-X^C^-^X^Bf^. y.SdNRLF *B Eflfl s^cf AOKI ■to. Lib. DOCUMENTS DEPT. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/foodlawsOOmichrich I ^N^ Befke'sy. Ca(, THE DAIRY AND FOOD LAWS OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN WITH SUPREME COURT DECISIONS RELATING THERETO APRIL 1, 1905 COMPILED AT THE OFFICE OF THE DAIRY AND FOOD DEPARTMENT- LANSING, MICHIGAN WYNKOOP HALLENBECK CRAWFORD CO.. STATE PRINTERS 1905 .9 DOCUMENTS DEPT. ■bill lib. Dept /■\or/c, 0(s^ - . . . * • * • ? 'i J ^4 LAWS OF MICHIGAN RELATIVE TO INSPECTION AND ADULTERATION OF FOODS POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE COMMISSIONER AN ACT to provide for the appointment of a Dairy and Food Com- missioner, and to define his powers and duties and fix his compen- sation. (Act No. 211, Public Acts, 1893.) 1. (C. L., 4973) Section 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That within thirty days after this act shall take effect, the Governor, by and with the consent of the Senate, shall appoint a suitable person to be Dairy and Food Commissioner, which office is hereby created^ and which commissioner so appointed shall hold his office- until the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, and until his successor is appointed and qualified. At the next regular session of the legislature and every two years thereafter, the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint a Dairy and Food Commissioner, who shall hold his office for the term of two years from the first day of January in the year of his appointment and until his successor is appointed and qualified. 2. (C. L., 4974) Sec. 2. The Governor shall have power to remove such commissioner at any time in his discretion; but the reasons for such removal shall be laid before the Senate at the next regular or special session of the legislature thereafter, and in case of a vacancy in the 385899 ^_, STATE OF MICHIGAN. office of commissioner from any cause, the Governor may. appoint another person to fill the same. 3. (C. L., 4975) Sec. 3. Before entering upon the duties of his office, the person so appointed shall make, subscribe, and file in the office of the Secretary of State, an oath of office in the form prescribed by section one of article eighteen of the constitution of this State, and shall enter into bonds with the people of the State of Michigan in the sum of ten thousand dollars, with sureties to be ap- proved by the Governor, conditioned for the faithful per- formance of his duties. 4. (C. L., 4976) Sec. 4. Said commissioner shall re- ceive an annual salary of two thousand dollars. The said commissioner is hereby authorized and empowered, by and with the advice and consent of the Governor, to ap- point a deputy commissioner. The salary of the dep\ity commissioner shall be fifteen hundred dollars per annum. The said commissioner may also appoint eight regular inspectors, who shall receive an annual salary not to ex- ceed one thousand dollars per year, and such other special inspectors as the proper performance of the duties of the office may require, which special inspectors shall be paid not to exceed three dollars per day for time actually em- ployed: Provided, That- the amount paid such special inspectors any one fiscal year shall not exceed six thou- sand dollars. The persons so appointed shall have po\yer to administer oaths in all matters relative to the dairy and food laws and shall take and subscribe the constitu- tional oath of office and file the same in the office of the Secretary of State; and they shall hold office during the pleasure of the commissioner. The inspectors shall have the same right of access to the places to be inspected as the said commissioner or his deputy. The commissioner shall appoint such clerks as he may deem necessary for the transaction of the business of his office. The salaries and expenses authorized by this section shall be for the unexpired part of the fiscal year ending June thirty, nine- teen hundred five, and each fiscal year thereafter. Said sal- aries are to be paid monthly on the warrant of the Auditor General. The actual and necessary expenses of the com- DAIRY AND FOOD LAWS. missioner, deputy and inspectors, in the performance of their •official duties, shall be audited by the State Board of Auditors and paid upon the warrant of the Auditor General. Such compensation and expenses shall be cer- tified, audited and paid in the same manner as salaries and expenses paid similar officers. The deputy commission- er and inspectors shall enter into bonds with the people of the State of Michigan in the sum of five thousand dol- lars each, with sureties to be approved by the commis- sioner, conditioned for the faithful performance of their respective duties. The Board of State Auditors shall pro- vide office room, and the necessary furniture and fix- tures and the necessary stationery, supplies and printing for the conducting of the business of said commissioner, on his application to said board therefor. Said office shall be and remain in the city of Lansing. ^ [Am. by Act No. 245, P. A. 1895. Am. by Act No. 154, P. A. 1897. Am. by Act No. 186, P. A. 1901. Am. by Act No. 230, P. A. 1903. Am. by Act No. 49, P. A. 1905.] 5. (C. L., 4977) Sec. 5. The commissioner, by and with the consent of the Governor, shall appoint a suitable and competent person as State analyst, who shall be a practical analytical chemist. The commissioner, in like manner, may appoint an assistant chemist. Before en- tering upon the duties of their offices, the analyst and assistant chemist shall take, subscribe and file in the office of the Secretary of State the constitutional oath of office. Their term of office shall continue during the pleasure of the commissioner. The Board of State Auditors shall provide a room in connection with the Dairy^ and Food Commissioner for the laboratory of the State analyst and his assistant, and the necessary furniture and fixtures there- for. In case of the absence or inability of the State an- alyst or his assistant to perform his duty, the commission- er may appoint some competent person to perform the same temporarily, which person shall take, subscribe and file the constitutional oath of office. The salaries and expenses authorized by this section shall be for the un- expired part of the fiscal year ending June thirty, nine- STATE OF MICHIGAN. teen hundred five, and each fiscal year thereafter, said salaries to be payable monthly on the warrant of the Aud- itor General. The salary of the chemist shall be not to exceed two thousand dollars; the salary of the assistant chemist shall be not to exceed twelve hundred dollars. The actual and necessary expenses of the chemist and the assistant chemist, in the performance of their official du- ties, shall be audited by the Board of State Auditors, and paid upon the warrant of the Auditor General. Such an amount as is found to be necessary in the proper perform- ance of the work of the analyst may be expended for chem- ical supplies. Such compensations, expenses and supplies shall be certified, audited and paid in the same manner as the salaries, expenses and supplies of similar officers. [Am. by Act No. 245. P. A. 1895. Am. bv Act No. 154, P. A. 1897. ^m. by Act No. 186, P. A. 1901. Am. bv Act No. 230, P. A. 1903. Am. by Act No. 49, P. A. 1905.] 6. (C. L., 4978) Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the Dairy and Food Commissioner to carefully inquire into the dairy and food and drink products and the several articles which are foods or drinks, or the necessary con- stituents of foods or drinks, which are manufactured or sold or exposed or offered for sale in this State, and he may, in a lawful manner, procure samples of the same and direct the State analyst to make due and careful examination of the same, and report to the commissioner the result of the analysis of all and any of such food and drink pro- ducts or dairy products as are adulterated, impure or un- wholesome in contravention of the laws of this State; and it shall be the duty of the commissioner to make a com- plaint against the manufacturer or vendor thereof in the proper county and furnish all evidence thereof, to obtain a conviction of the offense charged. The Dairy and Food Commissioner, or his deputy, or any person appointed by him for that purpose may make complaint and cause proceedings to be commenced against any person for the enforcement of any of the laws relative to adulterated, impure or unwholesome food or drink, and in such case he shall not be obliged to furnish security for costs and shall have power, in the performance of his duties, to enter DAIRY AND FOOD LAWS. into any creamery, factory, store, salesroom, drug store, or laboratory, or place where he has reason to believe food, or drink is made, stored, sold or offered for sale and open any cask, tub, jar, bottle or package containing, or sup- posed to contain, any article of food or drink and examine or cause to be examined the contents thereof, and take therefrom samples for analysis. The person making such inspection shall take such sample of such article or product in the presence of at least one witness, and he shall, in the presence of said witness, mark or seal such sample and shall tender at the time of taking to the manufacturer or vendor of such product, or to the person having the cus- tody of the same, the value thereof, and a statement in writing for the taking of such sample. Whenever it is •determined by the Dairy and Food Commissioner, his deputy or inspectors, that filthy or unsanitary conditions exist or are permitted to exist in the operation of any bak- ■ery, confectionary, or ice cream plant, or in any place where any food or drink products are manufactured, stored, de- posited or sold for any purpose whatever, the proprietor •or proprietors, owner or owners, of such bakery, confec- tionary or ice cream plant, or any person or persons own- ing or operating any plant where any food or drink pro- ducts are manufactured, stored, deposited or sold, shall be first notified and warned by the commissioner, his deputy or inspectors to place such bakery, confectionary or ice <;ream plant, or any place where any food or drink products are manufactured, stored, deposited or sold in a sanitary <}ondition within a reasonable length of time; and any per- son or persons owning and operating any bakery, confec- tionary or ice cream plant or any place where any food or drink products are manufactured, stored, deposited or sold, failing to obey such notice and warning, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than three hundred dollars and costs of prosecu- tion, or imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed ninety days, or until such fine and costs are paid, or both fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. [Am. by Act No. 245, P. A. 1895. Am. by Act No. 154, P. A. 1897. Am. by Act No. 268, P. A. 1899. Am. by Act No. 49, P. A. 1905.] STATE OF MICHIGAN 7. (C. L., 4979) Sec. 7. The commissioner, his deputy or any person by said commissioner duly appointed for that purpose, is authorized at all times to seize and take possession of any and all food and dairy products, sub- stitutes therefor, or imitation thereof kept for sale, exposed for sale or held in possession or under the control of any person which in the opinion of the said commissioner, or his deputy or such person by him duly appointed, shall be contrary to the provisions of this act or other laws which now exist or which may be hereafter enacted. First, The person so making such seizure as aforesaid^ shall take from such goods as seized a sample for the pur- pose of analysis and shall cause the remainder thereof to be boxed and sealed and shall leave the «ame in the pos- session of the person from whom they were seized, sub- ject to such disposition as shall hereafter be made thereof according to the provisions of this act. Second, The person so making such seizure, shall for- ward the sample sb taken to the State Analyst for analysis, who shall