7/5- HANDBOOK s* OF ENGLISH-JAPANESE ETYMOLOGY BY WILLIAM IMBRIE SIECOXTID ZEIDITIOlsr TOKYO : Z. P. MARUYA & Co., Limited. YOKOHAMA. SHANGHAI, HONGKONG & SINGAPORE: KELLY & WALSH. LIMITED. LONDON; TRUBNER & Co. NEW^YORK; E. STEIGER A Co. PARIS: MAISONNEUVE & CH. LECLERc'. LEIPZIG : ALFRED LORENTZ. POINTED BY THE SEISHI-BUNSHA, TOKYO, PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. HIS edition differs from the first chiefly in three par- ticulars : The adoption of the Romaji Kai system of transliteration ; the substitution of the term stem for root ; and the addition of selections from the Shingaku Michi no Hanashi, with a translation and notes. The substitution of the term stem for root calls for a word of comment. The objections to the names com- monly applied to the several foundation forms of the verb are obvious. The negative base has in itself no negative force whatever : as is evident from the fact that it furnishes the foundation for the passive and causative voices. The conditional base is the base of the present conditional alone : and in verbs of the first conjugation it is identical with the imperative. Apparently no one of the four foundation forms is derived from any other one : all alike are bases upon which the verb is built : evidently there- fore it is confusing to designate one of them as the root. 'Professor Chamberlain, in his Handbook of Col- loquial Japanese recently published, suggests two changes. Retaining the names negative and conditional base ; he substitutes certain present for indicative, and indefinite form for root. The difficulty however remains : in each case the name exhibits only a single feature of the form : the terms are not logical definitions. The negative base IV PREFACE. is employed otherwise than as a foundation for negative forms : and a similar remark is true regarding the condi- tional base. The term certain present contains no hint of the marked use of the form as an adjective. The in- definite form is no more indefinite than the negative base : and its indefiniteness is not a more obvious characteristic than its constant employment in forming compounds with nouns, adjectives, and other verbs (e. g. kimono, miguru- skii, buchikorosiL) the peculiarity immediately suggested by the old term root. The fact is that the several foundation forms serve various purposes. One who wishes to name them may therefore take his choice. He may select some one marked feature and find in that the name, with however the certainty that it will prove more or less misleading. The only alternative is to content one's self with the simple numerical designations first, second, third, and fourth. To the writer the latter seems the better course : and he would have followed it, but for the desire to keep company with others. He has substituted stem for root because it is somewhat less misleading, and also because it has been adopted by Mr. Aston in the fourth edition of his Gram- mar of the Japanese Spoken Language. The writer takes great pleasure in acknowledging his indebtedness to the labors of Dr. Hepburn and Messrs Satow and Aston. His cordial thanks are due to Mr. Sanjuro Ishimoto. .Especially is he under obligations to the Rev. Kajinosuke Ibuka A.M., without whose patient work the book would probably never have been written. Tokyo: May 5 th , 1889. CONTENTS, I. THE SYLLABARY. II. THE VERB. I. INFLECTION. II. AGGLUTINATION. 1. Moods and Tenses. 2. Letter changes. 3. Voices. III. TRANSITIVES AND INTRANSITIVES. IV. THE VERB TO BE. V. AUXILIARY VERBS. i. Am, is, are, was, were ; 2. Do, did ; 3. Have, had; 4. Shall, will; 5. Should, would; 6. Can, could ; 7. May, might ; 8. Let, make, have, get; 9. Must; 10. Ought; n. Think, sup- pose; 12. Intend; 13. Want; 14. Wish, hope; 15. Need; 16. Seem, look. VI. THE INFINITIVE. VII. PASSIVE CONSTRUCTIONS. III. THE NOUN. 1 . True Nouns and Verbal Roots. 2. Abstract Nouns. 3. Concrete Nouns. VI CONTENTS. 4. Compound Nouns. 5. Names of Trades. 6. Gender 7. Number. 8. Case* IV. THE PRONOUN. I. PERSONALS AND POSSESSIVES. II. COMPOUND PERSONALS. III. HONORIFICS. 1. O and Go. 2. Honorific Verbs. IV. RELATIVES. V. INTERROGATIVES. V. PRONOMINAL ADJECTIVES. i. This, that, such; 2. Either, neither, both; 3 Each; 4. Some; 5. Any; 6. Every; 7. None, no; 8. All; 9. Several; 10. Few; n. One, ones; 12. Other, another; 13. Same; 14. Much; 15. Many; 1 6. More; 17. Most; 1 8. Enough. VI. THE ADJECTIVE. I. CLASSES. 1. True Adjectives. 2. Adjectives in na and no. 3. Presents and Preterites. 4. Uninflected words. II. COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES. 1. The Comparative Degree. 2. The Superlative Degree. CONTENTS. Vli VII. THE ADVERB. I. CLASSES. 1. True Adverbs. 2. Uninflected words. 3. Participles. 4. The Conditional Mood. II. ADVERB OF PLACE. i. Here; 2. There; 3. Where. III. ADVERBS OF TIME. i. Always; 2. Whenever; 3. Generally; 4. Often; 5. Sometimes; 6. Seldom; 7. Never, ever ; 8. Again; 9. When; 10. While; n. As; 12. Then; 13. Now; 14. Already; 15. Formerly; 1 6. Hitherto; 17. Recently; 18. Ago; 19. Just now ; 20. Still, yet ; 21 . Till ; 22. By and by ; 23. Soon; 24. Directly; 25. Before; 26. After, since; 27. Long time; 28. Some time; 29. Little while ; 30. Finally. IV. ADVERBS OF CAUSE, MANNER AND DEGREE. i . Why; 2. Accordingly, consequently, therefore ; 3. How; 4. So; 5. Like, as; 6. Very; 7. Only; 8. Too; 9. Even; 10. Almost; n. About. VIII. THE NUMERAL. 1. Cardinals. 2. Descriptive Numerals. 3. Ordinals. 4. Fractions. 5. Percentage. 6. Consecutive Numbers. 7. Address, V'ili CONTENTS. IX, THE POSTPOSITION. i. At; 2. In; 3. On; 4. To ; 5. From, out, off, through; 6. By; 7. With; 8. Without; 9. Of; 10. For; u. Across, over, beyond; 12. Among; 13. Around; 14. Before; 15. Behind; 1 6. Between; 17. During; 18. Except, besides, but; 19. Instead of; 20. Over, above; 21. Under, below, beneath; 22. According to, in accordance with. X. THE CONJUNCTION. i. And; 2. Both ; 3. Also, too; 4. But; 5. Though, still ; 6. Either, or, whether ; 7. Neither, nor; 8. If, unless ; 9. Because ; 10. Then ; n. That; 12. Than. XL SELECTIONS WITH TRANSLATION AND NOTES. INDEXES. ENGLISH- JAPANESE ETYMOLOGY. CHAPTER I. THE SYLLABARY. Instead of an alphabet Japanese has a syllabary, two methods of arranging which obtain : the Iroha so called from the first syllables of a verse into which it has been cast ; and the Go ju oh or table of the Fifty Sounds. The latter is much the more scientific, and should be mastered as a key to inflection and agglutination. As written in Japanese certain of the syllables represent more than one sound, the changes in the consonantal element being indicated by the addition of diacritical marks. These variations will be found exhibited in the Go ju on. It will be observed that the Iroha contains forty-eight syllables and the Go ju on fifty. The n of the former however is an addition : and the yi ye and second u of the latter have been inserted to fill up the breaks in the series. Iroha. i ro ha ni ho he to chi ri nu ru wo wa ka yo ta re so tsu ne na ra mu u i no ku ya ma ke f" ko e te a sa ki yu me mi shi e hi mo se su n L THE SYLLABARY. Go ju on. $8 *W$1 u e 2 >tf / ku kc ko *. * '& ge V 3 ** 5//* sn % se SO za ji #// ze zo 4 ta r/z/ /5W te to da ji ^z/ de do 5 # i nil ne no 6 //# ^/ fu he ho ^ ^f bu be bo pa pi pu pc po 7 *#0 w/ mil me mo 8 ya yi yu ye yo 9 r<7 ri ru re ro i IO ^c'^; / u e wo CHAPTER II. THE VERB. I. INFLECTION. The Japanese verb has four inflections which may be termed foundation forms, since upon them is reared its entire structure. These are usually called the negative base, the stem, the indicative present and the conditional base. In the spoken language there are two conjugations : and the following table exhibits the terminations of their respective foundation forms: CONJ. I. CONJ. II. negative base ... ... a ... ... e or i stem i e or i indicative present ... u eru or iru conditional base e . ere or ire Any one foundation form of a verb belonging to the first conj. being known, the remaining three can be readily obtained from the Go ju on. Forms ending in i u or e preceded by a vowel are to be referred to No. 10 and not to No. i. Kuru to come, i>uru to do and the honorific masu are irregular. A comparison of the following table with the Go ju on will make the above clear. THE VERB. NEG. BASE STEM IND. PBES. COND. BASE. I 2 kika kiki kiku kike hear tsuga tsugi tsugu tsuge join 3 hanasa hanashi hanasu hanase speak 4 tata tachi tatsu tate stand 5 shina shini shinu shine die 6 asoba asobi asobu asobe play 7 yama yami yamu yame cease 8 9 nara nari naru nare become 10 kazva kai kau kae buy iiva a iu ie say fiiruwa furui furuu fitrue sift yatozva yatoi yatou yatoe hire ko ki kuru kure come se or ski shi suru sitre do mase mashi masu masure THE VERB. The construction of foundation forms in the second con- jugation presents little difficulty, the neg. base and stem being alike, and the indie, pres. and cond. base being formed by the simple addition of ru and re. NEO. BASE STEM 1NDIC. PRES. COND. BASE FORMS IN e eru ere obtain 2 ake ake akeru akere open a S e a e ageru agere raise 3 shirase shirase shiraseru shirasere tell maze maze mazeru mazere mix 4 sute % sute suteru sutere throw away de de deru dere go out 5 ne ne neru nere sleep 6 tabe tabe taberu tabere eat 7 stffi^ 5^;^^ sameru samere cool 9 i?r^ ore oreru orere break THE VERB. NEG. BASE STEM INDIC. PES. COND. BASE FORMS IN t. i i- i iru ire shoot 2 ki ki kiru kire wear 3 anji anji anjiru anjire be anxious 4 haji haji kajiru hajire be ashamed m niru nire resemble 6 abi abi abiru abire bathe 7 mi mi miru mire see 9 kari kari kariru karire borrow 10 i i iru ire be THE VERB. 7 Certain verbs of the first conjugation in which the indie, pres. ends in ru are sometimes mistaken for verbs of the second conjugation, because the ru happens to be preceded by e or i. If the student will commit the annexed list and make It his habit to learn verbs by the indie, pres. rather than by the stem, he will have little further trouble with inflection : most verbs in eru and iru excepting those in the list belonging to the second conjugation. aseru hurry kiru cut fitscru lie down kishiru . grate heru diminish magiru tack hincru twist mairu come, go hoteru tingle majiru mingle - kaeru return musliiru pluck siiaberu gossip najiru rebuke sub eru slip negiru cheapen cliigiru tear off nejiru screw chiru scatter nigiru grasp hairu enter nonoshiru blaspheme hashiru run saegiru hedge in hojiru pick out seme-iru . invade ijiru meddle with shikujiru be discharged iru enter, need, parch shiru know kagirii be bounded soshiru backbite kajiru ^ gnaw teru shine $ THE VERB. II. AGGLUTINATION. Agglutination consists in the addition to bases of inde- pendent words or particles. In many cases however time and use have suffered only a fragment of the original suffix to remain. SEC. i. MOODS AND TENSES. The moods and tenses of the Japanese verb are formed, for the most part, by agglutination. 1. In both conjugations, te, ta, tara, taro, tari, tai and takunai, added to the stem, form the participle, indie, past, conditional past, probable past, frequentative, and the affirmative and negative of the desiderative adjective. In the second conjugation, yo or ro added to it forms the imperative. 2. In both conjugations, nai or nu, nakatta or nanda, nakattara or nandara., nakattaro or nandaro, nakattari or nandari, nakereba or neba, and nakute, nai de, dzu, dzn ni or dzu ni shite, added to the neg. base, form the neg. of the present, past, cond. past, prob. past, frequentative, cond. present and participle. In the first conjugation, u added to it and the a-u contracted into o forms the future ; in the second, yd added forms the future ; and mai, the fut. neg. 3. In both conjugations, na added to the indie, present forms the imperative negative ; in the first, mat added forms the fut. neg. 4. In both conjugations, ba added to the cond. base forms the cond. pres. In the first, the cond. base and the impera- tive are alike. THE VERfc. In the paradigms following, the lower forms are made up of the stem and the honorific verb masu; they are more courteous than the upper ones. Masu however being without a desid. adj. of its own, a polite form of that part of the verb is obtained by substituting for the simple adjective its adverbial form followed by gozaimasu (See VI. I. Sec. I.) In the paradigms the stem and its derivatives are presented before the negative base. PARADIGM OF THE FIRST CONJUGATION. korosii to kill. korosa koroshi korosu korose stem koroshi (koroshite killing, having killed. oarticiple -j ( koroshimashite (koroshita killed, did kill, have indie, past \ \koroshimashita killed. (koroshitara if killed, should kill ; cond. past \ \koroshimashitara when killed, kill. (koroshitaro probably killed. prob. past J koroshimashitaro THE VERB. PARADIGM OP THE FIRST CONJUGATION ( Continued). frequentative...- korosh itari ki Hi ng. koroshimasJiitari desid. adj. ....... koroshi(tai wish to kill. \to gozaimasit desid. adj. neg. koroshitaku(nai not wish to kill. \gozaimasenu neg. base korosa korosa (nai indie, pres. do not, will not kill; have not killed. korosJi imasen u korosa(nakatta did not kill. indie, past -( \nanda \koroshiinasenu deshita 'korosa (nakattara if did not, should not cond . past. J \nandara kill. koroshimasenu deshitara korosa(nakattaro probably did not kill. prob. past - \nandaro koroshimasenu desh itaro THE PARADIGM OP THE FIRST CONJUGATION (continued). (nakattari not killing, frequentative... korosa\ [ nandari (korosa ( nakereba if do not, will not kill; ; cond. pres \ \ncba if have not killed. participle koroshimase nu(kereba 'korosa \iiara neb a (nakute not killing. nai 'de dzu, dm m dzu n i shite \korosJiimasc inn dc dzu dzu ni m ni sJiite (koroso (korosa-u) shall, will kill. future affirm . . . \ koroshimasho \korosu daro will probably kill. f2 THE PARADIGM Of THK FIRST CONJUGATION (concluded). (korosu kill. indie, prcs \ I koroshimasu imper. neg korosuna do not kill. 'korosumai probably will not kill. future neg -| koroshimasumai ^ - . \korosanai daro cond. base korosc (koroseua if kill, if will kill. cond. prcs j ( koroshimasurcba (korosc kill. imperative \ \koroshima(se ski THE VERB. 13 PARADIGM OF THE SECOND CONJUGATION NO. I. ake akeru to open. ake akeru akere participle stem ake (akete \akemashite (akcta \akemashita (ake tar a indie, past cond. past prob. past frequentative... \akemashitara (aketaro \akemashitaro (akctari \akcmashitari desid. adj ake(tai opening, having opened, opened, did open, have opened. if opened, should open ; when open- ed, open. probably opened. opening, wish to open. \to gozaimasu desid. adj. neg. aketakn(nai not wish to open. \gozaimasenu THE VERB. PARADIGM OF THE SECOND CONJUGATION NO. I. (continued). imperative akciro \yo o akc n as at open, neg. base ake (akc ( nai indie, pres - nu do not, will not open ; have not opened. did not open. akemascnu 'akeinakatta indie, past ( nanda akemascmi deshita (ake(nakattara if did not, should cond. past \ \nandara not open. \akemasenu deshitara ake (nakattard probably did not \nandaro . open. prob. past J akeinasenu deshitaro THE VERB. PARADIGM OF THE SECOND CONJUGATION NO. 1. (continued). frequentative... ake(nakattari not opening. ( nandari (akeinakcreba if do not, will not cond. pres -I \neba open ; if have not \ akcniase ( mt ( kcreba opened. participle future akc j \nara \ncba nakutc nai de dzu, dzu ni dzu ni shite not opening, having opened. akeinase {nu de future affirm... dzu dzu ni \dzu ni shite ' akemai probably will not akemasumai open. (akeyo shall, will open. I akcmasho 1 6 THE VERB. i PARADIGM OF THE SECOND CONJUGATION NO. I. (concluded). (akeru open. indie, pres \ \akemasu imper. neg akeruna do not open. cond . base akere (akcreba if open, if will open. cond. pres -j I akemasureba I PARADIGM OF THE SECOND CONJUGATION. NO. II. miru to see mi mi miru mire stem mi (mite seeing, having seen, participle ...... j \mimashite (mita saw, did see, have indie, past \ \mimasJiita seen. (mitara if saw, should see; cond. past 4 \immashitara when saw,s ee. THE VERB. 17 PARADIGM OF THE SECOND CONJUGATION NO. II. (continued). (mi faro probably saw. prob. past \ \mimasftitard (mitari seeing, frequentative... \ \ mimashitari desid. adj mi(tai wish to see. \to gozaiinasu desid. adj. neg. mitakuinai not wish to see. \gozaimasenu l mi(ro see. j imperative < \yo \mima (se \sfii neg. base .. mi mi(nai do not, will not see ; indie, pres nu have not seen. mimasenu THE VERB. PARADIGM OF THE SECOND CONJUGATION NO. II. (continued). mi(nakatta did not sec. ( nanda mimasenu deshita nakattara if did /lot, should not indie, past cond. past nandara sec. mimasenu deshitara mi(nakattaro probably did not see. \nandaro mimasenu deshitaro frequentative ... mi ( nakattari not seeing. nandari prob. past cond. pres mi(nakereba if do not, will not \neba see; if have not mimase ^nu(kereba seen. \nara neb a THE VERB. PARADIGM OP THE SECOND CONJUGATION NO. II. (concluded). 'mi 'nakute not seeing, having nai de seen. participle > dzu, dzu ni dzu 'ni shite jniinase mi de future future affirm. dzu dzu ni $zu ni sJiite ( mhnai probably will not see, \miinasumai (niiyo shall, will see. \mimashd (mini indie, pres -I \inimasu imper. neg miruna see. do not see. cond. base mire ( mireba cond. pres. if see, if will see. mimasureba 20 THE VERB. SEC. 2. LETTER CHANGES. When the suffixes te t ta, tara, taro and tari, are added to stems of the first conjugation ending in ki, gi, ni, bi, mi, chi, rij or /preceded by a vowel, the following letter changes take place : kite kita kitara etc. become ite ita itara etc. gite git a gitara etc. become ide ida idara etc. nite nita nitara etc. bite btia bitara etc. mite mita mitara etc. become nde nda ndara etc. chite chita chitara etc. rite rita r itara etc. become tte tta ttara etc. aite aita aitara etc. become \atte atta at tar a etc. \ote ota otara etc. ' itte itta ittara etc. iite iita iitara etc. become - iute iuta iutara etc.- (utte utta uttara etc. uita uitara etc. become \ \fite iita utara etc. oite oita oitara etc. become otte otta ottara etc. ote ota otara etc. THE VERB. 21 TABLE OP VERBS EXHIBITING LETTER CHANGES. kakite kakita kakitara write kaite kaita kaitara kikite kikita kikitara hear kiite kiita kiitara tsukite tsukita tsukitara arrive tsuite tsuita tsuitara manekite manekita manekitara invite maneite mane it a maneitara okite oite okita oita okitara oitara put sawagite sawaide saivagita sawaida saivagitara sa^vaidara be excited tsugite tsuide tsugita tsuida tsugitara tsuidara join kogite koide kogita koida kogitara koidara row shinite shinita shinitara die shinde shinda shindara manabite manabita manabitara learn manande mananda manandara musubite imisubita musubitara tie musunde musunda musundara THE VERB. TABLE OP VERBS EXHIBITING LETTER CHANGES (continued)* musebite musebita musebitara choke musende musenda musendara asobite asonde asobita asonda asobitara asondara play yamite yande yamita yanda yamitara yandara cease tanoshimite tanoshinde tanoshimita tanoshinda ta n osh im it a ra ta nosh indara be happy nusumite nusumita nusumitara steal nusunde nusunda nusundara a%v are mite azvarende aivareinita aivarenda aivaremitara aivarendara pity tanomite tanonde tanomita tanonda tanomitara tanondara request tachite tacJiita tachitara stand tatte tatta tattara buchite buchita buchitara strike butte butta buttara mochite mochita mochitara hold motte tnotta mottara narite riarita naxitara become natte natta nattara shir it e shir it a shir it ar a know shitte i shitta shittara THE VERB. TABLE OF VKRBS EXHIBITING LETTER CHANGES (concluded). urite urita tiritara sell utte utta uttara herite herita heritara diminish hette hetta hettara norite norita noritara ride notte notta nottara surnaite smnaita sumaitara reside sumatte ^sumote sumatta sumo t a sumattara sumo tar a Lite Me iita itta iitara say ittara ^iute iuta ittara nuite mi it a nu i tar a sew , nutte nutta nuttara ^niite nuta nutara yatoite iyatotte ^yatdte yatoita yatotta yatota yatoitara hire yatottara yatotara Iku to go is abnormal : ikite etc. becoming itte etc., not iite etc. 34 THE VERB. SEC. 3. VOICES. 1. The passive : Verbs of the first conjugation form the passive voice by adding rent to the neg. base, which might thus be called the voice base : those of the second, "as well as siiru and kuru, by adding rareru. 2. The potential : The passive does service as a potenti- al also. Most verbs of the first conjugation and a few of the second have besides a form in eru. In many cases, the two forms are used without any appreciable difference in mean- ing : when however they do differ, the passive is used of ability as regards law, duty, propriety, permission, willing- ness, feeling, of moral ability may as opposed to can. The form in eru expresses absolute or physical ability the strict can. Ureru e.g. means can sell, because some one wants to buy : urareru, because the party is at liberty to sell, or willing to do so at the price offered. Kikoeru and kikareru both signify can hear: kikoeru however means either that the sound is audible, or that the person has good ears ; kikareru that the matter is no secret, or that one has time inclination etc. to listen. In like manner, while mieru declares that the object is visible or that the person has sight ; mirareru asserts that there is no .reason for concealment, or that one has time to look or no objection to doing so. (For examples see especially chap. II. v. sec. 6.) 3. The causative : Verbs of the first conjugation form the causative voice by adding sent; those of the second, as also kuru, saseru to the neg. base. The causative of suru is saseru. Verbs in these voices all belong to the second conj. in eru. THE VERB. It being thought more polite to say that one is able to do a thing or that he causes a thing to be done than that he does it, the potential and causative voices are sometimes used instead of the active merely for the sake of courtesy. TABLE EXHIBITING THE FORMATION OP THE PASSIVE, POTENTIAL AND CAUSATIVE VOICES. NEG.BASE. PASSIVE. POTENTIAL. CAUSATIVE. FIRST CONJUGATION. ika kika kikareru ( ikareru { ikeru ( kikareru \kikoeru (tsugareru ikaseru kikaseru hear tsugaseru join tsuga \tsugeru (korosareru . korosaseru kill korosa korosareru\ \koroseru (butareru butaseru strike buta butareru \ { buteru (shinareru shinascru die shina \shineru (musubareru musubaseru tie musuba \ \musuberu THE VERB. TABLE EXHIBITING THE FORMATION OF THE PASSIVE, POTENTIAL AND CAUSATIVE VOICES (continued). yoma kira ura kawa iwa nmva omowa yomareru yomareru yomeru (kirareru kirareru \ [ kireru (urareru ureru (kaivareru \kaeru ( izuareru iwareru \ \ieru \nmvareru nuwareru - nueru (omowareru omowareru \ \omoeru yomaseru kiraseru uraseru kazvaseru ^^vaseru nuwaseru omoivaseru read cut sell buy say | sew think SECOND CONJUGATION. / c ake shirasc erareru akerareru sh ir as erareru esaseru akesaseru shirasesaseru obtain open tell ! THE VERB. r TABLE EXHIBITING THE FORMATION OF THE PASSIVE, POTENT! A.L AND CAUSATIVE VOICES (concluded). sute suterareni suterareru (throw sutesaseru \ ( away tabe taberareru taberareru tabesascru eat abi abirareru abisaseru bathe (mirareru misaseru see mi mieru kari karirarerti karirareru karisaseru borrow se serareru serareru saseru do ko (korareru \koreru kosaseru come III. TRANSITIVE AND INTRANSITIVE FORMS. SEC. I. In English it often happen^ that the same verb is both transitive and intransitive : in Japanese such verbs have usually only the root in common. In some cases, the intransitive belongs to the first conjugation and the transi- tive to the second and vice versa ; in others, the transitive is a species of causative. The following list comprises most in common use. 28 THE VERB. INTRANSITIVE. TRANSITIVE. "\ I. CONJ. II. CONJ. aku akcru open itamu itameru hurt katamuku katamukeru tilt shizumu shizumeru sink sorou soroeru match susumu susumeru advance tsuzuku tsuzukeru continue ukabu ukaberu float yamu yamerii cease v aratamaru aratameru amend atsumaru atsumeru collect chijimaru chijimeru contract hajimaru hajimeru begin hayatnaru hayameru hasten (a result) hikkakaru hikkakeru hitch hirogaru hirogeru widen kakaru kakeru hang (on) kasanaru kasaneru double kaivaru kaeru change mazaru mazeru mix oka ni agaru oka ni ageru land ! THE VERB. r sagaru sageru lower . tamaru tarneru accumulate todomaru todomeru stop x tomaru tomeru " ivakaru wakeru divide I. CONJ. CAUSATIVE. chiru chirasu scatter fnru furasu swing to and fro hashagu hafhagasu dry heru herasu or hesu diminish isogu, isogasu hurry kawaku ka^vakasu dry korobu korobasu tumble kitsaru kusarasu rot meguru megnrasu . revolve naru narasu ring soru sorasu warp suberu suberasu slide tsumazuku tsumazukasu trip ugoku ugokasu move waku ivakasu boil (water) hitaru hitasu soak ibiLru ibusu smoke THE VERB. kaeru kaesii 1 return maivaru mawasu revolve modoru modosu return naoru naosu heal okoru okosu originate utsuru utsusu move (change place) II. CONJ. t I. CONJ. hodokeru hodoku untie kudakeru kudaku break nejireru nejiru twist oreru oru break (long thing) sakeru saku burst surer u suru chafe, rub wareru ivaru divide yabureru yaburu burst (of clothes) yakeru yaku burn, bake I. CONJ. CAUSATIVE. fucru fuyasu multiply fukureru fukurasu - swell fuyakeru fuyakasu M haneru hanasu explode hieru hiyasu cool jireru jirasu fret kogeru kogasu scorch \ THE VERB. 31 sament samasu cool tareru tarasu drop (of liquid) tokcrit tokasu melt yureru yurasu rock nobiru nobasu lengthen kakureru kakusu hide koboreru kobosu spill konareru konasu digest ko^vareru koivasu break SEC. 2. A considerable number of English passives are rendered into Japanese by intransitives. It should be borne in mind however that these intransitives are not in the passive voice and are not to accompany ni with the agent which requires instead the passive of the corresponding transitive. The ship sank, but the sailors were Fune wa shizunda go, sendo wa tans- saved. katta. The passengers were all saved by the Nori-kyaku wa mina sendo ni tasuke- sailors. rareta. The dog barked and the children Inu ga hoete kodomo ga odoroita. were frightened. The children were frightened by the Kodomo wa inu ni odorokasareta, dog. Kodomo wa inu ni odoroita would mean the children were frightened at the dog. Ni makent is another apparent exception, really signifying yield to rather than defeated by. THE VERB. i ~ j ENGLISH PASSIVES RENDERED BY INTRANSITIVKS. I. C'ONJ* TO BE TO TBANSITIVE. itamu injured injure itameru hamaru hoaxed hoax hameru kirnaru decided decide kimeru sadamaru sadameru sonawaru furnished with furnish with sonaeru tasukaru saved save tasukeru tozakaru estranged estrange tozakeru tsumaru choked up choke up tsumeru odoroku frightened frighten odorokasu saivagu excited excite sawao-asu <& sumu ended end sumasu yorokobu delighted delight yorokobasu hakadoru expedited expedite hakadorascru hataraku inflected inflect hatarakaseru komaru embarrassed, perplexed, incommoded embarrass, etc . komarascru magotsuku bewildered bewilder (magotsukase- \ ru todokoru delayed delay todokoraseru THE VERB. 33 ENGLISH PASSIVES RENDERED BY INTBANBITIVES (continued). bikkuri suru astonished astonish bikkurisaseru (wrecked (of hasen suru \ I ship) (wrecked (of hasen ni au \ ( person) heiko suru convinced [wreck a) 1 " convince heikosaseru hiiki suru biased bias hiikisaseru hydban suru reported nanju suru distressed abekobe ni) \ inverted naru } distress invert nanjusaseru (abekobe ni \ suru sakasama ni) " naru } (sakasama ni I suru se^va ni naru obliged abunaku na-\ ^endangered ru } oblige endanger sewa ivo suru abtmaku suru II. CONJ. deru derived dekiru done hirakeru civilized civilize hiraku migakeru polished yakeru burned polish burn migaku yaku 34 THE VERB. ENGLISH PASSIVES RENDERED BY INTRANSITi VES (concluded). horobiru makeru \ moreru destroyed defeated omitted destroy defeat omit horobosu makasu morasu nukeru u nukosu ochiru (4 tt otosu tsukiru exhausted exhaust tsukusu yogoreru yureru kutabireru tsukareru soiled pardoned fatigued < soil pardon fatigue yogosu yurusu kutabirakasu tsukarakasu aivateru katsueru flurried famished flurry famish awatesaseru katsuesaseru kogoeru osoreru benumbed afraid benumb make afraid kogoesaseru osoresaseru IV. THE VERB TO BE. There are three verbs in Japanese signifying to * be ' aru oru and iru. Excepting the future arumai, the negative forms of aru are not in use, their places being supplied by the moods and tenses of the negative adjective nai: (see VI. I. sec. i.) Oru and iru are synonyms, belonging respective- ly to the first and the second conjugation. THE VERB. 35 r . Cru and iru are employed in speaking of things with life when they are referred to as present at or in some particular place : excepting in connection with the Japanese equivalents of relative clauses. In all other cases aru and nai are used. Aru is constantly employed also in rendering ' have ', even in speaking of animate objects. 2. Followed by a noun or pronoun as a predicate, to ' be ' is rendered by de aru, often contracted da. Followed by an adjective as a predicate see VI. sec. I. 3. Equivalent to ' to become ', * to be ' is rendered by naru. Gozaru is more courteous than aru, and o ide nasaru or irasskarti more so than oru or iru. De gozaimasu, con- tracted from de gozarimasu, is still further familiarly shortened into desu. The idiomatic English ' there ' and ' it ' have no equivalents in Japanese. I. There is a bat. Asoko ni Jeomori go, orimasu. There are no elephants in Japan. Nihon ni wa zo wa inai. Is the Emperor in TokyO now? Tenshisama wa ima Tokyo ni tra.ftai> masu ka ? Where is the Shogun now? Kubosama wa kono setsu doko ni iras- shaimasu ka? There are two or three dogs in the Niwa ni inn ga ni san biki iru. garden. There is a man in this neighborhood Kono kinjo ni omocha wo koshiraeru that makes toys. m0 no ga aru. Is n't there any one who can go in- Dare mo kawari ni ikeru mono wa art- stead ? inasenu ka ? There are some very pretty views Kiga no kinjo ni wa yohodo keshiki no about Kiga. yo i tokoro ga aru. How many houses do you suppose Tokyo ju ni ie ga nan gen arimasJiot there are in Tokyo? 36 THE VERB. I do not think thore is any telegraph Hakone ni wa denshin-kyoku ga ari office at Hakone. masumai. Is there only one kind of Japanese Nihon no inu wa rui ga hitotsu shika dog? arimasenu ka? Once upon a time (long ago) there Mukashi jiisan to baasan ga atta so da. was an old man and his wife. Are there any other animals like Kdmori no yd na dolutsu ga Jioka ni ari- bats ? mashd ka ? Why is there no Shogun now? Naze ima de wa Kubosama ga arimasenu ka? He has three boys and ever so many Otok'ko ga san nin ni vnru no ko ga iku girls. nin mo arimasu. 2. Is that smoke, or is it only a cloud ? Are wa kemuri desu ka, tada kumo desu ka? Was that a fox, or a badger? Are wa kitsune deshita ka, tanuki de- shita ka? Is n't that a dog sleeping on the ver- Engawa ni nete iru no iva inu de zra anda? nai ka? 3- I doubt whether it will be much of a Okii kwaji ni narumai. fire. If it were only mended, it would be Naoshi sae shitara, moto no tori ni naru. as good as ever. There is only one left. Mo hitotsu lakari ni natta. V. AUXILIARY VERBS. SEC. i. AM, is, ARE; WAS, WERE. I. Followed by the active participle: (a) Am, is, are participle and aru or iru. (b) Was, were participle and otta or ita. THE VERB. 37 (c) Is n't ?, was n't ?, expecting yes for an answer de wa (contracted jd) nai ka? following the parti- ciple and oru or iru for the former; follo\ving the participle and otta or ita for the latter. 2. Followed by the passive participle see II. VII. i. (a). There is a crow building her nest in Niwa ni karasu ga su wo tsukutte tru, the garden. The rats are gnawing a hole some- Nezumi ga dokka tenjo ni ana wo akete where in the ceiling. iru. Were they laughing, or crying? Waratte ita no ka naite ita no ka? I was n't writing, I was reading. Tegami wo kaite wa orimasenu deshita. hon wo yonde imashita. I - i. M. Is n't the clock striking now? Ima tokei ga natte iruja nai ka? Were n't you whistling just now? Ima kuchi-lue wo fuite itaja nai kal SEC. 2. DO, DID. 1. Do and did are expressed in the present and past of the verb. 2. Don't?, did n't? expecting yes for an answer de iva nai ka f following the present for the former ; following the past for the latter. 3. Don't! negative imperative. Please don't! negative participle and o kure or kudasai. 4. Followed by ' ever ' or ' never ' see VII. III. 38 THE VERB. I. Why do you leave the door open ? Naze akepanashi ni shimasu lea ? They say they don'fc make it that Mo so shite wa koshiraenai so da. way any taore. Where did you put my umbrella? Watakushi no komori-gasa wa doJto ye oita ka ? Why did n't you give the coolie the Naze ninsoTtu ni tori ni kita mono ico things he came for? watasanakatta ka? 2. Don't the steamers sail twice a mouth Ima de iva tsuki ni ni do zutsu jokisen now ? go, deru jet arimasenu ka ? Did n't you say you lost your knife ? Kogatana wo nakushita to osshatta tU wa arimasenu ka ? 3- Don't put on any more coal. Mo sekitan wo Jsiiberuna. Please don't light the lights yet. Dozo mada akari wo tsukenai de kudc. sai. SEC. 3. HAVE, HAS ; HAD. 1. Have: (a) Affirmative past of the verb. (#) Negative negative present. (c) Have n't ?, expecting ' yes ' for an answer same as did n't? 2. Have been, followed by the active participle : (a) Affirmative participle and it a or iru (or otta or oru), according as the action is viewed as completed or not. (b) Negative participle and inai or oranai. (f) Have n't been ?, expecting ' yes ' for an answer de iva nai ka f following the participle and ita or iru (of fa or .->m ). an the 'case may b?, THE VERB. 39 3. Had:- (a) Affirmative mo and the past. (b) Negative mada and the past. (c) Had n't ? same as did n't? and have n't? I. (a). Have the coolies brought tho freight ? Ninsoku wa nimotsu wo motte kita ka * Have you heard the news to-day ? Kyo no shimbun wo o kiki nasaimaslrita ka? I. (b). Why have n't you brought your dog ? Naze o inu wo tsurete o ide nasai' masenu ka? The postman has n't brought any Kyo ioa haitatsunin ya ichi do mo tegami letters to-day. ivo motte konai. Your room has not been swept and O heya wa mada soji ga dekimasenu. dusted yet. This roof has not been repaired for KOHO yane wa mo ni nen hodo shufuku a couple of years. ga nai. 1. (,). Have n't you repaired your house Chikayoro ouclii no shufuku wo nas't- lately ? ta ja arimasenu ka ? 2. (a). Have you been reading the paper? Shimbun wo yor.de o idc nas'tta 7ca? I have just been trying to lift this Kono sumitori wo mochi-ageyo to shite coal-scuttle. ita tokoro da. How long have you been living iu Tokyo ni itsu kara snnde o ide nasai- Tokyo ? masu ka ? The Tokyo merchants have been sell- Tokyo no akindo wa mo hisashiku habit' ing foreign goods for a long time rai mono wo utte iru. now. 2. (b). They have been a Httlo noisy, but Sukoshi saivaide ita ga kcnka wo shift they have not been quarreling. inai. 40 THE VERB. . 2. (c). Has n't somebody been sleeping Dare ka koko ni nete ita de wa nai lea t here ? Have'n't the coolies been resting a Ninsoku iva hisashiku yasunde iru de good while? wa nai ka? 3- () I went to the Tokyo Fu, but they Tokyo Fu ye itta ga mo hike ni natta. (the officials) had left. When you left Tokyo, had the Kobu Tokyo wo o taehi nasaru toki fti, Kobu Daigakko been finished ? Daigakko loa mo deki-agarimashita ka? 3- (*) When I got to the hotel, my letter Hatagoya ye tsuita toki ni, mada tegami had not arrived. ga todokanakatta. I had not heard it when the steamer Jokisen ga deru toki ni mada kikima- left. senu deshita. 3- to- Had you not left for Kyoto before Sono mae ni Kyoto ye o tachi nas'tta that ? ja arimasenu ka ? SEC. 4. SHALL, WILL. 1. Affirmative: (a) Opinion ; also in seeking direction and in stating one's own purpose future of the verb. (ft) Certainty, determination, authority ; also in in- quiring into another's purpose present. 2. Negative negative present. i. (a). You will spoil it if you put in more Sere yori yokei ni sJiio wo ireru to gait. mazuku naro. Things will look better as soon as we Ame ga sukosM furi shidai ni keshiki have a little rain. go- noon* daro. THE VERB. 41 Shall I send word again to Yoko- Mata Yokohama ye so itte yarimasho ka? hama ? Shall I call a jinriki as I go to Shiba ? Shiba ye iki gake ni jinriki wo it chd yobimasho ka ? I will call again in a few days. Sono uchi ni mata agarimasho. If you need one, I'll lend you mine. iriyo nara, ivatakushi no wo o kashi moshimasho. i. (6). It will close at six o'clock. Roku ji ni shime-kiri ni narimasu. I'll go, if it rains " cats and dogs." Hi go, futte mo yari ga futte mo iki- masu. Denjiro will go for it. Denjiro ga tori ni ikimasu* About how long will you stay ? Itsu goro made o toman' (toman) nasaru ka? 2. Put it where it will not get cold. Samenai tokoro ni o oki nasai. They say some of the Buddhists will Bussha ni wa ka mo korosanai hito mo not kill even a musquito. am so da. I won't give a cent more than that. Sore yoriyokei ni wa is sen mo yaranai. Will none of these do ? Kore wa dore mo ikemasenu ka ? Won't you take something more ? Motto nani ka o agari nasaimasenu ka f SEC. 5. SHOULD, WOULD. 1. Affirmative: (a) Opinion, intention future of the verb. () Certainty, determination, explicit promise; as well as inquiry into the purpose of another -present. 2. Negative negative present. 3. Preceded by ' if conditional past. (See also X. sec. 8.) 42 THE VERB. 4. Accompanied by a conditional clause future. If however the time of the clause be past (the ' would ' be- coming ' would have ') past or probable past, according to the degree of certainty to be expressed. No ni adds regret or censure. 5. Ought see II. V. sec. 10. % / 6. Should ' like to ' see II. V. sec. 13. i. (a). I thought the jinriki would be here Mojinriki ga kite iyo to omotta. by this time. Did you think it would be so dear ? Sonna ni takakaro to o omoi nas'tta ka t liana, said she would write. O Hana san wa tegami wo yokoso to Ufa. i. (b). Mr. Maeda said positively he would Maeda san wa kitto sono dai wo Juiran pay the bill. to iimashita. What would you do in case your Ototsan ga o shini nas'tta toki wa do father died ? nasaimasu ? 