^ - /pet ' 2^0-et, t/ Manual of Prayers FOR THE USE OF THE CATHOLIC LAITY. PREPARED AND PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE THIRD PLENARY COUNCIL OF BALTIMORE. New York : Thk Cathouc ITblication' vSociktv Co., 9 Barclay Street. lyondou : Burns & Oates, lyimited. The Prayer Book ordered by the Third Plenary Council of Balrimore, having been diligently compiled and examined, is hereby approved. A rchbisliop of Baltimore, Apostolic Delegate. Baltimore, May 17, X Copyright, 1888, BY CLARENCE E. WOODMAN. All rights reserved, and making extracts or selections from this book without the proper permission is strictly prohibited. TABLE OF- CONTENTS. {For full alphabetical Index see end of book.) Devotions to which Indulgences are attached are marked thus : (') Calendar, Movable Feasts, Tables of, Days of Obligation and Devotion, Abridgment of Christian Doctrine, Christian Faith and Practice, . Morning Prayers (Prime), Another Form, Acts of Faith, Hope, etc., Angel us, etc., Grace before and after Meals, Litanies of the Holy Name and Evening Prayers (Compline), Another Form, Devotions for Mass, . Manner of Serving Mass, Blessing of Water and Asperges, Ordinary of the Mass, The Te Deuin, Qtc, Vespers, of Loreto I 14 16 20 25 37 51 53 55 58 60 69 81 89 106 109 114 160 178 r>f\tzA£ytiri Table of Cotctents. Benediction of the Blessed vSacrament, . Occasional Offices — Blessing of Candles, Blessing of Ashes, Blessing of Children Seven Penitential Psalms, and Litany of the Saints Devotions for Confession, Devotions for Communion, Visit to the Blessed Sacrament, Way of the Cross, Seven Words upon the Cross, Rosary (with form of Blessing), Scapular (w-ith form of Investing) The Sacraments in General, Holy Baptism, . Reception of Converts, Confirmation, . Matrimony — The Ceremony Nuptial Mass, Mixed Marriages Churching of Women, Devotions for the Sick, . Communion of the Sick, . Extreme Unction, . Visitation of the Sick, Last Indulgence, Recommendation of a vSoul departing, Burial of the Dead, Adults, Infants, Hymns and Sequences, , Collects, Epistles and Gospels, etc ^be CaIen^ar OF FEASTS CELEBRATED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. {Holy days of Obligation are marked with a 4*.) ABBREVIATIONS EXPIvAINED : Ap. signifies Apostle or Apostles ; M., Martyr or Martyrs ; P., Pope; Ah^)., Archbishop; B., Bishop; C, Confessor; li, Doctor ; Abb., Abbot; V., Virgin; W., Widow; K., King; Q., Queen; Pr., Priest ; H , Hertnit. OTHER MOVaEI^E FEASTS NOT INCI.UDED IN THB) FOL- LOWING CALENDAR. Second Sunday after Epiphany — Holy Name o/Jestis. Friday after Quinquagesinia— /'a.sjfz'ow of our Lord. F'ridaj' after First Sunday in Lent — Holy Crown of Thorns. Friday after Second Sunday in Lent — Spear and Nails. Friday after Third Sunday in 'L,&\\\.—Five Wounds. Friday after Fourth Sunday in Lent— ^l/05/f Precious Blood. Friday after Passion Sunday — Seven Sorrows of the B. V. AI. Third Sunday after Ua.steT—Patro?iage ofSt.foseph. Thursday after Trinity ^\xx\6.2.y— Corpus Christi. Friday after Octave of Corpus OnrisW— Sacred Heart offesus. First Sunday of July— 7J/o^^ Precious Blood. Sunday within the Octave of the Assumption— .S^./oacAzw.', Fa- ther of the B. V. M. Sunday within the Octave of Nativity of B. V. ^l.—Holy Name of Mary. Third Sunday of September— .S'.jz/^w Sorrows of the B. V. M. First Sunday of October— i^o^ary Sunday. Third Sunday of October— .l/a/^rM/Vy of the B. V. M. Second Sunday of 'i^o\&mhQr~Palronage of the B. V. M. I Hbc Calcn^n^. ¥. JANUARY. Huthsi days. -> CIKCC.MCTSIOV OK OT-K i.''Uli Octave of St. Stephen, First Ma>iyr. Octave of St. John, Ap. and Evangelist. Octave of Holy Innocents, M. Vigil. Epiphany of our Lorx>. Of the Octave. Of the Octave. Of the Octave. Of the Octave. Of the Octave. Of the Octave. Octave of the Epiphany. St. Hilarj-, B.C.D. St. Paul. First H. St. Marcellus. P.M. St. Anthony. Abb. St. Peter's Chair at Rome. St. Canute of Denmark, K.M. SS. Fabian and Sebastian, .1/. St. Agnes, V.M. SS. Vincent and Anastasius, ^f. Espousals of the B. J'..\f. St. Timothy, B.M. Conversion of St. Paul, .A p. St. Polycarp, B.M. St. John Chrysostom, Patriarch, CD. St. Agnes, the second time. St. Francis de Sales, B.C.D. St. Martina, I'.M. St. Peter Nolasco, C. Zhe (IaIen^al^ 1 1 FEBRUARY. Haih 28 or 29 days. 1^ 1 I. St. Ignatius, B.M. 2. Purification of the B. V. M. !f^ 3. St. Blase, B.M. pM^II Lm| 4. St. Andrew Corsini, B.C. T f y 5. St. Philipof Jesus, il/. 6. St. Titus, Abp. C. I H2 7. St. Romuald, Abb. M 8. St. John of Matha, C. M\ '1 ii 9. St. Cyril of Alexandria, B.C.D. ^^ 10. St. Scholastica, V. 11. St. Raymond of Pennafort, C. y/jj^'/'l"^ 'in'^ 12. St. Agatha, V.M. 13. Of the Season. 14. St. Valentine, Pr.M. ^4^^^//MlK 15 SS. Faustinusand Jovita, M. ^^v^Vif^ax 16. Of the Season. 17. Of the Season. 18. St. Simeon, B.M. 19. Of the Season. 20. Of the Season. Irl^ivXH 21. Of the Season. VlWlrTlL*! mi 22. St. Peter's Chair at Antioch. 111 23. St. Peter Damian, B.C.D. Vigil. Bk^j^^^^ '^(j^ff^Su 28. Of the Season. * In Leap Year, on the 25th. Cg^^^ N^T>Sb| ' •N'^ — \\/i^^~0\ ^^^^^ / '^'^^^AN ' '/ /~«s.^ ^^MmM)^m^^\^^^ f^^^^^^ sffyT^fTgc] l^^^^pS Ij^jyi^jj^ Lhe Calendar. ■s;^-- K MARCH. Hath 31 dayi 1. Of tlie Season. 2. Of the Season. 3. Of the Season. 4. St. Casimir, C. 5. Of the Season. 5. Of the Season. 7. St. Thomas Aquinas, CD. ^. St. John of God, C. 9. St. Frances of Rome, IV. 3. The Forty MartjTS. I. Of the Season. 2 St. Gregory the Great, PCD. V Of the Season. ;. Of the Season. 5. Of the Season. S. Of the Season. :. St. Patrick, Abp.C, Apostle of Ireland. V St. Gabriel, Archangel. St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church. 20. St. Cyril of Jerusalem, B.C.D. 21. St. Benedict, Abb. 22. Of the Season. 19 23. Of the Season. 24. Of the Season. 25. AXNrNCIATIOX OF THE B. V. M. 26. Of the Season. 27. Of the Season. 2S. Of the Season. 29. Of the Season, 30. Of the Season. ,i. of the Season. ^be Galen^al^ APRIIv. Hath 30 days. 1. Of the Season. 2. St. Francis of Paola, C. 3. Of the Season. 4. St. Isidore, Abp.C.D. 5. St. Vincent Ferrer, C. 6. Of the Season. 7. Of the Season. 8. Of the Season. 9. Of the Season. 10. Of the Season. 11. St. I,eo the Great, P.C.D. 12. Of the vSeason. 13. St. Hermenegild of Spain, K.M. 14. St. Justin, M. 15 Of the Season. 16. Of the Season. 17. St. Anicetus, P.M. 18. Of the Season. 19. Of the Season. 20. Of the Season. 21. St. Anselm, Abp.C.D. 22. SS. Soter and Caius, P.M. 23. St. George, M. 24. St. Fidelis of Sigraaringen, M. 25. St. Mark, Evangelist. 26. SS. Cletus and Marcellinus, P.M. 27. St. Turibius, B.C. 28. St. Paul of the Cross, C 29 St Peter, M 30 St Catherine of Siena, V Zlbe Gale1l^al^ MAY. Halh 31 days. SS. Philip and James, Ap. St. Athanasius, B.C.D. Finding of the Holy Cross. St. Monica, U '. St. Pius v., P. C. St. John before the Latin Gate, St. Stani-slaus, B.M. Apparition 0/ St. Michael, Archangel. St. Gregory Nazianzen, Patriarch, CD St. Antoninu.s, Abp.C Of the Season. SS. Nereus, Achilleus and Comp., M. Of the Season. St. Boniface, M. Of the Season. St. Ubald, B.C. St. Paschal Baylon, C. St. Venantius, M. St. Peter Celestin, P.C. St. Bernardine of Siena, C. Of the Season. St. John Nepomucene, M. Of the Season. Our Blessed Lady, Help of Christians. St. Gregory VIl', P.C St. Philip Neri, C St. Mary Magdalen de' Pazzi, V. St. Augustine of Canterburj', B.C. Of the Season. St. Felix, P.M. St. Angela Merici, F. tlhc (Ialen^al^ JUNE. Hath 30 days. Of the Season. SS. Marcellinus and Peter, M. Of the Season. St. Francis Caracciolo, C. St. Boniface, Abp.M. St. Norbert, Abp.C. Of the Season. Of the Season. SS. Primus and Felician, M. St. Margaret of Scotland, Q. W. St. Barnabas, Ap. St. John of San Fagondez, C. St. Anthony of Padua, C. St. Basil the Great, Abp CD. SS. Vitus and Modestus, M. St. John Francis Regis, C. Of the Season. SS. Mark and Marcellian, M. St. Juliana de' Falconieri, V. St. Silverius, P.M. St. Aloysius Gonzaga, C. St. Paulinus, B.C. Vigil. Nativity of St. John the Baptist. St. William, Abb. SS. John and Paul, M. Of the Octave. St. Irenaeus, B.M. Vigil. SS. Peter and Paul, Ap. (Solemnity transferred to following Sunda\'.) Commemoration of St. Paul, Ap. Che Calen&ar. ^7 :0(^ ^^ 71,^ JULY. Idalh 31 days. Octave of St. John the Baptist. l'i:>iUitton of the B. V, M. St. Leo II., P.C. Of the Octave. SS. Cyril and Methodnis, B.C. Octave of SS. Peter and Paul, Ap. Of the Season. St. Elizabeth of Portugal, Q. V. Of the Season. Seven Brothers, M. St. Pius I., P.M. St. John Gualberto, Abb. St. Anacletus, P.M. St. Bonarenture, B.C.D. St. Henry, A'. C. Our iMciy 0/ Mount Carmel. St. Alexius, C. St. Camillus de' Lelli, C. St. Vincent of Paul, C. St. Jerome Miani, C. St. Praxedes, V. St. Mary Magdalen, Penitent. St. Apollinaris, P.M. St. Francis Solano, C. Vigil. St James. Ap. St. Ann, Mother of the B. V. M. St. Pantaleon, M. SS. Xazarius and others, M. St. Martha, V. SS. Abdon and Sen n en, M. St. It^'-natius Loyola, C. XT be Calendar. AUGUST. Hath ji days. St. Peter's Chains. St. Alphonsus de' L,iguori, B.C.D. Finding of St. Stephen, First Martyr. St. Dominic, C. Our Lady of the Snows. Transfiguration of our L,ord. St. Cajetan, C. SS. Cyriacus and others, M. Vigil. St. LMwrence, M. Of the Octave. St. Clare, V. Of the Octave. Vigil. Fast. Jg- A.^.-^V.MFTION OF THK B. V. M. St. Hyacinth, C. Octave of St. Ivawreuce. Of the Octave. Of the Octave. St. Bernard, Abb.D. St. Jane Frances de Chantal, IV. Octave of the Assumption. St. Philip Benizzi. Vigil. St. Bartholomew, Ap. St. LrOuis of France, K.C. St. Zephyrinus, P.M . St. Joseph Casalanz, C. St. Augustine, B.C.D. Beheading of St. John the Baptist. . St. Rose of Lima, V. . St. Raymond Nonnatus, C. (I he CalcitOar SEPTEMBER. Hath 30 days. 1. St. Giles, Abb. 2. St. Stephen of Hungary, K'.C. 3. Of the Season. 4. Of the Season. 5. St. Lawrence de' Giustiniani, Patri- arch, C. 6. Of the Season. 7. Of the Season. S. Nativity of the B. V. M. 9. Of the Octave. 10. St. Nicholas of Tolentino, C. 11. Of the Octave. 12. Of the Octave. 13. Of the Octave. 14. Exaltation of the Holy Cross. 15. Octave of the Nativity of the B. V. M. 16. SS. Cornelius, P.M., and Cyprian, B.M. 17. The Stigmata of St. Francis, C. iS. St. Joseph of Cupertino, C. 19. SS. Januarius and Companions, M. 20. SS. Eustace and Companions, M. Vigil. 21. St. Matthew, A p. and Evangelist. 22. St. Thomas of Villanova, Abp.C. 23. St. Linus, P.M. 24. Our Lady of Ransom. 25. Of the Season. 26. SS. Cyprian and Justina, M. 27 SS. Cosmas and Damian, M. 2S. St. Weuceslaus of Bohemia, K.M. 29. Dedication of St. Michael, Archangel. 30. St. Jerome, Pr.C.D. Zbc Calenbai\ OCTOBER. Hath 31 days. 1. St. Remy, B.C. 2. Holy Guardian Angels. 3. Of the Season. 4. St. Francis of Assisi, C. 5. St. Placid and Companions, M, 6. St. Bruno, C. 7. St. Mark, /^.C 8. St. Bridget of Sweden, PV. 9. SS. Denys and Companions, M. 10. St. Francis Borgia, C. 11. Of the Season. 12. Of the Season. 13. vSt. Edward, ^.C. 14. St. Callistus, P.M. 15. St. Teresa, K 16. Of the Season. 17. St. Hedwiges, IV. 18. Si. Luke, Evangelist. 19. St. Peter of Alcantara, C. 20. St. John of Kenty, C. 21. St. Hilarion, Abb. 22. Of the Season. 23. Of the Season. 24. St. Raphael, Archangel. 25. SS. Chrysanthus and Daria, M. 26. St. Evaristus, P.M. 27. Vigil. 28. 55. Simon andjude, Ap. 29. Of the Season. 30. Of the Season. 31. Vigil. Fast. 71 ill il k" M ?itefrM ^ S^ Cbe Calendar. ^^\ ^3 NOVEMBER. //a/A 30 days. 4- ALL SAINTS UAV. 2. All Souls' Day. 3. Of the Octave. 4. St. Charles Borromeo, Abp.C. 5. Of the Octave. 6. Of the Octave. 7. Of the Octave. S. Octave of All Saints. 9. Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica, [o. St. Andrew Avellino. C. 18 11. St. Martin of Tours, ^.C. 12. St. Martin, P.M. 13. St. Diego. C. 14. St. Stanislaus Kostka, C. 15. St. Gertrude V. 16. St. Josaphat, B.M. 17. St. Gregory the Wonder- Worker, B.C. Dedication of SS. Peter and Paul's Basil- I »^ ^^^■ E^ 19. St. Elizabeth of Hungary, JV. 20. St. Felix of Valois, C. 21. P)esentatioii of the B. V. M. 22. St. Cecilia, ]'.M. 23. St. Clement, P.M. 24. St. John of the Cross, C 25. .St. Catherine, V.M. 26. St. Peter of Alexandria, B.M. 27. Of the Season. 2S. Of the Season. 29. Vigil. 30. .St. Andyeic, Ap. 'A, Hbc Caleiibai. DECEMBER. Hath 31 days. Of the Season. St. Bibiana, V.M. St. Francis Xavier, C. St. Peter Chrysologus, Abp.C.D. St. Saba, Abb. St. Nicholas, Abp.C. St. Ambrose. ^.CZ>. Vigil. Jc niM.XCULATK CUNCKPTlOX OF THE B. V. M. Patron AL Feast of THE U. S. Of the Octave. Of the Octave. St. Damasus, P.C. Of the Octave. St. Lucy, V.M. Of the Octave. Octave of the Immac. Conception. St. Eusebius, B.M. Of the Season. Expectation of the B. V. M. Of the Season. Vigil. Si. Thotnas, Ap. Of the Season. Of the Season. Vigil. Fast. ^ NA ll\ITV <)!•■ OTK LOR]) St. Stephen, First Martyr. St. John, Ap. and Evangelist. The Holy Innocents, M. St. Thomas of Canterbury, Abp.M. Of the Octaves. St. Sylvester, P C. 1 a Zablc ot flDovablc gcaete. i 1 >. c >> til •n u 3 o s V. «5 3 5 11 1 1 u 1 < is 3 s 1 1888 Feb. 15 Apl. I Mav 10 May 20 May 31 Dec. 2 1 1889 Mar. 6 Apl. 21 Mav 30 June 9 1 June 20 Dec. i 1890 Feb. 19 Apl. 6 Mav i,S Mav 25 June 5 Nov. 30 189I Feb. II Mar. 29 May 7 May 17 : Ma3' 28 Nov. 29 1892 Mar. 2 Apl. 17 Mav 26 June 5 j June 16 j Nov. 27 1893 Feb. IS Apl. 2 Mav II Mav 21 une i ' Dec. 3 1894 Feb. 7 Mar. 25 Mav 3 May 13 May 24 Dec. 2 1H95 Feb. 27 Apl. 14 May 23 June 2 1 June 13 Dec. 1 1896 Feb. 19 Apl. 5 Mav 14 Mav 24 June 4 ' Nov. 29 i8Q7 Mar. 3 Apl. 18 Mav 27 June 6 June 17 Nov. 28 1898 Feb. 23 Apl. 10 Mav 19 Mav 29 June 9 Nov. 27 1899 Feb. 15 Apl. 2 May II May 21 June i ; Dec. 3 1900 Feb. 28 Apl. 15 Mav 24 June 3 June 14 Dec. 2 190 1 Feb. 20 Apl. 7 Mav 16 Mav 26 1 June 6 Dec. I 1902 Feb. 12 Mar. 30 May 8 Mav 18 1 May 29 Nov. 30 1903 Feb. 25 Apl. 12 May 21 Maj' 31 1 June 11 : Nov. 29 1 1904 Feb. 17 Apl. 3 Mav 12 Mav 22 : June 2 , Nov. 27 1905 Mar. 8 Apl. 23 June I une II rune 22 Dec. 3 1906 Feb. 28 Apl. 15 May 24 .une 3 .une 14 Dec. 2 1907 Feb. 13 Mar. 31 May 9 May 19 , May 30 Dec. i 1908 Mar. 4 Apl. 19 Mav 28 June 7 1 June 18 ' Nov. 29 Mav 30 June 10 Nov. 28 1909 Feb. 24 Apl. II May 20 1910 Feb. 9 Mar. 27 Mav s Mav IS , Arav 26 Nov. 27 | 191 1 Mar. I Apl. 16 May 25 June 4 June 15 j Dec. 3 1912 Feb. 21 Apl. 7 May 16 May 26 1 June 6 | Dec. i i9«3 Feb. 5 Mar. 23 May May u May 22 No*'. 30 1914 Feb. 25 Apl. 12 May 21 May 31 1 . mien Nov. 29 1915 Feb. 17 Apl. 4 May 13 May 23 i June 3 1 Nov. 28 MovABivE Feasts. 15 NOTE.— Haster Day (on which all the other movable feasts depend) is always the First Sunday after the Full Moon which happens upon or next after the Twenty-first Day of March ; and if the Full Moon happens upon a Sunday, Faster Day is the Sun- day after. Advent Sunday is always the nearest Sunday to the Feast of St. Andrew, whether before or after. Sepiuagesima 1 f Nine ] ^;r^t"esi.na \ ^--^y - gfe^n' Weeks before EasUr. Quadragesitna J t Six J Rogation Sunday "] f Five Weeks AscensionDay ^ -^ J Forty Days ^ ^^^^^ Easter. Whits undav \ \ Seven Weeks Trinity Sunday J L Eight Weeks The Calendar as at present used was reformed, in the year of our Lord 1582, by Pope Gregory XIII., who ordered the Historical or Civit year to be thencefonvard reckoned from the first day of January. It was not adopted by English-speaking people until January i, 1753. The Ecclesiastical year still begins on the First Sunday in Advent. a IRulC FOR FINDING EASTER OF ANY YEAR IN THIS CENTURY OR THE NEXT. ist. Divide the date of the year by 19, and call the remainder a ; 2d. Divide the date of the year by 4, and call the remainder d ; 3d. Divide the date of the vear b}' 7, and call the remainder c; 4th. Divide „. + j^:[f-„'ss;:s:];- "^ 30, .^ ca.. the remainder d ; 5th. Divide 2* + 4^ + 6rf + ] 4 [Jim gnturyj I ^^ ^_ ^^^ ^^^j ^^^ remainder e ; Then Easter will be the 22d -\- d -\- e o^ March ; or the rf + '. j Lord, or Christmas I I>ay. Also Ascension Day, or the Thursday forty days after Easter. The Circumcision of Our Lord, or New- Year's Day. August. ®n jFaetino anb abstinence. UR Holy Mother, the Catholic Church, does not leave her children without guidance, and to their own de\dces, in this important matter ; she tells them not only whe7i but how to fast and abstain, and the rules she has estab- lished are those inspired by her 'hea- venly wisdom, and shaped and fash- ioned by centuries of practical experi- ence. Every Catholic is bound to keep these mild and gentle xv\^^ first of all heioxQ any other form of bodily mortification can be worthily undertaken. If these are wilfully neglect- ed, no amount of self-imposed austerity can ever make up the loss, or atone for the disobedience. The Ivaw of Ahsttnknc!-. affects only the kifid of food, and has no reference to its quantity. On Ab- stinence days the faithful are obliged to abstain from flesh-meat only ; the number of meals and the amount of food may be the same as on other days. The Law of J asttnc; includes that of Abstinence, and adds special requirements of its own ; it affects both the ki?zd and the quantity of food. On Fasting-days, be- sides the obligation of abstaining from flesh-meat, the number and quantity of meals are restricted. Only one Full Meal is allowed, to be taken about noon or later. Besides this full meal a collation of eight ounces is al- lowed. If the full meal is taken about the middle of 17 i8 On Fasting and Abstinence. the day, the collation will naturally be taken in the evening ; if the full meal is taken late in the day, the collation may be taken about noon. Besides the full meal and collation, general custom has made it lawful to take about two ounces of bread (without butter) and a cup of some warm liquid — as coffee or tea — in the morning. This is important to observe, for by means of this many persons are enabled — and therefore oblig- ed — to keep the fast who could not otherwise do so. It should be borne in mind that these practices of Fasting and Abstinence are not merely penitential works of coimsel, recommended to our obsen-ance, but acts of mortification oi precept, enjoined by laws binding strictly on the conscience ; and therefore not to be evaded or omitted without Mortal Sin. Various reasons, however, may exist for excuse or dispensation from these laws (especially from the law oi fasting), which are commonly noted in the published " Regu- lations for Lent" in every Diocese. But as to ab- stinence, legitimate excuses are ver>' few ; and gene- rally no one can proceed safely in excusing himself from abstinence before consulting his confessor. ahstinencp: days. All the Fridays of the Year. A'b/^.— WTien a Friday happens to be Christmas Day, it is not a day of abstinence. 1 ASilX(T-J)AVS. 1. The Fridays of Advent.* 2. Every Day in Lent ; except Sundays. * In some Dioceses (as in the Province of New Orleans) the Fridays of Advent are not fasting-days. On Fasting and Abstinence. 19 3. The Four Quarter-Tenses, or Ember-Days, viz.: The Wedjiesday, Friday, and Satm'day followiug — I. the first Sunday in Lent ; 2. Whit- sunday ; 3. the fourteenth day of September ; and, 4. the third Sunday of Advent. 4. The Vigils of Whitsunday, of the Assumption, oi All Saints, and of Ondstmas. yVo/^.— When a Fasting-day falls upon a Sunday, it is kept on the Saturday previous. THE TIMES Wherein Marriages are not Solemnized. From Advent Sunday until the Epiphany y and frora Ash Wednesday until Low Sunday. Brief Statement of (Ibri5tian 2)oetrine. The Ten Commandvients of God. — Exodus xx. A:\I the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Eg\'pt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt not have strange gods before Me. Thou shalt not make to thy- self a graven thing, nor the likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, nor of those things that are in the waters under >' -^ the earth. Thou shalt not adore "-" • them, nor ser\-e them. 2. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain. 3. Remember thou keep holy the Sabbath-day. 4. Honor thy father and thy mother. 5. Thou shalt not kill. 6. Thou shalt not commit adulter^-. 7. Thou shalt not steal. 8. Thou shalt not bear false -vs-itness against thy neighbor. 9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods. Brikf Statement of Christian Doctrine. 21 Thr Si.r Cotuifiandinenis of the (liu)-rh. 1. To hear Mass ou Sundays, and Holydays of Obli- gation. 2. To fast and abstain ou the days appointed. 3. To confess at least once a year. 4. To receive the Holy Eucharist during the Easter time. 5. To contribute to the support of our Pastors. 6. Not to marry persons who are not Catholics, or who are related to us within the fourth degree of kin- dred, nor privately without witnesses, nor to solemnize marriage at forbidden times. The Seven Sacrawnifs. Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, . Penance, Extreme Unction, Holy Orders, Matrimony, Till- Thirc 77/, . Matt, xxviii. 19. . Acts viii. 17. . Matt. xxvi. 26. . John XX. 23. . James v. 14. . Luke xxii. 19. . Matt. xix. 6. 'o/oQ^ica/ I 'irtiu's. Faith— Hope— Charity. 77;/- /)>;//• Coydinal l^irfjfrs. Prudence — Justice — Fortitude — Temperance. 77/^ .Seven Gifts of the Moly Ghost. — Ish. \i. 2, 3. Wisdom, Fortitude, The Fear of the Understanding, Knowledge, I^ord. Counsel, Piety, 22 Brief Statement of Christian Doctrine. The Jzl'c/i'i' FruHs of the Holy Ghost. Charity, Benignity, Faith, Jo5% Goodness, Modesty, Peace, Long-suffering, Coutinency, Patience, Mildness, Chastity. 'The Sfii ritual Jl'or^s of Mercy To admonish the sinner, To bear wrongs patiently, To instruct the ignorant. To forgive all injuries, To counsel the doubtful. To pra}- for the li\'ing and To comfort the sorrowful, the dead. ! he Corporal Works of Mercy To feed the hungry, To harbor the harborless, To give drink to the thirsty. To visit the sick, To clothe the naked, To bur}- the dead. To ransom the captive, The Fi^hf Reatitudes. — Matt, v 1. Blessed are the poor in spirit ; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 2. Blessed are the meek ; for they shall possess the land. 3. Blessed are they that mourn ; for they shall be comforted. 4. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after jus- tice ; for they shall be filled. 5. Blessed are the merciful ; for they shall obtain mercy. 6. Blessed are the clean of heart ; for thev shall see God. 7. Blessed are the peacemakers ; for they shall be called the children of God. Brief Statement of Christian Doctrine. 23 8. Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice' sake ; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. The Seven Deadly Siyn. and the opposite Virtues. Pride, Covetousness, Lust, Anger, 5' Humility, Liberality, Chastity, Meekness, Gluttony, Envy, Sloth. s Temperance, Brotherly love Diligence. .S"/^;.v against tlie Holy Ghost. Presumption of God's mercy — Despair — Impugning the known truth — Envy at another's spiritual good — Obstinacy in sin — Final impenitence. .SV//A' ( 'rvjjig to Heai'eri for ] 'engeat'ce. Wilful murder — The sin of Sodom — Oppression of the poor — Defrauding laborers of their wages. ,\'i}/r Ud^'s of hehio , h'ressor\' fn a)wlher^ ^ Siv. By counsel — By command — By consent — By provoca- tion — By praise or flatter}- — By concealment — By par- taking — By silence — By defence of the ill done. Three Hminent good Jl'orks. Prayer — Fasting — Almsgiving. The EiHingelieal Couvsels. Voluntary Poverty — Chastity — Obedience. TJte Four / list Things to /ir l\i'uie)nbrred. Death— Judgment — Hell — Heaven. Subjects for Daily .'^feditafinu. Remember, Christian soul, that thou hast this day, and every day of thy life — 24 Brief' Statement of Christian Doctrine. God to glorify, Jesus to imitate, The Angels aud Saints to invoke, A soul to save, A body to mortify, Sins to expiate, Virtues to acquire, Hell to avoid, Heaven to gain, Eternity to prepare for. Time to profit by, Neighbors to edify. The world to despise, De\'ils to combat, Passions to subdue. Death perhaps to suffer. And Judgment to undergo. Xa? JBaptiem. '"I^ROVIDBD an i7ifant is in danger of dying be- ^— fore a Priest can be prociwed, any other per- son, zvhetherman, woman, or child, may baptize it in the following manner: While pouring common water on the head or face of the infant, pronounce the words : I BAPTIZE THEE IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, AND OF THE SON, AND OF THE HOLY GHOST. a Sumniar? of Cbrietian ifaitb an& practice. I. What every Christian Must BewEve. •> VERY Christian must believe that '.. there is one God, and no more than one God : that God is a pure Spirit, the Ivord and Maker of heaven and earth, who has neither beginning nor , end, but is always the same ; who is everywhere present ; knows and sees all things ; can do all things whatso- ever He pleases ; and is infinite in all perfections. 2. Every Christian is bound to be- ^ lieve that in one God there are three distinct Persons, perfectly equal, of the same substance, and having the same nature : the Father, who proceeds from no one ; the Son, who is born of the Father before all ages ; and the Holy Ghost, who proceeds eternally from the Father and the Son as from one principle ; and that the three Persons are all equally eternal, equal in wisdom and power, and are all three one and the same Lord, one and the same God. 3. We must believe that God created the angels to be with Him for ever, and that one part of them fell 25 26 Christian Faith and Practicr. from God by sin, and became devils. That God also created Adam and Eve, the first parents of all man- kind, and placed them in the earthly Paradise, from whence they were justly banished for the sin they committed in eating of the fruit of the forbidden tree ; and that by this transgression of Adam we are all con- ceived and born in sin, and must have been lost for ever, if God had not sent us a Sa\'iour. 4. We are bound to believe in the Sa\'iour of all mankind, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, true God and true man ; perfect God from all eternit}', equal to His Father in all things ; and perfect man, from the time of Hfs coming down from heaven for us, having a body and soul like ours. 5. We must believe that Jesus Christ, our vSaviour, who had been long foretold by the prophets, was, at God's appointed time, by the power of the Holy Ghost, without ha\'ing any man for His father, con- ceived in the womb of the Virgin Mary ; whom God had prepared for this wonderful ?klatemity in a won- derful manner : in that by a singular grace and pri- vilege, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, she was in the first instant of her conception preserved free from ever>' taint of original sin. Of her, who is Blessed among Women for evermore, was bom our Lord — she still remaining a pure virgin. During the time of His mortal life Jesus Christ founded the Christian religion ; and then offered Himself a Sacri- fice for the sins of the whole world, by dying upon a cross, to obtain mercy, grace, and salvation for us ; and that neither mercy, nor grace, nor salvation can, or ever could, since Adam's fall, be obtained except through the mediation of the Son of God. Christian Faith and Practice. 27 6. We must believe that Jesus Christ, after He died and was buried, arose on the third day from death to life, never to die again ; and that, for the space of forty days, He was pleased, at different times, to manifest Himself to His disciples, and then ascended into hea- ven in their sight ; where, as God-man, He continually intercedes for us. Thence He sent down the Holy Ghost upon His disciples, to abide with them for ever, as He had promised, and to guide them and their suc- cessors into all truth. 7. We must believe the Catholic or Universal Church of Christ, of which He is the perpetual Head, and His Spirit the perpetual Guide ; which is founded upon a rock, and is ever victorious over all the powers of earth and hell. The Church is always One, in all its members professing one faith, in one communion, un- der one chief pastor, called the Pope, succeeding St. Peter, to whom Christ committed His whole flock. The Church is always Holy, in teaching a holy doc- trine, in inviting all to a holy life, and in the eminent holiness of many of its children. It is Catholic, or Universal, for it subsists in all ages, and teaches all nations, and maintains all truth. It is Apostolic, for it derives its doctrine, its communion, its orders, and its mission, by an uninterrupted succession, from the Apostles of Christ. 8. With the Catholic Church the Scriptures, both of the Old and New Testaments, were deposited by the Apostles, It is the guardian and interpreter of them, and the judge of all controversies relating to them. The Scriptures, thus interpreted, together with the tra- ditions of the Apostles, are to be received and admitted by all Christians for the rule of their faith and practice. 28 Christian Faith and Practice. 9. We must believe that when the Pope speaks \^ ex cathedra " — i.e., when, iu discharge of his office of Pas- tor and Teacher of all Christians, he defines, in virtue of his supreme Apostolic authority, a doctrine of faith or morals to be held by the universal Church — he is endowed, by the Di\-ine assistance promised to him iu Blessed Peter, with that Infallibility with which the Di\-ine Redeemer \%-illed that His Church should be furnished, in defining doctrine of faith or morals. And therefore such definitions of the Pope are irre- formable of themselves, and not in virtue of the con- sent of the Church. 10. We nmst believe that Jesus Christ has instituted in His Church seven Sacraments, or mysterious signs and instrumental causes of Divine Grace in our souls : liAPi ISM. by way of a new birth, by which we are made children of God, and cleansed from sin ; Cu.nmk.ma- riuN, by which we receive the Holy Ghost, by the im- position of the hands of the successors of the Apostles : the blessed Ivichakist, which feeds and nourishes our souls with the Body and Blood of Christ, really present under the forms of bread and wine, or under either of them ; 1')-nanc).. b}' which penitent sinners are ab- solved from their sins, by \-irtue of the commission given by Christ to His ministers ; lixTKhMi. Inchun, which ^^^pes away the remains of sin, and arms the soul wth the grace of God in the time of sickness ; Hoi.v Okukks. by which the ministers of God are con- secrated ; and M mrimo.w , which, as a sacred sign of the indissoluble union of Christ and His Church, unites the married couple in a hoh' bond, and imparts to them a grace suitable to that state. 11. We must believe that Jesus Christ has also iu- Christian Faith and Practice. 