MECHANICAL INTEGRATORS INCLUDING THE VARIOUS FORMS OF PLAN I M ETERS. Prof. HENRY S. H. S.", Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. / ^47 ^ NEW YOEK D. VAN NOSTRAND, PUiiJblSHfiR, 23 MuBBAY AND 27 Wabebn ^''"" ■" 1886. mn 19C8 PREFACE. , Mechanical aids to mathematical compu- tation have always deservedly been regarded with interest. Aside from the labor-saving quality which most of them possess, they have a value aris- ing from the fact that they represent thoughts of more or less complexity expressed in mech- anism. They are of many kinds, and serve widely different purposes. The reader will find in this essay descriptions of many that are use- ful directly or indirectly to engineers. k Mechanical Integrators. All measurements are made in terms of some fixed unit. The method may consist of a simple comparison of the unit with the quantity to be mensured, but wiien this cannot conveniently be done, some indirect means must be em- ployed. Indirect measurements may be made by measuring some physical effect, the magnitude of which is known to be a function of the quantity to be meas- ured ; as, for instance, when the length of a rod or wire is estimated by its weight. Where, however, the unit in terms of which the measurement has to be made, is what is known as a derived unit, the indirect method gen- erally consists in measuring in terms of the simple units from w^hich the 6 former is derived, and performing, with the results, the necessary calcula- tion. An example of this latter method is given in obtaining the contents of an area, by taking its length and breadth and multiiDlying them together, instead of adopting the tedious process of ascer- taining, by direct comparison, bow many times the unit of area would be con- tained within it. Now, such calculations, even when of so simple a kind as mere multiplication, often become very inconvenient, and a large number of instruments have been designed for performing them by me- chanical means. Such instruments may be divided into two classes, one in which the final result of conditions which vary in an arbitrary manner is found, such as the contents of a surface or the work of a motor, requiring a process of multi- plication or addition; the other in w^hich the relation or ratio, at any instant, of two such quantities is given, such as space and time in the case of velocity, requiring at each instant a process of division. The object of the present pa- per is to deal with the theory, design and practical applications to engineering problems of the former class alone. It may- be briefly stated that very little has yet been piractically done in the use of the latter. Quite recently, Professor A. W. Harlacher, of Prague, has published an account of the instruments and methods of Harlacher, Henneberg and Smreker, for gauging the velocity of a river cur- rent, the principle of which is the same as that independently adopted by the author and others in this country. The conditions or data above referred to, from which the required result has to be calculated by instrumental means, are obtained in two ways: (1) By intermittent or separate obser- vations and measurements. (2) By the continuous motion of a machine in connection with self-record- ing apparatus. The former is the case in measuring an area of country, taking dimensions of a river or embankment section, or ob- 8 taming the forces exerted at different times by a machine or body in motion. The latter is generally given in the form of a graphic record, an important exam- ple of which is the diagram of energy or work taken from a prime mover. In both cases the result, whatever it be, whether boundary, area, volume, work, etc., can be found by calculation, but only with an approximation to the truth, depending upon the extent of the calcu- lation. The reason of this is that the data of calculation, which are taken di- rectly in the first case, or selected from the graphic record in the second, only represent actual conditions more or less closely, according as the number of data so taken is greater or less, and the great- er the number the greater is the labor of determining the result. The instru- ments discussed in this jDaper perform such work mechanically, with the great advantages of rapidity of operation, ac- curacy of results, and without requiring mental effort on the part of the manipu- lator; and all this, moreover, to a great extent independently of the complexity of the calculation required. All the re- sults the measurement of which will be considered, can be measured graphically. If the observations have been made sep- arately, tliey can be plotted, whether in the form of a diagr im of energy, or on the plan or elevation of an area or sec- tion, and the boundary can be filled in with a tolerably close approximation to accuracy. In the other case the graphic record is, or may be, directly given. The subject, as far as the theory of the cal- culation goes, can therefore be studied with reference to such diagrams without the necessity of considering in the first case how they were obtained, and it will be convenient to do this, and afterwards to examine separately various examples of their application. Such diagrams may be drawn upon any kind of surface, and an instrument for dealing with measure- ments upon that of a sphere will be here- after described. A plane surface may, however, be employed upon which to re- present all cases of any practical import- 10 ance, and the question thus arises, What are the measurements of the nature un- der consideration which are required, and which can be obtained from either a reg- ular or an irregular plane of figure? Such measurements are of three kinds : (1) The length of its perimeter or boundary. (2) The area of its superficial contents. (3) Its relation to some point, line, or other figure on the surface, e. g.^ its mo- ment of area or moment of inertia about a given line. All these three kinds of quantities can be ascertained by successive operations of addition. The first requires the ad- dition of elements of length, the second may be obtained by adding up successive elements in the form of strips of area, and the third by adding products ob- tained by multiplying such strips by some quantity, the magnitude of which depends upon the position of the other point, line, or figure in question. Tak^ ing the general case of an irregular fig- 11 ure, it is evident that absolute accuracy can only be obtained when this opera- tion becomes that of integration or sum- ming up of an infinite series of indefin- itely small quantities. Instruments for performing this operation are therefore called '• mechanical integrators.'' In all such instruments the rolling action of two surfaces in frictional contact is em- ployed, for this, as will be hereafter seen, enables the conditions of motion to be continuously varied in a way which could not be effected by mere trains of wheel-work, such as form the mechanism of some kinds of calculating machines. This fact necessitates something more than a mere discussion of the mathe- matical principles upon which the calcu- lations are performed, for though the action of an integrator may be absolute- ly correct as far as its theory of the per- formance of the calculation is concerned, yet there is always some instrumental error depending upon the rolling, and also, as will be seen, of the slipping of the two surfaces in frictional contact. 12 This error may be exceedingly small. Init it is a matter of great importance to ascertain its exact amount, and the sub- ject will therefore be investigated at length, under the heading "Limits of Accuracy of Integrators," where an ac- count will be also given of the experi- mental results of Professor Lorber, of Leoben; Dr. William Tinter, of Vienna, and Dr. A. Amsler, of Schaflfhausen. In this investigation it will be showu that when integrators are examined upon the mechanical principles of action, they are all found to belong to one of two clasBes. (1) In which the surfaces in question slip over each other. (2) In which only pure rolling motion of the surfaces is assumed to take place. The significance of this mode of clussi- fication is that it not only leads to a cl&ir understanding of the nature of the re- sults to be expected from any particular instrument, and teaches the best method of manipulating it, with regard to its po- sition relatively to the figure to be meas. ured, but it also brings out prominently 13 tlie meolianiral principle uptui wliicb tlie inventor has relied sometimes, as it NVouM appear, unoonsciouHly, for the ac- ruracv of tlie r«->»tiltH »\jnMt« d to be ob- UiintMl. It may be here remarked that the wime priiJcipU', by which an intej^'rator is em- j)h)yo(l to determine a result from an au- to^'ni]>!iic record, may Ih) apphed directly to «»btain a continuous result from the machine or boDE. When the number of elements is increased in- definitely, this expression becomes / 2/c/ic=area of the figure ABDE, a and h being the extreme values of ic, i.e., the limits of integration. It is evident, therefore, that the area will be correctly measured by an instru- ment in which the recording wheel or measuring roller always turns at a rate proportional to the ordinate y of the curve, while the body from which it de- rives its motion moves at a uniform rate along the axis OX. 19 Area plauimeters have been classified accordinjjf to apparently different modes by which the operation of integration is performed ; but, since the action of them all can be explained upon the foregoing principle of adding elements of area, and, in fact, by means of the same notation, it is not surprising that such classifications are anything but satisfactory. In fact, in one important kind of planimeters, it becomes doubtful to which class they be- long, or, whether they should not be placed in two or more classes. It is, without doubt, very convenient to dis- tinguish different planimeters, and, there- fore, the names which have been given them will be used ; but this will not de- note any difference of principle, and the classification which will be adopted is that already explained, and depends on mechanical conditions of action. In what follows, one mode of viewing the mathe- matical operation is adhered to through- out, and it may be stated that the object of the author has been to make clear the principles of action of integrators, rather 20 than to obtain rigid and exhaustive dem- onstrations of their theory. Planimeters in which Slipping of the Measuring Roller Takes Place. From a brief account of the subject by- Professor Lorber, it appears that the first recorded idea of a planimeter is attributed to Hermann, of Munich, who worked it out with Lammle. This idea of Her- mann's, which was pubhshed in 1814, seems to have fallen into oblivion, for in 1827 Oppikofer, of Berne, constructed a planimeter upon similar principles, and it was thenceforth called after his name. On the other hand, Favora gives the priority to Professor T. Gonella, of Flor- ence, who, in 1828, without any knowl- edge of what Hermann had done, invented and described a very similar instrument. The development of the planimeter seems to have grown out of the instrument of Oppikofer, who, in conjunction with a Swiss mechanic, Ernst, finished a plan- imeter which won a prize, in Paris, in 1836. Important improvements are due 21 22 to Wettli, of Zurich, who, with Starke, in 1849, took out a patent in Austria for the instruments now called the Wettli-Starke planimeter. Later on, in England, other inventors (Sang, Moseley) worked at the subject, but all these instruments de- pended for their action on the same prin- ciple, which is as follows : Let M (Fig. 2) be the plan of a disk rolling in contact with a straight guide PQ, which is parallel to OX, and at a distg-nce from it equal to the radius of the disk, so that the plan of the center of the latter always lies in OX. Let m be a roller upon the surface of the disk, gradu- ated and connected with wheel-work and an index, so that the distance turned through over the surface of the disk can be read in revolutions or parts of a revo- lution. The plan of the point of contact (B) of the roller with the disk is always made to coincide with that particular point on the curve which is in the line drawn at right angles to OX, through the center C of the disk. The plane of otation of (m) which may be called the 23 measuring roller, is always perpendicular to the disk M, and the plan of its axis, as shown in the figure, is always parallel to OY, so that, in following the curve, it slips backwards or forwards across the surface of the disk, in a direction parallel to OY. Suppose the disk to roll along PQ for a distance :_. .r, eipial to the width of the element AB. Then if //, = distance of B from OX. li = radius of disk M. ?•=: radius of measuring roller m. ;ij = consequent reading of measuring roller for this travel of disk. Then ^ a .'' = linear distance turned through by a point on the disk at the distance y, from the center. 2 7r;v/ J = linear distance turned through by a point on the circumference of ?/i / but since )n rolls on M these distances are equal. ?/ Therefore 2 nrx ^ = ~Ax, or, ". = .'AA^X2;i^; 24 but K — =^ is a constant, which, by taking . 27rrll r and R in suitable ratio may be made unity. Then n^—y^Ax, that is, the reading of the roller m meas- ures that part of the area of the element above OX. If the iDoint of contact be made to fol- low round the curve continuously in one direction, then, when the portion of AB below OX is being measured, the disk is moving in the opposite direction along PQ, but, at the same time, the roller is turning in the opposite way relatively to the disk to that which it was doing be- fore, since the point of contact is now below C. The final result of these two opposite motions is to cause the roller to turn, as at first, and so add the result given for CA to what was given for CB. If the motion of the disk ax for the width of AB be now regarded as nega- tive, and —?/2=: distance AC also ??2=i'6ading of roller for this element of area, 25 then by similar reasoning to that already used, and 71 = 71^ + ^'2~ (Vi +.'