LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. I Class PO UTR V LYRICAL, NARRATIVE, AND SATIRICAL OF T TT E C 1 V I L W A SELECTED AND EDITED BY RICHARD GRANT WHITE NEW YORK THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY 111) & 121 NASSAU STKEEX 1866 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1866, by THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, in the Clerk s Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. PKEFACE. JT is generally true that great events do not inspire great poems. Upon the Reformation, the Cromwellian Rebellion, the French Rev olution, our own War of Independence, nothing im portant and enduring has been written in verse. Bar low s " Columbiad " is a fair type of the poetry pro duced upon such subjects. There is little hope for a poem, if the poet trusts for the interest of his work to the dignity of his theme. To the poet pertains the power of elevating his subject ; nay, the very essence of his poetry is in that elevation, in his adding him self to his subject The choice of a great event as the theme for a poem is unwise, because the poet can- hardly fail to fall short of the mental elevation pro duced by the relation of such an event in simple prose. He will find himself compelled to assume the position of a decorator rather than that of a_creatox.; and his decorations will only call attention to their littleness and the grandeur of the reality to which they have been appended. The " Iliad," and the " Gerusalemme Liberata," are not exceptions to this rule ; and the Paradise Lost" may be one only in seeming. It 224130 IV PREFACE. was no mere poetical formula, that prayer of Milton s that he might have strength to rise to the height of bis great argument; and with all the beauty and no bility of thought and sustained power in his chief epic, another generation must pass ere it can be safely said that the fame which he owes to the criticism of the Queen Anne school of literature will endure in its present proportions, and that he did indeed soar high enough to be above his theme. And unless he did so, the chief merit of his poem is not in its poetry, which is his, but in the facts narrated in it, which he derived from others. " The Iliad " is a marked instance of the power of a poet s genius to aggrandize the subject of his song. The bloody strife between the chiefs of a few petty semi-barbarous tribes about a wanton woman have been made by the genius of Homer to assume such dignity and pro portion that for centuries they have filled the minds of men as the ideal of great and martial enterprise ; and two little streams that would hardly more than turn a village mill, and which are associated with no event or function so important to mankind, (unlike the Jordan or the Rubicon, for instance,) have a place in the world s memory unequalled by that of rivers that have fertilized half a continent, and have been for centuries the highways of commerce and the chan nels of civilization. But although great poems are rarely inspired by great events, in modern days the feelings of civilized PREFACE. v people in periods of national peril or great political excitement have generally found expression in verse, which has not only an historical value as a contempo rary record, but a peculiar and sometimes a very high value as poetical literature. The ballads and lyrical pieces that were written during the civil wars of our forefathers in England, during the Scotch civil wars, the British Revolution of 1G88, in France during the war of the Fronde, and during the great Revo lution and its successors, not only tell us of the act ors in those scenes, what they did, and how their souls were stirred by the events w r hich passed before them, but they have an intrinsic poetical charm which pertains to every elevated and skilful rhythmical ex pression of human experience or emotion. The strug gle which has just decided that the Anglo-American commonwealths lying between the Great Lakes arid -" the Gulf of Mexico form one republic and not thirty- six, or even two, and which, beginning in a deter mination on one side that slavery should be, and on the other that it should not be propagated, ended in the utter demolition of the original bone of contention, has been remarkably fruitful of what in the last gen eration was well styled occasional poetry. It was inevitable that it should be so, from the education of the people who were the actors in the strife, from their general ability, not only to write and read, but to express themselves with readiness, and from their acquaintance with the rich poetical literature of their vi PREFACE. mother tongue. And as in no other war that ever was fought were there among the actual combatants, the rank and file, and among their mothers, wives, and daughters, so many persons capable of writing, so of no other war are there such voluminous con temporary records, in verse as well as in prose, writ ten by those who could say, with Virgil s hero, that, either in action or in suffering, they were part of what they told. From as much of the mass thus produced as I could gather for examination, I have selected for this volume all that appeared worthy of preservation on any account. In the making of this selection poet ical merit has not been the only consideration. Verses which celebrated at all worthily, or with spirit, any important event in the war, which expressed truthfully any mood of popular feeling, or which em bodied any type of character, whether enduring or the transitory creation of the circumstances of the day, have been deemed peculiarly fit for this collection, al though merely for their intrinsic excellence they might not be worthy of permanent preservation. No poem of conspicuous worth elicited by the war will be found lacking in these pages ; but some of moderate merit have been omitted in favor of others of no greater po etical value, because from their subject, or from their embodiment of character or revelation of feeling, the latter presented claims not found in the former. Nor have I been at all fastidious as to the quarter in which PREFACE. vii I looked for this poetry, or as to the subjects of the verses. In the formation of a volume which aims to be a poetical reflex of the mind of a whole people under the excitement of a war lasting four years, fastidious ness in these respects would be much out of place. I have looked through the street ballads as well as the monthly magazines, and have taken as readily what was printed upon a broadside, or written for negro minstrels, as what came from Bryant, Longfellow, Lowell, or Boker. Consequently there may be found among these poems pieces which some readers will pronounce decidedly vulgar, and others which will be thought objectionable by other readers because of the views they express on public affairs, or of their esti mates of public characters. As to the question of vul garity, that I shall leave to be settled by the genteel people who may be offended ; as to the other point, I will only say that this collection would not have been worthy of the attention which I hope, it may receive, if it did not contain somewhat of which I cannot ap prove myself. For example, I have read all that I could discover of the war-poetry written by the con federated enemies of my government, and have pre served here all that in the most catholic spirit I deemed of any intrinsic merit or incidental interest. It was my original purpose to embody this with the substance of the volume, giving each piece its place in the order of time ; but finding so little of this poetry which possessed any kind of interest, instead viii PREFACE. of scattering it sparsely through the collection, I have put it by itself in an appendix. The secessionists fought much better than they wrote ; and it is worthy of remark that the best poem on their side, " The Confederate Flag," was published in a New York newspaper, " The Freeman s, Journal." When they next fight, may it be long ere then, and may we stand together ! they will fight as well, and write better, and in a better cause. Aside, moreover, from the sen timent which they express or their poetical merits, there is undoubtedly a quality in certain songs which insures popularity, and which seems to be a certain rhythm, or lilt, which seizes upon the memory and bewitches without always pleasing the ear ; and I have not passed over compositions of which this was the only merit. It may be that some people com placently thought, as they listened to that nonsensical farrago, " Old John Brown," that here was proof that " the great popular heart of this country beat in unison the impulses of humanity toward universal freedom." But the truth was that the alternate jig and swing of the air caused it to stick in the unedu cated ear as burrs stick to a blackberry girl. Evi dence of this appears in the fact that the song, already unheard and passing rapidly into oblivion with us, is now just as popular in London as it ever was here. The " Pall Mall Gazette " of October 14th, 1865, tells us that " the street boys of London," not, it may perhaps be safely assumed, from views of broad philanthropy PREFACE. ix have decided in its favor against " My Maryland," and " The Bonnie Blue Flag." The " Gazette " goes on to say that " the great Federal war-song [meaning Old "John Brown ] is the favorite of the people, of " those who sing in the highways. The somewhat " lugubrious refrain Glory, glory, hallelujah ! " has excited their admiration to a wonderful degree, "and almost threatens to extinguish that hard-worked, "exquisite eifort of modern minstrelsy, Slap Bang. " The slight flavor of blasphemy which Old John " Brown contains does not apparently give any offence " to the popular appetite, rather the contrary effect " is observable." When neither patriotic nor party feeling is involved, and the question is between Glory Hallelujah ! and Slap Bang ! and the doxology carries the day, we need be in no doubt as to the reason for the preference. The poetry elicited by any civil war is found either to relate the events of the war or the acts of person ages more or less distinguished in it, and so to be in the nature of the ballad, to describe or celebrate some character or type individual brought by the war into prominence, to express the feelings of the par tisans, or to attack one side or the other with ridi cule and satire. Our civil war did not fail to produce poetical compositions having all these motives, although it was inevitable that in our case, as in others, many of them partook in such a marked degree of the characteristics of two classes that they could not with X PREFACE. propriety be assigned to either. Such is the first piece in this volume, " Brother Jonathan s Lament for Sister Caroline," in which Dr. Holmes gave ex pression to the feeling throughout the North on the passage of the so-called secession ordinance by South Carolina, and with certain foreknowledge told, not only the consequences of that act to our " wayward sister," but the spirit in which she would be received in her time of suffering and her sorrow, if riot her re pentance, such are " The Flag," by Mr. Woodman, " The Present Crisis," by Mr. Lowell, and " On the Hill before Centreville," which not only tells vividly the story of the battle of Bull Run, but puts in living lines the shame and the anguish which overwhelmed us upon hearing of the senseless panic which closed that battle ; although now, understanding the vicissi tudes of that day and knowing the fortunes of war better, we can hold up our heads while we talk of the behavior of our raw, peacefully-bred soldiers, even on that disastrous occasion. Such also is Mr. S ted man s " Wanted A Man," which embodies the mingled sickness of heart and suppressed wrath which, justly or unjustly, filled people s souls at the events of the battle summer of 1862. The poems by Mr. Long fellow and Mr. Boker upon the Unflinching contest of the Cumberland with her invulnerable assailant, and Lieutenant Brownell s " River Fight," and " Bay Fight," Mr. Whittier s " Barbara Fritchie," with many others in the collection, are almost purely narrative in PREFACE. xi character, and may be regarded as ballads. In some of them the simplicity of the narration and the men tion of the names of the actors give great vitality to the composition. This is particularly the case with " Barbara Fritchie," which is interesting no less for its portrait of Stonewall Jackson than for its celebration of its heroine, and its description of the stirring inci dent to which, as it has been told by Mr. Whit tier, she will owe an enduring fame. The rebel " Stone wall Jackson s Way " is a very spirited, and, it would seem, faithful piece of figure-painting somewhat of the same kind. And what an air of truth, and a pres ence of real flesh and blood, is given to Mr. Brownell s descriptions by his telling, with their deeds, the names of Admiral Farragut s subordinates, Craven and Drayton, Bell and Bailey, Kimberly, Marchand, and Strong, and Jouett, the mate of the flag-ship. In Mr. Bayard Taylor s " Chicago Surrender," written imme diately upon the adjournment of the Chicago Conven tion, we have a reflex of the feeling which the pro ceedings of that assembly excited throughout the Free States ; a feeling which, enduring in spite of all the claims of party interests, and the effect of party dis cipline, manifested itself in a manner unprecedented in the election which this convention assembled to carry. Therefore the presence of that poem in such a collection is insured in spite of a palpable plagia rism in the first stanza from Mr. Dickens, speaking in the person of his own creature, Elijah Pogram ; a xii PREFACE. slip the more surprising, even in this fugitive compo sition, as Mr. Taylor shows us his best points, sim plicity and manliness of style, when he is writing verse. In such pieces as Lieutenant De Forest s " In Louisiana, " we get clear glimpses of the country over which this great struggle raged for four long years ; and appearing in Mr. Whittier s " At Port Royal," and Mrs. Gray s " Fisherman of Beaufort," and one or two other pieces of lighter character, the negro, " causa teterrima hiijus belli" occupies his subordinate, though important place, upon the scene which his inherited captivity has deluged witli frater nal blood. Of the pictures of life and character in these poems a striking specimen is " The Brier- Wood Pipe," in which that singular worthy, the New York volunteer fireman, appears drawn to the life. This sketch is the more valuable because the subject of it has now vanished into the past ; his life having ended with, although not because of, the war, his behavior in which, in his collective capacity, did not justify all the expec tations of his friends. Other compositions of this kind are " Uncle Sam," and " The Bounty Jumper," both of which, even if the " Brier- Wood Pipe " escapes, will be voted exceedingly low by certain people. It would have been strange, indeed, if the position taken by the British Government and the bulk of the British governing classes toward our republic, as soon as it seemed to them that there was a fair chance, if PREFACE. xiii the rebellion were nursed, that we might be destroyed,* being, as it was, the mere supplement of two defeated attempts at oppression, and sixty years of continued insult, had not produced a feeling which sought ex pression in satire and invective. And here again Mr. Whittier and Mr. Lowell speak for their countrymen just as we would have them speak. The spirit which produced " Punch s Run from Manassas Junction " meets its proper rebuke in the address " To English men," and gets a Roland for its Oliver in Mr. Lowell s " Jonathan to John." But the " New Song to an Old Tune " tells the whole truth upon this subject. Our British cousins who continually speak as if the feeling which their conduct has awakened in this country * This is no supposition based upon a mere concurrence of events which might have been fortuitous. Halt this volume might be tilled with extracts from British newspapers, vituperating " the slaveholders " without measure, when it was thought that their rebellion was only strong enough to derange trade and hinder the export of cotton, and the pages of Punch (Britannia s rose-tinted mirror) will be found lull at this period of savage ridicule of the secessionists. But when it appeared that there really was a chance for the destruction of the great republic, how sudden and how shameless was the change ! One candid Briton, who has since seen the error of his ways, said to me, frankly. " There s no use lying about it and denying that we all felt a secret satisfaction at the possible destruction of a successful rebel against the British govern ment, and a great commercial and manufacturing rival." Arid Mr. Rosetti, a British painter and writer of repute, writing in the At lantic magazine upon British feeling in regard to our war, says: " The first of the four motives in question . . . and by far the most powerful of all: The English as a nation dislike the Americans as a nation. . . . The second is a natural, though assuredly not a laudable feeling, the residual soreness left by our defeat in the old American War of Independence." xiv PREFACE. were a new one, or at least had its source in the events of the present day, and as if what they call the Trent outrage were without a precedent, and also as if we were always eager for a quarrel with them, would do well to read the unpretending production of this anonymous parodist, and then take the little trouble that will be needful to discover, if they do not know already, the facts about this matter. Perhaps the most interesting of these little poems are those which express the feelings and emotions of the actors and sufferers in the struggle, and portray the various phases of our social and political life during those four years of eventful memory. The variety of these is very great, and their general faith fulness to fact very noteworthy. From Mr. Cutler s " Lullaby," so simple, so tender, and so true, that it seems hardly more than a literal record of what must have been sung in twilight hours by thousands of sad- hearted women in farmsteads and cities the country over, to Lieutenant Realf s " lo Triumphe ! " in which the whole nation s faith and hope, repentance and rejoicing, struggle into words that, in their alternate pause and rush, reflect the turbulence of the time, from the cry, in " The Potomac, 1861," of the girl bereaved of her lover, to the " Horatian Ode," in which Mr. Stoddard tells, in prolonged but well-sus tained quatrains, the style of which smacks rather of England in the first quarter of the seventeenth cen tury than of Rome in the first, a people s sober, deco- PREFACE. XV rous grief at the violent death of Abraham Lincoln, the gradation is full and perfect. No man, no woman, lacks a representative voice, and it would seem that no passing emotion, more than any abiding sentiment, fails of expression. How unexaggerated in all their strength most of these poems now are seen to be by us ! The writers seem to have found in their imagi nations the real facts, and in their fancies the words that most truthfully expressed them. Even the ter rible threat which closes General Lander s " Rhode Island to the South," and which might have been not without reason looked upon by a mere spectator of the struggle as a poetical hyperbole pushed to the verge of extravagance, proved to be hardly more than a literal announcement of what was to happen. And yet, striking as are such utterances (and there are others like this) of a determination to maintain the republic at whatever cost of life, there is throughout these compositions a notable absence of sanguinary or revengeful feeling, or even of hatred, a negative trait rendered the more remarkable by the single manifestation of that feeling among the many loyal pieces, and its frequent recurrence among the few written by rebel pens. Coming under this class, and yet having characteristic traits of their own, are the poems which paint the home life and the daily trials of the people that furnished the volunteer soldiers who did the fighting of this war. Such are " Driv ing Home the Cows," " A Woman s Waiting," " The xvi PREFACE. Song of the Camps," " After All," and " The Heart of the War." No painted picture, no long-drawn de scription, could give a more faithful and vivid por traiture of rural life in the Free States during the war than these compositions, and some others like them, scattered through this volume, most of them anonymous, and written for the columns of a news paper oi 1 a magazine by people who lived among the scenes which they describe. " Driving Home the Cows " might be called as faithful as a photograph, were it not that in addition to its faithfulness it tells a tale that can only be told by human lips, and em bodies a feeling that will only take form under the touch of human hands. It is noteworthy that the rebel poetry furnishes no corresponding pictures of life and character in whatever class. I have looked for them in vain. Whether we have reason to be proud or ashamed of the poetry produced by our civil war, most of it written by unpractised hands, it will be for each reader to decide for himself after perusal of this volume ; but this I may venture to say from knowledge, that these poems being arranged in the order of time, the book tells the story of the war like a rhymed chronicle. My thanks are due to the authors of many of the following poems for permission that they should ap pear in these pages. Some are printed without such permission, because I knew not where or how to address their authors, and others because they had PREFACE. xvii been already so often quoted as to be almost common property. My acknowledgments are also due to the proprietors of" Harpers Magazine," " Harpers Weekly Journal," and the " Atlantic Monthly " magazine, for permission to make selections from their pages ; and to those useful collections, Mr. Frank Moore s " Re bellion Record," and Littell s " Living Age," I am also indebted. Many of the compositions of those owned by their authors as well as of those which have remained anonymous I have been unable to trace to papers in which they first appeared. R. G. W. CONTENTS. Brother Jonathan s Lament for Sister Car- PA(IE oline Oliver Wendell Holmes 1 A Psalm of the Union Anonymous 2 God for our Native Land G. W. Bethune, D. D 4 The Flag Horatio Woodman 5 Apocalypse Clarence Hutler 7 The Massachusetts Line Robert Lowell 9 Our Country s Call William Cullen Bryant 11 United States National Anthem William Ross Wallace 13 The Seventh Fitzjames O Brien 14 South Carolina Gentleman Anonymous 17 Army Hymn Oliver Wendell Holmes 19 The Stars and Stripes James T. Fields 20 The Present Crisis James Russell Lowell 20 The Two Furrows C. II. Webb 23 Out in the Cold Lucy Lareom 25 Ho . Sons of the Puritan Anonymous 27 The Universal Cotton Gin Au. of the " Cotton States " 30 Upon the Hill before Centre ville George H. Boker 33 The Run from Manasses Junction Anonymous 43 The Brier- Wood Pipe Charles Dawson Shanly 46 Jonathan to John James Russell Lowell 49 A New Song to an Old Tune Anonymous 52 To Englishmen John Grcenleaf WUittier . . 53 The London Times 1 1 on American Affairs Anonymous 55 God Save John Bull R. G. W 57 The Potomac. 1861 Anonymous 58 " E/> Feste Burg Tst Unser Gott .... John G. Whittier 60 Jeff. Davis Sigma G2 Yankee Pride Brig. -General Lander 64 Pacific Macaronics Anonymous 65 John Brown s Song Anonymous (56 Battle Hymn of the Republic Mrs. Julia Ward Howe 68 The Nation s Hymn Anonymous 69 xx CONTENTS. PAGE " E Pluribus Unum " Rev. John Pierpont 71 United States National Hymn Jonathan 72 Union R. G. W 75 Overtures from Richmond FrancLs James Child 76 All ioe ask is to be Let Alone II. II. Brownell 79 Tardy Geor% P. Anon vmo us 81 The Cumberland Henry W . Longfellow 83 On Board the Cumberland George II. Boker 84 Marching Along William B. Bradbury JO A Yankee Soldier s Song Anonymous 91 The Irish Picket Barney 93 "Words that can be sung to the * Hallelu jah Chorus 1 1 II. If. Brownell 96 Lul aby Jefferson Cutler 97 The River Fight H. H. Brownell 98 The Ballad of the Crescent City Anonymous 108 New Orleans won back Robert Lowell 112 The Varuna George II. Boker 114 The Ntw Ballad of Lord Lovell Anonymous 115 Gineral Butler , Charity Grimes 117 Rhode Island to the. South Gen . F. VV. Lander 118 The Picket Guard Anonymous 119 The March of the Regiment II. H. Brownell 121 The Loyal Democrat A. J. II. Duganne 125 Three Hundred Thousand More Anonymous 127 The Day of God George S. Burleigh 128 The Battle Autumn of 1832 John G. Whittier 130 The Cripple at the Gate Anonymous 132 Wanted A Man Edmund C. Stcdman 134 Fredericksburgh \V.F.\V 13n My Maryland Anonymous 138 Boston Hymn Ralph Waldo Emerson 139 Treason s Last Device Edmund C. Stedman 142 Larry s Return from the War Will S. Hays 144 At Port Royal John Greenleaf Whittier . . 146 Left on the Battle Field Sarah T. Bolton 149 In Louisiana J- W. De Forest 151 Song of New England Spring Birds Anonymous . . 153 The Wood of Chancellorsville Anonymous 155 Song of the Copperhead Anonymous 157 At Gettysburg Anonymous 158 How are you. General Lee Anonymous 160 Hymn for it/i of July, 1863 George H. Boker 161 Left on the Battle Field Howard Glyndon 163 CONTENTS. xxi PAGE Lay of the Modern " Konservativs " Charity Grimes 164 Says Private Maguire T. B. Aldrich 166 Spring at tke Capital Anonymous 167 A Woman s Waiting Anonymous 169 Barbara Fritckie John Greenleaf \Vhittier. . . 171 Thanksgiving Railroad Ballad E Plurihus Ununi 174 The Dead Drummer Boy Anonymous 176 The Sentinel on Morris Island Anonymous 177 " Sho-ddy " Anonymous 179 Lint Anonymous 180 Peace Democracy Charity Grimes 182 The Latest War News Anonymous 183 Cavalry Charge Edmund C. Stedman 185 The Fisherman of Beaufort Frances D. Gage 186 Seward A. D. F. Randolph 187 The Song of the. Camps J . R. M 188 Soldiers Talk Charles G. Halpin 190 Per Tenebras Lumina Mrs. Whitney 192 The Confederate Primer Anonymous 193 An Idyl II. Bedlow 194 The Old Sergeant Anonymous 198 In the Sepulchre Anonymous 204 Uncle Sam Anonymous 207 When Johnny comes marching Home Anonymous 208 Sonnet George II. Boker 209 Sonnet George II. Boker 210 The Brave at Home Thomas Buchanan Read . . . 210 When this Cruel War is over Anonymous 211 April 20, 1864 Charles G. Halpin 213 Grant George II. Boker 214 The Bounty- Jumper J . Cross Casten 215 Song of Ktlpatrick l s Troopers Anonymous 217 The Song of Grants Soldiers Anonymous 218 Driving home the cows Anonymous 220 On Picket Duty Anonymous 222 The Heart of the War Anonymous 225 The Drummer Boy^s Burial Anonymous 228 The Bay Fight II. H. Brownell 232 The C/i icago Surrender Bayard Taylor 249 Sheridan s Ride T. Buchanan Rend 251 After All William Winter 253 The, Year of Jubilee Anonymous 254 Abolition of Slavery Anonymous 255 Brother Jonathan and Taxes Anonymous 257 xxii CONTENTS. PAGE A Little Jeu D Esprit Anonymous 258 A Hair-dressed s Story A. M. W 259 Sherman s March, A Soldier 2^1 The Craven Alfred Andhison 262 The Hour of Northern Victory Fanny Kemble 263 Cotton and Corn Anonymous 265 The Frcedman s Song Anonymous 265 Abraham Lincoln Edmund C. Stedman 267 Abraham Lincoln William Cullen Bryant 268 Reunion John Nicol 268 Abraham Lincoln Anonymous 270 Abraham Lincoln Alice Carey 273 In State Anonymous 274 An Horatian Ode Richard Henry Stoddart ... 275 South Carolina, 1865 Anonymous 282 lo Triumphe Richard Realf 283 APPENDIX. Farewell to Brother Jonathan Caroline 289 Call all! Call all Georgia 291 Maryland James R. Randall 292 The Despot s Song Ole Secesh 294 Rebels Anonymous 296 Flight of the Doodles Anonymous 297 Another Yankee Doodle Anonymous 299 Justice our Panoply De G 301 The Stars and Bars A. J. Requier 302 The Irish Battalion Anonymous 304 Bombardment of Vicksburg Anonymous 306 A Southern Scene Anonymous 308 Beyond the Potomac Paul II. Hayne 310 The Old Rifleman Frank Ticknor 312 Southrons Anonymous 314 The Guerillas Anonymous 315 There s Life in the Old Land yet James R. Randall 318 Epigram ^ Anonymous 319 Thinking of the Soldiers Anonymous 320 Stonewall Jackson s Way Anonymous 321 Song for the Irish Brigade Shamrock 323 The Confederate Flag Anonymous 325 BROTHER JONATHAN S LAMENT FOR SISTER CAROLINE.* BY OLIVER WENDELL. HOLMES. SHE has gone, she has left us in passion and pride, Our stormy-browed sister, so long at our side ! She has torn her own star from our firmament s glow, And turned on her brother the face of a foe ! O Caroline, Caroline, child of the sun, We can never forget that our hearts have been one, Our foreheads both sprinkled in Liberty s name, From the fountain of blood with the finger of flame ! You were always too ready to fire at a touch ; But we said, " She is hasty, she does not mean much." We have scowled, when you uttered some turbulent threat ; But Friendship still whispered, " Forgive and forget ! " Has our love all died out ? Have its altars grown cold ? Has the curse come at last which the fathers foretold ? Then Nature must teach us the strength of the chain That her petulant children would sever in vain. They may fight till the buzzards are gorged with their spoil, Till the harvest grows black as it rots in the soil, * Written upon the announcement of the passage of the " Ordi nance of Secession," on the 20th of December, 1860, by the Con vention of South Carolina, the first State which attempted to secede. 2 A PSALM OF THE UNION. Till the wolves and the catamounts troop from their caves, And the shark tracks the pirate, the lord of the waves : In vain is the strife ! When its fury is past, Their fortunes must flow in one channel at last, As the torrents that rush from the mountains of snow Roll mingled in peace through the valleys below. Our Union is river, lake, ocean, and sky : Man breaks not the medal, when God cuts the die ! Though darkened with sulphur, though cloven with steel, The blue arch will brighten, the waters will heal ! O Caroline, Caroline, child of the sun, There are battles with Fate that can never be won ! The star-flowering banner must never be furled, For its blossoms of lidit are the hope of the world ! Go, then, our rash sister ! afar and aloof, Run wild in the sunshine, away from our roof; But when your heart aches and your feet have grown sore, Remember the pathway that leads to our door ! Atlantic Monthly. A PSALM OF THE UNION. i. GOD of the Free ! upon thy breath Our flag is for the Right unrolled ; Still broad and brave as when its stars First crowned the hallowed time of old : For Honor still its folds shall fly, For Duty still their glories burn, A PSALM OF THE UNION. Where Truth, Religion, Freedom guard The patriot s sword and martyr s urn. Then shout beside thine oak, O North ! O South ! wave answer with thy palm ; And in our Union s heritage Together lift the Nation s psalm ! ii. How glorious is our mission here ! Heirs of a virgin world are we ; The chartered lords whose lightnings tame The rocky mount and roaring sea : We march, and Nature s giants own The fetters of our mighty cars ; We look, and lo ! a continent Is crouched beneath the Stripes and Stars ! Then shout beside thine oak, O North ! O South ! wave answer with thy palm ; And in our Union s heritage Together lift the Nation s psalm ! in. No tyrant s impious step is ours ; No lust of power on nations rolled : Our Flag for friends a starry sky, For foes a tempest every fold ! Oh ! thus we 11 keep our nation s life, Nor fear the bolt by despots hurled : The blood of all the world is here, And they who strike us, strike the world. Then shout beside thine oak, O North ! O South ! wave answer with thy palm ; And in our Union s heritage Together lift the Nation s psalm ! IV. God of the Free ! our Nation bless In its strong manhood as its birth ; GOD FOR OUR NATIVE LAND. And make its life a Star of Hope For all the struggling of tlie Earth : Thou gav st the glorious Past to us ; Oh ! let our Present burn as bright, And o er the mighty Future cast Truth s, Honor s, Freedom s holy light! Then shout beside thine oak, O North ! O South ! wave answer with thy palm ; And in our Union s heritage Together lift the Nation s psalm ! Harpers Montldy, December, 1861. GOD FOR OUR NATIVE LAND. BY REV. G. W. BETHUNE, D. 1). GOD S blessing be upon Our own, our native land ! The land our fathers won By the strong heart and hand, The keen axe and the brand, When they felled the forest s pride, And the tyrant foe defied, The free, the rich, the wide : God for our native land ! Up with the starry sign, The red stripes and the white ! Where er its glories shine, In peace, or in the fight, We own its high command ; For the flag our fathers gave, O er our children s heads shall wave, And their children s children s grave ! God for our native land ! THE FLAG. Who doth that flag defy, We challenge as our foe ; Who Avill not for it die, Out from us he must go ! So let them understand. Who that dear flag disclaim, Which won their fathers fame, We brand \vith endless shame! God for our native land ! Our native land ! to thee, In one united vow, To keep thee strong and free, And glorious as now We pledge each heart and hand ; By the blood our fathers shed, By the ashes of our dead, By the sacred soil we tread ! God for our native land ! THE FLAG.* BY HORATIO WOODMAN. WHY flashed that flag on Monday morn Across the startled sky ? Why leapt the blood to every cheek, The tears to every eye ? * Fort Sumter, after being occupied by Major Anderson four months with ninety men, was evacuated after bombardment on Saturday, April 14th, 1861. On the following Monday, as if by one consent, the flag of the Republic was raised throughout the Free States, so that wherever the eye turned the national colors were in sight; and the demand for flags was so great that the price of bunting quadrupled in a few days. THE FLAG. The hero in our four months woe, The symbol of our might, Together sunk for one brief hour, To rise forever bright. The mind of Cromwell claimed his own, The blood of Naseby streamed Through hearts unconscious of the fire Till that torn banner gleamed. The seeds of Milton s lofty thoughts, All hopeless of the spring, Broke forth in joy, as through them glowed The life great poets sing. Old Greece was young, and Homer true, And Dante s burning page Flamed in the red along our flag, And kindled holy rage. God s Gospel cheered the sacred cause, In stern, prophetic strain, Which makes His Right our covenant, His Psalms our deep refrain. Oh, sad for him whose light went out Before this glory came, Who could not live to feel his kin To every noble name ; And sadder still to miss the joy That twenty millions know, In Human Nature s Holiday, From all that makes life low. Boston Transcript, April, 18G1. APOCALYPSE. APOCALYPSE.* BY CLARENCE BUTLER. STRAIGHT to his heart the bullet crushed, Down from his breast the red blood gushed, And o er his face a glory rushed. A sudden spasm rent his frame, And in his ears there went and came A sound as of devouring flame. Which in a moment ceased, and then The great light clasped his brows again, So that they shone like Stephen s, when Saul stood apart a little space, And shook with shuddering awe to t God s splendor settling o er his face. Thus, like a king, erect in pride, Raising his hands to heaven, he cried, " All hail the Stars and Stripes ! " and died. Died grandly ; but, before he fell, (O blessedness ineffable ! ) Vision apocalyptical Was granted to him, and his eyes, All radiant with glad surprise, Looked forward through the centuries, * After the bombardment and evacuation of Fort Sumter, the 6th Regiment of Massachusetts militia was the first that moved to the defence of Washington. It was attacked on the 19th of April by a mob in the streets of Baltimore, and two of its members killed and eight wounded; one of the former, Luther C. Ladd, cheered the flag with his dying breath. APOCALYPSE. And saw the seeds that sages cast In the world s soil in cycles past, Spring up and blossom at the last : Saw how the souls of men had grown, And where the scythes of Truth had mown, Clear space for Liberty s white throne ; Saw how, by sorrow tried and proved, The last dark stains had been removed Forever from the land he loved. Saw Treason crushed, and Freedom crowned, And clamorous faction gagged and bound, Gasping its life out on the ground ; While over all his country s slopes Walked swarming troops of cheerful hopes, Which evermore to broader scopes Increased, with power that comprehends The world s weal in its own, and bends Self-needs to large, unselfish ends. Saw how, throughout the vast extents Of earth s most populous continents, She dropped such rare heart-affluence, That, from beyond the farthest seas, The wondering peoples thronged to seize Her proffered pure benignities ; And how, of all her trebled host Of widening empires, none could boast Whose strength or love was uppermost, THE MASSACHUSETTS LINE. Because they grew so equal there Beneath the flag, which, debonnaire, Waved joyous in the golden air ; Wherefore the martyr, gazing clear Beyond the gloomy atmosphere Which shuts us in with doubt and fear, He, marking how her high increase Ran greatening in perpetual lease Through balmy years of odorous peace. Greeted, in one transcendent cry Of intense, passionate ecstacy, The sight that thrilled him utterly : Saluting, with most proud disdain Of murder and of mortal pain, The vision which shall be again. So, lifted with prophetic pride, Raised conquering hands to heaven, and cried, "All hail the Stars and Stripes ! " and died. THE MASSACHUSETTS LINE. BY ROBERT LOWELL. Am: " Yankee Doodle" I. STILL first, as long and long ago, Let Massachusetts muster ; Give her the post right next the foe ; Be sure that you may trust her. 10 THE MASSACHUSETTS LINE. She was the first to give her blood For freedom and for honor ; She trod her soil to crimson mud : God s blessing be upon her ! ii. She never faltered for the right, Nor ever will hereafter : Fling up her name with all your might, Shake roof-tree and shake rafter. But of old deeds she need not brag, How she broke sword and fetter ; Fling out again the old striped flag ! She 11 do yet more and better. in. In peace her sails fleck all the seas, Her mills shake every river ; And where are scenes so fair as these God and her true hands give her ? Her claim in war who seek to rob ? All others come in later ; Hers first it is to front the Mob, The Tyrant and the Traitor. IV. God bless, God bless the glorious State ! Let her have her way to battle ! She 11 go where batteries crash with fate, Or where thick rifles rattle. Give her the Right, and let her try, And then, who can, may press her ; She 11 go straight on, or she will die ; God bless her ! and God bless her ! Duanesburyh, May 7, 1861. OUR COUNTRY S CALL. OUR COUNTRY S CALL. BY WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT. LAY down the axe, fling by the spade : Leave in its track the toiling plough ; The rifle and the bayonet-blade For arms like yours were fitter now ; And let the hands that ply the pen Quit the light task, and learn to wield The horseman s crooked brand, and rein The charger on the battle-field. Our country calls ; away ! away ! To where the blood-stream blots the green. Strike to defend the gentlest sway That Time in all his course has seen. See, from a thousand coverts see Spring the armed foes that haunt her track ; They rush to smite her down, and we Must beat the banded traitors back. Ho ! sturdy as the oaks ye cleave, And moved as soon to fear and flight, Men of the glade and forest ! leave Your woodcraft for the field of fight. The arms that wield the axe must pour An iron tempest on the foe ; His serried ranks shall reel before The arm that lays the panther low. And ye who breast the mountain storm By grassy steep or highland lake, Come, for the land ye love, to form A bulwark that no foe can break. 12 OUR COUNTRY S CALL. Stand, like your own gray cliffs that mock The whirlwind ; stand in her defence : The blast as soon shall move the rock, As rushing squadrons bear ye thence. And ye, whose homes are by her grand Swift rivers, rising far away, Come from the depth of her green land As mighty in your march as they ; As terrible as when the rains Have swelled them over bank and bourne, With sudden floods to drown the plains And sweep along the woods uptorn. And ye who throng beside the deep, Her ports and hamlets of the strand, In number like the waves that leap On his long murmuring marge of sand, Come, like that deep, when o er his brim He rises, all his floods to pour, And flings the proudest barks that swim A helpless wreck against his shore. Few, few were they whose swords of old Won the fair land in which we dwell ; But we are many, we who hold The grim resolve to guard it well. Strike for that broad and goodly land Blow after blow, till men shall see That Might and Right move hand in hand, And glorious must their triumph be. UNITED STATES NATIONAL ANTHEM. 13 UNITED STATES NATIONAL ANTHEM. BY WILLIAM ROSS WALLACE. GOD of the Free ! upon Thy breath Our Fag is for the Right unrolled As broad and brave as when its Stars First lit the hallowed time of old. For Duty still its folds shall fly, For Honor still its glories burn, Where Truth, Religion, Valor, guard The patriot s sword and martyr s urn. No tyrant s impious step is ours ; No lust of power on nations rolled : Our Flag for friends, a starry sky ; For traitors, storm in every fold. O, thus we 11 keep our Nation s life, Nor fear the bolt by despots hurled ; The blood of all the world is here, And they who strike us strike the world ! God of the Free ! our Nation bless In its strong manhood as its birth ; And make its life a Star of Hope For all the struggling of the earth. Then shout beside thine Oak, O North ! O South, wave answer with thy Palm ! And in our Union s heritage Together sing the Nation s Psalm ! 14- THE SEVENTH. THE SEVENTH.* BY FITZJAMES O BRIEN. AIR " Gilla Machree." I. Ocu ! we re the boys That hearts desthroys Wid making love and fighting ; We take a fort, The girls we court, But most the last delight in. To fire a gun, Or raise some fun, To us is no endeavor ; So let us hear One hearty cheer The Seventh s lads forever ! Chorus For we re the boys That hearts desthroys, Wid making love and fighting ; We take a fort, The girls we court, But most the last delight in. * The Seventh Regiment New York Militia left the city of New York, on its way to the defence of the National Capital, April 19th, 1861. The news of the attack upon the Sixth Massachusetts reached the city just before they left their armory. No one who was in the city at that time will ever forget the excitement, solemn, tender, and enthusiastic, in the midst of which this favorite regiment set out upon a march which it was supposed would be bloody, and which proved to be eventful. A prolonged cry, which seemed to be both cheer and wail, accompanied every step of its march down Broadway. War was new to us then. In the event this regiment never went into action as a bodj r ; but its highly disciplined ranks furnished more officers than came from any other to the national army. The above lines were written by a young Irishman, one of its members. THE SEVENTH. 15 ii. There s handsome Joe, Whoso constant flow Of merriment unfailing, Upon the tramp, Or in the camp, Will keep our hearts from ailing. And B and Chat., Who might have sat For Pythias and Damon, Och ! whin they get Their heavy wet, They get as high as Haman. For we re the boys That hearts desthroys, &c. in. Like Jove above We re fond of love, But fonder still of victuals ; Wid turtle-steaks An cod-fish cakes We always fills our kittles. To dhrown aich dish We dhrinks like fish, And mum s the word we utther ; An thin we swill Our Leoville, That oils our throats like butther. For we re the boys That hearts desthroys, &c. IV. We make from hay A splindid lay, From beans a gorgeous coffee ; Our crame is prime, Wid chalk and lime 1 6 THE SEVENTH. In fact, t is quite a throphy. Our chickens roast, Wid butthered toast, I m sure would timpt St. Payther ; Now you 11 declare Our bill of fare It could n t be complayther. For we re the boys That hearts desthroys, &2. v. Now silence all, While I recall A memory sweet and tender ; The maids and wives That light our lives With deep, enduring splendor We 11 give no cheer For those so dear, But in our hearts we 11 bless them, And pray to-night, That angels bright May watch them and caress them. For we re the boys That hearts desthroys, Wid making love and fighting ; We take a fort, The girls we court, Buf. most the last delight in. SOUTH CAROLINA GENTLEMAN. ij SOUTH CAROLINA GENTLEMAN. AIR: " The Fine Old English Gentleman. 1 DOWN in a small Palmetto State the curious ones may find, A ripping, tearing gentleman, of an uncommon kind, A staggering, swaggering sort of chap, who takes his whiskey straight, And frequently condemns his eyes to that ultimate ven geance which a clergyman of high standing has assured must be a sinner s fate : This South Carolina gentleman, one of the present time. You trace his genealogy, and not far back you 11 see, A most undoubted octoroon, or mayhap a mustee, And if you note the shaggy locks that cluster on his brow, You 11 find that every other hair is varied with a kink that seldom denotes pure Caucasian blood, but on the contrary betrays an admixture with a race not particularly popular now : This South Carolina gentleman, one of the present time. He always wears a full-dress coat, pre- Adamite in cut, With waistcoat of the loudest style, through which his ruffles jut, Six breastpins deck his horrid front, and on his fingers shine Whole invoices of diamond rings which would hardly pass muster with the Original Jacobs in Chatham- street for jewels gen-u-5ne : This South Carolina gentleman, one of the present time. He chews tobacco by the pound and spits upon the floor If there is not a box of sand behind the nearest door, 1 8 SOUTH CAROLINA GENTLEMAN. And when he takes his weekly spree he clears a mighty track, Of everything that bears the shape of whiskey-skin, gin and sugar, brandy sour, peach and honey, irre pressible cock-tail rum, and gum, and luscious apple-jack : This South Carolina gentleman, one of the present time. He takes to euchre kindly, too, and plays an awful hand, Especially when those he tricks his style don t under stand, And if he wins, why then he stoops to pocket all the stakes, But if he loses, then he says to the unfortunate stranger who had chanced to win : " It s my opinion you are a cursed abolitionist, and if you don t leave South Carolina in one hour you will be hung like a dog." But no offer to pay his loss he makes : This South Carolina gentleman, one of the present time. Of course he s all the time in debt to those who credit give, Yet manages upon the best the market yields to live ; But if a Northern creditor asks him his bill to heed, This honorable gentleman instantly draws two bowie- knives and a pistol, dons a blue cockade, and declares that in consequence of the repeated aggressions of the North, and its gross violations of the Constitution, he feels that it would utterly degrade him to pay any debt whatever, and that in fact he has at last determined to SECEDE : This South Carolina gentleman, one of the present time. ARMY HYMN. 19 ARMY HYMN. BY OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES. " Old Hundred." O LORD of Hosts ! Almighty King ! Behold the sacrifice we bring ! To every arm Thy strength impart, Thy spirit shed through every heart ! Wake in our breasts the living fires, The holy faith that warmed our sires ; Thy hand hath made our Nation free : To die for her is serving Thee. Be Thou a pillared flame to show The midnight snare, the silent foe ; And when the battle thunders loud, Still guide us in its moving cloud. God of all nations ! Sovereign Lord ! In Thy dread name we draw the sword, We lift the starry flag on high That fills with light our stormy sky. From Treason s rent, from Murder s stain, Guard Thou its folds till Peace shall reign, Till fort and field, till shore and sea Join our loud anthem, PRAISE TO THEE ! 20 THE PRESENT CRISIS. THE STARS AND STRIPES. BY JAMES T. FIELDS. RALLY round the flag, boys, Give it to the breeze ! That s the banner we love On the land and seas. Brave hearts are under it ; Let the traitors brag ; Gallant lads, fire away ! And fight for the flag. Their flag is but a rag Ours is the true one ; Up with the Stars and Stripes ! Down with the new one ! Let our colors fly, boys, Guard them day and night ; For victory is liberty, And God will bless the right. THE PRESENT CRISIS. BY JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL. WHEN a deed is done for Freedom, through the broad earth s aching breast Runs a thrill of joy prophetic, trembling on from east to west ; And the slave, where er he cowers, feels the soul within him climb THE PRESENT CRISIS. 21 To the awful verge of manhood, as the energy sublime Of a century bursts full-blossomed on the thorny stem of Time. Through the walls of hut and palace shoots the instan taneous throe, When the travail of the Ages wrings earth s systems to and fro ; At the birth of each new Era, with a recognizing start. Nation wildly looks on nation, standing with mute lips apart, And glad Truth s yet mightier man-child leaps beneath the Future s heart. For mankind are one in spirit, and an instinct bears along, Hound the earth s electric circle, the swift flash of right or wrong ; Whether conscious or unconscious, yet humanity s vast frame, Through its ocean-sundered fibres, feels the gush of joy or shame ; In the gain or loss of one race, all the rest have equal claim. Once, to every man and nation, comes the moment to decide, In the strife of Truth with Falsehood, for the good or evil side ; Some great cause, God s new Messiah, offering each the bloom or blight, Parts the goats upon the left hand, and the sheep upon the right, And the choice goes by forever twixt that darkness and that light. 22 THE PRESENT CRISIS. Hast thou chosen, O my people, on whose party thou shalt stand, Ere the Doom from its worn sandals shakes the dust against our land ? Though the cause of Evil prosper, yet t is Truth alone is strong; And albeit she wander outcast now, I see around her throng Troops of beautiful, tall angels, to enshield her from all wrong. We see dimly, in the Present, what is small and what is great ; Slow of faith how weak an arm may turn the iron helm of Fate ; But the soul is still oracular amid the market s din, List the ominous stern whisper from the Delphic cave within : " They enslave their children s children who make com promise with Sin ! " Slavery, the earth-born Cyclops, fellest of the giant brood, Sons of brutish Force and Darkness, who have drenched the earth with blood, Famished in his self-made desert, blinded by our purer day, Gropes in yet unblasted regions for his miserable prey ; Shall we guide his gory fingers where our helpless children play? T is as easy to be heroes, as to sit the idle slaves Of a legendary virtue carved upon our fathers graves ; Worshippers of light ancestral make the present light a crime. Was the Mayflower launched by cowards ? steered by men behind their time ? Turn those tracks toward Past, or Future, that make Plymouth Rock sublime ? THE TWO FURROWS. 23 They were men of present valor stalwart old icono clasts ; Unconvinced by axe or gibbet that all virtue was the Past s ; But we make their truth our falsehood, thinking that has made us free, Hoarding it in mouldy parchments, while our tender spirits flee The rude grasp of that, great Impulse which drove them across the sea. JN ew occasions teach new duties ! Time makes ancient good uncouth ; They must upward still, and onward, who would keep abreast of Truth ; Lo, before us gleam her camp-fires ! we ourselves must Pilgrims be, Launch our Mayflower, and steer boldly through the des perate winter sea, Nor attempt the Future s portal with the Past s blood- rusted key. THE TWO FURROWS. BY C. H. WEBB. THE spring-time came, but not. with mirth ; The banner of our trust, And, with it, the best hopes of earth Were trailing in the dust. The farmer saw the shame from far, And stopped his plough a-field ; " Not the blade of peace, but the brand of war, This arm of mine must wield. 24 THE TWO FURROWS. " When traitor hands that flag would stain, Their homes let women keep ; Until its stars burn bright again, Let others sow and reap." The farmer sighed "A lifetime long The plough has been my trust ; In truth it were an arrant wrong To leave it now to rust." With ready strength the farmer tore The iron from the wood, And to the village smith he bore That ploughshare stout and good. The blacksmith s arms were bare and brown, And loud the bellows roared ; The farmer flung his ploughshare down " Now forge me out a sword ! " And then a merry, merry chime The sounding anvil rung ; Good sooth, it was a nobler rhyme Than ever poet sung. The blacksmith wrought with skill that day ; The blade was keen and bright ; And now, where thickest is the fray, The farmer leads the fight. Not as of old that blade he sways, To break the meadow s sleep, But through the rebel ranks he lays A furrow broad and deep. The farmer s face is burned and brown, But light is on his brow ; " OUT IN THE COLD: 25 Right well he wots what blessings crown The furrow of the Plough. But better is to-day s success," Thus ran the farmer s word ; For nations yet unborn shall bless This furrow of the Sword." Harpers Weekly. "OUT IN THE COLD."* BY LUCY LARCOM. WHAT is the threat ? " Leave her out in the cold ! " Loyal New England, too loyally bold : Hater of treason, ah ! that is her crime ! Lover of Freedom, too true for her time ! Out in the cold ? Oh, she chooses the place, Rather than share in a sheltered disgrace ; Rather than sit at a cannibal feast ; Rather than mate with the blood-reeking beast ! Leave out New England ? And what will she do, Stormy-browed sisters, forsaken by you ? Sit on her Rock, her desertion to weep ? Or. like a Sappho, plunge thence in the deep ? No ; our New England can put on no airs, Nothing will change the calm look that she wears : * Among the many propositions for compromise after the out break of the rebellion, perhaps none was more persistently urged by a certain class of politicians than the formation of a new " Union, " from which New England was to be excluded, left out in the cold, was the phrase. The proposers forgot that New England had stretched westward along the banks of the Ohio to the Mississippi. 2b "OUT IN THE COLD." Life s a rough lesson she learned from the first, Up into wisdom through poverty nursed. Not more distinct on his tables of stone Was the grand writing to Moses made known, Than is engraven, in letters of light, On her foundations the One Law of Right. She is a Christian : she smothers her ire, Trims up the candle, and stirs the home fire ; Thinking and working and waiting the day When her wild sisters shall leave their mad play. Out in the cold, where the free winds are blowing ; Out in the cold, where the strong oaks are growing ; Guards she all growths that are living and great, Growths to rebuild every tottering State. " Notions " worth heeding to shape she has wrought, Lifted and fixed on the granite of thought : What she has done may the wide world behold ! What she is doing, too, out in the cold ! Out in the cold ! she is glad to be there, Breathing the north wind, the clear healthful air ; Saved from the hurricane passions that rend Hearts that once named her a sister and friend. There she will stay, while they bluster and foam, Planning their comfort when they shall come home ; Building the Union an adamant wall, Freedom-cemented, that never can fall. Freedom, dear-bought with the blood of her sons, See the red current ! right nobly it runs ! Life of her life is not too much to give For the dear Nation she taught how to live. 110 1 SONS OF THE PURITAN. Vainly they shout to you, sturdy Northwest ! T is her own heart that beats warm in your breast ; Sisters in nature as well as in name ; Sisters in loyalty, true to that claim. Freedom your breath is, O broad-shouldered North ! Turn from the subtle miasma gone forth Out of the South land, from Slavery s fen, Battening demons, but poisoning men ! Still on your Rock, my New England, sit sure, Keeping the air for the great country pure ! There you the " wayward " ones yet shall enfold : There they will come to you, out in the cold ! Taunton Gazette. HO! SONS OF THE PURITAN. The Cavaliers, Jacobites, and Huguenots, who settled the South, naturally hate, condemn, and despise the Puritans who settled the North. The former are master races; the latter, a slave race, descendants of the Saxon serfs. D& Bo who through a cloud, Not of war only but detractions rude, Guided by faith and matchless fortitude, To peace and truth thy glorious way hast ploughed. Milton 1 ? Sonnet to Cromwell. Ho ! sons of the Puritan ! sons of the Roundhead, Leave your fields fallow and ily to the war ; The foe is advancing, the trumpet hath sounded, * This nonsense had been so long talked and written in the Slave States before the rebellion, that many of the people there actually believed it, although the population of those States is as purely Anglo-Saxon as that of the Free States, or of England. The Huguenot blood at the South is so small in quantity as to be 28 HO! SONS OF THE PURITAN. To the rescue of freedom, truth, justice, and law ! Hear His voice bid ye on Who spake unto Gideon : " Rend the curtains of Midian From Heshbon to Dor ! " From green-covered Chalgrave, from Naseby and Marston, Rich with the blood of the Earnest and True, The war-cry of Freedom, resounding hath passed on The wings of two centuries, and come down to you : " Forward ! to glory ye, Though the road gory be ! Strong of arm let your story be And swift to pursue ! " List ! list ! to the time-honored voices that loudly Speak from our Mother-land o er the sad waves, From Hampden s dead lips, and from Cromwell s who proudly Called freemen to palaces, tyrants to graves : " Sons of the Good and Pure ! Let not their blood endure The attaint of a brood impure Of cowards and slaves ! " And old Massachusetts hills echo the burden : " Sons of the Pure-in-heart never give o er ! Though blood flow in rivers, and death be the guerdon, All the sharper your swords be, death welcome the more ! of no account; and if there ever were a master-race, it is the Anglo-Saxon, as every other which has been brought into contact with it knows. And what shall be said of the ignorance that could be presumed not to know that the Cavaliers were utterly overthrown by the Puritans, and that the party which overcame the Jacobites, and brought in William of Orange, and maintained the new dynasty, was composed in great measure of the noblest families in England V HO! SONS OF THE PURITAN. 29 Swear ye to sheathe your swords Not till the heathen hordes On their craven knees breathe the words, The Lord s we restore ! " Accursed be the land that shall give ye cold greeting, Cursed in its coffers, and cursed in its fame ! And woe to the traitors, feigning friendship and meeting Your trust with assassins dark weapons of shame. As did Fennel s high Parapets lowly lie, And the Princes of Succoth die, So fare these the same ! Though sharp be the throes of these last tribulations, Look ye ! a brighter dawn kindles the day ! O, children of Saints, and the hope of the Nation, Look aloft ! your deliverance cometh for aye ! Soon, from those fairer skies, White-winged, the herald flies To the warders of Paradise, To call them away ! Then on to the battle-shock ! and if in anguish, Gasping, and feeble-pulsed, low on the field, Struck down by the traitor s fell prowess ye languish, In Jehovah behold ye your Refuge and Shield ! Or, if in victory, Doubts shall come thick to ye, Trust in Him, He shall speak to ye The mystery revealed. Ho ! sons of the Puritan ! sons of the Roundhead, Leave your fields fallow, your ships at the shore ! The foe is advancing, the trumpet hath sounded, And the jaws of their Moloch are dripping with gore 30 THE UNIVERSAL COTTON-GIN. Raise the old pennon s staff! Let the fierce cannons laugh, Till the votaries of Ammon s calf Blaspheme ye no more ! THE UNIVERSAL COTTON-GIN. BY THE AUTHOR OF " COTTON STATES." HE journeyed all creation through, A pedlar s wagon trotting in ; A haggard man of sallow hue, Upon his nose the goggles blue, And in his cart a model U- niversal nigger-cotton-gin- niversal nigger-cotton-gin. His seedy garb was sad to view Hard seemed the strait he d gotten in ; Pie plainly could n t boast a sou, And meanly fared on water-gru el, or had swallowed whole a U- niversal nigger-cotton-gin- niversal nigger-cotton-gin. To all he met Turk, Christian, Jew He meekly said, " I m not in tin ; In fact, I m in a serious stew, And therefore offer unto you, At half its worth, my model U- niversal nigger-cotton-gin- niversal nigger-cotton-gin. " As sure as four is two and two, It rules the world we re plotting in ; THE UNIVERSAL COTTON-GIN. 31 It made and ruined Yankee Doo dle, stuck to him like Cooper s glue, And so to you would stick this U- niversal nigger-cotton-gin- iiiversal nigger-cotton-gin." Now Johnny Bull the pedlar knew, And thus replied with not a grin : " Hi loves yer gin like London brew ed ale, but loathes the hinstitu- tion vitch propels your model U- niversal nigger-cotton-gin- niversal nigger-cotton-gin. " Hi know such coves as you a few, And, zur, just now, hi m not in tin ; Hi tells you vot, great Yankee Doo dle might hincline to put me through, Hif hi should buy your model U- niversal nigger-cotton-gin- niversal nigger-cotton-gin." Then spoke smooth Monsieur Parlez-vous, Whose gilded throne was got in sin (As was he, too, if tales are true :) " I does not vant your model U-" (He sounds a V for a W) " niversal nigger-cotton-gin- ni versa! nigger-cotton-gin." A negar in de fence I view, Your grand machine lie s rotting in ; I smells him now ; he stinketh lo-h-e-w ! Give me a good tobacco chew, And you may keeps your model U- niversal nigger-cotton-gin- niversal nigger-cotton-gin." 32 THE UNIVERSAL COTTON-GIN. The pedlar then sloped quickly to The land he was begotten in ; With woeful visage, feelings blue, He sadly questioned what to do, When none would buy his model U- niversal nigger-cotton-gin- niversal nigger-cotton-gin. From out his pocket then he drew A rag that blood was clotting in ; It had a field of heavenly blue, Was flecked with stars the very few That glimmered on his model U- niversal nigger-cotton-gin- niversal nigger-cotton-gin. He gazed long on its tarnished hue, And mourned the fix he d gotten in ; Then filled his eyes with contrite dew, As in its folds his nose he blew, And thus addressed his model U- niversal nigger-cotton-gin- niversal nigger-cotton-gin. " Then, crownless king, thy days are few ; The world thou art forgotten in ; Ere thou dost die, thy life review, Repent thy crimes, thy wrongs undo, Give freedom to the dusky crew Whose blood now stains the model U- niversal nigger-cotton-gin- niversal nigger-cotton-gin." UPON THE HILL BEFORE CENTRE VILLE. 33 UPON THE HILL BEFORE CENTREVILLE. July 21, 1861.* BY GEORGE H. BOKER. I LL tell you what I heard that day : I heard the great guns, far away, Boom after boom. Their sullen sound Shook all the shuddering air around ; And shook, ah me ! my shrinking ear, And downward shook the hanging tear That, in despite of manhood s pride, Rolled o er my face, a scalding tide. And then I prayed. O God ! I prayed, As never stricken saint, who laid His hot cheek to the holy tomb Of Jesus, in the midnight gloom. " What saw I ? " Little. Clouds of dust ; Great squares of men, with standards thrust Against their course ; dense columns crowned With billowing steel. Then, bound on bound, The long black lines of cannon poured Behind the horses, streaked and gored With sweaty speed. Anon shot by, Like a lone meteor of the sky, A single horseman ; and he shone His bright face on me, and was gone. All these with rolling drums, with cheers, * The day of the battle of Bull Run, in which the reserve of the Union Army rested upon Centreville. In regard to the mere time at which it was written, this poem is here out of place, as will be seen by an allusion toward its close. But it paints so faithfully that disastrous, shameful day, and so truthfully expresses the feel ings which it roused throughout the Free States, that this is its proper position. 3 34 UPON THE HILL BEFORE CENTREV1LLK. With songs familiar to my ears, Passed under the far-hanging cloud, And vanished, and my heart was proud ! For mile on mile the line of war Extended ; and a steady roar, As of some distant stormy sea, On the south-wind came up to me. And high in air, and over all, Grew, like a fog, that murky pall, Beneath whose gloom of dusty smoke The cannon flamed, the bombshell broke, And the sharp rattling volley rang, And shrapnel roared, and bullets sang, And fierce-eyed men, with panting breath, Toiled onward at the work of death. I could not see, but knew too well, That underneath that cloud of hell, Which still grew more by great degrees, Man strove with man in deeds like these. But when the sun had passed his stand At noon, behold ! on every hand The dark brown vapor backward bore, And fainter came the dreadful roar From the huge sea of striving men. Thus spoke my rising spirit then : " Take comfort from that dying sound, Faint heart, the foe is giving ground ! " And one, who taxed his horse s powers, Flung at me, " Ho ! the day is ours ! " And scoured along. So swift his pace, I took no memory of his face. Then turned I once again to Heaven ; All things appeared so just and even ; So clearly from the highest Cause Traced I the downward-working laws : UPON THE II ILL BEFORE CENTREVILLE. 35 Those moral springs, made evident, In the grand, triumph-crowned event. So half I shouted, and half sang, Like Jephtha s daughter, to the clang Of my spread, cymbal-striking palms, Some fragments of thanksgiving psalms. Meanwhile a solemn stillness fell Upon the land. O er hill and dell Failed every sound. My heart stood still, Waiting before some coining ill. The silence was more sad and dread, Under that canopy of lead, Than the wild tumult of the war That raged a little Avhile before. All Nature, in her work of death, Paused for one last, despairing breath ; And, cowering to the earth, I drew From her strong breast my strength anew. When I arose, I wondering saw Another dusty vapor draw From the far right, its sluggish way Toward the main cloud, that frowning lay Against the western-sloping sun ; And all the war was re-begun, Ere this fresh marvel of my sense Caught from my mind significance. And then why ask me ? O my God ! Would I had lain beneath the sod, A patient clod, for many a day, And from my bones and mouldering clay The rank field grass and flowers had sprung, Ere the base sight, that struck and stung My very soul, confronted me, Shamed at my own humanity. O happy dead ! who early fell, Ye have no wretched tale to tell 36 UPON THE HILL BEFORE CENTREV[LLE. Of causeless fear and coward flight, Of victory snatched beneath your sight, Of martial strength and honor lost, Of mere life bought at any cost, Of the deep, lingering mark of shame, Forever scorched on brow and name, That no new deeds, however bright, Shall banish from men s loathful sight ! Ye perished in your conscious pride, Ere this vile scandal opened wide A wound that cannot close or heal. Ye perished steel to levelled steel, Stern votaries of the god of war, Filled with his godhead to the core 1 Ye died to live, these lived to die, Beneath the scorn of every eye ! How eloquent your voices sound From the low chambers under ground ! How clear each separate title burns From your high set and laurelled urns ! While these, who walk about the earth, Are blushing at their very birth ! And, though they talk, and go, and come, Their moving lips are worse than dumb. Ye sleep beneath the valley s dew, And all the nation mourns for you ; So sleep till God shall wake the lands ! For angels, armed with fiery brands, Await to take you by the hands. The right-hand vapor broader grew ; It rose, and joined itself unto The main cloud with a sudden dash. Loud and more near the cannon s crash Came toward me, and I heard a sound As if all hell had broken bound, UPON THE HILL BEFORE CENTRE VLLLE. 37 A cry of agony and fear. Still the dark vapor rolled more near, Till at my very feet it tossed The van ward fragments of our host. Can man, Thy image, sink so low, Thou, who hast bent Thy tinted bow Across the storm and raging main ; Whose laws both loosen and restrain The powers of earth, without whose will No sparrow s little life is still ? Was fear of hell, or want of faith, Or the brute s common dread of death The passion that began a chase, Whose goal was ruin and disgrace ? What tongue the fearful sight may tell ? What horrid nightmare ever fell Upon the restless sleep of crime What history of another time What dismal vision, darkly seen By the stern-featured Florentine, Can give a hint to dimly draw The likeness of the scene I saw ? I saw, yet saw not. In that sea, That chaos of humanity, No more the eye could catch and keep A single point, than on the deep The eye may mark a single wave, Where hurrying myriads leap and rave. Men of all arms, and all costumes, Bare-headed, decked with broken plumes ; Soldiers and officers, and those Who wore but civil-suited clothes ; On foot or mounted some bestrode Steeds severed from their harnessed load ; Wild mobs of white-topped wagons, cars, Of wounded, red with bleeding scars ; The whole grim panoply of war 38 UPON THE HILL BEFORE CENTREV1LLE. Surged on me with a deafening roar ! All shades of fear, disfiguring man, Glared through their faces brazen tan. Not one a moment paused, or stood To see what enemy pursued. With shrieks of fear, and yells of pain, With every muscle on the strain, Onward the struggling masses bore. O, had the foemen lain before, They d trampled them to dust and gore, And swept their lines and batteries As autumn sweeps the windy trees ! Here one cast forth his wounded friend, And with his sword or musket-end Urged on the horses ; there one trod Upon the likeness of his God, As if t were dust ; a coward here Grew valiant with his very fear, And struck his weaker comrade prone, And struggled to the front alone. All had one purpose, one sole aim, That mocked the decency of shame, To fly, by any means to fly ; They cared not how, they asked not why. I found a voice. My burning blood Flamed up. Upon a mound I stood ; I could no more restrain my voice Than could the prophet of God s choice. " Back, animated dirt ! " I cried, " Back, on your wretched lives, and hide Your shame beneath your native clay ! Or if the foe affrights you, slay Your own base selves ; and, dying, leave Your children s tearful cheeks to grieve, Not quail and blush, when you shall come, Alive, to their degraded home ! Your wives will look askance with scorn ; UPON THE HILL BEFORE CENTREVILLE. Your boys, and infants yet unborn, Will curse you to God s holy face ! Heaven holds no pardon in its grace For cowards. Oh, are such as ye The guardians of our liberty ? Back, if one trace of manhood still May nerve your arm and brace your will ! You stain your country in the eyes Of Europe and her monarchies ! The despots laugh, the peoples groan ; Man s cause is lost and overthrown ! I curse you, by the sacred blood That freely poured its purple flood Down Bunker s heights, on Monmouth s plain, From Georgia to the rocks of Maine ! I curse you, by the patriot band Whose bones are crumbling in the land ! By those who saved what these had won In the high name of Washington ! " Then I remember little more. As the tide s rising waves, that pour Over some low and rounded rock, The coming mass, with one great shock, Flowed o er the shelter of my mound, And raised me helpless from the ground. As the huge shouldering billows bear, Half in the sea and half in air, A swimmer on their foaming crest, So the foul throng beneath me pressed, Swept me along, with curse and blow, And flung me where, I ne er shall know. When I awoke, a steady rain Made rivulets across the plain ; And it was dark oh ! very dark. I was so stunned as scarce to mark The ghostly figures of the trees, 40 UPON THE HILL BEFORE CENTRE VILLE. Or hear the sobbing of the breeze That flung the wet leaves to and fro. Upon me lay a dismal woe, A bonndless, superhuman grief, That drew no promise of relief From any hope. Then I arose, As one who struggles up from blows By unseen hands ; and as I stood Alone, I thought that God was good, To hide, in clouds and driving rain, Our low world from the angel train, Whose souls filled heroes when the earth Was worthy of their noble birth. By that dull instinct of the mind, Which leads aright the helpless blind, I struggled onward, till the dawn Across the eastern clouds had drawn A narrow line of watery gray ; And full before my vision lay The great dome s gaunt and naked bones, Beneath whose crown the nation thrones Her queenly person. On I stole, With hanging head and abject soul, Across the high embattled ridge, And o er the arches of the bridge. So freshly pricked my sharp disgrace, I feared to meet the human face, Skulking, as any woman might, Who d lost her virtue in the night, And sees the dreadful glare of day Prepare to light her homeward way, Alone, heart-broken, shamed, undone, I staggered into Washington ! Since then long sluggish days have passed, And on the wings of every blast Have come the distant nations sneers UPON THE HILL BEFORE CENTRE VIL LE. 41 To tingle in our blushing ears. In woe and ashes, as was meet, We wore the penitential sheet. But now I breathe a purer air, And from the depths of my despair Awaken to a cheering morn, Just breaking through the night forlorn, A morn of hopeful victory. Awake, my countrymen, with me ! Redeem the honor which you lost, With any blood, at any cost ! I ask not how the war began, Nor how the quarrel branched and ran To this dread height. The wrong or right Stands clear before God s faultless sight. I only feel the shameful blow, I only see the scornful foe, And vengeance burns in every vein To die, or wipe away the stain. The war-wise hero of the West, Wearing his glories as a crest, Of trophies gathered in your sight, Is arming for the coming light. Full well his wisdom apprehends The duty and its mighty ends ; The great occasion of the hour, That never lay in human power Since over Yorktown s tented plain The red cross fell, nor rose again. My humble pledge of faith I lay, Dear comrade of my school-boy day, Before thee, in the nation s view, And if thy prophet prove untrue, And from our country s grasp be thrown The sceptre and the starry crown, And thou, and all thy marshalled host Be baffled, and in ruin lost ; 42 UPON THE HILL BEFORE CENTREVILLE. Oh, let me not outlive the blow That seals my country s overthrow ! And, lest this woeful end come true, Men of the North, I turn to you. Display your vaunted flag once more, Southward your eager columns pour ! Sound trump, and fife, and rallying drum ; From every hill and valley come. Old men, yield up your treasured gold ! Can liberty be priced and sold ? Fair matrons, maids, and tender brides, Gird weapons to your lovers sides ; And, though your hearts break at the deed, Give them your blessing and God speed ; Then point them to the field of flame, With words like those of Sparta s dame ; And when the ranks are full and strong, And the whole army moves along, A vast result of care and skill, Obedient to the master will ; And your young hero draws the sword, And gives the last commanding word That hurls your strength upon the foe Oh, let them need no second blow ! Strike, as your fathers struck of old, Through summer s heat and winter s cold, Through pain, disaster, and defeat ; Through marches tracked with bloody feet ; Through every ill that could befall The holy cause that bound them all ! Strike as they struck for liberty ! Strike as they struck to make you free ! Strike for the crown of victory ! THE RUN FROM MANASSAS JUNCTION. 43 THE RUN FROM MANASSAS JUNCTION. YANKEE DOODLE went to war, On his little pony, What did he go fighting for, Everlasting goney ! Yankee Doodle was a chap Who bragged and swore tarnation, He stuck a feather in his cap, And called it Federation. Yankee Doodle, etc. Yankee Doodle, he went forth To conquer the seceders, All the journals of the North, In most ferocious leaders, Breathing slaughter, fire and smoke, Especially the latter, His rage and fury to provoke, And vanity to Hatter. Yankee Doodle, etc. Yankee Doodle, having floored His separated brothers, He reckoned his victorious sword Would turn against us others, Secession first he would put down, Wholly and forever; And afterward, from Britain s crown, He Canada would sever. Yankee Doodle, etc. England offering neutral sauce To goose as well as gander, Was what made Yankee Doodle cross, And did inflame his dander. 44 THE RUN FROM MAN ASS AS JUNCTION. As though with choler drunk he fumed, And threatened vengeance martial, Because Old England had presumed To steer a course impartial. Yankee Doodle, etc. Yankee Doodle bore in mind, When warfare England harassed, How he, unfriendly and unkind, Beset her and embarrassed ; He put himself in England s place, And thought this injured nation Must view his trouble with a base Vindictive exultation. Yankee Doodle, etc. We for North and South alike Entertain affection ; These for negro slavery strike ; Those for forced protection. Yankee Doodle is the pot, Southerner the kettle ; Equal morally, if not Men of equal mettle.* Yankee Doodle, etc. Yankee Doodle, near Bull Run Met his adversary, First he thought the fight he d won, * And so slavery and a high tariff are now equal morally in John Bull s eyes ! The admission of what the whole world more than suspected has come at last. Its candor, not to say effrontery, gives it some claim upon admiration. And is it thus that Britain stands confessed before us! Britain indeed; but, alas, how much changed from that Britain that decked herself in the spoils of slavery, and hurled the fires of consuming vengeance upon the inhuman fleets! See Earl Russell s Dispatch to Lord Lyons upon the Proclamation of Emancipation. THE RUN FROM MANASSAS JUNCTION. 45 Fact proved quite contrary. Panic-struck he fled, with speed Of lightning glib with unction, Of slippery grease, in full stampede, From famed Manassas Junction. Yankee Doodle, etc. As he bolted, noways slow, Yankee Doodle hallooed, " We are whipped ! " and fled, although No pursuer followed. Sword and gun right slick he threw Both away together, In his cap, to public view, Showing the white feather. Yankee Doodle, etc. Yankee Doodle, Doodle, do, Whither are you flying ? " A cocked hat we vc been licked into, And knocked to Hades," crying ? Well, to Canada, sir-ree, Now that, by secession, I am driven up a tree, To seize that there possession. Yankee Doodle, etc. Yankee Doodle, be content, You ve had a lenient whipping ; Court not further punishment By enterprise of stripping Those neighbors, whom, if you assail, They 11 surely whip you hollow ; Moreover, when you ve turned your tail, Won t hesitate to follow. Yankee Doodle, etc. Londwi Punch. 46 THE BRIER-WOOD PIPE. THE BRIER-WOOD PIPE. BY CIIAULES DAWSON SHAXLY. HA ! Bully for me * again, when my turn for picket is over ; And now for a smoke, as I lie, with the moonlight in the clover. My pipe it is only a knot from the root of the brier-wood tree ; But it turns my heart to the northward : Harry, give it to me. And I m but a rough at best, bred up to the row and the riot, But a softness comes o er my heart when all are asleep and quiet. For many a time in the night strange things appear to my eye, As the breath from my brier-Avood pipe sails up between me and the sky. Last night a beautiful spirit arose with the wisping smoke ; O, I shook, for my heart felt good, as it spread out its hands and spoke, Saying, " I am the soul of the brier : we grew at the root of a tree Where lovers would come in the twilight, two ever, for company. * The use of "bully," as an expression of encouragement and approval among our roughs and Bowery boys, and boys not Bow ery, is no novelty in the language. The word is found similarly used in the dramatists of the Elizabethan period, and those of the Restoration. THE BRIER-WOOD PIPE. 47 Where lovers would come in the morning, ever but two, together ; When the flowers were full in their blow, the birds in their song and feather. " Where lovers would come in the noontime loitering, never but two, Looking in each other s eyes, like the pigeons that kiss and coo. " And O ! the honeyed words thai came when the lips were parted, And the passion that glowed in eyes, and the lightning looks that darted ! " Enough, Love dwells in the pipe : so ever it glows with fire. I am the soul of the bush, and the spirits call me Sweet- Brier." That s what the Brier-wood said, as nigh as my tongue can tell, And the words went straight to my heart, like the stroke of the fire-bell. To-night I lie in the clover, watching the blossomy smoke ; I m glad the boys are asleep, for I in not in the humor to joke. I lie in the hefty clover : * between me and the waning moon The smoke from my pipe arises : my heart will be quiet soon. * I do not know what the author means by "hefty" clover. Hardly, having " heft," or weight. 48 THE BRIER-WOOD PIPE. My thoughts are back in the city ; I m everything I ve been; I hear the bell from the tower ; I run with the swift ma chine. I see the red-shirts crowding around the engine-house door; The foreman s hail through the trumpet comes with a sullen roar. The reel in the Bowery dance-house, the row in the beer saloon, Where I put in my licks at Big Paul, come between me and the moon. I hear the drum and the bugle, the tramp of the cow- skin boots ; We are marching to the Capital, the Fire-Zouave re cruits. White handkerchiefs wave before me. O ! but the sight is pretty On the white marble steps, as we march through the heart of the city. Bright eyes and clasping arms, and lips that bring us good hap, And the splendid lady that gave me the havelock for my cap. O ! up from my pipe-cloud rises, between me and the moon, A beautiful white-robed lady : my heart will be quiet soon. The lovely golden-haired lady ever in dreams I see, Who gave me the snow-white havelock ; but what does she care for me ? JONATHAN TO JOHN. 49 Look at my grimy features : mountains between us stand ; I with my sledge-hammer knuckles, she with her jewelled hand. What care I ? The day that is dawning may see me when all is over, With the red stream of my life-blood staining the hefty clover. Hark ! the reveille sounding out on the morning air ! Devils are we for the battle : Will there be angels there V Kiss me again, Sweet-Brier ; the touch of your lips to mine Brings back the white-robed lady, with hair like the golden wine. Vanity Fair, July 6, 18G1. JONATHAN TO JOHN. A YANKEE IDYL. BY JAMES RUSSELL, LOWELL. IT don t seem hardly right, John, When both my hands was full. To stump me to a fight, John Your cousin, tu, John Bull ! Ole Uncle S. sez he, " I guess We kno it now," sez he ; " The lion s paw is all the law, Accordin to J. B., Thet s fit for you an me ! " 4 50 JONATHAN TO JOHN. Blood an t so cool as ink, John : It s likely you d ha wrote, An stopped a spell to think, John, Arter they d cut your throat ! Ole Uncle S. sez he, " I guess He d skurce ha stopped," sez he, " To mind his p s and q s ef that weasan Hed belonged to ole J. B., Instid o you an me ! " Ef / turned mad dogs loose, John, On your front-parlor stairs, Would it jest meet your views, John, To wait an sue their heirs ? Ole Uncle S. sez he, " I guess, I on y guess," sez he, " Thet, ef Vattel on his toes fell, T would kind o rile J. B., Ez wall ez you an me ! " Who made the law thet hurts, John, Heads I win ditto, tails ? U J. B." was on his shirts, John, Onless my memory fails.* Ole Uncle S. sez he, " I guess, (I m good at thet,) " sez he, " Thet sauce for goose an t^ es^ the juice * Mr. Biglow s memory (for we suppose Hosea loquitur) did not fail, as may be seen by the following extract from the London Times first article about the Trent affair, October 28th, 1801 : " Unwel come as the truth may be, it is nevertheless a truth that we have our selves established a system of international law which now tells against us. In high-handed and almost despotic manner we have in former days claimed privileges over neutrals which have at different times banded all the maritime powers of the world against us. We have insisted upon stopping ships of war of neutral nations and taking British subjects out of them." JONATHAN TO JOHN. 51 For ganders with J. B., No more than you or me ! " When your rights was our wrong, John, You did n t stop for fuss : Britanny s trident-prongs, John, Was good nough law for us. Ole Uncle S. sez he, u I guess, Though physic s good," sez he, " It does n t foller that he can swaller Prescriptions signed /. B., Put up by you and me ! " We own the ocean, tu, John : You must n t take it hard Ef we can t think with you, John, It s jest your own back yard. Ole Uncle S. sez he, " I guess, Ef ihefs his claim," sez he, " The fencin -stuff 11 cost enough To bust up friend J. B., Ez wal ez you an me ! " Why talk so dreffle big, John, Of honor, when it meant You did n t care a fig, John, But just for ten per cent f Ole Uncle S. sez he, " I guess He s like the rest," sez he : " When all is done, its number one Thet s nearest to J. B., Ez wal ez you an me ! " 52 A NEW SONG TO AN OLD TUNE. A NEW SONG TO AN OLD TUNE. JOHN BULL, Esquire, my jo John, When we were first acquent, You acted very much as now You act about the Trent. You stole my bonny sailors, John, My bonny ships also, You re aye the same fierce beast to me, John Bull, Esquire, my jo ! John Bull, Esquire, my jo John, Since we were linked together, Full many a jolly fight, John, We ve had with one another. Now must we fight again, John ? Then at it let us go ! And God will help the honest heart, John Bull, Esquire, my jo. John Bull, Esquire, my jo John, A century has gone by, Since you called me your slave, John, Since I at you let fly. You want to fight it out again That war of waste and woe ; You 11 find me much the same old coon, John Bull, Esquire, my jo. John Bull, Esquire, my jo John, If lying loons have told That I have lost my pluck, John, And fight not as of old ; You d better not believe it, John, Nor scorn your ancient foe ; TO ENGLISHMEN. 53 For I ve seen weaker days than this, John Bull, Esquire, my jo. John Bull, Esquire, my jo John, Hear this my language plain : I never smote you unprovoked, I never smote in vain. If you want peace, peace let it be ! If war, be pleased to know, Shots in my locker yet remain, John Bull, Esquire, my jo ! TO ENGLISHMEN. BY JOHN GREENLEAF WHITTIER. You flung your taunt across the wave, We bore it as became us, Well knowing that the fettered slave Left friendly lips no option, save To pity or to blame us. You scoffed our plea. " Mere lack of will, Not lack of power," you told us ; We showed our Free-State records ; still You mocked, confounding good and ill, Slave haters and slave holders. We struck at Slavery ; to the verge Of power and means we checked it ; Lo ! presto, change ! its claims you urge, Send greetings to it o er the surge, And comfort and protect it. But yesterday you scarce could shake, In slave-abhorring rigor, Our Northern palrus- for conscience sake : 54 TO ENGLISHMEN. To-day you clasp the hands that ache With " walloping the nigger ! " O Englishmen ! in hope and creed, In blood and tongue our brothers ! We too are heirs of Runnymede ; And Shakspeare s fame and Cromwell s deed Are not alone our mother s. " Thicker than water," in one rill Through centuries of story Our Saxon blood has flowed, and still We share with you its good and ill, The shadow and the glory. Joint heirs and kinfolk, leagues of wave Nor length of years can part us ; Your right is ours to shrine and grave The common freehold of the brave, The gift of saints and martyrs. Our very sins and follies teach Our kindred frail and human : We carp at faults with bitter speech, The while for one unshared by each We have a score in common. We bow the heart, if not the knee, To England s Queen, God bless her ! We praised you when your slaves went free : We seek to unchain ours. Will ye Join hands with the oppressor ? And is it Christian England cheers The bruiser, not the bruised ? And must she run, despite the tears And prayers of eighteen hundred years, A-muck in Slavery s crusade ? THE "TIMES" ON AMERICAN AFFAIRS. 55 O black disgrace ! O shame and loss Too deep for tongue to phrase on ! Tear from your flag its holy cross, And in your van of battle toss The pirate s skull-bone blazon ! THE LONDON "TIMES" ON AMERICAN AFFAIRS. JOHN BULL vos a-valkin his parlor von day, Ha-fixin the vorld wery much is hown vay, Ven igstrawnary news cum from hover the se-a, Habout the great country vot brags it is free. Hand these vos the tidins this news it did tell, That great Yankee Doodle vos going to veil, That ee vos a-volloped by Jefferson D., Hand no longer " some punkins " vos likely to be. John Bull, slyly vinkin , then said hunto me : " My dear Times, my hold covey, go pitch hinto ee ; Let us vollop great Doodle now ven e is down ; Hif ve vollops him veil, ve vill do im up brown. " Ts long-legged boots hat my ed e as urled, I d raither not see em a-trampin the vorld ; Hand I howe him a grudge for is conduct so wile, In himportin shillalahs from Erin s green hile. " I knows Jefferson D. is a rascally chap, Who goes hin for cribbin the Guvurnment pap ; That Hexeter All may be down upon me, But as Jeff, as the cotton, I 11 cotton to ee. " I cares for the blacks not a drat more nor ee, Though on principle I goes for settin em free ; 56 THE "TIMES" ON AMERICAN AFFAIRS. But hinterest, my cove, we must look h after now, Unless principle yields, it are poor anyhow." So spoke Johnny Bull, so ee spake hunto me, Hand I inted slyly to Jefferson D., Who, very much pleased, rubbed is ands in is joy, Hand exclaimed : " You re the man for my money, old boy. " Go in, Johnny Times ! I will feather your nest ; Never mind if you soil it, tis foul at the best ; Strange guests have been thar, but my cotton is clean, And a cargo is yourn, if you manage it keen." So I pitched hinto Doodle like a thousan of brick, May ap it warn t proper to do it on tick, But John Bull is almighty, he 11 see I am paid, And my cargo of cotton will break the blockade. PART SECOND. So Bull ee vent bin the blockade for to bust ; The Christians they cried, and the sinners they cuss d ; There vos blowin , and blusterin , and mighty parade, And hall to get ready to break the blockade. Yen hall hof a sudden it come in the ed Hof a prudent hold covey, who up and e said : " Hit s bad to vant cotton, but worser by far, His the sufferin hand misery you 11 make by a war. " There is cotton in Hingy, Peru, and Assam, Guayaquil and Jamaica, Canton, Surinam ; Arf a loaf, or arf cotton, tight papers hi call, But a ole var hentire his the devil and hall." So he sent not is vessel hacross the broad sea, Vich vos hawful ard lines for poor Jefferson D., GOD SAVE JOHN BULL. 57 Hand wrote hunto Doodle, " Old hon, and be true ! " And Jonathan hanswered Bull, " Bully for you ! " SEQUEL AFTER-TIMES. Has Bull vos valking in London haround, E found the Times lyin hupon the cold ground, With a big bale hof cotton right hover s side ; Says Bull, " Hi perceive t was by cotton he died ! " GOD SAVE JOHN BULL* GOD save me, great John Bull ! Long keep my pocket full ! God save John Bull ! Ever victorious, Haughty, vain-glorious, Snobbish, censorious, God save John Bull O Lords, our gods, arise ! Tax all our enemies, Make tariffs fall ! Confound French politics, Frustrate all Russian tricks, Get Yankees in a " fix," God " bless " them all ! \_Sinistra manu ] Thy choicest gifts in store, On me, me only pour, Me, great John Bull ! * It has been thought that should a time arrive when God save the King cannot be sung in Great Britain, because, that peculiar institution having been found superfluous and expensive, there will be no king to be saved, the old national hymn will be altered to something like the lines above given. 58 THE POTOMAC -mi. Maintain oppressive laws, Frown down the poor man s cause ! So sing with heart and voice, I, great John Bull ! THE POTOMAC 1861. THE light of stars shook through the trees, The large-eyed moon looked o er the lawn, day, I said, delay thy dawn ! A little whisper stirred the breeze. A frightened bird thrilled through the place, A dead leaf fell at my still feet, And my wild heart, oh loud it beat ! He read my answer in my face. All night across the moonlit land, Far southward, where the river runs, 1 heard the booming of their guns, While in his own he held my hand. Trust God, oh little heart ! he said, And galloped forth into the light ; That day he rode into the fight, And there they shot my lover dead. My stricken soul rose from the dust, And pushed rebellious hands toward God ; I will not to the earth be trod, Thou art nor wise, nor good, nor just ! And thus it was not sanctified My sorrow and when I did pray : 59 THE POTOMAC 1861. My end, O God ! no more delay, Now take me to him, Lord, I cried. One night I dreamed, and he stood by, Clothed, angel-wise, in love and light. I durst not touch his robes of white, He chid me with his pitying eye. Only that look, nor any word, And I had learned, not all too late, Had learned to live, and work, and wait, And my dead faith to life was stirred. Oh well I knew that not for me Were robe of white, the palm, the crown, Till I more worthy them had grown, Had earned, like him, euthanasy ! Nor sitting still with folded palms, To nurse my grief through the long years, But reading through my bitter tears Strange mockery in the eternal psalms ; In some far circle from the throne Content if I, at last, may stand, He holding in his own my hand, And our two voices making one One voice of praise, prevailing thence Unto the Lamb upon the Hill The far-off memory of ill, Crowning the long, long recompense. Harpers Weekly. 6o "E1N FESTE BURG 1ST UNSER GOTT. EIN FESTE BURG 1ST UNSER GOTT." (Luther s Hymn.) BY JOHN G. WHITT1ER. WE wait beneath the furnace blast The pangs of transformation ; Not painlessly doth God recast And mould anew the nation. Hot burns the fire Where wrongs expire ; Nor spares the hand That from the land Uproots the ancient evil. The hand-breadth cloud the sages feared, Its bloody rain is dropping ; The poison plant the fathers spared All else is overtopping. East, West, South, North, It curses the earth : All justice dies, And fraud and lies Live only in its shadow. What gives the wheat-field blades of steel ? What points the rebel cannon ? What sets the roaring rabble s heel On the old star-spangled pennon ? What breaks the oath Of the -men o the South ? What whets the knife For the Union s life ? Hark to the answer : SLAVERY ! Then waste no blows on lesser foes, In strife unworthy freemen ; "EIN FESTE BURG 1ST UNSER GOTT." 6 1 God lifts to-day the veil, and shows The features of the demon ! O North and South ! Its victims both, Can ye not cry, " Let Slavery die ! " And Union find in freedom ? What though the cast-out spirit tear The nation in his going ? We who have shared the guilt must share The pang of his o erthrowing ! Whate er the loss, Whate er the cross, Shall they complain Of present pain, Who trust in God s hereafter ? For who that leans on His right aim Was ever yet forsaken ? What righteous cause can suffer harm, If He its part has taken ? Though wild and loud, And dark the cloud, Behind its folds His hand upholds The calm sky of to-morrow ! Above the maddening cry for blood, Above the wild Avar-drumming, Let Freedom s voice be heard, with good The evil overcoming. Give prayer and purse To stay The Curse, Whose wrong we share, Whose shame we bear, Whose end shall gladden Heaven ! 62 JEFF DAVIS. In vain the bells of war shall ring Of triumphs and revenges, While still is spared the evil thing That severs and estranges. But, blest the ear That yet shall hear The jubilant bell That rings the knell Of Slavery forever ! Then let the selfish lip be dumb, And hushed the breath of sighing ; Before the joy of peace must come The pains of purifying. God give us grace, Each in his place To bear his lot, And, murmuring not, Endure, and wait, and labor ! JEFF DAVIS, ON HIS ELECTION AS PRESIDENT FOR SIX YEARS.* BY " SIGMA". SATAN was chained a thousand years, We learn from Revelation That he might not, as it appears, Longer "deceive the nation." T is hard to say, between the two, Which is the greater evil, Six years of liberty, for you A thousand for the devil ! * November 9, 1861. JEFF DAVIS. 63 *T is passing strange, if you Ve no fears, Of being hanged within six years ! A hundred thousand rebels ears Would not one half repay The widows and the orphans tears, Shed for the slain to-day : The blood of all those gallant braves, Whom Southern traitors slew, Cries sternly, from their loyal graves, For vengeance upon you ; And if you re not prepared to die The death of Hainan, fly, Jeff, fly ! Fly, traitor, to some lonely niehe, Far, far beyond the billow ; Thy grave an ill-constructed ditch Thy sexton General Pillow. There may you turn to rottenness, By mortal unannoyed, Your ashes undisturbed, unless Your grave is known by Floyd. He 11 surely trouble your repose, And come to steal your burial-clothes. Pause for an instant, loyal reader. Here lies Jeff, the great seceder. Above, he always lied, you know, And now the traitor lies below. His bow was furnished with two strings, He flattered crowds, and fawned on kings ; Repaid his country s care with evil, And prayed to God, and served the devil. The South could whip the Yankee nation, So he proposed humiliation ! Their blessings were so everlasting, 64 YANKEE PRIDE. T was just the time for prayer and fasting! The record may be searched in vain, From West-Point Benedict to Cain, To find a more atrocious knave, Unless in Caesar Borgia s grave. YANKEE PRIDE. BY BKIG.-GEXERAL LANDER. On hearing that the Confederate troops had said that " Fewer of the Massachusetts officers would have been killed if they had not been too proud to surrender." AY, deem us proud ! for we are more Than proud of all our mighty dead ; Proud of the bleak and rock-bound shore A crowned oppressor cannot tread. Proud of each rock and wood and glen, Of every river, lake, and plain ; Proud of the calm and earnest men Who claim the right and will to reign. Proud of the men who gave us birth, Who battled with the stormy wave, To sweep the red man from the earth, And build their homes upon his grave. Proud of the holy summer morn, They traced in blood upon its sod ; The rights of freemen yet unborn, Proud of their language and their God. Proud, that beneath our proudest dome, And round the cottage-cradled hearth, There is a welcome and a home For every stricken race on earth. PACIFIC MACARONICS. 65 Proud that yon slowly sinking sun Saw drowning lips grow white in prayer, O er such brief acts of duty done As honor gathers from despair. Pride, t is our watchword, " Clear the boats ! " " Holmes, Putnam, Bartlett, Pierson here ! " And while this crazy wherry floats, " Let s save our wounded ! " cries Revere. Old State some souls are rudely sped This record for thy Twentieth corps, Imprisoned, wounded, dying, dead, It only asks, " Has Sparta more ? " Boston Post, Nov. 23, 1861. PACIFIC MACARONICS. SEWARD, qui est Rerum cantor Publicarum, atque Lincoln, Vir excelsior, mitigantur A delightful thing to think on. Blatat Plebs Americana, Quite impossible to bridle. Nihil refert ; nnvis cana Brings back Mason atque Slidell. Scribit nunc amoene Russell ; Lastuslapis* claudit fiscum ; Nunc finitur omnis bustle. Slidell Mason pax vobiscum ! London Press. * The scholiast sutr<iests Gladstone. 66 JOHN BROWNS SONG. JOHN BROWN S SONG.* John Brown s body lies a-mouldering in the grave ; John Brown s body lies a-mouldering in the grave ; John Brown s body lies a-mouldering in the grave ; His soul is marching on ! CHORUS. Glory, halle hallelujah ! Glory, halle hallelujah ! Glory, halle hallelujah ! His soul is marching on ! He s gone to be a soldier in the army of the Lord ! He s gone to be a soldier in the army of the Lord ! He s gone to be a soldier in the army of the Lord ! His soul is inarching on ! CHORUS. Glory, halle hallelujah ! Glory, halle hallelujah ! Glory, halle hallelujah ! His soul is marching on ! John Brown s knapsack is strapped upon his back ! John Brown s knapsack is strapped upon his back ! John Brown s knapsack is strapped upon his back ! His soul is marching on ! * The origin of this senseless farrago as senseless as the equally popular " Lillibulero" of the times of the great civil com motion in England is, I believe, quite unknown. But sung to a degraded and jiggish form of a grand and simple old air, it was a great favorite in the early part of the war. It was heard every where in the streets; regiments marched to it, and the air had its place in the programme of every barrel-organ grinder. In fact no song was sung so much during the rebellion. Its popularity was doubtless due to its presentation of a single idea, and in great measure to the very marked rhythm of the air to which it was adapted, or rather, which had been adapted to it. JOHN BROWN S SONG. 67 CHOKUS. Glory, halle hallelujah ! Glory, halle hallelujah ! Glory, halle hallelujah ! His soul is marching on ! His pet lambs will meet him on the way ; His pet lambs will meet him on the way ; His pet lambs will meet him on the way ; As they go marching on ! CHORUS. Glory, halle hallelujah ! Glory, halle hallelujah ! Glory, halle hallelujah ! As they go marching on I They will hang Jeff. Davis to a tree ! They will hang Jeff. Davis to a tree ! They will hang Jeff. Davis to a tree ! As they march along ! CHORUS. Glory, halle hallelujah ! Glory, halle hallelujah 1 Glory, halle hallelujah ! As they march along ! Now, three rousing cheers for the Union ! Now, three rousing cheers for the Union ! Now, three rousing cheers for the Union ! As we are marching on ! Glory, halle hallelujah! Glory, halle hallelujah! Glory, halle hallelujah ! Hip, hip, hip, hip, Hurrah ! 68 BATTLE-HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC. BATTLE-HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC. BY MKS. JULIA WARD HOWE. MINE eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord : He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored ; He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword : His truth is inarching on. I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps ; They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps ; I have read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps : His day is marching on. I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel : " As ye deal with my contemners, so with you my grace shall deal ; Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel, Since God is marching on." He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat ; He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment- seat : Oh ! be swift, my soul, to answer Him ! be jubilant, my feet ! Our God is inarching on. In the beauty of the lilies Christ was borne across the sea, With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me ; As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free, While God is marching on. THE NATION S HYMN. 69 THE NATION S HYMN. OUR past is bright and grand In the purple tints of time ; And the present of our land, Points to glories more sublime. For our destiny is won ; And t is ours to lead the van, Of the nations marching on, Of the moving hosts of man ! Yes, the Starry Flag alone, Shall wave above the van, Of the nations sweeping on, Of the moving hosts of man ! We are sprung from noble sires, As were ever sung in song ; We are bold with Freedom s fires, We are rich, and wise, and strong. On us are freely showered The gifts of every clime, And we re the richest dowered Of all the heirs of Time ! Brothers then, in Union, strong, We shall ever lead the van, As the nations sweep along, To fulfil the hopes of man ! We are brothers ; and we know That our Union is a tower, When the fiercest whirlwinds blow, And the darkest tempests lower ! We shall sweep the land and sea, While we march, in Union, great, 70 THE NATION S HYMN. Thirty millions of the free With the steady step of fate ! Brothers then, in Union, strong, Let us ever lead the van, As the nations sweep along, To fulfil the hopes of man ! See our prairies, sky-surrounded ! See our sunlit mountain chains ! See our waving woods, unbounded, And our cities on the plains ! See the oceans kiss our strand, Oceans stretched from pole to pole ! See our mighty lakes expand, And our giant rivers roll ! Such a land, and such alone, Should be leader of the van, As the nations sweep along To fulfil the hopes of man ! Yes, the spirit of our land, The young giant of the West, With the waters in his hand, With the forests for his crest, To our hearts quick, proud pulsations, To our shouts that still increase, Shall yet lead on the nations, To their brotherhood of peace ! Yes, Columbia, great and strong, Shall forever lead the van, As the nations sweep along, To fulfil the hopes of man ! E PLURIDUS UNUM." 71 E PLURIBUS UNUM." BY THE REV. JOHN PIEKPONT. AIR " The Star-Spangled Banner" I. THE harp of the minstrel with melody rings, When the Muses have taught him to touch and to tune it ; And although it may have a full octave of strings, To both maker and minstrel the harp is a unit. So, the power that creates Our Republic of States, To harmony tunes them at different dates ; And, many or few, when the Union is done, Be they thirteen or thirty, the nation is one. ii. The science that measures and numbers the spheres, And has done so since first the Chaldean began it, Now and then, as she counts them, and measures their years, Brings into our system and names a new planet. Yet the old and new stars, Venus, Neptune, and Mars, As they drive round the sun their invisible cars, Whether faster or slower their races are run, Are " E Pluribus Unum " of many made one. in. Of those federate spheres, should but one fly the track, Or with others conspire for a general dispersion, By the great central orb they would all be brought back, And held, each in its place, by a wholesome " coercion." 72 UNITED STATES NATIONAL HYMN. Were one daughter of light Indulged in her flight, They might all be engulfed by Old Chaos and Night ; So must none of our sisters be suffered to run, For, " E Pluribus Unum," We all go, if one. IV. Let the Demon of Discord our melody mar, Or Treason s red hand rend our system asunder, Break one string from our harp, or extinguish one star, The whole system s ablaze with its lightning and thunder. Let that discord be hushed ! Let the traitors be crushed, Though " Legion " their name, all with victory flushed ; For aye must our motto stand, fronting the sun, "E Pluribus Unum" The many are one. UNITED STATES NATIONAL HYMN, L. M.* TUNE Yarmouth. BY JONATHAN . GOD bless United States ; each one Has government, the people s own, The people rule, their rulers are Elected servants, to take care * The above hymn, written to the old Long Metre Yarmouth, was, like the four which precede it, among the twelve hundred sent in to the committee appointed at the beginning of the civil war, for the somewhat absurd purpose of obtaining a National Hymn, as if that could be written to order. The author s name UNITED STATES NATIONAL HYMN. 73 Of what is for the public good ; And the best men be chosen should ; And often changed, that surely we May prosper, and be ever free. Foundation of our Union, find On education, talent, mind ; God s Book, religion s only guide ; The supreme law, in all, reside ; Nor can majority oppress Minority, but all confess That each has Rights, which all must see Respected in their purity. in. The Union and the Nation stand A Government, o er all the land ; Best, freest, strongest, wisest one, Was, is, will be, beneath the sun ; The greatest numbers greatest good ; And all protected, as we should ; Intelligence, ability, For rulers, the best quality. was really Jonathan, and he lived in one of the remotest and most primitive of the rural districts of Northern New England. His handwriting was plainly that of a man used rather to the plough than the pen, one whose condition in life would in any other coun try than this limit his knowledge to what was necessary to the tilling of the few acres on which he lived. But rustic and unlettered as he was, what intelligent comprehension his rude verses exhibit of the structure and the principles of our government ! In this respect he could manifestly put to school the smooth-mannered crowd of Eu ropean statesmen and journalists who with an air of such profound wisdom discuss our politics, and who with such an assumption of judicial authority pronounced our doom in strict accordance with historical precedent. Viewed in this light, his quaint composition has an interest which makes it worthy of preservation. 74 UNITED STATES NATIONAL HYMN. IV. Jehovah is our Head, and we Acknowledge His supremacy ; He blesses us, year after year, With all good things which do appear ; He is our Sovereign, only one; We 11 have none else till Time is done ; Three times a year acknowledge Him : Fast, July Fourth, Thanksgiving time. v. As we march down the stream of Time, New States extend our happy clime ; Go on increasing, good and great ; One Union, formed of many States : More States, the stronger shall we be In union, peace, and liberty ; East, West, North, South, on sea and land, Forever one, united stand. VI. Be every part to each most dear ; And law and order rule us here ; Our Constitutions good and great, Amended for the good of State ; Our Statutes for the people s good ; And Science guide us as it should ; States within State ; blest Freedom s land, United States, forever stand ! Stand in thy strong integrity : The North and South united be With East and West : join heart and hand By our good Union firm to stand. Our President elected be, By people s voice, plurality ; UNION. 75 And the Vice-President the same ; The highest offices of fame. vin. Free governments o er earth will go ; The Bible, education too ; The righteous wise shine as the sun ; Knowledge and Arts o er earth to run ; All know the Lord, His service be Extended over land and sea ; His kingdom come o er men to reign, And earth be all the Lord s. Amen. UNION.* i. INDIVIDUAL several, indisintegrative whole ! Corporeal nationality, national soul ! Matter indistinguishable, immaterial seen ! End of all means, of all ends mean ! Chorus Thus with eye unfilmed we see All the charms of unity ; Clearly thus have comprehended, What our forefathers intended. Of sempiternal potency, preexistent power ! Sweet of our bitter, of our sweetness sour ! * Perhaps the writer of the above outrageous burlesque of some of the traits which have been noticed in the style of the eminent author of " Brahma" should be ashamed to have sent them to the National Hymn Committee, of which he was a member. If bur lesque were all their purpose they would not be here preserved. Mr. Emerson could well afford to forgive them, even if they did not come from one of his warmest admirers. 7 6 OVERTURES FROM RICHMOND. Of Buncombe progenitor, issue of old Ops, Live thou upon thy Buncombe, die he within thy chops ! Chorus Thus with eye unfilmed we see, &c. Infissiparous symbol of politic etern, Securing Uncle Sam what s hisn and every State what 5 hern, Of strength redintegrative, of pulchritude e er fresh, Secesh were not without thee, and with thee no secesh ! Chorus Thus with eye unfilmed we see, &c. Thus, end of thy beginning, beginning of thy end, Ample power to break bestowing, reserving power to mend, Self-destroyer, self-producer, thou hast pluck and strength enough To cuff well all thy enemies, were thy enemy not Cuff. Chorus Thus with eye unfilmed we see All the charms of unity ; Clearly thus have comprehended, What our forefathers intended. OVERTURES FROM RICHMOND. A NEW LILLIBURLERO. BY PROFESSOR F. J. CHILD. WELL, Uncle Sam," says Jefferson D., Lilliburlero, old Uncle Sam, You 11 have to join my Confed racy," Lilliburlero, old Uncle Sam. OVERTURES FROM RICHMOND. 77 " Lero, lero, that don t appear O, that don t appear," says old Uncle Sam. " Lero, lero, fillibustero, that don t appear," says old Uncle Sam. " So, Uncle Sam, just lay down your arms," Lilliburlero, etc., " Then you shall hear my reas nable terms," Lilliburlero, etc. " Lero, lero, I d like to hear O, I d like to hear," says old Uncle Sam. " Lero, lero, fillibustero, I d like to hear," says old Uncle Sam. " First, you must own 1 ve beat you in fight," Lilliburlero, etc., " Then, that I always have been in the right," Lilliburlero, etc. " Lero, lero, rather severe O, rather severe," says old Uncle Sam. " Lero, lero, fillibustero, rather severe," says old Uncle Sam. " Then you must pay my national debts," Lilliburlero, etc., " No questions asked about my assets," Lilliburlero, etc. " Lero, lero, that s very dear O, that s very dear," says old Uncle Sam. " Lero, lero, fillibustero, that s very dear," says old Uncle Sam. " Also, some few I.O.U s and bets," Lilliburlero, etc., " Mine and Bob Toombs , and Slidell s and Rhett s," Lilliburlero, etc. 78 OVERTURES FROM RICHMOND. " Lero, lero, that leaves me zero, that leaves me zero," says Uncle Sam. " Lero, lero, fillibustero, that leaves me zero," says Uncle Sam. " And, by the way, one little thing more," Lilliburlero, etc., " You re to refund the cost of the war," Lilliburlero, etc. " Lero, lero, just what I fear O, just what I fear," says old Uncle Sam. " Lero, lero, fillibustero, just what I fear, says old Uncle Sam. " Next, you must own our cavalier blood ! " Lilliburlero, etc., " And that your Puritans sprang from the mud ! " Lilliburlero, etc. " Lero, lero, that mud is clear O, that mud is clear," says old Uncle Sam. " Lero, lero, fillibustero, that mud is clear," says old Uncle Sam. " Slavery s of course the chief corner-stone," Lilliburlero, etc. " Of OUr NEW CIV-IL-I-ZA-TI-ON ! " Lilliburlero, etc. " Lero, lero, that s quite sincere O, that s quite sincere," says old Uncle Sam. " Lero, lero, fillibustero, that s quite sincere," says old Uncle Sam. " You 11 understand, my recreant tool," Lilliburlero, etc., " You re to submit, and we are to rule," Lilliburlero, etc. "ALL WE ASK IS TO BE LET ALONE." 79 " Lero, lero, are n t you a hero ! are n t you a hero ! says Uncle Sain. " Lero, lero, fillibustero, are n t you a hero ! " says Uncle Sam. " If to these terms you fully consent," Lilliburlero, etc., " I 11 be perpetual King-President," Lilliburlero, etc. " Lero, lero, take your sombrero, off to your swamps ! " says old Uncle Sam. " Lero, lero, fillibustero, cut, double-quick ! " says old Uncle Sam. "ALL WE ASK IS TO BE LET ALONE."* BY H. II. BKOYVXELL. As vonce I valked by a dismal svamp, There sot an Old Cove in the dark and damp, And at everybody as passed that road A stick or a stone this Old Cove throwed. And venever he flung his stick or his stone He d set up a song of " Let me alone." " Let me alone, for I loves to shy These bits of things at the passers-by ; * The humor and the point of these verses, based upon a well- known declaration of Jeft erson Davis, insured their popularity, and demand their preservation. But it should not remain unnoticed that the dialect in which they are written is one never heard in this country, or in any other; it being an incongruous mixture of that of the London cockney, as in " vonce," " valked." " ouse," and " ome," and those of the rustic Yankee and the Southwestern man. 8o "ALL WE ASK IS TO BE LET ALONE." Let me alone, for I ve got your tin, And lots of other traps snugly in ; Let me alone, I m riggin a boat To grab votever you ve got afloat In a veek or so I expects to come And turn you out of your ouse and oine ; I m a quiet Old Cove," says he, with a groan : "All I axes is Let me alone." Just then came along on the self-same vay, Another Old Cove, and began for to say : " Let you alone ! that s comin it strong ! You ve ben let alone a darned sight too long ; Of all the sarce that ever I heerd ! Put down that stick ! (You well may look skeered ; ) Let go that stone ! If you once show fight, I 11 knock you higher than ary kite. You must hev a lesson to stop your tricks, And cure you of shying them stones and sticks ; And I 11 hev my hardware back, and my cash, And knock your scow into tarnal smash ; And if ever I catches you round my ranch, I 11 string you up to the nearest branch. The best you can do is to go to bed, And keep a decent tongue in your head ; For I reckon, before you and I are done, You 11 wish you had let honest folks alone " The Old Cove stopped, and the t other Old Cove He sot quite still in his cypress grove, And he looked at his stick, revolvin slow Vether t were safe to shy it or no ; And he grumbled on in an injured tone : "All that I axed vos, let me alone" TARDY GEORGE. 8 1 TARDY GEORGE. WHAT are you waiting for, George, I pray ? To scour your cross-belts with fresh pipe-clay ? To burnish your buttons, to brighten your guns ; Or wait you for May-day and warm-spring suns ? Are you blowing your fingers because they are cold, Or catching your breath ere you take a hold ? Is the mud knee-deep in valley and gorge ? What are you waiting for, tardy George ? Want you a thousand more cannon made, To add to the thousand now arrayed ? Want you more men, more money to pay ? Are not two millions enough per day ? Wait you for gold and credit to go, Before we shall see your martial show ; Till Treasury Notes will not pay to forge ? What are you waiting for, tardy George ? Are you waiting for your hair to turn, Your heart to soften, your bowels to yearn A little more toward " our Southern friends," As at home and abroad they work their ends ? " Our Southern friends ! " whom you hold so dear That you do no harm and give no fear, As you tenderly take them by the gorge, What are you waiting for, tardy George ? Now that you Ve marshalled your whole command, Planned what you would, and changed what you planned ; Practised with shot and practised with shell. Know to a hair where every one fell, Made signs by day and signals by night ; Was it all done to keep out of a fight ? 82 TARDY GEORGE. Is the whole matter too heavy a charge ? What are you waiting for, tardy George ? Shall we have more speeches, more reviews ? Or are you waiting to hear the news ; To hold up your hands in mute surprise, When France and England shall " recognize " ? Are you too grand to fight traitors small ? Must you have a nation to cope withal ? Well, hammer the anvil and blow the forge, You 11 soon have a dozen, tardy George. Suppose for a moment, George, my friend, Just for a moment, you condescend To use the means that are in your hands, The eager muskets and guns and brands ; Take one bold step on the Southern sod, And leave the issue to watchful God ! For now the nation raises its gorge, Waiting and watching you, tardy George. I should not much wonder, George, rny boy, If Stanton get in his head a toy, And some fine morning, ere you are out, He send you all " to the right about," You and Jomini, and all the crew Who think that war is nothing to do But to drill and cipher, and hammer and forge, \Vhat are you waiting for, tardy George ? January, 18G2. THE CUMBERLAND. 83 THE CUMBERLAND* BY HENRY W. LONGFELLOW. AT anchor in Hampton Roads we lay, On board the Cumberland sloop-of-war, And at times from the fortress across the bay The alarm of drums swept past, Or a bugle-blast From the camp on shore. Then far away to the South uprose A little feather of snow-white smoke, And we knew that the iron ship of our foes Was steadily steering its course To try the force Of our ribs of oak. Down upon us heavily runs, Silent and sullen, the floating fort ; Then comes a puff of smoke from her guns, And leaps the terrrible death, With fiery breath, From each open port. We are not idle, but send her straight Defiance back in a full broadside ! As hail rebounds from a roof of slate, Rebounds our heavier hail From each iron scale Of the monster s hide. * Sunk by the iron-clad ram Merrimac in Hampton Roads, Saturday, March 8, 1862, going down with her colors flying, and firing upon her impenetrable assailant as the water rose above her own gun-deck. 84 ON BOARD THE CUMBERLAND. " Strike your flag ! " the rebel cries, In his arrogant old plantation strain. " Never ! " our gallant Morris replies ; " It is better to sink than to yield ! " And the whole air pealed With the cheers of our men. Then, like a kraken huge and black, She crushed our ribs in her iron grasp ! Down went the Cumberland all a- wrack. With a sudden shudder of death, And the cannon s breath For her dying gasp. Next morn, as the sun rose over the bay, Still floated our flag at the mainmast-head. Lord, how beautiful was Thy day ! Every waft of the air Was a whisper of prayer, Or a dirge for the dead. Ho ! brave hearts that went down in the seas, Ye are at peace in the troubled stream. Ho ! brave land ! with hearts like these, Thy flag, that is rent in twain, Shall be one again, And without a seam. ON BOARD THE CUMBERLAND. March 8, 1862. BY GEORGE II. BOKER. " STAND to your guns, men ! " Morris cried. Small need to pass the word ; ON BOARD THE CUMBERLAND. 85 Our men at quarters ranged themselves, Before the drum was heard. And then began the sailors jests : " What thing is that, I say ? " " A long-shore meeting-house adrift Is standing down the bay ! " A frown came over Morris s face ; The strange, dark craft he knew ; " That is the iron Merrimac, Manned by a Rebel crew. " So shot your guns, and point them straight ; Before this day goes by, We 11 try of what her metal s made." A cheer was our reply. " Remember, boys, this flag of ours Has seldom left its place ; And where it falls, the deck it strikes Is covered with disgrace. " I ask but this : or sink or swim, Or live or nobly die, My last sight upon earth may be To see that ensign fly ! " Meanwhile the shapeless iron mass Came moving o er the wave, As gloomy as a passing hearse, As silent as the grave. Her ports were closed, from stem to stern No sign of life appeared. We wondered, questioned, strained our eyes, Joked, everything but feared. 86 ON BOARD THE CUMBERLAND. She reached our range. Our broadside rang, Our heavy pivots roared ; And shot and shell, a fire of hell, Against her sides we poured. God s mercy ! from her sloping roof The iron tempest glanced, As hail bounds from a cottage-thatch, And round her leaped and danced ; Or when against her dusky hull We struck a fair, full blow, The mighty, solid iron globes Were crumbled up like snow. On, on, with fast increasing speed, The silent monster came ; Though all our starboard battery Was one long line of flame. She heeded not, no gun she fired, Straight on our bow she bore ; Through riving plank and crashing frame Her furious way she tore. Alas ! our beautiful, keen bow, That in the fiercest blast So gently folded back the seas, They hardly felt we passed ! Alas ! alas ! my Cumberland, That ne er knew grief before, To be so gored, to feel so deep The tusk of that sea-boar ! Once more she backward drew a space, Once more our side she rent ; ON BOARD THE CUMBERLAND. 87 Then, in the wantonness of hate, Her broadside through us sent. The dead and dying round us lay, But our foeman lay abeam ; Her open port-holes maddened us ; We fired with shout and scream. We felt our vessel settling fast, We knew our time was brief; " The pumps, the pumps ! " But they who pumped, And fought not, wept with grief. " Oh, keep us but an hour afloat ! Oh, give us only time To be the instruments of Heaven Against the traitors crime ! " From captain down to powder-boy, No hand was idle then : Two soldiers, but by chance aboard, Fought on like sailor-men. And when a gun s crew lost a hand, Some bold marine stepped out, And jerked his braided jacket off, And hauled the <run about. Our forward magazine was drowned ; And up from the sick-bay Crawled out the wounded, red with blood, And round us gasping lay. Yes, cheering, calling us by name, Struggling with failing breath, To keep their shipmates at the post Where glory strove with death. 88 ON BOARD THE CUMBERLAND. With decks afloat, and powder gone, The last broadside we gave From the guns heated iron lips Burst out beneath the wave. So sponges, rammers, and handspikes As men-of-war s-men should We placed within their proper racks, And at our quarters stood. " Up to the spar-deck ! save yourselves ! " Cried Selfridge. " Up, my men ! God grant that some of us may live To fight yon ship again ! " We turned we did not like to go ; Yet staying seemed but vain, Knee-deep in water ; so we left ; Some swore, some groaned with pain. We reached the deck. There Randall stood " Another turn, men so ! " Calmly he aimed his pivot-gun : " Now, Tenny, let her go ! " It did our sore hearts good to hear The song our pivot sang, As rushing on from wave to wave The whirring bomb-shell sprang. Brave Randall leaped upon the gun, And waved his cap in sport ; " Well done ! well aimed ! I saw that shell Go through an open port." It was our last, our deadliest shot ; The deck was overflown ; ON BOARD THE CUMBERLAND. 89 The poor ship staggered, lurched to port, And gave a living groan. Down, down, as headlong through the waves Our gallant vessel rushed, A thousand gurgling, watery sounds Around my senses gushed. Then I remember little more ; One look to heaven I gave, Where, like an angel s wing, I saw Our spotless ensign wave. I tried to cheer. I cannot say Whether I swam or sank ; A blue mist closed around my eyes, And everything was blank. When I awoke, a soldier-lad, All dripping from the sea, With two great tears upon his cheeks, Was bending over me. I tried to speak. He understood The wish I could not speak. He turned me. There, thank God ! the flag Still fluttered at the peak ! And there, while thread shall hang to thread, Oh, let that ensign fly ! The noblest constellation set Against our northern sky. A sign that we who live may claim The peerage of the brave ; A monument, that needs no scroll For those beneath the wave ! 90 MARCHING ALONG. MARCHING ALONG.* BY \VILLIAM B. BRADBURY. THE army is gathering from near and from far ; The trumpet is sounding the call for the war ; McClellan s our leader, he s gallant and strong ; We 11 gird on our armor and be marching along. CHORUS. Marching along, we are marching along, Gird on the armor and be marching along ; McClellan s our leader, he s gallant and strong ; For God and our country AVC are marching along. The foe is before us in battle array, But let us not waver, or turn from the way ; The Lord is our strength, and the Union s our song ; With courage and faith we are marching along. Chorus Marching along, &c. Our wives and our children we leave in your care ; We feel you will help them with sorrow to bear; T is hard thus to part, but we hope t won t be long ; We 11 keep up our hearts as we re marching along. Chorus Marching along, &c. We sigh for our country, we mourn for our dead ; For them now our last drop of blood we will shed ; * Few songs were more truly popular all through the war than this, which is here printed from a street broadside. It was sung in the streets and at the public schools, and by all sorts and conditions of men. The name McClellan, in the first stanza, was successively replaced by Hooker, Meade, and Grant, with " for," prefixed when necessary to eke out the measure. A vigorous and spirited melody, with a well-marked rhythm, which was particularly good in the chorus, contributed much to the universal favor in which this song was held. A YANKEE SOLDIER S SONG. 91 Our cause is the right one our foe s in the wrong ; Then gladly we 11 sing as we re marching along. Chorus Marching along, &c. The flag of our country is floating on high ; We 11 stand by that flag till we conquer or die ; McClellan s our leader, he s gallant and strong ; We 11 gird on our armor and be marching along. Chorus Marching along, &c. A YANKEE SOLDIER S SONG. I HEARKENED to the thund ring noise, And wondered what t was for, sir ! But when I heard em tell our boys, I started up and swore, sir ! Yankee boys will fight it out ! Yankees brave and handy ! Freedom be our battle-shout ! Yankee doodle dandy ! They said that traitors tore our flag, Down there in Dixie s land, sir ; I always loved the striped rag, And swore by it to stand, sir. Yankee boys will fight it out ! &e. I knew them Southern chaps, high-bred, Had called us " mudsills " here, sir : If on these sills they try to tread, I guess t will cost them dear, sir. Y"ankee boys will fight it out ! &c. 92 A YANKEE SOLDIER S SONG. Down South I marched, rat-tat-a-plan, With heart brimful of pluck, sir ; I held my head up like a man ; A righteous cause brings luck, sir. Yankee boys will fight it out! &c. So proud was I of fatherland, Where humans all are free, sir, I found it hard to understand Some things I lived to see, sir. Yankee boys will fight it out ! &c. To us one day a brown man came, In Dixie s land a slave, sir, And pleaded hard, in Freedom s name, That him we d try to save, sir. Yankee boys will fight it out! &c. " Of course we will/ our men cried out ; " All free beneath this flag, sir ! " Then he began, with hearty shout, To cheer the starry rag, sir. Yankee boys will fight it out ! &c. But, whip in hand, a master came, And drove that man away, sir ; We felt it was a burning shame, But could not have our say, sir. Yankee boys will fight it out ! &c. To us it seems a coward s shirk, It makes us feel less brave, sir ; We call it mean and " mudsill " work, This sending back a slave, sir ! Yankee boys will fight it out ! &c. We did not leave our homes to do Such dirty jobs as these, sir ; THE IRISH PICKET. 93 Our hearts within us, warm and true, It chills and makes em freeze, sir. Yankee boys will fight it out ! &c. The man who works with heart is strong, And right keeps up the pluck, sir ; We cannot feel so bold for wrong, We cannot hope for luck, sir. Yankee boys will fight it out ! &c. We long to have our flag unfurled To make the whole land free, sir For we can proudly face the world When we that day shall see, sir. Yankee boys will fight it out ! &c. Oh, how we 11 hail our banner then ! Its fame all clear and bright, sir ; When all can feel that they are men, And all have equal right, sir. Yankee boys will fight it out ! Yankees brave and handy ! Freedom be our battle-shout ! Yankee doodle dandy ! THE IRISH PICKET. BY " BARNEY." AIR " Pm sitting on the stile, Mary. 1 I M shtanding in the mud, Biddy, Wid not a spalpeen near, And silence, spaichless as the grave, Is all the sound I hear. 94 THE IRISH PICKET. Me goon is at a showlther-arrns, I in wetted to the bone, And whin I m afther sphakin out, I find meself alone. This Southern climate s quare, Biddy, A quare and bastely" thing, Wid winter absint all the year. And summer in the spring. Ye mind the hot place down below ? And may ye never fear I d dthraw comparisons but thin It s awful warrum here. The only moon I see, Biddy, Is one shmall star, asthore, And that s fornint the very cloud It was behind before ; The watch-fires glame along the hill That s swellin to the south, And whin the sinthry passes them, I see his oogly mouth. It s dead for shlape I am, Biddy, And dramein shwate I d be, If them ould Rebels over there Would only lave me free ; But whin I lane against a shtump And shtrive to get repose, A musket ball be s comin shtraight To hit me spacious nose. It *s ye I d like to see, Biddy, A shparkin here wid me; And then, avourneen, hear ye say, " Acushla Pat machree ! " " Och, Biddy, darlint," then says I ; Says you, " Get out of that ; THE IRISH PICKET. 95 Says I, " Me arruni mates your waist ; " Says you, " Be daycent, Pat." And how s the pigs and doocks, Biddy ? It s them I think of, sh.ure, That looked so innocent and shwate Upon the parlor-flure ; I m shure ye re aisy wid the pig, That s fat as he can be, And fade him wid the best, because I m towld he looks like me. Whin I come home again, Biddy, A sargent tried and thrue, It s joost a daycent house I 11 build, And rint it chape to you. We 11 have a parlor, bedroom, hall, A doock-pond nately done, Wid kitchen, pig-pen, praty-patch, And garret all in one. But, murther ! there s a baste, Biddy, That s crapin round a tree, And well I know the crathur s there To have a shot at me. Now, Misther Rebel, say yer pray rs, And howld yer dirty paw ; Here goes ! be jabers, Biddy, dear, I Ve broke his oogly jaw ! 96 HALLELUJAH CHORUS. WORDS THAT CAN BE SUNG TO THE " HALLELUJAH CHORUS." BY HENRY II. BROWNELL, U. S. N. If people will sing about Old John Brown, there is no reason why they shouldn t have words with a little meaning and rhythm in them. OLD John Brown lies a-mouldering in the grave, Old John Brown lies slumbering in his grave ; But John Brown s soul is marching with the brave, His soul is marching on. Glory, glory, hallelujah ! Glory, glory, hallelujah ! Glory, glory, hallelujah ! His soul is marching on. He has gone to be a soldier in the army of the Lord, He is sworn as a private in the ranks of the Lord ; He shall stand at Armageddon with his brave old sword, When Heaven is marching on. Glory, glory, hallelujah, &c. For Heaven is marching on. He shall file in front where the lines of battle form, He shall face to front when the squares of battle form, Time with the column, and charge in the storm, Where men are marching on. Glory, glory, hallelujah, &c. True men are marching on. Ah ! foul tyrants ! do ye hear him where he comes ? Ah ! black traitors ! do ye know him as he comes ? In thunder of the cannon and roll of the drums, As we go marching on. Glory, glory, hallelujah, &c. We all are marching on. LULLABY. Men may die, and moulder in the dust, Men may die, and arise again from dust, Shoulder to shoulder, in the ranks of the just, When Heaven is marching on. Glory, glory, hallelujah, &c. The Lord is marching on. April 17, 1862. LULLABY. BY E. JEFFERSON CUTLER. Now the twilight shadows flit ; Now the evening lamp is lit ; Sleep, baby, sleep ! Little head on mother s arm, She will keep him safe from harm, Keep him safe and fold him warm : Sleep, baby, sleep ! Baby s father, far away, Thinks of him at shut of day ; Sleep, baby, sleep ! He must guard the sleeping camp, Hearkening, in the cold and damp, For the foeman s stealthy tramp : Sleep, baby, sleep ! He can hear the lullaby, He can see the laughing eye ; Sleep, baby, sleep ! And he knows, though we are dumb, How we long to have him come Back to baby, mother, home : Sleep, baby, sleep ! 7 97 98 THE RIVER FIGHT. Now the eyes are closing up ; Let their little curtains drop ; Sleep, baby, sleep ! Softly on his father s bed Mother lays her baby s head ; There, until the night be fled, Sleep, baby, sleep ! God, who driest the widow s tears, God, who calms the orphan s fears, Guard baby s sleep ! Shield the father in the fray ; Help the mother wait and pray ; Keep us all by night and day : Sleep, baby, sleep ! Only Once. THE RIVER FIGHT. BY H. H. BROWNELL, U. S. N. Do you know of the dreary land, If land such region may seem, Where t is neither sea nor strand, Ocean nor good dry land, But the nightmare marsh of a dream ? Where the Mighty River his death-road takes, Mid pools and windings that coil like snakes, A hundred leagues of bayous and lakes, To die in the great Gulf Stream ? No coast-line clear and true, Granite and deep-sea blue, On that dismal shore you pass, Surf- worn boulder or sandy beach, THE 1UVER FIGHT. But ooze-flats as far as the eye can reach. With shallows of water-grass ; Reedy savannahs, vast and dun, Lying dead in the dim March sun ; Huge rotting trunks and roots that lie Like the blackened bones of shapes gone by, And miles of sunken morass. No lovely, delicate thing Of life o er the waste is seen ; But the cayman, couched by his weedy spring, And the pelican, bird unclean, Or the buzzard, flapping with heavy wing, Like an evil ghost o er the desolate scene. Ah ! many a weary day With our Leader there we lay, In the sultry haze and smoke, Tugging our ships o er the bar, Till the Spring was wasted far, Till his brave heart almost broke. For the sullen river seemed As if our intent he dreamed, All his sallow mouths did spew and choke. But ere April fully passed, All ground over at last, And we knew the die was cast, Knew the day drew nigh To dare to the end one stormy deed, Might save the land at her sorest need, Or on the old deck to die ! Anchored we lay, and a morn the more, To his captains and all his men Thus wrote our old Commodore (He was n t Admiral then) : 99 100 THE RIVER FIGHT. "GENERAL ORDERS. " Send your to gallant-masts down, Rig in each flying jib-boom ! Clear all ahead for the loom Of traitor fortress and town, Or traitor fleet bearing down. " In with your canvas high ; We shall want no sail to fly ! Topsail, foresail, spanker, and jib, (With the heart of oak in the oaken rib,) Shall serve us to win or die ! " Trim every sail by the head, (So shall you spare the lead,) Lest, if she ground, your ship swing round, Bows in shore, for a wreck. See your grapnels all clear with pains, And a solid kedge in your port main-chains, With a whip to the main yard : Drop it heavy and hard When you grapple a traitor deck ! " On forecastle and on poop Mount guns, as best you may deem. If possible, rouse them up, (For still you must bow the stream.) Also hoist and secure with stops Howitzers firmly in your tops, To fire on the foe a-beam. " Look well to your pumps and hose ; Have water-tubs fore and aft, For quenching flame in your craft, And the gun-crews fiery thirst. See planks with felt fitted close, THE RIVER FIGHT. To plug every shot-hole tight. Stand ready to meet the worst ! For, if I have reckoned aright, They will serve us shot, both cold and hot, Freely enough to-night. " Mark well each signal I make, (Our life-long service at stake, And honor that must not lag !) Whate er the peril and awe, In the battle s fieriest flaw, Let never one ship withdraw Till the orders come from the flag ! " Would you hear of the River Fight ? It was two of a soft spring night ; God s stars looked down on all ; And all was clear and bright But the low fog s clinging breath : Up the River of Death Sailed the Great Admiral. On our high poop-deck he stood, And round him ranged the men Who have made their birthright good Of manhood once and again, Lords of helm and of sail, Tried in tempest and gale, Bronzed in battle and wreck. Bell and Bailey grandly led Each his line of the Blue and Red ; Wainwright stood by our starboard rail ; Thornton fought the deck. And I mind me of more than they, Of the youthful, steadfast ones, 102 THE RIVER FIGHT. That have shown them worthy sons Of the seamen passed away. Tyson conned our helm that day ; Watson stood by his guns. What thought our Admiral then, Looking down on his men ? Since the terrible day, (Day of renown and tears !) When at anchor the Essex lay, Holding her foes at bay, When a boy by Porter s side he stood, Till deck and plank-shear were dyed with blood : T is half a hundred years, Half a hundred years to a day ! Who could fail with him ? Who reckon of life or limb ? Not a pulse but beat the higher ! There had you seen, by the starlight dim, Five hundred faces strong and grim : The Flag is going under fire ! Right up by the fort, with her helm hard a-port, The Hartford is going under fire ! The way to our work was plain. Caldwell had broken the chain, (Two hulks swung down amain Soon as t Avas sundered.) Under the night s dark blue, Steering steady and true, Ship after ship went through, Till, as Ave hove in vieAV, " Jackson " out-thundered. Back echoed " Philip ! " Ah ! then Could you have seen our men, THE RIVER FIGHT. 10 j How they sprung, in the dim night haze, To their work of toil and of clamor ! How the boarders, with sponge and rammer, And their captains, with cord and hammer, Kept every muzzle a-blaze. How the guns, as with cheer and shout Our tackle-men hurled them out, Brought up on the water-ways ! First, as we fired at their flash, T was lightning and black eclipse, With a bellowing roll and crash. But soon, upon either bow, What with forts, and fire-rafts, and ships, (The whole fleet was hard at it, now,) All pounding away ! and Porter Still thundering with shell and mortar, T was the mighty sound and form ! (Such you see in the far South, After long heat and drought, As day draws nigh to even, Arching from north to south, Blinding the tropic sun, The great black bow comes on, Till the thunder-veil is riven, When all is crash and levin, And the cannonade of heaven Rolls down the Amazon !) But, as we worked along higher, Just where the river enlarges, Down came a pyramid of fire, It was one of your long coal barges. (We had often had the like before.) T was coming down on us to larboard, Well in with the eastern shore ; And our pilot, to let it pass round, 104 THE RIVER FIGHT. (You may guess we never stopped to sound,) Giving us a rank sheer to starboard, Ran the Flag hard and fast aground ! T was nigh abreast of the Upper Fort, And straightway a rascal Ram (She was shaped like the Devil s dam) Puffed away for us, with a snort, And shoved it, with spiteful strength, Right alongside of us to port. It was all of our ship s length, A huge crackling Cradle of the Pit ! Pitch-pine knots to the brim, Belching flame red and grim, What a roar came up from it ! Well, for a little it looked bad : But these things are, somehow, shorter In the acting than in the telling ; There was no singing out or yelling, Or any fussing and fretting, No stampede, in short ; But there we were, my lad, All a-fire on our port quarter Hammocks a-blaze in the netting, Flame spouting in at every port, Our Fourth Cutter burning at the davit, (No chance to lower away and save it.) In a twinkling, the flames had risen Half way to main-top and mizen, Darting up the shrouds like snakes ! Ah, how we clanked at the brakes, And the deep steaming-pumps throbbed under, Sending a ceaseless flow. Our top-men, a dauntless crowd, Swarmed in rigging and shroud : There, ( t was a wonder ! ) THE RIVER FIGHT. 105 The burning ratlins and strands They quenched with their bare hard hands ; But the great guns below Never silenced their thunder ! At last, by backing and sounding, When we were clear of grounding, And under headway once more, The whole rebel fleet came rounding The point. If we had it hot before, T was now, from shore to shore, One long, loud thundering roar, Such crashing, splintering, and pounding, And smashing as you never heard before ! But that we fought foul wrong to wreck, And to save the land we loved so well, You might have deemed our long gun-deck Two hundred feet of hell ! For above all was battle, Broadside, and blaze, and rattle, Smoke and thunder alone ; (But, down in the sick-bay, Where our wounded and dying lay, There was scarce a sob or a moan.) And at last, when the dim day broke, And the sullen sun awoke, Drearily blinking O er the haze and the cannon smoke, That ever such morning dulls, There were thirteen traitor hulls On fire and sinking ! Now, up the river ! through mad Chalmette Sputters a vain resistance yet Small helm we gave her, our course to steer, T was nicer work than you well would dream, I06 THE RIVER FIGHT. With cant and sheer to keep her clear Of the burning wrecks that cumbered the stream. The Louisiana, hurled on high, Mounts in thunder to meet the sky ! Then down to the depths of the turbid flood, Fifty fathom of rebel mud ! The Mississippi comes floating down, A mighty bonfire, from off the town ; And along the river, on stocks and ways, A half-hatched devil s brood is a-blaze, The great Anglo-Norman is all in flames, (Hark to the roar of her tumbling frames ! ) And the smaller fry that Treason would spawn Are lighting Algiers like an angry dawn ! From stem to stern, how the pirates burn, Fired by the furious hands that built ! So to ashes forever turn The suicide wrecks of wrong and guilt ! But as we neared the city, By field and vast plantation, (Ah, millstone of our Nation ! ) With wonder and with pity, What crowds we there espied Of dark and wistful faces, Mute in their toiling places, Strangely and sadly eyed. Haply, mid doubt and fear, Deeming deliverance near. (One gave the ghost of a cheer ! ) And on that dolorous strand, To greet the victor brave One flag did welcome wave, Raised, ah me ! by a wretched hand, THE RIVER FIGHT. 107 All outworn on our cruel Land, The withered hand of a slave ! But all along the Levee, In a dark and drenching rain, (By this, t was pouring heavy,) Stood a fierce and sullen train. A strange and frenzied time ! There were scowling rage and pain, Curses, howls and hisses, Out of hate s black abysses, Their courage and their crime All in vain all in vain ! For from the hour that the Rebel Stream, With the Crescent City lying abeam, Shuddered under our keel, Smit to the heart with self-struck sting, Slavery died in her scorpion-ring, And Murder fell on his steel. T is well to do and dare ; But ever may grateful prayer Follow, as aye it ought, When the good fight is fought, When the true deed is done. Aloft in heaven s pure light, (Deep azure crossed on white,) Our fair Church pennant waves O er a thousand thankful braves, Bareheaded in God s bright sun. Lord of mercy and frown, Ruling o er sea and shore, Send us such scene once more ! All in line of battle When the black ships bear down Io8 THE BALLAD OF THE CRESCENT CITY. On tyrant fort and town, Mid cannon cloud and rattle ; And the great guns once more Thunder back the roar Of the traitor walls ashore, And the traitor flags come down ! New Orleans Era. THE BALLAD OF THE CRESCENT CITY. i. IN the City of the Crescent, by red Mississippi s waves, Dwells the haughty Creole matron with her daughters and her slaves ; Round her throng the rebel knighthood, fierce of word and proud of crest, Slightly redolent of julep, cocktail, cobbler, and the rest Of those miscellaneous tipples that the Southern heart impel To the mighty threats of prowess, whose dread fruits we know so well.* Round the matron and her daughters ring chivalric voices high: Not the meanest soul among them but is sworn to do or die! " Never to the Yankee Vandal, foul and horned thing of mud, Will they leave their maids and matrons while a single vein holds blood ! * It is singular that the juleps, cocktails, and "miscellaneous tipples" which European writers continually ridicule as a trait of Yankee life, are all, as we know, of Southern invention. THE BALLAD OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 109 Perish every Southron sooner ! Death ? They crave it as a boon ! " Then each desperate knight retires to his favorite Quadroon ! In the City of the Crescent, by red Mississippi s waves, Sits the haughty Creole matron with her daughters and her slaves; But her eye no longer flashes with the fire it held of late, For, alas ! the Yankee Vandals thunder at the city gate. Proud on Mississippi s waters, looming o er the dark levee, Ride the gallant Northern war-ships, floats the Banner of the Free ! While a calm-eyed Captain paces through a sea of scowl-* ing men, To demand the full surrender of the city, there and then. Yet the haughty Creole lady s sorest sorrow lies not there : T is not that the Yankee mudsills will pollute her sacred air ; Though her delicate fibres shudder doubtless at the dread ful thought That her soft and fragrant breathings may by Yankee lips be caught ; No ! the cut of all unkindest that which makes her heart dilate Is, her knights have all " skedaddled," and have left her to her fate ! Yes ; no strength of smash or julep, nor the cocktail s bitterest heat, Kept those recreant warriors steady when they saw the Yankee fleet ; All their desperate prowess vanished like a mist before the moon, Left the Creole maid and matron, even left the dear Quadroon ! Iio THE BALLAD OF THE CRESCENT CITY. m. In the City of the Crescent, by red Mississippi s waves, Walks the haughty Creole matron with her daughters and her slaves ; Freedom s flag is floating o er her, Freedom s sons she passes by, And the olden scornful fire burns rekindled in her eye. How dare Freedom thus insult her ? How dare mudsills walk the pave Whose each stone to her is hallowed by the toil-sweat of the slave ? " What ? you call that rag your banner ? You, sir, hire ling, hound, I mean ! Thus I spit upon your emblem ! Let your churl s blood wash it clean ! Well you wear your liveried jacket, hireling bravo that you are ! Lackey, paid to rob and murder in a thin disguise of war ! " Thus, with many a taunting gesture, speaks she to the Northern braves, As she flaunts along the sidewalk with her daughters and her slaves ! Naught reply the Northern soldiers, smiling, though they feel the stings Of the foul and meretricious taunts the Southern lady flings ; So she passes, while the venom from her fragrant mouth still slips Like the loathsome toads and lizards from the enchanted maiden s lips ; And her spotless soul joys, doubtless, soft her modest bosom beats, That she so has aped the harlot in her city s public streets ! THE BALLAD OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 1 1 1 IV. In the City of the Crescent, by red Mississippi s waves, Walks the haughty Creole lady with her daughters and her slaves ; But her eye no longer flashes with its wonted fire of hate ; Her tongue is strangely silent now, and modest is her gait ; With quiet mien and humble she passes soldiers by, Nor ever on our country s flag turns a defiant eye. What wondrous glamour so hath changed the haughty lady s mien ? The crime of her rebellious heart hath she in sorrow seen ? Or has her spotless bosom owned that Yankees there may be Worthy of even a Creole s love ? Is hers no longer free ? No ; it is none of these have tamed the lady s rebel soul ; On each mudsill she, certes, still breathes inward curse and dole ! And as for love, save for her knight, no love her heart can stir, Since o er a julep s sugared brink he swore to die for her; For though he died not, but preferred another field to seek, T was only, as she knows, because the julep was too weak ! T was none of these ! A sterner cause for change of mien had she ! For spitting once too often at the Banner of the Free, And once too oft through her pure lips the venom letting loose, The haughty Creole dame was shown into the Cala boose ! Harpers Weekly. 112 NEW ORLEANS WON BACK. NEW ORLEANS WON BACK. A LAY FOR OUR SAILORS. BY ROBERT LOWELL. [The opening words of the burden are a scrap of an old song caught up.] CATCH Oh ! up in the morning, up in the morning, Up in the morning early ! There lay the town that our guns looked down, With its streets all dark and surly. God made three youths to walk unscathed In the furnace seven times hot ; And when smoky flames our squadron bathed, Amid horrors of shell and shot, Then, too, it was God that brought them through That death-crowded thoroughfare : So now, at six bells, the church pennons flew, And the crews went all to prayer. Thank God ! thank God ! our men won the fight, Against forts, and fleets, and flame : Thank God ! they have given our flag its right, In a town that brought it shame. Oh ! up in the morning, up in the morning, Up in the morning early ! Our flag hung there, in the fresh, still air, With smoke floating soft and curly. Ten days for the deep ships at the bar; Six days for the mortar-fleet, That battered the great forts from afar ; And then, to that deadly street ! A flash ! Our strong ships snapped the boom To the fire-rafts and the forts, NEW ORLEANS WON BACK. 113 To crush and crash, and flash and gloom, And iron beaks fumbling their ports. From the dark came the raft, in flame and smoke ; In the dark came the iron beak ; But our sailors hearts were stouter than oak, And the false foe s iron weak. Oh ! up in the morning, up in the morning, Up in the morning early ! Before they knew, they had burst safe through, And left the forts, grim and burly. Though it be brute s work, not man s, to tear Live limbs like shivered wood ; Yet, to dare, and to stand, and to take death for share, Are as much as the angels could. Our men towed the blazing rafts ashore ; They battered the great rams down ; Scarce a wreck floated where was a fleet before, When our ships came up to the town. There were miles of batteries yet to be dared, But they quenched these all, as in play ; Then with their yards squared, their guns mouths bared, They held the great town at bay. Oh ! up in the morning, up in the morning, Up in the morning early ! Our stout ships came through shell, shot, and flame, But the town will not always be surly ; For this Crescent City takes to its breast The Father of Waters tide ; And here shall the wealth of our world, in the West, Meet wealth of the world beside : Here the date-palm and the olive find A near and equal sun ; And a hundred broad, deep rivers wind To the summer-sea in one : 8 114 THE VARUNA. Here the Fall steals all old Winter s ice, And the Spring steals all his snow ; While he but smiles at their artifice, And like his own nature go. Oh ! up in the morning, up in the morning, Up in the morning early ! May that flag float here till the earth s last year, With the lake mists, fair and pearly. THE VARUNA. Sunk April 24^, 1882.* BY GEORGE H. BOKKH. WHO has not heard of the dauntless Varuna ? Who has not heard of the deeds she has done ? Who shall not hear, while the brown Mississippi Rushes along from the snow to the sun ? Crippled and leaking she entered the battle, Sinking and burning she fought through the fray ; Crushed were her sides, and the waves ran across her, Ere, like a death-wounded lion at bay, Sternly she closed in the last fatal grapple, Then in her triumph moved grandly away. Five of the rebels, like satellites round her, Burned in her orbit of splendor and fear ; One, like the pleiad of mystical story, Shot, terror-stricken, beyond her dread sphere. We who are waiting with crowns for the victors, Though we should offer the wealth of our store, * After sinking five of the enemy in the naval battle below New Orleans. THE NEW BALLAD OF LORD LOVELL. 115 Load the Varuna from deck down to kelson, Still would be niggard, such tribute to pour On courage so boundless. It beggars possession, It knocks for just payment at heaven s bright door! Cherish the heroes who fought the Varuna ; Treat them as kings if they honor your way ; Succor and comfort the sick and the wounded ; Oh ! for the dead let us all kneel to pray. THE NEW BALLAD OF LORD LOVELL.* LORD LOVELL he sat in St. Charles s Hotel, In St. Charles s Hotel sat he ; As fine a case of a Southern swell As ever you d wish to see see see, As ever you d wish to see. Lord Lovell the town had vowed to defend : A-waving his sword on high, He swore that his last ounce of powder he d spend, And in the last ditch he d die. He swore by black and he swore by blue, He swore by the stars and bars, That never he d fly from a Yankee crew While he was a son of Mars. He had fifty thousand gallant men, Fifty thousand men had he, Who had all sworn with him that they d never Surrender to any tarnation Yankee. * Mansfield Lovell, of New York, commanded the Rebel troops at New Orleans, and, on the approach of the national fleet and army to that place, " led his forces out of the town." Il6 THE NEW BALLAD OF LORD LOVELL. He had forts that no Yankee alive could take ; He had iron-clad boats a score ; And batteries all around the Lake,* And all along the river-shore. Sir Farragut came with a mighty fleet, With a mighty fleet came he ; And Lord Lovell instanter began to retreat, Before the first boat he could see. His fifty thousand gallant men Dwindled down to thousands six ; They heard a distant cannon, and then Commenced a-cutting their sticks. " Oh, tarry, Lord Lovell ! " Sir Farragut cried ; " Oh, tarry, Lord Lovell ! " said he ; " I rather think not," Lord Lovell replied, " For I m in a great hurry." " I like the drinks at St. Charles s Hotel, But I never could bear strong Porter, Especially when it s served on the shell, Or mixed in an iron mortar." " I reckon you re right," Sir Farragut said ; " I reckon you re right," said he ; " For if my Porter should fly to your head, A terrible smash there d be." Oh, a wonder it was to see them run ! A wonderful thing to see ; And the Yankees sailed up without shooting a gun, And captured their great citie. Lord Lovell kept running all day and night, Lord Lovell a-running kept he ; GINERAL BUTLER. 117 For he swore lie couldn t abide the sight Of the gun of a live Yankee. When Lord Lovell s life was brought to a close By a sharp-shooting Yankee gunner, From his head there sprouted a red, red nose, From his feet a Scarlet Runner. GINERAL BUTLER. [LINES KIT TU RICHARD YEADON, A RANK, PIZEN REBBEL, WHU HES OFFERED TEX THAOUSAND DOLLARS FUR THE HED OV GINERAL BUTLER. I ONLY WISH THE AMERIKAN EGLE MAY LIVE TILL HE GITS IT!] BY CHARITY GRIMES. Yu offer us ten thaousand fur the heel ov Butler, du ye ? Wa al, I vaow I wunder at it ! But yu may jest spare yure pains. I tell yu (ef yu know enuff tu git the idee thru yu), Yu d better wish, a tarnal site, fur Gineral Butler s brains ! Here s a fust-rate chance tu make a pile ! a bribe fur human natur ! Naow is the time fur Judases tu clap thare hands and larf; Ten thaousand dollars offered fur the sarvice ov a traitor ? Why thare s menny a poor scoundrel thet wood du the work fur half! Want the hed ov Gineral Butler ! Wa al, I never ! t is surprisin ! Yu fellers daown in Dixie must be fallin off from grace. Il8 RHODE ISLAND TO THE SOUTH. Not hevin enny decent hed (that fact thare s no dis- guisin), Yu want tu take yure nabor s, es ef that wood help yure case ! Ten thaousand dollars offered ! Specie payment is t, I wunder ? Bein a Yankee born, yu know, p r aps I am kind o cute. Yure promises air fair enuff; but fokes du sumtimes blunder, And them Confederate notes ov yourn, t ain t every wun they d suit ! Ten thaousand dollars offered fur the hed ov Butler! Reely ! Haow long is t sense yu larfed et him, and called him " Pickayune ? " Did yu find he was tu big a coin fur yu tu hold genteely ? Or has he put yure notes ov war a leetle aout ov tune ? Yu offer us ten thaousand fur the hed ov Butler, du yu ? Wa al, I don t mutch wunder at it, but yu may jest spare yure pains ; But I 11 tell yu (ef yu know enuff to git the idee thru yu), Yu d better (fur yu need em) wish fur Gineral Butler s brains ! Harpers Weekly. RHODE ISLAND TO THE SOUTH. BY GEN. F. W. LANDER. ONCE on New England s bloody heights, And o er a Southern plain, Our fathers fought for sovereign rights, That working men might reign. And by that only Lord we serve, The great Jehovah s name ; THE PICKET GUARD. By those sweet lips that ever nerve High hearts to deeds of fame ; By all that makes the man a king, The household hearth a throne, Take back the idle scoff ye fling, Where freedom claims its own. For though our battle hope was vague Upon Manassas plain, Where Slocum stood with gallant Sprague, And gave his life in vain, Before we yield the holy trust Our old forefathers gave, Or wrong New England s hallowed dust, Or grant the wrongs ye crave, We 11 print in kindred gore so deep The shore we love to tread, That woman s eyes shall fail to weep O er man s unnumbered dead. THE PICKET-GUARD. " ALL quiet along the Potomac," they say, " Except now and then a stray picket Is shot, as he walks on his beat, to and fro, By a rifleman hid in the thicket. *T is nothing : a private or two, now and then, Will not count in the news of the battle ; Not an officer lost, only one of the men, Moaning out, all alone, the death-rattle." All quiet along the Potomac to-night, Where the soldiers lie peacefully dreaming ; 120 THE PICKET-GUARD. Their tents, in the rays of the clear autumn moon, Or the light of the watch-fires, are gleaming. A tremulous sigh, as the gentle night-wind Through the forest leaves softly is creeping ; While stars up above, with their glittering eyes, Keep guard, for the army is sleeping. There s only the sound of the lone sentry s tread As he tramps from the rock to the fountain, And thinks of the two in the low trundle-bed, Far away in the cot on the mountain. His musket falls slack ; his face, dark and grim, Grows gentle with memories tender, As he mutters a prayer for the children asleep, For their mother, may Heaven defend her ! The moon seems to shine just as brightly as then, That night, when the love yet unspoken Leaped up to his lips, when low, murmured vows Were pledged to be ever unbroken. Then drawing his sleeve roughly over his eyes, He dashes off tears that are welling, And gathers his gun closer up to its place, As if to keep down the heart-swelling. He passes the fountain, the blasted pine-tree, The footstep is lagging and weary ; Yet onward he goes, through the broad belt of light, Toward the shades of the forest so dreary. Hark ! was it the night-wind that rustled the leaves ? W T as it moonlight so wondrously flashing ? It looked like a rifle : " Ha ! Mary, good-bye ! " And the life-blood is ebbing and plashing. All quiet along the Potomac to-night, No sound save the rush of the river ; While soft falls the dew on the face of the dead, The picket s off duty forever. THE MARCH OF THE REGIMENT. 12 I THE MARCH OF THE REGIMENT. BY H. H. BROWNELL, U. S. N. HERE they come ! t is the Twelfth, you know, The colonel is just at hand ; The ranks close up, to the measured flow Of music cheery and grand. Glitter on glitter, row by row, The steady bayonets, on they go For God and the right to stand : Another thousand to front the foe ! And to die if it must be even so For the dear old fatherland ! O trusty and true ! O gay, warm heart ! O manly and earnest brow ! Here, in the hurrying street, we part To meet ah ! where and how ? O ready and stanch ! who, at war s alarm, On lonely hill-side and mountain-farm Have left the axe and the plough ! That every tear were a holy charm, To guard, with honor, some head from harm, And to quit some generous vow ! For, of valiant heart and of sturdy arm Was never more need than now. Never a nobler morn to the bold, For God and for country s sake ! Lo ! a flag, so haughtily unrolled On a hundred foughten fields of old, Now flaunts in a pirate s wake ! The lion coys in each blazoned fold, And leers on the blood-barred snake ! O base and vain ! that, for grudge and gain, Could a century s feud renew, 122 THE MARCH OF THE REGIMENT. Could hoard your hate for the coward chance When a nation reeled in a wilder dance Of death, than the Switzer drew ! We have borne and borne and may bear again With wrong, but if wrong from you. Welcome, the sulphury cloud in the sky ! Welcome, the crimson rain ! Act but the dream ye dared to form, Strike a single spark ! and the storm Of serried bayonets sweeping by, Shall swell to a hurricane ! O blind and bitter ! that could not know, Even in fight, a caitiff-bknv, (Foully dealt on a hard-set foe,) Ever is under wise ; Ever is ghosted with after fear, Ye might lesson it, year by year, Looking, with fevered eyes, For sail or smoke from the Breton shore, Lest a land, so rudely wronged of yore, In flamy revenge should rise ! Office at outcry ! ah ! wretched Flam ! Vile Farce of hammer and prate ! Trade ! bids Darby and blood ! smirks Pam Little ween they, each courtly Sham, Of the Terror lying in wait ! Little wot of the web he spins, Their Tempter in purple, that darkly grins Neath his stony visor of state, O er Seas, how narrow ! for, whoso wins, At yon base Auction of Outs and Ins, The rule of his Dearest Hate ; Her point once flashing athwart her Kin s, And the reckoning, ledgered for long, begins, THE MARCH OF THE REGIMENT. 123 The galling Glories and envied Sins Shall buzz in a rnesh-like fate ! Ay, mate your meanest ! ye can but do That permitted ; when. Heaven would view How Wrong, self-branded, her rage must rue In wreck and ashes ! (such scene as you, If wise, shall Avitness afar) ; How Guilt, o erblown, her crest heaves high, And dares the injured, with taunt, to try Ordeal of Fire in war ; Blindfold and brazen, on God doth call Then grasps in horror, the glaring ball, Or treads on the candent bar ! Yet a little ! and men shall mark This our Moloch, who sate so stark, (These hundred winters through godless dark Grinning o er death and shame) ; Marking for murder each unbowed head, Throned on his Ghizeh of bones, and fed Still with hearts of the holy dead, Naught but a Spectre foul and dread, Naught but a hideous Name ! At last ! (ungloom, stern coffined frown ! Rest thee, Gray- Steel ! aye, dead Renown ! In flame and thunder, by field and town, The Giant-Horror is going down, Down to the Home whence it came ! ) Deaf to the Doom that waits the Beast, Still would she share the Harlot s Feast, And drink of her blood-grimed Cup ! Pause ! the Accursed, on yon frenzied shore, Buyeth your merchandise never more ! Mark, mid the Fiery Dew that drips, Redder, faster, through black Eclipse, 124 TUE MARCH OF THE REGIMENT. How Sodom, to-night, shall sup ! (Thus the Kings, in Apocalypse, The traders of souls, and crews of ships, Standing afar, with pallid lips, While Babylon s smoke goes up ! ) Yet, dree your weird ! though an hour may blight, In treason, a century s fame Trust Greed and Spite ! sith Reason and Right Lie cold, with Honor and Shame ; And learn anon as on that dread night When, the dead around and the deck aflame, From John Paul s lip the fierce word came, " We have only begun to fight ! " Ay, t is at hand ! - foul lips, be dumb ! Our Armageddon is yet to come ! But cheery bugle and angry drum, With volleyed rattle and roar, And cannon thunder-throb, shall be drowned, That day, in a grander, stormier sound ; The Land, from mountain to shore, Hurling shackle and scourge and stake Back to their Lender of pit and lake ; ( Twas Tophet leased them of yore), Hell, in her murkiest hold, shall quake, As they ring on the damned floor ! O mighty Heart ! thou wast long to wake, T is thine, to-morrow, to win or break In a deadlier close once more, If but for the dear and glorious sake Of those who have gone beibre. O Fair and Faithful ! that, sun by sun, Slept on the field, or lost or won, Children dear of the Holy One ! Rest in your wintry sod. THE LOYAL DEMOCRAT. 125 Rest, your noble devoir is done, Done and forever ! Ours, to-day, The dreary drift and the frozen clay By trampling armies trod ; The smoky shroud of the War-Simoom, The maddened Crime at bay with her Doom, And fighting it, clod by clod. O Calm and Glory ! beyond the gloom, Above the bayonets bend and bloom The lilies and palms of God. Hartford Evening Press. THE LOYAL DEMOCRAT. BY A. J. H. DUGA3JXE. MOUTH not to me your Union rant, Nor gloze mine ears with loyal cant ! Who stands this day in freedom s van, He only is my Union man ! Who tramples Slavery s Gesler hat, He is my loyal Democrat ! With whips, engirt by chains, too long We strove to make our fasces strong ; When rebel hands those fasces rend, Must we with whips and chains still mend ? If " Democrats " can stoop to that, God help me ! I m no Democrat ! Thank Heaven ! the lines are drawn this hour Twixt manly Right and despot Power ; Who scowls in Freedom s pathway now Bears " tyrant " stamped upon his brow ; Who skulks aloof or shirks his part, Hath " slave " imprinted in his heart. 126 THE LOYAL DEMOCRAT. In vain of " Equal Rights " ye prate, Who fawn like dogs at Slavery s gate ; Beyond the slave each slave-whip smites, And codes for blacks are laws for whites ; The chains that negro limbs encoil Reach and enslave each child of toil ! O Northern men ! when will ye learn T is labor that these tyrants spurn ? T is not the blood or skin they brand, But every poor man s toil-worn hand ; And ye who serve them knowing this Deserve the slave-lash that ye kiss ! While Northern blood remembrance craves From twice ten thousand Southern graves, Shall freeborn hearts beneath the turf Lie always crushed by tramp of serf, And pilgrims, at those graves, some day, By Slavery s hounds be driven away ? The green grass in the church-yard waves ; The good corn grows o er battle-graves ; But, oh ! from crimson seeds now sown, What crops what harvest shall be grown ? On Shiloh s plain on Roanoke s sod What fruits shall spring from blood, O God ? Spring-time is here ! The past now sleeps The present sows the future reaps ! Who plants good seed in Freedom s span He only is my Union man ! Who treads the weeds of Slavery flat, He is my loyal Democrat ! May 2- ], 1862. THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND MORE 1 27 THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND MORE.* WE are coming, Father Abra am, three hundred thousand more, From Mississippi s winding stream and from New Eng land s shore ; We leave our ploughs and workshops, our wives and chil dren dear, With hearts too full for utterance, with but a silent tear ; We dare not look behind us, but steadfastly before : We are coming, Father Abra am, three hundred thousand more. If you look across the hill-tops that meet the northern sky, Long moving lines of rising dust your vision may descry; And now the wind, an instant, tears the cloudy veil aside, And floats aloft our spangled flag in glory and in pride ; And bayonets in the sunlight gleam, and bands brave music pour : We are coming, Father Abra am, three hundred thousand more. If you look all up our valleys, where the growing harvests shine, You may see our sturdy farmer boys fast forming into line ; And children from their mothers knees are pulling at the weeds, And learning how to reap and sow against their country s needs ; And a farewell group stands weeping at every cottage door : We are coming, Father Abra am, three hundred thousand more. * President Lincoln issued a proclamation, July, 1862, calling for three hundred thousand more volunteers. 128 THE DAY OF GOD. You have called us, and we re. coming, by Richmond s bloody tide To lay us down, for Freedom s sake, our brothers bones beside ; Or from foul treason s savage grasp to wrench the mur derous blade, And in the face of foreign foes its fragments to parade. Six hundred thousand loyal men and true have gone before : We are coining, Father Abra am, three hundred thousand more. Evening Post. THE DAY OF GOD. BY GEORGE S. BUKLEIGH. ALL blessings walk with onward feet ; No day dawns twice, no night comes back ; The car of doom, or slow or fleet, Rolls down an unreturned track. What we have been, we cannot be ; Forward, inexorable Fate Points mutely to her own decree, Beyond her hour is all too late. God reaps his judgment field to-day, And sifts the darnel from the wheat ; A whirlwind sweeps the chaff away, And fire the refuge of deceit. Once in a century only blooms The flower of fortune so sublime As now hangs budded o er the tombs Of the great fathers of old time. THE DAY OF GOD. 129 Eternal Justice sits on high And gathers in her awful scales Our shame and glory Slavery s lie And Freedom s starry countervails. When falls her sword, as fall it must In red Bellona s fiery van, Let the old anarch bite the dust, And rise the rescued rights of Man. In vain a nation s bloody sweat, The sob of myriad hearts in vain, If the scotched snake may live to set Its venom in our flesh again. Priests of an altar fired once more For Freedom in His awful name, Who trod the wine-press, dripping gore, And gave the Law in lurid flame, Oh, not in human wrath, that wreaks Revenge for wrong, and blood for blood Not in the fiery will that seeks Brute power in battle s stormy flood, Go forth, redeemers of a land, Sad, stern, and fearless for the Lord, Solemn and calm, with firm right hand Laid to the sacrificial sword. The lords of treason and the whip Have called you to the dread appeal, From the loud cannon s fevered lip, And the wide flash of bristling steel. If now the echo of that voice Shake down their prison-house of wrong, 130 THE BATTLE AUTUMN OF 1862. They have their own perfidious choice ; For God is good, and Truth is strong. Their steel draws lightning, and the bolt But fires their own volcanic mine ; God in their vineyard of Revolt Treads out his sacramental wine ! Be this our conquest, as they gave Their all to Treason and the Chain, We snap the fetter from the slave, And make our sole revenge their gain ! Independent, August, 1862. THE BATTLE AUTUMN OF 1862. BY JOHN G. WHITTIER. THE flags of war like storm-birds fly, The charging trumpets blow ; Yet rolls no thunder in the sky, No earthquake strives below. And calm and patient nature keeps Her ancient promise well, Though o er her bloom and greenness sweeps The battle s breath of hell. And still she walks in golden hours Through harvest-happy farms, And still she wears her fruits and flowers Like jewels on her arms. What means the gladness of the plain, This joy of eve and morn, The mirth that shakes the beard of grain, And yellow locks of corn ? THE BATTLE AUTUMN OF 1862. 131 Ah ! eyes may well be full of tears, Arid hearts with hate are hot ; But even paced come round the years, And Nature changes not. She meets with smiles our bitter grief, With songs our groans of pain ; She mocks with tint of flower and leaf The war-field s crimson stain. Still in the cannon s pause we hear Her sweet thanksgiving psalm ; Too near to God for doubt or fear, She shares the eternal calm. She knows the seed lies safe below The fires that blast and burn ; For all the tears of blood we sow, She waits the rich return. She sees, with clearer eye than ours, The good of suffering born, The hearts that blossom like her flowers, And ripen like her corn. Oh ! give to us, in times like these, The vision of her eyes ; And make her eyes and fruited trees Our golden prophecies ! Oh ! give to us her finer ear ! Above this stormy din ; We too would hear the bells of cheer Ring peace and freedom in. Atlantic Monthly. 13 ^ THE CRIPPLE AT THE GATE. THE CRIPPLE AT THE GATE * LOOK ! how the hoofs and wheels to-day Scatter the dust on the broad highway, Where Beauty and Fashion, and Wealth and Pride On saddle and cushion serenely ride ! The very steeds have a conscious prance Of pride in their elegant freight ! Love and laughter like jewels slip From the sparkling eye and the merry lip ; You never would think that the Nation s life Hung on the thread of a desperate strife, Unless from these you should turn, by chance, To the Cripple at the Gate. Weary and footsore, and ragged and soiled, Through the summer glare he has slowly toiled Along the edge of the broad highway, Since the early dawn of the westering day ; His rags are flecked with the dusty foam That flew from the gilded bits Of the champing steeds that passed him by ; And a haggard shadow is in his eye, But it is not the gloom of an envious pain ! He has left a limb on the battle-plain, And to win his way to his distant home At my gate, a Beggar, he sits ! * We all remember one of the sad evidences of the unavoidable insufficiency of our War Department to the demands made upon it by a gigantic and protracted struggle which spread over such vast distances and employed so many men, the sight of discharged soldiers, sometimes wounded or enfeebled by disease, without the means of reaching their homes, which often were hundreds of miles away. From this seeming reproach we were at last relieved by the efforts of that noble organization, the Sanitary Commission. THE CRIPPLE AT THE GATE. 133 He tells me his tale in a simple way : " I had nothing," he says, " except my pay, And a wife and four little girls, and so I sent all my money to them, you know ! When I lost my limb, Sir but that I in lame, I do not complain, for, you see, T is the fortune of war, and it might be worse ; And I d lose the other to stop the curse Of this terrible strife ! But I meant to say, When I left the hospital t other day, I did think I had a kind of a claim To be sent to my village free. " Don t you think it hard yourself, Sir ? True, There s a hundred dollars of bounty due In three years, or when the war s ended ; but how Long may that be can you tell me now V I did not enlist for bounty, I trust, My conscience I never have sold ; But how does it look for a soldier to tramp, Begging his way like a vagabond scamp, From the fields where he often risked his life, To the home where he left his babes and wife, In a uniform made of tatters and dust Instead of the blue and gold ? " Whose fault this is, Sir, I do not know," Said the wayworn man as he rose to go ; " But of this, alas ! I am sure the sight Of a soldier returning in such a plight To the home whence, a few short months ago, He marched in a gallant band, With music, and banners, and shining steel, Will dull more ears to the battle-peal, And cause more bosoms with doubt to swell, Than the secret traitor s deadliest spell. Do nt you see yourself, Sir, it must be so V " And he sighed as I held out my hand. 134- WANTED A MAN. Lofty carriage and low coupe Still whirl the dust on the broad highway ; Beauty and Fashion, and Wealth and Pride Still through the roseate twilight ride, With love, and laughter, and prancing steed, As if Pleasure were all life s fate. But I gaze no more on the joyous train, For my eye is fixed with a steadfast strain On the tattered soldier s halting stride, Till his tall form sinks down the dark hill-side ; Then I cry, " Thank God ! he hath now no need To beg at the stranger s gate ! " Harpers 1 Weekly. WANTED A MAN. BY EDMUND C. STEDMAN. BACK from the trebly crimson d field Terrible words are thunder-tost ; Full of the wrath that will not yield, Full of revenge for battles lost ! Hark to their echo as it crost The Capital, making faces wan : " End this murderous holocaust ; Abraham Lincoln, give us a MAN ! " Give us a man of God s own mould, Born to marshal his fellow-men ; One whose fame is not bought and sold At the stroke of a politician s pen ; Give us the man of thousands ten, Fit to do as well as to plan ; Give us a rally ing-cry, and then, Abraham Lincoln, give us a MAX ! WANTED A MAN. 135 " No leader to shirk the boasting foe, And to march and countermarch our brave, Till they fade like ghosts in the marshes low, And swamp-grass covers each nameless grave ; Nor another, whose fatal banners wave Aye in Disaster s shameful van ; Nor another, to bluster, and lie, and rave ; Abraham Lincoln, give us a MAN ! " Hearts are mourning in the North, While the sister rivers seek the main, Red with our life-blood flowing forth, Who shall gather it up again ? Though we march to the battle-plain Firmly as when the strife began, Shall all our offering be in vain ? Abraham Lincoln, give us a MAN ! " Is there never one in all the land, One on whose might the Cause may lean ? Are all the common men so grand, And all the titled ones so mean ? What if your failure may have been In trying to make good bread from bran From worthless metal a weapon keen ? Abraham Lincoln, find us a MAN ! " Oh, we will follow him to the death, Where the foeman s fiercest columns are ! Oh, we will use our latest breath, Cheei-Jng for every sacred star ! His to marshal us nigh and far, Ours to battle, as patriots can When a Hero leads the Holy War ! Abraham Lincoln, give us a MAN ! " SEPTEMBER 8, 1862. New York Tribune. 1 3 6 FREDERICKSB UR GIL FREDERICKSBURGH. BY W. F. W. EIGHTEEN hundred and sixty-two, That is the number of wounded men Who, if the telegraph s tale be true, Reached Washington City but yester e en. And it is but a handful, the telegrams add, To those who are coming by boats and by cars ; Weary and wounded, dying and sad ; Covered but only in front with scars. Some are wounded by Minie shot, Others are torn by the hissing shell, As it burst upon them as fierce and as hot As a demon spawned in a traitor s hell. Some are pierced by the sharp bayonet, Others are crushed by the horses hoof; Or fell neath the shower of iron Avhich met Them as hail beats down on an open roof. Shall I tell what they did to meet this fate ? Why was this living death their doom ? Why did they fall to this piteous state Neath the rifle s crack and the cannon s boom ? Orders arrived, and the river they crossed ; Built the bridge in the enemy s face ; No matter how many were shot and lost, And floated sad corpses away from the place. Orders they heard, and they scaled the height, Climbing right " into the jaws of death ; " FREDERICKSB UR OH. 1 3 7 Each man grasping his rifle-piece tight, Scarcely pausing to draw his breath. Sudden flashed on them a sheet of flame From hidden fence and from ambuscade ; A moment more (they say this is fame,) A thousand dead men on the grass were laid. Fifteen thousand in wounded and killed, At least, is " our loss," the newspapers say. This loss to our army must surely be filled Against another great battle-day. " Our loss ! " Whose loss ? Let demagogues say That the Cabinet, President, all are in wrong : What do the orphans and widows pray ? What is the burden of their sad song ? T is their loss ! But the tears in their weeping eyes Hide Cabinet, President, Generals, all ; And they only can see a cold form that lies On the hillside slope, by that fatal wall. They cannot discriminate men or means, They only demand that this blundering cease. In their frenzied grief they would end such scenes, Though that end be even with traitors peace. Is thy face from thy people turned, O God ? Is thy arm for the Nation no longer strong ? We cry from our homes the dead cry from the sod How long, O our righteous God ! how long ? NEW YORK, December 17, 1862. 138 "MY MARYLAND. MY MAE YL AND." * An me ! I vc had enough of thee, Maryland, my Maryland ! Dear land, thou art too dear for me, Maryland, my Maryland ! I 11 take the nearest ford and go, I 11 leave thee, darling, to the foe ; But do not let him kick me so, Maryland, my Maryland ! You ve dashed my hopes, ungrateful State, Maryland, my Maryland ! Go ! bless your stars I came too late, Maryland, you understand ! I meant to dress you well in black, And scar you with the battle s track, And I had scourges for your back, Maryland, my contraband ! Oh, where are Longstreet, Hill, and Lee ? Maryland, my Maryland ! And " Stonewall " Jackson, where is he ? Maryland, my Maryland ! Four coat-tails streaming in the breeze, And that is all a body sees ; Better than dangling from the trees, Maryland, my Maryland ! Gray geese are flying southward, ho! Maryland, O Maryland ! * This parody of the most spirited and most popular of the Rebel Songs celebrates the failure of the insurgent forces to take and hold Maryland, which was General Lee s object in his north ward march, and which was defeated by the battles of South Moun tain and Antie am. BOSTON HYMN. 139 It s getting cold up there, you know, Maryland, O Maryland ! I should have thought it rather warm, South Mountain yonder took by storm, Antietam yielded in alarm, Maryland, O Maryland ! Blood-red my hand, and dead my heart, Native land, my native land ! Columbia from her grave will start, Murder d land, my murder d land ! Thy flag is like a sword of fire, I 11 fly, I 11 fly its vengeful ire ; Beneath its stroke its foes expire, Native land, my native land ! Harpers Weekly. BOSTON HYMN.* BY RALPH WALDO EMERSON. THE word of the Lord by night To the watching Pilgrims came, As they sat by the sea-side, And filled their hearts with flame. God said, I am tired of Kings, I suffer them no more ; Up to my ear the morning brings The outrage of the poor. Think ye I made this ball A field of havoc and war, * Read at the Emancipation Meeting at Boston, January 1, 1803. 140 BOSTON HYMN. Where tyrants great and tyrants small Might harry the weak and poor ? My angel, his name is Freedom, Choose him to be your king ; He shall cut pathways east and west, And fend you with his wing. Lo ! I uncover the land Which I hid of old time in the West, As the sculptor uncovers his statue, When he has wrought his best. I show Columbia, of the rocks Which dip their foot in the seas, And soar to the air-borne flocks Of clouds, and the boreal fleece. I will divide my goods ; Call in the wretch and slave : None shall rule but the humble, And none but toil shall have. I will have never a noble, No lineage counted great : Fishers and choppers and ploughmen Shall constitute a State. Go, cut down trees in the forest, And trim the straightest boughs ; Cut down trees in the forest, And build me a wooden house. Call the people together, The young men and the sires, The digger in the harvest-field, Hireling and him that hires. BOSTON HYMN. 141 And here in a pine State-House They shall choose men to rule In every needful faculty, In church and state and school. Lo, now ! if these poor men Can govern the land and sea, And make just laws below the sun, As planets faithful be. And ye shall succor men ; T is nobleness to serve ; Help them who cannot help again ; Beware from right to swerve. I break your bonds and masterships, And I unchain the slave : Free be his heart and hand henceforth, As wind and wandering wave. I cause from every creature His proper good to flow : So much as he is and doeth, So much he shall bestow. But, laying his hands on another To coin his labor and sweat, He goes in pawn to his victim For eternal years in debt. Pay ransom to the owner, And fill the bag to the brim ! Who is the owner ? The slave is owner, And ever was. Pay him ! O North ! give him beauty for rags, And honor, O South ! for his shame ; 142 TREASON S LAST DEVICE. Nevada ! coin thy golden crags With Freedom s image and name. Up ! and the dusky race That sat in darkness long, Be swift their feet as antelopes, And as behemoth strong. Come East and West and North, By races, as snow-flakes, And carry My purpose forth, Which neither halts nor shakes. My will fulfilled shall be ; For, in daylight or in dark, My thunderbolt has eyes to see His way home to the mark. Atlantic Monthly. TREASON S LAST DEVICE. BY EDMUND C. STEDMAN. " Who deserves greatness, Deserves your hate. .... You common cry of curs, whose breath I loathe As reek o the rotten fens." Coriolanus. "Hark! hark! the dogs do bark." Nursery Rhyme. SONS of New England in the fray, Do you hear the clamor behind your back ? Do you hear the yelping of Blanche and Tray, Sweetheart and all the mongrel pack ? Girded well with her ocean crags, Little our mother heeds their noise ; TREASON S LAST DEVICE. 143 Her eyes are fixed on crimson flags : But you, do you hear It, Yankee boys ? Do you hear them say that the patriot fire Burns on her altai-s too pure and bright, To the darkened heavens leaping higher, Though drenched with the blood of every fight ? That in the light of its searching flame Treason and tyrants stand revealed, And the yielding craven is put to shame On capitol floor or fbughten field ? Do you hear the hissing voice which saith That she who bore through all the land The lyre of Freedom, the torch of Faith, And young Invention s mystic wand Should gather her skirts and dwell apart, With not one of her sisters to share her fa* c, A Hagar, wandering sick at heart ? A Pariah, bearing tha nation s hate ? Sons, who have peopled the gorgeous West, And planted the Pilgrim vine anew, Where, by a richer soil carest, It grows as ever its parent grew, Say, do you hear while the very bells Of your churches ring with her ancient voice. And the song of your children sweetly tells How true was the land of your fathers choice Do you hear the traitors Avho bid you speak The word that shall sever the sacred tie ? And ye who dwell by the golden Peak, Has the subtle whisper glided by ? Has it crossed the immemorial plains To coasts where the gray Pacific roars, And the Pilgrim blood in the people s veins Is pure as the wealth of their mountain ores ? 144 LARRY S RETURN FROM THE WAR. Spirits of sons who side by side In a hundred battles fought and fell, Whom now no East and West divide, In the isles where the shades of heroes dwell, Say, has it reached your glorious rest, And ruffled the calm which crowns you there ? The shame that recreants have confest, The plot that floats in the troubled air ? Sons of New England, here and there, Wherever men are still holding by The honor our fathers left so fair, Say, do you hear the cowards cry ? Crouching amongst her grand old crags, Lightly our mother heeds their noise, With her fond eyes fixed on distant flags ; But you, do you hear it, Yankee boys ? WASHINGTON, Jan. 19, 1863. New York Tribune. LARRY S RETURN FROM THE WAR. THF black clouds Avere angrily chasing each other; The cold winter winds howling carelessly by The cottage where sat Kitty Gray and her mother, Poor Kitty looked sad, with a tear in her eye. She thought of her lover, with whom she had parted, Who had gone to the wars, it was Larry O More. Oh, hark ! she heard footsteps, and suddenly started ; Then smiled, as she leaped like a faAvn to the door. * Larry was one of those who withdrew from the contest be cause of the Proclamation of Freedom to the slaves in the States under rebel rule, which was issued January 1, 1863. LARRY S RETURN FROM THE WAR. 145 And lo ! there stood Larry, as fresh and as cosy As when he left Kitty s bewitching young charms ; Whose eyes were so bright, and whose cheeks were so rosy, " Arrah ! Kitty," said Larry, " love, come to me arms." " O Larry ! you re safe ! " " Yes, thrue for ye, darlin ; I ve been in the battles, whin the balance wor kilt, An the nbils, like haythens, come fightin an snarlin Arrah! Kitty, no knowin the blood that was spilt." " Come, Larry, sit down." " Faith, I will, an close near you, For lonesome I ve been for many months past ; I often have wished d ye mind ? " " Yes, I hear you." " That ivery big fight that we had was the last." " And have you been wounded ? " " Ah, no ! I wor lucky. The boys fought like divils, an died in a hape ; An since our last inarch, as we wint through Kintucky, How many brave fellows have laid down to slape ! " No longer a sojer, dear Kitty, I 11 tarry, Faith, while I wor one, to the cause I wor thrue, An now I ve come home, love, a swate girl to marry." " Pray, Larry, who is she ? " " Arrah ! Kitty, t is you ! I ve got me discharge, an through life s wintry weather We 11 make the path aisy as aisy can be. Me heart s in me hand." " I 11 take them together." " Presint arms, then, darlint ! " "I will, love," says she. " Ah, Larry ! I m glad are you tired of fightin ? " And sweet Kitty smiled looked him full in the eyes. " Oh ! no, Kitty, dear ; for I took a delight in Performin me dooty, wherever it lies ; May me hand lave me body whin I pull the thrigger 10 146 AT PORT ROYAL. In battle again." " Why, Larry ? " " Because The Goddess of Liberty s turned to a nigger, An ould Father Abrani s forgotten the laws ! " HERMITAGE, January 8, 1863. Louisville Sunday Democrat AT PORT ROYAL. BY JOHN GREENLE4F WIIITTIER. THE tent-lights glimmer on the land, The ship-lights .on the sea ; The night-wind smooths with drifting sand Our track on lone Tybee. At last our grating keels outslide, Our good boats forward swing ; And while we ride the land-locked tide, Our negroes row and sing. For dear the bondman holds his gifts Of music and of song ; The gold that kindly Nature sifts Among his sands of wrong ; The power to make his toiling days And poor home-comforts please ; The quaint relief of mirth that plays With sorrow s minor keys. Another glow than sunset s fire Has filled the West with light, W r here field and garner, barn and byre Are blazing through the night. AT PORT ROYAL. 147 The land is wild with fear and hate, The rout runs mad and fast ; From hand to hand, from gate to gate, The flaming brand is passed. The lurid glow falls strong across Dark faces broad Avith smiles : Not theirs the terror, hate and loss That fire yon blazing piles. With oar-strokes timing to their song, They weave in simple lays The pathos of remembered wrong, The hope of better days ; The triumph-note that Miriam sung, The joy of uncaged birds : Softening with Afric s mellow tongue Their broken Saxon words. SONG OF THE NEGRO BOATMEN. O, PRAISE an tanks ! De Lord he come To set de people free ; An massa tink de day ob doom, An we ob jubilee. De Lord dat heap de Red Sea waves He jus as trong as den ; He say de word : we las night slaves, To-day de Lord s freemen. De yam will grow, de cotton blow, We 11 hab de rice an corn ; O nebber you fear, if nebber you hear De driver blow his horn ! Ole massa on he trabbles gone ; He leaf de land behind : 148 AT PORT ROYAL. De Lord s breff blow him furder on, Like corn shuck in de wind. We own de hoe, we own de plough, We own de hands dat hold ; We sell de pig, we sell de cow, But nebber chile be sold. De yam will grow, de cotton blow, We 11 hab de rice an corn ; O nebber you fear, if nebber you hear De driver blow his horn ! We pray de Lord ; he gib us signs Dat some day we be free ; De Norf-wind tell it to de pines, De wild-duck to de sea ; We tink it when de church-bell ring, We dream it in de dream ; De rice-bird mean it when he sing, De eagle when he scream. De yam will grow, de cotton blow, We 11 hab de rice an corn ; O nebber you fear, if nebber you hear De driver blow his horn ! We know de promise nebber fail, An nebber lie de word ; So, like de postles in de jail, AVe waited for de Lord ; An now he open ebery door, An trow away de key ; He tink we lub him so before, We lub him better free. De yam will grow, de cotton blow, He 11 gib de rice an corn ; O nebber you fear, if nebber you hear De driver blow his horn ! LEFT ON THE BATTLE-FIELD. 149 So sing our dusky gondoliers ; And with a secret pain, And smiles that seem akin to tears, We hear the wild refrain. We dare not share the negro s trust, Nor yet his hope deny ; We only know that God is just, And every wrong shall die. Rude seems the song ; each swarthy face, Flame-lighted, ruder still, We start to think that hapless race Must shape our good or ill : That laws of changeless justice bind Oppressor with oppressed ; And close as sin and suffering joined, We march to Fate abreast. Sing on, poor hearts ! your chant shall be Our sign of blight or bloom, The Vala-song of Liberty, Or death-rune of our doom ! LEFT ON THE BATTLE-FIELD. BY SARAH T. BOLTON. WHAT, was it a dream ? am I all alone In the dreary night and the drizzling rain ? Hist ! ah, it was only the river s moan ; They have left me behind, with the mangled slain. 150 LEFT ON THE BATTLE-FIELD. Yes, now I remember it all too well ! We met, from the battling ranks apart ; Together our weapons flashed and fell, And mine was sheathed in his quivering heart. In the cypress gloom, where the deed was done, It was all too dark to see his face ; But I heard his death-groans, one by one, And he holds me still in a cold embrace. He spoke but once, and I could not hear The words he said, for the cannon s roar ; But my heart grew cold with a deadly fear, O God ! I had heard that voice before ! Had heard it before at our mother s knee, When we lisped the words of our evening prayer ! My brother ! would I had died for thee, This burden is more than my soul can bear ! I pressed my lips to his death-cold cheek, And begged him to show me, by word or sign, That he knew and forgave me : lie could not speak, But he nestled his poor cold face to mine. The blood flowed fast from my wounded side, And then for awhile I forgot my pain, And over the lakelet we seemed to glide In our little boat, two boys again. And then, in my dream, we stood alone On a forest path where the shadows fell ; And I heard again the tremulous tone, And the tender words of his last farewell. But that parting was years, long years ago, He wandered away to a foreign land ; IN LOUISIANA. 151 And our dear old mother will never know That he died to-night by his brother s hand. The soldiers who buried the dead away, Disturbed not the clasp of that last embrace, But laid them to sleep till the Judgment-day, Heart folded to heart, and face to face. INDIAN AOPLIS, Indiana, March, 1863. Once a IN LOUISIANA. BY J. AV. DE FOREST, U. S. A. WITHOUT a hillock stretched the plain ; For months we had not seen a hill ; The endless, flat savannas still Wearied our eyes with waving cane. One tangled cane-field lay before The ambush of the cautious foe ; Behind, a black bayou Avith low, Reed-hidden, miry, treacherous shore ; A sullen swamp along the right, Where alligators slept and crawled, And moss-robed cypress giants sprawled Athwart the noontide s blistering light. Quick, angry spits of musketry Proclaimed our skirmishers at work ; We saw their crouching figures lurk Through thickets, firing from the knee. 152 IN LOUISIANA. Our Parrot ts felt the distant wood With humming, shrieking, growling shell ; When suddenly the mouth of hell Gaped fiercely for its human food. A long and low blue roll of smoke Curled up a hundred yards ahead, And deadly storms of driving lead From rifle-pits and cane-fields broke. Then while the bullets whistled thick, And hidden batteries boomed and shelled, " Charge bayonets ! " the colonel yelled ; " Battalion forward, double quick ! " With even slopes of bayonets Advanced a dazzling, threatening crest Right toward the rebels hidden nest, The dark-blue, living billow sets. The color-guard was at my side ; I heard the color-sergeant groan ; I heard the bullet crush the bone ; I might have touched him as he died. The life-blood spouted from his mouth And sanctified the wicked land : Of martyred saviours what a band Has suffered to redeem the South ! I had no malice in rny mind ; I only cried, " Close up. Guide right ! " My single purpose in the fight W T as steady march with ranks aligned. I glanced along the martial rows, And marked the soldiers eyeballs burn ; SONG OF NEW ENGLAND SPRING BIRDS. 153 Their eager faces, hot and stern, The wrathful triumph on their brows. The traitors saw ; they reeled, they fled : Fear-stricken, gray-clad multitudes Streamed wildly toward the covering woods, And left us victory and their dead. Once more the march, the tiresome plain, The Father River fringed with dykes, Gray cypresses, palmetto spikes, Bayous and swamps and yellowing cane ; With here and there plantations rolled In flowers, bananas, orange-groves, Where laugh the sauntering negro droves, Reposing from the task of old ; And, rarer, half-deserted towns, Devoid of men, where women scowl, Avoiding us as lepers foul With sidling gait and flouting gowns. THIBODEAUX, La., March, 1863. Harpers Monthly. SONG OF NEW-ENGLAND SPRING BIRDS. WHEN Robin, Swallow, Thrush, and Wren, From " way down South " had come again, I roamed through field and wood to see If birds, like men, could Rebels be ; I wondered if their tiny throats Would circulate secession notes ; I think, may be, my thoughts they knew, So what they sang, I 11 sing to you. 154 SONG OF NEW ENGLAND SPRING BIRDS. First rising from a sedgy brook, The stump, bold Bob-o Lincoln took ; " Well, now, I guess I m glad," said he, " For my free speech a stump to see ; They could n t hold me in the mesh Of that strange net they call Secesh ; To keep me down they need n t think on, Hurrah ! for Bob (and Abram) Lincoln ! " The Robin Red-breast sang his song ; " Ah, me ! I ve seen such fearful wrong ! I thought at first the storm would clear up, But soon I had no heart to chirrup ! The Sunny South is fine, I know, When Northern hills are white with snow ; But oh, t is full of grief and pain ! Cheer up ! chirrup I in home again." The Wren piped forth her tiny cry ; " A little thing, I know, am I ; But small, weak things, like you and me, My sister Sparrow, love the free ! " The Sparrow heard the lowly call, And said, " Who heeds the sparrows fall, And keeps them always in His sight, Shall hear ME sing God speed the Right ! " Then Jay, the bluebird, joined the throng, And bade the white Dove fly along ; And Oriole with throat of red, And then exultantly, he said : " Come, loyal birds, and as we stand, Behold the colors of our Land ! Let every bird that s brave and true, Sing, cheer, the Red and White and Blue ! " The sky o erhead was clear and bright, The North wind sang o er plain and height ; THE WOOD OF CHANCELLORSVILLE. 155 The rill went singing on its way, And leaves and flowers were bright and gay ; The rock and wood and meadow rang, As loud and clear and sweet they sang, And every bird, it seemed to me, Sang " Praise the Lord ! We re free ! we re free ! " Coinmcnicealtli. THE WOOD OF CHANCELLORSVILLE. THE ripe red berries of the wintergreen Lure me to pause awhile In this deep, tangled wood. I stop and lean Down where these wild flowers smile, And rest me in this shade ; for many a mile, Through lane and dusty street, I ve walked with weary, weary feet, And now I tarry mid this woodland scene, Mong ferns and mosses sweet. Here all around me blows The pale primrose. I wonder if the gentle blossom knows The feeling at my heart the solemn grief, So whelming and so deep That it disdains relief, And will not let me weep. I wonder that the woodbine thrives and grows, And is indifferent to the nation s woes. For while these mornings shine, these blossoms bloom, Impious rebellion wraps the land in gloom. Nature, thou art unkind, fjnsympathizing, blind ! Yon lichen, clinging to th o erhanging rock, 156 THE WOOD OF CHANCELLORSVLLLE. Is happy, and each blade of grass O er which unconsciously I pass Smiles in my face, and seems to mock Me with its joy. Alas ! I cannot find One charm in bounteous Nature, while the wind That blows upon my cheek bears on each gust The groans of my poor country, bleeding in the dust. The air is musical with notes That gush from winged warblers throats, And in the leafy trees I hear the drowsy hum of bees. Prone from the blinding sky Dance rainbow-tinted sunbeams, thick with motes ; Daisies are shining, and the butterfly Wavers from flower to flower ; yet in this wood The ruthless foernan stood, And every turf is drenched with human blood ! O heartless flowers! O trees, clad in your robes of glistering sheen, Put off this canopy of gorgeous green ! These are the hours For mourning, not for gladness. While this smart Of treason dire gashes the nation s heart, Let birds refuse to sing, And flowers to bloom upon the lap of spring. Let Nature s face itself with tears o erflow, In deepest anguish for a people s woe. While rank Rebellion stands With blood of martyrs on his impious hands ; While slavery and chains And cruelty and direst hate Uplift their heads within th afflicted State, And freeze the blood in every patriot s veins Let these old woodlands fair SONG OF THE COPPERHEAD. 157 Grow black with gloom, and from its thunder-lair Let lightning leap, and scorch th accursed air ; Until the suffering earth, Of treason sick, shall spew the monster forth, And each regenerate sod Be consecrate anew, to Freedom and to God ! Delia H. German. SONG OF THE COPPERHEAD. THERE was glorious news, for our arms were victorious T was sometime ago and t was somewhere out West ; The big guns were booming, the boys getting glorious ; But one man was gloomy, and glad all the rest ! Intending emotions delightful to damp, He hummed and he hawed, and he sneered and he sighed, A snake in the grass, and a spy in the camp, While the honest were laughing, the Copperhead cried ! There was news of a battle, and sad souls were aching The fate of their brave and beloved ones to learn ; Pale wives stood all tearless, their tender hearts breaking For the gallant good-man who would never return ! We had lost all but honor, so ran the sad story, Oh ! bitter the cup that the Patriot quaffed ! He had tears for our flag, he had sighs for our glory, He had groans for our dead, but the Copperhead laughed ! The traitor ! the sneak ! say, what fate shall await him, Who forgets his fair land, and who spits on her fame ? Let no woman love him ! Let honest men hate him ! Let his children refuse to be known by his name ! 158 AT GETTYSBURG. In the hour of our sorrow all recreant we found him, In the hour of his woe may he sigh for a friend ! Let his conscience upbraid, let his memory hound him, And no man take note of the Copperhead s end ! Vanity Fair. AT GETTYSBURG.* LIKE a furnace of fire blazed the midsummer sun When to saddle we leaped at the order, Spurred on by the boom of the deep-throated gun, That told of the foe on our border. A mist in our rear lay Antietam s dark plain, And thoughts of its carnage came o er us ; But smiling before us surged fields of ripe grain, And we swore none should reap it before us. That night, with the ensign who rode by my side, On the camp s dreary edge I stood picket ; Our ears intent, lest every wind-rustle should hide A spy s stealthy tread in the thicket ; And, there, while we watched the first arrows of dawn Through the veil of the rising mist s quiver, He told how the foeman had closed in upon His home by the Tennessee River. He spoke of a sire in his weakness cut down, With last breath the traitor flag scorning, (And his brow at the mem ry grew dark with a frown That paled the red light of the morning.) For days he had followed the cowardly band ; And when one lagged to forage or trifle, Had seared in his forehead the deep Minie brand, And scored a fresh notch on his rifle. * The Battle of Gettysburg was fought July 1st, 2d, and 3d, 18G3. AT GETTYSBURG. 159 " But one of the rangers had cheated his fate, For him he would search the world over." Such cool-plotting passion, such keenness of hate, Ne er saw I in woman-scorned lover. O, who would have thought that beneath those dark curls Lurked vengeance as sure as death-rattle ! Or fancied those dreamy eyes soft as a girl s Could light with the fury of battle ? To horse ! pealed the bugle, while grape-shot and shell Overhead through the forest were crashing. A cheer for the flag ! and the summer light fell On the blades from a thousand sheaths flashing. As mad ocean waves to the storm-revel flock, So on we dashed, heedless of dangers ; A moment our long line surged back at the shock Then swept through the ranks of the Rangers. I looked for our ensign : ahead of his troop, Pressing on through the conflict infernal, His torn flag furled round him in festoon and loop, He spurred to the side of his Colonel. And his clear voice rang out, as I saw his bright sword Through shako and gaudy plume shiver, With " this for the last of the murderous horde ! " And " this for the home by the river ! " At evening, returned from pursuit of the foe, By a shell-shattered caisson we found him ; And we buried him there in the sunset glow, With the dear old flag knotted around him. Yet how could we mourn, when every proud strain Told of foemen hurled back in disorder ; When we knew that the North reaped her rich harvest gram Unharmed by a foe on her border ! Harpers Weekly. t6o HOW ARE YOU, GENERAL LEE? HOW ARE YOU, GENERAL LEE? OF General Lee, the Rebel chief, you all perhaps do know How he came North, a short time since, to spend a month or so ? But soon he found the climate warm, although a Southern man, And quickly hurried up his cakes,* and toddled home again. Chorus How are you, General Lee ? it is ; why don t you longer stay ? How are your friends in Maryland and Penn- sylvani-a ? Jeff. Davis met him coining back : " Why, General Lee," he said, " What makes you look and stagger so ? there s whiskey in your head." "Not much, I think," says General Lee; "No whiskey s there, indeed ; What makes me feel so giddy is, I ve taken too much Mcade ! " Chorus How are you, General ? &c. " But you seem ill yourself, dear Jeff. You look quite sad enough ; I think, while I ve been gone, Old Abe has used you rather rough." " Well, yes, he has, and that s a fact ; it makes me feel downcast, * As long as the importance of hurrying buckwheat pancakes from the griddle to the table is impressed upon the American mind, this vile slang will need no explanation. But the fame of the rebel march into Pennsylvania and of the victory of Gettysburg will probably outlive even the taste for those alluring compounds. HYMN. l6l For they ve bothered us at Vicksburg, so t is Granted them at last." Chorus Then, how are you, Jeff. Davis ? What is it makes you sigh ? How are your friends at Vicksburg and in Mississippi-! ? " Yes, Vicksburg they have got quite sure, and Richmond soon they 11 take ; At Port Hudson, too, they have some Banks I fear we cannot break : While Rosecrans, in Tennessee, swears he 11 our army flog, And prove if Bragg s a terrier good, Holdfast s a better dog." Chorus How are you, Jeff. Davis ? Would you not like to be A long way out of Richmond and the Con- fede ra cy ? For, with u Porter " on the river, and " Meade " upon the land, I guess you 11 find that these mixed drinks are more than you can stand. HYMN FOR THE FOURTH OF JULY, 1863. BY GEORGE II. BOICER. LORD, the people of the land In Thy presence humbly stand ; On this day, when Thou didst free Men of old from tyranny, We, their children, bow to Thee. Help us, Lord, our only trust ! We are helpless, we are dust ! 11 1 62 HYMN. All our homes are red with blood ; Long our grief we have withstood ; Every lintel, each door-post Drips, at tidings from the host, With the blood of some one lost. Help us, Lord, our only trust ! We are helpless, we are dust ! Comfort, Lord, the grieving one Who bewails a stricken son ! Comfort, Lord, the weeping wife, In her long, long widowed life, Brooding o er the fatal strife ! Help us, Lord, our only trust ! We are helpless, we are dust ! On our Nation s day of birth, Bless Thy own long-favored earth! Urge the soldier with Thy will ! Aid their leaders with Thy skill ! Let them hear Thy trumpet thrill ! Help us, Lord, our only trust ! We are helpless, we are dust ! Lord, we only fight for peace, Fight that freedom may increase. Give us back the peace of old, When the land with plenty rolled, And our banner awed the bold ! Help us, Lord, our only trust ! We are helpless, we are dust ! Lest we pray in thoughtless guilt Shape the future as Thou wilt ! Purge our realm from hoary crime With Thy battles, dread, sublime, In Thy well-appointed time ! LEFT ON THE BATTLE-FIELD. 163 Help us, Lord, our only trust ! We are helpless, we are dust ! With one heart the Nation s cries From our choral lips arise ; Thou didst point a noble way For our Fathers through the fray : Lead their children thus to-day ! Help us, Lord, our only trust ! We are helpless, we are dust ! In His name who bravely bore Cross and crown begemmed with gore, By His last immortal groan Ere He mounted to His throne, Make our sacred cause Thine own ! Help us, Lord, our only trust ! We are helpless, we are dust ! LEFT ON THE BATTLE-FIELD. BY HOWARD GLYNDON. OH, my darling ! my darling ! never to feel Your hand going over my hair ! Never to lie in your arms again, Never to know where you are ! Oh, the weary miles that stretch between My feet and the battle-ground, Where all that is left of my dearest love Lies under some yellow mound ! It is but little I might have done To lighten your parting pain ; But t is bitter to think that you died alone, Out in the dark and the rain ! 164 LAY OF THE MODERN "KONSERVAT1VS." Oh, my hero love ! to have kissed the pain And the mist from your fading eyes ! To have saved one only passionate look To sweeten these memories ! And thinking of all, I am strangely stunned, And cannot believe you dead. You loved me, dear ! And I loved you, dear ! And your letter lies there unread ! You are not dead ! You are not dead ! God never could will it so To craze my brain and break my heart And shatter my life I know ! Dead ! dead ! and never a word, Never a look for me ! Dead ! dead ! and our marriage-day Never on earth to be ! I am left alone, and the world is changed, So dress me in bridal white, And lay mo away in some quiet place Out of the hateful light. Harpers Weekly, Aug 23, 1863. LAY OF TEIE MODERN " KONSERVATIVS. BY CHARITY GRIMES. I AM a gay " Konservativ," I stand by the old Konstitushun, I du ; I go for the Union ez it was, With the old Dimmycrat ticket, rite thru. These Black Republikans don t suit me, Fur I m a Konservativ man, yu see ! LAY OF THE MODERN " KONSEB VA TI VS." 165 I am a Dimmycrat, dyed in the wool ; I go fur free trade, and that sort ov thing ; I think it s rite tu let slavery rule Sooner n hev Lincoln, I d vote fur a king, And hev the Saouth fur an aristockracy, To rule the hull North, (except the Dimmockracy.) Shuttin up folks fur speekin their mind, In my opinion s a piece ov knavery, I go fur free speech ov every kind, Except when it interferes with slavery ! (Sich kind ov free speech all Dimmykrats fight, Ef Brooks hed killed Suirmer, he d done jest right.) I go fur aour konstitush nal rights, With the rite ov habeas corpus invi late ; I 11 show em haow a Dimmykrat fights, Ef Abram Lincoln attempts tu spile it ! I ve a right to tawk treason, ez I understand, Tawk s tawk ; it s money that buys the land ! I go fur the vigorous conduct ov war ; Of course with a decent regard tu figgers, So ez not tu inkreese aour national debt, And abuv all not to free the niggers. I d ruthcr the North hed not pulled a trigger, Than see a traitor shot down by a nigger. Yes, I am a real Konservativ ; I stand by the Konstitushun, I du ! Ef enny wun sez I m frends with the Saouth, I ll sware by hokey it is n t true ! I an t a rebel ; but he m ! speak low I kinder beleeve in Vallandigham, though ! l66 SAYS PRIVATE MAGU1RE. SAYS PRIVATE MAGUIRE. BY T. B. ALDKICH. [I must beg the. pardon of Private Maguire, of the New York Regiment, for thus publicly putting his sentiments into verse. The following lyric will assure him that I have not forgotten how generously he shared his scanty blanket with me, one terrible night in the Virginia woods, when a blanket was worth fifty dollars an inch.] " OCH ! t is naie to be captain or colonel, Divil a bit would I want to be higher ; But to rust as a private, I think s an infernal Predicament surely," says Private Maguire. " They can go sparkin and play in at billiards, With greenbacks to spend for their slightest desire, Loafm and atin , and dthrinkin at Willard s, While we re on the pickets," says Private Maguire. " Livin in clover, they think it s a thrifle To stand out all night in the rain and the mire, And a Rebel hard by with a villainous rifle Jist ready to pop ye," says Private Maguire. " Faith, now, it s not that I m afther complainin ; I in spilin to meet ye, JefF. Davis, Esquire ! Ye blag-gard ! it s only I m weary of thrainin , And thrainin , and thrainin ," says Private Maguire. " O Lord, for a row ! but, Maguire, be aisy, Keep yourself sweet for the inemy s fire, McClellan s the saplin that shortly will plaze ye, Be the holy St. Pathrick ! " says Private Maguire. " And, lad, if ye re hit, (O, bedad, that eternal Jimmy O Dowd would make up to Maria ! ) Whether ye re sargeant, or captain, or colonel, Ye 11 die with the best, then !" says Private Man-uire. SPRING AT THE CAPITAL. 167 SPRING AT THE CAPITAL. THE poplar drops beside the way Its tasselled plumes of silver gray ; The chestnut points its green brown buds, impatient for the laggard May. The honeysuckles lace the wall ; The hyacinths grow fair and tall ; And mellow sun and pleasant wind and odorous bees are over all. Down-looking in this snow-white bud, How distant seems the war s red flood ! How far remote the streaming wounds, the sickening scent of human blood ! Nor Nature does not recognize This strife that rends the earth and skies ; No war-dreams vex the winter sleep of clover-heads and daisy-eyes. She holds her even way the same, Though navies sink or cities flame ; A snow-drow is a snow-drop still, despite the nation s joy or shame. When blood her grassy altar wets, She sends the pitying violets To heal the outrage with their bloom, and cover it with soft regrets. O, crocuses with rain-wet eyes, O, tender-lipped anemones, What do you know of agony, and death and blood-won victories ? 168 SPRING AT THE CAPITAL. No shudder breaks your sunshine trance, Though near you rolls, with slow advance, Clouding your shining leaves with dust, the anguish-laden ambulance. Yonder a white encampment hums; The clash of martial music comes ; And now your startled stems are all a-tremble with the jar of drums. Whether it lessen or increase, Or whether trumpets shout or cease, Still deep within your tranquil hearts the happy bees are humming " Peace ! " O flowers ! the soul that faints or grieves, New comfort from your lips receives ; Sweet confidence and patient faith are hidden in your healing leaves. Help us to trust, still on and on, That this dark night will soon be gone, And that these battle-stains are but the blood-red trouble of the dawn Dawn of a broader, whiter day Than ever blessed us with its ray, A dawn beneath whose purer light all guilt and wrong shall fade away. Then shall our nation break its bands, And, silencing the envious lands, Stand in the searching light unshamed, with spotless robe, and clean, white hands. A WOMAN S WAITING. 169 A WOMAN S WAITING. UNDER the apple-tree blossoms, in May, We sat and watched as the sun went down ; Behind us the road stretched back to the east, On, through the meadows, to Danbuiy town. Silent we sat, for our hearts were full, Silently watched the reddening sky, And saw the clouds across the west Like the phantoms of ships sail silently. Robert had come with a story to tell, I knew it before he had said a word, It looked from his eye, and it shadowed his face, He was going to march with the Twenty-third. We had been neighbors from childhood up, Gone to school by the self-same way, Climbed the same steep woodland paths, Knelt in the same old church to pray. We had wandered together, boy and girl, Where wild flowers grew and wild grapes hung ; Tasted the sweetness of summer days When hearts are true, and life is young. But never a love-word had crossed his lips, Never a hint of pledge or vow, Until, as the sun went down that night, His tremulous kisses touched my brow. " Jenny," he said, " I Ve a work to do For God and my country and the right, True hearts, strong arms, are needed now, I dare not stay away from the fight. 1 70 A WOMAN S WAITING. " Will you give me a pledge to cheer me on, A hope to look forward to by-and-by ? "Will you wait for me, Jenny, till I come back ? " " I will wait," I answered, " until I die." The May moon rose as we walked that night Back through the meadows to Danbury town, And one star rose and shone by her side, Calmly and sweetly they both looked down. The scent of blossoms was in the air, The sky was blue and the eve was bright, And Robert said, as he walked by my side, " Old Danbury town is fair to-night. " I shall think of it, Jenny, when far away, Placid and still neath the moon as now, I shall see it, darling, in many a dream, And you with the moonlight on your brow." No matter what else were his parting words, They are mine to treasure until I die, With the clinging kisses and lingering looks, The tender pain of that fond good-bye. I did not weep, I tried to be brave, I watched him until he was out of sight, Then suddenly all the world grew dark, And I was blind in the bright May night. Blind and helpless I slid to the ground, And lay with the night-dews on my hair, Till the moon was down and the dawn was up, And the fresh May morn rose clear and fair. He was taken and I was left, Left to wait and to w r atch and pray, BARBARA FRITCH1E. 171 Till there came a message over the wires, Chilling the air of the August day. " Killed in a skirmish eight or ten : " " Wounded and helpless ; " as many more, All of them our Connecticut men, From the little town of Danbury, four. But I only saw a single name, Of one who was all the world to me ; I promised to Avait for him till I died, O God, O Heaven, when will it be ! Harpers Magazine. BY JOHN GREEXLEAF WIIITTIER. UP from the meadows rich with corn, Clear in the cool September morn, The clustered spires of Frederick stand Green-walled by the hills of Maryland. Round about them orchards sweep, Apple and peach-tree fruited deep, * The incident upon which this ballad is founded took place literally as it is told by the poet upon the occupation of Frederick in Maryland on the second march northward of the insurgent forces. The heroine, as I am informed by Mr. Whittier, was ninety-six years old at the time of the occurrence. The title of the ballad on this page is a fac-simile of her autograph signature to a receipt which is in my possession. 172 BARBARA FR1TCHIE. Fair as the garden of the Lord To the eyes of the famished rebel horde, On that pleasant morn of the early fall When Lee marched over the mountain-wall, Over the mountains winding down, Horse and foot, into Frederick town. Forty flags with their silver stars, Forty flags with their crimson bars, Flapped in the morning wind : the sun Of noon looked down and saw not one. Up rose Barbara Fritchie then, Bowed with her fourscore years and ten ; Bravest of all in Frederick town, She took up the flag the men hauled down ; In her attic-window the staff she set, To show that one heart was loyal yet. Up the street came the rebel tread, Stonewall Jackson riding ahead. Under his slouched hat left and right He glanced : the old flag met his sight. " Halt ! " the dust-brown ranks stood fast. " Fire ! " out blazed the rifle-blast. It shivered the window, pane and sash ; It rent the banner with seam and gash. Quick, as it fell, from the broken staff , Dame Barbara snatched the silken scarf; BARBARA FRIT C HIE. 173 She leaned far out on the window-sill, And shook it forth with a royal will. " Shoot, if you must, this old gray head, But spare your country s flag," she said. A shade of sadness, a blush of shame, Over the face of the leader came ; The nobler nature within him stirred To life at that woman s deed and word : " Who touches a hair of yon gray head Dies like a dog ! March on ! " he said. All day long through. Frederick street Sounded the tread of inarching feet : All day long that free flag tost Over the heads of the rebel host. Ever its torn folds rose and fell On the loyal winds that loved it well ; And through the hill-gaps sunset light Shone over it with a warm good-night. Barbara Fritchie s work is o er, And the Rebel rides on his raids no more. Honor to her ! and let a tear Fall for her sake on Stonewall s bier. Over Barbara Fritchie s grave Flag of Freedom and Union wave ! Peace and order and beauty draw Round thy symbol of light and law ; 174 A THANKSGIVING RAILROAD BALLAD. And ever the stars above, look down On thy stars below in Frederick town ! Atlantic Monthly. A THANKSGIVING RAILROAD BALLAD FOR 1863. BY E. PLURIBUS UNUM, ESQ. IT was a sturdy engineer, The Union train had he, But slippery tracks and heavy grades, In eighteen sixty-three. He wiped the sweat from off his brow : " These drivin wheels will do, A better ingine never ran, She s bound to put us through. " Ho ! Fireman, Fireman Chase, I mean, Down in the tender there ! We ve used a powerful sight of wood, How much have we to spare ? " " Oh ! " out then spoke that fireman bold, " We ve wood and water still ; Old Legal Tender holds enough To make what steam you will." " Ho ! Seward, ho ! conductor yet, In spite of all the row That Frenchman and that Englishman, How fare these worthies now ? " " Quiet enough, these blustering coves, That carried it so high ; A THANKSGIVING RAILROAD BALLAD 175 A great big Russian up and blazed The Frenchman in the eye. " His friend, John Bull, did not pitch in, He drew it very mild, And sat him in the corner down, Submissive as a child." " Two stations back, conductor say, What made that heavy strain ? It felt to me as though you had Hitched on an extra train." " Confound that rascal Copperhead, And all his brood of snakes ! Just at the heaviest of the grade They put on all the brakes ! " The old wheel-tapper goes his round, While waits the engineer, Tink, tink, tink, tink ! the tested wheel, Sound music in his ear. " I thought as how some wheels were cracked, But nary one I find, All right, save that old Jersey one, And that we need n t mind. " Ha ! here s a telegram from Grant, The news, he says, is prime, All clear along the track once more, We 11 yet be in on time." The bell now rings, the whistle blows, The signal given, " All right ; " On thunders now the Union train, On streams its flag of light, 176 THE DEAD DRUMMER-BOY. Which, like the beacon on the main, Flings hope athwart the night. Halloo ! The grand old iron train Has swept clean out of sight. THE DEAD DRUMMER-BOY. MiDST tangled roots that lined the wild ravine, Where the fierce fight raged hottest through the day, And where the dead in scattered heaps were seen, Amid the darkling forests shade and sheen, Speechless in death he lay. The setting sun, which glanced athwart the place In slanting lines, like amber-tinted rain, Fell sidewise on the drummer s upturned face, Where Death had left his gory finger s trace In one bright crimson stain. The silken fringes of his once bright eye Lay like a shadow on his cheek so fair ; His lips were parted by a long-drawn sigh, That with his soul had mounted to the sky On some wild martial air. No more his hand the fierce tattoo shall beat, The shrill reveille, or the long-roll s call, Or sound the charge, when in the smoke and hcafc Of fiery onset foe with foe shall meet, And gallant men shall fall. Yet maybe in some happy home, that one A mother reading from the list of dead, Shall chance to view the name of her dear son, THE SENTINEL ON MORRIS ISLAND. 177 And move her lips to say, " God s will be done ! " And bow in grief her head. But more than this what tongue shall tell his story ? Perhaps his boyish longings were for fame ? He lived, he died; and so, memento mori Enough if on the page of War and Glory Some hand has writ his name. Harpers 1 Weekly. THE SENTINEL ON MORRIS ISLAND. WITH measured tread along his lonely beat, At twilight, dawn, or in the darksome night, Or when at noon the sun, with growing heat, Lets fall his dazzling light, The watchful sentinel, up and down the shore, Paces with weary feet the yielding sand, While the salt waves, with deep and sullen roar, Shout hoarsely to the land. At dawn he sees the glitt ring morning star Set like a jewel in the roseate sky ; And glimmering to the sight, within the bar, The fleet at anchor lie. He sees the city, distant, dull, and gray, Its quaint old roofs, and slender, tapering spires, When darkly painted at the close of day Against the sunset s fires. At night he sees the heavens all spangled o er With shining gems that like bright watch-fires burn And though far off, and on a hostile shore, His thoughts to home will turn. 12 178 THE SENTINEL ON MORRIS ISLAND. Or maybe, in the pitiless, cold storm, While moans the wind like some poor soul in p a MW- With drooping head and weary, bended form, He braves the pelting rain, And in his mind there dwells a picture fair : A cottage-room with walls like purest sno^Vy^ And round the hearthstone friendly faces there Shine in the fire s warm glow. An aged man, with locks all silver white ; An aged dame, his helpmate she through life; And still a third, with mild eyes beaming bright, Perhaps the soldier s wife ; And rosy children climb upon her knee With smiling face looks on the aged dame They, laughing, clap their little hands in glee, And sweetly lisp his name. Now from the frowning batteries bristling side Peals forth the murderous cannon s awful roar, Waking the answering echoes, far and wide, From shore to farther 1 shore. So fades the picture : each loved form is fled, That waking vision, beautiful, yet brief; And up the beach with solid, steady tread Comes on the brave " Relief." Then on his bed, while falls the chilly rain And other sentinels their vigils keep, Sweet thoughts of home go flitting through his brain, And fill his dreamful sleep. Harpers Weekly. SHODDY." 179 " SHODDY." OLD Shoddy sits in his easy-chair, And cracks his jokes and drinks his ale, Dumb to the shivering soldier s prayer, Deaf to the widows and orphans wail. His coat is as warm as the fleece unshorn ; Of the " golden fleece " he is dreaming still ; And the music that lulls him night and morn Is the hum-lmm-hum of the shoddy-mill. Clashing cylinders, whizzing wheels, Rend and ravel and tear and pick ; What can resist these hooks of steel, Sharp as the claws of the ancient Nick ? Cast-off mantle of millionaire, Pestilent vagrant s vesture chill, Rags of miser or beggar bare. All are " grist " for the shoddy-mill. Worthless waste and worn-out wool, Flung together, a spacious sham ! With just enough of the " fleece " to pull Over the eyes of poor Uncle Sam. Cunningly twisted through web and woof, Not " shirt of Nessus " such power to kill ; Look, how the prints of his hideous hoof Track the fiend of the shoddy-mill ! A soldier lies on the frozen ground, While crack his joints with aches and ails ; A shoddy blanket wraps him round, His shoddy garments the wind assails. His coat is shoddy, well stuffed with flocks ; He dreams of the flocks on his native hill ; His feverish sense the demon mocks, The demon that drives the shoddy-mill. 180 LINT. Ay I pierce his tissues with shooting pains, Tear the muscles, and rend the bone, Fire with frenzy the heart and brain, Old Rough Shoddy, your work is done : Never again shall the bugle blast Waken the sleeper that lies so still ; His dream of home and glory past, Fatal s the work of the shoddy-mill. Struck by shoddy and not by shells, And not by shot our brave ones fall ; Greed of gold the story tells, Drop the mantle and spread the pall. Out on the vampires ! out on those Who of our life-blood take their fill ! No meaner traitor the nation knows, Than the greedy ghoul of the shoddy-mill ! LINT. FIBRE by fibre, shred by shred, It falls from her delicate hand In feathery films, as soft and slow As fall the flakes of a vanishing snow In the lap of a summer land. There are jewels of price in her roseate ears, And gold round her white wrist coils ; There are costly trifles on every hand, And gems of art from many a land In the chamber where she toils. A rare bird sings in a gilded cage At the open casement near ; A sun-ray glints through a swaying bough, And lights with a diamond radiance now The dew of a falling tear ! LINT. l8l A sob floats out to the summer air With the song-bird s latest trill ; The gossamer folds of the drapery Are waved by the swell of a long, low sigh, And the delicate hands are still. " Ah ! beauty of earth is naught, is naught ! And a gilded youth is vain ! I have seen a sister s scarred face shine With a youth and beauty all divine By the soldier s couch of pain ! " " I have read of another whose passing shade On their pillows the mangled kissed In the far Crimea ! " There are no more tears, But she plucks the gems from her delicate ears, And the gold from her slender wrist. The bird still sings in his gilded cage .; But the Angel in her heart Hath stung her soul with a noble pain ; And beauty is naught, and youth is vain, While the Patriot s wounds still smart ! Fibre by fibre, shred by shred, Still foil from her delicate hand The feathery films, as soft and slow As fall the flakes of a vanishing snow In the lap of a summer land. There are crimson stains on breasts and brows, And fillets in ghastly coils ; The walls are lofty, and white, and bare, And moaning echoes roll ever there Through the chamber where she toils. No glitter of gold on her slender wrist, Nor gem in her roseate ears ; 182 "THE PEACE DEMOCRACY: But a youth and a beauty all divine In the face of the Christian maiden shine, And her gems are the soldier s tears ! Harpers Weekly. THE "PEACE DEMOCRACY." BY " CHARITY GRIMES." ItESOLUSIIUNS 0V THE CONCORD, N. II., "DIMMOCKRASSY," (SO- KALLED NOT IN HONOR 0V GINERAL JACKSON.) DEDI- KATED TU HON. FRANKLIN PIERCE, THE HERO 0V MEX- ICCO, AND CHAIRMAN 0V THE KONVENSHUN. Resolved, This nation s goin tu reuin, Old Abram Lincoln s baoimd tu strand it. Thare s sum awlfired mischief brevvin , We Dimmykrats can t no way stand it ! We make a vaow, from this time forth, Tu stop awl warfare in the North. Resolved, Thet Lincoln s a userper An awful skeery wun et that, He shall not lead us wun step further Then we ve a mind tu go, thet s flat ! We luv the Guverment ov the nation, But go agin its administrashun. Resolved, This war shood be conduckted Most viggorous, by the laws ov peece. Thet nigger folks may be abduckted Whereso aour Suthern brethren please ; And whereso er a tremblin slave is, He shood be given tu Jeff Davis. Resolved, The stones we ve thrown in Dixie Hev brought us tu an orful pass. THE LATEST WAR-NEWS. 183 We let aour dander rise too quickly ; We shood hev gone on throwin grass. We b lieve Vallandigham a saint : Woe tu the man whu sez he ain t ! Resolved, We will rekord the story, Thet in this war we ve acted wust : It s true, the Saouth fired on " Old Glory ; " * But did n t we go and histe it fust ? We might hev missed the war s mischances Ef we hed histed olive-branches ! Tharefore we form a resolushun Tu make all Lincoln s auders void ; Tu put his ginerals tu konfushun, So thet aour own sha n t be annoyed ; And fortify aour strong position By firing guns on abbolition ! We 11 grasp the fiery suthern cross, And bid sich fokes ez Butler bear it ! We 11 kover aour defeat and loss With treason s garb (naow Davis wears it). We skorn deceit, detest hypockracy Make way thare fur the Peace Dimmockrassy ! Harpers Weekly. THE LATEST WAR-NEWS. On pale, pale face ! Oh helpless hands ! Sweet eyes by fruitless watching wronged, Yet turning ever towards the lands Where war s red hosts are thronged. * This name, fondly given by our volunteer soldiers to the flag, is one of the phrases born of the war for the Republic. 184 THE LATEST WAR-NEWS. She shudders when they tell the tale Of some great battle lost and won ! Her sweet child-face grows old and pale, Her heart falls like a stone ! She sees no conquering flag unfurled, She hears no victory s brazen roar, But a dear face, which was her world, Perchance she 11 kiss no more ! Ever there comes between her sight And the glory that they rave about A boyish brow, and eyes whose light Of splendor hath gone out. The midnight glory of his hair, Where late her fingers, like a flood Of moonlight, wandered, lingering there. Is stiff and dank with blood ! She must not shriek, she must not moan, She must not wring her quivering hands But sitting dumb and white alone, Be bound with viewless bands. Because her suffering life enfolds Another dearer, feebler life, In death-strong grasp her heart she holds, And stills its torturing strife. Tester eve, they say, a field was won. Her eyes asks tidings of the fight ; But tell her of the dead alone Who lay out in the night ! In mercy tell her that 7m name Was not upon that fatal list ; THE CAVALRY CHARGE. 185 That not among; the heaps of slain Dumb are the lips she s kissed. Oh, poor, pale child ! Oh, woman heart ! Its weakness triumphed o er by strength ! Love teaching pain discipline s art, And conquering at length ! THE CAVALRY CHARGE. BY EDMUND C. STEDMAX. OUR good steeds snuff the evening air, Our pulses with their purpose tingle : The foeman s fires are twinkling there ; He leaps to hear our sabres jingle ! Halt ! Each carbine sent its whizzing ball : Now, cling ! clang ! forward all, Into the fight ! Dash on beneath the smoking dome : Through level lightnings gallop nearer ! One look to Heaven ! No thoughts of home, The guidons that we bear are dearer. Charge ! Cling ! clang ! forward all ! Heaven help those whose horses fall, Cut left and right ! They flee before our fierce attack ! They fall ! they spread in broken surges. Now, comrades, bear our wounded back, And leave the foeman to his dirges. Wheel ! l86 THE FISHERMAN OF BEAUFORT. The bugles sound the swift recall : Cling ! clang ! backward all ! Home, and good-night ! THE FISHERMAN OF BEAUFORT. BY MRS. FRANCES D. GAGE. THE tide comes up, arid the tide goes down, And still the fisherman s boat, At early dawn and at evening shade, Is ever and ever afloat : His net goes down, and his net comes up, And we hear his song of glee ; " De fishes dey hates de ole slave nets, But comes to de nets ob de free." The tide conies up, and the tide goes down, And the oysterman below Is picking away, in the slimy sands, In the sands " ob de long ago." But now if an empty hand he bears, He shudders no more with fear ; There s no stretching-board for the aching bones, And no lash of the overseer. The tide comes up, and the tide goes down, And ever I hear a song, As the moaning winds through the moss-hung oaks, Sweep surging ever along. " O massa white man ! help de slave, And de wife and chillen too ; Eber dey 11 work, wid de hard worn hand, Ef ell gib em de work to do." SEWARD. 187 The tide comes up, and the tide goes down, But it bides no tyrant s word, As it chants unceasing the anthem grand Of its Freedom to the Lord. The fisherman floating on its breast Has caught up the key-note true : " De sea works, massa, for t sef and God, And so must de brack man too. " Den gib him de work, and gib him de pay, For de chillen an wife him love, And de yam shall grow, and de cotton shall blow, And him nebber, nebber rove ; For him love de ole Carlina State, And de ole magnolia tree : Oh ! nebber him trouble de icy Norf, Ef de brack folks am go free." SEWARD. BY A. D. F. RANDOLPH. WELL, be it so ! The not uncommon fate Of greatness overtakes thee in thy prime : He who is mighty will have foes who hate, Thou hast false friends, who only consummate Their own destruction in attempting thine. O, peerless Champion of the Cause so Just, When some, o er zealous now, were cold or mute, Thou, with sublimest courage, took the Trust And priceless venture, conscious that thou must Bear scorn of those who would thy cause dispute. Keep heart ! the Great Hereafter will refute Each slander born of envy or of hate, And thus thy final labors will compute : " He Freedom saved, by saving first the State ! " 1 88 THE SONG OF THE CAMPS. THE SONG OF THE CAMPS. BY J. R. M. FAR away in the piney woods, Where the dews foil heavy and damp, A soldier sat by the smouldering fire And sang the song of the camp. " It is not to be weary and worn, It is not to feel hunger and thirst, It is not the forced march nor the terrible fight, That seems to the soldier the worst. " But to sit through the comfortless hours, The lonely, dull hours that will come, With his head in his hands and his eyes on the fire, And his thoughts on visions of home. " To wonder how fares it with those Who mingled so late with his life, Is it well with my little children three ? Is it well with my sickly wife ? " This night-air is chill to be sure, But logs lie in plenty around ; How is it with them where wood is so dear, And the cash for it hard to be found ? " Oh, that North air cuts bitterly keen, And the ground is hard as a stone ; It would comfort me just to know that they sit By a fire as warm as my own. " And have they enough to eat? My lads are growing boys, THE SONG OF THE CAMPS. 189 And my girl is a little tender thing, With her mother s smile and voice. " My wife she should have her tea, Or maybe a sup of beer ; It went to my heart to look on her face, So white, with a smile and a tear. " Her form it is weak and thin, She would gladly w r ork if she could, But how can a \voman have daily strength Who wants for daily food ? " My oldest boy he can cut wood, And Johnny can carry it in ; But then, how frozen their feet must be If their bhoes are worn and thin ! " I hope they don t cry with the cold Are there tears in my little girl s eyes ? O God ! say peace ! to these choking fears, These fears in my heart that rise. " Many rich folks are round them, I know, And their hearts are not hard nor cold ; They would give to my wife if they only knew, And my little one three years old. " They would go, like God s angels fair, And enter the lowly door, And make the sorrowful glad with gifts From their abundant store. " In this blessed Christmas-time, When the great gift came to men, They would show, by their gentle and generous deeds, How He cometh in hearts again. 190 SOLDIER S TALK. " And my sickly, patient wife, And my little children three, Would be kindly warmed and fed and clothed As part of Christ s family. " Well, I leave it all with God, For my sight is short and dim ; He cares for the falling sparrow, My dear ones are safe with Him." So the soldier watched through the night, Through the dew-fall, heavy and damp ; And as he sat by the smouldering fire, He sang the song of the camp. ST. PAUL, Minn. Church Journal. SOLDIER S TALK. BY CHARLES G. HALPIN. WE have heard the rebel yell, We have heard the Union shout, We have weighed the matter very well, And mean to fight it out ; In victory s happy glow, In the gloom of utter rout, We have pledged ourselves Corne weal or woe, By Heaven ! we fight it out. T is now too late to question What brought the war about ; T is a thing of pride and passion And we mean to fight it out. Let the u big wigs " use the pen, Let them caucus, let them spout, SOLDIER S TALK. j We are half a million weaponed men And mean to fight it out. Our dead, our loved, are crying From many a stormed redoubt, In the swamps and trenches lying, " Oh, comrades, fight it out ! T was our comfort as we fell To hear your gathering shout, Rolling back the rebels weaker yell, God speed you, fight it out ! " The negro free or slave We care no pin about, But for the flag our fathers gave We mean to fight it out ; And while that banner brave Ont, rebel rag shall flout, With volleying arm and flashing glaive By Heaven ! we fight it out ! Oh, we ve heard the rebel yell, We have heard the Union shout, We have weighed the matter very well, And mean to fight it out ; In the flush of perfect triumph, And the gloom of utter rout, We have sworn on many a bloody field We mean to fight it out ! Harpers 1 Weddy. PER TENEBRAS LVAIINA. PER TENEBRAS LUMINA. BY MKS. WHITNEY. I KNOW how, through the golden hours, When summer sunlight floods the deep, The fairest stars of all the heaven Climb up, unseen, the effulgent steep. Orion girds him with a flame ; And king-like, from the eastward seas, Comes Aldebaran, with his train Of Hyades and Pleiades. In far meridian pride, the Twins Build, side by side, their luminous throm-s ; And Sirius and Procyon pour A splendor that the day disowns. And stately Leo, undismayed, With fiery footstep tracks the Sun, To plunge adown the western blaze, Sublimely lost in glories won. I know, if I were called to keep Pale morning watch with grief and pain, Mine eyes should see their gathering might Rise grandly through the gloom again. And when the winter solstice holds In his diminished path the sun, When hope, and growth, and joy are o er, And all our harvesting is done, When, stricken like our mortal life, Darkened and chill, the year lays down THE CONFEDERATE PRIMEll. 193 The summer beauty that she wore, Her summer stars of harp and crown, Thick trooping with their golden tread They come, as nightfall fills the sky, Those strong and solemn sentinels, To hold their mightier watch on high. Ah ! who shall shrink from dark and cold, Or fear the sad and shortening days. Since God doth only so unfold The wider glory to his gaze ? Since loyal Truth, and holy Trust, And kingly Strength defying Pain, Stern Courage, and sure Brotherhood Are born from out the depths again ? Dear country of our love and pride ! So is thy stormy winter given ! So, through the terrors that betide, Look up, and hail thy kindling heaven ! Atlantic Monthly. THE CONFEDERATE PRIMER.* AT Nashville s fall We sinned all. * Only those can appreciate this burlesque who know the Alpha bet Rhymes in the old New-England Primer, beginning In Adam s fall We sinned all. And containing also these impressive rhymes, The cat doth play And after slay. The royal oak it was the tree That saved his royal majesty. 13 AN IDYL. At Number Ten We sinn d again. Thy purse to mend Old Floyd attend. Abe Lincoln bold Our ports doth hold. Jeff Davis tells a lie, And so must you and I. Isham doth mourn His case forlorn. Brave Pillow s flight Is out of sight. Buell doth play And after slay. Yon oak will be the gallows-tree Of Richmond s fallen majesty. Nashville Union. AN IDYL.* Dedicated to the Georgia Regiments, and others of the C. S. R., that is, the Confederate States Resurrectionists. BY II. BEDLOW. You, forsooth, and valor brothers ! You the types of knighthood s braves ! * I should willingly have omitted these verses, which seem like a rhymed combination of the Papal anathema with a treatise on purulent diseases. But they are the expression, gross and liendi?h though it be, of a feeling excited in some people by the language AN IDYL. 195 Offspring of degraded mothers, Suckled at the dugs of slaves ! You at Freedom s holy altars, Chanting your blaspheming psalm ; Candidates for loyal halters ; Confed rates in a monstrous sham ! Catiline s own spawn and scions, Daring what no manhood dares ; Gascons with the lungs of lions, But the speed and hearts of hares ! Apostates from the faith of sages ; Fools, confounding wrong and right ; Rushing on the thick-bossed segis Of fair Freedom s belted knight ! Swaggering braggarts, peculators ! Swindlers of the swell-mob grade ! Fratricidal, perjured traitors ! Heroes of an ambuscade ! Miscreants, scorn of all the nation ; Priesthood of the gyves and lash ; Ruffians, worthier flagellation Than the nobler slaves you gash ! As gainst hell s insurgent banners, Ithuriel to the battle posts, Freemen march with loud hosannas, Freedom lord of loyal hosts. Some must fall in this endeavor, But where each sacred corse is found, To the nation s heart forever, That dear spot is holy ground. of most and the acts of many rebels during the Avar. There was not a little of such writing on the rebel side, as the reader may see; but in all the multitudinous mass of verses that I have examined I have found only this example of its kind among loyal writers. The fact that it is unique is another reason for its preservation. 196 AN IDYL. Were you littered, whelps inhuman, To bay great freedom s climbing moon ? Abortions of the womb of woman ! Dear saints in heaven ! a boon, a boon ! Curse me now, each foul hyena, Charnel burglar, ghoul or worse ; Make his leprous body leaner, Than a three-months buried corse. In each joint s articulation, Plant an anguish fixed and sore ; Through the ducts of circulation, Madness and delirium pour. In idiot frenzy let him tattle, How he rifled loyal graves ; Let his limbs with palsy rattle, Like a gibbet swinging knaves. Pain and spasm lancinating, Fill his days and nights with moans ; Cramp and rack excruciating, Twitch his cursed coward bones. In foretaste of meed hereafter, Mock his fevered thirst with streams ; Let him hear hell s goblin laughter, In convulsed and nightmare dreams. By disease s vitiation, Corrupt his scoundrel carcass more ; Loathsome forms of suppuration Abscess, ulcer, cancerous sore. In his own putrescence stifled ; By a gangrene agonized ; Horrors of the graves he s rifled, In his own flesh vitalized. Let him seeming dead but lying In trance s awful consciousness, AN IDYL. 197 Yield the grave its rights undying Corruption claiming its redress. With his death-glazed sight, beholding All the dark funereal show ; Feeling living fibre mouldering, And the crawling worms also. Let him see grim insurrection, (Rebellion by rebellion paid,) Arson, pillage, fierce defection, Blazing homestead, murderous raid. Or hear to merry music treading, Ransomed slaves, rejoicing well, For him, an undersong pervading Muttering? of defrauded hell. Failing this then retribution Blight his hopes, disgrace his name, Blast his roof-tree with pollution, Drag his household down to shame. Let consuming hate and malice Gnaw his heart like vultures then Commend unto his lips a chalice, Poisoned with the scorn of men. Skulking, (guilty fear confounding,) In his forests dank and grim, Every loyal bugle sounding Like the judgment trump to him. Let his last breath be, when dying, Miasma from his Southern bogs ; Dead, then leave his carrion lying, " In that last ditch " like a do^ s. 198 THE OLD SERGEANT. THE OLD SERGEANT.* THE Carrier cannot sing to-day the ballads With which he used to go, Rhyming the grand-rounds of the happy New-Years That are now beneath the snow ; For the same awful and portentous shadow That overcast the earth, And smote the land last year with desolation, Still darkens every hearth. And the Carrier hears Beethoven s mighty death-march Come up from every mart, And he hears and feels it breathing in his bosom, And beating in his heart. And to-day, like a scarred and weatherbeaten veteran, Again he comes along, To tell the story of the Old Year s struggles, In another New- Year s song. And the song is his, but not so with the story ; For the story, you must know, Was told in prose to Assistant-Surgeon Austin, By a soldier of Shiloh : By Robert Burton, who was brought up on the Adams, With his death-wound in his side ; And who told the story to the Assistant-Surgeon On the same night that he died : But the singer feels it will better suit the ballad, If all should deem it right, * This poem was distributed on the first day of the year, 18G3, by the carriers of the Louisville Journal. THE OLD SERGEANT. 199 To sing the story as if what it speaks of Had happened but last night : " Come a little nearer, Doctor Thank you ! let me take the cup ! Draw your chair up draw it closer just another little sup ! Maybe you may think I m better, but I m pretty well used up Doctor, you ve done all you could do, but I in just a going up. " Feel my pulse, sir, if you want to, but it is no use to try." " Never say that," said the surgeon, as he smothered down a sigh, " It will never do, old comrade, for a soldier to say die ! " " What you say will make no difference, Doctor, when you come to die. " Doctor, what has been the matter ? " " You were very faint, they say ; You must try to get to sleep now." " Doctor, have I been away ? " " No, my venerable comrade." " Doctor, will you please to stay ? There is something I must tell you, and you won t have long to stay ! " I have got my inarching orders, and am ready now to g; Doctor, did you say I fainted ? but it could n t have been so For as sure as I in a sergeant and was wounded at Shiloh, I ve this very night been back there on the old field of Shiloh ! 200 THE OLD SERGEANT. " You may think it all delusion all the sickness of the brain If you do, you are mistaken, and mistaken to my pain ; For upon my dying honor, as I hope to live again, I have just been back to Shiloh, and all over it again ! " This is all that I remember : the last time the Lighter came, And the lights had all been lowered, and the noises much the same ; He had not been gone five minutes before something called my name ORDERLY SERGEANT ROBERT BURTON! just that way it called my name. " Then I thought, who could have called me so distinctly and so slow ? It can t be the Lighter, surely ; he could not have spoken so ; And I tried to answer, Here, sir ! but I could n t make it go, For I could n t move a muscle, and I could n t make it go! " Then I thought, it s all a nightmare all a humbug and a bore ! It is just another grapevine* and it won t come any more ; But it came, sir, notwithstanding, just the same words as before, 4 ORDERLY SERGEANT ROBERT BURTON ! more dis tinctly than before ! " That is all that I remenber, till a sudden burst of light, And I stood beside the river, where w r e stood that Sun day night, * I am unable to explain this slang, which appears to be Western, and born of the war. THE OLD SERGEANT. 201 Waiting to be ferried over to the dark bluffs opposite, When the river seemed perdition and all hell seemed opposite ! " And the same old palpitation came again with all its power, And I heard a bugle sounding as from heaven or a tower ; And the same mysterious voice said : IT is THE ELEV ENTH HOUR ! ORDERLY SERGEANT ROBERT BURTON IT is THE ELEVENTH HOUR ! " Doctor Austin, what day is this ? " " It is Wednesday night, you know." " Yes ! To-morrow will be New- Year s, and a right good time below ! What time is it, Doctor Austin ? " " Nearly twelve." " Then don t you go ! Can it be that all this happened all this not an hour ago! " There was where the gunboats opened on the dark, rebellious host, And where Webster semicircled his last guns upon the coast ; There were still the two log-houses, just the same, or else their ghost ; And the same old transport came and took me over or its ghost ! " And the whole field lay before me, all deserted far and wide : There was where they fell on Prentiss there McCler- nand met the tide ; There was where stern Sherman rallied, and where Hurl- but s heroes died ; Lower down, where Wallace charged them, and kept 202 THE OLD SERGEANT. " There was where Lew Wallace showed them he was of the canny kin ; There was where old Nelson thundered, and where Rous seau waded in ; There Me Cook sent them to breakfast, and we all began to win ; There was where the grape-shot took me just as we began to win. " Now a shroud of snow and silence over everything was spread ; And but for this old blue mantle, and the old hat on my head, I should not have even doubted, to this moment, I was dead ; For my footsteps were as silent as the snow upon the dead. " Death and silence ! Death and silence ! starry silence overhead ! And behold a mighty tower, as if builded to the dead, To the heaven of the heavens lifted up its mighty head ! Till the Stars and Stripes of heaven all seemed waving from its head ! " Round and mighty-based, it towered up into the in finite ! And I knew no mortal mason could have built a shaft so bright ; For it shone like solid sunshine ; and a winding stair of light Wound around it and around it, till it wound clear out of sight ! " And behold ! as I approached it with a rapt and daz zled stare, Thinking that I saw old comrades just ascending the great stair, THE OLD SERGEANT. 203 Suddenly the solemn challenge broke of, Halt ! and Who goes there ? I m a friend, I said, if you are. Then advance, sir, to the stair. " I advanced ; that sentry, Doctor, was Elijah Ballan- tyne First of all to fall on Monday, after we had formed the line. Welcome ! my old sergeant, welcome ! Welcome by that countersign ! And he pointed to the scar there under this old cloak of mine ! " As he grasped my hand I shuddered thinking only of the grave ; But he smiled and pointed upward, with a bright and bloodless glaive : That s the way, sir, to headquarters. What head quarters ? Of the brave ! But the great tower ? That was builded of the great deeds of the brave ! " Then a sudden shame came o er me at his uniform of light ; At my own so old and tattered, and at his so new and bright : Ah ! said he, you have forgotten the new uniform to-night ! Hurry back, for you must be here at just twelve o clock to-night ! " And the next thing I remember, you were sitting there, and I Doctor, it is hard to leave you Hark ! God bless you all ! Good-bye ! 204 AV THE SEPULCHRE. Doctor, please to give my musket and my knapsack, when I die, To my son my son that s coming he won t get here till I die ! " Tell him his old father blessed him as he never did before ; And to carry that old musket Hark ! a knock is at the door ! Till the Union see ! it opens ! " " Father ! father ! speak once more ! " " Bless you ! " gasped the old gray Sergeant ; and he lay and said no more ! When the surgeon gave the heir-son the old Sergeant s last advice, And his musket and his knapsack, how the fire flashed in his eyes ! He is on the march this morning, and will march on till he dies ; He will save this bleeding country, or will fight until he dies ! IN THE SEPULCHRE. O KEEPER of the Sacred Key And the Great Seal of Destiny ! Whose eye is the blue canopy, Look down upon the world once more, and tell us what the end will be. Three cold bright moons have filled and wheeled, And the white cerement that concealed The lifeless Figure on the shield Is turned to verdure, and the land is now one mighty battle-field. IN THE SEPULCHRE. 205 And the twin brothers that we said Had clashed above the fallen head, Heedless of all on which they tread, Now crimson with each other s blood the vernal drapery of the dead. And all their children, far and wide, That are so greatly multiplied, Rise up in frenzy and divide, And all, according to their might, unsheathe the sword and choose their side. I see the champion sword-strokes flash, I see them fall and hear them clash, I hear the murderous engines crash, I see a brother stoop to loose his foeman-brother s bloody sash. I hear the curses and the thanks, I see the mad charge on the flanks, The rents the gaps the broken ranks, And seen the vanquished driven headlong down the river s bridgeless banks. I see the death-gripe on the plain, The grappling monsters on the main ; I see the thousands that are slain, And all the speechless suffering and agony of heart and brain. I see the torn and mangled corpse, The dead and dying heaped in scores, The heedless rider by his horse, The wounded captives bayoneted through and through without remorse. I see the dark and bloody spots, The crowded rooms and crowded cots, 206 IN THE SEPULCHRE. The bleaching bones, the battle-blots ; And write on many a nameless grave a legend of forget- me-nots. I see the assassin crouch and fire ; I see his victim fall expire I see the victor creeping nigher, To strip the dead he turns the head the face ! the son beholds life sire ! I hear the dying sufferer cry, With his crushed face turned to the sky ; I see him crawl in agony To the foul pool, and bow his head into its bloody slime and die. And in the low sun s bloodshot rays Portentous of the coming days I see the oceans blush and blaze, And the emergent continent between them wrapt in crimson haze. And I foreorder and ordain, That ere the sixth red moon shall wane Those brothers swords shall cross again, And the True shall smite down the False within the Vir gin s waste domain. And lo ! the bloody dew shall fall, And my great darkness, like a pall Of deep compassion, cover all, Till the dead nation rise, transformed by truth, to tri umph over all. Thus saith the Keeper of the Key And the Great Seal of Destiny, UNCLE SAM. 207 Whose eye is the blue canopy, And casts the pall of his great darkness over a) I the land and sea. Louisville .Jnurnul. UNCLE SAM. AIR " Tom Brown." THE king will take the queen, And the queen will take the jack ; And down we march to Dixie s land, With knapsacks at our back. Chorus Here s to you, Uncle Sam, And your flag shall be our chart ; Here s to you, with hand and heart ; And for you we 11 win a battle or two, And that before we part ; Here s to you, Uncle Sam! {Repeat. The jack will take the ten, And the ten will take the nine ; And over Richmond s rebel walls The Stars and Stripes must shine. Chorus Here s to you, etc. The nine will take the eight, And the eight will take the seven ; And out of Old Virginia s soil Secession shall be driven. Chorus Here s to you, etc. The seven will take the six, And the six will take the five ; King Davis and his wretched crew From Dixie s land we 11 drive. Chorus Here s to you, etc. 208 WHEN JOHNNY COMES MARCHING HOME. The five \vill take the four, And the four will take the tray ; And all the ragged rebel rogues We 11 shortly sweep away. Chorus Here s to you, etc. The tray will take the deuce, But the deuce can t take the ace ; And so the Devil and Davis both Must leave their power and place. Chorus Here s to you, etc. WHEN JOPINNY COMES MARCHING HOME.* WHEN Johnny comes marching home again, Hurrah ! hurrah ! We 11 give him a hearty welcome then, Hurrah ! hurrah ! The men will cheer, the boys will shout, The ladies, they will all turn out, And we 11 all feel gay, When Johnny conies marching home. CHORUS TO EACH VERSE. The men will cheer, the boys will shout, The ladies, they will all turn out, And we 11 all feel gay, When Johnny comes marching home. The old church-bell will peal with joy, Hurrah ! hurrah ! To welcome home our darling boy, Hurrah ! hurrah ! * A very popular street-song during the last two years of the war. It was sung to a kind of jig, in the minor key. SONNET. 209 The village lads and lasses say, With roses they will strew the way ; And we 11 all feel gay, When Johnny comes marching home. Get ready for the jubilee, Hurrah! hurrah! 7. We 11 give the hero three times three, Hurrah ! hurrah ! The laurel-wreath is ready now To place upon his loyal brow ; And we 11 all feel gay, When Johnny comes inarching home. Let love and friendship on that day, Hurrah ! hurrah ! Their choicest treasures then display, Hurrah ! hurrah ! And let each one perform some part, To fill with joy the warrior s heart ; And we 11 all feel gay, When Johnny comes marching home. Chorus The men will cheer, the boys will shout, The ladies, they will all turn out, And we 11 all feel gay, When Johnny comes marching home. SONNET. BY GEORGE II. BOKEK. BLOOD, blood ! the lines of every printed sheet Through their dark arteries reek with running gore; At hearth, at board, before the household door, Tis the sole subject with which neighbors meet. Girls at the feast, and children in the street 14 210 THE BRAVE AT HOME. Prattle of horrors flash their little store Of simple jests against the cannon s roar, As if mere slaughter kept existence sweet. Oh, Heaven ! I quail at the familiar way This fool the world disports his jingling cap; Murdering or dying, with one grin agap ! Our very Love comes draggled from the fray, Smiling at victory, scowling at mishap, With gory Death companioned and at play. SONNET. BY GEORGE H. BOKER. On ! craven, craven ! while my brothers fall Like grass before the mower, in the fight, I, easy vassal to my own delight, Am bound with flowers, a far too willing thrall. Day after day along the streets I crawl, Shamed in my manhood, reddening at the sight Of every soldier who upholds the Right, With no more motive than his country s call. I love thee more than honor ; ay, above That simple duty, conscience plain and clear To dullest minds, whose summons all men hear. Yet, as I blush and loiter, who should move In the grand marches, I cannot but fear That thou wilt scorn me for my very love. THE BRAVE AT HOME. BY THOMAS BUCHANAN RKAD. THE maid who binds her warrior s sash With smile that well her pain dissembles, WHEN THIS CRUEL WAR IS OVER. 211 The while beneath her drooping lash One starry tear-drop hangs and trembles, Though Heaven alone records the tear, And Fame shall never know her story, Her heart shall shed a drop as dear As ever dewed the field of glory. The wife who girds her husband s sword Mid little ones who weep or wonder, And gravely speaks the cheering word, What though her heart be rent asunder ; Doomed nightly in her dreams to hear The bolts of war around him rattle, Hath shed as sacred blood as e er Was poured upon a field of battle. The mother who conceals her grief When to her breast her son she presses, Then breathes a few brave words and brief, Kissing the patriot brow she blesses, With no one but her secret God To know the pain that weighs upon her, Sheds holy blood as e er the sod Received on Freedom s field of honor. WHEN THIS CRUEL WAR IS OVER* DEAREST love, do you remember When we last did meet, * Of all the songs which the war produced, this was the most sung, except, perhaps, the John Brown Song. At one time the air was heard out of doors and in public places constantly, sung, whistled, hummed, or played on barrel-organs. Sitting with open windows one evening in the summer of 18G3, I heard this air at intervals of not more than live minutes (it seemed without inter mission) from eight o clock until long after midnight. 212 WHEN THIS CRUEL WAR IS OVER. How you told me that you loved me, Kneeling at your feet ? O, how proud you stood before me In your suit of blue, When you vowed to me and country Ever to be true. Chorus Weeping, sad and lonely, Hopes and fears, how vain ; Yet praying When this cruel war is over, Praying that we meet again. When the summer breeze is sighing Mournfully along, Or when autumn leaves are falling, Sadly breathes the song. Oft in dreams I see thee lying On the battle-plain, Lonely, wounded, even dying, Calling, but in vain. Chorus Weeping, sad, &c. If, amid the din of battle, Nobly you should fall, Far away from those who love you, None to hear you call, Who would whisper words of comfort ? AVho would soothe your pain ? Ah, the many cruel fancies Ever in my brain ! Chorus Weeping, sad, &c. But our country called you, darling, Angels cheer your way ! While our nation s sons are fighting, We can only pray. Nobly strike for God and liberty, APRIL 20, 1864. 213 Let all nations see How we love the starry banner, Emblem of the free ! Chorus Weeping, sad and lonely, Hopes and fears, how vain ; Yet praying When this cruel war is over, Praying that we meet again. APRIL 20, 1864. BY CHARLES G. HALPIN. THREE years ago to-day We raised our hands to heaven, And on the rolls of muster Our names were thirty-seven ; There were just a thousand bayonets, And the swords wei*e thirty-seven, As we took the oath of service W T ith our right hands raised to heaven. Oh, t was a gallant day, In memory still adored, That day of our sun-bright nuptials With the musket and the sword ! Shrill rang the fifes, the bugles blared, And beneath a cloudless heaven Twinkled a thousand bayonets, And the swords were thirty-seven. Of the thousand stalwart bayonets Two hundred march to-day ; Hundreds lie in Virginia swamps, And hundreds in Maryland clay ; Arid other hundreds, less happy, drag Their shattered limbs around, 214 GRANT. And envy the deep, long, blessed sleep Of the battle-field s holy ground. For the swords one night, a week ago, The remnant, just eleven, Gathered around a banqueting board With seats for thirty-seven ; There were two limped in on crutches, And two had each but a hand To pour the wine and raise the cup As we toasted " Our flag and land ! " And the room seemed filled with Avhispers As we looked at the vacant seats, And, with choking throats, we pushed aside The rich but untasted meats ; Then in silence we brimmed our glasses, As we rose up just eleven And bowed as we drank to the loved and the dead Who had made us thirty-seven ! Harpers Weekly. GRANT. BY GEORGE II. BOKER. As Moses stood upon the flaming hill, With all the people gathered at his feet, Waiting in Sinai s valley, there to meet The awful bearer of Jehovah s will, So, Grant, thou stand st, amidst the trumpets shrill, And the wild fiery storms that flash and beat In iron thunder and in leaden sleet, Topmost of all, and most exposed to ill. O, stand thou firm, great leader of our race, Hope of our future, till the times grow bland, And into ashes drops war s dying brand ; THE B UN TY- JUMPER. 2 1 5 Then let us see thee, with benignant grace, Descend thy height, God s glory on thy face, And the law s tables safe within thy hand ! THE BOUNTY-JUMPER.* BY J. CROSS CASTEN. MY song is of a fast young man whose name was Billy Wires ; He used to run with the machine and go to all the fires : But as he loved a Soldier s life, and wished strange things to see, So the thought struck him that he would go and jump the Bounti-e. At once he went to see a friend, whose maiden name was Cal, When they started to the office of the Provost Marshi-al. The Surgeon found that they would pass, as either had no scars, And they received the Bounty of Five Hundred Dol-li-ars. They were then marched into a room that was extremely near, Where they were dressed in the latest style as Union Cavaliers ; Into this room they were locked up, no longer to be free : Says Billy, "the first chance that I get I ll jump the Bounti-e ! " Three days elapsed, when they were marched to the depot through the street : Says Cal to Billy, " Let s get away, for nimble are our feet." * The author calls this song "A pathetic ditty, written for Pony Smith, the favorite Ethiopian Comedian," which perhaps means negro minstrel. 2l6 THE BOUNTY-JUMPER. As they got near the depot the guard told all to stop ; When Billy and Cal as quick as you please popped into a Policy shop. When the guard found out that they were gone they did n t know what to do : They went in every Gin-mill, and searched the place all through ; But their search was fruit-i-less, as you may plainly see, For, says Billy to Cal, " We re hunkey boys that have jumped the Bounti-e." As soon as they found that the guard had gone they resolved upon a spree ; They travelled all around the town the Elephant to see ; They treated everybody, and to please all they tried hard ; But there was one whom they could not please, for he happened to be the guard. Poor Cal was seized and hurried to jail, his time there to serve out ; But Billy escaped through the back door, for he knew that route. That night, as Billy lay on his couch, his sin he plainly did see, In cheating the Government out of funds in jumping the Bounti-e. He rolled all over that night in bed to sleep he vainly tried ; He pitied Cal who in pris-u-on was, and resolved on suicide ; He bought six dozen wrought-iron spikes, and swallowed them three by three, And that was the last of Billy Wires, who jumped the Bounti-e. THE SONG OF KLLP AT RICK S TROOPERS. 217 THE SONG OF KILPATRICK S TROOPERS. UP from the ground at break of day, When the bugle s note is heard, From the cold, hard ground, where all night we lay, To rise with the waking bird. Right merrily our sabres ring As we scour along on our steeds ; Oh, true and tried are the hearts of those Whom the brave Kilpatrick leads ! Away, away, o er the plain we go, Away on our steeds so fleet ! Ah, well the foeman s path we know By the print of the foeman s feet ! So on we ride while our sabres ring A merrily sounding tune, By field and river and wooded steep, To the halt which comes with noon. And then in the forest s welcome shade, Neath the pine-trees dark and high, We rest till the burning heat is past From the Southern noonday sky. Then up and away o er the rolling plain, Away on our gallant steeds ! What foe is there whom we would not dare When the brave Kilpatrick leads ? Of Northern steel our good blades are, Our carbines are true of aim ; The Southern traitor hears with dread The sound of our leader s name. Oh, wild is the life we troopers live, But a merrier none may know, To scour the plain on our gallant steeds In search of the traitorous foe ! 2l8 THE SONG OF GRANT S SOLDIERS. And when on the battle-field we meet, And loud on the echoing air The bugles sound, and quick in the sun Our blades gleam bright and bare, Away we go at the one word charge, With a cheer, at the flying foe ; While the bullets sing, and our scabbards ring, And the bugles loudly blow ! Oh, long shall the tale of our deeds be told When this cruel war shall cease, On winter eves, by the glowing hearth, AVhen the land shall be blessed with peace. And long shall live in the hearts of all Our valiant leader s fame, And our children lisp with their infant lips The brave Kilpatrick s name. Harpers Weekly. THE SONG OF GRANT S SOLDIERS. PILE on the rails ! Come, comrades, all, We 11 sing a song to-night ; To-morroAv, when the bugles call, Be ready for the fight. Be ready then with loud hurrah To battle or to die ; When Grant shall yield, the Northern star Will fade from out the sky. Hurrah ! hurrah ! hurrah ! Before us lies the rebel host, Their watch-fires we can see ; THE SONG OF GRANTS SOLDIERS. 219 We laugh to hear the traitor boast Of Southern victory. Three cheers for Grant, and one more cheer, Until the woods ring back ! Ah, well the rebel chief may fear The blood-hound on his track. Hurrah ! hurrah ! hurrah ! In Freedom s cause our blades were drawn : The traitor yet shall feel Before the day of Peace shall dawn How strong is Northern steel. Three cheers for Grant, my gallant men ! Give three loud, roaring cheers ! Until the foe within his den Shall tremble while he hears. Hurrah ! hurrah ! hurrah ! Thus far we ve come through fire and flood ; Still further on we 11 press, Although the way be red with blood As through the wilderness. Then cheer, brave comrades ; let the night King with your loud hurrahs For Grant, who knows so well to fight, And for the Stripes and Stars. Hurrah ! hurrah ! hurrah ! Our longing eyes shall yet behold Proud Richmond s slender spires ; Our children s children will be told How fought their valiant sires. Look well to cap and cartridge, too ; And as we onward press We 11 cheer for Grant, who brought us through The bloody wilderness. Hurrah ! hurrah ! hurrah ! 220 DRIVING HOME THE COWS. Brave soldiers of the Lord are we, In solid ranks we come ! The Southern traitors yet shall see How light the Northern u scum." Be ready, then, with loud hurrah, To battle or to die ; When Grant shall yield, the Northern star Will drop from out the sky. Hurrah ! hurrah ! hurrah ! Harpers Weekly. DRIVING HOME THE COWS. OUT of the clover and blue-eyed grass, He turned them into the river-lane ; One after another he let them pass, Then fastened the meadow bars again. Under the willows and over the hill, He patiently followed their sober pace ; The merry whistle for once was still, And something shadowed the sunny face. Only a boy ! and his father had said He never could let his youngest go ! Two already were lying dead, Under the feet of the trampling foe. But after the evening work was done, And the frogs were loud in the meadow-swamp, Over his shoulder he slung his gun And stealthily followed the foot-path damp. Across the clover and through the wheat, With resolute heart and purpose grim, DRIVING HOME THE COWS. 221 Though cold Avas the dew on his hurrying feet, And the blind bats flitting startled him. Thrice since then had the lanes been white, And the orchards sweet with apple-bloom ; And now, when the cows came back at night, The feeble father drove them home. For news had come to the lonely farm That three were lying where two had lain ; And the old man s tremulous, palsied arm Could never lean on a son s again. The summer day grew cool and late ; He went for the cows when the work was done ; But down the lane, as he opened the gate, He saw them coming, one by one. Brindle, Ebony, Speckle, and Bess, Shaking their horns in the evening wind ; Cropping the buttercups out of the grass But who was it following close behind ? Loosely swang in the idle air The empty sleeve of army blue ; And worn and pale, from the crisping hair, Looked out a face that the father knew ; For Southern prisons will sometimes yawn, And yield their dead unto life again ; * * Yet there are twelve thousand nine hundred and nineteen graves of Union soldiers at the one rebel prison-pen of Anderson- ville; while from the comfortable quarters in which the rebel pris oners were kept, there went back into the rebel armies some of "the finest lighting material" the rebel Commissioner of Ex change ever saw. 222 ON PICKET DUT Y. And the day that comes with a cloudy dawn In golden glory at last may wane. The great tears sprang to their meeting eyes ; For the heart must speak when the lips are dumb, And under the silent evening skies Together they followed the cattle home. Harpers Magazine. ON PICKET DUTY. WITHIN a green and shadowy wood, Circled with spring, alone I stood : The nook was peaceful, fair, and good. The wild-plum blossoms lured the bees, The birds sang madly in the trees, Magnolia-scents were on the breeze. All else was silent ; but the ear Caught sounds of distant bugle clear, And heard the bullets whistle near, When from the winding river s shore The Rebel guns began to roar, And ours to answer, thundering o er ; And echoed from the wooded hill, Repeated and repeated still, Through all my soul they seemed to thrill. For, as their rattling storm awoke, And loud and fast the discord broke, In rude and trenchant words they spoke. ON PICKET DUTY. 223 " We hate ! " boomed fiercely o er the tide ; " We fear not ! " from the other side ; " We strike ! " the Rebel guns replied. Quick roared our answer, " We defend ! " " Our rights ! " the battle-sounds contend ; " The rights of all ! " we answer send. " We conquer ! " rolled across the wave ; " We persevere ! " our answer gave ; " Our Chivalry ! " they wildly rave. " Ours are the brave !" " Be ours the free ! " " Be ours the slave, the masters we ! " " On us their blood no more shall be ! " As when some magic word is spoken, By which a wizard spell is broken, There was a silence at that token. The wild birds dared once more to sing, I heard the pine bough s whispering, And trickling of a silver spring. Then, crashing forth with smoke and din, Once more the rattling sounds begin, Our iron lips roll forth, " We win ! " And dull and wavering in the gale That rushed in gusts across the vale Came back the faint reply, " We fail ! " And then a word, both stern and sad, From throat of huge Columbiad, " Blind fools and traitors ! ye are mad ! " 224 ON PICKET DUTY. Again the Rebel answer came, Muffled and slow, as if in shame, " All, all is lout ! " in smoke and flame. Now bold and strong and stern as Fate The Union guns sound forth, " We wait ! Faint comes the distant cry, " Too late ! " " Return ! return ! " our cannon said ; And, as the smoke rolled overhead, " We dare not ! " was the answer dread. Then came a sound, both loud and clear, A godlike word of hope and cheer, " Forgiveness ! " echoed far and near ; As when beside some death-bed still We watch, and wait God s solemn will, A bluebird warbles his soft trill. I clenched my teeth at that blest word, And, angry, muttered, " Not so, Lord ! The only answer is the sword ! " I thought of Shiloh s tainted air, Of Richmond s prisons, foul and bare, And murdered heroes, young and fair, Of block and lash and overseer, And dark, mild faces pale with fear, Of baying hell-hounds panting near. But then the gentle story told My childhood, in the days of old, Rang out its lessons manifold. THE HEART OF THE WAR. 22$ O prodigal, and lost ! arise And read the welcome blest that lies In a kind Father s patient eyes ! Thy elder brother grudges not The lost and found should share his lot, And wrong in concord be forgot. Thus mused I, as the hours went by, Till the relieving guard drew nigh, And then was challenge and reply. And as I hastened back to line, It seemed an omen half divine That " Concord " was the countersign. Atlantic Monthly. THE HEART OF THE WAR. PEACE in the clover-scented air, And stars within the dome ; And underneath, in dim repose, A plain New-England home. Within, a murmur of low tones And sighs from hearts oppressed, Merging in prayer at last, that brings The balm of silent rest. I ve closed a hard day s work, Marty, The evening chores are done ; And you are weary with the house, And with the little one. 15 226 THE HEART OF THE WAR. But he is sleeping sweetly now, With all our pretty brood ; So come and sit upon my knee, And it will do me good. Oh, Marty ! I must tell you all The trouble in my heart, And you must do the best you can To take and bear your part. You ve seen the shadow on my face, You ve felt it day and night ; For it has filled our little home, And banished all its light. I did not mean it should be so, And yet I might have known That hearts that live as close as ours Can never keep their own. But we are fallen on evil times, And, do whate er I may, My heart grows sad about the war, And sadder every day. I think about it when I work, And when I try to rest, And never more than when your head Is pillowed on my breast ; For then I see the camp-fires blaze, And sleeping men around, Who turn their faces toward their homes, And dream upon the ground. I think about the dear, brave boys, My mates in other years, Who pine for home and those they love, Till I am choked with tears. With shouts and cheers they marched away On glory s shining track, THE HEART OF THE WAR. 227 But, all ! how long, how long they stay ! How few of them come back ! One sleeps beside the Tennessee, And one beside the James, And one fought on a gallant ship And perished in its flames. And some, struck down by fell disease, Are breathing out their life ; And others, maimed by cruel wounds, Have left the deadly strife. Ah, Marty ! Marty ! only think Of all the boys have done And suffered in this weary war ! Brave heroes, every one ! Oh ! often, often in the night, I hear their voices call : "Come on and help us! Is it right That we should bear it all ? " And when I kneel and try to pray, My thoughts are never free, But cling to those who toil and fight And die for you and me. And when I pray for victory, It seems almost a sin To fold my hands and ask for what I will not help to win. Oh ! do not cling to me and cry, For it will break my heart ; I m sure you d rather have me die Than not to bear my part. You think that some should stay at home To care for those away ; But still I m helpless to decide If I should go or stay. 228 THE DRUMMER-BOYS BURIAL. For, Marty, all the soldiers love, And all are loved again ; And I am loved, and love, perhaps, No more than other men. I cannot tell I do not know Which way my duty lies, Or where the Lord would have me build My fire of sacrifice. I feel I know I am not mean ; And though I seem to boast, I m sure that I would give my life To those who need it most. Perhaps the Spirit will reveal That which is fair and right ; So, Marty, let us humbly kneel And pray to Heaven for light. Peace in the clover-scented air, And stars within the dome ; And, underneath, in dim repose, A plain, New-England home. Within, a widow in her weeds, From whom all joy is flown, Who kneels among her sleeping babes, And weeps and prays alone ! Atlantic Monthly. THE DRUMMER-BOY S BURIAL. ALL day long the storm of battle through the startled valley swept ; All night long the stars in heaven o er the slain sad vigils kept. THE DRUMMER-BOY S BURIAL. 229 Oh the ghastly, upturned faces gleaming whitely through the night ! Oh the heaps of mangled corses in that dim sepulchral light ! One by one the pale stars faded, and at length the morn ing broke ; But not one of all the sleepers on that field of death awoke. Slowly passed the golden hours of that long bright sum mer day, And upon that field of carnage still the dead unburied lay: Lay there stark and cold, but pleading with a dumb, un ceasing prayer, For a little dust to hide them from the staring sun and air. But the foemen held possession of that hard-won battle plain, In unholy wrath denying even burial to our slain. Once again the night dropped round them night so holy and so calm That the moonbeams hushed the spirit, like the sound of prayer or psalm. On a couch of trampled grasses, just apart from all the rest, Lay a fair young boy, with small hands meekly folded on his breast. Death had touched him very gently, and he lay as if in sleep ; Even his mother scarce had shuddered at that slumber calm and deep. 230 THE DRUMMER BOYS BURIAL. For a smile of wondrous sweetness lent a radiance to the face, And the hand of cunning sculptor could have added nought of grace To the marble limbs so perfect in their passionless repose, Robbed of all save matchless purity by hard, unpitying foes. And the broken drum beside him all his life s short story told: How he did his duty bravely till the death-tide o er him rolled. Midnight came with ebon garments and a diadem of stars, While right upward in the zenith hung the fiery planet Mai s. Hark ! a sound of stealthy footsteps and of voices whisper ing low, Was it nothing but the young leaves, or the brooklet s murmuring flow ? Clinging closely to each other, striving never to look round As they passed with silent shudder the pale corses on the ground, Came two little maidens, sisters, with a light and hasty tread, And a look upon their faces, half of sorrow, half of dread. And they did. not pause nor falter till, with throbbing hearts, they stood Where the Drummer-Boy was lying in that partial soli tude. THE DRUMMER BOY S BURIAL. 231 They had brought some simple garments from their ward robe s scanty store, And two heavy iron shovels in their slender hands they bore. Then they quickly knelt beside him, crushing back the pitying tears, For they had no time for weeping, nor for any girlish fears. And they robed the icy body, while no glow of maiden shame Changed the pallor of their foreheads to a flush of lam bent flame. For their saintly hearts yearned o er it in that hour of sorest need, And they felt that Death was holy, and it sanctified the deed. But they smiled and kissed each other when their new, strange task was o er, And the form that lay before them its unwonted garments wore. Then with slow and weary labor a small grave they hol lowed out, And they lined it with the withered grass and leaves that lay about. But the day was slowly breaking ere their holy work was done, And in crimson pomp the morning again heralded the sun. And then those little maidens they were children of our foes Laid the body of our Drummer-Boy to undisturbed repose. Harpers^ Mayazine. 232 THE BAY FIGHT. THE BAY FIGHT. (Mobile Bay, August 5, 1804.) BY II. H. BROWMELL, U. S. N. " On the forecastle, Ulf the Red AVatched the lashing of the ships. If the Serpent lie so far ahead, We shall have hard work of it here, Said he." THREE days through sapphire seas we sailed, The steady Trade blew strong and free, The Northern Light his banners paled, The Ocean Stream our channels wet, We rounded low Canaveral s lee, And passed the isles of emerald set In blue Bahamas turquoise sea. By reef and shoal obscurely mapped, And hauntings of the gray sea-wolf, The palmy Western Key lay lapped In the Avarm washing of the Gulf. But weary to the hearts of all The burning glare, the barren reach Of Santa Rosa s Avithered beach, And Pensacola s ruined wall. And weary was the long patrol, The thousand miles of shapeless strand, From Brazos to San Bias that roll Their drifting dunes of desert sand. Yet, coastwise as we cruised or lay, The land-breeze still at nightfall bore, By beach and fortress-guarded bay, Sweet odors from the enemy s shore, THE BAY FIGHT. 233 Fresh from the forest solitudes, Unchallenged of his sentry lines, The bursting of his cypress buds, And the warm fragrance of his pines. Ah, never braver bark and crew, Nor bolder Flag a foe to dare, Had left a wake on ocean blue Since Lion-Heart sailed Trenc-le-mer ! * But little gain by that dark ground Was ours, save, sometime, freer breath For friend or brother strangely found, Scaped from the drear domain of death. And little venture for the bold, Or laurel for our valiant Chief, Save some blockaded British thief, Full fraught with murder in his hold, Caught unawares at ebb or flood ; Or dull bombardment, day by day, With fort and earth-work, far away, Low couched in sullen leagues of mud. A weary time but to the strong The day at last, as ever, came ; And the volcano, laid so long, Leaped forth in thunder and in flame ! " Man your starboard battery ! " Kimberly shouted ; The ship, with her hearts of oak, Was going, mid roar and smoke, On to victory ! None of us doubted, * The flag-ship of Richard I. 234 THE BAY FIGHT. No, not our dying, Farragut s Flag was flying ! Gaines growled low on our left, Morgan roared on our right Before us, gloomy and fell, With breath like the fume of hell, Lay the Dragon of iron shell, Driven at last to the fight ! Ha, old ship ! do they thrill, The brave two hundred scars You got in the River- Wars ? That were leeched with clamorous skill, (Surgery savage and hard,) Splinted with bolt and beam, Probed in scarfing and seam, Rudely linted and tarred With oakum and boiling pitch, And sutured with splice and hitch, At the Brooklyn Navy-Yard ! Our lofty spars were down, To bide the battle s frown, (Wont of old renown,) But every ship was drest In her bravest and her best, As if for a July day ; Sixty flags and three, As we floated up the bay, Every peak and mast-head flew The brave Red, White, and Blue, We were eighteen ships that day. With hawsers strong and taut, The weaker lashed to port, On we sailed, two by two, THE BAY FIGHT. 23$ That if either a bolt should feel Crash through caldron or wheel, Fin of bronze or sinew of steel, Her mate might bear her through. Steadily nearing the head, The great Flag- Ship led, Grandest of sights ! On her lofty mizen flew Our Leader s dauntless Blue, That had waved o er twenty fights. So we went, with the first of the tide, Slowly, mid the roar Of the rebel guns ashore, And the thunder of each full broadside. Ah, how poor the prate Of statute and state, We once held with these fellows : Here, on the flood s pale-green, Hark how he bellows, Each bluff old Sea-Lawyer ! Talk to them Dahlgren, Parrott, and Sawyer! On in the whirling shade Of the cannon s sulphury breath, We drew to the Line of Death That our devilish Foe had laid ; Meshed in a horrible net, And baited villainous well, Right in our path were set Three hundred traps of hell ! And there, O sight forlorn ! There, while the cannon Hurtled and thundered, 236 THE BAY FIGHT. (Ah what ill raven Flapped o er the ship that morn !) Caught by the under-death, In the drawing of a breath, Down went dauntless Craven, He and his hundred ! A moment we saw her turret, A little heel she gave, And a thin white spray went o er her, Like the crest of a breaking wave ; In that great iron coffin, The channel for their grave, The fort their monument, (Seen afar in the offing,) Ten fathom deep lie Craven And the bravest of our brave. Then, in that deadly trade, A little the ships held back, Closing up in their stations : There are minutes that fix the fate Of battles and of nations, (Christening the generations,) When valor were all too late, If a moment s doubt be harbored ; From the main-top, bold and brief, Came the word of our grand old Chief, " Go on ! " t was all he said ; Our helm was put to the starboard, And the Hartford passed ahead. Ahead lay the Tennessee, On our starboard bow he lay, With his mail-clad consorts three, (The rest had run up the Bay), There he was, belching flame from his bow, THE BAY FIGHT. 237 And the steam from his throat s abyss Was a Dragon s maddened hiss, In sooth a most cursed craft ! In a sullen ring, at bay, By the Middle Ground they lay, Raking us, fore and aft. Trust me, our berth was hot, Ah, wickedly well they shot ; How their death-bolts howled and stung ! And the water-batteries played With their deadly cannonade Till the air around us rung ; So the battle raged and roared Ah, had you been aboard To have seen the fight we made ! How they leaped, the tongues of flame, From the cannon s fiery lip ! How the broadsides, deck and frame, Shook the great ship ! And how the enemy s shell Came crashing, heavy and oft, Clouds of splinters flying aloft And falling in oaken showers : But ah, the pluck of the crew ! Had you stood on that deck of ours, You had seen what men may do. Still, as the fray grew louder, Boldly they worked and well, Steadily came the powder, Steadily came the shell. And if tackle or truck found hurt, Quickly they cleared the wreck ; And the dead were laid to port, All a-row, on our deck. 238 THE BA Y FI GUT. Never a nerve that failed, Never a cheek that paled, Not a tinge of gloom or pallor : There was bold Kentucky s grit, And the old Virginian valor, And the daring Yankee wit. There were blue eyes from turfy Shannon, There were black orbs from palmy Niger, But there alongside the cannon, Each man fought like a tiger ! A little, once, it looked ill, Our consort began to burn ; They quenched the flames with a will, But our men were falling still, And still the fleet was astern. Right abreast of the Fort In an awful shroud they lay, Broadsides thundering away, And lightning from every port Scene of glory and dread ! A storm-cloud all aglow With flashes of fiery red ; The thunder raging below, And the forest of flags o erhead ! So grand the hurly and roar, So fiercely their broadsides blazed, The regiments fighting ashore Forgot to fire as they gazed. There, to silence the Foe, Moving grimly and slow, They loomed in that deadly wreath, Where the darkest batteries frowned, THE BAY FIGHT. Death in the air all round, And the black torpedoes beneath ! And now, as we looked ahead, All for ard, the long white deck Was growing a strange dull red ; But soon, as once and agen Fore and aft we sped, (The firing to guide or check,) You could hardly choose but tread On the ghastly human wreck (Dreadful gobbet and shred That a minute ago were men ! ) Red, from main-mast to bitts ! Red, on bulwark and wale ! Red, by combing and hatch ! Red, o er netting and rail ! And ever, with steady con, The ship forged slowly by; And ever the crew fought on, And their cheers rang loud and high. Grand was the sight to see How by their guns they stood, Right in front of our dead Fighting square abreast Each brawny arm and chest All spotted with black and red, Chrism of fire and blood ! Worth our watch, dull and sterile, Worth all the weary time ; Worth the woe and the peril, To stand in that strait sublime ! Fear ? A forgotten form ! Death ? A dream of the eyes ! 239 240 THE BA Y FIGHT. We were atoms in God s great storm That roared through the angry skies One only doubt was ours, One only dread we knew : Could the day that dawned so well Go down for the Darker Powers ? Would the fleet get through ? And ever the shot and shell Came with the howl of hell, The splinter-clouds rose and fell, And the long line of corpses grew : Would the fleet win through ? They are men that never will fail, (How aforetime they ve fought !) But Murder may yet prevail, They may sink as Craven sank. Therewith one hard fierce thought, Burning on heart and lip, Han like fire through the ship : Fight her, to the last plank ! A dimmer Renown might strike If Death lay square alongside ; But the Old Flag has no like, She must fight, whatever betide : When the War is a tale of old, And this day s story is told, They shall hear how the Hartford died ! But as we ranged ahead, And the leading ships worked in, Losing their hope to win, The enemy turned and fled : And one seeks a shallow reach, And another, winged in her flight, THE BAY FIGHT. Our mate, brave Jouett, brings in ; And one, all torn in the fight, Runs for a wreck on the beach, Where her flames soon fire the night. And the Ram, when well up the Bay, And we looked that our stems should meet, (He had us fair for a prey,) Shifting his helm midway, Sheered off, and ran for the fleet ; There, without skulking or sham, He fought them, gun for gun, And ever he sought to ram, But could finish never a one. From the first of the iron shower Till we sent our parting shell, T was just one savage hour Of the roar and the rage of hell. With the lessening smoke and thunder, Our glasses around we aim, What is that burning yonder ? Our Philippi aground and in flame ! Below, t was still all a-roar, As the ships went by the shore, But the fire of the Fort had slacked, (So fierce their volleys had been) ; And now, with a mighty din, The whole fleet came grandly in, Though sorely battered and wracked. So, up the Bay we ran, The Flag to port and ahead, And a pitying rain began To wash the lips of our dead. 16 2 4 I 242 THE BAY FIGHT. A league from the Fort we lay, And deemed that the end must lag ; When lo ! looking down the Bay, There flaunted the Rebel Rag : The Ram is again under way, And heading dead for the Flag ! Steering up with the stream, Boldly his course he lay, Though the fleet all answered his fire, And, as he still drew nigher, Ever on bow and beam Our Monitors pounded away, How the Chickasaw hammered away ! Quickly breasting the wave, Eager the prize to win, First of us all the brave Monongahela went in, Under full head of steam ; Twice she struck him abeam, Till her stem was a sorry work ; (She might have run on a crag !) The Lackawana hit fair ; He flung her aside like cork, And still he held for the Flag. High in the mizzen-shroud, (Lest the smoke his sight o erwhelm,) Our Admiral s voice rang loud : " Hard-a-starboard your helm ! Starboard ! and run him down ! " Starboad it was ; and so, Like a black squall s lifting frown, Our mighty bow bore down On the iron beak of the Foe. THE BAY FIGHT. 243 We stood on the deck together, Men that had looked on death In battle and stormy weather ; Yet a little we held our breath, When, with the hush of death, The great ships drew together. Our Captain strode to the bow, Dray ton, courtly and wise, Kindly cynic, and wise, (You hardly had known him now, The flame of fight in his eyes !) His brave heart eager to feel How the oak would tell on the steel ! But, as the space grew short, A little he seemed to shun us ; Out peered a form grim and lanky, And a voice yelled : " Hard-a-port ! Hard-a-port ! here s the damned Yankee Coming right down on us ! " He sheered, but the ships ran foul ; With a gnarring shudder and growl, He gave us a deadly gun ; But, as he passed in his pride, (Rasping right alongside !) The Old Flag, in thunder-tones, Poured in her port broadside, Rattling his iron hide, And cracking his timber bones ! Just then, at speed on the Foe, With her bow all weathered and brown, The great Lackawana came down Full tilt for another blow : We were forging ahead, She reversed ; but, for all our pains, 244 THE i BAY FIGHT. Rammed the old Hartford instead, Just for ard the mizzen-chains ! Ah ! how the masts did buckle and bend, And the stout hull ring and reel, As she took us right on end! (Vain were engine and wheel, She was under full steam), With the roar of a thunder-stroke Her two thousand tons of oak Brought up on us, right abeam ! A wreck, as it looked, we lay ; (Rib and plankshear gave way To the stroke of that giant wedge !) Here, after all, we go ; The old ship is gone ! ah, no, But cut to the water s edge. Never mind then ; at him again ! His flurry now can t last long ; He 11 never again see land ; Try that on him, Marchand ! On him again, brave Strong ! Heading square at the hulk, Full on his beam we bore ; But the spine of the huge Sea-Hog Lay on the tide like a log, He vomited flame no more. By this, he had found it hot : Half the fleet, in an angry ring, Closed round the hideous thing, Hammering with solid shot, And bearing down, bow on bow He has but a minute to choose ; THE BAY FIGHT. 245 Life or renown ? which now Will the Rebel Admiral lose ? Cruel, haughty, and cold, He ever was strong and bold, Shall he shrink from a wooden stem ? He will think of that brave band He sank in the Cumberland : Ay, he will sink like them. Nothing left but to fight Boldly his last sea-fight ! Can he strike ? By Heaven, t is true ! Down comes the traitor Blue, And up goes the captive White ! Up went the White ! Ah, then. The hurrahs that, once and agen, Rang from three thousand men, All flushed and savage with fight ! Our dead lay cold and stark, But our dying, down in the dark, Answered as best they might, Lifting their poor lost arms, And cheering for God and Right ! Ended the mighty noise, Thunder of forts and ships, Down we went to the hold ! Oh, our dear dying boys ! How we pressed their poor brave lips, (Ah, so pallid and cold !) And held their hands to the last (Those that had hands to hold). Still thee, O woman heart ! (So strong an hour ago), 246 THE BAY FIGHT. If the idle tears must start, T is not in vain they flow. They died, our children dear, On the drear berth-deck they died ; Do not think of them here, Even now their footsteps near The immortal, tender sphere, (Land of love and cheer ! Home of the Crucified !) And the glorious deed survives. Our threescore, quiet and cold, Lie thus, for a myriad lives And treasure-millions untold, (Labor of poor men s lives, Hunger of weans and wives, Such is war-wasted gold.) Our ship and her fame to-day Shall float on the storied Stream, When mast and shroud have crumbled away, And her long white deck is a dream. One daring leap in the dark, Three mortal hours, at the most, And hell lies stiff and stark On a hundred leagues of coast. For the mighty Gulf is ours, The bay is lost and won, An Empire is lost and won ! Land, if thou yet hast flowers. Twine them in one more wreath Of tenderest white and red, (Twin buds of glory and death !) For the brows of our brave dead, For thy Navy s noblest Son. THE BAY FIGHT. 247 Joy, O Land, for thy sons, Victors by flood and field ! The traitor walls and guns Have nothing left but to yield (Even now they surrender !) And the ships shall sail once more, And the cloud of war sweep on To break on the cruel shore, But Craven is gone, He and his hundred are gone. The flags flutter up and down, At sunrise and twilight dim, The cannons menace and frown, But never again for him, Him and the hundred. The Dalgrens are dumb, Dumb are the mortars ; Never more shall the drum Beat to colors and quarters : The great guns are silent. O brave heart and loyal ! Let all your colors dip ; Mourn him, proud Ship ! From main-deck to royal. God rest our Captain, Rest our lost hundred. Droop, flag and pennant ! What is your pride for ? Heaven, that he died for, Rest our Lieutenant, Rest our brave threescore. 248 THE BAY FIGHT. O Mother Land ! this weary life We led, we lead, is long of thee ; Thine the strong agony of strife, And thine the lonely sea. Thine the long decks all slaughter-sprent, The weary rows of cots that lie With wrecks of strong men, marred and rent, Neath Pensacola s sky. And thine the iron caves and dens Wherein the flame our war-fleet drives ; The fiery vaults, whose breath is men s Most dear and precious lives. Ah, ever, when with storm sublime Dread Nature clears our murky air, Thus in the crash of falling crime Some lesser guilt must share. Full red the furnace fires must glow That melt the ore of mortal kind : The Mills of God are grinding slow, But ah, how close they grind ! To-day the Dahlgren and the drum Are dread Apostles of His Name ; His Kingdom here can only come By chrism of blood and flame. Be strong : already slants the gold Athwart these wild and stormy skies ; From out this blackened waste, behold, What happy homes shall rise ! But see thou well no traitor gloze, No striking hands with Death and Shame, . THE CHICAGO SURRENDER. 249 Betray the sacred blood that flows So freely for thy name. And never fear a victor foe, Thy children s hearts are strong and high ; Nor mourn too fondly, well they know On deck or field to die. Nor shalt thou want one willing breath, Though, ever smiling round the brave, The blue sea bear us on to death, The green were one wide grave. V. S. Flag Shi^ Hartford, Mobile Bay, August, 1804. Harpers 1 Magazine. THE CHICAGO SURRENDER.* BY BAYARD TAYLOR. WHAT ! hoist the white flag when our triumph is nigh ? What ! crouch before Treason ? make Freedom a lie ? What ! spike all our guns when the foe is at bay, And the rags of his black banner dropping away ? Tear down the strong name that our nation has won, And strike her brave bird from his home in the sun ? * The Democratic Party Convention for the nomination of a can didate to oppose President Lincoln, of which Mr. August Behnont was temporary chairman, and Mr. Horatio Seymour permanent chairman, and which resolved, among other things, that " four years of failure to restore the Union by the experiment of war, and " public liberty and private right alike stricken down," " de mand that immediate efforts be made for a cessation of hostilities; " also that " the sympathy of the Democratic party is heartily and earnestly extended to the soldiers of our army," was held on the 20th of August, 1864. 250 THE CHICAGO SURRENDER. He s a coward who shrinks from the lift of the sword ; He s a traitor who mocks at the sacrifice poured ; Nameless and homeless the doom that should blast The knave who stands idly till peril is past ; But he who submits when the thunders have burst And victory dawns, is of cowards the worst ! Is the old spirit dead ? Are we broken and weak, That cravens so shamelessly lift the white cheek To court the swift insult, nor blush at the blow, The tools of the treason and friends of the foe ? See ! Anarchy smiles at the Peace which they ask, And the eyes of Disunion flash out through the mask ! Give thanks, ye brave boys, who by vale and by crag Bear onward, unfaltering, our noble old flag, Strong arms of the Union, heroes living and dead, For the blood of your valor is uselessly shed ! No soldier s green laurel is promised you here, But the white rag of " sympathy " softly shall cheer ! And you, ye war-martyrs, who preach from your graves How captives are nursed by the masters of slaves, Or, living, still linger in shadows of Death, Puff out the starved muscle, recall the faint breath, And shout, till those cowards rejoice at the cry, " By the hands of the Union we fought for we die ! " By the God of our fathers ! this shame we must share ; But it grows too debasing for freemen to bear ; And Washington, Jackson, will turn in their graves, When the Union shall rest on two races of slaves ; Or, spurning the spirit which bound it of yore, And sundered, exist as a nation no more ! New York Tribune. SHERIDAN S RIDE. 251 SHERIDAN S RIDE. BY T. BUCHANAN HEAD. UP from the South at break of day, Bringing to Winchester fres>h dismay, The affrighted air with a shudder bore, Like a herald in haste to the chieftain s door, The terrible grumble and rumble and roar, Telling the battle was on once more, And Sheridan was twenty miles away. And wider still those billows of war Thundered along the horizon s bar, And louder yet into Winchester rolled The war of that red sea uncontrolled, Making the blood of the listener cold, As he thought of the stake in that fiery fray, And Sheridan twenty miles away. But there s a road from Winchester town, A good, broad highway leading down, And there, through the flush of the morning light, A steed, as black as the steeds of night, Was seen to pass as with eagle flight ; As if he knew the terrible need, He stretched away with his utmost speed ; Hills rose and fell, but his heart was gay, With Sheridan fifteen miles away. Still sprung from those swift hoofs thundering South The dust, like the smoke from the cannon s mouth, Or the trail of a comet sweeping faster and faster, Foreboding to traitors the doom of disaster ; The heart of the steed and the heart of the master Were beating like prisoners assaulting their walls, Impatient to be where the battle-field calls ; 25 1 SHERIDAN S RIDE. Every nerve of the charger was strained to full play, With Sheridan only ten miles away. Under his spurning feet, the road Like an arrowy Alpine river flowed ; And the landscape sped away behind, Like an ocean flying before the wind ; And the steed, like a bark fed with furnace ire, Swept on, with his wild eyes full of fire. But lo ! he is nearing his heart s desire ; He is snuffing the smoke of the roaring fray, With Sheridan only five miles away. The first that the General saw were the groups Of stragglers, and then the retreating troops : What was done what to do a glance told him both ; Then striking his spurs, with a terrrible oath, He dashed down the line mid a storm of huzzas, And the wave of retreat checked its course there, because The sight of the master compelled it to pause. With foam and with dust the black charger was gray ; By the flash of his eye, and his red nostrils play, He seemed to the whole great army to say : "I have brought you Sheridan all the way From Winchester down to save the day ! " Hurrah, hurrah for Sheridan ! Hurrah, hurrah for horse and man ! And when their statues are placed on high Under the dome of the Union sky, The American Soldier s Temple of Fame, There, with the glorious General s name, Be it said in letters both bold and bright : " Here is the steed that saved the day By carrying Sheridan into the fight, From Winchester twenty miles away ! " AFTER ALL. 253 AFTER ALL. BY WILLIAM WINTER. THE apples are ripe in the orchard, The work of the reaper is done, And the golden woodlands redden In the blood of the dying sun. At the cottage-door the grandsire Sits pale in his easy-chair, While the gentle wind of twilight Plays with his silver hair. A woman is kneeling beside him ; A fair young head is pressed, In the first wild passion of sorrow, Against his aged breast. And far from over the distance The faltering echoes come Of the flying blast of trumpet, And the rattling roll of drum. And the grandsire speaks in a whisper . " The end no man can see ; But we gave him to his country, And we give our prayers to Thee." The violets star the meadows, The rose-buds fringe the door, And over the grassy orchard The pink-white blossoms pour. But the grandsire s chair is empty, The cottage is dark and still ; There s a nameless grave in the battle-field, And a new one under the hill. 254 THE YEAR OF JUBILEE. And a pallid, tearless woman By the cold hearth sits alone, And the old clock in the corner Ticks on with a steady drone. THE YEAR OF JUBILEE.* SAY, darkies, hab you seen de massa, Wid de muffstash on he face, Go long de road some time dis morn in , Like he gwine to leabe de place ? He see de smoke way up de ribber Whar de Lincum gun-boats lay ; He took he hat and leff berry sudden, And I spose he s runned away. De massa run, ha ! ha ! De darky stay, ho ! ho ! It mus be now de kingdum comin , An de yar ob Jubilo. He six foot one way and two foot todder, An he weigh six hundred poun ; His coat so big he could n t pay de tailor, An it won t reach half way roun ; He drill so much dey calls him cap n, An he git so mighty tan d, I spec he 11 try to fool dem Yankees For to tink he contraband. De niassa run, ha ! ha ! De darkey stay, ho ! ho ! It mus be now de kingdum comin , An de yar ob Jubilo. * In 1864 the negro slaves began to see that the year of jubilee was certainly coming, and this song, expressive of their views upon the subject, appeared. In April, 1805, a detachment of negro troops sang it as they marched into Richmond. ABOLITION OF SLAVERY. 255 De darkies got so lonesome Hbb n In de log hut on de lawn, Dey move dere tings into massa s parlor For to keep it while he gone. Dar s wine and cider in de kichin, And de darkies dey hab some, I spec it will all be fiscated, When de Lincum sojers come. De massa run, ha ! ha ! De darkey stay, ho ! ho ! It mus be now de kingdum cornin , An de yar ob Jubilo. De oberseer, he makes us trubble, An he dribe us roun a spell, We lock him up in de smoke-house cellar, Wid de key flung in de well. De whip am lost, de han -cuff broke, But de massa hab his pay ; He big an ole enough for to know better Dan to went an run away. De massa run, ha! ha! De darkey stay, ho ! ho ! It mus be now de kingdum comiii , An de yar ob Jubilo. ABOLITION OF SLAVERY BY CONSTITU TIONAL AMENDMENT.* NOT unto us who did but seek, The word that burned within to speak ; Not unto us this day belong The triumph and exulting song. * Passed the House of Representatives, January 3 1st, 1865, by vote of 119 to 56. 256 ABOLITION OF SLAVERY. Upon us fell in early youth The burden of unwelcome truth, And left us, weak and frail, and few, The censor s painful work to do. Thenceforth our life a fight became ; The air we breathed was hot with blame ; For not with gauged and softened tone We made the bondman s cause our own. We bore, as Freedom s hope forlorn, The private hate, the public scorn ; Yet held through all the paths we trod Our faith in man and trust in God. We prayed and hoped ; but still with awe The corning of the sword we saw ; We heard the nearing steps of doom, And saw the shade of things to come. We hoped for peace : our eyes survey The blood-red dawn of Freedom s day ; We prayed for love to loose the chain ; *T was shorn by battle-axe in twain. Nor skill nor strength nor zeal of ours Has mined and heaved the hostile towers ; Not by our hands is turned the key That sets the sighing captive free. A redder sea than Egypt s wave Is piled and parted for the slave ; A darker cloud moves on in light ; A fiercer fire is guide by night ! The praise, O Lord ! be Thine alone ; In Thy own way Thy work be done ! Our poor gifts at Thy feet we cast, To whom be glory, first and last. BROTHER JONATHAN AND TAXES. 257 BROTHER JONATHAN AND TAXES. I GUESS I mean to tax myself, In every jot and tittle, Of all I eat and drink and wear, And all I chew and whittle ; In flour and sperrits, ale and wine, In oils and in tobackers ; In papers, gas, salt, soap, and skins, And meal and malt and crackers. Yankee Doodle, etc. The leather that we walk upon, The upper and the under, The electric fluid in the wires, (Guess I can t catch the thunder ;) Each passenger that takes the cars, Each bus that runs on tramrods, Advertisements and steamboats too, And guns, locks, stocks, and ramrods. Yankee Doodle, etc. There s not a billiard-ball shall spin, But into Guv ment s pockets ; No draughts or pill cure human ill, Without the Guv ment dockets ; All carriages taxed carts shall be ; Watches go tick for taxes ; And messages shall pay, both eends, Who answers and who axes. Yankee Doodle, etc. No banker shall shinplasters make, No pedler cheat the farmers, No liquor-store shall sell its drams, No theatres its drainers ; 17 258 A LITTLE JEU D ESPRIT. No rider spring round the circus-ring, No bowling-alley roll up, But shall to Guv ment needs help bring The totle of the whole up. Yankee Doodle, etc. London Punch. A LITTLE JEU D ESPRIT : SHOWING HOW AUGUST BECAME JULY AND MARCH, AND A LITTLE MAN GREW TO A GREAT HEIGHT. THE august name Auguste, (From the Emperor Augustus,) With its late associations Doth mightily disgust us, Doth mightily disgust us. For the snobbish individual, To whom it don t apply, Since the falsehoods of Chicago Should be surely named July, Should be surely named July. The elections of November Will take out all his starch ; Then all our friends, and he himself, Will wish to make him March, Will wish to make him March. For his vile and nasty politics, Let him take his carcass hence ; He is, indeed, a little man, Yet the height of Impudence, Yet the height of Impudence. Evening Post. A II AIR-DRESSER S STORY. 259 A HAIR-DRESSER S STORY. The story runs, that to a certain town Of much renown For teas aesthetic, and for streets that wind, With his fair wife, a whilom General carne, Well known to fame. Whose tactics were of the defensive sort, Whose masterly retreats and memory short Had proved him fitted for a sphere confined. At least the people thought him not designed, In spite of his refined And gentlemanly manners, for the place Of President. They voted that too large For little George : Thus snubbed, disgusted he has left his home To join his sympathizing friends at Rome, In papal patriarehism finding his solace. Nor shall we care again to see his face Who in disgrace- fill forced inaction kept an army tried, And trained to war. Whose mole-like strategy And sullen vanity, Whose organizing skill and nice precision, Whose imperturbable, slow indecision, Deceived the trust that in him most relied. But to my story. In this city, where The very air Dampens your soul with intellectual dew, The General s friends, with just appreciation, Did an " ovation " Of costly banquet and " reception " offer, For his delight ; and frowned down any scoffer Who thought at his campaigns to glance askew. 260 A HAIR-DRESSER S STORY. For this reunion, where professors drew Out ladies blue, A hair-dresser was sent for, to arrange The lady s tresses in the newest fashion, (Braids a discretion) Regardless of expense, that should amaze The souls of all men privileged to gaze Upon that head of complications strange. And while his well-trained fingers swiftly range And deftly change From rats to mice, from curl to smoothest roll, Before a glass that in a corner stood, In thoughtful mood, The General his razor did prepare, And with a cautious, meditative care His coat and waistcoat from his trunk unfold. And then the lady, thoughtful of her spouse, Did him arouse In gentle accents : " General, are you ready ? " (She had her back turned to him that the light Might fall aright.) The General, waking from a reverie, (In Spain he often won a victory,) Answered her, " No," in tone composed and steady But soon again : " Now, General are you ready ? " Said his good lady, With slight impatience. " It is nearly time That we were off. You know of all the guests We should be first ; And I am much afraid you will be late." He plainly saw that she would be irate, Yet answered " No," with constancy sublime. This answer did not with her humor chime : The clock struck nine. SHERMAN S MARCH. 261 She scarcely her impatience could control. At last, her head completed, round she turned, With eyes that burned, Upon her lord : " Why, are you not yet ready ? Oh, dear ! You know, George, you are never ready ! " Broke in sad truth from that Ions: wearied soul. SHERMAN S MARCH. BY A SOLDIER. THEIR lips are still as the lips of the dead, The gaze of their eyes is straight ahead ; The tramp, tramp, tramp of ten thousand feet Keep time to that muffled, monotonous beat, Rub-a-dub-dub ! rub-a-dub-dub ! Ten thousand more ! and still they come To fight a battle for Christendom ! With cannon and caissons, and flags unfurled, The foremost men in all the world ! Rub-a-dub-dub ! rub-a-dub-dub ! ? K . <f ... The foe is intrenched on the frowning hill, A natural fortress, strengthened by skill ; But vain are the walls to those who face The champions of the human race ! Rub-a-dub-dub ! rub-a-dub-dub ! " By regiment ! Forward into line ! " Then sabres and guns and bayonets shine. Oh ye who feel your fate at last Repeat the old prayer as your hearts beat fast Rub-a-dub-dub ! rub-a-dub-dub ! 262 THE CRAVEN. Oli ye who ve waited and prayed so long That Right might have a fair fight with Wrong, No more in fruitless marches shall plod, But smite the foe with the wrath of God ! Rub-a-dub-dub ! rub-a-dub-dub ! O Death ! what a charge that carried the hill ! That carried, and kept, and holds it still ! The foe is broken and flying with fear, While far on their route our drummers I hear, Rub-a-dub-dub ! rub-a-dub-dub ! Harper s Weekly. THE CRAVEN. FROM AN UNPUBLISHED POEM BY ALFRED ANDHISOX. ON that mighty day of battle, mid the booming and the rattle, Shouts of victory and of anguish, wherewith Malvern s hill did roar, Did a General now quite fameless, who in these lines shall be nameless, Show himself as rather gameless, gameless on the James s shore, Safely smoking on a gunboat, while the tempest raged on shore, Only this, and nothing more. The Congressional Committee sat within the nation s city, And each Congressman so witty did the General implore : " Tell us if thou at that battle, mid the booming and the rattle, Wert on a gunboat or in saddle, while the tempest raged ashore ? " THE HOUR OF NORTHERN VICTORY. 263 Answered he : "I don t remember, might have been." What more ? Only this, and nothing more. " By the truth which is eternal, by the lies that are diurnal, By our Abraham paternal, General, we thee implore, Tell the truth and shame the devil, parent of old Jeff. and evil ; Give us no more of such drivel. Tell us, wert thou on the shore." " Don t remember, might have been ; " thus spoke ho o er and o er, Only this, and nothing more. " On that day, sir, had you seen a gunboat of the name Galena, In an anchorage, to screen a man from danger on the shore ? Was a man about your inches, smoking with those three French Princes, With a caution which evinces care for such a garde de- corps f Were you that man on the gunboat ? " " Don t remem ber, might have been. The bore." Only this, and nothing more. Evening Post. THE HOUR OF NORTHERN VICTORY. BY FANNY KEMBLE. ROLL not a drum, sound not a clarion note Of haughty triumph to the silent sky ; Hush d be the shout of joy in ev ry throat, And veil d the flash of pride in ev ry eye. 264 THE HOUR OF NORTHERN VICTORY. Not with Te Demrn loud and high Hosannas Greet we the awful victory we have won ; But with our arms revers d and lower d banners We stand, our work is done ! Thy work is done, God, terrible and just, Who laidst upon our hearts and hands this task ; And kneeling, with our foreheads in the dust, We venture Peace to ask. Bleeding and writhing underneath our sword, Prostrate our brethren lie, Thy fallen foe, Struck down by Thee through us, avenging Lord, By Thy dread hand laid low. For our own guilt have AVC been doomed to smite These our kindred, Thy great laws defying, These, our own flesh and blood, who now unite In one thing only with us, bravely dying. Dying how bravely, yet how bitterly ! Not for the better side, but for the worse, Blindly and madly striving against Thee, For the bad cause where Thou hast set Thy curse. At whose defeat we may not raise our voice, Save in the deep thanksgiving of our prayers : " Lord ! we have fought the fight ! " But to rejoice Is ours no more than theirs. Call back thy dreadful ministers of wrath Who have led on our hosts to this great day ; Let our feet halt now in the avenger s path, And bid our weapons stay. Upon our land, Freedom s inheritance, Turn Thou once more the splendor of Thy face, THE FREEDMAN S SONG. 265 Where nations serving Thee to light advance, Give us again our place. Not our bewildering past prosperity, Not all thy former ill-requited grace, But this one boon, Oh ! grant us still to be The home of Hope to the whole human race. April 25/A, 1805. London Spectator. COTTON AND CORN. COTTON and Corn were mighty kings,* Who differed at times on certain things, To the country s dire confusion : Corn was peaceable, mild, and just, But Cotton was fond of saying " you must " ; So, after he d boasted, bullied, and cussed, He got up a revolution. But in the course of time the bubble is bursted, And Corn is the King, and Cotton is worsted. THE FREEDMAN S SONG. DE Lord, He make us free indeed In His own time an way ; * The phrase " King Cotton " was brought into use by the fol lowing passage in a speech Senator Hammond, of South Carolina, made in the Senate, March 4th, 1858: " No, you dare not make war upon cotton ; no power upon earth dares to make war upon it. Cotton is king : until lately the Bank of England was king; but she tried to put her screws, as usual, the fall before last, on the cotton crop, and was utterly vanquished. The last power has been conquered: who can doubt, that has looked at recent events, that cotton is supreme ! " 266 TEE FREEDMAN S SONG. We plant de rice an cotton seed, An see de sprout some day ; We know it come, but not de why, De Lord know more dan we ; We spected freedom by-an -by, An now we all are free. Praise de Lord ! Praise de Lord ! For now we all are free. De Norf is on de side of right, An full of men, dey say ; An dere, when poor man work, at night He sure to get his pay ; De Lord, He glad dey are so good, An make dem bery strong ; An when dey called to give deir blood Dey all come right along. Praise de Lord ! Praise de Lord ! Dey all come right along. Deir blue coats cover all de groun , An make it like de sky ; An ebery gray back loafing romi He tink it time to fly : We not afraid ; we bring de child An stan beside de door, An oh ! we hug it bery wild, An keep it ebermore. Praise de Lord ! Praise de Lord ! We keep it ebermore. De mas er s come back from his tramp, Pears he is broken quite ; He takes de basket to de camp For rations ebery night ; Dey fought him when he loud and strong, Dey ieed him when he low, ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 267 Dey say (ley will forgive de wrong And bid him pent and go. Praise de Lord ! Praise de Lord ! Dey bid him pent and go. De rice is higher far dis year, De cotton taller grow ; De lowest corn-silk on de ear Is higher dan de hoe ; De Lord He lift up ebery ting Cept rebel in his grave ; De negro bress de Lord, an sing He is no longer slave. Praise de Lord ! Praise de Lord ! De negro no more slave. Harpers Weekly. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. ASSASSINATED GOOD FRTDAY, 1835. BY EDMUND C. STEDMAN. FORGIVE them, for they know not what they do!" He said, and so went shriven to his fate. Unknowing went, that generous heart and true. Even while he spoke the slayer lay in wait ; And when the morning opened Heaven s gate There passed the whitest soul a nation knew. Henceforth all thoughts of pardon are too late ; They, in whose cause that arm its weapon drew, Have murdered Mercy. Now alone shall stand Blind Justice, with the sword unsheathed she wore. Hark ! from the eastern to the western strand, The swelling thunder of the people s roar, What words they murmur : Fetter not her hand ! So let it smite : such deeds shall be no more ! April 15, 1865. New York Tribune. 2 68 REUNION. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. BY WILLIAM CULL EN BRYANT. O, SLOW to smite and swift to spare, Gentle and merciful and just ! Who, in the fear of God, didst bear The sword of power a nation s trust. In sorrow by thy bier we stand, Amid the awe that hushes all, And speak the anguish of a land That shook with horror at thy fall. Thy task is done the bond are free ; We bear thee to an honored grave, Whose noblest monument shall be The broken fetters of the slave. Pure was thy life ; its bloody close Hath placed thee with the sons of light, Among the noble host of those Who perished in the cause of right. Evening Post. REUNION. BY JOHN NICIIOL. AN end at last ! The echoes of the war The weary war beyond the western waves - Die in the distance. Freedom s rising star Beacons above a hundred thousand graves : The graves of heroes who have won the fight, Who in the storming of the stubborn town REUNION. 269 Have rung the marriage-peal of might and right, And scaled the cliffs and cast the dragon down. Paeans of armies thrill across the sea, Till Europe answers : " Let the struggle cease, The bloody page is turned ; the next may be For ways of pleasantness and paths of peace ! " A golden morn a daAvn of better things The olive-branch clasping of hands again A noble lesson read to conquering kings A sky that tempests had not scoured in vain. This from America we hoped, and him Who ruled her " in the spirit of his creed." Does the hope last when all our eyes are dim, As history records her darkest deed ? The pilot of his people through the strife, With his strong purpose turning scorn to praise, E en at the close of battle reft of life, And fair inheritance of quiet days. Defeat and triumph found him calm and just ; He showed how clemency should temper power ; And, dying, left to future times in trust The memory of his brief victorious hour. O ermastered by the irony of fate, The last and greatest martyr of his cause ; Slain like Achilles at the Scaean gate, He saw the end, and fixed " the purer laws." May these endure, and, as his work, attest The glory of his honest heart and hand : The simplest, and the bravest, and the best, The Moses and the Cromwell of his land. 270 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Too late the pioneers of modern spite, Awe-stricken by the universal gloom, See his name lustrous in Death s sable night, And offer tardy tribute at his tomb. But we who have been with him all the while, Who knew his worth, and loved him long ago, Rejoice that in the circuit of our isle There is no room at last for Lincoln s foe. London Spectatoi ABRAHAM LINCOLN. FOULLY ASSASSINATED, APRIL 14, 1805. You lay a wreath on murdered LINCOLN S bier, You, who with mocking pencil wont to trace, Broad for the self-complacent British sneer, His length of shambling limb, his furrowed face, His gaunt, gnarled hands, his unkempt, bristling hair, His garb uncouth, his bearing ill at ease, His lack of all we prize as debonair, Of power or will to shine, of art to please : You, whose smart pen backed up the pencil s laugh, Judging each step, as though the way were plain ; Reckless, so it could point its paragraph, Of chief s perplexity, or people s pain. Beside this corpse, that bears for winding-sheet The Stars and Stripes he lived to rear anew, Between the mourners at his head and feet, Say, scurrile-j ester, is there room for you 1 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 2/1 Yes, he had lived to shame me from my sneer, To lame my pencil and confute my pen ; To make me own this hind of princes peer, This rail-splitter, a true-born king of men. My shallow judgment I had learnt to rue, Noting how to occasion s height he rose ; How his quaint wit made home-truth seem more true, How, iron-like, his temper grew by blows. How humble, yet how hopeful, he could be, How in good fortune and in ill the same : Nor bitter in success, nor boastful he, Thirsty for gold, nor feverish for fame. He went about his work such work as few Ever had laid on head and heart and hand As one who knows, where there s a task to do, Man s honest will must Heaven s good grace command ; Who trusts the strength will with the burden grow, That God makes instruments to work His will, If but that will we can arrive to know, Nor tamper with the weights of good and ill. So he went forth to battle on the side That he felt clear was Liberty s and Right s, As in his peasant boyhood he had plied His warfare with rude Nature s thwarting mights, The uncleared forest, the unbroken soil ; The iron-bark, that turns the lumberer s axe ; The rapid, that o erbears the boatman s toil ; The prairie, hiding the mazed wanderer s tracks ; The ambushed Indian, and the prowling bear, Such were the needs that helped his youth to train : 272 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Rough culture, but such trees large fruit may bear, If but their stocks be of right girth and grain. So he grew up, a destined work to do, And lived to do it : four long suffering years Ill-fate, ill-feeling, ill-report, lived through, And then he heard the hisses change to cheers, The taunts to tribute, the abuse to praise, And took both with the same unwavering mood ; Till, as he came on light from darkling days, And seemed to touch the goal from where he stood, A felon hand, between the goal and him, Reached from behind his back, a trigger prest, And those perplexed and patient eyes were dim, Those gaunt, long-laboring limbs were laid to rest ! The words of mercy were upon his lips, Forgiveness in his heart and on his pen, AVhen this vile murderer brought swift eclipse To thoughts of peace on earth, good-will to men. The Old World and the New, from sea to sea, Utter one voice of sympathy and shame ! Sore heart, so stopped when it at last beat high : Sad life, cut short just as its triumph came. A deed accurst! Strokes have been struck before By the assassin s hand, whereof men doubt If more of horror or disgrace they bore ; But thy foul crime, like CAIN S, stands darkly out. Vile hand, that brandest murder on a strife, Whate er its grounds, stoutly and nobly striven ; And with the martyr s crown crownest a life With much to praise, little to be forgiven ! London Pundt. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 273 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. INSCRIBED TO THE LONDON PUNCH, BY ALICE CARY. No glittering chaplet brought from other lands ! As in his life, this man, in death, is ours ; His own loved prairies o er his " gaunt gnarled hands " Have fitly drawn their sheet of summer flowers ! What need hath he now of a tardy crown, His name from mocking jest and sneer to save ? When every ploughman turns his furrow down As soft as though it fell upon his grave. He was a man whose like the world again Shall never see, to vex with blame or praise ; The landmarks that attest his bright, brief reign, Are battles, not the pomps of gala-days ! The grandest leader of the grandest war That ever time in history gave a place, What were the tinsel flattery of a star To such a breast ! or what a ribbon s grace ! Tis to th man, and th* man s honest worth, The nation s loyalty in tears upsprings ; Through him the soil of labor shines henceforth, High o er the silken broideries of kings. The mechanism of external forms The shifts that courtiers put their bodies through Were alien ways to him : his brawny arms Had other work than posturing to do ! Born of the people, well he knew to grasp The wants and wishes of the weak and small ; Therefore we hold him with no shadowy clasp, Therefore his name is household to us all. 18 274 IN STATE. Therefore we love him with a love apart From any fawning love of pedigree : His was the royal soul and mind and heart, Not the poor outward shows of royalty. Forgive us, then, O friends, if we are slow To meet your recognition of his worth : We re jealous of the very tears that flow From eyes that never loved a humble hearth. IN STATE. BENEATH the vast and vaulted dome That copes the Capitol, he lies ; It is a dreary, dreary night : The stars in their eternal home Seem like the sad ethereal eyes Of seraphs, filled with tender light. The Capitol is wrapt in mist ; Strangely the shadows come and go : The dome seems floating into air, Upborne by unseen hands, I wist : In solemn state he lies below, His pure hands folded as in prayer. He lies in solemn state, alone, Alone, with only silence there, Alone with lofty lamps that rim Almost the very coping-stone ; Yet not alone, for all the air Is filled with tender thoughts of him. And all night long the marble floors Have echoed to the gentle tread AN HORATIAN ODE. 275 Of blessed and immortal feet; And through the open corridors The mighty and illustrious dead Have thronged all night his face to greet. And they have bent, full-browed with pain, And gazed through their celestial tears Upon the face so dear to them, Upon the man whose heart was fain Above all hearts these latter years To be like His of Bethlehem. And so our heads are bowed with grief Because we loved him, and because But yesterday this great man stood Of many States the perfect chief, Dispensing justice and the laws, And mindful of the public good. Alas ! it is a dreary night ; For he we loved so much now lies Beneath the vast and vaulted dome ; And in his eyes there is no light, No light is in those loving eyes Which kindliness had made her home. Harpers Wetkly. AN HORATIAN ODE. BY RICHARD HENRY STODDARP. NOT as when some great captain falls In battle, where his country calls, Beyond the struggling lines That push his dread designs 276 AN HORAT1AN ODE. To doom, by some stray ball struck dead Or, in the last charge, at the head Of his determined men, Who must be victors then ! Nor as when sink the civic great, The safer pillars of the State, Whose calm, mature, wise words Suppress the need of swords ! With no such tears as e er were shed Above the noblest of our dead Do we to-day deplore The man that is no more ! Our sorrow hath a wider scope, Too strange for fear, too vast for hope, A wonder, blind and dumb, That waits what is to Not more astounded had we been If madness, that dark night, unseen, Had in our chambers crept, And murdered while we slept ! We woke to find a mourning earth Our Lares shivered on the hearth, The roof-tree fallen, all That could affright, appall ! Such thunderbolts, in other lands, Have smitten the rod from royal hands, But spared, with us, till now, Each laurelled Caesar s brow ! No Caesar he, whom we lament, A man without a precedent, AN HORAT1AN ODE. 277 Sent it would seem, to do His work and perish too ! Not by the weary cares of state, The endless tasks, which will not wait, Which, often done in vain, Must yet be done again : Not in the dark, wild tide of war, Which rose so high, and rolled so far, Sweeping from sea to sea In awful anarchy ; Four fateful years of mortal strife, Which slowly drained the nation s life, (Yet, for each drop that ran There sprang an armed man !) Not then ; but when by measures meet, By victory, and by defeat, By courage, patience, skill, The people s fixed " We will ! " Had pierced, had crushed rebellion dead, Without a hand, without a head : At last, when all was well, He fell, O how he fell ! The time, the place, the stealing shape, The coward shot, the swift escape, The wife the widow s scream, It is a hideous dream ! A dream ? what means this pageant, then ? These multitudes of solemn men, Who speak not when they meet, But throno- the silent street ? 278 AN HOE ATI AN ODE. The flags half-mast, that late so high Flaunted at each new victory ? (The stars no brightness shed, But bloody looks the red !) The black festoons that stretch for miles, And turn the streets to funeral aisles ? (No house too poor to show The nation s badge of woe !) The cannon s sudden, sullen boom, The bells that toll of death and doom, The rolling of the drums, The dreadful car that comes ? Cursed be the hand that fired the shot ! The frenzied brain that hatched the plot ! Thy country s father slain By thee, thou worse than Cain ! Tyrants have fallen by such as thou, And good hath followed, may it now ! (God lets bad instruments Produce the best events.) But he, the man we mourn to-day, No tyrant was : so mild a sway In one such weight who bore Was never known before ! Cool should he be, of balanced powers, The ruler of a race like ours, Impatient, headstrong, wild, The man to guide the child ! And this he was, who most unfit (So hard the sense of God to hit !) AN HORATIAN ODE. 279 Did seem to fill his place. With such a homely face, Such rustic manners, speech uncouth, (That somehow blundered out the truth !) Untried, untrained to bear The more than kingly care ! Ay ! And his genius put to scorn The proudest in the purple born, Whose wisdom never grew To what, untaught, he knew, The people, of whom he was one. No gentleman like Washington, (Whose bones, methinks, make room, To have him in their tomb !) A laboring man, with horny hands, W T ho swung the axe, who tilled his lands, AV^lio shrank from nothing new, But did as poor men do ! One of the people ! Born to be Their curious epitome ; To share, yet rise above Their shifting hate and love. Common his mind (it seemed so then), His thoughts the thoughts of other men : Plain were his words, and poor, But now they will endure ! No hasty fool, of stubborn will, But prudent, cautious, pliant, still ; Who, since his work was good, Would do it, as he could. 28 J AN HORATIAN ODE. Doubting, was not ashamed to doubt, And, lacking prescience, went without : Often appeared to halt, And was, of course, at fault : Heard all opinions, nothing loth, And loving both sides, angered both : Was not like Justice, blind, But watchful, clement, kind. No hero this, of Roman mould ; Nor like our stately sires of old : Perhaps he was not great, But he preserved the State ! O honest face, which all men knew ! O tender heart, but known to few ! O wonder of the age, Cut off by tragic rage ! Peace ! Let the long procession come, For hark ! the mournful, muffled drum, The trumpet s wail afar, And see ! the awful car ! Peace ! Let the sad procession go, While cannon boom, and bells toll slow : And go, thou sacred car, Bearing our woe afar ! Go, darkly borne, from State to State, Whose loyal, sorrowing cities wait To honor all they can The dust of that good man ! Go, grandly borne, with such a train As greatest kings might die to gain : A N HORA TLA N ODE. 28 1 The just, the wise, the brave Attend thee to the grave ! And you, the soldiers of our wars, Bronzed veterans, grim with noble scars, Salute him once again, Your late commander slain ! Yes, let your tears, indignant, fall, But leave your muskets on the wall : Your country needs you now Beside the forge, the plough ! (When Justice shall unsheathe her brand, If Mercy may not stay her hand, Nor would we have it so, She must direct the blow !) And you, amid the master-race, Who seem so strangely out of place, Know ye who cometh ? He Who hath declared you free ! Bow while the body passes, nay, Fall on your knees, and weep, and pray ! Weep, weep I would ye might Your poor, black faces white ! And, children, you must come in bands, With garlands in your little hands, Of blue, and white, and red, To strew before the dead ! So, sweetly, sadly, sternly goes The fallen to his last repose : Beneath no mighty dome, But in his modest home : 282 SOUTH CAROLINA. The churchyard where his children rest, The quiet spot that suits him best : There shall his grave be made, And there his bones be laid ! And there his countrymen shall come, With memory proud, with pity dumb, And strangers far and near, For many and many a year ! For many a year, and many an age, While history on her ample page The virtues shall enroll Of that paternal soul ! SOUTH CAROLINA. 18G5. BEHOLD her now, with restless, flashing eyes, Crouching, a thing forlorn, beside the way ! Behold her ruined altars heaped to-day With ashes of her costly sacrifice ! How changed the once proud State that led the strife, And flung the war-cry first throughout the land ! See helpless now the parricidal hand Which aimed the first blow at the nation s life ! The grass is growing in the city s street, Where stand the shattered spires, the broken walls ; And through the solemn noonday silence falls The sentry s footstep as he treads his beat. Behold once more the old flag proudly wave Above the ruined fortress by the sea ! No longer shall that glorious banner be The ensi<rn of a land where dwells the slave. 10 TRIUMPHE! 283 Hark ! on the air what swelling anthems rise : A ransomed people, by the sword set free, Are chanting now a song of liberty ; Hear how their voices echo to the skies ! Oh righteous retribution, great and just! Behold the palm-tree fallen to the earth, AVhere Freedom, rising from a second birth, No more shall trail her garments in the dust ! Harpers Weekly. IO TRIUMPHE! BY LIEUTENANT RICHARD REALF. NOT ever, in all human time, Did any man or nation Plant foot upon the peaks sublime Of Mount Transfiguration, But first in long preceding hours Of dread and solemn being, Clashed battle gainst Satanic powers, Alone with the All-seeing. God s glory lights no mortal brows Which sorrow hath not wasted ; No wine hath He for lips of those His lees who never tasted. Nor ever, till in bloodiest stress The heart is well approved, Does the All-brooding Tenderness Cry, " This is my beloved ! " O land, through years of shrouded nights In triple blackness groping, Toward the far prophetic lights That beacon the world s hoping, 284 10 TRIUMPH E! Behold ! no tittle slialt tliou miss Of that transforming given To all who, dragged through hell s abyss, Hold fast their grip on heaven. The Lord God s purpose throbs along Our stormy turbulences ; He keeps the sap of nations strong By hidden recompenses. The Lord God sows his righteous grain In battle-blasted furrows, And draws from present days of pain Large peace for calm to-morrows. From strokes of unseen cimitars A million hearts are bleeding ; A cry runs tingling to the stars Of babes and widows pleading : While at hell s altars sacrificed, God s martyred son forever, Lies the clear life that crystallized Our kingliest endeavor. And yet beneath our brimming tears Lies nobler cause for singing Than ever in the shining years, When all our vales were ringing With happy sounds of mellow peace ; And all our cities thundered With lusty echoes, and our seas By freighted keels were sundered. For lo ! the branding flails that drave Our husks of foul self from us Show all the watching heavens we have Immortal grain of promise. 10 TRIUMPHE! 285 And lo ! the dreadful blasts that blew In gusts of fire amid us Have scorched and winnowed from the true The falseness which undid us. No floundering more, for mind or heart, Among the lower levels ; No welcome more for moods that sort With satyrs and with devils ; But over all our fruitful slopes, On all our plains of beauty, Fair temples for fair human hopes, And altar-thrones for duty. Wherefore, O ransomed people, shout ! O banners, wave in glory ! O bugles, blow the triumph out ! O drums, strike up the story ! Clang, broken fetters, idle swords ! Clap hands, O States, together ! And let all praises be the Lord s, Our Saviour and our Father. Harper? Wttkly. APPENDIX. REBEL POETRY. APPENDIX. FAREWELL TO BROTHER JONATHAN.* BY CAROLINE. FAREWELL ! we must part ; we have turned from the land Of our cold-hearted brother, with tyrannous hand, Who assumed all our rights as a favor to grant, And whose smile ever covered the sting of a taunt ; Who breathed on the fame he was bound to defend, Still the craftiest foe, neath the guise of a friend ; Who believed that our bosoms would bleed at a touch, Yet could never believe he could goad them too much ; Whose conscience affects to be seared with our sin, Yet is plastic to take all its benefits in ; The mote in our eye so enormous has grown, That he never perceives there s a beam in his own. O Jonathan, Jonathan ! vassal of pelf, Self-righteous, self-glorious, yes, every inch self. Your loyalty now is all bluster and boast, But was dumb when the foemen invaded our coast. lu vain did your country appeal to you then, You coldly refused her your money and men ; * A reply to " Brother Jonathan s Farewell to Sister Caroline, p. 1. 19 290 FAREWELL TO BROTHER JONATHAN. Your trade interrupted, you slunk from her wars, And preferred British gold to the Stripes and the Stars ! Then our generous blood was as water poured forth, And the sons of the South were the shields of the North ; Nor our patriot ardor one moment gave o er, Till the foe you had fed we had driven from the shore ! Long years we have suffered opprobrium and wrong, But we clung to your side with affection so strong, That at last, in mere wanton aggression, you broke All the ties of our hearts with one murderous stroke. We are tired of contest for what is our own, We are sick of a strife that could never be done ; Thus our love has died out, and its altars are dark, Not Prometheus s self could rekindle the spark. O Jonathan, Jonathan ! deadly the sin Of your tigerish thirst for the blood of your kin ; And shameful the spirit that gloats over wives And maidens despoiled of their honor and lives ! Your palaces rise from the fruits of our toil, Your millions are fed from the wealth of our soil ; The balm, of our air brings the health to your cheek, And our hearts are aglow with the welcome we speak. O brother ! beware how you seek us again, Lest you brand on your forehead the signet of Cain ; That blood and that crime on your conscience must sit : We may fall we may perish but never submit ! The pathway that leads to the Pharisee s door We remember, indeed, but we tread it no more ; Preferring to turn, with the Publican s faith, To the path through the valley and shadow of death ! " CALL ALL ! CALL ALL ! " "CALL ALL! CALL ALL!" BY " GEORGIA." WHOOP ! the Doodles have broken loose, Roaring round like the very deuce Lice of Egypt, a hungry pack, After em boys, and drive em back, Bull-dog, terrier, cur, and fice, Back to the beggarly land of ice ; Worry em, bite em, scratch and tear Everybody and everywhere. Old Kentucky is caved from under, Tennessee is split asunder, Alabama awaits attack, And Georgia bristles up her back. Old John Brown is dead and gone ! Still his spirit is marching on, Lantern-jawed, and legs, my boys, Long as an ape s from Illinois ! Want a weapon ? Gather a brick, Club or cudgel, or stone or stick ; Anything with a blade or butt, Anything that can cleave or cut. Anything heavy, or hard, or keen ! Any sort of slaying machine ! Anything with a willing mind, And the steady arm of a man behind. Want a weapon ? Why, capture one ! Every Doodle has got a gun, Belt, and bayonet, bright and new; Kill a Doodle, and capture two ! 2 9 I 2Q2 MARYLAND. Shoulder to shoulder, son and sire ! All, call all ! to the feast of fire ! Mother and maiden, and child and slave, A common triumph or a single grave. Rocldiiyham Register. MARYLAND.* BY JAMES K. RANDALL. THE despot s heel is on thy shore, Maryland ! His torch is at thy temple door, Maryland ! Avenge the patriotic gore That flecked the streets of Baltimore, And be the battle-queen of yore, Maryland ! My Maryland ! Hark to wand ring son s appeal, Maryland ! My mother State ! to thee I kneel, Maryland ! For life and death, for woe and weal, Thy peerless chivalry reveal, And gird thy beauteous limbs with steel, Maryland ! My Maryland ! Thou wilt not cower in the dust, Maryland ! * No song was such a favorite as this among Rebels at the South and " Copperheads " at the North. Officers have told me that they have heard it in the small hours of the night sung in undertones but with fierce enthusiasm in Baltimore, by people professing Union sentiments," and who supposed that their secret and pre tended social gatherings were unobserved. MARYLAND. 293 Thy beaming sword shall never rust, Maryland ! Remember Carroll s sacred trust ; Remember HoAvard s warlike thrust; And all thy slumberers with the just, Maryland ! My Maryland ! Come ! t is the red dawn of the day, Maryland ! Come ! with thy panoplied array, Maryland ! With Ringgold s spirit for the fray, With Watson s blood, at Monterey, With fearless Lowe, and dashing May, Maryland ! My Maryland ! Come ! for thy shield is bright and strong, Maryland ! Come ! ibr thy dalliance does thee wrong, Maryland ! Come ! to thine own heroic throng, That stalks with Liberty along, And give a new Key to thy song,* Maryland ! My Maryland ! Dear Mother ! burst the tyrant s chain, Maryland ! Virginia should not call in vain, Maryland ! She meets her sisters on the plain : " Sic semper" t is the proud refrain, That baffles minions back amain, Maryland ! Arise in majesty again, Maryland ! My Maryland ! * " The Star Spangled Banner" was written during the war of 1812 by Francis Key of Maryland. 294 TIIE DESPOTS SONG. I see the blush upon thy cheek, Maryland ! But thou wast ever bravely meek, Maryland ! But lo ! there surges forth a shriek From hill to hill, from creek to creek, - Potomac calls to Chesapeake, Maryland ! My Maryland ! Thou wilt not yield the Vandal toll, Maryland ! Thou will not crook to his control, Maryland ! Better the fire upon thee roll, Better the blade, the shot, the bowl, Than crucifixion of the soul, Maryland ! My Maryland ! I hear the distant thunder hum, Maryland ! The Old Line s bugle, fife and drum, Maryland ! She is not dead, nor deaf, nor dumb : Huzza ! she spurns the Northern scum ! She breathes she burns ! she 11 come ! she 11 come ! Maryland ! My Maryland ! FOI.NTE COUPEE, April 26, 1861. THE DESPOT S SONG. BY "OLE SECESH." WITH a beard that was filthy and red, His mouth with tobacco bespread, Abe Lincoln sat in the gay White House, A-wishiri2: that he was dead : THE DESPOTS SONG. 295 Swear! swear! swear! Till his tongue was blistered o er ; Then, in a voice not very strong, lie slowly whined the Despot s Song : Lie ! lie ! lie ! I ve lied like the very deuce ! Lie ! lie ! lie ! As long as lies were of use ; But now that lies no longer pay, I know not where to turn ; For when I the truth would say, My tongue with lies will burn ! Drink ! drink ! drink ! Till my head feels very queer ! Drink! drink! drink! Till I get rid of all fear ! Brandy and whiskey and gin, Sherry and champagne and pop ; I tipple, I guzzle, I suck em all in, Till down dead-drunk I drop. Think! think! think! Till my head is very sore ! Think! think! think! Till I could n t think any more ! And it s oh ! to be splitting of rails, Back in my Illinois hut ; For now that everything fails, I would of my office be " shut ! " Jeff! Jeff! Jeff! To you as a suppliant I kneel ! " Jeff! Jeff! Jeff! If you could my horrors feel, 296 REBELS. You d submit at discretion, And kindly give in To all my oppression, My weakness and sin ! REBELS. [ General Beauregard, now in command of the Rebel forces in Charleston, has much fame as a tactician." Harpers Weekly. ~\ YES, call them Rebels ! t is the name Their patriot fathers bore ; And by such deeds they 11 hallow it, As they have done before. At Lexington and Baltimore Was poured the holy chrism, For freedom marks her sons with blood, In sign of their baptfsm. Rebels, in proud and bold protest, Against a power unreal, A unity which every quest Proves false as t is ideal. A brotherhood, whose ties are chains, Which crushes what it holds, Like the old marble Laocoon, Beneath its serpent folds. Rebels against the malice vast, Malice that naught disarms, Which fills the quiet of their homes With vague and dread alarms. Against the invader s daring feet, Against the tide of wrong, Which has been borne, in silence borne, But borne perchance too long. FLIGHT OF DOODLES. 297 They would be cowards, did they crouch Beneath the lifted hand, Whose very wave, ye seem to think, Will chill them where they stand. Yes, call them Rebels ! t is a name Which speaks of other days, Of gallant deeds and gallant men, And wins them to their ways. Fair was the edifice they raised, Uplifting to the skies ; A mighty Samson neath its dome In grand quiescence lies. Dare not to touch his noble limb, With thong or chain to bind, Lest ruin crush both you and him, This Samson is not blind ! FLIGHT OF DOODLES. I COME from old Manassas, with a pocket full of fun ; I killed forty Yankees with a single-barrelled gun : It don t make a niff-a-stifference to neither you nor I, Big Yankee, Little Yankee, all run or die. I saw all the Yankees at Bull Run ; They fought like the devil when the battle first begun : But it don t make a nifl-a-stifference to neither you nor I, They took to their heels, boys, and you ought to see em fly. I saw old Fuss-and-Feathers Scott, twenty miles away ; His horses stuck up their ears, and you ought to hear em neigh : But it don t make a niff-a-stifference to neither you nor I, Old Scott fled like the devil, boys ; root, hog, or die. 298 FLIGHT OF DOODLES. I then saw a " Tiger," from the old Crescent City ; He cut down the Yankees without any pity : Oh ! it don t make a diff-a-bitterence to neither you nor I, We whipped the Yankee boys, and made the boobies cry. I saw South Carolina, the first in the cause, Shake the dirty Yankees till she broke all their jaws : Oh ! it don t make a niff-a-stifference to neither you nor I, South Carolina give em , boys ; root, hog, or die. I saw old Virginia, standing firm and true ; She fought mighty hard to whip the dirty crew : Oh ! it don t make a niff-a-stifference to neither you nor I, Old Virginia s blood and thunder, boys ; root, hog, or die. I saw old Georgia, the next in the van ; She cut down the Yankees almost to a man : Oh ! it don t make a niff-a-stifference to neither you nor I, Georgia s sum in a fight, boys ; root, hog, or die. I saw Alabama in the midst of the storm ; She stood like a giant in the contest so warm : Oh ! it don t make a niff-a-stifference to neither you nor I, Alabama fought the Yankees, boys, till the last one did fly. I saw Texas go in with a smile, But, I tell you what it is, she made the Yankees bile : Oh ! it don t make a niff-a-stifference to neither you nor I, Texas is the devil, boys ; root, hog, or die. ANOTHER YANKEE DOODLE. 299 I saw North Carolina in the deepest of the battle ; She knocked down the Yankees and made their bones rattle : Oh ! it don t make a niff-a-stifference to neither you nor I, North Carolina s got the grit, boys ; root, hog, or die. Old Florida came in with a terrible shout ; She frightened all the Yankees till their eyes stuck out : Oh ! it don t make a niff-a-stiflerence to neither you nor I, Florida s death on Yankees ; root, hog, or die. ANOTHER YANKEE DOODLE. YANKEE Doodle had a mind To whip the Southern traitors, Because they did n t choose to live On codfish and potatoes. Yankee Doodle, doodle-doo, Yankee Doodle dandy ; And so, to keep his courage up, He took a drink of brandy. Yankee Doodle said he found By all the census figures, That he could starve the Rebels out If he could steal their niggers. Yankee Doodle, doodle-doo, Yankee Doodle dandy ; And then he took another drink Of gunpowder and brandy. Yankee Doodle made a speech ; T was very full of feeling : 300 ANOTHER YANKEE DOODLE. " I fear," says he, " I cannot fight, But I am good at stealing." Yankee Doodle, doodle-doo, Yankee Doodle dandy ; Hurrah for Lincoln ! he s the boy To take a drop of brandy. Yankee Doodle drew his sword, And practised all the passes : Come, boys, we ll take another drink When we get to Manassas. Yankee Doodle, doodle-doo, Yankee Doodle dandy ; They never reached Manassas plain, And never got the brandy. Yankee Doodle soon found out That Bull Run was no trifle ; For if the North knew how to steal, The South knew how to rifle. Yankee Doodle, doodle-doo, Yankee Doodle dandy ; T is very clear I took too much Of that infernal brandy. Yankee Doodle wheeled about, And scampered off at full run ; And such a race was never seen As that he made at Bull Run. Yankee Doodle, doodle-doo, Yankee Doodle dandy ; I have n t time to stop just now To take a drop of brandy. Yankee Doodle, oh, for shame ! You re always intermeddling ; Let guns alone, they re dangerous things, You d better stick to peddling. JUSTICE IS OUR PANOPLY. 301 Yankee Doodle, doodle-cloo, Yankee Doodle dandy ; When next I go to Bully Run I 11 throw away the brandy. Yankee Doodle, you had ought To be a little smarter ; Instead of catching woolly heads, I vow you ve caught a tartar. Yankee Doodle, doodle-doo, Yankee Doodle dandy ; Go to hum, you ve had enough Of Rebels and of brandy. JUSTICE IS OUR PANOPLY. [Copy of verses found in a pocket-book picked up by a private of the Fifth Regiment Zouaves, U. S. A. There was no date at tached to them.] WE RE free from Yankee despots, We ve left, the foul mudsills ; Declared fore er our freedom, We 11 keep it, spite of ills. Bring forth your scum and rowdies, Thieves, vagabonds, and all ; March down your Seventh regiment, Battalions great and small. We 11 meet you in Virginia, A Southern battle-field, Where Southern men will never To Yankee foemen yield. 302 THE STARS AND BARS. Equip your Lincoln cavalry, Your NEGRO %/^-brigade, Your hodmen, boot-blacks, tinkers, And scum of every grade. Pretended love for negroes Incites you to the strife ; Well, come each Yankee white man And take a negro wife. You VI make fit black companions, Black heart joined to black skin ; Such unions would be glorious, They d make the devil grin. Our freedom is our panoply : Come on, you base black-guards, We 11 snuff you like wax-candles, Led by our Beauregards. P. G. T. B. is not alone, Men like him with him fight ; God s providence is o er us, He will protect the right. THE STARS AND BARS. BY A. J. REQUIER. FLING wide the dauntless banner To every Southern breeze, Baptized in flame with Sumter s name, A patriot and a hero s fame, From Moultrie to the seas ! That it may cleave the morning sun, And, streaming, sweep the night, THE STARS AND BARS. 303 The emblem of a battle won With Yankee ships in sight. Come, hucksters, from your markets ; Come, bigots, from your caves ; Come, venal spies, with brazen lies Bewildering your deluded eyes, That we may dig your graves ; Come, creatures of a sordid clown And drivelling traitor s breath, A single blast shall blow you down Upon the fields of Death. The very flag you carry Caught its reflected grace, In fierce alarms, from Southern arms, When foemen threatened all your farms, And never saw your face ; Ho ! braggarts of New-England s shore, Back to your hills, and delve The soil whose craven sons forswore The flag in eighteen-twelve ! We wreathed around the roses It wears before the world, And made it bright with storied light, In every scene of bloody fight Where it has been unfurled ; And think ye now the dastard hands That never yet could hold Its staff", shall wave it o er our lands, To glut the greed of gold ? No ! by the truth of Heaven And its eternal Sun, By every sire whose altar-fire Burns on to beckon and inspire, 304 THE HUSH BATTALION. It never shall be done ; Before that day the kites shall wheel Hail-thick on Northern heights, And there our bared aggressive steel Shall countersign our rights ! Then, spread the flaming banner O er mountain, lake, and plain ; Before its bars degraded Mars Has kissed the dust with all his stare, And will be struck again ; For, could its triumph now be stayed By Hell s prevailing gates, A sceptred Union would be made The grave of sovereign States. THE IRISH BATTALION.* WHEN Old Virginia took the field, And wanted men to rally on, To be at once her sword and shield, She formed her First Battalion. Although her sons were Volunteers, And brave as ever bore a brand, The good old lady had her fears That they might prove but weak of hand. * It is worthy of remark, that while Rebel organs made great and constant boast of that poor inheritance, Cavalier and Jacobite blood, and reviled the Union armies on account of the number of Irishmen in their ranks, the proportion of which was in reality very small, there was yet occasion for such verses as these, and the " Song of the Irish Brigade," which follows. It seems, after all rather a sorry confession that u Old Virginia" took three hundred Irishmen to form her First Battalion. THE IRISH BATTALION. 305 She therefore wisely cast about For men of mettle and of mould, With nerve of steel and muscle stout, Like those that lived in days of old. She wanted men of pluck and might, Of fiery heart and horny hand, To wield a pick as well as fight, Or build a breastwork out of sand. Or should she march to meet the foe That threatened on her western border, She wanted Avilling men to go, When told, to put her roads in order. Or should the Volunteers retreat, With baggage that might make them tarry, T would blunt the edge of their defeat To bear a hand and help them carry. Or should some die of fell disease, The surgeons having failed to save, Sure men who work with so much ease, Would volunteer to dig a grave ! For these, and reasons quite as sound, When Old Virginia went to war, She circumspectly viewed the ground And plumped the middle man from taw ! In other words, to change the figure, When she stood up and took her rifle, And put her finger on the trigger, She meant to work, and not to trifle. And standing thus, yet wanting then Some regulars to rally on, 20 306 BOMBARDMENT OF V1CKSBURG. She took three hundred Irishmen And formed her First Battalion. And when the storm of battle sweeps, Where fiercest foeinen sally on, There, hard at work, or piled in heaps, She 11 find her bold Battalion. BOMBARDMENT OF VICKSBURG. DEDICATED WITH RESPECT AND ADMIRATION TO MAJOR- GENE UAL EARL VAN DOKN. FOR sixty days and upwards A storm of shell and shot Rained round us in a flaming shower, But still we faltered not ! " If the noble city perish," Our grand young leader said, " Let the only walls the foe shall scale Be ramparts of the dead ! " For sixty days and upwards The eye of heaven waxed dim ; And even throughout God s holy morn, O er Christian s prayer and hymn, Arose a hissing tumult, As if the fiends of air Strove to engulf the voice of faith In the shrieks of their despair. There was wailing in the houses, There was trembling on the marts, While the tempest raged and thundered, Mid the silent thrill of hearts : BOMBARDMENT OF V1CKSBURG. 30? But, the Lord, our shield, was with us ; And ere a month had sped, Our very women walked the streets With scarce one throb of dread. And the little children gambolled, Their faces purely raised, Just for a wondering moment, As the huge bombs whirled and blazed ! Then turning with silvery laughter To the sports which children love, Thrice mailed in the sweet, instinctive thought, That the good God watched above.* , Yet the hailing bolts fell faster From scores of flame-clad ships, And above us denser, darker, Grew the conflict s wild eclipse ; Till a solid cloud closed o er us, Like a type of doom and ire, Whence shot a thousand quivering tongues Of forked and vengeful fire. But the unseen hands of angels These death-shafts warned aside, And the dove of heavenly mercy Ruled o er the battle-tide ; In the houses ceased the wailing, And through the war-scarred marts The people strode with the step of hope To the music in their hearts. COLUMBIA, S. C., August 6, 1862. * It has been stated by one professing to have witnessed the fact, that some weeks after the beginning of this terrific bombardment, not only were ladies seen coolly walking the streets, but that iu some parts of the town children were observed at play, only inter rupting their sports to gaze and listen at the bursting shells. 308 A SOUTHERN SCENE. A SOUTHERN SCENE. " O MAMMY ! have you heard the news ? Thus spake a Southern child, As in the nurse s aged face She upward glanced and smiled. " What news you mean, my little one ? It must be mighty fine To make my darling s face so red, Her sunny blue eyes shine." " Why, Abram Lincoln, don t you know, The Yankee President, Whose ugly picture once we saw, When up to town we went, " Well, he is going to free you all, And make you rich and grand, And you 11 be dressed in silk and gold, Like the proudest in the land. " A gilded coach shall carry you Where er you wish to ride ; And, mammy, all your work shall be Forever laid aside." The eager speaker paused for breath, And then the old nurse said, While closer to her swarthy cheek She pressed the golden head : " My little missus, stop and res , You talking mighty fas ; Jes look up dere, and tell me what You see in yonder glass ? A SOUTHERN SCENE. 309 " You sees old mammy s wrinkly face, As black as any coal, And underneath her handkerchief Whole heaps of knotty wool. " My darlin s face is red and white, Her skin is sofF and fine, And on her pretty little head De yallar ringlets shine. " My chile, who made dis difference Twixt mammy and twixt you ? You reads the dear Lord s blessed book, And you can tell me true. " De dear Lord said it must be so ; And, honey, I for one, Wid tankful heart will always say, His holy will be done. " I tanks mas Linkum all de same, But when I wants for free, I 11 ask de Lord of glory, Not poor buckra man like he. " And as for gilded carriages, Dey s notin t all to see ; My massa s coach, what carries him, Is good enough for me. " And, honey, when your mammy wants To change her homespun dress, She 11 pray like dear old missus, To be clothed with righteousness. " My work s been done dis many a day, And now I takes my ease, 310 BEYOND THE POTOMAC. A waitin for the Master s call, Jes when the Master please. " And when at las de time s done come, And poor old mammy dies, Your own dear mother s soff white hand Shall close dese tired old eyes. " De dear Lord Jesus soon will call Old mammy home to Him, And He can wash my guilty soul From ebery spot of sin. " And at His feet I shall lie down, Who died and rose for me ; And den, and not till den, my chile, Your mammy will be free. " Come, little missus, say your prayers ; Let old mas Linkum lone, The debil knows who b longs to him, And he 11 take care of his own." BEYOND THE POTOMAC. BY PAUL H. HAYNE.* THEY slept on the fields which their valor had won ! But arose with the first early blush of the sun, For they knew that a great deed remained to be done, When they passed o er the River. * This piece was originally published in the Richmond Whiy al the time of " Stonewall " Jackson s last raid into Maryland. BEYOND THE POTOMAC. 311 They rose with the sun, and caught life from his light, Those giants of courage, those Anaks in fight, And they laughed out aloud in the joy of their might, Marching swift for the River. On! on! like the rushing of storms through the hills, On ! on ! with a tramp that is firm as their wills, And the one heart of thousands grows buoyant and thrills At the thought of the River. On ! the sheen of their swords ! the fierce gleam of their eyes It seemed as on earth a new sunlight would rise, And king-like, flash up to the sun in the skies, O er the path to the River. But their banners, shot-scarred, and all darkened with gore, On a strong wind of morning streamed wildly before, Like the wings of Death-angels swept fast to the shore, The green shore of the River. As they march, from the hill-side, the hamlet, tho stream, Gaunt throngs whom the Foeman had manacled, teem, Like men just roused from some terrible dream, To pass o er the River. They behold the broad banners, blood-darkened, yet fair And a moment dissolves the las*, spell of despair, While a peal as of victory swells on the air, Rolling out to the River. And that cry, with a thousand strange echoings spread, Till the ashes of heroes seemed stirred in their bed, And the deep voice of passion surged up from the dead, Ay ! press on to the River. 312 THE OLD R1FLKMAN. On ! on ! like the rushing of storms through the hills, On ! on ! with a tramp that is firm as their wills, And the one heart of thousands grows buoyant, and thrills, As they pause by the River. Then the wan face of Maryland, haggard and worn, At that sight, lost the touch of its aspect forlorn, And she turned on the Foeinan full statured in scorn, Pointing stern to the River. And Potomac flowed calm, scarcely heaving her breast, With her low-lying billows all bright in the west, For the hand of the Lord lulled the waters to rest Of the fair rolling River. Passed ! passed ! the glad thousands march safe through the tide. (Hark, Despot ! and hear the wild knell of your pride, Ringing weird-like and wild, pealing up from the side Of the calm-flowing River.) Neath a blow swift and mighty the Tyrant shall fall : Vain ! vain ! to his God swells a desolate call, For his grave has been hollowed, and woven his pall, Since they passed o er the River. THE OLD RIFLEMAN. BY FRANK TICKXOR, M. D. Now, bring me out my buckskin suit ! My pouch and powder, too ! We 11 see if seventy -six can shoot As sixteen used to do. THE OLD RIFLEMAN. 313 Old Bess ! we ve kept our barrels bright ! Our triggers quick and true ! As far, if not as fine a sight, As long ago we drew ! And pick me out a trusty flint ! A real white and blue ; Perhaps t will win the other tint Before the hunt is through ! Give boys your brass percussion-caps ! Old " shut-pan " suits as well ! There s something in the sparks : perhaps There s something in the smell ! We ve seen the red-coat Briton bleed ! The red-skin Indian too ! We never thought to draw a bead On Yankee-doodle-doo ! But, Bessie ! bless your dear old heart ! Those days are mostly done ; And now we must revive the art Of shooting on the run ! If Doodle must be meddling, why, There s only this to do, Select the black spot in his eye And let the daylight through ! And if he does n t like the way That Bess presents the view, He 11, maybe, change his mind and stay Where the good Doodles do ! Where Lincoln lives. The man, you know, Who kissed the Testament ; 314 "SOUTHRONS." To keep the Constitution ? No ! To keep the Government ! We 11 hunt for Lincoln, Bess ! old tool, And take him half and half; We 11 aim to hit him, if a fool, And 7ni$s him, if a calf! We 11 teach these shot-gun boys the tricks By which a war is won ; Especially how seventy-six Took Tories on the run. " SOUTHRONS." You can never win them back Never ! never ! Though they perish on the track Of your endeavor ; Though their corses strew the earth That SMILED upon their birth, And blood pollutes each hearth- Stone forever ! They have risen to a man, Stern and fearless ; Of your curses and your ban They are careless. Every hand is on its knife, Every gun is primed for strife, Every PALM contains a life, High and peerless ! You have no such blood as theirs For the shedding : THE GUERILLAS. 315 In the veins of Cavaliers Was its heading ! You have no such stately men In your " abolition den," To march through foe and fen, Nothing dreading ! They may fall before the fire Of your legions, Paid with gold for murderous hire, Bought allegiance ; But for every drop you shed You shall have a mound of dead, So that vultures may be fed In our regions ! But the battle to the strong Is not given, When the Judge of Right and Wrong Sits in heaven ; And the God of David still Guides the pebble with His will, There are giants yet to kill, Wrongs unshriven ! THE GUERILLAS.* AWAKE and to horse, my brothel s ! For the dawn is glimmering gray ; And hark ! in the crackling brushwood There are feet that tread this way. * These stirring verses, which we .copy from a Southern ex change, are from the patriotic pen of a lady of Kentucky, who has achieved a national reputation as a poetess and authoress. Louis ville Courier. 316 THE GUERILLAS. " Who cometh ? " "A friend." " What tidings ? " " O God ! I sicken to tell ; For the earth seems earth no longer, And its sights are sights of hell ! " From the far-off conquered cities Comes a voice of stifled wail, And the shrieks and moans of the houseless Ring out, like a dirge on the gale. " I ve seen from the smoking village Our mothers and daughters fly ; I ve seen where the little children Sank down in the furrows to die. " On the banks of the battle-stained river I stood as the moonlight shone, And it glared on the face of my brother, As the sad wave swept him on. " Where my home was glad, are ashes, And horrors and shame had been there, For I found on the fallen lintel This tress of my wife s torn hair. " They are turning the slaves upon us *, And, with more than the fiend s worst art, Have uncovered the fire of the savage That slept in his untaught heart ! * " The ties to our hearths that bound him They have rent with curses away, And maddened him, with their madness, To be almost as brutal as they. " With halter and torch and Bible, And hymns to the sound of the drum, * It need hardly be said that this charge is unfounded. THE GUERILLAS. 317 They preach the gospel of murder, And pray for lust s kingdom to come. " To saddle ! to saddle ! my brothers ! Look up to the rising sun, And ask of the God who shines there Whether deeds like these shall be done ! " Wherever the vandal cometh, Press home to his heart with your steel ; And when at his bosom you cannot, Like the serpent, go strike at his heel ! " Through thicket and wood, go hunt him ; Creep up to his camp-fire side ; And let ten of his corpses blacken Where one of our brothers hath died. " In his fainting, foot-sore marches, In his flight from the stricken fray, In the snare of the lonely ambush, The debts we owe him pay. " In God s hand alone is vengeance, But he strikes with the hands of men ; And his blight would wither our manhood, If we smite not the smiter again. " By the graves where our fathers slumber, By the shrines where our mothers prayed, By our homes and hopes and freedom, Let every man swear on his blade, " That he will not sheathe nor stay it, Till from point to hilt it glow With the flush of Almighty vengeance, In the blood of the felon foe." * 318 THERE S LIFE IN THE OLD LAND YET. They swore : and the answering sunlight Leaped red from their lifted swords ; And the hate in their hearts made echo To the wrath in their burning words. There s weeping in all New England, And by Schuy Hull s banks a knell ; And the widows there and the orphans How the oath was kept, can tell.* THERE S LIFE IN THE OLD LAND YET ! BY JAMES R. RANDALL. BY the blue Patapsco s billowy dash The tyrant s war-shout comes, Along with the cymbals fitful clash, And the growl of his sullen drums. We hear it ! we heed it with vengeful thrills, And we shall not forgive or forget ; There s faith in the streams, there s hope in the hills, There s life in the old land yet ! Minions ! we sleep, but we are not dead ; We are crushed, we are scourged, we are scarred ; We crouch t is to welcome the triumph tread Of the peerless BEAU REGARD. Then woe to your vile, polluting horde, When the Southern braves are met ; There s faith in the victor s stainless sword, There s life in the old land yet ! * It may add something to the interest with which these stirring lines will be read, to know that they were composed within the \valls of a Yankee Bastile. They reach us in manuscript, through the cotirtesv of a returned prisoner. Richmond Examiner. EPIGRAM. 3 1 9 Bigots ! ye quell not the valiant mind With the clank of an iron chain ; The spirit of Freedom sings in the wind, O er Merryman, Thomas, and Kane ; And we, though we smite not, are not thralls, Are piling a gory debt ; While down by McHenry s dungeon-walls There s life in the old land yet ! Our women have hung their harps away, And they scowl on your brutal bands, While the nimble poinard dares the day, In their dear defiant hands. They will strip their tresses to string our bows, Ere the Northern sun is set ; There s faith in their unrelenting woes, There s life in the old land yet ! There s life, though it throbbeth in silent veins, T is vocal without noise ; It gushed o er Manassas s solemn plains, From the blood of the MARYLAND BOYS ! That blood shall cry aloud, and rise With an everlasting threat ; By the death of the brave, by the God in the skies, There s life in the old land yet ! EPIGRAM. WHILST Butler plays his silly pranks, And closes up New-Orleans banks, Our Stonewall Jackson, with more cunning, Keeps Yankee Banks forever running. Charleston Mercury. 320 THINKING OF THE SOLDIERS. THINKING OF THE SOLDIERS. WE were sitting around the table, Just a night or two ago, In the little cosy parlor, With the lamp-light burning low ; And the window-blinds half opened, For the summer air to come, And the painted curtains moving Like a busy pendulum. Oh ! the cushions on the sofa, And the pictures on the wall, And the gathering of comforts, In the old familiar hall ; And the wagging of the pointer, Lounging idly by the door, And the flitting of the shadows From the ceiling to the floor. Oh ! they wakened in my spirit, Like the beautiful in art, Such a busy, busy thinking, Such a dreaminess of heart, That I sat among the shadows, With my spirit all astray ; Thinking only thinking only Of the soldiers far away : Of the tents beneath the moonlight, Of the stirring tattoo s sound, Of the soldier in his blanket, In his blanket on the ground ; Of the icy winter coming, Of the cold, bleak winds that blow, And the soldier in his blanket, In his blanket on the snow. STONEWALL JACKSON S WAY." 321 Of the blight upon the heather, And the frost upon the hill, And the whistling, whistling ever, And the never, never still ; Of the little leaflets falling, With the sweetest, saddest sound, And the soldier oh ! the soldier, In his blanket on the ground. Thus I lingered in my dreaming, In my dreaming far away. Till the spirit s picture-painting Seemed as vivid as the day ; And the moonlight faded softly From the window opened wide, And the faithful, faithful pointer Nestled closer by my side. And I knew that neath the starlight, Though the chilly frosts may fall, That the soldier will be dreaming, Dreaming often of us all. So I gave my spirit s painting Just the breathing of a sound, For the dreaming, dreaming soldier, In his slumber on the ground. November 24, 1861. "STONEWALL JACKSON S WAY." COME, stack arms, men ! Pile on the rail*, Stir up the camp-fire bright ; No matter if the canteen fails, We 11 make a roaring night. Here Shenandoah brawls along, There burly Blue Ridge echoes strong, 21 322 "STONEWALL JACKSON S WAY." To swell the brigade s rousing song Of " Stonewall Jackson s way." We see him now, the old slouched hat Cocked o er his eye askew ; The shrewd, dry smile, the speech so pat, So calm, so blunt, so true. The " Blue-Light Elder " knows em well ; Says he, " That s Banks he s fond of shell ; Lord save his soul ! we 11 give him ; " well, That s Stonewall Jackson s way." Silence ! ground arms ! kneel all ! caps off! Old Blue-Light s going to pray. Strangle the fool that dares to scoff! Attention ! it s his way. Appealing from his native sod, In forma pauperis to God : " Lay bare Thine arm ; stretch forth Thy rod ! Amen ! " That s " Stonewall s way." He s in the saddle now. Fall in ! Steady ! the whole brigade ! Hill s at the ford, cut off; we 11 win His way out, ball and blade ! What matter if our shoes are worn ? What matter if our feet are torn ? " Quick-step ! we re with him before dawn ! " That s " Stonewall Jackson way," The sun s bright lances rout the mists Of morning, and by George ! Here s Longstreet struggling in the lists, Hemmed in an ugly gorge. Pope and his Yankees, whipped before ; " Bay nets and grape ! " near Stonewall roar ; " Charge, Stuart ! Pay off Ashby s score ! J> Is " Stonewall Jackson s way." SONG FOR THE IRISH BRIGADE. 323 Ah ! maiden, wait and watch and yearn For news of Stonewall s band ! Ah ! widow, read with eyes that burn That ring upon thy hand. Ah ! wife, sew on, pray on, hope on, Thy life shall not be all forlorn. The foe had better ne er been born That gets in " Stonewall s way." SONG FOR THE IRISH BRIGADE. BY " SHAMROCK " OF THE SUMPTER UIFLES. NOT now for the songs of a nation s wrongs, Nor the groans of starving labor ; Let the rifle ring and the bullet sing To the clash of the flashing sabre ! There are Irish ranks on the tented banks Of Columbia s guarded ocean, And an iron clank, from flank to flank, Tells of armed men in motion. And the frank souls there, clear, true, and bare To all, as the steel beside them. Can love or hate, with the strength of Fate, Till the grave of the valiant hide them, Each seems to be mailed Ard Righ, Whose sword s avenging glory Might light the fight and smite for Right, Like Brian s in olden story ! With pale affright and panic flight Shall dastard Yankees, base and hollow, Hear a Celtic race, from their battle-place, Charge to the shout of " Faugh-a-ballayh ! " 324 SONG FOR THE IRISH BRIGADE. By the souls above, by the land we love, Her tears and bleeding patience, The sledge is wrought that shall smash to naught The brazen liar of nations. The Irish green shall again be seen As our Irish fathers bore it, A burning wind from the South behind, And the Yankee rout before it ! O Neil s red hand shall purge the land, Rain fire on men and cattle, Till the Lincoln snakes in their own cold lakes Plunge from the blaze of battle. The knaves that rest on Columbia s breast, And the voice of true men stifle, We 11 exorcise from the rescued prize, Our talisman, the rifle ; For a tyrant s life a bowie-knife ! Of Union-knot dissolvers, The best we ken are stalworth men, Columbiads and revolvers ! Whoe er shall march by triumphal arch, Whoe er may swell the slaughter, Our drums shall roll from the Capitol O er Potomac s fateful water ! Rise, bleeding ghosts, to the Lord of Hosts, For j udgment final and solemn ; Your fanatic horde to the edge of the sword Is doomed, line, square, and column. THE CONFEDERATE FLAG. 325 THE CONFEDERATE FLAG. I. TAKE that banner down, t is weary ; Round its staff t is drooping dreary ; Furl it, fold it, let it rest ; For there s not a man to wave it, For there s not a sword to save it, In the blood that heroes gave it ; And its foes now scorn and brave it : Furl it, hide it, let it rest. ii. Take that banner down, t is tattered, Broken is its staff and shattered ; And the valiant hosts are scattered, Over whom it floated high. Oh, t is hard for us to fold it ! Hard to think there s none to hold it ; Hard, for those who once unrolled it, Now must furl it with a sigh. in. Furl that banner, furl it sadly ; Once six millions hailed it gladly, And ten thousand wildly, madly Swore it should forever wave ; Swore that foeman s sword should never Hearts like theirs entwined dissever ; And that flag should float forever O er their freedom or their grave. IV. Furl it, for the hands that grasped it, And the hearts that fondly clasped it, Cold and dead are lying low ; 326 THE CONFEDERATE FLAG. And that banner, it is trailing, While around it sounds the wailing Of its people in their woe. v. For, though conquered, they adore it, Love the cold, dead hands that bore it ; Weep for those who fell before it ; Pardon those who trail and tore it : Oh, how wildly they deplore it, Now to furl and fold it so ! VI. Furl that banner ! True, t is gory ; But t is wreathed around with glory, And t will live in song and story, Though its folds are in the dust ; For its fame on brightest pages, Penned by poets and by sages, Shall go sounding down the ages : Furl its folds, for now we must. VII. Furl that banner softly, slowly ; Furl it gently, it is holy, For it droops above the dead : Touch it not, unfurl it never, Let it droop there, furled forever, For its people s hopes are fled. New York Freeman s Jcurnal. INDEX OF AUTHORS. ALDRICH, T. B., 166. ANONYMOUS, 2, 17, 27, 30, 43, 52, 55, 58, 65, 66, 69, 81, 91, 108, 115, 119, 127, 132, 138, 153, 157, 158, 16.0, 167, 169, 176, 177, 179, 180, 183, 193, 198, 204, 207, 208, 211, 217, 218, 220, 222, 2-25, 228, 254, 255, 257, 258, 265, 265, 270, 274, 282, 296, 297, 299, 304, 306, 308, 314, 315, 319, 320, 321, 325. ANDIIISON, ALFRED, 262. BARNEY, 93. BEDLOW, H., 194. BETHUNE, REV. G. W., 4. BOKEK, GEORGE H., 33, 84, 114, 161, 209, 210, 214. BOLTON, SARAH T., 149. BRADBURY, WILLIAM B., 90. BROWNELL, H. H., 79, 96, 98, 121, 232 BRYANT, WILLIAM CULLEN, 11, 268. BURLEIGH, GEORGE S., 128. BUTLER, CLARENCE. 7. CAREY, ALICE, 273. CAROLINE, 289. CASTEN, J. CROSS, 215. CHILD, F. J., 76. CUTLER, E. JEFFERSON, 97. DE FOREST, J. W., 151. DE G., 301. DUGANNE, A. J. H., 125. EMERSON, RALPH WALDO, 139. E PLURIBUS UNUM, 174. 328 INDEX OF AUTHORS. FIELDS, JAMES T., 20. GAGE, FRANCES D., 186. GEORGIA, 291. GERMAN, 155. GLYNDON, HOWARD, 163. GRIMES, CHARITY", 117, 164, 182. HALPIN, CHARLES G., 190, 213. HAYNE, PAUL H., 310. HAYS, WILL S., 144. HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL, 1, 19. HOWE, JULIA WAKD, 68. JONATHAN , 72. J. R. M., 188. KEMBLE, FANNY, 263. LANDER, BRIG.-GENERAL, 64, 118. LARCOM, LUCY, 25. LONGFELLOW, HENRY W., 83. LOWELL, JAMES RUSSELL, 20, 49. LOWELL, ROBERT, 9, 112. NICHOL, JOHN, 268. O BRIEN, FITZJAMES, 14. OLE SECESH, 294. PIERPONT, REV. JOHN, 71. RANDOLPH, A. D. F., 187. RANDALL, JAMES R., 318. READ, THOMAS BUCHANAN, 210, 251. REALF, RICHARD, 283. REQUIER, 302. SHAMROCK, 323. SHANLY, CHARLES DAWSON, 46. INDEX OF AUTHORS. 329 SIGMA, 62. SOLDIER, 261. STEDMAN, EDMUND C., 134, 142, 185, 267. STODDART, RICHARD HENRY, 275. TAYLOR, BAYARD, 249. TICKNOR, FRANK, 312. WALLACE, WILLIAM Ross, 13. WEBB, C. IT., 23. WHITNEY, MRS.. 192. WHITTIER, JOHN GKEENLEAF, 53, 60, 130, 146, 171. WINTER, WILLIAM, 253. WOODMAN, HORATIO, 5. W. F. W., 136. A. M. W., 259. R. G. W., 57, 75. INDEX OF FIRST LINES. PAGE Ah me ! I ve had enough of thee 138 All blessings walk with onward feet 128 All day long the storm of battle through the startled valley swept 228 All quiet along the Potomac the} r say 119 An end at last ! The echoes of the war 268 As Moses stood upon the flaming hill 214 As vonce I valked by a dismal svamp 79 At anchor in Hampton Roads we lay 83 At Nashville s fall " 193 Awake and to horse, my brothers 315 Ay, deem us proud ! for we are more 04 Back from the trebly crimson field 134 Beneath the vast and vaulted dome 274 Behold her now with restless flashing eyes 282 Blood, blood ! the lines of every printed sheet 209 By the blue Patapsco s billowy dash 318 Come, stack arms, men. Pile on the rails 321 Cotton and corn were mighty kings 2G5 Dearest love, do you remember 211 De Lord he make us free indeed 265 Down in a small Palmetto State the curious ones may find ... 17 Do you know of the dreary land 98 Eighteen hundred and sixty-two 136 Farewell ! we must part; we have turned from the land 289 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. 331 PAGE Far away in the piny woods 188 Fibre by fibre, shred by shred 180 " Forgive them, for they know not what they do ! " 267 For sixty days and upwards 306 Fling wide the dauntless banner 302 God bless United States, each one 72 God of the Free ! upon Thy breath 2 God of the Free ! upon Thy breath 13 God s blessing be upon 4 God save me, great John Bull ! 57 Ha ! Bully for me again, when my turn for picket is over .... 46 Here they come t is the Twelfth, you know 121 He journeyed all creation through 30 Ho ! sons of the Puritan ! sons of the Roundhead 27 I am a gay Konservativ 164 I come from old Manassas, with a pocket full of fun 297 guess I mean to tax myself 257 hearkened to the thund ring noise 91 know how, through the golden hours 192 "m shtanding in the mud, Biddy 93 11 tell you what I heard that day 33 Individual several, indisintegrative whole ! 75 In the City of the Crescent, by red Mississippi s waves 108 It don t seem hardly right, John 49 It was a sturdy engineer 174 John Brown s body lies a-mouldering in the grave 66 John Bull vos a-valkin his parlor von day 55 John Bull, esquire, my jo John 52 Lay down the axe, fling by the spade 11 Like a furnace of fire blazed the midsummer-sun 158 Look how the hoofs and wheels to-day 132 Lord Lovell he sat in St. Charles Hotel 115 Lord, the people of the land 161 Midst tangled roots that lined the wild ravine 176 332 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. PAGE Mine eves have seen the glory of the coining of the Lord G8 Mouth not to me your Union rant 125 My song is of a fast young man whose name was Billy Wires. 215 No glittering chaplet brought from other lands 273 Not as when some great captain falls 275 Not ever in all human time 283 Not now for the songs of a nation s wrongs 323 Not unto us who did but seek 255 Now bring me out my buckskin suit ! 312 Now the twilight shadows flit 97 Och ! t is nate to be captain or colonel 166 Och ! we re the boys 14 Of General Lee, the Rebel Chief, you all perhaps do know. . . . 160 Oh ! craven, craven ! while my brothers fall 210 Oh pale, pale face ! Oh helpless hands ! 183 Oh ! up in the morning, up in the morning 112 O Keeper of the Sacred Key 204 Old Shoddy sits in his easy-chair 179 O Lord of Hosts ! Almighty King 19 Old John Brown lies a-mouldering in the grave 96 Mammy, have you heard the news 308 O my darling ! my darling ! never to feel 163 Once on New England s bloody heights 118 On that mighty day of battle, mid the booming and the rattle 262 O, slow to smite and swift to spare 268 Our good steeds snuff the evening air 185 Our past is bright and grand 69 Out of the clover and blue-eyed grass 220 Peace in the clover-scented air 225 Pile on the rails ! Come, comrades all 218 Rally round the flag, boys 20 Resolved This nation s goin tu reuin 182 Roll not a drum, sound not a clarion note 263 Satan was chained a thousand years 62 Say, darkies, hab you seen de massa 254 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. 333 PAGE Seward, qui est re rum cantor 65 She has gone she has left us in passion and pride 1 Sons of New England in the fray 142 " Stand to your guns, men ! " Morris cried 84 Still first, as long and long ago Straight to his heart the bullet crushed 7 Take that banner down, t is weary 325 The apples are ripe in the orchard 253 The army is gathering from near and from far 90 The august name Auguste 258 The black clouds were angrily chasing each other 144 The Carrier cannot sing to-day the ballads 198 The despot s heel is on thy shore 292 The flags of war like storm-birds fly 130 The harp of the minstrel with melody rings 71 The king will take the queen 207 The light of the stars shook through the trees 58 The maid who binds her warrior s sash 210 The poplar drops beside the way 167 The ripe red berries of the wintergreen 155 The spring time came, but not with mirth 23 The story runs that to a certain town 259 The tent lights glimmer on the land 146 The tide comes up. and the tide goes down 186 The word of the Lord by night 139 Their lips are still as the lips of the dead 261 There was glorious news, for our armies were victorious 157 They slept on the fields which their valor had won 310 Three days through sapphire seas we sailed 2- >2 Three years ago to-day 213 Under the apple-tree blossoms in May 169 Up from the ground at break of day 217 Up from the meadows rich with corn 171 Up from the South at break of day 251 We are coming, Father Abraham, three hundred thousand more 127 We have heard the rebel yell . . .190 334 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. PACK Well, be it so ! The not uncommon fate 187 " Well, Uncle Sam, 1 says Jefferson D., 76 We re free from Yankee despots 301 We wait beneath the furnace blast 60 We were sitting round the table 320 What are you waiting for, George, I pray ? 81 What, hoist the white flag when our triumph is nigh? 249 What is the threat ? " Leave her out in the cold ! " 25 What, was it a dream ? am I all alone 1 49 When a deed is done for Freedom, through the broad earth s aching breast 20 When Johnny comes marching home again 208 When Old Virginia took the field 304 When Robin, Swallow, Thrush, and Wren 153 AVhilst Butler plays his silly pranks 319 Who has not heard of the dauntless Varuna 114 Whoop ! the Doodles have broken loose 291 Why flashed that flag on Monday morn 5 With a beard that was filthy and red 294 With measured tread along his lonely beat 177 Within a green and shadowy wood 222 Without a hillock stretched the plain 151 Yankee Doodle had a mind 299 Yankee Doodle went to war 43 Yes, call them Rebels ! t is the name 290 You flung your taunt across the wave 53 You, forsooth, and valor brothers ! 194 You lay a wreath on murdered Lincoln s bier 270 You can never win them back 314 You offer us ten thousand fur the hed ov Butler, do ye 117 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENT* 3 WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RET* | THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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