Prof. John S. Tatlock SELECT WORKS OF JOHN T Y N D A L L n FORMS OF WATER. LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY, SIX LECTURES ON LIGHT. NEW YORK; JOHN B. ALDEN, PUBLISHER, 1886, Tff FORMS OF WATER. BY JOHN TYNDALL. AUCTION. \ v Clou.!?, Hair,s. and Rivers S t :{. Too Waves of Li?.ht SO i. The Wavej cf He it which produce the VapLi- of our Atmosphere and ineit our Glaciers 80 5. Experiments to prove the foregoing statements 88 6 Oceanic 1 UstiUation tf9 7. Tropical Rains 90 8. Mountain Condensers 91 9. Architecture of Snow 92 10. Atomic Poles , 92 1 1. Architecture of Lake Ice 94 li'i. The Source of the Arveiron. Ice Pin- nacles, Towers, and Chasms of the Glacier des Bois. Passage to the Montanvert 91 13. The Mer de Glace and its Sources. Our First Climb to the Cleft Station.. . 93 1 1. Ice-cascade and Snows of the Col du Geant 90 15. Questioning tue Glaciers 97 1(3. Branches and Medial Moraines of the Mer de Glace from, the Cleft Station. . . 7 1". The Talefre and the Jardin. Work among the Crevasses 98 1.1 First Questions regarding Glacier Mo- tion. Drifting of Bodies Buried in Crevassa 93 19. Tho Motion of Glaciers. Measurements by Hugi and AgaseLf. Drifting of Huts on the Ico 100 i.0. Precise Measurements of Agassiz and Forbes. Motion of a Glacier proved to resemble the Motion of a River 100 1\. The Theodolite and its Use. Our own Measurements 101 22. Motion of the Mer de Glace 101 23. Unequal Motiou of the- two feides of the Mer de Glace .103 24. Suggestion of a new Likene-ss of Gla- cier Motiou to Biver Motion. Con- jecture tested ... 104 25. New Law of Glacier Motion 106 26. Motion of Ax>a of Mer de Glace 106 27. Motion of Tributary Q-laxjiens IQn 2*. Motion ot Top r.nd Bottom of Glacier. .1^5 29. Lateral Compression of a Gi-iccer 106 SECTJ.ON. TAGS. u'). Longitudinal Compression, of a Glacier IOC ol. Sliding and Flowing. Hard Ice and Soft l^e 107 3>. Winter ou the Mer d 3 Glace 107 33. Winter Motion of the Mer do Glace . . . . 108 84. Motion of th3 Grindelwaid and Aletsch Glacier Kh 35. Motion of Morteratsch Glacier 109 36. Birth of a Crevasse: .Reflections lv>9 37. Icicles 110 38. The Bergscnrund 110 ;-9. TransvfcToO Crevasses Ill 40. Marginal Crevasses Ill 41. Longitudinal Crevasses 112 42. Crevasses in relation, to Curvature of Glacier 112 43. Mor nine-ridge>, Glacier Tablc-s, and Sand Conej . , 113 4 4 The Glacier Mills or Moulins 114 4') Tne Changes of Volume of Water l.y Heat and Cold 115 43. Consequences flowing from the fore- gning f roperties of Water. Correction of Errors " 116 47- The Molecular Mechanism of Water- Congelation 11 f> 4S. The Dirt Bands of the Mer de Glace. . .117 al) Sea-ice and Icebergs 119 50. The JEggischhorn, the MurgelLa See and its icebergs , 119 01. The Bel Alp 121 r>2. The Kitfelherg and Gorner Glacier.. .. 121 ;~>3. Ancient Glaciers of Switzerland 122 54. Erratic Block* 123 f>5. Ancient Glaciers of Engkmd, Ireland, Scotland, acd Wales 123 56. The Glacier Epoch 1 24 57. Glacial Theories 125 58. Dilation and Sliding Theories 125 59. Plastic Theory 12 " 00. Viscous Theory 1 -(> 61. Regelation Theory 127 02. Cause of Ke^eiatkm 12* 63. Faraday's View of Regelation ... 129 64. The Uluc Veins of Glaciers ISO 05 Relation of Mructur^ io Pressure 132 0<5. Slate Cleavage and Glacier Lamination 133 07. Conclusion ,, ....13 ivi300S91 THE FORMS OF WATER IN CLOUDS AND RIVERS, ICE AND GLACIERS, BY JOHN TYNDALL, LL.D., F.R.S., PROFESSOR OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY IN THE ROYAL INSTITUTION, LONDON. WITH NINETEEN ILLUSTRATIONS DRAWN UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE AUTHOR. PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. AT a meeting of the Managers of the Royal Institution held on December 12th, 1825, " the Committee appointed to consider what lectures should be delivered in the Institu- tion in the next session," reported " that they had consulted Mr. Furaday on the subject of engaging him to take a part in the juvenile lectures proposed to be given during the Christmas and Easter recesses, and they found his avocations were such that it Would be exceedingly inconvenient for him to engage in such lectures." At a general monthly meeting of the mem- bers of the Royal Institution, held on Do- cember 4th, 1826, the Managers reported " that they had engaged Mr. \Vallis to deliver a course of lectures on Astronomy, adapted to a juvenile auditory, during the Christmas vacation." In a report dated April 16th, 1827, the Board of Visitors express " their satisfaction at finding that the plan of juvenile courses of lectures has been resorted to. They feel sure that the influence of the Institution can- not be extended too far, and the system of nstructing the younger portion of the com- munity is one of the most effective means Which the Institution possesses foi the diffu- :2on of science." Faraday's holding aloof was but tempo- IS", for at Christmas. 1827, we iiud him giving a " Course of Six Elementary Lectures on Chemistr}', adapted tc a Juvenile Audi- tory."* The Easter lectures were soon abandoned ; but from the date here referred to to the pres- ent time the Christmas lectures have been a marked feature of the Royal Institution. In 1871 it fell to my lot'to give one of these courses. I had been frequently invited to write on Glaciers in encyclopedias, journals, and magazines, but had always declined to do so. I had also abstained from making them the subject of a course of "lectures, wishing to take no advantage of my position here, and indeed to avoid writing a line or uttering a sentence on the subject for whicb 1 could not be held personally responsible. In view of the discussions which the subject had provoked, I thought this the fairest course. But, in 1871, the time (I imagined) had come, when, without risk of offence, I might tell our young people something about the labors of those who had unravelled for their instruction the various problems of the ice- world. My lamented friend and ever-helpful counsellor, Dr. Bence Jones, thought the subject a good one, and accordingly it was chosen. Strong in my sympathy with youth, and remembering the damage done by defec- tive exposition to my own young mind, I sought, to the best of my abiiity, to confer upon these lectures clearness, thoroughness, 84 THE FORMS OF WATER and life. Wishing, moreover, to render them of per- manent value, I wrote out copious Notes ol the course, and had them distributed among the boys and girls. In preparing these Notes I aimed at nothing less than presenting to my youthful audience, in a. concentrated but perfectly digestible form, every essential point embraced in the literature of the gia- ciers, and some things in addition, which, derived as they were from my own recent researches, no book previously published on the subject contained. E'.H my theory of education agrees with th*5 v>f JSmeraoii. according to which instruc- tion is only half the battle, what he calls provocation being the other half. By Ihis he means that power of the teacher, through the force of his character and the vitality of his thought, to bring out all the latent strength of his pupil, and to invest with in- terest even the driest matters of detail. In the present instance I was determined to shirk nothing essential, however dry ; and, to keep my mind alive to the requirements of my pupil, I proposed a series of ideal rambles, in which he should be always at my side. Oddly enough, though 1 was here dealing with what might be called the ab- stract idea of a boy, I realized his presence so fully as to entertain for him, before our excursions ended, an affection consciously warm and real. The Notes here referred to were at first intended for the use of my audience alone. At the urgent request of a friend I slightly expanded them, and converted them into the little book here presented to the reader. The amount of attention bestowed upon the volume induces me to give this brief history of Us origin. A German critic, whom I have no reason to regard as specially favorable to me or it, makes the following remark on the style of the book : " This passion [for the mountains] tempts him to reveal more of his Alpine wanderings than is necessary for his demon- strations. Thu reader, however, will not find this a disagreeable interruption of the couise of thought; for the book thereby gains wonderfully in vividness." This, I would say, was the express aim of the breaks referred to. I desired to keep my companion fresh, as well as instructed, and these inter- ruptions were so many breathing-places where the intellectual tension was purposely relaxed and the mind of tlie pupil braced to fresh action. Of other criticisms, flattering and other- wise, I forbear to speak. A>5 regards some ftf them, indeed, it would be a reproach to that manliness which I have sought to en- courage in my pupil to return blow for blow. If the reader be acquainted with them, this will let him know how I regard them ; and if he be not acquainted with them, I wouM recommend him to ignore them, and to form his own judgment of this book. No fair- minded person who reads it will dream that I, in writing it, had thought of acting other- wise than justly and generously toward K:? predecessors, the last of whom, 1o the grief of all who knew him, has recently passed away. JOHN TYNDALL. APBIL, 1874. 1. CLOUDS, RAINS, AND RIVERS. 1. EVERY occurrence in Nature is preceded by otner occurrences which arc its causes, and succeeded by others which arc its effects. The human mind is not satisfied with observ- ing and studying any natural occurrence, alone, but takes pleasure in connecting every natural fact with what has gone before if. and with what is to come after it. _ 2. Thus, when we enter upon the study of rivers and glaciers, our interest will bo great- ly augmented by taking into account not only their actual appearances, but also their causes and effects. o. Let us trace a river to its source. Be- ginning where it empties itself into the sea, and following it backward, we find it from time to tinu joined by tributaries which swell its waters. The river of course be- comes smaller as these tributaries are passed. It shrinks first to a brook, then to a stream ; this again divides itself into a number of smaller streamlets, ending in mere threads of water. These constitute the source of tlu river, and are usually found among hills. j 4. Thus the Severn lias its source in th.>' Welsh Mountains ; the Thames in the Cots- wold Hills ; the Danube in tin? hills of tlie Black Forest ; the Rhine and the Rhone in the Alps ; the Ganges in the Himalaya Mountains ; the Euphrates near Mount Ara rat ; the Garonne in t.'ie Pyrenees ; the- Elbe in the Giant Mountains of I5oheni.':i ; tho Missouri in the Rocky Mountains, and the Amazon in the Andes of Peru. 5. But it is quite plain that we have not yet reached the real beginning of the liters. Whence do the earliest streams derive their water? A brief residence among tlie moun- tains would prove to you that they are fed by rains. In dry weather you would find the streams feeble, sometime? indeed quitu dried up. In wet weather yc'i would see them foaming torrents. la general these streams lose themselves as littlo threads of water upon the hill-sides ; but. srmcliuies you may trace a river to a definite spring. Tho river Albula in Switzerland, for instance, rushes at its origin in considerable volumo from a mountain-side. But you very soon assure yourself that such springs are also fed by rain, which has percolated through the rocks or soil, and which, through some ori- fice that it has found or formed, comes to the light of day. 0. But we cannot end here. Whence comes the rain which forms the mountain streams? Observation enables you to an- swer the question. Rain does not'come from a clear sky. It comes from clouds. But w T hat are clouds ? Is there nothing you are acquainted with which they resemble ? You discover at once a likeness between them and the condensed steam of a locomotive. 'At IN CLOUDS AND RIVERS, ICE AND GLACIERS. 85 every puff of the engine a cloud is projected into the air. Watch the cloud sharply : you notice that it first forms at a little distance from the top of the funnel. Give close at- tention and you will sometimes see a per- fectly clear space between the funnel and the cloud. Through that clear space the thing which makes the cloud must pass. What, then, is this thing which at one moment is transparent and invisible, and at the next moment visible as a dense opaque cloud ? 7. It is the steam or xapor of water from the boiler. Within the boiler this steam is transparent and invisible ; but to keep it in this invisible state a heat would be required as great as that within the boiler. When the vapor mingles with the cold air above the hot funnel it ceases to be vapor. Every bit of steam shrinks, when chilled, to a much more minute particle of water. The liquid parti- cles thus produced form a kind of water-dust of exceeding fineness, which floats in the air, and is called a cloud. 8. Watch the cloud-banner from the fun- nel of a running locomotive ; you see it growing gradually less dense. It finally nuilts away altogether, and it' you continue your observations you will not fail to notice that the speed of its disappearance depends upon the character of the day. In humid weather the cloud hangs long and lazily in the air ; in dry weather it is rapidly licked up. What has become of it? It luis been reconverted into true invisible vapor. 9. The drier the air, and the Iwtter the air, the greater is the amount of cloud which can be thus dissolved in it. When the cloud first forms, its quantity is far greater than the air is able to maintain in an ^invisible stale. But as the cloud mixes gradually with a larger mass of air it is more an :1 more dis- solved, and finally passes altogether from the condition of a finely-divided liquid into that of transparent vapor or gas. 10. Make the lid of a kettle air-tight, and permit the steam t^> issue from the pipe ; a cloud is precipitated in all respects similar to that issuing from the funnel of the locomo- tive. 11. Permit the steam as it issues from the pipe to pass through the flame of a spirit- lamp, the cloud is instantly dissolved by the heat, and is not again precipitated. With a special boiler and a special nozzle the exper- iment may be made more striking, but not more instructive, than with the kettle. 12. Look to your bedroom windows when the weather is very cold outside ; they some- times stream with water derived from the condensation of the aqueous vapor from your own lungs. The windows of" railway car- riages in winter show this condensation in a striking manner. Tour cold water into a dry drinking-glass on a summer's day : the out- fci'iu surface of the glass becomes instantly uunmccl by the precipitation of moisture. On a warm day you notice no vapor in front of your mouth, but on a cold day yi-u form there a little cloud derived from ihe conden- sation of the aqueous vapor from the hir^r. 13. You may notice in a ball-room that as long as the door and windows are kept, closed, and the room remains hot, the air re- mains clear ; but when the doors or windows are opened a dimness is visible, caused by the precipitation to fog of the aqueous vapor of the ball-room. If the weather be intensely cold the entrance of fresh air may even cause now to fall. This has been observed in Rus- sian ball-rooms ; and also in the subterranean stables at Erzeroom, when the doors are opened and the cold morning air is permitted to enter. 14. Even on the driest day this vapor is never absent from our atmosphere. The vapor diffused through the air of this room may be congealed to hoar frost in your pres- ence This is done by filling a vessel with, a mixture of pounded ice and salt, which is colder than the ice itself, and which, there- fore, condenses and freezes the aqueous vapor. The surface of the vessel is finally coated with a frozen fur, so thick that it may he scraped away and formed into a snow- ball. 15. To produce the cloud, in the case of the locomotive and the kettle, heat is neces- sary. By heating the wakr we first convert it into steam. &ne understood. You now per- ceive the important, part played by these large darkness-waves, if I may use the term, in the work of evaporation. When they plunge into seas, lakes, and rivers, they are intercepted close to the surface, and they heat the water at the surface, thus causing it to evaporate ; the light-waves at the samd time entering to great depths without sensibly heating the water through which they pass. Not only, therefore, is it the sun's fire which produces evaporation, but a particular con- stituent of that lire, the existence of which you probably w r ere not aware of. 30. Further it is these self-same lightless waves which, falling upon the g'.aei .TS of the Alps, melt the ice and prot'-.ico all Hie rivers flowing from the glaciers ; f;>i* I shall prove to you presently that the light-waves, even when concentrated to the uttermost, are unable to melt the most delicate hoar-lro^t ; much less would they be able to produce tlu copious liquefaction observed upon the glo- ciers. 37. These large lightless waves of the sun, as well as the heat-waves issuing 1 _>m non- luminous hot bodies, are frequently called obscure or invisible heat. We have here an example of the nv.nner in which phenomena, apparently remote, are connected together in this wonderful system of things that we call Nature. You cannot study a snow-Hake profoundly wiihout being- led back by it step by step to the constitution of the sun. It is thus throughout Nature. All its parts are interdependent, and tho study of any one part completely would really involve the study of all g 5. EXPERIMENTS TO PROVE VIIE FORE- GOING STATEMENTS. 38 Heat issuing from any source not visi- bly red cannot be concentrated so as to pro- duce the intense effects just referred to. To produce these it is necessary to employ the obscure heat of a body raised to the highest possible state of incandescence. The sun is such a body, and its dark heat is therefore suitable for experiments of this nature. 39. But in the atmosphere of London, and for experiments such as ours, the heat-waves emitted by coke raised to intense whiteness by a current of electricity are much more manageable than the sun's waves. The elec trie light has also the advautage that rts dark radiation embraces a larger proportion of the total radiation than the dark heat of tiie sun. In fact, the force 01 energy, if 1 may use the term, of the daik Avaves of the electric light is fully seven times that of its lightwaves. The electric light, therefore, shall be em- ployed in our experimental demons! rat ions. 40. From Ibis source a powerful beam u sent throuirh the room, revealing its track by the motes floating in the air of the room ; for were the mo'es entirely absent the beam would be unseen. It falls unon a concave mirror (a glass one silvered behind will an- swer) and is gathered up by the mirror into a cone of reflected rays ; the luminous apex of the cone, which is the/ocw of the mirror, being about fifteen inches distant from its reflecting SMI face. Let us uiaik the* focus accurately by a pointer. 41. And now let us place in the path of the beam a substance perfectly opaque tr light. This substance is iodine dissolved m a liquid called bisulphide of carbon. Tho light at the focus instantly vanishes when the dark solution is introduced. But the so iution is intensely transparent to the dark waves, and a focus of such waves remains m the air of the room after the light has been abolished. You may feel the heat of these waves with your hand ; you may let them fall upon a thermometer, and thus prove their presence ; or, best of all, you may cause them to produce a current of electric- ity, which Reflects a large magnetic needle. The magni' .do of the deflection is a measure of the htMVi 42. Cm n \jeel now is, by the use of a more power, til lamp, and a better mirror (one silvered in front and with a shorter focal dis- tance), to intensify the action here rendered so sensible. As before, the focus is rendered strikingly visible by the intense illumination of the dust particles. We will first filter the beam so as to intercept its dark waves, and then permit the purely luminous waves to sxert their utmost power on a small bundle of gun-cotton placed at the focus. 4;j. No effect whatever b produced. The gun-cotton might remain there for a week without ignition Let us now permit the uunitered beam t:> act upon the cotton. It is instantly dissipated in an explosive flash. This experiment proves that the light-waves are incompetent to explode the cotton, while th3 waves of the full beam are compel ent to do so ; hence we may conclude that the dark waves are the real airents in- the explosion 1 . 44. But this conclusion would be only probable ; for it might be urged that the mixture of the dark waves an.l the light waves is necessary to produce the result. Let us then, by means of our opaque solution, isolate our dark waves and converge them on the cotton. It explodes as before. 45. Hence it is the dark waves, and they only, that are concerned in the ignition of the cotton. 46. At the same dark focus sheets 01 plati- num are raised to vivid redness ; zinc is IN CLOUDS AND RIVERS, ICE AND GLACIERS. 80 burned ur> , paper instantly blazes , magne- sium wire is ignited ; charcoal witiim a ra- ceivt- r coutainiTig oxygen is set binning : a diamond similarly placed is caused to glow like a star, being afterward gradually dissi- pated. And all this while the air at the fo- "iis remains as cool as in any other part of the room. 47. To obtain the light-waves we employ a clear solution of alum in water ; to obtain the dark waves we employ tho solution of iodine above referred to. But as before stated (32), the aluui. is not so perfect a tiller as the iodine ; / : or it uausmits a portion of the obscure her i. 48. Though the light-waves here prove their incompetence to ignite gun-cotton, they arc able to burn up black paper ; or, indeed, to explode the cotton when it is blackened. The white cotton does not absorb the light, and without absorption we have no heating. The blackened cotton absorbs, is heated, and explodes. 49. Instead of a solution of alum, we will employ for our next experiment a cell of pure water, through which the light passes with- out sensible absorption. At the focus is placed a test-tube also containing water, thtt full force of the light being concentrated upon it. The water is not sensibly warmed by the conoentiated waves. We now re- move the cell of water ; no change is visible in the beam, but the water contained in the test-tube now boils. 50. The light-waves being thus proved in- effectual, and the full beam effectual, we may infer that it is the dark waves that do the woi k of heating. But we clinch our inference by employing our opaque iodine filter. Placing it on the path of the beam, the light is en- tirely stopped, but the water boils exactly as it did when the full beam fell upon it. 51. The truth of the statement made in paragraph 34 is thus demonstrated. 52. And now with regard to the im llinrj of ice. On the surface of a flask contain:^ a freezing mixture we obtain n thick fur of hoar- frost (Par. 14). Sending the beam through a water-cell, its luminous waveo c,n; concen- ( rated upon the surface of too E.a*"^ Not a spicula of the frost is disso'l^ti. ''* e now remove the water-cjll, and in ,'i moment a patch of the frozen fur as le.rge as half-a-crown is melted. Hence, inasmuch as the full beam produces this effect, and the luminous part of the beam does not produce it, we fix upon the dark portion the melting of the frost. 53. As before, we clinch this inference by concentrating the dark waves alone upon the Mask. The frost is dissipated exactly as it was by the full. beam. 54. These effects are rendered strikingly visible by darkening with ink the freezing mixture within the flask. When the hoar- frost is removed, the blackness of the surface from which it had been melted comes out in strong cor- ~ st with the adjacent su.wy 'vt!t,eness. f^hen the flask itself, instead of the -freezing mixture, is blackened, the purely luminous waves bein absorbed by the glass. w&rm it ; the glass reacts upon the frost nnd melts it. Hence the wisdom of darkening, instead of the ikisk itself, the mixture within the flask. t 55. This experiment proves to demonstra- tion the statement in paragraph 30 : that it is the dark waves of the sun that nit-It thy mountain snow and ice, and originate all the rivers derived from glaciers. There are writers who seem to regard science as an aggregate of facts, nnd hence doubt its efficacy as an exercise of the rea- soning powers. But all that I have here taught you is the result of reason, taking its stand, however, upon the sure basis of ob- servation and experiment. And this is the spirit in which our further studies are to be pursued. o. OCEANIC DISTILLATION. 56. IN.e sun, you know, is never exactly overhead in England. But at the equator, and within certain limits north and south of it. the sun &t certain periods of the year is directly overhead at noon. These limits are called the Tropics of Cancer and of Capri- corn. Upon the belt comprised between these two circles the sun's rays fall with their mightiest power ; for here they shoot directly downward, and heat both earth and sea more* than when they strike slantingly. 57. When the vertical sunbeams strike the-- land they heat it, and the air in contact with, the hot soil becomes heated in turn. But. when heated the air expands, and when it expands it becomes lighter. This lighter air- rises, like wood plunged into waler.lh rough the heavier air overhead. 58. When the sunbeams fall upon the sea the water is warmed, though not so much as. the land. The warmed water expands, be- comes thereby lighter, and therefore continues, to float upon the top. This upper layer of water warms to some extent the air in contact with it, but it also sends up a quantity of aqueous vapor which, being far lighter than air, helps the latter to rise. Thus both from the land and from the sea we have ascending- currents established by the action of the sun! 59. When they reach a certain elevation in. the atmosphere, these currents divide and flow, part toward the north and part toward the south ; -jvliiie from the north and the south a flow of heavier and colder air sets in to. supply the place of the ascending warm air. 60. Incessant circulation is thus established in the atmosphere. The equatorial air and vapor flow above toward the north and south poles, while the polar air flows below toward the equator. The two currents of air thus established are called the upper and the lower trade-winds. 61. But before the air returns from the poles great changes have occurred. For the air as it quitted the equatorial regions was laden with aqueous vapor, which could not subsist in the cold polar regions. It is there precipitated, falling sometimes as rain, or more commonly as snow. The land near the pole is covered with this snow, which gives 00 THE FORMS OF WATER birth to vast glaciers in a manner hereafter to be explained. 02. It is necessary that you should have a perfectly clear view of this process, for great mistakes have been made regarding the man- ner in which glaciers are related to the heat of the sun. 63. It was supposed that if the sun's heat were diminished, greater glaciers than those now existing would be produced. But the lessening of the sun's heat would infallibly diminish the quantity of aqueous vapor, and thus cut otf the glaciers at their source. A brief illustration^will complete your knowl- edge here. 64. lu the process of ordinary distillation, the liquid to be distilled is heated and con- verted into vapor in one vessel, and chilled and reconverted into liquid in another. What has just been stated renders it plain that the earth an 1 its atmosphere constitute a vast distilling apparatus in which the equatorial ocean piays the part of the boiler, and the chill regions of the poles the part of the con- denser. In this process of distillation /teat plays quite as necessary a part as cold, and before Bishop Heber could speak of " Green- land's icy mountains," the equatorial ocean had to be warmed by the sun. We shall have more to say upon this question after- ward. ILLUSTRATIVE EXPERIMENTS. 05. I have said that when heated, air ex- pands. If you wish to verify this for your- self, proceed thus. Take an empty flask, Btop it by a cork ; pass through the cork a narrow glass tube. By heating the tube in a spirit-lamp you can bend it downward, so that when the flask is standing upright the open end of the narrow tuba may dip into water. Now cause the flame of your spirit- lamp to play against the flask, The flam 3 heats the glass, the glass heats the air ; the air expands, is driven through the narrow tube, and issues in a storm of bubbles from the water. 66. Were the heated air unconfmed, it woull rise in the heavier cold air. Allow a sun- beam or any other intense light to fall upon a white wall or screen in a dark room. Bring u heated poker, a candle, or a gas-flame un- derneath the beam. An ascending current rises from the heated body through the beam, and the action of the air upon the light is such as to render the wreathing and waving of the current strikingly visible upon the screen. When the air is hot enough, anJ therefore light enough, if entrapped in a paper bag it carries the bag upward, and you have the fire balloon. 67. Fold two sheets of paper into two cones, and suspend them with their closed points upward from the end of a delicate balance. See that the cones balance each other. Then place for a moment the flame of a spirit-lamp beneath the open base of one of them ; the hot air ascends from the lamp and instantly tosses upward the cone above it. 68. Into an inverted glass shade introduce a little simks. Let the air come to r-?st. an 1 then simply place your hand at (he open mouth of the shade/ Mimic hurricanes nre produced by the air warmed by the hand, which are strikingly visible when the smoka is illuminated by a strong light. 69. The heating of the tropical air by the sun is indirect. The solar beams have scarce- ly any power to heat the air through which they pass ; but they heat the laud and ocean, and these communicate their heat to the air in contact with them. The air and vapor start upward charged with the heat thus communicated. 7. TROPICAL RAINS. 70. But long before the air and vapor from the equator reach the poles, precipitation occurs. Wherever a hurnid warm wind mixes with a cold dry one, rain falls. In- deed the heaviest rains occur at those places where the sun is vertically overhead. We must inquire a little more closely into their origin. 71. Fill a bladder about two thirds full of air at the sea-level, and take it to the summit of Mont Blanc. As you ascend, the bladder becomes more and more distended ; at the top of the mountain it is fully distended, and has evidently to bear a pressure from within. Returning to the sea-level you find that the tightness disappears, the bladder finally ap- pearing as flaccid as at first. 72. The reason is plain. At the sea-level the air within the bladder has to bear the pressure of the whole atmosphere, being thereby squeezed into a comparatively small volume. In ascending the mountain, you leave more and more of the atmosphere be- hind ; the pressure becomes less and less, and by its expansive force the air within the bladder swells as the outside pressure is di- minished. At the top of the mountain the expansion is quite sufficient to render the bladder tight, the pressure within being then actually greater than the pressure without. By means of an air-pump we can show the expansion of u balloon partly filled with air, when the external pressure has been in part removed. 78. But why do I dwell upon this ? Sim- ply to make plain to you that the unconfined air, heated at the earth's surface, and as- cending by its lightness, must expand more and more the higher it rises in the atmos- phere. 74. And now I have to introduce to you a new fact, toward the statement of which 1 have been working for some time. It is this : The ascending air is chilled by its expan- sion. Indeed this chilling is one source of the coldness of the higher atmospheric re- gions. And now fix your eye upon those mixed currents of air and aqueous vapor which lise from the warm tropical ocean. They start with plenty of heat to preserve the vapor as vapor ; but as they rise they come into regions already chilled, and they are still further chilled by their own expansion. .The consequence mio;ht be foreseen. Th IN CLOUDS AND RIVERS, ICE AND GLACIERS. load of vapor is in great part precipitated, dense clouds are formed, their particles coa- lesce to rain-drops, which descend daily in gushes so profuse that the word " torren- tial " is used to express the copiousness of the rainfall. I could shoTv you this chilling by expansion, and also the consequent pre- cipitation of clouds. 75. Thus long before the air from the equator reaches the poles, its vapor is iu great part removed from it, having rede sccnded to the earth as rain. Still a good quantity of the vapor is carried forward, which yields hail, rain, and snow in noUhem and southern lands. ILLUSTRATIVE EXPERIMENTS. 76. I have said that the air is chilled during its expansion. Prove this, if you like, thus. With a condensing syringe, you can force air into an iron box furnished with a stopcock, to which the syringe is screwed. Do so till the density of the air within the box is doubled or trebled. Immediately after this condensation, both the box and the air within it are wajm, and can be proved to be so by a proper thermometer. Simply turn the cock and allow the compressed air to stream into the atmosphere. The current, if allowed to strike a thermometer, visibly chills it ; and with other instruments the chill may to made more evident still. Even the hand feels the chill of the expanding air. 77. Throw a strong light, a concentrated sunbeam for example, across the issuing cur- rent ; if the compressed nir be oidinary humid air, you sec the precipitation of a liltlc cloud by the chill accompanying the expan- sion. This cloud-formation may, however, be better illustrated in the following way : 78. In a darkened room send a Mrong beam of light through a glass tube three feet long and three inches wide, stopped at its ends by glass plates. Connect the tube by means of a stopcock with a vessel of about one fourth its capacity, from which the air has been removed by an air-pump. The ex- hausted cylinder of the pump itself will an- s\ver capitally. Pill the glass lube with humid air ; then simply turn on the stopcock which connects it with the exhausted vessel. Having more room the air expands, cold ac- companies the expansion, find, as a conse- quence, a dense and brilliant cloud imme- diately fills the tube. If the expeiiment be made ^for yourself aione, you may see the cloud in ordinary daylight ; indeed, the brisk exhaustion of any receiver filled with humid air is known to produce this condensation. 79. Other vapors than that of water may be thus precipitated, some of them yielding clouds of intense brilliancy, and displaying iridescences, such as are sometimes, but not frequently, seen in the clouds floating over the Alps. 8'J. In science, what is true for the small is true for the large. Thus by combining the conditions observed on a large scale in nature we obtain on a small scale the Dhe- nomena of atmospheric clouds. 8. MOUNTAIN CONDENSERS. 81. To complete our view of the process of atmospheric precipitation we must take into account the action of mountains. Imagine a south-west wind blowing across the At- lantic towaid Ireland. In its passage it charges itself with aqueous vapor. In the south of Ireland it encounters the mountains of Kerry : the highest of these is Magilli- cuddy's Reeks, mar Killatne}'. Now the lowest stratum of this Atlantic wind is that which is most fully charged with vapor. When it encounters the base of the Kerry mountains it is tilted up and flows bodily over them. Its load of \apor is therefore cairied to a height, it expands on reaching the height, it is chilled in consequence of the expansion, and comes down in copious show- ers of rain. From this, in fact, arises the luxuriant vegetation of Killainey ; to this, indeed, the lakes owe their water supply. The cold crests of the mountains also aid in the work of condensation. 82. Note the consequence. There is a town called C.diirciveen, to the south-west of Mcigillicudely's Reeks, at which observations of the rainfall have been made, and a good distance further to the north-east, right in the course of the south-west wind, there is another town, called Pottariington, at which observations of rainfall have also been made. But before the wind reaches the latter station it has passed over the mountains of Kerry juid left a great portion of its moisture be- hind it. What is the result? At Cahirci- wen, as shown by Dr. Lloyd, the raini'all amounts to 51) inches in a year, while at Portarlington it is only 21 inches. 80. Again, you may sometimes descend from the Alps, when the fall of rain and snow is heavy and incessant, into Italy, anil find the sky* over the plains of Lombardy blue and cloudless, the wind at the sam* time blowing over tJie plain toward the Alps. Below the wind is hot enough to keep its vapor in a perfectly transparent state ; but it meets the mountains, is tilted up, expanded; and chilled. The cold of the higher summits also helps the chill. The consequence is that the vapor is precipitated as rain or snow, thus producing bad weather upon the heights, while the plains below, flooded with the same air, enjoy the aspect of the un- clouded summer sun. Clouds blowing from the Alps are also sometimes dissolved over the plains of Lombardy. 84. In connection with the formation of clouds by mountains, one particularly in- structive effect may be here noticed. You frequently see a streamer of cloud many hundred yards in length drawn out from an Alpine peak. Its steadiness appears perfect, though a strong wind may be blowing at the same time over th3 mountain-head. Why is the cloud not blown away? It is blown away ; its permanence is qnly apparent. At ene end it is incessantly dissolved, at the other end it is incessantly renewed : supply and consumption being thus equalized, the 93 THE FORMS OF WATER cloud appears as changeless as tfee mountain duced in calm air, the icy particles build to which it seems to cling. When the red themselves into beautiful stellar shapes, inch sun of the evening shines upon these cloud- star possessing six rays. There is no rievia- Rtreamers they resemble vast torches with tion from this type, though in other respects their flames blown through the air. the appearances of the snow stars are inli- 9. A RCniTECTUItE OF SttOW. 8;>. We now resemble persons who have by, who gave numerous drawings of them. climbed a difficult peak, and thereby earned I have observed them in midwinter tilling the the enjoyment of a wide prospect, Having air, and loading the slopes of the Alps. Bi?t made ourselves masters bf the conditions in England they are also to be seen, and no necessary to the production if mountain words of mine could convey so vivid an im- snow, we are able to take a comprehensive pression of their beauty as the annexed cTraw- and intelligent view of the phenomena of ings of a few of them, executed at Green- glaciers. wich by Mr. Glaisher. 80. A few words are still necessary as to 90. It is worth pausing to think what won- the formation of snow. The molecules and derful woik is going on in the atmosphere atoms of ail substances, when allowed free during the formation and descent of every play, build themselves into definite and, for snow-shower : what building power is the most pait, "beautiful forms called ens- brought into play ! and how imperfect seem tals. Iivm. copper, gold, silver, lead, sulphur, the productions of human minds and hands when melted and permitted to cool gradually, when compared with those formed by Die all show this crystallizing power. The metal blind forces of nature ! bismuth shows* it in a particularly stiiking 01. But who ventures to call the forces of manner, and when properly fused and solidi- nature blind? In reality, when we spi-ak iie.'l, self-built crystals of great size and thus we are describing our own condition. beauty are formed of this metal. The blindness is curs ; and what we really 87. If you dissolve saltpetre in water, and ought to say, and to confess, is that our lhw the solution to evaporate slowly, you powers are absolutely unable to comprehend :nay obtain large crystals, for no portion of cither the origin or the end of the operations the salt is converted into vapor. The water of nature. of our atmosphere is fresh, though it is de- $2- But while we thus acknowledge ou lived from the salt sea. Sugar dissolved in limits, there is also reason for wonder at the water, and pei milled to evaporate, yields extent to which science has mastered the crystals of sugar candy. Alum leadily crys- system of nature. From age to age, and tallizes in the same way. Flints dissolved, from generation to generation, fact has bed! as they sometimes are in nature, and permit- added to fact, and law to law, the irue inctb- led to crystallize, yield the prisms and pyra- od and order of the Universe being thereb/ mids of rock crystal. Chalk dissolved *and more and more revealed. In doing this i-ci- crystallized yields Iceland spar. The dia- as th ^7 do in this our day, very deh. tation; and you know that it consists of an ing beliefs will also continue to infest the attraction of every particle of matter for world. every other particle. You know that plan- ets and moons are held in their orbits by this 10 - ATOMIC POLES. attraction. But gravitation is a very simple 93. " What did I mean when, a few nv;, affair compared to the force, or rather forces, ments ago (88), 1 spoke of attracting and re- of crystallization. For litre ihe ultima!- pcllent poles?" Let ine try to answer tl, 5* particles of matter, inr onceivably small as question. You know that astronomers ami they arc, show themselves possessed of at- geographers speak of the earth's poles, an I tractive and rcpelleu poles, by the mulual you have also heard of magnetic poles, tlx.> Action of which the shape and structuie ol poles of a magnet being the points at whi< h the crystal are determined. In the soiid con- the attraction and repulsion of the magm I dition the attracting poles are rigidly locked are as it v/ere concentrated. together ; but if sufficient heat be apolied the 9-J- Every magnet possesses two such b-uid of union is dissolved, and in the slate poles ; and if iron tilings be scattered over * of fusion the poles arc pushed so far asunder magm-t, ear-h particle becomes alo endowed as to be practically out of each other's range, with two poles. Suppose such particles de- The natural tendency of the molecules to v >d of weight and floating in our atmos- bui'ld themselves together is thus neutralized, phere, what must occur when they come 89. This is the case with water, which as a near <-ac!i other? Manifestly the repellent liquid is to all appearance formless. When poles will retreat from each other, while thy sutliciently cooled the molecules are brought attractive poles will approach and finally lock within the play of the crystallizing force, themselves together. AIM! supposing the and they tbcp -'nnrre themselves in forms of particles, instead of a single pair, to possess ir/'-escribabte i,**. When snow is pio- several pairs of poles arranged at definitj IK CLOUDS AND RIVERS, ICE AND GLACIERS. FIG. 2. SNOW CRYSTALS. points over their surfaces ; you can then pic- ture them, in obedience to their mutual at- tractions and repulsions, building themselves together to form masses of definite shape and structure. ( J5. Imagine the molecules of water in cairn cold air to be gifted with poles of this description, which compel the particles to la}' themselves together in a detiaite order, anil you have before your mind's eye the unseen architecture which finally produces the visi-- ble and beautiful crystals of tbf r.aow. Thus our first notions and conceptions of poles are obtained from the sight ol' o\ir eyes in looking at the effects of magnetism ; and we then transfer these notions and concep- tions to particles which no eye has ever seen. The power by which we thus picture to ourselves effects beyond the range of the senses is what philosophers call the Imagina- tion, and in the effort of the mind to seize upon the unseen architecture of crystals, we T,iE FORMS O ATER have an example of the " scientific use' of this faculty. Without Imagination vye mi the polar regions Dr. Bcoresby has often con- centrated the sun's rays so as to make then burn won1, fire gunpowder, and melt lead ; thus proving that the limiting power is re- tained by the rays, even after they have passed through so cold a substance. 104. By rendering the rays of the electric lamp parallel, and then sending them through a lens of ice, we obtain all the effects which Dr. Scoresby obtained with the rays of the sun. 12. Tnz Gounca OP THE ARVEIKON. ICE PINNACLES, TOWEIIS. AND CHASMS OF THIS GLACIS:! Di:3 Co:3. PASSAGE TO THE MONTANVCRT. 105. Our preparatory studies arc for tho present ended, and thus informed, let us ap- proach the Alps. Through the village of Chamouui, in 'oavoy, a ri^er rushes which U called the Arve. Let us trace this rivjL-r backward from Chamouni. At a little dis- tance from the village the river folks; one of its branches still continues to Le called the Arve, the other is the Arveiron. Following this latter we corne to what is called the " source of the Arveiron" a short hour's walk from Chamouni. Here, as in the case of the Rhone already referred to, you ara fronted by a huge mass of ice, the end of a glacier, and from au arch in the ice tho Arveiron issues. Do not trust the arch ia summer. Its roof falls at intervals with u startling crash, and would infallibly crush any person on whom it might fall. 106. We must now be observant. Look- ing about us here, we find in front of the ice curious heaps and ridges of debris, which are more or less concentric. These are the terminal moraine* of the glacier. We shall examine them subsequently. 107. We now turn to the left, and ascend the slope beside the glacier. As we ascend we get a better view, and find that the ice here fills a narrow valley. We come' upon another singular ridge, not of fresh debris like those lower down, but covered in part with trees, and appearing to be literally as "old as the hills." It tells a wonderful tale. We soon satisfy ourselves that the ridge is an ancient moraine, and at once con- clude that the glacier, at some former period of its existence, was vastly larger than it is now. This old moraine stretches right across the main vf.lley, and abuts against the mountains at the opposite side. 108. Having passed the terminal portion of the glacier, which is covered with stones and rubbish, we find ourselves beside a very wonderful exhibition of ice. The glacier de IN CLOUDS AND RIVERS, ICE AND GLACIERS. 