^..J V,../ S ^^. L,... V. .'' :AB:LrsBt EW OXFORD STREET _QNDON The i 4 D C /^ A ^1 T C. " when dispatched is packed flat in a M Cf V-l /» ^^ \^ ^ specially made case, great care being of Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN possibility ed wood work. WEIGHT. ' Gross weight 28 lbs. Net weight 16 „ MEASUREMENTS. 2 ft. 4| ins. by I ft. 7i ins.| by 5j ins. MOST CONVENIENT FOR EXPORT. Takes up little space, thus freight is reduced to a minimum. I CONSTRUCTION* PUce the large tube or standard B into base A, then tighten op set screw No. I, seeing that the screw presses against the indent stamped in the main standard tube. Then fix telescopic standard C into hole or socket of revolving bracket D, tighten up the small set screw No. 2 and the table will be found to be perfectly rigid. The reading slope or side table telescopic arm E telescopes into revolving bracket socket D. A small thumb-screw is provided so as this side table or reading slope can be regulated to the desired position or height. A pair of nickel-plated collapsible book rests, F, are fastened one on either side of the table top. be pressed down into beading. To adjust table top in a sloping When not in use they can or horizontal position, place one hand on main standard B and with the other hand pull the table top, catching hold of it at the end B G, and when at the angle requir- ed let go the top and it will spring back and cannot then shift its position. SIDE TABLE TELESCOPIC TUBE REVOLVING BRACKET SET SCREW N92 TELESCOPIC STANDARD MAIN STANDARD (BRITISH MADE) The PEQA5US BED & LIBRARY ..TE.r TABLE >J MuDiE^s Select Library, Ltd. 30, 32 & 34, New Oxford St., London, W. Branch Offices: 132, Kensington High St., W.,&48, Queen Victoria St., E.C. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES MUDIE'S CATALOGUE OF ENGLISH B00K5 IQI 1 L^er] CATALOGUE OF THE Principal English Books IN CIRCULATION AT MUDIE'S LIBRARY, Ltd. (FOUNDED 1842) 30=34, New Oxford Street, LONDON, W.C. ^Oy|/ ^/VC£ JAN. 'II I f^ih- City: 48, Queen Victoria St., E.C. West End : 132, Kensington Higli Street. J^^O, Copyright. Entered at Stationers' Hall ABRIDGED TERMS OF THE LENDING LIBRARY. Pamphlet with full information on application. TOWN SUBSCRIPTIONS. For the Exchange of Books as often as required over the Coiinter at the Head Office, or either of the Branches. NUMBER OF VOLUMES. SUBSCRIPTION. Class A. Class B. Combined. A. and B. 1 ... 2 3 ..' 4 ... 6 or 2 and 3 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. & s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 10 6 6 3 6 1 1 U 12 7 1 11 6 18 10 6 1 17 1 1 12 6 2 2 1 4 14 For Exchange of Books once a week on specified days at the subscribei-'s residence, by the Library vans and motors, in London and Suburbs within a radius of 20 miles. 2 , NUMBER OF VOLUMES. SUBSCRIPTION. Class Class A. B. Combined. A. and B. *1 ... *1 or *2 ... 2 „ 3 ... 3 ., 4 ... 4 ,, 6 or 2 and 3 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Mouths. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 16 6 10 5 6* 1 7 6 16 U 9 1 15 1 1 13 2 2 1 4 14 2 12 6 1 10 17 6 * Does not apply to motor service. PROVINCIAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. For the Exchange of Books as often as ret[uired , carriage charges being paid by the Subscriber. NUMBER OF VOLUMES. SUBSCRIPTION. Class Class Combined. A. B. A. and B. 1 ... 1 or 2 •) 3 ... 3 „ 4 ... 4 ., 6 or 2 and 3 6 „ 9 „ •1 „ 4 8 „ 12 „ 5 „ 6 1 Year. £ 8. d. 6 Months. 3 Months. £ s. d. £ s. d. 10 6 6 3 6 1 1 12 7 1 11 6 18 10 6 1 17 1 1 12 6 2 2 1 4 14 2 12 6 1 10 17 6 3 3 1 16 1 1 Special carriage free terms will be quoted on application. Subscriptions for Foreign Books only.— For Continental visitors and residents in England, and others interested only in Foreign Literature, Mudie's have arranged specially cheap terms, particulars on application. Special Subscriptions for Juvenile Books only.— Mudie's have made a particular feature of their Juvenile books, and the subscription rate will be quoted on apjjlication. Book Societies, Reading Clubs and Literary Institutions. — Hon. Secretaries nliould write to the Lil>rariuii, stating their requirements, when special terms will be quoted. Quotations will be given for any intermediate period if desired, or for aii} larger numbty of books. PREFACE 2 ^^} UDIE'S LIBRARY is probably the oldest institution of its kind in the world, having been started by Mr. C. E. Mudie more than half a century ago (1842) in Southampton Row. Pioneer of Circulat- ing Libraries, it is to-day the largest, best equipped, and most widely known lending library in existence. During the last sixty years Mudie's have accumulated an un- rivalled collection of standard works, books that have stood the test of time, and still retain a large and appreciative circle of readers. Many of these books are now out of print, and no longer obtainable elsewhere. Public demand, emanating from all classes in the United Kingdom, has been the criterion governing the selection, which is augmented daily by extensive purchases of current literature. Sometimes, indeed, two or three thousand copies of a new book likely to be very popular are purchased immediately on publication. It can, with perfect justice, be claimed for this collection, that it is more complete, and more truly representative of the best in English and Continental literature, than that of any other circulating library in the Kingdom. The Catalogue has been specially designed in order that subscribers may, with quickness and facility, in their own homes, obtain an accurate knowledge of the literature at their command. It is divided into two main divisions. Division \. includes all books other than Fiction ; these are arranged in one alphabetical order under the names of authors and subjects. Works upon every topic of national importance will be found under an appropriate heading, such for instance as the Arts, Army and Navy, Politics, Economics, Theology, Sociology, Philosophy, Science, Sport, etc., etc. History, Travel and Social Life are grouped under the names of the countries concerned ; a very extensive selection of Memoirs, Diaries, etc., of celebrated men and women forms an especial feature in this connection. A Synopsis of the classification and a copious Index have been compiled, so that, by consulting these, readers will