/o) A x — y A x- = area of element Tliis reasoning holds for any possible 2)Osition of the roller, or of the axis OX, which may be altogetheivonfcside the fig- ure, as it practically is for the integra_ tion of the portion DHE. Then it will be found that DKH is subtracted, and DKHE is added, so as to give the re- quired actual area DHE. Inasmuch as this reasoning is inde- pendent of the actual value of the width of the element, and as the vertical motion of the roller m has no effect in theory upon the distance rolled through bj it, therefore in the limit when ^aTbecomes infinitely small, the actual value of the series of infinitely narrow strips which compose the figure x4.BDE is given by the final reading of the roller when the traverse of the boundary is completed. The Wettli-Starke planimeter (Fig. 3) 26 acts directly upon this principle, with the exception that it is the disk that is moved according to the changes in y instead of the measuring roller, and the following is a description of the best form of this instrument: On a base-plate P (Fig. 3), are three guides SSS, along which a frame carrj^- ing the vertical axis of the disk M can be moved to and fro. The disk, which is 27 made of glass and covered with paper, has two motions, one rectiHneal along the guides, and one of rotation about its axis. The motions are imparted to it by means of an arm (L), which passes through the roller-guides igg) in the frame carrying the disk, and rotates the latter by means of a German silver wire {del ) passing round a cylinder w upon its axis, and attached by the two ends to the extremities of the arm. The measuring roller (m) rests upon the surface of the disk, being carried in another frame (B), which is hinged to the base-plate. The action is as follows : the base-plate being placed in juxtaposition to the figure to be integrated, any line parallel to the guides, z.e., to the direction of rectilinear motion of the disk, may be taken as the axis OY; and line OX, drawn through the edge of the roller, perpendicular to OY, may be taken as the other axis. Then, as the pointer ^j> at the extremity of the arm is made to pass round the boundary of the figure, the disk wall be turned through a distance proportional 28 to the travel along OX, while at any in- stant the roller {m) is at the same dis- tance from the center of the disk as the pointer is from OX. If 2/^z=CB=: mean height of element A. x' = = width of element AB. Then, by the reasoning already given? the reading of the roller which the pointer passes over the upper boundary of the element AB, is 71^ — y^Ax, and the final reading of the roller is N=area of the figure A DDE. Hansen, in 1850, still further improved this instrument, and, in conjunction with Ausfeld, introduced a different method of reading the result, and of carrying the frame, this instrument being known as the Han sen- Ausfeld planimeter. Various other instruments of the same kind were shown in the Great Exhibition of 1851, but in all, the motion of the arm carrying the pointer was " linear ; '' that is, the motion, which must be possible in every direction, is obtained by compounding two rectilinear movements, at right angles 29 30 to each other. Such instruments are therefore called " Imear planimeters." Many different forms of linear planim- eters have been suggested, but the only modification of the disk and roller which it will be worth while to notice is the cone and roller. Let MM', Fig. 4, be the cone cor- responding to the disk M, and rolling on the edge of its two bases in a direction parallel to OX. Let the roller ni always be in contact with a circle on the cone, whose center B' is at a distance CB' from the apex C of the cone, such that CB' = SB = ?/=mean ordinate of ele- ment SB. where the element AB is being at that instant integrated. Adopting the same notation as before, when the cone has rolled over the surface through a distance Ace, then, whatever be the angle of its apex, the distance rolled through by the roller m is XV n,=y^^xx^^-^. 81 As might have been anticipated, the expression is the same as was obtained in the case of the disk, the hitter being a special case of the cone when the vertical angle is 180°. Thus the cone may be employed in- stead of the disk, and such an instrument was invented by Mr. E. Sang, who, in 1852, published a description of it, ac- cording to which the action was extremely accurate, but it does not appear to have come into very extensive use. No more instruments of the kind will be described, since they have given place to those in which the arm carrying the pointer turns about a center or pole, and which are, therefore, called "polar plan- imeters." In the year 1856, Professor Amsler- Laflbn invented and brought before the world the now well-known polar planim- eter bearing his name, and, since then, no less than twelve thousand four hun- dred of these instruments have been made and stnt out from his works at Schaffhausen. According to authorities, 32 which Professor Lorber quotes, Professor Miller, of LeobeD, invented independently a planimeter of this kind in the same year (1856), which, being made by Starke, of Vienna, is known as the Miller-Starke planimeter. Previous to this, in 1854, Decher, of Augsberg, as well as Bounia- kovsky, of St. Petersburg (1855), had improved upon previously-existing forms of polar planimeter, though it is well to note that the planimeter s already men- tioned as sent to the Great Exhibition of 1851 from various parts of Europe, as Italy, Switzerland, France, and Prussia, were all linear, and no mention is made of polar planimeters in the jurors' re- port. The Amsler planimeter is shown in Fig. 5. It consists of two bars, (a) the radius bar, and (b) the pole-arm, jointed at the point C. The tracing point p, which now coincides with the point B of the figure ABDE, is carried round the curve, and the roller m, which partly rolls and partly slips, gives the area of the figure ; and by means of the graduated 33 m V 34 dial h, and the vernier y, in connection with the roller m, the result is given cor- rectly in four figures. The sleeve H can be placed in different positions along the pole-arm b, and fixed by a screw s, so as to give readings in different required units. A weight at W is placed upon the bar to k'eep the needle-point in its place, but in instruments by some other makers T is a pivot in a much larger weight, which rests on the paper. A recent minor improvement has been to fix a locking spring to the frame, so that the roller can be held when the planimeter is raised for the purjDose of reading it. The theory of the polar planimeter may be simply deduced from that of the disk and roller thus : Let Fig. 6 represent the same disposi- tion of the disk M with regard to the figure ABDE, as in Fig. 2. but now let the roller m move round the edge of the disk instead of across it, its distance from OX being always the same as be- fore, viz. : 0^ = SB=y^. 35 36 The turning of m ioY a given travel, A aj, of the disk is found thus — draw Iq (Fig 6a) tangent to the disk at m^ so that lq=z A a:, and draw Ik parallel to the axis of rota- tion of m^ then qk is the distance tui-ned through, and Ik is that slipped through by the edge of the roller m^ when the disk has rolled through a distance A x ; therefore, using the same notation as be- fore, qkz:z^7rrn^ and i-= '- = ^m^qlk; Iq A £C ^ 1 ' but in Fig. 6 ?^=.^::.sin OS^. But by similar triangles leretore or n^=y^/\xx Therefore '=—, AX E' 27rrK This is the same result as previously ob- tained, and it has been given in this way because there is an important class of planimeters to be hereafter described. 37 combining the polar planimeter with the disk and roller, in which a principle is employed which is thus made obvious. Tliis principle is that the turning of m is exactly the same as if it were in contact at the point B, no matter in what posi- I tion it may be along the line through B parallel to OX. The turning of m thus measures the area of the element as long as y does not change. If, however, the value of // changes so that ')n changes its distance from OX, the measuring roller is likewise turned a certain additional amount from this cause ; but this does not affect the correct reading of the area so long as its first and last positions are equally distant from OX. The rea- 38 son is, that then the roller has turned as. much in one direction in moving away from OX as it has in moving towards it, and this is the case for the initial and final positions of the pointer when the complete travel of the closed curve has been made. Now, inasmuch as the ve- locity of the edge of the disk is just the velocity at which the center has been shown to move along OX, the disk may be removed altogether. The roller is then moved in contact with the surface of the figure and with identically the same amount of turning as before, pro- vided that its plane of rotation is turned so as to make the same angle with OX (which is now its direction of transla- tion), as it did before with the direction of motion of the edge of the disk in contact with it. This is the case when it is turned through that angle, and then its axis of revolution coincides with the radius S^'. In order to keep the direction of the plane of rotation always at right angles, it is only necessary to have a rod or bar 39 / Vm^ / / being for a small distance considered concentric with the zero circle, this small area subtending an angle w at the center; then, if values be taken as shown upon Fig. 9, in which CT — radius- bar = (7 ; Cp =:one portion of pole- arm =r^ ; Gm = i\\e other portion of pole-arm kxeo. 2)q = \io {a^ + lr -\-1ab cos 6) —^ro {cr + b'-{-2cb)=2ob {a cos O-c)^ 46 and, by a geometrical construction, the travel of the measuring roller is easily shown to be equal to the same expres- sion. Mr. Brooks also explains why the area of the zero circle must be added to the reading if the figure to be integrated contains the center T. The following ap- pears, however, to be a still simpler ex- planation. Keferring to Fig. 7, it is evi- dent that going around the outside of the zero circle corresponds to a move- ment taken continuously above the zero line OX when only the portion above OX is measured. In this latter case the curve could never be completely trav- ersed as long as the pointer nioves in one direction. Suppose, however, that the ends of OX are bent round and brought withiu the figure, then the mo- tion in one direction will enable the com- plete circuit to be made ; but only the portion outside the line, i. e., correspond- ing to that originally above OX, will be measured by the roller, and that within must consequently be added to the re- corded result. This quantity is evident- 48 ly the area of the zero circle in the case of the Arasler planimeter, which must, therefore, always be added to the result when the center of the radius- arm is within the diagram to be measured. As the Amsler planimeter alone, so far as the author is aware, has been modified to measure the area of any non- developable surface, this modification may be here noticed. The only surface of the kind to which it has been adapted is a spherical one. Fig. 10 shows the instrument, and from that figure it will be seen that the chief alteration is the placing of two joints j j\ one upon the radius-bar («), and the other upon the pole-arm h, so as to allow the employ- ment of the integrator for surfaces of va- rying curvature. The joints are equi- distant from the end of each bar, and exactly opposite to each other— the ra- dius-bar and pole -arm being now of equal length, and a pin / is placed on («), which fits into a corresponding recess in [h), so that when the two arms are closed, they can be together bent at the joints 49 to the required amount, and, the joints being purposely made stiff, they will re- i main at the proper angle when the in- strument is used. The joint (J) acts so that the tracing point (p) is always in the place of the axis of rotation of the 50 measuring roller. The theory of the ac- tion of this instrument has been fully exj^lained by Professor Amsler, in an ar- ticle in which the theory of the relations between measurement upon a spherical surface and upon a plane surface is dis- cussed. The various applications of the simple planimeter for finding areas are well known, and need not be explained ; but there are some slight modifications of the instrument for special purposes, and one of these recently applied by Professor Amsler to his planimeter is worth notic- ing. This is illustrated at Fig. 11, and is a device for readmg at once the mean pressure given from an indicator dia- gram. Two points, U and V are seen, one (IT) being upon the upper side of the bar A, which slides in the tube H, and one (V) upon the tube H itself. These points can be adjusted to the length of the diagram by inverting the instrument in the way shown in the figure, and the sliding-bar is then clamped by the screw S. This setting causes the reading of i 51 52 the instrument, when the diagram is traversed by the pointer in the usual way, to give at once the mean height of the diagram in fortieths of an inch. The simple relation is as follows : Beading of measuring-rollers = Mean height of dia- gram in inches. Mean pressure = Mean height X vertical scale of diagram. As an instance of the great saving of labor by the use of the Amsler planimeter, the author happens to know a civil en- gineer's office, where a large amount of earthwork quantities had to be taken out, the calculations proceeded slowly and with many repetitions, until one of the draftsmen procured a planimeter, and then the other, with the result of a great expedition of the work, and the almost complete absence of errors — and even then only in decimal places— where previously the divergence had been as much as by units. Although the connection between the 53 disk and roller or linear planimeter and the polar planimeter has been shown, it is possible to regard them as acting upon different principles. The former may be considered as measuring the variation in the ordinate (y) by a change of effective radius of the circle on which the measur- ing-roller works, the latter measuring the same thing by a coiTesponding change in the sine of the angle which its plane of rotation makes, with its direction of mo- tion over the surface on which it rolls. They have, in fact, been classified in this way as radius machines, and sine or cosine machines, for the slipping, al- though occurring in both, appears in the ordinary way of viewing the subject to affect the result in different ways. In the former, slipping is sui)posed to be entirely due to the variation in the value of (y), and only takes place when the ordinate changes in value : in the latter, the change is supposed to be effected by turning the pole-arm about its center, without any slipping at all. This dis- tinction is, however, quite an imaginary 54 one, for it will be seen that if the curve be obliquely inclined in either case to the axis OX, the action of the measuring roller is precisely the same. Recently, a large number of what are called " Pre- cision Polar Planimeters," have been de- signed and constructed, which combine in an obvious manner the above two prin- ciples of action, the disk giving motion to the roller, while the pole-arm carries it across the disk in an oblique direction. Thus, the advantages of a uniform and invariable surface of contact for the roller, and the convenience of the polar plan- imeter are combined, with the still more important advantage of a large relative turning of the measuring roller. Before describing a few different forms of the best of these instruments, the general theory upon which they work will be given ; it will then not be difficult to un- derstand the action of the several instru- ments without repeating the exi)]anation in each case. It will be found that both the linear and polar planimeter are only special cases of application of the general 55 princijDle upon which the correctness of action of j^recision planimeters de- pends. c I 2 |0 &\ al 1°^ It will be well to approach the matter from the same point of view as in explain- ing the lineal- planimeter. Let the disk M, Fig. 12, rotate about an axis C as it 56 rolls along the PQ, line parallel to OX, the pivot on the axle at C being attached to a frame which also carries another pivot S. This latter pivot always lies upon OX, and about it rotates a pole-arm b, carrying a pointer j) at one end, and the measuring-roller m at the other end. The plane of rotation of the measuring- roller coincides with the .direction of the pole-arm, and is carried over the disk in contact with it, along th^ arc rmn' . Then from what was proved, p. 402, the motion of the roller in is exactly the same as if it were moved, so that its axis {ihvays co- incides with Qj, the perpendicular upon the pole-arm from the center of the disk — provided only that its axis is always parallel to this line. Thus, adopting the previous notation, and taking 8^:*= length of upper portion of pole- arm =R. Then when the disk rolled through a distance ax, n^^reading of roller m 2/j = ordinate SB. 57 turning of roller _Jl7trn^ distance turned by edge" i\x therefore ^ — ^i AX K or 7? wliich is the same result as in the case of both the linear and polar planimeters. In practice, the portion of the pole-arm which carries the poii>ter is usually per- pendicular to the other portion, as shown by the dotted lines, Fig. 12. In this case, the direction of motion of the disk and frame carrying the center of the pole- arm 8 must be taken parallel to the guide P'Q', that is, perpendicular to the former direction. It has already been shown in the case of the Amsler planimeter, that it does not matter in what path the center S of the pole-arm is carried, so long as the foregoing conditions are observed, and thus there are several forms of pre- 58 cision polar planimeters in which the point S is carried in the arc of a circle instead of along a straight line. It may now be made clear, from Fig. 13, that the first two kinds of planimeters are special cases of the last. (A) Fig. 13. Let R be the radius of the disk, Rj the radius about which the roller in is carried. Then the area of the diagram as already explained can be measured by either pole-arm S/) or S^:)'. (B) Fig. 13. Let the radius R, of the pole-arm become infinitely great, while R remains finite; thence on moves across the disk M in a straight line usually, but not necessarily, through the center, and the linear planimeter is the result. (C) Fig. 13. Let the radius of the disk become infinitely great, and any motion of such an imaginary disk under these conditions would make the result equivalent to moving the roller over the surface of the paper. Therefore the disk may be removed, and the elementary form of polar planimeter is obtained, the roller being placed in either position 59 Fis. 13 ^(C) 60 as shown at m or m, without affectmg the result. ^Ar 7-. I / ' '/ \ 1/ / ^"^-J The following is a simple explanation of the action of the precision polar plan- imeter 61 Let M (Fig. 14) be the disk, which can be turned by any suitable means through a distance corresponding to the hnear travel of its center about C. Let r„ = radius of zero circle (E'ES')- 7'= radius of any circle FF'. a=:/ turned through by pole- arm, when the pointer moves from the zero circle to the circle FF'. 9''= /turned through by radius arm, CS, when an element EE' F'F is being described. a = radius arm = CS'. i = pole- arm = FS'. d=SS\ Then from the figure — and r; = a' + ^r r' = a' + h'-2ab cos (90 + a) = a' -{-b"^ -{-2((b sin a. Therefore 7-^ = 9\'^ + 2ab ^n a, or sm a=—-—-^ 2ab Now the turning of the plate is pro- portional to c'', and may, for the arc FF', be taken as equal to r^(J'c. y=SK = SS' sin ZSS'K=d nin a. 62 where c and d are constant quantities ; also if ft equal the radius of the roller. , y _ linear distance by ed^e of roller K distance traveled by edge of disk ■'■"=^^' 7\(,''C lab ^'' — ^\\/ ^^^^ \ 7* ccl ^ut?r— 4^ — ris a constant quantity, and anay be made equal to unity. r' — r ' Therefore oi^^ — -^-^^^area of ele- ment EETF'. Thus n, is a measure of an element of area, and as the motion of m due to the turning of the pole- arm in moving to a larger or smaller cu'cle does not affect the reading when the pointer at F has passed round a closed curve, the final reading of the roller gives the area of any figure. 63 The actual construction of the pre- cision polar l^lanimeter appears to have \M ITuy.. lo V ^ S a c I- ^ ^— t-^Li & Fi-. IG been first carried out by Mr. Hohmann, Bauamtmann of Bamberg, in 1882, in conjunction with the well-known mechan- 64 ician Mr. Coradi, of Zurich. A plan of the first instrument is given in Fig. 16 ; but it will be more easily understood by reference to the diagram, Fig. 15, which shows a frame (a) pivoted at one end (c) to a weight (G), about which it turns. This frame carries a small disk (ic), which rolls. in contact with the surface of the diagram, and gives motion to the disk M. The roller 771 is moved across the disk in the horizontal direction by a pole-arm centered on S as axis. Re- ferring to Fig. 16, which is lettered in a similar way to Fig. 15, it will be seen how the pole-arm, in turning about the center S, effects this motion. A plan and elevation of the frame F, which carries the roller m, is shown on a larger scale, and this frame is moved backwards or forwards through a slot in the support- ing frame. The roller m has the ar- rangement of the screw and worm for obtaining the readings of the dial //, as in the Amsler planimeter, and also the vernier in conjunction with the measur- ing roller. Two rollers, j j\ serve to 65 Fi-. IT Uii^J — p[L^ M '"(©^ i E %^^^€PI iM Q SECT! ONAL ELEVATION FiiX. lO i)>~tt@ PLAN fw:TH Disk removed) 66 balance the instrument. The details of the arrangement by which the length of the pole-arm b is adjusted are also shown on a larger scale. In this instrument, the fact that the disk is inclined at an angle makes no diffei'ence in the theory of its action, and as the roller W obviously drives the disk so that the angular motion corresponds with the angular motion of the radius bar a, the explanation already' given makes its mode of operation clear. The case is rather simplified by the fact that the roller m is moved radially across the disk. An instrument of similar kind has been designed and recently described by Pro- fessor Amsler-Laffou. This is shown in Figs. 17, 18 and 19, where it will be seen that this disk M, which is now horizon- .tal, is turned by means of bevel-wheels Sj z^, the back of one of which forms a portion of a frustum of a cone rolling about the center C of the radius-arm a a. The center is itself a sphere, which al- lows any side motion of the instrument 67 due to the inequality of the surface to take place without affecting the accuracy of the result. The necessary pressure cf the roller upon the disk is obtained by allowing the weight of the portion of the frame b which carries the roller in to rest upon the disk by being pivoted by the centers KK (Fig. 18). A peculiar fea- ture of the instrument is that the pole- arm frame can be centered either within or without the frame. If placed in the former position, the reading is twice as great as in the latter, the positions of the centers being purposely adjusted to effect this. The frame can be taken off one center, s' (Fig. 17), by unscrewing a set screw at x, and at once placed upon the other. The weight v^ can be adjusted in any position by means of the nut and screw t (Fig. 17), and so the pressure of the pointer p upon the surface of thQ diagram may be regulated. In both the above instruments the disks derive their motion from a roller in contact with the surface of the dia- gram, but in the next two instruments to 68 be described, Messrs. Holimann and Co- radi have caused the disk to be turned in a manner which prevents any such error as from the possible sHpping of the above roller. The first instrument of the kind is shown (Figs. 20, 21) in plan and ele- vation. The disk M is carried by a frame (aa) as before, but the frame now swings about a circular stand, the edge of which is toothed, so that the pinion (^), which is upon the axis of the disk, is turned, and therefore the disk itself, with the same angular velocity. The weight of the frame and disk is, to a great extent, taken off by means of the light rod [l), which swings about a central pillar P. A side view of the pole-arm is shown, and the mode of adjusting it and sup- porting the portion which carries the roller (m), so that by means of centers KK the weight of that portion of the frame is allowed to rest upon the disk. It is evident that this instrument works upon identically the same princi- ples as the foregoing ones. This "Freely swinging " precision planimeter was fol- 69 Fi^f^. i20 aiid 21 SECTIONAL ElE.'ATiON 70 lowed by another, called the '' Plate " planimeter (Fig. 22), which is of still simpler construction. In this form ad- vantage is taken of the fact that the measuring roller need not have its path through the center of the disk, and a sup- port {v) is obtained above the disk, so that its pivot [q) can work between cen- ters, the weight of the frame being sup- ported by rollers {j). The portion of the pole-arm which carries the roller {711) is (as in the last case) pivoted between the centers KK. The dial for higher readings is as in the case of the previous instruments denoted by A. The last and most recent modification is the " Rolling planimeter," of Coradi. This approaches nearest to the diagram (Fig. 12), which completely explains its action. Here the center of the radius- arm is removed to an infinite distance, and the center of the disk and that of the pole arm are carried along straight lines parallel to the axis OY in that figure. The way in which this is efi'ected is seen from Figs. 23 and 24, which show Co- 71 radi's rolling- planimeter in plan and ele- vation. Two rollers {ec/) are in contact with the surface of the diap^ram, i n ITiiZ. SECTIONAL ELEVATION their axis is a bevel wheel (z^) (Fig. 24), which gears with another bevel-wheel (2,), which is upon the axis of the disk. Thus the wheels 2, 2, are turned as the frame is rolled along, and, consequently, the 73 disk itself. The axis of the rollers cc works upon the centers ee^ which are set- screws in the frame (aa). The disk M is also carried between centers {qq)-, as in the instrument last described, and, also, as in that case, the path of the roller does not pass throuf^h the center of the disk. This instrument, which has many advan- taj^es, and, notwithstanding:^ that it rolls on the diagram surface, <]fives results of great accuracy, has been examined with great care by Professor Lorlier, who has given a lengthy description of it and a full account of its theory. The last planimeter of this kind to be examined is one by Professor xVmsler. This instrument, shown in Figs. 25, 26, 27, (lifters from the last in that the tooth- wheel z,^ works in gear with a rack 2, 2,, which is cut upon a fixed frame DD. Thus, although it is supported by the rollers cr, there is no possibility of slip- ping as far as the turning of the disk is concerned. The rollers run in a groove cut in the frame DD, and the action of the instrument is easy and smooth. The 74 Fio-. 24 ELEVATION Kiss. ;ao,a6 and '^T 75 theory of its action is identical with that of the foregoinj^ one, as explained by- means of the diagram (Fig. 12). The various parts are lettered in the figures to correspond with the explanations of thatjnstniment previously given. 76 In the instruments hitherto described the surfaces of revohition are Hmited to the disk and cone, but various other sur- faces may be made to replace these. The only one that has been so employed is that of the sphere; and in the present class of instruments, in which slipping takes place, the following property of the sphere is made use of : Let a sphere M (Fig. 28), which replaces the disk (Fig. 2), roll along the axis OX. Then sup- pose the roller m can, by suitable means, be moved round the surface so that its plane of rotation shall always contain the center of the sphere and be perpendicular to the arm CB, which corresponds to the pole-arm of the former instruments ; it is evident that if the perpendicular be drawn from q, the jjoint of contact of m with the sphere, to CZ the axis of rota- tion of the sphere, meeting it in the point u, the line qu is the radius of the rolling circle of contact of the measuring roller. _,, » motion of measuring roller _ motion of sphere along OX ~ qu qu 77 But from the figure ^^3^=^ — sin a. Therefore, adopting the same notation as hitherto used, motion of m _27rr)i ^ __y motion of .\l A x K which proves that the area of the curve may be measured by any device, on the principle of Fig. 28. It may be shown in the same way as on p. 18, that the re- sult is similar if the sphere rolls upon the arc of a circle, about any center as T, instead of along the straight line OX. Planimeters of this kind have been con- structed by Mr. Hohmann and Professor Amsler. In both cases only portions of the whole surface of a sphere have been employed, and the motion is given by means of an axis, instead of by rolling the spherical surface upon the diagram. In Mr. Hohmann 's planimeter, shown in plan and elevation, Fig. 29, the concave surface M is used. Rotation is given to SECTIONAL ELEVATION 79 this by means of an axis gr/, an enlarged portion of which (r) rolls npon a cii'cular metal path R. The pole-arm P turns about a center r, and so causes the rolling circle of the measuring roller iit to ^'ary according to the foregoing principles. This instrument has not come into use. Professor Amsler has employed the con- vex surface in an instrument somewhat similar to the one described, except that better provision is made for obtaining the required pressure between the sur- face of the roller and sphere, and for giving rotation from the roller-path. 80 Planimeters in which only Pore Eolling Motion is Assumed to take Place. There have been many efforts to de- sign instruments in which no sHpping shall take place. These efforts have re- sulted in the production of various in- struments which, though they differ in external form and mechanical action, yet rely upon the same mathematical prin- ciple of action as the planimeters al- ready dealt with, the particular form of disk and roller, or sphere and roller, be- ing taken. Thus, in every case there is a measuring roller, or its equivalent, the rate of motion of which has to l^e varied by some means or other. It is in the method by which this is done that this class of planimeters differs from the other. Instead of obtaining the varia- tion of the measuring roller in bringing it into contact with circles of different linear velocity by sliding it over the sur- face of the disk or sphere, one or other 81 of the two following principles are em- ployed. A device equivalent either to (1) bringing in succession a series of measuring rollers into contact with the different imaginary circles ; or (2) bring- ing circles of different linear velocity in- to contact with a single fixed measuring roller. The disk-globe and cylinder-integrator of Professor James Thomson belongs to the former class. In this a sphere G (Fig. 30) rolls over the surface of the disk 82 M, but is also in contact with a cylinder mm'. The motion of G in direction OY is that in which the roller would shp in the ordinary disk and roller, and does not 31 affect the motion of rotation of mm' . On the other hand, the motion in direction OX, which is due to the turning of the disk, is entirely imparted to nuti. Thus, as G rolls along m7n\ the same effect is, in theory, produced as if a series of roll- 83 ers ?7i, mj, m^, etc., upon the same axis as the cylinder, were successively applied to the surface of the disk, and all slipping, at any rate from this cause, is avoided. The actual mechanism which has not been employed for a planimeter takes a slightly difterent external form in the harmonic analyzer of Sir W. Thomson's tide-calculating machine. The devices which have now to be con- sidered as solutions of the problem un- der consideration by the first method, are used in connection with the geomet- rical property of the sphere already dis- cussed, and upon one similar to it. Let M (Fig. 31) be the plan of a sphere rolling along the line OX, carrying with it, by a frame not shown, a cylinder {in) which can roll about it so as to come into contact at anj point q upon its horizon- tal great circle. Then the rotation of the cylinder may be employed exactly in the same way as the rotation of the roller on the integrator described on page 416? and shown by Fig. 28 ; but in the pres- ent case, instead of causing the roller to 84 slip over the surface, the rolHng of the cyhnder is practically equivalent to briuging in succession a series of roll- ers m, ni^, rii^, etc., upon one axis in con- tact with it. This principle has been employed both by Professor Mitchelson of Cleveland, XJ. S., and Professor Amsler. The mech- anism of Professor Mitchelson's instru- ment is shown in Fig. 32. In this a flex- ible steel band or chain F, passing round a semi-circular arc D, forces the cylinder C to roll on the sphere G. The cylinder is carried by a frame E, which slides along the bar A, by which it is supported. The mode in which it is proposed to ap- ply it to the ordinary Amsler planimeter is shown on a smaller scale, Fig. 32a, where b is the pole-arm, a the radius bar, and t the center of rotation of the latter. Professor Amsler's planimeter on this principle is similar to the foregoing, ex- cept that instead of being carried by two guides as sleeves by a bar, the cylinder frame is supported on rollers from a 85 Fig. 33 86 frame above, the rolling friction on the latter being less than that of the cylinder on the sphere. Thus, the cylinder always moves to its required position. The mo- tion of the spherical surface is obtained from a bevel- wheel upon its axis, which gears with a larger one formed upon the edge of a circular stand or suj^port of the instrument. A similar principle of the geometry of the sphere has also been employed in an instrument suggested in a p^iper in 1855 by the late Professor Clerk Maxwell, when an undergraduate at Cambridge. Instead of the cylinder in Fig. 31, let a sphere m' roll around on the sphere (M), as shown in Fig. 33. Then, from the property of the sphere, which is proved at length in the above paper, the tiu'ning of the sphere m about its axis of rota- tion xx^ relatively to the turning of M along OX, is proportional to the tangent of the angle a in the figure. In the other case it will be remembered that the turn- ing of the cylinder or disk was propor- tional to the sine of the same angle. By 87 suitable means the "principle can be em- ployed in the constiTiction of a planim- eter. Two forms of such planimeter are shown in the paper, and though they are both in the form of the linear plan- imeter, and are scarcely suitable for prac- tical application, yet the matter is dealt with in a way worthy of the inventor. It is evident that this is another case of bringing the eqiiivalent of a series of rollers ;//, m ^^ ?//,, into contact with the sphere, thougli these are no longer of one size, but vary from a diameter zero to a diameter of the size of that of the sphere Coming now to the instruments in which the alternative device adopted for the avoidance of slipping is by bringing into .contact with one roller different circles of the disk M, or of its equivalent. This may be done in the following way : Instead of allowing the cylinder (m) to roll on the sphere M (Fig. 31), and so to change the radius of the imag- inary rolling circle (whose diameter is qq') on which it rolls, suppose that the 88 cylinder is kept in contact as shown by the dotted lines, and the axis of rotation zz' of the sphere is tui'ned, as, for in- (Z) stance, would happen if a sphere in com- bination with rollers were used as sug- gested for an anemometer by Mr. Ven- tosa, through an equivalent amount, i. e., through the angle a. This will give the 89 same result as far as the rotation of the cylinder is concerned, but with an im- portant difference. The cyhnder (in Fig. 31) or sphere (in Fig. 33) is no longer needed, and may be replaced by the orig- inal measuring roller, whose axis has a fixed position parallel to OX. It will be seen that this device practically amounts- to bringing different circles on the sphere M into contact with the measuring roller (ni), with the great advantage that ex- actly the same circle on the sphere M is scarcely likely to again roll in contact with the roller {)/i), tliough of course the radius maj' be the same. This method has been recently proposed by the author^ and the mode of carrying it out without involving slipping, by what is called the " sphere and roller mechanism," which mechanism has been explained and de- veloped at length in a paper before the Royal Society. It need here be only re- marked that the planimeter there de- scribed, and afterwards exhibited to the British Association at Montreal, was of the linear form, and of little practical 90 use ; but the author has since completed a polar planimeter and exhibited it be- fore the Koyal Society. But one more area planimeter re- mains to be mentioned, aod this is the one invented and brought before the Physical Society by ]\Ir. C. V. Boys. The principle of action is briefly this : A wheel or roller, which is not supposed to slip sideways on the diagram, has its plane of rotation kept always at an angle a to the axis OX of the figiu-e to be inte- grated, such that 2/= ordinate of the curve =rtan axK where K is a constant, and y is the ordi- nate with resj^ect to OX of that point on the curve which the pointer of the instru- ment is at the same instant tracing. If the component of a small motion of the wheel parallel to OX is a a, and the com- ponent of the same movement parallel to OY is i\t. Then A^ A.!' = tan a — y K A^ = -y Axx 1 K' 91 or the distance moved by the wheel par- allel to the axis OY becomes the measure of an element of area. It is easy to see that the height moved by the wheel be- comes a direct measure of the area of the figure. Various examples of the action of this planimeter, called by the inventor the tangent integrator, are given by Mr. Boys ; but the action is obviously limited, and an investigation of the theory reveals the fact that it is only a special case of the general problem, not only of the method of applying circles of varying diameter to one roller, but of the sphere and roller mechanism itself. This will be rendered clearer by stating that, in order to employ the component parallel to OY, the roller was made to work against a cylinder, which, by its turning, acted as the measuring roller. Evidently the length of the cylinder limited the travel in that direction. The cylinder was carried bodily along in the direction of its axis (corresponding to OX), and made to effect its own turning, the amount of turning varying with the tan- 92 gent of inclination of the wheel, and this was sufficient in the application to the steam-engine integrator to be hereafter described, where the longitudinal motion of the cylinder could be made propor- tional to the stroke. Mr. Boys endeav- ored, by various means, to obtain con- tinuous motion in both directions, one being equivalent to bending the ends of the cylinder round, and so attempting to solve the difficulty by what he has termed a "mechanical smoke ring." The author, however, by approaching the matter from a different point of view, designed the sphere and roller integrator, which is nothing more or less than the inversion of the mechanism of Mr. Boys. In this the roller of Mr. Boys is replaced by the sphere, and instead of the two motions, one of the cylinder about its axis, and one of the cylinder longitudinally, the two rollers are used. It may be easily shown that the turning of the plane of rotation of the roller of the tangent in- tegrator is equivalent to changing the axis of the sphere in the sphere and roller integrator. 93 Moment Planimeters. The moment of an area, and its mo- ment of inertia about a given line, may be obtained mechanically upon similar principles to those by which a simple area was obtained. If ABCDE, Fig. 1, be the figure whose moment of area and moment of inertia are required about any line OX ; then, taking any element of area AB, if // = height of upper portion SB, then the moment of area of the element SB about OX is mz=area of SBx~- Similarly, the moment of inertia of the element is 1=^1/; AX. The sum of an infinite number of such expressions as these, when A x be- come infinitely small, gives respectively the moment of area and the moment of 94 inertia of the whole figure according to the expressions. Moment of area =M = ^ /'yVZa;, Moment of inertia = I ^=z^f (fdx. Now, there are two possible ways of obtaining these results mechanically. One of these ways is by applying for the purpose the suggestion made by Sir Wil- liam Thomson in connection with the disk globe and cylinder integrator of Professor James Thomson, of using a train of such mechanisms to obtain the integration of a simple linear differen- tial equation. By certain simple arrange- ments. The first mechanism would gi\efydx, " second " " "- fy^dx. " third " " " fy'dx. This method need not be further con- sidered here, since, so far as the author is aware, it has never been carried into actual practice. It maybe, however, said that the mechanical difficulties in the way of causing the measuring wheel or roller of the first mechanism to actuate the sec- ond, and the roller of the second to actu- 95 ate the third, without introducing serious error, are not easy to overcome, and re- quire a very easily working piece of ap- paratus. The author has discussed the apphcations of the sphere and integrator for tlie purpose, in a paper to the Koyal Society. The other principle is to cause the measuring roller to be directly turned at a rate which is made to vary, not as in the simple planimeter with the value of the ordinate (y), but with its second or third power. Though no method of directly doing this has apparently yet been suggested, yet the same result is practically effected by the beautiful appli- cation of a mathematical principle in the "moment integrator" of Professor Ams- ler. Let the pole-arm CB (Fig. 34) be at- tached to a toothed segment {z^), one portion of which gears with a toothed wheel ^2, the radius being as 2 to 1. Let the center C of s be carried along OX, while the center of C„ of s^ is carried along a line ox parallel to OX. Let m^ 96 97 be a roller acting in every way as the measuring roller of the Amsler planim- eter, whose axis is carried in the plane of the wheel z.^, its direction passing through the center C^. When the pole-arm coin- cides with OX, let the plane of rotation of the roller m^ be parallel to OX, and its axis parallel to OY. When the pole- arm is turned through an angle SCB=:a, the angular motion of the wheel z^ is twice that of the arm ; thus the roller m^ takes the position shown in the figure. This is so because ^ — / ^ motion of :c^ radius 2, _2 radius z^ !> .•./Kc-/=2a. Suppose the pointer p to move through the width of the element SB at a height =:y, and with it z, and 2.^, the roller m^ being in contact with the diagram sur- face. Then, by what was proved in the case of the Amsler planimeter, and adopt- ing the same notation. 98 Turning of yn^ _Jl7trn^_ lc„, Motion of translation of t)}^ Ax c^K =cos 2a = 1-2 sin' a, but — ^ = =(^r=sin a (where CB=R ), 27r7vi, -,0-2 -, 2 , AX R/-^^' or ."' = (2Fr)^*^-(2^'y^^- When the complete travel of the curve has been made, the sum of a series of quantities similar to the first becomes zero ; so that, by making the constant I — rr-gl equal ^, the reading of the roller gives the value — or the moment of area of the figure BDEA. For the moment of inertia the segment of 2, is used, the radius of which is three times that of another wheel z^, with which it gears. The action of a roller 771^, carried by the wheel z^, is exactly the same as that of m^, except that its angu- 99 lar motion is three times as great as the pole-arm CB, instead of twice as great, as in the case of the other roller. By reasoning similar to that already adoj)ted, and taking the plane of rotation of rn^ perpendicular to OX in its initial position, instead of, as in the former case, parallel tolt — travel of rti^ Inrn^ l'c„ motion of translation of m.^ A X -c,k' ' = sin 3a = 3 sin a- -4 sin^ a. SB CB" "K" = sin «, Therefore ? = :3 sin [ — 4 sin'a = -B^- n. .-/ ^ U A, 0« (. * \„. A --.• which, when the pointer is taken around the curve, gives, wuth suitable values of the constants, = area of BDE A.— moment of in- ertia of BDEA =^ A -I. or 1= A — ^<,. 100 The instrument, Figs. 35, 36, has an area planimeter attached to it, so that, by reading the rollers m^ and m^^ and sub- tracting the results, the moment of iner- tia is obtained. The details of the moment planimeter shown (Figs. 35 and 36) are easily ex- plained. A guide PQ of steel has a groove gg, which is placed parallel to the axis OX by means of the gauges G, one, as shown, being at each end, which are adjusted with their points q upon the line OX. The rollers KR run in the grooves gg, and support a frame FF, which carries, by means of an axle J J, the frame EE. This frame supports the toothed segment 2,, and the two toothed wheels z^, 2^, upon vertical axis. The former between centers, one of which is shown, Fig. 36, ^, the latter by steel axles within the column ij,^. The pole-arm carries, in addition to the pointer p at the end, the roller m^ with its dial A,, forming an ordinary planimeter, and is itself carried on the centers s^s^. The two other rollers and dials are shown as 101 102 rn^rn^ and hji^ respectively. The weight W serves to balance the instrument, so as to avoid undue pressure on the paper, and the motion is so smooth as to en- able a curve to be traced with the great- est ease and accuracy. Attention has been called by the late Dr. Merrifield and others to the valuable applications of this instrument for pur- poses of naval architecture, but so far as the author is aware, no account has been given in this country of its applications in civil engineering, as proposed by Pro- fessor Amsler. The following brief ac- count of the methods in the case of cal- culating the contents of embankments, cuttings, etc., is therefore given from an abstract for which the autlior is indebted to the kindness of Dr. A. Amsler : Let Fig. 37 be the plan of a portion of an embankment or cutting, the character of which is supposed to be the same throughout, viz., of uniform width of roadway, and uniform side-slopes, the surface of the ground, the gradient, and the horizontal curvature of the roadway, 103 being restricted in no way. AA' repre- sents the center line of the railway ; B^B/ and B^B/ its two borders ; C^C/ and C^C/ the intersections of the side- slopes with the surface of the ground. Suppose now the embankment or cutting Fig. sr to be divided into thin layers by vertical planes, perpendicular to the center line AA' of the roadway ; PQ and PjQj may be the intersections of two adjacent planes with the plane of the diagram. Then if p=area of section PQ, As=interval between PQ and and P,Q, measured upon the center of gravity of the section. 104 Total volume of embankment is (from one of the properties of Gnldinus) — Y=fpds, the integral extending over the whole length of the embankment under con- sideration. There are three cases dealt with in the Paper of Professor Amsler, correspond- ing to the three forms of sections, I, II, or III, Fig. 38. The first of these, I, is simple enough, since the center of gravity of the section always coincides in plan with the center line of the roadway, and the plan of oper- ation is as follows : Let Fig. 39 represent a longitudinal section of a portion of the embankment of uniform gradient, developed into a 105 106 23lane; the straight hne E'EE" represents the top of the embankment ; G'GG" the profile of the ground ; the straight Hne A'AA'^ which is parallel to E'EE", is the locus of the imaginary vertex of the trapezoidal cross-sections. The level line MN is the line to which the offsets of the profile of the surface of the ground refer. BG shows the intersection of a vertical cross-section with the figure, and AG the intersection of a plane perpen- dicular to the top of the embankment (and also to the line A'AA") with the figure. Let i= Z AGB=: / MNA=:gradient ; y=:AG =di stance of vertex to bot- tom of em- bankment ; 2/o=AE ^distance of vertex to top of embank- ment ; 2 /i= angle at vertex at A. It may be easily proved the area of the section made by the plane AEG is — p^{kG^'--kW) ian/i={y'-^;) tan/i 107 but since Y=fpdx Therefore volume = tan ftf {y'^—y^) <^^^- And thus, if (i is known, the volume of the portion E'E" G"G' (Fig. 39) is easily found with the mechanical integrator, thus: Take A'AA" as the axis of moments, and adjust the rail of the instrument so as to be parallel to it. Start the pointer anywhere on the shaded figure, and trace round it ; the travel of the roller m^ being denoted by M, the scale of the drawing longitudinally being : l"=m feet, and vertically l"=7i feet; then volume =:Y = 20 mn^ tan /ixM cubic feet. It only remains to insert a known value for tan fi, which is easily done, thus : Let Fig. 40 be a perspective view of the sections AEG and BG (Fig. 39), where : C G Then from the diagram ^-J^=tan ; 108 also BG = tan a Therefore or ^ AG and — — =cos i. ±>(jr tan a tan /?=■ \ cos ^/ cos I ,tan a> ns.40 where Z a and Z ^' are known constants. To complete the - calculations for the whole route separate portions are taken, with the various pro- posed gradients. The above formula is exact for the integ- rator shown in Fig. 36, as arranged for English measures, a complete revolution of the measuring roller being taken as a unit of reading. It is to be noted that nothing is supposed as to the curvature of the center line of the roadway horizontally, as it is supposed to be developed in 109 the figure. Also, that the aggregate error arising from the assumptions that the cross-sections are exact trapezoids will in most cases be verj^ slight, on ac- count of the errors in cuttings and those in embankments partly compensating for each other, in addition to the cutting and filling in each section, as shown in Fig. 41, where the small triangular portion in dotted lines C'DH represents the amount taken off the former, and added to the latter. Alterations of the proposed roadway, otherwise involving tedious calculations, simply necessitate an alteration in the line A'AA", and a repetition of the me- chanical work of the integrator, but need no fresh diagram. In preparing the drawing, allowance should be made for ditches along the roadway in cuttings, which is easily done, as shown in Fig. 42, where B^B,, which equalizes the amounts taken and left, must be considered as the roadway line. In the case shown in Fig. 43, the excess of the embanking over the cutting is approximately equal to the 110 Ill 112 layer above the dotted line CjC^. The contents of this layer could be measured either by considering it as an embank- ment, and treating it as such, or by the simpler — and for a first estimate suf- ficiently accurate method — of assuming its section to be a parallelogram. The area of the shaded portion (Fig. 43) is then simply to be measured, and the re- sult, multiplied by the length of the road, gives the required contents. The sup- position that the slopes CD and CD' are the same is also sufficiently accurate. The foregoing is the first method de- scribed by Professor Amsler, and is extremely simple, but obviously only approximately accurate. The two other methods are capable of giving very accurate results, and are dealt with by him at considerable length. Only a short account of them will be given here. The first thing to be noted is that, as a rule, the center of gravity of tbe section will not really coincide in plan with the center line of the roadway, but will curve at the line SPP'S', Fig. 44, AA' being the I' i'M 114 true center'line. Thus, in the expression fpds, the value of ds does not coincide with dx^ as hitherto assumed. From the figure it is seen that : A s_K + e where R is the radius of curvature of the center Hue. Therefore As=Aa3l + :^j 'pedx or V=: J pds = J pdx, + J -^5—1 and this expression must be used. The first of the two methods assumes the base of section to be inclined, but not broken (Fig. 38, II), and the side- slopes, gradient, and radius of a given portion to be constant. A diagram is prepared, as shown in Fig. 45, in which the dotted lines now represent intersec- tion of the sides of embankment with the surface of the ground, which do not, as before, coincide with the contour of the center line. 115 From this figure y^=AI!> 2/?= Z at vertex A. P^ig. 45 Then, by similar reasoning to that previously employed, it may be proved that : Area of element section and ^p=y^i/, (2/,-?/J tanVi 116 .♦. V^tan ft / {y,y-y:) cU^^^^ By a simple transformation this ex- pression is brought into such a form as to allow of mechanical integration. The final formula being : where ^ ={/(}/' -y:)) to move along the sur- 124 faces of revolution RR,, the upper one, R, being turned from the shaft by the spin- dle (ZZ). It is to be noted that the dis- tance of the band (b) from its zero posi- tion is not directly proportional to the force represented by the change of posi- tion of the weight, and, therefore, the surfaces must be formed with a certain curve, found by construction, in order that the dial and counting apparatus at D may correctly give the product of the two variables, force and space, and so the work transmitted through the dy- namometer. It cannot be said that continuous in- tegrators of this kind are at present prac- tically employed to any great extent. There are probably two reasons for this. One is the want of durable and reliable instruments. The other, the question as to how much, and to what degree they are really needed. With regard to the first of these, it is evident that in all the arrangements hitherto considered (with the exception of Baldwin and Eickemeyer device) there 125 Fia-. 47 is that slipping of surfaces in contact, which, though of little effect as far as wear goes in the limited operations of a planimeter, becomes a very se- rious considera- tion when contin- uous action is re- quired to be main- tained. The only integrator of the second, or non- slipping class, which, as far as the author is aware, has yet been practically applied, is the " power- meter " of Mr. Vernon Boys. This instru- ment is shown in Figs. 47 and 48, and acts upon the same principle as Mr. Boys' integrator. The piston C, subject to the varying 126 pressure in the engine-cylinders, with which the barrel A is connected by the connections at B and B', is moved up and down against or with the ten- sion of the spring D ; its rod acting on the arm g causes the plane of rotation of the roller G to take positions more or less inclined to the axis of the cylinder H. This cylinder H is moved to and fro with the stroke of the engine by means of the cord L, Fig. 48, and the roller G bemg in frictional contact with it causes it to turn round to a greater or less extent, according as the plane of G is more or less inclined to the axis of H. The amount of its revolution is registered by the counting apparatus in I (Fig. 48), to which the axis of H is geared, and is thus a measure of the power of the en- gine, for it gives the product of the tan- gent of the angle to which G is inclined and the distance moved through by H, that is the product of pressure of steam into the stroke of the engine. The steam being (as originally in Moseley's and also in subsequent integrators) supplied both 127 ff Fig. 48 ^ty= frS I I B - 128 above and below the small piston, the ab- solute pressure is given. Thus, in the present case, as the change of pressure on C at the beginning and end of each stroke causes the rod of g to be alter- nately above or below the axis of H, so the motion of the cylinder to and fro will always cause the cylinder H to turn in one direction, and thus to continuously integrate the work done. This device only enables a reciprocating movement of the cylinder H to be made, and the author has already mentioned the device of the sphere and rollers, which by the inversion of the higher pair of Mr. Boys, enables continuous motion to be obtained, and is suitable for application in dyna- mometers, electric-motors, and other jDur- poses. With regard to the want of such instru- ments, a very strong case was made out by the committee, already mentioned, in their report in 1841, where the applica- tion of a continuous integrator to steam- engines was alone discussed. The appli- cation has been made to electric-motors, 129 and in trials of motors and machines generally, and there is little doubt if con- tinuous integrators combining the three qualities of durability, accuracy and cheapness could be produced, that in these days of increased regard for meas- urement of all kinds, there would be a much larger and increasing application of them. Limits of Accuracy of Integrators. In all calculating machines, accuracy of the result must be the question of first importance. Assuming the theory relied on in the various instruments for the mathematical operation to be correct, the accuracy depends primarily upon the me- chanical arrangements, though in the case of planimeters it also depends upon the skill and care of the manipulator, and involves the question of a personal er- ror. This latter point need not be con- sidered, partly because this occurs more or less in all results obtained by observers, but also because it is less than might be 130 at first anticipated, from the fact that in tracing the pointer around the curve there is no reason why the error due to moving it on one side should exceed that due to moving it on the other side, that is, why equal errors of opposite effect upon the final reading should not be made. It has been seen that the action of all in- tegrators, except mere revolution count- ers, depends upon the motion of the meas- uring roller, or its equivalent, over sur- faces of various forms, therefore the above-mentioned mechanical arrange- ments resolve themselves into an exam- ination of the nature of the frictional contact of two surfaces. It was for this reason that integrators have been classi- fied according to the nature of this fric- tional contact, and it now remains to in- vestigate the nature of this, to show to what the classification leads, to give the direct results of experiments upon the subject, and also the indirect results obtained from the instruments them- selves. Planimeters and integrators generally have been divided into — 131 I, Those in whicli the frictional sur- faces shp as well as roll over each other. II. Those in which slipping of the Fis. 49 surfaces is supposed not to take place. The order of this arrangement was adopted upon historical grounds, and also because the former class is at pres- ent by far the most important ; but it would be more convenient, upon mere 132 grounds of mechanical simplicity, to in- vert the order. Let AB (Fig. 49) be the plan of the measuring roller. Suppose a force ap- plied in the direction OX, making an angle (a) with the plan of the axis of AB. Let <:?=! OX = distance through which the force acts. 1st. Suppose that frame which carries the measuring roller is free to move in any direction horizontally, but maintains the plane of rotation of the roller verti- cal, then the application of a force along OX, at the center of AB, will cause it to roll along the line coinciding in direction with the plan of the center line AB of the roller, that is, along the line OY. This will always be the case, except when this force is applied in the limiting case in the direction perpendicular to the plane of AB {i. e., when a = 0). Thus, the distance in this case traveled by the center of AB, which is the same as the path rolled by it, is sm a 133 and the distance moved through by the center at right angles to OX is XY=^cot a. The latter value is the one usually taken or recorded by the instruments at present in use, but depends directly upon the former. Next, suppose the frame carrying the roller is constrained either by guides, as in the linear planimeter, or by the radius bar of the polar planimeter, or other- wise, to move in the direction of OX, that is, in the direction in which the force acts. When the center of the roller has reached the point X, that is, when the force has been exerted through a dis- tance OX, Then 0Z = distance slipped by AB = d cos a. XZ==: distance slipped by 0B= d sin «. Upon the degree of accuracy with which the above conditions are fulfilled depends the correctness of the working of all integrators ; for not only do these two cases entirely" cover the action of 134 the two classes of planimeters, and the corresponding continuous integra- tors, but one of the limiting cases in each, viz., that in which the force acts in the plane of rotation of the wheel (when a=90°), represents the conditions under which the wheel of the boundary meas- urer or opisometer is employed. It may be therefore said that the theory of me- chanical action of integrators is based upon one or other of the following as- sumptions, in which the limiting case (namely, when a=r90), is included. Class I. — That the rollmg of the planimiter, when slipping is allowed, is Nj^X^jfZsin a. Glass II. — That no slipping takes place, which amounts to the assertion that ■'sm a Nj and N^ being the readings in each case, and k^ and h^ suitable constants for the instruments. It is easy to see that the first of these J 135 is really the assumption made for all in- struments in Class I. ; but in the various instruments in Class II., it is only with the i^lanimeter of Mr. Boys that it be- comes directly obvious that the above as- sumption is made. With the others, though it is less evident, nevertheless, it will be found, on examination, to be equally true that the second supposition is really made, and that upon its truth the correct action of all instruments in the second class depends. The forces acting in each of the two cases must therefore be taken into consideration and the mechanics of the problem exam- ined. Proceeding in order of simplicity, Class II. will be examined first. Let AB in both cases (Fig. 50) be the plan of the measuring roller. Let S= reaction of surface upon which AB rolls, that is, the force with which it is kept in con- tact with it ; /^= coefficient of friction between roller and surface ; 136 P=OC==reaction of surface, which must be brought mto action in a horizontal direction to cause the roller to turn on its axis. Class 11. {Fig. 50).— Suppose the frame in which the roller is carried to be free to move in any direction horizontal- ly, let a force be gradually applied at the center of the roller AB in the direction perpendicular to the plane of rotation. This will produce no effect as long as it is less than the maximum resistance, which can be opposed by friction be- tween the edge of the roller and the sur- face upon which it rests, that is, as long as K=:OD (Fig. 50) 6) it must never be so great as to cause the roller AB to slip, and therefore only a motion of pure rolling can take place. By proper mechanical devices the roller can be made to turn very easily, and angle be kept very small. i 139 The magnitude of the force which must be appHed in any position of the roller to effect this motion, is sin a =Y cosec a, and is at once given by the intercepts drawn from O to OE in the construction, shown in Fig. 50, for any other value of a. Class I. (Fig. 51) — Suppose that the frame does oppose restraint, and that this restraint is such as to always cause the center of AB to move in the direc- tion in which the force acts. Let OF (Fig. 51) lie in this direction, making the angle a with the axis of AB, draw EF perpendicular to OF from the point E, then by the triangle of forces. The force required to move AB is P^ = OF = Syucos {a-6). The reaction which is supplied by the frame is QrrEF = S/>-' — r~- ---. ^ ><^ v-^ y^ 1 ^^ \ ^x / \ ! \ \ \ / \ ! \ 1 \ 1 \ M \ \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 \ \ 1 \ \ 1 1 \ \ / \ \ \ \ / / N \.^ "^■"■-.. j ^^'' in the direction of the plane of rotation. The roller m which rests on the upper surface of the disk, which latter has its edge divided, and is in juxtaposition with a vernier (y). The axis of the roller is fixed, and its edge is thus kept always vertically under a microscope (K). The 147 :Fis.55 148 position of the disk is noted, and it is then moved forward about 8 revolutions (or exactly 2,900°), which gives the roller about 130 revolutions, and a mark is ob- served on the latter. Then in theory the result of giving 8 more revolutions to the disk in the same direction should be to bring the same mark of the roller under the microscope, Practically the succes- sive motions of the disk will be a little different, so that the second advance of the disk will not be exactly the same as in the first case. The same mark on the roller is, however, always brought under the microscope, and. the difference in turning of the disk is what is noted. In the following table — ^=: number of experiment, (p= angle by which the disk differs from last reading, so that the second column gives the po- sitions of the disk at the end of succes- sive advances in which the roller is made to take 130 complete revolutions, the third column shows the travel of disk in minutes (2,900° having, of course, to be added to the readings). The fourth 149 gives the difference between these and a mean value. The last gives the ratio of these differences to the travel. T -1: 1 s 1 05 of COt> OOCOi>OOJ>0 oooooooooo oooooooooo 1 1 1 1 1 + 1 ++ 1 7 -a- 1 1 OO^OOQOCOWOOOOOGO •- oooooooooo 1 1 1 i 1 ++ 1 + 1 of T 1 -SI ^^^ssss^g^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ o * •.s> 1 §§g55^gi^g^S ^ 00 O^ rH O -t CO ^ O o •^ OTH05C0TjX)OO 1—1 150 y/m a. CC \A £ 151 Case II. To test the results when a roller partly rolls and partly slips, Dr. Amsler used the apparatus shown (Fig. 56) in plan and elevation. In this C is a carriage, running upon four wheels, on the base (B), which has parallel grooves planed in it ; the travel of the carriage being limited by two stops at the ends. Upon the surface of C the measuring roller {iii) rests, being attached to a plate A. By means of the graduations on A the axis of {iii) can be set at any required angle with reference to the direction of motion of the carriage. The frame sup- porting the roller is carried on the disk by means of pivots, so as to allow (m) to rest on the surface of C with the constant pressure of its weight. If a wangle of axis of {jii) in the direc- tion of the motion of the car- riage ; s= motion of the carriage ; ^< = turning of the roller; Then w=s sin a = s cos( ^ — aj=s cos /i. 152 If <7>= actual reading of vernier v and (p=q)^ when = 90 or /i = 0; then u=zs cos (^ — ^o)' iL=s COS {(p„ — cp^), etc. ; Then tan ", '^"^ ■^,-". '^»^ ■?,, COS {(p,-Cp^) COS (^,- ^)o In the following Table, which repre- sents the results of experiments when the disk was covered with a surface of pear-tree wood, carefully polished (paper being, however, found to afiord almost as good results) : z=as before, the number of the experi- ment ; Bi= angle of inclination of roller for ex- periment (/) ; «/^= motion of roller as observed for ex- periment (e) ; ?^i= motion of roller as calculated. 153 1 OrHC0Ti<.rHO-.---rHOTHO 1 + + + + + + 1 1 ^ -d o =3 . 3 ""^ a ^ ^ T-> r^ CI y^ '^ a> a <^ "^ lO r^ CO IC C^i O O O "^ tH CO IC *-■? > O C5 t> L- C> w ^ 1 ^' o ociCia:)OOOco-<*rt^THr-i , 1 perim u'. ci c-> 1-1 1- o o o t- o o L-r ■"^ o 1-H o »o T— 1 O rt^ c:ooxoo-,oOTi^'*TH,-H i 1 ; O O O O O tS O CO O CO O CO CO CO JC ■^ ^ oocoooo^^cgoo II o OOOC:COt--^OCQCOOi-H (MC^l-^TfCOCOOOOO ^ Oi-KNCOTtOCOt'XCSO Class III. — The actual conditions of motion when a force smaller than the component of S/^, acts obliquely to the plane of rotation of the measuring roller, do not appear to have been made the subject of direct experiment. It is ap- 154 parently always tacitly assumed that no slipping takes place. But this crucial point cannot be thus left to mere con- jecture, and the author has designed a method of carefully testing this, which he has not yet been able to properly carry out. From a few rough observa- tions, there seems little doubt, howevei, that some slipping always does take place, and that its amount is, in the limiting cases, by no means inconsider- able. Lastly, a few words may be said con- cerning the work of Professor W. Tinter and of Professor Lorber. The former has examined most carefully no less than nine different planimeters, from which he concludes that the different angles at which the measuring roller of the jDolar planimeters has little effect upon the re- sult, and that, taking one turn of the measuring roller as fz=100 square cm., the average error in the reading was only from ^0.00075 to 0.0013, according as the center of rotation was without or within the area to be measured. The 155 work of Professor Lorber is so exten- sive and elaborate that it is impossible to do more than give in the most brief form the results at which he has arrived after many thousands of experiments. He concludes that error in the reading is always represented by an equation of the form — dn=K ' -\-M\/ny (172= the error in the reading, K and // being con- stants, where ??=:the reading of the meas- uring roller; the above equation gives rise to one of the following form : where r= actual area to be meas- ured, and ^/F,i = tl]e error in the result ex- pressed in terms of the area. The following are the results given in his latest paper : Linear planimeter dF = 0.00081/+ 0.00087^F7 156 Polar planimeter = 0.00126/ + 0.00022 VF/ Precision polar planimeter = 0.00069/+ 0.00018 ^jy' Freely swinging planimeter = 0.00060/"+ 0.00026y'jy Simple plate planimeter = 0.00056/+ 0.00084^1/ Rolling (Coradi) planimeter = 0.0009/+ 0.0006 ^jy The degree of accuracy represented by these results may be inferred from the fact that in one case of the last plan- imeter, when d¥ 1 /=100 the relative ^^'I'^^'^-p ^fg-ggQ" 157 Discussion. Sir Frederick Bramwel], President, said that the paper having been read only in abstract, there had been no mention whatever of what the author himself had done. The members would no doubt, under the circumstances, allow him con- siderable latitude in personally explain- ing the apparatus on the table. He would not, however, ask them to defer the ex- pression of their thanks to Professor Shaw for his valuable paper until this explanation was given ; but he felt sure that after this was done, it would be still more clear that those thanks were well deserved. Professor H. S. Hele Shaw said that the paper had been only read in the form of a brief abstract because from the nature of the subject, and its method of treat- ment, it appeared advisable that he should personally give a short accouut of its contents. The engravings, of which 158 there were a good many, could not be prepared in time to be sent to those who were Kkely to take part in the discussion, and, therefore, he would explain the principal points which he believed to be original, and which he hoped would be thoroughly discussed. He would take this opportunity of thanking Professor Amsler for kindly lending him several instruments, some of which were now shown for the first time in this country, having been sent from Switzerland for the pur^DOse, at Professor Amsler's own expense. He also wished to thank Mr. C. V. Boys for lending him models of his tangent integrators, and also two of the actual instruments to exhibit ; and his friend and colleague, Mr. C. D. Selman, for several valuable suggestions and as- sistance in the preparation of some of the diagrams. The author then proceeded to explain, by means of the diagrams on the walls, and by models which had been constructed on a large scale, the princi- ples of the classification adopted in the paper and the various instruments exhib- ited. 159 Mr. William Anderson (of Erith) ob- served that he had had considerable ex- perience with continuous integrators in measuring work done by agricultural implements. There was a good deal to be said about the use of those instru- ments and the defects to which they were liable, about the personal error, which was an important point, and errors from imperfect adjustment. The conclusion at which he had arrived with regard to continuous integrators, in which the space passed over and the strain were multi- plied together and registered continu- ously, was that they were exceedingly good for comparative results, but were not altogether to be trusted for positive indications. In comparing, for example, a number of machines working in a field under similar circumstances as to weather and everything else, with the same oper- ator, the comparative results would be trustworthy ; but if there were any vari- ation in any of the conditions, they would not. There was always a good deal of doubt about the positive results. The 160 causes of error were these. In the con- tinuous integrators the integrating wheel was attached to a train of wheel -work which possessed a considerable amount of inertia and friction. In planimeters, and integrators of that class, where the observations could be made slowly, at a steady speed, and where the conditions did not vary, inertia did not count for much ; but in the steam-engine, and in agricultural implements or in traction in- dicators, there were great and rapid vari- ations of speed. The sudden strains which were put on hj the tractive force shifted the integrating wheel along the disk suddenly, and the speed changed in a similar manner. The force necessary to accelerate the movement of the inte- grating wheel and its mechanism tended to cause a slip, which was partly counter- acted by a slip produced by the force necessary to arrest its motion when the speed changed, but the friction of the mechanism always acted in the same di- rection, tending to augment the error. "With one implement, for example, if there 161 were a tolerably steady pull with no sud- den variation in the velocity, there would be one amount of error, whereas if an- other implement were worked in a jerky fashion there would be a totally different amount of error. With regard to per- sonal error, to which the author did not attach much importance, he had reason to think that it was of great consequence. The degree of care and skill exhibited in adjusting the instrument and taking the measurements had an important in- fluence ; he was therefore always careful, in a series of experiments with agricultu- ral implements, to have the same ob- server throughout, if possible, because the results aimed at were rather compar- ative than positive. Still, he was bound to say that, with care and experience, satisfactory positive results could be at- tained. The author did not appear to be aware of the extensive use which the Royal Agricultural Society had made of the integrator which had always been known as Morin's, but it appeared that honor had been ascribed where it was 162 not strictly due ; probably the reputation of the great French mechanic, who had done so much to introduce it, had ob- scured the claims of the real inventor. For the last thirty-five years the Royal Agricultural Society had used continuous integrators, and he thought that there was no one more competent to speak of their action than Sir Frederick Bram- well, who had himself conducted many of the experiments. The issues had often been very important, involving the for- tunes of manufacturers of agricultural implements, which had, in a great meas- ure, hung upon the indications of the dynamometers. Most of the apparatus used by the Eoyal Agricultural Society had been designed and constructed by the late Mr. C. E. Amos, M. Inst. C. E., and by his son Mr. J. C. Amos, who for many years filled the office of Consulting Engineers. With reference to continu- ous indicators for steam-engines, he had little or no experience. He had tried them, but the results had not been, so far, satisfactory. One of the chief defects 1 163 was the difficulty of keeping the little in- tegratiug wheel perfectly free from flats. It was not easy to find any metal per- fectly uniform throughout ; and if it were not uniform, a fiat would soon form, and then all the results would be utterly un- trustworthy, because the wheel tended to hesitate at the fiat place. Formerly in- tegrating wheels were made of gun-metal, cast with great care, and under a great deal of head. Latterly they had been made of steel, and a better result had been obtained. But even when the wheel wore uniformly, if the width of the sur- face in contact with the disk varied, then again there was a source of error, because the surface of the integrating wheel lying upon the disk became greater, and then there was uncertainty as to the true di- ameter of the periphery of the disk on which the integrating wheel was Avorking. The only way of eliminating these errors was by repeated testing of the appar- atus. Mr. C. Vernon Boys said the first part of the paper on which he desired to say 164 a few words was the division of the sub- ject into different classes. The author had referred to one system of classifica- tion which Mr. Boys had adopted in a jDaper published in the Philosophical Magazine, a division into three classes. The author had rightly shown that the two classes which Mr. Boys had called the " radius class," and the " Amsler class.'' were in a mechanical sense, that was, so far as the connection between the surface of the integrating wheel or roller and the surface on which it worked was concerned, absolutely identical. But though that was undoubtedly the case, he thought the division might still hold good, for an inventor could not have con- trived machines in one class or in the other without having had some such sys- tem of division in his mind at the time of the invention. There was one con- siderable omission in the paper, and that was the only point on which he felt it necessary to find fault. There was no mention of a very large series of most beautiful machines, designed, and he be- 165 lieved partly constructed, by the author himself. As those mstruments had been fully described in a paper by Professor Shaw before the Royal Society, possibly he thought that they were so well known that it was unnecessary to describe them again ; but it would certainly have ren- dered the paper far more complete and valuable if that large amount of work had been incorporated in it. Of all the in- struments brought before them, he thought that the new precision phmim- eters and that extraordinary spider- look- ing instrument criuvling on the sphere, were those which called for the utmost admiration. It was impossible to look at them or to use them without being impressed with the extreme mechanical beauty of their construction and design. But though that was undoubtedly the case, he thought that no one could see some of the combinations of a sphere with three, eight, or six little w^heels round it, inventions of the author, with- out classing them even above those in- struments in point of beauty. 166 The author had spoken of the tangent principle as being a particular case of machines which worked without slipping. This was perfectly true ; but there was a very great distinction between integrators dej^ending upon the tangent action and integrators depending upon a rolling ac- tion of the radius class, to which alone the other machines belonged. There was one accidental mistake in the wall dia- grams representing two spheres which he desired to point out, as it was a little puzzling. In the instrument of Clerk Maxwell, one of the non-slipping radius class, the axes of the two sp'ieres were shown in such a position that rolling would ultimately make them coincide. In reality, the equator of one rolled over the pole of the other, as was obvious to those who had anything to do with integrators. The distinction between instruments of the tangent class and those of the radius class might be represented by the little wheel of the instrument. The accuracy of integrators of the radius class depended upon the exact size of the wheel, and the I 167 exact size of the surface upon which it rolled; and, as Mr. Anderson had re- marked, it was very much impaired when flats formed upon any of the surfaces in contact, for there was then a little hesita- tion. The mere action of integrating machines in which there was slipping was sure to produce those flats at some time or other, so that the time they were likely to last and the amount of work they were capable of doing were limited. The actual size of the roller was of importance, for as it wore and became gradually smaller, the number of rotations were affected, and therefore the recorded result gradu- ally increased. These were the objections to instruments of what he had called the radius type. In the class of instru- ments at which he had worked exclusively, and which he believed he had originated until he found that to a certain extent Mr. B. Abdank- Abakan owicz had pre- ceded him, the wheel was allowed to roll along just in the direction in which it was pointing. Anyone who had been in the streets of London must have noticed 168 with wliat extraordinary persistence and power the wheels of all vehicles went in the direction in which they were point- ing. A butcher's cart driven round a corner with tremendous fury would often, in sjDite of its jumping on the ground, still continue its course with very little side slip. If the springs were sufficiently good, or the road sufficiently smooth, so that the wheel kept in contact with the ground it would apparently not slip at all. In the case of the first instrument which he had made, which he had called the cart integrator, he was astonished to find with what extraordinary accuracy results were obtained by its use, such, for example, as the area of a circle and other things that were known. In that instru- ment he had depended entirely upon the fact that the steering wheel of a tricycle would go along in the direction in which it pointed. The instrument had to pull a heavy brass cart after it and slide in a comparatively roughly-made groove, but even so he found the value of ;r, on squar- ing the circle, came out 3.14 when using 169 a very rough home-made instrument. It seemed, then, that if the sources of side slip which were undoubtedly present, due to the great friction that had to be overcome in dragging the cart, could be removed — that was, if the ground under the cart could be made easily movable, which was the case when it was converted into a cylinder, the cylinder would follow exactl}^ in the direction in which it should go. For that reason an integrator of that class was free from the objections which had been raised, that in time inte- grators wore out, the little wheel got flats upon it, and as the size varied the record varied. In the case in point there was no slii)ping and no tendency to make flats, and if the wheel was made half or twice the size the record was the same, for it only depended on the direction in which it wanted to go, not upon the amount that the wheel turned in going along in that direction. He desired to say a word or two with regard to an in- strument, his engine-power meter, which was not so well known as he had hoped 170 it might be. There were certain sources of error apparently present in it, but which were really imaginary. In the first place, it would seem that if the posi- tion of the piston-rod, and, therefore, the angular position of the little tangent wheel G varied in the least, then as the cylinder H traveled along there would be an error due to the angular want of true precision. But that was not so, for sup- posing the spring to be too long or too short, and the tangent wheel to be per- manently deflected, when there was no steam pressure, at an angle, say, of 2° or 3°, then as the cylinder moved in one di- rection, the wheel would run up a certain slope, and when the cylinder moved in the other direction, it would run back along the same slope, and so far as that was concerned, no error would be introduced. The wheel might be set at a permanent angle, and the roller work backwards and forwards, and nothing would be recorded at the end of the operation. He could show it with a rough paper and wood model. If he permanently compelled 171 the tangent wheel to assume a certain angle by holdmg it with his thumb, as the cylinder traveled in one direction, it would rotate a certain amount, and when it traveled in the other direction it would rotate back again, and on the dial there would be no permanent record. The disk-cylinder integrator had one serious defect ; it was very difficult to apply it to cases in which growth of time or of mo- tion was continuous. If it was desired to have a time-integral and a motion-in- tegral, when the motion was continuous, it could not be easily applied, because when the cylinder had got to one end of the stroke, there was nothing for it but to stop and come back again. It was, therefore, necessary to apply a mangle motion, so that as the motion was con- tinuous the cylinder went backwards and forwards ; then by causing the cylinder to work between two tangent wheels al- ternately, or by letting the mangle-motion work ordinary reversing gear between the cylinder and the recording mechan- ism, continuous integration could be ef- 172 fected. But of course the instrument, where continuous integration was con- cerned, would not compare with the spherical integrators designed by the author. On the other hand he did not think that any instrument, in the peculiar case presented by the automatic integra- tion of an engine diagram, could compare with it, for those peculiarities of motion which interfered with the ordinary form of radius machines, by causing a perpet- ual scrubbing, to which reference had been made, produced no trouble at all, for there was no side-slipping, and be- cause the very large moment of the radius integrator was replaced by the extremely small moment of a little cup containing a wheel not the size of a three-penny bit, and by a little bar of steel. In fact, the moment of the piston and its attachments was nothing like so great as that of an ordinary Richards Indicator, because there was no multii^lication of motion. Mr. W. Anderson wished to state that he had been able to bring to the meeting the integrating part of one of the old 173 dynamometers of the Royal Agricultural Society. The date of its construction was unknown, but he believed it w^as about the year 1848. ■ Mr. J. G. Mair observed that the au- thor had not given himself sujB&cient credit for the machine he had invented, and he would like to ask him if the read- ing of the counter gave such accurate results as the vernier on Amsler's plan- imeter. To read by means of a counter was of great advantage, and especially so where large numbers of indicator dia- grams had to be taken out ; on some of the engine trials he had made, three hundred diagrams had to be averaged, and constantly reading the vernier on Profes- sor Amsler's instrument was trying to the eyes. The application of the inte- grating machine as a power meter was a most useful one, and he had made several trials with the one invented by Mr. 0. Vernon Boys ; on three trials the read- ings were 68.5, 68.2, and 73 by the me- ter, against 67, 67.5, and 72 in the pump. The pump-power was taken from the dis- 174 placement of the pump piston, and the head as shown on a