95 gcends a steep gorge, and in doing so is riven beautiful pyramid of the Aiguille du Dru and broken in the most extract dinary man- (shown in our frontispiece) ; and to the right ner. Here are towers, and pinnacles, and at the Aiguille des Charrnox, with its sharp fantastic shapes wrought out by the action pinnacles bent as if they were ductile. Look- of the weather, which put one in mind of ing straight up the glacier the view is bound rude sculpture. From deep chasms in the cd by the great crests called La Granao glacier issues a delicate sh:mmer of blue Jorasse, nearly 14,000 feet high. Our object lin-ht. At times we hear a sound like Hum- now is to get into the very heart of the der, which arises either from the falling of a mountains, and to pursua to its origin tne tower of ice or from the tumble of a huge wonderful frozen river which we have just stone into a chasm. Thw * lacier maintains crossed. this wild and chactic cbaiaeler for some 114. Starting from the Montanvert with time: and the best iceman would find him- the glacier below in to our left, we soon self defeated in any attempt to get along it. reach some rocks resembling the Mauvais 109. We reach a place railed i"ne Cbapeau, Pas ; they are called tea Ponts. We cross where, if we wish,, we can have Refreshment them and reacli I 'Annie, where we quit the in a little mountain hut. We then pass the l:md for the ice. We walk up the glacier, MauwiiaPo*, a precipitous rock, on the face but before i caching the promontory called cf which steeps are hewn, and the utiprac- Trfilaporte, we take once more to the moun- tiscd traveller is assisted by a lope. \V<- par- tain-side ; for though the path here has been sue our journey, partly along the mountain- forsaken on account of its danger, for the side, and partly along a ridge of singularly sake of knowledge w; are prepared to incur art.ficial aspect a lateral moraine. We at danger to a reasonable extent. A little gla- lungth face a house perched upon an emi- cier reposes on the slope to our right. Wq nonce at the opposite side of the glacier. may see a huge boulder or two poised on the This is the auberge of the Moritanveit, well CQ d of the glacier, and, if fortunate, also see Known to all visitors to this portion of the the boulder liberated and plunging violently Alps. down the slope. Presence of mind is all that 110. Here we cross the glacier. I should is necessary to render our safety certain ; but have told you that its lower part, including travellers do not always show presence of the broken portion we have passed, is called mind, and hence the path which formerly the Glacier des Bois ; while the place that led over this slope has been forsaken. The wo are now about to cross is the beginning whole slope is cumbered by masses of rock of the Met de Glace. You feel that this which this little glacier has sent down, term is not quite appropriate, for the glacier These I wished you to see ; by and by they here is much more like a riser of ice 'than a sna11 be fully accounted for. sea. The valley which it fills it about half a H5. Above Trelaportc to the right you see mile wide. a most singular cleft in the rocks, in the 111. The ice maybe riven where we en- middle of which stands an isolated pillar, ter upon it, but with the necessarv care there hewn out by the weather. Our next object is no difficulty in crossing this portion of the is to get to the tower of rock to the left of Mer de Glace. The clefts and chasms in the tn ^t cleft, for from that position we shall ire aie called crevasses; we shall make their gain a must commanding and instructive acquaintance on a grander scale by and by. view of the Mer de Glace and its sources. li'2. Look up and down this bide of the 116.. The cleft referred to, with its pillar* glacier. It is considerably riven, but as we maybe seen to the right of the above engrav- advance the crevasses will diminish, and we ing of the Mer de Glace. Below the cleft *h\\ find ven* few of them at the other side, is also seen the little glacier just referred Note this for' future use. The ice is at first to. diily ; but the dirt soon disappears, and you 117. We may reach this cleft by a steep come upon the clean crisp suiface of the gla- gully, visible from our present position, and cier. You have already noticed that Ihe leading directly up to the cleft. But these clean ice is while, and thai fiom a distance gullies, or couloirs, are very dangerous, be- it resembles snow rather tlu.n ice. This is ing the path ways,of stones falling from the caused by the breaking up of the surface by heights. We will therefore take the rocks to the solar heat. When you pound trans- the left of the gully, by close inspection as- parent rock-salt into powder it. is as white certain their assailabl'3 points, and there at- as table-salt, and it is the minute fissuring tack them. In the Alps as elsewhere won- yment is an incident of our labor. You will find it thus through life ; without hon- est labor there can be no deep joy. $ 17. THE TALEFRE AND THE JARDIN. WOUK AMONG THE CBEVASSES. 1P>.>. And now let us descend to the Mer de Glace, for I want to take you across the Clacitr to that broken i-e-fall, the origin of which we have not yet seen. We aim at the farther side of the glacier, and to reach it we must cross those dark stripes of debris which we observed from the heights. Looked at from above, these moraines seemed flat, but now we find them to be ridges of stones and rubbish, from twenty to thirty feet high. 134. We quit the ice at a place called the Couvercle, and wind round this promontory, ascending all the time. We squeeze ourselves through the Ecjralets, a kind of natural stair- case in the rock, and soon afterward obtain a full view of the ice-fall, the origin of which we wish to find. The ice upon the fall is much broken ; we have pinnacles and towers, some erect, some leaning, and some, if we are fortunate, falling like those upon the Glacier des Bois ; o nd we have chasms f torn which issues a delicate blue light. With ihe ice-fall to our right we continue to ascend, until at length we command a view of a huge glacier basin, almost level, and on the middle of which stands a solitary island, en- tirely surrounded by ice. We stand at the edge of the lacier du Talefre, and connect it with the ice-fall we have passed. The glacier is bounded by rocky ridges, hacked and torn at the top into teeth and edges, and buttressed by snow fluted by the descending stones. 135. We cross the basin to the central island, and find grass and floweis at tii IN CLOUDS AJSTD RIVERS, ICE AND GLACIERS. place where we enter upon it. This is the celebrated Jardin, of which you have often bear!. The upper part of the Jardin is bare rock. Close at hand is one of the noblest prvik.s in this portion of the Alps, the Ai- guille Vorie. It is between thirteen and fourteen thousand feet high, and down its sides, after freshly- fallen snow, avalanches incessantly thunder. From one of its pro- jf-ctions a *tieak of moraine starts down the Talc f re ; from the Jardin also a similar streak of moraine issues. Both continue side by side to the top of the ice-fall, where they are en- gulfed in the chasms. But at the bottom of the fall they reappear, as if newly emerging from the body of the glacier, and afterward they continue along tin-; Mer de Glace. 13G. Walk with me now alongside the mo- raine from the Jardin down toward the ice- fall. For a time our work is easy, such fis- sures as appear offeiing no impediment to our march. But the crevasses become grad- ually wider and wilder, following each other at length so rapidly as to leave merely walls of ice between them. Here perfect steadi- ness of foot is necessary a slip would be death. We look toward the fall, and ob- serve the confusion of walls and blocks and chasms below us increasing. At length pru- dence and reason, cry "Halt!" We may swerve to ihe light or to the left, and mak- ing our way along crests of ice, with chasms on both hands, reach either the right lateral moraine or the left lateial moraine of the glacier. 18. FIRST QUESTIONS REGARDING GLA- CIER MOTION. DUIFTISG OF BODIES BURIED ix A CREVASSE. 137. But what arc these lateral moraines? As you and I go from day to day along the efaeiers, their origin is gradually made plain. We see at intervals the stones and rubbish descending from the mountain-sides and ar- rested by the ice. All along the fringe of the glacier the stones and rubbish fall, and it soon becomes evident that we have here the source of the lateral moraines. 138. But how are the medial moraines to be accounted for? How does the debris range itself upon the glacier in stripes some hundreds of yards from its edge, leaving the space between them and the edge clear of rubbish ? Some have supposed the stones to have rolled over the glacier from the sides, but the supposition will not bear examina- tion. Call to mind now our reasoning re- garding the excess of snow which falls above the snow-line, and our subsequent question, How is the snow disposed of ? Can it be that the entire mass is moving slowly down- ward ? If so, the lateral moraines would be carried along by the ice on which they rest, and when two branch glaciers unite they would lay their adjacent lateral moraines to- gether to* form a medial moraine upon tha trunk glacier. 139. There is, in fact, no way that we c:in *ee of disposi.ig of the excess of snow above the snow-line ; there is no way of making good the constant waste of the ice below the snow-line ; there is no way of accounting for the medial moraines of the glacier, but by supposing that from the highest snow-fields of the Col -In G6ant, the Lechaud, and the Talefre, to the extreme end of the Glacier des Bois, the whob mass of frozen matter i.s moving downward. 140. If you were older, it wouM give me Treasure to take you up Mont Blanc. Stait- Jig from Chamouai, we shoukl first pass through woods au I pastures, then up tha steep hill-face with tlie Glacier des Bossons to our right, t.-> a rock known as the Pierre Pointae ; thence to a higher rock called th Pierre Vfichelle, because here a- la-Uer is usually placed to assist iu crossing the chasms of the glacier. At the Pierre ]'Echlle we- should strike tin ice, and passing under the Aiguille du Mi li, which towers to the Icjft, and wh'ch sonrrJmes sweeps a portion of the track with stone avalanches, we should cross the Glacier des Bossons ; amid heaped- up mounds and broken towers of ice ; up steep slopes ; over chasms so deep that their bottoms are hid in darkness. 141. \Ve reach the rocks of the Grands Mulets, which form a kind of barren islet in the icy sea ; thence to the higher-snow -fields, crossing the Petit Plateau, which we should find cumbered by blocks of ice. Looking to the right, we should see whence they came, for rising here with threatening aspect high above us arc the broken ice-crags of the Dome du Goute. The guides wish to pass this place in silence, and it is just as well to hu- mor them, however much you may doubt the competence of the human voice to bring the ice-crags down. From the Petit Plateau a steep snow-slope would carry us to the Grand Plateau, and at day-dawn I know nothing in the whole Alps more grand and solemn than this place. 143. One object of our ascent would be now attained ; for here at the heail of the Grand Plateau, and at the foot of the final slope of Mont Blanc, I should show you a great crevasse, into which three guides were poured by an avalanche in the ytar 1820. 143. Is this language correct ? A crevasse hardly to be distinguished from the present one undoubtedly existed here in 1820. But was it the identical crevasse now existing? Is the ice riven here to-day the same as that riven fifty-one years ago? By no means. How is this proved ? By the fact that more than forty years after their interment, the remains of those three guides were found near the end of the Glacier des Bossons, many miles below the existing crevasse. 144. The same observation proves to dem onstration that it is the ice near the bottom of the higher n6ve that becomes the surface-ice of the glacier near its end. The waste of the surface below the snow-line brings the deeper portions of the ice more and more to the light of day. 145. There are numerous obvious indica- tions of the existence of glacier motion, though it is too sl&w to catch the eyo at, 100 THE FORMS OF WATER once. The crevasses change within certain ]imits from year to year, and sometimes from month to month ; and this could not be if the ice did not move. Rocks and stones also are observed, which have been plainly torn from the mountain-sides. Blocks seen to fall from particular points are afterward ob- served lower down. On the moraines rocks are found of u totally different mineralogical character from those composing the moun- tains right and left ; and in all such cases strata of the same character are found bor- dering the glacier higher up. Hence the conclusion that the foreign boulders have been floated d ,wn by the ice. Further, the ends or " snouts" of many glaciers act like ploughshares on the land in front of them, overturning with slow but merciless energy huts and chalets that stand in their way. Facts like these have been long known to the inhabitants of the High Alps, who were thus made acquainted in a vague and general way with the motion of the glaciers. ID. THE MOTION OF GLACIERS. MEASURE- MENTS BY HUGI AND AQASSIZ. DRIFTING OF HUTS ON THE ICE. 140. But the growth of knowledge is from vagueness toward precision, and "exact de- terminations of the rate of glacier motion were soon desired. With reference to such measurements, one glacier in the Bernese Oberlaud will remain forever memorable. From the little town of Meyringen in Swit- zerland you proceed up the valley of Hasli, past the celebrated waterfall of Handeck, where the river Aar plunges into a chasm more than 200 feet deep. You approach the Grimsel Pass, but instead of crossing it you turn to the right and follow the course of "the Aar upward. Like the Rhone and the Arveiron, you find the Aar issuing from a glacier. 147. Get upon the ice, or rather upon the deep moraine shingle which covers the ice, and walk upward. It is hard walking, but af'.er some time you get clear of the rubbish, and on to a wide glacier with a great medial moraine running along its back. This mo- raine is formed by the junction of two branch glaciers, the Lauteraar and the Finsteraar, which unite at a promontory called the Ab- Rchwung to form the trunk glacier of the Unteraar. 148. On this great medial moraine in 1827 an intrepid and enthusiastic Swiss professor, Ilugi, or Solothurm (French Soleure), built a hut with a view to observations upon the glacier. His hut moved, and he measured its motion. In the three years from 1827 l:> 1830 it had moved 330 feet downward. In 1833 it had moved 2354 feet ; and in 1841 M. Agassiz found it 4712 feet below its first position. 140. In 1840, M. Agassiz himself and some bold companions took shelter under a great overhanging slab of rock on the same mo- raine, to which they added side-walls and other means of protection. And because he wad his comrades came from Neufchatel, the hut was called long afterward the " Hotel des Neuch&telois." Two years subsequent to its erection M. Agassiz found that tke " hotel " had moved 486 feet downward. 20. PRECISE MEASUREMENTS OF AGASSIZ AND FORBES. MOTION OF A GLACIER PROVED TO RESEMBLE THE MOTION OF A RIVER. 150. We now approach an epoch in the scientific history of glaciers. Had the first observers been practically acquainted with the instruments of precision used in survey- ing, accurate measurements of the motion of glaciers would probably have been earlier executed. We are now on the point of see- ing such instruments introduced almost si- multaneously by M. Agassiz on the glacier of the Unteraar, and by Professor Forbes on the Mer de Glace. Attempts had been made by M. Escher de la Linth to determine the motion of a series of wooden stakes driven into the Ak-tsch glacier, but the melting was so rapid that the stakes soon fell. To remedy this, M. Agassiz in 1841 undertook the great labor of currying boring tools to his " hotel," &nd piercing the Unteraar glacier at six different places to a depth of ten feet, in a straight line across the glacier. Into the holes six piles were so firmly driven that they remained in the glacier for a year, ami in 1842 the displacements of all six were determined. They were found to be 160 feet, 225 feet, 209" feet, 245 feet, 210 feet, and 125 feet, respectively. 151. A great step is here gained You notice that the middle numbers ar^ the larg- est. Tiiey correspond to the central portion of the glacier. Hence, these measurements conclusively establish, not only the fact of glacier motion, but that tJie centre of the glacier, like that of a river,- moves more rapiily than the xidea. 152. With the aid of trained engineers M. Agassiz followed up these measurements in subsequent years. His researches are record- ed iu a work entitled " Systeme glaciaire," which is accompanied by a very noble atlas of the Glacier of the Unteraar, published in 1847." 153. These determinations were made by means of a theodolite, of which I will give you some notion feanediately. The same instrument was employed the same year by the late Principal Forbes upon the Mer de Glace. He established independently the greater central motion. He showed, more- over, that it is not necessary to wait a year, or even a week to determine the motion of a glacier ; with a correctly-adjusted theodolite he was able to determine the motion of vari- ous points of the Mer de Glace from day to day. He affirmed, and with truth, that the motion of the glacier might be determined from hour to hour. We shall prove this farther on (162). Professor Forbes also tri- angulated the Mer de Glace, and laid down an excellent map of it. His first observa- tions and his survey are recorded in a cele- brated book published in 1843, and entitled y CLOUDS AND RIVERS, ICE AND G& "Travels in tho Alps." 154. These observations were also followed up in subsequent years, the results being re- corded in a seties of detached letters and es- says of great interest. These were subse- quently collected in a volume entitled " Oc- casional Papers on the Theory of Glaciers," published in 1859. The labors of Agassiz and Forbes are the two chief sources of our knowledge of glacier phenomena. 21. THE THEODOLITE AND ITS USE. Oui N MEASUREMENTS. 155. My object thus far is attained. i have given j r ou proofs of glacier motion, and a historic account of its measurement. And now we must try to add a little to the knowl- edge of glaciers by our own hUws on the ice. Resolution must not be wanting at the commencement of our work, ^or steadfast patience during its prosecution. Look then ac this theodolite ; it consists mainly of a telescope and a graduated circle, the tele- scope capable of motion up an( i down, and the circle, carrying the telescope along with it, capable of motion right and left. When desired to make the motion exceedingly fine an'-l minute, suitable screws, called tangent screws, are employed. The instrument is supported by three legs, movable, but firm when properly planted. 150. Two spirit-levels are fixed at right angles to each other on the circle just refei- red to. Practice enables one to lake hold of the legs of the instrument, and so to fix them that tbe circle shall be nearly horizontal. By means of four levelling screws we render it accurately horizontal. Exactly under the centre of the instrument is a small hook from which a plummet is suspended ; the point of the bob just touches a rock on which we make a mark ; or if the earth be soft under- neath, we drive a stake into it exactly under the plummet. By re-suspending the plum- met at any future time we can find to a hat"- breadth the position occupied by the instru- ment to-day. 157. Look through the telescope ; you see it crossed by two fibres of the finest spider's (bread. In actual work we first direct the telescope across the glacier, until the inter- section of the two fibres accurately covers some well-defined pcint of rock or tree at the other side of the valley. This, our fixed standard, we sketch with its surroundings in ft note-book, so as to be able immediately to recognize it oa our return to this place. Irn- iginc a straight line drawn from the centre of the telescope to this point, and that this line in permitted to drop straight down upon the glacier, every point of it falling as a stone would fall ; along such a line we have now to fix a series of stakes. 158. A trained assistant is already upon the glacier. He erects his staff and stands behind it ; the telescope is lowered without swerving to the right or to the left ; in mathe- matical language it remains in tlie xame zerti- "Mi plane. " The crossed fibres of the tele- scope probably strike the ice a little away from the staff of the assistant ; by a wave of the arm he moves right or left ; he may move too much, so we wave him back again. After a trial or two be knows whether he is near the proper point, and if so makes his motions small. He soon exactly strikes the point covered by the intersection of the fibres. A signal is made which tells him that he is right ; he pierces the ice with an auger and drives in a stake. He then goes forward, and in precisely the same manner takes up another point. After one or two stakes have been driven in, the assistant is able to take up the other points very rap- idly. Any requisite number of stakes may thus be fixed in a straight line across tht> glacier. 159. Next morning we measure the motion of all the stakes. The theodolite is mounted in its former position and carefully levelled The telescope is directed first upon the standard point at the opposite side of the valley, being moved by a tangent screw until the intersection of the spider's threads accu- rately covers the point. The telescope is then lowered to the first stake, beside which our trained* assistant is already standing. He is provided with a staff with feet and inches marked on it. A glance shows us that the stake has moved down. By our sig- nals the assistant recovers the point from which we started yesterday, and then deter- mines the distance from this point to the stake. It is, say, inches ; through this dis- tance, therefore, the stake has moved. 160. We are careful to note the hour anfl minute at which each stake is driven in, and the hour and the minute when its distance from its first position is measured ; this ena- bles us to calculate the accurate daily motion of the point in question. The distances through which all the other points have moved are determined in precisely the same way. 161. Thus we shall proceed to work, first making clear to our minds what is to be done, and then making sure that it shall be accurately done. To give our work reality, I will here record the actual measurements executed, and the actual thought suggested, on the Mer de Glace in 1857. The only un- reality that I would ask you to allow, Is that you and I are supposed to be making the ob- servations together. The labor of measuring was undertaken for the most part by Mr. Hirst. 22. MOTION OP THE MER DE GLACE. 162. On July 14, then, we find ourselves at the end of the Glacier des Bois, not far from the source of the Arveiron. We direct our telescope across the glacier, and fix the intersection of its spider's threads accurately upon the edge of a pinnacle of ice. We leave the instrument untouched, looking through it from hour to hour. The edge of ice moves slowly, but plainly, past the fibres, and at the end of three hours we assure our- selves that the motion has amounted to sev- eral inches. While standing near the vault THE FORMS OF WATER Grancle Jorasso. Col da Geant. Chapeau. FlG. 6. OUTLINE-Pl^AN, SHOWING THE MEASURED LINES OB 1 THE Ml!U I)!! GLACE AND ITS TmBlTTARIBa. of the Arvoiron, and talking about going into it, its roof gives way and falls with the sound of thunder. It is not. therefore, with- out reason that I warned you against enter- log these vaults in summer. 163. We ascend to the Montanvert Inn, fix on it as a residence, and then descend to the lateral moraine of the glacier a little be- low the inn. Here we erect our theodolite, and mark its exact position by a plummet. We must first make sure that our line is per- pendicular, or nearly so, to the axis or mid' die line of the glacier. Our instructed assist- ant lays down a long staff in the direction of the axis, assuring himself, by looking up and down, that it is the true direction. With another staff in his hand, pointed toward our theodolite, he shifts his position until the second staff is perpendicular to the first. Here he gives us a signal. We direct our telescope upon him, and then gradually- raising its end in a vertical plane we find, and note by sketching, a standard point at the other side of the glacier. This point known, and our plummet mark known, we can on any future day find our line. (To render the measurements more intelligible, 1 append an outline diagram of the Mer do Glace, and of its tributaries.) 164. Along the line just described ten stakes were set on July I'.th, 1857. Their dis- placements were measured on the following day. Two of them had fallen, but here are the distances passed over by the eight re- IN CLOUDo AND RIVERS, ICE AND GLACIERS. 103 that the glacier is retarded not only by its sides but by its bed ; that the upper portions of the ice slide over the lower ones. Now if Ihe bed of the Mar de Glace should have emi- nences here aud there rising sufficiently near to the surface to retard tile motion of the malning ones in twenty-four hours. DAILY MOTION OF THE MER DE GLACE. FIRST LINE : A A' UPON TUB SKETCH. Eist West Stake 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 10 Inches 12 17 23 26 25 26 27 33 165. You have already assured yourself surface, they might produce the small irregu- by actual contact that the body of the glacier larities noticed above. is real ice, and you may have read that 169. We note particularly, wliib upon t!ie glaciers move : but the actual observation of ice, that the 26th stake, like the 10th stake the motion of a body apparently so rigid is in our last line, stands much nearer to the strangely interesting. And not only does the eastern than to the western side of the fee move bodily, but one part of it moves glacier; the ni-.MSiiremni s, therefore, off or past another ; the rate of motion augmenting a further proof that the centre of this portion gradually from 12 inches a day at the side to of the glacier is nol the place of swiftest mo- 33 inches a day at a distance from the side. ' This quicker movement of the central ice of glaciers had been already observed by Agas- siz and Forbes ; we verify their res-tilts, and now proceed to something new. Crossing the" Glacier du Geant, which occupies more than half the valley, we find that our line of stak?s is not yet at an end. The 10th stake stands on the part of the ice which comes tion. 23. UNEQUAL MOTION OF THE TWO SIDES OF THE ME u DE GLACE. 170. But in neither the first line nor the second were we able to push our measure- across the glacier. Why? In to do one thing we are often taught another, and thus in science, if ,ve are only steadfast in our wort?, our very de- feats are converted into means of instruc- tion. We at first planted our theodolite on the lateral moraine of the Mer de Glace, ex- friction of the sides is least, the motion ought - $ **J^ nowtot- from the Talrfre. 106. Now the motion of the sides is slow, because of the friction of the ice against its boundaries ; but then one would think that midway between the boundaries, where the VUSSi. Si? SSftS"Mffi =; U,e eentS ^ ScEp, to U= ft5S^^^^.gSrS^tf^g inches a da" 81te S1 ? e * lll(i gl acier was intercepted by the 167. Here we have something to think of ; elevatioa ^ " c < re - T " e but before a natural philosopher can think with comfort he must be perfectly sure of his facts. The foregoing line ran across the glacier a little below Will the Montanvert. We and to multiply our chances of discovery we place along it 31 stakes. On the subsequent which we sweep the dav five of these were found unfit for IISP at the centre. The mountain- slopes, in fact, are warm in summer, ami they melt the ice nearest to them, thus caus- ing a fall from the centre to the sides. 171. But yonder on the heights at the other side of the glacier we see a likely place for our theodolite. We cross the glacier and plant our instrument in a position from glacier from side to side. Our first fine was below the Montan- vert, our second line above it ; this third line is exactly opposite the Montanvert ; in fact, the mark on which we have fixed the fibre- cross of the theodolite is a corner of one of the windows of the little mn. Along this line we fix twelve stakes on July 20th. On the 21st one of them had fallen : but the vi-loci ties of the remaining eleven in 24 hours were found to be as follows : THIRD LINE : C C' UPON TUB SKETCH. East We*t Stake, 1 23456789 10 11 luches 20 23 29 30 34 28 25 23 25 18 9 172. Both the first stake and the eleventh 18th ; from 23 inches at the 19th we fall to in this series stor)d near the si(ics cf tbe , a _ from 2o inches at the ----- ^ - - i ., .. . e remaining six-and-tvventy in 24 hours. B B' UPON THE SKETCH. SECOND LINE West 3 4 5 12 15 15 16 17 18 23 23 21 Stake... 2 Inches.. 11 b take... lo Iaches..23 East 168. Look at these numbers. The first broad fact Ihev reveal is the advance in the rate of motion from first to last. There are, however, small irregularities ; from 2'3 inches at the 17th stake we fall to 21 inches at the 21 inches at the 20th 21st we fall to 22 inches at the 22d and 23d ; but notwithstanding these small ups cier. On the eastern side the motion is 20 inches, while on the western side it is only 0. It rises on the eastern side from 20 to 34 and downs, the general advance of the rate inchGS at lhe 5th stake wliicu we standillg f motion is manifest Now there may have upon thc glacier can see to be much ucare r been some slight displacement of the stakes to l tho cas f ern lh ' an to the westem side . T/lc . by melting surhcient to account for these unitcd evidence of these three lines places tl* small deviations from uniformity in the in- factbeyond doubt, that opposite the Mwitanvert, crease of the motion But another solution and for some distance above it and below it, tte is also possible. We shall afterward learn ^ole eastern side of the glacier is mooing more 104 THE FORMS OF WATER quickly than the western side. 24. SUGGESTION OP A NEW LIKENESS OF ^LACIER MOTION TO RIYEU MOTION. CONJECTURE TESTED. 173. Here we have cause for reflection, and facts arc comparatively worthless it' they do not provoke this exercise of the mind. It is because facts of nature are not isolated hut connected, th:it science, to follow tiiem, must also form a connected whole. The mind of the natural philosopher must, as it were, ba ii web of thought corresponding in all its fibres with the web of fact in nature. 174. Let us, then ascend to a point whi^li commands a good view of this portion of ihe Mer de Glace. The ice-river we see is not straight hut, curved, and its curvature Isfrotn the Mootauvert ; that is to say, its convex side is east, and its concave side is west (look to the sketch). You have already pondc;ed the fact that a glacier, in gome respect*, moves like a river. How would a river move through a curved channel ? This is known. Were'tha ice of the Mer de Glace displaced by water, the point of swiftest motion at the Montanvert would not be the centre, but a point east of the centre. Can it be then that this "water rock," as ico is sometimes called, acts in this respect also like water ? 175. This is a thought suggested on the spot ; it may or it may not be true, but the jjieans <>f testing it are at hand. Looking up the glacier, we see that at ks Fonts it also bends, but that there its convex curvature Is toward the western side of the valley (look again to the sketch). If our surmise be tiue, the point of swiftest motion opposite les Fonts ought to lie west of the axis of the glacier. 176. Lt j t us test this conjecture. On July 25th we fix in a line across this portion of the glacier seventeen stakes ; every one of them has remained firm, and on the 2(jth we lind the motion for 24 hours to be follows : FOURTH LINE : D D' UPON TIIE SK.ETCU. East West Htako 1 2 3 456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 Inches....? 8 13 15. 16 19 20 ^1 fcl 23 23 sil 22 IT 15 177. Inspected by the naked eye alone, the stakes 10 and 11, where the clacier reaches its greatest motion, are seen to be considera- bly to the west of the axis of the glacier. Thus far we have a perfect verification of Wie guetss which prompted us to make these measurements. You will here observe that the " guesses" of science arc not the work of chance, but of thoughtful pondering over antecedent farts. The guess is the " induc- tion" from the facts, to be ratified or ex- ploded by the test of subsequent experiment. 178. And though even now we have ex- ceedingly strong reason for holding that the point of maximum velocity obeys the law of liquid motion, the strength of our conclusion will be doubled if we can show that the point shifts back to the eastern side of the axis at another place of flexure. Fortunate- UT such a place exists opposite Trelapqjte. Here the convex curvature of tne vallsy turns again to the east. Across this portioa of the glacier a line was set out on -July 28th, and from measurements on the Ulst, the ratu of motion per 24 hours was determined. FIFTH LIN T E : E E' UPON THIS SKKTCII.-] West East Stake 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Inches.. .11 14 13 15 15 16 17 19 20 19 20 18 16 15 13 179. Here, again, the mere estimate of distances by the oye would show us that the three ^ takes which moved fastest, viz. the 9th, 10th, and lllli, were all to the east of thu middle line of the glacier. The dem- onstration that the point of swiftest motion wanders to and fro across the axis, as the flexure of the valley changes, is, therefore shall I say complete V 180. Not yet. For if surer menns are open to us we must not rest content with estimates by the eye. We have with us a surveying chain : let us shake it out and measure these lines, noting the distance of e^ery stake from the side of the glacier. This is no easy work among the crevasses, but 1 confide it confidently to Mr. Hirst and you. \Ve can afterward compare a number of .slakes on the eastern side with the same number of stakes taken at the same distances !r-m the western side. For example, a pair of stakes, one ten yards from the eastern side and the other ten yards fiom the western side; another pair, one fifty yards from the eastern side and the other fifty yaids from the western side, and so on, can v be compared together. For the sake of easy reference, let us call the points thus compared in pairs, eqniraient points. 181. Tin re were five pairs of such points upon our fourth line, D 1)', and here are their velocities : Eastern points ; motion in inches.. 13 15 16 18 SO \Vertern points " " -.15 17 1'2 23 23 In every rase here the stake at the western side moved moie rapidly than tlu equivalent slaKO at the eastern side. 182 Applying the same analysis to our fifth line, E E', we have the following series of velocities of three pairs of equivalent points : Eastern points ; motion in inches 15 18 19 Western points " 13 15 17 183. Hern the three points on the eastern side move more rapidly than the equivalent points on the western side. 184. It is thus pioved : 1. That opposite the Montanvert the east- ern half of the Mer de Ulace moves more rapidly than the western half. 2. That opposite lex Pouts the western half of the glacier moves more rapidly than the eastern half. 3. That opposite Ti elaporte t .e eastern half of the glacier again moves more rapidly than the western half. * 4. That these changes in the place of great- est motion are determined by the flexures of the valley through which the Mer de Glace moves. 2T CLOUDS AND RIVERS, ICS AND GLACIERS. 25. NEW LAW OP GLACIER MOTION. 185. Let u* express these facts in another va . Supposing the points of swiftest motion m" n VL-CV great number of lines crossing the fler de Glace 1o be determined ; the line oining all those points together is what mathematicians would call the locus of the 3oiut, of swiftest motion. ISO. At Tielaporte this line would lie cast )f the centre ; at the Pouts it would lie^vest if the centre ; hence in passing from Tiela- porte to the Punts it would cross the centre. But at the Montanvert it would again lie jast of the centre ; hence between the Pouts and the Mont an vert the centre must be crossed a second lime. If there were further sinuosities upon the Mer de Glace there would he further ciossiugs of the axis of the glacier. 187. The points on the axis which mark the transition from eastern to western bend- ing, and the reverse, may be called jmnts of contrary flexure. 188. Now what is true of the Mer tie Glace is true of ail other glaciers moving through sinuous valleys : so that the facts established in the Mer (le Glace may be ex- panded into the following general law of gl icier motion : YYiien a glacier moves through a sinuous vsiiley. the locus of the point of maximum motion does not coincide with the centre of the glacier, but, on the contrary, always lies on tue convex side of the central line. The locus is therefore a curved line more deeply sinuous than the valley itself, and crosses the axis of the glacier at each point of con- trary flexure. Is9. The dotted line on the Outline Plan (Fig. G) represents the locus of the point of maximum inotbn, the iirm line marking the centre of the glacier. 190. Substituting t he word river for glacier, this law is also true. The motion of the water is ruled by precisely the same condi- tions as the motion of the ice. 191. Let us now apply our law to the ex- planation of a difficulty. Turning to the careful measurements executed by ftl. Agas- siz on the glacier of the Uuteraar, we notice in the discussion of these measurements a section of the " Syste"me glaciaire" devoted to the "Migrations of the Centre." It is here shown that the middle of the Untcraar glacier is not always the point of swiftest motion. This fact has hitherto remained without explanation ; but a glance at the Unteraar valley, or at the map of the valley, shows the enigma to be an illustration of the law whifh we have just established on the Mer de Glace. ^ 23. MOTION OF Axis OP MER DE GLACE. 192. We have now measured the rate of motion of five different lines across the trunk of the Mer de Glace. Do they all move alike ? No. Like a river, a glacier at differ- ent places moves at different rates. Coin- paring together the points of maximum mo- tion of all rive lines, we have this result . MOTION OF MER DE GLACE. At Treliiporte 20 inches a day Mies Punts Above the Moutanvcrt. At the Montanvert lielow the Montanvert 33 193. There is thus an increase of rapidity as we descend the glacier from Treiaporle tc the Montanvett ; the maximum motion at the Montanvert being fourteen inches a day greater than at Trelaporte. 27. MOTION OP TRIBUTARY GLACIERS. 194. So much for the trunk glacier ; lot us now investigate the branches, permitting, as we have hitherto done, reflection OD known facts to precede our attempts to dis^ cover unknown ones. 195. As we stood upon our " cleft sta- tion," whence we had so capital a view of the Mer de Glace, we were struck by the fact that some of the tributaries of the glacier were wider than the glacier itself. Supposing water to be substituted for the ice, how do you suppose it would behave? You would doubtless conclude that the motion down the broad and slightly inclined valleys of the Geant and the Lechaud wouid be compara- tively slow, but that the water would forca itself with increased rapidity through the "narrows" of Tielaporte. Let us test this notion as applied to ihe ice. 19(3. Planting our theodolite in the shadow of Mont Tacul,' and choosing a suitable point at the opposite side of the Glacier civ Geant, we fix on July 29th a series of teE stakes across the glacier. The motion of tlu line in twenty-four hours was as follows : MOTION OF CLACIER DU GEANT. SIXTH LINE: II II' UPON SKETCH. Stake 1 * 3 4 5 7 8 9 1C Indies 11 10 13 1) 1,J U ii 10 9 5 197. Our conjecture is fully verified. The maximum motion here is seven inches a day less than that of the Mer dc Glace at Treia- porte (192). 198. And now for the Lechaud branch. On August 1st we lix ten stakes across this glacier above the point where it is joined by the Talefre. Measured on August 3d, and reduced to twenty-four hours, the motion was found to be : MOTION OP GLACIER DE LECHAUD. SEVENTH LINE: KK'upo* SKETCH. Stake... . 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1C Iaca 5 8 10 9 J) S 6 7 b j09. Here our conjecture is still further verified, the rate of motion being even less than that of the Glacier du Geant. 28. MOTION OF TOP AND BOTTOM OF GLACIEU. 200. We have here the most ample and varied evidence that the sides of a glacier, like those of a river, are retarded by Jrictioa against its boundaries. But the likeness doas 108 THE FORMS OF WATER not end hero. The motion of a river Is re- tarded by the friction against its bed. Two observers, viz., Professor Forbes and M. Charles Martins, concur in showing the same to be the cast? with a glacier. The obser- vations of both have k j en objected to ; hence it is all the more incumbent on us to seek for decisive evidence. 201. At the Tacul (near the point a upon the sketch plan, Fig. 5) a wall of ice about 150 feet high has already attracted our atten- tion. Bending round to joia the Lechaud the G lacier du Geaut is here drawn away from the mountain side and exposes a line section. We try to measure it top, bottom, and mid- dle, and are defeated twice over. ^Vu try it a third time and succeed. A. stake \j fixer! at the summit of the ice-precipice, another at 4 feet from the bottom, and a third at 35 feet above the bottom. These lower stakes are tixed at some of boulders falling upon us from above ; but by skill and CMI- tion we succeed in measuring the motions of all three. For 2 1 hours the motions aro : Top *!ake (5 .relics. MiJuh! sU'.;u 4! B >;,io.u 3(Ako *'& '' 202. The retarding influence of the bed of the glacier is reduced to demonstration by these measurements. The bottom does not move with half the velocity of the surface. 29. LATERAL COMPRESSION OF A GLACIER. 203. Furnished with the knowledge which those labors and measurements have given us, let us once more climb to our station be- side the Cleft, under the Aiguille de Char- moz. At our first visit we saw the medial moraines of the glacier, but we knew noth- ing about their cause. We now know that they mark upon the trunk its tributary gla- ciers. Cast your eye, then, first upon the Glacier du Geant ; realize its widtii in its own valley, and see how much it is narrowed at Treiaporte. The broad ice-stream of the Lechaud is still more surprising, being squeezed upon the Mer de Glace to a narrow white band between its bounding moraines. The Talefre undergoes similar compression, Let us now descend, shake out our chain, measure, and express in numbers the width of the tributaries, and the actual amount of compression suffered at Tie'aportc. 204. We find the width of the Glacier du G&mt to be 5155 links, or 1134 yards. 205. The width of the Glacier de LSchaud we find to be 3725 links, or 825 yards. 200. The width of the Tatefre we find to be 2900 links, or 638 yards. 207. The sum of the widths of the three branch glaciers is therefore 2597 yards. 208. At Treiaporte these three branches are forced through a gorge 893 yards wide, or one third of their previous width, at the rate of twenty inches a day. 209. If we limit our view to the Glacier dc Lchuud, the facts are still more astonishing Previous to its junction with the Talefre^ this glacier has a width of 825 yards ; in passing through the jaws of the granite vise at Treiaporte, its width is reduced to eighty- eight yards, or in round numbers to one tenth of its previous width. (Look to the sketch on page 9.) 210. Aro we to understand by this that the ice of the Lechaud is squeezed to one tenth of its former volume? By no means. It is mainly a change offonn, not of volume, Unit occurs at Treiaporte. Previous to its com- pression, the glacier resembles a plate of ice lying fiat upon its bed. After its compres- sion, it resc-mblcs a pl.ue faced upon its edge. The squeezing, doubtless, has deepened the ice. CO. LONGITUDINAL COMPRESSION OF A GLACIER. 211. The icj is forced through the gorge at Tn'laporte by a piessurc from behind; in fact i he Glacier du Geant, immediately above Treiaporte. represents a piston or a plug which drives the ice through the gorge. What t'lfect must this pressure have upon the plug itself V Reasoning alone renders it probable that the pressure will shorten the plug ; that the lower part of the Glacier du Geaut will to some extent yield to the pres- sure from behind. 212. Let us test this notim. About three quarters of a mile above tl-e Taeul, and en the mountain-slope to the le f 'L as we ascend. we observe a patch of verdi/rc. Thither wo climb ; there we plant our theodolite, and set out across the Glacier du GeV.ut, aline, which we will call lino No. 1 (F F' upon sketch, Fig. G.) 213. About a quarter of a mile lower down we find a practicable couloir on the mountain- side ; we ascend it, reach a suitable platform, plant our instrument, and set out a second line, No. 2 (G G' upon sketch). We must hasten our work here, for along this couloir stones are discharged from a- small glacier which rests upon the slope of Mont Tacul. 214. Still lower down by another quarter of a mile, which brings us ner.r the Tacul, we set out a third line, No. 3 (II H' upon sketch), across the glacier. 