8 ! LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Gl FT OF .YN DAVIS BLDG, c > , \ "Revelations of the Life Beautiful" Los Angeles is prolific in thinkers of power and writers of no mean ability to crystallize their thoughts into last- ing form, and to the already long list of recent worthy contributions to this local literature now is added a book from whose pages shines a pure and beautiful soul. "Revelations of the Life Beautiful," by M. Evalyn Davis, will appeal to the spiritually-minded, to the searcher after the esoteric in ethical living, to the mental scientist, be he Christian Scientist, or New Thought advocate, Universalist or Fellowshiper. It is a good book for the quiet hour of medi- tation on "whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely," for that hour when, in the words of the book, "you pause for greater strength to bide the harvest-time of God." The oneness of all life, the kinship of God and man, the omnipotence of mind over matter, the spiritual possibilities of all men are themes in this collec- tion of epigrammatic poems in prose and metrical measure. Of tire latter, Magnets" and "Eros" are most musical and appealing, 'and over /all hover suggestions of Emerson and John Muir. Photographs of the mountains of Caliifornia and an autograph portrait of the author, who is well-known to many Los Angelans. adorn this mes- sage of peace and strength. ("Revela- tions of the Life Beautiful." By M. Evalyn Davis. The Baumgardt Pub- lishing company.) JLotnnglp DeDicateH Co 00p Dearest jfrienD, l>elemina Clarke, Co A perfect man; he walks the earth in holy calm. He wavers not in ways of truth, Knoweth no fear, feels no alarm; But poised in God, great noble soul, Unselfish wields the power Of Love o'er all he meets. And like a sweet refreshing shower, His presence is. The Universe Extends to him its untold wealth, While loving hands reach eager forth To clasp his own. Abundant good, unfailing health Blesses this perfect man of God. Look up ! Look to the Heights, O seeking soul, What if, where thou dost stand, The Ocean beat and roll In its un-rest. Within thy breast The heights and depths of love eternal dwell; Nor sorrow deep, nor angry ocean's swell Can draw thee from this haven blest. REVELATIONS OF THE LIFE BEAUTIFUL BY M. EVALYN DAVIS OF THE UNIVERSl FY OF COPYRIGHTED BY THE AUTHOR 1908 1908 BAUMGAKDT PUBLISHING CO LOS ANGELES, CAL. Cable of Contents: Page THOU WHO ART AWAKENED. TO THEE 21 THROBBING FROM OUT THE DIVINE 22 THE POWER OF MIND 23 AFFIRMATIONS 29 MY OWN POEM 31 REALIZATION 33 A VISION 34 AN AFFIRMATION 40 THE SOUL'S DESTINY POEM 41 THE POWER OF LOVE 42 AFFIRMATIONS 45 MY VERSE POEM 46 SWING OUT INTO THE UNIVERSAL 47 You ASK 48 MORNING 49 MY BUTTERFLY POEM 52 OPPRESSED, SAYST THOU ? 53 THE DIVINE SEEKS EXPRESSION 55 I CAN IF I WILL 56 LOVE, THE CROWNING GLORY OF THE SOUL 57 GOD SPEAKING IN MAN POEM 58 SHASTA 60 MY SPIRIT^LOVE POEM 62 IN MEDITATION 64 O, MOUNTAIN HEIGHTS POEM 65 "FATHER FORGIVE" 66 IN THE FOREST POEM 69 MY SOUL MELTS INTO THE GREAT OVERSOUL 70 INTO THE LIGHT OF SPIRIT 71 1.74587 Page HIGHER AND HIGHER, O MY SOUL 77 EARTH'S MAGNETS POEM 78 A VOICE FROM SPIRIT REALM 81 AN APPEAL FROM THE BODY 82 GOD BEHOLDS GOD 84 MELODY POEM . '. 85 I LIVE IN THE ETERNAL Now 85 TREASURES OF THE DEEP 87 THE QUESTIONIST POEM 88 A SELF-TREATMENT 89 THY FAITH HATH MADE THEE WHOLE 90 CHRISTMAS GREETINGS POEM 95 AFFIRMATIONS 96 I NEED NOT SEEK HITHER AND YON 96 SONG OF THE SOUL SET FREE POEM 98 KNOW THYSELF 100 LOVE POEM 102 DISCERNMENT 103 SOLITUDE 105 I AM IN THEE POEM 106 CHRISTMAS POEM 108 I AM NOT MORE HOLY THAN THOU 108 MY LIFE Is LIKE A PLACID LAKE no A MESSAGE OF LOVE in IF I AM DEPENDENT UPON OTHERS in WHEN You AFFIRM "I AM TIRED" 112 BE STILL POEM 113 A REALIZATION 115 ACTIVITY OF THE SOUL 115 SWEET MOTHER 115 JESUS CHRIST UNIVERSAL 1 16 THERE ARE No YESTERDAYS POEM 1 16 BREAST THOU THE WAVE 1 17 THE TEMPLE Is THE SOUL 117 THE GOD WITHIN.. , 118 Page WHAT Is THAT TO THEE POEM 119 EMERGE FROM THE DARKNESS 122 PURITY 123 DESIRE ANSWERED 124 TRUTHS IN BRIEF 124 MY LOVE POEM 126 ONENESS 128 REVELATIONS ! 128 To M W POEM 130 DOST WANDER THOU ? PROSE-POEM 131 THE PASSING OF R 132 THE SOUL UNIVERSAL POEM 134 AMONG THE PINES 135 IF THOU COULDST DWELL POEM 135 I AM POEM 136 INVOCATION 137 QUESTIONINGS 139 IDEAL THOUGHTS 140 THE CITY WONDERFUL 141 HOLD YOURSELF IN HOLY CALM 144 DID JESUS TEACH NON-ATTACHMENT 145 SOUL WANDERINGS POEM 147 RESTING IN THE SILENCE 148 THE ALL-SEEING EYE 149 FROM SPIRIT REALM TO E. C. W. POEM 150 PEACE AND POWER POEM 152 ENTER INTO THY INNER CHAMBER 153 ON MOUNT WILSON 154 STRIKE THOU THE NOTE OF LOVE 155 "I LOVE IT. DON'T You?" .POEM 156 SILENCE ' 159 JUDGE NOT 160 THE SUBSTANCE OF THE UNIVERSE 161 THE TINY WILD FLOWERS 161 TELL ME . ..POEM. , , 162 Page LOVE'S MESSAGE 164 DARLING LITTLE DANDELION POEM 165 THE ETERNAL Now 165 SURROUNDING THEE 166 ADRIFT POEM 167 "FOLLOW THOU ME" 168 BRIEF THOUGHTS WITH DEEP MEANINGS 169 WHY SEEKEST THOU SUCH BLINDED PATHS? 169 VOICE OF EROS 170 To MY MOTHER POEM 171 THOUGHTS IN POEM AND PROSE 172 You ARE INSTRUMENTAL IN WISDOM 173 SELF-TREATMENT 174 To L G D POEM 175 BE YOURSELF 175 LOVE IN LIFE'S DELL POEM 177 DEEPER THAN THE FATHOMLESS WATERS 179 THE RICHEST OF GOD'S BLESSINGS POEM 180 FROM SPIRIT REALM, TO FATHER POEM 181 IN THE SILENCE 182 THOUGHTS FOR MEDITATION 182 ANSWERED POEM 184 ON THE MORNING OF 184 THE RECOGNITION OF GOD AS LOVE 185 "SUNSHINE'S" QUESTIONINGS POEM 186 ALL Is GOOD POEM 187 To E S POEM 188 VOICED IN THE SILENCE. 189 THE ETERNAL CREATIVE FORCE 189 REALIZATION OF TRUTH 19 SOLACE POEM 191 VERY EARLY IN THE MORNING I9 2 A GEM POEM 193 DEEP IN THE RHYTHMIC VIBRATIONS 193 To THEE . 195 Page THE SILVER CORD 196 THOU WHO ART SEEKING THE HIGHEST 197 EN ROUTE TO SAN DIEGO 198 YIELD TO THE SPIRIT 199 WHEN THE MORNINGS ARE GRAY POEM 200 LINGER NOT IN OBSCURITY 200 POSSIBILITIES OF THE SOUL 201 AMONG THE GREATEST ARTISTS 202 SENTINEL PEAK PROSE-POEM 203 STAND UPRIGHT 205 THERE ARE No LIMITATIONS 207 THOU ART LIVING FOR A PURPOSE 208 WHAT Is HIGHER THOUGHT ? 209 LOOK DEEP 211 PROGRESSIVE THOUGHTS FROM HIGHER REALMS 212 DESIRE CREATES 213 LOOK INTO THE CRYSTAL OF THE SOUL 213 WHEN You GRASP THE WHOLE 214 WHEN AWAKENED 215 BE THOU HOLY WITHIN 215 SEND OUT LOVE 216 DOUBTING KEEPS You IN THE DARK 216 EROS . POEM 217 *'O, believe as thou livesl, that every sound that is spoken over the round world, which thou oughtest to hear, will vibrate on thine ear. "Every proverb, every book, every by- word that belongs to thee for aid or comfort, shall surely come home through open or winding passages. "Every friend whom not thy fantastic will but the great and tender heart in thee craveth, shall lock thee in his embrace." Emerson. of tJ)e Htfe Beautiful The heart in thee is the heart of all; not a valve, not a wall, not an intersection is there anywhere in nature, but one blood rolls un-interruptedly an endless circulation through all men, as the water of the globe is all one sea, and truly seen, its tide is ONE. Emerson. Cftou tabo art aumkeneD Co Cfiee Not of earth art thou, but of high heaven, a soul whose chords of love sound sweet their melodies, swept by the hand of Christ. The song thy soul doth sing rever- berates throughout eternity, and wandering sons of earth catch the refrain, and looking up, behold a ray of light that thrills them into Life Divine. Thou carest not for birth, for creed, or state, only dost thou behold in each and every one eternal being. Thy soul hath opened wide its windows, and all the glory of Infinite Love comes wafting through. It is no wonder, then, that thou art loved of all. And words seem of small stature when compiled, to tell thee of the blessedness that thou dost bring mankind. Like unto the Christ, thou mayst take by the hand the hungering ones, and open wide the door into the halls of Light and Wisdom, and this may be thy sweet reward. As this hath satisfied the Christ, so doth it bring to thy great soul the Pea.ce of God. Throbbing from out the heart of the Divine sweeps the soul of man, in eternal progression. Naught can stay its power. The life-line of the Infinite is as unbroken as eternity; and when a soul mounts the Horeb-heights of consciousness, there, shall that one seize the prize of spiritual wisdom and revel in the illum- ination thereof. Then, years may come and go, and yet it is as though time had never been. Swept aside are the shades of the past; broken down the monuments erected on which to place future Gods. The Eternal Now, to this evolved and awakened soul is all it asks, and in this Eternal Now is all fullness. 22 C6e potoer of Material Science, so called, combined with Meta- physics, is the power that is awakening within the mind of man the more wonderful revelations that shall make for the unfoldment of mankind in the hidden knowledge of what life is the unseen forces that are continually at work about and within us, the Infinite Energy that is in and through all, and is all : Electricity, the law of gravitation, the law of vibration which taken at its different rates, creates in manifestation untold millions of species of life. All these forces which in the laboratories of the greatest scientists have been proven to exist, are invisible to the eye of man never- theless working throughout all things, throughout all space. In the unlimited universe of spirit which no mechan- ical eye can discern, and no individual mind can, as yet, compass, is this Invisible Intelligent Presence. Material Science has proven the existence of this Energy by its wonderful methods of invention the greatest power, that of the MIND, as being able to discern and prove the existence of these forces, we must not overlook. Jesus, the greatest Scientific Teacher the world has ever known, dealt first with the mind, and thus he controlled the seemingly lesser powers; making even the winds and the waves obey his command, creating at will from out the universal storehouse of energy all that was 23 ( necessary for tlie sustenance of life; chemically produc- ing, by the power of his mind, the wine from the water; annulling all hitherto seemingly established laws regard- ing death by his prompt and decisive action of mind in raising the dead. And greater than all these, proving there was no death by laying down his life on the cross and at will taking it up again in the what we designate material body, thus trying to teach mankind of the infinite power of the mind when directed in line with the currents of Selfless love and a knowledge of the Truth that mind, intelligence, is the power that is all supreme in the Har- monious and Righteous out-workings of the Highest in Man: Unfolded into greater realms of understanding of the power of Mind. Jesus, after having finished his mission as instructor to the intelligence of man, so etheralized the atoms of his body that he became invisible or visible, at will. Partook of the food to prove to his disciples the quality of vibratory force that it was composed of, and lastly ascended at will into the ether of the Divine Love that was awaiting as one great presence to receive him. To-day it is being proven by photography and other means that the soul on leaving the body can be dis- cerned. Such is the scepticism of the age that these scientific means must be used to prove the immortality of life. Rather should man be learning the power of mind in such a way that the body could be handled, reduced back to first cause, spirit, or invisible energy, as did Jesus, thereby overcoming death and proving the eternal truth of life. 24 Along the ages past where man has been blindly groping in ignorance, he has not deemed it necessary to* think for himself, but the time has come when every soul as an individualized center must perceive the fact that his inind was given him for a purpose, and that purpose the betterment, the advancement of not only his own soul, but to so let his light shine that all who per- ceive him may know that mankind is the highest mani- festation of the Infinite Intelligence, and that unto this evolved center of Conscious Intelligence is given the power to create, to command, to love. Greater forces are being daily, hourly, established in the Metaphysical Brain of Man than are, or can be produced in the scientific laboratories of the world. And from every quarter is being heralded the good news of the awakening of mankind to the finer forces of his being, which puts him in touch with the Infinite, and through which he may foretell greater discoveries through the power of his mind, linked to the Infinite Intelligence, than ages of material science can demon- strate. Advanced thinkers, in the silence of their labora- tories, guided by the Infinite Intelligence, receive won- derful impressions, they know not from what source, presumably, at the time, but which, when carried into execution, astonish the world. The mind of man in such an instance, has gone out into the mysterious depths of Intelligence and Concen- tration on the one desire to bring forth these wonderful discoveries for the improvement of the race. Thus he has made of himself an open receptacle for the Great and ALL-KNOWING MIND, which on his absorption and appropriation of, becomes his mind, and he pro- duces, as did Jesus, through this avenue, what in olden times would have been indicated as miracles. When Man so concentrates on the great problem of life as the greatest of all subjects that he has to deal with, then as like a flash from a clear sky, will come the revelation " Mind controls all absolutely, now and for eternity.' 7 Then will the lesser give way for the greater, and the mind of man, the "I am" expand into the limitless grandeur of the Universal. Working no longer under limitations, he perceives that to have and to hold things as his own, is not the highest, for within him lays the power of creation as his needs appear, in so far as he will work as did Jesus, in selflessness and infinite love. Jesus came not as a sacrifice for man's sins. He came to teach man the scientific working principle of the power of mind when in accord with the Great Har- monious Law of the Universe. Proving life Eternal, and man one with this power and not under laws of limita- tion and death. The scientific discoveries of the age but go to prove the science of the teachings of Jesus; proving there is an "Infinite and Eternal Energy, " and that intelligence evolved in the mind of man creates. "If ye desire a thing, it shall be established unto you," and "Ask, believing that ye have received," for ail wisdom, all power is in this Universal Intelligence, and is ever at the 26 disposal of him who loves the good supremely, and his neighbor as himself. Man is a mental being in entirety. All that is visible is composed of the invisible harmonious vibrations of ether. This is the All Intelligent Presence, Spirit, God, Omnipresence, Infinite Energy, Father, or we may call it by whatever name seems most to appeal to our indi- vidual need. If we place the magnet, the mind, in line with the great creative Harmonious Current of Life, we shall be able to produce the perfect manifestation in all lines of desire. If, on the contrary, we place the mind or mag- net outside the true and harmonious, we shall not affect the One great and infinite Power that eternally is, but we shall draw the needle, our own life, our own body, from its true vibration, and thus produce discord and inharmony. When Jesus healed he performed no miracle, he simply brought into manifestation the natural and true state of Harmonious Law. He sought to demonstrate this scientific truth of mind as creative power in all his teachings. Undoubtedly he was convinced that he would have to take himself from among the followers in order that they might not worship his personality, but rather be drawn to the principle, and the intelligent use thereof, for he said : i i I go that the comforter may come to you. ' ' He had proven all things possible to man, provided the principle was adhered to. Camille Flammarion says, in speaking of the body: 27 "It is ruled, directed and organized by our universal animating force. This force we may surely dignify by the name of soul. And the body, however material it may appear to us, is nothing but a harmonious grouping due to the attractive action of this inner force. But this force is immaterial, invisible, intangible and impon- derable, like the attractive force which locks the world amid the universal harmony." Jesus, being aware of all these great truths, plus infinitely greater ones, that shall appear in due time to the thinking and searching mind of man, understood spirit to be the real substance and the mind or soul of man to be the real Ego that has the power of manifest- ing as the perfect principle itself. 28 affirmations I will not think of a "Life Beyond," but remember the Eternal Now, and the fullness of the Omnipotent Life that is this moment pulsating throughout my entire being. I will remember that there is plenty of time in my earth-life, in the to-day, and I do rejoice in THIS the ONE supreme moment of my life. I will let the divine Harmonies sing perpetually throughout my consciousness the song of Eternal Joy and Life as my abundant portion. * * * The fountain of Life Eternal is within me. * * * * 29 I am an individualized expression of the GREAT INTELLIGENCE. Inherent within me is immortality. The perfection of my spiritual self is free to manifest in my bodily expression. I happened into Heaven one day. The gates were open, and I glided in; 'Twas Sabbath, yet I found at play The children, with no thought of sin. 30 Together, you and I, dear heart, Throughout the endless aeons of eternity do live, Each in the other; And of the other each a part; One in the whole. The heart-throb that doth tell thy Joy Is but the echo of my soul Whispering throughout the silence, sweet, of love, Of aspiration that doth lift us To the heights above. Together, .you and I. Would Life be sweet With half the knowledge of thy God? Oouldst thou withstand the divining rod And say " It is well?" Ah no, dear heart, 'Twere chaos drear to know not all of God. When I can teach my soul to coldly dwell From thee apart, Then Heaven hath lost its radiance, Earth its sun. What would life be without thee, dear? A dismal void, a soulless cheer. There ever sounds throughout my soul A melody too sweet for words; In which the rhythmic notes of love Of thy great heart, Play all the grander, deeper part, 31 And leads and lures me on and on To heights sublime, to LOVE DIVINE. Together, you and I. The song each soul doth sing A God-note of itself yet mingling, Softly blends, one with the other; As greater anthems into heavenly music ring, In cadence most divine, and most complete, The symphonies of perfect love, Pulsating into greater power, as soul communes with soul And each the other proves. 