Please Note: This item is subject to it CALL after one week. _PATI "# CALIFO^^V SAE 3 1822 01155 6347 CIFT Di Draw the line B n -iC n -i that intersects the parallel through x in P n -2 Then the height of Pn_2 above C n -i will be equal to and the height above C n -z will be equal to Continue in the same way. Draw P n _ 2 .B n _ 2 parallel to Ox, draw Bn-zCn-z and find the point P n _3- Then the height of Pn_3 above C n _ 2 will be (a n x* + an. and the height of Pn-3 above C r , FIG. 6. Finally a point P is found (see Fig. 6 for n = 4) by the inter- section of BiCi with the parallel to the i/-axis through x, whose height above is equal to a n x n an-i Let us designate the line xP Q by y, so that 8 GRAPHICAL METHODS. y = a n x n + an-iz"- 1 + f a& + a , in the sense that y is a vertical line of the same direction and length as the sum of the vertical lines a n x n , a n r-ix n ~ 1 t a\x, OQ. The same construction holds good for values of x greater than 1 or negative. The only difference is that the point x is beyond the interval 01 to the right of 1 or to the left of 0. The negative sign of a n x, a n x + an_i, a n x^ + a^ix, etc., will signify that the direction of the lines is downward. Nor are any alterations necessary in order to include the case that several or all of the lines a , a\, a n are directed downward and corre- spond to negative numbers. They are laid off on the y-axis in the same way as if to find the sum flo + fli + 02 + + On, (?+! lying above or below C a according to a a being directed upward or downward. The construction can be repeated for a number of values of x. The points P will then represent the curve, whose equation is y = a + dix + + a n x n , x and y measuring abscissa and ordinates in independent units of length. In order to draw the curve for large values of z a modification must be introduced. It will not do to choose 01 small in order to keep x on your drawing board; for then the lines J5.C. will become too short and thus their direction will be badly defined. The way to proceed is to change the variable. Write for instance X = z/10, so that X is ten times as small as x and write Then as y Oil JQ jQ2 n jQ n GRAPHICAL CALCULATION. 9 we find y = Ao + AiX + A 2 X 2 + . . . + A n X\ Lay off the lines A , A\ t ^4 n in a convenient scale and let Z play the part that x played before. The curve differs in scale from the first curve and the reduction of scale may be different for abscissas and ordinates but may if we choose be made the same so that it is geometrically similar to the first curve reduced to one tenth. It is evident that any other reduction can be effected in the same manner. By increasing the ratio x/X we enhance the value of A n in comparison to the coefficients of lesser index, so that for the figure of the curve drawn in a very small scale all the terms will be insignificant except A n X n . In this case the points C\, Cz, , C n will very nearly coincide with and only C n +i will stand out. It is interesting to observe that the best way of calculating an integral function for any value of x proceeds on exactly the same lines as the geometrical construction. The coefficient a n is first multiplied with x and a n _i is added Call the result a n _i'. This is again multiplied by x and a n _ 2 is added. Call this result a n -2'. Con- tinuing in this way we finally obtain a value of a ', which is equal to the value of the integral function for the value of x considered. Using a slide rule all the multiplications with x can be effected with a single setting of the instrument. The coefficients a a and the values a* are best written in rows in this way O n drtr-l On-2 " ' Ci\ O,Q a n x a n -i'x az'x ai'x The accuracy of the slide rule is very nearly the same as the accuracy of a good drawing. But the rapidity is very much greater. When therefore only a few values of the integral func- tion are required, the geometrical construction will not repay 10 GRAPHICAL METHODS. the trouble. It is different, however, when the object is to make a drawing of the curve. The values supplied by calculation would have to be plotted, while the geometrical construction furnishes the points of the curve right away and in this manner gains on the numerical method. There is another geometrical method, which in some cases may be just as good. Let us propose to find the value of an integral function of the fourth degree. y = a + aix + ctzx 2 + asz 3 + 0,43* and let all coefficients in the first instance be positive. The coefficients ao, a-i, 02, as, a 4 are supposed to be represented by straight lines, while x will be the ratio of two lines. The lines OD, 01, 02, 03, o 4 are laid off in a broken line ao to the right from Co to Ci, ai upward from Ci to C 2 , 02 to the left from C 2 to C 3 , 03 downward from C 3 to C 4 , o 4 again to the right from C 4 to C 5 (Fig. 7). Through C 5 draw a line C$A to a point A on C 3 C 4 or its prolonga- tion and let x be equal to the ratio CiA : C 4 C 6 taken positive when CA has the same direc- - ^- D ^ J*** as > \ \ "\, / % !fc\ \ \ jr ^ / \ j C a o ' (a Fio. 7. tion as Cad. Then we have and i = o 4 z, C 3 A = 0^ + (7^4 and Cs^l are positive or negative according to their direction, being the same as the direction of C 3 (7 4 or opposite to it. Through A draw the line AB forming a right angle with C&A to a point B on C z Cz or its prolongation. Then we have and C 3 A o 3 ) x GRAPHICAL CALCULATION. 11 CzB = aix* + azx -f- 02. C S B and C 2 B are positive or negative according to their direction being the same as the direction of C 2 Cs or opposite to it. 'Simi- larly we get CiD = a^ + asz 2 + 022 + ai, and finally a z y? + c^z 2 + fliz + OQ. CoE is positive, when E is on the right side of Co and negative when on the left side. When the point A moves along the line CzCi, the point E will move along the line Cod and its position will determine the values of the integral function. To find the position of E for any position of A, we might use transparent squared paper, /u^ that we pin onto the drawing at C 5 , so that it can freely be turned round 5. Following FIG. 8. the lines of the squared paper along C&ABDE after turning it through a small angle furnishes the position of E for a new position of A (Fig. 8). To include the case of negative coefficients we draw the corre- sponding line in the opposite direction. If for instance 03 is negative C 3 C 4 would have to lie above C 3 ; but C 3 A would have to be counted in the same way as before, positive in a downward, negative in an upward direction. The extension of the method to integral functions of any degree is obvious and need not be insisted on. It may be applied with advantage to find the real roots of an equation of any degree. For this purpose the broken line C^ABDE would have to be drawn in such a way that E coincides with CQ. In the case of Fig. 7, for instance, it is easily seen that no real root exists. Fig. 9 shows the application to the quadratic equation. A circle 12 GRAPHICAL METHODS. is drawn over CoC 3 as diameter. Its intersections with furnish the points A and A' that correspond to the two roots. Both roots are negative in this case. The first method of constructing the values of an integral function can be extended to the case where the function is given as the sum of a number of polynomials of the form y = a Q + ai(x p) + a*(x p) (x q) + a s (x - p)(x - q)(x - r) + . Let us again suppose a , ai, 02, to represent straight lines laid off as before on the ?/-axis upwards or down- wards as if to find their sum. x,p,q,r are meant, to be num- bers represented by the ratio of certain segments on the axis of abscissas. Let us consider the case of four terms, the highest poly- nomial being of the third degree. The fixed distance between the points marked p and p + 1, q and q-\- I, r and r -f- 1 on the axis of abscissas, Fig. 10 is chosen arbitrarily and the position ^ r \ ^ Qo " ,'"'' 1 -G A- -::i^ "Q> 1 "'( 2 \ p 2 r x JM-1 gfl o, n are given numbers positive or negative. The question is how the value of this linear function may be conveniently constructed for various systems x\, Xz, x n . Suppose ao, a\, a n to represent horizontal lines directed to the right or left according to the sign of the corresponding number and to be laid off on an horizontal axis in succession as if to find the sum ao + ai + 03 + + a n , a Q begins at and runs to C\, Oj begins at C\ and runs to (7 2 and so on (Fig. 14). The numbers xi, x^, x n let us represent a 8 FIG. 14. by ratios of lengths. We draw a vertical line through and choose a point P on the horizontal axis. Then let xi be equal to the ratio OlfPO, x^ = 02/PO, etc. If P is chosen on the left of 0, we take the point 1 above for a positive value of xi and below for a negative one and the same for the other points. Mark a point above in the same distance from as P. Join the point P with the points 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and draw a broken GRAPHICAL CALCULATION. 19 line OAA\A x n we can by the same graphical method eliminate one of the quantities. In Fig. 20 this is shown for two linear equa- tions with six unknown quantities. The two horizontal lines OAoAiAzAsAiAsAe and 0'BQBiB 2 B 3 B^B 5 B 6 represent two linear equations. Through the intersection of A 3 B 3 and A 4 B 4 a third horizontal line is drawn intersecting the lines 00', AoB , A\B\, - ' - AfiBs in 0"C Q Ci C 6 . As C 3 and (7 4 coincide, the line c 4 vanishes and a- 4 is eliminated, so that the equation assumes the form Co + G\XI + fyXz+CsXt -f- c&a*5 + CeZe = 0- GRAPHICAL CALCULATION. 25 Suppose now that a set of six equations with six unknown quan- tities is represented geometrically on six horizontal lines. We shall keep one of these; but instead of the other five we construct five new ones from which one of the unknown quantities has been eliminated by means of the first equation. Now it may happen that at the same time another unknown quantity is eliminated, then this quantity remains arbitrary. Of the five new equations we again keep one that contains another unknown quantity and replace the four others again by four new ones from which this unknown quantity has been eliminated. Going on in this manner the general rule will be that with each step only one quantity is eliminated, so that at last one equation with one un- known quantity remains. Instead of the given six equations with six unknown quantities each, we now have one with six, one with five and so on down to one with one. The geometrical construction shows that this system is equivalent to the given system, for we can just as well pass back again to the given system. We have seen above how the unknown quantities may now be found geometrically. It may however happen in special cases that with the elimination of one unknown quantity another is eliminated at the same time. To this we may then assign an arbitrary value without interfering with the possibility of the solution. Finally all unknown quantities may be elimi- nated from an equation. If in this case there remains a term different from zero it shows that it is impossible to satisfy the given equations simultaneously. If no term remains, the two equations from which the elimination takes its origin contain the same relation between the unknown quantities and one of them may be ignored. 5. The Graphical Handling of Complex Numbers. A. complex number z = x + yi is represented graphically by a point Z whose rectangular coordi- nates correspond to the numbers x and y. The units by which 26 GRAPHICAL METHODS. the coordinates are measured, we assume to be of equal length. We might also say that a complex number is nothing but an algebraical form of writing down the coordinates of a point in a plane. And the calculations with complex numbers stand for certain geometrical operations with the points which correspond to them. By the "sum" of two complex numbers 21 = xi + yii and 22 = a& + y*i we understand the complex number where and we write 23 and y 3 = 2i + 22. Graphically we obtain the point Zz representing 23 from the points Zi and Z 2 representing zi and 22 by drawing a parallel to OZ Z through Z\ and making Z\P (Fig. 21) equal to OZ 2 in length and direction or by drawing a paral- lel through Z 2 and making Z 2 P equal to OZi in length and direc- tion. The coordinates of P are evidently equal to #1 + Xz and 2/i + 2/2. Two complex numbers 2 and z' are called opposite, when their sum is zero. FIG. 21. z + z' = or x = x' and or 2 = z y- - y The corresponding points Z and Z' are at the same distance from the origin but in opposite directions. The difference of two complex numbers is that complex number, which added to the subtrahend gives the minuend 22 + (2l %) = 2l- GRAPHICAL CALCULATION. 27 Therefore 21 % = (zi a*) + (1/1 This may also be written zi + 22' where 22'= 22 = a^ 2/2*. That is to say, the subtraction of the complex number 2 2 from zi may be effected by adding the opposite number 22. For the geometrical construction of the point Z corresponding to z\ & we have to draw a parallel to OZ 2 through Z\ and from Z\ in the direction from Z 2 to we have to lay off the distance Z Z 0. Or we may also draw from a line equal in direction and in length to ZzZi. This will also lead to the point Z representing the difference 21 22. The rules for multiplication and division of complex numbers are best stated by introducing polar coordinates. Let r be the positive number measuring the distance OZ in the same unit of length in which x and y measure the abscissa and ordinate, so that and let

