^^^„.„ ^ POEJVIS ^ E^r- JOHJ^ IMF(!E, Tof^ONTo rviv*^ t&-^ TO MY FRIENDS. Fiienrls dead and gone — friends far aud uear- Friends tried and true— friends ever dear — Though sundered far, yet all are here- Close to my heart; And all along life's rugged way, The smile of Friendship crowns the day, And hearts are young, tho' heads be grey ; Friends never part ! ^Jottr^ ttuftj, eloliit &Mizic. SACRED SONGS. SONNETS, AXD MISCELLANEOUS POEMS BY JOHN IMEIE WITH AN INTEODUCTION BY G. MEECER ADAM, Toronto. $1.00. TOKONTO: IMRIE & GRAHAM, 28 Colbokne Street. 1886. Entered according to Act ol Parliament of Canada, in the year 1886, by Imrie & Gbaham, in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa. CONTENTS. Ill P^ ^K/8 M ; ;;;:;;!li!r s €, fc; .;- X 3^..xcc /|1HII'1||""" <«"' CONTENTS. Page Author's Preface . . . . . . . . . . vii Inteoduction, by G. Mercer Adam . . . . . . ix Sacred Compositions.. .. .. .. ,, ..17 Sonnets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Patriotic Songs . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Songs of Love, Home, and Friendship ,. .. 91 Miscellaneous Poems . . . . . . , . . . 145 Alphabetical Index . . . . 207 '''iiiii'f' ^ 759452 ( ' MUSIC AND ILLUSTRATIONS • V LIST OF MUSIC AND ILLUSTEATIONS. MUSIC. Page. Queen Victoria's Jubilee . . .. 74 A Souvenir of Love 98 A Kiss Through the Telephone . . .. 118 The Young Musician a a 180 ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. Portrait of the Author Frontispiece Birds-eye View of Toronto, Ont. 55 View of Niag-vba Falls, (American Side) .. 67 Queenston Heights • « 77 The Dying Scot AiiRo.U) . • .. 87 A Kiss Through the Telephone . . 121 Nature's Temple . , .. 151 Life's Progress . . • • 1G2 The Power of Song.. • • .. 169 The Young Musician • • 183 PREFACE, VU AUTHOR'S PREFACE. The following " Sacred Songs, Sonnets, and Miscellaneous Poems " are sent forth to the public with much diffidence on the part of the Author as to their literary merit. I would not have dared thus to intrude on the debatable ground of authorship, unless at the urgent solicitation of my numerous friends, who have from time to time asked me for copies of some of the following compositions. At their request, also, it is grati- fying to me to say, that most of the Poems have at various times appeared as contributions to the public press, more especially in Toronto, and have afterwards been copied in exchanges over Canada, and in some of the leading city papers and publications in the United States and the Mother-country. To these sources of v-communication with other lands and people, I tender my sincere thanks, as they have been largely instrumental in bringing my verses and my name before the public, and in stimulating me to proceed in a path — even under these auspicious circumstances — beset with much misgiving. Vlll PREFACE. The Illustrations which appear in this work have been kindly supplied by friends in the print- ing profession ; and the Copyright Music by gentlemen whose names stand high in the scale of musical authorship. To these, individually, my sincere thanks are hereby tendered. My only object and aim in " the cultivation of the Muse " was to spend my leisure hours — which were all too few — in intellectual recreation, thereby giving voice to pent-up feelings of devotion, love, patriotism, or pleasure, as the "ebb and flow" of inward thought seemed to find expression. Should I thereby have " made friends " of the public, the result will far exceed my most sanguine expectations : — The friendship of the good and true Is more to me than gold, And while I welcome one that 's new I'll treasure well the old ; Old friends are like the goodly tree Whose leafy branches throw A grateful shelter over me When adverse winds may blow ! ToKONTO, Canada, Oct. 21st, 1836. INTRODUCTION. IX I NTRODUCTION BY G. MEECEE ADAM. Among the diverse interests of tliis restless money-grubbing world, there is one which should hold a larger place than it does in the affec- tions of the masses, — namely, the honest, un- affected love of home and home pleasures. In these days we are all of us too much disposed to seek enjoyment abroad, and to figure more than is good for us in the eye of the public. The craving for excitement has made us im- patient with home ; and the fireside and domestic shrines have in large measure lost their attrac- tion. In their place have come the club and the society hall, the tavern and the divorce court. INTRODUCTION. Living a fast life — the delirium which comes of it makes us impatient also with many of the simple joys which used to please a former generation. Our tastes, in these latter days, have undergone a radical change. We are fas- tidious and critical, and the things that once interested us and made for our peace, interest us and make for our peace no longer. In our feverish, unhealthful condition, we seek a sea- soned diet ; ^nd in our reading, as well as in our eating and drinking, there is a craving for stimulants. The result is a vitiated palate, and a mind relaxed, feeble, and jaded. We are no longer satisfied with the novel, with the song, or with the play, that used to delight our forefathers. Nothing so simple and innocent would now content us. Even our religion has sufi'ered a change. The stern mo- rality and unbending creeds of other days have become pliant and yielding, while compromise and emasculated beliefs have taken their place. The old doctrines familiar to the bye-gone pul- pit now offend us, though we are not particular if the preacher resorts to irreverence and slang. On the contrary, we rather encourage lum in this propensity. With tastes and cravings so destructive to the INTRODUCTION. X» spiritual life, wbat wonder tbat simple joys and quiet domestic pleasures have in the social world lost much of their charm ? Yet " the common people," — as the phrase goes — the men and women who are doing the common work of this toiling world, stand more than ever in need of rest and quiet, and the kindly solacement of happy fireside intercourse. Innocent delights, restful pleasures, and the blissful contentment of a well-ordered, comfortable home, with such intellectual recreation as these Edens afford, must be the necessities, we should think, of those at least whose lot is a ceaseless round of toil. To such our author comes with his tune- ful lyre and sings us the gladsome lays of the home and tbe fireside. Benefactor is he not, to you and to me, if he beguiles us from our distrac- tions and cares, and leads us to realize that after all the world's happiness lies in the quiet comforts and the refining influences of home ? Neither I nor the author claim place for these efl'usions among the productions of tbe divine songsters of earth. Tbe world has become too refined — too finical, perhaps, — in its tastes to rate highly tbe lays cf tbe home, or to see auglit of art in tbe product of tbe domestic Muse. J3ut as these poems are for tbe people. xii INTRODUCTION. and not for the critics, and as tliey deal "with subjects wliicli may be read and understood of all men, — with no artificiality, no straining after effect, — their simple and natural poetic utter- ance will, I am convinced, commend them to the heart, and ensure their warm acceptance at the hands of the people. It would indeed be difficult for thoughts, how- ever expressed, on Love, Friendship, Home, and kindred topics, to fail of finding response in the human breast ; and the average reader who follows the bent of his own unperverted taste, and is as indifferent to the critics as the poets themselves, will find much to please him in the book. Of profit he should also find much, if his sympathies are as keen and broad as the author's, and his appreciation equal to his, of the warm-hearted Christian brotherhood, and un- affected moral purpose, which should find expres- sion in all our work. Not its least merit, it must be said, is the fact, that there is not a puzzling cr baffling line in .the book. This should be counted for something, when there is so much in our modern verse, not ambitious of fame merely, but cold, meaningless and empty. The volume is chiefly noteworthy, however, not only for unassuming INTRODUCTION. Xiil sincerity, on the part of the writer, but for its appeal to the universal and easily- awakened feel- ings of our common humanity. The unobtrusive piety and strain of religious sentiment which run, like threads of gold, through the book, will, we are sure, not the less endear the volume to the reverent reader, and to those whose hearts have felt the influences of the Divine. May it be its mission to keep alive the love of home, to minister to minds distraught with toil and care, and among its readers — we trust, of all ranks and conditions of men — to implant an eternal Sabbath in the heart. 184 Spadina Avenue, ToEONXo, Oct. 18th, 1886. SACRED COMPOSITIONS. o^^ T ha$ii &m^mvtim$. A PEAYEE. 1'OWLY and prostrate, *^^ Kneeling before Tliee, Craving the spirit of prayer ; Wretched and lonely, Seeking Thee only. Leave me not now in despair. Father of mercies, And God of all might, Hear Thou the sigh of my heart ; Groping through darkness, Yet seeking the light. Pardon and peace now impart. Oh ! to be nothing. And Christ to be all. Oh ! to be ransomed by Thee ; Saved from destruction And pow'r of the fall. Through Jesus, who died for me. Humbly I ask Thee, Jesus, my Saviour, Dcnd Thou Thine ear to my cry ; For strength and for grace While running life's race — Lead Thou me on till I die ! B 18 IMIilE'S POEMS. AN ANXIOUS SOUL COMFOKTED. !^5^00R erring soul ! thou art not yet forsalen, i(^- A Father's loving heart still beats for thee ; Renounce the steps in sin which thou hast taken, And thou shalt have a pardon full and free. Let not the sins of former days deter Thy heart from seeking after truth and God ; Thou shalt not seek in vain, do not defer, Fly to the Cross, and Christ shall ease thy load. A Father's arms are opened to receive, A Saviour's blood was freely shed for thee ; Trust not thy erring self, in Him believe, Who bore thy sins upon the cursed tree. No more in darkness shalt thou doubting tread, A brighter Light shall guide thee on thy way ; No more in sin shalt thou be blindly led, Nor in the paths of vice be found to stray. Thy soul shall then in glorious measure feel The Spirit's power, which changes mind and will ; And thou shalt not be able to conceal The love which thy euraptur'd soul shall fill. Then shalt thou grow in grace from day to day, And thus be fitted for thy home above ; Till God shall call thy ransom'd soul aAvay To swell the praises of His matchless love. SACRED. 19 SABBATH CHIMES. ON HEARING THE BELLS OF ST. JAMES's CHnRCH, TOKONTO, ON A SUNDAY MORNING. J[|]INGLE, dingle, dong, i^sHear the happy song, Come away, Sabbath day, Join the holy throng. Come both old and young, Come the weak or strong, Dingle dong, Happy song. Cheering us along. Children young and fair, Seeking God in prayer, Voices raise. In His praise, Feeling God is there. Plainly all may see, Happy hearts have we, God above. Full of love. Keep us near to Thee. 20 IMRIFJS POEMS. THE PEEACHEE'S WAENING. •^EMEMBEE, youth ! in thy early prime, ^^i^ The God of thy fathers in olden time : The Creator of heaven, and earth, and spheres, With whom one day is as a thousand years ; While the years of man are as early grass. To-day in health, hut to-morrow doth pass In natural course of decay away. To mnigle again with its mother^ Clay ! Ere the evil days come and years draw nigh. When pleasure and hope give way to a sigh ; And the eye whose lustre was clear and bright, Gives forth but a dim and uncertain light ; And the step, once firm and lithe in the dance. Be crippled, and weak, and slow to advance ; Oh ! young man, beware, asd remember now Thy Creator — God, and thy father's vow ! Let faith and prayer like daily incense rise To God above, beyond the starry skies ; Seek wisdom from on high as daily food, Let not thy left hand mar thy right hand's good ; But grow in grace, and in the knowledge rare Which maketh rich, and Christ's atonement share; Then shall thy path be as the rising sun, And God at last shall say — Well done, well done! SACRED. 21 JESUS' LOVE. iiH, wondrous love ! oh, matcliless grace ! vThat Jesus took the sinner's place ; And left His heavenly home on high, On earth to live, to weep, to die. To lice on earth that we might rise To brigliter scenes beyond the skies ; And dwell in mansions fair and bright, 'Mid endless glory, love, and light. To weep, that we might sing for joy, And all our ransom'd powers employ ; Our liearts and voices gladly raise In happy songs of love and praise. To die, that we might never die, But live with Him in bliss on high ; And meet around that glorious throne, Where Jesus gathers in His own. The love of Jesus, like the sea, Is rich and boundless, full and free ; No seeking soul need e'er despair, Or fail to find a portion there. THE BELIEVER'S REFUGE. _ ^IS sweet to feel that God is near ^C«^ In times of trouble or distress,— To quell the doubt, or calm the fear, To pardon, comfort, heal and bless. When all around is dark and drear, And sorrow shades the brow with care. How sweet to know that God will hear The anxious soul's imploring prayer. How sweet to lean upon that arm. And in its strength a refuge find ; Secure from every fear or harm. Which would disturb our peace of mind. Jesus, thou Refuge ever sure. Where all is peace, and joy, and rest; Sale as the rock that doth endure. Oh ! let me lean upon Thy breast. Then let the world its warfare wage, And Satan tempt my heart with pride ; Let friends disown, and scoffers rage. To turn my heart from Thee aside — They all shall fail ! but Thou alone Shalt be my portion evermore ; I'll cling to Thee — the world disown — Thy love cojifess — and Thee adore ! SACRED. 23 THE MISSIONAEY'S PRAYER. jil|r-ORD, with thine arm support our cause, <«^ While, in obedience to thy laws, We raise Thy banner, plead Thy pow'r. To save when in the trying hour. Lord, send Thy soldiers to the field, And make the pow'r s of Satan yield To thy strong arm, that arm of might, Which shieldeth those who do the ri'^lit. *o' Lord, put Thy Word into our heart, That we to others may impart The knowledge of Thy saving grace, To every tribe of every race ! Then shall we praise Thy mighty name, And in all lands Thy right proclaim ; Where prayers of gi'atitude will rise, Like grateful incense to the skies. ^•4 IMRIE'S POEMS. THE CHRISTIAN'S HOPE. |;„E cannot meet with undimm'd eye ■I^s^ii) The sun's efflulgent, pierdng rays ; No more can we, while 'neath the sky, Fathom our great Creator's ways. Still let us search, with humble awe, And scan His wondrous works with care ; And round His glorious footstool draw In humble, pleading, fervent prayer : That He who rules celestial spheres. And holds the oceans in His hand. Would free our hearts from doubts and fears. And lead us to that glorious land, Where doubts no more disturb the mind, And fears no more distress the heart ; Where we shall full fruition find. And kindred meet no more to part. Oh ! may we stand on heavenly ground. Where sweetest music charms the ear ; Wliere peace, and joy, and love abound — For God Himself is ever near. Oh ! glorious land of endless day. Oh ! happy home so bright and fair ; Where saints unceasii)g homage pay To Him Avhose blocd has brought them tliere. THY CHOICE — WHICH ? ^H ! which shall I choose, o / SONNETS. 37 0ll«tS^ THE LAST ENEMY — DEATH. tj^jEATH comes to all, no man can stay his hand ; ^^If he but calls, the proudest in the land i His summons must obey, and then be led j By his cold, icy hand 'mong silent dead ; ] There to remain till Death himself shall die, i And He who conquered Death shall reign on high. j Ob, Death ! where is thy sting if Jesus save ? Where, then, thy victory, cruel grave ? Thou hast no power o'er him whom God defends. For him all things subserve most glorious ends. Death but relieves from earthly pain and woe, A friend, though in the guise of mortal foe. Oh, may the grave to me be but a door To that bright land where Death shall reign no more 1 38 IMRIE'S POEMS. THE MASTER'S CALL. ^0 work to-day ! the fields are white to view, ^The harvest truly great, the labour'rs few ; To you the call is giv'ii, reapers, obey ! Wcrlv mightily, while yet 'tis called to-day ! The night approacheth when no man can work, And sin and \ice do in the darkness lurk. The fields are many and the world is wide, O'er trackless forests, deserts, stormy tide, Proclaim that love which makes all mankind kin. And saves the soul though steep'd in direst sin ; Which frees the captive, gladdens the opprest, And leads the erring to the Saviour's breast ; Where pard'ning mercy, love, and joy are giv'n To make this earth a sweet foretaste of Heaven. 3>, iiii,„„ ■""iiii».. THE IMAGE OF THE HEAVENLY. LMIGHTY God ! in all Thy works display 'd, ?MfjPor man in Thine own image Thou hast made ; How should we, then, Thine every law respect, And mourn in dust and ashes if neglect Of ours should once but mar that Image bright, And, grieving Thee, turn sunshine into night. Let not our hearts from Thee be tum'd aside, But let Thy Holy Spirit with us 'bide ; Then shall our life be like the flowers in June, Displaying sweetness, and our hearts in tune To the pure melodies of heav'nly song. Which to the ransom'd hosts of Heav'n belong ; Thus here below let glorious anthems rise To mingle with the songs of Paradise. Ill'"' <" "'■III,,, 'i "11. l; I ♦-^2 ■:^ !^-c THE PEACE OF GOD. ^HERE is a peace the world can not bestow ^^'^^Nor take away ; and tliey in joy do go Who but possess it, for its charm is sure, And doth through all the ills of life endure ; It makes the soul rejoice, the weak feel strong, The troubled soul burst forth in joyous song. Which may be heard above the din of strife, — An antidote for all the cares of life ! Oh ! peace of God ! may I thy pow'r enjoy. Then in thy praise my life shall find employ ; Thou shalt me 'fend from every evil way, Make all my darkness turn to brightest day, Till, safe within the everlasting arms, My soul shall rest secure from all alarms ! SONNETS. i7 C^==^^=^^^^^ CONSCIENCE, CONSCIENCE is the true monitor of God ''For our approval, or a very rod Of direst chastisement for evil deeds, Or wicked thoughts that grow like noxious weeds Within the garden of the human heart, To mar the buds aiid flowers which would impart A fragrant solace to the weary soul Of God-made man, thus strengthen and control His better nature in Temptation's day. And drive the hateful tlioughts of sin away. To hide themselves for very shame of sin, And, hence renewed, the better life begin : Thus, Conscience, listen'd to, will safely guide Where perfect peace and happiness abide ! 48 UIRIE'S POEMS. ~\n SEEKING AFTEE KNOWLEDGE. ^'^[friSDOM is the true currency of Heaven, ■^ From fools withheld, but to the prudent giv'n ; In her pursuit let us in earnest be. If we would prosper, therefore, let us see That all our energies be so combin'd As best to cultivate the heart and mind. This occupation is the best that can Engage the youth, or occupy the man In leisure hours, which, be they rightly spent, Are of great moment, and by Heaven lent To sweeten toil, and relaxation give To dull and cank'ring cares, which, while wc live, Must be our lot; our time, then, let us spend As best becomes us, knowing not our end ! SONNETS. W .8/- ^ ^^ THE DRUNKAKD'S FATE. j*>OR the drunkard there's no such place as "home," ^^* Though over the face of the earth he roam, Till Death shall unfetter the drink-bound slave, And he findeth " rest " in the silent grave; His untimely death — " the wages of sin,"— Satan's reward for the worship of Gin ! He gave up his wife and his children dear For the drink which he thought his heart could cheer ; But the more be drank the lower he sank, From the highest grade to the lowest rank, Till for shame, his name a bye-word became, And he lost for ever his once fair name : — • For the pleasure of drink, which he loved so well, He barter'd his soul to the lowest hell ! N\ w »»°< -w- 'V 1) 50 IMRIE'S POEMS. o^ '^ ^y-^ TEAES. Tf^EAES are the outflow of great joy or grief, ^(^ji The speechless language of a swelling heart, Whose fitful solace is a sure relief For joys excessive, or affliction's smart ; The valve-escapement of a pent-up soul, Whose fulness finds expression in a tear ; Which, like healing balm, makes the wounded whole Or dearest friend — when darkest hour is near — Whose hands we clasp in friendship's sacred hold, And cling to them like ivy round the tree, — Weakness and strength combined in love's enfold,— Then let the flood-gates open full and free ! Our bitter tears but give us strength to bear Affliction sore, or joy's too sudden glare ! ■■(s ~~~ar^^ SONNETS. 51 REST EST is the peaceful calm which follows toil: ^^^ Sweet to the labouring man who tills the soil; Likewise most precious to the weary brain, Tired with the dull routine of loss or gain ; Or to the authors of our learned books, Who show the trace of study in their looks — All value rest — all need those quiet hours As much as doth the plant those welcome show'rs Which Heaven sends to cool the fevered earth, And cause glad Nature sing aloud with mirth. When God at first created earth and skies, He "rested" in the shades of Paradise! Likewise shall we, earth's care and labour o'er, Find rest the sweeter for the toils we bore ! 52 IMRIE'S POEMS. ^^, PAINI f;E shrink and recoil at the touch of Paiu, f ft i^^-S Yet know that escape from his grasp is vain ; And our trembhng hearts with emotion swell As we sigh and groan at each painful spell ; But the dreadful hour of suffering past, And our courage and health restor'd at last, How soon we forget our terror and pain, And mingle once more with the world again ; But not as before, for a tender string Hath been set to music, and thus dcth sing : I have suffered, and feel for others' pain A twinge of my own past sorrow again ! Ah ! Pain, what a useful teaclier thou art, Lessons of sympathy thus to impart ! ♦^B- "Xsi SONNETS. 53 WHAT IS LOVE? jvOVE is the grateful olFring of a heart ^^In all its fuhiess to some counterpart, — Zeal answering zeal, each striving to excel, Zealous to share the glowing thoughts that dwell In hearts united by Love's silken bands. Each thread some joy Love only understands. 'Mid stirring echoes of a fond desire Claim kindred feelnigs and a sister-fire, Joining life's hopes in one ecstatic song, As sweetest music from an angel-throng ; No doubt or fear disturbs Love's peaceful rest. Nor cares corroding rankle in her breast ; Each thought bears fruit in others sweeter still, Till earth seems heav'n, and heav'n seems own'd at will. TOKONTO. AIE Toronto ! Queen City of the West ! Of all tby sister-cities thou art best : As far as eye can reach, from Don to Humber, Are chimneys, tow'rs, and spires in goodly number, — Cathedrals, churches, schools, and mansions rise, In stately grandeur tow'ring to the skies. A noble harbour fronts thy southern bound, And gentle hills encircle thee around ; From Noith to South, and East to West expand Streets, Avenues, and Koads, so wisely plann'd That strangers visit thee with ease, and find In thee a home at once just to their mind : Long live Toi'onto ! loud her praises swell, Here Commerce, Art, and Nature love to dwell ! a ^ o a • - o K-l < !^ o m f— ' CC -ti &^ o 2 z o rt >^ '.• o ^ ^ H rS EH e^ m- ■\-M0mii o H is o 'A o m O 00 O S o 3 "Z O - u u O o S 3 J W '•'' B O < SONNETS. 57 TORONTO BAY. l|nre)H, lovely scene of ever-changing hue ! "^^^^^^Dark ocean-green, or sky-bright azure-blue ; Swift o'er thy heaving bosom gaily float, The trim-built yacht, gay skiff, or pleasure-boat ; Or, here and there, a light birch-bark canoe Lends a romance to the enchanting view. Toronto Island, in the distance, seems The happy fairy-land of boyhood's dreams. Where naught but Pleasure dwells, and music fills The balmy air with melody that thrills Each bounding heart with ecstasy and joy, And happiness the fleeting hours employ ! Toronto Bay, by morning, noon, or night, Thy waters charm me with some new delight ! y^ PATRIOTIC. t PATRIOTIC. 61 I «« FAIK CANADA. ^[jlf AND with tlie inland seas, ^^Swept by the mighty breeze, Fair Canada ; Here many nations dwell, Loving their freedom well. Reaping where forests fell, Fair Canada ! Land of the prairies wide. Stretching like ocean's tide, Fair Canada ; Land of green hill and dale, Mountain and pleasant vale, Here worth shall never fail, Fair Canada ! Fair as an opening flower, Planted in Heaven's bower. Fair Canada ; Pleaching from sea to sea, Great will thy future be. Land of the brave and free, Fair Canada ! 62 IMIUE'S FOEMS. Come, then, from many lands. Brave hearts and willmg hands, To Canada ; Come where rich virgin soil Waits to reward your toil. Share in the harvest spoil Of Canada !- * This " Canadian National Song," may be sung to the air of " The National Anthem," the 1st verse of wliich would be very appropriate as "a finale" to the above composition. PATRIOTIC. 63 CANADIAN SONG OF FREEDOM _PREED0M'S glad song we sing /a^^Free as a bird on wing, Free as the sweet pure air, Free as the sunlight fair. Shout Freedom's holy song : " We nothing fear but wrong; For Freedom, God, and Right, Well nobly stand and fight !" While life and strength remain We will our rights maintain ; Our hardy sons of toil Shall guard Canadian soil. W^e shed no craven tear, No tyrant's threat we fear ; Before no foe we fly, We dare be free — or die ! To death we only bend, — Our fee, and yet our friend ; The watchword of tbe free Is : — " Death oe Libkkty ! " G4 UIRII'VS POEMS. WELCOME HOME, BRAVE VOLUNTEERS ! Sonj^ of Welcome, sung by the School Children at the City Hall, Toronto, in honour of the Volunteers' return from the North-West Rebellion, 1885. WELCOME home, brave Volunteers ! liS^>:^S) Welcome, welcome home I Gone are all our anxious fears, Answer'd now our pray'rs and tears, Welcome home 'midst ringing cheers, Welcome, welcome home 1 Welcome to our loving arms, Welcome to your rest ; Welcome home from war's alarms, Safe from death and all that harms, Victory hath crown'd your arms, W^elcome to your rest. Canada is proud of you — Soldiers brave and true ! Ye have dar'd to win or die. Ye have made the rebels fly. Let your standards wave on high, Soldiers brave and true I » i PATRIOTIC. (55 Welcome home, though wounded sore, Battling for the right ; Dreadful marches now are o'er, Safe from deadly bullets' pour, Silent now the cannons' roar, Heroes from the fight ! Welcome home, but some we mis'!. Brave hearts, where are they ? Gone where noble spirits are. Gone beyond the reach of war. Sleeping peacefully afar, 'Neath the sod and clay. Welcome home, our soldiers dear Welcome, welcome home ! Rebel threats no more we hear, War's alarms no more we fear, Now we smile and dry the tear. As we welcome home ! 66 IMRIE'S POEMS. KT NIAGAKA FALLS. |0i^H, Niagara ! as at thy brink I stand, ^^ My soul is filled with wonder and delight, To trace in thee that wonder-working Hand, Whose hollow holds the seas in balance liffht ! 'O' Worthy art thou to be a nation's pride,— A patriot's boast — a world's unceasing wonder ; Like some bold monarch calHng to thy side Subjects from every clime in tones of thunder ! Deep on my soul thy grandeur is impress'd, Thy awful majesty — thy mighty power ; Thy ceaseless tumult and thy great unrest. Like nations warring in dread conflict's hour ! Eainbows of glory sparkle round thy shrine. Cresting thy waters with effulgence bright ; And in thy foaming currents intertwine Rare corruscations of commingl'd light ! Like roar of battle, or like thunder's call, Thy deep-toned echoes roll with solemn sound ; Like pillar'd clouds thy vapours rise, and fall Like sparkling pearls upon the thirsty ground ! PATRIOTIC. 69 Eusli on ! rush on ! in tliv uncheck'd career, With avalanchic power thy course pursue ; While rending rocks quake as with mortal fear, And stand in awe to let thy torrents through ! Naught but the hand of God could stay thy course, Or drive thee back to Erie's peaceful keep ; Then onward press with thy gigantic force, Till in Ontario's bosom lull'd to sleep ! Emblem of Freedom ! who would dare essay To bar thy noisy progress to the sea ? Then onward press ! while bord'ring nations pray For sti'ength and wisdom to be great and free ! 70 IMRIE'S POEMS. THE DOMINION OF CANADA. AN HISTORICAL SKETCH. ' ll^'^"'^^ ^ ^®^ acres of snow ! " ^^ Our country first was styl'd, By French explorers long ago, In winter bleak and wild. An hundred years roll'd on apace, Again they sought our shore, As summer beam'd with smiling face. Inviting to explore. The noble Champlain and his band On Quebec's height did raise The flag of France, with eager hand, 'Mid thankful prayer and praise. They fought and toil'd for many years, And till'd the virgin soil. Till happy homes dispell'd their fears. And fortune sweeten'd toil. Grim War again chang'd peaceful scenes To carnage and dismay ; But British prowess intervenes, And finally holds sway. PATRIOTIC. 71 Then liand-iii-hand, a peaceful band, The Briton and the Gaul Agree'd to sub-divide the land, Together stand or fall ! May peace and honour ever keep The brothers thus entwined ; With patriotism — pure and deep — Fidelity enshrined ! At last, like fair unfolding flow'r, The N*^w Dominion stands, — Upper and Lower Canada Embrace with loving hands ! Thus July first of every year, Our great Dominion Day, Her loyal sons hold ever -dear. In honour and display ! Tlie fairest flower on this fair earth, The freest of the free ; Whose sons are proud to own their birth, And claim their homes in thee ! 72 IMRIE'S POEMS. CANADA'S DEFENDEES. Written on the occasion of the return of our brave Volunteers from the North-West Expedition, 1885. ^HJOME again our Volunteers, ^5^Home again 'mid ringing cheers, Vanishing our anxious fears, Canada's defenders ; From the scenes of strife and war, From the rifle-pits afar, True as steel or Polar star, Canada's defenders. Back to home and kindred dear. Back to lov'd ones waiting here. Back from death and every fear. Welcome, brave defenders ; Ye did make a noble stand, Under Middleton's command, For the honour of our land. Welcome, brave defenders. Welcome back to peace and joy, Welcome back to your employ, Rebel threats no more annoy, Canada's defenders ; Stretching wide from sea to sea, Canada may boast of thee, Soldiers daring, brave, and free, Canada's defenders. % PATRIOTIC. 73 Let us join the merry throng, Welcoming with shout and song, Singing praises loud and long. To our brave defenders ; Ye have made the rebel Riel, Cower 'neatli your charge of steel, Own your pluck, and then appeal To our brave defenders ! 74 IMRIE'S POEMS. QUEEN VICTORIA'S JUBILEE. Copyrighted. --^ j-^y^ — I — I - — \ — I — I- Music by Prof. J. F. Johnstone. «s?^ -t: tfirj^-^ ti-rz.- J Our uo - ble Queen, all bail ! On this thy Ju - bi - lee; I tfc^J 0-^-0 True hearts shall uever fail To love and hon - our thee. Vic - to - ri - a, to thee, From loy - al hearts and free, ^^F~-^"=^-*^'-' At this glad time, from ev'-ry clime, Come shouts of Ju-bi - lee. il^r- -^-^-•-H 1 UM^^ Vic ■ to - ri - a, to thee. From loy - al hearts and free. At this glad time, from ev' - ry clime. Come shouts of Ju-bi-lee. * Lines in honour of the 49th anniversary of Her Majesty's acces- sion to the Throne of England, June 20th, 1837 : thus 1880—87 may be termed " Queen Victoria's Jubilee," and all loyal subjects will rejoice with her on whose Dominiocp, it is said, " The sun never sets!" PATRIOTIC. 75 QUEEN VICTORIA'S JUBILEE |UR noble Queen, all hail ! On this thy Jubilee ; True hearts shall never fail To love and honour thee. Chorus. — Victoria, to thee ! From loyal hearts and free, At this glad time, From every clime, Come shouts of Jubilee ! From every land on earth Thy sons send greetings full, And proudly own their birth Beneath thy sovereign rule. — Chorus. In many scenes of life Our hearts round thee entwine ; As mother. Queen, or wife. Thy virtues nobly shine. — Chorus. Let rebels point with scorn. Or cowards quake with fear. Thy true sons — British-born, In memory hold thee dear. — Chorus. God spare thee many years. In trouble send relief ; At last a nation's tears Shall wet thy grave in grief! — Chorus. 76 IMRIE'S POEMS. QUEENSTON HEIGHTS. A VERBAL PICTURE. ™|H ! that I had the artist's power to touch The speaking canvas with a master-hand, I'd paint a scene I truly love as much As any landscape in this fair new land ! That picture would be Queenston's lovely height, 'Neath which Niagara's rushing waters gleam, Like molten glory in the sunset bright, Or fancy's vision in a pleasant dream ! Here two great nations meet as if to kiss, Divided only by a silver line ; Peace, welfare, harmony, and mutual bliss Link fruitful branches of a parent vine ! The setting sun would tint Niagara Town With gilded glory as he sinks to rest ; A noble steamer bearing swiftly down Toward Ontario's heaving, billowy breast ! The stately monument of Brock would stand In bold relief against the azure sky, — The valiant leader of a noble band Who for their country's honour dar'd to die ! A picture thus I'd paint in Nature's praise, And worship at the threshold of her door ; Before the scene I stand in rapt amaze — In silence dumb — yet love it all the more ! QUEENSTON HEIGHTS. Here two great nations meet as if to kiss. Divided only by a silver line ; Peace, welfare, harmony, and mutual bliss Link fruitful branches of a parent vine ! Pa OB 70. PATRIOTIC. 79 ODE TO LAKE ONTARIO. jHOU inland sister-sea, Ontario ! To glide upon thy bosom is sublime ; There note thy peaceful, steady, onward flow. Ceaseless and constant as the course of time ! Thy waters seem the same, — yet ever new — Fed by a thovisand streams on either side ; The same clear sky, the same thy depths of blue, Free as the nations bord'riug on thy tide ! Vast upper-lakes feed thee with lib'ral hand. From higher lands as new as thine hath been ; Where still the Indian and his wigwam stand, He half amaz'd with what his eyes hath seen ! To thy embrace — like gallant lover bold — Niagara rushes in his mad career, Till tir'd ancT spent, past whirling eddies cold, He calmly sinks to rest when thou art near ! Last of the inland seas ! — yet nearest home — Thy waters soon shall swell the mighty deep. And mingle with the ocean's briny foam. There shalt thou rest — and there for ever sleep ! 80 IMRIE'S POEMS. SONS OF SCOTLAND. Respectfully dedicated to Robert Burns Camp, No. 1, Sons of Scotland, Toronto. j^ONS of Scotland ! land of freedom ! Sons of noble sires, all hail ! Let your watchword aye be " Freedom !" You shall evermore prevail ! Let the wrong be deeply hated, Let the right be prized like love. Martyr-courage unabated, Trusting in your God above ! Sons of Scotland ! bards historic Sang your deeds of noble fame, Let not tyranny plethoric Tarnish your unsullied name ; History gives us what we cherish. Ours to still maintain the right, May that history never perish, Though we perisli in the fight ! Like the waters from our fountains, Giving strength to flesh and bone ; Like the thistle on our mountains, Harmless, if but let alone ! Ours to shield the needy stranger, Ours to put the erring right ; Ours to stand in time of danger, * And, if need be, ours to fight ! I PATRIOTIC. 81 Dear old Scotia ! land of flowers, Land of mountain, hill, and vale ; Land of sunshine, shade, and showers, Land of river, loch, and dale ; Land of ever-changing beauty, Land of liberty and love ; — Scotchmen ! tread the path of duty, Till you reach the land above ! 82 IMRIFJS POEMS. i. ♦ • THE THISTLE ^OW, why do Scotchmen use the Thistle As emblem of their country dear ; A useless plant, with many a bristle, " One scarce can touch without a fear ! "There must be some good cause, I gather, Why such a flow'r should be their pride ;" I ask'd the question of my father. But he my ignorance did chide ! " My boy, let history truly tell, Of by-gone years of war and strife. When noble sires fought long and well, And for their country gave their life ! ♦' O'er flood and field, o'er brake and fen, The fierce invader sought our land ; Out-number 'd were our gallant men, But, ah ! they made a noble stand ! PATRIOTIC. 83 "One morn, before the break of day, Our foes crept near our slumb'ring camp ; They might by stealth have won the day, Did not one on a Thistle stamp ! " A cry of pain our sentries heard, A quick alarm then was given, At once each gleaming sword was bar'd, And backward Scotland's foes were driven ! "Since then the Thistle is our pride, 'Gae, touch me if ye daw,' it says ; And Scotchmen true, where'er they 'bide, Revere the Thistle all their days ! " 84 IMRIE'S POEMS. TO GLASGOW, SCOTLAND. |EAK Glasca ! aft I think o' thee, An' happy days lang syne, Though distant, thcu art dear tae me, By memory's sacred shrine ; Aft hae I chmb'd Bahnano's steep, An' ran doon Portlan' brae, An' gatber'd "gushes'' in a heap, Wi' mony a gled "hurra!" In summer time, whan schule was out, An' we had got "the play!" I've wannert mony a mile about The hale lang simmer's day ; A favourite place was Glasca Green, By bonnie banks o' Clyde, Where Nelson's monument is seen, — Our hero an' our pride ! An' aft we went by Broomielaw, Tae Eenfrew's cosy toon. There mony a noisy luckless craw We manag'd tae shoot doon ! Then ower the Clyde, tae Kelvinside, We took oor hameward way, Weel pleased tae ride tae whaur we'd bide, Sae tir'd were we that day ! PATRIOTIC. 85 Oh ! Glasca, dear ! I've drapt a tear , 0' happiness an' joy, At a' thy memories sae dear Whan I was bit a boy ! Three thoosan' miles are stretch'd atween, My new hame an' my auld, Yet in my heart sweet memories green, S'all bide till I'm deed cauld ! 86 PATRIOTIC. I THE DYING SCOT ABEOAD. vJli H, me ! ah, me ! «^An' maun I dee, Sae far frae kith an' kin ? How prood I'd be, If spar'd tae see The Ian' ma heart bides in ! "I've wannert far, In peace an' war, An' fought for Scotlan's Queen, Yet here I dee, Sae far frae thee, — Saut tears fill up my e'en. " Dear freens an' kind. Please bear in mind, An' send this message hame : My mither dear "Wad like tae hear — 1 trust in Jesus' name." 'Mid friends' sad sighs He clos'd his eyes, And pass'd from earth to Heav'n ; Yet, e'en in death. With latest breath. His thoughts to "home" were giv'n. THE DYING SCOT ABROAD. Page 86. "Ah, me ! ab, me! An' maun I dee, Sae far frae kith an' kin ; How prood I'd be, If spared tae see, The Ian' my heart bides in." r I I i 0■ ,HE LOOK of a loving eye l(^^ Tells all it knows, Like blushing rose, And lives to be lov'd — or die ! The TOUCH of a gentle hand A tale doth tell Love knoweth well And only Love understand. The TONES of a loving voice. Like birds in Spring, Doth sweetly sing, And maketh the heart rejoice ! \^ • The JOY of a love-lit heart No tongue can tell : Its potent spell Neither time nor distance part ! Sweet words that can never die ; "Wilt thou be mine?" "I WILL BE THINE !" Is the maiden's faint reply. These links must not be broken, Oh ! no I no ! no ! But stronger grow, Love's changeless, deathless token! 108 IMRIE'S POEMS. HOME "^HE sweetest word on earth is home, To loving hearts most dear ; Where'er our footsteps seek to roam, Home thoughts are ever near. The memories sweet of life's spring-day Keep fresh and green for ever, Like fragrant flowers they scent the way Adown life's winding river. Our homes may be where mountains rise Like dark-green clouds to Heaven ; Or where the valley-lily lies Our humble lot be given ; Or on an island of the sea Oft by the tempest prest : No matter where our homes may be. To each that home is blest. The strongest love within man's breast Is love of life and home, Like fledglings hovering round their nest Our thoughts encircle home ; Our years may reach three-score and ten, And full of changes be, Yet scenes of home will haunt us then When life was pure and free. LOVE, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. 109 Where love liatli cast her golden spell And kindest deeds are done, Where loving hearts unite to dwell 'Tis heaven on earth begun ; Then cherish home with jealous care And let not strife prevail : Thus for our "heavenly home" prepare, Secure within the vail. 110 IMRIE'S POEMS. THE FLOWER OF THE FAMILY. ^i|J]^HE Angel of Death came hovering near, '^/^SK To kiss the fair cheek of a child ; He left a dark shadow of hope and fear. And a mother's heart throbbing wild. A fond father knelt, with a trembling heart, By the couch where his treasure lay ; Though he tried to smile, yet the tears would start, While he vainly brush'd them away. The silence of death was broken at last, By sobs of a mother's first grief, As the eyes of her boy to hers were cast, With appealing looks for relief; The father's strong arms encircl'd the child. And sooth'd him at last to his rest, While he clos'd his eyes and lovingly smil'd, As he winged his way to the blest ! A prayer for submission and faith was sent To the God of all love and grace ; And a ray of light in the dark was lent From their heavenly Father's face. As He taught them to lift their hearts above The flower which to them was given ; While He would transplant, with infinite love. That flower in the garden of Heaven ! LOVJi:, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. HI ROMPING WITH THE CHILDREN. milMIC battle, '^3.:3Din and rattle, Romping with the children after tea ; How they giggle, Laugh and wriggle, Crowing as they triumph over me ! " Make him a horse, " That's "Pa," of course, They, the merry riders full of glee ; Though not much ground, Yet round and round, Till they drive the wind right out of me ! At last content. And I near spent, Loudly they call for "a song" from me! I laugh and grin. And then begin, Hugging a little one on each knee ! 112 IMEIE'S POEMS. Some song they know, Sung soft and low, Soon makes them feel like sleep, do you see ? " Then, one by one, To bed they run, With "a good-night kiss" for Ma and me! God bless their rest. Our lov'd and best, May their lives be ever pure and free ; Their joys we share, And banish care. While we laugh and rcmp so merrily ! LOVE, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. 113 C ""l||ili„ ''"IK. ■111. "'i|l;.||||, J gii"iik "OUE JOHNNIE."* ,_.,_.,jE liae had a happy time, Since hame cam Johnnie , Wi' a face like angel sweet, Stealin' a' o'or kisses neat, Creepin' roun on hauns an' feet, Was o'or wee Johnnie ! Langest day maun hae its close, Alas ! puir Johnnie ; Death cam in sae grim an' cauld, Chill'd the lammie in the fauld, Ta'en the young and left the auld, Puir deed wee Johnnie. Ta'en awa' in life's spring-time, O'or ain dear Johnnie ; Mither's heart in anguish wild, Faither grudges sair his child, Yet tae God baith reconcil'd ; We'll gang tae Johnnie. * Lines written on seeing the above epitaph on a tomb- stone over a little {^rave in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto, erected in affectionate remembrance of John McKiunon, born Oct. 7, 1871 ; died Jau. 31, 1881. 114 IMRIE'S POEMS. Ainst the liclit o' a' o'or house, O'or ain wee Johnnie ; Noo the Hcht is ta'en awa' Darkness seems tae cover a', Nane can comfort us ava Bit o'or wee Johnnie ! 'Neath the souchan willow tree Lies o'or wee Johnnie ; Just beneath a hillock green, Whaur the daisies may be seen, Wi' the buttercups between, Sleeps o'or wee Johnnie. Aft we shed the bitter tear For o'or wee Johnnie ; Then look up wi' faith abuin, Whaur nae sorrow creepeth in, There, secure frae death an' sin, Bides o'or wee Johnnie ! LOVE, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. 115 "PAPA'S PET." (_.,_! OWN a crowded thoroughfare jS^ Walk'd a httle stranger, Light blue eyes and golden hah-, Scarcely knew her danger ! Gaily dress'd, so clean and neat, Eibbons without measure ! Stockings white and slipper 'd feet, Some one's darling treasure ! Heedless pass'd the crowd along, — Business hours are pressing, None in all that busy throng Stopp'd to make caressing ! Now and then an anxious look O'er her face came stealing, Wise as any sage's book. Troubled heart revealing ! Looking for her mother's smile Li that sea of faces ; None her fears could there beguile. Wearily she paces ! See ! the blue eyes fill with tears, And her bosom, heaving. Shows the crowd her anxious fears Need some kind relieving ! 116 IMRIE'S POEMS. Soon a kindly stranger came, And wip'd the cheeks so wet : — "Tell me, Sissy, what's your name?" "My papa calls me 'Pet/'" Here the stranger dropt a sigh, — A sigh of sad regret ; One he claim'd above the sky, Ah! once he call'd her "Pet!" How he kiss'd that little child, Kiss'd all her tears away ; Till at last she sweetly smil'd. Just like a summer's day ! Soon he found her father's home, Kept chatting all the way ; Never more from thence to roam Until her wedding day ! LEAENING "THE TWINS" TO WALK. |W0 little " Toddlekins " learning to walk, Mamma and sister supporting ; Trying to toddle, and learning to talk, 'Mid chatting, laughing, and sporting ! Mamma seems proud of her two little pets, Johnnie and Winnie she calls them ; Dolly consumes all the kisses she gets, — No "Dolly" could thrive without them! One little — two little — three little steps ! Cautiously, carefully tended ; Mamma's strong arms most lovingly " keps " Both when " the trial " is ended ! Laughing, and crowing, and kissing all 'round, Everyone happy and cheerful ; A hug and a squeeze, a skip and a bovmd, A din that's perfectly fearful ! Happy the home with the children around. Despite all their din and rattle ; No likelier spot on earth can be found To nerve us for life's stern battle ! 118 IMEIE'S POEMS. A KISS THROUGH THE TELEPHONE. Copyrighted. ^ — Music by H. F. Sefton. A- — pv ^- The Tel - e - phone, in nier - ry tone, Ean§ hi: ->- -^T ^—0- A- "Tink - el - ty - tink - el - ty - tink!" I S fV"~ V- -ijv-n -^ — 0— 0. m .. A N ' • 9 V \} l> \ 1 J ^ 9 y / put my ear Close up to hear. And rrs A V — X A- li: -H- 'W what did I hear do you think? :i: A — I — /- -FV put my ear Close up to hear. And 1^ what did m hear, do you think? LOVE, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. 119 "IN. "'I|;iiin. A KISS THROUGH THE TELEPHONE. iiiHE telephone, ^^ In merry tone, Eang " Tinkelty-tinkelty-tink !" I put my ear Close up to hear, And what did I hear, do you think ? «• Papa, hello ! 'Tis me you know! " The voice of my own little Miss ; " You went away From home to-day. But you never gave me — a kiss! " It was a mistake, I was not awake, Before you went out of the house ; I think that a kiss Will not be amiss If I give it — sly as a mouse ! 120 IMRIE'S POEMS. " So here goes, Papa, And one from Mamma, And another when you can come borne ; Just answer me this, Is it nice to kiss When you want through the dear telefome ? " "Hello?" I replied, With fatherly pride, "I've got them as snug as can be; I'll give them all back, With many a smack, As soon as I come home to tea ! " A KISS THROUGH THE TELEPHONE. " Papa, hello! 'Tis me, you know ! " Tlie voice of ray own little Miss; " You went away From home to-day. Hut you never gave mc— a kiss!" Page 110. LOVL, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. 123 THE BABY'S PORTKAIT. ITEADY now, young "Chatterbox!" ^Eosy cheeks and raven locks ; Mamma wants your portrait now, Smile again and smooth your brow ! Touch your mouth with finger-tips. Pearly teeth and ruby lips ; Papa's pride and mamma's pet. High upon a cushion set ! Rolling eyes of azure blue. Watching, wondering, " what's-a-do ! " While the artist smiles and grins, Ere he to his task begins. Steady now, young "Chatterbox!" Sly as any little fox ; — Tinkling bells — the signal given — "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven!" For a minute silence reigns. Pleasure leaps in all our veins. Baby's picture 's now complete, Lifelike, true, and oh, so sweet ! Every one is positive Never was such negative ; Beauty smiles at beauty's self. Each one hugs the little elt ! H 124 IMRIE'S POEMS. Soon a dainty frame is made, In the frame the portrait laid, Where it lay for many a day, As the years roll'd swift away ; Oft the mother look'd and smil'd At the picture of her child. Now a happy, blushing bride, Still her father's joy and pride ! But at last there came a day When the bride must pass away, Claim'd by lover of her own, Happy in that love alone ; And, 'mong presents rich and rare. One was prized — a portrait fair — Smiling as in days of yore. Now a " Chatterbox " no more ! LOVE, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. 125 ■yCy^ gX. 4.^" ^^ "COME, LET US LIVE FOE OUK CHILDKEN."— i^;-«'6f/. §:ATHEPJNG wildtiowers in the wood, ®fe Joyous and free as the air ; Happy days of early childhood, Toiich'd not by sorrow or care. Break not the spell of their gladness, Let not the sorrow creep in ; Shield them from trouble and sadness, Soon will earth's worries be^in. -'O' Listen to story and prattle, Join in their joy and their glee ; Scold not their din and their rattle, Make them to feel they are free. For other years will come apace, Brimfull of care and toil as ours ; When they will fill our vacant place. And bless the memory of these hours. 126 IMBIE'S POEMS. ■"""III, 1*1 ''III;. "OUE BABY!" tHUBBY face, r^y'Full of grace, Comic little glances ; Glad surprise, Eoguisli eyes. Making sweet advances ! Rosy feet, Small and neat. With dainty little toes ; Snug and warm. Safe from harm, Done up in fancy hose ! Gaily drest. In her best, Just like a fairy queen ; Tiny hands. Satin bands, We're proud of her, I ween ! LOVE, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. 127 Kick and crow, Stretch and grow, Seems bigger every day ; Not a care Nestles there, But angel- smiles alway ! God above, Full of love, Sent this little stranger ; Now we pray. Every day. Shield her from all danger ! M^Ji^ THE MOTHEKLESS CHILD. H ! Papa, where is Ma to-day '? I've looked in every bed ! They tell me ' Ma has gone away,' Aunt says that ' Ma is dead.' I thought that she would soon be well, I kiss'd her yesterday ; Now where she is I cannot tell, I feel too sad to play." The father, stooping, Idss'd his child, And strok'd her golden hair ; He strove to hide the anguish wild That struggl'd with despair. The blue eyes scann'd him o'er and o'er, And seem'd to read him through : " Papa, will Mamma come no more, And has she left you too ? " Like arrow sharp from quivering bow, The question smote him sore And grief, like ocean's ebb and flow, Found vent in tears once more. He clasp'd his darling to his breast, Which seemed to ease his pain : " God called your Ma ; His will is best ; ' We'll meet with her again ! " LOVE, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. 129 He carried her with tender care To where the coflfin lay, To view the mother, young and fair, Now lifeless as the clay. ■ Oh ! Mamma, dear ! I'm here ! I'm here ! My Papa is here too ! " And on the dead there dropt a tear From out those eyes of blue I Kind friends looked in and view'd a scene Which " touched their hearts," they said, Then tenderly they came between The living and the dead. Weep not for those whom God has ta'en To realms of endless light, Our loss is their eternal gain — God doeth all things right. 130 UIRIE'S POEMS. A GOLDEN WEDDING. W$IFTY years of wedded life, ^i Half a century of bliss, Since we first were man and wife, What a consummation this ! Through the sunshine and the shower, Bound by golden bands in one, Hand-in-hand in darkest hour, We the race of life have run. True to vows of early years. Faithful to each other's love. Yet with tenderness and tears, Kipening for the courts above. Years of joy, and love, and peace. Full of happiness and trust ; Learning, as the years increase, God is ever wise and just. Soon at last His voice will call One or other hence away ; Still remaining one through all. Wedded through eternity ! LOVE, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. 131 TO MY FRIENDS. ^ >RIENDS of my early days and years, S^Ye who dispell'd my infant fears, And o'er me spent your prayers and tears, Father, Mother; And let me pay a tribute meet To those who watch'd my infant feet. And shower'd on me their kisses sweet. Sister, Brother. Friends of my school-days or of play. When all was joyous, bright, and gay, Companions dear of life's spring-day. Again we meet ; As memory paints the scenes anew. In colours of the brightest hue. When life was good, and pi^re, and true. And friendship sweet. Friends of those years when hopes were high. And hearts beat true, and love was nigh. And echoes woke which ne'er shall die. But echoes give ; While Heating years roll on apace, Within my heart there is a place That bears the likeness of each face. And thoughts tliat live ! 132 IMRIE'S POEMS. Friends dead and gone — friends far and near- Friends tried and true — friends ever dear, Though sunder'd far, yet all are here, Close to my heart ; And all along life's rugged way The smile of friendship crowns the day. And hearts are young though heads be grey :- Friends never part ! LOVE, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. 133 A TEIBUTE TO MOTHEE. ^j |H, motlier, dear ! what memories sweet Call back the scenes of early years, When thou didst tend our infant feet, And guard our life with pray'rs and tears. Our little griefs, at school or play. We pour'd into thy willing ear ; But thou didst kiss the tears away. And quick dispell'd our every fear. And, when in wilful ways we trod, Alas ! for us, too willing feet. Thy love did bring us back to God, And led us to the mercy- seat. Thy look was love — thy smile was joy — Thy tears the eloquence of grief ; Thy loving voice found sweet employ In whisp'ring to our heart's relief. Oh ! mother dear ! how much we owe To thee, for all thy loving care ; While memory lasts our thoughts shall go Back to the days of love and pray'r. Though on this earth no more we meet, And surging seas between us roll. We yet shall meet at Jesus' feet. Where love eternal fills the soul ! 134 IMRIE'S POEMS. I BEREAVED. Mmiss a dear face From its wonted place, And my heart is full of sadness ; But looking above To the God of love, The sorrow is chang'd to gladness. For I know that there, In that purer air — The home of our heavenly Father — Is the one I miss, In that land of bliss, Where the angels love to gather. And a voice that cheers. Through the silent years. Is heard with its sweet, soft pleading ; And a hand that guides Through earth's stormy tides Hath mine in its kindly leading. LOVE, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. 135 I must not repine, But daily incline The path of my lov'd one to follow ; Then let the years pass, Like sands in a glass, Or sighing winds over the hollow. Oh ! we yet shall meet On that golden street, And never again shall we sever ; Earth's troubles all past, In our home at last. With fulness of joy for ever ! 136 IMRIE'S POEMS. A HUSBAND'S BIKTHDAY GREETING. lAELING, awake ! aud let the sweet, glad light, ^Fill eyes that love bath made so pure and bright; So calm and deeply true, so free from guile, So winning in their artless love-lit smile. That I would fain obey their least behest, And clasp thee fondly to my throbbing breast. And tell, with untold kisses, sweetest dear, ' That thou hast entered on another year ! How sweet the memory of the blissful past, When o'er our paths love's glad spring-flowers were cast. As fresh and pure as when in Eden's bowers The first fond pair spent earth's creative hours ; Yet, dear, 'twas but the dawn of brighter days. Such as we now enjoy, 'mid grateful praise To Him who crowns our years- with peace and love, A sweet fore-taste of purer joys above ! « Ah ! clinging dear ! the ivy and the oak Are not more near when thou dost thus provoke To deeds and words of love that plainly tell That Love is king, and all he doth is well ; The hot tears flow, but not because of grief, 'Tis heartfelt joy which thus must find relief ; And mutely eloquent each throbbing heart Proclaims the other as its counterpart ! LOVE, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. 137 Grod bless our love, for He alone can bind In perfect union, both of heart and mind, All those who seek in Him their source of bliss, Of love and joy, of peace and happiness. Oh, may thy future bright and joyful be, From every sorrow may thy lot be free. And through life's journey to the very end Heaven's choicest blessings all thy way attend ! 138 IMRIE'S POEMS. Xg^"< ^-g>^ A WIFE'S LAST GOOD-BYE. i)H, husband dear, though now we part, And I must cross the river, I fain would cheer thy lonely heart — We do not part for ever ! I go to brighter, holier ground. Where friendships are not hollow, Where peace and love are ever found, And thou wilt surely follow. Oh, brightly beams that happy land Of light, and love, and gladness, Where we shall stand, at God's right hand. Free from all care and sadness. Let faith foresee with hopeful eyes, That even now may borrow A cheering ray from brighter skies To dissipate thy sorrow. Oh, husband dearest, fondest, best. To whom my love was given. In Jesus' love find sweetest rest, We'll wait for thee in Heaven ; Death cannot enter there, my love, Nor tears bedim the sight ; An endless love is ours above, With angels ever bright. LOVE, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. 139 One child is safe with me in Heaven, The other left with you, May wisdom from above be given To make him kind and true ; And when at last we four shall meet, Beyond the surging river, We'll lay our crowns at Jesus' feet, And praise His love for ever! 140 IMRIE'S POEMS. A BOUQUET OF FLOWERS. _ ^HE present you send, %^^My dear loving friend — A beautiful bouquet of flowers, — Is precious to me, As coming from thee. With perfume of bright sunny bowers. It reminds me of home. Where once we did roam, ' Mid flow'rs in the garden at play ; As swift pass'd the hours In Flora's sweet bowers. And short seem'd the summer's long day. But life, like the flowers, Hath changeable hours. And sunshine and show'r intervene ; Yet love in the heart Can beauty impart. And help to make life "evergreen." Let friendship and truth Encompass our youth. From sorrow and trouble 'twill save ; In sweetest content Our lives shall be spent. And flow'rs strew our path to the grave ! LOVE, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. 141 Ill,,, "III •^illii,,,, ||b„ "I, „;: ;> TO A LITTLE FKIEND. AN ACROSTIC. Jesus was once a little child, Obedient, loving, lowly, mild ; His mother's pride, His father's joy, No evil did His heart employ. Alexander, may that spirit Which was in Him be found in you ; And His blessing duly merit. By being ever kind and true. Carefully guard tlie days of youth, On every hand temptation scorn ; Refresh thy mind with heav'nly truth — Many are thus to glory borne. In all thy ways acknowledge God, E'en when beneath His chast'ning rod. s C^XD y<^ JVIISeELLA^IEOUS fOEMS. o<>o is«llai«0is Wmws. A SUMMEE'S DAY; OR, MORNING, NOON, AND NIGHT. Introduction. ^ ^ PEING sliow'rs have wasli'd the winter snows <£^ away, And Nature smiles at the approach of May, Clad in the brightest green, and deck'd with flowers, Which speak of balmy winds and sunny hours ; When birds, and bees, and butterflies abound, And flowers in rich profusion deck the ground. Strewn here and thfire by Flora's wanton hand. And Hope sings merrily o'er all the land : Oh ! then, 'tis surely summer I I.— MORNING. MpIS morning ! for the rising sun ^^His daily journey hath begun ; Flooding the earth with glory bright, Chasing away the gloom of night ; 146 IMRIE'S POEMS. Closing the eye of every star That twinkles in the heavens afar ; Paling the moon's soft, silvery light, Till it recedes from mortal sight ! All hail ! thou ruler of the day. Nature delights to own thy sway ; At thy appi'cach the smallest flower On hill, or dale, or, verdant bower, Lifts up its head, tliough wet with dew, And spreads it.s petals out to view, To cheer the heart, and glad the eyes, A dainty mornnig sacrifice ! At Sol's glad light the feather'd throng Make woods resound with cheerful song, And, full of grateful, glad surprise. Fly out to meet thee in the skies ; The milkmaid sings a merry lay. As through the fields of fragrant hay She gaily trips to meet the cows, Whose welcome noise the echoes rouse. Sweet morning hours ! — first-fruit of d ly — None but the slothful spurn away Thy gifts of beauty, health, and light, And, slumb'ring, turn thee into night ! When glory gilds the eastern sky. And Nature lifts her voice on high. Why should not man, with grateful heart. Join in and take a noble part ? MISCELLANEOUS. 147 II.— NOON. JIHE sun hath reached meridian's height, I . ^^wAnd robed the earth in glory bright ; Flora, arrayed in all her charms. Looks up and smiles ; with loving arms Seeks to invite his presence near, Like perfect love which hath no fear, And thinks no evil, though now a show'r Should hide his face in noontide's hour ! Bright noon ! when all around is life. And hum, and stir, and busy strife ; Nature, in all her various forms — Like angry waves in wintry storms — Strives life with life for daily bread, For all must live and all be fed. Each eager to secure a prey Before noontide shall pass away I The butterfly enjoys the hour, And sips sweet nectar from the flower ; The humble bee doth homeward bring Her treasures sweet on laden wing ; The cheerful sparrow on the ground A dainty mid-day meal hath found, — All nature knows the time of day, Nor lets it idly pass away ! 148 IMRIE'S POEMS. ' Tis noon ! and from the village school A joyous host, released from rule, Kush out with hearts as light as air, Without a sorrow or a care, But to improve the fleeting hour Whether in sunshine or in shower, For noon's short hour flies fast away When given to joyous mirth and play ! III.— NIGHT. ^HE evening shades are falling fast, •^^^Long shadows on the ground are cast, The western sky is all aglow With fiery glory setting low ; The hill-tops glance with changing hue, A noble back-ground to the view. As mountain, river, lake, and plain, Are bathed in glory once again ! Sweet evening hours ! suggesting rest, To weary toilers thou art blest ; See yonder cottage at whose door The children look for " Pa " once more, And by the welcome they impart Bid all the cares of day depart ; Domestic joys are life's sweet flowers. Full blooming in the evening hours ; MISCELLANEOUS. 149 As evening deepens into night, A host of stars shed purest hght ; Fair Luna comes upon the scene, With halo of bright, silv'ry sheen, To woo the lover out to stroll The shady walks with love-lit soul, And pour into the maiden ear The souliul words she loves to hear ! At last the midnight hour is past, The stillness of the grave is cast On all around with potent spell, — The day is past and all is well ! For Israel's God doth ever keep His watchful eye o'er those who sleep ; Tired Nature rests, while God alone With heavenly love protects His own ! 150 IMRIE'S POEMS. NATUKE'S TEMPLE. _ ^IS sweet to sit in pensive mood, %CSx'Mid Nature's grand, stern solitude. Where warbling birds pour forth their lays, In happy, joyous songs of praise. Or watch some noble cat'ract bound From giddy height to lowly ground, Where echoes ring from peak to peak, And God in Nature seems to speak. With praise to God the woods resound, Surrounding hills repeat the sound, And in my heart an echo rings, Which joy and consolation brings. There doth my soul find sweet relief. And gather strength for future grief; For life's stern duties here prepare, By supplicating God in prayer. Oh, God ! to be alone with Thee, In Nature's Temple — rich and free ; And for a time forget the strife Of man with man — of Death with Life. Oh, happy hour ! oh, sweet retreat ! With Thee, my Father, thus to meet ; And learn from Nature to adore The God of Nature evermore ! NATURE'S TEMPLE Or watch some noble cataract bound From gidfly lieigbt to lowly groiiml, Where echoes rinp; from peak to peak. And God in Nature seems to speak. I'AQE 150. MISCELLAi\EOUS. 153 A CHRISTMAS CAROL. ^^ING out the merry Christmas bell 1^3 That tells of joy and gladness, Our happy hearts with pleasure swell, This is no time for sadness ; This is the crowning of the year, A day of merry-making, With feast and song our hearts we'll cheer, All anxious cares forsaking. 'Twas Christmas-tide when Jesus lay All lowly in a manger. He came to take our sins away, And save our souls from danger ; The shepherds on the hills at dawn Heard angel-voices singing : ' Now peace on earth, goodwill to men, We are this morning bringing," 'Tis eighteen hundred years and more Since that glad Christmas morning. Yet once a year, on every shore, Are happy hearts adorning The Christmas tree with presents rare, Its dark-g] reen boughs are laden And round it dance the children fair, The lover and the maiden 1 154 IMRIE'S POEMS. Ob ! merry, happy Christmas Day, For young and old together, The very snow-flakes seem more gay, Though bitter cold the weather ; As round the family fireside Our dear ones we are meeting, Let peace and harmony abide, With love each other greeting. MISCELLANEOUS. 155 FAITH ILLUSTEATED. TjfT'HE night was calm and still, the moon shone ?;C!Sx bright, And lent the silver-sweetness of her light To guide the lonely patrol on his beat, As, with a measiu'ed step, from street to street, His echoing footsteps beat a solemn tread ; And from the city towers, far over head. The midnight hour rang out with mournful chime, Telling the wakeful of the march of time. But hark ! what awful sound is that I hear. Which falls like thunder on my closing ear ? — Fire ! fire ! fire ! 'tis the patrol's warning cry That rings from house to house, from earth to sky. Rousing the wakeful, scattering the dreams Of love and joy, and for a moment gleams From face to face — from eye to eye — A terror as of death or danger nigh. Fire ! fire/ fire ! onward press the anxious crowd, With rushing, hasty steps, and noises loud, To yonder mansion, where the ruddy glare Speaks louder than the groans of dark despair ! The greedy flames surround with furious power The doomed abode ; and in that midnight hour Strong men are weak, and none but they are brave Who look to Him whose power alone can save. 156 IMRIE'S POEMS. Thus felt a father when he saw his child, Frvr out of human reach, 'mid danger wild, On top-most storey, and in blank despdir, His piteous cries resounding through the air. At last he heard his father's well-known voice, Which made his sinking heart with hope rejoice, — " Spring to my arms, my son ! do not delay. Haste 1 haste 1 and I shall bear thee safe away 1 " The brave child heard and, stepping on the sill, Prepared to execute his father's will ; He looked from death to life with anxious eyes, And ceased his murmur and despairing cries. Then, with his tiny arms outstretched to Heaven, Heroic courage to his soul was given ; He. fearless, sprang from all the dread alarms. And fainting, dropped into his father's arms. let such FAITH be mine, — such childlike faith In Thee, God ; then neither fear nor scathe Shall hinder me from clinging to Thine arm, For Thou alone canst save from fear or harm ! And when, at last. Thy call from earth I hear, No doubt shall hinder, nor despairing fear ; But, looking up to Thee with heart and eyes. Thou wilt accept and bear me to the skies ! MISCELLANEOUS. 157 A BIETHDAY GREETING. (^IME is ever on the wing, Fast our moments fly away ; Let us prize tliem, though they brnig Joy and sorrow mixed alway ! Had we joy alone, my friend, We would seek no other sphere ; Did God only sorrow send. We would wish the end was near ! God is wiser far than we. And He knoweth what is best ; Let us in His wisdom see That He seeks our faith to test I May we live, as though this hour Were our last on earth to spend ; And, come sunshine, shade, or show'r, God's best blessing will attend ! Let the years roll on apace, Heaven is nearer than before ; Let us bravely trials face, Waves break loudest near the shore ! Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring, All within one year are bound ; Let us through each season sing Songs of praise the whole year round ! 158 IMRIE'S POEMS. FLOWERS ! ^LOWERS are lov'd by young and old, J^sAs they gracefully unfold Sweetness caught from Eden's bowers, When at first God made the flowers : Rich in every tint and hue. Smiling through their tears of dew ; Beauty's glory crowns their head, As they peep from grassy bed ! Purity the Lily seems. As she in the sunlight gleams ; Humility the Pansy knows, Happiness bespeaks the Rose ; Love, the laughing Daffodil, Pinks our eyes witli Beauty fill ; Every flower, a charm its own, Fills a place on Flora's throne I Flowers may teach the heart of man, As no other teacher can : God's creative hand was there, When He made the flowers so fair ; MISCELLANEOUS. 159 Out of chaos formed the earth, Spake, and planets had their birth ; To adorn the human race. Lent the beauty of His face ! He who loves the tiny flower Something knows of Heaven's power, Which will hope and courage give, Strength and sweetness while he live ; Like the flowers we pass away, Short, yet sweet, is life's brief day — Let good deeds and thoughts sublime, Stand the touch and test of time ! TO THE PANSY. )H, Pansy ! with the velvet hue, 5 And spots of gold, and pearly dew ; How gracefully you hang your head. Scarce rais'd above your humble bed. I love you for your queenly grace, Your happy smile, your winsome face ; In sweet retreats you love to dwell, And lend ' the vale thy beauty- spell. Sweet emblem of a "heart at ease,"* Thy form my inmost fancies please ; In quiet beauty you excel All other flowers in wood or dell. Thou mightest well be. Flora's queen, If thou wouldst let thy charms be seen ; And seek to vie with other flowers That deck with beauty kingly bowers. But thou art wise to grace the spot Where God has cast thy humble lot ; And there, secure from rude alarms. Display thy modest, winsome charms ! When I look up from thee to God, And see His glory in the sod, My heart in sweet tranquility Would learn from thee "humility!" * This flower is sometimes called " Heart's-ease." I I LIFE'S PROGRESS Rivers rolling to the sea Loose themselves in ocean, Bearing on their bosom's free Noble ships in motion Ah ! soon we'll reach life's ocean strand, Just like the winding river Sale in the hollow of that Hand Which holds the seas for ever. Page 163. MISCELLANEOUS. 163 LIFE'S PEOGRESS. / ^lOWN the mountains, down the hills, !^5 Trickling on for ever ; Gentle springs make little rills, iittle rills the river. Eivers rolling to the sea Lose themselves in ocean, Bearing on their bosoms free Noble ships in motion. Such is life, a constant change. Still from small to greater ; Let us learn the lesson strange Taught by our Creator : Life is giv'n for noble ends, Lofty thoughts and actions, Winning to our bosom — friends Gain'd in life's transactions. Ah ! soon we'll reach life's ocean strand. Just like the mighty river, Safe in the hollow of that Hand Which holds the seas for ever. 164 IMRIE'S POEMS. •-/s^SK. TWO POOK OEPHAN BOYS. MOD help poor orphans, for they need ^Our Father's watchful care indeed ; Out in the cold wide world alone, Where strangers speak with freezing tone ; With none to take them to their heart, Or dry the burning tears that start From sunken eyes and hollow cheek, Which want, neglect, and hunger speak. Two years ago their father died, And soon their mother, by his side In one cold grave was laid at rest, And join'd the everlasting blest ; The greatest pain she felt at death Was whisper'd with her dying breath : *' God keep my boys when I am gone, Poor, helpless orphans, all alone ! " Ah ! how they struggl'd for their bread, And oft went supperless to bed ; And, sometimes, neither bed nor board Their scanty pittance could afford. Oft in the storm, and snow, and sleet. They travell'd on with cold, wet feet. And sought that kindly passers-by Would pity the poor orphans' cry ! MISCELLAlSEOUS. 165 Sometimes a crossing neatly swept, By one at either end, was kept. Where, now and then, an honest cent Was earned by them with great content. As long as work is brisk they feel No evil tempting them to steal, Or beg, or whine, or seem dismay'd, Or of their lot feel half afraid. Dear Christian people, help such boys. Who little know of earthly joys : Do speak to them with kindly tone, And make the orphan's cause your own ; Try if your purse can spare a cent — Or e'en a dime — to God 'tis lent. And make their sad and painful lot By kindness almost half forgot ! 166 IMRIE'S POEMS. LAUGHING. tH, bow I love the hearty laugh That rings with a merry peal ! The outcome of some witty " chaff," Which makes one cheerful feel ; A laugh which almost racks the jaw, A regular side -splitter ! In which all join with " loud guffaw," And nothing in't that's bitter ! I love when children laugh outright, And shout in their playful glee, When all run out to see the sight. Or join in the sport so free ! A laugh that knows not care or ill. The frolicsome laugh of fun ! Which speaks of naught but right good-will. As they skip, and laugh, and run ! I hate the haughty laugh of scorn, From the dudish fops called " meyi,'' Who sneer at worth if humbly born. And smile at " the upper ten ! " Whose empty laugh shows lack of brain Their language devoid of wit. Their greatest feat to " twirl a cane," Or display "a perfect Jit!" MISCELLANEOUS. 167 A LESSON FEUM THE CLOCK. j^^ICK, tick, tick, tick, ^Time flies so quick, With never ceaseless motion ; Our moments pass Like sands in glass, Or wavelets of the ocean. Thus moments go, For weal or woe, And none returneth ever ; How mindful we Should ever be To spend with wise endeavour. The life of man Is but a span, Short, transient, and fleeting ; With here and there A joy or care, A parting or a meeting. Then let each hour, Like beauteous flower, Some fragrance send to Heaven ; To God above, In grateful love, Let ransomed powers be given. 168 IMRIE'S POEMS. THE POWEE OF SONG. MpHE poet's heart is ever young, ^^ His thoughts are light and gay ; To Nature's praise his harp is strung In sweetest harmony. The minstrel's soul is all aflame With passion's holy fire ; He courts the Muse in love's sweet name, And kindles with desire. He joins the children in their play. And pleases them with song ; He soothes them off to sleep alway, With lullabies of song. His heart is touch'd with others' woe In deepest sympathy : His tears with theirs together flow In tuneful symphony. For tyrant-threats he hath no fear, But wages bitter strife With all that dares to interfere With liberty and life. The soldier on the tented fiel Feels that his cause is strong, For Freedom's enenly must yield Before the Patriot's song. -^l|l'lliri,i!!;iYi|i;,. VTrj-jin ■•i,r, ,« Wiiiimmiu&mMMgMmiiij/i''' v^ THE POWER OF SONG. The power of souk to stir the soul, Or fiootlie the human heart. Is felt by man from polo to pole, Or distant isles apart. Like notes from Heaven's angelic choir. Or herald-aiipel's song. Our minstrels with poetic fire The echoes still prolong! Pagk ]G8. MISCELLANE OUS. 171 The sailor on the stormy sea Beguiles the hour with song, As, whistling for the winds so free. He steers his bark along. The reapers by the waving corn Doth make the welkin ring, And when the harvest home is borne The harvest-song they sing. The power of song to stir the soul, Or soothe the ^ uman heart. Is felt by man from pole to pole. Or distant isled i\ -irt. Like notes from He' »en's angelic choir, Or herald-angel'^ aong. Our j minstrels, wi'Jj poetic fire. The echoes still prolong ! 172 IMRIE'S POEMS. THE LITTLE NEWSPAPEK BOYS. fftWO little brothers left their home ?:^sx One cold, bleak winter's day, All round the city streets to roam, But not in childish play. They on a noble errand went, An honest dime to gain, By selling papers — well content To brave the sleet and rain. One ten year's old was brother " Bill," And six year's old was " Jack ; " They trudged along with right good-will. Though business was quite slack ! Yet bravely shouts the elder boy : "My papers! who will buy?" And at each sale a smile of joy Lights up each cheerful eye. The weary hours of night wore past. The steeple clock struck Nine : One bun between them eased their fast. But Jack began to pine. " Oh ! Bill, I'm tired and sleepy now, I'll sit down here and rest ; " And soon the cold and chilly brow Dropp'd feebly on his breast. MISCELLANEOUS. 178 His brother Bill, with courage high, More energy display'd, " The latest news ! " did loudly cry. Not daunted or afraid. Yet, now and then, dear little Jack Would look with tearful eye On brother Bill, as he came back To tell him — " not to cry ! " I've nearly sold them all now. Jack, There's only three to sell ; When they are sold, high on my back I'll ride you home pell-mell ! " At last their merchandise was gone, Ten cents was fairly won ! And Bill knelt down to help Jack on His back, for the home-run ! Dear Christian people, help such boys To earn an honest cent, They little know of earthly joys. And yet seem well content I 174 IMRIE'S POEMS. TO THE FOUK WINDS OF HEAVEN. |^ra)H ! cold North wind from tlie Polar seas, ^^ Thy breath congeals lake, brook, and river ; You strip the leaves from the tallest trees, And make them bend, and sigh, and quiver ! Oh ! blow. South wind from the coral strand. Thy breath is sweet with the flowers' perfume ; Thrice welcome thou to our cold North land. To cheer our hearts with the rose's bloom ! Oh ! blow, East wind, with thy favouring gales, To speed our ships from the mother-lands ; And glad our eyes with the full-blown sails. That bring to our shores brave hearts and hands ! Oh ! blow, West wind, with thy fresh, strong breeze. Prepare our frames for the frost and snow ; Shake down the ripe fruits from off the trees, And tinge our cheeks with health's ruddy glow ! God tempers the winds for life or death. As over the earth they sweeping go ; He speaks in the zephyr's balmy breath. As well as when loudest tempests blow. MISCELLANEOUS. 175 AN HONEST MAN. " An honest man 's the noblest work of God." — Burm. I ijHEW me the man of true and honest heart, ^Who, for the sake of gain, will not depart From paths of rectitude, and then I can Shew you God's noblest work — An honest man / Temptation's darts do not disturb his mind, True to himself he 's true to all mankind, By honest toil he earns whate'er he can, And proves himself to be — An honest man / Truth is his watchword — lips that speak no guile. His face illumin'd with an honest smile, Looks eye to eye with ours, nor fails to scan The traits and signs which mark — The honest man J God bless the honest man whose bosom thrills With love and sympathy for others' ills. And " robs " himself of ease if so he can. With woman's tenderness, display — " The man/" The world is full of sin, and vice, and crime, But honesty will stand the test of time ; Truth, Virtue, Charity, shall lead the van, God's name is honour'd by — The honest man / 176 IMRIE'S POEMS. LIFE'S BRIGHTER SIDE. |§IS better to smile than to frown, 'Tis better to laugh than to cry ; Then, don't let your spirits get down, And never say "fail" tho' you die! Though trouble like mountains arise. And fortune seems hard to attain, Look hopefully up to the skies. For sunshine will come after rain. Those taught in adversity's school Are braver and better by far; The cowardly man, as a rule. Is not to be trusted in war. A brave heart is sure to succeed. The weak one will go to the wall ; And God will assist those indeed Who help themselves up when they fall. If in love affections are bent. And wooing is met with disdain, Bear up with apparent content. And time will restore you again ! The world is more full of joy Than most people care to admit ; If usefully time you'll employ. Life's trials won't hurt you a bit! MISCELLANEOUS. 177 SOAP-BUBBLES. ,HAT a bappy holiday, I Brothers Jack and Will at play ; Blowing bubbles light as air, Chasing them o'er stool and chair ! As they blow, each ruddy cheek Happiness and joy bespeak ; Each the other tries to "chaff" — Hard to blow when forc'd to laugh ! Little " pussy " likes the fun, Swift across the floor to run, "When they break across her eyes, Gets " her back up " in surprise ! Tasting soap in mouth and nose, Sniffing to a corner goes ! Till another tempts her out. Once again to run about ! Mamma hears the noisy din, Slyly at the door peeps in ; But she loves to see them play, Happy in their joy alway ! Swift a thought across her mind Utterance finds in words so kind : — Ah ! my boys, a moral see From the bubbles light and free : 178 IMRIE'S POEMS. Empty bubbles, light as air, For a moment bright and fair ; Som.e ascend like stars to heaven, Some to swift destruction driven ; If thou would' st escape each snare, Guard thy life with constant prayer ; God will waft thee to the skies, Float thee into Paradise ! :3Si MISCELLANEOUS. 179 KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. LOME, Knights of Pythias, all combine, ?Let Friendship, Truth, and Love entwine ; Our noble deeds, with one accord, Shall conquests make that shame the sword ! Chorus. — Come, join together heart and hand. United we shall ever stand ; Encircle earth by sea and land, With Friendship's loving golden band ! Our Order stands the test of time, — A foe to falsehood, want, and crime ; A band of brothers, brave and free, The "Golden Kule " our only plea! Chorus. — " Come join," etc. » The widows' and the orphans' cause Are part and parcel of our laws ; We help the needy, shield the weak. And words of sympathy we speak. Chorus. — " Come join," etc. Should dire Oppression's iron hand Be laid upon our native land, Our swords shall strike the tyrant low, And Freedom smile at every blow ! Chorus. — " Come join," etc. 180 IMRIE'S POEMS. THE YOUNG MUSICIAN. Copyrighted. Simply. Music by Prof. J. F. Johnstone. Toronto. Lt2_; W-0- H 1 !■ H i ^■ qzq: -<5^- .j — \. ■0—0- ^^=^=^=F :t A, B, C, D, E, F, G, That's the scale as you may see; :=qi=^ itie: :4 -0—0- ^^'- -<^- 0—0- 0—0- \ 19- On the lines and in the space; Each in or-der you may trace! CHORUS. i -i- i5^-A 1— J— #- -g •#— # q=^ #^^ :t A, B, C, D, E, F, G, A mu-sic-ian 1 would be; P f=i=^ ■X -H— f^- It Oh, it is such mer-ry fun, Up and down the scale to run! i :4 _i ::i: -f±?ZBI^ E, F, G, A, B, C, D. E, D, C, B, A, G, F, E, % .0—0. q=q: ■0—g- 0—0- -qz-#i -^-^: I Oh, it is such mer-ry fun, Up and down the scale to run ! MISCELLANEOUS. 181 THE YOUNG MUSICIAN. -B-C,-D— E,— F,-G, I^That's ''the scale," as you may see; On the ''lines"' and in the "space," Each in order you may trace ! Chorus.— A— B—C,—D,— E,—F,— G, A musician I would be ; Oh, it is such merry fun Up and down " the scale " to run ! K C I> E ^- — ^-^I^-^-T^-*— --*— fl \v' ^ b— ST-*— — ■- ----p-l ^— H c ' E F G A I E,— G,— B,— D,— F,— on " lines," Learn by sight the useful signs ; F,— A, — C— E,— in the " space," Don't forget the speUing— FACE ! Chorus.— "A, B, C, D, E, F, G," etc. Notes are simply " si;/m " you see, Bound and black as black can be ; From the perfect number "seven," Each its proper place is given ! Chorus.- "A, B, C, D, E, F, G," etc. 182 IMRIE'S POEMS. ''Sharps'' and "flats" some patience need, If at music you'd succeed ; But "sweet melody'' is there, When you take great pains and care ! Chorus.— "A, B, C, D, E, F, G," etc. Soon my little friend may try Something greater by-and-by, If her teacher she obevs, And remembers all he says ! Chorus.— "A, B, C, D, E, F, G," etc. Just be patient — never fret, Or into a passion get ; Else " a discord " you will make. Which would be "a r/reat mistake/" Chorus.— "A, B, C, D, E, F, G," etc. THE YOUNG MUSICIAN. Just be patient— never fiet, Or into a passion gei ; Else "a dhciml" you will make, Which would be "a.great mistake .'" CHORUS.-A,-B,-C,-r,-E,-F,-G, A musician I would be ; Oh, it is such merry fun Up and down " the scale " to run I rAQE 181. MISGELLANEOVS. 185 THE KNIGHTS OF LABOUE. power has risen in the land, ^^Who work together hand-in-hand, A noble, energetic band, — The Knights of Labour. '0-' Monopoly must not control The labour market, heart and soul. And seek to pay with meagre dole The Knights of Labour. Let man to man this maxim tell : ' He doeth right who worketh well, And ought to best advantage sell His wealth of labour ! " Though wealth be strong, yet right is might, And victory shall crown the right, — All honour to your noble fight. Brave Knights of Labour ! While enterprise we will respect. Our rights we never shall neglect ; All tyranny we must reject While Knights of Labour ! X86 IMRIE'S POEMS. - ^CS )J!^ THE WOEKINGMAN'S HALF-HOLIDAY. I'OD bless the men of means who try ^•s To sweeten Labour's cup, By list'nm*]; to the earnest cry To lift "the masses up" Above the drudgery of life, The needful hours to spare, A short respite from busy strife, Sweet Natiire's joys to share ! 'Twill prove the best investment sure, These hours to toilers given, 'Twill tend to make them good and pure, And pave their way to Heaven ; Eespect and honesty will spring From hearts made glad and free, To duty more attention bring, Thy grateful servants be. And, then, what pleasure to thy heart, To mark the happy faces. As pleasure parties gaily start For rural, healthy places. To breathe the sweet pure air of heaven, By mountain, lake or river, And use the means thus kindly given As best would please the giver ! MISCELLANEOUS. 187 Then give without a grudge or fear The boon so much desired, The patient wife and children dear With hope shall feel inspired ; Life shall be then worth living for, Dull care shall fly away, And once a week no cloud shall mar Their glad half- holiday ! 188 IMRIE'S POEMS. THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL INFANT CLASS. tjIXTY little smiling faces, 'All in their acciistom'd places ; Each a happy household's treasure, Teaching them a perfect pleasure. Sixty pair of eyes, whose gladness Shews no trace of care or sadness. Are fix'd on me with glances bright, Like twinkling orbs of purest light. Sixty voices in a chorus : " Childhood's years are 2)assing o'er us ;" May those years to God be given, Walking in the way to Heaven. • Hopeful hearts are rais'd in pray'r, Craving God's peculiar care ; Waiting for the children's blessing, Faith and love their hearts possessing. Childish words, brimful of trust : " Jesus, Thou canst make us just,' May ice now and ever share In our Father s icatchfid care." How they listen to the story Of redeeming love and glory : That Jesus took the sinner's place. In boundless love and matchless grace. Simple words and illustration, Suited to their humble station ; " Line upon line " they learn to know The Word of God, and wiser grow. Their minds, thus stor'd with heavenly truth, Will fence them from the snares of youth, And thus a safe foundation lay To lead them through life's rugged way. Oh, blessed are the children dear Who love the Lord, and in His fear Do walk in His most holy way That leads to everlasting day ! And blessed is the teacher's part, To educate the infant heart ; A Saviour's love to them unfold, Truths ever new and never old ! 190 I2IRIE'S P0E3IS. THE DYING CHILD. JlESIDE the death-bed of her child ^^ A mother bent in grief, But to her pain and anguish wild There came a sweet relief. The dying child, in accents mild, And full of tender love, The silence broke while thus she spoke Of brighter scenes above : '^o- " Oh, mother dear, you need not fear Nor fret yourself for me, Dry from your cheek the falling tear, I soon shall happy be. " I soon shall reach that ' happy land,' And join that blessed throng. Who ever stand at God's right hand Singing the angels' song. 1 "I'll wait for you and father dear On that br ight. happy shore. Where death nor sorrow cometh near. And friends depart no more. MISCELLANEOUS. 191 "Then let me go — I must not stay, I hear my Saviour's voice ; The angels beckon me away, And bid my soul rejoice." The angels fair have come and gone, They bore that child away; Another soul is at the throne, Here but the lifeless clay. Oh, friends bereaved, weep not for those Whom Jesus died to save ; Through Him they conquer'd all their foes And triumphed o'er the grave ! 192 IMEIE'S POEMS. C0N8ECKATI0N. ^^OT my will, but Thine, Lord I i(^K^Trusting to Thy promis'd Word ; Keep me ever near to Thee, All through life my guardian be. Teach me all I ought to know, Guide me where I ought to go, Be my Comforter and Friend, Till I reach my journey's end ! Let mv heart its fulness tell. Gratitude my bosom swell ; Patient, humble, mild, and meek, Let my lips Thy praises speak. Darkness Thou hast turn'd to day, Swept my guilty fears away ; Thou art all in all to me, — I am naught compar'd to Thee ! When at last life's battle o'er, — Landed safe on Canaan's shore, I shall see Thy blessed face Lighten up that glorious place ; Prostrate at Thy feet I'll fall, There Thy wondrous love recall, — Love so boundless, deep, and free, That it compass'd — "e\'en me!" MISCELLANEOUS. 193 HAPPY CHILDHOOD, [APPY childhood, full of smiles, All the livelong day ; Winsome ways and cunning wiles, Ever fond of play. How our hearts with pleasure beat, Feeling young and gay ; When we see them on the street. Sadness flies away ! Care or sorrow hath no part In life's early day, Thine the light and happy heart, Singing merrily ! Like the flowers of early Spring O'er the meadows cast, Sweetness to our hearts they bring. Dear mem'ries of the past. But the future, who can tell What their lot may be ? God, who doeth all things well, Keep them pure and free ! 194 IMRIE'S POEMS. ON MY FOETIETH BIETHDAY. li IJPOETY years of age to-day ! ^^Ah ! bow time doth pass away ; Like a pleasant summer's day, Or like children's hours of play ! Now I've reach'd ripe manhood's prime, Fain would bar the march of time ; Kaven locks now tipp'd with grey, Show the signs of sure decay. Grateful love my heart doth fill, — Keach'd the summit of life's hill ; Safe through many an anxious care, ' Thank Thee, Lord,'" my daily prayer. Now a-down "life's other side," Knowing not what may betide ; Trusting where I cannot trace, Till I see God face to face ! Let the years, then, come and go. Fraught with weal or mix'd with woe ; I will trust my Father's love Till I reach His home above ! MISCELLANEOUS. 195 _c^^^°\3^^ THE "LOVES" OF AN INFANT-CLASS SCHOLAR. love to hear the school-bell ring, 5l love to hear the children sing ; I love to see the house of pray'r, I love to know that God is there. I love to see my teacher's face, All beaming with a heavenly grace ; I love to make my teacher glad, When naughty children make her sad. I love to read my Bible true, I love my Father's will to do ; I love to feel my sins forgiv'n, I love to think of God and Heav'n. I love to learn the heavenly way, In Sabbath-school — on Sabbath day ; I love to bring my playmates there, I love my lessons to prepare. I love my mother — oh, so dear ! I love my father's heart to cheer ; I love my brothers, kind and true, I love my own dear sisters too. M 196 IMRIE'S POEMS. I love to think of Jesus mild, And how He loves a little child ; I love to know that " God is Love," And smiles on 7ne from Heav'n above. I love to think that when I die God waits for me beyond the sky ; And when I reach that "happy land," I'll walk with Jesus hand-in-hand ! MISCELLANEOUS. 197 PEIDE. j|3|EIDE is Satan's favourite plant, A noxious weed infernal ; A passion-flower of waste and want, To poison souls eternal ! How foolish is the pride of man, The creature of a day, Whose life is measur'd by a span, And then returns to clay ! When j&rst our eyes beheld the light ISIo claim to pomp had we ; All men are equal in God's sight, Sustain'd, belov'd, and free ! Our Saviour died for all mankind, A full and free salvation ; Then why should we be so unkind. As sneer at dress or station ? The Son of God had humble birth. Yet now He reigns in Heaven ; Those who oppress the poor on earth Shall from His throne be driven ! 198 IMRIE'S POEMS. THE ABSENT SUNDAY-SCHOOL TEACHEE. *'~^)H. ! children dear, iSlie is not here, Your teacher loving and true ; But gone above, Where all is love, "Waiting and watching for you. For you her tears. And pray'rs, and fears, Will not have been spent in vain ; If lessons taught Are not forgot, You shall meet with her aj^ain ! "o- In that bright land. At God's right hand. Where Jesus shall claim His own,- With smiUng face. Appoint a place Around His glorious throne. Oh ! happy land. Thrice happy band, Beside the shining river ; In Jesus' praise Your voices raise In songs that last for ever ! MISCELLANEOUS. 199 THE BITTER OR THE SWEET. ^j|[l|HE bitter or the sweet of life ^^^ Is often ours to choose, Sweet ove is antidote to strife — The bitter, then, refuse. Let not the angry word be said, At home, at work, or play ; Like waters pure from fountain-head Let smiles cheer up thy way. Let Mara's bitter waters flow Alone on deserts wild ; On life's highway, whereon we go, Let looks and words be mild. Let wreaths of smiles chase every frown From God's own image fair ; Then friendship's loving hands shall crown Thy head with blessings rare. Now, all along life's rugged way Let flowers displace the thorn. And grief and care shall flee away From liearts that erst were torn ! 200 .IMRIE'S POEMS. LOVE AND SYMPATHY. ^iHE balm of sympathy how sweet ^^ In trial's pensive hour, When wave on wave of sorrows beat, And clouds of darkness lower. 'Tis then that Friendship's gentle hand May half our burden share ; 'Tis then we fully understand The love to us they bear. Oh ! Love and Sympathy how dear To those bow'd down with care ; Thy angel-face dispels our fear, Makes hearts feel light as air. Though Ophir's wealth were wholly mine, All jewels rich and rare, For love of friends I yet 'would pine, And find my treasure there. Our first experience at birth Was sympathy and love, And when at last we leave this earth We'll find its Source above. MISCELLANEOUS. 201 THE BEOTHEEHOOD OF MAN. |^i)UE Father — God, His children — we, ^^5 No matter where our birthplace be — 'Mid Arctic snows, or torrid clime, One family since the first of time! We should not bind our fellow-man, Though he be yellow, black, or tan ; Or seek to keep him trodden down By haughty sneer, or cruel frown. A mother's love, like that of Heav'n, Alike to all her sons is giv'n, — All men are free as God's pure air, And all alike His ima2:e bear. o"- Far better we should ever try To ease the load, or soothe the sigh ; Each other's burdens kindly bear, Each other's joys or sorrows share ! How can we pray to God above, And daily seek His care and love. Unless our hearts for others' woe With sympathetic love o'erflow ? 202 IMRIE'S POEMS. ON A VISIT TO THE "OLD COUNTKY." ^^CKOSS the wide Atlantic sea ^a? Our steamer speeds her way, Great billows rolling grand and free Eest not by night or day. At last the land recedes from sight, — The great new land of hope. Where enterprise and honest might Find fair and ample scope. A week has pass'd, yet sea and sky Seem all of earth to me, Until at last the welcome cry Is heard with joy and glee : — "Land, ho! — land, ho!" — a sailor cries. But naught to us is seen ; An hour or two, and then our eyes Behold the welcome scene : — Great headlands rise, like sentries bold. Or guardians of the land ; Their tops, like helmets, shine with gold In sunset hues so grand ! Still on we speed, with hope and joy Our hearts feel like to sing ! Our thoughts on "home" find sweet employ As early scenes up-spring ! MISCELLANEOUS. 203 The fair green hills of Ireland rise, Resplendent to the view, And seem an earthly Paradise To loving hearts and true ! 'Tis hard to leave the deck to-night, I scarce can go to sleep ; I toss and dream, till morning light Comes shining o'er the deep ! Now, dear old Scotia's mountains rise As up the Clyde we steam, Like friends of old they cheer ovir eyes, » );• like a pleasant dream ! At last we reach the same old pier Where years ago we parted, Here once we wept, now joy's glad tear From loving eyes have started ! Oh, friends of early days, and " home " Of childhood's happy years ; My thoughts are yours where'er I roam, For you my prayers and tears ! 204 , IMRIE'S POEMS. " FAEEWELL ! " T|J^HE saddest word we ever hear, Ir^x'Fnll-fraught with sorrow, hope, and fear, The fount of many a bitter tear : Farewell ! Farewell ! Eefrain : Farewell ! Farewell ! Ah ! who can tell What bitter tears, What hopes and fears. Surround thy spell ? Sad word : " Farewell ! " As, branch by branch, the family tree Is snapp'd and floated o'er life's sea, How sad a parent's heart must be, To say : " Farewell ! " Eefrain : " Farewell ! Farewell ! " etc. How sad for loving friends to part For distant scenes — so wide apart — That mem'ries must suffice the heart That says : " Farewell ! " Eefrain : " Farewell ! Farewell ! " etc. MISCELLANEOUS. 205 How sad to hear tlie deep-toned bell King out a dear friend's funeral knell, And feel your very heart- strings swell To say : " Farewell ! " Kefrain : " Farewell ! Farewell ! " etc. When we have said our last "Farewell," And gone the ranks of heaven to swell, Eejoice to know — Death breaks the spell- All's well! all's well! Befrain : With God to dwell, No mere, "Farewell!" No more sad tears ! No doubts ! no fears ! Each tongue shall tell : " 'Tis well ! 'Tis well.! " 206 IMRIE'S POEMS. FKAGMENTS FOE AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS. FEW short years ^Of hopes and fears, And then we pass for ever Where answer'd prayers Shall banish cares, Beyond the shining river ! Blest land above. Sweet home of love, With joy we'll reach thy portals ; 'Mid angel throngs, Eecite the songs Sung by redeem'd immortals ! IhE friendship of the good and true ^^Tf Is more to me than gold, And while I welcome one that's new I'll treasure well the old ; Old friends are like the goodly tree Whose leafy branches throw A grateful shelter over me When adverse winds may blow ! INDEX. 207 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Page. A Birthday Greeting 157 A Bouquet of Flowers 140 Absent Sunday-School Teacher, (The) 198 A Christmas Carol 153 A Golden Wedding 130 A Husband's Birthday Greeting 136 A Kiss Through the Telephoue 119 A Lesson from the Clock 167 An Anxious Soul Comforted 18 An Honest Man 175 A Prayer 17 A Prayer for Wisdom 40 A Souvenir of Love 99 A Summer's Day 145 A Tribute to Mother 133 A Wife's Last Good-bye 138 Baby's Portrait, (The) 123 Believer's Refuge, (The) 22 Bereaved 134 Brotherhood of Man, (The) 201 Canada's Defenders 72 Canadian Song of Freedom 63 Christian, Awake ! 42 Christian's Armour, (The) 30 Christian's Hope, (The) 24 Come, Let us Live for Our Children 125 Conscience 47 Consecration 192 208 INDEX. Page. Dominioa of Canada, (The) 70 Drunkard's Fate, (The) 49 Dying Child, (The) 190 Dying Scot Abroad, (The) 86 Eyes that Speak , 101 Fair Canada 61 Faith Illustrated 155 Farewell ! 204 Flower of the Family, (The) 110 Flowers 158 Fragments for Autograph Albums 206 Glasgow, Scotland 84 Happy Childhood 193 Heart Questionings 92 Home I