make an analysis of the same and shall certify the results of such analysis, which certificate shall be prima facie evidence of the fact or facts therein certified to in any court where the same may be offered in evidence. Third, If upon such analysis it shall appear that said food or dairy products are adulterated, substitutes or im- itations within the meaning of this act, said commissioner, or his deputy or any person by him duly authorized may make complaint before any justice of the peace or police justice having jurisdiction in the city, village or township where such goods were seized, and thereupon said justice of the peace shall issue his summons to the person from whom said goods were seized, directing him to appear not less than six nor more than twelve days from the date of the issuing of said summons and show cause why said goods should not be condemned and disposed of. If the said person from whom said goods were seized cannot be found said summons shall be served upon the person then in possession of the goods. The said summons shall be served at least six days before the time of appearance men- tioned therein. If the person from whom said goods DAIRY AND FOOD LAWS. were seized cannot be found, and no one can be found in possession of said goods, and the defendants shall not ap- pear on the return day, then said justice of the peace shall proceed in said cause in the same manner provided by law where a writ of attachment is returned not personally served upon any of the defendants and none of the de- fendants shall appear upon the return day. Fourth, Unless cause to the contrary thereof is shown, or if said goods shall be found upon trial to be in violation of any of the provisions of this act or other laws which now exist or which may be hereafter enacted, it shall be the duty of said justice of the peace or police justice to render judgment that said seized property be forfeited to the State of Michigan, and that the said goods be destroyed or sold by the said commissioner for any purpose other than to be used for food. The mode of procedure before said justice shall be the same, as near as may be as in civil proceedings before justices of the peace. Either parties may appeal to the circuit court as appeals are taken from justices' courts, but it shall not be necessary for the people to give any appeal bond. Fifth, The proceeds arising from any such sale shall be paid into the State treasury and credited to the general fund: Provided, That if the owner or parjty claiming the property or goods so declared forfeited can produce and prove a written guaranty of purity, signed by the whole- saler, jobber, manufacturer or other party from whom said articles were purchased, then the proceeds of the sale of such articles, over and above the costs of seizure, for- feiture, and sale, shall be paid over to such owner or claim- ant to reimburse him, to the extent of such surplus, for his actual loss resulting from such seizure and forfeiture,, as shown by the invoice. Sixth, It shall be the duty of each prosecuting attorney when called upon by said commissioners or by any person by him authorized as aforesaid, to render any legal assist- ance in his power in proceedings under the provisions of this act, or any subsequent act relative to the adulteration of food, for the sale of impure or unwholesome food or food products. [Am. by Act No.' 245, P.'A. 1895. Am.' by Act.No. 268, P. A. 1899. Am. by Act No. 230, P. A. 1903.] 2 10 STATE OF MICHIGAN. 8. (C. L., 4980) Sec. 8. It shall be unlawful for the State Analyst, while he holds his office to furnish to any individual, firm or corporation, any certificate as to the purity or excellence of any article manufactured or scld by them to be used as food or in the preparation of food. 9. (C. L., 4981) Sec. 9. The commissioner shall make an annual report to the Governor on or before the first •day of July in each year, and which shall be printed and published on or before the first day of September next thereafter, which report shall cover the doings of his office for the preceding fiscal year, which shall show, among other things, the number of manufactories and other places inspected and by whom, the number of specimens of food articles analyzed, and the State Analyst's report upon each one; the number of complaints entered against persons for violation of the laws relative to the adulteration of food, the number of convictions had, and the amount of fines imposed therefor, together with such recommenda- tions relative to the statutes in force as his experience may justify. The commissioner shall also prepare, print and distribute to all the papers of the State, and to such per- sons as may be interested or may apply therefor, a month- ly bulletin, in suitable paper covers, containing results of inspections, the results of analyses made by the State An- alyst, with popular explanation of the same, and such other information as may come to him in his official capacity relating to the adulteration of food and drink products and of dairy products, so far as he- may deem the same of benefit and advantage to the pubHc; also a brief summary of all the work done during the month by the commission- er and his assistants in the enforcement of the laws of the State, but not more than ten thousand copies of each such monthly bulletin shall be printed. [Am. bv Act No. 245, P. A. 1895. Am. by Act No. 154, P. 1897. Am. by Act No. 268, P. A. 1899.] 10. (C. L., 4982) Sec. 10. Any person who shall wilfully hinder or obstruct the Dairy and Food Commis- sioner, or his deputy or other person or inspector by him duly authorized, in the exercise of the powers conferred DAIRY AND FOOD LAWS. 11 upon him by this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- )neanor, and on conviction shall be punished by a fine of idtr less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dol- ,ai(s, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than ten aays nor more than ninety days, or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. I Added by Act No. 245, 1895.] 11. (C. L., 4983) Sec. 11. The sum of thirty-five thousand dollars is hereby appropriated for the fiscal year •ending June thirty, nineteen hundred six, and for each fiscal year thereafter, there is hereby appropriated the sum of thirty-five thousand dollars. Out of the amounts appropriated by this act shall be paid all salaries and ex- penses and chemical supplies provided for therein: Pro- vided, That all expenses for stationery and printing shall be audited and paid in the same manner as other State printing and stationery. [Added by Act No. 245, P. A. 1895. Am. by Act No. 154, P. A. 1897. Am. by Act No. 268, P. A. 1899. Am. by Act No. 186, P. A. 1901. Am by Act No. 49, P. A. 1905.] 12. (C. L., 4984) Sec. 12. The Auditor General is hereby directed to annually add to and incorporate into the State tax, to be levied each year, the sum of thirty- five thousand dollars, which, when collected, shall be credited to the general fund to reimburse the same for the money appropriated by this act. [Added by Act No. 245, P. A. 1895. Am. by Act No. 154, P. A. 1897. Am. by Act No. 268, P. A. 1899. Am. bv Act No. 186, P. A. 1901.* Am. by Act No. 230, P. A. 1903. fAm. by Act No. 49, P. A. 1905.] 13. Sec. 13. It shall also be the duty of the Dairy and Food Commissioner to foster and encourage the dairy industry of the State, and, for that purpose, he shall inves- tigate the general conditions of the creameries, cheese fac- tories, condensed milk factories, skimming stations, milk stations and farm dairies in this State, with full power to enter upon any premises for such investigation, with the object in view of improving the quality and creating and 12 STATE OF MICHIGAN. maintaining uniformity of the dairy products of the State; and should it become necessary, in the judgment of the Dairy and Food Commissioner, he may cause instruction to be given in any creamery, cheese factory, condensed milk factory, skimming station, milk station, or farm dairy, or in any locality in this State, and in order to secure the proper feeding and care of cows, or the practical operation of any plant producing dairy products, and in order to secure such a uniform and standard quality of dairy pro- ducts in this State, he shall furnish a sufficient number of competent inspectors, the appointment of whom is pro- vided for in section four of this act, and they shall be duly qualified to act as such inspectors. [Added by Act No. 49, P. A. 1905.] 14. Sec. 14. Whenever it is determined by the Dairy and Food Commissioner, his deputy or inspectors, that any person is using, selling or furnishing to any skimming station, creamery, cheese factory, condensed milk factory, milk depot, farm dairy, milk dealer, the retail trade or to any consumer of milk, any impure or unwholesome milk or cream, which impurity or unwholesomeness is caused by the unsanitary or filthy condition of the premises where cows are kept, or by the unsanitary or filthy care or hand- ling of the cows, or from the use of unclean utensils or from unwholesome food, or from any other cause, the person so using, selling or furnishing to any skimming station,, creamery, cheese factory, condensed milk factory, milk depot, farm dairy, milk dealer, the retail trade, or to any consumer of milk, any such milk or cream, shall fir^t be notified and warned by the commissioner, his deputy or inspectors not to use, sell, or furnish such milk or cream to such skimming station, creamery, cheese factory, con- densed milk factory, milk depot, farm dairy, milk dealer, the retail trade, or to any consumer of milk, and any per- son failing to obey such notice and warning, and continuing to use, sell or furnish to any skimming station, creamery, cheese factory, condensed milk factory, farm dairy, milk dealer or to the retail trade such impure or unwholesome milk or cream, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon DAIRY AND FOOD LAWS. 13 conviction thereof, shall be . punished by a fine not less than ten dollars, nor more than fifty dollars, and costs of prosecution, or imprisonment in the county jail, not to exceed ninety days, or until such fine and costs are paid, or both fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. , [Added by Act No. 49, P. A. 1905.] 15. Sec. 15. Whenever it is determined by the Dairy and Food Commissioner, his deputy or inspectors, that unsanitary conditions exist or are permitted to exist in the operation of any skimming station, creamery, cheese factory, condensed milk factory, milk depot, or farm dairy, the proprietor or proprietors, or manager of said skim- ming station, creamery, cheese factory, condensed milk factory or farm dairy, shall be first notified and warned by the commissioner, his deputy or inspectors to place such skimming station, creamery, cheese factory, condensed milk factor}^, milk depot or farm dairy in a sanitary con- dition, within a reasonable length of time; and any person or persons owning or operating such skimming station, creamery, cheese factory, condensed milk factory, milk depot, or farm dairy, failing to obey such notice and warn- ing, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof, shall be punished by a fine (5f not less than twenty-five dollars, nor more than three hundred dollars, and costs of prosecution, or imprisonment in the county jail, not to exceed ninety days or until such fine and costs are paid, or both fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. [Added by Act No. 49, P. A. 1905.] 16.