+ sin (pi). Let us call r the modulus and tp the angle of z. The an- gle may be increased or di- minished by any multiple of four right angles without altering z, but any alteration of r necessarily implies an alteration of z. 2 2. 28 GRAPHICAL METHODS. According to Moivre's theorem, we can write z = re**'. By the product of two complex numbers zi = rie*" and 22 = tfce*** we understand that complex number 23 whose modulus r$ is equal to the product of the moduli r\ and r 2 and whose angle ^ is the sum of the angles i z 3 e n "', where ZO = Zl + 32 + ' ' ' + 2 A . The movement of Z therefore, excepting the case z = 0, consists in a uniform revolution of OZ round 0, OZ always keeping the same length equal to the modulus of z . The position of OZ at the moment t = is OZ . The motion of a point P whose abscissa is x = ae~ kt cos (id + a) where a, k, n, a are constants (a and k positive) is called a damped harmonic motion. It may be looked upon as a harmonic motion, whose amplitude is decreasing. To study this motion let us again substitute a complex number z = ae~ kt cos (rd + a) + ae~ kt sin (nt + a)i, or z = ae- kt 'eW, or z = z ). The amplitude F/r of the forced vibration is inversely propor- tional to r. Thus our Fig. 27 shows us what the period of the force must be to make the forced vibrations as large as possible. It corresponds to the point on the parabola whose distance from is smallest. It is the point where a circle round touches the parabola. In Fig. 27 this point is marked R. It may be called the point of maximum resonance. When the constants of the system are such that the ordinate of the point, where the parabola intersects the axis of y is small in comparison with the abscissa GRAPHICAL CALCULATION. 39 of the vertex, then OR will lie close to the axis of y (Fig. 28). In this case the angle between OR and the positive axis of x will be very nearly equal to 90, that is to say, the forced oscillations will lag behind the force oscil- lations by a little less than a quarter of a period. Keep- ing m and n constant, this will take place for small val- ues of k, i. e., for a small damping influence. A small FlG 2 g deviation of p from the fre- quency of maximum resonance will throw the point P awayfrom.R, so that r increases considerably and

} if ? f 1 5 6 j 8 flp Y 7 "*" 1 JL5 2 3 i 5 6 f iUl ^ Tr FIG. 34. then i' is read off opposite to x'. On the other edges the slide rule carries two similar scales one double the size of the other (Fig. 34). We may write y = 2 log X and y = 2 log T. By means of a little frame carrying a crossline and sliding over the instrument, we can bring the scales x and T or t and X op- posite each other. If, for example, for any position of the instrument x, T and x', T' are two pairs of values opposite each other, then log x - 2 log T = log x' - 2 log 7", or x x If any three of the four quantities x, T, x', T' are known the fourth may be read off. Thus we find the value xT' 2 by setting T opposite to x and reading off the value opposite to T'. Or we can find the value of f-r by setting a; opposite to T and reading off the value opposite x'. GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF FUNCTIONS. 45 Let us reverse the part that carries the scales t, T so that x slides along T and X along t, but in the opposite order (Fig. 35). FIG. 35. The scales t, T may then be expressed by y = I log t and y = I 2 log T, I being the entire length of the scales. By setting the instrument to any position and considering the scales x and t or X and T by means of the cross line we have log x + log t = log x' + log t' and log X + log T = log X' + log T or xt = x't f and XT = XT, so that any two values opposite to one another have the same product. For x and T we have xT 2 = x'T' 2 . Let us apply this to find the root of an equation of the form w 3 + au = 6. Divide by u so that and set T = 1 opposite to X = 6. Then taking T = u we find on the same cross line t = v? and X = b/u, so that we read the two values w 2 and bfu directly opposite to each other on the scales t and X. If b/u is positive, it decreases while u 2 increases. 46 GRAPHICAL METHODS. Running our eye along we have to find the place where the differ- ence b/u u 2 is equal to a. Having found it the T-scale gives us the root of the equation. For example take u s - 5u = 3, or We set T = 1 opposite X = 3 and run our eye along the scales X and t (Fig. 36), to find the place where i - 5 = X. We find 2 TTT / ct or oc 8 OT6: 9 e s ? ' ' T p^- FIG. 36. it approximately at t = 6.2, and on the T-scale we read off T = 2.50 as the approximate value of the root. This is the only positive root. But for a negative root 3/w is negative, and therefore the positive value of 3/w plus w 2 would have to be equal to 5. We run our eye along and find t = 3.37 opposite to X = 1.63, approximately corresponding to T = 1.84. There- fore 1.84 is another root. As the coefficient of u 2 in the first form of the equations vanishes it follows that the sum of the three roots must be equal to zero. This demands a second negative root approximately equal to 0.66. To make sure that it is so, we set the instrument back and take the other end of the T-scale as representing the value T = 1 and give it the position this end had before. Running our eye along the scales X and t, we find t = 0.43 opposite to X = 4.57, giving X + t = 5.00. On the f-scale we find 0.655, so that the third root is found equal to 0.655. When b is negative there is always one and only one negative root. For u running through the values u = to oo, u 2 b/u will run from oo to + oo without turning. When b is positive there is always one and only one positive root; for then u? b/u GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF FUNCTIONS. 47 runs from oo to + oo for u = to + oo. In the first case there may be two positive roots or none; in the second case there may be two negative roots or none. For positive values of a one root only exists in either case. This is easily seen in the first form of the equation u z + au = b, because from a positive value of a it follows that u 3 + au will for M = oo to + oo, run from oo to + without turning and will therefore pass any given value once only. In order to decide whether in the case of a negative value of a there are three roots or only one let us write U? - = a. u For negative values of b we have to investigate whether there are positive roots. For positive values of u the function u?bfu has a minimum, when the differential coefficient vanishes, i. e., for Having set our slide rule so that t gives us w 2 and X gives us b/u, we find the value u where the minimum takes place by running our eye along and looking for the values X, t opposite each other for which X is twice the value of t 2t = X. Then t + X is the minimum of u z b/u, so that there will be two or no positive roots according to t + X being smaller or larger than a. For positive values of b, we have to find out whether there are negative roots. The criterion is the same. After having set T = 1 opposite to 6 and having found the 48 GRAPHICAL METHODS. positive root, we find the place where 2t= X. Then t + X is the minimum of all values that u z bfu assumes for negative values of u. If the minimum is smaller than a there are two negative roots; if it is larger there are none. If it is equal to a the two negative roots coincide. For the equation for instance, we find t = 1.31 opposite to X = 2.62 (Fig. 36), so that 2t = 2.62 = X. Now t + X = 3.93 is smaller than 5, therefore u 2 3/w will assume the value 5 for two negative values of u on either side of the value u = T = 1.143 for which the minimum of u 2 3/w takes place. On the same principle as the slide rule many other instruments may be constructed for various calculations. In all these cases we have for any position of the instrument /(*)- 0(0 =/(*') -0(O, where x, t are any readings of the two scales opposite each other and x't' the readings at any other place. f(x) and g(f) may be any functions of x and t. It will only be desirable that they be limited to intervals of x and t, which contain no turning points. Else the same point of the scale corresponds to more than one value of x or t and that will prevent a rapid reading of the instrument. Let us design an instrument for the calculation of the increase of capital at compound interest at a percentage from 2 per cent. upward. If x is the number of per cent, and t the number of years, the increase of capital at compound interest is in the pro- portion EEPRESENTATION OF FUNCTIONS. 49 We can evidently build an instrument for which For taking first the logarithm and then the logarithm of the logarithm, we obtain We have only to make the ar-scale y = + loglog(l + j^)- log log (l + and the 2-scale y = log n log t. For x = 2 we have y = and therefore in the normal position of the instrument t n. On the other end we have t = 1 and therefore y = log n. Now let us take n = 100, so that y = 2 for t = 1. Say the length of the instrument is to be about 24 cm., then the unit of length for the jr-scale would have to be 12 cm. In the normal position of the instrument the readings x, t opposite to each other satisfy the equation Opposite t = 1, we read the value x\ = 624 and this gives us A capital will increase in 100 years at two per cent, compound interest in the proportion 7.24 : 1. Or we may also say the number x\ = 624 read off opposite t = 1 is the amount which is added to a capital equal to 100 by double interest of 2 per cent. in 100 years. The same position of the instrument gives us the number of years that are wanted for the same increase of capital 5 50 GRAPHICAL METHODS. at a higher percentage. For all the values x, t opposite to each other satisfy the equation For any other given percentage x and any other given number of years t the increase of capital is found by setting x opposite to t and reading the z-scale opposite to t = 1. The only restric- tion is that the ratio is not greater than 7.24, else t = 1 will lie beyond the end of the or-scale. For a given increase of capital the instrument will enable us either to find the number of years if the percentage is given, or the percentage if the number of years is given, subject only to the restriction mentioned. We can build our instrument so as to include greater increases of capital by choosing a larger value of n. n = 1000, for in- stance, will make y = 3 for t = 1. If the instrument is not to be increased in size the scales would have to be reduced in the proportion 2 : 3. Let us consider another instance 1 1 1 In the normal position of the instrument the scale division marked x = D corresponds to y = and is opposite to t = n. If we have t = oo on the other end, the length of the instrument will correspond to y = 1/n. Let us choose n = 0.1, so that the length of the instrument is y = 10. That is to say, the unit of length of the y-scale is one tenth of the length of the instrument. For any position of the instrument we have -+---+- x + t~ x'^f If the scale division marked x = oo is opposite to t = c we can write x' = oo,t' = c and have GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF FUNCTIONS. 51 1 +- = -. X^ t C The instrument will therefore enable us to read off any one of the three quantities x, t, c, if the other two are given, the only restriction being that all three lie within the limits 0.1 to oo. The instrument may be used to determine the combined resistance of two parallel electrical re- sistances, for the resistances satisfy the equation - R,' FIG. 37. Similarly it may be used to calculate the distances of an object and its image from the principal planes of any given system of lenses. For if / is the focal length and x and t the distances of the object and its im- age from the corresponding principal planes (Fig. 37), the equa- tion is -+-- 1 - x + t f On the back side of the movable part of an ordinary slide rule there generally is a scale y = 2 + log sin t. When this part is turned round and the scale is brought into contact with the scale y = log x, we obtain for any position of the instrument log x log sin t = log x' log sin t', or x x' sin t sin t' ' for any two pairs of values x, t that are opposite each other. 52 GRAPHICAL METHODS. Given two sides of a triangle and the angle opposite the larger of the two the instrument gives at once the angle opposite the other side. Similarly when two angles and one side are given, it gives the length of the other side. If x' = a is the value opposite to t' = 90, we have x = a sin t. Thus we can read the position of any harmonic motion for any value of the phase. An instrument carrying the scales y log sin x and y = log sin t enables us to find any one of four angles x, t, x', t' for which sin x _ sin x' sin t sin t' if the other three are given. Thus, knowing the declination, hour angle and height of a celestial body, we can read the azimuth on the instrument. We have only to take x = 90 height, t = hour angle, x' = 90 declination, then t' = azimuth or 180 azimuth. It is not necessary to carry out the subtraction 90 height and 90 declination. The difference may be counted on the scale by imagining written in the place of 90, 10 in the place of 80 and so on and counting the partitions of the scale backwards instead of forward. 8. Rectangular Coordinates with Intervals of Varying Size. The two methods of representing the relation between two variables either by a curve connecting the coordinates or by scales facing each other lead to a combination of both. Suppose the rectangular coordinates x and y are functions of u and v, x = (u) and y = t(x). The function x = FIG. 38. 123 i 5 FIG. 39. to simplify the form of the curve. It is easily seen, for instance, that a curve representing an equation /(w, v) = may always be replaced by a straight line, if we choose the w-scale properly. For when the points u = 1, 2, 3, 4, of the curve are not on a straight line, let them be moved to a straight line without altering their ordinates (Fig. 39). This will change the w-scale but it will not alter the equation f(u, ) = now represented by the straight line. Suppose we want to represent the relation where a and 6 are given numbers. If u and v were ordinary rectangular coordinates the curve would be an ellipse. But if we make x = u 2 and v = v* 54 GRAPHICAL METHODS. the equation of the line in rectangular coordinates becomes and the curve will therefore be a straight line running from a point on the positive axis of x to a point on the positive axis of y. The point on the axis of x corresponds to the value u = =*= a on the w-scale, and the point on the axis of y cor- responds to the value v = =t b on the r-scale (Fig. 40). Any point on the straight line corresponds to four combinations -j-w, +0; u, + v, u, v; u, v, be- cause x has the same values for opposite values of u We can read v as a function of 2.5 2 1.5 1 -J.-.L.O _* irf.a io rj FIG. 40. and y for opposite values of u or u as a function of v. If a second equation is given, we find the common solutions of the two equations by the intersection of the corresponding straight lines. Fig. 40 shows the solutions of the two equations 1 and * 2V 42 -I- 52 ~ approximately equal to u = =*= 1.2 and = 2.4. Another function much used in mathematical physics _ v = ae m * GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF FUNCTIONS. 55 may also be represented by a straight line by means of the same device. By making y log v, x = u 2 , we obtain where log v and log a are the natural logarithms of v and a. The i/-scale is laid off on the axis of x and the u-scale on the axis of y and we have to join the points u = 0, v = a and u = m, v = a/e. The point v = a/e is found by laying off the distance v = 1 to v = e from v = a downward (Fig. 41). We are not obliged to take the same units of length for x and y. FIG. 41. Suppose we had to find the constants a and m from two equa- tions and _o = ae ^' Our diagram would furnish two points corresponding to u\, vi and u%, TZ. The straight line joining these two points intersects the axis of ordinates at v = a and intersects the parallel through x = a/e to the axis of abscissae at u = m. 56 GRAPHICAL METHODS. In applied mathematics the problem would as a rule present itself in such a form that more than two pairs of values u, v would be given but all of them affected with errors of observation. The way to proceed would then be to plot the corresponding points and to draw a straight line through the points as best we can. A black thread stretched over the drawing may be used to advantage to find a straight line passing as close to the points as possible (Fig. 42). In several other cases the variables u and v are connected with the rectangular coordinates x and y by the functions x = log u and y = log v. 4 ' Fio. 43. "Logarithmic paper" prepared with parallel lines for equidistant values of u and lines perpendicular to these for equidistant values of v is manufactured commercially (Fig. 43). By this device diagrams representing the relation u r v* = c, where r, s, c are constants are given by straight lines. For by taking the logarithm we obtain rx + sy = log c. The straight line connects the point u = e 1/r on the w-scale with the point v = c l/t on the fl-scale. Logarithmic paper is further used to advantage in all those GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF FUNCTIONS. 57 cases where a variety of relations between the variables u and v are considered that differ only in u and v being changed in some constant proportion. If u and v were plotted as rectangular coordinates the curves representing the different relations be- tween u and v might all be generated from one of them by altering the scale of the abscissae and independently the scale of the ordi- nates, so that the appearance of all these curves would be very different. Let us write M ) = o, as the equation of one of the curves. The equations of all the rest may then be written where a, b are any positive constants. The points u, v of the first curve lead to the points on one of the other curves by taking u a times as great and v b times as great. For if we write u' = au and v' = bu the equation f(u, v) = leads to the equation between u' and v': Using logarithmic paper the diagram of all these curves be- comes very much simpler. The equation /(w, v) = is equivalent to a certain equation . Now let x', y' be the rectangular coordinates corresponding to u', v' so that x' log u' = log u + log a = x + log a, y' = log v' = log v + log 6 = y + log b. The point x', y' is reached from the point x, y by advancing through a fixed distance log a in the direction of the axis of x and a fixed distance log b in the direction of the axis of y. The whole curve f(u, v) = 58 GKAPHICAL METHODS. drawn on logarithmic paper is therefore identical with all the It can be made to coincide with any one of the curves by moving it along the directions of x and y. 9. Functions of Two Independent Variables. When a func- tion of one variable y = f(x) is represented by a curve, the values of x are laid off on the axis of x and the values of y are represented by lines perpendicular to the axis of x. In a similar way a function of two independent variables * = /(*, y} may be represented by plotting x and y as rectangular coordinates and erecting lines perpendicular to the xy plane, in all the points x, y, where f(x, y) is defined and making the lengths of the perpendiculars proportional to 2. In this way the function corresponds to a surface in space* Now there are practical difficulties in working with surfaces in space and therefore it appears desirable to use other methods, that enable us to represent functions of two independent variables on a plane. This may be done in the following way. Taking x, y as rectangular coordinates all the points for which f(x, y) has the same value form a curve in the xy plane. Let us suppose a number of these curves drawn and marked with the value of f(x, y}. If the different values of f(x, y) are chosen sufficiently close, so that the curves lie sufficiently close in the part of the xy plane that our drawing comprises, we are not only able to state the value of f(x, y} at any point on one of the drawn curves, but we are also able to interpolate with a certain degree of accuracy the value of f(x, y} at a point between two of the curves. As a rule it will be convenient to choose equidistant values of f(x, y) to facilitate the interpolation of the values between. The curves may be regarded as the perpendicular projection of certain curves on the surface in space, the inter- GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF FUNCTIONS. 59 sections of the surface by equidistant planes parallel to the xy plane. The method is the generalization of the scale-representation of a function of one variable. For a relation between t and x represented by a curve with t as ordinate and x as abscissa, is transformed into a scale representation by perpendicularly projecting certain points of the curve onto the axis of x, the intersections of the curve by equidistant lines parallel to the axis of x and marking them with the value of t. A scale division in the case of a function of one variable corresponds to a curve in the case of a function of two independent variables. This method of representing a function of two independent variables by a plane drawing or we might also say of representing a surface in space by a plane drawing, is used by naval architects to render the form of a ship and by surveyors to render the form of the earth's surface and by engineers generally. Let us apply the method to a problem of pure mathematics. The equation q- -p?_ -i. 3 + pz + q = defines z as a function of p and q. Let us represent this function by taking p and q as rectangular coordinates and drawing the lines for equidistant values of z. For any constant value of z we have a linear equation between the variables p and q, and therefore it is represented by a straight line. This line intersects the parallels p = 1 and p = 1 at the points q = z 3 z and q = z 3 + z. Let us calculate these values for z = 0; 0.1; 0.2 1.3 and in this way draw the lines corresponding to these values of z as far as they lie in a square comprising the values p = 1 to + 1 and q = 1 to + 1. Fig. 44 shows the result. On this diagram we can at once rsad the roots of any equation of the third degree of the form z 3 + pz + q = 0, where p and q lie within the limits 1 to + 1. For p = 0.4 and 60 GRAPHICAL METHODS. q 0.2, for instance, we read z = 0.37, interpolating the value of z according to the position of the point between the lines z = 0.3 and z = 0.4. We also see that there is only one real root, for there is only one straight line passing through the point. -1.3 0.3 FIG. 44. On the left side of the square there is a triangular-shaped region where the straight lines cross each other. To each point within this region corresponds an equation with three real roots. For example, at the point p= 0.8 and q = + 0.2 we read z = 1.00; + 0.28; + 0.72. On the border of this region two roots coincide. For values of p and q beyond the limits 1 to + 1 the diagram may also be used. We only have to introduce z' = z/ra instead of z and to choose m sufficiently large. Instead of z 3 + pz + q = GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF FUNCTIONS. 61 we obtain mV 3 + pmz' + q = 0, or dividing by m 3 , where *'-& '- By choosing a sufficiently large value of m, p' and g' can be made to lie within the limits 1 to -+- 1 so that the roots z' may be read on the diagram. Multiplying them by m we obtain the roots z of the given equation. A function of two independent variables need not be expressed in an explicit form, but may be given in the form of an equa- tion between three variables g(u, 0, w} = 0, and we may consider any two of them as independent and the third as a function of the two. The graphical representation may sometimes be greatly facilitated by modifying the method described before. The curves for constant values of one of the three variables, say w, are not plotted by taking u and v as rectangular coordinates, but they are plotted after introducing new variables x and y, x a function of u and y a function of v and making x and y the rectangular coordinates. In some cases, for instance, we can succeed by a right choice of the functions x = any function of u and \f/ any function of v. For introducing 62 GRAPHICAL METHODS. * = (u), y = t(v) the equation will become ax + by + c = 0, where a, b, c are constants for any constant value of w. As an example let us consider the relation between the true solar time, the height of the sun over the horizon, and the declina- tion of the sun for a place of given latitude. Instead of the declination of the sun we might also substitute the time of the year, as the time of the year is determined by the declination of the sun. Our object then is to make a diagram for a place of given latitude from which for any time of the year and any height of the sun the true solar time may be read. In the spherical triangle formed by the zenith Z, the north pole P (if we sup- pose the place to be on the northern hemisphere) and the sun S (Fig. 45), the sides are the complements of the decli- nation 6, the height h, and the latitude cos 5 cos t. The latitude

5) for equidistant values of

-scale and w-scale (Fig. 47). If we move the transparent material without turning it and make the first two lines intersect the u-and-v scale at given points, the w-scale will be intersected at the point corresponding to the value of w. This method has the advantage 1 That is to say, the moment when the center of the sun would be seen on the horizon, if there were no atmospherical refraction. To take account of the refraction, the line h = 0.6 would have to be considered instead of h = 0. FIG. 47. GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF FUNCTIONS. 65 that we can use the same paper for a great many relations of three variables, as we can place a great many scales side by side. Or, in the case of one relation only, we may divide the region of the values u, v, w into a number of smaller regions and draw three scales for each of them, placing all the w-scales or ^-scales or w/'-scales side by side. The drawing will then have the same accuracy as a drawing of very much larger size in which there is only one scale for each of the three variables. 10. Depiction of One Plane on Another Plane. Let us now consider two quantities x and y each as a function of two other quantities u and v x = (u, v) = a and \l/(u, v) = b, in the uv plane. If in a certain region of the uv plane, that we consider, they intersect only once there is only one point in the region of the uv plane considered and one point in the xy plane corresponding to each other. Fig. 48 shows the depiction of part of the uv plane on part of the xy plane. We have a net of square-shaped meshes in the xy plane and corresponding is a net of curvilinear meshes in the uv plane. Let us consider the curves x = const, in the uv plane as the perpendicular projections of curves of equal height on a surface extended over that part of the uv plane. From any point P of the surface corresponding to the values u, v we proceed an iro.7 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 FIG. 48. infinitely small distance, u changing to u -f- du, v to v + dv and x to x + <&c, where 7 dv> , , d

49> the direction of y being on the same side of the direction of x throughout the whole region (Fig.49) It will be useful to look at it from another point of view. Let us consider a point A in the uv plane corresponding to the values u, v and let us increase u and v by infinitely small positive amounts du and dv, so that we get four points ABCD, forming a rectangle corresponding to the coordinates. A : u, v, B : u + du, v; C : u, v -f- dv; D : u -f- du, v + dv. In the xy plane these points are depicted in the points A, B, C, D, the intersections of two curves u and u + du with two curves v and v + dv (Fig. 50). The projections of the line AB in the xy plane on the axes of coordinates are obtained by calculating the changes of x and y for a constant value of v and a change du in the value of u 70 GRAPHICAL METHODS. Similarly the projections of AC are obtained by calculating the changes of x and y for a constant value of u and a change dv in the value of V , d. In the xy plane we find the corresponding points A and D with coordinates (Fig. 51). 72 GRAPHICAL METHODS. ^ . x = v&v + terms of higher order, Ay = faAu + faAv + terms of higher order. Au Fio. 61. The length of AD and the angle of its direction we denote by Ar and a in the uv plane and by A* and X in the xy plane. The limit of the ratio A*/Ar, to which it tends, when D approaches A without changing the direction AD is the scale of depiction at the point A in the direction AD. Writing AM = Ar cos a, Az> = Ar sin a, we obtain Aa: = ( u cos a +

M cos a + < sin a, ds . T" sin X = ^ u cos a -{- \f/ v sin a. These equations show the scale of depiction ds/dr corresponding to the different directions X in the x, y-plane and a in the u, v- plane. By introducing complex numbers we can show the connection still better. Let us denote dx dy . ds x< 2 -j- + -r 1 = T e *, dr r dr dr Zl = Vu + tui, 22 = * + &0. Multiplying the second of the two equations by i and adding both they may be written as one equation in the complex form: 2 = Zi cos a -f- Zz sin a. The modulus of z is the scale of depiction of the wo plane at the point A in the direction a. The angle of z gives the direction in the xy plane corresponding to the direction a. For a = we have z = Zi and for a = 90, z = 22. Let us substitute COS a 2 2t and write 2 ' so that the expression for z becomes 74 GRAPHICAL METHODS. z = ae ai + be~ ai . This suggests a simple geometrical construction of the complex numbers z for different values of a. The term ae ai is represented by the points of a circle described by turning the line that represents the complex number a round the origin through the angles a=Q- -2ir. The term be~ ai is represented by the points of a circle described by turning the line that represents b round the ori- gin in the opposite direction through the angles a = - 2ir (Fig. 52). The addition of the two complex numbers jijg 62 ae ^ i an d be ai for any value of a is easily performed. The points corresponding to the complex numbers z describe an ellipse, whose two princi- pal axes bisect the angles between a and b. This is easily seen by writing a = ne (au + tui, Zz = v + iM, this would mean that (f> u \f/ v

u cos a + v sin a, ds dy - = -7- = ^u cos a + ^ c sm a. At the point A we have Assuming that the gradients at A do not vanish, so that we can write

line, while 3/0 determines the point of intersection of the line AO with the y-line. A curve may be given by an equation ai(u}x + bi(u)y + ci(u) = 0, in which ai(u), bi(u}, c\(u) are functions of a variable u. Any value of u furnishes the equation of a certain point and as u changes the point describes the curve. Let us suppose the curve drawn and a scale marked on it giving the values of u in certain intervals sufficiently close to interpolate the values of u be- tween them. Two other curves are in the same way given by the equations 02(20* + bz(v)y + <%(*) = 0, (w) = 0, and scales on these curves mark the values of v and w. Now we are enabled to formulate the condition which must be satisfied by the values u, v, w in order that the three corresponding points lie in one straight line. If x and y are the line coordinates of the line passing through the three points, x and y must satisfy all three equations simultaneously. Consequently the determinant of the three equations must vanish &iC 3 ) + as(biC 2 6ad) = 0, and, vice versa, if the equation between u, v, w may be brought GHAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF FUNCTIONS. 8S into this form where a\, bi, c\ are any functions of u, 02, b%, GZ any functions of v and a$, 63, c$ any functions of w, we can form the equations a\x+ hy + ci = 0, d2X + Ihy + cz = 0, + c 3 = 0, and represent them graphically by curves carrying scales for u, v, w. The relation between u, v, w is then equivalent to the condition that the corresponding points on the three curves lie on a straight line. But it must be remembered that only a restricted class of relations can be brought into the required form, so that the method cannot be applied to any given relation. The equation of a point ax + by -f- c = remains of the same form, when the units of length are changed for x and y. If x' denotes the number measuring the same length as the number x but in another unit, the two numbers must have a constant ratio equal to the inverse ratio of the two units. There- fore, by changing -the units independently, we have x = \x', y = py', and the equation of the point may be written d\x f + buy' + c = 0, or a'x' + b'y' + c = 0, where a' = Xa and b' nb. It is sometimes convenient to define the line coordinates ir another way. Let and 77 denote rectangular coordinates measured in the same unit, then the equation of a straight line can be written 77 = tg

or the opposite direction

, x + y = log w are satisfied simultaneously by the same values of x and y, that is to say, that the three points on the u, v, w scales corresponding to the values pf u, v, w lie on the same straight line x, y. The more general relation where a. and /3 are any given values, can be treated in the same manner. Thus the pressure and volume of a gas undergoing adiabatic changes may be represented. In this case we have pv k = w, where p denotes the pressure, v the volume and k and w con- stants. For a given gas k has a given value, but w depends on the quantity of the gas considered. We write x = log p, y = log v. The relation then takes the form x + ky = log w, and represents a point which may be con- structed by the intersection of any two i straight lines x, y, whose coordinates sat- isfy the equation, for instance and x = log w, y = 1 =, y = GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF FUNCTIONS. 93 +0.5 +1.0 +0.5 The first line connects the point B (Fig. 66) with the scale division p = w of the p scale and the second line connects the point A with the scale division of the v scale for which y = k log w. A perpendicular from the point of intersection on AB meets it in 0' and as the ratio AO'/O'B is equal to the ratio of the seg- ments on the p and v scales log w/k log w = l/k it is inde- pendent of w. All the points corresponding to different val- ues of w lie on the same par- allel to the p and v scales and the w scale may be obtained by a central projection of the p scale on this parallel from the center B (Fig. 66). We might dispense with the con- struction of the w scale as long as the straight line for the w scale is drawn. For in using the diagram we gener- ally start with values po, VQ and want to find other values p, v, for which pv k = poi)o k . FlG - 67 - The straight line connecting the scale divisions p and v intersects the w scale at the same point as the straight line connecting the scale divisions p and v , so that we need not know the value of poVo k . It suffices to mark the point of intersection in order to find the value of p, when v is given or the value of v when p is given. Another example is furnished by the equation -1.0 -1.5 -0.5 -LO -1.5 -2.0 94 GRAPHICAL METHODS. If we regard x and y as line coordinates any value of w determines the equation of a point. We plot the curve formed by these points with a scale on it indicating the corresponding values of w. Any values of x and y determine a straight line whose inter- sections with the w scale furnish the roots of the equation. Each point of the w scale may be constructed by the intersection of two straight lines, whose coordinates x, y satisfy the equation, for instance x = 0, y = it? . and x = w, y = O. 1 In Fig. 67 the w scale is shown for the positive values w = to w = 2.5. In the same manner a diagram for the solution of the cubic equation w* + xw + y = 0. or of any equation of the form w* -f xw* + y = may be constructed. 12. Relations between Four Variables. The method can be generalized for relations between four variables. Suppose four variables u, v, w, t are connected by the equation g(u, v, w, t) = 0, and let us assume that for any particular value t = t the resulting relation between u, v, w can be given by a diagram of the form considered consisting of three curves carrying scales for u, v and w. Let us further suppose that for other values of t the scales for u and v remain the same, but the scale for w changes. Then we shall have a set of w scales corresponding to different values of t. Connecting the points that correspond to the same value of w we obtain a network of curves t = const, and w = const. (Fig. 68). Any two values u, v furnish a straight line intersecting 1 For small values of w, this combination is not good because the angle of intersection is small. One might substitute x = 2, y = V? 2w for the first line. GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF FUNCTIONS. 95 the network of curves. The points of intersection correspond to values of t and w that satisfy the given relation. Any relation of the form v(u)f(t, w) + t(v)g(t, w) + h(t, w) = may be represented in this way, sin h x cos ^ cos h. We shall in this case use the second system of line coordinates where x is the slope of the line measured by the tangent of the angle formed with the axis of abscissas and y is the ordinate of the intersection with the axis of ordinates. If , ij denote the rectangular coordinates of the point, the equation of the points takes the form n = x + y or y = 17 x, so that in our case we have = cos

= const, and h = const, can be drawn by means of these formulas. It is easily seen that they are ellipses and that the curves

