UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. SAN DIEGO BY ROBERT HICHENS ILLUSTRATED BY JULES GUERIN a ^YNE S. VUClNlL^rt ^ c>P UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 3^- 3 1822 02375 8287 GtiSa LIBRARY UNiVERSiTY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DliGO LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA /• O C' THE NEAR EAST H I '^ ~- * THE MOSQUE OF SULEIMAN AT CONSTANTINOPLE Copyright, 19 13, by The Century Co. Published October, igij THE DE VINNE PRESS CONTENTS Chapter I PACK PICTURESQUE DALMATIA i Chapter II IN AND NEAR ATHENS 49 Chapter III THE ENVIRONS OF ATHENS 95 Chapter IV DELPHI AND OLYMPIA 137 Chapter V IN CONSTANTINOPLE 181 Chapter VI STAMBOUL, THE CITY OF MOSQUES 225 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS The Mosque of Suleiman at Constantinople Frontispiece From a painting by Jules Guerin PAGB The Roman Amphitheater at Pola 4 From a painting by Jules Gudrin The Market-Place at Spalato 9 From a painting by Jules Guerin Zara — Piazza delle Erbe 14 The Harbor of Mezzo 17 Spalato — Peristilio 24 Trau — Vestibule of the Cathedral 27 Ragusa 32 The Rector's Palace and the Public Square at Ragusa . . . . 37 From a painting by Jules Guerin The Jesuits' Church and the Military Hospital, Ragusa .... 45 The Parthenon at Athens 52 From a painting by Jules Gu(5rin The Acropolis, with a View of the Areopagus and Mount Hymettus, from the West 55 vu LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS The Theater of Dionysus on the southern slope of the Acropolis . 62 PAGE The Temple of the Olympian Zeus at Athens 65 From a jiainting by Jules Gudrin In the Portico of the Parthenon 70 The Temple of Athene Nike at Athens 75 From a painting by Jules Gu^rin The Stadium, Athens 82 The Academy, Mount Lycabettus in the background . . . . 87 The Acropolis at Athens, early morning 92 From a painting by Jules Gucrin The Temple of Poseidon and Athene at Sunium 98 From a painting by Jules Guerin The Temple of Athene, Island or yEgina 103 From a painting by Jules Guerin The Theater of Dionysus, Athens 108 The Plain of Marathon 1 1 3 A Monastery at the foot of Hymettus 1 20 Ruins of the Great Temple of the Mysteries at Eleusis . . . .125 The Odeum of Herodes Atticus in Athens 133 From a painting by Jules (}uerin The Site of Ancient Delphi 140 From a painting by Jules Guerin viii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Delphi — Gulf of Corinth in the distance 143 PAGE The Lion of Chaeronea, the Acropolis and Mount Parnassus . .150 Place of the famous Oracle, Delphi 154 View of Mount Parnassus 159 Ruins of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi 165 The Temple of Hera at Olympia 170 Olympia — Entrance to the Athletic Pleld 175 The Grand Bazaar in Constantinople 184 From a painting by Jules Guerin The Bosphorous — Constantinople in the distance 190 Galata Bridge, which connects Galata and Pera 193 The Water-front of Stamboul, with Pera in the distance , . . 200 Looking down Step Street, Constantinople 203 Public Letter-writers in a Constantinople Street 208 The Courtyard of the "Pigeon's Mosque" 213 From a painting by Jules Guerin Street Scene in Constantinople 221 ix LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE The Mosque of the Yeni-VaHde-Jamissi, Constantinople . . . 228 From a paintin;^ by Jules Guerin The Royal Gate leadin