledale. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. '3i 8 51 Do W. C. Oswell. i3i SJ 5i Do A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 13 9i 4f Do Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 13 8i Si Do T. W. H. Greenfield. I2f 7? 33 Do Martyn Kennard. I2| 71 51 Do T. W. H. Greenfield. NILGHIRI IBEX OR WILD GOAT. 187 NILGHIRI IBEX or WILD GOAT (Capra hylocrius)-//*/. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 52* 15 41 ... Reginald Beech. 50} "33 4Q| Parnir ... St. George Littledale. 50^ 15 42f Alai Plateau, Pamir Do. British Museum. 49} i5l 39i Pamir ... Do. 49} *sf 341 Reginald Beech. 49 i5f 38^ Do. 43 'Si 42f Pamir ... St. George Littledale. 4S i3l 43 Alai Plateau, Parnir Do. British Museum. 4*i 46 *5i 15 27 49 Saiar Mountains, Altai. Do. Do. P. L. Sclater, P.Z.S. 1860, p. 433. 451 43* i3l I4l 391 (about) 3'* Pamir ... A. O. Hume, Private Collection. SL George Littledale. 43 42 i5 H 37 (about) 39i Do Do Do. Do. 41} 141 29 Siberia British Museum. 4-! i3i 44 Alai Plateau, Pamir St. George Littledale, British Museum. 3l I4l ... Pamir ... Do. 362 I2J ... Do Do. 33i I5f 14 6i 28 151 Saiar Mountains, Altai. Alai Plateau, Pamir Do. British Museum. Do. Do. "i 5i i5i Saiar Mountains, Altai. Do. Do. GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. WILD SHEEP OF THIAN SHAN (Ovis karelini). [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, Bart, and Mr. B. BROOKE, P.Z.S. 1875, p. 512.] THE horns are moderately thick, with rather rounded edges ; frontal surface very prominent ; orbital surface rather flat, narrowing only in the last third of its length. The horns are three times as long as the skull. The basal and terminal axes of the horn rise parallel with each other; the median axis is parallel with the axis of the skull. The neck is covered by a white mane, shaded with greyish brown. The light brown of the back and sides is separated from the yellowish white of the belly by a wide dark line. The light brown of the upper parts gets gradually lighter towards the tail, where it becomes greyish white, but does not form a sharply marked anal disk. On the back there is a sharply marked dark line running from the shoulders to the loins. I did not find any soft hair under the long winter hair in October. Height at the shoulder, 3 ft. 6 in. ; length of the horns, from 44 in. to 45 in. Range. Ovis karelini inhabits all the Semiretchinsk Altai, and also the Sapliskey Altai, but is not so common there as in the moun- tains between Tamgali (?) and Kaskelen ; but it is partly driven from this latter locality by the Cossack sportsmen, and has gone to a higher elevation, namely the Kebin Steppe, above the range of trees. East of Tamgali (?) (Turgeli) (?), on the bare mountains and plains near the rivers Chilik and Kelen, Ovis karelini is very abundant, but not on the mountains covered with trees ; it extends from this locality as far as Santash. Further it inhabits all the neighbourhood of Issik Kul ; is rather rare on the northern parts of the Thian Shan, which are thickly wooded. I also met with numerous flocks in the steppes of the Narin, where they find abundance of food and shelter at an elevation of about 12,000 or 13,000 feet above the level of the sea. WILD SHEEP OF THIAN SHAN. 199 This species is also met with on the mountains separating the Narin from its tributary the Atpash, as far as the plains between the rivers Kurtka and Chatir Kul ; but from the eastern sources of the Atpash as far as the Chatir Kul it is found only in company with Ovis polii. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 54i 49 i6J Mi 341 341 West Chinese Mon- golia. Do. St George Littledale. Do. 49 i5l 3i| Do. Do. 1 81 *9- 48i i3i 33f Thian Shan Yarkund Mission, British Museum. 46} isi 29i Do. Do. 42 M* 34 Do. Do. 4if 27 i3f 19 2li West Chinese Mon- golia. Thian Shan St. George Littledale. Yarkund Mission, Brilish Museum. 231 ioj 24 Do. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. I6f 18 Do. Yarkund Mission, British Museum. 20O GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. OVIS AMMON. Habitat Northern Asia. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 471 19 3'J Siberia British Museum. 46| 45* 19! i6J 20 (about) 17 India ... A. O. Hume, Private Collection. H.R.H. Duke of Teck. 43i I6| (loose horns) H. C. V. Hunter. 42^ 42J i6i 16 19 (about) 18 A. O. Hume, Private Collection. Hume Collection, British Museum. 42* 16 18 Rowland Ward's Collection. 42 (?) '5i ... J. Carr-Saunders. 42| I6J 20 H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh. 42J i6f Hi Hume Collection, British Museum. 42J 42 i6| i6f 18 (about) I7J A. O. Hume, Private Collection. Hume Collection, British Museum. 41! 16 ... Hon. Walter Rothschild. 4iJ 4o (?) 4Q| 17* 141 1 71 16 (about) 26| 20| A. O. Hume, Private Collection. St. George Littledale, British Mu- seum. Hon. Charles Ellis. 40j i7i 20 Hume Collection, British Museum. 40 i6f i9i Do. OVIS AMMON. 2OI OVIS Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 40 16 i8J ... Hume Collection, British Museum. 39i i6i i8| Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 39i 17 Hi Hon. Charles Ellis. 39 17 19 Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 2 16 (one horn broken) 20 Altai ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection, 1871. Maj-Gen. Arthur Ellis, C.S.I. * 16 'owner's mea- surement) Himalayas Capt. A. A. Kinloch. Col. Congreve, British Museum. 38 18 19* Hon. Charles Ellis. 38 i7 19* H. C. V. Hunter. 38 379 16 i6i 23i East India Company, British Mu- seum. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 37J i8i i6i G. McMicking. 37i i6i 17 Capt. M. Murphy. 363 i6i i6| ... Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 36J 'Si 191 Ladak Col. Congreve, British Museum. 36 i6| ... H. C. V. Hunter. 36 i5f 20 G. McMicking. 36 iSi 20 Capt G. Campbell. 35* i6f 15 H. C. V. Hunter. 35i 1 71 211 Ladak British Museum. 341 iSi 201 H. C. V. Hunter. 33 i5i ... ... Do. 33 16 I7J \ Reginald Beech. 201 71 17 Siberia ... British Museum. $ 18 7 I 9 3 Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. $I2J 5 151 Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 2O2 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. OVIS HODGSONI. [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, Bart, and Mr. B. BROOKE, P.Z.S. 1875, P- 5 2 ]- ADULT male, winter, Colebrooke collection. Obtained within 30 miles of Leh in the winter of 1873. Hair of body about 2 inches in length, coarse and close-set ; on the sides and lower surface of the neck the hair is lengthened into a long rich ruff-like mane of a snow-white colour. Along the median line of the upper neck there is a narrow band of rather shorter hair, which, however, is about twice as long as that on the body, and, being continued as far back as the withers, forms a short dorsal mane ; general colour of the body dark brown, mixed with grey ; anterior parts of the face, belly, limbs below the carpi and tarsi internally, and a small anal disk surrounding the tail and rump, dirty white ; cheeks and forearms darker than the rest of the body ; ears and tail short, the latter with a narrow dark line along its upper surface ; horns massive and rather short, their terminal curve being but slightly developed. Female, much paler than the male, with little or no mane. No distinct anal disk. Range. Little Thibet (Kinloch, &c.) ; Cachar region, Nepaul (Hodgson). Habitat N epal . Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 44l I7J 22j Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 4iJ i6f 19 Ladak Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 381 i5l 18 Do Do. 35J i6J. 15* Do R. Lydekker, British Museum. $i4 1\ 1 71 Do Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. OVIS BROOKE I. 203 OVIS BROOKEI. [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, Bart., and Mr. B. BROOKE, P.Z.S. 1875, p. 521]. THIS species is based upon a skull and horns in our own collection. The locality from which the specimen was obtained in not so certain as could be desired, but we have strong reasons for believing that the animal was shot in the vicinity of Leh, in Ladak. In its much smaller size it differs from Ovis hodgsoni, and in its deeply sulcated horns, the angles of which are very much rounded and the terminal curve but slightly developed, it differs as decidedly from Ovis karelini. It is not improbable that the species will be found to inhabit the Kuenluen Mountains. Habitat Ladak. inches. Dimensions of the specimen : Length of skull, measured from highest point between the horn ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 1 Smallest breadth between orbits ... ... ... 4! Length of horns, round the curve ... ... ... 33^- Circumference of horns ... ... ... ... ... 1 Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 33* 13* 18* Ladak Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. OVIS BLANFORDI. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 36J 3*1 91 91 (single horn) 13? Hume Collection, British Museum. Do. 231 9i i7l Do. 204 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. BIGHORN SHEEP (Ovis canadensis\ Habitat North America. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 41 i7i 26 Blyth, P.Z.S. 1840, p. 64. 40| 401 17* i6J i5i (owner's mea- surement) 201 T. W. H. Clarke. British Museum (American Exhibition Catalogue). Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 39f iSt Colorado St. George Littledale. 39^ i6i 24? North America, British Museum. 39 39 15? I4i i8J W. A. Baillie Grohman (American Exhibition Catalogue. The late J. S. Jameson. 38f 'Si 22 E. N. Buxton. 3Si iSJ I9i Montana St. George Littledale. 381 38 i6f i7 ... H. Seton Karr (American Exhibition Catalogue). Capt. A. Pike. 38 i5 ... Capt. F. Cookson. 37? iSi 23S Mexico J. A. H. Drought. 37? i4i 15? British Columbia Capt. F. Cockson. 37 16 19* Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 37 36f i6J I4f 14? Major Maitland Kirwin (American Exhibition Catalogue). F. J. Horniman. BIGHORN SHEEP. BIGHORN SHEEP (Ovis canadensis) continued. 205 Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 36* 36J 36* 15* H* H ... Major Maitland Kirwin (American Exhibition Catalogue). Gerald Buxton (American Exhibition Catalogue). Thos. Bate (American Exhibition Catalogue). J. D. Cobbold. 36* Ml 13* J. C. L. Knight Bruce. 361 15* 221 Moreton Frewen. 36J Ml i8| E. N. Buxton. 36 14* 16} Montana R. H. Sawyer. 36 15* Capt. A. Pike. 351 351 13* 19 (about) 18 Montana E. N. Buxton. St. George Littledale. 35i I2| 16 California Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 35i i6J i6i British Columbia Capt. F. Cookson, 1885. 35 14 ... Sir Michael Culme Seymour, Bart. 35 isi 17! Hon. Charles Ellis. 34i 15* Colorado St. George Littledale. 34l Mi 18 The late J. S. Jameson. 341 14* G. P. Fitzgerald. 34 15 Do. 331 Ml 17 J. C. L. Knight Bruce. 33* i5i 20j Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 33* H* Sir Michael Culme Seymour. 33* 14 ... Rowland Ward's Collection. 33* 16 i8| J. Carr-Saunders. 33 14* ... G. P. Fitzgerald. 325 151 19* Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 32* 14* 161 The late J. S. Jameson. 206 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. BIGHORN SHEEP (Ovis caiiadensis) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 32^ 13* ... J. D. Cobbold. 32| 14 (about) E. N. Buxton. J. C. L. Knight Bruce. 32 i3i i7i Do. 32 i6i ... Rowland Ward's Collection. 32 32 r! 17* Yellowstone River. British Museum. J. D. Cobbold. 31 I6J 15 15 23 (about) G. D. Whatman (American Exhibition Catalogue). Frank Cooper (American Exhibition Catalogue). Hon. Walter Rothschild Wm. Marr. 30 13 J. D. Cobbold. 28f 131 ... British Columbia Capt. F. Cookson. 28f I3i 19! Hon. T. A. Brassey. 28 14* ... W. C. Beaumont. 2 7 | 27J I 4 i 15 (about) Colorado Sir Victor Brooke's Collection J. H. Batty's Collection). Col. Ralph Vivian. E. N. Buxton. (from 26f I3i A. H. Harrison. 25J I3i J. D. Cobbold. 25 i3i British Columbia Capt. F. Cookson. 25 Hi W. C. Beaumont. 2lf 13* 20 California British Museum. $ 13 6 I3f Mexico J. A. H. Drought. $ 4 3f 6 Yellowstone River. British Museum. KAMSCHATKA WILD SHEEP. 207 KAMSCHATKA WILD SHEEP or WILD SHEEP OF ALASKA (Ovis nivicola). [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, Bart., and Mr. B. BROOKE, P.Z.S. 1875, P- 5 21 -] ADULT male (winter), Mus. Lugd., Kamschatka. Hair very long and woolly, and not lengthened into a mane on the neck ; general colour grizzly brown ; an indefinitely bounded patch on the face below the eyes, and all four limbs anteriorly rich uniform dark brown ; space round the muzzle, upper and under lip, rump, and posterior part of the haunches, centre of the belly, and the limbs posteriorly pure white. The white on the posterior parts of the limbs give place very suddenly to the brown of their anterior surfaces. The white of the rump does not surround the tail, which on its upper surface is darker than the back. Ears and tail very short. Horns in form closely resembling those of Ovis montana. Frontal and nuchal surfaces convex ; orbital surface flat ; fronto-nuchal and edges very greatly rounded ; fronto-orbital edge strongly defined, a deep groove lying between it and the orbital surface ; the terminal curve of the horns well developed, and directed upwards and outwards. Skull remarkably short and broad, and strongly anchylosed ; a shallow anteorbital fossa. Length from between horns to end of prsemaxillse 10 inches, its greatest width across the orbits 6f inches ; height at the shoulder, 37 inches ; length of horns round curve, 33 inches, their circumference I2f inches. Adult male, Mus. Strassburg. Only differs from the former in being considerably paler in colour. Length of horns 27 inches, their circumference 13^ inches. Adult female, Mus. Lugd. Is darker than the male, and has short compressed horns, about 9 inches in length. The distribution of colour is the same as in the male. Range. Kamschatka (Eschscholtz) ; Stanovoi Mountains, as far south as the sources of the Utschur (Middendorff). Habitat Kamschatka. 208 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. KAMSCHATKA WILD SHEEP or WILD SHEEP OF ALASKA (OviS niviCOla) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 38 13* 26 F. H. H. Guillemard's party in the "Mai-Chesa," P.Z.S. 1885, p 675. 35 H 261 Do. 35 I3i 25i Do. 35 I3i 21 Do. 34^ Hi 25 Do. 34 "i 1 71 British Museum. 32* 13* 23 Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 32| i3i 221 F. H. H. Guillemard's party "Marchesa," P.Z.S. 1885, p in the 675- 32J 14 21 Do. 261 I2J 21* ... Do. 24J 121 22 Stanowoi Mntr.s., British Museum. E. Siberia. 24 J 3 I 72 ... F. H. H. Guillemard's party in the "Marchesa," P.Z.S. 1885, p. 6 75 . 23i J i8i Petropaulovski, Kamschatka. Dr. Dybowski, British Museum 13 H 25 Kamschatka Lord Lilford. (Shot by F. H. H. Guillemard's party.) The horns can be readily distinguished from O. Montana by the slenderness at the points. OORIALSHAPOO. 209 OORIAL (Ovis cycloceros) SHAPOO (Ovis vignei). Habitat North-West India. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. *3Sf 121 IlJ India J. Carr-Saunders. ; *37i *36f IOJ 9i II (about) 17 ... A. O. Hume, Private Collection. Do. * 3 6| ill ... Do. *35i ioj 16 Gulran, Afghanistan Dr. J. Aitchison, British Museum. *33f 91 ... A. O. Hume, Private Collection. *33J ii| iof ... Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. * 3 2| ii 8 Blyth, P.Z.S. 1840, p. 71. t32j 10 11} Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. * 3 2j lOj nf ... Do. * 3 2j 10 Hi Hume Collection, British Museum, t3'f 9i - si Do. t3'i ^ 16 ... Do. *3i 12 9i A. O. Hume, Private Collection. * Ovis vignei t Ovis cycloceros. 210 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. OORIAL (Ovis cycloceros) SHAPOO (Ovis vignei) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. t3i 9 ... *30| io| 13 Ladak t3l 91 20J Jhelum, Salt Range *3<> 12 ... | (owner's measurement) * 3 o H| 16 ... tJo IOJ 10 f 3 o 9l Hi * 3 o 8| 14 tot * 8| Punjaub... f29l 95 Hi *29i io5 13* *2 9 J ioi iif t*9i 9 i3i *2 9 "I i8J *29 II J (shortest) 28^ 8 i9i Ladak ... *28i 9 iSi Kusan, Afghanistan *27i "i i8J f27i 9i 17* *2 7 "t i8J Cya Mullah, Ladak *26f I Of I2f t 2 6 ioi 13 Ladak *26J a. _ /- i io| "f Owner. 91 Col. Western. R. Lydekker, British Museum. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. Rowland Ward's Collection. C. Hunter. Hume Collection, British Museum. Hon. Walter Rothschild. Hume Collection, British Museum. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. Prof. Oldham, British Museum. H. C. V. Hunter. British Museum. Hume Collection, British Museum. Do. British Museum. Hume Collection, British Museum. Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. Prof. Oldham, British Museum. Dr. J. Aitchison, British Museum. Martyn Kennard. Hume Collection, British Museum. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection, 1875- Martyn Kennard. St. George Littledale, 1877. Martyn Kennard. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. Ovis vignei. t Ovis Cycloceros. OORIALSHAPOO. 211 OORIAL (Ovis cycloceros) SHAPOO (Ovis vignei) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. t*| "i I2| Ladak ... St. George Littledale, 1877. *26 I0| I7J Martyn Kennard. *26 9i I3i Do. f26 (owner's' measurement 19 Kolet Khoond, Salt Range. Capt. A. A. Kinloch. Hume Collection, British Museum. *25 ni *5f ... Hon. Charles Ellis. *25i 91 12 British Museum. t25f 9f i3f Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. t25* 91 I7i Kohrod, Persia ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. *24f ioi 18 British Museum. *2 4 f 91 201 Martyn Kennard. |24i 83 ... ... H. C. V. Hunter. *24f 9* 13 Martyn Kennard. f233 9 10} Hume Collection, British Museum. *23f ii 18 Astor ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection, t23i 10 ... ... Col. Marten. f23f 8| 9i H. C. V. Hunter. f23j 81 ... ... Do. *2 3 roj 201 isi Martyn Kernard. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. f23 9i ... ... H. C. V. Hunter, 1889. f22f 9? I6i Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. mi g! 16 (tips broken) 20 Punjaub... Rowland Ward's Collection. British Museum. f22 ioi 20 Capt. M. Murphy. *2lJ iof I9i ... British Museum. *20 ioi | 191 Astor Sir Victor Brooke's Collection, I87S- Ovis vignei. t Ovis cycloceros. 2 212 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. BURHEL (Ovis nahura). Habitat H imalay as . Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 32 ... ... India ... B. H. Hodgson, P.Z.S. 1840, p. 66. 3<>i I2 4 2I I Do A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 30 121 22J Do Do. 29i "I 25J Do H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh. 28 II 201 Do Hume Collection, British Museum. 271 IOJ IO Do Capt. G. Campbell. 27i II 2IJ Ladak St. Geo. Littledale, 1877. 261 H 23 India Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 261 12 211 Do Hon. Walter Rothschild. 261 I0| 22 Do Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 26J I2f 25 Do Hume Collection, British Museum. 26 12 201 Do Rowland Ward's Collection. 25* 251 Us III 25* Do Ladak ... Zoo. Society's Museum (P.Z.S. 1840, p. 67 and 68). St. George Littledale, 1877. 24i 121 26 India J. Carr-Saunders. 24 24 II 10 221 Ladak ... India Mr. Leadbeater, Zoo. Society's Mu- seum (P.Z.S. 1840, p. 67 and 68). Rowland Ward's Collection. 24 II 22| Do B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 23! iof 26J Ladak R. Lydekker, British Museum. 23! III 24i India Sir Robt. Harvey, Bart. 07/5 ARC A LI. BURHEL (Ovis nahura) continued. 213 Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 23* n* 2 5 f India Hume Collection, British Museum. 23 12 26 Do H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. 22f lOf 22f Do B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 221 ioj 23 Ladak St. George Littledale, 1877. 22j io| India Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 22 ... Do Do. 22 lOf 251 Do Do. 22 Ipi 211 Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 22 II 24 Capt. G. Campbell. 2I| io| 23 India ... Capt. G. McMicking. 2I| i 251 Do Hume Collection, British Museum. 21* ii ... Do H. C. V. Hunter. 2IJ ii 23f Do Hume Collection, British Museum. 20 I9i 10 lOf 25 23i Do Ladak ... Zoo. Society's Museum (P.Z.S. 1840, p. 67 and 68). St. George Littledale, 1877. I9i ioi 24 India B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. i9l II* 27 Thibet Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 19 loj 26 India Reginald Beech. i8| "I 24i Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. OVIS ARGALI. Habitat India. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 40j 17 II Nepal B. H. Hcdgson, British Museum. 37i 16 i7i Do Do. 214 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. MOUFFLON (Ovis musimon).* [BLYTH, P.Z.S. 1840, p. 72.] IT is unnecessary to give a detailed description of this beautiful little species, though I may mention that the fine living male in the gardens measures 39 in. from nose to tail, the tail 5 in. ; from nose to base of horn 7 in. ; ears 4 in. ; neck, from posterior base of horn to the abrupt angle of its insertion, 8 in., and thence to base of tail 21 in. ; height at the shoulder 2^ ft. The female has seldom any horns, which, when they exist, are ordinarily about 2 in. long. Habitat Sardinia and Corsica. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 283 81 Sardinia E. N. Buxton. 28 8| 9i Do Do. 26 7 12 Blyth, P.Z.S. 1840, pt. 8, p. 72. 251 8* 10 Hon. Walter Rothschild. 24* 24 9i 9 9l 12 South -West Sar- dinia. Sir Victor Brooke's Collection R. J. Kennedy. 223 8 Si Zoological Society, British Museum. 21* 8? Sardinia E. N. Buxton. 21 8* 9 South Sardinia . . . Sir Victor Brooke's Collection 21 Si 6 Blyth, P.Z.S. 1840, pt. 8, p. 72. 203 n 12 North Africa British Museum. 8f si 9i Sardinia E. N. Buxton. The Moufflon sheep of Corsica and Sardinia, but not, there is reason to suspect, of the Levantine Countries. CYPRIAN WILD SHEEP OR MOUFFLON. 215 CYPRIAN WILD SHEEP or MOUFFLON (Ovis ophion). Habitat Cyprus. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 24 8 4'6o Cyprus ... Lord Lilford, P.Z.S. December 2nd, 1882. 23i 8-I 5 I2'2O Col. J. Biddulph, P.Z.S. December 2nd, 1882. 23 7 si ... British Museum, P.Z.S. December 2nd, 1882. 22J 71 6 Trudos Mountains, Gen. Sir R. Biddulph, British Museum. Cyprus. 221 8 I2| Cyprus ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. AOUDAD (Ovis tragelaplms). [BLYTH, P.Z.S. 1840, p. 75.] THIS animal appears to vary considerably in size some exceeding a Fallow Deer in stature, while others are much smaller. It has no beard on the chin, like the true goats, but is remarkable for the long hanging hair in front of the neck and on the upper part of the fore-limbs, the former attaining in fine males to about a foot in length, and the latter to 9 in. ; there is also some lengthened hair at the setting on of the head, and a dense nuchal mane, the hairs of which are 3 in. long, continued over the withers till lost about the middle of the back ; general colour yellow-brown ; horns mode- rately stout, turning outwards, backwards, and so inwards, with the tips inclining towards each other. This species is well known as the " Aoudad " of the Moors, and the " Kebsh " of the Egyptians ; it is also, according to Riippell, the " Tedal " of the inhabitants of Nubia, which is doubtless the same as "Teybal," applied by Burkhardt to the wild goat of that region, in addition to the word " Beden," which (in common with Riippell and others) he also assigns to the latter. 2l6 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. AOUDAD (Ovis tragelaplms) continued. Habitat Mountain-ranges of North Africa, Length. Circum- ference at base. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 26f lOf "51 North Africa British Museum. 26 II 1 71 Do. Do. 26 io| ... Do. Do. 25 ioi i5 Do. Blyth, P.Z.S. 1840, p. 76. 23 III 5 Do. British Museum. 221 I Of I2f Do. Lord Edward Cecil. I9l IIJ Hi Do. British Museum. *9i 9i i6| Djobel Matlili ... E. N. Buxton. i8J l 1 8J North Africa Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. i8| 7* 14* Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. 18 71 15 Do. British Museum. i6f 71 i6f Do. Do. i6i 7i 15 Djobel Matlili ... E. N. Buxton. 16 7* i7i North Africa Blyth, P.Z.S. 1840, p. 76. ASIA MINOR SHEEP (Ovis gmelini). Habitat Persia and Asia Minor. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 40J 36* ic* I Of 5* 51 W. Burchart Barker, British Museum, P.Z.S. Feb. 1880. British Museum. 30* lOf 18 Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 291 9J ri| Do. DOMESTIC SHEEP. ASIA MINOR SHEEP (Ovis gmelini) continued. 217 Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 26-10 8J 12-20 ... ... ... C. G. Danford, P.Z.S. Feb. 1880. 24-40 10 12-80 Do. 23i 9 'Si Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 21*40 ioi 21 British Museum, P.Z.S. Feb. 1880. 20 IO 21 Blyth, P.Z.S. 1840, p. 70. i*i 8| II British Museum, P.Z.S. Feb. 1880. DOMESTIC SHEEP (Ovis aries). Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 39i 8f 21 ... ... H. E. Surtees. 35 8 i6J Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 33 ii 22i Yarkund Hume Collection, British Museum. 32 8f 271 Do. Do. 32 8f i7i British Museum. 28f 8 2I| Scotland Rowland Ward's Collection. 22| 9i 20i Yarkund Hume Collection, British Museum. 22| 9i 22J Do. Do. 18 71 i6i (Fezzan sheep). ... British Museum. 1 71 x Hi 71 x 4f 41 x 6| (four horns) Hume Collection, British Museum. 17 x llf 6f x 5 6 x 8i Do. British Museum. i3i x 10$ 5f x 4* ... (five horns) Hume Collection, British Museum. 13 x 9i 71 x 5 Hi (four horns) A. O. Hume, Private Collection. Ml ... ... West Africa ... British Museum. 12 x 9 f 6i x 4 171 (four horns) A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 218 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD MUSK OX (Ovibos moschatus). Habitat Arctic Regions. Length. Breadth of Palm. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 27i 12} 27 North America ... Earl of Lonsdale. 261 26| II 2 7 Barren Ground of Northern Canada. North America ... Warburton Pike. J. Rae, British Museum. 26^ I3i 271 Do. British Museum. 241 24* ii I2f 25* 24} Barren Ground of Northern Canada. North America ... Warburton Pike. British Museum. 24} 24 24 20 (circum- ference) 9f 26 30 Barren Ground of Northern Canada. North America ... Do. Warburton Pike. Earl of Lonsdale. Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 8 8f (about) 4i ' ! Grinnell Land ... Discovery Bay ... North America ... Capt W. H. Fielden, British Mu- seum. British Museum. A. G. Dallas, British Museum. $iSJ 4^ ... Do. Do. $16 3i ... Do. British Museum. o _J c Ls_ DQ LU O CAPE BUFFALO. 219 CAPE BUFFALO (Bos caffer). Bechuana name " Nari." Lower Zambesi name " Nyati " or " Njati." Habitat Africa. Greatest Width. Inside. I Outside. Tip to Width of Tip. Palm. Habitat. Owner. 42 17 Near River Ra- F. C. Selous, "A Hunter's mokwebani, Wanderings. " South Africa, j ... 45 ... ii Kilimanjaro, H. C. V. Hunter. East Africa. 41* 451 37 ... South Africa ... British Museum. 4i 45i 30 East Africa W. Astor Chanler. 40J 47 I2J Do. F. J. Jackson. 40* 26 ... Do. Prince Boris Czetwertynski. 40 ... 7 Linyanti, River F. C. Selous, " A Hunter's Chobe. Wanderings. " 39 45 I2j East Africa H. C. V. Hunter. 391 44^ 271 ni Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 39 435 29i I3i South Africa ... F. C. Selous. 38* 43i 24* I3i Do. Sir John Willoughby, Bart. 220 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. CAPE BUFFALO (Bos caffer) continued. Greatest Width. Tip to Tip. Width of Palm. Habitat. Owner. Inside. Outside. 38J 44 i 13* East Africa ... Do. Joseph Thomson, ' ' Through Masai Land." Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 38 42| ... I2i Do. H. C. V. Hunter. 37i 4if 29! 13 South Africa . . . J. Carr-Saunders. 371 431 26 I2f East Africa ... Hon. Walter Rothschild. 37J 4ii 30 12 Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 37J 4ii 34 I2| Do. Do. 37 42 34 ... Do. Prince Stargynski. 37 4i 24 I2f South Africa ... W. C. Oswell. 37 40 35 ... East Africa ... Gen. Mathews. 37 40 32 IlJ Abyssinia E. Lort-Phillips. 36f 44 28 ... British Museum. 36 40J 3o| Ilf East Africa ... Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 36| 41 271 I4 Bethnal Green Museum. 2 7 291 Ilf East Africa Sir Victor Brooke's Collec- tion. H. C. V. Hunter. 36i 4i| ... 25! South Africa ... British Museum. 36 36 42J 21 [owner's mea- surement) South Africa ... Sir John Willoughby, Bart. British Museum. 36 44 22 Do. A. W. Davis. 36 4ii 29i nf Do. A. Beit. 36 4 oJ 26 East Africa Prince Boris Czetwertynski. 36 40 30 (shot by H. H. Johnson) South Africa ... Sir Philip Currie, Bart. Rowland Ward's Collection. 35? 351 40 28| I4f Mashona Land East Africa ... F. C. Selous, British Mu- seum. F. J. Jackson. CAPE BUFFALO. 221 CAPE BUFFALO (Bos caffer) continued. Greatest Width. Tip to Tip. Width of Palm. Habitat. Owner. Ipside. Outside. 351 39f 30* IOJ East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 35 40 25 15* South Africa ... ; F. C. Selous. 345 38J 29J 131 East Africa H. C. V. Hunter. ... . ... 26J ... J. A. Jameson. 34 39 26 ... R. P. Carrol. 34 3Si 271 "i South Africa ... F. C. Selous. 34 332 along front curve one horn 39 32i 23i i3i i3i East Africa Do. T. W. H. Greenfield. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 331 38i 26f I2| Do. H. C. V. Hunter. 3ti 37i 32f I2| Do. Sir John Kirk, M. D. , K. C. B. 33i 381 ... 16 Do. F. J. Jackson. 33 39 21 ... South Africa . . . Rowland Ward's Collection. 32f 36J 231 I2j East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart 32 37 24i "i Do. Do. 32J 38i I 9 f '3 Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 32 32 38f 36| 16 20J 10* (about) I3f South Africa ... East Africa A. Beit. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 3i| 37i 231 13 H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh. 34 3iJ 351 351 24i i3i 12\ South Africa ... East Africa Dr. Knight Bruce, Bishop of Mashuna Land. H. C. V. Hunter. 3i 351 24* I2| Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart 3o| 36 J 9 IO Do. Sir John Kirk, M. D. , K. C. B. 3o 34i 22 Mi Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 3oj 331 26| ... South Africa ... British Museum. 291 34 ... Mi East Africa H. C. V. Hunter. 28| 33i 221 rof South Africa ... Dr. Knight Bruce, Bishop of Mashunaland. 222 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. CAPE BUFFALO (Bos caffer) continued. Greatest Width. Tip to Tip. Width of Palm. Habitat. Owner. Inside. Outside. 28 34 28e Mashuna Land F. C. Selous, British Mu- seum. 28J 325 i8J I3i East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 28 3 2 22 6 Buse Country ... F. L. James. 27 32| 151 i<4 East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 26| 24! 34 28| 21* 9i 2l| Algoa Bay C. P. V. Aylmer and W. D. James, 1881. British Museum. CENTRAL AFRICAN BUFFALO (Bos Centralis), Habitat North and Central Africa. Greatest width. Tip to Tip. Width of Palm. Habitat. Owner. Inside. Outside. 36i 39 34* Soudan ... Rowland Ward's Collection. 28i 3if 251 8 Do Col. Ralph Vivian. 28 33i 19 8f Do Do. 26J 3if 241 Bogos Land, Abys- British Museum. sima. 251 28* 24 ... Do. Do. BUBALUS RECLINUS. Greatest width. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. Insid. Outside. 18 24i "1 British Museum. ARNEE, 223 ARNEE (Bos buffelus). Habitat India. Length Outside Curve. Circumference at Base. Tip to Tip. Widest Inside. Habitat. Owner. 771 $5f $Sf i7i 20i I2f (single horn) India ... Assam ... India ... British Museum. Col. J. Marine, British Museum. British Museum. 258J 13* ... Mrs. Hannaford. 581 58 I2f 18 42? ... ' British Museum. Bethnal Green Museum 57 (owner's T D Inverarity measurement) 224 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. ARNEE (BOS buffelUS) continued. Length Outside Curve. Circumference at Base. Tip to Tipi Widest Inside. Habitat. Owner. 56 15* 55* 58 Kuch Behar ... Eyre Coote. 55* isi 29 44 India ... J. Carr-Saunders. 54* C-jl 18* 12 38J 483 Do Hume Collection, British Museum. A. O. Hume, Private Col- JOS ^ 21 26! lection. Baron de Nolde. Do* 53i 53i 53 I2J I2| I2J ^^g 23i 4o| Nepal ... India ... Hume Collection, British Museum. B; H. Hodgson, British Museum. British Museum. 5 2f 52 i8* i6f 30* 44i Do Do Hume Collection, British Museum. British Museum. 54 i6j ... ... Do Do. 5'i i6J ... ... Do Do. 5i 5l i8f I 9 J 44i 36 5of Nepal India ... B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. Lieut. St. John Brodrick. 5oi 17* 21* 37 Do Hon. Walter Rothschild. 5oJ 185 ... ... Do British Museum. 5o '3l 33 38i Do Noel P'enwick. 49* i 351 471 Do British Museum. 491 171 22 40 Do Do. 48| 16 ... ... Do Do. 47f 17? I9f ... Do Do. 47J 18 ... ... Do Do. 47 16 38* 4 6J Do Bethnal Green Museum. 45i 12 25* ... Do British Museum. 43i 18 4 6| 49i Do Major Talbot. 43 16 50 5 of Do H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh. 42 131 33 38i Do Rowland Ward's Collection. 225 ARNEE (BOS buffelus) continued. oS H e i Circumference Curve. at base ' Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Habitat. Owner. 40J Hi 35 41 India ... British Museum. 39f Hi 39 I4i 35* 35& 42 $ 35 Do. British Museum. 28$ 171 24! 28| Sahaydri Mts. , South India. Capt W. Thompson, British Museum. P 2 228 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD, GAUR BISON (Bos gaurus) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Habitat. Owner. 28? 18 25f 3i| Annainalies, Sir V.Brooke's Coll. (Shot South India. by Col. D. Hamilton.) 28 151 37i 4<4 India A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 281 151 1 8$ 28 Do. Maj. -Gen. Arthur Ellis, j C.S.I. 281 I5J !7 27 Do. Hume Collection, British 1 Museum. 281 18 '5? (owner's Do. F. W. Wodehouse. measurement)! 2SJ i8f 24! 3'i Hume Collection, British Museum. 28 17 24! 31 f Palnis, India Sir V.Brooke's Coll. (Shot by Col. D. Hamilton.) 28 15^ 19^ 3 ' Annainalies, Do. 281 18 '5f (owner's Do. measurement) 281 i8f 24| 3'i 28 17 24t 3i Palnis, India 28 !$T i9i 30 Annamalies, South India. 28 1 6 ioi 24 India 273 i8| 20 271 Annainalies, South India. 27i '7 32^ 32f India 271 i6f 32^ 36 Do. 27i i8f i8| 28 Do. 271 141 2I| 28f . Do. 27 18 19* 271 Annamalies, South India 27 16 16 ... i ' 26! 'S3 i6i 27 India 26| 13* I Of 2Of Do. 261 i6i i8J 26| Madras 26J 15* 16 ... India 26| 145 I3f *4i Sahaydri Mts. , ; South India. 26 171 IQ- India . 26 i6| 27 3 oj Bori Forest, Hosangobod, Cent. Provs. 25! 'Si 261 29 251 i6f 20g 26f ! Malay Penin- sula. 25* 17^ 19 ... Straits Settle- ments. Martyn Kennard. Sir V.Brooke's Coll. (Shot by Col. D. Hamilton. ) Major Cumberland. Hume Collection, British Museum. Do. Dr. Falconer, British Museum. Sir V.Brooke's Coll. (Shot by Col. D. Hamilton.) Rowland Ward's Collec- tion. Hon. Walter Rothschild. British Museum. Dr. Christie, British Mu- seum. Rowland Ward's Collec- tion. Capt. \V. Thompson, British Museum. Lord Wolverton. Sir John H. Morris, K.C.S.I. Hume Collection, British Museum. H. C. V. Hunter. T. S. Thompson. GAUR BISON. 229 vv GAUR BISON (BOS gaums) continued. ^h- sss: Tip to Tip. ; Widest inside. Habitat. Owner. i 1 ' 25t i3l ' 19* ' | 26 f West Siam ... British Museum. 2 5 a I5 i I3 25^ India Major A. A. Kinloch, British Museum. 2 5i 13? I9i 26 Rajhpootna Col. J. Evans, British Museum. 25i 153 19^ 26 ; Mysore Bosworth Smith, British Museum. 25 15 14^ I Straits Settle- T. S. Thompson. ments. 24? 17 34^ 345 Annamalies, Sir V.Brooke's Coll. (Shot j South India. by Col. D. Hamilton. ) 24! 1 6 28* Hume Collection, British *-v^2 Museum. 24 1 8 (owner's 34 3^i India J. D. Inverarity. measurement) (outside) 24 16 2 5i 30 i I ... Hume Collection, British Museum. 231 151 20^ 25! Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British - - i . Museum. 2 32 I4f 28 31 f H. C. V. Hunter. 231 i5i 20 25 South India Sir Victor Brooke's Col- lection. 23i I2f i3i ... ... A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 22j 16 21 Surgeon-Major Briggs. 22 J 15 151 22 \ Malay Penin- British Museum. , - .. ...", sula. 21 1 15^ i8f 23 J India Capt W. E. Robinson, British Museum. 9-21$ Hi 7f 1 8 ! West Ghauts Capt. W. Thompson, j British Museum. 2lf 14* 20 2 5 i Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 2li I 7 22* Rowland Ward's Collec- * tion. : 21 1 1 6 26^ 29 India Major Talbot. 21$ Ilg 15 20 f Mysore Bosworth Smith, British Museum. 2O^ 15 12 India Rowland Ward's Collec- tion. 20i Il| 5* 16 i Do. British Museum. ISJ "- I0f i of 17 | Do. ... R. ' C. Beavan, British Museum. i7f - io J 3f 17 |. > West Central Major A. A. Kinlock, ! India. British Museum. 17! ii J 7f 15 ^ B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 19 19 1 Col. G. P. Sanderson, "Wild Beasts of India." 230 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. GAYAL (Bos frontalis). Habitat Assam Chittaging Districts. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 15 "i 26 North India British Museum. I2| .31 2 7 f India Do. DWARF BUFFALO (Bos pumillus). [Sir VICTOR BROOKE, Bart., P.Z.S. 1875, P- 455-1 FEMALE about three years of age, all the permanent incisors except the two external teeth being in place (Zoological Gardens, Antwerp, received from Senegal) : Hair harsh, on the body and limbs of moderate length, longer on the withers and upper and under parts of the neck ; general colour bright yellow ; on the shoulders and anterior parts of the body there is a strong tinge of brown, caused by an intermixture of brown and yellow hairs ; on the flanks and belly the yellow shades gradually into deep rufous ; upper parts and sides of the head and neck pure yellow, lower surface of head and neck paler ; entire upper and lower lip, fore limbs from above the carpi, and hind limbs from below the tarsi downwards black ; ears about 10 in. in length and 6 in. in breadth, narrowed gradually towards their tips, which, from their flexibility and length, curl back upon the ear-conches ; internally the upper rim of the ear- conch is covered by pure yellow hair of about 5 in. length, hair of similar length and colour forming two marked lines along their inner surface ; hair on the lower rim of the ear-conch and on the tip black ; tail bare, excepting the terminal tuft, which is black. DWARF BUFFALO. 231 Height at the shoulder about 42 in. ; horns slightly compressed at their bases, and directed upwards ; the head is remarkably long in proportion to the body, which is compact and powerful, the limbs short. MALE, ADULT. Generally darker than the female (Du Chaillu) ; horns greatly compressed from above downwards and broad at their bases, which are transversed in unworn specimens by numerous sharply-marked irregular ridges ; beyond these ridges the horns are suddenly contracted into round smooth points, which are directed upwards and sometimes boldly backwards. The basal portion of the horn in most adult specimens rises slightly but decidedly from the horizontal upon leaving the skull ; in other specimens, however, as for example in the type, the entire horn is directed upwards ; length of horns round the curve about 21 in., their diameter at the base 7 in. FEMALE, ADULT. In the female the horns are much less com- pressed at the base than in the male ; as in the male the direction of the points of the horns is very variable ; length of horns round the curve 17 in., their diameter at the base 4^ in. RANGE. Western Equatorial, and the northern parts of Central Africa. Habitat Africa. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 2I| I2f 2} West Africa British Museum. 18} 17 IO I 5i n| 6f Central Africa ... Col. Denham and Col. Clapperton. British Museum. Do. ... i Do. Hi 12} 10$ Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 13* 131 isi Do. lof 9l 4 Gambia Earl of Derby, British Museum. 232 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. BOS BRACHYCEROS. Habitat Africa. p" Length. ^ ~ Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. | i5i " 9i Hi 9S 7? : ; West Africa - ... Do. Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. British Museum. Do. Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. BOS DANTI Ha&f/zfcrAfric 3. a. Length. feren^e Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 131 10* 2S Gambia ... Earl of Derby, British Museum. BOS MANUS. Habitat Africa. Len s< h - fcS Ti P toTi P- Habitat. Owner. Hf 8J | 8i 5f i3f 71 6i 8J Sette Cama, West Africa. Do. Do. British Museum. Do. Do. ZEBU (Bos indicus). Habitat India. Length. ference ' Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. ! ! 17* lOf India i British Museum. YAK. 233 vv YAK (Bos grunniens). Habitat Tibet. Length. Circum- ference. ^ P to Widest inside. Habitat. Owner. 38J 17 19 34 ... Hume Collection, British Museum. 34i 34. 15 12 16 20* 271 Do. Hon Walter Rothschild 32f i3l 16* 2<>f British Museum. 32 30! I3l 17* SJ io| 22J H. C. V. Hunter. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart 29! 29^ H 12 12 25* ;^- Hume Collection, British Museum. Capt. G. Campbell. 28* 14 175 26^ India ... l~\:.';. Capt E. Smyth, British Museum. 275 27* l i2|; iSf Hf 7l (wild) :23i Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. Hume Collection, British Museum. 26J 26 ioi J3i 19 i8f 223 (wild) 23i British Museum. J. Carr-Saunders. 234 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. YAK (Bos grunniens) continued. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Width inside. Habitat. Owner. 22f lOf 12* I 9 f Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. (wild) i9i 91 I4f i6J Do Do. (domestic) i6| 6 3i I2f Do Do. (domestic) i6f 9 231 23! Do Do, (domestic) I3l 51 i6f ... British Museum. (domestic) iif 6| 91 "i Nepal , B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. (domestic) JAVA OX (Bos banting.) Habitat Java. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Habitat. Owner. 24i 12* isi 24i Java British Museum. 2I| I2| 13* I9i Borneo ... H. B. Low, British Museum. 20 I2J 18* 22^ Do Do. 191 Hi ioi 15? Do Do. i Si iol Hi i8 Do Do. 18 I2J i3l i6f Do Do. 171 II 2 1 Do Do. i.7fl i7l I Of ioi 7i 171 i4i 20f British North Bor- neo. Siam W. Pryer, British Museum. H. C. V. Hunter. (See Illustration.) i7i 91 si I7f India British Museum. i6i I0f 9i i3t Sarawak Do. i5J iel ioj o| iSi i6J Borneo H. B. Low, British Museum. British Museum. * Jo I4i 78 I Of 8| 131 Borneo ... H. B. Low, British Museum. SHOT BY H. C. V. HUNTER. ROWLAND WARD i<- Co., I,IMITRfl. JAVA OX. BOS BANTING. SON DA 1C OX (BANTENG) 235 SONDAIC OX (BANTENG) (Bos sondaicus). Habitat Java. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. Si 51 6J Java British Museum. ANOA (Bos depressicornis). Habitat Celebes. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. I2| 6 6t Celebes British Museum. 121 6i 8f Do Do. "1 55 7 Do Do. Hi 51 7i Do Gen. Hardwicke, British Museum. I0j 6* 4i Do British Museum. 10 53 5 Do Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 8J 41 4i Do Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 71 41 4 Do British Museum. 51 4i 5 Do Do. 236 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. Shot by St.. George Littledale, 1891. AUROCHS (Bos urus). Habitat Lithuania. T ., Circum- Tip to Length. ference- T V Widest inside. Habitat. Owner. 121 Lithuania British Museum. (Presented by the Emperor of Russia. ) DOMESTIC OX (Bos taurus). Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Widest inside. Habitat. Owner. 81^x78! i8J 103! Lake 'Ngami W. C. Oswell. 47 44 isi I2l 2I| 70! Abyssinia (Galla Ox) H. Salt, British Museum. British Museum. (about) DOMESTIC OX. 237 DOMESTIC OX (Bos taurus) continued. i Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Width Inside. 1 Habitat. Owner. 42J 23! 22J ... Central Africa ... Col. Denham, British Museum. 4if H 52f ... Madagascar Bethnal Green Museum. 4oJ 3S 14 i * 6oJ 77 Vienna (Polish Bull) British Museum. Do. O 8 3S J8 ipj 33 541 Italy Bethnal Green Museum. 35i I2f 59* ... Cape of Good Hope Do. 30* I2f 35 Spain Do. 291 Hi 28! ... Gambia... Earl of Derby, British Museum. i8i lOf .20 2I| Chillingham Park Earl of Tankerville, British Museum. $18} 7 <* 1 51 Do. Do. i7i m I0| IQl 3oi 25* i Buenos Ayres (Niata Cattle). Gambia... G. Claraz, British Museum. Early of Derby, British Museum. 15} 91 171 i8| ' Northumberland Duke of Hamilton, British Museum. I2| 8 16* ... Angola, West Africa Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 121 6J i6| i6| England British Museum. III 81 ' 7i 8 (single horn) iSi ... - Nepal ... Do. , B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. Do. 238 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD, INDIAN RHINOCEROS (Rhinoceros unicornis). Habitat India. Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. 24 T. C. Jerdon, "Mammals of India." 19* 22f India British Museum. 5 Hi ... Kuch Behar Capt. Henry Streatfield. AFRICAN RHINOCEROS. 239 AFRICAN RHINOCEROS (Rhinoceros bicornis). Bechunana Name " Borele." Habitat Africa. Length. Circumference. Habitat. Owner. Front Horn. Rear Horn. Front Horn. Renr Horn. *56 54 *44 44 43 t42f 41 * 4 o 40 38f $*38f ... 23* (about) 20 251 ... 151 21 24* British Museum. F. C. Selous (has seen). British Museum. F. Holmwood. F. C. Selous, "A Hunter's Wan- derinps. " W. C. Oswell. F. Holmwood. British Museum. F. Holmwood. Hon. Walter Rothschild. W. C. Oswell. ... South Africa ... East Africa ... Limpopo, South Africa. East Africa East Africa Rhinoceros simus (White or Burchell's Rhinoceros). f Rhinoceios oswellii. GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. AFRICAN RHINOCEROS (Rhinoceros bicornis) continued. Length. Circu m feren ce . Habitat. Owner. Front Horn. Rear Horn. Front Horn. Rear Horn. 38* ... 19 . .. Masai Land Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. 35 *33 *32f t3'i r 24 "Si 21 22 23* 27 18 ... South Africa F. C. Selous. British Museum. Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. British Museum (Sir Hans Sloane's Museum). British Museum. F. C. Selous. The late J. S. Jameson. W. C Oswell. Dr. J. E. Gray, P.Z.S. 1854, p. 250. R. P. Carrol. Masai Land . 1 - ... -.*.-' ... ... East Africa 31 19* 16 1 6* Do. ... H. C. V. Hunter. 29 ... . ... 2IJ - 19 Central South 'Africa. P.Z.S. 1853, p. 46. British Museum. Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. H.H. Prince Boris Czetwertynski. Zambezi Valley ... East Africa ... 28| 28J 28 27* 271 27 9 'Si 8| 171 261 20^ -'* Lake 'Ngami East Africa ... W. C. Oswell and Col. T. Steele, British Museum. H. C. V. Hunter. F: C. Selous. W. Fitzherbert. J. Carr-Saunders. Do E. Gedge. . [. ..V ; ^;T ; --... East Africa 27 16} ' 1 73 17* Do Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 27 26 12 23 ... Do Do. ... ... Sir John Will oughby, Bart., "East Africa and its Big Game." Do. * Rhinoceros simus (White or Riirchell's Rhinoceros). f Rhinoceros crossii. J Rhinoceros oswellii. AFRICAN RHINOCEROS. 241 AFRICAN RHINOCEROS (Rhinoceros bicornis) continued. *fS?S Length. Circumference. Habitat. I Owner. Front Horn. Rear Horn. Front Horn. Rear Horn. *25f ... I8f ... East Africa British Museum. 25i Hf I 9 1 ... Do. ... Sir^Robert Harvey, Bart. 251 9i 171 ... Do F. J. Jackson. 231 I3l i6f i7l Do Sir^ Robert Harvey, Bart. 23 23 22| ni 22f I6 ... South Africa W. C. Oswell. Sir Samuel Baker, F.R.S., "Wild Beasts and their Ways." F. J. Jackson. ... East Africa 22f ... I9i ... Do W. Astor Chanler. 22f 8f 17 ... Zambezi Valley ... Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. 221 "1 17 ... East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 22 i7l i6f 'Si Do Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. 2lf 91 i9i ... Do Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 21* i8| 22J 20 South Africa Sir A. Smith, British Museum. 2I| 17 14 16 Abyssinia British Museum. 20i 8f i6J ... East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 19? 71 i8f ... Do Do. i7l 71 i9i 19? Abyssinia British Museum. i6f ... i5l ... Soudan ... Col. Ralph Vivian. i6f f i3f Hi Abyssinia W. Jessel, British Museum. 16 ... 171 ... Soudan ... Col. Ralph Vivian. iSl 10 I9f 191 Do Do. i5f ... 20j ... South Africa W. C. Oswell. I4i Hi 17 East Africa Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. I3l 9 151 i6i Abyssinia British Museum. II| 10 4i 6x3 135 3 horns) i South Africa Earl of Derby, British Museum. Sir John Willoughby, Bart, ; East Africa and its Big Game. " * Rhinoceros simus (White or Burchell's Rhinoceros). 242 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. SUMATRAN RHINOCEROS (Rhinoceros sumatrensis). Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. ~ 32* i7ft British Museum. 27* '7i Do. 9ft Hi Do. JAVAN RHINOCEROS (Rhinoceros sondaicus). Length. Circum- ference. Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. io| .91 Java British Museum. ELEPHANT. 243 ELEPHANT. LARGEST elephant ever killed by Col. G. P. Sanderson, vertical height at shoulder 9 ft. 7 in. ; length from tip of trunk to tip of tail 26 ft. 2\ in. ; tusks protruding from gum 2 ft. 4^ in. ; tusks when taken out 5 ft. ; tusk circumference at gum i ft. 4^ in. ; tusk weight of each 37*- Ibs. Indian Elephants at Zoological Society's Gardens (P.Z.S. 1879 and 1881). Height at Shoulder. Circumference of Front Feet above the Toes. Weight. 1879. 1881. 1879. 1881. 1879. 18 Ix. ft. in. ft. in. ft in. ft. in. tons cwt. qrs .Ibs. tons cwt. qrs. Ibs. Jung Pacha ... 7 o 8 3 8 4 o 2 3 23 2 17 I 23 SuffaCulli ... 6 10 7 6 3 8 3 9 223 II 2 II O 23 Rustom 6 o 64 2 ii 3 2 i 3 3 26 I 6 o Omar 6 2 7 o 3 2 3 6 i 7 i 5 I 15 I 21 Q 2 244 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. Height of African Elephant, foot to shoulder, 10 ft. ; F. C. Selous, "A Hunter's Wanderings." Dimensions of Male Elephant killed on Lake Nyassa, gih September, 1861 (Dr. Kirk, P.Z.S. 1864, p. 655). ft. in. 10 3 Height at withers ... Circumference of fore foot ... ... 5 i From tip of trunk to crown of head 9 o Crown of head to insertion of tail ... 12 o Length of tail ... ... ... 4 2 ft. in. Horizontal diameter of ear ... 3 o Perpendicular do. 5 9 Semicircumference of belly ... 9 o Do. of chest ... 7 10 Each tusk weighed about 30 Ibs. Dimensions of Elephant brought from South Africa by H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh. Height at withers ... From tip of trunk to tip of tail Girth ft. in. IO O 2 3 1 6 From top of head to end of trunk ... 1 1 The weight of the entire elephant in the flesh was 4 tons 8 cwt. 4 Ibs. Circumference of head ... ... 10 o From ear to ear 9 o Length of ear 4 6 The skull and tusks weighed more than 3 cwt. ; the weight of the whole skin when taken from pickle 20 cwt. 6 Ibs. Weight of a Baby Elephant, when born, about 213 Ibs. Period of gestation, 629 days. ELEPHANT TUSKS. 245 THIS formed part of the Trophy of His Highness the Maharajah of Kuch Behar exhibited at the Indian and Colonial Exhi- bition, 1886. 246 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. ELEPHANT TUSKS. Length (outside curve). Greatest Circumference. *. Weight. Habitat. Owner. ft. in. 9 5 in. 22 lb. I8 4 Africa ... Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 9 4 2Oj 172 1 60 Africa Sir Samuel Baker, "Wild Beasts and their Ways. " Sir John Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. 9 4 (tip broken) 8 ii 18 17* 110 9 South Africa ... Rowland Ward's Collection. H. M. the Queen, Bethnal Green Museum. 8 3 i8f 74 8iJ South Africa ... East Africa F. C. Selous, "A Hunter's Wanderings. " T. W. H. Greenfield. 8 2 i8f 80 Do. Do. 8 o 7 9 i6| 171 90 86 South India (Has- sanoor Forest). Sir Victor Brooke, Bart., and Col. Douglas Hamilton, 1863. H. M. the Queen, Bethnal Green Museum. 7 9 19 103 Africa Rowland Ward's Collection. 7 6J 21* South Africa ... W. C. Oswell. 7 ij 20 ... Africa Rowland Ward's Collection. 7 oj I7J ... East Africa ... F. J. Jackson. 7 o 6 ii 18 (about) 16 60 South Africa ... Siberia Cetywayo's peace offering in 1879 to Lord Chelmsford. Bethnal Green Museum. 6 10 6 9 i7i 17* 65* (Age 88 to i oo) India East Africa J. D. Goldingham, Bethnal Green Museum. F. J. Jackson. 6 8 171 76 H. M. the Queen, Bethnal Green Museum. 6 7 i6| ... South Africa ... F. C. Selous. 6 6 i6f 63* India ... J. D. Goldingham, Bethnal Green Museum. 6 4 ... 72 H. M. the Queen, Bethnal Green Museum. 6 i (spiral tusk) 6 o 7* 50 Masailand Madras Sir J. Kirk, M.D., K.C.B. J. Fortune. ELEPHANT TUSKS. 247 ELEPHANT Length (outside curve). Greatest \WrrV,* Circumference. Wei S ht ' Habitat. Owner. ft. in. in. Ib. 5 II (tusk straight) 52 H. M. the Queen, Bethnal Green Museum. 5 10 (owner's mea- ... Borneo C. M. D. Stewart. surement) 5 10 i6J ... White Nile ... Sir S. Baker, Bart, British Mu- seum. 5 6* i3i ... India ... H. R. H. the Duke of Edinburgh. 5 51 131 Do Do. 5 3 16 ... Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. 5 o I2l 35 Mammoth T. Dupeen, Bethnal Gn. Museum, dredged off coast of Yarmouth. 5 o ... ^ Col. G. P. Saunderson, "Wild Beasts of India." 4 ii I6J India ... Do. (at gum mark) 4 ^ I2| Borneo C. M. D. Stewart. 4 8 i6f Sir Victor Brooke's Collection. T" 4 7 4 I4i 271 India ... J. D. Goldingham, Bethnal (age 40) Green Museum. 4 6 13! 26| Do Do. (age 40) 4 5 10 East Africa ... W. Astor Chanler. 4 31 *5i (protrud- Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. O2 ing from skull) 3 ii 15 J (protrud- India ... British Museum. ing from skull) 3 6 12^ (protrud- Do Do. ing from skull) 3 51 15 J (protrud- South Africa . . . The late J. S. Jameson. ing out of skull, mounted head) 3 3 18 49 South India (Has- Sir Victor Brooke, Bart., and sanoor Forest). Col. Douglas Hamilton, 1863. 2 ioi I if (protrud- South Africa ... British Museum. ing from skull) 2 51 15 (protrud- India ... Do. 1 ing from skull) I 6 4| (protrud- Sumatra Do. ing from skull) ... ... 35 East Africa Joseph Thomson, "Through Masai Land." 2 4 8 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. ^r r==r^^JHBB|^^B^B^B -I^Z- ic ' ""' "" "" ". - - '"- ELEPHANT [nniiulEPh^^B^ ^^^ _ . ._ ' -- ~_ -: _ _. FEET. Circumference at base. vVidth at bottom back to front. Habitat. Owner. 621 20 India ... ... J. Fortune. 54 18* Somali Land ... Capt. J. S. Ashby. 531 i8i South Africa ... The late J. S. Jameson. 53i 1 8 Ceylon ... ... H. Storey. 53i 1 8i South Africa ... The late J. S. Jameson. 5*i 19 Somali Land ... Capt. J. S. Ashby. 5 2 i 17 Ceylon ... H. E. Lindsey. 5 2 5 17 Do. ... ... i Rowland Ward's Collection. 511 ... Do. ... Capt C. Hill. 50 17 Do. H. E. Lindsey. 49 J 1 61 East Africa ... W. Astor Chanler. 49 ... Ceylon ... ... Capt. C. Hill. 48| i6| East Africa H. C. V. Hunter. 48i 16 Do. ... Do. 45i 15* Mysore ... W. G. Deeds. 45 17 India R. Stirling. 44i Hi Soudan ... Col. Ralph Vivian. 44 H Ceylon ... J. B. Gardyne. 43 13* Do. Do. LION. 249 LION (Felis leo). Habitat India (nearly extinct) and Africa. F. C. Selous, in " A Hunter's Wanderings," says weight 500 Ib. "The Field," July I3th, 1890, weight 563 Ib. Weight, one killed by J. S. Jameson in Mashuna Land, South Africa, November 1887, 385 Ib. Length from tip of nose to end of tail, dressed. Description. Habitat. Owner. ft. in. II 2 Good mane British East Africa E. Gedge. 10 10 (owner's measurement) 10 6 Fine black mane South Africa Somali Land F. C. Selous. Col. A. Paget. 10 5 Do. Do. Do. 10 4 Do. Do. Ernest Horn. 10 4 Fair mane Do. Lord Delamere. 10 3 Good mane Do. Surg.-Maj. W. O. Wolseley. 10 2f Dark mane Do. C. H. Villiers. 10 2| 10 3 Do. Do. E. Lort-Phillips. F. C. Selous, "A Hunter' (pegged out) 10 2j Light mane Somali Land Wanderings. " Lord Delamere. 250 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. LION (FeliS leo) continued. Length from tip of nose to end of tail, dressed. Description. Habitat. Owner. ft. in. 10 2 Good mane Somali Land Lord Delamere. 10 Fine mane Do. Do. 9 9 Darkish mane . . . Do. Do. 9 8 Fair mane Do. Do. 9 8i Fair lightish mane Do. Surg.-Maj. W. O. Wolseley. 9 8 Fine black mane East Africa A. C. Fountaine. 9 7 Slight light mane Somali Land Lord Delamere. 9 6J Fine mane Do. Surg.-Maj. W. O. Wolseley. 9 5* Fine black mane Do. Rowland Ward's Collection. 9 3 Fine mane Do. J. D. Inverarity. $9 2 Do. Lord Delamere. 9 i (owner's measurement) $8 ii Do. Do. J. D. Inverarity. Lord Delamere. 8 ii Slight light mane Do. Surg.-Maj. W. O. Wolseley. 8 10 Fine black mane Do. Col. A. Paget. 8 10 Slight light mane Do. Lord Delamere. 8 8 (owner's measurement) $8 3 (owner's measurement) ... Do. Do. J. D. Inverarity. Do. LION SKULLS. LION SKULLS (Felis leo). Length between two lines. Width between two lines. Weight, cleaned. Habitat. Owner. 1 6 (end broken) IS 10* 10 5 lb. East Africa Somali Land E. Gedge. Col. A. Paget i3i 9t 4 lb. 12 oz. Do. Do. ; I - -7 TIGER. 253 TIGER (Felis tigris). Habitat Eastern Asia, Length before skinning. Length after dressing. Width. Weight. Habitat. Owner. ft. in. IO 2j 10 2| IO l ft. in. 13 6 II 7 ft. in. (owner's measurement; Do. e 10 lb. 540 493 Chinese Mongolia. A. Bignold. Maharajah of Kuch Behar, 1 890. Do. 1891. Do. II 7 H. R. H. Due d'Orleans. 10 IO O (owner's measurement) Do 445 Maharajah of Kuch Behar. Maharajah of Tikumgurh 9 8 . .. Do. 467 Maharajah of Kuch Behar. 9 7 ii 4 Do. 437 Sir Samuel Baker, F. R. S. 9 6 Do. 455 Maharajah of Kuch Behar. 9 6 Do. 450 Do. 9 6 Q S Do. Do 400 Sir Samuel Baker, F. R. S. J. D Inverarity 9 3 ii i Do. Do : Rewah H. C. V. Hunter. Rowland \Vard's Collection 9 i 90 Do. Do ... India J. D. Inverarity. Do 10 107 Campbell \Vynne 98 4 (owner's T D Inverarity 98 i measurement) Do Do 254 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. Shot by His Highness the Maharajah of Kuch Behar. TIGER SKULLS. Length between two lines, from back to front. Breadth between two lines. Weight cleaned. Habitat. Owner. i4i 10 Ib. oz. 4 13 India Rowland Ward's Collection. 13* 91 3 15 Do Lieut. -Col. Boileau. I3i IOJ 4 10 Do Rowland Ward's Collection. I3i 9l 4 3 Do Capt. A. P. Longfield. BEAR SKULLS AND SKINS. 255 BEAR SKULLS (Ursus). Length back to front between two lines. Widest part between two lines. Weight (cleaned). Species. Habitat. Owner. i8in. II in. Ib. oz. IO O Ursus Be- | Siberia ... Hon. Walter Rothschild. ' 16 ,, 9f 6 3 rmgianus. Polar ... Rowland Ward's Collection. BEAR SKINS (Ursus). Length from nose to tip of tail. Weight. Species. Habitat. Owner. ft. in. 8 7 Ib. l6oo Polar Capt. Lyon, " Museum of Animated 8 o 1600 Do. Arctic Seas Nature. " P. Lament. ... 1400 Grizzly Sir Thomas Hesketh, Bart. 7 o Black ... North America T. W. H. Clarke. 6 10 6 nearly 423 280 ... India (owner's measurements) Do. Maharajah of Kuch Behar. Col. G. P. Sanderson, "Wild Beasts of India." ERRATA. Page 257 for "malches" read "machlis." 257 "gaauus" ,, "gaums." 258 ,, ' ' donee " , , ' ' dorioe. " 260 "canma" ,, "canna." 261 ,, "rupocapra" ,, "rupicapra. 261 "kurdu" "kudu." 257 INDEX. Abyssinian Oribi ... ... 82 Addax 15 Addra Gazelle Il6 ^Lpyceros melampus ... ... 99 African Rhinoceros ... ... 2 39 Alces malches ... 45 Alpine Ibex 182 American Bison ... ... ... ... 226 A m modorcas clarkei ... 128 Anoa ' 235 Antilocapra americana ... ... ... 54 Antilope cervicapra ... ... ... 95 Aoudad 215 Arabian Gazelle ... ... 114 Arabian Ibex ... ... ... ... 183 Argali ... ... 213 Arnee ... ... 223 Asia Minor Moufflon ... ... ... 215 Sheep 217 Atlas Gazelle 126 Aurochs ... ... 236 Axis 23 Axis maciilata ... ... 23 Baker's Antelope ... 142 Banded Bushbuck ... 77 Barasingh Deer ... ... ... ... 38 Barbary Deer ... ... ... ... 27 Barking Deer ... ... ... ... 5 Bears 255 Beatrix Antelope ... ... 148 Beisa ... ... ... 146 Big Hern ............... 204 Bison ............... 226 Blackbuck ............... 95 Black-tailed Deer ............ 51 ,, Gazelle ......... 126 Blessbok ............... 68 Bontebok ... ... ......... 69 Bos americanus ... ... ... ... 226 ,, banting ... ... ... ... 234 brachyceros ... ... ... ... 232 ,, buffdus ... ... ... ... 223 ,, coffer ............... 219 ,, centralis ... ... ... ... 222 ,, dante ... ... ... ... ... 232 ,, depressicornis ... ,, front alls ... ... ,, gaauus ... ... ,, grunniens ,, indicus ... ,, manus ...... ,, pumilus ... ... ,, sondaiciis ... ... ,, tatirus ...... ,, urus Boselaphus tragocamelus.,. 235 230 229 233 232 232 230 235 237 236 151 Brindled Gnu ... ... ... ... 72 Bubaline Antelope ... ...... 55 Bubalis albifrons ... ... ... 68 ,, bubalimis ... ... ... 55 cokei ... ... ... ... 61 hunteri ... ... ... ... 70 jacksoni ... ... ... ... 58 koba ... ...... ... 65 lichtensteinii ... ... ... 63 R 258 INDEX. Bubalis lunatus ... ... 67 pygargus 69 ,, senegalensis ... ... ... 64 ,, sivaynei ... ... ... ... 60 ,, tora 59 Biibalus redinus ... ... ... ... 55 Biidorcas taxicolor ... ... ... 176 Burhel ... ... ... ... ... 212 Burmese Stag ... ... ... ... 20 Bushbuck ... ... ... ... ... 153 Caama Hartebeeste Cape Buffalo Capra cegagrus ... ,, caucasica ... ,, cylindricornis 56 219 184 182 189 ,, falconeri ... ... 190 hircus 185 ,, hylocrius ... ... ... ... 186 ,, ibex 182 ,, jemlica ... ... 188 ,, megaceros ... ... ... ... 190 ,, nubiana ... ... 185 ,, pyrenaica ... ... 183 ,, sibirica ... ... ... ... 177 ,, sinaitica ... ... ... ... 183 Capnolus pygargus ... ... ... 47 Cariacus antisiensis ... ... ... 52 ,, campestris ... ... ... 52 ,, macrotis ... ... ... 53 ,, virginianus ... 49 Cariboo ... ... ... 42 Caucasian Burhel... ... 189 ,, Ibex ... ... ... ... 182 Central African Buffalo ... ... ... 222 Central and Southern Indian Sambur ... 10 Ceph aloph us doriee 76 ,, grimini ... ... ... 76 ,, sylvicultor ... ... ... 77 Cervicapra arundineum ... ... ... 93 bohor 93 Cervulus crinifrons ... ... ... 5 ,, muntjac ... ... ... 5 ,, sclateri ... ... 5 Cervus affinis ... ... ... ... 39 aristotelis ... 6 PAGE Cervtis canadensis ... 33 ,, cashmerianus ... ... ... 38 ,, columbianus ... ... ... 51 ,, dama ... ... ... ... 40 ,, davidianus ... ... ... 22 ,, dtivaucelli ... ... ... 17 ,, elaphus ... ... ... ... 28 ,, eldi ... ... ... ... 20 ,, equinus 10 giganteus 41 ,, kuhlii ... ... 15 ,, mantchuricus ... ... ... 25 ,, marianus... ... ... ... 13 ,, moluccensis ... ... ... 16 ,, paludosus ... ... ... ... 50 ,, philippinus ... ... ... 12 porcinus ... ... ... ... 14 ,, rusa ... ... 22 ,, schomburgki ... ... ... 19 ,, sika ... ... ... ... 25 ,, swinhoei ... ... ... ... II ,, taevanus ... ... ... ... 28 Chamois ... ... ... 169 Chiru 102 Clarke's Gazelle 128 Cobus defassus ... ... 89 ,, ellipsipymmis ... 86 ,, kob 91 ,, leche ... ... ... ... 90 ,, leucotis ... ... ... ... 91 ,, mate ... ... ... ... 91 ,, sing sing 89 ,, vardoni ... ... ... ... 92 Cokes Hartebeeste 61 Connochaetus gnu ... ... ... 74 taurina ... ... ... 72 Corinne ... ... ... 127 D Deer 28 Domestic Goat ... ... 185 Ox 237 Sheep 217 Dorcas Gazelle 114 Duiker ... ... ... ... ... 76 Dwarf Buffalo 230 INDEX. 259 PAGE East African Oryx 149 Eland V. 165 Elephant, African ... ... ... 243 ,, Indian... ... ... ... 243 Elk 45 Equine Deer ... ... 10 Fallow Deer Felis Forest Goat Formosa Deer Four Horned Antelope 40 2 53 171 26 78 Gaur Bison ... ... ... ... 229 Gayal ... ... ... ... ... 230 Gazella arabica ... ... ... ... 114 ,, bennetti ... ... ... ... 124 ,, corinna ... ... ... ... 127 ,, cuvieri ... ... ... ... 126 ,, dama ... ... ... ... 116 ,, dorcas ... ... ... ... 114 ,, euchore ... ... ... ... 122 granti 104 ,, gutturosa... ... ... ... 119 ,, Isabella ... ... ... ... 116 ,, mohr ... ... ... ... in ,, pehelni 113 ,, picticaudata ... ... ... 120 ,, ruficollis 117 ruffrons 117 ,, soemmerringi ... ... ... 108 ,, spekei 112 ,, subgutturosa ... 118 ,, thomsoni ... 133 ,, tilonura ... ... ... ... 126 ,, waller i ... ... ... ... 134 Gemsbuck ... 143 Goat 184 Gooral ... 171 Grant's Gazelle ... ... 104 Greater Koodoo 159 Gutturosa Antelope ... ... ... 119 PAGE 175 154 56 171 177 174 3 142 142 140 *37 14 70 H Haploceros montanus Harnessed Antelope Hartebeeste Himalayan Chamois ,, Ibex , , Serow Hippopotamus Hippotragus baker i ,, koba ,, leucophceiis .. ,, niger Hog Deer... Hunter's Antelope I Ibex 177 Impala ... ... ... ... ... 99 Indian Antelope ... ... ... ... 95 ,, Gazelle 124 ,, Rhinoceros ... ... ... 238 Inyala 157 Irish Elk 41 Isabella Gazelle 116 Ivory 243 J Jackson's Hartebeeste ... ... ... 58 ,, Wildebeeste 75 Japanese Deer ... ... ... ... 25 Java ,, ... 22 Javan Ox ... ... ... ... ... 234 ,, Rhinoceros ... 24 K Kamschatka Wild Sheep 207 Kashmir Stag 38 Kirk's Antelope 79 Klipspringer ... ... ... ... 84 Koodoo ... ... ... ... ... 159 Kuhl's Stag 15 260 INDEX. L PAGE oo Oryx bccitrix . . ... VAC;E 14.8 ,, beisa ... 146 161 ,, callotis ... 149 iu o 24.8 ,, gazella ... 143 Liechtenstein's Hartebeeste ... 6 3 24.Q ,, lencoryx ... Ovis ammon ... 2 4 8 ... 200 Lithocranius walleri M Mantchurian Deer .- 134 ... 2 5 argali . . 21T, 217 bldnfovdi ... ... ... 2Q^ brookci . . ... 2Q^ can&dcnsis .. ... ... 2O4 ,, cycloceros ... 209 i j TQO ,, gmelini ... 217 ,, hodgsoni . . . 202 Mr>Vir 5 ,, karelini ... 198 16 ,, montana ... 204 ,, musinion ... 214 "YT-mfflrm 45 ,, nahiira ... 212 ... 214 ,, nivicola ... 207 53 ,, ophion ... 215 MncV Ov ~ T Q ,, /0/Z ... 194 N Nakonjj i us tragelaphus .. ... ... 216 vignei . ... ... 2OQ P Pampas Deer C2 Nanotragus montanus ... ,, moschatus ... , , nigricaudatus ,, oreotragus ... ,, scoparios ,, tragulus Natal Bushbuck ... 82 ... 80 ... 81 ... 84 ... 81 ... 83 77 Panolia . ... ... ... 2O Pantholops hodgsoni Pclea cnpreold . . ... ... ... 102 8< Pere David's Deer 22 ^8 Nemoradus bubalinus ... .... Nemorhadus goral , , jw matrensis Neotfdgus kirki . . . ... 174 ... 171 173 70 Gazelle ... 118 Peruvian Roe Deer Philippine Deer . .. ... ... 52 12 Polar Bear 2CC ,, saltihnus NiMiai ... 80 I cji Pookoo . ... ... 02 Prong Horned Antelope ... ... 54 ... 183 Nilghiri Wild Goat ,, Ibex North African Ibex Oorial ... 186 ... 186 ... 185. 2OQ R Rangifer tarandus Ravine Deer . . ... 42 124 Oreas cannici i6s Red Deer 27 , , derbi&nus 161; Reedbuck 07 Oribi 81 Reh-Bok 85 Oribos moschatus ... , 218 Reindeer . , ... 42 INDEX. 261 Rhinoceros bicornis ,, indicus ,, sondaicus ,, sumatrensis ... PAGE 239 238 242 ... 242 Themin PAGE Thibet Antelope . . IO2 ,, Ravine Deer Thomson's Gazelle ' ... 120 - J33 Rocky Mountain Goat ... ,, Sheep ... Roe Deer 175 ... 204 47 Tora Antelope CQ Tragelaphus angasi ,, euryceros ,, grains jy - 157 ... I 5 8 ... I 5 6 Rupocapra tragus Rusa hippelaphus in a ruin us . .. ... 169 IO J-3 ,, spekei ,, sylvaticus ... - 155 - 'S3 67 s Sable Antelope 1 3.7 u 2 Salt's Antelope 80 f. 67 V Virginian Deer 49 Schomburgk's Deer Senegal Hartebeeste Shapoo 19 64 Sheep Shou 1^4 -3Q w Waller's Gazelle ... 134 Siberian Roe Deer Sikkim Stag 47 Sing-Sing Antelope Situtunga ... ... . . ... ... 89 ICC Soemmerring's Gazelle ... Somali Lowland Gazelle... ,, Plateau ,, 1 08 ... 112 Wapiti 27 Waterbuck 86 White-backed Bushbuck White-eared Waterbuck White-tailed Deer Gnu Wild Boar ... 77 ... 91 ... 49 ... 72 4 Sondaic Ox 23C, Speke's Bushbuck 155 C 7 Strepsiceros imberbis , , kurdu Sumatra Rhinoceros Sumatran Serow . 163 159 242 17-2 Goat 184. ,, Sheep of Shian Shan Y ' Yak ... .. ... 198 27? Sus scrofd ... . Swamp Deer 17 S wayne's Hartebeeste Swinhoe's Deer 60 II TT Q T 176 z Zanzibar Antelope Zebu ... 80 , 232 Tetraceros quadricornis... Thar 78 1 88 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Addax ... ... 150 American Bison ... ... ... ... 226 Arnee ... ... ... 223 Aurochs ... ... ... 236 Axis ... 23 Blackbuck ... ... .., ... 95 Black-tailed Deer... 51 Blesbuck 68 Burhel 212 Burmese Stag (see Themin). Bushbuck ... ... ... 153 Caama Hartebeeste Cape Buffalo Animal Head Clarke's Gazelle ... Coke's Hartebeeste 56 219 219 128 61 Duiker ... ... ... ... ... 76 Eland Animal ... ... 165 Elephant Foot ... 248 ,, (African) Skull and Horns ... 245 ,, (Indian) Head ... ... 243 Fallow Deer Fourhorned Antelope 40 78 PAGE Gaur Bison ... ... ... ... 229 Grant's Gazelle ... ... ... ... 104 Greater Koodoo ... ... ... ... 159 Hippopotamus ... ... ... ... 3 Hog Deer... ... ... ... ... 14 Hunter's Antelope ... ... ... 70 Ibex 177 Irish Elk 41 Jackson's Hartebeeste Head ... ... 58 ,, ,, Skull and Horns 58 ,, Wildebeeste Head 75 ,, ,, Skull and Horns 75 Java Ox ... ... ... ... ... 234 Kirk's Antelope ... ... ... ... 79 Klipspringer ... ... ... ... 84 Lechwe Antelope... ... ... ... 90 Lesser Koodoo ... ... ... ... 163 Lichtenstein's Hartebeeste ... ... 63 Lion ... ... ... ... ... 249 Markhor Astor Trans Indus 190 190 264 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Moose PAGE 4.c Sambur PAGE 6 Muntjac e Sassaby 67 Musk Ox 218 Senegal Hartebeeste w 64. Serow Siam Bull ... 274. Situtunga ... j c e Soemmerring's Gazelle Speke's Gazelle ... ... 108 112 Oorial 2QQ Springbuck ... ... . . 122 Oribi 81 Steinbuck ... 8l Oryx beisa 14.6 Swamp Deer 17 ,, callotis I4Q Swayne's Hartebeeste 60 ,, gazella Ovis ammon 143 2OO ,, montana 2O4. , poll . IQ4. Tahr, or Thar ... 188 Themin . . 20 Pallah Antelope Animal . . . ,, ,, Horns ... Pookoo 99 99 Q2 Thomson's Gazelle Tibet Antelope Animal ... ,, Head ,, Gazelle - 133 ... 102 ... 102 1 2O Prong Horn Antelope CA Ti^er 2C4. j*t ,, Skin 2C1 Ravine Deer 124. Tora Hartebeeste - 59 Red Deer Animal ,, Head ... 27 27 Reidbuck QT Waller's Gazelle .. iid. Reindeer 42 Wapiti 3-J Rhinoceros (African) 2 3 8 Waterbuck ... 86 ,, (Indian) Roan Antelope ... 239 140 White-tailed Deer vy-i j D.-. n _ ... 48 Rocky Mountain Goat ... Sable Antelope , 175 117 Wildebeeste 4 - 173 Saiga ,, 101 Yak 233 EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, Her Majesty's Printers, Downs Park Road, N.E. STATISTICS OF GREAT GAME SHOOTING. ROWLAND WARD'S BOOK OF HORN MEASUREMENTS, WEIGHT, LENGTH, &c., OF THE GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD BEING A RECORD FOR THE USE OF SPORTSMEN AND NATURALISTS. BY ROWLAND WARD, F.Z.S., Author of ''''The Sportsman's Handbook" &c. LONDON: OF THE ^TJTHOIi, 166, 3? ICC^LD I ILL Y. One Vol., 4to., Cloth, Special Price, 2 1/- By Post, 21/6. ROWLAND WARD & Co., LIMITED, NATURALISTS TO THE COURT, By Special Appointment to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, and the Courts of Europe, "THE JUNGLE/' 166, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. TELEPHONE 3644. Practical and Artistic Taxidermists, Designers of Trophies of Natural History, Preservers and Adapters of all Specimens of Animal Life. Natural Features of Animals adapted in Original Designs for Decorative Purposes and Every-day Uses. Furriers and Plumassiers, and Collectors in Natural History. NOTICE. ROWLAND WARD, F.Z.S., is the only member left in the profession of the Ward Family, long unrivalled for their accumulated experience and their skill in Practical Taxidermy, especially in its artistic department. of London International Exhibition, 1862. j The Royal Military Exhibition (Army Medical Depart- Paris International Exhibition, 1862. ment), 1890. Vienna International Exhibition, 1873. London International Fisheries, 1883. Calcutta International Exhibition, 1883-84. London International Health Exhibition, 1884. London Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1886. The Anglo-Danish Exhibition, South Kensington, 1888. At the Calcutta International Exhibition, 1883-84, a Gold Medal and First Class Certificate were awarded to ARTHUR CRAWFORD, Esq., Bombay Civil Ser- vice, for a Collection of the Birds of Western India that were Preserved and Mounted in original design by ROWLAND WARD, F.Z.S. [ENTERED STATIONERS' HALL.] THE COLONIAL AND INDIAN EXHIBITION. THE JUNGLE. " But everything else here is likely to be forgotten in presence of the wonderful jungle scene which Mr. Rowland Ward has constructed. . . . This will certainly be the first of the many attractions to which visitors will turn. They will find themselves in presence of a scene which is likely to keep their gaze for some time. Mr. Ward has made the most of his limited space, into which he has collected the scenery and life which, in reality, is found scattered over an area of many thousand square miles. On the right we have a trophy from Kooch Behar, formed by His Highness the Maharajah, the most prominent feature of which is a tiger hunt. We see a great group in the deep grass jungle. . . . Adjoining this are trophies designed to represent generally the Fauna and Flora of India, by representative animals and birds, picturesquely grouped in illustration of their life-habits." Times. "The visitors . . . were lost in admiration of Mr. Rowland Ward's masterly designs, modellings, and general arrangement. The novelty is already known as ' the Jungle.' . . . The deep grass jungle is occupied necessarily by many creatures which would not in their native wilds be found in such close companionship. . . . The scene is rendered with true tragic power." Daily News. " These numerous beasts . . . seem to illustrate the Fauna of India in a most vivid manner, and are very artistically prepared and arranged. . . . The entire trophy has been prepared by Mr. Rowland Ward. This group will unquestionably be one of the leading attractions of an exhibition which is already full of marvellous things." Morning Post. " Fitted up with the most perfect completeness a jungle the work of Mr. Rowland Ward. . . . The whole scene depicted is so life-like that one is startled by its vivid realism. . . . This jungle alone is almost enough to make an exhibition. . . . Besides, Mr. Rowland Ward has designed and arranged such other scenes in connec- tion with several Colonial Courts." Daily Chronicle. "Mr. Rowland Ward, of Piccadilly, provides what will probably prove the most attractive feature of the exhibi- tion, in the form of a series of picturesque trophies representing India, Ceylon, South Africa; Canada, and Queens- land. " Sport sma n . "Perhaps the first place must be accorded to the jungle scene of Mr. Rowland Ward, which stands at the head of the Indian Courts, and which will certainly prove one of the favourite sights of the vast show." Daily Telegraph. THE SPORTSMAN'S HANDBOOK. " Sport, however, it must be borne in mind, is a thing of every climate and of all seasons, and the manual referred to 'The Sportsman's Handbook,' by Rowland Ward, F.Z.S. has a little to say of most regions, from the North of Scandinavia to the South of India. All knowledge is apt to come in useful ; and even those of us who may never know the delight of facing a charge of the Cape buffalo under some circumstances among the most dangerous experiences of the sportsman, we are told may yet find a less rapturous pleasure in learning how a real sportsman should entertain such a visitor. The next best thing to being able to shoot a lion in a workmanlike fashion is to know how the thing ought to be done, and that is among the items of instruction in this little book." Daily News, Leading Article. " With this in his portmanteau, no one fond of shooting and collecting need any longer lament his inability to preserve his trophies, since the directions given for skinning and preserving animals of all kinds are extremely clear and simple, and rendered all the more intelligible by the wood engravings by which they are accompanied. Quadrupeds, birds, fishes, reptiles, and insects, are all dealt with in turns, and directions given not merely for skinning them, but also for mounting them, if desired, a year or two (it may be) after they have been procured." Field. " No one has a better right to speak with authority on questions of taxidermy than Mr. Ward, whose skill in the art is well known to everyone interested in the subject. In an introductory cliapter he deals with much practical wisdom with the general equipment of a sportsman bent on big game, and gives some valuable particulars as to the places in which in various animals a well-aimed shot will be fatal. . . . The middle of the book is occupied with directions as close and full as possible as to the skinning and preparation of various creatures ; and, as we have said, no one is better qualified than Mr. Ward to give such directions. After this comes a synoptical guide to the Hunting Grounds of the World. A special feature in the arrangement of the book is found in the reservation of several blank pages at the end for memoranda." Saturday Review. "Mr. Ward's eminently clear and practical directions and hints come to us particularly well-timed. . . . It is a thoroughly working little volume, and no sporting collector ought to be without it." Land and Water. " A valuable feature of this book is the directions (with anatomical diagrams) given for vital shots at great and dangerous game. This is original information, and so is the important division of the work that treats of the hunting fields of the world, and what/erce natura can be met with by the sportsman in each locality. . . . The book is a valuable and well-written contribution to the literature of the subject of which it treats, and it will be welcomed by the gentleman sportsman, for whom it has been prepared, quite as much as by the aspirant in the arts of taxidermy, to whom some of its pages will convey a sort of revelation." Country Gentleman. "The text is made as clear as possible, but wherever the explanation can be assisted by an illustration one is introduced." Daily Chronicle. " The name of Ward, father and sons, has acquired a world-wide reputation. ... To sportsmen in India this book should prove specially attractive and useful; it should certainly be in the possession of every sportsman and collector." Calcutta Englishman. " The traveller and the trader will find it a useful companion." Cape Argus. I Vol., Crown &vo. Sixth Edition , with numerous additional illustrations. Bound in Crocodile Leather. Price $s. (>d. By Post, $s. qd. OF THE AUTHOR, "THE JUNGLE," 166, PICCADILLY, SIMPKIN, MARSHALL & Co., 4, STATIONERS' HALL COURT, - AND OF ALL BOOKSELLERS. > X