+ h and

sin 8 + cos cos 8 cos t. Substituting these values we find sin 8 = sin 2

cos 8 we finally obtain tg 6 = tg cos t ctg a. COS

a. The method is just as well applic- able to the continuation of the integral curve for x < a. The E, FIG. 74. H I steps have only to be drawn from right to left. The lower limit a determines the point where the integral curve intersects the axis of x. There is a method for the construction of the vertical parts of the steps, which may in some cases be useful, though as a rule we may dispense with it and fix their position by estimation. Suppose that A and B (Fig. 75) are two points where the curve is intersected by the horizontal parts of two consecutive steps and that the curve between A and B is a parabola whose axis is parallel to the axis of x. The position of the vertical part of the step between A and B can be then found by a simple construction. Through the center C of the chord AB (Fig. 75) draw a parallel CD to the axis of x, D being the point of inter- section with the parabola. The vertical part EH of the step in- tersects CD in a point whose distance from C is twice the distance FIG. 75. DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS 107 from D. That this is the right position of EH is shown as soon as we can prove that the area AD EGA is equal to the rectangle EHBG. The area ADGBA can be divided in two parts, the tri- angle ABG and the part ADBCA between the curve and the chord. The triangle is equal to the rectangle FIBG, whileADBCA is equal to two thirds of the parallelogram MNBA, and hence equal to the rectangle EH IF. Both together are therefore equal to the rectangle EHBG, and the two areas between the stepping line and the curve on both sides of EH are thus equal. If the curve between A and B is sup- posed to be a parabola with its axis par- allel to the axis of ordinates the con- struction has to be modified a little. Through the center C of the chord AB (Fig. 76) draw a vertical line CD as far as the parabola. On CD find the point K whose distance from C is double the distance from D and draw through it a parallel to the chord AB. This parallel intersects a horizontal line through C at a point L. Then EH must pass through L. This may be shown in the following way. The area between the parabola ADB and the chord AB is equal to two thirds of the parallelogram MNBA, MN being the tan- gent to the parabola at the point D. If D' is the point of inter- section of NN and the horizontal line through C, we have evi- dently CL = f CD'. Therefore the rectangle EHIF is equal to the area ADB A be- tween the parabola and the chord and EHBG is equal to ADGBA. Any part of a curve can be approximated by the arc of a parabola with sufficient accuracy if the part to be approximated is sufficiently small. When the direction of the curve is nowhere parallel to the axis of coordinates, both kinds of parabolas may be used for approximation, those whose axes are parallel to the axis of x and those whose axes are parallel to the axis of y. But FIG. 78. 108 GRAPHICAL METHODS. when the direction in one of the points is horizontal (Fig. 76), we can only use those with vertical axes and when the direction in one of the points is vertical we can only use those with hori- zontal axes. Accordingly we have to use either of the two con- structions to find the position of the vertical part of the step. Do not draw your steps too small. For, although the difference between the broken line and the integral curve becomes smaller, the drawing is liable to an accumulation of small errors owing to the considerable number of corners of the broken line and little errors of drawing committed at the corners. Only practical ex- perience enables one to find the size best adapted to the method. Statical moments of areas may be found by a double graphical integration. Let us consider the area between the curve y = /(*) (Fig. 77), the axis of x and the ordinates corresponding to x = and x = . The statical moment with respect to the vertical through x = is the integral of the products of each element ydx and its distance x from the vertical Fio. 77. Let us regard M as a function of and differentiate it: = + jf ydx. That is to say, a graphical integration of the curve y = f(x~) beginning at x = furnishes the curve whose ordinate is DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 109 Hence a second integration of this latter curve will furnish the curve M as a function of . As M vanishes for = the second integration must also begin at the abscissa x = 0. , FIG. 78. Fig. 78 shows an example. Each ordinate of the curve found by the second integration is the statical moment of the area on the left side of it with respect to the vertical through this same ordinate. The ordinate furthest to the right is the statical moment of the whole area with respect to the vertical on the right. The statical moment of the whole area with respect to a vertical line through any point x\ is the integral J^ (ari - x)ydx. Considered as a function of xi its differential coefficient is t J K fe-. That is to say, the differential coefficient is independent of Xi, hence the statical moment is represented by a straight line. As its differential coefficient is represented by a horizontal line through the last point on the right of the curve >* 110 GRAPHICAL METHODS. the direction of the straight line is found by drawing a line through P and through the point of intersection Q of the hori- zontal line and the axis of ordinates (Fig. 78). The position of the straight line is then determined by the condition that r (xi - x)ydx for 0-1= | is equal to the statical moment - x}ydx. We have therefore only to draw a parallel to PQ through the last point R of the curve for M(i-) found by the second integration. The ordinates of this straight line for any abscissa a'i represent the values of measured in the unit of length of the ordinates. The point of intersection E with the axis of x determines the position of the vertical in regard to which the statical moment is zero, that is to say, the vertical through the center of gravity. The moment of inertia of the area about the axis x = is found in a similar way. It is exoressed by the integral Considered as a function of we find by differentiation - x)ydx. DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS. Ill That is to say, the differential coefficient is equal to double the statical moment about the same axis. This holds for every value of . Hence we obtain %T as a function of by integrating the curve for 3f (). For = we have T = 0, so that the curve begins on the axis of x at = 0, The integral '"yd* is zero for x = a. The curve representing the integral has to intersect the axis of x at x = a (admitting values of x > a and x < a), and it is there that we begin the construction of the broken line. If instead we begin it at the point x = a, y = c, the only difference is that the whole integral curve is shifted parallel to the axis of ordinates by an amount equal to c upwards if c is positive, downwards if it is negative. But the form of the curve remains the same. It is different when this curve is integrated a second time. For instead of f' * ydx we now integrate ydx + c. r The ordinate of the integral curve is therefore changed by an amount equal to c(x a) and besides if the second integral curve is begun at x = a, y = c\ instead of x = a, y = the change amounts to c(x a) + ci, so that the difference between the ordinates of the new integral curve and the ordinates of the straight line y = c(x a) + ci is equal to the ordinates of the first integral curve (Fig. 79). This effect of adding a linear function to the ordinates of the integral curve is also attained by shifting the pole P upward or 112 GRAPHICAL METHODS. downward. For it evidently comes to the same thing whether the curve to be integrated is shifted upward by the amount c or whether the point P is moved downward by the same amount, so that the relative position of P and the curve to be integrated is the same as before. Changing the ordinate of P by c adds ' fff(x)dxdx ' "" FIG. 79. c(x a) to the ordinates of the integral curve. c(x a) is the ordinate of a straight line parallel to the straight line from the new position of P to the origin. By this device of shifting the position of P upward or down- ward the integral curve may sometimes be kept within the boundaries of the drawing without any reduction of the scale of ordinates. A good rule is to choose the ordinate of P about equal to the mean ordinate of the curve to be integrated. The ordinates of the integral curve will then be nearly the same at both ends. The value of the integral f ydx is equal to the difference between the ordinates of the integral curve and the ordinates of a straight line parallel to PO through the point of the integral curve whose abscissa is a. DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 113 When the ordinate of P is accurately equal to the mean ordinate of the curve to be integrated for the interval x = a to b the ordinates of the integral curve will be accurately the same at the two ends. But we do not know the mean ordinate before having integrated the curve. After having integrated we find the mean ordinate for the interval x = a to 6 by drawing a straight line through P parallel to the chord AB of the integral curve, A and B belonging to the abscissas x=a and x=b. This line intersects the axis of ordi- nates at a point whose ordinate is the mean ordinate. Suppose a beam AB is sup- ported at both ends and loaded by a load distributed over the beam as indicated by Fig. 80. That is to say, the load on dx is measured by the area ydx. Let us integrate this curve graph- ically, beginning at the point A with P on the line AB. The final ordinate at B f. ydx gives the whole load and is therefore equal to the sum of the two reactions at A and B that equilibrate the load. Integrating this curve again we obtain the curve whose ordinate is equal to Y being written for (* ydx J The ordinate of this curve at any point x = represents the statical moment of the load between the verticals x = a and x = about the axis x = . Its final ordinate BM, Fig. 81, is the moment of the whole load about the point B, and as the reac- tions equilibrate the load it must be equal to the moment of the 114 GRAPHICAL METHODS. reactions about the same point and therefore opposite to the moment of the reaction at A about B. If the reaction at A is denoted by F a we therefore have F a (b - a) = C Ydx. That is to say, F a is equal to the mean ordinate of the curve F = in the interval x = a to 6. The mean ordinate is found by drawing a parallel to AM through P which intersects the vertical through A at the point F so that AF = F a . As DB is equal to FIG. 81. the sum of the two reactions a horizontal line through F will divide BD into the two parts BG = F a and GD = F*. Shifting the position of P to P' on the horizontal line FG and repeating the integration f Jo, Ydx, we obtain a curve with equal ordinates at both ends. If we begin at A it must end in B. Its ordinates are equal to the difference between the ordinates of the chord AM and the curve AM (Fig. 81), and represent the moment about any point of DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 115 the beam of all the forces on one side of the point (load and reaction). The area of a closed curve may be found by integrating over the whole boundary. Suppose x = a and x = b t6 be the limits of the abscissas of the closed curve, the vertical x = a touching the curve at A and the vertical x = b at B (Fig. 82). By A and B the closed curve is cut in two, both parts connecting A and B. Let us denote the upper part by y = f\(x) and the lower part by y = fz(x). The whole area is then equal to the difference FIG. 82. jT ftWdx - f*(x)dx, or equal to We begin the integral curve. over the upper part at the vertical x = a at a point E, the ordinate of which is arbitrary, and draw the broken line as far as F on the vertical x = b (Fig. 82). Then we integrate back again over the lower part, continuing the broken line from F to G. The line EG measured in the unit of length set down for the ordinates is equal to the area measured in units of area, this unit being a rectangle formed by PO and the unit of ordinates. That is to say, the area is equal to the area of a rectangle whose sides are PO and EG. 116 GRAPHICAL METHODS. The method is not limited to the case drawn in Fig. 82, where the closed curve intersects any vertical not more than twice. A more complicated case is shown in Fig. 83. But in all those cases FIQ. 83. where the object is not to find the integral curve but only to find the value of the last ordinate the method, cannot claim to be of much use, because it cannot compete with the planimeter. FIQ. 84. For the construction of the broken line we have drawn the steps in such a manner that the areas on both sides of the vertical part of a step between the curve and the stepping line are equal. DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 117 It would have also been admissible to construct the stepping line in such a way that the areas on both sides of the horizontal part of a step are equal (Fig. 84). Only the broken line would consist of a series of chords instead of a series of tangents of the integral curve. The points K a , K b , , where the horizontal parts of the steps intersect the curve would determine the ab- scissas of the points of the integral curve, where its direction is parallel to the direction of the broken line. But this forms very little help for drawing the integral curve. That is the reason why the former method where the broken line consists of a series of tangents is to be preferred. However where the object is only to find the last ordinate of the integral curve the two methods are equivalent. 