mercury gauge. He thought those results were a proof of the correctness of the iustrumeut. He did not think that reading a counter was more difficult than reading the dial of a watch. One other measurement had to be made, namely, the distance between the stops, and as that could be measured with an ordinary rule, a child could almost make the simple calculation, so that he did not think personal error very much affected such an instrument. There was naturally a good deal of diffidence in using a machine, the details of which were not thoroughly grasped. With an indicator diagram, there was something to see which was readily understood ; but where compound measurement was shown on a counter, it was at first difficult to realize the reading as correct. As soon, however, as the instruments were better known, he had no hesitation in saying that, where the absolute shape of an in- dicator diagram was of no consequence, the continuous integrator would entirely 175 supersede all other means of measuring power. Mr. Druitt Halpin said that the author had referred to one of the minor im- provements by putting a locking-spring to the frame. Mr. Mair had noticed the great difficulty there was in reading the instrument, on account of the small scale to which it was graduated, l)ut the author had not completely followed the idea of adding the locking arrangement. The convenience of reading the instrument was doubtless very great, for it could be taken up and put in a good light, but the real object of the locking gear was to make the instrument do its own addition, and also carry over the decimal places now lost. Instead of taking each dia- gram by itself, and writing down the result of each separately, and adding them up, the instrument w^as set at and and locked ; the instrument was run over the diagram, and it was locked, and so on. So that by taking ten diagrams succes- sively, and putting the decimal point one point back, the instrument was made to do 176 its own addition It bad the further ad- vantage that, whatever the last decimal might be, it was carried on by the instru- ment. If it was 2.38, it could not be said whether it w^as 2.389 or 2.381. With regard to Mr. Boys' application of these instruments, he had had an opportunity of testing it on an engine of 120 or 130 I. H. P., and he found the results coin- cided within from 1 to 2 per cent, of the indicated power which was obtained with standard indicators. With Mr. Webb's permission, he also put one of his power- meters on the large rail mill at Crewe, and took a series of observations there of the exact power required to roll a rail, from the moment the ingot touched the rolls to the moment the next ingot touched them, which gave the true pow- er, correction being made for any differ- ence of velocity in the fly-wheel. It gave the power both while the engine was running with the bloom in the mill and when it was running empty. Whether the machine in its j)resent form would be suitable for locomotives, he was hardly 177 prepared to say, because he feared that the attachment which was provided for taking diagrams was, perhaps, so heavy that its inertia would interfere with the correct action of the instrument. But, if that was Hghtened, or the attachment left out, he was sure the best results would be obtained from it. Mr. H. Cunynghame said that his at- tention had been called a great deal to Mr. Boys' machines, in the development of which he had assisted, as they were first designed for practical application to steam-engines. He had made many at- tempts to apply continuous integrators for the purpose of integrating electric power, and he certainly could safely bear out all that Mr. Anderson had said about the imperfections of integrators of the slipping type. If a wheel was running in any direction in which it was likely to slip upon the surface, it would be rubbed into facets, and in like manner, a sphere would be rubbed into a polyhedron. In this state both wheel and sphere would be worse than useless for integration. 178 But if these machines had an integrator of the roller type, even if it had facets already, the rolling wonld take the facets out of it just as an apothecary rolled his pills. Instead of an integrating wheel of hard steel, as was necessary in all in- tegrating machines of the slipping type, in those of the rolling type, soft metal might be used, and the more it was used the better it would get. Moreover, in such machines, since what was counted was not the revolutions of the wheel, but the revolutions of something caused to roll by means of the wheel, the accuracy of shape of the rolling wheel became of minor importance, and even if it " skated" over the surface instead of rolling, a fair result would be obtained. He thought Mr. Anderson's remarks were somewhat unjust to planimeters of the rolling type, which he did not think had been brought before the public so as to be within the experience of anyone. That led him to say a few words on Mr. Boys' steam- power meter. He believed that Mr. Boys and he were the first in this country to 179 make a trial of those machines. They made a trial at the works of Messrs. Ran- some & Jocelyn at Battersea, and for that purpose they had an extremely good indicator made by Messrs. Elliot. It would be quite understood that Mr. Boys' indicator was not in any way cali- brated by mere trial. They took the measurements of the engine and the di- ameter of the cylinder. Then thej^ took the amount by which a certain pressure of steam would cause the spring to rise, just as was done before taking the H. P., by means of a Richards Indicator. They thought that if those two machines were used upon the same engine, and if the re- sults given by the two machines, namely, Richards and Boys, were independently calculated from the constants of the two machines, then, if these results nearly corresponded, a very remarkable coinci- dence of testimony would be obtained. They therefore put Boys' machine on the engine alternately with Richards', and he thought they must have alternated twenty times, and the results of Boys' machine 180 were found to be uniformly, during the first series of experiments, about 23 per cent, too high. That puzzled them ex- tremely, but upon examination they found that the manufacturer, instead of making the piston 1 inch in diameter, had made it 1 square inch in area, and when they made the proper correction they found the results to agree to about Ih per cent., and with those stated by Mr. Hal^Din and Mr. Mair. Mr. Mair's tests were made in this way: he raised, by means of a pump, a given weight of water through a number of feet, and then he estimated the foot pounds and compared them with one another, and the result showed a re- markable degree of accuracy, the discrep- ancy of one or two per cent, being account- ed for by the loss of work owing to the raising of the pump valves, which were large and heavy. Dr. William Pole, after testifying to the high character of the paper, offered a few remarks on the very early example of mechanical integration with which the author had connected his name. It had 181 come about in the following manner : Some half century ago the engineers of the center and north of England became aware of the reports published from time to time of the extraordinary econ- omy of the pumping engines of the mines of Cornwall. These reports at first ob- tained no credence, and even when they were found to have some foundation, the most singular attempts were made to explain them away. In the midst of the controversy, the late Mr. Thomas Wick- steed, M. Inst. C. E., the Engineer to the East London Water Works Company, determined to throw light on the ques- tion by buying an engine in Cornwall, and setting it up to pump water on his own premises at Old Ford, where it could be thoroughly tested and exam- ined. The subject had previouslj^ been brought before the notice of the British Association for the Advancement of Sci- ence, and had attracted the attention of Professor Henry Moseley. He, in writ- insr his excellent work on " The Me- 182 chanical Principles of Engineering and Architecture," had become acquainted with a principle of dynamometrical ad- measurement proposed by Mr. Ponce- lot, and carried out in 1883 by General Morin ; and it occurred to him that a machine might be contrived on a similar principle, applied to record the work done by a steam-engine, l)y a species of mechanical integration, combining the pressure exerted on the piston with the space moved through ; and it was seen that such a machine would be most use- fully applied in testing the performance of Mr. VVicksteed's Cornish engine. At the meeting of the Britisli Associa- tion in ] 840, a grant was made for the purpose, and a committee, consisting of Professor Moseley, Mr. Eaton Hodgkin- son, and Mr. J. Enys, was a2)pointed to carry it out. The machine was con- structed under Professor Moseley's di- rection, and a full account of it was given in the report for the following year. The trials were then made on the engine, and the results were exceedingly satis- 183 factory. The integrator worked for a month without intermission, and its in- dications, when calculated out, were found to agree closely with the results obtained, as accurately as they could be, by other means. The fixed data of the engine had all been well ascertained, but, to render the comparison complete, it was found de- sirable to get, if possible, an accurate measurement of the velocity of the pis- ton at various parts of its stroke ; this velocity was very variable, depending not only on the mass in motion, but also on the ever-varying force of steam acting on the piston, and on means which had hitherto been devised for ascertaining the velocity experimentally. The atten- tion of the committee had, however, been directed to an admirable chrono- metrical instrument contrived by Messrs. Poncelot and Morin, and Professor Moseley undertook to adapt a machine on this principle to the Old Ford en- gine. At this time Dr. Pole (who had been IS I oooupioil iuiioptMultutlv it\ invostijjfrtting tho rtoiion of the OiU'uish eiij^ino) \\i\i\ the honor of bein*j' itwittnl to join the eoiniuittee» ivnd the two siu'cotnlino- re- ports, \\\ IS4;> ixud \SAA, wore writttMi hv hiiu. By luertus of these two iustnimeiits, and by t\\\ ordinary indieator, aided by eai^eful observiitions ns to the consump- tion of ooa\ i\\\<\ water, and other vari- able factors, the workin*^ of the OKI Ford Cornish engine was investigated, both theoretieally and practically, i!\ a most con^plete and accunUe maniier, and the peculiarities of this fornt of engine, as comjvared with the oi\linary engines iu use at that time, weit) thoi\^ughly brought out, so a^ to clear up all the doubts that had been so long entertained by eugineei*s. This application of a me- chanical integnUor to i-eal work of mag- nitude and importance was probably the earliest made. It was intendevl to fol- low it \ip by adapting the machine to other purposes, especially to oi»ean-goiug steamers, and it was actually fitted to the cTjf^iueH of the (Ireat Wehtern htearu- ship un her firnt voyaj^e, but by an acci- dent which it waH difficult to repair at sea, the experiment wan rendered UKe- lesB, and the attempt wan never re- newed. Mr, \V. li. iJouHlield naid ho liad nut had the advantage of reading the proof of ProfeHBor Shaw'n paper, but Jjc had heard it read in ith nhort form at the previous meeting, and he thought po»- ftibly it miglit be of inferent, and uneful in connection with a paper whicij dealt, more or lesB, with the different typen of mer.'hitnical integratorn, if he mentione. Then if "M — ab, the dial would register the area PP,P,P3. Any irregular area must be supposed to be made up of infinitesimal elements formed in the same manner as PP,P^ Mr. E. Sang observed that in the " Transactions of the Koyal Scottish So- ciety of Arts " there was a description of a plantometer, by Arthur Beverley, of Dun- edin. New Zealand. In it the rubbing wheel was guided in a straight path. A very simple analysis showed that, because the 210 tracer returns to its first position, the re- sult was true, whatever might be the curve of this guide, so that Beverley's and Amsler-Laffon's were two cases of a general law. They were identical in principle ; it was not likely that, in his out-of-the-way position, Beverley had known of the other. Professor Shaw remarked that he had already called attention to the fact that Mr. Abdank-Abakanowicz had anticipated Mr. Boys in the use of the non-slipping principle for integrators, but he was glad that the former gentleman had alluded to the tracing of an integral curve by in- struments acting on this principle. This was a problem of considerable interest, and the author migbt mention that he had, in a j^aper before the Royal Society, called attention to a particular case of the integral curve. In this case if the section of any solid were taken on the plane of the paper, a curve, which he had called the curve of areas, might be drawn, the ordinates at any point of which repre- sented the area of the cross-section of the 2J1 solid at that point perpendicular to the plane of the paper. Such curves might no doubt be drawn by an adaptation of the instruments of Messrs. Abdank-Aba- kanowicz and Boys, and there seemed to be considerable scope for further investi- gation in that direction. The author was obliged to express his disagreement with the opinion of Gen- eral Babbage, that all integrators except the simplest planimeters would become obsolete and give place to arithmetical calculating machines. Continuous and discontinuous calculating machines, as they had respectively been called, had entirely different kinds of operations to perform, and there was a wide field for the employment of both. All efforts to employ mere combinations of trains of wheelwork for such operations as were required in continuous integrators had hitherto entirely failed, and the author did not see how it was possible to deal in this way with the continuously varying quantities which came into the problem. No doubt the mechanical difficulties were 212 great, but that they av ere not insuperable was proved by the daily use of the disk, ■ globe, and cylinder of Professor James ^ Thomson in connection with tidal calcu- lations and meteorological work, and, in- deed, this of itself was sufficient refuta- tion of General Babbage's view. € i University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY )5 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. 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