^ Sec. 16. It shall be the duty of the proprietor or proprietors of every skimming station, creamery, cheese factory, condensed milk factory or milk depot, in the State where milk or cream is received by purchase or otherwise from three or more persons, to register with the Dairy and Food Commissioner on or before April first of each year, upon blanks furnished by said official, the location of such skimming station,, creamery, cheese factory, condensed 14 STATE OF MICHIGAN. milk factory or milk depot, and the name of its owner or owners and manager. And it shall be the duty of the proprietor or proprietors of every skimming station, cream- ery, cheese factory, condensed milk factory or milk depot in this State, where milk or cream is received by purchase or otherwise froija three or more persons, to file a report with the Dairy and Food Commissioner, said report to be made on or before April first of each year, upon blanks furnished by said official, and to show the amount of milk or cream received by said skimming station, creamery, cheese factory, condensed milk factory or milk depot dur- ing the year ending December thirty-first preceding; and said report shall show the amount of butter, cheese or con- densed milk manufactured during the year, together with a list of the names and postoffice addresses of the patrons of said skimming station, creamery, cheese factory, condensed milk factory or milk depot. Every skimming station,, creamery, cheese factory, condensed milk factory or milk depot, so registering and so reporting, shall pay to the • office of the State Dairy and Food Commissioner an annual registration fee of five dollars, to be paid at the time of such registration. The money so collected by the Dairy and Food Commissioner shall be paid into the State treas- ury and be used to help defray the expenses of the office of the Dairy and Food Commissioner, in addition to the annual appropriation therefor. [Added by Act No. 49, P. A. 1905.] 17. Sec. 17. Any person, persons or corporation who shall sell milk or cream from a wagon or other conveyance, depot or store, or who shall sell or deliver milk or cream to a hotel, restaurant, boarding house or any public place, shall be considered a milk dealer; and every milk dealer jA who shall sell milk or cream from a wagon or other con- //r<;Veyance, depot or store, or who shall sell, or deliver milk or V^f cream to a hotel, restaurant, boarding house or any public ^*^ place in any city, town or village 'of this State, must first obtain a license from the Dairy and Food Commissioner to sell such milk or cream. A license shall be required for each wagon or other conveyance, depot or store. Each ^ DAIRY AND FOOD LAWS. 15- dealer shall pay to the Dairy and Food Commissioner a'^X y ^ license fee of one dollar for each license so granted, which ic'-' license must be obtained on or before the first day of July y^ of each year. The moneys received by the Dairy and Food Commissioner, in payment of such licenses, shall be paid into the State treasury and be used to help defray the ex- ''^'' penses of the office of the Dairy and Food Commissioner in addition to the annual appropriation. All licenses shall be used only in the name of the owner of the wagon, depot or store, and shall, for the purpose of this act, be prima facie evidence of ownership. No license shall be sold^ assigned, or transferred. Each license shall record the name, residence, place of business, number of wagons,, depots or stores used (where more than one is employed) and the number of the hcense. Whoever violates any .of the provisions of this section, in so far as relates to regis- tration and the securing of licenses, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and for each and every offense shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars, nor more than twenty-five dollars and the costs of prosecution, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than thir- ty days, or both. [Added by Act No. 49, P. A. 1905.] 18. Sec. 18. Any manufacturer, company, person or persons who shall sell, offer or expose for sale or for dis- tribution, in this State, any concentrated commercial feed- ing stuff used for feeding five stock, shall furnish with each car, or other amounts shipped in bulk, and shall affix to every package of such feeding stuff, in a conspicuous place, on the outside thereof, a plainly printed statement, clear- 'ly and truly certifying the number of net pounds in the car or package sold or offered for sale, the name or trade- mark under which the article is sold, the name of the man- ufacturer or shipper, the place of manufacture, the place of business, and a chemical analysis, stating the percent- ages it contains of crude protein, crude fibre, nitrogen, free extract and ether extract, all constituents to be deter- mined by the methods adopted by the association of offi- cial agricultural chemists. Whenever any feeding stuff 16 STATE OF MICHIGAN. is sold at retail, in bulk or in packages belonging to the pur- chaser, the agent or dealer shall furnish to him a certified copy of the chemical analysis named in this section. (a) The term concentrated commercial feeding stuffs as used in this act shall include linseed meal, cotton seed meal, pea meals, cocoanut meals, gluten meals, oil meals of all kinds, gluten feeds, maize feeds, starch feeds, mixed sugar feeds, hominy feeds, rice meals, oat feeds, corn and oat feeds, meat meals, dried blood, clover meals, mixed feeds of all kinds, slaughter house waste products; also all condimental stock foods, patented and proprietary stock foods, claimed to possess nutritive properties and all other materials intended for feeding to domestic animals : Provided, That such feeding stuffs, as defined above, shall not include hays, straws, fodders, ensilage, the whole seeds nor the unmixed meals made directly from' the entire grains of wheat, rye, barley, oats, flax-seed, maize, buckwheat, wet brewers' grains, malt sprouts, wet or dried beet pulp when unmixed with other materials. Neither shall it include 'wheat, rye and buckwheat brans or middlings not mixed with other substances, but sold separately as distinct articles of commerce, nor pure grains ground together. (b) Before any manufacturer, company, person or persons shall sell, offer or expose for sale in this State any concentrated commercial feeding stuff, he or they shall, for each and every feeding stuff bearing a distinguishing name or trade-mark, file annually, with the Dairy and Food Commissioner a certified copy of the chemical analysis and certificate referred to in this section, and shall de- posit with said Dairy and Food Commissioner a sealed glass jar, or bottle, containing at least one pound of the feeding stuff to be sold or offered for sale, together with an affidavit that it is a fair sample of the article thus to be sold or offered for sale. He or they shall also pay an- nually into the State treasury a license fee of twenty dol- lars for each and every brand of feeding stuff he offers or exposes for sale in this State. Said fee is to be paid on or before April first of each year: Provided, That when- ever the manufacturer or importer shall have paid this DAIRY AND FOOD LAWS. 17 license fee, his agents shall not be required to do so. When- ever any manufacturer, importer, agent or seller of any commercial feeding stuff desires at any time to sell such material and has not paid the license fee therefor, he shall pay the license fee prescribed in this section, before mak- ing any such sale. The money collected under the pro- visions of this act shall be paid into the State treasury and be used to help defray the expenses of the office of the Dairy and Food Commissioner, in addition to the regular appropriation therefor. (c) Whenever the manufacturer, importer, agent or seller of any [commercial feeding stuff shall have complied with the requirements of this section, the Dairy and Food Commissioner shall issue or cause to be issued, a license, permitting the sale of said feeding stuff, which license shall terminate on April first following the date of issue. (d) All such analyses of commercial feeding stuffs re- quired by this act, shall be made under the direction of the Dairy and Food Commissioner, and shall be paid for out of the funds arising from the license fees provided for in this section. (e) The Dairy and Food Commissioner shall publish, or cause to be published in bulletin form, at least annually a correct statement of all analyses made, together with any incidental information concerning same which he may deem proper. (f) Any manufacturer, importer, company, agent, per- son or persons, who shall sell, offer or expose for sale, with- out first complying with the provisions of this act, any commercial feeding stuff, or shall attach"^ or cause to be attached to any car, package or other quantity of said feeding stuff, an analysis stating that it contains a larger percentage of any one or more of the constituents named in this section than it really does contain shall, upon con- viction thereof, be fined not less than one hundred dollars for the first offense, and not less than three hundred dol- lars for every subsequent offense, and the offender shall also be liable for damages sustained by the purchaser of such feeding stuff on account of such misrepresentation. (g) The Dairy and Food Commissioner, by any duly 18 STATE OF MICHIGAN. • authorized agent, is hereby authorized to select from any package of commercial or other feeding stuff exposed or offered for sale in this State, a quantity not exceeding two pounds for a sample, such sample to be used for the pur- poses of an official analysis and for comparison with the certificate filed with the Dairy and Food Commissioner,, and with the certificate affixed to the package on sale. • [Added by Act No. 49, P. A. 1905.] 19. Sec. 19. The published annual report of the Dairy and Food Commissioner which shall be made to the Gov- ernor, shall include a complete accounting of all moneys received by the department from every source, and the amount expended by the department. [Added by Act No. 49, P. A. 1905.] 20. Sec. 20. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act so far as they are inconsistent are hereby repealed. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [Added by Act No. 49, P. A. 1905.] AN ACT in relation to the powers and duties of the Dairy and Food Commissioner of the State of Michigan. (Act No. 167, Public Acts, 1899.) 21. Section 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That any person who shall obstruct the Dairy and Food Commissioner, or his deputy, or any of his duly ap- pointed inspectors, by refusing to allow him entrance to any place where he is authorized to enter in the discharge of his official duty, or refuses to deliver to him a sufficient sample for the analysis of any article of food or drink sold, offered or exposed for sale, or in his possession for the pur- pose of sale, wherever the same may be found, when the DAIRY AND FOOD LAWS. 19 same is requested and when the value thereof is tendered, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than tw^enty- five dollars or more than one hundred dollars and the costs of prosecution, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than ten days or more than ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court, for each and every offense. This act is oi'dered to take immediate effect. AN ACT for the prevention and suppression of foul brood among bees in the State of Michigan, and the inspection thereof, and to make an appropriation therefor, and to repeal act number one hun- dred forty-one of the public acts of eighteen hundred eighty-one, being sections "fifty-six hundred sixty-three, fifty-six hundred sixty- four, fifty-six hundred sixty-five, fifty-six hundred sixt5''-six, fifty- six hundred sixty-seven, fifty-six hundred sixty-eight, fifty-six hun- dred sixty-nine and fifty-six hundred seventy of the compiled laws of eighteen hundred ninety-seven. (Act No. 66, Public Acts, 1901.) , 22. Section 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, The Dairy and Food Commissioner upon receipt of a certified copy of the record of the Michigan State Bee- keepers' Association, by the secretary of said association,, showing that a majority of the members of said associa- tion recommended the appointment of an inspector of apiar- ies, shall appoint a State inspector of apairies. Said in- spector shall be responsible to the Dairy and Food Commis- sioner and shall comply with such rules and regulations: as the Dairy and Food Commissioner shall from time to time prescribe for the carrying out of the work of said State inspector. 23. Sec. 2. The Dairy and Food Commissioner 'shall, when notified in writing by the owner of an apiary or by three disinterested tax payers in the vicinity of the apiary, cause the inspector to examine such apiaries as are re- 20 STATE OF MICHIGAN. ported and all others in the same locality not reported, and ascertain whether or not the disease known as foul brood or other contagious disease exists in such apiaries, and if satisfied of the existence of foul brood, he shall give the owner or caretaker of the diseased apiaries full instruc- tions how to treat said case as in the inspector's judgment seems best. 24. Sec. 3. The inspector who shall be the sole judge may visit all diseased apiaries a second time and if need be burn all colonies of bees and combs that may be found not cured of foul brood or other contagious diseases. 25. Sec. 4. If the owner of a diseased apiary, honey or appliances shall knowingly or wilfully sell, barter or give away any bees, honey or appliances, or expose other bees to the danger of said disease or refuse to allow said inspector to inspect such apiary, honey or appliances, said owner shall on conviction before a justice of the peace, be liable to a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or not less than one month's imprisonment in the county jail, nor more than two month's imprisonment. 26. Sec. 5. In addition to such individual reports as are required under this act by the inspector of apiaries, he shall make an annual report to the Dairy and Food Commissioner, giving the number of the apiaries visited, the number of diseased apiaries found, the number of col- onies treated, also the number of colonies destroyed by fire, and an itemized account of his transportation ex- penses with affidavit annexed thereto. 27. Sec. 6. There is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars per year for the suppression of foul brood among the bees in Michigan. The inspector shall receive three dollars per day and actual transportation expenses ft)r actual time served, which sum shall not exceed the money hereby appropriated, to be paid by the State Treasurer upon warrants drawn by the Auditor General and approved by the Dairy and Food Commissioner. 28. Sec. 7. Act number one hundred forty-one of the DAIRY AND FOOD LAWS. 21 public acts of eighteen hundred eighty-one, being section fifty-six hundred sixty-three, fifty-six hundred sixty-four, fifty-six hundred sixty-five, fifty-six hundred sixty-six, fifty-six hundred sixty-seven, fifty-six hundred sixty-eight, fifty six hundred sixty-nine and fifty-six hundred seventy of the compiled laws of eighteen hundred ninety-seven is hereby repealed. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. 22 STATE OF MICHIGAN. GENERAL FOOD LAW. AN ACT to prohibit and prevent adulteration, fraud and deception in the manufacture, and sale of articles of food and drink. (Act No. 193, PubUc Acts, 1895.) 29. (C. L., 5010) Section 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That no person shall within this State manufacture for sale, have in his possession with intent to sell, offer or expose for sale, or sell, any article of food which is adulterated wdthin the meaning of this act. [Am. by act No. 118, P. A. 1897.] , , „, j j^ J M^mWSEM 1 30. (C. L., 5011) Sec. 2. The term food, as used herein, shall include all articles used for food or drink, or intended to be eaten or drank by man, whether simple, mixed or compound. 31. (C. L., 5012) Sec. 3. An article shall be deemed to be adulterated within the meaning of this act: Firsts If any substance or substances have been mixed with it, so as to lower or depreciate or injuriously affect its quality strength or purity; Second, If any inferior or cheaper sub- stance or substances have been substituted wholly or in part for it; Third, If any valuable or necessary constitu- ent or ingredient has been wholly or in part abstracted from it; Fourth, If it is an imitation of, or is sold under the name of another article; Fifth, If it consists wholly or in part of a diseased, decomposed, putrid, infected, tainted or rotten animal or vegetable substance or article, whether manufactured or not, or, in the case of milk, if it is the product of a diseased animal; Sixth, If it is colored, coated, poUshed or powdered whereby damage or inferiority is concealed, or if by any means it is made to appear better DAIRY AND FOOD LAWS. 23 or of greater value than it really is; Seventh, If it contains any added substance or ingredient which is poisonous or injurious to health: Provided, That nothing in this act shall prevent the coloring of pure butter: And provided further. That the provisions of this act shall not apply to mixtures or compounds recognized as ordinary articles or ingredients of articles of food, if each and every pack- age sold or offered for sale bear the name and address of "the manufacturer and be distinctly labeled under its own distinctive name, and in a manner so as to plainly and cor- rectly show .that it is a mixture or compound, and is not in violation with definition fourth and seventh of this section. [Am. by Act No. 118, P. A. 1897.] 32. (C. L., 5013) Sec. 4. No person, by himself or his agents or servants, shall manufacture for sale or offer or expose for sale, or sell, as butter, and the legitimate prod- uct of the dairy or creamery, any article not made exclu- sively of milk or cream, but into which the oil or fat of animals, or any other oils not produced from milk, enters as a component part, has been introduced to take the place of cream. Whoever violates the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof shall be punished by a fine gf not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars, and the costs of prosecution, or by imprisonment in the county jail, or the State House of Correction and Reformatory at Ionia for not less than ninety days nor more than two years, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court for each and every offense. 33. (C. L., 5014) Sec. 5. No person shall manu- facture, deal in, sell, offer or expose for sale or exchange, any article or substance in the semblance of, or in imita- tion of cheese made exclusively of unadulterated milk or ■cream, or both, into which any animal, intestinal or offal fats or oils or melted butter in any condition or state or modification of the same, or oleaginous substances of any kind not produced from unadulterated milk or cream shall have been introduced. Whoever shall violate the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, 24 STATE OF MICHIGAN. and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars and the costs of prosecution, or by imprisonment in the county jail or the State House of Correction and Reform- atory at Ionia for not less than ninety days nor more than two years, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court for each and every offense. 34. (C. L., 5015) Sec. 6. Every manufacturer of full milk cheese may put a brand upon each cheese, indicat- ing 'Tull milk cheese," and no person shall use such a brand upon any cheese made from milk from which any of the cream has been taken. It shall be the duty of the proprietor of every cheese factory, creamery or butter factory in the State where milk or cream is purchased of or contributed by three or more persons, to register the- location of such cheese factory, creamery or butter factory and the name of its owner or manager with the Dairy and Food Commissioner on or before the first day of October, A. D. eighteen hundred ninety-seven, and on or before the- first day of April in each year thereafter. Whoever violates any of the provisions of this section, in so far as it relates- to registration, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,, and for each and every offense shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dol- lars and the costs of prosecution, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than thirty days or both. [Am. by Act No. 118, P. A. 1897.] 35. (C. L., 5016) Sec. 7. The Dairy and Food Com- missioner shall procure and issue to the cheese manufac- turers of the State, on proper appUcation, which applica- tion shall be made on or before the first day of October,. A. D. eighteen hundred ninety-five and on or before the first day of April in each year thereafter, and under such regulation as to the custody and use thereof as he may prescribe, a uniform stencil brand, bearing a suitable de- vice or motto and the words ' 'Michigan full cream cheese.'' Every such brand shall be used on the outside of the cheese, and upon the package containing the same, and shall bear a separate number for each separate factory. The said DAIRY AND FOOD LAWS. 25 commissioner shall keep a book in which shall be registered the name, location and number of each manufactory using the brand, and the name or names of persons at each fac- tory authorized to use the same. No such brand shall be used on other than full cream cheese or packages contain- ing the same. The commissioner shall receive a fee of one dollar for each registration, said fee to be paid by the party applying for the same, which amount shall be ac- counted for and used as a part of the fund appropriated for the enforcement of the laws of this State with which the Dairy and Food Commissioner is charged. 36. (C. L., 5017) Sec. 8. No person shall knowingly offer, sell or expose for sale, in any package cheese which is falsely branded or labeled. 37. (C. L., 5018) Sec. 9. No person shall within this State manufacture for sale, have in his possession with intent to sell, offer or expose for sale, or sell as lard, any substance not the legitimate and exclusive product of the fat of the hog. 38. (C. L., 5019) Sec. 10. Every person who manu- factures for sale, has in his possession' with intent to sell, offers or exposes for sale, or sells, any substance made in the semblance of lard, or as an imitation of lard, and which consists of any mixture or compound of animal or vegetable oils, or fats, other than hog fat, in the form of lard, shall cause the tierce, barrel, tub, pail or package containing the same to be distinctly and legibly branded or labeled *'Lard substitute or compound,'^ and every person who manufactures for sale, has in his possession with intent to sell, offers or exposes for sale or sells, any substance made in the semblance of lard or as an imitation of lard, or as a substitute for lard, and which is designed to take the place of lard, and which consists of any mixture or com- pound of lard with animal or vegetable oils or fats, shall cause the tierce, barrel, tub, pail or package containing: the same to be distinctly and legibly branded or labeled either ''Adulterated lard," ''Lard compound," or "Lard substitute." Such brands or labels shall be in letters not less than one inch in length and shall be followed with 4 26 STATE OF MICHIGAN. the name of the maker and factory, and the location of such factory. 39. (C. L., 5020) Sec. 11. Every dealer or trader who, by himself or agent, or as the servant or agent of another person, offers or exposes for sale, or sells any form of lard substitute or adulterated lard, as hereinbefore de- fined, shall securely affix or cause to be affixed to the pack- age wherein the same is contained, offered for sale or sold, a label, upon the outside and face of which is distinctly and legibly printed in letters not less than one-half inch in length, the words ''Lard substitute" or "Adulterated lard" or ''Lard compound" or other appropriate word which shall corectly express its nature and use. 40. (C. L., 5021) Sec. 12. The having in possession of any lard substitute or adulterated lard or lard compound, as hereinbefore defined, which is not branded or labeled as hereinbefore required and directed, upon the part of any dealer or trader, or any person engaged in the public sale of such articles, shall for the purpose of the act be deemed prima^ facie evidence of intent to sell the same. 41. (C. L., 5022) Sec. 13. No person, firm or cor- poration in this State shall manufacture for sale, or sell, or offer or expose for sale, as fruit jelly or fruit butter, any jelly or imitation fruit butter or other similar compound made or composed in whole or in part of glucose, dextrine, starch or other substances, and colored in imitation of fruit jelly or fruit butter; nor shall any such jelly, fruit butter or compound be manufactured or sold, or offered for sale, under any name or designation whatever, unless the same shall be composed entirely of ingredients not injurious to health, and shall not be colored in imitation of fruit jelly, and every can, pail or {)ackage of such .jelly or butter sold in this State shall be distinctly and durably labeled "Imitation fruit jelly or butter," with the name of the manufacturer and the place where made. Who- ever violates the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and when convicted thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail or State House of Correction and Reformatory at Ionia DAIRY AND FOOD LAWS. 27 for not less than ninety days nor more than two years, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of old in this State. Sec. 6, Act No. 147, PubUc Acts of 1899. It is conceded that the respondent has complied with this act. If we give the enlarged construction to the statute now in ques- tion, as urged by the relator, it follows that the legislature has pro- hibited the manufacture and sale of a valuable article of food, the natural color of which resembles yellow butter (itself almost univer- sally colored by extraneous matter). The manufacturer of such a product, if he sold it at all, would be compelled to introduce some coloring matter so as to make it look unlike the yellow butter of com- merce. These two statutes must be construed together. The article sold by the respondent is clearly authorized by the first act. The latter act does not in terms prohibit its sale and manufacture. It does prohibit the use of any substance for the sole purpose of pro- ducing yellow color. The use of such coloring matter was the sole DAIRY AND FOOD LAWS. 91 mischief then known to exist, and the only danger to be apprehended and guarded against. A similar statute was passed in New Jersey, and the like conten- tion was made to support a conviction, and the court said: "To -construe the statute so broadly would render it practically prohibi- tive of the sale of all oleomargarine; for, of course, the compound must derive color from its ingredients, and such a prohibition has mani- festly not been declared." Ammon v. Newton, 14 At. Rep. 610; 50 N. J. 548. McCan v. Commonwealth, 48 At. Rep. 470; 198 P. A. St. 509. Our statute is copied verbatim from that of Massachusetts. The Supreme Court of that State, in a case just decided, has held that the statute applies only to extraneous substances or ingredients which cause the product to look like butter, and not to cases where the in- gredients themselves naturally produce the color. Commonwealth v. Himberg, . The Supreme Court of the United States so held in regard to the same statute. Plumley v. Commonwealth, 155 U. S. 461. The term "ingredient," used in the statute, does ijot refer to the ingredients essential to produce the article as defined by the legisla- ture, but to an ingredient used to produce color. The maxim noscitur a sociis applies. Under this disposition of the case it becomes unnecessary to discuss any constitutional question. The order is affirmed. The other justices concurred. 92 STATE OF MICHIGAN. PEOPLE V. HARRIS. (Opinion filed December 1, 1903.). Food — Corn Syrups — Glucose. 1. Public Acts 1903, No. 123 forbids the sale of cane syrup or beet syrup niixed with glucose, unless the package containing the same be distinctly branded "Glucose Mixture" or ''Com Syrup,'* with the name and percentage of each ingredient contained there- on plainly stamped thereon. Held, That a sale of syrup made of 90 per cent pure corn syrup and 10 per cent cane syrup, labeled ' 'Victor Corn Syrup," and truthfully stating the ingredients com- posing it, is not in violation of the statute, in that it is not brand- ed ''Glucose, 90 per cent, and cane syrup 10 per cent." Exceptions from circuit court, Kent county; WiUis B. Perkins, Judge. Benjamin S. Harris was convicted of violating the "Act in rela- tion to the sale of corn syrup" and brings exceptions. Reversed. Respondent was prosecuted and convicted for a violation of Act No. 123 of the Pubhc Acts of 1903, entiled "An act in relation to the sale of corn syrup," and reading as follows: "Sec. 1. No person shall offer or expose for sale, have in his pos- session with intent to sell, any cane syrup, beet syrup, or glucose, un- less the barrel, cask, keg, can, pail or package containing the same be distinctly branded or labeled with the true and appropriate name; nor shall any person offer or expose for sale, have in his possession with intent to sell, or sell any cane syrup or beet syrup mixed with glucose unless the barrel, cask, keg, can, pail or package containing the same be distinctly branded or labeled 'Glucose Mixture' or 'Corn Syrup' in plain Gothic type not less than three-eights of an inch square,, with the name and percentage by weight of each ingredient contained therein plainly stamped, branded or stenciled on^ each package in plain Gothic letters not less than one-quarter of an inch square. Each and every package of syrup either simple or mixed shall bear the name and address of the manufacturer. Such mixtures or syrups shall have no other designation or brand than herein required that repre- sents or is the name of any article which contains a saccharine sub- stance; and all brands or labels required shall be an inseparable part of the general or distinguishing label, and that the general or dis- tinguishing label shall be that principal and conspicuous sign under which it is sold. Sec. 2. Whoever shall do any of the acts or things prohibited, or neglect or refuse to do any -of the acts or things required by this act or in any way violate any of the provisions, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine not less than twenty- five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment DAIRY AND FOOD LAWS. in the county jail for a period of not less than thirty nor rhore than ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court." The complaint charges him with the unlawful sale of ' 'a two-pound can, two pounds, of a certain article, product and compound, to- wit: corn syrup, so-called, made wholly or in part of cane syrup and glu- cose as follows, to-wit: Cane syrup ten per cent, and glucose ninety per cent, said can containing said article, product and compound sold as aforesaid not being then and there stamped, branded or stenciled with the name and percentage by weight of each ingredient contained therein, to-wit: cane syrup ten per cent, glucose ninety per cent; but said article, product and compound sold as aforesaid was then and there stamped and branded as follows, to-wit: 'Cane syrup ten per cent, corn syrup ninety per cent,' against the form of the statute in such case made and provided, and against the peace and dignity of the people of the State of Michigan." Respondent moved to quash the complaint and warrant for two reasons: (1) they charged no offense; (2) the act authorizes the use of the words ''Corn Syrup," instead of Glucose in the statement of the ingredients placed upon the can. The motion was overruled and the case proceeded to trial upon the following agreed facts: 1. The respondent sold on October 12, 1903, at the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan, the can of Victor Corn Syrup in question. 2. The label on said can of syrup sold, as stated in the complaint, contains the formula of contents of said can as follows : ' 'Corn Syrup, ninety per cent; cane syrup, ten per cent;" and is not branded or labeled as the people claim it should be, ' 'Glucose, ninety per cent; Cane Syrup, ten per cent." 3. The Victor Corn Syrup in question is in fact composed of ninety per cent syrup made from corn, commercially called Glucose or Corn Syrup, and ten per cent of cane syrup. 4. Glucose contained in the Victor Corn Syrup in question is in fact a pure syrup made entirely from corn. 5. Grape Sugar, commercially known as Glucose, either solid or liquid, is a generic name for starch sugar as distinguished from the cane sugar. 6. A simple beet syrup is evidently the same as the simple cane syrup. 7. Originallly, Glucose, which was first made from grapes, was, for the reason that starch sugars are identical with the sweet principle of grapes, termed, for a great many years, and until lately was known chemically and commercially as Grape Sugar. 8. Commercially, Glucose is now made in this country entirely from corn, although abroad it is still made from potatoes. 9. The consuming public does not understand that Glucose is a syrup made entirely from corn. On the contrary, it is claimed by the respondent that the public generally supposes Glucose to be an inferior product made from animal fat, or a product of the glue factory, while they do recognize corn syrup as being made from corn. 10. Glucose as made from corn and contained in Victor Corn Syrup 94 STATE OF MICHIGAN. in question, is entirely harmless and recognized generally by highest- authorities as a valuable food product. 11. Glucose made from corn, in fact, costs, at the present time^ owing partially to cost of raw material, more to produce, and sells- for more in the markets, than manufactured cane syrup. The court directed a verdict of guilty. Grant, J. Does the statute require respondent or manufacturers to state upon their labels that corn syrup consists of ninety per cent glu- cose? No such statute has come under the decision of other courts. It is a new question, and must be determined upon general principles of construction. It is conceded that the label states the exact facts; that the article- is made of ninety per cent pure corn syrup and ten per cent cane syrup; that it deceives no one; that Victor Corn Syrup is a valuable and pure article of food, and that the ingredient ninety per cent corn syrup "is- entirely harmless, and recognized generally by the highest authority as a valuable food product," whether it be called glucose or corn syrup. The term ' 'Glucose' ' is obnoxious to many, if not a majority, of the public, and is misunderstood by them. They do not know that in this country glucose is now made entirely from corn, and that the terms glucose and com syrup are commercially synonymous. This fact is known to the manufacturers and perhaps the dealers. A pre- judice exists against the term "glucose" because that material can be manufactured from many substances, including sawdust. In Europe it is made mainly of potatoes. By many it is associated with a glue factory. In this country corn syrup and glucose are not only commercially synonymous terms, but it is stated by counsel for res- pondent that they are permitted to be so used in all the other states. We have not verified this statement, but as it is not challenged we assume it to be correct. We have, therefore, a valuable and healthful product, made from two pure, valuable and healthful ingredients, advertised and placed upon the markets for what it really is, without any deception, fraud or chance to injure the public in any way. Yet the contention on be- half of the people is that the legislature has enacted that in putting this product upon the market its manufacturers and sellers must at- tach to it a name obnoxious to the public, and, in fact, calculated to deceive them. When it is claimed that such innocent acts are made malum 'prohibitum, there must be either an express provision of the statute so declaring, or the language of the statute must leave no other conclusion reasonable. This statute does not expressly require it. The argument on behalf of the people is "that glucose made from com is glucose, the simple syrup mentioned in and intended to be mentioned in said act." The further claim is "that had there been any intention on the part of the legislature to use the terms 'glucose' and 'corn syrup' interchangeably and as synonymous then the term * com syrup' would have been enumerated as one of the simple syrups." DAIRY AND FOOD LAWS. 95 We do not think this reasoning at all conclusive. Prior to the enact- ment of this statute the law prohibited the sale of molasses, syrup or glucose unless distinctly branded or labeled with its true and appro- priate name, — or any mixture thereof, unless it was branded or labeled *^glucose mixture," and the per cent in which glucose entered into its composition. C. L., sec. 5024, The present act which repeals the provisions of the former act expressly permits the mixture to be labeled "glucose mixture," or ''corn syrup." and forbids mixtures or syrups to have any other designation than required in the act so far as such designation ' 'represents or is the name of any article which contains saccharine substance." It is a fair presumption that the legislature, in enacting this law, recognized the obnoxious character of the term "glucose" among the people, and permitted, and intended to permit, a mixture of corn syrup and cane syrup to be sold under the name of Corn Syrup. The title to the act provides for the sale of com syrup, and in its body provides that when cane syrup is mixed with it, the manufacturers and dealers shall state the proportionate ingredients. The smaller amount of cane syrup used does not change the character of the general product, any more than salt changes the character of bread, or, sugar that of cake, and the act permits the sale of the mixture as corn syrup. Syrup, as defined by the United States Department of Agriculture, "is the product obtained by purifying and evaporating the juice of a sugar producing plant without removing any of the sugar." Syrup thus obtained from cane is cane syrup; syrup so obtained from sorghum is sorghum syrup, and syrup so ob- tained from com is corn syrup. There is no reason why com syrup should be labeled ghicose, and until the legislature have so ordered in language susceptible of no other construction, the law must be held not to bear that construction. Conviction reversed, and respondent discharged. Hooker, C. J., took no part in the decision. The o'ther justices concurred. 90 STATE OF MICHIGAN. PEOPLE V. HINSHAW. (Opinion filed January 5, 1904.) Pure Food Law — Adulterated with Harmless Ingredients — Act 193, P. A. 1895, Construed. The coloration of "Extract of Vanilla" with any substance to give it the appearance of greater strength is a violation of the pure food law, even though such coloring matter is harmless. Act 193, P. A. 1895, as amended by Act 118, P. A. 1897, held con- stitutional. Error to the Circuit Court for Saginaw County, B. A. Snow, Judge. Appeal of Emory H. Hinshaw from a conviction under the pure food law. Affirmed. Charles A. Blair, attorney general, and Frank A. Rockwith, Jr., and C. M. Browne, for the people. Eugene Wilber for respondent and appellant. Respondent was prosecuted and convicted of the unlawful sale of '^Extract of Vanilla, which was then and there adulterated with- in the meaning of act number 193 of the Public Acts of the State of Michigan of the year 1895, as amended by act number 118 of the Pub- lic Acts of 1897, in this, to wit: That said Extract of Vanilla was colored by the addition of a foreign coloring matter, to wit: coal tar dye, whereby its inferiority was concealed, and whereby said Ex- tract of Vanilla was made to appear better and of greater value than it really was." Two errors are assigned. — (1) that the court erred in instructing the jury; (2) that the act is unconstitutional as repugnant to the Four- teenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. Grant, J.: 1. The instruction complained of is as follows: *'Now before the inferiority of an article can be concealed it must be necessarily first ascertained as to whether or not there is an infer- iority in the article. If it is an inferior article and that inferiority is concealed by reason of the addition of foreign substance in this vanilla, and you are satisfied from the proof beyond a reasonable doubt of the fact, then he would be guilty, although he had no knowledge as to the foreign substance being in the bottle." DAIRY AND FOOD LAWS. 97 It appears that no such claim was made on behalf of respondent upon the trial; no request was asked covering the points now raised. The only objections shown by the record to have been made are, — first, that the title is not broad enough to cover the provisions in the amend- ment of 1897; second, that the legislature has no power to prohibit and punish acts in themselves harmless; third, that tne act is unconstitutional. Even in criminal cases it is the duty of counsel to call the atten- tion of the court to the points on which an instruction is desired. Peo- ple vs. Ezzo, 104 Mich. 311. We, however, are of the opinion that the information charges the coloration to make an inferior article appear better and more valu- able than it really was, and is sufficient; and also that there was evi- dence to sustain the allegation. The State Chemist testified that the effect of the coal tar dye was to make the article appear of greater value than it really is, and that the people would think it stronger than it really was. It is true, his testimony was weakened by cross- examination, but not sufficient to take the question from the jury, — especially in view of the fact that no other purpose than to make the article appear better, is shown. II. The use of coal tar dye being harmless, counsel for respondent insists that the case comes within the rule of the recent case of People vs. Jennings, 94 N. W. R. 216; 10 D. L. N. 39. That case had not been decided when this case was tried. No such theory was advanced upon the trial. Even if it were, we, however, think the case is clear- ly distinguishable from People vs. Jennings. The color given to lemon extract, which of itself is almost colorless, is no indication what- ever of the strength of the extract or its value. Its color is a mere whim or caprice of the trade, and no more indicates the character and value of the extract than does the coloring matter, -used to color butter, indicate its character and value. In this case Vanilla resem- bles the color of the bean from which it is produced. Its strength and value are judged to some extent at least, under the evidence in this case, from its color. No other object is apparent from the use of the coloring than to make it appear of a quality better than it really is. III. It is urged that the kct is unconstitutional on account of the Eroviso "that nothing in this act shall prevent the coloring of pure utter." This act is similar in its provisions to that involved in Peo- ple vs. Rotter. 91 N. W. R. 167; and People vs. PhiUips, Id. 616. The constitutionality of such acts was there sustained, and a discussion is unnecessary. Capital City Dairy Co. vs. Ohio, 183 U. S. 238, 246, is decisive of the question. The conviction is affirmed. The other justices concurred. .J 13 ABSTRACT OF LAWS. The following is but a brief synopsis of the Dairy and Food Laws. The Digest and Rulings cover but a portion of the food and drink products affected by the statutes. Every article of food and drink comes within the law's regulation, and dealers are advised to examine the laws carefully and inform themselves fully. IN GENERAL. No person shall within this State manufacture for sale, have in his possession with intent to sell, offer or expose for sale, or sell, any article of food or drink which is adulterated. The taking of orders, or the making of agreements or con- tracts, by any person, firm, or corporation, or by any agent or representative thereof, for the future delivery of any of the articles, products, goods, wares or merchandise em- braced within the provisions of this act is deemed a sale. Under this statute a dealer is liable for selling an adul- terated article, although he may have no knowledge that the same is adulterated. A guarantee of purity received from the manufacturer or jobber does not relieve a person handling adulterated goods from liability. AN ARTICLE shall be deemed to be adulterated: 1. If any substance or substances have been mixed DAIRY AND FOOD LAWS. 99 with it, SO as to lower or depreciate or injuriously affect its quality, strength or purity. ; 2. If any inferior or cheaper substance or substances have been substituted wholly or in part for it ; 3. If any valuable or necessary constituent or ingre- dient has been wholly or in part abstracted from it; 4. If it is an imitation of or is sold under the name of another article ; 5. If it consists wholly or in part of a diseased, decom- posed, putrid, infected, tainted or rotten animal or vegetable substance or article, whether manufactured or not, or, in the case of milk, if it is the product of a diseased animal ; 6. If it is colored, coated, polished or powdered, where- by damage or inferiority is concealed, or if by any means it is made to aj^pear better or of greater value than it really is, except in the case of pure butter, which may be colored. 7. If it contains any added substance or ingredient which is poisonous or injurious to health. MIXTURES OR COMPOUNDS. recognized as ordinary articles or ingredients of articles of food may be sold under the following restrictions: 1. All packages containing same must bear the name and address of the manufacturer or compounder thereof; 2. They must contain nothing injurious to health; 3. They must not be sold in imitation of, or under the name of another article; 4. They must be distinctly labeled under their own distinctive name, and in a manner so as to plainly and correctly show they are a mixture or compound; 5. A mixture or compound cannot be sold under the name of any ingredient contained therein, even though the words mixture or compound be used in connection therewith. It must be sold under an original or coined name. Exceptions under the law are: Buckwheat flour, coffee and lard, which may be mixed with other substances under certain restrictions and sold as buckwheat flour compound, coffee compound and lard compound. 