29 stituted the great Eucharistic Sacrifice of His Body and Blood in remembrance of His Passion and Death. In this Sacrifice, called the Mass, He is mystically im- molated every day upon our altars, being Himself both Priest and Victim. This Sacrifice is the principal wor- ship of the New Law, in which, and by which, we unite ourselves to Jesus Christ ; and ^\'ith Him and through Him we adore God in spirit and truth ; give Him thanks for all His blessings ; obtain His grace for ourselves and the whole world, and pardon for all our sins ; and pray for the living and the dead. 12. We must believe that there is, in the Catholic or Universal Church of God, a Communion of Saints, by means of which we communicate with ail holy persons and in all holy things. We communicate with the Saints in heaven, as our fellow-members under the same head, Christ Jesus ; we give thanks to God for His gifts to them, and we beg a share in their prayers. We communicate "^-ith all the saints upon earth in the same Sacraments and Sacrifice, and in a holy union of faith and charity. And we also commimicate with the faithful who have departed this life in a more imper- fect state, — and who by the law of God's justice are for a while in a state of suffering, — by offering prayers and alms and sacrifice to God for them. 13. We must believe that, by the full concession of Christ, there ever resides in the Church the active power of forgiving sin, and of granting Indulgences for the remission of the temporal punishments of sin ; which may be applied to the souls both of the living and of the dead who have died friends of God and in the peace of Christ. 14. We, must believe also the necessity of Di\due 30 Christian Faith and Practick. Grace, without which we cannot make so much as one step towards heaven ; and that all our good and all our merits are the gift of God ; that Christ died for all men, and that His grace does not take away or oppress our free vdll. 15. We must believe that Jesus Christ will come from heaven at the last day to judge all men ; that all the dead, both good and bad, shall arise from their graves, and shall be judged by Him according to their works ; that the good shall go to heaven with Him, body and soul, to be happy for all eternity in the enjoyment of the Sovereign Good ; and that the wicked shall be condemned, both body and soiu, to the tor- ments of hell. II. What every Christian Must Do /^ VERY Christian, in order to attain life everlasting, ^-A must worship God as his first beginning and last end. This worship is to be rendered, first, by Faith , which makes both the understanding and the will humbly adore and emljrace all those truths which God has taught, however obscure and incomprehensible they maybe to our weakness. Secondly, by llupt; which honors the infinite power, goodness, and mercy of God, and the truth of His promises ; and upon these grounds raises the soul to an assured expectation of mercy, grace, and salvation, through the merits of Jesus Christ. Thirdly, by Lharuv; which teaches us to love God \^^th our whole hearts, for His own sake, and our neigh])or as ourselves, for God's sake. Fourthly, by the virtue of Rkligion ; the chief acts of which are adoration, praise, thanksgiving, oblation Christian Faith and Practice. of ourselves to God, sacrifice, qm^ prayer ; which ought to be the daily employmeuts of a Christian soul. We must flee all idolatry aud all false religious ; also superstition, under which name are comprehended all manner of divinations, all fortune-telling, all witch- craft, charms, spells, observations of omens, dreams, etc. All these things are heathenish, and contrary to the worship of the true and living God, and to that entire dependence which a Christian soul ought to have on Him. But we must devoutl}^ honor the Bver-Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, the Holy Angels, and the Saints reigning in Glory ; whose inter- cessions we shall always most profitably invoke. We should likewise duly reverence all sacred emblems and pious memorials of our Ivord and His Saints, and honor the relics of God's servants whom Holy Church has canonized. 2. We must reverence the name of God and His truth by a religious observance of all lawful oaths and vows, and by carefully avoiding all false, rash, or un- just oaths, and blasphemies. 3. We must dedicate some notable part of our time to His divine service ; and, more especially, consecrate to Him those days which are ordered by His Church to be sanctified or kept holy. 4. Under God, we must love, reverence, and obey our parents, and other lawful superiors, spiritual and temporal ; and observe the laws of the Church and State : as also we must have a due care of our chil- dren, and of others that are under our charge, both as to their souls and their bodies. 5. We must abstain from all injuries to our neigh- bor's person, by murder or any other violence ; and 32 Christian Faith and Practice. from all hatred, envy, and desire of revenge ; as also from spiritual murder, which is committed by draw-ing him into sin, by words, actions, or bad example. 6. We must abstain from all uncleanness in thoughts, words, or actions. 7. We must not steal, cheat, or any other way do wrong to our neighbor in his goods and possessions ; we must give every one his own, pay our debts, and make restitution for all damages which we have caused through our fault. 8. We must not wrong our neighbor in his character or good name, by calumny, detraction, or rash judg- ment ; or in his honor by reproaches or affronts ; or rob him of \i\^ peace of mind, by scoffs or contempt ; or of his friends, by carrying stories backwards and forwards. In all such cases, whosoever wrongs his neighbor is obliged to make reparation or satisfac- tion. 9. 10. As we are commanded to abstain from all deeds of lust and injustice, so are we also strictly obliged to restrain all desires of these kinds, and to resist the irregular motions of concupiscence. So far the Ten Connuandments of God ; which are a short abridgment of the whole eternal and natural law, which admits of no dispensation. Every Christian is, moreover, bound to keep the commandments of God's Church, 1. We must sanctify Sunda^-s and Holydays of Ob- ligation by devout attendance at Holy Mass, and by resting from ser\nle work. 2. We must strictl}' observe those days of fasting and abstinence appointed by ecclesiastical authority. 3. We must humbly confess our sins at least once a Christian Faith and Practice. 33 year to a Priest having competent jurisdiction — i.e.^ approved by the Bishop of the Diocese. 4. We must be careful to make our Easier Duty, by receiving Holy Communion at some time during the interval between the first Sunday in Lent and Trinity Sunday. 5. According to our means we must contribute to the support of those who minister to us in spiritual things, 6. We must not marry non-Catholics, or any one re- lated to us within the fourth degree of kindred ; we must not marry clandestinely, or solemnize marriage within the prohibited times. Prayers which rvrry Christian should Know BY Heart. The Invocation. IN nomine Patris, 4- et ^T'N the name of the Fa- Filii, et Spiritus ^ ther, -I" and of the Sancti. Son, and of the Holy Amen. ' Ghost. Amen. The Lord's Prayer. •-n)ATER NOSTER, qui (^UR FATHER, who «-■— es in coelis, sancti- ^^ art in heaven, hal- ficetur nomen tuum : ad- lowed be Thy name : Thy veniat regnum tuum : fiat kingdom come : Thy will voluntas tua, sicut in coelo, be done on earth as it is et in terra. Panem nos- in heaven. Give us this trum quotidianum da no- day our daily bread : and 34 Christian Faith and Practice. bis hodie : et diiuitte no- forgive us our trespasses bis debita nostra, sicut et as we forgive those who nos dimittimus debitorihus trespass agaiust us. And nostris. Et ne nos inducas lead us not into tempta- in tentationem : sed libera tion : but deliver us from nos a malo. Amen. evil. Amen. Thr Mail Marv. Maria, gratia ""p^^ AIL, ^Nlar}-, full of us r-L^ vrvE, f^Jr-^ plena; Dominus r-*-G grace; the Lord is tecum : benedicta tu in with thee : blessed art mulieribus, et benedictus thou among women, and fructus ventris tui, Jesus, blessed is the fruit of thy Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, ora pro nobis peccatori- Mother of God, pray for bus, nunc et in hora mor- us sinners, now and at the tis nostrae. Amen. hour of our death. Amen. Thr Crrrd. CREDO in Deum, Pa- ^ BELIEVE in God, the trem omnipotentem, -^^ Father Almighty, Cre- Creatorem cceli et terrse ; ator of heaven and earth ; et in Jesum Christum, Fi- and in Jesus Christ, His Hum ejus unicum, Domi- only Son, our Lord : who num nostrum : qui concep- was conceived by the Holy tus est de Spiritu Sancto, Ghost, born of the Virgin natus ex Maria xnrgine, Mary, suffered under Pon- passus sub Pontio Pilato, tins Pilate, was crucified; cnicifixus ; mortuus, et se- died, and was buried. He pultus. Descendit ad in- descended into hell ; the feros ; tertia die resurrexit a third day He arose again mortuis ; ascenditadccelos, from the dead ; He ascend- Christian Faith and Practice. 35 sedet ad dexteram Dei Pa- trisomuipotentis ; iude veu- turns est judicare vivos et mortuos. Credo in Spiri- tum Sanctum, SanctamKc- clesiam Catholicain, Sanc- torum communionem, re- missiouem peccatorum, caruis resurrectionem, vi- tam seternam. Amen. ed into heaven, sittetli at the right hand of God the Father Almighty ; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy- Ghost, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlast- ing. Amen. The Confiteor. /^ONFITEOR Deo om- ^^ nipotenti, beatae Mariae semper Virgini, beato Michaeli Archange- lo, beato Joanni Baptistce, Sanctis Apostolis Petro et Paulo, omnibus Sanctis, (et tibi. Pater, ) quia peccavi ni- mis cogitatione, verbo, et opere, mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Ideo precor beatam Mari- am semper Virginem, be- atum Michaelem Archan- gelum, beatum Joannem Baptistam, sanctos Apos- tolos Petrum et Paulum, onines Sanctos, (et te, Pa- I CONFESS to Al- mighty God, to bless- ed Mary ever Virgin, to blessed Michael the Arch- angel, to blessed John the Baptist, to the holyApostles Peter and Paul, and to all the Saints, (and to you, Fa- ther,) that I have sinned exceedingly in thought, word, and deed, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault. Therefore I beseech blessed Mary ever Virgin, blessed Michael the Archangel, blessed John the Baptist, the holy Apos- 36 Christian Faith and Practice. ter, ) orare pro me ad Domi- nuin Deum nostrum. Misereatur nostri om- nipoteus Deus, et dimissis peccatis nostris, perducat nos ad \4tam aeteruam. Ajucu. Indulgentiam, +absoluti- onem, et remissionem pec- catoriim nostrorum, tribu- at uobis omuipotens et mi- sericors Domiuus. Amen. ties Peter and Paul, and all the Saints, (and you. Fa- ther,) to pra}' to the Lord our God for me. ]May Almighty God have mercy upon us, and forgive us our sins, and bring us unto life everlasting. A)nen. jNIay the Almighty and merciful Lord grant us pardon, ^- absolution, and remission of our sins. Amen. The Gloria Patri. or Lesser no.volos^v. /^LORIA Patri, et Filio, ^^ et Spiritui Sancto. y^LORY be to the Fa- ^^ ther, and to the Son, Sicut erat in principio, et and to the Holy Ghost nunc, et semper, et in As it was in the beginning, saecula saeculorum. is now, and ever shall be, Amen. world without end. Amen. -o -^^ flDorning iprai^ers* THE OFFICE OF PRIME. Before Ptime are said Inaiuiibly the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the I believe in God. Then is said aloud OMB unto my help, O God. R. O Lord, make haste to help me. Glory be to the Father, etc. Alleluia {or, in Lent, Praise to Thee, O Lord, King of eternal glory). \Hh fr 's sa/(f tlie foUo'A'ixs h\ y^ HE star of morn to night succeeds; ^^ We therefore meekly pray, May God, in all our words and deeds, Keep us from harm this day. May He in love restrain us still From tones of strife and words of ill, And wrap around and close our eyes To earth's absorbing vanities. * Translation by Cardinal Newman. 37 38 Morning Prayers. May wrath and thoughts that geuder shame Ne'er iu our breasts abide, Aud painful abstineuces tame Of wautou flesh the pride ; So when the weary day is o'er, And night and stillness come once more^ Blameless and clean from spot of earth We may repeat with reverent mirth — To God the Father glory be, Aud to His Only Son, And to the Spirit, One and Three, While endless ages run. Amen. Tfien follow the Psalms, which are said undrr one Antiph'tn .• Ant. for Sundays. Alleluia. Ant. for week-days. Blessed are they that walk. Psahn :;;. CN" AVE me, O God, by Thy name : and judge me in ^ Thy strength. Hear my prayer, O God : give ear unto the words of my mouth. For strangers have risen up against me, and the mighty have sought after my soul : and they have not set God before their eyes. For behold, God is my helper : and the Lord is the protector of my soul. Turn back evil upon mine enemies : and destroy Thou them in Thy truth. I will freely sacrifice unto Thee, and \rill praise Thy name, O Lord : for it is good : Morning Prayers. 39 For Thou hast delivered me out of all my trouble : and mine eye hath looked down upon mine enemies. Glory be to the Father, etc. Psalm ri8. BLESSED are the undefiled in the way : who walk in the law of the Lord. Blessed are they that search His testimonies : that seek Him with their whole heart. For they that work iniquity : have not walked in His ways. Thou hast commanded that Thy commandments be kept most diligently.- that my ways may be so directed : that I may keep Thine ordinances. Then shall I not be confounded : when I shall have regard to all Thy commandments. 1 will praise Thee with uprightness of heart : when I shall have learned the judgments of Thy justice. I will keep Thine ordinances : O forsake me not utterly. By what doth a young man correct his way ? even by keeping Thy words. With my whole heart have I sought after Thee : let me not stray from Thy commandments. Thy words have I hidden within my heart : that I may not sin against Thee. Blessed art Thou, O Lord : O teach me Thine ordi- nances. With my lips have I declared : all the judgments of Thy mouth. I have had delight in the way of Thy testimonies : even as in all riches. 40 Morning Prayers. I will meditate ou Thy comuiaudments : and I vdW consider Thy ways. I will think upon Thine ordinances : I will not for- get Thy words. Glory be to the Father, etc. "T^ EAL bountifully %\'ith Thy servant : quicken Thou r*— ^ me, and I shall keep Thy words. Open Thou mine e3-es : and I shall see the wondrous things of Thy law. I am a sojourner upon earth : O hide not Thy coiti- mandments from me. My soul hath longed greatly : to desire Thine ordi- nances at all times. Thou hast rebuked the proud : cursed are they that do err from Thy commandments. take from me shame and contempt : for I have sought after Thy testimonies. Princes also did sit and speak against me : but Thy serv^ant was occupied in Thy statutes. For Thy testimonies are my meditation : and Thine orcUnances are my counsel. My soul hath cleaved to the earth : O quicken Thou me according to Thy word. 1 have declared iny ways, and Thou heardest me : teach me Thy statutes. Make me to understand the way of Thine ordinan- ces : and I will meditate on Thy wondrous works. ]My soul hath slumbered through weariness : strength- en Thou me in Thy words. Remove from me the way of iniquity : and have mercy on me in Thy law. Morning Prayers. 41 I have chosen the way of truth : I have not forgotten Thy judgments. I have cleaved unto Thy testimonies, O Lord : put me not to shame. I have run in the way of Thy commandments : when Thou didst enlarge my heart. Glory be to the Father, etc. [The folloiuing creed is said only on Sutidays, luhen the Sunday Office is recited : The Creed 0/ St. AfJianasius. QUICUMQUE vultsal- ^THT HOSOEVER desires vus esse, * ante omnia ^^^^^ to be saved, before opus est, ut teneat Catho- all things it is necessary that licam fidem. he hold the Catholic faith. Quam nisi quisque inte- Which faith, except every gram inviolatamque serva- one do keep entire and verit, * absque dubio in inviolate, without doubt seternum peribit. he shall perish everlast- ingly. Fides autem Catholica Now the Catholic faith is haec est, "^ ut unum Deum this : that we worship one in Trinitate, et Triuitatem God in Trinity, and Trinity in unitate veneremur. in Unit3^ Neque coufundentes per- Neither confounding the sonas, * neque substantiam Persons nor dividing the separantes. substance. Alia est enim persona For there is one Person Patris, alia Filii, * alia Spi- of the Father, another of ritus vSancti. the Son, another of the Holy Ghost. Sed Patris, et Filii, et But the Godhead of the 42 Morning Prayers. Spiritus Saucti uua est di- ^dnitas, * ajqualis gloria, coaitema inajestas. Qualis Pater, talis Fi- lius, * talis Spiritus Sauc- tus. lucreatus Pater, iucrea- tus Filius, * increatus Spi- ritus Sanctus. Inimensus Pater, immen- sus Filius, * immeusus Spi- ritus Sanctus. ^ternus Pater, a;ternus Filius, * setemus Spiritus Sanctus. Et tamen uon tres etter- ni, * sed uuus ceternus. Sicut non tres increati, nee tres imniensi, * sed unus increatus, et unus ini- mensus. Similiter omnipotens Pa- ter, omnipotens Filius, * omnipotens Spiritus vSanc- tus. Et tamen non tres omni- potentes, * sed unus omni- potens. Ita Deus Pater, Deus Filius, * Deus Spiritus Sanctus. Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost is one ; the glory equal, the majesty co-eternal. As the Father is, such is the Son, such the Holy Ghost. The Father uncreate, the Son uncreate, the Holy Ghost uncreate. The Father infinite, the Son infinite, the Holy Ghost infinite. The Father eternal, the Son eternal, the Holy Ghost eternal. And yet they are not three eternals, but one Eternal. As also they are not three uucreates, nor three infi- nites ; but one Uncreate, and one Infinite. In like manner the Fa- ther is Almighty, the vSon Almighty, and the Hoh'' Ghost Almighty. And yet they are not three almighties, but one Almighty. So the Father is God, the Son God, and the Holy Ghost God. Morning Prayers. 43 Kt tamen nou tres Dii, * sed uuus est Deus. Ita Dominus Pater, Do- miuus Filius, * Domiuus Spiritus Saiictus. Bt tanien nou tres Domi- ni, * sed uiius est Dominus. Quia sicut singillatim unamquamque personam Deum ac Dominum coufi- teri Christiana veritate com- pellimur : * ita tres Deos aut Dominos dicere Ca- tholica religione prohibe- And yet they are not three Gods, but one God. So the Father is Lord, the Son is Lord, and the Holy Ghost is Lord. And yet they are not three Lords, but one Lord. For as we are obliged by the Christian Truth to acknowledge every Per- son singly to be God and Lord : so we are forbidden by the Catholic religion to sa}^ there are three Gods or three Lords. Pater a nuUo est fac- tus, * nee creatus, nee ge- nitus. Filius a Patre solo est : * non factus, nee creatus, sed genitus. Spiritus Sanctus a Patre et Filio : - non factus, nee creatus, nee genitus, sed procedens. Unus ergo Pater, non tres Patres : unus Filius, non tres Filii : ^ unus vSpi- ritus Sanctus, non tres Spi- ritus Sancti. Kt in hac Trinitate nihil prius aut posterius, nihil The Father was made by no one, neither created, nor begotten. The Son is by the Fa- ther alone, not made, nor created, but begotten. The Holy Ghost is from the Father and the Son, not made, nor created, nor be- gotten, but proceeding. So there is one Father, not three Fathers : one Son, not three Sons : one Holy Ghost, not three Holy Ghosts. And in this Trinity there is nothing before or after, 44 MoRxixG Prayers. majus aut minus : * sed totae tres personae coceter- nse sibi siiut, et coaequa- les. Ita ut per omnia, sicut jam supra dictum est, * et unitas in Trinitate, et Trini- tas in uuitate veneranda sit. Qui ^-ult ergo sahnis esse, * ita de Trinitate seu- tiat. Sed necessarium est ad aetemam salutem, ^ ut iu- carnationem quoque Domi- ni uostri Jesu Christi fideli- ter credat. Est ergo fides recta, ut credamus et confiteamur, - quia Dominus noster Jesus Christus Dei Filius, Deus et homo est. Deus est ex substantia Patris ante saecula geni- tus : * et homo est ex sub- stantia matris in saeculo natus. Perfectus Deus, perfec- tus homo : * ex anima ra- tionali, et humana carue subsistens. .^qualis Patri secundum divinitatem : * minor Pa- nothing greater or less ; but the whole three Persons are co-eternal together and co- equal. So that in all things, as is aforesaid, the Unity is to be worshipped in Trinity, and the Trinity in Unity. He, therefore, that de- sires to be saved must thus believe of the Trinity. Furthermore, it is neces- sary to everlasting salva- tion that he also believe faithfully the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. Now the right faith is, that we believe and con- fess that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Sou of God, is both God and man. He is God of the sub- stance of His Father, be- gotten before the world ; and He is man of the sub- stance of His Mother, bom in the world : Perfect God and per- fect man ; of rational soul and human flesh subsist- ing, Equal to the Father ac- cording to His Divinity ; Morning Prayers. 45 tre secundum humaiiita- tem. Qui, licet Deus sit et homo, * uon duo tam.eu, sed unus est Christus. Unus autem, uon con- versione divinitatis in car- nem, ^ sed assumptione humanitatis in Deum. Unus omnino, non con- fusione substantias, * sed unitate persouse. Nam, sicut anima ratio- nalis et caro unus est homo, '^ ita Deus et homo unus est Christus : Qui passus est pro salu- te nostra, descendit ad in- feros, * tertia die resurrexit a mortuis : Ascendit ad ccelos, sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris om- nipotentis : ^ inde venturus est judicare ^'ivos et mor- tuos : Ad cujus adventum om- nes homines resurgere ha- beut cum corporibus suis, * et reddituri sunt de factis propriis rationem. Et qui bona egerunt, ibunt in vitam seternam : and less than the Father ac- cording to His humanity. Who, although He be both God and man, yet He is not two, but one Christ : One, not by the conver- sion of the Godhead into flesh, but by the assuming of human nature unto God: One altogether, not by confusion of substance, but by unity of person. For as the rational soul and the body constitutes one man, so God and man is one Christ : Who suffered for our sal- vation, descended into hell, arose again the third day from the dead : He ascended into heaven ; He sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Al- mighty ; thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead : At whose coming all men must arise again with their bodies, and must give an account of their own works. And they that have done good shall go into life ever- 46 Morning Prayers. qui vero mala, in ignem lasting ; aud they that have setemum. done evil, into everlasting fire. Hsec est fides Catholica : This is the Catholic faith, quam nisi quisque fideli- which except a man believe ter firmiterque crediderit, faithfully and steadfastly sahnis esse non poterit. he cannot be saved. Gloria Patri, etc. Glory be to the Father, etc. 1 Antiphon for Sundays, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. At Easter a fourth Alleluia. Antiphon Jiir ll'eek-day^ : BLESSED are they that walk in Thy law, O Lord. T/ien is said the Oiapter : Sundays. y I "NTO the King of ages, the Inmiortal, Invisible, ^^-^ only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever, R. Thanks be to God. Xi IVeek-days. OVE peace and truth, saith the Lord .Ylmighty. R. Thanks be to God. Then follows the short Responsory : CHRIST, Thou Son of the living God, have mercy on us. R. Christ, Thou Son of tlie living God, have merq'^ on us. V. Thou that sittest at the right hand of the Father, R. Have mercy on us. Morning Prayers, 47 V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Sou, and to the Holy Ghost. R. Christ, Thou Son of the living God, have mercy on us. V. Arise, O Christ, and help us. R. And deliver us for Thy name's sake. Ajl^r the shoyl. lesponsory follow these prayers, called the Prece.^, except on Double Feasts and within Octaves, when they are omitted dozen to the murk r'-) ; "T — 'ORD, have mercy, r-*— 4 Christ, have mercy. Ivord, have mercy. Our Father {maudibly). V. And lead us not into temptation. R. But deliver us from evil. I believe in God {inaudibly). V. The resurrection of the body. R. And the life everlasting. Amen. V. But I, O Lord, have cried unto Thee. R. And in the morning my prayer shall come early before Thee. V. Let my mouth be filled with praise. R. That I may sing of Thy glory ; and of Thy great- ness all the day long. V. O Lord, turn away Thy face from my sins. R. And blot out all my iniquities. V. Create in me a clean heart, O God. R. And renew a right sjjirit within me. V. Cast me not away from Thy face. R. And take not Thy Holy Sj^irit from me. V. Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation. R. And strengthen me with a perfect spirit. 48 Morning Prayers. I Tkf^e prayers within the brackets are said only uh weekdays : *T^ ELIVER me, O Lord, from the evil man. f^-^ R. And rescue me from the unjust man. V. Deliver nie from mine enemies, O my God. R. And defend me from them that rise up against me. V. Deliver me from them that work iniquity. R. And save me from the men of blood. V. So will I sing a psalm unto Thy name for ever and ever, R. That I may pay my vows from day to day. V. Hear us, O God our Saviour. R. Who art the hope of all the ends of the earth, and in the sea afar off. V. Come unto my help, O God. R. O Lord, make haste to help me. V. Holy God, Holv and Mighty, Holv and Immor- tal, ' R. Have mercy on us. V. Bless the Lord, O my soul, R. And let all that is within me bless His holy name. V. Bless the Lord, O m\- soul. R. And forget not all His benefits. V. Who forgiveth thee all thine iniquities. R. Who hcaleth all thine infirmities. V. Who redeemeth thy life from destruction, R. Who crowneth thee with mercy and compassion. V. Wlio satisfieth thy desire with good things. R. Thy youth shall be renewed like the eagle's. | V. Our help is in the name of the Lord. R, Who hath made heaven and earth. Morning Pravers. 49 The Confiteor, p. jt. Then the office continues as follows : VOUCHSAFE, O Lord, this day J?. To keep us without sin. F. Have mercy on us, O Lord. A*. Have mercy on us. V. Let Thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us. J^. As we have hoped in Thee. * /fere the office is resumed when the Preces have been omitted : V. O Lord, hear my prayer. R. And let my cry come unto Thee. Let us pray. OLORD, God Almighty, who hast brought us to the beginning of this day : let Thy power so defend us therein, that this day we fall into no sin, but that all our thoughts, words, and works may always tend to what is just in Thy sight. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reign eth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen. V. O Lord, hear my prayer. R. And let my cry come unto Thee. V. Let us bless the Lord. R. Thanks be to God. Here is read the Martyrology, if read at all ; after which the office proceeds thns : V. Precious in the sight of the Lord R. Is the death of His saints. 50 Morning Prayers. /'Y\ AY the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the Saints %J-^ plead for us with the Lord, that we may de- sene to be helped and delivered by Him who liveth and reigueth, world without end. Amen. V. Come unto my help, O God. ^. O Lord, make haste to help me. {T/n's ver- suit' and rt'spon.sf i< .^ be to the Father, etc. R. As it was in the beginning, etc. I.rt i>s pra\ . OLORD GOD, King of heaven and earth, vouchsafe this day to direct and to sanctify, to rule and to govern, our souls and bodies, our senses, words, and actions, in Thy law, and in the works of Thy com- mandinents ; that both now and for ever we may de- serve to be saved and delivered through Thy protec- tion, O Sa\nour of the world, who livest and reignest, world without end. R. Amen. Morning Prayers. 51 V. O Lord, grant Thy blessing. The Blessing : May the Ivord Almighty order our days and deeds in His peace. R. Amen. Then is read the short lesson : *jCp ND may the Lord direct our hearts in the love ^*~'-* of God, and the patience of Christ. And do Thou, O Lord, have mercy on us. R. Thanks be to God. F. Our help is in the name of the Lord. R. Who hath made heaven and earth. V. Bless ye. R. God. T/ie Blessing : The Lord bless us, and keep us from all evil, and bring us unto life everlasting : and may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. R. Amen. ANOTHER FORM OF MORNIlSra PRAYERS. As soon n.s yn/t are a^i'ake. make th/> st'^n of the Cross, and say : "T^ OLY, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts : the earth ^*"^ is full of Thy glory. Glory be to the Father, glory be to the Son, glory be to the Holy Ghost. A77ien.i^) IVhcH you are dressed, calling to mind the greatness of God, and yonrown 7ioihin?ness, place yourself in His presence, and kneel dmon and say : I N the name of the Father, + and of the Son, and of •^ the Holy Ghost. Amen. 52 Morning Prayers. Come. Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of Thy faithful, and kindle in them the fire of Thy love. yX^OST holy and adorable Trinity, one God in three N '- ^ Persons, I believe that Thou art here present ; I adore Thee with the deepest humility, and render to Thee, wdth my whole heart, the homage which is due to Thy sovereign majesty. OMY God, I most humbly thank Thee for all the favors Thou hast bestowed upon me up to the present moment. I give Thee thanks from the bottom of my heart that Thou hast created me after Thine own image and likeness, that Thou hast redeemed me by the precious blood of Thy dear Son, and that Thou hast preser\'ed me and brought me safe to the begin- ning of another day. I offer to Thee. O Lord, my whole being, and in particular all my thoughts, words, actions, and sufferings of this day. I consecrate them all to the glory of Thy name, beseeching Thee that through the infinite merits of Jesus Christ my Sa\-iour they ma}' all find acceptance in Thy sight. May Thy dix-ine love animate them, and may they all tend to Thy greater glory. 'y~|^DORABLE Jesus, my Sa\Tiour and Master, model (%/4-*-^ of all perfection, I resolve and will endeavor this day to imitate Thy example, to be, like Thee, mild, humble, chaste, zealous, charitable, and resigned. I will redouble my efforts that I may not fall this day into any of those sins which I have heretofore com- mitted (here yoji may name any besetting sin), and which I sincerely desire to forsake. Morning Prayers. 53 /^ MY God, Thou knowest my poverty and weak- ^""^ ness, and that I am unable to do anything good without Thee ; deny me not, O God, the help of Thy grace ; proportion it to my necessities ; give me strength to avoid everything evil which Thou forbiddest, and to practise the good which Thou hast commanded ; and enable me to bear patiently all the trials which it may please Thee to send me. /^UR Father. Hail Mary. I believe in God. I ^"^^ confess to Almighty God, etc. [He'ir the Litany of the Holy Name, p. 60, may be smd.] An Act of Fatth. r\ MY God ! I fii-mly believe that Thou art one God ^"^ in three Divine Persons, the Father, the Sou, and the Holy Ghost ; I believe that the Divine Son became man, and died for our sins, and that He will come to judge the li\'ing and the dead. I believe these and all the truths which the Holy Catholic Church teaches, because Thou hast revealed them, who canst neither deceive nor be deceived. An Act of Hopk. f~\ MY God ! relying on Thy infinite goodness and promises, I hope to obtain pardon of my sins, the help of Thy grace, and life everlasting, through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer. An Act or Charit-s-. C~\ MY God ! I love Thee above all things, with my whole heart and soul, because Thou art all-good 54 Morning Prayers. and worthy of all love. I love my neighbor as myself for the love of Thee. I forgive all who have injured me, aud ask pardon of all whom I have iuj ured. An Act ok Contrition. OMY God ! I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, who art all-good and deser\dng of all my lov^e. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do pen- ance, and to amend my life. Amen. OHOLY Virgin, Mother of God, my Mother and Patroness, I place myself under thy protection, I throw myself vdih. confidence into the arms of thy compassion. Be to me, O Mother of mercy, my refuge in distress, my consolation under suffering, my advo- cate \nth thy adorable Son, now and at the hour of my death. Amen. r^ FAITHFUIv Guardian and Father of virgins, ^^ Blessed Joseph, to whom was confided the care of Jesus, and of Mary the Queen of Virgins, I most humbly supplicate thee, by the love thou dost bear Jesus and Mary, to obtain for me that, being presers'ed from every stain during my whole life, I may be ever able to serve them with unspotted purity of mind and body. Amen.d) "ff NGEL of God, my Guardian dear, (^'-^ To whom His love commits me here, Ever this day be at my side, To light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.^X) 'IHE ANGELUS. 55 /^ GREAT Saint, whose name I bear, protect me, ^^ pray for me, that, like thee, I may serve God faithfully on earth, and glorify Him eternally with thee in heaven. Amoi. CD AY the power of the Father govern and protect me ! May the wisdom of the Son teach and enlighten me ! May the influence of the Holy Ghost renew and quicken me ! May the blessing of the All- holy Trinity, the Father, -f" the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be with me, now and for evermore. Aine?t. THE ANGELUS.f^) To be said Morning , Noon, and Night ; kneeling, except on Saturday erening and throughout Sunday. Ji. NGELUS Domini nuntiavit Mariae. R. Et concepit de Spi- ritu Sancto. Ave, Maria, etc. V. Ecce ancilla Do- mini. R. Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum. Ave, Maria, etc. r. Ft Vkkbum caro FACTUM EST. R. Et habita^nt in no- bis. Ave, Maria, etc. ^^HE Angel of the ^-"^ Lord declared unto Mary. R. And she conceived by the Holy Ghost. Hail, Mar\", etc. V. Behold the hand- maid of the Lord. R. Be it done unto me according to Thy word. Hail, Mary, etc. / '. And the Word was MADE Flesh. R. And dwelt among us. Hail, Mary, etc. 56 Prayer for Authorities. ()rL)>"/^ Lii I' < pro \ . /TIrATIAM tuam, quae- "T^OUR forth, we be- ^-^ sunius, Domiue, '^~~ seech Thee, O Lord, ineutibus uostris infunde, Thy grace into our hearts ; ut qui, Augelo nuutiante, that as we have known the Christi filii tui incarna- Incarnation of Christ Thy tionem cognovimus, per Son by the message of an passionem ejus et crucem Angel, so, by His Passion ad resurrectionis gloriam and Cross, we may be perducamur ; per eunidem brought to the glory of Christum Dominum uos- His resurrection ; through trum. Amen. the same Christ our Lord. Amen. In Eastertide, instead of the Angelus, the Regina Coeli {p. jS) is said standi n^c:. A PRAYER FOR THE CHURCH, THE CIVIL AUTHORITIES, ETC. Composed by Arckhishop Catt-o/l, A.D. ri^rt-i. V // 1 E pray Thee, O Almighty and Eternal God, who ^■^■^ through Jesus Christ hast revealed Thy glory to all nations, to preserve the works of Thy mercy ; that Thy Church, being spread through the whole world, may continue, with unchanging faith, in the confession of Thy Name. We pray Thee, who alone art good and holy, to endow with heavenly knowledge, sincere zeal, and sanctity of life our chief Bishop, N., the Vicar of our Lord Jesus Christ in the government of His Church ; Prayer for Authorities. 57 our own Bishop, {or Archbishop,) N. {if he is not consecrated, our Bishop-elect) ; all other Bishops, Pre- lates, and Pastors of the Church ; and especially those who are appointed to exercise among us the functions of the holy ministry, and conduct Thy people into the ways of salvation. We pray Thee, O God of might, wisdom, and justice, through whom authority is rightly administered, laws are enacted, and judgment decreed, assist, with Thy Holy vSpirit of counsel and fortitude, the President of these United States, that his administration may be conducted in righteousness, and be eminently useful to Thy people, over whom he presides, by encouraging due respect for virtue and religion ; by a faithful ex- ecution of the laws in justice and mercy ; and by re- straining \dce and immorality. Let the light of Thy divine wisdom direct the deliberations of Congress, and shine forth in all the proceedings and laws framed for our rule and government ; so that they may tend to the preservation of peace, the promotion of national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety, and use- ful knowledge, and may perpetuate to us the bless- ings of equal liberty. We pray for his Excellency the Governor of this State, for the members of the Assembly, for all Judges, Magistrates, and other officers who are appointed to guard our political welfare ; that the}- ma}- be enabled, by Thy powerful protection, to discharge the duties of their respective stations with honesty and ability. We recommend likewise to Thy unbounded mercy all our brethren and fellow-citizens, throughout the United States, that the}' may be blessed in the know- ledge, and sanctified in the observance of Thy most 58 Grace before and after Meai^s. holy law ; that they may be presen'ed in union, and in that peace which the world cannot give ; and, after enjoying the blessings of this life, be admitted to those which are eternal. Finally, we pray Thee, O Lord of mercy, to remem- ber the souls of Thy servants departed who are gone before us with the sign of faith, and repose in the sleep of peace : the souls of our parents, relations, and friends ; of those who, when linng, w^ere members of this congregation ; and particularly of such as are lately deceased ; of all benefactors who. by their donations or legacies to this Church, witnessed their zeal for the de- cency of divine worship, and proved their claim to our grateful and charitable remembrance. To these, O Lord, and to all that rest in Christ, grant, we beseech Thee, a place of refreshment, light, and everlasting peace, through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen. GRACE BEFORE MEALS. BLESS us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty. Through Christ our Lord. y?. Amen. GRACE AFTER MEALS. 'TTffE ^ve Thee thanks, O Almighty God, for all VIlA* Thy mercies. Who livest and reignest world without end. J^. Amen. Grace before and after Meals. 59 "■YirOUCHSAFE, O Lord, to reward with eternal life V all those who do us good for Thy name's sake. R. Amen. V. Let us bless the Lord. R. Thanks be to God. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. R. Amen. ^'""^^m^^^^W^ ^be litan? of tbc flDoet Iboli? IRame of 3e6U0/^) YRIE son. Christe e lei- son. Kyrie elei- soii. :;. ^ Jesu, audi ^"tV" uos. -'^^v Jesu, ex- '" - ^ audi nos. Pater de coe- lis Deus, miserere nobis. Fili Redemptor mundi "] Deus, Spiritus Saucte Deus, Sancta Triuitas, unus Deus, Jesu, Fili Dei \'ivi, Jesu, splendor Patris, Jesu, candor lucis celer- nae, Jesu, rex gloriae, ORD, have mer cy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Jesus, hear us. Jesus, graciously hear us. God the Father of Heaven, haz'e mercy on us. God the Sou, Redeem- | er of the world, I God the Holy Ghost, Holy Trinity, One I 5 God, Jesus, Son of the li\'ing God, Jesus, splendor of the Father, Jesus, brightness of Etenial Light, Jesus, King of ^lory, 60 Litany of the Most Hoi.y Name of Jesus. 6i Jesu, sol justitiae, ] Jesu, Fill Marias Vir- ginis, Jesu amabilis, Jesu admirabilis, Jesu, Deus fortis, Jesu, pater futuri sse- culi, Jesu, magni cousilii Angele, Jesu potentissime, Jesu patientissime, Jesu obedientissime, Jesu mitis et humilis corde, Jesu, amator casti- tatis, Jesu, amator noster, Jesu, Deus pacis, Jesu, auctor vitae, Jesu, exemplar virtu- tum, Jesu, zelator auima- rum, Jesu, Deus noster, Jesu, refugium nos- trum, Jesu, pater pauperum, Jesu, thesaure fideli- um, Jesu, bone pastor, Jesu, lux vera. Jesus, Sun of justice, Jesus, Son of the Vir- gin Mary, Jesus, most amiable, Jesus, most admirable, Jesus, mighty God, Jesus, Father of the world to come, Jesus, Augel of the great counsel, Jesus, most powerful, Jesus, most patient, Jesus, most obedient, Jesus, meek and hum- ble of heart, Jesus, lover of chas- tity, Jesus, lover of us, Jesus, God of peace, " Jesus, Author of life, Jesus, Model of vir- tues, Jesus, zealous for souls, Jesus, our God, Jesus, our Refuge, Jesus, Father of the poor, Jesus, Treasure of the faithful, Jesus, good Shepherd, Jesus, true Light, 62 IvITANY OF THE MOST HOI,Y NAME OF jESUS. Jesu, sapientia aeterna, Jesus, eternal Wisdom, Jesu, bonitas iufini- Jesus, infinite Good- ta, ness, Jesu, via et \4ta nos- Jesus, our Way and our tra, Life, Jesu, gaudium Angelo- Jesus, joy of An- rum. gels, Jesu, rex Patriarcha- Jesus, King of Patri- ^ nim. $ archs, 5; Jesu, magister Aposto- ^ Jesus, Master of Apos- $ lorum. - ^: ties. - ,::; Jesu, doctor Evange- 1 Jesus, Teacher of Evan- a listarum. ? gelists, fc Jesu, fortitudo Marty- Jesus, strength of Mar- rum, tyrs, Jesu, lumeu Confesso- Jesus, light of Confes- rum. sors, Jesu, puritas Virgi- Jesus, purity of Vir- num. gins, Jesu, corona Sancto- Jesus, crown of all rum omnium, ^ Saints, Propitius esto, parce not is, Be merciful, spare us. O Jesu. Jesus. Propitius esto, ex audi n OS, Be merciful, graciou sly Jesu. hear us, Jesus. Ab omni malo, libera n OS, 'Froma.W evil, Jesus, de/iz )er Jesu. us. Ab omni peccato, From all sin, > Ab ira tua, : From Thy wrath, s Ab insidiis diaboli, ' From the snares of the .l ' ;; devnl. s A spiritu fornicatio- ^' From the spirit of for- nication, J; nis, Litany of the Most HoivY Name of Jesus. 63 A morte perpetua, A neglectu iuspiratio- nurn tuarum, Per mysteriuni sanc- tae incarnationis tuae, Per uativitatem tu- am, Per iufantiam tu- am, Per diviuissimam vi- tam tuam, Per labores tuos, Per agoniam et passi- onem tuam, Per crucem et derelic- tiouem tuam, Per lauguores tuos. Per mortem et sepul- turam tuam. Per resurrectiouem tu- am, Per ascensiouem tu- am, Per gaudia tua. Per gloriain tuam, Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec- cata mundi, parce nobis, Jesu. Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec- From everlasting death, From neglect of Thy inspirations, Through the mystery of Thy holy Incar- nation, Through Thy Nativ- ity, Through Thine In- fancy, Through Thy most di- vine Life, Through Thy Labors, Through Thine Agony and Passion, Through Thy Cross and Abandonment, Through Thy Suffer- ings, Through Thy Death and Burial, Through Thy Resur- rection, Through Thine Ascen- sion, Through Thy Joys, Through Thy Glory, Lamb of God, who tak- est away the sins of the world, spare 21s, O Jesus. Lamb of God, who takest 64 Litany of the Most Holy Name of Jesus. cata mundi, Jesu. Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec- cata muudi, miserere no- bis, Jesu. Jesu, audi uos. Jesu, ex audi nos. Ore in us. xaudi 710S, away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Jesus. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, haz'e mercy on us, O Jesus. Jesus, hear us. Jesus, graciously hear us. Let us pray. T^ OMINE Jesu Christe, ' qui dixisti : Petite, et accipietis ; quaerite, et iuveuietis ; pulsate, et ape- rietur vobis : quoesu-mus, da nobis petentibus di\-i- nissimi tui amoris affec- tum, ut te toto corde, ore et opere diligamus, et a tua nunquam laude cessemus. Saucti Nominis tui, Do- mine, timorem pariter et O LORD Jesus Christ, who hast said : Ask, and ye shall receive ; seek, and ye shall find ; knock, and it shall be opened unto you : grant, we beseech Thee, unto us who ask, the gift of Thy most divine Love, that we may ever love Thee with our whole hearts, and in all our words and actions, and amorem fac nos habere never cease from showing perpetuum, quia nunquam forth Thy praise. Make us, O Lord, to have a perpetual fear and love of Thy Holy Name ; for Thou never failest to govern those whom Thou dost solidly establish in Thy love. Who livest and reignest, etc. A)nen. tua gubeniatione destituis quos in soliditate tuae di- lectionis instituis. Qui \\- vis et regnas, etc. Amen. Zbc Xitani? of tbe Bleeeeb IDtrgln, COMMONI.Y CAI.I,ED THE LITANY OF LORETO.^i> UB tuum praesidium confugimus, Sancta Dei Genitrix. Nostras de- precationes ne despicias in necessita- tibus nostris ; sed a pericu- E fly to thy I patronage, O holy Mother of God. De- spise not our petitions in our neces- sities : but deliver us from all dangers, O ever glorious and blessed Vir- gin. lis cunctis libera uos semper, Virgo gloriosa et benedicta. K YRIB eleison. Xi ORD, have mercy on Christe eleison. Kyrie eleison. Christe audi nos. Christe exaudi nos. Pater de ccelis Deus, mise- rere nobis. Fili Redemptor mundi De- us, miserere nobis. Spiritus Sancte Deus, mise- rere fiobis. Christ, have mercy on its. Lord, have merc}^ on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God the Father of heaven, have mercy on us. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us. God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us. 65 66 Thk Litany of the Bi^essed Virgin. Saiicta Trinitas, uuus Deus, miscreyc nobis. Sancta Maria, ora pro no- bis. Saucta Dei geuitrix, Saiicta Virgo \'irgi- num, Mater Christi, Mater di\'inae gratiaB, Mater purissima, Mater castissima, Mater in\-iolata, Mater intemerata, Mater amabilis, Mater admirabilis, Mater Creatoris, Mater Salvatoris, Virgo pnulentissitaa, Virgo veneranda, Virgo prcedicanda, Virgo potens, Virgo cl emeus, Virgo fidelis, Speculum justitiae, Sedes sapiential, Causa nostrae loetitiae, Vas spirituale, Vas honorabile, Vas insigne devotio- nis, Rosa mystica, Tunis Davndica, Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us. Holy Mary, pray for us. Holy Mother of God, Holy Virgin of vir- gins, Mother of Christ, Mother of di\'ine grace, Mother most pure, Mother most chaste. Mother inviolate. Mother uudefiled, Mother most amiable. Mother most admir- able. Mother of our Creator, Mother of our Sa\nour, Virgin most prudent. Virgin most venerable, Virgin most renowned. Virgin most powerful, Virgin most merciful. Virgin most faithful, Mirror of justice, Seat of wisdom, Cause of our joy, Spiritual vessel, Vessel of honor, Singular vessel of de- votion, Mystical rose, Tower of David, Thk Litany op thk Bi^essed Virgin. 67 Turns eburnea, Domus aurea, Foederis area, Janua coeli, Stella matutiua, Salus infirmonim, Refugium peccatorum, Consolatrix afflicto- rum, Auxilium Christiano- rum, Regina Angelonim, Regina Patriarcha- f : v^ rum, Regina Prophetarum, Regina Apostolorum, Regina Martyrum, Regina Confessorum, Regina Virginum, Regina Sanctorum omnium, Regina, sine labe ori- ginali concepta, Regina sacratissimi Rosarii, Agnus Dei, qui toUis pec- cata mundi, parce nobis, Doniine. Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec- cata mundi, exaudi nos, Doniine. Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec- Tower of ivory, House of gold. Ark of the covenant, Gate of heaven, Morning star, Health of the sick. Refuge of sinners. Comforter of the af- flicted. Help of Christians, Queen of Angels, Oueen of Patriarchs, Queen of Prophets, Queen of Apostles, Queen of Martyrs, Queen of Confessors, Queen of Virgins, Queen of all Saints, Queen conceived with- out original sin. Queen of the most holy Rosary, Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord. Lamb of God, who takest si 68 The Litany of the Blessed Virgin. cata muiidi, miserere no- bis. V. Ora pro nobis, Saucta Dei Geuitrix. J^. Vt digni efficiamur pro- niissionibus Christi. (h-r-))l1lS. /T^RATIAM tuam, quae- siimus, Domine, mentibus nostris infunde, ut qui, Augelo nuntiante, Christi filii tui iucarua- tionem cognoviinus, per passioueni ejus et crucein ad resurrectionis gloriam perducamur ; per eumdeui Christum Dominum uos- trum. Anieu. V. Di\4uum auxilium inaueat semper nobiscum. R. Ameu. BUB tuum prsesidium confugimus, Saucta Dei Geuitrix. Nostras de- precatioues ue despicias in uecessitatibus nostris ; sed a periculis cuuctis libera uos semper, Virgo gloriosa et beuedicta. away the sins of the world, have nierev on us. V. Pray for us, O holy Mo- ther of God. R. That we ma}- be made worthy of the promises of Christ. /.<■/ us pray. "r^OUR forth, we be- <*— seech Thee, O Lord, Tlu- grace iuto our hearts ; that as we have known the Incarnation of Christ Thy Son by the message of an Angel, so, by His Passion and Cross, we may be brought to the glory of His resurrection ; through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. V. May the divdne as- sistance remain always with us. R. Amen. ii} \'^ ^' ^^ ^^^ patron- ^-^^ age, O holy Mo- ther of God. Despise not our petitions in our ne- cessities ; but deliver us from all dangers, O ever glorious and blessed Vir- gin. lEvcnino ipra^cra. THE OFFICE OF COMPLIKE. ORD, grant Thy blessing. [f The Blessing. fT\ AY the Lord Almighty grant us r^ '" ^ * a quiet uight, and a perfect end. J?. Amen. Short Lesson, BRETHREN, be sober, and vigi- lant, for yoiur adversary the devil as a roaring lion goeth about, seeking whom he may devour : whom resist strong in faith. And do Thou, O Lord, have mercy on us. J^. Thanks be to God. V. Our help is in the name of the Lord, i?. Who hath made heaven and earth. Our Father {inaudibly). Then follows the Confiteor, p. i^. Thru is said : I^ONVERT us, O God our Saviour. ^^ R. And turn away Thine anger from us. V. Come unto my help, O God. 69 •JO Evening Prayers. R. O Lord, make haste to help me. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginnins^, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Alleluia {or, in Lent, Praise to Thee, O Lord, King of Eternal Glory). Ant. Have mercy. In Paschal tt'jtie, An/. Alleluia. Psalm f. /// JHEN I called upon Him, the God of myjus- ^^"^^ tice heard me : when I was in straits. Thou didst set me at liberty. Have mercy on me : and hear my prayer. O ye sous of men, how long will ye be dull of heart ? why do ye love vanity, and seek after lying ? Know ye also that the Lord hath exalted His holy one : the Lord ^nll hear me when I cry unto Him. Be ye angry, and sin not : the things ye say in your hearts, be sorry for upon your beds. Offer up the sacrifice of justice, and trust in the Lord : many say, Who showeth us good things ? The light of Thy countenance, O Lord, is signed upon us : Thou hast given gladness in my heart. By the fruit of their corn, and wine, and oil : are they multiplied. In peace in the self-same : I will sleep, and I will rest. For Thou, O Lord, alone : hast established me in hope. Glory be to the Father, etc. Evening Prayers. 71 Psalm JO, IN Thee, O Lord, have I hoped, let me never be confounded : deliver me in Thy justice. Bow down Thine ear unto me : make haste to de- liver me. Be Thou unto me a God, a protector : and a house of refuge to save me. For Thou art my strength and my refuge : and for Thy name's sake Thou wilt lead me, and nourish me. Thou wilt bring me out of this snare, which they have hidden for me : for Thou art my protector. Into Thy hands I commend my spirit : Thou hast redeemed me, O Lord, God of truth. Glory be to the Father, etc. Psahn go. "Tp^f B that dwelleth in the help of the Most High : A— \» shall abide under the protection of the God of Heaven. He shall say unto the Lord : Thou art my upholder, and my refuge : my God, in Him will I hope. For He hath delivered me from the snare of the hunters ; and from the sharp w^ord. He shall overshadow thee with His shoulders : and under His wdngs shalt thou trust. His truth shall compass thee with a shield : thou shalt not be afraid for the terror of the night ; For the arrow that flieth in the day ; for the plague that walketh in the darkness ; for the assault of the evil one in the noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand : but it shall not come nigh thee. 72 Evening Prayers. But with thine eyes shalt thou behold : and shalt see the reward of the wicked. For Thou, O Lord, art my hope : thou hast made the Most High thy refuge. There shall no e\'il approach unto thee : neither shall the scourge come nigh thy dwelling. For He hath given His Angels charge over thee : to keep thee in all thy ways. In their hands they shall bear thee up : lest haply thou dash thy foot against a stone. Thou shalt walk upon the asp and the basilisk : the lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under foot. Because he hath hoped in Me, I will deliver him : I will protect him, because he hath known My name. He shall cry unto Me, and I will hear him : I am with him in trouble : I will deliver him, and I will glorify him. I will fill him with length of da3'S : and will show him ]My salvation. Glory be to the Father, etc. ""IjI^EHOLD, now bless ye the Lord : all ye servants *^^-^ of the Lord. Ye that stand in the house of the Lord : in the courts of the house of our God. Lift up your hands by night to the holy places : and bless ye the Lord. May the Lord bless thee out of Sion : Who hath made heaven and earth. Glory be to the Father, etc. Anl. Have mercy on me, O Lord, and hear my prayer. Evening Praykrs. 73 Thk Hymn.^ *T^ OW that the daylight dies away, r*-^ By all Thy grace and love, Thee, Maker of the world, we pray To watch our bed above. Let dreams depart and phantoms fly, The offspring of the night ; Keep us, like shrines, beneath Thine eye, Pure in our foes' despite. This grace on Thy redeemed confer, Father, Co-equal Son, And Holy Ghost, the Comforter, Eternal Three in One. Amen. The Little Chapter. ■J^^ HOU, O Lord, art among us, and Thy holy name ^^ is called upon us : forsake us not, O Lord our God. R. Thanks be to God. Short Responsory. INTO Thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit. R. Into Thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit. V. Thou hast redeemed us, O Lord, God of truth. R. I commend my spirit. V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. R. Into Thy hands, O Lord, I commend ni)^ spirit. * Translation by Cardinal Newman. 74 Evening Prayers. V. Keep us, O Lord, as the apple of Thine eye. R. Protect us under the shadow of Thy wings. The Canticle of Simeon. Ant. Save us. *T^OW, O Lord, lettest Thou Thy ser\'ant depart in '"^^ peace : according to Thy word. For mine eyes have seen : Thy salvation. Which Thou hast prepared : in sight of all nations. Light to enlighten the 'gentiles : and glory of Thy people Israel. Glory be to the Father, etc. Atit. Save us, O Lord, watching, guard us sleeping : that we may watch with Christ, and may rest in peace. [At Eastertide, Alleluia. ) "T ^ORD, have mercy. ' Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Our Father {ifiaudibly). V. And lead us not into temptation. R. But deliver us from e\T;l. I believe in God {in audibly). V. The resurrection of the body. R. And the life everlasting. Amen. V. Blessed art Thou, O Lord, the God of our fathers. R. And worthy to be praised and glorified for ever. V. Let us bless the Father and the Son with the Holy Ghost. R. Let us praise and exalt Him above all for ever. V. Blessed art Thou, O Lord, in the firmament of Heaven. BvKNiNG Prayers. 75 R. And worthy to be praised, and glorified, and exalted above all for ever. V. May the Almighty and merciful Lord bless and protect us. R. Amen. V. Vouchsafe, O Lord, this night R. To keep us without sin. V. Have mercy on us, O Lord. R. Have mercy on us, V. Let Thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us. R. As we have hoped in Thee. V. O Lord, hear my prayer. R. And let my cry come unto Thee. Let us pray. 'TT'ISIT, we beseech Thee, O Lord, this habitation, ^ and drive far from it all snares of the enemy : let Thy holy Angels dwell therein to keep us in peace : and may Thy blessing be upon us always. Through our Lord, etc. R. Amen. V. O Lord, hear my prayer. R. And let my cry come unto Theet V. Let us bless the Lord. R. Thanks be to God. Thk Blhssino. /T^AY the Almighty and merciful Lord bless and • ' protect us ; the Father, ''' the Son, and the Holy Ghost. R. Amen. Then is said one of the Antiphons of the Blessed Virgin, according 76 Evening Prayers. - -- '/I. /y^^ Autiphou IS to bt idtd Eastevtide, when it is to be said standing. From Vespers of Saturday be/are the First Sunday in Advent to th', Star of the deep, aud Por- tal of the sky ! Mother of Him who thee from nothing made, Sinking we strive, and call to thee for aid : Oh, by that joy which Ga- briel brought to thee, Thou Virgin first and last, let us th}' mercy see. /';/ Advent. YT NGELUS Domini j^^jL, nuntiavit Mariae. R. Et concepit de Spi- ritu Saucto. O rem lis. ^ RATI AM tuam, qu?e- Vz) sumus, Doniine, mentibus nostris infunde, ut qui, Angelo nuntiante, Christi filii tui incarna- tionem cognovimus, per passionem ejus et cruceni ad resurrectionis gloriam '^ HE Angel of the Lord \zy declared unto Maiy. R. And she conceived by the Holy Ghost. Let us pray. ^y-vOUR forth, we be- ,-L_ seech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts ; that as we have known the Incarnation of Christ Thy Son by the message of an Angel, so, by His Passion and Cross, we may be Evening Prayers. 77 perducamur ; per eumdem brought to the glory of Christum Doininum nos- His resurrection ; through trum. the same Christ our Lord, y?. Amen. R. Amen. From Christmas day to the Purification. "T^OST partum virgo ^7J*FTKR child-birth '-*— inviolata permau- (v^-*-> thou didst remain sisti. a pure virgin. R. Dei Genitrix, inter- R. O Mother of God, in- cede pro nobis. tercede for us. Onnmis. Let us pray. "T^ EUS, qui salutis aeter- f^ GOD, who, by the t^^ nse, beatae Mariae ^^ fruitful virginity of virginitate fecunda, hu- Blessed Mary, hast given mano generi praemia prae- unto mankind the rewards stitisti ; tribue, qussumus, of eternal salvation ; grant, ut ipsam pro nobis inter- we beseech Thee, that we cedere sentiamus, per quam may feel that she intercedes meruimus auctorem vitae for us, through whom we suscipere, Dominum nos- have been made worthy to trum Jesum Christum Fi- receive the Author of life. Hum tuum. our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son. R. Amen. R. Amen. II. From the Feast of the Purification to Maundy Thursda}-, exclusively. *lCr VE, Regina coelo 'p^ AIL ! O Queen of c*/«-*-^ rum! r*-^ Heav'n enthrou'd ! Ave, domina angelorum ! Hail ! by angels mistress own'd ! 78 Evening Prayers. Salve, radix, salve, porta. Ex qua muudo Lux est orta. Gaude, Virgo gloriosa, Super omues speciosa. Vale, O valde decora ! Et pro nobis Christum exora. V. Dignare me laudare te, Virgo sacrata. R. Da mihi virtutem coutra hostes tuos. CONCEDE, misericors Deus, fragilitati uos- trae praesidium ; ut qui sanctae Dei Genitricis me- moriam agimus, iutercessi- Guis ejus auxilio a nostris iniquitatibus resurgamus. Per eumdem Christum Do- minum nostrum. R. Amen. Root of Jesse, Gate of morn. Whence the world's true Light was born. Glorious Virgin ! joy to thee. Loveliest whom in Heaven they see. Fairest thou where all are fair! Plead with Christ our sins to spare. V. Vouchsafe that I may praise thee, O sacred Virgin. R. Give me strength against thine enemies. Lfl us pyuj . I^RANT, O merciful Vi/ God, defence to our weakness ; that we who now celebrate the memory of the holy Mother of God may, by the aid of her in- tercession, rise again from our sins. Through the same Christ our Lord. R. Amen. III. Ffotfi Holy Saturday it/l Trinity Eve. ^T^ EGIN A Coeli, hetare ! /^ QUEEN of heaven, r*-\> Alleluia. ^^ rejoice ! Alleluia. Quia quem meruisti por- For He whom thou didst tare, Alleluia, merit to bear, Alleluia, Evening Prayers. 79 Resurrexit sicut dixit. Al- leluia. Ora pro nobis Deum. Alleluia. V. Gaude et laetare, Virgo Maria. Alleluia. R. Quia surrexit Domi- uus vere. Alleluia. OreiHUi. *T^EUS, qui per resur- «-■— ' rectiouem Filii tui Domini nostri Jesu Christi mundum laetificare digna- tus es ; praesta, quaesu- mus, ut per ejus Genitri- cem Virginem Mariam per- petuse capiamus gaudia vitse. Per eumdem Chris- tum Dominum nostrum. R. Amen. Hath arisen, as He said, Alleluia. Pray for us to God. Alleluia. V. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary. Alleluia. R. For the Lord hath risen indeed. Alleluia. Let lis pray. f^ GOD, who, through ^^ the Resurrection of Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, didst vouchsafe to fill the world with joy ; grant, we beseech The*, that, through His Virgin Mother, Mary, we may lay hold on the joys of ever- lasting life. Through the same Christ our Lord. R. Amen. IV. Fro>M First Vespers of Trinity vSunday to Advent. Qf ALVB, Regina, mater j^~^ misericordiae ; vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve. Ad te clamamus, exules filii Hevae ; ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes in hac lacrymarum "np^AIL, holy Queen, Mo- '-*~ ^ tlier of mercy ; our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve ; to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning So Evening Prayers. valle. Eia ergo, Advocata nostra, illos tuos miseri- cojdes oculos ad nos con- verte ; et Jesum, beuedic- tum fructum veutris tui, nobis post hoc exilium os- tende, O clemens, O pia, O dulcis Virgo Maria. F. Ora pro uobis, sancta Dei Geuitrix. J^. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi. r\ MNIPOTEXS. sempi- ^^ terne Deus, qui glo- riosce Virginis ]\Iatris Ma- ria; corpus et auimam, ut diguuui Filii tui haljitacu- lum effici niereretur, Spi- ritu Sancto cooperaute, prDEparasti ; da ut cujus commemoratione Isetamur, ejus pia iutercessione ab instantibus malis et a morte perpetua liberemur. Per eutudem Christum Domi- uuin nostrum. J^. Amen. and weeping in this val- ley of tears. Turn, then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy to- wards us ; and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus ; O clement, O pious, O sweet Virgin Mary. r. Pra}' for us, O holy :Mother of God. /?. That we ma}- be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Le/ Its p) ay. yr LMIGHTY, Ever- (yJ'~^ lasting God, who, by the co operation of the Holy Ghost, didst prepare the body and soul of the glorious Virgin Mother, Mary, to become the fit habitation of Thy Son ; grant that we who now re- joice in her commemora- tion may, by her gracious intercession, be delivered from all the evils that threaten us, and from ever- lasting death. Through the same Christ our Lord. /^. Amen. Evening Prayers. 8i V. Divinum auxilium V. May the divine as- maueat semper uobiscum. sistance remain always with ns. R. Amen. R. Amen. Pater Noster, Ave Maria, Our Father, Hail Mary, Credo [secreto). I believe in God {iiiaudi- bly). ANOTHER FORM OF EYENING PRAYERS. IN the name of the Father, '^ and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Come, Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of Thy faithful, and kindle in them the fire of Thy love. OMY God, I present myself before Thee at the end of another day, to offer Thee anew the homage of my heart. I humbly adore Thee, my Creator, my Redeemer, and my Judge ! I believe in Thee, because Thou art Truth itself ; I hope in Thee, because Thou art faithful to Thy promises ; I love Thee with my whole heart, because Thou art infinitely worthy of being loved ; and for Thy sake I love my neighbor as myself 6NABLE me, O my God, to return Thee thanks as I ought for all Thine inestimable blessings and favors. Thou hast thought of me, and loved me from all eternity ; Thou hast formed me out of nothing ; Thou hast delivered up Thy beloved vSon to the igno- minious death of the Cross for my redemption ; Thou hast made me a member of Thy holy Church ; Thou hast preserved me from falling into the abyss of eternal 82 Evening Prayers. misery, when my sins had provoked Thee to punish me ; and Thou hast graciously continued to spare me, even though I have not ceased to offend Tliee. What return, O my God, can I make for Thine innumerable blessings, and particularh' for the favors of this day ? all ye Saints and Angels, unite with me in praising the God of mercies, who is so bountiful to so unworthy a creature. Our Father. Hail Mary. I believe in God. Aik of Gixf h'sltf tn discover (he sins C'->inmit(ed 'his :far. OMY God, sovereign Judge of men, who desirest , not the death of a sinner, but that he should be converted and saved, enlighten my mind, that I may know the sins which I have this day committed in thought, word, or deed, and give me the grace of true contrition. V- ■/■ examine your Conxcienre ; fheu say : ^~\ MY God. I heartily repent, and am grieved that I ^-^ have offended Thee, because Thou art infinitely good, and sin is infinitely displeasing to Thee. I humbly ask of Thee mercy and pardon, through the infinite merits of Jesus Christ. I resolve, by the a.s- sistance of Thy grace, to do penance for my sins, and 1 will endeavor never more to offend Thee. I confess to Almighty God, etc. [///';r }>tay he said the Litany of Ix)reto, f>. 6^.] /^ GOD, hear my prayers on behalf of our Holy ^^ Father Pope N., our Bishop N., our clerg}', and for all that are in authority over us. Bless, I beseech Thee, the whole Catholic Church, and convert all here- Evening Prayers. 83 tics and unbelievers. Pour down Thy blessings, O I^ord, upon all my friends, relations, and acquaintances, and upon my enemies, if I have any. Help the poor and sick, and those who are in their last agony. O God of mercy and goodness, have compassion on the souls of the faithful in purgatory ; put an end to their suffer- ings, and grant to them eternal light, rest, and happi- ness. Amen. C\ ALMIGHTY and Eternal God, who savest all, and wiliest not that any should perish, look, we beseech Thee, upon the souls that are led astray by the deceits of the devil ; that, rejecting all errors, the hearts of those who err may be converted, and return to the unity of Thy truth. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Tj-i LESS, O Lord, the repose I am about to take, that, my bodily strength being renewed, I may be the better enabled to serve Thee. Amen. C\ BLESSED Virgin Mary, Mother of mercy, pray for me, that I may be preserved this night from all evil, whether of body or soul. Blessed St. Joseph, and all ye saints and angels of Paradise, especially my guardian angel and my chosen patron, watch over me. I commend myself to your protection now and always. Am^en. I^OLY, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts : the earth '"^'^ is full of Thy glory. Glory be to the Father, glory be to the Son, glory be to the Holy Ghost. A'}nenX^) Ilnetructione for Ibeartne flDaaa. WHAT THE MASS IS, AND FOR WHAT END IT IS TO BE OFFERED. ROM the beginning of the world the .servants of God were alwa3's accustomed to offer Sac- rifice to Him, by way of acknowledging His sovereignty and paying their homage to Him ; and in all ancient religions, true or ^y,u.HiiM,i.M,-»iMim_ li - ^ false, this worship of Sacrifice was always ■ ■ • regarded as a most solemn act of religion, due to the Deity worshipped. In the Jaw of nature, and in the law of .. '.- Moses, there was a great variety of Sacri- fices : some bloody, in which the victim was slain ; others unbloody. Some were called Holocausts, or whole burnt-offerings, in which the whole host or N-ictim was con- sumed in fire upon God's altar, for His honor and glory ; others were called Sin-offerings, which were offered for sins; others were offerings of Thanksgivings ; others were pacific or Peace-offerings, which were offered for obtaining favors of God — the word "peace'" in the Scripture style .signify- ing all manner of good and prosperity. Ail these Sacrifices of the law of nature, and of the lawof Mo.ses. were of themselves but iveak and needy elements (Gal. iv. 9), and only figures of a Gacrifice to come, viz., that of Jesus Christ; in consideration of which Sacrifice only, and of the faith of the offerers, by which they believed in the Redeemer to come, those ancient Sacrifices were then accepted by the Divine Majesty, 84 Instructions for Hearing Mass. 85 when they were accompanied with the inward sacrifice of the heart ; but not for any intrinsic worth or dignity of the things offered, for no other blood but the Blood of Christ could wash away sins. Hence, St. Paul says {Heb. x. 5), quoting from the 39th Psalm : Sacrifice and oblation Thou 'Mouldsi not have : but Thou hait fitted to Me a Body. This gi'v'-es us to understand that, by reason of the insufficiencj'' of the Sacrifices of the old law, Christ Himself would come to be our Sacrifice, and would offer up His own Bodj'^ and Blood for us. Accordingly, our Sa\'iour Jesus Christ, at the time appointed by His Father, having taken flesh for us, was pleased to offer Him- self a Sacrifice for us, dying upon the Cross for the sins of the whole world. By this one offering we were completely redeemed, inasmuch as our ransom was paid, and all mercy, grace, and salvation were purchased for us. Neither can there now be any need of His dying any more, or purchasing any other graces for us than those for which He has already paid the price of His Blood. Nevertheless, for the daily application of this one eternal Re- demption to our souls, and that the mercy, grace, and salvation which He has purchased for us may be actually communicated to us. He not o-a\y continually appears in our behalf in the Sanctuary of Heaven, there representing and offering to His Fa- ther His Passion and Death for us, but He has also instituted the Blessed Eucharist, the night before His Passion, in which He bequeathed us His Body and Blood, under the sacramental veils, not only to be received by us as a vSacrament, for the food and nourishment of our souls, but also (mystically delivered) to be of- fered and presented by His ministers to His Father as a Sacrifice : not by way of a new death, but by way of a standing Memorial of His death ; a daily celebrating and representing of His death to God, and an applying to our souls of the fruits thereof. This Eucharistic Sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Christ, daily offered under the forms of bread and wine, in remembrance of His Passion, is what we call the Mass. This is the solemn Liturgy of the Catholic Church. This is that pure Offering which is made to God in every place among the Gentiles, according to the pro- phecy of Malachi (/. 10, 11). Bj^ this, Christ is a Priest for ever ac- cording to the order of Melchisedech (Psalm log), whose Sacrifice was bread and wine (Gen. xv.) This Sacrifice of the Mass is the same in substance with that which Christ offered for us upon the Cross ; because both the 86 Instructions for Hearing Mass. Victim offered, and the Priest or principal Offerer, is the same Jesus Christ. The difference is onlj' in the manner of the offer- ing ; because upon the Cross our Saviour offered Himself in such a manner as really to shed His Blood and die for us ; whereas now He does not really shed His Ulood, or die. And therefore this is called an unbloody Sacrifice ; and that of the Cross a bloody Sacrifice. By virtue of this essential sameness, the Sacrifice of the Mass completely answers all the different ends of Sacrifice, and that in a way infinitely more effective than any of the ancient Sacri- fices. Christ is here both Prie.st and Victim, representing in per- son and offering up His Passion and Death to His Father. This Sacrifice of the Mass is offered up to God, in the Catholic Church, first as a daily remembrance of the Passion of Christ: This do for the commemoration of Me ( i Cor. xi. 24) ; .secondly, as a most solemn worship of the Divine Majesty ; thirdlJ^ as a most acceptable thanksgi\'ing to God, from whence it has the name of Eucharist ; fourthh-, as a most powerful means to move God to show mercy to us in the forgiveness of our sins, for which reason we call it propitiatory ; and, lastly, as a most effectual way to ob- tain of God all that we need, coming to Him, as we here do, with Christ and through Christ. For these ends both Priest and people ought to offer up the Sacrifice of the Ma.ss— the Priest, as Christ's minister and in His person ; and the people, by the hands of the Priest ; and both the one and the other by the hands of the Great High-Priest Jesus Christ. And with this offering of Christ, both the one and the other should make a total offering of themselves also by His hands and in union with Him. OF THE CEREMONY OF MASS. ^-J LTHOUGH the homage which man owes to his Creator (V'«-""-> so essentially consists in the interior dispositions of the soul that without these all outward worship is unpro- fitable and vain, 3'et the constitution of our nature is such as to require external signs and ceremonies which may operate through the medium of the bodily senses upon our souls, and elevate them to God. To tliis end are directed all the Ceremonies of the Church, and it is the Christian's duty to learn how to use them accordingly. Hence — iNsf RUci'ioNS i^oR Hearing Mass. 87 1. The custom of placing a vessel contaiuing blessed or Holy Watkk at the entrance of the Church has been handed down to us from the Apostolic age. Into this vessel the faithful dip the fingers of the right hand, and make upon themselves the Sign of the Cross, repeating at the same time the invocation of the Ever- blessed Trinity. As water denotes purity and innocence, by using it on entering a place of worship we are admonished with what purity of heart and mind we should appear in the presence of our Maker. 2. The >r'^N of tht: Cross, which we make upon ourselves in taking holy water, as well as on many other occasions, is a sign or ceremony in which, with St. Paul [Gal. vi. 14), we should place our greatest happiness and glory, as being a striking memorial of the sufferings and death of our Redeemer— that mystery whence are derived all our hopes for mercy, grace, and salvation. By the words that accompany this ceremony we are no less forcibly re- minded that God whom we serve, although One in nature, exists in Three Persons really distinct from each other. 3. The first object that arrests the Christian's notice on enter- ing a Church is the A 1.1 AK with its Tab i.rxaci.i : andCRCCiFix. The Altar is the place of Sacrifice -another Calvary, as it were — whereon is celebrated, as Christ ordained, the memorial of His Passion and Death by the pure and unbloody Sacrifice of His Body and Blood. Upon the Altar we always see a Crucifix, or image of our Saviour upon the Cross ; that as the Mass is said in remembrance of Christ's Passion and Death, both Priest and people may have before their eyes during this Sacrifice the image which puts them in mind of those Mysteries. The Tabernacle contains the Blessed Sacrament. It is to Jesus Christ, there- fore, truly present within the Tabernacle, that we bend the knee in homage and adoration when we enter or depart from the Church. 4. As the Mass represents the Passion of Christ, and the Priest officiates in His person, so the Vi-stmkxts in which he officiates represent those in which Christ was ignominiously clothed at the time of His Passion. Thus, the Amice represents the cloth with which the Jews muffled our Saviour's Face when at every blow they bade Him prophesy who it was that struck Him. The Alb represents the white garment with which He was vested by Herod. The Girdle, Maniple, and Stole represent the cords and bands with which He was bound in the different stages of His Passion. The Chasuble, or outward Vestment, Instructions for Hearing Mass. represents the purple garment with which He was clothed as a mock King; upon this is embroidered a Cross, to represent that which Christ bore upon His sacred shoulders. lastly, the Priest's Tonsure, which is worn in all Catholic countries, is to represent the crown of thorns which our Saviour wore. Moreover, as in the old law the Priests who were wont to offici- ate in the sacred functions had, by the appointment of God, Vest- ments assigned for that purpose— as well for the greater decency and solemnity of the Divine worship as to signify the virtues which God required of His ministers— so it was proper that in the Church of the New Testament Christ's ministers should in their sacred functions be distinguished in like manner from the laity by their sacred Vestments ; which might also represent the vir- tues which God requires in them. Thus, the Amice represents divine Hope, which St. Paul calls the helmet of salvation ; the Alb, Innocence of life ; the Girdle, Purity and Chastity ; the Mani- ple, Patience in enduring the labors of this mortal life ; the Stole, the sweet Yoke of Christ, to be borne in this life in order to at- tain a happy immortality ; the Chasuble, which covers all the rest, the virtue of Charity, which, as St. Peter tells us, covereth a multitude of sins. In these Vestments the Church uses five colors, \nz., White, on the Feasts of our Lord, of the Blessed Virgin, of the Angels, and of the Saints who were not martyrs, and on the Sundays in Eastertide ; Red, on the Feasts of Pentecost, of the Finding and Exaltation of the Cross, and of the Apostles and Martj'rs; Violet, in the i>enitential seasons of Advent and Lent, and upon Vigils and Eml^er-daj-s ; Green, on most other Sundays and ordinary days throughout the year ; and Black, on Good Friday, and in Masses for the Dead. 5. There are always LiciiiTKn Candli-^ upon the Altar during Mass, as well to honor the victory and triumph of our great King by these lights, which are tokens of our joy and of His Glorj', as to denote the light of Faith, without which it is impossible to please Him. 6. A small nrr.i is occasionally rung. This is done to give notice of certain more solemn parts of the Sacrifice ; to recall the wandering mind from distraction ; and to excite all to greater fen,-or and devotion. 7. iNCFNsr: is used at Solemn Mass. It is symbolical of Prayer, according to the saying of the Psalmist : Let my prayer, O Lord, b£ directed as incense in Thy sight {Ps. carl. 2). Prayers before Mass. 89 ON THE MANNER OF HEARING MASS. * y ^ ' HERE are various methods of profitably hearing Mass. \^y One method is, to follow the Priest in the Ordinary' of the Mass as contained in the Missal ; joining with him, as far as the laitj' may, in the very words of the service, and uniting our intention with him in what he does as Priest for the people. To enable all persons, even those who do not understand Latin, to follow the service, translations of the Ordinary and Canon of the Mass have been made into almost all languages, and circu- lated by authority. Another method is to accompany the Priest through the different parts of the sen-ice with appropriate de- votions, similar to those he is using and directed to the same general ends, uniting our intention with his, but not using or not confining ourselves to the words of the Ordinarj\ A third method is to applj' the service to the purpose of meditation on the Lrife or Passion of our Lord, or on any other appropriate sub- ject. Whatever be the method followed, our first care should be to recollect ourselves, by calling home our wandering thoughts, and taking them ofiF from all other concerns. We should humble ourselves profoundly in the presence of God, in whose Temple we are ; and represent to ourselves, by a lively Faith, the dread majesty of God, and humbly beg His mercy and grace, that we may participate in this Holy Sacrifice in a worthy and becoming manner. PRAYERS BEFORE MASS. COMB, Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of Thy faithful, and kindle in them the fire of Thy love. V. Send forth Thy Spirit, and they shall be created. J^. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth. Lei us pray. OGOD, who by the light of Thy Holy Spirit didst teach the hearts of Thy faithful : grant us by the same Spirit to have a right judgment in all things, and 90 Devotions for Mass. evermore to rejoice in His holy comfort. Through Christ, our Lord. A men. *T '.OOK down, O Lord, from Thy Sanctuary, and <* ■ * from heaven. Thy dwelling-place, and behold this holy Victim which our great High-Priest, Thy holy Child, the Lord Jesus, offers up to Thee for the sins of His brethren ; and let not Thy wrath be kindled because of the multitude of our transgressions. Be- hold, the voice of the Blood of Jesus our Brother calls to Thee from the Cross. Give ear, O Lord ; be ap- peased, O Lord ; hearken, and tarry not, for Thine own sake, O my God ; because Thy name is called upon in behalf of this city and of Thy people ; but deal with us according to Thy great mercy. Amen. That Thou vouchsafe to defend, pacify, keep, pre- serve, and bless this city: we beseech Thee to hear us.W DEVOTIONS FOR MASS. PART I. The Preparation, by Acts of Humility, Praise, Faith, etc. fnivfy ac ihf oei^inniui^ 0/ ji/ass, while the FnesL says the Judica me, Deus, etc. f^ AlvMIGHTY Lord of Heaven and earth, behold ^^ L a wretched sinner, presume to appear before Thee this day, to offer up unto Thee, by the hands of our High-Priest, Jesus Christ, Thy Sou, the Sacrifice Devotions for Mass. 91 of His Body and Blood, iu union with that vSacrifice which He offered to Thee upon the Cross : first, for Thine own honor, praise, adoration, and glory ; second- ly, in remembrance of His Passion and Death ; thirdly, in thanksgiving for all Thy blessings bestowed upon Thy whole Church, whether triumphant in heaven or militant on earth, and especially for those bestowed upon me, the most unworthy of all ; fourthly, for ob- taining pardon and remission of all my sins, and of those of all others, whether living or dead, for whom I ought to pray [here })icntio>i their na)nes)\ and, lastly, for obtaining all graces and blessings both for myself and for Thy whole Church {hevt' mention your particular requests). Oh, be Thou pleased to assist me by Thy grace, that I may behave myself this day as I ought to do in Thy di\dne Presence, and that I may so commemorate the Passion and Death of Thy Son as to partake most plentifully of the fruits thereof Through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. y\t the Confiteor. O BLESSED Trinity, one God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, prostrate in spirit before Thee, I here confess, in the sight of the whole court of heaven and of all Thy faithful, my innumerable treasons against Thy divine majesty. I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned ; I have grievously offended Thee through the whole course of my life, in thought, word, and deed; and therefore am unworthy to lift mine eyes to heaven, or so nmch as to utter Thy sacred name. How much more am I unworthy to appear here in Thy Sanctuary, and to mingle among Thine Angels at these heavenly 92 Devotions for Mass. Mysteries, which require so much purity, because Jesus Christ Himself is here in person, both Priest and Vic- tim ! But, O my God, Thy mercies are above all Thy works, and Thou wilt not despise a contrite and humble heart : and therefore I here venture to come into Thy Temple, and with the poor publican, and, as I hope, with the same penitential spirit, I strike my breast and say : God be tnerciful to me, a sinner. And I humbly hope to find this mercy wiiich I crave, through that Passion and Death which are here celebrated. O Foun- tain of Mercy, grant this mercy to me and to all poor sinners. Amen. When the Priest ascends the steps of the Attar. ^"^X^ AKE away from us our iniquities, we beseech ^^ Thee, O Lord ; that we may be worthy to enter with pure minds into the Holy of Holies. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen. It the lulroil. /^ RANT, O Lord, that we may be truly prepared for ^>— ' offering this great Sacrifice unto Thee this day ; and because our sins alone can render us displeasing to Thee, therefore we cry aloud to Thee for merc}'. . It the Kyrie iCleisou. F.ithet repeal uit/i the PnVsf. oksjv ■ Have mercy on me. O Lord, and forgive me all my sins. Have mercy on me, () Lord, have mercy on me. Tht (.xloria in Kxcelsis, or Greater Doxology. Repeat this unlh the Ptiest. p. iig. Devotions for Mass. 93 At the Collects. O ALMIGHTY and Eternal God, we humbly be- seech Thee to mercifully hear the prayers here offered unto Thee by Thy servant in the name of Thy whole Church, and in behalf of us Thy people. Accept them, to the honor of Thy name, and the good of our souls ; and grant to us all mercy, grace, and sal- vation. Through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. I Or, on a Saint' s Day. > Grant, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, that the examples of Thy Saints may effectualh' move us to re- form our hves ; that while we celebrate their festivals, we may also imitate their actions. Through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. At the Epistle. Y^ HOU hast vouchsafed, O Lord, to teach us Thy Vi^ sacred truths by the Prophets and Apostles : oh, grant that we may so improve by their doctrine and ex- amples in the love of Thy holy name, and of Thy holy law, that we may show forth by our lives whose disci- ples we are ; that we may no longer follow the corrupt inclinations of flesh and blood, but master all our pas- sions ; that we may be ever directed by Thy light, and strengthened by Thy grace, to walk in the way of Thy commandments, and to serve Thee with clean hearts. Through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. At the Gradual, *jr-J OW admirable, O Lord, is Thy name, in the whole #-■—* earth ! I will bless Thee, O Lord, at all times ; Thy praise shall be always in my mouth. Be Thou my 94 Devotions for Mass. God and Protector for ever : I will put my whole trust in Thee ; oh, let me never be confounded. At the Gospel. fT\ AYEST Thou be ever adored and praised, O Lord, % *- ^ -> who, not content to instruct and inform us by Thy Prophets and Apostles, hast even vouchsafed to speak to us by Thine Only Son our Sa\'iour Jesus Christ ; commanding us b)' a voice from heaven to hear Him : grant us, O merciful God, the grace to profit by His divine and heavenly doctrine. All that is written of Thee, O Jesus, in Thy Gospel, is Truth itself : nothing but wisdom in Thine actions, power and goodness in Thy miracles, light and instruction in Thy words. With Thee, sacred Redeemer, are the words of eternal life : to whom shall we go but to Thee, eternal Fountain of Truth ? Give me, O God, grace to practise what Thou commandest, and command what Thou pleasest. . // t/ic Cre.lo Say this with the Priest, p. 126. PART II. The Obi^ation and Sanctification of the Bread AND Wine for the Sacrifice. DnriiiX the Offertory 0/ the Bread a?ul the Wine. ^ipt CCEPT, O Eternal Father, this offering which is fvA-*-» here made to Thee by Thy Priest, in the name of us here present, and of Thy whole Church. It is as yet only bread and wine : but, by a miracle of Thy power, will shortly become the Body and Blood of Thy Devotions for Mass. 95 beloved Son. He is our High-Priest and our Victim. With Him and through Him we desire to approach Thee this day, and by His hands to offer Thee this Sacrifice, for Thine own honor, praise, and glory ; in thanksgiving for all Thy benefits ; in satisfaction for all our sins ; and for obtaining conversion for all un- believers, and mercy, grace, and salvation for all Thy faithful. And with this offering of Thine Only-begot- ten Son we offer Thee ourselves, our souls and bodies, begging that by virtue of this Sacrifice we may be happily united to Thee, and that nothing in life or death may ever separate us from Thee. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. In a humble spirit, and a contrite heart, may we be accepted by Thee, O Lord : and let our Sacrifice be so made in Thy sight this day that it may be pleasing unto Thee, O Lord God. Come, O Sanctifier, Almighty, eternal God, and bless this Sacrifice set forth to Thy holy name. At the Washing of the Fingers. OH, what cleanliness and purity of heart ought we to bring with us to this great Sacrifice ! But, alas ! I am a poor unclean sinner. Oh, wash me, dear Lord, from all the stains of sin in the Blood of the Lamb, that I may be worthy to be present at these heavenly Mysteries. After the Lavabo, when the Priest bows down at the tniddle of the Altar. OMOST holy and adorable Trinity, vouchsafe to receive this our Sacrifice in remembrance of our Saviour's Passion, Resurrection, and glorious Ascen- 96 Devotions for Mass. siou : and grant that we may die with Him to our sins, rise with Him to newness of life, and ascend with Him to Thee. Let those Saints whose memory we celebrate on earth remember us before Thy throne in Heaven, and obtain mercy for us. Through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. At the Orate, fratres. QAY the Lord receive the Sacrifice from thy hands, to the praise and glory of His name, to our benefit, and to that of all His holy Church. .-// the Secrete. CV\ ERCIFULLY hear our prayers, O Lord, and gra- ■ ■ ciously accept this oblation which we Thy ser- vants make unto Thee ; and as we offer it to the honor of Thy name, so may it be to us a means of obtaining Thy grace here and life everlasting hereafter. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. {Or, on a SainV s Day.) Qj ANCTIFY, O Lord, we beseech Thee, these gifts *^ which we offer Thee in this solemnity of Thy holy servant N. , and so strengthen us by Thy grace that both in prosperity and adversity our wa\'s may be ever directed to Thine honor. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. At the vSnrsum Corda. V. Lift up your hearts. R. We lift them up unto the Lord. V. Let us give thanks unto the Lord our God. R. It is worthy and just. Devotions for Mass. 97 The Preface. IT is truly worthy and just, right aud profitable unto salvation, that we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto Thee, O holy Lord, Father Almighty, Eternal God. Who, with Thine Only- begotten Son and the H0I5' Ghost, art one God, one Lord : not in the singleness of one only Person, but in the Trinity of one Substance. For what we be- lieve of .Thy glory, as Thou hast revealed it, that we believe of Thy Son, and that of the Holy Ghost, with- out any difference or inequality. That in the confes- sion of the True and Eternal Godhead, distinction in Persons, uuit)^ in Essence, and equality in Majesty may be adored. Whom the Angels aud Archangels, the Cherubim also and Seraphim, do praise ; who cease not daily to cry out, with one voice saying : ; H/'^e the hell is rung, i *p:;^OLY, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts. Heaven A—Is and earth are full of Thy glor}-. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who cometh in the name of the Lord. Hosanna iu the highest. PART III. The Canon of the Mass, or Main Action of the Sacrifice. At the beginning of the Canon. O ETERNAL and most merciful Father, behold we come to offer Thee our homage this day. We desire to adore, praise, and glorify Thee, joining our Devotions for Mass. hearts aud voices \s'ith all Thy Blessed in heaven, and with Thy whole Church upon earth. But acknowledg- ing our great unworthiness and innumerable sins, for which we are heartily sorry- and humbly crave Thy pardon, we dare not venture to approach Thee, save through Thy Son, our Advocate and ^Mediator, Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast given us to be both our High- Priest and vSacrifice. With Him, therefore, aud through Him, we venture to offer Thee this Sacrifice.: to His most sacred intentions we desire to unite ours : and with this offering which He makes of Himself we wish to make an offering of our whole being unto Thee. With Him, aud through Him, we beseech Thee to ex- alt Thy Holy Catholic Church throughout the world ; to maintain her in peace, unity, holiness, and truth ; to have mercy on Thy servant, N. our Pope, N. our Bishop, N. our Pastor, [our parents, children, friends, benefactors, etc.,] on all whom we have in au}- way scandalized, in- jured, or offended, or for whom we ought to pray; on all who are dying ; on all who are under temptation, or in other necessity, of either bod}- or soul ; on all our ene- mies ; and on us all poor sinners ; that we may all be con- verted to Thee, and find mercy through Jesus Christ, Thy Son ; through whom we hope one day to be admitted into the compau}- of all Thy Saints and Elect, whose memory we here celebrate, whose prayers we desire, and with whom we communicate in these holy Mysteries. U'/jrti thr Priest spreads his hands over the Oblation. Hf'rf thr hell is again rung. > f^ IVE ear, we beseech Thee, to the prayers of Thy ^^ servant, who is here appointed to make this Oblation in our behalf ; and grant it may be effectual Devotions for Mass. 99 for the obtaining of all those blessings which he asks for us. Behold, O Lord, we all here present unto Thee in this bread and wine the symbols of our perfect union. Grant, O Lord, that they may be made for us the true Body and Blood of Thy dear Son ; that, being conse- crated to Thee by this holy Victim, we may live in Thy sers-ice, and depart this life in Thy grace. Ai the Consecration Bow down in solemn adoration ; make an Act of Faith in the Real Presence of your Saviour's Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, under the sacramental veils. Offer your whole self to Him, and through Him to His Father : beg that your heart and soul may be happily united to Him, At the Elevation of the Host. {Here the hell is rung again.) |T^ OST adorable Body, I adore Thee with all the N^ - ^ powers of my soul. Lord, who hast given Thy- self entire to us, grant we may become entirely Thine. I believe, O Lord ; help mine unbelief Most merciful Saviour, be Thou my protector ; strengthen and defend me by Thy heavenly grace, now, and especially at the hour of my death, good Jesus. Amen. At the Elevation of the Chalice. ( Heyp also the hell is runs;. ) QOST adorable Blood, that washest away all our sins, I adore Thee : happy we, could we return our life and blood for Thine, O blessed Victim. O Jesus, do Thou cleanse, sanctify, and preserve our loo Devotions for Mass. souls to eternal life. Live, Jesus, in us, and may we live in Thee. Amen. After the Elevation. *V ["ND now, O Lord, with grateful hearts we call to <%X— *-• mind the sacred Mysteries of Th}- Passion and Death, of Thy Resurrection and Ascension. Here is Thy Body that was delivered ; here is Thy Blood that was shed for us ; of which these exterior signs are but the figures and 5-et in realit}' contain the Substance. Now we tmh- offer Thee, O Lord, that pure and holy Victim which Thou hast been pleased to give us ; of which all the other sacrifices were but so many types and figures. At the Memento /?>; the Dead. I OFFER Thee, O Almighty Father, this holy vSacri- fice of the Body and Blood of Thine Only Son, in behalf of the Faithful Departed, and in particular for the souls of N.N. [//'Vv name whom yon chiefly propose to pray for\ Likewise of such as I have in any way injured, or of whose sins I have by any means been the cause or occasion ; of such as have injur- ed me, and been my enemies ; of such as die in war, or have none to pray for them. To these, O Lord, and to all that rest in Christ, grant, we beseech Thee, a place of refreshment, of light, and of peace. Through the same Christ, our Lord. Amen. .// tJie Nobis r|iioque Peccatoribus, :r}irv fhr Prir^^l strikes his breast. VOUCHSAFE to grant the same to us also, poor and miserable sinners ; judge us not according to our demerits, but through the infinite multitude of Devotions for Mass. ioi Thy tender mercies, in which we put all our trust, gra- ciously extend to us Thy grace and pardon. We ask it of Thee, in the name of Thy dear vSon, who liveth and reigneth eternally with Thee ; and in that form of prayer which He Himself hath taught PART IV. The; Communion, or Sacramentai, Part of the Canon. Ai the Pater Ncster. Our Father, etc. *T^BlvIVER us, O Lord, from those evils which we r*— ' labor under at present ; from past evils, which are our manifold sins ; and from all evils to come, which will be the just chastisement of our offences, if our prayers, and those more powerful ones of Thy Saints, who intercede for us, intercept not Thy justice or excite not Thy bounty. At ttic- Pax 'Doniini. ^^T^HY Body was delivered and Thy Blood was shed ^^ for us ; grant that the commemoration of this Holy Mystery may obtain for us peace, and that those who receive it may find everlasting rest. At the Aoiuis Dei, say with the Priest : *T ' AMB of God, who takest away the sins of the «-■ — * world, have mercy on us, Ivamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Damb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, grant us Thy peace. Devotions for Mass. IN sa>nug to Thine Apostles : Peace I leave you, My peace I give you ; Thou hast promised, O Lord, to all Thy Church, that peace which the ^^orld cannot give, — peace with Thee, and peace with our- selves. Let nothing, O Lord, ever interrupt this holy peace ; let nothing separate us from Thee, to whom we heartily desire to be united, through this Blessed Sacra- ment of peace and reconciliation. Let this Food of Angels strengthen us in every Christian duty, so as never more to yield under temptations or fall into our common weaknesses. // fli' Domiue, non sum dignu:>, .... , ...."/ f'"-^ /^-'/'c/ three times, striking your breas nr>r fl^r hrJJ ,\ runz ^~T~' ORD, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter ^-* — *• under my roof ; but only say the word, and my soul shall be healed. Such as do not intend to commimicate sacramentally })iay co)}i})ii{nii\itt' spiritually, cis/b//ou'S : (T\ OST lo\dng Jesus, I adore Thee with a lively faith, \ *- ^ who art present in this Sacrament by virtue of Thine infinite power, wisdom, and goodness. All my hope is in Thee. I love Thee, O Lord, with all my heart, who hast so loved me ; and therefore I desire to receive Thee now spiritually. Come, therefore, O Lord, to me in spirit, and heal my sinful soul. Feed me, for I am hungry ; strengthen me, for I am weak ; enliven and sanctify me \\'ith Thy sacred Body and Blood ; de- liver me from all sin, and make me always obedient to Thy commandments; and let me never be separated Devotions for. Mass. 103 from Thee, my Saviour, who, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, Hvest and reiguest one God, world without end. Amen. A FAVORITE PRAYER OF ST. IGNATIUS I.OYOI*A.^^) Anima Christi. CS OUL of Christ, sanctify me ! J^3 Body of Christ, save me ! Blood of Christ, inebriate me ! Water from the side of Christ, wash me ! Passion of Christ, strengthen me ! O Good Jesus, hear me ! Within Thy Wounds hide me ! Suffer me not to be separated from Thee ! From the malicious enemy defend me ! In the hour of my death, call me, And bid me come to Thee ; That with Thy Saints I may praise Thee For ever and ever. Aniefi. At the Communion. ' I ' ET it be now, O Lord, the effect of Thy mercy, « * * that we who have been present at this holy Mystery may find the benefit of it in our souls. PART V. The PubIvIC Thanksgiving after Communion. At the Post-Communion. Vvi I'E give Thee thanks, O God, for Thy mercy in ^J^-^ admitting us to have a part in offering this Sacrifice to Thy holy name : accept it now to Thy I04 Devotions for Mass. glory, aud be ever mindful of our weakness. Most gracious God, Father of mercy, grant, I beseech Thee, that this adorable Sacrifice of the blessed Body aud Blood of Thy Son, our I^ord Jesus Christ, may obtain for us at Th_v hands mercy and the remission of all our sins. Aine?i. Concludiug Pyayer. I RETURN Thee now most hearty thanks, O my God, through Jesus Christ Thy Son, that Thou hast been pleased to deliver Him up to death for us, and to give us His Body and Blood, both as a Sacra- ment and a vSacrifice, in these holy Mysteries, at which Thou hast permitted me, a most unworthy sinner, to be present this day. May all heaven and earth bless and praise Thee ever for all Thy mercies. Pardon me, O Lord, all the distractions aud the manifold negli- gences of which I have been guilty this day in Thy sight ; and let me not depart without Thy blessing. Behold, I desire from this moment to give up myself, aud all that belongs to me, into Th}- hands ; and I beg that all my undertakings, all my thoughts, words, and actions, may henceforward tend to Thy glory. Through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. The Gospel of St. John, p. isS* Jx. A PRAYER AFTER MASS. LMIGHTY, Everlasting God, w^e humbly be- seech Thee graciously to look down from Thy high and holy place upon this congregation, and merci- * When a Feast of greater rank falls on a Sunday, the Suuda>. Gospel is substituted for that of St.fohn. Devotions for Mass. 105 fully hear and accept the prayers of Thj' Church. Of Thine infinite mercy be pleased to grant us pardon of all our sins, soundness of mind, health of body, and all the necessaries of life : grant also peace in our days, freedom from tempests, and fruitful seasons. Grant also to our prayers the unity of the Catholic Faith, the extirpation of heresies, the destruction of wicked coun- sels, the increase of true religion, fervor of love and piety, sincere devotion, patience and long-suffering in affliction, and joy in hope. Finally, grant us all things needful for the welfare of our souls and bodies, but, above all, whatever may promote the increase of Thy glory. Through Jesus Christ, our L,ord. Amen, AN ACT OF REPARATION FOR BLASPHEMY.(i> BLESSED be God. Blessed be His holy name. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man. Blessed be the name of Jesus. Blessed be Jesus in the most holy Sacrament of the Altar. Blessed be the great INIother of God, Mar}^ most holy. Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception. Blessed be the name of IVIary, Virgin and INIother. Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints. THE MANNER OF SERVING A PRIEST AT MASS. The P>-iest begins, and Uie Server, kneeling at his left hand, atiswers him as follows : INTROIBO ad altare Dei. 5'. Ad Deiim, qui Icetificat juventutem tneatn. P. Judica me, Deus, et discerne causam meam de gente non sancta : ab homine iniquo et doloso erue me. S. Quia in es, Deus,fortitiido niea : quare me reptilisli, el quare tristis tncedo, diim affligit me inimiciis f P. Emitte lucem tiiam, et veritatem tuam : ipsa me deduxerunt et adduxerunt in monteni sanctum tiuim et in tabernacula tua. S. Et introibo ad altare Dei : ad Deum, qui Icetifcat juventutem meam. P. Confitebor tibi in cithara, Deus, Deus meus. Quare tristis es, anima mea, et quare conturbas me ? .S". Spcra in Deo, quoniam adhuc confitebor illi ; salutare vultus niei, et Deus meus. P. Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. S. Sicut erat in principio, et nutic, et semper, et in scccula scECU- lorum. Amen. P. Introibo ad altare Dei. S. Ad Deum, qui Icrtificat juventutem meam. P. Adjutoriura nostrum in nomine Domini. S. Qui fecit cesium et terram. P. Confiteor Deo, etc. S. Misereatur tui omnipotens Deus, et dimissis pcccatis tuis, pcr- ducat te ad vitam ceternam. P. Amen. 5'. Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, beater MaricE semper V^irgini, bealo Michaeli Archangelo, beato foanni Baptista;, Sanctis Apostolis Petio et Paulo, omnibus Sanctis, et tibi, Pater, quia peccavi niniis, cogita- tione, verbo, et opere. [Strike your breast thrice, and sayl Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Ideo precor beatam Mariam semper Vifginem, beatum Michaelem Archangelum, beatum Joan- nem Paptistam, sanctos Apostolos Pctrum et Paulum, omnes Sanctos, et te. Pater, orare pro me ad Dominum Deum. nostrum. P. Misereatur vestri, etc. S. Amen. P. Indulgentiam, absolutionem, etc. S. Amen. [At a Bishop's Mass, here give him the maniple.\ P. Deus, tu conversus vivificabis nos. 5'. Et plebs tua Icstabitur in te. io6 Serving a Priest at Mass. 107 p. Ostende nobis, Domine, misericordiaui tuam. S. El salutare tiitim da nobis. P. Domine, exaudi orationem meam. S. Et clamor mens ad te venial. P. Dominus vobiscum. 5'. El cum spiritu tuo. When the Priest goes from the book to the middle of Uie AUar: P. Kyrie eleison. S- Kyrie eleison. P. Kyrie eleison. 5". Christe eleison. P. Christe eleison. S. Christe eleison. P. Kyrie eleison. 5. Kyrie eleison. P. Kyrie eleison. P. Dominus vobiscum. 5. El cum spirilu tuo. \Al a Bishop s Mass : B. Pax vobis. S. Et cum spiritu tuo.l IVhen the Priest says, Flectamus genua, rt.y is the case auctus tins ^ft^^ Ml. -•e the Ptiest spread his hands over the c/taliceygiic UiU a- ing, In- the bell, of the Consecration which is about to be made. Then holding up the vestment with your left hand, and having the bell in your right, ring during the elevation of the host and uf the chalice. As often as you pass by the Blessed Sanarnent nt a ke u ^tn it fleet io n. P. Per omnia scecula sieculorum. S. Amen. P. Et lie iios inducas in tentationem. .S". Sed libera nos a malo. P. Per omnia siccu'.a stcculoruni. .S'. Amen. P. Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum. S. Et cum spiritu tuo. When lilt Priest say^ Duuiiuc, iiou sum diynus, ring tlie bell ; and after his Communion, if there are communicants, prepare the cloth and say the Confiteor. After they have received, serve the Priest iL'ith xcine and it. ate r. for the ablutions. Then remove the book to the otht'r side of thf Altar, takf auux^ ^''' />'/• ...... //.^ Ctnnininiiainls. mid return Ik your phi< f. P. Dominus vobiscum. 5". Et cum spiritu tuo . P. Per omnia sa^cula Sieculorum. S. Amen. P. Dominus vobiscum. S. Et cum spiritu tuo. P. Ite ; missa est : or, Benedicamus Domino. S. Deo gratias. f'l .\/us.^''^ for t/ic dead : P. Requiescant in pace. S. Amen. [Atii Bishop-, .Vass: B. Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini. S. Qui fecit ccclum et terram. B. Sit noinen Domini benedictum. S. Ex hoc nunc et usque in scEculum. Benedicat vos omnipotens Deus, Pater ^ et Filius •}« et Spiri- tus 1^ Sanctus. S. Amcn.^ Remove the book to the Gospel side, if it be left open .■ kneel as you pass, to receive the Priest's blessing, answering Amen. P. Dominus vobiscum. S. Et cuyn spiritu tuo. , P. Initinm (or, Sequentia) saucti evangelii, etc. S. Gloria tibi, Domine. M (he end say, Deo gratias. I THE ORDER OF BLESSING WATER. On Sundays, and whenever need arises, the salt and clean water being prepared, in the Church or in the Sacristy, the Priest, vested in surplice and violet stole, first says : o UR help is in the name of the Lord. J^. Who hath made heaven and earth. THE EXORCISM OF THE SAI.T. I EXORCISE thee, O creature of salt, by the living God, •^ by the true God, -I- by the holy God, 4* by the God who commanded thee to be cast into the water by EUseus the Prophet, that the barrenness of the same might be healed ; that thou become salt for the preservation of them that believe, and be to all who take thee salvation of soul and body ; and from the place wherein thou shalt be sprinkled let every delusion and wickedness of the devil, and all unclean spirits, fly and depart when adjured by Him who shall come to judge the living and the dead, and the world by fire. J^. Amen. Lei us pray. V>1 f 'E humbly implore Thy boundless clemency, vxA. Almighty and Everlasting God, that of Thy bounty Thou wouldst deign to bless "r and sanc- tify + this creature of salt, which Thou hast given for the use of mankind ; let it be unto all who take it health of mind and body ; that whatsoever shall be touched or sprinkled with it be freed from all man- log no The Order of Blessing Water. ner of uucleanness, and from all assaults of spiritual wickedness. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, etc. Jv. Aineu. THE EXORCISM OF THE WATER. I EXORCISE thee, O creature of water, in the name of God '^ the Father Almighty ; and in the name of Jesus Christ, *^ His Son, our Lord; and in the power of the Holy '^ Ghost ; that thou mayest become water exorcised for the chasing away of all the power of the enemy ; that thou mayest have strength to uproot and cast out the enemy himself and his apostate angels, by the power of the same our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall come to judge the living and the dead, and the world by fire. J^. Amen. Lei 7iS pray. /^ GOD, who for the salvation of mankind hast ^^ founded one of Thy greatest Sacraments in the element of water, graciously give ear when we call upon Thee, and pour upon this element, prepared for divers purifications, the power of Thy '' blessing ; let Thy creature serving in Thy Mysteries, by Divine grace be effectual for casting out devils and for dri\-ing away diseases, that on whatsoever in the houses or places of the faithful this water shall be sprinkled, it may be freed from all uucleanness, and delivered from hurt. Let not the blast of pestilence nor disease remain there ; let every enemy that lietli in wait depart ; and if there be aught which hath ill-will to the safety and quietness of the inhabitants, let it flee away at the Thb Order of Blessing Water. hi sprinkling of this water, that they, being healed by the invocation of Thy holy name, may be defended from all that rise up against them. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, etc. R. Amen. The Priest thrice mingles salt with zvater in the form of a Cross, saving- once : "T lET this become a mixture of salt and water, in r-" — ^ the name of the Father, "^and of the Son, + and of the Holy *!• Ghost. R. Amen. y. The Lord be with 5^ou. /^. And with thy spirit. Lei us pray. OGOD, Author of invincible might, King of un- conquerable dominion, and ever a Conqueror who doest wonders, who puttest down the strength of all that rise up against Thee ; who overcomest the rage of the adversary ; who by Thy power dost cast down his wickedness ; we, O Lord, with fear and trembling humbly entreat and implore Thee to mercifully look upon this creature of salt and water, to graciously illu- mine and sanctify it with the dew of Thy favor ; that wheresoever it shall be sprinkled, by the invocation of Thy holy name all troubling of unclean spirits may be cast out, and the dread of the poisonous serpent be chased far away ; and let the presence of the Holy Ghost vouchsafe to be with us, who ask Thy mercy in every place. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, etc. R. Amen. THE ASPERGES. The Asperges, or spriukling with Holy Water, is performed every Sunday, immediately before High Mass, except when the Bishop celebrates pontifically. The Priest uho is about to celebrate High Mass first blesses the holy water according to the preceding Form, and then enters the Sanc- tuary vested in his alb and stole (and sometimes in a cope also), accompanied by an Acolyte bearing the vessel of holy water {at Solemn Mass he is accompanied also by the Deacon and Subdea- con). Arriving at thefootofthe Altar, theP>iest, while intoning the following Anthem, sprinkles the Altar three times ; then him- self, and afterwards his assistants. Then going down into the Church, he sprinkles the congregation. "TJt SPERGES me, Do- ^^ HOU slialt sprinkle oJ'-^ mine, hyssopo, et ^^ me, O Lord, ^^^th mundabor : lavabis me, et super nivem dealbabor. Ps. Miserere mei, Deiis secundum magnam mise ricordiam luam. V. Gloria Patri, etc. Ajit. Asperges me, etc. hyssop, aud I shall be cleaused : Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow. Ps. Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy. V. Glory be to the Fa- ther, etc. Aut. Thou shalt sprinkle me, etc. //,/ thr r.iol ,>l the ./// r^STENDE nobis, Do- ^-^ mine, misericordiam tuam. R. Et salutare tuum da nobis. K Domine, exaudi ora- tionem meam. Qj HOW us Thy mercy, >^ O Lord. R. And grant us Thy salvation. / '. O Lord, hear nn- prayer. Thb Asperges. 113 R. Bt clamor meus ad te veuiat. V. Domiuus vobiscum. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. Let us ^I^XAUDI nos, Domine ^^ sancte, Pater omni- potens, aeterne Deus ; et mittere digueris sauctum Angelum tuumi de coelis, qui custodiat, foveat, pro- tegat, \dsitet, atque de- fen dat omnes habitautes in hoc habitaculo. Per Christum Dominum nos- trum. Amen. jR. And let ni}- cr}- come unto Thee. ]\ The Lord be with you. R. And with thy spirit. pray. "X^ EAR us, O Holy r-*-G Lord, Father Al- mighty, Everlasting God ; and vouchsafe to send Thy holy Angel from Heaven, to guard, cherish, protect, visit, and defend all those that are assembled to- gether in this house. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. From Easter to IVhit Sunday inclusively, instead of the foregoing Autheiu, the following is sung, and Alleluia is added to the V. (Ostende nobis), and also to its R. (Et sahitarel. "ITT^ IDI aquam egredien- ^ tem de templo a latere dextro. Alleluia ; et omnes ad quos pervenit aqua ista salvi facti sunt, et dicent, Alleluia, alle- luia. Confitemini Domino, quoniam bonus : qvioniam in sseculum misericordia ejus. Gloria Patri, etc. XSAW water flowing from the right side of the temple. Alleluia ; and all unto whom that water came were saved, and they shall say. Alleluia, alle- luia. O praise the Lord, for He is good ; for His mercy endureth for ever. Glory be to the Father, etc. The Antiphon Vidi aquatn is repeated. Zhc ©rMnar^ of tbe 1bol\) riDase, fN.B.— At I^w Mass the parts within brackets are to be passed over.] The Pries/, standing al Ihe foot of the Altar, a> reverence, signs himself uiih inr ,«/V" >>/' l^'= head to the brtiist, a>: • * N nomine Pa- jpKg^°gs^N the name tris,*etFilii, |B| Ij^l of the Fa- et Spintus |^ '1^1, ^^^' "^ ^^^ Sancti. f ^; i^ t: ^^ ^-^^ g^j Amen. and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. ning his hands btfnre h hrc^i'}!^ fhc Antiphoii V. Introibo V. I will go in unto the ad altare Dei. Altar of God. R. Ad Deum, qui lasti- R. Unto God, who giveth ficat juventutem meam. jo}' to my youth. * At the beginning of High Mass, when the Priest commen- ces at the foot of the Altar, the choir sings the Kyrie eleison, etc. (sometimes the Tntroit is sung first), which usuall}- lasts until the GloHa in excclsis. Those parts of the service which are sung by the choir are also said in a low voice by the Priest, 114 The Ordinary of the Hoi.y Mass. 115 [/« Masses for the Dead, and in those of the Season from Passion Sunday till Holy Saturday exclusively, the following Psalm is omitted .] Psaiiu 42. rVUDICA me, Deus, et q3 discerne causam nieam de gente uon sancta : ab liomiue iniquo et doloso erue me. M. Quia tu es, Deus, fortitude mea, quare me repulisti ? et quare tristis incedo dum affligit me in- imicus ? S. Bmitte lucem tuam et veritatem tuam : ipsa me deduxerunt et adduxe- runt in montem sanctum tuum, etin tabernacula tua. M. Bt introibo ad altare Dei : ad Deum, qui laetifi- cat juventutem meam. 6*. Confitebor tibi in ci- tlaara, Deus, Deus mens : quare tristis es, anima mea ? et quare conturbas me? M. Spera in Deo, quo- niam adhuc confitebor illi : salutare vultus mei, et Deus meus. r^ UDGE me^ 0. God, and ^ distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy : deliver me from the unjust and deceitful man. R. For Thou, O God, art my strength : why hast Thou cast me off? and why go I sorrowful whilst the enemy afflicteth me ? P. Send forth Thy light and Thy truth : they have led me and brought me unto Thy holy hill, and into Thy tabernacles. R. And I will go in unto the Altar of God : unto God, who giveth joy to my youth. P. I vAW praise Thee upon the harp, O God, my God : why art thou sad, O my soul ? and why dost thou disquiet me ? R. Hope thou in God, for I will yet praise Him : who is the salvation of my countenance, and my God. ii6 The Ordinary of the Holy Mass. S. Gloria Patri, et Filio, P. Glory be to the Fa- ct Spiritui Saucto. ther, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. M. Sicut erat in prin- A\ As it was in the be- cipio, et nunc, et semper, ginning, is now, and ever et in saecula saeculorum. shall be, world without Amen. end. Amen. y. Introibo ad altare K I will go in unto the Dei. Altar of God. J^. Ad Deum, qui laeti- P. Unto God, who giveth ficat juventutem meam. joy to my youth. y. Adjutorium nostrum y. Our help is in the in nomine Domini. name of the Lord. /^. Qui fecit caelum et /^. Who hath made terram. heaven and earth. T/ien, joining his hands and humbly ho7ving dorcn, he sav:: (hr Cotifiteor, as on />. j,- .• S. Confiteor Deo omni- P. I confess to Almighty potenti, etc. God, etc. M. Misereatur tui omni- R. May Almighty God poteus Deus, et dimissis have mercy upon thee, and peccatis tuis, perducat te forgive thee thy sins, and ad \4tam seteruam. bring thee unto life ever- lasting. S. Amen. P. Amen. Tlie sey-i'ti' then recites the Confiteor. Then the P)iest, -ccith his hands joined, gives the Absolution, saying: (T)lSEREATUR vestri (T) AY Almighty God • • omnipotens Deus, • • have mercv upon I omnipotens Deus, '^"^^ have mercy upon et dimissis peccatis vestris, you, and forgive you your Thk Ordinary of the HoiyV Mass. 117 perducat vos ad vitam sins, and bring you unto aeternam. life everlasting. M. Amen. R. Amen. Signing himself with the sign of the Cross, he says : INDULGENTIAM, ►!- (^0 ^^ ^^^ Almighty absolutionem, et re- ' ■'^ and merciful Lord missionem peccatorum nos- grant us pardon, 4* absolu- trorum tribuat nobis omni- tion, and remission of our potens et misericors Do- sins, minus. M. Amen. R. Amen. Then, hoiving down, he proceeds : V. Deus, tu conversus V. Thou slialt turn again, vivificabis nos. O God, and quicken us. R. Et plebs tua Iseta- R. And Thy people shall bitur in te. rejoice in Thee. V. Ostende nobis, Do- V. Show us Thy mercy, mine, misericordiam tuam. O Lord. R. Et salutare tuum da R. And grant us Thy nobis. salvation. V. Domine, exaudi ora- V. O Lord, hear my tionem meam. prayer. R. Et clamor mens ad R. And let my cry come te veniat. unto Thee. V. Dominus vobiscum. V. The Lord be with you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit. The Priest then, extending and a/te7'wards joining his hands, says : Oremus. Let us pray. ii8 The Ordinary of the Holy Mass. Then, going up to ihr lys inaudihl) " J I' UFER a nobis, quai- ^^'-' AKE away from us ^^^JL, sumus, Domiue, Vi/ our iuiquities, we iiiiquitates nostras : ut ad beseech Thee, O Lord : San eta Sanctorum puris that we may be worthy to mereamur mentibus intro- enter with pure minds ire. Per Christum Domi- into the Holy of Holies, num nostrum. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Amen. Boivitti; dnwn n;ey the Altar, Iw k::^ . O RAMUS te, Domine, V^ |'E beseech Thee, O per merita Sane- vIlA. Lord, by the merits torum tuorum quorum re- of Thy Saints whose relics liquise hie sunt, et omnium are here, and of all the Sanctorum, ut iudulgere Saints, that Thou wouldst digueris omnia peccata vouchsafe to forgive me mea. A7?ien. all my sins. Atnen. ^/(iij i/ie Aila/ n /lere inceiis-'J Then the Pt-iest^ signing hUkself vr The Ixtroit, (tiifiyii^ n'hich n»e of the j'olloit'tng may he r^nd BLESSED be the Holy Trinity and Undi\'ided Unity : we will give praise to Him, because He hath shown His mercy unto us. O Lord, our Lord, how admirable is Thy name in the whole earth ! Glory be to the Father, who hath created us. Glory be to the Son, who hath redeemed us. The Ordinary of the Hoi.y Mass. 119 Glory be to the Holy Ghost, who hath sanctified us. Glory be to the Holy and Undivided Trinity, one God, world without end. Amen. Or on a Saint's Day : The Just shall flourish like the palm tree ; he shall grow up like a cedar of Libanus : they that are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of the house of our God. It is good to give praise unto the Lord ; and to sing unto Thy name, O Thou Most High. K Til/" Kyrie eleison is then said : YRIE eleison, *-|— ' ORD, have mercy, M. Kyrie eleison, , 1 A 7?. Lord, have mercy, ^. Kyrie eleison, P. Lord, have mercy, M. Christe eleison, jR. Christ, have mercy, ^. Christe eleison, P. Christ, have mercy, A/. Christe eleison, P. Christ, have mercy, S. Kyrie eleison, P. Lord, have mercy, M. Kyrie eleison, P. Lord, have mercy, 6*. Kyrie eleison. P. Lord, have mercy. Afierwards, standing at the. middle of the Altar, extending and then joining his hands, and slightly bowing, he says {when it is to be said *) the Gloria in excelsis. {At High Mass the choir sings the Gloria, and the officiating clergy wait until its conclusion.] W LORIA in excelsis W LORY be to God on i^ Deo ; et in terra pax ^& Wgh, and on earth hominibus bonse volunta- peace to men of good will. * The Gloria is omitted in Masses of the Season during I,ent and Advent, and in Masses for the Dead. I20 The Ordinary of the Holy Mass. tis. Laudaniuste; beuedici- mus te ; adorauius te ; glori- ficamus te. Gratias agiums tibi propter magiiain glori- am tuani. Doniine Dens, Rex coelestis, Deus pater omnipotens. Domine Fill unigenite, Jesu Christe : Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, Filius Patris, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis : qui tollis peccata mundi, suscipe deprecati- onem nostram : qui sedes ad dexteram Patris, mi- serere nobis. Quoniam tu solus sanctus : tu solus Dominus : tu solus altis- simus, Jesu Christe, cum Sancto Spiritu, in gloria Dei Patris. Ameyi. We praise Thee ; we bless Thee ; we worship Thee ; we glorify Thee. We give Thee thanks for Thy great glor\-, O Lord God, hea- venly King, God the Fa- ther Almighty. O Lord, the Only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ ; O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us : Thou who takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayer ; Thou who sittest at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For Thou only art hoh' : Thou only art the Lord : Thou onh', O Jesus Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen. Thf fhtrst kissfs thf Altar, and, turni»^ to thf people, says V. Dominus vobiscum. /'. The Lord be with you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit. The Ordinary of the HoIvY Mass. 121 Then folloiv the Collect a)id otkei' pmyers, if prescribed ; at the end vf the first and last of which the acolyte answers, Amen. The Collects z/ar>' zvith the seasoti.^ They may be found in their proper place {pages 66jtoj8o). Any of the following may be used instead: /^ GOD, the Protector of all that hope iu Thee, ^^ without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy, multiply upon us Thy mercy ; that, Thou being our ruler and guide, we may so pass through temporal blessings that we finally lose not those which are eter- nal. Through our Ivord Jesus Christ, etc. Amen. *TABFEND us, O Lord, we beseech Thee, from all r*^ dangers both of soul and body ; and, by the in- tercession of the glorious and blessed Mary ever Virgin, Mother of God, of blessed Joseph, of Thy holy Apos- tles Peter and Paul, of blessed N. \Jtere insert the name of your Patron Sainf], and of all Thy Saints, grant us, in Thy mercy, health and peace ; that all adversities and errors being done awa}^ Thy Church may serve Thee with a pure and undisturbed de- votion. t 'TTTLMIGHTY and Everlasting God, by whose vSpir- (yTr-^ it the whole body of the Church is sanctified and governed : receive our humble supplications which we offer before Thee for all degrees and orders of men in Thy hoi}'- Church, that, b}^ the assistance of Thy grace, they may faithfully serve Thee. * The same remark applies to the Tntroit, Epistle, Gradual, Gospel, Offertory, Communion, and Post-Communion. 122 The Ordinary of the Hoi^y Mass. /^GOD, the Pastor and Ruler of all the faithful,. ^^^ look down, in Thy mercy, upon Thy ser\'ant N. [/lere incntion the Pope's name\ whom Thou hast appointed to preside over Thy Church ; and grant, we beseech Thee, that both by word and example he may edify all those who are under his charge ; so that, with the flock entrusted to him, he may arrive at length unto life everlasting. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, etc. Amen. pyoper place {pages ^^'< (o -v-^^ ac labia mea, om- ^^ and my lips, O Al- nipotens Deus, qui labia mighty God, who didst Isaiae prophetoe calculo cleanse the lips of the Pro- mundasti ignito : ita me phet Isaias with a burn- tua grata miseratione dig- ing coal ; and vouchsafe, nare mundare, ut sanctum through Thy gracious Evangelium tuum digne mercy, so to purify me * The choir sings the Gradual while the book is moved to the Gospel side, and the Priest says the prayer Munda cor meum, " Cleanse my heart," etc. 124 The Ordinary of the Holy Mass. valeam uuntiare. Per that I may worthily pro- Christum Dominum nos- claim Thy holy Gospel, trum. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Amefi. Jube Domiue benedi- Lord, grant Thy bless- cere. ing. X) ^OMINUvS sit in cor- >^HE Lord be in my de meo et in labiis ^^ heart and on my meis, ut digue et conipe- lips, that I may worthily tenter aununtiem Evauge- and fittingly proclaim His Hum suum. Avie?i. holy Gospel. A?neu. rh,->i , giving In (he Gospel side, he sa\s : V. Dominus vobiscum.- R. Et cum spiritu tuo. V. Sequentia sancti Evangelii secundum N. R. ne. Gloria tibi, Domi- V. The Lord be with you. R. And with thy spirit. V. The continuation of the holy Gospel according to N. R. Glory be to Thee, O Lord. Then is read The Gospel (pp. 665 to 7S6). l-'or the Gospel ynay be read : {Luke xii. 33-40.) *T 1 ET your loins be girded round, and lamps bum- «-' — ^ ing in your hands. And be ye like men waiting for their lord, when he shall return from the wedding ; that when he cometli, and knocketh, they may open to him immediately. Happy are those servants whom the Lord, when He cometh, shall find watching. Truly Thk Ordinary of the Hotv Mass. 125 -^I say to you, that He will gird Himself, and make them recline at table, and will come and serve them. And if He shall come in the second watch, or shall come in the third watch, and so find, happy are those servants. But know this, that if the master of the house did know at what hour the thief would come, he would surely watch, and would not suffer his house to be broken open. Be 3'e then also ready ; for at what hour ye think not, the Son of Man will come. After the Gosi>el is said : R. lyaus tibi, Christe. R. Praise be to thee, O Christ. The Plies/ says inaudibly : *T3^ER Bvangelica dicta *Tt> Y the words of the «"^ deleantur nostra de- <-*-^ Gospel may our licta. sins be blotted out. [At Solemn Mass, after the Epistle issKug, the Deacon places the Gospel-book on the table of the Altar, and the Celebrant blesses the incense. The Deacon then, kneeling before the Altar ivith his hands joined, says the Munda cor meiim, as above. He then takes the book from the Altar, and, kneeling, asks the Celebrant's blessing, saying . Jube Domne benedicere. Pray, sir, a blessing. To which the Celebrant replies in the words of the prayer Dominus sit in corde, etc., above, only using the second person instead of the first, and blessing with the sign of the Cross. The Deacon then proceeds, with attendants bearing incense and lights, to the Gospel side of the Sanctuary, and, standing with hands joined, sings Dominus vobiscum, etc. The Lord be with you, etc. 126 The Ordinary of the Holy Mass. When he sings Sequentia, etc., he makes the sign of the Cross upon the book and upon himself; and thereupon incenses the book thrice. After the Gospel the Subdeacon takes the book tothe Celebrant, who kisses it, and is then incensed br ■"•" '">""='? 1 [Here the Sermon is usually preached *] Then, at the middle of the Altar, extending, elevating, and joining his hands, the Priest says the Sicene Creed (7vhen it is to be said\, keeping his hands joined. At the words^ and was incarnate, he kneels down, and continues kneeling to tlie words, was made MAN. /^REDO in uimm De- ^ BELIEVE in one God, ^^ um, Patrem omuipo- -^ the Father Almighty, tentem, Factorem coeli et Maker of heaven and earth, terrae, visibilium omnium and of all things visible etin\asibilium. Etinunum and in\'isible. And in one Dominum Jesum Chris- Lordjesus Christ, the Only- turn, Filium Dei unigeni- begotten Son of God, born tum, et ex Patre natum of the Father before all ante omnia saecula, Deum ages. God of God ; Light de Deo ; Lumen de Lu- of Light ; very God of * P>ayer hefnre the Sermon . I will hear what the Lord will say unto me. Jesu.s, light of the world, enlighten my understanding, that I may understand Thy word ; and cleanse ray heart, that it may bring forth the fruits of Thy holy teaching. After the Sermon. 1 give Thee thanks, O Lord God, that Thou hast been pleased to refresh ray soul by Thy word. Direct my steps according to Thy commandments. The Ordinary of thu Holy Mass. 127 mine ; Deum verum de very God ; begotten, not Deo vero ; genitum non made ; being of one sub- factum ; consubstantialem stance with the Father, by Patri, per quem omnia whom all things were facta sunt. Qui propter uos made. Who for us men, homines, et propter nos- and for our salvation, tram salutem, descendit came down from heaven, de ccelis, et incarnatus est and was incarnate by de Spiritu Sancto, ex Maria the Holy Ghost of the Virgine : ET homo f actus Virgin Mary : and was EST. {^Hic genuflectitur.'\ made Man. {^Here all Crucifixus etiam pro no- kneel down. '\ He was cru- bis : sub Pontio Pilato pas- cified also for us, suffered sus et sepultus est. Et under Pontius Pilate, and resurrexit tertia die secun- was buried. The third day dum Scripturas ; et ascen- He rose again according dit in coelum, sedet ad to the Scriptures ; and as- dexteram Patris : et iterum cended into Heaven, and venturus est cum gloria sitteth at the right hand judicare vivos et mortu- of the Father : and He OS : cujus regni non erit shall come again with finis. glory to judge both the living and the dead : of whose kingdom there shall be no end. Et in Spiritimi Sanctum, And I believe in the Dominum et vivificantem. Holy Ghost, the Lord and qui ex Patre Filioque pro- Giver of Life, who pro- cedit : qui cum Patre et ceedeth from the Father Filio simul adoratur et and the Son : who together conglorificatur ; qui locu- with the Father and the tus est per prophetas. Et Son is worshipped and unam sanctam Catholicam glorified ; who spoke by 128 The Ordinary of the Hoi^y Mass. et Apostolicam Ecclesiam. the Prophets. And One Confiteor unum baptisma Holy Catholic and Apos- in remissionem peccato- tolic Church. I confess rum. Et expecto resur- one Baptism for the remis- rectionem mortuonmi, et sion of sins. And I look vitara venturi saeculi. for the Resurrection of the dead, and the life of the Amen. world to come. Amen. [At High A/ass the choir sings the Credo, and the clergy sit dozvn until its conclusion.] Then the Celebrant kisses the Altar, and, turning to the people, says . V. Dominus vobiscum. V. The Lord be wnth you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit The Offertory.* ^r\ HE Angel of the Lord shall encamp round about ^-^ them that fear Him, and shall deliver them ; O taste and see that the Lord is sweet. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits : and thy youth shall be renewed like the eagle's. I will extol Thee, O Lord, for Thou hast lifted me up : and hast not made my foes to rejoice over me : O Lord, my God, I have cried unto Thee : and Thou hast healed me. * The choir sings the Offertory, or some suitable Anthem or Hymn. The Ordinary of the Hoi.y Mass. 129 jS' This being finished, the Priest takes the paten with the Host [if it is Solemn Mass, the Deacon hands the Priest the paten with the Host], and, offering it up, says : USCIPE, sancte Pater, omnipotens, aeterne Deus, hanc immaculatam Hostiam, quam ego indig- nus famulus tuus offero tibi Deo meo vivo et vero, pro innumerabilibus pec- catis, et ofFensionibus, et negligentiis meis, et VrCCEPT, O Holy Fa- rv^X ther, Almighty, Everlasting God, this stainless Host, which I, Thine unworthy servant, offer unto Thee, my God, living and true, for mine innumerable sins, offences, and negligences, and for pro omnibus circumstanti- all here present ; as also for bus ; sed et pro omnibus all faithful Christians, both fidelibus Christianis, vivis living and dead, that it atque defunctis ; ut mihi may be profitable for my et illis proficiat ad salutem own and for their salvation in vitam setemam. Amen, unto life eternal. Amen. Then, making the sign 0/ the Cross with the paten, he places the Host upon the corporal. The Priest pours wine and water into the chalice, blessing the water before it is mixed, saying .• 'Y^HUS, 4* qui humanse r*— ^ substantiae digni- tatem mirabiliter condi- disti, et mirabilius refor- masti : da nobis per hujus aquae et vini mysterium, ejus divinitatis esse con- sortes, qui humanitatis nos- trae fieri dignatus est par- ticeps, Jesus Christus, Fi- lius tuus, Dominus noster ; o GOD, •^ who hast wonderfully framed man's exalted nature, and still more wonderfully re- stored it : grant us, by the mystic signification of this commingling of water and wine, to become partakers of His Godhead who vouchsafed to become par- taker of our manhood, 130 The Ordinary of the Hoi,y Mass. qui tecum vivit et reguat Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our in unitate Spiritus Sancti Lord ; who liveth and Deus, per omnia saecula reigneth with Thee in the saeculorum. Ajhcu. unity of, etc. Amen. If' it u Si'lrhit! A/ass, //le Deacon niim'sters U^e -wine, the Sub- tjUacon Ihf water.] Coffering up the Chalice, he says /^ FFERIMUS tibi. Do- TTft E offer unto Thee, ^^ mine, calicem salu- ^J^>^ Q Lord, the chalice tans, tuam deprecantes of salvation, beseeching clecnentiam, ut in con- Thy clemency that, in the spectu divinae Majestatis sight of Thy diWne Ma- tuae, pro nostra et totius jesty, it may ascend with mundi salute cum odore the odor of sweetness, for suavitatis ascendat. our salvation, and for that Amen. of the whole world. Amen. Then making tlu sign of the Cross ivilh the chalice, and pliu m^ tc on the corporal, he covers it with the pall. At Solemn Mass the Subdeacon here receives the paten, and, 7i'rap- ping it up in the veil with 7i'hich his shoulders ^re covered, ht goes and stands behind the Celebrant until towards thi end 0/ the Pater N'oster.] Bnu'ing do7i:n, the Priest says : IN spiritu humilitatis, 'T' N a humble spirit and et in animo contrito, «^ a contrite heart may suscipianmr a te, Doniine, we be received by Thee, O et sic fiat sacrificium nos- Lord ; and let our Sac- trum in conspectu tuo rifice be so made in Thy hodie, ut placeat tibi, Do- sight this day that it may mine Deus. please Thee, O Lord God. V The Ordinary oK' the Hoi,y Mass. 131 Raising his eyes and stretching out his Hands, he say.^ • ENI, sanctificator, /^ OME, O vSanctifier, omuipotens, aeteme ^^ Almighty, Eternal Deus, et bene"^ die hoc God, and bless "^ this Sac- sacrificium, tuo sancto rifice set forth to Thy holy nomini praeparatum. name. fAt Sdlemn Mass the Celebrant blesses the incense : 'T^ ER intercession em 'Yj!> Y the intercession of *^— beati Michaelis <■*—' blessed Michael the Archangeli, stantis a dex- Archangel, standing at the tris altaris incensi, et om- right hand of the Altar of ninm electorum suorum. Incense, and of all His incensum istud dignetur elect, may the Lord vouch- Dominus benedicere, et in safe to bless this incense, odorem suavitatis accipere. and receive it as an odor of Per Christum Dominum sweetness. Through, etc. nostrum. Amen. Amen. He incenses the bread and wine, saying ; XNCENSUM istud a te (T)AY this incense benedictum ascendat ^'-^ which Thou hast ad te, Domine, et descen- blessed, O Lord, ascend to dat super nos misericordia Thee, and may Thy mercy tua. descend upon us. Then he incenses the altar, saying : "T^IRIGATUR, Domine, "T"^. ET my prayer, O '^^-'^ oratio mea sicut in- '"^ Lord, be directed censum in conspectu tuo : as incense in Thy sight : 132 The Ordinary of the Hoi,y Mass. elevatio manuum mea- ruiii sacrificium vesperti- nmn. Pone, Doinine, custo- diam ori lueo, et ostium circumstantiae labiis meis, Ut nou decliuet cor meum in verba malitioe, ad excusaudas excusatioues iu peccatis. and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacri- fice. Set a watch, O Lord, be- fore my mouth, and a door round about my lips. That my heart may not incline to e^^l words, to make excuses in sins. Giving the censer to the Deacon, he says : ax Vt'CCENDAT in nobis cJr-^ Dominusignemsui amoris, et flammam aeter- fire uoe caritatis. Amen. AY the Lord en- kindle iu us the of His love, and the flame of everlasing charity. Amen. Here the Celebrant is tnam^ed by the Deacon^ who next uicenses~\ the clergy present in choir and the other Ministers at the A I tar. A The Priest, with his hands joined, goes to the Epistle side of the Altar, 7ihcre fie -uashes his fingers while lie recites the follo7ving verses of Ps. 25 : 'T-' AVABO inter inno- A — * centes manus meas: et circumdabo altare tuum, Domine. Ut audiani voceni laudis : et enarrem universa mira- bilia tua. Domiue, (Hlexi . decorem I WILL wash my hands among the innocent ; and I will compass Thine altar, O Lord. That I may hear the voice of praise, and tell of all Thy wondrous w^orks. O Lord, I have loved the The Ordinary of the HoIvY Mass. 133 domus tuae, et locum habi- beauty of Thy house, and tationis gloriae tuae. the place where Thy glory dwelleth. Ne perdas cum impiis, Take not away my soul, Deus, animam meam ; et O God, with the wicked, cum viris sanguinum vi- nor my life with men of tam meam. blood. In quorum manibus ini- In whose hands are ini- quitates sunt : dextera eo- quities : their right hand rum repleta est muneribus. is filled with gifts. Ego autem in innocen- But as for me, I have tia mea ingressus sum : walked in my innocence : redime me et miserere redeem me, and be merciful mei. unto me. Pes meus stetit in di- My foot hath stood in recto : in ecclesiis benedi- the right way : in the cam te, Domine. churches I will bless Thee, . O Lord. * Gloria Patri, etc. ^ Glory be to the Father, etc. Returning, and bowing before the middle of the Altar, with joined hands, he says : pf USCIPE, sancta Trini- ^T^ ECEIVE, O Holy ■^■^ tas, banc oblationem «-■— l^ Trinity, this Obla- quam tibi offerimus ob me- tion, which we offer unto moriam Passionis, Resur- Thee, in memory of the rectionis, et Ascensionis Passion, Resurrection, and Jesu Christi Domini nos- Ascension of our Lord tri : et in honorem beatae Jesus Christ, and in honor * In Masses for the Dead, and in Passion-time, the Gloria is omitted. 134 The Ordinary of the Hoi,y Mass. Mariae semper Virginis, et beati Joanuis Baptistae, et sauctoruin Apostoloruui Petri et Pauli, et istoruni et omniuui Sauctoruin : ut illis proficiat ad honorem, nobis autem ad salutem : et illi pro nobis interce- dere dignentur in ccelis, quorum memoriam agi- mus in terris. Per eum- dem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen. of blessed Mar}- ever Vir- gin, of blessed John the Baptist, of the holy Apos- tles Peter and Paul, of these and of all Thy Saints : that it may be to their honor and to our sal- vation : and may they vouchsafe to intercede for us in heaven, whose me- mory we celebrate on earth. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. Then he kisses the Altar, and having tuyiied himself towards the people, extending atid joining his hands, he raises his voice a little, and savs : * /~\ RATE, fratres, ut me- "T^ RAY, ^-^ um ac vestrum sac- ^-'— that my brethren, my sacrifice rificium acceptabile fiat and yours may be accept- apud Deum Patrem omni- able to God the Father potentem. Almighty. 77i. Suscipiat Dominus sac- May the Lord receive rificium de manibus tuis, the Sacrifice from thy ad laudem et gloriam no- hands, to the praise and minis sui, ad utilitatem glory of His name, to our quoque nostram, totiusque benefit, and to that of all Ecclesiae suae sanctae. His holy Church. T/w Pritst ans2vers in a low voice. Amen. The Ordinary of the HoIvY Mass. 135 Then, ivith outstretched hands, he recites Thk Secret Prayers. At the Secreta. /XJBRCIFULLY hear our prayers, O Lord, and ^^ graciously accept this oblation which we Thy servants make unto Thee ; and as we offer it to the honor of Thy name, so may it be to us a means of ob- taining Thy grace here, and life everlasting hereafter. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, etc. Amen. On a Saint's day. Qf ANCTIFY, O Lord, we beseech Thee, these gifts i^~-^ which we offer Thee in this solemnity of Thy holy servant N., and so strengthen us by Thy grace that both in prosperity and adversity our ways may be ever directed to Thine honor. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, etc. Which being finished, he says in an audible voice : "X^ ER omnia saecula sae- V/i ■' ORLD without end. *"*— culorum. VxA, 7?. Amen. J?. Amen. V. Dominus vobiscum. F. The Lord be with you. y?. Et cum spiritu tuo. J^. And with thy spirit. //ere he uplt/ts his hands • V. Sursum corda. F. Lift up your hearts. J?. Habemus ad Domi- /^. We lift them up unto num. the Lord. 136 The Ordinary of the Holy Mass. He joins his hands before his breast and bows his head while he says • V. Gratias agamus Do- W Let us give thanks miuo Deo nostro. unto the Lord our God. R. Diguum et justum R. It is worthy and est. just. Iir Incn ui^/uiii.y /ti.^ unruly afia Kcepi, tlicm in this pumice until tfw md of the Preface, after which he again joins them, and, bowing, says, Sanctus, etc.* When he says Benedictus, etc., he signs himself with the Cros^. The folloTiiing Preface is said on every Sunday in the year that has u.n special preface of its mvn. VERB dignum et jus- 'y'T is truly worthy and turn est, aequum et ^-. just, right aud pro- salutare, uos tibi semper et Stable unto salvation, that ubique gratias agere, Do- we should at all times and mine sancte, Pater omni- in all places give thanks potens, aeteme Deus. Qui unto Thee, O holy Lord, cum uuigenito Filio tuo et Father Almighty, Eternal Spiritu Sancto unus es God. Who, with Thine Deus, unus es Dominus : Only-begotten Son and the non in unius singularitate Holy Ghost, art one God, Personae, sedinuniusTrini- one Lord : not in the sin- tate substantias. Quod gleness of one only Per- enim de tua gloria, reve- son, but in the Trinity of lante te, credimus, hoc de one Substance. For what Filio tuo, hoc de Spiritu we believe of Thy glory, as * At High Mass the choir sings the Sanctus (while the Priest is proceeding with the Canon) as far as the first Hosanna in excelsis before the elevation ; and after the elevation, Benedictus qui venit, etc. The Ordinary of the Hoi.y Mass. 137 Sancto, sine differentia dis- cretionis sentimus, Ut in confessione verse sempiter- naeque Deitatis, et in Per- sonis proprietas, et in essen- tia unitas, et in Maj estate adoretur sequalitas. Quern laudant angeli atque arch- angeli, cherubim quoque ac seraphim, qui non ces- sant clamare quotidie, una voce dicentes ; Thou hast revealed it, that we believe of Thy Son, and that of the Holy Ghost, without any difference or inequality. That in the confession of the True and Eternal Godhead, distinc- tion in Persons, unity in Essence, and equality in Majesty may be adored. Whom the Angels and Archangels, the Cherubim also and Seraphim, do praise; who cease not daily to cry out, with one voice saying : {Here the bell is riDig thrice.) BANCTUS, sanctus, sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Pleni sunt coeli et terra gloria tua. Hosannainexcelsis. Bene- dictus qui venit in nomine Domini. Hosanna in ex- celsis. 'X^ OLY, Holy, Holy, r-'-b Lord God of Hosts. Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who cometh in the name of the Lord. Hosan- na in the highest. I3B The Canon of the Mass. - THE CANON OF THE MASS. The Piifil, fitst exUndtng, then elevating and Joining his hands, raising his eyes to'cards heaven, says in a lozc -loice . '^^ E igitur, clementis- ^^ sinie Pater, per Jesum Christum Filium tuum Dominuni nostrum, supplices rogamus ac peti- mus, ( €\ ■^' ^^^^^^^ore, hum- ^^^^^ bly pray aud be- seech Thee, most merci- ful Father, through Jesus Christ Thy Son, our Lord, He kisses fhr A. Uti accepta habeas et beuedicas hsec '^ dona, haec "^ munera, haec ^ sancta sacrificia illibata, in primis, quae tibi offerimus pro Ecclesia tua sancta Catholica : quam pacifi- care, custodire, adunare, et regere digneris toto orbe terrarum, una cum famu- lo tuo Papa nostra N., et Autistite nostro N., et omnibus orthodoxis, at- que Catholicae et Apos- tolicae Fidei cultoribus. That Thou wouldst accept and bless these "^ gifts, these •!' presents, these + hoh' unspotted sacrifices, which, in the first place, we offer Thee for Thy holy Catholic Church : which vouchsafe to pacif)-, guard, unite, and govern through- out the whole world, to- gether with Thy servant N. our Pope; N. our Bishop; as also all orthodox believers and professors of the Ca- tholic and Apostolic Faith. The Commemoration ok the Living. /X\ EMENTO, Domine, "T^ EMEMBER. O Lord. ' "^ famulorum famu- r-L^j 'j-j^^ ser\'ants and larumque tuarum, N. et N., handmaids, N. and N., The Canon of the Mass. 139 He pauses, and Joining his hands, prays silently for those he wishes to pi ay for in particular ; and proceeds : Et omuium circumstan- tium, quorum tibi fides cognita est, et nota de- votio : pro quibus tibi of- ferimus, vel qui tibi of- ferunt hoc sacrilicium laudis, pro se, suisque om- nibus, pro redemptione animarum suarum, pro spe salutis et incolumita- tis suae : tibique reddunt vota sua, seterno Deo, vivi et vero. And all here present, whose faith and devotion are known to Thee ; for whom we offer, or who offer up to Thee this Sacri- fice of praise for thepi- selves and all pertaining to them, for the redemption of their souls, for the hope of their salvation and well- being, and who pay their vows unto Thee, the eter- nal God, li\ang and true. r~^ OMMUNIC ANTES, ^^ et memoriam vene- rantes, in primis gloriosae semper Virginis Marise, Genitricis Dei et Domini nostri Jesu Christi : sed et beatorum Apostolorum ac Martyrum tuoruni, Petri etPauli, Audrese, Jacobi, Joannis, Thomae, Jacobi, Philippi, Bartholomaei, Matthaei, Simonis et Thad- dsei, Uni, Cleti, de- mentis, Xysti, Cornelii, Cypriani, Laurentii, Chrj-- sogoni, Joannis et Pauli, IN communion with, and honoring the memory, especially of the glorious ever Virgin Mary, Mother of our God and Lord Jesus Christ ; as also of Thy blessed Apostles and Martyrs, Peter and Paul, Andrew, James, John, Thomas, James, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Simon and Thaddeus, Linus, Cletus, Clement, Xystus, Cornelius, Cyprian, Lawrence, Chrysogonus, John and Paul, Cosmas I40 The Canon of thk Mass. Cosnice et Damiaui, et omuium Sauctorum tuo- rum ; quorum meritis precibusque concedas, ut iu omnibus protectiouis tuae muniamur auxilio. Per eumdem Christum Do- miuum nostrum. A?Jien. and Damian, and all Thy Saints ; by whose merits and prayers grant that we may in all things be de- fended by the aid of Thy protection. Through the same Christ our Lord. n Spteading his hands over Uie oblation, he savs : ( Hnr fhr f>t'U is rung oner ) HIS oblation, there- fore, of our service, ANC igitur oblatio neni serv^itutis nos Xd' trae, sed et cuuctee fami- and that of Thy whole lise tuse, qusesumus, Do- mine, ut placatus accipias ; family, we beseech Thee, O Lord, graciously to ac- diesque nostros in tua pace cept ; and to dispose our disponas, atque ab aetema days in Thy peace, and to damnatione nos eripi, et in command us to be deliver- electorum tuorum jubeas ed from eternal damnation, grege numerari. Per Chris- and to be numbered in turn Dominum nostrum, the flock of Thine elect. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Amen. QUAM oblationem, tu Deus, in omnibus, quaesumus, benedic+tam, adscrip'^am, ra"Ham, ra- tionabilem, acceptabilem- que facere digneris : ut nobis cor^'pus et san+guis V/||'HICH oblation do ^J^ Thou, O God, we beseech Thee, vouchsafe to make in all things blessed, + approved, + ratified, "f- reasonable, and acceptable: that it may become for us Th^ Canon o^ th^ Mass. 141 fiat dilectissimi Filii tui the Body + and Blood ^ of Domini nostri Jesu Chris- Thy dearly beloved Son, ti. our Ivord Jesus Christ. QUI pridie quam pate- retur, accepit panem in sanctas ac venerabiles manus suas, et elevatis oculis in coelum, ad te Deum Patreni suum om- nipotentem : tibi gratias agens, beue*^ dixit, fregit, deditque discipulis suis, dicens : Accipite, et man- ducate ex hoc omnes. Vy| I 'HO, the day before ^-^^ He suffered, took bread into His holy and venerable hands, and with eyes lifted up towards heaven, unto Thee, O God, His Almighty Father, giv- ing thanks to Thee, did bless, '^ break, and give unto His disciples, saying : Take, and eat ye all of this. HoldiiLg the Host ivith both hands, the Prieist pi^onounces the words of Consecration secretly, distinctly, and attentively : Hoc e:st enim Corpus me:um. For this is My Body. After pronouncing the woj'ds of Consecration, the Priest, kneeling upon one knee, adores the sacred Host ; then, rising, he elevates It, and replaces It upon the corporal, kneeling once again. {At the elrrati,r„ ,f the Host the bell is rung thrice.^ Qf IMILI modo post- ■N-' quam coenatum est, accipiens et huuc prae- clarum calicem in sanctas ac venerabiles manus suas : item tibi gratias agens, XN like manner, after supper, taking also this excellent chalice into His holy and venerable hands : and giving thanks to Thee, He blessed,"^ and 142 The Canox of the Mass. bene Ttiixit, deditque dis- gave to His disciples, say- cipulis suis, diceus : Acci- iiig : Take, and drink ye pile, et bibite ex eo omnes. all of it. The Priest then pronounces the words of Consecration over the chalice, holding it slightly elevated, saying : Hic EST ENiM Calix For this is the Chal- SANGUINIS MEI NOVI ET ICE OF MY BLOOD OF y^TERNI TESTAMENTI : THE NEW AND ETERNAL, MYSTERIUM FIDEI ; QUI TESTAMENT : THE MYS- PRO VOBIS ET PRO MUL- TERY OF FAITH ; WHICH TIS EFFUNDETUR IN SHAT^I^ BE SHED FOR YOU, REMISSIONEM PECCATO- AND FOR MANY, FOR THE RUM. REMISSION OF SINS. He then replaces the shalice on the corporal, and says . HcEc quotiescumque fe- As often as ye do these ceritis, in mei memoriam things, ye shall do them facietis. in remembrance of Me. yfaking a genuflection, he adores ; then, rising, he elevates the chalice, and, replacing it upon the corporal, makes another genuflection. {At the elevation of the Chalice the bell is rung thrice.) He then proceeds : ^nTNDE et memores. Do- /TnTHEREFORE, O ^■^^ mine, nos ser^i tui, ^^^^^^ Lord, we Thy ser- sed et plebs tua sancta, vants, and like\Nnse Thy ejnsdeni Christi Filii tni holy people, calling to Domini nostri tam beatie mind the blessed Passion passionis, necnon et ab in- of the same Christ Thy Son, feris resurrectionis, sed et our Lord, together with The Canon of the Mass. 143 iu ccelo gloriosae ascen- His Resurrection from the sionis : offerimus prseclarce grave, aud also His glori- Majestati tuae, de tuis ous Asceusion into heaven, donis ac datis, Hostiam "^ offer unto Thy excellent puram, Hostiam "^ sane- Majesty, of Thy gifts and tarn, Hostiam "^ immacu- presents, a pure "^Victim, latam, panem "^ sanctum a holy "^^ Victim, an im- vitae seternae, et calicem "^ maculate + Victim, the salutis perpetuae. holy "^ bread of eternal life, aud the chalice *^ of everlasting salvation. F.xtending his hands, he proceeds . BUPRA quae propitio V I 'PON which do Thou ac sereno vultu re- ^^^ vouchsafe to look spicere digneris, et accepta \\'ith favorable and gra- habere, sicuti accepta ha- cious countenance, and ac- bere dignatus es munera cept them, as Thou didst pueri tui justi Abel, et sac- vouchsafe to accept the rificium Patriarchse nostri gifts of Thy just servant Abrahae ; et quod tibi ob- Abel, and the sacrifice of tulit summus sacerdos our Patriarch Abraham, tuus Melchisedech, sane- and that which Thy High- tum sacrificium, immacu- priest Melchisedech offer- latam hostiam. ed unto Thee, a holy Sacri- fice, an unspotted Victim. Bowing down profoundly, with his hands Joined and placed upon the Altar, he says : QfUPPLICEvS te roga- Tlff^^^ humbly beseech J""-' mus, omnipotens ^^^^ Thee, Almighty Deus, jube htec perferri God, command these to be 144 The Canon ok the Mass. per manus saucti aiigeli carried by the bauds of tui in sublime altare tuum, Thy holy Augel to Thiue in conspectu dixdnse Ma- Altar on high, in the pres- jestatis tuae, ut quotquot euce of Thy di\'iue Ma- ex hac altaris participa- jesty, that as many of us as tione, sacrosanctum Filii shall, by partaking at this tui corpus"^ et"^ sangui- Altar, receive the most nem sumpserimus, omni sacred Body*^' and Blood beuedictione ccelesti et '^^ of Thy Son, may be filled gratia repleamur. Per with all heavenly blessing eumdem Christum Domi- and grace. Through the num nostnmi. same Christ our Lord. Amen. Amen. Commemoration of the Dead. /T*\ EMENTO etiam, Do- "T^ EMEMBER, O Lord, ^""-^ mine, famulorum r^--\> Thy servants and famularumque tuarum N. handmaids, N. and N., et N., qui nos prai^cesse- who have gone before us runt cum signo fidei, et with the sign of faith, and dormiunt in somno pacis. sleep the sleep of peace. Here the PrusL, uith hands joined, prays for such of the Dead he -wishes t^) pray for in particular. Then, extending his hand he cofitinues : "TTPSIvS, Dominc, et om- V^ O these, O Lord, and «-*-» nibus in Christo quies- ^^ to all who rest in ceutibus, locum refrigerii, Christ, grant, we pray lucis et pacis, ut indul- Thee, a place, of refresh- ThB Canon of th^ Mass. 145 geas, deprecamur. Per inent, of light, and of eumdein Christum, etc. peace. Through the same Amen. Christ our Lord. Amen. Here, striking- Jiis breast and slightly raising his I'oice, lie says : *T^ OBIS quoque pecca- '/r\ O us also, Thy sinful r*-{s toribus faniulis tuis, ^-^ servants, who hope de multitudine miseratio- in the multitude of Thy num tuarum sperantibus mercies, vouchsafe to grant partem aliquam et societa- some part and fellowship tem donare digneris, cum with Thy holy Apostles tuis Sanctis Apostolis et and Martyrs : wdth John, Martyribus ; cum Joanne, Stephen, Matthias, Barna- Stephano, Matthia, Barua- bas, Ignatius, Alexander, ba, Ignatio, Alexandro, Marcellinus, Peter, Feli- Marcellino, Petro, Felici- citas, Perpetua, Agatha, late, Perpetua, Agatha, Lucy, Agnes, Cecilia, An- Lucia, Agnete, Csecilia, astasia, and all Thy Saints: Anastasia, et omnibus into whose company, not Sanctis tuis : intra quorum weighing our merits, but nos consortium, non aesti- pardoning our offences, mator meriti, sed venioe, we beseech Thee to admit quaesumus, largitor ad- us. Through Christ our mitte. Per Christum Do- Lord, minum nostrum. I^BR quem hgec om- |h1^ whom, O Lord, '^~ nia, Domine, semper *^^^ Thou dost always bona creas, sancti'**ficas, create, sanctify, *** quicken, vivi'^ficas, bene'^'dicis, et bless, *^ and bestow upon praestas nobis. us all these good things. 146 The Canon of the Mass. He uncovers the chalice, and makes a genuflection ; then taking the Host in his right hand, and holding the chalice in his left, he makes thrice the sign of the Cross over the chalice, saying: "T^ ER ii^ sum, et cum ^ HROUGH Him, •{• r^— ipr SO, et in ipj* so, ^^ and with Him, -r est tibi Deo Patri-I* omni- andinHim,-r is unto Thee, potenti, in unitate vSpiritus God the Father •-> Al- + Sancti, omnis honor et mighty, in the unity of the gloria. Holy*!* Ghost, all honor and glory. He here replaces^the sacred Host upon the corporal, covers the chalice, and makes a genuflection ; and risi7ig again, he says aluicd : V. Per omnia SGecula saeculorum. R. Amen. V. World without end. R. Amen, Orefnus. BR^CEPTIS salutari- bus moniti, et di- vina institutione formati, audemus (hcere : Lei us pray. ^-rr DMONISHED by -x/'-*-» Thy saving pre- cepts, and follownng Thy divine institution, we make bold to say : "T^ ATER NOSTER, qui «-■— es in ccelis, sancti- ficetur nomen tuum : ad- veniat regnuni tuum : fiat voluntas tua sicut in coelo, et in terra. Panem nos- trum quotidianum da no- bis ho(he : et dimitte no- OUR FATHER, who art in heaven, hal- lowed be Thy name : Thy kingdom come : Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread : and forgive us our trespasses, The Canon of the Mass. 147 bis debita nostra, sicut et as we forgive those who nos dimittimus debitoribus trespass against us. And uostris. Et ne nos indiicas lead us not into tempta- in tentationem. tion. M. Sed libera nos a R. But deliver us from malo. evil. 6". Amen. P. Amen. \^At Solemn Mass, the Deacon, towards the conclusion of the Pater Noster, goes to the riqht hand of the Priest, where he awaits the approach of the Subdeacoti, from whom he receives the paten, which he puts into the hands of the Priest.] He takes the paten between his first and second finger, and says : .^ "T 1 IBBRA nos, quaesu- «-* — * mus, Domine, ab omnibus malis, praeteritis, praesentibus, et futuris : et intercedente beata et glo- riosa semper Virgine Dei Genitrice Maria, cum beatis Apostolis tuis Petro et Paulo, atque Andrea, et omnibus Sanctis, YpV BLIVER us, we be- . ■L-' seech Thee, O Lord, from all evils, past, pre- sent, and to come : and by the intercession of blessed and glorious Mary ever Virgin, Mother of God, to- gether with Thy blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and Andrew, and all the Saints, Making the sign of the Cross on himself with the paten, he kisses it, and says : Da propitius pacem in Graciously give peace in diebus nostris : ut ope mise- our days : that, aided by ricordiae tuae adjuti, eta the help of Thy mercy, we peccato simus semper li- may be always free from beri, et ab omni perturba- sin, and secure from all tione securi. disturbance. 14!^ TiiK Caxox of the Mass. He then uncovers the chalice, makes a genuflection, and, rising again, takes ih- -'.-.--"-' -v.-/ ^.,.y A..,„i.c // ,., /;„■ ,.,;,/,//v -w,^.- //,,- chalice, sayifi Per eumdem Domiuuin Through the same our nostrum Jesum Christum Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Filium tuum, Son, He then places the part of the Host rvhich he has in his ri^ht hand on the paten. Then, breaking off a particle of that xuhich re- mains in his It'/l hand, he says : Qui tecum vivit et reg- Who liveth and reign- nat in uuitate Spiritus eth with Thee iu the unity Sancti Deus, of the Holy Ghost, God, Then placing on the paten what remains in his left hand of the sacred Host, and holding in his right hand, over the chalice, the parfirJr rrhich he had hrakrit nff, he says aloitd ■ V. Per omnia soecula V. World without eud. saeculorum. R. Amen. R. Amen. He then with the same particls of t}ie sacred Host makes the sign of the Cross OTer the chalice, saying : V. Pax •!* Domini sit "^ V. May the peace "^ of semper vobis''*cum. the Lord be "^ always with ^' you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit. / ' the chalice, saying in a Haec commixtio et con- May this mingling and secratio corporis et san- consecration of the Body guinis Domini nostri Jesu and Blood of our Lord The Canon of the Mass. 149 Christi fiat accipientibus Jesus Christ be unto us that nobis in vitam seternam. receive it effectual unto life Amen. everlasting. Afnen. He covers the chalice, makes a genuflection, and then, bowing down and striking his breast three times, he savs : * 'ZJ'ONUS Dei, qui tollis "l"^ AMB of God, who fs Ute t>aien ovet the chalice, saying meanwhile : QUID retribuam Domi- '// I 'HAT shall I render no pro omnibus quae ^^^-^ unto the Lord for retribuit mihi ? Calicem all the things that He hath salutaris accipiam, et no- rendered unto me ? I will men Domini invocabo. take the chalice of salva- Laudans invocabo Domi- tion, and call upon the num, et ab inimicis meis name of the Lord. I will salvus ero. call upon the Lord and give praise : and I shall be saved from mine enemies. He takes the chalice in his right hand, and, making the si^n of the Cross with it on himself he sav ■ BANGUIS Domini nos- "f^ HE Blood of our Lord tri Jesu Christi cus- ^^ Jesus Christ preserve todiat animam meam in my soul unto life everlast- vitam aetemam. Amen. ing. Amen. He thm reverently takes the Precious Blood. After which he gives Communion to all who are to communicate. The Canon of the Mass. 153 Tko^e who are to conininiucate go up to the Sanctuary at the Do- mine, non sum dignus, when the bell rings. The acolyte spreads a cloth before thetn, and says the Confiteor. During the Confiteor the Priest removes from the Tabernacle of the Altar the ciborium, or vessel containi?ig the Blessed Sacrament ; and placing it upon the corporal, he makes a genuflection, and, turning to the comtnunicants , pronounces the Absolution : |Tp| ISERBATUR vestri ^npv AY Almighty God %^^ omnipotens Deus, ^J-^ have mercy upon et dimissis peccatis ves- you. and forgive you your tris, perducat vos ad vitam sins, and bring you unto aeternam. life everlasting. R. Amen. R. Amen. Signing them u'ith the sign of the Cross, he continues : INDULGENTIAM, ^ iest then, returning to the Altar, replaces the ciboritim in the Tabernacle, makes a genuflection, and closes the door. Then the acolyte pours a little wine into the chalice and the Priest takes the first ablution, saying : QUOD ore sumpsimus, //I i'HAT we have taken Domiue, pura men- vJcA, with our mouth, O te capiamus ; et de mu Lord, may we receive with nere temporali fiat no- a pure heart ; and of a tem- bis remedium sempiter- poral gift may it become num. to us an everlasting heal- ing. Here the acolyte, at the Epistle corner, pours wine and water over the /'>-'><■/' r fingers, and the Priest, returning to the middle of the A I-or. :r?pi;s his fingers and taJ^thk second ablution, iafying .■ CORPUS tuum, Do- (T)^'^Y Thy Body, O mine, quod sumpsi, A-*-^ Lord, which I have et sanguis quem pota\'i, ad- received, and Thy Blood h.xreat visceribus meis : which I have drunk, cleave et prcESta, ut in me non unto my inmost parts ; and remaneatscelerum macula, grant that no stain of sin quem pura et sancta refe- may remain in me, who The Canon of the Mass. 155 cerunt sacramenta. Oui have been refreshed with vivis et regnas in ssecula pure and holy mysteries, saeculorum. Atnen. Who livest, etc. Amen. Then he wipes his lips and the chalice, which he covers, and, hav- ing folded the corporal, places it on the Altar, as at first ,• he then goes to the book, and reads The Communion. [At Solemn Mass the choir sings the Conimuniou. The . ,,, .., ,,c -^r removes the chalice to the Credence tadle.] For the Communion. /^NE thing I have asked of the Lord, this will I ^^ seek after : that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. O taste and see that the Lord is sweet : blessed is the man that hopeth in Him. (On a Saint's Day.) Happy are those servants whom the Lord when He cometh shall find watching. If any man will come after Me, let him deny him- self, and take up his cross, and follow Me. Then, going to the middle of the Altai', he turns to , the people, and says : V. Dominus vobiscum. K The Lord be ^nth you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit. Then, returning to the missal, he reads the Post-Communions ; at the end of the first and last of which the acolyte answers. Amen. For the Post-Communions. "T^OUR forth upon us, O Lord, the spirit of Thy '"^ love, that, by Thy mercy, Thou mayst make those of one mind whom Thou hast fed with one ce- 156 The Canon of the Mass. lestial Food. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, etc. Amen. Graciously hear the prayers of Thy family, O Al- mighty God ; aud grant that these Sacred ^Mysteries which we have received froui Thee may by Thy grace be preserved incorrupt wdthiu us. ^U>i u- Sui/U's Day.) We have received the heavenly Mysteries, O Lord, in the commemoration of the bless- ed Mary ever Virgin, of blessed Joseph, of blessed N. [/Wvr insc-rl the name 0/ your Patron Saint\ and of all Thy Saints ; grant, we beseech Thee, that what we celebrate in time we may obtain in the joys of eternity. Through our Lord, etc. Amen. ■ .L\ird> he I urns ug^atn towards Die people, a V. Dominus vobiscum. F. The Lord be \vith you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. Aud with thy spirit. V. Ite, missa est ; K Go, the Mass is ended; 'r liken ike Gloria in Excelsis has been omitted, he turns to (he Altar and says : , V. Benedicamus Domi- V. Let us bless the no. Lord. R. Deo gratias. A'. Thanks be to God. V. Requiescant in pace. V. May they rest in peace. R. Amen. R. Amen. [At Soleiint Mass, Ite, missa est, or lienedicamus Domino is chanted by (he Deacon. \ Buzcini^ before the Altar, the Priest savs : 'T^ LACKAT tibi, sancta fT\ ^^ ^^^ performance *-^ Trinitas, obsequium N ' ^ of my homage be servitutis meae ; et praesta, pleasing to Thee, O Holy The Canon of the Mass. 157 ut sacrificium quod oculis Trinity ; and grant that the tuae Majestatis indignus Sacrifice which I, though obtuH, tibi sit acceptabile, unworthy, have offered up mihique, et omnibus pro in the sight of Thy Majes- quibus illud obtuH, sit, ty, may be acceptable unto te miseraute, propitiabile. Thee, and may, through Per Christum Dominum Thy mercy, be a propiti- nostrum. ation for myself, and all those for whom I have offered it. Through Christ Amen. our L,ord. Amen. Then he kisses the Altar, and raising his eves, and extettding, rais- ing, and joining his hands, he f)(>7c>s his head, and savs : *J^ ENEDICAT vos om- (T)AY Almighty God ^"^^ nipotens Deus, Pa- • ♦ bless you ; the Fa- ter, et Filius, '^ et Spiritus ther, the Sou, "^ and the Sanctus. Holy Ghost. J^. Amen. J^. Amen. At the word Deus he turns to7vards the people, and makes the sign of the Cross over them. [ TA^ Benediction is omitted in Masses for the Dead.] Theti, turning to the Gospel side of the Altar, he says : V. Domiuus vobiscum, F. The Lord be with you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit. He then makes the sign of the Cross, Jirst upon the Altar, and then upon his forehead, lips, and breast, and begins the Gospel accord- ing to St.fohn, saying : ^NITIUM sancti Evan- iTq^HE beginning of the *^ gelii secundum Joan- ^"'^ holy Gospel accord- uem. ing to John. M. Gloria tibi, Domi- R. Glory be to Thee, O ne. Lord. I5S The Canon of the Mass. IN principio erat Ver- bum, et Verbum erat apud Deuin ; et Deus erat Verbum : hoc erat iu prin- cipio apud DeuEu, Omnia per ipsum facta sunt, et sine ipso factum est nihil quod factum est : in ipso vita erat, et vita erat lux hominum ; et lux in tene- bris lucet, et teuebrae eam non comprehenderunt. Fuit homo missus a Deo, cui nomen erat Joannes. Hie venit in testimonium, ut testimonium perhiberet de lumine, ut omnes cre- derent per ilium. Non erat ille lux : sed ut testi- monium perhiberet de lu- mine. Hrat lux vera quae illuminat oniuem homi- nem venientem in hunc mundum. In muudo erat, et mun- dus per ipsum factus est, et mundus euni non cog- novit. In propria venit, et sui eum non receperunt. Quotquot autem recepe- runt eum, dedit eis potes- IN the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. This was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him was made nothing that was made : iu Him was life, and the life was the light of men : and the light shineth iu darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. This one came for a wntness, to testify con- cerning the light, that all might believe through him. He was not the light, but he was to testify concerning the light. The true Light, which enlight- eneth everv^ man, cometh into this world. He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world knew Him not. He came to His own posses- sions, and His owti people received Him not. But to The Canon of the Mass. 159 tatem filios Dei fieri : his qui credunt iu uomiue ejus, qui non ex sangnini- bus, neque ex voluntate caruis, neque ex voluntate viri, sed ex Deo nati sunt. Et Verbum caro factum EST [///V gennfleciitur\ et habitavit in nobis ; et vidimus gloriam ejus, glo- riam quasi Unigeniti a Patre, plenum gratiae et veritatis. M. Deo gratias. as many as received Him He gave power to become children of God, to those who believe in His name, who are born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word WAS MADE Fi^ESH ^Heve all kneel '\, and dwelt among us ; and we saw His glory, the glory as of the Only-begotten of the Fa- ther, full of grace and truth. R. Thanks be to God. U'he.H a feast /alii on a Sunday, or other day wliicli has a proper Gospel of lis own, the Gospel of the day is read instead of the Gos- pel of St. John. ^^-^ i6o Speciai, Prayers. SPECIAL PRAYERS. The Te Deinn I an damns. VJ^ E Deum laudamus : * //| I E praise Thee, O ^-'^ te Dominum cou- God : we acknow- fitemur. ledge Thee to be the Lord, Te aetenium Patrem * All the earth doth wor- omnis terra veueratur. ship Thee : the Father everlasting. Tibi omues angeli, * tibi To Thee all Angels : to coeli, et uuiversae potes- X^^ee the Heavens and all tates : the I'owers therein : Tibi cherubim et sera- To Thee the Cherubim phim, ♦ incessabili voce and Seraphim ; cry with proclamant : unceasing voice : Sanctus, sanctus, sane- Holy, Holy, Holy : Lord tus, * Dominus Deus Sa- God of Hosts, baoth : Pleni sunt coeli et ter- The heavens and the ra * majestatis glori^e earth are full : of the ma- tuae. jesty of Thy glory. Te gloriosus * Apostolo- Thee tlie liflorious choir : rum chorus. Te Prophetarum * lau- dabilis numerus. Te ]\Iartynnn candida- tus * laudat exercitus. Tc per orbem terra- of the Apostles, Thee the admirable com- pany : of the Prophets, Thee the white-robed ami}' of Martyrs : praise. Thee the Holv Church nnn * sancta confitetur throughout all the world : Ecclesia. doth acknowledge. Patrem * immensae ma The Father : of infinite jestatis. Majesty. SpeciaIv Prayers. i6i Veneranduin tuum ve- rum * et unicum Filium. Sanctum quoque * Para- clitum Spiritum. Tu Rex gloriae, * Chris- te. Tu Patris * sempiternus es Filius. Tu ad liberandum sus- cepturus hominem, * non horruisti Virginis uterum. Tu devicto mortis acu- leo, * aperuisti credenti- bus regua coelorum. Tu ad dexteram Dei se- des, * in gloria Patris. Judex crederis * esse venturus. t Te ergo quaesumus, tuis famulis subveni, * quos pretioso sanguine re- demisti. Sterna fac cum vSanc- tis tuis, * in gloria nume- rari. Salvum fac populum tu- Thine adorable, true ; and only Son. Also the Holy Ghost : the Paraclete. Thou art the King of Glory : O Christ. Thou art the everlasting Son : of the Father. Thou having taken upon Thee to deliver man : didst not abhor the Virgin's womb. Thou having overcome the sting of death : didst open to believers the king- dom of heaven. Thou gittest at the right hand of God : in the glory of the Father. We believe that Thou shalt come : to be our Judge. We beseech Thee, there- fore, help Thy servants ; whom Thou hast redeem- ed with Thy precious Blood. Make them to be num- bered with Thy Saints : in glory everlasting. O Lord, save Thy peo- t During this petition it is usual to kneel. t62 Special Prayers. uin, Domine, * et benedic lix'reditati tuae. Et rege eos, et extolle illos, * usque in ceteruum. Per siugulos dies * beue- dicimus te. Et laudamus nomen tu- uin in saeculum, * et in saeculum saeculi. Dignare, Domine, die isto, sine peccato nos custodire. Miserere uostri, Domi- ne, * miserere nostri. Fiat misericordia tua, Do- mine, super nos : * quem- admodum speravimus in te. In te, Domine, spera- vi : * nou coufuudar in oeternum. pie : and bless Thine in- heritance. Govern them : and lift them up for ever. Day by day : vre bless Thee. And we praise Thy name for ever : and world with- out end. Vouchsafe, O Lord, this day : to keep us without sin. Have mercy on us, O Lord ; have mercy on us. Let Thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us : as we have hoped in Thee. O Lord, in Thee have I hoped : let me never be confounded. ^r/ut pnoiic 1 hunkigtving liir' /nnoiiin^ f>ra\< BENEDICTUS es, Do- mine, Dens Patrum nostrorum. /t*. VX lauda1)ilis, et glori- osus in saecula. V. Benedicamus Patrem et Filium, cum Sancto Spiritu. BLEvSvSED art Thou, O Lord, the God of our fathers. J\. And worth}' to be praised, and glorified for ever. V. Let us bless the Fa- ther and the Sou, with the Holy Ghost. Speciai, Prayers. 163 R. Ivaudemus et super- R. Let us praise and exaltemus eum iu saecu- exalt Him above all for la. ever. V. Beuedictus es, Do- V. Blessed art Thou, O mine Deus, in firmamento Lord, in the firmament of coeli. heaven. R. Bt laudabilis, et glori- R. And worthy to be osus, et superexaltatus in praised, and glorified, and ssecula. exalted above all for ever. V. Beuedic, anima mea, V. Bless the Lord, O Domino. my soul. R. Et noli oblivisci om- R. And forget not all nes retributiones ejus. His benefits. V. Domine, exaudi ora- V. O Lord, hear my tionem meam. ' prayer. R. Et clamor mens ad R. And let my cry come te veniat. unto Thee. V. Dominus vobiscum. V. The Lord be with you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit. Oremui. Let us pray. \\ EUS, cujus miseri- C\ GOD, whose mercies "^""^ cordise non est are without num- numerus, et bonitatis in- ber, and the treasure of fiuitus est thesaurus : pi- whose goodness is infinite : issimae majestati tuae pro we render thanks to Thy coUatis donis gratias agi- most gracious Majesty for mus, tuam semper cle- the gifts Thou hast bestow- mentiam exorautes, ut ed upon us, evermore be- qui petentibus postulata seeching Thy clemency 1 64 Speciai. Prayers. concedis, eosdem non de- that as Thou dost grant the serens, ad prsemia futura petitions of them that ask disponas. Thee, so, never forsaking them. Thou wilt prepare them for the rewards to come. "TpV EUS, qui corda fideli- r-*— ' um Sancti Spiritus illustratione docuisti : da nobis in eodem vSpiriLu recta sapere, et de ejus semper consolatione gau- dere. OGOD, who didst teach the hearts of Thy faithful by the light of Th}- Holy Spirit : grant us, b}- the same Spirit, to have a right judgment in all things, and evermore to re- joice in His holy comfort. *T~\ EUS, qui neminem *^^ in te sperantem ni- mium affligi permittis, sed pium precibus prtestas au- ditum : pro postulationi- bus nostris, votisque sus- ceptis gratias agimus, te piissime deprecantes, ut a cunctis semper muniamur adversis. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium tuuni, qui tecum vi\nt et regnat, in uuitate Spiritus Sancti Deus, per omnia Scccula saeculorum. R. Amen. f~\ GOD, who sufferest ^-^ none that hope in Thee to be afflicted over- much, but dost turn a gracious ear unto their prayers : we render Thee thanks for having heard our supplications and vows; most humbly beseeching Thee that we may ever- more l^e protected from all adversities. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, etc. R. Amen. OccASiONAi, Prayers. 165 OCCASIONAL PRAYERS. For the Whole Church. Defend us, O Lord (p. 121). For all Orders of Ecclesiastics. Almighty and Everlasting God (p. 121). For I he Pope. O God, the Pastor (p. 122). For Bishops, and the People committed to thevi. ^y-y^IvMIGHTY and Everlasting God, who alone fS^^ doest great wonders, send down upon Thy ser- vants, and the congregations committed unto them, the spirit of Thy sa\4ng grace ; and that they may truly please Thee, pour forth upon them the continual dew of Thy blessing. For the Bishop of the Diocese. y^ RANT, we beseech Thee, O Lord, to Thy servant Vr) our Bishop, that, by preaching and doing such things as are right, he may by the example of good works edify the minds of those under his authority, and receive of Thee, most tender Shepherd, an ever- lasting recompense and reward. For a Congregation or Family. Defend, we beseech Thee (p. 243). 1 66 Occasion Ai, Prayrrs. For the Preset-i'ation of Concord in a Congregation. OGOD, the Giver of peace aud Lover of cliarit}-, grant to Thy servants true concord aud iniion with Thy holy will, that we may be delivered from all temptations which assault us. Against the Persecutors of the Church. fr\ BRClFUIJvY hear, O Lord, we beseech Thee, ^ ^ '• ^ the prayers of Thy Church : that all adver- sities and errors being done away, we may serve Thee with a pure and undisturbed devotion. hi any Necessity. O God, our refuge and strength (p. 752). /// (Diy Trihu/afion. f~\ ALMIGHTY God, despise not Thy people who ^-^ cry unto Thee in their affliction ; but, for the glory of Thy name, turn away Thine anger, and help us in our tribulations. /// Ti)ne of Famine or Pestilence. /^ RANT, we beseech Thee, O Lord, an answer to ^-'^ our hearty supplications ; and. Thy wrath being appeased, tuni away from us this famine (or pestilence), that the hearts of men may know that these scourges proceed from Thine anger, and cease by Thy mercy. OccASioNAi, Prayers. 167 For Ram. OGOD, in whom we live, and move, and are, grant us seasonable rain ; that we, enjoying a suffi- ciency of support in this life, may with more confi- dence strive after the things which are eternal. For Fair'Weather. "Tp^ BAR us, O Ivord, who cry unto Thee, and grant r*— G fair weather to us. Thy suppliant servants ; that we, who are justl}^ afflicted for our sins, may by Thy preventing pity find mercy. For the ^ift of Tears. "-jTt IvMIGHTY and most Merciful God, who didst cause a fount of living water to spring out of a rock, for Thy people in their thirst : draw forth tears of compunction from our stony hearts ; that we may weep over our sins, and by Thy mercy deserve to obtain pardon for the same. For Forg^iveness of Sins. i^ GOD, who rejectest none that come unto Thee, ^^ but in loving-kindness art appeased even with the greatest sinners who repent : mercifully regard our prayers in our humiliation, and enlighten our hearts, that we may be able to fulfil Thy commandments. i68 OccASiONAi. Prayers. For the Tempted and Afflicted. OGOD, who justifiest the ungodly, and -wnllest not the death of a sinner : we humbly entreat Thy Majesty to protect Thy sen-ants, who trust in Thy mercy, with Thy heavenly assistance, and preserve them b}' Th\' continual protection ; that they may con- stantly ser^-e Thee, and by no temptation be separated from Thee. Against Evil Thoughts. ^TT^LMIGHTY and most. Merciful God, graciously (^,— L, hearken unto our prayers : and free our hearts from the temptations of evnl thoughts ; that we ma}' worthily become a fit habitation for Thy Holy Spirit. For the gift of Continence. Inflame, O Lord (p. 311). For the gift of Humility. OGOD, who resistest the proud, and givest grace to the humble : grant us the virtue of true humil- ity, whereof Thine Only-begotten showed in Himself a pattern for Thy faithful ; that we may never by our pride provoke Thine aiiger, but rather by our meek- ness receive the riches of Thy grace. Occasional Prayers. ' 169 For the gift of Patience. f~\ GOD, who didst crush the pride of the enemy by ^■^^ the long-suffering of Thine Only-begotten Son : grant, we beseech Thee, that we may worthil}' recall those things which in His tender love He bore for us ; and thus following His example may patiently endure all our adversities. For the gift of Charity. /^ GOD, who makest all things to work together for ^""'^ good unto those who love Thee : give to our hearts the lasting affection of Thy love ; that such desires as are inspired by Thee may never be changed by any temptation. For those at Sea. C\ GOD, who didst bring our fathers through the ^^^ Red Sea, and bear them through the great waters singing praises unto Thy name : we humbly be- seech Thee to vouchsafe to turn away all adversities from Thy servants at sea, and to bring them with a calm voyage unto the haven where they would be. For Heretics and Schismatics. r\ AIvMIGHTY and Everlasting God, who hast ^■^^ compassion on all, and wouldst not that any should perish : favorably look down upon all those who are seduced by the deceit of Satan ; that, all he- retical impiety being removed, the hearts of such as en- may repent and return to the unity of Thy truth. I70 • OccASioNAi, Prayers. For Jews. O ALMIGHTY and Everlastiug God, who repellest uot from Thy luercy eveu the perfidious Jews ; hear the prayer which we offer for the bUudness of that people ; that the Hght of Thy truth, Christ our Lord, beiug known to them, they may be delivered from their darkness. For pagans. f^ ALMIGHTY and Everlasting God, who desirest ^^ not the death but the life of sinners : merci- fully accept om* prayers, and, delivering pagans from the worship of idols, unite them to Thy Church, to the praise and honor of Thy glorious name. For our Friends. f^ GOD, who, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, hast ^^ poured into the hearts of Thy faithful the gifts of charity : grant to Thy sen.^ants and handmaids, for whom we implore Thy mercy, health both of body and soul ; that they may love Thee with all their strength, and cheerfully perform those things which are pleasing unto Thee. For Enemies. OGOD, the lover and preserver of peace and char- ity : grant unto all our enemies peace and true charity ; give them remission of all their sins, and by Thy power deliver us from their snares. OCCASIONAI, PrAYKRS. A Short Recommendation to God. INTO the hauds of Thy unspeakable mercy, O Lord, I commeud my soul aud body ; my senses, my words, my thoughts, and all my actions, with all the necessities of my body and soul ; my going forth and my coming in ; my faith and conversation ; the course and end of my life ; the day aud hour of my death ; my rest and resurrection with the Saints and Klect. For the Sick. Almighty and Eternal God (p. 496). For a Sick Person near Death. "fX LMIGHTY and Everlasting God, preserver of evA-*-. souls, who dost correct those whom Thou dost love, and for their amendment dost tenderly chastise those whom Thou dost receive, we call upon Thee, O Lord, to bestow Thy healing, that the soul of Thy ser- vant, at the hour of its departure from the body, may by the hands of Thy holy Angels be presented without spot unto Thee. For the Dead. Almighty, Everlasting God (p. 269). A Prayer before Stiidv or Instructions. XNCOMPREHENSIBLE Creator, the true Fountain of light and only Author of all knowledge : vouchsafe, we beseech Thee, to enlighten our under- 172 OccASiONAi, Prayers. standings, and to remove from us all darkness of sin and ignorance. [Thou, who niakest eloquent the tongiies of those that want utterance, direct our tongues, and pour on our lips the grace of Thy blessing. ] Give us a diligent and obedient spirit, quickness of appre- hension, capacity of retaining, and the powerful as- sistance of Thy holy grace ; that what we hear or learn we may apply to Thy honor and the eternal sal- vation of our own souls. For a Husband or Wife, O gracious Father (p. 435). O merciful Lord (p. 451). O merciful God (p. 452). Prayers of Parents, for themselves and Jor their Children. Almighty God, the Father (p. 453). r\ FATHER of mankind, who hast given unto me ^"'^ these my children, and committed them to my charge to bring them up for Thee, and to prepare them for everlasting life : assist me with Thy heavenly grace, that I may be able to fulfil this most sacred duty and stewardship. Teach me both what to give and what to \nthhold ; when to reprove and when to forbear ; make me to be gentle, yet firm ; considerate and wr.tch- ful ; and deliver me equally from the weakness of in- dulgence, and the excess of severity ; and grant that, both by word and example, I may be careful to lead them in the ways of msdom and true piety, so that at OccAsioNAi, Prayers. 173 last I may, with them, be admitted to the unspeakable joys of our true home iu heaven, in the company of the blessed Angels and Saints. OHEAVENIvY Father, I commend my children unto Thee. Be Thou their God and Father ; and mercifully supply whatever is wanting iu me through frailty or negligence. Strengthen them to overcome the corruptions of the world, to resist all solicitations to e\dl, whether from within or without ; and deliver them from the secret snares of the enemy. Pour Thy grace into their hearts, and confirm and multiply in them the gifts of Thy Holy Spirit, that they may daily grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ ; and so, faithfully serNdng Thee here, may come to rejoice in Thy presence hereafter. A Child's Prayer. /^ ALMIGHTY God, who hast given unto me my ^-^ father and mother, and made them to be an image of Thine authority, and love, and tender watch- fulness ; and hast commanded me to love, and honor, and obey them in all things : give me grace cheerfully and with my whole heart to keep this Thy law. Help me to love them fervently, to honor them truly, to yield a ready obedience to their commands, to comply with their wishes, to study their happiness in every- thing, and to bear their rebukes with patience and humility. Deliver me, O God, from pride, rebellion, and wilfulness, from passion and stu])borniiess, from sloth and carelessness. Make me diligent in all my 174 OccASioNAi, Prayers. duties and studies, and patient in all my trials ; that so li\-ing, I may deserve to be Thy child, who art our Father in Heaven. A Prayer for Choosing a State of Life. C\ LORD, I beseech Thee to grant me Thy divine ^""^ light, that I may know the designs of Thy pro- \'idence concerning me, and that, filled with a sincere desire for my soul's salvation, I may saj-, with the young man in the Gospel : What must I do to be saved ? All states of life are before me ; but, still undecided what to do, I await Thy commands, I offer myself to Thee without restriction, without reser^'e, with a most per- fect submission. Far be it from me, O Lord, to oppose the order of Thy wisdom, and, unfaithful to the inspiration of Thy grace, to strive to subject the will of the Creator to the caprice of the creature. It is not for the ser\'ant to choose the way in which he will serve his master : do Thou lay upon me what commands Thou pleasest. JSFy lot is in Thy hands. I make no exception, lest per- chance what I except be that which Thou wiliest, and because I am too short-sighted to discover in the future the different obstacles I shall meet with, if, with- out Thy guidance, I make myself the arbiter of my own conduct. Speak, Lord, to my soul ; speak to me as Thou didst to the youthful Samuel : Speak, Lord ; for Thy se}~'ant heareth. I cast myself at Th^' feet, and I am ready, if it be Thy will, to sacrifice nu'^elf as a vic- tim to Thee for the remainder of my days, in such wise as Thou shalt deem most worthy of Thy greatness. O my God, inspire the affections of my parents, OccASioNAiv Prayers. 175 and guide their projects according to the counsels of Thy wisdom. Lord, I sincerely desire to consult Thee who art the Eternal Truth ; grant that my parents also may submit themselves to its decrees, faithfully and wdthout reserv^e. A Prayer in Times of Threatened Calamity. C\ JKvSUS CHRIST, we call upon Thee, Holy, Im- mortal God. Have mercy upon us and upon all men. Purify us by Thy holy Blood, forgive us by Thy holy Blood, save us by Thy holy Blood, now and for ever. Amen. For Civil Authorities. We pray Thee, O x-^lmighty and Eternal God (p. 56). A UNIVERSAL PRAYER. For all Thijigs Necessary to Salvation. (Composed by Pope Clement XI., a.d. 1721.) C\ MY God, I believe in Thee ; do Thou strengthen my faith. All my hopes are in Thee ; do Thou secure them. I love Thee ; teach me to love Thee daily more and more. I am sorry that I have offended Thee ; do Thou increase \\\y sorrov/. I adore Thee as my first beginning ; I aspire after Thee as my last end. I give Thee thanks as ni}^ con- stant benefactor ; I call upon Thee as my sovereign protector. 