14. Graphical Differentiation. The graphical differentiation of a function represented by a curve is not so satisfactory as the graphical integration because the values of the differential coefficient are generally not very well defined by the curve. The operation consists in drawing tangents to the given curve and drawing parallels through P to the tangents (Fig. 85). The points of in- tersection of these parallels with the axis of ordinates fur- nish the ordinates of the curve representing the derivative. The abscissa to each ordinate coincides with the abscissa of the point of contact of the corresponding tangent. The principal difficulty is to draw the tangent correctly. As a rule it can be recommended to draw a tangent of a given direction and then mark its point of contact instead of trying to draw the tangent for a given point of contact. A method of finding the point of contact more accurately than by mere inspection consists in drawing a number of chords parallel to the tangent and to FIG. 85. 118 GRAPHICAL METHODS. bisect them. The points of bisection form a curve that inter- sects the given curve at the point of contact (Fig. 86). When a number of tangents are drawn, their points of contact marked and the points representing the differential coefficient constructed, the derivative curve has to be drawn through these points. This may be done more accur- ately by means of the stepping line. The horizontal parts of the steps pass through the points while the vertical parts lie in the same vertical as the point of intersection of two consecutive tangents. The derivative curve connects the points in such a way that the areas between it and the stepping line are equal on both sides of the vertical parts of each step. Thus the result of the graphical differentiation is exactly the same Fia. 87. figure that we get by integration, only the operations are carried out in the inverse order. A change of the distance PO (Fig. 87) changes the ordinates of the derivative curve in the same proportion and for the same reason that it changes the ordinates of the integral curve when we DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 119 are integrating, but in the inverse ratio. Any change of the or- dinate of P only shifts the curve up or down by an equal amount, so that if we at the same time change the axis of x and draw it through the new position of P the ordinates of the curve will remain the same and will represent the differential coefficient. When a function f(x, y) of two variables is given by a diagram showing the curves f(x, y) = const, for equidistant values of f(x, y) the partial differential coefficients can be found at any point X Q , 2/0 by means of drawing curves whose ordinates represent f(x, yo) to the abscissa x orf(x Q , y) to the abscissa y and applying the methods explained above. For this purpose a parallel is drawn to the axis of x, for instance, through the point X Q , y and at the points where it intersects the curves /(or, y) = const, ordinates are erected representing the values of f(x, y ) in any convenient scale. A smooth curve is then drawn though the points so found and the tangent of the curve at the point XQ furnishes the differential coefficient df/dx for x = XQ, y = y . The differential coefficients df/dx, df/dy are best represented graphically by a straight line starting from the point x, y to which the differential coefficients correspond, and of such length and direction that its orthogonal projections on the axis of x and y are equal to df/dx and df/dy. This line represents the gradient of the function f(x, y) at the point x, y. 1 It is normal to the curve f(x, y) = const, that passes through the point x, y, its direction being the direction of steepest ascent. Its length measures the slope of the surface z = f(x, y) in the direction of steepest ascent. This is shown by considering the slope in any other direction. Let us change x and y by r cos a, r sin a and consider the corresponding change Az = f(x + r cos a,y+r sin a) f(x, y) of the function. By Taylor's theorem we can write it 1 See Chap. II, 10. 120 GRAPHICAL METHODS. r cos a + r sin a. + terms of higher order in r, ox oy a is the direction from the point x, y to the new point x -\- r cos a, t/ + r sin a and r is the distance of the two points. Dividing Az by r and letting r approach to zero we find AS a/ . a/ . hm = cos a + sin a. r dx By This expression measures the slope of the surface z = f(xy] in the direction a. Now let us introduce the length / and the angle X of the gradient, and write ~ = I cos X. ~ = I sin X. dx dy Then we have cos a + sin a = I cos (a X). dx dy That is to say, the slope in any direction a is proportional to cos (a X), it is a maximum in the direction of the gradient (a = X) and zero in a direction perpendicular to it and negative in all directions that form an obtuse angle with it. When all three coordinates are measured in the same unit, the length of I measured in this unft is equal to the tangent of the angle of steepest ascent. Hence the length of the gradient varies with the unit of length. When the unit of length in which the values of f(xy) are plotted is kept unaltered, while we change the unit of length corresponding to the values x and y, the length of the gradient varies with the square of the unit of length. 15. Differential Equations of the First Order. In the problem of solving a differential equation of the first order by graphical methods the first question is how to represent the differential equation graphically. If x and y are meant to be the values of rectangular coordinates, the geometrical meaning DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 121 of the differential equation is that at every point x, y, where f(x, y} is defined, the equation prescribes a certain direction for the curve that satisfies it. Let us suppose curves drawn through all those points for which f(x, y) has certain constant values. Each curve then corresponds to a certain direction or the opposite direction. Let us distinguish the curves by different numbers or letters and let us draw a pencil of rays together with the curves and mark the rays with the same numbers or letters in such a way that each of them shows the direction corresponding to the FIG. 88. curve marked with that particular number or letter (Fig. 88). Our drawing of course only comprises a certain region in which we propose to find the curves satisfying the differential equation. It may be that f(xy) is defined beyond the boundaries of our drawing. Those regions have to be dealt with separately. The graphical representation of the differential equation in the region considered consists in the correspondence between the curves and the rays. It is important to observe that this representation is independent of the system of coordinates by means of which we have deduced the curves from the equation 122 GRAPHICAL METHODS. We can now introduce any system of coordinates , 77 and find from our drawing the equation that is to say, we can find the value of (, 77) for all the points , 77 corresponding to that particular ray. In this respect the graphical representation of a differential equation is superior to the analytical form, in which certain coordinates are used and the transformation to another system of coordinates requires a certain amount of calculation. Now let us try to find the curve through a given point P on the curve marked (a) (Fig. 88) that satisfies the differential equa- tion. We begin by drawing a series of tangents of a curve that is meant to be a first approximation. Through P we draw a parallel to the ray (a) as far as the point Q somewhere in the middle between the curves (a) and (6). Through Q we draw a parallel to the ray (6) as far as R somewhere in the middle between the curves (&) and (c). Through R we again draw a parallel to the ray (c) and so on. The curve touching this broken line at the points of intersection with the curves (a), (6), is a first approximation. But we need not draw this curve. In order to find a better approximation we introduce a rectangular system of coordinates x, y, laying the axis of x some- what in the mean direction of the broken line. Let us denote by i/i the function of x that corresponds to the curve forming the first approximation. The second approximation y z is then ob- tained as an integral curve of f(x, y\}, that is, of dyi/dx DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 123 I J x denoting by x p , y p , the coordinates of P. For this purpose the curve whose ordi nates are equal to f(x, yi) or dyi/dx has to be con- structed first. The values of f(x, yi) are found immediately at the points where the first approximation intersects the curve (a), (6) by differentiation in the way described above. A line is drawn through the center of the pencil of rays parallel to the axis of x and a line perpendicular to it at a convenient dis- tance from the center. This distance is chosen as the unit of length. The points of intersection of this line with the rays de- termine segments whose lengths are equal to the values of f(x, yi) on the corresponding curves. These values are plotted as ordi- nates to the abscissas of the points where the first approximation intersects the curves (a), (6), and a curve is drawn (Fig. 88). This curve is integrated graphically begin- ning at the point P and the integral curve is a second approxi- mation. Again we need not draw the curve. The broken line suffices, if we intend to construct a third approximation. In this case we have to repeat the foregoing operation. This can now be performed much quicker than in the first case because the values of f(x, y) on the curves (a), (6), have already been constructed and are at our disposal. In order to find the curve we have only to shift the same ordinates to new abscissas and make these coincide with the abscissas of the points where the second approximation intersects the curves (a), (6), . The curve is then drawn and integrated graphically, beginning at the point P. 124 GRAPHICAL METHODS. Suppose now the integral curve did not differ from the second approximation, it would mean that 2/2 = y P + J f(x,y 2 )dx, or that that is to say, that y z satisfies the differential equation. If there is a perceptible difference the integral curve represents a third approximation. It has been shown by Picard that pro- ceeding in this way we find the approximations (under a certain condition to be discussed presently) converging to the true solu- tion of the differential equation, so that after a certain number of operations the error of the approximation must become imperceptible. Denoting by y n the function of the nth approximation we have 2/n+i = y P + I f(x, yn)dx. y. The true solution w r ith the same initial conditions y = y p for x = Xp satisfies the equation c x y = yp + I /fo y}- Hence y n+1 - y = J [f(x, y n ) - f(x, y)]dx, or Let us now suppose that the absolute value of f(x, y n ) f(x, y) yn-y for all the values of x, y, y n within the considered region does DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 125 not surpass a certain limit M, then it follows that a certain relation must exist between the maximum error of y n , which we denote by e n and the maximum error of y n +i, which we denote by e n +i* The absolute value of the integral not being larger than ( | x x n | denoting the absolute value of x x n } we have e n +i ^ M | x x n | e n . Hence as long as the distance x x n over which the integration is performed is so small that M | X - X n | ^ k < 1, k being a constant smaller than one, the error of y n+ i cannot be larger than a certain fraction of the maximum error of y n . But in the same way it follows that the error of y n cannot be larger than the same fraction of the maximum error of y n -i, and so on, so that e n+ i ke n k z e n -i kei. But as ei is a constant and k a constant smaller than one, k n ei must be as small as we please for a sufficient large value of n. That is to say, the approximations converge to the true solution. M being a given constant the condition of convergence M | x - x p | < k < 1 limits the extent of our integration in the direction of the axis of x. But it does not limit our progress. From any point P r that we have reached with sufficient accuracy we can make a fresh start, choosing a new axis of x suited to the new situation. As a rule it does not pay to trouble about the value of M and to try to find the extent of the convergence by the help of this value. The actual construction of the approximations will show clearly enough how far to extend the integration. As far as two consecu- tive approximations show no difference they represent the true curve. 126 GRAPHICAL METHODS. Suppose that has the same sign for all values x, y, y n concerned. Say it is negative. Suppose further that y n y is of the same sign for the whole extent of the integration that is to say, the approximative curve y n is all on one side of the true curve. Then if x x p is positive, y n n ~ y must evidently be of the opposite sign from y n y, or the approximative curve y n+ i is all on the other side of the true curve from y n . For these and all following approximations the true curve must lie between two consecutive approximations. If the first approximation y is all on one side of the true curve the theorem holds for any two consecutive approximations. This is very convenient for the esti- mation of the error. In Fig. 88 y - y is negative from the point P as far as somewhere near S. The first approximation is all on the upper side of the true curve. Therefore the second approximation must be below the true curve at least as far as somewhere near S. When the sign is positive the same theorem holds for negative values of x x p . If the integration has been performed in the positive direction of x, it may be a good plan to check the result by integrating backwards, starting from a point that has been reached and to try if the curve gets back to the first starting point. In this direction we profit from the advantage of the true curve lying between consecutive approximations and are better able to estimate the accuracy of our drawing. We have seen that the convergence depends on the maximum DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 127 absolute value of f(x, y n ) f(x, y) y n - y for all values of x, y, y n concerned. In order to find the maximum value we may as well consider for all values of x, y within the region considered. For if we assume df/dy to be a continuous function of y, it follows that the quotient of differences y n - y must be equal to df/dy taken for the same value of x and a value of y between y and y n . This is immediately seen by plotting f(x, y) as ordinate to the abscissa y for a fixed value of x. The value of the quotient of differences is determined by the slope of the chord between the two points of abscissas y and y n . The slope of the chord is equal to the slope of the curve at a certain point between the ends of the chord. The value of df/dy at this point is equal to the value of yn y Now let us consider how the coordinate system may be chosen in order to make df/dy as small as possible and thus obtain the best convergence. For this purpose let us investigate how the value of df/dy changes at a certain point, when the system of coordinates is changed. Let us start with a given system of rectangular coordinates , 77 with which the differential equation is written The direction of the curve satisfying the differential equation 128 GRAPHICAL METHODS. forms a certain angle a with the positive axis of determined by tg a = f$ = ^' ^ (assuming the coordinates to be measured in the same unit). Now let us introduce a new system of rectangular coordinates x, y connected with the system , rj by the equations x = % cos co + TJ sin co, y = sin co -f- T/ cos co, which are equivalent to = x cos co y sin co, 77 = x sin co + y cos cc, co being the angle between the positive direction of x and the positive direction of , counted from towards x in the usual way. The angle formed by the direction of the curve with the positive direction of the axis of x is a co, and therefore g=tg (a -co) =/(*,(, 17) = const. It is no restriction to assume the value of da/drj positive; it only means that the direction of the positive axis of t] is chosen FIG. 89. in the direction of the gradient. Let us draw the line AB (Fig. 89) in the direction of the positive axis of and of the same length as the gradient. In order to show the values of df/dy for the different positions of the axis of x let us lay off the value of dffdy as an abscissa. For instance for co = or, df/dy assumes the value da cos a. dr, The abscissa corresponding to this value is AB' (Fig. 10 ), the 130 GRAPHICAL METHODS. orthogonal projection of AB on the axis of x. For any other position AC (Fig. 89) corresponding to some other value of to, we find da/dri cos to by orthogonal projection of AB on AC. Then the division by cos (a to) furnishes AC' and a second division by cos (a to) leads to AC. Thus a certain curve can be constructed whose polar coordinates are r = df/dy and to, the equation in polar coordinates being da cos to .. da r 5-7 r- or [r cos (or to)l z = r cos to. drj COS 2 (a to) drj In rectangular coordinates , y the equation assumes the form (cos a + sin arj) 2 = . This shows that the equation is a parabola, the axis of which is perpendicular to the direction a. AB' is a chord and the gradient FIG. 90. AG is a tangent of the parabola. Bisecting AB' in E, drawing EK perpendicular to AB' as far as the axis of 77 and bisecting EK in D, we find D the apex of the parabola. The three points A,B',D together with the gradient will suffice to give us an idea of the size and sign of df/dy for the different positions of the positive axis of x. DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 131 df/dy vanishes when the axis of x is perpendicular to the curve a = const., so that it seems as if this were the most favorable position. We must, however, bear in mind that the axis of x is kept unaltered for a certain interval of integration. When we pass on to other points the axis of x is no longer perpendicular to the curve a = const, there. The position of the axis of x is good when the average value of df/dy is small. In Fig. 90 the parabolas are constructed for a number of points on the first approximation of a curve satisfying the differential equation. If we want to make use of the parabolas to give us the numerical values of df/dy the unit of length must also be marked in which the coordinates are measured. The numerical value of df/dy varies as the unit of length and therefore the length of the line representing it must vary as the square of the unit of length. But if we draw a line whose length measured in the same unit is equal to -TTTT > this line would be independent of the unit of length. For if I is the line representing the unit of length and I', I" the lines representing the values df/dy and would be the ratio l'/l and T- the ratio I" /I; hence I" = P/l'. Since I' varies as P with the change of the unit of length I" is independent of the unit of length. This line I" represents the limit beyond which the product becomes greater than 1. If df/dy remained the same this would mean the limit beyond which the convergence of the process of approximation ceases. We might lay off the length of TTT- in the different directions in the same way as df/dy has been laid off. The result is a curve corresponding, point by point, to the parabola, the image of the parabola according to the relation of reciprocal radii. But all these preparations .as a rule would not 132 GRAPHICAL METHODS. pay. It is better to attack the integration at once with an axis of x somewhat perpendicular to the curves a = const, as long as the direction of the curve forms a considerable angle with the curve a = const, and to lose no time in troubling about the very best position. The convergence w r ill show itself, w T hen the operations are carried out. When the angle between the direction of the curve that satisfies the differential equation and the curve a = const, becomes small the apex of the parabola moves far away and when the direction coincides with that of the curve a = const, the parabola degenerates into two parallel lines per- pendicular to the direction of the curve a. = const. In this case the best position for the axis of x is in the direction of the curve a const. Without going into any detailed investigation about the best position of the axis of x we can establish the general rule not to make the axis of x perpendicular to the direction of the curve satisfying the differential equation, that is to say, not to make it parallel to the axis of the parabola. But we hardly need pronounce this rule. In practice it would enforce its own observ- ance, because for that position of the axis of x not only df/dy but also f(x, y) are infinite and it would become impossible to plot the curve Y = f(x, y\). There is another graphical method of integrating a differential equation of the first order which in some cases may well compete with the first method. Like the first it is the analogue of a certain numerical method. The numerical method starts from given values x, y and cal- culates the change of y corresponding to a certain small change of x. Let h be the change of x and k the change of y, so that x + h, y + k are the coordinates of a point on the curve satisfying the differential equation and passing through the point x, y. k is calculated in the following manner. We calculate in succession four values ki, k 2 , k 3 , & 4 by the following equations DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 133 fa = f(z, y)h, fa = fa = flx + 2>y + ^jh, fa=f(x+h,y+fa)h. We then form the arithmetical means fa fa + fa and *"~~~ and find with a high degree of approximation as long as h is not too large k = p+$(q- p). 1 The new values X = x+h, Y=y + k are then substituted for x and y and in the same way the coordi- nates of a third point are calculated and so on. This calculation may be performed graphically in a profitable manner, if the function f(x, y) is represented in a way suited to FIG. 91. 1 See W. Kutta, Zeitschrift fur Malhematik und Physik, Vol. 46, p. 443. 134 GRAPHICAL METHODS. the purpose. Let us suppose a number of equidistant parallels to the axis of ordinates : x = XQ, x = x\, x = x 2 , x = x%, Along these lines f(x, y) is a function of y. Let us lay off the values of f(x, y) as ordinates to the abscissa y, the axis of y being taken as the axis of abscissas. We thus obtain a number of curves representing the functions f(x , y), /(ar lf y), f(xz, y), Starting from a point A(x , y Q } on the first vertical x = X Q (Fig. 91) we proceed to a point B : on the vertical x = x 2 in the following way. By drawing a horizontal line through A we find the point A' on the curve representing f(x , y). Its ordinate is equal to f(x , i/o). Projecting the point A' onto the axis of x we find A" and draw the line PA". P is a point on the negative side of the 2/-axis and PO is equal to the unit of length by which the lines representing f(x, y) are measured. Thus OA"IPO = f(x Q , 2/ ). Now we draw ABi perpendicular to PA", so that if h and /,'i denote the differences of the coordinates of A and B, we have kjh = OA"/PO, h = f(x Q , yo)h. From Ci the point of intersection of the line AE\ and the vertical x = x\ we find C\ and C\" in the same way as we found A' and A" from A, only that C\ is taken in the curve representing the values of f(xi, y}, and draw the line AB 2 perpendicular to PC\". Denoting the difference of the ordinates of A and B 2 by A- 2 we have h Od" h = -po = or From Cz the point of intersection of the line AB% and the vertical x = x\ we find in the same way a point B$ on the vertical DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 135 x = x 2 and the difference & 3 between the ordinate of B 3 and that of A is From j? 3 we pass horizontally to B 3 ' on the curve representing f(x 2 y) and vertically down to J5 3 ". The line AB is then drawn perpendicular to PB 3 ", so that the difference & 4 between the ordinates of B^ and A is The bisection of #2^3 and of -Z?il?4 gives us the points E\ and 2 and the point B is taken between EI and 2, so that its distance from "1 is half its distance from 2 . The point B is with a high degree of approximation a point of the curve that passes through A and satisfies the differential equation. B is then taken as a new point of departure instead of A, and in this manner a series of points of the curve are found. In order to get an idea of the accuracy attained the distance of the vertical lines is altered. For instance, we may leave out the verticals x = x\ and x = x 3 , and reach the point on the vertical x = x^ in one step instead of two. The error of this point should then be about sixteen times as large as the error on the same vertical reached by two steps, so that the error of the latter should be about one-fifteenth of the distance of the two. If their distance is not appreciable the smaller steps are evidently unnecessarily small. The values of f(x, y) may become so large that an incon- veniently small unit of length must be applied to plot them. In this case x and y have to change parts and the differential equation is written in the form dx 1 dy f(x, y) ' The values of l/f(x, y) are then plotted for equidistant values of 136 GRAPHICAL METHODS. y as ordinates to the abscissa x and the constructions are changed accordingly. 16. Differential Equations of the Second and Higher Orders. Differential equations of the second order may be written in the form 'dx' Let us introduce the radius of curvature instead of the second differential coefficient. Suppose we pass along a curve that satisfies the equation and the direction of our motion is deter- mined by the angle a it forms with the positive axis of x (counted in the usual way from the positive axis of x through ninety degrees to the positive axis of y and so on), s being the length of the curve counted from a certain point from which we start. We then have dy dx y- = tg a, -j- COS a. dx ds Consequently d 2 y _ 1 da 1 da dx 2 cos 2 a dx cos 3 a ds ' or da d*y T -** da/ds measures the "curvature," the rate of change of direction as we pass along the curve, counted positive when the change takes place to the side of greater values of a (if the positive axis of x is drawn to the right and the positive axis of y upwards a positive value of da/ds means that the path turns to the left). Let us count the radius of curvature with the same sign as da/ds and let us denote it by p. Then we have - = cos 3 a/(z, y,tg). Thus the differential equation of the second order may be said to give the radius of curvature as a function of x, y, a, that is to say, as a function of place and direction. DIFFERENTIAL AND IXTEGEAL CALCULUS. 137 Let us assume that this function of three variables is repre- sented by a diagram, so that the length and sign of p may quickly be obtained for any point and any direction. Starting from any given point in any given direction we can then approximate the curve satisfying the differential equation by a series of circular arcs. Let A (Fig. 92) be the starting point. We make M a A perpendicular to the given direction and equal to p in length. For positive values of p, M a must be on the positive side of the given direction, for negative values on the negative side. M a is the center of curvature for the curve at A. With M a as center and M a A as radius we draw a circular arc AB and draw the line BM a . On this line or on its production we mark the . point M b at a distance from B equal to the value of p that corresponds to B and to the direction in which the p^,. 92 . circular arc reaches B. With 3/ b as center and MiB as radius we draw a circular arc BC and so on. The true curve changes its radius of curvature continuously, while our approximation changes it abruptly at the points A, B, C, - - . The smaller the circular arcs the less will accu- rately-drawn circular arcs deviate from the curve. But it must be kept in mind that small errors cannot be avoided, when passing from one arc to the next. Hence, if the arcs are taken very small so that their number for a given length of curve increases unduly, the accuracy will not be greater than with somewhat longer arcs. The best length cannot well be defined mathematically; it must be left to the experience of the draughts- man. Some advantage may be gained by letting the centers and the radii of the circular arcs deviate from the stated values. The circular arc AB (Fig. 92) is evidently drawn with too small a radius because the radius of the curve increases towards B. If 138 GRAPHICAL METHODS. we had taken the radius equal to M b B it would have been too large. A better approximation is evidently obtained by making the radius of the first circular arc equal to the mean of M a A and M b B, and the direction with which it reaches B will also be closer to the right direction. To facilitate the plotting an instrument may be used consisting of a flat ruler with a hole on one end for a pencil or a capillary tube or any other device for tracing a line. A straight line with a scale is marked along the middle of the ruler and a little tripod of sewing needles is placed with one foot on the line and two feet on the paper. Thus the pencil traces a circular arc. When the radius is changed, the ruler is held in its position by pressing it against the paper until the tripod is moved to a new position. By this device the pencil must continue its path in exactly the same direction, while with the use of ordinary com- passes it is not easy to avoid a slight break in the curve at the joint of two circular arcs. Another method consists in a generalization of the method for the graphical solution of a differential equation of the first order. A differential equation of the second order may be written in the form of two simultaneous equations of the first order: dy _ ^L ty dx~ Z ' Let us consider the more general form, in which the differential coefficients of two functions y, z of x are given as functions of x, y, z: I -MM. DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 139 ~ = g(x,y,z). We may interpret x, y, z as the coordinates of a point in space and the differential equation as a law establishing a certain direction or the opposite at every point in space where f(x, y, 2) and g(x, y, 2) are defined. A curve in space satisfies the dif- ferential equation, when it never deviates from the prescribed direction. Its projection in the xy plane represents the function y and its projection in the xz plane represents the function z. Let us represent y and z as ordinates and x as abscissa in the same plane with the same system of coordinates. Any point in FIG. space is represented by two points with the same abscissa. The functions f(x, y, z) and g(x, y, z) we suppose to be given either by diagrams or by certain methods of construction or calculation. For any point that we have to deal with, the values of f(x, y, 2) and g(x, y, 2) are plotted as ordinates to the abscissa x, but for clearness sake not in the same system of coordinates as y and 2, but in another system with the same axis of ordinates and an axis of x parallel to the first and removed far enough so that the drawings in the two systems do not interfere with one another. 140 GRAPHICAL METHODS. Starting from a certain point P(x p , y p , z p ) in space we represent it by the two points PI(X P , y p } and PZ(X P , z p ) in the first system and the values of f(x p , y p , z p ) and g(x p , y p , z p ) by the two points AI and AZ in the second system of coordinates (Fig. 93). The points AI and AZ determine certain directions MA\, and MAz' of the curves x, y and x, z, the point M (Fig. 93) being placed at a distance from the axis of ordinates equal to the unit of length by which the ordinates representing f(x, y, z) and g(x, y, z) are measured. Through PI and P 2 we draw parallels to MAi and MAz as far as Qi and Qz with the coordinates x q , y q and x q , z q . With these coordinates the values f(x q , y q , z q ) and g(x q , y q , z q ) are determined, which we represent by the ordinates of the points BI, Bz. These points again determine certain directions parallel to which the lines QiRi and QzRz are drawn, etc. In this manner we find first approximations y\ and Zi for the functions y and z and corresponding to these approximations we find curves representing f(x, yi, Zi) and g(x, y\, Zi). These curves are now integrated graphically, the integral curve of f(x, yi, zO beginning at PI and the integral curve of g(x, y\, Zi) at P 2 and lead to second approximations y z and ZQ ' = y P + I f(x, yi, zjdx J *P = z p + I g(x, yi* *i)d " For these second approximations the values of f(x, y^, Za) and g(x, y^, %z) are determined at a number of points along the curves x, 7/2 and x, Zz sufficiently close to construct the curves representing f(x, yz, Zi) and g(x, y 2 , Zz). By their integration a third approxi- mation 2/3, Zs is obtained 2/3 = y P + I f(x, yz, *2)dx, JX P = z p + I g(x, yz, zz)dx, r DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 141 and so on as long as a deviation of an approximation from the one before can still be detected. As soon as there is no deviation for a certain distance x x p the curve represents the true solu- tion (as far as the accuracy of the drawing goes). The curve is continued by taking its last point as a new starting point for a similar operation. The distance over which the integral is taken can in general not surpass a certain limit where the convergence of the approxi- mations ceases. But we are free to make it as small as we please and accordingly increase the number of operations to reach a given distance. It is evidently not economical to make it too small. On the contrary, we shall choose it as large as possible without unduly increasing the number of approximations. In the case of a differential equation j?-f (**:, we have f(x, y, z) = z, and the curve z, x is identical with the curve representing the values of f(x, y, z). We shall therefore draw it only once. The proof of the convergence of the approximations is almost the same as in the case of the differential equation of the first order. For the n + 1 st approximation we have y n+l = y p + J f(x, y n , z n )dx; z n+ i = z p + J g(x, y n , z n }dx. For the true curve that passes through the point x p , y p , z p we find by integration y hence r f(x, y, z)dx\ z = z p + I g(x, y, z)dx; Jr f y n +i - y = I [f(x, Vn, z) - f(x, y, z)]dx; " x p' z n+ i - z = J [g(x, y n , z n ) - g(x, y, z)]dx. 142 GRAPHICAL METHODS. Now let us write -, , f( s f(x - /(*, y n , z n } - f(x, y, z) = - yn y f(x, y, z n ) - f(x, y, z) _ z n z and similarly g(x, y n , z n ) *4 = /(a: + A, y+ 3, 2 + ^s)A; k = flf(ar + A, y + h, z + I 3 )h; h + h k, + h , k + k h + k P = 2 ' q = 2 ; P = 2 ' q = 2 ' and with a high degree of approximation, These calculations may be performed graphically. For this purpose the functions f(x, y, z) and g(x, y, z) must be given in some handy form. We notice that in our formulas the first argument assumes the values x, x + A/2, x + h. In the next step where x -\- h, y -{- k, z -\- I are the coordinates of the starting point that play the same part that x, y, z played in the first step, we are free to make the change of the first argument the same as in the first step, so that in the formulas of the second step it assumes the values x + h, x + f A, x + 2h and so on for the following steps. All the values of the first argument can thus be assumed equidistant. Let us denote these equidistant values by .TO, xi, x 2 , x 3 , The values of f(x, y, z) and g(x, y, z) appear in all our formulas only for the constant values X = X , Xi, X 2 , For each of these constants / and g are functions of two inde- pendent variables and as such may be represented graphically DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 145 by drawings giving the curves / = const, and g = const., each value of x corresponding to a separate drawing. These drawings we must consider as the graphical form in which the differential equations are given. It may of course sometimes be very tire- some to translate the analytical form of a differential equation into a graphical form, but this trouble ought not to be laid to the account of the graphical method. The method now is similar to that used for the differential equation of the first order, y and z are plotted as ordinates in the same system in which x is the abscissa. Equidistant parallels to the axis of ordinates are drawn x = etc. x = x\, x On the first x = XQ we mark two points with ordinates yo and ZQ, and from the drawing that gives the values of f(xo, y, z) and Fia. 94. g(x , y, z) as functions of' y and z we read the values f(x , y , z ) and gfa, y , z ) and draw the lines from x , y , and x , z to the points 2, yo + h and z 2 , z + h. The intersections of these lines with the parallel x = x\ furnishes the points 11 146 GKAPHICAL METHODS. , xi, 2/o + -^ and With these ordinates we find from the second drawing the values .( ,h k\ ( ,h ,k\ f [ xi, yo + 2", 2 + 2 ) and I *i 2/o + -j , *o + 2 ) > and by their help we can draw the lines from XQ, yo and XQ, ZQ to the points and The intersections of these lines with the line x = xi furnishes the points *i, yo + ^ and ari, z + 2 > and with these ordinates we find the values ./ ,fc . 4\ / , fe / I *i, 2/o + ^-, 2 H- g ) , f7 1 a-i, 2/o + -^ , which enable us to draw the lines from XQ, yo and XQ, ZQ to Xz, yo + h and a%, Z Q + 1 3 . With these two ordinates we find from the third diagram (a; = #2) the values /(a&, yo + ^3, 20 rf 4) and gfa, y + Ar 3 , z + 4), which finally enable us to draw the lines from x yo and a-oZo to %, yo + h and x 2 , z + ^4. On the vertical line x Xz we thus obtain four points, BI, B 2 , B 3 , #4, corresponding to y + ki, y + fa, yo + k 3 , y + A: 4 and four points, BI, B 2 ', B 3 ', B*, corresponding to z + li, ZQ + k, zo + k, 20 + k (Fig. 94). 5 2 5 3 and 5iB 4 are bisected by the points d and C 2 ; 5 2 '5 3 ' and Bi'Bt by the points d', C 2 '. Finally dC 2 and Ci'C 2 are divided into three equal parts and the points B and E' are found in the dividing points nearest to Ci and C\. The same construction is then repeated with B and B' as starting points and furnishes two new points on the vertical DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 147 x = 0-4 and so on. To test the accuracy the construction is repeated with intervals of x of double the size. The difference in the values of y and of 2 found for x = x^ enables us to estimate the errors of the first construction they are about one-fifteenth of the observed differences. Both methods are without difficulty generalized for the integra- tion of differential equations of any order. We can write a differential equation of the nth order in the form or in the form of n simultaneous equations of the first order dx dt = Xl > dx, fa f(t, X, A more general and more symmetrical form is dx - = fi(t, x, xi, - z n _i), The functions x, Xi, a&, a:_i are then represented as ordinates to the abscissa i, so that we have n different curves. When the function f(t, x, xi, Xz, - x^i) is given in a handy form, so that 148 GRAPHICAL METHODS. its value may be quickly found for any given values of t, x, x\, - Zn_i, there is no difficulty in constructing n curves whose ordinates represent the functions x, xi, Xz, - x n -i. Starting from given values of t, x, xi, x%, x n -i we have only to apply the same methods that have been explained for the first and the second order. 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