215. The daily motion of tho centres o-f these three lineaSs as follows : Inches. Distances asunder. No. 1 20-55 i No. 2 13-43 f ^ >' ards - 437 No. 3 12-75 f- 216. The first line here moves five inches a day more than the second ; and the second nearly three inches a day more than the third. The reasoning is therefore confirmed. The ice-plug, which is in round numbers one thousand yards long, is shortened by the pressure exerted on its front at the rate cf about eight inches a day. 217. A river descending the Valley du Geant would behave in substantially the samo fashion. It would have its motion on ap- proaching Treiaporte diminished, and it would pour through the defile with a velocity greater than that of the water behind^' IN CLOUDS AND RIVERS, ICE AND GLACIERS. H)7 81. SLIDING AND FLOWING. HAKD ICE AND SOFT ICE. 218. We have thus far confined ourselves to the measurement and discussion of glacier motion ; but in our excursions we have no- ticed many things besides. Here and there, where the ice has retreated fiom the moun- tain side, we have seen the rocks fluted, scored, and polished ; thus proving that the .ice had slidden over them and ground them 'down. At the source of the Arveiron we noticed the water rushing from beneath the glacier charged with fine matter. All glacier rivers are similarly charged. The Rhone carries its load of matter into the Lake of Geneva ; the rush of the river is here ar- rested, the matter subsides, and the Rhone quits the lake clear and blue. The Lake of Geneva, and many other Swiss lakes, are in part filled up with this matter, and will, in all probability, finally be obliterated by it. 219. One portion of the motion of a glacier is due to this bodily sliding of the mass over its bed. 220. We have seen in our journeys over the glacier streams formed by tiie melting of the ice, and escaping through cracks and crevasses to the bed of the glacier. The fmc matter ground down is thus washed away ; the bed is kept lubricated, and the sliding of the ice rendered more easy than it would otherwise be. 221. As a skater also you know how much ice is weakened by a thaw. Before it actu- ally melts it becomes rotten and unsafe Test such ice with your penknife : you cau dig the blade readily into if, or cut the ice with ease Try good sound ice in the same way : you find it much more resistant. The one, indeed, resembles soft chalk ; the other hard stone. 222. Now the ]\Icr ib Glace in summer is in this thawing condition. Its ice is rendered soft and yielding by the sun ; its motion is thereby facilitated. AVe have seen that not only docs the glacier slide over its bed, but that the upper layers slide over the under ones, and that the centre slides past the sides. The softer and more yielding the ice is, the more free will be this motion, and the more readily also will it be forced through a defile like Trelaporle. 223. But in winter the thaw ceases ; the quantity of water reaching the bed of the glacier is diminished or entirely cut off. The ice also, to a certain depth at least, is frozen hard. These considerations would justify the opinion that in winter the glacier, if it moves at all, must move more slowly than in summer. At all events, the summer meas- urements give no clue to the winter motion. 221. This point merits examination. I will not, however, ask you to visit the Alps in midwinter ; but, if you allow me, I will be your deputy to the mountains, and report to you faithfully the aspect of the region and the behavior of the ice. 32. WINTER ON THE MER DE GLACB. 225. The winter chosen is an inclement one. There is snow in London, snow ia Paris, snow in Geneva ; snow near Champuni so deep that the road fences are entirely effaced. On Christmas night nearly at mid- night 1859, your deputy reaches Chamouni. 226. The snow fell heavily on December 20th ; but on the 2?th, during a lull in the storm, we turn out. There are with me four good guides and a porter. They tie planks to their feet to prevent them from sinking iu the snow ; I neglect this precaution and sink often to the waist. Four or five times during our ascent the slope cracks with an explosive sound, aud the snow threatens to come down in avalanches. The freshly-fallen snow \ /as in that partic- ular condition which causes its granules to adhere, and hence every flake fulling on the trees had been retained there. The laden pines presented beautiful and often fantastic forms. 227. After five hours and a half of arduous work the Montanvert was attained. We un- locked the forsaken auberge. round which the snow was reared in buttresses. I have already spoken of the complex play of crys- tallizing forces. The frost-figures on thu window-panes of the auberge were wonder- ful : mimic shrubs and ferns wrought by the building power while hampered by the ad- hesion between the glass and the film in which it worked. The appearance of the glacier was very impressive ; all sounds were stilled. The cascades which in summer fill the air with their music were silent, hanging from the ledges of the rocks in fluted col- umns of ice. The surface of the glacier was obviously higher than it had been in sum- mer ; suggesting tho thought that while the winter cold maintained the lower end of the glacier jammed between its boundaries, the upper portions still moved downward and thickened the ice. The peak of the Aiguille da Dru shook out a cloud banner, the origin and nature of which have been already ex- plained (84). 228. On the morning of the 28th this ban- ner was strikingly large and grand, and red- dened by the light of tne rising sun it glowed like a flame. Roses of cloud also clustered round the crests of the Grande Jorasse and hung upon the pinnacles of Charmoz. Four men, well roped together, descended to the glacier. I had trained one of them in 1857, and he was now to fix the stakes. The storm had so distributed the snow as to leave alternate longths of the glacier bare anil thickly covered. Whore much snow lay, great caution was required, for hidden cre- vasses were underneath. The men sounded with their staffs at every step. Once while looking at the party through my telescope the leader suddenly disappeared ; the roof of a crevasse had given way beneath him : but the other three men promptly gathered round and lifted him out of the fissure. The true line was soon picked up by the thoodo 108 THE FORMS OF WATER lite ; one by one the stakes were fixed until a series of eleven of them stood across the glacier. 229. To get higher up the valley was im- practicable ; the snow was too deep, and the aspect of th'3 weather too threatening ; so the theodolite was planted amid the pines a little way below the Montanvert, whence through a vista I could see across the glacier. _ The men were wrapped at intervals by whirling snow-wreaths, which quite hid them, and we had to take advantage of the lulls in the wind. Fitfully it came up the valley, darkening the air, catching the snow upon the glacier, and tossing it throughout its entire length into high and violently agitated clouds, separated from each other by cloudless spaces corre- sponding to the naked portions of the ice. In the midst of this turmoil the men continued to work. Bravely and steadfastly stake after stake was set until at length a series of ten of them was fixed across the glacier. 230. Many of the stakes were fixed in the snow. They were four feet in length, and were driven in to a depth of about three feet. But that night, while listening to the wild onset of the storm, I thought it possible that the stakes and the snow which held them might be carried bodily away before the morning. The wind, however, lulled. We rose with the dawn, but the air w T as thick with descending snow. It was all composed of those exquisite six-petalled flowers, or six- rayed stars, which have been already figured and described ( 9). The weather brighten- ing, the theodolite was planted at the end of the first line. The men descended, and, trained by their previous experience, rapidly executed the measurements. The first line was completed before 11 A.M. Again the snow began to fall, filling all the air. Span- gles innumerable were showered upon the heights. Contrary to expectation, the men could be seen and directed through the shower. 231. To reach the position occupied by the theodolite at the end of our second line, I had to wade breast-deep through snow which seemed as dry and soft as flour. The toil of the men upon the glacier in breaking through the snow was prodigious. But they did not flinch, and after a time the leader stood be- hind the farther stake, and cried, Nous awns fini. I was surprised to hear him so dis- tinctly, for falling snow had been thought very deadening to sound. The work was finished, and I struck my theodolite with the feeling of a general who had won a small Battle. 28:3. We put the house in order, packed up, and shot by glissade down the steep slopes of JM Film to the vault of the Arvei- ron. We found the river feeble, but not dried up. Many weeks must have elapsed since any water had been sent down from the surface of the glacier. But at the setting in of winter the fissures were in a great measure charged with water ; and the Arveiron of to-day was probably due to the gradual drainage of the glacier. There was now no danger of entering the vault, for the ice seemed as firm as marble. In the cavern we were bathed by blue light. The strange beauty of the place suggested magic, and put me in mind of stories about fairy caves which I had read when a boy. At the source of the Arveirou our winter visit to the Mer de Glace ends ; next morning your deputy was on his way to London. 33. WINTER MOTION OF THE Msii DE GLACE. 233 Here are the measurements executed in the winter of 1859 : LINE No. I. Stake t 2 .3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Inches 7 11 It 13 14 14 10 13 12 13 7 LINB No. IT. Stake 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 Inches 8 10 14 Iti 16 1J 13 17 15 14 234. Thus the winter motion of the Mer de Glace near the Montanvert is, in round numbers, half the summer motion. 235. As in summer, the eastern side of the glacier at this place moved quicker than the western. 34. MOTION OF THE GHINDELWALD AND ALETSCII GLACIEKS. 236. As regards the question of motion, to no other gfacier have W T C dtvoted ourselves with such thoroughness as to the Mer de Glace ; we are, however, abie to add a few measurements of other celebrated glaciers. Near the village of Gimdelwalcl in the Ber- nese Oberland, there are two great ice- streams called lespectively the Upper and the Lower Grindelvvald glaciers, the second of which is frequently visited by travellers in the Alps. Across it on August 6th, 1800, a series of twelve stakes was fixed by Mr. Vaughan Hawkins and myself. Measured on the 8th and reduced to its daily rate, the motion of these stakes was as follows : MOTION OF LOWER GRINDELWALD GLACIER. East West Stake... 1 23 5 6 7 8 9 19 11 12 Inches.. 18 11) 20 21 21 21 22 20 19 18 17 14 237. The theodolite was here planted a little below the footway leading to the higher glacier region, and at about a mile above the end of the glacier. The measurement was rendered difficult by crevasses. 238. The Ingest glacier in Switzerland is the Great Aletsch, to which further reference shall subsequently be made. Across it on August 14th, 1860, a series of thirty-four stakes was planted by Mr. Hawkins and me. Measured on the 16th and reduced to their daily rate, the velocities were found to be as follows : MOTION OF GREAT ALETSCH GLACIER. East Stake 12345 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 Inches 23468 11 13 14 18 17 17 W Stake 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 21 S3 Inches 19 18 18 17 19 19 19 19 17 17 13 Stake 24 25 a detect them. In the production of natural phe- nomena two things always conic into play, the inteiixity of Ihe acting force, and I he time during which it acts. Make the intensity great and the time small, an 1 you have sud- den convulsion ; but precisely the same ap- parent effect may be produced by making the intensity small and the time great. This truth is strikingly illustrated by the Alpine icv-falls and crevasses ; and many geological phenomena, which at first sight suggest vio- lent convulsion, may be really produced in the self-same almost impercepiibb way. 37. ICICLES. 2/52. The crevasses are grandest on the higher neves, where they sometimes appear as long yawning fissures, and sometimes as chasms of irregular outline. A delicate blue light shimmers from them, but this is grad- ual ty lost in the darkness of their profounder portions. Over the edges of the chasms, and mostly over the southern edges, hangs a coping of snow, and from this depend like stalactites rows of transparent icicles, 10, 20, 80 feet long. These pendent spears consti- tute one of the most beautiful features of the higher crevasses. 253. How are they produced ? Evidently by the thawing of the snow. But why, Avhen once thawed, should the water freeze again to solid spears ? You have seen icicles pendent from a house-eave, which have been manifestly produced by the thawing of the snow upon the roof. If we understand these we shall also understand the vaster stalactites of the Alpine crevasses. 254. Gathering up such knowledge as we possess, and reflecting npuii it patiently, let us found on it, if we can, a theory of icicles 255. First, then, you aie to know that the air of our atmosphere is hardly heated at all by the rays of the sun, whether visible or in- visible. The air is highly transparent to all kinds of rays, and it is only the scanty frac- tion to which it is not transput cut that ex- pend their force in warming it. 256. Not so, however, with the snow on which the sunbeams fall. It absorbs the solar heat, and on a sunny day you may see the summits of the high Alps glistening with the water of liquefaction. The air above and around the mountains may at the same time be many degrees below the freezing point in temperature. 257. You have only to pass from sunshine into shade to prove this. A single step suffices to carry you from a place where the thermometer stands high to one wneie it stands )ow ; the change being due, not to any difference in the temperature of the air, but simply to the withdrawal of the ther- mometer from the direct action of the solar rays. Nay, without shifting the thermome- ter at all, by interposing a suitable screen, which cuts off the sun's rays, the coldness of the air may be demonstrated. 258. Look now to the snow upon your house-roof. The sun plays upon it and melts it ; the water trickles to the cave and then drops down. If the eave face the sun the water remains water ; but if the eave do not face the sun, the drop, before it quits its parent snow, is already in shadow. Now the shaded space, as we have learned, may be below the freezing temperature. If so, the drop, instead cf falling, congeals, and the rudiment of an icicle is formed. Other drops and driblets succeed, which trickle over the rudiment, congeal upon it in part and thicken, it at the root. But a portion of the water reaches the free end of the icicle, hangs from it, and is there congealed before it escapes. The icicle is thus lengthened. In the Alps, where the liquefaction is copious and the cold of the shaded crevasse intense, the icicles, though produced in the same way. naturally grow to a greater size. The drain- age of the snow after the sun's power is with- drawn also produces icicles. 259. It is interesting and important that you should be able to explain the formation of an icicle ; but it is far more important that you should realize the way in which the various threads of what we call Nature are woven together. You cannot fully under- stand an icicle without first knowing that solar beams powerful enough to fuse the snows and blister the human skin, nay, it might be added, powerful enough, when con- centrated, to burn up the human body itself, may pass through the air and still leave it at an icy temperature. 38. THE BERGSCHRUND. 260. Having cleared away this difficulty, let us turn once more to the crevasses, taking them in the older of their formation. First then above the neve we have the final Alpine peaks and crests, against which the snow is often reared as a steep buttress. We have already learned that both neves and glaciers are moving slowly downward ; but it usual- ly happens that the attachment of the high- est portion of tho buttress to the rocks is great enough to enable it to hold on while the lower portion breaks away. A very characteristic crevasse is thus formed, called in the German-speaking portion of the Alps a Beryschrund. It often surrounds a peak like a fosse, as if to defend it against the as- saults of climbers. 261. Look more closely into its formation. Imagine the snow as* yet unbroken. Its higher portions cling to the rocks and move downward with extreme slowness. But its lower portions, whether from their greater depth aud weight or their less perfect at" CLOUDS AND RIVERS, ICE AND GLACIERS. iir tacnment, arc compelled to move more quick?}'. A.putt\s therefore exerted, tend- ing to separate the lower from the upper snow. For a lime this pull is resisted by the cohesion of the neve ; but this at length gives way, and a crack is formed exactly across the line in which the pull is exerted. In other words, crevasse is for fried at rig/it angles to the line of tension. 39. TRANSVERSE CREVASSES. 262. Both on the neve' and on the glacier the origin of the crevasses is the same. Through some cause or other, the ice is thrown into a state of strain, and as it can- not stretch it breaks across the line of tension. Take, for example, the ice-full of the Geant, or of the Talefre, above which you know the ^crevasses yawn terribly. Imagine the neve and the glacier entirely peeled away, so as to expose the surface over which they move. From the Col du Geant we should sue this surface falling gently to the place uo\v occupied by the brow of the cascade. Here the surface would fall steeply down to the bed of the present Glacier du Ge'ant, v/liera the slope would become gentle once more. 26-J. Think of the neve" moving over such a sin face. It descends from the Col till it reaches the brow just referred to, It crosses the brow, and must bend down to keep upon its bed. Realize clearly what must occur. Tlie surface of the ne"ve is evidently thrown iito a state of strain : it breaks and forms a Crevasse. Each fresh portion of the ne*ve as it passes the brow is similarly broken, and thus a succession of crevasses is sent down the fall. Between every two chasms is a great transverse ridge. Through local strains upon the fall those ridges are also frequently broken across, towers of ice xtfracs being the result. Down the fall both iiy the arrow. Let s T be a transverse slice of the glacier, taken straight across it, say to- day. A few days or weeks hence this slice wi'll have been carried -down, and because the centre moves more quickly than the bides it will not remain straight, but will bend into the form s' T'. 273. Supposing T i to be a small square of the original slice near the side of the glacier. In its new position the square will be distort- ed to the lozenge-shaped figure T' i'. Fix your attention upon the diagonal T i of the square : in the lower position this diagonal, if the ice could stretch, would be lengthened to T' i'. But the ice does not stretch ; it breaks, and we have a crevasse formed at right angles to T' i. The mere inspection of the diagram will assure you that the crevasse will point obliquely upward. 274. Along the whole side of the glacier the quicker movement of the centre produces a similar state of strain ; and the conse- quence is that the sides are copiously cut by those oblique crevasses, even at places where the centre is free from. them. 275. It is curious to see at other places the transverse fissures of the centre uniting with those at the sides, so as to form great curved crevasses which stretch across the glacier A 'rom side to side. The convexity of the curve is turned upward, as mechanical prin- ciples declare it ought to be. But if you were ignorant of those principles, you would never infer frorn the aspect of these curves the quicker motion of the centre. In land- slips, and in the motion of parliaily indurat- ed mud, you may sometimes notice appear- ances similar to those exhibited by the ice. 41. LONGITUDINAL CREVASSES 276. "We have thus unravelled the orlgia of both transverse and marginal creva-ses. But where a glacier issues from a steep and narrow defile upon a comparatively level plain which allows it room to expand later- ally, its motion is in part arrested, and the level portion has to bear the thrust of the steeper portions behind. Here the line of thrust is in the direction of the glacier, while the direction at right angles to this is one of tension. Across this latter the glacier breaks, and longitudinal crevasses are formed. 277. Examples of this kind of crevasse are furnished by the lower pait of the Glacier of the Rhone, when looked down upon from the Gi imsel Pass, or from any commanding point on the flanking mountains. 42. CREVASSES IN RELATION TO CUIIVA- TUKE OP GLACIER. 278. One point in addition remains to bo discussed, and your present knowledge will enable you to master it in a moment. You remember at an early period of our researches that we crossed the Mer de Glace from the Chapeau side to the Montanvert side. I then desired you to notice that the Chapeau side of the glacier was more fissured than either the centre or the Montanvert side (75). Why should this be so ? Knowing as we now do that the Chapeau side of the glacier moves more quickly than the other, that the point of maximum motion does not lie on the cen- tre but far east of it, we are prepared to an- swer this question in a peifectly satisfactory manner. 279. Let AB and c D, in the following dia- gram, represent the two curved sides of the Mer de Glace at the Montanvert, and let m n be a straight line across the glacier. Let o be the point of maximum motion. The me- chanical state of the two sides of the glacier may be thus made plain. Supposing the line m n to be a straight elastic string with its ends fixed ; let it be grasped firmly at tho point o by the finger and thumb, and drawn too, keeping the distance between o' and the side c D constant. Here the length, n o of the string would have stretched to n o\ and the length m o to m o', and you see plainly that the stretching of the short line, in com- parison with its length, is greater than that of the long line in comparison with its length. IN CLOUDS AND RIVERS, ICE AND GLACIERS. FIG. 8. In other words, the strain upon no' is greater than that upon m o' ; so that if one of them were to break under the strain, it would be the short one. 280. These two lines represent the condi-, tious of strain upon the two sides of the gla- cier. The sides are held back, and the cen- tre tries to move on, a strain being thus set up between the centre and sides. But the displacement of the point of maximum mo- tion through the curvature of the valley makes the strain upon the eastern ice greater than that upon the western. The eastern s..".c of the glacier is therefore more crevassed than the western. 281. Here indeed resides the difficulty of getting along the eastern side of the Mer de Glace : a difficulty which was one reason for our crossing the glacier opposite to the Mon- tanvert. There are two convex sweeps on the eastern side to one on the western side, hence on the whole the eastern side of the Mer de Glace is most riven. g 43. MORAINE- RIDGES, GLACIER TABLES, AND SAND CONES. 282. When you and I first crossed the "Mer de Glace from Trelapoite to the Couvercle, we I'ound that the stripes of rocks and rub- bish which constituted the medial moraines were ridges raised above the general level of the glacier to a height at some places of twenty or thirty feet. Oil examining these ridges we found the rubbish to be superficial, and that it rested upon a great spine of ice which ran along the back of the glacier. By what means has this ridge of ice been raised V 283. Most boys have read the story of Dr. Franklin's placing bits of cloth of various colors upon snow on a sunny day. The bits of cloth sank in the snow, the dark ones jnost. 284. Consider this experiment. The sun's rays first of all fail upon the upper surface of the cloth and warm it. The neat is then conducted through the cloth to the under surface, and the under surface passes it oil to the snow, which is finally liquefied by the heat. It is quite manifest that the quantity of snow melted will altogether depend upon the amount of heat sent from tiie upper to the under surface of the cloth. 285. Now cloth is what is called a bad conductor. It does not permit heat to travel freely through it. B .i where it has merely to pass through the thickness of a single bit of cloth, a jjood quantity of the heat y;eta through. But if you double or treble or quintuple the thickness of the cloth ; or, what is easier, if you put several pieces one upon the other, you come at length to a point where no sensible amount of heat could get through from the upper to the under sur- face. 286. What must occur if such a thick piece, or such a series of pieces of cloth, were placed upon snow on which a strong sun is falling? The snow round the cloth is melted, but that underneath the cloth is pro- tected. If the action continue long enough the inevitable result will be that the level of the snow all round the cloth will sink, and the cloth will be left behind perched upon an eminence of snow. 287. If you understand this, you have al- ready mastered the cause of the moraine- ridges. They are not produced by any swelling of the ice upward. But the ice underneath the rocks and rubbish being pro- tected from the sun, the glacier right and left melts away and leaves a ridge behind. 288. Various other appearances upon the glacier are accounted for in the same way. Here upon the Mer de Glace we have flat slabs of rock sometimes lifted up on pillars of ice. These are the so-called Glacier Ta- bks. They are produced, not by the growth of a stalk of ice out of the glacier, but by the melting of the glacier all round the icu protected by the stone. Here is a sketch of one of the Tables of the Mer de Glace. 289. Notice moreover that a glacier table is hardly ever set square upon its pillar. It generally leans to one side, and repeated ob- servation teaches you that it so leans as to enable you always to draw the north and south line upon the glacier. For the sun be- ing south of the zenith at noon pours its rays against the southern end of the table, while the northern end remains in shadow. The southern end, therefore, being most warmed does not protect the ice underneath H so ef- fectually as the northern end. The table be- comes inclined, and ends by sliding bodily olf its pedestal. 290. In the figure opposite we have what may be called an ideal table. The oblique lines represent the direction of the sunbeams, and the consequent tilting of the table here shown resembles that observed upon t^ glaciers. 291. A pebble will not rise thus : like Franklin's single bit of cloth, a dark-colored pebble sinks in the ice. A spot of black mould will not rest upon the surface, but will sink ; and various parts of the Glacier du Geant are honeycombed by the sinking of such spots of dirt into the ice. 292. "But when the dirt is of a thickness sufficient to protect the ice the case is differ- ent. Sand is often washed away by a stream from the mountains, or from the moraines, and strewn over certain spaces of the glacier. A most curious action follows . the sanded surface rises, the part on which the sand lies thickest rising highest. Little peaks and eminences jut forth, and when the distribi*- 114 THE FORMS OF WATER Fro. 9. tkm of the sand is favorable, and the action wifficiently prolonged, you have little moun- tains formed, sometimes singly, and some- times grouped so as to mimic the Alps themselves. The Sand Cones of the Mer de Glare are not striking ; but on the Gorncr, the Aletseh, the Morteratsch, and other gla- cieis, they form singly and in groups, reach- ing sonic-limes a height of ten or twenty feet. 44. THE GLACIER MILLS OR MOULINS. 29:J You and I have learned by long ex poiience the character of the Mer de Glace. We have marched over it daily, with a defi- nite object in view, but we have not closed our eyes to nher objects. It is from side glimpses of things which are not at the mo ineut occupying our attention that fresh sub- jects of inquiry arise in scientific investiga- tion. 21)4. Thus in marching over the ice near Trclaporte we were often struck by a sound resembling low rumbling thunder. We subsequently sought out the origin of this sound, and found it. 25)5. A large area of this portion of the glacier is unbroken. Driblets of water have room to form rills, rills to unite and form Rtifjims, streams to combine to form rush- iiur brooks, which sometimes cut deep chan- nels in the ice. Sooner or later these streams reach a strained portiou of the glacier, where a crack is formed across the stream. A way is thus opened for the water to the bottom of the glacier. By long action the stream hollows out a shaft, the crack thus becoming the starting-point of a funnel of unseen depth, into which the water leaps with the sound of thunder. 290. This funnel and its cataract form p glacier Mill or Moulin. v 2i7. Let me grasp your hand firmly while you stand upon the edge of this shaft and 'look into it. The hole, with its pure blue shimmer, is beautiful, but it is terrible. Ia- Fio. 10. cautious persons have fallen into these shafts, a second or two of bewilderment bo ing followed by sudden death. But caution upon the glaciers and mountains ought, by habit, to be made a second nature to explor- ers like you and me. 298. The crack into which the stream first descended to form the moulin, moves down with the glacier. A succeeding portion of the ice reaches the place where the breaking strain is exerted. A new crack is then formed above the moulin, which is thence- forth forsaken by the stream, and moves downward as an empty shaft. Here upon the Mer de Glace, in advance of the Grand Moulin we see no less than six of these for- saken holes. Some of them we sound to a depth of 90 feet. 299. But you and I both wish to deter- mine, if possible, the entire depth of the Mer de Glace. The Grand Moulin offers a chance of doing this which we must not neglect IN CLOUDS AND RIVERS. ICE AND GLACIERS. Our tlrst effort to sound the moulin fails through the breaking of our cord by the im- petuous plunge of tho water. A lump of grease in the hollow of a weight enables a mariner to judge of a sea bottom. We em- C" ' such a weight, but cannot reach the of the g'uc er. A depth of 163 feet is the utmost rtajhed by our plummet. 300. From July 28th to August 8th we have watched the progress of the Grand Moulin. On the former date the position of the mou- lin was fixed. On the 31st it had moved down 50 inches ; a little more than, a day afterward it had moved 74 inches. On August 8lh it had moved 198 inches, which gives an average of about 18 inches in twenty four hours. No doubt next summer upon the Mer de Glace a Grand Moulin will be found thundering near Trolaporte ; but like the crevasse of Hie Grand Plateau, al- ready referred to ( 1(5), it will not be our moulin. This, or i at her the ice which it penetrated, is now probably more than a mile lower down than it was in 1857. 45. THE CHANGES OF VOLUME OF WATER BY HEAT AND COLD. SOI. We have noticed upon the glacier shafts and pits filled with water of the most delicate blue. In some cases these have been the shafts of extinct moulins closed at the bottom. A. theory has been advanced to ac- count for them, which, though it may be un- tenable, opens out considerations regarding '.he properties of water that ought to be familiar to inquirers like you and me. 302. In our dissection of lake ice by a beam of heat ( 11) we noticed little vacu- ous spots at the centres of the liquid flowers formed by the beam. These spots we re- ferred to the fact that when ice is melted the water produced is less in volume than the ice, and that hence the water of the flower was not able to occupy the whole space covered by the flower. 303. Let us more fully illustrate this sub- ject. Stop a small flask water-tight with a cork, and through the cork introduce a narrow glass tube also water-tight. It is easy to fill the flask with water "so that the liquid shall stand at a certain height in the glass tube. 304. Let us now warm the flask with the flame of a spirit-lamp. On first applying the flame you notice a momentary sinking of the liquid in the glass tube. This is due to the momentary expansion of the flask by ha.t ; it becomes suddenly larger when the flame is first applied. 305. But the expansion of the water soon overtakes that of the flask and surpasses it. We immediately see the rise of the liquid column in the glass tube, exactly as mercury rises in the tube of a watmed thermometer. 800. Our glass tube is ten inches long, and at starting the water stood in it at a height of five inches. We will apply the spirit-lamp flame until the water rises quite to the top of the tube and trickles over. This experiment suffices to show the expansion of the wale? by heat. 307. We now take a common finger-glass and put into it a little pounded ice and "salt. On this we place the flask, and ihen build round it the freezing mixture. The liquid column retreats dosvn, the tube, proving the contraction of the liquid by cold. We allow the shrinking to continue for some minutes, noticing that the downward retreat of the liquid becomes gradually slower, and that it finally ceases altogether. 308~. Keep your eye upon the liquid col- umn ; it remains quiescent for a fi action of a minute, and then moves once more. But its motion is now upward instead of down- ward. The freezing mixture now acts exactly li/ce theflatne. 309. It would not be difficult to pass a thermometer through the cork inio the flask, and it would tell us the exact tempera- ture at which the liquid ceased to coii tract and began to expand. At that mumtnt we should find the temperatuic of the liquid a shade over 39 Fahr. 310. At this temperature, then, water at- tains its maximum density. 311. Seven degrees below this temperature, or at 32 Fahr., the liquid begins to turn into solid crystals of ice, which you know swims upon water because it is bulkier for a given weight. In fact, this halt of the apprracb- ing molecules at the temperature of 39", is but the preparation for the subsequent act of crystallization, in which the expansion by cold culminates. Up to the point of solidin> cation the increase of volume is slow and gradual ; while in the act of solidification it is sudden, and of overwhelming strength. 312. By this force of expansion the Floren- tine Academicians long ago burst a sphere of copper nearly three quaiters of an inch in thickness. By the same force the celebrated astronomer Huyghens burst in 1GG7 iron can- nons a finger breadth thick. Such experi- ments have been frequently made since. Major Williams during a severe Quebec win- ter filled a mortar with water, and closed it i by driving into its muzzle a plug of wood. i Exposed to a temperature 50 Fahr. below the freezing point of water, the mKal resist- ed the strain, but the plug gave wy.y, b( ing projected to a distance of 400 feet. At Warsaw howitzer shells bave been thus ex- ploded ; and you and I have shivered thick bomb-shells to fragments by placing them for half an hour in a freezing m'xture. 313. The theory of the shafts and pits re- ferred to at the beginning of inis section is this : The water at the surface of the shaft is warmed by the sun, say to a temperature of 39 Fahr. The water at the I ottom, in contact with the ice, must be at 32 or near it. The heavier water is therefore at the top ; it will descend to the bottom, melt the ice there, and thus deepen the shaft. 314. The circulation here refeired to un- doubtedly goes on, and some curious ejects are due to it ; but not, I think, the one here ascribed to it. The deepening of a shaft im- plies a quicker melting of its bottom than of 115 THE FORMS OF WATER the surface of the glacier. It is not easy to see how the fact of the solar heat being first absorbed by water, and then conveyed by it 10 the bottom of the shaft, should make the melting of the bottom more rapid than that of the ice which receives the direct impact of the solar rays. The surface of the glacier must sink at least as rapidly as the bottom of the pit, so that the circulation, though actu- ally existing, cannot produce the cited as- cribed to it. 40. CONSEQUENCES FLOWING FROM THE FOREGOING PROPERTIES OF WATER. CORRECTION OF ERRORS. 315. I was not much above your age when the pioperly of water ceasing to contract by cold at a temperature of 39" Fahr. was made known to me, and 1 still remember the im- pression it made upon me. For I was asked to consider what would occur in case this solitary exception to an otherwise universal law ceased to exist. 316. I was asked to reflect upon the con- dition of a lake stored with fish and offering its surface to very cold air. It was made clear to me that the water on being first chilled would shrink in volume and become heavie/, that it would theiefore sink and have its; p'ate supplied by the warmer and lighter wati-r fiom the deeper portions of the lake. 317. It was pointed out to mi; that without the law referred to this process of circulation would go on until th^ whole watir of the lake had been lowered to the free/ing tem- per ami e. Congelation would then begin, and would continue as long as any waler re- mained to be solidified. One consequence of this would be to destroy every living thing contained in the lake. Other calamities weie added, all of which weie said to be prevented by the perfectly exceptional ar- rangement, that after a certain time the colder water becomes the lighter, floats on the sur- face of the lake, is there congealed, thus throwing a protecting roof over the life below. 318. Count Rumford, one of the most solid of scientific men, writes in the following strain about this question : '' It does not appear to me that there is anything which human sagacity can fathom, within the wide-extend- ed bounds of the visible creation, which affoidsa more striking or more palpable proof of the wisdom of the Creator, and of the special care He has taken, in the general arrangement of the uuiveise, to preserve ani- mal M'e, than this wonderful contrivance. 31S). " Let me beg the attention of my leaders while 1 endeavor to investigate this imobt interesting subject ; and let me at the :*umc time bespeak his candor and indul- gence. I feel the danger to which a mortal exptMses himself who has the temerity to ex- plain the designs of Infinite Wisdom. The enterprise is adventuious, but it surely can- not be improper. 320. "Had not Providence interfered on iiua occasion in a manner which may well be considered as m^'aculf the fact, which is too often forgotten, that tlie pleas- ure or comfort of a belief, or the warmth or exaltation of feeling which it produces, is no guarantee of its truth. For the whole of Count Rumford's delight and enthusiasm in connection with this subjact, and the wholo of his ire against those who did not share his opinions, were founded upon an erroneous notion. 322. Water is not a solitary exception to an otherwise general law. There are other molecules than those of this lieniid which re- quire more room in the soliel c-ijstalline con- dition than in the adjacent molten condition. Iron is a case in point. Solid iron floats upon molten iron exactly as ice floats upon water. Bismuth is a still more impressive case, and we could shiver a bomb as cer- tainly by the solidification of bismuth as by that of water. There is no fish to be taken care of here, still the " contrivance" is the same. 323. I am reluctant to mention (hem iu the same biealh with Count liumioid, but I am told that in our own day theie are people who profess to find the comforts of a religion in a superstition lower than any that has hitherto degraded the civilized human mind. So that the happiness of a faith and the truth of a failh are two totally different things. 324. Life and the conditions of life are in necessary haimony. This is a truism, for without the suitable conditions life could not exist. But both life and its conditions set forth the operations of inscrutable Power. We know not its origin ; we know not its end. And the presumption, if not the eleg- radation, rests with those who place upon the throne of the universe a magnified image of themselves, and make its doings a mere colossal imitation of their own. 47. THE MOLECULAR MKC/TANISM OF WATER-CONGELATION. 82.1. But let us return to our science. How are we to picture this act of expansion on the part of freezing water ? By what oper- ation do the molecules demand wilh such irresistible emphasis more room in the solirl than in the adjacent liquid condition ? In all cases of this kiud we must derive our con. ceptions from the world of the. senses, and transfer them afterward to a world transcend- ing the range of the senses. 32(>. You have not forgotten our conver- sation regarding " atomic poles" (^ 10), and how the notion of polar force came to be ap- plied to crystals. With this fiesh in^ your memory, you will have no great IN CLOUDS AND RIVERS, ICE AND GLACIERS. 117 Ft? In understanding how expansion of volume may accompany tho act of crystallization. 327. I place a number of magnets before , ju. Thpy, as matter, are affected by grav- ty, and, if perfectly free, they would move toward each other in obedience to the attrac- tion of gravity. 328. But they are not only matter, but magnetic matter. They not only act upon each other by the simple force of gravity, but by the polar force of magnetism. Im- agine them placed at a distance from each other, and perfectly free to move. Gravity first makes itself felt and draws them to- gether. For a time the magnetic force issu- ing from the poles is insensible ; but when a certain nearness is attained, 1he polar force comes into play. The mutually attracting points close up, the mutually repellent points retreat, and it is easy to see that this action may produce an arrangement of the magnets which requires more room. Suppose them surrounded by a box which exactly incloses them at the moment the polar force first comes into play. It is easy to see that in ar- ranging themselves subsequently the repelled corners and ends of the magnets may be caused to nress against the Bides of the box, and even to burst ii, if the forces be suffi- ciently strong. 329. Here then we have a conception which may be applied to the molecules of water. They, like the magnets, are acted upon by two distinct forces. For a time, while thr. FIG. 11. liquid ia being coole.l they approach each other, in obedience to their general uttractioo for each other. But at a certa! i point new "**ces, some attractive, some repulsive, ema^ noting from special points of the molecules, come into plav. The attracted points closa up, the repelled points retreat. Thus tLo molecules turn and rearrange themselves, demanding, as they do so, more space, and overcoming all ordinary resistance by the energy of their demand. This, in general terms, is an explanation of the expansion of water in solidifying : it would be easy to construct an apparatus for its illustration. 48. THE DIKT BANDS OF THE MEII DE GLACE. 330. Pass from bright sunshine into a moderately lighted room ; for a time all ap- pears so dark that the objects in the room are not to be clearly distinguished, Hit violent- ly by the waves of light ( 3) the optic nervo is numbed, and requires time to recover its sensitiveness. 331. It is for this reason that I choose the present hour for a special observation on iho Mer de Glace. The sun has sunk behind the ridge cf Charmoz, and the surface of the glacier is in sober shade. The main portion of our day's work is finished, but we have still sufficient energy to climb tho slopes ad- jacent to the Montanvert to a height of a thousand feet or thereabout above the ice. 332. We now look fairly down upon the glacier, and see it less foreshortened than from the Montanvert. We notice the dirt overspreading its eastern side, due to the crowding together of its medial moraines. We see the comparatively clean surface of the Glacier du Geant ; but we notice upon tills surface an appearance which we have not hitherto seen. It is crossed by a series of gray bent bands, which follow each other in "succession, from Trelaporte downward. We count eighteen of theso from our present position. (See sketch. Fig. 12.) 333. These are the Dirt Bands of the Mcr 3. The valleys and depressions between these mountains are filled with glaciers. D )wn the flunks 01 the Twin Castor comes the Glacier des Jumeaux, from Pollux comes the Schwartze glacier, from the Breithorn the Trifti glacier, then come the Little Mat- terhorn glacier and the Theodule glacier, each, as it welds itself to the trunk, carrying with it its medial moraine. We can count nine such moraines from our present posi- tion. And to a still more surprising degree than on the Mer de Glace, we notice Hie power of the ice to yield to pressure ; the broad neves being squeezed on the trunk of the Goraer into white stripes, which become ever narrower net ween their bounding mo- raines, and finally disappear under their own shingle. 859. On the two main tributaries we also notice moraines which seem in each case to rise from the body of the glacier, appearing in the middle of the ice without any apparent origin higher up. These at their sources are sub-glacial moraines, which have b^cn rubbed away from rocky promontories en- tirely covered with ice. They lie hidden for a time in the body of the glacier, and appear at the surface where the ice above them has been melted away by the sun. SCO. This is the place to mention a notion long entertained by the inhabitants of the high Alps, that glaciers possess the power of thrusting out all impurities from them. On the Mer de Glace you and I have noticed iargxi patches of clay and black mud which evidently came from the body of the glacier, and we can therefore understand how natural was this notion of extrusion to people unac- customed to close observation. But the power of the glacier in this respect is in reality the power of the sun, which fuses the ice above concealed impurities, and, hke the bodies of the guides on the Glacier des Bos- sons (143) brings them to the light of dav 361. On no other glacier will you find more objects of interest than on the Gorner. Sand cones, glacier-tables, deep ice-gorges cut by streams and bridged fantastically by bould- ers, moulins, sometimes arched ice-caverns of extraordinary size and beauty. On the lower part of the glacier we notice the par- tial disappearance of the medial moraine in the crevasses, ami its reappearance at the foot of the incline. For many years this glacier was steadily advancing on the meadow in front of it, ploughing up the soil and over- turning the chalets in its way. It now shares in the general reticat exhibited during the last fifteen years among the glaciers of the Alps. As usual, a river, the Visp, rushes from a vault at the extremity of the Gorner glacier. 