176 Occasional Prayers. Vouchsafe, O uiy God, to conduct me by Thy wis- dom, to restrain me by Thy justice, to comfort me by Thy mercy, to defend me by Thy power. To Thee I desire to consecrate all my thoughts, words, actions, and sufferings ; that henceforward I may think of Thee, speak of Thee, refer all my actions to Thy greater glory, and suffer willingly whatever Thou shalt appoint. Lord, I desire that in all things Thy will may be done, because it is Thy \\i\\, and in the manner that Thou wnllest. I beg of Thee to enlighten my understanding, to in- flame my will, to purify my body, and to sanctify my soul. Give me strength, O my God, to expiate my offences, to overcome my temptations, to subdue my passions, and to acquire the virtues proper for my state. Fill my heart with tender affection for Thy goodness, hatred of my faults, love of my neighbor, and con- tempt of the world. Let me alwa3's remember to be submissive to my superiors, courteous to my inferiors, faithful to my friends, and charitable to my enemies. Assist me to overcome sensuality by mortification, avarice by almsdeeds, anger by meekness, and tepidit}' by devotion. O my God, make me prudent in my undertakings, courageous in dangers, patient in affliction, and humble in prosperity. Grant that I ma}- be ever attentive at m}" prayers, temperate at my meals, diligent in my employments, and constant in my resolutions. Let my conscience be ever upright and pure, my ex- OccASioNAi, Prayers. 177 terior modest, my conversation edifying, and my de- portment regular. Assist me, that I may continually labor to overcome nature, to correspond with Thy grace, to keep Thy commandments, and to work out my salvation. Discover to me, O my God, the nothingness of this world, the greatness of heaven, the shortness of time, and the length of eternity. Grant that I may prepare for death ; that I may fear Thy judgments, escape hell, and in the end obtain heaven ; through Jesus Christ our Ivord. Amen, (^LA^^^^&i^ G) \Dc9per3. HE public prayers of the Church, other than those in the great Sacrifice of the Mass, are contained in the Breviary. The whole Office for each day consists of Matins and Lauds ; Prime, Tierce, Sext, and None (the pray- ers for the _firsf, third, sixth, and ninth hours, the old Roman division of the day); Vespers and Compline. This Office was originally chanted daily by the faithful, and is still ; ~ ' ' chanted b\- some religious Orders, the pre- - ser\-ers of primitive tradition and fer\'or. It J---: . = is daily recited by the ClergA- ; and on Sun- days and Holydays the Vespers are publicly chanted as part of the solemn worship of the day, to enable the faithful to join in so holj' and venerable a form of prayer. All the parts of the Office consist of Psalms and Canticles from the Holy Scripture, with lessons also from Scripture, or the Holy Fathers, and appropriate to the da\-. The Psalms in the Vespers for Sunday are the 109th and the following, including the 113th, although ven,* frequently the ii6th is substituted for the last of these. This series of Psalms is most suitable to the ordinan.- want*; of the Church on her weekly Festi- vals. The first is a kind of commemoration of all the great Mys- teries of our Redemption ; the .second alludes to the praise of God in the CO ng legation ; the third commemorates the graces and pri- vileges of the just ; the fourth is a Psalm of praise, as is also that substituted occasionally for the fifth ; the fifth celebrates the de- liverance of the Israelites from Kg>'ptian bondage. All are pro- phecies of our Lord and of His Immaculate Mother, as well as of the Church. In them we sing the praises of Christ, our Lord, as Priest forever, offering Sacrifice, like Melchisedech, in the form of bread and wine ; as Lord of lords, and King of kings ; as true to 178 Vespers. 179 His promises of ever abiding by His Church, investing her with miraculous powers ; and ever spreading the mystic Banquet : in them we praise Him as our Redeemer and our God, whom we adore ; in them we praise that Immaculate Virgin— the joyful moUier of children — and with her raise our hearts and voices to glorify God. It is not, then, an unmeaning Service, but one most appropriate and consoling. Hence, though it is not of obligation to attend Vespers, as it is to hear Mass, all the Saints and spiritual writers of the Church urge the faithful to be present at this Office with piety and devotion. For there is always more benefit and com- fort to be derived from the public Ofiices of the Church than from private devotions, God having ordained that Communion of pray- ers should always have the preference. VESPERS FOR SUNDAY. The Priest, with his attendants, enters the sanctuary, and, kneeling before the Altar, recites the following prayer : ej9L PERI, Domine, os /^ LORD, opeu Thou meum ad benedi- ^^ my mouth that I ceudtim nomeii sauctum may bless Thy Holy Name ; tuum : munda quoque cor cleanse my heart from all meum ab omnilnis vanis, vain, evil, and wandering perversis, et alienis cogita- thotights ; enlighten my tionibus : intellectum illu- understanding ; kindle my mina, affectum inflamma, affections, that I may ut digne, attente, ac de- worthily, attentively, and vote hoc Officium recitare devoutly recite this office, valeam, et exaudiri merear and may deserve to be ante conspectum divinse heard before the presence iSo Vespers. Majestatis tuae. Per Chris- tum Doiuinum nostrum. R. Amen. Domiue, in unione illius divinse iutentionis, qua of Thy divine IVInjesty. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen. Lord, in union with that divine intention wherewith Ipse m terris laudes Deo Thou didst Thyself praise persolvisti, has tibi Horas God while on earth, I offer persolvo. these Hours unto Thee. The Celebrant and his atUndants then proceed to the bench, on the Epistle sidt of the sanctuary ; and after saying in silence the Our Father and the Hail Mars-, the Celebrant intones : '~T~\'EVS, in adjutorium /^OME unto my help, 1"^ meum intende. ^^ O God. 7^. Domine, ad adjuvan- 7^. O Lord, make haste dum me festina. to help me. V. Gloria Patri, et Filio, T. Glor>' be to the Fa- et Spiritui Sancto. ther, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. J?. Sicut erat in princi- /?. As it was in the be- pio, et nunc, et semper, ginning, is now, and ever et in saecula scecnlorum. shall be, world without Amen. Alleluia. end. Amen. Allelnia. r- oni Septuatfesima to Palm Sunday, inclusively, is said ■ Laus tibi, Domine, Rex Praise to Thee, O Lord, aeternae gloriic. I^ing of eternal glory. I Ant. Dixit Dominus. AtiL The Lord said. Vkspers. i8i fn Easter-tide the Psalms are all said under this one Antiphon; Alleluia. Psalm log. ^T^IXIT Doininus Do- A^ mino meo : * Sede a dextris meis : Donee ponam inimicos tuos * scabellum pedum tuonim. Virgam virtutis tuae emit- tet Dominus ex Siou : * dominare in medio inimi- corum tuorum. Tecum principium iu die virtutis tuae in splen- doribus Sanctorum : * ex utero ante luciferum genui te. Juravit Dominus, et non poenitebit eum ; * Tu es sa- cerdos in seternum secun- dum ordinem Melchise- dech. Dominus a dextris tuis * confregit in die irae suae reges. ^^^ HE Lord said unto my VS> Lord : Sit Thou at My right hand : Until I make Thine ene- mies : Thy foot-stool. The Lord will send forth the sceptre of Thy power out of Sion : rule Thou in the midst of Thine ene- mies. Thine shall be dominion in the day of Thy power, amid the brightness of the Saints : from the womb be- fore the day-star have I begotten Thee. The Lord hath sworn, and He will not repent : Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchise- dech. The Lord upon Thy right hand : hath overthrown kings in the day of His wrath. * The letters prefixed to the Vesper Psalms are for convenience in selecting them for different Feasts. See the Dirkctory (p. 215). 1 82 Vksprrs. Judicabit in nalionibus, He shall ju'lgeamongthe implebit ruiuas : *conquas- nations ; He shall fill them sabit capita in terra mul- with ruins : Pie shall smite torum. in sunder the heads in the land of many. De torrente in via bi- He shall drink of the bet, * propterea exaltabit brook in the way ; there- capnt. fore shall He lift up His head. Gloria Patri, etc. Glory be to the Father, etc. Afit. Dixit Domiuus Do- Aut. The Lord said unto mino meo : Sede a dextris my Lord : Sit Thou at My nieis. right hand. Ant. Fidelia. Ant. Faithful. B Psalm no. COXFITEBOR tibi, ^ WILL praise Thee, O Domine, in toto A^ Lord, with my whole corde meo : * in consilio heart : in the assembly of jn.storum, et congrega- the just, and in the congre- tione. gation. Magna opera Domini : * Great are the works of exquisita in omncs voluu- the Lord : sought out are tates ejus. they according unto all His pleasure. Confessio et magiiificen- His work is His prnise tia opus ejus, * et justitia ar.d His honor : and His ejus manet in saL'culum justice endureth for ever s:eculi. and ever. Memoriam fecit mirnbi- A memorial hath the liutn suonun misericors et merciful and gracious Lord Vespers. 183 niiserator Dominiis : * es- caiii dedit timentibus se. Memor erit in saeculum testameuti siii : * virtutem operuni suorvim annuutia- bit populo suo : ,, Ut det illis baereditatem gentium : * opera manuum ejus Veritas et judicium. Fidelia omnia mandata ejus, confirmata iu saecu- lum saeculi, * facta in veri- tate et sequitate. Redemptionem misit po- pulo suo : * mandavit in aeternum testamentum su- um. Sanctum et terribile no- nien ejus : * initium sapieu- tia,' timor Domini. Intellectus bonus omni- bus facientibus eum : * lau- datio ejus manet in saecu- lum saeculi. Gloria Patri, etc. Ant. Fidelia omnia man- made of His marv'ellous works : He hath given meat unto them that fear Him. He .shall ever be mind- ful of His covenant : He shall show forth to His people the power of His works : That He may give them the heritage of the gentiles : the works of His hands are truth and judgment. All His commandments are faithful : they stand fast for ever and ever, they are done in truth and equity. He hath sent redemp- tion unto His people : He hath commanded His cove- nant for ever. Holy and terrible is His name : the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. A good understanding have all they that do there- after : His praise endureth for ever and ever. Glory be to the Father, etc. Anl. Faithful are all i84 Vespers. data ejus, confirmata saeculum saeculi. Ant. lu maiidatis. His commandments ; they stand fast for ever and ever. A?it. In His command- ments. Psalm III. BBATUS vir, qui ti- met Dominum ; * in maudatis ejus volet ni- mis. Potens in terra erit se- men ejus ; * generatio rec- torum benedicetur. Gloria et divititc in domo ejus, * et justitia ejus manet in saeculum Sitculi, Exortum est in tenebris lumen rectis ; * miscricors, et miserator, et Justus. Jucundus homo, qui mi- seretur et commodat, dis- ponet sermones suos in ju- dicio : * quia in ruternum non commovebitur. In memoria ajterna erit BLESSED is the man that feareth the Lord : he shall delight ex- ceedingly in His command- ments. His seed shall be mighty upon earth : the genera- tion of the upright shall be blessed. Glory and riches shall be in his house : and his justice endure th for ever and ever. Unto the upright there hath risen up light in the darkness : he is merciful, and compassionate, and just. Acceptable is the man who is merciful and lend- eth : he shall order his words with judgment, for he shall not be moved for ever. The just man shall be in Vespers. 185 Justus : * ab auditione mala non timebit. Paratuin cor ejus spe- rare iu Doiniuo, confirma- tuni est cor ejus ; * nou comniovebitur douec despi- ciat inimicos suos. Dispersit, dedit pauperi- bus ; justitia ejus mauet iu saeculum s.eculi : * cornu ejus exaltabitur in gloria. Peccator videbit, et iras- cetur ; dentibus suis fremet et tabescet : * desiderium peccatorum peribit, Gloria Patri, etc. AnL Iu maudatis ejus cupit uimis. AnL Sit uomen Domini. everlasting remembrance : he shall not be afraid for evil tidings. His heart is ready to hope in the lyord : his heart is strengthened, he shall not be moved until he look down upon his enemies. He hath dispersed abroad, he hath given to the poor ; his justice endureth for ever and ever : his horn shall be exalted in glory. The wicked shall see it and shall be wroth ; he shall gnash with his teeth, and pine away : the desire of the wicked shall perish. Glory be to the Father, etc. AnL In His command- ments He hath exceeding great delight. AnL Blessed be the name. D Psuhn 112. 'T~"f AUDATB, pueri, Do- ^T^RAISE the Lord, ye <^ — miuum : * laudate '■^ — children : praise ye nomen Domini. the name of the Lord. Sit nomen Domini bene- Blessed be the name of [86 Vespers. dictum : * ex hoc nunc, et usque in stcculum. A solis ortu usque ad oc- casuni : * laudabile uoLieu Domini. Excelsus super omues gentes Dominus : * et su- per coelos gloria ejus. Quis sicut Dominus Dens noster, qui in altis habitat : * et humilia respicit in coelo et in terra ? Suscitans a terra inopem : * et de stercore erigens pauperem : Ut collocet eum cum principibus : * cum princi- pibus populi sui. Qui habitare facit steri- lem in donio : * matrem filiorum kL-tanlem. Gloria Patri, etc. .-/;//. vSit nomen Domini bcnedictum in sa^cula. Ant. Nos qui vivimus. the Lord : from this time forth for evermore. From the rising up of the sun unto the going down of the same : the name of the Lord is worthy to be praised. The Ljord is high above all nations : and His glory above the heavens. Who is like unto the Lord our God, who dwell- eth on high : and regard- eth the things that are lowly in heaven and on earth ? Who raiseth up the needy from the earth : and lifteth the poor out of the dung- hill ; That He may set him with the princes : even with the princes of His people. Who maketh the bar- ren woman to dwell in her house : the joyful mother of children. Glory be to the Father, etc. Afit. Blessed be the name of the Lord for evermore. Ant. We that live. Vespers. 187 Psalm iij. IN exitu Israel de ^gyp- to : * domus Jacob de /Tnr'HEN Israel came ^-^^ out of Egypt : the populo barbaro, Facta est Judaea saucti ficatio ejus : "^" Israel potes- sanctuary tas ejus. dominion, Mare vidit, et fugit : * Jordanis conversus est re- trorsum. Montes exultaverunt ut arietes : * et colles sicut agui ovium. house of Jacob from among a strange people, Judea was made His and Israel His The sea saw it, and fled Jordan was turned back. Quid est tibi, mare, quod fugisti : * et tu, Jordanis, quia conversus es retror- sum ? Montes, exultastis sicut The mountains skipped like rams : and the little hills like the lambs of the flock. What aileth thee, O thou sea, that thou fleddest : and thou, Jordan, that thou wast turned back? Ye mountains, that ye terra cob. a facie Dei Ja- arietes : * et colles, sicut skipped like rams : and ye agni ovium ? little hills, like the lambs of the flock ? A facie Domini mota est At the presence of the Lord the earth was moved : at the presence of the God of Jacob. Who turned the rock into a standing water : and the stony hill into a flowing stream. Not unto us, O Lord, not Qui convertit petram in stagna aquarum : * et ru- pem in fontes aquarum. Non nobis, Domine, uou Vespers. nobis : * sed noiniui tuo da gloriani. Super misericordia tua, et veritate tua : * nequaudo dicant gentes, Ubi est Deus eorum ? Deus auteni uoster iu coelo : * omuia qutecumque voluit fecit. Simulacra gentium ar- geutum et aurum : * opera manuum hominum. Os habeut, etnon loquen- tur : * oculos habent, et uou \'idebunt. Aures habent, et non au- dieut : * uares habent, et non odorabuut. Manus habeut, et uou palpabuut ; pedes habent, et non ambulabunt : ^' non clamabuut in gutture suo. Similes illis fiant, qui fa- ciunt ea : * et omnes qui confidunt in eis. Domus Israel speravit in Domino: * adjutor eorum et protector eorum est. Domus Aaron speravit in Domino: * adjutor eorum et protector eorum est. unto us : but unto Thy name give the glory. For Thy mercy, and for Thy truth's sake : lest the gentiles should say, Where is their God ? But our God is in heaven : He hath done all things whatsoever He would. The idols of the gentiles are silver and gold : the work of the hands of men. They have mouths, and speak not : eyes have they, and see not. They have ears, and hear not : noses have they, and smell not. They have hands, and feel not : they have feet, and walk not ; neither shall the}' speak through their throat. Let them that make them become like unto them : and all such as put their trust in them. The house of Israel hath hoped in the Lord : lie is their helper and protector. The house of Aaron hath hoped in the Lord : He is their helper and protector. Vespers. 189 Qui timent Domiuum, speraverunt in Domino ; * adjutor eorum et protector eorum est. Dominus memor fuit nostri, * et benedixit no- bis. Benedixit domui Israel : * benedixit domui Aaron. Benedixit omnibus, qui timent Dominum ; * pusil- lis cum majoribus. Adjiciat Dominus super vos : * super vos, et super filios vestros. Benedicti vos a Domi- no : * qui fecit coelum et terram. Coelum cceli Domino, * terram autem dedit filiis hominum. Non mortui laudabunt te, Domine : * neque om- nes, qui descendunt in in- fernum. Sed nos qui vivimus, benedicimus Domino : * ex hoc nunc, et usque in saeculum. Gloria Patri, etc. They that fear the Lord have hoped in the Lord : He is their helper and pro- tector. The Lord hath been mindful of us : and hath blessed us. He hath blessed the house of Israel : He hath blessed the house of Aaron. He hath blessed all that fear the Lord : both small and great. May the Lord add bless- ings upon you : upon you, and upon your children. Blessed be ye of the Lord : who hath made hea- ven and earth. The heaven of heavens is the Lord's : but the earth hath He given to the children of men. The dead shall not praise Thee, O Lord : neither all they that go down into hell. But w^e that live bless the Lord : from this time forth for evermore. Glory be to the Father, etc. 190 Vespers. Ant. Nos qui vivimus, A)it. We that live bless benedicimus Doniiuo. the Lord. In Easter-tide : Ant. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. When the Choir has ended tJu chanting of the /^u.„/.. <.,r riiest rises and chants the Little Chapter— genet-ally the first sentence of the Epistle of the day {pp. 665 to -$>?); but from the Third Sunday after Epiphany till Septuagesima, and font the Third Sunday after Pentecost till Advent, the following .• Benedictus Deus, et Pa- ter Domiui uostri Jesu Christi, Pater misericordi- arum, et Deus totius con- The Little Chapter. Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mer- cies, and God of all cou- solatiouis, qui cousolatur solatioii, who comforteth nos in omui tribulatioue us in all our tribulation, nostra. R. Deo gratias. R. Thanks be to God. The choir then sings the //ymn of the day, which vanes according to season and solemnity {pp. S9Q to 660). The Hymn which cot-responds to the Little Chapter, Benedictus, tj as follo7vs : ^Tp'.UCIS Creator optime, "^tJATHER of Lights, *^ — * r-t- 1 by whom each day Lucem dierum proferens, Primordiis lucis novre Mundi parans originem : Is kindled out of night. Who, when the heavens were made, didst lay Their rudiments in light ; * Translation by Cardinal Newman. Vespkrs. 191 Qui mane juuctum vesperi Diem vocari praecipis ; Illabitur tetrum chaos, Audi preces cum fletibus. Ne mens gravata crimine, Vitas sit exul munere, Dum nil perenne cogitat, Seseque culpis illigat. Coeleste pulset ostium ; Vitale tollat praemium : Vitemus omne noxium : Purgemus omne pessimum. Praesta, Pater piissime, Patrique compar uuice, Cum Spiritu Paraclito, Regnans per omne ssecu- lum. Amen. Thou who didst bind and blend in one The glistening morn and evening pale, Hear Thou our plaint, when light is gone, And lawlessness and strife prevail. Hear, lest the whelming weight of crime Wreck us with life in view ; Lest thoughts and schemes of sense and time Earn us a sinner's due. So may we knock at Hea- ven's door, And strive the immortal prize to win, Continually and evermore Guarded without and pure within. Grant this, O Father, Only Son, And Spirit, God of grace, To whom all worship shall be done In every time and place. Amen. [92 Vespers. V. Dirigatur, Domine, V. Let my prayer, O oratio mea, Lord, be directed R. Sicut iiiceusum iu R. As incense in Thy couspectu tuo. sight. Then t/ir i/unt cha>tti the Magnitical, ot Canticle uf the Blessed ^iTg^n— preceded and followed by its proper AM\i^\\on— during which the Priest puts on the cope, if he has not worn it from the beginning, and, proceeding to the Altar, blesses incense and puts it into the censer. He then incenses the Altar in the same man- ner as at Solem-n Mass. The Magnificat, or Canticle of the Blessed Virgin. /T^AGNIFICAT * ani- ^ '• ^ » raa mea Dominum. Et exulta\-it spiritus me- us * in Deo salutari meo. Quia respexit hiimiUta- tem ancillae suae : * ecce enim ex hoc beatam me dicent omnes geueratio- ues. Quia fecit mihi magna qui potens est : * et sanc- tum nomen ejus. Et misericordia ejus a progenie in progenies, * ti- mentibus eum. Fecit potentiani in bra- chio suo : * dispersit super- bos mente cordis sui. ^T\ V soul doth magnify : ^"*-^ the Lord. And my spirit rejoiceth : in God my Sa\'iour. Because He hath looked down on the lowliness of His handmaid : for behold henceforth all generations will call me blessed. Because the Mighty One hath done great things for me : and holy is His name. And His mercy is from generation to generation : on those who fear Him. He showeth might in His arm : He scattereth the proud in the conceit of their heart Vkspers. 193 Deposuit poteutes de sede, * et exaltavit humi- les. Esurientes implevit bo- nis, * et divites dimisit iu- anes. Suscepit Israel puerum simm, * recordatus miseri- cordiae suae. Sicut locutus est ad pa- tres nostros : * Abraham, et semini ejus in saecula. Gloria Patri. etc. He casteth down the mighty from their throne : and exalteth the lowly. He filleth the hungry with good things : and the rich He sendeth away empty. He hath received His serv^ant Israel : being mind- ful of His mercy. As He spake to our fa- thers : to Abraham and to his seed for ever. Glory be to the Father, etc. Here follow the proper Collect {pp. 665 to jSo) and the Commemora- tions, if any. THE USUAL COMMEMORATIONS. These are said at the end of l'^espers,froin the Third Sunday after Epiphany to ///,? Fourth Sunday 0/ Lent ; and from the Third to the Last Sunday after Pentecost ijiclnsively, except on Doubles and 7i'ithin Octa-.'es. B OE THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. ANCTA Maria, suc- curre miseris, juva :n' pusillanimes, refove flebi- les, ora pro populo, inter- veni pro clero, intercede pro devoto foemineo sexu : OLY Mary, be thou a help to the help- less, a strength to the fear- ful, a comfort to the sor- rowful ; pray for the people, plead for the clergy, make 194 Vespers. omnes tuum ju- quicumque cele- sentiant vamen, brant tuaiii saiictam com- memorationem. V. Ora pro nobis, sanc- ta Dei Genitrix. i?. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi. Orrmus. CONCEDE nos famii- los tuos, quoesumus Domiue Deus, perpetua mentis et corporis sanitate gaud ere : et gloriosa beatce Mariae semper \nrginis in- tercessione, a prcesenti li- berari tristitia, et aeterua perfrui Icetitia. intercession for all women vowed to God ; may all feel thine assistance who keep thy holy remembrance. V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. R. That we may be made worthy of the pro- mises of Christ. Let us pray. r->{ RANT, O Lord God, Vi/ we beseech Thee, that we Thy servants may rejoice in continual health of mind and body ; and through the glorious inter- cession of Blessed Mary ever Virgin, be freed from present sorrow and enjoy eternal gladness. From the Third Suiuiay ajier Epiphany to the Purification the fol- lowing I '. R. and Ptayer are said instead of the above : V. Post partimi x-irgo in- violata permansisti. R. Dei Genitrix, inter- cede pro nobis. P Oremus. EUS, qui salutis aeter- nae, beatoe Marise F. After childbirth thou didst remain a pure Virgin. R. O :\Iother of God, in- tercede for us. o Let its pray. GOD, who by the fruitful virginity of virginitate fcecunda, hu- Blessed Mary hast given Vespers. 195 mauo genen prsemia prae- stitisti : tribue, qucESumus, ut ipsam pro uobis interce- dere seutiamus, per quam meruimus auctorem vite suscipere, Dominum nos- trum Jesum Christum Fili- um tuum. unto mankind the rewards of eternal salvation : grant, we beseech Thee, that we may feel that she inter- cedes for us, through whom we have been made worthy to receive the Author of Life, our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son. OF ST. JOSEPH. ^N'CCB fidelis servus et ^-^ prudens, quem con- stituit Dominus super fa- miliam suam. V. Gloria et divitiae in domo ejus. R. Bt justitia ejus manet in sseculum saeculi. BKHOLD a faithful and wise servant, whom the Lord hath set over His household. V. Glory and riches shall be in his house. R. And his justice en- dureth for ever and ever. X) Oremus. BUS, qui ineffabili providentia beatum Joseph sanctissimae Geni- tricis tuae sponsum eligere dignatus es : praesta quaesu- mus, ut quem protectorem veneramur in terris, inter- cessorem habere mereamur in coelis. Let us pray. OGOD, who by Thine unspeakable Provi- dence didst vouchsafe to choose Blessed Joseph to be the Spouse of Thy most holy Mother : mercifully grant that, as we venerate him for our Protector on earth, we may be found worthy to be aided by his intercession in heaven. 196 Vespers. OF THE APOSTI.ES. ^r^ ETRUS Apostolus, et "T^ ETER the Apostle, r^ — Paulus doctor Gen- r-*— and Paul the Doc- tium, ipsi nos docuerunt tor of the Gentiles, they legem tuam, Domine. have taught us Thy law, O Lord. V. Constitues eos prin- K Thou shalt make cipes super omuem ter- them princes o\er all the ram. earth. J?. Memor«s eruut no- J^. They shall be mind- minis tui, Domine. ful of Thy name, O Lord. ChY>HiiS. L.ct Us pray. PEUS, cujus dextera /^ GOD, whose right beatum Petrum am- ^-^ hand raised up Bless- bulantem in fluctibus, ne ed Peter when he walked mergeretur, erexit ; et co- amid the waves, and suffer- apostolura ejus Pauluni ed him not to sink ; and tertio naufragantem de pro- delivered his fellow- Apos- fundo pelagi liberaN-it : ex- tie Paul, in his third ship- audi nos propitius, et con- wreck, from the depths of cede, ut amborum mentis the sea : graciously hear aetemitatis gloriam couse- us, and grant that by the quamur. merits of both we may at- tain unto everlasting glory. \A Commemoration is madt of the Patron or Titular of the Church either before or after Uie above, according lu dignity. \ FOR PEACE. *T^ A pacem, Domine, in /^ RANT peace in our r-^-^ diebus nostris, quia ^-^ da3'S, O Lord, for non est alius qui pugnet there is none other tliat Vespers. 197 pro nobis, uisi tu Deus noster. V. Fiat pax in \nrtute tua. R. Bt abundantia in tnr- ribus tuis. fighteth for us, but only Thou, our God. V. L,et peace be in thy strength. A*. And plenteousness in thy towers. Oiruius. '-|^ EUS, a quo sancta JLJ desideria, recta con- silia, et justa sunt opera : da servis tuis illam, quani minidus dare non potest paceni ; ut et corda nostra niandatis tuis dedita, et hostium sublata formidine, tenipora sint tua protec- tione tranquilla. Let us pray. OGOD, from whom are holy desires, right counsels, and just works : give unto Thy servants that peace which the world can- not give ; that our hearts being given to the keeping of Thy commandments, and the fear of enemies being removed, our da3^s, by Thy protection, may be peaceful. From the Second Sunday after Easter till the Ascension the fore- going Commemorations are omitted, and the following is the only Commemoration }>iade : OF THE CROSS. CRUCEM sanctam su- biit, qui infernum confregit, accinctus est po- tentia, surrexit die tertia, Alleluia. *Tp;^ E bore the Holy JL^ Cross, who broke the power of hell ; He was girded with power. He arose again the third day, Alleluia. 198 Vespers. F. Dicite iu uationibus, Alleluia. R. Quia Dorainus reg- navit a liguo, Alleluia. O rent us. "T^ EUS, qui pro no- A^ bis Filium tuum crucis patibulum subire vo- luisti, ut iiiimici a nobis expellerespotestatem: con- cede nobis faiuulis tuis, ut resurrectionis gratiam con- sequamur. Per eumdem Dominum, etc. R. Amen. V. Dominus vobiscum. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. V. Benedicamus Domino. R. Deo gratias. V. Fidelium animae per misericordiam Dei requi- cscant in pace. R. Amen. Pater uoster {secreto). V. Dominus det nobis suam pacem. R. Et \'itam aetemam. Amen. V. Tell ye among the nations, Alleluia. R. That the Lord hath reigned from the tree, Al- leluia. Let tis pray. OGOD, who didst will that Thy Son should undergo for us the igno- miny of the Cross, that Thou mightest drive away from us the power of the enemy : grant unto us Thy servants to be made par- takers of the grace of the Resurrection. Through our Lord, etc. R. Amen. V. The Lord be with you. R. And \nth thy spirit. V. Let us bless the Lord. R. Thanks be to God. V. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. R. Amen. Our Father {maudibly). V. May the Lord grant us His peace. R. And life everlasting. Amen. Vespe:rs. 199 Here follows the Aniiphon of the Blessed Virgin proper for the season. See end of Compline {p. j6). Last of all is said, kneslitig and in silence : ^ ACROSANCT.^ et i^-^ individuae Trinitati, crucifixi Domini nostrijesu Christi liumanitati, beatis- sitnae et gloriosissims, sem- perque Virgiuis Marise foe- cundoe iutegritati, et om- nium Sanctorum universi- tati sit sempiterna laus, honor, virtus et gloria ab omni creatura, nobisque 1^ O the Most Holy and ^^ undi\dded Trinity, to the Humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ crucified, to the fruitful Virginity of the most blessed and most glorious Mary, ever Virgin, and to the whole company of the Saints, be ever- lasting praise, honor, and glory, by all creatures ; and to us remission of all our remissio omnium pecca- torum, per infinita saecula sins, world without end. saeculorum. R. Amen. R. Amen. V. Beata viscera Marise V. Blessed be the womb Virginis, qu£e portaverunt of the Virgin Mary, which seterni Patris Filium. bore the Son of the Eternal Father. R. Et beata ubera, quae R. And blessed be the lactaverunt Christum Do- breast which nourished minum. Christ the Lord. Then are said the Our Father and the Hail Mary. \ 200 Vkspers. THE OTHER PvSALMS SUNG ON FESTIVALS AND SUNDAYS DURING THE YEAR. A complete Directoyy for their use icill be found at the end i p. 215). The reference is made by letters of the alphabet. Psalm 116. *-|— ' AUDATE Dominum, fJ — i omiies gentes : * lautlate eum, omnes populi. Quoniam confimiata est super nosmisericonlia ejus: * et Veritas Domini mauet in setemiini. Gloria I'atri, etc. Lord, praise O PRAISE the all ye nations Him, all ye people. For His mercy is con- finned upon us : and the truth of the Lord endureth for ever. Glory be to the Father, etc. CREDIDI, propter quod locutus sum : * ego autem humiliatus sum ni- mis. Ego dixi in excessu meo : * Oninis homo mendax. Quid retribuam Domino * pro omnibus, quae retri- buit mihi ? Calicem salutaris acci- piam, * et nomen Domini invocabo. Vota mea Psalm T15 I Domino re