STORAGE BATTERIES A LIST OF REFERENCES 1900-1915 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1915 STORAGE BATTERIES A LIST OF REFERENCES 1900-1915 e-csv-ae- S 1 I a. U -v\ CLTC dL M THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1915 tyvVRZN^tfj jMAY 1915 'pftOft THE OP '4VE. NBW ,.Yo*lc PUBLIC LIBRARY LIST OF REFERENCES ^GN STORAGE BATTERIES^ /i COMPILED BY GEORGE S. MAYNARD Bibliography presented for graduation, Library School of The New York Public Library, 1915 The list includes books and periodical articles that have appeared since the beginning of 1900. The arrangement is chronological by date of publication. Author and subject indexes are appended. References have not been made to patent abstracts, nor, in general, to "trade" descriptions or articles of minor importance; nor have references been taken from the periodical "Centralblatt fur Accumula- toren- und Galvanotechnik," which should be consulted in its entirety. A few works not in The New York Public Library have been included in this list; these are in either the Columbia University Library or the Library of the United Engineering Societies, and are indicated, respectively, by the words Columbia and Eng. Lib. following the entry. 1900 1. Accumulateur Heinz, illus. (L'elec- tricien, Paris, v. 20, Nov. 24, 1900, p. 323- 325.) VGA 2. Accumulateur Van Kampen. (L'eclai- rage electrique, Paris, v. 23, May 5, 1900, p. 172.) VGA 3. Accumulateurs Commelin et Viau a gaz sous pression. illus. (L'eclairage electrique, Paris, v. 23, June 23, 1900, p. 452-454.) VGA Also in L'electricien, Paris, v. 20, Oct. 13, 1900, p. 227-230, VGA. 4. Accumulateurs Commelin et Viau, legers et a haute tension, illus. (L'eclai- rage electrique, Paris, v. 23, June 23, 1900, p. 454-456.) VGA Also in L'electricien, Paris, v. 20, Nov. 3, 1900, p. 382-384, VGA. Cell has metallic salt electrolyte and lead peroxide anode. 5. Akunoff, Iwan. Zur Thermodynamik der Chlor-Knallgaskette. (Zeitschrift fur Electrochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 7, Dec. 6, 1900, p. 354-356.) PKA Thermodynamics of the hydrogen-chlorine gas cell. 6. Beckmann, H. Sur un nouveau pro- cede de formation autogene des plaques d'accumulateurs. (L'eclairage electrique, Paris, v. 25, Oct. 6, 1900, p. 47-48.) VGA Abstracted in Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 35, May 19, 1900, p. 755, VGA. 7. Blondin, J., and A. BAINVILLE. Accu- mulateurs pour automobiles electriques. (Le concours international de 1'automobile- club.) illus. (L'eclairage electrique, Paris, 336-342 p. .) , VGA [3] Abstracted in Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 35, Feb. 10, 1900, p. 224, VGA. Gives a complete report of an elaborate series of tests. 8. Dolezalek, Friedrich. Contribution a la theorie de I'accumulateur au plomb. (L'eclairage electrique, Paris, v. 23, June 30, 1900, p. 499-502.) VGA 9. -- Ueber den Temperaturkoeffizien- ten des Blei-Akkumulators. (Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 6, April 19, 1900, p. 517-519, May 17, p. 557.) PKA Abstracted in Electrical world and engineer, New York. v. 35, May 19, 1900, p. 755-756, VGA. 10. Ferguson, Louis A. Storage batteries for small stations, illus. (Western elec- trician, Chicago, v. 27, July 7, 1900, p. 2-3.) VGA 11. Gerard, Eric. Piles secondaire ou accumulateurs. illus. (In his: Legons sur 1'electricite. 6. ed. Paris: Gauthier-Vil- lars, 1900. 8. p. 405-438.) Columbia 12. Girault, Paul. Couplage d'accumula- teurs. Sur la charge en parellele de deux demi-batteries d'accumulateurs et leur decharge en tension. (Industrie electrique, Paris, v. 9, Sept. 25, 1900, p. 402-404.) VGA 13. Hanchett, George T. The selection of a storage battery for an automobile. (American electrician, New York, v. 12, June, 1900, p. 297-298.) VGA Calculation of the watt-hours required for a given weight and speed. 14. Heim, C. Ueber die Ladung von Ak- kumulatoren bei konstanter Spannung. (Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1900, continued. Jahrg. 21, 1900, p. 269-272, 288-290, 309-312, 329-331, 347-349, 391-394, 416-419, 438-441, 463-465, 487-491, 504- M)7.) VGA 16. Jumau, L. Sur 1'emploi (Tune elec- trode supplemental dans les recherches sur I'accumulateur electrique. illus. (L'ec- lairage electrique, Paris, v. 24, July 14, 1900, p. 59-65.) VGA Schoop method. 17. Jungner, Ernst W. Ein primar wie sekundar benutzbares galvanisches Ele- ment mit Elektrolyten von unverander- lichen Leitungsvermogen. (Elektroche- mische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 7, Aug., 1900, p. 102-104.) PKA 18. Kohn, M. Graphische Ermlttelung der Leistung von Pufferbatterien. (Elek- trotechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 21, Jan. 25, 1900, p. 78-80.) VGA Describes a method of tracing the characteristic curve of a battery. 19. Lead-zinc accumulators. (American electrician, New York, v. 12, Jan., 1900, p. 29.) VGA "Leitner cell." 20. Loewit, Arthur. Sektionsschalter fur Akkumulatorenladung. (Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 21, Aug. 2, 1900, p. 640-641.) VGA Abstracted in Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 36, Sept. 1, 1900, p. 334, VGA. 21. Macrae, Roderick. The regulation of storage battery voltage, illus. (Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 35, March 24, 1900, p. 431-433.) VGA 22. Majert accumulator, illus. (Ameri- can electrician, New York, v. 12, Jan., 1900, p. 29.) VGA Also in L'eclairage electrique, Paris, v. 25, Dec. 8, 1900, p. 374-380, VGA. Some features of construction. 23. Martin, H. S. The E. P. storage bat- tery, illus. (Electrical world and en- gineer, New York, v. 35, April 28, 1900, p. 635-636.) VGA 24. Michelis, B. von. Berechnung der Ac- cumulatoren und Betriebsmaschinen fur Elektricitatswerke. (Journal fur Gasbe- leuchtung, Munich, Jahrg. 43, July 28, 1900, p. 576-579, Aug. 4, p. 595-598.) VGA 25. Nernst, W., and FRIEDRICH DOLEZALEK. Ueber die Gaspolarisation im Bleiak- kumulator. (Zeitschrift fiir Electrochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 6, May 10, 1900, p. 548-550.) PKA Abstracted in Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 35, June 9, 1900, p. 876, VGA. 26. Norden, Konrad. Ueber eine Methode zur Bestimmung der wahren Oberflachen von Akkumulatorenplatten. (Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 6, 1900, p. 397-403, 444, 470.) PKA Abstracted in Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 35, March 3, 1900, p. 331, VGA. Method of estimating ratio of true to apparent surface of accumulator plates. 27. Morris, H. H. Storage batteries in railway power stations. (Street railway review, Chicago, v. 10, Dec. 15, 1900, p. 733-736.) ft TPB Describes tests made on the Buffalo plant. 28. Peters, Franz. Effect of sunlight on lead peroxide. (Electrician, London, v. 45, Oct. 19, 1900, p. 952.) VGA 29. - Experiments with accumulator plates. (Electrician, London, v. 45, May 18, 1900, p. 136-137.) VGA Method of rehardening softened positive plates. 30. Reynolds, Edward L. Storage bat- teries in electric railway power stations. (American electrician, New York, v. 12, Oct., 1900, p. 474-475.) VGA Advantages of battery installation as shown by tests at various plants. 31. Reyval, J. Accumulateurs Pollak. illus. (L'eclairage electrique, Paris, v. 24, Sept. 22, 1900, p. 442-447.) VGA 32. Rossander, C. A., and E. A. FORSBERG. Ueber die Vorausbestimmung der erfor- derlichen Kapacitat von Akkumulatoren- batterien. (Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 21, Oct. 25, 1900, p. 881-883.) VGA Largely mathematical. Method of determining the required capacity of a battery that is to be dis- charged at a variable rate. 33. Schaerer, H. C. The electric accumu- lator. (Australian mining standard, Mel- bourne, v. 18, Nov. 29, 1900, p. 701-702.) VHP Read before the Electric Association of New South Wales. Reviews work in this field and gives an estimate of the yearly production. 34. Schoop, M. U. Local discharges in the lead accumulator. (Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 35, June 2, 1900, p. 834-835.) VGA 35. - Selbstthatige Lade- und Entlade- vorrichtung fur Accumulatoren. (Zeit- schrift fiir Elektrotechnik, Wien, Jahrg. 18, Feb. 11, 1900, p. 77-78.) VGA 36. Ueber Hochspannungs Accumu- latoren. illus. (Zeitschrift fiir Elektro- technik, Wien, Jahrg. 18, Sept. 30, 1900, p. 478-479.) VGA 37. Ueber Untersuchungen an Ac- cumulatoren. (Zeitschrift fiir Elektro- technik, Wien, Jahrg. 18, Feb. 25, 1900, p. 101-106.) VGA Tests to determine the relative capacity of + and plates at different discharge rates. LIST OF REFERENCES ON STORAGE BATTERIES, 1900-1915 1900, continued. 38. Sieg, E. Ueber Pufferbatterien. (Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 21, March 15, 1900, p. 226-228.) VGA Read before Elektrotechnische Gesellschaft zu Koln. 39. Wirkungsweise und Construc- tion der Accumulatoren. illus. (Journal fur Gasbeleuchtung, Munich, Jahrg. 43, 1900, p. 91-95, 111-113, 192-194.) VOA 40. Strasser, and GAHL. Ueber die Gas- polarisation im Bleiakkumulator. (Zeit-. schrift fur Elektrochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 7, July 5, 1900, p. 11-13.) PKA 41. Suchy, E. Grossenbestimmung von Accumulatoren-Batterien. (Zeitschrift fur Elektrotechnik, Wien, Jahrg. 18, Dec. 16, 1900, p. 609-610.) VGA Method of calculating the necessary size of a battery to provide for a demand that follows a certain load curve. 42. Use of the storage battery in the theatre. (American electrician, New York, v. 12, April, 1900, p. 166-167.) VGA 43. Wade, E. J. Storage battery prob- lems. (Institution of Electrical Engineers. Journal, London, v. 29, 1900, p. 460-495, 524-530.) VGA Abstracted in Electrician, London, v. 44, 1900, p. 777-781, 824-826, 858-859, VGA. A technical discussion of the chemical reactions involved. 44. Wehrlin, H. Ueber die Grossober- flachenplatte (System Wehrlin) .. .und ihre Anwendbarkeit fur Pufferbatterien. (Zeitschrift fur Elektrotechnik, Wien, Jahrg. 18, Aug. 12, 1900, p. 395-397.) VGA Requirements of a battery for rapid charge and discharge. 45. White, L. G. Desirability of using storage batteries in medium-size stations. (Western electrician, Chicago, v. 27, Aug. 25, 1900, p. 117.) VGA 1901 46. Abel, E. Beitrag zur Theorie des Ak- kumulators. (Zeitschrift fur Elektroche- mie, Halle, Jahrg. 7, June 27, 1901, p. 731- 733.) PKA Abstracted in L'eclairage electrique, Paris, v. 28, Sept. 14, 1901, p. 405-406, VGA. 47. Abraham, A. J. The maintenance of central station batteries. (Electrical re- view, London, v. 48, April 12, 1901, p. 620.) VGA A criticism of the above by E. S. Jacob appears in the issue for April 19, p. 662-663. 48. Accumulators and electric traction systems. (Electrical review, London, v. 49. Dec. 13, 1901, p. 1025-1056.) VGA Discusses the use of accumulators in power sta- tions and at end of feeders. 49. Allen, A. H. The storage of electri- city, illus. (Engineer, London, v. 91, May 31, 1901, p. 579-580, June 7, p. 605-606.) VGA Considers application of storage batteries to com- plete, partial, and "flywheel" storage. 50. Automobile storage batteries, illus. (Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 38, Oct. 5, 1901, p. 538-545.) VGA Detailed description of different makes. 51. Bermbach, Willibald. Die neuren Theorien des Bleiakkumulators. (Elek- trotechnischer Anzeiger, Berlin, Jahrg. 18, 1901, p. 2-5, 33-34, 99-101, 235-237.) Eng. Lib. 52. Blizard, Charles. Development of the use of the storage battery in the United States. (Electrical review, New York, v. 38, Jan. 12, 1901, p. 75-76.) VGA Brief historical account. 53. Booth, W. H. The accumulator as a source of economy in electric traction. (Electrical review, London, v. 48, Jan. 25, 1901, p. 140-142.) VGA 54. Dolezalek, Friedrich. Die theorie des Bleiaccumulators. . . Halle: W. Knapp, 1901. vi p., 1 1., 122 p. 8. Eng. Lib. The theory of the lead accumula- tor; translated from the German by Carl L. von Ende. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1904. 241 p. 12. Eng. Lib. 55. Dolezalek, Friedrich, and R. GAHL. Ueber den Widerstand von Bleiakkumula- toren und seine Verteilung auf die beiden Elektroden. illus. (Zeitschrift fur Elek- trochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 7, Jan. 24, 1901, p. 429-433, Jan. 31, p. 437-441.) PKA Method for measuring the resistance of a cell. 56. Fabre, Leonce. Accumulateur L. F. Lacroix a grande capacite pour la traction. (L'eclairage electrique, Paris, v. 26, Jan. 5, 1901, p. 21-23.) VGA 57. Fay, Thomas J. Storage battery maintenance. (Electrical world and en- gineer, New York, v. 37, April 6, 1901, p. 550-551.) VGA Tests for impurities in the electrolyte. 58. Storage battery porosity. (Elec- trical review, New York, v. 38, May 18, 1901, p. 622-623.) VGA 59. Fitz-Gerald, Desmond G. The lead storage battery: its history, theory, con- struction and use. London: Biggs [1901]. 383 p. illus. 8. Columbia 60. Foerster, F. Dynamo-elektrische Ma- schinen und Akkumulatoren. (In his: Die elektrotechnische Praxis. Berlin: L. Mar- cus, 1901. 12. Bd. 1, p. 152-196.) VGC 61. Gahl, Rudolf. Der Edison-Accumula- tor. (Zeitschrift fur Elektrotechnik, Wien, Jahrg. 19, April 28, 1901, p. 205-206.) VGA THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1901, continued. 62. Grindle, G. A. On the use of storage batteries in connection with electric tram- ways. (Institution of Electrical Engineers, journal, London, v. 30, 1901, p. 1098-1127.) VGA Abstracted in Electrician, London, v. 46, March 15, 1901, p. 779-782, March 22, p. 820-824, VGA. Editorial comment in Electrical review, London, v. 48, March 8, 1901, p. 393-394, VGA. 63. Harrington, W. E. Storage batteries located in power stations. (Street rail- way review, Chicago, v. 11, Oct. 12, 1901, p. 726-729.) ffTPB Read before the American Street Railway As- sociation. Considers conditions for economic results. 64. Helm, C. Ein Verfahren zur Steige- rung der Kapacitat der Akkumulatoren. (Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 22, Sept. 26, 1901, p. 811-815.) VGA Abstracted in Electrician, London, v. 48, Nov. 1, 1901, p. 54-55, VGA. Discusses influence of temperature on the capacity of batteries. 65. Hibbert, W. On Mr. Edison's new accumulator. (Electrical review, London, v. 48, June 21, 1901, p. 1047.) VGA Brief description. 66. The Pascal Marino accumulator. illus. (Electrical review, London, v. 49, July 26, 1901, p. 131-132.) VGA Lead cell with phosphoric acid electrolyte. 67. Highfield, J. S. Storage batteries in electric power stations, controlled by re- versible boosters, illus. (Institution of Electrical Engineers. Journal, London, v. 30, 1901, p. 1040-1096.) VGA Abstracted in Electrician, London, v. 47, p. 290- 292, 336-339, 402-405, 442-446, 559-561, VGA. 68. Hopkinson, B. The losses of energy in accumulators. (Electrician, London, v. 48, Nov. 29, 1901, p. 211-214, Dec. 6, p. 263- 264.) VGA 69. Hoppe, O. Die Pufferbatterie im All- gemeinen, im besonderer die der Aktien- gesellschaft Thiederhall in Thiede bet Braunschweig. (Gliickauf, Essen, Jahrg. 37, June 1, 1901, p. 477-489.) VHA Advantages as a load equalizer. 70. Hull, R. C. Influence of storage bat- teries upon railway generating apparatus. (Electrical review, New York, v. 38, Jan. 19, 1901, p. 97-99.) VGA Take the load fluctuations. 71. Jumau, L. Sur 1'accumulateur fer- potasse peroxyde de nickel. Un nouyeau brevet Edison. (L'eclairage electrique, Paris, v. 29, Oct. 19, 1901, p. 93-95.) VGA 72. Sur le nouvel accumulateur Edi- son, illus. (L'eclairage electrique, v. 28, July 27, 1901, p. 124-130.) VGA 73. Kennelly, Arthur E. The new Edison storage battery, illus. (American Insti- tute of Electrical Engineers. Transactions, New York, v. 18, 1901, p. 219-243.) VGA Abstracted in Electrical review, New York, v. 38, May 25, 1901, p. 666-669, VGA, and in Electri- cal world and engineer, New York, v. 37, May 25, 1901, p. 867-869, VGA. First authorized announcement. 74. Laszczynski, St. von. Neuere Arbei- ten iiber Sammler aus anderen Metallen als Blei. (Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 7, Aug. 8, 1901, p. 821-827.) PKA Abstracted in Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 38, July 31, 1901, p. 349-350, VGA. 75. Lees, S. The battery. (Electrical en- gineer, London, v. 28, Aug. 16, 1901, p. 235- 236.) VGA Practical notes on the care of a battery. 76. Liagre, Charles. Influence de la tem- perature sur la capacite des accumulateurs au plomb. (L'eclairage electrique, Paris, v. 29, Nov. 2, 1901, p. 149-152.) VGA 77. Loppe, F. Les accumulateurs elec- triques. Paris: Masson [1901?]. 200 p. 2. ed. 12. (Encyclopedic scientifique des aide-memoires.) Eng. Lib. 78. Lunn, Ernest. Curves for showing the charge remaining in a storage battery. (American electrician, New York, v. 13, Sept., 1901, p. 436-437.) VGA 79. Installation, operation and econ- omy of storage batteries, illus. (Associa- tion of Engineering Societies. Journal, v. 26, April, 1901, p. 254-272.) VDA Considers plant of the Detroit Edison Co. 80. Lyndon, Lamar. Storage battery aux- iliaries. (Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 37, 1901, p. 972-974, 1015-1017, 1071-1073, 1112-1113; v. 38, p. 13-14, 64-65.) VGA Treats of the various kinds of boosters. 81. The storage battery in railway power station service. (Street railway journal, New York, v. 18, July 6, 1901, p. 18-22.) TPB Data required for determining the necessary size of battery and boosters under given conditions. 82. Marsh, Albert L. An alkaline nickel- oxide cell. (Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 38, July 27, 1901, p. 136.) VGA 83. Martin, T. Commerford. Storage bat- teries in central stations. (National Elec- tric Light Association. Convention 24, 1901, p. '393-409.) VGS Battery used to carry peak load; effect on cost of output and investment. 84. Morse, Franklin E. Application of the storage battery to the Brooklyn Heights railroad. (Street railway journal, New York, v. 18, Sept. 21, 1901, p. 340-342.) TPB Description of a successful installation. LIST OF REFERENCES ON STORAGE BATTERIES, 1900-1915 1901, continued. 85. Niblett, J. T. Improved traction ac- cumulators. (Electrical review, London, v. 48, May 24, 1901, p. 885.) VGA Plates made of a special compound of lead salts. 86. Norden, Konrad. Calculating the capacity of a battery for a given output. (Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 37, March 9, 1901, p. 396-397.) VGA A graphic method. 87. Palmer, R. L. The Cleveland and Chagrin Falls railroad's storage battery sub-station, illus. (Electrical review, New York, v. 38, April 27, 1901, p. 532-533.) VGA Also in Street railway journal, New York, v. 17, May 4, 1901, p. 521-522, TPB. 88. Peters, Franz. The new Edison stor- age battery. (Western electrician, Chi- cago, v. 29, July 20, 1901, p. 39.) VGA Comments on Kennelly's paper before the A. I. E. E. 89. Pumpelly, J. K. The development of the storage battery. (Western electrician, Chicago, v. 28, May 11, 1901, p. 319.) VGA Brief historical summary. 90. Some notes on the copper cad- mium storage battery. (Western elec- trician, Chicago, v. 28, May 4, 1901, p. 303.) VGA 91. Reed, C. J. Gas polarization in lead accumulators. (Electrical world and en- gineer, New York, v. 37, March 16, 4901, p. 451.) VGA Abstracted from Journal of physical chemistry, Jan., 1901. Criticism of the article by Nernst and Dolezalek (1900). 92. Reynolds, Edward L. Storage bat- teries and 60 cycle railway rotaries. illus. (Street railway journal, New York, v. 18, Nov. 2, 1901, p. 670-672.) TPB Description of an installation at Hamilton, Ontario. 93. Roeber, E. F. On theoretical concen- tration changes in the new Edison battery. (Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 37, June 29, 1901, p. 1105-1108.) VGA 94. Theory of the Edison nickel iron cell. (Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 37, Oct. 1, 1901, p. 598-600, Dec. 7, p. 931-932.) VGA 95. Schindler, K. Die Wirkung des Eigengewichtes stationarer Akkumulator- en. (Elektrotechnischer Anzeiger, Berlin, Jahrg. 17, 1901, p. 273-275, 302-304.) Eng. Lib. 96. Schoop, M. U. Ueber den Einfluss der Sauretemperatur auf die Capacitat des Bleiaccumulators. (Zeitschrift fiir Elek- trotechnik, Wien, Jahrg. 19, 1901, p. 353- 356, 362-364.) VGA 97. Schuchart, R. F. Storage batteries in central stations. (Electrical world and en- gineer, New York, v. 38, Aug. 17, 1901, p. 254.) VGA Practical illustration of the value of batteries when the generators are shut down on account of an accident. 98. Seaman, Harold. Storage batteries in electric systems. (Wisconsin engineer, Madison, v. 5, Dec., 1901, p. 15-27.) VDA Discusses the operation of the cell as a unit and combined into a battery. 99. Sieg, E. Die Akkumulatoren. illus. (In: Handbuch der Elektrotechnik. Leip- zig: S. Hirzel, 1901. 4. Bd. 3, Abt. 2. 112 p.) Eng. Lib. Treats of their development, manufacture, appli- cations, etc. 100. Treadwell, Augustus, the younger. Storage batteries in central stations. (Electrical review, New York, v. 38, June 1, 1901, p. 692-696.) VGA Abstract of a paper read before the National Electric Light Association, May, 1901. 101. The storage battery. (Elec- trical world and engineer, New York, v. 37, Jan. 5, 1901, p. 38-40.) VGA A brief historical summary. 102. Wade, E. J. Edison's alkaline stor- age batteries. (Electrician, London, v. 47, Aug. 23, 1901, p. 677-678.) VGA Correspondence with R. N. Lucas. (Electrician, London, v. 47, 1901, p. 727-728, 766, 805.) VGA 103. The present and future of ac- cumulators. (Electrochemist and metal- lurgist, London, v. 1, Jan., 1901, p. 14-16.) fPKA Abstracted in Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 37, Feb. 9, 1901, p. 249, VGA. 104. West, John H. Recent progress in accumulator manufacture, illus. (Elec- trochemist and metallurgist, London, v. 1, March, 1901, p. 70-72, April, 1901, p. 96-99.) fPKA Includes a list of foreign makes with tabulated data. 105. Wray, J. G. The storage battery in telephone work. (Electrical world and en- gineer, New York, v. 38, Nov. 9, 1901, p. 780-781.) VGA Abstract of a paper before the Chicago Electrical Association. 106. Zacharias, Johannes. Die Akkumula- toren zur Aufspeicherung des elektrischen Stromes deren Anfertigung, Verwendung, und Betrieb. Jena: H. Costenoble, 1901. 724 p. 2. ed. illus. 8. Eng. Lib. 107. Zinc negatives for electric accumula- tors. (Automotor journal, London, v. 5, Jan., 1901, p. 185-186.) TOL Brief editorial on the difficulties met with. THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1902 108. Adams, Alton D. Storage batteries in electrical supply. (Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 40, Dec. 27, 1902, p. 1032.) VGA Actual plant figures showing the investment in batteries per unit of their greatest output and fixed charges per unit of their energy output. 109. Bienaime, G. Sur le point d'arret de la decharge des accumulateurs. (Industrie electrique, Paris, v. 11, May 25, 1902, p. 228-229.) VGA Note on Bering's paper before the A. I. E. E. 110. Brocksmith, J. C. Design for a high- capacity storage battery, illus. (Ameri- can electrician, New York, v. 14, June, 1902, p. 286-289.) VGA For driving an electric motorcycle. 111. Central station batteries. (Electrical review, London, v. 51, July 4, 1902, p. 13- 14.) VGA Indicates general causes of trouble and best methods of dealing with them. 112. Coho, H. B. The storage battery as a factor in speed control. (American In- stitute of Electrical Engineers. Transac- tions, v. 20, 1902, p. 135-138.) VGA Application to printing presses. 113. Concours d'accumulateurs electriques du Ministere de la Marine. (Industrie elec- trique, Paris, v. 11, June 25, 1902, p. 277- 278.) VGA 251 discharge tests on twenty-one different makes. 114. Delasalle, A. Sur 1'entretien des ac- cumulateurs electriques employes pour la traction, (filectricien, Paris, v. 24, Aug. 23, 1902, p. 122-124.) VGA 115. Dion, A. A. The use of storage bat- teries in electric distribution systems. (Canadian engineer, Toronto, v. 9, July, 1902, p. 186-190.) VDA Paper before the Canadian Electrical Association. 116. Dominik, Hans. Die Akkumulatoren fur Elektromobilen auf der Industrie- und Gewerbe-Ausstellung zu Diisseldorf. (Elektrochemische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 9, Dec., 1902, p. 189-195.) PKA 117. Dommerque, J. Tribelhorn Akku- mulator. (Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 8, Aug. 28, 1902, p. 662-664.) PKA 118. Dow, Herbert H. A zinc-bromide storage battery. (American Electrochemi- cal Society. Transactions, v. 1, 1902, p. 127.) PKA 119. Edison, Thomas A. The storage bat- tery and the motor car. (North American review, New York, v. 175, July, 1902, p. 1-4.) * DA Abstracted in Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 40, July 5, 1902, p. 14-15, VGA. 120. Formenti, Carlo. Bestimmung der Essigsaure in den Bleiaccumulatoren. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Cothen, Jahrg. 26, Feb. 15, 1902, p. 150-151.) VOA 121. Gabran, Oscar. Einige Versuche mit Zink-Blei-Akkumulatoren. (Elektrotech- nische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 23, June 26, 1902, p. 571-574.) VGA 122. Heilmann, J. J. Der Akkumulatpr "Max." illus. (Elektrochemische Zeit- schrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 9, Dec., 1902, p. 164- 168.) PKA 123. Hering, Carl. How to determine the best conditions in storage battery practice. (Electrochemical industry, New York, v. 1, Dec., 1902, p. 122-125.) VIA Discussion of the most economical operation con- sidering both first cost and operating expenses. 124. Point of cut-off in a battery dis- charge. (American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Transactions, v. 19, 1902, p. 325-331.) VGA 125. Hibbcrt, W. The Edison accumula- tor for motor cars. (Electrical review, London, v. 50, June 6, 1902, p. 932-933.) VGA 126. Influence of temperature on the capacity of accumulators. (Electrical re- view, London, v. 50, May 30, 1902, p. 883- 884.) VGA Discusses the results of an extensive series of experiments. 127. Importance of the storage battery. (Electrical review, New York, v. 40, June 21, 1902, p. 815-816.) VGA An editorial. 128. Izart, J. Calcul des batteries a re- gime variable. (Industrie electrique, Paris, v. 11, April 10, 1902, p. 153-154.) VGA Calculation of the capacity of an accumulator at varying discharge rates. 129. Emploi des accumulateurs pour la traction sur voies ferrees. (Industrie electrique, Paris, v. 11, Dec. 10, 1902, p. 535-537.) VGA 130. Emploi des accumulateurs sur les voitures electriques. (filectricien, Paris, v. 24, July 5, 1902, p. 11-12.) VGA 131. Joel, Henry F. The Edison storage battery. (Electrical review, London, v. 50, June 20, 1902, p. 1041-1044.) VGA Analysis of the claims of the Edison patents. 132. Johnson, Wpolsey McA. The re- versible copper oxide plate, illus. (Ameri- can Electro-chemical Society. Transac- tions, v. 1, 1902, p. 187-193.) PKA An attempt to convert the Lalande primary bat- tery into a secondary cell. LIST OF REFERENCES ON STORAGE BATTERIES, 1900-1915 1902, continued. 133. Kennedy, Rankin. Accumulators in installations, illus. (In his: Electrical in- stallations.. . London: Caxton Pub. Co. [1902]. 8. p. 1-31.) Eng. Lib. Treats briefly of the chemistry, weight and out- put of cells, effect of heat and cold, different types, etc. 134. Lewers, Albert M. Electrode ter- minology. (Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 40, July 12, 1902, p. 48.) VGA 135. Liebenow, Karl. Ueber die Verwen- dung der Fuchsschen Messmethode in der Akkumulatoren Technik. (Zeitschrift fiir Elektrochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 8, Aug. 21, 1902, p. 616-623.) PKA 136. Lunn, Ernest. Curves for showing the available capacity of a lead accumula- tor. (Electrical review, New York, v. 41, Sept. 27, 1902, p. 406.) VGA Abstract of paper before the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies. 137. Marsh, Albert L. Deterioration of storage battery plates. (Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 40, Sept. 13, 1902, p. 409-411.) VGA 138. The possibilities for a light weight storage battery. (Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 39, June 7, 1902, p. 996-998.) VGA 139. Self-forming separator in a nickel peroxide storage cell. (Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 40, Dec. 13, 1902, p. 942-943.) VGA 140. The thallium storage cell. (Electrochemical industry, New York, v. 1, Nov., 1902, p. 88-89.) VIA Describes and compares with the lead cell. 141. Mugdan, M. Neuerungen an Nicht- blei-Akkumulatoren. (Zeitschrift fiir Elek- trochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 8, May 1, 1902, p. 265-270, May 8, p. 293-294.) PKA 142. Osthoff, Otto E. The storage bat- tery in central stations, illus. (Central station, New York, v. 1, Feb., 1902, p. 145- 150.) VGS 143. Palmer, W. H., the younger. The storage battery in the commercial opera- tion of electric automobiles, illus. (Elec- trical world and engineer, New York, v. 39, April 12, 1902, p. 643-647.) VGA Description of the plant of the New York Trans- portation Company. 144. Protection maintenance, and depre- ciation of storage batteries. (Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 39, June 21, 1902, p. 1084-1085.) VGA Discussion at the Cincinnati Electric Light Con- vention. 145. Rabinowicz, J. Zur Frage der Le- bensdauer und des Gewichtes der Akkumu- latoren. (Elektrochemische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 9, Aug., 1902, p. 95-97.) PKA 146. Reed, C. J. The storage battery as an electrolytic cell. (Electrochemical in- dustry, New York, v. 1, Dec., 1902, p. 127- 130.) PKA 147. Reuterdahl, Arvid. Electric storage batteries, illus. (Cassier's magazine, Lon- don, v. 21, April, 1902, p. 489-502.) VDA Treats briefly of history, regulation and applica- tions. 148. Reyyal, J. L'Etampe accumulates, illus. (L'eclairage electrique, Paris, v. 31, May 3, 1902, p. 168-170.) VGA Process of manufacture. 149. Rodman, Hugh. Storage battery in- vention. (American Electrochemical So- ciety. Transactions, v. 2, 1902, p. 177-183.) PKA Compares lead with other metals for battery work. 150. Roeber, E. F. A thermodynamical note on the theory of the Edison accumula- tor. (American Electrochemical Society. Transactions, v. 1, 1902, p. 195-220.) PKA 151. Rucker, S. E. The application of the storage battery to isolated plants. (Ameri- can electrician, New York, v. 14, Jan., 1902, p. 7-10.) VGA 152. Schoop, M. U. Deterioration of stor- age battery plates. (Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 40, Oct. 25, 1902, p. 657.) VGA Comment on Marsh's article in Electrical world, v. 40, p. 409. 153. Explosion in einen deutschen Akkumulatorenfabrik. (Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 23, Nov. 6, 1902, p. 988.) VGA 154. Shepherd, H. F. The construction of a small storage cell. (American electrician, New York, v. 14, Feb., 1902, p. 84.) VGA A "home-made" battery. 155. Some modern automobile accumula- tors, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 86, May 17, 1902, p. 351-352.) VA 156. Some results of a secondary battery in a traction station. (Electrical review, London, v. 50, Feb. 14, 1902, p. 247-248.) VGA States conditions to be met and gives costs. 157. Stebbins, E. Vail. Storage batteries in mills and factories, illus. (Association of Engineering Societies. Journal, v. 29, July, 1902, p. 1-27.) VDA Extent to which batteries may be installed to equalize the load. 158. Storage batteries in the Baltimore Belt Line tunnel power plant, illus. (Elec- trical world and engineer, New York, v. 39, Feb. 15, 1902, p. 297-299.) VGA 159. The storage battery in small central stations. illus. (Central station, New York, v. 1, June, 1902, p. 241-245.) VGS Shows how a profitable 24 hour service was obtained at Milan, Mich. 10 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1902, continued. 160. Theory of the Edison nickel-iron cell. (Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 38, 1902, p. 598-600, 733, 931-932; v. 39, p. 90-91, 132, 232, 312.) VGA Discussion between E. F. Roeber and W. McA. Johnson. 161. Waal, H. de. Le couplage des batte- ries regulatrices. (Association des ingeni- eurs electriciens, Liege. Bulletin, v. 2, Nov., 1902, p. 334-345.) Eng. Lib. Different ways of connecting up regulating bat- teries. 1903 162. Buettncr, Max. Die Verwendung des Akkumulators in der Verkehrstechnik. (Glaser's Annalen fur Gewerbe und Bau- wesen, Berlin, Bd. 52, June 15, 1903, p. 225- 240.) VDA 163. Coho, H. B. An historical review of the storage battery. (American Electro- chemical Society. Transactions, v. 3, 1903, p. 158-168.) PKA 164. Combination railway and lighting storage battery at Milwaukee. (Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 41, June 13, 1903, p. 1023-1025.) VGA 165. Dalton, W. A method of milking faulty cells. (Electrical engineer, Lon- don, v. 32, Oct. 23, 1903, p. 609.) VGA 166. Esch, W. Vierwertiges Blei und die Theorie des Blei-Akkumulators. (Chemi- ker Zeitung, Cothen, Jahrg. 27, March 28, 1903, p. 297-298.) VGA 167. Gerland, E. Die Sekundarelemente. (In his: Lehrbuch der Elektrotechnik mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer Anwen- dung im Bergbau. illus. Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1903. 8. p. 168-189.) VGC History, types in use and auxiliary appliances. 168. Goldsborough, W. E., and P. E. FANS- LER. The storage battery in sub-stations. (American Institute of Electrical En- gineers. Transactions, v. 22, 1903, p. 243- 277.) VGA Tests on a large interurban system to determine the battery equipment needed. 169. Gradenwitz, Alfred. L'accumulateur Jungner-Edison. (L'eclairage electrique, Paris, v. 35, May 16, 1903, p. 266-269.) VGA Chemical reactions of the cell. 170. Hagood, Lee. The storage battery in its relation to United States fortifications, illus. (Journal of the U. S. Artillery, Fort Monroe, Va., v. 20, 1903, p. 70-95.) VWA Description of the various types used by the army. 171. Hibbert, W. The Edison battery for automobiles. (Electrical review, London, v. 52, Feb. 27, 1903, p. 339-340.) VGA 172. "Edison contra Jungner." (Elec- trical review, London, v. 52, Jan. 30, 1903, p. 190-191.) VGA The question of priority. 173. Hospitalier, E. L'accumulateur Edi- son. (Industrie electrique, Paris, v. 12, Nov. 10, 1903, p. 492-497.) VGA Description and results of French tests. 174. Huber, J. L. Der Akkumulator in Bergbau. illus. (Gliickauf, Essen, Jahrg. 39, Aug. 8, 1903, p. 753-762.) VHA Extent to which batteries may be used to equalize generator load. 175. Humphreys, H. J. A convenient storage battery installation. (Electrical review, London, v. 52, April 24, 1903, p. 694.) VGA Arrangement for a physical laboratory. 176. Izart, J. L'accumulateur et 1'electro- chimie. (Electricien, Paris, v. 25, 1903, p. 55-57, 86-88, 154-156.) VGA A theoretical treatise. 177. Janet, P. L'accumulateur Edison. (Societe internationale des electriciens. Bulletin, serie 2, v. 3, Nov., 1903, p. 404- 435.) VGA Gives a complete account of the tests made in Paris and a bibliography of the principal works on the Edison cell. 178. Joly, H. L. Development of the light accumulator since 1900. illus. (Electro- chemist and metallurgist, London, v. 3, Oct., 1903, p. 189-199.) f PKA A valuable article with much data on different makes. 179. The Edison accumulator, illus. (Electro-chemist and metallurgist, Lon- don, v. 3, Dec., 1903, p. 376-383.) f PKA Contains much data. 180. Jonas, L. Ueber den Thallium Ak- kumulator. (Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 9, June 25, 1903, p. 523-530.) PKA 181. Jones, Walter G. A home-made storage battery cell. illus. (Scientific American supplement, New York, v. 55, June 20, 1903, p. 22969-22970.) VA Has a capacity of 10 ampere hours. 182. Jungner-Edison accumulators. (Elec- tro-chemical industry, New York, v. 1, March, 1903, p. 258, Sept., 1903, p. 465.) VIA 183. Klasson, R. Bericht iiber eine Ex- plosion in einem Akkumulatprenraum. illus. (Elektrische Bahnen, Munich, Jahrg. 1, Dec., 1903, p. 181-182.) Eng. Lib. Calls attention to the necessity of ventilating battery rooms. 184. Knowlton, Howard S. Storage bat- teries on electric railways. (Engineering magazine, New York, v. 25, Aug., 1903, p. 714-720.) VDA Explains their function in the power house and out on the line. LIST OF REFERENCES ON STORAGE BATTERIES, 1900-1915 11 1903, continued. 185. Lavezzari. Les accumulateurs au plomb a oxydes rapportes. (filectricien, Paris, v. 26, Aug. 8, 1903, p. 89-91.) VGA Also in Industrie electrique, Paris, v. 12, Tune 25, 1903, p. 280-285, VGA. 186. Lehfeldt, R. A. Total and free en- ergy of the lead accumulator. (Electro- chemist and metallurgist, London, v. 3, Sept., 1903, p. 126-134.) f PKA Also in Electrical engineer, London, v. 32, Nov. 13, 1903, p. 749-751, VGA. An analysis of the transformations of energy. 187. Liversidge, H. P. The practical stor- age battery operation. (American electri- cian, New York, v. 15, Sept., 1903, p. 462- 464.) VGA 188. Lyndon, Lamar. The comparative behavior of floating and booster-controlled batteries on fluctuating loads. (American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Trans- actions, v. 22, 1903, p. 705-734.) VGA Abstracted in Electrical review, New York, v. 43, Nov. 28, 1903, p. 770-774, Dec. 5, p. 815-817, VGA. Discussion in Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 43, Jan. 23, 1904, p. 177-178, VGA. 189. Marsh, Albert L. Ampere-hour capacity of the lead storage battery. (Elec- trical world and engineer, New York, v. 41, Feb. 14, 1903, p. 271-272.) VGA 190. Maycock, W. Perren. Secondary cells. (In his: Electric lighting and power distribution; an elementary manual of electrical engineering. London: Whit- taker, 1903. 16. v. 2, p. 456-521.) Eng. Lib. Theory, types, charging and regulating, care and calculations. 191. Pagliano, J. Fonctionnement des batteries tampons dans un reseau de tram- ways, illus. (Societe scientifique indus- trielle de Marseille. Bulletin, 1903, annee 31, p. 175-195.) VA Operation of buffer batteries on electric railway circuits. 192. Rosset, Georges. Essai sur la theorie des piles. (L'eclairage electrique, Paris, v. 34, Jan. 31', 1903, p. 149-165.) VGA Also in lectricien, Paris, v. 26, Aug. 1, 1903, p. 70-74, VGA. 193. Sarrat, F. Representation graphique des effets de la force electromotrice de compensation sur le mode de fonctionne- ment d'un survolteur automatique a enroul- ment serie-batterie. (Association des in- genieurs electriques, Liege. Bulletin, v. 3, Dec., 1903, p. 439-452.) Eng. Lib. Action of a booster used with a buffer battery. 194. Schoop, M. U. Ein Beitrag zur The- orie des Bleiakkumulators. (Elektrotech- nische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 24, March 19, 1903, p. 214-218.) VGA Tests to determine relative merits of formed and pasted plates. 195. Der Jungner-Edison Akkumu- lator. (Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, Ber- lin, Jahrg. 24, Aug. 6, 1903, p. 619-623; Jahrg. 25, May 26, 1904, p. 442.) VGA Comparison of lead and alkali cells. 196. Scott, E. Kilburn. Electric automo- bile accumulator cells for quick charge rates. (Electrical engineer, London, v. 32, Nov. 13, 1903, p. 752.) VGA 197. Sessions, P. L. Storage battery in- dustrial locomotives. (American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Transactions, 1903, v. 22, p. 109-131.) VGA Gives tables for calculating the battery rating. 198. Situation regarding the Edison stor- age battery. (Electrical review, New York, v. 43, Aug. 8, 1903, p. 198-199.) VGA An interview with Mr. Edison. 199. Sperry, Elmer A. The use of pyroxy- line in electric storage batteries. (Ameri- can Electrochemical Society. Transac- tions, v. 3, 1903, p. 169-175.) PKA 200. Tommasi, D. L'accumulatore Tom- masi. illus. (Elettricita, Milan, v. 22, fan. 25, 1903, p. 52.) VGA 201. Vicarey, R. W. The central station battery. (Electrical review, London, v. 53, Oct. 23, 1903, p. 679-680.) VGA Suggestions for the care of batteries. 202. Wade, E. J. Secondary batteries: their theory, construction and use. Lon- don: "Electrician" [1903]. 492 p. illus. 8. Eng. Lib. 203. Waring, J. M. S. The storage bat- tery in lighting and power work, illus. (Central station, New York, v. 2, June, 1903, p. 534-539.) VGS 204. Winkler, W. von. Die Verwendung von Akkumulatoren zur Fahrbetrieb. (Zeitschrift fur Elektrotechnik, Wien, Jahrg. 21, May 31, 1903, p. 329-331, June 7, p. 345-348.) VGA Accumulators for electric automobiles. 205. Wordingham, Charles H. Secondary batteries, illus. (In his: Central electri- cal stations... London: C. Griffin & Co., 1903. 2. ed. 8. p. 305-319.) Eng. Lib. Value in central t station work, end-cell control, and application to 3 wire and 5 wire systems. 1904 206. Bainville, A. A propos de 1'accumu- lateur Edison. (lectricien, Paris, v. 27, Jan. 2, 1904, p. 6-7.) VGA In answer to certain statements made by Mr. Hibbert. 207. Bary, Paul. Theorie des accumula- teurs au plomb. (L'eclairage electrique, Paris, v. 40, Sept. 3, 1904, p. 361-366.) VGA From the chemical standpoint. 12 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1904, continued. 208. Bienaime, G. Notes sur le point d'arret de la decharge d'une batterie d'ac- cumulateurs. (filectricien, Paris, v. 27, June 11, 1904, p. 379-380.) VGA 209. Brueckmann, Ludwig. Akkumula- toren als Stromquelle fur die Mikrophone der Fernsprechstellen. illus. (Elektro- technische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 25, Sept. 22, 1904, p. 838-841.) VGA 210. Buff a, M. Piles et accumulateurs a acide gros. (Association des ingenieurs electriques, Liege. Bulletin, v. 4, 1904, p. 255-262.) Eng. Lib. Abstracted in Electrical review, New York, v. 45, Oct. 8, 1904, p. 566, VGA. Accumulators with fatty acid electrolyte. 211. Coar, Charles H. Theory and opera- tion of the storage battery. (Western elec- trician, Chicago, v. 34, Jan. 23, 1904, p. 75.) VGA Brief and general. 212. Davis, F. M. Some notes on the Edi- son nickel-iron storage battery. (Western electrician, Chicago, v. 35, Nov. 12, 1904, p. 392-393.) VGA Comparative data on the Edison and lead cells. 213. Dieudonne, fimile. Soins a donner aux batteries d'accumulateurs. (Revue technique, Tours, v. 25, July 25, 1904, p. 754-756, Aug. 25, p. 867-868.) VA Influence of proper care on life and performance. 214. Donaldson, W. W. Storage battery plate construction with special reference to high discharge characteristics. (Elec- trical world and engineer, New York, v. 43, May 21, 1904, p. 977-979.) VGA See also reply by S. H. Rabenault. 215. Doublet, J. M. Critters. Emploi d'un survolteur pendant la decharge d'une batterie. (L'eclairage electrique, Paris, v. 40, July 2, 1904, p. 15-16.) VGA Abstracted in Electrical review, New York, v. 45, July 23, 1904, p. 134, VGA. 216. Edison storage battery. (Electrician, London, v. 52, Feb. 5, 1904, p. 610-611.) VGA Editorial on the discussion following Hibbert's 1903 paper. 217. Edison storage battery, illus. (En- fineering, London, v. 78, July 1, 1904, p. -5.) VDA Describes cell and states conditions Edison has aimed to fulfil. 218. Edison-Akkumulatoren auf der Welt- ausstellung in St. Louis. (Zeitschrift von Deutscher Ingenieure Verein, Berlin, Jahrg. 48, Dec. 3, 1904, p. 1857-1860.) VDA 219. Entz, Justus B. Storage batteries in electric railway service. (In: Interna- tional Electrical Congress, St. Louis, 1904. Transactions, v. 3, p 31-42.) VGA 220. Fernandez, W. T. Operation of stor- age batteries and boosters. (American electrician, New York, v. 16, Jan., 1904, p. 52-54.) VGA 221. Finzi. Edison-Akkumulator. (Zeit- schrift fur Elektrotechnik, Wien, Jahrg. 22, May 22, 1904, p. 319-320.) VGA Abstract of paper before Associazione elettro- tecnica italiana. 222. Floy, Henry. A unique storage bat- tery installation, illus. (Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 44, Aug. 20, 1904, p. 291-292.) VGA Description of plant in a lead mine at St. Francis, Mo. 223. Goettling, Gerhard. Storage batter- ies as an adjunct to central station equip- ment. (In: International Electrical Con- gress, St. Louis, 1904. Transactions, v. 2, p. 832-843.) VGA Their development, construction and operation. 224. Hanchett, George T. How to make a high voltage testing battery. illus. (American electrician, New York, v. 16, Sept., 1904, p. 466.) VGA 225. Hibbert, W. The Edison accumula- tor for automobiles, illus. (Institution of Electrical Engineers, London. Transac- tions, v. 33, 1904, p. 203-238.) VGA Abstracted in Electrician, London, v. 52, Nov. 27, 1903, p. 201-206, VGA. Important paper giving description of the cell and results of actual tests. 226. Hildebrand, Otto. Die geschicht- liche Entwicklung der Sekundar-Elemente. (Elektrochemische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 11, Aug., 1904, p. 91-95.) VGA Historical development beginning with Gautherot in 1802. 227. Hobart, Henry M. Limitations to the use of storage batteries. (Scientific American supplement, New York, v. 58, Dec. 24, 1904, p. 24223-24224.) VA Discusses deterioration and cost. 228. Hommel, G. Untersuchung eines Climax-Akkumulator. (Elektrochemische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 11, Nov., 1904, p. 157-165.) PKA Gives data and curves. 229. Howatt, John. The care of storage batteries. (Power, New York, v. 24, Nov., 1904, p. 655-656.) VFA 230. Joly, H. L. New Plante cells, illus. (Electro-chemist and metallurgist, Lon- don, v. 3, Jan., 1904, p. 463-464.) PKA Describes the Bainville accumulator and gives tabular comparison of several light traction cells. 231. Jouaust, R. L'accumulateur Edison, illus. (L'eclairage electrique, Paris, v. 38, Feb. 6, 1904, p. 201-214.) VGA LIST OF REFERENCES ON STORAGE BATTERIES, 1900-1915 13 1904, continued. 232. Jumau, L. Les accumulateurs elec- triques; theorie et technique, illus. Paris: Dunod, 1904. 926 p. 8. Columbia Very comprehensive on both the theoretical and practical sides. 233. Jungner alkaline battery. (Automo- tor journal, London, v. 9, Feb. 6, 1904, p. 145-146.) TOL Claims that it antedates Edison cell and compares the two types. 234. Kennelly, A. E., and S. E. WHITING. The present status of the Edison storage battery, illus. (In: International Electri- cal Congress, St. Louis, 1904. Transac- tions, v. 2, p. 135-150.) VGA Also in American Electrochemical Society. Transactions, v. 6, 1904, p. 135-151, PKA. 235. Knowlton, Howard. Storage battery records in telephone practice. (Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 44, July 23, 1904, p. 136-137.) VGA 236. Krilitschewsky, Wera. Zur Kennt- niss der Cersulfat-Akkumulators. Halle: C. A. Kaemmerer, 1904. 38 p. 8. VGH p.v.l, no.2 237. Lejeune, L. Sur un precede de for- mation rapide des accumulateurs elec- triques au plomb pur. (filectricien, Paris, v. 27, April 16, 1904, p. 245-246.) VGA Various methods for the rapid formation of Plante type plates. 238. Liagre, Charles. Les electrodes aux- iliares dans les accumulateurs au plomb. (L'eclairage electrique, Paris, v. 40, Sept. 10, 1904, p. 406-413.) VGA 239. Loppe, F. Determination de la capa- cite massique maxima d'un accumulateur au plomb. (Industrie electrique, Paris, v. 13, March 25, 1904, p. 125-126.) VGA Theoretically determined to be 53.39 watt-hours per kilogramme. 240. Lyndon, Edward. Care and manage- ment of storage batteries. (Electrical re- view, New York, v. 44, p. 131-132, 169-170, 201-202, 249-250, 287-288, 317.) VGA 241. Review of the storage battery industry for 1903. (Electrical review, New York, v. 44, Jan. 9, 1904, p. 70.) VGA General summary. 242. Measuring the resistance of second- ary batteries. (Electrician, London, v. 52, Feb. 26, 1904, p. 748.) VGA A suggested method. 243. New storage battery plant of the Northwestern Elevated Railroad, Chicago, illus. (Street railway journal, New York, v. 24, Aug. 13, 1904, p. 229-231.) TPB Description and method of operating. 244. Rabenault, S. H. Storage battery plate construction. (Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 43, June 18, 1904, p. 1159-1160; v. 44, July 2, p. 26.) VGA Reply to article by Donaldson (1904). 245. Salom, Pedro G. Recent experi- ments in storage batteries. (Electrochemi- cal industry, New York, v. 2, April, 1904, p. 148.) PKA Abstract of paper before American Electrochemi- cal Society. Use of spongy lead as electrodes. 246. Schmidt, O. Ueber alkalische Ak- kumulators. (Zeitschrift fur Elektrotech- nik, Wien, Jahrg. 22, Jan. 31, 1904, p. 73.) VGA 247. Schoop, M. U. A contribution to the theory of the Jungner-Edison accumulator with constant electrolyte. (Electrochemi- cal industry, New York, v. 2, July, 1904, p. 272-277, Aug., 1904, p. 310-313.) " PKA 248. Stewart, W. N. The use of storage batteries in long-distance railway work. (Electrical review, London, v. 55, Sept. 9, 1904, p. 404-405.) VGA Comparative cost of single phase and single phase with battery systems. 249. Storage batteries. (Electrical re- view, London, v. 55, 1904, p. 157-159, 168, 206.) VGA General notes on operation. 250. Tommasi, D. Die Wirkung des Lichts auf die Geschwindigkeit der Forma- tion von Akkumulators. (Elektrochem- ische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 11, May, 1904, p. 32-33, Sept., 1904, p. 115-116.) PKA Also in Electrical review, London, v. 54, Feb. 12, 1904, p. 251-252; v. 55, Sept. 23, p. 519, VGA. 251. Tommasi accumulator. (Electrical review, London, v. 55, Sept. 23, 1904, p. 519.) VGA Brief abstract of results of official tests. 252. Toronto railway storage battery, illus. (Canadian electrical news and en- gineering journal, Toronto, v. 14, Oct., 1904, p. 189-191.) VGA Statement of advantages obtained. 253. Walker, E. B. The origin and de- velopment of storage batteries. (Cana- dian engineer, Toronto, v. 11, July, 1904, p. 187-191.) VDA Paper before Canadian Electrical Association. 254. Waring, J. M. S. The storage bat- tery in small central stations. (Electricity, New York, v. 26, March 23, 1904, p. 163- 164.) VGA Read before the Northwestern Electrical Asso- ciation. 255. Winship, W. E. On the calculation of line batteries. (American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Transactions, v. 23. 1904, p. 393-402.) VGA Discusses the use of batteries in railway work to maintain the line pressure. 14 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1904, continued. 256. The storage battery as applied to electric railways. (Franklin Institute. Journal, v. 158, Aug., 1904, p. 129-137.) VA 257. Woodbridge, J. Lester. The storage battery. (Stevens Institute indicator, Ho- boken, N. J., v. 21, July, 1904, p. 182-200.) VDA Deals with the history, construction, operation, troubles and application of batteries. 258. Wyatt, H. M. Testing instruments for accumulators. (Autocar, New York, v. 13, Dec. 17, 1904, p. 782-783.) TOL 1905 259. Anthony, C. C. Installation and maintenance of storage battery for track circuits. (Railway Signal Association. Proceedings, v. 1, 1905, p. 508-519.) TPB Abstracted in Electrical review, New York, v. 46, June 10, 1905, p. 931-932, VGA. 260. Bermbach, Willibald. Die Akkumu- latoren, ihre Theorie, Herstellung, Behand- lung, Verwendung, mit Beriicksichtigung der neuren Sammler. Leipzig: O. Wigand, 1905. 173 p. illus. 8. VGH 261. Bijur storage battery, illus. (Elec- trical world and engineer, New York, v. 45, April 29, 1905, p. 810-812.) VGA Description of plate manufacture. 262. Bottone, S. R. A chat about accumu- lators, illus. (Electrical magazine, Lon- don, v. 4, Aug. 29, 1905, p. 99-101, Sept. 25, p. 169-172.) VGA Construction and action of a good battery. 263. Broekmann, L. Some points relat- ing to storage batteries and boosters. (Electrical engineer, London, v. 36, Dec. 15, 1905, p. 842-845.) VGA Abstracted in Electrical review, New York, v. 48, Feb. 3, 1906, p. 178-181, VGA; also in Electrician, London, v. 56, Dec. 29, 1905, p. 441-443, VGA. Paper read before the Dublin section of the Institute of Electrical Engineers, London. 264. Crotch, Arthur. Telegraph secon- dary cell installations; a practical work on the charging and management of accumu- lators. London: G. Pitman, 1905. 178 p. illus. 8. VGH 265. Dary, Georges. L'electricite a 1'ex- position de Liege. Accumulateurs au sulf- hydrate d'ammoniaque (Systeme Henri Fredet) and, Les accumulateurs "Aigle." (filectricien, Paris, v. 30, Oct. 7, 1905, p. 229-231, Oct. 14, p. 243-245.) VGA 266. Elbs, Karl. Ueber Nichtbleiakkumu- latoren. (Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 11, Oct. 27, 1905, p. 734-735, Dec. 15, p. 948-950.) PKA Abstracted in Western electrician, Chicago, v. 37, July 15, 1905, p. 56, VGA. 267. Gradenwitz, Alfred. A novel storage battery. (American electrician, New York, v. 17, Dec., 1905, p. 611-612.) VGA Has lead and zinc peroxide electrodes. 268. Grafenberg. Ueber Nichtbleiakku- mulatoren. (Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 11, Oct. 27, 1905, p. 736-739.) PKA Abstracted in Western electrician, Chicago, v. 37, July 15, 1905, p. 56, VGA. 269. Jakobi, B. Umlaufende Einanker- Umformer in Parallelschaltung mit Puffer- batterien. (Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 26, Aug. 24, 1905, p. 793-794.) VGA Abstracted in Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 46, Sept. 16, 1905, p. 492, VGA. Use of buffer batteries in connection with rotary converters. 270. Liebenow, Karl. Ueber die Abhan- gigkeit der Kapazitat der Bleiakkumula- toren von der Stromstarke. Berlin: O. Eisner, 1905. 32 p. illus. 8. VGH p.v.l, no.4 271. Ueber Leitungen sparende Zel- lenschalter fur Akkumulatoren batterien. (Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 26, May 4, 1905, p. 437-439.) VGA 272. Lloyd, Herbert. Electric storage bat- tery, illus. (In: Encyclopedia Americana. New York: Scientific American Compiling Dept. [C. 1903-05j. 4. v. 6.) * R 273. Lucchini, Virginio. Accumulator! elettrici... Milano: U. Hoepli, 1905. 459 p. illus. 8. (Biblioteca di elettricita. v. 27.) Columbia Bibliography, p. 3-4. 274. Morrison storage battery. (Electri- cal world and engineer, New York, v. 45, May 6, 1905, p. 855-856.) VGA Description of manufacture. Tests by Bain. 275. Niethammer, Friedrich. Bleiakkumu- latoren. (In his: Berechnung und Entwurf elektrischer Maschinen, Apparate und An- lagen. Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1905. 8. Bd. 3, p. 514-516.) Eng.Lib. Gives data on cost, output, weight, etc. 276. O'Brien, A. Dallam. The power plant of a modern telephone exchange. (American electrician, New York, v. 17, April, 1905, p. 190-192.) VGA Includes remarks on the operation and care of batteries. 277. Parr, G. D. Aspinwall. Secondary cells: their deterioration and the causes. (Institution of Electrical Engineers, Lon- don. Journal, v. 36, 1905, p. 406-420.) VGA Abstracted in Electrician, London, v. 56, Dec. 29, 1905, p. 426-427, VGA. Effect of impurities in the electrolyte or plates on the life of the cell. 278. Pausert, T. Accumulateurs "Schmitt." illus. (Revue electrique, Paris, v. 3, May 15, 1905, p. 257-260.) VGA LIST OF REFERENCES ON STORAGE BATTERIES, 1900-1915 15 1905, continued. 279. Accumulateurs "Sirius." illus. (Revue electrique, Paris, v. 3, May 30, 1905, p. 289-294.) VGA Gives details of the -machines used in forming the plates. 280. Schoop, M. U. Der Eisen-Nickelak- kumulator nach System Edison. illus. (Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 26, Aug. 17, 1905, p. 769-776.) VGA Abstracted in Scientific American supplement, New York, v. 60, Dec. 23, 1905, p. 25064-25067, Dec. 30, p. 25073-25074, VA. Very comprehensive. 281. Schoop, M. U., and CHARLES LIAGRE. Sur 1'emploi des lessives alcalines (potasse et soude) dans 1'accumulateur nickel-fer. (L'eclairage electrique, Paris, v. 43, April 29, 1905, p. 121-125.) VGA 282. Schroeder, L. Ueber Hochspan- nungs-Batterien. (Zeitschrift fur Elektro- technik, Wien, Jahrg. 23, Oct. 15, 1905, p. 601-604.) VGA Construction and operation of a 3000 volt battery. 283. Sieg, E. Die letzten Neuerungen auf dem Gebiete transportabler Akkumulato- ren insbesonders alkalische Sammler (Jungner-Edison) mit Demonstrationen. (Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 26, March 30, 1905, p. 311-313, May 18, p. 481.) VGA Abstracted in Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 5, June, 1905, p. 237, VIA. Analyses the operating costs of batteries used with electric vehicles. 284. Storage batteries. (In: International library of technology. Scranton: Inter- national Text-book Co., 1905. 8. v. 14B, p. 1-86.) Desk-Tech. Div. 285. Storage battery. (Electrical world and engineer, New York, v. 45, Jan. 7, 1905, p. 4-5.) VGA Editorial comparing end-cell system with the booster controlled battery. See also brief comment by Charles Blizard on p. 208. 286. Thompson, M. DeKay, the younger, and H. K. RICHARDSON. On the Edison storage battery. (American Electrochemi- cal Society. Transactions, v. 7, 1905, p. 95- 114.) PKA Gives results of elaborate laboratory tests and contains a bibliography of important articles on the Edison cell. 287. Vicarey, R. W. Storage batteries and their electrolytes. (Faraday Society. Transactions, v. 1, 1905, p. 271-288.) PPO Abstracted in Electrician, London, v. 55, Sept. 29, 1905, p. 950-954, VGA. Bad effects of impurities in the electrolyte. 288. Wille, Heinrich. Pufferbatterien im Strassenbahnbetriebe. (Elektrische Bah- nen und Betriebe, Munich, Jahrg. 3, Jan. 10, 1905, p. 9-12, Jan. 28, p. 47-54.) VGA Value of buffer batteries in traction work. 289. Woodbridge, J. Lester. Electric stor- age battery engineering. (Cassier's maga- zine, New York, v. 29, Nov., 1905, p. 72-82.) VDA Characteristics of the storage battery and its auxiliary appliances, care, etc. 290. Zedner, Julian. Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzung der Nickel-Oxyd-Elek- trode im Jungner-Edison-Akkumulator. (Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 11, Nov. 17, 1905, p. 809-813.) PKA 1906 291. Bailey, Benjamin F. Maximum effi- ciency of a storage battery. (Electrical world, New York, v. 47, April 21, 1906, p. 829-830.) VGA Results of a special laboratory test. 292. Beck, Wilhelm. Die Akkumulatoren. illus. (In his: Die Elektrizitat und ihre Technik... Leipzig: E. Wiest, 1906. 7. ed. 8. v. 2, p. 700-787.) Eng. Lib. Includes brief descriptions of the various types and makes. 293. Cowper-Coles, Sherard. Recent stor- age battery improvements. (Electrical re- view, New York, v. 49, Nov. 24, 1906, p. 858-861, Dec. 1, p. 884-888.) VGA Read before Society of Engineers, London. Alkali nickel cell, ignition type of cell, cut-off point of discharge, solid cells, network cells. 294. Crawter, Frank. Storage batteries and their application to public institutions. (Electrical review, London, v. 58, Jan. 12, 1906, p. 79-80.) VGA Brief abstract of paper read before the Associa- tion of Engineers-in-Cnarge. 295. Crocker, Francis B. Storage batter- ies; principles, construction, management and applications, illus. (In his: Electric lighting... New York: D. Van Nostrand & Co., 1906. 8. v. 1, p. 379-429.) VGS Good bibliography, p. 428-429. 296. Gumming, Alexander C. On the elec- tro-chemistry of lead. (Faraday Society. Transactions, v. 2, 1906, p. 199-212.) PPO A chemical treatise of interest in connection with the theory of the lead accumulator. 297. Faure-Munro, P. Calcul de la gran- deur des elements d'une batterie d'accumu- lateurs pour une capacite donnee quand la decharge s'effectue a intensite variable. (Industrie electrique, Paris, v. 15, Oct. 10, 1906, p. 447-448.) VGA A graphical method. 298. Gahl, Rudolf. Storage batteries. (Electrochemical and metallurgical indus- try, New York, v. 4, May, 1906, p. 185-186.) VIA Abstract of a paper read before the Colorado Scientific Society. Deals with the scientific principles of batteries, present situation of lead cells, and deleterious effect of impurities in the electrolyte. 16 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1906, continued. 299. Glazebrook, R. T. Tests of Premier accumulator. (Electrical review, London, v. 59, Aug. 24, 1906, p. 288-289.) VGA 300. Henke, Max. Die Drehstrom-Puf- feranlage der Gewerkschaft Carlsfund in Gross Rhuden. illus. (Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 27, Nov. 8, 1906, p. 1045-1048.) VGA 301. Herkenrath, F. Ueber das Bleiloten vermittels elektrischer Widerstandserhit- zung. illus. (Elektrochemische Zeit- schrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 13, June, 1906, p. 47-49.) PKA 302. Installation and maintenance of stor- age batteries for low voltage work. (Rail- way Signal Association. Proceedings, v. 3, 1906, p. 166-168.) TPB Committee report. Includes tests of the electro- lyte for impurities. 303. Lacau, R. Recherches pratiques sur I'accumulateur au sulphate de zinc. (L'eclairage electrique, Paris, v. 46, March 10, 1906, p. 369-377.) VGA 304. Loppe, F. La capacite d'une batterie d'accumulateurs functionnant a regime variable. (Industrie electrique, Paris, v. 15, Nov. 10, 1906, p. 499.) VGA Abstracted in Electrical review, New York, v. 49, Dec. 8, 1906, p. 937, VGA. 305. Variations de la densite de 1'electrolyte d'un accumulateur au plomb. (Industrie electrique, Paris, v. 15, Feb. 25, 1906, p. 81-82.) VGA 306. Lucas, L. Die Akkumulatpren und galvanischen Elemente; Theorie, Kon- struktion und Anwendung. Hannover: M. Janecke, 1906. 120 p. illus. 8. (Repet- torien der Elektrotechnik. Bd. 6.) Eng. Lib. 307. Lyndon, Lamar. The electrolyte density in storage batteries. (American Electrochemical Society. Transactions, v. 9, 1906, p. 66-75.) PKA 308. Manufacture of storage battery plates. illus. (Electrical review, New York, v. 49, Oct. 6, 1906, p. 563.) VGA General description. 309. Nickel-iron accumulator. (Engineer- ing, London, v. 82, July 20, 1906, p. 89.) VDA Editorial embodying the results of recent re- searches. 310. Rae, Frank B. The proper size and voltage of storage battery cells for electric automobiles. (Electrical world, New York, v. 48, Dec. 15, 1906, p. 1151-1152.) VGA 311. Roloff, Max. Der alkalische Akku- mulator. illus. (Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbau, Wien, Jahrg. 24, June 17, 1906, p. 507-514.) VGA A valuable article. 312. Roloff, Max, and ERICH SIEDE. Neuer- ungen auf dem Gebiet der Akkumulatoren- technik im Jahre 1905. (Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 12, 1906, p. 220-223, 321-323, 670-675.) PKA 313. Salomons, Sir David. The manage- ment of accumulators; a practical hand- book. New York: D. Van Nostrand & Co., 1906. 178 p. 9. ed. rev. illus. 12. Eng. Lib. 314. Salter, J. R. Economic considera- tions in the employment of storage bat- teries. (Institution of Electrical Engi- neers, London, v. 37, 1906, p. 223-244.) VGA Abstracted in Electrician, London, v. 56, April 6, 1906, p. 1005-1008, v. 57, April 20, 1906, p. 29, April 27, p. 27, VGA. Advantages to be gained by installation of accumu- lators does not justify their cost. 315. Schoop, M. U. The lines of current in storage batteries; an experimental study, illus. (Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 4, July, 1906, p. 268- 271, Aug., 1906, p. 307-311.) PKA 316. Schoop, M. U., and CHARLES LIAGRE. Containers for alkaline and lead accumula- tors, illus. (Electrochemical and metal- lurgical industry, New York, v. 4, March, 1906, p. 103-104, April, 1906, p. 139-141.) PKA 317. Strong, H. L. Installing a storage battery and booster. (Power, New York, v. 26, Aug., 1906, p. 475.) VFA Account of troubles encountered. 318. Vicarey, R. W. Storage batteries and their electrolytes. (Faraday Society. Transactions, v. 2, 1906, p. 222-236.) PPO Abstracted in Electrician, London, v. 58, Dec. 28, 1906, p. 411-413, VGA. Continuation of his 1905 paper. 319. Zedner, Julian. Ueber das chemische und physicalische Verhalten der Nickel- oxydelektrode im Jungner-Edison-Akku- mulator. (Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 12, July 6, 1906, p. 463-473.) PKA Theoretical discussion on the behavior of the nickel-oxide electrode of the Jungner-Edison cell. 1907 320. Albrecht, R. Kapazitaten positiver Grossoberflachen und Masseplatten bei Entladungen mit Unterbrechungen. (Elek- trotechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 28, May 23, 1907, p. 539-541.) VGA Capacity of Plante-formed and pasted positives on interrupted discharges. 321. Brown, O. W., and R. R. SAVERS. The treatment of storage battery ele- ments before putting them out of com- mission. (American Electrochemical So- ciety. Transactions, v. 12, 1907, p. 311-323.) PKA Results of laboratory experiments. LIST OF REFERENCES ON STORAGE BATTERIES, 1900-1915 17 1907, continued. 322. Edison storage battery. (Electrical world, New York, v. 50, Oct. 12, 1907, p. 724-725.) VGA Notes improvements in its manufacture. 323. Faust, Otto. Ueber die chemischen Vorgange an der Eisenelektrode im Jung- ner-Edison-Akkumulator. (Zeitschrift fiir Elektrochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 13, April 26, 1907, p. 161-165.) PKA 324. Flanders, L. H. The trend of stor- age battery development, illus. (Electric journal, Pittsburgh, v. 4, Sept., 1907, p. 520-527.) VGA 325. Foerster, F. Die Vorgange im Eisen- nickelsuperoxydsammler. (Zeitschrift fiir Elektrochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 13, July 12, 1907, p. 414-434; Jahrg. 14, May 22, 1908, p. 285-292; Jahrg. 17, July 1, 1910, p. 460-498.) PKA An extended treatise on the chemistry of the Edison cell. 326. Gould storage battery plates. (Elec- trical world, New York, v. 49, March 30, 1907, p. 649.) VGA Process of manufacture. 327. Hansen, Friedrich. Die Tractions- Bleiakkumulatoren fiir Elektromobile. (Elektrotechnischer Anzeiger. Berlin, Jahrg. 24, Dec. 29, 1907, p. 1275-1276.) Eng. Lib. 328. Hay, Alfred. Secondary cells and boosters, illus. (In his: Continuous cur- rent engineering. New York: D. Van Nos- trand & Co., 1907. 12. p. 206-233.) Eng. Lib. Theory, charging, testing, weight, and cost. 329. Jumau, L. tat actuel de 1'accumu- lateur fer-nickel. (Societe internationale des electriciens. Bulletin, serie 2, v. 7, 1907, p. 379-428.) VGA 330. Karapetoff, Vladimir. Storage bat- teries. (Electric journal, Pittsburgh, v. 4, June, 1907, p. 304-314, July, p. 407-412, Aug., p. 451-460.) VGA Advance chapters from his Experimental electrical engineering, 1911. 331. Loppe, F. Accumulateurs pour trac- tion. (Industrie electrique, Paris, v. 16, May 25, 1907, p. 226-227.) VGA Cost of charging automobile batteries. 332. Lyndon, Edward. Recent storage battery improvements. (Electrical review, New York, v. 50, Jan. 5, 1907, p. 29-30.) VGA Criticism of Cowper-Cowles' article (1906). 333. Parshall, H. F., and H. M. HOBART. The use of accumulators in sub-stations. (In their: Electric railway engineering. New York: D. Van Nostrand & Co., 1907. 4. p. 191-203.) Columbia Gives cost data. 334. Paxson, C. E. The storage battery in telephony. (Electrical world, New York, v. 49, March 16, 1907, p. 547-549.) VGA Determination of the size of battery required. 335. Peukert, W. Berechnung der Grosse einer Akkumulatorenbatterie fiir eine gege- bene Amperestunden-Leistung bei veran- derlicher Strombelastung. (Elektrotech- nische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 28, July 18, 1907, p. 705-706.) VGA Calculation of size of battery required for a given output. 336. Radke, A. A. A new end-cell switch indicator. (Electrical world, New York, v. 49, April 13, 1907, p. 752-753.) VGA 337. Schoop, M. U. Experiments on the distribution of current in accumulators. (Electrician, London, v. 58, March 1, 1907, p. 763-765.) VGA Also in Elektrochemische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 14, Sept., 1907, p. 116-120, Oct., 1907, p. 140-144, PKA Abstracts of a paper read before the French Physical Society. 338. Schroeder, L. Guteverhaltnis von Wechselstrom-Pufferanlagen mit Akkumu- latoren. (Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 28, June 20, 1907, p. 620.) PKA 339. Vicarey, R. W. The treatment of storage batteries. London: The Electric Accumulator, 1907. 60 p. illus. 4. (Elec- tric accumulator series, v. 11.) VGC p.v.2, no.13 340. Waring, J. M. S. The application of the storage battery for lighting, power and railway service, illus. (Western Society of Engineers. Journal, v. 12, 1907, p. 473- 494.) VDA Abstracted in Electrical world, New York. v. 49, March 30, 1907, p. 625, VGA. 341. Zedner, Julian. Die Nickeloxydelek- trode im Jungner-Edison-Akkumulator. (Zeitschrift fiir Elektrochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 13, Nov. 22, 1907, p. 752-755.) PKA Remarks on the paper by F. Foerster (1907). 1908 342. Aylmer- Small, Sidney. Storage bat- teries [for railway signal work], illus. (In his: Electrical railroading. Chicago: F. J. Drake, 1908. 12. p. 241-264.) Columbia Elementary theory and practical hints for operat- ing. 343. Bein, W. Elemente und Akkumula- toren; ihre Theorie und Technik. Leip- zig: J. A. Earth, 1908. 241 p. illus. 8. (Wissen und Konnen. Bd. 6.) VGH 344. Care of train lighting storage bat- teries. (Electrical world, New York, v. 52, Dec. 5, 1908, p. 1215-1216.) VGA Abstract from report of a committee of the As- sociation of Car Lighting Engineers. 18 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1908, continued. 345. Dary, Georges. Construction d'un coupleur pour batteries d'accumulateurs. (filectricien, Paris, v. 36, Oct. 24, 1908, p. 266-267.) VGA 346. Edler, Robert. Dreireihenladung der Akkumulatorenbatterien ohne Verwend- ung eines Spezialschalters. (Elektrotech- nik und Maschinenbau, Wien, Jahrg. 26, June 28, 1908, p. 561-563.) VGA 347. Elbs, Karl. Die Akkumulatoren ; eine gemeinfassliche Darlegung ihrer Wirkungsweise, Leistung und Behandlung. Leipzig: J. A. Earth, 1908. 48 p. 4. ed. 8. VGA p.v.l, no. 8 348. Foerster, F. Entgegung an Herrn J. Zedner. (Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 14, Jan. 10, 1908, p. 17-19.) PKA Reply to remarks by Zedner (1907). 349. Goldschmidt, Robert. Recherches sur un accumulateur leger. (Societe beige d'electriciens. Bulletin, v. 25, 1908, p. 649- 660.) VGA 350. Gump, W. B. Performance of the storage battery and its relation to the power plant. (Electrical review, New York, v. 52, June 13, 1908, p. 947-950.) VGA Factors which determine size and fundamental considerations of an installation. 351. Heating and ventilation of storage battery buildings. (Engineering record, New York, v. 57, June 13, 1908, p. 760-761.) VDA Account of the blower system installed in the battery rooms of the New York Central Railroad. 352. Hildebrand, Otto. Einfluss der Temperatur auf die Kapazitat des Bleiak- kumulators. (Elektrotechnik und Mas- chinenbau, Wien, Jahrg. 26, Aug. 16, 1908, p. 709-710.) VGA 353. Jackson, A. Henrick. Lead accumu- lator electrolyte. (Australian mining stand- ard, Melbourne, v. 40, Nov. 11, 1908, p. 540-541.) VHF Considers the nature, density, amount of the electrolyte and its function, purity, etc. 354. Kavanaugh, William. The care of storage battery cells. (Power, New York, v. 28, March 17, 1908, p. 397-398.) VFA 355. Kouwenhoven, W. B. Storage bat- teries, illus. (Railway and locomotive engineering, New York, v. 21, Nov., 1908, p. 489-490.) TPB Suggestions for care and operation. 356. Moses, Percival R. Storage bat- teries; their construction and uses, illus. (Engineering magazine, New York, v. 35, Sept., 1908, p. 843-856; v. 36, Oct., 1908, p. 23-32.) VDA 357. Neimke, A. Entladung aller Schalt- zellen einer Akkumulatorenbatterie durch die Zusatzmaschine. (Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 29, Nov. 26, 1908, p. 1143-1144.) VGA 358. Pausert, T. Concours de piles et d'accumulateurs de 1'Association des in- dustriels de France centre les accidents du travail, illus. (Revue electrique, Paris, v. 9, Jan. 15, 1908, p. 18-22.) VGA Competitive tests of primary cells and accumu- lators. 359. Perlewitz, K. Der Edison-Akkumu- lator. illus. (Elektrotechnische Zeit- schrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 29, Oct. 29, 1908, p. 1061-1063.) VGA As made by the German Edison Accumulator Company. See also correspondence started by this article between Franz Peters and M. Kammerhoff, Elek- trotechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 29, Dec. 17, 1908, p. 1232-1233; Jahrg. 30, April 15, 1909, p. 361, VGA. 360. Pruggmayer, Robert. Das Laden mit Compound Dynamos. (Elektrotechnischer Anzeiger, Berlin, Jahrg. 25, June 25, 1908, p. 558-559.) Eng.Lib. 361. Rosset, Georges. L'accumulateur au plomb ordinaire et allotropique. Paris: Ch. Beranger, 1908. 408 p. 8. VGH 362. Scheerer. Vergleichende Betrachtun- gen iiber Pramien fur Unterhaltung von Pufferbatterien. (Zeitschrift fur Klein- bahnen, Berlin, Bd. 15, Nov., 1908, p. 779- 780.) t TPB 363. Schoop, M. U. Ueber americanische Akkumulatoren-Technik. (Elektrochem- ische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 15, June, 1908, p. 56-59.) PKA 364. Stoeckhardt, Emil. Die Akkumula- toren. (In his: Lehrbuch der Elektrotech- nik. Leipzig: Veit & Comp., 1908. 2. ed. 8. p. 391-418.) VGC Treats of the lead accumulator, charging methods, applications, etc. 365. Storage battery regulation of a 60 cycle alternating load, illus. (Electrical review, New York, v. 53, Sept. 19, 1908, p. 440-441.) VGA "Gould regulating battery system" used in a com- bined railway and lighting plant. 366. Strickland, T. P. The operation and maintenance of storage batteries. (Austra- lian mining standard, Melbourne, v. 40, 1908, p. 585-588, 612, 640-641.) VHF Describes system in use in Sydney tramway. 367. Taylor, A. M. Accumulators for peak loads. (Electrician, London, v. 62, Dec. 4, 1908, p. 305-307.) VGA Gives tables of comparative cost and operating expense fqr steam plants and batteries. 368. Alternating current accumula- tor sub-stations; and the use of accumula- LIST OF REFERENCES ON STORAGE BATTERIES, 1900-1915 19 1908, continued. tors for peak loads, illus. (Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association, London. Proceedings, 1908, p. 151-208.) Eng. Lib. Abstracted in Electrical review, New York, v. 53, Aug. 8, 1908, p. 190-194, VGA. 369. Taylor, A. M., and W. W. LACKIE. Steam vs. storage batteries. (Electrician, London, v. *2, 1908, p. 314, 353, 395-396.) VGA Correspondence on the saving effected by the introduction of a storage battery. 370. Warfield, F. A. The care and main- tenance of storage batteries. (Electric journal, Pittsburgh, v. 5, Aug., 1908, p. 466- 472.) VGA 371. Watson, Arthur E. Storage batteries, i. Theory and construction, n. Switch- board arrangements. illus. (Scientific American supplement, New York, v. 66, July 25, 1908, p. 52-54, August 8, p. 84-86.) VA 372. Woodbridge, J. Lester. Application of storage batteries to regulation of alter- nating current systems, illus. (American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Trans- actions, v. 27, part 2, 1908, p. 987-1021.) VGA Treated from the theoretical standpoint. 373. Zickenheimer, J. Verminderung der Einwirkungen des Sauredunstes in Akku- mulatorenraumen. illus. (Elektrotech- nischer Anzeiger, Berlin, Jahrg. 25, Aug. 30, 1908, p. 767-768.) Eng. Lib. 374. Ueber eine Akkumulatorenla- deeinrichtung. illus. (Elektrotechnischer Anzeiger, Berlin, Jahrg. 25, May 14, 1908, p. 425.) Eng. Lib. Charging switchboard. 1909 375. Appleton, Joseph. Advanced infor- mation regarding developments in storage batteries. (National Electric Light As- sociation. 32. convention, 1909, v. 1, p. 195-203.) VGS Batteries for standby service, auxiliary regulat- ing apparatus, etc. 376. Ashe, Sydney W. Time-constant of a storage battery. (Electrical world, New York, v. 54, Sept. 9, 1909, p. 614.) VGA Experimentally determined to be .002 second. 377. Beck, H. M. Care and operation of storage batteries. (Electrical world, New York, v. 54, Oct. 7, 1909, p. 822-823.) VGA Abstract of a lecture. 378. Beck, K. Bestimmung und Gehalt von Schwefelsaure in der Luft von Ak- kumulatorenraumen. (Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 30, April 1, 1909, p. 312.) VGA Determination of the sulphuric acid content of the air of battery-rooms. 379. Dawson, Philip. Electric traction on railways. London: "Electrician" [C.1909]. 855 p. 8. TPY Treats briefly of accumulators in chapter 22: Sub-stations, p. 744-748; chapter 23: Reversible boost- ers, p. 751-760; chapter 24: Accumulator systems, p. 761-773. 380. Dubruiel, Omer F. The installation and care of storage batteries. (Electrical world, New York, v. 53, May 6, 1909, p. 1088-1091.) VGA 381. Economies obtained with an "Entz" booster on fluctuating loads, illus. (Iron and coal trades review, London, v. 79, Nov. 5, 1909, p. 738-739.) VIA 382. Edler, Robert. Akkumulatorenap- parate (Zellenschalter und Gruppenschal- ter). (In: Grundriss der Elektrotech- nik, hsrg. von A. Konigswerther. Han- nover: M. Janecke, 1909. 8. Bd. 7, p. 383-418.) VGM 383. Emploi des accumulateurs dans les distributions d'energie electrique. (La lumiere electrique, Paris, v. 7, Sept. 25, 1909, p. 407-410.) VGA Based on a report of M. Nissou to the Congress of Marseilles, 1908. 384. Faust, Otto. Das Verhalten der Eisenelektrode im alkalischen Sammler. (Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 30, Jan. 7, 1909, p. 20.) VGA Abstract of dissertation, Gottingen, 1908. 385. Ferron, A. Sur le coefficient de temperature de 1'accumulateur au plomb. (Bulletin technologique, Paris, v. 1, Jan., 1909, p. 46-70.) VA Factors of the lead cell that are influenced by increase of temperature. 386. Finding the ratio between the input and output of a storage battery used at the Harrisburg power station. (Electric rail- way journal, New York, v. 33, March 6, 1909, p. 431.) TPB Also in Electrical world, New York, v. 53, March 4, 1909, p. 563, VGA. 387. Frey, Henry C. Effect of physical differences of red lead on storage battery plates. (Electrical world, New York, v. 53, Jan. 28, 1909, p. 274.) VGA Superiority of that made by the "nitrite" proc- ess. 388. Harris, A. W. E. The use of buffer batteries in connection with electric trac- tion systems. (Electrician, London, v. 64, Oct. 22, 1909, p. 59-61, Oct. 29, p. 105-107.) VGA Need of designing battery as an integral part of the system. Different types of boosters. Results actually obtained in practice. 389. Hoppe, Edmond. Die geschichtliche Entwicklung des Akkumulators. illus. (In: Verein deutscher Ingenieure. Bei- trage zur Geschichte der Technik und In- dustrie, Berlin, Bd. 2, 1909, p. 145-175.) VA Gives numerous references to other articles. 20 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1909, continued. 390. Her, George A. Storage batteries in mining service, illus. (Electrical world, New York, v. 53, Jan. 2, 1909, p. 29-30.) VGA Description of a battery used to reduce load fluctuations. 391. Just, G., and others. Beitrage zur der Schnellformation von positiven Bleiak- kumulatorenplatten. (Zeitschrift fur Elek- trochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 15, Nov. 15, 1909, p. 872-892.) PKA 392. Laas, F. W. Automatic load regula- tion of traction systems; an example of successful storage battery engineering at Cedar Rapids. (Electrical review, New York, v. 54, June 5, 1909, p. 1032-1035.) VGA Read before the Iowa Electric and Railway As- sociation. 393. Loewit, Arthur. Akkumulatoren in Drehstromzentralen mit Dampfbetrieb. (Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbau, Wien, Jahrg. 27, March 7, 1909, p. 231-233.) VGA 394. Lulofs, W. The theoretical calcula- tion of the battery capacity required for a given load. (Electrician, London, v. 62, Jan. 1, 1909, p. 452-455.) VGA Aims to show that the Peukert formula holds good for English makes. 395. Melchior, H. Ueber eine Messschal- tung in Akkumulatorenanlagen. (Elektro- technischer Anzeiger, Berlin, Jahrg. 26, Oct. 17, 1909, p. 942-943.) Eng. Lib. 396. Mitrofanoff, Benjamin. Ueber die Schnellformation von positiven Bleiakku- mulatorenplatten. Karlsruhe, 1909. 70 p. 8. Eng. Lib. A university dissertation. 397. Montpellier, J. A. L'accumulateur alcalin fer-nickel (Systeme Gouin et Mar- seille), illus. (filectricien, Paris, v. 38, Oct. 2, 1909, p. 209-213.) VGA Gives results of a laboratory test. 398. New nickel-iron battery withstands tests. (Automobile, New York, v. 21, July 15, 1909, p. 101-102.) TOL Describes the Edison cell and reports tests in an electric vehicle. 399. Nouveau dispositif pour la charge d'accumulateurs. (filectricien, Paris, v. 37, April 3, 1909, p. 210-212.) VGA Charging switchboard. 400. Prescriptions pour ramenagement des salles d'accumulateurs. (filectricien, Paris, v. 37, Jan. 9, 1909, p. 27-28.) VGA 401. Taylor, A. M. Extending the limits of power transmission. (Institution of Electrical Engineers, London. Journal, v. 43, 1909, p. 424-448.) VGA Advocates the employment of electrical storage on a large scale at distributing centers. 402. Thallier, M. G. The care of a bat- tery. (Electrical engineer, London, v. 44, Sept. 10, 1909, p. 336.) VGA Brief abstract from a report. 403. Thompson, Walter L. Abuses of storage batteries in electric vehicle work. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 54, April 10, 1909, p. 653-654.) VGA 404. Ueber die Eigenschaften und die Herstellung yon Akkumulatorenraumen. (Elektrochemische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 16, Aug., 1909, p. 131-135.) PKA 405. Vogel, Carl. Vorortverkehr mit elek- trischen Triebwagen auf den preussischen Staatsbahnen. illus. (Elektrische Kraft- Betriebe und Bahnen, Munich, Jahrg. 7, June 23, 1909, p. 340-352.) VGA A full account of the storage battery locomotives used on the Prussian railways. 406. Walker, E. B. The application of storage batteries to the regulation of fluc- tuating loads. (Canadian electrical news and engineering journal, Toronto, v. 18, Dec., 1909, p. 34-36, Jan., 1910, p. 33-35.) VGA An explanation of various booster systems. 407. Wohlgemuth, A. The storage bat- tery, illus. (Power, New York, v. 30, May 25, 1909, p. 932-933.) VFA Elementary account of Plante and Faure types. 408. Woodbridge, J. Lester. The applica- tion of storage batteries to the regulation of the A. C. loads at the plant of the In- diana Steel Company, Gary, Ind. illus. (American Institute of Electrical Engi- neers. Transactions, v. 28, part 2, 1909, p. 851-868.) VGA 409. - The storage battery in steel mills, illus. (General Electric review, Schenectady, v. 12, March, 1909, p. 119-124.) VGA Brief description of some of the important in- stallations and statement of the results obtained. 1910 410. Agnew, P. G. The insulation of storage batteries. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 57, Sept. 3, 1910, p. 466.) VGA Experiments with paraffine-coated glass insulators. 411. Appleton, Joseph. Some recent prob- lems in storage battery engineering, illus. (Franklin Institute. Journal, v. 170, Nov., 1910, p. 326-344.) VA Comparison of Exide and Manchester plates. Batteries on Edison lighting systems. Regulation of A. C. plants by batteries. 412. Ashe, Sydney W. Primary and stor- age batteries. (In his: Electricity, experi- mentally and practically applied. New York: D. Van Nostrand & Co., 1910. 12. p. 77-100.) VGC LIST OF REFERENCES ON STORAGE BATTERIES, 1900-1915 21 1910, continued. 413. Baker, Joseph B. New Edison stor- age battery, illus. (Horseless age, New York, v. 25, June 15, 1910, p. 882-883.) TOL 414. Barham, A. W. Water storage ver- sus storage batteries. (Electrician, Lon- don, v. 67, Dec. 2, 1910, p. 295-296.) VGA Motors used for driving pumps during light load and run as generators coupled to Pelton wheels during heavy load. Estimates showing saving over the use of batteries. 415. Block, David J. A new secondary cell. (American Electrochemical Society. Transactions, v. 18, 1910, p. 79-81.) PKA An experimentally constructed zinc-carbon type of brom-chlorine accumulator. 416. Bonnet, Frederic. An acid-alkali- proof stain for storage battery shelves. (Electrical world, New York, v. 55, March 10, 1910, p. 625-626.) VGA Also fireproofs the wood. 417. Brown, O. W., and W. G. BOWERS. The self-discharge of Plante and Faure storage batteries. (American Electro- chemical Society. Transactions, v. 18, 1910, p. 69-77.) PKA Laboratory tests show it to be much less for the latter type. 418. Edison battery for tramway traction. (Electrical engineering, London, v. 6, Feb. 24, 1910, p. 139, May 19, p. 319-320.) VGA Results of tests on a special car in New Jersey. 419. Edison nickel-iron storage battery, illus. (Electrical world, New York, v. 55, Jan. 20, 1910, p. 175-177.) VGA General description. 420. Entz reversible booster and the "chloride" accumulator at the Blackburn electricity works, illus. (Electrical review, London, v. 67, July 8, 1910, p. 59-61.) VGA 421. Fischer, Franz. Ueber ein Schnell- formationsverfahren fiir Bleiakkumulato- renplatten mittels Phosphorsaure und Phosphaten. (Zeitschrift fiir Elektroche- mie, Halle, Jahrg. 17, May 15, 1910, p. 355- 357.) PKA 422. Hamilton, J. O. Renewal of sul- phated storage cells, illus. (Electrical world, New York, v. 55, April 14, 1910, p. 946-947.) VGA 423. Harris, S. C. Practical care of lead batteries for vehicles. (Electrical world, New York, v. 56, Oct. 27, 1910, p. 1005- 1007.) VGA Abstract of a paper read before the Electric Vehicle Association. 424. Harrison, Newton. Storage bat- teries for heavy traction. (Central station, New York, v. 10, Dec., 1910, p. 151-154.) VGS Explains the requirements and discusses types of cells. Gives costs. 425. Hibbert, W. Accumulators, illus. (In: Encyclopedia Britannica, 11. ed. Cam- bridge: University Press, 1910. f. v. 1, p. 126-134.) * R 426. Holland, Walter E. The Edison storage battery; its pre-eminent fitness for vehicle service, illus. (Electrical world, v. 55, April 28, 1910, p. 1080-1083.) VGA Details of construction and operation authoritative- ly given. 427. The 1910 Edison storage bat- tery, illus. (Electrician, London, v. 66, Oct. 21, 1910, p. 47-50, Oct. 28, p. 83-86.) VGA Abstracted in Electrical review and western elec- trician, Chicago, v. 57, Dec. 3, 1910, p. 1129-1133, VGA. Besides the usual charge and discharge curves, author deals with method of testing at Edison labora- tory, rating, retention of charge, endurance, short- circuit tests, etc. 428. Jonas, J. Zusatzmaschinen mit Strombegrenzung in Pufferanlagen. (Elek- trische Kraft-Betriebe und Bahnen, Mun- ich, Jahrg. 8, Aug. 4, 1910, p. 421-426.) VGA Special reference to booster excitation. 429. Jumau, L. Application of refrigera- tion to the electric accumulator industry. (In: International Congress of Refrigera- tion, n ; Vienna, 1910. Reports and pro- ceedings, English edition. Vienna, 1911, p. 787-790.) VOI 430. Kammerhoff, Meno. Der Edisonak- kumulator. Seine technischen und wirt- schaftlichen Vorteile gegeniiber der Blei- zelle. Berlin: J. Springer, 1910. 182 p. 8. VGH 431. Edisonakkumulatoren fiir trans- portable Kraftbetriebe. illus. (Elektrische Kraft-Betriebe und Bahnen, Munich, Jahrg. 8, Aug. 14, 1910, p. 455-458.) VGA 432. Lyndon, Edward. Secondary bat- teries; covering the theory, design, testing and operation of various types... with practical examples of their application. (In: Standard hand-book for electrical en- gineers. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1910. 3. ed. 12. p. 607-634.) Desk - Tech. Div. 433. Macleod, W. M. The capacity and efficiency of storage batteries. (Sibley journal of engineering, Ithaca, v. 25, Dec., 1910, p. 90-98.) VDA Discusses eccentricities of batteries and gives data for design. 434. Maurice, William. A storage bat- tery extension to a 3-phase colliery power- plant, illus. (Institution of Mining En- gineers, London. Transactions, v. 39, 1910, p. 601-616.) VHA 435. Meade, Norman G. Storage batteries in isolated plants, illus. (Power, New York, v. 32, Aug. 9, 1910, p. 426-429.) VFA Discusses size of battery required and also rheo- stat and end-cell regulation. 22 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1910, continued. 436. Miller, Warren H. The electric storage battery locomotive. (Electrical world, New York, v. 55, March 31, 1910, p. 809-812.) VGA Selection of proper equipment. Care of bat- tery. Facilities for charging. 437. New Edison storage battery, illus. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 57, July 23, 1910, p. 165-169.) VGA An interview with Mr. Edison. 438. New Edison storage battery and the part that electroplating plays in its manu- facture, illus. (Brass world and plater's guide, Bridgeport, Conn., v. 6, Nov., 1910, p. 387-392.) VIA 439. Pearce, S. L. Installation of large battery and boosters at Dickinson st. elec- tric works, Manchester, illus. (Electrical review, London, July 22, 1910, p. 139-142.) VGA 440. Pfanhauser, Wilhelm, the younger. Die Akkumulatoren (Sammler). (In his: Die elektrolytischen Metallniederschlage. Berlin: J. Springer, 1910. 8. p. 110-133.) VIK 441. Reynolds, Edward L. Storage bat- teries in army and navy service. (Electri- cal review and western electrician, Chi- cago, v. 57, Aug. 13, 1910, p. 310-311.) VGA General article. 442. Rumpf, Erich. Ueber die Gasent- wicklung der Akkumulatoren. (Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 16, March 1, 1910, p. 163-165.) VGA 443. Salom, Pedro G. The evolution of the lead storage battery. (American Elec- trochemical Society. Transactions, v. 18, 1910, p. 51-68.) PKA A historical summary and comparison of the Plante and Faure types. 444. Schroeder, L. Pufferwirkung elek- trischer Akkumulatoren. (Elektrotech- nischer Anzeiger, Berlin, Jahrg. 27, May 1, 1910, p. 428-429.) Eng. Lib. 445. Selbstatige Bufferregulierung- en. (Elektrotechnischer Anzeiger, Berlin, Jahrg. 27, 1910, p. 26-28, 52-53. Eng. Lib. 446. Station floor construction for stor- age batteries, illus. (Electrical world, New York, v. 56, Nov. 24, 1910, p. 1236- 1237.) VGA Brief description of that used by Commonwealth Edison Co. 447. Storage battery. (Electrical world, New York, v. 55, Jan. 6, 1910, p. 8-9.) VGA Editorial summary of improvements in the art. Permanizing" the negative plate. Operation with exciters, rotary converters, etc. 448. 12000 ampere-hour battery plant at Manchester, Eng. illus. (Electrical en- gineering, London, v. 6, April 21, 1910, p. 261-266.) VGA 449. Van Deventer, Harry R. Storage batteries. (In his: Telephony. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1910. 8. p. 219-236.) Eng. Lib. Care of batteries used for telephone work. 450. Walton, Julian. The storage battery and its application to the electric vehicle. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 56, Feb. 12, 1910, p. 330-332.) VGA 451. Werkner, Richard. Anwendung von Akkumulatoren in Gleichstrom- und Dreh- stromzentralen. (Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbau, Wien, Jahrg. 28, Jan. 30, 1910, p. 93-98, Feb. 6, p. 117-119.) VGA Abstracted in Electrical review and western elec- trician, Chicago, v. 57, Dec. 23, 1910, p. 170-171. Discusses their relation to different systems of generation and distribution. 452. Williams, J. Glynn. Storage bat- teries in colliery work. (Iron and coal trades review, London, v. 80, May 6, 1910 p. 739-741.) VIA Discusses the economical advantages. 453. Zehnder, L. Ueber den Hochspan- nungs-Akkumulator. (Annalen der Phy- sik, Leipzig, Folge 4, Bd. 33, 1910, p. 641- 645.) PAA 454. Zickler, K. Akkumulatoren. illus. (In his: Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Elek- trotechnik... Leipzig: F. Deuticke, 1910. 4. Bd. 2, p. 434-475.) VGC Largely theoretical. Gives many references to books and periodical articles on the subject. 455. Zur Vorausbestimmung der Grosse und Wirkung von Pufferbatterien. (Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbau, Wien, Jahrg. 28, July 10, 1910, p. 579-585.) VGA Method of predetermining size of battery to oper- ate in parallel with a generator. 1911 456. Accumulators in traction. (Electri- cal engineer, London, v. 48, Aug. 11, 1911, p. 155-156.) VGA Reviews steps in the development of the storage battery. 457. Association of Edison Illuminating Companies. Report on storage batteries. 1911. 64 p. Eng. Lib. Handbook of information on the care and opera- tion of batteries in central stations. 458. Baker, Joseph B. Thomas A. Edi- son's latest invention, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 104, Jan. 14, 1911, p. 30, 45-47.) VA Description of the Edison cell. LIST OF REFERENCES ON STORAGE BATTERIES, 1900-1915 23 1911, continued. 459. Beach, R. H. The Edison-Beach storage battery car. (Electric railway journal, New York, v. 38, July 1, 1911, p. 43-44.) TPB Characteristics of the Edison cell and records of the performance of the car. 460. Beckmann, H. Stationary and port- able battery practice. (Electrical world, New York, v. 58, Dec. 30, 1911, p. 1589.) VGA Also in La lumiere electrique, Paris, v. 16, Nov. 11, 1911, p. 173-178, VGA. Abstract from a paper before the Turin Inter- national Electrical Congress. 461. Broadfoot, S. K. Motors, secon- dary batteries, measuring instruments and switchgear. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1911. 96 p. 16. VGM Applies specially to English practice, but gives many practical hints. 462. Brunck, O. Die Verwendung des Edison-Akkumulators in der Elektroan- alyse. (Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie, Berlin, Jahrg. 24, Oct. 20, 1911, p. 1993- 1997.) PKA 463. Burk, A* B., the younger. The vari- ous applications of storage batteries. (Cleveland Engineering Society. Journal, v. 4, Sept., 1911, p. 28-45.) VDA Deals with the lead type and explains what takes place during charge and discharge. 464. Colvin, Fred H. The mechanics of the Edison battery, illus. (American ma- chinist, New York, v. 35, Aug. 10, 1911, p. 241-248.) VFA Details of manufacture. 465. Crocker, Francis B., and M. ARENDT. Storage batteries, illus. (In: American School of Correspondence. Cyclopedia of telephony and telegraphy. Chicago, 1911. 8. v. 3, p. 309-374.) * R-TTC 466. Flanders, L. H. The new iron-exide battery for electric vehicles. (Franklin Institute. Journal, v. 171, March, 1911, p. 286-294.) VA 467. Ford, Bruce. The "ironclad-exide" battery. illus. (Central station, New York, v. 10, Feb., 1911, p. 218-226.) VGS Also in Electrical world, New York, v. 57, Jan. 26, 1911, p. 219-221, VGA. Abstract of a paper read before the Electric Vehicle Association. 468. Gump, W. B. Storage battery plants. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 58, p. 340-341, 393-395, 435-438.) VGA Chapters 23-25 in his Elements of power station design. 469. Holland, Walter E. Effect of low temperature on the alkali storage battery. (Electrical world, New York, v. 58, Oct. 14, 1911, p. 929-930. ) VGA Abstract of paper read before the Electric Vehicle Association. 470. Hutchison, Miller R. The Edison storage battery; a series of twenty-five letters addressed to the personnel of the army and navy. Orange, N. J.: Edison Storage Battery Co. r!911.] v. p. illus. f. ffVGH Reprinted from the Army and navy journal. 471. Jacobitti, L. Groupe auxiliaire dans les installations d'eclairage et traction avec batterie d'accumulateurs. (La lu- miere electrique, Paris, v. 15, July 8, 1911, p. 17-21.) VGA Discusses the use of an auxiliary dynamo in the battery circuit for securing automatic control of the charging current. 472. Joly, H. L. Secondary batteries. (In: Whitaker's electrical engineers pocket book. London: Whitaker, 1911. 3. ed. 16. p. 213-221.) Desk - Tech. Div. Bibliography, p. 213. 473. Karapetoff, Vladimir. Electric bat- teries, illus. (In his: Experimental elec- trical engineering. . .for engineers and stu- dents. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1911. 2. ed. 8. v. 1, p. 396-424.) VGC Treats of characteristics, operation and control of batteries and battery boosters. 474. Loppe, F. Calculs rapides de la den- site et du volume de 1'electrolyte d'un ac- cumulateur au plomb. (Industrie elec- trique, Paris, v. 20, Feb. 10, 1911, p. 63-64.) VGA 475. Lyndon, Lamar. Storage battery engineering; a practical treatise for en- gineers. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1911. 601 p. 3. ed. 8. VGH Bibliography, p. 587-588. 476. Lyon, Howard. The manufacture and performance of the Edison storage battery. (Journal of industrial and engi- neering chemistry, Easton, Pa., v. 3, Dec., 1911, p. 922-929.) VGA Gives charge and discharge curves. 477. Meade, Norman G. Care and opera- tion of storage batteries, illus. (Power, New York, v. 33, May 9, 1911, p. 730-733.) VFA 478. Montpellier, J. A. The iron-nickel battery. (Electrical world, v. 58, Dec. 30, 1911, p. 1588-1589.) VGA Also in La lumiere electrique, Paris, v. 16, Nov. 25, 1911, p. 244-249, VGA; filectricien, Paris, v. 43, Jan. 20, 1912, p. 35-41, VGA. Abstract of a paper read before Turin Inter- national Electrical Congress. Present status and comparison of Edison and Gouin cells. 479. Morse, Harry W., and LEDYARD W. SARGENT. The internal resistance of the lead accumulator. (American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Proceedings, v. 46, April, 1911, p. 589-612.) * EA Bibliography, p. 611-612. 24 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1911, continued. 480. Mortimer, Stockton H. Envelope or thin plates for storage batteries. (Electri- cal world, New York, v. 57, Jan. 19, 1911, p. 177-178.) VGA Discusses briefly the characteristic features of these types. 481. Niblett, J. T. Storage batteries, stationary and portable; a clear exposition of the principles governing the action of storage batteries. Detailed instructions regarding their cost, care, and mainte- nance. Chicago: F. J. Drake & Co. [1911.] 77 p. illus. 16. VGH 482. Perlcy, G. A. Treatment of sul- phated storage cells. (Journal of physical chemistry, Ithaca, N. Y., v. 15, May, 1911, p. 489-507.) PAA 483. Rankin, R. Automatic reversible bat- tery boosters. (Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, Journal, v. 48, 1911, p. 283-373.) VGA Abstracted in Electrician, London, v. 68, 1911, p. 273-275, 303-306, 357-359, VGA. 484. Regenerating old battery plates. (Electrical engineering, London, v. 7, March 23, 1911, p. 155.) VGA Naylor process. 485. Rogers, Walter E. The charging of, and for, ignition batteries of petrol en- fines. (Electrical review, London, v. 69, ept. 8, 1911, p. 376-378.) VGA " 'Of refers to the eletrochemical process, while the 'for' is pecuniary only." 486. Schleicher, G. Ueber die Schnell- formation von Bleiakkumulatoren mit L6- sungen von Schwefelsaure und Chlorat bezw. Perchlorat. (Zeitschrift fur Elek- trochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 17, July 15, 1911, p. 554-569.) PKA 487. Schneider, Norman H. Low voltage electric lighting with the storage battery. (In his: Electric light for the farm. New York: Spon [1911]. 12. part 1, p. 1-74.) Eng. Lib. 488. Schroeder, L. Pufferversuche mit Pirani- und Lancashire-Maschinen. (Elek- trotechnik und Maschinenbau, Wien, Jahrg. 29, Dec. 24, 1911, p. 1069-1074.) VGA Experiments with buffer batteries. 489. Storage battery sub-station for De- troit river tunnel electric railway installa- tion, illus. (Electrical world, New York, v. 57, Jan. 26, 1911, p. 229-232.) VGA Has an interesting booster equipment. 490. Streintz, Franz. Gasentwicklung und Kapazitat des Bleiakkumulators. (Zeit- schrift fur Elektrochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 17, Sept. 15, 1911, p. 747-754.) PKA 491. Tate, Alfred O. The Tate bifunc- tional accumulator plate. (American Elec- trochemical Society. Transactions, v. 19, 1911, p. 47-52.) PKA A single plate "containing within itself the positive and negative elements." 492. Taylor, A. M. Battery economics and battery discharge arrangements. (In- stitution of Electrical Engineers, London. Journal, v. 47, 1911, p. 393-447.) VGA Abstracted in Electrician, London, v. 67, 1911, p. 84-87, 140-141, 143-146, 221, VGA. An exhaustive study of discharge rates and the economy of using batteries as auxiliary to a steam plant. Statistical data for recent installations are given in an appendix. 493. 10,000 volt storage battery, illus. (Electrical review, London, v. 68, March 10, 1911, p. 411.) VGA Brief account of A. C. Swinton's battery of 4800 cells with reference to other high voltage experi- mental batteries. 494. Thompson, M. De Kay, the younger. The lead storage battery. The Edison storage battery. (In his: Applied electro- chemistry. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1911. 8. p. 152-184.) VIK Theory of the lead and Edison batteries. 495. Timbie, W. H. Storage cells; the- ory, construction, use and maintenance, illus. (In his: Elements of electricity. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1911. 12. 324-360.) PE Good elementary summary. 496. Trotter, A. P. Accumulators and portable photometers, illus. (Electrician, London, v. 66, Jan. 13, 1911, p. 552.) VGA Tests showing the voltage to be sufficiently con- stant for photometric work. 497. Trout, Paul F. How to remove lead sulphate from lead plates. (Electrical re- view and western electrician, Chicago, v. 58, April 29, 1911, p. 846.) VGA Use of an ammonium acetate bath. 498. Interesting storage battery plate potentials. (Canadian electrical news and engineering journal, Toronto, v. 21, June, 1911, p. 42.) VGA Results of experiments to find a satisfactory sub- stitute for a stick of metallic cadmium in reading the charge on the separate plates. 499. Watson, Arthur E. Storage bat- teries; their theory, construction and use. Lynn: Bubier Pub. Co., 1911. 166 p. 2. ed. illus. 12. VGH fi 1912 500. Albrecht, Richard. Die Akkumula- toren fur Elektrizitat. Berlin: G. J. Goschen, 1912. 128 p. illus. 24. (Samm- lung Goschen. [Nr.] 620.) Columbia Bibliography, p. 2. LIST OF REFERENCES ON STORAGE BATTERIES, 1900-1915 25 1912, continued. 501. Allingham, G. C. A battery sub-sta- tion at Hucknall colliery, illus. (Elec- trical review, London, v. 70, Jan. 19, 1912. p. 99-102.) VGA General description. 502. Allmand, A. J. Secondary cells. (In his: The principles of applied electro- chemistry. London: E. Arnold, 1912. 8. p. 220-244.) *R-VIK 503. Askenasy, P., and L. VON PUTNOKY. Ueber negative Bleisammlerplatten [ohne und mit Spreizstoff]. (Zeitschrift fur Elek- trochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 18, June 15, 1912, p. 493-500.) PKA 504. Basch, D. Storage batteries in mod- ern electrical engineering, illus. (General Electric review, Schenectady, N. Y., v. 15, Nov., 1912, p. 699-706, Dec., 1912, p. 760-766; v. 16, Jan., 1913, p. 43-50, Feb., 1913, p. 113- 116.) VGA Comprehensive article dealing with lead and Edison batteries, batteries for isolated lighting plants and vehicles, boosters, etc. 505. Beckmann, H. Die deutsche Elek- troindustrie im Jahre 1911 Akkumula- toren. (Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, Ber- lin, Jahrg. 33, April 11, 1912, p. 365-366.) VGA Review of German accumulator industry during 1911. 506. Bennett, C. W., and D. S. COLE. The regeneration of sulphated storage cells. (American Electrochemical Society. Transactions, v. 21, 1912, p. 303-311.) PKA 507. Bezzi, Agostino. L'application de 1'electricite aux bateaux sous-marins. (filectricien, Paris, v. 43, April 13, 1912, p. 227-230, April 20, p. 243-248.) VGA Gives comparative data on the Plante, Edison and Jungner batteries. 508. Brazil, H. A battery discharge in- dicator, illus. (Electrical engineering, London, v. 8, May 23, 1912, p. 277-278.) VGA 509. Crocker, Francis B. Storage bat- teries, illus. (In: Practical lessons in electricity. Chicago: American School of Correspondence, 1912. 8. p. 1-63.) Webster Br. 510. Dierleld. Der neue Edison Akkumu- lator. (Glaser's Annalen fiir Gewerbe und Bauwesen, Berlin, Bd. 70, May 15, 1912, p. 190-194.) VDA Description of the cell and review of its prop- erties. 511. Edler, Robert. Ein Beitrag zur Drei- reihenladung der Akkumulatorenbatterien ohne Verwendung eines Spezialschalters. (Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbau, Wien, Jahrg. 30, July 14, 1912, p. 577-581, July 21, p. 603-607.) VGA Charging batteries without a booster. 512. Eisendrahtwiderstande fiir Ladung von Akkumulatoren. (Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 33, Feb. 29, 1912, p. 218.) VGA Abstracted in Electrical world, New York, v. 59, March 23, 1912, p. 652, VGA. Use of "variators" (iron resistance wires in a hydrogen atmosphere) in maintaining constant charging current. 513. Fabrication des oxydes de plomb pour accumulateurs. (filectricien, Paris, v. 44, July 6, 1912, p. 8-9.) VGA 514. Ford, Bruce. Lead battery develop- ments. (Electrical world, New York, Oct. 26, 1912, p. 876.) VGA Brief abstract of a paper read before the Elec- tric Vehicle Association at Boston. 515. Fritch, L. C. The storage battery in railway service, illus. (American Rail- way Engineering Association. Bulletin, v. 13, 1912, p. 1-30.) TPB 516. Hannover, H. I. The production of porous metals; a novel application of eutectic alloys for the production of stor- age battery plates, illus. (Metallurgical and chemical engineering, New York, v. 10, Sept., 1912, p. 509-510.) VIA 517. Hibbert, W. On the efficiency of ac- cumulators. (Electrical review, London, v. 70, Jan. 5, 1912, p. 6-7.) VGA Reasons for low efficiency and ways to increase it. 518. Jones, Bernard E., editor. Electric accumulators; a practical guide to their construction and management. London: Cassell & Co., 1912. 160 p. illus. t 2. ed.i 16. Desk - Tech. Div. 519. Jones, Forrest R. Storage batteries. (In his: Electric ignition for combustion motors. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1912. 8. p. 97-119.) *R-VFM Description, testing, charging and care of bat- teries. 520. Ketzler, Emil. Pufferbatterien fiir elektrisch betriebene Aufziige, Krane und dergl. Einrichtungen mit intermittieren- dem Betrieb. (Elektrotechnische Zeit- schrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 33, April 11, 1912, p. 366-370.) VGA Elevators and other intermittent loads may be satisfactorily used on lighting circuits if batteries are installed. 521. Kjaer, C. Zellenschalter mit Hilfs- zellen. (Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 33, Oct. 10, 1912, p. 1047- 1051.) VGA Abstracted in Electrical world, New York, v. 60, Nov. 2, 1912, p. 950, VGA. Voltage regulation of batteries on lighting cir- cuits by means of special switches or boosters. Favors former. 522. Kneeshaw, F. P. Stationary accumu- lator practice. (Australian mining stand- ard, Melbourne, v. 48, July 4, 1912, p. 12- 13.) VHP Outlines points frequently overlooked in connec- tion with installation and maintenance of batteries. 26 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1912, continued. 523. Kosack, Emil. Akkumulatoren. illus. (In his: Elektrische Starkstromanlagen. Berlin: J. Springer, 1912. 8. p. 193-211.) VGM 524. Kretzschmar, F. E. Die Krankheiten des stationaren elektrischen Blei-Akkumu- lators, ihre Entstehung, Feststellung, Be- seitigung, Verhutung. Fur Batteriebesit- zer, Betriebsleiter, Maschinenmeister und Installateure. Munich: R. Oldenbourg, 1912. 162 p. illus. 8. VGH "Diseases" of batteries. 525. Largest single storage battery in- stallation in the world, illus. (Electrical world, v. 59, June 22, 1912, p. 1390.) VGA Brief account of installation at Baltimore. 526. Lincoln, J. F. Efficient charging of electric automobile batteries. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 60, April 6, 1912, p. 670.) VGA Abstract of paper read before the Electric Ve- hicle Association. 527. Macrae, Donald. Storage battery central station practice in Chicago. (Elec- trical world, New York, v. 60, Oct. 12, 1912, p. 778.) VGA Abstract of paper read before the National Elec- tric Light Association. 528. May, J. Horsnell. Notes on the chemistry of the lead cell. (Electrical re- view, London, v. 70, Jan. 19, 1912, p. 85.) VGA 529. Mayer, M. Lead burning and the care of storage batteries. (Electrical world, New York, v. 59, April 6, 1912, p. 750-751.) VGA Practical hints for garage men. 530. Mitchell, Raymond J. Accumulator traction and the Edison storage battery; past, present and future. (Tramway and railway world, London, v. 31, June 13, 1912, p. 436-437.) TPB 531. Morse, Harry W. Storage batteries; the chemistry and physics of the lead ac- cumulator. New York: Macmillan Com- pany, 1912. 266 p. illus. 12. VGH The Edison battery is also treated in some detail. 532. Moving an accumulator battery when in service. (Engineering record, New York, v. 65, Feb. 17, 1912, p. 184-185.) VDA 533. Schoepf, T. H. Battery charging equipments for electric vehicles. (Electric journal, Pittsburgh, v. 9, June, 1912, p. 523- 526.) VGA 534. Schwaiger, A. Belastungsausgleich in elektrischen Kraftwerken (Pufferung). (Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 33, 1912, p. 841-844, 894-899, 921-926.) VGA Discusses questions relating to buffer battery, regulator, and flywheel methods of regulation. 535. Sharp, C. H., and W. E. HOLLAND. Iron-nickel storage battery, (filectricien, Paris, v. 43, Jan. 27, 1912, p. 50-55.) VGA Criticism of Montpellier's Turin congress paper 536. Smith, Harold H. The Edison stor- age battery in service. (Electrical world, New York, v. 60, Oct. 26, 1912, p. 876.) VGA Abstract of paper read before the Electric Vehicle Association at Boston. 537. Storage battery regulation of low- head water power plant, illus. (Electrical world, New York, v. 60, Nov. 2, 1912, p. 932-933.) VGA Description and diagram of connections of a battery installation in an A. C. plant. 538. Taunton, H. R. House lighting by storage batteries. (Electrical review, Lon- don, v. 71, Aug. 23, 1912, p. 292-293.) VGA 539. Toone, C. Volume changes in accu- mulator electrodes, illus. (Electrical re- view, London, v. 70, March 22, 1912, p. 481- 482.) VGA 540. Turnbull, C. Reversible boosters. (Electrical review, London, v. 70, March 15, 1912, p. 412-414.) VGA Battery problems and the beneficial use of bat- teries. 1913 541. Barrell, C. Resuscitating a dead stor- age battery. (Automobile, New York, v. 28, May 1, 1913, p. 949.) TOL Brief practical instructions. 542. Battery charging devices. (Automo- bile, New York, v. 28, Jan. 2, 1913, p. 34-39.) TOL Motor-generators, rectifiers and rheostats. 543. Beckmann, H. Akkumulatoren. (In: Jahrbuch der Elektrotechnik; Uebersicht iiber die wichtigeren Erscheinungen auf dem Gesamtgebiete der Elektrotechnik, hrsg. von K. Strecker. Munich: R. Olden- bourg, 1913. Jahrg. 1, 1912, p. 111-118.) VGA Bibliography, p. 117. 544. Die deutsche Elektroindustrie im Jahre 1912. Akkumulatoren... (Elek- trotechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 34, March 20, 1913, p. 319.) VGA 545. Moderne Akkumulatoren-Fahr- zeuge. illus. (Elektrotechnik und Mas- chinenbau, Wien, Jahrg. 31, April 20, 1913, p. 333-338, April 27, p. 359-364.) VGA Describes the various types of vehicles to which storage battery drive has been applied. 546. Bennett, C. W., and H. N. GILBERT. Some tests of the Edison storage bat- tery. (American Electrochemical Society. Transactions, v. 23, 1913, p. 359-382.) PKA Contains a bibliography of articles on the Edi- son cell. LIST OF REFERENCES ON STORAGE BATTERIES, 1900-1915 27 1913, continued. 547. Berry, Maxwell. Charging of bat- teries in unattended garages. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 63, Nov. 1, 1913, p. 900.) VGA Abstract of paper before the Electric Vehicle Association. Discusses different forms of charging devices, characteristics of a battery while charging, the best point of cut-off, etc. 548. Charging a battery. (Automobile, New York, v. 28, Jan. 2, 1913, p. 40-41.) TOL 549. Charging storage batteries used for lighting railway cars. (Electrical world, New York, v. 61, June 21, 1913, p. 1347- 1348; v. 62, July 5, p. 41-42.) VGA Abstract of a report to the Association of Railway Electrical Engineers. 550. Conant, W. H. Storage batteries, illus. (Society of Automobile Engineers. Bulletin, v. 5, Dec., 1913, p. 143-159.) Eng. Lib. Treats of lead-acid type almost exclusively and appends a good glossary. 551. Gushing, H. C., the younger, and FRANK W. SMITH. Storage batteries. (In their: Electric-vehicle hand-book. New York: the authors [C.1913]. 16. p. 13-183.) TON Characteristics, commercial types and sizes, main- tenance and care, etc. 552. Gadot, Paul. Notions sur les accu- mulateurs electriques. Paris: H. Dunod et E. Pinat, 1913. 69 p. 12. VGH History, electrochemical theory, possible improve- ments, etc. 553. High-capacity storage batteries. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 63, Nov. 22, 1913, p. 1021.) VGA Note giving kilowatt-hours per pound for lead and also iron-nickel cells for automobile use. 554. Hobein, Charles A. Reconstruction of a storage battery plant, illus. (Elec- trical world, New York, v. 61, May 31, 1913, p. 1179-1180.) VGA Gives costs. 555. Huldschiner, G. Graphisches Ver- fahren zur wirtschaftlichen Verteilung der Leistung von Pufferbetrieben auf Maschin- en und Akkumulatoren-Batterien. (Elek- trische Kraft-Betriebe und Bahnen, Mun- ich, Jahrg. 11, Feb. 14, 1913, p. 96-100.) VGA 556. Kretzschmar, F. E. Ueber einen Ap- parat zur bequemen Ablesung von Akku- mulatoren-Sauremessern. illus. (Elektro- technische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 34, March 27, 1913, p. 357-358.) VGA Abstracted in Electrical world, New York, v. 61, April 19, 1913, p. 843, VGA. Method of measuring the density of the electro- Ivte. 557. Lyndon, Lamar. Storage batteries. (In: Horatio A. Foster, Electrical en- gineer's pocket-book. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1913. 7. ed. 12. p. 872-905.) Desk - Tech. Div. 558. Storage battery industry. (Elec- trical world, New York, v. 61, Jan. 4, 1913, p. 21-22.) VGA General review for 1912. 559. Munson, C. C. Batteries. (Cycle- car age and ignition, carburetion and lubri- cation, New York, v. 2, Nov., 1913, p. 23- 28.) VFA General article on history and care. 560. Batteries. (Society of Automo- bile Engineers. Bulletin, v. 4, April, 1913, p. 94-106.) Eng. Lib. Discusses requirements for an automobile light- ing or ignition system. 561. Niagara power for International Railway Company. (Electric railway jour- nal, New York, v. 42, Sept. 13, 1913, p. 420- 422.) TPB Storage battery plants in railway sub-station. 562. Niblett, J. T. Electric storage bat- teries, illus. (In: Modern electric prac- tice. London: Gresham Pub. Co. [1913.] 8. v. 2, p. 133-179.) VGC 563. Nichols, H. M. Installation and care of storage batteries. (Power, New York, v. 38, July 15, 1913, p. 88-90, July 22, p. 125-127.) VFA 564. 1913 vehicle batteries, illus. (Auto- mobile, New York, v. 28, Jan. 2, 1913, 42-43.) Description of the various types. TO P L 565. Oster, Eugene. Comparison of lead- sulphuric and Edison types of storage bat- tery, illus. (Journal of the United States Artillery, Fort Monroe, Va., v. 41, 1913, p. 101-112.) VWA Abstracted in Power, New York, v. 38, Nov. 18, 1913, p. 716-720, VFA. Comparison as to construction, care, efficiency, capacity, life, and cost. 566. Pierard, E. A propos d'un nouvel accumulateur a plaques poreuses. (So- ciete beige d'electriciens, Bruxelles. Bul- letin, v. 30, Feb., 1913, p. 93-96.) VGA 567. Randolph, John A. The storage bat- tery, illus. (Power, New York, v. 37, Jan. 14, 1913, p. 48-49, Jan. 21, p. 81-83.) VFA General description. 568. Recent improvements in the storage battery. (Scientific American, New York, v. 108, March 15, 1913, p. 247, 254, 256.) V * Expanders, iron-nickel cell, zinc-lead-dioxide cell, regeneration, circulating electrolyte, etc. 28 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1913, continued. 569. Remington, George W. The storage battery car. illus. (General Electric re- view, Schenectady, N. Y., v. 16, Nov., 1913, p. 840-847.) VGA Also in Engineering magazine, New York, v. 46, Jan. 14, 1914, p. 609-611, VDA. Gives data on Edison, Gould, and "Exide" cells, cost of operating, and bibliography of recent articles on the subject. 570. Reynolds, Edward L. Marine uses of electric storage batteries. (International marine engineering, New York, v. 18, April 13, 1913, p. 157.) VXA Brief and general, dealing mostly with applica- tions to the army and navy service. 571. Scott, Le Roy, and A. BUETTNER. Battery locomotives. (Electric railway journal, New York, v. 41, March 1, 1913, p. 383.) TPB Discussion in the form of "letters to the editor." 572. Skinner, James M. Philadelphia thin plate battery. (Central station, New York, v. 12, March 13, 1913, p. 289-307.) VGS Also in Horseless age, New York, v. 31, March 5, 1913, p. 466-469, TOL. Explains its characteristics and reasons for its success. 573. Smith, Harold H. Edison storage battery. (Cleveland Engineering Society. Journal, v. 6, 1913, p. 27-44.) VDA Bibliography, p. 44. Also in Western Society of Engineers. Journal, Chicago, v. 18, Jan., 1913, p. 37-60, VDA; and in Engineering magazine, New York, v. 45, April 13, 1913, p. 91-94, VDA. Author is in charge of research department of Edison Storage Battery Co. Deals with the con- struction, service tests and uses of the Edison cell. 574. Storage battery control by counter- EMF cells, illus. (Electrical world, New York, v. 62, Dec. 20, 1913, p. 1267-1268.) VGA Points out the superiority of the remote control short-circuiting switches used in a St. Louis installa- tion to the usual end-cell switch arrangement. 575. Telephone storage batteries prove reliable through flood. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 62, June 14, 1913, p. 1294-1295.) VGA "Chloride" cells operated while submerged. 576. Thibaut, R. Die elektromotorische Kraft des Bleiakkumulators in Abhangig- keit von Temperatur und Sauredichte. (Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie, Halle, Jahrg. 19, Nov. 15, 1913, p. 881-885.) PKA 577. Thurstone, L. L. Some features of the Edison storage battery. (Sibley jour- nal of engineering, Ithaca, N. Y., v. 27, Feb., 1913, p. 174-185.) VDA Describes its fundamental characteristics, con- struction and operating features. 578. Use of storage batteries in railway sub-stations. (Electric railway journal, New York, v. 42, Oct. 4, 1913, p. 559.) TPB Brief note giving cost of output per kilowatt- hour for batteries of the Buffalo Railway Co. 579. Weingreen, Joshua. Storage bat- teries. (In his: Electric power plant en- gineering. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1913. 2. ed. 8. p. 27-41.) VGMB 580. Wertheimer, Alfred. Ueber eine Hochspannungsbatterie zur Messung sehr hoher Isolationswiderstande. illus. (Elek- trotechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 34, May 15, 1913, p. 555-556.) VGA Battery used for measuring insulation resistance. 581. Weyand. Die Triebwagen im Dienst der preussischhessischen Staatseisenbahn. (Elektrische Kraft-Betriebe und Bahnen, Munich, Jahrg. 11, May 4, 1913, p. 250-256, May 14, p. 269-276.) " VGA Includes an account of the charging system used. 582. Whysall, F. H. The use of a large lighting battery in connection with central station supply. (Institution of Electrical Engineers, London. Journal, v. 50, 1913, p. 376-429.) VGA Abstracted in Electrical world, New York, v. 61, Feb. 15, 1913, p. 364, Feb. 22, p. 417, VGA. Results obtained in two years' working of the 12000 ampere-hour battery at Manchester, Eng. 583. Wilcke. Elektrische Sammlerbe- leuchtung fiir D-Zug- und Schlafwagen der preussischen Staatsbahn. illus. (Elek- trische Kraft-Betriebe und Bahnen, Mun- ich, Jahrg. 21, June 24, 1913, p. 370-376.) VGA Includes an account of the batteries used and the method of charging them. 584. Wilkes, A. E. Winter care of storage batteries. (Canadian electrical news and engineering journal, Toronto, v. 22, Jan. 1, 1913, p. 39-40.) VGA 585. Wilson, H. G. The wiring in a mod- ern storage battery plant. (Electrical re- view and western electrician, Chicago, v. 63, Sept. 20, 1913, p. 567-568.) VGA Wiring details of a small plant. 1914 586. Accumulateurs electriques. illus. (Fer et acier, Bruxelles, v. 10, 1914, p. 31- 35, 47-53, 61-68, 75-78.) Eng. Lib. An excellent article treating briefly of the theory and application of storage batteries and of the auxiliary appliances used. Contains extensive bib- liographies, grouped by subject, on p. 33, 34, 35, 48, 51-53, 63, 64, 65, 76, 77, 78. 587. Acidity of a storage battery solution. (Automobile, New York, v. 31, Sept. 3, 1914, p. 446-447.) TOL LIST OF REFERENCES ON STORAGE BATTERIES, 1900-1915 29 1914, continued. 588. Baldwin, H. S., and GEORGE W. HALL. Storage battery cars in New York, illus. (Electric traction, Chicago, v. 10, April, 1914, p. 229-235.) TPB Describes the equipment. 589. Batteries that do not "hold their charge." (Automobile, New York, v. 30, March 5, 1914, p. 546-547.) TOL 590. Battery charging load desirable, de- clares Philadelphia company. (Electrical world, New York, v. 64, Nov. 21, 1914, p. 1010.) VGA Curves showing increased income even with de- creased rates. 591. Beckmann, H. Akkumulatoren und ihre Verwendung. (In: Jahrbuch der Elek- trotechnik; Uebersicht iiber die wichtiger- en Erscheinungen auf dem Gesamtgebiete der Elektrotechnik, hrsg. von K. Strecker. Munich: R. Oldenbourg, 1914. Jahrg. 2, 1913, p. 128-134.) VGA Review of articles relating to storage batteries which appeared in 1913. 592. Beckmann, H., and J. HEISIG. An- schlussbatterien. illus. (Elektrotech- nische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 35, July 30, 1914, p. 884-886.) VGA Abstracted in Electrical world, New York, v. 64, Sept. 19, 1914, p. 550, 580, VGA. Central station service with an auxiliary battery better than an isolated plant for large buildings. 593. Buettner, Max. Ueber die Entwick- lung der Akkumulator-Triebwagen. (Elek- trische Kraft-Betriebe und Bahnen, Mun- ich, Jahrg. 12, Jan. 4, 1914, p. 11-13.) VGA Abstracted in Electrical world, New York, v. 63, April 18, 1914, p. 885-886, VGA. Development of accumulator traction. 594. Caring for batteries in winter. (Au- tomobile, New York, v. 31, Nov. 26, 1914, p. 981-982.) TOL 595. Conant, W. H. Proper method of shipping storage batteries. (Electrical re- view and western electrician, Chicago, v. 64, May 2, 1914, p. 904-905.) VGA 596. Crocker, Francis B. Storage bat- teries. (In: Cyclopedia of applied electri- city. Chicago: American Technical Soci- ety, 1914. 8. v. 6, p. 209-303.) Eng. Lib. 597. Cultra, R. A. Distilling water for storage batteries. (Power, New York, v. 40, July 21, 1914, p. 104.) VFA 598. Device for regulating a storage bat- tery from a distance, illus. (Scientific American supplement, New York, v. 78, Nov. 14, 1914, p. 315.) VA Simple end-cell switch operated by a solenoid. 599. Edison storage battery. (Automo- bile, New York, v. 31, Nov. 5, 1914, p. 844- 845.) TOL Brief practical remarks on the care of the Edison cell. 600. Electric vehicles. (Engineer, Lon- don, v. 118, 1914, p. 86-88, 165-166, 196-198, 208-209.) VA 601. Electrical distribution engineering in Chicago. (Electrical world, New York, v. 63, March 14, 1914, p. 594-598.) VGA Contains a brief account of the storage battery installations in sub-stations of the Commonwealth Edison Co. 602. Ellis, G. E., the younger. Wiring and equipment for forming Edison batteries. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 64, March 14, 1914, p. 523-525.) VGA Factory details of the Edison Storage Battery Company. 603. Foljambe, E. S. The Edison storage battery; its conception and method of manufacture. illus. (Commercial car journal, Philadelphia, v. 7, Jan. 15, 1914, p. 48-52.) TOL A trip through the factory at Orange, N. J. 604. Fraasa, Charles F., the younger. Construction of a 45 ampere-hour storage battery, illus. (Scientific American sup- plement, New York, v. 77, March 21, 1914, p. 191-192.) VA 605. Gray, Alexander. Storage batteries, illus. (In his: Principles and practice of electrical engineering. New York: Mc- Graw-Hill Book Company, 1914. 8. p. 146-161.) VGC 606. Heldt, P. M. Secondary or storage batteries. illus. (Horseless age, New York, v. 34, Oct. 28, 1914, p. 662-665, Nov. 4, p. 692-694.) TOL 607. Kummer, W. T. Stadtische Moment- reserven fur elektrische Beleuchtung, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Ver- haltnisse in Zurich. (Schweizerische Bau- zeitung, Zurich, Bd. 64, Nov. 21, 1914, p. 231-233.) VA Use of a reserve battery. 608. Lyndon, Lamar. Storage battery industry. (Electrical world, New York, v. 63, Jan. 3, 1914, p. 21-22.) VGA General review for 1913. 609. Milton, Taliaferro. Applications of storage batteries. Storage batteries of the lead type. (In: Harold Fender, ed. Ameri- can handbook for electrical engineers. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1914. 12. p. 87-102, 103-119.) Desk-Tech. Div. Bibliography, p. 119. 610. Ossa, Gaston. Accumulators elec- tricos. Santiago, Chili: Sociedad Imprenta y Litografia Universe [1914?]. 103 p. illus. VGH "One of the best books in Spanish on the sub- ject and contains a good bibliography and index." 611. Pausert, T. L'emploi des groupes survolteurs et survolteurs-devolteurs avec 30 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1914, continued. les batteries d'accumulateurs. illus. (Re- vue electrique, Paris, v. 21, May 1, 1914, p. 426-431.) VGA Abstracted in Electrical world, New York, v. 63, June 13, 1914, p. 1406, VGA. A battery with automatic booster installed on a direct current 3-wire system. 612. Perkins, Frank C. Redacteurs pour batteries d'accumulateurs dans les stations centrales allemandes. illus. (filectricien, Paris, v. 47, Feb. 7, 1914, p. 81-83.) VGA Description of an end-cell switch made by the Siemens- Schuckert Co. 613. Phillips, H. M. Small storage bat- teries. (National engineer, Chicago, v. 18, Nov., 1914, p. 687-688, Dec., 1914, p. 742- 743; v. 19, March, 1915, p. 151.) VFA 614. Rankin, R. A new instrument for the control of storage batteries, illus. (Electrician, London, v. 73, June 19, 1914, p. 449-450.) VGA An overload detector. 615. Robinson, Wirt. The storage bat- tery, illus. (In his: Elements of electri- city. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1914. 2. ed. 8. p. 182-197.) PGE 616. Smith, Harold H. The Edison stor- age battery. (Railway electrical engineer, Chicago, v. 6, Aug., 1914, p. 79-82.) TPYM Paper read before the Railroad Electric Club, Chicago. Discussion on p. 82-85. 617. Spencer, L. V. Variety of storage battery mountings, illus. (Automobile, New York, v. 30, Feb. 5, 1914, p. 376-379.) TOL Things to be considered in locating and caring for vehicle batteries. 618. Springer, J. F. The storage battery for electric plants, illus. (Municipal jour- nal, New York, v. 37, Dec. 24, 1914, p. 915- 917.) ff SERA Useful for carrying peak loads and supplying current through the day. 619. Storage battery and charging equip- ment. (Railway Signal Association, Beth- lehem, Pa. Journal, 1914, p. 78-95, 167- 178.) 'TPB A committee report. 620. Storage battery for sub-stations. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 64, June 27, 1914, p. 1271.) VGA Brief editorial on the value of batteries in safe- guarding continuous service. 621. Storage battery overload detector. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 65, Aug. 1, 1914, p. 238-239.) VGA 622. Storage battery systems, illus. (In: Hawkins electrical guide. New York: T. Audel & Co. [C.1914.] 16. v. 4, p. 893- 996.) Desk- Tech. Div. 623. Thomaelen, Adolf. Die Akkumula- toren. Batterie und Maschinen in Paral- lelschaltung. (In his: Kurzes Lehrbuch der Elektrotechnik. Berlin: J. Springer, 1914. 6. ed. 8. p. 40-43, 185-193.) Eng. Lib. 624. Thomson, Harry F. Storage bat- teries, alkaline type. (In: Harold Fender, ed. American handbook for electrical en- gineers. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1914. 12. p. 77-86.) Desk -Tech. Div. Bibliography, p. 86. 625. Tracy, J. H. The electric storage battery. (Engineers Society of Pennsyl- vania. Journal, v. 6, June, 1914, p. 174-183.) Eng. Lib. Shows the successful commercial application of the lead-acid type to power-stations, isolated plants and vehicles. 626. Typical up-to-date central station standby storage battery, illus. (Electri- cal review and western electrician, Chica- go, v. 64, March 14, 1914, p. 548.) VGA General description of "chloride" accumulators installed in Indianapolis. 627. Why battery will not charge. (Horseless age, New York, v. 34, Aug. 5, 1914, p. 206.) TOL 628. Wood, W. R. Storage battery sys- tem for City Island, N. Y., built in 17 days, illus. (Electric railway journal, New York, v. 44, Sept. 12, 1914, p. 482.) TPB 1915 629. Cross, Harold H. U. The indispen- sable storage battery, illus. (In his: Elec- tric lighting and starting for motor cars. London: Crosby Lockwood and Son, 1915. 12. p. 152-171.) TON 630. Mitchell, R. T. Electric accumula- tors and their application to automobile traction. (Electrician, London, v. 74, Jan. 22, 1915, p. 534-536.) VGA Comparison of Edison and lead cells. AUTHOR INDEX Abel, E., 46. Abraham, A. J., 47. Adams, Alton D., 108. Agnew, P. G., 410. Akunoff, Iwan, 5. Albrecht, Richard, 320, 500. Allen, A. H., 49. Allingham, G. C, 501. Allmand, A. J., 502. Anthony, C. C., 259. Appleton, Joseph, 375, 411. Arendt, M. See Crocker, Francis B., and M. Arendt. Ashe, Sydney W., 376, 412. Askenasy, P., and L. von Putnoky, 503. Association of Edison Illuminating Com- panies, 457. Aylmer-Small, Sidney, 342. Bailey, Benjamin F., 291. Bainville, A., 206. See also Blondin, J., and A. Bainville. Baker, Joseph B., 413, 458. Baldwin, H. S., and George W. Hall, 588. Barham, A. W., 414. Barrell, C, 541. Bary, Paul, 207. Basch, D., 504. Beach, R. H., 459. Beck, H. M., 377. Beck, K., 378. Beck, Wilhelm, 292. Beckmann, H., 6, 460, 505, 543, 544, 545, 591. Beckmannn, H., and J. Heisig, 592. Bein, W., 343. Bennett, C. W., and D. S. Cole, 506. Bennett, C. W., and H. N. Gilbert, 546. Bermbach, Willibald, 51, 260. Berry, Maxwell, 547. Bezzi, Agostino, 507. Bienaime, G., 109, 208. Blizard, Charles, 52. Block, David J., 415. Blondin, J., and A. Bainville, 7. Bonnet, Frederic, 416. Booth, W. H., 53. Bottone, S. R., 262. Bowers, W. G. See Brown, O. W., and W. G. Bowers. [31 Brazil, H., 508. Broadfoot, S. K., 461. Brocksmith, J. C, 110. Broekmann, L., 263. Brown, O. W., and W. G. Bowers, 417. Brown, O. W., and R. R. Sayers, 321. Brueckmann, Ludwig, 209. Brunck, O., 462. Buettner, A. See Scott, Le Roy, and A. Buettner. Buettner, Max, 162, 593. Buffa, M., 210. Burk, A. B., the younger, 463. Coar, Charles H., 211. Coho, H. B., 112, 163. Cole, D. S. See Bennett, C. W., and D. S. Cole. Colvin, Fred H., 464. Conant, W. H., 550, 595. Cowper-Coles, Sherard, 293. Crawter, Frank, 294. Crocker, Francis B., 295, 509, 596. Crocker, Francis B., and M. Arendt, 465. Cross, Harold H. U., 629. Crotch, Arthur, 264. Cultra, R. A., 597. Cumming, Alexander C., 296. Cushing, H. C., the younger, and Frank W. Smith, 551. Dalton, W., 165. Dary, Georges, 265, 345. Davis, F. M., 212. Dawson, Philip, 379. Delasalle, A., 114. Dierfeld, 510. Dieudonne, Emile, 213. Dion, A. A., 115. Dolezalek, Friedrich, 8, 9, 54. Dolezalek, Friedrich, and R. Gahl, 55. See also Nernst, W., and F. Dolezalek. Dominik, Hans, 116. Dommerque, J., 117. Donaldson, W. W., 214. Doublet, J. M., Critters, 215. Dow, Herbert H., 118. Dubruiel, Omer F., 380. Edison, Thomas A., 119. Edler, Robert, 346, 382, 511. 32 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Author Index, continued. Elbs, Karl, 266, 347. *Ellis, G. E., the younger, 602. Entz, Justus B., 219. Esch, W., 166. Fabre, Leonce, 56. Pansier, P. E. See Goldsborough, W. E., and P. E. Pansier. Faure-Munro, P., 297. Faust, Otto, 323, 384. Fay, Thomas J., 57, 58. Ferguson, Louis A., 10. Fernandez, W. T., 220. Perron, A., 385. Finzi, 221. Fischer, Franz, 421. Fitz-Gerald, Desmond G., 59. Flanders, L. H., 324, 466. Floy, Henry, 222. Foerster, F., 60, 325, 348. Foljambe, E. S., 603. Ford, Bruce, 467, 514. Formenti, Carlo, 120. Forsberg, E. A. See Rossander, C. A., and E. A. Forsberg. Fraasa, Charles F., the younger, 604. Frey, Henry C, 387. Fritch, L. C, 515. Gabran, Oscar, 121. Gadot, Paul, 552. Gahl, Rudolf, 61, 298. See also Dolezalek, F., and R. Gahl; Strasser, and Gahl. Gerard, Eric, 11. Gerland, E., 167. Gilbert, H. N. See Bennett, C. W., and H. N. Gilbert. Girault, Paul, 12. Glazebrook, R. T., 299. Goettling, Gerhard, 223. Goldsborough, W. E., and P. E. Fansler, 168. Goldschmidt, Robert, 349. Gradenwitz, Alfred, 169, 267. Graefenberg, 268. Gray, Alexander, 605. Grindle, G. A., 62. Gump, W. B., 350, 468. Hagood, Lee, 170. Hall, G. W. See Baldwin, H. S., and G. W. Hall. Hamilton, J. O., 422. Hanchett, George T., 13, 224. Hannover, H. I., 516. Hansen, Friedrich, 327. Harrington, W. E., 63. Harris, A. W. E., 388, 423. Harrison, Newton, 424. Hay, Alfred, 328. Heilmann, J. J., 122. Heim, C., 14, 64. Heisig, J. See Beckmann, H., and J. Heisig. Helbig, D., 15. Heldt, P. M., 606. Henke, Max, 300. Hering, Carl, 123, 124. Herkenrath, F., 301. Hibbert, W., 65, 66, 125, 126, 171, 172, 425, j 17. Highfield, J. S., 67. Hildebrand, Otto, 226, 352. Hobart, Henry M., 227. See also Parshall, H. F., and H. M. Hobart. Hobein, Charles A., 554. Holland, Walter E., 426, 427, 469. See also Sharp, C H., and W. E. Holland. Hommel, G., 228. Hopkinson, B., 68. Hoppe, Edmond, 389. Hoppe, O., 69. Hospitalier, E., 173. Howatt, John, 229. Huber, J. L., 174. Huldschiner, G., 555. Hull, R. C, 70. Humphreys, W. J., 175. Hutchison, Miller R., 470. Her, George A, 390. Izart, J., 128, 129, 130, 176. Jackson, A. Henrick, 353. Jacobitti, L., 471. Jakobi, B., 269. Janet, P., 177. Joel, Henry F., 131. Johnson, Woolsey McA., 132. Joly, H. L., 178, 179, 230, 472. Jonas, J., 428. Jonas, L., 180. Jones, Bernard E., 518. Jones, Forrest R., 519. Jones, Walter G., 181. Jouaust, R., 231. Jumau, L., 16, 71, 72, 232, 329, 429. Jungner, Ernst W., 17. Just, G., 391. Kammerhoff, Meno, 359, 430, 431. Karapetoff, Vladimir, 330, 473. Kavanaugh, William, 354. LIST OF REFERENCES ON STORAGE BATTERIES, 1900-1915 33 Author Index, continued. Kennedy, Rankin, 133. Kennelly, Arthur E., 73. Kennelly, Arthur E., and S. E. Whiting, 234. Ketzler, Emil, 520. Kjaer, C, 521. Klasson, R., 183. Kneeshaw, F. P., 522. Knowlton, Howard S., 184, 235. Kohn, M., 18. Kosack, Emil, 523. Kouwenhoven, W. B., 355. Kretzschmar, F. E., 524, 556. Krilitschewsky, Wera, 236. Kummer, W. T., 607. Laas, F. W., 392. Lacau, R., 303. Lackie, W. W. See Taylor, A. M., and W. W. Lackie. Laszczynski, St. von, 74. Lavezzari, 185. Lees, S., 75. Lehfeldt, R. A., 186. Lejeune, L., 237. Lewers, Albert M., 134. Liagre, Charles, 76, 238. See also Schoop, M. U., and Charles Liagre. Liebenow, Karl, 135, 270, 271. Lincoln, J. F., 526. Liversidge, H. P., 187. Lloyd, Herbert, 272. Loewit, Arthur, 20, 393. Loppe, F., 77, 239, 304, 305, 331, 474. Lucas, L., 306. Lucchini, Virginio, 273. Lulofs, W., 394. Lunn, Ernest, 78, 79, 136. Lyndon, Edward, 240, 241, 332, 432. Lyndon, Lamar, 80, 81, 188, 307, 475, 557, 558, 608. Lyon, Howard, 476. Macleod, W. M., 433. Macrae, Donald, 527. Macrae, Roderick, 21. Marsh, Albert L., 82, 137, 138, 139, 140, 189. Martin, H. S., 23. Martin, T. Commerford, 83. Maurice, William, 434. May, J. Horsnell, 528. Maycock, W. Perren, 190. Mayer, M., 529. Meade, Norman G., 435, 477. Melchior, H., 395. Michelis, B. von, 24. Miller, Warren H., 436. Milton, Taliaferro, 609. Mitchell, R. T., 630. Mitchell, Raymond J., 530. Mitrofanoff, Benjamin, 396. Montpellier, J. A., 397, 478. Morse, Franklin E., 84. Morse, Harry W., 531. Morse, Harry W., and Ledyard W. Sar- gent, 479. Mortimer, Stockton H., 480. Moses, Percival R., 356. Mugdan, M., 141. Munson, C. C, 559, 560. Neimke, A., 357. Nernst, W., and F. Dolezalek, 25. Niblett, J. T., 85, 481, 562. Nichols, H. M., 563. Niethammer, Fritz, 275. Norden, Konrad, 26, 86. Norris, H. H., 27. O'Brien, A. Dallam, 276. Ossa, Gaston, 610. Oster, Eugene, 565. Osthoff, Otto E., 142. Pagliano, J., 191. Palmer, R. L., 87. Palmer, W. H., the younger, 143. Parr, G. D. Aspinall, 277. Parshall, H. F., and H. M. Hobart, 333. Pausert, T., 278, 279, 358, 611. Paxon, C. E., 334. Pearce, S. L., 439. Perkins, Frank C, 612. Perlewitz, K., 359. Perley, G. A., 482. Peters, Franz, 28, 29, 88, 359. Peukert, W., 335. Pfanhauser, Wilhelm, the younger, 440. Phillips, H. M., 613. Pierard, S., 556. Pruggmayer, Robert, 360. Pumpelly, J. K., 89, 90. Putnoky, L. von. Sec Askenasy, P., and L. von Putnoky. Rabenault, S. H., 244. Rabinowicz, J., 145. Radtke, A. A., 336. Rae, Frank B., 310. Randolph, John A., 567. Rankin, R., 483, 614. Reed, C. J., 91, 146. Remington, George W., 569. Reuterdahl, Arvid, 147. Reynolds, Edward L., 30, 92, 441, 570. Reyval, J., 31, 148. Richardson, H. K. See Thompson, M. De- Kay, the younger, and H. K. Richardson. Robinson, Wirt, 615. Rodman, Hugh, 149. 34 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Author Index, continued. Roeber, E. F., 93, 94, 150. Rogers, Walter E., 485. Roloff, Max, 211. Roloff, Max, and Erich Siede, 312. Rossander, C. A., and E. A. Forsberg, 32. Rosset, Georges, 192, 361. Rucker, S. E., 151. Rumpf, Erich, 442. Salom, Pedro G., 245, 443. Salomons, Sir David, 313. Salter, J. R., 314. Sargent, Ledyard W. See Morse, Harry W., and Ledyard W. Sargent. Sayers, R. R. See Brown, O. W., and R. R. Sayers. Schaerer, H. C, 33. Scheerer, 362. Schindler, K., 95. Schleicher, G., 486. Schmidt, O., 246. Schneider, Norman H., 487. Schoepf, T. H., 533. Schoop, M. U., 34, 35, 36, 37, 96, 152, 153, 194, 195, 247, 280, 315, 337, 363. Schoop, M. U., and Charles Liagre, 281, 316. Schroeder, L., 282, 338, 444, 445, 488. Schuchart, R. F., 97. Schwaiger, A., 534. Scott, E. Kilburn, 196. Scott, Le Roy, and A. Buettner, 571. Seaman, Harold, 98. Sessions, F. L., 197. Sharp, C. H., and W. E. Holland, 535. Shepherd, H. F., 154. Siede, Erich. See Roloff, Max, and Erich Siede. Sieg, E., 38, 39, 99, 283. Skinner, James M., 572. Smith, Frank W. See Gushing, H. C., the younger, and Frank W. Smith. Smith, Harold H., 536, 573, 616. Spencer, L. V., 617. Sperry, Elmer A., 199. Springer, J. F., 618. Stebbins, E. Vail, 157. Stewart, W. N., 248. Stockhardt, Emil, 364. Strasser, and Gahl, 40. Streintz, Franz, 490. Strickland, T. P., 366. Strong, H. L., 317. Suchy, E., 41. Tate, Alfred O., 491. Taunton, H. R., 538. Taylor, A. M., 367, 368, 401, 492. Taylor, A. M., and W. W. Lackie, 369. Thallier, M. G., 402. Thibault, R., 576. Thomaelen, Adolph, 623. Thompson, M. DeKay, the younger, 494. Thompson, M. DeKay, the younger, and H. K. Richardson, 286. Thompson, Walter L., 403. Thomson, Harry F., 624. Thurstone, L. L., 577. Timbie, W. H., 495. Tommasi, D., 200, 250. Toone, C., 539. Tracy, J. H., 625. Treadwell, Augustus, the younger, 100, 101. Trotter, A. P., 496. Trout, Paul F., 497, 498. Turnbull, C, 540. Van Deventer, Harry R., 449. Vicarey, R. W., 201, 287, 318, 339. Vogel, Carl. 405. Waal, H. de, 161. Wade, E. J., 43, 102, 103, 202. Walker, E. B., 253, 406. Walton, Julian, 450. Warfield, F. A., 370. Waring, J. M. S., 203, 254, 340. Watson, Arthur E., 371, 499. Wehrlin, H., 44. Weingreen, Joshua, 579. Werkner, Richard, 451. Wertheimer, Alfred, 580. West, John H., 104. Weyand, 581. White, L. G., 45. Whiting, S. E. See Kennelly, A. E., and S. E. Whiting. Whysall, F. H., 582. Wilcke, 583. Wilkes, A. E., 584. Wille, Heinrich, 288. Williams, J. Glynn, 452. Wilson, H. G., 585. Winkler, W. von, 204. Winship, W. E., 255, 256. Wohlgemuth, A., 407. Wood, W. R., 628. Woodbridge, J. Lester, 257, 289, 372, 408, 409. Wordingham, Charles H., 205. Wray, J. G., 105. Wyatt, H. M., 258. Zacharias, Johannes, 106. Zedner, Julian, 290, 319, 341. Zehnder, L., 453. Zickenheimer, J., 373, 374. Zickler, K., 454, 455. SUBJECT INDEX Acid fumes. See Fumes. "Aigle" accumulator, 265. Alkaline cell. See Edison storage battery. Alternating current systems, Batteries on, 269, 300, 338, 365, 368, 372, 393, 408, 411, 434, 451, 537. Applications, 99, 106, 112, 147, 162, 202, 232, 257, 295, 306, 344, 356, 364, 463, 538, 586, 609, 625. Automobile batteries, 7, 13, 50, 85, 114, 116, 119, 125, 130, 143, 155, 171, 196, 204, 230, 310, 327, 331, 403, 418, 424, 431, 450, 466, 504, 545, 559, 564, 600, 617. Auxiliaries, 80, 167, 289, 375, 508, 512, 533, 542, 547, 586, 614, 619, 621. See also Boosters; Switching arrangements. Battery room, 351, 400, 404, 416, 446. Bifunctional plate, 491. Bijur accumulator, 261. Books, 11, 54, 59, 60, 77, 99, 106, 133, 167, 190, 202, 205, 232, 236, 260, 264, 270, 273, 275, 284, 292, 295, 306, 313, 328, 333, 342, 347, 364, 379, 382, 389, 396, 412, 430, 432, 440, 449, 454, 461, 465, 472, 473, 475, 481, 487, 494, 495, 499, 500, 502, 509, 518, 519, 523, 524, 531, 551, 552, 557, 562, 579, 605, 609, 610, 615, 622, 623, 624, 629. Boosters, 67, 80, 81, 193, 215, 220, 263, 285, 317, 328, 357, 379, 381, 392, 406, 420, 428, 439, 473, 483, 489, 504, 540, 611. See also Auxiliaries. Buffer batteries, 38, 69, 70, 157, 161, 174, 188, 193, 269, 288, 300, 338, 362, 367, 388, 390, 392, 408, 444, 445, 488, 520, 534, 555. Capacity, Calculation of, 32, 41, 239, 297, 304, 320, 335, 394, 435, 455. Care and maintenance, 47, 57, 75, 111, 144, 165, 190, 201, 213, 229, 240, 257, 259, 264, 289, 295, 302, 313, 321, 339, 344, 354, 355, 366, 370, 377, 380, 402, 403, 422, 423, 436, 457, 477, 481, 482, 495, 497, 518, 519, 522, 524, 529, 541, 551, 559, 563, 584, 594. See also Operation. Central stations, Batteries in, 83, 97, 100, 115, 142, 164, 203, 205, 254, 340, 350, 451, 468, 527, 582. See also Alternating cur- rent systems, Batteries on; Railway power stations, Batteries in; Sub-station batteries. Cersulfat accumulator, 236. Charging and discharging, 12, 14, 20, 35, 37, 44, 78, 109, 113, 124, 136, 190, 208, 214, 215, 264, 293, 328, 331, 346, 357, 360, 364, 374, 376, 436, 463, 485, 492, 508, 511, 512, 519, 526, 533, 542, 547, 548, 549, 583, 627. Climax accumulator, 228. Commelin and Viau accumulators, 3, 4. Comparison of lead and alkali cells, 195, 212, 430, 507, 565, 630. Containers, 316. Copper cadmium cell, 90. Cost, 108, 156, 227, 275, 328, 333, 481, 554, 569. Counter-E. M. F. cells. See Voltage regu- lation. Depreciation. See Deterioration. Design, 26, 86, 110, 128, 154, 181, 214, 363, 432, 433. Deterioration, 137, 144, 145, 152, 227, 277. Discharging. See Charging and discharg- ing. Diseases. See Care and maintenance; Sulphating. "E. P." accumulator, 23. Economic value, 53, 62, 63, 79, 83, 159, 252, 314, 367, 369, 414, 452, 492. Edison storage battery, General, 61, 65, 73, 88, 125, 131, 171, 172, 198, 218, 225, 231, 234, 293, 319, 329, 398, 413, 419, 430, 431, 437, 458, 462, 470, 478, 504, 510, 530, 535, 536, 568, 577, 599, 616, 624. Edison storage battery, Manufacture, 141, 322, 359, 426, 438, 464, 476, 573, 602, 603. Edison storage battery, Operating cost, 283, 569. Edison storage battery, Test results, 173, 225, 286, 398, 418, 427, 459, 476, 546, 573. Edison storage battery, Theory, 71, 72, 82, 94, 102, 150, 160, 169, 179, 182, 195, 206, 212, 216, 217, 221, 246, 247, 266, 268, 280, 281, 290, 309, 311, 323, 325, 341, 384, 494, 531. See also Comparison of lead and alkaline cells; Jungner cell. Efficiency, 291, 386, 433, 517. [35] 36 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Subject Index, continued. Electric power stations, Batteries in. See Alternating current systems, Batteries on; Central stations, Batteries in; Rail- way power stations, Batteries in; Sub- station batteries. Electrodes, 16, 134, 238, 240, 498. Electrolyte, Impurities in, 277, 287, 298, 302, 353, 597. Electrolyte, Variation of density of, 304, 305, 307, 318, 353, 474, 539, 556, 576, 587. End-cell regulation. See Voltage regula- tion; Switching arrangements. "Exide" storage battery, 411, 420, 466, 467, 569. Explosions, 153, 183. See also Battery room. Floating batteries. See Buffer batteries. Formation of plates. See Plates, Forma- tion of. "Fredet" accumulator, 265. Fumes, 15, 373, 378, 442, 490. Gouin accumulator, 397, 478. Gould storage battery, 326, 569. Heinz accumulator, 1. High voltage batteries, 36, 224, 282, 453, 493, 580. Historical development, 52, 59, 89, 99, 101, 103, 147, 163, 167, 223, 226, 253, 257, 324, 389, 443, 456, 552, 559. Hydrogen-chlorine cell, 5. Industry, Review of the, 505, 544, 558, 608. Installation, 79, 175, 259, 302, 317, 380, 439, 522, 532, 563. Iron-nickel cell. See Edison storage bat- tery; Jungner cell. Isolated plants, Application to, 151, 592. Jungner cell, 74, 169, 182, 233, 247, 266, 268, 281, 283, 290, 309, 311. See also Edison storage battery. "L. F. Lacroix" accumulator, 56. Lead cell, Theory of, 8, 51, 54, 55, 59, 166, 186, 189, 194, 207, 270, 296, 298, 361, 387, 407, 479, 494, 503, 528, 531, 550. See also Theory, General; Temperature, Influ- ence of, etc. Lead-zinc cell, 19, 107, 121. Leitner cell, 19. Line batteries, 255, 256. Load regulation. See Buffer batteries. Local discharges, 34. Locomotives and motor-cars, Battery, 197, 405, 436, 459, 530, 569, 571, 581, 588, 593. Maintenance. See Care and maintenance. Majert accumulator, 22. Makes, Different, 104, 113, 170, 178, 260, 292. Manchester accumulator, 411. Manufacture, 39, 99, 106, 148, 244, 279, 301, 308, 322, 326, 356, 363, 429, 438, 464, 513, 516. Max accumulator, 122. Morrison accumulator, 274. Operation 79, 106, 123, 187, 223, 249, 257, 342, 355, 366, 377, 432, 457, 473, 499. See also Care and maintenance. Pascal Marino accumulator, 66. Philadelphia thin-plate battery, 572. Plates, Formation of, 6, 250, 391, 396, 421, 486. Plates, Regenerating old, 29, 484, 568. Polarization, Gas, 25, 40, 91. Pollak accumulator, 31. Premier accumulator, 299. Pyroxyline, Use of, 199. Railway power stations, Batteries in, 27, 30, 48, 62, 63, 70, 81, 84, 92, 156, 158, 184, 219, 243, 248, 256, 288, 388. See also Alternating current systems, Batteries on; Central stations, Batteries in; Sub- station batteries. Regulation. See Voltage regulation. Reserve battery. See Stand-by battery. Schmitt accumulator, 278. Self-discharge, 417, 589. "Sirius" accumulator, 279. "Stand-by" battery, 83, 97, 375, 607, 626. Steel mills, Installations in, 409. Sub-station batteries, 87, 168, 333, 368, 379, 489, 501, 561, 578, 601, 620. Sulphating, 422, 482, 497, 506. Switching arrangements, 20, 271, 336, 371, 374, 382, 395, 399, 585, 612. Telephone and telegraph work, Applica- tion to, 105, 209, 235, 264, 276, 334, 449, 575. Temperature, Influence of, 9, 64, 76, 126, 133, 352, 385, 469, 576. LIST OF REFERENCES ON STORAGE BATTERIES, 1900-1915 37 Subject Index, continued. Testing, 16, 18, 120, 135, 240, 242, 258, 302, 432, 519, 556. Testing batteries. See High voltage bat- teries. Tests and experiments, Results of, 7, 27, 37, 113, 126, 132, 168, 228, 245, 286, 291, 299, 303, 315, 337, 358, 397, 410, 415, 417, 496, 498. Thallium cell, 140, 180. Theory, General, 11, 43, 46, 68, 149, 176, 190, 192, 202, 211, 232, 306, 343, 371, 432, 454, 495, 499, 502, 552, 586. See also De- sign; Edison storage battery; Lead cell, Theory of; Temperature, Influence of. Tommasi accumulator, 200, 251. Traction atecfentalato/S; Set' Automobile batteries; Locomotives and motor-cars, Battery/ ;, : : rv, ;^ ;V ^ 6 Tribelhdrri ; ac^tirnulator, 117. Troubles. See Care and maintenance. Van Kampen accumulator, 2. Voltage regulation, 21, 147, 190, 205, 285, 375, 435, 521, 574, 598, 612. Wehrlin cell, 44. Weight, 133, 145, 275, 328. Wiring details. See Switching arrange- ments. Zinc negatives. See Lead-zinc cell. Zinc-bromide cell, 118. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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