53. ANCIENT GLACIERS OP SWITZERLAND, 362. You have not lost the memory of the old moraine, which interested us so much in our first ascent from the source of Ihe Arvei- ron ; for it opened our minds to the fact that at one period of its history the Mer de Glace attained far greater dimensions than it now exhibits. Our experience since that time has enabled us to pursue these evidences of ice action to an extent of which we had tiiea no notion. 363. Close to the existing glacier, for ex- ample, we have repeatedly seen the mountain- side laid bare by the retreat of the ice. This is especially conspicuous just now, because for the last fifteen or sixteen years the glaciers of the Alps have been steadily shrinking ; so that it is no uncommon thing to see the mar- ginal rocks laid bare for a height of fifty, sixty, eighty, or even one hundred feet above the present glacier. On the rocks thus ex- posed we see the evident marks of the slid- ing ; and our e} 7 es and minds have been so educated in the observation of these appear- ances that we are now able to detect, with certainty, icemarks, or moraines, ancient or modern, wherever they appear. 364. But the elevations at which we have found such evidence might well shake be-lief in the conclusions to which they point. Beside the Massa Goige, at 1000 feet above the present Aletsch, we found a great old moraine. Descending the meadows between the Be! Alp and Plat ten, we found another, now clothed with grass, and bearing a village on its back. But I wish to carry you to a region which exhibits these evidences on a still grander and more impressive scale. We have already taken a brief flight to the valley of Hasli and the Glacier of the Aar. Let us make that glacier our starting-point. Walk- irg from it downward toward the Grimsel, we pass everywhere over rocks singularly rounded, an 1 fluted, and scarred. These appearances are manifestly the work of the glacier in recent times. But we approach the Grimsel, and at the turning of the valley stand before the precipitous granite flank of the mountain. The traces of the ancient ice are here as plain as they are amazing. The rocks are so hard that not only the fluting IN CLOUDS AND RIVERS, ICE AND GLACIERS. 129 and polishing, but even the fine scratches '^hich date back unnamable thousands of years are as evident as if they had been made yesterday. We may trace these evidences to a height of two thousand feet above the pres- ent valley bed. It is indubitable that an ice-river of this astounding depth once flowed through the vale of Hasli. 365. Yonder is the summit of the Siedel- h rn ; and if we gain it the Unteraar glacier \v :.'! lie like a map below us. From this commanding point we plainly see marked upon the mountain-sides the height to which the ancient ice extended. The ice ground pail of the mountains is clearly distinguished from the splintered crests which in those dis- tant clays rose above the surface of the glacier, and which must have then appeared as island peaks and crests in the midst of an ocean of ice. 366. We now scamper down the Siedelhora, get once more into the valley of Hasli, along which we follow for more than twenty miles the traces of the ice. Fluted precipices, pol- ished slabs, and beautifully-rounded granite domes. Right and left upon the mountaiu flanks, at great elevations, the evidences ap- pear. We follow the footsteps of the glacier to the Lake of Brientz ; and if we prolonged our inquiries, we should learn that all the lake beds of this region, at the tinia now re- ferred to, bore the burden of immense masses of ice. 367. Instead of the vale of Hasli, we might take the valley of the Rhone. The traces of a mighty glacier, which formerly rillei it, may be followed all the way to Martiguy, which is 0(J miles distant from the present ice. At Martigny the Rhone glacier was re- inforce t by another from Mont Blanc, and the welJed masses moved onward, planing the mountains right and left, to the lake of Geneva, the basin of which they entirely Billed. Oilier evidences prove that the glacier did not end hare, but pushed across the low country until it encountered the limestone barrier of the Jura Mountains. 54. ERRATIC BLOCKS. 368. What are these other evidences ? We have seen mighty rocks poised on the mo- raines of the Mer'de Glace, and we now know that, unless they are split and shattered by the frost, these' rocks will, at some distant day, be landed bodily by the Glacier des Bois in the valley of Chamouni. You have al- ready learned that these boulders often reveal the rnin era logical nature of the mountains among which the glacier has passed ; that specimens are thus brought clown of a char- acter totally different from the rocks among which they are finally landed ; this is striK- ingly the case with the erratic block* strandeJ along the Jura. 361). For the Jura itself, as already stated, ia limestone ; there is no trace of native granite to be found among these hills. Still along the breast of the mountain above the town of Neufchatel, and at about 800 feet above the lake of Neufchatel, we find stranded a belt of granite boulders from Mont Blanc. And when we clear the soil away from the adjacent mountain-side, we find upon the limestone rocks the scarrings of the ancient glacier which brought the boulders here. 370. The most famous of these rocks, called the Pierre il Bot, measures 50 feet in length, 40 in height, and 20 in width. Mul- tiplying these three numbers together, we obtain 40,000 cubic feet as the volume of the boulder. 371. But this is small compared to som of the rocks which constitute the freight of even recent glaciers. Let us visit another of them. We have already been to Stalden, where the valley divides into two branches, the right branch running to St. Nicholas and Zermatt, and the left one to Saas and the Monte Moro. Three hours above f:iaas we come upon the end of the Allelein glacier, not filling the main valley, but thrown athwart it so as to sto-p its drainage like a dam. Above this ice-dam we have the Matt mark Lake, and at the head of the lake a small inn well known to travellers over the Monte Moro. 372. Close to ihis inn is the greatest bould- er that we have ever seen. It measures 240,000 cubic feet. Looking across the val- ley we notice a glacier with its present end half a mile from the boulder. The stone, I believe, is serpentine, and were you and I to explore the Schwartzberg glacier to its upper fastnesses, we should find among them* the birthplace of this gigantic stone. Four-and- forty years ago, when the glacier reached the place now occupied by the boulder, it landed there its mighty freight, and then retreated. There is a second ice-borne rock at hand, which would be considered vast were it not dwarfed by the aspect of its huger neighbor. 373. Evidence of this kind might be multi. plied to any extent. In fact, at this moment, distinguished men, like Professor Favre of Geneva, are determining from the distribu- tion of the erratic blocks the extent of the ancient glaciers of Switzerland. It was, however, an engineer named Venctz that first brought these evidences to light, and an- nounced to an incredulous \vorld the vast extension of the ancient ice. M. Agassiz afterward developed and wonderfully ex- panded the discovery. Pehaps the most in- teresting observation regarding ancient gla- ciers is that of Dr. Hooker, who, during a recent visit to Palestine, found the celebrated Cedars of Lebanon growing upon ancient moraines. 55. ANCIENT GLACIERS OF ENGLAND, IRELAND. SCOTLAND, AND WALES. 374. At the time the ice attained this extra- ordinary development in the Alps, many other portions of Europe, where no glaciers now exist, were covered with then). In the Highlands of Scotland, among the mount.uins of England, Ireland, and Wales, the ancient glaciers have written their story as plainly as in the Alps themselves I should like te wander with you through Borrodale in Cuia- 124 THE FOKMS OF WATER. berland, or through the valleys near Beth- gellert in Wales. Under all tlie beauty of the present scenery we should discover the me- morials of a time when the whole region was locked in the embrace of ice. Professor Ramsay is especially distinguished by his writings oil the- ancient glaciers of Wales. 875. We have made the acquaintance of the Keeks ot Magillicuddy as the great con- densers of Atlantic vapor. At the time now referred to, this moisture did not fall as soft and fructifying rain, but as snow, which formed the nutriment of great glaciers. A chain of lakes now constitutes the chief at- traction of Killarney, the Lower, the Middle, and the Upper Luke. Let us suppose our- selves rowing toward the head of the Upper Lake with the Purple Mountain to our left. Remembering our travels ill the Alps, you would infallibly call my attention to the planing of the rocks, and declare the action to be unmistakably that of glaciers With our attention thus sharpened, we land at the heal of the lake, and walk up the Black Valley to the bas of Magillicuddy 's Keeks. Your conclusion would be, that this valley tells a tale as wonderful as that of Hasli. 876. We reaeli our boat and row home- ward along the Upper Lake. Its islands now possess a new interest for us. Some of them are bare, others are covered wholly or in part with luxuriant vegetation ; but both the naked and clothed islands are glaciated. The weathering of ages has not altered their forms ; there are the Cannon Rock, the Giant's Coffin, the Man-of-War, all sculp- tured as if tlie chisel had passed over them in our own lifetime. These lakes, now fringed with tender woodland beauty, were all occu- pied by the ancient ice. It has disappeared, and seeds from other regions have been wafted thither to sow the trees, the shrubs, the ferns, and the grasses which now beau- tify Killarney. Mun himself, they say, lias made his appearance in the world since that time of ice ; but of the real period and manner of man's introduction little is professed to be known since, to make them square with sci- ence, new. meanings have been found for the beautiful myths and stories of the Bible. 377. It is the nature and tendency of the human mind to look backward and lor ward ; to endeavor to restore the past and predict the future. Thus endowed, from data pa- tiently and painfully won, we recover in idea a state of things which existed thou- sands, it may be millions, of years before the history of the human race began. 56. THE GLACIAL Erocn. 378. This period of ice-extension lias been named the Glacial Epoch. In accounting for it great minds have fallen into grave er- rors, as we shall presently see. 379. The substance on which we have thus far been working exists in three differ- ent states : as a solid in ice ; as a liquid in water ; as a gas in vapor. To cause it to pass from one of these states to the next fol- lowing one, heat is necessary. 330. Dig a hole in the ice of the Mer do Glare in summer, and p ace si thermometer in the hole ; it will suuid ut 32 Dip your thermometer into one of the glacier streams; it will still mark 32. The water is therefore as cold us ice. 381. Hence the whole of the. heat j-oured by the sun upon the glacier, and which has I een absorbed by the glacier, is expended ia simply liquefying the ice, and not in render- ing either ice or water a single degree warmer. 382. Expose water to a lire ; it becomes hotter for a time. It boils, and from that moment it ceases to g t h< tter. After it has begun to boil, all the hrni communicated by the fire is carried away by the steam, t?iouyh the steam itself is not the least fraction -fa de- gree hotter than the wafer. 883. In fact, simply to liquefy ice a large quantity of heat is necessary, and to vaporize water a still larger quantity is necessary. And inasmuch as thi> heat does not render the water warmer than the ice, nor the steam warmer than the water, it was at, one time supposed to be hidden in the water and in the Fleam. And it was therefore called late/it heat. 884. Let us ask how much heat must the sun expend in order to convert a pound weight of the tropical ocean into \upor? This problem has been ticcurately solved by experiment. It would require in round num- bers 1000 times the amount of heat necessary to raise one pound of water one degree in temperature. 383. But the quantity of heat which wou'.d raise the tempi rature of a pound of water one degree would raise the tempt rature of a pound of iron ten degrees. This has been also proved by experiment. IK-nee to con- vert one pound of the tropical ocean into vapor i he sun must expend 10,000 times as much heat as would laise one pound of iron one degree in temperature. 386. This quantity of heat wr.uld raise the temperature of 5 Ibs. of iron 20UO degrees, which is the fusing point of cast iron ; at this temperature die metal would not only be white hot, but would be passing into the mol- ten condition. 387. Consider the conclusions at which we have now arrived. For every pound of tropical vapor, or for every pound of Alpine ice produced by the congelation of that va- por, an amount of heat has been expended by the sun sufficient to raise 5 Ibs. of cast- iron to its melting-point. 388. It would not be difficult to calculate approximately the weight of the Mer do Glace and its tributaries to say, fbr exam- ple, that they contained so many millions of millions of tons of ice and snow. Let the place of the ice be taken by a mass of white- hot iron of quintuple the weight ; with such a picture before your mind you get some notion of the enormous amount of heat paid out by the sun to produce the present glacier. 389. You must think over this, until it is as clear as sunshine. For you must never henceforth fall into the error already referred IN CLOUDS AND RIVERS, ICE AND GLACIERS. 125 to, and which has entangled so many. So natural was the association of ice and cold, that even celebrated men assumed that all that is needed to produce a great extension of our glaciers is a diminution of the sun's temperature. Had they gone through the foregoing reflections and calculations, they would probably have demanded more heat instead of less for the production ot a " gla- cial epoch." What they really needed were condensers sufficiently powerful to 'congeal the vapor generated by the heat of the sun. 57. GLACIER THEORIES. 390. You have not forgotten, and hardly ever can forget, our climbs to the Cleft Sta- tion. Thoughts were then suggested which we have not yet discussed. We saw the branch glaciers coming down from, their neves, welding themselves together, pushing through Trelaporte, and afterward moving through the sinuous valley of the Mer de Glace. These appearances alone, without taking into account subsequent observa- tions, were sufficient to suggest the idea that glacier ice, however hard and brittle it may appear, is really a viscous substance, resem- bling treacle, or honey, or tar, or lava. 53. DILATATION AMD SLIDING THEORIES. 891. Still this was not the notion expressed by the majority of writers upon glaciers. Scheuchzer of Zurich, a great naturalist, vis- ited the glaciers in 1705, nnd propounded a theory of their motion. Water, he knew, expands in freezing, nnd the force of expan- sion is so great that thick bomb-shells filled with water, and permitted to freeze, are, as we know (812), shattered to pieces by the ico within. Scheuchzer supposed that the wa- ter in the fissures of the irlacier-s, freezing 1 there and expanding with resistless force, was the power which urged the glacier downward. He added to this theory other notions of a less scientific kind. 392. Many years subsequently, De Char- pentier of Bex renewed and developed this theory with such ability and completeness that it was long known as Ciiarpemier'a Theory of Dilatation. M. Agassiz lor a time espoused this theory, and it was aijo more or less distinctly held by other wriieis. The glacier, in fact, was considered to be a mag- azine of cold, capable of freezing all water percolating through it. The theory was abandoned when this notion of glacier cold was proved by M. Agassiz to be untenable. 393. In 17b'0, Altmanu and Griiner pro- pounded the view that glaciers moved by sliding over their beds. Nearly lorty years subsequently, this notion was revived by De Saussure, and it has therefore been called "De Saussure's Theory," or the "Sliding Theory," of glacier motion. 394. There was, however, but little reason to connect the name of De Saussure with this or any other theory of glaciers. Incessantly occupied in observations of another kind, this celebrated man devoted very little time or thought to the question of glacier motion. What he has written upon the subject reads less like the elaboration of a theory than the expression of an opinion. 59. PLASTIC THEORY. 395. By none of these writers is the prop- erty of viscosity or plasticity ascribed to gla- cier ice ; the appearances of many glaciers are, however, so suggestive of this idea that we may be sure it would have found Ujore frequent expression, were it not in such ap- parent contradiction with our every day ex- perience of ice. 396. Still the idea found its advocates. In a little book, published in 1773, and entitled "Picturesque Journey to the Glaciers of Savoy," Bordier of Geneva wrote thus : " It is now time to look at all these objects with the eyes of reason ; to study, in the first place, the position and the progression of glaciers, and to seek the solution rf their principal phenomena. At the first aspect of the ice-mountains an observation presents it- self, which appears sufficient to explain all. It is that the entire mass of ice is connected together, and presses from above downward after the manner of fluids. Let us then re- gard the ice, not as a mass entirely rigid and immobile, but as a heap of coagulated matter, or as softened wax, flexible and duc- tile to a certain point." Here probably for the first time the quality of plasticity is as- cribed to the ice of glaciers. 397. To us, familiar with the aspect of tho glaciers, it must seem strange that this idea once expressed did not at once receive recog- nition and development. But in those early days explorers were few, and the " Pictur- esque Journey" probably hut little known,, so that the notion of plasticity lay dormant for more than half a century. But Bordier was at length succeeded by a man of far greater scientific rapp and insight than him- self. This was Rendu, a Catholic priest and, canon when he wrote, and afterward Bishop < of Annecy. In 1841 Rendu laid before the Royal Academy of Sciences of Savoy his- "Theory of the Glaciers of Savoy," a con- tribution forever memorable in relation to; this subject. 398. Rendu seized the idea of glacier plas- ticity with great power and clearness, and-; followed it resolutely to its consequences. It is not known that ho had ever seen the work of Bordier ; probably not, as he never- mentions it. Let me quote for you some of Rendu's expressions, which, however, fail to give an adequate idea of his insight and -pre- cision of thought: "Between the Mer de Glace and a river there is a resemblance BO complete that it is imposiible to find in the. glacier a circumstance which does not exist in the river. In currents of water the mo- tion is not uniform either throughout their width or throughout their depth. The fric- tion of the bottom and of the sides, with the action of local hindrances, causes the motion to vary, and only toward the middle of the surface do we obtain the full motion." 399. This reads like a prediction of what 126 THE FORMS OF WATER has since been established by measurement. Looking at the glacier of Mont Dolent, which resembles a sheaf in form, wide at both ends and narrow in the middle, and reflecting tbat *he upper wide part had become narrow, and the narrow middle part again wide, Rcndu observes, " There. is a multitude of facts which seem to necessitate the belief that gla- eiar ice enjoys a kind of ductility which en- ables if, to 'mould itself to its locality, to thin out, to swell, and to contract as if it were a soft paste." 400. To fully test his conclusions, Rendu required the accurate measurement of glacier motion. Had he added to his other endow- ments the practical skill of a land-surveyor, he would now be regarded as the prince of glacialists. As it was he was obliged to be content with imperfect measurements. In one of his excursions he examined the guides regarding- the successive positions of a vast rock which he found upon the ice close to the side of the glacier. The mean of five years gave him a motion for this block of 40 feet a year. 401.' Another block, the transport of which he subsequently measured more accurately, gave him a velocity of 400 feet a year. Note his explanation of this discrepancy : '* The enormous difference of these two ol)eerva- tions arises from the fact that one block stood near the centre of the glacier, which moves most rapidly, while the other stood noar the side, where the ice is held back by friction. " So clear and definite were Rcndu's ideas of the plastic motion of glaciers, that had the question of curvature occurred to him, I entertain no doubt that he would have enunciated beforehand the shifting of the point of maximum motion from side to side across the axis of the glacier ( 25). 402. It is right that you should know that scientific men do not always agree in their estimates of the comparative value of facts ?md ideas ; and it is especially right that you should know that your present tutor attaches a very high value 'to ideas when they spring from the profound and persistent pondering of superior minds, and are not, as is too often the case, thrown out without the war- rant of either deep thought or natural capac- ity. It is because I believe Rendu's labors fulfil this condition that I ascribe to them so high a value. But when you become older and better informed, you may differ from i-iie ; and I write these words lest you should too readily accept my opinion of Rendu. Judge me,' if you care to do so, when your knowledge is matured. I certainly shall not ! ear your verdict. 403. But, much as I prize the prompting idea, and thoroughly as I believe that often in it the force of genius mainly lies, it would, in my opinion, be an error of omissioa of the gravest kind, and which, if habitual, would insure the ultimate decay of natural knowl- lge, to negL-ct verifying our ideas, and giv- ng them outward reality and substance when '.lie means of doing so are at hand. In sci- j nce, thought, as far as possible, ought to foe wedded to fact, This was attempted by Rendu, and in great part accomplished by Agassiz and Forbes. GO. Viscous THEORY. 404. Here indeed the merits of the distin- guished Racialist last named rise conspicu- ously to view. From the able and earnest advocacy of Professor Forbes, the public knowledge of this doctrine of glacial plastic- ity is aUnost wholly derived. He gave the doctrine a more distinctive form ; he first applied the term viscous to glacier ice, and sought to found upon precise measurements a "viscous Theory" of glacier motion. 405. I am here obliged to state facts in their historic sequence. Professor Forbes when he began his investigations was ac- quainted with the labors of Rendu. In his earliest work upon the Alps he refers to those labors in terms of flattering recogni- tion. But though as a ma te:- of f act lien- du's ideas were there to prompt him, it would be too much to say that he needed their in- spiration. Had Rcndu not preceded him, he might none the less have grasped the idea of viscosity, executing his measurements and applying his knowledge to maintain it. Be that as it may, the appearance of Professor Forbes on the Unteraar glacier in 1841, and on the Mer cle Glace in 1842, and his labors then and subsequently, have given him a name not to be forgotten in the scientific his- tory of glaciers. 406. The theory advocated by Professor Forbes was enunciated by himself in these words : "A glacier is an imperfect fluid, or viscous body, which is urged down slopes of certain inclination by the natural pressure of its parts." In 1773 Bordier wrote thus: "As the glaciers always advance upon the plain, and never disappear, it is absolutely essential that new ice shall perpetually take the place of that which is melted : it must therefore be pressed forward from above. One can hardly refuse then to accept the as- tonishing truth, that this vast extent of haul and solid ice moves as a single piece down- ward." In the passage already quoted he speaks of the ice being pressed as a fluid from abore. Tirap constitute, I believe, Bordier's contributions to this subject. The quotations show his sagacity at an early date ; but, in point of completeness, his views are not to be compared with those of Rendu nnd Forbes. 407. I must not omit to state here that though the idea of viscosity has not been es- poused by M. Agassiz, his measurements, and maps of measurements, on the Unteraar glacier have been recently cited as the most clear and conclusive illustrations of a quality which, at all events, closely resembles vis- cosity. 408. But why, with proofs before him mem; copious and characteristic than those of any other observer, does M. Agassiz hesitate to accept the idea of viscosity as applied to ice ? Doubtless because he believes the no- tion to be contradicted by our cvery-day ex- IN CLOUDS AND RIVERS, ICE AND GLACIERS. perience of the substance. 409. Take a mass of ice ten or even fifteen cubic feet in volume ; drpw a saw across it to a depth of half an inch or an inch ; and strike a pointed pricker, not thicker than a very small round tile, into the groove ; the substance will split from top to bottom with a clean crystalline fracture. How is this brittleness to be; reconciled with the notion of viscosity ? 410. We have, moreover, been upon the glacier and have witnessed the birth of cre- vasses. We have seen* them beginning as narrow cracks suddenly formed, days being iL'Ljuired to open them a single inch. In many glaciers fissures may be traced narrow and profound for hundreds of yards through the ice. What does this prove? Did the ice possess even a very small modicum of that power of stretching, which is character- istic of a viscous substance, such crevasses coul'i not be formed. 411. Slill it is undoubted that the glacier moves like a viscous body. The centre ilows past the sides, the top flows over the bottom, and the motion through a curved valley cor- responds to fluid motion. Mr. Mathews, Mr. Froude, and above all Signer Bianconi, h;ive, moreover, recently made experiments on ice which strikingly illustiate the flexibil- ity of the substance. These experiments merit, und will doubtless receive, lull atten- tion at a future time. 61. REGELATIOX THEORY. 412. I will now describe to you an attempt that has been made of late years to reconcile the brittleness of ice with its motion in gla- ciers. It is founded on the observation, made by Mr. Faraday in 1850, that when two pieces of thawing ice are placed to- gether they freeze together at the place of contact. ii:. This fact may not surprise ^^d ; still it ;U (.idsed Mr. Faraday and others, and in (i or very great distinction in science have differed in their interpretation of the fact. The difficulty is to explain where, or how, in ice already thawing the cold is to be found requisite to freeze tne film of water between the two touching surfaces. 414. The word Regelaiion was proposed by Dr. Hooker to express the freezing together of t\vo pieces of thawing ice observed by Faraday ; and the memoir in which the term was first used was published by Mr. Huxley an;! ilr. Tyncla'.l in the Philosophical Trans- actions for I8,"i7. 415. The fact of regulation, and its appli- cation irrespective of the cause of rcgelation, may be tnus illustrated : Saw two slabs from a block of ice, and bring their flat sur- faces into contact, ; the}' immediately freeze together. Two platen of ice, laid one upon the other, with flannel round them over night, ate sometimes so firmly frozen in the morning that they will rather break else- whei'e Uum along their of junction. If you erter one of the dripping ice-eaves of Switzerland, you have only, to press for a 'moment a slab of ice against the roof of tLe uave to cause it to freeze there and stick to tfhe roof. 416. Place a number of fragments of ice in a basin of water, and cause them to touch each other ; they freeze together where they touch. You can form a chain of such frag- ments ; and then, by taking hold of one end of the chain, you can draw the whole series after it. Chains of icebergs are sometimes formed in this way in the Arctic seas. 417. Consider what follows from these ob- servations. Snow consists of small particles of ice. Now if by pressure we squeeze out the air entangled in thawing snow, and bring the little ice-granules into close contact, they may be expected to freeze together ; and if the expulsion of the air be complete, the squeezed snow may be expected to assume the appearance of compact ice. 418. We arrive at this conclusion by rea- soning ; let us now test it by experiment, employing a suitable hydraulic press, and a mould to hold the snow. In exact accord- ance with our expectation, we convert by pressure the snow into ice. 419. Place a compact mass of ice in a proper mould, and subject it to pressure. It breaks in pieces ; squeeze the pieces forcibly together ; they reunite by regelation, and a compact piece of ice, totally different in shape from the first one, is taken from the rress. To produce this effect the ice must bo in a thawing condition. When its tempera- ture is much below the melting-point it is crashed by pressure, not into a pellucid mass of another shape, but into a white powder. 430. By means of suitable moulds you may in this way change the shape of ice to any extent, turning out spheres, and cups ; and rings, and twisted ropes of the sub- stance ; the change of form in these cases being effected through rude fracture and re- gelation. 421. By applying the pressure carefully, rude fracture may be avoided, and the ice compelled slowly to change its form as if it were a plastic body. 422. Now our first experiment illustrates the consolidation of the snows of the higher Alpine regions. The deeper layers of tha neve have to bear the weight of all above them, and are thereby converted into more or less perfect ice. And our last experiment illustrates the changes of form observed upon the glacier, where, by the slow and constant application of pressure, the ice gradually moulds itself to the valley which it fills. 423. In glaciers, however, we have also ample illustrations of rude fracture and re-ge- lation. The opening and closing of crevasses illustrate this. The glacier is broken on the cascades and mended at their bases. When two branch glaciers lay their sides together, the regelatiou is so firm that they begin im- mediately to flow in the trunk glacier as a single stream. The medial moraine gives n indication by its slowness of motion that it ib derived from the sluggish ice of the sides o 128 THE FORMS OF WA^ER the branch glaciers. 424. The gist of the Revelation Theory is that the ice of glaciers changes its form and preserves its continuity under pressure -which keeps its particles together. But when sub- jected to tension, sooner than stretch it breaks, and behaves no longer as a viscous body. 62. CAUSE OF REGELATION. 436. Here the fact of regelation is applied to explain the plasticity of glacier ice, no attempt being made to assign the cause of regelation itself. They are two entirely dis- tinct questions. But a little time will be well spent in looking more closely into the cause of regelation. You may feel some surprise that eminent men shoukl devote their attention to so small a point, but we must not forget that in nature nothing is small. Laws and principles interest the scientific student most, and these may be as well illus- trated by small things as by large ones. 426. The question of regelation immediate- ly connects itself with that of " latent heat," already referred to (383), but which we must now subject to further examination. To melt ice, as already stated, a large amount of heat is necessary, and in the case of the glaciers this heat is furnished by the sun. Neither the ice so melted nor the water which results from its liquefaction can fall below 32 Fahrenheit. The freezing-point of water and the melting-point of ice touch each other, as it were, at this temperature. A hair's-breadth lower water freezes ; a hair's- breadth higher ice melts. 427. But if the ice could be caused to melt without this supply of solar heat, a tempera- ture lower than that cf ordinary thawing ice would result. When gnow and salt, or pounded ice and salt, are mixed together, the salt causes the ice to melt, and in this way a cold of 20 or 30 degrees below the freezing- point may be produced. Here, in fact, the ice consumes its own warmth in the work of liquefaction. Such a mixture of ice and salt is called " a freezing mixture." 428. And if by any other means ice at the temperature of 32* Fahrenheit could be liquefied without access of heat from with- out, the water produced would be colder than the ice. Now Professor James Thomson has proved that ice may be liquefied by mere pressure, and his brother. Sir William Thom- son, has also shown tbat water under press- ure requires a lower temperature to freeze it than when the pressure is removed. Pro- fessor Mousson subsequently liquefied large masses of ice by a hydraulic press ; and by a beautiful experiment Professor Helmholtz has proved that water in a vessel from which the air has been removed, and which is therefore relieved from the pressure of the atmosphere, freezes and forms ice-crystals when surrounded by melting ice. All these facts are summed up in the brief statement that the freezing-point of water is lowered b$ pressure. 429. For our own instruction we may pro- duce the liquefaction of ice by -pressure in the following way : You remember the beautiful flowers obtained when a sunbeam is sent through lake ice ( 11), and you have not forgotten that the flowers always foirn parallel to the surface of freezing. Let us cut a prism, or small column of ice with Electric Repulsions. Discovery of Two Electricities, - 296 Fundamental Law of Electric Action, 29? Electricity of the Rubber. Double or " Polar " Character of Electric; Force, 29'J What is Electricity ? 301 Electric Induction, Definition of the Term, - 303 Experimental Researches on Electric Induction, 30:3 The Electrophorus, 307 Action of Points and Flames. 30S The Electrical Ma.chine, - 309 Further Experiments on the Action of Points. The Electric- Mill The Golden Fish. Lightening Conductors, - Oil History of the Ley den Jar. The Leydeii Battery, - 314 Explanation of the Ley den Jar, - 31.) Franklin's Cascade Battery, - 31? Novel Leydeh Jars of the Simplest Form, Seat of Charge in the Leydeii Jar, Ignition by Electric Spark. Cottrel's Rubber. The Tube Machine. 320 Duration of the Electric Spark, Electric Light in Vacim, Lichtenberg's Figures, Surface Compared with Mass. Distribution of Electricity in Hollow Conductors, 32(J Physiological Effects of Electric Discharges, Atmospheric Electricity, Returning Stroke, The Leyden Battery, Its Currents, aiid some of their Effects, Conclusion, Appendix. An Elementary Lecture on Magnetism, LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY; TO WHICH IS ADDED AN ELEMENTARY LECTURE ON MAGNETISM. BY JOHN TYNDA'LL, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., PROFESSOR OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY IN THE ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN. WITH SIXTY ILLUSTRATIONS. PREFACE. MORE than fifty years ago the Board of Managers of the Royal Institution re- solved to extend its usefulness, as a centre of scientific instruction, by giving, during the Christmas and Easter holidays of each year, two courses of Lectures suited to the intelligence of boys and girls. On December 12th, 1825, a Commit- tee appointed by the Managers reported " that they had consulted Mr. Faraday on the subject of engaging him to take a part in the juvenile lectures proposed to be given during the Christmas and Easter recesses, and they found his occupations were such that it would be exceedingly inconvenient for him to engage in such lectures. ' ' Faraday's holding aloof was, however, but temporary, for at Christmas 1827 wf find him giving a " Course of Six Ele- mentary Lectures on Chemistry, adapted to a Juvenile Auditory." The Easter lectures were soon aban- doned, but f rcm the date mentioned to the present time the Christmas lectures havn been a marked feature of the Royal In- stitution.* Last Christmas it fell to my lot to give one of these courses. I had heard doubts expressed as to the value of science-teach- ing in schools, and I had heard objec- tions urged on the score of the expensive- ness of apparatus. Both doubts and * These brief historic references have al- ready appeared in the preface to the " Forms of Water." ELECTRICITY. objections would, I considered, be most practically met by showing what could be done, in the way of discipline and in- struction, by experimental lessons involv- ing the use of apparatus so simple and inexpensive as to be within everybody's reach. With some amplification, the substance of .our Christmas Lessons is given in the present little volume. LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. 1. Introduction. MANY centuries before Christ, it had been observed that yellow amber (elck- tron\ when rubbed, possessed the power of attracting light bodies. Thales, the founder of the Ionic philos- ophy (B.C. 580), imagined the amber to be endowed with a kind of life. This is the germ out of which has grown the science of electricity, a name derived from the substance in which this pr.ver of attraction was first observed. It will be my aim, during six hours of those Christinas holidays, to make you, to some extent, acquainted with the his- tory, facts, and principles of this science, and to teach you how to work at it. The science has two great divisions : the one called " Frictional Electricity," the other "Voltaic Electricity." For the present, our studies will be confined to the first, or older portion of the sci- ence, which is called " Frictional Elec- tricity," because in it the electrical power is obtained from, the rubbing of bodies together. 2. Historic Note*. The attraction of light bodies by rubbed amber was the sum of the world's knowledge of electricity for more than 2000 years. In 1600 Dr. Gilbert, phy- sician to Queen Elizabeth, whose atten- tion had been previously directed with great success to magnetism, vastly ex- panded the domain of electricity. He showed that not only amber, but various spars, gems, fossils, stones, glasses, and rosins, exhibited, when rubbed, the same power as amber. Robert Boyle (1675) proved that a suspended piece of rubbed amber, which attracted other bolie.* to itself, was in turn attracted by a body brought near it. He also observed the light of electricity, a diamond, with which he experimented, being found to emit light when rubbe I in the dark. Boyle imagined that the electrified body threw out an invisible, glutinous substance, which laid hold of light bodie*, and, returning to the source from which it emanated, carried them along with it. Otto von Guericke, Burgomaster of Magleburg, contemporary of Boyle, and inventor of the air-pump, intensified the electric power previously obtained. He devised what may be called the first elec- trical machine, which was a ball of sulphur, about the size of a child's head. Turned by a handle, and rubbed by the dry hand, the sulphur sphere emitted light in the dark. Von Guericke also noticed, and this is important, that a feather, having been first attracted to his sulphur globe, was afterward repelled, and kept at a dis- tance from it, until, having touched another body, it was again attracted. He heard the hissing of the " electric lire," and also observed that an unelec- trified body, when brought near his ex- cited sphere, became electrical and capa- ble of being attracted. The members of the Academy del Cimento examined various substances electrically. They proved smoke to be attracted, but not flame, which, they found, deprived an electrified body of its power. They also proved liquids to be sensible to the electric attraction, showing that when rubbed amber was held over the surface of a liquid, a little eminence was formed, from which the liquid was finally discharged against the amber. Sir Isaac Newton, by rubbing a flat glass, caused light bodies to jump be- tween it and a table. He also noticed the influence of the rubber in electric ex- citation. His gown, for example, was found to be much more effective than a napkin. Newton imagined that the excited body emitted an elastic fluid which penetrated glass. In the ^ efforts of Thales, Boyle, and Newton to form a mental picture of elec- tricity we have an illustration of the ten- LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. 289 dency of the human mind, not to rest satisfied with the facts of observation, but to pass beyond the facts to their invisible causes. Dr. Wall (1708) experimented with large, elongated pieces of amber. lie found wool to be the best rubber of am- ber. " A prodigious number of little cracklings" was produced by the fric- tion, every one of them beinjj accom- panied by a flash of light. " This light and crackling," says Dr. Wall, " seem in some degree to represent thunder and lightning." This is the first published allusion to thunder and lightning in con- nection with electricity. Stephen Gray (1729) also observed the electric brush, {-mappings, and sparks. He made the prophetic remark that " though these effects are at present only minute, it is probable that in time theie may be found out a way to collect a greater quantity of the electric fire, and, consequently, to increase the force of that power which by several of those ex- periments, if we are permitted to com- p'-irc great things with small, seems to be of the same nature with that of thiindcF and lightning." This, you will ob- serve, is far more definite than the re- mark of Dr. Wall. 3. The Art of Experiment. We have thus broken ground with a few historic notes, intended to show the gradual growth of electrical science. Our next step must be to get some knowledge of the facts referred to, and to learn how they may be produced and extended. The art of producing and extending such facts, and of inquiring into thorn by prop- er instruments, is the art of experiment. It is an art of extreme importance, for by its means we can, as it were, converse with Nature, asking her questions and receiving from her replies. It was the neglect of experiment, and of the reasoning based upon it, which kept the knowledge of the ancient world confined to the single fact of attraction by amber for more than 2000 years. Skill in the art of experimenting docs not come of itself ; it is only to be ac- quired by labor. When you first take a billiard cue in your hand, your strokes are awkward and ill-directed. When you learn to dance, your first movements are neither graceful nor pleasant. By practice alone, you learn to dance and to play. This also is the only way of learning the art of experiment. You must not, therefore, be daunted by your clumsiness at first : you must overcome it, and acquire skill in tho art by repeti- tion. In this way you will come into direct contact with natural truth you will think and reason not on what has been said to you in books, but on \rhat has been said to you by Nature. Thought springing from this source has a vitality not derivable from mere book-knowledge. 4. Materials for Experiment. At this stage of our labors wo arc to provide ourselves with the fallowing materials : FIG. 1. a. Some sticks of sealing-wax ; 5. Two pieces of gutta-percha tubing, about 18 inches long and f of an inct outside diameter ; c. Two or three glass tubes, about 18 inches long and f of an inch wide, closed at one end, and not too thin, lest they should break in your hand and cut it ; d. Two or three pieces of clean flannel, capable of being folded into pads of two ar three layers, about eight or ten inches square ; 290 LESSORS IN KI7ECTRIOITY. . A couple of pads, composed of three or four layers of silk, about eight or ten inches square ; /. A board about 18 inches square, and a piece of india-rubber ; <7. Some very narrow silk ribbon, n, and a wire loop, w, like that shown in fur. 1, in which sticks of sealing-wax, tubes of gutta-percha, rods of glass, or n Walking-stick, may be suspended. I cl)ooso a narrow ribbon because it is con- venient to have a suspending cord that will neither twist nor untwist of itself. (I usually employ a loop with the two ends, which arc here shown free, soldered together. The loop would thus be un- broken. But you may not be skilled in the art of soldering, and I therefore choose the free loop, which is very easily constructed. For the purpose of suspen- sion an arrangement resembling a towel- horse, with a single horizontal rail, will be found convenient). FIG. 2. h. A straw, 1 i', fig, 2, delicately sup- ported on the point of a sewing needle N. This is inserted in a stick of sealing-wax A, attached below to a little circular plate of tin, the whole forming a stand. In fig. 3 the straw is shown on a larger scale, and separate from its needle. The shore bit of straw in the middle, which serves as a cap, is stuck on by sealing- wax. t. Tke name "amalgam" is given to a mixture of mercury with other metals. Experience has shown that the efficacy of a silk rubber is vastly increased when it is smeared over with an amalgam formed of 1 part by weight of tin, 2 of zinc, and 6 f mercury. A littlo lard is to be first smeared on the s-ilk, and the amalgam is to be applied to the lard. The amalgam. if hard, must be pounded or biuised.with a pestle or a hammer until it is soft. You can purchase sixpenny- worth of it at a philosophical instrument maker's. It is to be added to your materials. fc. I should like to make these pages suitable for boys without much pocket- money, and, therefore, aim at economy hi my list of materials. But provide by all means, if you can, a fox's brush, such as those usually employed in dusting furniture. 5. Electric Attractions. Place your sealing-wax, gutta-percha tubing, and flannel and silk rubbers be- fore a fire, to insure their dryncss. Be specially careful to make your glass tubes and silk rubbers not only warm, but hot. Pass the diied flannel briskly once or twice over a stick of sealing-wax or over a gutta-percha tube. A very small amount of friction will excite the power of attracting the suspended straf as shown in fig. 2. Repeat the experi- ment several times and cause the straw to follow the attracting body round and round. Do the same with a glass tube rubbed with silk. I lay particular stress on the heating of the glass tube, because glass has the LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. 231 power, wliich it exercises, of condensing upon its surface into a liquid film, the {i < I neons vapor of the surrounding air. This film must be removed. 1 would also insist on practice, in order to render you expert. You will therefore attract bran, scraps of paper, gold leaf, soap bubbles, and other light bodies by rubbed glass, sealing-wax, and gutta- perciia. Faraday was fond of making empty egg shells, hoops of paper, and other light objects roll after his excited tubes. It is only when the electric power is very weak, that you require your deli- cately suspended straw. With the sticks of wax, tubes, and rubbers here men- tioned, even heavy bodies, when properly suspended, may be attracted. Place, for instance, a common walking stick in the wire loop attached to the narrow ribbon, fig. .1, ;md let it swing horizontally. The glass, rubbed with its silk, or the sealing- wax, or gutta-percha, nibbed with its flannel, will pull the stick quite round. Abandon the wire loop ; place an egg in an (gg-cup, and balance a long lath upon the egg, as shown in fig. 4. The lath, though it may be almost a plank, will obediently follow the rubbed glass, gutta-percha, or sealing-wax. Nothing can be simpler than this lath and egg arrangement, and hardly any- thing could be more impressive. The more you work with it, the better you will like it. Pass an ebonite comb through the hair. In dry weather it produces a crackling noise ; but its action upon the lath may be made plain in any weather. It is rendered electrical by friction against the hair, and with it you can pull the lath quite round. If you moisten the hair with oil, the comb will still be excited and exert at- traction ; but if you moisten it with water, the excitement ceases ; a comb passed through wetted hair has no power over the lath. You will understand the meaning of this subsequently. After its passage through, dry or oiled hair, balance the comb itself upon the egg : it is attracted by the lath. You thus prove the attraction to be mutual : the comb attracts the lath, and the lath attracts the comb. Suspend your rubbed glass, rubbed gutta-percha, and rubbed sealing-wax in jour wire loep. They are all just as much attracted by the lath as the lath was attracted by them. This is an extension of Boyle's experiment witk the suspended amber (2). IIovv it is that any unelectrificd body attracts, and is attracted by the excited glass, sealing-wax, and gutta-percha, we shall learn by and by. A very striking illustration of electric attraction may be obtained with the board and india-rubber mentioned in our list of materials (4). Place the board before the fire and make it hot ; heat also a sheet of foolscr.p paper and place it on the board. There is no attraction be- tween them. Pass the india-rubber brisk- ly over the paper. It now clings firmly to the board. Tear it away, arid hold jt at arm's length, for it will move to your body if it can. Bring it near a door or wall, it will cling tenaciously to either. The electrified paper also powerfully at- tracts tho balanced lath from a great dis- tance. The friction of the hnnd, of a cam- bric handkerchief, or of wash-leather fails to electrify the paper in any high degree. It requires friction by a 233 LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. special substance to make the excitement strong. This \vo learn by experience. It is also experience that has taught us that resinous bodies are best ex- cited by tianiic-], and vitreous bodies by Bilk; Take nothing- for granted in this in- quiry, and neglect no effort to render your knowledge complete and sure. Try various rubbers, r.nd satisfy yourself that differences like that first observed by Newton exist between them. Vary also the body rubbed. Excite by friction paraftine and composite can- dies, resin, sulphur, beeswax, ebonite, and shellac. Also rock-crystal and other vitreous substances, and attract with all of them the balanced lath. A film of collodion, a sheet of vulcanized india- rubber, or brown paper heated before the (ire, rubbed briskly with the dry hand, attracts and is attracted by the lath. Lay bare also the true influence of heat in the case of our rubbed paper. Spread a cold sheet of foolscap on a cold board on a table, for example. If the air be not very dry, rubbing, even with the india-rubber, will not make them cling together. Bat is it because they were hot that they attracted each other in the first instance ? No, for you may heat your board by plunging it into boil- ing water, and your paper by holding it in a cloud of steam. Thus heated they cannot be made to cling together. The heat really acts by expelling the moisture. Cold weather, if it be only dry, is highly favorable to electric excitation. During frost the whisking of the hand over silk or flannel, or over a cat's back, renders it electrical. The experiment of the Florentine academicians, whereby they proved the electric attraction of a liquid, is pretty, and worthy of repetition. Fill a very small watch-glass with oil, until the liquid forms a round curved surface, ris- ing a little over the rim of the glass. A strongly excited glass tube, held over the oil, raises not one eminence only, but several, each of which finally discharges a shower of drops against the attracting glass. The effect is shown in fig. 5, where G is the watch-glass on the stand T, and R the excited glass tube.* Cause the excited glass tube to pass FIG. 5. close by your face, without touching it. You feel, like Hauksbee, as if a cobweb were drawn over the face. You also sometimes smell a peculiar odor, due to a substance developed by the electricity, and called ozone. Long ere this, while rubbing your tubes, you will have heard the " hiss- ing'' and *' crackling" so often referred to by the earlier electricians ; and if you have rubbed your glass tube briskly in the dark, you will have seen what they called the "electric fire." Using, in- stead of a tube, a tall glass jar, rendered hot, a good warm rubber, and vigorous friction, the streams of electric fire are very surprising in the dark. 6. Discovery of Conduction and Insu- lation. Here I must again refer to that most meritorious philosopher, Stephen Gray. In 1729 he experimented with a gfoss tube stopped by a cork. When the tubo was rubbed, the cork attracted light bod- ies. Gray states that he was " much surprised "at this, and he " concluded that there was certainly an attractive vir- tue communicated to the cork." This was the starting point of our knowledge of electric Conduction. A fir stick 4 inches long, stuck into the cork, was also found by Gray to at- tract light bodies. He made his sticks * As a practical measure the watch-glass ought to rest upon a small stand, and not upon a surface of large area. The experi- ment is particularly well suited for projection on a screen. S IX ELECTRICITY. 29,1 longer, but f-*,ill found a power of attrac- tion at thmi' ends. lie then passed on to pack-thread and wire. Hanging ;i thread s, fig. G, from the top window of a house, so that the lower end nearly touched the ground, and twisting the up- per end of the thread round his glass tube R, on briskly rubbing the tube, light bodies were attracted by the lower end B of the thread. But Gray's most remarkable experi- ment was this : IIo suspended a long hempen line horizontally by loops of pack- thread, but failed to transmit through it tlm electric power. He then suspend- ed it by ioops of silk and succeeded in FIG. 6. sending the " attractive virtue" through 765 feet of thread. He at first thought the silk was effectual because it was thin ; but on replacing a broken silk loop by a t-till thinner wire, he obtained no action. Finally, he came to the conclusion that his loops were effectual, not because they wore thin but because they were silk. This was the starting-point of our knowl- edge of Insulation. It is interesting to notice the devotion of some men of science to their \\ your excited sealing-wax or glass ajjf.inst the tin plate of your electroscope, and cause the leaves to diverge. Touch the plate with any one of the conductors mentioned in the list ; the electroscope is immediately discharged. Touch it with a semi-conductor ; the leaves fail as le fore, but less promptly. Touch the plate finally with an insulator, the elt-c- tricity cannot pass, and the leaves remain unchanged. 8. Electrics and Non- Electrics. For a long period, bodies were divided into tlcctrics and non-electrics, the former deemed capable of beinnr olectriti >d. the latter not. Thus the amber of the an- cients, and t\ic spars, gems, fossils, stones, glasses, and resins, operated on by Dr. Gilbert, were called electrics, while all the metals were called non-electrics. We must now determine the true meaning of this distinction. Take hi succession a piece of brass, of wood coated with tin-foil, a lead bullet, apples, pears, turnips, carrots, cucum- bers uncoatcd wood not very dry will also answer in the hand, and strike them briskly with flannel, or the fox's brush ; none of them will attract the balanced lath, fig. 4, or show any other symptom of electric excitement. All of them therefore would have been onoe called non-electrics. But suspend them in succession by a string of silk held in the hand, and strike them again ; every one of them will now attract the lath. Reflect upon the meaning of this ex- periment. We have introduced an insu- lator the silk string between the hand and the body struck, and we find that by its introd.iction the non-electric has been converted into an electric. The meaning is obvious. When held in the hand, though electricity was devel- oped in each case by the friction, it pass- ed immediately through the hand and body to the caith. This transfer being prevented by tho silk, the electricity, LESSOVS IN ELECTRICITY. once excited, is retained, and the attrac- tion of the lath is the consequence. In like manner, a brass tube, held in the hand and struck with a fox's brush, shows no attractive power ; but when a stick of sealing-wax, ebonite, or gutta- percha is thrust into the tube as a han- dle, the striking of the tube at once de- velops the power of attraction. And now you see more clearly than you did at first the meaning of the ex periment with the heated foolscap anj india-rubber. Paper and wood always imbibe a certain amount of moisture from the air. When the rubber was passed over the cold paper electricity was excited, but the paper, being rendered a conductor by its moisture, allowed the electricity to pass away. Prove all things. Lay your coll fools- cap on a cold board supported by dry- tumblers ; pass your india-rubber over the paper ; lift it by a, loop of silk which has been previously attached to it, for if you touch it it will discharge itself. You will find it electric ; and with it you can charge your electroscope, or attract from a distance your balanced lath. The human body was ranked among the non-electrics. Make plain to your- self the reason. Stand upon the iloor and permit a friend to strike you briskly with the fox's brush. Present your knuckle to the balanced lath, you will find no attraction. Here, however, yon. stand upon the earth, so that even if electricity had been developed, there is nothing to hinder it from passing away. But, place upon the ground four warm glass tumblers, and upon the tumblers a board.* Stand upon the board and pre- sent your knuckle to the lath. A single stroke of the fox's fur, if skilfully given, will produce attraction. If you stand upon a cake of resin, of ebonite, or upon a sheet of good india-rubber, the effect will be the same. You can also charge your electroscope with this electricity. Throw a mackintosh over your shoul- ders and let a friend strike it with the fox's brush, the attractive force is greatly augmented. After brisk striking, present your * Some caution is necessary hero. A large class of cheap glass tumblers conduct s.i freely that they are unfit for this and similar expeiiineiits. See 19. knuckle to the knuckle of your friend. A spark will pass between you. This experiment with the mackintosh further illustrates what you have already frequently observed namely, that it i> not friction alono, but the friction of special substances against each other, that produces electricity. Thus we prove that non-electrics, like electrics, can be excited, the condition of success being, that an insulator shall be interposed between the non-electric and the earth. It is obvious that the old di- vision into electrics and non-electrics, really meant a division into insulators and conductors. 9. Electric Repulsions. Discovery of two Electricities. Wo have hitherto dealt almost exclu- sively with electric attractions, but in an experiment already referred to (2), Otto von Guericke observed the repulsion of a feather by his sulphur globe. I also anticipated mutters in the use of our Dutch metal electroscope ( 7), where the repulsion of the leaves informed us of the arrival of the electricity. Du Fay, who was the real discoverer here, found a gold-leaf floating in the air to be first attracted and then repelled by the same excited body. He afterward proved that when -the floating leaf was repelled by rubbed glass, it was attracted by rubbed resin and that when it was repelled by rubbed resin it was attracted by rubbed glass. Hence the important announcement, by Du Fay, that there are two kinds of electricity. The electricity excited on glass was for a time called vitreous electricity, while that excited on sealing-wax was called res- inous electricity. These terms are how- ever improper ; because, by changing the rubber, we can obtain the electricity of sealing-wax upon glass, and the electric- ity of glass upon sealing-wax. Roughen, for example, the surface of your glass tube with a grindstone, and rub it with flannel, the electricity of seal- ing-wax will be found upon the vitreous surface. Rub your sealing-wax with vul- canized india-rubber, the electricity of glass will be found upon the resinous sur- face. You will be able to prove this im- mediately. LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. 897 We now use the term positive or plus electricity to denote that developed on glass by the friction of silk ; and negative or minus electricity to denote that devel- oped on sealing-wax by the friction of flannel. These terms are adopted purely for the sake of convenience. There is no reason in nature why the resinous electricity should not be called positive, and the vitreous electricity negative. Once agreed, however, to apply the terms as here fixed, we must adhere to this agreement throughout. 10. Fundamental Law of Electric Action. In all the experiments which we have hitherto made, one of the substances op- erated on has been electrified b friction, and the other not. But once engaged in inquiries of this description, questions incessantly occur to the mind, the an- swering of which extends our knowledge and suggests other questions. Suppose, instead of exciting only one of the bod- ies presented to each other, we were to vxcite both of them, what would occur ? This is the question which was asked and answered by Du Fay, and which wo must now answer for ourselves. Here your wire loop, fig. 1, comes again into play. Place an unrubbed gutta-percha tube, or a stick of sealing- wax, in the loop, and be sure that it is unrubbed that no electricity adheres to it from former experiments. If it fail to attract light bodies, it is unexcited ; if it attract them, pass your hand over it sev- eral times, or, better still, pass it over or through the flame of a spirit lamp. This will remove every trace of electric- ity. Satisfy yourself that the unrubbed gutta-percha tube is attracted by a rubbed one. Remove the unrubbed tube from the loop, and excite it with its flannel rub- ber. One end of the tube is held in your hand and is therefore unexcited. Return ihe tube to the loop, keeping your eye upon the excited end. Bring a second rubbed tube near the excited end of the suspended one : strong repulsion is the consequence. Drive the suspended tube round and round by this force of repul- sion Bring a rubbed glass tube near the ex- cited end of the gutta-percha tube : strong attraction is the result. Repeat this experiment step by step with two glass tubes. Prove that the rubbed glass tube attracts the unrubbed one. Remove the unrubbed tube from the loop, excite it by its rubber, return it to the loop, and establish the repulsion of glass by glass. Bring rubbed gutta- percha or sealing-wax near the rubbed glass : strong attraction is the conse- quence. These experiments lead you directly to the fundamental law of electric action, which is this : Bodies charged with the same electricity repel each other, while bodies charged with opposite electricities attract each other. Positive repels posi' five, and attracts negative. Negative repels negative and attracts positive.^ Devise experiments which shall still further illustrate this law. Repeat, for example, Otto von Guericke's experi- ment. Hang a feather by a silk thread and bring your rubbed glass tube near it : the feather is attracted, touches the tube, charges itself with the electricity of the tube, and is then repelled. Cause it to retreat from the tube in various direc- tions. Du Fay's experiment with the gold-leaf will be repeated and explained further on. See 18. Hang your feather by a common thread ; if no insulating substance inter- venes between the feather and the earth, you can get no repulsion. Why ? Ob- viously because the charge of positive electricity communicated by the rod is not retained by the feather, but passes away to the earth. Hence, you have not positive acting against positive at all. Why the neutral body is attracted by the electrified one, will, as already stated, appear by and by. PIG. 11. LESSOKS Attract your straw needle by your rub- bed glass tube. Let the straw strike the tul>e, so that the one shall rub against the other. The straw accepts the elec- tricity of the tube, and repulsion immedi- ately follows attraction, as shown in fig. 9. Mr. Cuttrcll has devised the simple electroscope represented in fig. 10 to snow repulsion. A is a stem of sealing- wax with a small circle of tin, T, at the top. w is a bent wire proceeding from T, with a small disk attached to it by wax. i i' is a little straw index, support- ed by the needle N, as shown in fig. 10. The stem A', also of sealing-wax, is not quite vertical, the object being to cause the bit of paper, i', to rest close to w when the apparatus is not electrified. When electricity is imparted to T, it f.ows through the wires w and w, over both disk and index : immediate repul- sion of the straw is the consequence. No better experiment can be made to illustrate the self-repulsive character of electricity than the following one. Heat your square board ( 5), and warm, as before, your sheet of foolscap. Spread the paper upon the board, and excite it by the friction, of india-rubber. Cut from the sheet two long strips with your penknife. Hold the stiips together at one end. Separate them from the board, and lift them into the air : they forcibly diive each other apart, producing a wide divergence. Cut r.-.rveral stiips. so as to form a kind of tassel. Hold them together at one end. Separate them from the board, and lift them into the air : they are driven asunder by the self-repellent electricity, presentini*" an appearance which may ie- mind you of the hair of Medusa. The effect is represented in fig. 11.* Another very beautiful experiment fits in here. Let fine silver sand, s, fig. 12, issue in a stream from a glass funnel, through an aperture one eighth of an inch in diameter. Connect the sand in the funnel by a fine wire w, fig. 13, with your warm g-lass tube. Unelectrified, the * In one of my earliest lectures at the Royal Institution, having rubbed a sheet of foulscap, I was about lo lii't it bodily from the hot board, and to place it against the wall, when the thought of cutting it into strips, and allowing them to net upon each other, orciirnd to me. The itsult, of course, was that above described. Simple and obvious as it was. it gave Faraday, who was present at the time, the most lively pleasure. The simplest experiment, if only suited to its object, delighted him. LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. 299 FIQ. 12. FIG. 11. RflTKl particles descend as a continuous si i cam, s s', fig. 12, but at every stroke of die rubber they fly asunder, as in fig. 13, through self-repulsion. f Or let three or four fine fillets of water issue from three or four pin-holos in the bottom of a vessel close to each other. Connect the water of the vessel with your glass tube, and rub as before. The liquid veins are scattered into spray by every stroke of the rubber. These experiments are best made with " CottrelPs rubber," described in 24. And now you must learu to determine with certainty the quality cf the elec- tricity with which any body presented to you may be charged. You see immedi- ately that attraction is no sure test, be- cause unelectrified bodies are attracted. Further on ( 14) you will be able to grapple with another possible source of error in the employment of attraction. In determining quality, you must ascertain, by trial, the kind of electricity by which the charged body is repelled ; if, for example, any electrified body re- pel, or is repelled by, sealing-wax rubbed with flannel, the electricity of the body f For these, and also for experiments with thu electroscope, the teacher of a large class will find the lime light shadows upon awhile screen (or better still, those of the electric light) exceedingly useful. The effects arc thus rendered visible to all at once. is negative ; if it repel, or is repelled by, glass, rubbed with silk, its electricity is positive. Du Fay had the sagacity to propose this mode of testing quality. Apply this test to the strips of fools- cap paper excited by the india-rubber. Bring a rubbed gutta-percha tube near the electrified strips, you have strong at- traction. Bring a rubbed glass tube between the strips, you have strong re- pulsion and augmented divergence. Hence, the electricity, being repelled by the positive glass, is itself positive. 11. Electricity of the Rubber. Doubh or " Polar" Character of the Electric Force. We have examined the action of each kind of electricity upon itself, and upon the other kind ; but hitherto we have kept the rubber out of view. One of the questions which inevitably occur to the inquiring scientific mind would be, How is the rubber affected by the act of friction ? Here, as elsewhere, you must examine the subject for yourself, and base your conclusions on the facts you establish. Test your rubber, then, by your bal- anced lath. The lath is attracted by the flannel which has rubbed against gutta- percha ; and it is attracted by the silk, which has rubbed against glass. 300 LESSOMS IN FLTCTRTCITY. Regarding the quality of the electricity of the flannel or of the silk rubber, the attraction of the lath teaches you nothing. But, suspend your rubbed glass tube, and bring the flannel rubber near it : repul- sion follows. The silk rubber, on the contrary, attracts the glass tube. Sus- pend your rubbed gutta-percha tube, and bring the silk rubber near it ; repulsion follows. The flannel, on the contrary, attracts the tube. The conclusion is obvious : the elec- tricity of the flannel is positive, that of the silk is negative. But the flannel is the rubber of the gutta-percha, whose electricity is nega- tive ; and the silk is the rubber of the glass, whose electricity is positive. Con- sequently, wo have not only proved the rubber to be electrified by the friction, but also proved the electricity of the rubber to be opposite in quality to that of the body rubbed. All your subsequent experience will verify the statement that the two electric- ities always go together ; that you can- not excite one of them without at the wine time exciting the other, and that the lectricity of the rubber, though op- posite in quality, is in all cases precisely equal in quantity to that of the body rubbed. And now we will test these principles by a new experiment. In 5 we learned that an ebonite comb is electrified by its passage through dry hair. You can readily prove the electricity of the comb to be negative. But the hair is here the rubber, and, in accordance with the principle just laid down, an equal quan- tity of positive electricity has been excit- ed in the hair. If you stand on the Ground uninsulated, the electricity of the hair passes freely through your body to the earth. But stand upon an insulating stool* on your board, for example, supported by four warm tumblers while I, stand- ing on the ground, pass the comb briskly through your hair. I pass it ten, twenty, tliiity times, and then ask you to attract * A stool with glass legs wnieh, to protect them f:om the moisture of the air. are usually coated with a solution of shellac. Regarding the attraction of glass for atmos- pheric humidity, you will call to mind what Las been said in 5. your balanced lath. You present your knuckle, but there is no attraction. Here the comb and the hair soon reach their maximum excitement, bevond which no further development of electricity oc- curs. Now, though the comb, as shown in 5, is competent to attract the lath, while your body is here incompetent to do so, this may be because the small quantity of electricity existing in a con- centrated form upon the comb becomes, when dirfused over the body, too feeble to produce attraction. Can we not exalt the electricity of your body ? Guided by the principles laid down, let us try to do so. First I pass the unelectrified comb through your hair ; it comes away electrified. After discharging the comb by passing my hand closely over it, I pass it again through the hair. As before, it quits the hair electrified, and I again discharge it. I do this ten or twenty times, always de- priving the comb of its electricity after it has quitted the hair. Now present your knuckle to the balanced lath. It is pow- erfully attracted. Here, as I have said, the unelectrified comb carried in each case electricity away with it ; but, in accordance with the fore- going principles, it left an equal quantity of the opposite electricity behind it. And though the amount of electiicity corresponding to a single charge of the comb, when diffused over the body, proved insensible to our tests, that amount ten or twenty times multiplied became not only sensible, but strong. Indeed, by discharging the comb, and passing it in each case undeetrified through the hair, the insulated human body cair be rendered highly electrical. Near the beginning of this section I said, in rather an off-hand way, thai rubbed flannel repels rubbed glass, while rubbed silk repels rubbed gutta-percha. Now, while it is generally easy to obtain the repulsion by the flannel, It is by no means always easy to obtain the repulsion by the silk. Over and over again I have been foiled in my attempts to show this repulsion. I wish you, therefore, to be awaro cf an infallible method of obtain- ing it. Stand on your insulating stool, and rub your glass tube briskly with the amalga- mated silk ; hand me the tafcc. I pass LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. 301 my hand closely over its surface, rcmor- iug from that surface nearly the whole of its electricity. I hand you the tube again, and you again excite it. You hand it to me, and I again discharge it. In each case, therefore, you excite an un- clectrified glass tube, and in each case the tube leaves behind upon the rubber an amount of negative electricity equal in quantity to the positive carried away. By thus adding charge to charge, the rubber is rendered highly electrical ; and even should its insulating power bo im- paired by the amalgam, it can now afiord to yield a portion of its electricity to your hand and body, and still powerfully repel rubbed gutta-percha. The principle, which might be further illustrated, is ob- tiously the same as that applied in the case of the comb. 12. What is Electricity ? Thurs far we have proceeded from fact (o fact, acquiring knowledge of a very valuable kind. But facts alone cannot satisfy us. We seek a knowledge of the principles which lie behind the facts, and which aie to be discerned by the mind alone. Thus, having spoken as we have done, of electricity passing hither and thither, and of its being prevented from passing, hardly any thoughtful boy cr giri can avoid asking what is it that thus passes ? what is electricity ? Boyle and Newton betrayed their need of an answer to this question when the one imagined his unctuous threads issuing from and re- turning to the electrified body ; and \\hen the other imagined that an elastic fluid existed which penetrated his rubbed glass. When I say " imagined " I do not in- tend to represent the notions cf these great mew as vain fancies. "Without im- agination we can do nothing here. By imagination I mean the power of pictur- ing mentally things which, though they have an existence as real as that of the world around us, cannot be touched directly by the organs of sense. I mean the purified scientific imagination, with- out the exercise of which we cannot take a, single step into the region of causes and principles. It was by the exercise of the scientific imagination that Franklin devised the theory of a single electric fluid to explain electrical phenomena. This fluid he sup- posed to be self-repulsive, and diffused in definite quantities through all bodies. lie supposed that when a body has more than its proper share it is positively, when less than its proper share it is nega- tively electrified. It was by the exercise of the same faculty that Symmer devised the theory of two electric fluids, each self-repulsive, but both mutually attrac- tive. At first sight Franklin's theory seems by far the simpler of the two. But its simplicity is only apparent. For though Franklin assumed only one fluid, he was obliged to assume three distinct actions. Firstly, he had the self -repulsion of the electric particles. Secondly, the mutual atraction of the electric particles and the oonderablc particles of the body through which the ciectnoitv was diffused. Thirdly, these two assumptions when strictly followed out ica^ 10 the unavoid- able conclusion that the material particles also mutually repel each other. Thus the theory is by no means so simple as it ap- pears. The theory of Symmer, though at first pight the most complicated, is in reality by far the simpler of the two. Accord- ing to it electrical actions are produced by two fluids, each .self-repulsive, but both mutually attractive. These fluids cling to the atoms of matter, and carry the matter to which they cling along with them. Every body, in its natural condi- tion, possesses both fluids in equal quan- tities. As long {is the fluids are mixed together they neutralize each other, the body in which they arc thus mixed being in its natural or unelectrical condition. By friction (and by various other means) these two fluids may be torn asunder, the one clinging by preference to the rubber, the other to the body rubbed. According to this theory there must always be attraction between the rubber and the body rubbed, because, as we have proved, they arc oppositely electri- fied. This is in fact the case. And mark what I now say. Over and above the common friction, this electrical at- traction has to be overcoaao v /fene^ r< wa rub glass with silk, cr 88fiiL^g~tfi* .^itli. flannel. You arc too young to fully grasp this subject yet ; and indeed it would lead us too far away to enter fully into it. But 802 LESSORS IN ELECTRICITY. I will throw out for future reflection the remark, that the overcoming of the ordi- nary friction produces heat then and there upon the surfaces rubbed, while the force expended in overcoming the electric at- traction may be converted into heat which sLal! appear a thousand miles away from the place whore it was generated. Theoretic conceptions are incessantly checked and corrected by the advance of knowledge, and this theory of clectiic fluids is doubted by many eminent scien- tific men. It will, at till events, have to be translated into a form which shall con- nect it with heat and light, before it can be accepted as complete. Nevertheless, keeping ourselves unpledged to the the- ory, we shall find it of exceeding service both in unravelling and in connecting to- gether electrical phenomena. 13. Electric Induction, the Term. Definition, of We have now to apply the theory of electric fluids to the important subject of electric induction. It was noticed by early observers that contact was not necessary to electrical ex- citement. Otto von Gueiickc, as we have already seen ( 2), found that a body brought near his sulphur globe be- came electrical. By bringing his excited glass tube near one end of a conductor, Stephen Gray attracted light bodies at the other end. lie also obtained attrac- tion through the human body. From FIG. 15. the human body also Du Fay, to his astonishment, obtained a spark. Can- ton, in 1753, suspended pith-balls by thread, and holding an excited glass tube, at a considerable distance from them, caused them to diverge. On re- moving the tube the balls fell together, no permanent charge being impaited to them. Such phenomena were further studied i:nd developed by Wilcke and ^pinus, Coulomb and Poisson. These and all similar results are cm- braced by the law, that when an electri- fied body is brought near an unelectrified conductor, the neutral fluid of the latter is decomposed ; one of its constituents being attracted, the other repelled. When the electrified body is withdrawn, the separated electricities flow again to- gether and render the conductor unelec- tric. This decomposition of the neutral fluid by the mere presence of an electrified body is called induction. It is also called electrification by influence. If, whilf 't is under the influence of the electrified bodv, the bodv influenced be touched, the free electricity (which is always of the same kind as that of the influencing body) passes away, the opposite electricity being held cap- tive. On removing the electrified body the captive electricity is set free, the conduc- tor being charged with electricity oppo- site in kind to that of the body which ^LESSOXS IN ELECTRICITY. 303 electrified it. You cannot do better lierc than repeat Stephen Gray's experiment. Suppoit :i small plank or lath, L L', Fig. 14, upon a wnnn tumbler, G, and bring under one of its ends, L, and within four or five inches of that end, scraps of light paper or of gold leaf. Excite your glass tube, R, vigorously, and bring it over the other end of the plank, without touching it. The ends may be six or eight feet apart ; the light bodies will be attracted. The experiment is easily made, and you are not to rust satisfied till you can make it with case and certainty. This is a fit place to repeat that you must keep a close eye upon the tumblers you employ for insulation. Some of thorn, made of common glass, are hardly to be accounted insulators at all. 14. Experimental Researches on 2Jlcc- tric Induction. Our mastery over this subject of in- duction must be complete ; for it under- lies all o';r subsequent inquiries. "With- out reference to it nothing is to be ex- plained ; possessed of it you will enjoy not only a wonderful power of explana- tion, but of prediction. We will attack it, therefore, with the determination to exhaust it. Arid here a slight addition must be made to our apparatus. We must be in a condition to take samples of electricity, and to convey them, with the view of testing them, from place to place. For this purpose the little "carrier," shown in fig. 15, will be found convenient. T i.5 a bit of tin-toil, two or three inches square. A 9*. raw stem is stuck on to it by sealing-wax, the lower end of the stem being covered by sealing-wax. To make the inflation sure, the part between R and s' is wholly of sealing-wax, You v,an have sterns of ebonite, which are stronger, for a few pence ; but you can have this one for a fraction of a penny. The end u' is to be held in the hand ; the electrified body is to be touched by T, id the electricity conveyed to an clec- osoopo to be tested. Touch your rubbed glass rod with T, id then touch your electroscope : the leaves diverge with positive electricity. ~?oacli your rubbed gutta-percha or seal- ing-wax \vitIiT, and then touch your elec- troscope : the leaves diverge with nega- tive electricity. If the electricity of any body augment the divergence produced by the glass, the electricity of that body is positive. If it augment the divergence produced by the gutta-percha, the elec- tricity is negative. And now we ar^ ready for further work. Place an egg, E, fig. 16, on its sid* FIG. 16. upon a dry wine-glass \ bring your ciciV- cd glass tube, o, within an inch or so of the end of the egg. What i.s the condi- tion of the egg 1 Its electricity is decom- posed ; the negative fluid covering the end a adjacent to the glass, the positive covering the other end b. Remove the glass tube : what occurs ? The two elec- tricities flow together and neutrality is restored. Prove this neutrality. Neither a carrier touching the egg, nor the egg it- self, has any power to pffect your elec- troscope, or to attract your balanced lath. Again, bring the excited tube near tho egg. Touch its distant part b with your carrier. The carrier now attracts the straw (fig. 2) or the balanced lath (fig. 4). It also causes tho leaves of your electro- scope to diverge. What is the quality of the electricity ? It repel* and i-i rc- rlled by rubbed glass ; the electricity at is therefore positive. Discharge tho carrier by touching it, and bring it into contact with the end a of the cg.-j nearest to the glass tube. The electricity you take away repels and \s> repelled by gutta- percha. It is therefore negative. Test the quality also by the electroscope. While the tube o is near the egg touch the end b with your finger ; now try to charge the carrier by touching b : you cannot do so the positive electricity has disappeared* Has the negative disap- 804 LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. peared also ? No. Remove the glass tube, and once more touch the egg at b by the carrier. It is charged, not with positive, but with negative electricity. nearly understand this experiment. The neutral electricity of the egg is first de- composed into negative and positive ; the former attracted, the latter repelled by the excited glass. The repelled elec- tricity is free to escape, and it has escaped on your touching the egg with your fin- ger. But the attracted electricity cannot escape as long as the influencing tube is held near. On removing the tube which holds the negative fluid in bondage, that fluid immediately diffuses itself over the whole egg. An apple, or a turnip, will answer for these experiments at least as well as an egg. Discharge the egg by touching it. Rc- cxcite the glass tube and bring it again near. Touch the egg wth a wire or with your finger at a. Is it the negative at a, into which you plunge your finger, tlutt escapes ? No such thing. The free positive fluid passes through the nega- tive, and through your finger to the earth. Prove this by removing, first, your finger, and then the glass tube. The egg is charged negatively. Again ; place two eggs, E E, fig. 17, PIG. 17. lengthwise on two dry wine-glasses, g g, and cause two of their ends to touch each other, as at c. Bring your rubbed glass rod near the end a, and while it is there separate the eggs by moving one glass away from the other. Withdraw the rod and test both eggs, a repels rubbed sealing-wax, and b repels rubbed glass ; a is therefore negative, b is posi- tive. The two charges, moreover, exact- ly neutralize each other in the oiectro- scope. Again l>rinj the eggs together and restore the rubbed tube to its plao near a. Touch a and then separate . tho eggs. Remove the glass rod an-1 t^st the eggs. a is negative, b is reutral. Its electricity lias escaped through the lin- ger, though placed ;.t a. Equally good, if not indeed more handy, for theso experiments arc two apples A A, fig. 10, supported on stems cf sealing-wax. A needle is healed L;. \ sni-k in each case into the rtick of wax at the top, and on to the nccilc the apple is pushed. The sealing-wax stems are stuck on by melting to little foot-boards. By arrangements of this kind you rnako ex- periments which are more instructive than those usually made with instruments twenty times more expensive. Push vour researches still farther, and instead of bringing the eggs or apples to- gether place them six feet or so apart, FIG. 18. and let a light chain, c, fig. 19, or a wire, stretch from one to the other. Two brass balls, or wooden balls covered with tin-foil, supported by tall drinking glasses, ' will be better than the eggs for this GG experiment, for they will bear better the strain of the chain ; but you can make the experiment with the eggs, or very readily with the two apples or two tur- nips. For the present we will suppose the straw-index 1 1' not to be there. Rub LESSORS IN ELECTRICITY. 305 FIG. 19. yonr glass tube B, and bring it near one of the balls ; test both : the near one, T', is negative, the distant one, T, positive. Touch the near one, the positive elec- tricity, which had been driven along the chain to the remotest part of the system, returns along the chnin, passes through (he negative, which is held captive by the tube, and escapes to the earth. When the tube R is removed, negative electricity overspreads both chain and balls. In fig. 8 you made the acquaintance of the plate N, and the straw-index i i y , shown on a smaller scale in fig. 19. By their means you immediately see both the effect of the first induction, and the consequence of touching any part of tha system with the finger. The plate K rests over the ball or turnip T, the posi- tion of the straw-index being that shown by the dots. Bring the rubbed tube neat T' : the end N of the index immediately descends and the other end rises along the graduated scale. Remove the glass rod; the index 1 1' immediately falls. Practice this approach and withdrawal, and observe how promptly the index de- clares the separation and rccomposition of the fluids. While the tube is near T', and the end S T of the index is attracted, let T' be touched by the finger. The end N is im- mediately liberated, for the electricity which pulled it down escapes along the chain and through the finger to the earth. Now remove your excited tube. The captive negative electricity diffuses itself over both balls, arid the index is again attracted. Instead of the chain you may interpose between the balls 100 feet of wire sup- by silk loops. This is done m fig. 20, which shows the wire w support- ed by the silk strings 8 s s. For the bafl or turnip T', fig. 19, the cylinder c, on a glass support a, is substituted, the little table M taking the place of the ball T. Every approach and withdrawal of the rubbed glass tube R is followed obedient- ly by the attraction and liberation of N, and the corresponding motion of the in- dex N I. Repeat here an experiment, first 306 LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. by a great electrician named ^Epinns. I wish you to make these historic experi- ments. Insulate an elongated metal con- ductor, c c', fig. 21, or one formed of wood coated with tin-foil even a carrot, cucumber, or parsnip, so that it be insu- lated, will answer. Let a small weight, W, suspended from a silk string, s, re^t en one end of the conductor, and hold FLO. 2L your rubbed glass tube, R, over the other end. You can predict beforehand what will occur when you remove the weight. It carries away with it electricity, which repels rubbed glass, and attracts your balanced lath. Stand on an insulating stool ; or make one by placing a board on four warm tumblers. Present the knuckles of your riirht hand to the end of tho balanced lath, and stretch forth your left arm. There is no attraction. But let n friend or an assistant bring the rubbed glass tube over the left arm ; the kUi immedi- ately follows the right Land. Touch the lath, or any (.th'-r uninsulat- ed body ; the ** attractive virtue," as it was called by Gray, disappears. After this, as long r.& the "excited tul is held over the arm there in no attraction. But when the tube is removed the attractive power of the hand is restored. Here the first attraction was by positive -electricity driven to the right Land from the left, and the second attraction by negative electricity, liberated by the removal of the glass rod. Experiment proves the logic of theory to be without a flaw. Stand on an insulating stool, and place your right hand on the electroscope ; there is no action. Stretch forth the left arm and permit an assistant alternately to bring near, and to withdraw, an excit- ed glass tube. The gold leaves open ?;nd collapse i.i similar alternation. At every approach, positive electricity is driven over the gold leaves ; at every with- drawal, the equilibrium is restored. We arc now in a condition to repeat, with case, the experiment of Du Fay- mentioned in 1.,. A board is support- ed by four silk ropes, and on the board is stretched a boy. Bring his fore Lend, or better still his nose, under the end of your straw-index 1 i', fig. 22. Then bring down over his legs your rulbed glass tube ; instantly the end i' is attzact- ed and the end i rises along the graduat- ed scale. Before the end i' comes into contact with the nose or forehead a spark passes between it and the boy. LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. 