without difficulty trace books upon any subject required that are circulated by the Library. The Synopsis and Index occupy the pages immediately following. Division IL of the Catalogue contains works of Fiction, placed first under their titles, followed by an alphabetical list of Authors with the novels they have written ; in this section the names and works of the popular novelists of the Victorian and present era are fully represented. Many novels have predomiriant historical, topographical and psychological interest ; to facilitate reference to these a classified IV PREFACE, selection of Fiction is included, which by a simple arrangement is linked with the more solid works of a similar nature in Division I. For the Juvenile reader a specially selected list of some two thousand books is given at the end of the Catalogue ; this selection comprises instructive reading in History, Science, and Morals, suitable for the young, together with Stories arranged under topics to suit boys and girls of all ages. The Foreign Department of the Library is continually being extended, and now includes the principal works in the following languages: Dano = Norwegian, Dutch, Flemish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish — a library often European languages available for the use of subscribers in addition to English. A Separate Catalogue is issued annually of the Foreign Works Circulated ; in the English Catalogue a list of translations, classified nationally, is provided. The organisation of Mudie's Library is such that readers, wherever resident, can be supplied with the books they require with a minimum of trouble and at a price which compares favourably with the charges of any similar institution, whilst the supply of books available to Subscribers to Mudie's is unsurpassed. London Subscribers are offered three alternative services as follows : — I. — To exchange the books as often as desired, personally or by messenger at — (a) The Head Office, 30-34, New Oxford Street, W.C. (b) The City Office, 48, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. (c) The Kensington Office, 132, Kensington High Street. II. — -To have the books sent to their residences once a week by the Library Vans which visit each district on specified days. III. — To meet the requirements of Subscribers residing beyond the radius covered by the ordinary Weekly Delivery by horse vans, a Special Weekly Delivery by Motor has recently been instituted, extending to residents within from 10 to 20 miles of London the facilities of the ordinary Weekly Delivery Service. SUB S/ C RL I B E R Sj Provincial Subscribers. These Subscribers' books are sent to and fro by Rail, by Parcel Post, or by Carrier, lo suit the convenience of individual Subscribers and according to the number of books required. If the Rail is selected the books are sent PREFACE. by Passenger Trains at special cheap rates in boxes provided free by the Library. This method is recommended for Subscribers Hving in large Provincial Towns, or close to Railway^ Stations in the Country. Where it is difficult to get the boxes from the Railway Station, and in case of the smaller Subscriptions, the Parcel Post is recommended as the cheapest and most convenient method of exchange. For the convenience of Subscribers who' prefer not to be troubled by having to pay the carriage on each exchange, a Special Scale of Subscription has been arranged to include carriage of books to and from any Railway Station in Great Britain, and to allow for twelve exchanges in the year. Provincial Subscribers may, at any time when visiting London, exchange their books by hand at the Head Office. Continental Residents, and Visitors to'Europe, the Mediterranean, Egypt, etc. Books from Mudie's Library can be supplied regularly on the same terms as to Provincial Subscribers. The cheapest and most convenient way of exchange is by Book or Parcel Post. Special Subscriptions. For Foreign Books only : — Continental Visitors'and Residents in England, and others interested only in Foreign Literature, can choose from the most varied and comprehensive collection of Foreign books in England available for circulation. For books for Juvenile Readers, a Special Catalogue has been prepared, containing all the best English books of this nature, and a long list of French and German books. Book Societies. Reading Clubs and Literary Institutions. Secretaries are invited to write to the Librarian, stating their requirements, when Special Terms will be quoted. Pamphlet containing full particulars with regard to Subscription Rates sent free on application. Abridged Terms appear on page following the Title=page. MUDIE'S SELECT LIBRARY, Ltd. London, faiiuary 1911. General Index to Subject Divisions, see pp. ix-xxi CONTENTS DIVISION I WORKS OP BIOGRAPHY, HISTORY, TRAVEL, ETC. DIVISION II WORKS OF FICTION (iNDEX TO ARRANGEMENT, SEE p. vlii) pp. 1-549 pp. 5r)0-937 PAGE 18-19 20-21 SYNOPSIS OF CLASSIFICATION. Archaeology. — Ancient History, Antiquities, Genealogy, Heraldry, etc. Architecture Arts — Fine Arts. Useful Arts. Domestic Arts. Hist, of Painting and SciJpture, Agriculture and the Farm, Domestic Economy and Art, Biography, Photography, Ce- Gardening, Inventions, In- Household Management, ramies, Gems, etc. dustries. Trades Decoration, etc. Military Arts. — History, Policy, Strategy, Campaigns, Biography, etc. Naval Arts. — History, Policy, Tactics, Construction, Biography, Battles, etc. pp. .IT-HS Biography and Letters. — Alphabetically throughout, also under Subjects. Classics, Ancient. — Translations, Biography and Criticism . pp. 105-106 Drama. — Plays, pp. 140-141. Biography, Criticism and Dramatic Art . . . . pp. 141-142 History. — Histories, Memoirs, Diaries, etc., under following headings : — Afghanistan. Africa, General. • South. America, North. South. Armenia. Asia, Central, Mod. Political. Australasia. Australia. Austria-Hungary. Balkan States (Eastern Ques- tion). Baluchistan. Belgium. Bohemia. Bulgaria. Biorma. Camhridge, College Histories. Canada. Carthage. Ceylon. China. Church, The, Early Period. Reformation. Gen. History, Polity, etc. Corsica. Cuba. Cyprus, Denmark. Egypt, Ancient. JSgypt, Modern Political. England, Early and Middle Ages. 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries. 19th Century. General. Town and County Histories. See under Counties. Europe, Dark Ages. ■ Middle Ages. 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries. Modern. Far East, Modern Political. Finland. Florence. France, Early and Middle Ages. 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries. Revolution Period. 19th Century. General. Germany. Gold Coast. Greece, Ancient. Modern Political. Holland. Iceland. India, Ancient, and Modern to end of 18th Century. I Modern Political. Ireland, General. Modern Political. Italy. Japan. Java. Jerusalem. Jews, The. Korea. London and Suburbs. Madagascar. Madeira Islands. Malaya. Malta. Man, Isle of. Manitoba. Mashonaland. Mexico. Missions (Missionary Enter- prise). Mohammedanism. Morocco. Newfoundland. New Zealand. Norway. Oxford Colleges, Histories, etc. Paris. Persia. Peru. Poland. Popes, The (Papal and Cath- olic Church History, etc.). CONTENTS -continued. History Portugal. Rhodesia. Roman Empire. Rome (City), Historical and Archeeological. Roumauia. Russia. Literature- Scotland. Uganda. Sicily. Venice. Spain. Victoria (Australia). Sweden. Wales. Switzerland. West Indies, The. Transvaal. Ziilnland. Tunis. Turkey in Europe. ;erarure Literary History and Biography, Collected Works, Essays, Criticism, Recitations Humorous Writnigs and Translations. English. Philology. American. European (French, German, Italian, Russian, Scandinavian, Spanish). Japanese and Asiatic (Chinese, Indian, Persian) ....... pp. 276-285 Music. — History, Biography, Criticism, and Vocal • . .pp. 332-334 Mythology and Folk-Lore pp. 335-336 Periodicals pp. 359-360 Philosophy. — Ethics, Logic, Metaphysics, etc., & Philosophical Essays pp.364-366 Poetry.— Poetical Works, pp. 370-373. Biography and Criticism pp. 373-374 Psychology. — Hypnotism, Mesmerism, Mental Evolution, etc. . pp. 381-382 Science — Astronomy. Biology. Evolution and Physiology. Botany. Chemistry. En- tomology. Geology. Physics— Electricity, Optics, etc. Physiography and Meteorology. Zoology :— Popular— Natural History ; General— Essays, Lectiu-es, etc. . pp. 412-419 Sociology — Commerce and Trade.— Insurance, Mercantile Marine, Railways, etc. Education, — Methods, Treatises, History, Colh-ge & School Hi.-tories. Health, Hygiene and Medicine. — Biography, Popular Medical Works. Law. — History and Biography, State Trials, International Law, etc. Political Economy.— Economics, Finance, Labour, Taxation, Land, Local Government, Crime, etc. Primitive Man and Early Society.— History of Civilization, Ethnography, Anthropology. Science of Politics.— Political Questions and History, Constitutional and Parliamentary History and Practice, Colonial Policy, Democracy, etc. Social Economy. —History and Theory of SociaHsm, Pauperism, Social Problems, etc. Woman.— Woman Question, History, etc., Marriage Question, Employment, Social Duties, etc. ••...... pp. 437-453 Sport — Athletics.- Football, Running, Boxing, Polo, etc. Boating, Sailing and Yachting. Coaching, Hunting, Racing, Riding. Cricket. Cycling. Fishing. Golf. Horse and Dog. Indoor Games, Cards, Chess, Billiards. Mountaineering. Shooting, Wildfowhng and Big Game, with Practical Hints ...... pp. 458-465 Theology — General.— Sermons, Works on Religion, Church Doctrine, Polity, etc. The Bible. — Old Testament, New Testament. Denominational, History and Criticism — Cal- vinism, Greek Church, Methodism, Convent Life and Monasticism, Puritanism, Quaker- ism, Spirituahsm, Occultism, Theosophy, Unitarianism, Various. Church of England. See Church. Roman Catholicism. See Popes, The. Saints, Lives of. See Saints. Eschatology. Ethnic Theology.— Oriental Religions, etc. Natural Theology. -Agnosticism, Theism, Philosophy of Religion, Science and Rehgion. Practical.— Christian Ethics, Conduct, Home Life, Manners, etc. . . pp. 483-499 Topography and Travel, under following Afghanistan. Afftca, General. Central. Separately. Congo, Soudan, Uganda. East. Separately. Somaliland. North. Separately. Abyssinia, Algeria, Tunis, Morocco. South. Separattly. Bechuanaland. Rhodesia, Cape Colony and Natal, Mashonaland, Matabeleland, Transvaal, Zululand. headings : — Africa, West. Separately. Ascension, Azores, Madeira and Canary Islands, Gold Coast, Nigeria. Alps, The. America, Central. Separately. Mexico. North. Si'pnratdy. Alaska, California, Florida Klondyke, Rocky Mts., Cuba. South. Separately. Argentine, Brazil, Chile Guiana, Patagonia, Peru, Venezuela. Antarctic Begions, CONTENTS. -continued. Greenland, Lapland. Queensland, Victoria. Topography and Travel- Arabia. Arctic Begions. titparatdy. Asia, Central. Australia. Separately. AuBtria-Hungary. Separately. Bohemia, Tyrol, Bosnia. Balkan States. Separately. Bulgaria, Roumania, Servia. Baluchistan. Belgium. Burma and Indo-China. Separately. Siam, Tonkin, Malaya and Eastern Archipelago. Canada. Separately. Manitoba, Newfoundland. Ceylon. China. Separately. Fonnosa, Korea, Tibet. Denmark. ^^ypt- Separately. England. Separately. Counties. • Eastern District. 'Separately. Cambridgeshire, Essex, Lin- coln, Norfolk, Suffolk, Midland District. Separately. Bucks, Derbyshire, Oxford- shire, Northamptonshire, Nottingham- shire, The Thames, Warwickshire. Southern District. Separately. Berkshire, Cornwall, Kent, Devonshire, Dors^etshire, Hampshire, Surrey, Sussex, Wiltshire. South-Western District. Separately. Gloucestershire, Hereford- shire, Somersetshire, Shropshire. North-Western District. Separately. Cumberland, Dui'ham, Lan- cashirej Northumberland, Westmore- land, Yorkshire. General. Europe, General. Europe, Southern. Cairo, Soudan. London. Other Towns i Far East. France. Separately. Auvergne, Brittany, Nor- mandy, Paris, Pyrenees. Germany. Greece. Health Besorts. Holland. Iceland and Faroe Islands. India. Separately. Himalayas, Kashmir. Indo-China. Ireland. Italy. Separately. Florence, Naples, Sicily, Rome Japan. Java. Madagascar. Man, Isle of. Mediterranean. Venice. Separately. Corsica, Crete, Gibraltar, Malta, Rivieras, Sardinia. New Zealand, Norway. Persia. Philippine Islands. Polynesia. Separately. Borneo, Fiji, Hawaii, New Guinea, Samoa. Portugal. Russia. Separately. Caucasus, Finland, Siberia. Scandinavia. Scotland. Separately. Edinburgh. Spain. Sweden. Switzerland. Turkey in Asia. ScpareUdy. Armenia, Palestine and Jerusalem, Syria, in Europe. Wales. West Indies. World, The, Voyages Round, etc, DIVISION III WORKS OF FICTION PART T. NOVELS ALPHABETICALLY ARBANGED UNDER TITLES . PART II. NOVELS ARRANGED UNDER NAMES OF AUTHORS . INDEX TO TRANSLATIONS FROM FOREIGN NOVELISTS , PART III. A SELECTION OF STANDARD AND RECENT NOVELS HISTORICALLY, TOPOGRAPHICALLY AND TOPICALLY INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION ..... PART lY. Juvenile, tales and stories for young readers . Index to classification ..... pp. 551-660 pp. 662-845 . p. 661 classified . pp. 848-896 . pp. 846-847 . pp. 899-937 . p. 898 GENERAL INDEX TO SUBJECT DIVISIONS. Abbreviations and Indicntors, Archt. for Architecture. A rchi/. for A rchaology. Lit. for Literature. Myth, for Mythology. Phil OS. for Philosophy. Psychol, for Psychology. Sci. for Science. Scot, for Scotland. Sociol. for Sociology. Theol. for Theology. The numbers used in the Index refer to the Subdivisions of the Sub- jects. The letters a, b, c, d refer to the pages of the larger Subdivisions. The letters Sm., P., 8vo., R. used at the end of titles in the Subject divisions, refer respectively to the sizes Small 8vo., Post 8vo., 8vo., and Royal 8vo. The "see name" occurring in the Subject sections refers to the name of Authors in the general alphabetical arrangement of DIVISION I. INDEX. SUBJECT Abbeys and Castles Enyland 4 French France 1 Abbotsford Scotland 2 Abruzzi, in the Itah/ 2 Absohition Church 3 Abyss, From the Sociology 8 Acadumy, Royal Arts Irt of Venice Arts 16 Acliaia Greece 2 Aconcagua America ti Acting Drama 2 Actore Dranui, 2 Adam Theologtj 2 Adam's Peak Ceylon Addiscombe Arts 6 Adelphi London 1 Adonis Theology (5 Adowa Campaign Arts 7 Adriatic, ShorGti..Aus. -Hungary 2 Adventus Regiii Theology 16 Advertising, The'ry ^Esthetics Philosophy Aether Science S Afghan Wars Arts 7 Africa, Roman A rchivology African Colony Afnca (J Wars Arts 7 After-Glow Memories. Australia 1 Agapemonites Th lology AM Age, End of Theology 7 Agnosticism Theology 7 Agriculture Arts 2 Ainu Japan Airships Arts 4 Akkad A rchieology Alabama Arts t> Alabama Student, An Lit. 5 Albania Bodkan Alchemy Science 5 Alcohol Question Sociology 8 Alcoholism Sociology 8 Sociology 3 Aldwych London 1 Alga; Science 2 Algiers Algeria Alien, The Sociology 5 Allan Water Scotland 2 All Souls College Oxford Alongshore Dn'sft!,-i Alphabet Literatarc 4 Alpine JulHlee Alps, Sport 10 Alsatian Mts Germany 2 Altai Siberia Altavona Scotland 2 Ainatongas Znluland Amazon America Brazil Amazulu Zululand American Colonies America 2 Industrial Problems.. -Inicr. 2 — Lit Literature SUBJECT American Xavy America 3 Negro America N 2 Revolution America. 2 Wars Arts 7 W'omon America 2 Amiens Cathediiil ....Architecture Amnion Syria Amoor Far East Siberia Amur Chitui 2 Anabaptists Church 2 Anahuac Mexico Anarchism Sociology 8 Ancient Empires Archaotogy History Archtnology Regime France 2 Ancient World, Hist ..Arckieology Andalusia Spain Andes America 6 Andorra S]xiin Anecdotes Literature 1 Angevins England 1 Anglican Innocents Spain.. Spain Orders ...Theology Ic Revival Theology Ic Angling Sport ti Anglo-Pr. Treaty 'Oi... Sociology 7 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle England 1 Anglo-Saxons England 1 Anglo-Saxcms, Peace of. Sociol. 7a Angola Africa 3, Congo Animal Rights Philosophy Life Science 10 Psychology Psychology World Science 11 Animalcules Scieiice 2 Animals Science 11 in Himian Thought.. Psyc/io/. That Owned Us Sport 8 Animism Theology 7 Annani Indo-Chinii Anni Domini Theology 3 Anthologies Poetry 1 Anthropology Sociology (i Antichrist Theology 1 Old Test Theology 2 Anticipations Sociology 8 Antilles Cuba Antipodes Australia 2 Antique, Quest of Arts Antiquities Archteology Anti-.Semitic Pcrsecutn../jM««ia 1 Antrim Ireland 3 Acsta, Valley of Italy 2 Apeniiines Italy 2 Apocalypse Theology 3 Apologia DiffideiMs. ... Psychology Apostles, Acts of Theology 3 Apostolic Age Church 1 • Optimism T/nology 1 Appeai-ance .•. Ph ilosophy Appenzell Switzerl-and Ai-a Coeli Theology il) Arabic Literature.. ..i*to-atMrc 10 Arabs LiteraturclO d: Spain [ SUBJECT Arakan Burma Aral, Lake Russia 2 Aramwans : History... 6"oc(oio(7?/ ti Ararat Armenia. Caucasus Archbishops Church 1 Archery Sport 1 Ardenne Euroi>e H Ardennes France l> Argob Syria Argolis Greece 3 Arianism Church 1 Ariosto Literature 8 Armada, Europe 3 Spain Armagh Memories Ireland 3 Armies Arts ti Allied, China Arts 7 Anns and Armour Arts ti Army Book, Red Arts 6 Brodrick's Arts 6 History Arts Problem of Arts Reform Arts 6 Rifle Arts ti Army Service Corps Arts 7 Arran Scotland 2 Artemison Poetry Ic Artemis to Actajon Poetry Ic Arthu rian Legend Mythology Artillery Arts ti Arts and Crafts Arts 4 As We Are Sociology 8 Ascendancy, Basis of America N. 2 Ascetics, Indian Theology iU Aryans Sociology ti Asiiango Aj'rica 3 Ashanti Africa 8 Wars Arts 7 Asher Arclioology Asia, C, Sport Sport 11 Asiatic Literature. ...J^f^ecn^i' re 10 Asiatic Turkey Turkey 3 Aspirate, The Literature 4 Assam Burma. Asses Sport 8 Assyrian Monuments. Archieology Assyriology Archnology Astronomy Science 1 Astrophysics Science 1 Atheism Theology 7 Athens Archaology, Greece 1, 3 Athletics S/ioii 1 Athos, Gr. Church.. ..77((o/o,(/// 4tf Atlantic, Admiralty of Germany 1 Atlantic Cable Arts 4 Atlantis Sociology 6 Science 7 Atlas Morocco Atolls Poi aesia Atoms Science 5 Atonement Theologyl, Ic, d Church III. Atropliy Science 3 Attic Orators Classics GENERAL INDEX TO SUBJECT DIVISIONS. SUBJKCT Attic .Salt Literature la Theatre Classics Attica Greece 3 Attis Theology 6 Augustau Ages Literature 6 Aurora )ioYei\\is... Lapland, Sci. 9 Australian Writers. ...Literature 1 Australind Australia 2 Austrian Succession Eiirope 3 Author's Vr ogress.... Literature 16 Authors' Loves Literature la Authorship Literature 1 Autographs Literature 16 Autolycus of Bookstalls. ..ii<. la Averuus America 4 Aveyron France Avon, The... England 6, Warwick. Ayrshire Scotland 2 Azabar Spain Aztecs Mexico Babel and Bible Archa;ology Babylon Arcliaology Babylondon Poetry Ic Backwards, &c Socioloijy 8 Bacteria Science 2 Bad Homburg German}/ 2 Badger Hunting Sport 11 Baffins Bay Arctic Baganda at Home Umnda Baghdad Asia 3, Tarke,, 3 Baku Russia 1 Ballads Poetry 1 Ballooning Arts 4 Balmoral Scotland 2 Baltic Vemnark Banking Sociology 5, 56 Banks Sociology 5, 56 Bantu Africa 6 Baptism Church 3 Barbary Corsairs... ^^j/eria, Tunis Barbizon Days Arts la Barbizon School Arts I b Barotsi Africa 3 Bartholomew Fair London 1 ' Bas Bleu' England 2 Bashan Caucasus, Syria Basque France 6, Spain Bastille France 2 Basuto Legends Mythology Basutoland Africa li Basutos Transvaal Bath Somersetshire ■ Archives Somerset. Battles Arts 7 Batum 2'urkey 3 Bavaria Germany 2 Beachcomber, Conf. of Queensland Beagles & Basset Hounds Sport 8 Beasties Courageous Science 11 Beauties, Famous Eiigland 2 Beauty & Myst.of Health ..Soc'iapoleoii I Belvoir Hunt Sport 3 Benares India 3 Benedictines Tli eology iE Bengal India 3 Benguella Africa 3 Benin War Arts 7 Ben Nevis Scotlaml 2 Benuch Tiigcr Berbers. Algeria Berlin Germany 2 Conference Sociology 7a Bermuda Wat Indies Berne Sioil:erland, Bethlehem, Play Drama 1 Betterment Sociology 5 SUBJECT Bettesworth Book Surrey Betting and Gambling. Sociology 5 Bhamo Burnm Bhotan War Arts 7 Bhutan&Sikhim Himalayas hid. 2 Biarritz Fra^tce 6 Bible Theology If, 2, 3 Mystery Theology If Society, History Missions Big Game Sport 11 Billiards Sjiort 9 Bi-Metallism ...Sociology 5, 56 Biographia Literaria..iiicJ'ahy 2 Booksellers Literature 16 Bookstalls Literature la Border Ruffians, Amer. , N. 2, .<4rts7rt Border Topog Scotland 2 Bordighera Rivieras Borgias Popes Boscobel Tracts England 2 Bosphorus Turkey I Bossism Sociology 56 Boston America 4 Botany Science 4 Boudoir Critic Literature 16 Boulevards Paris Boundary Commission Afghan Bourbon Chateaux France 2 Restoration France 4 Bourbons France 2 Boxer Rebellion. Arts, 7 Missions Boxers, Land of China 2 Boxing Sport 1 Boy and his School Sociology 2 Life in Our Cities. Sociology 8 Boys, Sermons to Theology S Brabant Belgium Bradfield College Sociology 2 Brain, The Psychology Brasses Archeology b City, The.. ..London 1, Sociology 5 of God Church 3 Civics Sociology 86 Civilization.... P/i(7o«., Sociology 6 Ultimate Philosophy 2 Clairaudient Though t....r/ieo/." iJ Clairvoyance Theology iJ Classes, War of Sociology Sa Classics Classics Clementine Recognitns.. CVuur/i 1 Cleopatra's Needle Architology Clergy Theology Ic Clerical Life Theology Id Clery's Journal France 3 Cleve Qennany 2 Clewer Sisterhoods... 7'^eo;oj/i/ iE Clifton College Sociology 2 Climate Science it Climbing Sport 1 Clocks Science 9 Cloister, The.. .Popes, Theology 4E Cloud Studies Science 9 Cloudland Science 9 Clubland London 2 Clyde Shipbuilding. ...Socio/oj/)/ 1 Mystery Archttology Scotland 2 Coaching Sport 3 Coal Science 7 Coalition Sociology 7 Cocoa E.state, Life on Ceylon Cocos Island Polynesia Codex Archaology Coffee Arts 2 Houses England 10 Cogers Londo'n2, Eng. 3 Coinage Sociology 5 Coins Archwology, Sociology 5 Colchester Esse.v Collecting, Byways ol...Arts, la S Collects Theology Ic College, History Sociology 2 Colleges Catnbridge Oxford Colloquies Philosophy Colombia America Colonial France Tonkin Memories Australia 2 Nationalism Sociology 7a Colonies, Sal. Army ...Sociology Sa SUBJECT Colonies, British Sociology 7n Colonies, Engli.sh America -i Land Sociologii .>v Colonization Sociology ~a,b Colorado iiwrica 4, Sport 11 Ci iloration Science 2 Coloured Lalxjur Sociologii 56 Columbia America 4 Comedies Drama 1 Comets, Story of Science 1 Coming of the Colonist.. -Sotvoi. 7a Comments of Bagsliot Liter, 1 Commerce and Tra.de.. Sociology 1 Commissions Arts (} Common l'\-Ayev... Theology Hi,c,ii Commonwealth Aust. ...Sociol. 7b Commime France 4 Communion, Holy Church 3 Communism... ii'iuo^)« 3, Sociol. 8 Come Italy 2 Comorre the Cursed Brittany Composers Music I Comtist Lover Philosophy 2 Conduct Philosophy Confessio Medici Sociology 3 Confession Theology IL Contirniiition Church 3 Congregational Hist.. Theology 4.1/ Congress of Vienna Austria 1 Connaught Rangers .irts t". (Jonnemara Ireland 3 Consciousness Psychology Conscription Arts 6, Sociol. 76 Constitution, Brit Sociology 7 Constitution, Dawn of.England 1 Construction, Naval Arts S Consulate France 4 Contagia Sociology 3 Coiitincntal Rulers Europe 4 Convent Life Theology \E Conversation Literature 2 Conversations, Reah.Literat^ire 1 Conversions 2'heology Ic Convict Life Sociology On Convicts, French Sociology 4 Cookery Arts b Co-operation Sociology 5a Coral Lands Polynesia Corfe Castle Dorset Corn Law, Anti- Sociology 7a Coromandel Coast India 3 Coronations Sociology 7a Corporation Sociology ba Corsairs France 2 Corsley Wiltshire Cosmic Procession .Science 3 Cosmogonies, Modern. ...i'c<«/ic« 1 Costume Arts 1 Cottages, Co\intry Architecture Cotteswolds Oloucestersh ire Cotton Plaiit Arts 2 Council of Trent Church 2 Councils, Cluu-ch Church 1 Counsels, Good Theology 8 Country & Garden Arts 3 Diary England 10 Heart of England 10 Rambles Science 11 Coup d'Etat France 4 Coursing Sport 1 Covenanters Scot. 1, Church 2 Coveted Lands Persia Cradle Tales Mythology Cradle of the Deep W. Indies Crafts Arts 4 Creation Theology 2 Art of Philosophy 2 Creatures of the Sea Science 10 of the Night Scie nee 11 Creed and Life Church 3 Creed in the 'E.yistle.n... Theology 3 Creeds Church 3 Cremation Sociology 3 Cremome London 2 Creoles America 4 Crescent & Croas. .Mokammedism. Cricket S2}ort 4 Crime Sociology 5, 56 Crimean War Arts 7 Criminal, Indian Sociology 4 Criminal Responsibility Psychol. Critical Questions Theology 3 Xll GENERAL INDEX TO SUBJECT DIVISIONS. SU H.I EOT Criticism, 'BihMca.l... Theologi/ 2, 3 Literary. Literature la,6 Criticism, Philosophical. P/u7os. 2 Cross, Glory of Theologrj \d Cross River Natives ...Niger. Ter. Crown Colonies Sociology Ta Crowns and Crowning. ..Socio/. 7a Cruising Hints Sport 2 Crusades Syria, Europe 2 Crustacea Science 10 Cryptogram, Gt Literature la Cuchulain Mythology Culture Sociology 2, Theology 8 Cuneiform Inscrip Archifology Currency Sociology 5 Cyclades Greece 3 Cycle of Life Science 3 Cycling Sports 5 CjTjher, see Bacon Shakeapeare Czarisni Russia 1 Dacca India 3 Dahomey Africa 8 Dai Nippon Japan Daily Training Sociology 3 Dalmatia Austria 2 Dales Yorkshire Damascus Syria Dan to Beersheba World Dancing Sport 9 Dandies, Days of England 3 Dandyism Literature lb Daniel Theology 2 Danish Life Denmark Danube Austria 2, Balkan Darfoor Africa 5 Dai'k Ages Europe 1 Dartmoor Devon Dartmoor Prison Sociology be Dar-Ul-Islam Turkey 3 Darwinism Science 3 Daughter, Letters to... 6'ocio?o(7y 9 Day-Dreams, Industrial Social. Sn Days of the Past London 2 Dead, Worshiji of Mythology Dead, Book of the Theology 5 Deal Kent Death and After Theology 5 Deathless Story Arts 9 Debutante, Letters to. Sociology 9 Debt Sociology 4 Decadence Literature 1 Decalogue Theology Ic Decameron Lit Euphrates Turkey 3 European Polity Europe 4 Evangelical Fathers ..T/ieo/ ©.at/ 16 Bvangolical Successn.. r/tifo/o;/!/ la Evangelism Theologt/ \a Evensong, Ringeth to. .Theolpy. S Everglades Florida Everlasting Punishment. Theol. \b Evil Eye Mytholoyti Evolution Science 3 Excavations Archaolopij Exchanges Sociolocrp 5 Executioners: Sanson8.i^7-o)!ee 3 Exercise Sociologti 8 Exeter Devon Existence, Problem of.. .P/i;7o.TOp7iw Exmoor, Book of ...Devonshire Streams Sport 6 Exodu.s Theolofjii 2 Experiments, Animals. .Soeioif. 3 Exploration Bible Lands. ..^re/i?/. Expression Psycholoiiy Science 3 Extinct Civilisations.. *'ocjo/oe 1 Free Churches Theology 4 M Free Land Sociology 5 Thought.. P/aio*., Theology 7 Trade Sociology 5 Freemasonry Theology 4M French Cathedrals ....Architecture Congo Congo Humour Literature C in Bengal India 1 Literature Literature (5 Painting Arts \a Pottery Arts \a Procession Literature \a Profiles Literature 6 Revolution France 3 Stage Drama 2 Translations Literature 6 Friends of Eiigla.nd... Sociology 76 Friendship Theology 8 of Art Literature 1 Friesland Holland Frisia. Germany 1 Froissart, Chronicles France 1 Modem Literature 3 Fronde France 2 Frontier Policy Arts 6 Fruit Ranching Cancula 2 Fulham London 2 Funafuti Polynesia Funerary OSermgs,hit.o[. Egypt 1 Furniture Arts 5 Church Archceologi/ SUBJECT Further India Surma Future Life Theology 5 Future Life, Science of Psych. Vision of Sociology 8 Gaelic Essays. Literature \a Literature Littmture \a Galicia Spain 2 Galilee Palestine Galloway Scotland 2 Gambling Sport 9 Game Sport 11 Game-keeping Sport 11 Games. Sport 9 Ganges India 3 Garden Cities Sociology 8 of Asia Japan Flowers Arts 3 Heart of Ai-ts 3 of Nuts Theology 4D Rock Arts 2 Scented Arts 3 Gardening Arts 3 Ganleiis, London London 2 Garelochside Scotland 2 Gases. Science 5 Gastronomy Arts 5 Geese, Shootuig Sport 11 Gems Arts 1 Genealogy Archnology Genesis Theology 2 Geneva Switzerland Gonial Idiot Literat^ire 3 Genius Psychology Genoa Italy 1 Geology Scie^ice 7 Georgia. America 4 Caucasus German-Austro War Arts 76 German Literature ...Literature 7 Translations Literature 7 Germ-Pla.sm Science 3 Germs ....Science 2 Gesta Romanorum.. ..Zip% 2 Gothenburg System.. .5ociooj-« 11 Gunpowder Plot England 1 Guns, Hints on Sport 11 Habsburgs Austria 1 Hackney&Stoke.Ncwtn.io/H^OJ! 2 Hadijeh, Valeh a.nd.. Literature 10 Haddon Dcrhyshires Hague Ordains, As the....^iVs 7(/ Hail 5hy 2 Horn, Round the Polynesia Horse Guards Arts 6 The Sport 8 Horsemanship Sport 3 Horticulture Arts 3 Hortus Vitie Thtology S Hospital Sketches, &,c. Sociology 3 Hospitallers Theology 41 House, The Arts 5, Sociology 3 Beautiful Architecture Decoration Arts 5 of Commons SociologyJ of Lords Sociology 7 Small Architecture Houseboat, Days In China 2 Household, pjconomics oi..Arts 5 Household Management. ....<4j'is .5 Householder Arts 5 Housekeeping Arts 5 Housmg ProWeni... Sociology 8,8a Howard Association.. Sociology 5a How It Works Science S Hudson's Bay Company. Canada 1 Huguenots France 2 Human Destiny Theology o Justice Sociology 8 Personal ity Theology 5 Humanism Philosophy Humanity & Its Problems. ..-Sci. 3 Humorous \{r\t\n§&.. Literature 3 Humours Scottish lAte..Scotld. 2 Lit. 3, Poetry 16 Hundred Years Hence.. Socio/. Sa Hunger Line Sociology Sa Hunting Sport 3 Big Game, itc S^iort 11 Hunza Nagar AVar Arts 7 Husbandry Arts 2 Hustled History Literature 3 Hyde Park London 2 Hygiene Sociology 3 Divine Theology If • of Mind Psychology Hymns and Authors... r/wo/o(/?/ 8 Hypnotism. SUBJECT .Psychol., Sociology 3 Iberia Portvgid , Spain Ibex Shooting Sport 11 Ice Science 7 Age Science 7 Caves Archmology Idea of God Theology 7 Idealism Philosophy Personal Philosophy 2 Ideals of Life Theology S Idler, Complete England 10 Idol of Four Literaturelb Idola Theatri Philosophy 1 Idolatry, New Sociology 8 Ightham Kent Illuminated Manuscripts.... y47'< 1 Illusions Psychology Imams, Land of Persia Immigrant, Problem oi.Sociol. fib Immigrants, Alien.... Sociology ■> Immortality ..Theology .) Imperial Defence Arts ti • Federation Sociology 7 Unity Sociology 7a Yeomanry Arts7 Imperialism Sociology 7 Impresarios Music 2 Impressions Europe 6 Impressionists Arts lb Incarnation Theology la, lb Incas, Land of Peru Income, National Sociology bb Incwadi Yami Africa 6 Indexing Literature Ic Indian Mutiny Arts 7 Frontier Wars Arts 7 Jungle Sport 11 Literature Literature 10 Religion Theology 6 Seas Andainan Islands Indians America 26, 4 of Brit. Columbia.. Cojioria 2 Indigo Arts 2 Individual, The Philosophy Individualism Sociology 5 Indo-China Burma Industrial Day-Dreams... Socio/. 8a Revolution Social. 5a Progi'ess Sociology 1 Combination Sociology a Efficiency Socio). 56 Peace Sociology 5a Industries Arts 4 Industry Sociology 1 Infant Mortality Sociology 3 Infinite, Quest of Theology 7 Ingoldslsy Country Kent Inner Roden Sicitzerland Inniskilling Dragoons Arts 7 Innocents'Day:Addresses.r/i«oi.S Inns of Court London 2 Inns of Court Sermons ...Theol. 1 French France 6 Old England 10 Inquisition Popes Spain Insanity Sociology 3 Inscriptions, House.. ..4 rchaologii Insects Science 6 Inspiration Theology 2 Instinct Philosophy Insurance Sociology 1 InteUect... Philosophy, Sociology 2 Intei-est Sociology 5 International Law Sociology 2 Relations Sociology 76 Intuitive Suggestion . . . Psychology Inventions Arts 4 Investment & Spec... Sociology 5 Inward Light Buddli4^m Ionian Islands Greece S Irish Land Agent Ireland 2 Leagues Ireland 2 Question Sonology 7 and English Literature 16 Iron Mask France 2 Irrigation (Nile) Egypt 2 Irvingism Theology iM Isaiah Theology 2 Ishmael , Theology 2 Lsland to Empire England 4 Islam Mohammedanism GENERAL INDEX TO SUBJECT DIVISIONS. XV Sl'BJKCT Isle of Wight Hampshire Isle &, Empii-e, Thro' ...Siiglaiul 3 Isles, Outer Scotland 8 Israel Jtirg Italian Literature.. ..Literature 8 Villas Jtal)/ 1 Translations Literature 8 Italica Literature 8 Itinerary, An Europe 4 Ivory Workers Arts 1 "Ivy," Letters to England 3 Jacobites. Scotland 1 Jamaica West Indies Jaman Africa S James, Epistles of Theology 3 Janseuists Theoloyii 4.U Japan-China War Arts 7 Japanese UtervLtwxe.. Literature 9 Translations Literature 9 Jena Camijaign Giridany 1 Jenny June Literature i> Jeremiah Theology 2 Jesuits Popes Jesus, Country of Palestine Jewels Arts 1 Jewish Question Jews Jiu-Jitsu Sociology 3 Job, Book ol.-Poetry 1, Theology 2 Jocular Literature.. ..Zit€i-ahy Sociology 4 Courts London 1 History Sociology 4 Terrors of Sociology 4 Laws, Oldest Code ...Archaiology Lawn Tenuis Sport 1 Lay Sennons Theology 1 6 League France 2 Learning, Revival of Classics Leaves from a Life England 3 of Lower l;raiich.ii Locomotion, Modern.. Socio/o;/;/ 1 Locomotives Art.': 4 Logic Philosophy Lolapur India 3 Lollards Church 2 Lomai of Lenakel Missions Lombard St Sociology 5, 5a Studies Italy 2 Lombardy War Rome 3 London at Prayer Church 3 Mis. Society Missions London, Charm of Poetry lb Longevity Science 3 Long White Cloud ...New Zealand " Lord's " Annals of Sport 4 Lord's Day Church 3 Prayer Theology It- of Ghostland Theology 6 Loretto School Sociology 2 Lotus Land Siam Leaves Africa, N. i> Lough Corrib Ireland 3 Louisiana America 4 Lourdes Popes Louvre Arts 1, Paris Love Sociology 9rt Lover's Hours Poetry -Id Lucknow India 8 Ludwig Canal Sport 2 Luke, St Theology 3 Lumber Canada 2 Lurasden's Horse... Arts 6 Lnshai Campaigns Arts 7 Lusitania Portugal Luxembourg Europe 6 Lux Mundi Theology lb Luxury andWaste of Life. Social, be Lyrics Poeti-y 1 Macedonia Greece 2, 3 Madeira River Brazil Mad Mullah Arts 7 XVI GENERAL INDEX TO SUBJECT DIVISIONS. SUBJECT Madras India 1 Madrid .Spam Magazines Periodicals Magdala Ahygunia Magic Mi/tkolo(ji/, Theolofit/ 4J) Casement Poetry \d Magnetism Psycholofiy Macyarland Austria 2 Mahdiism Mohammedanism Maidens, Modern Sociology 9 Mails, Royal Sociology 7 'Maine ' America 3 Ma,jorca Mediterranean Makers of Song Music 2 Malabar India 3 Malacca Malaya Malakand Campaign Arts 7 Malay East Malaya Malwa India 1 Mammalia Scieiice 3 Mammals Science 11 Mammon & His MeBsage.Z)?'a)«a 1 Mali, Primitive Sociology 6 God, and Church.. Theoloc/y 7 to Man Theology S Underground Sociology 8 and the World Theology 8 and His Future.... Theology 5 Manchester Lancashire Manchu and Muscovite. ..C/tina 2 Manchuria China 2, Far East Mandalay China 2 Manipur India 3 Manitoba Canada 2 Mankind in MaM.mg.. .Sociology 8 Manliness Theology 8 Manners Theology S Manor, Growth of Sociology G Man's Place in Universe. /Sciojcf; 1 Maniifacture, Modem Arts 4 Manuscripts, niuminated...Zi«. 1 Maori Land New Zealand Maple Leaf, Land of Canada 2 Marcionism Church 1 Marengo Napoleon I. Marlborough Wiltshire ■ College Sociology 2 Marprelate Tracts England 2 Marquesas Polynesia Marquis, The Wild France i Murriage... Sociology 9, Theology 8 Customs Sociology 6 Married Life Theology 8 Mars Science 1 Marsh Country Essex Martinique West Indies Martyrdom of Man ....Sociology 6 Martyrs Tkeology \c Primitive Ch Church 1 Mary, St., Miracles Popes Mai-y lebone London 1 Masai Africa 4 Masques and Pha.ses.. Literature 1 Mast and Sail Sjjort 2 Masques Brama 1 Matabele War Arts 7 Materialism Theology 7 'M.a.trimony.. Church 3, Theology Id Matter Science 8 Mauritius Madagascar Maximes et Pensees....r/i«o/o(7?/ S Mayfair London 1 'May Flower' Theology iF McAuley Mission Missions M.C.C., History of Sport 4 Meaning Philosophy Mecca Arabia Mechanics Science 8 Mechanism of War Arts 6 Modern Arts 4 Medals Archceology Media Persia Mediaeval Civilization... Europe 2 — — London London 1 Literature Literature \a Medical Women Sociology 3 Medicine Sociology 3 and Mind Sociology 3 Meditations Theology S Melanesia Mi.ipt 3 Blue Abi/Minia Expeditions Arts 7 • Qiiest Africa 3 White Ajricn 3,4 Nilgiri Hills India 3 Nineveh Arrhaolofiu Nipal Himalajias Nipon Japan Nippur Arckaolofiy Nithsdale Scotlaiul 2 Niue Poltmesia Nomenclature Archirologv Nonconfonnity&Politics. r/troi.li Non-Jurors Church 3 Nore, The England 9 Norham Castle. ...Northumberland Normans Europe 1 Northern Lights. Arctic Antiquities Archifology North Pole Arctic North- West Territory ...tVm at/a 2 Norwich Norfolk Notation Music 1 Notre Dame Architecture Nova Scotia Fishing Sport 6 Novelists Literature la French Litei-ature 6 Nubia Africa 5 Numa, Religion of Home 3 Nun Kun Himalaya Nun's Rule Theology id Nunburnholme Yorkshire Nuremberg Gernutny 1 Nurser}' Sociology 2 Rhjines Mythology Nursing Sociology 3 Nutrition & E volution... Scitwe 2 Nuski Persia Nyassa Missions Nyassaland Afnca 3 Oak Science 4 Furniture Arts 5 Oasis, Egyptian Egypt 3 Obeah Mythology Oberland Sxcitzerland (^bermann Literature Occulti.sm Theology ij Occupation, Diseases of. ..Socio/. 3 Ocean Science 9 Ocean, Life on.Auier.,N.2, Sociol.l Ochils Scotland 2 Odds and Ends Poetry Id Oil Trade Sociology 1 Okavango Africa 7 Old Age Pensions.... Socio/ ojri/ Sa Bailey Sociology 5a English Sports Sports 1 Furniture Arts :> Houses England 10 Service Books Archc-oloov Old Silver Arts'ib Testament Tlieology 2 Time Travel Europe 6 Olney Bv.ck-ingh amshire Omi, Mount Tibet Omnibuses London 1 Omoo Polynesia Ontario Caneula 2 Opal Sea Science 10 Open-AirBoy Science 11 Opera Music 2 Operas, Stories from Music 2 Operations of War Arts 6 Ophir, Gold of Rhodesia Ophir, Voyage of World. Opium in China China 2 Opposites Philosophy 2 Optics Science S Optimism Philosophy 2 Orations, Great Literature 2 SUBJECT Oratorio Music 2 Orator, Making of.... Literature 2 Orators Literature 2 Orators, Homes of... Literature lb Orchids Science 4 Order of St. John Popes Ordination Theology Ic Oregon America 4 Organ Music I Organic Evolution Science 3 Oriel College. ..Oj7'o/-(/, Sociology 2 Orientiil Literature.. ii7ei-o(i(/'e 10 Religfions Tlieology 6 Original,' The Literature Ic Orinoco America 6 Orkney Islands Scotland 2 Ornament &itsApplictn. Artslati:i Ornaments Rubric ..Church 3 Ornithologist, Cps. &e..Sci«raturt' la Outlander in En^ England 3 Outjxists of Empire Gibraltar Over Pressure Sociology 2 Overtones Music I Owens Coll. Essays England 4 O.xford Coll. Histories Oxford Movement Church 3 Pets Oxford Oxus Asia 2 Pacific Polynesia Coast America 4 Islands Hairnii New Far East Packers Sociolo'iv 1 Piidua Italy 1 Paestum Hidy 2 Pagan Christs Theology 7 Ireland Ireland I Paganism Church 1 Pageant, Georgian England 2 Pain Psychology , Gospel of Theology 7 and Rest Sociology 3 Painted Desert Region, .^./icz-ica 4 Painting Arts 1 Palaces of the Sultan .... Turkey 2 Palaeography Literature 4 Palasolithic Man Sociology 6 Pala3ontolog>- Science 10 Palmistry ThtologyAM Palmyra Turkey 3 Pamirs Asia, Central 2 Pampas Amtrica 6 Panama Canal Soc. I, America, N. 2 Panjab hulia I Pantheism Theology 7 Papacy Popes Papal Claims Church 3 History Popes Monarchy Popes Papua, Across. AViT Guinta,Brilish Parables Theology 3 Paradise Theology 3 Row London 2 Paradosis Theology 3 Paradox, Essays in.. Literature la Paradoxes Science 8 Paraguay on Shannon .../i-e/ajiti 2 Parallel Paths Science 2 Parasites Science 10 Pardons, Land of Brittany Parenthood & Race Cult. Science 3 Parerga Lit. Ic, Philos. 2 Paris and Vienna Austria 2 Parish Work Church 3 Parks .- London 2 Parliament, Coming of.. England I ,.^.Sociolo(/v 7 IVOO ^Socioloj ow^a SUBJECT Parliaments, Mems. EightSocio/. 76 Parliamentary Hist ...Sociology 7 Parodies Literature lb Parsis Theologu 6 Par-son's Oiitlook Church 3 Parthenopean Republic ....Naples Partridge, The Sport 11 Driving Sport 11 Party Leaders Sociology 7 "Pa.sser by" in London. .io 6 Rand Mines Transvaal Rapid Transit Arts 4 Rates Sociology b Rationalism Theology 7 Reaction Sociology 7a in France Literature 6 Reading, Lost Art oi.Literaturelb Rooms Literature lb Reality Philosophy, Theology 7 Reasonand Revelation.... T/ao^ 7 Life of Philosophy I Reasoning Philosophy Rebellions Arts 7 Recitations Literature 2 Records,StirringTimes..ff)!g'ia«(/2 Recreation Sociology Sa Red Cross Society. Arts ti God Sociology 8 Reign Kussia I River Expedition. .C'((/ia(7a 1 SUBJECT Red Rubber Congo -Sea Egypt 3, Syria Redemption Church 3 Reflexion Arts la Regimental Histories Arts Religio Laici Theology 1 Religion, Works on Theology 1 ofGoodMcn Theology 7 — — of Nature Theology 7 of Plain Man Popet of Woman ...Theology 4L Psychology of Theology 7 Science of I'heology 7 Religions of Authority Popes Religious Experience.. J'Aco/of/;/ 7 Certitude Theology 7 Ideals Poetry 2 London Theology 4L Settlement Church 2 Systems Theology 7 Societies Theology 4L Remount Commissions Arts 6 Renaissance Europe 3, Italy I Artist.s Arts \,Italyl Chateaux, Men, Sic. France 2 Literature Literature (3,8 Poetry Literature 6 Rennes, 1802 France 3 Repose, Power thro' ...Sociology 3 Reptiles Science 10 Republic III France 4 Republic, Imperial America 2 Response in Living, kc. Science 2 Rest and Pain Sociology 3 Restraint Theology 8 Resurrection I'heology 3 I Retrievers & Retrieving... &2>ort 8 I Reunion ChurchZ, Popes Revaluations Philosophy 2 Revelation.. Theology, 3,7 Reviews Literature la & Discussions. ..PAi^osop/i!/ 2 Monthly Periodicals Revision, Bible Theology 2,3 Revolutionary Types. Sociology 86 Rhetoric Literature 2 Rhine Germany 2, Europe 6 Rhodes, Ancient Archceology Rhone France 6 Riches Sociology ba Richmond London 1 Royal Ma:ior London 2 Riddle of Existence. Philosophy 2 of the Sands Sport 2 Riding Sport 3 Rifle, Book of Sport 11 Brigade Arts 6 Brigade, Adv. in Arts 7cd Right and Wrong Philosophy Ritschlianism Theology 7 Ritualism Church 3 River Plate Brazil Roads Sociology 1 Rochester Kent Rock Climbing Spoi-t 10 Rohilla War Arts 7 Rolls Series.... England 1 Roman Antiquities. ...Archeeology Canon Law Sociology 4 Catholic Ch. Hist Popes Festivals Archeeology Highways England 1 Question.... Italy 1 Religion (ETL\\)\Ye)Theology 6 Roads, Britain.... .E'»0'ia?id 10 Society, Ancient Ronu 3 Romance and Modernism.. X(t. • Romanoffs Russia 1 Romantic School, Germany. Lit. 7 — France.. ..ii«. 6 Triumph Literature lb Rome, Church Survey Popes in Ireland Sociology 2 Ronsard Poetry Roraima Guiana Rose Goddess Literature Id Ro.seneath Scotland 2 Rose, The Arts 3 Roses Arts 3 Rosetta Stone A rchmology Rosicrucians Theology 4H Rotliieinurclius Scotland 2 cenERal index to subject divisions. XIX SIBJEC T Rouen, Story of France 1 ■ Churches Architecture Roumanian Poetry PoeArii 1 Royal Academy Art» \n Engineers Arts 6 Military Academy Arts 6 Palaces England 4 Society Science 12 Tour (1901) World Royaltj', All Ages Eiirope 4 Rubric Church 3 Rudolf, Lake Africa 3 Rugby Sociology % Wanrick Riigen Germany 2 Rumelia Balkan Running Sport 1 Runnymede Letters. ...^;(j7/a>!rf 3 Rural England England 10 Exodus Sociology 8 Russian Litemture. ..i<7<;/-tt Safari, on Sport 11 Sahara Algeria, Africa 5 Sailing Sport 2 Sailing Ships, &c Sociology 1 St. Albans Hertfordshire St. Alban's History Church 1 St. Augustine's Confess.. ...Saints Saint Bernard, Great Alps St. George's London 1 St. Giles's of Lepers London 2 St. Helena St. Helena St. Ives Cornwall St. James's Palace London 1 St. James's Square London 1 St. Kilda Scotland 2 St. Lawrence Canada 2 St. Leger Stakes Sport 3 St. Margaret's hect.Theology 3, 4rf St. Mark's Gospel Theology 3 St Mary's Church, Oxford. Cj;/o)-(/ St. Pancras Lorulon 1 St. Paul's. ../.o/(e 2 of Progress Philosophy 1 Market Sociology 8 Sound Science 8 Sound, Theory of Music 1 South Place Soi:icty... Theology 4J Sea Islands Polynesia Voice of Africa 5 South wark London 1 Southwell Cathedral. Nottingham Space, Travels in Arts 4 Spanisli Literature.. i(7e)-a<«j-e 13 Main America 5 Translations Literature 13 Spas Health Resorts Speaker, Selections... iitcraiwrc 2 Speaking lUthcr Seriously, iii. le Hl)ectruin Analysis Science 8 Spinster Book Theology S Spion Kop Arts 7 Spirals in Nature, kiz. Architecture Spires and To-worn. ...Architecture Spirit of Piirliament Sociol. 76 Spirits in Prison Theology 5 Spiritual Law Theolniiy 7 AVorld Theology 5 Spi ritualism Theol ogy 4 J Squares London \ Squash Sport 1 Stiible, The Sport 8 Stage Coach Sport 3 History Drama 2 Mediaeval Drama 2 to Cross Missions Censor Drama 2, Sociol. 4 Stars of MiLiic 2 Stag Hunting.... Sport 11 Stained Glass Toui-s Prance 3 Stalking Sport 11 Stamp Collecting Archirology Standard Oil Comp Sociology 1 Staple Inn London 1 Stars Science 1 State Trials Sociology 2 Church Church 3 Statistics Sociology 5o Steamships Sociology 1 Steel, Romance of. Stoicism Philosophy Stone Age A rchaology Ages Ireland! Stonehenge A rchaology Stones, Diamonds, &c Arts 1 fm. Glass HouseZ«7ej-a Thoughts & Aspirations.. 27ieo/. 3 Great Theology I Thought, Heritage of Philosophy 1 Threshold Covenant .../S'orio/o,<7ia(ey England 3 School Sociology 2 Wexford, War iu Inland 2 Whales Science 10 Whaling Sociology 1 Wheat, Canadian Sociology 1 Growth, ic ArU 2 Wheel .Magic Sport l> Whig Part y Sociology 7 Whist S}H)rt y Whitby Yorkshire Whitehall, Palace London 1 WhiteHouse,Stry.of.--