F 846 .2 G94 COLCORD PROCLAMATION BANCROFT LIBRARY BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA *M 189 1- &M) J^ULOcd/Q , yjo-o^u^cv. PROCLAMATION. I COS H I A PROCLAMATION. Executive ( 'hamber, \ Carson City, Nevada, Oct. 27, 1892. ) Having teamed with the deeped regret of the death at Wash- ington, D. C, of Mrs. Caroline Scott Harrison, beloved wife of Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States, I, R. I\. t blcord, Governor of (he State of Nevada, as a mark of respect to tin memory of this noble wife and mother and the exalted position occupied by her in life, do hereby request that all tJie offices of the State government be closed daring the funeral ceremonies on Friday, October 28th, A. D. 1892, and Hint the flag remain at half-mast on the Capitol until sunset of the day of the funeral. In witness whereof I hair hereunto set my J 1 and and caused tJte Great Seal of the State of Nevada to be affixed. Pone at the Capital, this ?7th day of October, A. J). 1892. R. K. COLCORD, GREAT REAL. Bv tlit? Governor Governor. O. H. GREY, Secreuirv of State.