307 1 will now ask you to charge your Dutch metal electroscope (fig. 7) posi- tively by rubbed gutta-percha, and to charge it negatively 7 by rubbed glass. A moment's reflection will enable you to do it. You bring your excited bodv near : the same electricity as that of the excited body is driven over the leaves, and they diverge by repulsion. Touch the elec- troscope, the leaves collapse. Withdraw your finger, and withdraw afterwards the excited body : the leaves then diverge with the opposite electricity. The simplest way of testing the quality of electricity is to charge the electroscope with electricity of a known kind. If, on the approach of the body to be tested, the leaves diverge still wider, Ilio lvr<* and the body are similarly electrified. The reason is obvious. Omitting the last experiment, the wealth of knowledge which these re- searches involve might be placed within any intelligent boy's reach by the wise expenditure of half-a-crovvn. Once firmly possessed of the principle of induction and versed in its application, the difficulties of our subject will melt away before us. In fact oar subsequent work will consist mainly in unravelling phenomena by the aid of this principle. Without a knowledge of this principle wo could render no account of the attrac- tion of neutral bodies by our excited tubes. In reality the attracted bodies arc not neutral : they are first electrified by influence, and it is because they are thus electrified that they are attracted. This is the place to refer more fully to a point already alluded to. Neutral bodies, as just stated, arc attracted, be- cause they arc really converted into elec- trified bodies by induction. Suppose a body to be feebly electrified positively, and that you bring your rubbed glass tubo t:> bear upon the body. You clear- ly sec that the induced negative electricity may be strong enough to mask and over- come the weak positive charge possessed by the body. We should thus have two bodies electrified alike, attracting each other. This is the danger against which I promised to warn you in 10, where the test of attraction was rejected. Wo will now apply the principle of in- duction to explain a very beautiful inven- tion, made known by the celebrated Voltain 1775. 15. The Mectrophorus. Cut a circle, T, fig. 23, 6 inches in diameter out of sheet zinc, or out of common tin. Heat it at its centre by the FIG. 23. flame of a spirit-lamp or of a candle. Attach to it there a stick of sealing-wax, H, which, when the metal cools, i* to serve as an insulating handle. You have now the lid of the electrophorus. A resinous surface, or what is simpler a sheet of vulcanized india-rubber, p, or even of hot brown paper, will answer for the plate of the electrophorus. Rub your " plate" with flannel, or whisk it briskly with a fox's brush. It is thereby negatively electrified. Place thy " lid " of your olectrophorus on the excited surface : it touches it at a few points only. For the most pait lid and plate arc separated by a film of air. The excited surface acts by induction across this film upon the lid, attracting its positive and repelling its negative electricity. You Lnvo in fact in the lid two layers of electricity, the lower one, which is " bound," positive ; tho upper one, which is " free," negative. ^Lift the lid : the electricities iiow again to- gether ; neutrality is restored, and your lid fails to attract your balanced lath. Once more plnce the lid upon the ex- cited surface : touch it with the finger. What occurs ? You ought to know. Tho free electricity, , which is negative, will escape through your body to tho earth, leaving the chained positive be- hind. Now lift the lid by the handle : what is its condition ? Again I say you ought LESSORS IN ELECTRICITY. Fw. 24. to know. It is covered with free posi- tive electricity. If it be presented to the lath it will strongly attract it : if it be presented to the knuckle it will yield a spark. A iniooth half-crown, or a penny, will answer for this experiment. Stick to tho coin an inch of sealing-wax as an insulat- ing handle : bring it down upon the ex- cited india-rubber : touch it, lift it, and present it to your lath. The lath may be six or eight feet long, three inches wide and half an inch thick ; the little electrophorus lid, formed by the half crown, will pull it round and round. The experiment is a very impressive one. Scrutinize your instrument still further. Let the end of a thin wire rest upon the lid of your electrophorus, under a little weight if necessary ; and connect the other end of the wire with the electroscope. As you lower the lid down toward the excited plate of the electrophorus, what must occur ? The power of prevision now belongs to you and you must exer- cise it. The repelled electricity will flow over the leaves of the electroscope, caus- ing them to diverge. Lift the lid, they oollapse. Lower and raise the lid several times, and observe the corresponding rhythmic action of the electroscope leaves. A little knob of sealing-wax, B, coated with tin-foil, or indeed any knob with a conducting surface, stuck to the lid of the electrophorus, will enable you to ob- tain a better spark. The reason of this will immediately appear. More than half the ralne of your pres- ent labor consists in arranging each ex- periment in thought before it is realized in fact ; and more than half the delight of your work will consist in observing the verification of what you have foreseen and predicted. 16. Action of Points and Flames. The course of exposition proceeds naturally from the electrophorus to the electrical machine. But before we take up the machine we must make our minds clear regarding the manner in which elec- tricity diffuses itself over conductors, and more especially over elongated and point- ed conductors. Rub your glass tube and draw it over an insulated sphere of metal of wood covered with tin-foil, or indeed any other insulated spherical conductor. Repeat the process several times, so as to impart a good charge to the sphere. Touch the charged sphere with your carrier, and transfer the charge to the electroscope. Note the divergence of the leaves. Dis- charge the electroscope, and repeat tho experiment, touching, IIOWCVPV, some other point of the sphere. The electro- scope shows sensibly the same amount of divergence. Even when the greatest ex- actness of the most practised experi- menter is brought into play, the spherical conductor is found to be equally charged at all points of its surface. You may figure the electric fluid as a little ocean encompassing the sphere, and of the same depth everywhere. But supposing the conductor, instead of being a sphere, to be a cube, an elon- gated cylinder, a cone, or a disk. The depth, or as it is sometimes called the density, of the electricity, will not be everywhere the same. The corners of the cube will impart a stronger charge to your carrier than the sides. The end of the cylinder will impart a stronger charge than its middle. The edge of the disk will impart a stronger chargo than its flat surface. The apex or point of the cone will impart a stronger chargo than its curved surface or i:s base. You can satisfy yourself of the truth of all this in a rough, but certain way, by charg- ing, after the sphere, a turnip cut into the LESSOST3 m ELECTRICITY. form of a cube ; or a cigar-box coated with tin-foil ; a metal cylinder, or a wooden one coated with tin-foil ; a disk of tin or of sheet zinc ; a carrot or parsnip with its natural shape improved so as to make it a sharp cone. You will find the charge Imparted to the carrier by the sharp cor- ners and points of such bodies, when elec- trified, to be greater than that communi- cated by the gently rounded or flat sur- faces. The difference may not be great, but it will be distinct. Indeed an egg laid on its side, as we have already used it in our experiments on induction (fig. 1C), yields a stronger charge from its ends than from its middle. Fia. 25. Let me place before you an example of this distribution, taken from the excellent work on " Frictional Electricity" by Pro- fessor Riess of Berlin. Two cones, fig. 24, are placed together base to base. Calling the strength of the charge along the circular edge where the two bases join eacli other 100, the charge at the apex of the blunter cone is 133 ; and at the apex of the sharper one 202. The other num- bers give the charges taken from the points where they are placed. Fig. 25, moreover, represents a cube with a cone placed upon it. The charge on the faco of the cube being 1, the charges at fho corners of the cube and at the apex of the cone are given by the other numbers; they are all far in excess of the electricity on the flat surface. Iliess found that he fould deduce with great accuracy the sharpness of a point, from the charge which it imparted, lie compared iu this way the sharpness of various thoins, with that of a firio Knolish Rcwing'needle. The following is the re- sult : -Euphorbia thorn was si mi per than the needle ; gooseberry thorn of ilu same sharpness as the needle ; while cactus, blackthorn, and rose, fell more and more behind the needle in sharpness. Calling, i^r example, the charge obtained from c iphorbia 90 ; that obtained from the needle was 80, and from the rose only 53. Considering that each electricity is self-repulsive, and that it heaps itself up upon a point, in the manner here shown, you will have little difficulty in conceiv- ing that when the charge of a conductor carrying a point is sufficiently strong, the electricity will finally disperse itself by streaming from the point. The following experiments are theoret- ically important : Attach a stick of sealing-wax to a small plate of tin or of wood, so that the stick may stand upright. Heat a needle and insert it into the top of the stick of wax ; on this needle mount horizontally a carrot. You have thus an insulated conductor. Stick into your carrot at one of its ends a sew- ing needle ; and hold for an instant your rubbed glass tube in front of this needle without touching it. AVhat occurs? The negative electricity of the carrot is imme- diately discharged from the point against the glass tube. Remove the tube, test the carrot : it is positively electrified. And now for another experiment, not BO easily made, but still certain to succeed if you are careful. Excite your glass rod, turn your needle away from it, and bring the rod near the other end of the carrot. What occurs ? The positive electricity is now icpe'llcd to the point, from which it will stream into the air. Remove the rod and test the carrot : it is negatively electrified. Again turn the point toward you, and place in front of it a plate of dry glass, wax, resin, shellac, paraffin, gutta-percha or any other insulator. Pass your rubbed glass tube once downwards or upwards, the insulating plate being between the ex- cited tabe and the point. The point will discharge its electricity against the insu- lating plate, which on trial will be found negatively electrified. 17. The Electrical Machine. An electrical machine consists of two principal parts : the insulator which is SiO LESSOXS IN ELECTRICITY. PIG. 26. excited by friction, and the * ' prime con ductor." The sulphur sphere of Otto von Guc- rickc was, as already stated, the first electrical machine. The hand was the rubber, and indeed it long continued to be so. For the sulphur sphere, Ilauks- bcc and Vv'incLlcT substituted globes cf glass. Doze of Wittenberg (1741) add- ed the prime conductor, which was at f:r t a tin tube supported by resin, orouspcnu- ed by sill:. Soon afterward Gordon substituted a glass cylinder for the globe. It "was sometimes mounted vertically, sometimes horizontally. Gordon so in- tensified l.i.'i discharges as to be able to kill email birds with them. In 17CO Planta introduced the plate machine now commonly in Mr. Cottrell has constructed for these Lessons the email cylinder machine shown in fig. 20. The glass cylinder is about 7 inches long and 4 inches in diameter ; its cost is eighteen pence. Through the cylinder passes tightly, as an axis, a pidcc of lath, rendered secure by sealing- wax where it enters and where it quits the cylinder. G is a glass rod supporting the conductor c, which is a piece of lath coated with tin-foil. Into the lath is driven the scries of pin points, r, r. The rubber n, is cccn at the further side cf the cylinder, supported by the upright lath r/, and caused to press against the glass. G' ha flap of u'lk attached to the rubber. Y/hen the handle 13 turned FIG. 27. sparks may be taken, or a Leyden jar charged at the knob c. A plato machine h thown i:i fig. 27. p b the plate, which t;:rn3 on an axi.i passing through its centre ; r. and r/ arc two rubbers which clasp tho plate, with the flips of cilk G G' attached to them. A and A' arc rows of points forming part cf the prime conductor, c. G G' is an insu- lating rod cf glass, which cuts off tho connection between the conductor and the handle of the machine. The prime conductor is charged in the following manner. When the glass plato is turned, as it passes each rubber it is positively electrified. Facing tho elec- trified glass is the row of points, placed midway between the two rubbers. On these points the glass acts by induction, attracting the negative and repelling the positive. In accordance with the princi- ples already explained in 10, tho nega- tive electricity streams from tho points against the excited glass, which then passes on neutralized to the next rubber, where it is again excited. Thus the prime conductor is charged, not by tho direct communication to it of positive electricity, but by depriving it of its negative. If when tho conductor is charged you bring tho knuckle near it, the electricity passes from the conductor to tho knuckle in the form of a spark. Take this spark with the blunt knuckle while the machine is being turned ; and LESSON'S IN "ELECTRICITY. 311 FIG. 28. then try the effect of presenting the finger ends, instead of the knuckle, to the con- ductor. The spark falls exceedingly in brilliancy. Substitute for the finger ends a needle point : you fail to get a spark at nil. To obtain a good spark the elec- tricity upon the prime conductor must reach a sufficient density (or tension as it i* sometimes called) ; and to secure this no points from which thu electricity can stream out must exist on the conductor, or be presented to it. All parts of tho conductor are therefore carefully rounded off, sharp points and edges being avoided. It u usual to attach to the conductor an electroscope consisting of an upright metal stem, A c, fig. 28, to which a straw with a pith ball, u, at its free end, is at- tached. The straw turns loosely upon a pivot at c. The electricity passing from the conductor is diffused over the whole electroscope, and the straw and stem be- ing both positively electrified, repel each other. The straw, being the movable body, flies away. The amount of the divergence is measured upon a graduated arc. 18, Further Experiments on the Action of Points. The Electric Mill. The Golden Fish. Lightning Conductors. If no point exist on the conductor, Q single turn of the handle of the machine usually suffices to cause the straw to stand out at a large angle to the stem. If, on the contrary, a point be attached to the conductor, you cannot produce a large divergence, because the electricity, as FIG. 29. fast as it is generated, is dispersed by the point. The same effect is observed when you present a point to the conductor. The conductor acts by induction upon the point, causing the negative electricity to stream from it against the conductor, which is thus neutralized almost as fast as it is charged. Flames and glowing em- bers act like points ; they also rapidly discharge clectiicity. The electricity escaping from a point or flame into the air renders the air self repulsive. The consequence is that when the hand is placed over a point mounted on the prime conductor of a machine in pood action, a cold blast is distinctly felt. Dr. Watson noticed this blast from n flame placed on an electrified conductor ; while Wilson noticed the blast from a point. Jallabert 'and the Abbe Nollet also observed and described the influence of points and flames. The blast is called the " electric wind." Wilson moved bodies by its action : Faraday caused it to depress the surface of a liquid : Ham- ilton employed the reaction of the electric wind to make pointed wires rotate. The " wind " was also found to promote evaporation. Hamilton's apparatus is called the " electric mill." Make one for yourself thus : Place two straws s s', 88% fig. 29, about eight inches long, across each other ht a right angle. Stick them together at their centres by a bit of sealing-wax. Pass a fine wire through each straw, and bend it where it issues from the straw, so as to form a little pointed arm perpea- 312 LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. FIG. 30. dicnlar to the straw, and from half an inch to three quarters of an incli long. It is easy, by means of a bit of cork or sealing-wax, to. fix the wire so that the little bent arms shall point not upward or downward, but sideways, when the cross is horizontal. The points of sewing needles may also be employed for the bent arms. A little bit of straw stuck into the cross at the centre forms a cap. This slips over a sewing needle, N, supported by a stick of sealing-wax, A. Connect the sewing needle with the electric machine, and turn. A wind of a certain force is discharged from every point, and the cross is urged round with the same force in the opposite direction. Place your left hand on the prime con- ductor of your machine. Let the hand) You of course, so arrange the points that the wind from some of them would neutralize the wind from others. But the little pointed arms are lo be so bent that the reaction in every case shall not oppose but add itself to the others. The following experiments will yield you important information regarding the action of points. Stand, as you have so often done before, upon a board support- ed by four warm tumblers. Hold a small sewing needle, with its point defended by the forefinger of your right hand, toward your Dutch metal electroscope. 31. be turned by a friend or an assistant : tho leaves of the electroscope open out a lit- tle. Uncover the needle point by the re- moval of your finger ; the leaves at once fly violently apart. Mount a stout wire upright on the con- ductor, c, fig. 30, of your machine ; or sapport the wire by sealing-wax, gutta- LESSONS IK ELECTRICITY. 813 FIG. 32. Fio. 33. FIQ. 34. pcrcha or glass, at a distance from the conductor, and connect both by a fmo wire. Bend your stout wire into a hook, and hang from it a tassel, T, composed of many strips of light tissue paper. Work the machine. Electricity from the conductor flows over the tassel, and the strips diverge. Hold your closed fist toward the tassel, the strips of paper stretch toward it. Hold the needle, de- fended by the finger, toward the tassel : attraction also ensues. Uncover the needle without moving the hand ; the strips retreat as if blown away by a wind. Holding the needle, N, fig. 31, upright underneath the tassel, its strips discharge themselves and collapse utterly. And now repeat Du Fay's experiment which led to the discovery of two electric- ities. Excite your glass tube, and hoi 1 it in readiness while a friend or an assist- ant liberates a real gold or silver leaf in the air. Bring the tube near the leaf : it plunges toward the tube, stops sud- denly, and then flies away. You may chase it round the room for hours with- out permitting it to reach the ground. The leaf is first acted upon inductively by the tube. It is powerfully attracted for a moment, and rusnrs toward the tube. But from its thin edges and cor- ners the negative electricity streams forth, leaving the haf positively electrified. Repulsion then sets in, because tube and leaf are electrified alike, as shown in fig. 32. The retreat of the tassel in the last experiment is due to a similar cause. There is also a discharge of positive electricity into the air from the more dis- tant portions of the gold -leaf, to which that electricity is repelled. Both dis- charges are accompanied by an electric wind. It is possible to give the gold- leaf a shape which shall enable it to float securely in the air, by the reaction of the two winds issuing from its opposite ends. This is Franklin's experiment of the Golden Fish. It was first made with the charged conductor of an electrical ma- chine. M. Srtsczek revived it in a more convenient form, using instead of the conductor the knob of a charged Leyden jar. You may walk round a room with the jar in your hand ; the " fish " will obediently follow in the air an inch or two, or even throe inches, from the knob. Sec A B, fig. 33. Even a hasty motion of the jar will not shake it away, 814 "LESSONS tff ELECTRICITY. Well - pointed lightning conductors, when acted on by a thunder cloud, dis- charge their induced electricity against the cloud. Franklin raw this with great clearness, and illustrated it with great in- genuity. The under side of a thunder cloud, when viewed horizontally, he observed to be inched, composed, in fact, of fragments one below the other, sometimes reaching near the eaith. These he regarded is so many stepping- stones Y/hich assist in conducting the stroke of the cloud. To represent those by experiment he took two or three locks of fine loose cotton, tied them ir, a row, and hiing them from his pr.' n .ic con- ductor. When this was excited the locks stretched downward toward tho earth ; but by presenting a sharp point erect under the lowest bunch of cotton, it shrunk upward to that above it, nor did the shrinking cease till all the locks had retreated to the prime conductor itself. " May not," SMVS Franklin, "the small ek'Ctrified cloud, whose equilibrium with the earth is so soon restored by the point, rise up to the main body, and by that means occasion so large a vacancy that the grand cloud cannot strike in that placet" 19. History of the Ley den Jar. The Ley den Battery. The next discovery which we have to master throws all former ones into the shade. It was first announced in a letter ad- dressed on the 4th of November, 1V45, to Dr. Liebcrkuhn, of Berlin, by Kleist, a clergyman of Cammin, in Fomerania. By means of a cork, c, fig. 34, he fixed a r.ail, N, in a phial, G, into which he had poured a little mercury, spirits, or water, w. On electrifying tho nail he was ablo to pass from one room into another wit: the phial in his hand nd to ignite spirits of wine with it. " If," said he, * 4 while it is electrifying I put my finger, or a piece of gold which I hold in my hand, to the nail, I receive a shock which stuns my arms and shoulders." In the following year Cunaeus of Ley- den made substantially the ssme discov- ery. It caused great wonder #nd dread, which arose chietly from the excited im- agination. Musschcnbroekfclt the shock, and declared in a letter to a friend that lie would not take a second one for th crown of France. Bleeding at the nose, ardent fever, a heaviness of head which endured for days, were all ascribed to the shock. Boze wished that he might die of it, so that he might enjoy the honor of having his death chronicled in the Paris " Academy of Sciences." Kleist missed the explanation of the phenome- non ; while the Leyden philosophers cor- rectly stated the conditions necessary to the success of the experiment. Hence tlio paial received the name of the Ley- den phial, or Leyden jar. Tho discovery of Kleist and Cunasus excited the most profound interest, and the subject was explored in all directions. Wilson in 174G filled a phial partially with water, and plunged it into water, so as to bring the water surfaces, within and without the phial, to the same level. On charging such a phial the strength of the shock was found greater than had oeen observed before. Two years subsequently Dr. Watson And Dr. Bevis noticed how the charge grew stronger as the area of the conduct- or in contact with the outer surface of the phial increased. They substituted shot for water inside the jar, and ob- tained substantially the same effect. Dr. Bevis then coated a plate of glass on both sides with silver foil, to within about an inch of the edge, and obtained from it discharges as strong as those obtained from a phial containing half a pint of water. Finally Dr. Watson coated his phial inside and out with silver foil. By these steps the Leyden jar reached the form which it possesses to-day. It is easy to repeat the experiment of Dr. Bevis. Procure a glass plate nine inches square ; cover it 0:1 both sides, as he did, with tin-foil seven inches square, leaving the rirn uncovered. Connect one side with tho earth, and the other with tho machine. Charge and discharge : you obtain a brilliant spark. In our experiment with the Golden Fish. (fig. 33), we employed a common form of the Leyden j:',r, only with the difference that to get to a cufiicient dis- tance from tho glass, so as to avoid the attraction of the fish by the jaritsolf, the knob was placed higher than usual. But with a good flint-glass tumbler, a piece of tin-foil, akd a bit of stout wire, you can LESSORS IX E.ECTKICITr. make a jar for yourself. Bad glass, re- member, is not rare. In fig. 35 you have such a jar. T is the outer-, T' the inner coating, reaching to within irn inch c-f the edge of the tumbler G. ^' is the FIG. 33. Fia.36. wire fastened below by wax, and sur- mounted by a knob, which may be of metal, or of wax or wood, coated with tin-foil. In charging the jar you con- nect the outer coating with the earth ay with a gas-pipe or a water-pipe and present the knob to the conductor of your machine. A few turns will charge the jar. It is discharged by laying one knob of a ** discharger" against the outer coating, and causing the other knob to approach the knob of the jar. Be- fore contact, the electricity flies from knob to knob in the form of a spark. A " discharger" suited to our means and purposes is shown in fig. 36. n is a stick of sealing-wax, or, better still, of ebonite ; w w a stout wire bent as in the figure, and ending in the knobs B B'. These may be of wax coated with tin- foil. Any other light conducting knobs would of course answer. The insulating handle n protects you effectually from the shock. You must render yourself expert in the use of the discharger. The mode of using it is shown in rig. 37. By augmenting the size of a Leydsn jar we render it capable of accepting a. larger charge of electricity. But there is a limit to the size of a jar. When therefore, larger charges are required than a single jar can furnish, we make use of a number of jars. In tig. 38 nine of them are shown. All their interior coatings are united together by brass rods, while all Um outer coatings rest upon a metal suiface in free communica- tion with the eaith. This combination of Leydcn jars con- stitutes the Leydcn Battery, the effect of which is equal to that of a single jar ,f nine times the size of one of the jars. 20. Explanation of the Leydcn Jar. The principles of electrical induction LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. FIG. 38. "with which you arc now so familiar will enable you to thoroughly analyze and understand the action of the Leydcn jar. In charging- the jar the outer coating is connected with the earth, and the inner coating with the electrical machine. Let the machine, as usual, be of glass yield- ing positive electricity. When it is worked the electricity poured into the jar acts inductively across the glass upon the outer coating, attracting its negative and repelling its positive to the earth. Two mutually attractive electric layers are thus in presence of each other, being separa- ted merely by the glass. When the ma- chine is in good order and the glass of the jar is thin, the attraction may be ren- dered strong enough to perforate the jar. By means of the discharger the opposite electricities are enabled to unite in the form of a F par If. Franklin saw and announced with clear- ness the escape of the electricity from the outer coating of the jar. His state- ment is that whatever be the quantity of the " electric fire" thrown into the jar, an equal quantity was dislodged from the outside. We have now to prove by ac- tual experiment that this explanation is correct. Place your Leydcn jar upon a, table, and connect the outer coating with your electroscope. There is no divergence of the leaves when electricity is poured into the jar. But here the outer coating is connect- ed through the table with the earth. Let us cut off this communication by an in- sulator. Place the jar upon a board up- portcd by warm tumblers, or upon a piece of vulcanized india-rubber cloth, and again connect the outer coating with the electroscope. The moment electric- ity is communicated to the knob of the jar the leaves of Dutch metal diverge. Detach the wire by your discharger and test the quality of the electricity it is positive, as theory declares it must be. Consider now the experiment of Klcist and Cumcus (fig. 04). You will, I doubt not, penetrate its meaning. You will see that in their case the liand formed the outer coating of the jar. When elec- tricity was communicated through the nail to the water within, that electricity acted across the glass inductively upon the hand, attracting the ono fluid and repelling the other to the earth. Again, I say, prove all things ; and what is here affirmed may be proved by the following beautiful and conclusive ex- periment : Stand on your board, i i' fig. 39, insulated by its four tumblers ; or upon a sheet of gutta-percha, or vulcan- ized india-rubber. Seize the old Leyden phial, j, with your left hand, and pre- sent the knuckle of your right hand to your balanced lath, L' L. When electric- ity is communicated to the nail, the lath i* immediately attracted by the knuckle. Or touch your electroscope with your right hand ; when the phial is charged LESSORS IN ELECTRICITY. PICK 39. the leaves immediately diverge, by the electricity driven from your left hand to the electroscope. Here the nail may be electrified either by connecting it with the prime conduct- or oft he machine, or by rubbing it with an excited glass rod. Indeed, I should prefer your resorting to the simplest and cheapest means in making these experi- ments. 21. Franklin's Cascade Battery. As a thoughtful and reflective boy or girl you cannot, I think, help wondering at the power which your thorough mas- tery of the principles of induction gives you over these wonderful and complica- ted phenomena. By those principles the various facts of our science are bound to- gether into an organic whole. But we have not yet exhausted the f ruitf ulness of this principle. Consider the following problem. Usually we allow the electricity of the outer coating to escape to the earth. Suppose we try to utilize it. Place, then, your jar, A B, fig. 40, upon vulcanized india-rubber, and connect by a wire B c its outer coating with the knob or inner coating of a second jar c D. "What will occur when the first jar is charged ? Why, the second one will be charged also by the electricity which has escaped from the outer coating of the first. And sup- pose you connect the outer coating of the second insulated jar with the inner 518 LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. coating of a ifiird, E F ; what occurs ? The third jar will obviously be charged with the electricity repelled from the outer coating 1 of tho second. Of course we need not stop here. We may have a long series of insulated jars, the outer coating of each being connected with the inner coating of the next succeeding one. Connect the outer coating of the last jar i K by a wire c with the caith, and charge the first jar. You charge thereby the entire series of jars. In this simple way you master practically, and grasp tho theory of Franklin's celebrated " cascade battery." You must see that before making this important experiment you could really have predicted what would occur. This power of prension is one of the most striking characteristics of science. 22. Novel Ley den Jars of the Simplest J^orm. Possessed of its principles, we can re- duce the Lcydon jar to far simpler forms than any hitherto dealt with. Spread a sheet of tin-foil smoothly upon a table, and Jay upon the foil a* pane of glass. Remember that the glass, as usual, must be dry. Stick on to the glass by seal- ing-wax two loops of narrow silk ribbon, by which the pane may be lifted ; and then lay smoothly upon the glass n sec- ond sheet of tin-foil, less than the pane in size, leaving a rim of uncotercd glass all round. Carry a fine wire from the upper sheet cf tin-foil to your electro- scope. A little weight will keep the end of the wire attached to the tin-foil. Rub this weight with your excited glass tube, two or three times if neces- sary, until you see a slight divergence of the Dutch metal leaves. Or connecting the weight with the conductor of your machine, turn very carefully until the slight divergence is observed. What is the condition of things here ? You have poured, say positirc electiicity on to the upper sheet of metal. It acts "inducti vo ly across the glass upon the under sheet, the positive fluid of which escapes to the earth, leaving the negative behind. You see before your mind's eye twx> layers holding each other in bondage. Now take hold of your loops and lift the glass plate, so as to separate the upper tin-foil from the lower. What would you ex- pect to occur ? Freed from the grasp of the lower layer, the electricity of the up- per one will diffuse itself over the elec- troscope so promptly and powerfully, that if you are not careful you will de- stroy the instrument by the mutual repul- sion of its leaves. Practise this experiment, which is a very old one of mine, by lowering and lifting the glass plate, and observing the corresponding rhythmic action of the leaves of the electroscope. Common tin-plate may be used in this experiment instead of tin-foil, and a sheet of vulcanized india-rubber instead of the pano of glass. Or simpler still, for the tin-foil a sheet of common un- warmed foolscap may be employed. Satisfy yourself of this. Spread a sheet of foolscap on a table ; lay the plate of glass upon it, an I spread a leaf of fools- cap, less than the glass in size, on the plate of glass. Connect tho loaf with the electroscope, and charge it, exactly as you charged the tin-foil. On lifting tho glass with its leaf of foolscap, the leaves of the electroscope instantly fly apart ; on lowering the glass they again fall together. Abandon the under sheet altogether, and make the table the outer coating ; if it be not of very dry wood, or corered by an insulating varnish, you will obtain with it the results obtained with the tin-foil, tin, and foolscap. Thus by the simplest means we illustrate great principles. The withdrawal of the electricity from the electroscope, by lowering the plate of glass, so as to bring the electricity of the upper coating within the grasp of the FIG. 41. LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. 31$ lower one, is sometimes called ** conden- sation. ' ' The electricity on one plate or sheet was figured ai squeezed together, ^r condensed, by the attraction of the other. A special instrument called a condenser is constructed by instrument makers to illustrate the action here ex- plained. You may readily make a condenser for yourself. Take two circles, p p', fig. 41, of tin or of sheet zinc, and support the one, p', by a stick of sealing-wax or glass, G : the other, p, by a metal stem, connected with the earth. The insulated plate, p', is called the collecting plate ; the unin- sulated one, P, the condensing plate. Connect the collecting plate with your electroscope by the wire w, and bring tha condensing plate near it, leaving, how ever, a thin space of air between them. Charge the collector, p', or the wire, w, with your glass rod, until tho leaves of the electroscope begin to diverge. Withdraw the condensing plate, the leaves fly asunder ; bring tho condensing plate near, the leaves again collapse. Or vary your constraction, Rnd make your condenser thus. Employing the table, or a sheet of foolscap if the table V>e an insulator, as one plate of the con- denser, sproad upon it the sheet of india- rubber, P, fig. 42, and lay upon the rubber the sheet of block-tin, A B. Con- nect the tin by the wire, w, with the electroscope, T. Impart electricity to the little weight, A, till the leaves, L, W- gin to diverge ; then lift the tin plate by ks two silk loops ; tho leaves at once fly csander. Finally, show your complete knowledge of the Ley den jar, ami your freedom from the routine of the instrument makers, by making a "jar" in the following novel way. Stand upon a board sup- ported by warm tumblera. Hold in your right hand a sheet of vulcanized india- rubber, and clasp, with it between you, tho left hand of a friend in connection with the earth. Place your left hand on tho conductor of the machine, and let it bo worked. You and your friend sooa feel a crackling and a tickling of the hands, due to the heightening attraction of the opposite electricities across the in- dia-rubber. The " hand- jar" is then charged. To discharge it you have onJy to bring your other hands together : ths shock of the Leyden jar is then felt and its spark seen and heard. By the discharge of the hand-jar you can tire gunpowder. But this will be re- ferred to more particukirly further OB. (See 25.) 23. Seat of Charge in the Ley den Jar. Franklin sought to determine how tho charge was hidden in the Leyden jiir. He charged with electricity a bottle half filled with water and coated on the out- side with tin-foil ; dipping the finger oJ one hand into the water, and touching the outside coating with the other, he received a shock. He was thus led to inquire, Is the electricity in the water I He poured the water into a second bot- tle, examined it, and found that it had carried no electricity along with it. His conclusion wa3 '* that the electric fire must either have been lost in tho d&- canting, or must have remained in the bottle. The latter he found to be true ; for, filling the charged bottle with fresii water, he obtained the shock, and vrra therefore satisfied that the power of giv- ing it resided in the glass itself."* * Priestley's " History of Electricity," Sa edition, p. 149 320 (An account of Franklin's discoveries was given by him in a series of letters addressed to "Peter Collmson, Esq.* F.R.S., from 1747 to 1754). So much for history ; but yon arc to verify the history by repeating Franklin's experiments. Place water in a wide glass vessel ; place ;i second glass vessel within the first, and till it to the same height with water. Connect the outer water by a wire with the earth, and the inner water by a wire with the electric machine. One or two turns furnish a suf- ficient charge. Removing the inner wire, and dipping one finger into the outside and the- other into the. inside water, a smart shock is felt. This was Franklin's first experiment. Pass on to the second. Coat a, glass jar uiih tin-foil (not too high) ; fill it to the same height with water, and place it on india-rubber cloth. Charge it by connecting the outside coating with the earth, and the water inside (by means of a stem cemented to the bottom of the vir and ending above in a knob) with an electric machine. You obtain a bright spark on discharging. This proves your apparatus to be in good order. Recharge. Take hold of the charged jar with the india-rubber, and pour the water into a second similar jar. No sen- sible charge is imparted to the latter. Pour fresh unelectrified water into the first jar, and discharge it. The retention of the charge is shown by a brilliant spaik. Be careful in these experiments, or yon will fail, as I did at first. The edge of the jar out of which the water is poured has to be surrounded by a band of bibu- lous paper to catch the final drop, which, trickling down, would discharge the jar. Experiments like those of Franklin are now made by rendering the coatings of the Leydcn jar movable. Such a jar be- ing charged, the interior coating may be lifted out and proved unelectric. The glass may then be removed from the outer coating and the latter proved unelectric. Restoring the jar and coatings, on con- necting the two latter, the discharge passes in a brilliant spaik. Make a jar with movable coatings thus : Roll cartridge paper round a good flint-glass tumbler, c, fig. 43, to within about an inch of the top. Paste down the lower edge of the paper, and put a LE33O:73 IN ELECTRICITY. paper bottom to it corresponding to the bottom of the glass. Coat the paper, T, inside and out with tin-foil. Make a similar coating, T', for the inside of the tumbler, attaching to it an upright PIG. 43. w, ending in a hook. You have then to all intents and purposes a Leyden jar. Put the pieces together and charge the jar. By means of a rod of glass, seal- ing-wax, or gutta-percha, lift out the in- terior coating. It will carry .a little elec- tricity away with it. Place it upon a tnble and discharge it wholly. Then by the hand lift the glass out of the outer coating. Neither of the coatings now shows the slightest symptom of electric- ity. Restore the tumbler to its outer coating, and by means of the hook and insulating rod, restore the inner coating to its place. Discharge the jar : you obtain a brilliant spark. The electricity which produces this spark must have been resident in and on the glass. Here, as in all other cases, you can charge your jar with a rubbed glass tube, though a machine in good working order will do it more rapidly. With *' Cot- trell's rubber," described in the next section, you may greatly exalt the per- formance of your glass tube. 24. Ignition by the Electric Spark. CottrelVs Rubber. The Tube-ma- chine. Various attempts had been vainly made by Nollet and others to ignite inflam- LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. 821 FIG. 44. rnable substances by the electric spark. This was first effected by Ludolf, at the opening of the Academy of Sciences by Frederick the Great at Berlin, on the 23d of January, 1744. With a spark from the sword of one of the court cav- aliers present on the occasion, Ludolf ig- nited sulphuric ether. Dr. \\atson also made numerous ex- periments on the ignition of bodies by the electric spark. He fired gunpowder and discharged guns. Causing, more- over, a spoon containing ether to be held by an electrified person, he ignited the ether by the finger of an unelectrified per- son. He also noticed that the spark va- ried in color when the substances between which it passed varied. These, and numerous other experi- ments may be made with a far simpler " machine" than any hitherto described. It was devised for your benefit by Mr. Cottrell. In the electric machine, as we have learned, the prime conductor is flooded with positive electricity through the discharge of the negative from the points against the excited glass. Your gloss tube and rubber may be similarly turned to account. A strip of sheet- brass or copper, p, fig. 44, is sewn on to the edge of the silk pad, R, employed as a rubber. Through apertures in the strip about twenty pin-points are introduced, and soldered to the metal. When the tube is clasped by the rubber, the rnetal strip and points quite encircle the tube. When a fine wire, ID, connects the strip of metal with the knob of a Leyden jar, by every downward stroke of the rubber the glass tube is powerfully excited, and hotly following the exciting rubber is t^ circle of points. From these, against ths rod, negative electricity is discharged,, the free positive electricity escaping along; the wire to the jar, which is thus rapid- ly charged. The ignition of gas is readily effected! by Cottrell's rubber. Connecting thee strip of metal, R, fig. 45, with an insulat- ed metallic knob, B, placed within a* quarter or an eighth of an inch of an uninsulated argand burner connected with the earth, at every downward stroke of" the rubber a stream of sparks passes be- tween the knob and burner. If gas bo* turned on, it is immediately ignited by the stream of sparks. Blowing out the- fiame and repeating the experiment, every stroke of the rubber infallibly ignites the- as. Sulphuric ether, in a spoon which ha*. been previously warmed, is thus ignited ;; but the ether soon cools by evaporation ; its vapor is diminished by the cold, and it is then less easy to ignite. Bisulphide of carbon may be substituted for the ether, with the certainty that every stroke of the rubber will set it ablaze. The spark thus obtained also fires a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen. The two gasei LESSONS IF ELECTRICITY. unite with explosion to form water, when an electric spark is pnssed through them. Mr. Cottrell has also mounted his glass -tube so as to render friction in both direc- jtions available. The tube-machine is represented in fig. 46. A D is the glass tube, ciasped by the rubber, n. p p 1 arc two strips of metal furnished with rows of points. From p p' wires proceed to the knob c, which is insulated by the horizontal stem, o. This insulating stem may be abolished with advantage, the wires from p and p' being rendered strong enough to support the ball c. At c sparks may be taken, a Ley den jar charged, the electric mill turned, while wires carried from it may be employed in experiments on ignition. I however strongly recommend to your attention the more simple rubber shown in fig. 44. " Seldom," says Hies*, " has an ex- periment done so innch to 'develop the science to which it belongs a* this of the ignition of bodies by the electric sparks." It aroused universal interest ; and was repeated in all Royal houses. Money was ready for the further prosecution of electrical research. The experiment afterward spread among the people. Jliesw considers it probable tlu-it the gen- eral interest thus excited led to th dis- covery of the Ley de u jar, which was mado soon after vr&rd. Fio. 47. Klingenstierna astonished King Fred- erick of Sweden by igniting a spoon of alcohol with a piece of ice. With Cot- trell's rubber and bisulphide of carbon this striking experiment is easily made, and you ought to render your knowl- edge complete by repeating it. At every stroke of the rubber the spark from the end of a pointed rod of ice in- fallibly sets the bisulphide) on tire. Cadogan Morgan, in 1785, sought to pro- duce the electric spark in the interior of solid bodies. He inserted two wires into wood, and caused the spark to pass be- tween them: the wood \rns illnminated with blood-red light, or with yellow light, ac- cording as the depth at which the spark was produced wa~s greater or less. Tlia spark of the Leyden jar produced within an ivory ball, an orange, an apple, or under tin; thumb, illuminates these bodies through- out. A lemon is especially suited to this ffra, 48. LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. experiment, flashing forth at every spark as a spheriod of brilliant golden Jight. The manner in which the lemon is mount- ed on the brass stem B is shown in fig. 47. The spark occurs at 5, in the interval between the stems A and B. A row of eggs in a glass cylinder is also brilliantly illuminated at the passage of every spark from a Ley den jar. 25. Duration of the Electric Spark. The duration of the electric spark is very brief ; in a special case Sir Charles Whcatstone found it to be jrj^^tli of a second. This, however, was the maxi- mum duration. In other cases it was less than the millionth of a second. When a body is illuminated for a in- stant, the image of the body remains upon the retina of the eye for about one- fifth of a second. If, then, ji body in swift motion be illuminated by an instan- taneous flash, it will be seen to stand motionless for one-fifth of a second at the point where the flash falls upon it. A riiie bullet passing through the air, and illuminated by an electric flash, would be seen thus motionless ; a, circle like D D', fig. 48, divided into black and white sectors, and rotating so quickly as to cause the sectors to blend to a uniform gray, appears, when illuminated by the spark of a Leyden jar, perfectly motion- less, with all its sectors revealed. A fall- ing jet of water, which appears contin- uous, is resolved by 'the electric flash into its constituent drops. Lightning, as shown by Professor Dove, is similarly rapid in its discharge. For a long time it was found almost impossible to ignite gunpowder by the electric spark. Its duration is so brief that the powder, when the discharge oc- curred in its midst, was simply scattered violently about. In 1787 Wolff intro- duced into the circuit through which the discharge passed a glass tube wetted on the inside. He thereby rendered the ignition certain. This was owing to the retardation of. the spark by the imperfect conductor. Gun-cotton, phosphorus, and amadou, which are torn asunder by the unrelarded sparks are ignited when the discharge is retarded by a tube of water. A wetted string is the usual means re- sorted to for retardation when gunpow- der is to be discharged. The instrument usually employed for the ignition of powder is the universal discharger. We make our own dis- charger thus : i and ^-(fig. 49) are in- sulating rods of glass or sealing-wax, supporting two metal arms, the ends of which can be brought down upon the little central table s. One of the metal arms of the discharger being connected by a wire e with the eartL, the separated ends of the two arms are surrounded ^Yith powder B. Sending through it the unretarded charge, the powder ia scatter- FIQ. 49. 824 LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. FIG. 50. ed mechanically. Introducing the wet string w into the circuit, ignition infalli- bly occurs when the spark passes. This is the place to fulfil our promise to ignite gunpowder by the " hand- jar. " Fig. 50 explains the arrangement. H 11' are the hands of the insulated person. F the hand of the uninsulated friend, i (he india-rubber between both hands. The lead ball B is suspended by a wet string s. On the little stand P, connect- ed with the earth, is placed the powder. The charging of the hand- jar is described in 22. When charged, it is only nec- essary to bring the ball n down upon the powder to cause it to explode. 26. Electric Light in Vacuo. The electric light in vacuo was first observed by Picard in 1675. While carrying a barometer from the Observa- tory to the Porte St. Michel in Paris, he saw light in the upper portion of the lube. Sebastien and Cassini observed it Afu?r wards in other barometers. John iicrnouilli devised a " mercurial phos- phorus," by shaking mercury in a tube vhlch had been exhausted by an air- pump. This was handed to the King of Prussia Frederick I. who awarded for it a medal of forty ducats value. The great mathematician wrote a poem in noiior of the occasion. Fia. 51. Bernouilli failed to explain the effect. The explanation was reserved for Ilauks- bee, who in 1705 took up the subject and experimented upon it before the Royal Society. On tke plate of an air- pump he placed two bell-jars, one over the other. Tin outer and larger jar was open at Hie top. Into the opening llauksbee iixod, air-tight, a funnel, which he stopped with a plug of wood and filled with mercury, lie exhausted the space between the two jars, withdrew the wooden plug and allowed the mer- cury to stream against the outer surface i of the inner jar. lie thus obtained aJ shower of lire. This is a truly beautiful 1 experiment when witnessed by an ob- server close at hand. A copy of Hauksbee's own figure il- lustrating this experiment is annexed, fig. 51. M is the funnel containing the mercury, ithe plug of wood, 8 the. outer and s' the inner bell-jar. Instead of the plug P, an india-rubber tube, held by a clip, may be employed with advantage to connect the funnel with the exhausted jar. By gradually relaxing the clip the mercury may be made to fall at a rate corresponding to the maximum luminous effect. The streams of light produced are very beautiful, but they arc more continuous than they arc shown to be by Uauksbuo, In 1706 llauksbee referred the phe- LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. nomenon to its true cause, namely, the friction between mercury and glass in the highly rarefied air. John Bernoulli! ridi- culed Hauksbee's explanation. But truth outlives ridicule, and it is now uni- versally admitted that Hauksbee was right. Hauksbee also made the following ex- periment, which, as shown by Riess, is explained by reference to the principle of induction. A hollow glass globe was mounted so as to be capable of quick rotation. It was exhausted, and while it rotated the hand was placed against it in the dark. It was positively electri- fied by the hand. This positive electricity acted inductively on the gla?s itself, at- tracting its negative, but discharging its positive as a luminous g'ow through the rarefied air within. Haukshee was able to read by the light thus produced. By such experiments it was shown that rarefied air favored the passage of elec- tricity. Dry air is in fact an insulator, which must be broken through to pro- duce the electric spark. Through an ex- hausted glass tube six feet long a dis- charge freely passes which would be in- competent to leap over the fiftieth part of this interval in air. But whereas the spark in air is dense and brilliant, the discharge in vacuo fills the exhausted tube with a diffuse light. (It is here worthy of remark that at a very early period Grummert, a Pole, proposed the employment 'of this diffuse electric light to illuminate coal mines a notion which has been revived in our day. The light in this form is not com- petent to ignite the explosive gases which produce such terrible disasters in mines.) Priestley, in his " History of Electric- ity," thus describes the light in vacuo. " Take a tall receiver, very dry, and in the top of it insert with cement a wire not very acutely pointed, then exhaust the receiver and present the knob of the wire to the conductor, and every spark will pass through the vacuum in a broad stream of light, visible through the whole length of the receiver, be it ever so tall. This stream often divides itself into a variety of beautiful rivulets, which are continually changing their course, uniting and dividing again in the most pi-easing manner. If a jar be discharged through this vacuum, it gives the appearance of a very dense body of fire, darting directly through the centre of the vacuum with- out ever touching the sides." Cavendish employed a double barome- ter-tube, bent into a form of a horseshoe, with its curved portion empty, to show the passage of electricity through a vacuum. It is really not the vacuum which conducts the electricity, but the highly attenuated air and vapor which fill the space above the barometric columns. When the mercury employed is carefully purged of air and moisture by previous boiling, the space above the mercury, as proved by Walsh, De Luc, Morgan, and Davy, is wholly incapable of conducting electricity. Similar experiments have been made in the laboratory of Mr. Gassiot, to whom we are indebted for so many beautiful electrical experiments. Professor Dewar has also brought his experimental skill to bear with success upon this subject. Electricity, therefore, dees not pass through a true vacuum ; it requires pon- derable matter to carry it. If a gold- leaf electroscope be kept at a distract from al] conductors, it may be kept charged for an almost indefinite period in a good air-pump vacuum. The matter rendered thus luminous by the electrical discharge is attracted and repelled like other electrified matter. " A finger," says Priestley, " put on the out- side of the glass will draw it [the lumi- nous stream] wherever a person pleases. If the vessel be grasped with both hands, every spark is felt like the pulsation of a great artery, and all the fire makes to- wards the hands. This pulsation is felt at some dirtance from the receiver ; and in the dark a light is seen betwixt the hands and glass." " All this," continues the historian of electricity, " while the pointed wire is supposed to be electrified positively ; if it be electrified negatively the appearance is remarkably different. Instead of streams of fire, nothing is seen but one uniform luminous appearance, like a white cloud, or the milky-way on a clear starlight night. It seldom readies the whole length of the vessel, but is gen- erally only like a lucid ball at the end of the wire." Of the two appearances here described 320 LESSOVS IN ELECTRICITY. FKI. &1 tho fonriGr is now known n tho ehctrie brush, and the latter rs the electric glow. Both c*n be produced in unconfined air. Tho glow is sometimes seen on the masts, of clips, and it is mentioned by tho an- ci-euta as appearing on the points of kacea. It is called St. Ermo's or St. Elmo's fire, ?:ftcr the .*ailoiV saint, Eras- inu*, \*ho nuHered martyrdom at Gaeta, at the beginning of the fourth century. The purple color of the diffused light in attenuated air was noticed by Hauks- boc. The color depends upon the resi- due of attenuated gas, or vapor, through which the discharge passes. If it be an oxygen-residue the light is whitish, if it be a hydrogen-residue the light is red, if a nitrogen-residue the light is purple, fj;act!y resembling that displayed at times by vlro aurora borealis a color doubtless due to tho discharge of electricity through the attenuated nitrogen of the air. Electric light in vacuo is readily pro- duced by the friction of an amalgamated FH I -^cr against the outside of an exhausted tube. The light is also produced by the friction of mercury within a barometric vacuum. The discharges through tube* many feet in length and exhausted by an air-pump are very fine. The double barometer tube of Cavendish also yields a truly splendid bow of light, when a strong electric discharge is sent through it. For this experiment fig. 52 shows the best arrangement. p is the prime conductor of an electrical machine, i an insulated metal ball, connected by a wire with the mercury trough A. The trough u is connected by a wire with the earth, c and c' mark the height of the mercurial columns. When the machine is worked sparks pass from p to i, a vivid bow of light at each passage stretch- ing from o to c'. By causing i to ap- proach P, the discharges become more frequent, t>nt more feeble ; by augment- ing the distance P i, the sparks become rarer, but more strong. When very, a bow of dazzling brilliancy ac- companies every spark.* Small tubes tor these experiments are hd*t obtained from philosophical instru- ment makers 27. Lichlenbtry's Figures. Licht.cnberg deriasd a me-xis of rc- vaaling tho condition of an electrified surface by dusting it with powder. It'sd lead, in passing through mr-slin, is p pcndcd by silk. The charged bll, o* touching the interior surface, beeorr>4 completely unclectric. Franklin placed a long chain in -A sti- ver tea-pot which he electrified. Con- necting his teapot with a pith-ball ch -.- troscope he produced a diverge*.:*. Then lifting the chain by a silk string**. found that over the portion outside v~$ teapot the electricity diffused itself, T!M withdrawal of the electricity from !*t* electroscope being announced by the par- tial collapse of the divergent pith-balls. The mode of repeating lhi experi y iiicjj is shown in fig. 53, where T is the tea- pot, supported on a ^ood glass tumbler o, and connected by the wire w with the 328 LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. electroscope E. The effect is small, but distinct. The greatest experiment with hollow conductors was made by Faraday, who placed himself in a cubical chamber built of laths and covered with paper and wire gauze. It was suspended by silk ropes. Within this chamber he could not detect tho slightest sign of electricity, however delicate his electroscope, and however strongly the sides of the chamber might t>e electrified. 29. Physiological Effects of the Elec- tric Discharge. The physiological effect of the electric shock lias been studied in various ways. Graham caused a number of persons to lay hold of the same metal plate, which was connected with the outer coating of a charged Leyden jar, and also to lay hold of a rod by which the jar was dis- charged. The shock divided itself equally among them. The Abbe Nollet formed a lino of one hundred and eighty guardsmen, and sent the discharge through them all. He also killed sparrows and fishes by the shock. The analogy of these effects with those produced by thunder and lightning could not escape attention, nor fail to stimulate inquiry. Indeed, as experimental knowledge in- creased, men's thoughts became more def- inite and exact as regards the relation of electrical effects to thunder and lightning. The Abbe Nollet thus quaintly expresses himself : " If any one should take upon him to prove, from a well-connected comparison of phenomena, that thunder is, in the hands of Nature, what electric- ity is in ours, and that tho wonders which we now exhibit at our pleasure are little imitations of those great effects which frighten us ; I avow that this idea, if it was well supported, would give me a great deal of pleasure.' lie then points out the analogies between both, and continues thus : " All those points of analogy, which I have been some time meditating, begin to make me believe that one might, by taking electricity as the model, form to one's self in relation to thunder and lightning, more perfect and more probable ideas than what have been -offered hitherto."* * Priestley's " Ilistorvof Electricity," pp. 151-52. These views were prcralent at tho time now referred to, and o.ut of them grew the experimental proof by tne great physical philosopher, Franklin, of the substantial identity of the lightning Gash and the electric spark. Franklin was twice struck senseless by the electric shock. lie afterwards sent the discharge of two large jars through six robust men ; they fell to the ground and got up again without knowing what had happened ; they neither heard nor felt the discharge. Priestley, who made many valuable contributions to elec- tricity, received the charge of two jars, but did not find it painful. This experience agrees with mine. Some timo ago I stood in this room with a charged battery of fifteen large Leyden jars beside me. Through some awkward- ness on my part I touched the wire lead- ing from the battery, and the discharge went through me. Fur a sensible inter- val life was absolutely blotted out, but there was no trace of pain. After a life- tie time consciousness returned ; I saw confusedly both the audience and the ap- paratus, arid concluded from this, and from my own condition, that I had re- ceived the discharge. To prevent the audience from being alarmed, I made the remark that it had often been my de- sire to receive such a shock accident- ally, and that my wish had at length been fulfilled. But though th intellect- ual consciousness of my position return- ed with exceeding rapidity, it was not so with the optical consciousness. For, while making the foregoing remark, my body presented to my eyes the appear- ance of a number of separate pieces. The arms, for example, were detached from the trunk and suspended in the air. In fact, memory and the power of rea- soning appeared to be complete, long be- fore the restoration of the optic nerve to healthy action. This may be regarded as an experi- mental proof that people killed by light- ning suffer no pain. 80. Atmospheric Electricity. The air at all times can bo proved to be a reservoir of electricity, which un- dergoes periodic variation. We have seen that ingenious men began soon to suspect u common on^is. for the crack- LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. 820 Fio. 54. ling and light of the electric spark, and thunder and lightning. The greatest in- vestigator in this field is the celebrated Dr. Franklin. He made an exhaustive comparison of the effects of electricity and those of lightning. The lightning flash he saw was of the same shape as the elongated electric spark ; like electricity, lightning strikes pointed objects in pref- erence to others ; lightning pursues the path of least resistance ; it burns, dis- solves metals, rends bodies asunder, and strikes men blind. Franklin imitated all these effects, striking a pigeon blind, and killing a hen and turkey by the electrical discharge. I place before you in fig. - ? -, with a view to its comparison with a ;*charge of forked lightning, the long spark obtained from an effective ebonite machine, furnished with a conductor of a special construction, which favors length of spark. Having completely satisfied his mind by this comparison of the identity of both agents, Franklin proposed to draw electricity from the clouds by a pointed rod erected oa a high tower. But be- fore the tower could be built he succeed- ed in his object by means of a kite with a pointed wire attached to it. The electricity descended by the hempen string which held the kite, to a key at the end of it, the key being separated from the observer by a silken string held in the hand. Franklin thus obtained sparks, and charged a Leyden phial with atmospheric electricity. But, spurred by Franklin's researches, an observer in France had previously proved the electrical character of light- ning. A translation of Franklin's writ- ings on the subject fell into the hands of the naturalist Buffon, who requested his friend D'Alibard to revise the transla- tion. D'Alibard was thus induced to erect an iron rod 40 feet long, supported by silk strings, and ending in a" sen try- box. It was watched by an old dragoon named Coiffier, who on the 10th of May, 1752, heard a clap of thunder, and im- mediately afterwards drew sparks from the end ot the iron rod. The danger of experiments with metal rods was soon illustrated. Professor Richmann of St. Petersburg had a rod raised three or four feet above the tiles of his house. It was connected by a chain with another rod in his room ; the latter rod resting in a glass vessel, and being therefore insulated from the earth. On the Gth of August, 1753, a thunder cloud discharged itself against the exter- nal rod ; the electricity passed down- wards along the chain ; on reaching the tod below, it was stopped by the glass vessel, darted to Richmann's head, which was about a foot distant, and killed him on the spot. Had a perfect communica- tion eiisted between the lower rod and the earth, the lightning in this case would hav expended itself harmlessly. In 1749 Franklin proposed lightning conductors. He repeated his recom- mendation in 1753. He was opposed on two grounds. The Abbe Nollct, and those who thought with him, considered it as impious to ward off heaven's light- nings, as for a child to ward off the chastening of its father. Others thought that the conductors would " invite" the lightning to break upon them. A long discussion was also carried on as to whether the conductors should be blunt or pointed. Wilson advocated blunc conductors against Franklin, Cavendish, and Watson. lie so influenced George III., hinting that the points were a re- publican device to injure his Majesty, that the pointed conductors on Bucking- ham House were changed for others end- ing in balls. Experience of the most varied kind has justified the employment of pointed conductors. In 1769 St. 880 LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. Fio. 55. Paul's Cathedral was first protected. The most decisive evidence in favor of conductors was obtained from ships ; and such evidence was needed, to overcome the obstinate prejudice of seamen. Case after case occurred in which ships un- protected by conductors were singled out from protected ships, and shattered or destroyed by lightning. ' The con- ductors were at first made movable, be- ing ioisted on the approach of a thun- derstorm ; hut these were finally aban- doned for the fixed lightning conductors devised by the late Sir Snow Harris. The saving of property and life by this obvious outgrowth of electrical research is incalculable. 31. TJte Returntny Stroke. In the year 1779 Charles, Viscount Ma- hon, afterward Earl Stanhope, pub- lished his " Principles of Electricity." On the title-page of the book stands the following remark : " This treatise com- prehends an explanation of an electrical returning stroke, by which fatal effects may be produced even at a vast distance from the place where the lightning falls." Lord Mahon's experiments, which are models Df scientific clearness and pre- cision, will be readily understood by ref- erence to the principles of electric induc- tion, with which you are now so familiar. It need only be noted here that whenever he speaks of a body being plunged in an " electrical atmosphere," he means that the body is exposed to the inductive ac- tion of a second electrified body, which latter he supposed to be surrounded by such an atmosphere. A few extracts from his work will gir* a clear notion of the nature of his dis- covery : " I placed an insulated metallic cylin- der, A B, fig. 55, within the electrical at- mosphere of the prime conductor [p c] when charged, but beyond the striking distance. The distance between the near end A of the insulated metallic bodj and the side of the prime conductor was 20 inches. The body A u wsa of brass, of a cylindrical form, .18 inch- es long, by two inches in diameter. I then placed another insulated brass body E F, 40 inches long by about 3j inches in diameter, with its end E at ths distance of about one-tenth of an inch from the en-l B of the other metallic body A B. I electrified the prime con- ductor. All the time that it was receiv- ing its plus charge of electricity there passed a great number of weak (red or LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. 331 "mrple) sparks from the end u of tlio near jodv A B into the end E of the remote body EI-." Make clear to your mind tiio origin of thi.s stream of weak red or purple sparks. It i.i obviously dua. to the inductive action of the prime conductor P c upon tlio body A c. The positive electricity of A c being repelled by the prims con- ductor, passed as a stream, of sparks to E F. " When the prime conductor, Laving received its full charge, came suddenly to discharge, with an explosion, its super- abundant electricity on a large brass ball L, which was made to communicate with lihe earth, it always happened that the electrical fluid, which had been gradually expelled from the body A B and driven into the body E r, did suddenly return from the body E F iuto the body A n, in a strong and bright spark, at the very in- stant that the explosion took place upon the ball L. " This I call the electrical returning stroke." For the two conductors Lord Mali on then substituted his own body and that of another person, both of them standing upon insulating stools. He continues thus : ** I placed myself upon an insulating stool E (fig. 56), so as to have my right arm A at the distance of about 20 inches from a large prime conductor ; another person, standing upon another insulating es. stool K, brought his right hand F within ono- quarter of an inch of my left hand n. 41 When the prime conductor began to receive its plus charge of electricity, we felt the electrical fluid running out of my hand B into his hand F. " V> T hen we separated our hand? B and F a little, the electricity passed between us in small sparks, which sparks increased in sharpness the farther we removed our hands c and F asunder, until we had brought them quite out of a striking dis- tance. The interval* of time between these departing sparks increased also the more the distance between our hands B and Y was increased, as must necessarily be the case. "As soon as the prime conductor came suddenly to discharge iU electricity upon the ball L, the superabundant electricity which the other person had received from my body did then r turn from him to me in a sharp spark, which issued from his hand F at the very iiiftaut that the explo- sion of the prime conductor took place upon the ball L. 44 I still continued upon tho insulating stool E, and I dc&ircd the other person to stand upon the floor. The returning stroke between us was still stronger than it had yet been. The reason of it was this : The other person being no longer insulated, transmitted his superabundant electricity freely into the earth. I conse- quently became still more negative than before. " Now, when the returning stroke 332 LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. came to take place, not only the elec- tricity which had passed from my body into the body of the other person, but also the electricity which had passed from my body into the earth (through the other person), did suddenly return upon inc from his hand F to my hand B, at the same instant that the discharge of the prime conductor took place upon the ball L. This caused the returning stroke to be stronger than be- fore." Lord Mahon fused metal?, and pro- duced strong physiological effects by the return stroke. In nature disastrous effects may be pro- duced by the return stroke. The earth's surface, and animals or men upon it, may be powerfully influenced by one end of an electrified cloud. Discharge may oc- cur at the other end, possibly miles away. The restoration of the electric equilib- rium by the return shock may be so violent as to cause death. This was clearly seen and illustrated by Lord Mahon. Fig. 57 is a reduced copy of his illustration. JL B c is the electri- fied cloud, the two ends of which, A and c, come near the earth. The discharge occurs at c. A man at F is killed by the returning stroke, while the people at D, nearer to the place of discharge, but far- ther from the cloud, are uninjured. TVith the viow of still further testing your knowledge of induction, I have here copied a portion of this admirable essay ; but the entire memoir of Lord Manor, would constitute a most useful and inter- esting lesson in electricity. For our own instruction we can illus- trate the return shock thus : Connect one arm of your universal discharger, fig. 49, with a conductor like c, fig. 20, and the other arm with tho earth. Bring c within a few inches of your prime con- ductor, but not within striking distance ; on working tho machine a stream of fee- ble sparks will pass from point to point of the discharger. Let the prime con- ductor be discharged from time to thtoe by an assistant ; at every discharge the returning stroke is announced by a flash between the points of the discharger at *. If gun-cotton with a little fulminating powder scattered on it, or a fine silver wire, be introduced between the points of tho discharger, the one is exploded and the other deflagrated. The stream of repelled sparks first seem may be entirely abolished by establishing an imperfect connection between the con- ductor c and tho earth : a chain resting upon the dry table on which the conduct- or stands will do. The chain permits the feebler sparks to pass through it in Fw. 58. LESSORS IN ELECTRICITY. 8*3 preference to crossing the space s ; but the returning stroke is too strong and sudden to find a sufficiently open channel through the table and chain, and on the discharge of the prime conductor the spark is seen. It was tho action of the return shock upon a dead frog's limbs, observed in the laboratory of Professor Galvani, that led to Galvani's experiments on animal elec- tricity ; and led further to the discovery, by Volta, of the electricity which bears his name. 32. The Leyden Battery, its Currents, and some of their Effects. In the ordinary Leyden battery de- scribed in 19 all the inner coatings are connected together, and all the outer coatisgs arc also connected together. Such a battery acts as a single large jar of extraordinary dimensions. Wires are warmed by a moderate elec- tric discharge ; by augmenting the charge they arc caused to glow ; with a strength- ened charge the metal is torn to pieces ; fusion follows ; and by still stronger charges the wires are reduced to metallic dust and vapor. For such experiments the wire must be thin. Without resistance we can have no heat, and when the wire is thick we have little resistance. The mechanism of the discharge, as shown by the figures produced, is different in different wires. The figure produced by the dust of a def- lagrated silver wire on white paper is shown in fig. 58. When the discharge of a powerful bat- tery is sent through a long steel chain with the ends of its links unsoldered, the sparks between the unsoldered links carry the incandescent particles of the steel along with them. These are consumed in the air, a momentary blaze occurring along the entire chain. Chain cables have been fused by being made the chan- nels of a flash of lightning. Retaining our conception of an electric fluid, at this point we naturally add to it the conception of a current. It is the electric current which produces the effects just described. In many of our former experiments we had electricity at rest (static electricity), here we have electric- ity in motion (dynamic electricity). Sending the current from a battery through a fiat spiral (the primary) formed of fifty or sixty feet of copper wire, and placing within a little distance of it a second similar spiral (the secondary) with its ends connected ; the passage of tho current in the first spiral excites in tho second a current, \vhich is competent to deflagrate wires, and to produce all the other 5 effects of the electrical discharge. Even when the spirals are some feet asun- der, the shock produced by the second- ary current is still manifest. The current from tbe secondary spiral may be carried lound a third ; and this third spiral may be allowed to act upon u fourth, exactly as the primary did upon the secondary. A tertiary current is thus evoked by the secondary in. the fourth spiral. Carrying this tcitiary current round a fifth spiral, and causiig it to act induc- tively upon a sixth, we obtain in the lat- ter a current of the fourth order. In this way we generate a long progeny of cur- rents, all of them having the current sent from the battery through the first spiraJ for a common progenitor. To Prof. Ilenry of the United States, and to Prof. Riess of Berlin, we are indebted for the investigation of the laws of these cur- rents. These researches, bow eve*,, were subsequent to, and were indeed suggest- ed by, experiments of a similar character previously made by Faraday with Voltaic electricity. Besides the electricity of friction and induction we have the following sources and forms of this power. The contact of dissimilar metals pro- duces electricity. The contact of metals with liquids pro- duces electricity. A mere variation of the character of the contact of two bodies produces electricity. Chemical action produces a continuous flow of electricity (Voltaic electricity). Heat, suitably applied to dissimilar metals, produces a continuous flow of electricity (thermo-electricity). The heating and cooling of certain crystals produce electricity (pyro-electric- ity). The motion of magnets, and of bodies carrying electric currents, produces elec- tricity (magneto-electricity). The friction of sand against a metal 31 LESSONS IN ELECTKICITY. plate produces electricity. The friction <-f condi-nscd water-parti- cles against a safety valve, or better etill against a box-wood nozzle through which Attain is driven, produces electricity (Armstrong's hydro-c lectiic machine). These aro different manifestations of one and the same power ; arid they are all evoked by an equivalent expenditure of some other power. Conclusion. Onr experimental researches end here. I would now bespeak your attention for five minutes longer. The cxpcn?iveness of apparatus is sometimes urged as an obstacle to the introduction of science into schools. I hope it has been shown that the obstacle 13 not a real one. Leav- ing out of account the few larger experi- ments, which have contributed but little to our knowledge, it is manifest that the wise expenditure of a couple of guineas would enable any competent teacher to place the leading facts and principles of Jrictional electricity completely at the command of his pupils ; giving them UiwreDy precious knowledge, arni still more precious intellectual discipline a discipline which invokes observation, re- flection, prevision by the exercise of rea- son, and experimental verification. And here, if I might venture to do so, I would urge upon the science teachers of our public and other schools that the immediate future of science as a factor in English education depends mainly upon them. I would respectfully submit to them whether it would not bo a, mistake to direct their attention at present to the collection of costly apparatus. Their principal function just now is to arouse a lovo for scientific study. This is best done by the exhibition of the needful faeta and principles with the simplest possible appliances, and by bringing their pupils into contact with actual experi- mental work. The very time and thought spent in devising such simple instruments will give tko teacher himself a grasp and mastery of his subject which ho could not other- wise obtain ; but it ought to be known by the head meters of our schools that time is needed, not only for devising such instruments, but also for preparing tho experiment* to be made with them after they have been devised. No scienco teacher is f;t to meet his class without this distinct and special prenaration be- fore every lesson. His experiments aro part and parcel of his language, and they ought to be as strict in logic, and as free from stammering, as his spoken words. To rnuko them so may imply an expendi- ture of time which few head masters now contemplate, but it is a necessary expen- diture, and they will act wisely in mak- ing provision for it. To them, moreover, in words of friendly warning, I would say, make room for science by your own healthy and spontaneous action, and do not wait until it is forced upon you by revolution, ary pressure from without. Tho condi- tion of things now existing cannot con- tinue. Its simple statement suffices to call down upon it the condemnation of every thoughtful mind. With reference 10 the report of a Commission appointed .ast year to inquire into the scientific in- struction of this country, Sir John Lub- Dock writes as follows : " Tnc Com- missioners have published returns from moro than a hundred and twenty of the larijer endowed schools. In more th.nn half of these no science whatever i taught ; only thirteen have a laboratory, and only eighteen possess any scientific; apparatus. Out of the whole number, than twenty schools devote as much * > four hours a week to science, and only thirteen attach any weight at all to scien- tific subjects in the examinations." Well may the Commissioners pronounce such a state of things to be nothing less than a national calamity ! If persisted in, it will assuredly be followed by a re- action which the truest friends of classi- cal culture in England will have the great- est reason to deplore. APPENDIX. AN ELEMENTARY LECTURE ON MAGNETISM.* WE have no reaa.--a t:> believe thsit the sheep or tho dnjj. or, indeed, any of the bwer animals, feel aa interest hi the * From the author's volume, Science. 1 " Fra-jmeate of LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. 885 by \vhich natural phenomena are regulated. A V I r.\ iy I) !(T'i!i'>(l \>\ r ;i thunder-storm ; bi.-iU r.viv .<: i l > IO.J-M, ;irrl e t \->. return to llioi stall-* r can!", in f;ir r-t wo know, ever think of inquiiing int > tie causes of th^c things. It is ntnerwise with man. Tho presence of natti-al object?, the. occurrence of mtii'-al event- 1 , l!n?va*ied apnearances of lh". universe in which he dwi 1's, pent Irate beyond his organs of sense, and appeal to an inner power of which the scnsts aie the mere instrum r nts an'l excitants. No fact, is to him either final or original. II u cannot limit hinnelf i) the contemplation of it alone, but endeavors t-> ascertain its position in a series to which the con.-.tit;ili M n of his mini assures him il must bcl ing. H* icgarels all that he witnesses in the present as the efflux and sequence of s m^thina; that has gone before, an I a< the source of a system of events whifh is to follow. The notion of spon- tam'ily, v which ia his ruder state ho ao- countcd for natural events, is abandoned ; the i'lfu that Nature is an aggregate of inde- pendent pruts also disappears, as the connec- tion an 1 mr.tunl dependence of physical pow- ers b' mo'e and rmre manifest ; until h'i i.-> finally led. and that chiefly by the sci- 1 cncf! of which 1 happen this evening to be the exponent, to regaul Nature as an organic whole, as u body each of whose members sympathizes with the rest, changing, it is true, from ages to ages, but without one real bieak ' f continuity, or a single interruption of the fixed relations of cause and effect. The system of things which we call Nature is, however, too vast and various to be studied first-han I by any single mind. As knowledge exten Is there is always a tendency to sub- divide the fiel.l of investigation, its various paits being taken up by different individuals, and thus receiving a greater amount of atten- tion than could possibly be bestowed on them if each investigator aimed at the mastery of the whole. East, west, north, and south, the huaian mind pushes its conquests ; but the centripetal form in which knowledge, as a whole, advances, spreading evor wider on all sides, is due in reality to the exertions of in- dividuals, each of whom directs his efforts, more or less, along a single line. Accepting, in many respects, his culture from his fellow- . xmro, taking it from spoken words and from written books, in some one direction, the stu- dent of nature mut actually touch his work, lie may otherwise be a distributor of knowl- edge, but not a creator, and fails to attain that vital it v r-f tli ought and correctness of judgment w 7 hich direct and habitual contact with nitiirfil truth can alone impart. One large department of the system of Na- ture which forms the chief subject of my own I'.tudie.s, and to which it is n:/ duty to call your attention this evening. '... thai (.f PU\MC.-. or natural philosophy. This term is "large ! uiougtito cover tiie study of Nature gen- erally, but it is usually lestricted to a dcpert mem which, perhaps, closer to our per-, tnaa any oilier. It deals with the phenomena and laws of light and heat with the phenomena and laws of magnetism and electricity with those of sound with the pressures and motions of liquids and gases, whether in a state of translation or of undula- tion. The science of mechanics is a portion of natural philosophy, though at present so large as to ne,ed the exclusive attention of him who would cultivate it profoundly. Astron- omy is the application of physics to the mo- tions of the heavenly bodies, the vastness of the field causing if, however, to be regarded as a department in itself. In chemistry physical agents play important pa*ts. By heat and light we cause bodies to combine, and by heat and light we decompose them. Electricity tears asunder the locked atoms of compounds, through their p^wer of separat- ing carbonic acid into its constituents ; tine solar beams build up the whole vegetable world, and by it the animal, v/hile the" touch of the self-same beams causcn hydrogen and chlorine to unite with sudden explosion and form by their combinal ion a powerful acid. Thus physics and chemistry inter mingle, physical agents being empk.yid by the chem- ist as a means to an ind ; while in physics proper the laws and phenomena of the agents themselves, both qualitative and quantitative, are the primary objects of htlention. JVly duty heie to-night is !o t-pind an hour in telling how this* subject is t > bj studied, and how a knowledge of it is lj bo imparted toothers. W hen first invited to do ihis, I hesitated before accepting the icsponsibil.iy. It would be easy to tnteitaiu you with an ac- count of what natural philosophy hap accom- plished. I might point lo those application* of science regarding which we hear so much in the newspapers, "and which we often find mistaken for science itself. I might, of course, ling changes on the .steam-engine and the telegraph, the electrotype and the photo- graph, the medical applications of physics, and the million other inlets by which tcieo- tific thought filters into practical life. That would be easy computed with the task of in- forming you how ycu arc to make the study of physics t he instrument of your own culture, how you are to possess its factu and make them living seeds which shall take io:.t and grow in the mind, and not lie like de:ul lum- ber in the storehouse of memory. This is a task much heavier than the mere cataloguing of scientific achievements ; and it is one which, feeling my own w:ini cf time and power to execute it aright, 1 might well hesi- tate to accept. But let me sink excuses, and attack the work to the best of my ability. First and foremost, then, I would advise you to get a knowledge of facts from actual oboei vuii^n. Facts looked at directly are vital ; when they pass into words half the sap is taken out cf them. Ycu wish, for example, to get a knowledge of magnetism ; wul, provide your- S( If with a good bock on the subject, if ycu can, but d) not be content with what the book tells you ; do not be satisfied with its descriptive wood-cuts ; see the actval thing 306 LESSORS IN ELECTRICITY. yourstlf. Half of our book-writers describe experiments which they never made, and Uieir descriptions often luck both force and truth ; but no matter how clever or conscien- tious they may be, their written words cannot supply the place of actual observation. Every fact has numerous radiations, which are shorn off by the man who describes it. Go, then, to a philosophical instrumeut- maker, and give, according to your means, for a straight bar-magnet say, half a crown, or, if you can afford it, five shillings for a pair of thorn ; or get a smith to cut a length of ten inches from a bar of steel an inch wide and half an inch thick ; rile its ends decently, harden it, and get somebody like myself to magnetize it. Two bar-magnets are better than one. Procure some darning-needles such as these. Provide yourself also with a little unspun silk ; which will give you a sus- pending tibre void of torsion ; make a little loop of paper or of wire, thus, and attach your fibre to it. Do it neatly. In the loop place your darning-needle, and bring the two ends or poles, as they are called, of your magnet successively up to cither end of the needle. Both the poles, you find, attract both ends of the needle. Replace the needle by a bit of annealed iron wire, the same effects en- su<\ Suspend successively little rods of lead, copper, silver, or brass, of wood, glass, ivory, or whalebone ; the magnet produces no sensible effect upon any of these suh- itances. You thence infer a special property in the case ot steel and iron. Multiply your experiments, however, nndyou will find that some other substances besides iron are acted upon by your magnet. A rod of the metal nickel, or of the metal cobalt, from which the blue color used by painters is derived, ex- kibits powers similar to thoee observed with tho iron and steel. In studying the character of the force you may, howeve^r, confine yourself to iron and steel, which are always at hand. Make your experiments with the darning-necdlo over and over again ; operate on both ends of tho needle ; try both ends of the magnet. Do not think the work stupid ; you are convers- ing with Nature, and must acquire a certain grace and mastery over her language ; and these practice can alone impart. Let every movement be made with care,- and - avoid slovenliness from the outset. In every one of your experiments endeavor to feel the re- sponsibility of a moral agent. Experiment, as I have said, is the language by which we address Nature, and through which she sends her replies ; in the use cf this language a lack of straightforwardness is as possible and as prejudicial as in the spoken language of the tongue. If you w ish to become acquaint- ed with the truth of Nature, you must from the first resolve to deal with her sincerely. Now remove your iicedlefrorn its loop, and draw it from end to end along one of the ends of thomngnet ; re-suspend'it, tnd repeat your former experiment. You fliul the result different. You now find that each extremity f the magnet attract* one end of the needle nnrt repels the other. The simple attraction observed in the first instance is now replaced by a dual force. Repeat the experiment till you have thoroughly observed the ends which attract and those which repel each other. Withdraw the magnet entirely from tho vicinity of your needle, and leave the loUer freely suspended by its fibre. Shelter ii as well as you can from currents of air, and if you have iron -buttons on you-r coa't or a slee? penknife in your pocket, beware of their ac tion. If you work at iiight, beware of iron candlesticks, or of brass ones with .iron rod.-} inside. Freed from such disturbaaces, the needle takes up a certain determinate po- sition. It sets its length nearly north an'f south. Draw it aside from this position and let it go. After several oscillations it will again come to it. If you have obtained your magnet from a philosophical instrument- maker, you will see a mark on one of its emls. Supposing, then, that you drew your needle along the end thus marked, and that the eye- eud of your needle was the last to quit the magnet, you will find that the eye turns to the south, the point of the needle turning toward the north. Make suie of this, and do not take this statement on my authority. Now lake a second darning-needle like the first, and magnetize it in precisely the same manner : freely suspended it also will turn its point to the north and its eye to the south. Your next step is to examine the action ot" the two needles which you have thus magnelizvri upon each other. Take one ot them in your hand, and leave the other suspended ; bring the eye-end of the former near the eye-end of the latter ; the suspended needle retreats : it is repelled. Make the same experiment with the two points, you obtain the same result, the sus- pended needle is repelled. Now cause tho dissimilar ends to acton each other you have attraction point attracts eye and eye attracts point. Prove the reciprocity of this action by removing the suspended needle, and putting the other in its place. You ob- tain the same result. The attraction, then, is mutual, and the repulsion is mutual, and you have thus demonstrated in the clearest manner the fundamental law of magnetism, that like poles repel, and that, .unlike poles at- tract each other. You may say that this is all easily understood without doing ; but do it, and your knowledge will not be confined to what I have uttered here. I have said that one end of your magnet has a mark upon it ; lay several silk fibres together, sa as to get sufficient strength, or employ a thin silk ribbon, and form a loop large enough to hold your magnet. Suspend it ; it turns its marked end toward the north. This marked end is that which in England is called the north pole. If a common smith has made your magnet, it will be convenient to determine its noith pole yourself, and to mark it with a file. You vary your experi- ments by causing your magneti/ed darning- needle to attract and repel your larpe mag- net ; it is guile competent to do so. In LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. 337 netlzlng Iho needle I hare supposed the rye- end to be the last to quit tho marked end of tho magnet ; that end of th.' needle is a south pole. TJie end which la 4 quits the magnet is always opposed in p'-larity to the end of I ho magnet with which it lias been in contact. BiMuglit near each other they mutually at- iract, and thus demons. rate that they ate uu- liki 1 p >!cs. You may perhaps learn all this in a single hour; but spend seveial at it, if necessary; an 1 remember, understanding it is not sulli- cient : you mu^t obtain a manual aptitude in addressing Nature. If you speak to your fel- low-man, you are not entitled to use jargon. Bad experiments nre juigon addressed to Na- ture, and just as much tj be deprecated. A manual dexterity in ill astral ing the interac- titin of magnetic poles is of the utmost impor- tance at tuis stage of your progress, and you must not neglect attaining this power over your implements. As yru proceed, more- over, you will be tempted to do more than I can possibly suggest. Thoughts will cccur to you which you will endeavor to follow out ; questions will arise which you will try to answer. The same experiment may be twenty things to twenty people. Having wit- nessed the action of pole on pole through the lr, you will perhaps try whether tbe mng- pctic power is not to be screened off. You use plates of glass, wood, slate, pasteboaid, or gutta-percha, but find them all pervious to this wondrous force. One magnetic pole nets upon another through these bodies as if they were not present. And should you become a patentee for the regulation of fillips' com- passes, you will not fall, as some projectors have done, into the error of screening off the magnetism of the ship by the inter position of auch substances. If you wish to tench a class you must con- trive that the effects which you have thus far witnessed for yourself shall be witnessed by twenty or thirty pupils. And here your pri- vate ingenuity must come into play. You will attach bits of paper to your needles, so as to render their movements visible ot a dis- tance, denoting the north and south poles by different colors, say gieen and red. \ou may also improve upon your darning-needle. Take a strip of sheet-steel, the rib of a lady's Hays will answer, heat it to vivid redness and plunge it into cold water. It is thereby hard- ened rendered, in tact, almost as brittle as glass. Six inches of this, magnetized in the manner of the darning-needle, will be better aole to carry your paper indexes. Having aeriireil such a strip, you proceed thus : Magnetize a small sewing-needle and deter- mine its [>oles ; or, break half an inch or an inch off your magnetized darning-needle, and suspend it by a tine silk fibre. The sewing- needle or the fiagment of the darning-needle is now to be used as a test-needle to examine the distribution of the magnetism in your strip of steel. Hold the strip upright in your left hand, and cause the test-needle to ap- proach the lower end of your strip ; one end is attracted the other ie repelled. Raise your needle along the strip ; its oscillations, which at first weie quick, become slower ; opposite the middle of the strip they cease enli ely ; neither end of the needle is attracted ; above the middle the test-needle turns suddenly round, its other end being now attiacted. Go through the experiment thoroughly ; yen thus learn that the entire lower half cf'the strip Attracts one end of the needle, while the entire upper half attracts the opposite end. Supposing the north end of your little reed-lc to be that attracted below, you infer that tho entire Ijwer half of your magnetized strip exhibits south magnetism, while the enliio upper half exhibits north magnetism. So far, then, you have determined the distribu- tion of magnetism in your strip of steel. You look HI this fact, you think of it ; in its suggest iveness the value of the i xpc-i imeut chiefly consists. The thought arises, " What will occur if 1 break my ship of sled ncm&s iu the middle ? Shall 1 obtain two magnet*,, each possessing a single pole ?" Try the ex- periment ; break your sliip of steel, and le&t each half as you tested the whole. The mere- presentation of its two ends iu succession tu. your test-needle suffices to show you that you have not a magnet with a single pole,, that each half possesses two poles with aneiK tral point between them. And if you again? break the half into two other halves, you will find that each quaiter of the original (strip ex.- hibits precisely Ihe sanio magnetic dlsliibu-- lion as the strip itself. You limy continue th* breaking process ; no matter how small your fragment may be, it still possesses two op-. posite poles a"nd a. neutral point between them. Well, your hand ceases to break vUieie hi cak- ing becomes a mechanical impossibility : but does the mind stop there ? No : you follow the breaking process in idea when you can no longer icalize it in fact ; your thoughts wan- der amid the very atoms of your steel, and you conclude that tach atom is a magnet, and that the force exerted by the strip of steel is the mere summation or lesullant of the forces of its ultimate particles. Here, then, is an exhibition of power which we can call forth cr cause to disappear at pleasure. We magnetize onrstiip ot steel by drawing it along the pole of a magnet ; we can demagnetize it, or reverse its magnetism, by properly drawing it along the same pole- in the opposite direction. What, then, i- the real nature of this wondrous change ? What is it that takes place among the atoms of the steel when thefcubstance is magnetized ? The- question leads us beyond the legion of sense, and into that of imagination. This faculty, indeed, is the divining iod of the man of sci- ence. Not, however, an imagination which catches its creations fn,rn the air. but one in- formed and inspired by fj'Cts, caj able m I should lose had my words such a magnetic in- fluence on your minds as to excite m them p. strong resolve to study natural philosophy. I should, in fact, be the gainer by my own utterance and by the reaction of your strength ; and so also the magnet is the gainer by the reaction of the body which it mag- netizes. Look now to your excited piece of steel ; figure each atom to your minds with its op- posed fluids spread over its opposite faces. How can this state of things be permanent ? The fluids, by hypothesis, attract each other : what, then, keeps them apart ? Why do they not instantly rush together across the equator of the atom, aud thus neutralize each other? To meet this question, philosophers have been obliged to infertile existence of a special force which holds the fluids asunder. They call it coercive force ; and it is found that those kinds of steel which offer most resistance to being magnetized, which require the greatest amount of coercion to tear their fluids asunder, are the very ones which offer the greatest re- sistance to the reunion of the fluids after they have been once separated. Such kinds of steel are most suited to the formation of permanent magnets. It is manifest, indeed, that without coercive force a permanent mag- net would not be at all possible. You have not forgotten that, previous to magnetizing your darning-needle, botfi its ends were attracted by your magnet ; and that both ends of your bit of iron wire were acted upon in the same way. Probably also long before this you will have dipped the end of your magnet among iron filings, and ob- served how they cling to it, or into a nail- box, and found how it drags the nails after it. I know very well that Vf you are not the slaves of routine, you will have by this time LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. 380 Jone many things that I have not told you to do, and thus multiplied your experience be- yond what 1 have indicated. You ate almost bure to have caused a bit of iron to hang from tkt end of your magnet, and you hare prob- ably succeeded in causing a second piece to attach itself to the first, a third to the second ; until finally the force lias become too feeble to bear the weight of more. If you have operated with nails, you may have observed that the points and edges hold together with the greatest tenacity ; and that u bit of iron clings more firmly to the corner of your raag- net than to one of its flat surfaces. In short, you will, in all likelihood, have enriched your experience in many ways without any special direction from me. Well, the magnet attracts the nail, and that nail attracts a second one. This proves tiiat the nail in contact willi the magnet has had the magnetic quality developed m it by that contact. If it be withdrawn from the mag- net, its power to attract its fellow-nail ceases. Contact, however, is not necessary. A sheet of glass or paper, or a space of air, may exist between the magnet and the nail ; the latter is still magnetized, though uot so forcibly as when in actual contact. The nail then pre- sented to the magnet is itself a temporary magnet. That end which is turned toward the 'magnetic pole has the opposite magnetism of the pole which excites it ; the end most remote from the pole has the same magnet- ism as the pole itself, and between the two poles the nail, like the magnet, possesses a magnetic equator. Conversant a.'? you now are with the theory of magnetic fluids, you have already, I doubt not, anticipated me in imagining the exact condition of the iron under the influence of the magnet. You picture the iron as possess- ing the neutral fluid in abundance ; you pic- ture the magnetic pole, when brought near, decomposing the fluid ; repelling the fluid of a like kind with itself, and attracting the un- like fluid ; thus exciting in the parts of the iron nearest to itself the opposite polarity. But the iron is incapable of becoming a per- manent magnet. It only shows its virtue as long as the magnet acts upon it. What, then, does the iron lack which the sluel possesses? It lacks coercive force. Its fluids are sepa- rated with ease, but, once the separating cause is removed, they flow together again, and neutrality is restored. Y our imagination must be quite nimble in picturing these changes. You must be able to see the fluids dividing and reuniting according as the mag- net is brought near or withdrawn. Fixing a definite pole in your imagination, you must picture the precise arrangement of the two fluids with reference to this pole. And you nust not only be well drilled in the use of this mental imagery yourself, but you must bo- able fo arouee the same pictures in the minds of your pupils, and satisfy yourself that they possess this power of placing iiciu- ally before themselves magnets and iron in various positions, and describing the exact magnetic slate of the iron, in each j/ailicultir case. The mere facts of magnetism will have their interest immensely augmented by an acquaintance with those hidden principles whereon the facts depend. Still, while you use this theory of magnetic fluids to track out the phenomena and link them together, bo sure to tell your pupils that it is to be regarded as a symbol merely a symbol, moreover, which is incompetent to cover all the facts,* but which does good practical service while we arc waiting for the actual truth. This state of excitement into which the soft iron is thrown by the influence of the magnet, is sometimes called "magnetization by in- fluence." More commonly, however, the magnetism is said to bo "induced" in the soft iron, and hence this way of magnetizing is called " magnetic induction." Now, there is nothing theoretically perfect in Nature : there is no iron so soft as not to possess a certain amount of coercive force, and no steel so hard as not to be capable, in some degree, of magnetic induction. The quality of steel is in some measure possessed by iron, and the quality of iron is shared in some degree by steel. It is in virtue of this latter fact that the unmagnetiztd darning needle was attracted in your first experiment ; and from this you may at once deduce the consequence that, after the steel has been magnetized, the ;e- pulsive action of a magnet must be always less than its attractive action. For the re- pulsion is opposed by the inductive action of the magnet on the steel, while the attraction is assisted by the same inductive action. Make this clear to your miuds, and verify it by your experiments. In sume cases you can actually make the attraction due to the tem- porary magnetism overbalance the repulsion due to the permanent magnetism, and thus cause two poles of the Fame kind apparently to attract each other. When, however, good hard magnets act on each other from a suffi- cient distance, the inductive action practi- cally vanishes, and the repulsion of like poles is sensibly equal to the- attraction of unlike ones. I dwell thus longon elementary principles, because they are of the first importance, and it is the temptation of this age of unhealthy cramming to neglect them. Now follow me a little further. In examining the distribu- tion of magnetism in your strip of steel, you raised the needle slowly from bottom to top, and found what we called a neutral point at the centre. Now does the magntt really ex- ert no influence on the pole presented to its centre ? Let us pee. Let S N, Fig. 1, be your magnet, and let i n represent a particle of north magnetism placed exactly opposite the middJe of the magnet. Of course this is an imaginary case, as you can never in reality thus detach your north magnetism from its neighbor. What is * This theory breaks down when applied to diamag- netic bodies, which are repelled by magnets. Like soft iron, fnch bodies nre thrown into a state of tem- porary excitement in virtue of which they are repelled, bur any attempt 10 explain wirh. a repulsion by the de- composition of a fluid -will demonstrate its own futility. S40 LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. the action of the two poles of the magnet on n ? Your reply will of course be that the pole S attracts n while the pole N repels it. Let the magnitude and direction of the at- traction be expressed by the line n m, and the magnitude and direction of the repulsion by the line n o. Now the particle n being equally distant from S and N, the line no, expressing the repulsion, will be equal to m n, which expresses the attraction, and the particle n t acted upon by two such force-s, must evi- dently move in the direction^? n, exactly mid- way between in n and n o. Hence you see that, although there is no tendency of the particle n to move toward the magnetic equator, there is a tendency on its part to move parallel to the magnet. If instead of a particle of north magnetism we placed a par- ticle of south magnetism opposite to the mag- FIG. 1. netic equator, it would evidently be urged along the line n q ; and if instead of two sep- arate particles of magnetism we place H little magnetic needle, containing both north and south magnetism, opposite the magnetic equator, its south pole being urged along n q, and its north along n p, the little needle will be compelled to set itself parallel to the mag- net S N. Make the experiment, and satisfy yourselves that this is the case. Substitute for your magnetic needle a bit of iron wire, devoid of permanent magnetism, and it will set itself exactly as the needle does. Acted upon by the magnet, the wire, as you know, becomes a magnet and behaves as such ; it will, of course, turn its north pole to ward p, and south pole toward q, just like the needle. But supposing you shift the position of your particle of north magnetism, and bring it nearer to one end of your magnet, than to the other, the forces acting on the particle are no longer equal ; the nearest pole of the magnet will act more powerfully on the par- Fio. 2. tide than the more distant one. Let S N, Fig. 2, be the magnet and n the particle of north magnetism in its new position. Well, it is repelled by N, and attracted by S. Let the repulsion be represented in magnitude and direction by the line n o, and the attrac- tion by the shorter line n in. The resultant of these two forces will bo found by complet- ing the parallelogram m n o p, and drawing its diagonal n p. Along np, Ihrn, a particle of north magnetism would be urged by the simultaneous action of S and N. Substitut- ing a particle of south magnetism for n, the same reasoning would lead to the conclusion that the particle would be urged along n q, and if we place at n a short magnetic needle, its north pole will be urged along n p, its south pole along n q, 9nd"the onlv ^osition possible to the needle, thus acted on, is along the line p q, which, as you see, is no longer parallel to the magnet. Verify this by actual experiment. In this way we might go round the entire magnet, and considering its two poles as two centres from which the force emanates, we could, in accordance with ordinary mechani- cal principles, assign a definite direction to the magnetic needle at every particular place. And substituting, as before, a bit of iron wire for the magnetic needle, the positions of both will be the same. Now, I think, without further preface, you will be able to comprehend for yourselves, and explain to others, one of the most in- teresting effects in the whole domain of mag- netism. Iron filings you know are particles of iron, irregular in shape, being longer in some directions than in others. For the pres- ent experiment, moreover, instead of the iroo filings, very small scraps of thin iron wire might be employed. I place a sheet of paper over the magnet ; it is all the better if the paper be stretched on a wooden frame, as this enables us to keep it quite level. I scat- ter the filings, or the scraps of wire, from a sieve upon the paper, and tap the latter gently, so as to liberate the particles for a moment from its friction. The magnet acts on the fil- ings through the paper, and see how it arranges them ! They embrace the magnet in u series of beautiful curves, which are technically called magnetic curves, or lines of magnetic force. t)oes the meaning of these lines yet flash upon you? Set your magnetic needle or your suspended bit of wire at any point of one of the curves, and you will find the direction of the needle or of the wire to be exactly that of the particle cf iron, or of the magnetic curve at the point. Go round and round the magnet ; the direc- tion of your needle always coincides with the direction of the curve on which it is placed. These, then, are the lines along which a par- ticle of south magnetism, if you could detach it, would move to the north pole, and a bit of north magnetism to the south pole ; they are the lines along which the decomposition of the neutral fluFd takes place, ancf in tho case of the magnetic needle, one of its poles being urged in one direction, and the other LESSONS IN ELECTRICITY. 341 pole in the opposite direction, the needle must necessarily set itself as a tanffenttv the curve. I \vill not seek to simplify this subject fur- ther. If there be anything obscure or con- fused or incomplete in my statement, you ought now, by patient thought, to be able to clear away the obscurity, to reduce the confusion to order, and to supply what is needed to render the explanation complete. Do not quit the subject until you thoroughly understand it ; and if you are able to look with your mind's eye at the play of forces around a magnet," and see distinctly the operation of those forces in the production of the magnetic curves, the time which we have spent together has not been spent in vain. In this thorough manner we must master our materials, reason upon them, and, by de- termined study, attain to clearness of concep- tion. Facts thus dealt with exercise an ex- pansive force upon the boundaries of thought; they widen the mind to generalization. We soon recognize a brotherhood between the larger phenomena cf Nature and the minute effects which we have observed in our private chambers. Why, we inquire, does the mag- netic needle set north and south ? Evidently it is compelled to do sj by tho earth ; the great globe which we inherit is itself a mag- net. Let us learn a lit tie more about it. By means of a bit of wax or otherwise, attach your silk fibre to your magnetic needle by a single point at its middle, the needle will thus be uuinterfered with by the paper loop, and will enjoy to some extent a power of dipping its point or its eye below the horizon. Lay your magnet on a table, and hold the needle over the equator of the magnet. The needle sets horizontal. Move it toward the north end of the magnet ; the south end of the needle diijs, the dip augmenting as you ap- proach the nortli pole, over which the needle tf free to move, will set itself exactly vertical. Move it back to the centre, it resumes its konzontality ; pass it on toward the south pole, its north end now dips, and directly over the south pole the needle becomes ver- tical, its north end being now turned down- ward. Thus we learn that on the one side of the magnetic equator the north end of the needle dips ; on the other side the south end dips, the dip varying from nothing to ninety degrees. If we go to the equatorial regions of the earth with a suitably suspended needle, AVC shall find there the position of the needle horizontal. If we sail north, one end of the needle dips; if we sail south, the opposite end dips ; and over the north or south terres- trial magnetic pole the needle sets vertical. The south magnetic pole has not yet been found,, but Sir James Ross discovered the north magnetic pole on the 1st of June, 1881. In this manner we establish a complete par- allelism between the action of the earth and, that of an ordinary magnet. The terrestrial magnetic poles do not coin- cide with the geographical ones ; nor does tho earth's magnetic equator quite coincide with the geographical emiator. The direction of the magnetic neceiltt in London, which is called the magnetic meridian, incloses an an- gle of 24 degrees with the 1n:e astronomical meridian, this angle being called the declina- tion of the needle f\-3 Art of Experiment 289 KUiCtJ-ic Attractions 290 I)is3>v-ry* of Conduction and Insulation 292 T:i3 Electroscope &-3 Electric an,l Non-Electrics 21)5 Elactri-j R-pulsions 208 Ftmlirnsatal Law of Electric Action 297 Double or " Polar " Character of the Electric Force 290 What is Electricity? 301 Electric Induction 302 The Electropho*-us 3"7 Action of Points and Flames 308 The Electrical Machine 309 The Leyden Jar 314 Franklin's Cascade Battery 317 Leyilen Jars of the Simplest Form 318 Itrnition by the Electric Spark 320 Duration of the Electric Spark 3'J3 Electric Light in Vacuo 324 Lichtenberg's Figures 326 Surface Compared with Mass 3-26 Physiological Effects of the Electrical Discharge 328 Atmospheric Electricity 3"vuth, the pain occasioned by the death of my junior assistant in Philadelphia. Finally, I have to mention with warm com- mendation the integrity, ability, and devo- tion, with which, from first to last, I have been aided by my principal assistant, Mr. John Cottrell. NEW YORK, February, 1873. LECTURE I. INTRODUCTORY : Uses of Experiment : Early Scien- tific Notions: Sciences of Observation: Knowl- edge of the Ancients Regarding Light : Nature judged from Theory defective: Detects of the Eye: Our Instruments: Rectilineal Propagation of Light : Law of Incidence and Reflection : Sterility of the Middle Ages: Refraction: Dis- covery of Snell : Descartes and the Rainbow : Newton r s Experiments on the Composition of Solar Light : His Mistake as regards Achroma- tism : Synthesis ot White Lii less by the precise amount generated in the thin wire outside the battery. In fact, by adding the internal heat to the external, we obtain for the combustion of 100 grains of zinc a total which never va- ries. By this arrangement, then, we are able to burn our zinc at one place, and to exhibit the heat and light of its combustion at a dis- tant place. In New York, for example, we have our grate and fuel ; but the heat and light of our fire may be made to appear at San Francisco. I now remove the thin wire and attach to the severed ends of the thick one two thin rods of coke. On bringing the rods together we obtain a small star of light. Now, the light to be employed in our lectures is a sim- ple exaggeration of this star. Instead of being produced by ten cells, it is produced by fifty. Placed in a suitable camera, provided with a suitable lens, this light will give us all the beams necessary for our experiments. And here, in passing, let me refer to the sun at his rising and his setting. The recti-V lineal propagation of light may be illustrated at home in th : s way: Make a small hole in a closed window-shutter, before which stands a house or a tree, and place within the dark- ened room a white screen at some distance from the orifice. Every straight ray proceed- ing from the house or tree stamps its color upon the screen, and the sum of all the rays forms an image of the object. But, as the rays cross each other at the orifice, the image is inverted. Here we may illustrate the sub- ject thus: In front of our camera is a large opening, closed at present by a sheet of tin- foil. Pricking by means of a common sew- ing-needle a small aperture in the tin-foil, an inverted image of the carbon-points starts forth upon the screen. A dozen apertures will give a dozen images, a hundred a hun- dred, a thousand a thousand. But. as the apertures come closer to each other, that is to say, as the tin-foil between the apertures van- ishes, the images overlap more and more. Removing the tin-foil altogether, the screen common delusion that the works of Nature, I becomes uniformly illuminated Hence the the human eye included, are theoretically per- | light upon the screen may be regarded as the overlapping of innumerable images of the carbon-points. In like manner the light upon every white wall on a cloudless day may be regarded as produced by the super- position of innumerable images of the sun. The law that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection is illustrated The degree of perfection of any organ is determined by what it has to do. Looking at the dazzling light from our large battery, you see a globe of light, but entirely fail to see the shape of the coke-points whence the light issues. The cause may be thus made clear : On the screen before you is projected an. image of the carbon-points, the whole of j in this simple way: A straight lath is placed the lens in front of the camera being employed I as an index perpendicular to a small looking- SIX LECTURES ON LIGHT. glass capable of rotation. A beam of light is received upon the glass and reflected back upon the line of its incidence. Though the incident and the reflected beams pass in opposite directions, they do not jostle or dis- place each other. The index being turned, the mirror turns along with it, and at each side of the index the incident and the reflected beams are seen tracking themselves through the dust of the room. The mere inspection of the two angles enclosed be- tween the index and the two beams suffices to show their equality. The same simple apparatus enables us to illustrate a law of great practical importance, name y, that, when a mirror rotates, the angular velocity of a beam reflected from it is twic^ that of the reflecting mirror. One experiment will make this pla n to you. The mirror is now vertical, and both the incident and the reflected beams are horizontal. Turning the mirror through an angle of 45 the reflected beam is vertical ; that is to say, it has moved 9O r , or through twice the angle of the mirror. One of the problems of science, on which scientific progress mainly depends, is to help the senses of man by carrying them into re- gions which could never be attained without such help. Thus we arm the eye with the telescope when we want to sound the depths of space, and with the miscroscope when we want to explore motion and structure in their infinitesimal dimensions. Now, this law of angular reflection, coupled with the fact that a beam of light possesses no weight, gives us the means of magnifying small motions to an extraordinary degree. Thus, by attaching mirrors to his suspended magnets, and by wa ching the images of scales reflected from the mirrors, the celebrated Gauss was able to detect the slightest thrill or variation on the part of the earth's magnetic force. The mi- nute elongation of a bar of metal by the mere warmth of the hand may be so magnified by this method as to cause the index-beam to move from the ceiling to the floor of this room. The elongation of a bar of iron when it is magnetized may be thus demonstrated. By a similar arrangement the feeble attrac- tions and repulsions of the diamagnetic force have been made manifest; while in Sir William Thompson's reflecting galvanometer the prin- ciple receives one of its latest applications. For more than 1,000 years no step was taken in optics beyond this law of reflection. The men of the Middle Ages, in fact, endeav- ored on the o ,e hand to develop the laws of the universe out of their own consciousness, while many of them were so occupied with the concerns of a future world that they looked with a lofty scorn on all things pertain- ing to this one. Notwithstanding its demon- strated failure during 1,500 years of trial, there are still men among us who think the riddle of the universe is to be solved by this appeal to consciousness. And, like most people who support a delusion, they maintain theirs warmly, and show scant respect for those who dissent from their views.* As re- gards the refraction of light, the course of real inquiry was resumed in noo by an Ara- bian philosopher named Alhazen. Then it was taken up in succession by Roger Bacon, Vitellio, and Kepler. One of the most im- portant occupations of science is the deter- mination, by precise measurements, of the I quantitative relations of phenomena. The value of such measurements depends upon the skill and conscientiousness of the man who makes them. Vitellio appears to have been both skilful and conscientious, while Kepler's nabit was to rummage through the ob.-erva- tions of his predecessors, look at them in ail lights, and thus distill from them the princi- ples which united them. He had done this with the astronomical measurements of Tycho Brahe, and had extracted from them the celebrated " laws of Kepler." He did k also with the measurements of Vitellio. ^3ut in the case of refraction he was not success- ful. The principle, though a simple one, es- caped him. It was firs discovered by \Ville- brod Snell, about the year 1621. Less with the view of dwelling 1 upon the phenomenon itself than of introducing it to you in a form which will render intelligible the play of theoretic thought in Newton's mind, I will show you the fact of refraction. The dust of the air and the turbidity of a liquid may here be turned to account. A shallow circula- vessel with a glass face, half rilled with water, rendered barely turbid by the precipitation of a little mastic, is placed upon its edge with its glass face vertical. Through a slit in the hoop surrounding the vessel a beam of light is admitted. It impinges upon the water, enters it, and tracks itself through the liquid in a sharp, bright band. Meanwhile the beam passes unseen through the air above the water, for the air is not competent to scatter the light. A puff of tobacco smoke into this space at once reveals the track of the incident-beam. If the incidence be vertical, the beam is unrefracted. If oblique, its re- fraction at the common surface of. air and water is rendered clearly visible. It is also seen that reflection accompanies refraction, the beam dividing itself at the point of inci- dence into a refracted and a reflected portion. The law by which Snell connected together all the measurements executed up to his time, is this : Let A B C D represent the outline of our circular vessel (Fig. i), A C being the water-line. When the beam is incident along B E, which is perpendicular to A C, there is no refraction. When it is incident along m E, there is refraction : it is bent at E and strikes the circle at n. When it is incident * Schelling thus expresses his contempt for experi- mental knowledge : " Newton's Optics is the greatest illustration of a whole structure of fallacies, which in all its parts is founded on observation and experi- ment." There are some small imitators of Schelling still in Germany. SIX LECTURES ON LIGHT. along m r E, there is also refraction at E, the beam striking the point n f . From the ends of the incident beams, let the perpendiculars 111 o, m' o / ba drawn upon 1) D, and from the ends of the refr-cted beams let the perpen- diculars p n,p' n f be also drawn. Measure the lengths of o in and of p n. and divide the one by the ether. You obtain a certain quo- tient. In like manner divide m' o f by the corresponding perpendicular p r ;/; you ob- tain in each case the same quotient. Snell, in fact, found this quotient to be a constant quantity for each particular substance, though ic varied in amount from substance to sub- st.mce He called the quotient the index of refraction. This law is one of the corner-stones of optical science, and its applications to-day are million-fold. Immediately after its dis- covery, Descartes applied it to the explana- tion of the rainbow. The bow :s seen when tbe back is turned to the sun. Draw a straight line through the spectator's eye and the sun, the bow is always seen at the same angular distance from this line. This was the great difficulty. Why should the bow be always and at all its parts, forty-one degrees from this line ? Taking a pen and calculat- certain that he did net enunciate the true law. This was reserved for Newton, who went to work in this way: Through the closed window-shutter of a room he pieiced an ori- fice, and allowed a thin sunbeam to pass through it. The beam stamped a round image of the sun on the opposite white wall of the room. In the path of this beam New- ton placed a prism, expecting to see the beam refracted, but also expecting to see the image of the sun, af'cr refi action, round; to his astonishment, it was drawn out to an image whose length was five times its breadth; and this image was divided into bands of differ- ent colors. Newton saw immediately that solar light was composite, not simple. His image revealed to him the fact that some con- stituents of the solar light were more deflect- ed by the prism than others, and he conclud- ed, therefore, that white solar light was a mixture of lights of different colors and of different degrees of rcfrangibility. Let us reproduce this celebrated experi- ment. On tne screen is now stamped a lu- minous disk, which may stand for Newton's image of the sun. Causing the beam wl ich produces the disk to pass through a pri-rn, we obtain Newton's elongated colored image, which he called a spectrum. Newton divided the spectrum into seven parts red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet which are commonly called the seven primary or prismatic colors. This drawing out of the white light into its constituent colors is called dispersion. This was the first analysis of solar light bv Newton ; but the scientific mind is fond of verification, and never neglects it where it is possible. It is this stern conscientiousness in testing its conclusions that gives adamantine trength to science, and renders all assaults on it unavailing. Newton completed his proof by synthesis in this way : The spec- rum now before you is produced by a glass prism. Causing the decomposed beam to ing the track of every ray through a rain- pass through a second simitar prism, but so drop, Descartes found that, at one particular placed that the colors are refracted back and angle, the rays emerged from the drop almost parallel to each other; being t :us enabled to preserve their intensity through long atmos- pheric distances; at all other angles the rays quitted the drop divergent, and through this divergence became so enfeebled as to be practically ;ost to the eye. The particular angle here referred to was the ioregoing angle of forty-one degrees, which observa- tion had proved to be invariably that of the rainbow. But in the rainbow a new phenomenon was introduced the phenomenon of color. And here we arrive at one of those points in the history of science, when men's labors so intermingle, that it is difficult to assign to each worker his precise meed cf honor. Des- cartes was at the threshold of the discovery of the composition of solar light. But he failed to attain perfect clearness, and it is reblended, the perfectly white image of the slit is restored. Here, then, refraction and dispersion are simultaneously abolished. Are they always so ? Can we have the one with- out the other? It was Newton's conclusion that we could not. Here he erred, and his error, which he maintained to the end of his life, retarded the progress of optical discovery. Dolland subsequently proved that, by com bining two different kinds of glass, the color could be extinguished, still leaving a rcsidui of refraction, and he employed this residue in the construction of achromatic lenses - lenses which yield no color which Newion thought an impossibility. By setting a water prism water contained in a wedge-shaped vessel with glass sides in opposition to a prism of glass, this point can be illustrated before you. We have first the position of the unrefracted beam marked upon the screen ; SIX LECTURES ON LIGHT, then we produce the water-spectrum ; finally, by introducing a flint glass prism, we refract the beam back, until the color cisappears. The image of the slit is now white ; but you see that, though the dispersion is abolished, the refraction is not. This is the place to illustrate another point bearing upon the instrumental means em- ployed in these lectures. Note the position ot the water-spectrum upon the screen. Alter- ing, in no particular, the wedge-shaped ves- sel, but simply substituting for the water the transparent bisulphide of carbon, you notice how much higher the beam is thrown, and how much richer is the display of color. This will explain to you the use of this sub- stance in our subsequent experiments. The synthesis of white light may be effected in three ways, which are now worthy of special attention: Here, in the first in- stance, we have a rich spectrum produced by a prism of bisulphide of carbon. One face of the prism is protected by a diaphragm with a longitudinal slit, through which the beam passes into the prism. It emerges de- composed at the other side. I permit the colors to pass through a cylindrical lens, which so squeezes them together as to pro- duce upon the screen a sharply-defined rect- angular image of the longitudinal slit. In that image the colors are re-blended, and you see it perfectly white. Between the prism and the cylindrical lens may be seen the colors tracking themselves through the dust Df the room. Cutting off the more refrangi- ble fringe by u card, the rectangle is seen red ; cutting off the less refrangible fringe, the rectangle is seen blue. By means of a thin glass prism, I deflect one portion of the colors, and leave the residual portion. On the screen are now two colored rectangles produced in this way. These are comple- mentary colors colors which, by their union, produce white. Note that, by judicious management, one of these colors is icndered yellow, and the other blue. I withdraw the thin prism ; yellow falls upon blue, and we have white as the result of their union. On our way, we thus abolish the fallacy first exposed by Helmholtz, that the mixture of blue and yellow lights produces green. Again, restoring the circular aperture, we obtain once more a spectrum like that of Newton. By means of a lens, we gather up these colors, and build them together not to an image of the aperture, but to an image of the carbon points themselves. Finally, in virtue of the persistence of impressions upon the retina, by means of a rotating disk, on which are spread in sectors the colors of the spectrum, we blend together the prismatic colors in the eye itself, and thus produce the impression of whiteness. Having unravelled the interwoven con- stituents of white light, we have next to inquire, What part the constitution s:> revealed enables this agent to play in Nature ? To it we owe all the phenomena of color; and yet not to it alone, for there must be a certain relationship between the ultimate par- ticles of natural bodies and light to enable them to extract from it the luxuries of color. But the function of natural bodies is here selective, not creative. There is no color gen- erated by any natural body whatever Natural bodies have showered upon them, in the white light of the sun, the sum total of all possible colors, and their action is limited to the sifting of that total, the appropriating from it of the colors which really belong to them, and the rejecting of those which do not. It will fix this subject in your minds if I say that it is the portion of light which they reject, and not that which belongs to them, that gives bodies their colors. Let us begin our experimental inquiries here by asking, \Vhatisthemeaningof blackness? Pass a black ribbon in succession through the colors of the spectium ; it quenches all. This is the meaning of blackness it is the result of the absorption of all the constituents of solar light. Pass a red r'.bbon through the^ spectrum. In the red light the ribbon is a vivid red. "Why ? Because the light that enters the ribbon is not quenched or absorbed, but sent back to the eye. Place the same rib. bon in the green or blue of the spectrum ; \fe is black as jet. It. absorbs the green ai/4. blue light, and leaves the s pace on which they fall a space of intense darkness. Place a. green ribbon in the green of the spectrum. It shines vividly with its proper color ; transfei;- it to the red, it is black as jet. Here it ab- sorbs all the light that falls upon it, and offers , mere darkness to the eye. Whert white light is employed, the red sifts it by quenching the green, and the green sifts it by quenching the red, both exhibiting the residual color. Thus the process through which natural bodies ac- quire their colors is a negative one. The colors are produced by subtraction, not by addition. This red glass is , red because it destroys all the more refrangible rays of the spectrum. This blue liquid is blu,e^ because it, destroys all the less refrangible rays. Both together are opaque because the light trans- mitted by the one is quenched by the other. In this way by the union of two transparent, substances we obtain a combination as dark as pitch to solar li^ht. This other liquid, finally is purple because it destroys the gree.i and the yellow, and allows the terminal colors . of the Lpectrum to pass unimpeded. From thp blending of the blue and the red this gor- geous color is produced. These experiments prepare us for the fur-, ther consideration of a point already adverted to, and regarding which error has found cur- rency for ages. You will find it stated in books that blue and yellow lights mixed to- gether produce green. But blue and yellow nave been just proved to be complementary colors, producing white by their mixture. The mixture of blue and yellow pigments un- SIX LECTURES ON LIGHT. doubtedly produces green, but the mixture of pigments is totally different from the mixture of lights. Helmholtz, who first proved yel- low and blue to complementary ..colors, has revealed the cause of the green in the case of the pigments. No natural color is pure. A blue liquid or a blue powder permits not only the blue to pass through it, but a portion of the adjacent green. A yellow powder is transparent not only to the yellow light, but also in part transparent to the adjacent green. Now, when blue and yellow are mixed to- gether, the blue cuts off the yellow, the orange, and the red ; the yellow, on the other hand, cuts off the violet, the indigo, and the blue. Green is the only color to which both are transparent, and the consequence is that, when white light falls upon a mixture of yel- low and blue powders, the green alone is sent back to the eye. I have already shown you that the fine blue ammonia-sulphate of copper transmits a large portion of green, while cut- ting off all the less refrangible light. A yel- low solution of picric acid also allows the green to pass, but quenches all the more re- frangible light. What must occur when we send a beam through both liquids ? The green band of the spectrum alone remains upon the screen. This question of absorption is one of the most subtle and difficult in molecular physics. Vvc are not yet in a condition to grapple with : but we shall be by-and-by. Meanwhile, "'we may profitably glance back on the web of jwtlations which these experiments reveal to its. We have, in the first place, in solar light an agent of exceeding complexity, com- posed of innumerable constituents, refrangi- ble in different degrees. We find, secondly, tike atoms and molecules of bodies gifted writ la the power of sifting solar light in the most various ways, and producing by this ifting the colors observed in nature and art. To do this they must possess a molecular j 'Structure commensurate in complexity with j that of light itself. Thirdly, we have :he j .human eye and brain so organized as to be able to take in and distinguish the multitude Oif impressions thus generated. Thus, the light .at starting is complex; to sift and select ic as they do natural bodies must be complex. Fiaally, to take in the impressions thus gen- vcjated, the human eye and brain must be iiighly complex. Whence this triple com p.txiy? If what are called material pur- pios^s were the only end to be served, a much simpler mechanism would be sufficient. But, instead of simplicity instead of the princi- ple of parsimony we have prodigality of re- lation and adaptation, and this apparently for the sole purpose of enabling us to see things robed in the splendor of color. Would it not seem that Nature harbored the inten- tion <