2. It would not pay to sell it for less Go en ni uranakute iva tema ni awanai. than five dollars. He said the mail would not close till Yubhi wa roku ji made shime-kiri ni six o'clock. narauai to. iimashita. 3- If any one should come inquiring for Dare ka taznnete kitara, Yokohama ye me, say, I have gone to Yokohama. itta to so ie. 4- You would have time enough, if you Motto hayaku o oki natfltarti* jubun ni would get up earlier. toki ga aritnashd. If you had been a little more careful, Mo mkoshi o ki wo tsuke nasttara, kes- this would never have happened. shite konna koto ni narimasenu de- shita. If you had gone yesterday, you would Kino irassh'ttara, raku ni o ma ni ai. have been in good time. mashita no ni. THE VERB. 43 SEC. 6. CAN, COULD. Can and could are rendered in two ways : 1 . By the potential forms of the verb. 2. By dekint, which is coupled to the indicative present by koto. Dekirn is used with a noun also ; as well as independently in the sense of can ' do '. Can not is often expressed by the idiomatic phrase, ^vake ni iva ikanai added to the indicative present. -*- I. You can say anything in Japanese, H yd wo sae shitte ireba, Nihongo de if you only know how. nan de mo iemasu. I never can sleep when the fire bells Plansho ga naru to do shite mo nerare- ring. nai. When I was a boy I could swim half Kodomo no toki ni ham miclii wo oyoge- a mile. ta. I invited both, but neither of them Futari to mo maneita ga dochira mo could come. korarenakaita. I've been every where, but I can't Hobo ye amita ga do shite mo nrenai. sell it at all (no one wants one.) You can not sell it without govern- Seifu no menkyo ga nakereba urare- ment permission. masenu. It was very noisy and we could not Yakamasliikute nanni mo kikoemasenu hear a thing (tha t the speaker said.) deshita. He can only hear in one ear. Are loa kata mimi shika kikoenai, Can (may) I hear too? Watakushi mo kikaremasu ka? If you would open the door (and get To wo aketara miemasho. some light) you could see. It was pitch dark and we could not Makkura de michi ga mienakatto see the road. They say cats can not see when they Neko wa umare tate ni wa me ga mic.- are first born. nai so da. Whea can you see the Fukiago Fukiage no o niwa wa itsu miraremavho Garden? ka? Can \ve see the inside of the prison, Yurushi wo ukereba rd no naka wo mi- if we get a permit ? raremasu ka ? 44 THE VERB. 2. Can you send anything by telegraph? Nan de mo densliiii dc itte yaru Itoto ga dfkhnasu ka? I can not take the accounts to-night. Konya wa kanjo sum koto ga dekinai. Very few horses can. pull such a load Sonna nimotsu wo hiku koto no dekiru as that. uma wa goku sukunai. Can your dog sit up on his hind legs Kono inu wa chirxhin ga dekimasu ka ? and beg ? Some men can study ten hours a day. Ichi nichi nijuji kan benkyo no dekiru hito mo aru. Can't you do it a little better? Ho sukosM yoku dekinai ka? Can't you do this first ? Kore wo saki ni nasaru wake ni wa ika- nai ka 1 Is n't it possible for you to get per- Seifu kara yurushi wo o like nasaru mission from the government ? wake ni ica ikimasenu ka ? I can not possibly take it, even if he Eel wo sarete mo toru wake ni wa mairi- offers it to me. maseuu. SEC. 7. MAY, MIGHT. 1. Possibility, ' perhaps ': (a) Accompanying a present, future, or the auxiliary 'have not' ka mo shirenai following the present. () Accompanying the past (including ' might not have been') ka mo shirenai following the past. (c] Bare possibility may be expressed by mono de mo nai following the negative future. 2. Ability potential or dekiru. 3. Liberty, permission mo yoi (contracted it) following the participle. I. (a). May be there are some musquitoes in Kay a no naJca ni ka ga irit ka mo shire- the net. nai. May be the steamer will be in to- Aslrita loajokisen ga tsuku ka mo shire THE VERB. 45 May be we had bettor order them Yokohama ye itte yaru ho ga ii ka me from Yokohama. shirenai. You might get well if you went to Atami ye o ide nas'ttara naoru ka mo Atami. shirenai. Perhaps he will not start for a day Mada ni san nichi wa tatanai ka mo or two. shirenai. Perhaps he has not been told yet. Mada kikanai ka mo shirenai. I. (b). May be he missed the train. Kisha no ma ni awanakatta ka mo shire- nu. May be he has been told already. Mo kiita ka mo shirenai. If you had started a little earlier, Mo sukoshi hayaku o dekake ni nattara, you might have caught the train. kisha no ma ni atta ka mo shirenai. If leyasu had not lived, Tokyo leyasu to iu hito ga yo ni denakattara, might not have been built. Tokyo to iu tokcn'O ga dekinakatta ka mo shirenai. Possibly there may be a house to let Koliki Cho ni kashiya ga arumai mono in Kobiki Ch5. - de mo nai. Some day or other may be you will Itsu ka hanji ni narumai mono de mo be a judge. nai. If your letter had come yesterday, I Kino o tegami ga kitara, kyo ikemashi- might have gone to-day. taro ga. If Tsuya had told you so, you might O Tsuya san ga so ittara, isha wo o yobi have called the doctor. nasaru koto ga dekitaro ga. 3- May I go to the bath, Sir ? yu ni itte mo yd gozaimasu ka ? Yon may put it either in the drawer Hikidashi ye irete mo shodana ye agete or up on the book case. mo ii. Did you say I might borrow your die- Jibiki ivo haishaku shite mo ii to osshai- tionary? mashita ka? I told Ginjiro he might go to Asakusa Ginjiro ni kyo hirusugi Asakusa ye itte this afternoon. mo ii to iimashita. 46 THE VERB. 8. LET, MAKE, HAVE, GET. 1. These words in the sense of allow, constrain, require, cause, are all rendered by the causative voice. Certain transitives however having a causative force of their own, .'mffice of themselves to express ' let.' Get may also be rendered by the participle and morau a form which is more courteous than the causative, and which must be employed when the idea of favor is to be expressed. It does not however always and necessarily imply favor. (Comp. IV. III. sec. 2). 2. Imperative : (a) Let us future followed by de wa nai ka ? (b) Don't let may be rendered by the negative present followed by yd ni shite. i. Matsu has let the lamp smoke. Matsu wa rampu wo ilmraseta. Shall I let these coolies take the box ? Kono ninsoku ni lutko wo molte ikase- masho ka ? You have had enough now, let me Kimi wa mo jubun nonda kara, uoku ni have a drink. ippai nomasete o kure. Please don't let the children come in- Kodomo ni kutsu ivo haite uchi ye hat to the house with their shoes on. rasenai de kudasai. Make him wait a minute. Sukoshi matasete o oki (nasai). If those children come in, you must Ano kodomo ga kuru nura, sliizuka n> make them keep quiet. sasenakereba ikenai. Do make the washerwoman iron these Sentakuya ni kono* kimono tro motto clothes better. yoku hinoshi ivo kakesasete o kure. I'll have Kisaburo post your letters. Kisaburo ni o tegami ivo yubin ye di&a- semasho. You nad belter have the carpenter Daiku ni tsukuraseta ho ga yd make it. masho. THE VERB. 47 Where did you get this table made ? Kono tsukue wa doko de o koshiraesase nasaimashita ? You ought to get your grass cut. Shiba wo o karase nasaru ga yd gozai- masho. Please let the cat go out. Dozo neko wo soto ye dashite kudasai. You must not let the water run out Sonna ni hayaku rnizu wo na-rjashite wa so fast. ikenai. I want to get my watch cleaned and Tokei wo naosliite soji shite inoraitai. mended. 2. (a). Let us go up Fujisan to-morrow. Ashita Fujisay, ye noboro ja nai ka t Let's go by way of the Tori. Tori wo totte ikoja nai ka ? Let's rest and have a pipe. Yasunde ip puku yaroja nai ka? Let's pull the cat's tail. Neko no shippo wo hippatte rniyoja nai ka? 2. (. Don't let this get cold. Kore wo sainenai yd ni shite oki na. Please do not let that lamp smoke. Sono rampu wo iburanai yd ni shite o kure. SEC. 9 MUST. I . Necessity, right, authority : (a) Affirmative neg. cond. pres. neg. part, and wa neg. pres. and to [ikenai* and \ikaiiai. naranat. ikenai. Negative part, and ^va^ - \ and - ikanai. pres. and to] naranai* 48 THE VERB. 2. Conviction : (a) Must future. (b] Must have probable past. I. (a). You must be more careful. Motto ki wo tsukenakereba ikenai. You must make him take it whether Suki de mo kirai de mo nomasenakereba he likes it or not. ikemasenu. You must mind what Miss Hana says. Hana san no iu koto wo kikanakute wa ikemasenu yo. We must leave the house at twelve Junijini uchi wodenai to narimasenu o'clock. 1. (. You must not put so much charcoal Hitachi ye sonna ni sumi wo tsuide wa in the hibachi. ikenai. You must not hold the baby so. Akaribo wo so daite wa ikenai. You must n't leave your light burn- Deru toki ni akari wo tsukete oite wa ing when you go out. ikenai. I told Hachi he must not even touch "0710 hana ni sawatte mo naranai tc these flowers. Hachi ni iimashita. 2. (a). It must be so. Kitto so de gozaimasho. Maruya must certainly have some Kitto Maruya ni wa mada arimashd. more. 2. 0). You must have seen it at Hakone. Hakone de goran nas'ttaro. You must have been perplexed. Sazo o komari de gozaimashitaro. SEC. 10. OUGHT, SHOULD. I . Obligation, propriety : (a) Affirmative beki hazu following the verb ; or the negative participle and wa, or negative conditional present, followed by siimanai. (b) Negative participle and vva followed by sumar nai. 3 THE VERB. 49 2. Conviction Jtazu following the indicative present (ought to have the past), or so na mono da following the stem. 3. Advice, direction, ' had better ': (a) Seeking (usually) conditional past and yokaro. (b) Giving present, or past and ho> followed by ga yokaro or yoi. 4. Censure, regret, ' ought to have ' present conditional and yoi (or yokatta) no ni (comp. sec. 14. 2.) With verbs of the first conjugation, beki accompanies the indicative ; with those of the second the stem. Some verbs of the second conjugation however e.g. kokoro-miru and dekiru, following a law of the written language, at times change the final vowel of the stem to u. The irregular verbs kuru and suru also become ku beki and su beki. Miru beki is in use as well as mi beki. i. (a). The people ought to obey just laws. J-immin wa tadashii okite ni shitagau leki hazu da. Even an enemy should be forgiven. Teki de sae mo yunisu leki hazu da. One ought to speak the truth. Hito wa malcoto wo in beki hazu no mono de gozaimasu. Everybody ought to be vaccinated. Dare mo ue-boso wo su beki hazu da. Sankichi ought to be more respectful. Sankichi wa motto gyo-gi ga yokunakute wa sumanai. I think you ought to apologize to Take san ni wabinakute wa siimi- Miss Take. masumai. You ought not to sleep so late. Sonna ni asa-ne wo shite wa suwanat. Hankichi ought not to be out so late. Hankichi wa sor.ua ni osoku made dete ite wa sumauai. 50 THE VERB, 2. He ought to be here directly now. Mo jiki ni kuru hazu desu. It ought to have struck, it's past Mo ju ni ji sugita kara, natta liazu da* twelve. This dictionary ought to be good, it Kono jibiki wa gakusha no koshiraeta was written by a scholar. no da kara, ii hazu da. It ought not to be weak, it was care- Sore wa nen wo -irete koshiraeta no da fully made. kara, yowakunai hazu da. Oranges ought to be getting very Mikan wa mo yohodo yasiiku nari so na cheap now. mono da. 3- (a). Which road should I take? Dono michi wo ittara yokaro ? What color ought I to paint this ? Kore wa nan no iro ni nuttara yokaro ? How ought I to translate this ? Kore wa do honyaku shitara yo gozai- masho ? How much water ought I to put in Kono tokkuri ye nani hodo mizu ivo ire- th is bottl e ? tar a yokaro ? I am going to the railroad, how much Tetsudo made iku n' da ga ikurajinriki ought I to give the jinriki ? ni yattara yokaro ne ? 3- (*) You had better take an umbrella. Komori-gasa wo motte o ide nasaru ga yokaro. Some think you had better go. ide nasaru ga yokaro to omou hito mo arimasu. You had better not build a bungalow. Hiraya wo o tate nasaranai ga yokaro. You had better consult with your Ototsan ni sodan shite goran nas'tta ho father about it. ga yokard. Hadn't you better buy a couple ? Futatsu o kai nas'tta Jio ga ii ja art- masenu ka ? You ought to take about thirty drops San jit telti bakari ni mizu wo ni bai in twice as much water. watte o nomi nasaru ga ii. Then you ought to say so. Sonnara s5 iu ga ii. 4- You ought to have been a little more Mo sukoshi ki wo isukereba yoi no ni. careful. I ought not to have said a word about Sono koto wa ichigon mo iwanakereba it. yoi no ni. THE VERB. 51 I ought to have telegraphed at once. Sassoku denshin -wo kakereba yokatta no ni. SEC. i r. THINK, SUPPOSE. 1. Hold an opinion omou, zonjiru, (more courteous) oboshimesu, connected with a preceding verb by to. 2. Regard probable, suppose : (a) Likely to be or to happen future. (b] Likely to have happened probable past. Some people think he is crazy. ' Ano hito wa kichigai da to omou hito mo aru. What do you think of such conduct ? Konna oko-nni wa do 6bosliimeshima.su ka? I thought I had plenty, but I can Takusan atta to omotta ga hitotsu mo not find one. initsukerarenai. I thought I could go there in half an Han ji kan de asoko yc ikeru daro to hour. omotta. thought Seikichi would probably be Seikichi wa ma ni aumai to omotta. late. 2. (a). I don't think you will like the kagos. Kago wa o guki de arimasumai. 1 doubt whether you will find any Asoko ni nama-uo wa arumai, fresh fish there. 1 suppose there are plenty of neas in Kono tatami ni wa nomi ga takusau iru these mats. daro. 2 .(3). Do you suppose the steamer has ar- Yubinsen wa tsukimashitaro ka? rived ? I suppose the postman passed while Haitatsunin wa rusu no ma ni tottaro. I was out. 52 THE VERB. SEC. 12. INTEND. 1. Purpose tsumori following the indicative present. 2. Contemplate, think of doing to omou following the future. i. I intend to go by the nine o'clock Ku jl no kiah'i de iku tsumori desit. train. I intended to let you know, but I had shirase mosu tsumori de atta ga sono no time. ma ga nakatta. I did not intend to let Hachi know it. Hachi ni sore wo sliiraseru tsumori de nakatta, 2. I intended to build a house, but I le wo tateyo to omotta ga kane ga dekt- could not afford it. nakatta. I was going to tell you yosterday, but Kino moshi-ageyo to omotta ga o ide ga you did not eoine, nakatta. SEC. 13. WANT. 1. Followed by a noun : (a) Need, require iru or iriyd da ; (of business) yd. (b) Desire to have hoshii* 2. Followed by a verb. : (a) Desire to do desiderative adjective. When the desire is that another perform the action for one participle and moraitaS (comp. sec. 8.) (b) Hope that one will ; wish it to- be sec. 14. 2. 3, Proposition, ' how about ?' ' what do you say to? f participle and wa followed by do or ikaga. THE VERB. 53 I. (a). Do you want this ? Kore wa o iriyd desu ha '? I want a jinriki to go to Asakusa. Asakusa ye iku nijinriki r,a int. Don't you need some little ones too ? Chiisai no mo o iriyo ja arimascnu Jca f I think we shall not need any straw- Kusa-ichigo wa kyd irimasumai. berries to-day. What did Hana want ? O Hana san wa nan no yd de kita no ka? I. (b). Hachi wants an orange. Hachi wa mikan ga hoshii. Hana wants a hairpin like Take's. Hana san wa o Take san no yd na kanzashi ga hoshii. Don't you want a pretty little pup ? Kawairashii ko-inu ga hoshikunai ka ? 12. .(a). Hana wants to borrow a hairpin. Hana san wa kanzashi wo karitai. I wanted to see Mr. Yamada, but ho Yamada san ni aitai to omotta (or aita- was out. katta) ga riisii de aita. I did n't want to write that letter. Ano tegami wo kakitaku fjozaimasenn deshita. I should like to know how to inflect Doshi no hatarakase yd wo oloeid gozai- verbs. masu. I wish I knew how to do up my hair Itaru san no yd ni kami no ii yd we like Hani's. oboetai mow' da. I want you to show me' several pat- Iroiro no moyo ivo misete mo-raitai. terns. I want somebody to call a jinriki. Dare ka nijinriki wo yonde moraita-L I wanted the cabinet-maker to make Sashivionoya ni annta no yd na hako wr. me a box like yours. kosltiraete moraito gozaimashiia. Don't you want Torakichi to post Tordkichi ni yubin ye tegami wo dashiti your letters ? moraitakunai ka ? Do you want to change pens? Fudc wo o torikae nas'tte wa do desu} What do you say to buying a dog ? Inu wo o kai nas'tte wa do desu ? 54 THE VERB. SEC. 14. WISH, HOPE. 1. Desire to do same as sec. 13. 2 (a). 2. Desire that a thing is was or will be : (a) Simple desire ni shitai or ni shitai mono da following a noun, yd ni shitai following a verb or an adjective. (6) Coupled with doubt fear or regret present con ditional and yoi. Doubt is emphasized by ga; and regret, by no ni. This idiom also expresses ' want one to/ in the sense of ' hope he will '. (Comp. also sec. 10. 4.) 2. (a). I hope to-morrow will be fine too. Ashita mo yahari tenki ni shitai mono da. I hope hp will bo a scholar too. Are mo yappari gakiAsha ni shitai mono da. I hope you will soon recover. Hayaku o naori nasaru yo ni shitai mono da. I hope it will be done day after to- Asatte dekiru yo ni shitai mono da. morrow. I want it well made. Yoku dekiru yo ni itashito gozaimasu. I wish I had a little change. Snkoshi Tto-satsu ga areba ii. I wish somebody would tell him so. Dare ha ano hito ni so icba ii. I wish that dog \rould n't bark. Ano inu wa hoenakerela ii. I wish you had toid me sooner. Motto hayaku kikasereba, yokatta. I wish it didn't rain. Ame ga fiiranakereba ii no ni. I wish I were a little taller. Mo sukoshi sei ga takakcreba ii no THE VERB. 55 I hope I shall be able to talk Japan- Itsu ka Nitongo gadekiru yo ninareba ese some day. n 9 a> I hope it will be pleasant, but it looks Tenki ga yokereba ii ga muzukashi sd doubtful. aa " I tope ^e shall not have any more KotosU tea mo yuki ga furanakcreba ii snow this year. 9 d - I hoped he would come by this train Kono kislia de Jcureba yoi to omotta. I wanted you to bring your dog. inu wo tsurete o ide nasareba yoi to omotta. SEC. 15. NEED. 1. Followed by a noun sec. 13. I (a). 2. Followed by a verb : . (negative participle and mo yoi. (a} Negative \ (indicative present and ni oyobanai* (b) Affirmative same as ' must/ 2. (a). You need not wait any longer. Mo matte inakute mo ii. You need not serve tea until six. Roku ji made wa cha wo dasandkute mo ii. You need n't lock the door when you Dem toki ni to no shimari wo shinakute gO OUt . 7710 H. Tell Wasuko he need not go to Asa- Kyo wa Asaknsa ye ikanai de mo ii to kusa to-day. Wasuke ni itte o kure. You need n't run so, we have a long Sonna ni kakczu to mo ii, mada yohodo time yet. aida ga aru. You need not cut the grass for a hito tsuki no aida kusa wokarunioyo- _ month. banai. You need not bring by bento on Doyonichi ni iva lento wo motte kurn ni Saturdays. waoyobanai. $6 THE VERB. SEC. 1 6. SEEM, LOOK. I . Semblance : /verb and yd da adjective and yd da. (a) To appear to be | adjective stem and so da. and no yd da. Ni mieru may take the place of da. (b) To appear likely to happen stem of the verb and so da. Instead of so da, so ni mieru and so na keshiki are often employed. 2. Report : * it seems that,' * they say,' ' I hear,' ' I believe,' ' so ' verb or adjective and so da. i. . The fire seems to be out. Hi ga kicU iru yd da. The fire seerns to be going out. Hi ga kie kakatte iru yd da. That coal does n't seem to burn very Ano sekitan wa amari yoku mocnai yd well. da. When Sansuke came for the shoes he Sansuke ga kutsu ico tori ni k;ta toki, looked a little angry. sukoslii okotte iru yd deshita. Those pictures seem to me to be hung Ano gaku no kake yd wa sukoshi taka a trifle too high. sugiru yd da. When you talk to him he seems to Dampan suru toki wa shdchi suru yd ni assent. mieru. These mats seem to be dirty. Kono tatami wa kitanai yd da. This machine seems to be out of Kono kikai wa guai ga warui yd da. order. It seems wonderful that you can send Shiji ka goji kan de Amerika ye den- a telegram to America, in four or shin wo kakerareru to ica fushiyi na five hours j does n't it ? yd desu ne ? THE VERB. 57 This pond looks deep. Kono ike ica fuka so da. That child looks tired and sleepy. Ano ko wa kutabirete itenat so da. This seems the better plan. Kono shuko no ho ga yosa so de gozai- masu. Heikichi looks strong. Heikichi wajdbu so da. He seems to be very clever. Ano Into wa taiso rikd so de gozaimasu. It seems to be a fire. Kwaji no yd da. He looks like a thief. Are wa dorobd no yd da. The man. who came here this morn- Kesa koko ye kita Into wa Nipponjin no ing did n't look like a Japanese. yd ja gozaimascnu deshita. I. ( It looks like rain. Ame ga furi so desu. The fire looks like going out. Hi ga kie so desu. This looks like an obstacle. Kore wa sashi-tsukae ga ari so da. Last night it seemed to be going to Yube wa tenki ni nari so de atta. clear. It does n't look as if there would be Amari kaze ga fuki so mo (or de wa) much wind. nai. This does not look like peace. Kore wa odayaka ni nari so mo nai. This leak has not any appearance of Kono mori wa toman so mo nai. stopping. He did not look like coming down. Make so na keshiki wa nakatta. 2. It seems there was a fire in Shiba last Yube Shiba ni kivaji ga atta so desu. night. The mats are very dirty, it seems. Tat ami wa taiso kitanai so desu. They say he is very clever. Ano hito iva taiso rikd na so desu. There is a terrible famine in China, Shina ni taikikin ga aru so de gozai- they say. masu. There were no trains yesterday, I Kind wa kisha ga ichi do mo denakatta hear. so de gozaimasu. So you bought a watch the other Sendatte tokei wo o kai nas'tta so desu day. ne. So you took a red one. Akai no ni nas'tta so desu ne. So the cord was a little short. Himo wa sukoshi mijikakatta so desu. 58 THE VERB. VI. THE INFINITIVE. There being no infinitive in Japanese, the English infinitive must be rendered differently according to cicum- stances : 1 . As the subject or object of another verb indicative present and no (koto) . 2. Signifying for the purpose of stem and ni. 3. Signifying with the intention of future and to omotte. 4. Following the means, instrument, agent indicative present and ni. 5. Equivalent to the verbal noun preceded by 'for 'or ' in 'indicative present and no ni. 6. Equivalent to ' if ' and accompanied by ' it will ' or ' it would ' participle and vva. The case however must be a real one and not a mere hypothesis. 7. Following verbs of telling, requesting, promising, ad- vising, etc. to following the direct narration or yd ni following the indicative present. I. It is wrong to waste time, Muda ni toki 100 tsitiyasu no wa warui koto da. Are you afraid to have your tooth Ha 100 nuku koto ga Itowd gozaimasu ka ? pulled out? You will hardly be able to carry that Omae no chikara de wa sono hoko wo box upstairs. nikai ye motte agaru no wa, miizu- kashikaro. The government does not allow for- Seifu de wa gwaikokujin ga naiclii ni eigners to live in the interior. sumu koto 100 yurusanai. I have decided not to buy a horse. Uma wo kawanai koto ni kimcmasltita . THE VERB; 59 2. I went to get that tea cup we looked Sendatte mita chaioan wo kai ni itta go. at the other day, but it had been mo urete shimatta. sold. We only stopped to change jinrikis. Tada jinriki wo kac ni tomatta bakari da. 3- I raised my hand to strike. Tatako to omotte te wo ageta. Did 3'ovi do it to make him angry ? Okoraseyo to omotte so nas'tta ka ? Did you say it to ' make a goose' of Bakaso to omotte so ii nas'tta lea? him? I called to see what he would say. Nan to iu ka kiite miyo to omotte yori- mashita. 4- I want a wagon to send this box to Kono hako wo tetsudo ye yarn ni kuruma the railway. ga iru. You had better buy a trap to catch Ano nczumi wo torn ni loana wo kail ga that rat. ii. I want a few nails to mend this box. Kono hako ivo naosu ni kugi ga sukoshi iriyo da. He wants a little money to pay for Hirumeslii no dai wo harau ni zeni ga his dinner. sukoshi iriyo da. I should think it would cost f u]ly a Sonna ie wo tateru ni isa sen en tarazu thousand dollars to build such a kakarimasho. house as that. How many hours does it take to send Shiba ye tsukai ico yarn ni nan ji kan a messenger to Shiba ? kakarimasu ka ? Go and call a plasterer to mend the Engawa wo naosaseru ni shakanya wo veranda. yonde o ide. Who was appointed to examine the Shosei 100 shiken sum ni dare ga ii- students ? tsukeraremashita ka ? 5- How much ought I to give to have Uchi no niwa ye shiba wo uc-tsukcsaseru (for having) my garden sodded ? no ni ikura yattara yokaro ? I don't know how much I ought to Tetsudo made notte iku nn ni ikura pay to ride to the railway. ' harattara yokaro ka shirimasenu. 60 THE VERB. We vent down to the beach, but the Hamabe made itta ga abiru no ni tea waves were too high to bathe. nami ga taka sugita. How many jinrikis shall we need to Kamaknra ye iku no ni jinriki ga iJcu go to Kamakura ? did iru daro ? 6. It will be a great mistake to wait (if Hito tsuki matte wa d uiachiga.i daro. we wait) a month. It will injure the country to pass (if Sonna okite wo tatete wakuni no gai ni they pass) such a law. naru daro. I don't believe it would pay to pub- Koelti Mondd wo yokomyi de sliuppan lish Koeki Mondo in foreign type. shite wa hiki-aumai. It would be inconvenient for me to Yokohama ye hikkcshite wa fulen de move to Yokohama. gozaimasu. It will not be very pleasant to get Shakkin wo shite wa amari omoshiroku- into debt. nai. 7- Tell Yosuke to serve breakfast'. Asamcshi wo dase to (dasu yd ni) Yo- suke ni itte o kure. Tell J)enzo not to forget about the Sekitan no koto wo wasureruna to coal. (wasurenai yd ni)Dcnzd ni itte o kure. He promised to meet us in Yoko- Yokohama de awo to yakusoku shima* harna. shita. I promised to go, but I don't feel Iku yd r,i yakusoku shita ga kagen ga well. . warui. Did n't the doctor advise you to go Islia wa Atami ye o ide nasaru yd ni to Atami ? sitsumemasenu dcshita ka ? Shall I tell the tailor to call on you Dai wo itadaki ni agaru yd ni shitateya to get his pay? ni moshimasho ka 1 VII. PASSIVE CONSTRUCTIONS. 1. The passive voice see II. II. sec. 3. 2. Intransitives employed to render English passives see II. III. sec. 2. THE VERB. 6l 3. It may be said in general that the use of the passive voice in much wider in English than in Japanese : many constructions therefore which in English are passive must be rendered into Japanese at a sacrifice of form : (a) When an active construction with * they ' might be substituted for the passive one, the sentence is usually translated accordingly. (b) When the English sentence is explanatory, the verb becomes active in Japanese and is used as an adjective to qualify a no (mono) following. (c) When the clause containing the passive is the object of another verb, its verb assumes the active form and is followed by no (tokoroj; thus instead of saying ' I saw such a thing done,' a Japanese would say ' I saw the act of doing such a thing.' (d) Am, is, are, was and were, followed by the passive participle and expressing past action still con- tinuing in effect, are rendered by the participle and aru, if the Japanese verb be a transitive; if it be an intransitive, oi;u or iru takes the place of aru. (e) The presence of certain ideas may determine the mode of translation : Becoming, coming to pass, resulting in, change, etc., are expressed by the stem of the verb and ni naru, or by the indicative present and yd ni naru. Receiving is rendered by ukeru and morau. 62 THE VERB. I. T -ras invited, but I had another en- Manekareta keredomo hokardyakusoku gageinent and declined. shita koto ga atte kotowarimaslrita. When Ycshida returns, will he be Yoshida go, kaettara, Eixoku ye koshi sent as minister to England ? ni yararcru daro ka ? Dont't let yourself be cheated. Damasarenai yd ni shi nasai. I was requested by Mr. Ishikawa to Anata ye agaru yo ni Ishikawa san ni call on you. tanomaremashita. Where were you bitten ? Doko wo kamareta ka ? My watch must have been stolen. - Kitto tokei wo nusumareta dan. This letter has been read by some- Kono tegami wo dare ka ni yomareta. body. Fusa has been stung in the finger by Fusa ga hachi ni yubi ico sasareta. a bee. One of the visitors at Hakone last Kyonen Hakone ye hekislw (hisho) ni year was accidentally shot in the itte (nil mono no uclii ni do ka shite hand. te wo utareta Idto ya atia. Tora has been whipped several times Tora wa sore wo shite iku tali mo tata- for doing that. kareta. Gonsuke did nothing to be discharged Gonsuke wa hima wo dasareru toga ga for. nakatta. 2. The fire started from Kamakura Kamakura Gaslii kara kwaji ga dete, Gashi, and about half Tokyo was Tokyo ga taitei hambun yaketa. burned. When will the new Monzeki temple Monzeld no fushin wa. itsu deki-agari- be finished? masho ka? It was done long ago. To ni dekita. Has the room been swept ? Heya no soji wa dekimasliita ka? I hope he will be satisfied with this. Kore de manzoku sureba ii ga. They say one of the engineers was Kikaikata ga hitori atama kara tsuma- scalded from head to foot. saki made yakedo wo shita so desu. Has n't a single one of the Mitsu Mitsu Bishi Kwaisha no June iva is so Bishi ships been wrecked ? mo hasen shimasenu ka ? THE VERB. 63 3- (a). [s much sugar imported (do they im- Sliina kara mainen sato wo oku yunyu port) annually from China-? shimasu ka? Tobacco is used (they use) almost Tabako wa taitei doko de mo mochii- every where. masu. Diamonds have been recently found Chikagoro Afurika de kongoseki wo inte- rn Africa. dashita. Theology and church history are Shingakko de wa shingaku to kyokwai- taught in theological schools. rekishi ivo oshiemasu. In some countries, I believe, erimi- Am kuni de wa toganin wo bo de buchi- nals are beaten to death with clubs. korosu so da. The drains had better all be cleaned Gesui wo nokorazu soji shite shodokulio and disinfected. wo okonau ga ii. In what month is the rice harvested? Kome ica nan gwatsu ni kari-iremasu ka? Where were those oranges put ? Ano mikan wa doko ye okimashita ka ? 3- (*). This (railway ticket) was bbught for Kore wa tomodachi no lun ni katta no a friend, but he has not come yet. da ga mada kimasenu. It was printed on the Tori. Sore wa Tori de hanko shita mono da. This must have been written with a Kore wa empitsu de kaita mono daro. lead pencil. Honey is made by bees. Mitsu wa haclii ga tsukuru mono da. Was this letter brought by the post- Kono tegami wa liaitatsunin ga motte man ? kita n' desu ka ? Was this cut with a knife or with Kore wa kogatana de kitta no ka *7za- scissors ? sami de kitta no ka ? What is uiochi made of and when is Moehi to iu mono wa nan de koshiraete it eaten ? itsu taberu mono desu ka ? 3. M. I should like very much to hear the Doka samisen wo jozu ni liiku no wo samisen well played. kiite mitai mono da. I had never seen a cannon tired un- Tokyo ye kuru made wa taiho wo utsu til I came to Tokyo. no wo mita koto ga nakatta. Did you ever see a man's head cut Hitono kubi wo kiru no wo goran nas't- off ? ta koto ga arima.su ka ? r in ally we found him on the road- Shimai ni micliibata ni kogoe-shinde ita side frozen stiff. no wo mitsuketa. 64 THE VERB. * 3- W. The roof of that house is covered Auo ie no yane wa kawara de fuite aru. with tiles. It is in the drawer, wrapped up in Hikidashi no naka ni, kami ni tsutsun- paper and tied with a string. de ito de shibatte aru. Neither of these shoos is well sewed. Kono kutsu wa dochira mo yoku nutte nai. This receipt is not signed yet. Kono nketori wa mada lian ga oshite nai^ This fish is not well boiled. Kono sakana wa yoku nite nai. It was hidden under the roots of a Matsu no ki no ne no shita ni kakushite pine tree. atta. It must be hidden somewhere in the Doko ka niwa no uchi ni kitto kakushite garden. am daro. IB n't the study lamp lighted? Shosai no rampu wa tsuite imasenu ka? One is open and the other is shut. Hitotsu wa aite oru shi mo hitotsu no wa shimatte orimasu. 3- M. I thought foreigners would be im- Ketojindomo ga jiki ni o uchi-harai ni mediately expelled. naru daro to omotta. Trading places have been opened in Osaka ni mo Ilyogo ni mo koeki-lra ga o both Osaka and Hyogo. h Iraki ni natta. After the Revolution the government Go isshin go wa seiji wa Tenslii sama dt was assumed by the Emperor. nasaru yd ni natta. Will foreigners be allowed to live in Sono tokiniwagioaikoknjin ganaichini thje interior then P sumu koto ga dekini yd ni naru daro ka? Of late, government proclamations Tina de wa seifu no fukoku wa shimbun have been issued in the news- shi ni deru yd ni natta. papers. Each student is examined before he Shosei wa meimei yurushi ivo ukeru mae is licensed. ni shiken wo ukemasu. By whom were you baptized ? Anata wa dare kara senrei wo o uke nasaimashiia ka? Has the carpenter been paid for the Daiku wa shodana no dai wo morai- book-case ? mashita ka ? The baby was vaccinated by Mr. Uchi no akambo wa Matsumoto san ni Matsumoto. ue-boso ivo shite moraimashita. I used to be taught by an old rean Moto wa Nagoya kara kita rojin ni from Nagoya. oshiete moratta. CHAPTER III. THE NOUN. SEC. i. Besides being supplied with true nouns, such as kaze >' wind, chikara strength, hito a person, Japanese makes use of many verbal stems to serve as nouns ,* as negai request, osore fear. SEC. 2. ABSTRACT NOUNS. i . Abstract nouns are frequently formed by adding koto to an adjective or to the present or past of the verb ; as-^ hayai koto rapidity kanashii koto affliction katai koto hardness shibui koto astringency urusai koto annoyance yoi koto goodness komaka na koto accuracy rippa na koto beauty dekinai koto impossibility ki wo tsukeru\ [attention koto ) komaru koto perplexity on wo shiranai\ m [ingratitude koto tatsu koto cru koto shikkari koto abstinence acquisition shit a} \ firmness sugiireta koto excellence 2. Many abstract nouns are formed by adding sa to adjective stems; as takasa height, katasa hardness, iiayasa speed. Nouns of the first class express simply quality, those of this class express also degree \fukaikoto depth, fukasa the depth of. 66 THE NOUN. SEC. 3. CONCRETE NOUNS. Many concrete nouns, names both of persons and things, are formed by adding mono to nouns adjectives and verbal stems ; as adziikari mono deposit bake mono ghost deki mono ' abscess hiyori mono hypocrite inaka mono rustic ire mono vessel kai mono purchase ki mono clothing SEC. 4. NAMES OF TRADES. The names of most of the trades are formed by adding ya to the name of the article dealt in ; as okeya a cooper, honya a bookseller, toriya a bird-fancier. SEC. 5. COMPOUND NOUNS. Compound nouns abound ; and are formed either by the union of two nouns or verbal stems, or by uniting a verb or the stem of a verb or of an adjective to a noun ; as inazari mono mixture nokori mono leavings nui mono sewing okuri mono gift oseji mono flatterer tabe mono food umai mono dainty yaki mono pottery aka-gane copper ji-biki dictionary cha-ire tea caddy onna-gami goddess* hari-gane wire te-oke pail hiki-dashi drawer te-suri hand rail hiki-shio ebb tide yake-ishi lava iku-saki destination yane-ita shingle THE NOUN/ 67 SEC. 6. GENDER, Distinction in sex is sometimes expressed as in English by the use of different words ; as otoko, onna man, woman ; chichi, haha father, mother; ototsan, okkasan papa, mamma ; musuko, musume boy, girl. Sometimes it is expressed by prefixing o or me, which correspond to ' he ' and ' she ' in such words as he-goat ; as o shika, me jika buck, doe ; oh dori, men dori cock, hen. Properly speaking however Japanese nouns are without gender, and in most cases even sex is not indicated. SEC. 7. NUMBER. If necessary the plural can be formed by suffixing domo, , tachi or gat a. This however is usually done only when ambiguity would otherwise arise. Tachi and gat a, being more courteous than domo or ra, are commonly employed of persons that should be referred to with more or less of respect. SEC. 8.- CASE. Case is expressed by means of the postpositions. CHAPTER IV. THE PRONOUN, I. PERSONALS AND POSSESSIVES. 1, me watakushi (contracted -wataski], we, us watakushidamo. you sing, omae, omae san, anata. (tac/ii, [tachi, pi. omac\ omae san\ anatagata, \gata, \gata, (hito. he. him are, ano hito, ano o\ \kata. (hitv, (hito. she, her are, ano\ ano o\ \onna, \kata* it sore. (tachl, the} 7 , them arera, ano hito\ ano o katagata. Omae san is more polite than omae; and anata, which is generally used in addressing equals and superiors, still more so ; the same is true also of ano hito and ano o kata, as compared with are. THE PRONOUN. 69 Students among themselves, frequently use boku for ' I ' and kimi for ' you.' A scholar is sensei; a master, danna or danna sari. Tonin means ' Ke ' or ' she ' of one already named. -'It,' with verbs of 'saying' and 'doing,' is rendered by so. It may be said in general that the personal pronouns are seldom used excepting when emphasis is to be expressed, or when ambiguity would result from their absence. They are often employed once at the beginning of a conversation or sentence and then dropped. It is also true that some pcakers use them more freely than others. Possessive pronouns are formed by adding no to the rsonals ; as watakushi no my, mine. The adjective form of sore however is sono, not sore no; and it may mean ' his ' or ' your ' as well as 'its.' I brought 1 he bos and Denjiro Watakushi wa hako wo motte kita shi brought the bundle. Denjiro wa tsutsumi wo motte kimashita. This is different from what I ordered. Kare wa watakushi ga atsuracta no to chigaimasu. He offered me a hundred dollars, but Watakushi ni hyaku en yard to itta ga I would n't take it ukenakatta. The ladies rode in kagos, but we Fujingata wa kago ni notta ga icata- walked. kushidomo wa arukimashita. Some of us would like to study his- Watakushidomo no uchi ni rekishi wo tory. keiko shitai mono mo gozaimasu. Everything I sa.j seems to offend you. Watashi no iu koto ica nani ino ka mo o ki ni sakarau yo de gozaimasu. Did n't some one bring a parcel for Ima dare ka watakushi no tokoro ye me just now ? tsutsumi wo motte kita de wa nai ka? I think you will tind a i'ew screws in Watakushi no dogu-bako ni neji ga my tool-chest. ni sam bon haitte imaslio. Was it you that left the door open? Akepanashi ni shita no wa omae ka? 7O THE PRONOUN. You are a little particular. Anata iva sukoshi ko-musukashii hito de Qozaimasu. There was a man here an hour ar SenJcohi anata wo tadzunete kita hito two ago inquiring- for you. ga atta. You have holes in both your socks. Oniae no tabi ni wa ryoho ni ana ga aite iru. That hairpin of yours is very stylish. Anata no kansashi wa taiso iki desu ne. These are not yours, are they ? Kore wa anata no de wa gozaimasumai t na? He will probably choose this color. Are wa okata kono iro wo torn daro. He is a man of ability, but he is Are wa saishi da ga kiryoku ni tobo- lacking in energy. shii hito da. Please don't tell him anything. Are ni nani mo kikasenai de kudasai. I gave him all the money I had. Ano hito ni ari kiri kane wo yatti shimatta. I wish I had some of his money. Ano hito no motte iru kane ga sukoshi hoshii mon' da. What paper did it eome out in ? Sore wa nani shimbun ni demashita ka .* How many does it hold ? Sore ni ikutsn hairimasu ka ? I don't believe there is one like it in Sore to onoji yd na no wa Tokyo ni Tokyo. gozaimasumai* As you are about it, wash this too. Sono tsuide ni kore mo aratte o kure. There was a fellow na,nied Benkei Sono kerai ni Benkei to in mono ga among his retainers. atta. Did he say it before people ? Hito no mae de so iimashita ka? I'll do it as soon as I can. Deki shidai ni so itashimasho. II. COMPOUND PERSONALS. Pronouns followed by ' self ' are rendered according to the shade of meaning to be expressed : i. Simply emphatic the personal pronoun itself. THE PRONOUN. ?I . One's self as well as another the personal pronoun and mo yafian; yahari however is often understood. 3. One's self as distinguished from others -jibun* 4. By one's self, alone hitori de. 5. Of itself, spontaneously shizen ni. Jibun and hitori de are sometimes combined. I. I'll lend it to you just as soon as I Watakushi ga yonde shimattara sugu have iinished reading it myself. ni o kashi moshimasho. 2. I have tripped on that sill two or Watakushi mo yahari ano sMkii ni three times myself. PJ ni san do ketsmiuizuita koto ga s aru. 3- He has a pretty good opinion of him- Jibun wa yohodo dekiru tsumori de self. int. You can not do it yourself either. Jibun mo yahari dekinai kuse ni. Go yourself. Jibun de itte o ide. Had n't you better go and see him Go jibim de irassh'tte c,o danji nas'tta about it yourself ? ho ga iija arimasenu ka ? Are you going to use it yourself ? Go jibun de o tsukai nasaru ka ? You ought to be able to answer that Jibun de kotae ga deki so na mon' yourself. da. 4- I doubt whether you can do it your- hitori de wa o muzukashiU gozai- salf. masho. 5- Do you believe the world came into Sekai wa shizen ni dekita mono deshS existence of itself ? kat THE PRONOUtf. III. HONORIFIGS. As stated above, it is a marked characteristic of Japanese to avoid the use of personal and possessive pronouns; especially is this the case in addressing equals or superiors and in speaking of those who should be mentioned with respect. In such instances, the absence of the pronouns is generally made good by the presence of what usually go under the name of honorifics. SEC. i. O AND Go. The honorific particles o and go are prefixed to * 1. Nouns. 2. Verbs: (a) When the person addressed or referred to is the agent in the action the verb assumes the stem form (excepting those verbs made up of a noun and surUy in which the suru become nasaru} and is followed by nasaru or ni naru. Some- times de gozarimasu takes the place of nasaru or ni naru, the stem in this case becoming a noun. (b] When the person addressed or referred to is the object either direct or indirect of the speaker's action, mosu is employed instead of nasaru. Verbs made up of a noun and itasu (sum) or ni naru however require no change beyond prefixing the honorific. 3. Adjectives and Adverbs: In sentences addressed to equals or superiors the Japanese often prefix o to adjectives THE PRONOUN. 73 and adverbs, even where the English idiom drops the pronoun. As a rule o precedes Japanese words and go Chinese ; o rnsii, o taku and go mottomo however are familiar ex- amples of exceptions. Sama is sometimes appended to nouns ; and instances occur where pronouns are used in addition to o and go* Nearly all the examples in this section will be found in Satow's Kiiaiwa Hen. Most of them are common expres- sions, some of which are not easily rendered literally. I. Where is your house, Sir ? O taku u'a doJco de fjozaimasu lea ? Remember me to your family. O taku ye yorosliiii (ossltatte kudasai). What is your opinion ? mikomi wa do de gozaimasu ? By your favor. kage de. Are you at leisure ? Mma de gozaimasu ka ? Is he at home ? uchi desu ka ? He is out. rusu de gozaimasu. I'm sorry for you. kinodoku sama (de gozaimasu). I've kept you waiting. machido sama (de gozaimasu). What is your answer ? Go hento wa do desu? What is your business ? Nani go yd de gozaimasu ka ? That is quite a misapprehension on Sore wa oki ni go ryoken-cln'gai de your part. gozaimasu. Thanks, you are very kind, but Go shinsetsu wa ariyato gozaimasu ga As you know. Go shochi no tori. You must be very anxious. Sazo go shimpai de gozaimaslio. You are right. Go mottomo de gozaimasu. THE PRONOUN. 2. (a). What time will you got up, Sir ? Nan doki ni o oki nasaimasu ka ? Warm your hands a bit at the hi- Chito hibachi de o te wo o aburi bachi. nasai. When do you sail ? A.re you going already ? Did you understand ? Do you know that man ? Itsu go shuppan nasaimasu ka ? Mo o kaeri de gozaimasu ka ? walcari de gozaimashita ka ? Ano liito wa go zonji desu ka ? 2. As I told you. I beg of you. I was very anxious about you. I'll look for you without fail. Shall I show him(a guest) in ? I have interrupted you. I'll go with you immediately. 1 was rude to you the other day. 1 have been very remiss in calling on ' (or writing to) you. I will let you know. I am very much obliged to you. (0. hanashi moshita tort. tanomi mosliimasn. Oki ni o anji moshimashita. Kanarazu o machi mosltimashd. toshi mosliimasho ka"? jama itashimashita. Sugu ni o tomo itashimaslio. Senjitsu wa go lurei itashimc.nhita. Makoto ni go bitsata Hasliimasliita. Go sata iiashimasho. Oki ni o sewa ni narimashita. I congratulate you. O medeto gozaimasu. I am afraid I have been boring you. Sazo o yakamashiu gozaimashitefd. It is (what you wish done) no trouble yasui go yd de gozaimasu. at all. Is n't it too cold for you here? Koko wa amari o samu gozaimatenu ka? t is very cheap. Makoto ni o yasu gozaimasu. THE PRONOUN. / ^5 SEC. 2. HONORIFIC VERBS. I. Used independently: There are certain verbs that are used in speaking of the actions of those who are either really or by courtesy inferiors, and others that are employed when one comes to mention the actions of a superior. Both of these classes, especially in conversation between equals or with superiors, commonly dispense with the persona pronouns and without ambiguity. The following list comprises most in daily use. Those in parentheses are only relatively humble not absolutely so ; humble as compared with those in the second column. Mairu however is seldom employed in the second person even when inferiors are addressed : it is used in the first person, and also in the third both in speaking of equals to equals and of inferiors to inferiors : in speaking to inferiors of their own actions, iku and kiiru are the proper words to employ. This rule regarding maim holds good of mosu also, iu commonly taking its place in the second person. In familiar conversation with one another, students often use /// instead of ossharu. When an absolutely humble word is wanted, itadaku is substituted for taberu. Kudasaru and itadaku are much more courteous than kureru and inorau. Kureru is sometimes employed even of one's own action towards an inferior. A sentence containing inorau is often the best way of repdering an English sentence containing to ' give '; and chodai is constantly used where we should say, ' please give me.' In the same way, * please lend me* is commonly ex- pressed by haishaku. THE PRONOUN. OF THE INFERIOR'S OF THE SUPERIOR'S ACTION. ACTION. give, send [ kureru ageru \kudasaru morau receive itadaku cJiodai suru be (imasu) (o ide nasaru ^prtmasu) \irassharu f (suru) ( nasaru do {(itasu) \asobasu say { (mosu) osskaru see (mini) goran nasaru come, go (o ide nasaru (mairu) \irassharu call .on agaru eat (tabeni) meshi-agaru borrow haishaku suru show o me ni kakeru be permitted to see haiken suru THE PRONOUN. 77 Fll give you AS many as you need. iriyo dake agemasho. If it is convenient to you, 111 give Go tsugo ga yokereba, raigetsic bun no you your next month's salary now. gekkyu wo ima agemaslio. Did the photographs I sent you the Sendatte ageta shashin wa todoki- other day reach you ? mashita ka ? I should like very much to get a Danna sama, dozo ichi nichi o hirna day's leave, Sir. wo itadakito gozaimasu. Yes Sir, I got them ttfter I came Hai, kaette kara chodai itashima- horne. shita. Who gave you that watch of yours? Sono o tokci wa dare ni o moral nas'tta ka? Please give me a drink of water. hiya too ip pai chodai. Why, I was in the garden. Sore iva sore wa niwa ni orimasliita no ni. Were you out in the garden, or in Niwa ni dete o ide nas'tta ka, itchi ni the house ? o ide nas'tta ka ? Where were you when the fire broke Kwaji ga okotta toki ni doko ni out ? irasshaimashita ka ? ~ I have done it two or three times al- Mo ni san do itashite imashita. ready. If it were you, what would you do ? Anata nara, do nasaimasu ka ? As I just said. Tadaima moshita tori. What did you say to that ? Soko de nan to osshaimasldta ka ? Did you look in the drawer ? Hikidashi ivo goran nas'tta ka? I don't think I can go before four Yo ji mae ni ica rnairaremasumai. o'clock. Did you ever go to Shiba. Shiba no Zojoji ye o ide nas'tta koto ga arimasn ka ? Are you going to see the fireworks to- Konya hanaM wo mi ni irasshaimasu night ? ka ? I called the other day to thank you, Sendatte o rei ni agarimashita ga o but you were out. rusu deshita. I just called to bring back that book Ghotto sendatte haishaku shita go h-n I bo: rowed of you the other day. wo o kat'shi moshi ni agari- rnashita. I did n't eat any rice at all yester- Sakujitsu wa meshi wo sitkoshi vi day. tabemasenu deshita. Will you take a little more ? Mo siikoshi meshi-agarimasu ka ? ?8 THE PRONOUN. Please lend me your watch key. Dozo o tokei no kagi wo haishaku. Shall I open it axid show it to yon ? Akete o me ni kakemashc ka ? May I look at your watch-chain a tokei no kusari wo cliotto haiken. minute ? 2. Used as auxiliaries : Besides being used independ- ently, ageru, morau, itadaku, kureru and kudasaru are also used in connection with other verbs as auxiliaries. In such cases, ageru expresses the idea that the inferior performs the action for the superior ; kudasaru and kureru, vice versa ; morau and itadaku, that one gets an action per- formed for him by another. (Comp. IX. sec. 10.) Kudasaru is much more courteous than kureru; o kure is frequently employed in civil commands. The same is true of itadaku as compared with morau, the latter being often used where the service is paid for. In all cases politeness requires equals to be regarded as superiors. Kudasaru and kureru, especially in the imperative, are fair renderings of ' please.' * Kudasaru may follow the stem preceded by o; with this exception all five verbs succeed the participle. Ageru, morau and itadaku may be accompanied by o and mosu; as o moral mosu. Shall I do it for you ? So shite agemashS ka ? I'll buy it for you on my way home. Kaeri gake ni katte kite agemasho. He did every thing for me that I Tanonda koto wo mina shite kure- asked him to. mashita. Isuke got one (a ticket) for me from Isuke go, iclii mai toinodaclii kara a friend of his. moratte kiiremashita. Is n't there pome one who will lend Dare ka kashite kureru mono wa ari- "sek'iian'-a.MO'a (at all; in Japan ? go, nai to ossliaimasliita ka ? Mr. Saito seems to have no feeling Saito san wa sukoshi mo ki ni shinai about it. yd desu. Are you sure there are no musq[uitoes Kitto kaya no naka ni ka ga ip piki mo in the net ? imasenu ka ? 5- We have no more figs, but we have Ichijiku wa mo arimascnn ga kaki no some very nice persimmons. goku yoi no ga gozaimasu. We have no more red ones, but we Akai no wa mo arimasenu ga kuroi no have some more black ones. ga mada gozaimasu, I believe I have no more letters to Mo tegami wo kaku no ga arumai. write. SEC. 8. Al-L. 1. Mina following the noun. All without exception, every particle, may be rendered by iiokorazu. 2. Place and time, (throughout, during)^// (cktij. 3. The last of a thing kiri* 4. Extended surface of land or water ichien* You'd better throw them all away. Mina sutete shimau ga ii. These letters are all for America, Kono tegami wa mina, Amerika ye iku no da. The cherry blossoms must all be off Sahara w~a mo mina chitte shimai- now. mashitaro. Put all those needles in the box on Sono liari wo mina tana no hako ye the shelf. ircte o kure. Please put the kana to all the Chinese Kono kanji ni mina kana ivo tsukete characters. kudasai. A re the Shoguns 5 tombs all here ? Shogun no haka wa nokorazu koko ni arimasu ka? 102 -PRONOMINAL ADJECTIVES. I want j;hese books all taken out of Kono lion wo nokorazu hako tara their Boxes and arranged in the dashite shodana ye nardbete moral book-case. tai. The hoop broke and every bit of the Taga ga hazurete mizu ga nokorazu water ran out. - koborete sliimatta. 2. Mr. Honda has traveled over pretty Honda san wa taitei sekai ju tdbi u?o much all the world. shimashita. All Japan is now under one govern- Ima de wa Nihon ju hitotsu seifu no ment. shihai wo nJceru yd ni natta. Preaching stations have been estab- Mo taitei Tokyo ju ni koshaku-ba ga lished in pretty much all Tokyo dekimashita. now. There was not a man in all the village Mura ju no mono ni gwaikokuj'in wo that had ever seen a foreigner. mita mono ga hitori mo nakatta. All next month I have to go to Yoke- Eaigefsit ju mainichi Yokohama ye hama every day. ikanakereba narimasenu. 3- I have used up all the paper I had. Ari kiri no kami wo tsukatte shimatta. Is this all the tea there is ? Cha wa kore yiri desit ka ? This is all the flour there is ? Udonko iva mo kore giri de gozai- masu ? 4- They say you can see nearly all Mu- Fujisan kara taitei Musashi ichien ga sashi from Fujisan. mieru so da. SEC. 9. SEVERAL. i. Number: In connection with the descriptive numerals and some such words as nen and koku, ' several ' may be rendered by su; in other cases excepting when emphatic it can only be PRONOMINAL ADJECTIVES. 103 expressed by saying, ' three or four,' or ' four or five.' When emphatic ikutsu mo may be employed, iku or nani taking the place of ikutsu with descriptive numerals. 2. Kind (various) iroiro. I. There are several pencils on this Kono Ion no ue ni wa empitsu ga su tray. hon gozaimasu. There were several men who declined Iku koto wo kotowarimashita hito ga su to go. nin gozarmashita, I inquired at several shops, but I did Su ka sho tazunete mimashita ga not find any. gozaimasenu deshita. We met a coolie just now carrying Ima ninsoku ga tsutsumi wo mitsu yotsu several parcels. katsiiide iku no ni atta. He took several boxes to the station. Tetsndo ye hako wo ikutsu mo motte itta. We met several jinrikis on the road. Michi de iku cho mo jinriki ni atta. There scorn to be several lame ones Ano inu ni wa bikko na no ga iku hiki among 1 those dogs. mo iru yo desu. I have had several dogs since I came Tsukiji ye kite kara nam biki mo inu to Tsukiji. wo kaimashita. A fly has several legs, Hai ni wa ashi ga nam bon mo ari- masu. 2. You have several beautiful flowers in niwa ni wa kirei na liana go, iroiro your garden. gozaimasu. I have several reasons for not doing it. So shinai wake ga iroiro aru. Birds build their nests in several Tori wa iroiro no shikata ni su wo ways. tsukuni mono da. There are several things on this tray. Kono bon no ue ni wa iroiro no mono ga arimasu. SEC. 10. FEW. i. Few (not many) sukunai, which in Japanese is always a predicate. 104 PRONOMINAL ADJECTIVES. 2. A few (a small -number) like ' several,' can only b< rendered by some definite number ; as ni san, san yo. i. Few foreigners speak Japanese well. NiJiongo no yoku dekiru givaikokiijimoz sukunai. Few fish go up a fall like a koi. Koi no yo ni taki-nobori no uo wa sukunai. Very few people cut their wisdom- Ju go sai mae ni oya-sh'irazu-ba no teeth before they are fifteen. haeru liito iva goku suku nai. 2. Bring me a few little stones out of Niwa kara ko-ishi ivo mitsu yotsu motte the garden. o ide. I went to Asakusa yesterday with a Kino san yo nin no lioyu to Asakusa ye few friends. mairimashita. Go and buy me a few cigars. Maki-tabako wo ni sam bon katte koi. SEC. ii. ONE, ONES. No. Either red ones or black ones will do. Akui no de mo kuroi no de mo yoi. Neither red ones nor black ones will Altai no de mo kuroi no de mo ikcnai. do. Have n't you any (ones) a little Mo sukoshi ii no loa arimasenu ka ? better ? The best ones are all in the godown. Iclii banjoto no wa mina kura ni Jiaitte orimasu. Those will do, but there are ones Sore de mo ii ga futa no tsuita no de with covers that are better (ones). motto ii no ga aru. Is this to-day's (one newspaper) ? Kore wa kyo no desu ka ? Have you any (ones) different from Kore to cliigatta no ga arimasu ka ? this? SEC. 12. OTHER, ANOTHER. 1. The rest of, instead of, in exchange for hoka no* 2. Not the same one, separate betsu no. PRONOMINAL ADJECTIVES. 105 3: Not the same kind betsu no, kawatta. 4. Besides Jioka ni before the noun. Besides and at the same time different betsu ni; a distinction however not always observed. 5. One more in addition mo hitotsu, et cetera, usually following the noun. 6. The other one of two mo hitotsu no. 7. People generally as contrasted with one's self hito. 8. Again mat a. i. See whether the other children do not Hoka no kodomo mo hoshii ka do da ka want some too. kiite goran. Please tell the others to come in too. Doka hoka no Tiito ni mo o ide nasam yd ni osshatte kudasai. Are the other boxes the same size as Hoka no liako mo kore to onaji okisa this ? ' desu ka ? The other ones will be done in a Hoka no wa Into tsnki de dekimasu. month. I think I'll take another newspaper. Hoka no shimbunshi wo torimasho. Hereafter you had better take milk Kore kara hoka no chichiya kara chichi from another man. ivo torn ga it. You had better take this jinriki, may Hoka no ga nai ka mo shircnai kara, be you can't get another one. kono jinriki ni o nori nas'tta, ho ga yd gozaimashd. I have half a Blind to discharge Seikichi ni itoma ico yatte, hoka no Seikichi and get another cook. rydri-nin ivo kakaeyd ka to omou. 2. They came by another train. Betsu no kisha de kimashita. He rode in another jinriki. Betsu no jinriki ni. lyirimashita. That is another matter. Sore wa betsu no koto da. 3- It seems to ine another color would Betsu no (kawaita) iro no ho ga yosa to' be better. da. IO6 PRONOMINAL ADJECTIVES. Has n't the yaoya some other vege- Kono setsu yaoya ni nani ka betsu nr> tables now ? (kawatta) yasai mono get nai ka ? 4- I have not another cent. Hoka ni is sen mo nai. Is n't there another pencil in the Hikidashi no naka ni mo hoka ni drawer ? empitsu ga haitte inai ka ? He really had another reason for Jitsu wa betsu ni iku ivake get, atta no going. da. I think you will have to get another Kangaku wo nasaru ni ica betsu ni teacher (the present one will do for shisho wo o tanomi nasaranakereba other work) to study Chinese. narimasiimai. 5- This book- case is not quite big enough, Kono shodana wa sukoshi chiisai kara and I shall have to get another. mo liitotsu kaivanakereba naranai. Does n't that letter need another Sono tajcimi wa kitte ga mo ichi mai stamp ? irit de wa nai ka ? Please order me another copy of Dozo Koeki Hondo wo mo ichi bit Koeki Mondo. atsuraete kudasai. Bring another scuttle of coal. Sumitori ni mo ip pai sekitan wo motte koi.. 6. Where is the other hammer ? -Mo hitotsu no kanazuehi wa doko ni ant ka? I gave ono to Sen and the other to Hitotsu wa o Sen san ni yatte, mo Kin. hitotsu no wa o Ein san ni yari- masnita. This kind is too weak, you had better Kono te ica amari yowai kara, mo take the other one. Idtotsu no ni sum ga yokaro. IB n't the other man's milk the best ? Mo Intori no chichiya no chichi no ho ga ii de wa nai ka ? I like this house best, but I prefer Ie iva kono ho ga ii ga basho wa mo the ether location. hitotsu no ho ga ii. 7- Do not pay too much attention to Hito no iu koto ni amari tonjaku what others say. nasaruna. PRONOMINAL ADJECTIVES. I don't know what others think, and Hito wa do omou ka shiranai ga d5 I don't caro. omotte mo kamawanai. 8. The news has just arrived of another Mata ikusa ni katta shimbun ga ima victory. todoita. Did Mr. Suzuki say he would send Suzuki san wa Kobe ye tsiiitara mata another telegram from Kobe ? denshin wo kakeru to iimashita lea? SEC. 13. SAME. 1. Not different onaji* 2. Not two hitotsu. I. Put the sarae quantity in both bottles. Ryoho no tokkuri ye onaji hodo irete o kure. Yoshi and Kurd are about the same Yoshi san to o Kuni san wa taitei height. onaji sei da. Have makoto and honto the same Makoto to itte mo honto to itte mo onaji meaning ? imi desu ka ? They both have the same pronuncia- On wa docMra mo onaji koto da ga moji tion,butthe characters are entirely wa marude chigaimasu (betsu da). different. I want them made of the same Shina iva onaji mono de, iro ivo betsu ni material, but different colors. shite moraitai. Aiv the Buddhist temples all built Tera no tate-kata wa taitei mina onaji on the same general plan ? desu ka ? I told them both the same thing. Futari to mo onaji koto wo itte kikase- mashita. Were Koeki Mondo and Kaikwa Koeki Hondo to, Kaikwa Mondo wa Mondo written by the same man ? onaji liito no kaita hon desu ka ? He has the same disease that he had Sakunen wazuratta no to onaji byoki last year. da. Is this t the same dog that you had Kore iva kyonen katte oki nas'tta no to last year ? onaji inu desu ka ? IO8 PRONOM NAL ADJECTIVES. 2. We rode in the same jinriki. Hitotsu jinnki ni norimashita. Can't you read out of the same book ? Hitotsu hon wo yoriai ni yomemasenu ka? Let's stop at the same hotel. Hitotsu (onaji) hatagoya ye tomaroja nai ka? SEC. 14. MUCH. 1. In affirmative sentences -tanto, 2. In negative sentences atnari with the negative. 3. Too much amari, sugiru, yokei. 4. So much sonna ni. 5. How much : (a) Of price ikura, nani hodo, nambff. (b) Of quantity nani hodo, ika hodo. (c) About how much dono kurai. Amari and sugiru qualify the verb, amciri preceding it and sugiru following its stem (comp. VII. iv. sec. 7.): yoket qualifies the noun, requiring the addition of na or no when it precedes ; it is also employed independently. The con- struction of some sentences however permits any one of the three to be employed without a material difference in the sense. I. Is there much money in that box? Ano hako no naka ni tanto kane ga Jiaitte iru ka ? Was much of the rice burnt up by Kyonen wa hidcri de ine ga tanto kare the drought last year ? mashita ka ? Do they import much kerosene into Nihon ye. sekitan-alura wo tanto -yunyu- Japan ? itasliimasu ka ? Do you intend to dtudy much during Yasumi no uchi ni tanto benky.5 nat&ru vacation ? o tsumori desu ka ? PRONOMINAL ADJECTIVES. log 2. I do not have much headachy Amari zutsu ga sum koto wa nai. I do not think you took much pains Amari ki wo tsukezu ni kakimashitaro. with your writing. I don't like sardines much. Iwashi wa amari sukimasenu. To tell you the truth, I do not feel Jitsu wa kono tenki ni Fi-ijisan ye much like going up Fnjisan in this amari noboritaku nai. weather. Are you not relying too much on ap- Amari mie wo ate ni nasaru de ica ari- pearances ? masenu ka ? You must not drink too much sake. Amari sake wo nonde wa ikemasenu. There is too much sugar in this tea. Kono clia ni wa sato ga amari kachi* mashita. Are n't you putting in too much. KosJio wo ire sugiru de wa nai ka ? pepper ? Have n't you put in a little too much Sukoshi dbura wo tsugi sugita de wa oil ? nai ka ? This is a little too much. Kore de iva sukoshi yokei de gozaimasu. You must not spend too much money Kono mono no takai toki ni yokei no now that things are high. kane wo tmkatte wa ikemasenu. You will not sleep if you drink too Cha wo yokei nomu (amari nomu, nomi much tea. sugiru) to ukasaremasu. 4- You must not drink so much sake. Sonna ni sake wo nonde wa ikenai. Please do not put on so much coal. Dozo sonna ni sekitan wo kubenai de kudasai. You need not take so much pains to Sono tegami wo kaku ni sonna ni hone write that letter. wo oranai de mo ii. Tell the washerwoman she must not Kono kimono ni sonna ni nori ivo tsukete starch these clothes so much. wa ikenai to sentakuya ni ie. 5- (*). How much for the lot ? Mina de ikura desu ka ? How much did you pay for those Sono nashi wo ikura de katta kat pears ? I TO PRONOMINAL ADJECTIVES. How much is the best kerosene a Gokujo no seki-yu wa Into /i7co ikura box ? desu ka ? How much did the railway to Yoko- Yokohama no tctsudo wa nani liodo hama cost ? kakarimasUita ka ? 5. (b). How much silk do you want P Kiuu wa nani hodo o iriyo de gozai- masu ka ? How much salt is there in this water ? Kono mizu ni shio ga nani hodo majitte (haitte) imasu ka? How much rice does this land yield Kono jimen wa it tan de kome ga ika per tan ? liodo- toremam ka ? How long shall I make it ? Nagasa wa nani liodo ni itashimasho ka? How long is the Sumida River ? Sumida-gawa no nagasa wa nani hodo aru ka ? How long ought the ladder to be ? Hashigo no nagasa wa nani kodo attara 5. (c). About how much vinegar did you say Su wa mada dono kurai nokotte iru to is left ? osshaimasMta ka ? About how long is that box ? Sono ha.ko iva nagasa dono kurai ari- masu ka? SEC. 15. MANY. 1. In affirmative sentences oku no (in the predicate oi VI. i. sec. i). 2. In negative sentences amari with the negative. 3. A good many daibu* 4. A great many taiso, takusan. 5. Too many d sugiru. 6. How many ikutsu; with years, months, days, hours, ris, feet, et cetera, and also with the descriptive numerals iku or nani. PRONOMINAL ADJECTIVES. Ill I. Confucius has many disciples. Koshi ni wa oku no deshi ga gozai- masu. Many of the Americans have blue Beikokujin ni wa me no aoi hilo ga oku eyes. gozaimasu. Many of the Japanese trees make good Nihon no ki ni wa yoi zaimoku ni naru lumber. no ga oku am. 2. There are not many ironclads in the Amerika no kaigun ni wa kotessen ga American navy. amari nai. They have plenty of Chinese scholars, Kangakuska wa takusan am ga ica- bnt not many Japanese. gakusha wa amari gozaimasenu. It seems to me a good many of the Nihonjin ni wa mcgane wo kakete iru Japanese wear glasses. hito ga daibu aru yo desu. The Kaitakushi has begun to intro- Kaitakushi de wa chikagoro seiyo no duce a good many foreign vege- ao-mono wo daibu tsukuri dashita. tables lately. A good many of the new ships are Chikagoro dekita fune ni wa Yokosuka made at Yokosuka. deki no ga daibu aru. A good many farmers have made Kotoshi wa yoliodo kane wo moketa a good deal of money this year. hyakusho ga daibu aru. We have used a great many coals Kotoshi wa taiso sekitan wo tsukatta. this year. A great many fishing boats pass by Maiasa hayaku ryosen ga koko wo taiso here early every morning. torn. The government is making a great Seifa de wa mainen taiso henkaku wo many changes every year. itashimasu. There are a great many kites in Tsu- Tsukiji ni wa tombi ga takusan ori- kiji. mam. 112 PRONOMINAL ADJECTIVES. There are too many books on that Sono sliodana ni wa lion ga o sugiru. book-case. Too many boatmen wreck the ship. Scndo ga o sugite fune wo yama ye agent. 6. How many oranges shall I buy? Mikan ico ikutsu kaimasho ka ? How many children have you ? Iku nin o ko sama ga gozaimasu ka? How many (bottles) are left ? Mo iku lion nokotte im ka? How many two cent stamps shall I Ni sen no kitte wo iku mai kaimasho get ? ka ? How rnnny ken of fence will it take Konojimen no mawari ni wa kakine ga to go around this lot ? nftn gen iru daro? How far is Hakone beyond Odawara ? Hakone wa Odawara no nan ri saki desu ka? How far is Odawara this side of Odawara wa Hakone no nan ri temae Hakone? desu ka? How many months are there in a Iclii nen ni nan ga getsu (iku tsuki) aru year? ka? How many days are there in a Ik ka getsu (Mto tsuki) ni ik ka aru mouth ? ka ? How many minutes are there in an Ichiji kan ni nam pun aru ka? hour? SEC. 16. MORE. 1. A greater quantity motto. 2. The greater quantity yokei. 3. Additional mo. For '-some ' more, ' any ' more and ' no ' more sees. 4, 5, 7 ; more ' than ' X. sec. 13 ; comparative degree VI. H. i. When are you going to put on more Itsu kara motto shokiinin wo iremasu men ? ka ? 7 PRONOMINAL ADJECTIVES. 113 If you don't pjut on more coal this Motto sekitan wo kubenai to kono hi wa fire will go out. kiem daro. I wish I had planted more scarlet Kyonen motto momiji wo uete okeba maples last year. yokatta. I wish I had bought more of this tea. Kono cha wo motto katte okeba yo- katta. I thought there were more trees here. Koko ni wa motto ki ga am yo ni omotla ga. You can get a good article if you Kane wo motto daseba yoi shina ga wiJl pay a better price. kawaremasu. 2. Wliich (to build of brick or wood) DocMra ga yokei kakarimasu ka ? costs the more ? Which box holds the more ? Dochira no Jiako ga yokei hairu daro? Which have you studied the more, Kangaku to Eigaku to docliira wo Chinese or English ? yokei keiko nasaimashita ka ? There were more in the other box. Mo hitotxt no hako no ho ni yokei liaitte ita. 3- We shall need three more jinrikis. Jinriki mo san cho iriyo da. Bring two or three more spoons. Saji wo mo ni sam bon motte koi. Go and get a little more ice. Kori wo mo sukoshi katte o ide. You had better boil it a little more. Mo sitkoski niru ga ii. I had n't a bit more. Mo sukoshi mo nakatta. SEC. 17. MOST. 1. The majority of taitei, taigai. 2. The greatest of several quantities yokei. For the superlative degree VI. II. I. Most foreigners dislike kagos. Gwaikokujin ica taitei kago ga kirai da, Most dogs are not worth a cent. Inu iva taitei ichi mon ni mo naranai mono da. 114 PRONOMINAL ADJECTIVES. Most of you have heard this, I sup- Mina san iva taitei tore wo o kiki pose. nasaimashitaro ga. There are some that have not been Mada shirasenai mono mo arimasu ga told yet, but I think most of them taitei shitte imaslio. know it. I gave most of them a bu apiece. Taitei hitori ni ichi bu zutsu yarl- masliita. 2. Which box holds the most ? Dono liako ga y^ei hairu darn? Then I ghall have the most. Sore de wa ivatakushi no lid ga yokei de gozaimasu. SEC. 1 8. ENOUGH, 1. Sufficient or a sufficiency yV/fo/;?, takusan. 2. To be enough tariru,jub i un de aru or takusan de arn, 3. To do a thing enough : (a) In affirmative sentences -jubun with the verb. (b) In negative sentences yd ga tarinai following the stem. 4. Enough to hodo. Takusan is rather ' enough and to spare ', ' plenty '. i. Thanks, I have had enough already. ArigatS, mojiibnn itadakimasMta. How many nails .shall I bring? Kugi wo nam bon motte mairimasho kai Bring plenty. Takusan motte koi. Be sure and put enough tacks in the Goza ye kitto byo wo takusan o uchi. matting. 2. Is there enough sugar ? Sato ga tarimasu ka f There is not quite enough sugar in Kono kivashi ni wa sato ga sukoshi this cake? tarimasenu. PRONOMINAL ADJECTIVES. 115 Bring another handful, that is not Sore de wa nakanaka tarinai kara t nearly enough. mo hito tsukami motte koi. Is this enough ? Kort de tarimasu (jubun dem) ka. Six inches will be wide enough. Haba roku sun de tariyo (jubun deslwj. That is plenty. Sore de takusan da. 3- (*). We have walked enough now let us Mo jubun sampo shita Kara kaero ja go back. nai ka ? That will do you have read enough Mo [sore de yorozlm jubun yomi- now. mashita. Have n't the coolies rested long Ninsoku wo, mo jubun yasunda de wa enough now. arimasenu ka ? 3- (. You have not drunk enough yet. Mada nomi yo ga tarimasenu. These potatoes are not boiled enough. Kono imo iva ni yo ga tarinai. You did n't polish my boots enough Kesa wa kutsu wo migaki yd ga tari- this morning. nalcatta na. 4- Have you enough stamps to put on Sono tegami ni naru liodo kttte ga that letter P arimasu ka ? Have we coal enough to last till Railiaru made tsukau hodo sekitan ga Spring? am ka? You had better not walk enough to Kutabireru hodo o aruki nasaranai ga tire you. yd gozaimasho. Ilavo you studied the subject enough Honto ni wakaru hodo kouo koto wo f to really understand it ? shirabe nasaimashita ka ? CHAPTER VI. THE ADJECTIVE. I. CLASSES. Japanese words rendering English adjectives may be divided into four classes : True adjectives, adjectives in na and no, presents and preterites, and uninflected words such as mina and zutsu. SEC. i . THE TRUE ADJECTIVE. All Japanese adjectives are- wanting in gender number and case : the true adjective however like the verb has a foundation form, from which moods, tenses and the true adverb are obtained by inflection and agglutination. * PARADIGM OP THE TRUE ADJECTIVE. stem taka high adjective takai high or is high adverb takaku high participle takakute being high past takakatta was high probable past takakattaro probably was high conditional past takakattara (if or when was or I should be high frequentative takakattari being high future takakaro will be high conditional present takakereba if is or will be high i THE ADJECTIVE. AMIABLE. BAT>. HEAVT. yasashi waru omo yasasJiii warui omoi yasasJiikn waruku omoku yasashi kut e ivarukute omokute yasashikatta warukatta omokatta y as ash ikattaro warukattaro omokattaro yasashikattara ^cvarukattara omokattara y as ash ikattari ivarukattari omokattari yasashikaro warukaro omokaro yasashikereba ivarukcreba omokereba It will be observed that one form serves both as an attri- butive and a predicate. Accordingly, ' this is a high mountain ' would be rendered, kore iva takai yama da ; and ' this mountain is high/ kono yama zva takai. When em- ployed as a predicate however two other forms are also in use : the adjective may be followed by no da, or what is more courteous the adverb may be substituted accompanied by arimasu or gozaimasu y in which case aku and oku are frequently contracted into J, iku into m, and uku into u ; as ' this mountain is high' kono yama wa takai no da or kono yama wa tako gozaimasu. Instead of the future, the present is often used followed by the future of de aru ; as takai desho Negative forms of the true adjective are obtained by adding the negative adjective nai to the adverb used as a base. 118 THE ADJECTIVE. PARADIGM 0V NEGATIVE FORMS. yoku yokunai not good y&kunaku not well yokunakute not being good yokunakatta was not good yokunakattaro probably was not good yokunakattara if or when was not or should not be good yokunakattari not being good yokunakaro will not be good yokunakereba if is not or will not be good True adjectives frequently unite with other words form- ing compound adjectives : 1 . Without any connecting word ; as hodo-yoi moderate kaivari-yasui inconstant kokoro-yasui intimate j nasake-nai heartless Tvakari-yasui simple | yondokoro-nai unavoidable 2. An important class is formed by uniting adjectives to nouns (and verbal stems) by no, which in the predicate becomes ga ; as yama no oi hilly, yama ga oi ' is ' hilly. It will be observed that particular words enter into these compounds with great frequency ; as di, yoi, warui ; and also that the English prefixes and suffixes ' in ' ' un ' and ' less ' are commonly rendered by warui or the negative adjective nai ; as / THE ADJECTIVE. It( benri no yoi convenient dense tsu no yoi eloquent hydban no wa-\ \ disreputable rui ) hydban no yoi reputable iji no warui ill-natured kaori no yoi fragrant (incommodi- kimari no yoi systematic ous kokoromochi no\ comfortable konare no warui indigestible yoi } sokoi no warui malicious kon no yoi energetic sube no warui rough motenashi no\ \ hospitable yoi } ekdji no warui pig-headed yojin no warui incautious omoi-kiri no yoi resolute sasshi no yoi considerate hito no oi populous sasoku no yoi self-possessed hito-jini no oi sanguinary shiawase no yoi fortunate ishi no oi stony tashinami no] kazu no oi numerous [temperate yoi } kaze no oi breezy /'convenient imi no fukai expressive tsugg no yoi \ (of arrange- naka no fukai intimate ( ments) utaguri no fu-\ lire no yoi saleable [suspicious kai } ivakari no yoi sensible enr yd no fukai scrupulous wari no yoi lucrative yoku no fukai covetous yojin no yoi cautious ki no okii generous benri no warui inconvenient (quick-tern- hara no warui bad-hearted ki no mijrkai \ ( pered I2O THE ADJECTIVE. ki no hayai excitable katachi no nai immaterial me no hayai sharp-sighted machigai no nai correct (same(mental- me. no takai \ ( ly) magai no nai genuine rui no nai incomparable sei no takai tall sasshino nai inconsiderate set no hikui short shikata no nai hopeless soko no nai bottomless aji no nai .. flavorless chikara no nai powerless (unprecedent- tameshi no nai \ ( ed hanashi no nai taciturn tamochi no nai perishable kin no nai undignified taema no nai incessant nbun no nai faultless tsumi no nai innocent jibim-gatte no] \ unselfish nai } joai no nai heartless utagai no nai indubitable ^vatakushi no) Y disinterested nai ) kagen no nai intemperate eko-hiiki no nai impartial kagiri no nai boundless 3. A number of compound adjectives are found ending in de nai or mo nai. In the predicate, mo usually becomes ga or wa ; de remains unchanged ; as shojiki de nai dishonest tashika de nai uncertain ariso mo nai unlikely (supreme,con- kono-ue mo nai\ I summate taivai mo nai frivolous wake mo nai simple zosa mo nai easy THE ADJECTIVE. I2t SEC. 2. ADJECTIVES IN na AND no. A large number of uninflected words, for the most part nouns and many of them Chinese, are made to serve as adjectives by the addition of na or no, which in the predi- cate become de aru ; as ' is this very fertile land ? ' kore wa yohodo yutaka na jimen de gozaimasu ka ? l the land was not very fertile ' sono jimen wa amari yutaka de go- zaimasenu de shita. Where a true adjective would assume the participial form, de arn becomes de ; as ' the path up Fujisan is steep and narrow ' Fujisan ye noboru michi wa kenso de haba ga semai. A few specimens of the class follow : ariso na probable rippa na splendid chugi na loyal shizuka na quiet fushin na doubtful kin no golden ikita yd na lifelike makka no crimson kenson na humble makoto no true kenyaku na economical mukashi no ancient kirei na pretty shinu hodo no fatal koman na proud shita no lower muri na unreasonable sorezore no respective nasasd na improbable ue no upper noben na eloquent eikyu no eternal SEC. 3. PRESENTS AND PRETERITES. It is a marked peculiarity of Japanese that the present and preterite of any verb may be used to qualify a noun, 122 THE ADJECTIVE. a peculiarity which is constantly exemplified in relative clauses. Accordingly many English adjectives and parti- ciples used as adjectives find their equivalents in verbs in these tenses. In some instances the verb is affirmative, in some negative ; and in some it is only the last word of a combination. Two points should be borne in mind when adjectives of this class are to be used in the predicate : first, preterites must be exchanged for participles followed by iru or oru; secondly, in a combination made up of either a present or a preterite joined to a preceding noun by no, the con- necting no becomes ga; as open ait a, ' is ' open aite iru; drunken sake ni yotta, 'is' drunk sake ni yotte irii; guilty tsumi no aru, ' is ' guilty tsumi ga aru; bloody chi no tsuita, ' is ' bloody chi ga tsuite iru. Many of the English adjectives endings in ' ble ' arc rendered by intransitives or potentials. PRESENTS. benkyo suru dekiru hiiki suru niau shimbo suru tad a shite y a takaburu enryo suru yoku areru diligent kikoeru audible possible motte ikeru portable partial shireru knowable becoming yoku kireru sharp (edged) patient yomeru legible gratuitous shinjirareru credible proud sutnaivarerti habitable diffident taber areru edible stormy dekinai impossible THE ADJECTIVE. 123 hirakenai uncivilized ydi naranai inexcusable kaivaranai immutable nakercba nara- yomenai illegible 11 ai [necessary hakararenai incalculable odayaka nara- ). hanasarenai inseparable , L hostile nai kazoerarenai innumerable omoi-yoranai unexpected nogarerarenai inevitable oyobanai unattainable nozokarenai insuperable tamaranai intolerable sh i-naosare n a i irreparable ugokanai immoveable PRETERITES. aita empty, open kataviatta solid chant o shita steady, still katta victorio**s chigatta dissimilar kawaita dry futo shita accidental kimatta definite futotta fat kubonda hollow Jiade-sugita gaudy kunetta crooked hakkiri shita explicit kusatta rotten hiraketa civilized nareta experienced iganda perverse nebatta sticky ikita alive ochita inferior ippai haitta full ac hit suit a calm iri-kunda complicated ogotta sumptuous kakaivatta relative oiboreta decrepit kaketa defective onoboreta conceited i2 4 THE ADJECTIVE. sappari shita frank tsumatta choked up shigetta luxuriant tsuzuita continuous shikkari shita firm umarc-tsuita innate shinda dead yogoreta soiled shire-kitta sugureta obvious superior yoku togatta . (sharp (point ed) sumi-kitta clear yoku zvakatta sensible sutatta obsolete zatto shita cursory toshiyotta old COMPOUND ADJECTIVES PRESENTS. doku ni naru poisonous gat ni naru injurious kusuri ni naru wholesome shimpai ninaru harassing son ni naru unprofitable tame ni naru beneficial ("advantage- ekt ni naru ous me ni tatsu conspicuous yaku ni tatsu useful gai ni naranai harmless ki ni iranai me ni mienai ri ni kanazva- nat ri ni azuanai disagreeable invisible illogical irrational rikutsu ni awa-\ ; nat ran ni naranai tame ni nara- nai yaku ni tatanai inconceiv- able incontestable inexpedient useless - kagiri no aru finite kamben no aru judicious katachi no aru material mottai no aru dignified nasake no aru humane tsumi no aru guilty THE ADJECTIVE. fune no tdrare-\ \ navigable ru } kuchi no mo to-} [speechless ra nai } hone no oreru arduous kanben no deki-\ [excusable ru } ha no tatanai blunt misu no mora-\ [water-tight nai } shochi no deki- inadmissible nai } hara no suwa-\ [irresolute ranai } suji no kanawa-) [fallacious nai } iiivake no tata-\ \ indefensible nai } ki no kikanai inattentive wake no waka-\ . incompre- ranai hensible gaten no ikanai> ki no tsukanai listless COMPOUND ADJECTIVES PRETERITES. bumpo ni ka-\ [grammatical natta } shtzen ni wa-\ [self-evident katta } do ni sugita ultra hakki to shit a vivid ho ni kanatta legal ho ni tagatta illegal ki ni kanatta satisfactory chi no tsuita bloody iki no taeta lifeless junjo no tatta methodical kan no hatta shrill kata no tsuita spotted ki no kiita attentive kobai ni natta sloping me no tsumatta compact nakadaka ni} [ convex natta } sci no nukcta crestfallen suji no itta streaked 126 THE ADJECTIVE. II. COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES (AND ADVERBS). SEC. i. THE COMPARATIVE DEGREE. 1. In a greater degree motto. 2. Two different things being compared : (a) When * than ' is expressed yor-i and the posi- tive. (b) When ' than ' is not expressed ho added to the one possessing the quality in the greater degree. 3. Two comparatives, the increase in one being pro- portioned to that in the other (the more the more) hodo following the former. Instead of motto (more), the Japanese often use mo suko- shi (a little more). For' more' and 'more than 'signifying not greater in degree, but a greater quantity or greater number of see V. sec. 16. and X. sec. 13. I. Had n't you better tie that parcel Sono tsutsumi wo motto kataku shibaru tighter ? ga ii kitto with the negative. (c) Simple impossibility totemo with the negative (often the potential). (d) Do what one may, happen what will, under no circumstances do shite mo with the negative (often the potential). i. (a). I never had a toothache until I was Hatachi ni naru made wa ha ga itanda twenty. koto wa nai. Had the Emperor never come to Go issliin no mae ni TensMsama ga Tokyo before the Revolution ? Tokyo ye o kudari ni natta koto wa nai ka ? I have never ridden in a kago. Mada kago ni notte mita koto ga nai. This grass has never been cut. Kono shiba wa mada katta koto ga nai. Does the small pox ever prevail in Eikoku de mo hoso no liayaru koto ga England ? arimasu ka ? Did you ever see such a beautiful Konna ni kirei na hi-no-iri wo goran sunset ? nas'tta koto ga arimasu ka ? Have you ever been robbed ? Dorobo ni atta koto ga aru ka ? Had you ever been to Tokyo before me ni kakaru mae ni Tokyo ye o ide I met you ? nas'tta koto ga arimasu ka ? I. (b). Some people never get up till seven Itsu de mo shichi ji ka hacldji made or eight o'clock. wa okinai Uto mo aru. I never ride first class. Itsu de mo joto no kisha ni wa nora- nai. Do you never take sugar in your tea ? Itsu de mo cha ni sato ivo irezu ni agarimasu ka? 140 THE ADVERB. I. (). Do you think the press laws will Shimbunjm'eiwaitsumademokawari- never be changed ? masumai ka ? Will murderers who have escaped by Wairo wo tsukatte nigeta hitogoroshi bribery never be punished ? wa itsu made mo basserarezu ni iyo ka? 1. (d). Did you never understand it before ? Hajimete o wakari desu Jca .* 2. (a). The ice man comes any more. Mo koriya ga sappari mairimasenu. Are diamonds never found in Japan ? Nihon de wa sappari kongoseki ga demasenu ka? He never preaches of late. Chikagoro tonto sekkyo itashimasenu. 2. (b). Ill never give him another cent. Kesshite mo ichi mon mo yaranai. I can never consent to such a thing. Sonna koto wa kessJiite shochi sum koto wa dekimasenu. Never do a thing like that again. Mo kesshite sonna koto wo shi nasaru- 2. (e). That child will never walk (been in- Ano kodomo wa totemo arukenai. jured). He will never study Japanese any Mo totemo Nihongo wo keiko shima- more (very ill). sumai. He will never get well without an Setsudan shinakereba totemo naori- operation. masumai. 2. (rf). I believe I shall never be able to talk Watakushi wa do shite mo Nihongo wo Japanese. tsukau koto wa dekimai. You'll never find it without a light. Akari ga nakereba do shite mo mi- tsukeraremai. THE ADVERB. 141 I shall never get to sleep till those Ano inu ga damaranai ucTii wa do shit c dogs stop. mo nemurarenai. Can you never forgive him ? Do shite mo yurusaremasenu ka) SEC. 8. AGAIN. 1 . Another time mat a. 2. Once more mo ichi do. 3. To do over again by way of bettering naosu follow- ing the stem of the verb. I. I will call again. Mata agarimasho. Do call again. Dozo mata irasshai. 2. If you do not understand I will ex- ivakari ga nai nara mo ichi do toki- plain it again. akashimasho. 3- You will hare to do it over again. Shi naosanakereba naranai. You will have to iron those clothes Sono kimono ni hinoshi wo kake nao~ again. sanakereba ikenai. SEC. 9. WHEN. 1. Interrogative: (a) At what time itsu, (less definite) itsugoro. (b) Until what time, ' how long ' itsu made. (c) By what time itsu made ni. (d) From what time, * how long ' itsu kara. (e) At what o'clock nai* d^H ni, nan ji ni. 2. Relative : (a) At the time -tafc/ (ni). 142 THE ADVERB. (b] By the time made ni. (c} After the time conditional past. (d] Conditional (if) indicative present and to, or conditional present. I. (a). When did you write this letter ? Itsu kono te garni wo o kaki nas'tta ka ? When are you going to Yokohama? Itsu Yokohama ye o ide nasaimasu ka? When will it be convenient for you Itsu go tsugo ga yd gozaimaslio ka ? to do it? When will it be convenient to you Itsu agattara go tsugo ga yd gazaimasho for me to call ? ka ? When was that? Sore wa itsu no koto desu ka ? When was it that foreigners came to Gwaikokujin ga Nihon ye kita no wa Japan ? itsugoro desu ka ? About when did Jimmu Tenno live ? Jimmu Tenno wa itsugoro no liito desu ka? I. (b). How long can you wait? Itsu made o machi nasaru koto ga dekimasu ka? How much longer can you wait? Mo itsu made o machi nasaru koto ga dekimasu ka ? How long do you intend to be at Nikko ni itsu made o ide nasaru o Nikko ? tsumori desu ka ? About how long did the wind blow? Itsugoro made kaze chikagoro. 2. Now as opposed to formerly ima de wa. 3. By this time, already, now that, things -being as they are, considering the circumstances mo (often expressed in Japanese when only understood in English). THE ADVERB. 147 4. Next kore kara. 5. Than before saki yori. I. Is n't Mr. Tornita in Korea now ? Tomita san wa ima Chosen ni oru de ica arimasenu ka f He is out at present, Sir. Tma (tadaima) rusu de gozaimasu. We're just out of it now. Tadaima chodo uri-kirimashita. Oil is very high now. Seki-yu wa kono setsu taihen takai. There are a good many mad dogs Konogoro yamai inu ga daibu mieru. about now. Nobody seems to make much money Chikagoro dare mo amari kane ga now. mokaranai yosu desu. The Japanese do not wear swords Ima de wa Nihonjin wa katana wo nowadays. sasanai. Nowadays the government tolerates Ima de w a seifu de Yaso-kyo ivo mokkyo (tacitly) Christianity. sum. 3- Most of them are probably sold now. Mo taitei urete shimaimashitaro. Your house must be about done now- uchi no fushin wa mo taitei deki- masliitaro. It is too late now. Mo ma ni aivanai. How beautiful that island is, now Mo kusa ga aoao to thite ano shima no that the grass is green. kirei na koto. It would be useless to send for the Mo isha wo yobi ni yatte mo muda doctor now. da. Now I think you had better apologize. Mo wabi wo nasaru ga yokaro, They ought to be here directly now. Mojiki ni ki so na mono da. They must surrender directly now. Mojiki ni kosan suru daro. Have n't we waited long enough Mo jiibun matta de wa gozaimasenu (now) ? &a ? You have boiled it enough (now). Mo jubun nita. Tea will be ready directly (now). Mojiki ni cha ga dekimasu. That will do (now). Mo sore de yoroshii. 148 THE ADVERB. 4. They say Mr. Matsui is going to read Kore kara Matsui san iva uta wo o yomi a poem now. nasaru so desu. 5- The tide is running out more rapidly Shio no hiki-kagen ga said yori liayaku now, natta. SEC. 14. ALREADY. 1. At the time of speaking or spoken of mo. 2. Prior to the same mae ni mo. i. The wind has begun to blow already. Mo haze gafuki dashita. I have already applie;! for a passport. Mo menjo no negai wo dashimashita. He says he has been waiting for Mo icM ji kan hodo matte ita to ii- about an hour already. masu. I was going to give the shoemaker a Kutsuyawo danji-tsukete yard to omotta blowing up but they were already ga mo dekite imashita. done. I have had plenty already. Mo takusan itadakimashita. 2. As I have already explained several Mae ni mo iku tabi mo toki-akashita times. tori. He has already declined two or three Mae ni mo ni sam ben kotowari- times. mashita. SEC. 15. FORMERLY, USED TO. Moto, izen. Formerly all ships were made of Fune wa moto mina Id de tsukutta mono wood. da. There used to be no jinrikis in Japan. Nihon ni moto jinriki to in mono yci nakatta. THE ADVERB. 149 It used to be thought that the sun Mgto wa taiyo ga chikyu wo mawaru went around the earth. mono to omotte otta. There used to be a temple here. Izen (moto) wa koko ni tera ga atta. Formerly foreigners could not live Izen wa gwaikokujin wa (moto) Tokyo in Tokyo. ni oru koto ga dekinakatta. SEC. 1 6. HITHERTO. Kore made, ima made. Where have you lived hitherto? Kore made doko ni sunde o ide nas'tta? What have you studied hitherto ? Kore made nani wo keiko nasaimashita ka? SEC. c 7. RECENTLY, OF LATE. Chikagoro, konogoro, kono aida, kono setsu, kono tabi. Have you read any new books Chikagoro nani ka shimpan no hon wa lately ? o.yomi nasaimashita ka ? The government has recently built a Seifu de kono aida atarashii denshin- new telegraph office. kyoku wo tatemashita. Did n't I see you in Yokohama Kono aida Yokohama de o me ni kakatta lately ? de wa arimasenu ka ? SEC. 1 8. AGO. 1. Mae ni, izen ni, zen ni, ato ni. 2. Long ago hisashii ato ni, to ni. 3. Several days ago, the other day sendatte, senjitsu. 4. An hour or so ago scnkoku. 5. A little while ago, a few minutes ago imashigata. i$6 TH ADVERB. I. He died four years ago. Yo nen mae ni nakunarimashita. I wish I had written a month ago. Hito tmki mae ni tegami wo yareba yokatta. How many years ago was Tokyo Tokyo no tatta no wa iku nen zen no built ? koto desu ka ? 2. It was made long ago. HisasMi ato ni dekita. He promised to lend it long ago. To ni kaso to yakusoku slrimashita. I knew it long ago. Hisashii ato kara shitte iru. 3- The man was here the other day with Sendatte ogiya ga taiso kirei na ogi wo some very pretty fans. motte kite orimashita. 4- I sent him to the office awhile ago to Senkoku tegami wo dashi ni yubin-kyoku post the letters. ye yatta. Kin was here an hour or two ago with Senkoku o Kin san ga itoko wo tsurete her cousin. kite imashita. 5- As I told you a little while ago. Imashigata o hanashi moshita tori. I saw him ride by here a few minutes Imashigata koko wo notte iku no wo ago. mimasliita. SEC. 19. JUST NOW. Ima, tadaima . . . lokoro ; more emphatic (just this in- stant) tattaima . . . tokoro. Tokoro is not always ex- pressed. I have just been looking at a juggler Ima ti'zuma-tsukai ga iroiro no waza performing a variety of tricks. wo sum no wo mite kita tokoro da. The clock has just struck. Tokei ga tattaima natta tokoro da. I just gave you fifteen cents. Tattaima ju go sen yatta tokoro da. THE ADVERB. SEC. 20. STILL, YET. Mada. Are you still sick ? Mada go byoki ka ? He is still rather young to study Tenzan wo keiko suru ni iva mada algebra. sukoshi wakai. This pail is not full yet. Kono te-oke wa mada ip pai de nai. Is n't tiffin ready yet ? Mada hirumeshi ga dekinai ka ! I have not tried either yet. Mada dochira mo yatte minai. SEC. 21. TILL, UNTIL. 1 . Time made (With the negative, generally made zva.) 2. Degree kodo. Wait until he comes. Are ga kuru made matte o ide. I read till dark. Kuraku naru made yomimasJiita. I eaa't go until ten minutes past five. Go ji jip pun made wa ikarenai. I must wait till twenty-five minutes Go ji ni jit go fun mae made mata- of five. nakereba naranai. I can not leave home until the middle. Eaigetsu nakaba made wa de nakereba of next month. tatsu koto wa dekimasenu. 2. I read till I v?as tired. Kutabireru hodo yomimasTiita. Don't bend it till it breaks. Oreru hdfto mage nasaruna. He pulled the cat's tail till she Hikkakarem hodo neko no shippo wo scratched him. hippatta. SEC. 22. BY AND BY. i . Of future time ndchi hodo. ^. Of past time y agate. 152 THE ADVERB. I. Bring me some hot water by and by. Nochi hodo yu wo motte kite o Jture. I want you to go to the post office by Nochi liodo yuMn-kyoku ye itte mo- and by. raitai. 2. By and by we found a jinriki. Yagate jinriki wo mitsuketa. By and by he took us to another Yagate Iwka no ma ye Jmrete itte room and showed us the letter. tegami wo miseta. SEC. "23. SOON. 1. Of days and longer periods chikajika ni, chikai uchi ;zz, kinjitsu ni, sono uchi ni. 2. In a little while, before long ma mo naku, hodo naku, ottsiike, (of future time only) ima ni, (of past time only) yagate. 3. As soon as : (a) With the present present and to siigu ni. (b} With the past present and to sugii ni, or con- ditional past and s'ugu ni ; the latter being the construction for the future perfect also. (c) With the future stem and shidai ni. I. Will the government change the Seifu de chikajika ni shimbun jorei wo press laws soon ? kaikaku suru daro ka ? They say there will soon be a rail- Chikai uchi ni Hiroshima, ye tetsudo ga way to Hiroshima. dekiru so da. The steamer will be in in a few days. Sono uchi ni jokisen ga tsukimasho. 2. We must start soon. Ma nio naku dekakenakcrela narima- senu. The train will leave in a few minutes. Kisha iva hodo naku demasho. THE ADVERB. It will stop raining very soon I Ottsuke ame ga yamimasho. think. .. The next house will catch before Tma ni tonari no uchi ye hi ga tsuku long. daro. Before long the wind began to blow. Ma mo naku kaze ga fuki dashita. Very soon the whole house was in Hodo naku ie ju ye hi ga maicatta. flames. The rain came down in torrents, and Mizu wo kobosu yo ni ame ga fu.ru to in a few minutes the roof began to yagate yane ga mori dashita. 3- (*). I take a bath as soon as I get up. Okiru to sugu ni yu ni hairimasu. As soon as they get on board every Kisha ni noru to sugu ni mina tabako body begins to smoke. wo sui dasu. 3- (ft- He died as soon as he heard it. Sore wo kiku to sugu ni nakunatta. I sent a jinriki for you as soon as it Ame ga furi dasu to sugu ni jinriki wo began to rain. o mukai ni agemashita. As soon as he took the medicine he Kusuri wo nondara sugu ni yoku natta. got better. I heard about it as soon as I got to Yokohama ye ittara sugu ni sono koto Yokohama. wo kikimashita. T will go as soon as I have dined. Shokuji wo shitara sugu ni mairima- sho. 3- M. I'll take a bath as soon as it is ready. Yu no shitaku ga deki shidai ni hairi- masu. SEC. 24. DIRECTLY. Presently ima, tadaima ; immediately, at once -jiki ni, ni, ima sugii ni, tadaima sugu ni, sassoku. 1^4 THE ADVERB. Coming directly. Hee ! Tadaima mairimasu. Don't drink that, I'll hare Koina Sore wo o yoshi nasai, ima Kama ni bring some fresh directly. kumi-tate no wo motte kosasemasic. Take this to No. 18 directly. Sugu ni kore wo ju hacJii Ian ye motU o ide. Serve breakfast immediately. Asameshi ivo suguni dashite. Let me know immediately what he Ano hito no iu Jcoto wo jiki ni kikasete says. o Tture. SEC. 25. BEFORE. With a noun or verb mae ni ; with a verb, also negative of the verb and uchi* We must start before ten o'clock. Ju ji mae ni deJcakenakerela nan- masenu. Let's have tiffin before we leave. Deru mae ni hirumeshi wo tdbete ikoja nai kat I can't go to the country before the Yilbinsen ga tsukanai ucTii wa inaka ye mail gets in. mairaremasenu. I want to speak to him before he goes Kaimono ni ikanai uchi hanashitai koto to market. ga aru. They'll not bite well before the tide Shio ga hikanai uchi wa yoku kuwa- is out. nai. SEC. 26. AFTER, SINCE. 1. With a verb participle and kara, past and nochi ni ; when a definite period is mentioned as having elapsed, it is followed by tatsu to or tattara, in which case the kara is often omitted. 2. With a noun ato de, nochi ni, go ni. 3. Afterwards ato de, nochi ni, go ni. 4. Past (of the hours) sugi. THE ADVERB. 155 I. After we passed Kiga it began to Kiga ivo . totte kara ame ga furi da- rain. shita. After the war was < ver most of the Senso ga sunde kara heitai wa taigai troops returned to Tokyo. Tokyo ye kaetta. After you lock the door put out the To no shimari wo shite kara akari wo light. keshite o kure. It has not leaked once since we Yane wo naoslrite kara ichi do mo mended the roof. moranai. Four or five days after I came to Tokyo ye kite (kara) shi go niclii tatsu Tokyo I was taken sick. to bydki ni natta. The road dried an hour after the Ame ga yande ichi ji kan tattard michi rain stopped, ga kawaita. 2. After the earthquake every one was Jisliin no ato de mina uchi ye hairu afraid to go into the house. no wo kowagatta. A-fter the fire we all went out to look Kicaji no ato de mina yake-ato wo mi ni at the ruins. demashita. I can go any time after the fifth. Itsuka no ato de wa itsu de mo ikare- masu. The law was changed after the Re- Go isshin nochi ni okite ga kawatta. volution. How long is it since the Revolution? Go isshin go mo iku nen ni narimasu ka? Afterwards I moved to Tokyo. Sono ato de wa Tokyo ye hikkoshi- mashita. Afterwards however another method Keredomo sono ato de wa hoka no was adopted. shikata ni natta. We intended to stop at Kobe but Kobe ye yoru tsumori de atta ga ato de afterwards decided not to do so. yoranai koto ni kimemashita. Beseemed considerably better but Daibu yoi yd ni miemashita ga nochi ni afterwards he grew worse. waruku narimashita. 156 - THE ADVERB. Ft is after twelve now. Moju niji sugi da. I can't go till after four. Yoji sugi made tea ikaremasenu. He started a little past three. Sanji sukoshi sugi ni tatta. SEC. 27. LONG TIME, LONG. 1. Long time nagai, nagaku. 2. For a long time hisashiku, nagai aida. 3. A long time before : (a) Long time requisite nagai aida de nakercba followed by the negative. (b) Idea of necessity absent made ni iva yohodo aida ga ant. 4. Long ago sec. 1 8. I. The hot weather seems to last a long Kotoshi wa shoki ga taihen nagai yd time this year. da. I can not wait long. NagaJcu wa matenai. You have been a long time about it. Taihen nagaku kakattaja nai ka? 2. I have not seen your father for a long Ototsan ni wa hisashiku o me ni time. kakarimasenu. I have been studying Japanese for a Hisashiku Nihongo wo manande on- long time. mam. I did not understand that for a long Sore iua hisashiku icakari.nasenu de- time, sliita. He has been sick for a long time. Nagai aida byoki da. 3- (a). It will be a long time before you can Nagai aida de nakufcha Nihonjin no yd talk like a Japanese. ni hanasu wake ni ikanai. THE ADVERB. 157 I suppose it will be a long time be- Nagai aida de nakutcha Kyoto ye fore the railway is done to Kyoto. tetsudo ga dekimai. Don't, you think it will be a long Nagai aida de nakereba satsu wa shokin time before satsu are at par ? to onaji sola ni narimasumai ka ? 3- (*) It will be a long time yet before he Mada kuni made ni wa yohodo aida ga (man sent for a kago) comes. am. Was it a long time before (from the -Tsurei no hanashi ga wakaru yd ni o time you landed until) you under- nari nasaru made ni wa yohodo aida stood ordinary conversation ? ga atta ka 1 SEC. 28. SOME TIME. Longer or shorter as the case may be shibaraku. Will you be in Tokyo for some time. Shibaraku Tokyoni o ide nasaru ka? I suppose I shall not see you for some Kore kara shibaraku o me ni kakaru time. koto iva dekimasumai. It will take some time longer to Deki-agaru ni wa mo shibaraku kaka- finish it. rimasu. I waited some time but nobody came. Yaya shibaraku matte ita ga dare mo konakatta. SEC. 29. A LITTLE WHILE. Zanji, zanji no aida, sukoshi no aida ; a few minutes, a minute sukoshi, chotto. You need not go for a little while Mada zanji o ide ni wa oyobimasenu. yet. If it is done in a little while, it will Zanji no aida ni dekireba yoroshii. do. He did not wait but a little while. Sukoshi no aida shika machimasenu deshitq. 158 THE ADVERB. Please help me a minute. Sukoshi te wo kashite kudaxai. Ask him not to come in here for a Chotto koko ye konai de moratte o kure. few minutes. Wait a minute. Sukoshi mate. SEC. 30. FINALLY, AT LAST. 1. In the end shimai ni. 2. After delay yoyaku ; after labor, difficulty yatto ; when the result was doubtful toto. I. We walked every where and finally Hobo aruite shimai ni Shiba ye- iki- went to Shiba. masMta. At last he got angry. Shimai ni okorimashita. 2. Finally the kago men came. Yoyaku kagokaki ga kimashita. At last the rain stopped. Yoyaku ame ga yanda. Finally we got to the top. Yatto zeteho ye noborimashita. At last little by little I came to Yatto sukoshi zutsu wakaru yd ninatta understand. Finally he consented. Toto shochi shimashita. At last the Russians were victorious. Toto Rokokujin ga kachimashita. IV. ADVERBS OF CAUSE, MANNER AND DEGREE. The great majority of adverbs of manner corresponding to English adverbs in ' ly ' require no special illustration. THE ADVERB. 159 SEC. i. WHY. Naze, do shite, do in wake de. Why did the Shogun resign? Naze Shogun wa jishoku shimashita ka? Why does wood float and iron sink? Naze hi wa uki tetsu wa shizumu mono desu ka ? Then why don't you tell him to do Sonnara naze shi naosu yo ni iimasenu it over again ? ka ? Why did you pick those roses ? Do shite ano bar a no hana wo tsunde o shimai nas'tta ka ? Why do the convicts wear red Toganin wa do shite akai kimojio wo clothes? kite imasu ka? Why don't you build your house of Do iu wake de ki de ie ico o tate nasa- wpod ? ranai no desu ka ? Why did he say he would not go ? Do iu wake de ikanai to iimashita ka ? SEC. 2 -ACCORDINGLY, CONSEQUENTLY, THEREFORE. Sore da kara, sore yue ni, (mono) da kara. Accordingly the Emperor came to Sore da kara, Tenshi ga Tokyo ye o ide Tokyo. nasaru yo ni natta. Accordingly they changed the law. Sore yue ni okite ico kaemashita, It rained for three days in succes- Mikka ame ga furi tsuzitita mono da sion and consequently all the kara hashi ga mina ochite shimatta. bridges were swept away. The train started fifteen minutes Kyo ica Itisha ga itsu mo yoriju go fun earlier than usual to-day, and con- hayaku deta mon' da kara, mina ma sequently we all missed it. ni awanakatta. SEC. 3. How. 1. Interrogative do, ikaga ; of an action do shite. 2. The way in which, how to stem of the verb and yd. THE ADVERB. I. How is the road from here to KoJco kara Hakone ye iku rnichi wa dd Hakone ? desu ka ? How is shoyu made ? Shoyu wa do shite koshiraeru mono desu ka? Do you know how photographs are Shashin wa do shite torn mono desit ka taken ? go zonji desu ka ? Did you hear how your friend was tomodachi ica do shite korosareta ka killed . o kiki nasaimashita ka ? 2. It, is very strange how a snake He bi no hai yo ma jitsu ni kimyo da. crawls. Please teach me how to hold my pen. Dozo fude no mochi yo wo oshiete kudasai. ; . I never understand how to use ga Do shite mo ga to wa no tsukai yo ga and wa. wakaranai. SEC. 4. So. 1. Manner: (a) In this manner ko, kono yd ni, kono tori ni. ise, sono yd ni, sono tori ni. aa, ano yd ni, ano tori ni. 2. Degree : (a) In this degree konna ni. (sonna ni. (b] In that degree j \anna ni. 3. So ... that, so ... as hodo. THE ADVERB. l6l Please do it so, not so. Dozo so de naku, ko shite kudasai. If that is your opinion, why don't you Moslii sono go setsu nara, naze 5 say so ? osshaimasenu ka ? Please ask Hana who said so. Dare ga so itta ka o Hana san ni kiite kudasai. I thought so. So daro to omotta. 2. Please tell the man not to hold the Dozo jinriki ni kaji-bo wo sonna r ni shafts so high. takaku shinai yoni itte kudasai. You ought not to have been so hasty. Sonna ni ki-mijika ni shinakereba yoi 3- It is so bright (that) it hurts my eyes. Me ni sawaru liodo akarui. It was so hot (that) the grass withered. Kusa ga kareru hodo atsukatta. He is so tall he looks awkward. Minikui hodo sei ya takai. That is not so good as this. Sore wa kore Jwdo yokunai. I do not go to Yokohama so often as Yokohama ye] sakigoro hodo tabitali I used to. mairimasenu. This house does not rent so high as Kono ie wa mo ik ken hodo_ yachin ga the other. takaku nai. SEC. 5. LIKE, As. 1. Manner: (a) In a similar way yd (ni)* (b] In the (same) way tori (ni)* Onaji prefixed to yd has the force of * exactly '. To ' be ' like may be expressed by ni nite iru. 2. Degree (including as . . . as) hodo, dake. 1 62 THE ADVERB. I. (). Man's life vanishes like the dew. II ito no inochi wa tsuyu no yo ni kie- yasui. I wish I could talk Japanese like you. Watakushi mo anata no yo ni Nihongo (ja dekitai mono de gozaimasu. I should hate to work like the coolies. Ninsoku no yo ni hataraku no wa iija da. Are the Japanese ironclads exactly Nihon no kdtessen wa Eikoku no to like the English ? onaji yd de gozaimasu ka ? Have you any silk like this? Kono yd na Itinu ga arimasu kat Have you any silk exactly like this ? Chodo kore to onaji yo na kinu ga arimasu ka ? Is Japanese pottery like French ? Nihon no setomono wa Furansu no yd de gozaimasu (no ni nite imasu) ka ? As I have already said. Hae ni mo moshita tori, Try and repeat the conversation as Kiita tori ni sono hanashi ico shite you heard it. goran. Why did n't you put out your light Naze iwareta tori ni yube akari wo last night as you were told ? kesanakatta ka ? Make it round like this. Kono tori ni maruku shite o kure. Just like it. Chodo sono tori da. 2. Nothing travels like light. Hikari hodo hayaku hashiru mono tea nai. Is Yumoto as high as Ashi-no-yu P Yiimoto wa Ashinoyu hodo tako gozai- masu ka ? Run to the house as fast as you can, Dekiru dake hayaku uchi ye kaketeitte, and tell Koma to go for the doctor. Koma ni islia ivo yobi ni ike to itte o kure. THE ADVERB. 163 SEC. 6. VERY. 1 . In affirmative sentences taiso, taihen, yo/wdo, makoto ni,jitsu ni, goku, hanahada, itatte. 2. In negative sentences (excepting when also interroga- tive) amari. I. It was very hot last night. Yube wa taiso atsukatta. This pen is very bad. Kono fude wa taihen waruku natta. I shall be very busy to-morrow morn- Ashita hirumae wa yohodo isogashiu ing. gozaimasu. He was very sick, but he is better Yohodo wamkatta ga konogoro yoi ho now. desu. I slept very badly last night. Yube wa makoto ni ne-gokoro ga ivarukatta. V r ery few foreigners know much about Waka no koto wo yoku shitte iru Japanese poetry. gwaikokujin wa goku sukunai. 2. The sky is not very clear to-night. Konya sora ga amari harete inai. They don't like each other very Ano futari wa amari naka ga yokunai. much. The herons can not fly very fast Sagi wa konna kaze ni mukatte amari against such a wind. hayaku tobenai. I gave the coolies a bu apiece, but Ninsoku ni ichi bu zutsu yatta ga amari they did not seem very well satisfied. manzoku de nai yosu de atta, Was n't that .fan very dear ? Ano ogi wa yohodo takakatta de wa arimasenu ka ? Don't YOU think Michi will be very Michi san wa yohodo komarimanimai much annoyed? ka? U ii't Hakodate a very cold place in Hakodate wa fuyu ni naru to taisO Winter ? samui tokbro de wa nai ka ? 1 64 THE ADVERB. , . SEC. 7. ONLY. 1. Tada, bakari, tada . . . bakari Equivalent to 'but' and limiting number or quantity, ' only ' is often rendered by shika or kya and the negative. 2. Preceded by if sae and the conditional. 3. Not later than, yet mada. 4. Not until yoyaku. 5. Contemptuous kuse ni. I. Don't cry, the dog is only barking. Nakuna inu wa tada Jioete iru no da. It was only as company for you that Tada o tsukiai ni itta no da. I went. I go to Yokohama only once or twice Yokohama ye iku no wa hifo tsitki ni a month. tada iclii do ka ni do de cjozaiwasn. I have only read it. Yonda bakari de gozaimasu. I opened the trap only a little. Wana no kuchi wo sukoshi bakari aketa no desu. He not only wears a sword, but he Tada katana wo sashite iru bakari de knows how to use it. naku, sono tsukai yd mo shitte imasn. This jinriki has only (has or has n't Kono jinriki wa wa ga hitotsu shika but) one wheel. (kya) nai. Only half the number I ordered have Chiimon shita kazu no hambicn shika come. (kya) konai. The mail goes only every other day, Yubin wa ichi nichi oki ni afnka but I will have one of the servants (kya) demasenu ga uchi no mono ni take it for you. motasete 'yarimasho. Mr. Ikeda has only one brother. Ikeda san wa hitori shika kyodai ga nai. I expected only twenty, but about Niju nin shika konai dard to omotta ga forty came. shi jii nin hodo kita. THE ADVERB. 165 2. If we only had a good cat we could Ji neko sae attara kono nezumi ga catch these rats. toreru daro. Probably there will be no trouble if Hodoyoku sae sureba muzukashii koto you only use moderation. wa arumai. 3- To-day is only the fifth. Kyo wa mada itsuka de.su. Why ! it is only three o'clock. Nani ! mada san ji da. He is only a child. Are wa mada kodomo desu. 4- Your letter reached me only yester- Sakujitsu yoyaku o tegami ga todokii day. masJiita. S- He is only a farmer : what does he Hyakusho no kuse ni : seiji no Ttoto ga know about government ? nani ga wakaru mono ka ? You fly a kite ? You're only a girJ. Onna no ko no kuse ni : tako ga agaru mono ka? SEC. 8. TOO. 1. Amari and the adjective or the stem of the adjective and sugiru. 2. Too . . to amari and the participial form follow- ed by the negative. I. This pencil is too soft. Kono empitsu wa amari yawaraka- ' (yawaraka sugiru). This bottle is too small. Kono tokkuri wa amari chiisai (chisa sugiru). Are n't your ceilings a little too high ? Tenjo ga sukoshi taka sugiru de wa arimasenu ka? This is a little too much. Kore de wa sukoshi o sugiru. 1 66 THE ADVERB. 2. These clothes are too dirty to wear. A'ono kimono wa amari yogorete ki- rarenai. That book is too big to go into the Sono hon wa amari okikute shodana ni book-case. hairanai. Pine is too brittle to make a cane. Matsu wa amari sakukute tsue ni naranai. His talk is too low to listen to. Ano hito no hanashi wa amari kegare- washikute kikaremasenu. That is too pitiful to look at. Are iva amari kawaiso de mirarenai. SEC. 9. EVEN. 1. With the subject and also with adverbs of time de mo, (more emphatic) de sac mo ; in other cases mo. 2. Even including made. I. Even a child understands that. Sore wa kodomo de mo wdkaru. Even Denjiro can read Chinese pretty Dewjiro de sae mo zuibun kanji ga well. yomeni, Even the winters are not very cold Tokyo wa fuyu de mo amari samukit* in Tokyo. nai. Even to-morrow would do. Asliita de mo yo gozaimasu. You would be in time even now. Ima de mo ma ni aimasho. Even formerly the farmers did not Moto de mo hyakusho wa katana wo wear swords. sasanakatta. lie did not eat even his rice this Kcsa meshi mo tabenakatta. morning. If I walk even a ri I get very tired. IcM ri mo arukeba taihen kutabireru. There have been a few cases of cho- Hakodate ni mo korera ga sukoshi atta lera even in Hakodate, it seems. so desu. Matsu has not even dusted this room Matsu wa kesa kono heya wo hataki mo this morning. shinai. THE ADVERB. 1 67 I'll go even if it rains pretty hard. Ame ga zuibun tsuyoku futte mo mairimasho. Even if you take a kago you will be Kago ni meshite mo yohodo o tsukare very tired. nasaimasho 2. They killed even the children. Kodomo made koroshite shimatta. Even the trees were withered by last Kyonen no Mderi de ki made kareta. year's drought. SEC. io. ALMOST. 1 . Nearly rno sukosJii de. 2. Nearly all, the most of taitei, taigai. ' It is almost twelve o'clock. Mo sukoshi de ju niji da. It is almost a year since I went to YokoJiama ye itte kara mo sukoshi de Yokohama. iclii nan ni naru. My horse stumbled and I almost fell Uma ga ketsnmazuite mo sukoshi d& off. okkochiru tokoro de atta. 2. The rain-water is almost all gone. Ama-mizu wa taitei nakunatta. Almost every one in the house has a Taitei uchi jii no mono ga kazake da, cold. He has thrown away almost all his Yama de taitei shinsho wo sutete shi- property in speculation. matta. SEC. ii. ABOUT. Approximately kttrai, Jiodo, bakari. About how much will it cost? Ilcura gurai kakarimasho? It'is about three feet six inches long. Nagasa wa san jaku roku sun gurai daro. 1 68 THE ADVERB, You had better put in about ten Jik kin lakari ircte ban ji ban niru g* pounds and boil it half an hour. yokaro. I waited about an hour aud then Ichi ji kan bakari matte jinriki wo called a jinriki and went home. yonde uchi ye kaetta. She is about five feet high and Take ga go shaku bakari de mekaia g& weighs about a hundred pounds. hyak kin bakari da. CHAPTER VIII. THE NUMERAL. SEC. i. CARDINALS. Japanese is supplied with two series of cardinals ; one Japanese, the other Chinese. The former ends with ten. JAPANESE. CHINESE. I JlitotSU icki 1 1 ju ichi 21 ni jii ichi 2 futatsu ni 12 jit ni 30 san ju 3 mitsu san 13 ju san 40 ski ju 4 yotsu ski 14 ju ski roo hyaku 5 itsutsu g 1 5 ju go 200 ni hyaku 6 mutsu roku 1 6 ju roku 300 sam byaku 7 nanatsu shichi 17 ju shichi 600 rop pyaku 8 yatsu hachi 1 8 ju hachi 800 hap pyaku 9 kokonotsu ku 19 ju ku 1600 j* 10 to jit 20 ni ju 2OOO / 5^^ 10,000 man 100,000 >ju man 20,000 ni man 1,000,000 hyaku man 170 THE NUiMERAL. The Japanese cardinals usually follow the nouns which they qualify, as chochin mitsu three lanterns : sometimes however they precede them, in which case they are gene- rally succeeded by the postposition no, as mitsu no 'hako three boxes. Instances occur also in which a Japanese cardinal drops its final syllable and precedes a noun without the con- necting no. This construction is commonly (not always) employed to express the idea contained in the English suffix ' ful ': e. g. hito &uc/anot one mouth but one mouthful, fut a saji two spoonfuls, mi hako three boxfuls i. e. the quantity contained in three boxes, hito tsukami one handful, mi tsiiki three months i. e. the length of time contained in three months, futa hari not two needles but two stitches, hito ashi not one leg but one step. Instances of this con- struction occur however in which the idea expressed by ful ' is absent : e. g. mi tsutsumi three parcels (even of, different things and different sizes) futa iro two sorts, itsu shina five articles (even of different kinds). In counting it is usual to say, hi, f^l, mi, yo, itsu, (or t) mu, nana, ya, kokono, to. And in rendering accounts, to avoid confusion with shi and go, nana is frequently substi- tuted for shichi and kyu for ku : e. g. kyu sen nine cents, nana ju seventy. Sometimes also yon is substituted for $/ii : e. g. yon sen four cents, yonju ni sen forty two cents. Up to ten the Chinese series is used only with the descrip- tive numerals and Chinese words of measure, weight, time, et cetera ; as sun inch, shaku foot, ken six feet, cho sixty ken, ri two miles and a half, kin catty, hyd bag, ji hour, nen year, et cetera. Above ten the Chinese series is the only one in use. THE NUMERAL. SEC. 2. DESCRIPTIVE NUMERALS. In certain instances the English idiom requires a numeral to be followed by a word (usually) descriptive of the thing enumerated. Sometimes the shape of the article has deter- mined the word used, sometimes the form in which it comes to market, sometimes a marked feature in it, sometimes the need of individualization, et cetera : as two sheets or rolls of paper or music, so many panes of glass, pieces of tape, stacks of hay, bundles of straw, H blades of grass, drops of water, flakes of snow, sticks of wood, head of cattle, bales of cotton, pairs of scissors, cups of tea, glasses of wine, copies of a book, pieces ot statuary. In Japanese words of this sort are constantly met with, not only because they are much more numerous than in English but also because so many of them are applied to whole classes of objects. Out of more than fifty, the following will be found to embrace most in common use in the colloquial. They are added to the Chinese cardinals ; nin, jo and mat however prefer yo (four) to ski. persons nin money, clothes, plates^ animals Juki > -, r sheets of paper, et ce- birds wa houses ken tera ' and flat thin ^ s ships so generally , mat THE NUMERAL. shoes pairs of sokii socks jinrikis, guns, ] candles, scissors] cho masts, trees, pencils,\ ropes, umbrellas, tubes, \hon bottles, and long cylin- ders generally (volumes satsu cups, glasses, pails, et books \ (copies bit cetera (full) \hai mats jo Nin and jo folfow the numeral without alteration in either; as ichi nin, san nin, roku nin,jii nin ; the following letter changes take place however when the other words are preceded by ichi, san, roku orju. HIKI. HON. HAI. KEN. 85. ip piki ip pon ip pai ik ken is so sain biki sam bon sam bai san gen san so rop piki ' rop pon rop pai rok ken jip inki jip pon jip pai jik ken jis $6 THE NUMERAL. 173 SOKU. SATSU. CHO; WA. MAI. is soku is satsu it cho sam ba sam mat san zoku rop pa fis soku jis satsu jit cho jip pet. Hitori, futari and yottari are common substitutes for ij ni and yo nin. Usually the descriptive numerals follow their nouns ; as ' bring me three or four cups of tea, cha ivo san ski hai motte koi ; instances occur, however, where they come first, in which cases they are followed by no ; as go satsu no hon five books. Illustrations of the use of descriptive numerals will be found on pages 101, 104, 105, and throughout the book generally. , ni bu, et cetera. SEC. 6. CONSECUTIVE NUMBERS. In consecutive numbers the highest comes first, the second next, following the English order ; as ' the fourth of July, 1776' sen shichi hyaku shichi jii roku nen, shichi gwatsu, yokka* SEC. 7. ADDRESS. The order is from general to particular, directly the reverse of that usually followed on an English letter. The number of the house is commonly followed by chi (lot); as Mr. Maeda Toshimitsu, No. 2. First Cho, Kobiki Ward, Kyo Bashi District, Tokyo. Tokyo, Kyo Bashi Ku, Kobiki Cho, It Cho me ni ban chi* Maeda Toshimitsu Sama. CHAPTER IX. THE POSTPOSITION. What in English are prepositions in Japanese are post- positions, which may be classified as simple and compound. The simple postpositions are de, ni, ye, no, kara, yori and made. The compound postpositions are made up of a noun pre- ceded by no which links them to the foregoing word, and followed by ni ; as no shit a ni underneath, no kawari ni instead of, no tame ni for the sake of. De, ye and no are sometimes substituted for ni ; de and ye to express certain shades of meaning (comp. sees. I, 2, 4), and no to join the postposition to a word following. Compound post- positions become adverbs by dropping no; following- an adjective, also, the no is dropped, as sono ne ni on top of it. These words being nouns are often used as predicates, in which case da takes the place of ni ; they may also be- come the direct object of a verb, when ni gives way to wo. Some English prepositions are rendered by participles ; as ni yotte according to ; and some, when used in a special sense, are translated accordingly, as ' for ' (to fetch) tori ni, SEC. i. AT. i. Place: (a] With a verb of situation ;//. (b} With a verb of action de. THE POSTPOSITION. With a verb of situation, ni is used to render both ' in ' and ' at ' ; with a verb of action, de. In certain verbs of action, however, as tatsu to stand, sitwarii to sit, the idea of action is often subordinate to that of situation : under such circumstances, they will usually be accompanied by ni. This is the explanation of the ni in sentences of the sort on page 95, the point of the inquiry not being whether grass grows in the desert, but whether it grows in the desert whether there is any grass there ; so in the example on page 100, the act of establishing is altogether secondary to the fact that preaching stations have been established that they exist. Whether de or ni is employed will depend therefore upon what idea is prominent in the speaker's mind ; as a general rule however it will be found that am, oru and iru are accompained by ni, other verbs by de. It may be worth while to state in passing that in speak- ing of companies, associations, the government and depart- ments of the same, et cetera, de is often inserted when in English the simplest construction is one without any pre- position. The commonest example of this is seifu de ; as ' I hear that the Tokyo Fu is going to abolish the Chu Gakko before long ' kondo Tokyo Fu de Chu Gakkd wo haisu so da ; ' so the Beisho Gwaisha met with a serious loss the other day ' sendatte Beisho Givaisha de taihen son wo shita so da ; ' they say the Mitsu Bishi Kwaisha expect soon to buy another lot of steamers ' chikajika ni Mitsu Bishi Kivaisha de mata jokisen wo kai-ireru so da. 2. Time ni. THE POSTPOSITION. 179 I. (). There used to be a barrier at Hakone. Hakone ni moto sekislio ga atta. Are n't some of the Shoguns' tombs Shogun no haka wa Nikko ni mo aruja at Nikko ? arimasenu ka ? I hope there are not many musqui- Odaivara ni wa amari ka ga inakereba toes at Odawarn. ii ga. i. (6). We buy our vegetables at that shop. A soko no mise de yasai mono wo kai- masu. We stayed three days at Kiga. Kiga de mikka todomarimashita. Did you rest at Odawara ? Odaivara de o yasumi nas'tta ka 9 2. I got up this morning at half past Kesa yoji han ni okimashita. four. Wake me to-morrow morning at day- Asu no asa yoake ni okoshite o kure. break. SEC. 2. IN. 1. With a verb of situation ni (comp. sec. I.); of a thing put into another ni Jiaitte iru ; of holes ni aite iru. 2. With a verb of action (comp. sec. i.), or when accom- panied by a superlative dc. 3. Inside of, within, in the midst of no ?iaka ni, no aid a ni. 4. Into -ye, no naka ye. I. Is there a good hotel in Tokyo ? Tokyo ni wa ii hatagoyaga arimasu ka? There are two or three fine water- Amerika ni kirei na taki ganisanga falls in America. slio aru. l8o THE POSTPOSITION. Is there any thing in the house ? Uchi ni nani lea aru ka ? Is n't it in Kyiio Dowa ? Kyiio Dowa ni aru de iva arimasenu ka? You must not sit in the draught. Kaze no fuki-tosu tokoro ni swcatte ite wa ikenai. What is in that box ? Sono hako ni nani ga haitte iru ka ? Is there any salt in this bread ? Kono pan ni shio ga haitte imasu ka ? There is a hole in this teapot. Kono kibisho ni ana ga aite im. 2. I believe he died in Tokyo. Tokyo de shinimashitaro. I must have dropped it in Ginza. Kitto Ginza de otoshita daro. How much sake do you suppose is Iclii nen ni Tokyo ju de nomu sake wa drunk in Tokyo in a year r nani hodo de gozaimasho? You can't get good jinrikis in the Inakadeioa ii jinriki ni .now wake ni country. ikanai. Which is the longest street in Tokyo ? Tokyo de wa nani cho ga ichi ban nagai daro? Which is the largest island in the Sekai de nan to iu sJiima ga ichi ban world ? okii daro ? Who is. the strongest in the family ? Uchi de wa dare ga ichi ban jobu da ? 3- It is in the trunk wrapped up in Ifaivabitsu no naka ni kami ni tsutsunde paper. am. I saw a fox in tho woods. Hayashi no naka de kitsune wo mita. You can ride to the railway ill twen- Ni jip pun no aida ni tctsudo made ty minutes. notte ikeru. 4- Please bore a hole in this. Kore ye ana wo akete kndasai. Perhaps you put it in your pocket. Kakushi ye o ire nas'tta no ka mo sliiremascnn. He has gone into the temple to wor- Miya no naka yc orjami ni haitta. ship. THE POSTPOSITION. I8i SEC. 3. ON. 1. Ni. 2. On the upper surface of, on top of no ue ui. i. Please write Kanazawa on this en- Kono jobukuro ni Kanazawa to kaite v elope. kudasai. There is a stain 011 my haori. Watdkuslii no haori ni shimi go, aru. There is a fly (lighting) on the ceil- Tenjo ni liai ga tomatte iru. ing. Is there a stamp (pasted) on that Sana tegami ni kitte ga hatte gozaimasu letter ? ka ? There is not a single button (fast- Kono jiban ni ^ca botan ga hitotsu mo enecl) on this shirt. tsuite inai. He went home on Monday. Getsuyobi ni mlii ye kaerimashita. 2. Is that a dog sleeping on the floor? Ytika no ue ni- netc iru no wa inu desu ka? My hat is on the table. BosJii wa tsukue no ue ni arimasu. Did n't you leave your shoes on the Ilasld no ue ye kutsu wo o oki nasai- bridge ? masenu deshita ka ? I dropped a stone on my foot. AsM no ue ni ishi wo otoshita. SEC. 4. To. 1. Preceding the indirect object ni. 2. To a place yc, ni. 3. As far as made. Give something to the dog. Inu ni nani ka o yari. Don't lend it to any cue. Sore wo dare ni mo o kaski nasamna, What did you aay to Miss Ohiye ? Cine san ni nan to osshatta ka ? 1 82 THE POSTPOSITION. 2. We're going to E,y6goku Bashi to- Konya hanabi wo mi ni Ryogoku BasJii night by boat to see the fireworks. ye fune de mairimasu. Would you like to take a walk to- Hon Cho no ho ye undo ni irasshite wards Hon Cho ? wa ikaga ? Hare n't you taken that box up- Mada ano hako wo nikai ye motte stairs yet ? ikimasenu ha ? 3- How much to Asakusa and back ? Asakusa madejoge ikura i I went to the Tori, but I did not find Tori made itta get ano hito ni aiva- him. nakatta. How much is a ticket to Tokyo ? Tokyo made no kitte wa dono kurai desho ? SEC. 5. FROM, OUT, OFF, THROUGH. 1. From ( preceding a noun ) out of, off of, through (as a way of entrance) kara. 2. From preceding a verbal noun indicative present negative and yd ni. 3. Off (detached from) tor eta. 4. Off shore no oki ni. 5. To pass through torn, through the midst of no na- ka wo torn ; to pass something through tdsu. I. How far is it from here to that tree ? Koko kara ano ki made nani hodo arimasu ka ? Hang it on the fourth nail from the Migi kara yo lam me no kugi ni o kake. right. I rode steadily from six in the morn- Asa no roku ji kara ban no roku ji ing until six in the evening. made hikkikirazu ni notta. Perhaps you can borrow one from Tonari kara karirarcru ka mo sliiri~ next door* masenu. THE POSTPOSITION. 183 Take a pound of sugar out of this Kono liako kara sato wo ik kin o box. dashi. Bring- me a dish out of the closet. Mono-oki kara sara ico iclii mai motte hoi. Empty it out of this bottle and pour Kono tokkuri kara core ye. utswse. it into that. Take the clothes out of the trunk Kawalitsu kara kimono wo dashite kaze and air them. wo tcshite o kure. Take the books off that table. Soiio dai kara hon wo oroshite o kure. I fell off iny hoi'se and sprained my Uma kara ochite ashi-kubi wo kiijtiia. ankle. Let's go in through the window. Mado kara hairoja nai ka? Did the rain leak through your roof? taku no yane kara amc $a morima* f.hita ka 1 Won't it go in through the key hole? Kagi-ana kara hairimasenu ka? Is there no way to keep books from Hon ni kabi ga haenai yS ni sum moulding- ? shikata ica arimasenu ka ? Be careful and keep the childien Kodomo ni kaze wo hikasenai yd ni ki from taking cold. wo tsuke nasai. The leg is off that table. Ano dai no aslti ga toreta. The tiles are all off the roof. Kono yanc no kawara ga mina tortft shimatta. The ship is at anchor oft' (he fort;. Fune ga daiba no oki ni teihaitu shift int. They tell me a great many fish are Houimoku no oki de taiso sakana ga caught oft' IIoiniDoku. toreru so da. 1 84 THE POSTPOSITION. 5. I ran through the house. le wo tori nuketa. I rode through the crowd in a jin- Hitogomi no naka wo jinrild ni notte riki. torimashita. Pass your thread through the needle Hari ye ito wo toshite liaji wo musunde and make a knot in it. o old. SEC. 6. -BY. 1. Of the agent ni (comp. however II, VII). 2. Of the instrument de, ivo matte. 3. Beside no soba ni. 4. Of time made ni. I. I had it made by the blacksmith. Kajiya ni kosJiiracsasemashita. This book was written by a China- Kore wa Shinajin no kaita lion desu. man. 2. We went to Odawara by jinriki. Odaicara ye jinrild de ikimashita. Please let me know immediately by Dozo siigu ni dcnshin de shirasete telegraph. kiidasai. Were n't you waked up by the earth- Yube no jishin de me ga same wa quake last night ? shimasenu desliita ka ? Did you ever stand by a waterfall? Taki no soba ni tatte o ide nas'tta Icoto ga arimasu ka ? ffhis brook runs by the village. Kono kogawa wa mura no soba 100 nagarern. You are living- in the house by the Hasld no soba no uclii ni sunde iru de bridge, are n't you? wa nai Jca? THE POSTPOSITION. 185 4- I'll b$ ready by noon. Iliru made ni shitaku ga dekimasho. It may possibly stop raining 1 by even- Ban mads ni arm ga yamumai mono de ing. mo nai. The jinriki must be here by four Jinriki wa yo ji made ni koko ys o'clock. konakereba naranai. SEC. 7. WITH. 1. Of the instrument de, wo motte. 2. Together with, in company with to, to issho ni, to tomo ni. 3. Belonging to, connected with ni tsuite. I. You had better tie that parcel with Sono tsutsumi wo Jiiino de sliibaru a string. ga ii. Wipe it up with a cloth. Zokin defuite o kure. Wash it with soap. Shalon-mizu de aratte o kure. You would write faster with a pencil. Evipitsu de kaita ho ga liayai. He writes with his left hand. Hidari no te de kakimono wo sum. I argued with him for about an hour. Ano kito to iclii ji kan liodo girotiwo shita. Send the figs along with the grapes. Ichijiku wo budo to issho ni yatte o kure. I left the *hoes in the corner with Komori-gasa to issho ni kutsu wo sinni the nuibrella. ye oita. \\ r eirthen, I'll go with you. Sore ja go issho ni mairimasho. I c there no key with this watch? Kono tokti ni wa kagi ga Isuite imasenu ka? r86 THE POSTPOSITION. Is n't there a wick with the new Atarashii rampu rd wa shin ga tsuite lamp ? inai ka ? Did n't a letter corue with this box? Kono hako ni tegami ga tsuite kimasenu deshita ka? SEC. 8. WITHOUT. 1. Preceding a Noun : (a) Not having nasJii ni, nakn. (&) Unless one has hakereba, nakiite iva. 2. Preceding a verbal noun negative participle, r. (a). This letter came without a stamp. K&no tegami wa kitte nashi ni kiriia- sliita. Why did you make it without hand- Naze te nashi ni koshiraemashita les? These matches burn without any Kono tsukegi wa nioi nashi ni moem smell. You must not leave the house again Mata kotowari nashi ni uchi ico dete wa without leave. narimasenu. I. (b). You can't open it without a key. Kagi ga nakereba akeru wake ni ika~ nai. Mamma can not read any thing any Okkasan wa megane ga nakute wa mo more without her spectacles. nani mo yomu koto ga dekinai. I suppose it would not do for us to Kutsu wo torazu ni haitte wa waru- go in without taking off our shoes. karo. You must not go without letting me Watakuslii ni sliirasezu ni itte wa know. ikenai. You must not buy the sugar without Me ni kakenai de sato wo katte wa weighing it. ikemasenu. THE POSTPOSITION. l/ He went without (taking) an urn- Komori-gasa ico motazu ni itta. breila. Bring me the lamp without (putting Hoya ico kakezu ni rampu wo motte on) the chimney. hoi. You aro writing without (putting Sumi wo tsukezu ni kaite i nasaru. on) any ink. Sometimes the coolies ran without Ninsoku ga waraji wo hakazu ni (putting on) their sandals (and hashitta koto mo am. sometimes with them on). Do you intend to go without (taking) Annai ico tsurezu ni o ide nasaru o a guide ? tsumori ka ? SEC. 9. OF. 1. Possession, apposition no. 2. Partitive : (a) Some of a group as contrasted with the remainder or emphasized, (hence, frequently accompanied by ' some/ ' many/ ' few ') no uchi ni t ni. (b) When however there is no contrast or special emphasis, * of ' is not expressed. 3. Made of de. i. The nails were rotten, and the bot- Kugi ga kusatte hako no soko ga torn of the box fell out. nuketa, Don't you like the smell of a good Ti tabako no nioi wo o suki jaarima- cigar? senuka? In the daimyo town of Odawara. Odawara no joka ni. 2. (a). Some of us would like to study his- V/atakushidomo no uchi ni rekishi wo tory. keiko shitai mono mo gozaimasu. Some of the Tokyo merchants wear Tokyo no akindo ni yqfuku wo kiru Into foreign clothes. mo gozaimasu. 1 88 THE POSTPOSITION. Many of them do not know how to Ano Into taclii no uchi ni yomi-kaki no read or write. dekinai mono go, oku aru. Many of the Japanese epeak English. Nihonjm ni wa Eigo wo tsukau litto ga oku aru. Few of the jinriki men live to be Jinriki wo hilcu mono ni go jis sat made fifty. . ikiru mono wa sukunai. 2. (6). Please hand me one of those pens. Sono fude wo ip pon tolte kudasai. Are any of the children sick ? Donata ka o kosama ga go byoki dcsu ka? One of Mr. Tanuka's daughters was' Tanaka san no musume ga hitori married lately. chikagoro katazuita. 3- Make it of pine. Matsu no Id de tsukutte o kure. It is made of flour and water. Konn. to mizu de koshiraeta mono da. Did n't you intend to build of brick ? Renga de ie ico o tate nasaru tsumori d* wa arimascnu deshita ka ? SEC. 10. FOR. 1. For the sake t>f no tame ni. 2. Instead of no kaivari ni. 3. To serve as, to be used for ;/// intending to make serve as ni shiyo to omottc. 4. Considering that ni shite iva. 5. To be delivered to ni yarn. 6. To be used with, on, by no. 7 '. Addressed to wv o yoslii nanara nakereba nariwaneitu. Then you had bettor put in loss Sore de wa motto mizu wo herasii ga ii. water. SEC. ii. THAT. 1. Introducing a statement to. 2. So that, in order that yd ni. i. I told Miki (that) she might read it. Miki san ni sore wo yonde mo ii to iimashita. Did n't the doctor say (that) you had Itlia w,i Atami ye o ide nasaru ga ii to better go to Atami ? iimasenu dezliita ku ? I learned from Mr. TJchida that Koeki Hondo wa am yakunin no kaita Koeki Hondo was written by one lion da to Uchlda san kara kiki- of the ofiBlcials. masln'ta. 2. Lift up the cover so that I can see Soto yn mieru yd ni toyu ico agcte. out. Please open the door so that the air Kaze ga hairu yd ni to wo akete will come in. Imdazai. You had better roll up your sleeves Nurcnai yd ni sode wo makuni ga ii. so that they won't get wet Please tighten the net so that the Ka ga nairanai yd ni kaya wo musquitoes will not get in. kari shite o oki nasal. Take care (that) you don't slip. Snberanai yd ni ki ivo o tsuke* THE CONJUNCTION. 211 SEC. 12. THAN. 1. With the comparative degree comp. VI. II. sec. i e 2. Rather than yori isso. 3. More than (of quantity or number): (a) In affirmative sentences (generally) amarior j,to yo, De wa kikanai, which is more emphatic, may also be used of number, but only in af- firming the existence of excess. (b] In negative sentences (generally) yori yokei ni. i. A locomotive is a good deal faster Jokisha wa jokisen yori yoJiodo liayai. than a steamer. He can not stay longer than toro or Ni san nichi yori nagaku wa toma- three days. rarenai. Kei is only about three months older Kei san iva o Sei san yori mi tsuki than Sei. bakari shika toshi ga ue de nai. 2. I should rather walk than ride. Noru yori isso arukimasho. I should rather write to him than Atte hanasu yori isso teciami wo yart- tell him. masho. I should rather live in Tokyo than Yokohama yori isso Tokyo ni oru ho ga Yokohama. yoi. Would you rather study French Eigo yori isso Futsugo wo keiko than English ? nasaimasu ka ? Yv ould you rather lose your child Isha wo yoli ni iku yori mo isso kodomo than go for a doctor? wo korosu ka? I believe that fellow would rather Ano yatsu wa hataraku yori mo isso starve tha.n work. hiboshi ni naru ki daro. 3- ()- I shall want more than ten pounds. Jik kin amari iriyo da. It will cost more than five dollars. Go en amari kakarimasu. 212 THE CONJUNCTION. I have waited more than a,n hour for Ichi ji kan no yo o machi mosh you, mashita. We have more than an hour yet. Mada ichiji Jean no yo aida ga aru. You must put in more than a hand- Hito tsuJcami no yo irenakute wa ful. ikenai. There were more than a hundred Asoko ni otta Into wa hyaku nin de wa, men there. kikanai (hyaku nin no yo otta). That book has more than a hundred Ano lion wa hyaku mai de wa kikanai pages. (no yo aru). It is more than ten ri to Odawara. Odawara madeju ri de ica kikanai (no yo aru). 3- ( I shall not want more than ten Jik kin yori yokei ni wa irimasenu. pounds. It ought not to cost more than two Ni sail en yori yokei ni wa kakaranai or three dollars. hazu da. You must not put in more than a Hito tsukami yori yokei ni irete wa handful. ikenai. There are not more than ten ships Ima minato nifune gajis so yori yokei in the harbor at present. ni wa nai. * It is not more than a picul. Hiyak kin yori yokei de wa nai. That is a great deal more than is Sore wa taihen yokei da. necessary. CHAPTER XL SELECTIONS, THE CHIEF END OF MAN. Aru tokoro ni erai aho na Chokichi In a certain place they had an extraordinary dunce of a Chokichi. wo okimashita. Yo m and mo 01 mono . , , , . , . Among other kinds of people there naredo, kore wa yoppodo nen no itta are in the world many dunces: but this one was an accomplished dunce. oho de : mono-wasure sum koto no dai- T He was a perfect expert at forget- meijin. ting things. Aru told uchi no kamisan ga, Kore ! One day his mistress said to him, Chokichi yo ! kyo wa go Senzo Sarna See here Ch6kichi ! This is the an ' niversary of the death of the found- no go meinichi yue, ottsuke o Tera Sama er of our f ani i] yj an d his Reverence ga o ide ja hodo ni, go naibutsu ye go wil1 b9 here before lon S : so we must have the offerings set before the nai- ryoqu sonaete okanya naranu. Sochi ,. . ,,., -r> , . butsu. You hurry to Nihon Bashi wa isoide Nihon Bashi ye itte ninjin to and buy some carrots, dock, wild gobs to yama no imo to shiitake to mi- P otatoes ' mushrooms, and lotus root these five things. Saying this she kontokonoitsushinawokotekitekure gave him five tempos: and Cho- to. Hyaku mon sen wo itsutsu toatashi- kichi, with an exclamation of assent, , . tucked up his skirt behind and start- maslntareba, Ghokicht wa At! to n ed off from the house with the tem- nagara, shiri-neji-karage migi no go pos in his hand< As he was hyaku mon wo te ni motte-uchi wo kake- ing along towards Nihon Bashi on a dashi: Nihon Bashi too sashite tottoto d g- trot > there mefc him his nei g h " bour Chomatsu coming from the hashint tokoro. muko kara kinjo no ., ,. A . TT ,, opposite direction. Holloa! Ch5- Chomatsu ga yuki-ote : Kore! ChokicM! tichi said he. You are in an ex- Anata wa erai Jiashiru ga; nani wo traordinary hurry : what are you 214 THE CHIEF END OF MAN. shi ni ? doko ye yuku ka ? to iutareba : after ? And where are you going ? Nihon Bashi ye kaimono ni to iute To Nihon Bashi to bu y s . ome things, said he, and hurried on. Well, haslnru. bore wa nani wo kai ni IIUKU . what are you going to buy? he ka? to toeba: Nani wo kai ni ka? asked What am j going to buy? Ore tea shiranu y to iu ge na. Daiji na I don't know, said he. So the story shujin no ydji wa wasurete tada oji wo S oes - This forgetting the important business that his mistress sent him hashiru bakari to wa-nanto aho na on ^ only racing the street-what koto ja nai ka! a piece of folly ! Shikashi kono Chokichi ga metta ni However this Chokichi is not to rtaraivaremasenu. Kono o sekedomo ni be Casi1 y J ^g hed at " Tt ma ? not be true of this audience, but away tea gozaimasumai ga; toi inakanadoni back ^ the conntry there are many wa kono Chokichi to onaji koto de kan- people who forget the essential ur- gent business, iust like this Cho- Jin na kuu-yo wo wasurete oru Into ga kichi. And yet so far as other mat- dimonoja:sonokuse yoso no koto wa terg are concern ed they know all yd shitte oru. Ma, kokoromi ni dare ni about them. For an experiment, na to tote gorojimase. ask an 7 bod y- Moshi! Hachibei San! Subete kono Holloa Hachibei ! It is said that every thino- born into this world sekai ye umarete kuni. mono wa mma J is born with a commission from Tennoiitsuke wo ukete umarete kuru Ue ^ er ,. For example: The cow to iu kotoja ga. Hazu : ano ushi wna and the horse _ w hat were they born wa kono yo ye nani wo shi ni umareta j n t o the woi'lcl for ? If you mono de gozaru ka ? to ton to, Hachibei ask him that, Hachibei will say, ga Sori ya shireta koto: emo-ni wo ote hito That is something that any body can 9io chikara wo tasuke ni umareta mono tell: they were born to carry heavy jatoiu. NiwatoriwananiwosUni o " s and to save P e P le labour ' The cock what was he born for? umareta mono ka ? to ton to, Son ya If you ask him that, he will say, toki wo tsuge ni umareta no ja to iu. Inu wa nani wo shi ni umareta no ka? dog _ what was he born for? H e is Sori ya kado wo mamori ni, Neko iva to keep the gate. The cat what is nani wo shi ni? Sori ya nezumi wo she for? She is to catch rats. torini. Ume no ki wa nani wo shi ni ? The plum tree what is that for? THE CHIEF END OF MAN. 2 1 5 Sori ya ume ico narashi w. Kaki no That is to bear plums. The persim- hi wa nani wo shi ni? Son ya kaki ivo mon tree-whafc is that for? That is to bear persimmons. Once more : narashi ni. Sate mata : kono chaican . , . . ~, L . . , . this tea cup ? That is to pour hot wa ? Sori ya yu cha ivo kumi ni. Kono wa t er and tea in. This fan ? That ogi wa? Sori ya kaze wo dashi ni. is to make a breeze. This book- rest? Row kendai wa ? Sori ya shomotsu wo That is to hold b oks ' (Ask what you please, so far as ether matters nose ni, to iute. (Nani wo tote mo, m concerned he knows all aboufc yoso no koto wa, yd shitte oru ga). them). Well then, Hachibei, you Sonnara Hachibei San, omae wa kono yourself what were you born into yoyenaniwoshiniwnaretaka?totou the world for? If you ask him to, sono toki wa Hachibei mo atama *^, then even Hachibei will scratch . his head and say about this : Well ! wo kaite, Sareba! nani wo shi ni what was I born for ? I don t know : umareta mono ka? Ore wa shiranu : , ... , T , -, most likely I came to eat rice and okata meshi kute fusoku ii ni kita no find fault TQ think that man alone dearotoiu kuraija. Hito bakari kono has come i n to this world to wander yo ye urotae ni Jcita yd ni omote oru wa purposeless that also is to belong yappari kono Chokichi nakama ja. to Chokichi's company. Fubokushu ni Kyosuke no uta ni : In a poem by Kyosuke in Fuboku- shu : Waka zakari O Bloom of Youth ! Ya yo izu kata ye Whither Yuki ni, Hast thou gone, Shiranu okina ni Leaving in thy stead Mi wo ba yuzurite ? An unknown old man ? to gozarimasu ga. Precisely so ! It is man alcaie that Naruhodo Into bakari ga kono yo ye has not come into this world to eat meshi kute toshitori ni kita mono ja nai. rice and grow old. Man is called the Hito wa bammotsu no ret to iute : bam- lord of the universe : of all things motsu no uchi no o kashira. Inu ya he is chief. He is not like the dog neko to iva chigaimasu kara, ukauka or the cat : and it is not for him to shite iva narimasenu. wander aimlessly. Sate: kano Chokichi ga Nihon Bashi Well, to go on with the story. made itta ga kanjin no kaimono wa Our Chokichi went as far as Xihon ivasureta yue, go lnjaku mon wo te ni Bashi, but the necessary purchases 21 6 THE CHIEF END OF MAN. mochi nagara sokora-atari wo urouro- he quite forgot. And so, as he was urouro suru uclii, futo mochiya no mise loiterin g about the neighbourhood with the tempos in his hand, he ac- jio mochi 100 mi-tsukete, mazu sore wo . , . ,, cidentally spied some mochi in a to. bakari mo kote kuta. Sore kara mochi shop> And firsfc he boug h t acliira ye urouro kochira ye urouro and eat about a dozen pieces of shite, amazake nondari jokan mise ye that ' . Then he loitered here and he loitered there : he drank some tattari shite, go hyaku mon wa mina . , , , . amazake and he stopped at a sake kaigui ni tsukai shimai : sono ue ni, shop. And he spent every one of the mada fusoku ja. Okamisan no zeni five tem P os in *^% thin S 8 iu tlie street and eating them there. And no kure yd ga sukunai kara, unagi no besides this he went home grum- kabayaki ya kamo-namban ga kuwarenu blin to himself. Tt was n't enough : mistress did n't give me coppers to tsubuyaki nagara, uchi ye kactte enough; and so T can > t get any fried kimashita tokoro uclii ni wa teishii mo eels or Karno-namban. When he . . got there in the house the master kamisan mo machi-kanete hi no yom and the mistress were waiting im- natte oru tokoro yue, Kore ! Ghokichi ! pa tiently, as hot as fire. And so sochi wa ma, nani wo shi otta noja? t^ey said to him. Look here Cho- kichi ! What have you been doing ? li-tsuketa mono wo kote kita ka? to ^ , vj. -v X~TA- u o Have you brought what I told you ? toeba, Chokichi iva kyorori to shite, lya! When they said this, Chokichi an- nani mo kote wa kimasenu, to iu. Soko 6wered in a dazed sort of a ?> No : I have n't brought any thing at all. deteishuwa harawo tatete, watashita TherCTp(m hig master said to him zeni wa do shita ka*? to icba, Sore iva ! angrily, What have you done with ,...,,. , .. T the coppers that were given to you? mina katgut ni tsukaimashtta ga, arede * Oh the coppers ! said he, I spent wa nakanaka tarimasenu to iu yue, tbem al] for things to eat , in the teishu mo kamisan mo akire-hatetc, Sore street: aud they were n't nearly enough. Both the master and the wal md! nani ivo ncqoto wo ii oru noja? mistress were completely dumb- go hyaku mon no zeni wana ? Sono yd founded. Why ! what are you na kaigui seyo to, ivatashi wa semi zo yo! dreaming about ? The five tempos- do you understand ? I did n't give Ninjin gobo nado.no itsu shina 100 kawa?eru tame ni watashita no ja. them in any such way as that. I gave THE CHIEF END OF MAN. 217 Sore iii, sono kanyo na mono wa kaivazu them to you to have you buy the five things the carrots the dock and the m onoga kaigui ni mina tsukatte. sono . . . rest. And yet instead of buying ue mada zeni ga taranu to wa, Sort ya! what we need, you spent them all on your things to eat in the street : and doshita o-dawake ka? to tatami wo on top of that you tell us that you tataite shikarimashitareba (aho to iu had n't coppers enough. Well ! you .... must be a perfect idiot ! And they mono wa shikata ga nai), kano Chokichi beat the mats and scolded away. wa akireta kao shite, Fu! ninjin ya (Dunces are perfectly hopeless). _, Why ! said Chokichi, with a look gobo ga myo m gozanmasu ka ? Son- n or utter surprise. Do you want nara, tattaima Nihon Bashi made iute some carrots and some dock ? If kimashita ni, ano toki ga ehodo yoi that is what 5 ****> Fve 3 ust been to Nihon Bashi. Why did n't uuide de gozarimashita, to iimashita youtellme? That would have been ga. just the very time to get them. Nanto! ma nen no itta aho mo aru Well ! well ! He was an accom- mono ja: na? Nambo hiroi sekai de plished dunce! And in the wide mo sono yd na mono wo kata-toki mo world one would hardly find any yashinote oku mono wa arumai kara, one who would keep such a follow tsui nigiri-kobushi no futatsu mitsu mo for five minutes even. So in the end atama ni itadaite hori-dasareru hoka there was no help for him but to be shiyo wa nai. Shikashi donata mo packed off with two or three cuffs kono yo na hanashi ivo kiite tada gachi- across his head. However it is gachitotvaraubakarideivatsumaranu. quite useless for any of you to hear a sto of this kind and merel roar Kore wa kari no tatoe-banashi ja zo ! over it. This is simply a parable. 1 * uke.n wo mite wa uchi ni mtzukara . And with the words (of Confucius) kaerimiru' to, konnichi omae gata mo on Qur ^ CJf j see foUy j ^ mata Ttaku iu ivatakushi mo yahari kono within myse]f , to . day both you and Chokichi ga nakama ja nai ka? to i a i so w ho thus speak to you should yokuyoku mi ni tachi kaete mineba consider well whether we too do not naranu koto de gozarimasit. belong to this company of Ghokichi. Mazu : go tagai ni Tento Sama to iu In the first place, we received at birth from our Master Heaven these go Shujin Sama kara kono go tai to iu ,.,,,-,. T . , ., admiraole bodies which we call the kekko na karada wo umi-tsukete moral; five members. We were provided 21 8 THE CHIEF END OF MAN. go hyaku mon no zeni dokoro ka mada with, what we call the five senses, mada choho na go /can to iute, me ni wa far more P recious than the $ ve tem ' pos the five functions of seeing with 7?ii, mimi ni tea kiki, hana ni ica kagi, the eje> hearing with the eaT) sme ii- kuchi ni ma ajiwai, mi ni tva oboeru no in g with the nose, tasting with the mouth, and feeling with the skin. itsutsn no hataraki ivo scnae : kokoro ni T . . , , , In our hearts, likewise we received at wa, go jo to iutejin gi rei chi shin no birth what we call the five virtues itsutsu no dori wo umare tsuita mo. the five principles of jm, gi, rei, clii, shin. And the real meaning is shn- Hikkyo wa go rin to iute-oija ni koko, p]y thig ; Heayen desireg to haye us shujin ni chugi, fufu naka-yoku, kyodai buy what we call the five relations mutsumashiku,tanin no maji wari ni the carrots and the dock which are these five things : obedience to par- wa, aitagai ni shinjitsu wo motte maji- ents> l oya lty to masters, concord be- icarunokonoitsushinanonhijingobo tween husband and wife, harmony among brothers, and in onr inter- qa kaivashitai bakarija. Sore ni. sono course with others an intercourse kanjin na Go Ten Go Kyo no kyu-yo o f mutual fidelity. And yet quite wa icasure-hatete, tada akete mo kurete forgetting the essential urgent busi- ness of the Five Rules or Doctrines, m o,nanigahoshii-kagahoshii-are,ja sumanu no kore ga taranu no to iu in nothing but this buying and eat- ing things in the street with its, 'I kaiqui bakari ni, tsuki hi wo tsuiyasu want this I want that that will wa:Nanto! Chokichi de wa arumai ka? not do or there is not enough of this/ Why! is not this Chokichi? Sono yd ni urotae ni umarete kita mono T , It was not to wander about thus ja naizo el purposeless that we were born ! NOTES. Oku : to keep in one's service. A/id mo: dunces also, i. e. as well as other kinds of people. Nen no itta : elaborate, accomplished. Dai-meijin : here, an expert. O Tera sama : the temple for the priest : compare o Jiachi the bowl for the rice, in the selection entitled Mint Anise THE CHIEF END OF MAN. 2IQ and Cummin. Hodo ni : here, and not infrequently, used in the sense of ' because.' Naibutsu : household idols includ- ing both images of Buddha and other gods, and also the names of ancestors carved on wooden tablets called ihai. Ryogn : more literally, sacred articles. Okanya : okaneba. Sochi wa : wa suggests a contrast : Chokichi was to go for the offerings ; others were to attend to other things. Itsu shina : see page 1 70. Kdte kite kure to (itte) . Hyaku man sen : a tempo coin, a tempo. Watashimashitareba : when she gave him : the conditional is frequently best rendered by the indicative followed by 'and.' // nagara : as he said, with an exclamation of. Migi no : the right : compare the English expression ' the above : ' here and often best rendered 'the.' Tokoro : as. Sore w.a : literally, as to that : constantly used as introductory to a statement referring to something said or done ; and best rendered by some such expression as * well,' or sometimes by the exclama- tory 'why!' Are wa : zva implies the contrast, others may but / do not. Ge na : so da : so the story goes. To (in koto) : here and often rendered ' this/ Sekidomo ni wa tdi inaka nado ni iva : zva emphasizes the contrast ; in one, one thing ; in the other, another. Voso no koto zva : wa rather than wo brings out the contrast : other matters they know all about, their own duties they know nothing about. Dare ni na to : dare ni de mo. To iu koto ja : it is said that. Sori ya : frequently in these selections for sore wa. Chazvan : the preacher now points to several things lying about him. Sono toki zva : zva suggests a contrast : before this time Hachibei had an- swered promptly, now he hesitates. Hachibei mo : even Hachibei who was so glib about every thing else. Sareba : 220 THE CHIEF END OF MAN. well. Kurai expresses the idea that is about what he would say. Fubokushu : a collection of poems of which KyosiLke is one of the writers. The poem is what is called an uta. The uta consists of five verses composed respectively of 5- 7-5-7-7 syllables ; what is called a ku consists of three verses composed respectively of 5-7-5 syllables. Both uta and ku appear from time to time in these selections : their style is of course quite different from that of the colloquial, and no grammatical explanation of them is attempted. The uta here quoted is a lamentation over wasted opportunities. To : the sign of quotation. Hito bakari ga : ga rather than wa singles out man as precisely the being that has not et cetera. Neko to wa : wa expresses contrast : whatever else man may resemble, he is quite different from the ani- mals. Kaimono wa : zva rather than wo emphasizes the fact that it was the forgetting of the great object of his errand that led him into error. Mochi nagara : literally, while holding. Mazu: here as often meaning ' first : ' frequently it means ' for example.' To : trie Japanese use ten indefinitely, as we use the word dozen, Bakari : here and often means ' about ' rather than ' only.' Mo : here equivalent to ' or so.' Jokan : real sake, not amazake. Go Jtyaku mon ^va : had wo been employed rather than wa the meaning would be simply that he spent five tempos : zva brings out the idea that the tempos he spent were the ones so often referred to ; not simply five tempos, \)\& the five tempos. Kaigui : buying a thing in the street and eating it there. Mada fusoku ja : not, I have not had enough to eat ; but the amount of money was too small. Kamo-namban ga ; a preparation THE CHIEF END OF MAN. 221 of duck buckwheat and onions, and the greatest delicacy to be had at the sobaya : ga rather than ivo expresses the idea that the things mentioned were precisely/ the things that he would have liked to eat. Tokoro : when. Uchi ni wa : iva brings out the contrast : Chokichi had been cool enough, at home things were quite different. Shi otta : in Tokyo, shite otta. Chokichi iva teishu iva : wa emphasizes the contrast : one cool and the other furious ; one said this, and the other said that. Kdte wa kimasenu : iva empha- sizes kote, bringing out clearly the idea that he had return- ed without any purchases. Na : ne. Seyo to (itte) : liter- ally, I did not give them saying spend them. Watashi iva senu : a stronger form of denial than the simple negative. Sore ni : here and not infrequently with the adversative force of ' and yet.' To wa: to iu koto iva. To shika- rimashitareba : like to iu, to kiku, to omou. Tatami wo tataite : very likely with their pipes. Aho nai : parenthetical remark of the preacher. Chokichi wa : wa still contrasts Chokichi 's coolness with the irritation of the others. Gobo ga : had Chokichi wished simply to know whether his master desired some dock or not, he would have used wa instead of ga. What he really wished to know was whether it was because he had no dock that he was excited. Do you want some dock ? is that the reason why you are ex- cited? And therefore he s&ysga. This principle is of frequent application, and in many instances^explains the presence of ga rather than iva in interrogative sentences. See page 278. Ni gozarimasu : de gozaritnasu. Ano toki" ga : ga rather than wa singles out that as a particularly convenient time to make the purchases. This use of ga finds its equivalent in English in the insertion of such expressions as ' precisely 222 THE CHIEF END OF MAN. that,' ' just the very,' ' that of all others,' ' the: This is a prin ciple of wide application: and is one among other cases in which the use of ga or wa determines the point of the sen- tence.. Yashinote oku mono wa : again wa suggests contrast ; there are people who will stand a great deal, but there arc very few who will keep such a dunce, Futatsu mitsu mo : as often mo imparts indefinite'ness. Shiyo wa : contrast sug- gested by wa : whatever else may be tried, that alone is the way out of the difficulty. Kari no ; mere. Kaerimiru to (itte): with the words et cetera; literally, saying if et cetera. Ch okichi ga : Chokichi no.- Tento Santa to iu : to iu simply unites Tento Santa and go Shu fin in apposition. Dokoro ka mada mada : an idio- matic expression equivalent to l far more than.' Go kan to iiite : to iute rather than to iu is preferable before the series of expressions following. Mo : likewise. Hikkyo bakarija : rendered ' the real meaning is simply this : ' other renderings of hikkyo are, ' the sum and substance,' ' in fact,' ' in fine,' ' on the whole,' ' in the long run,' ' looking at it all around,' ' after all,' ' in the end,' ' taking it all,' ' the fact is that,' 'if we analyze the motives.' Gobo ga : ga rather than wo points out precisely what Heaven would have us buy. Go Ten and Go Kyo : terms applied to the five virtues jin, gi, rei, chi, shin. Sumanu no : no here means ' or.' To iu kaigui : to iu connects what precedes as an attributive of what follows : rendered, ' with its.' THE MASAMUNE. 22$ THE MASAMUNE. Am kuni no totto inaka no furui In an old farmhouse away back in hyakuiho no ie ni, senzo kara mochi- the country i a one of the provinces, handed down from their ancestors, tsutaeta shomei shoshin no masamune no was a real genuine uiasamune. This katana ga am to iu koto wo saru dogu- ^ act a certain curiosity hunter heard of. And thinking to himself, "Well, zuki no hito ga kikimashite. " Sore wa , by a very respectiul request I might dozo shomo shite misete moraitai mono" get him to show it to me/* he came to omote, harubaru sono ie wo tazunete a lon g wav to visit the house ' saw the ma.ster and went through with mairi, teishu ni ote shotaimen no aisatsu , -, , . the courtesies et cetera customary on wo owari. first meeting. Sate : "Chikagoro oshitsiikfrjamashii Well : "It was a very great intru- koto nagara uketamawari oyobimashita. sion ou his P art but a ru ^or had reached his ears. The rnasarn une, the Go tdke no go choho masamune no o treasuro of his family> WM not Q katana go hiso no mono nagara, ainari- thing to be seen by every body. But , , ^ , -j . , . if it were possible he wished to be masu koto naraba, chotto haiken itashi- permitted to look at it for a moment. takn zonji. Konnichi suisan itashi- He had Com3 to . day without an in . mashita. Nanitozo o mise kudasareba Citation. And if he would kindly . condescend to let him see it, it would taiicei sfiicto'cu m zonzuoeshi, to teinei -.-,,. afford him the greatest pleasure." ni shomo itashitareba, teishu mo yoro- After this courteous request it afford- Jioli: " Sore wa sore wa! o yasui koto" ed the host also ^ reat pleasure. "Why ! it was no trouble at all," he to, sassoku kura kara tori-dashite mise- said _ And immediately he too k (the rareru ni, mazu kiri no hako no futa sword) out of the godown and show- wo akete naka wo mireba, naka ni wa ed it; to him ' Thereu P^ first of all (the visitor) r omoved the cover of the kekko na nishiki no fukuro ye irete kiri box and looked inside. And in- orikami made ga socte aru wo, fukuro side ( he saw the sw ord) enclosed in a beautiful brocade bag with even the kara dashite mireba, shiraki no bozaya , -o , . , , -, y certificate of genuineness attached. ni irete- oyoso isshaku ni san gun no He took it out of the bag and looked 224 THE MASAMUNE. mono ja. Sore wo totte mazu ue kara at it. It was in a plain white scab- bard and about a foot and two or Icatanan'oswiguwaisnmpokakkonado hito tori miawasete : sate mi ico nuko to and first glanced down at the curve and the length and the proportions surutokoro ga do shite mo nukenu yue, of the sword> And then he attempted "Kori ya do slnta koto de gozarimasu to draw the blade, but to save him- self he could not get it out. So he ka ? "toteishuniwataseba,teishunuka- ^ How isthis? and handed it ranu kao shite, " Sore wa hisashiu to the host - Th e h st replied, with an innocent face, "That is because twkaimasenu yue : okata sabi-tsuita de it hag not been uged for ft long Ume . gozarimasho " to ii nagara, sono mama and probably it is rusted fast." And as he spoke he took it just as it was, totte hizagashira ye oshi-ate, chikara braced (hig ]ef( . hftnd) againgfc hig wo ircte nukimashitareba, yoyo jar i-jari ( leffc ) knee a ^ d tugged with all his . might: and at last with a scraping toiutenukerukotowanukemashitaredo, sound he did manage to get it out, But it was a red dried sardine, and makka na dka-iwasln m natte saija ye had been rusted fast to the scabbard kusari tsuite atta so da. So the story goes. Kijaku mo akire-hatete, " Taisetsu na The visitor was utterly astounded o dogu 100 kori ya do nasareta no de fcoo > and inquired "Why! what have , , . . , . . T T you done to your precious weapon ? " gozarimasu ka ? to toeba, teishu nuka- * VV ith an innocent face the host re- ranukaode (( Hei! kore wa senzo mochi- .. , urk , , m ,. . plied "Oh! This is a ramous masa- tsutaemasliUa masamune no meiken de mune blade, and a sharp instrument. yoku kireru dogu ja to mosu koto yue, So it see med to me that it was a tool watakushi ga omoimasu ni wa nani de to cut anything with: and as I mo kiru tame no dogu nareba, tsukaivazu thought it would be a pity to keep it ni oku ^va mueki no koto to zonjite sei- idle > I made full use of it. And this dashite tsukaimashitareba, kono yon* is the result." "Why! what did you , ' c. u se it for?" said (the visitor). mono ni nanmashita to in yue, Son "Well! for no one thing in par- yal nani ni o tsukai nasaremashita no de ^^ r uged ^ gozaruka?" to toeba," Soriyatnanito eg g.plant, and clean fish, and cut m koto wa gozaranu. Daikon kittari, gra ss, and split bamboo, and shave nasubi wo kittari, uo wo ryori shitari, down wood : and when I plastered 14 THE MASAMUNE. 225 kusa wo kattari> take wo wattari, ki my godown I chopped up a lot of wo keziittori, mata kura no Jcabe tvo straw. But as ifc was an old fashion- nnru toki ni wa taiso ivarazusa ivo ed thing of course it was never very kirimashita ga, do de mo mukashi no handy to use. However I felt that mono yue tsukai-katte iva warn gozaru it was one of the things that have ga : kore mo senzo kara mochi- conie down from our ancestors : so I tsutae no dogu ja kara to zonjite, put up with the inconvenience of it, sono tsukai-nikui tokoro ivo shimbo and used it just as long as it could shite, kireru ni makashite tsukai- cut. As you see, the point is broken, mashitareba ; goran no tori kissaki mo the edge is nickod, it is rusty, and oremasu, ha wa koboremasu, sabi mo now it has come to be this useless kimashite, ima de wa kono yo na nani sort of a thing. And so as I could no yaku ni mo tatanu mono ni nari- not throw it away I put it back into mashita yue, suterare mo sezu moto no its old scabbard and set it away in saya ye osamete dozo no sumi ye ire- the godown. It must be about twen- okimashite, mo ni san ju nen ni mo ty or thirty years ago. But to-day narimashoga: konnichi harubaru no o you came to visit me from a long dis- ,.,,.. . tance : and simply for that reason I tazune yue sunaivachi dashite o me ni have taken it out and shown it to kakemasu ga : nambo masamune de mo ^ . you. Eor no matter how much of a tsukaimasu to, femo yo na mono ni masamune (a sword) may be> if you narimashite nani no i/aku ni mo tatanu use it ifc gets to be a thing like surikogi mo onaji koto de gozarimasu'" this. It is of no more use than a to iimashita. surikogi" Nanto md aho na koto ja nai ka! What a piece of folly ! That he Ikanihempi ni umareia hito de shirenu was a man born away back in the koto to iva ii nagara, taisetsu na sekai country and did not know, we may no takara wo nan de mo nai mono ni admit : at the same time he utterly shite shimota. ruined what was a national treasure. Shikashi kori ya toza no tatoe-banashi Now this is a mere parable. Wheth- de, jitsu ni atta koto de mo arumai ga : er {i eyen reall y happened is very doubtful. But are not the voungr kono seki no ivakaishu ya jochuqata mo men and women in this audience yappari kono oyaji no yo na koto shite also doing the same sort of thing as de wa gozaranu ka ya ? " Shintai happu tbis old fellow ? " Our wh 1)e bod y we receive from our parents: and to kore wo fiiboni nke, aetesokonaii/abnra- * , If you wea .r waraji your feet wa ashi ga yogoreru. Ashida ni seyo" to ^11 be too muddy to go into any . body's house: take your ashida." timashitareba : mata 'Hat to mte ashi- . Again he said Very well : put on da ni haki-kae. Iko to sum wo mata o- ashida instead : and was aHbout to go. Once more his father seeing yajiga mite "Ashida de wa michi ga f, . this said to him, " If you wear ashi- kawaita toki komaru de arokara waraji da it will probably be troublesome to you if the road should dry : so take m seyo to iimashitareba : mata "Hai .. A . , .-, u Tr waran." Again he said " Very well." to iute waraji to haki-kaeru. and exchanged them for waraji. Sono tori ni waraji to ashida wo In this way he kept taking off and namben mo nuidari haitari shite on'- putting on waraji and ashida over mashita ga, nochi ni wa kata ashi ye and over a S ain - Finally he put a waraji 100 haki, kata ashi ye ashida wo wara ^ On one foot and an ashida on tho other, and went to Miyoshi- naite, ichi ri bakari mo am Miuoshi- , . -, . , , machi which lay about a ri away. machi ye yukimasu wo shim hito ga Qa the road some one who knew tochu de mite "Naze sono yo na migitm- him saw him and asked " Why do shii koto wo shite amku ka" to toi- y u walk in mch a rid i<*aous fashion as that ?" To which he re- maslntareoa: Oyajnva since the J are parent- al commands, I can not possibly shimasenu kara kono tort m shite , disobey either of them : and so I ikimasu to into, so da ga. Nanto! travel" in this way." Such is the mezurashii koshi mo am mono de wa story: and even such rare filial gozarimasenu ka ? sons are to be found. Kono hitotsu no okonai de sono Jiito From this single action his daily no heizei oya ye no tsukae kata ga conduct towards his parents may be inferred: and our tears flow. The omoiyararete, namida ga koloremasii. , . ., consequence was that the daimyo of Sareba sono tokoro no tono sama ga kono tne p ] ace was c i eep i y impressed with Seiemon no koko wo fukaku go kanshin the filial piety of Seiemon, and often wuare, tabitaln go shoshi mo gozari- ***> liad a word of P raise for him - And finally Seiemon was granted masliita ga. Nochi ni wa Seiemon ga . . in the land held by him one se of mochidaka no uclii devjl Into se eitai rice-land in perpetuity and free tsukuriftori osetsukeraremashita. from taxes. Kore wa Meireki san nen (Hi-no-to This happened in the third year no Tori)ju gatsu ni ja yokka no koto of Meireki (Hi-no-to no Tori) on the ... 2-ith day of the 10th month. And de (lazarimashita ga. Sono nocm jii san thirteen years later, in the ninth n enwoheteKamtunkunen(TsucM-no- o Kambua (yflftr Tsuch i. no .t o to no Tori dosU) ni wa, Seiemon ga Mn- no fori), the daimyo hearing of Sei- kyu no yosu ^vo tono sama ga o kiki emon's poverty, among other kind- nasarete, ginsu rop pyaku me kndasareta nesses, gave him six hundred me of sil- koto mo ari. Mata sono ko no SliicUlel ver. Moreover in the time of his son to mosu mono no dai ni wa, sor,o ie ni Shichibei the family got heavily into , , . 7 7 . j .. i a debt. And when the family seemed taiso na shaktizai ga deknnastnte, sude now likely to be ruined, the second ni sono ie no tsubure so m atta toki mo, **,_..-*<, daimyo of the place recalled the filial sono tokoro no ni dai me no tono sama . . . . , . , piety of the father Seiemon and paid ga oya Seiemon no ko-toku wo oboshi- the wholo debfc for them After . mtslii dasarete, migi no sJiakuzai wo wards fche f am i] y gradually grew nokorazu o nashi nasaretc o yari -nasa- prosperous, their descendants in- reta koto mo gczariinasu. Sono go wa herited the property from father ie mo shidai ni sakaemashite, shison to son. And to this day they are FILIAL PIETY. 231 sozoku shi: ima ni hyakusho de sono farmers, and retain also in their setsu no o kakimono ibo mo mocliiisutaete possession the documents of that orimasu. time. Kore wa Gei-bi Kogiden ni mo kuiva- This will be found in full in Gei-bi shiku dete orimasu ga. Kore de mo yoku K ogiden as well as in other works also. . And from this instance too I pray kannaetc gorojimase. Mukashi no reki- you ponder well what I have been say- reki no ie mo told yo ni tsurete wa ing> Even okl illustrious families in iyashii mono ni narisagatte wa orimasu, the course of time fall into obscurity. keredomo, Seiemon ga ko-jitsu no toku But owing to the filial piety of Seie- mon, his family has never become ni yotte sono ie ga tsubure mo slnmasezu J extinct; gradually his descendants oioini shisongasakaeteimani sozoku progperous . and to tllig day shite ant to iu wa jitsu ni kono yona they inherit the property from gen- medetai yorokolri koto wa gozarimasemi. eration to generation. And this fact Mono no seisui wa shun ju no yo na reaUy quite Trithout a parallel for. congratulation. Prosperity and ad- mono yue, nagai tsuki hi ni wa oriori versity are like Spring and Autumn. agari sagari no kawari wa gozarimasu And therefore in the long run they have frequent vicissitudes of rising aa, michi sae areba ne kara tsuourete -,,,,-,. , , , and falling: but n only one follow the shimau to iu koto wa gozarimn-semu michi he shall never be utterly ruin- Kore ga sunawaclii " Seki-zen no ie ni ed - Precisely this is what is meant by " In the house where goodness accumulates there is of a certainty iu monoja. Sareba tada-tada o tagai overflowing happiness." And therer ni oya no kokoro ni somukanu yo, niko- fore for y u and me a sim P le smi1 ' ing cheerful service, such as will niko ai-aino tsutome ga dai ichi de ^ disregard the wishes of Qm gozarimasu. parents that is the great thing. NOTES. Sono : that, the. Wakare no tono : in some cases a dai- my5 assigned a part of his possessions to a son or other relative and obtained the rank of daimyo for him from .the Shogun : sometimes also the Shogun elevated a man in this 232 FILIAL TIETY. way himself: these were known as wakare no tono. Goza- riniasii ga : ga as a connective commonly means ' but ' : fre- quently however it is best rendered ' and,' or dropped entirely in translation. Ni : on (sending him), best rendered 'and.' Orifushi : here means just. Seicmon wa : wa suggests a contrast : he put on waraji, others might have worn ashida. Ikd to sum (no) wo : the object of mite. De wa : wa em- phasizes waraji as what will not do as opposed to ashida. Ashida: the high get a. Hal to ittc : hai here expresses assent : preceding sayonara below it is an introductory word adding little or nothing to the sense. Plaki-kac : put on instead. Itte sanjimasho : equivalent to itte mairimasho : expresses the idea of going with the purpose of returning. To : to itte. To sum to : when he was about to. Ni : here means as, since, inasmuch as, because. Ashida de wa : wa following de or a participle often has the force of ' if.' Yuku (no) wo : the object of mite : most easily rendered into English by supplying the word this, and beginning a new sentence. Yuku ni : for going, to go. Ni seyo : ni sum often means take, in the sense of choose, select, pick out. Shite orimashita : kept. Bakari mo : about, something like. Aru : to be situated. Yukimasu (no) wo : object of mite : in English simpler to introduce the pronoun him and begin a new sentence. Oyaji zva hahaoya wa : his father advised one thing and his mother another : hence the wa. Dochira mo : the object of somukare : not ' since both of them are et cetera,' but ' can not disobey either.' Somukare wa shimasenu : stronger than the simple nega- tive : can not possibly. Ko-shi : filial son. Sareba : the consequence was, as a consequence. Hito se : thirty tsubo. Meireki ' the era of Meireki : compare Meiji. Hi-no-to no FILIAL PIETY. 233 tori : a second method of reckoning time according to the signs of the zodiac : Hi-no-to no tori is in apposition to Mcireki : for a grammatical analogy compare, the 22nd year of Meiji (A. D. 1889). Seiemon ga : Seiemon no. Roppyaku me : six ryo : in purchasing value equivalent to sixty yen to-day : me is the mark on the scales. Koto mo: mo suggests other kindnesses performed also. Sude ni : mo. Toki mo : toki ni mo. Migi no : the above, the. Oyari nasarcta : paid it for them. Ima ni : ima ni itaru made, ima made. Gei (shu)-Bi (shu) Kogiden: Biography of filial men of Geishu and Bishu : a book of no great cele- brity. Mo : also, i. e. as well as in other books. Kore dc mo : also, i.e. as well as from other instances that might be given. Toki yo ni tsurete iva : in the course of time, under certain circumstances, sometimes: compare ni yotte iva t some. Sagatte wa : iva might be omitted. To iu (koto) iva : the fact that. Kono yd na koto iva gozarimasenu : not like, without a parallel : wa rather than ga strengthens the statement ; since it suggests that that is not the case, whatever else may be the case. Kawari wa to iu ko- to iva : iva emphasizes the contrast. Areba : if one have, with the implication that he follows it. Kore ga : ga rather than wa has the particularizing force expressed by pre- cisely : see page 221. Seki-zen ari : a quotation found in Dojikyo. le ni wa : iva suggests that in other houses it may be different. Sareba: and therefore. Ai-ai: the exclamation hai-hai : rendered ' cheerfully/ Tsutome ga : ga has the same particularizing force as in kore ga above : it indicates precisely what is one's great duty : hence the rendering, ' that is the* 234 LITTLE BY LITTLE, LITTLE BY LITTLE. Sate : zensekini mo dandan o lianaslii To resume : As I went on to sav mosu tori, nani-goto de mo chiisai koto * vou afc our last session also, in every thing whatever it is a law Kara okyu nan, karui koto kara omo of nature that from the small is pro- nari,usuikoto kara atsu naru wa shi- duced the great> from ihe Jight fhe zen no dori yue, Koslii Sama ga koko ni heavy, from the thin the thick. " Eki no Ron no Kwa no kotoba ni mo, Therefore in the text Confucius said, "In the words of the Diagram Kon SJtimo ico funde kempyo itaru to lute am . . . . ... ., ,_ 1 in Eki also it is said. We tread the zo yo " to oserareta. frost and the hard ice comes." Son ya do in koto nareba : Mizu to iu To make that clear : Water in its mono wa gioanrai sunao na yawarakai natural state is something fluid and mononaredo,soregakoruto,yukijano yielding, but when it condenses it shuno ja no to iu mono ni naru ga. Sono bec mes snow or frost. Moreover the 7 . 7 . , . . snow or frost accumulates on a road yiiki shimo ga hito no kayou doro ye where people pass to and fro : and if tswnotta ivo mainichi mainichi hi to na , , , ,, , ., . day after day they trample it down, fumi katameru to, nochi ni wa katai it afterwards becomes hard ice. That kori ni naru to iu koto ja. is the meaning. Hito no kokoro tno sono tori de : Such also is the heart of ma.n. umareta told wa o tagai ni ware to iu When wo were born we were with- mono wa mijin mo nai. Sore wa sore out even a particle of what we cal I wa! sunao na mono de atta keredomo, self. Why! we were pliant things: seiclw sum ni shitagatte, miru ni tsuke, but the older we grow, as we see and kiku ni tsuke> shidai-shidai ni waru-jie as we hear, more and more wrong ga tsuite, itsu no ma ni yara tsui ware thoughts cling to us; and some day to iu mono wo dekashita no ja. Muju there is produced what we call self. Tto uta ni : According to a poem by Muju : Ayamari ni In my error. Kage wo ware zo to I began to take Otnoi-some : My shadow for myself* Makoto no sugata My real self Wasure-liatenuru. I quite forgot. LITTLE BY LITTLE. 235 Tsui ni ichi do mo mita koto mo What one lias never once seen, naku, Mita koto mo naku, iuta koto never heard of, never said, never mo naku, shita koto mo nai koto wa- done > evea ^& te should desire omoltakute mo amoi yo mo nai ga, to think of *> there is n W ^ to think of it : even though he should mayoitakute mo mayoi yo ga nai. So , , desire to stray into it, there is no mini to, o taaai ni mune no uclii no '. . ., T i *. ^ way to stray into it. Looking at tne mushakusha ioa hikkyo uki-yo no kage- mafcter thus> the turmoil in our boshi de : sono kage-boshi ga itsu no ma breasts finds its source in the shad- nL ka hara no naka no aniji to nattc. ow of tnis flee ting world. It is . that shadow that some day becomes bore ga oyago m fuko wo ehtiari. t , the master in our hearts: that it is go shujin ni fitchu wo shitari, iroiro that cauges disobedience to parents, siiuia.fama no akuji wo shidasu no ja. disloyalty to masters, and produces Sono shoko wa : Mukasht no Ishikawa evil deeds of ever y kind ' In P roof of that: Neither old Ishikawa Goe- Goemon de mo Nthon Zaemon de mo mon nor rs ihon Zaemon was such a akagono toki kara ano yd na osoroshii terrible fellow from his babyhood. mono ja nai. Yoyo gei no hajime ga No doubt at all they were children chochi-ehochi a-wa-wa tmmuri-tenten of a sweet cnild ^o d with the first 7 . tricks learned at lasfc of pat-a-cake, Kaiguri-Kaiguri no kaivairaahii ko pat-a-cake, a-wS-wa, how big is baby, de atta mono ni chigai iva nai. Furui a nd round and round the cider mill. ku ni : According to the old verse : Osoroshiki The fearful Kori no kado mo Ice edge even Moto wa mizu. Once was water. Sore ja ni yotte, o tagai ni alwji Therefore lest we grow used to evil ni narenu yd, tsutomete zenji ico shi- we should give diligence to form nareneba narimasenu. habits of virtue. Kogo ni mo " Ichi nichi zen wo The old saying also runs : " If for okonaeba saiwai imada itarazu to a single day one does right, good for- iedoma, ivazaiuai onozukara tozaJcaru " tune ma ^ not come as 3' et > but evil , . . 7 .,..,. fortune of itself will keep away." If to iute : ivazuka ichi nichi de mo oyago J tor even a single clay smilingly and ya go shujin ye niko-niko ai-ai no zen cheerfully we practice right towards wo okonaeba, tatoi Fuku no kami wa our parents and masters, though Fu- 236 LITTLE BY LITTLE. gozaranu.de mo Binibo-gami wa dete kunoKamiinay not corneBiuibo garni yuku ni chigai nai. Mata sono ura de, wil1 doubtless fcike his leave. And conversely it says : " If for a single lent mcln aku ico ckonaeba, wazawai , day one does wrong, evil fortune may imada itarazu to iedomo saiioai onozu- not come as yet, but good fortune of kara tozakaru " to iute : . Bimbo-gami itse]f wil1 kee P avv& ^" E veu ^ugh Bimbo-ganai may not come, Fuku no lakonunimo seyo, Fuku no Jeami wa Kami wm doubtless flee away in osorete nigeru ni chigai wa nai. fear. Sore ja ni yotte, mina sama honshin Therefore it is that I am ever urg- wosliireru kotoioo maidb o susume mosu ing it upon you all to know the lion- no ja. Yami no yo ni soto 100 aruku ni, shin. If in walking abroad on a dark chochin-mochi ivo saki ye tatete aruku night one sends the lantern bearer in to, doko ye itte mo abunage wa nai ga : advance, go where he may there is no chochin-mochi wa go ken mo shichi ken dan 9 er : butif one strides aloll g with . ntn n ,_.,,.. reckless steps with his lantern bear- mo ato ye tsurete metta-musho m hashin , er thirty or forty feet behind him, aruku to, dono yd na tokoro ye mayoi- there is no telling what places he komi, dono yo na o-kega shit/o mo , . , , may wander into or how he may be shires. ^Abunai mono ja. Sore ni injured It is a perilous thing to do. tsuite koko ni omoshiroi hanashi ga I have an entertaining story that ant. will illustrate this. A no shojohi to iu mono wa Kara no They say regarding what we call umi ni oru shojo no eld wo totte someta shojo-hi, that the genuine is dyed with the blood of shojo found in the no ga hoinma no shojohi ja to ka nmasu China Sea. Now those shojo, among ga. Sono shojo to iu mono wa hito no other thingg) like men talk well< tori ni mono mo yoku ii-itatte : kashikoi They are exceeding clever things. mono yue, toraruru koto wo mae kara And so tne J know before hand aU about their being caught: and hide yoku shitte umi no soko yefukaku kaku- away down at the bottom of the sea. rent. Nakanaka te ni awanu mono ja Tt is next to i mpos , s ibl e to get ahead so na. Saredo mata ningen no chie wa of them so they say. However the betsudan na mono de: shojo wa sake wo intelligence of men is something ex- ceptional. They understand per- itatte sitku mono yue, sake no nioi wo feody ^ ^ ^^ ^ yery fond of kagasuru to, izure umi kara agatte kuru sake ; and therefore if they let them LITTLE BY LITTLE. 237 to iu koto too chanto shitte orimasu kara, have a smell of it they will be cer- sake-game ye sake wo irete hishaku tain to come U P out of the sea ' So they put some sake in sake jars, and wo soete umibata no kusaivara ye ikutsu -,-,-, i -^ n 4. with chppers ajong side arrange a lot . mo narabe-oki. Sate sore kara sono a- o f them in the meadows on the shore. tari ni haeta kusa wo hae nari ni tot Then they take the grass growing around and, without cutting it off, te musubi-awasete kutsu no katachi wo tie it together; make a lot of it into ikutsu mo tsukutte oite : bannin wa the ghape of ghocg and leaye them empo ni kakurete mite orimasu to, sono there. The men on guard retire to sake no nioi ga umi no soko ye mo toru a ^stance and watch. Thereupon, so it seems, the odor of the sake pene- to miete. Shojodomo ga hana wo hiko- ^^ to ^ Q yery bottom of ^ gea . hiko sasetc : and the Shojo snuff it up. " Kori ya ! Sansuke Shojo yo ! nani " I say ! Sansuke Shojo ! Is n't there some kind of pleasant odor? ka yoi nioi na sum ja nai ka ? kori y a _, . . , , J .,, , , This is that sake : but still let us go kano sake ja ga. Nanto! umi kara up out of the sea/' says one. Upon this Sansuke ShSjo replies, "No ! no ! agaroja nai ka I to iu to, Sansuke we must not go up recklessly. It is Shojo ga " lyaiya! metta ni agararenu a terrible trap to get us to drink it, zol Are wo onoretachi ni nomasete make us drunk and then beat us to death." Thereupon one of them an- yowasete oite uchikoroso to iu osoroshii swerS} Qh pshaw ! there is no danger keiryakuja " to iu to. Ippiki no shojo in S oin S U P Prided we don't drink it : it is enough better to go there ga, " Nanisa! agatte mo nomi sae seneba an( j get fa e gcent o f t ho sake than u yoi. Koko ni otte umi no ao-kusai nioi is to be here and have the sea-weedy smell of the sea." "When he says this, wo kagu yoriwa asoko ye itte sake no all t]ie sh6j5 ex claini, "Of course: nioi wo kagu ho ga yoi " to iu to, mina that is so - There can be no harm in merely smelling it. Come along! all no shojo ga. " Naruhodo! Soja : kagu bakari wa daiji arumai. Sd! sd! the water on tiptoe, come up to the Minna toil" to, ute, zorori-zororimizu sake 3 ars: and that is a vcr y dif- ferent thing from smelling it at the 100 hanarete sake-game no soba ye kite bofctom of ^ gf ,. a And so they . all miru to, sore wa mata umi no soko kara exclaim, " Ah ! this is fragrance ! 238 LITTLE BY LITTLE. kaida yd na mono ja nai yue, mina ga I can't hold out against this !" And "Koriyayoinwija'domotamaranu!" Snuffin S ii} U P the ^ kee P ^tering around the jars. Thereupon another to; Mna wo hiko-hiko sasete kame no one of ^ sh5j5 gayg> u This is only mawari wo uro-uro slii oru go, : mata smelling it. Really I can not resist . 7 . < c rr . i the temptation. I say ! suppose we ippiki no shojo ga " Kon ya kagu J take one dipperful apiece.'' Upon bakarija. Domo tamararcnu. Nanto! this another of them says, "Oh no! ippai zutsu nomo ja arumai ka " to iu it will never do actually to touch it in that reckless way. Those shojo to: mata ippiki no shojo ga lyaiya ,, , . , . , that have been caught heretofore metta ni te wa dasarenu zol ano ima a ] so all of them snatched up the dip- made torarcta shojo mo mina sono P ers guzzled down the sake ; and so at last got drunk and were beaten to hishaku wo ottottegaburi-gaburi nonda ^^ Thereupt bo afraid of b 'ing beaten to death. nebn uchikorosareru kizukai nai, Sore if we don't put on the shoes. And if nara you daks nome name" to. Iku ^t is so, take enough to make you drunk." When thoy Lave guzzled hai mo guigui nonde oki ni you to, (otsu down ever so many dipperf uls and nn mono dej do de mo sono kutsu aa are ve ^ drunk > strange to say, in spite of themselves they can not help hakitakute hakitakute naranu so na. wanting to put on the shoes BO it Soko de mata mina ga iimam.ni wa, seems ' Thereupon again all of them say, "' I say ! suppose we jusfc put "Nanto! ditto kutsu wo hakojaarumai on the i-hoes. Even if we put them ka9 Haite mo odori sac odoraneba on, provided we don't dance, we need have no fear of tumbling over : so koroba kizukai iva arumai kara, tada M1 . . . .,, ,, we 11 inst sing a song. . ! hen they all uta bakari utote iyo" to. Meimei ni just put on the shoos and sing beat- kutm vo haite te-bydshi totte utaimasu ^g time with their hands: and while they sing so it seems they get to ,. , , , feeling that they must beat time with takutc naranu yd ni naru so na. Soko their feet too. Thereupon another aclii ni, domo mata ashi-byoshi ga tori- ,. , , , feeling that they must beat time with 240 LITTLE BY LITTLE. de mata ippilri $a " Korobanu yd ni says, "What do you say ? Suppose we j- 7 , beat time with our feet once taking asln-uyoisni lutotsu f uncle wa do ha? care not to tumble ? " Upon which to itmasu to, mina ichido ni " Naruliodo all exclaim together, " Just so ! that's _.. the idea! we'll do it once, taking yokaro; korobanu yo m lutotsu yaro care not to tumble/' And when to. Ashi wo ageru to, korori to koronde they lift up their feet they just roll over, and then they are beaten to wa tsui uchikorosarete cln wo toraruru , death, and their blood is drawn off- to iu koto ja. So the story goes. Shikatfii kori ya toi kara no hanashi Still this is a story from away over de, mukashi atta koto ka nai koto ka iu China, and whether in old times it ever happened or not that I do sono A'oro wa zonjimaseun ga : ima wa not know: however one does come kono Nippon nidaibu kono yo na shojo acrogg a good many o thig kind of ga miemasu. shojo noivadays and here in Japan. NOTES. Zen seki : former mat, i. e. the preceding lecture. Naru wa : naru no wa. Koko ni : in the text. Eki : a work which Confucius revised. Kotoba ni mo : Confucius reen- forces his opinion by a quotation. Shimo . . . itarii : the meaning of Confucius is simply that the frost is the precursor of the ice : the preacher however reads into the quotation the idea of the formation of ice by pressure. To iute aru : it is said that. Sori ya do iu koto nareba : if it be asked, how is that? to make this clear, to explain. Givanrai : in its natural state. Koru : to condense : to freeze is koru. Tsiimotta(no) zvo : object of funii-katameru. To iu koto ja : means that ; that is the meaning. Toki wa : wa suggests contrast : at birth it is so, after- zvards it is different. O tagai ni : you and I alike, we. is LITTLE BY LITTLE. 241 % Ware to iu mono iva : wa rather than ga suggests that what- ever else one may have at birth, he has no ware. Ware is (i) consciousness of self of the ego as opposed to the non-ego : (2) selfishness, i. e. the seeking to obtain one's desires without regard to harmony with the non- ego- without regard to one's environment. Sore iva sore wa : why ! Miru ni tsuke : the more we see. Yara : ka. To iit koto : what we call. Ayamaru . . . hatenuru : a Buddhistic poem which the preacher accommodates to his philosophy. According to the philosophy of the Shingaku Michi preachers, all things are set in a certain environment. To live in harmony with that environment it to follow the michi or path. All things therefore have a michi to follow : it is the michi of the crow to caw, of the fish to swim, of the willow to be' green : and with the exception of man all things follow their michi. Though man does not follow his michi, he should do so : for man has a honshin (sometimes rendered conscience) : and to obey the honsJiin is to follow the michi. The source of man's error is this : he mistakes the parsing phenomena of the external world the things which he perceives through the senses for the unseen reality : what the preacher calls taking the shadow for the substance. The further man goes the more bewil- dered he becomes. The way back to the michi is obedience to the honshin: but the honshin is not what it once was, and the wanderer is without a trustworthy guide. The remedy is a course of Shingaku Michi no Hanashi. Tsui ni : strengthens the negatives. Mita koto mo naku : never seen : compare page 138. Koto iva : koto is qualified by all that precedes from tsui ni, and is best rendered ' what.' Yd .* way to, means of. Omoi yd mo nai ga : ga has only 242 LITTLE BY LITTLE. a slight connective force. Hikkyo : finds its source : see page 222. Kage-boshi ga : ga rather than wa particular- izes : it points out precisely what it is that becomes master, Wa would mean simply, 'and that shadow becomes': ga means, 'it is that shado^v that becomes' : so also of sore ga below. Sono shoko iva: in proof of that. Ishikawa Goernon: a celebrated robber who replied to Hideyoshi precisely as the robber replied to Alexander. He was boiled to death with his son, whom he held above his head as long as he could stand. Yoyo : hardly, barely, learned after many attempts^ Kaivairashii ko de atta mono : children (mono) of a sweet childhood. Chigai wa nai : wa strengthens the denial : whatever else may be doubtful, the fact stated is not so. Kit : see page 220. Sore ja ni. yotte : sore da kara : and therefore, and so, then. Yd : yd ni. Imada : mada. To iute : it is said (in the old saying) : rendered 'the old saying runs'. Fuku no kami : the god of good fortune. Goza- ranu : for oide nasaranu. Bimbo-gami : the god of poverty. Sono ura de : conversely. To iute : it is said (in the saying). Komi ni mo seyo : konu to mo or konai de mo. Abunage iva : wa rather than ga brings out the idea that while there may be other things, e. g. darkness apprehension et cetera, there is no danger. Chochin-mochi wa : wa suggests some- thing like jibun wa saki ni understood. Sore ni tsuite : in connection with this, in illustration of this, in point. Koko ni : here is, there is, I have. Shojd-hi : here not the red color, but the cloth dyed with the color. Shojo : fabulous apes that live in the ocean. Somcta no ga : ga particularizes. Wa would mean simply, "the shojd-hi that is dyed with skojo blood is' genuine'' ga means, 'it is that which is the genuine' : hence the inversion LITTLE BY LITTLE. 243 in the rendering. To ka iimasu : ka weakens the assertion, making the difference between ' they say ' and ' they say' Mo: also, among other things : they do other things like men besides talking. Te ni awanu : hard to beat, hard to get ahead of. Omae no te ni awanu / he is more than a match for you. Kagasuru : kagaseru. Izure : certain. Chanto sJiitte orimasu : understand perfectly. Kara : and so. Ikutsu mo : ever so many, a lot of. Sono atari ni : around. Hae nari : just as it grows, i. e. without cutting it off. Bannin iva : wa perhaps makes the picture more graphic by contrasting the bannin looking on from a distance and the shojo coming closer and closer. To miete : so it seems. Kori ya ! nani ka ct cetera : not, ' does n't this smell good ?' but as rendered. Kano sake : kano and also rei no usually have the force of ' that ' or ' the,' in referring to some- thing already mentioned, previously conversed about, known to be in the mind of the person addressed, or generally notorious. Rei no o taimatsu wo toinose to gioi nasareta, he ordered him to light the (or those) torches, i. e. the houses as already understood between them : kano sake is that well known sake used by the hunters. Are : it. Oite : and then. Uchi-koroso to iu : to iu unites what precedes to osoroshii keiryaku, which it qualifies : hence the rendering 'a trap to get et cetera.' To iu to : when he said, thereupon. Ao-kusai: the odor from green vegetation of any kind: here, sea-weedy, sedgy. Yori wa : enough better than that any how. Kagu bakari wa : ^va suggests contrast : it Avould not be safe to taste it, but it is quite safe to smell it. Kite miru to : when they came : rendered ' came, and.' Kori ya : why ! Ah ! Tamaranu : can not stand this, can not stop here, can not resist the temptation to do more. To ; to 244 LITTLE BY LITTLE. itte: exclaimed. Urouro shi oru : kept loitering. The par- ticiple followed by oru or iru sometimes expresses complet- ed action ; the stem followed by either of them always ex- presses continued action : the participle however is much more common in TokyS. Mata : another. Nomo ja aru- mai ka : suppose we take : nomo j a nai ka ? let's take. Te wa : zva rather than wo emphasizes te : they might smell it, but it would never do to handle it. Ottotte : snatched up : stronger than totte. To iu to : when he said, thereupon. Ikasama : naruhodo : of course, just so, quite true, to be sure, very likely, I see, really. Gurai wa / to that extent, that and no more, merely. Zuibun yokard : quite safe. To : to itte, Namete mini to : like kite mini to above. Mata : additional, very. Pisshari pisstiari : smacking. Ddmo : kd : thus, in this way. Ja : de wa : if : see page 232. Ima : mo. Ima hito iki tar ami : one breath more is lack- ing, a hair beside the mark, not quite satisfactory. Yd na : yd na mono da or yd da. : sort of thing, seems so, feel as if, have the sensation of. Mi no ke ga yodatsit yd da to feel one's hair stand on end, me ga tobi-deru yd da to feel one's eyes start out, hagayui yd da to feel one's teeth grind. Nomu to iute mo : nonde mo. You kizukai wa : wa sug- gests contrast : there might be danger of something else, e. g. getting into a frolic ; but there would be no danger of getting actually drunk. Yowann gurai: not get drunk- quantity, not enough to get drunk on, To iu to: to iu to itte. To : to itte. Shimasu ni wa : wa in such expressions has something the force of 'as follows,' 'the following,' 'thus:' and is frequently best left untranslated. Sake to iu mono : to iu mono is often added in generalizing ; e. g. inu to iu mo- no wa chugi no aru mono da. Sen nai koto : sen mo nai LITTLE BY LITTLE. 24$ koto da : To iu de mo nai : de -mo weakens the denial : it is hardly fair to say. Koshiraete am : have been made. Ko- ivai koto wa nai : wa suggests some such contrast as, it may be very foolish but it is not dangerous. Nome to: nomc to itte. Otsu na mono de : myd na mono de, kitai na mono de, hen na mono de : strange to say, it is a remarkable fact that. Do de mo : do shite mo : do what they might, in spite of themselves. Kutsu ga : ga rather than wo par- ticularizes the shoes as precisely the things that they wished to here, put on. Naranu : tamaranu. Sdna: so na mono da or so da. Korobu kizitkai iva : iva suggests the contrast; whatever else may happen there will be no danger of tumbling over. To : to itte. AsJii-bydshi ga : ga instead of wo, as in kutsu ga hakitakutc above. Naranu yd ni na- ru : tamaranu yd ni naru, as in ima hito iki taranu yd na above : got to feeling what they could n't stand it. Koro- banu yd ni : so as not, taking care not to. Ichido ni : together. Yard to : yard to itte. Kor "Drinking has an extremely hanaJiadii wariii kuse no aru sake bad effect upon you : and so yovi must jahodo nf, irai kitto aitsutsusJiimi ' **** yourself and give up sake as long as you live." The son wa s thero- slifigai kin-shu itashimasei to moshita . ' , fore in a great quandary ana fins(yer- tokoro, musuko oki ni meiwaku shite, cc \ For you to tell me thut as long " Watakiuthi ga are hodo suki na as I live I am not to drink my sake FOR LIFE 255 take ico shogai nomu na to iwasliaru that I am so fond of that is asking wa-sorl ya ammari de gozarimasu. to much " Z wil1 ^wevcr give up the use of it for two or three years: Shikashi ma ni san nen kin-shu , T , , , , .,, and I beg you to let me off with shimasho kara, sore de kannin shite that." But his father would hear of kudasare" to iu tokoro; oijaji ikko nothing of the kind :" No!" said he. kiki-irezu, Iyal iya! sonata no aku- "Considering the bad effect that sake has upon you, with anything like two sho sake wa nakanaka ni nenyasan or three years of abstinence I could mn no kin-shu gurai de anshin wa have no peace of mind : and therefore dekinu kara, do de mo sliogai sake I am determined that you shall not . . 7 . . drink sake as long as j r ou live." Ac- wanomuna to ni yiie, mnsiilto lyoryo cordingly the son was more and more tamoltu shite nanikaavjiteorimasMta perplexed ^ and kept ransacking his ga, yagate nanto omoikaeta yara, te brain (for something to propose). wo tsuite iimasu ni wa : " Ikasama! Presently a new idea seemed to strike , _ , him. He put his hands down en the shogai kin-shu no koto wa kitto toku- inat and said : " You are ciuite right I thin itashhnashita. Shikashi nagara And M to giying it up ' for j^^j watalmslii mo are liodo suki na sake agree to that positively. But when. wo shogai nomanu koto to omoeM, do I tnink ttat for the rest of m J life T , am not to drink my darling sake, yara sei ga ochita yo de cliikani naku somehow or other it seems as if iny omoimasu ,ht, sono tie mohaya kyo ga st , rengtll had failed and j fee l per- sake to ica shogai no iki-zvakare to fectly used up. And besides since mosu mono nareba, semete no nagori to-day at last is the day when I am to bid to sake a life-long farewell, I m, kyo ichi mchi tea o yurusln nasa- think you might excus 3 me for this retekiidasaremase"to mosii yue, oyaji one day _j ust to say good bye." mo mottomo no koto to omoi : " Sonnara, His father also thought that that kyo ichi nichi wa yurushite nomasu was reasonable. "Well then," he charged him, " For this one day you leshi, myomcln yon u~a k-itto slioqai have my permission to drink: from kin-shu zo" to moshitsuke: oki na kami to-morrow positively you will give it ye sumi-kuro ni " Shogai kinshu " to U P ^<> r life/' Then, on a ]arge sheet kakitsukete yarimashita tokoro, P a P er and in a boWhand he wrote down for him, ' Abstinence for life/' ga mite iimasu wa, Kono tori irai The son read it over and said, "Here- kitio aimamori : sliogai sake wa nomi- after I will positively stick to this to 256 FOR LIFE. masumai. Shikashi nagara, sono uchi the very letter : for life I will drink kyowa gome; no tori yue, kono wold sako no more ' But meanwhile as I have your consent for to-day, please ye, 'Tadashi: kyo wa yunisu : myonichi write down on thig side> * However t yori ' to o shirushi Icudarare " to mosu to-day it Ms permitted : from to-mor- row/ " This also his father thought yue, kore mo mottomo to omote kaite reasonable and wrote it clown tor yarimashita tolcoro, musuko wa sore him. And then the son covered the whole back of it with paste, struck it wo mitsuke no hashira ye bettari to fast to the pillar before one on enter- haritsuke oki. ing the house and left it there. Sono hi wa shujitsu nomimashita ga, That day all day long he drank : 7 and likewise the next day also he mata yokujitsu mo asa kara sake wo took his sake from the morning on. nomimasu yue, oyaji wa akirete iimasu Hig f a ther was greatly surprised, and wa, " Kaneie shogai kin-shu no koto said to him " Yesterday as you know I gave you positive orders about giv- saku'jitsu kitio moshitsuke ano nan- , , . , . .. , T ing up drinking for hie: and I ac- fuda made kaite ycitta ni, naze ano tually wrote out that placard for you- tori 100 mamori oranu?" to togame- And now what is the reason you are not sticking to what is written?" mashitareba, kano mmuko ga iimasu When he scolded him in this way, w?a, "Hail iyal ano tori wo kitto the son replied, "Oh! I beg your rcardon! I am sticking to the very mamotte orimasu " to in. Oyaji masu- p letter of it." His father was still masu hara wo tate tl Sore de mo soko more an g ry . But there you are ni nonds de wa mi ka?" to moslii- drinking: are you not?" said he. "Excuse me," he replied, "on the tareba. "lya! ano narifuda ni mo ' Kyd . ., '. ., . ... , , , ., placard itsell it is written ' To-day it wa o yuruslii ' to gozareba, kyo wa j g permitted' : and so to-day I drink. nomimasuru. WafakusU kin-shu wa My abstaining is for life beginning with to-morrow." So saying, that myomchi yori shogai de cjozani" to ^ ^ QQ ^ ^^ And tbe nexfc iute, sono hi mo nomi : mata yoku- day too he said, " Pray excuse me for ,. _ . . . . to-dai/;" and then he drank. And jitsu mo hyo wa gomen ja to lute the abstaining for life he never did wa nomi shite, shogai kin-shu wa ^ ^ Sucllis ' t he story. And very senanda to mosu hanashi ga gozari- likely ignorant people like you and 61 FOR LIFE. 257 masu ga. Okata meimei gotoki no me, just as this son, will say, " I also , for life intend to give rny parents shojm ga, chodo kono musuko to * and the rest of them peace of mind, onaji koto de, " Ore mo shogai ni iva ^ ut iQ .& a y i b eg to be excused." And oyatachi ni mo ansliin saseru tsumori then they put their parents in a fever ja ga,ma kyo wa gomen ja" to iute of anxiet y- "** li f e I a]so intend to serve my master faithfully" (they wa oya ni kino wo irase. -Ore mo <4 shogai ni wa shujin ye no hoko 100 cused." And then they neglect their taisetsu ni suru tsumori ja ga, ma kyo duties. " For life I also purpose to be dake wa o yurushi ja" to iute wa diligent, but for the present I beg to be excused," they say. And then they "Ore mo shogai spend theip fcime ^ id]encss u Fof ni wa ano shugyo wo suru ki, de oru life I also intend to learn the michi, ga, ma konogoro wa o yurushi ja " to but now I beg to be excused," they .. _ , _ . . say. And then they live without a iute wa, asobz. " Ore mo shogai ni WCL * purpose, saying only with their lips, sono michi ivo manabu tsumori ja ga, rtfop ^ for ]ife/ , Qut in the WOfl& md ima wa gomen ja" to iute wa there are many such. But this " for ukauka ( tada kuchi de bakari ^ shogai life" what does it mean? After , all does it not mean the present shogai to iute kurasu Into ga seken moment? More than that, it is pre- nt wa oku aru mmo ja ga. Sono dgely t]ie present moment that is " shogai " to iva itsu no koto zo ? " for life," and it is ever dying. To Yahari tadaima tadaima no koto ja P ut tnis matter to you once more and . , . accurately. These bodies of ours> as I nai ka? Sono mata, tadaima tadavna have already said, are things bor- ga " shogai " de shini oru koto 100 ima rowed from thig air of heaven> And hitotsu kmcashu o hanashi moso nara, they are precisely the things that are hito no kono karada wa mae ni mo mei ' e ioans to be P aid in yearly pay- ments. The man who dies at twenty iu tori kono ten no kuki no karimono has borrowed (to pay in) twenty yearly ?a ga, sore ga chodo ncmpu ni shite payments : the man who dies at thirty karite oru yo na mono ja. Hatachi has borrowed to pay in thirty yearly de shinuru hito wa ni ju nempu wo payments: the man who dies at fifty may be regarded as one of fiftv yearly karita no, san ja sai de shinitru hito p ,. payments : the man who dies at seven- wa san ju nempu 100 karita no, go ju t y, as one of seventy yearly payments: sai no hito wa go ju nempu, shichi Urashima Taro as one of eight thou- 258 FOR LIFE. jit sai no hito wa shichi ju nempu, sand, and Tob5saku as one of nine Urashima Taro wa hassen nempu, thousand yearly payments. In the method of arranging the yearly pav- Tobosaku wa ku sen nempu to iu ,'= .J .. J. nients whether they shall be lew or yo na mono de: sukoshi nempu no many _ there is a elight difference, kubari yo ni, nagai to mijikai to no and that is all. In any case they are chigai ga aru bakari. Izure nempu loans to be P aid ^ y earl J payments: and therefore while we are employed no karimono yue, ltd shite oru iichi as we are now, hour by hour moment ji ji koku koku ni shakusan-kata ye ^ y moment we are making our pay- "hiTtitorareru. ments to our creditors. Sude ni koncho mo watakushi ga Already this morning, for example, kono kami too yuimashita ni daibu in dressing my hair, a number of hairs kamigeganukemashitaga:anokamige came out - Thafc hair > X can never momokochira no karada ye torikaeso return again to my body : and there- fore to that extent there is BO doubt to iu koto wa do shite mo dckimasenu ,,,,,,,,.,,. . , at all that this body is mine has now kara, are hodo wa mo watakushi ga ^^ And so if we should treat this kono karada ga shinda no ni chigai too wit , h due resp ect, I suppose we wanaino ja. Sore de kore mo taiso should have to have a regular* funeral na koto ni shimasurela, soshiki de mo over it. And on that principle we senya naranu yd na mono ja ga : sono should say " I have lost a hair," and yoni"Kamigeganuketa" to iute wa then have a funeral. We should say , , T . , .. . // T 7 . , "I have lost a tooth/' and then have a soshiki ico slntan ; " ha ga nuketa ' to funeral. We should say "I have pared iute wa soshiki wo sliitari ; " tsume wo , . my nails, and then have a funeral. tsunda" to iute wa soshiki wo shi oru And> . we carr[ed Qut the princiFlef to> ato ni wa yaito no kasabuta no at last we should have to have a fuu- ochita no made soshiki ivo senya eral even when the scab of the moxa naranu kara, sore de md kamige no drops off. And therefore when we nuketa gurai wa, cnsaki ye tsumande loose a hair we go with it between our dete kuchi nosakide'Fii'to iu kurai fingers out to the edge of the veranda, 7 . and end the matter with a whiff TIG indo de sumashite okimasn na : sore from the tips of our lips for the indo. de mo viayoi mo senu ka shite, tsui ni However it doeg not wander to and kamige no yurei ga deta no nuke-ha frOj it seQ ms : and so we never hear no yurei ga deta no to iu koto mo anything about the ghosts of hairs or kikanu. teeth appearing and so forth. FOR LIFE. 259 Tsuyn no mi to To say it is a body made of dew : lu mo nakanaka How very Soragoto yo : F a ) se it is : Ide iru iki ni The life that vanishes Kiyuru inoclii wo. "With every breath. Sono tori ji ji koku koku ni kono Thug hour by hour moment after back our karadawoshaknsenkatayehikitorarete bodies to the creditor. And when nempu no sanyo ga sunde shimau to, our yearly payment account is all "Ni icU ten saku sanyo aisumi settled, (Tentosama) says "Twice one are your account is all settled. I moshi soro. Medetaku kashiku to , . J , congratulate you." Then he draws Tentosama no o chomen ye mmi 100 his pen across his book. And then liikareru to, danna-dera ye katsuide * are borne to the family temple on the shoulders of the bearers. And it yuitc, " l\amu Kara tanno' "Chan . , is ".Namukara tanno/ and "Chan garan don." Are ga soroban wo nageta garan don/ , And tliat ig the gound o/o ja. of flinging down his soroban. Ano yd na oto wo kiite mo yahari And yet even when they hear such bomlnt to iu mono wa yoso ni bakari sounds, COOTWIOM people think of it as only the settling of the yearly pay- nemjju no sanyo ga sumu yd ni ornate,, ments of some one else. They them- waga mi wa kanateko nanzo no yd selves are something like a crowbar. ni omote oru kara, soko de " Ham wa And BO they say, " What shall I do doshiyo? aki wa ko sMyo ; rainen wa ^ the Spring? In the Autumn I will do so and so. What shall I do next do shiyo? sarainen wa a suru no" to, m . year? The year after next I will muri-mutai ni koku wo tsukande kan- do so and so. And recklessly build- jin na ima no koto wo okotaru. Nanto! in S castles in the air, they neglect the essential present. What a piece oroka m mono de wa nai ka? Jikwai Q folly , Jn ^ poemg Q Jikwai Sojo no nta ni : Sojo : K iku tabi ni Every time one hears of it (death ), Yoso no aware to To think Omou koso : It is the sorrow of another i 260 - FOR LIFE. . Naki hito yori mo That is greater frailty Hakanakarikcri. Then even his who is no more. Sore ja ni yotte, o tagai ni ima ga Therefore for all of us, the present shinuru massaichu: ko shite oru no that is the very midst of death: ga shini oru no ja. living as we are that is dying. NOTES. Ozake nonde iva : seepage 245. Nora-musuko : so also nora-neko, a ' fence ' cat. . Tokoro : employed as a connec- tive : the preacher might have said ga. Sonata. sake ja : the idea of the Japanese is expressed in the translation : more literally rendered, " your (drinking of) sake is a (drink- ing of) sake having a very bad effect :" compare anata no yumi zva jitsu ni go jozu da, you are very skilful with your bow. Hodo ni : kara. Ai strengthens tsutsushimi. Ltashimasei: itashimase: the imperative, rendered * must.' Shogai : for life. Moshita tokoro : moshitareba. Mci^tvaku sum : komaru. He was in a quandary because on the one hand he could not give up sake, and on the other he could not disobey his father. Watakushi ga : watakushi no. Are hodo : so. Iiuasskaru (osstiaru) no zva : with regard to your saying, for you to say. Kara : because, and there- fore, and. Sore de : with that. Tokoro: ga. Aku-sho : vicious nature, bad effect. Wa : as to, considering. Gurai de : with that quantity, with anything like. Anshin wa : wa rather than ga suggests the contrast that whatever else might be said in favor of the proposition it would bring him no peace of mind. Do dc mo : rendered, I am deter- mined. Sake ^cva : wa rather than wo suggests the contrast, whatevei else you may drink you shall not drink sake. FOR LIFE. 26l Nanto (or do] omoi kaeta yara (or ka}: somehow he changed his mind, a new idea seemed to strike him : literal- ly, How did he re-think? i.e. I do not know the process that went on in his mind (but obviously something had taken place). Nani wo omotte iru ka? means 'what are you think- ing about ? ' Nanto (or do] omotte iru ka ? means 'what do you think of it ? ' Watakushi ino : mo brings out the idea that the son had an interest in the matter as well as his father. Do yara : somehow. Kyo ga : ga rather than ^va particularizes to-day as the day. Hence the statement is not rendered 'to-day I am to bid farewell et cetera,' but 'to-day is the day when et cetera.' Kyo wa watakushi no tanjobi da means 'to-day is my birthday, and answers the question What is to-day ? Kyo ga ivatakushi no tanjobi da means 'to- day is my birthday,' and answers the question When is your birthday? Sake to (or ni} wa : not the ordinary farewell to one's parents but a farewell to sake : hence wa. Nare- ba: since. Semete no nagori ni : just for a good bye. So one says to a guest, semete mo ichi nichi o tomarinasai, stay just one day longer. Kyo ichi nichi zva : wa suggests the contrast, only for to-day not for to-morrow, Nomasu beshi: nomaso. Mdshitsuke : charged. Kono tori : this way, i. e. to the very letter. Tadashi : added to documents to call attention to exceptions et cetera. Kaite yarimashita toko- ro : kaite yarimashitareba : wrote it for him. Musuko wa : zva suggests the contrast, others might have done different- ly put it away in a drawer for example ; he did so and so. Sore : the paper. Bettari to : not a little on each corner, but all over the back. Oyaji wa : others might not have been, his father was surprised : hence wa rather than ga. Kanete : already, as you know : kanete moshiageta tori, as 262 FOR LIFfi. I have already said, as you are now aware. Koto : koto (ivo). Made : he went beyond a more verbal agreement : rendered, 'actually.' Yatta ni : yatta no ni. Ano tori : that way, i. e. as written. Sore de mo : but. lya : no, I beg your pardon, excuse me. Nonde de 'cva nai ka : honde iru de wa nai ka. Harifuda ni mo : on the placard also, not merely in their verbal agreement : rendered, ' on the placard itself.' To gozareba: to kaite gozareba. To lute : so saying. To iute iva : he said, and then : see page 245. Shojin : see page 254. Ore mo: I also (as well as others), I myself. Shogai ni zva : in contrast with kyo wa : hence wa. Oyatachi ni mo : my parents also, i. e. as well as others my wife and children for example. Kimo wo ira- se : literally, bake their gall. Hoko ^vo taisetsu ni sum : serve faithfully. Ki de oru : purpose. Ukauka : with- out any fixed purpose. Seken ni wa : wa suggests the contrast, out in the ivorld it is so, in the audience it is quite different. Aru mono ja : there are. To : sign of quotation employed in repeating shdgai. Itsu no koto 20 : best rendered, ' what does it mean ? ' Yahari : here, after all. Sono mata : more than that. Tadaima tadaima ga : ga rather than wa particular- izes, identifies, selects : it is precisely the present that et cetera ; the present, that et cetera. Koto wo : the object of o kanashi mo so. As frequently, it is simpler in English to begin a new sentence. Lma : mo. Sore ga : ga as above with tadaima : it is precisely they that et cetera ; they of all things are the things that et cetera. Chodo yd na : just like, mere. Ni shite : as, in. Urashima Taro : a Japanese said to have lived for eight thousand years. To- bosaku : a Chinaman. To ill yd na : may be regarded as. FOR LIFE. 263 Izure : in any case. Hikitorareru : we are paid over. KoncJio mo : this morning also, as well as on other days, for example, say. Kamige : in Toky5, kami no ke. To m koto wa : whatever else he can do, he can not do that : hence wa rather than ga. Are hodo iva : not entirely, but to that extent : hence wa. Kore mo : this too, this as we treat other parts of the body an arm say. Taiso na koto ni sum: to treat with due respect. De mo: even; render- ed, ' a regular.' Yd na mono ja : yd na weakens the state- ment : rendered, ' I suppose.' Sono yd ni : in that way, on that principle. To iute wa : say, and then : see page 245. Shioru' continued action : rendered, ' carry out.' Ma: say, not to mention other things. Gurai wa : that quantity of death (not an arm say, or the whole body) : best rendered by ' when ' followed by emphasis on hair. Rural no : that quantity of, to serve as, for. Indo : the address of the priest guiding the dead man to Gokuraku, and without which he would wander though the world a ghost. The puff guides the hair whither it should go. Sore de mo : however. The rites though simple are sufficient. Mayoi mo : wander, say. Mo suggests that ghosts have other disagreeable duties to perform. Ka: weakens the statement : rendered, ' it seems.' Shite : and so. Tsui ni : never. To in koto : (hear) about. Mo : also, among other things, and so forth. Sorag'oto : false, because dew is far too enduring a thing to compare the body to. NI ichi ten sakii : Tento Sama is represented as making out the account on his soroban. Rendered liter- ally the words mean, 'two (into) one above make ' Ten is the upper part of the soroban. This is one of the first things a child learns in learning the use of the soroban. Hence it is like saying in English, 'twice one are' 264 FOR LIFE. Medetaku kashiku : employed at the close of letters written by women ; and a stereotyped way of saying, no bad news. Here, I congratulate you. Namu kara tanno : words from the funeral liturgy. Chan gar an don : the sound of the funeral music. Are ga : the preacher has been identifying the various things, telling which is which : hence ga rather than wa. Ano yd na oto : i. e. the sound of a funeral service. Yoso ni : some where else : here, some one else. Waga mi : he himself. Suru no to : suru no to itte. Koku wo tsukamu : to grasp the air, be visionary, build castles in the air. So- jo : a title conferred upon priests: usually upon men in charge of a large temple or a number of temples. Ima ga : ga has the particularizing identifying force so often referred to : iva would answer the question, What is the present ? ga answers the question, When are we in the midst of death ? when are we dying? IN PURIS NATURALJBUS. Sore ni tsuite koto ni okashii liana- In illustration of this I have an shi ga am. Kore wa chitto iyasliii amusing story. This is a rather hanashi naredo, sennen tvatakushi ga homely story, but it is a thing that I am joka no macJii-bata de mita koto saw myself some years ago in the de gozarimasu ga. outskirts of one of the castle towns. Sono atari no binibonin no ko to What seemed to bo a poor child of miete-toshi mo nanatsu yatsu gurai the neighbor hood-a boy of som seven or eight years of age bad 710 otoko no ko ga tofuya ye tofu no . 1 apparently been to a torn shop to buy kara wo kai ni itta no to mietc, chiisa sorne o f ^ ne i ms k Sj had put the hns'cs na zaru ye tofu no kara 100 irete in a little basket and set it up on top IN PURIS NATURALIBUS. 265 taJcaJcn waga atama no ue ye sashiage, of his head, and was on his way home humming a song. On starting out hanauta utote modon orimeaihita ga. however, when his mother sent him to Hajhne sono hahaoya ga, scmo ko too the shop, it seems that she sent him kai ni yarn told, " tocha de Into ni off saying that he was to buy the husks and come back without letting miscnu yo ni shite kote modore, to de , , , people see them on the way or some wo iute yatta mono to miemasuja. thing of that kind. Kore ga kono Edo nado de wa nai In such places as Yedo I suppose koto de gozarimashd ga, inaka de ica this never happens, but out in the yoku aru koto de gozarimasu. Oya country it occurs frequently. The ga limbo de kodomo wa o slii, kyo ico father is poor, and the children are kui-kanem to iu yd na gesen na mono numerous; and they can hardly live wa, o mcshi no tashi nt, kono tofu no from da ^ torhood a ^o we had ya do sliita koto ka?" to toimaslii- 3 ust such an occurrence." -How tareba, Kore mo yahari bwibonin no was that ?' J I asked. This also, was ko ja so de gozarimasu ga. a story of a poor boy. Oya ga yohodo no Umbo de : kanai The parents were very poor : their no kigae mo nai shiawase yue, shogatsu condition was such that they actu- ally had no spare clothing in the ga kite mo fiahaoya ga kodomo ni f ., ,, ? ,, family. Therefore even when New sentaku shite yarn koto mo narazu: year's time came the mother could yoyo Tiaru san gatsu goro no tenki no not even wasli for the children. At yoi hi wo hahaoya ga mitatete sono ko lasfc iu the S P rin S' some time in the third month, she looked out for a fine ye umasu wa, "Kyo wa soclii ga kimono , , .,,,,, U m j day and said to the boy, "To-day wo sentaku shite yarn hodo ni, soto ye i ain going to wash your clothes for dezu ni uchi ni ore," to iute kimono you : and so you are to stay at home tvo nugashimashitara, sono ko wa and not go out of doors." So saying she took off his clothes. Thereupon hadaka de furui-furm " Kakasan ore the boy being naked alld severing wa samui to iu kara, " Ol sonnara all over said to her, " Mamma, I a.in cold." "Oh! well then," said she, ma soko no futon nan to kabutte ore " just wrap yourself up m that f utoii to iimashita. Soko de sono ko wa, O r anything else." Accordingly the "Ail" to iute soko ni atta futon wo boy said, Very well :" took the futon that was there, palled it up over his totte senaka kara hikikaburi kubi back leaying only hig bgad ^ aad bakari dashite suwatte iru to kado- was sitting down, Just then four or 268 IN PURIS NATURALIBUS. guchi ye kinjo no tomodachi ga sJii five friends in the neighborhood go nin zurede kite, " Mankichi San came in a P art y to the gateway. "Mankichi! let us go and play" asobo to iu to, sono ko qa uchi kara . , ,, ,, ,. .-,,,. said they. When they said this, the "Hya kyo wa derarenu wae" to iu boy replied from inside of the house, to, hahaoya ga ki wo monde " EH " No ! to-day I can't go out of doors." kono ko wa damatte oreba yoi no ni," There upon his mother was worrying and thinking, " Pshaw ! I wish the to omote oru uchi. mata soto kara boy would hold his tongue." Mean- tomodachi ga yobimasu to, " liya! while his companions called to him kyo wa derarenu : minna ma koko ye a S aiu f rom outside : and he answer- 7,. ^ ed, "No! I can't go out to-day: KI nasare" to iu kara, hahaoya wa come in here all of you. At this - Ma torno dachi wo yobaneba yoi no his mother thought to herself> ..j ni" to omou uchi haya, tomodachi wa wish he would n't call the boys in." doyadoya to agatte kite sono ko no While she was thinking this and be- fore she had time to say anything, mae ye gururi to inardbi. Naniyara .. , his companions came up chattering gayagaya ii oru uchi yagate kochira together and stood in a ring before no ko ga iimasu ni wa, " Ore iva kyo the boy. While they were chatter- nan de kono yo ni futon wo kabutte in g away about something or other, presently the boy said to them, " See suwatte oru no ka ? iiatete mi nasare to whether you can guess why I am sit- iimasu to, haliaoya wa mo tamaranaku ting in this way to-day with a futon natte kara, hata kara " Korel Man around me." Thereupon his mother ya!" to iute nirande misete mo, sono could contain herself no longer, and interrupting them said, '' Here ! ko no kokoro ni wa sono wake ga Man ,,, and gave him a look. But walcaranu kara, haha no kao wo jiro- even so, as the reason why was un- jiro mi nagara, ydhari tomodachi ye, intelligible to the heart of the boy, he kept glancing up- at his mother's " Sal sa! iute mi nasare' to m to, n face and still saying to his cornpa- tomodachi ica kuchi wo soroete, "Sore niong) Come! come ! see whether wa samui kara de aro to iu. So suru you can tell." And his companions to, liya! samui kara de wa nai" to iu with one voice answered, "Why! it must be because you are cold." At to, " Sonnara kaze wo mita no ka? , . , , ... .. XT , ... , , which he said, "No! it is not be- to iu to, "lya! kaze de mo nai" to cause j am co i& "Well then," iu wo hahaoya ga sola kara totte " 01 said they, "have you taken a cold? IN PURIS NATURALIBUS. 269 are mo chitto kazake de " to ii- " No \" said he, " it is not a cold magiraso to sum to, sono ko ga " Ei! either/' His mother breaking into the talk tried to lead them off the Kakasan wa ano yd na uso wo iutc in : ,, _ , , track by saying, '"Oh! he has a ore we, nani mo Icaze hiita no de wa sligllt cold in Ms head to0j and _ nai ni! " to iu to, hahaoya wa masu- whereupon the boy replied, " Pshaw mother is telling such a fib. Why ! masu Id wo monde, " Ei ! ma kono ko . it is not because I have taken any wa " to omou uclii ni> mata sono ko C old at all." Upon this his mother ga iimasu ni, "Minna yd iute de nai more and more ^rried thought to herself, "Pshaw! this boy is a." kara ore ga kono futon no hashi wo an( , whfle g}io wag fcHnking go once chitto akfte mi slid " to iu yite, lialiaoya more the boy said, " None of you can mo mo korae-kanetc, Ei! ano laka- tel1 ' so I wil1 turn back the end o the futon arid let you see myself/' mono me! sonna aho na koto sum M this even his mot her could con- mono ja nai" to nirande miscte mo, tain herself no longer and gave him a look that said, " Pshaw ! confound yanari wakarcwu Kara futon no hasM the boy! stop that sort of tom- ico chitto akete wa, " Kori yal to ii : foolery I" But even so, as he still mata akcte wa Kori yal " to iu yue, did not understand, he would turn back the end of the futon a little and minna no kodomo qa sono liadaka de ,-. .. T , , > j then say, " Look here I" and again oru wo mite, " Ari yal kono nii iva he would turn it back and then say, hadaka ja na! Naze kono samui no < And okosarete, tsui kono ga to iu mono wo then at last we awaked to conscious- cboetsuke, sore kara hasu urotae- ness o self ' ^om that time on we began to wander panting and be- dashitanoja. lya onore jano tanin wilderod> Myself and himssU'," jano" " son jano tokn jano," " m'iketa " loss and gain," " the worst of it and ., 7 . . the best of it" "right and wron^," no Icatta no, " ze jano hi jano, "in the light and in the dark," " satotta no mayota no" " oni jano a demon and a Buddha," " hell aiid Hoioke jano," "jigoJcu jano gokuraku heaven." With such words as these on our lips, amid the imaginary we jano to, aru to ararenu koto ni wander hither and thither in a fiut- urotae sawaide, shogai kokoro no ter . and ^ our ]i ves lon g we ncvor yasumu ma to iu mono wa nai. have a mind at rest. IN PURIS NATURALIBUS. 271 NOTES. % Aru : a certain, one of the. Machi-bata : macki-kazure. Bimbonin no ko : bimbonin no ko da. For a poor child, the Japanese do not say bimbo no ko but bimbonin no ko. To miete : what seemed. Toshi mo : mo brings out the idea that he was young as well as poor. Gurai : quantity, about, some. Kara : the husks of the beans left in making the tofu. Itta no : itta no da. Miete : apparently. Ta- kaku : up. Modori orimashita : the participle followed by oru or iru sometimes expresses completed action; the stem followed by oru or iru always expresses action continu- ing. Hajime : on starting out. Toki : toki ni. To de mo iute : de mo weakens the statement, changing 'saying* into 'saying something of the kind' or 'with some such directions as'. Miemasu ja : it seems. Oya ga : wa \vould suggest that the children (or some one else) are rich. Kodomo wa : wa suggests some such contrast as kane ^va nai. O ski : oku aru ski. Kyo : to-day, i.e. from day to day. Kui-kaneru : can hardly live. To iu yd na : such. Here again it is sim- pler in English to begin a new sentence. Tashi ni : to eke out. Kute oru : get along. Aru koto de gozarimasii : there are. Ruse ni : frequently equivalent to and yet preceding a statement of inconsistency with some discreditable trait. Okubyo na kuse ni yo~aniki wa suki da, he is a coward and yet he is found of going out at night. Compare Satow's Kaiwa Hen, 17, 16. Erai : greatly, extremely. Hito ni : of being seen. These husks are frequently eaten by those who are not poor, and there is therefore no real reason why poor people should be ashamed to eat them : they generally are however. That is the point which the preacher wishes 272 IN PURTS NATURALIBUS. to make. Mo yahari : she was like other poor people. Shizen mita'nara : should chance to see. Are mo : he also, he was one of. Tsune ni sodatsu: grow up always eating, never had anything to eat but. De mo omoii ka : de mo and ka both weaken the statement : rendered, ' might perhaps.' Kono nochi : afterwards, in after life. Kata ga semai : shrink away. No : or. Ganka ni mirareru : be seen from below the eye, be looked down upon. To iu yd na koto de : and such being the case. Tokoro ga : however. Ko wa : wa rather than ga con- trasts the action of the boy with that of the mother. Ye mukatte iimasu ni iva : said to. Ko ! ko : kore ! kore ! Naka ni iva : wa here adds little or nothing. Iimasu ja : ja adds nothing. Yotte : together, in a crowd. Mis/id : miseyo. Mata hitori no : another. To iu koto : that it was. Yd : could. So shimashitara : and so. Yd iute de nai : in Tokyo, ienai. Ni : why! Miseru koto iva naranu : wa suggests the contrast, he might talk about it but he must riot show it. Sori ya: sore ^va: as to that, that is because, because. Uchi no : my : Uchi no imi, our dog. Ninga no he date no nai: no difference between others (nin) and one's self (ga), unsuspecting, innocent. Na : ne. Mise wa senu : might talk about but would not shoiu. Oboe no nai koto : a thing which did not appeal to his feelings, that he did not appreciate, did not see the point of, that found no response in him. Muko no jin : the man to whom I was talking. lya moski : not surprising, quite to be expected. Josai no nai : commonly, clever : here, unsuspecting, unsophisticated, in- nocent. Watakushi ga : watakushi no. Kore : the story, not the boy. So de gozarimasu : it seems. 17 IN PURIS NATURALIBUS. 2/J Kigae : change of clothing, spare clothing. Mo : even ; rendered, 'actually.' Shiawase: condition, lot. Shogatsu: the Japanese usually buy new clothes at New Year : but this family was so poor that the mother could not even ivash the clothes the children were wearing, because she had no extra clothing for them to wear meanwhile. Senta- ku shite yaru :. wash for them. Goro ; some time. Hodo ni : because, and so. Sochi ga : sochi no. To iute : so saying. Kakasan : in Tokyo, okkasan. Nari to : nari to mo : say, for example, or any thing else. Sono : the, Se- naka kara ' from, i.e. up over his back. Zurede : in a crowd, in a party. To iu to : when they said. Wae.: an expletive. To iu to : when he said, thereupon. Ki wo monde : worrying, fidgeting. Uchi: meanwhile. Yobimasu to : when they called, called . . . and. To iu kara : be- cause he said, at this. Haya : conveys the idea of ' before she could do any thing to prevent it.' Doya doya to : chat- tering. Hata kara : soba kara : breaking in, interrupting. Nirdnde misete : gave him a look. To iu wo : to iu no zvo : object of totte. Are mo: he also: implying that colds were prevalent in the neighborhood. De .* nete oru ' he is lying down ' would probably have followed, but Man interrupts. Uso wo iute ja : uso wo iute oru. Ni : why! Kono ko wa .* something like baka is to be un- derstood. Yd iute de nai : in Toky5, ienai. Hahaoya mo : even his mother : -i.e. though mothers are proverbially patient. Akete iva : he would open, and then: seepage 245. Ari ya : why! Kono nii : kono niisan : literally elder brother. No ni : inasmuch as, as, since, seeing that. Sono toki : sore 'kara, soko de : thereupon, at which. Watakiishi no nai: commonly unselfish or not egotis- 2/4 IN PURIS NATURALIBUS. tical ; here, unsuspecting, innocent, out-spoken, straight forward. Sore de mo nakanaka : really however. Meimei domo : any of us. Sore iva : neither it (the heart) nor they (the children), but exclamatory. Sono . . . tokoro ga : ga rather than wa particularizes, identifies, points out precisely what. Shi-zen : the highest excellence, summum bonum. Shoshin no jakumetsu : the real Nirvana. Anyo- jodo : peace pure-land. Okite: active. Sore: itokenai toki. Mini ni : by the sights that meet the eye. Yusurare : were shaken (as when one is moved without being actually wakened). Ga : con- sciousness of self. Urotac-dashita : as frequently, dasu added to the stem has the force of 'begin'. lya . . . jano: as here iya and jano are employed to head and connect a series of examples. Jano to : jano to itte : saying, with such words as these on our lips. Aru to ararenu koto : the imaginary; aru to arayuru koto; all things. To iu mono iva nai : whatever else we may have, we have not that : hence, iva. HEAVEN AND HELL. Mukashi aru knni no bushi ga Once upon a time a bush! from one Ikkyu Osho ni shaken sliite iwareuiasu of the provinces came to see Ikkyu iva : the Priest and^said to him : rt Scsslia mo kore made gakumon "I have been a student myself itaslii, oyoso tencWtan no koto nani hitherto, and I feel as if I had settled hitotttu utagai mo nai yd ni omoimasu pretty much everything in the imi- ga, tada hitotsu gaten no mairanu koto verse. There is however one tssiu^ wa Jjiippo ui hoaruru Jigoku Gokurakit that I do not understand : and that HEAVEN AND HELL. no setsu de gozaru. Mottomo Bussetsu is the doctrine o? Hell and Heaven ni mo shikkari aru yd ni toita tokoro taught in Buddhism. I am aware mo areba, mata nai yd ni iuta tokoro that even in Buddhistic writings mo aru yo ni miemasu ga. Are wa, there are some passages that explain zentai dochira wo hontd ni itashita them as really existent: but there mono de gozard? lyoiyo aru mono seem to be some passages also that de gozaru ka? mata nai mono de spe k of them as non-existent. On gozaru ka?"to iwaremashitareba, Ikkyu the whole which of these (views) are Osho iva kano samurai no kao wo jitto we to accept as correct ? Do they nirame-isuke : " Nanil Jigoku ga aru really exist? or not?" Ikkyu the ka? Gokuraku ga aru .ka? Sono yd Priest looked the samurai straight in na koto wo tazune-mawaru ? Onorc the face " "What!" said he, "Is there a Hell ? Is there a Heaven ? wa zentai nani mono zo ? to uvarc- Are you going about asking that sort maw yue, kano samurai wa yakki of tMn? What you to natte, " Sessha wa motoyori bushi The gamugai bristling up replied: de gozaru ga, Jigoku Gokuraku no j am a bushi to be sure} and I wisll u-mu wo uketamawaro to mosu no to inquire whether Hell and Heaven .de gozaru ga: nanto itasliita zo?" to exist or not. But what of it?" The iwarema.sUtarela, osho wa sesera- Priest laughing contemptuously an- warai slii nagara, "Nani lusliijato? swered : "What! a bushi you say? Sono homoyahari bushi no uchi ka? Are ^ one of the samurai too? What! If you are a bushi, are you a o-bushi Nani! Bushi nara, no-busJii ka? J or a 7/ama-bushi ? Or, are you a ki- iiama-bushi ka? tadashi, ki-bushi ka? , , . , , , . ,. bushi or a fcafeuo-busm ? If you are katsuo-bushi ka? Zentai makoto no a rea l true bushi, you ought at least bushi naraba, bushi do hodo wa shitte to know the duties of a bushi. But it or i sona mono ja ga, sono ho wa seems that you do not yet know even mada bushi do mo shiranu to mieru. the duties of a bushi. " Kore! Bushi to iu mono wa a'tama "Why ! a bushi from the top of his 110 tcppen kara ashi no tsume no saki head to the tip of his toe shall I made to iwo ka?-inochi made mo say ? even to life itself , belongs to his , ... , ,_ master: in no sense whatever is he ihunn no mono de : sono ho no mono his own. And therefore in the first de wa mcanrai nai zo yo. Sasureba. place, in time or peace, each one day mazu jisei no toki wa, meimei no and night gives his minclfo his own yakugi ni cliu-ya kokoro wo tsukushi duties, and sees to it that his master's ehujin no yoji no kakezaru yd tai- business suffers no loss. And when 276 HEAVEN AND HELL. setsu ? tsutome. ' Suwa! on daiji!' the cry is 'To his rescue!' he must to iu toki wa, shujin no go ba zen stand before his master's horse, make ni tatte inoclii wo mato ni, teki no *is e a target, rush into the very uchi ye mo kakeJri, teki no kuM wo midst of the enem 7 and teke off as many of their heads as he can. While ikutsu de mo utte toranela naranu . holding such an important position mono zo yo. So iu taisetsu naru , ' , , , as that, you desert your post and mi wo motte ori nagara, ukauka to come here inquiring whether there is koko ye kite, Jigoku ga aru ka? no a Hell and whether there is a Heaven. Gokitraku ga aru ka ? no to. Sori ya! Why ! what a piece of nonsense ! nan no taica koto zo! Areba, mata Suppose they do exist, what do you do suru ryoken zo? Onoga yd na intend to do then ? A fellow like you mono u-o seken de wa wmakura bushi P e P le cal1 a P oor blade of a busti > or .. IT,- ITT.. ., -7 a coward of a bushi. or a bushi not to mo -ieba, koshmuke bushi to mo leba, . worth his rice ! Bah ! you bushi not qoku-tsubushi to mo iu wail Yail eel f -,-> ^ worth your fodder : and so saying koko na kuitsubushi me ga, to ii he rapped him over the head with his sama, sensu ico motte atama wo pis- fan> The samura i fl are( j llp . "You sTtari to tatakaretareba, kono samurai chattering priest ! I have put up wa ku-atto sekiage : "-Onore koko na with your talk from the first: and karu-kuchi bozu me! Saizen kara yon have vilified me to your heart's iwasMte okeba, katte sliidai na akJco content, Even if you are a priest I zBgon. Tatoi buttai wo karite oru to s>i all not let you o/. Come ! say your , , prayers!" So saying he seized the TOO, sono mama ni I wa sute okanu. Sal p y * sword by his side and with a smooth kakugo seyo!" to wakiniaru katana ^^ ^ ^ ^ de ^^ ^ wo totte sura to hrtinukimashitareba, p riest was aghast. Look ! look ! he Ikkyu Osho wa kimo tsubusM : " Sori hag c i rawn> Quick ! Run ! " And ya koso! nuita zo I Yare nige yo! " to jumping down into the main yard hiro-niwa ye tobi-orite nigerareru ico made his escape. And after him es- ushiro yori samurai wa t " Onore nigeru ca.ping chased the samurai, all out of to mo nigaso ka?" to, kori no gotoki breath, brandishing his icy blade, .,'. .. .7. 7 and calling out "Run as you may nukimi ico fun-age, iki wo seite oikake- . you need n't think I'll let you get mawareba, Ikkyu Osho ushiro wo fun- * _ J ; " away.' Thereupon Ikkyu the Priest muki sow sugata wo sashite,^ -Aral turned aboutj faced him, and pointing osoroshiya I Sore ga Jigoku jai " to a ^ hi m in frig ra.ge, said " Oh how iwaremasu to, so7co de kono samurai dreadful 1 That is Hell ! That is 7?io "Kore wal" to odoroki, mottaru hell!" Thereupon the samurai too HEAVEN AND HELL. 2^7 kafana wo karari to nage-sute : " Ika- with an exclamation of astonishment sama! Kori ya Jigoku de gozaru. flung down the sword in his hand Sasureba ima no go akko wa kore ico with a ring, and said You are right : o shirase kudasarame to no go men ttis is HelL And so your raillery just now was a device on your part kind- de gozatta . ha ? Tatta-ima made , m . .. ,. . ly to show nie this ? The Hell that nakatta Jigoku ga Osho no kari no was not uat ,il now came to be the mo- go akko ivo kiku to tacJiimachi deki- ment T heard your Reverence's pass- mashita. Samreba aru to mo sada- i n g raillery. So then, whether it ex- marazu, mata nai to mo sadamarazu ; ists is uncertain, and whether it does kore de koso jitsu ni osoroshii mono not exist is uncertain : and that it is to mosu koto wa tadaima gaten ga for that very reason a thing to be real- mairrmashita. Sate mo sate mo ari- ly dreaded, I now understand. Oh gataya! " to namida u - o nagashi reihai how grateful I am ! " And with eyes ico seraremashitareba, Ikkyii Osho mo full of tears he did his obeisance. nikko to warai, " O / sumiyaka ni Ikkyu the Priest also smiled bland- gaten ga maitte : liono ho ni mo ly and said, " Oh ! how quickly you manzoku itasu. Yare yard ureshyal have understood : and I too am satis- Gokuraku ja, 0! kore ga Gokuraku fied. Oh ! how glad I am ! I am in ja!" to iwareta to mosu koto de Heaven. Oh ! This is Heaven !" gozarimasu ga. Nanto arigatai shime- Such is the story. And was not slii ja gozarimasenu ka ? that a very happy way of putting it ? NOTES. Bushi: a samurai. The word bushi is retained in the translation because of the play upon it occurring below. Ikkyu : a well known eccentric Buddhist priest of whom many stories are told : he is frequently spoken of as Ikkyu Osho, Ikkyu the Priest. Sessha mo : I also, I as well as you, I myself. Oyoso : pretty much. Tcnchikan : in the universe. Yd ni omoima- su : feel as if Rvaruru setsu : the doctrine taught. Mot- tomo : I am aware. Busseisu : Buddhistic writings. $hik- kari aru yd ni : as really existent. Tokoro: passages. Aru 2/8 HEAVEN AND HELL. yd ni miemasu : there seem to be. Are : these views. Zen- tai : on the whole. lyoiyo : certainly, surely. Jigoku ga am ka : ga rather than wa is frequently employed in inter- rogative sentences when the speaker really means to inquire. Is so and so the explanation of a certain fact ? or when he really wishes to suggest so and so as likely to serve some purpose. So here the point is not to inquire whether there is a hell or not, but whether the desire to find out that fact was the explanation of the visit. So imi ga iru ka, is there a dog? i. e. is that the explanation of the sound I hear? Empitsu ga aru ka, have you a pencil ? i. e. would a pencil serve your purpose ? Zentai: any-how. From a priest such a question would have been quite proper ; but from such an inquirer as the bushi it was absurd. The reason for Ikkyu's rudeness will appear below. U-inu : aru nai. Nanto ita- shita so : what of it ? Suppose I am, what then ? BnsJu ja to : bushi j a to iu ka ? Sono ho : you. No-busJu : a no- bushi is an outlaw who follows an army and joins the vic- torious side.. Yama-bushi : a sort of wandering priest who goes about selling charms. Tadashi: mata wa : or : see also page 261. Ki-bushi : a piece of wood, a stick. Katsuo- bushi: dried bonito. Hodo zva: if nothing else, at least that. So na: ought, must, one would suppose you might. Shu j in no mono de ; belongs to his master. Sono /id : jibun. Gwanrai: strengthens the expression : in no sense whatever. Sasureba: and therefore. Mazu : in the first place. Kakc- zaru : tarinai. Sircva : an exclamation of surprise at the sudden sight or news that the master is in danger : literally, when they say Suzuaf Ba sen: before the horse. Mato ni: mato t ni shite. Ukauka to: rendered, ' you desert your post.' To ; to tasuneru. Areba ; suppose they do exist. Se- I-lfiAVEN AND HELL. ken de iva : the world, people : you may not have that opinion but people think so : hence ^va. Goku-tsubushi ; literally, grain-waste. Koko na : kono. Ga . the sentence is not finished : some thing like " get along with you " is understood. Sama : nagara. Sensu : dgi. Pis- shari to ; representing the sound of the blow : rendered in the word rapped. Samurai wa : others might have stood such talk from Ikkyu, but this one would not : hence iva. Saizeii ; senkoku, sakihodo. Iwashite : iwaseie : let you say, put up with your talk. Okeba : as frequently, the con- ditional is most simply rendered by the past followed by 'and.' Akkd zdgon : evil-speak abusive talk: zdgon wo iu. Buttai zv o karite mo : even if you borrow a Buddha body, i.e. even if you are a priest. Sono mama ni wa : literally, as you are : iva suggests the contrast. I may not kill you but I will not let' you off. Kakngo seyo : make up your mind: an expression often used by the executioner. The criminal would then say Namu Amida Butvi, and thereupon the sword would fall. Sura to ; mz.y indicate the smooth sweep, i. e. the movement of the sword ; or it may indicate the gliding sound ot the sword leaving the wooden scabbard. Kimo tsulmsJii : aghast: of course the terror was feigned. Sort ga : there ! look ! Yare : sa ! Nigeyo : let us run : spoken to the boys standing listening. Hiro-niwa : proba- bly the main yard as opposed to the little one enclosed between the wings of the building. Tobi-orite ; jumping down. Niger or eru wo : the object of oikake-maivareba. Ikkyu OsJid : Ikkyu Osho zva : the two men (one cool and the other furious) are contrasted. Ushiro wo furi-muku ; to turn about and face. Sono sugata : his appearance his bearing, in his rage. Sore ga : ga rather than wa identifies : 280 HEAVEN AND HELL. precisely that. Saimfrai mo ; the samurai also, the samu- rai as well as the priest : i. e. both now saw the matter in the same light. Kore wa odoroki : (saying or thinking) Kore iv a ! he was astonished. Karari to : with a ring. Ikasama : you are right. Sasureba : then, and so. Go ak- ko ; now the samurai prefixes the honorific. Kndasarame : kndasaro. Osho no : like sense i no. Kari no : passing. Kore de koso : for that very reason : i. e. because its non- existence is a dreadful uncertainty. To mosu koto de goza- rimasu ; such is the story. MINT ANISE AND CUMMIN. . Ant [inaka no hyakitsho no ucJii ni In the family of a certain farmer gosho-negai no bdsama ga atte : maiasa there was an old woman who wanted Nyorai Sama ye sonaeru o meshi wa, to go to Gokurakn. The rice offered o hacM to itte, betsu ni taite sonae- eve ^ mornin S to ^ orai Sama slie offered calling it o hachi and cooking raruru m, sore wo taku kama mo it by itself. And she kept a separate shakushi mo oke mo fukin mo mina . . ., . , , , , . kauia to cook it in, and a shakushi Nyorai Sama yo to itte, betsubetsu ni and an oke and a f ukin ; saying that Jcoshirae-oki. Sono kama ya sltakushi they were all for the service of Nyo- wa o kama jano o shakushi jano iya rai Sama. The kama and the shaku- shi she called o kama and o shakushi o oke jano o fiikin jano to iwaruru and o oke and o fukin. Accordingly yue, kanaiju ga Nyorai Sama no koto fche whole fami]y> if eyer fchey refer . to sae icba, metta ni teinei ni o liana red to any thing connected with Nyo- sama no o altar i sama no iya o koro rai Sama " with over courtesy would say o liana sama and o akari saraa and sama no o outci sama no to, zoiun o koro sa.rna and o buki sama : down to made sama to o no ji wo tsukcte the very z6kin thej . aclded the worc i s iwaruru- eama and o. MINT ANISE AND CUMMIN. 28 1 Sore mo, hikkyo iva, sMnda saki de And that also, if we look at her Gokuraku ye yatte morote hyaku mi motives, in reality proceeded from a .... . selfish desire to obtain admission in- no on jiki no goclnso ico honeorazu ni , to Gokuraku after death, and witn- kuwashite morao to iu ne iva yokushin out labor to be fed on feasts of a kara deru no ja keredo^ sore mo ma- hundred dishes and all for nothing. ma warui koto de wa nai. Sore ico Nor is that wron in itse]f - With that hope before her, provided only tanoshimi ni kono yo wo slid jiki ni , , ,-, -, ,, . ^ , .,- she passed through this world with sae serarureba, Soslti ya Hotoke no a n honest heart, she might be said o kokoro ni mo kanau to iu mono ja to be in accord with the mind of the 7 , , , Founders of the sects and with that Keredo, koko no uclii no wa sono yo of Buddha too. But in the case of na ivake mo rikutsu mo nai. Tada tMg fami]y there were no gucb mo . kono yo wa wazuka kari no yado ja tives no such intentions. The fact . . a that this world is only a mere tem- to lu koto wo waga ete-katte ni kiki- porary lodging place they regarded konde, fuchu mo fuko mo muri mo from a purely selfish point of view : wagamama mo katte sMdal ni sum and Disloyalty and disobedience to parents and wrong and self-interest tsumori ja. Nanto! tsumaranai mono they calculated on carry i ng on as ja nai ka? they please. What a wretched idea ! Kari no yo ivo, With the passing world, Kari no yo ja tote, As with a passing world, * Ada ni su na : Do not trifle : Kari no yo bakari The passing world is all Onoga yo nareba. The world you have. Mirai-eiei no Gokuraku no tane wo The fact that the sowing of seed maku no mo, mirai-eiei no Jigoku no for the eternal Gokur aku and the sowing of seed for the eternal Jigoku tane ivo maku no mo, mina kono kari . ,. ^ . ., . , , . are both of them laid up in this pass- no yo kara ghi-komu koto yue, tada iug . world> and that therefore this kono kari no yo koso daiji no yo ja to passing world is the great world iu koto wo-sore wo waga ete katte ni that fact she re g arded from a purely selfish point of view: and so she kiita mono yue, do shite mo yoi to iu thougllt it likely that she might do koto ka to omote oru. whatsoever she pleased. 282 MINT ANISE AND CUMMIN. Soko de atosaki-sanyo no aicanu Accordingly she had a lot of incon- sistencies. For example : The taxes koto ga ikura mo aru. Mazu : rnaitoshi .. paid yea.r by year to the government o kami ye osameru go nengu wa, tokoro she would not pay without being dunned five or six times by the local 7?o yaku nin kara no do mo shichi do . , , officials and asking to be let off four mo saisoku uke, shi bu go bu iwaneba or five tenths. And yet for the hoga or the kishingoto of the temple, with dasanu : kuse ni tera no hoga ya kishin- tearg Qf gratitude in her eyeg she wag * goto ni wa, namida wo nagashi mi willin g to stri P the V61 T skin from her body and offer it. Again.- on no kaiva haide mo ageru ki ja. Sono the anniversary of the death of her parents or her husband she would lie : oi/a ya otto no meinichi ni wa, , , , , . . , not even fast, putting it on some jiriki ni naru to yara iute shojin mo such ground as that of health) but on the anniversary of the death of senu ga : Soslii no meinichi ni wa, o the Founder of the sect to which she belonged she fasted, because it was ju nani nichi sama no, o ni ju nam ,, ,. . ... the o something-teenth sama^or the o nichi sama no, to iute shojin sum. twenty-gomethingth sarna. Sono yo ni katte no machigota uchi Inasmuch as it WHS thus an ill-re- yue, yome mo musuko mo wagamama- gutted family, both the daughter in T . T .^ . , law and the son were self-willed. And kimama de, namzo hitotsu ka futatsu if once or twice something happened waga ki ni iranu koto ga aru to, oya ,, J ... that did not suit them, they would ni de mo otto ni de mo oki na tonari- , . , , i . , . speak in a loud sharp voice even topa- goe shite mono wo iu ga : Sono kuse rentg or husband . And yet the mo- Nyorai Sama ye mukau to kyii ni, men t they turned to Nyorai Sama, in yasashii tsukuri-goe de, "Namu Amida a soft artificial voice they would say, Butsut Namu Amida Butsul Kakaru " Namu Amida Butsu ! Namu Amida asamashii itazura mono wo kono mi B tsu J That tllou shouldest deign kono mama ni o tasuke to wa-ari- to save such a f vail erring one as 1, just as I am : how thankful I am ! gataya! katajikenaya! to. Temaeqatte ^ ,, . how grateful lam! For their own no hitori ryoken de Nyorai Sama ivo se lfi s h motives they made a mock of naburi-mono ni sum. Nyorai Sama. Korera ga mina, kano suri-kogi It is precisely all such things as tsukidasu to iu mono yue, Hotoke mo these that are meant be that suri- MINT ANISE AND CUMMIN. Soshi mo sazo o nageki nasaru de aro. kogi worship. And Buddha and the " Ore wa ma-ma ano yd ni Gokuraku founders of tlie sects must S" eve over them. " Oh !" say they, "Never wo ate ni warui koto seyo no, Nyorai no Hon-gwan wo tanomi ni fuchu fuko ing on goino* to Gokuraku ; or be dis- wo seyo no, to susume wa senu ni, loyal and disobedient, trusting in the ... T . Great Desire of Nyorai. And yet they nasakenai Koto shite ktireru to. Jitsu do me the cruelty (so to represent ni chi no namida koboshite gozaru. me)." Verily they weep tears of Nanto! yo mayota mono ja nai ka? blood. What an error! Sate : sono nclii no bdsama ga kano Well, the old woman of that fami- o hachi ni taku kome wo arau ni, itsu *J in washing- tlie rice which she cooked for Nyorai Sanaa never wash- de mo te de arau to iu koto wa nai. J ed it with her hands. She put the Suri-lachi ye kome wo irete suri-kogi rice in a guri . ko g.i and was hed it motte arawareru yue, am hito ga sore with a suri-kogi. And so some man wo mite, "Nani yue sono yo na fuju seein g ifc asked her "What do you do such a troublesome thing as that na koto wo sassho.ru ka? to toeba, for? Whereupon the old woman lasama no iwarurn ni wa: "Nyorai re pHed, "Why! it is the rice for Sama ye sonaeru o liachi ja mono, te Nyorai Sama : and I can not wash de wa, arawarenu." "Naze?" to ieba, {i with m ? hfi nds." "Why not? ;> . said he. " Because " said she "one's Te iva fujo na mono de: dono yo m hands are unclean things : no matter yoku arote mo, tsume no aida ni aka how we]1 j may wagh them> gg SQme ga tamatte aru yue, fujo de gozaru. c \i r t rer uains under the nails, they Sore de kono yd ni suri-kogi de arai- are noir clean : and so I wash in this masu" to iwaruru yue, " Sore nara way with a suri-kogi." "Well then," Nyorai Sama wo ogamu ni wa, do' he asked, "when you worship Nyorai shite ogamasharu ka?" to toeba: Sama how do y u do? " "Why!" . said she, " I put my two hands to- ' Sore iva! ryo-te wo awaslnte ogami- gether. Thereupon the man replied, masu to iwareru. Soko de kano hito _, J . ; , , . " That is an unclean thing too. ga "Sore wa mata fujo na koto ja. Wh(m y 46; to omou, 51-52; to Conditional Present, how formed, omotte, 68; rendering shall and 8; yoi or yokatta no ni, 49; yoi, ^11, 4 ; should and would, 41; yoiga, or yoi no ni, 54; rendering must > 4 '7; think, suppose, 51; when, 142; if, 207. See Negative. Present and daro instead of, 117. Conjugations, two, 3j Inflect, of See Negative. First, 3, 4; Second, 5, 6; Verbs of First in eru and iru, 7j Icki, p 49. Conjunctions, rendered by Particles, Gender, see Nouns and Adjectives. Nouns, Cond. Mood, Participles, Go ju on, 1,2. 198. Consecutive Numbers, 176. TT Courtesy, masu, 9; Pot. and Caus. Voices instead of Active, 25 ; Hon. Honorifics, o and go, 72 ; Hon. Verbs, 35, 46, 50, 75, 76, 78, 189; Verbs, 75, 76, 78, 189; masu, 3, 9. san, anata, ano o kata, 69; o and go, 73; Adv. and arimasu or go- zaimasu, 117. I- Imperative, how formed, 8. See Negative. D. Indicative, see Present, Past, Prob- able Past. Descriptive Numerals 171-173; Infinitive, how rendered, 58. with su, 102; with t'fai, nani, 103, Inflection (Verbs) 3; tables of same, 110 ; with Ordinals, 174. 4, 6 ; (Adjs.) 1 16. Desiderative Adjectives, how formed, Interrogative Pronouns, 81. INDEX. Hi Intransitive Verbs, 27; rendering Negative Participles, how formed, Eng. Passives, 31, 60; table of 8; culture, kudasai, 37; wa ika- same, 32-34 ; with iru or oru, 61 ; nai, ikenai, naranai, 47 ;iva suma- rendering Eng. Adjs. in 'ble/ 122. nai, 48; mo yoi, 55; rendering Irolial. Eng. Adverbs, 129; without, 186; instead of, 194. y Negative Present, how formed, 8; to ikanai, ikenai, naranai, 47 ; yd Letter changes, First Conjugation, w, 182, yd ni shite, 46 ;-~ucM, 154 ; 20 ; table of same, 20-23 ; Descrip- rendering have not, 38 ; shall and tive Numerals, 171, 178 ; Ordinajs, will not, 40; should and would not, 173-175. 41. Nouns, True and Abstract. 65 j Con- jir crete and Compound, 66; Gender, 67 ; Number and Case, 67 ; form- Moods, how formed, 8; of True Ad- ing Adjectives, 118-125; no yo da, jectives, 116. See Indicative, Con- 56. ditional, Imperative, Infinitive, Number, see Nouns and Adjectives. Participles, Frequentative, De- Numerals, see Cardinals, Ordinals, siderative Adjectives. Descriptive Numerals, Consecutive Numbers. N. Negative Adjectives, nai used for ^ Neg. of ant, 34 ; Neg. forms of True Adjective, how obtained, 117; pa- Ordinals, 173-175. radigm of same, 118. Negative Base, 3, 6, 8, 24 ; Adv. used p as, 117. Negative Cond. Present, how formed, Participles, how formed, 8 ; oru or 8; ikanai, iltenai, naranai, 47; i rUt u a or otta, 36, 38, 122; oru, sumanai, 48; rendering unless, iru, am, 61; mo yoi, 44; morau, 207. 46, 78 ; moraitai, 52 ; wa, 232, Negative Future, how formed, 8; 245; ica ikanai, ikenai, naranai, mono de mo nai, 44 ; rendering think 47 ; wa sumanai, 48 ; wa do or not, 51. ikaga, 52; agent, morau, itadakin Negative Imperative, how formed, 8 ; kureru, kudasaru, 78 ; itsu mo, 136 ' don't and please don't, how render- kara, 154 ; following amart, 165 ; ed, 37. mo, 202, 207 ; rendering to, 58 iv INDEX. Adverbs, 129; Postpositions, 177; would, 41; Eng. Adjectives, 116 Conjunctions, 198. See Negative. 121-125. Past (Indie.), how formed, 8 ; no ni, Probable Past, how formed, 8 ; ren 41 ; ka mo shirenai, 44; hazu, ga dering would have, 41 ; must have or ho ga yoi or yokaro, 49; so da, 47; think, suppose. 51. 56; koto, 65; rendering did, 37; Pronominal Adjectives, 84-115. have, had, 38; would have, 42; Pronouns, see Personal, Possessive, Eng. Adjectives, 116, 121-125. Compound Personal, Relative, In- Percentage, 176. terrogative. Personal Pronouns, 68-69; Com- pound, 70; place supplied by . Q Honorifics, 72-78. Possessive Pronouns, 68 ; place sup- Questions, followed by ka, 203. plied by Honorifics, 72-78. Postpositions. Simple, Compound, rendered by Participles, 177 ; Case j^ expressed by, 67 ; omitted in ren- dering Rel. Clauses, 79. Relative Clauses, accompanied by Potential, formation of Voice, 24; <*"*&* Syntax of, 79. table of same, 25-27; with totemo Relative Pronouns, 79. and do shite m^, 139; rendering can and could, 43 ; may and might, 44 ; ~ Eng. Adjs. in 'ble', 122. * Predicate, de am, 35 j sukunai, 103 ; Sex, 67. oi, 110; True Adjectives, 116; Stems (Adjective), 116; so da, 56; Compound Adjectives, 118, 120; sa, 65 ; sugiru, 165. Adjs. in na and no 121. Stems (Verb), Foundation Forms, 3, Present (indie.) a Foundation Form, 5, 8; masu, 9 ; beki, so na mono 3, 8 ; Jcoto ga dekiru, 43 ; ka mo da, 48 ; so da so ni mieru, so na shirenai, 44 ; beki hazu, hazu, ga keshiki, 56; ni, 58; ni naru. 61, yoi or yokaro, 49 ; tsumori, 52; ni 72; nasaru, mosu, de gozaimasu, oyobanai, 55: yd da, so da, 56 ; 72;-kudasaru, 78; sugiru, 108: no (koto), ni, no ni, 58 ; yo ni naosu, 141 ; nagara,gake ni, 144 ; naru, 61 ; iambi ni, 136; to, 142, shidai ni, 152; yd, 159; used as 207 ; to, ikanai, ikenai, naranai, Nouns, 65, 66 ; forming Compound 47; tsuide ni, tochu de, 144; to Adjectives, 118. sugu ni, 152; rendering do, 37; Superlative Degree, 127 with de, 179. shall and will, 40; should and Syllabary, 1,2. INDEX. T. Tenses, how formed, 8 ; of True Ad- jective, 116 See Present, Past, Prob. Past, Cond. Present, Coad. Past, Future. Trades, names of, 66. Transitive Verbs, 27; having a Cau- sative force, 46; with ant, 61. True, see Nouns, Adjectives, Ad- verbs. V. Verbs, 3-64; of telling, requesting, promising, advising, 58 ; of saying, 69, 81 ; 85 ; of action, 69, 178, 179; of situation, 178, 179 ; of the First Conj. in eru and ini, 7. See Aux- iliary, Honorific, Irregular, Tran- sitive, Intransitive; also Voices, Moods, Tenses, Stems, Bases, In- . flection, Agglutination. II. ENGLISH WORDS ILLUSTRATED. A. About 131, 167. Above 195. According to 195. Accordingly 159. Across 191. After 154, 192. Afterwards 154. Again 141. Ago 149. All 101. Almost 167. Already 148. Also 201. Although 202. Always 134. Am 30, 61. Among 192. And 198, 201. Another 104. Any 94. Any body 94. Any more 95. Any thing 94. Any where 132. Apiece 89. Around 192. As 144, 152, 160/161. At 177. At last 158. At once 153. At present 146. B. Be 34, 36, 76. Because 198, 209. Before 154, 192. Behind 192. Below 195. Beneath 195. Beside 184. Besides 105, 194. Better (had) 49. Between 193. Beyond 191. Borrow 76. Both 87, 201. But 164, 194, 198, 202. By 184. By and by 151. c. Call on 76. Can 24, 43. Certain 91. Come 76. Consequently 159. Could 43. D. Did 37. Directly 153. vf INDEX. - Do 37, 76. H. - J. During 193. Have 38, 46. Just now 150. E. Have been 38. Have not 38, 44, 207. L. Each 89. Have not been 38. Eat 76. Had 38. Lend 75. Either 87, 203. Had not 38. Let 46. Enough 114. He 68. Let us 46. Even 166. Her 68, 69. Like 161. Ever 138. Here 130.* Like to '42. Every 97. Himself 70. Likewise 201. Every body 97. His 68, 69. Little while 152, 157. Every one 97. Hitherto 149. Long 156. Every particle 101. Hope 52, 54. Long time 156. Every thing 97. How 159. Look 56. Every time 136. How many 110. Every where 132. How much 108. Except 194. M. I. Make 46. Many 110, 187. F. I 68. . May 24, 44. I believe 56. Might 44. Few 103, 187. I hear 56. Mine 69. Finally 158. If 41, 58, 207. More 112. For 188. Immediately 153. More than 211. Formerly 148. In 179. Most 113. Frequently 137. In accordance with 195. Much 108. From 182. In case 207. Must 4-7. Inside of 179. My 68. G. Instead of 188, 194. Myself 70. Intend 52. Generally 136. Into 179. N. Get 46, 78. Invariably 134. Give 75, 76. Is 35, 61. Nearly 167. Go 76. It 35, 68, 79, 85. Need 55. Good many 110. It seems 56. Neither 87, 206. Great many 110. Itself 70. Never 133. INDEX. vii Next 147. R. T. No 100. No more 100. Rather than 211. Than 128, 203, 211. No one 99. Receive 61, 76. That 79, 84, 8*. 160, Nobody 99. Recently 149. 210. None 99. Their 69. Nor 206. S. Theirs 69. Nothing 99. Then 145, 210. Now 146. Same 107. There 35, 132. Say 76. Therefore, 159. 0. See 76. They 61, 68. Seem 56. They say 56. Occasionally 137. Seldom 138. Think 51. O'clock 141. Self 70. This 84, 85. Of 187. Send 76. Though 202. Off 182. Several 102. Through 182. Often 137. Shall 40. Till 151. On 181. She 68. To 58, 165, 181. One 79, 104. Should 41, 48. Too 165, 201. Ones 104. " Show 76. Too many 110. Only 164, 194. Since 154, 198. Too much 108. Or 203. So 56, 160. Other 104. So much 108. u. Others 91, 104. So that 210. Ought 48. Some 91, 187. Under 195. Our 69. Some more 91. Unless 207. Ours 69. Some one 91. Until 151. Out of 182. Some time 157. Usually 136. Over 189, 191. Somebody 91. Used to 148. Something 91. P. Sometimes 137. V. Somewhere 132. Past 154. Soon 152. Very 163. People 105. Still 151, 202. Perhaps 44. Such 84. w. Plenty 114. Suppose 51. Presently 153. Supposing that 207. Want 52, 54. Was 36, 61. vni INDEX. What 79, 81. Why 159. Y. When 141, 198. Will 40. Whenever 136. Wish 54. Yet 151, 198. Wherever 132. With 189. You 68. Whether 203. Within 179. Your 69. Which 79, 81. Without 186. Yours 69. While 144. Would 41. Who 79, 81. III. JAPANESE WORDS ILLUSTRATED. A. arera 68. biki 172. arimasu 117. boku 69. aa 160. aru 34, 35, 61, 91, 178. Ion 172. aa iu 84. arutoki 137. bu 172, 175, 176. aa iu yd na 84. asobasu 76. bun no 175. achira 132. aso7co 132. * agaru 76. atari 131. G. agcru 76, 78, 189. atclii 132. aida 144,149,356. ato de 154. chi 176. amari 108, 110, 163, ato kara 192. cMkagoro 146, 149. 165, 211. afo ni 149, 192. c7i?7cai wc7ii 7 152, anata 68. afo ni tsuite 192. cliikajika ni 152. anata no 69. c7to 170, 172. anna 84, 85. B. chddai 75, 76. anna ni 85, 160. chotto 157. dno 84,85. 6a 173. c7w 101, 193. ano hito 68. bai 172. a?zo o Into 63. fca/cari 128, 164, 167. n ano o kata 68. fca?tt w<2 173. * ano onna 63. ban 173. da 35, 177. ano tori ni 160. &e7a 48. c?a #a 202 ano yd na 84. 6c7cz hazu 48. da kara 159. anoydni 160. oefsw nt 105. da?: 173. 175. are 68,84,85. betsu no 104, 105. daibu 110. INDEX. IX dake 161. danna 69. dano 198. dare 81,203. dare de mo 94, 97. dareka 91,94. dare mo 94,97,99, dare mo Jca mo 97. dare no 81. de 121, 130, 177, 178, donate 81. 179, 184, 185, 187, dono 81. 188, 198, 206. de aru 35. de gozaimasu 35,72. dok'ka 132. doko ka 132. do&o m mo 132. do fro no 81. do7co ye mo ] 32. dofco^o 132. dokoro ka mada mada 222. domo 67. domo 254. do?io kurai 108. dore 81. dore de mo 94. de mo 166, 206, 245, 272. dore ka 91, 94. de nai 120, 198. dore mo 94, 99. de naku 198. dore mo ka mo 97. desaemo 166. don' ni 196. de loa kikanai 211. dotchi 132. de wa nai ka 37, 38, 46. dozo 286. dekiru 43,44,49. dekubeki 49. desho 117. desu 35. do 174. do 52, 81, 128, 159. do demo 88. doiu 81. do iu wake de 159. do shite 159. do shite mo 139. dochira 81, 132. dochira de mo 87. dochira ka 87. JB. 3,7,24. 170. futari 87, 173. to mo 88. /ate 67. ge na 219. #en 171. giri 101. #o 72. go mottomo 73, ^ro wi 154. goku 163. grora?i nasaru 76. gozaimasu 9, 117. gozaru 35. dochira mo 87, 90. dochira no 81. dofco 132. do&o de mo 132. 0a 54, 118, 120, 202, 220, 221, 232, 233, 242, 251, 252, 261, 262, 264, 278. 279. gake ni 144.. 49. 7iai 172. Jiaiken sum 76. haishaku 75, 76. hajimete 139. 7iaw own 175. 7iaw 175. hanahada 163. 7iaya 273. Tien 131, 174. TwH 171. 7ii'7c%o 222. hisashii ato ni 149. hisashiku 156. 7ttto 105, 170. 7i/fort 90, 173. hiiori de 71. hitotsu 107. 7i^ofsM ?no 100. Tzo 49, 126. 7to6o 132. 7wdo 108, 114, 126, 151, 160, 161, 167. 7iodo nt 219, 273. INDEX. Jwdo naku 152. iru 3, 7. E:. hoka ni 105. f* 172, 173. holca no 104 mo 211. ^a 198, 203, 243, 253, h&n 172. it 173. 285. Iwsliii 52. #a 35,38. ka mo shirenai 44. hyo 170. itadaku 75, 76; 78. 7cono 243. tow 72,76. kanau 196. >. , itatie 127, 163. fcawe^ 261. J. tteu 141. kara 131, 154, 177, 182, itsudemo 134, 136, 138. 209. ;cfct&an 127. tfu kara 141. kawatta 105. tcfttVn 101. iYsu marfe 141. A*n 172,173. t'i 44. itsu made mo 139. keredomo 202. ik 172. tt made ni 141. fcWA;i 56. t'fca foodo 108. #SM . . mo 136. kesshite 139. ikaga 52, 81, 159. #s?f flforo 141. kikanai 211. rAronai 47,55. iu 76. kikareru 24. ikasama 244. tyw'yo 278. fa'&oerM 24. tfonai 47,55. izen 149. A-mi 69. iku 23,110. wini 149. kimpen 131. tfcumo 103. fcw 170. tfcwra 108. kinjitsu ni 152. ikutsu 110. J. fcfajo 131. ikutsumo 103. fctVi 101. iroa 146, 149, 150, 153, fc 37. fo'tto 139. 262. Jt 170. i-o 4. ima de wa 146. jibun 71. ko 85, 160. tma made 149. jifc 172. fcotM 84. t'wia t 152. jikini 153. ko iu yo na 84. imashigata 149. ## 172,173. kochira 130. twiasw 76. jw 172, 173. /.oAo 130. tnai 38. jit 173, kokoro-mirK 49. ip 172. j'tfatt ni 163. fco&w 102. irassliaru 35, 76 70 171,172. fcon?ia 84, 85. z'n'T/o 52. jfl 101. konna ni 85, 160. froiro 103. jubun 114. konnichi 85. iru 34, 35, 38, 52, 61. 7co?io 84. 122, 178. ftono aida 149. INt>EX. XI kono atari 131. made 146, 149, 151, kono hen 131. 177, 181, 262. kono Umpen 131. made ni 142, 184. kono kinjo 131. made ni wa yohodo kcno setsu 146, 149. ga aru 156. kono tabi 149. mae ni 149, 154. kono tori ni 160. mae ni mo 148. kono yd na 84. mai 171, 172. kono yd ni 160. maido 137. konogoro 146, 149. maim 76. korareru 27. makoto ni 163. Tcore 84, 130. mase 4. fcore fcara 147. twasw 3, 4, 9. &or made 149. maswre 4. fcora-w 27. mata 105, 141. kosaseru 27. mato itfa 278. froso 285, 286. me 67, 173. kotchi 130. meimei 89. fcoto 43, 58, 65, 77, 241. men 67. Tcofo 0a a;-<< 137, 138. meshi-agaru 76. 138. &M beki 49. kudasai 37. mettani 138,285. mi 170. mi 6e/a 49. kudasaru 75, 76, 78, 189. mieru 24, 56. 166. miffi no 219. . mina 90, 97, 101, Jeureru 75, 76, 78, 189. 285. kuru 3, 4, 24. mirareru 24. fcwsem 164,271. mirw 76. kya 164, 194. wwnt beki 49. %ff 85. kya 170. 77W 91, 128, 136, 198, 201, 202, 206, 207, 218, 220, 717" xKl . 251, 263, 285. ma mo nakii 152. mo yaliari 71, 201. mada 39, 91, 95, 128, mo nai 120. 138, 151, 164. mo yoi 44, 55. 166, mo 39, 94, 100, 112, 128, 146, 146. mo Utotsu 105. aida mo Utotsu no 105. mo ichido 141. mo yukoslii 126. mo sukoshi de 167. mono 5V 61, 66, 79, 159. mono de mo nai 44. moraitai 52. rooratt 46, 66, 75, 76, 77, 189. moshi 207. motu 72, 76, 78. mofo 128, 149. moto kara 134. motte 286. motto 91, 112, 126. mottomo 127. N. na 8, 108, 116, 121, 198. nado 198. nagai 156. 134 ? na^ai atda 156. nagai aida de nakereba 156. nagaku 156. nagara 144. ?iai 8, 34, 35, 117, 118. 166 > waftereoa 8, 186. 204 7za/M 186. 250 ' -naftwte wa 186. wam&o 108. nan 81. nan f (cou r 1 o - soTco 83, 132. sure 4. sy) 27. so7co de. 146. SM7-M 3, 4, 24, 49, 72, 7G. sareru 24. soTctt 172. suwaru 178. saseru 24. sonna 84, 85. sassoku 153. gonna ni 83, 108, 160. 1*. sateu 172. sonnara 210. . sayonara 210. sono 69, 84, 177. taberu 76. se4. sono koi'o ni 145. ta&i 149. sei/u de 17S. sono mata 262. totitofif' 128, 137- XIV INDEX. tachi 67. tada 128, 164. tadashi 251,278. tadaima 146, 150, 153. talgai 113, 136, 167. taihen 163. taiso 110, 128, 163. taitei 113, 128, 136, 167. takai 116. takusan 110, 114. tama ni 137. tambi ni 136. tanto 108. tariru 114. fa tot 178. tatsu to 154. tattaima 150. tattara 154. tenden ni 89. fo 47, 51, 52, 58, 129, 142, 185, 198, 207, 210. toisshoni 185. to itte 226. to iu 222. to iff fcoto 219, 226, 233, 240, 245, 251, 254. tontyona 253f 262. to mo 88. torn 149. to omotte 58, 188. to omou 51. to s7*ita 129. to shite 129. to sugu ni 152. to tomo ni 185. to w;a 221, 286. toclittde 144. toki (ni) 141, 144. tokiiva 207. tofcoro 61, 132, 144, 153, 188, 260. tonin 69. tonto 139. toreta 182. tori ni 160, 188, 188. tori (ni) 161. ton* 182. tosu 182. totemo 139. toto 158. tsuideni 144. tsumori 52. tswra 136. u. uchi 144, 154, 284. ukeru 61. urareru 24. urc.ru 24. IF. wa 58, 120, 171, 219, 220, 221, 227, 228, 232, 244, 245, 250, 254, 260, 261, 262, 273, 286. wa do 52. w a ikaga 52. wa ikanai 47. wa ikenai 47. w a naranai 47. wa sumanai 48. wake ni wa ikanai 43. wari 176. warm 116. watakushi 68. watakushi no 69. watashi 68. wo 177,254. ?o wiof te 184, 185. F. ya 66,198. 151, 152. 71, 201, 202, 204, 262. yappari 71, 201, 202, 204. yara 241. yarn 189. yasashii 116. yatara ni 99. yatfo 158. i/e 131, 177, 179, 181. yo 171, 173, 211. yobini 188. j/o 52, 56, 159, 161, 241, 285. yd da 56. yd ga tarinai 114. yona 84, 161,244, 263. yo ni, 58, 160, 161, 182, 198, 210. yoninaru 61. yo ni shitai 54. t/o ni shite 46. yo&i ni 188. yohodo 163. yoi 49, 54, 118. yoi no ni 49. INDEX. XV yoliaro 49. yori yokei ni 211. zanji no aida 157. yokatta 49. yottari 173. zcn ni 149. yokatta no ni 49. yoydku 158, 164. zentai 278, 278. 7/o/i-ei 108, 112, 113, yue ni 198, 209. zo 172. 211. zoltu 173. yow 170. v zonjiru 51. yori 126, 177, 211. xutsu 88> 80. yori isso 211. ean;*r 157. THE END, p PJ p H if + - I? m A * * *i Hm SflT A JL JL /\ /\ A A if + BB A "EB* IB* n in W TT P W l^C7 P-K Hi ft ft m A *,/*? EP ff I f a g BJ HJ T T 1 B r BJ a m T T it ra ft ^ T Jll W W ;n t* tr ft -JJ. 10 ti ad ftt m m m fin m I ffl &'A 2fc " m Kt P^ PI I 1 W PTT 1 M (3 Ol HJ WT >2S I ;n *t m H m THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 5O CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. 2 8 1955 Llj LD 21-100m-7,'39(402s) M45859 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY