IN MEMOKIAM. George Davidson 182^-1911 Professor of Geog. Univ. of Calif. SIR, I HAVE the honor Eoyal Observatory, mentioned <\ by authority of the Lords Coin be -Ofx forwarded 'T OFFICE, Vrancisco, Cal. *I request the favor of tin ; F luive t' Your To V / ifa-T>4ts4^Tr / Non-Ooiiipliiiiuv with thic i\'qiu'.-t \vil! /I. ' & T 1500 1280 ACCOUNT OF OBSERVATIONS OF THE TRANSIT OF YENUS, 1874, December 8, MADE UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT : AND OF THE REDUCTION OF THE OBSERVATIONS. EDITED BY SIR GEORGE BIDDELL /AIRY, K.C.B., ASTRONOMER ROYAL. AUG 25 1952 UNIVERSITY' of PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, UNDER THE ADTHORITT OF THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF HER MAJESTY'S TREASURY. 1881 > INDEX. Page INTRODUCTION .... - - iii PART I. EXPEDITION TO THE HAWAIIAN (SANDWICH) ISLANDS - 1 Section 1. Observations at Honolulu (Oahu) 3 Section 2. Observations at Kailua (Hawaii) - 211 Section 3. Observations at Waiinea (Kauai) - - 235 PART II. EXPEDITION TO EGYPT . . 257 Sectionl. Observations on the Mokattam Hills (Cairo) - - 259 Section 2. Longitude of Alexandria - 319 Section 3. Observations at Suez - - 331 PART III. EXPEDITION TO THE ISLAND OF RODRIGUEZ - 347 Section 1. Observations at Point Venus - 349 Section 2. Observations at Point Coton - - 379 Section 3. Observations at Hermitage Islet - 389 PART IV. EXPEDITION TO KERGUELEN ISLAND - 401 Section 1. Observations at Observatory Bay - 403 Section 2. Observations at Supply Bay . - - 449 Section 3. Chronometrical Connexion of Stations in Royal Sound - 465 Section 4. Observations at Thumb Peak - 473 PART V. EXPEDITION TO NEW ZEALAND - - - - - 481 APPENDIX - (I) I. Extract from Instructions to Observers - (1) II Corrections to the Tabular Right Ascension of the Moon - (2) III. Tabular Geocentric Elements of the Positions of the Sun and Venus - (3) IV. Specimens of the Skeleton Forms Nos. 17, 18, 19, 20 - - (7) V. Photographic Operations on the Transit of Venus - - (14) Determination by Curves, of the law of Distortion - - - (16) Table of Numerical Corrections for Distortion of Photographs - (16) and (17) Apparatus for rapid formation of Photographs - - (19) Specimen of Form 22 - (20) Specimen of Form 21 - - - - (21) INTRODUCTION. THE first occasion, I believe, in late years, on which the attention of the British public was pointedly called to the approaching Transits of Venus, was ray communication to the Royal Astronomical Society, dated 1857, April 8, " On the means which will be available for correcting the measure of the Sun's distance in the next 25 years." This paper was not limited to the consideration of Transits of Venus, a part of it being devoted to the Oppo- sitions of Mars. Much attention, however, was given to the selection of stations for observation of the Transits both of 1874 and of 1882. On 1864, May 5, I addressed another communication to the same body, relating only to the Transit of 1882, and to the necessity for a reconnoissance of antarctic countries if an observation with the Sun below the pole should be contemplated. On 1868, October 10, I began a correspondence with the Hydrographer, Captain (now Sir George) Richards, on the general subject. On 1868, December 11,1 read a communication to the Royal Astronomical Society, " On the Preparatory Arrangements which will be necessary for efficient observation of the Transits of Venus in the years 1874 and 1882." This paper was accompanied with eight maps of the regions which appeared proper for the observations of. Ingress and Egress, accelerated and retarded by Parallax, in the two Transits. An active discussion followed, in which the Hydrographer and several Navy Officers took a prominent part. On 1869, February 15, I sent certain papers to the Secretary of the Admiralty ; on April 9 I wrote more formally with Estimate of Expense of Instruments ; and on May 25 I sent a printed copy of the discussion of 1868, December 11, including also a paper by Mr. De La Rue on the application of Photography. About the same time an Estimate was furnished by the Hydrographer for expenses of travelling, residences, &c. [Each of these estimates proved ultimately much too small, the deficiency of my own being mainly in respect of observing-huts and general packages.] Approval to a certain extent was given by the Admiralty, and instrumental and other preparations were begun. Those transactions were reported to the House of Commons on July 6. Q ni. wt. 17091. a 2 M761607 iv TRANSIT OP VENUS, 1874. The Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory, at their meeting of 1871, June 3, passed the following resolution : " After a discussion it was " resolved, that, as the Board deem it most important that photographic- " be combined with eye-observations at the approaching Transit of Venus, " an opinion in which the Astronomer Royal fully concurs, the Chairman " apply to the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury to sanction " a grant of five thousand pounds (5,0001.) for the purpose ; a sum which it is " considered will cover the cost of photographic apparatus and observations " for all the stations." The Board of Admiralty requested my opinion on this proposal, and in reply, though expressing myself guardedly on its success, I gave my opinion in favour of it. Meantime the general plan of the proposed Expedition had become the subject of much public discussion ; and in particular, letters appeared in the " Spectator" of 1873, February 8, and the " Times" of February 13, strongly urging the adoption of Bnderby Land (which after careful consideration I had rejected) for a southern station. The Board of Admiralty sent these papers for my opinion, and in my reply, dated February 21, after elaborate discussion of the question, I declined to recommend that adoption. At their Lordships' request, my reply was communicated to the Royal Astronomical Society, and it is printed in their Monthly Notice of 1873, March 14. On 1873, March 22, a statement on the general plan was made to the House of Commons. Preparations had now advanced for collecting an efficient body of observers from all classes, Naval, Military, and Civilian, and for their instruction at the Royal Observatory in all the practical details of observation with the Transit, the Altazimuth, the Equatoreal, and especially with the working model of the Transit. Among the candidates who early offered their services was Captain Gr. L. Tupman, R.M.A. I soon found that this gentleman might be trusted with a large portion of the superintendence of preparations and instructions, which, amid the engrossing business of the Royal Observatory, it was impossible for me to undertake completely. On 1873, March 21, I gave in an elaborate Report of preparations, and stated that valuable assistance had been received from Captain Tupman. The Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory, at their meeting of 1873, June 7, passed the following resolution : " That in consideration of the fact " that the successful result of the entire scheme of observation of the INTRODUCTION. v " approaching Transit of Venus will depend to a great extent on observations " being made in the Southern Hemisphere, to compare with those which are " already amply provided for in Siberia and China, it is in the opinion of " the Board of Visitors very desirable that parties suitably equipped be " despatched to the South, in the hope of finding some additional practicable " places at which the entire duration of the Transit may be observed." The Admiralty, in reply to the Board of Visitors, adverted to the voyage of the " Challenger," and to the prudence of waiting for reports from that ship. I may here state that subsequent information thus obtained justified the entire rejection of the Heard Islands, on account of the extreme uncertainty of communication (the Crozet Islands had been previously rejected for the same reason), and indicated unexpected facilities in the adoption of the southern part of Kerguelen Island. On 1874, January 24, I placed before the Admiralty a general statement of arrangements, and on March 11, Captain Tupman was first put in commu- nication with the Accountant-General, the Director of Transports, and the Hydrographer, for management of the expedition when afloat and of its money-affairs. On May 4, in reply to a letter of the Admiralty, I offered my strong testimony to the value of Captain Tupman's services. The greater portion of the observing parties sailed in the early part of summer ; that for Egypt naturally much later than the others. Time, however, was occupied by the Egyptian party at Greenwich in practice for the operations with the long submarine telegraph. The several parties returned at different times : the breaking up of their residences depending, for the most part, on the completion of operations for longitude. On those points information will be found in the several Parts of the following work. Some advance had been made by each party in the orderly record and partial reduction of their observations. As soon as Captain Tupman returned, all the observers were placed under his superintendence, at the Royal Observatory, for completing their share of the reductions and for measure of the photographs. As the work of each observer was finished, he was discharged from the service. The last was Lieut. Neate, R.N., from Rodriguez ; his return was late, and his calculations voluminous ; and they were not finished before October 1876. From this time every calculation was subjected to the severe examination of Captain Tupman. On 1877, April 14, a member of the House of Commons gave notice to the First Lord of the Admiralty of his intention to inquire, on April 19, when vi TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. the Results of the Observations, &c. might be expected to be laid before Parliament. In consequence of this, every effort was made by Captain Tupman to accelerate partial reductions and to combine the results ; and a Return was made to the House of Commons, dated 16th July 1877, and was ordered for printing on the same day. The substance of this Report, as regards observations, &c. is entirely included in the details of the present volume. In the meantime the affairs of the Transit of Venus were in great difficulty. Captain Tupman, with scarcely any assistance, was occupied with the vast mass of reductions. The Government, probably remarking the excess of expenditure above estimate, refused to sanction his stipend beyond 1878, March 31. Captain Tupman then addressed to me the following letter : " 1877, November 7. " I cannot allow a mere pecuniary consideration to prevent me finishing off properly the work I have had so much to do with. The Lords of the Admiralty will allow me to remain under you as long as you please, although they cannot grant special salaries. " Perhaps things will be nearly completed by the end of March 1878. I hope to see the work through the press, and all the books and stores left in first-rate order. " G. L. TUPMAN." This determination of Captain Tupman was repeated on 1878, March 16. "With the assistance of one computer (whose salary was paid by myself for a long time, but was ultimately reimbursed to me) Captain Tupman continued his work gratuitously, examining severely every step of the observers' computations, and more especially all that related to instrumental adjustments. Never, perhaps, was such an enormous mass of calculations so severely criticized, and, where necessary, repeated ; but it lasted much longer than had been anticipated. The authority of the Government had been received for printing the results ; and this, on the scale adopted by Captain Tupman, added greatly to his labour. However, in the autumn of 1880 Captain Tupman, then about to quit the country, presented me with the calculations and portions of introductions for each station, and with the printed sheets for the observation-districts of the Sandwich or Hawaiian Islands and Egypt. Though anticipating for myself a heavy addition to the labours of an office already sufficiently oppressive, I could but feel grateful to Captain Tupman for the disinterested zeal I may call it heroic with which he had laboured to bring the work to that point. INTRODUCTION. vii The observations and reductions, I found, had been printed in great detail, especially for the district of the Sandwich Islands. It was desirable that this should be done to some extent as a general specimen of the operations ; but I now determined to print the remainder on the scale which I had intimated in an address to the Royal Astronomical Society, published in their Monthly Notice for 1875, March 12, " In the accounts of transits it is sufficient to " give description of instruments and methods, constants of adjustments, " and tables of clock-errors, and analogous abstracts of comparisons of " chronometers, &c. But it is necessary to give in the fullest detail " everything that bears upon the actual observation of contacts, or upon " the observer's impression at the time of making the observation, or upon " the micrometer-measures, or upon the photographs and the measures " of the photographs, &c. ; with sufficient description of the instruments and " their adjustments at the time. Clock Time and Local Sidereal Time are to " be given for every observation." The carrying out of this change, though in its main feature it is a very large diminution of the matter prepared for 'press, yet, as it consisted of sometimes extracting numbers, sometimes taking the means of numbers, always requiring numerous references to the originals and to the first calculations founded on them, has in reality employed much of my time. It has, indeed, occupied all the hours, not engaged on routine business, on which I could usually have reckoned for other matters of science. In regard to the form in which the Results are to be presented to the reader, I have thought it best to leave the reduced observations in the state in which he will find them near the end of each Part. I have endeavoured to give the Equations in the shape which will admit of combination in the easiest way for the computer's further operations (whether he may desire to use the Calculus of Probabilities for the whole, or to make any special selection of combinations) when he shall have decided on the recorded phase of contact of limbs which he thinks best to adopt. The numerical value of the first term of each Equation (on which all depends) will be adapted to any time differing from that which I have used, by merely expressing numerically in seconds that difference of time, and substituting it for the symbol 8 t. In regard to the photographs, of which I have given, in the Appendix to this work, a general account, with sufficient details on the instruments viii TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. employed for their treatment, I conceive it to be possible that some astro- nomer may yet think them worthy of rediscussion. The photographs themselves are carefully preserved at the Eoyal Observatory. I do not imagine that any important improvement can be made in their measures ; but perhaps - the number of photographs may be reduced by judicious rejection of those whose definition is doubtful. And the theory of instru- mental distortion, to which I have alluded in the Appendix to this work, may be considered. It was recognized in some of the photographs that the limb of Venus was much distorted by atmospheric action ; a corresponding distortion might be expected in the Sun's limb. And it was believed by some of the measurers of the photographs that irregularities of the Sun's limb, amounting to two or three seconds, produced uncertainty in the measures of the photographs : if that irregularity be real, it might be expected also to produce error on the same scale in the optical observations of contact. G. B. AIRY. Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 1881, June 6. TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. PART I. EXPEDITION TO THE HAWAIIAN (SANDWICH) ISLANDS, UNDER CAPTAIN G. L. TTJPMAN, ROYAL MARINE ARTILLERY. SECTION I. OBSERVATIONS AT HONOLULU (OAHU). With Eive Plates. SECTION II. OBSERVATIONS AT KAILUA (HAWAII). With One Plate. SECTION III. OBSERVATIONS AT WAIMEA (KAUAI). With One Plate. Q 171. Wt. 17091. TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. PART I. EXPEDITION TO THE HAWAIIAN (SANDWICH) ISLANDS. Section 1. OBSERVATIONS AT HONOLULU (OAHU), / With Five Plates. TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. PART I. EXPEDITION TO THE HAWAIIAN (SANDWICH) ISLANDS. SECTION I. HONOLULU. I'agc- VOYAGE, PERSONNEL, SITE, INSTRUMENTS, AND GEOGRAPHICAL DETERMINATIONS : Voyage and Establishment at Honolulu 5 Personnel 6 Site 7 The Transit Clock and Transit Instrument . ~ . . 9 Equatorial Intervals and Error of Level 11 Error of Collimation 12 Error of Azimuth and Meridian Mark .',.'..... 13 Transits of Stars and of the Moon . . , ..,-.' . . , . . . . . 15 Relative Personal Equations 16 Adopted Errors and Rates of the Transit Clock . . . , . ...... . . 17 The Altazimuth Instrument ,...,..'.... 18 Intervals of Wires ...... 19 Runs of Micrometers, and Position of the Altazimuth Pier .... 4 .... 2O The Altazimuth Clock . . . _ . . . . . 20 Latitude of the Altazimuth Pier . . . ' . ; . . . 20 Observations for Co-latitude, Refractions, Zenith Points . . . . i ... , 21 Summary of Co-latitudes . . . 22 Longitude of the Station at Apua . . 22 Longitude from Meridional Transits of the Moon . . . . ^ , . . .... . 22 Summary of Meridional Results ............ 23 Longitude from Observed Zenith Distances of the Moon -. 24 Summary of Results from Zenith Distances . . . .... . . . . . 27 Longitude from Occultations of Stars by the Moon 27 Comparisons of Chronometers, and Observations of Occultations ...;.... 2S Calculation of Longitude from Occultations 29 Summary of Results for Longitude, from all sources . . ' 30 CHRONOMETRIC CONNECTIONS WITH KAILUA (HAWAII OR OWHYHEE), WITH WAIMEA (KAUAI OR ATOOI), AND WITH SAN FRANCISCO (CALIFORNIA) : List of Chronometers 31 Detail of Voyages with the Chronometers ..-.'." .'"V" 32 Results for Difference of Longitude, and Personal Equations . . .;..'.,. . . 35 For Honolulu and Kailua . . . . . . J . . 35 For Honolulu and Waimea 35 Detail of Voyage to San Francisco, and Mode of Observation ,. . ... ., . . ^ . , 3t> Result derived from San Francisco ..'.'. 37 OBSERVATION AT HONOLULU OF THE INGRESS OF VENUS, 1874, DECEMBER 8. REPORT OF CAPTAIN G. L. TUPMAN, R.M.A. : Personal Arrangements, and Telescopes '. . 38 Reflection Eye-pieces, and Double-image Micrometers 39 Clock, Arrangement of Spectroscope for the Observation of External Contact ... 40 Observation of commencement of Ingress, Measures of Cusps 41 Measures of Venus' Diameter, and of Cusps before Internal Contact 42 A 2 4 INDEX. Page REPORT OF CAPTAIN G. L. TUPMAN, R.M.A. continued. Observation of Internal Contact 43 Measures of Distance between Limbs of Sun and Venus 45 Comparison of Clocks 46 Discussion of the Measures made with Double-image Micrometer 47 Equations given by those Measures 49 Values of Screw-revolutions, and Semidiameter of Venus ,54 Final Equations from all the Observations at Honolulu 55 Description of the Model made to imitate the Transit of Venus 56 Comparison of Contact-times with Result of Cusp-measures, on the Model 57 REPORT OF MR. J. W. NICHOL : First Contact of Limbs, and Micrometer-measures of Cusps 59 Diameter of Venus, Internal Contact, and Measures of Interval between Limbs ... 61 Comparison of Chronometer ,, . . 62 REPORT OF LIEUT. E. J. W. NOBLE, R.M.A. : Observation of Contacts of Limbs, and Resulting Equation 63 REPORT OF MR. FLITNER : Comparison of Chronometer, and Observation of Contacts . . Resulting Equation 65 MERIDIONAL AND ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS AT HONOLULU, IN TABULAR ARRANGE- MENT : Table I. Level Error of the Transit Instrument at Honolulu Table II. Collimation of the Transit Instrument Table III. Azimuth Error of the Transit Instrument 74 Table IV. Meridional Transits 86 Table V. Errors and Rates of the Transit Clock 108 Table VI Comparisons of the Altazimuth Clock with the Transit Clock 113 Table VII. Mean Places of Stars observed with the Altazimuth 119 Table VIII. Observations, with the Altazimuth, of Collimator for Zenith Point, and of Stars for Co-latitude 122 Table IX. Vertical Transits of the Moon and Stars, and Longitude deduced from each . 138 Table X. Abstract of Longitude from observed Transits of the Moon over the Meridian 190 Table XI. Abstract of Longitude from observed Zenith Distances of the Moon . . . 192 Table XII. Comparisons and Errors of Portable Chronometers 194 Table XIII. Specimen of Comparison of the Portable Chronometers with the Ship Chronometers 197 Table XIV. Abstract of Errors of Travelling Chronometers on Local Mean Time . . 198 Table XV. Rates of Ship Chronometers, and Deduced Differences of Longitude in the Sandwich (Hawaiian) Group . 203 Table XVI. Specimen of the Reflecting Circle Observations of the Sun at Honolulu . 206 Table XVII. Errors of Ship Chronometers at Honolulu before sailing for San Francisco 207 Table XVIII. Errors of Ship Chronometers at Mare Island, San Francisco, after the Voyage from Honolulu 209 Table XIX. Chronometric Difference of Longitude between Honolulu and Mare Island, San Francisco ; and Longitude of Honolulu thence deduced .... 210 Plate I. Plan of a portion of Honolulu 7 Plate II. Plan of the Station at Apua "..''.". Plate III. Arrangement of the Double-image Micrometer . 39 Plate IV. Diagrams illustrating the Internal Contact at Ingress 43 Plate V. The Model , .... 4 56 TRANSIT OP VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. VOYAGE, AND ESTABLISHMENT AT HONOLULU. 1. The Expedition destined for the Hawaiian Islands left England in two detachments on board the Pacific Steam Navigation Company's steamships Illimani and Britannia, starting from Liverpool 1874, June 3 and June 17 respectively, and proceeding by way of the Straits of Magellan to Valparaiso. At the latter port, H.M.S. Scout, Captain R. P. CATOR, R.N., by the orders of Vice- Admiral the Hon. Arthur Cochrane, C.B., was awaiting their arrival, and, having transhipped the baggage, she sailed on the 4th August with all the Expedition, and arrived at Honolulu September 9. 2. The time occupied by the long voyage was usefully employed in preparing auxiliary tables to facilitate the reduction of time and other observations on the spot. Thus the Apparent Right Ascensions of all the Greenwich Clock Stars not included in the Nautical Almanac Fundamental Catalogue for 1874 were computed for intervals of 10 days between the dates likely to be required. 3. An elaborate set of meteorological instruments having been lent to the Expedition from the Meteorological Office in London by the Director, R. H. SCOTT, Esq., an accurate journal was kept during the voyage, in which the state of the instruments, weather, &c. was recorded every four hours.* 4. On arrival at Honolulu the Expedition was most cordially welcomed by His Majesty King KALAKAUA, and by the Ministers of State. The Expedition was greatly indebted to His Excellency Mr. W. L. GREEN, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and to Major James Hay WODEHOUSE, Her Britannic Majesty's Com- missioner, who, from first to last, exhibited great interest in and materially aided all the operations. 5. A good site was obtained without difficulty, through the active co- operation of Captain Daniel SMITH, the harbour master. His Majesty the KING placed at the disposal of the Expedition, rent free, a suitable piece of open land in the southern extreme of the town. To enable the party to be lodged conveniently near their instruments, H.R.H. the * It may be stated here that the Meteorological Journal was continued during the stay of the Expedition at Honolulu, and has since been deposited at the Meteorological Office, Victoria Street, Westminster. (> TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Princess RUTH, at the suggestion of Governor DOMINIS, of Oahu, considerately vacated her own house, known as HONUAKAHA HALK, and allowed it to be rented on liberal terms. 6. It is difficult to do justice to the exertions of Captain R. P. CATOR, R.N., of H.M.S. Scout, who remained at Honolulu until the middle of December, and of Commander VAN der MEULEN, R.N., of H.M.S. Tenedos, to whose careful forethought and continual personal superintendence the success of the Expedition was in no small degree due. After the tedious operations of transporting the chronometers backwards and forwai'ds to the Islands of Hawaii and Kauai, the Tenedos was succeeded by H.M.S. Reindeer, Commander C. V. ANSON, by whose cordial co-operation the outlying parties were brought back to Honolulu, and the Expedition finally taken to San Francisco on its way home. 7. Mr. David FLITNER, of Honolulu, who himself successfully observed the Ingress of Venus at Waiakiki, most generously lent a number of marine chronometers to assist in the longitude operations. Captain D. SMITH also lent a chronometer for the same purpose. 8. I cannot close these remarks without recording the friendly welcome accorded to the members of the Expedition by the American and British communities of Honolulu. It would be invidious to mention a few names when all were so kind and hospitable that the reminiscences of our six months' sojourn on that far distant island will ever be of the most agreeable. PERSONNEL. 9. The observing party at Honolulu consisted of Lieutenant F. E. RAMSDEN, R.N., who undertook the management of the Photographic Department, and also assisted in astronomical observations ; Lieutenant (now Captain) E. J. W. NOBLE, R.M.A. ; J. W. NICHOL, Esq.,* F.R.A.S., formerly assistant at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh ; and myself. In the following pages these observers are distinguished by the letters R., No., Ni., and T. respectively. 10. There were also attached to the Expedition Lance- Corporal CURRY and Sappers M. MEINS and J. MYERS, Royal Ens/Mieers, who rendered most effective assistance generally, and in the Photographic Department especially, and voluntarily kept the four-hourly Meteorological Register during our stay at Honolulu. * Mr. Nichol died in November 1878. Transit of Venus 1814. Dec. 8. Plate I. Pla-n- of a, portion of Honolulu- shewing the position, of tht Transit ofVeniM Station, Trie smaller plan, slwws tfie position/ of tJi& Statum, with regard to tht principal points of the Gwerrunent Trdgcncrnetrical Survey. Scale of English Feet. P 5000 10000 I5OOO References. A. a point 14 -15 feet South of the. Centre of the- Transit pier cut- SB. Base line of the Government/ Trigonometrical Surrey. D . Trig. Statwn on Diamond- Head- fLuth^J K. , , Mount Konahuanui- L . , . , Light house P. , ,. funch-bowl T . Mount Tantalus (Punshia/J W. VdlageofWaiakiM,. I:TH 22 BED'OIC S r COVLT Cnot. To face page 7. POSITION OF THE STATION AT HONOLULU. THE SITE AT HONOLULU. Plates I. and II. 11. The open piece of grass land in the district called Apua is situated south of Punchbowl Street and west of Queen Street. A portion, in every way suitable for our purpose, was enclosed with a wooden fence, and the instruments, &c. were there set up, as represented in Plate II. The actual site of the Transit Pier was 300 feet from the centre of Punchbowl Street, 420 feet from Queen Street, 910 feet from the flagstaff on the New Government Buildings, and 1,040 feet from the spire of Kawaiahao (stone) Church. 12. From a point 14'75 feet due south of the centre of the Transit Pier the following true bearings and distances were taken, to determine the relative positions of the instruments, and to connect the station with the Government Trigonometrical Survey : o / Spire of Kawaiahao Church N. 62. o E. i,O4O feet. Trig. Survey Station on Punchbowl Hill N. 49. 44 E. 0,104 ., Mount Tantalus N. 55. 26 E. Diamond Head S. 46. 32 E. Center of Photoheliograph Pier N. 76. 3o E. 28 5 feet. Altazimuth Pier S. 86. 5y E. io3'o ., -1 .V-int'h Equatorial S. 5g. g E. 35 'o ., 6-inch S. 5z. 27 E. yo'o ,, 13. In or about the year 1845 Professor LYMAN, now of Yale College, Connecticut, then residing in Honolulu for the benefit of his health, made a number of meridional observations of the Moon in order to determine the longitude. It is supposed that these observations have never been published, but their utility was such that in 1874 the Hawaiian Surveyor-General was still using the longitude communicated to him by Professor Lyman. The observatory and transit instrument of Professor Lyman passed into the hands of DAVID FLITNER, Esq., chronometer maker, of Honolulu, and in 1874 they were in perfect order. The position of the observatory is shown in Plate I. 14. In the year 1868 M. FLEURIAIS, deputed by the Bureau dcs Loiigitudes to determine the longitudes of various points in South America, established himself at Honolulu. With the friendly assistance of M. BAILLIEU, Commis- sioner for France, the actual site of M. Fleuriais' Observatory was recovered through some remains of the masonry of the Transit Pier which were found in situ en the coral rock, five feet below the surface of the road, by the 8 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. workman who had built and who had afterwards removed the brickwork.* It was situated on the north side of Emma Street, immediately opposite to the end of Adam's Lane. 15. At my request, Mr. J. N. G-AY, surveyor, of Honolulu, kindly made the following traverse with a 5-inch theodolite and 66-foot chain, to connect the station at Apua with the observatories of MM. FLEURIAIS and FLITNER. Theodolite Stations. " TrueAzhnuth. $. A to Bf North. 14-75 In the direction of the North B to C North. 295-5 Meridian Mark. C to D N. 76. 40'. E. 261 D to E N. 38. 3 4 '. W. g5o" D to Z, N. o. 37'. W. E to F N. 55. 38'. E. iz5i '5 E to Z, S. 68. 32'. E. F to G N. 55?. 3 4 '. W. 8g3'5 Gto H N. 4 i.57'.E. 79' G to I N. 60. 41'. E. 320' I to K N. 88. 3o'. E. 217-5 K to L N. 88. 3o'. E. 341 ' L to M S. 3o.4i'. E. 498- Mto N S. 5 4 . 3i'. W. 459*5 N to O S. 3 7 . iS'.E. 961-5 O to P S. 48. 21'. E. 55g-5 P to D Not observed. 648- A. Position of Mr. Gay's theodolite within the enclosure at Apua. B. The center of the transit pier. H. The center of Mr. Flitner's transit pier. K. M. Fleuriais' transit pier (restored). Z. The flagstaff on the Government Buildings. 16. From the above, M. Fleuriais' pier was 2,474 feet north and 456 feet east, and Mr. Flitner's pier was 2,370 feet north and 12^ feet east of the center of the transit pier at APUA (see the section Longitude of Honolulu). 17. A stage was erected near the southern angle of the enclosure to carry the telescopes used for observing the model. "Water was laid on from the main in Punchbowl Street. There were two taps on which to attach hoses in case of fire (the fire buckets and tubs were always kept filled), and three other taps for photographic and other purposes. Corporal Currie, Sappers Meins and Myers, R.E., lived on the premises, and the observers' residence, Honuakaha Hale, was about 130 yards distant on the other side of Punchbowl Street. * To preserve this site I erected a small brick pier, the top of which was left about one foot below the surface of the road. j- The lines of the traverse are shown in Plate I. by a dotted line. The reader, following the Azimuths given above, will without difficulty identify the points B, C, D, &c. Plate 11. Transit of Venus, 1874 December 8. Flan of the Observing - Stativw at Apua , Honolulu,. Latitude of the Altazimuth Pier 21:17.56.9 Noj-th; Longitude 10^ 20 16 s 3 West of Greenwich. a 4jinch, \Equatjireal Water* 0> inch. Equatoreal A Oj Atiagunuth PlatJbrrn for observing the Model of the Transit of \%nu, distant 800 Feet. Scale of English, Feet,. . K> JO 30 40 60 7O .SO 90 100 Illllllllll 1 1 1 1 1 I I | i 1 To face page, 8. DANCCRFIELU LITH 22 BCOFORD S T COVCNT CAKOEN TRANSIT INSTRUMENT. 9 18. In this part of the town the coral is covered by some four feet of very light sandy soil. Although high-water mark was half a mile distant, the tide percolated through the coral and rose many inches above its surface, but in no way interfered with the stability of the piers, which were set with cement. THE TRANSIT CLOCK. 19. This was constructed by Messrs. B. Dent and Co., of London, in 1870, and was numbered 1916. The compensation of the pendulum was effected by their well-known cylindrical combination of zinc and steel. The clock, in common with all the clocks employed on the Transit of Venus Expeditions, was tested for a long time at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, under very trying variations of temperature, and its performance was excellent. At Honolulu it was mounted on a massive tripod of mahogany and iron, which rested upon three stakes driven 2 or 3 feet into the ground. It was wound every Sunday at noon. The suspension spring of the pendulum was changed, 1874, November 7, after which the rate was remarkably steady (Tab. V.). THE TRANSIT INSTRUMENT. 20. Five transit instruments, precisely similar in all respects, were con- structed for the Expeditions by Messrs. Troughton and Simms. One of these was used at Honolulu. The object glass was very nearly 3 inches clear aperture and 36^ inches focal length. The axis, consisting of central cube and cones, was cast in one piece. Its length from shoulder to shoulder (that is, exclusive of the pivots,) was 18 inches ; the pivots were 1| inches long and 1^ inches diameter. The cube was of 6 inches side ; the cones were 5^ inches in diameter at the cube and 2| inches at the shoulder. The two tubes which, with the cube, formed the telescope, were 4^ inches in diameter at their attachment (by flanges) with the cube. When the dew cap was on, the instrument weighed 44 Ibs., and was perfectly balanced on its pivots. 21. The system of webs, consisting of 5 vertical webs, at intervals of about 3^', and two horizontal webs, about 5' apart, was mounted on the plate driven by the micrometer screw, so that the whole system moved when the screw was turned. The head of the micrometer screw was divided on silver to 100 parts, and was provided with a movable brass cover to prevent it being accidentally turned when not actually in use, as when observing time-stars. The thread of the screw was kept bearing in one direction by a spiral spring B 10 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. within the box, as with all Messrs. Troughton and Simms' micrometers. There was no perceptible " loss of time " in any one of them. The eye-piece was moved rapidly from wire to wire by a quick screw, the milled head of which was opposite to the micrometer-screw-head. The illumination of the wires was effected in the usual way by lamp-light passing through one of the pivots on to a gilt reflector, regulated by a rod leading down to the eye-piece. There was a polar distance setting circle 4^ inches diameter on each side of the tube near the eye end. 22. A solid pier of brick and cement, 6^ feet by 3^ feet at the top and somewhat larger at the bottom, was built up from the coral (previously levelled) to about the surface of the ground. On this was laid, levelled, oriented, and cemented a great stone, 6 feet by 3 feet and 6 inches thick, weighing 1,500 Ibs. After the cement had well set, the stone piers were placed in position. These piers were 4 feet 11 inches high, 24 inches by 21 at the base, and 11 inches square at the top, and weighed nearly 1,400 Ibs. each.* The Y's were of massive construction, one having an adjustment for azimuth the other for level. They were attached to the tops of the piers "by heavy sockets cemented into the stone. The supporting faces of the Y's were inclined 90, and were rounded so as to touch a very small surface of the pivots. When the instrument was thus mounted, a heavy blow with the fist administered to the top of one of the piers merely produced a momentary tremor of the optical image of a distant object. 23. The instrument was provided with three eye-pieces of powers 45, 75, and 120. The power of 75 was always used at Honolulu. A small prism of total reflection could be attached to the eye-piece for the more convenient observation of stars near the zenith. The shape of the piers left plenty of room for the observer to sit between them. 24. For determining the level-error, the instrument was fitted with a Bohnenberger eye-piece and mercury trough, and with a hanging level of delicate construction graduated with about 12 divisions to each inch, 46 of which were equivalent to one minute of arc. The divisions were numbered from to 100, the readings increasing towards the cross-level. The glass bubble itself was protected by a covering of plate glass. The value of the graduations was re- determined by the makers just before the expedition started, several years after the instruments were made. * Three great stones similar to these, forming the mounting of the transit instrument, and the wooden observatory, 13 feet square, were sent out from England with each expedition. TRANSIT INSTRUMENT. 11 25. TJte equatorial intervals of the wires were determined from 500 transits of clock stars, and 32 transits of close circumpolar stars. No accident happened to the wires during the four months of observations. The wires were named a, b, c, d, e, the wire a being farthest from the micrometer-screw- head. The equatorial intervals finally adopted were a = -f- 28-483") b = + 14-413 | c = o'ooo )> For micrometer east. d= 14-384 = 28-426J Consequently, to reduce the mean of the five wires to the center wire, the o 9 * o 1 60 correction, with micrometer east, is + s ; n KPD stars within 30 of the equator this correction has been taken as = + O s- 02 (micrometer E.) 26. TJie value of one revolution of the micrometer screw was obtained from very numerous observations of close circumpolar stars, chiefly of Polaris. (^ Altogether there were made 64 separate determinations at different parts of the screw, each obtained from at least five bisections, all tending to show that there was no sensible drunkenness or error periodical on one revolution. The adopted value is 56"-251. The integer revolutions of the screw were read from a comb in the field of view by means of the center wire ; they were numbered in the observation- book so that the 20th revolution (20 r- 000) occupied the optical center as nearly as possible, with increasing readings towards the head. Thus 22 r> 000 signifies that the system of wires was moved two revolutions from its central position towards the micrometer-screw-head. 27. The Error of Level of the transit axis was generally determined, with the hanging spirit-level described above, once or twice with every batch of time stars and with every circumpolar star observed for azimuth error. The relative position of the pivots, both in level and in azimuth, was subject to a regular diurnal variation. During the night the east pivot sank from 2" to 3", and moved to the north about the same amount. The adjusting screws were touched on 1874, October 5, after which date the level-error remained small and steady. Several shocks of an earthquake on 1874, December 28, pro- duced no sensible alteration in the position of the instrument. 28. The correction to the level-error, as found by spirit-level, for inequality of the diameters of the pivots, was found, by repeated reversions of the instrument, to be on c 12 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. // 1874, October 2, +0*042 with micrometer west. ,, i5, +0-047 November 20, +o'o85 ,, ,, ,, +o - o52 ,, ,, The adopted correction for inequality of pivots is +0"'06 micrometer west. The observed level-errors are given in Table I. The level-error adopted in the reductions for a group of stars has always been the mean of the deter- minations, by the same observer, accompanying the group. 29. The Error of Gollimation of the transit instrument. There is no doubt that, during the long outward voyage, the ring clamp, on which the rigidity of the connection between the system of wires and the body of the instrument depended, became slightly loose, and that this escaped detection until November 6. Two or three times, during the month of October, parts of the eye-end connected with the micrometer were removed under the impression that they caused the uncertainty in the position of the optic axis. On November 6 the ring clamp above mentioned was tightened, after which there was no further trouble. 30. At first the collimation-error was determined by observing a close circumpolar star with reversed positions of the transit-axis. A few minutes before the star came to the meridian, the observer removed the brass cover of the micrometer-screw-head, set the center wire to some quarter of a revolution, and allowed the star to transit the center wire. The micrometer was then turned a quarter of a revolution or other known quantity, and another transit of the center wire observed. Five or six such observations were taken before the star came to the meridian ; the instrument was then reversed, and the star observed in transit over the center wire with the micrometer successively set to the same readings as before, but of course in reverse order. The level-errors for these two sets of observations should differ by twice the inequality of pivots ; but generally the level-error was determined before and after, and applied as found. 31. On 1874, October 5, a stout post with a T cross head was set up on the north side of the transit-hut, to support a telescope of 30 inches focal length with cross webs in the focus of the object glass. The post was entirely protected from the direct rays of the sun by screens of rushes. The observations of this collimator were generally made at night. The transit instrument was always reversed twice because the collimator was not always perfectly steady. After November 4 the meridian mark was more generally TRANSIT INSTRUMENT. MERIDIAN MARK. 13 used. The mark (or the cross of the collimator) was bisected five or six times with the center wire. The observations of the meridian mark are given in Table III. 32. As the whole system of wires moved with the micrometer-screw, the error of collimation is always the difference between the actual reading of the micrometer and the reading which corresponds to zero, or when the center wire coincides with the optic axis. If M be the former, Z the latter, and R the value of one revolution, the collimation-error in arc is given with its proper sign for micrometer east by .the formula + (Z - M) R. The readings for Z as determined by observation are shown in Table II. The adopted reading and M are given each day with the transits of stars. 33. The Azimuth-Error of the transit instrument was found in the usual way by combining observations of Polaris, 8 Ursae Minoris, Cephei (Hev.) 51, or x Ursa? Minoris, with those of clock stars. Some difficulty was experienced in setting up a meridian mark at a proper distance. To the south the sea- shore was too near ; to the north there was no choice ; the crest of a range of hills four miles distant, and very difficult of access, was the only available place. On November 4 Mr. Nichol, accompanied by Mr. C. J. Lyons, of the Government Survey, who was well acquainted with the country, with a party of native workmen, ascended the mountain to the height of 1,540 feet, and erected the mark exactly on the crest of the hill, so that it showed out in bold relief against the sky at an altitude of 3 40'. The mark itself consisted principally of two vertical posts of timber, 16 feet long and 4 inches by 3 in section, planted with 4r| feet of their length in a stiff red clay, and shored up with four stout stays. The clear space between the inner surfaces of the posts was 9 '94 inches, and subtended 8" '05 as seen from the transit instrument ; its center was afterwards found to be about 10 inches east of true north, and to be 21,218 feet from the transit instrument. 34. The mark was observed for azimuth-error, after sunset, and as early as possible every morning, the center wire being placed by estimation centrally between the two posts. These observations showed a nearly regular diurnal movement of the optic-axis in azimuth of about 3", the telescope pointing more east in the morning than in the evening. It was never possible to observe the mark during the heat of the day. In order to determine the absolute azimuth of the mark and the law of the azimuthal change of position of the instrument, the mark was illuminated through a hole in the center, c 2 14 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. 4 feet from the ground, from sunset to sunrise on the nights of 1875, February 6, 7, 8, and 9, and its image bisected with the micrometer every half hour. The hanging level, which was left in position and reversed only occasionally, was read at the same time ; while as many circumpolar stars as possible were observed. The results of the four nights' observations showed that the direction of the optic axis moved steadily to the eastward (when the telescope was pointed to the north) from sunset until ll h . 30 mean time. It then remained steady until sunrise. The observations of the mark corrected for level-error, com- pared with the stars, give the following absolute azimuths of the center of the mark from the center of the transit instrument : // 1 876, February 6, S Ursas Minoris 9 66 east of north. Cephei 5i 7 ' 85 , , 7,8 Ursas Minoris 6 g5 Cephei 5i 8'i3 X Ursae Minoris 7 88 Polaris S.P 7-11 , , 8, 8 Ursse Minoris 9 '20 X Ursse Minoris 8 53 Polaris S.P 7-67 , , g, 8 Ursas Minoris 8 " I o Cephei 5i 8' 85 X Ursas Minoris 9*44 Polaris S.P 8' 88 The adopted absolute azimuth is 8" -32. 35. On 19 mornings there 'are observations of Polar Stars not very long before the mark was observed. Assuming that the instrument was steady in azimuth after midnight, each of these gives a determination of the absolute azimuth of the mark. The mean of them is 8"'23. 36. The azimuth-error adopted in the reductions for a group of stars has been found in the following manner: If the middle time of the group is later than ll h . 30 m mean time, a mean has been taken of the azimuth-errors found from circumpolar stars and the morning observation of the meridian mark. For example, on 1874, November 22, Table III., there are four determinations of the Error of Azimuth after midnight (three by circum- polar stars, one by the meridian-mark), the mean of which has been used in reducing the group of clock stars observed after midnight. When tne middle time of the group falls before ll h . 30 m mean time, it has been assumed that the change of azimuth, denoted by the difference between the REDUCTION OF OBSERVED TRANSITS. 15 evening and morning observations of the mark, took place with uniformity between the evening reading and ll h . 30 m mean time. If the mark has not been observed in the morning, the mean change 2" - 5 has been used, and a proportional part applied to the evening observation of the mark. This azimuth-error has then been combined with those obtained from circumpolar stars. For example, on November 13, Table III., the difference of azimuth by the evening and morning readings of the mark is 3"-37. Clock stars were observed at about 10 h , that is, four hours after the observation of the mark. It is assumed that a change of 2"-45 took place in those four hours, and that, therefore, the azimuth-error by the mark was 0"'92. The error used for the group is the mean between this and 0"'72 found by Polaris at 9 h . 40 m . Table III. contains the whole of the determinations of azimuth-error and the observations of the meridian mark. TRANSITS OF STARS AND OF THE MOON OBSERVED AT HONOLULU, AND DEDUCED ERROR OF THE TRANSIT-CLOCK DENT 1916. 37. The stars observed for clock-error were taken from the catalogue of clock stars in use at the Koyal Observatory, Greenwich. The Mean Right Ascensions were brought up to the beginning of the year from the Greenwich Catalogue of 2760 Stars, Epoch 1864, and are identical with those adopted at the Royal Observatory. For those stars found in the Nautical Almanac the apparent places have been taken from that work, a small constant correction being applied to reduce them to the standard of the 1864 Catalogue. The Moon Culminating Stars, for which good places have not been recently obtained, have been rejected. The Apparent Right Ascensions of such stars of the Greenwich list as were not in the Nautical Almanac were brought up, during the outward voyage, for every ten days of the period during which they were likely to be required. 38. In reducing the observed transits of clock stars the mean of the five wires has been, for convenience, reduced to the center wire by the correction O-02, additive when the micrometer was east. The diurnal aberration has been taken as follows : a For Polaris o 80 , , 8 Ursas Minoris o'oz , , Cephei 5i '4 , , X UrsJB Minoris i o3 , , all the Clock Stars o 02 These quantities have been applied to the Apparent Right Ascensions throughout. 16 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. 39. For the convenient application of the corrections for level, collimation, and azimuth, a table of factors was computed for every degree of N.P.D., similar to that contained in the Introduction to the Greenwich Observations. Similar factors were computed for the four azimuth-stars for every 15 days. Tor the more accurate reduction of circumpolar stars observed rather far from the meridian, and of imperfect transits of clock stars, the collimation factors were computed to four places of decimals. The observations of circumpolar stars more than eight minutes of time from the meridian have been reduced by the rigorous formula. 40. The clock-correction was required for (1) the transit of the Moon ; (2) the Altazimuth observation of the Moon ; (3) the comparisons of travel- ling chronometers ; and (4) for latitude observations. No night was allowed to pass without the clock and instrumental errors being determined, if possible ; and a sufficient number of observations were made to obtain the relative personal equations of the observers ; which was necessary, because the observation of the Moon with the Altazimuth was too fatiguing to admit of many stars being taken by the same observer. 41. The observed Transits of the Moon and Stars, as arranged in Table IV., require little explanation. The day commences at noon, 10 h . 31 m later than noon at Greenwich. The reading and position of the micrometer are given (in the third column) for every star, it being understood that a given reading is to be carried down the column until a change occurs'. In this column the adopted reading for zero of collimation for the day is also given in a bracket, thus [20'070]. It generally applies to all the observations made in one night, but occasionally different values have been used for different observers. When a circumpolar star has been observed with reversed positions of the transit-axis, the two observations are separately reduced. The clock correction proper to apply to the true transit of the Moon's limb is entered in the eighth column in a bracket, thus [2O86], on October 17, Table IV. 42. It has been considered, sufficient to print in detail the transits of the stars observed with the Moon, and those observed for azimuth-error on the days when the Moon was observed with the Altazimuth. All other transits are omitted. Each observer's mean result for clock error is given in Table V. 43. Determination of tlie relative personal equation in observing transits of stars of the observers at Honolulu. In the following table T R = +0 S '22 signifies that T makes the clock O s- 22 more slow than does R. The numbers are obtained from Table V. by interpolation. PERSONAL EQUATIONS. ERRORS AND RATES OF TRANSIT CLOCK. 17 T- No T - R No - K s s s 1874, Oct. g -14 1874, Oct. 8 + -08 1874, Oct. 9 + -32 21 'l5 9 -T--I8 20 '07 22 + 'l6 17 +-io 22 + MO Nov. 1 3 + -08 22 + '26 24 + '09 23 + '08 Nov. 8 + -12 25 '14 27 + -07 12 + '26 26 + -07 28 -oj 16 +-II 27 + -i3 Dec. i -o5 23 +-I 7 Nov. 9 + -19 3 -06 27 +-14 14 + -io 8 -04 28 + -34 i5 + -24 29 + 'o3 2g 4- '22 23 + -09 1876, Jan. i + -o5 Dec. i3 + -26 27 -f -07 26 + '04 1876, Jan. 2 + -3z 28 + -35 28 + -02 4 + 'i6 3o + 'ig 3o + -04 6 + -20 Dec. 4 -02 8 + -19 5 + '20 9 +-'4 7 + -20 10 + '24 9 + -20 11 + '22 io + "3i i3 + -i5 II + -18 27 + -29 1 5 + '09 29 + -20 16 -06 17 +-io 29 + -38 3o + -2i 1876, Jan. 23 + '06 The adopted personal equations are Until 1874, December 17, inclusive, After December 17, T = oo No = oo R = + -16 T = oo No = + '04 R = + '22 44. The Adopted Errors and Rates of the Transit Clock are shown in Table V. The mean of each observer's group (omitting, of course, the circumpolar stare) is taken and corrected for personal equation, and the mean for the night is then found. The loss in 24 hours corresponds to the middle time between the times for which the error is adopted. The adopted rate cor- responds to the time for which the error is adopted. This adopted rate has only been used during the six hours preceding and following the time to which it corresponds. At other times the " loss in 24 hours " has been used 18 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. as the rate. The clock-error proper to apply to the transit of the Moon's limb is explained on page 23. THE ALTAZIMUTH INSTRUMENT AND OBSERVATIONS OF ZENITH DISTANCE. 45. Three instruments for zenith distance, rotating round vertical axes (frequently called Altazimuths, though possessing no accurate graduation in azimuth,) precisely alike in every particular, were constructed for the expe- ditions to Honolulu, Mokattam, and Rodriguez, by Messrs. Troughton and Simms. Bach of these instruments had two vertical circles attached to the horizontal axis which carried the telescope. They were 14 inches in diameter, and were divided on silver to 5' spaces. One circle was read by four micrometer-microscopes, supported by radial arms cast in one with the rotating body of the instrument. One revolution of each micrometer-screw was intended to be 60". The movable micrometer frames carried two parallel wires of spider's web instead of the usual cross. The probable error of bisecting a division of the circle with one microscope was something under 1". The other circle was read by the pointer on the other side of the instrument, where also was the illuminating lamp. Two zenith-distance levels, each divided approximately to 2", were attached to the arms which carried the microscopes. The value of the divisions engraved on the levels were re-determined by the makers just before the Expeditions started. 46. The horizontal axis, telescope, and circles, were built together like a transit-circle. The object-glass had a clear aperture of 2*00 inches and focal length of 20 inches. The reticule consisted of five horizontal and six vertical webs, but the latter were only employed to define the middle points of the horizontal webs. The eye-piece used for all observations was a four-glass diagonal, power 33. The pivots were three-quarters of an inch in diameter, and were both pierced. The circles were interchangeable, and could be turned on their axes; but their positions were not altered during these observations. Circles of plate glass, parallel to and concentric with the graduated circles, were placed outside the framework to protect the levels from the heat of the observer's body and reading-lamp. The illuminating-lamp was on the side opposite to the microscopes. The horizontal circle (which was only used for setting in azimuth) was 12 inches in diameter, and was read by two verniers. There were clamps in zenith-distance and azimuth, the former with a fine slow-motion screw, the latter with a rather quick screw, which was turned during a vertical transit to keep the object at the middle part of the ALTAZIMUTH INSTRUMENT. 19 horizontal wires. For adjusting the verticality of the principal axis, two sensitive levels were attached to the lower portion of the revolving body. A sensitive striding level could be applied to the telescope axis, and the instrument could be used as a portable transit by clamping it on both sides in the meridian. The solid tripod base of the instrument stood upon three brasses let into a thick slab of slate, which formed the head of the pier. Each instrument was protected by a wooden hexagonal hut about eight feet in diameter, with a revolving roof, slit, and shutter, and was accompanied by a secondary sidereal clock with wooden pendulum rod, which was intended to be com- pared with the transit-clock, before and after every observation, by the intervention of a mean time half -seconds chronometer. A mercurial barometer, an aneroid, and thermometers, were also supplied. At Honolulu the instru- ment was supported by a solid pier of brick and concrete founded on the coral. 47. The observer first opened the hut as much as possible to let the instru- ment take up the temperature of the external air. He then compared a mean- time half -seconds chronometer with the Transit-clock and Altazimuth-clock by coincidence of beats, and recorded the barometer and external thermometer. When the observations were concluded, the clocks were again compared, this time commencing with the Altazimuth-clock ; and the barometer and thermo- meter again recorded. 48. When observing a vertical transit, the zenith-distance levels were read before and after the transit, and the microscopes were read last. For a latitude observation, in which the instrument is not, of course, moved in azimuth, the levels were read immediately after the bisection. 49. For determining the zenith-point and intervals of the horizontal wires independently of the stars, collimating arrangements, similar to that described with the transit instrument, were set up on the south and east sides, and the same reversed telescope was used. This collimator was perfectly steady in zenith distance, and by its means the intervals of the horizontal wires from their mean were accurately obtained as follows : Day. I Wire A. Wire B. Wire C. Wire D. Wire E. o // / // 1874, Oct. 10 NI + 6. 3-28 + 3. 6-g3 + o. 4 - 4 3 -3. 4-67 - 6. 9-97 , , Oct. 1 1 Nl 4-40 5-8o 3'io 3'5o 9-80 , , Dec. 1 8 Nl 5-22 7-32 4-12 6-38 10-28 1876, Jan. 3o NI 3 '94 6-44 3-5 4 4-86 9-06 , , Jan. 3 1 T 4-82 7-22 3-62 4-88 10-78 Mean adopted . . + 6. 4-33 + 3. 674 + o. 3-76 - 3. 4-86 6. 9-98 20 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. The distance of the wire C from the mean of the wires was also found, from the times of 90 vertical transits, to be -00479 of the interval from A to E. Taking this interval at 734"'3, C is distant 3"'52 from the mean. The value 3"'76 has been adopted, and for convenience has been applied to the zenith point, which is always greater by this amount for transits over all the wires than for observations with the center wire only. 50. The mean corrections for the runs of the four micrometers for 100" were obtained as follows : Correction No. of Bay. Observer. for Runs for 100". Determina- tions. 1874, Sept. 3o NI // O'22 4 Oct. 6 NI O'23 4 ,, 3 T 0'2 I 2 ,, i3 NI 0'08 4 ,, 19 NI O'23 4 Nov. 1 2 NI O'2I 4 Dec. 3 NI O'24 4 1875, Feb. i NI o - 2g 4 ,, 5 T o-35 4 5 T o'23 4 The mean 0"'21 has been adopted throughout. 51. The Altazimuth pier was 103 feet east of the Transit pier, corresponding to a difference of time of O s> 074. This correction should have been applied to the Altazimuth clock-error, but it was overlooked until the reductions had proceeded so far that it was more convenient afterwards to apply the necessary correction to the longitude (see page 27). 52. The Errors and Hourly Rates of the Altazimuth Clock used in reducing the zenith-distance observations are shown in Table VI. All the comparisons of the solar half-seconds chronometer with the two clocks were made at the instant when the beats coincided. The clock was made by E. Dent and Co. ; the pendulum rod was of wood. It was compared with the Transit Clock before and after every set of observations with the Altazimuth. THE LATITUDE OF THE ALTAZIMUTH PIER. 53. The latitude was determined with great care, with the object of serving as a point of reference for the Trigonometrical Survey of the kingdom of HAWAII undertaken by the Government of His Majesty King KALAKAUA, and OBSERVATIONS FOR LATITUDE. 21 which, under the able management of Professor W. D. ALEXANDER, had already made great progress when the Expedition visited the Islands. The stars selected were such as had been well observed in N.P.D. either at Greenwich, the Cape of Good Hope, Melbourne, or Oxford, and were equally distributed north and south of the zenith of Honolulu. Table VII. contains the adopted places of the stars and the separate determinations of N.P.D. that have been used. For stars south of the Equator a preference has been given to the N. P. D.'s determined at the Cape Observatory and at Melbourne. 54. The observations for co-latitude are shown in the Table VIII. The fourth column contains the time by the Altazimuth Clock, when the observer bisected the star with the middle part of the center horizontal wire, by turning the fine zenith-distance slow-motion screw. The error and rate of the clock have been given (Table VI.). The fifth column shows the position of the instrument, by the illuminating-lamp being on the observer's right or left hand as he faced the star. The sixth column contains the concluded circle-reading as obtained from the mean of the four microscopes corrected for runs. The seventh column contains the level indication, which is one half of the sum of four readings corresponding to the ends of the bubbles ; for each level had 30 divisions to the minute. The refraction in the eighth column has been computed from the Tables of Bessel's Refractions in the Appendix to the Greenwich Observations, 1853, and then multiplied by the factor O9947. [Mr. Stone, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1867, November 8]. 55. The Mercurial Barometer, A. 2 Casella No. 352, and External Thermo- meter were tested at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, and were found to have no sensible errors. The former was suspended under the thatched covering of the East Collimator, where the temperature at night, as indicated by the attached thermometer, was always from 1 to 2 higher than the external air. The latter \vas attached to the north side of the Altazimuth hut, about four feet from the ground. The readings are given in the ninth column. 56. The observed zenith point in the tenth column is thus found : if C,, C r be the circle-readings for the same object, corrected for level and refraction, with the lamp left and lamp right respectively, and r l5 r a the corresponding reductions to the meridian, the zenith point is ^ (C, t\ -f- G r + r 2 ). The concluded zenith distance in the twelfth column is the difference D 2 22 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. between the circle-reading corrected for level and refraction and the adopted zenith point. The remaining columns require no explanation. 5 7 . Summary of co- latitudes. North Stars South Stars. Zenith Distance. Co-latitude. Number of Stars. Co-latitude. Number of Stars. North and South. O 1 5 to 60 60 to 70 70 to 8 1 o / // 68.42.3-83 68. 42. 2-87 68. 42. 2-29 '9 28 10 o / // 68.42.3-26 68. 42. 2-81 68. 42. 3-24 27 7 19 / // 68. 42.3-54 68. 42. 2-84 68.42. 2-77 Means 68. 42. 3-09 57 68. 42.3-20 53 68. 42. 3-14 As was to be expected with so small an instrument, the flexure is insensible. It is to be remarked that the lines of sight of the low northern stars passed pretty closely over the summits of the mountains. The latitude derived from these stars differs 0" - 8 from the general mean. The adopted latitude of the altazimuth pier is 21. 17'. 56" - 9 N. It is probable that the meridional devia- tion of the plumb-line from the vertical is considerable, as the sea is deep to the southward, and the axis of the mountain range only 4 or 5 miles to the northward. ON THE LONGITUDE OF THE STATION AT APUA. (1.) Longitude of Honolulu Station from the Observations of the Moon on the Meridian. 58. In Table IV. are given the observed transits of the Moon over the center wire as obtained from the mean of all the wires observed. When all five wires have been observed, the observation has been treated as if it were of a star, the sum of the instrumental corrections always being a fraction of a second. For the incomplete transits, of which there are five, the reduction of each side wire to the center wire has been obtained by multiplying the Equatorial interval by the factor (i + m) . sin z. Sin d . sin z 1 . where m is the increase (in seconds of time) of the Moon's R.A. for the transit over a meridian distant 1 s of terrestrial longitude, as given in the section Moon-culminating Stars in the Nautical Almanac ; z is the Moon's LONGITUDE FROM MERIDIONAL TRANSITS OF THE MOON. 23 geocentric zenith distance ; z 1 the apparent zenith distance ; and d the geocentric N.P.D. 59. The arrangement of the observations in Table X., and the values of the longitude derived from them, require but little explanation. The observed R.A. of the Moon's bright limb has been corrected for diurnal aberration, and the Tabular R.A. has been interpolated with fourth differences from the section Moon-culminating Stars in the Nautical Almanac, on the two assumptions that the longitude was 10 h . 31 m . s . and 10 h . 32 m . O. west of Greenwich. The adopted correction to the Tabular R.A. is taken from the Appendix, and depends upon all the observations made at Greenwich, Washington, Paris, Konigsberg, Strasburg, Oxford, and the Cape of Good Hope. These corrections are generally reliable to the extent of 9< 05, but occasionally, as at the end of the 1874 October lunation, and at the end of the 1875 January lunation, they are doubtful to the extent of s * 1 or even more. 60. The clock-correction, proper to apply to the transit of the Moon to obtain the apparent Right Ascension of the limb, has been given with the observed transit, Table IV. When a sensible difference occurs between the clock- correction obtained from stars near the Moon in declination and that obtained from the other stars of the same group, the former has been adopted, if the Right Ascensions are sufficiently well determined. 61. The weights assigned are proportional to the square of the change of Right Ascension in 1 s . Half weight has been given to the observations on October 20, October 24, October 27, January 17, for reasons contained in the Notes. 62. The longitude of the transit pier is obtained as follows : Observer. J> I. Number of Obs. ? II. Number of Obs. Mean. 3 s h m s Noble 24-9 7 23-3 5 10. 3i. 24-1 Ramsden 28-0 10 26-5 6 10. 3i. 27-2 Tupman 25-7 . 8 27-7 16 10. 3i. 267 Mean 10. 3i. 26-0 These results are, however, not entirely free from systematic error, proceeding from the circumstance that the observations at Honolulu were made by eye-and-ear, whereas the observations at the fixed observatories, from which the errors of the tables are deduced, were made generally by the chrono- graphic method. 24 TRANSIT OP VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. (2.) Longitude of Honolulu Station from tlie observed Zenith Distances of the Moons Upper and Lower Limbs. Tables IX. and XL 63. Honolulu is very favourably situated for determining the longitude in this manner in the winter months, as the observations can be secured when the Moon's orbital motion is more or less perpendicular to the horizon, a condition, it is hardly necessary to remark, which was always observed. The observations were taken by Mr. Nichol and myself, fundamental time being taken from the transit-clock. Six or eight vertical transits of the Moon's limb, and two of a well-known star pretty near the Moon, con- stituted a complete observation ; the instrument being, of course, used in reversed positions. The observations of the Moon are, on the average, rendered differential by means of those of the stars, and thus any error that might creep in from the error of the transit-clock having been determined by different persons is eliminated from the mean. 64. The observations of the stars were first reduced in the following manner : The observed clock-time of vertical transit of the mean wire was reduced to local sidereal time by the application of the clock corrections in Table VI. This was the sidereal time at the transit pier and not at the altazimuth pier, as it should have been. With this slightly incorrect sidereal time, and adopted co-latitude 68. 42'. 3"'l, was computed the star's tabular zenith distance given in the seventeenth column of Table IX., using the fundamental place of the star in Table VII. The correction due to the difference of time (O s> 074) between the transit and altazimuth piers was then applied, and the true tabular zenith distance obtained. This was compared with the observed zenith distance with the following results, for the excess of the tabular quantity when the star is east, the reverse when the star is west : EXCESS of the TABULAR ZENITH DISTANCES of STARS over the observed ZENITH DISTANCES, with changed sign for STARS WEST of the MERIDIAN. Observer, Nichol. Observer, Tupman. // // 1874, Oct. 5, a Leonis -f 4-3 1874, Oct. 3, 7 Leonis + 4-0 19, Fomalhaut + 3'3 7, a Leonis r3 24, Procyon ....... o'3 i5, A a. sin A i a 3 sin 2 A a 3 sin 3 h Parallax m R.A. = -g^-p'" "" s in 2" ' sin 3," ' where a = sin p . cos the geocentric latitude. For the Augmentation of the Moon's semidiameter the approximate apparent altitude was computed, and the Augmentation taken from the table in LOOMIS' Astronomy, 7th edition, page 378. A constant correction of 2"'00 was applied to the augmented semidiameter, all the occultations having been disappearances at the Moon's dark limb. COMPARISONS of the CHRONOMETERS used for OCCULTATIONS with the TRANSIT CLOCK. Approximate Local Mean Time. c V 1 Time by the Transit Clock. Transit Clock Slow on Local Sidereal Time. Name of Chrono- meter. Corresponding Time by the Chronometer. Chronometer Slow on L. M. T. 1874. h m s 8 h m s m s d h Oct. 14. 7 T 20. 1 5. io'o + 15-07 Q 6. 42. 1 1 '5 i. 3'og 8 T 21. 47. I4'0 + i5-i8 Q 8. 14. o'5 i. 3-07 Oct. i5. 7 T 20. 3i. 43*0 + 17-28 Q 6. 64. 46-5 i. r5i 8 T 2i.3g. 8-0 + 17-35 Q 8. 2. o-5 i. 1-48 Oct. 19. 7 T 21. ig. 29*0 + 2471 Q 7. 26. 46-0 o. 58-o6 8 T 22. l5. 5'0 + 2476 Q 8. 22. I2'0 0.58-12 Oct. 23. 7 J 20. 54. 4 1 - o + 32-og L 6.48. i5-5 2.48-76 8 J 22. 27. 20'O + 32'20 L 8. 20. 3g-5 2.48-84 Nov. 12. 8 NI 0. 0. 2'0 + 2-63 M 8. 3o. 1 5-5 + o. 54'2g 13. 7 T 22. 29. 55'o + 3-i5 M 6. 56. 22-5 + o. 5q-66 14. 8 NI O. 4. 25"O + 3-52 M 8. 26. 35-o + i. 6-i3 OCCULTATIONS of FIXED STARS by the MOON, observed at HONOLULU. [All are disappearances at the Moon's dark limb.] . B fa - Recorded Correction Local 1 874. t Telescope. Star. || of Dis- to Mean No. I o 6 appearance. Chronometer. Time. h m B m s h m e Oct. 14 T 6-inch Eq. Wash. M.C.Z. 100, ig . Q 6. 52. 7'3 . 3'OQ 6. 5i. 4'2 i T Yarnall 6g62 Q 7. 4. o'5 y . 3'OQ 7. 2. 57'4 2 J T Yarnall 6g64 Q 7. 1 3. 5q'7 u . 3'OQ / / ~ 7. 12. 56-6 3 Oct. 1 5 T gra. I7 h .3g'i m , 28.4i'. Q / y i 7. 33. 5ro J - '-49 7.32.49-5 4 , T 8m.i7 h .39'6 m , 2 8. 35' Q 7.37. i3-8 . 1'49 7. 36. 12-3 5 > T gm. I7 h .39 - 2 m , 28.4i' Q 7. 38. 53-o 7.37. 5r5 6 T 0. Arg. S. 17202 . . . . Q 7. 40. 56'Q . 1 '4.Q 7. 3a. 55'4. 7 > > T gm. I7 h .39'g m , 2 8. 2 2' Q / T .7 7.49.48-0 T:/ . 1'48 / 7. 48. 46-5 / 8 9 > T , lorn. I7 h .40'i m , 28.22' Q 7.56. 87 . I'48 7.55. 7-2 9 Oct. 19 T 3|-inch . . 38 Capricorni Q 7. 46. 35"o o. 58'og 7. 45. 36'Q 10 Oct. 23 J e Piscium L / f" 7. o. 43-5 2.4878 / T y 6. 57. 54-7 1 1 Nov. 1 3 T ) J B.A.C. 6628 M / T 6. 46. 2O'4 +o. 5g'66 1 ~ i 6. 47. 2O'I NI 3-inch . . . M T T 6. 46. 2O'2 +o. 5g'66 6.47. ig-g I 12 Oct. 23. Observed by Mr. Johnson. LONGITUDE FROM OCCULTATIONS. 29 CQ S5 O I I I & O o T5 I SH OJ CO rO O n 00 CO d <0 d CM d CO CM CO d >> j Q M O I S 2 3 o ~ c ^ 1 1! 3 ^ i o 1 d a. PH" a. Rj ^ u \o o " 00 oo in 06 00 00 d CT. d in oo p CM CO vd 00 Apparent B. A. c o CTI <* s *4- J= so ^ vd CT> CT. CO d-. in h m vp b vd o a S c C H vi> C SB |*2.! (corrected). O " m - -*r 00 vb m CTI p m 4- to P> r P in in in >n CTi OO '* '* in in 00 -cl- ip tp <* V in in vd CO in sd CO oo in O o o-. t^so so so - O CTtOO Tl-fO to - CM O - o OO OO t^ m narent Place ter (corrected of Tables). P ; oo o o vo GO O^ vd ^ O - SO * -4- O CT> O 00 SO -4 oo t^in 00 to in CM CM O VO - m to in CO * H? o S j;|* to pi PI m so - 00 00 co to <*- -^ t^oo 00 00 CO to r^ 1^ co to -^-in m m OO CTi CO. to r-^oo -* ^r- sd - CM CM CO in i- m 3 S .... CM fM * <*- ^O ^O m m to co m m * ^ i in in CM N CT. CT. r^ r^ o V (*i - o.'s gg V 2 ^c5? "2 co CT) CT* tM tM CO CM ~ m m m - to - . r~- i^ OO OO OO 00 OO 00 00 t^ i^- iSg-S il ii - e 8 -a e -o -d so' a SS sS-0 SKi ess 53 i*^ " 8 C. UBJgJ O'Ott - " to * m so r-~ OO CTi O - 2 Approximate Local 1 H a 1 g ^ 6 to - co so to to in u O oo o to * CTI in * m t CT. 00 m vd CO d- sd o 3 o (E O hi-t O w EH O CD =4-4 O o ^ O tr 3 O s I o. E 2 30 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Giving each day the weight 1, and rejecting only October 15, the mean result from the occultations is 10 h . 31 m . 26"-9. We have, therefore, the* following determinations of the longitude of Honolulu station : h m s By the Meridional Transits of the Moon 10. 3i. 26'o W. By the Zenith Distances 10. 3i. 2y - 3 By the Occultations of Stars 10. 3i. 26*9 67. In the year 1868, M. Fleuriais, at his station in Emma Street, observed 19 meridional transits of the Moon's first limb and 8 of the second limb. His observations are published in detail in the additions to the Connaissance des Temps for 1872. The result reduced to APUA Station is 10' 1 . 31 m . 22 8 '25, a determination of great value, M. Fleuriais having had much experience of this description of observation; and, which is equally important, the errors of the lunar tables having been very satisfactorily determined at Washington, Oxford, and Greenwich. It depends, however, upon a single observer. In the next section will be found the account of an attempt to connect Honolulu with San Francisco by chronometers, the result giving the longitude of Honolulu 10 h . 31 m . 33 S> 2, which, however, has little value, as explained hereafter. Weights being given to the above lunar results according to the number of observers, that is to say, the mean obtained in 1874-5 by transit and altazimuth having the weight 4, and M. Fleuriais' the weight 1, and giving the occultation result the weight 5, the resulting longitude is 10 h . 31 m . 26 s -3 2 s (say). The longitude used for the computation of the tabular quantities required in the final equations representing the observations of the Ingress of Venus is 10 h . 31 m . 27 s- 3 West of Greenwich ; the Greenwich times, therefore, require the correction, 3 t = l s> 0. CHRONOMETRIC CONNECTIONS. 68. It was understood to be an essential part of the programme at Hawaii that the relative longitudes of some of the more distant islands should be determined; and this would have been done, although perhaps not so thoroughly, had the observations of the Transit of Venus failed. The stations that were chronometrically connected with the head station at Honolulu (Apua) were the observatories of Professor Forbes at Kailua, Hawaii (Owyhee) and of Mr. R. Johnson at Waimea, Kauai (Atooi), distant 150 and 110 nautical miles respectively from Honolulu. CHRONOMETRIC CONNECTIONS. 31 The details of the determination of local time at the three stations will be found in their respective sections. 69. The chronometers supplied to the Expedition from the Eoyal Observa- tory, Greenwich, were A. Brockbank, 602. Box 2-day. Five beats in two seconds. Solar. B. M. Tobias, 56 1. do. Beating half-seconds. Solar. C. Dent, 2667. do. do. do. D. Molyneux, 2189. do. do. do. E. Weichart, 233g. do. do. do. F. Cotterell, 3i i. do. do. do. H. Webb, 538o. . do. do. Sidereal. J. Fletcher, 2705. do. do. do. K. Norris, 828. do. do. Solar. L. Blackie, 538. do. do. do. M. Cotterell, -&. do. do. do. O. M'Cabe, 160. Box i -day. Five beats in two seconds. Solar. Very small. P. Molyneux, 5174. do. Half-seconds. Solar. Not compensated. Balance brass. Small. Q. Park, and Frod., iog5. Box 2-day. Half-seconds. Solar. Small. R. Arnold, 555. Box i-day. Half-seconds. Solar. S. Arnold, 6062. Pocket i-day. Five beats to two seconds. Solar. In addition to the above there were used : G. Fletcher, io5o. Box 2-day. Half-seconds. Solar. Belonging to Captain Tupman. N. Leplastrier. Box 8-day. Half-seconds. Sidereal. Lent by Mr. W. De la Rue. U. Arnold & Dent, 756. Box 2-day. Half-seconds. Solar. -> V. E. T. Massey, no. do. do. do. l The W. McGregor & Co., 3/g5. do. do. do. J RH. Barraud, g82. do. do. do. -i RM. Muirhead, 2169. do. do. do. > The RB. Birchall, i. do. do. do. J Mr. David Flitner, chronometer maker of Honolulu, most generously lent the following six chronometers : AA. H. Frodsham, 2022. Box 2-day. Half-seconds. Solar. BB. Bliss & Creighton, y35. do. do. do. CC. Black & Murray, 527. do. do. do. EE. Roskell, 511-41446. do. do. do. FF. Negus, 1 1 23. do. do. do. GG. Dent, 2397. do. do. do. Captain Daniel Smith, Harbour Master at Honolulu, also kindly lent the chronometer DD. G. E. Frodsham, 655 1. Box 2-day. Half-seconds. Solar. 32 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. It may be stated here that the chronometers J, L, and N formed part of Mr. Johnson's equipment at Waimea after 1874, November 6. Chronometers and Q were with Professor Forbes at Kailua. P was overwound during the first run. R was kept in use at Honolulu for comparing clocks. The chronometers U. V, and W were generally employed as the portable watches to be carried ashore for comparison of chronometers. 70. The 18 chronometers first on the above list were lodged 1874, October 2, under the stage whence the model (see plan) was observed. They were compared with the transit clock every Sunday at noon, which served to indicate those which had the steadiest rates. and S were very unsteady, while H, G-, B, C, D, and M seemed to be the most reliable. The temperature was very uniform, at about 70. On 1874, November 2, and Q were sent to Kailua. On November 6, J, L, and N, were sent to "Waimea. 71. Captain Cator, of H.M.S. Scout having decided to send H.M.S. Tenedos to Kailua for a short time, for the purpose of rendering assistance to Professor Forbes during the Transit of Venus, advantage was taken of this opportunity for comparing the transit clocks at Honolulu and Kailua. On December 5, at 4 p.m., the chronometers B, F, K, and M were placed on board the Tetiedos, and well bedded in tow. U, V, and W occupied their own places in the ship's chronometer box. The same evening the seven were compared with the transit clock at Apua by Mr. Nichol and myself using M, V, and W, to be carried ashore. 72. Here it will be convenient to describe once for all how the chrono- meters that never left the vessel were habitually compared with the transit clocks on shore. At Honolulu the landing-place for ships in harbour was 1,300 yards distant from the observatory at Apua. The portable chronometers were slowly carried by hand this distance, never placed in a vehicle. The three solar chronometers used as portable watches (generally U, V, and W,) were compared with the others, which may be called ship chronometers, then taken on shore in a small boat, carried to the transit clock and compared with it by coincidence of beats, taken back to the ship without loss of time, and again compared with the ship chronometers. Everyone of these operations was performed personally by Mr. Nichol or by myself. The comparison of the portable watches with the others was effected by the same two observers, one of whom gave signals with the beats of the ship chrono- CHRONOMETRIC CONNECTIONS. 33 meters, while the other estimated the time to the nearest tenth of a second by the portable watches. They then changed places and the first observer gave signals from the portable watches. This method eliminated the errors of comparing, and was less fatiguing than taking a sidereal chronometer all round for coincidence of beats. 73. The Tenedos sailed the same night, December 5, for Kailua, Lieutenant Lloyd kindly undertaking the winding. She arrived at Kailua on the morning of December 7, when Professor Forbes, assisted by Lieutenant Lloyd, without loss of time compared the chronometers with his Transit Clock by means of Q, V, and W. The Tenedos sailed from Kailua on December 9 at 2 p.m. Immediately before her departure Professor Forbes made another complete comparison with his clock, using the same three portable watches. She arrived at Honolulu on the morning of December 10, when Mr. Nichol and I made the comparison with the Transit Clock, using R, V, and "W for the purpose. This completed the first run to Kailua. Good observations for local time were obtained at both stations in connection with the comparisons. 74. After the Transit of Venus, the work of connecting the stations was commenced. It was arranged by Captain Cator that the Tenedos should make all the runs. Captain Van der Meulen, her commander, entered into it with spirit, and to his valuable assistance the success of these somewhat long and tedious operations was due. A proper berth was fitted up on the lower deck of the Tenedos, on the lockers round the mainmast. The chronometers, in their own gymbal-boxes with the lids removed, were placed, two and two, in well padded boxes, which were placed in the prepared berth, surrounded by about 8 inches of horse-hair padding to check the vibrations of the screw propeller. On December 13, 20 chronometers were thus placed ; the three belonging to the Tenedos remained in their own berths in the captain's cabin. 75. The Tenedos made the following journeys with the chronometers : h 1874, December 14. 3. Left Honolulu. 22. Arrived at Kailua. 17. i. Left Kailua. 2 1 . Arrived at Honolulu. 19. o. Left Honolulu. 20. i. Arrived at Waimea. 6. Left Waimea. 21. o. Arrived at Honolulu. 22. 2. Left Honolulu. 34 TRANSIT OP VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. h 1874, December 22.23. Arrived at Wai mea. 23. 6. Left Waimea. 24. o. Arrived at Honolulu. 1875, January 2. 3. Left Honolulu. 22. Arrived at Kailua. 4. 8. Left Kailua. 5. 12. Arrived at Honolulu. 9. 6. Left Honolulu. 22. Arrived at Waimea. 10. 8. Left Waimea. 11. 22. Arrived at Honolulu. 76. From December 14 to December 21, I went in charge of the chronometers ; from December 22 to January 12, Mr. Nichol was in charge of them. They were wound every day at noon. Immediately on arrival at a station, and immediately before departing, the chronometers were compared with the Transit Clock, three chronometers being used for this purpose, as before described, the comparisons being made by the responsible observers with as little delay as possible. At Kailua the portable chronometers had to be carried about a quarter of a mile from the landing place to the Transit Observatory ; at Waimea about half a mile. 77. In reducing the comparisons, the error of each portable watch on local mean solar time at the instant of its comparison with the Transit Clock was first found, assuming for this purpose the following longitudes of the observatories : h m s Honolulu 10. 3i. 25 W. Kailua 10. 24. o W. Waimea 10. 38. 40 W. As each ship chronometer was compared with each portable chronometer before and after the latter was compared with the Transit Clock, the error of each traveller on local mean time was directly obtained corresponding to the instant of the latter comparisons. The separate errors derived from each of the three portable watches never differ many hundredths of a second. 78. The whole of the comparisons of the portable chronometers with the standard timekeepers at the three stations are exhibited in Table XII. Of the determination of the errors of the ship chronometers, it is thought sufficient to give the specimens in Table XIII., while their errors on each day are given in Table XIV. The stationary and travelling rates are shown CHRONOMETRIC CONNECTIONS. 35 in Table XV., as well as the differences of longitude inferred by each chronometer. 79. From Table XV. we have the following results for the difference of longitude between Honolulu (Apua) and Kailua observatories : m s By the first run, 1874, Dec. 5 to Dec. 10 (7 chronometers) 7. 24-38 By the second run, 1874, Dec - H to Dec. 18 (22 chronometers) . . 7. 24-65 By the third run, 1875, Jan. 2 to Jan. 6 (22 chronometers) 7. 24- 89 Mean, Kailua transit east of Honolulu (Apua) 7. 24*64 And for the difference of longitude between Honolulu and "Waimea we have : m 8 By the first run, 1874, Dec. 19 to Dec. 21 (22 chronometers) 7. i3'6g By the second run, 1874, Dec. 22 to Dec. 24 (22 chronometers) . . 7. i3'3i By the third run, 1876, Jan. 9 to Jan. 12 (22 chronometers) 7. 13-44 Mean, Waimea Observatory west of Honolulu (Apua) 7. 13-48 80. In the year 1872 Professor Forbes and I made some com- parisons to discover our relative personal equation, by observing many stars about the same time in the same instrument, with the following results : 8 May 21, clock slow, T F = +0-04 weight 2" May 22, = + o-i3 2 ivr VMean +o s -o5. May 27, = +0-08 2 f ' June 10, = o-i3 At Kailua, on December 15, 1874, a rather unsatisfactory comparison was made which gave T F = +0 8< 04. These results tend to show that there is no great difference between Professor Forbes and myself ; consequently no correction for personal equation has been applied to the difference of longi- tude between Honolulu and Kailua. No data exist for comparing Mr. Johnson's mode of observing with mine ; the difference of longitude, therefore, between "Waimea and Honolulu is affected by this relative personal equation to an unknown extent. Mr. Johnson used a half-seconds chronometer when observing transits ; at Honolulu, of course, the clock was employed. F 36 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. ATTEMPT TO CONNECT HONOLULU WITH SAN FKANCISCO. 81. H.M.S. Reindeer, Commander C. V. ANSON, R.N., was to convey the last of the party from Honolulu to San Francisco, and as it was probable that, at that season of the year, she would carry westerly winds all the way and make a short passage, it was resolved to employ the chronometers to measure the meridian distance. Her departure from Honolulu was fixed for March 20. 82. The errors of the chronometers were determined by observations of the Sun, with a reflecting circle by Troughton and Simms divided to 20" and read by three verniers, the Sun's rays being reflected from mercury under a cover of glass in the usual manner to obtain the double altitude. Mr. Noble called the seconds from the sidereal chronometer N, which was chosen on account of its loud beat, distinctly audible to the observer with the circle. Five double altitudes of one limb were taken, the circle and the cover of the mercury trough were then reversed, and five double altitudes of the other limb taken, all three verniers being read each time.* The chrono- meter N was compared, by coincidence of beats, with the two solar chronometers Q and R (which were not disturbed) before and after every set of observations, and thus the observations gave the errors of these three chronometers with equal accuracy. The errors of the others were obtained by comparing them in the usual way with N, Q, and R, about noon each day. The habits of observing and comparing were exactly similar at Honolulu and at San Francisco, to avoid systematic errors. The Sun was observed 3 h or 4 h from the meridian in the morning and in the afternoon. It will be sufficient to give as an example the actual observations made on one day ; for instance, those on 1875, March 9, Table XVI. The circle reading in the ffth column is the mean of the three verniers. The index correction was found to be 22", additive when the circle was read backwards. The N.P.D. of the Sun and the equation of time have been interpolated from the Nautical Almanac for the mean of the five recorded times, assuming the longitude to be 10 h . 31 m . 14 s west. The refraction has been computed, for the mean of each five observed altitudes, from the Greenwich Tables. The semidiameter employed is the mean of all the daily measurements. 83. Table XVII. is an abstract of all the errors obtained before leaving Honolulu. Table XVIII. is a similar abstract of errors obtained at Mare Island, San Francisco, where the Reindeer arrived on the morning of April 9. Instead of making a short passage under favorable circumstances, she was * The darkening glass fitted to the eyepiece of the telescope was always used. CHRONOMETRIC CONNECTIONS. 37 unfortunately blown to the southward by a cold northerly gale, which caused a fall of temperature in the chronometer boxes to the extent of 15 Fahrenheit, and lengthened the voyage seven or eight days, the Reindeer being unable to steam against the wind and sea. Table XIX. shows the average rates of the chronometers before and after the voyage, the mean of them, which are the adopted travelling rates, and the difference of longitude between the stations as derived from each chronometer. 84. On the arrival of H.M.S. Reindeer at the U.S. Navy Yard, Mare Island, the members of the Expedition were courteously received by Commodore PHELPS, U.S.N., the Commandant of the Navy Yard, and all possible assistance was rendered. The circle observations were taken on the summit of an elevation in the Navy Yard, on which stood a small observatory, and near it an inscribed stone on which the mercury trough was placed. This stone was connected with the triangulation of the coast survey by Professor GEORGE DAVIDSON who, by permission of the Superintendent, kindly supplies the information regarding the longitude of the station. 85. The longitude of a station in "Washington Square, San Francisco, from the Washington Observatory, D.C., was determined by elaborate telegraphic signals in the year 1869 (U.S. Coast Survey Report, 1870). The inscribed stone on the hill in the Navy Yard was connected with the triangulation of San Francisco Harbour, and thus it was found to be in Latitude 38. 5'. 53"' i North. Longitude 8 h . 9. 5 s ' 08 West of Greenwich. 86. The mean difference of longitude between Honolulu and the Navy Yard as given by the chronometers, rejecting only Q, S, and KH, on account of their small size and previous erratic movements, is 2 h . 22 m . 28 S> 19 3 8 -o., whence the longitude of Honolulu appears to be io h . 3i m . 33"-2 3 9- o., West from Greenwich, a determination to which I can attribute but little value. G. L. TUPMAN. F 2 38 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. OBSERVATION OF THE INGRESS OF VENUS, 1874, DEC. 8. REPORT OF CAPTAIN G. L. TUPMAN, R.M.A. The weather on the 8th of December 1874, was all that could be desired. The sky was cloudless nearly all day, and of a deep blue, indicative of extreme clearness. The N.E. trade wind blew lightly, not disturbing the unprotected telescopes. Great interest was taken in our proceedings by the native population of Honolulu. Every tree in the neighbourhood of the inclosure, and every roof commanding a partial view within, bore its living freight. Anticipating some possible annoyance to us, Her Majesty, QUEEN KAPIOLANI, had taken the precaution to make it known among the natives that " Silence " must be maintained, and not a sound disturbed us all the afternoon. A great many natives presented themselves at the gates, expecting to be permitted to view the transit in the telescopes. Captain Cator, at my request, surrounded the inclosure with a cordon of Marines, from H.M.S. Scout, chiefly with a view of keeping silence. HER MAJESTY the QUEEN and other members of the Royal Family most con- siderately abstained from entering the inclosure on that day, although they were frequent visitors at other times. Major WODEHOUSE, Her Britannic Majesty's Commissioner, most kindly tendered his assistance, and remained within the inclosure all the time. I cannot refrain from here placing on record how much we were indebted to his kindness and courtesy during our long stay in Honolulu. The telescopes used at Honolulu were (1.) An equatorial of 6 inches clear aperture and 89 inches focal length, by Messrs. T. COOKE AND SONS, of York, which had been purchased by the Government from the executors of the late B. D. NAYLOR, Esq. ; (2.) An equatorial of 4^ inches clear aperture and 69 inches focal length, by the same makers, my own property ; (3.) A telescope of 3f inches clear aperture and 57 inches focal length, by DOLLOND, mounted on a wooden tripod stand, with vertical and horizontal motions ; Plate EL S2 5 i *; Jo face page 39. kiccRruLO Lirn 22.BiDOR STCcvtuT GARDEN. TELESCOPES AT HONOLULU. 39 (4.) A telescope of 3 inches aperture and 45 (?) inches focal length, by T. COOKE, on a tripod stand, my own property. These four telescopes, in common with most of the telescopes employed on the Transit of Venus Expeditions, were fitted by Messrs. Troughton and Simms with special means for observing the Sun, which, although well known, it is proper to describe here. The cone of rays from the object glass is intercepted, before the primary focus, by a glass prism, one face of which is adjusted to an inclination of 45 to the optic axis of the telescope, so as to reflect a portion of the light approximately at right angles to the optic axis. About 90 per cent, of the light and heat passes through the prism and is dispersed. The eye-pieces of whatever character are inserted immediately above the prism. The 6-inch and the 4^-inch equatorials were both fitted with new double-image micro- meters by Messrs. Troughton and Simms. Plate III. represents one of these instruments in position. The light is further toned down by an achromatised wedge of neutral tint glass, placed between the two lenses nearest the eye. The equality of the intensity of the two images is adjusted by the screw which has the power of slightly altering the position of the axis of the micrometer with regard to the optic axis of the object glass. The adjust- ment of the reflecting prism is perfect when the micrometer can be rotated about its own axis without altering the relative intensity of the two images. This adjustment is liable to derangement from the circumstances that the prism must not be too closely confined in its cell, as it is liable to become very much heated when in use. No difficulty was experienced with either telescope at Honolulu in regulating the intensity of the two images. This double-image micrometer is described at length in the Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, XV. 199, and in the Monthly Notices, VI. 229, and X. 160. One half of the divided lens was fixed, the other was moved by the micrometer screw. They were not, however, provided with position-circles. Both the equatorials were mounted upon iron pillars, which stood upon piers of brickwork built up from the coral rock. The driving clocks, which performed well, were adjusted to the Sun's apparent motion. The 6-inch instrument was sheltered by a wooden hut, the roof of which could be removed in pieces. The 4i-inch instrument was protected, when not in use, by a small hut of wood and canvas, which was removed entirely when the instrument was in use. The Secondary Clock Dent 2012, the pendulum rod of which was of wood, was mounted in the 6-inch equatorial hut, and was compared, when 40 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. required, with the Transit Clock in the same manner as the Altazimuth Clock. Several days before the Transit of Venus, Lieutenants OLDHAM, SHAKESPEAR, and CLAPP, of H.M.S. Scout, kindly attended at the observatories to rehearse the intended operations. Lieut. Oldham was to assist Mr. Nichol, Lieut. Shakespear to assist Mr. Noble, while Lieut. Clapp was to aid me ; and all this assistance was most effective, and enabled the work to be well and quickly done when every minute was precious. Every observer had an adjustable seat, so that he could be perfectly at ease. At noon Mr. Nichol and I made a complete comparison of all the clocks and chronometers intended for use, and provided for the contingency of any of them stopping at a critical time. At l h I carefully adjusted the direct-vision spectroscope on the 4|-inch equatorial. Although I attach very little value to the observation made with the spectroscope, it was sufficiently interesting to be worth recording. The spectroscope was made by Mr. Browning, and consisted of a direct-vision prism, of five components, two flint and three crown cemented togetheiv sufficiently large to transmit a pencil 1'2 inches by 07 inches, with collimator and examining telescope each of 7 inches focal length. The slit was opened and closed by a small micrometer-screw acting against a spring. I deter- mined the value of a revolution of the screw by opening and closing the slit through measured ranges under the microscope. During my observation the slit was open - 0016 of an inch. The power of the combination was about 55 or 60 diameters. In the focus of the eye-lens of the small examining telescope I inserted an opaque screen with a narrow slit in it, the width of which was about ^th of an inch, and the length rather more than the breadth of the spectrum. The Fraunhofer line C occupied the middle of this aperture, its apparent width or image of the opening of the slit being about one half of its breadth, so that the entire spectrum was cut off from view except the C line and a narrow strip on either side. The spectroscope was firmly attached to the telescope by a brass tube supporting it at its center of gravity. There was an opening in this tube giving access to the slit, which was of course placed exactly in the primary focus of the object-glass. At 2 h . 30 m local mean time I placed the slit tangentially on the Sun's limb at the expected point of first contact. The hydrogen stratum or " chromo- sphere " was well defined. There was no prominence near the point of contact, but the outer limit of the chromosphere was irregular. TUPMAN'S OBSERVATIONS OP INGRESS. 41 Mr. Clapp recorded the times from the solar chronometer C, which at 2 h . 25 m was 7 m . 55 S> 17 fast on local mean time, and was gaining O'OO per hour (see comparisons, page 62). At 3 h . 14 m . 17 s- 5 by the chronometer I first detected the planet entering on the chromosphere. At 3 h . 14 m . 38 s the curvature was so decided I was sure that it was caused by the advancing limb of the planet. At 3 h . 14 m . 47 s I found it difficult to see the red line between the Sun's limb and the planet. At 3 h . 14 m . 56 s I imagined the red line was severed and contact took place. At 3 h . 15 m . 15 s there was a long black division in the middle of the C line which was bright on either side, while the Sun's limb was just visible among the minute irregularities on the edge of the slit. I felt sure that the contact was passed.* I then removed the spectroscope and proceeded to the 6-inch equatorial, with which Mr. Nichol had been observing the external contact. Putting in the double-image micrometer and adjusting it as quickly as possible, I made the following measures of the distance between the obtuse cusps, Mr. Clapp counting aloud the seconds from the Equatorial Clock, and recording the observations : Equatorial Measures of Obtuse Cusps. Clock Times. Micrometer Reading. h m s r 20. 23. 38 4'5g2 20. 24. 17 4'320 20. 24. 3g 4'235 20. 24. 5i 4-200 20. 20. 12 3'8g5 20. 25. 28 3-995 20.25.42 3'7i5 20. 25. 56 3-696 It should be remarked here that the integer revolutions of the micrometer- screw were reckoned in one direction only. When the two images coincided and formed but one image, the micrometer-reading was approximately 10 r> 000. During the above measures, which are all on one side of the zero, the focussing was slightly imperfect, as I discovered afterwards. The power of the micrometer eye-piece was 250. I then removed the micrometer and put in the negative eye-piece, power 150, fitted with an achromatised neutral tint wedge. I looked very carefully for any fringe surrounding the planet, and for partial illumination of its disc. * The local mean time of External Contact, inferred from the measures of cusps, is 3 h . 8 m . 42" -7 which is i m . 41" 9 later than the " spectroscopic " contact. 42 TRANSIT or VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. I called Mr. Clapp to look at it. The planet was then about one third on. Neither of us saw her entire disk, but we only spent a moment or two looking at it, for just then the driving clock, which was being driven with a light weight, stopped, and two or three minutes perhaps passe*d before things were right again. Having replaced the micrometer, when the planet was rather more than half on, I made the following three sets of measures of her diameter in the direction parallel to the Sun's limb, on either side of the zero, having carefully adjusted the focus : MICROMETER READINGS for DIAMETER of VENUS parallel to SUN'S LIMB. jst Set. 2nd Set. 3rd Set. r r r 2-875 16-870 2-900 2-846 i6'g2o Much " boiling." 2-916 16-918 2-886 3-145 (bad) 17-004 2-860 2-810 16-922 2-820 16-955 2-836 The brasswork surrounding the reflecting prism had now become too much heated to be touched by the hand. The micrometer-screw, however, was at a considerable distance from the prism, and I do not suppose the value of one revolution could be sensibly affected. As seen in the field of view of the double-image micrometer there was no trace of the illumination in the planet's atmosphere seen at this time by so many observers using Huyghenian eye-pieces. Had I seen it I should probably not have known how to measure the distance between the cusps. When I judged that about five minutes remained before internal contact I began to measure the cusps, Mr. Clapp counting aloud the seconds from the clock. MEASURES of CUSPS before INTERNAL CONTACT. Micrometer Micrometer Clock Time. Reading. Clock Time. Reading. h m s r h m s r 20.41. o 4'336 20.44.11 6-002 20.41.30 4*690 20.44.23 6-270 20.41.52 4-890 20.44.36 6-436 20.42. 8 4-915 20.44.47 6-645 20.43.31 5-700 20.45. I 6-918 20.43.44 5-804 20.45.25 7-466 20. 43. 53 5-86o 20. 45. 43 7-755 20. 44. 1 5-g85 Transit of Venus 1814 Dec. 8, at Honolulu. Diagrams Ukistrating the Internal Gmlacf at, Ingress. Plate IV. Rg.1. Local Sidereal time, W.46.1&5 ( lupman, 6 indirdractor.) (These Diagrams should, le viewed, at the distance of four feet.) Fig. 2. K. m, s. local Sidereal time W. 46. 32~5 ( lupman., 6 inch, refractor. ) DANCERFIELD IIIH 22 BfDFCRD S T COVSKT CAROEN To face page 43. TOPMAN'S OBSERVATIONS OF INGRESS. 43 After calling the reading 6 r '918 (at 20 h . 45 m . 1 s ) I placed the two images in coincidence to estimate the time remaining before internal contact. This I had frequently practised on the model, and generally was not more than 10 seconds in error. I remarked aloud to Mr. Clapp that it wanted a minute, and proceeded to take the two last cusp-measures. Up to this time the circum- stances of the Ingress of Venus exactly resembled those seen in the model. I drew out the micrometer at 20 h . 45 m . 43 s without reading it, laid it on the shelf and inserted the negative eye-piece, power 150, down to the pencil mark on it for focus. This I had repeatedly practised on the model, and always effected in 10 or 12 seconds. I was no longer than usual on this occasion. Mr. Clapp watched me, timed me I believe, and noticed that if anything I was quicker than usual. On looking in (at 20 h . 45 m . 55 s therefore) I saw the cusps separated such a distance that I thought it still wanted 30 seconds* of contact, but the image not being perfectly sharp I threw it out of focus with the rack motion, and brought it carefully in again. As I did so I perceived that the cusps were united by a narrow band or thread of light of sensible width, but faint, and instantly called " contact," though fearing I had missed it while focussing. This was at 20 h . 46 m . 2 s . As the appearance at that instant made a vivid impression on my mind, I afterwards made a drawing of it (Plate IV., Fig. 1), and may here very properly describe it. The bright parts of the cusps were then far apart; the band of light connecting them merged into them so guadually it was impossible to say where the points of the cusps were. They no longer possessed the sharpness I had seen with the micrometer eye-piece some 20 seconds before. The band of light was of uniform width (calling width the direction perpendicular to the limbs) and of shading for a considerable part of its length between where it merged into the cusps. It was sharply defined along the edge of the planet, but faded off gradually on its other border, where I expected to see the limb of the Sun. Everything hitherto having so closely resembled the appearances in the model, I felt certain that I had missed the contact while focussing, although I could not understand how it could have occurred so much sooner than I had expected. The preceding remarks refer to the instant 20 h . 46 m . 2 s . by the clock. Mr. Clapp went on steadily counting the seconds. I was surprised that the band of light did not change much in appearance for some time ; it seemed a long time in comparison with model experience. There was no :zr V * In the note book " 30 seconds " is entered, but in the account which I wrote after the transit I said " 20 seconds." Whether intentionally or not I cannot now tell. It is unimportant. a 44 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. black drop nor ligament. The planet was perfectly circular, and nothing whatever disturbed the sharpness of its outline at the place of contact. The band of light [after a certain interval] gradually and imperceptibly brightened, and as Mr. Clapp said " twenty " it was sufficiently bright to induce me to consider the contact as established [by which I meant quite passed]. The clock time for this is 20 h . 46. 20 S- 0. At that instant the general appearance was similar to the model a second or two after contact, as nearly as possible as represented in Fig. 2, Plate IV., which was drawn an hour or two afterwards.* On concluding the micrometer-measures given below, that is, about half an hour after internal contact, I wrote some notes in the observing-book, including the following : " At the 20 seconds which I have recorded I am perfectly certain the contact was passed, established completely not ' contact ' properly speaking, for that implies some definite instant which was never observed. At that time, and for a second or two before, there was the sliadmu on the light at the point of contact, a phenomenon always seen with the model, but nothing like a ligament or black drop, although I looked carefully for such an appearance." Much disheartened at the unsatisfactory nature of the observation of contact I withdrew from the telescope to look through the record of times, and at my request Mr. Clapp took my place and scrutinised the planet. I asked him if he could see a fringe of any kind near the periphery of the planet, of shadow surrounding it, or diffused light within. He said he saw nothing but a plain black sharply- defined circle. I called Major "Wodehouse in also (not being able to commence " limb " measures immediately), and called his attention to the same points with the same result. I then replaced the double-image micrometer, and made the following series of measures of the distance between the near limbs of the Sun and planet, and of the diameter of the planet, reversing the direction of measure- ment at 20 h . 55 m . and at 21 h . 2 m . when the position of the movable half-lens, with reference to the fixed half-lens, was changed, as indicated by a line drawn between the measures. At each change the telescope was re-pointed, to bring the point of contact exactly in the center of the very limited field of view, and the direction of measurement re-adjusted. It is here that the want of a position- circle is most felt. * In the reproduction of this diagram for the Astronomer Royal's " Parliamentary Keport " the lithographer has incorrectly introduced a dark shadow between the limbs. Fig. 2, Plate IV., is a correct copy of the original sketch. TUPMAN'S OBSERVATIONS OF INGKESS. 45 MEASURES of the DISTANCE between the near LIMBS of the SUN and PLANET after INTERNAL CONTACT. Clock Times. Micrometer Reading. Clock Timec. Micrometer Reading. ' Clock Times. Micrometer Reading. h m 9 2O. 49. 46 20. 5o. i 20. oo. 20 20. 5o. 3 1 r 10-914 10-973 io'g58 101 h m s 2O. 54. I I 2O. 54. 21 20. 54. 36 20. 54. 5o i rg35 1 1 - goo u-g35 12-072 h m s 20. 5g. I 2 20. 5g. 24 20. 5g. 32 20. 5g. 47 r 7'25o 7-i65 7'3 10 7-040 20. 5o. 53 20. 5l. l6 20. 5i.35 20. 5l. 52 20.02. 5 20. 52. 24 20. 52. 37 20. 02. 5o o35 '252 258 427 420 353 5oo 6*5 20. 55. 45 20. 56. 2 20. 56. i3 20. 56. 29 20. 56. 40 20. 56. 55 20.57.38 20. 57. 58 8-072 8-o3o 7'995 7-965 7-8 7 5 7-782 7-532 * 7-625 20. 5g. 57 21. 0. 8 21. 0. 30 21. 0.40 21. 0.54 21. I. 12 21. 1.28 21. 1.46 7*141 7-075 6-910 7'o33 6-800 6-810 6-795 6-710 20. 53. 10 20. 53. 29 20. 53. 47 20. 53. 5g 65o 800 760 855 20. 58. 14 20. 58. 29 20. 58. 44 20.58. 57 7'3go 7-472 7-382 7 -3cg 21. 2. 29 21. 2.01 21. 3. 6 21. 3.21 1 3-760 13-642 1 3-8oo 1 3-802 Bad. MEASURES of the DIAMETER of VENUS. Micrometer Readings when the Images were in tangential contact. r r i6 - gi5 3 - ioo 16-990 3-o55 16-944 2-990 16-977 2-910 i6'gi5 3-ooc 16-975 2-945 1 6'g i o 2 -goo eye fatigued i6 - g3o 2'g85 1 6-900 3'ooo 16-900 2-848 bad 2-840 bad 3-127 Between every two micrometer-measures the screw was rotated in opposite directions alternately, to eliminate any possible error that might arise from turning it always in the same direction. It is unfortunately not recorded in what direction these last measures of diameter were taken. '"I may or may not G 2 46 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. have rotated the' micrometer to place the head in a more convenient position, as I was at that time ignorant of the fact that this form of micrometer is liable to a variation of its zero as it is rotated about its axis. The measures of limbs, however, are practically independent of the zero, while for the cusp-measures the zero was determined immediately before them with the micrometer in its proper position. The Sun was now approaching the western horizon. Lieut. Ramsden had secured 60 photographs, Mr. Nichol a series of micrometric-measures similar to my own, and Lieut. Noble the telescopic contact. The clocks and chrono- meters were then compared. Every observer made his notes in full before any conversation passed between us, and wrote his Report, as here given with no material alteration, the same evening. TABLE A. COMPARISONS of the TRANSIT and EQUATOREAL CLOCKS by intervention of the SOLAR CHRONOMETERS R AND C and inferred ERROR of the EQUATOREAL CLOCK, 1874, December 8. Time by Transit Clock. Time by Chrono- meter at Com- parison with Transit Clock. Time by Chrono- meter at Com- parison with Equatoreal Clock. Time by Equatoreal Clock. Equatoreal Clock slow on Local Mean Time. Observer. h m a h m s h m 8 h m g 8 1 7. 6. 38-oo R 1 1. 56. 3i'5o 12. 8. 8'5o 17. 18. iS'oo 12-38 T I/. 47. lO'OO R o. 36. 57-00 o. 32. 57'5o 17. 43. 8-00 12-37 T 21. 57. 35-00 C 4. 64. 52-5o 4. 67. 3roo 22. O. 1 2'OO I2'02 Ni 22. 16. 6-00 C 5. 1 3. 20-5o 5. o. 3g-5o 22. 3. 2I'OO 12-53 Ni I now proceed to the discussion of these observations in order to put them in the form of final equations immediately available for the determina- tion of the solar parallax, which was the special object of the Expeditions ; premising that every observation resolves itself into a measure in a direction joining the apparent centers of the SUN and VENUS, as seen from the place of observation, and that the formulas by which the local tabular distance of centers and the various co-efficients have been computed, were taken from the Astronomer Royal's paper in the Monthly Notices of tlie Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. XXXV., 277, the geocentric places of the SUN and Venus being taken from the ephemeris for every 10 seconds of Greenwich sidereal time computed from LEVERRIER'S Tables by direction of the Astronomer Royal. DISCUSSION OP THE DOUBLE-IMAGE MICROMETEK MEASURES. 47 Let s, S, be the semi-diameters of Venus and of the SUN respectively ex- pressed in revolutions of the micrometer-screw. r, R, the tabular semi-diameters in seconds of arc. 2m, the micrometer measure in revolutions of the screw. A, the tabular distance of centers. p, the value of one revolution of the screw. x r , x", the distance between the limbs that are nearly in contact, in revolutions and seconds of arc respectively. Then when the center of Venus is without the SUN, and 2m is the measure of the obtuse cusps : a* = 8 + * - (S* - m 2 )* - (s 2 - m 2 )* s is determined by observation ; S = " with sufficient accuracy, r r D = - -T- - " S S II 'II Of ,f . X T r~. x + o x =. x r . p = -- 1 8 r 5* ft yf <\ or f> x st ST. S The true distance of centers is A + SA=rE + 8E + r-f8r- (x" + S x") whence the final equation' = R + r - (A + x") - I A + & B + (1 - f) I r where A is the sum of the corrections to the tabular parallax, B.A., and N.P.D. each multiplied by the proper factor for its effect on the distance of centers. For the measures of acute cusps (near internal contact) the equation is = E_r-(A- x") - 8 A + 8 R - (1 - j ) 8 r and for measures of near limbs (after internal contact) = E-r-(A + x") - 8 A + 8 R - (1 + f ) 8 r With the 6-inch instrument we have, from the first series of measures of the diameter of Venus s 3 r -5i7, and from the second series * = 3 r '4go. {8"c "c 48 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. The several determinations of the zero of the micrometer are 9 r< 891 from the first series of double-diameters. 10 r -163 from the limb measures between 20 h . 53 m . 59 s . and 20 11 . 56 m . 40 s . 10 r -100 from the limb measures between 21 h . O m . 40 s . and 21 h . 3. 21 s . 9 r> 956 from the second series of double-diameters. For the reduction of the measures of Cusps the zero has been taken as 9 r -89l ; and the value of s, 3 r -517. For the limb measures the zero has been taken 10 r -130; and s, 3 S -490. .ff=976"-8o r = 3i"- 4 2. 8"'g32 + 286 8 r for cusp measures. . g" - oo2 + 286 8 r for limb measures. Assumed astronomical latitude 21. 17'. 56"'3 N. longitude west of Greenwich 10 h . 31 m . 27 S '3. Similarly for Mr. Nichol's observations with the 4^-inch equatorial, we have, from the first series for diameter of Venus, s = 2 r '448 and zero 9 r '9g6 for the direction parallel to the Sun's limb. and for the second series s = 2 r '434 zero io r> ooo (direction not stated ; probably parallel to Sun's limb), J i2" - 835 + "410 S r for cusp measures. an f> - ^ I2 "-gi3 4. -410 8 r for limb measures. The equations of distance of centers of the SUN and Vvnm for every obser- vation with both instruments are exhibited in the following Tables B and C, (which also give the time of contact deduced from each micrometer measure of cusps,) taking the tabular semi-diameters as above, and assuming the mean solar parallax to be '. ' ' S -; 8"-950 (1 + ,-~). The relative weights assigned to the cusp measures are arbitrary. The model practice proved that the measures taken in the last two minutes were about twice as accurate, for the object in view, as those taken between five and three minutes from contact. EQUATIONS OF DISTANCE OF CENTERS. 49 }q2;A\ * to vn >o vo \O vo r- r^oo oo ON ON ON O O -C ' S . W k "S rj-vn vn N 00 -H M rf h oo ON K K ^ to *o rt vn ^" *^ O co o ONVO vn oo vn O *o NO r> is. d jj O OOOOONMcoco O Q *O ONTO oo vn vn V* -4- Vj-co co co c4 M M ^ , t. -a -i vn ON ^~ t^ Tj- ^-vn to vn co ON i?i-irt- M - *^ *o r 5 ON -2 <* 13= ooo-o oo O S oo'oo'r^ooooooooodooooooodoo t^oo oo ft. ja ^ J5 VD "* NO ti ^ f *. *0 N r-- d vn oo "- co r-~ tf ONOO C-- O CO VO vn vo -sV is S.J3 2^ g g S x tM^ t* d O^OO VO vO OO O NO ONvn co ^"vn t** rt "5 a S ,fri j S ., p. ! x v - rt co co vn ^vo NO o -H o Ovoo vo vn vn vn vn ^-co co c* <- .S> Afr M ** !js tt vn vo NO ONOO M vo o O r-. ONOO co ooo nvn^t-t^rtto o to O ON w O O ONOO vo ^- H ON ^- . ff^ W "3 VotOtOtOIO*ONOVO vn vn m ^ V* '-*co co co co ro d d rt 5 S g O vn O ONCO O vn O vn ON-vn r^^vn O ONOO O -t'vn o t^- ^ O vO c4 oo co ^oo 00 3 d t * oo vb vo *o ^* ^to to oo t^. t-^vo cotopic4N'-"HOO ONOO oo r-. a: . 4) HO - * 2 vn vn S- 0000000000000000 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 00 00 C v d a S S " J^S ^ <2 ^ ^ w ^ > '^^2'3 Cl v S5-'*'S ON lap = VO>OVO>ONO r~t^t^ Mf><1t01^-/-l"M/^>^NONONONO t^t^ r- r- vo vo 1^. r. t; ^ 1 "I* 00 r- - c*00 HVO co M co *o M pi *,f vn O O rtOO ** j-co M i-covo t^-***oco n o g g^ 2 g M M ciOCOCOrf^-^-^ ^in" 10 vn NO NO | HJ? | 5 ^=6 6 M rt o o O o H 55 '- - CD K 2 C ,_( a 0) o o| CO I >H O 0) PQ w 50 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. (o 4 to N rf- c*> r-. >j^ r* c4 t^. ^O -rj- ffs H t-o t - ^O ON "-< O "^ "-^ oc O * *- ^1* 1 CO t (O CX>OOOOCX9000000 t STANCE 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t II II II II II II II fl II II II II II II II II II II 11 II II fl II II II tH p v r-,rxOO t^oxt^oo i>-oo ONCO t-^oo t^-oo r^r^oooo r-oooooooooo o CO K o 2 j= 2 S r* rt M rt rtmtorocococn ^^-^^-^-tr>*oovnM^\oovo\o 1> 8 B * vo + w 'i KKkoorio b b "~ ^- "- c^^X ** iX & > vb K-ixjoo bxbxb HH ffl s|si ^ S i^i a ^ IM M=^ 0. - t-*0 ^-VDOOVD t-* M OVU, C^* 3 ; b bxb.0000 k>bXv>> ^.^.^ J, ',, ^ ' ^ b boo K i . r^ i 311 Q - -2 "C ,a OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ' S ; a fe 8 "^ 3-^2^2? 2 '$"" ?? 8CV 8SS^ 01 ?2"5-^ ? las = -; fi o<^rn ^4-^^->n>ninm>OVO tititioooo - ri ^ o "3 Is.'g-g ^-S^K^^^-^^^S??^^^^^"-:?^ J'^t 5 j, EQUATIONS OF DISTANCE OF CENTERS. 51 H 55 s g tio R N rivo - '*r i Pr^r^5 l h. ^ *0 vo t-*.r*.t^t-^f*.OQOoOQOQ ONOOOO ONOQ ONONONONO O p O *J-C\iovoro TJ-ONCO O - i" 1 t-^OCOO O>r ONONH ^J-vO ^MCO V* ^-co ^-iXiovo t^-ONvb i-^oo I^-ONCNO O d 11 t*i m t""*OOO ON ON OO oo f*- r^ v> *o ^ ^ OOOOCOOOOOOOOOOCOJOWMO^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOJO 6 o - ft; (Q I N.RD R.A I s S S S If i s ^ **^ w ^ "i g 2i ? = T* . 98 o-^ 1 ? S >*3 o M H 52 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. T*l .** -fli 3 1 ill K 5- O O ON ON f> * VO ^-O ,( d ON ON co OO vi OO COVOCOOO d OQ CO O ** OO r-* w O t-^ d O *** K *0 ON I" "ii oo co /i w -i co oo vo d >-* ON d oo ONOOOO d O ill fc *o *3 ON ON r-. vb d t>oo ONvbcovb bvb i-^-vboo dMIHd M _ U-i HH O s&a soooooooooooooooooooo r^. oo oo oo oo" oo oo* oo a t M O M tC. t^ t^ S* K (0 *0 ^*dvo -ri- ri Ovooo O O dvo -^- oo O oo o in V) j) up i>-r-.r-.r^t-.r^ooooooooopoc CN b o VO vO 00 t^. 3- f* to oo d ^- vo o d oo *H d ro ^ d d rt Resulting Equation. . OOCOOOCO ONX/N JC^.w-iiocoro d -< >-t O ONOOOO r-^r^vovo vo vo >J ^ *o vo vo vo VO essassasssaasssss n +-66o5*B.A. -'6980 5 N.P.D. -- O 3535< - $R + // j +-6479SR.A. --7H78N.P.D. --03468* - S II + i n + 69 29 3i |. + 59 39 44 ^n + 48 Si 35 t +-64438R.A. --7157 8N.P.D. --o342S< - SR +i oeoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oo OO OO OO OO OO 'l 'l 'l 'l 'l 'l 'l "l 'l 'l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 R II II II II II II II II II II II II II U II II d "l n "l "l 'l "l "l II II II II 11 oo~io $ttoo V< O < 2'^ *' rt^ o"i- So i - d O ^ co xoooooooo t^dooooooooo r-*oooooo r^oooo 00 ^oo t--. K. *>. t-. CM i *s 21 S- * 1 1 to to oo d ^J- vo O d oo *< d co "Jl tn uvnOO ONO O O O TJ-ONVN t^OOOO >-* * g 'f + f + + + CO P ^- CO VO O r~* t^- n d wa 1 ^ if) vo t** I--* fg| :lllf i f 1 1 11 lit If 1 1 b b b b b JM HQ 4ICIIi.iyilIftll| is* v^ |l| .i^vbbbvl^Sb Svb"tioC|>|Nt> d d co $ -4* u-j ON co oo b M vi M m -- 3 M | x ti * S^io .opHjo - ,0 s-g-v?^^ ^ s 3^ S 8 $ " 3 i ssi'ij j|*8J J R R Jf * * * 8- * * * * * * N . ^ to to H O - z, (M O . > CO K W i. 02 O i I O o If S i-i O 00 O c 2 W H r3 O O 5 a r EQUATIONS OF DISTANCE OF CENTERS. 53 VATION ca O CHOL' R o ^ =4-1 H O Resulting Equati vo i- * cl ft! * *4- ^- en co O o Pi ro O io> i < pj VO VO VO *O C^- VO VO t^- C^> t** t*- C*"- ("- OO ^O M2 OO t^- t^ OO VO *O t** *i"t ^O (O (O vO ON * ^* VO t^ n VO ON *o t^ O rt ^" "> vo ** f* w ^* 10 "*4* <*> r*. t~~ ro t*i c4 tl co to co' co ^J- rj- H- >j~i u^ vo vo vo vo vo t*- r^. t^- (> r^. t -~ oo oo oo ON ON oo ON ON o *^ *^ co ^- *o r- oo ON o\ O O O n to c$ co co co vo t~^. t^ ON o\ bbbbbb^t*H^*-^-^^^^<'-rtVic4rtrt H< fi N ncoco ^TJ-u-ivdvo t^.t^.r^.oooooooo* oVo\o\d o M * t* t>.OO^ NNioOOVOcorO t^-CNQcO r^fO t^MVDVOVO CO t^OO O 02 1 o? W O a n Hg .- p P d 9*1 .2 CG 5 j H 2 54 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. By obtaining independent values of a revolution of the screws of the micrometers, the terms depending upon or in these equations may be eliminated. With this view the distance of the Model from the stage was measured three times with a 100-feet measuring tape, the face of the model being placed exactly 800* feet from the front edge of the table on which the telescopes were laid. These projected a little over the edge, so that the distances of the object glasses from the Model may be taken at 798*4 feet for the 6-inch telescope. 799' 6 4^-inch The diameter of the disk of brass representing Venus was measured many times with three different scales by TROUGHTON and SIMMS, with the following results : 2-85g4 inches (by a scale of T ^). 2-8570 ( -jifr). 2-8552 ( millimeters). The mean 2-8572 inches. The mean of a great many measures of the diameter of the model planet as seen in the telescopes gave the apparent values 6 r- 76o -020 for the 6-inch instrument. 4 r '76o -oio ,, 4^-inch Consequently the values of one revolution of the screws, for the focus cor- responding to the distance of the model, are g"-O99 -o3o for the 6-inch. i2"-8g7 -027 for the 4^-inch. The focal lengths of the object glasses being, respectively, 89 and 69 inches, the values of one revolution of the screws for the solar focus are g''-i84 for the 6-inch. i2"-g8g for the 4^-inch.f "We have, therefore, the following values of the true semi-diameter of Venus : With the 6-inch instrument 32"- 18. 4^-inch 3i"'7i. Hence the value of 8 r is + o"'76 for the 6-inch. + o"-2g 4^-inch. * Mr. Gay, with the 66-feet chain, afterwards made the distance 802 feet by a single measure. I doubt the accuracy of this. f I afterwards found by transits of the double image of Polaris the values I2"'99 and i3"'O2. FINAL EQUATIONS FOR HONOLULU. 55 Colonel Tennant, by similar observations at Roorkee, made this quantity + o"'56 for a 6-inch instrument ; and Captain Browne, at Mokattam + o" - 62, also for a 6-inch instrument. The following final equations represent the whole of the observations made at Honolulu, omitting the micrometer measures of the distance of Iwibs with the 4^-inch telescope, and the external contact observed with the spectro- scope : Equation of Distance of Centers. Observer. 1 Nature of Observation. 8"72 = "-2 25 1 n + -7024 8 R, A. -6481 8 N.P.D. T 8 measures of obtuse cusps. "-o3g2 8 t 8 R -55g2 8 r 7""99 = "-2283 n +-658g 8 R.A. 7002 8 N.P.D. T 1 5 measures of acute cusps. "-03538* 8R + -8384 8 r 8"-. 7 = "-2283 rc +-66o58R.A. -6980 8 N.P.D. NI 1 7 measures of acute cusps. "-o3538< 8R + 7866 8 r 7"-8o = "-2284 +-653z 8 R.A. 7061 8 N.P.D. T Telescopic contact " passed." "0340 8 t 8 R + i -oooo 8 r 7"-83 = "-2284 n +-6532 i R.A. 7061 8 N.P.D. NO Telescopic contact. "0340 8 t 8 R + i -oooo 8 r 7'V = "-2283M +-6629 8 R.A. 7064 8 N.P.D. FL Telescopic contact "passed." "0343 8 t 8 R +1-0000 8 r 7"-88 = "-2279 +-6264 8 R.A. -7338 8 N.P.D. T 48 measures of limbs. "-o322 J t 8 R + 1-6742 8 r It is not without interest to compare the times of internal contact, as inferred from micrometric measurements, with the observed telescopic time. Before treating of the measures of the actual transit, I will exhibit the results obtained from the preliminary practice with the model. This apparatus is figured in Plate V., and needs but little description. The shaded portions were cut out of sheet brass ; the curved edges, representing portions of the limb of the Sun and the periphery of the planet, were bevelled to diminish parallax ; the planet, attached to a horizontal bar running on fixed wheels, was drawn towards the clock-work on the right by the action of the large weight, the motion being regulated by a pendulum. The curvature of the Sun's edges was such as would be proper for a distance of 400 feet, but at Honolulu the model was erected at the distance of 800 feet, the planet being double the diameter shown in the plate. Sunlight was reflected into the telescopes, through the triangular opening, by means of a mirror mounted on another tripod stand, worked by an assistant, who knew perfectly well when it was properly adjusted by the brilliant light reflected 56 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. back to him by the glasses of the telescopes. The intermittent character of the motion of the artificial planet was not perceptible in the telescopes. These, removed from their mountings, were laid on a table as near together as convenient, some eight or nine feet from the ground. A roofing of rushes protected them and the observers from the direct rays of the Sun. The land between was flat and grassy: The exact dimensions of the important parts of the model were as follows : Length of each chord of the Sun's limb 4'99 inches. Radius of curvature of ditto 2 4'47 > Length of the base of the triangular opening 8^46 , , Height of ditto 2-94 , , Diameter of the planet (mean) 2'857 , , Length of the chord on the planet joining the two points that touch the limb of the Sun at the internal contacts ... I '455 , , When the planet was set back horizontally exactly one inch from the position of perfect internal contact at ingress, the distance of the cusps was 2-250 inches. The horizontal movement of the planet was one inch in 270 S> 3 mean solar seconds. A mean-time chronometer was always used for the model practice. The distance of the model from the object-glasses of the telescopes may be considered 798^4 feet for the 6-inch instrument. 799-6 ,, 4^-inch ,, The practice with the model, at Honolulu as at Greenwich, demonstrated that there was no material difference between the different observers' appre- ciation of the exact moment of contact, no matter what telescopes were employed, provided the power was 100 or more. By suitable experiments it was found that the internal contact observed with the telescope was within a small fraction of a second of time of true mechanical contact. As regards the instant of internal contact the appearances of the model bore no resemblance to the phenomena of the actual transit of Venus. The comparisons of the various observers at the model therefore possess no interest. It is different, however, with the micrometer measures ; the circumstances of which, as far as the eye could judge, were a perfect imitation of the actual ingress of Vemis. The daily micrometer practice on the model was a serious rehearsal of what was to be done during the actual transit; and, the records being Plate V. To face page 56. D*WCfcRflLD L S T COVENT GARDEN OBSERVATIONS OF THE MODEL. 57 preserved, I have since reduced the measures of cusps, by means of the data given above, to see how they agreed with the true contact. The time of internal contact was deduced from a cusp measure in the following manner : The measurements of the model in inches were converted into their equivalents in revolutions of the micrometer, by taking the diameter of the planet as on page 54. The small quantity by which the limb of Venus was outside the limb of the Sun, measured on the line of centers, was found from the equation given on page 47, and a table was then formed giving the distance of cusps corresponding to every ten seconds of time from true contact. The interval of time between the measure and true contact (called for convenience the reduction to contact), which rarely exceeded 250 seconds, was taken from the table for every cusp measure separately. In order to test the accuracy of the data employed, more especially the assumed velocity of horizontal motion of the planet, the driving apparatus being of somewhat rude construction, I have separated the results of the larger and smaller cusp measures. The following table exhibits these results in sufficient detail. The telescopic contact was generally noted by one or two observers in addition to the observer who took the measures. The table proves conclusively that the time of contact inferred from cusp measures is 3 s or 4 s too late for my own observations, and 4 s or 5 s too late for Mr. NICHOL'S, the probable cause being that the extreme points of the cusps are not seen, although they appear so sharp. COMPARISON of the TIME of INTERNAL CONTACT at INGRESS, derived from CUSP MEASURES of the MODEL with the OBSERVED TELESCOPIC CONTACTS. (1.) Observer, TUPMAN. By the larger Ousp Measures. By the smaller Cusp Measures. Telescopic Contact. i> On o Mean of JJ . o f inferred , Times of Obser - Meau Reduction to Mean of fl o . O f inferred . Times ofi Obser - Mean Reduction to Mean of observed No. of Obser- Extreme Discord- ance from Contact. vations. Contact. Contact. vations. Contact. Contacts. vations. Mean. H 8 8 s 8 8 6-inch 46-0 5 162 42-2 4 63 3r5 2 0'2 5 5o-o 6 198 42-8 5 72 33-5 2- O'5 5 5 og'o 2 208 57 - o 2 I 10 58-o I > i4 - 6 5 1 55 II'2 4 55 9-0 1 58 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Bj- the larger Cusp Measures. By the smaller Cusp Measures. Telescopic Contact. I Mean of inferred Times of No. of Obser- Mean Reduction to Mean of inferred Times of No. of Obser- Mean Reduction to Mean of observed No. of Obser- Extreme Discord- ance from 1 Contact. vations. Contact. Contact. vations. Contact. Contacts. vations. Mean. H a a 3 a a s 6-inch 127 8 I 9 2 8-5 6 72 3-o 2 o-5 57'o 6 181 53-5 6 74 49-2 2 o-3 5 24-0 IO 1 53 26-0 4 4 3 '97 2 O'2 9 35'4 5 121 3o-6 5 5o 3ro 2 o-5 > 35-o 5 92 3o-o 5 34 3ro I 5-2 5 82 4-0 5 33 3-o I . . 44 -inch 4-0 5 IOI 4-0 4 46 i*a 2 o-3 i 41-2 4 1 06 44-2 3 7 40' 2 3 0-8 i 3-o 4 &7 4-0 3 24 17 3 o-3 ? 47 3 80 8-5 2 3o 5-5 i > 27-8 5 79 28-6 5 37 25-2 2 o-3 Mean. 27-9 i3i 26-3 5 4 22-8 0-4 (2.) Observer, NICHOL. i S 9 6-inch 5-o 4 224 6-2 4 89 4-0 2 O'2 5 46-0 3 129 4i'o 3 65 33'5 2 o-5 > 3ro 3 io5 29-3 3 57 25-0 2 O'O 4^-inch 6o'o 4 '79 5g'5 4 93 53-2 2 o-3 54'o 5 143 5 9 '8 5 81 52-2 2 0'2 5o-5 4 1 60 48-2 4 64 44-5 3 o'5 23-3 3 127 2I'I 3 66 19-8 3 o-3 117 4 7' I2'O 3 3o 6-5 3 o-5 17-0 3 129 197 3 69 12-5 i . . I4'o 4 122 14*0 4 65 1 5-o i . . 53-2 4 96 49' 3 39 45 - o i . . 26-4 9 144 27-9 7 58 25-8 3 0-8 33-2 9 128 33-4 7 52 29-5 2 O'O 9*4 5 i5 7 7-6 5 68 o-5 2 O'O Mean. 3ro '37 3o-6 64 26-2 o-3 Coming now to the actual transit, the time of contact may be inferred from each cusp-measure with great facility, since the local tabular distance of centers has been computed for each recorded time. The inferred times are given in Tables B and C affected by a quantity depending on 8 r. Considering the internal contact only, we have the following means of the times from the cusp measures : G. Sid. Time. Tupman 7 h . i8 m . 4'g -f 4-52 8 r where 8 r = + o" m j6. Nichol 7 h . i8 m . io 8 'o + 5'g3Sr where S r = + o"'2g. REPORT OF MR. J. W. NICHOL. 59 Hence the corrected inferred times are Tupman 7 h . i8 m . 8 S< I G.S.T. Nichol 7 h . i 8 m . 1 1 3 7 While the telescopic contact was certainly passed at 7 h . i8 m . o 9 . (Tupinan and Noble). These results are in perfect accordance with those obtained by Colonel TENNANT at Roorkee, who found the time of contact inferred from the cusp measures to be 10 s- 2 later than the telescopic time of contact. I may remark here, that although these cusp measures appear to be very reliable, there is a very serious discrepancy between the observations at Honolulu and at Roorkee, amounting to 17 or 18 seconds of time on any reasonable assumption of the solar parallax. I have thought it not worth while to make a similar comparison with the measures of limbs, the co-efficient of 3r being very large. REPORT OF MR. J. W. NICHOL. The observation of external contact was taken by me with the Naylor 6-inch equatoreal telescope, with power of 145, and neutral tint glass. Lieut. Oldham, R.N., took time for me, counting seconds aloud and making the entries in the note-book. The limb of the Sun was very rugged. The first time recorded was when I perceived a definite indentation on the upper limb of the Sun, and the contact must have occurred, from the size of the indentation, 30 seconds to a minute before that time. I then changed places with Captain Tupman, and going to his 4J-inch equatoreal inserted the double-image micrometer eye-piece, the power of which was about 150. The planet was then accurately focussed, brought into the middle of the field, and the two images adjusted to equal intensity. Twelve observations for diameter were taken, when the planet appeared to be fully half way on the sun. The method of bisection was to place the two images so that they separated and joined alternately as nearly as possible to the same extent by the continued vibration of the air. By this time the cusps were approaching, and the phenomenon appeared almost the same as the model, except that the planet seemed somewhat brighter by contrast. Seventeen observations of cusps were taken. The definition of the ex- tremities of the cusps was as good as on an average day at the model, and I found no difficulty in just getting them to touch. "When the micrometer reading had diminished to 12M52, knowing from previous model practice that I had more than a minute to spare before internal i 60 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. contact, I took out the double-image eye-piece, and immediately inserted a negative eye-piece of power 130, furnished with a neutral tint sliding wedge. The telescope was slightly disturbed in doing so, but that did not prevent me from getting it re-adjusted and sharply focussed in 32 seconds after the last reading of the micrometer, when to my astonishment I saw a completion of light round the planet, perfectly distinct, and such as I should have said, from previous model practice, was immediately after contact. This is the time recorded. I remained looking at it for about two minutes, but could see no instantaneous phenomenon of contact, no black drop, nor anything resembling the model. I noticed that this light did not appear to thicken as I should have expected for a considerable time after that recorded ; but as I considered, from my previous experience (with the model), that the contact had occurred, and was unable to get, accurately, any further change until the planet was visibly on the Sun, I cannot say that the time as noted is at all satisfactory. The double-image micrometer was then replaced and 33 limb and 20 diameter observations taken. These were to my mind as good as any I could have taken on an average day at the model. The planet appeared circular, although the edge vibrated considerably. 20 h . 19 m . 23 s . External contact first perceived. Time by Equatoreal Clock [see page 46]. 4^-inch equatoreal double-image micrometer measures of the diameter of Venus.* Micrometer Readings. 5'ogi 5-088 5'o62 5-o8o 5-i55 5-J25 14-889 14-900 14-881 14-911 14-909 14-860 4^-inch equatoreal double-image micrometer measures of cusps. Time counted from chronometer C by Lieutenant Oldham, E.N. Micrometer Readings. Micrometer Readings. h m B r h m s r 3. 3 7 . 49 14-101 3. 3g. 2 13-780 38. 2 I4-OI2 3g. 3i i3-5n 38.38 13-853 3g. 5o i3- 4 35 * The reading of the micrometer for coincidence of the optic axes of the two halves of the divided lens was approximately io r 'o. Readings greater and less than i o r o indicate that (ho movable half-lens was on alternate sides of the fixed half-lens. REPORT OF MR. J. W. NICHOL. 61 h m s 3. 40. 5 40.27 40. 42 40. 5g 41. 18 41. 35 Micrometer Readings. r ' 13-35 1 13-282 1 3-ogo 13-024 12-782 12-719 h m s 3. 41. 48 42. oo 42. II 42. 21 42. 3i Micrometer Readings. r 12-074 I2-470 12-328 12-249 I2'l52 3 h . 43 m . 3 s . Internal contact. Time by chronometer C. Double-image micrometer measures of limbs. 3. 46. 56 46. 20 46.44 47- 9 47.21 47.41 48. 2 48. 7 4 8.38 48.55 49- i 5o. 5 5o.38 5o.56 52. 23 52.43 letcr Readings. r h m s 1 0-3 1 2 3.53. 7 10-443 53. 19 10-522 53. 3o IO-552 53.53 10-562 5 4 . 17 10-655 54.33 10-715 54.47 10-770 55.ii 10*840 55.26 10-880 55.36 10-910 55.56 i roi5 56.3i 11*140 57. 3 11-194 57.27 n-358 57.41 1 1-408 58. 8 Micrometer Headings. r 11-482 I I -02 I n-568 1 1-602 11-61 1 1 1 -780 11-792 11745 11-821 n-85i n-823 12-042 i2-i35 12-148 12-276 12-290 Double-image micrometer measures of the diameter of Venus 14-902 85o 845 83 1 880 899 85 9 85 1 Micrometer Readings. r 5-179 143 135 078 i3o i3o 162 090 142 143 14*928 818 I 2 62 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Subsequent remarks, December 8, 8 p.m. From what I learn from others who continued to observe during the whole phenomenon with the same eye-piece, I feel inclined to think that the thin line of light which I observed on changing the eye-pieces must have been due to light from the Sun's corona. No light of the kind was visible in the double-image micrometer, and I regret that it was changed, since otherwise, 1 think, a very good time of contact would have been obtained by it. J. W. NICHOL. Mr. Nichol's chronometer (see following comparisons) was 7 m . 55 S< 17 fast on local mean time. COMPARISONS of the SOLAR CHRONOMETER C with the TRANSIT CLOCK, and inferred ERROR of C on LOCAL MEAN TIME, on 1874, December 8. Time by Transit Clock. Honolulu Mean Time. Corresponding Time by Chronometer C. Chronometer C Fast on Local Mean Time. Ob- server. h m s h m s h m s m s 19.26. 23'OO ig. 29. 24-00 21. 57. 35-OO 22. 16. 6-00 2. 16. 9-82 2. 19. 10-33 4. 46. 57-09 5. 5. 25-07 2. 24. 5-oo 2. 27. 5-5o 4. 54. 52'5o 5. i3. 2o - 5o 7.55-I8 7.55-I7 7.55- 4 I 7. 55- 4 3 Ni Ni T T EEPORT OF LIEUT. E. J. W. NOBLE, E.M.A. The instrument I used was the Dollond telescope of 3^ inches aperture and 57 inches focal length, with a solar diagonal prismatic eye-piece giving rectangular reflection, a power of 139, and the darkest neutral tint glass. The instrument, protected from the N.E. trade by a " bell " tent, was mounted close to the door of the altazimuth hut, so that I could distinctly hear the counting of the time-keeper, Lieut. Shakspear, R.N., of H.M.S. Scout, with whom I had practised, and of the accuracy of whose counting I was quite convinced. As the time for external contact approached, I observed a slight notch on the vertex of the Sun. At 20 h . 17 m . 11 s . I was fully satisfied that Venus had entered on the Sun, and I estimated that the external contact had taken place 2 m . 30 s . before [or at 'about 20 h . 14 m . 40 s .]. I then left the telescope, and took only casual glances as the planet advanced on the Sun till within about 10 minutes of the time of internal contact, when I kept the instrument pointed on the Sun's limb. REPORTS OF LIEUTENANT NOBLE AND ME. FLITNER. 63 Whilst thus watching I was astonished to see, most distinctly, the disc of the planet complete, and immediately asked Lieut. Shakspear what time remained before contact. He said " a little over five minutes." There was an understanding between us about the Nautical Almanac time being two minutes in error from the observed external contact. The Sun's limb was very steady, and the planet was quite circular, with a bluish rim round it. The first time recorded at internal contact (20 h . 45 m . 43 s . by the altazimuth clock) is that when the cusps had apparently joined. There was no black drop, no ligament, but a rough dark shade, which gradually faded off to a thin tint, corresponding to the phenomenon I had observed in the model. This instead of being nearly instantaneous, as the model generally showed extended over some 20 seconds. The thin tint is that recorded as the second time (20 h . 46 m . 2 s .) at internal contact. At the third recorded time (20 h . 46 . 22 s .) there was a broad band of light between Venus and the Sun's limb, and contact was long past. The second- recorded time (20 h . 46 m . 2 s .) by the clock is that which I consider as the time of contact, and am certain it could not have been later than this. E. J. W. NOBLE. The altazimuth clock used for Lieut. Noble's observations (see Table VI.) was 3O90 seconds slow on Honolulu sidereal time at the time of internal contact. Assuming the longitude 10 U . 31 m . 27 S> 3 west, we have the following equation corresponding to his recorded time, 20 h . 46 m . 2 s . Gr. Sid. Time. 7 h . i8 m .o s -2, 7"-83 = -2284 n + -6532 8 R.A. 7061 8 N.P.D. "-0340 8 t *R+ Sr MR. FLITNER'S OBSERVATION OF THE INGRESS OP Venus, 1874, DECEMBER 8, at WAIAKIKI, NEAR HONOLULU. Mr. Flitner kindly communicated to me, orally, the following circumstances, which I committed to writing in his presence. He observed the ingress of Venus, from the garden of Captain Smith's house at Waiakiki, with an achromatic of 2|- or 2^ inches aperture on an ordinary " pillar and claw " stand, furnished with a negative eye-piece of power of 80 to 100 and a dark glass which screwed on at the eye-end for viewing the sun directly. He used a pocket chronometer of large size and showing seconds, which he compared with his standard clock at Honolulu on 64 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. the morning of December 8, before going to "Waiakiki. Captain Smith had taken with him the box chronometer, Frodsham 6551 (which he afterwards lent to me for the longitude work). Mr. Flitner compared his pocket chro- nometer with No. 6551 as below : h m s hms bras No. 655 1 2.54. o-o No. 655i 3. 17. o - o No. 655 1 3.45. o-o Pocket 2. 53. 22-4 Pocket 3. 16. 22-0 Pocket 3. 44. 22-4 The external contact was first perceived at 3 h . 10 m . 6 s- 5 by the pocket chronometer. " Internal contact was complete and clear sunlight between the limbs " at 3 h . 35. 50 S -0. I copied the above figures from the original records on small scraps of paper which Mr. Flitner brought with him. For the absolute error of No. 6551 on the afternoon of December 8 we have the following connections : December 8, n b . a.m. h m s Flitnei-'s clock 10. 52. o'o "| \ Observer, Fhtner. No. 655i 10. 52. 32-5 J December 9, near noon. Flitner's clock 1 1 . 45. o-o "1 No. 655i 1 1. 4 5. 32-8 / Transit clock at Apua . . 17. 23. 5ro ") \ Nichol. No. 655i o. 10. 3o-o / Transit clock at Apua ... 19. 4. 4.0-0 "1 Chronometer (R) i. 5o. 22-5 J Flitner's clock 2. 35. o-oo ~i Chronometer (E) 2. 34. 52-85 / " " Transit clock at Apua ... 21. o. i 'o "1 Chronometer (E) 3. 45. 25-o J Mr. Flitner was in the habit of determining the error and rate of his standard clock by observations of the Sun with a transit instrument, carrying to his observatory, one-third of a mile distant, a half-second's chronometer. He considered that his clock had a gaming rate of O09. The clock itself was a fine specimen of Molyneux's work, with mercurial pendulum, and was solidly mounted on the wall of Mr. Flitner's house, where it kept a fairly steady rate all the year round, being regulated to mean solar time. From the above comparisons, accepting O s- 09 as the gaining rate of the clock, the error of No. 6551 is deduced as follows : December 8, io h . 52 m . a.m., No. 655 1 fast 27 s " 47 ') ,. ' } Hence the rate o 8 ' 14. December 9, ii h . 40. a.m., .,, 27 s -56 J MR. FLITNER'S OBSERVATION. 65 Mr. Flitner's pocket chronometer was therefore 10 S> 3 slow on APUA mean time, and the APUA mean time of his observation of internal contact is 3 h . 10 m . 16 s -8. It only remains to state that Waiakiki is a village about 3 miles S.E. of Honolulu. In computing the following final equation, which represents Mr. Flitner's observation in the same terms as all the others, I have taken hi s position as Latitude 21. 16'. o" N. ; Longitude io h . 3i m . ig 8 -3 W. whence the final equation, 7 "- 91 = c"-2283 n + -6629 B R.A. 7064 B N.P.D. o"-o343 8 t 8 R + 8 r. G. L. TUPMAN. 67 MERIDIONAL AND ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS AT HONOLULU, IN TABULAR ARRANGEMENT. K 68 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. TABLE I. LEVEL EEROE of the TEANSIT INSTRUMENT at HONOLULU, determined by SPIRIT LEVEL. [The sign + indicates that the East Pivot is low.] Day. Observer. Sidereal Time of Level Deter- mination. Position of Head of 1 Micrometer Screw. 1 Level Error corrected for inequality of Pivots. Day. Observer. Sidereal Time of Level Deter- mination. Position of Head of Micrometer Screw. Level Error corrected for inequality of Pivots. 1874. h ra // 1874. h 111 // October 2 T 21. 5 W + 5-62 October 8 T 22. 32 W + i'6i T 22. 10 W + 6' 1 1 T 23. 36 W + 2-72 T 22. I 4 W + 6-28 T 23. 40 W + J'97 T 22. 18 E + 5-86 R o. 4 5 W + 2*46 T 22. 23 E + 6-i5 R 1.40 W + 3-47 T 23.22 E + 6'o8 NO 5. 35 W -i- 1-16 NO 6. 20 W + 1-26 3 T 19.59 E + 5-3 7 C T 20. 2 E + 5-14 9 SO 22. 35 W + 0-70 T 20. 16 W + 5-i 7 NO 23.25 W + 1-67 T 21. 19 E + 5-56 T I. 20 W + 2-33 NO 0.49 E + 5-89 T 2. 35 W + 3-02 NO i. 38 W + 5-3 7 R 5. 35 W + 2'IO NO i. 55 W + r9 R 6. 5o W + 3-5 7 4 H o. 5o W + 4' 80 ii NI 0.28 E + I'22 B i. 3o E + 6-41 NI o. 55 E + i'45 B 2.i5 E + 6-47 R 6. 5o , E + 2-11 R 7. 10 E + 2'2O October 5, 3 h . Altered Azimuth and Level Screws. 5 R 19. 36 E + 2-23 12 T o.5 4 E + 0-86 R 20. 5 W + i-58 T 1.47 E + O'2I K 21. IO W + 2-36 NO o. 20 W + 2-65 14 T o. 53 E + 0-18 NO 0.53 E + 3-o8 R 6. o E + ro6 NO 1.25 E + 1-71 i5 NO 23.25 W - o-3 4 T 20. 6 W + 0-73 NO i. 20 W + 0-64 T 20.45 W + l'O2 T 6. 36 W + i -02 T 20. 5o E + i- 7 5 T 21.36 E + 1-81 16 R o. i5 E + 0-21 R 0.45 W + i-5i R 2. 5 E - 3'8o K i.3o W + 2-56 17 T 19-43 E - 3'5 4 K 2.35 W + 3-32 T 20.37 E - 3-63 7 NI 20. 10 W + 0-99 NO O. IO E - 3-o5 HI 20.43 W + 1-45 NO 1.25 E - 3-i8 NI 21. 3 W + 1-51 n 5.45 E - 3-i8 NI 21. 45 W + 2'2I R 7-i5 E - 1-87 It 22.35 W + i'&7 it T 20. 34 E - 3-3i O. IO W + 2-44 T 2. 15 E - 2-66 TABLE I. LEVEL ERROR OF THE TRANSIT INSTRUMENT (continued). 69 *- f "o o> Level Error If * Level Error Sidereal CO H t. corrected Sidereal OJ VfK - corrected Day. tj Time of Level Deter- V *j a o o ~ for inequality of Day. I Time of Level Deter- ~f 1 for inequality of ! mination. X U sji Pivots. mination. e.S S Pivot". > o o c P* O p-l 1874. h , 1874. h m October 19 NO 21. 40 E - 2'30 November 3 NO O. IO W - 0-46 T I. 35 E - 2-62 4 R 5. So E 1'2O 20 R 21. 2O E - 2'3l 7.25 E - 0- 9 I U 22.35 E - 2-5i NO 1.25 E 2"O2 5 R o. 4 S E 1-98 R 2. So E - 2'lS 21 T 22. 2O E - 2'5 4 NO 7- E - o- 4 5 T 0. O E - 2-24 I 1.25 W - 2-19 6 NO o. 3o E 1-04 NO 6. o W - 1-80 NO I. O E 0-8 1 R 6. o E - o-52 22 NO 23. 3 7 W - 3-36 R 7.55 E - 1-27 T 1.42 W - 2-19 R 5.35 W - 2' 4 5 7 R 0.45 W - i '47 R 6.55 W R 2. 6 W I'O2 NO 7- W - '49 23 T I. W - 2-19 T 1.28 W - i-5 7 8 T i. So E - 0-52 R 6.25 E + O'2O 24 NO i.3o W 2'o6 R 8.25 E - 0-19 R 5. So W 2'OO 9 R o. So E - 0-68 25 NO 1.25 E - 2'44 R 2. 30 E - 0-97 R 3. 10 E 2^64 NO 6. 20 E - 0-26 26 NO 3. 10 E - i-33 10 NO o. 3o W + 0-32 NO 4. 1 5 E - i-36 NO 1.55 W + 0-48 U 5. 3o E - i-36 R 7.20 E - 1-14 ii R o.3S W - '49 R 2. 2O W + 0-19 27 R o.55 E - 0-84 It 2.40 E - 1-27 12 T 1.29 W O'O NO 4.55 E - 0-45 R 5. So W + 0-4$ NO 6. i E - 0-71 R 8.45 W + 3-09 28 T 22.38 E - i-5 9 i3 NO o. 6 \v - o-8S T 22.58 W - 1-70 NO 1.25 W + 0-87 2 9 tt o.S5 E - 1-89 T 7. 2 W + i-56 R 2. 40 E - 1-40 T 7 .5 9 W + 1-92 T 8. 4 W + 1-89 3o T 1.25 E - 0-84 T 2. 40 E - i-33 14 NO 23.55 W + 0-16 NO i. 5 W + i '46 November 2 T 23. 56 W + O'I2 . R 5.55 W + I'OO K 2 70 TRANSIT OF VENUS. 1874. HONOLULU. "8 i 8* Sidereal 802 ffi ^ Level Brror corrected Sidereal u 'S S goa hr< n Level Error corrected Day. bserver. Time of Level Deter- mination. osition of ] Micromete: for inequality of Pivots. Day. S Time of Level Deter- mination. jsition of 1 Micromete for inequality of Pivots. O ft PH 1874. h m n 1874. h m ,/ November 1 5 NO 2O. 40 W - o-36 December i T 1.44 E - 3-8 7 R 0.55 W + o'o6 T 3. i5 E - 3-97 NO 7. 10 E - 3-84 Some Cement, in a semi-fluid state, was poured under the Piers. T 12. 2O E - 3-3z 16 T 6. o E - 1-92 T 22. 37 E 2'O2 2 R 5. 5o E - 3-58 R 0.55 E - r66 T 12. E - 3-42 J7 NO o. 5 E - z-99 T i. 3o E - 4-62 NO 6. 5 E 4-04 22 T 1.42 W - 3-66 T 3.25 W - a'97 4 NO o. So E - 3-Si NO 6.45 W - 2-81 NO 1.55 E - 4-14 R 5. So E - 3-55 23 NO o.35 W - 3-3o NO i. So W - 2-91 5 R o. 45 E - 3'94 23 T 4.25 W - 2-61 NO 7. 10 E 3-09 T 12. IS E - 2-83 R 6. 10 W - 2' 4 5 6 T 22. 2O W - 4-08 24 T i.3 9 W - 3-46 T 1. 4 3 W - 3-46 25 R o.55 W - 3-92 7 NI 22. 30 W 4-44 R i. 3o W 3-40 R 0.45 W - 3-72 T 13.27 W - 3-82 NO 4 .55 W - 2-71 26 NO o. 5 W - 3-62 8 NO o. 3o W 4-04 NO i. 40 W - 2-91 NO i.3o W - 3-i3 NO 7. 58 W - 3-io - T 8. 7 W - 2-84 27 NO i. 4 5 W - 3'82 NI 1 5. 20 W - 4-18 NO i. So W - 3-3o % 9 NO o. 55 W - 3-55 B 6. 3o W - 3-oy R 5. 5o W - 3-62 T 9. 17 W 2'O6 T 10. 1 5 W 2-09 10 R 0.45 W 4'o5 NO 5. So W - 3-04 28 T 1.52 W - 3-io NO 7. So W 3-40 ii NO 1.42 5 - 3'6i R 9. 20 W - 2-71 R 4. So E - 3'94 R 10. 20 W - ri8 12 H o. 3o E - 3-o3 29 R T o.SS 10.55 W E - 3- 7 9 - 3-91 i3 T i. 4 S E - 4' 74 R 5. 10 E - 4-66 3o NO I. E - 3.58 14 ' R 22.53 E - 4.' 4 3 R 6. 20 E - 3-74 R o. 55 E TABLE I. LEVEL ERROR OF THE TRANSIT INSTRUMENT (continued}. 71 "o ? "8 * -d S Level Error T3 ** Level Error Sidereal si u Sa3 a h corrected Sidereal 1 & K K corrected Day. (H* Time of Level Deter- ?| d g o h for inequality of Day. 1 Time of ^ | Level Deter- for inequality of 1 mination. .X O p Pivots. 1 mination. "-3 -j: s Pivots. O K : O PH i 1874. h in /, 1874. h in // December 1 5 NO I. 20 E - 3-3 9 December 3 1 R 0.25 E 2"O2 R 5. o E - 2-86 T 1 3. o E I '04 T i3.45 E no 16 R 23. 5o E - r3o R i. 4 5 E 2-64 1875. NO 6. 20 E - 2-38 January i NI o. 39 E - 2-41 NI 1 3. 24 E - 2'l5 NO 6. o E - o-55 NO 7- o E - 0-68 J7 NO I. E - 1-86 T 14. 20 E - 0-87 R 6.15 E - 1-92 T 14.48 E - o-65 NI 1 3. o E - 2'3l NI i3. 25 E - 2'5 4 2 R 0.52 E - 1-82 R 5.55 E - 0-68 18 B I. O E - 2'3l T 1 3. So E o'i6 T i3. 3i W - 2-48 3 R i3. 5 E 0*09 J9 NO 2. 5 W - 3-27 R 14. 1 5 E + 0-40 NO 6.25 W - 0-79 4 R o. 35 E + O'OO 20 NO 3. 4 5 W - 0-98 T 3.48 E - 0-29 NO 6.25 W - o-33 R 12. 2O E + I'll 2J T 5.20 W - 0-88 5 R 5.52 E + O'2O T 8. o W O'OI T 8. 10 W 0-04 6 R o. 42 E - l'I4 R I. O W - 2'52 22 NO 6. 4 5 W 0-43 T 6.35 W - 0-46 T i3. 3o W 0-95 T 6.35 W - o-52 T 7. 10 W - 0-18 23 NO 7. 5o E - 0-74 R 12. 2O W O'lO 4 R 7- 5 E I '46 7 T 0.40 W - 2'03 26 R 6.55 W - 1-99 T i3.23 W + 0-42 T 14. 3 W + 0-26 27 NO 5. 17 W - 1-86 8 NI 0.55 W 2'O December a8, 17^. Earthquake. R 1.24 W - i-5o 29 R o. i5 E - 1-82 R 3. 5o W - '"47 R o. i5 E - 2' I 8 T 13.23 W 0-04 NO 5. 4 5 E ! - 2-08 9 T 7- I W - 0-66 T 13.40 E - i-36 R i3. 5 W + o-55 3o NI o.5 7 E - 2-47 R 13.55 W + o-35 R 5. 5o E i - 2-18 10 T o. 40 W - 2-5o NO i3. i5 E - r 7 5 K 6.25 W - 0-82 72 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Ofe "S* Day. 1 Sidereal Time of Level Deter- on of Head rometer Sere Level Error corrected for inequality of Day. ! Sidereal Time of Level Deter- on of Head rometer Sere Level Error corrected for inequality of 1 mination. tfl U i Pivots. i r> mination. P Pivots. C o P 1875. h ill ,, 1875. h ni January 10 T i3.z3 w + o-o3 January 20 T i. 5 E - 3-72 T 14. 20 w + 0-45 R 6. o E - 3-o3 R 8. 3o E - 3-i6 ii T i. i5 w - ri5 T i5. o E - 2' 9 3 R 5.58 w + o-32 T I 3. 20 w - 0-18 21 NI i.5o E - 3-35 T 7.40 W - 3-i 7 12 U I. 20 w - ri5 T 7.57 w - 3-i 7 R 12.45 w 0-40 T 8.5 7 w 2' I 3 13 T o. 42 w - 2-32 22 R i- 7 w - 3-85 R 12. 5o w + 0-16 T 8. o w - 3-oi R i5. o w + i "07 R 9.40 w - 2-78 '4 R o. 5 w - 2-16 R ii. 3o w - 1-77 R 2. 50 w O'2O 23 NI i. 5o w - 3'49 NI 14.36 w - i-3i U 6.25 w 2-39 i5 R 2.25 w 0-82 NO 10. 5o w - 1-86 U 3.36 w o-io 24 R 2.25 w - 3-53 R 12.55 w - 1-24 NO 6. i5 w - 2-55 16 T 1.25 w - 3-27 R ii. i5 w - 1-62 T i. 3o w - 3-io U 12. 55 w - 0-17 R 3.25 w - 2-65 25 T 2. O w - 3-io R 6. 7 w - i-3 4 T 12.25 w - 2-o3 NI i3. o w - 1-44 T I 3. 20 w - ''44 NI i3. 3o w - i- So NO i5. i5 w - 2-52 17 NI o.5 7 w - 2-5g 26 NI 2. 21 w - 3-27 NI i.35 w - 2-84 NO 6. 5o w - i-83 R 4. 3o w - 1-47 T i3. o E - 2'3 4 R 6. o w - i-53 T 14. 1 5 E - 2-67 R I 5. 20 E - 1-92 18 NI ! 7 E - 2'5l NI 1.24 E - 2-83 27 NI 2.28 E - 3-12 B 5. 3o E - 1-71 It 5.55 E - 2-70 R 6. 4 5 E i-io T i3. 5 W - 2- 4 5 NI 1 5. 28 E - r3o T 14. 1 3 W - r55 NO 15.55 W - 2-35 19 T i. 5 E - 3-o 9 28 NI 2.36 E - 2-90 T 1.47 E - 2-93 NO 6.33 E - 2'l5 T 6.25 E - 2-80 T 14.55 W 2'03 T 6. 5o E - 2-70 T i5. i5 W - ''73 TABLES I. AND II. LEVEL ERROR AND COLLIMATION OF THE TRANSIT INSTRUMENT. 73 'S i "o '-i Level Error rrt >-l Level Error Sidereal too MK corrected Sidereal leg corrected Day. Time of S si for Day. Time of for 8 E Level Deter- a || inequality of i Level Deter- a o .2 o inequality of 1 mination. Pivots. i mination. Pivots. O 1 S .0 o 1875. h til i8 7 5. h in January 29 NI 2.23 w 3-40 February 3 XI 3. i - 3-97 R 5.55 w - 1-90 NO 7- 5 E - 3-8i T 14.55 w - 1-24 6 T 2.48 W - 3-33 I 1 5. 32 w - 1-24 NO 7. 26 W - 3-i(?) 3o NI 2.35 E - 2-38 NO 6.22 E - 0-87 7 NI 3. 10 W - 2-84 *T 15.32 E - i-5 9 T 7-55 w - 1-41 T 16. i5 E - 1-25 R 12. O w - o- 9 (?) 1 . lS.40 w o'Sy 3i T 2. 38 E 2'6o HI i5.55 w - 0-69 ]l 6. 5 E 1-46 8 T 3.17 w - 4-64 R 15.22 E - 0-94 R 8. 3o w - 3'5(?) R 16. 55 E - 2'3l NI 12. O w 2'O(?) NO 15.40 w - 0-88 February i NI 2.24 E - 3-58 11 6. 4 E 3-29 9 R 3.1 9 w - 3-69 NI 9. 3o w - 1-44 2 NI 2.52 E - 4-56 T 1 3. 5 w - 1-24 NO 8. 5 E - 3-52 T i5.55 w - 0-80 TABLE II. COLLIMATION of the TRANSIT INSTRUMENT at HONOLULU, determined by OBSERVATIONS of a CIRCCMPOLAR STAR, COLLIMATOR, or the MERIDIAN MARK, with REVERSED POSITIONS of the TRANSIT Axis. Heading of Micro- Heading of Micro- Day. b i dence of observed. p Day. jj Object observed. meter for Coinci- dence of Center c H Wire with 1 Wire with O Optic Axis. O Optic Axis. 1874. , 1874. r ( )ptohor 2. T October 10 T ( 1 ollimiitor 9f, 3 T \ Ursa; Minoris .... 20 '232 i5 T 2O ' 3o2 NO T Collimator It Polaris 2O'2i8 T Cephei 5 J 20 ' 3 i 6 5 It \ Ursa; Minoris .... 20 '21 8 i T [At Noon, adjusted 6 T \ Ursae Minoris .... 20-266 the Micrometer.] T T Collimutor 20 ' oo 3 10 T 20^292 21 T Polaris 2O'o3i 74 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Object observed. Reading of Micro- meter for Coinci- dence of Centre Wire with Optic A^iis. Day. |j O Object observed. Reading of Micro- meter for Coinci- dence of Center Wire with Optic Axis. 1874. October 28 November 4. 6 7 g 9 10 ii i5 21 December i 2 T T T NI T T T T T T T T T T T SI T T T T Col Mei [A1 j' c a tl 5"- ) 1 8". 5". 1 8". ) Coll Mei Coll Mer Coll Mer 20-043 20 '062 2O-O7Z 1874. December 5 6 10 ii H 18 21 23 26 27 i8 7 5. January 3 6 10 i3 16 it 20 2 4 25 28 3i February 6 8 T NI T NI T R T NI T NI NI T K T R T NI T R T NI T T T 20- 108 20- 109 2O'IO2 20- 108 20 io5 20* 094 20- in 20-109 20- 109 20 116 20- n3 20 i 20 20-126 20- i 20 20- 114 2O - Il5 20-108 20- III 20- III 2O- III 20- III 2O- 114 20- IIO 20 ' I 1 1 4 h . (Solar) ad- isted the verti- ility of the wires ad tightened up \e screws.] Meridian Mark. . j 20-O68 20-069 2O '080 20-068 2O-O7O 20-072 20-064 20-067 20-o85 10-075 20-078 20-076 20-o83 20-080 20-079 20*096 20- 101 20*097 Mer. Mark (unsteady) Meridian Mark Meridian Mark idian Mark " idian Mark TABLE III. AZIMUTH EKEOE of the TRANSIT INSTRUMENT at HONOLULU, and OBSEBVATIONS of the MERIDIAN MARK. [The Sign + indicates that the Optic Axis points East of South.] Approx. Local Da y- Mean Time. Observer. Apparent Stars or Meridian Mark. Error of Azimuth. Remarks. 1874- h - October 2 12.27 3 7. o 12. 23 4 12. 19 T T NO R 5- 4 2 2-70 6-56 7'5o A Ursac Minoris .... p Capri Polaris e Piscium . . + i TABLE III. AZIMUTH ERROR OF THE TRANSIT INSTRUMENT (continued). 75 Day. Approx. Local ML-UU Time. Observer. Stars or Meridian Mark. Apparent Error of Azimuth. Remarks. 1874. October S 3. o 6. 52 T H // o m o6 Azimuth and Level adjusted. 6 12. 15 6. 49 NO T Polaris ... v Piscium A Ursae Minoris .... Capricorn! + 6-84 + 2'32 12. 1 1 R Polaris I 1 Ceti + 5-n 7 6.45 NI A Ursa; Minoris .... p Capricorn! + i'75 8 10. 17 T Radcliffe 2705 S.P. . p Pegasi 12. 5 17. 3 R NO Polaris 67 Ceti S Ursae Minoris S.P. Orionis + 6'83 + 7 '43 17. 32 NO + 5 * 02 9 12. O 16.59 T R Polaris v Piscium S Ursae Minoris S.P. Cepbei 5i + 4*29 + 7*43 u II. 52 NI Polaris /3 Ceti + 4." 6? 17. 20 R + 4-*QI 12 11.48 T - 1-61 14 II. 40 T + 3-67 15 11.36 16.35 NO T Polaris e Piscium + 1-63 + 4'85 17. 2 T + 4 '60 16 11.32 R + 3-75 !? 1 6. 27 R S Ursae Minoris S.P. v Geminorum 6-19 1 6. 56 R - 6-25 19 n. 20 T - 7'35 Polaris boiling. 2O n. 16 NO - 5-75 Polaris boiling. 21 II. 12 T - 4-80 1 6. 40 NO - 5' 88 22 n. 8 T - 3-83 Cloudy. 23 ii. 4 T - 3-48 25 10.56 NO 0' 12 26 10. 52 I 6. 20 T H Polaris a Ceti - 5'60 Polaris flaring. 27 10.48 R - I-6? 76 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Approx. Local Mean Time. Observer. Stars or Meridian Marl.. Apparent Error of Azimuth. Remarks. 1874. ( )ctober 29 3o 10. 40 10 16 R Polaris v Piscmm // + o-o3 November 2 + i 60 3 Polaris Ceti 5-62 4 4.. T {20 1 1 7 W. T L - 5-20 i5.43 R 20-008 E. J 3'7Q 5 10 i3 R S'y 6 4.. O T r 20 042 E. -i M.MJ L. 6-46 4. 5 4. 35 T KI L 20- 102 W. / {2O'o57 E. T k. V76 ("Adjusted the verticality of the < wires and position of zero. [ Tightened the base clamp. T 20-079 W. / {2o~o58 E. -i >. IO. IO NO 20-081 W. / - 3-54 Polaris blurred. i5 o R - 3-53 1 8. o T . r 20-174 W. 1 M M 4 ( r 3 - 10 7 5. o T 1 I9 -986E. I r 20- 104 W. T M.JlJ L. - 6-35 10. 6 R L2o-o33E. J 4-47 l5. A NO 5 Urste Minoris S P. Canis - 5-23 1 5.33 1 8. 3o XO T Cephei 5i Canis (-20-133 W. -i M M 4 t .'. - 3-io - 4'78 g T L 20-007 I^- j 2-o3 16.37 18 o R NI A Ursa; Minoris S.P. o Canis Minoris 2 -2O - 2-75 \ very faint. 23. T M. M 20-090 W - 7'OS M. M. boiling. 9 5. o T {2o*o5o W. i 1 - 7-36 0. 54 R 20 084 E. J - 8-65 14. 58 NO - 6-66 liain and clouds. 1 5. 24 5 o NO T Cephei 5i e Canis M. JT. 20-057 E - 5-oi 7 - 20 Rain. 9.54 NO Polaris v Piscium - 5-2 9 Kain and cloud. TABLE III. AZIMUTH ERROR OF TH.E TRANSIT INSTRUMENT (continued). 77 Day. Approx. Local Mean Time. Observer. Stars or Meridian Mark. Apparent Error of Azimuth. Remarks. 1874. November i o 12 i3 4 .5 16 i? iS 21 22 h in 19. 3o 5. o 9.48 19. o 5. o 9.45 14.44 i5. i3 16. 25 19. o 6. o 9.41 14. 48 i5. 9 18. o 5. 3o 9.43 i5. 1.5 16. i5 19. 3o 9 .33 )8. o 9.29 20. o 5. 3o 19. o 18. 3o 19. o 5. o 9. 20 14. 6 14. 34 T T u I HI T t 11 K n NI NI T NO T T HI NI xo R K NI U XI JC T XI NJ M T Itl T SO xo r zo- :3o \V. T M.M.-I ^ // - 4-89 6-24 - 6-47 - 3- 7 . - 4-78 - 1-16 + o-53 - o-38 - 1-07 + i-i3 - 3-3 7 - 0-72 + 0-29 + 0-37 O'OO - 2-53 0-95 - 1-54. - o-97 - 0-39 - i'?3 + i -41 - 1-08 + 1-75 - 2-08 + 0-06 i -01 - 1-80 - 1-57 + O- 12 + I-39 + 1-89 Very cloudy. Rain. Liquid cement was poured under the piers. 1 20-017 E. ' ' r 2o-o3o K. T M. M.-i L. 1 2o-ii3 W. J Polaris v Piscium M. M. 2o-i6o\V. ... . ( 2O ' 1?7 W. T M.M.J L.. 120-146 W. J Cephei 5i 5 Geminoriun A Urstc Minoris S.P. ^ Ar^us M.M. 20-247 W M.M.{ 20 ' I6SW -1. 1- 20' iyo W. J MM. 20-229 w M. M. 20-i83 W Polaris e Piscium \ Ursie Minoris P.P. a Canis Minoris y>.^\. 20-222 W M.M. 20-253 W - M.M. 19-901 E M. M . 19 ' 969 E M. .M. 19-931 E M.M. 19-950 K . . . . V:.M. 20-197 W M. M. 20-201 W. Cepboi 5i f Canis L 2 78 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Approx. Local Mean Time. Observer. Stars or Meridian Mark. Apparent Error of Azimuth. Remarks. 1874. November za 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3o December i h m 15-43 19. o 5. o 9 . 2 13.47 14. 4 14. 3 1 15.43 21. O 5. 3o 8.55 19. o 18. o 20.53 4. o 5. o 8. 5i 20. 3o 5. o 8-47 13.46 14-lS i5.25 18. o I. 10 5. o 8.5i 14. 14 20. o 5. o 8.38 18. 3o 8.32 13.34 14. i 19. 3o 8.29 NO T NI T NO T H R R NI T T T NI T NI NI NO NI NI NO R R R T T T NI T NO T NI K T NO R R NI T // + '77 + 2-26 - i-5 7 + 2-58 0-40 I'OZ + 2-65 - i- 9 5 + 1-64 0-95 + i-oo + o-23 + 0-34 0-93 - i'74 + 1-04 + 0-74 0-16 + 1-09 + 1-41 + '97 + 0-34 + 2-09 - 2-58 + o-oi + I'll + 1-39 + i 16 + o-38 + i- 7 5 + i-53 - 2-o3 - o- 7 3 - z-i3 + 0-18 i Polaris boiling. Bad observation of S. M. M. boiling. Cephei 5i faint. Polaris faint. Polaris blurred. S faint. Cephei 5i very faint. MM 20" 270 W M.M. 20-203W.1 M.M. 20-203W.J e XJrese Minoris S.F. j8 Orionis Cephei Si Canis M. M. 20 260 W M.M. 20-216 \V M. M. 20* 23? W M.M 20-241 W M.M. 20-205 W. > M.M. 20-207 W. * M.M. 20*25o W M.M. 20-236 W 8 TJrsae Minoris S.P. y Geminorum M.M. 20-281 W. -i M.M. 20-271 W. 1 M.M. 20-197 W. -i M.M. 20-193 W. * M.M. 20- 266 W. M.M. 20- 263 W M.M. 19-915 E Polaris 6 Ceti M.M. 19-986 E TABLE III. AZIMUTH ERROR OF THE TRANSIT INSTRUMENT (continued). 79 V Day. Appro*. Local Mean Time. Observer. Stars or Meridian Mark. Apparent Error of Azimuth. Remarks. 1874. h m i3 ^n // 8 blurred 1 3 5o Cephei 5i v Geiuinorum + 2-o5 Cephei 5i blurred. T r, 9-964 K -, 0-45 5. 3o T I 2 o-238 W. / M.M./ I9-98lE - I. 1 I ' 06 1 3. 26 R I 20'2l3 W. J 5 TJrsse Minoris S.P. . v Geminorum - 2-58 8 faint and unsteady. 13.55 K + 0-89 i5. 4 R + i -20 IQ. O T M.Mr. 19-967 W 0-84 3 5.20 T M.M. IQ-Q72 W. . o-o5 8. 23 T Polaris Piscium + 1*71 jo. o T M.M. 19-931 E + i-36 5. o HI M. M. 1 9 974 E o* o5 8.25 NO Polaris v Piscium + 2-68 i3. 18 R 8 Ursjs Minoris S.P. 77 Geminorum . . . + 0*00 1 3. 4.7 R + 2*QI 18.45 NI M.M. 19-917 E. -i + 1'26 5 8. 14 i3. i3 NI R NO M.M. 19-917 E. J Polaris v Piscium S Ursa: Minoris S.P. j8 Canis + 2-18 + 2-57 IQ. O T M.M.j I9 ' 9i E - I. + 2* 26 6 5. 10 T I 20- 296 W. J {10' 944 E. 1 1 + o'5i 8. ii T 20-260 W. J 4- 1-84 21. O NI M.M. 20-286 W + I -80 5. 3o NI M. M. 20 ' 279 W + i-36 8. 7 R + 2-38 10. 25 NI M.M. 2o'3i3W + 3-27 8 5. 3o NI M.M. 2o-3oi W + 2-59 8. 3 NO Polaris Piscium + 3-84 14. 39 T \ Ursae Minoris S.P. 6 Cancri + '94 x faint 22. O NI M. M. 20- 296 W + 2'3l o 6. NI M.M. 20- 299 W + 2-42 7.59 NO Polaris 6 Ceti + 2-28 12. 5? R 8 Ursaj Minoris S.P. T; Geminorum + 3-07 19. 3o NI M.M. 20-324 W + 3-83 80 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Approx. Local Mean Time. i_ E > i .C O Stars or Meridian Mark. Apparent Krror of Azimuth. r Bemarke. 1874. 5 o M M 20-289 W n + 1-86 12 53 + 2-23 19. 3o NI 20-332 W. I M M 4 } .. + 4-12 5 o T I 19-886 E. / r 20- 287 W. -i M M i \- + 1-89 7 So NO l 19-924 K. J Polaris 8 Ceti + 4- 34 It 5 UrssG Miiioris S.P. v Orionis + 5 ' 01 NI M. M. 19-879 + 4' 5o M. M. boiling. 5 o T AI M 19-928 E + i'So It Polaris 6 Ceti + 4' 27 21. O NI M. M 19-883 E + 4'^4 i3 A 3o NO M M 19-884 E + 4-28 * T + 7'55 4. 3o E {IQ'872 E. T \- .. + 4 ' : 7 7. 3q It 2o-3i6W. J + 6 '07 15 5. o NO M M 19-880 E + 4'5o M. 11. boilin^. 7. 34- NO Polaris Ceti . . . + 6'22 12. 34 It + 4-33 IQ. O NI M M 19-850 E. . . + 6 ' 10 16 12. 3o NO + 7'iS S blurred. 1 3. o NO + 7 ''? Cephei 5i blurred. 10. O NI MM 10*8471^ + 6-36 17 5 o NI M M 19-878 E + 4.' 62 7. 3o NO + 7*82 Polaris faint. 12 56 It + y-63 14. 3 B A, Ursae Minoris S.P. 1 5 Ar ff us + 6*32 10. O NI M.M. 19-839 E + 6-81 18 7.23 IQ. O R T Polaris TJ Piscium M.M.j I9 ' 825K ' ].. + 8-o5 + 7' 77 19 12. 17 NO Uo-397 W. J 5 Urssc Minoris S.P. . y Geminorum + 3'6i 12.47 NO + 8 -08 Cfphei 5 1 llarin ". 20 5. o NO M.M. 2o-35o W. . . 12. 14 . NO 5 Ursac Minoris S.P. )3 Canis o blurred. 12- 44 NO Cepht/i Si Canis TABLE III. AZIMUTH ERROR OP THE TRANSIT INSTRUMENT (continued). 81 Day. Approx. Local Mean Time. Observer. Stars or Meridian Mark. Apparent Error of Azimuth. Remarks. 1874. December 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2g 2 9 3o 3i iS 7 5. January i 5. 3o 12. 39 13.49 20. o 19. o 5. 3o 19. o 5. 3o i3. 38 19. o 5. 3o 5. o 1 8. 3o 5.25 17. 3o iS. 4 5 5. 3o 6. 39 ii. 38 12. 9 1 8. So 18. 55 5.25 12. 4 1 3. 14 18. 3z 19. o 5. 3o 6.35 18.40 19. o 11.27 ii. 5 7 XI T T XI f T T SI T XI XI K XI T BO xo T T XI H B XO xo It It T T XO NO r2o-3o5 AV. i M. M .J. [ // + 2- 7 3 + 5-19 + 5-36 + 6-14 + 5-40 -t- 2- II + 3-38 + 2-82 + 4-95 + 2-87 + 2-48 + 2-00 + 3- 7 2 + 2-90 + 2-88 + 0-48 + 3-34 + 4-76 + 4' 7 + 4-86 + 3-72 + 1-24 + 2-40 + 3-32 + 4'24 + 4'66 + 1-64 + 2-43 + 6-02 + 4-56 + 5-o5 + 5-21 M. M. boiling. M. M. boiling. M.M. boiling. M. M. boiling. ("Three or four slight earth- \ quake shocks. M. M. boiling. M.M. boiling. Cephei 5i faint. M M. boiling. M. M. boiling. 1 19-912 E. J Cephei 5 1 C Gemiuyrum M. M. 20 166 W M.M. 20-353 VV. r 20 -20 5 W. i MM.-, 1 L L 19-924 E. J M.M. 19-911 E M.M. i9'9ioE . . ., M.M./' 9 ' 924E - 1. Uo-3o9W. /' 297W -l.. 1 19-930 E. J M.M. 20-327 W M.M. 20 -3 14 W M.M. Iq-Ql5 . M.M. 19- 959 E Polaris 20 Ceti . ... 5 tTrgse Minoris S.P. rj Geminorum Cephei 5i Canis M. M. 1 9 901 E M.M. 19-946 E Cephei 5i y Canis \ Ursac Minoris S.P. o Cauis Minoris Polaris S.P Virginis M.M. 19-885 E Polaris Ceti Polaris S.P f Virginis . . . . M.M. 19-888 5 Ursae Minoris S.P. v (Jeminorum 82 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Approx. Local Mean Time. Observer. Stars or Meridian Mark. Apparent Error of Azimuth. Remarks. i875. January i 18. AI Polaris S P T Bootis it 18 So MM. 19-879 E + 5-12 2 5. 3o R M.M. I9'936E f I * 07 + 4.' ?6 ii S3 R + 6*01 18. 37 T Polaris S.P T Virginis + 6-85 3 5. 3o T {iq'o3o E. T \- .. 4- 2*4.2 1 8. 20 20-311 W. / Polaris S.P f Virginis + 5-o5 Polaris blurred. 18.26 R M.M. i9'868E + 5-86 5. 3o R M.M. 19- 885 E + 4-90 M. M. boiling. 5. 56 R + 6-55 18. i5 R Polaris S.P 9 Virginis + 5-33 18. 3o R M.M. 19- 854 E + 6-64 5 5. 3o T M.M. IQ-938E + 1-97 6. 12 T + 4-27 II. 12 R S tJrssc Minoris S.P. TJ Geminorum + 5'49 11.41 U +' 4/87 6 S.40 R {IQ-Q32 E. i I,. + 2-59 6. 4 R 20-320 W. J + 3-91 n. 17 T 5 Ursse Minoris S.P. y Geminorum + 6-o5 11.37 T Cephei Si 6 Cunis + 5-62 18. 7 R Polaris S P 6 Virginis + 4- 52 18. 3o R M.M. 20-363 W.' + 5-24 7 5. 40 T M.M. 20- 345 W + 4-22 5.42 T 18. 5 T Polaris S.P Spica + 6* ^2 18. 3o T M. M. 20-399 W -f 7* 26 8 S. 3o m M. M. 20- 322 W + 2" QO 6. o NI + 3-57 18. o T Polaris S.P o Virginis + 5 *O2 Polaris blurred. 18. 3o T M.M. 20-378 W + 6 p 14. M. M. boiling. 9 11.25 T -i- A.' 4-0 12. 8 17.55 T R A Ursa; Minoris S.P. a Cam's Minoris Polaris S.P S Virginis + 4'7* 1 8. 3o R M. M. 20-344 W .' 10 T rzo-285 W. ) M. M J I ... 1 19-955 E. J TABLE III. AZIMUTH ERROR OP THE* TRANSIT INSTRUMENT (continued). 83 Day. Approx. Local Mean Time. Observer. Stars or Meridian Mark. Apparent Error of Azimuth. Remarks. 1875. January 10 II 12 i3 '4 i5 16 >7 18 h m 10. 5? II. 22 17.54 18. 5o s: 4 5 5. 5o 10. 48 ii. 18 17.48 5. 5o 17.43 18.40 5. 5o 5. So 17.40 18. 35 19. o 19. 10 4 .3o 5. 36 1 8. So 17. 3i 18. 35 5.25 10.33 11. 3 17. 3o 5. o 5.3 9 10. 33 10.53 5. o 5.20 5.25 10. 2O 10. 5o 19. o B R T T T T R R T R R R T T R R R R R R NI R R T R R NI NI NI R R NI NI NI R R NI // + 3"- 02 + 3-29 + 3-86 -t- 5-24 + 2-48 + 3-6i + 5-42 + 4' 7 -i- 4-65 + 3-04 + 5-65 + 5-35 + 2-14 + 2-90 + 5-56 + 5-07 + i- 7 5 + 2-08 + 3-66 + i-65 + i- 7 5 o-5o i -06 + o-33 0-04 + 0-25 - i-38 + O'2O + o'8o - i-3 7 - 0-52 - i-Si + i-ii + 0-81 + 3-o5 M. M. boiling. M. M. boiling. M. M. boiling. M. M. boiling. M. M. boiling. Polaris S P C Virginis * MM 20'36iW M M 2o-3io W . 8 Ursae Minoris S.P. t\ Geminorum Polaris S P ... Spies M. M. 2o-3i8 W Polaris S P Vir<*inis . ... MM 20- 359 W M.M. 2o-3oi W Polaris 9 Ceti Polaris S.P 9 Virginis M.M. 20-353W. ~| MM 2o-38oW > M.M. 19-849 E. J MM 20 294 W H M M 20-328 W Polaris S P Virginis MM 20- 294 W {20-254 W. i L 19-976 E. J Polaris S P Cephei 5 1 .... MM 20-266 r 20'x3i W. I jfj^J L Li9'984E. J MM 19-986 E M 84 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Bay. Approx. Local Mean Time. Observer. Stars or Meridian Mark. Apparent Error of Azimuth. Kcinarks. 1875. h m 5 35 " " 3-47 5 4.5 T MM 20-o53 E - 5-o6 {M.M. slowly oscillating 2" or - i-5o 3" sideways. T I ' 12, ii. 35 T + I ' 72 A boiling. 5 ii T V?5 5.20 T {20*040 E. T \- -. - 4'36 jo. 1 6 U 20-181 W. / - 2'8l 10. 42 U 2' 1 I 18. 55 T M. M. 2o-o38 E 4' 16 21 5. 40 NI MM 20-065 E 5'?3 1 1. 4-5 T 3- 24. 22 5. 40 K MM 20 1 68 W 1 1. 40 T 3-89 23 5.40 NI M M 20- 145 W . 10. 5 K 3- 18 10. 3o K 3'"i 24 6. 10 It r 20 -i 87 W. T M M. J } 9-55 NO 1 20-034 E. -I j 99 2- 33 IO. 25 NO - ti- 3i 16. 36 It Polaris S.P 3i Coma; 25 5.35 T {20 i go W. i L . . 3-S2 16. 5i T 2o-o3oE. J Polaris S P ... 6 Virginis I'25 18. So NO MM. 20-236 W 26 5. 5o NI M.M. 20-205W 3-07 10. 18 16.54 NO T Cephei 5i e Canis Polaris S P ( Virginis 0-09 i -3i 19. 10 K M M 19-984 E 1-18 2 7 5.55 9-44 NI K M.M. 20-010 E - 2-63 10. 14 U 16.45 T 28 19. 20 5. 5o NO XI M.M. 20-263 W M.M.r-'" 7W -\. + 0-23 - i-85 1 19-996 E. 1 TABLE III. AZIMUTH BKROR OF THE TRANSIT INSTRUMENT (continued}. 85 Day. Approx. Local .Mean Time. Observer. Stars or Meridian Mark. Apparent Error of Azimuth. Hemarks. 1875. q 4.5 n O'OO 5 blurred. vo + 2-69 1 8. 40 T M. M 20*261 W f O- 12 M.M. bailing. 29 5. So Nl M.M. 20-224 \v - I'94 o- 28 3o 1 8. 3o 5. 5o T KJ M. M. 20-272 w M. .M. 19-996 E + 0-76 - i-85 . -i . ^p. M. M. boiling. 9. 3l 10. o NO Cephei 5i Canis MM 1 9 9 3 9 + 3-40 + i'36 ^ , 5 5o f IO* QQO K. "1 M.M. 4 I.. i-38 I 20-237 W. J 5 Ur^se Almoris S P )8 Canis 9. 29 <8 i j -7- 1 8 3o AI V. i9'945 K February i 5.35 XI M."M. 20-062 K - 5-56 4*66 9. 24 n $A 9. .^4 /; -. MM 20 '07 1 E - S'A^ A faint. 3 6 o AT AI "0-066 E - 1 "70 Cephei 5 1 & Caiiis 6 5 40 r2o-i83 W. i If.M.-l \- 4 J 4 8 58 NO L 10-0378. J M.M. 20-212 W M. M. very steady. VO M M. 20 207 W o 33 NO Cephei 5i y Geminorum NO M M 20-211 W 6 i XO MM 20-218 W 8. 58 T T M.M. 20-234 W 5 Ursai Minoris S.P 5 Oriouis + o'43 9 28 T 9 36 T T M M 20-255 W 10. 28 T M. M. 20- 281 W 10. 37 T \ Ursac Minoris S.P. 3 T:uiri + 1-32 M 2 86 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Approx. Local Mean Time. Stars or Meridian Mark. Apparent Error of Azimuth. Remarks. i8 7 S. February 7 io.56 15. 54 16. i 1 6. 29 5.5 4 8. 3o 8.55 9. o 10. 28 10. 3g 10.58 15.28 . iS.SS .16. 2 8.26 8. Si 8.58 9.22 9.29 9 .55 10. 22 10. 30 15.35 15. 52 16. 4 T R B JU T T T B B B Hi NI NI B R R NI NI NI NI NI T 9 T M.M. 20-281 W M.M. 2o-3o3 W Polaris S.P M.M. 20-260 W... Tauri 7 1 Eridani . f 20 248 W. i M.M.4 [ I 19- 974 E. 1 M.M. 20-270 W. .. 5 TJrsae Minoris S.P. M.M. 20-281 W M.M. 20- 272 W A TJrsae Minoris S.P. o 1 Eridani M.M. 20-281 W M.M. 20-273 W Polaris S.P o 1 Eridani M.M. 20-281 W. . M.M. 20-271 W 8 Ursae Miuoris S.P. o 1 Eridani . M.M. 20-279 W Cephei Si y Tauri . . . M.M. 20-289 W M.M. 20-248W A Ursse Minoris S.P. 7 Tauri . . . M.M. 20-285 W M.M. 20-325 W Polaris S.P a Serpentis . M.M. 2o-3i5 W. . 2-79 i-o3 + 0-48 + 0-82 -f 3-24 TABLE IV. MERIDIONAL TRANSITS of STARS and of the MOON observed at HONOLULU, and INFERRED ERROR of the TRANSIT-CLOCK. Day. Reading and Position of Micrometer. [Adopted Reading for Zero of Collimation.] Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Clock-Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Star's Assumed Apparent R. A. Clock apparently Slow. 1874. October 3 20-825 W. 21 -029 E. 20 ooo W. A Ursae Minoris A Ursae Minoris p Capricorn! . . . 19. 48. 17-60 19. 52. 57-60 20.21. 39-02 42-02 42-3i 38- 9 5 46-08 46-08 41-94 4-06 3-77 3-99 TABLE IV. MERIDIONAL TRANSITS (continued'). 87 Day. Observer. Reading and Position of Micrometer. [Adopted Reading for Zero of Collimation.] Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Clock-Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Star's Assumed Appaient R. A. Clock apparently Slow. 1874. October 3 20 Ceti h in o. 46. 29*68 s 3i-i3 H 37-15 6 -02 17-750 E i. 7. 28 *oo i5-oo 21-22 6-22 17-750 W iS-oi 21'22 6-21 [20-176] c Pisciuin o. 56. o" 06 9-75 27-36 17-61 21 *5oo W 3-34 2I'l3 17* 7Q Polaris i. i 7. 4' 60 3-34 2I'l3 17-79 5 [20-218] to -37 5 E 19. 46. 23 'oo 16-06 43-27 27-2I io- 3^5 "\y A Ursse Minoris 19. 52. 3 * oo i6-o5 43-27 27-22 20. i3. 32*66 3i-93 58-33 26-40 i. i3. 8-71 52-45 21 -2O 28-75 i. 34. 25'54 26-62 55-53 28-9I NI [20-218] t 19.49. 5o'o6 37-33 40-67 3-34 20. 21. 39*56 39-55 42-88 3-33 i5 NO [20-265] 20-233 W o. 56. io* 14 9-92 27-43 i7-5i i. i3. 56-8a 4-93 22-45 17-52 [20-302] --o-z33 ^y 5 Ursae Minoris S.P 6. 12. lO'OO 19-95 38-04 18-00 20-233 W 6. 3o. io* 66 10-43 28-49 18-06 23-000 W 6. 37. 3i-6 7 54-80 12* QO 18-10 Cephei 5i 6. 44. 28' 72 54-80 12' QO 18- io 2O-233 K 6.53.23'48 24- 14 42* 1 3 17-00 [20-316] Moon I 19. 28. 41 * 12 40-45 [20-861 1 7 IO. 4.7. 4.0*24. 48-60 q-54 19. So. 58-66 58-04 18*80 20*85 " 19. 54. 36* 70 36-o6 56-0? 20. 4. 29- 64 29-23 50'2I 20*08 a 2 Capricorn! 20. io. 45*48 41 '97 6*o 21 *o5 2O. 21. 22-62 22-07 4-2*73 20* 66 20. 26. 53-28 52-96 i3-54 20-58 20 33. 28-62 28 -3o 8 Ursse Minoris S P 6 12. 5-25 i5-i8 37*i3 6.21. 9-88 Q- 6q 3i'6i 21 *Q2 6.40. 45-67 52-22 14-00 2I*78 6. 53.20-88 20*40 42-18 21 '78 [20'003] October 17. The Azimuth Error from 19''. to 2i h . has been taken 8"-3. 3) 8" i, 24*-6, 4i'-o, 57"9, i3"*9. 88 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Reading and Position of Micrometer. [Adopted Reading for Zero of Collimation.] Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Clock-Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Star's Assumed Apparent II. A. Clock nppareutly Slow. 1874. October 1 8 T r Aquiloe (3) h in s 27-28 S 20 i 3 35-64. 35*i3 58- 14 23 or ra3'oi1 67 Ceti 23-53 Ceti 3o-8S v Ceti 2 28 55 -70 55-4.2 18-92 z3- 5o 5 Ceti . . .... 4'73 23-64 y- Ceti 2. 36. 26-38 26 ' oo 49' ^4 23-45 35-40 23- S6 10 NO [2O-OO6] 2O-OOO E. 3*54 21. 24. 55 ' 62 55- 12 16 Pegasi (3) 5?-o5 a Aquarii 21. 58. 56- 9 6 56*64 21 ' 26 24- 62 i Pegasi 22. O. 46' 26 46 * 16 1 1 - o5 24-80 B Aquarii 22. Q. AO' 58 * 4.0 10 i3*79 24- 60 y Aquarii 22, 14. 47 ' 12 4.6" 7O n-55 24-76 22. 23. 37- IO 36-70 i-53 24-83 22. 2S. 3l ' IO 30-78 55-6o 24-82 T 2O'2O2 E. i. i3. 10' 75 57-25 22 1 25 25 ' OO 20 it [20'0l3] 20 ooo E. 22. 2O 5 I ' 06 50-73 [26-72! Pegasi 22. 34.46-56 46 -40 i3-3o 26 - 90 22. 5o. 1 8 - 32 17-88 26-57 22.58. 5-n 4,'OS 3 1 -70 26-81 N-O 2O'25o E. i. i3. 18*40 55-37 22-09 26-72 20 ooo E. i. 38. 20-88 20-76 47-68 26-92 21 T [20-024] 20 ooo E. 22. 9. 45 '46 45 ' 22 13-76 28-54 22. 14. 43 *O8 42" 89 ii-53 28* 64 , 9"6, 26"-o, , . Azimuth Error, 6" -6. 19. J 24 s- 5, 39 s- 6, 55"'7, n s -4, 26"-8. Good observation. 20. )) 2i"-o, 36 s - 1, 5i'"o, 6"-2, 2o ! '9. Cloudy; good observation. 21. }) 4*'o, 19"' i, 34 s- o, 49"o, 3 S '4- Air very still. October 19. Azimuth Error, 8" -7. TABLE IV. MERIDIONAL TRANSITS (contin'ued). 89 Day. ^ 1 Heading and Position of Micromotor. [Adopted Heading for Zero of Collimation.] Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Clock-Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Star's Assumed Apparent R. A. Clock apparently- Slow. 1874. T 19-208 W. li in s 1.14. 54'25 5o* 71 21 *8l 3i * 10 i. 34. 25-38 25-o5 55 * 70 3o-65 23 T [20'033] 20 ooo W. o. 18. 27-72 27'30 5o* 70 32-3i 12 Ccti o. 23. 7-64 7' 2 9 3o* 60 32*3i Andromeda? o. 3i. 74* 84 24- 5o 57*08 32*40 Ceti o. 36. 47 10 19* 18 32'4Q o. 41. 39-73 11-84 20 Ceti 0.46. 5-34 4' 00 37-24 32-25 o. 49. 17-00 1 6' 77 32*28 I . 5. 22 "40 22' OQ r32*4oi 16-379 W. I. 22. 21 ' 5o 5o*22 21 * 74 3i * 52 24 xo [20-o35] 20 Ceti 0.46. 3-38 3'07 37*24 34* 1 7 o. 49. 1 5 '06 14' 76 40' o5 34*20 e IMscium o. 55. 53-64. 53'34 27*47 34' 1 3 f 1'isciimi (3) i. 6.38-35 38-o5 I2'l3 34-08 10' 07 3 W Moon 11. (4) 2. 2. 57-30 57 *oo ' [34-18! 25 [so-o36] I. i3. 48-80 45 * 70 21 * 72 35-93 I. 34. 19* 80 IQ'78 55-72 35-04 26 T [20-o33] 20 ' ooo E. Polaris J. 12. 24-42 36- 9 8 21 * 72 NO a Ccti 2.55. 6-84 6-85 44* 04 38-09 3. 3.5o-82 50-87 29' o3 38-16 3. i3. 22-56 2Z-63 38- ii 3. 17. 27 ' 2d 5-3o 38-i3 3. 23. 20-22 2O' 25 58-45 38-20 Krlduni 3. 26. 24-84 24* 80 2-81 38-ci 1 1 Tnuri 3. 32. 40-^4 40*41 )8-3o 37-o8 5 Kridnni 3. 36. 37*80 37*76 I 5 ' 02 38-i6 Moon IT 4. 10. 29 82 20*87 r38-i7i K Cephei 5 1 6. 39. 20*00 43-8l 18-89 35-08 6. 53. 4'3o 4*23 42*46 38-23 27 It [20*039] 20 ooo E. Vohiris T. 12, 32*4^ 4.0* 57 21 * 60 16-16 55-73 3o*57 NO 5i-o8 3o* 69 30-78 3i-86 3o'84 > > B. A. C. 1648 .Moon II 5. 12. 27-96 28*11 8-3o 40-19 5. 24 57*o8 57*i6 J7 ' 1 1 3o'o5 c ( )rionis 52-o8 3o*o8 [20*041] October 23. j) 53*'4, 7" 5, 22" 5, 37"' i, 5i*-6. ( iood observation. 24. j) 26"-5, , 57"-5, i2'-2, 27"-o. Cloudy; ruin. ., 26. > 57"'7, i3"-6, 29"-8, 46'-!, i'-8. Good oliservation. 27. > 38"-5, 55"3, i2"-o, 29"- 1, 45"3. Altivli tremor. 90 TRANSIT OP VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Reading and Position of Micrometer. [Adopted Reading for Zero of Collimation.] Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Clock-Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Star's Assumed Apparent R. A. Clock apparently Slow. 1874. October 29 R r 19-883 E. Polaris (3) h in s i. 12 14' 33 37*58 S S v Piscium i 34 12*34 5 5.7 A Al'lA November 4 it 2O-OOO E. Cephei 5 1 4-0" I 8 2,3 27 20-063 E. y Cams 6. 58. 32*3o 32-08 5 R [io-o63] 20-o63 E. Piscium (3) o. 56. 58-i5 57-93 27*A8 3o'45 20-085 E. i i3 42*80 AQ' 88 19*36 3o* 52 !~2O'o67l 14 NO 20-070 W. 23-69 1. -7 17-575 w. Polaris (i) i3-8o R 20*070 W. jS Canis 6. 17 8- 5o 8'AQ 3'5i 6 41 a3 * 3i 23 *OQ 28 * 10 5 'or 3*66 20-125 W. A Ursse Minoris S.P 7.48. 56*5o AA*88 iS NO [20-080] 20-080 W. Capricorn! 20. 58. 5o* 3o 5o-25 53*98 V-?3 r^-77"i 21. 7. 3i '82 3i-8o 35 P 78 L-* 7/J 3 *o8 t Capricorn! ' 21. l5. 12' l6 3*02 ^ Capricorni 26-95 3o-65 3 . -7O 6 Capricorni ... . . 3o-q5 34-67 7 . -o & Aquarii 21. 24. 53*86 53-82 57-63 3*8i 21 3 I I" 08 4- 80 ^76 e Peeasi . . 21. 37. 57*98 S 7 -q5 i-85 6*7^ 20-080 W. ?j Piscium 1 . 2A. 4-4 ' 1 2 16 T [20*080] 20*080 E. Moon I 21. So. A-58 6 Aquarii 22. 10. 9*40 i3-45 45 Aquarii 22, 12. I 3*42 l3'26 17* 5o y Aquarii. . , 7'Q 1 ? 57-06 A 1 I 1 ! 7] Aquarii 22. 28. 5l'32 5l'I7 55-28 22. 35. 8-90 g- 7 5 0*86 20- 12,5 E. Polaris i. i3. 17*66 8*o3 i5-68 6T? oCeti.... 45' i5 [20-080] 20*080 W Polaris 5*8o I'll i 38 43*12 A KT 3q-38 e Trianguli i. 55. 35*34 35-10 5 - 08 [20-081] November 1 5. ]> 5i"-3, 7"-o, 23 s - 1, 38"-8, 54"o. Daylight. 1 6. } 34" -0,49 s -2, 4"'7, 2o s -o, 34 8 '9. Air still. TABLE IV. MERIDIONAL TRANSITS (continued). 91 Day. Observer. Reading and Position of Micrometer. [Adopted Reading for Zero of Collimation.] Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Clock-Time of Transit over the Centre Wire. Seconds of True 'Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Stars Assumed Apparent R. A. Clock apparently Slow. 1874- November 22 T r 20" 080 W h m a 2. o. 3 ' i 6 2' 02 8 7-88 67 Ceti (V) . 4O'37 45-33 2 C e ti 26* 22 3l* 12 v Ceti (4) 2. 20. IA'A2 14.* 23 IQ* 2O 5 Ceti 2. 33. O'2O o*o3 5*oo -/- Ceti 2. 36. 45* 12 4Q-84 14-' 34. IQ'4.3 4.7* 5 1 5*ii 3. 32. 53-00 52-76 Mooti II 3. 35.23-04 22 '80 NO 20-857 W 5 Ursge Minoris S.P. 6. 1 3. 6*00 24-35 20 080 W 6. 21. 27 82 32-6q 5'07 Cephei 5i 6. 4.1. 3o* 3? 25-85 3f42 5-57 6. 53. 38-i8 38-17 43-25 5*o8 Ar^us 7. 43. 57' 18 57-I6 1-36 5*20 2O'75o W A. Ursse Minoris S P 36-36 36-62 23 NO i. 1 3. 3o' 29 12*06 12-52 20 080 W 42* 3o 4.7-82 5-52 T 20 080 "W e Tauri 5-37 a Tauri 4. 28 40* 1 8 45-37 5-3 7 r Tauri 4. 34. 39*70 3o-5o 45 *O2 5-52 ^ Eridani (4) 4. ^Q. IO'46 io*33 i5'73 5 -40 Moon II 4. 41. 5o* 5o 5o*2Q rs-49i B. A. C: i5i8 4. 48. 34' oo 33-70 39-28 5 '40 k Tauri (4) 4. 5o. 25 * SQ 25*38 3o*oo 5-52 e Ursse Majoris S.P 4. 58. 38*12 30'20 44 *OT 4' 7 2 Rigel 5. 8.26-88 26' 77 32*41 5-64 & Tauri 5. 1 8. 18-54 i8*3i 23* 06 5-65 R 21-750 W 24*o5 i-o5 20 080 W 6. 3o. 24- 66 5-i5 Cephei 5i 6. 41. 37-78 27-88 3i-o5 4*07 20 080 \V 6. 53. 37-92 37-89 43-28 5-39 753 i ' 20 35*66 6-46 20' 080 W 8. 9. 38'6o 38-45 4 4 ' O I 5-56 26 NO [20-083] 20*000 W i. i3. 24-86 8-48 lO'oS 2-5o 20 080 W I. 34.. 4.0*4.8 4.0* 23 55-76 6-53 27 NO [20-089] 20 ooo W Polans i. i3. 24-57 3-26 10-33 7'7 20-080 W. v Piscium I. 34. 40' IO 48-85 55-76 6-91 R 20-5oo W. 6. 12. 39'36 1 6 74. 22-86 6- 1 20-080 W. 6. 3o. 23 ' 14 29-75 6-85 [20-091] November 22. j) I. 2i-5, 37"o, 53"-o, 9"'o, i4*-6. Good observation. B II. 5i"-5, 7""2, 23" i, 39"-o, 54 s -5. Correction for defective illumination, +o a- 28. 23. J II. i7-8. 34"-!, 5o'-5, 7 8 -o,23'-2. Tremor. N 92 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Heading and Position of Micrometer. [Adopted Heading for Zero of Colliination.] Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Clock-Time of Transit over the Centre Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Stars Assumed Apparent K. A. Clock apparently Slow. 1874. November 27 K r h in & 6. 41 36' 67 s 25-22 33-72 8-5o 20 080 AV 6. 53 36-44 36-36 43*38 20-080 W. Procyon 7. 32. 38*8o 38-6o 45-65 7-o5 30' A7 T 20' 080 W. Moon II, Q. I. iS ' QO 18-72 [7-12! 83 Cancri (3) 52-QI a Hydrge (4) in - 16 26-26 7* Jo Leonis 9-25 5'l6 5 "oo 7"7 o Leonis 21 ' 1 1 "8'27 7* 16 9 38 37*98 3?-77 44" 88 9 45 3i '68 3I-46 38-73 7'27 9 53 28-82 28-61 35-91 7* 24. 28 T 20-080 W. i i3 7-68 Q-66 7-57 67 Ceti 2 10 38' 18 45 * 33 7 -3o XO 17-820 "VV 26-32 20*080 W Procyon 7 32 38*5o 38-"6 45-68 11 20*080 W 9 34 21 i 8 28-30 7-28 9 38 37*98 37-78 9 45 3i 78 3i-58 38*77 40- --8 [7*18] 5o'3i 57*56 y' Leonis 10. 12. 57 * 36 57-J7 7 ' O4 99 It [20-093] 58 '40 8-96 io*56 20 '080 W. v PiscJum i. 34 48 60 A8 ' 3d 55-75 T 20 080 E. a Leonis (4) 34- 47-3, 3"-o, ig'-o, 35"-o, 5o s -3. JSad observation. 28. }) io s -o, 24"9, 40" 5, 56'-o, n s -o. Limb unsteady. it *9- }' i s 'o, i5 s '4, 3o"4, 45*- 3, o'-o. Much tremor. Howling v.ind. TABLE IV. MERIDIONAL TRANSITS (continued). 93 Day. ( )bserver. Heading and Position of Micrometer. [Adopted Beading for Zero of Collimation.] Object observed and (Xumhor of Wires). i Mean observed Clock-Time of Transit over the Centre Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Stui-s Assumed Apparent R. A. Clock apparently Slow. 1874. v Geminorum ll ill S S 3z * 92 8* 20 Cepliei 5 1 35*07 5-5? Moou II T8-I81 19*643 K 5 Ursuj Minoris S P 6 12 43-85 l5'22 21-66 v Geniinorum (4) 32-95 8 - 14 y Geminorum 21 "55 20* 8? 8'32 Cephei 5 1 35-38 6- 13 Av< r u^ . . 2-65 8-25 rg-szi [20* zoo] 22* 364 E 2-36 5-6o 3-33 v Piscium I 3d. A 7 ' 32 55-73 8*64 77 Geminorum 6 7 ii -86 20*^3 S* 92 5 Ui'sac Minoris S.P 21-38 y Geminorum 6 3o. 21*32 8*83 6 41 5*33 35*98 5 [20*I05] e Piscium o. 56. i8'38 l8'2O 27 ' 3d. & Andromeda: i. 2.35*18 34-86 Polaris 55-4.6 5-n q*65 i. 3d. 4.6' 78 55-73 i. 38 38-S8 3S*6q Arietis 1.4-7 35* 4.O 35-i5 I7'3l 20*55 o*3i 5 Ursae Minoris S.P 6. 17. 3*12 3*07 6. 21. 23*78 z3-58 33*01 0* A3 6. 56. 32-98 3z-78 0-4.3 3o-54 30* Q2 g-38 7. 32. 36* So 36-36 4.5-87 Q'5l [iO ' I 06] 56-5z 4.- 56 8'C4. i. 24. 38 12 37-87 Q'So [20* 106] o. 56. 17*58 I7'35 27*33 q*oS 7 I. 2. 3d.' 24 33*88 I. l3. 21 ' 22 54.* 14, 3-o8 0-84 I. 24. 38 '02 37*76 4.7-76 10*00 I. 3d.. 4.5 * Q2 4-5 ' 60 55-72 io-o3 1. 38.37*96 87-72 47-73 lO'OI /3 Anetis i. 4.7. 3d.' 56 34-27 44- 25 9-08 [20-107] ]) ig'-o, 33 s -2, 47" 22-0,36-3, ' 7, (2"'4), i6"'4. One hour after sunrise -. limb bright and steady. o, 5" 7, 2O"o. Two hours after sunrise; limb very steady and fairly bright. N 2 94 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Reading and Position of Micrometer. [Adopted Beading for Zero of Collimation.] Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Clock-Time of Transit over the Centre Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Stars Assumed Apparent R. A. Clock apparently Slow. 1874. December 7 E r 20-100 W. a Arietis h m s i. 59. 58'O4 57-74 7-87 io-i3 ' Ceti ...- 2. 6.12-82 12-58 22-81 10-23 NO 2O- IOO W. 6 Leporis o' o5 11*17 IO* 22 Rigel 5. 8.22-34 22* 26 32-62 io-36 ft Tauri (4) 5. 18. 14*07 i3-8i 24-24 10-43 5 Orionis 5. 25. 27 60 27-48 37-96 10*48 5.27. 3-76 3-72 I 3 * QA IO* 22 5. 29. 42' 72 42 * 60 8-69 1O*34 5. 34. 58-36 58-43 52- 94 10* 26 5. 4.1. 40' 20 40-12 5 '44 10*32 16-41 26-74 10* 33 8 NO 2O- IOO W. I o. 3i. 46- 5o 46-19 56-8o 10-61 S Ceti o. 37. 8' 3o 8-19 18-91 10-72 o. 42. i * Zi i- 10 . 1 1 - 64 10-54 26-44 37*04 10" 60 o 56. 16-78 i6-56 27*32 10-76 j. 7. i * 5z i-3o I2'o3 10*73 20-125 W. i. i3. 3-67 56*40 3-39 6 -90 2O- IOO W. i. 24. 37 * 3o 37'o5 47* 7 ^ 10-70 I. 34.. 4-5 * 12 44* 91 55-7I io"8o T 7. 2O. 12* 32 I2'l3 22-80 10-67 27*40 38-00 10* 60 7 32. 35-42 35-25 4.5 * 04 io* 60 Pollux 7. 37. 3o-o2 29-76 40-46 10-70 7 4.3 5i*o8 5 1 * 04. 2-80 10-86 20-569 W. A Ursae Minoris S.P 7. AQ. 34" 60 i3-i8 18-94 5-76 20- 100 W. 7. 55.40-36 40*10 5o-85 10-75 8. 1 6. 2' 10 1-88 12-66 10-78 8. 3o. 58-oS 58-8i 9-54 10-73 NO [20-107] 20* 100 W. o* 71 n-63 1C' 02 20 Ceti o. 46. 26* 54 26-35 37'o3 10-68 38-o3 48-75 10* 72 o. 56. 16-66 16-43 27-31 10*88 i. 2.33-54 33-i8 43' 09 10-81 ^ 1 Piscium i. 7. i ' 32 I *OQ 12 -O2 io' o3 20-006 W. i. i3. 18-57 52-56 2-73 jo ' 17 20- too W. Ceti i. 17. 35-78 35-6i 46-66 1 1 'o5 i. 24. 37*12 36-86 47-75 IO' 8q n 6. 7. IO'22 Q'Q2 2O 1 64 io' 72 20-000 W. 6. ii. 58-20 IO'4-O 20- 3o 9* 9 20- 100 W. I * 04 12-54 IO' 60 [20-108] TABLE IV. MERIDIONAL TRANSITS (continued). 95 Day. Observer Reading and Position of Micrometer. [Adopted Reading for Zero of Collimation.] Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Clock-Time of Transit over the Centre Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Stars Assumed Apparent R. A. Clock apparently Slow. 1874. December 9 R r 2O" IOO W. h m 6. 21. 22* 70 K 22-4I 33-10 S IO' 6q 6. 48. 12-96 12-86 23-63 IO* 77 6. 53. 33-o6 33-07 43-65 10-58 y Canis Majoris 6.57.56-26 56-19 6-89 5 1 Geminorum 7. 6. 1-62 i-36 12-18 10-82 8 Geminorum 7. 12. 29-46 29-17 40-03 10*86 10 NO 20' ioo w. 4. 59. 59-96 59-98 11-19 1 1 '21 Kirrel 5. 8.21-36 21-29 32-65 u-36 /3 Tauri 5. 18. i3-32 l3'O2 24-28 ii * 26 5.26.26-82 26-70 38-oo ii - 3o 5. 27. 2- 74 2 '74 13-97 II'23 5. 29. 41 - 84 41-73 52-98 ii-aS 5. 34. 5y -42 57-52 8-72 5.41. 39-34 39-28 50-48 II *2O i Geminorum (4) 5. 56. 21 -oo 20-74 32-o3 1 1 *2Q 20-000 W. S Ursae Minoris S.P 6. ii. 58-5? 10-98 20-14 Q' l6 14 K [20-108] 20' ioo E. 22. 34. 40*08 40-06 rii-83i 22. 5o. 3i -82 3i-93 4.3-72 y Piscium 23. 10. 28-62 28-47 40-33 11*86 23.20. 18-98 18-85 3o- 7 8 ii'83 i. z.32-38 31-96 43-93 II * 07 2O-25O E. 1. 13. 29-86 46-93 58 -67 1 1 * 74- 2O* IOO E. i. 24.. 35 * 02 35-69 4.7" 71 i. 34.43-68 43-53 55-67 1.38. 35-88 35-71 4.7' 60 n-88 i. 47. 3z' 60 32-33 44/2I ii-88 i. 59. 56* 10 55-8o 7*8A i5 NO [20-108] 20- ioo E. 22. 58. 18-92 i8- 7 5 3i-iS 12*4.3 23. 10. 9- 10 Q- OQ 21 "4.3 12' 34. 23. 20. 18-46 18-39 3o* 77 12*38 B. A. C. 8184 23. 22. 5 1 '40 5i-37 3*66 Moon I 23. 25. 5o'O2 So'oo ri2-4.3i 23. 33. i8-38 18*28 3o* 64. 12-36 23. 42. ii 82 1 1 * o5 I2'5l 23. 52. 40* 52 4.0*4.1 53-04 12-63 2 Ceti 23.57. 7-32 7-38 10* 81 12*^3 I. 2. 3l ' 62 3l * 20 4.3 *OI 59*5o ii -08 I2'4.8 20'OOO E. I. 12. 4.8* Id. 4.8*26 57-8a 0'56 20- too E. flCeti i. 17. 34- 1 6 34-16 [20-108] December 14. io s -o, 25'-o, 39"8, 55" 2i-o, 35"2, 5o*-o, 4 5, io"o. Before sunset. 8, i9"-o. 96 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Reading and Position of Micrometer. [Adopted Reading for Zero of Collimation.] Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Clock-Time of Transit over the i Centre Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Stars Assumed Apparent R. A. Clock apparently Slow. 1874. December i5 16 17 18 19 NO K K NO NI NO R NI H T NO r 20- ioo E. 20- ioo E. 20-000 E. 20- ioo E. ? j 1 y ) J J > 20- ioo E. 19-462 E. 20- ioo E. 20- 573 E. 20 i oo E. [20-108] 20- ioo E. 21-491 E. 20- ioo E. 2o'5oo E. 20- ioo E. [20-108] 19-500 E. 20-100 E. 20-171 E. 20-262 E. 20-100 E. j > 20-934 W. [20- 109] 20- ioo W. [20- 109] h in , 1.24. 35-46 6. o. 14-64 6. 12. 8-20 o. 12. 5o- 62 o. 16. 42-06 0.41. 58-98 o. 46. 24-40 o. 49. 36- 3i o. 56. i 4 -58 i. 6. 59'3o i. 38. 35-o8 6. 7. 8-5o 6. 12. 39-33 6. 3o. 17-84 6. 42. 14-25 i3. 12. 20-43 I. 2. 3l -O2 i. 8.37-74 i. 16. 46-57 i. 24. 34-82 i. 47. 3i 36 6.42. 7-86 6. 53. 30-42 7.49. 35-20 8. 2. 0-68 i3. 12. 8-57 i. i3. 3o'oo 1.24. 34-34 i. 34.42-44 1.38.34-38 i. 47. 3o-88 i.52.3i-i6 2. 3. 7-34 2. 6. i-3o 2. 10. 3f82 2. 21. 17-62 i3. 14. 28- 2. 10. 3 1 -42 2. 21. 17-62 35-3o 14-52 9'o5 5o -74 42-11 5S- 9 8 24-46 36-o5 ,4-57 59 ' 3o 35-06 8-35 7-16 17-75 27-45 40-88 30-72 37-95 48-03 34-70 3 1 -20 27 oo 3o'79 o-o5 0-99 43-o3 34-26 42-47 34-38 30-78 3l'I2 7-29 1-23 31-96 17-62 39-73 3i-3 4 17-45 S 47-70 26-88 19-36 3-i 9 ii-5 7 36- 9 6 48-66 27-26 11-97 47-68 20-77 19-31 3o- 17 39-52 55-02 43-89 56-25 47-69 44-19 39-69 43-81 10-40 13-90 54-28 55-52 47-68 55-64 47-66 44-18 44- 5o 14-48 45-25 31-09 53-57 4 5-25 3i 10 12-40 12-36 io-3i 12-45 [12-58] 12-59 I2'5o 12-61 12-69 12-67 12-62 12-42 I2'l5 12-42 12-07 14-14 i3-i 7 [i3-o 4 ] 8-22 12-99 12-99 12-69 I 3 -02 ic-35 12-91 15-29 11-49 13-42 I3-I7 13-28 1 3 -40 13-38 [13-33] 13-25 13-29 13-47 i3-8 4 13-91 13-65 v Orionis 5 Ursie Minoris S.P , Ceti Moon I S Pisciurn 20 Ceti fji Andromedje (4) e Piscium ^ Piscium ...- o Piscium 77 Geminorum S TJrsjc Miuoris S P Polaris S P /3 Andromeda^ Moon I .' Arietis (3) Polaris S P BAG 609 Polaris S P (i) 67 Ceti (3) |2 Ceti December 16. )) i3 s -o, 27" -5, 42 s -o, 56" 7, n s -o. 17. }> 8* -7, 23"-o, 37"-6, 52 s -5, 6 s -8. Through cloud. 18. D 37 B -3,52 s -3, 7"-4, 22-6, 37 s -o. Good observation TABLE IV. MERIDIONAL TRANSITS (continued). 97 Day. Observer. Heading and Position of Micrometer, [Adopted Reading for Zero of Collimation.] Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Clock-Time of Transit over the Centre Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Stars Assumed Apparent K. A. Clock apparently Slow. 1874. NO v Ceti ... . h m s 2. 20. 5 ' 54- 5-39 10" 18 I 3 ' 70 5 Ceti 2. 32. 5r -40 Sl'28 4-08 1 3 * 70 >2 Ceti 2. 36. 35-96 35-82 49* 82 tr Arietis 22 '27 35-86 i3-5o 2. 5i. 5o' 72 4*36 1 3 ' QI a Ceti . 2. 55. 3i'56 3i "41 i3-8i Moon I 3. i. 29-80 20 ' 54. fi3-8ol 5 Arietis 3. 4. i5-86 i5-6o 20* 3o I 3 ' 70 6. o. 12 84 12* 70 2O"OOO W. 5 Urgc Minoris S.P 6. ii. 53-71 7 ' IO io* o3 1 1 o3 20 i oo W . 6. 21 . 19*10 IQ'OI 33-20 IA'28 6. 3o. i6*36 i6*3o 3O"22 20 ooo W. Cephei 5 r 6. 41. 45 ' 29 20" o5 n*o3 2O NO 20' IOO W. 3. 26. 4.8-74. 48*81 3-i8 I4.-37 3.33. 4-70 A.' 5o I 8 * Q4. 5 Kridani 3.37. I-76 i-83 16-35 14.- 52 3. 3o. AO'4.6 49-36 3*QI I4.-55 33 Tauri 3. 4.O. 25 '4.6 25-36 3o* 02 14-56 3. Si. 58*02 58-ic ia-65 14-55 3y Tauri 3.57. 4-58 &J 1 Tauri 4. i. 39- 18 39* 10 53-75 14-65 26*86 4. 12. 27 ' O2 26- 96 14-56 X 1 Tauri 4. 14. 44' 92 4.4.* 81 5o-32 IA-SI 20 ' ioo W. 5 Ursa* Minoris S.P 6. 12. S'OO 7-80 iS* QI 20 ioo W. /3 Canis 6. 16. 57*80 57-o3 19* 671 W. 6.42. 7 -85 27 "42 21 T [20-109] 20 ' ioo W. Moon I (3) 5 ii z3 *oi -2*86 Pi^-sii Moon II 5. i3. 56-iS 56*o3 fiS-nl Cephei 5i 6.41. 32-55 Geminorura 6. 56. 27* 3o -7-25 i5-32 5 1 Gcminorum 7. 5.57-16 5 7 -i3 i5-32 28 Canis 7. 0. 20 ' 86 3o* 1 1 45-38 T? -1" 5 Geminornm 7. 12. 25 IO 25-o3 15-28 i Canis 'Minoris 7. I 7. 4.7 ' 12 a-36 iS-23 18 Canis Minoris i5-3i 7. 22. 35-86 35-87 If 17 i5- 3o Cantor (4) 7 26. 23-37 23-23 38- 35 i5 - 12 25 Monocerotis (4) ... . 4.0-35 A' *tl i5- 16 Procyon (4) 7 . 3 1 3 o - 'i i 46* 2 5 [20* 109! December 19. j) I. 59"o, i4"-o, 29"-8, 45 5 '7, o*-6. Limb unsteady ; raining. 20. }i I. 55 s - 1, 10"- 5, 27"-o, 43"2, 59*- 1. 21. )) I. So"- 1, ,23"'o, , 56 s -o. Overcast; limb very faint. B II. 23"'o, 39'- 5, 56"- 1, i3"o, 29"4. Correction for defective illuuiiiiation, 98 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Reading and Position of Micrometer. [Adopted Reading for Zero of Collimation.] Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Clock-Time of Transit over the Centre Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Stars Assumed Apparent R. A. Clock apparently Slow. 1874. December zi T r 20 loo W. Pollux h m S 7 37. a5 * 76 25-64 S S i5-i8 21 '196 W. A. Ursa? Minoris S .P 52-8i 7'3l 22 NO 2O'IOO W. 34. '84, 5o-6i l5'77 0*4-3 Moon I 2' 80 fiS-Til 6 22 37-36 ri5-74.i y Geminorum ("4) 14-56 3o* 27 l5-7I T 20-993 W. Polaris S.P 1 3. 24. 5o-83 35*54 5o* 60 i5-i5 23 NO [20' 109] 2O- IOO E. Procyon " 7. 3z. 29-72 29" 64 46-30 16-66 24 It 20*100 E. & Canis Minoris 7.20. 5-86 5-86 23-i6 2Q* I 5 46-32 I Argus 4.5 ' 07 3-i6 19-000 E. A Ill-see Minoris S.P 7. 5i. 12- oo 47-85 4-66 16-81 20- 100 E. 8. 1.56-68 56-Qi I4'o5 Cancri 8. 9.27-66 27-66 44-88 a 1 Cancri 8. i5. 55-98 55-94 i3- 10 8. 20. 55-72 55-63 12-88 8. 25. 20- 3o 2O"2I 37* So 8. 32. 25-90 25-8i 41 ' 70 59-i5 1-7-36 29 It [20- 109] 20- 100 E. 20 Ceti o. A6. 17-32 17- 32 36*84 [20-115] 2O'OOO E. 29-58 4-6 27 16* 60 NO 20* ioo E. i] Geminorum 6. 7. i -08 0*08 2O' 05 20*000 E. 8 Ursse Minoris S P . . 58-26 l8*22 20-000 E. Cephei Si 21-75 20- ioo E. 6 Canis 6.48. 3-78 3"QO 23-96 2O' 06 T 20- ioo E. Moon II 12. 38. 28-90 29*00 T2O' 24.1 3 1 Comae (4) 12, 45. 16* 14 i6-o5 36-38 20-33 57*8o Virginis 12.55. 36-48 36-5o 56*86 20-36 9 Virginis i3 3. 7-72 7-8.1 28' ii i3. 5. 3-34 3*53 23 72 1 5, r8. T 5* A.A i5-5o 35-76 2O' IOO E. Polaris S.P l3. 12. 12* 21 23-82 3o K 20- ioo E. 5. 56. i2-i5 32*32 20* IOO E. 6. o. 6-88 6-81 20' ioo E. 20-36 [20-116] December 22. ]) I. 29"-8, 46"-!, 2 Si 9, ig'-g, 36'-o. Correction for defective illumination, o" 12. 3) II. 4"-2, io ! -8, 37 8 *i, 54 s -i, io s '7. 24. J II. 53" 8, 9 8 -8, 26-o, 42"o, 57"8. 29. J II. o'-o, I4 S *2, 29 s *o, 43 S '4, 57 s - 8. Limb very steady TABLE IV. MERIDIONAL TRANSITS (continued}. 99 Day. Observer. Reading and Position of Micrometer. [Adopted Heading for Zero of Colliroation.] Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Clock-Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Stars Assumed Apparent R. A. Clock apparently Slow. 1874. December 3o K r 20* 542 E. Cephei 5i (i) h m s 6. 4.1. 5o* 2O '22 S 4.1 ' 08 S 20* 100 E. 6. 5?. 46-84. 46*o3 7- 12. 2O 1 28 20-18 20* 3 1 7. 2O. 3'O4 3-oi 23-26 7. 26. iS-z6 18-11 38-55 7 32 26' 08 4.6-4.3 XO 18-840 E. [20*116] 20- 100 E. \ Ursae Minoris S.P. (3) 3i Coraee (3) 7. 5i.43*oo 12.45. i5-83 41-21 1 5 " 74 0-92 36-42 19-71 20*68 5 Virginis 12. 48. 5y* 5o 57-52 i8-o3 12. 55. 36-12 36-io 56-8o i3. 3. 7-48 7-54 28- 14. 21 004 E. Polaris S.P i3. 0.4.8-71 20-86 4 3-3 7 2O' IOO E. i3. 18. 14*96 i5-o5 35-70 I 3. 22. I ' 22 i-3o [20-651 3i R 2O'OOO E, I. 12. I4*OO 23 -3i 44-55 2O* IOO E. e Ceti I. 17. 25 * Q4. 25 '07 4.6*4.6 T 20 ' ioo E. 12. 41. 8*06 8-i5 3 1 Comae 12. 45. 1 5 '40 i5-34 36-45 8 Virginis 12. 4.8. 56*04. 57-o3 18-07 f Virginis 12. 55. 35-8z 35-88 56-93 2I'25o E. Polans S.P i3. 9. 7-28 16-45 42-55 26* 10 17-875 E Polaris S.P. ... i3. 18. 3-66 21 * Q4 42-55 20 ioo E. 13.26. 1-28 I '47 22'3Q 2O*Q2 i3. 27. 57-85 57-o6 l8-82 2O*86 m Virginis i3. 34.41-36 41-53 2-35 2O g 82 T Bootis 13.40. 57-68 57-70 l8'77 21 '07 Moon II 14. 6. 35-96 36-17 [21 -oil 14. 9. 35-90 35-90 56*89 2O* 00 1875. January i NT [20-117] I. 12. 3? ' 06 30-78 NO 5 Ursae Minoris S P 6. ii. 58-86 57-32 i8'23 12*26 33-48 [20-118] 20 5oo E. 6. 4.1. 57*4-3 20- 64 4.2* I 3 21 '4.O 20* ioo E. Can is '. , . . 6. 48. 2*44 2-67 23 * 00 21-32 T 18-912 E. Polaris S.P i3. 25.26-57 18-37 4.1 * 77 23*4.0 20* ioo E. T Bootis (3) 1 3. 40. 57- 12 57-16 18-81 21*65 l3. 4.8. 21 ' 04. 21-08 4.3 '.11 21 '43 1 3. 54. 54-78 54.* Q2 i6-3o 21 -47 Centauri i3. 58. 56-76 57-18 18-63 21 '4.5 [20*118] December 3o. Si. 3i'-8,46"-3, i*"4, i6"-o, 3o 5 - 5. After sum i-r. 6"o. 2o"'9, 36"-o, 5i*-o, 5"-8. Limb bright and steady ; an hour after sunrise. 100 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Beading and Position of Micrometer. [Adopted Reading for Zero of Collimation.] Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Clock-Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Stars Assumed Apparent R. A. Clock apparently Slow. i8 7 5. January i 2 6 9 T K T K T R T r 20- ioo E. f > > > [ao-ixS] 20 100 E. > 19-750 E. 20* 5oo E. 20* 100 E. 2O' ICO E. j > 5 1 j > [10-119] 21-750 W. 20' i oo W. 22-II 4 W. 20 100 \V. 2O-OOO W. 2O- IOO W. J > J J J > J 20'ICO W. i9-?5oW. [20-122] 20-120 W. 2O- I2O W. 20 144 W. 20-120 W. ) > > ) > 20-988 W. 20- J20 W. [2O- J2l] h m s 1A. 5.51-27 14. 9-35-52 14.26. 4'38 14.39. 9-34 14.43. 35-02 14. 53. 17-34 I. 12. 2V54 6. 6.59-54 6. 12. 14-83 6. 41. 58-40 6. 57.45-60 i3. 12. 3-76 1 3. 54. 54-32 14. 5. 50-64 14. 9. 34- 94 14. 39. 8-84 14.43.34-53 I. S. 8-29 6. 6. 56-22 6.21. 53- 6. 3o. 5 54 6.41. 34'5o 6. 47. 58-92 6.53. 18-78 6.56. j 7 -S8 6. 57.42-18 7- 5.47-74 i3. 3. 3-34 i3.ii. i-33 6. 3o. 2-64 6.37.49-59 6. 41. 19-70 6. 47. 56-04 6.53. 15-94 6.57. 39-34 7. 5.44-S4 7. 12. I2-72 7. 24. 38-20 7.32. 18-60 7.37.13-36 51-49 35-55 4-33 9-3i 35-27 17-62 19-97 59-56 57-93 21 "O6 45-S7 16-35 54'5i 50-90 35-02 8-96 34-83 18-41 56-09 52-40 5- 4 5 18-04 59-02 18-98 I? 1 ?? 42-30 47-65 3-40 14-82 2-62 49-60 14-76 56-17 16-18 39'5o 44-82 12-67 27-65 18-64 i3-2 7 R 12-83 56-92 25-83 3o-85 56-74 42-97 20-99 18-22 42-22 7-28 40-98 16-42 12-86 56- 9 5 3o-8S 56-7 7 39-66 21 -O2 i8-i5 30-47 42-67 24-03 44-04 42-83 7-32 12-71 28-37 37-60 30-49 i 7 -5i 42-87 24-05 44-06 7-34 12-74 40-64 55-8i 46-57 41-20 21-34 21-37 21 5o 21-54 21-47 [21-48] 23 'DO 21-43 20-29 21 16 21-41 24-63 21 -91 21 -96 2I- 9 3 21-92 21-94 21-25 24-93 25-75 25" O2 24-63 25-01 25-06 25-o6 25-02 25-o6 24-97 22-78 27-87 27-91 28-11 27-88 27-88 27-^4 27-92 27-97 28-16 27-93 27-93 p I5o6tis y Canis Polaris S.P f 2 Bootis a- Libra (&) . . f S Ursa; Minoris S.P. on 5th ] g Canis , 7 Canis (3) Polaris S.P. (3) {A. Hi-see Minoris S.P. on "1 wire I J" Pollux January i. > 46'-6, 2"-o, I7 s -o, 33'-o, 48"-o. Wire 4 has been increased i'. TABLE IV. MERIDIONAL TRANSITS (continued). 101 Day. Observer. Reading and Position of .Micrometer. [Adopted lieading for Zero of Collimation.] Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Clock-Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Stars Assumed Apparent R. A. Clock apparently Slow. 1875. Janaarv 9 R 20- i 20 W 0*5? 28' A-7 20-125 W. Polaris S.P i3 ii 55-83 7T3 34-63 ii I 20- III W. Polaris 8*27 19-753 w. T] Piscium i8*o5 u 20- ooo W. 4.8*36 l8'35 29 ^9 19 5oo W. i3*6o 42-85 20* 1 20 AV. & Canis 6.47 54-58 54/78 29 2 T 20*046 W. Polaris S.P i3. ii 38*8o 2* 84 32-6-> 29 29 20' I2O W. i3. 18. 6-22 6*38 36-21 29-83 12 B [20-IlS] 20-000 \\'. Polaris I. 12. 33*71 2*68 33-7A 3 1 -06 12 55 26-86 S-r- ?>' 3o* 62 58-10 ^8 ^T ig-g58 \V. Pohris S P 3l-67 3i ?fi 20 - 1 20 W. i 1 * 18 5-6o 5*78 36-24 3-r-i- ..ft 48-62 I 3 34 32 ' 12 *"rf i 3 38 3-86 li'TI 3o' 5 1 i 3 40 48*88 48* 8Q 3o* 3i 5*76 36- 34 3o-58 16-75 3o*5o i3 T [20*116] 20 ' 1 20 W. 48-23 o 52 33 * 10 33*O2 o 55 55-96 55*87 43 5o 20-125 W. 2'8l 3 2 -go Ceti i5*3i 46-32 i6*36 3i*o6 K 28-61 20 ooo W. Polaris S.P i3. 1 1. 27 - 12 53*o5 3o* 77 31-82 U [20-115] 3 1 ' 9 5 i 29 56*36 56-32 28 * 10 31-78 r 3j. 2,3 * 6j. 23-62 55-39 3l '77 56-02 T3i -70! e Cpti (A) 50-67 22- 5 I 31-84 v Ceti 18*96 31-67 S Ceti 2 32 32*86 32-87 'v" Ceti (a/) . z 36 17*63 17-63 40 -63 3-98 35-66 3i-68 [20- i i 5] January 1 3. 14. - , i8"-o, 33 s -i, 48 s -o, 2 s -5. 26"6, 4i ! -o, - , - , - . Limb steady. Linib steady. Wire 2 bad. Before sunset. o 2 102 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Reading and Position of Micrometer. [Adopted Reading for Zero of Collimation.] Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Clock-Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Stars Assumed Apparent E, A. Clock apparently Slow. 1875. R y 2 Ceti (&) . . h ni 5 32'22 47 Arietis (4) 2 5o 23-87 23-86 56-24 32*38 a Ceti (4) 45-o3 3z' CA 8 Arietis (3) 3 3 56-83 56-82 29 - 23 o Tauri 3 17 33-o6 33'o5 5-65 3-, -go / Tauri 3. 23 26'36 26-35 58-76 32-41 Eridani 3.25 30-76 30-76 3 *oi 32-25 7 1 Eridani I2'5l 32-5i 3y Tauri 3 56 46 - 4A 4.6- 43 18*93 32 5o cc 1 Tauri 53-67 32-5o 20' 125 "W. Polaris S P i3. 11. 52'33 56-47 32-65 Spica 1 3. 1 8 3-54 3-55 36-34 32 ' 7Q 16 K [20- i i 5] 2O' I2O W. 3. 32.45-96 4.5 ' 7Q l8'70 33-oo 3. 38. 31-04 3o-8? F33- 14! 4-4* 3o 33-23 3. 5 1. 39*42 30' 27 12* 5o 33-23 37 Tauri 3. 56.45-86 l8'Q2 33-23 20-53 53*66 T3-i3 46- 5 1 33-22 8-26 41 '46 33-20 47'88 33-i8 2O* 12O W. 5 Ursse Minoris S.P. (2) 6. ii. 46-73 46-27 5 7 -3o 18-85 3o*53 32-58 33-14 Cephei 5i (i) 6 4i 0*33 33-56 NI Polaris S.P. (3) i3. ii. 54*33 54' 70 28-33 33-54 [20-II4] 20 1 20 W. i ii 54 * 3 2 53-77 20-53 35-76 Moon I. (i) 56-52 F33-571 5. 59 53 -68 53*6i 27' l6 33-55 33-66 21-554 W. S Ursae Minoris S.P. (2) 7 Geminorum 6. 17. i8-5o 45-60 56-87 . 18-93 3o-53 33-33 33-66 6. ?7. AA.' OO 43-93 17-56 33-63 i9'5oo W. 6. 41. 58*6o 0*4.3 33-17 & Canis 6. 47. 5o'58 5o-54 33-55 ,g [20'Il3] 20 i 20 E. i. 1 1. 57* 60 55-70 28-70 33-oo v Piscium i. 34. 21 -46 21 * 24- 55-34 34-10 1 36 Tauri 55-ic 34'3i F34-- iol 5. 55. 58-42 58-3o 32*41 34- 1 1 [20-111] 'Ti January i5. ]> 44' 1 6. T> 59' 17-3) ., 18. D 46' 4, 59" -5, 14" -7, 3o"o, 45' -i. Limb steady. 6, i5"-o, 3i'-o, 47 8 -o, 2 s -7. , , 56"- 6, , , Overcast. S Ursae Minoris on Wire d. 8, 3 s- o, zo"o, 36"'7, 53 s> o. Limb very steady. TABLE IV. MERIDIONAL TRANSITS (continued). 103 Day. Observer. Reading and Position of Micrometer. [Adopted Reading for Zero of Collimation.] Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Clock-Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Stars Assumed Apparent R. A. Clock apparently Slow. i8 7 5. January 1 8 '9 20 B T T B i 20-120 E. > ) 19-500 E. 20-120 E. j > > 2i-5oo E. 20-120 E. 11-873 E. 20-120 E. - > > > ) > > 20-369 E. 20-120 E. > J > J J ) > > J [20-111] 20-120 E. 19-983 E. 20- no E. J ) ) > 2I'23l E. 2O* IIO E. > y ) > > J > > ) > > T > J J [20-111] v Orionis h m s 5.59.53-04 6. 6. 51-92 6. 12. 22-00 6.16.38-84 6. 20. 59-56 6. 29. 56-5o 6. 3 7 . 4 3-36 6.42. 58-oo i. 34.20-78 i. 36. 35-5o 6. 6.47-36 6. ii. 44- 3o 6. 16. 38-20 6.20.58-88 6. 29. 55-90 6.37.42-72 6.41. 27-80 6.47.49-34. 6. 55. 10-42 7. 5.38-o6 7.12. 5-94 7.17.24-36 7- i9-4 8> 74 7.47. 19-08 i. 2. 8-36 i. n. 25-66 6. 11.46-12 6.29.55-74 6. 37.42-54 6.42. 33- 5o 6.47.49-29 6.53. 9-20 6.57.32-54 7.12. 5-88 7. 17.23-99 7. 32. 11-62 7.37. 6-32 7.43.28-68 7. 59.34-60 8. 2. 1-84 8. 9.10-38 s 52-93 51-78 44-76 38- 7 8 59-44 56-39 43-25 8-08 20-48 55-oJ 46-12 45-47 38-oo 58 -64 55-67 42-49 6-61 49-14 10-17 37-83 5- 7 o 24- n 48-53 23-19 8-ii 52-26 44'49 55-52 42-31 7'74 49-02 8-91 32-27 5-66 23-77 n-38 6-n 28-39 34-38 1-62 io-i5 B 27-l6 26"o3 19-00 12-87 33-5g 3o-54 17-57 42-59 55-33 27-82 21-07 19-07 12-87 33-59 3o-54 17-57 42-59 24-09 12-83 40-73 5g-i3 23-5o 53-54 43-39 26-88 19-15 3o-55 17-58 42-57 24-10 44-09 7-40 40-74 59" 10 46-69 41-34 3-5o 4 5-3 7 S 34-23 34-25 34-24 34-09 34- 15 34-15 34-32 34-5i 3 4 -85 32-79 34-95 33-6o 34-87 3 4 - 9 5 34-87 35-o8 35-98 34-95 [34-97] 35-oo 35-o3 35-02 34-97 3o-35 35-28 34-62 34-66 35-o3 35-27 34-83 35-07 35-i8 35-i3 35-o8 35-33 35-3i 35-23 35-n [35-20] [35-zo] 35-22 8 Ursae Minoris S.P 3 Canis Majoris | Geminortmi v Piscium (4) Polaris on 5th wire (4) . . 5 Ursse Miuoris S P 3 Canis Majoris v Geminorum 7 Geminorum | Geminorum B Canis 8 Geminorum 3 Canis Minoris A Ursae Minoris S.P ... Polaris 4 8 tlrsffi Minoris S P Cephei 5i d} . . Pollux Ar<*us Moon I Moon II & Cancri (4) January 19. 5 I. 37 S '4, 53"'9, io"'4, 27-o, 43"-3. Some tremor. 20. }) I. 2"4, i8'-2, 34"6, 5i"o, 6"9. Some tremor. ]) II. 29 s -5,45*-6, i !> 9, i8"-i, 34"2. Correction for defective illumination, +o"O7. 104 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Heading and Position of Micrometer. [Adopted Reading for Zero of Collimation-] Object observed and (Number of Wires), Mean observed Clock Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Stars Assumed Apparent E. A. Clock apparently Slow. 1875. January 21 T i 20* no W. Pollux 7 ^7 5 "l(i ? "i 1 ; 41 ' 35 1 C . Q n 20-798 W. A. TJrsae Minoris S P 3 33 I7'"6 53-O-* ^ C . Q T 22 T [20-111] 20* 127 W. A Ursae Minoris S.P 52-93 36-22 2O'IIO W. 6 Caucri 7 55 i5'8o i5-6i 5i 83 36-22 R Moon II nfi'ool 3 7 Leonis 59'25 36--'6 (ji Hydrac 27-63 Ti-no p Leonis 10 z5 38-88 38-68 " yy 36 -08 1 Leonis 5 Leonis 52-54 "8-59 36-o5 5 Crateris (2) 3o" o^ 6-21 36- 19 v Leonis $7'5l 33'6o # Leonis 5-58 36- 19 23 B [20*111] iO'IIO W. 5 Ursa Minoris S.P 43-25 19-56 36-3i 7 Geminorum 54-26 3o-55 36-->9 iS'75o W. Cephei 5i 5-89 36-45 20 no \V. e Canis Majoris 6 53 7 P o6 7-65 36-43 NO p Leonis 10 25 38-54 38-38 IA.' ?S 34 Sextantis . . 34-52 ii'iS 36-6i / Leonis 5-77 36-42 Moon II 2-80 r36-5il 10 53 3o-8o 3o-63 36-54 jo 5y 58'6o 58' A4. 35-04 36- 60 5 Leonis (4) ii 6 52-37 28-61 36-37 S Crateris 29 63 36-6i 24 NO [20-111] 2o'ooo W. 5 TJrsce Minoris S.P 6 ii 37*43 4.2' 84. 36-89 20* no \V. 6 29 53-86 53-67 3o-55 36-88 20*000 "W. Cephei 5 1 5-3i 36-88 II 20 ' 1 10 \V. 56-8o 33-65 36-76 Moon II . r36-8ol 26-84 36-89 Virginia (4) ii i3 3i'8o H* 70 ii-73 ii 53 5 1 94 5i-85 28'77 36-92 54-33 3l'I7 36-84 p Virginis 3 A -o3 3? " OA 3 5 Virginis 53-14. 36-85 3 1 Coma? 0' A3 37-32 36-Sg > > [20' in] Polaris S.P 1 3. 11.48-49 43-92 20-80 j r , OO JO 06 January 22. J) i2-i, 27"- 1, 42"5, 58 s -o, i2 5 -8. 23. )) 33-6,48-2, 3 s -o, i8"-o, 32-5. 24. )) 32 s -8, 47"-o, i s '7, i6 !> 2, 3o 5 '9. TABLE IV. MERIDIONAL TRANSITS (continued). 105 Day. Observer. Heading and Position of Micrometer. [Adopted Reading for Zero of Collimation.] Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Clock Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds Seconds of True , of Stars Transit ! Assumed over the Apparent Meridian. K. A. Clock apparently Slow. i8 7 5. January 25 26 27 T so T T r 20- no TV. ) t > 5 J > > ) > > 20-094 TV. 20 1 1 o TV. [20- no] i 9 -5ooTV. 20- no TV. t j t > 20- no E. 18-093 E. 20-110 E. t 3 1 ) J t [Z0-'l'll] 20- i 10 E. 20-000 E. 2o-5oo E. 20-110 E. 20-462 TV. 20- j 10 TV. j > > > > i > > j ? > * [20- in] 12. 12. 53-94 12. 18. 53-40 12. 3o. i5-38 12. 34. 56- 74 12. 40. 52-54 12. 44. 59-90 12.48. 41-54 12. 55. 20-42 i3. 2. 51-70 i3. 11.41-37 i3. 17. 59-44 13.27.42-34 13.42. 0-24 6.41. 52-8o 6.53. 6-62 6.56. 5-40 7. 5.35-20 i3. 2. 54-44 i3. 17. 2-91 i3. 27.41-96 1 3. 34. 25-6o 13.43. 59-10 13.48. 6-44 i3. 54. 39-46 14. 4. 35-92 14. 9.20-14 6. 6-43-32 6. 11. 49-80 6.41. 35-8o 6.47.46-34 i3. 12. 34-67 i3. 17. 58-64 i3. 27. 41 -62 1 3. 34.2.5-14 i3. 37. 57-10 1 3. 40. 41 -66 13.43.58-64 13.47. 16-22 i3. 51.59-98 14. 5.35-4S 14. 9.19-64 53-8o 53-26 15-19 56-6i 52-40 41-40 20-29 5i-56 42-40 59-30 42-20 o-i3 6-27 6- 4 3 5-27 35-o6 54-25 41-69 4' "77 2.5-41 58-90 6-26 39-27 35-74 19-96 43-i3 43-19 4-61 46-17 40-95 58-56 41-53 25 -06 57-04 41-55 58-58 16- 14 35-40 19-53 3l'20 52-62 34-06 30'02 3 7 -35 18-89 57-76 28-99 19-87 ig-65 41-86 44-07 42-96 12-85 19-42 19-68 3-22 36-86 44-27 17-22 13-67 57-76 2i-o5 2O'3l 41-68 24-09 18-14 36-73 19-71 3-26 35-21 19-69 36-90 38-io 13-71 57-79 37-40 [37-45] 37-43 37-57 37-49 37-47 3 7 - 4 3 37-47 3 7 -3i 37-45 37-56 35-5 9 37-64 37-69 37-79 [37-89] 37-73 37-91 37-81 37-96 38-ci 3 7 - 9 5 37-93 37-80 37-92 37-12 37-92 37-19 38-i 7 38-i8 38-20 38-17 38-14 38-32 [38-22] 38-23 38-3i 38-26 .Moon II T Centauri p Virginis Polaris S P ... Geniinorum 5 1 Geniinorum Moon II Polaris S.P S Ursa; Minoris S.P 6 Canis Majoris Polaiis S.P /c 1 Centauri Moon 11 Piazzi XIII. 264 K Virginis Arcturus January 25. )> 24"- 5, 38 s - 8, 53 < '4, 8 s -o, 22' -4. 26. )) 25*-3, 59"8, 54 t -5, 9"-2, 23 s -3. Overcast ; rain. 106 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Reading and Position of Micrometer. [Adopted Reading for Zero of Collimation.] Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Clock Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Stars Assumed Apparent R. A. Clock apparently Slow. 1875. January 28 29 3o NO T 1C T NO T r 16-896 E. 20-110 E. 21-000 E. 2O- IIO E. 20-110 W. 1 i J > J J ) > ) ) > J [20-111] 20-110 W. 20-000 W. ig-Soo W. 20'HO W. J J ) > J ) > > J [20-111] 20-110 E. 20 ooo E. 20 ooo E. 20-110 E. ) J > > 1 1 ) 1 > > J ) ) > > ) > ) *J t [20-111] h m s 6. i5. 4-50 6. 20. 55-o6 6.42. 16-86 6.47.45-64 14. 5.35-o6 14. 9. 19-24 14. 19. 59-92 14. 25.48-08 14.33. 6-12 14.38.53-08 14. 49. 20-20 14. 58. 26-5i 1 5. 4. 26-80 6. 6.42-28 6. ii. 35-8o 6. 41. 5o" 60 6.47.45-18 14.43. 18-44 14. 49. 19-86 1 5. 4. 26-24 i5. 9. 37-40 i5. 21. 23-06 i5. 28.44-34 i5. 37.27-16 6. 6. 41 60 6. ii. 44-60 6.40. 57-80 6.47.44-44 i5. 9.36-80 i5. i5. 23-42 i5. 20. 32-38 15.28.43-92 15.37.26-68 15.43.54-94 i5. 5o. 0-74 i5. 57. 29-64 16. 7. 7-46 16. 12. 5i-i8 16. 21. 4-02 42-31 54-91 5-82 45-54 34-98 19-11 59-79 47-95 6-06 52-93 20- 13 26-36 26-75 42-14 43 -o3 2-5o 45 -o5 18-38 19-80 26-18 37-34 23-01 44-25 27-08 41-54 40-45 2-90 44-48 36-83 23-47 32-43 43-78 26-64 54-91 0-66 29-71 7-46 5i -27 4'i3 2O'5o 33-58 4i-5i 24-09 13-74 57-83 38- 7 5 26-79 3i- 7 8 58- 9 7 5-3 4 5-49 21 -o5 20-69 41-35 24-09 57-69 59-07 5-5 9 16-54 23-5i 6-3i 21-04 20-86 41 -21 24-09 16-58 3-i8 12' l6 23-55 6-34 34- 7 3 40-42 9-60 47' '4 43-90 38-i 9 38-6 7 35-69 38-55 38- 7 6 38-72 38- 9 6 38 -84 [38-78] 38-85 38 -84 38- 9 8 38- 7 4 38-91 37-66 38-85 39-04 39-31 39-27 39-41 39-20 [39'*8] 39-26 39-23 39-5o 40-41 38-3i 39-61 39-75 39-71 39-73 39-77 39-70 39-82 39-76 39-89 39-68 [3 9 - 7 6] 39-77 /- Bootis f- Bootis i|/ Bootis (4) 5 UrssE Minoris S P S Canis |2 Libra; $ Libra a Serpentis 5 Ursae Minoris S P 6 Canis 18 Librae o 2 Librae (4) C 1 Libra /3 1 Seorpii S Ophiuchi Moon 11 January 28. 5 36"o, 5o s '7, 6- 1, 2i"-5, 36 8 - 4 . 29. J> 52-o, 7 s -2, 23 8 -o, 38"9, 54"-3. After sunrise. Limb steady and bright. 3o. j) I9"o, 35 s -o, 5i"2, 7 S '4, 23 8 -2. An hour after sunrise. Limb steady and bright. TABLE IV. MERIDIONAL TRANSITS (concluded). 107 Day. Observer. Heading and Position of Micrometer. [Adopted Reading for Zero of Collimation.] Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Clock Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Stars Assumed Apparent E. A. Clock apparently Slow. 1875. i h m s 6.12. 3-33 41-55 I 21 'O3 a 3o-A8 20* i 10 E. 6. 16. 33*oo 32* 97 I2'8l 30-84. 6.41. 53-33 2'l3 AI *O7 38-04 20 ' no E. 6. 47. Ad * 2O A A* | $ 2A*OQ 3q- 04 e Canis Majoris 4-18 AA ' o5 3Q-87 27-56 ?-3 O"22 0-07 10 -NO 8 ' 7 2-46 + 0-07 o-o 3 ii K 7 I. ZZ 2-32 - 0-14 + O'lO 12 T H 6 8 1.42 7-43 2- 7 I 2-72 I + o-35 0-45 i3 XO T 8 7 o. 34 7- 19 3-i5 3-35 } o-55 0-43 '4 XO R 8 6 o. 3o 7- 4 3-5o 3-65 0-32 o-3 1 i5 XO R 8 6 21. 2O I. 52 3-82 3-8i o-3o o-35 it T R 8 2 22.27 2.44 4-20 4-33 0-41 0-40 I? XO 5 o. 3 7 4-65 0-40 0-40 22 T ii 2. 17 4'97 XO 9 6.44 5-io J 0-40 23 xo 9 I. 22 5-36 ] T 8 4.46 5-49 o- 4 3 0-40 U 7 7-21 5-52 J 24 T i i. 33 5- 7 8 o-3 7 0-32 25 T i i3. 19 6-18 0-27 o-36 26 XO 10 o. 55 + 6-40 + 0-46 +o-5o Four days heavy rain. p 2 110 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. i8 74 . Observer. Number of Clock Stars observed. Sidereal Time. Clock Slow, corrected for Personal Equation. Clock's Loss in 24''. Sidereal. Adopted Losing Rate. JTovember 27 NO 9 h m i.ig s + 6-91 i i R 7 7. 12 7-11 + o-53 + 0-44 T 7 9 .33 7'i3 \ 28 T 5 2.19 7-41 } NO 2 7.29 7 -5o V o-35 o-3 1 R 5 9 .52 7-3 4 \ 29 R T 8 5 2. 10. 29 7-60 7-71 0-26 o-25 3o NO R i 3 I. 18 6.47 7-87 o-23 O"22 December i T NO 7 9 2. O 6.44 8-04 8-i3 L 0-20 0*26 2 R IO 6.58 8-44 o-33 o-3 4 3 T 8 I. 2 8-69 1 NO 5 5.32 8-77 } o-3 4 0-24 4 NO R g IO I. ft 6.36 8-77 9-00 o-i5 o-3o 5 R NO 5 7 1.24 6. 38 9-28 9-41 0-46 o-53 6 T 7 I. 21 9-89 o'6i 0-48 7 R NO 8 9 1.34 5.27 IO-22 10-33 o-35 o-3g g NO T 9 g o.58 7-49 10-67 10-72 0-41 o-3o NO 8 i. i 10-86 - y 0-18 0-25 R g 6. 4 3 10-88 IO R 3 i. 8 11-07 , y o-33 O-22 NO 9 5.27 11-26 II NO R 8 8 I. 14 5. 3i n-3o 11-32 o-ii O'2I 12 R 6 0.49 11-59 o-3 1 o-33 13 T 9 2. l5 I2'03 o-36 0-26 R 8 5. 4 i 11-98 4 R 3 23. 7 11-99 ] R 6 i.3 4 I2'l5 0-16 0-26 NO i 5. 18 12-43 \ i5 NO R 12 8 o. 4 6.34 12-44 12-63 o-36 o-25 16 R NO 7 10 o. 53 5. 4 8 12-75 12-59 0-14 0'2g 17 NO R 3 8 1.25 7. i3 i3-o5 i3-i8 0-42 0-46 18 R g 1.52 13-55 0-49 0*42 '9 NO NO 9 3 2.39 6.17 i3-83 + 14-16 | + o-36 + o-5 1 TABLE V. ERRORS AND RATES OF THE TRANSIT-CLOCK (continued). Ill 1 874. Observer. Number of Clock Stare observed. Sidereal Time. Clock Slow, corrected for Personal Equation. Clock's Loss in 24 h . Sidereal. Adopted Losing Rate. It m 8 3 s December 20 NO 10 3. So + 14-55 + 0-66 + 0-6 1 21 T ii 7- 19 i5-25 o-56 o-56 22 NO 3 6. o i5- 77 o-55 0-71 23 NO i 7 .33 16-70 0-87 0-80 24 R 9 8. 6 17-45 o- 7 3 0-68 26 R 6 8. 6 18-69 0-62 0-76 27 NO 9 5-47 ig-Si 0-91 o- 7 3 29 R 4 0.44 19-80 ] NO 8 6. 20 20-12 } o-55 o'5o T 6 1 3. o 20-25 J * 3o R 10 7. 6 20-53 T NO 7 12.53 20-68 0-46 o-38 3i R T 8 9 I. i3.i 7 20-72 20-99 o-3o 0-39 4 1875. January i NO T 9 9 6.38 14. 10 21-32 21-47 } 0-48 0-44 2 R 8 6.36 21-68 T 5 14. 19 21-93 o-3 9 0-44 3 R 4 13.45 22-34 0-48 . 0-70 4 T 6 3-47 22-85 -, R 8 12. 52 23-28 0-93 I'OO 5 R 8 6.36 24-05 1-07 1-02 6 T R 8 7 6.48 i3. o 25-02 25-29 } 0-98 0-98 7 T T i 8 o.56 i3. 36 25-64 26-35 0-99 0-98 8 R T 9 8 4.28 13.47 26-94 27-27 0-98 O-95 9 T R 9 9 7- 2 i3. 9 27-90 28-21 0-92 0-88 10 R T 8 ii 6.56 13.49 28-78 29-04 0-84 0-8 1 ii T 4 i. 8 29-32 1 R 7 6. 3i 29-48 \. 0-78 0-84 T 8 i3.3g 29-93 J 12 R 12 13.36 3o- 7 3 0-90 0-82 i3 T 6 i. 6 3 1 -04 - I 0-7$ 0-86 R ii 13.27 Jrli 14 R 7 2.14 32-o3 0-96 0-79 i5 R R 10 6 3. zi iJ.39 32-65 32-99 | 0-62 0-66 16 R 9 4.27 33-3 9 0-69 0-55 '7 R 5 6.25 + 33-83 + 0-41 + 0-48 112 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Number of Clock Slow, 1875. Observer. Clock Stars Sidereal Time. corrected for Clock's Loss in Adopted observed. Personal Equation. 24''. Sidereal. Losing Hate. h in s January 18 HI R i 8 i.35 6. 12 + 34-10 34-42 + 0-54 + o'6o 19 T T S 10 i. 28 6.46 34-82 -, > o-65 o-55 20 T i i. 3 35-28 T R ii y.iS 35-40 j- o- 4 5 0-43 21 T 10 8.42 35-83 0-41 0-42 22 T R I 8 7.56 10. 53 36-22 36-33 0-44 o-3 7 23 11 NO 7 7 6.5 7 10. 5i 36-6o * 36-55 o-3o o-38 24 NO R i 10 6. 3i 12. 7 36-92 37-12 0-46 0-42 25 T ii 12.55 37-47 o-3 7 0*40 26 NO 8 6.36 37-78 T 8 i3. 5o 37-91 0-42 o-36 27 B T 8 9 6.27 13.44 38-o6 38-22 o-3o 0-46 28 NO T 9 8 6.52 14.34 38-68 38-84 0-61 0-54 29 R T 8 6 6.27 IS. 9 39-15 39-28 0-46 0-46 3o NO 8 6. 24 39-58 1 T 10 1 5. 42 39-76 0-45 0-49 3i R 8 6. 42 40-10 c-53 o-5o February i R 8 6.27 40-57 o-4i! 0-52 2 NO 8 7 .36 41-14 o-55 o-58 3 NO 9 7-4 41-75 0-62 o-53 6 NO 2 6.26 43-07 0-44 0-54 7 NO 3 5.i8 43-6 7 o-63 0-62 8 T 2 3.5 9 44-24 0-60 0-68 9 R 2 4- 9 45-06 -. T 2 1 5. 41 + 45-32 > + 0-76 + 0-76 1 TABLE VI. ERRORS AND RATES OF THE ALTAZIMUTH-CLOCK. 113 TABLE VI. COMPARISONS of the ALTAZIMUTH-CLOCK at HONOLULU with the TRANSIT-CLOCK by the Intervention of a MEAN-TIME HALF-SECONDS CHRONOMETER and Inferred ERRORS and RATES of the ALTAZIMUTH-CLOCK. Day. Observer. Time by Transit-Clock at Comparison with Chronometer. Time by Chronometer at Comparison with Time by Altazimuth - Clock at Com- parison with Chronometer. Altazimuth- Clock slow on Apua Sidereal Time. Hourly Rate of Altazimuth- Clock. Transit-Clock. Altazimuth- Clock. 1874. h in s )l U! s h m s h m s , s October 2 NI 2o.53.35 8. 9.40-5 8.21. 5-o 21. 6.40 + 33-63 + 3-14 o. 46. 9 12. 1.40-5 12. ii. 35-5 o. 5 7 . 3 7 + 45-77. 3 NI 20. 3l. I 7.41. 6-0 7.45. o"5 20. 35. 54 -53-82 + 1-52 23. 10. 1 5 10. 19. 55-o 10. ii. 3o"o 23. 2.44 50-07 T 5. 2. i5 4. 1 1 . o o 4. 1 3. 40-5 5. 5.45 -40-94 + 1-54 6. 34. 5 4 5.43.24-5 5. 39.40-5 6.31.57 -38-74 4 NI 5. 19.44 4.24.40-5 4. 3o. 22 -O 5.25.5o - 3-82 6.33. 35 5. 38. 20-0 5.34-55-0 6. 3o. 32 - 2-23 + 1-47 5 T 21. 21. 24 8. 23. 5o-o 8.26. 35-o 21. 24. 1 6 + 20-48 23. 17. 10 10. 19. 18-0 10. i5. 8-0 23. i3. 4 23-23 + i-5i NI 4. 27. 56 3.29. i5-5 3.45.55-0 4- 44- 37 3i-53 6. 23. 24 5.24.25-5 5. 19. i5-o 6. 18. 10 33-82 + 1-47 1 6 NI 20. 55. 20 7. 53. 29-0 8. 12.40-0 21. i3.57 38-65 + i-5o 23. 5. 4 IO. 2. 52 -O 9.57.25-5 22. 58. 5y 41-27 7 T 5.58. 14 4. 5 1 . i 5 4-56. 4-5 6. ,.S 4 87-94 7- 9-4 6. 2. 16-0 5. 57.47-0 7- 3. 4 5 89-46 + 1-47 1 5 T 21. 39. 8 8. 2. o-5 9. 4. i5-5 22.41. ig 32-65 22. 46. 40 9. 9.21-5 9. 7.15-0 22.44.18 32-5 7 + o- 16 16 NI 22. 42. 39 9. 1.25-5 9. 6.40-5 22. 47. 37 36-53 o.35. 17 10. 53.45-0 10.48. io-o o. 29. 23 36-89 + O'2I 17 NI 23.36. 8 9. 5o. 5o-o 9. 56. lo-o 23.41. 8 41-82 o. 52. 56 ii. 7.25-5 ii. 4. 25-0 o. 49. 34 42-08 + o-23 18 T o. 32.47 io.43.25-5 io.58.35-o 0.47. 35 47-33 i.53. i5 o. 3.40-5 o. i. 5-o i. 5o. i5 47-53 + 0-20 '9 XI 23. 22.44 9. 27.40-0 9. 34. 55-o 23.27.33 5i- 7 2 I. 22. 59 11.29. 35-5 11.24. '5 i. 16. 56 52-09 + 0-21 21 NI 22. 56. 33 8. 55.45-5 8.58.55-0 22. 59. IO 6i- 7 3 23. 42. 5o 9. 41. 55"o 9. 36.25-0 23. 36. 46 61-86 + O-2I NI 1 . 24. I 2 11.23. o-5 11.28. o-o I. 28. 39 62-01 + O-O7 3.46. 5 i. 44. 3o-5 i.38.35-o 3.39.35 + 62-60 + O-27 October 3, noon. Altazimuth-Clock stopped to adjust pendulum. October 6. Altazimuth-Clock, having run down, was wound and set going at 8 h mean time. October 8. Pendulum adjusted. 114 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Time by Transit-Clock at Comparison with Chronometer. Time by Chronometer at Comparison with Time by Altazimuth - Clock at Com- parison with Chronometer. Altazimuth- Clock slow- on Apua Sidereal Time. Hourly Rate of Altazimuth- Clock. Transit-Clock. Altazimuth- Clock. 1874. h . , h m s h a, t h in s s , October 22 NI 3.2i. 5 I. lS-40-0 1.20.35-5 3.25. 25 + 67-08 + o- 19 6. i. ii 3.55.20-0 3. 46. 40- o 5.51.53 67-54 23 T 2. 53. 3o 0.44. 14-5 0.47.43-0 2. 56. 20 71-60 o- 17 4. 29. 10 2. 19. 3g-0 2. I4.45-O 4. 23. 36 71-84 24 NI 3.52.15 i. 38.55-5 I.44.45-5 3.57.24 76-36 O-22 5. 40. 2 3.26.25-0 3. 21. 2O'O 5. 34. 14 76-71 25 T 5. o. So 2. 4 3.25-5 2.48. 36-5 5. 5.i 7 ll-ll O'2O 7- 7-3 7 4.49.52-0 4.47.20-5 7. 4. 20 8i-S8 it T o.32. 55 IO. 12. 2O'O 10. 17. i"5 o. 36. 5o 85-22 o- 16 2. 27. 10 12. 6.16-5 n. Sg. 35-o 2. 19-40 85-49 NI 5.29.53 3. 8.3o-o 3. i3. 5-o 5.33.41 86-08 7. 23. 5 7 5. 2. iS-S 4.58. 55-o 7- I9-4 8 86-41 27 T 1.44-25 ii. 19. 44-5 II. 22. Sg-O I. 46. So 89-73 O'2I 2. 46. IO 0. 21. ig-5 o. 16. 5-5 2. 40. 5 89-92 NI 5.35.48 3. 10. 3o-o 3. 16. io-5 5. 40. 3 9 90-45 O'2O 8. 19. 3o 5.53.45-5 5.48.50-0 8. 13.43 90-94 28 NI 2. 2O.45 11.52. 5-o ii. 58. o-o 2. 25. 48 94-69 4. 27. 21 1.58.20-5 1.53.20-5 4. 21. 27 95-07 o- 19 29 NI 3. 3i. i5 0.58.30-5 i . 4. o-5 3. 35. So 99-58 o- 18 6. 12. 26 3.39. i5-5 3.34. o-5 6. 6. 14 ioo-o3 November 3 T 23. 7. 3o 8. iS. 12-0 8.20.45-5 23. 12. 118-61 o-iS o. 46. 38 9.54. 3-5 9. 42. 12- O o. 33. 40 118-80 4 T 8. 1.45 5. 2.34-0 5. 15.14-5 8.11.57 i2 4 -58 + o- 17 9. Si. 3o 6. 52. o-o 6.45. 16-5 9. 42. 14 + 124-83 5 NI 8. 3.41 5. 0.20-0 5. 4-30-5 8. 7.25 - 4'83 O' OI 9. i3. 18 6. 9.45-0 6. 6.45-0 9. 9. So - 4-84 6 NI 23. 42. 49 8.36.45-0 8.41.55-0 23.47.28 4-02 + o-o3 2. 35. 5g ii. 29. 25-o 11.24. 35-5 2. 3o. 36 - 3-94 9 NI o. 7.45 8. So. 5-o 8. 56. 10-0 o. 1 3. 54 - o-56 + 0-04 2. 9. 16 io.5i.i5-5 10.46. 5-5 2. 4. 8 - 0-48 IO NI 23. 23. I 8. 1.25-5 8. 6. 5-o 23.27.43 + 0-75 + 0-06 o. Si. 5o 9.29.59-5 9.26.15-5 0.48. 7 o-83 ii NI o. 3. 3o 8.37.45-0 8.43.20-5 o. 9. 7 ''77 + o-oS 2. 8. 6 10.42. o'o 10. 36. 20- S 2. 2. 26 + 1-86 November 5, noon. Adjusted pendulum of Altazimuth-Clock. TABLE VI. ERRORS AND RATES OF THE ALTAZIMUTH-CLOCK (continued). 115 Day. Observer. Time by Transit-Clock at Comparison with Chronometer. Time by Chronometer at Comparison with Time by Altazimuth- Clock at Com- parison with Chronometer. Altazimuth - Clock slow on Apua Sidereal Time. Hourly Rate of Altazimuth- Clock. Transit-Clock. Altazimuth- Clock. 1874. November 1 2 NI h in it O. O. 2 2. 8. 13 h 111 s 8. 3o. i5-5 10.38. 5-o h m a 8.33. io-5 10. 35.35-0 h m < 0. 2. 57 2. 5. 42 8 + 3-i3 3-25 + 0-06 i3 NI o. 1.58 1.55.27 8. 28. 10-0 IO. 21. 2O -O 8. 33.20-0 10. 17.40-5 o. 7. 8 i. 51.46 4'o5 4-09 o-oz '4 NI 0. 4, 25 i. 36.21 8.26. 35-o 9 .58. i5-5 8.3i.2o-5 9. 5 1. 40-0 o. 9. 10 1.29.43 4-82 4-92 0-07 i5 NI 0.35.22 2. 1 6. 24 8.53.25-0 10. 34. 10-0 8.58.55-0 io.25.25-5 0.40. 5 1 2. 7. 36 5- 7 5 5-89 O'lO 16 NI I. 27. 7 3. 29. 28 9.41. o-o 11.43. o-5 9-44- 55-5 u.38. i5-5 3. 24. 40 6-41 6-5o o-o5 .a NI 22. 32. 24 6.42.45-0 6.53.46-5 22.43. 25 6-98 o-o3 22 NI 3.40. 3 5. 56.21 ii. 29. i5'5 i. 45. io-5 ii. 38. 40-0 1.40. 20-5 3.49.23 5.51.24 II' 12 11-23 o-oo 23 NI 3. 48. 26 7- 5.5 9 n. 33. 35-o 2.5o.35-o u.38. 5-o 2.46. 3o-5 3. 52. 5o 7- J-47 I2'2I I2'3l o-o3 26 NI 4. 25. 27 5. 40. 14 ii. 58. 25-5 i. i3. o-o 12. 3. 5o-o i. 9.25-0 4. 3o. 42 5/36.28 16-88 16-90 O'O2 27 NI 4. 45. 26 7. 5.55 12. 14. 2O'0 2.34.25-5 12. 18. 3o-5 2.26.55-0 4.49.26 6.58. 12 I8-24 i8-3i o-o3 28 NI 4.13.48 6. 3. 56 n.38. 4 5-5 1.28.35-0 n.45. i5-5 i. 23. 3o-o 4. 20. 7 5.58. 38 I9-55 o - o5 29 NI 6. 40. 59 8. 40. 9 2. I. 30'0 4. O. 2O-O 2. IO. O'O 3.54. 35-5 6.49. 17 8. 34. 10 21-09 21 -22 0-07 December i NI 7. i5. 9 2. 27. 3o-5 2.33.20-5 7. 20. 44 24*10 9. ii. 18 4. 23. 20-0 4. 1 7. 40 o 9. 5. 21 24-17 04 2 NI 8. 3 4 . 24 10. 18.42 3.42. 3o-o 5.a6. 3o-5 3.46.50-5 5. 22. 10-5 8. 38. 28 10. 14. 4 25-70 0-04 4 NI 9. 32. 28 10.53. 2 4. 32. 20 -o 5.52.40-5 4. 38. 10-0 5.46.45-5 9. 38. o 10. 46. 47 27-95 27-97 0'02 6 T 17. 16. 33 o. ii. o'5 o. 54. 3o-o 17. 5g. 5o 29-21 18. 6.35 I. o. 54-5 0.57.34-5 18. 2.55 29-17 + o-o3 7 T 17. i3. 10 o. 3.46-0 o. 18. 3-5 17.27. 10 29-94 17.57. 6 0.47. 35-o 0.43. 4-5 17.52. i5 + 29-90 116 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day, Observer. Time by Transit-Clock at Comparison with Chronometer. Time by Chronometer at Comparison with Time by Altazimuth- Clock at Com- parison with Chronometer. Altazimuth- Clock slow . on Apua Sidereal Time. Hourly Rate of Altazimuth- ClocV. Transit-Clock. Altazimuth- Clock. 1874. December 8 T h , . ' 17. 6.38 ll IK. s ii. 56.3i-5 h m s 0. 10. I'5 li in s 17. 19. 5o + 3o-68 s 17.47. 10 21. 57. 35 o. 36. 57-0 0.35. 7-5 5. 3.29-5 17.45. o 22. 5.53 30-72 30-98 + o- 06 22. 1 6. 6 5. i3.2o-5 5. 6.38-0 22. 9. 2 30-99 i3 T 17. 5g. 3o o. 29. 56- 5 j. 10. 42- 5 i 18. 40. o 34-44 18. 52. 12 I. 22. 3o'O i. 13.45-0 18.43. 3 3 4 -45 14 NI o. 59. 48 2.48. 3o 7 .25. i5-5 9. i3. 40-0 7. 3i. 5o-o 9. I. 6. 2.42. 36 35-70 35-78 o-o5 i5 NI 2. 2. 3O 3.48.26 8.23.56-0 10. 9. 35-o 8. 29. 25-o 10. 5.5o-5 2. 7. 36 3.44. 17 36-40 36- 4 3 O'O2 18 NI 4. 3o. 48 5. 58. 7 10. 40. iS-o 12. 7. 2O'O IO. 45. 2O'O 12. O. O'O 4.35.29 5. 5o. 21 38-42 38-44 o* 02 19 NI 5. ii. ii 6.44. 3 1 ii. 1 6. 40-0 12. 49. 45'O ii. 23. iS-o 5. 17. 22 i2.43.55-o 6.38.15 39-04 39-06 O'O2 20 NI 7. 12.37 8. 3o. 14 i. i3.55-o 2. 3i. ig-5 I. 2O. 25'O 2. 28. 23'O 7.18.43 8.26.53 (38- 7 5) O'OI 21 NI 7.41. 6 8.52.25 i. 38. 28-0 2.49.35-5 i . 44. 1 5 o 2.43. io-5 7.46. 29 8.45. 34 40-19 40-24 o-o5 22 T 3.49. o 5. i5. 5o 9.43. 8-0 ii. 9.44-0 9.47. 37-0 ii. 4. 3g-5 3.53. 5 5. IO. 20 40-44 40-44 O'OO 24 NI 4. 27. 26 5. 35. 37 10. i3.45-o II. 21. 45-O 10. 18. 25-o 11.17. 5-5 4.31.43 5. 3o. 33 41-11 41 12 O'OI 26 NI 6.41. 18 8. 2. 21 12. 19. 33'O I. 40. 23'O 12. 22. 30'5 i.33.5o-o 6. 4 3. 53 7. 55. 24 41-62 41-63 + O'OI 27 T 1 8. 42.42 o. 19. I'o o. 26.43-5 1 8. 5o. 3 41-84 2 9 NI 7.21. 7 8. 54. 5o 0.47.42-5 2. 21. ID'S o. 52. 35-o 2. I6.25-5 7. 25. 38 8. 49. 42 42-38 42-35 0-02 3o NI 9. 5. 58 10. 34. 17 2.28.25-5 3.56.3o-5 2. 34. 5-0 3. Si. 38-5 9. ii. 16 IO. 29. 2 42-99 42-82 - o-i3 3i NI 9. 3o. o ii. 6. 24 2. 48. 32-0 4. 24. 40 5 2. 52. 41-0 4. 19. 25'O 9- 33-47 ii. 0.45 43-57 43-58 + O'OI January I HI 9. 58. 3g ii. 25.48 3. i3. i5-5 4. 40. lo-S 3. 19. i5-5 4. 33. 37-5 10. 4. 17 ii. 18. 5i 44-36 -t-44'36 o-oo TABLE VI. ERRORS AND KATES OF THE ALTAZIMUTH-CLOCK (continued). 117 Day. a Time by Transit-Clock at Comparison with Chronometer. Time by Chronometer at Comparison with Time by Altazimuth- Clock at Com- parison with Chronometer. Altazimuth- Clock slow on Apua Sidereal Time. Hourly Rate of Altazimuth- Clock. Transit-Clock. Altazimuth- Clock. i8 7 S. January 3 T !i m s 19.46. 5; h m M o.56. 7 -5 h m s o. So. Sg-S h in s 19.41.25 + 45-17 - 7 HI 6. 56. 54 9. 4. 20 ii. 48. So'o i. 55. 55-5 H.53. o-5 i. So. 35-5 7. 0.42 8. 58. 36 49-21 49-25 + O'O2 8 NI 3.45. i5 6. 59. i 8. 33. 5o-5 11.47- 5-5 8.3 9 . i3-5 ii. 42. 23-0 3. So. 16 6.53. 55 49-76 49 '75 O'OO ii T 2. 29. 25 4. 14. 5o 6.46. 5-o 8. 3i. i3-o 6.48.25-5 8.27.25-5 2. 3i. 24 4. I o. 40 5i-3o 5i-3 7 + 0-04 i3 HI 3.49.41 5. 14. 35 7.58.25-0 9-23. 5-5 8. 2.27-5 9.20. o'o 3.53.23 5. ii. 8 52-3i 52-20 - 0-08 4 NI 4.25. 1 3 6. 8. 7 8. 3o. o-5 10. 12. 38-o 8. 34.55-5 10. 8.22-5 4. 29. 48 6. 3. 3o 52-9O 52-97 + o-o5 iS T 4. 12. 5 6. 3i. 36 8.i3. 3-5 IO. 32. I2'O 8.25. 17-0 10. 28. 37-0 4. 24. o 6. 27. 40 53-17 53-18 o-oo 16 n 6. 2. 46 7.45.37 9. 5 9 . 35-5 11.42. 10-0 10. 7.55-5 ii. 38. i5-o 6. 10. 47 7.41. 21 53-77 53-84 + o'o5 "7 NI 5. 20. 25 6. 28. 56 9. 1 3. 3o-5 10. 21. 5o-5 9. 17.25-5 10. 1 6. 28-0 5. 24. o 6.23. 12 54-44 54-47 + o-o3 18 NI 3. 9.49 4. 32. 3z 6. 5 9 . 25-5 8.21. 55-5 7. 7.30-0 8. 16. i3-o 3.17.34 4. 26. 28 55-09 54-91 - o-iS '9 NI T 3.28. 4.53.28 10.45. 10 12. 14. 53 7. 13.43-0 8. 38. 5 7 -5 2. 29.43-0 3. 5 9 . ii -5 7. 16. i3-5 8. 34. i5-o 2. 32.40-5 3.52. 4 5-5 3. 3o. 10 4. 48. 24 10.47.47 12. 8. 5 55-78 55-66 56-o3 56 -oS 0-09 + 0-06 + o-oi 20 T NI 4. 22. 5 6. 2. 4 9- 2 4- 49 11.32.47 7.42. i9'5 9. 22. 2-5 o. 44. 1 5 o 2. Si.52-5 7.47. 5o-o 9. i5. 25-o o. So. 55-5 2.43. o-5 4-27. 1 5 5.55. 4 9. 3i. 9 II. 23. 32 56- 7 3 56-8i 57-02 57-06 + o-o5 + 0-06 + O'O2 21 T 5. 29. 40 7. 12.40 8.45.53-0 10. 28. 36-5 S. So. 14-5 10. 23. 59-5 5.33.40 7- 7-4 57-99 58 -o5 + 0-04 22 T 8. 0.45 9. 24. 5 4 II. 12. 43-0 12. 36.38-5 ii. 1 6. 25 -5 12. 3i. 8-5 8. 4. 5 9. 19. o 5 9 -3 7 59-41 -f- o'o3 23 NI 5. 57.49 7. 3 4 . 21 9. 6. i5-5 10.42. 32-o 9. 12. 3i-5 10. 36. 34-0 6. 3.42 7.27.58 60-54 + 60- 60 + 0-04 Q 2 118 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Time by Transit-Clock at Comparison with Chronometer. Time by Chronometer at Comparison with Time by Altazimuth- Clock at Com- parison with Chronometer. Altazimuth- Clock slow on Apua Sidereal Time. Hourly Rate of Altazimuth- Clock. Transit-Clock. Altazimuth- Clock. 1875. h m s h in h m 8 h m s , i January 24 NI 7. 32. 3 10. 36. 23-o 10. 39. 55-0 7.35.II + 61-59 + O'OI 9. 5. 32 12. 9. 37-0 12. 3.45-5 8. 59. i5 61-60 25 NI 8. 16.59 II. 17. 2O'5 II. 26. 2O'O 8.25.35 62-33 + o'o5 9.59.45 12. 5g. 5o-o 12. 53. 3i-o 9. 53. o 62-40 27 NI 9. o. 58 ii. 53. 3o-o ii. 58. 53-5 9. 5. 56 64-48 10.43.41 1.35.56-5 1.29. 7-0 10. 36. 24 64-54 + 0-04 28 NI 5. 1 8. 48 8. 8. 4-5 8. 13.40-5 5. 23. 58 65-54 8.25.44 ii. 14. 3o - 5 ii. ii. 5-o 8. 21. 5i 65-66 + 0-04 29 NI 4-23.51 7. 9.25-0 7. 15.55-5 4. 29. 55 66-65 6.47. 12 9. 32. 23-o 9.26.47-5 6.41. 8 66-74 + 0-04 3o NI 5. 52. 17 8.33.45-5 8. 42. 17-0 6. O. 22 67-44 6. 45. 10 9. 26. 3o-o 9. 22. Si- 5 . 6.41. 3 67-49 + 0-07 3i T 6. 33. 17 9. 3g. i5-o 9.43. i5-5 6. 36. So 68-25 7.35.40 10. 41. 28-0 10. 36. 7-0 7. 29. 5o 68-25 o-oo February i NI 6.48. 8 9. 5o. 12-5 9 .5 9 . 5-5 6. 56. 34 69-01 7.47.20 10. 49. i5-o 10. 45. 40-0 7.43.16 69-02 + O'OI 2 NI 5.55.49 8. 54. io-5 9. o. 1 5 o 6. 1.26 6 9 -58 7.23. 8 10. 21. i5'5 IO. 12. O'5 7. i3. 23 69* 64 + 0-07 Time by Altaz. Clock. 5 T By Zenith distance of S Leonis, East, Table IX. 7.59. 70-87 8. 6. 71- 3o o-oo a Orionis ^^est q. 3o. 71- 12 y* jw. 9.37. . 71 '06 MEAN PLACES OP STARS. 119 TABLE VII. CATALOGUE of tbe ASSUMED MEAN PLACES of STABS observed with the ALTAZIMUTH. G refers to the Greenwich Catalogue for Epoch 1864; S to the Cape Catalogue for 1860; E to the First Melbourne Catalogue, 1870; R to the Second Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. Preference is given to the later observations at Melbourne and Greenwich. Star. i 1874-0. 1875-0. Seconds of Mean N. P. D. by various Authorities, and Number of Observations of N.P.D. R. A. \. 1'. D. R. A. N. P. D. ft Casiopeiae .... 0. 2. 27'8l 0.19. 5-83 o. 20. 3- 14 o. 24. 1 1 96 o. 33. 22-o5 o. 37. 15-79 o. 37. 21-92 o. 41. 29-22 o. 49. 45-82 o. Si. 5^-05 I. 12. 38-29 I. 0.27-44 I. 2.40-92 1.33. i-ii i. 45. 20-96 O / // 3i. 32. 4 3-5 10. 38.45-1 1 32. 59. 24-25 24. 10. 36-6 34. 9. 14-65 108. 40. 43-2 15.42. 4-1 32. Si. n-5 52. II. 4-6 4. 25. 12-5 I. 21.45-2 137.23.37-8 55. 2.52-6 147. 52. 39-0 26.57. 5-9 21.56. 6-7 142. 14. ii-8 i3. 19.33-6 67. 8. 4-4 i38. 16. 12-9 73.44.45-7 44- 7-58-6 73.29.43-0 2. 4 5.52-5 84. 27. iS-o h m s 1.47.44-18 4. 3o. 41-48 5. 0. IO'2O 5.35. 7-4* 5.46.33-19 5.48. 24-27 6. ii. 36-58 6. 21. 10-55 6. 39. 38-29 6. So. 22-97 6. 53.42-80 / // 69. 48. 14-2 120.49. 9-5 112. 32. 25'4 124. 8. 3o'7 125.49. I ' 82.37. 5-45 36. 29. 39-0 142. 37.40-6 106. 32.46*9 io3. 53. 0-7 118.48. ii -8 G (1860) 6, 4 3"- 4; R 3, 4 3" -8. JG 17, 45"' i ; G- (1870) i, 4 5"- 1; 1 (1869)2, 4 5"-o; (1871) 3,44"- S. S i, 25"-2; E 3, 23"-9. G6, 36"- 3; R 4 , 37"' i. G 21, 14"- 5; R6, 1 5"- 3. [G iS, 44"-o; S 122, 4 3"-i ; E 27, I 43" -o. G i5. G 6, n"-i ; R 6, i2"-o. G3 7 . G 10. G 930. S S, 38"- 1 ; E 3, 37"- 4. Gi6. S 27, 39"- 7; E 20, 38"- 1. /G (i85o) 8, 5"-2; B. A. C., 5"-2; I R5,7"'i- 649. GzS. S 2, i2"-i; E 3, n"-5. G 5, 33"- 6; R 3, 33"'4. G5 7 . S 7, i3"-2; E 3, i2"-o. G 78. G 12, (1869-72) 3, 8"-6 ; S i, n"-6. /G 7, 26"-!; E 40, 25"-3; S 26, t 25" -2. G35, 58"-6; R 9 , 58"- 7 . JG 7, 3i"-2; E 45, 3o"-9; S 39, \ 3o"-3. G4,2"-5. S 5, i"-3. 4,59"- 3. G53. G 5, 38" -9. R4, 39" -o5. E 23, 41" -oS ; S 24, 40"- 1. G 36. G65,47"-3. S68,46"-6. E53,46"- 9 . G 222. Gi5, o"'7. Si, i"'2- G 7, i2"-i. S 70, i2"-o. E So, n"-6. G6i. 1 3 Cassiopeia? . . . o Cassiopeiae .... /3 Ceti . . 21 Cassiopeiae . . . Tj 1 Cassiopeiae . . . ,u Andromeda; . . . 2 Ursa: Minoris . . $ Andromedae . . . a Eridani Cassiopeise .... $ Arietis 46 Cassiopeise . . . 1.46. 14-47 i. Si. 3-n 1.52.34-44 2. o. 4- 38 2. 22. 21 94 4.28.41-49 5. 7.22-99 47 Cassiopeiae . . . 1 68 Eridani . . . o Tauri a Aurigse a Colunabae ..... Columbae a Orionis 4$ Aurigse y Geminorum . . . 6. 3o. 25-90 6. 40. 44-90 7. 32.42-31 ju Canis Majoris . . f Cartis Majoris. . a Canis Minoris . 120 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. TABLE VII. (concluded). Star. 1874-0. 1875-0. Seconds of Mean N. P. D. by various Authorities, and Number of Observations of N.P.D. R. A. N. P. D. R. A. N. P. D. j8 Geminorum . . . h in s 77.25. 4-0 69. 31/19-3 32.56. 33-o 68.47. 10-8 80. 34. i 9 89. S?. 5g-o 5.54. 8-0 100. 3o. 10-6 io5. 3i. o-i5 3.23.34-1 116.27. 3-2 I. 4. 17-5 96. 7.27-9 106.41. 5i'7 90. 55. 51-9 137. 34. n-o 98.24.35-7 90. 39. So- 1 90.45.58-5 137.32. 33-3 120. I?. 21-9 96.43.40-2 128. 3o. 52-6 1 3. 4. i5-2 118. 49. 36-6 83. So. 3-8 It m 7 . 37. 39-86 7.44. 2 '22 8. 29. i5'49 8.43. 3-6i S. So. 38-42 9. 13.44-60 11.42.40-94 1 6. 14. 24- So 1 6. 58. 50-72 20.13. 3-57 22. 58. 32-o8 61. 40. 25-75 114. 32. 49-85 25. 14. 16-6 27. 34. 1 8 8 41. 28. 9-9 148.45. 4-0 74.43.45-4 1 3. 48. 3i'9 7.45.37-3 12. 39.57-5 75.28. I' I 049. G 2, 5o"-o; S 2, 49" -7. G 5, 17"-!; (1871-2) 7, i6"-2. G 3, 19"' i ; E 5, ]8"-6. G 4, io"-o. R 9, 9"-8. Ei6, 3-"7. S3, 5"-7. G 7 i. 627. /G (1869) 6, 32"- 7; G (1870) 4, \ 33"-o; R 6, 33"- 3. 648, G 38. G 14. G 19. G(i8 7 3) 4 . JG io5, io"-6; S 118, io"-6; E 26, \ 10"- 6. JG 3g, 6o"'4; E 3o, 6o"-o; S 92, \ 60"- 1. G 10, 3i"-5; R4, 32"- 8. G (1860) 81. G 204. E 4, 2"'9i ; S 40, 3"-2i. G8 4 . G z5, (1868-72), 9. 627. /G 3, 53"-i ; S 21, 5i"-6; R 8, 1 5i"'6S. G 14. E 3o, n"-o; S 18, n"-o. G37. G 12. aii. E 3, 32"- 3 ; S 7, 33"' 7. /G 3o, 22"- 8; R n, 21"- 8; E 53, 1 2i"'7; S 123, 2i"-8. G 22. JG 7, 40"' 6; R 6, 39"'7; S 10. 1 40" -2. 84, 52"- 5; E 3, 52" -8. G2 7 . /E 35, 36"-3 ; S 16, 36"'7; G 9, 1 3 7 " '5. G 23. if Ursse Majoris . . 5 Ursse Majoris . . i Ursa; Majoris . . 10. I. 39-56 10. 1 3. i-36 10. 54. i3- 52 n. 7- 24'29 II. 58.47-43 12. 1 3. 27-55 12.48. 13-25 i3. I8.33-37 14. 43. 54-62 18. 12. 58-91 1 8. 47. 27-08 19. 5o. 18-84 Ursse Majoris. . Leonis Bradley ijli. . . . o 2 Libras 1 9 Ursse Minoris . 6 Ursoe Minoris . . 5 Ursa; Minoris . . \ Ursa; Minoris . K I Cephei 21. 24. 55-43 21.40. 4-98 21. 59. iS-63 22. 0. 16-90 22. IO. IO'97 22. 22. 20-46 22.28. 52-82 22.35. 8-02 22. 5o. 40-99 23. 7-47-77 23. 26. 12-54 23. 34. n-58 23.42. 21-56 23. 52. 50-47 S Capricorni .... ft Gruis $ Sculptoris .... 8 Sculptoris .... Observer. Star. Time by Altazimuth- Clock. b O 1= g -< S ^ " h! Circle-Reading corrected for Runs of Micrometers. Level Indication (additive). Refraction (additive when Lamp L). 1874. October 2 3 5 6 10 NI NI T N: NI h m s 23. 54.48 o. 3. 10 21. 16. 26 21.28. 28 21.55. 3 22. 2. 26 22. 26. 45 22. 33.48 22. 4 5. 9 22. 53. 7 22. 3. 21 22. IO. 5 22. 19. 38 22. 25. 12 22. 33. 19 23. 5.1 7 22. 44. 57 22. 5o. 49 23. 24. 36 23. 3i.25 21. 19. 12 21. 27. i3 21.53.48 22. 2. 2 22. 7. 38 22. I 5. IO 22. 22. 59 22. 29. 5 1 22.45.' 7 22. Si. l8 II R I R U L L R R L L R R L R L c R L R L R R L L R R L L R L R R L o / // 285. 7-5o-4 254. 38. 24-7 297. 3o. i5-3 242. 34. 3o-i 247.44.26-9 292. 1 3. 14-4 291. 57. 46-8 247.55. i3'4 218. 24. 29-4 321. 33. 40-0 338. 49. 40- 3 201. 7. 47- 8 248. 2. 8-5 . 292. 3. 54-0 202. 22. l3'3 33 7 . 3o. 33-4 32i. 34. 3i- 1 218.25. So- 1 325.37. 16-6 214. 22. 48'3 297.26. o-3 242. 34.27-5 2OI. 9. 24-6 338.49. 30-9 299.41. 38-6 240. 1 6. 9-6 248. 2.25-6 292. 3. 4-7 32i. 34. 24-2 218. 25. 50-4 4.17. 6-1 175. 42. 24-6 176. 2. 2O-7 3. 57. io-3 // 74'4 66-2 75-o 65-2 63- 7 71-8 74-6 63-6 62-6 7 3-5 76-4 65-6 65- 4 76-2 74-6 66-4 76-1 64-8 67-4 76-0 76-1 67-2 64- 1 71-6 72-8 64-4 64-0 75- 4 76-4 63- 7 74-3 66-3 54-9 87-6 i5-i i5-3 29-0 28-9 22-8 22-8 22-5 22-6 70-1 70-1 I42-3 I42-5 22-4 22-5 133-9 133-2 69-9 69-9 81-0 80-9 28-8 28-8 142* i 142- 1 32-0 32-1 22-4 22-5 69-8 69-8 j8 Aquarii a Piscis Australis V) Aquarii a Piscis Australis a Piscis Australis E. Collimator . . . . October 6, 6 Aquarii, Lamp R. The Circle-Reading has been increased i' TABLE VIII. OBSERVATIONS FOR CO-LATITUDE. 123 PIER at HONOLULU, and of COLLIMATORS for ZENITH POINT. Barometer and External Thermometer Zenith Point for Center Wire, including Zero of Level. Concluded Zenith Distance. Reduction to Meridian. Tabular Apparent N. P. D. of Star. Colatitude. Observed. Adopted. 270. o 270. o / // / // , // O / If 3o'"-i8 5i-i 5i-8 1 5. 8.28-1 0.47-5 83.49.43-9 68.42. 3-3 72 -8 ? i5. 21. 36-2 13.54-2 " 42. 1-9 5i-6 , ? 27. 3i. 7-5 5.49-7 96. 7. 17-6 41.59-8 ,, 27.25.45-4 o. 27 3 ,, 4I.59-5 5i-i > 22. 1 5. 44* o 2. Q * O 90.55. 38-2 42. 3-2 22. I 3. 57-2 0.23-6 ,, 42. 4-6 I r ,, 21. 58. 32-1 i. o-5 90. 39. 35-o 42. 3-4 J 2 4 I ,, 22. 4. 57-4 i. 18-9 90.45. 43- 1 42. 4-6 3o in -24 52-2 ,, Si. 36. 29-9 1.23-5 1 2O. 17. I I'D 42. 4-6 73'9 " 5i.35. n-8 o. 4-7 " 42. 3-9 5 4 - 9 53-i 68.52.25-9 o. 14-9 137.34. 9'3 41.58-3 7 5-3 ,, 68. 54. 22-2 2. I4'8 ,, 42. 1-9 * } 5 *' 5 { J t y > 21.58. 1-6 22. 4. 39-6 o. 28-0 o. 55-i 90. 39. 35-o 90.45.43-1 42. 1-4 41.58-6 55-o 67. Sg. 4I'O I. 21. 32'4 42. 3-9 ,, 67.32.58-0 j 42. 4-2 3o in -z3 5i- 7 53-i Si. 36. 4-0 o. 5g- 1 120. 17. n-3 42. 6-4 75-5 J 5i.35. 8-1 o. 0-4 j 42. 3-6 54-2 t t 55. 38. 5i-9 o. 43 I i3. 3.55-9 42. 4-7 " 55.38. 9-7 o. 3-0 " 42. 2-6 50'2 , , 27. 26. 52-1 1.43-6 96. 7.17-7 42. 9-2 , , 27.25.47-2 o. 33-o J J 42. 3-5 55-o ,, 68. 52.46-5 o. 46 o 137. 34. 9-4 42. 8-9 , , 68.52. ii -5 o. 7-3 > j 42. 5-2 53-o ,, 29.42. 3o'3 o. i3-6 98. 24.23-1 42. 6-4 > > 29.44. 11-4 1.54'S ,, 42. 6-2 \ 8-5 -[ ,, 21. 57. 45-9 o. 7-7 90.39.34-9 41.56-7 72 -7 J 4 t ,, 22. 3.49-5 o. 12-4 90. 45.43-1 42. 6-0 54-2 ,, 5i. 35.57-3 0.49-3 120. 17. I'4 42. 3-4 3o'"-o3 " Si. 35. 8-8 o. 3-i j t 68.42. 5-7 55-6 56-o 94. 17. 24-4 ,, 94. 17.25-1 56-7 ,, 93.57.40-5 i 93.57.41-9 ~ ~"~~ ' ' ' " """' 124 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. I Observer. Star. Time by Altazimuth- Clock. b o 1 l3 Hi Circle-Reading corrected for Runs of Micrometers. i Level Indication (additive). Uefraction (additive when Lamp L). 1874. E Collimator h in K I, 3.57. 8-r // 88-4 It 176. 2. 21 "4 52-7 NI S Colliroator . . Ji 175. 40. 26' 3 64-8 L 4. 17. 49" 7 73-o I. 3. 57. 28-2 83-6 B 1 176. 0.46-3 55-2 i3 NI S. Collimator B 175. 41. 37-2 63-o I, 4. 1 6. 42 i 76-2 t 3.56.27-4 85-4 B 176. 1.48-0 56-8 16 NI 23. 6. 55 It 2C2. 28. 33-9 73-6 i3z'9 23. 36. 5o J, 337.24.4I-3 66-0 i32'4 23.47. 2 K 202.35. 3-8 7 5-2 l32'2 o. 3. 16 L 337. 21.25-0 64-2 l32'0 0. 10. 12 It 202. 37. 35-6 76-2 i3i"9 0. l6. 52 L 337. 20. 1-6 65-5 :3i-8 18 NI L 4. 14. i3-5 72- 1 B 175.44. 1-4 69-6 E. ColHmator L 3.56. 6-4 78-4 B 176. 2. 9-6 62-2 22 T E Collimator . . It 175. 5o. 4-8 69-0 L 4. 8. 12-6 72 "o 175. 5o. 7 - o 69-5 . ' t 4. 8.12-5 71-4 2" T i. 3o. 41 K 190. 53. 21*2 73-7 270' 3 1.35.58 L 349. 5. 9-5 65-5 27P'4 2. 0. 2O L 337. if). 59- 5 76-6 I 32* 2 2. 16. 8 1, 76-6 I 32" 2 2. 24. 1 5 K 202. 36. 38'7 l32'Z f 2. 3l. IO Jt 202. 35. So* 7 63-7 i32-3 3o NI S C > iiinator K 175.41. 56-6 75-8 L 62-7 October n. Adjusted wires for horizontality. October 22. Adjusted the foot-screws. The pier was slowly settling and inclining to the eastward. TABLE VIII. OBSERVATIONS FOR CO-LATITUDE (continued}. 125 Barometer and External Thermometer Zenith Point for Center Wire, including Zero of Level. Concluded Zenith Distance. Reduction to Meridian. Tabular Apparent N. P. D. of Star. Colatitude. j Observed. Adopted. / / 270. o 270. o // o / // / tr / /, / // 55-2 56-o 93. 57.40-5 93. 57.41-9 94. 18. 45-6 17-0 16-8 94. 1 8. 46-0 16-6 J J 93. 58.35-0 J 1 93. 58. 35-4 19-2 J9'O 94. 17. 38-8 ,, 94. 17. 39-3 iS-S , , 93. 57. 33-8 t 94.57. 34-a 7 5-6 iS-5 67. 3a. 4 3'9 .... I. 21. fcg'I 68.42. 7-1 > > 67. 27. 41-2 .... 42. 3-4 > 67. 26. n'7 .... 41. 58-6 j 67.24. 22-7 .... f i 42. 5-9 3o iu -i5 ? > 67. 23. 38-6 .... > 42. 3-9 7 5"' 3 67.23. 0-4 j > 42. 2-5 18-4 i8-3 94. i5. 7'3 ) > 94. 1 5. 7'3 iiJ-3 > * 93.57. 6-5 > > 93.57. 6-5 19-2 2O '2 74 '7 iS-5 i5-5 79. 10. 19-9 o. 0-8 147. 52.24-2 42. 5-i j 79. 10. 38 -9 o. 18-9 1 > 42. 4-2 i5-5 j ; 67.23. 12-8 .... I. 2I.23'6 42. 2-1 , , 67. 23. 56-2 .... * > 42. 7-3 3o'"' 20 ,-. 67. 24. 45-0 ... J 42. 4-7 74' '5 > 67. 25. 33-4 J 68.42. 4-9 i6-5 ~ " R 2 126 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Star. Time by Altazimuth- Clock. I* o i a 0.* J a Circle-Reading corrected for Runs of Micrometers. Level Indication (additive). Refraction (additive when Lamp L). 1874. November 3 T Gruis ti ra I 22. 38. 23 L f ff 338.47. 45-1 // 22.45. 33 R 201. 7. 37 6 66-q 22. 5i. 44 R 21 8. 24. 46-8 66-6 69'5 22. 59. 24 I, 3zi. 36. 5o-8 7 3-4 23. 16.43 L 329. 47. 43-4 74' 8 23. 24. 39 R 2IO. 12, 2' I 66-6 z3.33. 3 L 325.36. 3-o 68-4 80*6 23. 38. 53 R 214. 21. 47' I 71 i 8o'6 Cassiopeia? 23. 4.7. 57 R 232.45. 43 '2 70*4. z3. 53. 9 R 232. 48. 27 '0 70' 7 o. o. 1 3 L 307. 8. i3'7 678 41 8 o. 7. o L 307. 9.18-3 67-8 Bradley 1731 S.P o. 1 7. 40 L *344. 26.41-8 69- o IQ5-8 o. 25. 5 1 R 195.27. 6-6 7 '4 i. 6. i5 L 338. 39.21-8 74' ' 1. 13. 19 R 201. i5. i6'o 66-0 i. 21. 38 K 190. 5i. 56-o 65-2 j.26.55 L 349. 5. 5-2 73-o 278-5 i. 32. 3o L 349. 4. 48 2 73-8 278*4. i. 37.43 R 190. 52. 37-6 65-8 278*7 4 T E. Collimator L 3.55. 54-9 74-5 R 176. 2. r5'6 66-8 6 NI O. 2. 2 R 2o5.35.4i-5 64-8 iiS-i o. 7. 3o L 334. 18.21-6 71-6 I IA* 7 o. 1 6. 34 R 205.43. 33-2 66-3 0.21. 38 L 334. 14.28-5 71-8 c Cassiopeia; i. 16. 55 L 3l2. Q.35'9 70-8 I. 23. 12 R 228. 4.14-8 70-6 1. 19. 1 5 L 349. 5. 3-5 71-6 I. 35. 2 R 190. 53. 19-6 i. 48, 17 R 196. 3o. n-3 66-3 2. 8. 24 L 343. 33. 38-7 ?3'2 i85' 5 1 68 Eridani 2. 1 6. 8 L 33g. 3i. 18-4 2.21. 58 R 200. 27. 44-4 68-7 7 NI E. Collimator R 175. 58. 5o-2 62-8 L 3. 59. 20-9 75-8 q NI o. 33. 3 L 3od.. 3 1. 4.4.* ft 38'2 H 235.25. 8-1 68-0 38*2 Bradley 1731 S.P., lamp left, supposed to have been observed on wire B ; the circle-reading requires to be increased 3'. 6"- 8. TABLE VIII. OBSERVATIONS FOE CO-LATITUDE (continued). 127 Barometer and External Thermometer. Zenith Point for Center Wire, including Zero of Level. Concluded Zenith Distance. Reduction to Meridian. Tabular Apparent N. P. D. of Star. Colatitude. Observed. Adopted. / / 270. o 270. o // // o / // / // / // / ff 7*'4 4*7 i4'6 68.5i. 6-1 0.35-3 137. 32. 32-8 68.42. 2-0 * 68. 53. 5i'9 3.21-2 > > 42. 2-1 i3-8 5i.35. 3o- 7 o. 17-9 120. 17. lS'0 42. 2' 2 > > 5i.38. 59-3 3.48-0 > 42. 3-7 16-1 , , 59.5o. i8-3 i. 35-i 128. So.45'5 42. 2-3 29 in '97 , , 59.48.40-5 0. 0-2 ) J 42. 5-2 7 z -7 16-0 55.38.i 7 '4 o. o-3 i3. 3.46-5 42. 3-6 > 55.38. 37-0 O. Z2 o } 42. i-5 i3-o j > 37.14. 3-o 4. 10-8 3i. 32. 15-4 42. 7-6 > > 37. n. 17-9 1.26-3 J J 42. 7-0 12- I , , 37. 9.48-7 O. O'2 3i. 3a. i5'4 42. 3-9 > 37. 10. 53'4 I. 6-2 i 42. 2-6^ i5-6 74. 33.58-8 2.38-3 -5.54. 32-7 42. 0-4 > 74-35.14-5 I. 20*5 > 42. 2-3 29 -99 i 4 -3 > j 68. 42. 41 -9 1. 18-9 137.23. 25-6 42. 2' 6 72 -2 68.46.13-6 4. So- 1 J J 42. 2-1 l5'2 l 79. ii. 5a-5 I. 29-0 147. 52. 26-1 42. 2-6 > 79. 10. 42- 1 0.17-4 J ) 42. I'4 . l3'2. j 79. 10. z5-8 o. 1*9 J 42. 2 ' 2 79.11. 9-9 0.43-2 > > 4I.59-4 i5-8 74 -o 14-5 16-6 64. 25. 25 '4 8. 8-7 i32. 59. i5-o 41.58-3 64. 21. 1 1 3 3.58-9 42. 2-6 18-0 64. 17. 3i-5 0.19-4 > i 42. 3- 9 > 64. i > 42. o'o IJ-7 > > 42. 2. 2O'O 16.52-2 26. 56. 41*0 42. 8-8 1 1 41. 55. 40-9 10. 17-0 > 42. 4-9 16-0 j 79. 10.37-5 o. 1 5 i 147. 5a. 27-0 42. 4' 6 > 79. 10. 27-0 o. 3-5 i 42. 3-5 I7-4 j 7 3.32. 3-4 o. 9-9 142. i3. 57'2 42. 3-7 > 73. 37.40-8 5-45-7 j ; 42. 2' I 3o""i6 16-2 69. 34.43- 1 o. 52' 7 i38. i5. 56-i 42. 5'7 74' 3 j 69. 33.5o- 7 o. 0-4 ) J 42. 5-8 14-9 7 3>-6 i 7 -5 16-6 34. 33.20-6 o. o'3 34. 8.45-8 42. 6-1 > 3 4 .3 4 . 38-7 I. 20-1 ,, 68.42. 4-4 128 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Star. Time by Altazimuth- Clock. c ."So ^t- JF Circle-Reading corrected for Runs of Micrometers. Level Indication (additive) . Refraction (additive wheu Lamp L). 1874. NI h in s / // 253 28 2-6 // i6-5 L 286 33 38-3 16-5 i 8 10 33? 17 36-7 72-3 i3i -8 68-4 i3i -8 10 NI L 60*6 n 175 46. 3o - o ii 176. 8. i3'8 5i-8 L 3. 4.Q. So '4- 88-5 23 33 So L 3i5.36. 0-6 76-2 81 -5 23 41 28 R 214.. 21. 4.7 ' Q 66-2 Si-5 23 5o 3o L 32o. 7. 46^4 66-4. 66-8 11 219. 41. 36- 3 67-1 o 19 38 I, 314. 3o. 27' 5 75-8 o. 26. 6 R 225.28. S-z 66-2 54- 9 & Ceti O 35 47 R 23o. r. iS-2 73-3 46-6 J, 309. 57. 37 ' o 4.6-5 NI o. 17. 36 L 314. 3o. 53-5 75-8 54'7 R 225. 28. 7'4 67-2 54-7 o. 32. 3i R 235.26.26-8 65-7 38-3 o. 3y. 3* 1, 304. 32. 14' S 73-8 38-3 I. 2. AQ E 202. 40. 34' i 65-2 I 32' 2 I. 7. 5 R 202. 40. 33-5 65-8 132-1 I. 14. 10 L 337- 17. 33-4 75-o l32'I I. 10, 28 t 33 7 . 17.33-4 75-o l32'I I. 28. 57 L 349. 5. IO'2 69-3 270-8 I. 34. 2 R 190. 53. i9'7 74'5 279-6 R 223. i3. 44-7 66-4 So* o i. So. 3z L 3i6. 44. 41 5 73-8 5o ' o o. 28. 56 R 235. 26. o'4 61-8 38-6 o. 35. 14 L 304. 3i. 47'2 76-4 38-6 o. 40, 3 L 3o5. 49. 44-4 77'4 40-6 o. 46. 1 3 R 234. 7. 54-4 63-S 40- 6 j. o. 5o R 202. 40. 36* 3 63-o i33-5 j. 6. 10 L 337. 17. 34-2 77-2 i33-5 i. i3. 46 R 202. 40. AI 2 65-o i33-6 i. 19. i3 L 337. 17. 29-6 77'3 133-7 i. 27. 16 K 190. 52.44-0 76-2 283-6 i. 32. 38 L 349. 4. 52-7 64-4 283-5 TABLE VIII. OBSERVATIONS FOR CO-LATITUDE (continued). 129 Barometer a:id External Thermometer. Zenith Point for Center Wire, including Zero of LeTel. Concluded Zenith Distance. Reduction to Meridian. Tabular Apparent N. P. D. of Star. Colatituda '. Miswved. Adopted, o / / 270. o 270. o i /, , t ft / // / // 17-4 16-6 i6.3i.23-S o. o'o 32. 10. 37-5 68. 42. -i o J ) 16. 34.48-3 3.23-2 ,, 42. 2-6 3o'" 1 5 iS-S J 67. 20. 44 '2 0. I'2 I. 21. 19- I 42. 2'I 74 -o J > 67. 20.44-7 O. O'O > > 42. 3'8 16-4 16 7 69 '2 i8-5 17-6 55. 38.20-7 o. o- 1 i3. 3.44-7 42. 5 3 , , 55. 38. 4 5'o o. 26- 3 > > 42. 3-4 18-6 , , 5o. 9.42-0 2. 17-0 1 1 8. 49. 26 '6 42. 1-6 > So. 18. 34-2 II. 9-1 , , 42. i 5 i 9 -3 > ) 44. 32. 20-6 o. 22-7 24. 10. 6-9 42. 4- 8 j j 44. 3i. 58-i o. 3-6 ? i 42. 1-4 3o in -i4 i5-8 > 39. 58. 32-7 o. 6-2 108. 40. 27-2 42. 0-7 7 3-2 j > 39. 59. 14-9 0. 52'I j 42. 4-4 7I-0 i8-5 16-6 44- 32.47-4 o. 46* 9 24. i o. 6-6 42. 7-1 J ) 44. 3i. 56-7 O. O'O i j 42. 3-3 iS- 9 J J 34. 33. 22-4 o. i -4 34. 8.45-4 42. 6-4 II 34.33.5o-3 o. 3o-8 t 42. 4-9 i5- 4 M 67. 20.49-5 o. 5-i I. 21. l8'2 42. 2' 6 ' j 67.20.44-4 o. 1-8 I ) 42. o'S 17-2 ) > 67. 20. 43-9 O. O'O > 42. 2' I i ) 67. 20. 43-9 o. 1-8 J > 42. o-3 19-0 > 79- 10.42-7 o. 16-7 147. 52.28-3 42. 2-3 . 79. IO. 22-O o. 0-9 ,| 42. 7-2 $"13 i$-9 >i 46. 46. 24- 5 0. 2'2 21. S5.40-6 42. 2-9 73 -i > > 46.46. 37-7 o. 16-9 > > 42. 1-4 65-o 17-5 16-6 34. 33. 53-o o. 35-6 34. 8.45-2 42. 2-6 > > 34. 33.25-6 o. 6-3 , , 42. 4-5 17-1 > 35. Si. 25-8 o. 3-5 32. So. 42-5 42. 4-8 63"'4 > ) 35. Si. 59-0 o. 37-8 > > 42. 3-7 17-8 1 * 67. 20. So- 8 o. 7-2 I. 21. 17-9 42. i-5 ,, 67. 20. 48-3. a 2-3 * 42. 3-9 -5-7 > i 67. 20. 44-0 o. o-o > 42. 1-9 j j 67. 20. 44-0 o. 1-7 , , 42. 0-2 3o'"-oi iS-o > 79. ii. o-o o. 33-o 147. 52. 28-6 42. i 6 63-2 " 79. 10. 24-0 O. O'2 ) J 68.42. 4-8 130 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Star. Time by Altazimuth- Clock. s 60 & g-'S I" Circle-Reading corrected for Runs of Micrometers. Level Indication (additive). Refraction (additive when Lamp L). 1874. November 1 3 NI a Cassiopeise . h m s o. 29. 26 R o tit 235 26 8-2 // 64-6 38"7 o. 35. 56 L 304 3i 53- i T^'^ 38*7 2 UrssB Minoris L L 77 2 o. 55.25 R ao5. 43. 5i * 6 77 4 64*6 I. O. I K I. 7. 4.2 R 4 / i33*5 I. 12. l8 R fi^ /i i33*5 I. 17. 5o L 337 17 3Vo 1.23. 3i I, 337 17 37'8 . 9 i33'4 i. 3i.5i R 282-5 1.38. 7 L 66'2 282-6 24 NI S. Collimator . . R So 1 6 L fil'fi December 3 NJ S Collimator K L 61*4 R iy5 45 33'i L 79 9 l NI S. Collimator L 4. 17. 33-5 56'T R 9,1 . n 1875. January 7 NI 7. 4.2. AO L 3 1 5. 4.Q. 1 5 "4. ^2,'A 58-4. 7. 4.8. 4.0 R 224. 8. S'o 01' 1 58-5 K 1 Cephei S.P. . . 7. SQ. 14. JL 35i. 13.45-6 oV1 353-0 8. 4. 2 t 35i. 14. 28*6 353-6 8. ii. 14 R l88, 4.3. 27'4. ^A'7 353-9 8. 1 5.40 R 188.43. 3i'o 53*4. 353-0 ' 8. 25. 28 H 2,26. 32. 2Q ' 2 53' Q 53-Q 8. 32. 19 L 3i3. 26. i '9 8.41. 58 I 3u. 5.43'6 AQ-8 8. 48. 58 R 228. 5 1. 44* 3 52-8 AQ- 8 8 NI 5z "Eridiuii Ai 3o. 44, t 322. 5. 12' O 72-5 4. 36. 5i R 217. 5 1. 37*2 72-6 4.. 57. 7* R 226. 9, 3 1 ' 6 54.' 3 5. 3. So L 3i3. 49. 3i-3 68-2 5. 28. 25 L 325. 25. 19-5 82-2 5. 36. 25 U 214. 33. 58-6 82-2 5 Si 55 87-6 TABLE VIII. OBSERVATIONS FOB CO-LATITUDE (continued). 131 Barometer and External 'hermometer. Zenith Point for Center Wire, including Zero of Level. Concluded Zenith Distance. Reduction to Meridian. Tabular Apparent N. P. D. of Star. Colatitude. Observed. Adopted. o / / 270. o 270. o // // o / // / // O I If / // i8-5 16-6 34.33.42-5 0.27-8 34. 8.45-0 68.41.59-7 65-o > > 34. 33. 3o-5 o. 12-1 > > 42. 3-4 I 9 -2 > > 64. 17. 3o'7 o. 9-5 4.24.43-4 42. 4-6 14-4 ? > > 64. 17. 2i- 1 64. 17. 16-4 o. i-3 o. 1-8 > ) ) 42. 4-2 41.58-0 j 64. 17. 26-0 o. 10-0 * 41. 59-4 16-8 > 67. 20. 46-8 o. 1-4 i. 21. 17*5 42. 2-9 j 67.20.44-9 o. o-o > > 42. 2-4 17-0 , , 67. 20.46-7 0. I'l > 42. 3-i * 67. 20. 5o - 9 O. 5'O j 42. 3-4 3o' n -iz 16-1 ) > 79. 10. z5' 6 o. 1-4 147. 52.28-8 42. 4-6 6 7 -2 > > 79. 10. So- 1 o. 26-9 j j 42. 5-6 :5-6 i8-3 17-4 16-0 58-2 26-5 25-6 4$. 5o. 40-6 o. 0-7 114. 32.42-7 42. 2-8 * > 45. 51.46-6 I. 8-5 * 42. 4-6 22-3 > 81. 20. 46- 3 I. 7-4 12.40. o-o 4 i.53-7 ) > 81. 21. 3i-3 o. 26-6 > > 41.57-9 25-7 J 81. 21. 57-4 o. o-3 1 > 41. 57-7 > ) 81.21. 55-1 o. 5- 1 4X. O ' 2 25 '3 , , 43.27.57-3 o. 10-4 25. 14. 16-7 42. 3-6 43. 28. 2-9 o. 16-6 > 42. 3-o 3o in -o3 26-1 41. 7-42' o. o-i 27. 34- 20-0 42. 1-9 55-8 9 > 41. 8.38-3 o. 57-4 j 42. 0-9 63 -5 2 4 -5 24' 6 52. 7. 10-0 o. 1-4 IZ0.49. IJ ' 6 42. 3-o J 52. 8. 4 5-6 1.36-7 > 42. 2-7 22-4 ) J 43. 5o. 36-9 0. 12-2 JI2. 32. 24-6 41.59-9 J 43. Si. 9-3 o. 49 o > 42. 4-3 60 i 24-4 55. 27. 29-3 i. 3-9 124. 8.29*6 42. 4-2 , , 55.26. 33-8 o. 8-1 , , 42. 3-9 25-9 1 I 57- 7.59-8 i. 7-3 I25.48.59-5 68.42. 7-0 132 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Star. .Time by Altazimuth- Clock. o S .y ri gt-? Circle-Reading corrected for Runs of Micrometers. Level Indication (additive). Refraction (additive when Lamp L). 1875. NI h in a 5 5y 12 327 8 35-7 // 67-8 87-8 5 Ursa Minoris S.P. . . . > * Cepbei 5i 6. 4. 56 6. 10. o 6. 17. i 6.21.48 6. 3?. 4.0 R It I, L L 197. 56. 24-0 197. 56. 22-5 342. 2. i 9 342. 1.52-7 335. 53. 19-4 69-0 68-3 74-1 74-8 75-4 173-4 i 7 3-5 173-6 1-3-6 126-5 6 43. 38 R 204. 5. 2*8 60-6 i5 T S. Collimator It 175. 24. i 5 63-5 L 78-5 175. 24. 6-8 63'7 L 4.. 34.. 8'2 78-9 28 Nl 5 46 4$ 338 Q 56-4. i38'7 5. 5z 38 L 338. 12. 3-i 7O '4 138-9 5. 57. 35 It 2O I. 44. 40* 2 73-0 1 3o - 1 6. 2. i 8 It 201. 43. 6* 9 73-1 i3q-3 5 Ursae Miuoris S.P. . . . 6. 8. 5o 6. i5.43 6 21 28 R L 197.56. 6-3 342. 2. 14-1 72-2 69-4 6q- 2 170-7 170-7 6. 25. 58 L 343.52.20-5 73-8 190*9 6 32 34 73-0 6. 37. 17 It 204. 4. 49 i 73-5 124*3 6.44.. 53 L 335. 53. 33-7 71 -o 6. 49. 40 L 335. 53.40-1 72-2 124-3 M NI A Ursse Minoris S.P. . . . it ... > * , , ... Polaris , 7.36.23 7-40-35 7. 46. 46 7.53. 8 8. i. 38 8. 8. 5o 4. 35 59 L L L R R It It 339.42.58-6 339.43. 2-8 33 9 . 4 3. 5-7 200. 1 5. 14-0 200. 1 5. 26- 1 200. i5. 33-9 202. 10. 1*3 71-8 72-0 71-9 74-5 74-0 7 3-2 70-8 i5o-i i5o- 1 i5o- 1 i5o~o i5o-o 149-9 i36-6 4. 40. jo R 202. 8. 5o- 1 70-2 i36-8 J, 337. 5o. 55-6 69-2 i37'i 337. 52. 14-8 70-6 i37'3 Ursse Minoris S.P. . . . , , ... - o Columbffi 4. 56. 35 5. o. 59 5. 6. i5 5. 10. 56 5 24 38 L L It It 346. 23. 27-8 346. 23. 21-2 193. 35. 11-9 193.35.42-3 71-7 71-8 72-2 7i-5 74 '4 227-9 227-9 227-9 227-9 81-6 TABLE VIII. OBSERVATIONS FOR CO-LATITUDE (continued). 133 Barometer and External Thermometer. Zenith Point for Center Wire, including Zero of Level. Concluded /enith Distance. Reduction to Meridian. Tabular Apparent N. P. D. of Star. Colatitude. Observed. Adopted. / o / 270. o 270. o // // o / // / // o / // / // 24' 6 57. 10. 46-7 3.5i-6 125.48. 59-5 68.42. 4-4 24-0 > s 72. 5. 45 'o o. 4-9 3. 23.46-0 42. 3-9 72. 5.47-3 O. O'2 , , 42. i-5 zS-i > 72. 5.45-1 o. 3-5 > j 42. 2-6 ,, 72. 5.36-5 O. 12- I > 42. 2-6 3o' B - 1 1 23-4 > 65.56. 16-7 O. I *O 1.45.45-4 42. i i 58- 8 " 65.56. 18-9 o. 0-7 f > 42. 3-6 i6-3 .8-7 6 9 -o 1 f 23-1 68. i3. 2-2 I. 21. 5-1 41. 55"2 1 J > 68. 1 5. 9'3 42. 5-i r 21 i < \ } >. 68. 16. 49- o , , 42. 5-2 J l , 68. 18. 22-4 > 42. 2-9 21-8 ) 72. 5.55-3 o. 0-7 3.23.52-3 42. 3-7 ) 72. 5. Si -i o. 2-3 J J 42. i i 25- 4 ,, 73. 55.40-0 O. 2'I I42.37.43'5 42. 5-6 , , 73. 56. 22- 1 o. 39-6 , , 42. I'D 23- 4 J > 65. 56.31-3 o. 6-2 2.45. 39'I 42. 4'2 ) > 65.56.24-8 O. I'D J 42. 2'9 23-2 1 $ 65.56.25-9 o. 1-8 > J 42. 3-2 69 -o J > 65.56.33-5 o. 7-9 9 t 42. 4-7 22 -O > 1 69.46. 17-4 o. 4-0 I. 4. 19*6 42. 1-8 J 69. 46. 21 -8 o. 1-4 ) > 42. 3-6 24-2 ) 69. 46. 24-6 o. o-o ? > 42. 5-o ) 69.46. 24-6 o. i-5 5 42. 6-5 3o in -i5 22-3 J > 69. 46. i3 p o o. 8-0 > ) 42. 1-4 69 -7 " 69.46. 5-9 o. 17-7 J t 42. 4-0 65 -7 1 ( 23-1 67. 5i.z6-6 .... 1.21. 5-3 42. 1-6 2,3 J 67.52.39-6 3 42. 4 -3 1 \ 67.53. 58-8 ) > 42. i i J I 67.55. 19-6 > > 42. 1-6 24-4 > 76.28. 4-3 o. o-3 7.46. 1-9 42. 2-7 > > 76.27.57-8 o. 2-8 ) > 41.58-7 20 '6 > 76. 27.46-9 o. 18-8 > J 42. 3-8 > 76.27. 17-2 o. 44- 8 I 42. o-i 21-7 55. 29. 12-3 2.42-4 124. 8.34-5 68.42. 4-6 s 2 134 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Star. Time by Altazimuth- Clock. s I '"? J* Circle-Eeading corrected for Runs of Micrometers. Level Indication (additive). Refraction (additive when Lamp L). i8 7 5. NI a ( '<>] innh;?' h m s 5. 20. 7 Ei 3z5. 25. 3-4 74-3 // 8i-5 5. 36. i3 R 414. 33. 54-2 8i-5 5. 41. ii R 214. 3z. 27-8 7O' 2 81-6 S Ursae Minoris S.P. . . . > ... j ... > 5.53. Si 5. 58. 24 6. 5. 7 6. 9. 33 6. 15.46 L L R R L 342. 1.38-4 342. 1.54-8 197. 56. 13-9 197.56. 7-7 343. Si. 58-2 71-8 72-0 7 3-o 72-0 72-8 171-8 171-9 171-9 171-9 6. 20. 35 L 343. Si. 36'5 6. z5. 3i R 6. 2Q. 4.Q R 196. 4. 55-2 70*8 3o NI K 175.43. 53-9 7O'O L 4. 14. 27 - 6 72* o L 4. 14. 25-8 73-0 R 175.43. 55-5 70* 6 Canopus. . . / 6. 1 6. 19 R 196. 6. 28-0 60* 7 loi - 6 6. 21. 29 R 196. 6.42-3 60-8 191*5 6. 27. AO L 343. 52.46-8 73-8 IQI 7 6. 3z. 53 L 343. 54. 41 i 74 '7 192-8 3i T R 175. 44.48-0 71-5 R 175.44.47-8 71-8 B 175.44-48-5 71-9 L 4. i3. 3i'9 70-8 L 4. i3. 32-6 70-9 6. 40. 10 R 232. 9. 3-6 70-6 43-6 6. 46. 39 L 307. 52. 22-3 70-7 4 3 '7 6. 53. 7 L 320. 4. II' I 74-0 67-0 6. 58. 24 E 219. 52. 58-i 7 i-5 67-0 7. 5. 26 L 338. 37. iz-S 71-8 142-4 7. 8.41 L 338. 38. 19-7 71 -9 142-5 7. 14. 1 3 R 2OI. l8. O'2 72-4 142-7 7. 18 17 R 201. 16. 33-2 72-0 142-9 6. 16. zi L 343.51.48-6 77-7 192-7 6. 22. 41 I, 343.51.43-1 77-8 192-7 6. 26. 56 R 196. 5. Si'9 68-z 192-8 * 6. 3i. 5i R iq6. 4. 7-6 67-2 193-4 Polaris , 6. 5o. 4.2 338. 35. i3-5 68-4 143-2 7, 5. 14. L 338. 37. 11-7 69-0 I43-S TABLE VIII. OBSERVATIONS FOR CO-LATITUDB (continued). 135 Barometer and External Thermometer. Zenith Point for Center Wire, including Zero of Level. Concluded Zenith Distance. Seduction to Meridian. Tabular Apparent N. P. D. of Star. Colatitude. Observed. Adopted. o / / 270. o 270. o /, it , / // O / '/ o / // 23-1 55. 27. 16- 1 0.44-5 124. 8.34-5 68.42. 2-9 23-7 ,, 55.26. 39-2 o. 8-8 ,, 42. 4-1 63-6 1 55.28. 6-7 i. 34-0 ,, 42. 1-8 22 -O ,, 72. 5.18-9 o. 34-4 3.23.52-6 42. 0-7 ,1 72. 5.35-6 o. 1 8 8 J * 42. 1-8 24-1 ,, 72. 5.48-1 o. 4-3 J J 41. 59-8 II 72. 5.55-3 o. o-3 ,, 42. 3-o 22-2 J 1 73. 56. 0-2 o. 2 1 7 142. 37. 43*8 42. 5-3 J f 73. 55. 40-2 o. o-3 ,, 42. 3-9 3o ln -ii 22'7 j y 7 3. 56. 14-6 o. 34-0 ,, 42. 3-2 63'4 " 73. 57.29-6 1.49-3 I 42. 3-5 2f7 I 22'4 3o in -n 20-9 21-6 73.55.55-5 o. 16-4 142.37.44-0 42. 4-9 65- 3 ,. 73. 55.4I-0 O. 2-2 ,, 42. 5-2 23-0 ,, 73. 56. 5o- 7 I. 9'2 9 42. 2-5 64 -2 * > 73. 58.47-0 3. 9-3 J t 42. 6-3 21- I 21-9 3o in -i5 23-o 22-6 37. 5o. 52-0 o. 7-7 1 06. 32. 46-6 42. 2 ' 2 65-6 ,, 37.53.54-1 3. 9-0 > J 42. i S 22-3 f j So. 6. 9-5 o. o-5 118.48. 12-6 42. 3-6 > J 5o. 7. 20-0 i. i"o'4 ,, 42. 3-o 1 c 20 -6 68. 40. 26- 1 i. 21. 5-3 42. 4-6 [ 20 . 8 J 68.41. 33-5 ,, 42. 3-i 3o h '-i5 [I i 68.43. 3o-7 ,, 42. 2-8 66 -o J I " 68.44. 58-3 " 42. 4-2 22'7 24-3 73.55.54-7 o.i5-8 142. 37.44-5 42. 5-6 ,, 73.55-49-3 o. 8-0 ,, 42. 3-2 23-8 ,, 73.56. 37-0 0.54-7 ,, 42. 2 2 63-2 ,, 73.58.22-9 2.40-8 ,, 42. 2-4 24-3 ,, 68. 38.20-8 i. 21. 5-3 42. o-5 " 68.40. 19-9 . " 68.42. 2-1 136 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Bay. Observer. Star. Time by Altazimuth- Clock. K 1 3 ^ |H! Circle-Heading corrected for Runs of Micrometers. Level Indication (additive). Kefraction (additive when Lamp L). 1875. February i HI Polaris h in s 7. II. l6 R 20 1. 19. 6 1 8 74-4 143-8 7. 1 8. 40 R 20 1. 1 6. 3z 2 74' 142-2 K > Cephei S P 7. 58. AO K 188.44. 3-2 73-2 35i-i 8. 3.40 It 188.43. i5-5 73-1 35i-6 8. 12. 22 L 35i. i5. 37-9 68-3 35l-q 8. 18. 53 , 35i. i5. 16-2 68-4 35i'7 NI 6. 6. 26 L 3o2. ii. 56* 9 64-2 35-5 6. i3. 14 R 237. 46. 46*0 77-6 35-5 6. 25. 42 L 307. 56.47-6 81-4 4*1 ' 6. 3o. 22 L 307. 52. ii - o 80-8 43-9 6. 38. 3o K 2 3 2. 9. 19 '4 64-1 43-8 6. 4 3. 56 R 23z. 7. 55' 8 64*0 43-8 u 234. 48. 3o-2 63-i 3o-8 6. 59. 21 L 3o5. 14. 36-6 78-8 Sg^ 5 8. 32. o L 33g. 7.i5-3 67 ' Q 147 " 5 8. 38. 4 B 200. 49. 8 ' 2 80 'I 147- 7 8 5i 23 K 80-6 29' 2 8 56 AO L 65-0 2Q * 2 o. 6. 36 R 190. o. 55*8 65-2 3oo-5 9. 10. 36 R IQO. I. "2.6'A 65-2 3oo-3 9. 1 6. 1 5 Ii 349.57. o-5 79' 309-4 L 349. $7. 44 5 70-8 3oQ'7 / TABLE VIII. OBSERVATIONS FOR CO-LATITUDE (coiichuled'). 137 Barometer Zenith Point for Center Wire, including Tabular and External Zero of Level. Concluded Zenith Distance. Reduction to Meridian. Apparent N. P. D. of Star. Colatitude. j 'hermometer. Observed. Adopted. 270. o 270. o // ,/ / // / // O / // , /, 24-7 24-3 68. 42. 26-9 .... i. 21. 5-3 68.41. 1-2 3o'"-i5 > > 68.45. 3-3 .... > > 42. O'S 6*-i 26 'o J ' 81. 20. Sg 'o i. 9-9 1 2. 40. 8 4 42. O'S >, 81. 21.47-3 0.25-8 , , 42. 4-7 24' 7 > ) 81.22. i3-8 o. o- 1 j > 42. 5-5 > 81. 21. 52-o o. 20-4 j 42. 4-0 64 -O 23-4 22-9 32. i3. i3 4 7 0.33-4 36.2g.23-8 42. 4-1 32. 12. 54-8 o.i5-5 , , 42. 3-i 23-2 37.58. 3o-i 7.47-2 106. 32.47-0 42. 4-1 J 37.53.52-8 3. 8-9 > > 42. 3'i 23-2 > * 37. 5o. 43-2 o-o 42. 3-8 63 -3 , , 3 7 . 52. 6-9 I. 24*6 > 42. 4-7 3o>"-i3 21-7 ; ' 35. ii. 29-4 o. 29-2 io3. 53. 0-2 42. o-o 63'-i .. 35. 16.12-4 5. 14-6 > t 42. 2-4 5 9 -i 25-5 25-6 69. 10. z5 - 1 . i. ii. 5-7 42. 1-4 ,, 69. 12. 25-0 .... j 42. i 6 2!'4 21-6 27. 14. 6'5 o. 9-4 41. 28. 7- 1 42. 4-2 , , 27. 16. 18-7 2. 2 1 9 > 42. 3- 9 23-5 , , 80. 3.3o-i o. 34- 5 148.45. 0-4 42. 4-8 3o' n -oo , , 80. 2.59-3 o. 3-8 > 42. 4-9 21'2 , , 80. 3. 7'3 o. 12-9 > > 42. 6-0 58-o * J 80. 3.52-4 o. 52-9 ? 68.42. 0-9 138 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. TABLE IX. VERTICAL TRANSITS of the MOON and of STARS near the MOON Day. Observer. 1 Object. Altazimuth- Clock Time of Vertical Transit over Mean of Horizontal Wires. Lamp Right or Left. Reading of Vertical Circle corrected for Runs of Micrometers. Level Indication (ad- ditive). Barometer and Ex- ternal Thermometer. | True observed Zenith Distance. 1874. October 3 T li m 5. i5. 3-38 R i. 222. O. 28-9 3i5.43. 32-6 66-0 76-2 3o in -22 7I-5 // 62 'o 5 7 -3 / // 48. 0.22-7 45. 44. So -5 , , ... 5.25. 17-52 > > ... 5. 34. 17-60 L 3i3. 44 . 8-7 75- 4 53-5 43.45.22-0 > 5.42. 24-96 L 3ii. 56. 12-6 74-6 So-2 41. 57. 21 '8 ... 5. So. 1-96 229.44. 5o'9 62-4 47-3 40. 15.49-6 > 5. S?. 22-04 6. 6. iS'oo 6. 16. 22-80 K L 23i. 22.40- 1 I2. 37. 3-6 325. 3.37-1 62-6 62-1 75-4 7 i-o 44'7 87-2 79-9 38.37.57-6 57.24. 17-1 55. 5.16-8 4 NI Moon's L. L. ... 5. 3o. 53-6o L 326.50.48-3 7 5-o 85-3 56.52. 3i-7 ,, 5.4i-33-3o L 324.28. 15-4 75-4 78-0 54. 29. Si -9 , y ... 5.52. 9-68 K 217.53.37-5 66-0 71-6 Si. 7.25-0 J , ... 6. 2.33-20 K 220. I 3. 22 ' 6 65-8 72 -7 65-9 49.47.34-4 it * 6.39. 6-88 L 3n. 32. 14-4 73-9 3o ln -23 49 '4 41. 33. 20-8 5 NI J ) ... Regulus 6.46.59-94 4. So. 17-82 5. 4.56-80 5. 18. 10-52 R L L z3o. 14. 19-9 195. 52. 29-9 340.44. 19-0 341.48.23-2 66-5 59-6 8i-5 81-2 7 3-o 72 -o 46-4 193-2 i58-i 167-9 39.46. 16-9 74. 10. 40-6 70.47.21-7 71. Si. 35-4 Moon's L. L. ... > ... 5.26. 12-98 L 340. i. 4-9 82-1 l52"I 70. 4. 2-2 > t 5. 34.22-66 L 338. ii. 50-9 81-2 i38-6 68.I4.33-8 o / // October 3. The adopted Zenith point corresponding to the mean wire is 270. o. 55-6 October 4. 270. o. 56 '9 Octobers. 270.0.56-9 TABLE IX. LONGITUDE FROM MOON'S OBSERVED ZENITH DISTANCE. 139 observed with the ALTAZIMUTH, and Inferred LONGITUDE of HONOLULU. Greenwich Mean Solar Time, assuming the West Longitude to be I. io h . 3 1 1 ". o s . II. I0 h . 32 m . s . Tabular Geocentric Elements (R. A. and N. P. D. corrected). Hour-Angle. Tabular Zenith Distance of Star or of Limb of Moon. Inferred Longitude West of Greenwich icf 1 . 3i m . + Apparent Right Ascension of Center. Apparent North Polar Distance of Center. Equatorial Horizontal Parallax. Semi- diameter. h in s h 1,1 . / // f H / // / // / // I. 2.52.52-58 8.38. 5g-85 66. 10. i-5 56. 5-2 i5. i8-5 Si. 9.20-55 48. o. 1 3 8 II. 2.53.52-41 8. 39. 2-07 66. 10. 10-0 56. 5-2 i5. i8-5 5i. 9.53-85 48. 0.45-1 17-1 I. 3. 3. 5-3o 8. 39.22-57 66. ii. 29-0 56. 4-9 i5. 18-4 48.41. 25 -So 45.44.38-9 II. 3. 4. 5 '14 8. 39.24-79 66. ii. 37-5 56. 4-9 i5. 18-4 48.41. 58- 80 45. 45. 10-4 22' I I. 3. 12. 4-12 8. 39.42-54 66. 12. 46-0 56. 4-6 i5. 18-4 46. 3 1. 20-25 43.45. 9-4 II. 3. i3. 3-96 8.39.44-76 66. 12. 54-6 56. 4-6 i5. 18-4 46.3I.53-55 43. 45. 40-6 24-2 I. 3. 20. 10-35 8. 40. o- 56 66. iS.55'7 56. 4-6 i5. i8-3 44 .33.57-45 41.57. 8-8 II. 3. 21. 10-19 8.40. 2-76 66. 14. 4-2 56. 4-6 i5.i8-3 44. 34. 3o-45 41.57.39-8 25-2 I. 3.27.46-30 8.40. 17-44 66.i5. i'i 56. 4-2 i5. 18-2 42.43.52-65 40. 15.41-7 II. 3.28.46-14 8. 40. 19-65 66. i5. 9-7 56. 4-2 i5. 18-2 42. 44. 25 80 40. 16. 12-7 i5-3 I. 3.35. 5-35 8.40. 33-69 66. 16. 4-3 56. 4-0 i5. 18-2 40. 57. 52-65 38. 37.52-2 II. 3.36. 5-i8 8. 40. 35-90 66. 16. 12-8 56. 4-0 i5.i8-2 40. 58. 25 -So 38.38.23-4 10-4 10. i3. 2-5o 69. 3i. 22-9 61. 5i. 46-95 57. 24.22-5 " 3 5g. 19. 46-20 55. 5.21-3 I. 3. 5.21-22 9. 3o. 53 -3o 70. 6.49-3 55. 29-2 i5. 8-7 60. o. 53-70 56. 52. 19-4 II. 3. 6.2i-o5 9. 3o.55-35 70. 7. 0-2 55. 29-2 i5. 8-7 60. 1.24-45 56. 52. 5o-i 24-0 I. 3.15.59-41 9. 3i. i5-25 70. 8.45-3 55.29-1 i5. 8-7 57-26.23-85 54. 29. 37-0 II. 3.I6.59-25 9. 3i. 17-31 70. 8.56-1 55. 29-1 i5. 8-7 57.26.54-75 54.3o. 7-8 29-0 I. 3.26.34-32 9.31.37-07 70. 10.40-7 55.28-8 i5. 8-6 54. 52.41-40 52. 7.i5'5 II. 3.27.34-16 9. 3i. 39'i3 70. 10. 5i-6 55.28-8 i5. 8-6 54.53.i2-3o 52, 7.46-2 18-6 I. 3.36.56-38 9.31.58-45 70. 12. 33-8 55.28-6 i5. 8-6 5i. 22. 5 70 49.47.26-5 II. 3. 3 7 . 56-22 9. 32. o-5i 70. 12.44-8 55.28-6 i5. 8-6 52. 12. 36 -60 49-47-57-1 i5-5 I. 4. i3. 24-95 9. 33.13-56 70. 19. 13-4 55.27-7 i5. 8-3 43. 32. i3-8o 41.33. 7-2 II. 4.14.24-79 9.33. i5-6i 70. 19.24-4 55.27-7 i5. 8-3 43. 32.44-55 4i.33.37-7 26-7 I. 4. 21. l6'92 9. 33.29-74 70. 20. 39-9 55.27-5 i5. 8-2 41.37.57-75 39.46. 5-6 II. 4. 22. l6'75 9.33.3i-8o 70. 20. So -8 55.27-5 i5. 8-2 41. 38.28-65 39.46. 35-9 23-1 10. 1.40-67 77-25. 5-5 77.42.48-45 74. 10.45-1 ,, > ) 74. 2. 58 -o5 70.47.17-8 I. 2. 49. 20-41 10. 18. 14-08 74.45.3i-5 55. o-o i5. 0-7 74. 52.48-60 71. 5i. 15-9 II. 2. 5o. 2O-25 10. 1 8. 16-00 74.45.43-9 55. o-o i5. 0-7 74.53.17-40 71. 51.46-1 38-7 I. 2. 57. 21 -76 10. 18. 29-56 74. 47. 1 1 7 54.59-8 i5. 0-7 72.56. 0-90 70. 3.44-4 II. 2.58.21-60 10. 18. 3i -49 74.47.24-2 54.59-8 i5. 0-7 72. 56. 29-85 70. 4.14-8 35-1 I. 3. 5. 3o-3o 10. 1 8. 45-27 74.48.53-5 54.59-8 i5. 0-6 70.57.28-35 68. 14. n-6 II. 3. 6.30-14 10. 1 8. 47-20 74.49. 6-0 54. 59-8 i5. 0-6 70. 57. 57'3o 68. 14. Si*9 24-2 140 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. i Object. Altazimuth- Clock Time of Vertical Transit over J Mean of jg Horizontal Wires. Heading of Vertical Circle corrected for Huns of Micrometers. .1 " 1* 15 "Si U ; True observed Zenith Distance. KS 3 1> n -t- 1874. h ,., i / // ft / // October 5 NI Moon's L. L. ... 5.47. 17-02 u 204. 40. ^q 6 64-0 . 120-9 65. 21. 4-2 5.56.44-18 r. 206.47.58-7 62-2 3o' n -i6 uo- 1 63. i3. 46-1 | 6. 5.3o-22 R 208. 46. i5'o 61 -4 7I-2 101 -3 61. i5. 21-8 7 T Resruius ... 6. 7.58-84 R 214. 5. 39-4 56-8 82-0 55. 55.43-1 / 6. 17. 34-34 L 323. 39. 55-4 86-0 67 -6 ttm y 7 6-3 53.41. 39-3 Moon's L. L. ... 6. 27. 1 3- 16 I, 35o. 5.32-3 86-5 310-4 8c. ii. io-5 ,, 6.33. 32-6o K 191. 18. 57-9 55-5 273-0 78. 45. 3S-o ,, 6.38. 39-04 R 192. 27. 40-2 55-6 248-4 77. 36. 3i -o ' > ) ... 6.44. 3-12 L 346. 19. 1 1/4 87-4 226-6 76.23.27-0 ,, 6. 50.43-02 L 344.49.24-8 87-2 3o">-i 4 204-1 74.53. 17-7 1 ) 6. 56.28-96 R 196. 28. 0-7 54-8 67 -6 187-6 73. 35. lo-S ' T Moon's L. L. 21. 5i. 1 1 - 3o X 348. 42. 59-6 61*0 74 -6 270-2 78. i8. 8-5 21. 58. 14-50 R 189. 59. 23'o 79-1 3o"" 1 5 3o3-o / 1 80. 4.43-2 " 22. 6.54-74 R 188.25. 6-2 78-0 355-7 8i.39.53-8 ,, 22.16. 8-32 I. 353. 14. 24-9 59-4 4 35-o 83. 22. 17-0 o" Saffittarii . . 22. 28. 47 - 52 341. 48. 55'7 62-2 75-o 167-3 71. 52. 2" ' 22. 36. 42-26 R 196. 43. 14-4 77-8 182-1 / . _ j 73. 18. 52-2 17 NI Moon's L. L. . . . 23.45. 25-28 R 192. 22. 42-4 72-4 ! 246-6 77-40- 34' i ,, o. 7.41-64 L 35i. 38.41-9 65-7 3o h '-i5 35 9 -7 8i. 4 5. 25-o , , o. i5. 23-82 U 186. 54. 34-3 72-4 74 -o 425-5 83. 11.41-1 1 / // October 7. The adopted Zenith point corresponding to the mean wire is 270.0.58-4. October 1 5. 270.0.22-3. October 17. ,, 270.0.21-3. TABLE IX. LONGITUDE PROM MOON'S OBSERVED ZENITH DISTANCE (continued}. 141 Greenwich Mean Solar Time, assuming the West Longitude to be I. io k . 3 i m . o>. II. lo 1 '. 32'". oS Tabular Geocentric Elements (R. A. and N. P. D. corrected). Hour-Angle. Tabular Zenith Distance of Star or of Limb of Moon. Inferred Longitude West of Greenwich io h . 3i m . + Apparent Right Ascension of Center. Apparent North Polar Distance of Center. Equatorial Horizontal Parallax. Scmi- diameter. li m s h :u s / " 'II 1 II Oil! / // S I. 3.i:?. 12-Sy 10. 19. 10- ii 74.51.34-7 54.59-6 i5. 0-6 67. So. 3o'6o 65.20. 55-0 IF. 3. 19. 22-7: IO.I9.I2-O3 74.5l.47-2 54.59-6 i5. 0-6 67. 5o. 29-40 65.21.25-2 iS-3 I. 3.27.48-73 10.19.28-29 74.53.32-8 54. 59-4 1 5. o-5 65. 32.42-15 63. 1 3. 32-3 II. 3.28.48-57 10. 19. 30'22 74. 53.45-3 54-59-4 1 5. o-5 65.33. n-io 63. 14. 2-7 27-2 I. 3.36.33-54 10. 19. 45-i5 74. 55.22-4 54.59-2 i5. o-5 63.25.21-45 61. i5. 10-2 II. 3. 37.33--7 10. 19.47-07 74. 55. 34-9 54. 59-2 i5. o-5 63.25.20-25 61. 1 5. 40-4 23-0 10. 1.40-73 77-25. 5-7 58. 3.27-00 55.55.44-7 I. 3. 5i. 16-02 II. 3.52.i5-86 ii. 48. 14-84 1 1. 48. 16-60 35.44. 58'9 85. 45. 12-9 54. lS'2 54. lS'2 55.39.3o-75 14. 49-3 79. 53. i6-65 14.49-3 79.53.43-0$ 53.41. 39-0 So. 10. 57-2 80. ii. 26-9 27-5 I. 3.57.34-60 ii. 48. 26-00 85. 46. 27-6 54. 18-1 14. 49'3 78- 21. 9-90 78.45.24-7 II. 3. 58. 3 4 - 4 3 11.48.27-76 j 85.46.41-6 54. :8-i 14. 49-3 78. 21. 36- 3o 78.45.54-4 26-9 I. 4. 2.40-32 11.48. 35-oo 85.47. 39'i 54. 18-0 14.49-3 77- 6.46-50 77. 36. 18-4 II. 4. 3.40-15 11.48. 36-77 85.47- 53-i 54. 18-0 14.49-3 77. 7-i3-o5 77. 36.48-1 25-4 I. 4. 8. 3-64 ii. 48. 44-53 85.48. 54-8 54. 18-0 14.49-2 75.48. 6-3o 76.23. 12-6 II. 4. 9. 3-48 ii. 48. 46-29 85.49. 8 ' 8 54. 1 8-0 14. 49-2 75.48. 32-70 76. 23.42-2 29-2 I. 4. 14. 42-61 II. 4. 15.42-45 ii. 48. 56-29 11.48. 58-o5 85. So. 28-3 85. So. 42-3 5 4 . 17-9 54. 17-9 14. 49-2 74. ii. i-65 14. 49-2 ' 74. n. 28-o5 74. 53. o-o 74. 53.29-5 36-o I. 4.20.27-74 11.49. 6-45 85. 5i. 49 - 1 54.17-8 14.49-2 71-47- 3-oo 73.34.57-5 II. 4.21.27-58 11.49. 8-22 85.52. 3-i 54.17-8 14.49-2 72. 47. 28-20 73. 35. 26-0 27-4 [. 1 8. 44. i5'5o 17.43. 4-04 117. 58.28-6 55. 7'5 1 5. 2-8 62. 9. 56- 10 78.48. 20-7 II. i8.45.i5-33 17.43. 6-33 117. 58. 30-9 55. 7'5 i5. 2-8 62. 9.21-75 78.47. 56-3 3i- 9 I. 18.51.17-55 17. 43. 20-24 117. 58.44-9 55. 7-7 i5. 2-8 63. 5i. 41 -25 80. 4.54-6 II. 18.52.17-39 17. 43. 22-54 117. 58. 47-2 55. 7-7 i5. 2-8 63. 5i. 6- 75 80. 4.29-8 27-6 I. 18.59. 56-38 17.43.40-18 117.59. 4-9 55. 7'9 i5. 2-9 65. 56.46-05 81.40. 2-9 II. 19. o. 56-22 17. 43. 4*'43 117.59. 7-2 55. 7'9 1 5. 2-9 65.56.11-55 81. 39. 37-8 21-7 I. 19. 9. 8-49 17.44. I '40 117. 59. 25-9 55. 8-1 i5. 2~9 68. 9. Si-go 83. 22. 26-2 II. 19.10. 8-33 17.44. 3-7o 117. Sg. 28-2 55. 8-1 1 5. 2-9 68. 9. 17-40 83.22. 0-7 21-6 18.47. 29-15 1 16. 27. io'5 55. 27. 44-10 71. 52. 25'6 " 57.26.25-5o 73. 18. 53-8 ' - I. 20. 3o. 28-27 19. 40. 17-60 116.49. 5'9 56. 32-7 i5. 26-0 61. 27. 22-65 77.40.41-5 II. 20.31.28-10 19. 40. 19-66 116.49. '7 56. 32-7 i5. 26-0 61. 26. 47-2$ 77.40.12-1 i5-i I. 20. 52. 41-06 19. 41. io-23 116.47. 9' 2 56. 33-5 15.26-2 66. 48. 19-95 81.45. 26-5 II. 20. 53. 40-90 19. 41. 12-60 116.47. 3-9 56.33-5 15.26-2 66.47.44-40 81.44.56-3 3-o I. 21. O. 22'OI 19. 41. 28-44 1 1 6. 46. 28-6 56.33-7 15.26-3 68. 39. 19-9$ 83. ii. 44-3 II. 21. I. 21-85 19.41.30-80 116.46.23*3 56. 33-7 iS.26-3 68.38.44-55 83. n. 14-0 ! 6-3 T 2 142 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. i o Object. Altazimuth- Clock Time of Vertical Transit over Mean of Horizontal Wires. 1 b o I i Reading of Vertical Circle corrected for Runs of Micrometers. Level Indication (ad- ditive). Barometer and Ex- ternal Thermometer. Refraction. True observed Zenith Distance. 1874. October 18 T Moon's L. L. ... o. So. 17-50 R / // 192.45. 36-5 n 77-6 240-2 o / // 77. 17. 28-4 , , 0.58.33-98 R 191. 12.40-8 7 5'3 272-6 78. So. 58-8 ,, i. 4. i3-54 L 349. 49. 47 9 63-6 3oo'2 79. 55.29-4 ,, i. i3. 18-62 I, 35i.33. 19-2 64-4 35 7 '5 Si. 39. 58-8 ' ,, 1.19. 5-28 L 352. 39. 29-2 64-8 406" i 82.46.57-8 XI 1.25. 5-34 1.33. 7-76 i. 41. 17-16 O. O. l8"22 K R L L 186. 10. 0-4 190.53. 35-2 35o. 3o. 15-7 325. 54.40-8 76-0 72-5 66-8 64-0 ,-0. /2 X 471-6 28o-3 320-4 81-9 83.56.57-5 79. 10. 14-9 80. 36. 20-6 55. 56. 44-4 & Grois Moon's L. L. ... , o. 9.25-56 R 212. 37. 34-6 7 5'3 86-4 57.22.58-8 ,, o. 17. 39-56 L 328.40.56-5 62-8 91-0 58.43. 8-0 ,, o. 25. 26-08 R 2IO. O. 2'8 76-8 9 5-7 60. o. 38-4 . , 3 3 - o. 34. 52-34 L 33i. 34. 38-6 63-6 IO2'2 61.37. 2-1 Fomalhant 0.43. 4-32 o. 53. 59-84 i. 4. 12-16 R R L 206. 58. 19-3 2IO. 25. 21 'I 330.48.53-9 76-4 7 3-6 65-3 3o'"-i9 7 5-o io8-5 94-1 99-1 63. 2.35-1 59.35.2i-8 60. Si. i5'9 21 BJ Moon's L. L. ... I. 34. 21-92 L 314. 47. 38-o 61-2 7 3-i 55- 4 44.49. 12-3 ,, I. 43. 17-60 L 3i6. 23. 27-7 61-2 3o ln -i 7 58-6 46.25. 5-2 ,, I. 54.25-98 L 3i8. i5. 20-6 61-2 62-6 48. 17. 2-1 j ... 2. 2. 5'6o L 319.41.40-7 61-1 65-8 49. 43. 25-3 / // October 18. The adopted Zenith point corresponding to the mean wire is 270. o. 22-3. October 19. 270.0.22-3. October 21. 270.0.22-3. TABLE IX. LONGITUDE FROM MOON'S OBSERVED ZENITH DISTANCE (contiiwed). 143 Greenwich Mean Solar Time, assuming the We",t Longitude to be I. io h . 3i m . o". II. I0 1 '. 32 m . s . Taoular Geocentric Elements (R. A. and N. P. D. corrected). Hour- Angle. Tabular Zenith Distance of Star or of Limb of Moon. Inferred Longitude West of Greenwich io h . 3l m . + Apparent Right Ascension of Center. Apparent North Polar Distance of Center. Equatorial Horizontal Parallax. Semi- diameter. h ui > o / // / // / // o O .' If 9 I. 21. 3i. 19-94 20.39. 9'7 n3. 5i. 0-6 57.27-0 i5. 40-9 62.58.56-55 77.17.42-4 II. 21. 32. 19-27 20. 39. 11-40 n3. 5o.5i-6 57.27-0 15.40-9 62. 58.2i-6o 77. 17.10-4 26-2 I. 2I.39.34-59 20. 39. 28-?,9 113.49.46-4 57.27-4 15.40-9 64.58. i5'75 78.51. i3-8 II. 21.40. 34'42 20. 39. 30-62 113.49. 3 7'5 57.27-4 i5. 40-9 64. 57. 40-80 78. 50.41-7 28-0 I. 21.45. I3-24 20. 3g. 41 -45 113.48.55-7 57.27-6 15.41 -o 66. 19. 52-o5 79.55.45-I II. 2I.46.I3-03 20.39.43-77 113.48.46-7 57-27-6 1 5. 41-0 66. 19. 17-25 79. 55. 12-9 29-3 I. 2I.54.I6-87 20.40. 2 -55 n3. 47. 34-0 57.27-9 15.41-1 68.3o.52-35 81.40. i3-o II. 2I.55.l6- 7 20.40. 4-87 1 1 3. 47. 25-0 57.27-9 1 5. 41 i 68. 3o. 17-55 81. 39.40-7 26-4 I. 22. 0. 2-59 20. 40. 1 5 97 113.46.41-9 57.28-1 1 5. 41-2 69. 54. II -10 82. 47. 1 1 5 II. 22. I. 2-42 20. 40. 18-29 113.46. 32-9 57.28-1 15.41-2 69. 53. 36- 3o 82.46. 39-1 25-4 I. 22. 6. I'69 20. 40. 29-91 113.45.47-8 57.28-4 i5. 41-2 71. 20.43-20 83.57. i-8 II. 22. 7. 1-52 20.40. 32-23 22. 35. 12- 13 113.45. 38- 7 137. 32. 3o-2 57.28-4 i5. 41-2 71.20. 8-40 46.43. 8-10 83.56.38-4 80. 36. 25-2 24-6 'I. 20. 37. 36-92 21. 32. 20'5l 109. 46. 55'6 58.21-3 i5. 55-6 37. 12. 23-10 55. 56. 49-0 II. 20.38.36-75 21. 32. 22-'78 109. 46. 43-6 58.21-3 i5.55-6 37. 11.49-05 55.56. 18-2 9-0 I. 20. 46. 42 79 21. 32.4I-20 109.45. 5-5 58.21-6 i5. 55-7 39.24. 3-3o 57.23. 3-i II. 20.47.42-63 21. 32. 43-46 104.44. 53-5 58.21-6 iS.55-7 3g. 23. 29-40 57. 22. 32'I 8-3 I. 20. 54. 55-47 21. 32. 59-86 109.43. 26-1 58. 22-0 15.55-8 41.12.53-85 58.43. ii -5 II. 20. 55. 55'3i 21. 33. 2-12 109.43. 14-0 58. 22-0 iS.55-8 41. 22. I9-95 58. 42. 40-0 6-7 I. 21. 2.40-75 21. 33. 17-48 109.41. 52-o 58.22-3 iS.55-9 43. 1 5. 7-80 60. o. 44- o II. 21. 3.40-59 21. 33. 19-74 109. 41. 39-9 58.22-3 15.55-9 43. 14. 33-90 60. 0. 12-2 10-6 I. 21. 12. 5-5o 21.33.38-87 109. 39. 57-6 58.22-6 i5. 56-o 45. 3i.2i-3o 61.37. 6-5 II. 21. i3. 5-33 21. 33.4fl3 109. 39.45-5 58.22-6 i5. 56-o 45. 30.47-40 61.36.34-2 8-z I. 21. 20. 16- 17 21. 33. 57-44 109. 38. 18-2 58.23-0 1 5. 56- 1 47.29.42-90 63. 2.42-5 II. 21.21. l6'00 21. 33. 59-70 109. 38. 6-0 58.23-0 iS.56-1 47.29. 9-00 63. 2. io-o i3'7 22. So. 44*46 120. 17. i3 - i 3i. i. 5i-oo 59. 35. 19-9 j > 33.34. 56-25 60. Si. io-o I. 22. 4.43*41 23. 22. 14-48 97. 39. 22- 5 60. i3-5 16.26-3 33.32.22-o5 44.49. 18-4 II. 22. 5.43-25 23. 22. 16-66 97.39. 5-7 60. i3-5 16.26-3 33.31.49-35 44.48.43-1 10-4 I. 22. I 3. 37-67 23.22.33-98 97.36.52-7 60. i3-8 16.26-3 35.4I.25-35 46. 25. 12-5 II. 22. 14. 37'5i 23. 22. 36-i6 97.36.35-9 60. i3-8 16.26-3 35.40.52-65 46. 24. 36-9 12-3 I. 22.23.44-44 23.22.56-13 97.34. 2-5 60. 14-2 16. 26-4 38. 7.59-55 48.17. 7-0 II. 22. 24. 44*28 23.22.58-31 97.33. 4 5-7 60. 14-2 16. 26-4 38. 7.26-85 48. 16. 3i-i 8-2 I. 22.31.22-85 23.23. 12-85 97. 31.53-7 60. 14-4 16.26-5 39. 58. 4 3-65 49. 43. 33-o II. 22.32.22-69 23. 23. 15-04 97. 3i. 37-0 60. 14-4 16.26-5 39. 58. io- 80 49.42. 56-8 2-8 144 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Object. f Altazimuth- Clock Time of Vertical Transit over Mean of Horizontal Wires. Lamp Bight or Left. 1 * Heading of Vertical Circle corrected for linns of Micrometers. Level Indication (ad- ditive). Barometer and Ex- ternal Thermometer. Kefraction. True observed Zenith Distance. 1874. October 21 | in U m Moon's L. L. ... z. 1 1 . 49 02 L 321. 33. 22-0 ft 6!'2 70-3 - - , 5i.35.n-2 ' ' 2. 2O. 49'52 It 216. 39. 42-0 80-5 74'9 53.20. 34-7 ,, 2.29.47-84 R 214. 53. 8-4 80-6 79-9 55. 7.13-2 , , ... 2.47. 30-26 u 211. 18. 5o-5 80'6 91-4 j 58.41.42-6 22 NI Moon's L. L. ... 3. 36. 53-94 i. 324. 3. 49' i fl'4 7 3-o 76-7 5 4 . 5.54-9 > 3. Si. 22-92 L 327. 10. 41 -6 71-8 3o""i6 S6-i 57. 12 57-2 ,, ... 4. i. 58-64 L 329. 28. 29-0 72-9 94-1 59. 3o. 53-7 ... 4.28.19-68 204.44. 3-7 69-7 119-9 65. 17. 8-8 4.46.51-96 K 200. 39. 0-8 69-1 146-0 69. 22. 38 -4 23 T Moon's L. L. ... 5. 8.52-8o ?. TI. -n-78 It L L 195.46. 58-9 3o3. 24. 15-9 3o5. 3o. i5'3 68-8 69-6 70-2 75-i 74 -o i 9 3-3 36-6 3 9 -6 74. 1 5. 27-9 33. 25.40-8 35. 3I.43-8 , , ... 3. 21. 32-96 , , ... 3.27.59-68 L 3o6. 52. 3o-3 70-3 4''7 36. 54. i-o i 3. 34. 17-80 L 3o8. i3. 27-8 70-2 ' 43-8 38. 1 5. o-5 ... 3.41. 32-62 R ' 23o. ii. 12- 3 72-7 46-3 39.48.42-6 ,, 3.48. 25-20 It 228. 41. 43-2 71-8 48-8 41. 18. i5' i > 3.54. 34-16 It _ 227. 21. 2O'8 7 i-3 5l"2 42. 38. 40*4 , , ... 4. 0.41-12 It 226. i. 3-o 70-9 53-6 43. Sg. i 'o 1 If October 22. The adopted Zenith point corresponding to the mean wire is 270. o. 22-3. October 23. 270.0.21-3. TABLE IX. LONGITUDE FROM MOON'S OBSERVED ZENITH DISTANCE (continued}. 145 Greenwich Menu Solar Time, assuming the West Longitude to l>c I. io h . 3 1 1 ". c". II. I0 1 '. 32"'. s . Tabular (Jeocentric Elements (1>. A. and N. P. 1). corrected). Tabular Zenith Distance of Hour-Angle. Star or of Limb of Moon. Inferred Longitude West of Greenwich jo h . 3i"'. + Apparent Right Ascension of Center. Apparent North 1'olar Distance of Center. Equatorial Horizontal Vnrallux. d ' anu ' ter - ll in ; B / // , . , j. 12.41. 4-71 23. 23. 34-09 97. 29. io-5 60. 14-7 16. 26-6 42. 19. 16-95 Si. 35.21-2 II. 22.42. A'55 23.23. 36-zS 97-28.53-7 60.14-7 16.26-6 42.18.44-10 5 1. 34.45-0 16-6 I. 22. 50. 3'77 23. 23. 53-77 i 97- 26- 39-0 60. 1 5"o 16.26-7 \ 44-29.29-70 53.20.48-5 II. 22. 5i. 3'6i 23.23.55-95 97. 26. 22-2 60. 1 5'o 16.26-7 44.28.57-00 53.20. 12-2 22-8 1. 22. 5l,. O'67 23.24. i3-36 97.24. 8-1 60. i5-3 16. 26-8 46. 39. 11-40 55. 7.26-8 ]]. 23. o. o'5o 23.24. iS'55' 97. 23. 5i -3 60. i5-3 16.26-8 46. 38.38-55 55. 6.5o-4 22-4 1. 23. 16. 40-26 23.24.52-04 97. 19. io'o 60. 15-9 16.26-9 5o.55. 8-55 58.41. 58-8 II. 23. 17. 40-09 23. 24. 54-23 97. 18. 53-2 60.15-9 16.26-9 ; 50.54.35-70 58.41.22-3 26-6 1. O. 2. 4-69 o. 19. 12-41 90. 7. i5- 1 | 60. 57-9 16. 38-4 49. 42. 9-60 54. 5.59-6 11. o. 3. 4-52 o. 19. 14-61 90. 6. 57-3 ' 60. 57-9 16. 38-4 49. 41. 36-6o 54. 5.22-2 7-5 1. o. 16. 3i-34 o. 19. 44- 3 1 90. 2. 57-6 60. 58-2 16.38-5 53. n. 26-65 57. i3. 8-9 11. 0.17.31-18 o. 1 9. 46 5 1 90. 2. 39*8 60. 58-2 16.38-5 53.10.53-55 57. 12. 3i'4 18-7 1. 0.27. 5-34 o. 20. 7 -65 89.59.49-2 60.58-4 i6.38-6 55.44-32-55 Sg.Si. 7'9 11. 0.28. 5-i8 o. 20. 9 84 89.59.31-4 60.58-4 i6.38-6 | 55.43.59-70 59. 3o. 3o-7 22-9 1. 0.53.22-15 0.21. 5-7I 89.52. o-5 60.59-0 i 16.38-7 i 62. 5.i8-6o 65. 17. 20- 1 11. o. 54. 21-99 O. 21. 7-91 89. Si. 42-7 60. 59-0 16. 38-7 62. 4.45-60 65. 16.42-8 18-2 ] . i . 1 1 . 5 1 46 O. 21. 46-56 89. 46. 3o'7 60. 59-4 16.38-9 66. 33. io- 9 5 69. 22.49-3 11. i.i2.5i-3o o. 21.48-77 89. 46. 12-9 60. 59-4 i6.38- 9 66. 32. 37-80 69. 22. ii -8 '7 - 4 1. 1.33.48-76 0. 22. 35-10 89. 39. 59-0 60. 59-9 1 6. 39-0 71. Si. i6-5o 74. 15.42-1 11. 1.34.48-60 0. 22. 37'3o 89. 39. 41 i 60. 5g"9 16. 39-0 71. 5o. 43 -5o 74. i5. 4-8 22-8 1. 23.32.57-29 1. II. 47-69 83. 8.17-8 61. 21-8 16.44-9 3o. 14. 25-95 33.25.55-i II. 23.33.57-12 I. 11.49-96 83. 8. 0-2 61. 21-8 16.44-9 3o. 1 3. Si-go 33.z5. 17-1 22-6 1. 23.42.54-85 I. 12. IO"32 83. 5.22-3 61. 21 -9 1 6. 45-0 32. 38. 34-5o 35. 3i.58-o II. 23.43.54-68 i. 12. 12-59 *1- 5. 4-8 61.11-9 16.45-0 32.38. 0-45 35. 3i.20-2 22-5 1. 23.49.20-53 I. 12. 24-93 83. 3.29-1 61.12-0 16.45-0 34. ii. 36-45 36.54. i3-4 II. 23. 5o. 20-37 I. 12. 27-20 S3. 3.H-6 61.22-0 16.45-0 34. 1 1 . 2-40 36.53. 35-5 19-6 1. 23.55.37-64 I. 12. 39-22 33. 1.38-5 6l. 22- 1 16.45-0 i 35.42. 34-20 38. i5. i3-8 11. 23.56.37-47 I. 12. 41 '48 83. i. 20-9 6l. 22- I 16.45-0 35.42. o-3o 38.i 4 . 36-3 ;.i-3 1. o. 2. 5i -29 i. 12. 55-58 82. 59. 3i-o 6l. 22'I 16. 45-0 37. 27. 11-40 39.49. 1-4 11. o. 3.5i'i3 i. 12. 57-85 82.59. '3 '4 6l. 22- 1 16.45-0 37.26.37-35 39.48. 23-3 29-6 I. o. 9. 41-76 i. i3. ii 17 82. 57.3o-3 6l. 5.2- 2 16. 45-0 39. 6. 26'55 41. 18. 32-8 I ] . o. i o. 42 60 i. i3. 13-44 82. 57. 12-7 61.22-2 16.45-0 39. 5. 52-5o 41. 17. 55-o 28-1 I. o. i5. 5o- 7 3 i. i3. 25-i3 82. 55.42-3 61.22-3 16.45-0 : 40.35. n-85 ' 42.38.59-6 II. o. 16. 5o-57 i. i3. 27-39 82. 55.24-8 6l. 22-3 16. 45-0 40.34.37-95 42.38.21-7 3o'4 1. o. is. 56'7i i. i3. 38-99 82. 53. 55-o 61.22-3 16.45-1 42. 3.28-65 43. 59. 19-8 II. 0.22.56-54 i. 13.41-27 82. 53.37-5 61.22-3 16.45-1 41. 2.54-45 43.58.41-7 29-6 146 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Object. Altazimuth- Clock Time of Vertical Transit over Mean of Horizontal Wires. Lamp Kight or Left. 1 Beading of Vertical Circle corrected for Runs of Micrometers. Level Indication (ad- ditive). Barometer and Ex- ternal Thurinometer. Refraction. True observed Zenith Distance. 1874. October 2 3 T j8 Andromedse . . . ti in s 4. 10. 35 -3o K / // 226. 34. 54-3 ir 68-6 // 52-6 . / // 43. 25. I I'D , , 4. 17. 34-48 R 125. 9.20-6 67-9 55-3 44. 5o. 48 - 1 Moon's L. L. ... 4.39. 2-70 R 217. 32. 10-9 70-2 7*'3 52.28.12-5 , , ... 4.47.54-94 E 2i5.33. 43-6 7 o-3 77-6 54. 26. 45-0 ... 4.57.37-66 L 326. 34.49-3 69-0 3o""i6 84-2 56.37. 1-2 , , ... 5. 10. 52-24 L 329. 3z. 18-0 69-8 72 -9 94'4 5g. 34.40-9 24 NI Moon's L. L. ... 4- 7- 7-82 240. 33. 44-9 71-0 7 5-5 3i-2 29.25. 56-6 , , ... 4. 18.46-16 K 2 3 7 . 5 7 . 5 7 '6 71-0 34-6 32. 1.47-3 . ,, 4.3 7 .35-72 R 233.44.57-3 7i'4 40-5 36. 14.53-1 ,, 4.47.50-44 L 3o8. 31.41-7 67-6 44-1 38. 33. 12-j 5. 0.21-84 L 3 1 1 . 20. 40 7 69-0 48-7 41. 22. I7'I 25 T 5. 7.26-74 5. 1 8. 20- 14 5. 26. 17- 70 5. 8.41-56 L t R R 312.56. 20-8 3o5. 50.44-3 235. So.42-3 241. 54. 17-4 69-4 72-6 69-4 71-2 3o in 'I2 74 -8 7 3-o 5i-5 40-0 3 7 -6 29-6 42. 58. 0-4 35. 52. i5'6 34. 9. 7-2 28. 5.22-3 Moon's U. L. . . . ,, 5. 17. 28-24 R 23g. 55. 24-0 71-1 32-i 3o. 4. i8-3 ,, 5.24. 13-74 R 238.23. 57-9 70-9 3 4 -i 3i. 35.46-6 , , ... 5.37. 5-32 L 304. 28. 22 "I 69-4 So 1 '" 1 1 38-i 34. 29. 48- 3 > 5.45.49-86 b 3o6. 26. 21-4 70*0 73'4 40-9 36. 27. Si-o ,, 6. 5.42-88 L 3io. 53.58-0 70-6 48-0 40.55.35-3 o / // October 24. The adopted Zenith point corresponding to the mean wire is 270. o. 21 3. October 25. ,, .. 270.0.21-3. TABLE IX. LONGITUDE FROM THE MOON'S OBSERVED ZENITH DISTANCE (continued). 147 Greenwich Mean Solar Time, assuming the West Longitude to be I. io h . 3 1". o s . II. I0 h . 32 m . 0". Tabular Geocentric Elements (R. A. and N. P. D. corrected). Hour-Angle. Tabular Zenith Distance of Star or of Limb of Moon. Inferred Longitude West of Greenwich io h . 3i m . -i- Apparent Right Ascension of Center. Apparent North Polar Distance of Center. Equatorial Horizontal Parallax. Semi- diameter. k m i h m a / // / // / // o / // s I. 2.44-19 55. 2.28-9 47.15.43-65 43. 25. 12- I , , ,, 49. o. 3i-8o 44.50.47-6 I. I. O. 12- 12 i. i5. 6-08 82. 42. 42- 5 61. 22-7 16.45-2 5i. 17. 7-65 52.28.27-2 II. I. I. II "93 i. i5. 8-35 82. 42. 24-9 61. 22-7 1 6. 45-2 5i. i6.33-6o 52.27.49-5 23-4 I. I. 9. 2'92 i. i5. 26-23 82.40. 7-1 61. 22-8 16. 45-2 53.25. 9'3o 54.27. 4'3 II. i. 10. 2-76 i. i5. z8-5o 82. 39.49-6 61. 22-8 16.45-2 53.24.35-25 54.26.26-5 3o-6 I. i. iS. 44-08 i. 15.48-30 82. 37. 17-0 61. 22-9 16.45-2 55.45. 19-50 56.37. io-5 II. i. 19.43-92 i. i5. 5o-56 82.36.59-5" 61. 22-9 16.45-2 55.44. 45-60 56. 36.32-9 14-8 I. i. 3i. 56-53 i. 1 6. 18-40 82. 33.25-2 61. 23-o i6. 4 5-3 58.56.27-15 5g. 34. 5i -9 II. 1.32.56-36 i. 16. 20-67 82.33. 7-7 61. 23-o 16. 4 5-3 58.55.53-ic 59. 34. 14-2 17-5 I. o. 24. 3 1 -04 2. 9.34-7I 76. 6. 20 -6 61.26-6 16.46-3 29.42. 22 "50 29. 26. i6-3 II. o.25.3o-88 2. 9.37-09 76. 6. 4-6 61.26-6 16.46-3 29. 41. 46-80 29. 25. 38 -4 3l'2 I. o.36. 7 -Si 2.10. 2-38 76. 3. 13-9 61. 26-5 16.46-3 32.3o. 3-i5 32. 2. 2'7 II. 0.37. 7-35 2. IO. 4-75 76. 2.57-8 61.26-5 16.46-3 32. 29. 27-60 32. I. 25-0 2 4 -5 I. o. 54. 54-07 2. 10. 47- 16 75. 58. 12-2 61.26-5 1 6. 46 2 37. I. 15-90 36. i5. 14-8 II. 0.55.53-90 2. IO. 49-54 75.57.56-2 61.26-5 16. 46-2 37. 0.40-20 36. 14. 37-3 34-7 I. i. 5. 7-14 1. II. II '55 75.55.28-3 61. 26-4 1 6. 46 2 39.28. 51-45 38.33.27-o II. i. 6. 6-98 2. I J. I3-93 75.55. 12-3 61. 26*4 16.46-2 39.28. i5'75 38. 32.49-0 23-5 I. 1.17.36-54 2. ii. 41 -36 '75.52. 8-1 61. 26-4 16.46-2 42. 29. 15-90 41. 22. 35-i II. i. 18.36-37 2. II.43-75 75.5i. 52-2 61. 26-4 1 6. 46 2 42. 28. 40-05 41. 21. 57-2 ' 28-4 I. i. 24. 40-30 2. ii. 58'24 75. 5o. i5'o 61.26-3 16.46-2 44. ii. i6-65 42. 58. 16-9 II. i. 25. 40-14 2. 12. o-6a 75.49.59-1 61.26-3 16.46-2 44. 10. 40-95 42.57.39-2 26-3 7.32.44-62 84.27. 8-1 33. 16. 57-45 35. 52. 14-5 ? > " 3i.i7.33-6o 34. 9. 9-7 I. 1.22. 3-5? 3. 10.44-78 69.58. 0-4 61. 9-2 16.41-5 29.49.29-55 28. 5.42-9 II. 1.23. 3-41 3. 10.47-29 69. 57.47-2 61. 9-2 16. 41-5 29. 48. 51-90 28. 5. 5-5 33-o I. i. 3o. 4 8-85 3. ii. 6-83 69.56. 5-o 61. 9-1 16.41-5 31.55.39-45 3o. 4.39-2 II. 1.31.48-69 3. ii. 9-35 69. 55. 5i-8 61. 9-1 16. 41 -5 3i.55. i-65 3o. 4. 2-4 3 4 -i I. I.37.33-26 3. U.Z3-82 69.54. 36-2 61. 8-9 16.41 -4 33. 32.47-40 3i.36. 9-2 II. 1.38.33-09 3.II.26-33 69. 54. 23 i 61. 8-9 16.41-4 33.32. 9-75 3i.35. 32-2 36-6 I. i. 5o. 22 '77 3. ii. 56-15 69.51.47-7 61. 8-7 16.41-4 36.37. 36- 7 5 34. 3o. 2-0 II. i. 5i. 22-60 3. ii. 58-66 69. Si. 34-6 61. 8-7 16.41-4 36.36.59-10 34. 29. 25-o 22*2 I. i. Sg. 5-91 3. 12. i8-i5 69.49.53-3 61. 8-5 16.41-3 38. 4 3. i5-3o 36.18. 3-o II. 2. 0. 5-75 3. i a. 20-66 69. 49. 40-2 61. 8-5 16.41-3 38.42.37-65 36. 27. 26-0 I 9 -5 I. 2.18.55-74 3.i3. 8-19 69.45.33-9 61. 8-2 1 6. 41*2 43. 29. i -o5 40. 55. 5i-8 II. 2.19.55-58 3. i3. 10-71 69. 45. 20-4 61. 8-2 16.41*2 43. 28.23-25 40. 55. 14-6 26-6 October 24. The aperture of the telescope was reduced for some of the observations. 148 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. | O Object. Altazimuth - Clock Time of Vertical Transit over Mean of Horizontal Wires. k i H P< Heading of Vertical Circle corrected for Huns of Micrometers. Level Indication (ad- ditive"). Barometer and Ex- ternal Thermometer. Kefraction. True observed Zenith Distance. 1874. October z5 T Moon's U. L. . . . h in s 6. 14. 2'o8 L / '/ 312.45.45-3 70-6 5l'2 42. 47. 25-8 26 T AldebavaB 6. 32. 50-24 6. 42. 22 '86 7. 1 5. 39' 20 o. 49. 43 '80 It K B U 223. 0.58-1 237.42.40-4 229.58. 5'7 225. 16. 4-9 71-1 71-2 71-2 66-6 3o ln 1 1 74 -2 7 3-5 5 9 -3 35-o 4 6-5 54-9 46. 59. ii '4 32. 17. 4-7 40. i. 5o'9 44-44- 4' 7 Moon's L. L, ... ? ... o. 58. 47 '04 i, 3 1 2. 42. 29- 8 75-4 5l'2 42. 44. i5- 1 , , ... I. 21. 6-80 i. 307.46. 32-7 75-4 43-0 37.48. 9-8 , , I. 27. 56 '04 ], 3o6. 1 5. 59-3 7 5-6 40-7 36. 17. 34-3 > ) i. 34.33-22 U z35. 10. 2O - o 66-0 38-5 34.49. 33-8 SI , , ... Aldebanui 1.40. 9-26 i. 49. 59-82 i. 55.49-92 2. 3.38-16 2. 11. 26-5o 5.46. 38-14 n K R L L L 236. 24.46-8 232. 3i. 1-6 233.52. 32-6 304. 16. 53-0 3o2. 27. 56 -9 29r. 55. 3i - 7 65-5 66-0 66-0 7 3-i 74-0 69-8 3o in -i6 7 3-6 36-8 4 2-5 40-4 3 7 '8 35-3 22-3 33.35. 5-8 37.28. 56-2 36. 7.23-1 34. 1 8. 22-6 32. 29. 24-9 21. 56. 42-5 > ? Moon's U. L. ... > 5.57.25-I6 I, 294. 18. i3-6 70-0 25-0 24. 19.27-3 >t . 6. 6. 59-08 L 296.24.49-3 70-8 27-5 26.26. 6-3 , , ... 6. 16. i3-38 R 241. 3i. i3-3 72-0 3o-o 28. 28. 26-0 , , ... 6.25. 9-86 H 239. 3z. 56-6 71-2 32-6 3o. 26. 46- 1 j ... Procyon 6.33.36-88 6.53.46-66 7. 4. ii-oo U R 1. 237.41. i5'4 251.48. 18-0 287. 2.48-8 70-6 70-0 66-2 3o in -i3 72- 5 35-o 18-2 17-0 32. 1 8. 3o-3 18. ii. n-5 17. 3.5o- 7 / // October 26. The adopted Zenith point corresponding to the mean wire is 270. o. 21 3 TABLE IX. LONGITUDE FROM THE MOON'S OBSERVED ZENITH DISTANCE (confirmed). 149 Greenwich Mean Solar Time, Tabular Geocentric Elements (ll. A. and N. P. D. corrected). Tabular Zenith Distance of Inferred Longitude assuming the West Longitude to be I. io h . 3 1" 1 . o s . II. I0 h . 32 m . s . Apparent Bight Aseeusiou of Center. Apparent North Polar Distance of Center. Equatorial Horizontal Parallax. Semi- diameter. Hour-Angle. Star or of Limb of Moon. West of Greenwich io h . 3i. + ll 111 S ll III S / // / // / // O f ft / // N I. 2.27.13-61 3. 1 3. 29-14 69.43.45-6 61. 8- o 16. 41 - 2 45.28.35-25 42.47.37-9 II. 2. 28. l3'45 3. i3. 3i-66 69.43. 32-6 6 1. 8-0 16.41-2 45. 27. 57-45 42. 47. 0-8 I9-0 I. 2. 4 5. 58 - 7 3 3. 14. i6-5o 69. 39.41-6 61. 7-6 16. 41 i 49.58.48-00 46.59.33-0 II. 2.46.58-57 3. 14. 19-02 69. 39.28-6 61. 7-6 16.41-1 49.58.10-20 46.58.55-9 34-9 4. 28. 44-81 73.44.29-4 33.44-53-25 32.17. 3-o " " 42. 4. o oo 40. I. 52-2 I. 20.5 9 .56-37 4. i. ii -40 66. 8.42-5 60.41-7 16. 34-0 47. 3o.35-25 44.43.46-6 II. 21. O. 56-20 4. i. 14-01 66. 8.32-5 60. 41-7 16. 34- o ^47. 3i. 14-40 44.44.2I-0 3i-6 I. 21. 8.58-14 4. i. 35-02 66. 7.11-8 60. 41 -4 1 6. 33-9 45. 20. 40-65 42.43. 57-5 II. 21. 9.57-98 4. i.3 7 -63 66. 7. 1-7 60. 41 -4 1 6. 33-9 45. 21. 19-80 42. 44. 32- 1 3o-5 I. 21. 3l. I4'3l 4. 2.33-3i 66. 3. 29-2 60.40-8 i6.33-8 40. o. 17-70 37.47.51-3 II. 21. 32. 14- 14 4. 2.35-93 66. 3. i 9 -3 60.40-8 16.33-8 40. o. 57-00 37.48.26-3 3i- 7 1. 21.38. 2-46 4. 2. 5i-i3 66. 2.21-5 60. 40-6 1 6. 33-7 38. 22. 26-10 36. 17. i5-6 II. 21. 39. 2'3o 4. 2.53-73 66. 2. 1 1 -6 60. 40* 6 16.33-7 38.23. 5-io 36. 17. So- 5 32-1 1. 21.44.38-58 4. 3. 8-41 66. 1.15-9 60.40-5 16.33-65 36. 47. 27-30 34.49. i6'8 II. 21. 45. 38-4I 4. 3. n-o3 66.. i. 6-0 60.40-5 16.33-65 36.48. 6-60 34.49.52-2 28-8 I. 21. 5o. 13-71 4. 3. 23-04 66. o. 2o-5 60. 40- 3 16. 33-6 35.27. 5-85 33. 34.48-9 II. 21. 5i. 13-55 4. 3.25-65 66. o. 10-6 60. 40 3 1 6. 3 3 6 35. 27.45-00 33. 35. 24-0 18-9 4.28.44-83 73.44.29-4 _ _ 39. 19. 54-00 37.28. 59-0 , , , , 37. 52. 22-2O 36. 7.26-6 , , ,, 35.55. i8-3o 34. 18. 25-9 , , , , 33. 58. 12-90 32. 29. 27-0 I. 1.56. 2- 9 5 4. 14. 8-96 65. 21. i3-i 60. 33-2 16. 31-7 23. 28. 49 -5o 21. 57. o-3 II. i. 5 7 . 2-78 4. 14. n-58 65. 21. 4-0 60. 33-2 16. 3i'7 23. 28. IO'2O 21. 56.24-8 3o-i I. 2. 6.48-23 4. 14. 37 -3o 65. 19. 34-6 60. 32-9 16. 3i -6 26. 3. 3o-i5 24. 19. 44- 1 II. 2. 7.48-07 4. 14. 39-93 65. i 9 .25-5 60. 32-9 16. 3i-6 26. 2. 5o'7o 24.19. 8-8 28-6 I. 2. l6. 2O' 60 4. i5. 2-46 65. 1 8. 7-6 60. 32-6 16. 3i-5 28.20.41-85 l6. 26. 22* O II. 2. 17. 20-44 4. 1 5. 5-09 65. 17. 58-4 60. 3z-6 i6.3i-5 28. 20. 2-40 26. z5. 46- 8 26-8 I. 2.25.33-42 4. 15.26-75 65. 16.43-7 60. 32-3 16. 3i'4 3o. 33. 12-45 28.28.39-3 II. 2. 2\ 33-25 4. i5. 29- 38 65. 16.34-7 60. 32-3 16. 3i'4 3o. 32. 33-00 28.28. 3-6 22-3 I. 2.34.28-47 4. 1 5. 50-27 65. i5. 22-8 60. 32- 1 1 6. 3 1 -4 32. 41. 17-45 3o. 26. 57-4 II. 2.35.28-3i 4. 1 5. 52-89 65. iS. i3-8 60. 32-i 1 6. 3 1-4 32. 40.48-15 3o. 26. 21-7 19-0 I. 2. 42. 54-I4 4. 16. 12- So 65. 14. 6-6 60. 3i-8 16. 3i-3 34.42. 39-75 32. 18.41-0 II. 2.43.53-97 4. 16. i5- 1 3 65. 13.57-6 60. 3 1 ' 8 16. 3i-3 34.42. o'3o 32. 18. 5-o 17-8 7. 32. 44-68 84.27. 8-3 9.22. 55-35 18. ii. 12-8 ' 6. 46. 49- 80 17. 4. i-3 ~^~" October 26. The aperture of the telescope was reduced for some of the observations. u 2 150 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. O Object. Altazimuth- Clock Time of Vertical Transit over Mean of Horizontal Wires. ft S B 0, 1 Reading of Vertical Circle corrected for Runs of Micrometers. Level Indication (ad- ditive). Barometer and Ex- ternal Thermometer. Refraction. True observed Zenith Distance. 1874. October 27 T Moon's L. L. . . . h m s i. i5. 52-72 U R o / // 216. 55. 9-4 2l8. 22. 48-0 64-8 65-3 7 3- 7 69-9 O .' // 53. 5.18-8 5i.37.35-9 i. 22.42-96 ,, i.53.35-o6 L 314. 58. 23-o 7 5-8 3o in -2o 55- 4 45. o. 14-9 ,, 2. 0.35-46 L 3i3. 27. 59-4 76-0 74 -o 52-6 43. 29.48-7 Nl Moon's U. L. . . . 7. I. 9-08 H 246. i. io'o 69-8 7*"7 24-7 23. 58. 24-2 ,, R 244. 14. 41 5 69-8 26-7 25.44. 54-7 5 j ... Capella 7- 17.34-88 7- 29. 26-92 7.37.33-02 R R L 242. 3o. 58-o 23l. 50.45-3 309. 23. 14-1 69-7 66-2 72-6 28-8 4 3-5 45-5 27. 28. 40-4 38. 9. n'3 39. 24. 52-9 Moon's U. L. . . . 7.47. 18-88 L 303.49. 39-8 70-9 3 7 '2 33. 5i. 8-6 ,, 7.54.57-12 L 3o5. 28. 3-5 71-2 3o in.j 7 3 9 -5 35. 29. 34-9 " 8. 2.48-14 L 307. 9. 9-4 71-2 7 3-6 42-0 37. 10.43-3 28 MI Moon's L. L. ... 1.41.51-82 R 221. 6. 39-2 62-4 72 -6 63-5 48.53.41-7 ,, 2.48.30-68 R 222. 3l. 23-1 62-4 6o-5 47.28. 54-8 ,, 2. 54. i3-z8 R 223.44. i*'7 63-2 58-o 46. 1 6. 1-9 ,, 3. 3.51-02 L 314. 11. i5'9 76-8 54-0 44. 1 3. 6-9 ,, 3. 26. 14-30 L 309.25. o-3 77-0 3o'-i5 4 5-6 39.26.43-1 Procyon 3. 4 8. 5-44 3.58.5i-22 4. 8.58-36 L L R 304.45. 32-6 323. 38.58-9 218. 38. 39-9 77-2 74'7 65-6 72 -7 38-5 7 5-3 69-3 34.47. 8-5 53.41. 9-1 5i. 21.43-6 / .// October 27. The adopted Zenith point corresponding to the mean wire is 270. o. 19- 3 October 28. 270.0.19-8 TABLE IX. LONGITUDE FKOM THE MOON'S OBSERVED ZENITH DISTANCE (continued). 151 Greenwich Mean Solar Time, Tabular Geocentric Elements (R. A. and N. P. D. corrected). Tabular Zenith Distance of Inferred Longitude assuming the West Longitude to be I. io h . 3i m . o s . II. J0 h . 32. 0". Apparent Right Ascension of Center. Apparent North Polar i Distance of Center. Equatorial Horizontal Parallax. * Semi- diameter. Hour- Angle. Star or of Limb of Moon. West of Greenwich io h . 3i m . + h . / // , , I. 21. 22. 9-46 5. 5.54-47 62.58. 3i-6 59-54-5 16. 21 -i 5 7 . 8. 1-95 53. 5.10-8 II. 21.23. 9'29 5. 5.57-15 61.58.26-2 59.54-5 I 6. 21- I 5 7 . 8.42-15 53. 5.45-8 i3- 7 I. 21.28.58-59 5. 6. 12-77 62.57.54-5 59.54-3 1 6. 11 -o 55. 3o. 2-55 51.37.27-3 II. 2I.29.58-4? 5. 6. i5'44 62. 57.49-1 59.54-3 16. 21-0 55.3o.42-6o 5i.38. 2-1 14-8 I. 1I.59.45-75 5. 7-35-3 4 61.55. 8-7 59.53-2 1 6. 20 7 48. 7. 37-95 ' 45. o. 2-3 II. 22. 0.45-59 5. 7-38-02 62.55. 3-4 59-53-2 16. 20-7 48. 8. i8-i5 45. o. 37-8 21-3 I. 22. 6.45-03 5. 7-54-09 62. 5 4 . 3i-5 5 9 . 52-9 1 6. 20 -6 46.27.12-75 43.29.35-1 II. 22. 7. 44- 87 5. 7.56-76 62. 54. 26-2 59.52-9 1 6. 20 -6 46. 27. 52-8o j 43. 3o. 10-6 12-9 I. 3. 6.3o-34 5.21. 18-59 62. 3o. 26-0 59.41-9 16. 17-6 25. 20. 18-00 i3. 58. 36-3 II. 3. 7. 3o-i8 5. 21. 21-17 62. 3o. 21 -7 59.41-9 16. 17-6 25. 19. 37-80 23.58. 2-0 11-2 I. 3. 14. 49-16 5. 21. 40-91 62. 29. 5o-2 59.41-6 16. 17-5 27. 19.45-90 i5.45. 6-7 II. 3. 15.49-00 5. 21.43-59 62. 29. 45-9 59.41-6 16. i 7 -5 27. 19. 5-70 25.44. 32-3 10-9 I. 3. 21. 53-5i 5.22. 2-58 62. 29. i5'7 59.41-3 16. 17-5 29. i5. 46-05 27.28.50-3 II. 3.23.53-34 5.22. 5-26 62. 29. 11-4 59.41-3 16. i 7 -5 29. i5. 5-85 27. 28. 15-4 I7-0 5. 7.17-19 44- 7-51-9 35.52.38-10 38. 9. 8-0 ) > 37. 54. io-o5 39.24. 41-6 I. 3.52.32-74 5. 23. 22-18 62. 27. 10-6 59.40-2 16. 17-2 36.21.53-55 33.5i. 18-6 II. 3.53.32-57 5.23.24-86 62.27. 6-4 59.40-2 1 6. 17-2 36.21. i3-35 33. So.43-3 I7-0 I. 4. o. 9-74 5.23.42-63 62.26. 38 -9 59.39-9 1 6. 17-1 38. n.20-55 35.29.42-1 II. 4. i. 9-57 5.23.45-3o 62. 26. 34-8 59.39-9 16. 17-1 38. 10.40-50 35.29. 6-8 12-2 I. 4. 7. 59-5i 5.24. 3-6 4 62.26. 6-6 59.39-7 16. 17-0 40. 3. 5fi5 37. io. 5o'8 II. 4. 8.59-34 5.24. 6-32 62.26. 2-5 59-39-7 16. 17-0 40. 3. 10-95 37. io. iS'l 12-6 I. 22.44. 3-66 6. 13.46-16 61.43.47- 5 58.56-2 16. 5-2 52.34. 54-i5 48.53.3o-7 II. 22.45. 3-49 6. 13.48-80 61.43.47-1 58.56-2 16. 5-2 52.35.33-75 48.54. 5-4 19-0 I. 22. 5o. 41 -45 6. 14. 3 74 61.43.44-6 58.56-c 16. 5-2 5o. 5 9 . 34-65 47.28.45-4 II. 22.5l.4fl9 6. 14. 6-38 I 61.43.44-2 58.56-0 16. 5-2 5i. o. 14-23 47.29.20-1 16-2 I. 22. 56. i3 ; 1 5 6.14.18-82 61.43.42-2 58.55-7 16. 5-i 49.37.41-40 46. 15.52-6 II. 22. 57. 22-99 6.14.21-47 61.43.41-8 58.55-7 16. 5-i 49. 38. 21 -i5 46. 16. 27-8 15-9 I. 23. 5.39-33 6.14.44-27 61.43.38-4 58.55-4 16. 5-o 47.19.36-75 44. 12. 52-6 II. 23. 6.59-17 6.14.46-91 61.43.38-0 58.55-4 16. 5-o 47. 20. I6-35 44.13.27-5 14'6 I. 23.28. I9-03 6. 15.43-41 61.43. 3o-6 58. 5 4 - 4 16. 4-7 41.58.33-45 39. 26. 29-5 II. 23.29.18-86 6. 1 5. 46 -o5 6i. 4 3. 3o-3 58.54-4 16. 4-7 41. 59. i3'o5 39.27. 4-2 23'5 I. 23. 5o. 6-64 6. 16. 41-10 61. 43. 24-6 58.53-6 16. 4-5 36.45. io- So 34.46.53-5 II. *3. 5i. 6-48 6. 1 6. 43-74 61.43. 24-3 58.53-6 16. 4-5 36. 45. 50-40 34.47.28-2 25-9 7- 32.44-74 84.17. 8-5 53. 4-38-iQ 53.41. 12-4 " - ' 5o. 32. 5o-55 5i. 21. 48-0 152 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Object. Altazimuth- Clock Time j of Vertical Transit over -a Mean of Horizontal Wires. L g Heading of Vertical Circle corrected for Huns of Micrometers. .2 rt O a'? Barometer and Ex- ternal Thermometer. | | True observed Zenith Distance. 1874. October 29 NI Moon's L. L. . . . h ni 4. 10. i6-5o u 226. 8. 21-7 61-8 72 -9 // 53-2 43. 51.49- 5 " 4. 20. 23 " 84 K 228. 18.55-8 6,- 4 49-3 41. 41. u -9 ,, 4. 32. 27-22 R 23o. 54. 35-o 6,5 45-0 3 9 . 5.28-3 ,, 4.47. 32-40 L 305.48.44-7 78-0 40-0 35. 5o. 22-9 ,, 4.55. 52-98 I 304. o. 54-7 78-8 37-4 34. 2. 3i i November 4 T Procyon 5. 4. 9 -36 5.24.31-40 5.54. 1-44 8. 16. 32-oo t, L H U 3o2. i3. 59-4 304. 25. 25-7 241.42. 4-5 206. 27. 37-1 79-0 7 5'2 66-0 66-0 3o'"-o5 7 2-o 35'o 38-o 29-8 in i 32. i5. 33-6 34. 26. 59-1 28. 17. 39-1 63. 33.28- 4 Moon's L. L. ... :, 8. 27. 50-90 R 208. 57. 25-i 64-8 3o Ln -io lOO'I 61. 3.3o-6 ,, 9. i. 0-22 323.46.48-1 74'4 7 i-o 7 5-8 53.48. 57-9 5 NI Moon's L. Ei. ... 8.42. 18-18 L 340. i o. 45-1 76-8 30""I2 i52-5 70. 14. 14-0 ,, 8. 54. 19-26 R 202. 23. Si 'I 61-6 73'7 i33-5 67. 37.41-2 '4 NI Moon's L. L. . . . o. i3. 38-40 L 344.38. 1-6 5 4 '2 199-6 74.41. 55-o ,'. o. 55. 12- 5o u 187.38. 58-4 88-0 389-6 82.26.23-6 ,, i. 3.55-44 R 1 86. o. 4-9 87-8 3o in -i2 482-2 84. 6. 49 9 I. 12. 39-28 L 355.37.2I-3 5i-8 10 ! 63i-i 85.48.23-8 i5 NI Moon's L. L. ... 0.45. 35'6o \. 338. 5. 5-4 52'6 66 -2 i38-3 68. 7.55-9 o / /' October 29. The adopted Zenith point corresponding to the mean wire is 270. o. 19-8 November 4 to November 1 5. The adopted Zenith point corresponding to the mean wire is 270. o'. 20" 4 TABLE IX. LONGITUDE PROM THE MOON'S OBSERVED ZENITH DISTANCE (continued). 153 Greenwich Mean Solar Time, assuming the West Longitude to he I. io h . 3i r ". o 5 . II. I0 h . 32'". 0". Tabular Geocentric Elements (It. A. and N. P. D. corrected). Hour- Angle. Tabular Zenith Distance of Star or of Limb of Moon. Inferred Longitude West of Greenwich io h . 3i m . + Apparent Right Ascension of Center. SS Distance p.,-,]].,,, of Center. Semi- diameter. li m s h m K o / // o in / II 1. o. 8. 22-90 7. 19. 36-ig 62. 31.45-9 57.55-1 15.48-5 46.55. o-i5 4 3. 5i.38- 7 ]]. o. 9.22-74 7. 19. 38-68 62. 3i. 5o-o 57. 55-i 15.48-5 46.55.37-50 43. 52. n'9 i 9 -5 I. o. 18. 28-61 7. 20. i ' 60 62. 32. 27-5 57.54-7 15.48-4 44.29. 30-75 41.41. 1-7 11. o. 19. 28-44 7. 20. 4-11 62. 32. 3i-y 57.54-7 15.48-4 44. 3o. 8-40 41.41. 35-o 18-4 I. o. 3o. 3o'O4 7.20. 3i-85 62. 33. 17-5 57.54-2 15.48-3 4i.36.i3-35 39. 5.i6-6 II. 0.31.29-88 7. 20. 34-36 62. 33. 21-7 57.54-2 . 15.48-3 41. 36. 5i-oo 39. 5.49-8 21-1 1. o. 45. 32'79 7.21. 9-69 62. 34. 20 -6 57.53-6 15.48-1 37. 59. 22-5o 35. 5o. 12-8 11. 0.46.32-63 7. 21. I2-2O 62. 34. 24-8 57.53-6 15.48-1 38. o. o-iS 35.5o. 4 6-i 18-2 I. 0.53.52-01 7. 21. 3o-6o 62. 34. 55-8 57.53-3 15.48-0 35.59.27-45 34. 2. 2O'O 11. o.54.5i-85 7. 21. 33- ii 62. 35. o-o 57.53-3 15.48-0 36. o. 5-io 34. 2.53-1 2O ' I I. 1. 2. 7-09 7.21.51-33 62. 35. 3o-8 57-52-9 15.47-9 34. 0.31-95 32. l5. 22-2 II. i. 3. 6- 9 3 7.21.53-84 62. 35.35-1 57.52-9 15.47-9 34. i. 9-60 32. i5. 55-3 20-7 7.32.44-78 84.27. 8-6 3i.38.22-35 34.27. 2-3 ) 5 > 24. 1 5. 5o-25 28. 17. 37-8 I. 3.50.47-41 12. 19. 50'02 89.58. i5-8 54- 8'7 14.46-8 60. 18. 21-60 63. 33.21-2 II. 3.51.47-25 12. 19. 5l-76 89.58.29-9 5 4 . 8-7 14.46-8 60. 1 8. 47-70 63. 33. 5o-8 14-6 1. 4. 2. 4'5o 12. 2O. 9-69 90. o. 54-4 54. 8-6 14.46-7 5 7 . 33.32-55 61. 3.20-1 II. 4- 3. 4-34 12. 2O. 11*42 90. i. 8-5 54. 8-6 14.46-7 57.33.58-So 61. 3.49-7 21-3 I. 4.35. 8-47 12. 21. 7'3o 90. 8. 39-2 5 4 . 8-3 14. 46-6 49. 3o. 35-55 53.48.47-9 II. 4-36. 8-3i 12. 21. 9'O3 90. 8.53-3 54. 8-3 14. 46-6 49. 3i. i -5o 53.49. 17'4 20-3 I. 4. 10. 24-42 1 3. 2. 16-64 95. 37. 34-8 53.59-6 14.44-2 65. 0.49-20 70.14. 4-4 II. 4. n. 24-25 i3. 2.18-39 95. 37.48-5 53.59-6 14.44-2 65. i.i5'45 70. 14. 33-9 19-5 1. 4. 22. 23-52 i3. 2.37-66 95. 40. 19-8 53.59-6 14.44-2 62. 5.48-30 67. 37. 30-9 11. 4.23.23-36 i3. 2. 39-41 95.40. 33-5 53.59-6 14.44-2 62. 6.14-55 67.38. o-3 23-2 I. 19. 7-54-39 20. I 8. 23-26 1 1 5. 0.47-0 56. 27-6 1 5. 24-6 58.49.59-55 74.42. 7-5 II. 19. 8.54-22 20. 18.25-56 n5. o. 39-6 56.57-6 i5. 24-6 58.49.25-05 74.41.37-4 24-9 I. 19.49.21-72 20. 19. 58-46 114. 55. 33-5 56.28-8 i5.25-o 68.49.43-65 82.26. 35-5 11. 19. 5o. 21-56 2O. 20. 0-75 114. 55. 25-9 56.28-8 iS.25-0 68.49. 9'3 82.26. 4-5 23-0 J. 19. 58. 3-25 2O. 20. 18-34 114.54.27-2 56. 29-0 i5.25-o 70. 55. 29-70 84. 7 . 0-7 II. 19.59. 3-o8 20. 20. 20-69 114. 54. 19-6 56. 29-0 iS.25-0 70. 54. 54-45 84. 6.28-9 20-4 I. 20. 6.45-67 20. 20. 38-39 114. 53. 20-6 56.29-3 i5.25-i 73. 1.26-70 85.48.28-8 II. 20. 7.45-50 20. 20. 40-68 114. 53. 12-9 56. 29-3 i5.25-i 73. 0.52-35 85.47.57-5 9-6 I. 19-35.51-38 21. 13.44-99 in. 16. 35-4 57. ii-6 i5. 36-6 52.5 9 . 5-55 68. 8. 7-6 11. I9.36.5I-22 21. 13.47-21 in. 16. 24-7 57. 11-6 iS.36-6 52.58.32-25 68. 7.36-3 22-4 November 4. Cloudy. Observations unsatisfactory. 154 TRANSIT OF VENDS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Object. '*" Altazimuth- Clock Time i of Vertical Transit over Mean of xs Horizontal Wires. Reading of Vertical Circle corrected for Runs of Micrometers. Level Indication (ad- ditive). Barometer and Ex- ternal Thermometer. d a B True observed Zenith Distance. 1874. November i5 Nr Moon's L. L. ... h in s o. 55. 41' 20 L O t ff 339.55.28-5 // 52-6 I 52' 2 69. 58. 32-9 ,, i. 2. 54-80 L 341. i5. 21-8 52-6 i63- 7 71.18.37-7 ,.. i. 1 6. 88-70 R 196. 8.28-4 89-8 191-0 73.53.33-2 * i. 26. 20-46 K '94- 7-47'4 89-6 2l6'2 75.44. 39-6 , , ... 1.37. 16-54 B 192. ii. 25-o 89-1 253-4 77- 5i. 39-7 S Capricorni .... i. 46. 49-98 E 198. 36.43-2 88-8 3o' n -o8 i65-i 71.24.53-5 j , .... 1.56. 4 5-54 L 343. 25. 20-9 Sl'2 64 '2 186-6 73.28.58-3 16 NI Moon's L. L. ... 1.35. i5-i6 L 334. 17. 12-9 69-9 66 -7 nS'4 64. 19. 57-8 , , ... i. 44. 10-64 L 335.59. 5'2 70-4 1 24 '6 66. 1.59-8 , , ... i. 55. 4-70 R 201. 52. 59-5 71-6 137-9 68. 8.27-2 , , ... 2. 3.21-58 R 200. 1 5. 48-5 71-0 149-9 69.45. 5o-8 > > 2. 1 3. i5-66 L 341.39.57-5 69- 1 167-0 71.43. 33-2 9 i ' 2. 23. 35-40 L 343.43.45-1 70-3 189-1 73.47.44-1 , , ... 2. 32. 33-48 K 194.26. 3-8 71-8 2l3'2 75.36. 38-o 22 SI , , ... Ifonjalhaut 2.41. 7-26 2. 54. 20-40 3. i3. 6-56 4- 9-44'H 4.35. 7-58 R R L L R 192.41.43-4 192. 2.44-8 35i.i9.33-7 3oo. i. 19-8 234. 7.14-9 70-4 67-6 7'"4 84-8 56-o 3o in -o3 65 -i 242-6 255'4 35o-5 32-5 40-6 77.21.29-2 78. 0.43-4 81. 26. iS-2 3o. 2.54-7 35.52.52-i ct Arietis . . . Moon's L. L. ... 4.48. i3-3o K 252. 54.46-9 57-4 i 7 -3 17. 4.55-4 , , ... 5. o. 40- 34 R 25o. 6.35-1 58-3 65- 7 20-3 19.53. 9-2 O f ff November iS and 16. The adopted Zenith point corresponding to the mean wire is 270. o. 20-4 November 22. 270.0.22-4 TABLE IX. LONGITUDE FROM THE MOON'S OBSERVED ZENITH DISTANCE (continued). 155 Greenwich Mean Solar Time, assuming the West Longitude to be I. io h . 3i m .o 1 '. II. io h . 32. o". Tabular Geocentric Elements (R. A. and N. P. D. corrected). Hour-Angle. Tabular Zenith Distance of Star or of Limb of Moon. Inferred Longitude West of Greenwich io h . 3i m . + Apparent Right Ascension of Center. Apparent North Polar Distance of Center. Equatorial Horizontal Parallax. Semi- diameter. ti m a o m a / // . I. I9.4.5.56-33 .21.14. 7-44 Hi. 14. 47*2 57. 11-9 i5.36- 7 55.25. 7-95 69.58.44-8 II. 19.46. 56- 17 21. 14. 9'66 in. 14. 36'4 57. 11-9 i5. 36-7 55.2 4 .3 4 -65 69. 58. i3-i 22-5 I. 19.53. 7-77 21. 14. 23-45 in. i3. 29-8 57. 12- I i5. 36- 7 57. 9.17-10 71. 1 8. 48-0 II. 19. 54. 7-61 21. 14. 25-67 in. i3. 19- 1 57. I2-I i5. 36- 7 57. 8.43-80 71. 18. 16-2 I9-4 I. 20. 6.49-44 21. 14. 53-93 III. II. 2-2 57. 12-6 i5. 36- 9 60. 27. 38-70 73.53.43-5 II. 20. 7.49*28 21. 14. 56-i5 in. 10. 5i-5 57. 12-6 i5. 36- 9 60. 27. 5-40 73.53. ii -5 I 9 -3 I. 20. 1 6. 29-62 21. 15. l5'45 in. 9. 17-8 57. 12-9 i5.36- 9 62.47.42-45 75.44.54-0 II. 20. 17. 29-46 21. i5. 17-66 in. 9. 7-0 57. I2'9 i5.36- 9 62.47. 9-30 75.44.21-9 26-9 I. 20. 17. 23 '94 21. i5. 39-70 in. 7.19-7 57- J3-2 15.37-0 65. 25. 40-20 77- Si.53-4 II. 20.28.23-78 21. i5. 41 -92 in. 7. 8-9 57. 13-2 i5.37-o 65. 25. 6-90 77. 5i. 21- 1 25-4 21.40. 7-47 106. 41. 46- 1 61.42. 5-55 71.24.54-9 " " 64. 10. 59-25 73.29. i-3 I. 2O. 21. 27-55 22. 8. O-O4 106. 16. 2-9 58. 0-6 i5. 5o-o Si. So. 22-95 64. 20. 7-0 II. 20.22.27-38 22. 8. 2-21 106. 15.49-4 58. 0-6 i5. 5o-o 51.49. 50-40 64. 19. 33-7 16-6 I. 20. 3o. 21 -57 22. 8. I9-25 106. 14. 3-o 58. 0-9 i5.5o-i 53.59.27-15 66. 2. 9-0 II. 20. 3i. 21-41 22. 8. 21*40 106. 1 3. 49-6 58. 0-9 i5.5o-i 53.58.54-90 66. 1.35-9 16-7 I. 20.41.13-86 22. 8.42-70 106. ii. 36-6 58. 1-2 i5. 5o-2 56.3?. 6- 4 5 68. 8.39-9 II. 20.42. 13-70 22. 8.44-86 106. ii. z3-i 58. 1-2 i5. 5o-2 56. 36. 34-05 68. 8. 6-2 22-6 I. 20. 49. 29-39 22. 9. 0-52 106. 9 45-i 58. i-5 i5. 5o-2 58.36. 52 -5o 69.46. 2-1 II. 20. So. 29-23 22. 9. 2-68 106. 9.31-7 58. i-5 i5. 5o-2 58. 36.20-10 69.45.28-5 20-2 I. 20.59.21-85 22. 9. 2I-82 106. 7. 3i-8 58. 1-9 i5. 5o-3 61. o. 4-20 7I.43.45-7 II. 21. O. 21-69 22. 9. 23-96 106. 7.18-3 58. 1-9 i5. 5o-3 60. 59. 32- 10 71. 43. 12-3 22-5 I. 21. 9. 39-91 22. 9.44*03 106. 5. 12-5 58. 2-2 i5. 5o - 4 63.29. 27-30 73.47-58-1 II. ai.IO.39-75 22. 9.46-18 106. 4. 59-0 58. 2-2 i5. 50-4 63.28.55-o5 73.47.24-4 24-9 I. 2i.i8.36-53 22.10. 3'3l 106. 3. ii -5 58. 2-5 i5. 5o-5 65. 39. 9-45 75. 36.5i-7 II. 2i.i 9 .36-36 22. IO. 5-46 106. 2. 58-o 58. 2-5 i5. 5o-5 65.38.37-20 75. 36. 18-1 2 4 -5 I. 21.27. S'9 1 22. 10. 21-yJ 106. i. i5'8 58. 2-8 i5. 5o-6 67.43. o-oo 77.21.40-5 II. 20.28. 8-75 22. 10. 23-87 1 06. I. 2' 2 58. 2-8 i5. 5o-6 67.42.27-90 77.21. 6-9 2O- 2 22. 5O. 44'O9 120. 17. l6'4 60.55.41-85 78. 0.39-6 > , 65. 37. 14-40 81. 26. 14-5 2. 0. 7-89 6 7 . 7.39-8 32.26.5o-85 3o. 2.52-5 , , > 38.47.42-75 35.52.49-3 I. 23.10.23-35 3.37.23-02 67.49.29-4 61. 3-5 1 6. 39-9 17.45.21-75 17. 5. 1-7 II. 23.11.23-18 3.37.25-60 67.49.17-9 61. 3-5 16. 39-9 17.44.43-05 17. 4.27-1 IO'9 I. 23.22.48-39 3.37.55-I8 67.47. 5-5 61. 3-4 16. 39-9 20.44. 5-io 19. 53. 18-7 II. 23.23.48-23 3.37.57-77 67.46. 54-0 61. 3-4 16. 39-9 20. 43. 26-25 19. 52. 42*8 ,5-s November i5, 16, and 22. The aperture was reduced. 156 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Object. Altazimuth- Clock Time of Vertical Transit over Mean of Horizontal Wires. Lamp Right or Left. 1 ' 1 Reading of Vertical .2 Circle g corrected for '*5 Runs of M j; Micrometers. 73 -s g^ 4 Barometer and Ex- ternal Thermometer. Refraction. True observed Zenith Distance. 1874. November 22 KI Moon's L. L. ... h in . 5. 8.38-44 L 248. ig.58-5 293. 44. 56-9 58-6 82-0 ff 22-4 24-8 o r ft 21.40.47-7 23.46. 21 -3 , , ... 5. 17. 57-22 > > 5.27.39-84 I. 295. 55.41-8 82-8 3o in -i4 27-4 25.57. 9'6 ) > 5.38. 13-34 L 298. 17.43-0 83-2 64 -2 3o-3 28. 19. 14'! . 23 M Moon's U. L. . . . 4. 3.47-30 260. 18. 10-7 66-6 63 -2 9-6 9.41. 14-7 , , ... 4. 14. 5-58 11 262. u. 27-8 65'4 7'7 7.47. 56-9 ... 4.24.24-42 L 276. it. 2-5 78-4 6-2 6. 12. 4-7 Moon's L. L. ... 5.54. 4-08 L 286.46.45-6 77'4 63 -3 17-0 16. 47. 57-6 > t . 6. 2.28-50 L 288. 34.28-4 77-5 19-0 18. 35.42-5 > ... 6. n.36-34 L 290. 32. ii -8 78-3 21-2 20. 33.28-9 j > ... 6. 19. 24-64 n 247.45. 4-3 67-0 23-1 22. 14. 34-2 26 HI j > ... Aldebaran 6. 27. 37-00 6.3?. 1-68 6.46. 29-72 4.44.25-52 11 K L L 245.58.36-i 239.13. 37-8 3o2. 56. 49-0 314. 6.58-7 66-2 68-0 72-8 77'3 63 -3 3o i "-i5 63 -o 64 -2 25-1 33-6 36-6 54-5 24. i. 5-2 3o. 46. 10-2 32.58. 16-0 44- 8. 49- 1 Moon's L. L. ... ,, 4. 52. 18-80 L 3i2. 24. i3-6 77-8 5i-3 42. 26. i-3 > > ... 5. i. 6-54 L 3io. 29. 27-8 78-6 48-0 40. 3i. i3-o i > ... 5. 9. 5o-o6 B 23i. 22.46-2 66-3 44-8 38.37. i3- 7 n ... 5. 17. 16-96 K 233. o. 9-0 65-8 3o in -oi 42-2 36. 59.48-8 O / '/ November 22 aud 23. The adopted Zenith point corresponding to the mean wire is 270. o. 22-4 November 26. 270. 0.21 '4 TABLE IX. LONGITUDE FROM THE MOON'S OBSERVED ZENITH DISTANCE (continued). 157 Greenwich Mean Solar Time, assuming the West Longitude to be I. io h . 3i"'. o s . II. io h . 32'". o. Tabular Geocentric Elements (K. A. and N. P. D. corrected). Hour-Angle. Tabular Zenith Distance of Star or of Limb of Moon. Inferred Longitude West of Greenwich io b . 3i m . + Apparent Kight Ascension of Center. Apparent E torial J,ort, Polar H 2 rilontol Distance of Center. larallax " Semi- diameter. ll III S h n> s / // / // / // / // / // K I. 23. 3o. 4 5-i6 3.38. 15-78 6 7 . 4 5. 33-6 61. 3-3 16. 39-9 22. 38.27-75 21. 40. 54-0 II. 23.3i.45-oo 3.38. i8-35 67.45. 22-0 61. 3-3 1 6. 39-9 22. 37. 49-20 21. 40. i8-5 ID"? I. 23.40. 2-42 3. 38.39-85 67.43.46-4 61. 3-2 16. 39-9 24. 52. 8-40 23.46. 32-2 II. 23.41. 2-26 3.38.42-45 67.43. 34-8 61. 3-2 16. 39-9 24. 5 i. 29-40 23.45. 56-o 18-1 I. 23.49.43-46 3.39. 4-97 67.41. 54-S 61. 3-1 16. 39-8 27. ii. 3i-o5 25. 57.23-7 II. 23. 50.43-29 3.3 9 . 7-55 67.41.43-3 61. 3-i 16. 39-8 27. 10. 52-35 25. 56.46-9 22-9 I. o. o. 15-24 3. 39. 32-20 67.3 9 .53- 4 61. 3-o 16. 39-8 29.43. 5-25 28. 19. 3i-o II. o. i. 15-07 3. 39.34-79 67. 39.4I-9 61. 3-o 16. 39-8 29. 42. 26-40 18. 18. 54-3 27-6 I. 22.22. 9-77 4. 38.58-20 64. 6. 16*6 60. 41 3 16.33-9 8. 44. 40-20 9. 40. 53-3 II. 22.23. 9'6l 4. 39. 0-89 64. 6. 9-1 60. 41 -3 16.33-9 8.45.20-55 9.41. 28-5 36-5 I. 22.32.26-36 4. 39. 26-06 64. 4.59-8 60. 41-0 16. 33-8 6. 17. 3-90 7.47. 36-o II. 22.33.26-I9 4. 39. 28-76 64. 4. 52-4 60. 41 *o 16.33-8 6 - "7-44'4 7.48. ii -7 35-i I. 22. 42. 43'52 4. 39.53-95 64. 3.43-2 60. 40 8 16.33-8 3. 49. ig-So 6. n.53-9 II. 22.43.43-36 4. 39.56-65 64. 3.35-8 60. 40 8 16.33-8 3. 5o. o-oo 6. 12. 21-5 23-5 I. 0.12. 8-52 4.43.56-57 63. 52.52-0 60. 38-8 16. 33-2 17. 34. 56-70 16.48. i5-5 II. 0.1 3. 8-36 4.43. 59-29 63. 52. 44-9 60. 38-8 16. 33-2 17. 34. 15-90 16.47.40-9 3i-o I. o. 20. 3i'S7 4.44. 19-36 63.5i. 52-3 60. 38-6 16. 33-2 19. 35. 2i-i5 18. 36. 1-6 II. o. 21. 3i -41 4. 44. 22-06 63. 51.45-2 60. 38-6 16.33-2 19. 34.40-65 18.35.27-2 33-3 I. 0.29.37-93 4.44.44-11 63. 50.47-8 60. 38-4 16. 33-i 21.46. 7 -65 20. 33.46-6 II. 0.30.37-77 4. 44. 46 8 1 63. 5o. 40-6 60. 38-4 16. 33-i 21.45. 27-15 20. 33. ii -6 3o-3 I. o. 37. 14-95 4.45. 5-26 63.49. 52-8 6o.38-3 I6.33-I 23. 37. 54-90 22. 14. 49 "o II. 0.38.24-78 4.45. 7-97 63.49.45-8 60. 38-3 i6.33-i 23. 37. 14-25 22. 14. 14-0 25-4 I. 0.45.35-98 4.45.27-52 63.48. 55-2 60. 38-i 16. 33-o 25. 35.26-55 24. 1.20-7 II. 0.46.35-81 4.45. 3o-23 63.48.48-3 60. 38-i 16. 33-o 25. 34.45-90 24. 0.45-2 26-2 4.28.45-38 73.44.29-4 32. 7. 8-85 3o. 46. 9 6 i 34.29. 9-60 32. 58. 14-7 I. 22.5o.58-24 7. 53. 17-02 63.49. 9' 8 58. 14-2 i5. 53-7 47. 8.39-30 44- 8. 34-4 II. 22. 5i. 58-o8 7.53. 19-51 63.49. l6 ' 3 58. 14-2 i5. 53-7 47. 9. i6-65 44- 9- 8-3 26-0 I. 22.58.5o-23 7.53.36-67 63. 5o. 0-7 58. 13-9 i5. 53-6 45. i5. 14-70 42. 25. 46-2 II. 22. 59. 50-07 7.53.39-16 63. So. 7-1 58. i3-g 15.53-6 45. i5. 52-o5 42. 26. 20 -o 26-8 I. 23. 7.36-54 7-53.58-56 63. So. Sj-6 58. i3-5 15.53-5 43. 8.46-95 40. 3o. 58- 7 II. 23. 8.36-37 7. 54. i 04 63. Si. 4-0 58. i3-5 iS.53-5 43. 9.24-15 40. 3i. 32-3 25-5 I. 23.16.18-62 7. 54. 20-26 63. Si. 54-2 58. i3-2 i5. 53-4 41. 3. 19-65 38.36.57-9 II. 23.17.18-46 7. 54.22-75 63.52. 0-7 58. i3-2 i5. 53-4 41. 3. 57-00 38.37. 3i- 7 28-0 I. 23.23.44-32 7.54.38-77 63. 52.41-7 58. 12-9 iS.53-3 39. 16. i3-65 36. 59. 32-5 II. 23.24.44-15 7. 54. 41-26 63. 52.49-2 58. 12-9 i5. 53-3 39. 16. 5i-oo 37. o. 6-2 29-0 November 23. Moon's limb indistinct. Aperture reduced. x 2 158 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. b S o Object. Altazimuth- Clock Time of Vertical Transit over Mean of Horizontal Wires. Lamp Right or Left. Reading of Vertical Circle corrected for Runs of Micrometers. Level Indication (ad- ditive). Barometer aud Ex- ternal Thermometer. Refraction. True observed Zenith Distance. 1874. November 26 NI Moon's L. L. ... 5.23.57-86 K / // 234.27. 37-4 65- 7 65 -i tr 40* o t >t 35.32. i8-3 27 NI Moon's L. L. ... 4.54. 2-42 L 325.27. 38-8 7 5-3 62 -o 81-8 55.29.54-5 > ... 5. 1.51-28 L 323.44.46-5 7 5-i 76-8 53.46.57-0 j 5. 8.39-58 L 322. 14.58-5 7 5-2 72-8 52.17. 5-i > 5. 16. n-38 L 320.35.25-7 7 5-o 68-6 So. 37.27-9 , , ... 5. 24.43-96 R 221. l6. 2- I 70-0 64-2 48. 44. 1 3 5 , , ... 5. 3i. 6-56 K 222. 40. 42-5 69-8 61-1 47. 19. 3o-2 , , ... 5.3.9-30-66 K 224. 32. 23-5 69-8 5 7 '3 45.27.45-4 > 5.46. 51-48 a 226. 10. i5-3 69-7 5 4 - 1 43. 49. 5o-5 ... 5.54-32-68 it 227. 52. 48-7 69-8 5i-o 42. 7. i3'9 , , ... 6. 2. 9-16 K 229. 34.28-8 69-4 48-2 40. 25. 3i - 4 i 6. 9.45-78 L 308.41.57-3 72-6 45-2 38. 4 3.33'7 , , ... 6. 17. 32-86 L 306.57. 38-3 7 3-6 60 -8 42-5 36.59. i3-o 28 NI y Leonis 6. 35.28-io 6.44. 28-70 4. 29. 9-60 R L R 219. 3o. 24-9 318.23.41-7 196. 6. 3o-o 69-9 74-2 67-4 3o""o6 6i-3 69 -9 68-4 63-6 190-8 5o. 29. 55-o 48.25.38-i 73.55.54-8 Moon's L. L. ... , , ... 4. 39. 5 1 80 R 198. 26. 36-6 6 7 -5 165-9 71. 35.23-2 ... 4. 48. 54- 38 R 2OO. 25. 25' I 6 7 -3 149-0 69. 36. 18-0 , , ... 4-58.13-38 L 337. 3o. 1-4 71-4 134-4 67.33. 5-8 O / // November 27 and 28. The adopted Zenith point corresponding to the mean wire is 270. o. 21 -4 TABLE IX. LONGITUDE FROM THE MOON'S OBSERVED ZENITH DISTANCE (continued). 159 Greenwich Mean Solar Time, assuming the West Longitude to be I. io h . 3i'".o s . II. io h . 32 m . o s . Tabular Geocentric Elements (K. A. and N. P. D. corrected). V Hour-Angle. Tabular Zenith Distance of Star or of Limb of Moon. Inferred Longitude West of Greenwich io h . 31. + Apparent Right Ascension of Center. Apparent North Polar Distance of Center. Equatorial Horizontal Parallax. Semi- diameter. h in s o / // / // / // O 1 it o i I. 23. 3o. 24-12 7 .5 4 . 55-38 63. 53.26-3 58. 12-6 15.53-2 37.40. 9-30 35.32. 5-4 II. 23. 3i. 23-96 7.54.57-86 63.53.32-8 58. 12-6 i5. 53-2 37. 40. 46-50 35.32.38-7 23-2 I. 22. 56. 39-00 8.5o.57-57 67. 4. 42' 6 57. 16-8 i5.38-i Sg. 9. i3-65 55.29.37-5 II. 22.57.38-84 8.50.59-86 67. 4. 52'2 57. 16-8 I5.38-I 59. 9.48-00 55. 3o. io-3 3i-i I. 23. 4.26-59 8. Si. 15-41 67. 5.57-5 57. i6-5 i5. 38-o 57. 16. 28-20 53.46.39-2 II. 23. 5.26-43 8. Si. 17-69 67. 6. 7-1 57. i6-5 15.38-0 57. 17. 2-40 53.47. 11-9 32-7 I. 23. 11.13-78 8. Si. 30-93 67. 7. 2-9 57. 16-2 i5.3 7 -9 55. 38. i6-5o 52. 16.48-3 II. 23.12.13-62 8.5i. 33-21 67. 7.12-5 57. 16-2 i5.3 7 - 9 55. 38. So- 70 52. 17. 20-9 3o'9 I. 23.18.44-35 8. 51.48-09 67. 8.15-2 5 7 . i5-9 iS.37-8 53.49. 36-90 So. 37. io-5 II. 23. 19.44-19 8. Si.So-Sy 67. 8. 24-9 57-15-9 iS.37-8 53. So. ii -io So. 37.43-1 32-0 I. 23.27.15-54 8.52. 7-57 67. 9.37-5 57. i5-6 i5. 3 7 -8 Si. 46. 20-25 48.43.55-4 II. 23.28.15-37 8. 52. 9 84 67. 9.47-1 57.15-6 i5.3 7 -8 $1.46. 54'3o 48.44.27-9 33-4 I. 23.33.37-09 8. 52. 22-09 67. 10. 39-0 57. i5-3 i5.3 7 -7 So. 14. ig-oS 47.19. 13-7 II. 23.34.36-93 8. 52.24-36 67. 10.48-6 57.15-3 '5.37-7 5o. 14. 53-10 47. 19.46-3 3o'4 I. 23.41.59-83 8. 52.41-22 67. 12. 0-1 57. i5-o iS.37-6 48. i3. 4-35 45.27.27-1 II. 23.42.59-67 8.52.43-49 67. 12. 9'8 57. i5-o 15.37-6 48. i3. 38- 4 o 45. 27. 59-4 34-0 I. 23.49.19-44 8.52.57-93 67. i3. ii- 1 57. 14-7 15.37-5 46.27. 2-70 43.49.31-7 II. 23.50.19-28 8.53. 0-21 67. i3. 20-8 57. 14-7 iS.37-5 46. 27. 36-90 43. So. 4-2 34'7 I. 23.56.59-38 8.53. 15-42 67. 14. 25-6 57. 14-4 i5.3 7 -4 44. 36. 7-05 42. 6.55-2 II. 23.57.59-22 8. 53. 17-69 67. 14. 35-2 57. 14-4 i5.3 7 -4 44. 36. 41-10 42. 7- *7 '4 34-8 I. o. 4. 34-62 8.53.32-82 67. i5. 38-7 57. 14-1 i5. 37-4 42. 46. 20-70 40. 25. i3-5 II. o. 5. 34-46 8.53.35-10 67. 15.48-4 57. 14-1 i5.3 7 -4 42. 46. 54-90 40. 25.45-8 33-2 I. O. 12. lO'OO 8.53. 5o-iz 67. 16.52-6 57. i3-8 iS.37-3 40. 56. 30-90 38. 4 3.i 9 - 4 II. o.i 3. 9-84 8.53.52-39 67. 17. 2-3 57-13-8 i5. 37-3 40.57. 4-9$ 38.43. Si -7 26-6 I. 0.19.55-81 8.54. 7-80 67.18. 8-3 57. i3-5 15.37-2 39. 4. 9-90 36. S8. 56- 4 II. o. 20. 55-64 8. 54. 10-07 67. 18. 18-0 57.13-5 i5. 37-2 39. 4.43-95 36.59.28-5 3i-o 10. i3. 4-17 69.31.33-4 54. 19. 26-70 So. 29. 55-3 > ) 52. 4. 17-55 48. 25. 38-2 I. 22.27.55-59 9. 42. 28-62 71. 17. 19-3 56. 24-2 iS.23'7 78. 14. 53-10 73.55.36-o II. 22.28.55-43 9. 42. 30-71 71. 17. 3i-o 56. 24-2 15.23-7 78. 1 5. 24-45 73.56. 7-4 35-9 I. 22. 38. 36-oS 9.42. So -97 71. 19. 24-6 56.23-8 i5. 23-6 75.39.55-20 71.35. 6-1 II. 22.39.35-88 9.42. 53-o6 71. 19. 36-3 56.23-8 iS.23'6 75.40.26-55 7i.35.37-9 32-3 I. 22.47.37-14 9.43. '9-86 71. 21. io- 5 56.23-5 iS.23-5 73.28. 59-85 69.35.58-4 II. 22.48.36-98 9. 43. 11-95 71. 21. 22-3 56.23-5 iS.23-5 73. 29. 3i-2o 69. 36. 3o-o 3 7 -2 I. 22.56.54-63 9.43. 29-31 71. 22. 59-8 56.23-2 15.23-4 71.14- 6-45 67. 32. 5o'5 II. 22.57.54-47 9.43.31-39 71. *3. ii-S 56.23-2 iS.23-4 71. 14. 37-65 67. 33. 22-0 29-1 160 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. i o Object. Altazimuth^ Clock Time of Vertical Transit over Mean of Horizontal Wires. Lamp Right or Left. Beading of Vertical Circle corrected for liuns of Micrometers. Level Indication (ad- ditive). Barometer and Ex- ternal Thermometer. "Refraction. True observed Zenith Distance. 1874. November 28 NI Moon's L. L. ... h in s 5. 9. 5-3 4 L 335. 6. 5-9 73-o 3o' n -23 if I2O- I III 65. 8.57-6 , , ... 5.21.54-56 L 33z. 15.42-5 7 3-o 68- 8 106- 1 62. l8. 20-2 Ursse Majoris . 5. 38. 12-70 L 336. 14. 29- 1 79-3 12.6-6 66. 17. 33-6 29 NI Rcffulus . . 5.48.37-66 6. 5p. 32-40 7. 14.42-64 7. 23. 24-08 U 11 L U 2o5. 8.33-8 225.48.28-5 3io. 38. 39-5 23l. 20. 27- 2 63-8 70-4 7 i-3 72-6 69' i -i-i n8-6 54-3 48-0 44'7 64. 52. 42-4 44. ii. 38-6 40. 40. 1 5 6 38. 39.28-1 t y , , 7- 34.49-04 I, 3o5. 59. 45-7 69-4 40-6 36. i. 12-5 Moon's L. it. ... 7.45.48-72 L 312.20. 56-5 7 o-5 5i-o 42. 22. 34-8 > ... 7. 55. 6-40 L 3io. 14. 47-6 70-6 47 -3 40. 1 6. 22* 3 8. 2. 14-58 I, 3o8. 38. 3-7 70-6 44" 7 38. 39. 35-8 , , ... 8. 9.55-92 B z33. 4. 19-9 71-2 42-0 36. 55. 34-1 > ... 8. 17. 36-54 U 234.48. 2'S 70-4 3o in -2 4 39-4 35. 1 1, 49 -4 j * 8. 25. 21 14 K 236. 32. 21-3 70-1 7 i-o 36- 9 33. 27. 28-7 December i HI Moon's L. L. ... 7. 29. 36- 5o It 199. 45. i3-o 69-0 70 -5 1 54 -i 70. 16. 34-5 , , ... 7.40. 6'3o K 202. 6. i5-3 69-3 i36- 7 67. 55. 14-5 > ... 7. 5o. 42-14 R 204. 28. 24-8 69-4 I22"2 65. 32.5o- 4 j , ... 7. 59.46-98 L 333.28. 18-7 72-4 III'7 63. 3i. 0-4 , , ... 8. 8.23-34 L 33i. 33.21-7 7 3-o io3'i 61. 35.55-4 J > * 8. i5. 5o-52 1 329. 54. 2*2 73-' 69- 4 96-4 59. 56. 29-3 Mars (as a star) . 8. 3o.52-6z L 343. 7.2I-I 73-2 69 -3 182-5 73. ii. 14-4 * > 8. 39. 52-12 L 341. 6. 1-6 72-2 162-0 71. 9-33-4 O f ft November 29. The adopted Zenith point corresponding to the mean wire is 270. o. i3'2 December i. 270. 0.22 -4 TABLE IX. LONGITUDE FROM THE MOON'S OBSERVED ZENITH DISTANCE (continued). 161 Greenwich Mean Solar Time, assuming the West Longitude to be I. io h . 3i"'.o>. II. lo 1 '. 32'". o s . Tabular (1 eccentric Elements (R. A. and N. P. D. corrected). Hour-Angle. Tabular Zenith Distance of Star or of Limb of Moon. Inferred Longitude West of Greenwich lo' 1 . 3 1. + A pparent Hight Ascension of Center. Apparent North Polar Distance of Center. Equatorial Horizontal Parallax. Semi- diameter. !, ill s h in s . / // O f ft / // I. 23. 7.44-82 9.43. Sl-gS 71.25. 7 -3 56.22-8 15.23-3 68.36.46-95 65. 8.45-0 n. 23. 8.44-65 9.43. 54-09 71. 25. 19- 1 56.22-8 15.23-3 68. 37. 18-60 65. 9. 17-0 23-6 J. 23. 20. 3I-95 9.44. 18-69 71. 27. 38-o 56. 22-4 lS.23'2 65.3i. 9-15 62.18. 7-1 II. 23.2I.3I-78 9. 44. 20-78 71.27.49-7 56. 22-4 lS.23'2 65. 3i-4o-5o 62. 18. 38-9 2 4'7 10. 54. 16-92 32.57- 0-6 78. 56. 10-20 66. 17. 35-5 ' " 76. 19. 55-65 64. 52. 39-7 10. 1.42-34 77.25. 14-7 45. 27. 12-60 44. 11. 35"o * , , 41. 39. 38-70 40. 40. 1 5 2 t ,, 39. 29. 16-95 38. 39.27-4 ) t , , 36.38. 2-40 36. i. 10-7 I. 1.40. 8-28 10. 36. 57- 12 76. 58.42-6 55. 3i- 9 i5. 9-4 42. 41. 48-60 42. 22. 23-5 II. 1.41. 8-09 10. 36. Sg-oS 76.58.55-6 55.31-9 i5. 9-4 42. 42. 17-25 42. 22. 54-2 22" I I. 1.49.24-42 10. 37. 14-90 77. 0.45-2 55. 3i-6 1 5. 9-3 40. 26. 49-95 40. 16. 10-7 II. i. 5o. 24-26 10. 37. 16-80 77. 0.58-3 55. 3i-6 i5. 9-3 40. 27. 18-45 40. 1 6. 41 -o 23-o I. i. 56. 31-44 10. 37. 28-55 77. 2.19-3 55.31-4 i5. 9-3 38.43. n-85 38.39.23-8 II. 1.57.31-28 10. 37. 30-46 77. 2.32-5 55. 3i'4 i5. 9-3 38. 43.40-50 38.39.54-5 23-4 I. 2. 4. II' 52 10. 37.43-25 77. 4. 0-8 55. 3i-2 i5. 9-2 36.5i.32-25 36. 55.17-5 11. 2. S.i'i-36 10. 37. 45- 16 77- 4- H- 55. 3i-2 i5. 9-2 36. 52. 0-90 36. 55.48-4 32-2 1. 2. II. So-go 10. 37. 57-91 77- 5.42-I 55. 3i-o 1 5. 9-2 35. o. 2-70 35.ii. 34-1 11. 2.12.50-73 10. 37.59-83 77- 5.55-3 55. 3i-o i5. 9-2 35. o. 3i-5o 35.12. 4-8 29-9 I. 2. 19. 34-25 10. 38. 12-70 77. 7.24-4 55. 3o-8 1 5. 9-1 33. 7.35-40 33.27. '*'9 II. 2. 20. 34-08 10. 38. 14-63 77. 7-37-6 55.3o-8 1 5. 9-1 33. 8. 4-35 33.27.44-2 3o-3 I. i. 16. 9-81 12. 3.40-77 87.55.54-2 54.28-6 14. 52-2 68.25. 2-40 70. 1 6. 17-6 II. I. 17. 9-64 12. 3.42-52 87.56. 8-2 54.28-6 14. 52-2 68.25.28-65 70. 16.47-0 3 4 -5 I. 1.26.37-89 12. 3.59-I6 87.58.21-6 54.28-5 14. 52- 1 65. 52. n-25 67.54. 58-3 II. I.27.37-72 12. 4. 0-92 S 7 . 58. 35-7 54.28-5 14. 52- 1 65. 52. 3 7 -65 67.55.28-1 32-6 I. I. 37. I2-OO 12. 4.17-74 88. o. So -5 54.28-3 14. 52-i 63. 17. 52-20 65. 32. 3 4 - 4 11. i. 38.H-83 12. 4. 19*48 88. i. 4-5 54.28-3 14. 52-i 63. 18. i-3o 65.33. 3-9 32-5 I. 1.46.15-36 12. 4. 33-64 88. 2. 58-o 54.28-2 14. 52- 1 61. 5.37-95 63. 3o. 49-4 11. I.47- l5'2O 12. 4.35-39 88. 3. 12-1 54. 28-2 14. 52- 1 61. 6. 4-20 63. 3i. 19-1 22-2 I. 1.54. 5o-3i 12. 4.48-71 88. 4.58-9 54. 28 i 14. 52-o 5g. o. 18-60 61.35.43-4 II. i.SS. So- iS 12. 4. 50-47 88. 5.i3-o 54.28-1 14. 52-o 59. 0.45-00 61. 36. i3-3 24-1 1. 2. 2.16-28 12. 5. 1-77 88. 6.43-6 54.27-9 14. 52-o 57. ii. 46-65 59.56. 18-2 1). 2. 3.I6-I2 12. 5. 3-52 88. 6.57-6 54.27-9 14. 52-o S?. 12. 12-90 59.56.47-9 22-4 2. 17. 42-84 1 3. 8.41-20 95.55.57-I o. 4-3 69.21. 6-45 73. ii. 19-1 2. 26. 40' 87 i3. 8.42-05 95. 56. 2-4 o. 4-3 67. 6.26-70 71. 9.37-1 , 162 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. O Object. Altazimuth- Clock Time of Vertical Transit over Mean of Horizontal Wires. i o i 1 Heading of Vertical Circle corrected for Kuns of Micrometers. Level Indication (ad- ditive). Barometer and Ex- ternal Thermometer. Refraction. True observed Zenith Distance. 1874. December i in Mars (as a star) . 1, III s 8.47. 56-04 R 200. 40. 47 7 69-2 3o in '22 146-8 69. 20. 52-3 ,, 8. 55.20-26 R 202. 19. 57-3 69- 1 7 i-o 134-9 67. 41. 30-9 2 NI Moon's L. L. ... 8.43. 3-io R 204. 9. 34- 8 67-6 70 -9 123-7 65. 51.41-7 ,, 8. 53. 24-24 R 206. 24. 22-9 67-4 111-9 63. 36.42-0 ,, 9. 2.23-12 R 208.20. 38-8 67-0 io3-i 61. 40. 17-7 j , ... 9. 12. 58-04 L 329. 21. 35-0 73-4 94-1 59. 24. 2- I 9. 22. 30-76 L 327. 19.48-1 7 3-6 3o in - 2 3 86-9 57.22. 8-2 ,, 9. 32.13-36 L 325. 16.59-3 74'4 70 -5 8o-5 55. 19. i3-8 Mars (as a star) . 9. 54. i8-52 R 214.35.24-7 67-2 80-8 55.25. 9-3 ,, 10. 3. 56-12 ti 323.2i.i5-8 72-9 7 5-o 53.23.23-3 4 n Mars (as a star) . 9.43. 5-52 R 211. 0. 9'7 67-4 93-0 5g. o. 36-3 , , 9.55.32-52 I 326. 18.43-4 73-4 67- 1 84-0 56. 21. 0-4 Moon's L. L. ... 10. 6.49-88 L 341. 47. 34-3 74-8 168-8 71. 5i. 17-5 ,, 10. i5. 10-60 f. 340. 6. 12 -o 74-8 i53- 7 70. 9.40-1 ,, 10. 24. 27-68 L 338. 14.25-2 74-2 3o'"-i2 i39'6 68. 17. 38-6 >4 HI 10.33.35-22 R L L 203. 32. 32'9 320.38. 3-6 322. 2.10-3 69-4 55-5 55-6 67 -3 72-o 127-8 6 7 -8 7 i-3 66. 28.45-9 5o. 39.46-5 52. 3.56-8 1. 17. 22-12 ,, I. 25.47-52 L 323. 32. 4 3-o 55-8 75-3 53.34-33-7 ,, 1.53. 3-22 R 211. 20. II ' 3 8 7 -3 91-2 58. 40. i3-o , , ... R 209. I 5. 12-2 86-1 99-0 60 45. 21 -i December 2 to December 14, 270. o. 20-4. The observations of Mars have been used only for Zenith point. TABLE IX. LONGITUDE FROM THE MOON'S OBSERVED ZENITH DISTANCE (continued). 163 Greenwich Mean Solar Time, assuming the West Longitude to be I. io h . 3 1. o s . II. io b . 32 m . o s . Tabular Geocentric Elements (H. A. and N. P. D. corrected). Hour-Angle. Tabular Zenith Distance of Star or of Limb of Moon. Inferred Longitude West of Greenwich ic h . 3i m . + Apparent Apparent Right North Polar Ascension Distance - of Center. of Center. Equatorial Horizontal Parallax. Semi- diameter. h m > h in i / / // , o / tt / 1, 2. 34.43-48 1 3. 8.42-80 95. 56. 7-0 o. 4-3 65. 5.39-00 69. 20. 54-9 2.42. 6-48 i3. 8. 4 3-65 95. 56. i2-z o. 4-3 63. 14.48-45 67.41.35-8 I. 2. 25. 3o-o5 12. 47. 39-OO 93.48.28-9 54. 10-7 14.47-3 61. 2.33-oo 65. Si. 27-9 II. 2.26.29-88 12.47.40-75 93.48.42-7 54. 10-7 14.47-3 61. 2. 59-25 65. 5i. 57-7 27-8 I. 2. 35.49-50 I2.47.57-03 93. 5o. 52-i 54. 10-6 14.47-2 58. 31.46-20 63.36.27-4 II. 2.36.49-33 I2.47.58-77 93. Si. 5-9 54. 10-6 14.47-2 58. 32. 12- 3o 63.36.56-8 29-8 I. 2.44.46-92 12.48. 12-68 93.52. 56-4 54. 10-6 14.47-2 56. 20. 57-60 61.40. 1-7 II. 2.45.46-76 12. 48. 14*42 93. 53. 10-2 54. 10-6 14.47-2 56. 21. 23-70 61.40. 3i-i 32-6 I. 2. 55. 20- 10 12. 48. 3l'I2 93. 55.22-7 54. io-5 14.47-2 53. 46. 50-40 59.23.47-5 II. 2. 56. 19-94 12.48. 3z-86 93.55. 36-5 54. io-5 14.47-2 53. 47. i6-5o 59. 24. 17-0 29-7 I. 3. 4.51-28 12.48.47-75 93.57. 3 4 '7 54. 10-4 14.47-2 Si. 27. 48-90 57.2i.53-8 II. 3. S. Si- n 12.48.49-49 93.57.48-5 54. 10-4 14.47-2 5i.28. i5-oo 57. 22. 23-1 29-4 I. 3. 14. 32-29 12.49. 4-67 93.59.49-0 54. io-3 14.47-1 49. 6.23-55 55. 19. o-i II. 3.15.32- 12 12.49. 6*41 94. o. 2-8 54. io-3 14.47-1 49. 6.49-65 55. 19. 29-2 28-2 3.37. 0-76 i3. ii. 4-64 96. 10.40-8 o. 4-3 49. 5. 5-55 55.25. n-8 3.46. 36- 80 i3. n. 5-54 96. 10. 46* 3 o. 4- 3 46. 40. 54-90 53.23.26-2 3. 17. 59-97 i3. i5. 34-83 96. 38. 15-4 o. 4-3 53. 0.20-40 59. o. 39-0 3. 3o. 24-92 i3. i5. 36-oo 96.38.22-5 o. 4'3 49. 53. Si'gS 56.21. 1-2 I. 3.4i.i3-53 14. 1 5. 47-20 104. 38. 15-9 5 4 . 3- 9 14.45-4 62. 7.20-40 71. Si. 0-2 II. 3.42.13-37 14. 15.49-04 104. 38. 28-1 5 4 . 3- 9 14.45-4 62. 7. 48 oo 71. Si. 29-5 35-4 I. 3.49.32-88 14. 16. 2-67 104. 39. 57- 5 54. 4-0 14.45-4 60. 6. i-65 70. 9.22-4 II. 3.50.32-72 14. 16. 4- 52 104.40. 9-6 54. 4-0 14.43-4 60. 6.29-40 70. 9.51-7 36-2 I. 3.58.48-46 14. 16. 19*89 104. 41. 5o~4 54. 4-0 14.45-4 57.51. 3-6o 68. 17. 23-i II. 3.59.48-30 14. 16. 21-75 104.42. 2- 5 54. 4-0 14.45-4 S?. Si. 3i-5o 68.17.52-5 3i-6 I. 4. 7. if So 14. 16. 36-82 104. 43.41-3 54. 4-0 14.45-4 55.38.24-45 66.28. 32-o II. 4. 8.54-34 14. 16. 38-68 104. 43. 53-4 54. 4-0 14.45-4 55.38.52-35 66.29. ''3 28-4 I. 1 8. 6. 2- 4 3 22. 41. l8'I2 IO2. 22. 32' 5 57.53-8 15.48-1 37. 9.55-8o 5o.39.55-8 II. 18. 7. 2-26 22. 41. 2O'2O 102. 22. l8'O 57.53-8 15.48-1 3y. 9.24-60 So. 39.23-4 i7-z I. it. 14. i -ii 22.41. 34-73 102. 20. 36 -4 57.54-0 15.48-2 39. 5.46-50 52. 4. 4-9 II. 18. i5. 0-94 22. 41. 36-8o IO2. 20. 21 "9 57- 54-0 15.48-2 3 9 . S.iS-45 52. 3. 32-5 i5-o I. 18.22.25-14 22.41. 52-20 102. 18. 34-1 5 7 .5 4 -2 15.48-2 41. 7.45-60 53. 34.44-2 II. 18.23.24-98 22. 41. 54-27 102. 18. 19-6 57.54-2 15.48-2 41. 7. 14- 55 53.34. ii - 5 i 9 -3 I. 18.49. 36-40 22.42.48-74 102. II. 57-8 57.54-9 i5. 4 S-4 47.42. 33 -3o 58.40. 26-5 II. 18. So. 36-23 22.41.50-83 102. II. 43*2 57.54-9 15.48-4 47.42. i- 9 5 58.39-53-0 24-2 I. 19. 0.25-66 22. 43. II-24 IO2. 9. 19*8 57.55-1 15.48-5 So. 18. 26-25 60.45. 3i- 8 II. 19. 1.25-49 22.43. 13-33 I O2. 9. 5 "2 57.55-1 15.48-5 5o. 17. 54-90 60. 44. 58-2 19-1 December 14. The aperture was slightly reduced. 164 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Object. Altazimuth- Clock Time of Vertical Transit over Mean of Horizontal Wires. 1 3 'S 1 fv* I Heading of Vertical Circle corrected for Runs of Micrometers. Level Indication (ad- ditive). Barometer arid Ex- ternal Thermometer. Hefractioii. True observed Zenith Distance. 1874. December 14 i5 SI HI Moon's L. L. ... (3 Ceti . li m s 2. II. 3S-4O 2. 2O. 44- 12 2. 3o. 12' 2O 2. I8.28-66 K It I, L o / // 207.43. 40-6 222. 36. 2O- 2 3i8. 38.59-2 319.59. 8-1 a 85-9 86-6 5 4 -o Sg-o 3o""20 7 i- 9 66 -8 a io5'S 60 3 63-2 66-9 / // 62. 1 6. 59-4 47.23.34-1 48. 40. 36 *o 5o. o. 53-6 Moon's L. L. ... , , ... 2. 26.45-52 ( 321.37. 16-5 5 9 -3 70-9 5i.39. 6-3 , , ... 2.44. 36-12 L 325.13. 1-8 59-8 80-9 55.i5. 2-1 , , ... 2.53.48-48 II 212. Si. 57-4 85-6 86-8 5 7 . 8.24-2 , , ... 3. 3.44-06 R 210.48. 25'4 83-7 94-0 59.12. 5-3 18 m /3 Ceti 3. 14.43-24 3.24.43-54 3.34.53-02 4.43. 11-42 n L I, 208. 3o. 16-8 212.39.37-7 329. 7. i-3 307.58. 7-1 83'4 84-6 56-2 60-2 65'9 30""20 66 -5 I03'2 87-5 93-8 43-6 61. 3o. 23-4 57. 20. 45-6 59. 9. 10-9 37.59.26-5 Moon's L. L. ... , , ... 4. 5o. 24-08 L 3o9.35.35-5 60-6 7 i-i 46-2 39.36.57-9 ,, 5. n. 19-90 L 314. 18.46-1 60-9 5 4 -5 44. 20. 17-1 ,, 5. 20. 59-84 R 223. 28.49-9 81-2 58- 7 46. 3i. 12 -o , , ... 5. 3o. 12-96 R 221.24. 3'7 80-0 3o in -i7 63-2 48.36. 3-9 19 jji 5.39.44-74 6. 7.24-12 6.16. 0-68 5.24. i5-i8 R K t, L 219. i5. 18-2 212. 59. 53-2 328.54.57-5 302.38. 6-7 79-6 77'o 64-5 62-4 7i"-o 65- 5 68-2 85-7 92-4 36-o 5o. 44. $4-8 57. 0.39-9 58.57. 10-0 3z. 39. 20- 7 MOOD'S L. L. ... ,, 5.32. 7-48 L 3O4. 24. 42 2 62-0 38-5 34.25. 58-3 f If December i5. The adopted Zenith point corresponding to the mean wire is 270. o. 20-4 December 1 8. 270.0.24-4 December 19. 270.0.24-4 TABLE IX. LONGITUDE FROM THE MOON'S OBSERVED ZENITH DISTANCE (continued). 165 Greenwich Mean Solar Time, assuming the West Longitude to he I. io h . 3i m . o". II. I0 h . 32"'. s . Tabular Geocentric Elements (K. A. and N. P. D. corrected). Hour-Angle. Tabular Zenith Distance of Star or of Limb of Moon. Inferred Longitude West of Greenwich io h . 3 1 1 ". + Apparent Right Ascension of Center. Apparent North Polar Distance of Center. Equatorial Horizontal Parallax. Semi- diameter. h til s h la a f ft / // / // / // o / // K I. 19. 8. 5-56 22.43.27-I8 102. 7.27-8 57.55-3 15.48-5 52.10.59-55 62. 17. II -2 II. 19. 9. 5-39 22.43. 29-27 IO2. 7. 1 3'2 57.55-3 15.48-5 52. 10. 28-20 6z. 16.37-5 21-0 o. 37. 18-82 108.40. 3i'i 26. o. 15-90 47.23.32-9 ' 28. 22. I7-25 48. 40. 34- 5 I. 19. ii. 2-41 23.32.59-88 95.58.23-8 58.3i-o 15.58-3 41. 3i. 17-70 5o. i. 6-5 11. 19. 12. 2-24 23.33. 1-93 9 5.58. 7-9 58.3i-o iS.58-3 41. 3o. 46-95 5o. o.32-5 22-8 I. 19.19.17-93 23.33. 16-81 95. 56. 11-9 58. 3i-2 i5. 58-3 43. 3 1. 16-80 51.39.17-3 II. 19. 2O. I7'76 23.33. i8-85 95.55.56-o 58.3i-2 15.58-3 43. 3o. 46-20 5i.38. 43-2 19-4 I. 19. 37. .5- 60 23.33.53-26 95. 5i. 27-6 58. 3i-6 15.58-5 47.49.49-05 55. i5. 14-7 II. 19.38. 5-44 23.33.55-31 95. 5i. 11-7 58. 3i-6 iS.58-5 47. 49. 18- 3o 55. 14. 40-5 22-1 I. 19.46. 16-45 23.34. IZ '8 95.49. 0-8 58. 31-9 iS.58-5 5o. 3. i2-i5 57. 8.41-6 II. 19. 47. 16-29 23. 34. 14- 12 95.48.44-9 58.3i-9 iS.58-5 5o. 2.41-55 5 7 . 8. 7-3 3o'4 I. 19. 56. 10-42 23. 3 4 . 32-36 95.46. 22- 5 58. 32-i 15.58-6 52.27. i' 8 59. 12. 2O'9 II. 19. 57. io-z5 23. 34. 34-40 95.46. 6'- 6 58.32-1 iS.58-6 52. 26. 3i-zo 59. 11.46-6 27-3 I. 20. 7. 7-79 23. 34.54-81 95.43.27-2 58. 32-4 iS.58-7 55. 6.12-75 61. 3o. 37-9 II. 20. 8. 7 -63 23. 3 4 . 56-85 95.43. ii -3 58. 32-4 i5. 58-7 , 55. 5.42-15 61. 3o. 3-6 25-4 o. 37. 18-80 108.40. 3i- 1 42. o. 17-40 57. 20.44-3 " " 44. 32. 39-75 5g. 9. 9-1 I. 21.23.35-75 2. 10. 3o-66 75. 50.43-4 60. 5-i 1 6. 24-0 38. 19.47-70 37-59.47-4 II. 21.24.35-58 2. 10. 32-93 75. 5o.28-3 60. 5-i 1 6. 24-0 38. 19. i3-65 37.59.11-5 3 4 - 9 1. 21. 30.47-23 2. 10.47-06 75.48.54-3 60. 5-2 16. 24-0 40. 3. 5i-6o 39.37.17-9 II. 2I.3I.47-06 2. 10. 59-34 75.48.39-2 60. 5-2 1 6. 24-0 40. 3. 17-40 39. 36.41-9 33-3 I. 2I.5l.39'63 2. II. 34-68 75.43.38-o 60. 5-5 16. 24- 1 4 5. 5.54- 7 5 44. 20. 37-0 II. 2I.52.39-47 2. II. 36-96 75.43.22-9 60. 5-5 1 6. 24- 1 45. 5.20-55 44. 20. i *o 33-2 I. 22. I. 17-99 2. II. 56-70 75.41. I2-I 60. 5-6 16. 24-2 47.25.23-55 46. 3 1. 29-0 II. 22. 2.17-83 2. II. 58^8 75.40. 57-0 60. 5-6 16. 24-2 47.24.49-35 46. 3o. 52-9 28-2 I. 22. IO. 29-61 2. 12. 17-70 7 5.38.53-i 60. 5-7 16. 24-2 49. 38.25-5o 48. 36. 16-0 II. 22. ii. -y'44 2. 12. 19-98 75.38.38-o 60. 5- 7 16. 24-2 49. 37. 5i-3o 48.35.40-1 20-2 I. 22.19.59-83 2. 12. 39*41 75.36.29-5 60. 5-9 16. 24-2 5i. 55. 56-55 5o-45. ii- 1 II. 22. 2O. 59-66 2. 12. 41-70 75. 36. 14-4 60. 5-9 1 6. 24-2 Si. 55. 22'20 5o. 44. 35'o 27-1 2. 0. 7-79 67. 7.39-0 61. 58.42-00 57. 0.38-3 " > 64. 7. So-io 58.57. n-2 I. 22. O. 37-48 3. 8.40-93 70. 4. 10-7 60. 19*9 16. 28-0 3 4 . 3.I9-35 32.39. 36-2 II. 22. 1.37-32 3. 8.43-39 70. 3.58-o 60. 19-9 16.28-0 34. 2.42-45 32.39. o-i 25-8 I. 22. 8.28-49 3. 9. o-i5 70. 2. 3o-5 60. 19-9 1 6. 28-0 35. 56.35-55 34. 26. ii -o II. 22. 9.28-32 3. 9. 2-61 70. 2. 17-8 60. 19-9 16.28-0 35.55.58-65 34.25.34-5 20-9 v 2 166 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Object. Altazimuth- Clock Time of Vertical Transit over Mean of Horizontal Wires. i d 4 s p. 3 Reading of Vertical Circle corrected for Runs of Micrometers. Level Indication (ad- ditive). Barometer and Ex- ternal Thermometer. Refraction. True observed Zenith Distance. 1874. December 19 SI Moon's L. L. ... li ra s 5. 38. 40-74 L R 3o5. 53. 16-1 23i. 10. 59-5 62-4 81-0 65-5 40-7 4 5-2 35. 54. 34-8 38. 48. 49' i , , ... 5. 5 1. 34-74 ,, 5.59.47-44 K 229. 20. 20-9 80-6 48* 2 40. 39. 3i-i 20 NI > ... o Tauri "6. 7. 5-3 4 6. 20. 5' 08 6.28. 52-74 7. 22. 58-90 R K Ii L 227.42. 8-5 242. 52. i5-i 298.57.42-7 314.23.47-4 79'5 80-9 58-5 64-4 3o in -o9 66 -I 60 -4 5i-i 28-8 3i-i 55-5 42. 17. 47- 5 27. 7.17-2 28. 58.47-9 44. 25. 21-9 Moon's L. L. ... 7.33.15-32 L 3i6. 38. 22-5 64-6 59-9 46. 40. i 6 , , ... 7.43. 31-94 I, 3i8. 52.46-4 64-6 3o in -o7 64-8 48. 54. 3o - 4 | j j ... 7.57. ii-56 K 218. 7.40-9 81-6 63- 1 71-8 5i.52. 34-7 ... 8.36.59-16 K 209.33. 6-1 80-2 99-1 60.27. 38-2 , , ... 8. 44. 52*40 R 207. Si. 55-8 80-2 106- i 62. 8.55-5 21 NI Moon's L. L. . . . 7.52.17-38 R 233. 56.41-4 79-8 59 -o 4 i-3 36. 3. 6-5 , , . . . 7.59.46-14 R 232.20. l5'3 80-4 43-7 37.39.34-4 , , . . . 8. 7.58-96 R z3o. 34.26-6 8o-3 46-6 39. 25. 26-1 , , . . . 8. 19.29-34 L 3n. 52. 8-9 63-o 5o- 7 . 41.53. 36-2 , , . . . 8.26.53-I8 t 3i3. 27. 16-0 66-6 3o in oo 53-6 43.28.46-8 > . . . 8. 34.20-38 L 3i5. 3. 2-3 63-5 6i- 7 56-6 45. 4.36-0 7 Geininorum . . . 8. 58. 24-14 L 3o5. 21.49-3 58-8 40' i 35.23. 1-8 , , . . . 9. 6.54-64 R 232. 37.48-4 85-8 4 3-i 37.21.54-3 , , . . . 9. 18. 13-90 L 309. 58.49-3 58-4 47 '4 40. o. 8-7 . O f If December 20. The adopted Zenith point corresponding to the mean wire is 270. o. 25-4 December 21. 270.0.26-4 TABLE IX. LONGITUDE FROM THE MOON'S OBSERVED ZENITH DISTANCE (continued}. 167 Greenwich Mean Solar Time, Tabular Geocentric Elements (B. A. and N. P. D. corrected). Tabular Zenith Distance of Inferred Longitude assuming the West Longitude to be I. io h . 3i m . o s . II. I0 h . 32'". s . Apparent Right Ascension of Center. Apparent North Polar Distance of Center. Equatorial Horizontal Parallax. Semi- diameter. Hour-Angle. Star or of Limb of Moon. West of Greenwich io h . 3 1". + h in ! h m s / t/ / // / // Off, o / // s I. 22.15. 0-68 3. 9. 16- 17 jo. i. 7-2 60. 20 -o 1 6. 28-1 37. 3o. 54-30 35.54. 5o-4 II. 22. 16. 0-52 3. 9.18-63 70. o. 54-5 60. 20-0 16. 28-1 37. 3o. 17 -40 35. 54. 14-1 25-8 I. 22. 27. 52-57 3. 9. 47 -74 69.58.23-4 60. 20 -o 16.28-1 40. 36. 3o'75 38.49. 3-5 II. 22.28.52-4I 3. 9. 5o-i8 69. 58. 10-7 60. 20 -o 16.28-1 40. 35. 54- 1 5 38.48.27-4 23-9 I. 12.36. 3-93 3. 10. 7-81 69. 56.39-4 60. 2O ' I 16.28-1 42. 34.40*20 40.39.47-0 II. 22.37. 3-77 3. 10. 10-26 69. 56. 26-7 60. 2O- I 16.28-1 42. 34. 3-45 40. 39. 10-7 26-3 I. 22.43.20-64 3. 10. 25-69 69.55. 7-0 60. 2O- I 16.28-1 44.19.40-65 42.18. 2-8 II. 22.44.20-48 3. 10.28-14 69. 54. 54-3 60. 20-1 16.28-1 44.19. 3-90 42.17.26-7 25-4 4. 28. 45 64 73.44.29-9 28. II. 22' 5o 27. 7. 17-0 " 3o. ii. 32-40 28. 58. 4 5-3 I. 23. 55. 6' 53 4. 14. 3i-63 65. 20. 20 -o 60. zo-6 16.28-2 47. i6. 4 5-i5 44.25.36-3 II. 23.56. 6-37 4. 14. 34-25 65. 20. ii- 1 60. 20 -6 16. 28-2 47.16. 5-85 44.24. 59-6 23-5 I. o. 5.21-27 4. 14. 58- 5i 65. 18.47-1 60. 20 -6 16.28-2 49.44. 8-25 46.40. 18-6 II. O. 6. 21 -II 4. 1 5. i-i3 65. 18. 38-2 60. 20 - 6 16. 28-2 49.43. 28-95 46.39.42-1 28-0 I. o. i5. 36-20 4. 1 5. 25-46 65. 17. 16-1 60. 20-5 16.28-2 52. ii. 33-3o 48. 54. 44- o II. o. 1 6. 36-04 4. 15.28-08 65.17. 7 - * 60. 20-5 16.28-2 52. 10. 54-00 48.54. 7-6 22-4 I. o. 29. i3'6o 4. 1 6. 1-29 65.15. i5-6 60. 20-5 16.28-2 55. 27. 3o-3o 5i.52. 53-4 II. o. 3o. 13-44 4. 16. 3-91 65.i5. 6-8 60. 20-5 16.28-2 55. 26. Si'oo Si. 52. 17-0 3o-8 I. I. 8.54-68 4- '7- 45'77 65. 9.27-8 60. 20-2 16.28-1 64. 58. 17-10 60. 27. 55-o II. I. 9.54-52 4. 17.48-41 65. 9. 19-1 60. 2O 2 16. 28-1 64. 57. 37 -So 60. 27. 18-0 27-0 I. i.i6. 4 6-63 4. 1 8. 6-49 65. 8.19-4 60. 2O '2 16. 28-1 66. 5i. 24-90 62. 9. 12-7 II. 1.17.46-47 4. 1 8. 9-14 65. 8. 10-7 60. 2O ' 2 16.28-1 66.5o.45-i5 62. 8.35-6 27-8 I. o. 20. 24-76 5. 20. 9-66 62. 37. 27-1 60. 5-8 16. 24-2 38.H.58-80 36. 3.23-6 II. 0.21.24-60 5.10. 12-39 62.37.22-8 60. 5-8 1 6. 24-2 38.ii. 17-85 36. 2.47-3 28-1 I. 0.27.52-30 5. 20. 3o-o5 62.36.55-i 60. 5-7 16.24-1 39.59. 4-35 37.39.49-7 II. 0.28.52-14 5. 20. 32-77 62. 36. 5o - 9 60. 5-7 1 6. 24-2 39.58.23-55 37.39. i3-6 25-4 I. o.36. 3-78 5. 20. 52-42 62.36.2o-3 60. 5-6 16. 24-2 41. 56.41-25 39. 25.42-2 II. 0.37. 3-62 5. 20. 55- 15 62. 36. 16-0 60. 5-6 16. 24- 2 41.56. o-3o 3 9 .i5. 5-9 16-6 I. 0.47.32-28 5.21.23-78 62. 35. 3i-8 60. 5 4 16. 24-1 44.41.26-70 41. 53. 54-0 II. 0.48.32-12 5. 21. 26'Sl 62.35.27-6 60. 5-4 16. 24' i 44.40.45-75 41.53.17-5 29-3 I. o. 54. 54-92 5. 21.43-95 62. 35. 0-9 60. 5-3 16. 24- 1 46.27.21-75 43.29. 4-4 II. 0.55.54-75 5.21.46-68 62.34.56-7 60. 5-3 16. 24- 1 46. 26. 40-80 43.18.27-8 28-8 I. i. 2.20-91 5.22. 4-27 62. 34. 29-9 60. 5-2 16. 24*0 48. 14. 5"io 45. 4.52-3 II. i. 3.20-74 5.22. 7"OO 62.34.25-8 60. 5-2 16.24-0 48. i3. 24-15 45. 4. 16-0 26- 9 6. 3o. 30-27 73.29. 38-i 37. 8. 3i-8o 35.23. 3-o , , , 39. 16. 9-45 37.21.56-8 j " 42. 5.58-5o 40. o. 9-8 168 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Object. Altazimuth- Clock Time of Vertical Transit over Mean of Horizontal Wires. - ' 9.58.45 -32 E 2OI. 4.20-2 63-A 145-0 68.57.28-8 > . . . 10. 8.44-36 336.52.27-i 77'4 62 -i l3l'2 66. 55.28-3 , , ... 10. 17. 36-70 J, 335. 5.20-8 78-2 120-8 65. 8. 12-4 iSyS. January i NI , , ... 10. 25.48-62 10. 38. 29-16 10.47. 22 '3O 10. 10. 24-52 10. 19. 35-5o 10. 3o. i8-5o L L E K L L 332. 27. 3o'4 340. 20. i6-5 201. 28. 40-9 193. 42. 56-o 344. 18. 20-7 344. 18. 21-0 78-2 79'7 68-3 62-0 81-4 81-8. 61' -7 3o'"-o5 62 -6 60 i 60 o 107-7 i56- 4 142-0 226-6 198-2 198-3 62. 3o. 8-9 70. 23.45-2 68. 33. 0-2 76. 20. 16-0 74.22. 32-9 74.22. 33-7 a? Librae Moon's L. L. ... > 10. 36.48-36 I. 343. i. 5-6 82-6 181-8 73. 5. 3-6 tt 10.43.48-84 I, 341. 38. 20-4 82-6 168-4 71.42. 4-0 , , ... 10. 52. 17-48 E 199. Sg. 18-4 65-6 60 -7 153-5 70. 2. 36- 9 , , ... ii. o. 17-50 E 201. 3i. 53-9 65-i 29' -97 141-7 68. 29. 5o-i y ii. 7.48-58 E 202. 57. 54-2 65-o 6i-i i3i-o 67. 3. 40-2 ii T Moon's L. L. . . . 2.55.16-46 ! E 208.26. 57-3 69-4 62 -o io3-6 61.34. 3-3 December 3i. The adopted Zenith point corresponding to the mean wire is 270. o. 27-4 January i. ' 270.0.27-4 January 11. 270.0.26-4 TABLE IX. LONGITUDE FROM THE MOON'S OBSERVED ZENITH DISTANCE (continued). 173 Greenwich Mean Solar Time, assuming the West Longitude to be I. io h . 3i'".o. II. id 1 '. 3z'". o a . Tabular Geocentric Elements (K. A. and N. P. D. corrected). Hour-Angle. Tabular Zenith Distance of Star or of Limb of Moon. Inferred Longitude West of Greenwich io h . 3i"'. + Apparent Right Ascension of Center. Apparent North Polar Distance of Center. Equatorial Horizontal Parallax. Semi- diameter. h m t It / // / // / // o / // I. 2. 3.55-yi i3.i5.44'73 97.43. 8-6 54. 17-0 14.49-0 45.52.32-55 54. 32. 3o'7 II. 2. 4. 55-5 4 i3. 15.46-50 97.43. 22-1 54. 17-0 14.49-0 45. 52. 59-10 54.33. o-i 26-9 I. 2.12.27-22 i3. iS.Sp-SS 97.45. 3-9 54. 16-9 14.49-0 43.48. 5-55 52. 5o. 49- 5 II. 2.13.27-06 I i3. 16. 1-62 97.45. 17-4 54. 16-9 14.49-0 43.48. 32-10 52. Si. 18-7 32-3 I. 1.29. 4-96 13.57.49-61 102. 5o. 8-4 54. IO'2 14.47-2 64. 8.44-40 72.43. 11-7 II. i. 3o. 4-80 i3.57.5i-43 102. 5o. 2O'9 54. IO'2 14.47-2 64. 9. 11-70 72. 43. 41 -o 26-0 I. I. 37. i8-33 i3. 58. 4-63 IO2. Si. 52' I $4. 10- 1 14.47-2 62. 8.48-90 71. o. 34-3 II. 1.38.18-17 ! i3. 58. 6-45 102. 5z. 4- 7 54. 10- 1 14.47-2 62. 9. 16-20 71. I. 3-7 3o-o I. I. 47. l6'22 1 3. 58.22-84 102. 53. 57-7 $4. lo- 1 14.47-2 59.43. 29-25 68. 57. i5-2 II. I.48.I6-05 13.58.24-66 102. 54. io - 3 54. 10- 1 14.47-2 59.43.56-55 68. 57.44-6 27-8 I. 1.57. i3-63 13.58.41-04 102. 56. 3-2 54. 10- 1 14.47-1 57. 18. i6-5o 66. 55. 17-0 II. 1.58.13-46 i 13.58.42-86 102. 56. 15-7 54. lo- 1 14.47-1 57. 18.43-80 66.5S.46-3 23-1 I. 2. 6. 4 -5i i3. 58. 57-22 102. 57. 54-6 54. 10- 1 14.47-1 55. 9. 14-10 65. 8. 3-4 II. 2. 7. 4-35 13.58.59-04 102. 58. 7-2 54. 10- 1 14.47-1 55. 9.41-40 65. 8.32-6 i8-5 I. 2.19.14-27 13.59.21-29 io3. o. S2-24 54. lo- 1 14.47-1 5i.57. i6-35 62. 3o. 53-4 II. 2. 10. 14-11 ! i3. Sg. 23- ii io3. i. 4-79 54. 10- I 14.47-1 Si.57.43-65 62. 3i. 22-6 3i-8 14. 43. 56-72 io5. 3i. 15-7 61. lo. 59-70 70. 23. 47 -2 j j 1 1 58.57.41-60 68.33. 3-6 14.43. 56-75 io5. 3i. 15-9 68. ii. 58-o5 76. 20. I7-I > t ,, ' 65.54.13-35 74- " 35'7 I. 2.14.49-09 14.44. 9-81 107.46. 9-8 54.13-2 14. 48-0 63. 16.44-25 74. 22. 2O '8 II. 2.15.48-93 14.44. 11-72 107. 46. 2I"O 54. i3-2 14. 48-0 63. 17. 12-90 74. 22. So'O 26-5 I. 2.21.17-89 14.44.22-26 107.47.22-4 5 4 . i3-2 14. 48-0 61. 42. 23- 10 7 3. 4.48-5 II. 2.22.17-73 14.44.24-18 107.47. 33-6 S4- 1 3 2 14. 48-0 61. 42. Si'go 7 3. 5.17-7 3i-o I. 2.28.17-22 14.44. 35-70 107. 48. 40-6 5 4 . i3-3 14. 48-0 60. o. 37'5o 7I.4I.49-9 II. 2. 29. 17-06 14. 44. 37-62 107.48. Si- 8 5 4 . i3-3 14. 48-0 60. i. 6-3o 71.42. 19-2 28-9 I. 2.36.41-47 14.44. 51-96 107. So. 1 5-2 54.13-3 14. 48-0 57.57.31-80 70. 2.25-3 II. 2. 37.44-30 14.44. 53-88 107. 5o. 26-4 54.13-3 14. 48-0 57-58. 0-60 70. 2.54-4 23-9 I. 2.44..43-I3 14.45. 7-32 107. 51.44-4 54. 13-4 14. 48-0 56. 1.21-90 68.29. 38-8 II. 2.45.43-OI 14.45. 9-23 107. 5i. 55-5 54.13-4 14. 48-0 56. i.5o-55 68. 3o. 7-6 23-5 I. 2. 52. I3'03 14.45.21-74 107.53. 8-1 5 4 .i3-4 14. 48 - o 54. 12. IZ'OO 67. 3.26-8 II. 2.53.12-87 14.45. 23-66 107. 53. 19-3 54. 13-4 14. 48 - o 54. 12. 40-80 67. 3.55-9 27-6 I. 18. 1.49-42 23. 19. 17-34 97.27. 14-7 58. 19-6 i5. 55-2 54. 12. 36 -60 61. 34. 19- 7 II. 18. 2.49-25 23. 19. 19-39 97. 26. 59-0 58. 19-6 i5. 55-2 54.12. 5-85 61. 33.45-4 28-7 z 2 174 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. 1 Object. Altazimuth- Clock Time of Vertical Transit over j S Mean of Horizontal Wires. i Reading of ^ Vertical ! .2 Circle corrected for '-3 Runs of 5 ^ Micrometers. -3 3 Barometer and Ex- ternal Thermometer. Refraction. True observed Zenith Distance. 1875. January i i T Moon's L. L. ... h m 8 3. 9. i3-6o p / // 205.32. iS-5 69-9 3o'""oo H7-3 / // 64.28. 58-3 ,, 3. 1 6. i8-5o R 204. 2. 52'4 69-9 125-5 65. 58.29-6 ,, 3. 22.41-08 L 337. -6.36-8 69-4 133-9 67. 19. 33-7 3.28.5i-5o L 338.35. 17-4 70-2 i 4 3-3 68. 38.24-5 ,, 3.36.25-68 S, 340. 12. 9'I 70-4 6i-o i56-o 70. i5. 29- 1 i3 n Moon's L. L. ... 3.58. i-5o K 222.58.55-2 69-0 6l'2 60-4 47. 1.22-6 ,, 4. 6.56-28 R 221. I. 9-4 68-9 64-7 48. 59. rz -8 ,, 4. i5. 34-10 K 219. 6.40-4 69-2 69-3 So. 53.46-1 ,, 4.23. 6-08 ^ 322.32. 1-8 70-6 7 3-7 52. 33. 59-7 4. 3o. 37-86 L 324. 12. 29- 5 71-2 78-1 54. 14. 32-4 NI Arietis 4-38.36-3o 4.48. 19-92 4. 56.40-58 4. 34. 22*14 L L R 325.59- 5-3 3i2. i5. 54-5 225. 46. 57- I 229. 2. 40 4 7 i-3 70-8 . 72-7 71-1 29' -97 59 '9 83-5 5i- 4 54-9 48-4 56. i. 13-7 42. 17. 3o-3 44. 1 3. 1 1 5 40.57.23-3 Moon's L. L. ... ,, 4. 41. 10-42 K 227. 3o. 52-3 70-5 5i-, 42.29. 14-7 ,, 4.47. 31-76 R 226. 5. 5-6 70-0 65- 2 53-7 43.55. 4-5 ,, 5. 12. 50-44 L 3i9.35.37-5 73-4 65-5 49. 37. 3o-o ,, 5. 20. 20-42 L 321.17. 3-6 7 3-o 29'" -94 69-4 Si. 18.59-6 " 5.27. 5-72 I 322.48. 26-9 73-4 67 -8 7 3'2 52. 5o. 27- 1 O / // January 11 to January 14. The adopted Zenith point corresponding to the mean wire is 270. o. 26-4 TABLE IX. LONGITUDE FROM THE MOON'S OBSERVED ZENITH DISTANCE (continued). 175 Greenwich Mean Solar Time, assuming the West Longitude to be I. io h . 3i'. o s . II. io h . 32 m . o". Tabular Geocentric Elements (R. A. and N. P. D. corrected). Hour-Angle. Tabular Zenith Distance of Star or of Limb of Moon. Inferred Longitude West of Greenwich io b . 3i m . + Apparent Apparent Eight North Tolar Ascension Distance of Center. of Center. I Equatorial Q HS? =* h ni s O / // / // / // / // / // I. 18. 15.44-27 23. 19. 45-93 97.23.35-6 58. 19-8 i5. 55-3 57. 34. 45-00 64. 29. 12-2 II. 18. 16.44- ii 23. 19.47-98 97.23. 19-9 58. 19-8 iS.55-3 57. 34. 14-25 64.28. 37-9 2 4 -3 I. 18.22.48-02 23.20. 0-43 97.21.44-3 58. 19-9 15.55-3 59. 17. 21 -OO 65. 58.46-5 II. 18.23.47-85 23. 20. 2 'So 97.21. 28-6 58. 19-9 iS.55-3 59. 16.49-95 65.58. 11-9 2 9 -5 I. 18.28.59-58 23. 20. i3-5o 97.20. 4-1 58. 2o'o i5. 55-4 60.49.43-65 67. 19. So- 5 II. 18. 29. 59-42 23.20. 15-55 97.19.48-4 58.20-0 '5.55-4 60.49. I2 '9 67. 19. 16-2 29-4 I. 18.35.18-97 23. 20. 26-I3 97. 18.27-1 58. 20-1 i5. 55-4 62. 19. io'65 68. 38.41-4 II. 18.36. 18-81 23.20.28-18 97. 18. 11-4 58. 20-1 i5. 55-4 62. 18. 39-90 68.38. 7-2 29-6 I. 1 8. 42. Si-gi 23. 20. 41-65 97. 16.28-0 58. 20-2 15.55-4 64. 8.5o-55 70.15.47-5 II. i8. 4 3.5i-75 23. 20.43-69 97. 16. 12-3 58.20-2 1 5. 55-4 64. 8. 19-95 70. i5. i3-3 32-3 I. 18.56.33-34 o. 59. 34-84 84. ii. 29-8 58.58-7 16. 5-9 44.49.44-55 47. 1.41-1 II. 18.57.33-18 o. 59. 36-92 84. ii. i3-6 58.58-7 16. S-g 44.49.I3-35 47. i. 6-1 3i- 7 I. 19. 5. 26-64 0.59.53-34 84. 9. 5-3 58.58-8 16. 5-9 46. 58.48-45 48. Sg. 3i-2 II. 19. 6.26-48 o. 59. 55-42 84. 8. 49 i 58. 58-8 16. 5' 9 46. 58. 17-25 48. 58. 56-2 3i-8 I. 19. 14. 3-04 I. O. II "26 84. 6.45-4 58.58-9 16. 6-0 49. 3.46-80 So.54- 4-9 II. 19.15. 2-88 I. 0.13-34 84. 6. 29 i 58.58-9 16. 6-0 49. 3. i5-6o 5o.53. 3o-o 32-3 I. 19. 21. 33-77 I. 0.26-91 84. 4.43-2 58.59-0 16. 6-0 5o. 52. 5i-6o 52.34.23-7 II. I9.22.33-6I 1. 0.28-98 84. 4, 27 o 58.59-0 16. 6-0 5o.52.2o-55 52.33.48-9 41-4 I. 19.29. 4"3i I. 0.42-55 84. 2. 41 2 58.59-1 16. 6-0 52.4I.53-55 54. 14. 55-o II. 19. 3o. 4- 1 5 I. 0.44-62 84. 2.25-0 58.59-1 16. 6-0 52. 41. 22' So 54. 14. 20-3 3 9 -i I. 19. 37. 1-43 I. 0.59-10 84. o. 32 -o 58.59-1 16. 6'o 54.37.2I-75 56. 1.36-5 II. 19.38. 1-27 i. i. 1-18 84. o. i5-8 58.59-1 16. 6-0 54.36.50-55 56. i. 1-6 3 9 -2 1.47.43-90 69.48. 7-8 45.22. 3-90 42. 17. 3o-5 ) J 47. 27. i3-65 44. i3. ii- 1 I. 19. 28. 52-71 i. Si. 42-14 77.42.51-8 59. i3-2 16. 9-8 40. 53. i3-5o 40.57.43-9 II. 19. 29. 52-54 I. 51.44-32 77.42. 36-6 59. i3-2 16. 9-8 40. 52. 40-80 40.57. 8-8 35-2 I. 19.35.39-88 i. Si. 56-91 77.41- 8-3 59.13-3 16. 9-8 42. 3i. 36- 3o 42.29. 33-2 II. 19.36.39-72 i. Si. 59-07 77.40. 53-i 59. i3-3 16. 9-8 42. 3i. 3-90 42.28. 58-3 3l-8 I. 19.42. 0*19 i. 52. 10-69 77.39.31-6 59-13-3 16. 9-8 44. 3.29-85 43.55.24-6 II. 19.43. O'O2 i. 52. 12-86 77.39.16-4 59-13-3 16. 9-8 44. 2.57-30 43.34.49-7 34-6 I. 20. 7. I4-73 1.53. 5-66 77.33. 7-1 5 9 . i3-5 16. 9-9 So. 9.25-65 49.37.49-6 II. 20. 8.I4-57 1.53. 7-83 77. 32. 51-9 59.I3-5 16. 9-9 So. 8.53-10 49. 37. 14-7 33- 7 I. 2O. 14. 43-49 i. 53. 21-96 77. 3i.i3-3 59. i3-6 16. 9-9 Si. 57. 5i-oo 5i. 19. 20-7 II. 20.15-43-33 i.53.2 4 -i3 77. 3o. 58-i 59. i3-6 16. 9-9 5i.57.i8- 4 5 5i. 18.46-0 36-5 I. 20.2I.27-72 i. 53.36-64 77. 29. 3o-8 59.I3-6 16. 9-9 53. 35. 3o- 4 5 52. So. 46- 7 II. 20.22.27-55 1.53.38-82 77.29. i5-6 59. i3-6 16. 9-9 53. 3 4 . 5 7 - 7 5 52. So. ii -6 33-5 January ii. Moon unsteady. Aperture reduced. 176 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Object. Altazimuth- Clock Time of Vortical Transit over Mean of Horizontal Wires. o> 1-5 h o 2 .SP Or a ^ i Reading of ^ Vertical .2 Circle | corrected for '-3 ^ Runs of S t Micrometers. ^5 "-S | 1-5 Barometer and Ex- ternal Thermometer. Refraction. True observed Zenith Distance. iSyS. January 14 81 h in s 5.40. 56' 04 5. 5i. 17-96 L K o / // 324. 22. 21-8 2i3. i3. 48-3 rf 74-0 70-6 65'9 77-6 84-9 54. 24. 27-0 56. 46. 52-4 i5 T Moon's L. L. ... 4.42.43-34 L 298.38. 4'0 78-2 64 -o 3o-6 28. 39. 26-4 > > ... 4. 5o. 56 -16 L 3oo. 29. 43-6 78-4 29'"' -85 33-o 3o. 3i. 8-6 , , ... 4. 58. 29-96 L 302. 12. 30'0 78-7 35-3 32. 1 3. 57-6 > > 6. 0.58-88 IJ 223. 39. 3o-o 63-8 58-6 46. 20. 5 1 -2 , , ... 6. 7. 19-06 11 222. 14. 4-6 63-6 6i-5 47.46. 19-7 , , ... 6. 19. i8-36 R 2ig. 32.45-5 62-6 - 67-6 5o. 27. 45-9 16 XI Moon's L. L. ... 6. 16. 44-68 K 234. 1 6. 26-2 63-4 7i'5 39-7 35.43. 36-5 ,, ... 6. 26. 40-86 li 2'32. 3. 5i'7 63-o 43-o 37.56.14-7 , , ... 6. 45. 54- 14 It 227.48. 2-3 63-2 5o-o 42. 12. IO'9 9 ) ... 6.55.20-28 & 314. i5. 39-3 79-0 72 -I 53-8 44. 17. 25-7 , , ... 7. 3.3o-66 L 3i6. 3.48-1 79'4 5 7 '2 46. 5.38-3 17 M ? , ... AJdebaran 7. ii. 34-62 7- 20. 35-l6 7.2S. I8-24 5. 27. 42-96 L L R K 317. 5o. 26-9 3n. 2.28-2 227. 8. i3-o 258. 29.47-2 80-2 81-2 62*0 66-6 72 -7 29"' -91 7 3-i 68-o 60-9 48-0 5i-i 11-4 47. 52. 21 -6 41. 4. II -o 42. 52. 2-5 II. 29. 43-5 Moon's L. L. ... , , ... 5.38. 11-98 K 256. 22. 3i -4 65-4 i3-5 13.37. 2-6 , , ... 5.45. 21-72 It 254. 53. 32-9 65-o i5-i 1 5. 6. 3-i j ... 5. 55. 19-40 L 287. 10. 36- 5 7 5-5 17-3 17. 11.43-4 O / // January i5 and 16. The adopted Zenith point corresponding to the mean wire is 270. o. 26*4 January 17. 2 7- - 25 '9 TABLE IX. LONGITUDE FROM THE MOON'S OBSERVED ZENITH DISTANCE (continued). 177 Greenwich Mean Solar Time, assuming the West Longitude to he I. io h . 3i. o". II. I0 h . 32'". 0". Tabular Geocentric Elements (H. A. and N. P. D. corrected). Hour-Angle. Tabular Zenith Distance of Star or of Limb of MOOD. Inferred Longitude West of Greenwich I0 h . 3i m . + Apparent Apparent Right North Polar Ascension Distance of Center. of Center. 1 Equatorial Horizontal Parallax. Semi- diameter. h m s h in s O 1 II I ' " ' " , /, , i I.47.43-88 69.48. 7-9 58. 3i. 16-80 54. 24. 28-9 i 61. 6.45-75 56. 46. 55-2 I. 19. 33. 16-89 2. 4 5. 38-74 71. 56.41-3 59.23-1 16. 12-6 29. 29. 26-55 28. 39.41-4 II. 19. 34. 16-72 2.45.41-05 71. 56. 28-0 59.23-1 16. 12-6 29. 28. Si-go 28.39. *' 5 25-8 I. 19.41.28-37 2. 45. 57-69 71. 54. 52-i 59.23-1 1 6. 12-6 3i. 27. 54-60 3o. 3i. 21-9 II. 19. 42. 28-20 2. 4 5. 59-99 71. 54. 38-8 59. 23-1 16. 12-6 3i. 27. 20-10 3o. 30.47-1 22-9 I. 19.49. 0-93 2.46. 15-14 71. 53. n-6 59.23-2 16. 12-6 33. 16.59-85 32. 14. 10-8 II. 19. So. 0-76 2.46. 17-45 71. 52. 58-4 59.23-2 : 16.12-6 33. 16.25-20 3 2 .i3. 35-9 22-7 I. 20. Si. 19-61 2.48. 39-52 71. 39. 25-4 59. 23-5 1 6. 12-7 48.18. 7-95 46. 21. 4'3 II. 20. 52. 19-44 2. 48. 41 ' 84 71. 30. 12-2 59.23-5 1 6. 12-7 48. 17. 33-i5 46. 20. 29- 5 22-5 I. 20.57.38-74 2. 48. 54' 19 71.38. 2-0 59.23-5 1 6. 12-7 49. 49. 3o-6o 47.46. 32-8 II. 20.58.38-58 2.48. 56- 5i 71. 37.48-8 59-23-5 1 6. 12" 7 49.48. 55-8o 47.45.57-5 22-3 I. 21. 9. 36-O7 2. 49. 21 -95 7I.35.24-3 59.23-5 16. 12-7 52.42. 23-70 So. 27. 59- 1 II. 21. IO. 35-9I 2.49.24-27 71. 35. n-2 59.23-5 1 6. 12-7 52.41.48-90 5o. 27. 24- 1 22-6 I. 21. 3. 7'52 3.46.43-99 66.54. 3'9 59.27-4 16. 13-7 37.43. 36-go 35.43.49-5 II. 21. 4. 7-35 3. 4.6. 46- 46 66.53.53-7 59.27-4 16. 13-7 37.42. 59-85 35.43. 14-9 22-5 I. 21. i3. 2-07 3. 47 . 8-5 7 66. 52.22-8 59.27-3 16. i3- 7 40. 6. 3i-o5 37. 56. 29-0 11. 21. 14. 1-90 3. 47. 11-04 66. 52. 12-7 59.27-3 16. i3'7 40. 5. 54-00 37.55.54-2 24' 7 I. 21.32.12-23 3.47. 56-14 66.49. 8"i 59.27-3 1 6. 13-7 44. 42. 57-00 42.12.24-9 11. 21.33.12-06 3.47. 58-62 66.48. 58-o 59.27-3 16. 13-7 44. 42. 19-80 42. 11.49-8 23-9 I. 7.I-4I.36-82 3.48. 19-52 66.47. 32-8 59.27-3 16. 13-7 46. 58. 38-40 44- i7-4'' II. 21.42.36-65 3. 48. 22-00 66. 47. 22-7 5 9 .27-3 16. 13-7 46. 58. 1-20 44. 17. 6-0 26-2 I. 21.49.45-87 3.48.39-77 66. 46. 10-4 59.27-3 1 6. 13-7 48. 56. io- So 46. 5. Sg-o II. 21. 50.45-70 . 3.48.42-24 66.46. o-3 59.27-3 1 6. 13-7 48. 55.33-45 46. 5.23-9 35-4 I. 21.57.48-52 . 3.48.59-76 66. 44. 49- 3 59.27-3 16. 13-7 5o. 52. 10-20 47. 52.40- 1 11. 21.53.48-35 3.49. 2-24 4. 28. 45-61 66. 44. 39-2 73.44. 3o-3 59.27-3 16. 13-7 So. Si. 33-oo 43. io. So- 70 47- 52. 4-9 41. 4. 9-0 3i-5 > > i 45. 6. 36-90 42. Si. 59-9 I. 20.10.18-58 4. 45. 40-96 63. 3 9 . 56-S 59.24-0 16. 12-8 10.44. 6-60 n. 29. 54-8 II. 20. ii. 18-41 4.45.43-57 63. 3 9 . 50-4 59.24-0 16. 12-8 io. 43. 27-45 n. 29. 24-8 22-6 I. 20.20.45-89 4. 46. 8 29 63.38. 49 -6 59.23-9 1 6. 12-7 i3. 14. 3i-io i3. 37.11-8 II. 20.21.45-73 4. 46. 10-89 63. 38. 4 3-2 59.23-9 1 6. 12-7 i3. i3. 53-ic i3. 36.40-8 17-8 I. 20. 27. 54-56 4. 46. 26-95 63.38. 3-8 59.23-9 16. 12-7 14. 57. 18- 3o i5. 6. iS-i 11. 2O. 28. 54-29 4.46. 29-56 63. 3 7 . 5 7 - 4 59.23-9 16. 12-7 14. 56. 39-15 IS. 5. 4 3-7 22-9 I. 20.37.50-52 4.46. 52-91 63.37. o-3 59.23-8 1 6. 12-7 17. 20. 14-25 17. ii. 56-9 11. 2o.38.5o-35 4.46. 55-52 63. 36. 5 4 -o 59.23-8 16. 12-7 17. 19. 35- io 17. ii. 24-3 24-9 January i5. Aperture reduced. Fine limb. 178 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Object. Altazimuth- Clock Time of Vertical Transit over Mean of Horizontal Wires. eg 3 s 60 m M >3 i Reading of Circle .2 corrected for g Vertical H3 . Runs of j >3 ^ Micrometers. "3 "3 r Barometer and Ex- ternal Thermometer. Refraction. True observed Zenith Distance. 1875. January i 7 HI h m s 6. S.SS-go L L 288. 56. 4 3-3 290. 34. 3i-o // 77-1 77-5 3o'"-oi 67 -o n 19-2 21 -Q / // 18.57.53-7 20. 35.43-6 , , ... 6. n. 16-20 iS NI Moon's U. L. ... 3. 22. 31-44 L 3o2. 40. 34-9 65-6 67 -2 35-9 32.41. 5o-5 ,, 3. 3o. i 52 L 3oi. 4. 3o-3 66-7 33-8 3i. 5.44-9 1 ) * 3. 37. 12-64 L 299.32. 39-7 66-7 3i-8 29. 33. 52-3 J > * 3.44. 31-70 K 241. 5g. Jo-5 77-2 29-9 28. 0.28-1 > ? ... 3. 51.49-26 R 243.32. o-5 76-0 3o in -u 26-7 26.27. 36-i > ) ... 3.58.25-3o K 244. 55.46-9 74-6 64 -8 26-3 25. 3. 5o- 7 ' 7 Geminorum . . . 4. 8.54-80 R z36. 26. 56-i 72-1 3 7 -3 33.32.55-o > > 4. 19. 1-48 L 3oi. 10. 25-9 67-4 64 -o 3 4 - 1 3i. 11.41-5 19 HI Moon's U. L. . . 3.38.54-24 L 3i3.28. 5 4 -3 62-6 69 -3 53-i 43. 30.24-1 3.45.45-08 L 3i2. i. 5-6 63-2 5o-5 42. 2.33-4 , , ... 3. 53. 56- 4 8 L 3io. 16. i -4 63-6 47-5 40. 17. 26-6 , , ... 4. 1.43-76 U 23 I. 22. 21 "I 81-8 44-8 38. 37.27-8 ... 4. 8.30-64 K 232. 49. 26-9 81-0 42-6 37. 10. 20-6 I * Pollux 4. 16.42-72 4. 26. 26-64 4. 36.47-02 10.52. 3'20 K K L R 204. 34.44-4 226. 3i. 9-4 3n. 10. 56-i 217. 38.49-9 79'7 79'4 62-2 67-6 66 -9 3o in '20 66 -8 62 -5 40-0 53-3 49-2 73-3 35.25. 1-8 43. 28. 50-4 41. 12. 21-6 52. 21. 41-7 Moon's L. L. ... , , ... 10. 5g. 27-66 K 216. 4. i5'o 67-0 77-5 53. 56.21-4 o / // January 18. The adopted Zenith point corresponding to the mean wire is 270. o. z5 - 9 January 19. 270.0.25-9 TABLE IX. LONGITUDE FROM THE MOON'S OBSERVED ZENITH DISTANCE (continued). 179 Greenwich Mean Solar Time, assuming the West Longitude to be I. io h . 3i m . o". II. I0 h . IV". O 5 . Tabular Geocentric Elements (R. A. and N. P. D. corrected). Hour-Angle. Tabular Zenith Distance of Star or of Limb of Moon. Inferred Longitude West of Greenwich io h . 3i m . + Apparent Right Ascension of Center. Apparent North Polar Distance of Center. Equatorial Horizontal Parallax. Semi- diameter. h m * / // / // f ff O / // O t It I. 20.46. 8-66 4.47. 14-62 63.36. 7-6 59.23-8 1 6. 12-7 19. 19. 41*10 18.58. 7 -3 II. 20.47. 8-49 4.47. 17-23 63.36. i-3 59.23-8 16. 12-7 19. 19. 1-95 18. 57. 34-4 24-8 I. 20. S3.44'7I 4.47. 34 -5o 63.35.i9-5 59.23-8 16. 12-7 21. 9. 2-40 20.35. 57-8. II. 20. 54. 44' 54 4.47. 3y- 1 1 63. 35. i3-2 59.23-8 1 6. 12-7 21. 8.23-25 20. 35. 24-3 25-4 I. 18. 1.32-29 5.43.37-34 62. 3.17-7 5 9 .i3-7 16. io'o 35. 2.42-30 32.41. 34-3 II. 18. 2.32-13 5. 43. 40-01 62. 3. i5-4 59-13-7 16. io'o 35. 3.22-35 32.42. 9-6 2 7 -5 I. 18. 9. i-i3 5. 4 3.5 7 -3 7 62. 3. 0-4 59. i3-6 16. io'o 33. i5. n-85 3i. 5. 3o-i II. 18. 10. 0-96 5.44. 0-04 62. 2.58-1 59. i3-6 16. jo-o 33.i5.5i'9o 3i. 6. 5-6 25-o I. 18. 16. 11-06 5.44. 16-55 62. 2. 43 9 59. i3-6 16. 9-9 3i.32. i3-o5 2g.33.36-8 II. 18.17.10-89 5. 44. 19-22 62. 2.41-7 5 9 . i3-6 16. 9-9 3i.32.53-io 29. 34. 12-5 26-1 I. 18.23.28-89 5. 44. 36-09 62. 2.27-3 59.I3-5 16. 9-9 29. 47. 20- 55 28. o. 12-9 II. 18.24.28-73 5-44-38- 7 7 62. 2.25-1 59-13-5 16. 9-9 29.48. 0-75 28. 0.48-5 25-6 I. i8.3o.45-25 5-44-55-57 62. 2. 1 1 ' O 59.13-4 16. 9-9 28. 2.49-50 26. 27. 22'3 II. 18.31.45-09 5.44. 58-25 62. 2. 8-8 5 9 . i3- 4 16. 9-9 28. 3.29-70 26.27. 57-7 23-4 I. 18.37.20-19 5-45. i3'i8 62. i. 56-4 59. i3-3 16. 9-9 26.28.I3-35 25. 3.34-9 II. 1 8. 38. 20-02 5. 4 5. i5-8 7 62. i. 54- 1 59.I3-3 16. 9-9 26.28. 53-70 25. 4. 10-7 26-5 6. 3o. 3o-54 73.29.39-3 35.10. ii -55 33. 32. 50-9 * 32.38. 3i-8o 3i. 11.41-8 I. 18.13.57-19 6. 48. 19-89 62. 4. 8-5 58.53-6 16. 4 -5 47. 7.28-20 43. 3o. 8-3 II. 18.14.57-03 6.48.22-53 62. 4. 10-9 58.53-6 16. 4-5 47. 8. 7-80 43. 3o. 4 3-3 27-1 I. 1 8. 20. 46-91 6.48.37-99 62. 4. 24-8 58.53-5 16. 4 -5 45.29.17-25 42. 2. 19*6 II. 18.21.46-74 6. 48. 40* 63 62. 4. 27-2 58.53-5 16. 4-5 45.29. 56-85 42. 2. 54*8 23-5 I. i8.28.56- 9 5 6.48.59-63 62. 4. 44- 5 58. 53-4 16. 4-4 43. 3i. 5i-oo 40. 17. i3'7 II. 18.29.56-79 6.49. 2-25 62. 4.47-0 58.53-4 16. 4-4 43. 32. 3o-3o 40. 17.48-4 22-3 I. 1 8. 36.42-94 6. 49. 20-20 62. 5. 3-5 58.53-2 16. 4-4 41. 40. io-5o 38. 37. i3-7 II. 18.37.42-78 6. 49. 22-85 62. 5. 5-9 58.53-2 16. 4-4 41.40. 5o-25 38.37.48-8 24-1 I. 18.43.28-71 6.49. 38-n 62. 5. 20' I 58.53-1 16. 4-4 40. 2. 56- 10 37.10. 7-7 II. 18.44.28-54 6.49.40-75 62. 5.22-6 58.53-1 16. 4-4 40. 3. 35-70 37. 10.42-7 22-1 I. i8.5i.39- 4 3 6.49. 59-78 62. 5.40-4 58.53-0 16. 4 -3 38. 5.20-25 35.24.47-6 II. 18.52.39-26 6. 5o. 2-42 62. 5.42-9 58.53-0 16. 4-3 38. 5.59-85 35.25.22-5 24-4 7. 37.41-34 61. 40. 21 - o ,- ; _ 47.34.45-00 43.28.54-5 ,, ,, 44. 59. 39-60 41. 12. 25-6 I. I.25.55-45 7- 7- '8-98 62.26. 6-5 58. 4 5- 9 16. 2-4 56.25. 3-75 52.21. 54-I II. 1.26.55-29 7- 7- 21-59 62. 26. io-3 58. 45-9 1 6. 2-4 56. 24. 24- 60 52. 21. 19-9 21-8 1. 1.33.18-69 7. 7-38-34 62. 26. 34-1 58. 4 5-8 16. 2-3 58. n.20-25 53. 56. 3i-6 II. 1.34. i8-53 7- 7-4'9 6 62.26. 37-8 58. 4 5-8 16. 2-3 58. 10. 40-95 53.55.5 7 -4 17-9 January 18. Aperture reduced. January 19. Aperture reduced. Pollux unsteady. A A 180 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Altazimut!]- Clock Time of Vertical Object. Transit over Mean of Horizontal Wires. 4 Heading of g Vertical j Circle .tc ; corrected for 5 Kuns of 2- Micrometers. 5 H Level Indication (ad- ditive). Barometer and Ex- ternal Thermometer. Refraction. True observed Zenith Distance. i8 7 5. January 19 T Moon's L. L. ... Ii m s II. 4.40-08 K / H 214. 57. 53-5 // ^66-8 3o'"-i9 n 80-6 55. 1.46-2 > - - - II. 9.40-16 R 2 1 3. 54. 13-7 66-2 64 -O 83-8 56. 6.29-8 , , ... ii. 17. 38- 14 I, 327.45. 28-2, 76-9 89-3 57.47.48-5 ,, ii. 23. 47-34 I. 329. 3.32-9 77-6 93-9 59. 5.58-5 > J ' ' 11.28. 59-28 L 33o. 9.20-8 78-4 98-1 60. ii. 5i -4 20 T > ' Pollux n. 34. 14-80 11.40. 19-28 11.47.41-92 ii. 55. 17-96 12. 1.44-36 4. 32. 53-34 4. 37. 58-40 4.44. 12-44 4. Si. 19^34 4.57. 17-78 L L I. R R E K I, L L 33i. 15.48-9 325. 7. 16-0 326.43. 39-3 2ii.35.33-2 2IO. II.43-2 227. 56. 22-8 229. 3.29-8 309. 32.43-2 307. 58. 5o-4 3io. 37.46-8 79-0 79-1 79'4 66-4 65-7 76-6 76-4 63-6 64-0 64-6 7 i-o 3o""24 1 02 -6 80-8 85-8 91-4 96-5 5o-5 48-5 46-2 43-7 48-0 61. 18. 24-6 55. 9. 3o-o 56.45. 58-6 58.25. 17-7 59.49. i3-5 42. 3.37-0 40. 56. 28-2 39.34. 7-1 38. o. 12-2 40. 39. 1 3- 5 Pollux Moon's U. L. ... , L. L. ... 4.59. 52-72 L *3io. 36. 15-7 64-6 48-0 40.37.42-4 ,, U.L. ... 5. 7.58-38 I 3o8. 1 8. io-5 65-2 44-2 38. 19. 34-0 ,, U.L. ... 5. 14. 21 -5o L 306.54. 38-8 65-o 42-0 36.55.59-9 ,, L.L. ... U. L. . 5. 16. 49- 52 5.22.5 7 -5 4 5. 3o. 23-i6 1. R R 306.54. 38-8 23 4 . 56. 32-2 236.33.52-o 65-o 77-0 76-2 42-0 3 9 -2 36 -9 36. 55.59-9 35. 3. 15-9 33.25.54-6 , , U. L. . . . ,, U.I 5. 39. 32-90 R 238.34- ' ?5'4 3 4 '2 1 3i.25.43-5 / // January 20. The adopted Zenith point corresponding to the mean wire is 270. o. 25 9 * The first wire was lost : the circle-reading has been diminished i'. 3i"- 1. TABLE IX. LONGITUDE FROM THE MOON'S OBSERVED ZENITH DISTANCE (continued). 181 Greenwich Mean Solar Time, Tabular Geocentric Elements (R. A. and N. P. D. corrected). Tabular Zenith i Inferred Distance of j Longitude assuming the West Longitude to be Apparent Right tffip r ! a^ Semi- Hour-Angle. Star or West of of Limb of Greenwich I. io''. 3 1" 1 . o~. II. IO 1 '. 32'". 0\ Ascension of Center. Distance ,. of Cent-r. diameter. Moon. io 1 '. 3 1"'. + h in M / // / // o / // I. i.38.3o-26 7. 7.51-96 62.26.53-6 58. 4 5'7 16. 2-3 59.26. 2'25 55. 2.57-6 II. i. 3g. 3o-io 7. 7-54-57 62.26.57-3 58. 4 5'7 16. 2-3 59. 25. 23-10 55. 2.23-0 19-8 I. 1.43.29-52 7. 8. 5-o3 62. 27. 12-3 58.45-6 16. 2-3 60. 37. 47-40 56. 6.40-2 II. i. 44. 29- 36 7- 8. 7-64 62.27.16-1 58.45-6 16. 2-3 60.37. 8-25 56. 6. 6-3 18-4 r. i. 5i. 26-20 7. 8.25-85 62.27.42-5 58.45-4 l6. 2'2 62. 32. 4-80 57.47.59-9 II. i. 52. 26-04 7. 8.28-46 62. 27.46-3 58. 4 5- 4 16. 2-2 62. 3i.25-65 57.47.26-1 2O- 2 I. i. 57. 34-40 7. 8.41-92 62.28. 5-8 58. 4 5-3 1 6. 2'2 64. O. 21 -90 5 9 . 6. 7-5 II. 1.58.34-24 7. 8. 44- 54 62.28. 9-6 58. 4 5-3 l6. 2-2 63. 59. 42-60 Sg. 5.33-6 i5- 9 * I. 2. 2.45-49 7. 8.55-Si 62. 28. 25-7 58. 45-2 l6. 2'2 65. 14. 57'i5 60. 12. i-3 II. 2. 3.45-33 7. 8.58-12 62. 28. 29-5 58. 4 5-2 l6. 2' 2 65. 14. 18-00 60. n. 27-7 17-7 I. 2. 8. o-:5 7- 9- 9' 2 4 62. 28.45-8 58. 4 5 -i 16. 2-1 66. 3o. 24-00 61. 18. 34-2 II. 2. 8.59-98 7. 9.11-85 62. 28.49-6 58. 4 5-i 16. 2-1 66. 29. 44- 85 61. 18. 0-7 17-2 7.37.4I-33 6 1 . 40. 20 8 i 60. 53.29-85 55. 9.27-5 ,, 62.44. 9 '4-5 56.45.59-3 ,, ,, 64. 38. io'o5 58.25. i5-6 ''' " 66.14.46-05 ! 59.49.13-1 7.3 7 .4i-35 61. 40. 21 -o j 45. 57. 49-20 42. 3.36-7 ' ,, ,, 44.41. 33-i5 40. 56. 29-0 * ,, 43. 8. 2-55 39. 34. io-5 , , 41. 21. 18-90 38. o. 14-0 I. 19. 28. 12-96 7. 53.44-25 64. 1.47-8 58.23-4 15.56-2 43. 52. aS-Xo 40. 39. i-5 II. 19. 29. 12-80 7. 53.46-76 64. I. 54-6 58.23-4 i5. 56-2 43.53. 3- 4 5 40. 39. 35-8 21-0 I. 19.30.47-49 7.53. 5o-73 64. 2. 5*4 58.23-3 i5. 56-2 43. i5. 18-75 40.37.33-6 II. 19.31.47-33 7.53.53-2 4 64. 2. 12 "2 58.23-3 i5. 56-2 43. 1 5. 56-40 40. 38. 7-6 i5-3 I. 19.38.51-82 7. 54. n-o5 64. 3. 0-6 58.23-1 i5. 56-i 41. 18.58-65 38. 19. 24-0 II. 19.39.51-66 7.54.13-57 64. 3. 7-4 58.23-1 i5.56-i 41. 19. 36-45 38. 19. 58-3 17-8 I. 19. 45. 13-90 7. 54. 27-08 64. 3. 44- 2 58.23-0 I5.56-I 39.47. 12- 15 36.55.48-0 II. 19.46. 13-74 7.54.29-59 64. 3. 5i-o 58.23-0 I5.56-I 39.47.49-80 36.56. 22-1 20-9 I. 19.47.41-52 7.54.33-27 64. 4. i i 58.22-9 I5.56-I 39. 11.44-70 36.55.47-7 II. 19.48.41-35 7. 54.35-78 64. 4. 7-9 58.22-9 i5. 56-i 39. 12. 22-35 36. 56. 21-6 21-6 I. 19. 53. 48- 54 7. 54.48-66 64. 4. 43 - 1 58.22-8 I5.56-I 37.43.35-10 35. 3. 6-5 II. 19.54.48-38 7. 54. 5i-i7 64. 4. 5o-o 58.22-8 i5. 56-i 37.44. "'75 35. 3.40-5 16-5 I. 20. i. 12-94 7-55. 7-29 64. 5. 34- 1 58.22-6 i5. 56-o 35.56.5o-25 33.25.43-8 II. 20. 2. 12-78 7-55. 9-80 64. 5.41-1 58.22-6 i5. 56-o 35. 57. 27-90 33.26.17-7 19-1 I. 2O. IO. 21 -2O 7. 55. 3o-26 64. 6. 37-4 58.22-4 i5.56-o 33.45. 8-55 3i.25. 32-4 II. 20. ii. 21 -o3 7. 55. 32-76 64. 6. 44-3 58. 22-4 i5. 56-o 33.45.46-05 31.26. 5-8 19-9 January 20. Aperture reduced. Pollux unsteady. Moon in cloud. Full moon occurred at i5''. 12"'- i. Honolulu Sidereal Time. The observations of )) L. L. by T have not been used. A A 2 182 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. 3 i t-i * 2. Day. Obsenrer. Object Altazimuth- Clock Time of Vertical Transit over Mean of Horizontal Wires. 3 ! ! :> r5 Of & 1 Reading of Vertical Circle corrected for Runs of Micrometers. Level Indication (a ditive). Barometer and E ternal Thermomel Refraction. True observed Zenith Distance. 1875. January 20 T Moon's U. L. . . . h m s 5.46.13-36 R o / // 240. i. 33-8 7 5-3 3o"'- 2 5 // 32-3 / // 29. 58. 9- 1 ,, L. L. ... 5.48.41-30 R 240. i. 33-8 7 5-3 7i-o 32-3 29. 58. 9- 1 NI ,, L. L. ... 9. 37.14-36 B 247.39.47-8 65-2 70 -I 23-o 22. 19. 55-9 ,, U.L. ... 9. 39. 5z-o8 R Z47- 39. 47 8 65-2 23-o 22. 19. 55-9 ,, L.L. ... 10. 3. 9-74 B 242. i. 14-8 64-6 29-7 27.58.36-2 , , U. L. . . . 10. 5. 37'oz R 242. i. 14-8 64*0 29-7 27. 58. 36-8 , , L. L. . . . 10. 14. 3i-34 R 239. 3i. 34-0 63-9 68-z 33-o 3o. 28. 21-0 , , U. L. . . . 10. 1 6. 58-36 R 239. 3i. 34-0 63-6 33-o 30.28. 21-3 , , L. L. . . . 10. 27. 39-90 L 3o3. 20. 11-7 76-0 3 7 -o 33.21. 38-8 , , U. L. . . . 10. 3o. 6-90 t 3o3. 20. 11-7 76-0 3 7 -o 33.21. 38-8 ,, L.L. ... 10. 39-21-58 L 3o5. 54. 3o-2 77-6 40-7 35.56. 2-6 , , U. L. . . . 10.41.49-45 L 3o5. 54. 3o-2 78-0 3o'"-22 40-7 35.56. 3-o ,, L. L. ... 10. Si. i3-5z L 3o8. 3o. 39-0 78-2 67 -o 44'7 38.32. 16-0 , , U. L. . . . 10. 53.40'38 L 3o8. 3o. 39-0 78-6 44'7 38. 3z. 16-4 ZI T Pollux u. 6.22-78 n. 14. 26-04 5.41.53-26 L R L 317.41.53-4 220. 3o. 34-9 314.28.47-9 78-6 68-0 70-6 70" -o 61-7 65-7 55-o 47.43.47-8 49.29.48-7 44. 3o. Z7'6 Moon's U. L. ... ,, L. L. ... 5. 44. 16-24 L 314.28.47-9 70-6 3o in -26 55-o 44. 3o. 27 - 6 , , U. L. . . . 5. 5o. 0-28 L 3i2. 40. 3i -9 70-6 5i- 7 42.42. 8-3 i . r January zi. The adopted Zenith point corresponding, to the mean wire is 270. o. 25-9 TABLE IX. LONGITUDE FROM THE MOON'S OBSERVED ZENITH DISTANCE (continued). 183 Greenwich Mean Solar Time, assuming the West Longitude to be I. io h . 3 1'". o s . II. lo 1 '. 3 1 1 ". o". Tabular Geocentric Elements (R. A. and N. P. D. corrected). Hour-Angle. Tabular Zenith Distance of Star or of Limb of Moon. Inferred Longitude West of Greenwich io h . 3i m . + Apparent Kight Ascension of Center. Apparent North Polar Distance of Center. Equatorial Horizontal Parallax. Semi- diameter. h in s o / / // H I. 20. 17. 0-57 7. 55.46-98 64. 7.23-5 58.22-3 15.55-9 32. 9.12-30 29.57.57-6 ii. 20. 18. 0-41 7.55.49-49 64. 7. 3o-5 58.22-3 iS.55-9 32. 9.49-95 29. 58. 3i-2 20-5 I. 20. 19. 28-11 7-55.53-17 64. 7. 40 6 58.22-2 iS.55-9 3i.33.46-o5 29.57.57-1 II. 20.20.27-95 7. 55. 55-67 64. 7.47-6 58. 22-2 iS.55-9 31.34-23-55 29. 58. 3o-5 21-6 I. o. 7. 33-92 8. 5.23-16 64. 35. 12-2 58. 16-9 i5.5 4 -5 23. 14. 33 -3o 22.20. 8-5 II. o. 8.33-75 8. 5.25-64 64. 35. 19-7 58. 16-9 i5.5 4 -5 23.i3.56-io 22. 19. 34-6 22-3 I. o. 10. 1-24 8. 5.29-26 64.35.30-7 58. 16-9 iS.54'5 23. 49. 57-60 22. 2O. 5 ' 9 II. o. ii. 1-07 8. 5.31-74 64.35. 38-2 58.i6- 9 15.54-5 23.49. 20-40 22. 19. 31-9 I7-7 I. 0.33.15-09 8. 6.26-96 64.38.26-6 58. i6-3 iS.54'3 29. 24. $7' 1 5 27. 58.46-6 II. o. 34. 14-92 8. 6.29-43 64. 38. 34-2 58. i6-3 iS.54'3 29. 24. 20 -10 27.58. I2- 7 18-4 I. o. 35.41-97 8. 6.33-o3 64. 38-45-2 58.16-3 1 5. 54-3 3o. o. i5-3o 27. 58. 5o-i II. 0.36.41-80 8. 6. 35-5i 64. 38. 52-8 58. i6-3 iS.54'3 29. 59. 38-io 27. 58. 16-0 23-4 I. 0.44.34-82 8. 6.55-o8 64. 39. 52-9 58. 16-1 15.54-2 32. 8.19-35 3o. 28. 30-7 II. 0.45.34-66 8. 6.57-55 64. 40. o 5 58. 16-1 15.54-2 32. 7.42-30 3o. 27. 56-9 17-2 I. 0.47. 1-45 8. 7. 1-14 64. 40. 1 1 5 58.i6-o iS.54'2 32.43.33-75 30.28.32-7 II. 0.48. 1-28 8. 7. 3-6i 64. 40. 19-0 58.16-0 iS. 54-2 32.42. 56-70 3o. 27. 59-4 20-5 I. o. 57.41-24 8. 7.27-59 64.41. 33-i 58. i5- 7 1 5. 54-1 35. 17.20-25 33.21. 5o-o II. 0.58.41-08 8. 7. 3o-o6 64.41.40-7 58. i5- 7 15.54-1 35. 16.43-20 33.21. i6-5 20- I I. i. o. 7-84 8. 7.33-64 64. 41. 5i -8 58. iS- 7 i5. 54-1 35. 52. 3 4 - So 33.2i.53-5 II. I. I. 7-68 8. 7.36-12 64.41. Sg-S 58.i5- 7 15.54-1 35. Si. 57-3o 33. 21. 20'O 26-3 I. I. 9. 22-00 8. 7.56-53 6 4 . 4 3. 2-7 58.15-5 15.54-1 38. 5.46-35 35.56. 16-2 II. i. 10. 21-83 8. 7.59-01 64. 43. 10*4 58.15-5 15.54-1 38. 5. 9-i5 35.55.42-8 24-4 I. 1.11.48-48 8. 8. 2-5 9 64.43.21-5 58. i5- 4 15.54-0 38.40.58-65 35. 56. 18-1 II. 1.12.48-32 8. 8. 5-o6 64. 43. 29-2 58.i5- 4 1 5. 54-0 38. 40. 21-60 35.55.44-7 27-1 I. I. 21. II'OI 8. 8.25-81 64.44. 33-8 58.15-2 i5. 54-0 40. 56. 11-40 38.32.25-8 II. 1.22. 10-85 8. 8.28-28 64. 44. 41 5 58. i5-2 i5. 54-0 40.55.34-35 38. 31.52-6 17-7 I. 1.23.37-47 8. 8.3i-86 64. 44. 52-6 58. i5-i 1 5. 54-0 41. 3i.23-55 38.32.26-7 II. 1.24.37-31 8. 8.34-33 64.45. o-3 58.I5-I i5. 54-0 41. 30.46-50 38. 3i.53-7 l8'5 7. 37. 41 34 61. 40. 20-8 52.24.37-35 47.43.44-4 " " 54.25.26-25 49.29.47-2 I. 20. 8.46-46 8.53.37-98 67.34. 5-o 57.46-4 15.46-1 47.41.40-80 44. 3o. 3'4 II. 20. 9.46-30 8.53-40-31 67. 34. i5-2 57.46-4 15.46-1 47.42.15-75 44. 3o. 36 -9 4 3-3 I. 20. ii. 9'o5 8.53. 4 3-52 67. 34. 29-3 57.46-3 i5. 46-1 47. 7.19-20 44. 3o. ii -2 II. 20.12. 8-89 8. 53. 4 5-85 67.34.39-5 57.46-3 15.46-1 47. 7. 54- 1 5 44. 3o. 44-6 29-5 I. 20. 16. 52- 1 5 8.53.56-85 67.35.27-7 57.46-2 1 5. 46-1 45.44.38-55 42.41.43-1 II. 20. 17. 5i -99 8.53.59-I8 6 7 .35.38-o 57.46-2 1 5. 46- 1 45.45. i3'5o 42. 42. i6-5 4 5-3 January 21. Aperture reduced. The observations of 5 U. L. have not been used. 184 TRANSIT OP VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Object. Altazimuth- Clock Time of Vertical Transit over Mean of Horizontal Wires. 1 b O 4 a a a 3 Beading of Vertical Circle corrected for Rung of Micrometers. Level Indication (ad- ditive). Barometer and Ex- ternal Thermometer. Refraction. True observed Zenith Distance. i8 7 S. January T.\ T Moon's L. L. ... h ni 5. 52. 23-04 L 3 1 2. 40. 31-9 70-8 // 5i'7 42. 42. 8-5 , , U. L. . . . 5. 5 7 . 9 -3 4 t 3n. 4. 58-8 70-9 48-9 41. 6. 3i'7 i L.L. ... 5.59.3i-82 I, 3n. 4-58-8 71-0 48*9 41. 6. 3z-S j ,, U.L. ... 6. 8.39-38 R 231.27. 26-3 7 3-5 44-6 38. 32. 3o- 7 j , , U. L. . . . 6. 14. 40-70 n 232.48. 10-4 72-8 42-5 3y. u. 45-2 ,, L. L. ... 6.17. 2-68 n 232. 48. 10-4 7 2-3 42' 5 37. ii. 45-2 U.L. ... 6.22.3o-58 K 234. 33. 21 -9 72-6 3 9 - 9 35. 26. 3i-3 , , L. L. . . . 6. 24. 52-32 R 234. 33. 21-9 72-4 39-9 35.26. 3i-5 , , U. L. . . . 6. 29. 49-76 K 236. u. 46-0 72-4 3y5 33.48. 5-o , , L. L. . . . 6. 3z. 11-48 6.38.35-74 6. 4 5. 3-46 6. 5z. 26-92 R K R L 236. ii. 46-0 221. 4. 34-0 222. 34.47-8 3i5. 40. 3; -5 72-4 71-2 71 '2 69-6 3o"'-26 37-5 6 4 -3 61-0 57-4 33.48. 5-o 48. 55.45-0 47.25.27-9 45. 42. 18-6 " 6.57.33'44 L 314.29.24-6 7O-6 69- 3 55-i 44- 3i. 4-4 22 T Moon's L. L. ... 8. ii. 36-78 L 294. 3o. 44- 1 70-6 i.S-5 24. 3i. 54-3 ,, 8. 16.42-68 D 293. 21. 3o- 1 71-0 24-1 23.22. 38-3 ,, 8.20. 39-68 L 292. 27. 57-7 71-0 z3-i 22. 29. 5'9 > > ... 8.25. 18-68 R 248. 33.28-7 71-6 7 i-5 21-9 21.26. 7'5 ,, 8. 3o. 9-20 U 249. 33. 53-7 70-6 20-7 2O. 2O. 42-3 , , ... 8. 34. 37-96 R 25o. 3g. 16-4 70-6 19-6 19. 2O. l8'5 o / // January 22. The adopted Zenith point corresponding to the mean wire is 270. o. 25-9 TABLE IX. LONGITUDE FROM THE MOON'S OBSERVED ZENITH DISTANCE (continued}. 185 Greenwich Mean Solar Time, assuming the West Longitude to he I. io ]l . 3 1'". o s . II. io h . 32'". o". Tabular Geocentric Elements (K, A. and N. P. D. corrected). Tabular /enith Distance of Hour- Angle. Star or of Limb of MOOD. | Inferred Longitude West of Greenwich lo h . 3 1'". + Apparent Right Ascension of Center. Apparent North Polar Distance of Center. Equatorial Horizontal Parallax. Semi - diameter. h m s h m K / // / // o / // / // I. 20. 1<). 14' 52 8. 54. 2" 39 67. 35. 52-o 57.46-1 i5. 46- 1 45. IO. 2O-25 42.41. 5i-3 II. 20. 20. 14' 35 I 8.54. 4' 71 67. 36. 2-3 57.46-1 15.46-1 45. 10. 55-o5 42.42. 24-7 3o'9 I. 20.24. '4 8.54.13-47 67. 36.40-8 57.46-0 15.46-0 44. I. 3i -95 41. 6. 7-2 II. 20.24.59-88 8.54.15-80 I. 20.26.22-13 8.54.18-99 67. 36.*5i-o 67.37. 5-o 57.46-0 15.46-0 57.45-9 15.46-0 44. 2. 6-90 43.27.I7-55 41. 6.40-4 41. 6. 16-7 46-1 II. 2O. 27. 21 '97 8.54.2I-31 67. 3 7 . i5-3 57.45-9 15.46-0 43.27.52-35 41. 6. 5o-o 29-0 1. 20.35.28-21 8. 54.40-18 67. 38. 38-4 57.45-6 | 15.45-9 41. 15.4I-85 38.32. 4-9 11. 20. 36. 28-04 8. 54. 42- 5o 67. 38.48-7 57.45-6 15.45-9 41. 16. i6'65 38.32.38-o 46-8 I. 20. 41. 28- 54 8. 54. 54-16 67. 39. 40' I 57-45-5 15.45-9 39.48. 5i-6o 37.11.17-5 11. 20.42.28-38 8. 54. 56- 5o 67.39.50-4 57.45-5 15.45-9 39. 49. 26-70 37. ii. 50-9 5o- 1 1. 20.43. 50-14 8. 5 4 . 59-65 67.40. 4-4 57.45-4 I5.45-9 39. 14.44-25 37. 11.28-7 II. 20.44.49-98 8.55. 1-97 67.40.14-7 57.45-4 15.45-9 3g. i5. 19-05 37.12. 1-8 29-9 I. 20. 49. 17*14 8. 55. 12-33 67.41. o-5 57.45-3 15.45-8 3 7 . 55. 55-95 35.26. 5-8 . 1!. 20. 5o. 16-98 8. 55. 14-65 67.41. 10-8 57.45-3 15.45-8 37. 56.3o-75 35.26.38-9 46-2 1. 20. 5i.38-5o 8. 55. 17-82 67.41. 24-8 57.45-2 15.45-8 37.21. 52'20 35.26. 18-1 11. 20.52.38-33 8. 55.20-14 67.41. 35-o 57.45-2 r5.45-S 37. 22. 27-00 35.26. 5l'2 2 4 -3 1. 20. 56. 44-97 8. 55. 29-69 67. 42. 17-4 57.45-1 i5. 4 5-8 36. 10. 28 -So 33.47.44-4 11. 20. 57. 44-80 8. 55. 32-oi 67.42. 27-7 57.45-1 iS-45-8 3-3o 33.48.17-1 3 7 -8 1. 20. 58. 56- 4 6 8.55.34-79 67. 42. 40-0 57.45-0 15.45-8 35.36.19-20 ! 33.47.49-4 11. 2o.59-56-3o 8. 55. 37-11 67.42. So- 3 57.45-0 i5. 4 5-8 35. 36. 5 4 - oo 33.48.22-3 28-5 10. 1.43-93 77.25.23-i So. 32. 32-40 48. 55.46-2 ,, > 48.55.36-6o 47.25.30-9 ,, M 47. 4.44-55 45.42.20-1 I 45.48. 6-60 44. 3i. 3-6 1. 22. 34. lO-gi 9. 52. 3o-63 72. 39. i3-8 57. 1-8 i5. 34-0 24. 58. 37-20 24. 3i. 34-1 II. 22.35.10-74 9. 52. 32-75 72. 39. 26-5 57. 1-8 1 5. 34-0 24. 59. 9-00 24. 32. 6-8 3 7 -i I. 22. 39. l6'OI 9. 52.41-44 72. 40. 18' 3 57. I -6 iS.33'9 23.44.5o-7O | 23.22.21*3 11. 22. 40. 15-84 9. 52.43-57 72. 40. 3o'9 57- 1-6 i5. 33-9 23-45.22-65 i 23.22. 53-6 3i-6 1. 22.43. 12-33 9. 52.49-83 72.41. 8-3 5 7 . 1-5 15.33-9 22.47.41-55 I 22.28.48-2 11. 22. 44. 12-17 9. 52. Si-gS 72. 41. 20-9 5 7. i-5 i5. 33-9 22.48.13-35 22.29.20-9 32-5 I. 22. 47. 5o'57 9. 52. 59-69 72.42. 7-2 57. 1-4 i5. 33-9 21.40.24-45 21.25. 5o - 7 11. 22. 48. 50-41 9.53. 1-81 72.42. 19-8 57. 1-4 iS.33'9 21.40.56-25 21.26.23-5 3o- 7 1. 22. 52. 40-29 9.53. 9-97 72. 4 3. 8-5 5 7 . i-3 i5. 33-8 20. 3o. 20-85 20.20.24-5 11. 22.53.40-I3 9. 53. 12-09 72.43. 21 "I 5 7 . i-3 15. 33-8 20. 3o. 52-65 20.20.57-0 3 2 -9 \. 22.57. 8'H 9. 53. 19-46 72.44. 5-2 5 7 . i-i 15.33-8 19. 25. 3i-65 | 19. 20. o-o 11. 22.58. 8-17 9.53.21-58 72.44. 17-9 5 7 . i-i i5. 33-8 19. 26. 3-45 19. 20. 32'7 33- 9 January 22. Aperture reduced. 186 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Object. Altazimuth- Clock Time of Vertical Transit over Mean of Horizontal Wires. g 1 O. | Reading of Vertical Circle corrected for Runs of Micrometers. Level Indication (ad- ditive). Barometer and Ex- ternal Thermometer. Refraction. Tree observed Zenith Distance. 1875. January 22 23 T KI j8 Ixjonis .... h m s 8.44.41-44 8. 50.41-96 9. 5.19-88 9. ii. 23-78 6. ii. 24-82 R R L L L o / // 227.41. 3-o 229. 4. 59-2 307. 29. ii -5 3o6. 4. 36'- 6 334.41. 18-0 70-6 71-2 71-8 72-0 7 6-3 3o'"-2o 7 i-3 65-3 5o-8 48-3 42-8 40-7 118-2 / ft 42. 19. 3-1 40.55. 3-8 37. 30.40-2 36. 6. 3-4 64. 44. 3 - 6 Moon's L. L. ... ,, 6. 19.44-94 t 332.48.45-3 76-6 109-0 62. 5l. 22'O 1 1 6. 27. 21-96 L 33i. 5.48-7 77-0 loi'S 61. 8. i8-3 ,, 6. 37. 16-80 R 211. 6. 54-5 66-0 64 -6 92-9 58.54. 0-7 ,, 6.44. 29-22 R 212.44. 33-3 65-8 3o'"-i4 87-2 57. 16. 17-0 ,, 6.53.27-88 R 214.46. 14-2 64-8 64 -o 80-9 55. 14. 3o-8 24 NI 5 Leonis 7. 4.55-26 7. iS.25-86 7.40.58-48 R t L 214. 6.40-3 323.28. 9-1 327. 9. 7-2 64-4 7 5-6 79-0 60 -6 82-9 87-6 55. 5 4 . 7-1 53. 3o. 11-7 57. 11.24-9 Moon's L. L. ... 7. 53. 31-04 L 324. 20. 25-8 80-4 78-9 54.22. 36-2 > 8. i. 50-46 8. 10. 10-28 8. i8.5i-i6 8. 27. 39-60 L L R R 322.28.43-5 320. 18.49-4 221.40. 5i"5 223. 14. I2'6 80-6 81-2 66-5 65-i 7 3-8 68-4 63-7 6o-3 52. 3o. 49 -o 5o. 20. 5o-i 48. 19. 34-6 46. 46. ii -5 Moon's L. L. ... ,, 8.37.33-40 R 225.25. 9'5 64-7 3o ln -n 55-9 44. 35. 10-6 " 8.46.25-68 R 227. 21.48-9 64-3 5 9 -3 52-2 42. 38.27-9 25 NI Moon's L. L. ... 8.31.47-24 R 211.42. 3i'8 66-6 66 -9 90-5 58. 18.21-0 o / // January 23 and 24. The adopted Zenith point corresponding to the mean -wire is 270. o. 28-9 TABLE IX. LONGITUDE FROM THE MOON'S OBSERVED ZENITH DISTANCE (continued}. 187 Greenwich Mean Solar Time, assuming the West Longitude to be I. io h . 3 1" 1 . o. II. I0 h . 32"'. s . Tabular Geocentric Elements (R. A. and N. P. D. corrected). Hour-Angle. Tabular Zenith Distance of Star or of Limb of Moon. Inferred Longitude West of Greenwich io h . 3i m . + Apparent Apparent Kight North Polar Ascension Distance of Center. of Center. Equatorial Horizontal Parallax. Semi- diameter. h h o / // / // / // / // / // 8 II. 42. 41*78 74.43. 52-7 44. i5. 14-25 42. 19. 0-9 , , > ) 42.4$. 6-45 40.55. 2-3 >1 ,, 39. 5. 37-5o 37. 3o. 39-7 " 37. 34. 39-00 36. 6. 0-2 I. 20. 3o. 23*90 10. 37. 34-40 77. 3i. 52-9 56.23-7 iS.23-5 66. 17. i5-6o 64.43.47-6 II. io.3i.23'73 10. 37-36-38 77.32. 6-7 56.23-7 iS.23-5 66. 17.45-30 64.44. '9'4 3o-2 I. 20.38.42-66 10. 37. 5o"9i 77.33.48-3 56.23-4 iS.23-5 64. 16. 21 -3o 62. Si. 6-6 II. 20. 39. 42- So 10. 37. 52-88 77.34. 2-2 56.23-4 iS.23-5 64. 16. So-85 62. Si.38-3 29-2 I. 20. 46. I8-43 10.38. 5-98 77-35.33-9 56.23-2 iS.23-4 62.25. 52- oS 61. 8. i-o II. 2O. 47. l8'27 10.38. 7-96 77.35.47-7 56.23-2 i5. 23-4 62. 26. 21-75 61. 8.32-9 32-5 I. 20. 56. n-66 10. 38. 25-59 77. 3 7 . Si- 3 56. 22-9 iS.23-3 60. 2. 3-45 58. 53.41-7 II. 20. Sj. 1 1 '49 10. 38.27-57 77-38. 5-2 56. 22-9 iS.23-3 60. 2. 33-i5 58.54. i3'6 35-7 I. 21. 3.22-91 10. 38. 39-85 77.39.31-2 56.22-7 iS.23-3 58. 17. 30-90 S 7 .i5.57-9 II. 21. 4. 22-75 10. 38.41-82 77.39.45-1 56.22-7 iS.23-3 58. 18. 0-45 57. 16.29-7 36-o I. 21. 12. 20-09 10. 38. 57-59 77.4i.35-8 56.22-5 lS.23'2 56. 7. 17-10 55.14. 8-7 II. 21. i3. 19-93 10. 38. 59-57 77.41.49-7 56.22-5 lS.23'2 56. 7.46-80 55. 14. 40-0 42-4 n. 7. 28-62 68.47.37-3 60. 23. 11-70 55.54. 7-1 " > > 57.45. 32-55 53. 3o. 11-7 I. 21.55.48-02 n. 26. 25- 17 83.34.21-9 55.41-7 i5. 12-1 56. 6.16- So 57.11. 8-z II. 21.56.47-86 ii. 26. 27-03 83.34-36-3 55. 4 i-7 i5. 12- 1 56. 6.44-40 57. 11.39-3 32-2 I. 22. 8.18-52 ii. 26. 48- 5o 83.37.23-4 55.41-4 l5. I2'0 53. 3. 58-o5 54. 22. l6'5 II. 22. 9.18-36 ii. 26. 5o-36 83.37. 37-8 55.41-4 i5. 12-0 53. 4.25-95 54.22.47-S 38-1 I. 22.16.36-58 11.27. 3-97 83.39.23-8 55.41-2 i5. ii -9 Si. 2. 58-8o 52. 3o. 29-7 II. 22. 17. 36-42 11.27. 5-83 83.39.38-3 55.41-2 1 5. 11-9 Si. 3/26-70 52. 3i. 0-7 3 7 -i ii. 42. 41-83 74.43. 52-9 52. 52. 29-25 So. 20. 48- 1 > * 50.42. i6-oS 48. 19. 33-6 I. 22.42.2I-5O ii. 27. Si'95 83.45.3y-6 55.40-5 i5. 11-7 44.47.41-25 46. 45.49-6 II. 22.43.21-34 ii. 27. 53-8i 83.45.52-o 55.40-5 iS. 11-7 44.48. 9'i5 46. 46. 20 -7 42-2 I. 22.52.13-68 n. 28. io- 34 83.48. 0-9 55. 40-2 iS. 11-7 42. 23. So'io 44. 34.49-5 II. 22. 53. i3-5i II. 28. I2-2O 83. 48. i5-3 55. 40-2 i5. 11-7 42. 24. 1 8 oo 44. 35. 20- 7 40-6 I. 23. i. 4'5o ii. 28. 26-81 83. So. 9-3 55.40-0 i5. n-6 40. 14. $2-95 42.38. 5-2 II. 23. 2. 4-34 11.28. 28-67 83. So. 23-8 55.40-0 i5. 11-6 40. iS. 20-85 4 2.38. 37-6 42-0 I. 22.42.33-28 12. II.43-47 89.34.52-5 55. 6-3 1 5. 2-~5 54.43.28-50 58. 18. o-3 II. 22. 4 3.33-n 12. II. 45-26 89.35. 6-9 55. 6-3 i5. 2-5 54.43.55-35 58. 18. 3o-8 40-7 January 23. Aperture reduced. B B 188 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. Day. Observer. Object. Altazimuth- Clock Time of Vertical Transit over Mean of Horizontal Wires. Lamp Right or Left. Reading of Vertical Circle corrected for Huns of Micrometers. Level Indication (ad- ditive). Barometer and Ex- ternal Thermometer. Refraction. True observed Zenith Distance. 1875. January zS NI Moon's L. L. ... 8.40. 15-98 R / // 213. 33. 47 - 7 // 65-S 84-3 / // 56.26. 59-7 i y ... 8. 49. 39 74 R 2i5. 36.28-2 66-0 78-1 54. 24. 12-8 , , ... 8. 59. 46-92 r, 322. 10. 5o- 1 7 5-8 67 -3 72-1 52. 12. 49'I , , ... 9. 8. 30-70 L 320. 18.28-4 76-6 3o"'-i6 67-4 So. 20. 23-5 27 XI , , ... 9. 17. 31-04 9. 3i. 56-40 9. 40. 54- 16 9. 1 3. 34-78 9. 21. 28-24 9.29.43-58 9.37.39-34 9. 46. 40-46 Xi L R L L K R R 3i8.23. 3i-9 333.48.48-4 208. S.iS-5 337.44. i'4 336. 2.18-2 205.42. 5-6 2O7. 22. 48-7 2o3. 3o. 38 -j 77-0 77-6 67-0 83-i 83-o 60-0 59-6 59-6 67 '9 6 7 - 9 65- 4 63 'o 113-4 104-6 136-4 J25-7 116-0 107-9 128-9 48.2$. 23-o 63. 5i. 3o-5 61. 57. 48-0 67.47. I' '0 66. 5.iS-o 64. 19. 19-3 62. 38.28-5 66. 3i. o- 1 Moon's L. L. ... > > ' 9. 55. i- 14 R 2o5. i3. 16-9 58-8 119-2 64.48. 12-4 > > ... 10. 2. 27-62 R 206. 44 2*4 58-4 64 -9 , III 6 63. 17. 19-7 > > ' ' 10. 10. 4-64 I> 33i. 42. 26-4 Si-o 104-6 61.45. 3-i , , ... 10. 18. 38-40 L 33o. o. 2-0 8i-5 3o lu -j3 97-0 60. ;. 3 1 -6 February 5 T > > ... S Leonis 10. 26. 26-08 7-58. 38-io 8. 6. 10-90 9. 3o. 10-84 9. 37. 2o - 32 L L R L R 328.27. 55-6 3i3. 3i. 24-4 228. ii. 19-8 325.26. 6-8 212. 52. 47'2 82-2 87-7 58-i 5g-S 87-8 65- 9 5 9 -i 3o'" oo 58 -o 91-2 53-8 So- 6 82-2 8y5 58. 3o. 20- 1 43. 33. 20-5 41.48. 58-i 55.28. 3-4 57. 7.37-9 / // January 27. The adopted Zenith point corresponding to the mean wire is 270. o. 28 '9 February 5, 270. o'. 25"'4. The two stars were observed for clock-error ; the hour-angles have been computed from the observed zenith-distances. TABLE IX. LONGITUDE FROM THE MOON'S OBSERVED ZENITH DISTANCE (concluded). 189 Greenwich Mean Solar Time, assuming the West Longitude to be T. lo 1 '. 3i"'. o". II. I0\ 32'". 0". Tabular Geocentric Elements (H. A. and N. P. D. corrected). Hour-Angle. Tabular Zenith Distance of Star or of Limb of Moon. Inferred Longitude West of Greenwich io h . 3 1" 1 . + Apparent Right Ascension of Center. Apparent North Polar Distance of Center. Equatorial Horizontal Parallax. Semi- diameter. ll 111 S h in 14 f ft / // Off/ o / // I. 22. Si. 0-64 12. ii. 58-68 89. 36. 55-i 55. 6-1 i5. 2-4 52.40. 5-40 56.26.37-7 II. 22. 52. 0-48 12. 12. O"47 89.37. 9'5 55. 6-1 i5. 2-4 52. 40. 32'25 56.27. 8-1 43-4 I. 2J. O. z3* II 12. 12. l5'54 89. 39. n-o 55.' 5-9 i5. 2-3 So. 23. 21 '7? 54. 23. 52-4 II. 23. I. 22-95 12. 12. I7-34 89. 39.25-4 55. 5-9 i5. 2-3 50.23.48-75 54. 24. 23-0 40-0 f. 2J. 10. 28-41 12. 12. 33-69 89.41. 37-2 55. 5-7 i5. 2-3 47.56. 6-iS 52.i2.33-6 II. 23.11.28-25 12. 12. 35-49 89.41. Si'7 55. 5-7 i5. 2-3 47. 56. 33- 1 5 52. 1 3. 4-2 30-4 I. 23. 19. 10.76 12. 12. 49- 34 89.43.43-4 55. 5-5 i5. 2-2 45.49. 4-20 So. 20. 8-8 II. 23. 20. 10' 59 12. 12. 5l ' 14 89.43. 57-9 55. 5-5 l5. 2-2 45. 49. 3 1 -20 5o. 20. 39-6 28-6 I. 23.28. 9 -63 12. 13. 5'5o 89.45. 53-6 55. 5-3 l5. 2'2 43.38. i-35 48.25. 8-9 II. 23.29. 9-47 12. i3. 7-29 89.46. 8-0 55. 5-3 l5. 2'2 43. 38.28-20 48. 25. 39-4 27-7 i3. 18. 36-68 100. 3o. 33'i 56.24.28-50 63.5i. Ji-3 ^~~~" " " $4. 10. i-gS 61. 57.48-6 i3. 18. 36- 7 5 100. 3o. 33-5 60. 59. 22- 35 67.47.21-9 ,, $9. i. o-3o 66. 5. 18-0 ,, 56. $7. 10-20 64. 19.20-9 , , , , 5 4 . 58. i3-65 62. 38.26-6 I. 23. 49. 24-59 i3. 39. 38-o3 loo. 59. 56-o 54.21-3 14. 5o- 1 57. 58. 15-90 66. 3o. 40-4 II. 23. 5o. 24-43 13.39.39-83 101. o. 9-1 54.21-3 14. So- 1 57. 58.42-90 66. 3i. io'o 39-9 I. 23. 57. 43-90 i3. 39. 53-10 101. 1.45-2 54. 21-2 14. So- 1 55.56.51-75 64.47. 52-2 II. 23.58. 4 3-73 i3. 39. 54-91 101. i. 58-2 54. 21-2 14. So- 1 55. 57. 18-90 64. 48. 21-7 41-1 I. o. 5. 9-17 13.40. 6-58 IOI. 3. 22'9 54. 21-2 14. So- 1 54. 8.36-6o 63.17. o-3 II. o. 6. 9-01 13.40. 8-39 101. 3.35-9 54. 21-2 14. So- 1 5 4 . 9. 3- 7 5 63. 17. 29-8 3 9 -5 I. 0.12.44-94 1 3. 40. 20-34 101. 5. 2-4 54. 21- I 14. So- 1 52. 17.47-70 61.44.49-7 II. 0.13.44-78 13.40. 22- 1 5 101. 5. i5-5 54. 21 'I 14. 5o-i 52.18.14-85 61. 45. 19-2 27-3 I. 0.21.17-31 13.40. 35-82 101. 6. 54-3 54. 21 -O 14. So- 1 So. i3. i3-35 60. 2. 19-3 II. O. 22. 17 * 14 13.40. 3?-63 101. 7. 7-3 54. 21 'O 14. So 1 1 So. 13.40-50 60. 2.48-7 25-1 [. 0.29. 3-72 1 3. 40. 49-91 101. S. 36-i 54. 21 -O 14. 5o-o 48. 19. 49- 35 58. 3o. 7-5 II. o. 3o. 3-55 1 3. 40. Si -71 101. 8.49-1 $4. 21 -O 14. 5o - o 48. 20. 16- 35 58. 3o. 36-6 26-0 ii. 7.28-93 68.47. 38-i __ 46. 54. 59-4 , , , , 45. 1.41-0 5.48.25-18 82.37. o'9 55. 44. 11-7 > > * 57.3i. 33-o January 25. Aperture reduced. January 27. Spica unsteady. \ B B 2 190 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. TABLE X. LONGITUDE of HONOLULU from the OBSERVED EIGHT ASCENSION of the MOON on the MERIDIAN. served. Observed E.A. of Longitude by the Ephemeris. Adopted Resulting Day. B Moon's Limb e = the correction Value Longitude, *j C V 1 I on the Meridian. required to the Moon's Tabular R.A. Off. West. .SP 'S hfc o 3 P- 1874. it m s h m s i h , . Oct. 17 T I. 19. 29. I '29 10.31.14-86 24-366 0-34 10. 3i. 23' i 6 Good observation, seven minutes after sunset. Clock correction depends upon three stars near the moon. 18 T I. 2O. 27. 48'39 16-16 24-71 e 3 7 25-3 3 Cloudy. Moon observed on two wires only. Clock correction depends upon three stars near the moon. ] 9 NO I. 21. 25. 19-81 11-93 25- 39 e '4> 22 '3 6 Good observation. 20 B I. 22. 21. I7'43 23-71 26-06 f '44 35-2 3 Cloudy. Clock correction un- satisfactory. 21 T I. 23. l6. 2-32 9-26 26-47 t '47 21-7 5 Good observation. 23 T I. I. 5.S4-49 14-07 25- 59 f 63 30'2 5| i Good observation. 24 NO II. 2. 3.3i-i3 20-24 24-38 e 72 3 7 '8 3 \ Moon observed at four wires, which are discordant ; mi- crometer-reading doubtful. Bad night. Observer fatigued. a? NO II. 5. 17.52-31 3o. Sg'S? 21-42 e 89 18-6 4 Tremor. Clock correction depends upon two stars near the moon, and is not satis- factory. Nov. 1 5 NO I. 21. 4. 26-52 3i. 23-03-25-88 e 32 3i-3 54 Wires are discordant. Sun just set. 16 T I. 21. 5g. 8-58 15-25 26-76 32 23-8 5 Good observation. 22 T I. 3.32.57-73 12-7222-31 e 65 27-2 7 Good observation. J> II. 3. 35.28-o5 1 5 42 22 3 1 e 65 29-9 H Good observation. Correc- tion for defective illumina- tion, + O*'28. 23 T II. 4.41. 55 - 76 i3-55 21-17 e '74 29-2 8 Good observation. Some tremor. 27 T II. 9. i.25-8i 9-00 25-72 83 3o - 4 5* Observer fatigued. 28 R II. 9.54.47-44 5-09 28-29 e 78 27-2 4 Some tremor, but good obser- vation. 29 T II. 10.43. 38-oo 4-29 30-64 6 7i 26'O 4 Much tremor. Fair observa- tion, 14 minutes before sun- rise. Clock correction very satisfactory. Noisy gale. Dec. i T II. 12. 12. 55-70 9-99 33-3o 60 3o'o 4 One hour after sunrise. Limb bright and steady. The clock correction was deter- mined 10 hours before the observation of the moon. Clock-rate very steady. 2 T II. 12. 55. 59-29 8-01-33-39 14 26-0 4 if hours after sunrise. Limb fairly bright and steady. The clock correction was determined 12 hours after the observation of the moon. Clock-rate very steady. '4 K I. 22. 34. 5l-87 14-75-27-83 f 35 2 4 -5 5 The wires are discordant ; 1 7 minutes before sunset. i5 NO I. 23.26. 2-41 2-58 28-72 36 12-9 4i Good observation. 16 K I. o. 1 6. 54-67 I9-l5 28-l6 3 9 3o-i 4i Good observation. '7 NO I. i. 8. 5o'97 10. 3i. 16-04 27 -19* -0-43 10. 3i. 27-7 5 Through clouds. Clock cor- rection satisfactory. TABLE X. LONGITUDE FROM THE MERIDIONAL TRANSITS OF THE MOON. 191 ;J 5 > 8 Observed R.A. of Longitude by the Ephemeris. Adopted Resulting Day. K ^ Q Moon's Limb e = the correction Value Longitude, _j . E J .= e on the Meridian. required to the Moon's Tabular R.A. of e. West. H> '3 5 3 f 1874. h m L m s i h in s Dec. 1 8 R i. 2. 3.20-60 10. 3i. 12-80 25-61 e -0-48 10. 3i. 25- 1 5* Good observation. '9 NO i. 3. 1.43-31 8-3i 23-74 53 20-9 5 Raining. Much tremor. Clock correction satisfactory. 20 NO i. 4. 4.41-35 16-57 22-09 f 60 29-8 74 Good observation. 21 T i. 5. ii. 38-o5 12-86 21-08 e 70 27-6 8 Three wires only, and through cloud. ii. 5. 14. 12-62 12-88-21-08 70 27-8 4 Limb faint, through cloud ; 1 8 hours be/ore full moon. Correction for defective illu- mination, + I s -40. 22 NO i. 6. 20. 18-40 8-41 2I'o5 e '79 25-o 8 Good observation. Correction for defective illumination, -0 s - 12. > ii. 6. 22. 52-96 6-3i 2i-o5 f 79 22-9 8 Good observation. *4 B ii. 8. 32.43-03 8-87-23-98 e 86 29-5 6 Good observation. 29 T n. 12. 38. 49-22 8- 9 5-33-i5 e 61 29-2 Ji Good observation. 3o NO ii. l3. 22. 2I-93 2-3o-32-8z e So 18-7 H Good observation, just after sunrise. 3i T ii. 14. 6. 57- 16 io-i3 3i-66 e 42 23-4 4 Good observation, 40 minutes after sunrise ; limb bright and steady. i8 7 5. Jan. i T ii. 14. 53. 39-08 9-88 29-94 e 35 20-4 4 Wires are discordant. Obser- vation labours after sunrise. i3 T i. o. 52. 4- ii 1 2 90 28 04 e 42 24-7 3 Indifferent observation ; four wires. '4 It i. 1.44.27-79 14- I7 26-73 45 26-2 5 Two wires only. Limb steady. i5 R i. 2. 39.47-II l6- 12 25" l8 6 49 28-5 6 Good observation. 16 R i. 3.39. 3-99 16-41 23-44 e 53 28-8 61 Good observation. '7 R i. 4. 42. 3o'o7 22 -3o 22 -08 e 56 3 4 -7 H One wire only. Clock cor- rection satisfactory. 18 K i. 5.48. 53-96 16-09 21-45 f 5 9 28-7 8 Good observation. Limb steady. '9 T i. 6.55.45-I2 II "98 21 -79 61 25-3 74 Good observation. Some tremor. 20 R i. 8. o. 9 -56 9 '00 23-08 e 62 23-3 7 Good observation. Some tremor. , ii. 8. 2.36-87 9-02 23-08 62 23-3 H Good observation. Some tremor. Correction for de- fective illumination, + o s 'o7. 22 K ii. 9.57.18-37 12-14 27-59 e 60 28-7 44 Good observation. 23 NO ii. 10.47. 3g-38 4-76-29-73 f 57 21-7 4 Good observation. 2 4 R ii. ii. 34. 38-47 14-49 3i'5o f 54 3i-5 34 Good observation. 25 T ii. 12. 19. 30-69 12-66 32-47 f So 28-9 H Good observation. 26 T ii. i3. 3.32-12 i6-36-32'73 f 46 3i- 4 3 Overcast ; raining. Clock cor- rection satisfactory. 27 T ii. 13.47.54-34 i3'45 32-o3 e .-42 26-9 3i Good observation. 28 T n. 14. 33.44-81 16-89 30-71 e 3 9 28-9 31 Good observation. 29 T ii. l5. 22. 2-27 l3-3o-28'92 f 38 24-3 4l Good observation, 10 minutes after sunrise. 3o T 16. i3. 3i-oi l5-97 27-o6 3? 26-0 5 Good observation, one hour after sunrise ; limb bright and steady. 3i K ii. 17. 8. 26-02 10. 3i. 12^70 25-41 ( -o-36 10. 3i. 21-9 Si Tremor ; limb pretty bright ; ij hours after sunrise. See page 2 3 for mean results. 192 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. TABLE XI ABSTRACT of LONGITUDES of HONOLULU from the observed ZENITH DISTANCES of the MOON'S FIRST LIMB, i.e., U.L. when East, L.L. when West of the Meridian. Day. Observer. No. of Obser- vations. Mean inferred Longitude from each Day's Observations. Correction to Longitude for the Distance between the Instruments. Seconds of Corrected Longitude. Weight. 1874-5. October i S T 4 h in s 10. 3i. z5'2 i + 2'O 27-2 6 Z. D. about 81. <7 NI 3 9'4 1-6 11-4 Z. D. about 82. 18 T 6 26-7 i-5 28-2 5 Z. D. about 80. '9 KI 6 9'4 i'4 10-8 IO 21 NI 8 18-4 1*4 19-8 i3 22 M 6 17-9 1-6 i 9 -5 '4 23 T 8 25-5 i-5 27-0 '4 23 HI 4 21-6 1-6 23-2 H 24 M 6 28-1 1-6 29-7 '4 November 14 n 4 24 'o 1-6 25-6 5 Z. D. about 84. iS NI 6 22'7 1-6 24-3 10 16 22 NI KI 4 6 23-o 17-7 1-6 '7 24 '6 19-4 II i3 First four observations rejected. December J4 M 6 19-3 i-5 21-8 n* i5 NI 6 24-5 1-6 26-1 12 18 NI 6 29-5 i'7 3l'2 i3 '9 NI 6 24-7 l~1 26-4 i3 20 NI 6 26-6 1-6 28-2 i3 21 n 6 27-5 1-6 29-1 i3 22 T 6 18-1 1-6 19-7 0* Defective limb. January 1 1 T 6 29 - O 1-6 3o'6 12 i3 KI 6 35- 9 1-7 3 7 '6 12 '4 NI 6 3 4 -2 *7 35-9 12 i5 T 6 23-1 i-g 24-9 12 16 n 6 27-4 i'7 29-1 12 i? XI 6 23-1 *7 24-8 10 18 NI 6 25-7 1-6 27-3 13 '9 NI 6 23; 9 "'7 25-6 12 '9 T 8 18-6 i'7 20-3 12 20 T 6 19' 6 >'7 21-3 12 20 KI 6 IO. 3l. 20'O + 1-7 tt'7 12 Mean, wjfh weights, of corrected Longitudes t m K o. 3i. 25-5 (see page 27). 1 TABLE XI. ABSTRACT OF LONGITUDES FKOM THE MOON'S ZENITH DISTANCE. 193 TABLE XI. (continued). ABSTBACT of LONGITUDES of HONOLULU from the observed ZENITH DISTANCES of the MOON'S SECOND LMB, i.e., L.L. when East, U.L. when West of the Meridian. Day. Observer. No. of Obser- vations. Meau inferred Longitude from eacli Day's Observations. Correction to Longitude for the Distance between the Instruments. Seconds of Corrected Longitude. Weight. .874-5. October 3 T 6 h in 5 10. 3i. I9'o + 1-9 20' 9 5* 4 NI 6 22-8 2'O 24-8 5* 5 la 6 27-8 2'O 29-8 5* 7 T 6 28-7 of 25 T 8 28-3 i-6 29-9 '4 2.6 T 6 3o-6 ''7 32-3 12 26 n 6 24-1 1-6 25-7 i3 27 T 4 i8- 1-6 19-8 12 27 HI 6 16-8 '7 !8-5 12 28 M 6 20 '9 1-6 22-5 6 29 81 6 19-7 ''7 21-4 6 November 4 T 3 19-1 t 5 NI 2 M'4 of 23 yi 8 3o-2 i-5 3i- 7 12 26 n 6 26-5 1-7 28-2 12 27 XI 12 32-1 i'7 33-8 12 28 NI 6 3o-5 1-8 32-3 JO Limb indistinct. 19 NI 6 26-8 2'0 28-8 10 December i NI 6 28-1 2'0 3o-i 9 2 NI 6 29-6 i 9 3i-5 8 4 NI 4 Ji-4 i 9 33-3 8 22 I 6 23-8 1-6 25-4 6* 2 4 NI 6 29-3 ''7 3i-o 6* 26 NI 6 32-5 1-9 3 4 ' 4 5* 2 9 3o NI NI 6 6 29 '9 2'o 3o - 2 i '9 3,- 9 32-1 9 9 3i n 6 26-2 1-8 aSro 8 January i NI 6 269 1-8 28-7 8 20 NI 6 22-3 ''7 24-0 Defective limb. 21 T 6 28-7 i'7 3o'4 ii 22 23 T NI 6 6 33-i 3 4 -3 1-9 1-9 35-o 36-2 n 5 * , *4 NI 6 38-7 1-9 40-6 5* 25 NI 6 35-i i 9 3 7 'o 5* 27 NI 6 10. 3i. 33-i 1-8 34-9 5* Mean, with weights, of corrected Longitudes * On these days the corrections to t Corrections wholly unknown. l by }) 2 L i 111 K D. 3i. 29' i (ee page 27). t satisfactory. the Moon's Tabular Place are no 194 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU KAILUA. CHRONOMETRIC CONNECTIONS. TABLE XII. COMPARISON of PORTABLE CHRONOMETERS with the TRANSIT-CLOCKS, and INFERRED ERROR of the PORTABLE CHRONOMETERS on Mean Time of Place. Station and Approximate Local Mean Time (Civil Reckoning). Time by the Transit-Clock. Adopted Correction to the Transit- Clock. Name of Portable- Chrono- meter compared. Corresponding Time by Portable- Chronometer. Inferred Portable- Chronometer Slow on Mean Time of Place. h m s h m s h m , HONOLULU, 2.33. 8-0 + 9-36 W 7- 7- o-o + 2. 26. 31-48 Dec. 5, 2.40. 53 - o 9-36 V 7. 1.36-5 2. 39. 38- 7 i 9 h . 41"'. p.m. 2. 43. 32-O + 9'36 M 9. 40. 3 1 -o + o. 3. 22-77 KAILUA, 19. 37. io'o + 30-29 Q 2. 24. 40 5 + o. 6.3i-36 Dec. 7, 19.44. SS'o 3o-3o Q 2. 32. 24-0 o. 6. 3 1 -60 2 h . 4o m . p.m. 19. 42. 20 -O 3o-3o V 11.48. 55-5 2. 47. 25-52 19. 57. 17-0 3o-3i V o. 3. 5o-o 2.47. 25-59 19.48. 24-0 3o-3o W o. 8. 1 1 5 2.34. 12-53 19. Si. 55-0 + 3o-3i W O. 1 1 . 42 ' O + 2. 34. I2-45 KAILUA, 16.45. 5o-o + 33-44 Q ii. 26. o- 5 + o. 6. 30-73 Dec. 9, 16.48. 55-o 33-44 Q 11.29. 5-o o. 6. 3o'73 Noon. 16. 52. 38-o 33-45 V 8. 51.28-0 2. 47. So- 12 16. 58. 39-0 33-45 V 8. 57. 28-0 2. 47. So- 14 1 6. 5o. 1 5-o 33-44 W 9. 2.25-5 2. 34. 3o'oi 16. 56. 14-0 + 33- 4 5 W 9. 8.23-5 + 2. 34. 30-04 HONOLULU, 18. 20. o-o + 11-07 R i. 1.58-0 + o. o. 8-40 Dee^ 10, 18. 21. i5-o 11-07 V IO. 22. 42-0 2. 40. 39-19 i h . 3. p.m. 18. 28. 10-0 + i i '07 W 10.43. o-o + 2. 27. 1 5 -06 HONOLULU, i5. 5i.36-o + 12-08 u 19. O.43-5 + 3. 17.40-53 Dec. 14, 16. 2.33-0 12-08 V 19.47. 5i-5 2.41.27-74 io h . 3o. a.m. 16. 2.25-0 12-08 V 19. 47- 4^ '5 2.41.27-76 i5. 55. 52-o 12-08 W 19. 54. 48-5 , 2. 27. 50-84 i5. 55.42-0 + 12-08 W 19. 54. 38-5 + 2. 27. 5o-87 KAILCA, 20. 25. 2O -O + 4 6- 44 u II. 22. 48- 5 + 3. 25. 14-27 Dec. 1 5, 20. 20. 26-0 46-43 V 1 1 . 54. 2'0 2.49. 7-57 2 h . 45'". p.m. 20. 17. 45-0 + 46'43 W o. 5. 2-5 + 2. 35. 26-5i KAILUA, 1 8. 9.40-0 + 5o-25 u 8.59.26-5 + 3.25. 3o- 4 5 Dec. 17, 18. 12. 7-0 So -26 V 9. 37. 52-o 2.49. 3i-57 o h . 27 m . p.m. 18. 5. 4-0 + 5o-25 W 9. 44. 38-o + 2. 35.43-71 TABLE XII. ERRORS OP PORTABLE-CHRONOMETERS (continued). 195 Station and Approximate Local Mean Time (Civil Reckoning). Time by the Transit-Clock. Adopted Correction to the Transit- Clock. Name of Portable- Chrono- meter compared. Corresponding Time by Portable- Chronometer. Inferred Portable- Chronometer Slow 011 Mean Time of Place. h m a 8 h m s h . HONOLULU, 18. o. 5-o + i3-3 9 U 8.52. 35-5 + 3. 18. 14-14 Dec. 1 8, 18. 3. 8-0 i3-39 U 8.55. 38-o 3. 18. 14- 14 o h . 2o m . p.m. 18. 7. 5-o i3-39 V 9. 35. 29-0 2.42. 19-49 18. 10. lo'o 13-39 V 9.38.33-5 2. 42. 19*48 18. i3.25-o i3-39 w 9.55.39-5 2. 28.27-95 18. i6.25-o -t- i3-39 w 9.58. 39-0 + 2.28.27-96 HONOLULU, 1 8. 8.40-0 + i3-79 U 8. 57. 4-0 + 3.I8.23-72 Dec. 19, 18. 11.41-0 13-79 U 9. o. 4-5 3. 18. 23 -72 o h . 20'". p.m. 18. 18. 5-o i3-8o V 9. 42. 19-0 2. 42. 32' 19 18.21. 5-o i3-8o V 9.45. i8-5 2. 42. 32 -2O 18. 27. 3i-o i3-8o w 10. 5.38-5 2. 28. 37- 14 18. 3o. 3o-o + i3-8o w 10. 8. 37-0 + 2. 28.37'lS WAIMEA,* 22. 25. 9-0 - 7- 6-97 A A 4. 27. 20 -o o. 7. 21-94 Dec. 20, 22. 3 1. 54-0 7. 6-96 U i. i5. 23-o + 3. ii. 18-96 4 h . 3o"'. p.m. 22. 37.35-0 7. 6- 9 5 V i. 56. So-o 2. 35. 32-04 22.43. 38-o - 7- 6- 9 5 w 2. 1 6. So-o + 2. 21. 34'o5 HONOLULU, 2O. 25. IO' O + o. 14-99 U n. 5. 4-5 + 3. 18. 40-24 Dec. 21, 20. 26. 43 *o o. 14-99 V 11.42. 21-0 2. 42. 56*49 2 h . 25'". p.m. 20. 3o. 3 1 -o + o. 14-99 w o. o. 9 o 4 2.28.S5-87 HONOLULU, 18. 23. 2-0 + o. 1 5 So U 8. $9. i3-o + 3.18.48-33 Dec. 22, 1 8. 26. o-o o. 1 5 So tr 9. 2. lo-S 3.18.48-35 o h . 25 m . p.m. 18.28. 23-o o. 1 5 So V 9.40. 14-5 2. 4 3. 6-97 18. 3i. 24-0 o. iS'Si V 9. 43. 1 5-o 2.43. 6-97 18. 35. 9-0 o.iS-Si w 10. I. 2-5 2.29. 3-86 18. 38. 7-0 + o. iS-Si w I O. 4. ' O + 2.29. 3-88 WAIMEA,* 21. 3. 5o-o 7. 2- So u ii. 35. 25-5 + 3.11.43-60 Dec. 23, 21. 6. 5o-o 7- * - 49 u n. 38. 25-o 3. 11.43-62 2 h . 55'. p.m. 21. 12. l5'O 7- 2 - 49 V 12. 19. 26-0 2.36. 6- 7 3 21. 20. 26-0 - 7. 2-48 w 12. 41. 42-0 + 2. 22. O ' 40 HONOLULU, 21. O. 17-0 + o. 1 7 1 1 u ii. 27. 55-o + 3. 19. 5-36 Dec. 24, 21. 6. 21 "O o. 1 7 ii V o. 9. Si -5 2.43. 31-87 2 h . 53'". p.m. 21. II. l5'0 + o. 17- ii w o. 28. 34-0 + 2. 29. 22-57 The adopted errors of the Sidereal Chronometer at Waimea are such as make that chronometer represent the mean of the three in regard to carrying on time. c c 196 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU KAILU A WAIMEA. Station and Approximate Local Mean Time (Civil Reckoning). Time by the Transit-Clock. Adopted Correction to the Transit- Clock. Name of Portable- Chrono- meter compared. Corresponding Time by Portable- Chronometer. Inferred Portable- Chronometer Slow on Mean Time of Place. h m s h m >: Ii m a HONOLULU, 21. 3i. 37-0 + o. 20' 36 U IT. 34. 46-5 + 3. 19. 56-49 Dec. 3o, 21. 35. 45-0 o. 20 '36 V o. 14. 7-0 2. 44. 43- 32 3 h . o m . p.m. 21. 39. 49 'o + o. 2O-36 w o. 32. 37-5 + 2. 3o. 1 6- 1 5 HONOLULU, 18. 37. 5i-o + c.21'53 U 8. 29. 18-0 + 3.20.20-88 1875, Jan. -i, 1 8. 40. 5 1 'o o. 21-53 V 9. 7.21-0 2.45. 17-38 n h . 54". a.m. 18.43. Si-o o. 21-54 V 9. 10. 2o'5 2. 45. 17-40 1 8. 46. 27-0 + O. 21 54 w 9. 27. 3i'o + 2. 3o. 42-48 KAILUA, 19. 5g. 5-o + o. 20-68 U 9. 38. 5o-o + 3. 27. 54- o3 Jan. 3, 20. 3. 27 -o o. 20-68 V 10. 1 8. ii - 5 (2.52.53-Si) i h . 14. p.m. 20. 6. 28-0 o. 20-68 V IO. 21. II -O 2. 52. 54-82 20. 9. 43-0 + o. 20-68 w 10. 3 9 . 3-5 + 2. 38. 16-79 KAILUA, i. 56.25-0 + o. 2 3 oo U 3. 3i. 7-5 + 3.28. 4-39 Jan. 4, 2. O. 19*0 O. 23'CI V 4. 9.55-5 2.53. 9-76 7 h . S m . p.m. 2. 3,26'0 O. 23-01 V 4. 1 3. 2-0 2.53. 9 - 7 5 1. 7.42-0 + 0.23-02 w 4. 3i. 58-5 + 2.38.28-56 HONOLULU, 19. 3o. 55-o + 0.24-58 U 9. 5.5 9 -5 + 3. 20. 54-07 Jan. 6, 19. 34. 12-0 o. 24- 58 V 9.44. 5-5 2.46. 4-53 o b . 3o. p.m. 19. 38. 37-0 o. 24-58 w 10. 3. i5-c 2. 3l. I9'3l 19. 41. 3i -o + o. 24-58 w 10. 6. 8-5 + 2. 3i. 19-33 HONOLULU, 22.25. 2-0 + 0.27-61 U 11.47. 25-5 + 3.21.21-84 Jan. 9, 22. 3l. 43-0 o. 27-61 V 0.28. 5o-5 2.46. 36-75 3 h . i5 m . p.m. 22. 37. O'O + o. 27-62 w o. 48. 56 -o + 2. 31.47-39 WAIMEA,* 21. 4. 6'O - 6.26-53 U IO. 22. 58 -O + 3. 14. 16-70 Jan. 10, 21. 8. 5o'o 6.26-52 V II. 2. 23'5 2. 39. 34-23 jb ^ 2 m p m- 21. 12. 5o'O / - 6.26-52 w II. 21. 14-5 + 2.24.42-57 WAIMEA,* 23. 19. i3-o 6. 25-00 U o. 33. 40-0 + 3.14.24-97 Jan. ii, 23. 24. 3o-o 6. 25-00 V i. i3. 35-o 2. 39. 46- IO 3 h . 53. p.m. 23. 28. 32-0 - 6.24-99 w i. 32.3o-5 + 2.24.5I-95 * See uote to preceding page. TABLE XIII. SPECIMEN OF COMPARISON OF SHIP- AND PORTABLE-CHRONOMETERS. 197 Station and Approximate Local Time by the iSSSS* Transit-doek. Adopted Correction to the Transit- Clock. Name of Portable- Chrono- meter compared. Corresponding Time by Portable- Chronometer. Inferred Portable- Chronometer Slow on Mean Time of Place. h in x m s li in s h in s HONOLULU, 22,22.23-0 + o. 3o' 1 6 U ii. 32. 37-0 + 3.2I.46-58 Jan. 12, 22. 28. 48-0 o. 3o- 16 V o. i3. 37-0 2.47. 10-53 3 1 '. o"'. p.m. 22. 3 1. 20 -o + o. 3o- 16 w o. 3i. 5-o + 2. 32. 14-11 HONOLULU, 20. 8. u-o + o. 3o" 93 U 9. 14.44-0 + 3. 21. 54-42 Jan. i3, 20. ii. 17-0 o. 3o' 94 V 9.52.23-5 2. 47. 20-42 o' 1 . 40'". p.m. 20. 16.46*0 + o. 3o'94 \v 10. 12. 5o'o + 2. 32. 22' O2 TABLE XIII. SPECIMEN of the COMPARISON of the PORTABLE-CHRONOMETERS with the SHIP-CHRONOMETERS and ADOPTED ERRORS at each STATION. i. HONOLULU, 1874, December 5, at g h . 40. p.m. Name of Ship- Chronometer. Ship- Chrono- meter Time. Ship-Chronometer Fast on each Portable-Chronometer at the Time specified in the Second Column.* Adopted Ship- Chronometer Slow on Honolulu Mean Time. Name of Chro- nometer. Fast on M. Fast on V. Fast on W. h m h in * h in h h m s E 9.45 o. 8.25'Si 2.44.41-45 2. 3i. 34-19 - o. 5. 2-73 E F 9- 39 o. 3. 18-06 2. 39. 34- OO 2. 26. 27-08 + o. o. 4-61 F K 9. 36 11. 59. 39-21 2. 35.55-i5 2. 22. 47 99 o. 3.43-54 K U 6.23 8.47. 3-79 ii. 23. 19-67 I I. 10. 12-53 + 3. 16. 18-99 U 2. KAILUA, 1874, December 7, at about 2 h . 3o m . p.m. Name of Ship- Chronometer. Ship- Chrono- meter Time. Ship-Chronometer Fast of each Portable-Chronometer at the Time specified in the Second Column.* Adopted Ship- Chronometer Slow on Kailna Mean Time. Name of Chro- nometer. Fast on Q. Fast on V. Fast on W. h in U in h h m s E 2.38 o. 4. 9 '89 1.45. 4-10 2. 3i.5i-i6 + O. 2. 21 '46 E F 2.32 u.58.52-32 2. 39.46-67 2. 26. 34-02 o. 7.34-84 F K 2.29 n.55. 7-27 2. 36. 1-64 2. 22.48-48 o. ii. 24-04 K U II. I? 8. 42. 3 1 -02 11.23. 25-08 II. IO. I2'OO 3. 24. 0-47 U M 2.29 ii. 55. 31-40 2. 36. 25-74 2. 23. 12-98 + o. 10. 59-80 M * In this Table each inferred difference between a Ship- and a Portable-Chronometer has been comparisons made before and after landing the Portable-Chronometers. interpolated from the cc 2 198 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU KAILUA WAIMEA. ' TABLE XIV. ABSTRACT of ERRORS of TRAVELLING CHRONOMETERS on LOCAL MEAN TIME. HONOLULU, KAILUA, KAILUA, Name of Chronometer. December 5, 9*. 40. p.m. December 7, 2 h . 40"". p.m. December 9, Noon. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Honolulu Mean Time. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Kailua Mean Time. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Kailua Mean Time. h m h in s h m h m s h m h m s A B C D E 9.4$ - 0. 5. 2' 73 2.38 + o. 2.21-46 ii. 36 + O. 2. 20-46 F 9. 39 + o. o. 4-61 2.32 + o. 7. 38-84 11. 3i f o. 7.48-84 G H (Sid.) K 9.36 + o. 3.43-54 2.29 + o. ii. 24-04 11.27 + o. ii. 41 -3o M 9.40 + o. 3. 22- 77 2.29 + o. 10. 59-80 11.27 + O. II. l3'7O BB BM A A BB C C DD EE FF GG U 6.23 + 3. 16. 18-99 11.17 + 3.24. 0-47 8. 14 + 3. 24. 19- 12 V 7- 2 + 2. 39. 38-71 H.56 + 2. 47! 25- 55 8.5 4 + 2.47. 5o- 1 3 W 7- 7 + 2. 26. 31-48 12. 10 + 2. 34. 12-49 9- 5 + 2. 34. 3o-o2 Name of Chronometer. HONOLULU, December 10, i h . p.m. HONOLULU, December 14, lo 1 '. 2o m . a.m. KAILUA, December i 5, between o h . 3o m . and 2 h . 5o m . p.m. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Honolulu Mean Time. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Honolulu Mean Time. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Kailua Mean Time. h m h m s h h m s h m h , . A jo. 27 - o. 3.31-75 0. 25 + o. 3. 53-12 B 10. 3i - o. 7. 55-17 2. 9 - o. 0.33-37 C 10. 3i - 0. 8.17-55 2. II o. o. 56-97 D 10. 19 + o. 4.20-10 o. 24 + o. ii. 52- 36 E I. IO o. 5. 4-32 10.28 o. 5. 7-10 2. IO + o. 2. 17-29 F i. 6 + o. o. 3i-37 IO. 22 + o. o. 50-48 o.33 + o. 8.21-17 G . 10. 23 O. O. 21 "40 o.36 (- o. 7. 7-49 H (Sid.)* i5.5 7 (+ o. 2. i8-i5) 18. 14 (+ o. 9.44-25) K i. i + o. 4. 27-95 10. 1 8 + o. 5. 3-56 o.36 + o. 12. 38-3i M i. i + o. 3. 58-55 10. 19 + o. 4.24-98 o. 38 + o. ii. 58-o8 BB 8.52 + i. 30.48-68 11.17 + i. 38. 11-79 * In this Table the Errors and Bates of Chronometer H are on Local Sidereal Time. TABLE XIV. ABSTRACT OF ERRORS OF TRAVELLING CHRONOMETERS (continued). 199 Name of Chronometer. HONOLULU, December jo, J b . p.m. HONOLULU, December 14, io h . 20'". a.m. KAILUA, December i5, between o h . 3o m . and z h . 5o'". p.m. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Honolulu Mean Time. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Honolulu Mean Time. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Kailua Mean Time. h i h > s h m h m s h m h m s R M I. IO - 2.47. 3-08 3. 3z - 2. 39. 56- 5o A A 10. 23 + 0. 0. 1-33 o.5 7 + o. 7.24-06 B B 8.34 + 1.48.38-41 II. IO + 1.56. 7-82 CC 10. 23 + o. o. 3-83 i. i + o. 7.29-29 D D 10. z3 o. o. 28-49 i. 3 + o. 6. 56-88 E E 10.23 + o. o. 5-77 i. 4 + o. 7. 31-98 FF 10. 23 + o. o. Z4'96 i. 5 + - 7-49'99 G G 10. 23 4 o. o. iz-Si 7 + o. 7.46-46 U 9.48 + 3. 17. 4-26 7- I + 3. 17.40-53 11.23 -i- 3. 25. 14-27 V to. 23 + 2.40. 39-19 7.48 + 2.41.27-75 11.54 + z-49- 7" 57 w 10.43 + 2. 27. i5'o6 7.55 + 2.27.50-85 o. 5 + 2.35.26-5i KAILUA, HONOLULU, HONOLULU, Name of Chronometer. December 17, near noon. December 18, about n h . a.m. December 19, about 2 h . p.m. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Kailua Mean Time. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Honolulu Mean Time. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Honolulu Mean Time. h m h m s h m h in i h . m h m s A II. 54 + o. 3. 54' 17 10. 36 o. 3.29-63 i.5 7 .0. 3.28-76 B O. O o. o. 38-96 10.44 o. 8. 6-14 2. 5 - o. ?. 9-13 C o. 4 - o. i. 4-14 10. 46 - o. 8. 3z-5i 2. 6 - o 8. 36-38 D H.53 + o. iz. 6-75 io.36 + o. 4.48-86 1.56 + o. 4. 58-24 E o. 5 + 0. Z. l6'32 10.48 - o. 5. 9-08 2. 7 o. 5. 9-59 F o. 7 + o. 3.3i-5i 10-44 + o. i. 12-43 2. I + o. i. i8-63 G o. 4 + o. 7. 14-84 10.47 o. o. 5-70 2. 5 o. o. 0-98 H (Sid.) .7. 5i (+o. 9.46-54) 16. 36 (+ O. 2. 22- 6l) 19.57 ( + O. 2 24-46) K o. 4 4- o. iz. 56-55 10. 46 + o. 5.41-13 2. 2 + o. 5. 5i-_53 M o. 7 + o. 12. i3-o3 10.49 + o. 4. 56 -3o 2. 5 + o. 5. 5-17 RB 10. 46 + i. 38. 9-47 9.27 + 1.30.42-66 0.43 + i. 30.41-97 R M 3. i 2. 40. 28-90 1.44 2.48. 9-00 5. i - 2.48.27-18 A A o. 3o + o. 7. zi-o3 n. 14 - o. o. 5-3i 2. 30 o. o. 6-52 BB 10.43 + i. 55. 15-42 9.27 + 1.48. 54-09 0.43 + 1.48.59-05 CC o.32 + o. 7. 3z-3o 11. 18 + o. o. 9-30 2. 33 + o. o. 12-04 DD o.36 + o. 6. 57-45 II. 21 o. 0.26-71 2.36 o. o. 25'6i EE o.3 7 + o. 7. 34-17 11.23 -i- o. o. 10-54 2.'3 7 + o. o. iz'32 FF o. 38 4 o. 7. Si'gS II. 24 + o. 0.28-15 2. 39 + o. o. 29-43 GG o. 41 J- o. 8. 1-71 II. 27- + o. 0.44-61 2.40 4- 0. 0.53-73 U 8.5 9 + 3.25.30-45 8. 5 4 -f 3. 18. 14-14 8.58 + 3. 18. 23-72 V 9. 38 + 2.49.31-57 9. 36 4 2.42. 19-49 9.42 + 2.42. 32-19 w 9.45 4 z. 35. 43-71 9. 56 + 2.28.27-95 10. 6 4 2. 28. 37- 14 200 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU KAILUA WAIMEA. WAIMEA, HONOLULU, HONOLULU, Name of Chronometer. December 20, about 4"'. p.m. December ai, about i h . p.m. December 22, about 2 h . p.m. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Waimea Mean Time. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Honolulu Mean Time. Chronometer Time. i Chronometer Slow on Honolulu Mean Time. h m h in s ii in h 111 s h in h ,11 s A 2. 5 o. 10. 42' 61 I. O o. 3. 29-60 1.28 - o. 3. 3o-85 B 4- 7 o. i5. 26- 52 i- 7 - o. 8. 15-66 i.36 - o. 8. 18-86 C 4. 10 o. 1 5. 54" 06 i. 9 - o. 8.43-53 i.3 9 o. 8.47-23 D 4. o - 0. 2. 7-94 0.58 + o. 5. 11-71 1.27 + o. 5. 18-76 E 4. 1 3 o. 12. 24' 49 I. 10 0. 5. II '20 i. 40 - o. 5. 12-35 F 4- 9 - o. 5.48-98 i. 5 + o. 1.29-04 i.35 + o. i. 33-57 G 4. 12 o. 7. 10-88 i. 8 + o. o. 5-68 i.3 9 + o. o. 8-67 H (Sid.) 22. II (- o. 4.47-69) 19. ii (+o. 2.27-43) 19.44 (+ o. 2. 30-90) K 4. 12 o. i. 12-07 i. 8 + o. 6. 9-01 i. 38 + o. 6. i6-55 M 4 .l5 O. 2. 0-29 I. IO + o. 5. 19-70 1.41 -i- o. 5.25-82 KB 2.55 + I.23.26-59 11.48 + i.3o.38-9i o. 20 + i. 3o. 37-76 RM 7- 12 - 2. 55. 58- 9 o 4. 6 2.49. 0-08 4 .38 - 2-49- '7'4 AA 4.27 - o. 7.21-94 I. 32 o. o. 9-57 2. 7 o. o. u -44 BB CC 2. 52 4. 4 3 + 1.41.49-08 o. 7. o-n ".44 1.35 + 1.49. 5-8o + o. o. 14- 16 o. 20 2. I I + 1.49. 9-48 f o. o. 14-93 DD 4.46 o. 7. 39'i5 i- 3 7 o. 0.25-40 2. 14 0. 0. 25-23 BE 4.48 o. 7. 0-48 i.3 9 + o. o. 13-95 2. 17 + o. o. 14-51 FF 4. 5o o. 6.42-72 1.40 + o. o. 32" 09 2. I 9 + o. o. 33-25 GG 4 .53 o. 6. 12- 3o 1.41 + 0. I. 7'52 2. 21 + o. i. 14-86 U i.i5 + 3. ii. 18-96 ii. 5 + 3. 18. 40*24 9. o + 3.18.48-34 V s '-57 + 2.35.32-04 ii. 42 + 2. 42. 56 -49 9.41 + 2.43. 6-97 W 2. 17 + 2. 21. 34'OS o. o + 2.28.55-87 IO. 2 + 2.29. 3-87 WAIMEA, HONOLULU, HONOLULU, Name of Chronometer. December 23, about 3 h . p.m. December 24, about 3 h . p.m. December 3o, about 3 h . jr.m. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Waimea Mean Time. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Honolulu Mean Time. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Honolulu Mean Time. h m h m s h m h m a h m h 111 K A 2.53 o. 10. 45-85 2.24 - o. 3.23-86 2. 33 o. 3.40-70 B 3. o. i5. 36-01 2. 3l o. 8.26-08 2.41 - o. 8.46-80 C 3. 4 o. 16. 4-03 2.3 4 - o. 8. 53-88 2. 4 5 o. 9. 16-01 D 2. 52 o. 1.47-23 2. 22 + o. 5. 32-85 2. 3l + o. 6. 1 1 * 62 E 3. S o. 12 26-67 2. 35 - o. 5. 14-40 2. 4 5 O. 5.22'3o F 3. i - o. 5. 3 4 -66 2. 3o + o. i.43 - v9 2. 38 + 0. 2. 6-g5 G 3. 5 - o. 7. 1-48 2. 33 + o. o. 14-86 2.42 + o. 0.27-96 H (Sid.) 21. 15 (0. 4.40-56) 20.47 (+o. 2. 34-23) 21. 19 (+o. 2.43-51) K 3. 4 - o. 0.47-74 2. 3l + o. 6.33-60 2.3 9 + o. 7. 16-62 M 3. 7 o. 1.40-38 2.3 4 + o. 5. 39-61 2.42 + o. 6. 12-71 EB 1.48 + i. 23. 22-97 i. i3 + i.3o.34'8o I. 21 + i. 3o. 27- 17 TABLE XIV. ABSTRACT OF ERRORS OF TRAVELLING CHRONOMETERS (continued}. 201 WAIMEA, HONOLULU, HONOLULU, December 23, about 3 h . p.m. December 24, about 3 h . p.m. December 3o, about 3 h . p.m. Name of . Chronometer. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Waimea Mean Time. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Honolulu Mean Time. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Honolulu Mean Time. h m h m s h in h in s h m h m s RM 6. 5 - 2. 56.48-86 5. 32 2.49. 52-4I 5. 4 I - 2. 5i. 37-94 A A 3.2 4 o. 7. 26-44 2.49 o. o. 14-47 2. 58 o. o. 25-78 BB 1.36 + i. 41. 59-41 I. 2 + i. 49. i5'8i I. 10 + 1.49.33-48 CC 3.28 - o. 6. 57'63 2.52 + o. o. 16- 14 3. 3 + o. o. 20- 1 5 D D 3. 32 - o. 7. 38-63 2.5 4 O. O. 25'22 3. 6 o. o. 27-28 K E 3.3 4 - o. 6. 57-98 2.55 + o. o. 16-37 3- 7 + o. o. i8-65 FF 3.36 - o. 6. 38- 9 5 2.5 9 + o. o. 35-72 3- 9 + o. 0.41-90 GG 3.38 - o. 5. 5i-i5 2.59 + o. i. 28-41 3. 9 + 0. 2. 3-07 U ii.3 7 + 3. 11.43-61 11.28 + 3.19. 5-36 H.35 + 3. 19. 56-49 V o. 19 -I- 2.36. 6- 7 3 O. IO + 2.43. 31-87 o. 14 + 2.44.43-32 w o. 39 + 2.22. 0-40 o. 29 + 2.29.22-57 o. 33 + 2. 3o. i6-65 HONOLULU, KAILUA, KAILUA, 1875, January 2, Noon. January 3, about i h . p.m. January 4, about 7 h . p.m. Name of Chronometer. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow 011 Honolulu Mean Time. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Kailua Mean Time. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Kailua Mean Time. h m h m s h m h m s h m h ill K A ii. 53 o. 3. 42- 16 o. 29 + o. 3.42-09 6.38 4- o. 3.42-26 B 0. I - o. 8. 56- 76 o.38 o. i. 35-64 6.46 - o. I. 39-80 C o. 4 o. 9. 26-54 o. 42 - o. 2. 5-55 6.49 O. 2. lO'OI D 11.49 4- o. 6. 32-24 0.27 + o. 14. 4- 10 6. 34 + o. 14. 14- ii E o. 3 o. 5.26-29 o. 40 + o. i. 57-02 6.48 + o. 1.55-89 F 11.57 + 0. 2. 18-73 o. 34 + 0. 9.48-36 6.42 + o. 9. 54-61 G o. o + O. O. 35'OI o. 38 + o. 8. 2-53 6.46 + o. 8. 6-49 H (Sid.) 18.48 (+ o. 2.48-27) 19. 3i ( + o. 10. 14-01) i. 4 3 (+o. 10. i5-6;) K ii. 56 + o. 7.39-27 o. 36 + o. 1 5. 12-48 6. 4 3 + o. 1 5. 23-39 M ii. 59 + o. 6.3o-32 o. 40 + o. 14. 2-45 6.46 + o. 14. 11-37 KB 10. 38 + i. 3o. 22-29 ii. 20 + i. 37.44-30 5.26 f 1.37.41-98 RM 3. o - 2.52.28-58 3. 4 i 2.45.22-03 9.48 - 2.45.43-74 A A o. 1 3 o. o. 3o'83 0.55 + o. 6.53-35 6.59 + o. 6. 52-n BB 10. 24 + i.49-4i-95 ii. 7 + i. 57. 9-61 5.12 + 1.57.13-62 CC o. i5 f o. 0.24-37 o. 5g + o. 7.5o-58 7- 3 + o. 7.53-34 DD o. 17 o. o. 28-93 1. 2 + o. 6.55-57 7- 6 + o. 6.55-86 E E o. iS + o. 0.20-35 i. 3 + o. 7-45-97 7- 7 + o. 7-47-27 FF o. 20 f o. 0.45-46 i. 4 + o. 8. 11-61 7. 10 + o. 8. 13-77 GG o. 20 + O. 2. 22 "o3 i. 5 + o. 9. 54-00 7. 10 + o. 10. 3-45 U 8. 29 + 3. 20. 20 '88 9- 39 + 3.27.54-03 3. 3i + 3.28. 4-39 V 9- 7 + 2.45. 17-38 10. 21 + 2.52.54-82 4. 10 f- 2.53. 9-76 w 9.28 + 2. 3o. 42-48 10. 39 + 2. 38. 16-79 4 . 32 + 2. 38.28-56 202 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU KAILUA WAIMEA., HONOLULU, WAIMEA, Name of Chronometer. January 6, about i 1 '. p.m. January 9, about 3 h . p.m. January 10, about i h . p.m. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow oa Honolulu Mean Time. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Honolulu Mean Time. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Waimea Mean Time. h m h m t h m h in h m h m a A 0.32 o. 3.44-09 2.3 7 o. 3.49-02 i.i5 - o. ii. 3-58 B o. 39 o. 9. 10- 35 2.44 o. 9.21-96 1.24 o. 16. 38-78 C 0.42 o. 9. 40-69 2. 46 o. 9. 5o-8o 1.26 o. 17. 6-87 D o. 26 + o. 7. 2'i3 2. 30 + o. 7.24-29 I. 10 + o. o. 17-96 E 0.40 - o. 5.3i-i3 2-44 - o. 5. 35-54 1.25 o. 12. 5o'o3 F 0. 34 + 0. 2. 37-I6 2.37 + o. 2.49-12 I. 20 o. 4. 19-83 G o.3 7 + o. 0.46-66 2.40 + o. o. 5i -5i 1.23 o. 6. 19-73 H (Sid.) 19.41 (+ 0. 2. 52'U) 21.56 (+ o. 2.53-65) 20.43 ( o. 4. 19-04) K 0.32 + o. 8. 11-78 2.35 + o. 8. 29-49 I. 19 + o. i. 23'66 M 0.35 + o. 6. 58 -02 2.38 + o. 7. i3'o3 I. 22 + o. o. 5-40 RB ii.i5 + I. 3o. 12-68 i. 17 + i.3o. 6-65 o. 4 + I. 22. 5l'o5 KM 3.3 7 - 2.53.39-56 5. 40 - 2. 54. 34-14 4.27 - 3. 2. 4-49 A A 0.47 o. o. 34-48 2.49 o. o. 39-29 i.36 - o. 7-53-53 BB 10. 59 + 1.49.53-60 I. + i. 5o. 1-93 11.47 + i. 42. 5 1 -72 CC o-49 + o. o. 3o-oo 2. 5l + o. o. 3i-32 i. 38 o. 6.41-40 DD o. Si o. o. 29 '36 2.53 o. o. 31-67 1.42 o. 7.45-64 BE 0. 52 + o. 0.23-90 2.53 + o. o. 24- 58 1.42 o. 6.48-30 FF o.53 + o. o. 5 1 -52 2.5 4 + o. 0.55-65 1.44 o. 6. i6'23 G6 o.53 + o. 2.49-13 2.54 + o. 2. 58-78 1.44 o. 4. 10-09 U 9- 6 + 3.20.54-07 11.47 + 3.21.21-84 10.23 + 3. 14. 16-70 V 9-44 + 2.46. 4-53 o. 29 + 2.46. 36-75 II. 2 + 2.39.34-23 w 10. 3 + 2. 3i. 19-31 o-49 + 2. 31.47-39 II. 21 + 2.24.42-57 WAIMEA, HONOLULU, HONOLULU, Name of Chronometer. January 1 1 , about 4 h . p.m. January 12, about 3 h . p.m. January i3, about i 1 '. p.m. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Waimea Mean Time. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Honolulu Mean Time. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Honolulu Mean Time. h m h m .1 h m h m 8 h m h m s A 3.46 o. ii. 5-59 2. 40 - 0. 3. 53-26 o. 40 o. 3. 54-70 B 3.5 4 o. 16.43- 17 2.48 o. 9. 32-78 0.48 - o. 9. 35-88 C 3.56 o. 17. ii -xo 2.49 o. 10. 0-78 0-49 o. 10. 4-25 D 3.40 + o. 0.26-05 2. 33 + o. 7.46-71 o. 48 + o. 7. 53-67 E 3.56 o. 12. 5i -99 2.48 o. 5. 39-70 0.49 o. 5.41-09 F . 3.49 - o. 4. iS'77 2.41 + o. 3. 2-10 0.41 + o. 3. 5-70 G 3. 53 o. 6. 18-20 2. 4 5 + o. o. 57-42 0.44 + o. 0.58-96 H (Sid.) 23.18 ( o. 4. ig-So) 22. 13 (+o. 2.54-48) 20. 1 6 (+ o. 2.53-98) K 3.49 + 0. I. 32-12 2.40 + o. 8. 53-5o o. 39 + o. 9. 1-61 M 3.53 + o. o. 10-89 2.43 + o. 7. 3o - 47 0.42 + o. 7. 35- 5o RB 2.33 + 1.22.48-50 1.24 + 1.29.59-85 II. 22 + 1.29.57-91 TABLE XV. RATES OF CHRONOMETERS AND INFERRED DIFFERENCES OF LONGITUDE. 203 TABLE XIV. (concluded). WAIMEA, HONOLULU, HONOLULU, Name of Chronometer. January n, about 4 h . p.m. January 12, about 3 h . p.m. January i3, about i b . p.m. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Waimea Mean Time. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Honolulu Mean Time. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Honolulu Mean Time. b iii h m h h m h m h m a KM 6.5 7 3. 2. 24' 66 5.48 2. 55. 28-07 3. 47 2. 55. 44-62 AA 4. 6 o. 7. 56'iz 2.57 o. 0.43-67 0.55 o. 0.45-00 BB 2. I? + 1.42.54-36 i. 8 + i. 5o. io-65 n. 5 + i. 5o. 12-93 CC 4. 8 o. 6.41-28 3. o + o. 0.32-86 o. 56 + o. 0.32-89 DD 4- " - o. 7. 46- 74 3. 4 o. o. 33-6o o. 59 o. o. 34-14 EE 4. 12 - o. 6.48-37 3. 5 + o. 0.25-79 I. + o. 0.25-99 FF 4- H o. 6. 1 5*27 3. 4 + o. o. 59-88 I. I + O. I. I 'O8 GG 4. i3 o. 4. 5-70 3. 5 + o. 3. 12- 14 I. + o. 3. 16-11 U o. 34 + 3.14.24-97 ii. 33 + 3.21.46-58 9 .i5 + 3. 21. 54-42 V i. 14 + 2. 39. 46' IO o. 14 + 2.47. 10-53 9 .52 + 2.47.20-42 W i. 33 + 2. 24. Si'gS o. 3i + 2. 32. 14-11 10. 1 3 + 2. 32. 22-O2 TABLE XV. STATIONARY and TRAVELLING RATES of CHRONOMETERS and INFERRED DIFFERENCES of LONGITUDE. Name of Chrono- meter. Stationary Hate at Kailua, Dec. 7^-9. Travelling Rate, Dec. 5-io. Apparent Difference of Longitude. Kailua, East of Honolulu. Stationary Rate at Honolulu, Dec. 10-14. Stationary Rate at Honolulu, Dec. 8-1 3. Stationary Rate at Kailua, Dec. 1 5-i 7. Travelling Rate, Dec. 14-18. Apparent Difference of Longitude. Kailua, East of Honolulu. s m B a K a a m a A + O'2I + o-53 + o-53 7.24-30 B - 3-6i - 2' 9 3 - 2-58 7.24-77 C - 3-83 - 3- 7 5 ' - 3-7i 7.24-86 D + 6-90 + 7-26 + 7-06 7.24-59 E - o-53 O'2I 7.24-55 - 0-71 o-5o 0-48 7.24-94 F + 5-34 + 6-o5 7.23-91 + 4-93 + 5-23 + 5- 7 3 7.24-44 G + 2-86 + 3- 7 3 + 4- 10 7.24-40 H (Sid.) + 1-18 + i-iS + i -06 7.24-94 K + 9 '20 + 9-81 7.23-79 + 9' 16 + 9-22 + 9-48 7.24-36 M + 7-40 + 7'9' 7.23-58 + 6-80 + 7-35 + 8-o3 7.24-20 RB - i'7 - 1-80 ' 7.25-09 RM -16-38 -16-39 7.24-59 A A - 1-52 - i-75 7.24-67 D D 204 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU KAILUA WAIMEA. Name of Chrono- meter. Stationary Rate at Kailua. Dec. 7-9. Travelling Rate, Dec. 5-io. Apparent Difference of Longitude. Kailua, East of Honolulu. Stationary Rate at Honolulu, Dec. 10-14. Stationary Rate at Honolulu, Dec. 8-i3. Stationary Rate at Kailua, Dec. 15-17. Travelling Rate, Dec. 14-18. Apparent Difference of Longitude. Kailua, East of Honolulu. BB , s - + 3-84 + 3- 9 5 7.25-03 CC + i-Si + 1-20 7.24-13 DD + 0-28 + 0-59 7.24-72 EE + i- 10 + 1-26 7.24-81 FF + 0-99 + o* 60 7.24-37 GG + 7 '70 + 8-21 7.24-80 U + 9-94 + 9-61 7.25-05 + 9-34 + 8-52 + 8-00 7.24-27 V + i3- 10 + 12-98 7.24-72 + 12-49 + 12-58 + 12-78 7.24-88 W + 9-35 + 9-34 7.25-04 + 9-21 + 9'4 + 9" 12 7.24-95 Name of Chrono- meter. Travelling Rate, Dec. 19-21. Apparent Difference of Longitude. Waimea, West of Honolulu. Travelling Rate, Dec. 22-24. Apparent Difference of Longitude. Waimea, West of Honolulu. Stationary Rate at Honolulu, Dec. 24-30. Stationary Rate at Honolulu, Uec. 3o-,Tan. 2. Stationary Rate at Kailua, Jan. 3-4. m s Ill S 8 N A 0-43 7.13-37 - 0-99 7.13-94 - i-3o - o-5i + o- 14 B - 3-33 7.13-78 - 3-55 7.13-39 - 3-44 - 3- 4 5 - 3-33 C - 3-65 7.13-72 - 3-26 7.13-35 - 3-68 - 4'7 - 3-5 7 D + 6-68 7.13-84 + 6- 4 3 7.12-80 + 6-48 + 7-17 + 8-00 E - o-83 7.14-01 I 'CO 7.13-36 - 1-32 - 1-38 0-90 F + 5-22 7.13-29 + 4-87 7.13-39 + 4' '4 + 4-08 + 5'oo G + 3-40 7.13-52 + 3-04 7.13-37 + 2-18 + 2-44 + 3-i 7 H (Sid.) + I"52 7.13-81 + 1-66 7.13-23 + i-55 + 1-65 + i-3o K + 8-90 7.13-30 + 8-35 7.13-14 + 7'iS + 7-86 + 8-68 M + 7-41 7.13-54 + 6-78 7.13-39 + 5-i8 + 6-12 + 7- jo BB - i-5 7 7.13-66 1-46 7.13-24 - i'*7 - 1-70 - 1-86 RM -16-76 7.13-44 -I7'3i 7.13-10 -17-56 -17-53 -17-27 A A - i-5 4 7.13-72 - 1-49 7.13-43 - 1-97 - i- 7 5 I 'CO BB + 3-46 7.13-74 + 3-12 7.13-36 + 2-94 + 2-93 + 3-i8 CC + 1-89 7.14-11 + 0-59 7.13-18 + 0-66 + i'47 + 2-21 DD + o-ii 7.13-66 O'OO 7.13-40 0-34 - o-5 7 + 0-24 EE + o-83 7.13-71 + 0-92 7.13-46 + o-38 + 0-59 + 1-04 FF + i-3 7 7.13-64 + 0-72 7.12-96 + i-o3 + 2-39 + I- 7 3 GG + 7'4 7.13-72 + 6-69 7.13-05 + 5-77 + 6-5 7 + 7-56 U + 7-92 7.14-14 + 8-09 7.13-70 + 8-52 + 8-41 + 8-26 V + 11-69 7.13-90 + H-85 7.13-39 + 11-90 + 11-94 + 11-92 W + 9-00 7.13-66 + 8-90 7.13-34 + 8- 9 3 + 9-17 + 9-4* ,i TABLE XV. RATES OF CHRONOMETERS AND INFERRED DIFFERENCES OF LONGITUDE (concluded). 205 Name of Chrono- meter. Travelling Rate, Jan. 2-6. Apparent Difference of Longitude. Kailua, East of Honolulu. Stationary Rate at Honolulu, Jan. 6-9. Average Rate, Jan. 912. Apparent Difference of Longitude by the Comparisons at Waimea, Jan. 10. Apparent Difference of Longitude by the Comparisons at Waimea, Jan. ii. Stationary- Rate at Honolulu, Jan. 1 2-1 3. K m s a A 0-76 7.25-03 - i-73 - 1-41 7. 13-25* 7.13-70* - i-5 7 15 - 3-41 7.24-62 - 3- 7 6 - 3-6o 7.13-42 7.13-83 - 3-38 C - 3-5o 7.24-58 - 3-29 - 3-32 7.12-93 7.13-59 - 3-79 D + T'9 7.24-49 + 7-18 + 7H8 7.13-40 7.13-57 + 7-58 E F - i-33 + 4'35 7.24-67 - 1-42 7.25-17 + 3-88 - i -3 9 + 4-32 7.13-19 7.13-03 7.13-62 7.13-74 - i-53 + 3- 9 3 G + 2-77 7.24-68 + 1-62 + i-83 7.12-97 7.13-46 + 1-68 H (Sid.) + 0-79 7.24-92 + o-5i + 0-28 7.12-96 7.13-72 0-54 K + 7-80 7. 25-19 + 5- 7 5 + 8-00 7.13-41 7.13-80 + 8-85 M + 6-72 7.25-22 + 4-87 + 5-8i 7.13-14 7.14-08 + 5-48 n B 2 '64 7.24-73 - 1-96 - 2-26 7.13-45 7.13-53 2-II i; M -17-83 7.24-90 -17-67 -17-94 7.13-31 7.13-67 -i8-o5 A A - 0-87 7.25-03 - 1-40 - i - 4 5 7.12-86 7.13-85 - i - 4 5 B B + 2-77 7.24-81 + 2-70 + 2-90 7.12-96 7.13-52 + 2-48 CC + i '04 7.25-14 + 0-43 + o-5o 7.13-20 7.13-63 + o-o3 D D O-26 7.24-77 - o- 7 5 0-64 7.13-36 7.13-76 - o-58 K E + 0-81 7.24-79 + O'22 + 0-40 7.13-26 7.13-77 + O'2Z FF + i- 4 [ 7.24-70 + 1-34 + 1-40 7.13-28 7.13-87 + J-3i GG + 6-3 9 7.25-38 + 3-i3 + 4-43 7.13-30 7.13-50 + 4' 34 U + 8'2I 7.24-54 + 8-92 + 8-28 7.12-93 7.13-70 + 8-65 V + 11-57 7.25-28 + 10-35 + ii -3o 7.13-14 7.13-61 + 10-97 w + 9-01 7.24-84 + 9-01 + 8 '94 7.13-20 7.13-58 + 8-75 * Waimea, January 10 and n. The meun has been used as a single determination. D D2 206 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. TABLE XVI. SPECIMEN of the REFLECTING CIRCLE OBSERVATIONS of the SUN at HONOLULU, 1876, March g, and INFERRED ERROR of CHRONOMETER N. Approximate Local Mean Time, Civil Reckoning. Time by Sidereal Chronometer N. t- 1 MO2 >1 ja Circle Backwards or Fonvards. Mean Circle Reading. For Mean of Times. True -Altitude of the Center. Chronometer N Slow on Local Mean Time. N. P. D. of the Sun and Equation of Time. Refraction. Semidiameter. Parallax. 1875. h m a fit / // h i s March 9, 8 h . I5 m . A.M. 19.22. 4-2 19.23. 3-5 u B 54. I. 20*0 54.27.23-3 t II 94.25.35-5 / // 1.46-8 26. 43. o 26. 56. 2 + o. 52. 24-2 23-4 19. 2?. Sg-S 54. 52. 40-0 m 1 6. I2'2 27. 8. 40 24-1 19.25. 8-5 55. 23.13-3 + I0.42-45 8-0 27.23.57 23- 7 19.26. 3'o 55.4 7 .23-3 27. 36. 2 23-5 8 h . z3 m . A.M. 19. 28. 27-0 19.29. 3o-5 L F 55. 47. io'o 56.i5. 33-3 O 1 If 94. 25.29-0 / '/ 1.42-65 28. 8. i 28.22. 1 3 + 0. 52. 23'2 23 ' 7 19. 30.45-0 56. 48. 20-0 m H l6. I2'2 28. 38. 36 23-i 19.32. 6-8 57.24.33-3 + I0.42-38 8-0 28.56.43 23-o 19.33. 6-3 57. 50.46-7 29. 9.49 22-7 3 h . 43 m . P.M. 2.49.44-0 2. Si. 0'7 L B 64. 29. 36-7 63.56.23-3 O f tl 94. 18. 19-0 / // 1.28-6 32. 29. 5 1 32. i3. iS + o. Si. i3-2 12-4 2. Si. 5o-o 63.34. 33-3 m s l6. I2'2 32. 2. 20 12-9 2.52.33-0 63.15.46-7 + I0.37-68 8-0 3i.52. 56 iz-8 2.53.21-5 62.54.36-7 3l.42. 21 12-5 3 h . 53". P.M. 2.59. 3-o 2. 59. Sg-O U F 61. 30.40-0 61. 5.56-7 O / // 94.18. 8-5 r /f 1.34-8 3o. 27. 3o 3o. i5. 8 + o. Si. n-6 11-7 3. I. 19-0 60. 3o. 40-0 m s l6. 12-2 29. 57. 3o ii-6 3. 4. o-o 59.19.33-3 + 10. 37-57 8-0 29.21.57 11-4 3. 6. o-o 58.26.56-7 28.55.38 IO - 2 Index Correction of the Circle, + 22", Circle Backwards. Baroi 22", Circle Forwards. Extei A.M. P.M. 3o-io 77-0 nal Thermometer . . 69-5 Latitude, 21. 17'. 58". Assumed Longitude, io h . 3i m . 14". West. Adopted N Slow on Local Mean Time, 1874, Dec. 9, near Noon, at 23 h . 12. 9 s - 2 by itself, +o h . 5i m . 47' -75. DIFFERENCE OF LONGITUDE. HONOLULU SAN FRANCISCO (continued). 207 TABLE XVII. ERRORS of CHRONOMETERS at HONOLULU before sailing for SAN FRANCISCO. Name of Chronometer. 1875, March 7, near Noon. March 8, near Noon. March 9, near Noon. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Honolulu Mean Time. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Honolulu Mean Time. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Honolulu Mean Time. h m s h tn h m s h m h m < A o. 5g o. 4. 39-80 o. 3i o. 4. 39-86 o. 45 o. 4. 39-26 B i. 8 o. i3. io-i5 o. 40 o. 1 3. 14-02 o. 54 o. i3. 17-41 C ' 9 o. 1 3. 6' oo o. 40 o. i3. 9-45 o. 54 o. i3. 12-75 D 0.42 + o. 14. 29-88 0.13 + o. 14. 36-87 0.27 + o. 14.44-94 E i. 4 - o. 7. 6-65 o.35 o. 7. 8-66 0.49 o. 7. 9-81 F o. 5i + o. 6.41-85 O. 22 + o. 6.45-60 o.36 + o. 6. 50-45 G o.56 + o. 2.42-44 o. 26 + o. 2.44-62 o. 41 + o. 2.47-89 L 0.44 + o. 16. 4-45 o. 14 + o. 16. 3-14 0.28 + o. 16. 2-92 O o.53 + o. 8.40-36 0.25 + o. 8.42-07 o.3 7 + o. 8.43-94 Q ii. 5o + o. i. io-63 0. O + o. i. 10-61 H.55 + o. i. 11-98 R n.36 + o. 16. 7-93 II. 45 + o. 1 6. 2-72 n.38 + o. i5. 58-47 S o. So - o. 0.45-55 V 0.46 + o. 16. 22-26 o. 1 8 + o. 16. 3i-38 o. 3o I- o. 16.41-07 w 10. 23 + 2.40.24-66 9.54 + 2.40.33-34 10. 6 + 2. 40. 43 ' 24 RH 8. 3o* + 5.3I.I9-34 EB 0.37* + I.28.37-64 RM ~ 5.22* - 3. 11.24-75 h m h m a h m s -3 H 1 ' N 23. 3o. 3o 22. Si. 59 + 1.28.43-89 + o. 59.33-82 23. 5. o 23. 6. iS + 1.24.44-78 + 0.55.40-21 23.23.25 23. 12. 9 + 1.20. 39'o5 + o. 51.47-75 * About 2 h . 5"'. p.m. h in liiushms March 10, o. 20, Honolulu Mean Time, Chronometer H, n. 3z. 3o, + o. 47. 15-79. o. 25, S, o. 26, o. o. 46- 3i. i. o, R H, 7.28, + 5. 3i. 24-65. i. 6, R B, ii. 37, + i. 28. 36-20. ,. i. n, R M, 4.23, 3.11.42-20. March i5, 4. 22, H, 3. 54. 35, + o. 27. 0-82. 4.28, S, 4.29, -o. 0.46-92. 208 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. HONOLULU. March 17, about 4 p.m.* Name of Chronometer. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Honolulu Mean Time. Murch 1 8, ahout z p.m.* Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Honolulu Mean Time. March 20, about 9 a.m.* Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Honolulu Mean Time. A B C D E F G L O Q* R* S V w R H RB RM 4. 4. 4. 3. 4. 3. 4- 3. 4- o. n. 4. 3. 1. 8 18 18 49 13 5 9 3 5z o 6 5z i3 52 28 4. i5f - o. 4. o. i3. o. i3. + o. 1 5. - o. 7. + o. 7. + o. 3. + o. 1 5. + o. 9. + o. i. + o. i5. - o. 0. + o. 17. + 2,41. + 5.32. + 1.28. - 3. i3. 36-85 48-47 39-34 46-23 22-43 26-23 9-69 56-74 3'43 12-40 2o'47 47-73 55-8i 59-36 9-54 28-15 38-26 h m 1.32 1.42 1.42 i. i3 i.3 7 i.33 i. 27 i. 16 1.24 0. 12 ii. 58 i.3 7 1. 16 IO. 52 3.53f 8. 2f o. 4 5f Ii in - o. 4. - o. i3. - o. i 3. + o. i 5. - o. 7. + o. 7. + o. 3. + o. 1 5. + o. 9. + o. i. + o. 1 5. o. o. + o. 18. + 2.42. + 5. 32. + 1.28. - 3. i3. 3 7 Mi 52-35 42-60 52-63 14-06 29-81 11-69 55-66 5-i8 12-72 1 5 '20 48-12 3-5 9 7-32 14-75 26-36 52-78 8.44 8. 5 4 8. 54 8.25 8.49 8. 34 8.39 8.28 8.3 7 o. o "47 8. 5i 8. 29 6. 5 O. 2lf 4. 29f 9-'4t - o. 4. - o. i3. - o. i3. + o. 16. - o. 7. + o. 7. + o. 3. + o. 1 5. + o. 9. + o. i. + o. 1 5. o. o. + o. 18. + 2.42. + 5. 32. + 1.28. - 3. i3. 36-89 59-42 48 -56 6 - 24 26-93 38-o3 16-66 54-44 9-84 12-95 5-46 47-65 19-75 24-33 3i-99 23-85 32 -o5 a H I J 33 N* 3.48. o 3. 20. O 23.46.36 + o. 19. 12-16 + 0.47.35-35 + o. 20. 49-87 i. i5.25 0.47.35 23. 55. 4 3 + o. 43. 57-69 + o. 16. 57-90 h m 5 8. 34. 3o 8. 7. o 23.47. ii + o. 8.40-12 + o. 36. 39-38 + o. 9. 1 6- 84 * The Errors of N, R, and Q correspond more nearly to Noon. f March 17, about i h . p.m. March 18, 9^''. a.m. March 20, 6 lj . p.m. March 7 observations a.m. and p.m. 8 9 10 :5 16 '7 18 20 a.m. and p.m. a.m. and p.m. a.m. only. Cloudy p.m. a.m. and p.m. a.m. only. Cloudy p.m. a.m. and p.m. a.m. and p.m. a.m. and p.m. DIFFERENCE OF LONGITUDE. HONOLULU SAN FRANCISCO (continued). 209 TABLE XVIII. EKUOUS of CHRONOMETERS :it MARE ISLAND, SAN FRANCISCO, after the Voyage from HONOLULU. Name of Chronometer. 1875, April 9, about 2 p.m. April 10, about 3 p.m. April 12, about 9 a.m. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Mare Island Mean Time. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Mare Island Mean Time. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Mare Island Mean Time. h 111 h h m h in s I) 111 h in N A II. 32 + 2. 17. 36-49 o. 52 + 2. 17, 35-l6 6. i3 + 2. 17. 33-90 B 11.43 + 2. 6.49-49 > 4 + 2. 6. 4 3-65 6.25 + 2. 6.35-92 C 11.43 + 2. 7. 5i- 10 i. 3 + 2. 7.49-32 6. 24 + 2. 7.45-78 D II. IO + 2.41. 7-86 o. 3o + 2.41.16-45 5. 5i ^ i i + 2.4I.3I-86 E ii.3 7 + 2. I4.43-05 o. 58 + 2. 14.41-84 6. 1 8 + 2. 14.40- 19 F ii. 20 + 2.31.46-77 0.41 + 2. 3i. 5o-oo 6. i + 2. 3i. 56-62 G ii. 26 + 2. 26. 22'66 O. 48 + 2. 26. 24-06 6. 7 + 2.26.28-28 L ii. 16 + 2. 37. 59-30 o. 38 + 2.37.57-42 5.5 7 + 2. 37. 55-69 O ii. 24 + 2. 32. 6-5i o. 47 + 2. 32. 7-55 6. 5 + 2. 32. IO-I7 Q 2. 0* + 2. 23. 53-33 9. 32f + 2.23.53-00 9. 3 9 f + 2. 23.49-70 u 1.48* r5.26 + 2.35.56-82 1 I i. 14 + 2. 35. 53-35-1 + 2.35. 5i-2iJ s ii. 35 + 2.22. 3'3l O. 58 + 2.22. 4'27 6. 16 + 2.22. 3-77 V ii. ii + 2.44.19-92 o. 32 + 2.44.30-22 5. 5i + 2. 44. 48 ' I O w 8.48 + 5. 7. 51-49 10. 9 4- 5. 8. o-55 3.28 + 5. 8. 16-24 1! H 6. 3 4 + 7. 56. 27-09 4. 6 4- 7. 56. 29-72 RB 10.42 + 3. 5o. 24-66 8. 12 + 3. 5o. 20-25 RM 3. 3i o. 58. 14-91 i. i - o. 58. 5o-5i h in s tl 111 R b m * ~, H o. 41. 20 + I. 12. 4-77 2. 6. 5o + i. 7.55-62 7-33. 5 + i. i. 9-52 % N O. 1 6. 40 3. 9. 38* + I. 37. 20-78 + I.I3.34-67 i. 42. 5o 22. 45. 42f + i.33. 1-98 + i. 10. 24-07 7. 8. 5o + 1.26. 1-77 4- I. 2.37-72 April 9. Observations p.m. only. Cloudy morning. April 10. Observations a.m. and p.m. The errors of It correspond respectively. April 12. Observations a.m. and p.m. H was found to have run down. April 1 5. < )bservations a.m. and p.m. * About 4 h . 20 m . p.m. ( Near noon. 210 TRANSIT OF VENUS. HONOLULU (concluded). TABLE XIX. RATES of CHRONOMETERS and INFERRED TABLE XVIII. (concluded). DIFFERENCE of LONGITUDE between MARE ISLAND and HONOLULU. April 1 5, about 9 a.m. Average Average Concluded Name of Rate at Rate at Adopted Difference of Chronometer. Chronometer Time. Chronometer Slow on Mare Island Honolulu, March 7 to Mare Island, April 9 to Travelling Kate. Longitude. Mare Island, East Mean Time. March 20. April 1 5. of Honolulu.* h m h s s h in s A 6. 7 + 2. I/. 27 - 62 + 0-260 1-421 - o-58o 2. 22. 25-49 B 6. 19 + 2. 6.21-83 - 3-829 - 4" 6 79 - 4-254 I3-96 C 6. 18 + 2. 7.39-63 - 3-3oi - 2-018 2-660 32-78 D 5.44 + 2.4I.56-93 + 7-53 9 + 8-623 + 8-081 18-19 E 6. 12 f 2. 14. 37 - I9 - i-56o - 0-994 - 1-277 35-19 F 5.55 + 2. 32. 7'l8 + 4-394 + 3-633 + 4-013 47-99 G 6. i + 2. 26. 32-96 + 2-681 + 1-967 + 2-324 I9'05 L 5. Si + 2.37.5I-75 - 0-764 I'2JI - 0-987 24-47 O 5. 58 + 2. 32. I6-34 + z-326 -t- I ' 780 + 2-o53 l5'24 Q 9. 4 5f + 2.a3.4I-6o + o-i57 - I'9?5 0-909 (60-68) B - 4-770 - 5-740 - 5-255 37-2I S 6. 9 + 2. 22. 2'49 0-224 o-23o 0-227 (56-85) V 5.44 + 2.45. 17-72 + 9">o5 + I o 1 09 + 9-657 44-87 w 3.21 + 5. 8.43-29 + 9'35o + 9-024 + 9-187 22'l3 RH o. Jg + 7. 56. 32' 16 + 6-430 + 0-990 + 3-710 (41-83) RB 4- 4 5 + 3. So. i3-38 - 1-225 - s-38o - 1-802 38-79 RM 9-35 o. 59. 44-04 16-740 -18-730 -i 7 -735 26-23 h to B m s H 7.38.25 + 0.49.22-29 - 3.5 4 -5 7 5 - 3.55-3io - 3.54-943 24-92 J 7. 14. 3o + i. 1 3. 5o-3o - 4. 2-984 - 4. 3-525 - 4. 3-255 27-84 N 23. 8. 27f + o. 5o. 56-98 - 3.5i-445 - 3.52-555 - 3. 52-ooo 2. 22. 11-23 h m s s * The absolute time at Honolulu, forming the starting point of the journey, is the mean of all the observations on March 17, 18, and 20 (about March 18, 9 h ). The absolute time at Mare Island, forming the end of the journey, is the mean of the observations on April 9 and 10 (about April 9, 19"). The travelling rate is therefore applied to an interval of 22 days 8 hours, approximately. f Near noon. TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. PART I. EXPEDITION TO THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS (continued). Section 2. OBSERVATIONS AT KAILUA, By PROFESSOR G. FORBES, F.R.S.E. E E 212 CONTENTS. PAGE Establishment at Kailua -- - --213 The Transit Clock ..... - The Transit Instrument ... Equatorial Intervals of the Wires ...-.- 214 The Level Error - Error of Collimation - -- - 215 Azimuth Error -------- The Meridian Mark - - - - - - - Transits observed at Kailua - - - - - -216 Errors and Bates of the Transit Clock - - 217 Longitude of Kailua - - - - - - - -218 Latitude of Kailua - - 219 Professor G-. Forbes' Report of his Observations during the Ingress of Venus, 1874, December 8 Equations resulting therefrom ...... 224 Observations in Tabular Arrangement : Table I. Transit Instrument Level Error- - - - 225 II. Azimuth Error - 227 III. Observations of the Meridian Mark .... 229 IV. Transits of Stars and of the Mooii - - 230 V. Adopted Errors and Rates of the Transit Clock - - 234 Plate VI. Plan of Kailua - - - - - to face 213 ilah.-Vi. Tran.. i3. 48-92 20-91 t 0-80 10.24. 5'7 26 II. 8. 2.19-83 10. 23. ^T-32 23-44 e - 0-84 10. 24. I -o December i5 I. z3. 25. 47' 16 10.23.50-90 28-40* - o-36 10. 24. I i * J7 I. I. 8.34'So 10. 23.45-60 27-19 6 0-43 10. 23. 57-3 21 I. 5. ii. 16-63 10.23.40*91 21-20 e 0-70 io.23.55-8 22 II. 3 6/22. 3i-6S 10. 23. 37-90 2i-o3 e - '79 io.23. 54-5 I* 10. 23. 57* 5 5 II * On December 1 5 and 22 stars were not observed at the same time as the Moon. Professor Forbes' station was also connected with the head station at Honolulu by transportation of chronometers. This work has been given in sufficient detail in the preceding account of operations at Honolulu. f The difference of longitude between the transit piers of the two stations was found to be 7 m . 24 S< 64. The adopted longitude of the Transit Pier at Honolulu is Chronometric connections, p. 30, and Tables XII. to XV., Honolulu Section.' LATITUDE OF KAILUA. FORBES' OBSERVATION OF INGRESS. 219 10 h . 31 m . 26 3 -3 "West of Greenwich. Hence the longitude of the Transit Pier at Kailua is 10 h . 24 m . l s< 7 West of Greenwich. LATITUDE of KAILUA. The instrument used by Professor Forbes for the determination of the approximate latitude of his station was a repeating reflecting circle by Troughton and Simms, kindly lent by the Royal Astronomical Society. Professor Forbes says : " In practice I never used this instrument as a " repeating circle, but simply as an improved form of sextant ; the double " verniers giving greater accuracy and elimin'ating error of centering, the " power of moving the circle bodily being used as a means of varying the " zero-reading. Observations were made only on the Sun about noon. " Previous to a set of observations contacts were made with the limbs of the " two images of the Sun in the same manner as the readings ' off the arc ' " and ' on the arc ' are made with a sextant. This gave the zero-reading " and also a check-observation of the Sun's diameter. Eight or ten observa- " tions of the Sun's double altitude, as reflected from mercury, were made on " each occasion, Lieutenant Noble taking time by the Transit-Clock, or from " a chronometer which was compared with the clock." From these observations the latitude appears to be 19. 38' '4 North. REPORT of PROFESSOR GEORGE FORBES on his OBSERVATIONS of the INGRESS of VENUS, 1874, December 8. Operations at KAILUA, 1874, December 8. H.M.S.\Fewed!os, Captain FRED. VAN DER MEULEN, arrived on December 7. Comparisons were made between the Transit-Clock and some chronometers brought for a preliminary longitude-run. Captain VAN DER MEULEN told off some officers to take time and assist in the observations ; Lieutenant H. C. BIGGE had been staying at Kailua some time, and the most responsible work was allotted to him. The driving clock of the large Equatoreal was a very imperfect arrangement. It was so irregular in its action (after all care had been taken to make its parts work easily) that it was necessary to have some one well fitted for the work to accelerate or retard the motion slightly, and gently, and to re-connect the clock-work. Mr. Bigge accomplished this admirably. He also attended to the sunshade, clamps, &c. F F 220 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KAILUA. Mr. J. M. LLOYD, Navigating Lieutenant, was appointed to take time for me. The instruments were so arranged that at the time of actual observation it should be possible for a person stationed at the Transit- Clock to record time for an observer at the Equatoreal. Eight marines were told off, four at a time, under the command of a sergeant, to keep silence during the time of observation. A native was supplied by Mr. KAAI to act as interpreter to the marines in case of necessity. To each of the marines was given a certain space to watch and to prevent the natives from approaching too near. Captain VAN DER MEULEN was exceedingly anxious to render all possible assistance. Everything appeared to be most favourable until about 2 P.M. on Decem- ber 8, when clouds began to drift from the mountains towards the sea. The natives crowded in hundreds at a short distance to watch our proceedings, but in no way whatever did they disturb us. An hour before the predicted time the adjustments and motions were examined and found to be in good order. The micrometer and eye-pieces could be interchanged easily in 15 seconds. Time by the Transit-Clock. 20. 21. 20. 30. 20. 34. 20. 38. 30. 20.41. 20. 48. 50. Clouds obscured the Sun. They continued off and on for some time. Clouds still continue. I have almost given up hopes of using the double image micrometer before internal contact on account of the clouds. Airy's eye-piece is inserted with a graduated neutral tint glass. Clouds off. Planet nearly half way on. Limbs of Sun and Venus boiling badly. PlaneT more than half way on, seen through thin clouds with- out the dark glass. Limbs of Sun and Venus sharp. Silence " called. Clearer. Tried micrometer. Clouds immediately came over. Changed to Airy's eye-piece. The edge of Venus, outside the limb of the Sun was shown by a fine line of light, not visible quite all round, (and therefore, more correctly speaking, it was shown by two fine lines of light). The thread of light at the north cusp was longer than the other. FORBES' OBSERVATION OF INGRESS. 221 Time by the Transit-Clock. has 20. 50. Mr. Lloyd began to count seconds aloud from inside the transit-hut, but the Sun became obscured by clouds. 21. 8. The planet is well on. The clouds are partially dispersed. The double-image-micrometer inserted ; the following distances of limbs measured : h m r bmi i 21. 9. 3o 21'OOD 21.14.11 20*346 10. 1O 20'80O 14.66 2O'l54 11. 3i 2o'6o2 1 5. 23 20*209 12.23 2o - 568 16.40 20-029 i3. 5 2o'3i3 45* 19-866 13.43 20-486 ig. 14 ig'756 * Minute not recorded. The measures of distances of limbs were discontinued when that distance was about equal to the diameter of Venus, as shown by the overlapping of the two images of Venus. So far as I can judge, the observations are sufficiently regular to lead to the i belief that the micrometer was working well, in spite of a fall it had pre- viously. Measures are now taken of the diameter of Venus, to serve as a measure of one revolution of the micrometer-screw, and to determine the zero reading. Micrometer Readings. 18-961 i8-g3g Considerable boiling. Images cannot be made equally bright by means of the adjusting screw. Images made equally bright by revolving the body of the micrometer. Micrometer Readings. r ig-o33 i8- 9 g 9 ig - o55 F F 2 222 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KAILUA. Eeadings were now taken with the opposite edges of the images in contact. Boiling of limbs very bad. Micrometer Eeadings. r 26-872 26-993 26'ggo 26'g52 G. FORBES. The Equatorial Telescope, its mounting and driving clock, which were purchased by the Government from R. Hodgson, Esq., were almost the counterpart of the " Bedford " Equatoreal, described by Admiral Smyth in the Cycle of Celestial Objects. The object-glass, supposed to be by Cauchoix, was six inches in diameter, but the effective aperture was 5'7 inches, and the focal length was 75 inches. Professor Forbes describes its defining power as admirable. At Kailua the long polar axis was supported by a massive framework of timber, which had been constructed at Greenwich, and adapted very nearly to the requisite latitude. The instrument was used in the open air, and when out of use was protected by a large tarpaulin. The double-image-micrometer and solar diagonal reflector were made by Messrs. Troughton and Simms ; the former was kindly lent to the Astronomer Royal by J. G. BARCLAY, Esq., of Leyton, Essex. It was accidentally injured by a fall just before the transit of Venus ; the injury, however, appeared to be confined to the outer portion of the screw which carried the milled head (Plate III.). It is unfortunate that all Professor Forbes' micrometer readings for distance of limbs were on one side of zero. He states also that the images could not be made equally bright, by means of the adjusting screw, without rotating the body of the micrometer; a circumstance which tends still farther to diminish the value of the measures. The only clue to the zero reading of the micrometer, before it was rotated, is the first set of three readings for the diameter of the planet, the mean of which is 18 r '972. After rotation the next set of three gives 19 r- 029, showing an apparent increase of the zero reading of '057. The zero obtained EQUATIONS FROM FOEBES' OBSERVATION OF INGRESS. 223 from the Second and third sets is 22 r- 990 ; hence the zero proper to apply to the readings for distance of limbs is 22-990 - '057 = 22 r> 933. Using the tabular semidiameter of Venus as before, we have for the value of one revolution of the micrometer screw _ 3i"-42+8r _ 5 ,,. g63 + .5 58 ^(26-902 ig'oag) The following equations have been formed with the values p = 15"'863 + -505 8 r ; R = 976"-80 ; r = 31"'42 ; and assuming the latitude and longitude to be 19. 38'. 23" N., and 10 h . 24 m . 2 8 '7 "West, respectively. The revised longitude being 10 h . 24 m . l s> 7 W., 8 t = l s> on this account. The correction to the Transit-Clock has been assumed to be + 32 S< 03. G. L. T. 224 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KAILTJA. CJ E-i fa X I O 02 O (M a" O =1 -to 'bo a o 02 OQ CO 00 CO o as 0) H3 =3 k M * 1^ CN r-- r^ O t* vo ? to tt to vo to M r- O to to o * VO r^ to r*. f ON to VO h, (O * ON vo 4- BP 1 * rt to O rl O O rt oo ON rl vo ON rt r^ 00 cn to ON rt r- ON ti ON t* ON r^ rl O ON tl + A<* KM *0 1 o oo t-^ >. O o O O O O O O O a o '& a I be 1 p . pi *o VO o vo ? j~ M vO. vo oo , vo to O vo 3 to o vo to vo vo vo vO vo o r-. ON rt IN 1 P 'PH ^ *O ON vo r-- Resultin 1 o + C g to ON vo ON vo + a *o to r- to ON vo + a to to <* H ON vo + s M to vo CO 00 VO + C vo rt to VO 00 VO -t- S to rt 1 < M *e i-^ O 00 VO + a oo i ii VO t-. 1 II (4 t-. 1 1! oo ON i n t-* o 1 II 00 r) 1 II O 1 II VO OS 1 II vo o 1 1! r*- i n r*. O 1 II vo to 1 II vo % oo + VO VO r^ ^J- oo vo Wl vo vO VO vO + 1. o |t *c o -2 s t-- ON t-. O M ON r) to to o O h VO to ON I + VO w> + rt oo + o + 00 o + M + t^. O + VO vO + O <* 5 O to to to VO to t^. to ^> oo to ^J- $ CO <* ^ oo * O >o III i OO M ON to to oo if VI vo CO o 4 vo r- -^~ -4- 00 oo VO ON f^ r-- * H r- I ON I-- vo r-. r-^ S 6 S 1 ** f* H to to S | B vo o M oo d t* ON r-* h ^o vo * t^ 10 * M ^ f f-. to to oo 1 1 * | 111 HO ; vo "* vo ^ M O *X o\ 0-1 * OO 10 r-. VO vo vo vo to vo vo 00 * TJ- M '5 1 I - -* $ vo r^ u-i ON to t^ VO <* O CO r- IO J ON 00 * P B c * to JS t^- ADJUSTMENTS OF THE TRANSIT INSTRUMENT. 225 TABLE I. LEVEL ERROR of the TRANSIT INSTRUMENT at KAII.UA, determined by SPIHIT LEVEL. The sign + indicates that the East Pivot is low. Sidereal Level Error Sidereal Level Error Time Position corrected for Time Position corrected for Day. of Level of Inequality of Day. of Level of Inequality of Determination. Lamp. Pivots. Determination. Lamp. Pivots. 1874. h in 1874. h m November 23 22. 5o E + 7'9 December 3 i. 5 E + 10-78 23. O E + 8-o5 1.25 W + 12-88 23. 2O E + 8-10 2. I 5 W + 11-28 i. 5 TV f 9-28 3. 55 E* + 12-28 i. So W + 9-20 4. 10 E + I2-lS 3.40 AV + 9-52 4. 3o E + 17-53* 4-44 W + 9-60 5.2! W + 9-52 4 o. 5 E + 12-08 0.25 E + 12-50 24 i. 4 W + 9-85 o. 40 E + 11-93 i. 4 S W + 9'?8 I. 10 E + ii'go 2. 4 W + 9'9? 2.25 W + i3-88 4. 3o W + 8-73 2.55 W + 13-70 5.55 W + 9 '4 6 4 .i5 W + 14-35 26 6.25 W + 10-93 4. 3o W + i3-65 6. 4 5 \V + 9-93 4.45 E + 12-70 7 .3o W + to-55 5. o E + 12-55 8. 5 W + i i -80 7 2. 40 E + n-83 28 o. 10 W + I2'l5 3. 55 E + 11-73 o. 3o W + 12-12 4.42 W + i3-i5 I. W + 1 2 ' 22 3o o. 3o E + II'28 9 o. 4$ W + 13-85 o. 45 E + II '28 i. 5 W + '4'43 i.3o E + 10-85 1.23 E + 12-73 i. 5o E + I2'50 December i 0.40 E + IO-93 2. 13 E + 11-95 i. 5 E + lo-SS 2. 3o E + 12-88 I. JO W + 12-63 i. So W + I2'l3 ii I. 10 E + n-83 I. 22 w + i3-88 2 0.25 W + I2'l3 i. So W + 13-53 * Lamp left on ; for the other readings it had been removed. 226 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KAILUA. Sidereal Level Error Sidereal Level Error Time Position corrected for Time Position corrected for Day. of Level Determination. of Lamp. Inequality of Pivots. Day. of Level Determination. of Lamp. Inequality of Pivots. 1874. h m K- // 1874. h m // December i3 I. IO W + i5-o5 December 29 I. IO W + 12-68 1.26 E + 15-38 I. 2O E + io-i5 i.5o E + l6'20 2. 22 W + 12-75 12. 45 W + 12-75 H 0.45 E + i3-o5 I. 12 E + i3'i7 3o i3. 28 W + 12-00 i5 23. 3o E + 12-40 ' 4. 20 E + 12-62 3i I. E + io-o3 5. So W + 14' 20 1.25 W + 12-35 i3. o W + ii-io 16 10. 3o W + I4-55 II. E + 13-70 i8 7 5. January i 22. 45 E + 10-78 J7 i. 5 W + H'?* 4. 5 E + 8-53 i. 3o E + 12-95 i5. o W + io'o8 3. 18 E f i3'io 3.55 W + i5-5z 2 i. 9 W + 9'65 1.23 E + 8-83 18 I. IO W + i6-i5 2. 40 W + 10-60 1.25 E + i5-oS 16. 3 E + 7-35 20 0,52 E + iS-55 3 i. 5 W + 10-25 1,22 W + i6- 7 5 i. 3o E + 8-65 17. 3o E + 8-o5 21 i. 5 E + 14-93 1.25 W + 16-73 5. 3o E + 16-38 4 5.35 E + io-i3 6. 14, W + i3-i8 22 0.52 E + to-63 1.27 W + 11-73 12 o. 40 E + ii -60 6.25 E + Ii-o5 i3 5.45 E + 10-83 28 2.16 E + 11-18 2.47 W + 12 -2O '9 3. 4 5 E + n-55 1 5. 3o E + 10-18 ADJUSTMENTS OF THE TRANSIT INSTRUMENT. 227 TABLE II. AZIMUTH ERROR of the TRANSIT INSTRUMENT at KAILUA. [The sigu + indicates that the East Pivot is too far North.] Day and Approximate Mean Time. Stars used for Azimuth Error. The letters (E, W) refer to the Position of the Lamp. Azimuth Error By Stars. By Meridian Mark. Adopted. 1874. November 2 3 24 26 26 28 3o December i 2 3 4 6 7 9 ii 13 '4 i5 16 17 18 18 '9 20 21 22 27 ]i 9 9 '4 5J 9 8 01 >2f H i 9 12 II 8 8 8 8 i3 i3 '7 8 8 9 5 74 5 7 7 7 5 Polaris (E, W) and v Piscium // - 3 7 '2 - 36-4 // // - 3 7 -5 - 36- 4 Polaris (W) and 8 Ceti - 52-1 - 52-1 A. Ursse Minoris S.P. (W) assuming the clock ] correction + 9*- 1 5 J - 35-3 - 21-7 22 '2 - 18-0 - 20-7 - 17-2 - 5-i - 3-9 - J 4'4 - 5-o - 6-2 - 7'o - 2-8 - 11-9 - 16-8 - 17-1 10-8 - i6-5 18-0 - 18-0 - i6-3 - i6-3 - 35-3 } - 21 '9 - 21-3 20 '7 19-0 - 17-2 } - 4'9 - 14-4 - 5-7 - 6-2 - 7-0 - 2-8 - 11-9 - '4'4 } ~ '6-9 - 12-7 I 17-8 Polaris (W, E) and Bradley 1730 S.P. (W) i 7 3i S.P. (W) 6 Stars between N.P.D. 63 and 109 Polaris (E, W) and j8 Ceti Polaris (E, W) and Piscium Polaris (E, \V) and v Piscium Groombridge 2o53 S.P. (W) and 69 Ceti 6 Stars between N.P.D. 57 and 1 1 3 8 Stars between N.P.D. $9 and 106 Polaris (E, W) and v Piscium Polaris (E, W) and e Piscium Polaris (W) and /3 Andromedas (W) Polaris (E) and o Piscium (E)* S Ursa; Minoris S.P. (W) and a Orionis 24 Ursse Minoris S.P. (W) and o Orionis 9 Stars between N.P.D. 6 and 109 Polaris (W) and 53 Arictis Polaris (E) and 3 1 Tauri B Ursa; Minoris S.P. (W) and 3i Tauri Polaris (E, W) and Bradley 1731 S.P. (W) + 45-5 + 45*2 + 46-0 + 43-o + 44' + 47'3 + 44-6 + 44' + 46-6 + 45-5 + 45-3 + 46 'o + 43-o Polaris (E, W), Bradley 1731 S.P. (E) Polaris (E, W), Groombridge 2o53 S.P. (W) Polaris (E, W), Bradley i?3i S.P. (E) * Azimuth disturbed by act of reversal. G G 228 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KAILUA. Day and Approximate Mean Time. Stars used for Azimuth Error. The letters (E, W) refer to the Position of the Lamp. Azimuth Error By Stars. By Meridian Mark. Adopted. 1874. December 28 29 3o 3i 1875. January j 2 3 4 12 i3 19 ii 8 7 '9 5i 7 7 7 4 9 20 7 7 8 21 5 6 6 8 22 9 9 IO 10 '9 !9 5 8 9 1 1 Stars between N.P.D. 67 and 106 // + 5o-8 + 44'3 // + 46-6 + 46-0 + 47'9 // + 44' 3 + 44'3 Polaris (W, E), Groombridge 2o53 S.P. (E) Bradley 1731 S.P. (E), a Eridani 14-0 - i3-o - 21-7 29 'o - 24-5 - 11-4 IO'I - 9-6 io - 9 - 6-1 - 4'7 - 6-6 - 1-4 - 7'S + 44'o + 3 7 -S - 10-8 - 23- 9 - 21-3 - 6-9 - 10-8 - 5-6 - 8-2 + 44' + 49'2 L - i6-3 - 26-6 }.:., > I0'2 I ;,.. + 44'o + 37-9 Polaris (W), o Eridani* 7 Stars between N.P.D. 71 and n5 Polaris (W) and S Arietis Groombridge 2o53 S.P. (E) and 62 Ceti Polaris (W), clock + 20" '97 Polaris (E), + 2o s * 76 Ursa? Minoris S.P. (W), +2i s -o7 e Ursa? Minoris S.P. (E), 3 1 Orionis Piazzi IV. 3 1 7 (E), 3 1 Orionis 5 Urssc Miuoris S.P. (W), 7] Geminorum S UrsiE Minoris S.P. (E), 3i Orionis 5 Stars between N.P.D. 1 1" and 87 4 Stars between N.P.D. 71 and 104 * The act of reversal evidently disturbed the Azimuth on these occasions. ADJUSTMENTS OF THE TRANSIT INSTRUMENT. 229 TABLE III. OBSERVATIONS of the MERIDIAH MARK at KAILUA, and its CONCLUDED AZIMUTH. Day and Approximate Mean Time. Center Wire apparently Left of Center of Image of Copper Scale. Center of Mark West of Optic Axis. Azimuth Error, as determined by Stars. i Center of Mark apparently West of North. Lamp E. Lamp W. 1874. i di. lllT. // // // December 17 4} + 3-i + 4 - o5 + 93-3 - i 7 -3 + 76-0 18 5* H + 3-i + 4-0 + 92-7 1 ' ' + 78-1 + 0-8 + 1-7 + 3z-6 + 45-5 19 s 0-7 i-55 2 9 -3 20 5 0-8 i-65 32-0 + 45-3 + 77-3 21 H 0-8 ''7 32-6 + 46-0 + 78-6 24 Noon o-gS i- 7 5 15-2 22* i-o i- 7 5 35-8 25 5 ! i*7 35-2 | I'O 1*7 35-2 27 5 o-S i-5 3o-o 28 5 0-8 i-5 3o - o 21 0-8 i-5 3o-o 29 5 o' 7 5 1-6 3o-6 + 44'3 + 74' 9 3o '9 '9* + o'75 + 1-45 + 28-7 + 2-8 + 3- 7 + 84-8 3i si 2-9 3-8 87-4 - i3-o + 74' 4 1875. January i 4 3-5 4'* ico'5 20 3'4 4'' 97'9 2 3 4 21 5 22 '9 2-8 3-o 2-8 2-9 3-6 3-7 3-5 1-6 83-5 87-4 82-2 { 84-8 -i I 32-6 "/ - n-3(?) I0'2 - 7-o (?) + 72-2 (?) + 77-2 + 75-2 (?) 12 5 + 0-7 + 1-4 + 27'4 The adopted Azimuth of the Center of the Meridian Mark is 76" -6 West of North, and the adopted Value of One Interval on the Copper Scale, 26" -2. G G 2 230 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KAILUA. TABLE IV. TKANSITS of STABS and of the MOON observed at KAILUA, by Professor G. FORBES. Day. Position of the Illuminating Lamp. Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Clock-Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Star's Assumed Apparent R.A. Clock apparently Slow. 1874. November 2 3 H 26 E W W W W W 23. 10. 23 '24 23.20. 13-58 23.33. 13-34 I. ii. 33-79 i. 10. 42-46 i. 34.35-5o i. 59. 46-23 2. 10. 25-07 4. 20. 59-39 4. 28. 25-49 4.41. 14-09 4. 59.53-05 5. 8.13-96 5.i8. 3-72 I. 10. 54' i. 17.41-62 1.24.41-47 i. 34. 5o-i2 2. 0. 2-47 2. IO. 41-24 4. 28.40-09 4.48. 45-20 5. 7.20-33 5.25.33-io 5.35. 5-56 5. 5o. 10-19 6. 3o. 19-60 6. 39. 3o-63 6.53.35-94 7. 4 5. 58- 8. 2. 8-63 m f 22-35 12-61 12-57 12. 53'27 12.58-oS 36-n 47-75 25-i6 0-70 26-68 15-93 52-52 14-06 5-63 i3. 6-98 41-69 42-57 So- 77 4'oi 41-38 41 -3o 47-36 23-65 33-55 4 - 4 3 12-14 20-77 29-78 34-26 48.22-77 10-72 8 40-54 3i-oo 3o-83 12-52 12-52 55-77 7-90 45-33 19-51 45-37 II -OI 32-41 23-88 12-08 46-76 47-82 55-77 7-90 45-33 45-38 5i- 7 5 28-02 37-74 8-49 29-73 38-73 43-35 3i-77 + 18-19 18-39 18-26 19-25 14-49 19-66 ao-i5 + 20 i 7 67 Ceti e Tauri + 18-81 18-69 [i8-63] 18-49 18-35 18-25 5-io 5-o 7 5-25 + 5-oo Moon II Rigel Tauri Polaris (i) 8 Ceti + 3-89 3- 9 5 4-08 4-39 4-3 7 4-19 4-06 [4-38] 8-96 8-g5 9-09 9-00 + [ 9 -i3] 67 Ceti A Urss Minoris S.P. on") November 23. The clock was stopped at 2 h . 3o, Sidereal, to lengthen the pendulum. The seconds for j> II. at each wire are 47"8, o"-5, i3"9, 27"-6, 4i"2. Sum of instrumental corrections, +i"'76; correction applied for }) 's motion November 1 24. ij Piscium and i Auriga;, the illumination nearly failed. The seconds for 5 II. at each wire are 43'- 1, 56-6, io'-i, 24'-!, 37*'7. Sum of instrumental corrections, +i'-86; correction for J 's motion in R.A., +o s -o9. The clock was stopped at i h . 5o m , Sidereal, to lengthen the pendulum. November 26. J II. 42" i, 55" 3, 8"- 5, 22" i, 35"8. Sum of instrumental corrections, +2'-oo. Correction for J 's motion in R.A., +o ! -o9. The level -was adjusted before the observations. The Azimuth was partially adjusted on \ Ursa; Minoris' S.P. with wire d. The sky then clouded over. MERIDIONAL TRANSITS. 231 Day. Position of the Illuminating Lamp. Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Clock Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Star's Assumed Apparent E.A. | Clock apparently Slow. 1874. December 6 W e Tauri h m s 40-85 a 10*68 + 29*83 Bradley 6s5 (4") . . 4. 25. 53-43 29-56 20*55 4. 28. 14*68 I6-26 45-54 29*28 4.. 38. 4.5*01 46'J6 15-89 20' 71 E A. 4.8. 22' 2O 22-66 5i'95 20* 20 A. So. 4.2* 3o 41-63 1 1 - 16 29*53 7 E tr Ceti 2. 25. 30*08 3q' 7A 3o*65 5 Ceti 2. 33. 3A-4.5 34-4.1 5-02 3o-6i 3. 45. A6* 32 46-55 17- 18 3o-63 3. 5i. 42' 26 12-63 3o-5o i5-8i 46-57 3o-?6 10*66 41 '4.5 3o*70 W 4. 28. 1 3 * 22 14-78 45-55 3o* 77 4. 38.4.3-57 4 ' 87 I 5 * QO 3i *o3 9 W Ceti o. 36.43*38 A A ' "--I. 18-90 34,- 36 37-26 n-63 34-37 O. 40. 12* 30 14* 5i 48-76 34-25 o. 55. 51-69 53*i7 27-31 SA- IA Polaris (4) i. ii. 3o* 32 22. 28*55 2-73 34-18 E I. 12. 27'23 28 * QO 2-73 33-83 I. 34. 21'62 21-66 55'7i 34-o5 i. 47. 10*00 IO' 2O 44*24 SA'OA ' Ceti 2. 5.48'95 4-0 * 04. 22-80 33-76 67 Ceti 45 -3o 33*68 2 Ceti 57-52 3i-i3 33*6i i/ Ceti 2. 28.45-33 4-5-37 IQ ' 22 33*85 y2 Ceti 49*85 33*84 E 5 Piscium 26* QQ 1 1 * 5o 67 Ceti (A) . . 2. IO. 0*71 45*28 44-83 i5 E Moon I. (4) 23. 25. 0*93 o-5i ["46-661 54-63 4.1 - 5o A6'87 r Tauri 4. 1 6. 16-78 16-76 3*67 4-6* QI Aldebaran (Obs.G.L.T.) 55 Eridani 4.27. 58 -5o 58*62 AS -72 45-59 35*77 46*97 u.7*o5 i Tauri iy-o3 4*5i ^7*48 W 4 53. 19*86 8*12 47*38 c Leporis(Obs.G.L.T.) 4. 59. 21- 8z 5. 6.40-18 23-49 4i'o3 11*23 2S*5o 47 '74 47*47 5 ii 5i-83 53-04 AO* 80 47-76 f Orionis (Obs. G. L. T.) 5. 19. 19-28 5 33. i5-68 3o-5o i- -26 18*20 4* 16 47-70 + 46*90 December i5. J I. , 48'*2, i"*o, I2'*8, 24"*4. A mistake of i 1 . has been assumed tt the second wire. Sum of instrumental corrections, 0^*40 ; correction for J 's motion in K.A., o'-oi. Four stars observed by Captain Tupman. 232 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KAILUA. Day. Position of the Illuminating Lamp. Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Clock-Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Star's Assumed Apparent R.A. Clock apparently Slow. 1874. December 1 5 16 W W o Orionis (Obs. G.L.T.) S Ursa; Minoris S.P. (i) 24 Ursa; Minoris S.P. (3) h m s 5.47. 36-48 6. 12. 5-64 6. 16. 32-o8 10. i3. 43 '47 m s 37-80 ii. 3i-gi 1 5. 54-00 44-80 K z5-o5 19-36 41-57 34-29 S + 47'25 47-45 47-57 40*40 10. 16. 16-41 17-62 7-37 4.0* ?5 10. 23. 2-67 3-96 53-93 49" 97 IO. 27. 37* 22 38-68 28-59 49*91 E b 3 Hydra: 10.46. 33 -So 32-99 22-33 49" ^4 Bradley 3o5S S.P 10. 54. 26-61 23-n 12-68 49-57 n. 6. 37-26 37-55 27-36 49-81 11. 12. i5-g8 i5-6i 5-07 49-46 A Crateris ii. 1 6. 20*68 20-20 9-69 49-49 17 W Polaris (3) i. 10. 38-97 12. 8'7i 56-25 47-53 W i. 7.41-83 43-24 [5i-o8] E i. ii. 32-33 12. 5-o5 56-25 5l'2O o Ceti 2.54. 54-65 54'5i 45-23 50-72 S3 Arietis z. 59. 33-oo 33-i8 23-92 5 '74 3. 3.38-36 38-57 29-40 5o-83 3. 6.52-54 52 -So 43-5i 50-71 96 Ceti 3. ii. 58-i3 57-96 48-89 5o-o3 W 3. 20. 3?' QI 39-12 3o-32 5 1 -20 6 Ursa; Minoris S.P. . . . 3i Tauri 3. 34.23-78 3. 44.. 28* OI I4-55 29-36 5-84 20-98 5i-2 9 5i-62 3. 4.7. 32*70 33-35 24-64 5i -29 3. 5i. 20*62 21-47 12-66 5i 19 co 1 Tauri 4. i. 0*88 2-60 53-74 Si' 14 "2.1 E I. I4-. 6* IQ ii. 52-45 5i-77 59-32 W Polaris (3) I. l3. 6*44. 11.49-44 5i-77 62*33 Groombridge 2o53 S.P.. o- Ceti i. 40. 56* 14 2. 25. 7* 12 41. 7-48 10-62 8-08 10-34 60*70 59*72 S Eridani 3.36. i3-32 i6-5o i6-35 59-85 E 3 1 Tauri 3. AA T 20* 85 21 -QI 20-98 5q*O7 3. 5i. u*i6 l3'Oq 12-65 5g-56 3. 56. 7-07 8*i5 7-73 5g-53 5. 10. 16* 97 17*01 [59-651 ft Tauri 5. 17. 24*63 24* 57 24-35 59-78 1 1 8 Tauri 36*i6 35-8o 59-62 B.A. C. 1746 5. 27. 6* 27 6*25 5-84 5o-5o E Bradley 1731 S.P 4.7. 14.* 22 15-86 61-66 i. i3 55-36 1 1, 4.5 '44. 5i-o5 65-6i W i. i3 7*o5 II. 62*92 5i-o5 + 58-i3 December i5. 3 Ursac Minoris S.P. on wire b at 6 h . 17. 3 s . December 17. B I. 18" i, 29 8- 9, 4i"-8, 54 s -o, 5 ! '9. Sum of instrumental corrections, +i'36; correction for ]) 's motion in RA., +o"o5. December 2i. J I. 49"8, 2 ! -8, i7"-i, 3o s -3, 44 s- 2. Illumination bad. Sum of instrumental corrections, +o'- 04. MERIDIONAL TRANSITS. 233 Day. Position of the Illuminating Lamp. Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Clock-Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Star's Assumed Apparent R.A. Clock apparently Slow. 1874. \V 70 Ceti h ra a 2. I4-. 4.5*77 in a 48*l3 s 5o-68 s + 62-55 71 Ceti 2. 17. 34.* 60 39-76 62-55 2. 20. 26-85 28-87 3i*o8 62-21 3-66 E S Ceti 2. 32. 2*10 3-17 4-*o6 6l * 70 7 Ceti 2. 34. 46' 97 4-0* 7O 61*88 2. 41. 17*40 I7*6l IO'4-O 61 * 70 6. 21. 29*88 [62-201 1875. W Polaris (3) i. i o. 40* 53 4-2" 07 E I. 12. U ' 71 12. 23*OO 4-2*07 10* 07 I. 34.. 36*27 36*oo 55-52 10* 52 i. 38. 28-o5 27-83 47-53 10 * 7O t Groombridge 2o53 S.P. . i. 41. 50*29 i. 47. 24- 52 49-36 9-42 20*06 19* 59 i. 5o. ii -98 11*89 3i'3 10*4-5 57 Ceti i. 53. 34-68 33*04. 53-69 10" 75 i. 55. i5-6i 34-*OO 10* 60 i. 5o. 4.8 *o6 4.8 *o5 7*68 ig-63 62 Ceti 2. 2. 3o*67 4.0*00 10* 7O 63 Ceti (4) 2. 4.55*36 2O*26 W S Arietis (4) 2. IO. 48*95 5o-35 10*4.7 2O* 12 69 Ceti 2. l5. II "35 12* 3o 32-64 2O "25 2. 17. 4.5* 02 4.7* I 3 7*24. 2O* II w Ceti (3) . . 2. 21. 9* 67 10*82 3i*oo 20* 1 8 Ceti 2. 28. 57*91 59-03 10* 08 2O*o5 2. 32. 43'7I 4-89 20* 14. " Ceti 2. 36. 28*45 20* 54. 4-0" 74. 2O *2O 3 W i. 1 1. 16' 39 4.O" 60 10*32 E I. 12. 0* 60 4.O*6o 22' 6l 69 Ceti 2. I 5. I2*OI 11*68 32-Sg 2O '01 Lalande 4458 (3) 2. 17. 29* 1 3 28*27 4.0* I 5 20*88 043. The individual determinations are given in Table II. The Error of Azimuth was obtained in the usual manner from the obser- vations of close circumpolar stars combined with those of clock stars. The errors are given in Table III. There is no mention made of the adjustments having been altered between the observations of December 3 and December 4. TRANSITS of STARS observed at WAIMEA (Table IV.). The places of the stars Bradley 95, 402, 3147, 3187, Groombridge 642, 750, and Lalande (Fed.) 693 have been brought up from the Greenwich new 7-year and 9-year Catalogues for 1864 and 1872. The constants for com- puting the apparent places were extrapolated for 1875 '0 from those contained in the annual volumes of the Greenwich Observations. For complete transits, the mean observed time of transit by chronometer N over the five wires was reduced to the center wire by applying the correction i5 Sin NPD additive when the micrometer-head was east. For imperfect transits, each wire was reduced to the center wire by means of the intervals given on page 238. "When only one side wire has been observed, the time recorded is given at the foot of the page. The level error proper for the position of the transit axis, as given in Table I., has been used, taking the mean where it has been observed more than once. The value of the Colli- 240 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. WAIMEA. mation Error used throughout is 3" '65, positive with micrometer west. There are a few days when, strictly speaking, a smaller value ought to have been employed, but the fact has no importance, as Mr. Johnson was careful to observe time-stars with both positions of the instrument. The observations of close circumpolar stars were made with the micrometer wire ; the wire was moved successively by quantities equal to one-half or one-quarter of a revo- lution of the screw, and the star then allowed to transit. With Polaris it was Mr. Johnson's habit to record the time when the star's disk seemed to be just touching the wire on both sides. The successive intervals, corresponding to the instants of bisection of the star's disk thus obtained, are not so accordant as those obtained by other observers by the method of estimating the instant of bisection. The number of observations of the circumpolar star, counting the two contacts as one, is shown by a number following the mean micro- meter reading thus "Polaris 8 r> 750 (8)." The observations with the two positions of the transit axis have been separately reduced. On the days referred to above, when a different collimation error should have been employed, they, of course, appear discordant. The star's apparent R.A. includes the effect of diurnal aberration. The transits selected for publication are those on which depend the difference of Longitude with Honolulu and the Local Time for the Transit of Venus. APPROXIMATE LATITUDE of WAIMEA. The approximate latitude depends upon the meridian altitudes of the Sun's upper limb, as observed, on 22 days in November and December 1874, by Lieutenant Wellings, with an ordinary navigator's sextant by Whitbread, and mercurial horizon. The Index error of the sextant was determined in the usual way by observing the diameter of the Sun " on " and " off" the arc. The mean instrumental diameter of the Sun was 4" greater than the tabular diameter. No mention is made of the other errors of the sextant, or of the dark glasses employed. The mean of Lieutenant Wellings' observations gives the latitude 21. 5 7 '-2N., which is probably within one minute of the truth. LONGITUDE of WAIMEA. The determination of the difference of longitude between Mr. Johnson's station and that at Apua, Honolulu, has been described in detail in the JOHNSON'S OBSERVATIONS OF INGRESS. 241 preceding pages. The transit instrument at "VVaimea was found to be 7 m . 13 s- 48 "West of the transit instrument at Honolulu. Assuming the longitude of Honolulu to be 10 h . 31 m . 26 s -3 2 s , the longitude of Waimea is 10 h . 38 m . 39 s -8 2 s West of Greenwich. REPORT of MR. R. JOHNSON on his OBSERVATION of the INGRESS of VENUS, 1874, December 8. On 1874, December 7, H.M.S. Reindeer arrived and anchored to the east of Waimea river. Arrangements were made with Captain ANSON, her Com- mander, for the protection of the observatory ground against intrusion on December 8, and that Nav. Sub-Lieut. WARLEIGH should assist the Rev. Mr. Dunn during the transit. A tent was pitched outside the observatory inclosure to cover Mr. Dunn's telescope, so that any confusion arising from our respective orders might be avoided. On December 8, everything being in good order and the chronometers compared, the sentries were posted in due time and in proper places. This precaution, however, was scarcely necessary, as I had the grounds " tabooed," or, as they call it, " kapu/' for the day. Mr. Wellings and I took up our posts about 15 minutes before the time of expected external contact. Twelve minutes before internal contact the entire disk of Venus was dis- tinctly visible, a faint ring of light beginning to appear round the edge off the Sun. Four minutes and a half later the ring of light was very plain. No black drop like that which we see in the model appeared at all. The cusps had not the sharpness they often have in the model on a good day. The weather was beautiful, not the faintest cloud or mist appeared. Time by Sidereal Chronometer N. At 20. 35. 20. 39. 30 20. 44. 55 20. 46. 34 whole disk of Venus completely visible. ring of light complete. ring of light. notice to Lieut. Wellings to attend carefully. 20. 46. 53 o{ inde 2 S lignt } beginning to appear to meet. 20. 47. 2'3 meeting of cusps appeared to take place, and light clearing. 242 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. WAIMEA. Time by Sidereal Chronometer N. h ra s At 20. 47. 7 '2 a distinct band of light between edge of Venus and Sun's limb. 20. 47. 15-4 Venus well on the Sun's disk. No Uaclc drop appeared. When internal contact was very near, the brownish smoke-like colour between the edge of Venus and the Sun began to clear off. At 20 h . 35 m . s the entire disk of Venus was perfectly visible, the part outside the Sun having a faint ring of light round it, except at the western edge. The light was visible round it about two-thirds of the extent of Venus outside the Sun. At 20\ 39 m . 30 s . the ring of light was complete. I am inclined to think the actual contact took place between 20 h . 46 m . 53 S> and 20 h . 47 m . 2 s- 3, the light appearing to break through at the first time, and certainly at the last. At 20 h . 46 m . 53 S> light flashed for an instant between the edge of Venus and the Sun's limb, but immediately disappeared. It was as if the cusps met in a flash. At 20 h . 47 m . 2"'3 the cusps most certainly met, and after that the light between the edge of Venus and the Sun's limb continued to widen until 20 h . 47 m . 7 S> 2, when the band of light between the edge of Venus and the Sun's limb was very distinct. The reason I am inclined to put the contact a little before 20 h . 47 m . 2 S> 3 is in consequence of the flash of light before mentioned, and the short time which elapsed before Venus was well on the Sun. Ordinarily in the model, one sees a dark (black) band between Venus and the Sun's limb just before contact, and the light breaks through this band. In the actual transit, as I observed it, no llack band appeared, but in place of that a smoke-coloured darkness, through which it was much more difficult to discern the breaking through of light, or in other words the meeting of the cusps. About 7 m . 32 s -3 before the actual contact, the light of the Sun crept round the outside edge of Venus, which, though very faint, was distinctly visible. Mr. Wellings observed it as well as myself, as I called his attention to it so that there should be no mistake about it. This light continued till very near contact, when it became excessively faint, and the smoke-like appearance I have measured took its place. DUNN'S OBSERVATIONS OP INGRESS. 243 All the times recorded refer to the internal contact at Ingress. I observed the external contact, but not, I think, with sufficient accuracy to allow me to record it. Moreover, I did not like to take the time of external contact, lest I should be biassed by the calculated interval between the external and internal contacts. There was scarcely any appreciable " boiling " of the Sun's limb. The observing telescope was mounted on a solid wooden post within the inclosure, but sufficiently far from the fence to prevent the heated air streaming from the top of the fence producing, by its changeable refraction, any unsteadiness in the view. The power used was a Hughenian eye-piece of 130. R. JOHNSON. The telescope used by Mr. Johnson was an achromatic by Dollond of 3|- inches aperture and 46 inches focal length, of excellent definition. It was fitted by Messrs. Troughton and Simms with a solar diagonal reflector. Dark glasses screwed on at the eye-end. It had a steady but simple kind of equatorial mounting, attached to the top of a heavy baulk of timber sunk several feet in the ground, and was used in the open air. There was a slow- motion screw in Right Ascension with a convenient handle. MR. R. DUNN'S OBSERVATION. The Reverend Robert Dunn, of Honolulu, having expressed his intention of visiting Waimea about the epoch of the Transit of Venus, there was placed at his service an achromatic by Dollond, belonging to the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, of 2'7 inches aperture and 33 inches focal length, fitted with a solar diagonal reflector, negative eye-pieces of powers 67 and 134, and a neutral tint achromatised wedge. The telescope was mounted upon a firm tripod stand, with altazimuth movements and steadying rods of the usual construction ; but, in consequence of the shortness of the tube between the eye-end and the principal point of support, and the absence of mechanism for giving slow motion, it was difficult to follow the diurnal motion, especially with the higher power. Mr. Dunn practised for several days with the model at Honolulu. Such observations could be made with this small instrument quite as accurately as with the larger ones, with the power 134, but not with the lower power. i i 2M TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. WAIMEA. At Waimea, Mr. Dunn's station was 60 yards N.E. of Mr. Johnson's. The time of his observation was recorded, from the Solar chronometer L, by Sub-Lieut. Warleigh, of H.M.S. Reindeer. He made use of the power 67. Mr. Dunn writes : " Before internal contact, J or ^ of the planet being still off the Sun's disk, I saw light all round the planet. My impression was that I was deceiving myself, through wishing to see the whole disk, but I failed in endeavouring not to see this ring of light. When I say % or | of the planet not being yet on the Sun's disk, I mean some considerable interval before the internal contact. I have not experience enough to judge such things, and I did not mark the time. As the moment of contact approached, a sort of misty, smoky, or woolly cloud seemed to be where we looked for the black drop. The time recorded [3 h . 39 m . 1J S ] was when I was sure of sharp clear light between the planet and the outer limb of the Sun. The instrument was unsteady through the wind, blowing sharply from S.W., just about the time of contact, and my own impression was that I was decidedly late. . " Having to leave Waimea an hour after the contact was observed, Mr. Johnson undertook the comparison of chronometers, &c. " 1874, December 10. R. DUNN." For Mr. Johnson's observation of internal contact we have h m s h m s Recorded times by the f 20. 46. 53 o 1 M . 2Q _ 6> 5 g Sidereal chronometer N |_ 20. 47. 2 '3 J Adopted Correction of N (Table VI.) 7. 36 47 Local Sidereal Time - - 20. 3g. 21 18 Assumed Longitude West - 10. 38. 3g'8o Gieenwich Sidereal Time - 7.18. 0-98 Local Tabular Distance of Centers - i5'. 3;" '56 Whence the following final equation, assuming, as before R = 976"'8o, r = 3i"'42, 7"- 82 = o"-228o n +-6535 8 R.A. 7o58 8 N.P.D. o"-o34O 8 t S R + 8 r. For Mr. Dunn's observation we have h m a Recorded time by Solar chronometer L 3. 3g. i 26 Correction of L (Table VIII.) - 9. 58 -47 Local Mean Solar Time - 3. 29. 2-78 Local Sidereal Time - - 20.39.39-69 G. L. T. ADJUSTMENTS OF THE TRANSIT INSTRUMENT. 245 TABLE I. LEVEL ERROR of the TRANSIT INSTRUMENT. [The sign indicates that the East Pivot is high.] Sidereal Micro- Level Error Sidereal Micro- Level Error Time of meter corrected for Time of meter corrected for Day. Level E or Inequality Day. Level Eor Inequality Determination. VV. of Pivots. Determination. W. of Pivots. 1874. h m // 1874- h ra // December 2 3. 5o E - 4-18 December 12 6. 35 W - 3-6i 3.55 w - 5-5 4 6. 40 E - *'94 i 3. 10 E - 3-04 '4 3. i5 W - 3-44 3 3. 4 o E - 3-78 3.20 E - 2-94 3. 4 5 W 4^62 i5 23.40 E 2'01 3. 5o E - 2-27 3. i5 E - 3'6i 3.25 W - 2-37 4 4.40 E - 3'44 4.42 W - 5-12 it 3. 5o E - 2-18 4.48 W - 3'85 3. 55 W - 3-io 4. 5o E - 3-28 14.40 E 2' IO '7 i. 20 E - 3-44 5 4 .25 W - 3-6i 18 3. i5 W - 2- 4 3 4. 3o E - i- 9 3 3.20 E - 1-76 4.35 E - 3-3 4 19 3.25 E - i- 4 3 4.40 W - 4-78 3. 3o W - 3-n 6 2. 10 W - 4'7 21 2. So E - 2-27 2. 15 E - 4'4 2. 55 W - 2'77 2. 2O W - 3- 9 5 2.25 E - 3-n 22 2. 2O E 2'IO 2.25 W - 3-6i 7 2.25 W - 4'U 2. 30 E - ' 77 24 3. W - 3-27 2.35 E - 3- 7 o 3. 5 E - 2-52 2. 40 W - 5-2 9 I8 7 5. 6. 35 E - 3-53 January 2 4. 5 E O'42 4. to W -"1-76 X 2. 40 E - 3-5i 2. 4 5 W - 5-46 4 2. 2O W - 1-26 2.25 E + I '40 9 3. 40 E - 3-70 3. 4 5 W - 4-02 5 6. 5o W - 0-17 6. 55 E + o-25 10 2. 10 W - 3-6i 10 6. 10 E + O'O2 2. 15 E 2-84 6. 20 w o-Sg ii 2. 2O W - 3-85 12 7-25 E + 0-93 2.25 E 2' IO 7. 3o W + 2-43 ii 2 246 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. WAIMEA. TABLE II. ERROR of COLLIMATION of the TRANSIT INSTRUMENT. [The sign is considered Positive when it implies an additive correction to the time of observed transits of Stars above the Pole with the Micrometer West.] Day. Object. Error of Collimation of Center Wire. Day. Object. Error of Collimation of Center Wire. 1874. December z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 n + 2'8 2-5 3'4 4'5 2 '4 3-o 3-o 2'5 3-i 4-8 4-0 4-0 5-7 3'7 5-o 4'5 3-5 4-6 + 4-3 1874. December i3 H i5 16 18 '9 20 ZI 22 24 i8 7 5. January 2 4 5 10 12 // + 3-i 3-5 3-7 4'5 4-0 4-8 3-3 3'4 3-7 i'8 1-7 2' I I- 9 3-4 3-7 1-9 + I'? Polaris Lalande (Fed.) 698 Cephci (Hev.) 5i Polaris & Ursa; Minoris S.P 5 Ursa; Minoris S P TABLE III. AZIMUTH ERROR of the TRANSIT INSTRUMENT. [The sign + denotes that the East Pivot was too far North.] Apparent Adopted Day. Stars. Error of Error of Azimuth. Azimuth. Apparent Adopted Day. Stars. Error of Error of Azimuth. Azimuth. 1874. Dec. z Brad! Brad! Polar 3 Brad! Polar Groo 4 Polar 5 Polar 6 cy 3147 and K Fiscium. ey 95 and a Eridani ... / // 1 9 i f-9'4 9'9 J 7 | 7'9 f- t'l 7'4 J 1-3 +1-3 z-4 +2-4 2-2 +2-3 1874. Dec. 7 Polar Lalan SUrs 8 BradI Ursi 9 Polar 1 ,, " iz Grooi / // ri -, i'9 > + 1'6 i-o J 1-8 , ^+2-7 i-i J 5-2 +5-2 3-9 +3-9 }.-5 +4-7 ^.6 +4'3 de (Fed.) 69 3 and J' Ceti + K Min. S.P. and i Gem. + ey 402 and o Eridani . . + B Min. S.P. and i Gem. + s and a Eridani ... . + ey 95 and 20 Ceti mb. 642 and a Eridani . - ,, + nbridge 7 5o and a Tauri + ADJUSTMENTS OF THE TRANSIT INSTRUMENT. Table III. Azimuth Error of the Transit Instrument continued. 247 Day. Stars. Apparent Error of Azimuth. Adopted Error of Azimuth. Day. Stars. Apparent Error of Azimuth. Adopted Error of Azimuth 1874. Dec. 12. i3 H i5 16 17 18 19 21 8 Ursa; Min. S.P. and i Gem. Polaris and a Eridani + 4-1 + 3-2 + 8-2 + 4-6 + 4-8 + 7-5 + 7-3 + 7-1 + 7'4 + 4-3 + 3-2 + 8-2 + 4-4 + 4-8 + 7-5 + 7-3 + 7-1 + 7-1 1874- Dec. 22 24 1875. Jan. 2 4 5 10 12 Polaris and o Eridani > > > > Ccphei (Hev.) 5i and e Canis Polaris and o Eridani S Ursa: Min. S.P. and yOrionis A. Ursie Min . S. P. and o Orionis S Ursse Min. S.P. and y Gem. + 6-9 + 6-8 + 4-1 + 9-3 + 9-8 + 5-2 + 3- 9 + 8-4 + 6'9 } + ! , + 9-4 + 9-8 + 5-o + 3-9 + 8-3 TABLE IV. TRANSITS of STARS observed at WAIMEA by Mr. R. JOHNSON. Day. Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Time by Chronometer N of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Star's Assumed Apparent R.A. Chronometer N apparently Slow. 1874. December 7 E 7 Pegasi 44 Piscium 12 Ceti e Andromeda; , o Cassiopeia? (4) , Ceti S Piscium 20 Ceti fi. Andromeda; Piscium Polaris, 9-250 (5) W ,, 9-2So(5) a Eridani o Piscium Arietis Arietis {' Ceti 67 Ceti E Lai. (F.) 6 9 3, 7-600 (5). W 7-600 (5). (8 Tauri 5 Orionis 1 Geminorum o. 14. o. 26. o.36. o. 3g. o. 41. 0.44. 0.49. 0. 54. 0.57. 1. 4. i. 18. 1.23. i. 40. 1. 46. j.55. 2. 7. 2. I 4 . 2.18. 4 .53. 4-57. 5.26. 5.33. 6. 4. 26-43 38-o6 18-14 35-25 3-68 57-37 50-24 15-62 27-39 1 5- 70 38-10 6 -20 42-36 25-42 21-93 45-67 0-48 22-90 13-90 58-zo i- 4 3 14-98 9-53 25-97 37-66 17-76 34-71 2- 7 3 57-02 49-81 lS'22 26-78 i5-2 7 46-91 40-46 42-91 25-38 21-86 4 5-5 9 0-44 22-91 33-44 32-86 i-35 '4'97 9-45 } 47-57 59-44 3 9 -35 56-8i 24-84 18-92 n-65 37-o5 48-78 27-33 3- 9 8 5-i 9 47-73 44-25 7-87 22-81 45-3i 24-16 37-96 3i- 9 8 7. 38-40 7. 38-22 7. 38- 4 i 7. 37-91 7.37-89 7. 38-10 7.38-16 7-38-17 7. 38-oo 7.37-94 7- 39-70 7- 37 '7* 7-37-65 7.37-61 7.37-72 7-37-63 7. 37-60 7. 37-72 7- 37-I9 7- 37-oi 248 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. WAIMEA. Table IV. Transits of Stars continued. Day. Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Time by Chronometer N of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Star's Assumed Apparent R.A. Chronometer N apparent'y Slow. 1874. December 7 E 8 Ursae Min. S.P., 14-000 (5) W ,, 14-000(5) Canopus (4) 8 E r) Piscium a Kridani o Piscium ft Arietis Arietis 1 1 Ceti 67 Ceti 1 2 Ceti v Ceti Bradley 402, 8-000 (5). W ,, 8-ooo(5). 1 Geminorum v Orionis E 5 Ursa: Min. S.P., 12-000 (5) W ,, i2-ooo(5) 9 E Polaris, 9- 25o (5) W ,, 9 -25o (5) a Eridani 67 Ceti I 2 Ceti S Ceti X 2 Ceti a Arietis E Arietis a Ceti T Arietis . . o Tauri . . . /Tauri ... e Eridani . . 10 E 44 Piscium 12 Ceti f Andromeda! . Ceti 5 Piscium .... 20 Ceti H Andromeda; . f Piscium 6. 14. 59-40 6. 24. Sz'oo 6. 29. 49-01 1.32. i. 40. i. 46. 1. 55. 2. 7. 2. I 3. 2.18. 2.29. 2.36. 3. 9- 3. 12. 6. 4. 6. 8. 6.17. 6. 22. 24-29 41-40 24-30 20-81 44 -35 59-04 21-68 7-5 4 55-62 19-50 J7'3o 7'97 2-71 25-3o 21-80 1. 18. 41-10 1.23. 6'80 1.40. 37-54 2. 1 8. 18-68 2.29. 4-52 2.40. 38-42 z. 44. 23 -16 2.52. 9-29 2.59.38-53 3. 3. 19-42 3.2I.35-43 3. 25. 40-00 3.2i. 33-13 3.34.37-25 0.26. 31-82 o. 3i. 11-84 o. 40. 29-23 0.44. Si* 19 0.49.44-04 o. 54. 9-56 0. Sj. 21-27 1. 3.59-84 58-37 59-19 49-43 23-82 41-19 23-86 20- 3i 43-84 58-6i 21-32 7'II 55-19 46-77 43-9I 7-83 2-60 57-93 58-07 40-00 3a-5o 38-54 i8-85 4-58 38-54 23-26 9'3o 38-02 19-05 34-92 3 9 -5 9 32-69 36- 9 8 3i- 49 n-55 28-70 50-96 43-69 9-26 20-64 59-49 20-77 12-33 47-75 5-i6 47-72 44-24 7-87 22-80 45-3: 31-14 19-22 9'94 32-oo 26-76 20-53 2' 7 3 5-i3 45 -3o 3i-i3 5-oi 49-85 4 -38 45-22 1-16 5-8o 58-89 3-i 9 59-41 39-32 56-77 18-90 11-62 37-02 48-74 7. 38-01 7. 37-10 7. 36-07 7.36-o3 7. 36-14 7. 36-07 7-35-97 7. 35-8i 7. 36-01 7.35-97 7-35-97 7.35-40 7.35-83 7. 35. 84 7. 37-47 7.33-5o 7.33-4I 7. 33-55 7 .33-45 7.33-53 7.33-41 7.33-64 7.33-83 7.33- 7 6 7-33-79 7. 33-8o 7.33-79 7. 32-o8 7.32-23 7- 3i- 9 3 7. 32-o6 7.32-07 7.32-24 7.31-90 7. 32-i8 MERIDIONAL TRANSITS. Table IV. Transits of Stars continued. 249 Day. Object observed and (Number of Wires). Mean observed Time by Chronometer N of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Star's Assumed Apparent R.A. Chronometer N apparently Slow. 1874. December 10 E Polaris, 9-250 (5) ,, 9-a5o(5). o Eridani , o Piscium (3 Arietis . a Arietis . 1 5 E e Piscium Polaris, 8-625 (8) , ,, 8-5oo(8), W a Eridani . o Pincium /8 Arietis . a Arietis . E 7= Ceti . T> ' l in Approximate Greenwich Mean Solar Time. ion giving Si or Negative Signals were given. d. I O CM O a S 02 s Means of the Separate Groups of Signals by Sidereal Standard Sidereal Standard Clock Slow. Means of the Separate Groups of Signals by Chronometer C. Frodsham 3205 Resulting Error of C. Frodsham 3205, Slow on Greenwich Mean Solar S O O (Mean Solar). Time. (C 1874. h h m s s h ni s m s Nov. 14, 1 1 G Positive I 53 2. I6.45-OO + 3i'94 10.40. O'22 + i. 5 1 '02 P Positive 2 5q 2.32. I7'34 +31-94 10. 55. 3o-oo + i . 5 1 o3 G Negative 3 49 2. 48. 30'OO +3i - 94 n. 11. 40-01 + i. 5i -02 P Negative 4 55 3. 3.37-58 + 31-94 u. 26. 45-00 + 1. 5i 14 Nov. 1 5, 7 G Positive 5 55 22. 25.45-00 + 3i-88 6. 45. 40 ' g3 + i.52-i8 P Positive 6 5q 22.41.36-78 + 3i-88 7. i.3o'oo + 1.52-28 G Negative 7 49 22. 57.3O-OO + 3c88 7. 17. 20-65 + I. 52'25 P Negative 8 55 23. 14. 27-26 + 3I-88 7. 34. i5-oo + i. 52'3g LONGITUDE OF MOKATTAM. 271 Cu 00 3 AT GREENWICH. AT PORTHCCUNO. Whether 2 CB Approximate Greenwich Mean Solar Time. CO ho a 1 Positive or Negative Signals were given. G. S fo. of Signals in Means of the Separate Groups of Signals by Sidereal Standard Clock. Sidereal Standard Clock Slow. Means of the Separate Groups of Signals by Chronometer C. Frodsham 3205 (Mean Solar). Resulting Error of C. Frodsham 3205, Slow on Greenwich Mean Solar Tim. co i * m 1874. h h m s a h m s m s Nov. 21,11 G Positive 9 53 2.43. o'oo + 3l'23 10.38. 22-53 + 2. 7'32 P Positive 10 55 2.58.55-24 + 3i-23 10. 54. iS'oo + 2. 7-48 G Negative ii 5g 3. i5. 3o'oo + 3I-23 1 1. 10. 47- 14 + 2. 7"3g P Negative 12 3. 3i. i5'62 + 3i-23 1 1. 26. 3o-oo + 2. 7^7 Nov. 22, 7 G Positive i3 5i 22. 40. 3o'oo + 31-24 6. 32. 34-40 + 2. 9-28 P Positive >4 61 22. 56. 28-42 + 31-24 6. 48. 3o -oo + 2. 9'47 G Negative 10 53 23. 12. 3O'OO + 31-24 7. 4. 29-08 + 2. g-35 P Negative 16 57 23. 28.33-75 + 31-24 7. 20. 3o - oo + 2. 9'55 The observer at the sending station made contacts at intervals of 15 seconds ; the times not fractional indicate means of times of contacts, a few in each group being usually omitted to make the mean identical with the time of some one particular contact.* The fractional times are the means of the observed times of the corresponding signals at the receiving station, as noted on an ordinary upright galvanometer. The signals were observed at Greenwich by oye and ear in the same manner as at Porfchcurno, the sidereal chronometer in the Computing Koom, sympathetic with the sidereal standard and chrono- graph, being used. TABLE III. MEAN ERRORS on GREENWICH MEAN SOLAR TIME, and RATES of the Mean Solar Chronometer C. FRODSHAM 3205, at PORTHCURNO, deduced from the separate Determinations of the preceding Table. Time by Chronometer C. Frodsham 3205. C. Frodsham 3205 Slow on Greenwich Mean Solar Time. Daily Losing Rate. 1874. h m November 1 4, 1 1 . 4 1 5, 7. 10 m a + i.5i'o5 + 1.52-28 8 + i '47 November 21,11. 3 22, 6.57 + 2. 7-44 + 2. 9-41 + 2-38 The errors of the chronometer C. Frodsham 3205 used in Table IV. depend on the fundamental determinations of Table III. * It would frequently happen that one or two signals in a group would be lost ; in such cases one or two others would be omitted, as mentioned above, to make the group symmetrical, and so lessen the labour of taking means. 272 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. TABLE IV. COMPARISON at PORTHCURNO of the Chronometers C. FRODSHAM 3205 (Mean Solar) and REID AND SONS 1207 (Sidereal), by Coincidence of Beats, for Determination of the ERROR of REID AND SONS 1207 on G-REENWICH SIDEREAL TIME. Approximate Greenwich Mean Solar Time. Time by C. Frodsham 3205 (Mean Solar). C. Frodsham 3205 Slow on Greenwich Mean Solar Time. Time by Reid and Sons 1207 (Sidereal). Resulting Error of Reid and Sons 1207, Slow on Greenwich Sidereal Time. 1874. h h m 8 m s h m 9 m s November 14, 9 g. 2.27-0 + i.5o-g3 o. 41. 45-0 - 2. I7'3g 9 9. 5.27'0 + I. 5o'g3 0.44. 4 5-5 - 2. 17-40 10 9. 38. 21-0 4- i.5o-g6 I. 17.45-0 2. '7'47 12 11.41. 5'5 + i.Si'og 3. 20. 5o*o - 2.17-67 12 11.44. 5'o -f i.Si'og 3. 23. 5o-o - 2. I7'6g 12 11.47. 4'5 + i.Si'og 3. 26.5o-o - 2. I7'6g 12 12. 16. 49*5 + I. 5l ' 12 3. 56. 40-0 - 2. 17-77 13 12.37. 46'o + i.5i -i5 4. 17. 40-0 2. 17-80 November 14, 1 6 16. 24. 25 - o + i.5i-38 8. 4.57-0 - 2. 18-35 16 16. 27. 20-0 + i.5i-38 8. 7-52-5 2. I8-37 7 16.45. 17-0 + i.5i'4o 8. 25.52-5 2. 18-40 i7 17. o. i5'o + i.5i'4i 8.40.53-0 2. 18-42 i7 17. 3. 18-0 + 1.51-42 8. 4 3. 56-5 2. 18-42 19 18. 44. i8'o + i.5i'52 10. 25. i3'5 2. 18-71 19 18. 47. zo'o + i.5i'52 10. 28. 16-0 2. 18-72 November i5, 5 5. 7.45-0 + i.52'i6 20. 5o. 23'5 2.18-66 5 5. 10. 5i -o + i.52'i6 20. 53. 3o - o 2. 18-65 5 5. i3. 45-0 + i.52-i6 20. 56. 24-5 2. 18-68 8 8. 22. 5g-o + 1.52-36 o. 6. 10-0 2. 18-89 9 8.37. 53-o + i.52'37 0.21. 6-5 2. l8-g3 9 8.55.55-0 + i.52'3g o. 3g. ii -5 2. i8-g5 November i5, 10 9.34.40-0 + 1.52-43 i. 18. 3-o 2. 19-04 ii 10. 3l. 22"O + 1.52-49 2. 14. 54-5 - 2. 19-17 12 12. 9. 55 'o + i.52-5g 3. 53.44-0 - 2.I9-37 12 12. 1 3. O'O + i.52-5g 3. 56. 49-0 2. ig-36 November 21,12 n. 5o. 25'o + 2. 7'52 3.58. g-5 - 2.23-77 12 ii. 56. 25 -o + 2. 7'52 4. 4. io'5 2. 23-78 12 12. 2.3o'0 + 2. 7-54 4. 10. i6 - 5 2.23-76 12 12. 8.37-0 + 2. 7-55 4. 16. 24-5 2. 23-75 November 21, 17 17. 5. 6-0 + 2. 8-04 g. 1 3. 43 o 2. 24'o5 '7 17. 8. o-o + 2. 8-04 g. 16.37-5 2. 24-08 '7 17. n. 6-0 + 2. 8-o5 g. ig. 44-0 2. 24 f o5 November 22, 6 5. 3i. 45-0 + 2. 9-27 21.42. 26-0 2. 24- l6 6 5.34.43-0 + 2. 9-27 21. 45. 24 '5 2. 24-18 6 5.37.44-0 + 2. 9-27 21. 48. 26-0 - 2.24-17 8 7.39.45-0 + 2. 9-48 23. 5o. 47-5 - 2.24-41 8 7. 42. 46*0 + 2. 9 '49 23. 53. 4g"o - 2.24-41 8 7.45.42-0 + 2. 9'49 23.56.45-5 2. 24-43 LONGITUDE OF MOKATTAM. 273 Approximate Greenwich Mean Solar Time. Time by C. Frodsham 3205 (Mean Solar). C. Frodsham 3205 Slow on Greenwich Mean Solar Time. Time by Reid and Sons 1207 (Sidereal). Resulting Error of Reid and Sons 1207, Slow on Greenwich Sidereal Time. 1874. November 22, 12 12 12 h m 9 12. 6. 48-0 12. 9.42*0 12. 1 5. 45-O m s + 2. 9'92 + 2. 9-92 + 2- 9'94 h m s 4. 18.32-0 4. 21. 29 '5 4. 27. 33 '5 m s 2. 24-62 2. 24'63 2.24-62 The lines in the preceding table show the division into the groups from which the following mean errors of Reid and Sons 1207 are obtained. TABLE V. MEAN ERRORS and RATES of the Chronometer REID AND SONS 1207 (Sidereal) deduced from the Comparisons (at PORTHCUKNO) with the Chronometer C. FRODSHAM 3205 (Mean Solar). Approximate Greenwich Mean Solar Time. Time by Reid and Sons 1207. Held and Sons 1207 Slow on Greenwich Sidereal Time Hourly Losing Rate. By Comparison with C. Frodsham 3205. As inferred from the Direct Determinations of its own Error. Adopted Chronometer Slow. I8 74 . h Nov. 1 4, 1 1 i? io, 7 1 1 h m 2.3g 9. o 22.38 2. 5l m s 2. 17-61 (a) 2. 18-48 (l>) ~ 2. 18-79 ( c ) - 2. 19-24 (d) m s - 2. 17-98 (i) - 2. 19-04 (k) m s 2. 17-61 2. 18-23 s 0-098 2. 18-79 - 2. 19-14 o-o83 NOV. 21,12 7 22, 7 12 4- 7 9-'7 22. 5o 4.23 - 2.23-77 (e) 2.24-06 (/) - 2.24-29 (g) 2. 24-62 (h) 2. 23'gi (I) 2.24-44 (m) - 2.23-77 - 2.23-99 0-043 2. 24^29 2.24-53 0-043 The results (a), (c), (e), and (g) are obtained from comparisons with the chronometer C. Frodsham 3205 made near to times of determination of the error of the latter by the exchange of galvanic signals with Greenwich ; they may, therefore, be adopted as fundamental determinations of the error of Reid and Sons 1207. The results (b), (d), (/), and (h) depend upon a " chronometer slow " of C. Frodsham 3205, inferred from the fundamental errors of that chronometer given in Table III. ; they are, therefore, affected with any possible irregularity of rate of that chronometer. The results (i) and (k) are inferred from those 274 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. of (a) and (c), and the results (?) and (m) from those of (e) and (g) ; these are similarly affected with any irregularity of rate of the chronometer Reid and Sons 1207 itself. That is to say, the results (b) and (i) depend, the former on the steadiness of rate of C. Frodsham 3205, the latter on the steadiness of rate of Reid and Sons 1207, and the mean of the two values may be adopted for the error of Reid and Sons 1207 at this epoch. Similarly for (d) and (&), for (/) and (I), and for (h) and (m). The errors of the chronometer Reid and Sons 1207 used in Table VI. depend on the numbers contained in the fifth and sixth columns of the pre- ceding table. TABLE VI. DETERMINATION of the ERRORS of the MEAN SOLAR CHRONOMETER HEWITT 890, at ALEXANDRIA, on GREENWICH MEAN SOLAR TIME, by ex- change of GALVANIC SIGNALS between PORTHOURNO and ALEXANDRIA, through the SUBMARINE CABLE of the EASTERN TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Whether S 1 AT PORTHCCKNO. AT ALEXANDRIA. Make or 8 r*, Approximate Greenwich Mean Solar Time. _ 'So a .0 3 CO Signals were given or whether Varley's Method was em- ployed. i o O s 1 No. of Signals in < Means of the separate Groups of Signals by Chronometer Reid and Sons 1107 (Sidereal). Reid and Sons 1207 Slow of Greenwich Sidereal Time. Means of the separate Groups of Signals by Chronometer Hewitt 890 (Mean Solar). Resulting Error of Hewitt 890 Slow on Green- wich Mean Solar Time. 1874. h h m s m s h m s h m s Nov. 14, 14 p Make '7 10 5. 8. 1 8-00 2. I7'85 i5. 27. 58-5i . 57. 5 1 "69 p Break 18 10 5. 7. 48-00 2. 17-80 i5. 27. 28-53 .57.51-64 A Make 19 18 5.22. 9-77 2. 17-88 1 5. 41. 45-00 .57.48-72 A Break 20 i5 5.22. 9-78 2. 17-88 1 5. 41. 46-00 - .57.4871 n P Make 21 i5 5. 37. o-oo - 2. 17-90 1 5. 56. 35-45 n P Break 22 >4 5. 36. 3o-oo 2. 17-90 i5.56. 5-56 .57.5I-42 A Make 23 17 5. 52. 29-96 2. I7-93 1 6. 12. o-oo 5? 4.8*55 A Break 24 H 5. 52. 44-96 - 2. 17^3 16. 12. 10-00 .57.48-59 Nov. 14, 1 5 P fVarley'sl 25 '4 6. 21. 3o-oo - 2. 17-97 16.40. 59-28 . 57. 5z-58 ,, A t Method J 26 >4 6.55. 11-21 2. i8-o3 17. 14.30-00 . 57. 47-67 16 P 27 20 7. 22. 3O'OO 2. 18-07 17.41.49-01 .57.52-41 A 28 '9 7. 52. 50-87 2. 18-12 1 8. 12. O'OO - .57.47-54 <7 P 29 12 8. 17. 3o'oo 2. 18-16 18.36.3978 .57.52-28 A 3o 10 8. 32. 27-51 - 2.18-19 18. 5i. 3o'oo - -57.47-46 Nov. 1 5, 8 P Make 3i 18 23. 58. 45-00 2. 18-90 10. i5. 18-43 .57.00-87 P Break 32 12 23. 5g. o'oo 2. 18-90 10. 1 5. 33-33 .57.50-81 9 A Make 33 "7 o. 14. i -86 2. 18-92 10. 3o. 3o-oo .57.48-11 , A Break 34 18 o. 14.31-78 2. 18-92 10. 3i. o-oo .57.48-27 j, P Make 35 12 o. 29. 45-00 2. i8 - 94 10. 46. 1 3-33 . 57.50-89 P Break 36 20 o. 3o. o-oo 2. 18-94 10. 46. 28-08 - .57.50-68 A Make 37 i5 o. 45. 6-97 2. 18-96 ii. i . 3o-oo .57.48-13 A Break 38 12 o. 45. 21-90 2. 18-96 11. 1.45.00 .57.48-24 LONGITUDE OF MOKATTAM. 275 00 Whether - a AT PORTHCURNO. AT ALEXANDRIA.' 1 Make or S: a T? T rl Approximate Greenwich Mean Solar Time. Station giving Sig j>reaK Signals were given or whether Varley Method was em- ployed. =-. 2 O 8 6 ft No. of Signals in ( Means of the separate Groups of Signals by Chronometer Keid and Sons 1207 (Sidereal). Reid and Sons 1207 Slow of Greenwich Sidereal Time. Means of the separate Groups of Signals by Chronometer Hewitt 890 (Mean Solar). Resulting Error of Hewitt 890 Slow on Green- wich Mean Solar Time. .874- " h in s m s h m s h m s Nov. 1 5, 9 P fVarley'sl 39 12 1 . 7. 3o-oo 2. ig'oo 11.23. 53-35 .57.52-I5 10 A [Method j 40 '4 i. 37. 16-49 2. 19^04 1 1 . 53. 3o-oo .57.47-24 j> P 4 16 2. 3. 3o-oo 2. 19-08 12. 19.43-95 .07.52-01 11 A 42 '9 2. 33. 56-07 2. ig-12 12.50. O'OO .57.47-02 V P 4 3 20 3. 2.3o-oo 2. ig-l6 1 3. 18. 34-07 . 57.51-87 12 A 44 12 3.3i.35-63 2. 19-20 1 3. 47. 3o-oo - -57.46^9 Nov. 21, i3 P Make 4 5 i3 5. 34. o-oo 2. 20-83 i5. 25. 54-18 .57.46-91 !5 P Break 4 6 i3 5. 34. 1 5-oo 2. 23-83 i5. 26. 9-09 .57.46-87 H A Make 47 23 5. 49. 41-00 2. 23-84 1 5. 41. 3o-oo . 57. 44 '32 A Break 48 24 5. 49. 40-93 2. 23-84 1 5. 41. 3o~oo .07.44-39 P Make 49 21 6. 7. o'oo - 2.23-86 15.58.48-81 . 57. 46-98 P Break 5o 7 6. 7. iS'oo 2. 23-86 i5. 5g. 3*55 .57.46-77 A Make 5 1 22 6. 24. 46-77 2.23-87 1 6. 16. 3o'oo . 57. 44-33 A Break 52 21 6.25. 1-74 2. 23-87 1 6. 16. 45*00 - .57.44-40 Nov. 21, 1 5 P [Varley's] 53 17 6. 47. o'oo 2.23-88 16. 38. 43-61 . 07. 48-35 )> A [Method J 54 '9 7. 18. 26-74 2. 23-gi 17. 10. o-oo . 57. 43-19 16 P 55 H 7. 42. 3o-oo 2. 23-92 17.34. 4-35 .07.48-24 A 56 >7 8. 7.34-86 2. 23'94 17. 5g. o-oo - .57. 4 3-i5 5) P 57 25 8.32. o-oo 2. 23-96 18. 23. 20-98 .57.48-01 17 A 58 17 8. 58. 43-38 2. 23-98 18. 5o. o-oo . 57. 43-05 Nov. 22, 8 P Make 5 9 18 o. 29. 45-00 2. 24-36 10. 18. 31-49 .57.45-83 ) P Break 60 22 o. 3o. o-oo 2. 24-36 10. 18. 46-52 . 57. 45-90 9 A Make 61 23 o. 49. iq-o5 - 2.24-37 10. 38. o-oo .57.43-51 ? A Break 62 18 o. 48.48-98 2.24-37 10. 37.30-00 . 57. 43-00 P Make 63 24 i. 5.45-00 2. 24-39 10. 64. 25-6g . 57. 45-96 >j P Break 64 '9 i. 5. 45-00 2. 24-39 10. 54. 20-60 - .57.45-87 A Make 65 29 I. 22. 54-84 - 2.24-40 11. u. 3o-oo . 57. 43-26 > A Break 66 25 1.23. 9-88 2. 24-40 11. 11. 45-00 .57.43-26 Nov. 22, i o P fVarley'sl 67 '7 1.45. o'oo 2.24-42 u.33.35'44 - .57.47-17 A [Method J 68 12 2. 21. 5'2I 2. 24-44 i 2. g. 3o-oo . 57. 42-46 1 1 P 69 '9 2. 45. O'OO 2. 24-46 12. 33. 25'47 - -57-47'7 )> A 7 17 3. 10.43-56 2. 24-48 I2.5g. o-oo . 07. 42-28 P 7' 18 3. 35. 3o-oo 2. 24-49 1 3. 23. 47-00 . 57. 46-90 12 A 72 i3 4. 3. 52-40 2. 24-5l 1 3. 52. o-oo - .57.42-17 In the make and break method the circuit was completed and broken at the sending station at intervals of 15 seconds, the operator using alternately the positive and negative key. At the receiving station the first start of the beam of light was the phase of signal observed. The signals referring to completion of the circuit are collected into one group, without distinction of quality, positive or negative ; and those referring to break of the circuit into N N 276 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. another group ; these groups are indicated in the table above by the words " make " and " break " respectively. In what is called Varley's method the circuit was completed at the sending station for 50 seconds, and broken for 10 seconds, using alternately the positive and negative key. The signals corresponding to break of circuit only were made use of. At the receiving station* the extent of motion of the beam of light, from zero on the scale, having been first noted, a mark was made at the middle point of its excursion. Just before the expected break, the circuit at the sending station will have been closed for nearly 50 seconds, and the beam of light at the receiving station will have come to rest. At this moment the observer shifts the position of the scale so as to bring the beam to the zero point, and, on break of the circuit, notes the time at which the beam transits the provisional mark, which is the phase of signal observed. The groups are formed without any distinction as to quality of current, positive or negative. The times not fractional indicate means of times of contacts at the sending station, one or two times being occasionally omitted to make the mean identical with the time of some one particular contact, or with a time half way between those of two successive contacts. The fractional times are the means of the observed times of the corresponding signals at the receiving station, noted as described above. Two times are by chance not fractional, 4P'00 in Group 47, and 47 S- 00 in Group 71 ; they however indicate, as a little consideration would show, means of times of signals received. We have, in the preceding table, the error of Hewitt 890 (at Alexandria) on Greenwich Mean Solar Time ; it is now necessary to find the error of the same chronometer on Mokattam Mean Solar Time. From the numbers given in Table XVII. (page 314), Errors and Rates of the Mokattam Sidereal Clock, Dent 1914, were adopted as follows : Dent 1914 Slow oil Approximate Mokattam Mokattam Sidereal Adopted Daily Mean Solar Time. Time (at o h . Sid. Losing Eate. Time). 1874. " s s November 14, 8 + 1 4'oo + 0-29 i5, 8 + 14-28 + 0-29 21, 8 + 17*04 + - 62 22, 8 + 17*78 + 078 These errors and rates are determined entirely from the observations of * As before mentioned a condenser was placed in the circuit, between the line and the recording instrument, to improve the character of the signal. LONGITUDE OF MOKATTAM. 277 Captain Browne, and are employed to infer the errors of Dent 1914, contained in the next table. TABLE VII. DETERMINATION of the ERROR of the MEAN SOLAR CHRONOMETER HEWITT 890, at ALEXANDRIA, on MOKATTAM MEAN SOLAR TIME, by exchange of G-ALVANIC SIGNALS between MOKATTAM and ALEXANDRIA. 2 AT MOKATTAM. AT ALEXANDEIA. d Whether 8 O Approximate Mokattam Mean Solar Time. Station giving Sig Positive or Negative Signals were given. No. of Group. _a a a bD cc 'o 6 fc Means of the separate Groups of Signals by Mokattam Sidereal Clock Dent 1914. Mokattam Sidereal Clock Slow on Mokattam Sidereal Time. Means of the separate Groups of Signals by Chronometer Hewitt 890 (Mean Solar). Resulting Error of Hewitt 890 Slow on Mokattam Mean Solar Time. 1874. " h m s a h m s m s Nov. 14, 14 M Positive 73 83 5.21. O-OO + 14-06 i3.38. 22-29 + 7. 16-43 91 A Positive 74 77 5. 38. 20-46 + H"7 i3. 55.40*00 + 7- i6-35 99 M Negative 75 81 5. 09. 40-00 + i4-7 14. 16. 55-98 + 7. 16-42 99 A Negative 76 79 6. 16. 41-72 + 14-08 14. 33. So'oo + 7. 16-34 Nov. 14, 20 M Positive 77 79 u. i3. 3o - oo + 14-14 19. 29. 54-42 + 7. i6-63 99 A Positive 78 73 H.33. 1870 + i4'4 19. 49.40-00 4- 7. i6 - 5o 99 M Negative 79 81 1 1. 5o. 5o-oo + H'H 20. 7. 8-28 + 7. 16-66 99 A Negative 80 7i 12. 7. 24-31 + H'lS 20. 23. 40-00 + 7- l6 " 5 4 Nov. 1 5, 10 M Positive 81 85 o. 58. 3o'oo + i4' 2 9 9. 12. 38-97 + 7. 17-06 A Positive 82 77 i. i5. 48-80 + 14-30 9. 29. 55-Qo 4- 7. 17-00 99 M Negative 83 1 1 I. 26. lO'OO + i4'3o 9. 40. 14-31 + 7.17-20 99 A Negative 84 46 i. 35. 56-g3 4- 14-30 9. 5o. o-oo + 7. 16-84 Nov. 1 5, 16 M Positive 85 83 7. 24. 40-00 + '4-37 15.37. 45-52 + 7- 17-34 99 A Positive 86 69 7.42. i 7 -3g + I4-37 i5. 55. 2o'oo + 7. 17-36 n M Negative 87 53 7. 55. 20-co 4- 14-38 1 6. 8.20-55 + 7- 17-29 99 A Negative 88 7i 8. 9. 5i-88 + 14-38 16. 22. 5o-oo + 7- I7-34 Nov. 21, 14 M Positive 8q 63 6. o. 20-00 + 17-20 1 3. 5o. 3- 1 9 + 7. 20-84 n A Positive qo 40 6. 17. ig-65 + 17-20 14. 7. o-oo 4- 7. 20-90 99 M Negative 91 85 6. 32. 3o-oo + 17-21 14.22. 7-89 + 7. 20-88 99 A Negative 92 4' 6. 48. 24-74 + 17-22 14.38. o-oo + 7- 20 "9' Nov. 21, 20 M Positive 93 83 1 1.33. 40-00 + I7-34 ig. 22. 28-40 + 7. 2i-i5 A Positive 94 73 1 1.49. 34-03 + I7-35 iq. 38. 2O'oo + 7. 2 I -00 99 M Negative q5 73 12. 7. o-oo + I7-35 19. 55. 42-99 -f 7. 21-12 9> A Negative 96 70 12. 22. 39-46 + i 7 -36 20. II. 2O-00 + 7- 21'02 Nov. 22, 9 M Positive 97 79 o. 5i. 5o-oo + 17-81 8.38.27-47 + 7.2179 A Positive 98 73 I. 7.34-99 + 17-82 8. 54. lo'oo + 7. 21-68 99 M Negative 99 79 i. 23. 3o-oo + I7'83 9. 10. 2'3i + 7-21-78 99 A Negative IOO 77 1.40. 0-34 + I7'83 9. 26. 3o-oo + 7.21-73 Nov. 22, i5 M Positive 1OI 7 5 6. 3o. o-oo + 17-99 14. i5. 41*93 4- 7- 22-11 99 A Positive 102 61 6. 45. 2o - 5o 4- 18-00 14.31. o-oo + 7. 22-04 M Negative io3 83 7. o. 5o-oo + 18-01 14. 46. 26-86 4- 7.22-16 99 A Negative 104 67 7. 1 5. 55-49 + 18-02 1 5. i.3o-oo 4- 7. 22-04 NN 2 278 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. The observer at the sending station made contacts every 10 seconds ; the times not fractional indicate means of times of contacts, a few in each group being usually omitted to make the mean identical with the time of some one particular contact. The fractional times are the means of the observed times of the corresponding signals at the receiving station, as noted on an ordinary upright galvanometer. TABLE VIII. MEAN ERRORS on MOKATTAM MEAN SOLAR TIME and KATES of the MEAN SOLAR CHRONOMETER HEWITT 890, at ALEXANDRIA, deduced from the separate determinations of the preceding table. Time by Chronometer Hewitt 890. Hewitt 890 Slow on Mokattam Mean Solar Time. Hourly Losing Kate. 1874. h m November 14, 14. 6 19. 58 m s + 7. l6-3g + 7. 1 6-58 s + o-o32 November 1 5, 9. 33 16. i + 7- I?'02 + 7. 17-33 + 0-048 November 21, 14. 14 19.47 -t- 7. 20-88 + 7. 21-07 + 0-064 November 22, 9. 2 14.39 + 7.21-74 + 7.22-09 + 0-062 TABLE IX. DEDUCED LONGITUDE of MOKATTAM, EAST of GREENWICH, for each separate group of cable signals, found by combining the DETERMINED ERRORS of the MEAN SOLAR CHRONOMETER HEWITT 890 (at ALEXANDRIA) on GREENWICH and MOKATTAM MEAN SOLAR TIMES. By Exchange By Exchange of Galvanic Signals between Porthcurno and Alexandria. of Galvanic Signals between Mokattam and Approximate Greenwich Mean Solar Alexandria. Resulting Longitude of Mokattam Time. Station Make or Break Hewitt 890 Slow of Hewitt 890 Slow of East of Greenwich. No. of Group. giving Signals. Signals, or Varley's Greenwich Mean Solar Mokattam Mean Solar Method. Time. Time. 1874. " h m s m s h m s November 14, 14 17 P Make i. 67. 5r6q + 7- 16-43 2. 5. 8-12 18 P Break 61-64 16-43 8-07 '9 A Make 48-72 16-44 5-i6 j? 20 A Break 48-71 16-44 5-i5 LONGITUDE OP MOKATTAM. 279 By Exchange By Exchange of Galvanic Signals between Porthcurno and Alexandria. of Galvanic Signals between Mokattam and Approximate Greenwich Alexandria. Resulting Longitude of Mean Solar Mokattam Time. Nn nf Station Make or Break Hewitt 890 Slow of Hewitt 890 Slow of East of Greenwich. .>!'. (11 Group. giving Signals. Signals, or Varley's Greenwich Mean Solar Mokattam Mean Solar Method. Time. Time. I8 74 . b m s m s b m s November 14, 14 21 P Make i. 07. 5i'3g + 7. 16-45 2. 5. 7-84 )> 22 P Break 5 1 -42 16-45 7-87 23 A Make 48'55 16-46 5-01 24 A Break 4 8-5g 16-46 5-o5 November 14, i5 25 P fVarley'sl i. 67. 52'58 + 7- 16-47 2 . 5. g-o5 ? 26 A [Method J 47-67 16-49 4-16 16 27 P 52-41 1 6-5 1 8-92 ) 28 A 47-54 i6-52 4-06 '7 29 P 52-28 16-54 8-82 3o A 47-46 16-04 4-00 November i5, 8 3i P Make i. 57. 50-87 + 7- >7'5 2. 5. 7-92 ?> 32 P Break 5o-8i 17-05 7-86 9 33 A Make 48-11 17-07 5-i8 3 4 A Break 48-27 17-07 5-34 35 P Make 5o-8g 17-08 7'97 36 P Break 5o-68 17-08 776 37 A Make 48-13 17-09 5'22 38 A Break 48-24 17-09 5-33 November i5, 9 3 9 P fVarley'sl i. 57. 52-i5 + 7- 17'n 2. 5. 9-26 10 40 A [Method J 47-24 !7'i3 4-3 7 > 4' P 52-oi 17-15 9-16 1 1 42 A 47-02 17-18 4-20 4 3 P 5i-87 17-20 9-07 12 44 A 46-99 17-22 4-21 November 21, 1 3 4 5 P Make i. 57. 46-91 4- 7. 20-92 2. 5. 7-83 j) 46 P Break 46-87 20-92 779 '4 47 A Make 44-32 20-g3 5-25 )> 48 A Break 44-39 2O-g3 5-32 ) 49 P Make 46-98 20-94 7'9 2 > 5o P Break 46-77 20-94 7-71 5i A Make 44-33 zc-gS 5-28 5 52 A Break 44-40 2o-g5 5-35 November 21, i5 53 P fVar ley's] i. 57. 48-35 + 7. 20-96 2. 5. g-3i jj 5 4 A [Method J 43-19 20-98 4'7 16 55 P 48-24 20-gg g-23 ) 56 A 43-i5 2T01 4-16 5 7 P 48-01 21-02 g-o3 17 58 A 43'o5 21-04 4-09 280 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. By Exchange By Exchange of Galvanic Signals between Porthcurno and Alexandria. of Galvanic Signals between Mokattam and Approximate Greenwich Mean Solar Alexandria. Resulting Longitude of Mokattam Time. Station Make or Break Hewitt 890 Slow of Hewitt 890 Slow of East of Greenwich. No. of Group. giving Signals. Signals, 01 Varley's Greenwich .Moan Solar Mokattam Mean Solar Method. Time. Time. 1874. * h 111 3 m s h m s November 22, 8 59 P Make - I.57.45'83 + 7.21-82 2. 5. 7-65 60 P Break 45'go 21-82 772 9 61 A Make 43-5l 21-84 5-35 >j 62 A Break 43'5o 21-84 5-34 63 P Make 45-96 21-86 7-82 64 P Break 45-87 21-86 7- 7 3 65 A Make 43-26 21-87 5-i3 > 66 A Break 43-26 21-87 5-i3 November 22, 10 j 67 68 P A , r Varley's") [Method / - 1.57.47-17 42-46 + 7- 2I '9 21-94 2. 5. 9-07 4-40 ii 69 P 47-07 21-96 g-o3 70 A 42-28 zi'99 4-27 7' P 46-90 22-01 8-9 1 12 72 A 42-17 22-04 4-21 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 The numbers in column 5 are those found in Table VI., and the numbers in column 6 are inferred from those in Table VIII. LONGITUDE OF MOKATTAM. 281 w fcx CD >.. W m r I a 1 rf* a S .^ PM no W >" - * " rd PM -]5 'CD ^ 'w CD CD to -s O S3 _0 CD o SniSP m 1-3 CO =4-1 cS O g a g CD i M H 03 8S ^ CD TO ij CD _>; ^ i & > r*J S 3 h l d a s | ; CD 'TS rd t> d ^ 'So'r^ O g 8 KA CD a fcgj o * I d g "I d -5 ^j C3 o So r-3 S I r2 M H O ^ r2 H^^ PI CT 1 Q" CD C3 O ^ ^ Q " H CQ O ij (^ O ^ O C3 5 ri 33 o H 0\ ^j. eo ri 1 3| r-. ' to NO ||||| - s 2 S ON vb CO to i oo to 1 "sin g >x j ^ xX to to" 5J1 - cJ m to O r- 4ii<>jjn k ) oo r-- vo to oo ^J- JO UOUBpJ'BJO^J rt rt M d rt * ** ho ON O N vg c* o CO =2 .5 -f 'Sb .5) S *o to to to to to to to to S < M - ti * * ri t! t, w 00 OS oo ON 00 S Q .2 * t~- r-- t-* t^. r^ r-^ a ? | (A g 00 bo S to to to -a to IO g PH co a j= ci II A ti a y ci d co VO OO rt to oo to co to to Tj-CO fcfi 4J r- - o M N M cl CO M O CO CO I s to o to to to o to to g to to to to s be O s ^ vX to to o to to " t-3 ci ti s J d 8 -a W 3 s 5 c 3 ^ oo t^ t-^to co H co ON PQ to 1 ^- OO 5.1' 2 S M -H M M d H d 3 1-1 w a o a? J 2 1 n CO t tt H IO Q O ^*- ft ft CO CO ipnftg 31TO a p s , ^ ^ 1 ^ SaiAiS UOITOS 2 | 60 ^ - oo CTv OS OO OS VO 00 -9 2 O to 00 N CO M ct 00 ^J- o ^J- d O 6 t- M co. to to ON * 'd- ON co to NO OO (-1 d NO to co S3 O SEfoSS - - -H ft * n * IO H rt 2- to * * || r-1 b 1 |g i a h 1 fa 1 s S g S o o 55 H J K 282 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. 3 -i A > X u^ r^ 0? ON 00 ro Os ON O vo ON bn (D C fi 1 !" j? & o P S K^S-a fS^jSjl Tt- u-i b ^ J3 oo -i- i v^ ri O v> vb *n N t-- vb 10 ri r--. vo vb X rJ *4- vo vb IO ri inaunQ JO UOIJUpJEJOJI M * " r* oo r* 1 rl VD 00 V O o> * ^o P v> r-- ^J- 1 S" a '.S a g be Eb S <1 ro m w in S ^ -s rt * P m *X t* t^ Vj- u^ ci VO w W- u-i r "* 4- u^ ri OS n ^1- x ri Hi g > a g 'Sb ""O S PH. M tr> t^. * K *^ j= rt M t^. t^. *o N "' r^ ON CO Vl fi VO <7\ to H* ON ON >o f^ O P ON *n ti g 3 4 rt "- ro f^t ^htO C*1 "H a & vo vO O " O t^ O N< to n N r-vo ON M M O o r- H, <* rt rl S I 3 '& II u-> 10 S ^ J= tJ *0 vo ^ S CD V 'H ^- ^- 'i- *X il ^- ^ ^J- *n rJ W- W- ^t- x ri o ri "* a. ^ g 1 ? C OC iJ^ 3 ^- o o T*- ON N ON t^ r-- rt I^rn fc o S " d, 3^ a' g !zi 00 ri Tj-lO ri VO \o \c * | o 3 T3 VD 00 O c* rt m O rl H- ^ 5- TJ-VO OO vn >o vo oo O rt vo t^. t-^ S]BaSig a[qt!3 SaiAiS uoi}}g ^ 4 1) -z a> ? -< 4 4 < a 5 O\ -i t^ t^ rl <--i (-^ t-^ "^ f* C O OOO vo vo r-. rt O H- m r*i t*i rt O (^t^ M O O ON s 1 I 3 " I-. t^. ^ j= ti t-s t-- vri M CNOO 00 10 f^* ON ON O> vo ri ON ON ON LO rJ ON ONOQ vo ri s-i . P a g t^i t-. fl ON * O ^ f* vo O r*. rt"j^ r-. ONOO o bo-- c l^cc O s g- II Tj-in ^O vo r* c< r) *> <<* < ^- tn vo wi vo vo t~- S[BnSig 3iqti;3 SniA;8 uoijirj^ fc h fc flU fk| At !^ * j r~- O < November 21 November 22 November 14 November i5 November 21 November 22 LONGITUDE OF MOKATTAM. 283 v. .3 c 5 3 o * vo r^ m p SjSol 1 CJ P> M M en 1 3 H P| 5 5 :> *- cj 2 1 if *j iO ^O ^D *^ S io 00 vb in 8 w 1 i N " s i ^ 1 IP o^ to o^ ^o GO O*i O O* oo =3 O H 4 H w cc s i , s 3 o o ^ r*N. ^~ *o r 1 ^ vb S t 5 Tl S to in * 1 a 00 a > r* N d O 5 ^^ 32 | ^|| to ^ -^- oo 01 VO ^ bb r^ -Sf 1 ' p> '' PC- * m .^ "7 3 cc tc q G C i > i 44 'rh 1^ NO 00 iO *O iO ^*~ in .2 '? ^ 'S i a g^ vO VO ^0 VO 2 " ^ V E S ^ S 10 in 6 'c > 'Go 4d -*j ^ 3 3 ~ f~~> ri to H c q 3 '^ ,*5 1 ft 1 "3 .si dgg> O w iO H" iO ^O r^, oo J j 'S * to B " s "s ) * H 8 H jo '5 to oo H- oo fcO iO *p 7*" in 11 Q H 3 11 S to in c 2 -g U 3 a rfl (^ 1 o 4 5 SJs-i P ** ' O* Tj" m o *^ s 1 5 H ^co & * H 3 S' o q CT) . m s j ^J iO ^O *O **J~ in o 4 5 s'l * \O ^O ^3 ^D * 2 'o a m' in la ^ **J to = B t3 A n 3 4 r- -^- m M H M M 1 8 8,1 oo s H M ,0 &i ^ ^ s a c C3 , Q i o S J3 -g f" 1 & 1 2 B 284 TEANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. TABLE XII. COLLECTION of RESULTS for RETARDATION of the G-ALVANIC CURRENT in the SUBMARINE CABLE. Day 1874. Cable Retardation given by the Make of Circuit. No. of Cable Signals. Break of Circuit. No. of Cable Signals. Varley Method. No. of Cable Signals. I 8 3 November 1 4 i5 21 22 2'8c) 2- 7 5 2'6l 2'5o 60 62 79 94 2-8 7 2'47 2^2 2^8 53 62 7 5 84 4-86 4'9 5-o5 471 89 93 109 96 Means 2 '69 2g5 2-56 274 4-88 387 These values apply to the retardation in the cable portion of the line only ; the land retardation and the effect of personal equation in the land signalling, both in England and Egypt, being eliminated by the method of reduction employed. But they are affected by Mr. Ellis's manner of giving and receiving cable signals at Porthcurno, and by Mr. Hunter's manner of giving and receiving cable signals at Alexandria ; and these influences cannot be separated. The error thereby introduced into the retardation (judging by the numbers given on pages 285 and 286) is presumably small. The mean of the results from the " make " and " break " methods gives 2 S< 62 for the sum of the cable retardations in both directions, or l s< 31 for the retardation between Porthcurno and Alexandria, or between Alexandria and Porthcurno.* The value 4 S< 88 includes the sum of the cable retardations in both direc- tions + the time occupied by the beam at both stations (Porthcurno and Alexandria) in reaching the middle point of its excursion. CORRECTION of the GREENWICH-MOKATTAM LONGITUDE for the effects of PERSONAL EQUATION. The Greenwich-Mokattarn longitude requires correction for the personal equations between the observers who gave and received signals, and for the difference of the manner in which the observers at Greenwich and Mokattam Mr. Varley had estimated the retardation each way at LONGITUDE OF MOKATTAM. 285 determined clock-error. After the return of Captain Browne from Egypt the necessary comparisons for determination of these various differences among the observers who took part in the longitude work were made. To ascertain the personal differences in giving signals, the Greenwich Chronograph was employed. Any two observers to be compared made contacts alternately with a key such as was used in the actual longitude work. The corresponding signals were registered on the Chronograph, the times of contact being so symmetrically arranged that the means of all the times referred for each observer to the same moment of absolute time. Several sets of observations were made, the observers being interchanged in various ways. For the personal differences in receiving signals, a galvanometer, such as was used in the longitude work, being mounted in a convenient position, an assistant, placed in a different apartment, gave signals, which the various observers noted, using the same clock. Several different sets of observations were made. A discussion of the whole of the comparisons made gave the following results, the initials E, C, B, and H referring respectively to Mr. Ellis, Mr. Criswick, Captain Browne, and Mr. Hunter. C is taken as the standard of reference : Resulting difference In giving signals. In receiving signals. B S C E, + 0-068 o'ogo C B, + o'o33 o' io5 C H, + o'o38 0-043 Thus E makes contact O s> 068 earlier than C, but notes a signal O s> 090 later than C. These numbers refer to the giving and receiving of signals on the land lines, and to giving on the submarine line, but not to receiving on the submarine line. In receiving longitude-signals on the cable the comparatively slow motion of a beam of light was observed in two different ways. In one the first start of the beam was observed, in the other the time of transit of the beam over a provisional mark was observed. Some trials of the latter method made in the month of August 1874, in the first instance with Mr. C. F. Varley's artificial cable (kindly lent by him for experiment), and afterwards at Forth curno on o o 2 286 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. the Eastern Telegraph Company's submarine cable, gave differences as follows : Difference in receiving signals. E - H. At Koyal Observatory, Greenwich, by use of Varley's artificial cable 1874, August i3 and i5 (direct comparison) o'oo , , 1 5 and 1 8 (compared through B) +0*14 At Porthcurno, on the Eastern Telegraph Company's submarine cable 1874, August 3o (compared through B) o'oo , , 3o (direct comparison) o'iz No comparisons of the method of observing the first start of the beam were made, as the use of this method was not proposed until the Egyptian Expedition was about to leave England. Now, as regards the actual corrections to be applied Mr. Criswick observed transits at Greenwich (or the transits of other observers were reduced to his method), and exchanged signals on the English land line with Mr. Ellis at Porthcumo. Mr. Ellis at Porthcurno exchanged signals on the English land line with Mr. Criswick at Greenwich, and on the submarine line with Mr. Hunter at Alexandria. Mr. Hunter at Alexandria exchanged signals on the Egyptian land line with Captain Browne at Mokattam, and on the submarine line with Mr. Ellis at Porthcurno.* Captain Browne observed transits at Mokattam, and exchanged signals on the Egyptian land line with Mr. Hunter at Alexandria. The manner of giving signals was similar both in the land and cable work. The personal equations of E and H thus disappear in the deduced longitude, and C and B may be supposed to have been in direct connexion. By what has preceded it will be seen that B makes contact in giving signals O s> 033 earlier than C, the effect of which is to increase the east longitude of Mokattam by the half of this quantity, because each operator gave signals in one half only of the whole number of groups. Or the apparent longitude requires a correction of O s> 016. As regards the receipt of signals, it is to be remarked that E and H both used, on the one hand a land line, and on the other hand a submarine line. * Mr. Hunter also observed transits at Alexandria for determination of the longitude of Alexandria, but this does not come into consideration here. LONGITUDE OF MOKATTAM. 287 The signal received on the latter, as has been mentioned, is of a character different to that received on the former ; it is therefore necessary to consider separately each section of the work. In the first section C at Greenwich exchanged signals with E at Porthcurno, using a land line. B receives land signals O'090 later than C. The correction required by the longitude on this account will be O s '045. In the second section E at Porthcurno exchanged signals with H at Alexandria, using the submarine line. There is a little uncertainty as concerns the difference between E and H in receiving cable signals, but according to the comparisons given on page 286 it would appear that the difference in the method of observing the Varley signal was" probably small. It will perhaps not be far from the truth to conclude that for both methods of cable receiving there was no practical difference. On this assumption no correction is required on account of receiving signals in the second section. In the third section H at Alexandria exchanged signals with B at Mokattam, using a land line. Now B receives land signals O s> 105 later than C, and H O s *043 later than C, or B receives later than H by O062. Consequently the correction required by the longitude will be O s< 031. Or the total correction to be applied on account of personal equation in receiving signals is s '07 6. The correction for personal equation between C and B in the manner of observing transits has now to be considered. The transit instrument which was subsequently used at Mokattam was mounted upon a pier of masonry in the south ground of the Koyal Observatory at Greenwich, and was used by Captain Browne to determine the error of the Sidereal Clock Dent 1914. The instrument was 185 feet east of the meridian of the Transit-Circle. During the observations each day, the clock Dent 1914 was several times compared with the Sidereal Chronometer, sympathetic with the Sidereal Standard Clock and Chronograph, by the intervention of a mean time half-seconds chronometer. Captain Browne made observations of this character on three nights before he went to Egypt, and on four nights after his return. It is not considered necessary to give the details of these observations, which were of the same character and quality as those made at Mokattam. Making a correction of O s> 195 for the difference of longitude between the two instruments, the results obtained were that Captain Browne (using the small transit, and observing by eye and ear) made the Sidereal Standard 288 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. " clock slow " greater than that of the Greenwich standard observer (using the Greenwich Transit Circle and Chronograph), as follows : 1874, August 1 5, B C = + o - ig5 21, o'iS September 4, 0-405 July 6, 0-655 28, o- ig5 3i, o- 1 55 August 23, O'O25 Mean + o'253 There appears to be no reason for rejecting the discordant result of July 6. The observations on that night with both instruments were as numerous and apparently as good as those on any other night. We are now in a position to form the Concluded Longitude of Mokattam : h m s Apparent Longitude of Mokattam East of Greenwich, as deduced from Table XI ........................ 2. 5. 6-58 Correction for personal equation between the Observers In giving signals, o s o 1 6 "1 In receiving signals, o s 'o76 / Correction for personal equation between C and B in the manner of obtaining star transits .............. o'25 CONCLUDED LONGITUDE OF MOKATTAM, EAST OF GREENWICH .................................. 2. 5. 6-24 W. E. C. 0. B. 289 OBSERVATIONS OF THE EGRESS OF VENUS, 1874, DECEMBER 8, AT MOKATTAM, NEAR CAIRO. REPORT OF CAPTAIN C. ORDE BROWNE. For practice in observation of the actual phenomena, as far as possible, a working model had been brought out, similar to that previously used at Greenwich (Plate V.). Mr. Hunter was in this respect at a disadvantage, having his time much taken up by his preparations at Suez. He found time, however, to practice a little on the model at Mokattam. At Mokattam the work of preparation consisted in the trial and the improvement of the working of the observing instruments, in the model practice, and rehearsals of the operations at sunrise. The De la Rue Equatorial had taken the place of the Altazimuth, and with its clock and movable dome was in admirable working order. Convenient observing seats and other arrangements, in accordance with the directions issued by the Astronomer Royal, had been made. MAHMOUD BEY, the Director of the Egyptian Government Observatory at ABBASSEYAH, had repeatedly visited the Mokattam Station, and had watched the phenomena of contact on the model ; and it may here be noticed that Dr. AUWERS and M. DOLLEN, who visited the station at Mokattam, had expressed their concurrence as to the phase of formation of the black drop, if any were seen, which ought specially to be observed at Egress, namely, the instant when the connexion which was forming assumed the same blackness as the body of the planet. During the first week in December there was much mist in the plain of Cairo, and on the three mornings preceding the day of the transit the Sun had been wholly invisible at Mokattam, except for about 20 minutes on one occasion. About sunset on December 8, by order of the KHEDIVE, a considerable body of cavalry trotted up to the camp and picketed for the night. Infantry and police subsequently arrived, and were posted on the following morning so as to form a cordon round the station to prevent the approach of strangers. During the night I obtained transits of stars through openings in the clouds. 290 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. The wind continued in the S.W., and as the day began to dawn it was evident that the sky was clearing from that quarter. I set the two observing clocks, Dent 2009 and 2015, as nearly as possible to true sidereal time, and then compared them with the transit-clock. The " Lee Equatorial," with which I observed the Egress of Venus, was the famous instrument by TULLEY, used by the late Admiral SMYTH, and fully described by him in the first column of his Cycle of Celestial Objects. It was purchased by the Government expressly for the Transit of Venus. At Mokattam the polar axis was supported by massive structures of timber, which rested upon the solid rock, but otherwise the instrument, accessories, mounting, and driving-clock were in every respect the same as formerly, but perhaps, rather the worse for wear. The hour-circle, which was also the driving-circle, had been seriously distorted by a fall, and could not be perfectly restored, but it answered its purpose well. The instrument was protected by a large portable wooden hut constructed at Greenwich. The tube of the telescope had been shortened a little to admit of the use of a new solar diagonal reflector. Slow motion in Right Ascension to a limited extent was effected by the slipping piece, described by Admiral SMYTH, which carried the eye-piece at times out of the true centering. For the proper equalisation of the illumination of the images of the double-image micro- meter eye-piece it was imperative to have the latter fairly centered, which was effected by trial, an assistant manipulating the driving-clock. The double-image micrometer and solar reflector are represented in Plate III. The power used was 158. The internal contact was observed with a negative eye-piece of 212,* constructed to correct atmospheric dispersion by tilting the eye-lens, but the definition being very good the eye-lens was not disturbed. The Sun rose behind a bank of cloud ; indeed, the sky was quite thick towards the north and east horizon, but clear from the south-west up to the zenith, and the clouds were breaking still further in the desired direction. As the Sun rose higher the clouds became more broken. The intervals of obscurity, however, were long and trying, especially the last, which began eight minutes before internal contact, and lasted about five minutes. As opportunity occured, I obtained the following measurements with the micrometer for the diameter of the planet, and the distance between its approaching limb and the limb of the Sun. Sometimes the images were distorted by atmospheric tremor ; at others the definition was excellent. I * Not 150, as stated in the Parliamentary Report, page 16. BROWNE'S OBSERVATION OF EGRESS, AT MOKATTAM. 291 was struck by the exact resemblance to model practice. Some of the measures were obtained without the intervention of the darkening wedge, but it was generally required. My wife called aloud the seconds from the Sidereal Clock Dent 2009, and recorded the observations : MICROMETER HEADINGS for the DOUBLE DIAMETER of VENUS. rev. 26-841 26-85o 26-842 26-780 26-793 I7'i35 The zero, or reading for coincidence of images, was approximately 22 r< 0. The smaller readings are in a negative, the larger in a positive, direction from zero. MICROMETER READINGS for the DISTANCE between the NEAR LIMBS of the SUN and VENUS, along the Line of Centers. Time by Dent 2009. Micrometer Headings. Time by Dent 2009. Micrometer Headings. h ni s rev. h m s rev. 12.37.39 l6'35o l3. 0. 24 l8-g22 38.5i 16-440 0.38 18-960 40. 8 16-712 I. 18 19-140 40. 21 i6'6ig 5. 4 8 ig-655 40.42 16-667 48. 12 17-241 7.56 24'35i 46. 9 17-391 9- '4 24-168 47- 10 17-531 g. 3i 24-104 4 7.52 17-480 10. 6 24-028 48. 8 i7-55o IO. 25 23-gi2 53.48 i8'25o* 10.41 23-874 54. 19 i8'23i 10. 5g 23-86o 55.45 1 8-436 11.48 23'6g3 56. 8 i8-5o6 12. 3 23-6i i 56. 3 9 i8'58g 12.35 23-437 57. 14 i8-5gi 12. 52 23-544 58.55 i8-8 4 5 13. 22 23-491 5g. 3i 18-891 14. 10 23-402 12. 5g. 53 18-834 i3. 14.34 23-343 Bad. P P 292 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. The last cloud remained so long that I was afraid to leave the micrometer in the telescope any longer, so I changed it for the negative eye-piece (212). When the cloud opened I saw Venus very close to the limb, but no sort of shadow of contact as yet. The shadow then began to appear, and I tried to note the instant, but feared to interrupt my wife counting so near contact. I tried to note some one instant, but could not, the shadow came so gradually. The Sun becoming brighter, I saw a modified short ligament form, but did not see the edges form into sharp curves and creep apart, as sometimes with the model. Blackness gathered gradually, and at last came an instant when it seemed to be as black as the planet, and to have no light crossing it. This was at 13 b . 22 m . 25 s . by the clock. As I continued to watch the ligament (not moving my eye from the telescope), the Sun became suddenly brighter, and I saw a sort of parting of the ligament by a very narrow white line, which either became definite, or I perceived it to be definite, as the egress went on. This appearance is represented in Figure 1, Plate X., but I cannot draw the white line fine enough. The white line clung to the planet's edge, and at last the planet was projecting beyond the Sun's limb, with the thread of light clearly biting into the sky. (Figure 2, Plate X.) I account for having seen the internal contact apparently completed by the fact that there yet remained a film of cloud over the Sun, of which I was made aware by the Sun becoming brighter just as the line appeared. I watched this appearance until 13 h . 24 m . 25 s . by the clock, when I concluded that the white line was not of a passing character, but was due to atmosphere or some other cause. Feeling disappointed at having, in consequence, lost two of the most valuable minutes, I replaced the micrometer and took the following measures of the distance between the cusps and of the diameter of Venus, in the direction parallel to the line of cusps, the latter being continued until the planet was half emerged : MlCROMETEE READINGS for DISTANCE of CuSPS. Time by Dent 2009. Micrometer Headings. h m . 25. 5g 26-249 26.26 25'40I 26. 5o 25'43g 27. 10 25'63o 27.35 25-802 Time by Dent 2009. Micrometer Readings. h m i3.27.53 25-g3o 28. 1 8 26-021 28.44 26-104 29. 5 26-145 29. 23 26-258 BROWNE'S OBSERVATION OF EGRESS, AT MOKATTAM. 293 MICROMETER EEADINGS for the DOUBLE DIAMETER of VENUS. rev. 26-971 26-966 26-998 26-995 26-987 16-927 rev. i6-gg3 17-076 bad. 17-013 17-065 17-081 1 7-005 17-068 The EXTERNAL CONTACT, as far as I could judge, took place at 13 h . 50 m . 33 3 . The clocks were then again compared with the transit. The transit being over, the three telescopes were placed so as to observe the model simultaneously. The management of the mirror for illuminating the model required considerable delicacy, so that Mr. Newton and I had to manipulate it alternately. Our comparison was therefore made through Miss Newton. Ten comparisons were made in each case ; at the conclusion of which it was found that Mr. Newton recorded contact 2 S> 5, and Miss Newton O s- 8, later than I did. If these corrections be applied to our recorded times of the actual internal contact the latter would all be brought within the same second of time. The application of such a correction, however, is a matter affecting other stations, and cannot be done here. Speaking generally of the contact as seen at Mokattam it may be noticed, by reference to the individual accounts, that in every case the gradual formation of a black drop was perceived a little before contact, a shadow being first seen between Venus and the Sun's limb, which deepened gradually until a blackness nearly, if not quite, as dark as the body of the placet seemed to flow over it. This was the instant noted as contact. Almost directly after this each observer was perplexed by detecting light crossing the ligament, which quickly became definite, till it shone out as a sharply defined silver thread, which made any estimate of geometrical contact impossible. C. ORDE BROWNE. pp 2 294 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. COMPARISONS of the EQUATORIAL SIDEREAL CLOCK DENT 2009 with the TRANSIT CLOCK by the intervention of the SOLAR CHRONOMETER FRODSHAM and inferred ERRORS and RATE of No. -2009. 1874. Time by Transit Clock at Comparison. Chronometer Time of comparison with Time by Clock No. 2009 at Comparison. No. 2009 slow on Sidereal Time. No. 2009 Hourly Kate. Transit Clock. No. 2009. h m s h m s h m s h m s s s Dec. 8 g. 53. 36-o 4. 42. 5o - o 4 .53. 5-o 10. 4. 2TO 0-54 g. 56. 40-0 4.45.53-5 4. 56. 3'5 10. 7. 2O'0 O'55 14. l5. I2'O g. 3. 43-0 8. 44. ig-5 i3. 56. 14-0 - 0-82 0'08 14. 1 8. 1 5-o q. 6. 45'5 8. 47. 2o'o i3. 5g. i5'o -o-83 14. 21. 17-0 9- 9-47' 8. 5o. 25-5 14. 2.21-0 0-82 COMPARISONS of the SIDEREAL CLOCK DENT 2015 with the TRANSIT CLOCK by the intervention of the SOLAR CHRONOMETER FRODSHAM -^/Vs, and inferred ERRORS and RATE of No. 2015. Chronometer Time of 1874. Time by Transit Clock at Comparison. comparison with Time by Clock No. 2015 at Comparison. No. 2015 slow on Sidereal Time. No. 2015 Hourly Rate. Transit Clock. No. 2015. h in s h m s h m s h m s s s Dec. 8 g. 53. 36-o 4. 42. 5o-o 5. 12. 26-0 IO. 23. 45'O 0-34 g. 56. 40*0 4. 45. 53'5 5. 1 5. 34-5 10. 26. 54-0 -o-33 + 0-16 14. 1 5. I2'O g. 3. 43-0 8.56.42-5 14. 8.38-0 -f 0'22 14. 1 8. 1 5 - o g. 6. 40-5 8. 5g. 34-0 14. ii. 3o - o + o-ig NEWTON'S OBSERVATION OF EGRESS, AT MOKATTAM. 295 OBSERVATION of the EGRESS of VENUS, 1874, December 8, by Mr. F. M. NEWTON. Mr. Newton was indebted to the kindness of Mr. WARREN DE LA RUE for the use of a fine Equatorial by Dallmeyer of 4| inches aperture, driven by clockwork, and fitted with a solar diagonal reflecting prism. This instru- ment was mounted in the hut with revolving roof sent from England for the Altazimuth. The Secondary Sidereal Clock Dent 2015 was also mounted within the hut, and was used by Mr. Newton ; its comparisons with the transit-clock are given on the preceding page. For the observation of the Internal contact, Miss Newton used an achro- matic of 3 inches aperture, the property of her brother, temporarily mounted on a rough equatorial stand, constructed of wood. The Sun was viewed directly, that is, without the intervention of a reflector. Mr. Newton writes to the Astronomer Royal from Mokattam Heights, 1874, December 7 : " I take the liberty of sending you a drawing of Venus [Plate X., Fig. 6] taken with Mr. De la Rue's exquisite telescope on Saturday, 5th, at l h , showing that the crescent is now considerably more than a semicircle.* I thought it would be well to note, before the transit occurs, an appearance which seems to point to an atmosphere on Venus, which may make the phasnomena of the black drop in the real transit rather different from those in the Model transit. The power used in making the drawing was 300 diameters." " Account of Impressions during the Egress of Venus, 1874, December 8. " The clouds broke at 12 h . 9 m . 4 s . I was using a reflecting solar eye-piece with power 145, and saw Venus at intervals. Finding the clouds continuous, I put in an eye-piece magnifying only 52 diameters, and after observing with it a few minutes, I removed the dark glass and observed the image projected on a sheet of paper, in which the diameter of Venus was about f ths of an inch. I thought that very good observations could be made in this manner. f " The weather improving I replaced the eye-piece of 145. Light clouds obscured the Sun at intervals, and the limb was " boiling " considerably. About 10 minutes before contact a thick cloud swept over the Sun, completely obscuring it. This, happily, cleared off about 10 seconds before contact, leaving the Sun fairly but not well defined, owing to a slight haze following the cloud. The contact was observed through this at 13 h . 22 m . 20 S> 7 by the * In Mr. Newton's original sketch the bright cusps are 143 apart ; in other words, the crescent is 37 more than a semicircle. f This method was employed by the members of the Mexican Expedition to Japan. 296 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. Sidereal Clock. Very little ligament. Having written down the seconds I looked at the clock for the minutes. " On returning to the telescope I at once observed a thin line of light surrounding Venus' limb at that part where contact had just taken place. My first idea was that contact had not really occurred, but I almost imme- diately saw the line of light projecting beyond the Sun distinctly into the sky. (Figure 3, Plate X.) This appearance was permanent as long as I kept my eye to the telescope some 80 to 100 seconds. I then removed the eye-piece of 145, and replaced it with one of 52 diameters, with which I continued to observe Venus until external contact. li m s " Estimated passage of Venus' center at 13. 36. 30 " Last External contact 13.51. " My sister was present during the last observation, and observed it with me. "P. M. NEWTON." Miss NEWTON writes : " I noted Internal contact at 8 h . 10 m . 35 s . by Frodsham's Chronometer. Appearance much the same as in the Model, but the ligament less sharply defined. (Fig. 4, Plate X.) In a few seconds the ligament began to grow paler, and at ll m . 30 s . seemed almost to disappear (Fig. 5, Plate X.), so that I thought I must have been mistaken in my first observation of contact. Venus appeared to touch the limb of the Sun without any ligament at 12 m . s . " At 8 h . 20 m . 50 s . the planet's disc began to assume the black drop appearance. At 26 m . 30 s . it appeared as a semicircle. " I observed external contact by means of the image projected by Mr. De la Hue's telescope at 13 h . 50 m . 50 s . by the clock Dent 2015. " E. M. NEWTON." The comparisons of the Solar Chronometer Frodsham ^-Q-g* with the transit clock given on page 294 yield the following errors of the chronometer : Local Mean Time. Frod. sjfef Slow on L. M. T. Hourly Losing Kate. h m 8 i 1 874? December 3, 16.43 + 16.46 21. 4 + + 32. i3 -t- o'o5 21. 7 + 32. 14 * In the Parliamentary Report this number of the chronometer was erroneously given as 1752. Transit of Venus 1814 Dec. 8. Diagrams relating to the Egress of Venus as observed at Mokaltam.. Fig.1. Copt. Bimrne. Tig 2. Copt. Browne. Fig. 3. r Newton* Fig. 5. Newton*. Eg.6. Fig.*. Miss Nekton. MT Newton-. DARGCKntl.D.lnH.22 BlO'Cmo S T CovfftT FORMATION OF EQUATIONS OF DISTANCE OF CENTERS, FOR MOKATTAM. 297 EQUATIONS RESULTING FROM THE MICROMETRICAL OBSERVATIONS AT MOKATTAM. From the first series of Captain Browne's micrometric measures of the double diameter of the planet are obtained the quantities rev. Diameter of Venus 4' 837 Zero-reading 2 1 972 From the final series are obtained r Diameter of Venus 4 '977 Zero-reading 22 oo5 The mean of the two determinations of the diameter, which are not in very close agreement, is 4 r- 907, and taking the tabular diameter as 62"'84, the value of one revolution of the micrometer-screw is 1 2"-8o6 + 0-408 S r, where 8 r is the correction required to the tabular semidiameter, to be deter- mined hereafter. It is essential in using the double-image micrometer of this construction that the zero, or reading corresponding to the coincidence of the images, be determined with the micrometer-screw in the same position angle, with regard to its rotation around the axis of the micrometer itself, as it had during the measures. There are no means of knowing the position of the screw during the first series of measures of double diameters, hence the zero- reading obtained from them should not be employed. The Zero proper to the measures of the distance of limbs is obtained by comparing the measures themselves, before and after the change from the negative to the positive side, with the computed tabular quantities. In this way, using the five readings on each side of zero, between 12 h . 59 m . 53 s . and 13 h . 10. 25 s ., the zero 22 r> 152 is obtained, and has been applied to. all the measures in order to obtain the observed distance of limbs in terms of the revolution of the screw. This has been converted into arc by using the value of one revolution given above. For the Cusp measures the zero proper to employ is that obtained from the final series of double-diameter measures, viz., 22 rev> 005, the micrometer not having been rotated in the interim. It will be seen that the last five or six cusp measures are entitled to but little weight, they having been observed more than five minutes after contact. 298 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. The Equations are then formed in the manner described in the Honolulu section, page 47, adopting the same notation and taking the tabular semidia- meter of the Sun 16'. 16"'82. The mean of the 23 measures on the negative side had been considered equal in weight to the mean of the 14 measures on the positive side, by which the zero is eliminated. For the Telescopic Contact at Egress, assuming the Latitude 30. 1'. 46" '4 N., Longitude 2 h . 5 m . 6 s -58 East of Greenwich, we have : Observer. Recorded Clock Time. Mokattam Sidereal Time. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Local Tabular Distance of Centers of the Sun and Venus. INTERNAL CONTACT. F. M. Newton . , h m I l3. 22. 20'7 8. 10.35- l3. 22. 25' 8.12. o- h m s i3. 22. 20-90 l3. 22. 23'22 l3. 22. 24 - 35 i3. 23.48-45 h m s 11. 17. I4-32 II. 17. 16-64 II. 17. 17-77 ii. 18. 41 -87 / /; i5. 41 -34 i5. 41 -42 1 5. 41 "45 i5. 44'3i E. M. Newton Browne E. M. Newton EXTERNAL CONTACT. Browne i3. 5o. 33- 1 3. 5o. 5o' i3. 5i. o' i3. 5o. 32'32 1 3. 5o. 5o"3o i3.5i. o'3o 1 1. 46. 25-74 n. 46. 43-72 11. 45. 53-72 16. 43-90 1 6. 44-64 1 6. 40 'o3 E. M. Newton F. M. Newton EQUATIONS OF DISTANCE OF CENTERS, FOR MOKATTAM. 299 i. t, <0 (0 k k *o o *1 VD N *O "* ft O *^OO O f Cs ON * OO **"l wt u~l f^ l^l * O M cl M t*i rt rl rl o O*oo C?soo to 10 tn TJ- ^- *$(*! t*i ro m M r o O\ f* ONVD ft O CT\ f* CTvvO vO -^J- ft OO OO OO t^ t~^ 1-- t^VO VO *O "~i v\ >J~> "^ ^ + IT ai *o > 5* 1 '" ; ii 1 1 S M <0 <0 + + 60 1 1 a 10 (0 + + 10 >0 & s ^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO t*^^t^f^c^t^t^rot^c^t*it*i**ic^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOO of Centers of the VIean Solar Parall " b b 1 1 Q Q PJ b fc ' (O (O oo ^ ONOO vo<^ f u- " o ^o to *J- NH r--co * r^^-ooo T*-OO vO \O 10 LO 10 to co n H (S oo cxs r-- r-'O vo *^ "J" "T "4- r * 1 ro ON b b 1 1 Q O PJ PH ^ <0 O CN t-^ rt O\vO -i-t^Ti-ONl^-f^ 1 ^ OO vO VO VO *s*i l o l ^> *t" ^-ro ro ro rt rl O^O^O^(7^C?^CT^CT^O^C^O^CT^C^C^OsO^CT^O^O*'O^O^CT^o^O^ CsO\OvONCNONO\ONOxO\O\O\O>CN o -o i .2 N" Q * s II 2 i. b ' b + + < < M <0 \oi^oo r---^>m rj-eotn i--r^f^eooo nutoo H H M\O^J^ ro OO rn rJ-vO -<1-OO rt'^'OOO Q^O r--O>HOO O N ^-"^ t-> 'i- t-. r-00 OOOOOO-'-,^^J.ri-^. rj-U-t ui ^ -O -^5 VO vc OO b b + + < < C5 P5 to OOOOOOO~'f s 0- W I 1* 3 II b b + + OO t+t t^-oo r^OMrtOO r*t^t1t^ O\\O ft ^- tt *-OO M vO vn M m T}- #wi OMCrirnooo\OO'-'f* c ^ i( l' 1 *r *""> w^ ^ b b + + s a rl t-tco O\*H rLoi-i TJ- r-oo rt ON r4 ft r) N rJdf^f* 1 i 3" it i * y "' u " 1 ^O I; a I O O f + m l^K-v HOOVO OOO O O ^ Os Ovo OO vOvo MVT> -^J-Nt Q ^ON^-rtc^ro Cv 1 ^ 1 ^ O O^vOoo Osro CT>vo OO Ov -H oo b b + + r-to N rtro OSMm f Tj-rt*^iOO rf- t-- t^. O ONOO t-- ^1- O "O 10 oswi rl r] 1 " Lr\ ij-uniXw-ivbvo r-*Xvbvbu-iw->u^u^ ij-w-i Vj-rnrnro^t-n II II rnco Vro ^-'TJ-^WIIJ^U-, ^.'^^Vj- II 11 O O a* - P g.s (s fc. (O (O vo O* O vO O^^n HJ~t^vO i- t>t--O\rt N O O "J-t-^nOQ O vo r vo u-i t^ O -^-oo O r^OsCN-iOOu-ivjiu-irow^ -. o rt rl ro t^> c rt N O O\OO ONOO vo w~ wi ^J- ^J- rj-m m t^ r*i c-> f) O v. V. to = oo i/i VD r-~ o\ H oo ONVO oo oo r- o vo ON N C7\vO w O ON r ONVO vO "3* >- OO oo oo r-^ t^- r- t^vo vo 10 u-i u-% u-i w-i ^j- o o s J|l + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + i-u->u-,vo Tf-Csr^OOr^ro t-- OsCT\m O^^vo Cst^OO r--OO + ++++++ + + + + + + + *o f ON H r*i 10 oo to r< ij- O *o fi OO ON O "-> O OO C^vD t^-OO t O N x r- C-. t^. r^ r--VD VO M^ i^ u-> ^-iy> Tj-^.^J-rJ-^-^-Tj-Tj- rf fO C*-. .g s t~ . (SiJilJ 1 ir^ --J- l ^ ^- O\ ro oo vi ^v to to O Oo vTv ^ ^* ro ^ vo ^J~ *^ ro -^-vo vo vo N <^ u-i *i-vn N r* Tj-w* u^xy-oooooo o>CT\-ivp ^ vbvbvbvbvb r^Kr-.r-r-.ooooooo*ooooooooooooooo bs'o ft 00 -frOO N ^J-Oto f. l-^H-fi Uto ovO ON f"t--vO ONro--nco -O NMco^J-r-OO O\O O O^ * HDc^NHrot^iro^-Tt- -^-w-i u-^ u^ 10 vn vn 10 vj-i OO vO ONVO "J-vD fiTt-fttovOfiNf t^-OO tOTt-O tJ ^fVO f vOvO ON toiovo t-^OOOO ONO f< N (-ir"ioo H^a o ^ ^ MM M MM -^^^-- Br9- oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOCOQOOOOOOOOOOOO iffli 5 H" * rn b^ 1 ^ V^ - rt Vbb >-ir--b -ivO r^t^^^vo O O O (-IT*- wtO TJ- i--.CO CO ^ | 4^- ^* m M V S rifow^X"i6'"tJrif*iooO%O M "- | Nf> i 4- ''l u-t vo O (Of. fOt^. CA ^- T J-Tt-^J-Tt-'^-^l-*O l ^W->l^U-VU->W-lJ-lW^VO ij- rt VTN -, co vo TJ-IO M rj- f> H ri 4**hj-ioioiXvovD t^-r^od c\C% o * ddodd666o666dodoodoooo" j - _"-' j _'_: j -'----, T3 41 > V 4 9 oooooooooooooopoopopppo 9v ft oo ft r N 1>O fl OO.OO CTN'^OO ON-^-'J^ Mm TJ-OOOOOO rotrt C*TJ--H MU-) ^-4- cot->J~tcovnMfO^^J' oooooppopppppp vb Tj-Mvb'o 'f CNOO^'o rl r* O ^h 10 fi ro r< -"J-u-i ^- co j-i N to o o S S t^-od O O dw^vd r--r^.oo'rn 4-w-ivdvo t--oo osO\O O ft *^> t^-^O\dd OO "* fi MHCOr}-^- S5G meo ^'^Tt-^-T}-'rJ-'u-ivni^ H J= NMNMfitiritirtrtHriritH*rtNrtfi'^toroto co to (*, to to ro co to m co co co co co ft clro ^-VOVQ r-OO O\O - Uro Tj-^nvo r-oo O\O cfo r}-*o vO r^OO ON O - H to rj-to vO r-. ! t I o p o S 02 I*-! B O s ^ CO J 3 oo co r M s^ tf 5 ^ O HH Q Q 300 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. I & r*3 O H o (0 o VO O CO O 1 01 (0 OO O e of Centers of th< d Mean Solar Par i 96o85N.P.D. - o vo vo Os vO Os Os Os ON OO OO 10 Os OO vo Os ON >0 ON Os | 1 * " *o d OO ON to O vo VO Ti- ro vO OO vo o VD vo .6yo5E.A. + 3 fT bo i 9 S; a CO O a o rt H CO vo t>- O d to O d o s o M O II OO II O Os OO CO II o to 11 O ON II O Os OJO II o to r-. 11 O O II o d | O oo II O 1 1 ] M i , i AA 9A.;iB]aa nferred Distance of Near Limbs. Ik (0 ON Os v ;* OO b OO OO 00 OO b f o bs OO CO b ON ON ON M VO CO b CO M o ON to b VO d d vo b d p CO if b o 00 b Os o * b ili^i^ Os 1 3- oo O CO VO M O OO o CO ON M o a !?, ON to t-. vo vo VO J r-. vo O d *0 c\ 1|M * s. t O to o to fi to CO o vo to "5 >X j-] %%'$ s 00 OO 00 00 00 00 H 00 IO OO b OO vb CO OO r-. OJ3 ?! CO CO d d ? o I'll Os vo vo* O to VO o to to to to OO 00 OO - CO O*N I^ H ^ co" CO ro to CO CO CO c^ CO* ^s M " CO * to vo ** 00 Os EQUATIONS OF DISTANCE OF CENTERS, FOR MOKATTAM. 301 COLLECTED EQUATIONS, FROM ALL OBSERVATIONS AT MOKATTAM. The observations at Mokattam yield therefore the following FINAL EQUATIONS : (1) The Micrometric Measures of distance of Limbs o = 4"-g3 + "-i85i n + -1678 8 E.A. + -9821 8 N.P.D. "-0289 8 t + 8 R 2-i83 8 r ; (2) Mr. Newton's Internal Contact o = 4"-o6 + "-2014 n + -2434 8 E.A. + -9646 8 N.P.D. "-0342 8 t + 8 R 8 r; (3) Miss Newton's Internal Contact o = 3"-g8 + "-2014 n + -2436 8 R.A. + -9645 8 N.P.D. "-0342 8 t + & R 8 r ; (4) Captain Browne's Internal Contact o = 3"-g5 + "-2oi5 n + -2436 8 E.A. + -9646 8 N.P.D. "-0342 8 t + 8 E 8 r; (5) The Micrometric Measures of distance of Cusps o = 4"-36 + "-2044 n + -2899 8 E.A. + -g5g5 8 N.P.D. "-o353 8 t + 8 E o'66g 8 r; (6) Captain Browne's External Contact o = 4"-34 + "'2149 n + -3325 8 E.A. + -g328 8 N.P.D. "-0402 8 < + 8 R + 8 r ; (7) Miss Newton's External Contact o = 3"'6o + "-2149 n + -3334 8 E.A. + ^24 8 N.P.D. "-0402 8 t + 8 E + 8 r ; (8) Mr. Newton's External Contact o = 3"-2i + "-2i5o n + -333g 8 E.A. + -g322 8 N.P.D. "-0402 8 t + 8 E + 8 r. On page 288 the final longitude of Mokattam is stated to be 2 h . 5 m . 6 s -24, E., hence the above Equations require the correction obtained by making 8 t = + s -34. It will be understood that 8 R.A. and 3 N.P.D. are the cor- rections required to Tabular R.A. and N.P.D. of Venus in seconds of arc referred to the center of the Sun. After his return to England, Captain Browne made a determination of the value of a revolution of the screw of his double-image micrometer. The telescope was laid horizontally upon two tripod supports, and directed upon the transit instrument which had been used at Mokattam. A fixed web had been inserted in the transit-instrument in addition to the five webs moved by the micrometer-screw. In the focus of the eye-lens of the double-image micrometer were inserted two webs crossed. The reticule of the transit being sharply defined in the field of the double-image micrometer, the distance of the fixed web from the center movable web was measured by bringing their images into coincidence with the screw of the double-image micrometer, near the center of the field as defined by the crossed webs. In this manner, QQ 2 302 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. between 1875, May 21 and June 2, some 60 comparisons were made of the relative values of revolutions of the two screws, using different parts of the screws, all showing a very close agreement. The half and quarter revolutions were also tested. It was found that 4'320 revolutions of the screw of the double-image micrometer were equivalent to one revolution of the screw of the transit-micrometer. The value of the latter had been very carefully determined at Mokattam to be 56"'43 ; re-determined at Greenwich, 56"-35 was obtained. Adopting 56"-40, the value of one revolution of the double- image screw is 13"'06. The measured semidiameters of Venus in transit were 2^-419 and 2 reT '488, corresponding to 3i"-5 9 and 32"'5o. The mean of the two gives 8 r = + -o"62, which, although not very trustworthy, agrees very closely with the value obtained with telescopes of nearly the same aperture at Honolulu and Roorkee. Time of Internal Contact at Molcattam inferred from the Cusp-Measures. Taking 8 r = + 0"'62, as above, the Greenwich Sidereal time of internal contact inferred from the first five cusp-measures is h m a ii. 17. 9-2, weight 9, 11.16.57-8, 7, 11.17.14-5, 6, ii. 17. 7-1, 5, 11. 1 6. 56-2, 4. The mean with the weights assigned is 5 s -6, which is from 10 to 12 seconds earlier than the telescopic contacts, proving that the cusp-measure is too great, as was found at Honolulu and Roorkee. G. L. T. 303 MERIDIONAL AND ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS AT MOKATTAM, IN TABULAR ARRANGEMENT. 304 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. TABLE XIII. LEVEL ERROR of the TRANSIT INSTRUMENT at MOKATTAM, determined by SPIRIT-LEVEL. [The sign + indicates that the East Pivot is low.] Day. Observer. Sidereal Time of Level Deter- mination. Position of Head of Micrometer- Screw. Level Error corrected for Inequality of Pivots. Day. Observer. Sidereal Time of Level Deter- mination. Position of Head of Micrometer- Screw. Level Error corrected for Inequality of Pivots. 1874. Nov. 3 B B B h m 23. 10 I. I. 20 W W E + 179 -f- 5'oo + 5-26 1874. Nov. 1 5 B B B h m 2. 5 3. 4.3o E W W - 1-82 - 3-34 o - i3 4 B 23. W - 2-83 B B 5. 10 6. 20 W E '49 N I. - '49 B 6. 5o W o'i6 N I. 20 + 1-42 B 8.3o W 5 N I. W - 1-54 N I. 40 E i '04 16 B i.3o W o - 3i B 1.55 E + 2-32 6 N i. 5 W - 7-27 N i.3o E - 4'4 18 B 23. o E + 0-34 7 B N N 23. 3o I. O i.3o W W E o-52 + 10-28 + 979 B N N 0. O I. 1.25 W W E o-qi + O'2O + 1-45 9 B 3. o W '9 B B o. o I. O W W + ''97 + i'43 10 B 20. 3o W o-i3 B 1. 20 E + 2-38 B B 23. 5o i. 5 W W - o-58 20 B B I. 1.36 E W - 278 B i. 3d E + r57 n B B I. i.3o W E - 1-24 + o'3i 21 B B n 0. I. 1.25 W vv E + 1-64 + 4-64 + 5'5o 12 B N N o. 1 6 I. i. 20 W W E - 2-32 0-79 0-35 B B B B 2. 4 5 4. io 7 .i5 IO. O E W W W + 478 + 473 + i '04 2 'O2 i3 B B B 23. 45 I. IO i. i5 W W E + 0-17 + r85 + 4-09 22 B B B 23. 3o 2. 5 2. 13 W W E + i '4 + 5-48 + 5-26 '4 B B 23. 3o I. O W W 0-40 + i '04 B B 4. io 5. 40 E E 0-26 i-58 B B B 1.25 4.35 7.30 E E E 1-28 - 2-63 2'l5 23 N N 1. i.3o W E - 2-41 + 0-46 i5 B B 21. 20 23. 5 E E 1-04 - 2-36 2 4 N N I. O 2. 15 W E 3-32 LEVEL ERROR OF THE TRANSIT INSTRUMENT, AT MOKATTAM. 305 "=> t. "S " o) s Sidereal Ho a Level Error Sidereal HI Level Error Time "*- corrected Time corrected Day. ^ of Level .2 for Day. lj of Level "8 | for B Deter- ^ Inequality Deter- 0^0 Inequality B mination. '5 o of Pivots. C B mination. '** of Pivots. J8 ' O2 CD '|5 co PH O PH 1874. li m 1874. h m // Nov. 25 B 6. i5 E + ri5 Dec. 7 B 23.25 W 0^46 N I. W 4-87 B O. 10 W 0-64 B I. E I'I2 26 N I. O W + 071 B 3. 10 E + o-58 B 3.35 W + 2-48 27 N O. IO W 0-88 N o. 5o W + o - 23 8 B 23. 1 5 W 0-43 N 1.27 E + 0-46 B 23. 40 W - o-55 B o. 10 E o-o5 28 N o. 1 5 W - 376 B o. 5o E + 0-82 N i. 40 E - I 7 3 B 5.55 E 0-29 N 3. 25 W - 4-21 B 7.40 E + I'OO B 10. 5o E 0*04 3o N I. W. 3'22 N i. 35 E - 62 9 B o. 1 5 E + '97 N E i-58 B I. O E 0'52 N 4. o W 2*92 B 1.36 W ro6 B II. O W 4 - 36 10 B 5.3o W 2'05 Dec. i B o. 3o W 0-37 B 6. 20 E + 0-40 B I. 20 E + 3-i3 B 7.40 E + 2-17 2 B o. 5o E rig 1 1 B o. 8 E - i'79 B 1. 3d W 0-64 B 1.55 E - 2-24 12 N I. W o-85 N I. 25 E + 0-25 3 B o. 5o E 1-46 N 2. 3o W + o-53 B I. 20 W 2'O5 B 1.55 E + o-85 '4 B o. 10 W + 2-06 B I. E + 0-64 4. B 0. 10 E 0-29 B 1.25 W + 0-08 B I. O E 2'21 B 4. 20 W + 2-24 B I. So W 3-3 1 B 5. i5 E + 3-i3 B 4. 1 5 W 0-6 1 B 5. 40 E + 1-66 B 4.45 E - 270 B 5. i5 W + 6-38 i5 B o. 18 E + 0-52 B i. 5 W - o-3 1 5 B 23. 5o W - 2-38 B i.3o E + i'3g B o. 40 E + 0-07 B 1.42 W + 0-17 B i. 1 1 E + I'og B i.3o W - 1-24 16 B 23. 28 W o'gi B 2. 10 W + o-i3 B 4 . 5 E 2'l5 21 B o. 3o W o-g4 B 4.42 W 7'6o B i. 20 E 0-80 306 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. TABLE XIV. COLLIMATION of the TRANSIT INSTRUMENT at MOKATTAM, deter- mined by OBSERVATIONS of a CIRCUMPOLAR STAR, with reversed POSITIONS of the TRANSIT Axis. 1874. Approximate Local Mean Time. Star. Reading of the Micrometer for coincidence of Center Wire with the Optic Axis. Observed. Adopted. October 3o 3i November 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 12 i3 4 i5 > > 18 9 20 21 23 24 27 28 3o December 2 3 4 5 9 12 '4 15 21 h in 10. 3g io.35 ic. 27 10. 23 10. 19 10. i5 10. I I 10. 7 9. 55 9- 5 1 9-47 9-44 9.40 14.34 i5. 3 9-H 9. 20 9. 16 9.12 9- 4 9. o 8.48 8. 4 5 8.37 8. 29 8.25 8.21 8.17 8. i 7-49 7-41 7 .3 7 7. 14 Polaris r 19-789 722 676 7 8i 698 768 701 787 679 691 627 643 655 699 678 679 692 677 699 672 674 698 683 703 678 688 663 709 682 685 704 674 19-686 r 9'74 > ) ) > > > > ) J > 19-740 19-668 > j 5 > j > ? ) > 19-668 ig-683 j > ? ) > ig-683 iq'6go j > > > > 9 1 ) ) ) ) J 9 9 i g 690 8 Ursae Mm. S.P. Cephei 5i Polaris MERIDIONAL TRANSITS, MOKATTAM. 307 TABLE XV. AZIMUTH ERROR of the TRANSIT INSTRUMENT at MOKATTAM. [The sign + signifies that the optic axis points East of South.] Day. Stars employed. Apparent Error of Azimuth. Day. 1 Stars employed. Apparent Error of Azimuth. .874. // 1874. // Nov. 3 Polaris and c Piscium. + 10-83 Nov. 24 Polaris and y a Ceti . . . 4-28 4 , K Pisciiun. + 11*91 2? y Piscium. - 4-66 5 , v Piscium . + 13-40 28 i) Piscium . 4-62 6 , o, Eridani + ig-5i 3o ,, a Ceti. . . . 7 - o5 7 , v Piscium. + 20'5 1 10 , < Piscium. + 57-8 7 * Dec. 2 i\ Piscium. - 7-86 1 1 , y Piscium . + 4-92 3 11 Piscium. 12-48 12 , 1 2 Ceti . . . + 6-01 4 y Piscium. u -02 i3 ,, 5j Piscium. + 7'5i 5 ,, i) Piscium. 14-90 14 y Piscium . + 8-26 8 S Ursa) Minoris S.P. i5 8 Ursa; Minoris S.P. and Cephei 5 1 I 1"O7 und Cephei 5i + 7'33 Polaris and v Piscium. / 1 3"O7 18 Polaris and i Ceti .... I / "* - 5-77 12 ,, y Piscium. / -13-86 9 i Piscium. - 4-67 H ,, y Piscium . 15-71 20 o Piscium. - 6-83 15 Piscium . 16-45 21 v Piscium . - 7-96 21 20 Ceti. . . -i6-56 23 n Piscium. 4-60 * The azimuth adjustment was altered before and after the observations on November 10. TABLE XVI. MERIDIONAL TRANSITS observed at MOKATTAM, near CAIRO. 1874. Observer. Position of Micrometer Head. Star and (Number of Wires when less than Five). Mean observed Clock Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Star's Assumed Apparent K.A. Clock apparently Slow. Nov. 1 4 jj W h m s 23. 52. 38-84 s 3g*33 3 53*32 a Andromeda? O. I. 4O'Q7 41*30 55*38 14/08 o. 6. 33-28 33*72 4.7-76 H*O4. i Ceti O. 12. 48"Q2 4Q*56 3*46 l3*9O 44 Piscium , o. 18. 45-10 4.0*64. 59*6O I 3*q6 e Andromeda O. 3l. 42*54. 42-S6 66-98 H'l 2 fi Ceti O. 37. 4*44. 5-17 I9*O8 l3*9I 8 Piscium O. 41. 57*27 57-76 1 178 I 4/O2 20 Ceti o. 46. 22-64. 23*2 I 37*17 i3*c)6 /A Andromeda) O. 4Q. 3j.'64 d/rSq 48*08 I4/OQ Polaris, 21 '"240 I. Q. O'7O SQ'OA. 1 6* 1 7 1 6-63 K Polaris, 2 i r ' 240 I . I 7. 37'4.O 4.*73 16*1 7 I I '4.4. y Pifcium I . 34. 4 I *Q3 A I *7Q i3*g6 o Piscium i . 33. 34*04 33*87 4.7*77 + l3'qo November 14. The transit micrometer was set at 19'' 740 for the clock stars. R R 308 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. 1874. Observer. Position of Micrometer Head. 1 Star and (Number of Wires when less than Five). Mean observed Clock Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Star's Assumed Apparent E.A. Clock apparently Slow. Nov . 1 4 B E <>! Eridani h m B 4. 5. 32'i8 s 32-o8 8 46*3l 5 + I4-23 y Tauri 4. 12. 27"44 27-1 1 4-1*14. I4'o3 4. 21. 5'6o 5-23 iq'36 1 4" 1 3 4. 28. 3i-6i 3r27 46*20 i3 g3 a Canis Minoris 7. 32. 3i'25 3ro5 45' 24 H'IQ ft Geminorum 7.37. 26-00 25-53 3q p 65 H'l 2 Nov. 1 5 B E 21. 24. 4.3' 46 43-40 57-62 I 4*22 Aquarii 21. 2g. 5O"62 5o-57 4-78 H'l I Capricorni 21. 3g. 53-21 53-23 7-48 H'25 21. 47. 7'64 7-28 21 "52 I 4*24. a, Aquarii 21. 5g. 6-72 6-63 2O'ql 14-28 a Pegasi , 22. 58. 17-50 17-17 3i-5i 14' 04 y Piscium 23. 10. 26-53 26-32 40*61 I4*2o K Piscium 23. 20. 17-00 16-80 3i'o7 14*27 Piscium 23.33. 16-86 16-64 3o'q2 14-28 23. 42. io"32 io-38 24-82 H'AA 23. 62. 3q"24 3q'oi 53-32 I 4*3 1 2 Ceti 23. 57. 5'qq 5-q6 2O"I 1 1 4* 1 5 O. I. 41'72 4i'23 55-37 H'14. o. 6. 33-8o 33-48 47-75 H*27 o. 18. 45-68 45-38 So'So H*2I O. 24. 25'32 25-18 3q'5o 14*32 e Andromedas o. 3i. 43*24 42-74 56-q7 H*23 jS Ceti o. 3?. 4-86 4-84 iq'O7 14*23 i. 5q. 54-02 53-65 7'85 H*2O 3 Ceti 2. 21. 16-90 16-68 3rio H*42 "W 3. 1 3. 46-42 4 6-65 I'OO 14*35 o Tauri 3. 17.50-86 5i-i8 5-64 H*46 /Tauri 3. 23. 44'OO 44"3o 58-71 I4.'4I e Eridani < 3. 26.48-25 48-74 3-04 H*3o 1 1 Tauri 3.34. 4-14 4-33 18-70 i4*3y S Eridani 3.37. r38 1-87 16-18 1 4*3 1 YI Tauri 3. 3q. 4Q"oq 49 4 3o 3-63 14*33 Aj Tauri 3.57. 4*14 4 -36 i8-6q 14-33 4. 1.38-71 38-g6 53-41 14-45 oj Eridani 4. 5.3i-54 3rgg 46-33 H'34 4.. 12. 26*4.6 26-73 4.1*16 14*43 Tauri 5. 1 8. 9-07 q-34 23-67 14-33 5. 26. 58-53 Sg'io 13-55 I4"3a 5. 2Q. 37'82 38-3o 52-5i I4'2I 5. 41. 35 -oo 35-64 5o-oo 14-36 a Orionis 5. 48. 0-78 io'ig 24*46 H*27 E 8 Ursse Minoris S.P., i6 r> 74O 8 Ursse Minoris S.P., i6 r- 74o Cephei 5 1 , 1 6 r 740 6. 8.55-5o 6. 1 5. ii'3o 6. 37. 32*40 g-65 12*19 12-57 26-68 26-68 28-61 17-03 14-49 l6'O4 W Cephei 5i } i6 r '74O 6. 45. io-3o i3-io 28-61 + 1 5-5 1 The Azimuth Error, November 15, H- 7" '33 for all the observations. November 15. The transit micrometer was set at K) r "j4O for all clock stars. MERIDIONAL TRANSITS, MOKATTAM. 309 1874. Observer. Position of Micrometer Head. 1 Star and (Number of Wires when less than Five). Mean observed Clock Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Star's Assumed Apparent R.A. Clock apparently Slow. Nov. 1 5 B W y Canis Majoris h m s 6. 57. 51*29 B 5 1*90 s 6-28 s + 14*38 7. 5. 56*66 57'o3 I I '4Q H'46 8 Geminorum 7. 12. 2A.'A.S 24'8l 3q'3o I4*4q y Cancri 8. 35. 47*64 48-26 2"5l 14*25 Hydra) 8. 3q. 53-q6 54-65 8-78 1 4' 1 3 Nov. 2 1 B W y 1 Peffasi . o. 6. 3o*36 3O'O2 47'7I I7'iq j Ceti o. 1 2. 46-34 46-28 3'4.I 17*l3 44 Pisciurn o. 1 8. 42^08 42'l3 5Q*55 17*22 1 2 Ceti O. 23. 22'l6 22'l5 3o*4.6 1 7'3 1 Andvomedsc o. 3i. 3g'36 3Q-Q2 56-q3 17-01 o. 41 . 54*52 54-81 I 1*74- i6*o3 o. 56. g'83 IO'I 2 27*4.1 I7*2Q Polaris (2), 2o r 'ggo i. o. 5*oo 58-o8 I 2*71 1 4.* 63 K i . 16. 34*70 53' I O I 2'7I IQ"6l i . 34. 38*g3 38-82 55*74 l6'Q2 o Tauri 3. 17. 48*77 48-65 5'6q 17*04 T Arietis 3. 1 3. 44' i o 4.4/OQ I'o5 16*06 f Tauri 3. 23. 41*92 41-82 68-77 l6*q5 e Eridani 3. 26. 46-4.4. 4.6*10 3'OQ . y^ l6*qq 1 1 Tauri 3.33. 172 1*77 18-77 17*00 i\ Tauri 3. 3q. 46-66 46-70 3-70 17*00 7j Eridani 3. 5i. 55-84 55-46 i2'5o 17*04 Aj Tauri 3.57. 1-68 i'6g 18-77 17-08 BJ Tauri 4. I. 36"4Q 36-46 53'4o I7*o3 oj Eridani 4. 5. 2Q"52 2Q-24 ^^y 40*40 17*16 \V f Tauri 4. 21. I"82 2'25 10-47 17*22 a Tauri 4. 28. 27'72 28-1 I 45*32 17*21 1* Eridani 4.38.58-25 58'4I 1 5*68 17*27 i AurisrsB (3} . 4. 48.33-77 34/4.2 5 1 -68 17*26 ft Tauri 5. 1 8. 5-74 6-3o 23-8 1 I7*5i a Leporis 5. 26. 56-44 56-46 i3*66 17-20 a Orionis 6.48. 7'io 7'3g 24*60 17*21 a, Geminorum (4) . 7. 26. ig'Sg 20-22 37*42 17*20 a Canis Minoris 7.32. 28-02 28-07 45*46 17*38 ft Geminorum. . 7. 37. 22'22 22'5l 3q*qo I7'3q y l Leonis IO. 12. 46*54 46-52 3*g3 17-41 Hydrao (4) . IO. IQ. 44-48 44- iq 172 17*53 f Leonis IO. 25. 55-34 55-23 12*84 17*61 Nov. 22 B W i Piscium 23. 33. 12-92 1 3 '04 3o*85 17*81 8 Sculptoris (4) . , 23. 42. 7-02 6-90 24*85 I7*g5 a Piscium 23. 52. 35*i5 35-28 53*25 '7'97 2 Ceti 23. 57. 2'12 2-09 20*04 I7*g5 a Andromedse O. I. 37'IQ, 37-50 55*3o + 17*80 November 21. A very high wind rendered the clock generally inaudible. November 21-22. The transit micrometer was set at 19" 740 for all clock stars. Adopted Azimuth, November 22, 6"* 06. EB 2 310 TRANSIT OP VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. 1874. Observer. 1'osition of Micrometer Head. Star and (Number of Wires when less than Five). Mean observed Clock Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Star's Assumed Apparent K.A. Clock apparently Slow. Nov. 2 2 B W v Pesrasi . . h m s O. 7. 2Q'6l 2q - 78 S 47'7O s 4- I7'q2 i Ceti O. l3. 4.5'4-Q 4.5*4.0 3'4O I 7'qi 44 Piscinm o. 18. 4i'52 4.1'Ql 5o"54. I7'q3 1 2 Ceti o. 23. 2i'38 21*43 3a'4.5 18-02 ( Andromedse o. 3i. 38-62 38'Q4 56*Q2 I7'q8 Ceti o. 37. i'i3 I -08 IQ'O2 i7'q4 a Arietis i. 5q. 4.o'65 5o"2O 7-87 ' f* 17-67 B 67 Ceti 2. 10. 27-88 27'6q 4o'3o 17-61 f 2 Ceti 2.21. i3'3q l3'34 3ri2 17-78 e Tauri 4. 21. l'q8 roq iq'48 I7'8q a. Tauri (A.) . 4. 28. 27'85 27-45 45'34 I7'8q i Auriga;. . 4. 48. 34'3q 34'o6 51-70 17-64 e Orionis 5. 29. 35'2g 34-80 52-66 17-86 6 Cancri (4) . 7. 55. 32'7q 32-43 5o - 3o 17-87 1 5 Argus 8. 1.55-86 55'2i 1 3- 1 q I7'q8 8 Cancri 8. q. 26-48 26-04 43"q6 I7"Q2 Dec. i B W Piscium o. 56. 4-78 4'55 27-35 22 80 @ Andromeda} . 2. 21*07 21-07 44-04 22-97 6 Ceti . 17. 24-46 24' I I 4.6'7O 22'5q E y Piscium . 35. 32'go 32-86 55'7i 22-85 o Piscium . 38. 2o-o3 25"o3 47*74 22'7I |S Arietis . 47. 2I'3o 2 I"4I 44*25 22-84 Dec. 4 B F. i Ceti o. 1 3. 3g'3i 38-73 3'2Q 24*56 44 Piscium o. 1 8. 35-i6 34'72 5a*45 24*73 1 2 Ceti o. 23. i5"i4 1 4-63 3g-36 24*73 f Andromeda? o. 3i.32'o6 3ro3 56-82 24*80 8 Ceti (4) . . o. 36. 54-73 5*o5 18-92 24-87 8 Piscium o. 41. 47'33 46*04. i r65 H'71 20 Ceti o. 46. I2'86 12*37 37'o5 24*68 p Andromeda? O. 4q. 24"o6 24/o6 48"7q 24'?3 e Piscium o. 56. 2-96 2*O7 27-33 24-76 Polaris, 1 8 r 1 90 . 8.21-60 44" 6 1 5-21 20-60 W Polaris, 1 8 ' ' 1 90 . 1 6. 14-00 36-o6 5-21 2g - i5 Piscium . 34.31-26 3o'73 55-70 24"q7 o Piscium .38.23-28 22-78 47-73 H'q5 |S Arietis . 47. 19-62 IQ'24 44-24 25"OO f Tauri 4. 20. 54-90 54-6q iq'64 24"q5 a. Tauri 4. 28. 20-84 2O'OQ 4,5*40 24"qo r Tauri 4. 34. 20-38 2O*22 45' 1 6 24"Q4. /* Eridani 4. 38. 5 1 -40 5o*o3 i5-85 H'q2 E < Aurigae 4. 48. 27-12 26-02 5l'q2 25'OO e Leporis 4. 5q. 46-98 * 4O"2O i ri3 24'q3 (3 Orion-is 5. 8. 8-40 7-78 32'56 + 24-78 The transit micrometer was set at 19'- 740 for all clock stars, November 22 ; and at \2 2Q'27 55"i5 20-88 y Pesrasi , O. 6. 22'22 2T75 47-08 25-83 1 2 Ceti O. 23. 1 4.' 4.4. i3'7O 3g-35 25-65 e Androinedas (4) o. 3i. 3i'i2 3o-qo 56-8i 25'qi ]3 Ceti o. 36. 54-28 53-34 18-01 20-57 E 20 Ceti O. 4O. 12' 1 4 1 1"55 37 -o5 25'5o ft. AndromediE o. 40. 23' i o 23'2I 48-78 25-57 P AndromediB . 2. l8'2O 1 8 -33 44-01 25-68 Polaris, 1 8 r ' i go . 8. 0-60 35-5 1 4-73 29-22 W Polaris, 1 8 r 1 90 . 16. 8*40 42-72 4-73 22'OI i\ Piscium . 24. 22'52 22'l5 47-75 25'6o > Piscium . 34. 3o-6o 3o-o8 55-70 25-62 o Piscium . 38. 22'52 22"o6 47-72 25-66 E 7 Tauri 4. 1 2. i6'o8 1 5-65 41-41 25-76 e Tauri 4. 2O. 54'34 53-96 19-66 26-70 a. Tauri 4. 28. 20-28 19-86 45-5i 25'65 c Tauri 4. 34. iq'q3 10-62 45-17 25-55 W pi Eridani 4. 38. 5o-qq 40-07 i5-86 25-89 i AurigEe 4.48. 26-78 26-21 5i-g3 26-72 e Leporis 4. 5q. 46-34 45-12 1 1*14 26-02 Dec. 7 B w i Piscium 23. 33. 4-20 3-8o 30-71 26-91 i Ceti O. 12. 37'O2 36-42 3-26 26-84 12 Ceti o. 23. 12-88 12-36 39-33 26-97 i Andromedas o. 3i. 20-87 29-80 56-79 26-99 E 8 Piscium o. 41. 45-10 44'6g u-63 26-94 20 Ceti f - o. 46. lo'oo 9-97 37-o3 27-06 p. Andromedte o. 4q. 21-88 21-92 48-76 26-84 e Piscium o. 56. o-65 0-24 27-31 27-17 o Tauri 3. 17. 38'qo 38-67 5-78 27-1 1 /"Tauri 3. 23. 32-o6 3i-82 88-87 27-06 Eridani 3. 26. 36-43 35-Sg 3-17 27-28 Dec. 8 B W K Piscium 23. 20. 3-71 3-3 1 30-84 27-53 i Piscium 23. 33. 3-5o 3-14 30-70 27-66 2 Ceti 23. 56. 52*q6 52-34 19-87 27-53 a Andromeda; o. i. 27-56 27-47 55-12 27-66 y Pegasi . o. 6. 20-16 19-90 47-55 27-66 i Ceti o. 12. 36-24 3575 3-25 27-60 44. Piscium. . o. 18.32-27 3rg2 69-41 27-49 1 2 Ceti o. 23. 12-36 1 1-94 3g-32 2 7 -38 j3 Ceti (2) o.36. 52-26 5 1 -66 18-88 27-22 8 Piscium ( i ) o. 41. 44-65 44'36 1 1-62 27-26 20 Ceti (i) 0. 46. Q"04 9-54 37-02 27-48 a. Orionis 5. 47. 57-54 57-21 2 4'94 + 27-73 Adopted Azimuth Error, December 7, 12" -41. December 5 to 8. The transit micrometer was set at it? -690 for all clock stars. 312 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. 1874. Observer. Position of Micrometer Head. 1 Star and (Number of Wires when less than Five). Mean observed Clock Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Star's Assumed Apparent R.A. Clock apparently Slow. Dec. 8 B E 8 Ursse Min. S.P., ig r -O23 (3) Cephei 5i, i5 r 190 (2) h m s 6. 12. 47'5o 6.35. 5-5o s 54-10 8-68 s 20'gi 36- i8 e + 26-8I 27-60 8 Leonis (2) ii. 6. 5g-68 59-54 27-06 27-62 8 Crateris (3) II. 12. 37'5q 37-04 4-77 27-73 f Leonis (3) I I. 21. 2-25 I -9 1 29-81 27-90 Dec. 9 B E 1 2 Ceti o. 23. 1 1-47 10-96 3g-3i 28-35 f Andromedse o. 3i. 28-5o 28-49 56-77 28-28 ft Ceti o. 36. 5 1 '36 5o-65 18-87 28-22 20 Ceti o. 46. q'35 8-87 37-01 28-14 /ji Andromeda; o. 40. 2o'38 20-54 48-73 28-19 E Polaris, 1 8" 940 (2) . 10. 5'oo 35-48 2'3o 26-82 W Polaris, 18'- 190 . 1 6. 2-80 32-94 2-3o 2 9 -36 tj Piscium (3). . . 24. 20-07 19-76 47-72 27-97 v Piscium . 3^.. 28'IO 27-66 55-67 28-01 o Piscium (4) . 38. 20-07 19-67 47-70 28-03 ft Arietis . 47. 1 6'38 i6-i3 44-22 28-09 v Ceti 2. 28. 61-44 5 1 -oo 19-19 28'iq y 2 Ceti 2.36. 22-06 2i-5g 49-83 28-24 Dec. 10 B W a Columba; 5. 34. 40-26 3g-2i 8-70 29-49 a Orionis 5. 47. 56'48 55'q7 24-07 2q'OO i Geminorum 5. 56. 3-oo 2-71 32-ci 2g-3o v Orionis 5. 5q. 57*q4 57-54 26-78 29-24 E /* Geminorum 6. 14. 55-6o 55-49 24-59 29-10 ft Canis Minoris (4) 7. 19.53-88 53-68 22-83 29- 1 5 2 Geminorum 7. 26. 8-60 8-79 38-o3 29-24 a Canis Minoris 7. 32. 17-10 1 6-85 45-97 29-12 ft Geminorum .... 7. 37. n-36 1 1-46 4O*5o 29-04 Dec. 14 B W 7 Pegasi . , o. 6. i6'i i i5'q3 47-49 3 r56 1 2 Ceti . . o. 23. 8-07 7-56 39-26 31-70 e Andromeda; o. 3i. 24-80 24-92 66-70 3178 E ft Ceti o. 36. 47*80 46-96 18-81 3r85 8 Piscium o. 41. 40-18 39-79 11-67 31-78 20 Ceti o. 46. 5'6o 5-o5 36-g6 3i-gi f Piscium o. 55. 55-77 55-38 27-26 31-87 Polaris, i8 r '44o (4) . i. 8.26-75 24-16 58-32 34-17 W Polaris, 1 8 r ' i qo i. 1 5. 00-40 28-58 58-32 2 974 v Piscium i. 34. 24-06 23'6o 55-64 32-04 a Arietis I. 5q. 35-78 35-63 7-81 32-i8 f ! Ceti 2. 5.61-07 5o-66 2276 32-10 67 Ceti 2. 10. l3'82 13-17 45-26 32-o8 Tauri .... 4.. 28. l3'74 i3-6o 46-69 3i"qq T Tauri 4. 34. l3'22 l3'22 46-26 32-04 M Eridani (4"). . 4. 38. 44*37 4 3-88 16-94 + 32-o6 December 9 to 14. The transit micrometer was set at i^"6y> for all clock stare. MERIDIONAL TRANSITS, MOKATTAM. 313 i8 74 . a t- .22 Star and (Number of Wires when less than Five). Mean observed Clock Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Star's Assumed Apparent R.A. Clock apparently Slow. Dec. 14 W E i Aurigje. . . /? Orionis . . j3 Tauri 8 Orionis . . a. Leporis . . Orionis . . a ColumbEe. K Orionis . 4.48.1970 5. 8. 1-16 5. 17. 5rg8 5. 25. 6-22 5. 26. 42-65 5. 29. 21-43 5. 34. 37-36 5.41. 1 8 - g3 Dec. 1 5 w , Ceti 44 Piscium 1 2 Ccti ( Andromedae. . . ft Ceti 8 Piscium 20 Ceti /x Androinedae . . e Piscium Polaris, 2i r 'igo Polaris, 2 1 ' i go i) Piseium v Piscium o Piscium j9 Arietis a Arietis f ! Ceti 67 Ceti 12. 18. 23. 3i. 36. 41. 46. 49- 55. 7- 1 5. 24. 3 4 . 38. 47- 5 9 . 5. 10. 3i-3i 27-27 7-27 24-04 47-17 3g-68 5-io 16-04 55-12 49-80 40-00 i5-26 23-38 15-36 11-68 35-3o 5o-5i 1 3-33 19-92 0-6 1 52'og 5-8 1 41-92 21-00 36'2g 18-34 3o'6o 26-76 6-66 24-04 46-26 3g-22 4'47 16-18 54-66 27-07 22'01 I 5-04 22-gS I 5-04 11-48 35-14 5o-og 12-67 52-04 32-67 24-23 38-02 14-00 53-oi 8-70 5o-5i 3-i8 5g-35 3g-25 56-6g 1 8-80 ji-56 36- 9 5 48-66 27-25 57-46 57-46 47-68 55"63 47-66 44-18 7-80 22-75 45-24 + 32-12 32-o6 32-14 32-21 32-o8 32*01 32-46 32-17 32-58 32-5g 32-5g 32-65 32-54 32-34 32-48 32-48 32-5g 3o-3g 35-45 32-64 32-65 32-62 32-70 32-66 32-66 +32-57 December 15. The transit micrometer was set at 19^690 for all clock stars. 314 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. TABLE XVII. ERRORS and RATES of the TRANSIT-CLOCK at MOKATTAM. Approximate Local Mean Solar Time. Observer. Approximate Sidereal Time. Adopted Clock Slow. Clock's Loss in preceding J4 h . Sidereal. Adopted Losing Rate. 1874. d h Nov. 4. 10 13 b m o. 37 8 + 2rg3 8 I 0'08 8 + O-Og 5. ii I! 2. l6 22'04 O'lO o-i5 i3. 9 B 0.47 i3'7i 0-08 0-19 14. 1 1 B 2. 25 14-03 o - 3o 0*29 i5. 1 1 B 2. 2O i4'3i 0-28 0-29 18. 8 B 23.52 15-27 o-33 0-46 >9- 9 B 0.32 15-78 o-5o o-65 20. 10 B 1.32 16-62 0-8 1 0-64 21. 12 B 4. I 17-14 0-47 0-62 22. I I B 2.48 17-87 0-77 0-78 24. II B 2. 45 19-46 0-80 0-68 27- 9 B 1.43 20-97 O'OI o-56 28. 10 B 2. 21-55 0-57 o - 5o 3o. 12 B 4. 3o 2 2-3 1 o-36 0-48 Dec. i . 9 B 1.23 22-79 o-55 o-58 2. 9 B 1.43 23-42 0-62 o - 6g 3. 9 B 1.35 24-17 0-75 0-71 4. 10 B 2.3o 24-87 0-67 0-75 5. 9 B 2.19 25-69 o-83 0-78 7- 8 B i. 3 27-00 0-67 O'Sg 8. 9 B 2. 2 27-57 o-55 o-58 9- 8 B 1.17 28-16 0-61 0-73 10. 1 3 B 6.32 zg'ig o-85 0-70 u. 7 B 0. 25 29-60 o-55 0-64 12. 9 B 2. 5 30-37 0-72 o- 7 5 14. 10 B 3. 18 32-01 o'8o 0-69 i5. 8 B i. 6 32'5g 0-64 0-73 16. 6 B 23.58 33-37 0-82 79 21. 7 B o. 46 + 36-5o + 0-62 + 0-62 ALTAZIMUTH CLOCK COMPARISONS, MOKATTAM. 315 _.; A |j ^ "g, *2 J J^O'S 0. b b b b 1 < 1 1 1 + 1C ^O W \O 1.* oH ^ B fi fe fl w <^0 r^. 10 b^ "d oo p b - M N C4 M r< N 4 ^ w B - - -: - II II op p P p p O O "= 10 t^ ^- in ^ vb o Vn b g * * rO Ci w in w m N a 'N $> eL S S g a vo 4- \o cy vo" OO TJ- w * 3 J3 tO M H CO - * '1 J 53 5 O 3 o" t^ o in -*- o> 4- m to * m m >* 11 3 ja oo w r^ ** in in 10 - V g 11 Js 1 op P P p in ih r< in '- bo in p r->. o G o B f "35 S r- O ^- vo to 4- \n - *- * o 4- in to g ja oo cj t^ ^ in in in - s . p p P P P P P P o o oo b b b in N m to m O CTi a) > a. i'S I N VO NO 6 6 4- ti H gO 03 to <3 c< n rJ iA. 4- CV 9 d ^ C3 * s m I r^ M 00 ., . 4- t*^ t* Q OO ^j 1 o 8 8 316 TRANSIT OP VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. TABLE XIX. ZENITH DISTANCES of STARS observed near the MERIDIAN "with, the 1874. ij E O Star. Time by the Altazimuth Clock. B S bO (3 . IS 1-1 Circle-Beading corrected for Runs of Micrometers. Level Indication additive. Barometer and External Thermo- meter. Refraction. h m s o / // // tt Nov. 4 B B Polaris i. 6.53-0 i. 1 5. 43*0 E L 211.52. 67 32g. 3. 10*6 8 7 * 7 78-2 2g in *46 6i-o 9'9 QO'Q B a Persei . . . , 3. 7. 6-0 L 289. 55. 36*9 / " 70-9 y j 97 5 B B ,, .... Polaris 3. 1 6. 3-o i. 1 5. 57*0 R L 25i. 4. 42 - 5 329. 3. 8-5 8g-5 77*3 2g in *5o I 9'6 QO'2 B I. 24.. Q'O E 211.52. 5*5 II 87-6 65-7 ~J^r QO'2 27 B y Fiscium . . . T J 23. ii. 1 3*o E 243. 2. 34*4 V f V 63-i * / 29^-44 ;7 287 B B > 1 2 Ceti 23. 19. 7*0 o. 20. 56'o L L 297. 57. 36'o 3o5. 8. 87 8g-5 66-6 6 4 *o 28-9 38-2 B O. 27. 57'O E 235.46. ro 07-8 38*3 B j3 Ceti ti o. 35. 5i'o E T 221. 46. 6*2 J 1 80-7 62-8 B o. 4.1. 36o L 3iq. q. 44'8 "y 1 66-5 62-0 B t Piscium . . . 0.52. 1*0 L y j TT 2g3. 17. n*3 74-1 y 21-7 B B ... Polaris i. o. 1 5*o i. 8. 14*0 E L 247. 37. 47-8 32g. 2.53'5 90-8 QI'2 21-7 QO'3 B i. 1 6. 14*0 E 211. 52. g*O 3 75'2 -~fv QO"3 B a Persei .... 3. 11.42*0 L 289. 5o. 55' i / 89-5 J 19-5 B 3. 1 8. 32*o E 25i. 4. 47 74-6 19-5 B a Aurigas . . . 5. 4. 55*o E 264. 36. 56-8 80*3 i5 7 B ), ... 5. i3. 1 8-0 L 286. 20. 22*7 83-1 i5 7 B 8 Orionis . . . 5. 21. ro E 240. 1.44-9 84*6 32-5 B )> ... 5. 28. 23*o L 3oo. 52. 44-7 82-5 32-5 B Orionis . . . 5. 42. 59*0 L 2g3. 7.39*9 86*7 29 in - 4 4 23 - io B ,j ... 5. 5o. 7*0 E 247. 48. 45-5 85*5 6 4 *o 23*10 OBSERVATIONS FOR LATITUDE, MOKATTAM. 317 VERTICAL CIRCLE of the ALTAZIMUTH at MOKATTAM, and INFERRED CO-LATITUDE. Zenith Point, including Zero of Level. Concluded Zenith Distance. Reduction to the Meridian. Star N. or S. of Zenith. Tabular Apparent N.P.D. of Star. Inferred Co-latitude. Observed. Adopted. 270. 28' O / II n O 1 II O 1 II 1 " } 62-9 62-5 58. 36. 5g-o 58. 36. 57-2 27 O'l N. I. 21. 2O-g 5g. 58. 17-2 1 8-0 j 62-1 62-5 19.28. 5*o 19. 23. io-i 2g6'6 0-8 N. 40. 35. 4- 1 > 12-5 1 3-3 58. 36. 54-5 0-6 N. I. 21. 20-4 H-3 > 6i-5 6r5 58.36.58-6 4-2 i 4 -3 27. 25. 5i-6 3-o S. 87. 24. 4-8 16-2 > 60-4 60-4 27. 3o. 34-4 285-4 ,, 16-2 i 34.41. r6 16-8 S. g4. 38. 56-i 12-3 | 5o-8 5rg 34. 41. 5 1 -4 64-3 ,, 9-0 , 48.42. 1 8-8 2-6 S. 108. 40. 2g'4 l3'2 \ 5rg 5rg 48. 43. 2-3 46-0 ,, i3-i 1 22. 49. 55-2 7-3 S. 82.47.58-3 12-4 > 52"! 5rg 22. 49. 55-o 7-5 ,, 10-8 , 58.37- 3-i i-5 N. I. 21. l3'I 14-8 f ^4' 5rg 58. 36. 58-o 0-6 > > io-5 ig. 23. 52-2 38-o N. 40.34. 5g-2 1 1-4 52-g 5rg 19. 23. 52-i 3g-8 ,, H-5 1 1 5. 5o. 5o"5 21-2 N. 44- 7.48-I 17-4 } 49-5 5i-g 1 5. 53. g-6 1 65- 1 ,, 12-6 3o. 26. I4'g 61-4 S. go. 23. 26-6 i3-i [ 53-o 5rg 3o. 25. 47-8 32-1 ,, 10-9 22.40.37-8 n 3-5 S. 82.36.56-i 11-8 1 5ri 5rg 22. 38. 54-0 18-1 " 5g. 58. 20-2 ss 2 TKANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. PART II. EXPEDITION TO EGYPT (continued). Section 2. DETERMINATION OF THE LONGITUDE OF ALEXANDRIA BY LOCAL TRANSITS AND EXCHANGE OF TELEGRAPH SIGNALS WITH MOKATTAM STATION, FROM THE OBSERVATIONS OP SAMUEL HUNTEK, ESQ. CONTENTS. PAGE Extract from a Letter of Proceedings from Mr. S. Hunter to the Astronomer .Royal - . - 321 Description of Instruments - - - - - -321 Description of Chronometers - - - 321 Instrumental Constants - 322 Adopted Error of the Observing Chronometer - - 322 Position of the Transit Instrument at Alexandria - - 323 Transits of Stars observed at Alexandria - - 323 Errors and Bate of the Observing Chronometer - - 326 Comparisons of the Chronometers ... 327 Errors and Eate of the Signalling Chronometer on Alexandria Mean Solar Time - 327 Errors and Rate of the Signalling Chronometer on Mokattam Mean Solar Time 328 Difference of Longitude from each day's signals - - 328 Corrections for Personal Equation, &c. - - 329 Final Longitude of Alexandria (Hotel de 1'Europe) - - - -330 321 LONGITUDE OF ALEXANDRIA. EXTRACT from a LETTER from MR. S. HUNTER to the ASTRONOMER ROYAL. My work in Egypt in connection with the Transit of Venus may be divided into three periods : First, at Cairo, assisting" Captain Browne in transporting material, &c., to Mokattam, erecting huts, &c., from the 15th to 26th October 1874. Second, at Alexandria in connection with the determination of longitude, October 27 to November 25. Third, at Suez (where I observed the Transit), from November 26 to December 24. The instruments with which I was furnished were the property of the Royal Astronomical Society, and consisted of (1.) An equatorial of 4'6 inches aperture, by T. Cooke and Sons, of York, driven by clockwork, and furnished with Solar eye-piece and divided eye- glass double-image micrometer. This instrument on landing in Egypt was stored in Suez until my return there. (2.) A Transit instrument (Sheepshanks No. 1) with aperture of 2'6 inches, mounted on a portable metal stand, which was fastened by two screws to a stone slab, resting on a brick pier. The wire frame carried nine fixed vertical wires and two horizontal ones ; there were also two movable vertical wires connected with the micrometer screw. Power used = 77 diameters. I had the box, 2-day chronometers Loseby 102, regulated to sidereal time, beating half seconds, and the solar chronometer Hewitt 890, also beating half seconds. The work in Cairo requires no further observation. At Alexandria the first duty was the selection of a site as convenient to the Telegraph Office as possible. Having examined several places, I decided on using the roof of the Hotel de FEurope, as it appeared most suitable. It is distant five minutes walk from the Telegraph Office. The walls of the Hotel de FEurope are 2 feet 3 inches thick, and just over the intersection of two partition walls of the same thickness the transit pier was erected. On October 30 I commenced observing with the transit instrument in order to determine the wire intervals, value of micrometer screw, and pivot 322 TRANSIT OP VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. errors of the transit, as this instrument came from Mr. Simms' factory only just in time to be packed up before leaving Greenwich ; consequently all instrumental corrections had to be determined before a single observation could be reduced. I soon discovered that the micrometer-screw was decidedly drunken, and was compelled to abandon its use. This entailed very serious loss of time every night, and compelled me to trust to observing the pole star in both positions of the instrument over the fixed wires for collimation, as well as for azimuth errors. Having no covering for the instrument, I carried it into my room and put it in its box each night. On November 24 I packed the instruments and returned to Cairo. S. HUNTER. (Continued on page 333.) MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS at ALEXANDRIA. Mr. Hunter's observations for local time were continuous from 1874, October 30 to November 23 ; but have special value only on those nights when signals were exchanged with Mokattam. The Level Error was determined by a striding spirit-level graduated from the center outwards in the old way ; 40 divisions were equivalent to one minute of arc. After his return to England Mr. Hunter carefully determined the Pivot Correction to be 0"'88, positive with the Micrometer Head East. The Equatorial Intervals of the nine vertical wires were determined from numerous transits of circumpolar stars over the entire set. The correction to reduce the mean of the wires to the center wire was 1"'58, positive with Micrometer "West. The Collimation Error of the center wire was determined by observations of polar stars with reversed positions of the Transit axis. The Azimuth Error has been obtained, and the reductions effected in the same manner as at other stations. The Diurnal Aberration is taken account of as a correction to the Longitude. In adopting the Error of the observing Chronometer (Loseby 102) equal weight has been given to the observations in each of the reversed positions of the transit instrument, irrespective of the number of stars observed. It was Mr. Hunter's custom to compare the two chronometers (by coinci- LONGITUDE OF ALEXANDRIA. 323 dence of beats) on concluding the star observations. Thus each chronometer was available for carrying on time. The Errors and Rates of Hewitt 890 thus obtained are given separately, page 327. The only occasion, however, when they can be employed with sensible advantage is on November 22, when there were no star observations. The position of the Hotel de 1'Europe is taken with sufficient accuracy from the Admiralty Chart, viz. : 2,940 British yards East and 400 yards North of the Light-House on EUNOSTES POINT ; 620 yards East and 1,940 yards South of the ancient PHAROS ; the approximate Latitude being 31. 11'. 55". N. MERIDIONAL TRANSITS observed at ALEXANDRIA by MR. S. HUNTER. 1874, November 14. Position of Micro- meter Head. Star. Mean observed Time by Losehy 102 of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Star's assumed Apparent H.A. Loseby 102 apparently Blow.. E E w W 20 Ceti h m B O. 44. 49*62 0.48. 3 '09 I. 12. 48-3i I. l3.34'24 2. 4-36-77 2. g.58'52 2. 19.44-95 2. 27. 32'8g 2. 3i. i8'36 2.35. 3'53 2. 42. 5o'02 2. 5o. 18-68 3. 2.43-50 3 5i-68 3-32 3i-38 29-72 37-19 Sg'Sg 45-37 33-49 i9'"7 4-21 5o- 12 18-52 43-42 3 37-2I 48-98 i5-g3 i5"g3 22-80 45-29 3i 10 19-16 4-96 49-78 35-79 4-26 29-25 3 + io5-53 io5'66 104-55 1 06 - 2 I io5'6i 105-70 105-73 105-67 105-79 105-57 105-67 105-74 + io5'83 /* Andromedie Polaris (5) Polaris (4.) . , i Ccti 67 Ceti f*Ceti v Ceti 8 Ceti 7 2 Ceti 02 for all clock stars, a correction of O s> 02 is applied to the longitude of Alexandria West of Mokattam. We have then for final result 330 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. h m s Apparent longitude of Mokattam, East of Alexandria, as deduced from the preceding table o. 5. 32'6o Correction for personal equation between B and H 8 In giving signals, + o'ooz "i In receiving signals, o - o3i / Correction for personal equation between B and U in the manner of observing star transits o'oo Correction for diurnal aberration of clock stars 0*02 CONCLUDED LONGITUDE of ALEXANDRIA, WEST or MOKATTAM o. 5. 3z - 55 The CONCLUDED LONGITUDE of MOKATTAM STATION, EAST OF GREENWICH, has been already found 2.5. 6-24 CONCLUDED LONGITUDE of ALEXANDRIA (Hotel de 1' Europe) EAST OF GREENWICH i . 5g. 33'6g G. L. T. TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. PART II. EXPEDITION TO EGYPT (continued). Section 3. OBSERVATIONS AT SUEZ. By SAMUEL HUNTER, ESQ. u u CONTENTS. Continuation of Mr. Hunter's Letter of Proceedings - - 333 Report of Mr. Hunter on his Observations of the Egress of Venus, 1874, December 8 - 334 Final Equations inferred from those Observations - - 336 Meridional Transits observed at Suez between 1874, December 3 and 18 - 337 Latitude of Suez - ... - 342 Longitude of Mr. Hunter's Station from exchange of Galvanic Signals with Mokattam - - 342 Adopted Errors and Rates of the Sidereal Chronometer at Suez - - 343 Comparisons of the Signalling Chronometer used at Mokattam with the Mokattam Transit-Clock - - 344 Times of Galvanic Signals exchanged between Suez and Mokattam - 345 Longitude of Suez - - 346 Plate XI. Diagrams illustrating the Internal Contact at Egress - to face 335 333 OBSERVATIONS AT SUEZ. EXTRACT from a LETTER from Mr. S. HUNTER to the ASTRONOMER ROYAL (continued from page 322). SUEZ was reached late on the evening of the 26th November. The next morning I examined the site occupied by Mr. Gill, of Lord Lindsay's Expedition,* and rode round the town. Mr. Gill's site was situated in the lowest part of the town, surrounded by buildings, with the greater portion of the town between it and the Eastern and Southern horizon (as it is on the north-western side of Suez), so that the smoke and heated air from the buildings would most probably prevent definition when the Sun was so low as at the time of transit ; besides, the Sun would be hidden by the buildings until 10 or 15 high. I found a small artificial platform about 40 feet high, on which the Khedive's Chalet is built, situated on the north side of Suez among the debris of the ancient Arsinoe, which had a clear Eastern and Southern horizon, free from intrusion and from smoke. The only defect arose from the looseness of the soil, causing the level readings to vary a good deal. The day being Friday, the Mahometan Sunday, I could not prevail on the Consul to call on the Governor of Suez that day, in order to obtain permission to erect my hut and instruments at the Chalet ; but next day we called about ten o'clock, and obtained the necessary permission, and a guard of soldiers to prevent intrusion. Before night I had all my cases on the platform, the equatorial pier built, and the hut erected, and on the 30th commenced obser- vations with the transit instrument. I got a telegraph line erected from my hut to the office of the Eastern Telegraph Company in Suez, and had comparisons with Mokattam on December 4, 5, 7, and 14. Observing with the transit instrument and reducing the observations, erecting and adjusting the Equatorial, together with the telegraphic com- parisons, fully occupied my time until the time of the Transit of Venus. On several mornings preceding I observed the Sun rise (to test my Equatorial, driving clock, &c.), but to my astonishment I could not get the Sun's image * Suez was the starting point of Lord Lindsay's chronometric expedition, connecting Suoz, Mauritius, Rodriguez, and Aden. Lord Lindsay afterwards determined the difference of longitude between the points occupied by Mr. Gill and Mr. Hunter, thus completing the chain from Greenwich to Aden. U U 2 334 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. defined at all. As I got good definition of stars with it, I examined the colored glasses, and found that the center of each of them had been partially melted with the Sun's rays at some previous period ;* consequently they destroyed the image, so that I had to use a colored glass held in the hand for obser- vation of contact. The colored glass of the double-image micrometer was free from this defect. REPORT of Mr. HUNTER on his OBSERVATION of the EGRESS of VENUS, 1874, DECEMBER 8. By 4 h . 30 m . on the morning of the 9th of December I was at my hut, and had all the arrangements made long before sunrise, although the sky was almost covered with cloud. A clear strip on the Eastern horizon gave me the hope of seeing the Sun rise, but even this was covered over just a few minutes before the Sun rose, so that I did not see the Sun at all until about half an hour before contact, when I saw it only for a second. In about 10 minutes the Sun was again visible through cloud, and continued visible until the end, although at times covered so densely with cloud that I had to remove the colored glass in order to see it. The instant that it became visible I commenced the measurement of the apparent diameter of Venus, then the distances from the limb, until it was time to remove the double- image micrometer and observe contact. The power used for this purpose = 126, being a positive eye-piece with a glass prism in front of it, forming a solar eye-piece. The formation of the ligament took place, without the slightest warning, at about 5" (by rough estimation) from the apparent limb of the Sun the cloud being then rather dense but good definition. That this was a well- marked phenomenon is evidenced by the fact that Mr. Isaac Engleson, who was observing with a telescope of mine outside my hut, and distant about 13 feet (we could not see each other), using a Solar chronometer, noted this time 1 8< 25 later than I did. His time, reduced to local Sidereal, was 13 h . 26 m . 53 S -90, mine 13 h . 26 m . 52 s -65. At the time we both noted as follows : Mr. Engleson : " I think I recorded it 2 s . or 3 s . late." S. H. : " Might be a second or a second and a half late," as " I took a second glance to assure myself that it was not an optical deception." Mr. Engleson had no previous training on the Model coming out as a volunteer at his own cost and took this as true contact. His time of formation of cusps is later * The instrument was in Mr. Hunter's possession for five months before he started for Egypt. Plate XI. Transit of Venus 1874, at Sue?,. Fig.]. Fig. 2. 3. 4- D LtTH.22 BEDFORD S T COVCNT GARDEN. HUNTER'S OBSERVATION OF EGRESS, AT SUEZ. 335 than mine by 13 9 '66. I estimated true contact at 13 h . 27 m . 37 Sl 65, the black drop being then well marked, and as dark as the body of the planet, cusps being observed well marked at 13 h . 29 m . 10 s -65. These times are corrected for clock error and rate. The rim of silvery light round the edge of Venus on leaving the Sun's limb was very beautiful and striking, but as soon as I saw that it belonged to the planet, and likely to last a considerable time, I commenced measuring cusps with the double-image micrometer. I obtained 8 measures of the diameter of Venus, 25 distances of limbs, and 75 cusp measures, the whole of which I regret to say proved useless, as, in determining afterwards the value of the screw of the double-image micrometer, I found it totally untrustworthy, as already reported to you.* The time noted for last contact is very uncertain, the undulations of the Sun's edge being then very great (all cloud had just cleared off the Sun), so that the time noted is that when I found myself certain the notch did not recur, and is consequently too late probably by 5 s . or 10 s . Transit observations, the telegraphic comparison on the 14th, and the necessary reductions, occupied my time until December 24, when I was enabled to pack up my instruments and hut ready for shipment. At Suez the Equatorial was situated 11 feet 9 inches due West of the Transit instrument. From the latter to the nearest (S.E.) corner of the Chalet the distance was 91 feet 8 inches ; to the Flagstaff, 48 feet 6 inches. Details of the Observation of Egress. Times of Phenomena of INTERNAL CONTACT, recorded from the Sidereal Chronometer Losebtj 102. h ui s 13. 26. 34, Fig, 1, Plate XI. Just a line, no more. 13. 27. 19, Fig. 2, Now well marked. 13. 28. 52, Fig. 3, Cusps well marked. EXTERNAL CONTACT. 13. 56. 15-0. The notch has now become undiscernible. I tried to get measures several times between this and the last observation, but the boiling of the Sun's edge from the atmosphere was nearly as great as the planet's notch, if not quite so. * Mr. Hunter's micrometer measures have, in consequence, not been published. 336 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. The definition throughout has been imperfect, clouds continually passing. I saw the Sun for the first time, for a second, about 15 minutes before the first observation, and not again until one minute or so before the first recorded measure. The power used for the observation of contact was 126. An assistant recorded the time and observations. For some time after contact, until 13' 1 . 31 m . at least, the edge of Venus was brilliantly illuminated that edge which had just left the Sun so that for a little I thought the Sun was appearing behind it still, although the cusps were then well marked, as in Fig. 4, Plate XI. It was a clear silvery light, like the edge of a cloud. There was no distortion of the planet during the observation, except at the first formation of the cusps, when, as seen in the double-image micrometer, the points were much blunted. No blunted points were observed during the disappearance of the following limb. S. HUNTER. For Mr. Hunter's observations are obtained the following local and Greenwich times and final equations, assuming the Latitude 29. 58'. 23". N., Longitude 2 h . 10 m . 13 s -17, E. : Phase observed. Recorded Chronometer Time. Correction of Chronometer. Local Sidereal Time. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Local Tabular Distance of Centers. Internal contact . . . h m a i3. 27. 19 s + 1 8-52 h m s i3. 27. 37-52 h m 8 II. 17. 24 - 35 / // i5. 41-63 External contact . . . 13.56. i5 + 1 8-52 13.56.33-52 I I. 46. 2O-35 1 6. 46-37 Taking R = 16'. 16" -82, r = 31'H2, and the Mean Solar Parallax = 8" -950 (l + j^j). we have for the internal contact + 3"- 77 = -"-2021 n - -2443 8 E.A. - 9643 8 N.P.D. +"'o3 4 2 8 t - 8 K + 8 r, and for the external contact + i"-87 = "-2IOO n -335i 8 R.A. '9314 S N.P.D. +"'0404 8 t 8 R S r. The transit instrument used by Mr. Hunter at Suez has already been described in the account of operations at Alexandria. At Suez it was mounted on a pier of masonry to the S.E. of the Chalet of the KHEDIVE, on the north side of the town, as described in Mr. Hunter's letter. MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS AT SUEZ. 337 The system of wires remained intact during the observations. The transits of stars were reduced by Mr. Hunter on the spot. The Collimation and Azimuth Errors were adopted for each night as found from the observations of Polaris. The Level Error was not corrected for inequality of the size of the pivots, as this correction was afterwards determined in England. The Clock Error, however, as found by Mr. Hunter, requires no further correction on account of instrumental errors, since stars were observed with the transit axis in both positions, and the adopted clock error is the mean of the two positions of the instrument, irrespective of the number of stars observed in each position. The Diurnal Aberration of the Clock Stars is taken into account as a final correction to the Longitude. MERIDIONAL TRANSITS observed at SUEZ with the SIDEREAL CHRONOMETER LOSEBY 102. 1874, December 3. Star. "8 8 II Mean observed Chronometer Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Star's Assumed Apparent R.A. Chronometer apparently Slow. PH h m s s s 8 E O. 1.52*44 32 -6q 55' 2O + 22 "5l E o. 6. 20-10 25' i5 47-62 22-47 0*eti E O. 12. 41 ' 14 4O -QO 3'3i 22*42 E 1.12. 3o-58 6-48 W I. I I. 5q' 1Q 6-48 W i. 5q. 44' oo 44.'Q4 7-87 22 "g3 Sidereal Time of Level Level Error. COLLIMATION ERROR. Determination. December i, by Polaris, 1-07 ( E, + W). ,, 2, 4-97 (- E, + W). h m " 3, 5-65 (- E, + W) (adopted). ) + 8'58f o. 55 E + 7-80 1.28 W + 9'22 AZIMUTH ERROR. December i, by Polaris and 67 Ceti, 0-45. 2, by Polaris and /3 Arietis, 4' 67. t Mean of 20. 3, by Polaris and i Ceti, 7-00 (adopted). TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. Meridional Transits observed at Suez, 1874, December 4. Star. Position of the Micro- meter Head. Mean observed Chronometer Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Star's Assumed Apparent K.A. Chronometer apparently Slow. W W w w w w w E E E h m a o. 6. 24*11 0. 12. 40'56 o. 18. 36-36 o. 23. i6'4i o. 3i. 33-21 o. 36. 56-22 1. I I. 01 -54 1.12. 25-70 1.47.21-79 i. 5g. 45'i5 3 24'99 41-12 37-03 17-01 34-36 56-68 22-11 45-42 8 47-61 3-32 59-47 3g-38 56-83 l8'q5 6-37 6-37 44-26 7-87 s 22-62 22' 2O 22-44 22-37 22-47 22-27 22- l5 22-40 , Ceti 1 2 Ceti j3 Ceti Polaris (5) Polaris (4) /3 Arietis a, Arietis Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Level Error. Remarks, December 4. Strong wind ; chronometer almost inaudible. h in o. 4 5 W I.24E I.32E /; + 8-55 + i3- 77 + i i 5o Collimation Error by Polaris, 7" -62 ( E, + W) (adopted). Azimuth Error by Polaris and j3 Ceti, 8"' 21 (adopted). 1874, December 5. Star. Position of the Micro- meter Head. Mean observed Chronometer Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Star's Assumed Apparent R.A. Chronometer apparently Slow. W w w w w w E E E E h m s o. 18.37-09 o. 23. 17*06 o. Si.33-86 0.36.56-77 o. 41. 25 '66 . u. 45-84 . 12. I7'70 .38. 26-16 .47.22-48 . 5g. 46 06 s 38-04 17-92 35-3g 57-41 26-77 26-55 23 -06 46-66 s 5 9'47 3q'37 56-83 18-93 48-13 5-3g 5-3 9 47-76 44-26 7-87 I 21-43 21-45 21-44 21-52 21-36 21'2I 21-20 21-21 1 2 Ceti j3 Ceti Polaris (5) Polaris (4) o Piscium |3 Arietis Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Level Error. Collimation Error by Polaris, 6" -07 ( E, + W) (adopted). Azimuth Error by Polaris and |S Ceti, 8" -34 (adopted). h m 0.28 W i. 3 W i.3oE // + 14-43 + 15-67 + 14-92 MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS AT SUEZ. 339 Meridional Transits observed at Suez, 1874, December 6. Star. Position of the Micro- meter Head. Mean observed Chronometer Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Star's Assumed Apparent K.A. Chronometer apparently Slow. 1 2 Ceti E E E E E V? W W W W h m s o. 23. 17-90 o. 3i. 35 *o3 o. 41. 5o- 17 o. 46. i5'6o i. 12. 33 "o5 i. 1 1. 5g- 19 i. 47. 21 '65 i. 5g. 45-32 2. 6. o-3o 2. 10. 22-92 a i8'3q 35-86 50-78 l6' 12 23-27 46-96 !- 7 5 24-19 3 39-57 57-02 1 1 -83 37-25 4-82 4-82 44-27 7-86 22-84 45-28 8 21- 18 21 ' l6 2 I 05 21- 13 21 'CO 20-90 21 '09 21'Og AndromediB 5 Piscium 20 Ceti Polaris (5) Polaris (4) . j9 Arietis a Arietis fi Ceti 67 Ceti Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Level Error. Collimation Error by Polaris, 5"'8i ( E, + W) (adopted). Azimuth Error, Polaris and 20 Ceti, i"'o8 (adopted). 1 h m o. 55 E I. 2 E 1.24 W i.3i W n + i5'33 + i6-23 + I7'i3 + 19-35 1874, December 7. Star. 1 i Mean observed Chronometer Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Star's Assumed Apparent K.A. Chronometer apparently Slow. 2 Ceti W W W W E E E h m a 23.56.58'72 o. 1.32-75 o. 6.25-47 0. 12. 41 -94 0.31.35-75 o.36.58'94 I. 12. 0- J2 3 34'83 27- 10 42-98 37-12 5g-o6 8 '9 -8 9 55- 15 47-58 3-28 56 -80 18-91 4'25 8 20-32 20-32 20-48 2O '3O ig-68 ig-85 a Andromedoe v Peeasi . i Ceti t AndromediB )9 Ceti (3) Polaris (3) Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Level Error. Remarks : Observations interrupted by clouds. AZIMUTH EEROK. By Polaris and /3 Ceti, 14-0. By ft Ceti and e Andromeda;, 8 " o. By 2 Ceti and a Andromeda^, 1 1 ' 2. (Adopted Azimuth Error, 1 1 i ). Adopted Collimation Error, 5' 8 ( E, + W). h m o. 18 W 0.54E if + 22-72 + 23-10 X X 340 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. Meridional Transits observed at Suez, 1874, December 8. Star. Position of the Micro- meter Head. Mean observed Chronometer Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Star's Assumed Apparent It.A. Chronometer apparently Slow. W w w E E E E E h m a o. 41. 28'g5 o. 46. 17-84 I. 12. 8-02 I. 12. 29- 17 i.3g. 28-87 2. 6. 4- 1 1 2. 10. 26-83 2. 55. 26-47 a 28-96 I7-75 28-46 3-69 26-23 26-I2 8 48-12 37-06 3-66 3-66 47-73 22-82 48-30 45'23 s 19- 16 ig-3i 19-27 19- 13 19-07 19- ii Polaris (2) o Piscium i Ceti (A.). . 67 Ceti a Ceti (A.} . , Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Level Error. Collirnatioii Error by Polaris, 4 Azimuth Error by Polaris and t ' A.I ( K -I- A V) (adopted). i. b i)i 0. 15 W o.55 W i.3oE 3. 17 E ii O'3o + I '12 + 1-24 + 5-10 20 Ceti, 10" 1874, December 9. Star. Position of the Micro- meter Head. Mean observed Chronometer Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridiau. Seconds of Star's Assumed Apparent R.A. Chronometer apparently Slow. Polaris (3) w E E E E E W W W W h m s . n.5i'8g . 12. i3'3i .38. 3o-2g .47.26-49 . 5g. 5o - o8 2. 6. 5-i6 2. 21. l3'OO 2.29. 0-98 2. 32. 46-81 2. 36. 3i -57 s 3o'og 26'5o 5o'i3 4'94 13-42 i-35 47-07 3i -go s 3-04 3-04 47' 7-5 44-25 7-85 22-82 3i- 14 19-22 5'o2 49 '86 8 17-64 I 7 - 7 5 I7-72 I7-88 I7-72 17-87 I7-95 17-96 Polaris (3) i Ceti |2 Ceti Ceti 8 Ceti ? 2 Ceti Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Level Error. Collimation Error by Polaris, 4" '41 ( E, + W) (adopted). Azimuth Error by Polaris and a Piscium, 1 4" 2 (adopted). h m o. 8W o. 10 W 1.25E 2. 8 E 2. i5 W 2. 4 5 W // + 6'oo + 4'99 + 4' 6 9 + 7-57 + 9'7 + 7-95 MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS AT SUEZ. Meridional Transits observed at Suez, 1874, December 11. 341 Star. Position of the Micro-;: meter Head. Mean observed Chronometer Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Star's Assumed Apparent R.A. Chronometer apparently Slow. a Piscium (5) W W w w w w E E E E E h m s 23. 52.36- 15 23.57. 3-32 o. 18. 42-46 o. 23. 22-47 o. 4.6. 20-14 i. ii. 53"o6 i. 12. 18-85 i. 5g. 5o-85 2. 6. 6'oi 2.29. 2'3i 2.55. 28'3i 8 36 -09 2'94 42-31 22-24 ig- 9 5 So-65 5-58 1-81 27-80 s 53 "og 19-87 5g-38 3g'3i 37-04 i '60 i '60 7-84 22-82 ig-22 4.5-23 8 17-00 i6-g3 17-07 17-07 17-09 '7 - '9 17-24 17-41 17-43 2 Ceti A A Piscium 1 2 Ceti 20 Ceti Polaris (2) Polaris (2) a Arietis f i Ceti v Ceti a Ceti (6) Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Level Error. Collimation Error by Polaris, 6" '87 ( E, + W) (adopted). Azimuth Error by Polaris and 12 Ceti, 14" - 6 (adopted). h m 23. 4 5 W i. oW 2.5gE // - 1-72 o-go + 5-25 1874, December 14. Star. Position of the Micro- meter Head. Mean observed Chronometer Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Star's Assumed Apparent R.A. Chronometer appareutly Slow. W w w w E E W E E E h m 8 o. i. 38 '04 o. 6.3o-86 o. 12. 47-01 o. 18. 42 "gi o. 23. 23-77 1.12. 11-77 I. I I. 43-63 i. 5g. 5i "gi 2. 6. 6-go 2. 10. 2g'8i 9 37-8I 3o'3i 46-02 42-11 22-27 5o-g2 5-65 28-25 8 55-06 47'5i 3'22 5g-38 3g-28 59-07 59-07 7-82 22-78 45-26 s 17-25 17*20 I7-20 47 - 27 17-01 16*90 I7'i3 17-01 Polaris (3) Polaris (3) Ji Ceti 67 Ceti Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Level Error. Collimation Error by Polaris, 6"' i3 ( E, + W) (adopted). Azimuth Error by Polaris and 12 Ceti, 22" '2 (adopted). h m 22.12 W 23. 55 W i. 7E 1.55 W 2. i3E it 10-76 - 7-54 5-48 xx 2 342 TRANSIT OP VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. Meridional Transits observed at Suez, 1874, December 18. Star. Position of the Micro- meter Head. Mean observed Chronometer Time of Transit over the Center Wire. Seconds of True Transit over the Meridian. Seconds of Star's Assumed Apparent K.A. Chronometer apparently Slow. W W W W E E E h m s I. 11.27-71 i.5g. 55-87 2. 6. II '24 2. 21. ig'54 2.26. 8-54 3.26.52-84 3.33. 7-42 8 56'3o 1 I '20 ig'So 7-72 5i -71 7-20 8 55-87 7'80 22-75 3i' 10 19' 16 3-i8 i8-g5 s '5o 55 60 '44 '47 ?5 fi Ceti 2 Ceti y Ceti t Eridani 1 1 Taiiri Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Level Error. Adopted Collimation Error, 6"'i ( E, 4- W). Azimuth Error by Polaris and a Arietis, 26" '5 (adopted). h m o.3o W 2.25 W 3.2i E // 2' 10 + 4'20 + 4'4<5 LATITUDE of MR. HUNTER'S STATION at SUEZ. From the Admiralty Chart of the Port of Suez, the Latitude of the head of the Southern Mole, at the entrance of the Maritime Canal, is stated to be 29. 56'. 3" North. Mr. Hunter's station, near the flagstaff of the Khedivial Chalet, was 4437 yards north of this point by the said chart, corresponding to 2'. 11"'7 of latitude. Hence the Latitude of his station was 29. 58'. i5" North.* DETERMINATION of the DIFFERENCE of LONGITUDE between the MOKATTAM and SUEZ STATIONS by Exchange of GALVANIC SIGNALS. The observatories at Mokattam and Suez being in direct metallic con- nection, telegraphic signals were exchanged between them on the nights of 1874, Dec. 4, 5, 7, and 14. The exchange on each night (with one unimportant exception) was con- ducted in the following manner : A positive signal was sent from Mokattam every 10 seconds, for about 15 minutes, by simply pressing the key in accord- ance with the beat of a Solar chronometer. The movement of the galvano- meter needle at Suez was recorded to the nearest tenth of a second by estimation from the Sidereal transit chronometer. A similar series of positive signals was then sent from Suez (using the Sidereal chronometer), and similarly recorded at Mokattam (by means of the Solar chronometer). * For computing the final Equations for Suez, the latitude was assumed to be 29. 58'. 23". N., which is sufficiently accurate. LONGITUDE OF SUEZ. 343 Mokattam then sent a series of negative signals, which were followed by a negative series from Suez, the whole occupying about one hour. From each series there could be obtained three or more comparisons of the chronometers when they were apparently beating together, but as each recorded time was correct within about one-tenth of a second, Captain Browne has preferred to take the mean of all the recorded times, the total number of which is shown in the table (page 345). The Solar chronometer employed at Mokattam was compared with the transit-clock before and after each exchange of signals. Stars were observed at both stations on each night, as near as possible to the time of the exchange. Captain Browne remarks that the results of the different nights are not so accordant as those obtained in the GREENWICH-MOKATTAM Longitude deter- mination through the immense length of submarine cable, and attributes it to the fact that the instruments used at Suez for the determination and maintenance of local time were not of the high class used at Mokattam. That may be so ; but there is little to complain of. Thanks to the excellence of Captain Browne's arrangements, and the consistent accuracy of Mr. Hunter's work, the Longitude of Suez must be considered to be as satisfactorily determined as that of Mokattam. ADOPTED ERRORS and RATES of the SIDEREAL TRANSIT CHRONOMETER LOSEBY 102 on LOCAL SIDEREAL TIME at SUEZ. Approximate Local Mean Time. Approximate Sidereal Time. Transit Chronometer Slow. Loss in preceding 24 h . Sidereal. Adopted Losing Rate. 1874. b m h m a S i Dec. 3, 8. 16 i. 4 + 2270 4, 8. .6 I. 8 + 22-35 0'35 0-68 5, 8.14 I. 10 + 21-325 1*02 0-64 6, 8.19 i. 19 + 21-075 0-25 o-65 7, 7. 16 0. 20 + 20-06 ro5 -0-94 8, 8.21 1.29 + 19-19 -o-83 1-08 9. 9- o 2. 12 + i7'8i 1-34 roo 11, 7.82 I. 12 + 17-18 o-3 1 0'2I 14, 7.24 o.55 + 17-12 O'O2 -071 1 8, 8.53 2. 40 + 1 1 '55 I'Sg -rig 344 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. COMPARISONS, at MOKATTAM, of the SOLAR CHRONOMETER FRODSHAM -g-gVs (used for signalling with SUEZ) with the TRANSIT-CLOCK at MOKATTAM (by coin- cidence of beats). Day. Time by Frodsham 3 r. (Approx. Local Mean Time.) Time by the Mokattam Transit-Clock. Adopted Mokattam Transit-Clock Slow on Mokattam Sidereal Time. 1874. h m s h m s 8 Dec. 4 6. 57. 24-5 23. 5o. 48 1 7. o. i6'o 23. 53. 40 f + 2479 7. 6. 35-o 0. 0. O J II. I 6. 20'O 4. 10. 26 1 1 1. 19. 20-5 4. 1 3. 27 > + 24-92 I I. 22. 25'O 4. 16. 32 J Dec. 5 6. 36. ig-5 23. 33. 36 1 6. 3g. 23-o 23. 36. 40 ^ + 25-6o 6. 48. 29-5 23.45.48 J 10. 40. io-5 3.38. 17 1 10.43. 25-o 10. 46. 12-5 3. 41. 22 3. 44. 10 I + 25- 7 3 10.49. 20-0 3.47.18 J Dec. 7 5. 52. 35-5 5. 55. 35-o 5. 58. 36-5 22.57.38 23. o. 38 23. 3. 40 I + 26-gS g. 55. 25-5 3. i. 8 ] v g. 58. 25'o 10. i. 44-5 3. 4. 8 3. 7.28 > + 27-05 10. 4.36-0 3. 10. 20 J Dec. 14 7. 53. 20-0 i. 26. 18 1 8. 5.35-0 1.38.35 8. 8. 3g-5 1.41.40 v + 3i'97 8. 14.38-5 1.47.40 J 10. i.3ro 10. 4. 3o'5 10. 7.40-0 3. 34. 5o 3. 37. 5o 3. 4 1 . o > + 32-02 ADOPTED HOURLY LOSING RATE of FRODSHAM 3 T!':ins on MEAN SOLAR TIME, 1874, Dec. 4 +0-024 5 + 0-014 7 + o-o53 14 -t- o'ooS LONGITUDE OP SUEZ. 345 EXCHANGE of G-ALVANIC SIGNALS between MOKATTAM and SUEZ, and INFERRED DIFFERENCE of LONGITUDE. > AT MOKATTAM. AT SUEZ. berofEffe ;nals. Mean of the Times by Frodsham -^'g^ of Sending or _> *o o i t-l Mokattam Sidereal Time. Mean of the Times by Loseby 102 of Sending or & 3 a | Corresponding Suez Sidereal Time. Suez East of Mokattam. |a Receiving -*-> Receiving S M Signals. i Signals. 1874, December 4, io b . h in 8 h m s h m s h m s h m s 61 9. 22. O'OOO S 2. l6. I2'IO 2. 20. 56'774 R 2. 21. 19-09 o. 5. 6*gg 3q 9.37.20727 B 2. 3i. 35'35 2. 36. 2O'OOO S 2. 36. 42-31 o. 5. 6'g6 79 10. 10. 3o - ooo S 3. 4. 5o-og 3. 9. 34-694 R 3. 9. 56-gg o. 5. 6-go 49 10. 26. 42-500 R 3.2i. 5-25 3. 25. 5o-ooo S 3. 26. 12-28 o. 5. 7*o3 1874, December 5, icA 81 9. 3i. 3o'ooo S 2. 29. 40-94 2.34. 26-5i5 R 2. 34. 47-80 o. 5. 6*86 58 9. 48. 3o-638 R 2. 46. 44-37 2. 5i.3o-ooo S 2.5i. 5i-28 o. 5. 6*91 73 10. 4.40*000 S 3. 2. 56-3g 3. 7.42-086 R 3. 8. 3-36 o. 5. 6*97 47 10. 24. 4'83o R 3. 22. 24-40 3. 27. 10-000 S 3. 27. 3i'26 o. 5. 6*86 1874, December 7, g h . 63 8. 58. 40-000 S 2. 4.40-17 2. 9.26-873 R 2. 9. 46-86 o. 5. 6-69 69 9. 14. 10-579 R 2. 20. i3'3i 2.25. O'OOO S 2. 25. 19*98 o. 5. 6-67 77 9. 3o. 40-000 S 2. 36. 45-45 2. 4I.32-I89 R 2. 41. 52-i5 o. 5. 6*70 61 9. 46. 45- 1 48 R 2. 52. 53-26 2. 57. 40*000 S 2. 57. 59*96 o. 5. 6-70 1874, December 14, g h . 79 9. o. 5o*ooo S 2. 34. 3ro5 2. 3g. 20*877 R 2. 3g. 37*g5 o. 5. 6-go 53 9. 1 6. 46-488 R 2. 5o. 3o'i5 2. 55. 20*000 S 2. 55.37*06 o. 5. 6'gi 87 9. 33. 3o - ooo S 3. 7. 16*42 3. 12. 6-434 R 3. 12. 23-49 o. 5. 7-07 5 7 9. 5o. o*g32 R 3. 23. 5o-o6 3. 28. 40-000 S 3. 28. 57-04 o. 5. 6*98 We have, therefore, the following mean result for each day for the Longitude of Suez, East of Mokattam : 1874, Dec. 4 o. 5. 6-g7o 5. ..... 6*goo 7 6-6go 14 6*g65 346 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EGYPT. There does not appear to be any reason for assigning unequal weights to the above. Their mean is o h . 5 m . 6"88. The corrections to be applied to this result for the relative personal equations of Captain Browne and Mr. Hunter in sending and receiving signals, and in observing transits of stars, are identical, but with sign changed, with those already described in the section Longitude of Alexandria, (page 329), and, therefore, amount together to + O s '03. The Diurnal Aber- ration of the Right Ascensions of the clock stars, having been omitted by Mr. Hunter, causes the observed difference of longitude to be too small by O s> 02, no clock stars being very far from the equator. The total correction is therefore + C^'OS. Hence h m 3 CONCLUDED LONGITUDE of SUEZ, EAST of Mo- 1 KATTAM ................... . ............ } " 5 " 6 '9 3 CONCLUDED LONGITUDE of MOKATTAM, EAST of 1 , .. GREENWICH ............................. 2< 5 " 6 ' 2 + CONCLUDED LONGITUDE of HUNTER'S STATION at i SUEZ, EAST of GREENWICH ................ ) G. L. T. TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. PART III. EXPEDITION TO THE ISLAND OF RODRIGUEZ, IN THE INDIAN OCEAN, UNDER LIEUTENANT CHARLES B. NEATE, R.N. SECTION I. OBSERVATIONS AT POINT VENUS. With Two Plates. SECTION II. OBSERVATIONS AT POINT COTON. With One Plate. SECTION III. OBSERVATIONS AT HERMITAGE ISLET. With One Plate. y y TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. PART III. EXPEDITION TO THE ISLAND OF RODRIGUEZ. Section 1. OBSERVATIONS AT POINT VENUS. With Two Plates. TT 2 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. PART III. EXPEDITION TO THE ISLAND OP RODRIGUEZ. SECTION I. POINT VENUS. PAGE VOYAGE, PERSONNEL, SITE, INSTRUMENTS, AND GEOGRAPHICAL DETERMINATIONS : Voyage and Establishment at Kodriguez 351 Personnel 353 Site .353 The Transit Instrument and Clock 354 Equatorial intervals of Wires 355 Collimation 355 Error of Level 355 Error of Azimuth 356 The Altazimuth Instrument 357 Euns of Micrometers 357 Barometer and Thermometer 358 Latitude of the Altazimuth Pier 358 Longitude of Point Venus 358 Longitude from Meridional Transits of the Moon . 359 Longitude from observed Zenith Distances of the Moon 361 Longitude from Occupations of Stars by the Moon 361 Summary of these Results for Longitude 365 Lord Lindsay's Chronometric Expedition to Rodriguez 365 Report of Lieutenant C. B. Neate, R.N., on his Observation of the Transit of Venus, 1874, December 8 365 Equations resulting from these Observations 369 MERIDIONAL AND ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS AT POINT VENUS IN TABULAR ARRANGE- MENT : Table I. Collimation of the Transit Instrument 372 Table II. Error of Level of the Transit Instrument 372 Table III. Azimuth Error of the Transit Instrument 373 Table IV. Meridional Transits (abstract) 375 Table V. R.A. of the Moon's Limb (abstract, united with Table IV.) 375 Table VI. Longitude of Point Venus from the Meridional Transits of the Moon . . 376 Table VII. Abstract of Longitudes deduced from Vertical Transits of the Moon . . 377 Plate XII. Plan showing the position of the Stations on Rodriguez .... to face 352 Plate XIII. Diagrams illustrating the observation of the Transit of Venus by Lieut. Neate 366 351 VOYAGE AND ESTABLISHMENT AT RODRIGUEZ. THE Government chartered steam transport Elizabeth Martin sailed from Woolwich, 1874, May 23, having on board the greater part of the personnel and stores of the Expeditions intended for Rodriguez and Kerguelen's Land. She arrived in Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope, June 25, where the Rodriguez detachment was reinforced by H.M.S. Slwarwater, Commander J. "W. L. WHARTON, employed in surveying those coasts. Both vessels proceeded to the Mauritius, where all final arrangements were made, with the cordial co- operation of the Colonial Government. Here Lieutenant Neate placed himself in communication with Mr. Charles Meldrum, Director of the Royal Alfred Observatory, and received much valuable information in regard to the climate of Rodriguez, and especially to the hurricanes so prevalent there. Lord Lindsay's Expedition, under the charge of Mr. David Gill, arriving at Mauritius before Lieutenant Neate's departure, a plan was concerted for connecting the stations at Mauritius and Rodriguez by the transportation of Lord Lindsay's large collection of chronometers in H.M.S. Slieanvater.* The Shearwater, having on board the entire Expedition, arrived at Rodriguez August 18, and anchored at Port Mathurin. After a thorough examination of the island, with the courteous assistance of C. Bell, Esq., the resident magistrate, a good site was selected (to be more fully described hereafter) on the ruins of an old fort, formerly called FORT DUNCAN, where foundations could be obtained for all the instruments on solid rock without digging, and fresh water was abundant at the distance of 300 yards. Lieutenant Neate writes : " Rodriguez is an island of basaltic rock, rising somewhat abruptly from the sea, and fringed by coral reefs. A level sand-bank, varying in breadth, nearly surrounds the island, and is dry at ordinary high water. The dis- embarkation of the huts, instruments, and other heavy stores was necessarily a tedious operation, and could only be effected at high water. The larger and heavier cases were hoisted up to the observatory plateau by means of a * The plan was subsequently carried out ; the Shearwater, starting from Mauritius, twice made the double journey with the chronometers, arriving at Rodriguez September 13 and 23. The details of these operations form no part of the present work. 352 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. RODRIGUEZ. pair of sheers stepped on its edge. The operations of landing and placing the instruments, huts, &c., were performed by the officers and men of H.M.S. Shearwater, under the superintendence of Commander "Wharton. " During the sojourn of the party on the island, observations for local time were made on every fine night ; the Moon was observed both with the transit- instrument and with the Altazimuth whenever it was possible. In con- sequence of the cloudy weather only twelve observations of the Moon on the meridian were obtained, but on each occasion the clock and instrumental errors were very satisfactorily determined. " The Equatorial was mounted in October, but this instrument and the secondary telescope were very little used before the transit of Venus. A few occultations of stars were observed ; but little time could be spared by the observers to ivatch for these phenomena, and consequently only those occultations whose times of occurrence were known received any attention. " The Model representing the appearances of the transit of Venus was mounted in November, and Commander Wharton, Lieutenant Hoggan, and myself practised with it. " The Expedition was furnished from the Meteorological Office, West- minster, with a very complete set of Meteorological instruments. It was evident at first that to make the necessary observations and entries would occupy more time than the members of the Expedition could afford. The offer, therefore, of a local officer, Police-Sergeant Youlton, to take charge of the Meteorological observations, and to be responsible for the accuracy of the journal, was very welcome. The various instraments were read twice a day. The journal was occasionally examined by Mr. Burton or myself.* " The transit of Venus on December 8 was observed by Commander Wharton, Lieutenant Hoggan, and myself. Their reports are appended to my own. " The Island of Rodriguez was surveyed by the officers of the Shearwater, under the direction of Commander Wharton. The positions of the secondary stations on Hermitage Islet and at Point Coton depend entirely upon this survey. The difference of longitude between Point Venus and Hermitage Islet was determined by rocket signals in connection with the observations at both places for local time, but preference is given to the difference obtained geodetically. " At my request the Colonial Government at Mauritius (to which Rodriguez * It is deposited at the Meteorological Office, Westminster. , -OV 7 -" '~ 71 PERSONNEL AND SITE. 353 is a dependancy) undertook to protect from injury the stone building with, which I enclosed the transit-hut as a protection against hurricanes, and to reserve the site for the possible use of subsequent Astronomical Expeditions. " To conclude, it is only necessary to call attention to the extraneous work which contributed to the success of the Expedition. The most deserving of notice is the very efficient service rendered by the officers and crew of H.M.S. Shearwater, under Commander Wharton, already frequently men- tioned, by which many great difficulties of landing and transport were overcome, involving as it often did very hard work. "Without this service the work of the Expedition could not have proceeded. " During the stay of the party at the Mauritius much assistance was rendered by various departments of the Colonial Government in the way of labour and stores ; and, by arrangement between the Imperial and Colonial Governments, a dwelling-house was framed, for the residence of the Expedi- tion at Rodriguez. A schooner was hired to carry the house to Rodriguez. " Great attention was shown to the members of the Expedition by the officials. " The services rendered by Mr. C. Bell and his staff of police were made the subject of a special communication to the Colonial Secretary. " C. B. NEATE." PERSONNEL. The observing party at Rodriguez consisted of Lieutenant CHARLES B. NEATE, R.N., chief ; Lieutenant R. HOGGAN, R.N. ; and Mr. CHARLES E. BURTON, B.A., of Dublin, who had entire charge of the Photographic Department, and assisted in the regular astronomical observations. These observers are distinguished by the initials N, H, and B, respectively. Three sappers of the Royal Engineers accompanied the Expedition as assistant photographers. THE SITE AT POINT VENUS, RODRIGUEZ. About three-quarters of a mile N.E. of the little town of Port Mathurin, on the cliff, some 50 feet above and 200 yards distant from high- water mark, 354 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. RODRIGUEZ. POINT VENUS. are the remains of an old fort, called on some cliarts Fort Duncan. This was the site selected, foundations on solid rock being everywhere accessible. The island, with the extensive coral formation surrounding it, was surveyed by Commander W. H. L. Wharton, R.N. and the officers of H.M.S. Shearwater in 1874 ; and on the Admiralty Chart of Rodriguez Island (Indian Ocean), published 1876, February 16, the site is named Point Venus. From the Equatorial Stone the following true bearings were found : o / // Apex of Booby Island N. 74. 4. 38 AY. Apex of Diamond Island S. 76. 1 1. 27 W. Apex of Diamond Peak 8. 62. 25. 32 W. The Beacon on -the summit of Le Piton S. 3. 24. 41 E. Altazimuth Pier, 61 feet S. 77 E. Transit Pier, 84 feet N. 46 E. Photoheliograph Stone, 43 feet N. 46 E. The Transit Pier was 72 feet due North of the Altazimuth Pier. THE TRANSIT INSTRUMENT AND CLOCK. The Transit instrument and its mounting were in every respect exactly similar to those used at Honolulu (see page 9). The great stone was laid upon a course of bricks, which rested upon the levelled surface of the solid rock. The instrument was fairly in the Meridian by August 31. In addition to the wooden observatory brought from Eng- land, the instrument was protected by a high stone wall, enclosing the wooden hut. The adopted value of one revolution of the transit-micrometer-screw, which carried all five wires of the reticule, is 56" 30. It is the mean of a great number of observations of close circumpolar stars at different times. The integer revolutions of the screw were numbered in the observing books so as to increase with motion of the wires towards the screw-head ; the center wire coincided approximately with the optic axis when the reading was 20 r -4. The position of the transit-axis is always denoted by the record of the micrometer-screw-head being on the east or west side of the telescope. TRANSIT INSTRUMENT AND CLOCK. 355 The system of .wires remained perfect during the series of observa- tions. The Equatorial intervals were found, from 400 transits of time stars, as follows : Wire I. (nearest to the screw-head) + 429*47 ,, II. ,, ,, + 2i3'6i ,, HI. ,, ,, o-oo ,, IV. ,, ,, - 212-83 , , V. ,, ,, - 424-70 The mean of the observed times of transit over the five wires is, therefore, reduced to the center wire by applying the correction i5 gin N p D positive with micrometer W. The quantity used by Lieut. Neate was i5gi ' n] ^p D , and, as the instrument was habitually kept with the micrometer west, in strictness the times of true transit of all the clock stars require to be increased s '04. This minute correction, -however, has no importance, except when transferred to the Altazimuth-Clock, in the reduction of the observed vertical transits of the Moon. Collimation. The reading of the Micrometer for coincidence of the center wire with the optic axis was found by observing temporary and fixed collimators, or close circumpolar stars, with reversed positions of the transit-axis (Tab. I.). The Error of Level was found with the hanging spirit-level, two or more times each night (Tab. II.). The value of the graduations engraved on the glass bubble was re-determined by the makers before the Expedition left England. Thirty-nine divisions were equivalent to one minute of arc, which value has been used throughout. The relative size of the pivots was examined by observing the level-error 50 times, the instrument being reversed between each two sets of five deter- minations. No appreciable difference could be detected. For the Azimuth Error (Tab. III.) one or more of the stars in the following list were observed on the center wire, the micrometer-screw being turned as requisite to enable the star to transit the wire. z z 356 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. RODRIGUEZ. POINT YENUS. MEAN PLACES, for 1874 '0, of the STARS observed at POINT VENUS for AZIMUTH ERROR, as given by Mr. STONE.* Star. E. A. 187 4-0. N.P.D. Lacaille 23 h m s o. 8. 3o'o4 o / // I 75. 4. 1 . 4.5 ' Q o Octantis o. 1 2. 58'g4 I7Q. 3. 4.8 -Q Lacaille 248 o. 3g. 5 1 ' g3 176. 23. 3o'2 634. . 1.4.4.. 54-84. 175. 24.. I 8 'A. 764. . 2. 5. 3i '55 ij5. 21. 3o - 6 1O2Q 2. 3q. 44' 1 8 176. 16. 24-5 "y I 14.6 . 2. 5 I. 33'O4 1 75. 32. 5 1 ' 4 I2O3 3. 3. 58 '89 176. 22. i3"o i5gz 4.. 6. Q'O4. 175. 37 45-5 2206 . 5.54.38-67 1 74. 5o. 26 ' Q , 2612 6. 12. 58 '34 1 70. 55. 3i * 7 3274. . 7. 3o. 27 '62 I?6. 4.Q. O" 7 A Octantis . , 8. 1 1. i5'38 178. 2Q. 5o'7 Brisbane 409 1 12. 33. 10-40 i7Q. 6. 26' 5 z Octantis H. 28. 5oOQ 177. 37. 4-O'Q Brisbane 5607 16. 14. 27' 37 176. 7. O'Q , , 6o58 17. 40. 38*27 177. 3q. 2o - 8 a Octantis 18. 13.38-63 179. 16. 3q'8 B Octantis 21. 2. 14." 14. I 70. 25. 42 " 2 C Octantis 22. 6. 5o"2O 176. 36. 17-3 T Octantis 23. 8. 4.-QQ 178. IO. 22'3 Lacaille 9696 23. 44. i3'o5 176. 35. 4.Q '3 The Catalogue of 78 Stars was brought up to 1874, January 1, and the loga- rithms of a, b, c, d and a, V, c, d' computed, before the Expeditions left England. The Transit clock was originally constructed by Graham for the Royal Observatory. It was put into good order, and supplied with a cylindrical zinc-and-steel compensated pendulum by Messrs. E. Dent arid Co., and tested for many months at the Royal Observatory before the departure of the Expedition from England. At Rodriguez its rate (Table V.) was not so regular as it had been during the testing at Greenwich. It was mounted upon a solid wooden tripod, resting upon the rock, and nowhere touching the floor of the observatory. The stars observed for clock-error were taken generally from the list in use at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. The Mean Right Ascensions have been brought up to the beginning of the year from the Greenwich Catalogue of 2760 Stars for the Epoch 1864. The reduction for the day has been taken from the Nautical Almanac for all stars found in that work. The Meridional transits (Tab. IV.) have been reduced as described in * Places of eight close Southern Polar Stars, Eoyal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, 1874, and Catalogue of 78 Stars near the South Pole, Monthly Notices, R.A.S., XXXIII., 55. ALTAZIMUTH INSTRUMENT. 357 The Meridional transits selected for publication are (1) all stars observed with the Moon on the meridian ; (2) stars observed in connection with Altazi- muth observations; (3) stars observed in connection with Lord Lindsay's chronometric expedition from the Mauritius. The mean determinations of the transit clock-error are given in Table V., incorporated in Table IV. The relative personal equations of the observers cannot be determined from the observations. OBSERVATIONS OF ZENITH DISTANCE. The Altazimuth instrument at Point Venus was exactly similar to that used at Honolulu, described in Part I., page 18. The values of the gradua- tions on the upper and lower zenith distance levels were 30 and 25 to one minute of arc respectively. The system of wires remained perfect throughout the observations. No imperfect vertical transits have been used. The Zenith Point corresponding to the Mean of the Wires was l" - 7 greater than that corresponding to the center wire. The Mean Corrections to the reading of the vertical circle for runs of the four micrometer screws for 100" were as follows : 1 874. Observer. Correction for Huns for i oo". Number of Ob- servations. September 4 N + O'22 4 7 B o'6o I 8 H + o - o6 4 9 B + O' 10 2 ii B + '47 I i5 N + 0-29 4 24 H -r o'o6 4 25 B o-i5 4 27 Ii o'o3 i 28 B - o-i5 2 October 2 B o'o3 2 6 B 0-28 2 '9 B + o'o5 4 3o N + o-38 3 November 1 7 H + o'i3 4 24 N + O 1 IO 3 December 7 B O'2I 2 10 B 0'25 2 zz 2 358 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. RODRIGUEZ. POINT VENUS. On November 13 the object-glass of microscope B, with its cell, was discovered to be broken away from the body of the microscope. It was effectively repaired with cement. The observations of November 12 and 13 have, in consequence, been rejected. An examination of the differences of the means of opposite microscopes, before and after November 13, seems to show that the accident was discovered soon after it occurred. A mercurial barometer, by Messrs. Home and Thornthwaite, which had been tested at Greenwich and found to have no appreciable error, was sus- pended inside the Altazimuth hut. A verified thermometer was placed outside on the S.W. side. The thermometer attached to the barometer generally read 3 higher than the external thermometer ; but it cannot be thence inferred that the temperature within the hut was higher to that extent than the external temperature, the attached thermometer not having been verified. Satisfactory comparisons of the Altazimuth Clock, Dent 2014, with the Transit Clock, Graham 2, were made on 56 days. The LATITUDE of the ALTAZIMUTH PIER. Numerous observations for co-latitude were made on 42 days, on stars very near to the meridian, at zenith distances from 10 to 65 ; in one instance at 75. The mean results are C I If From 5g stars North of the Zenith, Co-latitude = 70. 19. 38'2 S. 28 South 70.19.37-6 The declinations of the northern stars depend upon observations at Green- wich ; those of the southern stars upon observations at Melbourne and at the Cape of Good Hope. The adopted latitude of the Altazimuth pier is 19. 40'. 22"-l S. On the LONGITUDE of POINT VENUS. (1.) From tJie Observations of the Moon on the Meridian. The observations have been reduced as described in Part I., page 22. The results for longitude are exhibited in the usual form in Table VI., from which are obtained the following means : LATITUDE, AND LONGITUDE FROM ZENITH DISTANCES. 359 Observer. J I. Number of Obs. D II. Number of Obs. Mean Longitude, s s h m s B 43-z5 4 42-02 4 4.13.42-63 H 3g-88 5 46-36 4 4.13.43-11 N 37-40 i 43-77 4 4.13.40-59 MEAN, POINT VENUS EAST of GREENWICH 4. 1 3. 42-1 1 (2.) Longitude of Point Venus, from the observed Zenith Distances of the Moon. Kodriguez is not very favorably situated for the application of this method in the autumn months, the ecliptic being far from perpendicular to the horizon at the times at which the Moon can be observed, and difficulty was experienced in obtaining a sufficient number of observations of the Moon's second limb. The method of comparing the Altazimuth Clock with the Transit Clock, and of making and of reducing the Zenith Distance Observations, have been described in the Honolulu section. The corrections to the Moon's Tabular R. A. and N. P. D. were taken from the Appendix. It was not the general practice at Point Venus to observe the vertical transit of a star near the Moon. The time, determined by one observer with the Transit instrument, was transferred to the Altazimuth Clock, and was used by another observer. 178 zenith-distance observations were made on 28 days. For each observation, the Tabular Zenith Distance was computed from the Nautical Almanac with corrected elements (as explained in the Appendix) on the two assumptions of longitude 4 h . 13 m . 10 s . and 4 h . 14 m . s . East of Greenwich. The comparison of these gave a longitude of the station. An abstract of these results is given in Table VII. The differences between the Observed and the Tabular Zenith Distances of the stars observed in vertical transit are collected in the following table. The series is sufficiently numerous as regards the comparison of times deduced from Mr. Burton's Altazimuth Observations with times given by Lieutenant Neate's Transit Observations, and shows a large systematic discordance. There is some slight evidence of a similar discordance of opposite sign between Lieutenant Neate with the Altazimuth and Lieutenant Hoggan with the Transit ; but, neglecting the single comparison on October 2, there are no observations for estimating the amount of the discordance for the other four combinations of observers and instruments. It is somewhat singular, in view of the certainty of the existence of these systematic errors, that the mean longitude by Altazimuth should be so very near to the mean by the Transit instrument. 360 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KODEIGUEZ. POINT VENUS. COMPARISON of the OBSERVED and TABULAR ZENITH DISTANCES of STARS OBSERVED in VERTICAL TRANSIT with the ALTAZIMUTH at POINT VENUS. 1874. Star. East or West of Meridian. Excess of the Tabular Z. D. (with Sign changed for Stars East). Altazi- muth Observer. Transit Observer. September 1 4. a Libras w // 5'7 B N 17 a Scorpii w + 1 '2 B N October 2 Sirius E 0*4 B H 16 November 23 8 Sagittarii (Lamp R only) .... Procyon W E (- i-4)* + 2-6 B N N H 25 a, y Leonis E + 5-3 N H December 3 Procvon E 2-3 B N E Canis Majoris E 2-6 B N jS Arietis W 2'Q B N ij 1 Orionis W i'8 B N 5 8 Orionis (Lamp L only) E ( 7'i)* B N 18 Canis Majoris E 7'2 B N Ceti W 5-3 B N v Peeasi . . W 8-7 B N 7 K Orionis E A* 4. B N 8 Orionis E - \\ B N ^ Ceti W 3-5 B N y Pejiasi . , W 6'Q B N 8 a Pearasi . , W 3'2 B N 8 Aquarii W 2'6 B N $ Ceti W 3-5 B N j9 Canis Majoris E 4'7 B N E 5'6 B N a Hydras E 6-7 B N E Canis Majoris E 5'o B N Ceti W 6-3 B N j3 Canis Majoris E 5'Q B N yS Canis Minoris E 7'5 B N tj Ceti W I '2 B N * October 16, S Sagittarii. Lamp Left gives 25"' 8 ; December 5, 8 Orionis, Lamp Bight, gives + 22"' 3. [The mass of calculations connected with the Altazimuth observations is so great, and the complete examination of any one by any future investigator so improbable, that I determined to withdraw from publication all except the results. The calculations had been most severely checked by Major Tupman, and the manuscripts are preserved at the Eoyal Observatory. Gr. B. A.] The following are the results for the longitude deduced from the observed Zenith Distances of the Moon, corrected for the constant error of O04 in the Sidereal time as described on page 355. LONGITUDE FROM OCCULTATIONS. 361 Observer. 3)1. Number of Days of Observation. 3> II. Number of Days of Observation. Mean Longitude. B B h m > N 42 45 10 32 79 4 4- 1 3. 37-62 H 49 27 12 4' 24 3 4- 1 3. 45-26 B 49-02 7 43-53 3 4- 1 3. 46-27 MEAN, POINT VENUS EAST of GKEE NWICH A. 1 3. 43-o5 (3.) Longitude of Point Venus from Occultations of Stars by the Moon. For the reduction of the occultations, the corrections to the Tabular Geocentric place of the Moon's center have been taken as follows : Correction to R.A. Coreection to N.P.D. October 1 4, o-3o 2'2 15, o'3o O'O 17, o-33 + 0-8 November 12, 0-40 -f 2-0 16, o-3 1 + 3-5 The calculations have been made as described on page 27, including the constant reduction of 2"-00 of Tabular Semidiameter. COMPARISON of CLOCKS and CHRONOMETERS in connection with the OBSERVED OCCULTATIONS. Approximate Local Mean Solar Time. || 1 Name of the Solar Chronometer employed. Time by Transit-Clock at comparison with Chronometer. Time by Chronometer Time by Equatorial Clock at comparison with Chronometer. At comparison with Transit Clock. At comparison with Equatorial Clock. 1874. d h Oct. 14. 4 8 Oct. 1 5. 4 8 8 B N B B II Barraud h m s 1 8. 1 6. 44-0 21.45. i'o 17.08. 53-o 21.49. 4' 2 1 . 54. 5o-o h m s 12. 5. 24-5 3. i. 5-o 1 1 . 43. 4 1 -5 3.33. 1 5-o 8. 11.24-8 h m s n.56. 9 -5 2. 47.30-0 u.37. 45-5 h m s 1 8. 3.41-0 21. 27. 34-0 17. 48. 57-0 Carter Barraud Barraud f Parkinson ") <^ and \ |_ Frodsham j 362 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. RODRIGUEZ. POINT VENUS. Approximate Local Mean Solar Time. Observer. Name of the Solar Chronometer employed. Time by Transit-Clock at comparison with Chronometer. Time by Chronometer Time by Equatorial Clock at comparison with Chronometer. At comparison with Transit Clock. At comparison with Equatorial Clock. 1874. d h Oct. 1 6. 3 8 Oct. 17. 8 8 8 Oct. 1 8. 10 10 Nov. n. 12 Nov. 12. 10 Nov. 1 3. 12 Nov. i5. 10 i3 Nov. 1 6. 8 10 12 Nov. 17. 9 9 Nov. 1 8. 1 3 N B N H N B N N N N B N B B N B N N {Parkinson ~| and i Frodsham J Carter h m a 16. 82. 17*0 21.32. 14-0 21. 56. 17-0 21. 58. 25 - o 22. II. 35'O 23. 5g. 36-o o. i. 35-o 3. 12. 23-0 i . 5o. 34-0 2. i5. 3g'o 2. 5. 44-0 2. 7.21-0 h m s 3. 5. 5o'4 2. 40. 2g"5 3. o. 32-5 8. 19. 45-0 8. 32. 53-o 4. 5g. 35*5 10. 1 8. 40-5 11.44. '5 10. 28. 25-5 10. 49. 3o'o 5. 1 3. 5o'5 10. 33. 20-5 h m s 2. 52. 49'5 10. 22. 3g-5 ii. 58. 19-0 10. 33. 45'o 12. 8.36-5 1 2. 44. 35-5 2. 38. 3o'o 4. 54. o-o 6. 52. 35-5 8.53. 3-o i3. 25. io-5 h m s 21.44. 7-0 o. o. 56'o 3. 23. 46-0 i. 52. 41-0 3. 3i. 27-0 4. 14. 52'o 23. 29. 38-o i. 45. 29-0 3. 44. 23'of o. 3o. 5'oJ 5. 6. 34-0 Carter Barraud* ]J;iiT;iud. ..... Carter Barraud Hewitt Barraud Barraud Carter Barraud Carter Carter 7- 7- 9'5 3. 1 3. io'5 9. 3. 34-5 12.57. 10 '5 Carter 4. 3. 2 1 f o o. 1 3. 45-0 o. 45. 14-0 4. 43. 27-0 Carter Barraud Barraud * Barraud had been recently advanced 4'. f Increased io 8 . J Error of i". in the comparison with the Equatorial Clock. LONGITUDE FROM OCCCLTATIONS. 363 - O PH o 03 O O s OQ O 3 PH s OQ O O O P 1 Q 01 I I t d - i ^ , co Tt- iO / ^ \ b ^0 . 00 00 00 Ol oo N CT. O OO LT5 Vf Vj-ih 1 <*--* - *o *o o M M rp _-* cp O G CO C4 C4 N W M w CO rO o a.5 * SH a + VO vd m ??? d m W t^ 00 oo .OO OO 00 VO IxtsA ^ CTl N CO 01 m - - M VO VO - w CO 2 r* in r^ 00 VO o> CO O OO N VO g CJ .2 S ^ " "2 vb in b co ^ oo O CT> t^*. do b 1 M s 4- d ri. in 5 4- co d 4-c6 j 4- pK~b = d 4- d d in d d d d in in d O + + + + + 1 + + + + * + 00 CO M iO e oo cq 00 N -i M 00 2 *> >n J^ c> *> \o b - o J co R So s 03 c3 a S Q CC pH *s ^ o ^ O N K -^ H 5-Jri - O __; ; ^ o ' * ^ 1 i-2J "w a s i H -a ! qa V M ^3 Achromat Equatorii h Eeflecto Achromal ^. Achroma Equatorii h Reflecto o 1 o a c o o c w 002 .9 O *7 'f _a .5 "> a .S .= '7 .S "7 N 'V * 4 vo - ^J- -VvO - - VO uo^a.qo H B B fc M B y ^ pq P9 fc + m f. N VO VO 4 " 00 o u M O O O O to H .25 H .tJ DC o - * I - s o i i ji^ I^tflS^ 1 a' 1 = 'S vd . -g) ._ _0 - ft " a ? S fe fe 1^84Pil 3 A 364 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. RODRIGUEZ. POINT VENUS. 1 ffi ci _o o a 1 3 E E p c3 o O K E & rrt U ^ O vp >n p M ^ H g 1 ^ '1 T^- T^ ^- TJ- s >! I s ^ . 00 0"^ c ~ 2 S ^-O "2 . o a . O GJ TO , ^J CD ~ ' M ^O2 S P T N , ^_, P to OO ,j- M a ^ -^ ^ OO OO Q - to to | P4 3 c> iS IJ < fc " VO ^ OO 01 o ^ Ol OO VO ? to to * CO ^ ^ " , fe^ O lO 00 o Oi "(3 "3 "S "*^ r*~ > Ol H vp ys ** vb in to o PJ aa tO N O '^ > lO O - to r^- o * 2 ^~ t*-^ w iO w 'i- ^J- t^ o to a g^ < *o o *o *o - b 1 S 4 - b tO to O1OO to to ^^^ P5 a 2 00 3} i Ol o *o - ^2 ^ OO :- s n a . ^-:J OO 00 Ol Ol VO VO OO OO o o 00 00 * * N M tO Oi Oi Ol to tp g ". T3 ?? \b vb - r] M (O *O W- Vh tO ^0 o ^ H ? S * 10 to in rh N iO to ^ -^ - S r ^ O W H CC e CC 8O lilfiSS a d N h * 10 o-.oo -4- -* M to o.oo tO to got, n II f. to to to to in o -S < J * e <5 e <5 e'-s 5S^' eR.N. *iit/t. a TeLescope of 6 inches aperture power 1o2. s, Fii). /. Ingress, Pig. 2. Ingress Fit) 3 . Egress, fig- / Egress, .Fig. 2. NEATE'S OBSERVATION OF THE TRANSIT. 367 was apparently very rapid and well-defined. I have noted it to a fraction of a second. In Fig. 3 I have attempted to show this second phenomenon noted by me, but the ligament appears broader than it should be. The definition during these phenomena was exceedingly good, but the conditions changed very rapidly, and the Sun's limb began to boil considerably, so much so that, although I placed the double-image micrometer in the telescope as soon as the planet had left the Sun's limb, I only secured two measurements of distances of limbs, which are not recorded here, as the definition of the planet was extremely bad, and the micrometer-zero was uncertain. I, however, noticed that the following limb of the planet was apparently illumined, partaking somewhat of the appearance it had when outside the Sun ; this lasted for nearly five minutes after the planet had completely entered on the Sun. I now proceeded to compare the Equatorial and Transit Clocks. I also compared the Transit and Altazimuth Clocks. The heat in the Equatoreal hut very soon became so great that I was unable to sit at the telescope, the Thermometer in the hut (but shaded) standing at 115 Fahrenheit. I was very nearly having a sunstroke, and was obliged to lie down for an hour. Shortly before the phenomenon of Egress I again compared the Transit, Equatorial, and Altazimuth Clocks, and then placed myself at the telescope. The definition was now bad, the atmosphere appearing very disturbed ; but about ten minutes before the second Internal Contact a big cloud passed across the Sun, and slightly cooled the atmosphere, and the definition was improved. The proximity of clouds, however, deterred me from using the double-image micrometer for measuring distances of limbs ; nothing, however, interfered with my observations of Contact and accompanying phenomena. The first phenomenon noticed by me at Egress was the formation of a brown haze between the two limbs ; and in spite of the apparent dancing of the limb of Venus and the boiling of the Sun's limb, this formation appeared instantaneously at 15 h . 21 m . 27 s '2, and in appearance it resembled closely what I had seen at Ingress in the second noted phenomenon. In Fig. 1 at Egress I seemed to see a repetition of Fig. 3 at Ingress, with the difference of inferior definition at Egress. The ligament gradually deepened in colour (maintaining the same breadth) till Internal Contact (Fig. 2, Egress) was formed at 15 h . 22 m . 24 s 8. This phenomenon was fairly well-defined, although 368 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. RODRIGUEZ. POINT VENUS. not so well as the first Internal Contact had been. I was, however, enabled to note it to the fraction of a second. I now put in the double-image micrometer, intending to make measure- ments of cusps ; but clouds prevented my making more than two measure- ments. I, therefore, replaced the Airy eye-piece, and I was fortunate enough to catch sight of the planet about three minutes before it disappeared ; and the last phenomenon I noted was the disappearance of the little black notch in the straightening of the Sun's limb at 15 h . 50 m . 28 s '0, and immediately afterwards I compared the three clocks as before. On the planet leaving the Sun I failed entirely to see what I had seen at Ingress, namely, the preceding limb on the external segment of the planet projected against the dark space beyond. With reference to the dark ligament, to which I have alluded, I may mention that at no time did it appear perfectly black ; even immediately succeeding and immediately preceding the first and second Internal Contacts respectively it was a degree less dark than the planet. In this particular it differed from that which, according to my impression, the " Model " pheno- mena showed. During " Mid-transit " I examined the planet with various eye-piece powers, and it appeared to me to have a very slight ellipticity, the greatest diameter being inclined about 30 to the path of the planet. COMPARISONS of the EQUATORIAL CLOCK MOLYNEUX with the TRANSIT CLOCK GRAHAM 2, by the intervention of the SOLAR CHRONOMETER CARTER 410. Day and Approximate Local Mean Solar Time. Time by Transit Clock at comparison with Chronometer. Time by Chronometer at comparison Time by Molyneux at comparison with Chronometer. Inferred Molyneux Slow on Local Sidereal Tune. Adopted Hourly Losing Rate of Molyneux. With Transit Clock. With Molyneux. 1874. h h m s h m s h m s h m s in s s Dec. 8, 12 4. 46. 1 3"O 6. 19. 55-o 7. 19. io'o 5. 44. 8'0 + 0.53-56 18 9 10.44. 9' 12. 6.33-0 o. 1 7. 5o*5 i. 40. o-5 o. 19. 58'0 I. 44. l6'0 10. 46. 45-0 12. 1O. J7'0 o. 55-ig o. 55-5i + O'3 1 O 23 16. 0.37-0 5. 33. 24-5 5. 3o. 24-5 i5. 07. i3-o + o. 46-69* * An error of 10". in one of the readings. The chronometer Carter was losing 7 s -5 daily on mean solar time. NEATE'S OBSERVATION OF THE TRANSIT. 369 From Lieutenant Neate's telescopic observations we obtain the following results : Assuming Latitude 19. 40'. 21'H ; Longitude 4 h . 13 m . 43 S -0 East. Phenomena Observed. Recorded Time. Local Sidereal Time. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Local Tabular Distance of Centers. INTERNAL CONTACT at INGRESS. h m s ii. 5i. 24-5 1 1. 5 1. 5 1 - 5 ii. 52. 14-8 h m s 1 1. 52. 19-92 ii. 52. 46-92 ii. 53. io-23 h m s 7. 38. 36-gi 7.3g. 3-gi 7.39.27-22 / // 1 5. 3g'6o 1 5. 38-75 1 5. 38-oo Change of colour of ligament INTERNAL CONTACT at EGRESS. Formation of ligament if). 21. 27*2 i5. 22. 44-8 l5. 22. 22-y 1 5. 23.40-3 II. 8.39-7 II. g.57-3 15.41-27 15.43-81 EXTERNAL CONTACT at EGRESS. Disappearance of the planet i5. 20. 28-0 i5. 5i. 24-65 I I. 37.41-64 16. 43-78 For the " disappearance of the ligament " at Ingress, taking R = 976"'80, r 31"-42, we have the equation + 7"-38 = +"-1937 n -6io38R.A. -7498 8N.P.D. o"-o3o6 S t I R + S r. For the " formation of the ligament " at Egress, taking E = 976"'82, r = 31"-42, we have + 4"-i3 = "-0274 n -2176 S R.A. '9718 8 N.P.D. +o"-o322 8< 8R + 8r. The final longitude being O5 further East than that adopted in computing the Greenwich Sidereal times above, a correction is required to these equations, which is obtained by making 5 t = + O s- 5. 8 R.A. is expressed in seconds of arc. G. L. T. 371 OBSERVATIONS AT POINT YENTJS, RODRIGUEZ, IN TABULAR ARRANGEMENT. 3 B 372 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. RODRIGUEZ. TABLE I. COLLIMATION of the TRANSIT INSTRUMENT at POINT VENUS. Day. 1874. Sept. i i 12 it it >9 21 21 22 22 25 25 Oct. 19 4 Object. Collimator Reflected Wires . Collimator ff Octantis Collimator Collimator Collimator Collimator Collimator r Octantis c Octantis r Octantis Collimator o Octantis Reading of Micrometer for Zero of Collimation. Observed. r 20-389 20-389 20-381 20-385 20-377 20* 402 20-384 20-377 20-385 20-374 20-392 20-388 20-382 20-372 Adopted. r | 20' 389 2o-38o 20-380 2o-38o 2o-38o 20-384 38o J2o- 20-38o 20-38o Day. 1874. Oct. 26 26 27 27 3o Nov. 1 6 24 27 28 Dec. 7 7 Object. Lacaille 634 . z Octantis . . . Lacaille 1029 Lacaille I2o3 Collimator. . . Lacaille 1 592 . Collimator. .. Collimator. . . Lacaille 3274 Lacaille 1592 Collimator z Octantis . . . Collimator. . . Collimator . . . Reading of Micrometer for Zero of Collimation. Observed. 10-378 20-376 20-398 20-327 20-379 20- 395 20-398 20-389 20' 376 20-370 20-386 20 400 20-383 20- 3g3 Adopted. r J2o-38o l-2o-38o 20- 3 80 20- 370 20- 390 20-390 2O' 390 20-3S5 20-383 20-388 TABLE II. EREOR of LEVEL of the TRANSIT INSTRUMENT at POINT VENUS, determined by SPIRIT LEVEL. [The sign + indicates that the East Pivot was low.] Day. Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Error of Level. Day. Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Error of Level. 1874. September i 2 i3 "9 h m 20. O 21. 45 2. IS 2. 4 5 3.26 o. o 1 6. 27 17. 5 18. 3o 19. 34 19.55 i 8. l5 20. 3o 22. I 8 22.40 23.3o 0-9 2'O l8 74 . September + 3-5 + 2-6 + 3-3 + 1-6 + 6-3 + 6-9 23 - 4-3 - 3-o - 2-9 - 2-8 1-2 O'2 - 0-7 + 0-1 October h m 19. 33 19. 55 20. 23 21.23 23.25 o. 20 20. 5 21. 55 23.i5 0. 35 1. 3o 2. 3o 5. 5 7 6.28 7. o 7.40 i -o + 0-2 + 0-2 - 0'4 + 0-7 o- 1 - 0-4 O'O o-o - 0-9 ERRORS OF TRANSIT INSTRUMENT, IN COLLIMATION, LEVEL, AND AZIMUTH. 373 Table II. Error of Level of the Transit Instrument at Point Venus concluded. Day. Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Error of Level. Day. Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Error of Level. 1874. October 20 h iii 21. 50 - 0-9 1874. November 24 h .,. 4.25 > t + 2'6 o. 40 o-o 5. 4 5 + 3'8 23 23. 3o I 'O 6.35 + 4'2 24 o. 35 23. 3 o. 3o + 0'2 + O'2 + i'7 25 4. o 6. 20 6.25 + 5'3 + 7-1 + 5-6 25 26 0. 20 2. 30 o. 40 i.3i i. 55 + 1 '0 + 2'2 O'2 + 0' 7 + 1-3 28 6.25 7.40 8.35 9. 3o + 3'2 + 5-2 + 5'2 2. 40 O'2 December 7 2. O - 0-6 3.25 + 2' I 3.4: + i'5 3. 35 + 1-9 4- '7 O'O 27 2.45 O'O 4-35 + I 'O 3. 1 5 + o-5 5. 35 + I "i 28 3. 4 5 4-53 5. o + 1-6 + 1-9 O' I 8 i. 5o 3. 40 O'O + I- 1 29 2. 10 + 0'2 4. 20 5.20 + 2-4 November 1 6 21. 30 + 2'5 5. 5o + 1-9 23 o. 5o 4. 10 4- 5 5. 5o 7. 3o + 3' 4 + 4'7 9 i. 5o 3. o 4. 3o 5.25 + 2-7 + 3-6 + 10-9 + i3'o + i3'8 TABLE III. AZIMUTH ERROR of the TRANSIT INSTRUMENT at POINT VENUS. [The Sign + signifies that the Optic Axis points East of North.] Day. Stars. Azimuth Error. Observed. Adopted. 1874. September i z Octantis S.P. a 2 T Octantis and a 1 3 Least Squares . . + 6i-3 + 59-4 + 6i-3 + 5 9 '4 + . 4 '2 + 16-8 19 A Octantis S.P. B Octantis and jf II'O - 8-8 3 B 2 374 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. RODRIGUEZ. Table III. Azimuth Error of the Transit Instrument at Point Venus concluded. Day. Stars. Azimuth Error. Observed. Adopted. 1874. September October November December 21 A Octantis S.P. and o Cygni B Octantis and e Pegasi C Octantis and f Pegasi 22 A Octantis S.P. and B Octantis C Octantis and ij Aquarii r Octantis and K Piscium 23 B Octantis and o Cygni o Octantis and 26 Ceti z5 C Octantis and o Aquarii r Octantis and i Piscium I ff Octantis S.P. and Sirius 20 C Octautis and A Aquarii T Octantis and o Pegasi o Octantis and Ceti 23 o Octantis and p Andromeda? z Octantis S.P. and Lacaille 634 24 r Octantis and K Piscium o Octantis and o Andromedse 25 o Octantis and 20 Ceti 26 2 Octantis S.P. and Lacaille 634 27 Lacaille 1029 and/Tauri Lacaille izo3 and e Eridani 28 Lacaille 1203 and e Eridani , 29 Lacaille 1 146 and a Arietis Lacaille I2o3 and o Tauri Lacaille 1 592 and f Tauri 1 6 Lacaille 248 and y l Eridani Lacaille 1592 and 37 Tauri , 23 Brisbane 6o58 S.P. and Lacaille 25 12 , h September i 7 i 2. 4 2 + 46-68 + 9-9 n. 3. 24. 8-40 3. 24. 55-29 / Least 1 i3 5 \ Squares / 17.19 + 9-14 + 1-55 H 7 i 18.58 + 10-81 + 2-21 '7 6 2 19. 25 + 19-94 + 3-3o '9 8 2 19. 8 + 2 7 - 4 5 + 3-68 i. 18. i5. 14-40 18. 15.41-65 21 4 2 21. 5o + 3 4 -56 + 3-oo i. 20. 16. 18-46 20. 16. 52-82 22 12 4 19.45 + 37'i3 + 2-92 i. 21. 1 6. 1-34 21. 16.38-75 23 12 I 21. 34 + 40-33 + 3-44 i. 22. 14. 59-38* .... 1.42 + 40-99 + 3-53 25 II 3 23. 5 + 45-24 + 2-99 i. o. 5.38-17 o. 6.23-55 ii. o. 7.56-67 o. 8.42-05 October i 7 i 7- 9 + 5 9 -35 + 2-oS ii. 6. 10. 12*04 6. n. n-32 2 3 i i. 36 + 60-93 + 2-II 16 6 I x3. 16 + 32-89 + 2- 3o 17 5 i 23.43 + 35-3o + 2-27 20 4 3 23. 1 8 + 42-38 + 2 -2O i. 21.46. 22-33 21.47. 4' 55 23 8 3 o. 39 + 4 8-83 + I -80 i. o. 3i. Si*79f o. 3i. 40-55 24 n 2 0. 21 + So- 54 + 2-l5 i. 1.26. 55-86 i. 27. 46-40 25 7 I I. 12 + 53-20 + 2-59 i. 2.25.38-57 2.26. 3i-8i 11. 2.28. 3-35 2.28.56-61 26 7 2 1.54 + 55-58 + 2-67 n. 3. 3o. 16-16 3.3i. i2-3i 27 10 2 3.55 + 58-84 + 2-58 n. 4. 35. 41*48 4. 36-40-38 28 i O 5- 9 + 6i-38 + 2-62 ii. 5.42.44-74 5. 43.46-19 29 7 3 4.36 + 64-16 + 2-55 ii. 6.48. 5i-5i 6. 49. 55-93 November 1 6 7 3 4-35 + 3o-63 + 0-84 i. 21. 25. 14*20 21. 25.44-42 23 8 3 5.33 + 16-42 - 0-78 i. 4. o. 12-95 4. 0.39-33 24 5 2 5.20 + 25-92 - o-5 7 ii. 5. 7.51-28 5. 8.17-08 25 6 f Least ]_ \ Squares ) 5. 3 + 25-29 - 0-87 ii. 6.16. 38-i5 6.17. 3-46 28 3 i 7- 17 + 22-52 o- 10 ii. 9. 22. J.3'25 9.22. 35-65 December 7 5 3 3.42 + 24 ' 1 1 0-46 8 ii 4 4. 12 + 23-54 o- 59 9 9 3 3. 4I + 22-85 0-62 * No farther step is taken in the computation of the observation of September 23. I am not aware of the reason. G. B. A. f Apparently an error of i'". 376 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. RODRIGUEZ. TABLE VI. LONGITUDE of POINT VENUS, RODRIGUEZ, from the MERIDIONAL TRANSITS of the MOON. .0 a Observed K.A. Longitude (East) Correction Corrected Day. B 'A f of the by the Epheineris, to the Longitude, ^_; Remarks. 1 o Moon's Limb. 4 b . i3 m . + Epheineris. 4 h . 1 3'". + z s fc 1874. h in s s i September i B 2L 3. 24. 55-29 60-94 + 24- 1 66 e 84 40-6 I '9 B i L 18. iS. 41-65 56-04 + 24- i3i f - '32 48-3 I 21 N iL 20. 1 6. 52-82 46-88 -f 23 -8046 - -40 37-4 I 22 B iL 21. 16. 38-75 5o-86 + 24-432 e - '44 40- 1 I 25 B iL o. 6.23-55 57-39 + 26-063 e - -66 40-0 I 25 B 2L o. 8.42-05 59-53 + 26-048 e - -66 42-3 I Defective Limb (o"-oo). October i B 2L 6. ii. 11-32 63-26 + 2Z-452e - '9 42-6 I 20 a iL 21.47. 4'55 46-71 *- 25-66l - -42 35-9 i Four Wires. 23 H i L o. 3i. 40-55 52- 54 + 26-096 f - -58 37-4 J One Wire only. 24 B i L i. 27. 46-40 60-90 + 24'354 f - -67 44-6 i 25 H iL 2. 26. 3i-8i 58-6 7 + 23-798 e - -76 40-6 i Defective Limb (o^S). 25 H 2L 2.28. 56-6i 69- 14 + 23-798 e - -76 5i-o i 26 N 2L 3.3i. i2-3i 62-97 + 22-482 f - -82 44-5 i 27 B 2L 4. 36.40-38 61 -43 + 21 -6o3 ( - "87 42-6 i four Wires. Clock 28 N 2L 5.43.46-19 66-35 + 21 -459 t - -90: 47-0 i < correction unsatis- [ factory. 29 H 2L 6.49.55-93 6o-58 + 22-223 e - -86 4 i-5 i ' f Clock correction un- November 16 II iL 21. 25.44-42 46-75 + 26-226 6 -3i 38-6 ^ 1 certain. Stars with the Moon. 23 H iL 3.58. 7-3o 6O'OO + 21 "796 f - -69 45-0 i i Defective Limb (o"'oi). 23 H 2L 4. 0.39-33 60- 16 + 21 -772 ( - -69 45-' i i *4 N 2L 5. 8.17-08 56-86 + 20-960 - '77 40-7 i 25 H 2L 6.17. 3-46 64-93 + 21 -084 e - -81 47-8 1 28 N L 9.22. 35-65 66-17 + 26-710 - -81 44-5 i - LONGITUDES OF POINT VENUS, FROM LUNAR TRANSITS AND ZENITH DISTANCES. 377 TABLE VII. ABSTRACT of LONGITUDE of POINT VENUS from the observed ZENITH DISTANCE of the Moox. 1874. Number of Obser. rations. Correction to Longitude for Error of Sidereal Time. Mean inferred Longitude for each day, corrected, 4 h . 1 3'". + ja to i 1874. Number of Obser- vations. Correction to Longitude for Error of Sidereal Time. Mean inferred Longitude for each day, corrected, 4 h . i3 m . + 4 1 Observer, N. Moon's i L. Observer, B. Moon's i L. September 1 8 2 + 1-29 36-2 9 65 September 1 7 4 + 1-38 5o-28 85 October 17 8 1-27 4 6-3i i3i 18 2 1-29 45-58 66 '9 4 i-3o 3o-38 8? 21 2 1-24 47-83 75 22 2 I '36 3 7 'i3 9i October 16 6 1-28 51-92 112 2 4 4 i'3o 36-22 IOJ 18 3 1-27 54-17 68 November 14 4 1-28 5o-37 87 20 7 i-3 4 5?-i8 95 i5 8 1-32 53-22 124 23 8 + i-35 4i-3i 161 16 6 i-36 Ji-aS 92 18 4 1-42 34-20 58 '9 4 1-42 35-70 126 22 2 + i-2i 50-07 ?5 Mean with weights, 4''. i3 m . 42" '45. Mean with weights, 4''. i3 m . 49"'O2. Observer, N. Moon's 2 L. Observer, B. Moon's 2 L. i B i October 27 5 + 1-14 33-47 n5 September 27 6 + 1-29 40-79 1 60 29 6 i'i5 42-35 87 October 26 2 I 'OO 36 -89 65 November 24 8 1' IO 17-73 in 26 4 + I'OO 56-52 67 25 2 + I IO 3o-32 57 Mean with weights, 4 h . i3 m . 32"- 79. Mean with weights, 4 h . i3'".43"53. 378 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. RODRIGUEZ. Table VII. Abstract of Longitude of Point Venus from observed Zenith Distances of the Moon concluded. i Mean inferred i Mean inferred 1874. O 59 East of the Altazimuth Pier at Point Venus. Similarly my own station at Point Coton was 0'. 32"'3 S. and O m . 16 8 '98 East of the Altazimuth Pier, Point Venus. 2. COMPARISONS of CHRONOMETERS with the CLOCKS at POINT VENUS. The chronometers employed at Point Coton were Baker No. 1083 Box, 2-day. Poole No. 1086 Box, 2-day. Molyneux No. 2280 Pocket-box, 2-day. They were compared with the Transit and Altazimuth Clocks at Point Venus, before and after transportation to Point Coton, as follows : Approximate Local Mean Time, 1874. Time by the Transit Clock. Corresponding Chronometer Time. Chronometer Compared. Corresponding Chronometer Time. Time by the Altazimuth Clock. h h m 3 h m a h m s h m 3 Dec. 7, 23 16. 20. 46-0 l6. 22. IO-O 16. 25. o - o 8. ii. 3-5 2. 29. 38-o 6. 5i. 20-0 Baker Poole Molyneux 8. i3. 3ro 2. 34. 56 - o 6.57. 10-8 16. 23. o'o 16. 27. 17-0 1 6. 3o. 3g - o 9, o 17. 34. 5o-o 17.36. o'o 17. 37. 2O'O g. 21. 3'o 3. 3g. 16-1 7. 5g. 26-0 Baker Poole Molyneux 9. 23. 7-5 3. 42. io - 5 8. 2.32-2 17. 36. 38-o 17.38. 38-o 17. 40. iro 3. TIMES of the bursting of ROCKETS sent up from MOUNT SIMON, simultaneously observed at POINT VENUS and at POINT COTON. Approximate Local Mean Time, 1874. At Poiut Venus At Point Coton Time by Transit Clock. By Poole. By Baker. Observer (Neate). (Hoggan) (Burton). Observer (Wharton). Observer (Langdon). h December 8, 8 1) m s i. i5. 38'4 i. 19. 7-0 I. 23. 22'g i. 36. 1 6-9 8 38-o 7-1 22'4 16-6 s 37'9 6-4 22'6 .6-. h m s 5. 4. 2g'6 5. 7.58-0 5. 12. 12-4 5. 25. 5-o h m s ii. 21. 36-7 1 1. 25. 5'o 1 1. 42. 12-0 CHRONOMETER COMPARISONS. 4. INTERCOM? ARI SONS of the CHRONOMETERS used at POINT COTON. 383 Approximate Mean Time. Observer. Time by Baker. Time by Poole. Time by Molyneux. 1874. h m Dec. 8, i. i3 7.67 8.36 17.46 18.01 22. 22.32 9, i. o W > j > > > > 9 > ) 5 > L h m s 10. 8. 5r3 h m a 4. 26. o - o 4. 28. o'o ii. 10. 26'6 II. 12. 5-0 i i.5o. 167 1 1 . 53. 5-o g. o. io'o 9. i. o'o 10. 5. 3o - o IO. 6. 20'0 i. i3. 3o-o i. 1 5. 3o-o i. 45. o - o i . 46. 40-0 4. 14. 36'o h m s 8. 46. 53'0 4. 53. 2o - o 3. 3o. 57-2 5. 33. i o-o 4.11.57-0 i. 19. 5o'6 2.43. 5'8 3. 48. 26-0 2. 25. IO'3 5. 34. ig'6 6. 56. 26-4 7. 27. 56-5 6. 5. 29-5 9. 67. 32-5 5. ERRORS and RATES of the CHRONOMETERS used at POINT COTON. Name of Chronometer. Approximate Local Mean Time. How Compared with Transit Clock. Chronometer Slow on Point Venus Mean Time. Loss in 24''. Baker 1874. h m Dec. 7, 23. 14 Direct Comparison. h m s + 3. 2. 37-02 a 8, 8. i5 By Rockets + 3. 2.36'io - 3-ii Poole 9, o. 24 7, 23. i5 Direct Comparison. Direct Comparison. + 3. 2.33-75 3. 14. 32-71 8, 8. i5 By Rockets 3. 14. 3rog + 3-02 Molyneux .... g, o. 25 7, 23.18 8, 8. i5 Direct Comparison. Direct Comparison. By Rockets 3. 14. 29-54 + 4. 26.34-81 + 4. 26. 37-08 + 6-25 9, o. 26 Direct Comparison. + 4.26.41-32 W. J. L. WHARTON. The chronometer Poole was used for recording Captain "Wharton's observa- tions during the Transit of Venus. It will represent the mean of all three if its correction be taken as follows, remembering that Point Coton station was 16 8 -98 East of Point Venus :- h m s At Internal Contact at Ingress, 3. 14. 12 'jgfast* on Point Coton Mean Time. Egress, 3. 14. 12*62 fast G. L. T. * In the Report presented to Parliament, 1877, July 16, the chronometer Poole was erroneously stated to have been slow on L. M. T. 384 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. RODRIGUEZ. POINT COTON. OBSERVATIONS at POINT COTON, RODRIGUEZ, by Commander WILLIAM J. L. WHARTON, R.N., with a 2f Refractor by Troughton and Simms. The observation spot was 20 feet from the edge of the sea cliff (30 feet) of Point Coton that faces the East, with the summit of the inshore cliff (where the triangulation beacon was) S. 73. 03' "W. (true) 185 feet. The northern point of Point Coton is (by chart) 926 feet. By triangulation, the position was 0'. 32"-28 South and 4'. 14"'69 (diff. long.) East of the Altazimuth Hut at the main observatory on Point Venus. The exact spot is marked by an iron stake fixed into the rock with lead. On the 8th December three chronometers were conveyed to Point Coton by water, after being compared with the Transit clock of the Point Venus observatory ; intercomparisons on arrival showed they had suffered no shocks. Time was checked the same evening by rockets thrown up in the center of the island ; two hours after the transit, the chronometers were again com- pared with the Transit clock, having been re-conveyed by water to Point Venus. Time was taken by Nav. Lieut. Langdon, R.N., from the Solar chronometer Poole 1086. The morning of the 9th was perfectly calm, and generally clear, but several clouds hung to the S.E., and threatened to cover the Sun at the moment of contact. About a minute after the critical phenomenon the Sun was hid from view for some minutes. The limb of the Sun was considerably agitated, probably by the rays passing through the thinner portions of the clouds above-mentioned ; as the line of sight passed over no land, and the surf on the reef at 300 yards distance was quiet. The planet was first seen at 9 h . 28 m . At 9 h . 52 m . I observed that the outer limb of Venus farthest from the Sun was illuminated ; as I was not on the look out for this, it may have been visible earlier. At the same time I saw a distinct cone of shadow thrown away into space, but for no great distance, on the line joining centers of Sun and planet. (See Diagram I.) The illumination of the outer limb of Venus broadened and increased in brilliancy up to simple internal contact, when for a moment it seemed as if there was to be no drop ; Venus being apparently visible on the edge of the Sun, with light all round her. (See Diagram II.) Immediately after this a blackish haze was discernible joining the planet and the continuation of the Sun's limb ; but from the agitation of the limb, Transit uf Venus. 1874. Observations at Point Colon , Rodriguez, by Commando- W.J.L.W}uirton,KN. with a telescope of 2? inches aperture, power J60. Ingress, Fig. 1 Ingress . Fig. 3. Ingress, Fig. 2 Egre&s, Fig. 4. r:tLO lltH 22 BfOfOKD S r CovIMI WHARTON'S OBSERVATIONS OF THE TRANSIT. 385 this haze was not distinctly defined, and did not seem to change colour before disappearance. The moment of total disappearance of haze was tolerably defined, but I could not be certain to two or three seconds. The band of haze did not narrow at all before it broke, so far as I could see. Venus on the Sun did not appear to me to be perfectly round. The eccentricity took the form of a protuberance in a direction about 20 farther from the vertex than the point of contact. Of this I would not be certain, but it so appeared to me. At Egress the limb was much less disturbed than at Ingress. The brown haze appeared quickly, though not well defined at its edges, as a ligament ; it was of considerable breadth, and after a few seconds darkened perceptibly ; the exact instant of this was not very well marked. When Venus' outer limb touched the Sun's limb, the appearance of light all round again was visible for a second. The limb protruding into space was then again illuminated for nearly seven minutes ; when 'the light gradually died out from the quarter nearest the vertex, leaving only the other quarter illuminated. This remained so for 14 minutes after Egress, or until nearly half the planet was clear of the Sun. (See Diagram 4.) The power was 160, and the dark shade was a red glass of not a very deep tint. I should say that Point Coton was undoubtedly the best position for the observation of the transit ; but from the nature of the reef skirting it, it woiild have been impossible to get heavy instruments and stores landed without much risk and delay, not having any flat bottomed boats for the service ; and there is no road nor path from Port Mathurin. OBSERVATION of the TRANSIT. At Ingress. Times by Chronometer Poole 1086. h m i First saw Venus 9. 28. Observed outer limb of Venus outside Sun illuminated 9. 52. Observed cone of shadow 9. 53. The^outer limb of Venus being illuminated, there seemed to be no black drop for a few seconds ; when that limb came in contact with the visible Sun light shone all round Venus. Time for this 9. 55. 26-4 386 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. RODRIGUEZ. POINT COTON. Time by Chronometer Poole 1086 A moment after, a black haze was discernible, but from the great agitation of the Sun's limb (the morning being some- what cloudy) it was not distinctly defined, and did not visibly change colour. The moment of total disappearance of black hazy drop as nearly as could be guessed was 9. 57. 3 - At Egress. Agitation of Sun's Limb not so great. First appearance of brown haze 1. 25. 39'6 First appearance of black hazy drop, not very distinctly marked 1. 25. 48'1 Appearance of light all round the planet at circular contact ... 1. 26. 26'9 The illumination of the outer limb disappeared from the whole arc of the planet outside the Sun, and was confined to the quarter farthest away from the vertex at about 1 . 30. OO Disappearance of illumination from the quarter of Venus farthest from vertex 1. 40. 40 With the corrections of the chronometer Poole 1086 given on page 383, assuming the Latitude 19. 40'. 54", Longitude 4 h . 13 m . 59 9> 5 East of Greenwich, we have the following results of Commander Wharton's obser- vations : Phenomenon observed. Recorded Time by Solar Chronometer Poole 1086. Local Sidereal Time. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Local Tabular Distance of Centers of Sun and Venus. Internal Contact at Ingress. " Simple internal contact " " Total disappearance of black hazy drop." h m s 9. 56. 26*4 9. S/. 3'o h m a 1 I. 52.54'3 ii. 53. 3ro h m s 7. 38. 54-8 7. 3g. 3r5 1 5. 3g'oi 15.37-86 WHARTON'S OBSERVATIONS OP THE TRANSIT. 387 Phenomenon observed. Recorded Time by Solar Chronometer Poole 1086. Local Sidereal Time. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Local Tabular Distance of Centers of Sun and Venus. Internal Contact at Egress. h m s h rn s h m s / // " first appearance of brown haze " - i. 25. 3g-6 l5. 22. 41*7 II. 8.42-2 I5.4I-36 "First appearance of black hazy drop." " Circular contact " - I. 25.48-1 I. 26. 26-9 l5. 22. 5o'3 i5. 23. 29-2 II. 8. 50'8 II. 9.29-7 1 5. 41*64 i5. 42*91 For Internal Contact at Ingress, " Total disappearance of black hazy drop," taking R = 976"-80, r = 31"-42, and mean solar parallax = 8"'950 (l + ^), we have the equation + 7"-52 = + o"- 1 935 n - -6 1 02 8 R. A. - -7500 8 N.P.D. o"-o3 1 3 8 t - S R 4 %r. For Internal Contact at Egress, " First appearance of brown haze ," taking B, = 976"-82, r and n as before -2I788E.A. '97I78N.P.D. +o"-o332 G. L. T. 3 D TEANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. PART III. EXPEDITION TO THE ISLAND OF RODRIGUEZ (continued). Section 3. REPORT OF LIEUTENANT ROBERT HOGGIN ON THE OBSERVATIONS AT HERMITAGE ISLAND, With One Plate. 3o 2 CONTENTS. PAGE Observing Station, and Operations for Longitude 391 Latitude and Longitude of Hermitage Station 391 Double altitudes of the Sun observed for local time 392 Rocket Signals 393 Intercomparisons of Chronometers 393 Errors and Rates of Chronometers 394 Observations of the Transit of Venus, 1874, December 8 395 Equations resulting therefrom 399 Plate XV. Diagrams illustrating the Observations of the Transit of Venus by Lieutenant Hoggan to face 395 POSITION OF STATION AT HERMITAGE ISLAND. 391 Lieut. R. HOGGAN'S OPERATIONS at HERMITAGE ISLAND, RODRIGUEZ. THE small islet on the south side of the Island of Hodriguez, named on the Admiralty charts Hermitage Island, having been selected for the position of a secondary telescope for observation of the actual Transit of Venus, Lieut. Hoggan, accompanied by Lieut. "W. N. Moore, R.N., of H.M.S. Shearwater, proceeded there on the 30th November 1874, taking with him a 4-inch refracting telescope by Dollond, with tripod stand, two sextants, a mercurial artificial horizon with cover, and the two box chronometers Hewitt 732 also the " pocket " chronometer Parkinson and Frodsham No. 4530, beating five times in two seconds. Lieuts. Hoggan and Moore remained encamped on the islet until December 10. The errors of the chronometers on local time were determined by a continuous series of observations of equal altitudes of the Sun from December 3 to December 9. At 8 p.m. on December 2, 6, 8, and 9, five rockets were sent up from the summit of Mount Simon (by a party from H.M.S. Shearwater). These rockets were visible from Lieut. Hoggan's and Captain "Wharton's stations as well as from the head station aj; Point Venus. The instants of the bursting of the rockets were noted independently by Lieut. Neate and Mr. Burton at Point Yenus, and by Lieuts. Hoggan and Moore at Hermitage. For various reasons the observations of December 2 and 6 were rejected. In the meantime, Captain Wharton connected the station on the islet by a system of triangles with the general survey of the island, as fully described in his Report (page 381). From this triangulation the station on Hermitage Islet was 4'. 25"'6 South and O m . 3 9< 59 East of the Altazimuth pier at Point Yenus. The Latitude of Hermitage Station is therefore 19. 44'. 47"'7, and the Longitude 4 h . 13 m . 46 s - 1 Bast of Greenwich. By comparing the errors of the three chronometers on local mean solar time, as determined from the equal altitudes observed on December 7 and 9, with their errors on Point Yenus mean time, as determined from the well- observed rocket signals on the evening of December 8, the difference of longitude between the two stations appears to be 3 S> 87, a proof of the 392 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. RODRIGUEZ. HERMITAGE ISLAND. accuracy of the observations for local time made on the islet. The adopted Longitude of the Hermitage Station is 4 h . 13 m . 46 S> 1 E. The details of observations on December 7, 8, and 9 only have been selected for publication. EQUAL DOUBLE- ALTITUDES of the SUN observed with a SEXTANT at HERMITAGE ISLAND, RODRIGUEZ, and INFERRED ERROR of the POCKET CHRONOMETER PARKINSON and FRODSHAM No. 4530. [The approximate Index Correction to Sextant Reading was found to be 2'. 5o", and the Collimation adjustment was satisfactory.] Civil Day, 1874. (Observer.) Recorded Time by Parkinson and Frodsham, Sun East. Reading of Sextant and Limb of Sun. Recorded Time by Parkinson and Frodsham, Sun West. Parkinson and Krodsham Slow on Local Mean Time at Apparent Noon. h m a o / h m s m 3 December 7 (M) 8. 49. 57-0 8. 52. 1 8-0 99- U 99. o L 2. 40. 3o - o 2.38. 9-0 + 6. 22-96 8.54.17-4 8. 56. 3g-2 101. o U 101. o L 2. 36. 9-6 2. 33. 47-6 + 6.23-01 8. 58. 37-6 g. o. 5g-8 io3. o U io3. o L 2.3i. 48-5 2. 2g. 27-0 + 6. 23-20 g. 7. ig-5 9. 9.41-2 107. o U 107. o L 2. 23. 6-3 2. 2O. 45-6 + 6. 23-21 g. 1 1. 40-0 jog. o TJ 2. 18. 46-4 , - g. 14. 1-6 log. o L 2. l6. 25-0 O. 26 10 g. 1 6. 0-6 9. 18. 22-8 in. o U iii. o L 2. 14. 26-0 2. 12. 4-6 + 6. 22-82 Q. 20. 21'5 1 13. o U 2. 10. 6-2 ' .7 + 6. 22 - 53 g. 22. 42-8 u3. o L 2. 7.44-6 (H) g. 3i. 12-0 118. oU . 5g. 1 6-4 , ' g. 3i. 33-o 118. 10 TJ . 58. 54-0 g. 3 1 . 55-o g. 32. i5-6 118. 20 TJ 1 18. 3oTJ . 58. 32-o .58. 9-6 + 6. 23-ig g. 32. 37-2 9. 32. 58-8 118.40 TJ ii8.5oU 57. 49-6 .57.27-6 + 6. 23-og g. 33. 20-4 g. 34. 3'2 ug. o TJ ug. 20 U . 57. 6-0 . 56. 21-6 1+6. 23-44 g. 34. 47-2 g.35. g'o ug. 40 U i ig. So U .55.38-8 .55. 16-4 1+6. 23-3g g. 35. 30-4 g. 37.52-7 120. O U 120. L . 5 4 . 54-4 . 52. 35-2 1+6. 23-07 December g (M) 8. 37.41-6 8.40. 4-8 g3. o U g3. o L 2. 54. 33'0 2.52. 10-8 1+6. 22-09 8.42. 3-2 8. 44. 24-8 g5. oU g5. o L 2. 5o. IO'5 2.47.48-2 > + 6. 22-92 8. 46. 25-2 8.48.46-8 97. oU 97. o L 2. 4 5. 49-2 2.43. 27-2 1+6. 22-49 CHRONOMETER COMPARISONS AND ROCKET SIGNALS. 393 TIMES, simultaneously recorded at POINT VENUS and at HERMITAGE ISLET, of the bursting of ROCKETS sent up on MOUNT SIMON. AT POINT VENUS. AT HERMITAGE ISLET. Approximate Transit Clock Times. Times by Times by ' Mean Time. Chronometer Chronometer Observer Hewitt. Parkinson and Frodsham. (N.) (B.) (W.) (L.) Observer (H). Observer (M). 1874. h h m a 3 8 8 h m s h m 3 December 8, 8 . 8.32-0 32-0 7. 54. 6-0 7. 53.4I-2 . i5. 38-4 37-9 8. i. io-5 8. o. 46*0 . 19. 7-0 6-4 8. 4. 3g-3 8. 4. 14-2 . 23. 22-9 22-6 8. 4. 54-0 8. 8. 29-3 . 36. 1 6-9 16-1 8. 21. 45-9 8. 21. 21'2 9, 8 . 14.32-9 32-3 32'4 33-o 7.56. 7-8 7. 55. 44-5 . ig.55-8 55-i 55-2 55-7 8. 1.29-6 8. i. 6-4 . 24. 36-i 36-i 36-o 36-o 8. 6. 9-9 8. 5.46-4 .29.42-1 42-1 42-1 42-1 8. 1 1. 14*4 8. 10. 5r6 . 34. 42-0 4''9 41-6 4''9 8. 1 6. i3-3 8. 1 5.5o-i INTERCOMPARISONS of CHRONOMETERS at the HERMITAGE ISLET. Approximate Civil Time, 1874. Observer. Time by Hewitt. Corresponding Time by Parkinson and Frodsham. Time by Hewitt. Corresponding Time by Cotterill. h h m t h m s h m 8 n m a Dec. 7, 9 a.m. H 8.42.38-0 8. 42. i3-o 8. 46. 55-o 8. 45. 45-5 noon 0. 8. 23-0 o. 7. 58-o o. 6. 56-o o. 5. 45-7 3 p.m. [H -P&F.25-0] 10 p.m. 10. 4. 3o-o 10. 4. 4-8 8, 8 a.m. B 8. 19. 41*0 8. 19. i5-8 8. 22. ig - o 8.21. 4-5 noon o. 10. 49-0 o. 10 23-8 o. 1 5. io'o o. 1 3. 54-6 7 p.m. 7. 22.40-0 7. 22. l5'2 7.27. 9 'o 7. z5. 52-3 9, 5am. H 5. o. 29-0 5. o. 6-0 5. 5. 7-0 5. 3. 48-4 7 a.m. 7. 1 6. 34-0 7. 16. 1 1 -2 7. 3i. 19-0 7. 29. 59-9 8 a.m, 8. 28.09-0 8.28. 26-3 i o a.m. 9.45. ro 9. 44. 38-2 9. 25. o'o 9. 23. 40-0 1 1 a.m. 10. 43. 53-o 10.43. 3o-3 10.48. i5-o 10.46.55-3 noon 11.58. 7-0 1 1. 57. 44-3 O. O. 2O'O n.5g. o-o 3 p.m. 2. 5g. 25-o 2. 5g. 2-0 7p.m. 7. 14.32-0 7- '4- 9' 7.22. ro 7. 20. 3g-g 8 p.m. 8. 27. 34-0 8. 27. iro 394 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. BODRIGUEZ. HERMITAGE ISLAND. ADOPTED ERRORS and BATES of the CHRONOMETERS at HERMITAGE ISLET. BY THE OBSERVED EQUAL ALTITUDES. BY THE ROCKET SIGNALS. 1874. Chronometer Slow on Local Mean Time. Loss in 24 h . 1874. Chronometer Slow on Point Venus Mean Time. Loss in 24 h . Hewitt No. 732. m s s h m W S S Dec. 7, apparent noon + 5. 58-04 8, + 0-86 Dec. 8, 8. 12 + 5. 54-91 9, apparent noon + 5.59-77 9, 8.12 + 5.56-iS Cotterell No. Dec. 7, apparent noon + 7- 8-34 8, + 5-71 Dec. 8, 7.33 + 7. ii-58 + 5-65 g, apparent noon + 7- '977 9, 7. 38 + 7. 17-20 Parkinson and Frodsham No. 4530. Dec. 7, apparent noon + 6. 23-04 8, 0-28 Dec. 8, 8. 12 + 6. 19-67 o-32 9, apparent noon + 6. 22-47 9, 8. 12 + 6. ig-35 For the Ingress of Venus the pocket chronometer Parkinson and Frodsham No. 4530 may be considered 6 m . 21 s- 96 slow on Local Mean Time ; for the Egress, 6 m . 22 8- 35 slow on Local Mean Time. This chronometer will then represent the mean of the three as well as the mean of both methods of determining the local time. Observation of Ingress. On the morning of the transit, before sunrise, the sky was cloudless, and the atmosphere so very clear that stars could be observed rising from the Transit of Venus 1674 Def ember S. tfosetvations at Htrmitfige Islet, Rodrigue^ by Lieutenant R. Hoggan,, R.N, with a telescope of 4- inches aperture , pmver 120 for Ingress, 160 far Ecjress. Plate Ingress Fig. 1. Ingress Fig. 2. Ingress Fig. 3. Egress Fig. /. Egress Fig. 2. Egress egress Fig. 4-. >,:, t pmiouiv2 B^ORO S T CO HOGGAN'S OBSERVATIONS OF THE TRANSIT. 395 sea horizon ; but when daylight broke some very thick black clouds appeared near that point of the horizon where the Sun was rising. The Sun rose through a break in the clouds, and remained visible until he had attained an altitude of about 10, when a very light breeze sprang up and swept the clouds slowly across his face, totally obscuring it. The time of external contact at Ingress had passed about eight minutes before the Sun reappeared, and when first I observed Venus she appeared with one-fourth of her disc on the Sun. There seemed to be a very great amount of atmospheric disturbance, making the limbs of the Sun and Venus appear in a state of very rapid vibration. At this time I was using the lowest power in the telescope (about 70). In about a minute's time the Sun became obscured, and did not reappear for an interval of eleven minutes. At 6 h . 21 m . 40 s . the cloud cleared away, and I again saw the planet with about half the disc on the Sun ; and, as there seemed some prospect of the Sun remaining unobscured for some short time, I shifted the eye-piece to one with a power of 120, and used a yellow dark glass. The atmospheric disturbance round the limbs of the Sun and planet was now rendered more apparent, and Venus appeared very much distorted. At 6 h . 24 ra . 35 s- 2 I noticed for the first time that part of the disc of Venus outside the Sun's limb. It appeared of a reddish brown colour, whilst that part of her disc which had entered on the Sun's disc was intensely black (Fig I.)- About two minutes after, small semi-opaque clouds obscured the Sun from time to time ; and at 6 h . 28 m . 44 s , just about three minutes previous to the time of internal contact by the N.A., the Sun became totally obscured. Before the reappearance of the Sun, Lieut. Moore, who was noting the times, informed me that the time of contact had passed. At 6 h . 33 m . s . the Sun's disk could be just seen through some thin clouds, obliging me to observe without a dark glass, and I fancied I saw the planet still in connection with the limb of the Sun. Fortunately, just at this moment (6 h . 33. 17 Sl 5) a break in the clouds revealed the Sun in all its brightness. I had to withdraw my eye instantly, and put on a red dark glass, which, as it happened, was of too light a shade ; but there was no time to exchange it then, and I was very much surprised to see that Venus had not yet arrived at her position of internal circular contact, the chord of cusps being a little less than one-fourth of the diameter of the planet. 3E 396 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. RODRIGUEZ. HERMITAGE ISLAND. At 6 h . 34 m . 4 s- 8 I observed internal circular contact with as much precision as the limbs of the Sun and Venus would admit of in such a state of vibration. Although I watched carefully, I noticed no alteration in the phenomena of circular contact until 6 h . 34 m . 16 s , when the planet's disk suddenly appeared to be connected with the Sun's limb by a band of the same degree of blackness as the planet, and about one-fourth of its diameter in width (Fig. 2). I can speak with certainty of the decided and instantaneous appearance of the phenomenon. At 6 h . 34 m . 57 s , the planet having advanced farther on the Sun's disc, the ligament had increased in length to a small extent, rendering the phenomenon of the connecting ligament still more striking than heretofore. At this most critical time an interval of one minute and ten seconds seems to have ensued, during which no change of phenomena took place. I pointed this out to Lieut. Moore immediately after the observation of Ingress, and asked him if he thought it possible that a mistake in the minute might have been made in recording the times, but he was certain in his own mind that they were recorded correctly ; and although the interval did not seem to me of such a long duration, my attention being so absorbed in the phenomena then occurring, my idea of the duration cannot have been otherwise than imperfect. Therefore I can offer no explanation for this extraordinarily long interval, during which occurred this absence of change of phenomena. At 6 h . 36 m . 7 S> 9, in consequence of a slight diminution in the atmospheric disturbance and in the breadth of the ligament, the ligament assumed a more definite shape. At 6 h . 36 m . 17 S> 4 the ligament appeared to be decreasing in width very perceptibly, and at 6 h . 36 m . 32 S> 8 it had faded away, and light appeared all round the planet's disc (Fig. 3). Nevertheless, the planet was very near to the Sun's limb, and on watching very attentively I fancied at 6 h . 36 m . 43 8> 2 I saw the light interrupted by an extremely fine ligament which broke ; and immediately after, light was again visible all round the disc of the planet. This last phenomenon may possibly been due to one of the waves of vibration round Venus's limb interrupting the light, as the appearance and disappearance were almost instantaneous. At 6 U . 41 m . the Sun became again obscured, and did not appear again for an interval of a quarter of an hour. On its reappearance most of the atmospheric disturbance had ceased, and shortly after I was enabled to use the highest power in the telescope. HOGGAN'S OBSERVATIONS OF THE TRANSIT. 397 The planet when on the Sun's disc appeared of a perfectly circular form, and there was no appearance of refracted light round its edge, which was very sharp, the whole body of the planet being intensely black. In the original record of the observation of Ingress all the phenomena attached to the times were registered instantly by Lieut. Moore, with the exception of the important phenomenon of circular contact at 6 h . 34 m . 4 Sl 8, and the less important phenomena attached to the times 6 1 '. 33 m . 36 s -2 (re- garding which time there is a correction on the left-hand side of the page to 6 h . 33 m . 56 s -2, to which Lieut. Moore's initials are appended), 6 h . 36 m . 7 3 '9, and 6 h . 36 m . 17 S> 4, which were written by myself, from memory, immediately after. The pocket chronometer Parkinson and Frodsham was used for recording the times of the observation of Ingress. It was compared, both before and after Ingress, with the other two chronometers, Hewitt and Cotterell. Lieut. Moore devoted the interval between Ingress and Egress to obser- vations of the altitude of the Sun, for the determination of local time. Note by the Astronoiner Royal. The remark made by Lieut. Hoggan, on the trifling character of the change of phenomena between 6 h . 34 m . 57 s . and 6 h . 36 m . 7 S> 9, throws a doubt on the accuracy of the observation. It seems possible that at 6 h . 33 m . 17 8 '5, 6 h . 34 m . 4 s -8, 6 h . 34 m . 16 s , 6 h . 34 m . 57 s , 10 h . 3 m . 18 s -2, 10". 3 m . 51 s , 10". 3 m . 56% and 10". 4 m . 47 s , the minute may have been registered l m . too small ; while at 6". 36 m . 7 S> 9, 6 h . 36 m . 17 S> 4, 6 h . 36 m . 32 S> 8, and 6 h . 36 m . 43 S> 2, it was registered correctly. These changes of several numbers appear to reconcile the observations at Hermitage Island with other observations in Rodriguez. Errors may sometimes be caused by noncoincidence of the minute-hand with the minute-line when the second-hand points to 60. It was, however, an Official Instruction to the Assistant who should read the clock or chrono- meter, " It is desirable that he assure himself of the correspondence of indications of the minute-hand and the second-hand." Observation of Egress. About twenty minutes before internal contact at Egress, the chronometers being intercompared, I commenced observing the planet. The observation of Egress was made under the most favourable circum- stances. The Sun's limb and the planet's limb were both very sharply 398 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. EODRIOUEZ. HERMITAGE ISLAND. defined with the highest power (160) in the telescope. The dark glass used was yellow. The first indication of approaching contact which I observed, at 10 h . 3. 18 s- 2, was an elongation of the planet's limb in the direction of that of the Sun. This did not appear to remain steady, but moved backwards and forwards towards the Sun's limb without, however, entirely interrupting the light (Fig. 1). Up to the time indicated by 10 h . 3 m . 51 s . the light was not entirely inter- rupted, but at 10 h . 3 m . 56 s . light was no longer visible between the limbs of the Sun and Venus, being interrupted by a band of about one-eighth of the diameter, and the same degree of blackness as the planet (Fig. 2). The width of the band increased to about one-fourth of the planet's diameter up to the time of circular contact, which phenomenon was observed at 10 h . 4 m . 47 s . (Fig. 3). Having noticed the appearance of that portion of the planet's disc outside the Sun's limb at Ingress, I now directed my particular attention to it again ; and at 10 h . 7 m . I first perceived it emerging from the Sun's limb. It appeared, as at Ingress, of a reddish brown colour. Shortly afterwards I noticed that its outer limb became faintly illuminated with a yellow light, presenting something of the appearance of a very young moon with her horns directed towards the Sun's limb (Fig. 4). The portion of the planet outside the Sun's limb retained the same appearance in regard to colour and illumination of the outer limb up to within a few moments of external contact, when the slow motion of the telescope in zenith distance failed to act ; and before I could remedy this, and bring the Sun into the field of the telescope once more, the planet had disap- peared from off the Sun's disc, and, although I searched for her outside that portion of the Sun's limb off which she had passed, I could discern nothing. After the observation of Egress the chronometers were intercompared. HOGGAN'S OBSERVATIONS OF THE TRANSIT. 399 For Lieut. Hoggan's observations we have, therefore, the following results, assuming the Latitude 19. 44'. 47" S., Longitude 4 h . 13 m . 46 s . Bast of Greenwich : Phenomenon observed. Time recorded by Parkinson and Frodsham 453- Local Sidereal Time. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Local Tabular Distance of Centers of Sun and Venus. Internal Contact at Ingress. " Circular contact " - or " Ligament decreasing in width " " It had faded away " h in 3 6.33. 17-5 6. 34. 17-5 6. 36. 17-4 6.36.32-8 h m 8 1 1. 5o. 19*3 ii. 5i. 19*6 ii. 53. 19-7 ii. 53. 35-2 h m 8 7. 36. 33-2 7. 37. 33*4 7. 3g. 33-6 7.39.49-2 / '/ I5.43-56 1 5. 41-64 i5. 37-82 1 5. 37-34 Internal Contact at Egress, the recorded times being increased one minute. " Light not entirely interrupted " Light no longer visible between the limbs. 10. 4. 5i-o 10. 4.66-0 l5. 22. 28-0 1 5. 22. 33-o ii. 8.41-9 ii. 8. 46-9 i5. 41-38 i5. 41-54 The mean of the times recorded for " Ligament decreasing in width " and " It had faded away " at Ingress gives the following equation for distance of centers, taking E = 976"-80, r = 31"'42, and the mean solar parallax = 8"-950 (l + ) :- + 7 "-8o = +o"-ig36 n +-6096 B R.A. 7504 8 N.P.D. o"-o3o3 5 t S R + 8 r. Similarly, the mean of the two times for Internal Contact at Egress, taking R = 976"'82, r and n as before, gives + 3"'94 = -o"'027i n --2179 8 K.A. --9717 8 N.P.D. +o"-o332 fc t - 8 R + r. G. L. T. 3 F TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. PART IV. EXPEDITION TO KERGUELEN ISLAND, UNDEK THE REVEREND S. J. PERRY, F.R.S. SECTION I. OBSERVATIONS AT OBSERVATORY BAY. With One Plate. SECTION II. OBSERVATIONS AT SUPPLY BAY. With One Plate. SECTION III. CHRONOMETRICAL CONNEXION OF STATIONS IN ROYAL SOUND. SECTION IV. OBSERVATIONS AT THUMB PEAK. SF 2 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. PART IV. EXPEDITION TO KERGUELEN ISLAND. Section 1. OBSERVATIONS AT OBSERVATORY BAY. With One Plate. 404 INDEX. Page INTRODUCTION : Voyage, and Names of Observers 405 Site at Observatory Bay 405 The Transit-Clock ...... . . 406 The Transit Instrument 406 Micrometer Screw and Intervals of Wires 407 Zero of Collimation 407 Level Error 407 Error of Azimuth 408 Stars used for Clock-Error 408 Relative Personal Equations of the Observers 4O9 The Altazimuth Instrument 410 Runs of Micrometers of Vertical Circle of Altazimuth 411 Stars for Co-latitude 411 Refractions, Thermometers, Barometer, Adopted Latitude 412 Runs of Micrometer of the Horizontal Circle 413 Horizontal Intervals of the Vertical Wires 414 Corrections for Collimation 414 Error of Level of Horizontal Axis 415 References of Altazimuth Clock to Transit-Clock 415 Determination of Zero of Azimuth 415 Computation of Tabular Azimuth of the Moon on two assumptions of Longitude ... 416 Longitude of Observatory Bay from Meridional Observations of the Moon .... 417 Longitude from observed Azimuths of the Moon 418 Longitude from the Occultation of a Star by the Moon 418 Longitude derived from Professor Newcomb's determination of the Longitude of Molloy Point 419 Longitude derived from Dr. Auwers' determination of the Longitude of Betsy Cove . . 421 Adopted Longitude of Observatory Bay 421 Observations of the Transit of Venus by the Rev. S. J. Perry 422 Observations of the Transit of Venus by the Rev. W. Sidgreaves 423 Equations thence deduced 425 OBSERVATIONS IN TABULAR ARRANGEMENT : Table I. Collimation of the Transit Instrument 428 Table II. Error of level of the Transit Instrument 430 Table III. Azimuth Errors 436 Tables IV. and V. (Abstract) Transits of Stars and of the Moon, and Inferred R.A. of the Moon's Limb at Transit 440 Table VI. Longitude of Observatory Bay, from the Meridional Transits of the Moon . 443 Table VII. Abstract of determinations of Longitude of Observatory Bay from observed Azimuths of the Moon's Limbs 445 Plate XVI to face 405 Transit of Venus 181 4-, Keryuclen Island. jyatel'17. S9'46 69:50 gff.55 ',<<(' 10.S W'lO 10' IS lO'.W \ Plan, of the SK portion, of the. UlanjCi of 7" /. M* Cturtplett, / ai ( / j ^s. / $() S Kerguelen., showing the position, of the E P c Crt Transit, of Venus Stations 1811. \* -l >\ Observatory Say Station, Lot, 49 25.' 11-5 S c fc^-xt W ) * ;\ J V-\> ( *4VS J Long. 4^ 39 32?5E, of Gr. / rf* }/* "is. C * (/^^ l' Si /^ M 7 //3OO 15, x / 7OO 1 Y- r * I' # ^ r/ ?f "^: 20, ^W 5 ' ^250 !.-' 1 ^ ^ s & $ \ / ^ S e Ji ., 4! X L \ ^ Mpttoy Point \ o'" h 1 V\^i ^^ ** ^ (American, Sic. lujn) C.y:. :'.'} j ?. 1- ^ ^n J', ^ ^ * , ~ .'"' :' ^ p /~i ^ \^ $ . ^& ^^ u s-5 ^ p J^ ^f \ ' '^- -^ s5 8 \ZJ ^^* ^^y^, ' z_y 5. * "^-^ ^1T C?^ + < + ^^. -~~J^L ^ i ".._ \ "^ X?" D y ^^ 1 ^ 03, " 3 \^ tea*? < + $> (. . ) ??^ cT\ y X\ ' L V ^=? ^Nfc P T O irv-J He *J Q . 3J60 tL 191(1 A<.Mmir t 1380 ^ 1Z60 K ^W N/wrtJT' \tioo -WOO 69M n:r,o 695S Roust lO'O of lO'.S Greerwich, W'lO 7<<:ir. 70. w Ltlh 405 VOYAGE, AND NAMES OF OBSERVERS. THE Expedition for observation of the Transit of Venus at Kerguelen's Land sailed from England in the Windsor Castle, a steamship of the " Donald Currie Line," on 1874, June 20, and arrived at Cape Town on July 20. Ample arrangements had been made by the Admiralty for carrying the party with little delay to Kerguelen's Land ; but, from accidents to their own and other ships, which rendered necessary a change of the vessels intended for Kerguelen, the observers were delayed in Cape Town longer than had been anticipated. Finally, however, H.M.S. Volage, Captain Fairfax, R.N., (with the observers and some instruments) and H.M. storeship Supply, Staff- Commander Inglis, E.N., (carrying instruments, &c.) sailed on September 18 and 17, and were in company from September 19 till they approached Kerguelen, when they were separated by very heavy weather. Finally, the Volage anchored in Island Harbour, Royal Sound, on October 8 ; and the Supply joined her on October 11. The Astronomical party consisted of the following gentlemen : Rev. S. J. Perry, F.R.S., Superintendent. Lieutenant Coke, R.N. Lieutenant Corbet, R.N. Lieutenant Groodridge, R.N. Rev. W. Sidgreaves. W. Bagnall Smith. THE SITE AT OBSERVATORY BAY, KERGUELEN ISLAND. But little was known of Royal Sound, in the S.E. of Kerguelen Island, until it was visited and explored by Captain (now Sir George) Nares, in H.M.S. Ohalknger, in 1874. His Report and his partial survey of this region reached England before the departure of the Transit of Venus Expedition, and decided the matter as to the best place for the head-quarters of the Expedition. In spite of very bad weather, Mr. Perry and Captain Fairfax, accompanied by Commander Bayley, of the American sealing schooner Emma Jane, visited many parts of the shores of the Sound, and ultimately selected 406 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KERGUELEN ISLAND. OBSERVATORY BAY. a site on the southern side of the entrance of an inlet or bay, in the N.W. corner of the Sound, in lat. 49. 25 / -2 S., long. 69. 53' '5 E. This inlet was named OBSERVATORY BAY, and is shown in the plan of Royal Sound (Plate XVI.), as surveyed by Lieutenant VIVIAN, R.N., of H.M.S. Volage. The wooden observatories and dwelling-house were erected on nearly level ground, about 50 feet above the sea. Constant snow-storms and rains interrupted the work of landing and erecting the huts and instruments ; the land had to be drained, roads made, and a pier constructed ; but, with the efficient assistance rendered by Captain Fairfax and the officers and men of H.M.S. Volage, most of the work on shore was finished by October 26, when the first observations were taken. The Transit clock, by B. Dent and Co., of London, numbered 1915, was similar to that used at Honolulu. Its tripod rested upon stakes driven deeply into the ground through holes cut in the flooring of the observatory. MERIDIONAL OBSERVATIONS. The Transit instrument, its piers, the hanging level, and the wooden observatory, were, in every respect, similar to those used at the other head stations, and have been fully described in Part I., at page 9 et seq. For the foundations of the transit pier, the subsoil was excavated until the rock was reached. A bed of concrete was laid on the rock and levelled. When this had set, a brick pier was built up to the level of the ground to receive the great stone. The building of the piers was much impeded by the rains ; and, although all possible care was taken with the foundations, subsequent observations proved that the instrument was unstable at all times, but especially after heavy rains. The instrument was fairly in the meridian by November 3. The value of one revolution of the eye-piece micrometer-screw (which carried all five wires of the reticule) was found at different times, from numerous observations of close circumpolar stars, the mean value being 56"'09. The integer revolutions were numbered in the observing books so as to increase when the Avire was carried towards the screw head ; the center wire coincided approximately with the optic axis when the reading was 20 r- 5. The position of the transit-axis is always denoted by the record of the micrometer-screw head being on the east or west side of the telescope. TRANSIT INSTRUMENT. 407 The system of wires remained perfect during the series of observations, and the equatorial intervals from the central wire, determined from 400 transits, are : Wire I. + 4 2 7'4 II. III. + zi4'4 o-o IV. V. 214-6 - 426-8 The order of the wires refers to the order in which stars above the pole transit them with the micrometer west. The center wire has always been considered to represent the mean of wires. The Zero of Collimation, or the reading of the micrometer when the center wire coincided with the optic axis, was determined nearly every day by observations of a distant mark with reversed positions of the transit axis. The distant mark was some sharply-defined feature of the rock (different in different observations) seen projected against the northern sky. A Collimator, consisting of a telescope temporarily mounted on a tripod stand, was also frequently used. All these observations, given in Table I., indicate that some of the screws at the eye end of the instrument were loose, probably the ring clamp-screw.* The cause, however, was not discovered during the course of observations ; and consequently, throughout the entire series, the Zero of Collimation is subject to an uncertainty, corresponding to about 3" of arc ; and it is probable that the relation between the center wire and the optic axis was liable to be disturbed every time that the micrometer- screw was touched. The adopted zero for each night is enclosed in a bracket, thus [20-550]. The Level Error was found with the hanging spirit-level ; the value of the graduations engraved on the glass bubble was tested by the makers before the Expedition left England, when it was found that 41 divisions were equivalent to one minute of arc, which value has been used throughout. (Table II.) Determinations of the wiequality of the pivots were made in 1873, November, 1874, November, and 1875, January. On all three occasions it was found * The ring-clamps of the Honolulu and New Zealand instruments worked loose during the outward voyages, and caused similar trouble at first. 3 o 408 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KERQUELEN ISLAND. OBSERVATORY BAY. that the correction to the level-error with the micrometer west was 0" P 80, and this value has been applied throughout. The Error of Azimuth (Table III.) has been found in the usual way by combining the observed transits of two stars of suitable declinations cor- rected for level and collimation. Occasionally, the observations of the north mark have been used to determine the azimuth-error ; but such was the instability of the instrumental mounting, that it is never safe to deduce the clock-error, unless a circumpolar star was observed at the same time as the clock stars. For this reason several transits of the Moon cannot be utilised. No stars were observed near the zenith; the rate of the clock, however, appears to have been exceptionally steady. The transits (abstracted in Table IY.) have been reduced in the manner described in the Introduction to the Honolulu Observations. Imperfect transits have been reduced to the center wire by means of the equatorial intervals given above. The stars observed for clock-error were taken from the Nautical Almanac for 1874 or 1875. The Mean Right Ascensions are taken from the Greenwich Catalogue of 2760 Stars for the Epoch 1864, the reductions from mean to apparent place being taken from the Nautical Almanac. For the determination of azimuth-error, Mr. Stone's Catalogues of 8 and 78 Southern Circumpolar Stars were used. The mean places for 1874, January 1, have been given in Part III., page 356. The true clock time of transit of the Moon's limb in the eighth column requires a further correction of O s< 02 for diurnal aberration. The transits of stars selected for publication are those observed in con- nection (1) with every observation of the Moon for absolute longitude; (2) with chronometric differences of longitude ; (3) with the actual Transit of Venus. The abstract of Table V. contains the Errors and Rates of the Transit Clock, the errors being corrected for the approximate values of the personal equations, assuming Mr. Sidgreaves (WS) as the standard. The clock's loss in 24 hours corresponds to the middle time between the two sets of observations from which it has been deduced ; the adopted rate corresponds to the approximate sidereal time given. When the interval of time for which clock-rate has to be allowed in determining the sidereal time for any purpose exceeds six hours, the " loss in 24 hours " has been used as the rate. For reasons before mentioned, the clock-error cannot be considered certain MERIDIAN TRANSITS, AND PERSONAL EQUATIONS. 409 when there has been an interval of several hours between the observations of the clock and circumpolar stars. The second place of decimals in the value of " Clock Slow " will generally have no significance. The observers are indicated, where required, by the initials P C - CO G - ws BS Mr. Perry. Lieutenant Coke. Lieutenant Corbet. Lieutenant Goodridge. Mr. Sidgreaves. Mr. Smith. EELATIVE PERSONAL EQUATIONS OF THE OBSERVERS. Although there are not many observations of transits of stars by two observers on the same night, the steadiness of the clock-rate admits of approximate values of the relative personal equations being obtained by comparing one day with the next.. Nearly the whole of .the azimuths of the Moon were observed by Mr. Sidgreaves, with local time obtained by another observer with the transit instrument. Mr. Sidgreaves' custom of observing the azimuth of a star with every observation of azimuth of the Moon practically makes the latter independent of small errors in the local time ; but as the habits of these observers appear to differ in a very unusual manner, the approximate differences have been investigated. In the following table the equation P G = + O s> 06 signifies that P makes the clock O06 more slow than does G. Every one of these determinations is affected by the uncertainty of the collimation zero, and nearly every one of them by uncertainty of the azimuth error. The second place of decimals must, of course, be regarded as of no significance. Interval Interval Day. of Time between the Obser- Observers and Excess cf "Clock Slow." Day. of Time between the Obser- Observers and Excess of "Clock Slow." vations, vations. 1874. h | 1874. h Nov. 6 4 P _ G = +0-06 Nov. 17 24 P BS = + 0-20 7 3 P - G = + -49 18 4 BS- G = -08 12 'i P - G = - -2i 18 24 BS P = + -io i5 i WS-BS = + -56 18 24 G - P = + -20 16 2 WS BS = + 0-20 '9 I WS- P = +0-29 3 G 2 410 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KERGUELEN ISLAND. OBSERVATORY BAY. Interval Interval Day. of Time between the Obser- Observers and Excess of " Clock Slow." Day. of Time between the Obser- Observers and Excess of Clock Slow." vations. vations. 1874-5. b 8 1874-5. h 3 Nov. 19 4 P - G = -o-3g Jan. 1 1 24 C -CC = + 0-20 20 24 G P = + -3o 12 24 CC P = + -40 22 2 WS P = + '27 25 18 CC - C = + -3o Dec. 1 1 24 P -BS = + -25 27 3o C - P = + -io i5 4 WS- G = + -23 Feb. 2 2 4 S -CC = + -32 '7 * WS B = + -47 7 24 C - P = + -42 18 2 WS- G = + -32 12 2 4 CC - P = + -20 23 24 P - G = + -20 12 24 C - P = + '65 27 3 WS- P = + -63 18 24 CC - P = + '63 Jan. 3 24 C - G = + -12 19 24 C - P = + '3o 10 24 C -CC = + -35 20 24 C - P = + -40 10 24 CC - P = +o- 4 5 21 20 CC - C = +0-25 Adopting "W S as the standard, the following values result : P = + 0-29 C = O'lO CC = O'lO G = 4- o'25 WS = O'OO BS = + '44 which have been applied to the " Clock Slow " determined by observation, as given in Table V. THE ALTAZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS. The Altazimuth used at Observatory Bay was constructed expressly by Messrs. Troughton and Simms, and is a model of stability and good work- manship. It was intended to measure both azimuths and zenith distances. The rotating body of the instrument, including everything necessary for the measurement of zenith distances, is similar to the vertical circles used at Honolulu and Rodriguez (already fully described), with the addition of the four microscopes for reading the fixed horizontal circle, the arms supporting these being cast in one with the rotating body. The reticule contained five vertical and five horizontal wires of spider's web. The observed zenith distances being of stars for latitude, only the central horizontal wire was used. The upper zenith-distance level was graduated with 72 divisions, and ALTAZIMUTH VERTICAL CIRCLE, RUNS OF MICROMETERS. 411 the lower with 60 divisions, to one minute of arc. The " Level Indication " is one-fourth of the sum of the four readings, diminished by one-twentieth of the sum of the readings of the upper level. Strictly, the diminution should have been one-twenty-fourth of the sum for the upper level ; but the error has no appreciable effect upon the final latitude, the vertical axis being always within a few seconds of true perpendicularity. The level zero is included in the zenith point. The vertical circles are 14 inches in diameter, divided to 5' spaces. Both pivots are pierced, to enable the instrument to be used with both positions of the horizontal axis in regard to its supports, but this entails the reversal of the levels and micrometers to make the direction of graduation accord with that on the circles. The correction applied to the reading of the vertical circle for runs of the micrometers is shown in the following table : CORRECTION for RUNS of the MICROMETERS of the VERTICAL CIRCLE. Day. Correction for Runs for 100". Day. Correction for Hans for 100". Observed. Adopted. Observed. Adopted. 1 874-5. " 1875. " tt Nov. 22 24 24 + i'3o + 0-90 + o-g3 J Jan. 27 28 Feb. 3 + 0'2O 1 + o'5o 26 26 27 27 + 0-08 - o-53 + I '20 + 0'80 i 0'22 > + I -00 3 5 7 8 + 0-68 Q- IO I + o-3o Dec. 3 27 1 + o-65 8 12 + 0'32 + o-55 }+ 0-09 3i + o''45 }l D * %n 12 0-42 3i + o'i5 ^^ \J *J\J 13 ... + 0-46 Jan. 3 3 + i'65 + i-63 j+i-64 '4 '4 + 0-88 + o-83 j + o-85 5 5 + 0-43 + o-65 1 + 0-54 7 '7 - 0-27 o-33 > o'3o i3 + 1-28 "j 18 . . O'OO i3 25 + 1-35 + 1-18 I + .'.5 21 21 + 0-62 + 0-73 | + 0-68 25 + 0-80 - 1 The stars selected for the determination of co-latitude were such as had been well observed in N.P.D. at Greenwich, Melbourne, or the Cape of Good Hope. For stars South of the equator the N.P. Distances of the southern 412 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KERGUELEN ISLAND. OBSERVATORY BAT. observatories have been used. The reductions from mean to apparent places have been taken from the Nautical Almanac for all stars found in that work. The refractions have been computed by the tables forming the Appendix to the Greenwich Observations for 1853, and then reduced in the proportion of 1 to 0-9947. "Whether this reduction was proper or not is of little importance, as stars were observed North and South of the zenith. An aneroid barometer, suspended in the Altazimuth observatory, was read in connection with the zenith distance observations ; in addition to which a mercurial barometer, Adie M 33, properly tested before leaving England, was suspended in the observer's dwelling-house, and read every four hours. These readings generally afford the means of ascertaining the error of the aneroid with sufficient accuracy, as shown by the following table : Number Correction Month. of to Comparisons. Aneroid. in- 1874, April 8 0-29 ,, November 14 0*34 , , December 4 o'3i 1876, January 9 0-29 , , February 1 6 o 32 The correction O ia> 32 has been applied throughout. From the observations (of which it is unnecessary to print the details) we have the following result for the co-latitude of the Altazimuth pier at Observatory Bay : O I II By 26 stars North of zenith, co-latitude is 40. 34. 48'2 S. , , 8 , , South , , , , 40. 34. 48'0 S. Adopted latitude... 49. 25'. 11"'9 S. OBSERVATIONS OF AZIMUTH. The horizontal circle, 15 inches in diameter, fixed upon the tripod stand, is divided into spaces of 5', and is read by the four microscope-micrometers attached to the revolving body. It was intended that a revolution of the screw of each micrometer should be one minute, and the screw-heads were divided on silver into 60 parts or seconds. The stationary portion of the ALTAZIMUTH HORIZONTAL CIRCLE, RUNS OF MICROMETERS. 413 body of the instrument, consisting of the vertical axis, the horizontal circle, and the tripod stand, was undisturbed during the series of observations, except by occasional adjustments of the foot screws, each of which rested in a radial groove cut on the surface of a brass plate, which was countersunk in the circular slab of slate that was cemented to and formed the top of the pier. The delicacy of the levels used with the instrument made it imperative to preserve the vertical axis within a few seconds of true perpendicularity. The pier seems to have undergone but little or no settlement. The runs of the micrometers of the horizontal circle were observed as follows, chiefly by Mr. Sidgreaves : CORRECTION for RUNS of the MICROMETERS of the HORIZONTAL CIRCLE. Date. Correction for Euns for 100". Date. Correction for Euns for 100". Observed. Adopted. Observed. Adopted. 1874-5. // it 1875. " Nov. 1 5 + 0-68 "| Jan. 1 3 + o'g5 i5 17 + 0'53 i3 22 + o-58 + 1-17 > + 0-81 7 o'45 22 + O'52 | 18 + 0-78 23 + o'5o 18 o'5o 23 O'OO IQ O'O2 26 + O' 12 19 22 4- o'o5 + i 'o5 > + 0-19 26 27 -f o'i5 + 0-72 > + 0-23 8 0-28 0*27 27 2 9 o - o5 + o-53 26 + O'2O 29 o* i5 3o + '47 Feb. 8 O'22 3o o - 15 8 0-48 Dec. 1 7 0'2O < ii o'o5 > 0*24 7 + o - o5 ii 0'22 24 + O'OJ 12 + o - 3o 24 + O'O2 12 + o - 15 28 Jan. 8 + 0-17 + 0-45 > + O'll '4 4 + 0-18 + O'22 > + 0-24 8 10 O'O2 + o-38 21 21 + o - 6o o-o3 j 10 + O'lO 1 The horizontal intervals of the vertical wires were determined by Mr. Sidgreaves as follows : 414 TRANSIT OP VENUS, 1874. KERGUELEN ISLAND. OBSERVATORY BAY. 1874, 1875. Number of Determina- tions. Distance from the Center Wire. Wire I. Wire II. Wire IV. Wire V. Nov. 1 5 to 1 Dec. 3 - / 4 / // + y-^-g / // + 3.56-4 / // - 3.47-2 / ft - 8. 2'8 Dec. 27 to"! Jan. i - J 10 + 7-44-9 + 3.48-0 - 3.49-9 - 8.4-4 Jan. 1 3 to 1 Feb. 13 - / 10 + 7-46-5 + 3.48-1 3.48-3 - 8.3-5 A new set of wires was inserted on December 23. The intervals of the wires from the mean wire employed in the reduction of imperfect transits are : From Nov. 15 to Dec. 22. From Dec. 23 to end. Wire I + 7. 41 'o ,, II + 3. 5g-5 ,, III +o. 3-i ,, IV -3.44-1 ,, V -7.59-7 + 7-49' 6 -f- 3. 52'o + o. 3-9 -3. 4 5-2 8. o-o "When the wires were brought in succession, in the order above given, upon the distant azimuth mark, the lamp being to the observer's right hand, the circle-reading increased. In the same position of the instrument, the Moon passed the wires in the same order. The Correction for Collimation is referred, for convenience, to the mean of the wires. It has been deduced from all the observations of stars on the five wires, as well as from those of the distant mark by the center wire only, the results being given in Table I. No explanation can be given of the systematic difference in the collimation corrections obtained by the two methods,* nor of the sudden change on November 27. On that day carpenters were employed in the hut for some alterations. The Error of Level of the horizontal axis was determined with a striding * The intervals of the wires from the center wire were determined with such accuracy that some other reason for the discordance must exist. ALTAZIMUTH WIRES, COLLIMATION, LEVEL ERROR, AZIMUTH ZERO. 415 spirit-level at every observation of azimuth. The value of the graduations engraved on the glass bubble, determined by the makers, was 60 to one minute of arc. The Error of Level is corrected for the inequality of the pivots of the horizontal axis. This inequality was determined by Mr. Sid- greaves, by reversing the axis eight times on 1875, January 2, to be 0"'52, and by an equal number of reversions on January 5, 0"'48, the smaller pivot being on the same side as the lamp. The correction applied to the level- error on this account is 0"'50, positive with lamp left, negative with lamp right. Mr. Sidgreaves, by a number of suitable levellings, determined that the pillar supporting the axis on the lamp side was shorter than the pillar on the side of the micrometers by O00030 of an inch, causing a constant difference in the level-error lamp R. and lamp L. of 12" % 6, a circumstance which caused much trouble when observing with the instrument. After leaving the makers' hands it had been carelessly taken to pieces. Nearly the whole of the observations of the Moon in azimuth, for the determination of the longitude of the station, were made by Mr. Sidgreaves, who, whenever possible, made one or more observations of stars with large zenith distances. The local sidereal time determined by one observer with the transit instrument was transferred to the Altazimuth-clock, and used generally for the azimuth observations by another observer ; but the adoption of a zero of azimuth determined by a star at the same time and with the same clock-error practically eliminates a systematic error that might thus arise, and the observations become strictly differential. The azimuth observations of the Moon should be divided into two classes those accompanied by a star, and those without. The former present no difficulty ; the zero of azimuth derived from the star (or stars) by an observer is applied to his observations of the Moon, thus eliminating systematic error. In the treatment of the latter class, which cannot be made perfectly satis- factory, the observations of the distant azimuth-mark have been taken as affording the best zero of azimuth obtainable ; the absolute azimuth of the mark being taken as 235. 41'. 8"'7, which is the mean of 23 deter- minations. The distant mark was a sharply-defined edge of rock projected against the sky. It was always observed by Mr. Sidgreaves himself. The horizontal transits of the Moon and stars were taken over the middle 3 H 416 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KERGUELEN ISLAND. portion of each, wire, the zenith distance slow-motion-screw being turned as requisite, and the times being recorded by the Altazimuth-clock. The microscopes of the horizontal circle were then read, and the striding level applied. The Altazimuth-clock was made by E. Dent, of London ; the pendulum-rod was of wood. The clock was compared with the Transit-clock by the intervention of a solar half-seconds chronometer at instants when the beats coincided. For imperfect transits over the five vertical wires a correction has been applied to the circle-reading, equal to the distance of the mean of the wires observed from the mean of the five, multiplied by the cosecant of the apparent zenith distance ; and the same factor corrects the collimation. The correction to the circle-reading for level-error is the level-error multiplied by the cotangent of the zenith distance. The Greenwich mean solar time, corresponding to the local sidereal time of each, observation (obtained by applying the Altazimuth-clock correction to the clock-time of transit) has been computed on the two assumptions of east longitude 4 h . 39 m . O s> and 4 h . 49 m . O'O. For each of these Greenwich mean times the Moon's Geocentric Eight Ascension, North Polar Distance, Equatorial Horizontal Parallax, and Semidiameter, have been interpolated with second differences from the hourly ephemeris in the Nautical Altnatiac. The tabular azimuth of the Moon's limb has then been computed in the following manner : The logarithm of the distance from the center of the earth to the point where the normal of Observatory Bay intersects the axis of the earth, called the axial distance of the normal-center, has been taken as 7'7046. The correction to be applied to the Geocentric S.P.D. to obtain the Normal- centric S.P.D. has been computed from the formula Correction (always negative) = seconds of equatorial horizontal parallax X sine Geocentric S.P.D. of center X axial distance of normal center. The tabular azimuth of the limb, and the tabular zenith distance, are thus computed : If a great circle passing through the center of the Moon intersect the meridian at right angles, and the arc of the meridian between the points of LONGITUDE OF OBSERVATORY BAY. 417 intersection and the Pole be called 0, then, y being the astronomical co- latitude, tan = cos hour-angle X tan Normal-centric S.P.D., ., tan hour-angle x sin B tan azimuth of center = - 8 in (fl ) - cot zen. dist. of center = cot (3 7) . cos azimuth. The approximate apparent zenith distance, column 7, has been obtained by adding, to the Z.D. thus found, the approximate parallax in Z.D. taken from Table 39 of Raper's Navigation. The azimuths are reckoned from South through West to 360. The azimuthal semidiameter, to be applied to the above azimuth of the center to obtain that of the limb, is found by multiplying the geocentric semidiameter (in seconds of arc) by the cosecant of the tabular normal- centric zenith distance of the center. The small correction required to reduce the geocentric semidiameter to the normal-centric diameter has generally been taken into account, although its greatest value is 0"'l. If j, a. 2 be the two tabular azimuths of the limb, corresponding to the first and second assumptions of longitude respectively, and a be the observed azimuth, the longitude inferred from each observation is 6 9X fo-"") 4 h . 39 m . 0-0 a l The details of the extensive calculations are suppressed, for the same reason which applied to those of the Altazimuth Zenith Distances at Rodriguez. ON THE LONGITUDE OF OBSERVATORY BAY. (1.) Longitude of Observatory Bay from the observed Bight Ascension of the Moon on the Meridian. In Table IV. are given the transits of the Moon as observed. The incomplete transits have been reduced as described in Part I., page 22. In Table VI. the longitude is computed from each observation, except a few when the clock and instrumental errors cannot be inferred with safety. The weights assigned are proportional to the square of the change of R.A. in 1 s , reduced in certain cases. 3 H 2 418 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KERGUELEN ISLAND. The longitude of the transit pier is obtained as follows : Observer. J I. Number of Obs. 3> II. Number of Obs. Mean. Final Weight. s a h m a Coke 37 4 25 3 30-97 3 4.39.34-1 I Corbet 46-06 2 23- 11 2 4.39.34-6 i Perry 32-76 3 24-8 I 4.39.28-8 | Sidgreaves . . o 28-5 i ... Goodridge . . o 34 '65 2 ... Smith 25 "i i o Mean 4. 3g. 33 2 It will be remarked that three of the observers have observed only one limb of the Moon. The case of Corbet shows how unsafe it would be to give any weight to observations of one limb only. Hence the final longitude by this method is made to depend upon three observers only. (2.) Longitude of Observatory Bay from the observed Azimuths of the Moon. These observations must be divided into two classes those when a star has been observed with the Moon, Class A., and those when no star was observed, Class B. When the extreme instability of the transit instrument in collimation and azimuth is considered, but little weight can be given to the observations of Class B. The longitude by Altazimuth therefore depends entirely upon Mr. Sidgreaves, for he alone observed both limbs of the Moon. Thus we have, Class A., observer W S h m s By J) I., 1 8 sets of observations, longitude .... 4. 3g. 35' 26 By 5 II., 10 4.39.32-54 Mean 4. 3g. 33 9 East of Greenwich. (3.) Longitude of Observatory Bay from the observed Occultation of 9 Tauri by the Moon, 1874, December 20. The observation was made by W S with the 6-inch Equatorial. The star disappeared at the Moon's dark limb, at 5 h . ll m . O s> 5 by the Equatorial-clock. LONGITUDE OF OBSERVATORY BAY. 419 The following comparisons were then made : h m a h m s Chronometer Frodsham 3i;8 .... 1 1. 21. 40-5 "1 1 1. 36. 5o-o 1 "Rnna.torml-p.lopk . 5. 17. 23'oJ 5. 32. 35'oJ Equatorial-clock 5. 17. 23 'o . Chronometer Frodsham 3178 .... 11.26. i5 - 5l 11.29. i5' Transit-clock 5. 22. 41-0 / 5.25.41' With the Error and Rate of the Transit-clock in Table V., the Equatorial- clock is inferred to be l m . 12 S '76 slow on local sidereal time. Hence we have : Local sidereal time of disappearance 5 h . I2 m . i3"*26 Assumed corrections to the Moon's Tabular Geocentric R.A o s% 55 N.P.D -."-7 to the horizontal parallax for latitude 6"' 96 to the semidiameter (Breen's correction) 2" - oo Augmentation of the semidiameter +4" 'So For the mean place of 9 Tauri for 1874'0 Greenwich Catalogue for 1864 R.A. 3 h . 29. 33 s -5g (4 obs.) N.P.D. 67. 12'. 2 7" -4 (4 obs.) Greenwich Catalogue for 1872 R.A. 3 h . 29. 33"-57 (3 obs.) N.P.D. 67. 12'. 27"'o (2 obs.) Reduction to apparent place, 1 s 2 1 " ' 3 1874, December 20 / Adopted apparent place of 9 Tauri R.A. 3 h . 29. 37 s -58 N.P.D. 67. 12'. 5" -9. Assumed astronomical co-latitude 40. 34'. 48" ' i S. h m s h m a Assumed East longitudes 4.39.24-00 4.39.44-00 Greenwich Mean Times, December 20 6.36. 7 '83 6.35.47*88 Apparent R.A. of Moon's center 3. 28. 46*06 3. 28. 45*21 O I II O I II ,, N.P.D. ,, 67.23.24-9 67.23.28*8 in t It Distance of star from Moon's center 1 6. 24 53 1 6. 35 * 73 Moon's augmented semidiameter 16. 3i'ii 16. 3fii Inferred longitude East of Greenwich... 4". 39 m . 35 8 *8. The occultation of 9 Tauri was also observed at the American Station at Molloy Point. Professor S. Newcomb kindly communicates that the longitude of Molloy Point inferred from the occultation is 4 h . 40 m . 2P-7 East of Greenwich. 420 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KERGUELEN ISLAND. For the difference of longitude between Molloy Point and Observatory Bay we have the following : Molloy Point, East of Observatory Bay. in 8 By chronometers in the Gazelle o. 47 4 (Auwers). By chronometers in the Volagc o. 46 9 -> Again by chronometers in the Volage . o. 46 3 > See next section. By rocket signals o. 47 2 J Mean o. 46 g5 The same occultation was also observed at the German Station at Betsy Cove, Kerguelen's Island. Professor A. Auwers kindly communicates the following, by letter dated 1879, October 18 : " From the occultation of 9 Tauri, 1874, December 20 (good observations, two observers) " Longitude of Betsy Cove, East of Greenwich, 4 h . 40 m . 43 St 2 ; with mean error, 2 s- 6. " I have computed this occultation with Newcomb's corrections to Hansen's Tables, modified so as to agree with the Luxor occultations.* The mean error has been found, supposing the mean error of each relative co-ordinate to be 1"'5." The last occultations observed at Luxor were on 1874, December 15, only five days before the Kerguelen occultation; and, the longitude of Luxor having been obtained by telegraphic signals with Mokattam, it may be supposed that Dr. Auwers' reduction of the occultations is the most free from systematic errors. The difference of longitude between Betsy Cove and Observatory Bay was found as follows : Betsy Cove, East of Observatory Bay. By chronometers in the Gazelle m 1 8 1 1 ^ (Auwers) By chronometers in the Volaoe . . . . 1 ] I ' Ol Again by chronometers in the Volagc I. 10 72 (Corbet). Adopted 1 I I ' 1Q (Auwers) - * Beobachtung des Venus-Durchgangs von 8 December 1874, in Luxor, von A. Auwers. Berlin, 1878, page 122. LONGITUDE OF OBSERVATORY BAY, FINAL RESULT. 421 "We have, therefore, the three following determinations of the longitude of Observatory Bay, as inferred from the occultation of 9 Tauri : h m s From the Betsy Cove observation ........ 4. 3g. 32 - o Molloy Point ,, ........ 4. 39.64 '76 Observatory Bay observation ... 4. 3g. 35' 8 ,, , , Mean, giving double weight to ] > 4. 3o. 33 ' the Betsy Cove result ..... J The circumstances of the occultation were very favourable, as the center of the Moon passed within 6' of the star. (4.) Longitude of Observatory Bay from the Lunar Observations at Betsy Gove. Communicated by Dr. Auwers. Mean. Betsy Cove, Observer. Instrument. J) I. 3> II. West of Greenwich. 3 s h m s Weinere Borgen Transit Altaz. 45-56 48-45 2 I '5 43'4I 16-8 43-38 23-6 6-7 4.40.45-92 Adopted . . 4.. 4.O. 4.4. " Q I T T- TT J Applying the difference of longitude as before, we have for the longitude of Observatory Bay from these observations 4 h . 3g m . 33" 72. The corrections applied to the Moon's Tabular Right Ascension were the same as those used in reducing the transit-observations at Observatory Bay. We have, therefore, the following results for the longitude of the transit instrument at Observatory Bay : h m a By the Meridional transits at Observatory Bay (3 observers) ... 4. 3g. 33 2 E. ,, Altazimuth observations ,, (i observer j ... 4.39.33-9 , , Occultation of 9 Tauri , , (4. observers) ... 4. 3g. 33 6 , , Meridional and Altazimuth observations at Betsy Cove "| . > 4. 3g. 33 "j (2 observers) . . . J Adopted 4. 3g. 33*5 It seems highly improbable that the error of this determination can exceed 2 s . G. L. T. 422 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KERGUELEN ISLAND. OBSERVATORY BAY. OBSERVATIONS of the TRANSIT of VENUS, 1874, December 8, by the Reverend S. J. PERRY, with the 6-inch Equatorial. The double-image micrometer, with power slightly over 150, with an achromatised wedge of dark glass and the negative eye-piece, power 150, with two dark glasses were conveniently placed ; and two other wedges of neutral-tint glass -one very light, the other dark were at hand in case of need. The driving-clock of the Equatorial being very inferior, and having no efficient regulating gear, it was necessary to add a new driving power to assist the clock, and to fit a regulating rope to the new driving weight. This was done very effectively by the Rev. W. Sidgreaves. Lieutenant Gamble, R.N., arrived from H.M.S. Volage at 6 a.m., and we at once examined the time required for altering eye-pieces, focussing, &c. ; this was about 30 s . The morn had been very fine, but the clouds were thickening fast. Unfortunately a dense cloud settled just over the Sun for about 20 minutes, and there was scarcely a breath of wind to move it. It was impossible to use the double-image micrometer until Venus was well on the disk, and even then the images were faint without any dark glass.* The wind was rising, and this, combined with the faintness of the light through the clouds, rendered the use of the micrometer at Egress quite out of question. The times given below are those given by Dent 2011 uncorrected : 12 h . O m . 56 S> 5. Venus half on the disk ; solar prism and negative eye- piece, power 150. 15 h . 40 m . 38 s- 8. A good geometrical contact ; solar prism, power 150 ; no dark glass. There was no appearance of black drop before contact, but this might have been due to the obscuring clouds. * The few micrometer readings obtained cannot be utilized. PERRY'S AND SIDGREAVES' OBSERVATIONS OF THE TRANSIT. 423 I tried the micrometer again for the measurement of cusps, but the light was too faint. 15 h . 56 m . 3 s . Venus half off the disk. Solar prism, power 150 ; the light end of the neutral-glass wedge used. The limb of the Sun was very well denned, and the limb of Venus did not appear to be irregular. 16 h . 11. 25 S> 8. External contact; solar prism, power 150. Possibly a little too early. S. J. PERRY. COMPARISONS of the CLOCK Dent 2011 with the TRANSIT-CLOCK, by the intervention of the MEAN SOLAR HALF-SECONDS CHRONOMETER Frodsham 3178 ; 1874, December 8. Time by Transit- Clock at Com- parison with Chronometer. Time by Frodsham 3178. Time by Dent 2011 at Comparison with Chronometer. Inferred Dent 201 1 Slow on Local Sidereal Time. At Comparison with Transit-Clock. At Comparison with Dent 201 1. h m s 9. 5i. 5ro 10. 10. 3o'o 16. 3o. 3o-o 16. 43. 10-0 h m s 4.42. 4'5 5. o. 40-5 n. 19. 3g-o 1 1. 32. iyo h m s 4. 5l. 67-0 5. 4. 3-o I I. 23. IO'O 11.35. 48-0 h m 9 10. I. 27-0 10. i3. 35"o 1 6. 33. 44-0 16. 46. 24-0 in s + I. 10-94 I. 10-91 i. 11-28 + i . 1 1-34 OBSERVATIONS of the TRANSIT of VENUS, 1874, December 8, by the Reverend W. SIDGREAVES. The instrument used by Mr. W. Sidgreaves was achromatic, of 4 inches aperture, kindly lent by the Royal Astronomical Society. It was equatorially mounted upon a tripod stand ; slow motion in R.A. was effected by a handle and Hook's joint. It was fitted with a solar diagonal reflecting prism. Time was recorded by Lieutenant T. G. FENN, of H.M.S. Volage, from the Solar Chronometer Appleton 195. Nothing was seen of the Ingress. 3 i 424 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KERGUELEN ISLAND. OBSERVATORY BAY. Egress. Time by Appleton 195. h in 3 22. 27. 42'8. Geometrical contact. Scarcely visible through, cloud. Very uncertain judgment. Bye-piece, power 150 used ; with- out a coloured glass. 22. 43. 42'5. A guess at the time of transit of the center of the planet over the Sun's limb. Image faint, but brighter than before. Without a coloured glass. 22. 58. 19'2. External contact. Without a coloured glass. Image bright, through haze. I think I got it fairly exact. W. SlDGREAVES. COMPARISONS of the CHRONOMETER Appleton 195 with the TRANSIT-CLOCK at OBSERVATORY BAY, 1874, December 8. Time by Transit- Clock. Transit-Clock Slow. Time by Appleton '95- Appleton 195 Slow on Local Mean Solar Time. Hourly Losing Rate. h m s s h m m s s 9. 53. 43*0 10. 7.35'0 16. 25. 29-0 16. 38. 9-0 + 52-82 52-85 53-68 + 5371 16. 41. 45*0 1 6. 55. 35-o 23. 12. 25'5 23.25. 3-2* + 2.34-I2 + 2. 33'87 + 2.36-28 + 2.36-24 + o-36 * Assumed to be 23*. 25. 3* -5. For Mr. Perry's observations of Egress we have the following results, assuming the Latitude 49. 25'. ll"-9 S., Longitude 4 h . 39 m . 33 8 '5 East of Greenwich : Phenomenon observed. Recorded Time by De.nt 201 I. Dent 30i i Slow. Local Sidereal Time. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Local Tabular Distance of Centers of Sun and Venus. EGKESS. h m s m s h m s h m s / (/ Internal " Geome- 1 trical " Contact - / 15.40. 38-8 + I . I I -3 1 5. 41. 5o'I ii. 2. 16-6 i5. 41-72 External Contact 1 " probably early " / 16. 11. 25-8 + i. u-3 16. 12. 37-1 n.33. 3-6 16.45-80 EQUATIONS DERIVED FROM THE TRANSIT, 425 Taking R = 976"-82, r 31"'42, and mean solar parallax = 8"-950 X (l + T^J, we have the equations For Internal " Geometrical " Contact + 3"-68 = +o"-ioo4 n -1969 8 R.A. '9772 8 N.P.D. + o"-o3og 8< SR + 8r, and for External Contact + 2"- 44 = + o"-og53 '2983 8 R.A. -9463 8 N.P.D. + o"-o376 8< 8R 8r. For Mr. Sidgreaves' observations are obtained the following results : Phenomenon observed. Recorded Time by Appleton '9S- Local Mean Solar Time. Local Sidereal Time. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Local Tabular Distance of Centers of Sun and Venus. ESEESS. h m s h m s h m s h m s / rt Internal " Geome- 1 trical '' Contact - J 22. 27. 42-8 22.30. l8'85 i5. 41.32-39 II. I.58-8g i5. 41*16 External Contact 22. 58. ig'2 23. o. 55-43 16. 12. 14-01 1 1. 32. 40-5 1 16.44-88 Whence the final equations For Internal " Geometrical " Contact + 4"'24 = +o"-ioo6 n -ig5g 8 R.A. -9772 8 N.P.D. +o"-o3i7 8 t 8 R + 8 r, and for External Contact + 3"-36 = + o"-og54 n -2972 8 R.A. '9467 8 N.P.D. + o"-oZ-j2 8 t 8 R 8 r. G. L. T. 3 i 2 OBSERVATIONS AT OBSERVATORY BAT, KERGUELEN ISLAND, IN TABULAR ARRANGEMENT. 428 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KEEGUELEN ISLAND. TABLE I. COLLIMATION of the TRANSIT INSTRUMENT by REVERSAL on the NORTH DISTANT MARK. 1874, Local Mean Time. Position mill Reading of the Micrometer. Zero of Collimatiou. 1874, Local Mean Time. Position and Reading of the Micrometer. Zero of Collimation . b r r h i r November 16 .... [20-549] December 20, 75 W. 21-709 '7 [20-549] E. 19-384 20-545 W. 21-703 '9> 7 E. 20-811 W. 20-288 2o-55o 20, I 5$ W. 21-751 E. 19- 404 20-579 10 W. 20-001 W. 2i- 7 58 [20-555] E. 21-129 20- 566 W. 20 006 22, 2 W. 21-704 23 .... [20-522] E. 19-426 W. 21-710 [20-563] 24, 10 z Octantis S.P. 20-5i3 22, 6 W. 21-290 25 W. 20-77! E. 19-841 20-564 E. 20-370 20-571 W. 21-283 W. 20-772 24, 6 W. 2I-25I December 4 W. 20-837 20-586 E. 19-876 [20-565] E. 20-357 W. 21 -25-; 7 .... [20-572] 17.17 W. 20-927 8 .... [20-568] E. 20-203 20-562 10 [20-558] W. 20-913 [20-567] 28, 61 W. 10-938 II .... [20-553] E. 20-189 20-563 i5 [20-532] E. 20-170 20-556 1 6, n E. 19-688 W. 20-943 W. 21-366 [20-517] 3i, 8 W. 21-288 E. 19-689 E. 19-903 20-591 17, 73 W. 21-358 [20-527] W. 21-171 [20-576] E. 19-684 3l, 12 W. 20-527 18, 7 W. 21-309 * E. 20 607 20- 567 E. 19-757 [2o-53o] ' j E. 20-619 W. 2i-3o3 20-570 W. 20-Sll 18, 7 W. 19-891 f 1875. E. 21-175 20-528 January 9 W. 21-354 W. 19-873 E. 19-696 20-532 20, i W. 21-649 W. 21-383 E. 19-423 20-538 10 W. 21-349 W. 21-658 [20-555] E. 19-800 20-574 * " Mark at present used for Azimuth." f " Another mark.' December 22, 6 h . Moved the East Pivot towards the South, t Image of wires reflected from mercury. OBSERVATIONS AT OBSERVATORY BAY. 429 Table I. Collimation of the Transit Instrument continued. 1875, Local Mean Time. Position and Beading of the Micrometer. Zero of Collimation. i875, Local Mean Time. Position and Reading of the Micrometer. Zero of Collimation. h r T h January i z W. 21-309 * E. 19-830 20-569 February 8, 1 3 W. 20-539 E. 20-645 J 20-595" ' W. 20-554 16 W. 21-086 E. 20-043 20-56l 9, -H W. 20-II5 W. 21-073 E. 2o-o5i (20-084) W. 20-118 [20-5 9 5] '7 W. 21-104 E. 20-029 20-520 ii W. 21-597 W. 21-077 [20-558] E. 19-593 [20-592] W. 21 593 22 f W. 21-089 E. 20-067 [20-576] II, 10 W. 2o-5oo W. 21-062 E. 20-707 J 20-601 W. 20-492 23 \V. 21-100 E. 20-087 W. 2i-o63 20-584 [20-579] *, H W. 21-503 E. 19-683 W. 21-478 [20-589] 26 W. 21- ii i E. 20-072 W. 21-092 [20-587] i3 W. 21-339 E. 19-839 W. 21-296 [20-586] *7, W. 2i-o36 '4 W. 2 1 ' 440 E. 20-169 20-597 E. 19-742 [20-583] W. 21-016 W. 21-407 27, uj W. 20-529 J E. 20-639 W. 2o-53i [20-590] H W. 20-510 E. 20-649 t W. 20-527 20-584 29 W. 21-046 E. 2o-i35 W. 21-048 [20-588] 17 W. 21-196 E. 19-999 W. 21-187 [20-591] 18 [2o-5 9 3] February 8 ( 6 W. 21-048 E. 20*149 20-598 '9 ... [20-597] W. 21-048 21 [20-602] * January 12. Daylight; misty. t January 22. Evening. January 27. Evening. J Image of wires reflected from mercury. February 9. Probably W. 2t-u5. 430 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KERGUELEN ISLAND. Table I. Collimation of the Transit Instrument concluded. i8 7 5, Local Mean Time. Position and Zero f Reading of the Collimation. Micrometer. i8 7 5, Local Mean Time. Position and Reading of the Micrometer. Zero of Collimation. b r r h t , February 23, 2j W. 21-677 [20-609] February 25 t W. 20-236 * E. 19-999 (2o-i38) 23, 2j W. 21-290 W. 20-179 23 t W. 21-322 E. 19-921 [20-609] 26 .... [2o-6o5] W. 21-273 1 * February 23, 25''. The Level and Azimuth were adjusted. f Evening. Probably W. 21-236. TABLE II. LEVEL ERROR of the TRANSIT INSTRUMENT at OBSERVATORY BAY, determined by SPIRIT LEVEL. [The sign + indicates that the East Pivot is low.] Day. Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Level Error corrected for Inequality of Pivots. Day. Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Level Error corrected for Inequality of Pivots. 1874. November 1 5 h in + 6' 12 1874. November 18 2. 12 + 5-02 5. 3o + 6-19 2.25 + 4-28 5. 5o + 5-i6 2.35 + 1-24 6. 20 + 6-3 4 3. o + 3-72 6.32 4- 5-56 + 5- 14 6. 40 + 6-08 6. 40 + 5-o3 6.55 + 6-64 7- o + 4'77 7. o + 6-23 >9 23. + 4 -3 9 16 21.25 + 7-62 4. o + 3-53 1.36 + 5-97 4.10 + 3-2 7 2. + 6-27 4-25 + 3-42 2. 12 + 6-76 5. o + a'74 3. o + 6-16 5.20 + 3-27 3. 6 + 5-48 5.55 + 3-34 6. o + 5-77 6. 20 + 3-46 17 22. 2O + 8-44 + 8- 9 3 6. 40 7- o + 3-19 + 3-36 4- 5 + 8-22 20 o. i5 + 4-I7 5. o + 7'77 o. 3o + 5-74 6. 40 4- 9-00 3. o + 6-34 OBSERVATIONS AT OBSERVATORY BAY. 431 Table II. Level Error of the Transit Instrument continued. Day. Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Level Error corrected for Inequality of Pivots. Day. Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Level Error corrected for Inequality of Pivots. 1874. h m it 1874. h m November 22 5. 10 + 3-94 November 3o 6. 3o + 2-47 5. 3o + 3-72 6.35 + 5-5o 5. 5o + 4'i3 7- o + 3-22 6. o + 2-82 7- 5 + 3-6o 6. 20 + 1-83 7. 1 5 + 5-63 7. o + 3-53 7-35 + 5-32 7. 1 5 + 3-76 7.40 + 3-oo December 3 3. o + 3-48 23 I. 20 + 3-38 3. 5 + 3-90 i. 35 + 3- 7 2 3. 4 5 + 2 -O2 2. 5 + 4-20 4. 10 + 3-32 2. 15 + 4 - >7 4 o. 5o + 8-49 4.40 + 3-53 1.40 + 7-58 24 i. 40 + 5-33 6 I 3. 20 + 7'5o i.5o + 5-89 2. O + S'97 7 5. 3o + 6-76 2. IO + 6 '49 6. o + 7-88 2.26 ? + 5-23 16. 14 + lo'So 2.36 + 2-42 16. 39 + 11-67 25 I. 20 + 4'58 8 23. 8 + 11-07 i.5o + 4'73 23.40 + g-83 6. 10 + 3-2 7 23. 50 + 9-76 5. 4 3 + 7 '24 26 I. + 6-38 5.58 + 7-17 1.28 + 5-52 6.25 + 7'5o 6. 55 } 1.44 + 6-19 7 9 i.5 9 + 5-67 7- 5 + 7'5 4 2. 40 + 5-82 7 .3o + 7-32 3. o + 6-04 8. 20 + 6-53 6.25 + 4-69 10 3.45 + 10-27 27 2.15? + 4' 06 4 .i5 + 9-97 2. 36? + 1-53 II 6. 20 - 2-73 2. 50 + o-63 7- 1 5 2-40 3. 5o - o-3 4 8. o - 2-92 4. o + '97 4. iS + 2-43 12 2. - 3-63 4.25 + 0-89 2. 40 - 3-3 7 6. 40 + I'OI 2. 50 - 2-17 3 K 432 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KERGUELEN ISLAND. Table II. Level Error of the Transit Instrument continued. Day. Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Level Error corrected for Inequality of Pivots. Day. Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Level Error corrected for Inequality of Pivots. 1874- December 12 h m 3. o 2'2I 1874. December 20 h m 19-25 + o 60 5. o - 3-60 2-42 + 1-24 5. IS 2'2I 2-46 - o-3 7 5. 3o - 3-74 3-io + 0'72 5. 4 5 - 1-87 3-58 + I '09 4-iS + 1-47 i5 1.35 - 3-26 4-4 + 1-06 2. 17 - 2-36 5-40 + 1-17 - 2-36 5-55 + 0-79 3. 4 5 2 '06 6-28 + 0*76 5.55 - I '80 6-5o + 0-68 6.17 - 2-66 6. 3o - 2- 4 3 21 3. o 4. 25 + 3-34 + 2-93 16 Noon 2. So o'3o + O'll 5. 20 6. 10 + 2-97 + 2 * 20 3. o 3. 4 5 - 1-72 - 2-92 22 .... ^ 2 * 00 ~~ i " OQ 4. o 5. o 5.25 5. 4 5 6. S 6.25 - 2'58 2'02 - 2-36 2'2I - I-9I - 2'l3 5.33 7- 4 7.20 7-43 8.24 0-93 - 0-86 - 1-23 I' 12 - o'86 6.35 7. 3o 8.20 - 2-66 - 2-5 4 - 2-61 23 5. 4 5 6.35 + i-So 24 2. 20 + 2-82 18 2. 4 5 - o-33 2. 4 O + 3-o8 3. 7 0-78 2. 50 + 3 '60 3. 3o - 0-48 3.35 + 3-34 3. 47 0-41 5. o - 0-26 26 2.59 O'OO 5. iS 0-22 9. So - o-85 5.25 - O'4i 5. 4 5 O'26 27 5. 3o 2'o6 5. 55 0*22 5. So - i -So 8. 20 - i-56 7. 10 - 1-23 8.25 - i-56 7.40 - 1-76 OBSERVATIONS AT OBSERVATORY BAY. 433 Table II. Level Error of the Transit Instrument continued. Day. Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Level Error corrected for Inequality of Pivots. Day. Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Level Error corrected for Inequality of Pivots. 1874. December 27 h 111 8.20 // - 2-17 i8 7 5. January 4 - i -So 9. So - 2'5l - i-38 10. 20 - 2-28 10.44 - 2-66 5 4. o - 1-42 4 .35 2' 06 28 6. 3o - 2'28 5. 3 - 0-86 7. 10 2'2I 5. So - 1-23 8.25 2-12 5.55 - i-5 7 29 6. 40 - 2-66 6. 20 - i-5 7 22. O - 1-91 '7 5.20 I'OI 3o 5.35 - 1-87 5. 3o - 0-86 5. So - 2-36 . g 6.35 - 0-35 6. 1 8 2 '40 6.55 o'6o 6. 3o - 2-24 6.55 - 2-28 7.40 I'OI 8. o 1-27 7. o 2-20 8. iS - 0-82 7.25 2'20 7-45 - 0-86 9 4 .3o + o-83 5. to f i '62 3i 5. o - 1-68 5. 10 i -80 5. 40 + 1-28 6. 5 + o-38 5.20 2' 06 5. 3o - I-6 4 10 5. 5 + i'i3 6. 20 2'2I 5.40 + 1-92 1875. 6. 10 + I'20 January j i .... 2 '40 .... - 2-8 4 ii 6. 16 + I '24 6.40 + I'S4 2 4. 10 - 2-32 7- o + 2'03 5.35 - 5-5i 7. 3o + 1-47 6. 10 - 6-71 7.35 + i '54 7. So - 4-5? 8. 10 + 1-69 3 3. 4 5 - 0-18 12 6. 40 + 3-27 4. 10 - 0-78 6. 55 + 3-23 4. 3o o - g3 4 .55 - i -5 7 ii 0. + 4' 2 4 5. 1 3 - i-S3 4.40 + 2-59 5.35 - 1-76 5.20 + 2-52 5. 55 - 1-87 5. So + 2'70 6.35 I ' 12 6.42 - o-38 3 K2 434 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KEEGUELEN ISLAND. Table II. Level Error of the Transit Instrument continued. Day. Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Level Error corrected for Inequality of Pivots. Day. Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Level Error corrected for Inequality of Pivots. 1875. h m 1875. b m H January 14 o. 40 + 6'86 January 23 9. So - 3-3 7 o. 45 + to-38 IO. IO - 3-Sz IO. 20 - 3-56 16 7-25 + 7-57 12. 2O - 3- 7 8 8.20 + 5-07 9. 10 + 5-52 25 8. 24 - 4-7* .... + 6-72 8.24 4' 4-^ .... + 6-79 12. 15 - 4 -83 17 3.55 + 7-88 12. 40 - 5-13 4- * + 8-40 4-36 + 6-76 26 4. 3o - 4-83 5. 5 + 6-60 5.25 - 4-23 5. 3o + 6'oo 6. o - 4'38 5. So + 6-00 6.25 - 3-26 6. 20 + 6'oo 6.42 2- 10 12. 5 3-oo it + 5 " o 3 12. 15 - 3-78 .... + 5 ' 97 12.40 - 3-o3 13. 20 - 2-81 19 - 3-33 .... - 3-07 27 7.25 - 2-77 20 .... - 4-34 7.40 - 2- 7 3 .... - 3-88 9. o - 3-n 9.40 2-96 21 5.20 - 2-81 13. o - 2-84 5. So 2-62 13.25 - 3-i 4 6. 5 9 - 2-77 8. 20 - 5-21 28 6. o - 3-41 8.40 - 4' 64 29 5.55 - 1-83 22 9.25 4-01 6. 20 I ' 12 9. 3o - 4-46 6.45 - 1-61 23 22.55 - 4-46 7- o - i-3i 4. 3o - 2'5l 14.40 - 2-17 - 3-74 iS. o - 2-28 5. So - 3-56 6. i5 - 3-o3 3o + 0-04 6. 4 5 - 3-82 .... 0' II 8. o - 3-56 8.20 - 2'l3 31 6. 4 3 i '46 8. So 2-96 16. o I 'oi OBSERVATIONS AT OBSERVATORY BAY. 435 Table II. Level Error of the Transit Instrument continued. Day. Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Level Error corrected for Inequality of Pivots. Day. Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Level Error corrected for Inequality of Pivots. 1875. h m ,/ 1875. h m H February 2 6. 3o + I -60 February 1 2 2. 4 5 - 3-62 6. 4 5 + i- 7 3 5. 5o - 5-96 7- + i'69 6. 20 - 5-58 9. o - 5- 7 o 3 5.55 + 2-97 6.25 + 3-o8 i3 3.35 - 2-24 6. So + 4-39 3. So - 2-32 8. i5 + 3-5 7 5.40 - 2-28 5. 5o - 3-io 4 . + 5-22 .... + 5' 4 8 H 7- 5 - 3-48 5 5. So + 6-49 7.40 - 3-77 6. 5 + 6-57 8. iS - 2-58 6.25 + 3-52 8. 4 5 - 3- 4 8 6.45 + 6-60 i5 5. 52 I * QO 7. o + 6-04 6 7- 5 - 5-24 16 6. o - 0.92 8. 1 5 4' 20 6. i5 - 1-67 7 6. 20 - 4 -3i '7 6. 1 5 - 2-17 6. 4 5 - 4-64 7. 10 2-46 7- o - 4-72 7 .3o - 2-58 7. 3o - 4'4 6 7 .55 - 3-o 7 7.40 - 3'oo 8. iS - 4'*7 8 8. 20 - 5-58 8.40 - 4-01 8. 3o - 5-o6 9. 3o - 4-34 it 6,40 - 1-42 9.45 - 5-55 MS - 2-39 10. 5 - 5-io 8. i5 - 1-08 0. O - i-38 9 o. 5 - 7-64 3.47 - 5'88 '9 8. o - 5-77 12. 30 - 5-56 8. iS - 6-86 10 . I - 6'97 8. 3o - 6'it - .... - 6-93 8. 4 5 6 '07 9. 20 - 6-, 4 n 5.45 - 7-38 9. 3o - 5' 9 2 5. 55 - 7-04 9.40 - 6-26 6. 20 - 7-04 IO. O - 6-o3 7- o - 7-01 10. 3o - 6-33 436 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KERGUELEN ISLAND. Table II Level Error of the Transit Instrument concluded. Day. Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Level Error corrected for Inequality of Pivots. Day. Sidereal Time of Level Determination. Level Error corrected for Inequality of Pivots. 1875. February 20 h m 6.25 - 5-84 i8 7 5. February 23 h m o. 42 - 0'74 6.45 - 5-io i3. 10 - i-38 10. 5 5-40 14. 1 5 - 1-23 10. 3o - 5-i3 25 8. 3o - '97 21 8. i5 - 5-58 9- 20 o-3o 10. i5 - 5-24 26 IO. 20 0-90 n. 35 - 5-70 14. o - 1-61 14.35 - 1-72 22 6.25 6.45 7- 7. 10 io-5o 10-12 -10-23 lO'OI 16. 5 - 1-16 The Micrometer was West in every instance except the following : November 21, 6 h . 20. November 24, 2 h . 36 m . From November 27, 2 h . 36 m ., to December 3, 4 h . io m . December 10. TABLE III. AZIMUTH ERROR of the TRANSIT INSTRUMENT. [The sign + indicates that the Optic Axis points East of North.] Day, and Local Mean Solar Time. ^ Azimuth Error. Observed. Adopted. 1874. h m November 15,14. 36 16 17,12.43 12. So 14.19 1 8, 14. 24 19, 14.20 20 + 12-2 + I0'4 2-1 + 4-8 L + 2-8 + 4-2 + 1-8 I + 9 '5 Procyon and A Octantis a Octantis S.P. and e Canis Majoris a Octantis S.P. and A Octantis y Canis Majoris and A Octantis ( Leporis and a Octantis S.P Pollux and A Octantis o Trianguli S.P. and t Leporis a Columbse and a Octantis S.P A Octantis and B Octantis S.P f Hydra and B Octantis S.P e Orionis and a Octantis S.P 20-537 W. 7 i 6.53 + 53-17 + 3-53 G I II. 10.39. 9'7" 10.40. 3*44 28 WS 20-537 W. 4 2 6.54 + 56-6 9 + 3-43 3o WS 20-566 W. 6 I 3i WS 20- 566 W. 5 I 6. 6 + 65-92 + 3-14 1875. Jan. g C 20-566 W. 6 I 7.20 + 32-79 + 2-72 10 CC 20-566 W. 9 I 5.40 + 38-42 + 3-42 13 CC CC 20-566 W. 20-566 E. 7 2 I I }5.3 9 + 48-33 + 3-38 16 CC 20-564 W. 3 2 8.3i + 59-16 + 3-72 '7 C 20-564 W. 7 I 4.59 + 62-40 + 3- 7 5 I. 4. o. 5z-37 4. 1.54-84 21 P 20-564 W. 9 I 6. 22 + i 6 60 + 3-5o 22 WS 20-564 W. I. II. No stars. 442 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KERQUELEN ISLAND. Abstracts of Tables IV. and V. Transits of Stars and of the Moon, &c. continued. Day, 1875. Observer. Reading and Position of Micrometer Head. Number of Transits 1 of Clock Stars. Number of Transits of Circumpolar Stars. 1*3 H tfi 111 Sfi 35 8 1 Clock Slow on Local Sidereal Time. Clock's Losing Rate. o c o o 3 " Clock Time of Transit of Moon's Limb over Meridian. Right Ascension of Moon's Limb at Transit over Meridian. rfv. b in S s h in s tl 111 S Jan. 23 c 20- 564 AY. 8 i 5.29 + 23-41 + 3-59 c 7 2 ii. 27 + 24-27 II. 10. i5. 52-29 10. 16. i6-53 26 c 20 -5 64 W. 9 I 5. 8 + 33-95 + 3-3 4 c 3 12.32 ( + 34-95) II. 12.35. 7-99 12. 35. 42-96 27 p p 2o-56 4 W. 2o-53o W. 6 i '1 10. I + 38-42 + 3-6o II. 13.19. 5-52 i3. 19. 44- 18 p 22-728 W. i J 29 c 20-564 W. 9 2 6.58 + 44-80 + 3-34 II. No Stars. Feb. 8 p 20- 56 4 W. 7 I 9- '9 + 20-96 + 3-64 ws I 9 cc 20-563 W. I. No Stars. cc 20-564 W. i ii p 20-564 W. 5 I 6.28 + 30-76 + 3-39 12 cc 20- 564 W. 8 I 7- 8 (+34-24) + 3-5o I. 2.42. 54-90 2. 43. 28-02 i3 c 20-564 W. 4 5. 10 (+38-oi) + 3- 7 3 I. 3.41. 55-12 3.42. 33-o8 c 17-504 \V. I c 17-997 W. I c i8-683 \V. I c iS-863 W. I '4 p 20-564 W. 6 I 7- Si + 41-78 + 3-76 '7 p 20-587 W. 8 I 7.26 + 53-12 + 3-91 I. 7. 5?. 13-69 7.58. 5-58 18 cc 20-587 W. 12 I 8. 2 + 57-I5 + 3-65 I. 8.56. 2-74 8. 37. o- ii OBSERVATIONS AT OBSERVATORY BAY. 443 Abstracts of Tables IV. and V. Transits of Stars and of the Moon, &c. concluded. & Of) *M flj *-< 11 a o Reading and S | s. s | a ^ 2 .. Clock Slow Clock's e Clock Time of Right Ascension Day, Position of ^ O ^i ".! Ill on Local Losing 1 Transit of of Moon's Limb i8 7 5. S Micrometer ^ S u .'2 cc g on" 02 ^ Sidereal Rate. 'S'S Moon's Limb at Transit g Head. | o a a o Time. _o over Meridian. over Meridian. - ItSoa g*8u . O !Q fc 3 H rev. h m h m s h in a Feb. 19 c 20-58 7 W. 7 2 9. 10 + 60-64 + 3-53 I. 9. 5o. 24-94 9. Si. 25-81 II. 9. 52. 39-60 9. 53.40-66 21 cc 20- 587 W. 9 2 10. 48 + 8-56 + 3-69 II. ii. 3o. 58-41 ii. 3i. 7- 14 23 ws 20- 587 W. 2 14. 5 + 3-27 II. 1 3. o. 24-92 i3. 0.40-18 26 cc 20- 586 W. 7 i3. 26 + 26-39 + 3-68 II. 1 5. 1 8. 59-22 i5. 19. 26-08 TABLE VI. LONGITUDE of OBSERVATORY BAY, KERGUELEN ISLAND, from the OBSERVED RIGHT ASCENSION of the MOON on the MERIDIAN. Observed Longitude by the 13 g R.A. of Ephemeris. Adopted Resulting Day. CD 00 Moon's Limb = the Correction Value Longitude, Remarks. .... Moon observed on one wire only, and no stars with it. Feb. 9 cc I. * . . . . . , .... . , No stars observed with the Moon. 12 cc I. 2.43. 28-02 45-75 + 25'oof 0-46 33-2 ii Clock and azimuth-errors de- termined 3 hours after the lunar observation. Azi- muth very unsteady. Good observation otherwise. i3 c I. 3.42.33-08 49-84 + 23-62 e -0-52 3 7 -6 18 Clock-error applied depends upon a single star near the Moon. Azimuth-error satisfactory and good ob- servation. i? p I. 7.58. 5-58 4. 39. 5o- 55 + 23 -62 o'6i 36-i 18 Much tremor. Clock and azimuth-errors satisfactory. 18 CO I. 8.57. o-n 4.40. 10-17 + 25-42 f 0-60 54-9 16 Fair observation. Clock and azimuth-errors satisfactory. ("Limb very unsteady. Clock 19 c I. 9. 5i. 25-8i 4.40. 5-78 + 27-52 -o-58 49-8 7 inaudible from high wind ; J B S marking seconds. I Otherwise clock and azi- II. 9. 53. 40-66 4. 39. 53-94+27-52 e -o-58 38-o 7 muth - errors satisfactory. (_ Moon's II. defective. 21 cc II. ii. 3i. 7-14 38-75 + 31-25 f -o-53 18-2 10 Good observation. Clock and azimuth-errors satisfactory. 23 ws II. i3. 0.40-18 43-I3 + 32-43 e 0-45 28-5 5 Moon observed at two wires only ; clock correction de- pends upon two stars which are discordant. No deter- mination of azimuth-error. 26 cc II. i5. 19. 26-08 4. 39. 37-39 + 28-98 f -o-35 4. 39.27-2 12 Good observation ; clock and "' azimuth errors satisfactory. OBSERVATIONS AT OBSERVATORY BAY. 445 TABLE VII. ABSTRACT of LONGITUDES of OBSERVATORY BAY, from the OBSERVED AZIMUTHS of the MOON'S Fmsx LIMB. CLASS A. STARS OBSERVED WITH THE MOON. 1874-75. Number of Obser- vations = 11. Mean Inferred Longitude from each Day's Observations. Mean Difference of Tabular Azi- muth = a. ? Cl a t I Remarks. Observer, W S. Moon's I. L. h m s a November 1 5 3 4. 39. 28-6 Si 17 Cloudy at times. 16 5 43'0 33 24 }> limb very unsteady. Cloudy. i? 2 34-9 34 16 5 limb much serrated. Cloudy. iS 4 25-7 41 34 Fair observations. 19 2 33-9 42 25 J limb well denned. 22 4 40-4 38 29 Cloudy, but fair observations. 23 2 4 i-5 29 12 Good observations. December 1 5 2 26-8 40 23 Snowstorms. J limb well denned. 17 2 3o-5 40 23 Fair observations. 18 6 29-7 40 39 }) limb well defined. 20 3 40 '5 37 24 }> limb bright and clear. January 10 3 34-9 33 >9 Daylight ; J limb bright and well denned. i3 4 3i-6 37 27 Clear. 21 February i i 2 3 40-6 40 '8 35 36 '7 22 High wind : Lieut. Coke calling seconds. Defective limb. High wind : Mr. Smith calling seconds. 12 4 42-0 36 26 High wind : clock often inaudible. H 2 35-i 35 '7 Observed in a momentary interval between clouds. 18 2 4.39.55-8 35 9 Driving haze. J limb very ill denned. Clock often inaudible. Mean with weights, 4''. 39. 3 5 s '26. Observer, G. Moon's I. L. h m tr December 17 2 4. 39. 29-8 40 23 J> limb very unsteady. 18 6 4. 39.34-2 40 39 High wind. Mean with weights, 4''. 39'. 32 s ' 56. 446 TRANSIT OP VENUS, 1874. KERGUELEN ISLAND. Table VII. continued. 1^ Mean Inferred a, <5 R 1874-75. Number of vations = Longitude from each Day's Observations. S| ii ss I s .S 3 Remarks. Observer, B S. Moon's I. L. h m s February i 9 2 4-39-38-3 35 17 3) limb much serrated. Clock often inaudible. CLASS B. No STARS OBSERVED WITH THE MOON. Observer, P. Moon's I. L. h m a November 19 4 4. 39.27-2 38 29 20 2 14-1 42 25 Cloudy. 21 3o-5 41 34 High wind. Clock often inaudible. January i 3 4 4. 39. 33-o 36 26 Clear. Mean with weights, 4 h . 39. 26" -6. Observer, C C. Moon's I. L. h m s January 17 2 4.39.33-3 36 18 February 1 1 2 4. 39.42-0 36 18 Mean with weights, 4 h . 39. 37* -7. Observer, W S. Moon's I. L. h M . November 2^ 4 4- 39. 26-4 42 35 Haze, but j) limb well defined. Observer, B S. Moon's I. L. h m s If February 18 2 4. 39 46-3 34 16 5 limb serrated. Clock almost inaudible. OBSERVATIONS AT OBSERVATORY BAY. 447 TABLE VII. (continued). ABSTRACT of LONGITUDES of OBSERVATORY BAY, from the observed AZIMUTHS of the MOON'S SECOND LIMB. CLASS A. STARS OBSERVED WITH THE MOON. i 8 7 4-75. Number of Obser- vations = . Mean Inferred Longitude from each Day's Observations. Mean Difference of Tabular Azi- muth = a. K "a 1 9 Remarks. Observer, W S. Moon's II. L. h m November 23 2 4.39.48-2 39 21 Haze. *4 2 34-8 36 18 Clear. ]> limb good. 26 2 27-9 34 16 J) limb well defined, but faint. January 21 2 28-2 35 17 High wind : Lieut. Coke calling seconds. 23 4 29-6 35 24 Fair observations. 23 2 28-5 25 9 J> limb not good. 27 2 3o- 7 3i '4 Haze ; )) limb unsteady and woolly. 29 2 38-o 28 ii }) limb serrated and unsteady. February 21 4 29-9 33 22 Good observations. 21 2 4.39.22-7 25 9 Good observations. Mean with weights, 4 h . 39'". 32 s -54. CLASS B. No STAR OBSERVED WITH THE MOON. Observer, P. Moon's II. L. h m s January 23 3 4.39.I2-3 35 21 High wind ; clock inaudible. 27 2 4. 39. I9-I 35 17 High wind ; clock almost inaudible. Mean with weights, 4''. 39'". i5" 3. Observer, C C. Moon's II. L. h m s January 26 2 4. 39. 29-8 38 2O High wind ; clock almost inaudible. 3 M 448 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KERGUELEN ISLAND. Table MIL concluded. b Si 1874-75. o s CM il ' I? K Mean Inferred Longitude from each Day's Observations. S| n ^ J3 G S go S Weight a?Vn. Remarks. Observer, W S. Moon's II. L. h in s it November 3o 4 4.39.44-9 3i '9 High wind ; clock inaudible. December 24 2 41-6 35 17 Through thick haze. 27 5 38-i 33 24 Haze. J limb sometimes good. 28 2 28-1 32 '4 High wind ; clock often inaudible. 3i 7 33-4 33 29 Cloud, j limb well defined sometimes. January 26 2 4.39.33-3 32 14 High wind. Mr. Smith calling seconds. Mean with weights, 4 h . 39. 36- 8. Observer, B S. Moon's II. L. h m s January 27 2 4. Sg. 29-6 33 i5 High wind. TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. PART IV. EXPEDITION TO KERGUELEN ISLAND (continued). Section 2. OBSERVATIONS AT SUPPLY BAY, EOYAL SOUND, By LIEUTENANT CYRIL CORBET, R.N., AND LIEUTENANT GK ELMSLEY COKE, R.N. With One Plate. 3 M2 450 CONTENTS. Establishment at Supply Bay 451 Instruments 452 Clock, Chronometers, and Transit 453 Transits of Stars ' 454 Errors and Rates of the Transit-Clock 457 Altazimuth, and Latitude of Supply Bay 458 Gunpowder flashes for Longitude 460 Longitude of Supply Bay 461 Observations of the Transit of Venus by Lieut. C. Corbet . . , .-. . . 461 Observations by Lieut. G. E. Coke 462 Comparisons of Lieut. Coke's Chronometer 463 Equations derived from the Observations 464 Plate XVII. to f ace 462 451 ESTABLISHMENT AT SUPPLY BAY. It was at first thought to be possible to establish a station on Heard Island which should depend, as regards longitude and base of operations, upon the head station on Kerguelen Island. Lieutenants Cyril Corbet and Gr. Elmsley Coke, R.N., accompanied the expedition under the Reverend S. J. Perry with this object in view, and also to conduct the chronometric connections. After the arrival of the Expedition in Kerguelen Island, it was found that the idea of occupying Heard Island must be abandoned. Not only were the reports of the masters of the sealing vessels very unfavourable, but it was doubtful whether the amount of fuel carried by the ships would be sufficient for the trips to be made for the longitude connection. Mr. Corbet, therefore, assisted by Staff Commander Inglis, R.N., com- manding H.M.S. Supply, explored the S.W. portion of Royal Sound ; and having fixed upon a sheltered inlet (near to the isthmus called " Swain's Haulover "), which he named " Supply Bay," for the position of his station (see the map, Plate XVI.), he proceeded to establish an independent observatory there. They arrived on their ground in the Supply, 1874, November 5 ; and, with assistance from the ships, the little station (consisting of a dwelling-house, observatory, and storehouse) was built and equipped by November 11, when the Supply returned to the better anchorage, leaving at the new station Sub-Lieut. Baynes, a servant, and a cook. To establish a record of the locality, Lieut. Corbet subsequently took the following bearings from the Transit Instrument : Cross bearings, corrected to the Astronomical Meridian, taken from the Transit Instrument. o / Extreme of Island in the center of Harbour, at high water S. 89. 3o. E. Do. do. do. S. 77. o. E. Point at Southern entrance to Harbour S. 72. 40. E. Extreme of a bold lump on the top of the Hill to the Southward. The lump being about the highest spot to the Southward, of bold rock, with a little lichen over it S. 6. 3o. E. Extreme of the highest bold cliff on the top of the hills to the West and N. West N. 46. o. W. Mount Wyville Thompson S. 79. 40. E. [The attached symbols in the MS. appear to denote that No. i was at the left hand, and Nos. 2, 4, 5 at the right hand. G. B. A.] 452 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KERGUELEN ISLAND. SUPPLY BAV. Lieut. Corbet was provided with the following instruments : A portable transit instrument. A portable altazimuth. An astronomical clock. 12 chronometers. A 4-inch achromatic telescope, on tripod stand, by Simms. A 3J-inch achromatic telescope, on tripod stand, by Dollond (lent from the Cambridge Observatory). Mercurial and aneroid barometers, thermometers, prismatic com- pass, &c. Observations for local time, with both the transit instrument and the altazimuth, were as continuous as the bad weather permitted, from Decem- ber 4 to December 21 ; and the latitude was sufficiently well determined. On December 17 Mr. Corbet left the station in charge of Mr. Coke, and commenced the work of connecting the various stations with the chrono- meters. On December 21 he returned and dismantled the station. The clock by Baker was lent by the Council of the Royal Astronomical Society. The pendulum was compensated on the gridiron principle. The movements were put into good repair before leaving England. The following is a list of the chronometers : A. Arnold 536. B. McCabe 36o. C. Loseby n3. D. Poole3i64. E. Dent 1981. F. Hewitt 991. G. Frodsham and Baker 6149. H. Frodsham andBaker6i88. /. Dent 1916. m. Muston 6 1 1 . n. Molyneux 1061. S. Kullberg 2177. Z. C. Frodsham 6004. The portable transit, kindly lent by H. Kains Jackson, Esq., of Orpington, is by Troughton and Simms, of three inches aperture. It was supported on an iron stand, which was intended to rest upon a pier of masonry. CLOCK, CHRONOMETERS, AND TRANSIT. 453 At Supply Bay a pier of brick and cement was built, on a foundation of concrete, on hard ground; but Lieut. Corbet placed between the masonry and the iron stand a block of wood, to which the iron stand was screwed ; apparently to facilitate fastening down the latter. On November 20 a furious gale blew off the roof of the observatory, and the transit was knocked out of its Y's, and fell to the floor on its eye-end and setting circle, which was much bent. This being straightened with the hands, the instrument was found to be apparently but little the worse for the accident. The correction for inequality of pivots was carefully determined. It was found to be 0"'ll (+ lamp B., lamp W.), which has been applied to all the level errors given in the following tables. The error of collimation is determined by observations of stars with reversed positions of the transit axis. It appears that Lieut. Corbet was in the habit of testing the stability of the collimation and azimuth errors, by directing the telescope to and reversing it on a distant terrestrial object ; but the instrument having no micrometer, he could not of course make accurate observations in this manner. He appears to have had no suspicion that anything was wrong with the instrument, but was puzzled at the apparent instability of the azimuthal position. I have no doubt that in this case, as with all the other transits made by Troughton and Simms, the ring clamp at the eye end of the telescope, which fixed the wire plate, had worked loose during the voyage, and consequently the system of wires was not rigidly fixed with reference to the optical axis. It is of course possible that the object-glass was loosely attached, but it is improbable, from the mode of attachment. No record is to be found of any special examination of the instrument. With the instrument in this condition, with the additional fault of being mounted on a block of wood, in a climate where heavy rains and fierce winds perpetually alternated, good observations for local time were impossible. The value of the divisions of the hanging spirit-level was determined by the makers before leaving England, and again on the return of the expedition to Greenwich ; 40 divisions were found equal to one minute of arc. The level error was generally large, but the determination of local time is not injuriously affected on this account. It follows from the description of the instrument and its mounting that the azimuth error can never be inferred with any certainty. It has been computed in every possible way from the observations. 454 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KERGUELEN ISLAND. SUPPLY BAY. TRANSITS of STARS observed at SUPPLY BAY, KERGUELEN ISLAND. Day. Observer. Position of j Lamp. Star's Name. Number of Wires. Mean observed Transit over Center Wire. True Transit over Meridian. Seconds of Star's Apparent R.A. Clock apparently Slow. 1874. Dec. 4 CC E W z Octa a Ceti 8 Arie 7 i Eri o } Eric a Tria ,3 Orio ntis S.P I 5 5 5 5 2 2 h m a 2. 27. 5ro 2. 55. 58-6 3. 4.42-2 3.52.26-8 4. 6. o-i 4. 35. 23'q 5. 8.43-8 s 1067 61-1 45-3 287 2-3 32-4 46-5 8 3o-5 4 5'2 29'4 12-6 46-5 21'2 32-6 3 l6'2 1 5-9 1 5-9 - 1 6- 1 - 1 5-8 I I'2 1 3'9 tis iani lani ng. Aust. S.P. nis Error of Level. By s Octantis i o 1 Eridani I Time Stars, Error of Azimuth. // 3i 63 5 9 Sidereal Time. Lamp. Level Error. S.P., Lamp E., and a Ceti E. . . . + I., and a. Triang. Aust. S.P. E.. . + Lamp E + h m 2. 40 3.25 4. 2O 5. 18 E. E. E. W. n + 6-64 + 6-27 + 5-33 + 2-36 ;/ Adopted, -f 5o-o * Day. Observer. Position of Lamp. Star's Name. Number of Wires. Mean observed Transit over Center Wire. True Transit over Meridian. Seconds of Starr's Apparent R.A. Clock apparently Slow. '874- Dec. 8 CC W E i Octa 7 1 Eri Tau a Tria a Tria Lepc /3Oric /STau 8 Orio a Lep < Orio ntis S.P Jani 5 3 4 2 2 5 5 5 5 i 5 h m 8 2. 29-38-2 3.52.36-3 4. 29. 10-8 4. 35. 53'4 4. 35. 52-i 5. o. 35-7 5. 8.57-5 5. 1 8. 5o-g 5. 26. 3-4 5.27.38-5 5. 3o. 18-2 m s 28. l8'9 36-8 9'9 45-9 46-3 35-g 5 7 - 1 48-8 2-6 38-5 '7'4 s 02'5 I2'6 4 5-5 21-3 21-3 II-2 32-6 24-1 37-9 i3- 9 52-9 s + 1 3-6 - 24-1 2 4'4 24-5 25-0 - 247 24-5 24-6 - 247 24-6 24-5 ri ng. Aust. S.P. ng. Aust. S.P. >ris nis ri ois Dris nis Error of Level. By y 1 Eridani, a Triang. ^ a Triang. 1 Time Stars Time Stars Error of Azimuth. // 7 28 29 3 9 26 Sidereal Time. Lamp. Level Error. Lamp W., and z Octantis S.P. W. + Lust. S.P. W., and ?> Eridani W. Lust. S.P. E., and < Leporis E. . . h m 3. 41 4. u 4. 5o 5. 14 W. W. E. E. // + 22-24 + 22'05 + 22-3g + 22-g5 // Adopted, 28-5 TRANSITS OF STARS. 455 Day. Observer. Position of Lamp. Star's Name. Number of Wires. Mean observed Transit over Center Wire. True Transit over Meridian. Seconds of Star's Apparent K.A. Clock apparently Slow. 1874. Dec. 12 CC E W E z Octantis S.P 5,2 Ceti 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 b m 3 2. 28. 3o-g 2. 37. 16-9 2. 56. I2'3 3. 4.56-6 3. 40. 3 i'o 3. 02. 38*5 4. 6. 12-5 4. 21. 45-5 4- 2 9- "'4 4. 35. 49-0 4. 35. 47-5 s 5 4 -g 19-4 14-8 5g-i 33-5 42-6 ,6-7 497 1 5-6 60-2 52-g s 34-2 45-2 29-4 12-6 46-6 '97 4 5-6 21-5 21-5 s 29-6 29-6 - 297 29-6 3o-o ' 3o-i 3o-o 3o-o - 28-7 Cet 8 Ari , Tai y 1 El- s' En Ta a, Tai a. Tri a Tri i 3tis iri idani dani ri iri ang. Aust. S.P. ang. Aust. S.P. Error of Level. By z Octantis ' y 2 Ceti E. a a, Ceti E. ar 7 1 Eridani 1 Time Stars, Time Stars, Error of Azimuth. E.... + 47 38 38 62 35 40 Sidereal Time. Lamp. Level Error. >.P., Lamp E., and y 2 Ceti nd & Triang. Aust. S.P. E. d a. Triang. Aust. S.P. E. V. and a Triang. Aust. S.P Lamp E. . h m 2.33 2.47 3.23 4. o 4-47 E. E. E. W. E. + 28-95 + 3o-o8 + 32-92 + 33-27 . W. . + -i- Lamp W. . 4- Adopted, 4- 38-o Day. Observer. Position of Lamp. Star's Name. Number of Wires. Mean observed Transit over Center Wire. True Transit over Meridian. Seconds of Star's Apparent K.A. Clock apparently Slow. 1874. Dec. 17 GE C E W E a. Ceti 8 Arie n Tau y l Eri o 1 Eric e Taui a Tau a Tria e Lepc One a- Octi 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 4 5 2 h m s 2. 56. 30-4 3. 5. i3'8 3. 40. 46-3 3. 52. 57-2 4. 6. 30-7 4.22. 2-9 4. 29. 28-9 4.35. 57-1 5. o. 58'7 5. 9. 19-0 6. 9.49-7 m s 33-9 1 8-3 52-9 6r5 35-3 9-1 7 i-5 61-2 22-2 14.47-6 s 45-2 63-g 12-6 46-6 19-8 45-6 21-7 U'2 32- 7 24-0 s ' - 487 - 49'o - 48-9 48-8 - 49-8 5o - o - 49'5 83-6 tis ri dani lani J ri ng. Aust. S.P. tris nis tntis S.P. . . . Error of Level. By a Triangul Leporis j3 Orionis E. Time Stars, Time Stars, Error of Azimuth. and . 4- i i'i 'O >] .3 Sidereal Time. Lamp. Level Error. i Aust. S.P., Lamp E., E h m 2. 4 5 3.23 4-49 6.26 E. E. E. E. n + 0-27 + 3-27 + io'3g + 11-14 and M o. 45. i3'8 + 2. l6-37 o. 47.30-17 9. 5. i3-2 M m cc o. 55. i3-o + 2. 16-43 o. 57. 29-43 9. i5. 10-8 3 5. I saw the limbs of the planet and of the Sun very distinctly. [G. ELMSLEY COKE.] COMPARISONS of the SIDEREAL CHRONOMETER S. with the SIDEREAL CLOCK Baker, by the Intervention of the SOLAR CHRONOMETER m, at SUPPLY BAY, 1874, December 8. Time by Clock Baker at Comparison with m. Adopted Crrrection to Bultrr. Time by Solar At Comparison with Baher. Chronometer m. At Comparison with S. Time by Sidereal Chronometer S. at Comparison with m. Inferred Correction of Chronometer S. i , ; h m s 8 h m 3 n m s h m s h m s 10. 6. 26-0 24 85 i. 23. 3o'5 i. 24. 5o-o 6. 3l. q-0 + 3.36. u-86 10. 29. 24-0 - 24-88 i. 46. 24-5 I. 37. 26-0 6. 43. 47-0 + 3.36. i2-i5 12. 47. 33-o 25 - c6 4. 4. io-5 4. q. 26-0 9. 16. i r5o + 3.36. 12-80 3 o 464 TKANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KERGUELEN ISLAND. SUPPLY BAY. The observations of Ingress at Supply Bay give the following results, assuming the Latitude 49. 30'. 56" S., Longitude 4. 39'. 7"-0 Bast of Greenwich : Local Tubular Local Greenwich Distance of Observer. Phenomenon observed. Recorded Time. Sidereal Time. Sidereal Time. Centers of Sun and Vemis. h m s h m s h m s / // Corbet " True contact " 12. 19. 26-8 12. iq. i -8 7. OQ. J4'8 l5.3q - 47 Coke " True contact " 8. 43. 4' 5 12. iq. I7'I 7. 40. IO'I i5. oq-oo Corbet- " Black drop at greatest ~i stretch, and about to > 12. 19. 5r 12. 19. z6'o 7. 40. ig'o i5.38'7i break " ] Coke " Film o-ettintf lighter" 8. A.3. ip'5 12. IQ. 32'1 7. 40. 25' i 1 5. 38-53 Corbet " The shade between the "1 limbs disappeared" / 12.20. 8' 12. ig. 43'O 7. 40. 36'o i5. 38-21 Coke " The film disappeared " . . . . 8. 43. 46-5 12. 19. og'i 7. 40. 02*1 i5. 37-70 Hence the final equations for the disappearance of the shade between the limbs, taking E = 976"-80, r = 31"'42, and mean solar parallax = 8"-950 (l + 4)- Corbet, +f'-\J = o"'2i52 n +-5984 SR.A. 76io8KP.D. o"-o3c>4& t <1 II 4 S r. Coke, +7"-65= -o"-2i52w -- -5977.8 R.A. -7617 8 N.P.I). -o"-o3o4S t - S Jl + 8 r. G. L. T. TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. PART IV. EXPEDITION TO KERGUELEN ISLAND (continued) . Section 3. CHRONOMETRIC CONNECTIONS OF THE VARIOUS STATIONS IN ROYAL SOUND. By LIEUTENANT CYRIL CORBET, R.N. 3o 2 466 CONTENTS. PAGE Trips of the Volaye, with Chronometers 467 Comparison of Ship-Chronometer with Transit-Clocks . . . ... . , 468 Adopted Errors of Ship-Chronometer *...., ..... . 470 Inferred Differences of Longitude v , 471 467 CHRONOMETRIC CONNECTIONS OF THE STATIONS IN KERGUELEN ISLAND, ROYAL SOUND. The list of the chronometers supplied to Lieut. Corbet has been already given. On December 15, all of them being lodged on board the Volage, Lieut. Corbet commenced operations. His method of proceeding was to compare the Sidereal Chronometer Z with all the others by coincidence of beats ; I, m, n were then taken on shore, compared with the transit-clock of the station, carried back to the ship, and again compared with Z. The Volage made the following trips : December 17 d . 19 h . left Observatory Bay ; called at Molloy Point (American Station) 21 h . 30 m ., at Thumb Peak December 18 d . P., and at Supply Bay December 18 d . 5 h . 39 m . ; returned to Observatory Bay December 18 d . 10 h . December 20". 17 h . left Observatory Bay ; arrived at Thumb Peak 20*. 21 1 '., Molloy Point 21 rt . 2 h . ; returned to Observatory Bay at 6 h . 30'". December 21 d . 17 h . left Observatory Bay ; arrived at Supply Bay 21 d . 21 h . ; and returned to Observatory Bay 23 (1 . 8 h . December 29 left Observatory Bay 17 h . 30 m . ; arrived at Betsy Cove (German Station) December 30 d . 5 h . ; left Betsy Cove 17 h . ; returned to Observatory Bay December 31A 4 h . Lieut. Corbet himself reduced the comparisons in the following manner : From the double comparisons of /, m, n with Z, and the comparisons of the same three chronometers with the transit-clock of a station, the error of Z on local sidereal time was found, assuming an error of the transit-clock. The remaining chronometers A to H were treated as sidereal chronometers with large losing rates, and their errors on local sidereal time inferred from the comparisons with Z. The rates of the chronometers were inferred from the comparisons at Observatory Bay, and the deduced longitudes of the various stations were referred to Observatory Bay. I examined Lieut. Corbet's work and found it to be correct. It was there- fore only necessary to apply to his results the corrections due to the difference between the clock-errors used by him and the clock-errors finally adopted- For Molloy Point these were kindly supplied by Professor Newton, and for Betsy Cove by Dr. Auwers. [The mass of comparisons of the chronometers A to H with Z is very great. I have not thought it necessary to print them. G. B. A.] 408 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KERQUELEN ISLAND. ROYAL SOUND. CHRONOMETRIC CONNECTIONS BY LIEUT. CORBET, K.N. COMPARISONS of the SIDEREAL CHRONOMETER Z, retained always on board H.M.S. Volage, with TRANSIT-CLOCKS at various Stations in ROYAL SOUND and at BETSY COVE, by the Intervention of the Portable SOLAR CHRONO- METERS I, TO, and 11. Ml 3 jf-3 ,c O'Sji "^ I ^ ~ 1 J >.""* ^ III ill 5 r - llttl fllJ '* c 1 S 'I o s 111 I'l't- n H 6 < , ^ ^ H ] 1874. h m s s h m s h in s h m s h in s OltSEllVA- 2. 48. 27-0 + 1 4-04 0. 48. 20-0 / 5. 23. 5ro 10. 56. ,10-0 + 3. 27. 58-02 TOKY BAY, / b. 27. 20-5 1 1 . 5g. OO'O + 3. 27. 07-94 Dec. 1 5, 2. 49. 36-o + 1 4-00 5. 40. 1 5 - o m 5. 1 5. 3o-o 10.57. 3-0 -1-3. 27. 07-95 9 1 '. to io h . m 6. 1 5. 5'o u. 56. 48-0 + 3. 27. 57-81 2. 49. 3g-o + 14-05 3.32. 6-0 n 3. 7. 20-0 10.58. 5'5 + 3. 27. 07-59 n 4- 7- ' 7' n. 58. 12-0 + 3. ?./. 57-69 OBSERVA- 3. 3o. 3o-o + 20-73 6. 22.3o-5 1 6. i. io-5 1 1. 41. 27-0 + 3. 25. 0'23 TOKY BAY, I 7. 1 5. 20-5 12. 55. 49-0 + 3. 2 J . 0-41 Dec. 17, 3. 32. 49-0 + 20-74 6. i5. 3o - 5 m 5. 49. 14-5 1 1. 38. 49-0 + 3. 28. o-3g q". to IO h . m 7. 4. 6-0 i 2. 53. 53-0 + 3. 28. o'2y 3. 35. 24-0 + 20-7.5 4. q. io'o n 3. 42. 5"o 1 1. 40. 35'o + 3. 28. 0-40 n 4. 56. 7'o 12. 54. 48-0 + 3. 28. o'68 in s MOLLOY 1 5. 43. 25-o + 6.22-54 6. 38. 40-5 I 5. 1 3. 5o-5 10. 55. 57-0 + 3. 28. 46-59 POINT, I 7. 12. 5-o 12. 54.31-0 4-3. 28. 46-53 Dec. 17, 1 5. 45. 10-0 + 6. 22-60 6. 3i. 5'o m 5. 7. 5o-o 10. 5q. 17-0 +3.28.46-77 2O h . to 22 1 '. til 7. i.3o-o 12. 53. 16-0 + 3. 28.46-66 15.47.37-0 + 6. 22-67 4.24.42-0 n 2.54.30-0 10.54.47-0 + 3. 28. 46-20 ii. 4.54.33-0 12.55. 9-0 + 3. 28.46-43 SDPPLY BAY, 23. 34. 37-0 a 52-62 2.22. 35'O / o. 27. 6-5 6. 10. 24-0 + 3. 27. 32-8g Dec. 18, / 2. 53. 3o-o 8.37. 12-0 + 3. 27. 02-47 4'-. to 6". 23. 35. 1 5"o 52-62 2. 13. 52-0 m o. 17. 1 5-5 6. g. 54-0 + 3. 27. 32 4 5o in 2. 40. 5'O 8.38. S-o + 3. 27. 32-56 23. 36. io-5 52-63 o. 6. o'o i it 10. 6. 38'o o 8. 4-*o + 3.27.32-82 11 o. 04. 16-0 ; 8. 36. 6"o + 3. 27.02-38 OHSKKVA- 3.58. 17-0 + 20-84 6. 46. 2O'O I 6. 8. 20-0 11.52.34-0 + 3. 28. o-5g TOUV BAY, I 7. 21. 20-0 i. 5.46-0 + 3. 28. o"5q Due. 18. 3. 56. 38-o + 23-83 6. 35. 20-0 in 5. 58. o-o 1 1. 5i. 35 o + 3. 28. 0-62 g 1 '. to ii 1 '. m. 7. 12. 40-5 i. 6.28-0 +3. 28. 0-54 3. 5q. 44*0 + 23-84 4. 29. 40-0 ii 3. 48. 20-0 ii. 5o. 41-0 + 3. 28. 0-24 11 5. i. 5ro i. 4. 23-o + 3. 28. 0-99 COMPARISONS OF SHIP'S CHRONOMETERS WITH CLOCKS AT THE VARIOUS OBSERVATORIES. 469 kl J, a .= . 3-2-c o 921! 1* H Time by the Portable Chronometer. 3 3 BE 11 ^ cc a i- "^ *o r-.~ _ 5 ~r. ". = -,.3.2 S. H g d ^ - ^ 3 __. j|* O D c .. fc ~ 5 'o a v 2> - 3 3 -1 ~ l!^l 'i i* H. ft 5 F'S- S " <- = 1 j 1 1 S| . III -^ -2 s ^ 5o *" *y _ O "; ^ r. 01 11 J If 2 r* o -'f C is ^|5 o.-s IS SB a 55 H o ^ fc . < 5 . 1874. h ni s s 1) m fl h m s h m 8 h m s OBSERVA- 0.37. 18-0 +3o-oo 6. 17. 40-5 / 5.3i. 5-5 I I. 23. 4-0 + 3.28. i-3q TORY BAY, / 6. 5o. 3o - 5 o. 42. 42-0 + 3.28. 1-37 Dec. 20, 3.36. i-O' +3o-oo 6. 6. 55 - o /// 5. 24. o-5 II. 25. 28'0 + 3.28. 1-37 g h . to lo 1 '. /// 6.42. 2O-5 o. 44. i -c + 3.28. i-3g 3.38.22-0 +29-99 ; 4. 0.47-0 II 3. 10. 37-0 II. 23. 33-5 + 3. 28. 0-92 n 4. 32. o-o o. 42. 9-0 + 3. 28. 0-^9 m s MOI.I.OY 20. 17. 3o-o +6.38-43 in. 0.27-0 I 9. 5o. 20-5 3. 45. 2-0 +3. 28.48-33 POINT, I o. 24. 5o - o 6. 19. 57-0 +3. 28. 48-39 Dec. 21, 20. 19.57-0 +6. 38-44 10. 53. 25'5c m 9. 40. 3o'5 3. 44. 40-0 +3. 28. 48-37 i 1 '. to 4 h . m o. 1 6. 40-5 6. 21. 16-0 +3. 28. 48-23 20. 23. 6-0 +6.38-46 8.48. 10-0 n 7.31. 5-o 3. 43. 38'5 +3. 28. 48-59 it 10. 9. 16-0 6. 22. i5'o + 3. 28. 48-49 s OBSERVA- 3. n. 39-0 I +32-67 5. 48. io'5 I 5. 12. 25'O ii. 8. 19-0 + 3. 28. 1-20 TORY BAY. I 6. 40. 1 1 -5 o. 36. 2o - o +3. 28. -28 Dec. 21, 3. 9.47-0 +32-67 5. 36. 5o-o m 5. 3. 55-o u. 9. 1 8-0 + 3.28. -21 8 h . to io h . m 6. 34. 5'o o. 09. 43-0 +3.28. -i5 3. io. 24-0 1 +32-67 3.32. "i-o n. 2. 57. 3ro u. n. 16-0 + 3.28. -i3 n 4. 23. 5o - o o. 07. 48-5 +3.28. -49 SUPPLY BAY, i5. 52. 2a'o 66'3o 6. 25. 40-0 I 5. 1 6. 40-5 u. 14. 34-0 + 3.27.33-79 Dec. 21, I 6. 53. 22-5 o. 5i. 32 - o +0.27.33-77 21 h .t022 h . 115.49.44-0 66-29 6. i3. oo-o m *5. i3. 20-0 u. 20. 44-0 + 3.27.33-72 m 6. 46. 5o-5 o. 54. 3o-o +3. 27. 33-74 1 5. 53. 5-o 66-3o 4. 8. 33-o n 3. 1.40-0 II. 17. 2I'O + 3. 27.33-96 n 4. 37. 20-0 o. 53. 17-0 + 3. 27.33-33 OHSKKVA- I. 1 5. 33 - o + 3g-63 3. 44. 35'5 I 3. 17. 5-o 9. 20. 35-o + 3. 28. 2'5g TORY BAT, I 4. 45. 35'5 10. 49. 20-0 +3.28. 2-71 Dec. 23, i. 1 6. 44'o + 3g-63 3. 36. 1 5-o m 3. 8. 2-5 9.21. 4-0 +3. 28. 2-45 6 h . to 8 h . m 4. 35. 20-0 10.48.36-0 +3. 28. 2-40 i. 18. 25-5 + 09-64 i. 29. 5o - o n i . o. 44-0 9. 21. 52'0 + 3. 28. 2-46 ' n 2. 28. 42-0 10. 5o. 4-0 + 3. 28. 2-61 OBSERVA- 4. 3.3o-o + -'9'47 6. 8. 54-0 1 5. 33. 3o-5 o. o. 53"o +3.28. 7-18 TORY BAY, 1 6. 5o. 5-o i. 17.40-0 + 3. 28. 7-20 Dec. 29, 4. 6. 35-o + 59-48 6. 2. 5-5 in 5. 20. 40-0 u. 57. 55-c + 3. 28. 7-10 9 h . to io h . m 6. 42. i5-5 1.19. 44'c + 3.28. 7-16 4. 8. o'o + 5g'48 3. 56. 1 5'o 11 3. 14. 20-0 1 1. 58. 5 re + 3.28. 6-78 n 4. 33. 5o-o i . 1 8. 33-e +3. 28. 7-48 Original j' 1 . 18"'. 20" -o. 470 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KERGUELEN ISLAND. ROFAL SOUND. 4] tJ o +^ " ' *22 '13 " ** S3 "1 131 1 -at a A Time by the .Portable Chronometer, i ll j g li H^ cc s a s '- 'T! EH o 3 o-S-g 2 J 1 ^ of O 'r-> ^ P Ol r; a : 5 fcr "S S t. _0 _oj N r 4l 2 2. 5i. io'5 9.31.59-0 + 3.29.22-74 4 h . to n h . 23. 54. 8-0 +3. 5-84 1 1 . 40. o-o i M 10. 57. 42-0 7. 45. 21'0 + 3. 29. 23-04 n o. 44. 49-0 9. 32. 45-0 + 3. 29. 23-i8 4. 33. 6 - o + 3. 5-42 6. 35. io'o / 5. 1 8. 40-0 1 1 . 5o. 6-0 + 3. 29. 22-89 I 7. 34. i o-o 2. 5. 58-o + 3. 29. 23-o8 4. 3o. 16-0 + 3. 5-41 6. 22. 35-o m 5. 7. 26-0 n. 48. 37-0 + 3. 29. 22-g3 m 7.23. 5-5 2. 4.39-0 + 3. 29. 22-96 4. 33. 42-0 + 3. 0-40 4. 1 8. 04*0 n 3. 2. 3o-o 1 1. 5o. 48-0 + 3. 29. 22-67 n 5. 1 8. 5-o 2. 6.45-0 + 3. 29. 22-87 8 OBSERVA- 22. 43. 25'o + 6478 o. 41. 46-0 I 0. 2. 26-0 6. 36. 55-o + 3. 28. 8-34 TORY BAY, I i. i3. 10-5 7.47.51-0+3.28. 8-42 Dec. 3i, 22. 41. 58 - o + 6478 o. 3o. 3o-5 m. n.55. o-o 6. 3g. i8-o! + 3. 28. 8'3g 3 h . to 5\ 22.45. 2-5 + 6478 10. 26. 35-o m n i. 4. o-5 9.47. o-o 7.48.3o-o| + 3.28. 8-34 6.38.I7-5+3.28. 8-46 n 10. 58. i ro 7. 49. 40-0 + 3. 28. 8-34 ERRORS and RATES of the SIDEREAL CHRONOMETER Z adopted by LIEUT. CORBET. Approximate Z Slow on Local Local Mean Time by Z. Sidereal Time, as Losing Kate ot'Z. Solar Time. adopted by Corbet. At Observatory Bay. d h h m h m 8 s Dec. 1 5. 9 17. 10 , 18. 10 23. 28 o. 18 o. 28 + 3. 27. 57-83 + 3. 28. 0-40 + 3. 28. o-5 M + 1-25 + 0-19 + o-33 20. 10 o. 3 + 3.28. 1-24 21. 9 23. 7 29. 10 3i. 4 23.54 22. 5 o. 3g ig. 20 + 3.28. 1-25 + 3. 28. 2-54 + 3. 28. 7-10 + 3. 28. 8-38 + O'OI + 0-67 + 0-70 + 0-69 At Supply l?ay. Dec. 18. 5 ig. 23 + 3. 27. 32'6o 21.21 12. + 3. 27. 33-72 ERRORS OF SHIP'S CHRONOMETER AND DIFFERENCES OF LONGITUDE. 471 Approximate Local Mean Solar Time. Time by Z. Z Slow on Local Sidereal Time, as adopted by Corbet. Losing Rate of Z. At Molloy Point. d h Dec. 17.22 21. 3 h m u.55 17. 6 h m s + 3. 28.46-54 -h 3. 28. 48-40 a At Betsy Cove. Dec. 3o. 8 22.47 + 3. 29. 22-87 From the preceding tables the following differences of longitude were inferred by Mr. Corbet: BETSY COVE SI-ITLY BAY West of MOLLOY POINT East of East of Chrono- OBSERVATORY BAY. OBSERVATORY BAY. OBSERVATORY meter. BAY. December 17. December zi. December 17. December si. December 30. 8 8 B a m s A 27-75 28-09 46-21 47'47 . i5- 2 5 B 27-96 27-94 4 5- 9 l 47-08 . i5-og C 27-8I 27-8I 46-06 47-27 . 15-17 D 27-97 27-88 45-92 47-26 >4"94 E 27-88 2 7 -84 46-01 47-32 . 14-85 F 27-66 27-29 46-47 47' 1 8 . i5-i6 G 27-99 27-66 46-02 47-11 . i5*3o II 27-94 27-80 40-91 47-29 . 1 4-83 S . . t f '477 Z 27-96 27-87 46-06 47-16 . 1 5-og / 28-34 4 5-66 . 4 m 28-10 27-90 46-07 47-36 i. 14-70 11 Means 27^0 27-79 46-06 47-26 i. i5-oi + 0-27 (rt) + 0-92 (a) 0-12 (a) 0-74(0) - 3-86 (d) - 2-01 (b) 2-5i (b) + o-g5 (c) O'2I (c) o-io (a) 26-16 26-22 46-89 46-3O i . 1 1 -o5 Lieut. Corbet having used approximate errors of the transit-clocks at the various stations, his longitudes have been corrected, (a) for Observatory Bay ; 3 P 472 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KERGUELEN ISLAND. ROYAL SOUND. (Z>) Supply Bay ; (c) Molloy Point ; (d) Betsy Cove. The data for com- puting these corrections are the adopted errors of the various clocks. For Observatory Bay, see page 440 ; for Supply Bay, 457. For Molloy Point and Betsy Cove Professor S. Newcomb and Dr. Auwers kindly communicate the i/ * following : Adopted Corrections to the Clock Hohwii 23, at Betsy Cove, determined by observations Adopted Corrections to Negus 1 53g, at Molloy Point, determined by transit observations Sid. Time. Neyu s Slow. Daily Rate. h m m s s 1874, Dee. 12-5, 18-4, 4- 4- 5 47 3o-i + 0. + 6. 55-86 25-97 + 5-o3 20 21 5, '4> 5. 4- 32 7 5o- 4 +6.35-00 + 6. 40-03 +5-i3 Sid. Time. h 1874, Dec. 3o, o-o 4 -5 Huhwii 23 Slow. + 3. I'QQ JV + 3. i-5z Hourly Hate. - O'lOO Gr. L. T. TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. PART IV. EXPEDITION TO KERGUELEN ISLAND (continued). Section 4. OBSERVATIONS AT THUMB PEAK By LIEUTENANT SOMERVILLE GOODRIDGE, R.N. 3? 2 474 CONTENTS. PAGE Establishment at Thumb Peak 475 Verification of Chronometer's steadiness 476 Goodridge's Observations of the Transit ..> 476 Reference of times to Transit-Clock. Observatory Bay . ^ . . . . p ." 478 Equations deduced from the Observations -^ . ' . 479 'I ' ' ' : , - 475 ESTABLISHMENT AT THUMB PEAK. On the morning of 1874, December 7, civil reckoning, Lieut. Somerville Goodridge, R.N., accompanied by the Rev. A. B. Eaton (Naturalist of the Expedition) and servants, proceeded in the Supply from Observatory Bay towards Thumb Peak, and selected a spot at which the observation of the transit could be made. The party then went in the Supply to the anchorage at Three Islands Harbour, for the night ; and returned early in the morning of December 8 to the selected spot, and prepared for the observation. They encamped there for the night. The locality is fixed by the following bearings : S.E. part of Thumb Peak, S. 75. 20'. W. S.E. point of Sughin Island, N. 19. 20'. E. S.E. point of Sharban Island, S. 62. 00'. E. It is believed that these bearings are magnetic, uncorrected for Magnetic Variation. For determination of the co-ordinates of the station in the usual form, Mr. Perry, on December 13, four days after the Transit, proceeded in the Supply to Thumb Peak, carrying with him De la Rue's Altazimuth and a sidereal chronometer called S, and returning on December 21. On a small hill, 215 feet high, near Lieut. Goodridge's station, a pile of stones was built for the altazimuth, and a tent placed over it. Mr. Perry observed stars near the meridian for latitude, and Sun and stars in other positions for chrono- meter-error. The chronometer was compared with Z of the Supply when she made the rounds mentioned in the last section ; and from these comparisons, and those made before starting and after returning, the relation of its times to the local times at Observatory Bay was found. It will be seen shortly that no extreme accuracy is required in this process ; and I have therefore thought it unnecessary to exhibit all the details. The result was, that the latitude of the station is 49. 31'. 11". South, and that in longitude the station is l m . 7 S '7 East of Observatory Bay, or 4 h . 40'". 4P-2 East of Greenwich. The telescope used by Lieut. Goodridge is an achromatic by Dollond, of 3^r inches aperture and 46 inches focal length, on a firm tripod stand, with horizontal and vertical movements ; lent from the Cambridge Observatory. It was not fitted with a diagonal reflector for feeble reflection of the Sun's rays ; dark glasses were screwed on the eye-hole as required. 476 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KERGUELEN ISLAND. THUMB PEAK. Time was taken from the solar chronometer Fletcher 950, of which the dial was limited to 12 hours. The observations were recorded, from Lieut. Groodridge's words, by Mr. Baton. Before leaving the Supply on December 7, Fletcher 950 was compared with the solar chronometer Cribb 725 (the ship's chronometer) ; and on returning to the ship it was again compared. The object of these comparisons was merely to obtain assurance that Fletcher 950 had not received injury in landing from the ship and returning to it. They are as follows : hras h m a hms Deo. 7 (civil) Fletcher g5o, 1 1. i. 20-0= Cribb 720, 5. 48. i3'5 : Excess of Fletcher g5o, 5. i3. I r"> n. 4.00-0 5. 01.38'") 5. 3. ii'5 8. 3g. 5o 3.26.35 5. i3. u> 8.44.40 3.3i.2o 5. i3. i5 Dec. 9, Fletcher 960, 7. 53. 34 2. 40. 10 5. i3. 24 7-35-29 2.42. 5 5.13.24 2. 52. 26 9. 3g. o - 5 5. i3. 25'5 2.04.31 9-41- 5-5 5. i3. 25'5 The result appears to be satisfactory. LIEUTENANT GTOODRIDGE'S REPORT ON THE OBSERVATION, OF THE TRANSIT. The following remarks were written by me after the Transit, whilst the gear was being taken on board. [They are slight extensions of the notes written by Mr. Eaton.] The power used was 121. The times are taken from the chronometer Fletcher 950 : Ingress. hms 7. 7.45-0,1 f I observed the planet's limb to be complete, and much illuminated at the outer or Dec. 8, > < or lower edge; this was not the time of tirst appearance but some seconds 19. 7. 45-0. J ( after it. g f Apparently geometrical contact ; but as the light improved after I had given the or Dec. 8 > J si o nul I found I was early ; and fearing to lose the time of the more important 8 10-7 J I phenomena by calling the time- taker's attention away and running it too close, I 8 10-7 ^ let the better one pass. I should say it w;is about 4 s later. 3 46-0 i f^ b serve d a considerable difference of light in the black drop ; but the light being or Dec. 8 > J very clla "o eil!)le > and no appearance of n distortion such as the model produced iq. 8. 46-0. J I n a b "o nt dy I cannot think it was the same alteration of light or phenomena L as was known to me as No, 2 of the four to be observed. j. 9. o'o, -. or Dec. 8, > 19. 9 5-0. J o-o -. is time was the instant before the cusps actually joined, the light being scarcely I visible between them. There was no sudden connection, but a steady and regular meeting of the cusps. Although the light was dull, it was light com- pared to the other phenomena. GOODRIDGE'S OBSERVATION OF THE TRANSIT. 477 b 7. 9.27-00 r At this time a rather broad band of light was complete between the two bodies ; or Dec. 8, > < but still a dark shadow was visible behind. The definition was not good, orf 19. 9. 27-0. J L account of the boiling of the limb*. 7- 9-497,-j or Dec. 8, > All appearance of shadow totally disappeared just before this. 19. 9. 497 J Egress. JO. 3o. io'o, -] or Dec. 8, > At this time a few lines or slight shadow appeared between the two limbs. 22. 3o. io'5. J , C At this time the shadow gradually darkened, until the black drop assumed a 10. 3o. 24*0, -. T) 8 U solid appearance of the same density as the planet. Unfortunately a dark f j cloud came over, and I lost all further views until just before total disappear- 22. 3o. 24'o.J I J [__ ance. 11. 2. 9'5, -j or Dec. 8, > There was just sufficient light to see it. 23. 2. 9-6. J Having no wedge, I found great difficulty in observing the several phenomena, the light being so variable, and being unable to change the shades to suit the different lights makes me a little uncertain whether some of the times I took were only due to change of light or actual phenomena. TIMES OF PHENOMENA OBSERVED AT THUMB PEAK. I have ascertained that, by due attention to the various changes in chronometers and clocks, with assumption of an error of one hour in Fletcher 950 on December 10, the comparisons harmonize perfectly. They stand thus Fletcher 950. Transit-Clock. Proportion of Intervals. (1 h m s li m s 1874, December 4. 2. 8.17-0 = 18. 5g. 53'o roo2oo2 6. 2i.o3. 4'o = 14.30.26-0 1-002660 10. l.I2.02'0 = l8.27. l8'O 1-002662 11. 6. M. 29-0 = 23. 04. 37*0 In the following calculations we want only the second and third com- parisons. We are now to calculate the Transit-Clock Times (which relate to the Transit-Clock at Observatory Bay), the Sidereal Times for Observatory Bay, and the Sidereal Times for Greenwich, for each of the nine phenomena. The proportion of successive intervals of chronometer to corresponding intervals of Transit-Clock = 1 -000000 : 1-002660. 478 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. KERGUELEN ISLAND. THUMB PEAK. Subject of Observation. Fletcher 950. Successive Intervals. Successive Intervals for Transit-Clock. Transit-Clock; d h m s h m s h m s h m s Second comparison 6.21.33. 4'5 14. 35. 26-0 40. 34. 40*0 45. 41. 56-g (=164080-5) (=164516-9) 1st phenomenon 8. 19. 7. 45-0 (=6.67. 7.45-0) 12. 17. 22-9 34-7 3 4 '8 2nd phenomenon 8. 19. 8. 19-7 12. I7.57-7 26-3 26-4 3rd phenomenon 8. iq. 8. 46-0 12. 18. 24-1 19-0 19-0 4th phenomenon 8. 19. 9. 5'0 12. 18. 43-1 22-0 22'1 5th phenomenon 8. ig. g. 27-0 12. ig. 5'2 227 22-8 6th phenomenon 8.19. 9. 49 7 12. ig. 28-0 3. 20. 20-8 3. 20. 527 , (=I202O'8) (= 12002-7) 7th phenomenon 8. 22. 3o. io-5 1 5. 40. 20-7 i3'5 i3'5 8tU phenomenon 8. 22. OO. 24-0 1 5. 40. 34-2 3i. 45-5 3i. 5o"5 (= igoD-5) (= igio'5) gth phenomenon 8. 23. 2. g-5 l6. 12. 24-7 26. 10. 42*0 26. 14. 53" i (=94242-5) (=9449 3 '0 Third comparison IO. I. 12. O2'O 8 (i7"81 ( = 8.49. 12.52-0) 1.8-o.T It will be remarked that the record of times in the last column does not in any way depend on the longitude of Thumb Peak, being directly referred to the Transit-Clock at Observatory Bay. The absolute times of the phenomena depend in a very slight degree on the geographical co-ordinates of Thumb Peak. The corrections to the Transit-Clock (below) are interpolated from those in Part IV., Section 1, Tables IV. and V. The Greenwich Sidereal Times, which are required for interpolation of tabular places of Sun and Venus, are formed by subtracting from the Obser- vatory Bay Sidereal Times the value, 4 h . 39 m . 33 8 '5, of the eastern longitude of Observatory Bay, The Thumb Peak Sidereal Time, which is required for computing the factor of parallax, is formed by adding l m . 7 9 '7, the longitude of Thumb Peak East of Observatory Bay, to the Observatory Bay Sidereal Time. EQUATIONS FROM GOODRIDGE'S OBSERVATIONS OF THE TRANSIT. 479 Clock Time for Correction. Correction to Transit-Clock. Observatory Bay Sidereal Time. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Thumb Peak Sidereal Time. Local Tabular Distances of Centers of Sun and Venus. h m 6. 42 3 + 52-32 h m s 12. 18. l6'0 12. 1 8. 5o'8 12. ig. 17-2 12. ig. 36'2 12. 19. 58-3 12. 2O. 2I'I h m s 7.38.42-5 7 .3g. I7-3 7- -5g. 43-7 7.40. 27 7. 40. 24-8 7. 40. 47-6 b m s 12. ig. 23'7 12. ig. 58'5 12. 2O. 24-9 12. 2O. 43-9 12. 21. 6-0 12. 21. 28-8 / // 15.40-57 12. 18 + 53-07 i5. 40 + 53-52 i5. 41. 14-2 10.41.27-7 n. 1.40-7 11. 1.54-2 15.42. 2I'q 1 5. 42. 35*4 1 5. 5ro3 1 6. 12 + 53-6 1 16. i3. i8-3 u. 33.44-8 16. 14. 26-0 .... 3.58 + 58-39 Taking R = 976"'80, r 31"'42, at Ingress, and R = 976"-82, r = 31"'42, at Egress, and mean solar parallax = 8"'950 X fl + ), we have For 2nd phenomenon, " Apparently Geometrical Contact" + 4"-8i = +o"-2i52 n +-6020 8 E.A. 7577 8 N.P.D. o"- and for 8th phenomenon, " Black drop assumed a solid appearance " + 4"-37 = +O"MOIO n '1957 8 R.A. '9773 S N.P.D. +o"-o3i7 8 t S R + 8 r. 3 Q TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. PART V. EXPEDITION TO NEW ZEALAND, UNDER MAJOR H. S. PALMER, ROYAI, ENGINEERS. 3Q 2 482 CONTENTS. I'AOK Voyage, and Names of Observers 483 Site at Burnham 483 Connexion with the Telegraph 484 Arrangements for observations at five additional stations, and general failure 484 Location of the Instruments at Burnham 485 The Transit-Clock 485 The Transit Instrument 485 Micrometer Screw and Intervals of Wires 486 Zero of Collimation 486 Error of Level 486 Error of Azimuth 487 Meridian Mark 487 Transits of Stars and the Moon . . 488 The Altazimuth Instrument 489 Vertical Circle and Micrometer Runs 490 Latitude of Burnham 491 Observations of Azimuth 491 Results for the Longitude of Burnham 493 Observation of the Ingress of Venus by Major Palmer 493 Micrometer Measures of the Distance of Limbs 496 Equations deduced from the observation 01 Ingress 497 OBSERVATIONS IN TABULAR ARRANGEMENT : Table I. Collimation of the Transit Instrument ....'.... 500 Table II. Error of Level of the Transit Instrument 501 Table III. Azimuthal Error of the Transit Instrument 504 Tables IV. and V. (Abstract) Transits of Stars and the Moon, and Inferred R.A. of the Moon's Limb at Transit 508 Table VI. Longitude of Burnham, from the Meridional Transits of the Moon 512 Table VII. Longitude of Burnham, from the observed Azimuths of the Moon 512 ESTABLISHMENT AT BURNHAM. 483 VOYAGE, AND NAMES OF OBSERVERS. MAJOR PALMER, R.E., accompanied by Lieutenant H. CraAvford, R.N., as Assistant in the Astronomical Department, and by gentlemen whose duties were limited to the Photographic Department, sailed from Plymouth in the sailing ship Merope on 1874, June 27, and arrived at Port Lyttelton on September 27. The time of the voyage was employed in preparing various numerical computations, by which much trouble was subsequently saved. THE SITE AT BURNHAM. Major Palmer proceeded immediately to examine the country in the neighbourhood of Christchurch, for selection of a site for the Transit Obser- vatory. In this he was assisted in every way by His Honour "W. Rolleston and other resident officials. After balancing various considerations, Major PALMER fixed on BURNHAM, a place about 18 miles distant from Christchurch r and on the Southern Railway ; and he states that subsequent experience gave him no reason to repent this choice. The only drawbacks to Burnham were the wind and the frequent mirage, which gave some little trouble, but nothing serious. A railway, accompanied by telegraph, runs through the whole length of the great southern island of New Zealand. The plot of ground selected for the Observatory is described by Major Palmer as 800 yards N.W. of the Burnham Railway Station, and 360 yards in rear of the Industrial School, on land belonging to the Provincial Government ; and here a quadrangular space about 180 x 133 feet was inclosed. Major Palmer satisfied himself by experiment that no sensible tremor was communicated to the Observatory ground by the passage of the heaviest trains on the railway. All the instruments were in place on October 30. For avoiding the possible effects of mirage the equatoreal pier and hut were raised 3 feet higher than would otherwise have been necessary. The works generally were effected by the local Government, who voluntarily undertook this expense. 484 TRANSIT OF VENUS,' 1874. NEW ZEALAND. BURNHAM. CONNEXION OF THE ASTRONOMICAL STATION WITH THE TELEGRAPH. Omitting many points of arrangement, one which is most important requires to be noticed. "Wires were led from the Burnham telegraph office to the Observatory station, and thus the Observatory was placed in com- munication with every part of the islands at which co-operation in observation could be expected, and also with the American Observatory at Queenstown. Major Palmer also states that he was enabled to measure differences of longitude with Queenstown, Dunedin, Wellington, and Auckland, and to give time to the French war ship Vire, thus making connexion with the French transit party at Campbell Island. ARRANGEMENTS FOR OBSERVATIONS AT FIVE ADDITIONAL STATIONS, AND GENERAL FAILURE. Major Palmer finally made the following arrangements for observation at multiple stations: Lieutenant Crawford was despatched to Naseby, in Otago, to establish a complete observatory. (I believe it was owing to this circumstance that the number of altazimuth-observations for longitude at Burnham is smaller than I had expected.) Stations at Grahamstown, Auckland, Wellington, and Dunedin were manned by private residents, Mr. H. A. Severn, Mr. T. Heale, Archdeacon Stock with Dr. Hector,* and Mr. J. J. Thomson with Mr. J. Mackerrow ; who placed themselves under the orders of Major Palmer, and used instruments their private property. This line of stations extended over 750 miles. Assistance was given at the Burnham Observatory by Lieutenant Herbert Praed, E.N. Among many detailed preparations for the transit, one was the issue of a circular to the owners and occupiers of land within a radius of three miles from Burnham, requesting them to guard against burning grass after December 1, and to keep a watch against fire on the days near December 9. These requests received universal compliance. The preparations appear to have been very complete. Unfortunately, the state of the weather caused an almost total failure. At Burnham the partially-imperfect observations to be detailed hereafter were made, but not a single observation was made at the other stations. Allusion is made by Major Palmer to telegraphic time-signals with the American observers at Queenstown, but I am not aware that there is any detail of them in the papers which have reached me. [G. B. A.] INSTRUMENTS AT BURNHAM. 485 i LOCATION OF THE INSTRUMENTS AT BURNHAM. The Altazimuth was 30 feet north and 65 feet east of the Transit ; the 6-inch Equatorial was 85 feet north and 37 feet east of the Transit ; the Photoheliograph was 50 feet north and 25 feet west of the same instrument. The instrument piers (of bricks laid in cement) rested on concrete founda- tions, at depths 4 ft. 6 in. to 5 ft. 6 in. below the level of the ground. The model, artificially representing the phenomena of the Transit of Venus, was erected 400 feet from the Equatorial, on the bearing S. 60 E. The meridian mark for the Transit was distant 6054 feet, and was found to be 4"'65 East of South. THE TRANSIT CLOCK, originally made by Arnold for use at the Koyal Observatory, was placed in the hands of Messrs. E. Dent and Co. in 1871, and was fitted with their cylindrical zinc-and-steel-pendulum, the compensation of which was severely tested at the Royal Observatory. - It was suspended on a solid tripod stand of wood, which stood upon stakes driven deeply into the ground through apertures in the floor of the transit observatory. The performance of the clock was, generally speaking, indifferent, though it happened to be going pretty well about the time of the transit. Although the tripod-legs were perfectly isolated from the floor of the hut when it was put up, it was found on dismantling the hut (January 14) that there was contact at one point between a leg of the tripod and the underneath part of the flooring, which must have been caused by settlement of the hut ; and, if this happened in the early part of our stay, it might account for the irregularity of the rate. There was always much traffic about the clock, as the telegraph instruments were inside the hut. [See Abstract of Tables IV. and V.] THE TRANSIT INSTRUMENT. The Transit instrument, its piers, the hanging level, and the wooden observatory were in every respect similar to those used at Honolulu (pp. 9 et seq.) The Equatorial intervals of the ^vires were found by bringing each wire in succession into coincidence with the image of the meridian mark by means 486 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. NEW ZEALAND. BURVHAM. of the micrometer-screw, taking the value of one revolution of this latter at 56"-40, as follows : October 28. November TO. December 4. Wire I + 427 '9 +428-1 + 428-0 ,, II + 2i5-g + 2i5'7 +210-6 ,, III + 0-9 + 0-8 + 0-8 ,, IV 210-4 215-4 2i5-o ,, V 429-1 429-3 429-4 The wires are numbered in the order in which a star above the pole will cross them with the micrometer Bast. The reduction from the mean to the middle wire is therefore 0"'9 X 1 5 ' sin N.P.D.* which has been taken = O06 for stars within 30 of the Equator. The value of one revolution of the micrometer-screw was determined on 25 nights from close circumpolar stars, the mean value being 56" - 40. The Gollimation of the center wire was found for the first few nights by reversal on polar stars ; it was not steady. The meridian mark was then used. Finding the readings irregular, the screws about the wire frame were , carefully examined (on November 5), when two of them were found 1 to be a little loose. This was rectified, and the collimation at the same time adjusted nearly to zero (20 r '000). After this it was satisfactory. The collimation was occasionally determined by means of a small reversed telescope mounted on a pier about 12 feet on the north side of the instrument. It will be sufficient to state here that, when observing stars for time, the reading of the micz-o- meter-head was always kept at 20 r '000 throughout the whole series. [See Table I.] The Error of Level of the transit axis was always determined with the hanging spirit-level. The graduation of the glass bubble was re-examined before the Expedition left England, when 30 divisions were found equal to one minute of arc, which value has been used throughout. On October 28 the value of the level graduation was tested by means of the Bohnenberger eye-piece and the known value of the micrometer-screw. One division was found equal to 2"'005. The level-error was steady, and was kept small by adjustment when necessary. It seldom exceeded 5". The usual course was to apply the level at the beginning and end of each night's observations, before and after polar stars, before and after the Moon's transit, and generally at intervals of about an hour while observing. For the reduction TRANSIT INSTRUMENT. 487 of the transits a level-error was obtained for each, star, or group of stars, by combining the several determinations. [See Table II.] The correction to the level-error for inequality of the size of the pivots was found on 1874, October 28, November 24, and December 3, to be 0"-05, 0"-15, and 0"-10 respectively, the sign referring to " Micrometer East." The value 0"'05 was used up to November 23, 0"-15 to December 2, and 0"'10 on and after December 3. The Error of Azimuth was determined from observations of the 8 close southern circumpolar stars in Mr. Stone's list, 1874, February 28 (see Eodriguez Observations, page 356). No other stars were used. On six occasions the error of azimuth was obtained from the Meridian Mark, assuming this latter to be 4"'65 Bast of true South. The changes of the azimuthal position, if at times somewhat rapid, were pretty regular in one direction during the first three weeks of November, namely, in that direction which would correspond with a southerly movement of the east pier. After this there were two or three sudden changes, from time to time, connected apparently with heavy rain-fall, but no further steady progressive movement in one direction. Rain seemed to act immediately on the azimuth without affecting the level. The azimuth error was reduced by the adjusting screws on November 2, 18, and December 10 ; on October 27 it was disturbed by touching the level adjustment. [See Table III.] The Meridian Mark was erected October 26, about 6054 feet south of the Transit instrument. It consisted of a small brick pier, about 2 feet square and 7 feet high, to the north face of which was cemented an iron plate 2 feet 6 inches long, and 1 foot 6 inches broad, with top and bottom flanges entering 5 or 6 inches into the brickwork. The face of the plate was painted black, with a diagonal cross of white lines half an inch wide. At the exact center of this cross a circular hole one-third of an inch in diameter was drilled through the plate, and behind it a chamber was left in the pier sufficiently large to hold a railway signal lamp, which was trimmed and lighted at dusk every night and which would burn for six hours. The zenith distance of the mark as measured by the transit instrument was 90. 15'. At night, when illuminated, it appeared like a star of the fifth or sixth magnitude. It has not been removed. The iron plate was shifted 3^ inches to the Bast on October 28. The following are the determinations of the absolute azimuth of tilt- meridian mark, obtained by comparing the observations of it when illumi- 3 B 488 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. NEW ZEALAND. BURNHAM. nated at night with those of the close circumpolar stars observed for azimuth error : Mark East of South. 874, October 28 3o 3'9 November 2 2'2 3 7-2 7 8 4'7 1-6 12 7'3 i5 1-8 18 5'9 20 21 7-0 5-6 23 4-5 27 4'4 29 3o December i 4-8 4'4 5'2 Mark East of South. 1874, December 1876, January 2 3-2 3 2'O 6 4'9 IO 9' ! 18 5-o 19 4'3 26 4-5 27 4-0 28 4'4 29 6-7 5 4'9 9 3-4 ii 8-7 12 3-5 io 4' I The adopted position of the meridian mark is 4"'65 East of South. The observations of the mark are entered in Table III. ; each micrometer reading there given represents the mean of five or more bisections of the mark, generally when illuminated at night. TRANSITS OF STARS AND OF THE MOON OBSERVED AT BURNHAM. (Abstract of Tables IV. atul V.} The transits of stars observed on all days when the Moon was also observed, either with the Transit instrument or with the Altazimuth, are given in the same detail as for other stations. The observations were completely reduced by Major Palmer. The transit-micrometer was kept at 20 r- 000 for all clock stars, and the bisections of circumpolar stars with the center wire were so taken that the mean micrometer-reading was 20 r> 000. For the Moon, the transit was corrected in the same manner as a transit of a star. A correction was then applied for the Moon's motion, which was obtained by multiplying the sum of the instrumental corrections by the Moon's motion in R.A. in one second of longitude. TRANSIT OBSERVATIONS. THE ALTAZIMUTH. 489 THE ALTAZIMUTH INSTRUMENT AND OBSERVATIONS. The Altazimuth used at Burnhain was made by Messrs. Troughton and Simms about the year 1864 for the Royal Observatory. It has two vertical and one horizontal circles of 15 inches diameter, divided to 5', each read by four micrometer-microscopes. The object-glass is of 2| inches diameter and 27 inches focal length. The telescope and horizontal axis are constructed to give what is known as the axis-view. A rectangular prism of total reflexion is placed at the point of intersection of the optic axis of the object-glass with the horizontal axis, so as to reflect the cone of light formed by the object- glass horizontally into one of the pivots to which the eye-piece and reticule are fitted. The weight of the half-telescope carrying the object-gass is counterpoised. The illumination of the field of view is effected by lamp-light passing through the opposite pivot and through the center of the prism mentioned above, a very small rectangular prism being cemented to the center of the inclined face of the larger prism, and, therefore, exactly in the line of pivots, to allow the light to pass through. There are five vertical and five horizontal wires, the latter having larger intervals than the former. The microscopes of the horizontal circle are supported by radial arms cast in one with the rotating body of the instrument, and are perfectly rigid. There are two zenith-distance levels and two levels attached to the horizontal circle. A striding level, similar to those used with Transit instruments, is used for determining the inclination of the axis. The value of the divisions of this level were tested before leaving England, when 50 divisions were found equal to one minute of arc, which was the former value. On unpacking the instrument at Burnham, one of the pivots, which were of hard white steel, was found to be badly rusted, apparently from a piece of paper having been wrapped round it; for the other pivot, without paper, was quite bright. A small spider had been at work among the webs of , the reticule, but without doing any real injury to them. The pivot having been cleaned as well as possible, the instrument was mounted, on October 16, on a pier of masonry. The inequality of the pivots of the horizontal axis was approximately determined on December 11. The level error was determined five times with the axis in each position ; the resulting correction to the level error found by the striding level, 0"'62, positive with " lamp right," has been applied throughout. SR 2 490 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. NEW ZEALAND. BURNHAM. The horizontal intervals of the vertical wires were found on December 21, by means of the transit meridian-mark before described. Ten bisections of the mark were made with each wire (five in each position of the instrument), the horizontal circle being read each time. There being no imperfect hori- zontal transits observed, the intervals are only required in order that the distance of the mean wire from the center wire may be known. The following are the circle-readings corrected for runs : Wire. Circle-reading, Lamp Left. Circle-reading, Lamp Right. I O 1 II IO4.. 5. IQ'C)5 o / // 283.53. 7*75 II 104. i. 4i - 85 283. 56 45-50 Ill io3. 58. q'85 28it. O 17'J.Q IV io3. 54. 46*80 284. 3. 4i - 85 V io3. 5i. iS'go 284. 7. io'83 Mean io3. 58. 14*87 284. o. 1 2*68 The wires are numbered as seen from left to right with lamp left. The circle-reading for the mean wire has been taken as 4"'92 greater than for the center wire with lamp left. The corrections for runs of micrometers of the horizontal circle were found as below. Each determination is the mean of four or six at different parts of the circle, made usually on the morning after a night's work. Day. Observer. Correction for Runs for 100". 1874. // October 23 C o-3g 27 D - o-38 28 C 0-44 November i5 D 0-43 '9 C 0-46 20 D o-3o December 28 D - o-38 The vertical circle of the Altazimuth is 15 inches in diameter, read by four micrometer-microscopes, which are attached by binding-thumb-screws to a movable flat ring of bronze, which is screwed at four points to arms projecting from the frame of the instrument ; a form of mounting which, in Captain Tupman's opinion, is not conducive to the steadiness of the microscopes, or to their easy adjustment. LATITUDE, AND OBSERVATIONS OF AZIMUTH. 491 The corrections for runs of the microscope-micrometers, for an arc of 100", are as follows. They are the means of determinations at four or six different parts of the circle. Day. Observer. Correction for Runs for i oo". 1874. October 22 p // 0-28 23 C o - 43 2? 3i D C O'4I o-3o November 10 D 0-48 '9 C o'4i 1870. January 7 12 C C o'35 0*46 LATITUDE OF BURNHAM. Observations of zenith distance of 28 stars were taken with face of the vertical circle alternately east and west, and all corrections proper for such observations were applied. The North Polar Distances of the stars were taken, as far as possible, from the Greenwich Catalogue of 2260 Stars for 1864. For stars near the South Pole the polar distances were taken from the Cape Catalogue 1860, and the Melbourne Catalogue 1870. The results were as follows : Co-latitude of Burnham o / // By 19 stars North of the Zenith 46. 23. I i'5g 9 stars South of the Zenith 46. 23. 1 2'i5 o / // Adopted Co-latitude .... 46. 23. 1 1 '9 , , Latitude 43. 36. 48' i South. OBSERVATIONS OF AZIMUTH WITH THE ALTAZIMUTH. In making an observation, the instrument is clamped in azimuth, and the zenith-distance slow-motion is used to make the transit of the object take place over the middle of each vertical wire. The striding level is applied in both positions to determine the error of level, after the four microscopes of the horizontal circle have been read. The instrument is then reversed, another transit observed in a similar manner, the circle read, and the level 492 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. NEW ZEALAND. BURNHAM. error again determined with the striding level, thus completing one observation. Every observation of the Moon is accompanied by one of a star as near the Moon as possible. The error of collimation and zero of azimuth are deduced from the observations of the stars. The error of collimation is not required to be known with great accuracy, but as this is an instrumental quantity which cannot be subject to great changes, its determinations afford a test of the general accuracy of the observations. The zero of azimuth will of course be affected by any error that may exist in the local time obtained by another observer with the Transit instrument and transferred to the Altazimuth Clock ; but the adoption of the observed zero of azimuth on each night practically makes the observations differential. To the mean of the clock times of transit over the five vertical wires, the clock correction is to be applied ; it is taken from the Abstract of Tables IV. and V. Then putting I for the error of level of the horizontal axis determined by the striding spirit-level, the correction to the circle-reading for error of level is + 1. cot Z.D. The correction for error of collimation (c) is -f- c.cosec Z.D. By applying the zero of azimuth to the circle reading thus corrected, the observed azimuth is obtained. The approximate apparent zenith distance is then computed. The Greenwich Mean Solar Time corresponding to the local sidereal time of each observation is then found on two assumptions of longitude, viz., ll h . 29 m . s . and ll h . 30 m . s . East of Greenwich. The Apparent Eight Ascension and North Polar Distance of the Moon's center are then inter- polated with second differences from the hourly ephemeris in the Nautical Almanac, and corrected for errors of the tables by the quantities given in the Appendix. The semidiameter is also interpolated from the Nautical Almanac. With the local sidereal time of observation and each of these sets of elements, and with the latitude already found, the tabular azimuth of the limb has been computed by the Normal-centric method, which is explained and all the formulas given in the Introductions to recent volumes of the Greenwich Observations. If the two tabular azimuths corresponding to the one local time be nearly identical, the position of the Moon was not favour- able, and the observation is of no value ; but if there be a difference con- LONGITUDE. OBSERVATIONS OF INGRESS. 493 giderably greater than the degree of accuracy with which the instrument is capable of measuring azimuths, the true longitude can be inferred by a simple proportion. Of all methods of obtaining the longitude by means of the Moon's motion, that of observed azimuths is the most troublesome. [It is, however, used successfully at Kerguelen and at Burnham, as far as the number of observations permits. G. B. A.] [For the same reasons as in the similar stages of operations in Part III. and Part IV., I have suppressed the details of the Altazimuth Reductions in this Part. G. B. A.] Table VII. contains the mean result for longitudes of Burnham, inferred from the observations of each day exhibited separately for the preceding and following limbs of the Moon. ON THE LONGITUDE OF BURNHAM. The Meridional Transits of the Moon, Table VI., give IP. 29 m . 10 S '6. The Observed Azimuths, Table VII., give IP. 29 m . 20 s -5. The latter observations are less numerous, and probably inferior in quality. If we give weights to the results in the proportion of 3 : 1, we shall obtain for final longitude of Burnham IP. 29 m . 13 S -1 East. OBSERVATIONS OF THE INGRESS OF VENUS, 1874, DECEMBER 8 (GREENWICH RECKONING), DECEMBER 9 (NEW ZEALAND RECKONING). After describing the preparations for observation, and the unfavorable character of the weather preceding the Ingress, Major Palmer proceeds as follows : Thelirst glimpse after first contact was obtained at 18 h . 41 m . 36 S> 25 sidereal ; the planet was then seen to have advanced apparently about three-eighths of her diameter on the Sun. Both Sun and planet could only be just made out through the clouds, without any coloured shade to the eye-piece. Having adjusted to center of field, I now exchanged the eye-piece for the double- image micrometer, and between this and 18 h . 54 m . made a dozen attempts to effect measures of diameters and cusps, in the few brief glimpses (never exceeding 8 to 10 seconds) which were now and then afforded by partial rifts in the dense masses of cloud. My efforts, however, were quite unavailing. 494 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. NEW ZEALAND. BUKNHAM. Besides the loss of the already faint light, which rendered the images scarcely discernible, before adjustment for position and equal brightness of images could be made the Sun was gone from view. This happened at each re-appearance ; there was never time (generally the -appearances lasted but four or five seconds) to adjust for an accurate measure in the middle of the field, even had such measures been possible with the imperfect light still less to make a measure. I am certain, moreover, that even had the light remained steady at its maximum brightness, it was too dim, and the clouds were moving too quickly and confusingly across the Sun, for any measures of value to have been secured. I was quite cool, and prepared to make the most of every opportunity. The whole time before internal contact 1 never used a coloured glass, and had difficulty in snaking out the Sun without one. At 18 h . 49 m . 2P-26 sidereal the cusps subtended about 95. at planet's center, as estimated in a passing glimpse. At 18 h . 53 m . 6 S> 26 sidereal another glimpse showed cusps about three-fifths of a diameter apart pretty sharp. An ordinary eye-piece was now inserted. In glimpses h m s At 1 8. 55. 46-27, cusps about half a diameter apart. At 18. S/. 16-27, one-third At 18 h . 58. 46 S> 27 the Sun showed again, when the cusps were about one- twentieth of a diameter apart, and connected by a dimly marked ligament, not nearly so sharp as the " black-drop " of the model in full sunlight. At 18 U . 58 m . 50 S- 07, as far as could be judged, the ligament seemed to undergo a change in depth of colour, but clouds prevented me from seeing whether any streak of light Connecting cusps played across it. This is spoken of in the little table which follows as " the first light on ligament." My last sight of the planet was at 18 h . 58 m . 53 s- 27, at which moment I thought I saw a very slight wavering streak of light, though the cusps (now very close) had not fairly met. I judged that it wanted about five seconds to complete separation of limbs. I counted the clock-ticks for five seconds, and gave a signal for an estimated contact at 18 h . 58 m . 58 8 '27. The Sun did not appear again until about 19 h . 13 m ., by which time the planet appeared to be about half its own diameter within the limb. I again OBSERVATIONS OF INGRESS OF VENUS. 495 inserted the double-image micrometer, and got, at intervals during about 14 minutes, 13 measures of distances of limbs. These were caught in passing glimpses ; but, owing to incessant variation in the Sun's brightness, they were very irregular, and can be of little use. The Sun was never quite clear. I append a list of times and measures ; but, as there was no opportunity of measuring diameters for zero of micrometer, the measures can only be re- ferred to the zeros as determined from the model the day before and the day after the transit. At about 19 h . 28 m . the Sun was lost in a large mass of cloud, and further measures of diameters were impracticable till too late to be of any use. I therefore again compared the equatorial and transit clocks. Kain set in just as this was finished and lasted till 21 h . 40'"., and the Sun never appeared again till 10 minutes after the fourth contact, when it shone brightly until nearly sunset. Nothing peculiar was noticed in the appearances near or after second contact. They were just those for which the model when observed on a dull day had prepared us ; though a certain amount of atmospheric vibration made the Sun's limb and the planet rather tremulous. In good sunlight there is no doubt that satisfactory micrometer-measures and satisfactory observations of contact might have been made. The planet was intensely black, with a sharp black outline. [It is remarkable that there is no allusion to a silvery ring round Venus. G. B. A.] EPITOME OF THE OBSERVATIONS OF THE TRANSIT OF VENUS, BURNHAM, N.. Z., 1874, DECEMBER 9. Clock times were taken by Dent No. 2017, compared with the Transit- Circle Arnold No. 2 before and after observations. b m B At 17. 44. Dent slow of sidereal time at transit hut = + 6'i3. ,. 19. 5o. = + 6-32. (The correction from transit hut to equatorial hut is = -f o-o3.) h m s t Therefore at 17. 44. Dent slow of sidereal time at equatorial hut = + 6'i6. 19. 56. = + 6-35. The Adopted Longitude of Burnham is i i h . 29"". i3 s 'i East of Greenwich. 3 s 496 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. NEW ZEALAND. BURNHAM. Observations. Times by Dent 2Ol7. Dent Slow. Local Sidereal Times. Greenwich id ereal Times. h m s 18.41. 3o-o 1 8. 49. i5'o 1 8. 53. o-o 1 8. 55. 40-0 18. 57. io'o 1 8. 58. 40-0 1 8. 58.43-8 18.58.47-0 18. 58. 52-o s + 6-25 + 6-26 + 6-26 + 6-27 + 6-27 + 6-27 + 6-27 + 6-27 + 6-27 h m s 18. 41. 36-25 18. 49. 21-26 1 8. 53. 6-26 1 8. 55.46-27 18. 57. 16-27 1 8. 58. 46-27 18. 58.5o-o7 18. 58. 53-27 i8.58. 58-27 h m s 7. 12. 23-2 7. 20. 8-2 7. 23. 53-2 7. 26. 33-2 7. 28. 3-2 7. 29. 33-2 7- 29- 37' 7. 29. 40-2 7- 29- 4 5 '2 Cusps subtend about g5 at planet's center Cusps about of planet's diameter apart . 2 " " !) 3 " ~SG " " For the measures made with the double-image micrometer- December 8. Measures of diameter on model. No sunlight. Time 2i h . 3O m . sidereal. r r 6-502 13-368 566 3 7 i 55 1 379 55 1 364 535 362 525 370 532 356 5ig 358 521 35 9 523 35o 525 35 1 5 7 2 326 572 3 44 554 348 58 1 320 December 10. Measures cf diameter on model. No sunlight. Time o h . 30"". sidereal. 543 555 536 549 533 533 6-542 1 3-392 387 3g5 402 401 405 409 13-399 = 9 r '97 = reading at coincidence of images. 6-542 13-355 6 r -5 4 2 + i3 r -355 = 9 r- 948 = reading at coincidence of images. MICROMETER OBSERVATIONS. FINAL EQUATIONS. 497 December 9. Distances of limbs after Ingress, measured with the double- image micrometer Micrometer Measures. Times, Dent 2017. Dent Slow, Sidereal Times. Remarks. r h m s s h m s 8-646 19. 14. 5-5 + 6'3o 19. 14. 1 1 '80 324 i5. 44-0 -f 6'3o 1 5. 5o'3o 263 16. 1 8-8 + 6-3o 16. 25'io 206 i6.35-2 -f- 6-3o 16. 41-50 i3 7 17.28-8 + 6-3o 17. 35-io Very faint. 091 iS.23-8 + 6-3o 1 8. 3o - io 073 1 8. 44-5 + 6'3o 1 8. 00-80 Cloudy. 062 19. i ro + 6'3o 19. 17-30 Cloudy. 7-908 20. 17-2 + 6-3 1 20. 23'5i 856 20. 44-0 + 6-3 1 20. 5o-3i 872 21. 4-8 + 6 - 3i 21. i ri i Clouclv. 921 21. 22-0 + 6-3 1 2i.28-3i Cloudy. 448 27. 1 1-2 + 6'32 27. 17-52 [It does not appear that the value of tlic micrometer-scale has been ascertained, and the observa- tions above, as a mass, are useless. If it is desired to utilize only the earlier observations, a. value sufficiently accurate may be found from comparison of the earlier with the later, referring also to the co-efficient of 8 t in the final equation. G. B. A.] For the Greenwich sidereal time, 7 h . 29 m . 41 S '3, Major Tupman has computed the final equation as follows : Interpolating for the Greenwich sidereal time, 7 h . 29 m . 41 S '3, the N. P. D. and Differential R. A. of Sun and planet, and computing from these elements the Tabular Distance of centers (15'. 38"'25 "-0319 3 t + "'0141 3 ), and equating this with the interpolated distance between centers or difference of semidiameters (15'. 45"'38 + 3 R 3 r) we obtain the final equation + 7"-i3 = + -0141 8 + -6174 S R.A. -7429 8 N.P.B. o"-o3ig S t % 11 + 8 r. The equations for the Greenwich sidereal times 7 h . 29 m . 40 s- 2 and 7 h . 29 m . 45 S> 2 will be found by making 3 t = 1-1 and -f 3'9 respectively. [G. B. A.] 3s 2 OBSERVATIONS AT BURNHAM, NEW ZEALAND, IN TABULAR ARRANGEMENT. 500 TKANSIT OP VENUS, 1874. NEW ZEALAND. TABLE I. ERROR of COLLIMA.TION of the CKNTEK WIRE of the TRANSIT INSTRUMENT, corresponding to the Micrometer Reading 2o r- ooo. (The signs are those for Micrometer East.) Day. Observer. Object observed. Collimation Error. Micrometer 20 r '000 E. Day. Observer. Object observed. Collimation Error. Micrometer 2O''OOO E. 1874. October 20 2,1 22 23 26 28 3o November i 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 i5 it 20 21 23 25 27 28 2 9 p D c p p c D 1' D C s c D P C C P C p I) p p p D D P D + 2'6o + 2'3l + 2'2O + 3-3i + 1-47 + 0-62 + 1-98 + 2'6y + 2-70- + i '47 f+ 3-5o 1 l+ 2-93 ; 1874. November 3o December i 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 18 '9 20 26 27 28 29 3i 1875. January 5 6 9 ii 12 i3 p p p p p p D D P D C D C D C D P P P I> C p P P M. Mark ... tt + i"97 + i-58 + 1-86 + 1-41 + 2-43 + 2'o3 + 2-43 + 2-09 + 2'7O + 2-43 + 2'26 + 2-76 + 3-04 + 3'oo + 1-58 f -t o-5o I 1+ o-3 4 / + 0^96 + 2 '42 + i -So + o-3o + o'7o o'34 - o-5i + 0-17 - o-85 - 0-68 f- o-oS I 1 + 0-2J J f + O'H 1 I- o-3 4 / f + o-ii 1 I + o'o6 J M Mark Collimator M. Mark M. Mark - o-i5 O'll + 1-92 + 2-59 J + 1-4.1 \ t + i 'So / (- 5-i3) + 0-28 f + 0-68 j I + o 96 / f + 0-68 \ 1+ o- 4 5 J + o-56 + O'62 + O - 62 o'oo + 1-18 + i '44 + I '21 + I '07 + I "02 + 0-90 + i-3S + i '41 Collimator M. M. very unsteady . . . M, Mark Collimator M. Mark M. Mark '. Collimator M. Mark Collimator M. Mark M. Mark M. Mark ERRORS OF COLLIMATION AND LEVEL. 501 TADLE II. LEVEL EEROK of the TRANSIT INSTRUMENT at BUIINHAM, determined by SPIRIT LEVEL. [The sign + indicates that the East Pivot is low.] Day. Observer. Sidereal Time of Level Deter- mination. Position of Micro- 1 meter. Level Error corrected for Inequality of Pivots. Day. * Observer. Sidereal Time of Level Deter- mination. Position of M icro- meter. Level Error corrected for Inequality of Pivots. 1874. h rn ' 1874. h in . October 20 c o. 5o W - o- 7 5 November i p 23. 50 E + 8- 7 5 I. 40 W - 0-95 p 2. 12 E - 2-85 2 D 23.53 E - 3-40 2.35 W - ri5 o. i5 E - 3-6o o. 35 E - 4-1 5 21 D 21. 40 W + 3-65 I. IO W 2'6o 22. O W + 5-io 22. 35 W + 5-45 3 c o. 5 E - 3-o5 22. 5o w + 5-40 I. O W - i- 9 5 O. O E + 3-20 I. 10 W - o-i5 0.25 W + 4-20 4 p 23.45 W + rgS 22 C 21. 3o E + 3-95 o. 5 w + i-65 22. 40 E I. 20 w + i-So 23.17 W + 6-o5 2. 15 E + ro5 o. 5 W + 5-55 5 D 12.25 W + 0-40 23 p 22. W + 7-45 6 C 23. 4 5 w + 1-80 22. I 5 W + 9-15 O. 25 E + i-3o 22. So W + 8-60 0.45 E + o-65 23.20 E + 7'5o O. O E + 7 -o5 7 D 23.55 E -1- 4' 60 o. 3o E + 6-85 o. i5 E + 3- 7 5 I. IO E + 3- 4 5 26 p 1.40 W + 3-oo 2. 15 W + 3'oo 8 P 23.i5 W + 3-65 2.40 W + 2-3o o. 5 E + i-85 2.56 W + i-35 0.40 E + 2-75 3.25 w + 2'30 C 0. O E + 3-o5 28 c 4.28 E + 2-95 I. 10 E + 3-20 5. o E + rgS 5.25 W + 2'30 IO p 18.45 W - i-65 5. 5o W + 2-85 II p 2. 2O W - 1-70 3o D 21. 45 W + 4'9 2. 35 W I'OO 23. 10 w + 4-80 3. 40 E 3'co o. 7 E + 3'5o 12 c o. 40 W - c-35 o. 3 1 E + 3-70 I. 10 w - o-?5 502 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. NEW ZEALAND. BUKNHAM. Table II. Level Error of the Transit Instrument continued. Day. Observer. Sidereal Time of Level Deter- mination. 8 CJ s 'c IS ' (D ' e Level Error corrected for Inequality of Pivots. Day. Observer. Sidereal Time of Level Deter- mination. i O '^ tS Level Error corrected for Inequality of Pivots. 1874. h 1874. h ni tf November 1 2 c i.3o E o-5o November 2 3 D O. 2O E + 4-45 2. 5 E - i-3o o. 40 E + 3'7o 2. 40 E - 1-80 1.24 W + 6*00 I. 52 W + 6-55 '4 P 14.35 E - 3- 7 o 3.24 E + 2'3o 5. 18 E + 3-55 i5 p O. O E - 3-40 5.58 E + 2-80 o.35 E - 4-25 6.25 E + 3-25 i.3o W - 3-5o 26 D 1 5. 3 E + 5-65 16 r> 14.44 W - 4'85 27 D o. o W + 6'3o '7 D 12.48 E - 4-55 0.40 W + 6-40 1.36 W + 6-85 18 D 22. 5o W - 4-4 1.40 E + 5-55 22.57 ' W 4'oo 2. 10 E + 4'oo o. 14 W - 4-25 2.3 7 E H- 4'25 o.35 W 4'oo 7. 3o? E -f 3-70 1.25 E - 5-85 8. 10 E -f 2- 4 5 28 P o. i5 E + 2-90 '9 D 1 3. 56 W o'6o o. 45 E -f 3-i5 2. O W + 2'OO 20 p 23. 25 E 0-45 o. 5 W o - o5 29 D O. O W + 2-25 W , ?._ _ O. 22 W 0-45 ' 0.45 W + 0-75 I. 2O \v + 4-45 I. 22 W + o-5o 1.44 E -1- 2'2O 2. 15 E + I '70 21 p O. O W + i-So 2. 30? E + i-35 '0.45 W + 2-00 3o P o. 1 5 W + i-35 o. 40 W + no 22 D 2. 38 W + 2-55 i. 3o W + i '90 2. l5 W + r3o 23 P 2. O E + 5-65 2. 40 W + r3o 2. 15 E + 5'g5 December i P o. i5 W + i *o5 2. 40 E + 5*70 3. 3o W + 5-8o o. 5o W H 3'OO 3.40 W + 5-8o i. 3o E + 0*60 2. l5 W + i'95 24 r> 3. i3 E * 5 ' 45 2. 40 W -l- 2'5o ERROR OF LEVEL. 503 Table II. Level Error of the Transit Instrument continued. Day. Observer. Sidereal Time of Level Deter- mination. | s %* o 11 I s Level Error corrected for Inequality of Pivots. Day. Observer. Sidereal Time of Level Deter- mination. 2 V =s gfe '& a P PH Level Error corrected for Inequality of Pivots. 1874. h m // 1874. h m // December 2 p 2. 15 E + o'3o December 19 D 3. 3o E "- 3- 7 o 2. 40 E + O'lO W - 3'6o 3. 4 5 W + i-65 6. o W - 3-io 4. 1 5 w + i-g5 6. 20 W - 3-65 3 p 2. I 5 E + r65 20 c 2. 3 w - 5-55 2.40 E + o'8o 2.35 w - 4-80 3. 5 w - 3-63 5 p 2. 40 E + 2-85 3. 4 5 w - 3-25 4. iS W + 2'5o 3.55 E - 5-io 6 D 4.40 W + 4'85 4 .25 E - 5-io 5. 12 w + 3-55 4 .33 W - 5-25 5.25 E + 2-90 6. o E . + 1-25 26 D 2. 4 5 E 2'00 6. j5 E H- 1-25 3. 10 E - 3'6o 3.25 W 2'10 8 D 3. So W + 2-35 6. i5 W - r55 4 .55 W + 2'2O 6.45 W - o-65 5.43 W + 3-i5 7. i5 E - i-85 6. 20 W + 4'o5 7.55 E 2'IO 7. 2 w + 3-95 8. 3o E - 3'6o 7-25 E + 1-90 7-55 E + i-5o 27 C 6.25 E - 1-25 9 P 2. 40 E 0-40 6.55 E - 3-io 7- iS W - o-25 10 D 2. O W H- 2'6o 7.35 W - riS 2. I 4 W + 1-60 2.35 W + 2-80 28 D 2. 4 5 W + 0-70 3- 7 w + 2-35 1 3. 8 w o - 6o 3.2 9 E + 1-45 3. 3o E - r55 ll C i. 55 W - 4'9 3.44 E - i-65 2. I 5 W - 2-90 5. 40 E - 2-5o 2. 40 W - 4-i5 6. o E - 2-25 3. o E - 5-35 6. 3o E - 2- 4 5 9 D i. So E - 5-iS 29 P 3.45 E - 1-90 2. O E - 5-5o 4.10 E - 2-65 2. IO E - 5-i5 5.52 W o'45 2.44 E - 5-i5 6. 3o W + O'lO 3 T 504 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. NEW ZEALAND. BURNHAM. Table II. Level Error of the Transit Instrument continued. Day. Observer. Sidereal Time of Level Deter- mination. Position of Micro- meter. Level Error corrected for Inequality of Pivots. Day. Observer Sidereal Time of Level Deter- mination. 2 B i (M O P3 ^ .2 2 QJ 1 S PH Level Error corrected for Inequality of Pivots. 1875. h m // 1875. h m f . January 5 p 4. i5 W + 5- 7 5 January i 1 r 5.20 E + 5'io 4.55 E + 4' 80 6. o W + 6-85 6. 5 E + 4'9 6.25 W + 5- 7 5 6.25 E + 5'20 . 12 p 5. 10 E + 4'25 6 p 4.iS W + 5-8o 5. 4 5 E + 3'8o 4.45 W + 5'3o 6. 5 W + 3-90 6. 5 E + 5- 7 5 6. 3o W + 370 9 c 5.55 E + T9 i3 p 5.25 E + 470 6. 20 E + 8-40 5. 4 5 E + 4'3o 6. 5o E + 6-80 6. 5 W + 4'25 7 .i5 W + 8-45 6.25 W + 4-20 TABLE HI. AZIMUTH EEKOB of the TRANSIT INSTRUMENT at BURNHAM, and OBSERVATIONS of the MERIDIAN MARK. [The sign + indicates that the Optic Axis points East of North.] Day. Approx. Local Mean Time. Observer. Objects observed. M. M. = Meridian Mark. Apparent Error of Azimuth. Remarks. 1874. October 20 21 22 23 26 h in 12. 30 9. 8 10. 9 8. 3 9. S 8. o 9- ' II. 10 12. IO p D r> c c p p p p 2 Octal T Octar o Octar c Octal T Octal c Octal T Octai M.M. 2 Octai tis S.P. and o Arietis itis v Pis // - 0-6 14-0 - 8-8 - 9-0 - 9-2 - i5-6 - i3-o E. 20' itis S.P 373, W. I9"6 ' Ce 70 . . t.i . . - 16-2 ERRORS OF LEVEL AND AZIMUTH. 505 Table III. Azimuth Error of the Transit Instrument, &c. continued. Day. Approx. Local Mean Time. Observer. Objects observed. M. M. = Meridian Mark. Apparent Error of Azimuth. Remarks. 1874. October 28* 3o November i z 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 15 b in 15.43 9-36 9.56 8. 3o 9. o 10. Afternoon Night 9 .32 Night 9.22 11.40 Night | 8. 4 9. 10 9-i5 Night 9. i5 9.40 9-i5 Night 3. ii 3.21 n. 6 ii. 26 9- 4 II. 2 8.40 10. 5 c c D D n p i> p D D D c c p p p c c D D p p c c p p p p c c c p p \ tt + 33-i M. M. shifted 3 5 inches to East before this observation. Nov. 2, 5", L.M.T. The level and azimuth were adjusted. Azimuth Error adopted + 9" -6. M. M. very unsteady. M.M. E. 19-369, W. 20-653 + 35-6 M.M. E 19-374 W 20-696 + 33-4 1 + 35-o j M.M. E. ig-336, W. 20-749 M.M. E. 19-345, W. 20-746 M.M. E. I9-353, W. 20-758 M.M. E. 19-647, W. 20-450 M.M. E. 19-981 + 1-6 + 1-6 + 9-0 + 4-6 + 1-9 + 8-2 + iS-2 o Octantis Brisbane 4091 S P . M.M. E. 19-869, W. 20-183 z Octantis S.P a Arietis M.M. E. 19-838, W. 20-286 M.M. E. 19-820, W. 20-284 o Octantis Brisbane 4091 S P . . M.M. E. 19-735, W. 20-333 + 23-9 M. M. E. 19-629, \V. 20-464 M.M. E. 19-475, W. 20-575 M.M. E. 19-497, W. 20-568 z Octantis S.P S Arietis + 22-7 M.M. E. 19-275, W. 20-543 + 28-6 M.M. E. 19-322, W. 20-688 z Octantis S.P Brisbane 4091 S.P. . + 3l'2 + 41-2 M.M. E. 19-256, W. 20-779 * There is HO record between these dates of the azimuth adjustment having been altered. ST 2 506 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. NEW ZEALAND. BURNHAM. Table III. Azimuth Error of the Transit Instrument, &c. continued. Day. Approx. Local Mean Time. Observer. Objects observed. M. M. = Meridian Mark. Apparent Error of Azimuth. Remarks. 1874. November 18 20 21 23 25 *7 28 2 9 3o December i 2 3 4 5 6 h ra 8.35 Night 7 .i5 8.25 8.21 8.47 10. 20 8. 5 8. ii Night 10. 8 8. 2 Night 7 .58 Night 9.56 7-5 4 9. Si 7. 5o 9-47 9-44 9.39 9 .52 IO. 2 i3. 10 D D p p p p p p D D D D P P D D D P P P P P P P P P P P P P P D D o Octantis and Brisbane 4091 S.P // + 43-6 M. M. unsteady. > Adopted + 1 2" -9. I Adopted +n" -i 5. > Adopted + 1 2" -3. M.M. E. 19-131, W. 20-890 M. M. E. 19-865, W. 20- 156. + I'2 + i'4 M.M. E. 19-876, W. 20-124 M.M. E. 19-955, W. 20-096 z Octautis S.P 67 Ceti - o-5 + i3-5 + 7-8 + ii -i + 14-2 + 18-9 + I2'9 + 8'7 Brisbane 4091 S.P. . . . e Piscium M.M. E. 19-741, W. 20-295 2 Octantis S.P v Piscium Brisbane 4091 S.P. ... e Piscium M.M. E. 19-716, W. 2o-3i6 Brisbane 4091 S.P. . . . & Hydri . , . M.M. E. 19-743, W. 2o-3o8 2 Octantis S.P a Eridani + 13-6 + n-8 Brisbane 4091 S.P f 1 Piscium M.M. E. 19-736, W. 20-335 M.M. E. 19-742, W. 20-327 + 12-8 + i3-o Brisbane 4091 S.P. ... f Piscium M.M. E. 19-713, W. 20-337 z Octantis S.P 7* Ceti . + 12-8 + n-8 + i3- 4 z Octantis S.P -f Ceti M. M. E. 19-777, W. 20' 3og z Octantis S.P 67 Ceti M.M. E. 19-771, W. 2o-3i6 M.M. E. 19-745, W. 20-329 M.M. E. 19-700, W. 20-418 M.M. E. 19-670, W. 20-416 + 16-4 + 18-1 + >7'9 M.M. E. 19-636, W. 20' 444 ERRORS OF AZIMUTH. 507 Table III. Azimuth Error of the Transit Instrument, &c. continued. Day. Approx. Local Mean Time. Observer. Objects observed. M. M. = Meridian Mark. Apparent Error of Azimuth. Remarks. 1874. December 8 h m 10. 3o r> M. M. E. 19-633 W. 20-468 // + 18-8 9 9. 36 p M. M. E. 19-637, W. 20-471 10 9. 20 D + 16-9 D MM. E 19-591, W 2o'5i6 18 8.39 c 0-7 c 19 7. 27 D 10. 7 D MM E 19-935, W 20-078 12. 2O D O'2 20 $,3i C z Octantis f Tauri - 8- 4 26 i3.5i D IO'9 14. 19 D M M. E. 20- 1 57, W. 19-939 ii-o 27 11.48 C 1-4 C M. M. E. 20-127, W. 19-936 28 D D 0-7 1 1. 4.0 p - i5'4 3! p 1875. MM E 20-017 W 19-965 ,. MM E 19-988 W 20-018 . ii. i3 4-1 6 8 56 P M.M. E. 19-987, W. 19-984 - 4-6 II. O C 9-0 c MM E 20-088 W 19-887 1 1 q. 36 p MM E 20-064 W 19-933 10. 4.0 p 10-9 ii 6 M.M. E 20-043, W. 19-965 . 508 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. NEW ZEALAND. BURNHAM. Table III. Azimuth Error of the Transit Instrument, &c. continued. Approx. ^ j. Local Objects observed. ^ ean 1 M. M. = Meridian Mark. J.1HIC. -Q Apparent Error of Remarks. Azimuth. 1875. ,, , January 12 9.32 p M. ] 10.47 p a- O II. 2 P M.I i3 9.28 p M.I 10. 43 P IT Q 10.58 p M.J if. E. 20-071, W. - 7-0 - 7'9 v Orionis . IQ ' OOJ. Ii. E. 20-057, W. 1. E. 20-074, W. v Orionis . . I Q * Q "\A. I. E. 20-068, W. * ABSTRACT of TABLES IV. and V. TRANSITS of STARS and of the MOON, and Inferred R.A. of the MOON'S LIMB at TRANSIT. Day, 1874. Observer. O I a . K 11 I Number of Transits of Clock Stars. Number of Transits of Circumpolar Stars. to *-. a H E B a .-! I'M? Clock Slow on Local Sidereal Time. Clock's Losing Rate. a i Clock Time of Transit of Moon's Limb over Meridian. Right Ascension of Moon's Limb on Meridian. h in a a h m Oct. 20 c W. 4 I p E. 4 i 1 1.42 + 7-55 p W. i J 21 D D W. E. 7 2 2 I J23. 4 + 13-76 + 6-97 I. 22. 25. 38-10 22.25.5i-65 22 C C E. W. 5 5 2 I },,, + 21-61 + 7 -83 I. 23. 20. 11*46 23. 20. 33-to 23 P p W. E. 3 5 2 I J23.34 + 8-40 I. o. 14. 54-55 o. 1 5. 3-02 26 P \V. 8 I 2.5 4 + 23-84 + 4-92 n. 3. ii. 36-44 3.12. 0-34 28 C c E. W. 6 5 I | + 32-68 + 4-22 ii. 5.22. 54-27 5. 23. 26- 94 3o D D W. E. 2 4 I I | o. 8 + 4i-i5 + 4-72 ERRORS OF AZIMUTH, AND TRANSITS. 509 Abstract of Tables IV. and V. Transits of the Stars and of the Moon, &c. continued. Day, 1874- Observer. 1 . Jl Number of Transits of Clock Stars. Number of Transits of Circumpolar Stars. 0< o H V JTSQ Clock Slow on Local Sidereal Time. Clock's Losing Rate. j I Clock Time of Transit of Moon's Limb over Meridian. Right Ascension of Moon's Limb on Meridian. h m 8 h m , h m s Nov. i p E. i O. 2 + 2-83 2 D D E. W. 3 3 2 | 0. 30 + 3-36 + 0-52 3 C E. 3 | -47 + 5-23 + J-85 C W. 3 4 P W. 4 , r ^* 4^ + 6- jo + 0-84 P E. 2 i J 6 C C W. E. 3 3 > O. 21 + 9-03 + i-Si 7 D E. 4 2 o. 3o + 11-57 + 2-52 8 P W. 4 > o. 5 + 14-36 + 2-84 P E. 4 2 9 C C E. W. 2 2 | o.36 + 16-32 + 1*92 i i p W. 3 I [ 3.23 + 21-48 p E. 4 12 C C W. E. 4 4 I I | 1.28 + 20-17 - 1-42 iS p E. 4 2 , r- I. l3 + 16-89 i-io p W. 4 it D D W. E. 6 2 2 J23. 57 + 11-81 - 1-71 I. 22. 56.25-98 22. 56. 37-84 20 p E. 4 , P W. 5 2 1 0.24 + 0*06 I. 0.42. 4-30 0.42. 4-53 21 P W. 2 23 P P E. W. 5 3 I } 2.56 + 3-63 + i-iS I. 3.38.15-97 3.38. 19-65 25 D E. W. 10 3 2 I 3.56 + 8-5 7 + 2-42 I. 5.56. 10-82 5.56. 19-62 510 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. NEW ZEALAND. BURNHAM. Abstract of Tables IV. and V. Transits of Stars and of the Moon, &c. continued. o s J '~ So ^ Day, 1874. bserver. jsition of Micr meter Head. umber of Transi of Clock Stars. if i tl g r Jl B m _ 1'| 2 ESS 0) rt +3 fi g'oO Clock Slow on Local Sidereal Time. Clock's Losing Rate. O 3 O i s-g 81 3 '!. Clock Time of Transit of Moon's Limb over Meridian. Right Ascension of Moon's Limb on Meridian. O PH fc K *j 3 h m i s h m s h m Nov. 27 D D W. E. 4 5 1 I I 3. 3o + 14-20 + 2-84 II. 8. 7.29-15 8. 7.43-82 28 P P E. W. 4 2 I },25 + 16-07 + 2-o5 29 D W. 3 2 I 1.2, + 17-18 + I- II D E. 2 I * 3o P W. 3 2 } i.33 + 18-88 + 1-69 P E. 4 J Dec. i P W. 3 2 } !. 4 2 ' + 19-77 + 0-88 P E. 3 2 P P E. W. 3 4 I }, + 20-48 + 0-66 3 P E. 3 I 2. 3l + 21-60 + i- 16 5 P P E. W. 5 3 } 3. 4 + 23-42 + 0-89 ^- * 6 D D W. E. 3 3 I }-' + 24-33 + o-85 8 D W. 4 6. 20 + 25-61 + o-63 9 P E. I . 10 D D W. E. 2 2 I } 2-46 + 25-75 + 0-08 18 C W. 3 | 2. 30 + I3-37 (- i-55) C E. 3 '9 D D E. W. 6 3 I } 3.20 + 10-70 - 2-58 I. 2. 7. 50-42 2. 8. i-3g 20 C W. 4 r 4- 4 + 8-62 2-02 C E. 4 J 26 D W. 4 }5.22 - 3-5o 2-00 D K. 3 I J TRANSITS OF STARS AND MOON. 511 Abstract of Tables IV. and V. Transits oi' Stars and oi' the I\loon, &c. continued. " S * ^ Ja 9 C t- .Z O *s I. 22. 56. 37-84 11.29.24-38 + 27'4oe - o-38 1 1. 29. 14- o 20 p I. 0.42. 4-53 II. 29. 18-21 + 26-79 e - '49 ii. 29. 5'i 23 p I. 3.38. 19-65 II. 29. 21-92 + 38-o8 e - o- 7 5 11.29. 5-3 25 n II. 5. 56. 19-62 ii. 29. 32- 52 + 20-98 e - o-83 n. 29. i5- 1 27 D II. 8. 7.43-82 ii. 29. 36-24 + 23-53 e - 0-82 ii. 29. 17-0 December 19 D I. 2. 8. I '19 ii. 29. 26'33 + 25'32 e - o-53 ii. 29. 12-9 The Mean Resulting Longitude from 7 transits of the First Limb is 11.29. 9'4 That from 4 transits of the Second Limb is n ir-n General Mean TABLE VII. LONGITUDE of BURNHAM, from the observed AZIMUTHS of the MOON. Moon I. Moon II. "5 a ~ a fci CJ i* . Mean Inferred Id t, t, . Mean Inferred Day. o> JO O f, g Longitude for Day |' B (East). Day. | S 2 J | Longitude for Day |~ (East). 1874. h m s 1874. h in s October 23 D 4 ii. 29. ii- 1 October 26 c 4 11.29.20-9 December 18 P 8 n. 29. 27-7 28 D 4 n. 29. 23-4 '9 C 6 ii. 29. 29- 3 December 27 i> 4 ii. 29. i6-5 20 D 6 II. 29. I2'2 28 c 6 ii. 29. 14-8 2 9 D 6 n. 29. 29-0 Mean . 11. 2Q. 2O* I i . . ii. 29. 20- 9 h Mean Longitude East, by observed A zimuths ij . 29. 20-5 TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. APPENDIX. APPENDIX. APPENDIX I. EXTRACT from INSTRUCTIONS to OBSERVERS. (Instructions were prepared in considerable detail for all the circumstances in which they appeared necessary, but I confine myself in the following extract to the two paragraphs which applied to the actual observation.) Section (X.), Article 1 1 : " The record of observation will be made thus : " For a micrometer-observation, the observer will give the word ' now ' or other sudden signal, for time ; the assistant at the clock will enter the time ; the observer will give the micrometer- reading, and the assistant will write down the micrometer-reading. " For the observation of internal contact, where two or three phenomena may present themselves at intervals of time too small to admit of writing at length, the observer will simply give ' now ' for a time to be recorded, and at next phenomenon will simply give ' now,' the time of which is to be recorded in the book, leaving a gap of several lines ; and so on, as often as may be necessary. When the pressure of phenomena ceases, the observer is to give from memory the details of the phenomenon to which each time-entry applies, and the assistant is to enter them in their proper places." APPENDIX II. CORRECTIONS to the TABULAR RIGHT ASCENSION of the MOON. (Major Tupman examined most carefully all the observations of the Moon made at. the principal Observatories of Europe, through the time included in the observations connected with the Transit of Venus, and exhibited in a graphical form in the Monthly Notice of the Royal Astronomical Society for March 1877, vol. 37, page 256, the corrections to the R.A. and N.P.D. of the Moon printed in the Nautical Almanac. The corrections to R.A. are measured from Major Tupman's curves, and are exhibited numerically in the following table. They have been used in the reductions throughout by Major Tupman.) Day. Correction to R.A. of N. A. Day. Correction to R. A. ofN.A. Day. Correction to R. A. ofN.A. Day. Correction to R. A. of N. A. 1874. Sept. 14 - o-3 7 1874. Sept. 18 B - '44 1874. Sept. 22 I - '49 1874. Sept. 26 o'yo i5 0-39 '9 0-45 23 - o-53 27 - 0-78 16 O - 42 20 0-46 24 - o-5S 28 - o-83 >7 - o- 4 3 21 - o'47 25 - 0-64 29 - 0-84 3x (2) TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. APPENDIX. Day. Correction to R. A. ofN.A. Day. Correction to 11. A. of N. A. Day. Correction to R. A. ofN. A. Day. Correction to R. A. of N. A. 1874. 8 1874. s 1874. X 1875. s Sept. 3o 0-81 Nov. 4 - o-55 Dec. 17 - '44 Jan. 23 - 0-66 5 - 0-52 18 0^46 24 - 0-66 __ o* 76 6 - '47 '9 o - 5o 25 - o-65 12 0-43 10 - o-55 26 0-62 2 0-72 3 - 0-66 i3 0-42 21 - o-Sg 27 - o-5 7 4 - o-63 14 0-40 22 0-64 28 - 0-52 5 - o-58 i5 - o-3 7 23 - 0-68 29 0-46 6 - 0-55 16 0-34 24 - 0-74 3o 0-43 7 - o-53 17 0'32 25 - o- 7 5 3i - 0-39 18 - 0-34 26 0-76 12 O'2O i3 - 0-27 '9 - o-38 27 - '74 Feb. i - o-3 7 2O Q. . . 28 - 0-66 14- 0-28 TT" 7 0-29 i5 - o-3i 21 - o-5i 29 o'6o 8 o'3o 16 0-34 22 0-59 3o 0*54 9 - o-33 17 - o-3 7 23 - 0-68 3i o'5o 10 - o-35 18 0-40 24 - 0-76 ii - o-38 19 - '44 25 - o-85 1875. 12 0-41 20 - '47 26 - o- 9 3 Jan. i 0-46 i3 0-45 21 - 0-50 27 0-90 2 - '44 4 - o-5i 22 28 - 0-80 3 0-43 i5 - o-55 23 0-59 29 0-67 10 0-41 16 - o-58 24 - 0-66 3o o'6o II - 0-41 17 o'6o 25 - o- 7 5 12 0*42 18 - o-58 26 - 0-79 Dec. i - o-55 i3 0-43 19 - o-55 27 - 0-80 2 - o-53 J4 - o- 4 5 20 - o-53 28 - 0-78 3 - o-5i i5 0*46 21 - '47 29 0*76 4 o - 5o 16 - 0-48 22 - '44 3o - o- 7 3 5 - '49 17 o - 5o 23 0-41 3i 0-70 12 - o-3 4 18 0-54 24 - o-38 13 0-34 '9 - o-56 25 - o-36 Nov. i - 0-66 14 - o-35 20 - o-58 26 - o-35 2 0-64 i5 - o-36 21 O'62 27 0-34 3 0-59 16 0-40 22 - o-65 CORRECTIONS TO MOON'S TABULAR PLACE. TABULAR PLACES OF SUN AND VENUS. (3) APPENDIX III. GEOCENTRIC ELEMENTS of the POSITIONS of the SUN and VENUS for times near to those of the INGRESS and EGRESS of VENUS at the SUN'S LIMB, formed by INTER- POLATION between the PLACES in the NAUTICAL ALMANAC. Greenwich Sidereal Time on Dec. 8. K. A. of Sun. N. P. D. of Sun. K. A. of Venus. N. P. D. of Venus. Greenwich Sidereal Time on Dec. 8. K. A. of Sun. N. P. D. of Sun. E. A. of Venus. N. P. D. of Venus. / II t It / If o / tt / // / it o / // / rt h m h m 255.43. 112.48. 255.57. 112.37. 255.44. 112.48. 255. 57. 112. 37. 6. So 43-3o 32-35 64-07 46-22 7-i5 5i- 7 3 38-5? 25'oo 26-42 5i 46-03 32 -60 62-51 45-43 it 54'47 38-82 23-43 25-63 52 48-77 32-85 60 -94 44-63 17 5 7 -2i 39-07 21-87 24-84 53 5i-5i 33-io 59-38 43-84 18 59-94 3g-3i 20- 3i 24-04 54 54-25 33-35 57-82 43 -o5 '9 62-68 39-56 18-74 23-25 255.43. 112.48. 255. 57. 112. 37. 255-45. 112.48. 255. 57. 112. 37. 6.55 56- 9 8 33-6o 56-26 42-26 7.20 5- 4 2 39-81 17-18 22-46 56 59-72 33-85 54-69 4I-47 21 8-16 40-06 15-62 2,1 ' 67 5 7 62-46 34-09 53-i3 40-68 22 10-90 40- 3i 14-06 20-88 58 65-20 34-34 si-Si 39-88 23 13-63 4 "56 12-49 2O-O8 59 67-93 34-59 So- oo 39-09 24 16-37 40-81 10-93- 19-29 255.44. 112.48. 255. 5 7 - 112. 37. 255.45. 112. 48. 255. 57. 112. 37. 7- 10-67 34-84 48-44 38-3o 7.25 19-11 41 -o5 9-3 7 iS-5o I 13-41 35-09 46-88 3 7 -5i 26 21-84 4i-3o 7-80 17-71 2 i6-i5 35-3 4 45-32 36-72 27 24-58 41-55 6-24 16-91 3 18-88 35-59 4 3- 7 5 35-92 28 27-32 41-80 4-68 16- 12 4 21-62 35-83 42-19 35-i3 29 3o-o6 42-05 3-n i5-33 255.44. 112.48. 255.57. 112.37. 255-45. 112. 48. 255.56. 112. 37. 7- 5 24- 36 36-o8 40-63 34-34 7 .3o 32-79 42'30 6i-55 I4-54 6 27-10 36-33 39-06 33-55 3i 35-53 42-,55 59-99 13-74 7 2 9 -83 36-58 3 7 -5o 32-76 32 38-27 42-79 58-43 12-95 8 32-57 36-83 35-94 31-96 33 41-00 43-04 56-86 12-16 9 35-3i 37-08 3 4 -3 7 3i-i 7 34 43-74 43-29 55- 3o ii-3 7 255.44. 112.48. 255.57. 112. 37. 255.45. 112.48. 255.56. 112. 37. 7. 10 38-o5 3 7 -33 32,- 8 1 3o-38 7.35 46-48 43-54 53-74 10-57 ii 40-78 37-57 3i-25 29-59 36 49-22 43-79 52-17 9 -78 12 43-52 37-82 29-69 28-80 37 Si-gS 44-o3 5o-6i 8-99 i3 46-26 38-o 7 28-12 28-00 38 54-69 44-28 49 -oS 8-20 14 48-99 38-32 26-56 27-21 39 57-43 44-53 47-48 7-40 Semi- diameter of Sun. Parallax of Sun. Semi- diameter of Venus. Parallax of Venus. Semi- diameter of Sun. Parallax of Sun. Semi- diameter of Venus. Parallax of Venus. 1 6'. 1 6" -80 9" -09 3i"-42 33"-86 1 6'. 1 6" -80 9" -09 3i"-42 33"-86 3x2 (4) TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. APPENDIX. Greenwich Sidereal Time on Dec. 8. R. A. of Sun. N. P. D. of Sun. R. A. of Venus. N. P. D. of Venus. Greenwich Sidereal Time on Dec. 8. R.A. of Sun. N. P. IX of Sun. R.A. of Venus. N.P.D. of Venus. / // o / r/ O ' tf o / // o / // o / H / II / it h m h in 255.46. 112. 48. 255. 56. 112. S?. 255. 46. 112. 48. 255.56. 112. 36. 7.40 o'i6 44-78 45-92 6-61 7.45 i3-85 46'O2 38-n 62-65 4' 2-90 45-o3 44-36 5-82 4 6 16-59 46-27 36-55 6!-86 42 5-64 45-28 42-80 5-o3 47 19-32 46-52 34-98 61 -06 43 8-38 45-52 41-23 4-23 48 22-06 46-76 33-42 60-27 44 ii'ii 45-77 39-67 3-44 49 24-80 47-01 3i-86 59-48 - 255.46. 112. 48. 255. 56. 112. 36. 7. 5o 27-54 47-26 30-29 58-69 Semi- Parallax Semi Parallax Semi- Parallax Semi- Parallax diameter of diameter of diameter of diameter of of Sun. Sun. of Venus. Venus. of Sun. Sun. of Venus. Venus. 1 6'. 1 6" -80 9" -09 3i"'42 33"- 86 1 6'. 1 6" -80 9" -09 3i"-42 33"- 86 255. 46. 112. 48. 255. 56. 112. 36. 255. So. 112.49. 255.54. ii2. 35. 8. o 54-91 49 '74 14-67 50-76 9. 20 33-90 9-54 9-68 47-34 255.47. 255.55. 255.5i. 255. 53. 8. jo 22-28 52-22 59-04 42-81 9. 3o 1-28 I2-OI 54'o5 39-42 8.20 49-66 54-70 43-42 34-91 9.40 28-65 14-48 38- 4 3 31-49 9. 5o 56-o3 16-94 22-80 23-56 255.48. 8. 3o I7'o3 57-I8 27-79 26-98 255. 52. 8.40 44-40 5g-65 12-17 19-05 IO. O 23-41 19-41 7-18 i5-63 255.49. 112.49. 255. 54. 255. 52. 8. So 11-78 2'l3 56-54 n-i3 IO. IO 5o- 7 8 21-87 5i-56 7-70 9. o 39-i5 4' 60 40-92 3-20 255. 53. 112. 34. JO. 2O 18-16 24-34 35-94 59-77 255.5o. 112. 35. 9. 10 6-52 7-07 25-3o 55-2 7 io. 3o 45-54 26-80 20-32 5l'84 Semi- Parallax Semi- Parallax Semi- Parallax Semi- Parallax diameter of diameter of diameter of diameter of of Sun. Sun. of Venus. Venus. of Sun. Sun. of Venus. Venus. 16'. i6"-8i 9 " -09 3i"'42 33"-86 16'. i6"-8i 9" -09 3i"-42 33" -86 TABULAR PLACES OF SUN AND VENUS. (5) .J3 oo R. A. N. P. D. R. A. N. P. D. H .J3 <' R. A. N. P. T). R. A. N. P. D. ? a of Sun. of Sun. of Venus. of Venus. 'i ^ o of Sun. of Sun. of Venus. of Venus. S 2 Q S'Bo . u s / / / / t & a ' / o / o / O-o o o3 tc " h m h m 255.53. 112.49. 255. 52. 112. 34. 255.55. 112.49. 225.51. 112. 34. 10. 3o 45-54 26-80 20-32 5i-8 4 II. O 7-68 34-17 33-46 28-05 3i 48-28 27-04 18-76 5i-o5 I i o 42 34-42 31-90 27-26 32 5 1 -02 27-29 I7-I9 So- 26 2 i3-i6 34-66 3o-33 26-46 33 53- 7 5 27-53 iS-63 49-46 3 i5'8 9 34-91 28-77 25-67 34 56-49 27-78 14-07 48-67 4 i8-63 35-i5 27-21 24-88 255. 53. 112.49. 255. 52. 112. 34. 255.55. 112.49. 255.5i. 112. 34. 10. 35 59-23 28-02 iz-Si 47-88 u. 5 21-37 35-40 25-65 24-08 36 61-97 28-27 10-95 47-08 6 24-11 35-64 24-09 23-29 37 64-71 28-52 9-38 46-29 7 26-85 35-89 22-52 __ 22 'So 38 67-44 28-76 7-82 45 -5o 8 29-58 36-i3 20-96 21-70 39 70-18 29-01 6-26 44-7I 9 32-32 36-38 19-40 20-91 255. 54. 112.49. 255.5i. 112. 34. 255.55. 112.49. 255.5i. 112. 34. 10. 40 12-92 29-25 64-70 43-9I II. 10 35-o6 36-63 17-84 2O- 12 4' i5-66 29-50 63-14 43 * 12 ii 37-80 36-87 16-28 I9-32 4* 18-40 29-75 61-57 42-33 12 40-54 3 7 -i2 14-71 18-53 43 21'l3 29-99 " 60 -01 41-53 i3 43-27 37-36 i3-i5 17-74 44 23-87 30-24 58-45 40-74 14 46-01 37-61 11-59 i6- 9 5 255. 5 4 . 112.49. 255. 5i. 112. 34. 255.55. 112.49. 255.5i. 112. 34. 10. 45 26-61 30-48 56-89 3 9 - 9 5 ii. i5 4 8- 7 5 37-85 io-o3 i6-i5 46 29-35 3o- 7 3 55-33 39'l5 16 5i-49 38-10 8-47 i5-36 47 32-09 30-97 53-76 38-36 '7 5 4 -23 38-3 4 6-90 14-57 48 34-82 3l'22 52-20 37-57 18 56- 9 6 38-59 5-3 4 13-77 49 37-56 3i-47 50-64 36- 7 8 19 59-70 38-84 3- 7 8 12-98 255. 54. 112.49. 255.5i. 112. 34. 255.56. 112.49. 255.5o. 112. 34. 10. So 40- 3o Ji-71 49-08 35-98 II. 20 2-44 39-08 62-22 12" 19 5i 43-04 3i- 9 6 47'52 35-19 21 5-i8 3.9-33 60-66 II-39 52 45-78 32-20 45-95 34-40 22 7-92 3 9 -5 7 59-09 10-60 53 48-5i 32- 4 5 44-39 33-60 25 io-65 39-82 57-53 9-81 54 5i-25 32-70 42-83 32-8i 24 i3-3 9 40-06 55-97 9-01 255. 54. 112.49. 255. 5i. 112. 34. 255.56. 112.49. 255. 5o. 112. 34. 10.55 53-99 32-94 41-27 32-02 11.25 i6-i3 40- 3i 54-41 8-22 56 56- 7 3 33-19 39-71 3l'22 26 18-87 40-55 52-85 7-43 57 59-47 33- 4 3 38-14 3o- 4 3 27 21-61 40-80 5i-28 6-63 58 62-20 33-68 36-58 29-64 28 24-34 41-04 49-72 5-84 59 64-94 33-92 35-02 28-84 29 27-08 41-29 48-16 5-o5 Semi- Parallax Semi- Parallax Semi- Parallax Semi- Parallax diameter of , diameter of 1 diiimeter of diameter of of Sun. Sun. of Venus. Venus. of Sun. Sun. of Venus. Venus. 1 6'. 16" -82 9" -,09 3l"- 4 2 33"-86 16'. i6"-8 2 9-09 3 ,". 4 > 3J--S6 (6) TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. APPENDIX. Greenwich Sidereal Time on Dec. 8. R. A. of Sun. N. P. D. of Sun. R. A. of Venus. N. P. D. of Venus. Green wicli Sidereal Time on Dec. 8. R. A. of Sun. N. P. D. of Sun. R. A. of Venus. N. P. D. of Venus. / n o / / o / ir o / o t it o / o / h m h m 255. 56. 112.49. 255. So. 112. 34. 255. S6. 112.49. 255. So. 112. 33. II. 30 29-82 41-53 46-60 4-25 11.40 57-20 43-98 30-98 56-32 3i 32-56 41-78 45-04 3-46 4' 59-94 44-23 29-42 55-53 32 35-3o 42-02 43-48 2-67 42 62-68 44-47 27-86 54-74 33 38-o3 42-27 41-91 1-87 43 65-41 44-72 26-30 53-94 34 40-77 42- Si 40-35 I -08 44 68-iS 44-96 24-73 53-i5 255. 56. 112.49. 255. So. H2.33. 255. 57. 112.49. 255. So. H2.33. H.35 43 -Si 42-76 38-79 60-29 11.45 10-89 45-21 23-17 52-36 36 46-25 43-00 37-23 59-49 46 13-63 45-45 zi' 61 5i-56 37 48-99 43-25 35-67 58-70 47 16-37 45-70 2O'OS So- 77 38 Si-72 43-49 34-10 57-91 48 19-10 45-94 18-49 49-98 39 54-46 43-74 32-54 5 7 -I2 49 21-84 46-19 I6-93 49-18 255. 57. 112.49. 255. So. 112. 33. II. So 24- 58 46-43 iS-36 48-39 Semi- diameter of Sun. Parallax of Sun. Semi- diameter of Venus. Parallax of Venus. Semi- . diameter of Sun. Parallax of Sun. Semi- diameter of Venus. Parallax of Venus. 1 6'. 1 6" -82 9" -09 3i"- 4 2 33"- 86 16'. i6"-82 9"- 09 3i- 4 2 33"- 86 . TABULAR PLACES OP SUN AND VENUS. SPECIMENS OF SKELETON FORMS. (7) APPENDIX IV. SPECIMENS of the SKELETON FORMS Nos. 17, 18, 19, 20, used in the COMPUTATION of the FACTORS in the FINAL EQUATION formed from each OBSERVATION of INGRESS or EGRESS. (8) TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. APPENDIX. [FORM No. 17.] Station BRITISH EXPEDITION FOR THE OBSERVATION Latitude Log. Normal-centric Radius Local Ordinal No. Observation. Times. Tabular H. A. of Observer. Phenomenon or Measure. Name of Clock or Chrono- meter. Time by Clock or Chrono- meter. Local Sidereal Time. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Geoc. E. A. of O of 5 Excess for J Parallax in R. A. of of 5 Exc. for ,. 1 2 a 4 5 6 7 8 . 9 Each Chief of Station, or Observer, is requested to place his signature under the Columns of Observations and SPECIMEN OF FORM No. 17. (9) [PAGE OF THE TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. Log. Axial Distance Assumed W. Longitude Sun and Venus. Tabular N. P. D. of Sun and Venus. Tabular Local Distance of Centers. Local R. A. of of 5 Excess for Incr. of R. A. in 1 s of of 5 Excess for 5 . Geoc. N.P.D. of of 5 Excess for $ . Parallax in N. P. D. of of $ Excess for 5 Local N.P.D of of $ Excess for Incr. of N. P. D. in I' of of J Excess for 5 Local Distance given by Tabular Elements. Incr. of Dist. in 1' and for r^r incre. of Parallax. 10 11 12 13 14 is 16 17 Times, and each Computer is requested to place his signature under the calculations for which he is responsible. 3v (10) [FORM No. 18.] TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. APPENDIX. [PAGE BRITISH EXPEDITION FOR OBSERVATION OF THE TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. COMPUTATION OP NORMAL-CENTRIC ELEMENTS. (The surface of a concentric sphere being supposed to touch the equator, and a line normal to the equatoreal plane being drawn through the observing station to the surface of the sphere ; its intersection with the surface of the sphere is the " corresponding point ;" and the latitude, on the sphere, of that point is the " corresponding latitude." The normal to the spheroidal surface at the observing station, being produced to intersection with the earth's axis, is the " Normal-centric radius ;" the place of that intersection is the " Normal Center," always in the hemisphere opposite to the hemisphere of the station ; the distance of that intersection from the Earth's Center, measured along the earth's axis, is the " Axial Distance of Normal Center.") o / // o / // o / // Log 299 Lo~ 300 9,99855 9,99855 9 99855 / // / // / // > 7 82391 7 82391 J NOTE. Angles are to be taken to the nearest 10". Logarithms to 5 decimal places. Computer's signature. [FORM No. 19.] SPECIMEN OF FORMS, Nos. 18 AND 19. [PAGE (11) BRITISH EXPEDITION FOR OBSERVATION OF THE TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. CALCULATION OF TABULAR PARALLAXES IN R.A. AND N.P.D. BY NORMAL-CENTRIC METHOD. Station . Latitude N.S. Log. Axial Dist. of Normal Center , . Log. Normal-centric Radius , Tab. hor. eq. parallax, for Q > , for Obs. No. (17), E.W. of Merid. Object. Sun. Venus. Sun. Venus. Sun. Venus. h m 8 ti m e. h m M h m s h m s h in b Multiply by 60, divide by 4 . o / // f // u / // 9 / // / // lit Tab H A of object (17) . ... " ' * * " * Tab. N.P.D. of object (17) .... . . " " ) * * ) * > 1 > * * * Log N C Radius * 1 1 Log. tab. hor. eq. parallax . . . , t t ) Sum = log. Parallax in E.A. . . > , J , Parallax in R.A. ( + if E.) r/ j > // i // ) /' i ' * * * > * ' * i 1 * i H p.D. " " ' 7 P D & * * * * ' > J > Log. N.C. Radius 1 > > Log. tab. hor. eq. parallax . . . , , > > * i Sum = log. par. (1) in P.D . J j ) , Log. Axial Dist. of N.C > > 1 Log. tab. hor. eq. parallax . . . 1 ) > j > J > Sum = log. par. (2) in P.D. . . ) i , * 1 , Parallax (1) in P.D '' // // // // Parallax (2) in P.D * > t > ' ' 1 > Sum = Total Parallax in P.O.. > t > 9 9 Parallax in N.P.D 9 * 9 > NOTE. Time is to be taken to the nearest 1'. R.A. in arc, hour-angle, P.D., o, 0, y, to the nearest 10". Logarithms to five decimals. Parallaxes to 0" -01. Computer's signature. 3y 2 (12) TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. APPENDIX. [FORM No. 20.] [PAGE BRITISH EXPEDITION FOR OBSERVATION OF THE TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. COMPUTATION OF TABULAR LOCAL DISTANCES BETWEEN THE CENTERS OF THE SUN AND VENUS, AND OP FACTORS OP CORRECTIONS TO TIME, R.A., N.P.D., AND PARALLAX. (The quantities are entirely Tabular Local quantities. " Excess of R.A." always denotes "Excess of Tabular Local R.A. of the Center of Venus above that of the Sun." " Excess of N.P.D." always denotes " Excess of Tabular Local N.P.D. of the Center of Venus above that of the Sun." " Parallax " [meaning Horizontal Equatoreal Parallax], " Parallax in R.A.", " Parallax in N.P.D.", always denote " Excess of those quantities for Venus above the similar quantities for the Sun." The same applies to the several " Increases." The S.P.D. of Sun and Venus are, however, absolute values. " Distance between Centers " denotes " Tabular Local Distance between Centers." All logarithms are to be taken to five decimal places. To six places for " Distance between Centers.") Station. No. of Observation in Form 17. S.P.D. of Sun (to 10") . . S.P.D. of Venus (to 10") . Excess of Right Ascension (to 0"-01) (+ near beginning, near end) Increase of Excess of Right Ascension in 1". (to 0"-001) (always ). . Excess of North Polar Distance (to 0"- 01) (always -) Increase of Excess of North Polar Distance in 1". (to 0"' 001) (always ) Parallax in R.A. . . Parallax in N.P.D. Computation of Tabular Local Distance of Centers of Sun and Venus. Log. sine of S.P.D. of Sun . . Log. sine of S.P.D. of Venus Sum Half Sum (always + ) Log. Excess of R. A. ( + near beginning, - near end) Sum = f (sign same as for Excess of R.A.) Subtract log. Excess of N.P.D. with sign changed (always + ) Log. tan. (sign same as for Excess of R.A.) (to 10") (less than 90, sign same as for Excess of R.A.) Log. sine (sign same as for Excess of R.A.) . Subtract from f (sign same as for Excess of R.A.) . Log. Distance between Centers (always + ) Log. cosine (always + ) Subtract from log. Excess of N.P.D. with sign changed (always + ) Log. Distance between Centers (always + ) Distance between Centers (to 0"-01). (Continued on 2nd page.') SPECIMEN OF FORM No. 20. (13) {Continued from 1st paye.) Effects of Changes of R.A., of N.P.D., and of Time, on the Distance between Centers. Half Sum (above) + , Log. sine (above) Sum = log ( f = Factor of Change of R.A. for Distance between Centers (si (above) Nat. cos. q> = Factor of Change of N.P.D. for Dist. betw. Cent, with 1 sign changed (always ) Log. Increase of N.P.D. in I 1 , (always ) Sum with log. cos. = log. 9 (always +) + flto(0"-0001) 1 TI + 8 = Increase of Distance between Centers in I 1 Effect of Change of Coefficient of Parallax on the Distance between Centers. Log. ( (above) Log. -j-^j Parallax in R.A Sum = log. K (to 0001 ) Log. cos. (above) with sign changed Log- -nhr Parallax in N.P.D Sum = log. A \ (to 0-0001) K + \ = Increase of Distance between Centers for -i_ Increase of! Parallax _ j- Signature of Computer. (14) TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. APPENDIX. APPENDIX V. PHOTOGRAPHIC OBSERVATIONS of the TRANSIT of VENUS. The apparent uncertainty in the conclusions from the photographic registers has led extensively to the persuasion that it is unnecessary to record the photographic operations with the utmost detail. But it appears proper to explain the views which directed the order of reductions, and to describe the instruments which have been employed. The photoheliograph instruments in every case were mounted equatoreally, and it is probable that their adjustments were, as for ordinary uses, reasonably accurate. But it is impossible to place so much confidence in these adjustments, or in the insertion of the photograph-plate in the tube, as to justify the supposition that differences of R. A. and of N. P. D. between the Sun and the Planet could be measured with even moderate accuracy. The only measure upon which reliance could be placed is that of the distance between the centers of the two objects. Relying on the practicability of putting the plates fairly in position for that measure (extreme accuracy in this adjustment is not indispensable) it was only necessary to provide means of measuring accurately in one direction. The principle of the micrometer here adopted is the following : Two microscopes, both pointing downwards, pass through a very firm bar, 15 inches long ; the tubes of the microscopes being separated about 11^ inches. (The bar, in fact, is not a solid piece of metal, but is formed like a box, with sides 2| inches deep, and is free f'rotn sensible flexure under any ordinary strain.) The two microscopes, in this state, form a microscopic beam-compass. The beam-compass can be slid endways, with a range of nearly 8 inches, in an intermediate frame about 23 inches long, to which it can be clamped at any part of its motion ; practically, however, the clamp was not used. That intermediate frame has a slot or chase extending nearly from end to end, through which the microscopes, and the bar which carries them, pass. The intermediate frame itself can be moved endways (carrying with it the beam-compass) upon the upper face of the fixed stand, by means of a fine screw at one end, carried by the fixed stand ; the range of this screw is less than 1 inch. The upper part of the fixed stand is a strong plate, 24 inches long, slotted nearly from end to end, in the same manner as the intermediate frame ; and the 'beam-compass slides endways through the slot of the intermediate frame and through the slot of the upper part of the fixed frame at the same time. The upper part of the fixed frame is earned by pillars 3 inches long fixed to tke base-plate. The base-plate is 24 inches long and 7 inches broad, and it has two longitudinal perforations each about 9 inches long and 3 inches broad, with an intervening metallic cross-bar 2 inches in breadth. One of the microscopes always points downwards to one of these perforations, and the other microscope to the other perforation. The wooden structure which carries the base-plate has corresponding perforations. In use, the wooden structure is so planted above a mirror that the light of the sky is reflected upwards through the microscopes. The microscopes are now in a fit state for observing transparent objects which are laid upon the base-plate. Over one of the perforations of the base-plate is laid the photograph, of which measures are to be taken. On the method of placing this photograph we shall speak shortly. The microscope which views the photograph, and which we shall call the " photograph-microscope," lias a crossed wire, fixed in the field of view. On the other perforation of the base-plate there is placed, in a, receptacle adapted to its form, the " millimetre scale ; " a scale etched on glass, graduated to 240 millimetres ; its length is parallel to the length of the beam-compass. The microscope which views the scale, and which we shall rail the " scale-microscope," has the usual cross-wires carried by a micrometer-screw. INSTRUMENTS FOR MEASURE OF PHOTOGRAPHIC REGISTERS. (15) This combination evidently possesses the power of measuring the distance of any part of the photograph from some part of the millimetre scale, subject to a constant correction ; and therefore possesses the power of measuring the distance between any two parts of the photograph. We now proceed to the verification of the sub-divisions of the millimetre scale. A second millimetre scale is provided, similar to the first, but containing only 64 millimetre spaces. By placing this secondary scale in different positions under the photograph-microscope, we can use different portions of the principal scale to measure the whole or any part of the secondary scale. Thus, adopting as fundamental divisions of the principal scale the Nos. 20 and 148, we could use both the spaces 20 84 and 84 148 for comparison with the whole length of the secondary scale, and thus could find the relative error of division 84. This being established, we can adopt half the length of the secondary scale, and can use with it the spaces 2052 and 52 84 for the error of 52, and the spaces 84 116 and 116 148 for the error of 116. This process of bisection was carried on, with an extension for the first and last numbers of the scale, till the error of every graduation was determined. The photographic plates were mounted in the measuring apparatus by the following arrange- ment : The glass plates for the British Expedition were each 6 inches square ; those for the Australian photographers were 6| inches square. Circular brass plates of sufficient thickness were prepared ; that for the British photographs was lOf inches in diameter, and that for the Australian photographs 12^ inches in diameter. These plates were pierced with square holes, fitted to receive the photographic glass plates, and having ledges and 'springs for supporting and steadily holding them. The brass-plate was laid upon the base-plate of the micrometric instru- ment and pushed in laterally between two guides as far as was necessary, and was held steady by a spring. As the brass plate could be turned to any position in azimuth and could be pushed in to any extent, there was no difficulty in adjusting the direction of the line to be measured so as to make it coincide with the line of the beam-compass. For so adjusting the line joining the centers of the Sun and Venus a moveable wire-frame was provided : carrying a central wire ; a wire on each side parallel to it, at a distance very approximately equal to the radius of Venus ; and a wire on each side at a distance very approximately equal to the Sun's radius. The wires were made tangentially to touch the two images ; marks for the center wire were made on the brass plate at the place of the central wire ; and the adjustment on the base-plate was made with great facility. I now proceed to explain the use of the instrument for determining the distortion of images formed by the photoheliograph. Some years ago, Mr. Warren De la Rue constructed for a special purpose a scale of equal parts, 15 feet in length. The frame of this scale consists of three iron tube-columns, each 15 feet long, and % inch in diameter, braced together with diagonal bracings, so as to form a triangular prism 15 feet long with sides (center to center) about 12| inches apart. To one side of the prism are fixed eight iron plates, each 2 feet broad in the direction transverse to the length of the frame and 1 foot broad in the direction of the frame's length, with intermediate spaces of 1 foot each : it is this succession of plates and spaces which constitutes the scale of equal parts. The whole is beautifully worked. This instrument is (by Mr. De la Rue's kind permission) now preserved in the Royal Observatory. Our first requirement was, to satisfy ourselves, by our own examination, that the spaces are equal, with insignificant error. For this purpose, a curtate triangle (1) was prepared, whose sides approach at the ratio of 1 approach to 12 length of side ; and another frame (2) adapted to embrace (16) TRANSIT OP VENUS, 1874. APPENDIX. the curtate triangle in its whole height, as nearly as possible. These " trammels," as we called them, are made of sound hard oak wood, with the utmost care that carpenters could give. Definite corresponding points were adopted as those which represent very approximately on both trammels the interval 12 inches. With trammel (1) all the intervals between the plates were measured at both their extremities ; and with trammel (2) the breadth of every plate was measured at the same parts. Some numerical differences were thus ascertained, totally insensible in the further use of the scale. The scale, thus verified, was fixed above the north balustrades on the top of the Octagon Room of the Royal Observatory. By permission of the Governor of the Royal Naval College, a photo- graph-observatory was erected in the court of the Naval School, at a distance from the Royal Observatory (perhaps 1,500 feet) which permitted the image of the scale to occupy the greater part of tiie photographic plate when inserted in each of the photoheliographs. To this photographic hut was brought, in succession, each of the five heliographs used in the Transit Expedition ; and images of the scale were taken, in exactly the same way as the images of the Sun with Venus in the Transit. The photographs were then inserted in the micrometer-apparatus, and were measured, for both edges of each plate of the scale. The further treatment of these measures will be best understood from the inclosed specimen of Form 22. The words and figures in italic type are copied from a real observation. It is to be remarked that five revolutions of the micrometer correspond very nearly to one millimetre. It will be seen here that the amount of distortion is considerable. Observations were made with the tubes of the photoheliographs turned in different positions or "azimuths" round the optical axis of the telescopes, but no certain difference of distortion could be ascertained. The total number of sheets of Form 22 is about 300. The numbers (for each instrument) for " Excess of De la Rue's Scale" were collected from the different sheets, the means for (16) (1), (15) (2), &c., were taken, and the results were laid down in separate curves for the five instruments. These curves were smoothed down, and their ordinates were used to give corrections for the measures of the Transit Photographs. The following are the Corrections thus obtained by Major Tupman, applicable to the Readings in the several series of Photographs : Distance from Center. Corrections to the Readings in the several series of Photographs. Honolulu. Mokattam. Rodriguez. Kergnelcn. Burnbam. mm- mm. mm. mm. mm* . 3o + -o63 + '070 + '080 + -074 + -076 3l + -062 + -068 + '078 + "072 + -74 3i + '060 + '066 + -076 + '070 + '071 33* + 'oSy + -064 + '74 + '067 + -068 34 -r 'OSS + -062 + '0/1 + -064 + -o65 35 + -o5z + -o5g + '067 + -061 + '061 36 + -049 + -o56 + -o63 + -o58 + - o57 37 + -046 + -o53 + -059 + '054 + -o53 38 + '042 + '49 + -054 + -o5o + '49 39 + -o38 + -045 + - oSo + '046 + -04.5 CORRECTION OF MEASURE OF PHOTOGRAPHS FOR DISTORTION. (17) Distance from Center. Corrections to the Headings in 'the several series of Photographs. Honolulu. Mokattam. Rodriguez. Kerguelen. Burnham. 4 + 'o34 + '040 + -045 + "042 + '040 41 + - o3o + -o35 + 'o3g + -037 + -o35 42 + - O25 + -o3o + -o33 + -o32 + -o3o 43 + 'O20 + '025 + '027 + -027 + 'O25 44 + -oi5 + '019 + 'O2I + -02 1 + '02O 45 + 'OIO + -012 + '014 + 'oi5 + -014 46 + -oo5 + '006 + '008 + -009 + '007 47 'OOI ooo + 'OOI + -oo3 ooo 48 -007 '006 '006 - -oo3 '006 49 - -oi3 - -oi3 'OI2 'OIO - -oi3 So -019 -021 -O2O - -017 'O2O 5i '026 -029 - -028 '024 - -028 52 - "032 - -o3 7 - -o36 - -o3i - -o36 53 -039 '045 - -44 - -o38 - '44 54 '045 - -o53 - -o52 -046 - -o52 55 - o5z '061 '060 - -o53 '061 56 'oSg -069 -069 '061 '070 57 - -066 - -078 - -078 -069 - -79 58 - - 74 - -087 - -088 - -077 - -088 59 - -082 '096 - -098 - -086 - '97 60 '090 - M05 - -108 - '94 -106 61 - -098 - -u5 - -118 - -io3 - -n5 62 106 - -124 - -128 -112 - '125 63 - -114 - -i33 - -.3 9 121 - -i35 64 -122 - -i 4 3 - -i5i - -i3o - -I 4 5 65 - -i3i - 'l52 - -162. - -i3 9 - -i56 66 140 - -.62 - -174 - -148 - -167 67 - -149 - -172 - -i85 - -i5 7 - -178 68 - -i58 - -182 196 - -166 - -189 69 - -168 '192 - -208 - -i 7 5 '2OO 70 - '177 '2O2 - 2ZO - -i85 - aio In the application of these correctio.ns to the measures in Form 21 (see the specimen of that Form) there is a small theoretical doubt, depending on the different focal adjustments of the photoheliograph when used on Ue La Rue's Scale and when used in the Transit. The easiest method of adjusting to focus is by motion of the object-glass ; and in that case (see a short 3z (18) TRANSIT OF VENUS, l8?4. APPENDIX. investigation in the "Observatory," No. 16, Vol. ii., p. 122) the correction found from tiit- observation of the Scale is justly applicable to the photographs of the Transit. It is believed that this mode of adjustment was always employed ; and the corrections adopted in the use of Form 21 are made on that principle. If, however, the adjustment were made by altering the place of the photographic plate, a different correction would be required. The method of so placing the photograph-plate that the centers of the Sun and Venus would be in the longitudinal line of the measuring apparatus has been described. The crossed wire of the photograph-microscope can then be placed upon the 1st limb of the Sun, the 1st limb of Venus, the 2nd limb of Venus, and the 2nd limb of the Sun. The further treatment of the photographs will be understood from the inclosed specimen of Form 21. The line " Correction for difference of irradiation " was, in fact, never used. In some instances, the definition of the limb of Venus was not satisfactory. In particular, in the earlier observations at Mokattam (where the Sun rose with Venus on his disk) some of the images of the planet were much distorted. To obviate this, Major Tupman caused to be prepared a glass diaphragm, on which was engraved a circle somewhat smaller than the disk of Venus, and also crossed lines similar to the usual crossed wires ; and measures were taken for comparing the place of intersection of the wires with the center of the circle. The number of sheets of Form 21 employed in calculation is about 440. A portion of the measures was made by Major Tupman ; the greater part, however, by Mr. Burton : no other observer was employed on them. The clock-time of every exposure of the photoheliograph- plate for image having been noted, this time was converted into Greenwich Sidereal Time, the tabular distance of centers was com- puted, and the factors of the various possible errors (S n, 8 R.A., 8 N.P.D, 8 1, 8 R, S r) were formed, by the use of Forms 17, 18, 19, 20, exactly as for the eye-observations. The comparison of each of these tabular lines with the distance of centers found in Form 21 gave an equation. These equations were most carefully grouped by Major Tupman ; and solved, by the use of proper factors, in the form most favourable to accuracy. After laborious measures and calculations it was thought best to abstain from publishing the results of the photographic measures as comparable with those deduced from telescopic view. The considerations which led to this decision are stated by Major Tupman in a paper in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, volume 38, page 508 (1878, Supplementary Notice). They are mainly embodied in this : that, however well the Sun's limb on the photograph appeared to the naked eye to be defined, yet on applying to it :i microscope it became indistinct and untraceable, and when the sharp wire of the micrometer was placed on it it entirely disappeared. A great number of photographs (216 in all) have been received from the following stations, and are entered in Form 21: From India: Roorkee, 91. From Australia: Sydney, 60; Melbourne, 29 ; Woodford, 20 ; Eden, 16. APPARATUS FOR RAPID FORMATION OF PHOTOGRAPHS. (19) When the preparations for the Transit Expedition were far advanced, a proposal was published by M. Janssen for taking a photograph of Venus and a portion of the Sun's limb near to it at every second of time, or other short interval, near to the times of ingress or egress. It appeared desirable to make trial of this proposal ; and, under my general superintendence, an apparatus was prepared by Mr. Dallmeyer, with great skill, which appeared likely to carry out M. Janssen's proposals perfectly well. A circular photographic glass plate, lOf inches in diameter, mounted in a large ring whose circumference was cut in teeth, was so arranged that, when its frame was fixed upon the photographic end of the photoheliograph, with the photographic plane transversal to the optical axis of the instrument, it could be made to rotate by a small toothed-wheel spindle (whose axis was parallel to the optical axis), but not continuously. During a portion of the rotation of the spindle the large ring and photographic plate stood still ; and the plate was exposed to the Sun, and an image was formed. (This was effected by cutting away some of the spindle- teeth.) During the remaining portion of the rotation the sun-light was stopped, and the motion of the spindle gave motion to the ring and plate so as to expose a new part for a new photo- graphic image. The winch by which the spindle was turned was very near the center of motion of the great tube ; and it was found that, when turned by a careful hand, no tremor could be dis- covered in the photographic apparatus. The photographic images were to be measured by due adaptation of the photograph-micrometer. The number of images thus taken and entered in Form 21 was: At Thebes, 83; at Rod- riguez, 146 ; at Roorkee, 53. But they have not been further reduced. The ardour of the Observers had been much cooled by the apparent general failure of the photographic principle, and they were unwilling to spend further time on these reductions. 1881, June 10. G. B. AIRY, 4A (20) TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. APPENDIX. [FORM 22.] BRITISH EXPEDITION FOE OBSERVATION OF THE TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. MKASUBES of the PHOTOGRAPHS of the DE LA RUE SCALE. Reference to distinctive marks on the photograph . Plate 297, C. Instrument. Photographer, and time of photogra Burton. 1873, August 25. Burton. -1875, October 18. Whether at upper edge, center, or lo Upper. Set 2. r Correction for error of runs on 5 of micrometer . . . + 0-0195. Part measured. 1st Micr. Reading. 2d Micr. Reading. Mean. Core, for Div. Error. Corrected Reading. Corr. for Runs. ("first edge (1) mm. r 151. 2-630 -142. 3-276 133. 3-89$ 124. 4-716 116. 0-610 101. -1-6S3 98. 2-794 89. 4-052 81. 0-329 72. 1-493 63. 2-563 54. 3-619 45. 4-323 37. 0-280 2$. 0-830 19. 1-681 r 2-629 3-337 3-902 4-751 0-651 1-756 2-812 3-905 0-314 1-432 2-626 3-622 4-280 0-284 0-831 1-131 mm. 151-5259 142-6613 133-7800 124-9467 116-1261 107-3439 98-5606 89-7957 81 0643 72-2925 63-5189 54-7241 45-8603 37-0564 28-1661 19-3412 mm. f + -0080 \ 1 + -0103 J f + -0132 \ 1 + -0129 J ( + -0136 \ \ + -0152 J / + -0140 \ \ + -0185 J / + -0106 1 \ + -0025 J ( + -0075 1 \ + -006S J r + -0092 \ \ + -0109 J f + -0131 \ \ + -0-156 J f + -0085 \ 1 + -00^3 J r + -0120 \ \ + -0057 J" {+ -0064 1 + -0^02 J f + -0059 "1 1 + -0*42 / / + -0^34 1 \ + -0168 J J + -0299 1 1 + -00^7 J !+ -0092 1 + -0033 J + -0100 \ + -0067 J" mm. 151-5442 442-6874 133-8088 124-9792 116-1392 107-3582 98-5807 S9-8250 81-0741 72-3102 63-5355 54-7442 45-9005 37-0874 2S-1786 19-3579 Plate 1 -1 ("first edge (3) Plate 2 -j {first edge (5) (" first edge (7) Plate 4-^ ("first edge. (9) Plate ^ f first edge (11) Plate 6 -j |_second edge (12) ("first edge (13) Plate 7 i |_ second edge (14) f first edge (15) Plate 8 1 COMBINATIONS of the CORRECTED READINGS, independent of ZERO and CENTER-MEASURE. Quotient Corresponding Quantity Ranges, and their Measures. of each Measure on De la Rue's by the Sum. Material Scale. Excess of De la Rue's Scale. (16) - (1) 43S-4663 0-2349000 0-2343800 (15) - (2) 114-50$$ 0-2034864 0-203/357 (14) - (3) 96-7214 0-1118115 0-1118875 (13) - (4) 79-0~87 0-1405258 0--1406142 (12) - (5) 61-3950 0-109-10-12 0-1093703 (11) - (6) 43-8227 0-0778746 0-0131198 (10) - (7) 26-2105 0-0466837 0-04687-IO (9) _ (g) 8-7509 0-0155501 0-0156215 - 0-0005200 - 0-0003507 + 0-0000-100 + 0-0000884 + 0-0002691 + 0-0002452 + 0-0001873 + 0-0000708 Sum 562-7343 0-9999999 Signature of Computer, IJ.D. REMARKS : Azimuth of Scale t SPECIMENS OF FORMS 22 AND 21. (21) [FORM No. 21.] BEITISH EXPEDITION FOE OBSERVATION OF THE TRANSIT OF VENUS, 1874. MEASURES of SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHIC IMAGES made with the PHOTOHELIOGRAPH. Station, Keryuelen. Register Mark upoii the Photograph Plate, 8. h m I Other Registers, G. S. T., S. 59. 27 7- No. of Photograph in Form No. 17. Approx. Micr. Reading for 1st edge, center, 2d edge Correction for Runs of Micrometer for 5 revolutions , of Phot. Field. + 0- 0< mm. mm. ; ^ $7-0; 164 and 0- 1034. Micrometer Measures of Limbs of Sun and Venus. Order of Measures. 1st Limb of Sun. 1st Limb of Venus. 2d Limb of Venus. 2d Limb of Sun. 18~6. n mm. 31 2-169 2-232 2-288 3-342 3-239 3-174 mm. 123 4-940 4-949 5-004 126 1-354 1-269 1-240 mm. 129 1-731 1-663 1-604 3-142 3-224 3-194 mm. 134 0-414 0-442 0-370 1-993 1-980 2-049 Feb 11 .. <2 [3 f"4 Feb 12. \ 5 u Sums 16-444 33-756 14-538 7-248 mm. 31-54$-l + 0-0132 + 0-0110 mm. 126-1252 + 0-0132 + 0-0025 mm. 129-4S53 + 0-OOS3 + 0-0097 mm. 134-2416 + 0-0132 + 0-0048 Apply mean correction for Division Error "1 and Huns J Apparent Means corrected for Division"! 31-5743 + 0-056 126 1409 + 0-046 129-5033 + 0-030 134-2596 + 0-001 Correction for distortion Means finally corrected (1) 31-630 (2) 126-187 (3) 129-534 (4) 134-261 Repeat (1) under (4), and (2) under (-3) ... (2) 126-187 (1) 31-630 .;.;/, 39-1 42-3 47-3 Computation of the Distance of Centers of Sun and Venus. Tabular Quantities. Measured Quantities. i Diameter of Sun 193*. f 1-62 >-$4 (4) -(!) = Diameter of S (3) - (2) = Diameter of " Sum. . mm. 5un 102'631 Diameter of Venus 6i Penus 3-347 Sum of Tabular Diameters 2016 A6 103-07$ Its logarithm (5) 3-30* ,590 "215 Correction for difference of irradiation . . Corrected sum of Measured Diameters . . .. - o- Subtract log. sum of Meas. Diameters . 2' 02i .. 375 '239 (4) + (1) = double reading for Sun's center. 165-891 Sub. (3) + (2) or double reading for ? center 255- 721 Add log. Distance of centers in mm. . 1-6i Double distance of centers in mm 89-830 Distance of centers in m m 44-915 Log. Meas. Distance of centers in arc. 2-9i Adil log. 2 0-3( H77 )103 )541 Measured distance of cen Number = Factor of (S ff ters in arc 34 61 Add ar. co. (5) 6-6< Sum 9'9i '821 Kemarks. The center of field 6"""- below the common diameter of Venus and Sun. (Signature of Measurer of Photograph), C. E. BURTON. (Signature of Computer), H. P. \ LONDON: Printed by GEOKGE E. EVBE and WILLIAM SPOTTISWOO'JE, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. For Her Majesty's Stationery Office. [17091. 750. 7/81.] \ Rl T< 1 ff JIT RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by callina (510)642-6753 1-year loans may be recharged by brinqinq books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW AUG 7 2003 DD20 15M 4-02 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD 19 BERKELEY, CA 94720 VE 02226