100 STATE OF MICHIGAN. DIGEST AND RULINGS. Baking Powder. — All packages containing same must bear name and address of the manufacturer. Can be sold without formula, but if labeled cream of tartar, phos- phate powder, etc., must be true to name. Buckwheat Flour. — If labeled ' 'Buckwheat Flour" must be true to name. Can be mixed with substances not in- jurious to health if labeled ' 'Buckwheat Flour Compound'' in letters not less than one-half inch in length followed with the name of the maker and factory and the location of such factory. Any other label or printed matter upon the package shall not be in contravention of the above requirements. Butter. — Must be made exclusively of milk or cream. May be colored with coloring matter not injurious to health. Butter factories where milk or cream is purchased of, or contributed by, three or more persons must register with the Department on or before April 1 of each year. Reno- vated butter must be labeled as such. See ruling under head of Renovated Butter. Candy. — Must not contain terra alba, barytes, talc, or other earthy or mineral substances, or any poisonous col- ors or flavors, or ingredients detrimental to health. Catsup. — All packages containing same must bear the name and address of the manufacturer. Must contain jio ingredients injurious to health. Cheese. — Must be made exclusively of milk qt cream. Only cheese made from milk frorn which no cream has been taken can be sold as, or branded, ' 'Full Cream Cheese,'' or "Full Milk Cheese." Cheese factories where milk or cream is purchased of, or contributed by, three or more persons must register with the Department, on or before April 1 of each year. Authorized brands bearing the words, "Michigan Full Cream Cheese," may be obtained from DAIRY AJJD FiOOto tA;^9^! \ I '; '> , '; i , 101 the Department upon payment of a fee of one dollar an- nually. Coffee. — If sold as such must be true to name. May be mixed with chicory, or other substances not injurious to health, if marked or labeled ' 'Coffee Compound," to- gether with the name and address of the manufacturer or compounder, and have no other label of whatever name or designation. This applies to ail packages containing such coffee whether put up for immediate delivery or for stock purposes. Coffee Substitute. — Mixtures of cereals or other ar- ticles sold as substitute for coffee, must be sold as a mix- ture or compound under an original or coined name and not under the name of any ingredient contained therein All packages containing same must bear the name and address of the manufacturer or compounder thereof. Canned Goods. — Must bear name and address of packer. If dried before canning must be labeled, ' 'Soaked or Bleached Goods," in letters not less than two line pica in size. Cream of Tartar. — Must be pure and true to name. Cannot be mixed or compounded with any other article and sold under the name of any ingredient thereof, even though it be labeled mixture or compound. Extracts, Flavoring. — Bottles or packages containing extracts must bear' the name and address of the manu- facturer. Vanilla flavoring must be without artificial color. This includes all extracts of vanilla or tonka whether mixed or simple. Extracts of vanilla and tonka may be mixed and sold as ''Extract of Vanilla and Tonka," or simply "Extract of Tonka." The labeling of an extract of vanilla and tonka as "Extract of Vanilla" or "Compound Extract of Vanilla,' ' with the per cent of each ingredient contained therein, is not proper, and will be considered an adulter- 102 ation. It must be understood that when an extract of vanilla and tonka is labeled with both names, the type used is to be similar in style and size, and that one name is not to be given greater prominence than another. So called extracts that are not made from the fruit, berry or bean, and are made artificially, such as raspberry, straw- berry, pineapple^ banana, etc., are prohibited by law. Farinaceous Goods. — Must be true to name. Barley, Hominy, Cracked or Rolled Wheat or Oats, Tapioca, and like articles, must be pure and unadulterated. If mixed or compounded with other articles, must be sold as a mix- ture or compound, under an original or coined name, and not under the name of any ingredient contained therein. All packages containing mixtures or compounds of this kind must bear the name and address of the manufacturer or compounder thereof. Honey.— Must be pure. Cannot be mixed with glucose or other substances and sold as ^^Honey Compound." Jellies, Jams, Fruit Butters, etc. — Imitation fruit jel- lies, jams, preserves, fruit butters or other similar com- pounds made or composed in whole or in part of glucose, dextrine, starch or other substances, can be sold if un- colored, are not injurious, and are distinctly and durably labeled 'Imitation Fruit Jelly, Jam, Preserves or Fruit Butter," with the name and location of manufacturer, and have no other label of whatever name. Lard. — Imitation lard in manufactures' packages must be distinctly branded or labeled either ' 'Lard Compound, " ''Adulterated Lard," or "Lard Substitute," in letters not less than one inch in length, and shall be followed with the name of the maker and factory, and the location of such factory. If kept or sold in other than manufactur- ers' packages the name of the maker or factory is not nec- essary, but each and every package must be distinctly labeled ' 'Lard Compound,' ' ' 'Adulterated Lard, " or ' 'Lard Substitute," printed in letters not less than one-half inch DAIRY AND FOOD LAWS. 103 in length. This also applies to smaller quantities when put up for immediate delivery. Liquors. — Spirituous, fermented, or malt liquors must not contain drugs or poisons or ingredients deleterious or unhealthy. Persons engaged in manufacturing, rectifying or preparing same in any way must brand on each barrel, cask, or vessel containing the same, the name of the person, firm or corporation manufacturing, rectifying or preparing the same, and also the words, ' Ture and without drugs or poison. " No person shall sell at wholesale or retail any such liquors from any barrel, cask or vessel, unless the same shall have been branded and marked as aforesaid. Maple Sugar and Maple Syrup. — Must be pure and true to name. Cannot be mixed with • other sugar or syrup and sold as ''Maple Sugar Compound" or ''Ma]]ie Syrup Compound. " Milk. — Must contain not less than three per cent fat and twelve and one-half per cent solids. Milk from which cream has been removed must be labeled and sold as ' 'Skim Milk. " The sale of milk which is impure, unwholesome or adulterated, or from cows which are diseased, or fed upon the refuse of a distillery or brewery, or upon any substance deleterious to the quality of the milk, such as garbage, swill, or any substance in a state of fermentation or putrefaction, or from cows kept in connection with a family in which there is infectious disease, is prohibited. The addition of coloring matter or preservatives in milk is prohibited. Molasses. — Each barrel, cask, can, keg or pail contain- ing molasses, syrup or glucose shall be distinctly branded or labeled with the true and appropriate name of such article. Packages containing molasses mixed with glu- cose shall be branded or labeled "Glucose Mixture" and the per cent in which glucose enters into its composition. All brands or labels shall be in letters of not less than one- half inch in length and shall be in a conspicuous place. 104 STATE OF MICHIGAN. Glucose and glucose mixtures shall have no other designa- tion than herein required. Glucose mixtures must bear the name and address of the manufacturer. (See Syrup.) Oleomargarine. — ^AU compounds of animal or vegetable fats made in imitation or semblance of butter, or calculated to be used as or for butter, must be known and designated as ' 'Oleomargarine. " The use of the name of any breed of dairy cattle, or the use of any words or symbols commonly used in the sale of butter, is forbidden in the sale, exposure for sale or ad- vertisement of any oleomargarine. Proprietors of any place where oleomargarine is sold or furnished must have conspicuously placed on the walls of the room where the same is sold or furnished, a white placard containing the words , ' 'Oleomargarine Sold or Used Here" printed in black ink in plain Roman letters not less than three inches in length nor less than two inches in width. This applies to hotel, restaurant and board- ing house keepers where oleomargarine is served All packages containing oleomargarine must be branded as such in ordinary bold faced capital letters not less than five line pica in size, together with the name and address of the manufacturer and the name of each and every article or ingredient used or entering into its composition in ordin- ary bold-faced letters not less than pica in size. Dealers must notify purchasers at the time of selling oleomargarine by verbal notice 'that the same is a sub- stitute for butter, and must also deliver to the purchaser a separate and distinct label on which shall be printed in black ink in ordinary bold-faced capital letters, not less than five line pica in size the word ''Oleomargarine," to- gether with the name and address of the manufacturer and the name of each article used and entering into its composition in ordinary bold-faced letters not less than pica in size. This label must be dehvered in addition to the label contained on the package in which said oleo- margarine is wrapped for sale. Oleomargarine must not contain artificial coloring matter. DAIRY AND FOOD LAWS. 105 Pancake Flour. — If containing more than one article must be sold as a mixture or compound under an original or coined name', and not under the name of any ingredient contained therein. Packages containing same must bear the name and address of the manufacturer or com- pounder. Pepper. — All black pepper shall contain not more than six and one-half per cent ash or mineral matter; and shall contain not less than twenty-five per cent starch as de- termined by the diastase method; and shall contain not less than six tenths of one per cent nor more than one and three-fourths per cent of volatile ether extract; and shall contain not more than ten per cent nor less than six and one-half per cent of non- volatile ether extract; and shall contain not more than sixteen per cent of crude fibre. Prepared Mustard. — Pure Mustard mixed with vinegar and spices may be sold if labeled 'Trepared Mustard" and bear the name and address of the manufacturer, but if any substance or substances are added to cheapen it, such as flour, etc., it- will be deemed adulterated. The label proper must contain the words ''Prepared Mustard," and have no other designation than herein required. Printed matter descriptive of the goods will be allowed upon the label below the words ''Prepared Mustard," or below the name and address of the manufacturer. Renovated Butter. — All packages containing same sold, offered or exposed for sale, or in possession with intent to sell, must be labeled ' 'Renovated Butter. " Packages put up for immediate delivery shall be covered by wrappers on which must be printed the words "Reno- vated Butter" in Gothic letters at least three-eighths of an inch square and such wrappers shall contain no other words or printing thereon, and said words "Renovated Butter" so printed shall not be in any manner concealed. If packed in tubs or other receptacles the words "Reno- vated Butter" must be printed in Gothic letters at least three-eights of an inch square on two sides of the same. 14 106 STATE OF MICHIGAN. If uncovered or not in a case or package a placard con- taining said words in the same form as above described shall be attached to the mass in such manner as to be easily seen and read by the purchaser. Saccharine. — The use of saccharine in all food products is prohibited. Syrup. — Syrup mixed with glucose must be distinctly branded or labeled ' 'Glucose Mixture' ' or ' 'Corn Syrup" ^in plain Gothic type not less than three-eighths of an inch square. It shall also have the name and percentage by weight of each ingredient contained therein plainly stamped, branded or stenciled on each package in plain Gothic letters not less than one-fourth of an inch square. Every package of syrup either simple or mixed shall bear the name and address of the manufacturer. It shall have no other designation or brand that represents or is the name of any article which contains a saccharine substance and all brands or labels shall be an inseparable part of the general or distinguishing label, which shall be that principal and conspicuous sign under which it is sold. Spices. — Must be pure and true to name. Cannot be mixed or compounded with any other article and sold under the name of any ingredient thereof, even though the pack- age be labeled mixture or compound. (See Pepper.) Sweet Chocolates and Sweet Cocoas. — If containing no other substance than cocoa mass, and not to exceed 60 per cent of sugar and flavoring, will not be classed as a compound or mixture. They must be plainly and distinctly labeled sweet chocolate or sweet cocoa, and bear the name and address of the manufacturer. Vinegar. — All packages containing vinegar must be branded with the name and address of the manufacturer. All vinegar must contain not less than four per cent by weight of absolute acetic acid and must not contain any preparation of lead, copper, sulphuric acid, or ingredients DAIRY AND FOOD LAWS. 107 injurious to health. All vinegar made by fermentation and oxidation must be branded ' 'fermented vinegar/ ' with the name of the fruit or substance from which the same is made, must be free from foreign substance and must contain not less than one and three-fourths per cent by weight of solids contained in the fruit or grain from which said vinegar is fermented, and not less than two and a half tenths of one per cent ash or mineral matter, the same being the product of the material from which said vinegar is manufactured. All vinegar made wholly or in part from distilled liquor must be branded ' 'Distilled Vinegar," and must be free from artificial coloring mat- ter. Only vinegar made from pure apple juice, free from foreign substances, drugs, or acids, and containing not less than one and three-fourths per cent by weight of cider vinegar solids, can be sold as apple, orchard or cider INDEX. Section Page ADULTERATION OF FOOD PRODUCTS 29 22 food defined 30 22 articles when adulterated 31 22 does not apply to mixtures or compounds 31 23 APIARIES: inspector, how appointed 22 19 inspection of 23 19 inspector may burn diseased apiaries 24 20 penalty for selling diseased bees, honey, etc 25 20 report of inspector 26 20 appropriation 27 20 salary of inspector 27 20 act repealed 28 20 APPROPRIATION 11 11 tax levy 12 11 BAKERIES: commissioner to enforce cleanliness 6 7 penalty for permitting unsanitary conditions to exist 6 7 BAKING POWDER: (See Digest and Rulings, p. 100.) / BEES: (See Apiaries, p. 19.) BUCKWHEAT FLOUR: (See Digest and Rulings, p. 100.) buckwheat flour compound, how labeled 50 29 prima facie evidence of intent 52 30 taking of orders deemed a sale 53 30 penalty • 54 30 repealing clause 55 30 BULLETINS: to be issued monthly, what to contain \ 9 10 BUTTER: (See Renovated Butter.) lawful butter defined 32 23 penalty for selling unlawful butter 32 23 (See Digest and Rulings, p. 100.) CANDY: (See Digest and Rulings, p. 100.) adulteration of candies 91 43 CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES: (See Digest and Rul- ings, p. 101.) soaked or bleached goods, how labeled 42 27 110 INDEX. Section Page CATSUP: (See Digest and Rulings, p. 100.) CHEESE: (See Dairy Products.) lawful cheese defined penalty for selling unlawful cheese full milk cheese may be so branded ' cheese factories and creameries must register and report annually.. penalty for non-registration brands for cheese, how obtained record of cheese brands, commissioner to keep fee for full cream cheese brands to be paid annually falsely branded cheese CHEESE FACTORIES: must register annually with Dairy and Food Commissioner penalty for non-registration CHOCOLATES AND COCOAS: (See Sweet Chocolates and Sweet Cocoas.) CLERKS: commissioner to appoint CLEANLINESS OF CREAMERIES, CHEESE FACTORIES, MILK DEPOTS, ETC.: duties of commissioner in enforcing same COFFEE AND COFFEE SUBSTITUTES: (See Digest and Rul- ings, p. 101.) imitations, adulterations, etc coffee compound, how labeled CONCENTRATED COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS: chemical analysis to be furnished articles included in the t?rm Commercial Feeding Stuffs articles not included in the term Commercial Feeding Stuffs duties of manufacturers, etc., in relation thereto license to be obtained analyses to be under direction of Dairy and Food Commissioner. . . penalty for illegal sales CONDENSED MILK FACTORIES: (See Dairy Products.) registration and report of CONFECTIONARIES: (See Ice Cream Plants.) CORN SYRUP: (See Glucose Mixture.) corn syrup defined 101 how to be labeled 101 name and percentage of ingredients to appear on label 101 other requirements in labeling 101 penalty 102 (See Digest and Rulings, p. 106.) CREAMERIES: must register with and report annually to Dairy and Food Com- missioner ; 16 penalty for non-registration 34 CREAM OF TARTAR: (See Digest and Rulings, p. 101.) 33 23 33 24 34 24 16 13 34 24 35 24 35 25 35 25 36 25 16 13 34 24 43 27 43 27 18 15 18 16 18 16 18 16- 18 17 18 17 18 17 16 13 46 46 47 47 13 24 INDEX. Ill * Section Page DAIRY AND FOOD COMMISSIONER: appointment and term of office 1 3 removal and vacancy 2 3 oath of office and bond 3 4 salary and expenses 4 4 appointment of deputy 4 4 appointment of clerks 4 4 appointment of inspectors 4 4 appointment of state analyst and assistant 5 5 duties of commissioner 6 6 power to examine articles of food and drink 6 6 may call for assistance of prosecuting attorney 7 9 annual report and monthly bulletins 9 10 penalty for obstructing (See also p. 18) 10 10 to appoint inspector of apiaries 22 19 when to cause inspection of apiaries to be made 23 19 to issue cheese brands 35 24 to investigate complaints 48 28 DAIRY PRODUCTS: duties of commissioner in relation thereto 13 11 impure and unwholesome milk 14 12 penalty for furnishing same to creameries, cheese factories, con- densed milk factories, etc 14 13 sanitary condition of creameries, cheese factories, etc 15 13 proprietors to be notified and warned 15 13 penalty for permitting unsanitary conditions to exist 15 13 registration of cheese factories, creameries, skimming stations, condensed milk factories and milk depots 16 13 reports to be made 16 14 milk dealers to obtain a license '..... 17 14 DEPUTY DAIRY AND FOOD COMMISSIONER: appointment of deputy commissioner 4 4 bond, oath of office and salary 4 5 right of access to places to be inspected 4 4 DIGEST AND RULINGS 100 EXTRACTS: (See Digest and Rulings, p. 'lOl.) FARINACEOUS GOODS: (See Digest and Rulings, p. 102.) FARM DAIRY: (See Dairy Products.) FEEDING STUFFS: (See Concentrated Commercial Feeding Stuffs.) FOOD: (See Adulteration of Food Products.) GLUCOSE MIXTURE, MOLASSES, ETC.: (See Corn Syrup.) how labeled (See Digest and Rulings, pp. 103 and 106.) 43 27 112 INDEX. Section Page HONEY: (See Digest and Rulings, p. 102.) penalty for selling adulterated honey 25 20 ICE CREAM PLANTS: commissioner to enforce cleanliness 6 7 penalty for permitting unsanitary conditions to exist 6 7 INSPECTORS: how appointed and number of 4 4 bond and oath of office 4 5 power to administer oaths 4 4 term of office 4 4 salary and expenses 4 4 right of access to places to be inspected 4 4 JELLY AND FRUIT BUTTER: (See Digest and Rulings, p. 102.) imitations, how labeled 41 26 penalty 41 26 imitations not to be colored 41 26 LARD: (See Digest and Rulings, p. 102.) lawful lard defined 37 25 labeling of lard imitations 38 25 packages containing lard substitutes to be labeled 39 26 possession of unlabeled lard substitutes 40 26 LIQUOR: (See Digest and Jlulings, p. 102.) adulteration of liquor unlawful 93 44 labeling of pure liquor 94 44 evidence of intent to sell 96 44 liquor must be branded 95 44 false use of branded packages unlawful 97 45 druggists, etc., exempt 98 45 MAPLE SYRUP AND MAPLE SUGAR: (See Digest and Rulings, p. 103.) MILK: (See Digest and Rulings, p. 103.) impure milk, .sale prohibited ' 61 32 double damages 61 33 penalty for violation 63 34 milk inspection in Detroit 64 34 duty of inspector 65 34 complaints 66 34 each sale a separate offence 67 35 hindrance of inspectors 68 35 milk inspectors in cities 69 35 penalty for adulteration of milk 70 35 skimmed milk to be labeled 72 36 standard ot pure milk 73 36 testing of milk 74 36 INDEX. 113 Section MILK— Continued. penalty for selling skimmed or adulterated milk 75 sale of adulterated milk 76 penalty for violation 77 MILK DEPOT: Owners or managers to register with and report to the Dairy and Food Commissioner 16 MIXTURES OR COMPOUNDS: (See Abstract of Laws, p. 99.) what constitutes 31 must bear name and address of manufacturer 31 must have a distinctive name 31 cannot be sold under the name of another article 31 can contain nothing poisonous or injurious to health 31 MOLASSES: how labeled 43 when containing glucose, how labeled 43 size of letters used in labeling 43 MUSTARD : (Prepared .) (See Digest and Rulings, p. 105.) Page 37 37 37 13 23 23 23 22 23 27 27 27 OLEOMARGARINE: (See Supreme Court Opinions.) labeling of butter substitutes 78 38 duty of persons selling butter substitutes 79 38 placard to be used where sold or furnished 80 39 terms unlawful to use 81 39 butter defined 82 39 oleomargarine defined 83 39 penalty for violation 84 40 coloring of oleomargarine unlawful 85 40 penalty 86 41 ingredient color, (See case of Bennett v. Carr) '. . . . 88 (See Digest and Rulings, p. 103.) PANCAKE FLOUR: (See Digest and Rulings, p. 104.) PEPPER: (See Digest and Rulings, p. 105.) standard for black pepper 99 penalty for violation 100 PLACES WHERE FOOD OR DRINK ARE MANUFACTURED, SOLD, ETC.: to be kept in a sanitary condition 6 commissioner to enforce provision of section in relation thereto ... 6 penalty for failure to keep clean and sanitary 6 PRESERVATIVES: act in relation thereto 103 PROCEEDINGS: how commenced 7 justice to issue summons 7 time for appearance 7 when defendant cannot be found 7 15 7 7 7 47 8 8 8 114 INDEX. PROCEEDINGS— Continued. Section Page shall proceed as in case of attachment 7 9 judgment, how rendered 7 g right of appeal 7 g disposition of proceeds 7 g PROSECUTING ATTORNEY: (See also p. 29) '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 9 to assist commissioner 7 g RENOVATED BUTTER: (See Butter.) renovated butter defined 37 41 how tubs, firkins, etc., shall be labeled 88 41 manner of labeling when exposed for sale in mass, 88 42 manner of labeling prints, rolls, etc 88 42 size of type to be used on label 88 42 cannot be concealed from view 88 42 penalty for violation 89 42 repeaUng clause go 42 (See Digest and Rulings, p. 105.) SACCHARINE: (See Digest and Rulings, p. 106.) SEIZURE OF ADULTERATED GOODS: (See Proceedings.) when goods may be seized 7 8 duty of person making seizure 7 8 sample to be taken for analysis 7 ^ 8 state analyst to analfze same and certify results 7 8 commissioner or person duly authorized to make complaint 7 8 justice to issue summons 7 8 time for appearance 7 8 when defendant cannot be found 7 9 shall proceed as in case of attachment 7 9 judgment, how rendered 7 9 right to appeal 7 9 disposition of proceeds . . 7 9 SKIMMING STATIONS: owner or manager to register with and to report to the Dairy and Food Commissioner 16 13 SPICES: (See Pepper.) STATE ANALYST AND ASSISTANT: how appointed 5 5 who eligible 5 5 oath of office 5 5 term of office 5 5 laboratory 5 ^ absence 5 5 salaries and expenses, how audited and paid 5 6 chemical supplies , 5 6 unlawful for analyst to furnish certificates of purity 8 10 to make reports on samples analyzed (See also p. 10) 7 8 SWEET CHOCOLATES AND SWEET COCOAS 106 INDEX. 115 SUPREME COURT OPINIONS. PEOPLE V. SNOWBERGER: Section Page adulteration of food — statutory offenses, intent — police power 49 PEOPLE V. WORDEN GROCER CO.: constitutional law — act to prevent sale of adulterated vinegar — complaint — reasonableness of statute — defense 55 PEOPLE V. DETTENTHALER: constitutional law — passage of act without enactment clause — constitutional provision mandatory — addition of clause by Governor — laws of 1897 invalid 61 GROSVENOR V. DUFFY: pure food law — sale of oleomargarine colored to imitate butter — constitutionality of act 68 PEOPLE V. SKILLMAN: pure food law — Section 5022, C. L. construed — action against traveling salesman 71 PEOPLE V. MORSE: pure food law- — sales by agents — criminal responsibility for acts of principal 75 PEOPLE V. ROTTER: ^ food — oleomargarine act — constitutional law — statutes — title — object 76 PEOPLE V. PHILLIPS: food — adulteration — statutes — oleomargarine — yellow butter 79 PEOPLE V. JENNINGS: adulteration of food — omission of ingredients — coloring matter — remarks of court ' 82 BENNETT V. CARR: pure food law, Act 22, P. A. 1901, construed — sale of yellow oleo- margarine 88 PEOPLE V. HARRIS: food — corn syrup — glucose 92 PEOPLE V. HINSHAW: pure food — adulterated with harmless ingredient — Act 193, P. A. 1895, construed 96 VINEGAR: (See Digest and Rulings, p. 106.) sale of vinegar 56 31 pure vinegar defined 56 31 fermented and distilled vinegar 57 31 standard for fermented vinegar 57 31 vinegar prohibited from sale 58 32 brand 58 32 penalty f 59 32 repealing clause .' 60 32 B 2450 iy^f oa-o 385899 UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARY <