HOME UNIVERSITY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES GIFT OF Dr. ERNEST C. MOORE HOME UNIVERSITY LIBRARY OF MODERN KNOWLEDGE No. 68 Editors : HERBERT FISHER, M.A., F.B.A. PROF. GILBERT MURRAY, LlTT.D., LL.D., F.B.A. PROF. J. ARTHUR THOMSON, M.A. PROF. WILLIAM T. BREWSTER, M.A. THE HOME UNIVERSITY LIBRARY OF MODERN KNOWLEDGE l6mo cloth, 50 cents net, by mail 56 cents SCIENCE Already Published ANTHROPOLOGY By R. R. MARETT AN INTRODUCTION TO SCIENCE By J. ARTHUR THOMSON EVOLUTION By J. ARTHUR THOMSON and PATRICK GEDDES THE ANIMAL WORLD By F. W. GAMBLE INTRODUCTION TO MATHE- MATICS By A. N. WHITEHEAD ASTRONOMY By A. R. HINKS PSYCHICAL RESEARCH . . . . By W. F. BARRETT THE EVOLUTION OF PLANTS By D. H. SCOTT CRIME AND INSANITY .... By C. A. MERCIER MATTER AND ENERGY . . . , By F. SODDY PSYCHOLOGY By W. McDoucALL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSIOLOGY By J. G. MCKENDRICK THE MAKING OF THE EARTH By J. W. GREGORY ELECTRICITY By GISBERT KAPP MAN: A HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY By A.KBITH THE ORIGIN AND NATURE OF LIFE By BENJAMIN MOORE Future Issues THE CARE OF CHILDREN ... By R. A. BENSON, M.D. DISEASE By W. T. COUNCILMAN PLANT LIFE By J. B. FARMER NERVES By D. F. HARRIS A STUDY OF SEX By J. ARTHUR THOMSON THE MINERAL WORLD .... By SIR T. H. HOLLAND DISEASE AND ITS CAUSES BY W. T. COUNCILMAN, A.M., M.D., LL.D. Professor of Pathology, Harvard University NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY LONDON WILLIAMS AND NORGATE COPYRIGHT, 191}, BY HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY : - ' ::. ;:/: -' , .. . .> THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, CAMBRIDGE, U.S.A. PsB \<5\ r PREFACE IN this little volume the author has endeavored to portray disease as life under conditions which differ from the usual. Life embraces much that is unknown and in so far as disease is a condition of living things it too presents many problems which are insoluble with our present knowledge. Fifty years ago the extent of the unknown, and at that time insoluble questions of disease, was much greater than at present, and the problems now are in many ways different from those in the past. No attempt has been made to simplify the subject by the presentation of theories as facts. The limitation as to space has prevented as full a consideration of the subject as would be de- sirable for clearness, but a fair division into the general and concrete phases of disease has been attempted. Necessarily most attention has been given to the infectious diseases and their causes. This not only because these diseases are the most important but they are also the best known and give the simplest illustrations. The space given to the infectious diseases has allowed a merely cursory description of the organic diseases and 215143 iv PREFACE such subjects as insanity and heredity. Of the organic diseases most space has been devoted to disease of the heart. There is slight consideration of the environment and social conditions as causes of disease. Very few authors are mentioned in the text and no bibliography is given. There is lack of litera- ture dealing with the general aspects of disease ; the book moreover is not written for physicians, and the list of investigators from whose work the knowledge of disease has been derived would be too long to cite. It has been assumed that the reader has some familiarity with elementary anatomy and physi- ology, and these subjects have been considered only as much as is necessary to set the scene for the drama. I am indebted to my friend, Mr. W. R. Thayer, for patiently enduring the reading of the manuscript and for many suggestions as to phrasing. CONTENTS CHAPTER I PAGE DEFINITION OF DISEASE. CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING MATTER. CELLS AS THE LIVING UNITS. AMCEBA AS TYPE OF A UNICELLULAR ANIMAL. THE RELATION OF LIVING MATTER TO ENVIRONMENT. CAPACITY OF ADAPTATION TO ENVIRONMENT SHOWN BY LIVING MATTER. INDIVIDUALITY OF LIVING MATTER. THE CAUSES OF DISEASE EXTRINSIC. THE RELATION OF THE HUMAN BODY TO THE ENVIRON- MENT. THE SURFACES OF THE BODY. THE INCREASE OF SURFACE BY GLAND FORMATION. THE REAL INTERIOR OF THE BODY REPRE- SENTED BY THE VARIOUS STRUCTURES PLACED BETWEEN THE SURFACES. THE FLUIDS OF THE BODY. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. THE HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS. THE CELLS OF THE BLOOD. THE DUCTLESS GLANDS 9 CHAPTER H No SHARP LINE OF DEMAHKATION BETWEEN HEALTH AND DIS- EASE. THE FUNCTIONAL NUTRITIVE AND FORMATIVE ACTIVITIES OF CELLS. DESTRUCTION AND REPAIR CONSTANT PROCESSES IN LIVING MATTER. INJURIES TO THE BODY. THE EFFECT OF HEAT. THE ACTION OF POISONS. THE LESIONS OF DISEASE. REPAIR. THE LAWS GOVERNING REPAIR. RELATION OF REPAIR TO COM- PLEXITY OF STRUCTURE AND AGE. THE RESERVE FORCE OF THE BODY. COMPENSATORY PROCESSES IN THE BODY. OLD AGE. THE DIMINUTION OF RESISTANCE TO THE EFFECTS OF THE ENVIRON- MENT A PROMINENT FACTOR IN OLD AGE. DEATH. How BROUGHT ABOUT. CHANGES IN THE BODY AFTER DEATH. THE RECOGNITION OF DEATH . .... 40 CHAPTER III THE GROWTH OF THE BODY. GROWTH MORE RAPID IN EM- BRYONIC PERIOD. THE COORDINATION AND REGULATION OF GROWTH. TUMORS. - THE GROWTH OF TUMORS COMPARED WITH NORMAL GROWTH. SIZE, SHAPE AND STRUCTURE OF TUMORS. THE GROWTH CAPACITY OF TUMORS AS SHOWN BY THE INOCULATION OF TUMORS OF MICE. BENIGN AND MALIGNANT TUMORS. EFFECT OF INHERITANCE. ARE TUMORS BECOMING MORE FREQUENT? THE EFFECT PRODUCED BY A TUMOR ON THE INDIVIDUAL WHO BEARS IT. RELATION OF TUMORS TO AGE AND SEX. THEORIES AS TO THE vi CONTENTS PAGE CAUSE OF TUMORS. THE PARASITIC THEORY. THE TRAUMATIC THEORY. THE EMBRYONIC THEORY. THE IMPORTANCE OF THE EARLY RECOGNITION AND REMOVAL OF TUMORS 64 CHAPTER IV THE REACTIONS OF THE TISSUES OF THE BODY TO INJURIES. INFLAMMATION. THE CHANGES IN THE BLOOD IN THIS. THE EMI- GRATION OF THE CORPUSCLES OF THE BLOOD. THE EVIDENT CHANGES IN THE INJURED PART AND THE MANNER IN WHICH THESE ARE PRODUCED. HEAT, REDNESS, SWELLING AND PAIN. THE PRO- DUCTION OF BLISTERS BY SUNBURN. THE CHANGES IN THE CELLS OF AN INJURED PART. THE CELLS WHICH MIGRATE FROM THE BLOOD VESSELS ACT AS PHAGOCYTES. THE MACROPHAGES. THE MICROPHAGES. CHEMOTROPISM. THE HEALING OF INFLAMMA- TION. THE REMOVAL OF THE CAUSE. CELL REPAIR AND NEW FORMATION. NEW FORMATION OF BLOOD VESSELS. ACUTE AND CHRONIC INFLAMMATION. THE APPARENTLY PURPOSEFUL CHAR- ACTER OF THE CHANGES IN INFLAMMATION 79 CHAPTER V INFECTIOUS DISEASES. THE HISTORICAL IMPORTANCE OF EPI- DEMICS OF DISEASE. THE LOSSES IN BATTLE CONTRASTED WITH THE LOSSES IN ARMIES PRODUCED BY INFECTIOUS DISEASES. THE DEVELOPMENT OF KNOWLEDGE OF EPIDEMICS. THE VIEWS OF HIPPOCRATES AND ARISTOTLE. SPORADIC AND EPIDEMIC DISEASKS. THE THEORY OF THE EPIDEMIC CONSTITUTION. THEORY THAT THE CONTAGIOUS MATERIAL is LIVING. THE DISCOVERY OF BAC- TERIA BY IXEWENHCECK IN 1675. THE RELATION OF CONTAGION TO THE THEORY OF SPONTANEOUS GENERATION. NEEDHAM AND SPALLANZANI. THE DISCOVERY OF THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE IN 1605. THE PROOF THAT A LIVING ORGANISM is THE CAUSE or A DISEASE. ANTHRAX. THE DISCOVERY OF THE ANTHRAX BACILLUS IN 1851. THE CULTIVATION OF THE BACILLUS BY KOCH. THE MODE OF INFECTION. THE WORK OF PASTEUR ON ANTHRAX. THE IMPORTANCE OF THE DISEASE 97 CHAPTER VI CLASSIFICATION OF THE ORGANISMS WHICH CAUSE DISEASE. BACTERIA: SIZE, SHAPE, STRUCTURE, CAPACITY FOR GROWTH, MULTI- PLICATION AND SPORE FORMATION. THE ARTinriAL CULTIVATION OF BACTERIA. THE IMPORTANCE OF BACTERIA IN NATURE. VA- RIATIONS IN BACTERIA. SAPROPHYTIC AND PARASITIC FORMS. PROTOZOA. STRUCTURE MORE COMPLICATED THAN THAT OF BACTERIA. DISTRIBUTION IN NATURE. GROWTH AND MULTIPLICATION. CONJUGATION AND SEXUAL REPRODUCTION. SPORE FORMATION. THE NECESSITY FOB A FLUID ENVIRONMENT. THE FOOD OF PROTO- ZOA. PARASITISM. THE ULTRA-MICROSCOPIC OR FILTERABLE OR- GANISMS. THE LIMITATION OF THE MICROSCOPIC. PORCELAIN FILTERS TO SEPARATE ORGANISMS FROM A FLUID. FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE PRODUCED BY AN ULTRA-MICROSCOPIC ORGANISM. OTHER DISEASES so PRODUCED. Do NEW DISEASES APPEAR? , . 116 CONTENTS vii CHAPTER VH PAGE THE NATURE OF INFECTION. THE INVASION OF THE BODY FROM ITS SURFACES. THE PROTECTION OF THESE SURFACES. CAN BACTERIA PASS THROUGH AN UNINJURED SURFACE ? INFECTION FROM WOUNDS. THE WOUNDS IN MODERN WARFARE LESS PRONE TO INFECTION. THE RELATION OF TETANUS TO WOUNDS CAUSED BY THE TOY PISTOL. THE PRIMARY Focus OR ATRIUM OF INFECTION. THE DISSEMINATION OF BACTERIA IN THE BODY. THE DIFFERENT DEGREES OF RESISTANCE TO BACTERIA SHOWN BY THE VARIOUS ORGANS. MODE OF ACTION OF BACTERIA. TOXIN PRODUCTION. THE RESISTANCE OF THE BODY TO BACTERIA. CONFLICT BETWEEN PARASITE AND HOST. ON BOTH SIDES MEANS OF OFFENSE AND DEFENSE. PHAGOCYTOSIS. THE DESTRUCTION OF BACTERIA BY THE BLOOD. THE Toxic BACTERIAL DISEASES. TOXIN AND ANTI- TOXIN. IMMUNITY. THE THEORY OF EHRLICH 135 CHAPTER VIII SECONDARY, TERMINAL AND MIXED INFECTIONS. THE EXTEN- SION OF INFECTION IN THE INDIVIDUAL. TUBERCULOSIS. THE TU- BERCLE BACILLUS. FREQUENCY OF THE DISEASE. THE PRIMARY Foci. THE EXTENSION OF BACILLI. THE DISCHARGE OF BA- CILLI FROM THE BODY. INFLUENCE OF THE SEAT OF DISEASE ON THE DISCHARGE OF BACILLI. THE INTESTINAL DISEASES. MODES OF INFECTION. INFECTION BY SPUTUM SPRAY. INFECTION OF WATER SUPPLIES. EXTENSION OF INFECTION BY INSECTS. TRYPANASOME DISEASES. SLEEPING SICKNESS. MALARIA. THE PART PLAYED BY MOSQUITOES. PARASITISM IN THE MOSQUITO. INFECTION A8 INFLUENCED BY HABITS AND CUSTOMS. HOOKWORM DISEASE. INTERRELATION BETWEEN HUMAN AND ANIMAL DISEASES. PLAGUE. PART PLAYED BY RATS IN TRANSMISSION. THE PRESENT EPI- DEMIC OF PLAQOB 159 CHAPTER IX DISEASE CARRIERS. THE RELATION BETWEEN SPORADIC CASES OF INFECTIOUS DISEASE AND EPIDEMICS. SMALLPOX. CEREBHO- BPINAL MENINGITIS. POLYOMYELITIS. VARIATION IN THE SUSCEP- TIBILITY OF INDIVIDUALS. CONDITIONS WHICH MAY INFLUENCE SUS- CEPTIBILITY. RACIAL SUSCEPTIBILITY. INFLUENCE OF AGE AND SEX. OCCUPATION AND ENVIRONMENT. THE AGE PERIOD OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES 185 CHAPTER X INHERITANCE AS A FACTOR IN DISEASE. THE PROCESS OF CELL MULTIPLICATION. THE SEXUAL CELLS DIFFER FROM THE OTHER CELLS OF THE BODY. INFECTION OF THE OVUM. INTRAUTEHINE INFECTION. THE PLACENTA AS A BARRIER TO INFECTION. VARI- ATIONS AND MUTATIONS. THE INHERITANCE OF SUSCEPTIBILITY TO DISEASE. THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOLISM IN THE PARENTS ON THE DESCENDANTS. THE HEREDITY OF NERVOUS DISEASES. TRANS- MISSION OF DISEASE Br THE FEMALE ONLY. HEMOPHILIA. THE INHERITANCE OF MALFORMATIONS. THE CAUSES OF MALFORMA- TIONS. MATERNAL IMPRESSIONS HAVE NO INFLUENCE. EUGENICS. 197 viii CONTENTS CHAPTER XI PAGE CHRONIC DISEASES. DISEASE OF THE HEART AS AN EXAMPLE. THE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF THE HEART. THE ACTION OF THE VALVES. THE PRODUCTION OF HEART DISEASE nr INFECTION. THE CONDITIONS PRODUCED IN THE VALVES. THE MANNER IN WHICH DISEASE OF THE VALVES INTERFERES WITH THEIR FUNCTION. THE COMPENSATION OF INJURY BY INCREASED ACTION OF HEART. THE ENLARGEMENT OF THE HEART. THE RESULT OF IMPER- FECT WORK OF THE HEART. VENOUS CONGESTION. DROPSY. CHRONIC DISEASE OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. INSANITY. RELA- TION BETWEEN INSANITY AND CRIMINALITY. ALCOHOLISM AND SYPHILIS FREQUENT CAUSES OF INSANITY. THE DIRECT AND IN- DIRECT CAUSES OF NERVOUS DISEASES. THE RELATION BETWEEN SOCIAL LIFE AND NERVOUS DISEASES. FUNCTIONAL AND ORGANIC DISEASE. NEURASTHENIA 219 CHAPTER' xn THE RAPID DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICINE IN THE LAST FIFTY YEARS. THE INFLUENCE OF DARWIN. PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. THE DISSEMINATION OF MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE. THE DEVELOPMENT OF CONDITIONS IN RECENT YEARS WHICH ACT AS FACTORS OF DISEASE. FACTORY LIFE. URBAN LIFE. THE INCREASE OF COMMUNICATION BETWEEN PEOPLES. THE INTRODUCTION OF PLANT PARASITES. THE INCREASE IN ASYLUM LIFE. INFANT MORTALITY. WEALTH AND POVERTY AS FACTORS IN DISEASE 241 GLOSSARY 250 INDEX . 252 DISEASE AND ITS CAUSES CHAPTER I DEFINITION OF DISEASE. CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING MATTER. CELLS AS THE LIVING UNITS. AMCEBA AS TYPE OF A UNICELLULAR ANIMAL. THE RELATION OF LIV- ING MATTER TO THE ENVIRONMENT. CAPACITY OF ADAP- TATION TO THE ENVIRONMENT SHOWN BY LIVING MATTER. INDIVIDUALITY OF LIVING MATTER. THE CAUSES OF DISEASE. EXTRINSIC. THE RELATION OF THE HUMAN BODY TO THE ENVIRONMENT. THE SURFACES OF THE BODY. THE INCREASE OF SURFACE BY GLAND FORMA- TION. THE REAL INTERIOR OF THE BODY REPRESENTED BY THE VARIOUS STRUCTURES PLACED BETWEEN THE SUR- FACES. THE FLUIDS OF THE BODY. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. THE HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS. THE CELLS OF THE BLOOD. THE DUCTLESS GLANDS. THERE is great difficulty, in the case of a sub- ject so large and complex as is disease, in giving a definition which will be accurate and compre- hensive. Disease may be defined as "A change produced in living things in consequence of which they are no longer in harmony with their environ- ment." It is evident that this conception of dis- ease is inseparable from the idea of life, since only a living thing can become diseased. In any dead body there has been a preexisting disease or in- jury, and, in consequence of the change produced, that particular form of activity which constitutes 9 10 DISEASE AND ITS CAUSES life has ceased. Changes such as putrefaction take place in the dead body, but they are changes which would take place in any mass similarly constituted, and are not influenced by the fact that the mass was once living. Disease may also be thought of as the negation of the normal. There is, however, in living things no definite type for the normal. An ideal normal type may be constructed by taking the average of a large number of individuals; but any single individ- ual of the group will, to a greater or less extent, depart from it. No two individuals have been found in whom all the Bertillon measurements agree. Disease has reference to the individual; conditions which in one individual would be re- garded as disease need not be so regarded in another. Comparisons between health and dis- ease, the normal and the abnormal, must be made not between the ideal normal and abnormal, but between what constitutes the normal or usual and the abnormal in a particular individual. The conception of disease is so inseparably associated with that of life that a brief review of the structure and properties of living things is necessary for the comprehension of the definition which has been given. Living matter is subject to the laws which govern matter, and like matter of any other sort it is composed of atoms and molecules. There is no force inherent in living matter, no vital force independent of and differing DISEASE AND ITS CAUSES 11 from the cosmic forces; the energy which living matter gives off is counterbalanced by the energy which it receives. It undergoes constant change, and there is constant interchange with the environ- ment. The molecules which compose it are con- stantly undergoing change in their number, kind and arrangement. Atom groups as decomposition products are constantly given off from it, and in return it receives from without other atom groups with which it regenerates its substance or in- creases in amount. All definitions of life convey this idea of activity. Herbert Spencer says, "Life is the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external conditions." The molecules of the substances forming the living material are large, complex and unstable, and as such they constantly tend to pass from the complex to the simple, from unstable to stable equilibrium. The elementary substances which form living material are known, but it has hitherto not been found possible artificially so to combine these substances that the resulting mass will exhibit those activities which we call the phenomena of life. The distinction between living and non- living matter is manifest only when the sum of the activities of the living matter is considered; any single phenomenon of the living may appear also in the non-living material. Probably the most distinguishing criterion of living matter is found in its individuality, which undoubtedly depends 12 DISEASE AND ITS CAUSES upon differences in structure, whether physical or chemical, between the different units. Certain conditions are essential for the con- tinued existence of living matter. It must be sur- rounded by a fluid or semi-fluid medium in order that there may be easy interchange with the environment. It must constantly receive from the outside a supply of energy in the form of food, and substances formed as the result of the intracellular chemical activity must be removed. In the case of many animals it seems as though the necessity of a fluid environment for living matter did not apply, for the superficial cells of the skin have no fluid around them; these cells, however, are dead, and serve merely a mechanical or protective purpose. All the liv- ing cells of the skin and all the cells beneath this have fluid around them. Living matter occurs always in the form of small masses called "cells," which are the living units. The cells vary in form, structure and size, some being so large that they can be seen with the naked eye, while others are so small that they cannot be distinctly seen with the highest power of the microscope. The living thing or organism may be composed of a single cell or, in the case of the higher animals and plants, may be formed of great numbers of cells, those of a similar character being combined in masses to form organs such as the liver and brain. DISEASE AND ITS CAUSES 13 In each cell there is a differentiated area con- stituting a special structure, the nucleus, which contains a peculiar material called "chromatin." The nucleus has chiefly to do with the multi- plication of the cell and contains the factors which determine heredity. The mass outside of the nucleus is termed "cytoplasm," and this may be homogeneous in appearance or may contain granules. On the outside there is a more or less definite cell membrane. It is generally believed that the cell material has a semi-fluid or gelatinous consistency and is con- FIQ L _ DlAQBA1I OP tained within an intra- CELL. 1. Cell membrane. cellular meshwork. It is 2 ; Cel1 sub tai ? ce <>r