32 3 Realisation You are walking upon the mountain-tops of Christ Consciousness. Your soul is bathed in the splendor of the Universal Harmony. You gaze into the valley of peace and love, knowing only the Divine Inspiration of the Christ indwelling. You now behold, as did the Master, your entire being throbbing in unison with the Father. You see yourself a center of Peace and Power, of Love and Truth. You are now breathing out in Omni- presence your messages of inspiration to every soul in the Universe. You behold yourself an all-penetrating breath of Omniscience thrown out into Infinite space. One with the universal presence, carrying into the very depths of ignorance and sin the warmth of love, the sweetness and purity of life, the wisdom of knowledge through Hinder- standing. You are a power undreamed of in the possibilities of man as manifesting on the earth-plane. You are a Christ, a Savior, a God. You are the Universal Harmony individualized upon earth, that you may be seen and heard of men, proclaiming to their understanding the truth of their God indwelling. 33 Very early in the morning, as usual, I began the realization of the Omnipresence, affirming silently, "I am surrounded and permeated by the All Good. ' ' Inhal- ing deeply, and slowly exhaling, I sensed myself con- sciously drifting out of the body, into a state of light- ness and buoyancy. I realized that I was being taken in the arms of Infinite Love, and borne into* brighter scenes than those of the earth-plane. The mind was kept consciously in touch with the body by the affirmation "I desire to bring back a vivid consciousness of all I see and hear in this bright realm." A peculiar rocking sensation took possession of me. Presently I found myself softly humming a sweet old melody, in which, first, the voice of my Angel Mother joined, followed lay another, and still another, until a mighty chorus was pealing forth and reverberating throughout the heavens. And I, who had so longed to hear the melodies of Heaven, voiced by the angel choir, was in the very midst of it. Slowly, softly, the last sweet note died away. Glanc- ing down, I beheld on a low stool at my feet, an open parchment. So intent was I in deciphering the message thereon, I found myself coming again into bodily con- sciousness, and meditated, "It is not best to lose what I know to be in store for me here, to further insist on the 34 reading of this parchment. I shall see it again. 7 ' Re- luctantly I turned from it, and as I gave it a farewell glance, saw plainly, midway the paper, the words "The ark of the covenant. ' ' By some mighty power, I was then instantly borne out over landscape that earth-language cannot picture; glowing in splendor, rare in coloring, iridescent the fol- iage, entrancing the bloom; soft and velvety the carpets of green. The crystal lakes be-jeweled beyond concep- tion of loveliness. I was seemingly alone; and yet often sensing a pres- ence, either at one side or the other, turning to see who it might be, would behold only an immense bank of glowing bloom, deep and divinely beautiful in tintings, sweet and almost overpowering in aroma. I was wafted here and there at my own sweet will, as I was attracted by new scenes of beauty. I was filled with wonder and amazement, knowing consciously that I was glimpsing the spirit realm, and longing earnestly to bring back to earth-life, a vivid remembrance of its loveliness. Even the blossoms would reach out to caress me as I passed them, while from some of their petals seemed to emerge baby hands that clasped me close; and from rare depths of bloom, peered eyes of heavenly hue that lured me into deeper labyrinths of this fascinating mys- tery. I was as light as air. The birds of brilliant plumage and musical notes soared with me, touching the foliage, dipping their wings lightly in the dazzling water, as in unison we caressed the passing loveliness. Butterflies of glowing colors would lightly touch my lips as I listened closely to catch the words they seemed 35 to imprint thereon. Alone with Nature! Alone with God! My soul reveled in satisfaction. The soft caress of the wafting zephyrs seemed sweeping over aeolian harp-strings so sweet its murmurings. I gave myself up to deliciously drift and drink deep of this spirit realm, which grew more and more bewildering, more in- tensely fascinating, until on the crest of a mountain I stood, and lo! All was changed in the twinkling of an eye, into what appeared to be a winter scene. All was as white as snow, soft and downy, glittering and sparkling, be-jeweled flakes of frost and myriad tinted, like diamonds. I beheld no sun; no rays of light from any direct source, and yet everything was aglow with dazzling brilliancy. I said: "As beautiful as it all is, still I do not like winter; summer with her flowers and balmy breath, dancing waters and singing birds, appeals much more to me than this." Close beside me a voice softly answered, "But this is our winter, dear, it will not chill you. ' ' Glancing around, I beheld my sainted mother in radiant robes of white. Her hand, in which she clasped mine, was warm and very similar to the touch of loving hands on earth, save that there was a light electric current playing through my being, coming direct from her hand through mine. Then she drew me close in the gentle Mother embrace I knew so well. Together we stood in this fairy-land of diamond lights and snowy whiteness, lost in blissful realization of re-united love. No words were spoken. The silence had a language of the soul, all its own. Presently she withdrew from me and I threw myself upon the ground into what I supposed would touch me 36 with a chill; but no! It was cool, invigorating, penetrat- ing me through and through with its lightness, buoyancy and brilliancy. I fairly sparkled and scintillated in unison with it. I bathed in its snowy whiteness, gathered it in my hands, tossed it up, danced in childish glee, and again was awed into deep silence. My Mother watched me with keen interest, and after a time, drew near, touched my arm gently, and we floated out, higher, on and on. Still all was of this gleaming white, this intense purity. Presently we came to a gate-way opening into another realm. I desired to enter. Mother quietly expostulated with me, and just at this moment, my elder brother, who had been out in spirit life for many years, stood by me and laughingly said, as he took my hand, and threw himself carelessly against one of the pillars of the gate-way " You surely do not want to enter there. It will disappoint you sorely." Eager to work out my own salvation, I answered "I desire to see it all;" and laughingly pushed him aside. The ga,te flew open as if by magic, and I stood alone within the walls of an enclosure that looked much like earth. I knew myself as spirit, being conscious of having left the body, and so had no fear, but called back "Are you not coming, Mother?" I received no answer. It was a transformation scene I did not enjoy, but I had so willed it, therefore began my tour of investigation. I found different sized enclosures in which were beautiful animals of all descriptions, but so surrounded that escape seemed impossible. Their eyes looked into mine so appealingly my heart fairly throbbed with sadness to see them thus confined. Their longing for freedom was very 37 evident, and yet they seemed so helpless. ' l So it is with earth's children/' was softly breathed in my ear. I felt a trifle chagrined that I had insisted on entering here, and somewhat fearful; however, I had made the selection, and must work out my own salvation. "I shall move out on the first ray of light I see. I am spirit. The pathway of spirit can not be limited." No sooner affirmed than realized; but I found myself in a larger and lighter enclosure. Again I affirmed, "I shall find another gleam of light to guide me on to freedom." Instantly I found myself outside the walls and alone. Advancing up the hill-side, I found the shimmering lights of rare beauty, still in evidence everywhere, save immediately under my feet, which rested on the harvest time of grain, a perfect carpet, soft and yielding to my step. A short distance from where I stood, all blended into glittering scenes of white. Scanning eagerly its loveliness, behold a new glory dawned on my view. Against the horizon appeared several mountain peaks, gleaming, sparkling white. High and clear against the sky a blaze of diamond lights. But one, whose loveli- ness was so divine that pen can not portray it, stood out from among the others, alone, radiant, glorified in its sheen of purity. I was spell-bound; gazing long in rapt adoration of its magnificence. Slightly down its side there appeared a light, tran- scendent in splendor, bathing all with inexpressible love- liness. A shadowy form arose from out this light, and around this form, this fleecy cloud, came all the colors in their most mellow tints, from softest cream-like shad- ings, to daintiest pinks and lavenders, on into heavenly blues, and deeper, richer tints of purple; then all blended 38 at the base into purest white and gold. I stretched forth my arms, and in ecstasy cried out "Divine! Divine! Divine! " Instantly my mother's voice softly said, i ' Mount Olivet. ' ' I reached out to clasp her hand. * ' Do not touch me. It is enough," she said. A peculiar thrill swept throughout my being as I peacefully opened my eyes once more on earth conditions. The link connecting the seen with the unseen was forged anew, and the wonderland of the Infinite was close at hand. Most assuredly do I know that I have glimpsed its beauties, among which is the spiritualized, the sacred Mount Olivet, from which ascended our Savior. With pleasure I record this, my voyage into the "Great Beyond" which seems far more vivid to me than any earth journey I have ever taken, the transcend- ent beauties of which no pen can portray, no language, save that of the soul, express. 39 an affirmation There is the Great and Infinite Mind that knoweth all things, of which my mind is a part. My soul is of the Great Oversoul. My sight is that of the All Seeing Eye. My hearing, that of the All Hearing One that revels in the Universal Harmonies. My voice is of that Great Symphonic Melody, the Music of the Spheres that sways the Powers in the Seen and the Unseen, at its slightest tone. My Breath: is of the Great Breath which is the Life of All. It is of the ether of High Heaven in whose realms I float at will on the breath of Love, viewing the transcendent glories that bloom eternal in the boundless- ness of Spirit. 40 Cfte @ouP0 Destinp Dost thou not know, soul of man, How limitless is thy might? Canst thou not trust the Father's plan, And sense the dawning light? E'er flowing through thee is a stream Of God-illumined fire; Thou art not born to idly dream. Thy God cries "Come up higher!" Thou art not plebian, sleuth or slave; And thou canst trust the call, "believe"! Thou hast eternal power to save, E'er urging on. Thou shalt achieve. 41 Cfte potoer of Lotoe If people only knew the bountiful provider, the easy task-master that LOVE is, the jails and peniten- tiaries would not be so thronged. If, every morning, each one would say "I will take with me this morning into the world, and its onward crush, just the one weapon Love/ ' he would find the world at his feet, God revealed and plenty of all good flowing to him from every quarter. If this sweet weapon Love could be used for but one short hour, by all the unions and trusts in the country, it would revolutionize the entire labor question and bring plenty and happiness into every home. It would open the purse strings of the money-holders and fill the home of every laborer in the land, with radiant sunshine. It would give to every man, woman and child, superb health. Love is the sum and substance of the teachings of Jesus Christ that were given for all. He taught that we should love the Good supreme, the good in everybody, and everything. Refuse to talk over the ill things of life. Refuse to condemn; but determine to win all through Love. Then comes the desired peace and plenty. This great power of unselfish love in one's consciousness, is a drawing card that can not fail you. No one can resist the loving one, the sweet smile, the kind act. Cease all self-condemnation and go* forth in life with 42 this one avowed purpose in rnind, ' ' I will win all through Love," and then let Love radiate from you. No matter if you have on the commonest of clothing it will work like magic and you will be recognized as a bright, sweet and pure presence, that none can resist. "He who runs may read" such an one. The battle is yours, and you are a blessing to the entire world. LOVE unlocks all sorts of prison-doors, breaks down all walls of oppression, melts away all barriers to success, and floods the entire being with light. This is nothing more than good common sense, sound philosophy, and the best receipt ever given for overcoming poverty, gloom, sickness, worry, sin and care. There is a LOVE so deep, so grand, that it can not be sounded or compassed by the mind of man, until ne be unfolded into the perfect Intelligence of the Universe. Seek not to confound the use of LOVE with that of personal gain or selfish satisfaction, but go into the depths of the Christ teachings, and from them bring forth the bright jewels that lay hidden to the unsearch- ing mind. Bring forth the bright gems that gleam and scintillate from the depths of true God consciousness, and beam forth as brilliant rays of love-light, that pierce the gloom of every sorrowing heart in the Universe. Then break forth, soul, into the ONE Grand Theme of LOVE that was given to the world in the glowing teachings of Christ Jesus; and this world will become so charged with brightness, so brilliant, that all the worlds surrounding her shall be attracted to our bright sphere, and LOVE shall be the ALL KNOWN and Widely wor- 43 shipped GOD; attracting all that inhabit the entire uni- verse of worlds. This is no mythical teaching. It is the philosophical teaching of Jesus, demonstrated by him wherever he went, and whenever he spoke. These wondrous words of LOVE are to be brought into an abiding state of use; the fruits of which are Harmony, Freedom, Prosperity, Wisdom and Pure Spirit Consciousness, which becomes inevitably in prominence in every seeking soul. LOVE was the power which Jesus wielded. LOVE was, and is, the awakening Life presence, the bountiful provider, the all-healing presence, the kingdom of fieaven consciousness which his disciples had at times, when they came in closest spiritual touch with Christ. LOVE unfolded peace to the hearts of the sorrow- ing, and opened the eyes of the blind; healed the lepers, and turned darkness into light. Not for self-glory did Christ wield this mighty power of LOVE. His teachings are handed down to us through generations, as the Greatest, most sacred, and yet most practical, ever given to the world. Would it not have been wise to have destroyed the old Mosaic teachings and laws entirely, when our Savior came teaching such wondrous LOVE I Not even holding to these old documents as 1 a matter of History? For do we not even to-day see the error that fills the mind of the over-zealous Bible reader? Those who "believe every word in the Bible ? ' ' It seems incredible that any one can make such a random statement, and if it is so, that they so blindly believe, is it any wonder that in hearing of crime, these same people cry out that the 44' guilty one be punished? Christ only prayed "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Again he teaches "LOVE is the fulfilling of the law." The brightest star in the diadem of the immortals is that LOVE which symbolizes the teachings of Christ ; that which comes straight from the fountain of love within each soul; and when a soul is poised in LOVE, untouched by selfish motives, that soul has the power to speak the words of spirit, and of life to all creation, and as he speaks, so speaks God; and as God speaks, the Universe obeys. Thus man through the power of LOVE, as taught by Jesus Christ, has proven that all power is given unto him in heaven and on earth. Nature is God that loves everything into manifesta- tion. affirmations I am Wisdom, infinite. I am Knowledge, profound. I am Power, unlimited. Health unfailing And Love, all absorbing. I stand in the white light of spirit. 45 A poem strange kept singing in my brain. It stole or crept through matter gray In fascination sweet. It dazzled and it danced And like a child at play It never wearied grew, but sang of love, Prated of Joy and gurgled on in glee, And through this citadel of gray In rhythmic words it jostled me. From morn 'til night I knew no rest. It seemed as yet a formless thing, And still, throughout the hours of sleep, 'Twould thrill and cause my heart to sing Deep songs of Joy; so near my love, So far away unrest, distrust, I'd mount to heavenly realms on wings Of light; but to learn that I must Awakened be, and know it all a dream. That sweet elusive verse was only mine In darkest quiet hours of night when only consciousness Of soul was rife, and not a line Could visibly be writ. Weeks formed in months And months in years, and still my poem sang Of love, of something yet beyond, a depth I could not fathom. How it rang Its bells of sweet unrest within my soul. At last I vaunted forth to conquer, and to meet The world as best I could, and drown 46 This thing, this verse to me so sweet, And yet so vague; and I succeeded quite, For look ye! yonder in the eventide, Behold my verse, the poem rare, My heart 's best Love, my Queen, my Bride. Swing out into the Universal. Forget the trivial ills of the passing hour, and know thy power over them. Is it worth while to warp and shrivel thy beautiful body and throw around thy soul seeming bonds of limitation by allowing thyself to dwell in small and obstructed avenues of thought? Surmount negative conditions that would announce themselves as realities and let thy soul have freedom to give and receive of the mighty and never ceasing supply of Intelligent Harmonious Life. The wheels of the Great Universe never cease activity and one who takes himself out of the harmonious vibra- tions, either by his will or through ignorance of the law, quickly finds himself in untrue lines. Harmonize with that thou dost contact, consciously dwell in peace, unity and wisdom, thus becoming a Uni- versal Soul. Then shall every moment of thy life for eternity prove a blessing to mankind. ; 47 Then Life, Love, Power, will know fullness in and through thee and thou shalt be glorified with the Father's Own Self. You ask "Where have I been?" On yon Elysian hills, from whose sweet heights I view the mountains in the distance farther on, rise as spires and domes, cathe- drals and altars, rare in architectural beauty and enshrined in bounteous divinity and radiance. I walk the enchanted path beneath the towering trees and breathe within my soul my Oneness with all life. I encircle with my arms, in all simplicity and trust, the trunks of grand old trees "aflame with God," and my open soul thereby receives the vital meaning, the interpretation of spiritual vitality; as, consciously, I dwell in the boundless realm of Harmony and Love. 48 aborning The sun breaks over the eastern line, with a soft flood of light, throwing rays of warmth and love into every receptive heart; thrilling into new life and beauty every living thing. The plants, flowers, foliage, verdure of every descrip- tion, awaken in tender and joyous greeting, to bless its shining face. The entire sky lends her entrancing loveliness to assist in the glory of the awakening morn. The birds burst forth in one grand chorus of sweetest melody and praise; the earth throbs into greater ecstasy, and gladly yields herself to the sweet caress and warm kisses of the morning sun. The teardrops of dew which have so refreshed the earth in the stillness of the night, are again absorbed into the great atmosphere of love, only to return with the going down of the sun, to again bathe each blade of grass and expectant blossom. It is the One Life, and gladly the tiny dewdrops give tribute to the glorious monarch of the day; know- ing that as they desire and are needed, so will the great heart of Love gently allow them to return in their errand of mercy, to refresh sweet Mother Earth. Heavenly Mornings! glorified with this radiant sun- burst of Love and Light. The sweetness of the atmos- phere, the glory of the sky, engage our most heartfelt attention. Do we not know a more glorious morning when the sun of Love breaks over the horizon of our 49 consciousness, leaving behind all darkness and gloom, making us to embrace all life with glowing, infinite warmth and love? Shining not alone for One, but for all mankind; all life; every pebble and mountain, flow- ing stream and boundless ocean, tiny shrub and blade of grass, to mighty forest. Fairly merging our own happi- ness into the song of the birds; shining steadily, tenderly, on all alike. Permeating with our great soul warmth every one whom our eyes rest upon, irrespective of per- son, race or kind. Thrilling all into new life, giving new impetus to every opening bud of beauty, assisting the full blown into life, into greater harmony and fragrance, and shedding a soft glow of appreciation on all that are laying off the sere and faded leaves, into a conscious- ness of greater glories that are unfolding before them, and demonstrating to them the great truth of immor- tal Life. Proving the mighty truth of Love manifest in the flesh, by our constant radiation of the sun's rays from our own soul, the great Sun Center, or God Center within, that is a perpetual morning of rare beauty and choice blessings. This sunshine in the soul, this glowing love, absorbs all else and draws all good to itself, radiating broad- cast the Divine Being, which every child of God is. We may let this light shine with such splendor that the clouds, even, may become a grand spectacular display of wondrous beauty, and all will pause and exclaim on their exquisite loveliness, the rare tints and gorgeous linings of golden glory. Thus will the very clouds prove a blessing to. the weary wayfarer, as he meets us in the onward march of time. 50 If there be leaden days and the raindrops fall, still the sun, the soul, is shining within; and after the bap- tism of refreshing shower or even days of rain, our light may burst forth in renewed splendor, bringing forth greater fruits, and stronger growth, with our never- ceasing warmth and love. If we are closed out of some lives, by their own cloud-brooding consciousness, then stand ready to shine in the moment they lift the veil, and great shall be their growth and soul awakening. For none can withstand the great, gleaming, penetrating light and love of an ever radiant sunburst of Truth, centered in God, and a veritable Sun of God. This is manifesting Love in the flesh, as did Jesus. This is shining every moment, whenever and wherever any one will enter our presence, or allow the morning of our presence to dawn upon their receptive vision. 51 igutterflp I love you, darling butterfly, In your dress of black and gold. Drift closer, please, your are so shy; I'd dearly love to hold You in my hand. I promise, sweet, your tiny feet Shall rest at your own will Upon my finger. I entreat That I may sense the thrill Of your bright beauty In my hand. Who painted you such gorgeous tints, Are they of heaven? these shining glints Of color that so shimmer as you, go From flower to flower, now fast, now slow, E'er fluttering, fluffing, like a sprite? Happy all day. In the still of the night Besting at will in the heart of a flower. Ne'er counting time, but hour by hour Gathering in color rich tints from the sun. Come! Best on my hand, You pretty one. I'll not spoil your powder of black and gold, That gives you glory so rare to behold. I'll not bruise your wings, or your feet, sweet one. I simply will love you, from sun to sun, If you will but rest On my hand, sweet one. Oppressed, Sayst Thou? Not so, great soul. Thou art thrice blessed in Truth, in Love, in Power. Be- lievest thou in error 's way? That there is error to overthrow thee? Then awaken greater knowledge of thine own soul's power, and know thou those that teach thee error hath power, do still themselves in bonds of slavery struggle. They are but still striving to free their own untutored souls from chains of doubt and fear forged by their own mad fancies. Error is not a part of God, nor hath it any power save that thine own soul giveth it in some sad hour of thine own wavering mind. Neither is there any mind so fraught with power when functioning not in the Uni- versal Harmony as to touch thine own pure soul. Arise to nobler thoughts and grander deeds, than dwelling on the untruths thou dost conjure in thine own un-enlightened mind. Break thou the bonds of pharisa- ical pride, and stand Thou alone with thy GOD, until thou canst say " Verily, I fear Naught. " On Mountain top, in woodland glen, in dancing waters, in shining stars, in souls unfolding 'neath thy word of Truth, in melodies entrancing, and in sunlight's gleam, let thou thy soul abide. The Master hath said "If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask whatsoever ye will, and it shall be done unto you" as you desire. 53 Then quibble not over the isms and creeds and shadows of that which darkens thy horizon. Is not one gleam from out the radiance of the ORE AT SUN CENTER, GOD, within thy soul, more to thee than vol- Timns of that which is but a reiteration of what another hath said? Know ye not that UNTO YOU A CHRIST IS BORN? Know ye not that the POWER OF GOD is GIVEN UNTO YOU, to stand forth a center of Divine Intelligence? Thy soul rebels at being bound and fet- tered like a galley-slave and cries aloud for "freedom!" And wouldst thou strangle the cries of the Christ-child within thee? Wonderful power hath been given thee, but not to be seen and heard of men, rather to do the works of him that sent thee. Be thou free in the universe of Harmonious Law, to do its bidding. The Christ within thee will never bow the knee to creeds and dogmas, to rules and despot- ism. THINE OWN TRUE SELF DEMANDS A FEAR- LESS RECOGNITION. Bow not to lesser powers than the MOST HIGH. Thou art GOD MANIFEST, then do thou the God- like work. Take up thy word of truth, and fearlessly "Follow thou me, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light "; so saith our great Teacher, the Master Mind of the Universe. 54 There is nothing but that Life vibrates through it in holy calm. The DIVINE seeks expression. It must and will find recognition. No matter how relentlessly man may keep smothering the Harmonious Law of his being, it is a useless task, as time will prove. Look a,t the seem- ingly most hardened of God's creation, how they melt and mingle almost unconsciously in the purity and sweetness of Nature, if given a day of Freedom from their pent-up dens of infamy, alone with the beauties of Nature, with song-birds and fragrant flowers, the sweet wind playing an accompaniment of Peace in the soft rustling leaves of the trees, which to them tells its own glad song of welcome. Note how the hungry eye scans the winsome bits of scenery the distant grandeur of the mountains raising their heads of smoked pearl from their depths of bluish haze; the valleys in their rare beauty, the cool touches of green, and dainty coloring of field and flowers. Can you not see in the eager eye that sweeps the quiet lake, the longing for its pure reflection in their own souls? There are none so lost but that the DIVINE is ALL of them, the only lasting, the only real presence. Darkness can not linger when once the soul catches a sweet and refreshing glimpse of the DIVINE within. An earnest desire for freedom, a cry "I am a-weary of the un-true!" is the herald of the true self claiming its own. 55 The Divine, knowing no error, never reproaches; is of too pure eyes to look into the shadowy past, looks not to the future, but divulges the glory and fullness of the Eternal Now. It is not lectures and reproaches, neither schools or money that is needed to bring out the God innate in every soul. It is rather the giving to each and every one an opportunity to behold tolerance and love, and God attributes in those who do know of the Divine Indwelling. Throwing open to their hungering souls the door to Nature's heart, as also the door to our own love, that they may behold the Father's face, that they may see in the eyes of the awakened ones, appreciation of the Divine that is longing for expression in their souls. Allowing them to think freely, without feeling them- selves under condemnation and censure of those more progressed in the knowledge of the Truth. I can bathe in the fullness of the Good, if I will. I can live in it, if I will. I can drink from the fountain of Joy, if I will. I can be a magnet that draws only good, if I will. I can uplift mankind, if I will. I can so link myself in ONENESS with the Father, that His will can be mine, and the "I will" snow forth as the Father's will. 56 The activities of God are ever pressing on to more righteous fulfillment. Love is the crowning glory of the soul. In it, the soul expanding, enters the unfathomable depths of God- Consciousness, and knows of a truth the power that overcometh all. 57 <9oD Speaking in span Dear longing heart, if thou wouldst know The words of Truth which from, me flow To meet the need thy soul doth feel, Lend me thine ear; and gently kneel Before the shrine of Life Divine, Breathing sweet incense from the lines That fall full fast from lips of Love To lift thee to that realm above. I am thy Life. Thou art Divine. Then waver not. My love is thine. As sweet flowers bloom in Edenland, So Life and Love weave in a strand The power and peace that flood thy soul In Omnipresence. One, the whole. While, blossoming beneath thy feet, Are dainty flowers, white and sweet. The dear Christ presence opes the gate, And Love is Queen. There is no fate That holds thee from expressing all Thy great soul cravest. I hear thy call ; And ever in the silence dear I touch in notes divinely clear Thy inmost Being, and thou knowest The harmony of the Heavenly Host. 58 I give my angels fair, to thee, To ope Life's grand Eternity. To bathe thee in the Power Divine That thou mayest do this will of mine. That thou mayst free thine own pure soul And grasp the universal whole. That thou mayst soar on wings of Love And to the world may ably prove Thy Oneness with Infinity; Thy knowledge of Eternity. Thy power to speak the word that frees The erring ones on land, on seas, To bring them to the Truth Divine. The living in this Will of mine. I am the Power, the Life, the Way. Thou art in Me. Then, never stray In paths of doubt, obscure, untrue. Cast out the old. Let in the new. Breathe in the Omnipresence sweet. Thou art redeemed. Stand on thy feet. While through thy Being thus I bring The freedom that a soul doth sing, As bounding forth on wings of Love, It merges into realms above. And looking out, it views the Whole As One Grand Presence, One Great Soul; One boundless Vast, Infinity, Embracing all Eternity. Under the grand old pines at Shasta Springs, in the fall of Nineteen Hundred and Five, my husband, a dear friend and myself, while enjoying the silence of this lovely spot one bright afternoon, received word for word the following message from my brother C , who passed into the spirit world some years since. This message came in answer to questions we were discuss- ing. He said " Soul to soul, linked together by the breath of the Master, traveling in the space of Eternity, drinking in the spiritual revelation of the Father, glid- ing into Greater Life. We must walk step by step in the precepts of the Father; then shall we join the hands of love, going on, forever and ever, into the brightness and glory of the SUPREME ONE. "I am with you waiting, waiting. All else save soul-communion and living the Christ-life is as nothing. The past is nothing. I am ever near, and although it is not given me to speak at all times, I watch and wait. "This is a beautiful spot, favorable to the children of God; yet how many look out upon its rare beauties and fail to understand. How blessed it is that You compre- hend the wonders of His hand-i-work. All thoughts go into the Eternal. Nothing is lost. The higher your soul ascends, the more Christ-like the messages you receive. The purer the thought, the greater the gift. "Look up, dear ones. One of your number, A , is a great soul. His wisdom is of the Father. He was the God-given son. 60 'A beautiful spot, favorable to the children of God." "When we seek such beautiful places as this for soul communion, there is a fuller spirituality. We are nearer God, the Father, the Fountain-head of Life. Oh, to drink therefrom is beautiful, glorious beyond the conception of earth. "When the Little One comes (meaning my friend who was with me) the doors will be thrown wide open into the visions of Christ. We are waiting, waiting to touch the Spirit hand. Ever do we call her higher and higher. Come into the Christ Consciousness. Live, breathe, drink, spring into the highest. You will see wonderful manifestations of the Divine on earth. One, meaning my friend, is a little nearer the shore. She has always been a developed soul, although no5 " JFatfier It is wonderful how our lives round out to the per- fect in all things when we perceive the ALLNESS of INFINITE LOVE, And our existence in that Love. A realization of Peace and Happiness before unknown, opens up to us as we advance in the understanding of this Creative Principle of Love which is Universal. It gives us beautiful and realistic views of the power and dominion we may attain to, and urges us to " arise and let our light shine " that others may be enabled to come into their rightful heirship. It is not hard to close our minds against old beliefs in a "God of vengeance" and accept the God of Love, for in accepting this belief which we should do through the understanding of the Principle as an eternally exist- ing presence, it is impossible to have aught within save the consciousness of the " Kingdom of God and His right- eousness. ' ' "To love God supremely, and our neighbor as our- selves " is to be able to say with the blessed Master, when seeming persecutions arise "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do," continually insisting that we look upon our would-be persecutors with love and an earnest desire to lift them into their rightful inheritance. This is Love, that which will mellow and dissolve all hardness and bitterness of those who live in non-recog- nition of the Good. It will draw mankind to their true and only Source. The Great Heart that throbs throughout the universal whole is LOVE. A Love that knows neither hatred, mal- ice, wrong or envy. Its whisperings are constantly "Father, forgive them. They know not what they do." It breathes only of good in all things speaks only of progression, of an advance into> the more glorious under- standing of the Divine. This understanding causes us to look through eyes of Love, beyond a select circle of friends whom it is easy to love, on all o>ur fellowmen, makes us long to give to every hungering soul the knowl- edge we have of spiritual law that overcomes all claims of sin, sickness and death, "the last enemy to be over- come." Christ came to teach us power and dominion over ignorance and ill, of our rightful heritage to Peace, Joy, Happiness, Plenty, Harmony and Love. The under- standing of which gives us the power to live in the full- ness of the Universal Plenty, in perfect Health and Har- mony, in Heaven, Here and Now. Our lives will round out to the circle of God's ALL- NESS in the knowledge of this Truth. We must give forth Love, and we shall receive of Love. Give happi- ness, and we shall be Happy. Accept of our God-given dominion and power, and pour forth thoughts of love and health and we will realize health for ourselves. Ask not wisdom 'of Man, but of GOD, and "Ask, believing that ye have received. ' ' When unjustly accused, softly breathe from a soul of Love "Father, forgive." And Love will be to us as a sweet enveloping thought in which we shall abide with Christ in God, resting in his Pure Love. 67 Under any and all circumstances, let us accept that which belongs to our spiritual estate. In the words of Emerson, "Let us take our bloated nothingness out of the path of the Divine Circuit. Let us unlearn the wis- dom of the world. Let us, lie low in the Lord's Power and learn that Truth alone makes rich and great. ' ' Let Love nourish us and un-lock new magazines of Power, of understanding that Love is Omnipresent. Re- fusing to deny its existence because manifesting unto others in different forms from that which appeals to us. Any who heal in Christ's name, in the name of Love, are of a truth working in ONENESS with the Great Prin- ciple of Love. Let us open our spiritual eyes and behold Love, in the peaceful beauty of all Creation. 3n tfie jforest 1 love the trunk of that darling old tree. To be sure its defects are plain to see. It is rough and bruised, bearing the mark Of carvings of years upon its bark. But, somehow, it wears in a Kingly way, Such a wealth of green, in graceful sway In the soft summer winds, all aglint with the sun. So tenderly shelters its birds, one by one, As they cosily nest in its great arms so true, And carol their love to high heaven's blue. They weave sweetest melodies in their wee home, Teach the dear nestlings to try all alone The power of their wings, in branches of green Of this King of the forest, that really seems So royally proud to be anchored in sod Of old Mother Earth; arms extending to God. Ever proud to remember the sweet long ago When, 'neath its branches, soft whispering low Lovers strayed, e'en as now. Their secrets all true, This dear old tree garnered. Full well he knew The happiest moments of summering love Are all too soon vanished. How grandly he proves Though battered and worn, he still feels no pain, But stands calm and serene through sunshine and rain. And silently, proudly, absorbs from the Good, Such deific power, that it is food 69 For rhythm of love, as I clasp in my arms Its rugged old trunk; knowing no harm Can touch me while lingering near Such a grand old defender. Ah! close to my ear A voice from the silence! How the wind breathes Through the soft, gently swaying, branches and leaves; As plainly I hear these words whispered low, "Dear heart, come up higher; How well thou dost know." My soul melts into the Great Oversold, into the Heart of the Infinite; "I am one with the Father." On this basis, I meet and commune with the illumined, both in the seen and the unseen. On this ground I have all Wis- dom, and behold all things in perfection; hearing all glo- rious Truths, and am, consciously, one with the Eternal Beauty, Harmony, and Peace, of the Universe. 70 3nto tfte JLigftt of Spirit The many wonderful, and what some would call miraculous demonstrations, which are taking place daily and hourly among the advanced thinkers and workers along metaphysical and higher thought lines of to-day, prove without cavil or doubt the efficacy of the Truth, as taught by Jesus Christ. It certainly applies now to any and all conditions, as it did in the days when He walked the earth among the children of men. Jesus always worked in the light of the Spirit, never recognizing any other presence, never acknowledging darkness and ignorance as having any power whatever. His promise was: "The things I do, ye may do also, and even greater. " But how! "If ye abide in me/' in the Christ, the Truth Consciousness. In this abiding state, I find there is a dawning within my soul that far transcends the brightest sunrise that ever broke on Mountain top and emerald green of Mother Earth. The grand illumination of sky, refreshing odor of field and flowers, mingled with the cool invigorating breeze, the melody of bird-notes, as they burst forth in glad song of praise, on some rare morning in June, is as faintest odor of fragrant flowers in comparison with the greater, more sublimely grand, dawn of heaven within my inmost being. The earth seems taken up into a different atmosphere; the inhabitants thereof, whether of a high or low state of unfoldment, show forth to my earnest seek- ing, only the Divine. 71 The untrue, the false of each and every one, is as vapory mist, which one ray of love-light from the God center within any soul, knowing its ONENESS with the Infinite, may instantly dispel. The mountains of crime and ignorance disappear, as written above them in flam- ing words of love, I behold "Father, forgive them. They know not what they do. ' ' All sickness, sorrow and belief in death vanish, as in tenderness and faith, I read in the clear sky of this beautiful dawn, "It is the spirit that quickeneth. The flesh profiteth nothing; the words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit and they are Life. ' 9 Again "I come that ye might have life, and have it more abundantly." All envy, hatred and jealousy melt away and lo all humanity. Let me know the great "I AM", so perfectly from within, that what I realize of Wisdom, Light and Truth within my own consciousness, I can as clearly and as cleanly realize for others who stand beside me in the pathway of life. Let the realization of the oneness of all life be of such clear concept that I may, by my very presence, prove a blessing to all that breathe the breath of life. The Christ within who is the very essence of humility and tenderness, breathes over all an atmos- 108 phere of love, and through all, the life-giving knowledge of ONENESS with the Father. Not for Himself and dis- ciples alone, but for all; high and low, rich and poor, bond and free. The knowledge of God indwelling, the Great I AM, the true self, knows no high and low, no rich and poor, no bond and free; knows only the great power of Itself, equally omnipresent. Knows full well the kingdom of untold wealth, latent within each and every heart, only awaiting recognition. Patiently awaiting the return of the Prodigal son to his Father's home. Never censuring or condemning, but holding ever in rich contemplation the great truth "I am that I am, and there is none other beside me." Knowing that as a child outgrows its toys, just so surely each and every soul will mount to the knowledge of its own supremacy, and just so surely find the Christ within, that whispers softly to its fellowman, "I am not more holy than thou." The play of the sunlight on the leaves, Is something beyond compare. As they softly sway and dance in the breeze And glint in the perfumed air. 109 My life is like a placid lake, infinite in depths, as soundless as God. Far up in the mountain-heights of Christ Consciousness, abides this blessed and limitless reservoir of Divine Purity; my life, your life. Unruffled by aught save the blossoms and gleaming leaves that fall gently on its peaceful bosom, as if in sweetest caress, or the flutterings of bright bird-wings, as the cheery songsters dip in its shimmering waters of love. So still its limpid waters, thereon is reflected the mountain peaks and domes, at whose feet, contentedly it rests, reflecting within its fathomless depths, the wondrous beauties of the Highest; e'en to the blue vaults above, whose spark- ling jewels mirror their scintillating lights within its bosom. All life in its serenity, calmness, power and goo'd, All majestic grandeur of forest and sky, reflect their in- finite loveliness in this peaceful mirror, My life, the One Life. This still and peaceful water, deeply and forever transparent, hath from within its depths an outlet that leads into all the waters of life, mingling and comming- ling, until the vast Universe of God, boundless and eter- nal, is but the giving and receiving of Being, which is Life, the MOST HIGH; which is ALL OF GOD. no a 9@e00age of Lotoe In the silence with the beautiful thought, " Peace, be still, ' ' held firmly in my mind, all around me unfolded into a purely spiritual condition. Fleecy clouds floated before me. Heavenly scenes were pictured in their bil- lowy depths. The perfume of roses filled the atmosphere; and soft tones of distant music stole in upon my con- sciousness. Gradually the clouds parted, and there appeared in this opening a beautiful hand; thereon lay a Bible, opened as one could plainly see, to the New Testament. As if in answer to the inquiry what the chapter might be, an audible voice sweetly said, ' * The Sermon on the Mount." Like a flash, before my eyes, appeared the face of my sainted Mother; and as instantly vanished. "Peace, be still," always her favorite words in hours of seeming ill, when manifesting on earth, had called us both into the same thought realm, or vibration, and in her heart-felt longing to lead me nearer the Christ teach- ings, she took this means of citing me anew to this blessed message of the Master. If I am dependent upon others for appreciation of great truths, that being unfolded in my mind, I put forth, then am I indeed miserable. If, on the other hand, I am 111 so conscious of these mighty truths within my own soul that I am, as Emerson says, ' ' Pledged by it to sweetness of Peace," then indeed have I proved my oneness with the Great Oversoul, which nourishes me eternally, open- ing up to me the Joy of the Kingdom of Harmony In- dwelling. When you affirm "I am tired. I am weak," you in- vite all the negative and untrue seeming forces abroad in the land to make a citadel within you. But when you proclaim the mighty Truth, "The Lord is in His Holy Temple. Let all the earth keep silence," you link your- self to the Infinite Force of the Universe, in all calmness, strength, peace and wisdom, and naught can molest you. The children of earth are their own creators of evil, unrest and failure. If you will by word of mouth and meditation of heart consciously claim your oneness with the All Good, and abide therein, you will in perfect peace possess your soul, stand at one with your own true self, your God, and ever shall you dwell in the green pastures, and bathe in the still waters of Life Eternal. 112 T5t Still Struggle thou not with wind and tide, But calmly trust God's will Knowing where e'er thou art, he guides. Christ whispers " Peace be still." "Be still and know that I am God" So speaks the Mighty One That rules the Universe in love, That claims thee as his own. He crowns thee "King," "Beloved son;' Truth's vast domain is thine. For thee are blessings full and free ; Thou art filled with light divine. God leadeth thee in pleasant ways, Bathes thee in floods of peace; Maketh for thee the earth to bloom; From ills, doth thee release. E'en lights thy pathway to the sky That overspreads each day; Gives thee the secrets of his life, Strews flowers on thy way. And what hast thou to do for this You ask? So let it be. 113 Do unto others as thou wouldst That they should do to thee. Love Good Supreme: and all mankind; And from within unfold The richer, greater, God-made man Each day; and ne'er withhold The wealth of wisdom given thee, But let thy jewels shine; Sending their gleaming rays of light Through every land and clime. 114 a Realisation You are a sweet-toned, divinely attuned instrument, adjusted to the harmonies of heaven whose breezes softly play throughout your being, giving forth the most melodious strains of music. Harmonies of Peace and Divine Love radiate eternally in the heavenly ether that enfolds you, vibrating in sweetest cadences. Each note of truth and love gathering power to entrance as it reverberates throughout the endless aeons of eternity. You breathe out over mankind that which vitalizes with newness of purpose and perfection of life and health. You are linked in the endless chain of love, of which Christ is the power. Activity of the soul: deep, aye sweet unrest; Wis- dom the incentive, Love the tribunal, Heaven the goal; Here and Now the place and time. Sweet Mother: As the curtains of night fall around me, and the calm of a soul at rest in the Most High sweeps over me, my heart reaches out in heaven's best love to you. Only the Infinite can fathom the height and depth of a Mother's love. 115 3fe0ii0 Cj)ri0t As you gaze with adoration into the depths of the infinite beauty and sweetness of a freshly plucked rose, and inhale its delicious fragrance, your heart welling with love for this beautiful blossom, you are uncon- sciously to yourself, perhaps giving out equally to every flower of its kind, and to the entire family of bloom, the same adoration, love and appreciation, thereby giving each an individual touch from your soul. Thus you can see how Jesus Christ is universal, how his personal love and attention to the least of God's chil- dren, is not for that one alone, but is a personal bene- diction, a baptism of love and truth to every soul in the Universe who is open to receive these blessings. So may the universe of souls receive at the same moment if they but will, the Christ message of love. The spirit of Love is universal. So Jesus himself is universal, and may speak to millions of souls at the same moment. This consideration of the all loving pres- ence of the Master makes it easy of comprehension to the most simple minded, some of whom can not fathom the universality of Jesus Christ. There are no yesterdays, and no to-morrow, Neither are there of griefs thy soul can borrow. 116 Thy God is all there is; Transcendent Holiness! He crowneth all thy days in dreams of bliss. The everlasting now is thy abundant measure Of verities eternal. Canst thou not count thy treasure As far beyond the greatest sweep of intellect? And awaken in the heart of God! There, let thy soul reflect! Breast thou the wave of discontent. Kide bravely over the breakers and command thou the tumultuous undercurrent of thought, and be thou Master. Whether to laugh and be glad, Or cry and be sad, Is the question my soul longs to know. For the song of the pines, In the soft rustling winds, In both strains, through my being doth flow. The Temple is the soul; the lights in the temple are the thoughts. The radiation from these lights is the carrying of the Christ message into all the world. 117 The God within biddeth me to stand erect, as master of the whole, biddeth me to look aloft with eyes of Faith, born of knowledge, and thus behold that first of all, and last of all, LOVE is the radiant One that must needs rule the boundless Universe; for GOD is LOVE and LOVE is GOD. Linger thou in winding paths of light, subdued in tones, where softest tints mingle in love, and listen closely for the words of wisdom and purity that shall surely fall on thine inner ear. Being, is being individualized in God. 118 OOlmt 10 Ctmt to Cfieef The sweeping of a room, The dust o'er all you see, Windows blurred with spot and speck, What is all that to thee, Dear Heart, It meaneth naught to thee. Is it worth a groan, a sigh? Doth it grieve thy soul that's free, To behold these trivial ills? What is all this to thee, Dear Heart, Life holdeth much for thee. Gently put it all aside. Do what e'er you can, and flee The ills and strife, the fears of life. Let such things not claim thee. Dear Heart, Cast error far from thee. Fear is untrue, unworthy one So grand, of such infinity. Let go thy hold on earthly cares, And only goodness see, Dear Heart, This more becometh thee. 119 The dust and soil of earthly life Look through. Let Love, the key, Unlock the greater realms within; Christ saith "Follow thou me," Dear Heart, "Arise and follow me." So great is life, so grand is truth, E'er sweeping on invisibly This mighty current of God-love It full enfoldeth thee, Dear Heart, It full enfoldeth thee. The precious jewel that thou art Is more than pearl of Sea; It is as if a diamond pure Flashed out from God to thee, Dear Heart, And streamed its light through thee, To bless the race of weary ones So longing to be free; Hungering for knowledge, great and deep. They may be fed through thee, Dear Heart, They may receive through thee. Open thine eyes. Take clearer view Of Heavenly things that be. Let thou God's sunshine flood thy soul 120 Be noble, fearless, free, Dear Heart, Be joyous, loving, free. Drink in the beauty of each day. Place naught twixt God and thee. Ope wide the portals of thy soul, And Christ will sup with thee, Dear Heart, Yes, he will sup with thee. There's glowing love in every ray Of sunshine, sent in memory Of Him who blesses longing hearts, Fills them with light and ecstasy, Dear Heart, What Christ is, thou mayst be. The thrilling song of happy bird That lightly flits from tree to tree, Is joy, the essence all divine, That bubbles forth in thee, Dear Heart, That glows and beams in thee. Then smile away the dust and care That seems to cling to thee, And rise above on wings of light The Father lifteth thee, Dear Heart, To realms thou longest to see. 121 Emerge from the darkness and tangle of material things and assert thine authority; speaking into mani- festation that which abideth eternally and changelessly in the realm of the Most High. Let thy struggling cease, thou child of spirit. Unlimited art thou in thy expres- sion of Deity "Follow thou me." 122 "The Father is of too pure eyes to behold iniquity. " The Infinite is so pure, so absolutely perfect, that it is an impossibility for this all-pervading Mind, this great Universal Force, this unlimited Love Presence, to have the slightest conception of anything outside the Divine, which It is. Could we but realize this great truth, this knowledge of the ALLNESS of GOOD, we should be able to heal the nations of the earth of all disease. Could we but look with the eyes of the Universal Intelligence, we would never behold an imperfection in any of God's creation; never in our fellowmen, see aught save the divine, within and without. Thou that knowest thyself one with the Infinite, how glorious is thy peace, how radiant thy presence, how calm and poised in unchanging bliss. Unmoved art thou by aught that chances in thy way, untouched by any mind, save the Divine. The activities of God are ever pressing on to right- eous fulfillment. 123 THE UNIVERSITY] OF Desire anstoereD Let me stand on the mountain top of thy glory, 0, Love Divine! Bathed ever in the ineffable sweetness of the Christ presence. Infinite Spirit of Truth, I do desire to see into the great Spirit World of Light ; to walk the halls of Wisdom, and commune with the great minds. I desire to dwell consciously in the Christ presence. "You will"; was breathed upon my lips. Immediately I beheld an orchard of leafless trees. The ground was thoroughly mulched, and covered deep with bright yel- low straw. I said aloud, "This is symbolical of the preparation of the mind for the harvest time; the prep- aration of the soil, the enriching thereof, that the spring and summer may bring forth an abundant harvest of fruit. "Yes," was whispered distinctly in my ear, and the vision passed. Good thoughts are sweetest perfumes flowing through the soul. Early in the morning of March 15th, Nineteen Hun- dred and Six, before I had arisen for the day, distinctly 124 I heard the words " Great and Mighty Truths, falling from thy pen like crystal drops of dew, shall refresh the earth consciousness." EROS, great and powerful, strong as the mountain- tops, sweet as the zephyrs of Heaven, folded in the loving embrace of All that is Universal. 125 JLotoe Co IS As graceful as the swaying trees, Gentle as the singing breeze; As sparkling as the sunbeam's glance, Eefreshing, rippling as the dance Of mountain stream, as down the glens Its silvery, thread-like way it wends. Entranced, I gaze into thine eyes; As blue are they as azure skies. Thy lips like dewy blossoms sweet, Tempt me to revel at thy feet, In adoration of the One Encircling all. From sun to sun, My soul doth rise To view God's glory in thine eyes. Thy hands are like the blossoms white; Which, touching, mine thrill with delight. Thy breath is fragrance of the rose. Thy brow as pure as falling snows. Thy hair in sunny waves of gold Shines in my heart,' and casts the mould In which my life doth sweetly flow. Thy honied words and voice so low Bright angels win, and earth souls cheer. Thou art the link that draws them near 126 The Christ, that fills each heart with Joy. Thou art the gem without alloy. Thou art the sunshine and the sun; The radiant, Universal One. Yea, e'en the night, and e'en the day; To me, the Great Eternal Way. Thou art the power from above. Thou art my God, for thou art Love. 127 "The words that I speak unto you, I speak not of myself, but the Father that dwelleth in me, He doeth the works." And He it is that I am, and because "I am, that I am," and the Father is, that I am, there is none other beside me. Hence, I am Wisdom, Power, Love, Peace, and Happiness ; and all the sweetness and splendor of the Kingdom of Heaven is within me, for the FATHER AND I ARE ONE. Revelations! Thou callest evermore for revelations. Thy hungering soul is ever reaching out in wild unrest to know the ALL. Thou climbest to the Mountain Heights, and on, beyond, thy spirit beckons thee, "Make Haste!" Thy eager soul is fed from eyes far-reaching and ever-searching. Sweeping the God-painted horizon, thou beholdest Mountain peaks from each of which when thou hast reached the summit, the scene doth change, causing thee to scan the Why and Wherefore of God's handiwork, from still another point of view; while grand old pines stand out in bold relief, as sentinels of God, and signal thee to heights yet towering from above, and from which thou mayst scan the ALL. From where thou standest now, the fleecy clouds do mingle with the mountain tops 128 and scarce canst thou tell where earth begins, or summer clouds do cease to be; the lights and shadows blend so softly. Sweeping far down to the gorge that lies beneath thy feet, thou dost behold the inky blackness of the depths, and yet, thou fearest not to mount to greater pinnacles of height. Thou wouldst look not down, but ever soaring upward art thou, like unto the eagle in his flight. And it is well. Turn only thy gaze downward when thou dost hear a call for help, and straightway do God's bidding; then with stronger pinions, wing thy way onward and upward unto eternities boundless heights. Ever shall thy soul take on more strength of action, be more sweeping in its Universal Power. For he who ever clamors for the highest, he who desireth without ceasing, is sure to dwell within the realm of Infinite Per- fection. Know thou this mighty truth, the impelling evolution from the lower to the higher is resistless and eternal in its Onward trend. 129 Co $ m Thousands of souls have drank at the fount Of thy wondrous waters of love; Have basked in the sunshine, and dwelt on the mount, That thy selfless giving hath proved. Thou art ever lifting the burden of man, Pushing back the dark curtain of grief; Ever aiding and cheering, unfolding God's plan, And giving his children relief. 0, infinite soul of love that thou art! Canst thou measure eternity's store Of blessings now welling from out the Christ's heart, That shall flow for thee, evermore? Couldst thou count thy treasures as stars in the dome That sparkle the blue vault above, Still, numberless more were set for thy crown . As children of thy works of great love. Eternity ever shall sing its glad song And praise thee for sweeping aside The phantom of death that hangs over earth's throng; Thou bright one, by love glorified! Thy wealth is more than streets of gold, Than priceless gems and power of earth. Thy tender heart, thy Christed soul, Hath found in God its right of birth. 130 Dost wander thou in earth 's seductive glow, O, soul of man, Where lurk the cold gray mists of ignorance and ill? Heralding the glad tidings of thy conquering Power, I come to beckon thee to calling heights, Most gracious in their love. Sweet Nature smiles unceasing here, And revels ever in sunbeams that follow Each the other in a song of Joy; Mantling the peaks in gleaming gold, the light of which Doth bid thee rise to view the glories That may eternal mirror in thy soul. 131 Cfte passing of About half an hour previous to my brother's awakening in the spirit world, as I was realizing peace for the sorrowing wife, soothing her to rest for a few moments, after her days and nights of watchfulness and anxiety, I saw distinctly the boundless waters of old ocean, and like a flock of birds, came a multitude of tiny white-winged sail boats, and lighted thereon. Like so many guardian angels they seemed, coming to wel- come our loved one home, to bear him into the bright beyond. I held to the realization of peace for the house- hold; and freedom, and the Kingdom of God indwelling, for my loved brother. The summons came for the last farewell. The struggle was soon over, and another great soul was launched in the freedom of Infinite Love. Some two hours or more thereafter, while watching with the sorrowing ones and gazing out into the starlit night, I was shown a most wonderful display of beauti- ful white flowers of mammoth size, set in a background of smilax, such flowers as are not seen save in the spirit realm. Across this bank of snowy whiteness, came floating a wreath of white and purple, pansies, set in maiden-hair fern, and rose-geranium leaves. Instantly I knew it was the emblematic offering of purity, power, sweetness and mother love to him, who on earth was to her most near and dear. 132 Through the lone hours that seemed doubly sacred now, I still watched and waited, widely awake, and pondering on the Life I knew to be eternal. Near day- break the eastern star shone with such resplendent glory and brightness, it entranced me. I gazed long and fixedly at it. Finally three stars took its place in the heavens. "The Trinity !" I exclaimed. They passed, and behold! five brilliant stars, with more and smaller ones above them. Sufficient to complete the formation of a crown appeared. ' ' For you, loved brother, ' ' I said ; and the vision vanished. 133 Cfte Soul I sweep the earth from zone to zone, Heaven's blue, from star to star; The spirit realm from whence doth spring All things that really are. My chariot rests upon the wings Of Love's immortal flame Whose glories untold myriads sing In most bewildering strains. The reigns I hold are thoughts of Truth, And thoughts of Love Divine; Beaching beyond the ken of youth. I AM THAT which knows no time. 134 3mong tfte I am bathed in the Infinite Splendor of Thy Pres- ence, Great Soul of Harmony, as I rest in the hush of the Heights of Thy Consciousness to which thou hast bidden me ' * Come. ' ' I hear thy voice in the song of the pines, an endless undertone of music, a silence so divinely sweet and rapt in melody that here apart from all the world, I consciously dwell with THEE in soulful Com- munion. If thou couldst dwell upon the heights eternal, my soul, And never sweep the lowlands, and the deserts drear, Thou'dst never know the Joys supernal of thy King; The Power thy soul hath won in overcoming fear. 135 I am almighty power within myself, None other do I need. I am the Part. I am the Whole. The ALL my soul doth feed. Thou mighty monitor within, Awake thy joyful lays. I am! I am! sound far and wide The Great Creator's praise. Until from Heaven's heights sublime, Thou beckonest all to see The Spirit, Life, the Love Divine, That is centered now in thee. The song-bird's sweetest notes ring out From depths within thy soul; Soft twittering, trilling, then a shout Of victory, as of old When warriors deemed the battle won, And right had triumphed over wrong. 136 Knuocation Infinite Intelligence of Christ! Help me to under- stand fully the true import of thy Power, thy Presence, that I may instill it in the consciousness of mankind. That I may be instrumental in the annihilation of inhar- mony, ignorance, disaster and crime that seems to be so flooding the human race. Help me to become conscious of thy Power within to that degree that my entire being may be cognizant of the Absolute Truth. Let thy word of Harmony, thy power of Love dwell with me Eternally. Thou who art the inmost center of all, help me to open every avenue of my being to thee, that my counten- ance may show forth thy radiance; that I may know In- telligent Creative Love is moulding and building every cell of my body with a lasting presence of Peace, Health, and Grace. And as I behold Thee indwelling, so let others look upon me; and so let me behold all thy children. I can be, I desire to be, I am, a living center of Di- vine Love. I arise within myself and grasp my Oneness with thee, Great Spirit of Truth. I bless Thee in and through all. I see and hear only Thee. I love Thee supremely and all life as my own. The air I breathe is filled with love so deep and penetrating that only good can manifest. 137 Let now the deep tranquility that thou art, manifest within my soul. Let my whole being sing "Peace." Thou art Joy, Health, Power. Thou art my True Self, the only Being that I ain, that which is glorified in the Father. 138 Did you never stoop to gather a flower, when a something from within that seemed like an overwhelm- ing tide of love swept through your entire consciousness, and your whole heart went out like a mighty current of water, breaking loose from its pent-up walls, and all in love for this tiny blossom, as its sweet face was raised to yours! Did you never query at such a moment, "Am I bringing you pain, my sweet flower?" Did you not feel the great heart-throb of God within, as you caressingly held it in your hands, and pressed it slyly to your lips that you might not be seen of men ? And after enjoying its fragrance, its sweetness, have you not, O, so often, close pressed its faded beauty in your hands, and felt a touch, yes, a real pang of sorrow as you thrust it from you, casting it aside for fresher and brighter blossoms? This is the genuine Love, that is calling you to rec- ognize the Oneness of All Life. No wonder it costs you such a pang of regret; for the love given to you from the tender blossom was its sweetest fragrance; its rarest beauty, all enveloped in the One Great Life which is but a part of your very own. 139 Not striving to love, but loving. Not striving to live, but living. Not striving to be, but being; this is the Christ teaching. Eros says: "Time is measured by holy acts. If at times threatening clouds float across the hori- zon of your life, heed them not, unless perchance you glimpse the gold and silver linings, but let Love, the Motive Power, guide you into paths of Harmony. Clouds will quickly disappear in the sunshine of Love. 140 C6e Citg I lingered on the boulevard of an ancient city, allow- ing myself to be attracted hither and thither by what- soever appealed to me in way of diversion. I haunted the Art Galleries, towers and chapels; went into the busy marts, touched with the Merchant, the street- vender, the rich and poor. Sought the outskirts of the City. Stood on the stairway of a grand old castle that in times past, was; but now lay in abject ruins. The beautiful grounds a lonely tangle of vines and shrubs. The fallen walls were covered with ivy and other creep- ing vines. Standing amid the picturesque ruins which so filled my mind with a strange blending of joy and sorrow, I stretched out my hands in the soft sunlight, and casting my eyes upward, invoked the Great Oversoul: " Canst thou not lead me into a city of thine own building, one not touched by the hand of man? Is there no greater life than this ceaseless turmoil, this mixture of the beautiful and the repulsive, the good and evil? Wilt thou not lift the veil that I may revel in thy never-ceasing splendor? The sunshine lessened. The distant sounds of the city subsided. The atmosphere grew soft and odorous as at the eventide of some sweet summer 's day. The soft warblings of birds were distinguishable. ' I trembled with expectant ecstasy, and as quick as thought can travel, found myself standing on the broad 141 stairway of a magnificent dwelling. On the upper land- ing of this flight of steps was an archway formed in faintest tints of rainbow hues. In this archway stood the nude figure of a beautiful woman, as ethereal as a dream in her transparent loveliness. Glancing down at the foot of the stairs, I beheld a manly figure clad in loose-flowing robes of creamy white, on his head a crown of pale blue and gold. He was surrounded with artist's paraphernalia. The scene was bewilderingly beautiful in its transparency, the decorative plants, abundance of bloom, pillars, arches, statuary, tapestries and the en- tire structure, in the subdued light assumed in color a rosy gray, matchless in its tintings. Surely I had been ushered into l i a city not made with hands eternal in the heavens. ' ' I glanced at myself, sur- prised to find I was robed in softly clinging garments of purest white which fell in classic folds about my san- daled feet. My head, arms and hands were void of cov- ering. To my own consciousness I seemed ethereal, buoyant in body, hardly more than a bright dream. Again glancing upward, I beheld this radiant crea- ture gathering up a light filmy substance and with the wave of her hand, it fell in soft drapery about her ex- quisite figure. Softly she said : t ' Only for thee, fair one of earth. In this heavenly realm there is only the pure and the true interblending with Infinite Wisdom and a love of the beautiful, sacredly held in appreciation that far out-rivals aught that earth's children can conceive of." Instantly I was levitated hundreds of feet above the city and from this height surveyed at pleasure this glor- 142 ious city of the Gods, for such I now understood it to be. It was constantly held under this soft roseate tint of light, varying, changing, as dainty-hued and fleecy clouds floated over it. The homes were separated from each other by exquisite grounds, rich in fruits, flowers and foliage. Rippling streams of sparkling waters passed close by the steps of these beautiful homes, in which there were no doors or windows. They were sur- rounded with broad verandas, artistic archways, in which rested exquisite pieces of statuary and plants of indescribable beauty. Birds of brilliant plumage added to the enchantment of the scene, while their rippling melodies filled the air. In this city of art which extended in every direction as far as the eye could reach, I beheld an immense am- phitheatre of white and gold, bathed with the soft pink glow that so sweetly enfolded all. It was a marvel of architecture. The domes and spires rising to great heights, were upheld by a labyrinth of pillars. There seemed to be no sides to the structure which was sur- rounded by broad white steps that were continually un- der the tread of thousands of feet, coming and going. Volumes of music filled the atmosphere surrounding. To my silent inquiry, "What is the use and char- acter of such a building? 7 ' A voice beside me said : "It is limitless in capacity, unexcelled in beauty, abounds in Purity and Love. Here we worship as One Great Soul. We meet in perfect Unity. We know only One Great Heart that beats in and through all, and from here we radiate the Christ-Love, also the most Divine Music, which at times, when some receptive soul like unto yours 143 is praying to receive, we send as a direct shaft of Power and Harmony, and IT, vibrating throughout that soul, is of such intensity that the Soul becomes cognizant of its ONENESS with the Father, and is thus enabled to give it out to mankind in such a manner that the world joins in the refrain. There is great joy in heaven over the one who has entered the innermost center of his own being, and un- folds therefrom the God or true self. Forget not that each and every soul is a temple of the Living God, ' * lim- itless in capacity, unexcelled in beauty, abounding in purity and love." Entranced, I listened to these wonderful words. The light enfolding the city grew in brightness until too dazzling to look upon. I momentarily closed my eyes, opened them, and beheld the softness of the sunset hue bathing all. Slowly it faded into a soft gray haze. Eagerly I looked for a return of the vision, but was destined to dwell on the loveliness of what I had wit- nessed. A restful glow of twilight settled over all as I sensed myself being gently borne back to earth. A voice breathed on my lips the words, "Tho>u hast glimpsed the City Wonderful, my child. It lieth all about thee eternally. Seek it daily. Let Love open thine eyes, and Wisdom and Faitli direct thee." Hold yourself in holy calm. Never waver. Never 144 doubt. Faith, Love and Wisdom will open wide the doors into the heavenly kingdom within your soul. Prepare to receive and give forth that which is being spread for you. "Surely goodness and Mercy shall follow you all the days of your life, and you shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever." Did Jesus teach " non-attachment V 9 I think not. He taught rather such an exceedingly close blending with all life that he must needs exclaim the Great Truth, "The Father and I are One." Could it be possible for one so profound!) lovable as He, One so centered in, and teaching the glad tidings of Love, to withdraw his love from His own? On the contrary, although he asked, "Who are my mother, my brother?" He so perfectly blended with the Great Heart of the Infinite he poured forth a constant stream of Love for ALL LIFE. This did not cause him to indifferently love those closely bound to him by the ties of birth. His very knowledge of ONENESS with the Universal gave him the power to Trust Implicitly the ALL-PERVADING Law of Harmony and Love to divinely protect his loved ones. How tenderly, at the crucifixion, he placed his mother in care of the beloved disciple, saying, "Behold thy Mother." 145 His Love was so great that selfishness was unknown, the fire of God-love so deep that like purest gold from the crucible, it poured forth to enrich mankind for all Eternity. 146 Soul IVe come down from the Heights But IVe left my soul there. 'Tis reveling -in sunshine and soft mountain air. It is floating in cloudlets, nesting with birds, Eippling in melody, murmuring sweet words Of rapt adoration for Nature's bright self. Clasping hands with the Spirit realm; hushed is all else, Save the indwelling Glory of God in my soul As it bathes in the radiance, the Oneness with all That is eternal Harmony, joyous and free. 'Tis the soul that is God-like, the soul that can see. The soul that 's the true self, not this wearisome I That travels the earth and forever doth sigh For freedom from bondage, that ages have wrought As a mesh round my feet ; and of doctrines taught That were torturous; void of all reason and right, Filled in with suggestions of darkness and night. Then dwell on the Heights, my beautiful soul. Join the anthems of praise that eternally roll A continuous stream of melodies sweet; Thus I shall forget to abide at the feet Of doctrines and creeds that are threadbare and worn, And join you in Oneness. Anew shall be born. As soul, we shall mount on swift wings of love, Knowing only the Heights, wherever we rove. 147 Come pattering down, sweet rain, In worlds of glittering light. You sing a loved refrain Within my soul to-night. Eesting in the silence the question presents itself, "What of the teachings of Astrology?" In slow and measured tones came the answer: "There is but one pathway. Walk thou therein. Many and diverse teachings will reach thine ears; re- member in and through all, above and below is but the One Infinite Intelligent and all Harmonious Creative Presence, God. When thou dost become thoroughly cognizant of thy oneness with this eternal Power, thou shalt con- sciously rule thy stars, and "All power in heaven and on earth shall be given unto thee." 143 Cfte ail^eeing OBpe Each and every individual is "compassed about by a cloud of witnesses," both in the seen and the unseen. When telepathy and the ONENESS of mind is taught, as it should be, from childhood up, when people under- stand that whether present in or absent from the body, either on earth or in the spirit world, each and every awakened soul may know the thought, word and act of his brother, then man will strive to put forth in mani- festation only the noble and true. Sometimes Fear may be the check-rein, but usually the great and foremost struggle is to manifest the Best to our fellow man. There is not a man so fallen but that if he knew his every thought and deed was as an open book before both men and angels, he would guard well that thought and deed. Every soul is eternally surrounded by a " Cloud of Witnesses," whether he will it or no. Nothing can be hidden from the ALL SEEING EYE of spirit in whom we all live and move and have our being. 149 Jftom Spirit Realm Co < C co- Know thou, sweet one, though time wings slowly on its way, I cherish thee more fondly, day by day. My soul doth wander ever by thy side. Our joys are one. We e'er in love abide. We tread Life's maze together, fern-clad dales And flowering walks; the rose, whose perfume never fails To tell of our glad love, with ne 'er a note of woe, But breathes of Heaven above, within, below. Thy sunny smile as thou dost speak my name, Gladdens my heart; fanning the quenchless flame Of deep affection's untold power, into a fire, That burns eternal, with my soul's desire. It is that thou mayst know ALL LIFE as One, Thou mayst illumined be, with God, the sun That warms and thrills our spirit-life divine, Erasing separation forever from thy mind. Why, dost thou know, dear, thy soul eternal sings A song of Harmony. Swept are the sacred strings Of the Aeolian Harp, by Heaven's breath, As thy loved voice rings clear and sweet "I know there is no death." Thy name is wafted on the wings, Aye, on the breath of love 150 'Tis sounded forth in melody that fills the realms above. Thou art, brave one, a blessing given To cheer sad hearts, to teach of Heaven; For thou hast proved within the soul Is God's own Kingdom. Christ, the Goal. 151 peace anD potoer Be still, O, restless Heart, And find thy peace, thy pleasure sweet In all that doth surround thee. In the waving grass, the flowers That bloom beneath thy feet. Seek not to soar to worlds unknown, Where thou wouldst be a stranger still, Far from thy home, thine own. But let the God within thee see The beauty that enfoldeth thee. As thou hast gained the mountain-side And aye, the greater heights, So thou canst overlook the tide Of surging scenes beneath thy sight, And be un-moved. So thou canst reach the exalted height Of God as Love, and Conqueror prove. Enter into thine inner chamber and close the door. A great many enter this sacred sanctuary, but alas! the door is left ajar, and through this tiny crevice, connec- tion with the world is kept up, and the result is not what it should be. "Believe and ye shall receive. 153 Dn amount JKHiIwn Standing on the crest of the mountain, gazing across immense chasms of boundless beauty, looking down into the depths of green of the grand old pines, whose arms reach out and touch in brotherly affection, one with an- other, and whose fingers are so attuned to the Infinite Breath that they discourse sweetest melodies to my soul, how can I see aught but the Divine in Fullness. To each and every soul must come wafting the sweet symphonies straight from the Great Oversoul, that knoweth only the one grand theme of Love, in its crea- tion, and in Its outbreathing. The soft sweet zephyrs play on my brow, and soul and body become one in consciousness. I am borne out into the glorified expanse of limitless grandeur and free- dom of soul. Do I listen for the " still small voice f " Then I hear it in the soft twitterings and cooings of bird-notes, in the far-away music of the softly falling water, meander- ing down the mountain side; Again in the murmurings of the winds among the pine tree branches. All swell in one grand harmonious song of Praise to Infinite Love. 154 "Gazing across immense chasms of boundless beauty." THE UNIVERSITY Of Strike thou the note of Love, Great Spirit of Truth, with such power within my soul, that.it may carry in endless vibrations throughout Eternity. 155 3 Hotoe 3t, Don't gou? What is it that draws me to you, little One, Is it your shining curls, And your skin so brown? , Or your deep, deep eyes With soft love-light borne? You came to me in the park to-day With other children All wild with play. The others passed on. I, a stranger to you, Was thrilled with delight As you dawned on my view. You waved your sweet hands O'er the valley below With its soft bed of green, Its lights all aglow, Shaded paths, cool retreats, And still lake of deep blue. You looked in my eyes Saying, "How do you do? I love it. Don't you! I wish I could paint it And give it to you." O, now I know, little Love, I cried, What brought you to me , Through this great world so wide. 'Twas soul meeting soul 156 In the light of true art. 'Twas God meeting God, Hand to hand, heart to heart; And wherever you roam Over land and o'er seas, Still Oneness enfolds us The Father to please. And mayhap, somehow, In the aeons of time, Again I may hear Like the belPs softest chime, That sweet child-voice call From out God's great Park "I'se painted the picture for you, sweetheart. " And if it be so, It will hang on the wall In my home over there; Yet, over it all, Like a sweet dream of Heaven, I'll see A dear dainty figure, All sunshine and glee, Floating curls, deep, deep eyes, Nut-brown skin, tiny hands, And the soul of my soul Forbidding the ban That e'er can divide us. The sweet mingling of Life, The soft murmurings of Love That makes all akin, And melts away strife, 157 Has caught the refrain From child-lips so true, And sweetly re-echoes, "I love it. Don't you?" 158 Silence Very early in the morning, in realization of the fullness of the Spirit, inbreathing and outbreathing, "the Father indwelling, He doeth the perfect work," I found myself being rocked to and fro, as in a hammock, as plainly I heard my Mother's voice singing- Hush, my babe, lie still and slumber; Holy angels guard thy bed. Heavenly blessings, without number, Gently fall upon thy head. ' ' Several attempts were made to recall me from the stillness, but I refused to heed them; remaining for some time, fully realizing the embrace of spirit arms, in which I was being cradled. On coming out of this deep silence, I found myself enjoying wonderful peace of mind, rest of body and buoyancy of Spirit. The hour thus spent in the soothing refreshing presence of the Divine, the soft undertone of music and loving words from my sainted mother's lips will remain forever fresh in my memory. Such it is to contact the Spirit of Peace within, as taught us by our Savior. Such it is to refuse communion with aught save the Divine, which so sweetly cradles us in the arms of Infinite Mother Love. 159 Thinking one day of a dear friend, a very lovely woman, highly cultured, I allowed a thought of criticism to steal into my consciousness, fearing her overly self- righteous; possibly vain. Almost instantly before me stood a beautiful child, thinly clad, and with one shrunken limb visible. She lifted her great pleading eyes to mine, and holding up her tiny hands, said, "Please can you heal me? 0, love me into perfection ;" then faded from my sight. Long- ingly my soul went out in love and healing thoughts to all such hungry babes of the world, breathing forth the Allness of Universal health. Then, sweeping over me, came the thought, "This is symbolical to me in some way. Children are typical of New ideas; and in some way that which I had in my mind was not perfect. " I glanced back over the line of my thoughts, taking up this beautiful woman whom I had but very lightly criticised, and mentally freed her from all imperfections in my own mind, even seeing wherein she had a right to truly appreciate her own wonderful gifts of the spirit, giving her the thought, "You are divinely perfect in every way. ' ' I relaxed, feeling a clear sense of peace and love stealing over me. Immediately I saw myself in a beautiful woodland, the foliage of which separated and a crystal lake dawned 160 on my view. As far as the eye could reach a placid body of water lay bathed in sunlight, the horizon coming down to meet its smooth surface. Over the scene ap- peared the message, " Peace! Judge not." Sweet Spirit, let me look into the eternal glories of the Infinite as outpicturing everywhere. Let me breathe the sweet incense of immortal bloom and beauty within my own being. The Substance of the Universe is spirit Harmon- ious, intelligent Activity, of which our bodies are the visible expression. Consequently disease and un-rest have no foundation from which to manifest, save in-so- far as, through ignorance of the law, we fail to work along the line of Harmony. The tiny wild flowers, lifting their sweet faces to us, bespeak the Creator's love. The boisterous weeds, grow- ing in such fearless luxuriance, here and there, proclaim the power of Love. Mountains, seas, and valleys, all sing the melody of Love. The warbling birds, murmur- ing breezes and laughing waters all join with the meadow-lark's sweet carol of "Love" to the MOST HIGH. 161 Ceil Tell me, 0, my greater self That roams the heavens at will, Tell me of realms of Love Divine Where souls e'er blending, intertwine in endless bliss. There are no words that can express The intense longing in my breast To know the Greater Life. That I may do the Father's will, Absorb the lesson to be still Enough to catch the strain Of Harmony; sweet Love's refrain. Tell me, when loving hands clasp thine, And wing into the higher sphere, Drinking the aromatic wine Of heaven's crushed fruit, so filled with cheer, Tell me if ecstasy's complete. Are there not heavens more to win I Dost thou sit at the Savior's feet And dost thou lose all fear of sin? Tell me if angels bear thee on; Doth heavenly music greet thine ears ? Tell me, if from the Father's throne A radiance bathes thee; calms thy fears, Illumines thee, and lifts thee up 162 In Wisdom's ways of Life and Light; E'er overflows thy joyous cup. Tell me of scenes that are so bright their splendor daz- zles; Enchanting all that touch the chord and hear the call Of heaven's desire within the soul. The Universe of Good is the Father's countenance, greeting me wherever I go, whichever way I look. 163 Child of Wisdom, list thou unto me. I am the root and branch within thee. Thy soul yearneth after wis- dom. Yea, thine ears listen with expectation of greater things yet to come. Dwell thou in the Christ Conscious- ness. Learn of me for I am meek and lowly of heart, yet All POWERFUL am I. I will uplift thee with my life. Thy lips shall open, thy words flow forth as water gushes from the fountain head; then shall all conscious- ness of fear be swept from thy mind; then will I take thee up and show thee wondrous things ; and thou shalt say, "Yea, verily, I have known all this from crea- tion, " so assured shalt thou be of thy wisdom of which I AM the abiding ONE. The wisdom of the ages shall breathe through thee. Thou art blessed beyond thine understanding. Give thy- self up to hours of meditation and restfulness and in peace and joy of soul, seek thou the innermost door of the " Tabernacle " and it shall open unto thee. "Be still and know that I am God." Demand thou the fullness of Wisdom; push on, and up, and the key of Love shall open to thee all the secrets of the Celestial Realm. Believe in thyself, for I am inseparable from thee. I am the unfolding Power within thee. That which is now dark, incomprehensible and obscure to thee, shall be as clear to thy vision as the light of the sun. I am thine own true self. I am He that shall speak the wis- 164 dom that I ain, and that thou art. I ani the One, alto- gether lovely. I am the LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Darling little dandelion In your bed of green; Brightening lawn and field alike. I have never seen More exquisite tints of gold, Humbler, happier, faces bright, Than your own; as nestling close In emerald tints, you greet my sight. The Eternal Now is with us, and with one sweep of True Thought all the fossilated beliefs and fears of ages past can be cast from their false foundations, and only the Supreme Knowledge and Truth of the Spirit remain unshaken. In such an hour of awakening does the soul, like a meteor, flash out, fearing not to claim its own with the Divine. In such a moment, the newly illumined soul ^alls out to the troubled waters of Life " Peace! Be still," and the winds and waters obey the command. The afflicted stretches forth the withered hand, and is healed. Silently, the Great Waters of Truth are cleansing 165 the thought waves, and false beliefs are falling away from mankind. The realization of the meaning of the Great Omnipresence, Omnipotence and Omniscience is sounding its harmonies in thousands and thousands of souls who are knowing of the fullness of this Truth in the Eternal Now. Surrounding thee and within thee is the Infinite calmness and serenity of the Divine. Awaken thou to Its presence, and accept of the power innate to do that which it is possible for a God to do. Untangle thou the thread of thy life, and weave it anew into the garment of symmetrical loveliness in- tended for thee, thou perfect one, to wear. I drifted out on the ocean blue, A tiny barque on the boundless deep, Unfurled my sails to toss with the wind And lay me down to day dreams sweet. Memory wafts back o'er years well spent. A child I lay on the cool green lawn. The same sky o'erspread me then as now, The same heaven's blue, the sun shone on. I lived again the old love dreams, And walked the halls of wealth and pride, Bent o'er fair form of child-like grace; Once more I whispered, * ' Sweet, my bride. ' Happily passed the days and years, So bright, so fraught with love and joy, The gray, that tinged my waving locks, Proclaimed me little more than boy. While she I loved, too fair for earth, In morning hours of her short life Drooped like a flower at eventide, That has shed its fragrance o'er the strife 167 Of earth's sad din. It was not death. She gently smiled, passed through the gate, Paused for a moment, beckoned me on. Alone I drift, and wait, and wait Until God speeds my barque along And Love calls out, "Sail peaceful in The Haven of bliss, eternal bloom, Where we are linked as one in i i ' Follow thou me." I, thine own true self, speak unto thee. Take heed, and I will lead thee in fields ely- sian, beside gently flowing streams. I will open to thy consciousness treasures of untold wealth from out the store-house of the Infinite; and breathe into thine ears sweet melodies of Heaven. I will teach thee of love so mighty that earth's con- sciousness of ill shall be dissolved therein, and will bathe thee in waters of Peace, in the stillness of which thou mayst hear the voice of the Master gently calling "Follow thou me." You leave an impression with every thought you think. Like tiny rippling rills of water they steal uncon- sciously out to mingle in the Great Ocean of Thought on which mankind travels. * # * * 168 The most heavenly thing on earth is the Mother Love, and the most earthly thing in Heaven is the Mother Love* # # # Great centers of Intelligence are not dependent upon others for their peace of mind. * # * * Why seekest thou such blinded paths, child of earth? Why drawest thou down the curtains only to murmur at the dusk through which thou must grope thy way. Throw open the portals of thy soul and stand thou fearless in the glowing light of Truth. One knoweth thy heart, the purity of thy soul, and of thy holy desires to uplift in the name of Truth. But thou must have an abiding Faith, born of understanding, must perceive the indwelling presence of the Father, the Infinite, Intelli- gent, Harmony pervading all Life. Silently co-operate with the Divine in every soul, * * * * 169 of Hearing my name called in the stillness of the early morning, I asked " Have you a message for me!" Promptly came the answer " Yes; I want to speak to you of the glory of the Father, and of your own soul's growth. Never waver. Never be discouraged. Never digress from the pathway of the Infinite. You are on the highway to receive the unsearchable riches of In- finite Intelligence. Go straight to the Fountain Head. You are sacredly guarded and there are none who can overthrow you. The voice of Truth shall lead you into all Truth. Go on, and on, and on. And to that other one beside you in the pathway of life, I will say Seek not of worldly gain, delving deep into the mad whirl of worldly ways and desires, but rather abide in the purity of the Spirit. The unfathomable wealth of the Universe is yours. Guard well these precious and price- less treasures, accepting them as the first desires of your heart. Hold fast in Wisdom which guides you in all your ways. There are for you hours of great illumina- tion. You are a wonderful soul. Your mind is peer- less. There is a mighty awakening for you all. Be pre- pared to receive it. The Power and Love of the Father surrounds you. Walk in the Light, constantly, and refuse to see the shadows. 170 Co In the soft gray of the morning, Ere the dawn of the rosy hue, As I lay on my couch in the silence, I sweetly muse, love, of you. The thought brings you closer, my mother, Your hands soft caressing my hair Which, in baby-hood gave you such pleasure; As you lulled in the old rocking-chair My sorrows and frettings and moanings, Or cooing of love and delight. You touched me with love's magic fingers, And turned all my darkness to light. You sang, "Hush my babe, little darling, Holy angels are hovering near; Softly sleep, the Father close guards you, Sleep, bright eyes, love casts out all fear." My soul drank deep of its meaning, The fathomless depths of such love As a mother's free gift to her offspring, Sweeping down from the ethers above. 'Twas in these loved hours of childhood, Tender guidings of sweetest refrain, My soul unfolded in greatness; Only to be hushed again In the world's oblivion of sorrow, With its unrest, its pleasures, its joys, 171 That drive us to deeper quaffings Of life's mixtures, hypnotic alloys. But not all the pleasures of earth-life, Neither its sorrow or care, Can erase from my soul the deep thrilling, As you lay your hand on my hair. For my soul bounds forth into freedom And mingles in hliss, love, with thine, The cob- webs of earth-life have vanished, Swept aside are the curtains of time. Naught but the language of the soul can e'er express My love for Nature in her June-time dress, Her dainty tints of green and gold, And shimmering lights, as dawn unfolds. Treading down the ills of life, putting them beneath thy feet, ever looking up, higher and still higher, thou dost behold the Great Over-Soul that illumines thee. If shadows fall, and earth seems drear, Take thought and rise above. Thou art the soul of light and "Heer, For thou art God, as Love. 172 You are instrumental in wisdom, love, power, health, opportunity, life, joy and illumination. You are eternally arraigned before the tribunal of the MOST HIGH within your own soul, to testify to the TRUTH as Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient. Your appetites and desires are for the Heavenly Manna, the unfoldment of the uni- versal soul of man. You are even now proclaiming to all, your knowledge of the Divine Harmony of the Universe. You are a beacon-light on the Mountain-top of Zion to guide the mariner safely into a Haven of Peace. You little know the power of your own soul, your individuality in Truth. Life flows through you like a mighty river in whose current is known only the Pure and Holy. Love per- meates your consciousness and thus you blend with the Harmonious order of the Universe your forces and know only the will of the great and perfect Intelligence in your being. When you come to have perfect faith in the Allness of Infinite Mind, then it shall be unto you as you desire; then you are fearless and free in God. 173 Inbreathing, "My body, my life, is the manifesta- tion of Infinite mind." Outbreathing, slowly, "Infinite Mind is now cleansing, purifying and revivifying every atom and cell of my body." It is such a delight to trust instead of reason; to have faith instead of doubt. 174 Co JUC5.D* Thou art my inspiration, Dear, A great white soul in a desert drear, That breathes of politics, chaos and strife, Each crowding the other for place in life. So calm, serene, in power dost thou stand, That all men forget, as they clasp thy hand, The greed that is eating down deep in their hearts ; And, wondering, listen for something that starts A vibration of Godliness, purity, love. 'Tis the voice from within that calls them above, As stirred from the depths of God in thy soul, Unconsciously wielding the Christ power o'er all. Be yourself. Flounder not in the toils of earth con- sciousness of what love constitutes. Cut loose from old conditions, and enter the HOLY OF HOLIES. Do you not know that each and every soul must work out its own salvation? Then unfold consciousness of Freedom, and breathe, think and live for yourself; thus elevating your own life, and freeing your soul from a desire to stay with loved ones in order that you may bring them higher which would only tend to the stagna- 175 tion of your own soul. Take your freedom. Thus you will find yourself standing on a sure foundation and you are in a position to assist others. If you refuse to press onward at your own soul's demand, waiting, struggling and striving for others to mount with you, your progress must necessarily be slow; for each must mount the stairway of illumination in his own way. If perchance great souls mingle in the one great aim of the highest attainment in Truth, spontaneously mount- ing to the Christ consciousness together, then, there is greater strength ; for in Unity is power. However, linger not for any one, even those that seem most dear to you; those that you think mean heaven to your soul ; for verily, you shall behold all souls as ONE, and be satisfied in the Universal Harmony, wherever you stand. Possibly those you would guide into the Kingdom as you see the door ajar for them, may have already entered by another way, and be waiting to receive you in your more illumined condition. Judge not. Fear not. Linger not. With earnest fervor and with fearlessness press on, and you shall meet the Christ in your own soul, and commune with the HIGHEST. 176 "Bright waterfalls dance, and birds carol all day." Lotoe an JLife'0 Dell A sweet little hare-bell with pure eyes of blue, Grew in the lone dell, just down below Where the water-fall flirted its drops so bright, And rippled and sang all through the long night. Now, who can say it was lonely or sad; Or who that it longed for companionship glad. And yet, the soft sunshine spoke love to its heart; The sweet winds' caress, caused new tendrils to start. And soon, standing close to this hare-bell forlorn, A tiny new bud, a new face, being born. The voice of the hare-bell crept forth in great glee, Singing "Praise be to God, for this sweet gift to me." So stand we alone, until sunshine and wind, Awaken the soul to see those of our kind, Growing close by our side, and longing to know Of the love in our hearts that sets others aglow. The stronger, the elder and more wise must rise, Stretch forth the hand, wipe the tears from the eyes That look up to them for companionship dear, Show them the pathway, the light shining clear. Blessed Jesus, the mighty, stood forth all alone, But, knowing his Oneness with God, ne'er was shorn 177 Of power to up-lift and brighten the day, Of hungering souls that grew by the way. So the hare-bell, our own souls, Christ Jesus, the Light, Have ever a mission. Let it be What is Right. Let it be what the heart sings as we see by our side Hungering souls, thirsting ones. Let us ever abide In tenderness; knowing no lone hours of pain, But singing sweet praises to his holy name; As he wafts us, on billowy wings of content Our hearts own companions, by his bounty sent. Let us clasp hands and hearts, and souls, too, as well, And enjoy the sweet fragrance of love in life's dell Where sunshine, soft zephyrs, and butterflies play, Bright waterfalls dance, and birds carol all day. The Infinite and Eternal Energy of the Universe is thine with which thou mayst create thine own indwelling peace. Thou art truly standing in the Great Eternal, un- touched by the shadows of earth-life, and well mayst thou say, "I thank Thee Father that thou hast heard me, that thou dost always hear me, that I, thy child, am one with thee." 178 Deeper than the fathomless waters of Old Ocean lies the Truth of Life within thy Soul. Thou mayst not be conscious of that which thou art, but thou wouldst lose the pleasure Eternity hath in store for thee couldst thou consciously foretell the God-Knowledge which lies un- awakened within. Thou art the Universe in concentrated effort, Evolved Conscious Intelligence. The wisdom of ages, the Creative Love, the Life pulsating throughout the Limitless Universe, the Power which Controls All, is within thee. Whether thine awakening be of great speed or no, still Eternity worketh for thee, the unfoldment of that which thou art. Thou mayst drink deep from the Foun- tain of Joy if thou wilt open the door to thine under- standing. Transcendent beauties await this awakening. Con- sciously follow thy soul in its hours of transition into the realm of the Great Invisible. Enter the secret place of the MOST HIGH, it may be either on the mountain- tops, or in the busy marts of life. In this thought realm thou shalt find abiding Peace, unbounded Power. Remember thou art of the Infinite Intelligence and this realization shall hourly bring thee into greater Con- sciousness of thy divine relationship with the Supreme ALLNESS of the UNIVERSE. 179 The richest of God's blessings are forever thine And o'er thy path through Life Eternal shines The radiance of His love. He weaves for thee a crown of Truth, to bless, Woos thee in paths of Peace and Righteousness; Lifts, thee to realms above. 180 JFrom Spirit IRealm Co Jfatfter Yon linger long at the portals, Why dwell so long in the mist? Love beckons thee. Open and enter, By the Spirit of Freedom be kissed. Thou art all a-weary of waiting Thy life is shrouded in night. Let go of old earth and her doubtings, Awaken in God's gleaming light. Around thee we stand, only .waiting To bear thy sweet spirit away To thy home that is flooded with sunshine, Where time is eternity's Day. Thy out-stretched hands express longing For freedom on Life's Boundless Shore; Thy heart e'er eagerly hung 'ring Shall be fed from Love's Feast, evermore. Then drift on Love's wings through the portal, Thy awakening shall be in the Light ; In the Sunshine and Peace, in the Glory Of God's presence, His Warmth, and His Might. 181 In the Silence there appeared in the heavens an un- usually large and inconceivably brilliant star. Mentally I asked "What wouldst thou have me to know concern- ing the messenger of light gleaming on me from out the Heavens ?" Quickly held before my eyes was a filmy veil, and written thereon in letters of gold, was the one word, " Faith. 3 > Wouldst thou know more of Life? Then fix thy mind on Love Supreme. Let the glow of Harmony reach into the depths of thy soul, allowing the light therefrom to tint thy view of all thine eyes do chance to rest upon. The Omnipresence is Harmony. Man, becoming conscious of this Truth, launches himself in Oneness with the ALL GOOD. One really desirous of the highest, abandons self and co-operates with the Universal Power, thus throwing open the hitherto invisible channels of creative power, making it possible to manifest perfection in every expression of life. He who would associate with Gods must first him- self become a God. 182 Healing thoughts held in perfect realization for others, will heal thyself. # # # When thou dost allow Truth to have full sway within thee, then doth thy sickle lay low the tares and fruitless growths of earth-life. # * # * 183 "Why was the thought of re-incarnation born?" I questioned, lone and stiU; And then, I listened in the Silence deep, For words of wisdom that might keep Me closer in the thought of Christ; The perfect way. Borne on the ethers of celestial light, Came soft the answer: "Twas to satisfy the night of man's illusions. To set the seal of rank discussion, On his half-starved soul. Oh, cruel proposition! The mind thus harrowed with dark doubts and fears, Leads out amid the labyrinth of souls, his own, And drops therein, his jewels of great price; So lightly treasured, He wots not of his loss until he, all alone, Sees slowly measured Out to him, that which he has sown." On the morning of March Twenty-fourth, Nineteen Hundred and Four, held before me in the Silence, was a parchment on which was plainly written "Dear One, you are developing great knowledge of God, and proving the work of the Spirit. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. All channels are open to you. Your crown 184 of glory awaiteth your recognition/' Much more being written which I could not decipher. The recognition of God as Love is the annihilation of, the curative for, all sickness, all lack, all ill. Love rests, soothes and heals. Fills the nerve centers, and penetrates the bones and muscles, and is the all-absorb- ing presence. No ill can abound if Love is allowed entrance in the consciousness. Take the thought "I love everybody, and everybody loves me. I love all life, and all life loves me. ' ' And there will be found no phase of life that will fail to respond to this sincere love. Even the plants answer readily to love treatments. Love is the all-provident God. Cleansing, soothing and healing all who dwell therein. Christ, the Master, the indwelling Spirit of Love, pours through each receptive heart in living streams of light, His mighty power of Universal Love. Let the affirmations be "I love, and love uni- versally. I love and love individually. My love rests over all, and in all; and love I draw from all." The fleecy banks of drifting clouds, under the glory of the shining sun of Love, melt into the summer sky of soft transparent blue. Love is the great equalizing power, the great beneficient harmonizing medium. 185 Mama dear what makes you say "Mama's birdling must not play On the lovely carpet blue, In the parlor." Is it true That my Mama fears the sun Shining on her little one? If it fades the carpet so, Can you think it makes me grow, Mama mine? Those flowers of pink Are so pretty. Don't you think God can keep the colors bright In your carpet? if it's right The sun should shine with all its might? Why don't you buy a carpet green, Where tiny blossoms may be seen Just opening wide their eyes at God, And nestling close in Mother sod? They have them in the park, you know, And Mama dear, I love them so. They are so soft and cool and sweet, And feel so loving to my feet. The sun shines always over there, And on the blossoms everywhere. I never heard the Gard'ner say "Pull down the curtains, God, I pray Or you will fade my carpet gay." 186 an 30 ODD Dost thou believe, O hungering soul? Then thou art blest beyond control Of seeming ills. ail 30 peace Canst thou not be so very still, That thou mayst hear the rippling rill Of heaven, within thy soul? ail 30 Lotoe Dost thou believe, all glorious one, On Jesus Christ, the beloved Son Of God? Then on thyself believe. 187 ail 30 Life Dost thou not sense, great living soul, The heart-throbs of the Infinite Whole Within? Then LIFE is thine. LOVE is ALMIGHTY GOD. I have no fear. Co A rare sweet flower in God's garden so fair; Soul that's as pure as the lilies are, Attuned to the rhythm of Infinite Love; Uplifted, illumined with power from above. 188 $oiceD in rbe Silence "Can you conceive of the intense longing of the Christ to give unto an ignorance-burdened people the truth of their being in Ood? We reach out with the same un-conquerable love for souls, and almost uncontrollable desire to awaken these weary restless ones, to show to them the Way of Life. We lose ourselves in Universal Love. We do not sorrow and grieve over erring souls in seeming bondage. We see them only as divine, knowing that as Eternity IS, so is the assurance of each soul's awakening to the truth. We carry them ever in the most sacred thoughts of love and tenderness ; never censuring or condemning, but gently uplifting them to the knowledge of the truth indwelling. This shall be the work of the awakened ones in earth- life. " The Eternal Creative Force, the Intelligent Har- monious Creative Force, is omnipresent. The more you draw upon it, the larger will be the supply that you will become conscious of. Becoming conscious of this limit- less supply of Creative Energy, you are enabled to intel- 189 ligently apply it to your every need. Thus you become one with Omnipotence, guided by Omniscience, living in the Omnipresence. The realization or consciousness of Truth as taught by Jesus, makes the usual way of passing from death unto Life avoidable; for it so spiritualizes the atoms of the body which are but centers of intelligence under con- trol of the mind, that perfect control of the physical is established. Thus the "Father" and "Son" manifest as one; or the cause Spirit and the "Son" Conscious Intelligence work in Harmony, and Life Eternal is the result. The soul that realizes its identity with the Infinite and Eternal Intelligence of the Universe, has gained absolute freedom and boundless power. 190 Solace Regret not thy vacation ended; But rather rejoice and be glad, That with Nature thy soul hath so blended, Naught can grieve thee or make thee feel sad. Thou hast drank deep from the heart of nature; Delved to its very core; Gazed on its sprouting tendrils, And cried and sighed for more. Be content, oh soul, in thy knowledge; Uproot all thine error and fear. Abide close in the Father 's loving; Erase all earth's sorrows and tears. Thou hast touched the heavenly harp-strings; Thou'st heard voices from over the way, That wed thee to Life Eternal, Transforming the darkness to day. Thou'st communed with the saints of Heaven, Mounted to heights sublime. Attuned is thine ear to the Infinite. Thou'rt bathed in the Christ-Love divine. Then know thou these great truths immortal; Breathe them forth to bless all mankind; 'And trust thou the Father forever. He speaks to thee, soul, in the wind, 191 In the sunshine and storm and blossoms, In faces that speak joy and grief. He bids thee unfold thy sweet secrets, And give to His children relief. Then content thee, oh soul, in thy longing. God in nature hath fed thee full well. Return to thy love-labors, singing: "All is Life, All is Love, All is Well. Very early in the morning, in silent realization of the One Power Omnipresent, asking for a greater realiza- tion of Peace, Wisdom, Joy and Poise, this message was distinctly spoken: " Abide in Christ. Openly commune with Him. Work in His consciousness. Bathe in His spirit. Breathe in of His unselfish love. Work exclusively in His teachings, and dwell in the radiance of His coun- tenance. Unfold in tenderness and loving-kindness. Thus shall you develop greater healing power, becoming daily more cognizant of Peace, Joy, Wisdom, Power and Self- Poise." 192 3 the un-awakened, exist in the invisible realm. Arouse yourself to spiritual understanding. Let not the world and its cares and pleasures press hard upon your soul. In the true self you do abide in the Most High. A press of worldly affairs often so ingratiates itself in the consciousness that you touch but lightly on the Truth of your Being; thus causing you to become dissatisfied with yourself. The decision is within yourself whether or no you will enter the abode of the higher realms of thought, thereby opening to yourself the consciousness of the "Kingdom of Heaven within. " A complete yielding to the highest desires of your soul will give you entrance into the avenues of the Great Intelligence. All mankind may revel in this realm of Truth if they so desire, and may live to the higher dictates of their own souls. 199 All may sense the Divine presence and realize com- munion with the more evolved individualized centers of Intelligence of the Spirit Realm, if they will but yield to the Most High, indwelling. When the mornings are gray, the clouds hang low, All life looks gloomy and sad, Let your voice ring out with a gleesome shout, 'Twill help make the Old World glad. Are you fond of companionship? Then know that you have it in the Universal Allness of Life. Linger not in obscurity and darkness. The Divine urge within thee is thine own soul calling for recogni- tion, and will not be stilled until thou hast paid the uttermo-st farthing; and established thy Oneness with the Infinitude and Grandeur of The Father. It is not a force outside thine own soul that is clamoring for recognition. Through thy persistent desire for the Highest, thou hast called forth that which knoweth no rest until it findeth peace in the knowledge of the Universal Truth of Being. 200 Po00iiultie0 of tfte Soul You are capable of giving forth from the Spirit that which your own soul is unfolded to. The reason the inspiration does not come at the bidding of the will, is this: you are not always receptive to the highest, not always prepared, no matter how progressed you may be. The soul is ever conscious, but you are in a condition that makes it impossible to give forth. The soul is always full of wisdom, but not allowed freedom. The soul always receives the highest. It never slumbers, and if you are not in perfect bodily con- dition when asleep or resting in the Silence, you give It no chance to flow until you right yourself. The body must be at-one with the soul. Great writers can not always write, and yet the soul is always willing and ready to give forth the highest. We are apt to disturb the soul expression by thoughts we should not have. The soul and the mind are one and the same; how- ever, the soul may be gone for a time, it leaves the body and travels for Wisdom and Knowledge. Soul and body are two; for when the body goes, the soul lives on. Yet man, by the knowledge of the Truth, is enabled to retain the body, the earth-expression, so long as he may desire, as it is but the instrument or visible 201 expression of the soul, the mind, that which is the Real Self. Soul, or mind, is the power which rules the body and is one with it, provided the objective consciousness will allow Truth to manifest. If not allowed to so mani- fest, through ignorance of the Law of Harmony, the Law of Intelligent Energy as all-pervading, then separation of soul and body must necessarily follow. In Eternity, which is Here and Now, if we so will to realize it, unencumbered by ignorance and pre-conceived opinions, we may go on the wings of Thought, either in the seen or the un-seen, where-so-ever we may desire. Among the greatest artists of earth's children are those who cull from the heart of the Infinite, master- pieces flowing from the pen and reaching the hungering multitudes who are thirsting for knowledge of the Invisible Powers that be. 202 "All who pause beneath your faithful keep, Quaff life anew." Sentinel Peak Stern watch-tower of the valley! You rear your head high in the air And all who pause beneath your faithful keep, Quaff life anew. Protection you do give to all, Who in sweet reverence, behold in you The Universal Presence, God; While melodies of Heaven soft murmur their sweet song Through great and massive pines, And those of younger years At random, interspersed with sturdy oaks, Which e'er be-deck your sides from base to> dome. From your great height You fashion at your will the flow Of tossing waters, sweeping o'er your out-stretched arms, Falling like filmy veil to mighty depths below; Which ever and for Aye do men entrance. Anon from far aloft you poise in air, Gazing with heart-felt Joy, On falls of fair Yosemite, On peaks and domes surrounding. While ever at your feet doth toss and roll In sweet un-rest The waters of the beautiful Merced. 203 You view in your majestic silent way The valley that Daine Nature hath so wildly cultured. The willows bend and bow, And sweet eglantis bloom, throwing to you Their perfume rare. The wild white lilacs shed abroad Their fragrance on the ambient air. The native Indian, stooping low o'er carpets green Doth cull therefrom the richly flavored strawberry, And look to you in Joy. You keep your faithful watch o'er all That tread the winding paths on mountain side, And through the valley's maze. Eternally you stand with head erect, A Beacon-light to guide The Seeker home; And woo him on to greater heights Of poesy and art. And when, be-times he needs must leave your care, His soul can ever view you from afar As you abide in your majestic splendor. So to earth's children, Stern watch-tower of the valley, You do ever sing a song of Power. The soul of man, that looks on you, Can never fail To touch on Life's more Glorious Themes, As high he dwells; E'er viewing clear from out sweet Nature's heart 204 The beauties of the fair Yosemite, Production on the canvas visible of Life, Speaking forever the Power limitless of The Almighty Artist, GOD. Stand upright in the fullness of the Spirit. If you do not receive richly, then question your own soul. You may either create darkness or light. You are the one wholly responsible for your own soul's progression. Extend the soul of Love, and it will return to you. You are capable. It has been handed down to you. If the cares of earth-life seem to press too hard, see to it that you do not accept of such cares. Too many stars dropping at one time, fluctuate. They are excessive. Do not create in too many direc- tions, lest it scatter your forces. Be led by the inner knowledge of your own soul, the Father indwelling. The Key is yours. Will you guard the treasure? Take the Divine leading and work from within. Give forth' the words of the Spirit, that which wells up from the soul in love for all of God's children. The spirit of inspiration will guide and lead you to give forth the words of Eternal Truth. Blessed are the children of earth who are in the 205 same realm of Love, vibrating from sphere to sphere, reaching out for the same God, mind to mind; the same thoughts, the same love, guarded close, to the end. 206 Cftete 3te no Limitations We can only approach, and become cognizant of, the grandeur and perfection of the Spirit by irrevokably uniting ourselves, through the avenue of Intelligent Thought, to the Law of Harmony. There are no limitations to the Divine. There is but One Intelligence, in the which, man is free to unfold to any degree that he desires. This Infinite, Harmonious, Intelligent Force is Omni- present, or it is not any where in existence. Man's failure to recognize this Power is no sign it does not exist, any more than it is true that electricity did not exist before man evolved to a knowledge of its presence through his Intelligence and Reason. The out-picturing of limitations in man is no more than the out-picturing in a child of his ignorance of the multiplication table, until by searching he has proved it an Established Principle. Latent within man is the capability of grasping more and more of the Eternal Truth of Being as he progresses in the onward march of Life, throughout Eternity. If Jhis Power, this Intelligence were not Infinite, then man might claim for himself limitations. Only through ignorance of the existence of this In- finite Eternal, Harmonious and Intelligent Energy, which 207 is God, can man fail in manifesting Wisdom, Health, Love and Power. Thou art living for a purpose. Let this Truth sink deep into thy Soul. There is no time for foolish imagin- ings and waste of power. Poise thyself. Conserve thy forces and push on into the limitless expanse of Universal Wisdom. The full glory of the Father awaiteth thy desire for, thy acceptance of, the Truth. 208 Olftat 10 lifter Cftougfttf Many ask what the Higher Thought stands for. All must, sooner or later know, it stands for, and is, a Divine Center of Truth in each and every seeking soul; from which already are going forth such vibrations of Christ Power and Wisdom that thousands are daily being blessed. It draws to itself the Harmonies of High Heaven, which you who will be still enough in your hours of silent meditation, may hear. It draws to Itself infinite and illimitable Wisdom which is freely given forth from out the realm of Divine Intelligence. This Higher Thought Center in each, vibrates with the Infinite Energy of the Universe. The seeker must keep attuned to these Harmonious Vibrations, by great and lofty thoughts, words and deeds of Love and Truth. The Higher Thought stands in the Universe as a Mighty Pipe Organ in some grand old Cathedral, whose deep melodious tones are even now pealing forth in rever- berations of bewildering sweetness, heavenly symphonies, entrancing strains of Divine Music, and whose Organist is Christ, the Truth. This Organist never strikes a false note, never wavers in bringing forth the Harmonies that are divinely sweet, infinitely powerful and eternally true. 209 In its softest and most melodious tones, if you listen closely, you will hear the healing words of our loved Master," Jesus, as breathed forth in tender love and sympathy " Thy sins are forgiven thee. Go and sin no more." Amid the wild crash of thunder-swelling tones, as of a gathering storm, flowing, ebbing, surging, in uncer- tain time, you may hear the message ' ' Peace. Be still, ' ' and the soft harmonies of Love float out from this Grand Old Organ, the Christ Center, the Higher Thought Realm of the Soul, and into some seeking heart a ray of Light and Peace of Love Divine, has stolen its way and the turbulent Ocean of its life is stilled. Oil is poured on the troubled waters. The doors, the windows, of the soul are opened wide. The Infinite Wisdom, God, has spoken in the midst thereof, and health and peace reign supreme. Evenly, smoothly, now the Harmonies Divine are playing in the soul, and sweet consciousness that "All is Well", lulls to Eest. Suddenly we are awakened from our peaceful medi- tations. The storm of justifiable wrath is upon us. The intensity increases. Wild, weird, almost angry, these deep symphonies come surging forth. We know the keys are being swept by the Master-hand of our Christ. It startles, electrifies, thrills us. We look, and lo! The tables of the money-changers in the House of the Lord are overturned. The atmos- phere is cleared of all save Spiritual Knowledge, and materiality stands forth, shorn of its power. 210 Spirit breathes softly forth "Behold! I am All in All. Beside me there is none other. I am the Word, Intelligence. I am God, Love. I am come that you might have Life, and have it more abundantly.'' The bells of Heaven are ringing now, and soft strains are issuing from this Great Center of Melody. We hear the gentle foot-falls of Christ in our midst. We sense His mighty Love in our souls. We eagerly reach out to do the works which he did, and is still doing. We let ourselves know the great Truth, "The Father and I are one." Even Death is vanquished from our consciousness, as the last sweet strains of this Great Organ softly melt into the ether of High Heaven, and our souls grasp the Truth, and affirm "I am a note in this Mighty Organ of Truth, without which it would be incomplete. I will keep myself attuned to the Highest, I will breathe forth Love and Power to All. I am Harmony itself. "I ana responsible to every other Life for my every thought, word and deed, for that other life is but my own." Thus in unity shall the Higher Thought Centers of the Soul grow in Love and Knowledge of the Truth that gives Freedom to mankind. Look deep and search the heart of the soul. You will find Love and Wisdom embedded there. 211 progressive Cftoug&ts (torn JDigJjer Realms Thought-power is wonderful. It vibrates into the depths of the brain, goes to the soul, brings forth the power of God. The " Father " is the Universal Presence, Spirit, Divine Love, the established Harmonious Law of the Universe. Every breath you draw is Omnipresence. You are breathing the air of Infinite Power, Spirit, Divine Love, One Fountain-Head ; the Spirit of All. When you reach the highest pinnacle of thought, the sinless, selfless Life, then you have come into your right- ful heritage; the Universal Life. You will manifest that which you are Perfect Love. You may look at a rock. If you would know its contents, break it open. You see Gold. If you would 212 see the heart of the Soul, you must pierce it with Love. The Great Immutable Laws of the Supreme One live eternally. Divine Love is the essence of Life, and Spiritual Love, the tie that joins. Desire creates. When you first commenced your song were the tones as they are now? Broken chords become perfect under the touch of cultured fingers. Tune to the ear, becomes music to the soul, rippling, rippling into the Father's care, calling forth immutable Love, to dwell in the soul forever. Unfold through Wisdom and Oneness with the Father; through instrumentalities higher than those of earth-life. Come on to a higher plane; even that of the Christ. Walk ye therein. The Gates are open to those who will enter. Hands are out-stretched bidding you come in. Joy, Peace and Love abide with you now and ever. Look into the crystal of the soul and ever soar to greater heights of Intelligence and Love. 213 O, to be like Jesus! The Grandeur, the Sublimity of THAT Soul! To live as He lived, the life of Truth! The Key of His success was this, understanding of the Truth, and to will was to da. This is the key to the unfoldment into ALL. Can you pick up the thread of Christ's Life, and dare to do the will? Step out and face Life, Come into the Universal? It's the self that holds earth's children, that little self. Get away from it. Teach others so to do. Look into the Light of Life. This awakening within the soul is Glorious. Go on higher and higher, step by step, into the Eternal. Bathe in the waters of Life, rippling with Love, glorified in the promise of His Majesty, the Master. When you grasp the Whole, the Universal, see the Oneness of All Life, 'tis then every fibre of the Soul quivers with Love Divine. Go into the Life Universal. There it is you find God. Every where, in every thing. You will then grasp the Father's hand. He will lift you. Then you will grow in beauty, grace, truth and limitless Love. 214 When awakened to the Harmonious Law of the Uni- verse, you will find you are dwelling in the boundless Ocean of Life, with all the Forces around you seething with Love, Faith and Charity. This awakening to the Powers that be, means everything to the soul of man. Sources of great strength are being turned into channels of earth-consciousness, removing all obstacles to man's development. Open your eyes. Let in the spiritual perception and awaken into the sunlight of God's countenance. Be thou holy within thyself. Be thou acceptable, child of the Most High, within thine own consciousness. Delay not thine advent into paths of righteousness and peace. Awaken unto the power of the Christ indwelling. Only canst thou receive this Limitless Power from within. When thou dost call for outside forces to make for thee conditions of Peace, thou art trammeling thine own soul. When thou delayest thine hours of silent communion with the Most High to a more convenient season, thou art condemning thyself to disappointment and failure. Stand thou in the midst of the Lord thy God, ALL MIGHTY. Let thy soul set in the thoughts of Love, as stars in the firmament. Love is the Power. It is thy Guiding Star. Enter thou the portals of Love. 215 Send out Love. Be true. Be firm. Reach out, and you will receive. O, the glories of the Divine Master flowing in the souls of His children! Always calling, calling, Never weary of reaching down into the lowest depths of misery to uplift the soul of man. Doubting keeps you in the dark. The clouds come between you and the stars. Wipe away the mists and you will see. 216 I could not sleep; For cause unknown, I tossed me to and fro. I can not say it was unrest, nor yet unhappiness. But something deep within my soul seemed stirred; Aye, unto its inmost depths. In the sweet silence, I had so oft Called out for open eyes, illumination, clear, divine. And now, it seemed to me this soul of mine From depths of being, innermost, Was awakening quite to the response. Yet I anticipated not. I was quite calm and self-possessed, And ne'er more poised, I must confess Than now. The hours sped on. The blinds, I drew close down to shield my eyes From e'en a touch of light. I fastened well the door; Again betook me to my couch. The hour Was growing late. The clock chimed out the noon hour of the night, When I, perchance, might free partake Of blessings rich and rare, That might for my illumination make. Oh, what an hour was this For feast of soul and gift of God. How little did I guess The banquet table that was being spread for me, in this, The darkness so intense. 217 As shifts the scene in deepest gloom On stage of some vast theatre, So seemed the subtle workings that were taking place Within my room, before my face; And yet I viewed it not. A rift of light its radiance lent As on some holy mission bent. Another and another still, In quick succession followed, filled My room with one vast lurid gleam of dazzling light. Again, and yet again it flashed From Mighty Source in zig-zag lines, In cross and circle bold; e'en did I hear the thunders crash. I queried deep within my breast, Was this the Spirit Power? And then amid this Weird, wild scene, there came a mist Not far away from where I lay With wondering eyes, in holy calm. For had I not with longing, intense, deep, Galled out for this divine illumination, that now sweeps My soul, and e'en the entire room? Had I not known the power, untold, Of calling only on the Good, the Heavenly Light, I might have taken fright and fled. Not so; around my bed I knew stood sentinels from heaven. Fearless I watched with eager eyes, The cloud of filmy white which now did rise In matchless purity, until it formed an arch in height Of man's dimensions. Then it separated quite, Threw back its filmy, sheen-like folds 218 Of drapery, and behold! In archway shining bright, there stood in clear full view With outstretched arms, One of such dazzling splendor, glowing charms, So peerless in his majesty and grace, I scarce dared breathe. To gaze upon his radiant face, Was bliss divine. His softly flowing robes which swept the floor, No language can describe. The hour Was Heaven's own. Around him, myriad angel ones Were moving swiftly; They were not visible in form; but ever kept the room In atmosphere of constant move and sweet perfume, In all-absorbing love. In blackest silence now a moment passed, And then, once more, the lightnings flashed, Unbridled as before. Again the archway opened bold; Back swept the snowy, misty folds; And lo! with loving hands outstretched, As if in benediction sweet, He now stood forth. I bounded to my feet ; And, to know that it was I, pressed hard my flesh. Could it be true that unto me Should come such power of sight ? Such opening of the mysteries Of Heaven? This holy one of dazzling light, This wondrous presence, now, from whom Swept forth such consciousness of love, The earth, the heaven above, 219 Seemed all aflame, and all divine. Creation, in the soul of man, Stands forth as God's Eternal Plan; And childlike heavenly desires But kindle vast creative fires Whose incense reaches heaven. The earnest, intense longings, deep Within my soul, to bathe in heavenly visions sweet Of light and gleaming love, Opened again the portals wide, And lo! the shining One appeared; all radiant, glorified. His face divine. The majesty of this scene sublime Will dwell with me throughout Eternity. Scarce had he vanished from my view, When once again the sheen-like curtains rose and fell, And rose again; while through and through, My soul was thrilled with love divine; Behold! a sweet Madonna. On her face was look Of heavenly peace; and in her hands, a book; Methinks the teachings of the Christ. Oh, wondrous Light! Around her head, a halo bright Shone forth. Playing anear her shoulders of rare mould Were numerous faces which did e'er unfold In beauty rare, and childlike grace. "Mother/' I whispered, and apace The vision fled. Within my hands I clasped my head, To see if now, perchance, I might not be in dreamland, or entranced. 220 Or reaching out in some imagination wild. But calm within myself, spake God; "Ah, no, my child, I have but answered thy sweet prayer. Thou hast but started up the stair-way Of illumination. Thou shalt fear not, but onward press Thou 'It sense my love, my sweet caress. Thou 'It know the Everlasting One That guides thee on, from sun to sun. Great Eros, with a soul of fire, Hath played upon the heavenly lyre Of faith, within thy soul. Hath shown himself to thee, my child, In softest halo, flashings wild Of rare electric power. Let not this hour pass by thee idly, child of Love; But claim thy Oneness. Let me smooth Thy pathway to the Eternal gate Of Heaven, within thy soul. And then, behold, the softened light Of dimly burning taper; And all seemed normal and aright. But, as if now to prove To doubting mind, this wondrous love; Stands open wide my door, Which I had fastened hard with lock and bolt. In wondering ecstasy I paced the floor; Gazing in holy awe upon the spot whereon great Eros stood. I meditated long. Closed now the door Which was the parting proof Of angel presence 'neath my roof; 221 Then sought my couch. To sleep? Ah no! To muse for hours in silence dear. To keep Within my soul the grandeur of this hour, So fired with love, so wondrous bright. Toward morn, sweet slumber wooed my eyes. It was a rest of pure delight; Of such refreshing power I felt within me glow anew, the fervor of the hour; The fountain of Immortal Life. Erasing from my mind the strife That hitherto had reigned As 'twixt the seen and unseen. God had deigned To teach me in his own sweet way. And, at the dawning of the day, There fled not from me this great truth, nor lost The undimmed splendor of the Heavenly Host, That move in sweet accord With God's own will; Who, with his word Makes the unseen as doubly real. And ever fills my soul with ecstasy. Abides with me, and makes award For all my hours of grief and ill, Makes me to know my oneness still With Life Immortal, which is God. 222 oeaircirui -Spencer^ YC 15830